v ir SAY AND SEAL. BY THE AUTHOR OP "WIDE WIDE WORLD," AND THE AUTHOR OF "DOLLARS AND CENTS/ TWO VOLUMES IN ONE. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO 1883. A YA Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., In the Clerk s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. b PREFACE. IT is a melancholy fact, that this book is somewhat larger than the mould into which most of the fluid fiction material is poured in this degenerate age. You perceive, good reader, that it has run over. Doubtless the Procrustean critic would say, "Cut it off," which point we waive. The book is really of very moderate limits considering that two women had to have their say in it. It is pleasant to wear a glove when one shakes hands with the Public ; therefore we still use our ancestors names instead of our own, but it is fair to state, that in this case there are a pair of gloves! Which is the right glove, and which the left, the Public will never know A word to that "dear delightful" class of readers who believe everything that is written, and do not look at the number of the last page till they come to it nor perhaps even then. Well they and the author know, that if the heroine cries or laughs too much, it is nobody s fault but her own ! Gently they quarrel with him for not permitting them to see every Jenny happily married and every Tom with settled good habits. Most lenient readers ! when you turn publishers, then will such books doubt less be written ! Meantime, hear this. In a shady, sunshiny town, lying within certain bounds gco- Vi PREFACE. graphical or imaginary, these events (really or in imagination) occurred. Precisely when, the chroniclers do not say. Scene opens with the breezes which June, and the coming of a new school teacher, naturally create. After the fashion of the place, his lodgings are arranged for him beforehand, by the School Committee. But where, or in what circumstances, the scene may close, having told at the end of the book, we do not incline to tell at the beginning. ELIZABETH WETHERELL. AMY LOTHROP. NKW YORK, Kb. 1, 1860. SAY AND SEAL CHAPTER I. THE street was broad, with sidewalks, and wide grass- grown borders, and a spacious track of wheels and horses feet in the centre. Great elms, which the early settlers planted, waved their pendent branches over the peaceful highway, and gave shelter and nest-room to numerous orioles, killdeer, and robins; putting off their yellow leaves in the autumn, and bearing their winter weight of snow, in seeming quiet assurance that spring would make amends for all. So slept the early settlers iu the churchyard ! Along the street, at pleasant neighbourly intervals not near enough to be crowded, nor far enough to be lonely stood the houses, comfortable, spacious, compact, "with no nonsense about them." The Mong lay like a mere blue thread in the distance, its course often pointed out by the gaff of some little sloop that followed the bends of the river up toward Suckiaug. The low rolling shore was spotted with towns and spires : over all was spread the fairest blue sky and floating specks of white. Not many sounds were astir, the robins whistled, thief- like, over the cherry-trees; the killdeer, from some high twig, sent forth his sweet clear note; and now and then a pair of wheels rolled softly along the smooth road the rush of the wind filled up the pauses. Anybody who was down by the Moiig might have heard the soft roll of his SAY AND SEAL. ,. by the light-house might have heard the harsher dah of the salt waves. I might go* on, and say that if anybody had been looking out of Mrs. Derrick s window he or she might have seen what Mrs. Derrick really saw I For she was looking out of the window (or rather through the blind) at the critical moment that afternoon. It would be too much to say that she placed herself there on purpose, let the reader sup pose what he likes. At the time, then, that the village clock was striking four, when meditative cows were examining the length of their shadows, and all the geese were setting forth for their afternoon swim, a stranger opened Mrs. Derrick s little gate and walked in. Stretching out one hand to the dog in token of good fellowship, fa classical mind might have fancied him breaking the cake by whose help Quickear got past the lions,) he went up the walk, neither fast nor slow, ascended the steps, and gave what Mrs. Derrick called " con siderable of a rap" at the door. That done, he faced about and looked at the far off blue Mong. Not more intently did he eye and read that fair river; not more swiftly did his thoughts pass from the Mong to things beyond human ken; than Mrs. Derrick eyed and read his back, and suffered her ideas to roam into the far off regions of speculation. The light summer coat, the straw hat, were nothing uncommon ; but the silk umbrella was too good for the coat the gloves and boots altogether extravagant ! "He ain t a bit like the Pattaquasset folks, Faith," she said, in a whisper thrown over her shoulder to her daughter. "Mother" Mrs. Derrick replied by an inarticulate sound of interro gation. "I wish you wouldn t stand just there. Do come away!" " La, child," said Mrs. Derrick, moving back about hah an inch, "he s looking off into space." "But he ll be in." "Not till somebody goes to the door," said Mrs. Derrick, "and there s not a living soul in the house but us two." SAY AND SEAL. 9 " Why didn t you say so before ? Must I go, mother ?" " He didn t seem in a hurry," said her mother, " and I wasn t. Yes, you can go if you like, child and if you don t like, I ll go." With a somewhat slower step than usual, with a slight hesitating touch of her hand to the smooth brown rair which lay over her temples, Miss Faith moved through the hall to the front door, gently opened it, and stood there, in the midst of the doorway, fronting the stranger. By no means an uncomely picture for the frame ; for the face was good, the figure trim, and not only was the rich hair smooth, but a little white ruffle gave a dainty setting to the throat and chin which rose above it, both themselves rather on the dainty order. I say fronting the stranger, yet to speak truth the stranger was not fronting her. For having made one more loud appeal to the knocker, having taken off his hat, the better to feel the soft river breeze, he stood as before "looking off into space;" but with one hand resting more decidedly upon the silk umbrella. Faith took a minute s view of decidedly pleasant outlines of shoulders and head or what she thought such glanced at the hand which grasped the umbrella handle, and then lifting her own fingers to the knocker of the door, caused it gently to rise and fall. A somewhat long breath escaped the stranger as if the sound chimed in with his thoughts nothing more. Faith stood still and waited. Perhaps that last sound of the knocker had by degrees asserted its claim to reality; perhaps impatience began to assert its claim; perhaps that long elm-tree shadow which was creeping softly on, even to his very feet, broke in upon the muser s vision. Certainly he turned with a very quick motion towards the door, and a gesture of the hand which said that this time the knocker should speak out. The door however stood open, the knocker beyond his reach ; and Miss Faith so nearly within it, that he dropped his hand even quicker than he had raised it. "I beg your pardon!" he said, with a grave inclination of the head. "I believe I knocked." "Yes, sir I thought you had forgotten," said Faith; 10 SAY AND SEAL. not with perfect demureness, which she would like to have achieved. "Will you please to come in ?" And somewhat regardless of consequences, leaving the hall door where it stood, Faith preceded her guest along the hall and again performed for him the office of door-opener at the parlour, ushering him thus into the presence of her mother. Mrs. Derrick was seated in the rocking-chair, at the furthest corner from the window, and perfectly engrossed with the last monthly magazine. But she came out of them all with wonderful ease and promptness, shook hands very cordially with the new comer, seated him in her corner and chair before he ^ould make much resistance, and would also have plunged him into the magazine but there he was firm. "If you would only make yourself comfortable while I see where your baggage is 1" said the good lady. "But I can tell you where it is, ma am," said he looking up at her, "it is at the station, and will be here in half an hour." "Well when did you have dinner?" said Mrs. Derrick, resolved upon doing something. "Yesterday," was his quiet reply. "To-day I have been in the cars." "0 my! my!" said Mrs. Derrick, "then of course we ll have tea at once. Faith !" "I m here, mother. I ll go and see to it, right away." But in some mysterious manner the stranger reached the doorway before either of the ladies. "Mrs. Derrick Miss Faith I told you that I had had no dinner, and that was true. It is also true that I am in not the least huj y for tea. Please do not have it until your usual time." And he walked back to his seat. But after the slightest possible pause of hesitancy, Faith had disappeared. Her mother followed her. "Child," she said, "what on earth is his name?" "Mother! how should I know? I didn t ask him." "But the thing is," said Mrs. Derrick, "I did know, the Committee told me all about it. And of course he thinks I know, and I don t no more than I do my great- grandmother s name, which I never did remember yet." SAY AND SEAL. 11 " Mother shall I go and ask him ? or wait till after supper ?" "0 you shan t go," said her mother. "Wait till after supper and we ll send Cindy. He won t care about his name till he gets his tea, I ll warrant. But what made you so long getting the door open, child ? Does it stick ?" "Why, "said Faith, baring her arms and entering upon sundry quick movements about the room, "it was open and he didn t know it." "Didn t know it!" said Mrs. Derrick, "my! I hope he ain t short-sighted. Now Faith, I m not going to have you burn your face for all the school teachers in Connecti cut. Keep away, child, I ll put on the kettle myself. Cindy must have found her beau again it s as tiresome as tiresome can be." " It s just as well, mother ; I d rather do it myself. Now you go in and find what his name is, and I ll have every thing together directly. The oven s hot now." "I ll go in presently," said Mrs. Derrick ; " but as to ask ing him what his name is la, child, I d just as soon ask him where he came from." And in deep thought on the subject, Mrs. Derrick stepped briskly about the kitchen. "Faith," she said, "where shall I ask him to sit?" " Will you pour out tea or shall I, mother ?" "What s that to do?" "Why I was thinking but it don t matter where you put him. There s four sides to the table." "Don t talk of my putting him anywhere, child I m as afraid of him as can be." And Mrs. Derrick went back to see how time went with her guest. It went fast or slow, I suppose, after all, somewhat according to the state of his appetite. One hour and ten minutes certainly had slipped away if he was hungry he knew that another ten minutes was following in train when at length the parlour door opened again and Faith stood there, with a white apron on and cheeks a good deal heightened in colour since the date of their last appearance. " Mother, tea s ready. Cindy hasn t got back." And having made this gentle announcement, Faith disappeared again, leaving it to her mother to shew the way to the supper-room. 12 SAY AND SEAL. This was back of the parlour and communicated with the kitchen, from which Faith came in as they entered, bearing a plate of white biscuits, smoking hot, in her hand. The floor was painted with thick yellow paint, smooth and shining ; plenty of windows let in plenty of light and the sweet evening air; the table stood covered with a clean brownish table-cloth, but what a supper covered that ! Rosy slices of boiled ham, snowy rounds of milk empty ings bread, strawberries, pot-cheeses, pickles, fried pota toes, and Faith s white cakes, with tea and coffee ! Now as Faith had laid the clean napkin for the stranger at the foot of the table, opposite her mother, it cannot be thought presumption in him that he at once took his seat there; thus relieving Mrs. Derrick s mind of an immense responsibility. Yet something in his manner then made her pause and look at him, though she did not expect to see him bow his head and ask for a blessing on the meal be fore them. If that was presumption, neither of his hearers felt it so, the little flush on the mother s cheek told rather of emotion, of some old memory now quickened into life. Her voice even, trembled a little as she said, "Will you have tea or coffee, sir ?" And Faith offered her biscuit. "Or there s bread, if you like it better, sir." "The biscuits are best," said her mother, "Faith s bis cuits are always good." And he took a biscuit, while a very slight unbending of the lines of his face said that the excellence of faith s handiwork was at least not always so apparent. "Miss Faith, what shall I give you in return that is be yond your reach and (comparatively) within mine ?" Possibly possibly, the slight grave opening of two rather dark eyes confessed that in her apprehension the store thus designated, from which he might give her, was very large indeed. But if that was so, her lips came short of the truth, for she answered, "I don t want anything, thank you." "Not even butter?" with his hand on the knife. Faith seemed inclined not to want butter, but finally submitted and held out her plate. Whereupon, having SAY AND SEAL. 13 helped her and himself, the stranger diverged a little, with the rather startling question, "What sort of a Flora have you in this neighbourhood ?" " There isn t any, mother ?" said Faith, with a doubtful appeal towards the tea-tray. A pleasant look fell upon her while her look went away - a look which said he would like to tell her all about the matter, then and there; but merely taking another of the white biscuits, he went on to ask whether the roads were good and the views fine. "The roads are first-rate," said Mrs. Derrick. "I don t know much of views myself, but Faith thinks they re won derful." "I don t suppose they are wonderful, 1 1 said Faith ; "but it is pretty up the Mong, and I am sure, mother, it s pretty down on the shore, towards the sunsetting." " And how is it towards the sunrising ?" "I never saw it we never go down there then," Faith said, with a very frank smile. "Faith always stays by me," said Mrs. Derrick; "if I can t go, she won t. And of course I never can at that time of day. It s quite a way down to the shore." " What shore ?" " It s the sea-shore that is, not the real sea-shore it s only the Sound," said Faith ; "but there is the salt-water, and it is as good as the sea." " How far off?" said the stranger, bestowing upon Faith a saucer of strawberries. Faith would have asked him to help himself, but taking notice mentally that he was extremely likely to do so, she contented herself with replying, "It s about two miles." " And what are some of the good things there ?" " Perhaps you wouldn t think it much," said Faith modestly ; "but the water is pretty, and I like to see the ships and vessels on it going up and down ; and the points of the shore and the wet stones look such beautiful colours when the sun is near set." " I like stones whether wet or dry," said her ques tioner. " Most people here don t like them," said Faith. " But 14 SAY AND SEAL. there are plenty down by the sea-shore. And plenty on the farm too," she added. " Ah, people like and dislike things for very different reasons, Miss Faith," he answered ; " so perhaps your neighbours and I are not so far apart in our opinions as you may think. Only I believe, that while there is a time to cast away stones, there is also a time to gather stones together and therein perhaps they would not agree with me." Faith looked up, and her lips parted and if tne thought had been spoken which parted them, it would probably have been a confession that she did not understand, or a request for more light. But if her face did not say it for her, she did not say it for herself. If anybody could have seen Mrs. Derrick s face while these little sentences went back and forth, he would have acknowledged it was worth the sight. Her awe and ad miration of every word uttered by the stranger the intense interest with which she waited for every word spoken by Faith the slight look of anxiety changing to one of per fect satisfaction, was pretty to see. " Faith," she said when tea was over, and her guest had walked to the front door to take another look at space, " Faith, don t you think he liked his supper ?" " I should think he would after having no dinner," said Faith. " But it was such a mercy, child, that you hadn t gone out to supper anywhere I can t think what I should have done. There s Cindy this minute ! run and tell her to go right away and find out what his name is tell her / want to know, you can put it in good words." "Mother ! I d rather ask him myself." But that did not suit Mrs. Derrick s ideas of propriety. And stepping out into the kitchen she despatched Cindy on her errand. Cindy presently came back from the front door, and went into the dining-room, but not finding Mrs. Derrick she handed a card to Faith. "It s easy done," said Cindy. "I just asked him if he d any objections to wards tellin his name and he kinder opened his eyes at me and said no. Then I said, says I, Mis SAY AND SEAL. 15 Derrick do know, and she d like ter. Miss Derrick ! says he and he took out his pencil and writ that. But I d like to know what he cleans his pencil with," said Cindy in conclusion, "for I m free to confess I never see brass shine so in ray born days." Faith took the card and read, JOHN ENDECOTT LINDEN. She looked a little curiously at the pencilling, at the forraation of the capitals and of the small letters ; then laid it down and gave her attention to the dishes of the supper- table. CHAPTER II. THE next day was Saturday. The morning opened with grey clouds, covering the sky, but which were light and light-broken and promised to roll away entirely as soon as the sun should reach a commanding position in the heavens. The sun however was still quite distant from such a position, in fact was not much more than an hour high, when Lucinda, who was sweeping the front door steps, was hailed from the front door by a person not one of the party of the preceding evening, and very unlike either of them. It was a lady, not young, of somewhat small figure, trim, and nicely dressed. Indeed she was rather handsomely dressed and in somewhat French taste ; she had showy gold earrings in her ears, and a head much more in the mode than either Mrs. Derrick s or her daughter s. The face of this lady was plain, decidedly ; but redeemed by a look of sense and shrewdness altogether un mixed with ill nature. The voice spoke alert and pleasantly. " So Lucindy, you had company last night, didn t you ?" " May be we did and may be we didn t," said Lucindy, brushing away with great energy at an imaginary bit of lint at the end of the upper step. " I do know but we d just as good call him one of the family." " So much at home already ? I missed seeing him last night I couldn t get home. What s he like, Cindy ? and what has he done ?" " Done ?" said Cindy " well he s went out a most afore I was up. And as to like, Miss Dilly -just you look at him when he comes in. He looks some like folks, and yet he don t, neither." " He s out, is he ?" " Yes," said Cindy, reducing a large family of spiders to temporary starvation and despair, " he s out if he ain t gone in nowheres. Miss Dilly, if you ll stand just inside the door I can wash the steps just as well. (16) SAY AND SEAL. 17 "What s the gentleman out so early for? Maybe he s missed some of his luggage, Cindy." " Hope he haVt got no more without its lighter," said Cindy. " However, he carried it upstairs himself, I m free to confess. I guess twarn t for luggage he went out, cause he asked about breakfast time, special." " If he means to be out till then he ll have a good walk of it." It wanted five minutes of breakfast time, and Mrs. Der rick what with stepping into the kitchen to oversee Cindy, and stepping to the front window to oversee the street was warm enough for a cooler morning. " Faith," she said, referring as usual to her daughter, " Faith what shall we do if he don t come ?" " I guess he ll come, mother ; he knows the time. The things won t hurt much by waiting a little." As she spoke, the little front gate swung softly to, and the person in question came leisurely up the steps and into the hall. Then having just glanced into the parlor, he at once with a promptitude which bespoke him too punctual himself to doubt the punctuality of others advanced to the dining-room door and walked in. Mrs. Derrick s face shewed gratification mingled with her good nature. Faith smiled ; and Miss Dilly was duly introduced as Miss Delia Danforth, Mrs. Derrick s aunt, then on a visit at Pattaquasset. " You ve taken an early stroll this morning, sir," said this last lady. " View the country ?" " No," said Mr. Linden, " I have been viewing the town." " Ah ! Well I call that viewing the country. Town and country, all s one here ; and it makes a very pleasant sort of place. But what do you call the town, sir ? Do you drink coffee ?" " The town," said Mr. Linden, in answer to the first question receiving his coffee-cup from Mrs. Derrick by way of answer to the second, " means in this instance, Miss Danforth, that spot of country which is most thickly settled. Yes, ma am I drink coffee." " Very bad for you, sir ; don t you know it ?" 2* 18 SAY AND SEAL. " Bad for me as one of the human race ? or as an indi vidual specially marked out not to drink it ?" " Dear me !" said Miss Danforth sipping her own tea, . " I don t know what yon. are marked out for. I think it s a mistake for everybody to think he is marked for some thing special they set the mark themselves, and generally it don t fit." " But the fact that a man often gets the wrong mark, by no means proves that there is no right one which belongs to him, "said Mr. Linden, looking gravely at Faith as if he meant she should smile. Faith seemed to look at the question however rather seriously, for dropping her knife and fork she asked, "How shall a man know his mark ?" "By earnest consideration and prayer," he answered, really grave this time. " I know of no other way, Miss Faith." What a remark that was ! it silenced the whole table. Knives and forks and .spoons had it alone, with only words of necessity ; till Faith asked Mr. Linden if he would not have another cup of coffee. "Certainly!" he said, handing her his cup. "There is so much to be said on both sides of that little bit of china I must not be partial in my attention. 7 "But you can t study both sides of a subject at once," said the coffee-hater. "Then take them alternately and (figuratively) walk round your coffee-cup, surveying its fair proportions from different points of view. If the coffee is strong and you are nervous that s one thing. Again, if the coffee be weak and you be phlegmatic that s another." " The coffee s not strong to-day," said Mrs. Derrick with a regretful shake of the head. "Nor am I phlegmatic," with the slightest possible indication of a smile. " Do you think," said Miss Danforth, " a man is better able to decide questions of common judgment for having studied a great deal ? learned a great many things, I mean." " That depends very much upon what effect his studies have had upon his judgment. Mrs. Derrick are you trying SAY AND SEAL. 19 to break me off from coffee by degrees ? this cup has no sugar in it." " ray !" said Mrs. Derrick, colouring up in the greatest confusion. " I do beg your pardon, sir ! Faith, take the sugar-bowl, child, and pick out some large lumps." " You will get more praise from Miss Danforth than blame from me, ma am," said Mr. Linden, submitting his cup to Faith s amendment and watching the operation. "/ don t know," said Miss Danforth goodhumouredly. Maybe he can stand it. If he takes two cups I should say he can. How do you like the profession of teaching, sir ?" Now to say truth, Mr. Linden did not know not by actual practice, but it was also a truth which he did not feel bound to disclose. He therefore stirred his coffee with a good deal of deliberation, and even tasted it, before he replied, " What would you say to me, Miss Danferth, if I pro fessed to be fond of teaching some people some things ? Miss Faith, that last lump of sugar was potent." " What sort of people, and what sort of things, for in stance ?" said the lady. " The things I know best, and the people who think they know least -for instance," he replied. " I should say you know definitions," was Miss Dan- forth s again goodhumoured rejoinder. " What did you say was the matter with the sugar, sir ?" said Faith. " I said it was potent, Miss Faith, or I might have said, powerful. But indeed it was not the sugar s fault the difficulty was, there was not enough coffee to counter balance it." " I put in too much !" said Faith, making a regretful translation of this polite speech. "Yes" said Mr. Linden with great solemnity as he set down the empty cup, "but too much sugar is at least not a common misfortune. With what appreciation I shall look back to this, some day when I have not enough I What did you think of the sunrise this morning ?" " Do you mean, because the sky was covered with clouds ?" said Faith. " But there was enough the sun looked 20 SAY AND SEAL. through; and the colours were beautiful. Did you see them ?" " I wonder when you did, child 1" said Miss Danforth ; "up to your elbows in butter !" "Yes, I saw them. Then you are true to your name, Miss Faith, and find enough in a cloudy sky? Pray, Miss Danforth, what depth of butter does a cturning yield in this region ?" " I guess," said Miss Danforth laughing, " you never saw much of farmer s work did you ?" " Is butter-making farmer s work ?" said Mr. Linden with a face of grave inquiry. " Here s the trustys" said Cindy opening the door ; " at least that s what they said they be, but I m free to confess tain t nobody but Squire Deacon and Parson Somers." "Do they want me ?" said Mr. Linden looking round. " I guess likely" said Cindy. " The Squire does come here to see Miss Faith, but I guess tain t her he wants this time. n And Cindy vanished. " What do the trustees want ?" said Miss Danforth. " Upon the testimony of Cinderella, they want me," said Mr. Linden. " Miss Faith, may I have a glass of water ? What tliey want to do with me, Miss Danforth, is a little uncertain. " " Well," said Miss Danforth, " I think you ll be able to prevent them !" He rose to take the glass from Faith s hand, and then merely inquiring whether the ladies were coming to second him, left the room. Parson Somers was a young-looking, good-looking, affa ble gentleman, who pressed the ladies hands very cordially and was very happy to see them. Squire Deacon was younger, and likewise good looking, but affability he had never been charged with. Over the handsome cut of face, the strong well-built figure, he wore a manner as rough as a bear s great-coat ; only at some times and for some people the roughness was brushed down. It never would stay, any more than the various elegant phrases with which SAY AND SEAL. 21 Deacon sometimes seasoned his speech, would take root there and spread. " Quite an agreeable variation," said Mr. Somers, "ha in such a place as Pattaquasset to, have a new arrival among us. Mr. Linden I hope you will like our little town. You have a pleasant experience of us to begin with." " Yes but, Parson, don t make him think we re all like some," said Squire .Deacon, and as he turned towards Faith the beaming of his face seemed almost reflected in his brass buttons. "Dreadful gloomy morning, Miss Faith 1" " Mr. Linden has probably seen too much of the world," said Mr. Somers, " not to know that ha ! too great a preponderance of good is not to be looked for." " May as well look for as much as you can find," said Miss Danforth. " A good deal s lost by not looking for it." "Ah," said the Squire, with another glance at Faith, "it s not so hard to find things, neither, Miss Danforth. You remember Sinbad the sailor lookin down into the vale of diamonds ?" " Don t remember him a bit. What did he see there ?" " Nothin but diamond jewelry," said Squire Deacon in a sentimental tone. " Miss Faith, you doubtless recollect the tale ?" " I hope," said Mr. Somers, " ha ! friend Deacon you don t mean that Mr. Linden should look for a valley of diamonds in Pattaquasset ?" " Whereabouts does the valley lie, sir ?" said Mr. Lin den. But the Squire, as if a new idea had struck him, replied somewhat brusquely, " It don t lie nowheres, sir, nowheres but in fancy s field." " I suppose," said Mr. Somers smiling blandly, " Mr. Linden s peculiar course of business don t lead him much into that field." "You can strike into it most anywhere," said Miss Dan forth. " Mr. Linden s an early man he ll find the valley of diamonds, if it s in the town." 22 SAY AND SEAL. "Miss Faith told me there were stones enough here," he said, " but she did not hint that any of them were pre cious." "We shall expect," said Mr. Somers, "to see some of our stones I mean, some of our hard heads and thick heads grow precious, or a improve ! under Mr. Lin den s management." " Pray sir," said Squire Deacon, suddenly recollecting that he was a trusty, "what do yau consider the best plan for the instruction of youth? what is your method ?" Mr. Linden looked contemplatively out of the window. "I think sir, if the boys are very rough I should first teach them manners. If they are smoother boys, I should teach them spelling, if they have already learned spelling, I should let them read." The Squire bowed. " Quite satisfactory, sir. Mr. Somers I think perhaps Mr. Linden would like to visit our little temple of lit- teratur. " " I should be very gratified to accompany Mr. Linden in viewing so much of Pattaquasset. I trust, Mr. Linden, that the highest ha the moral and religious teaching, of the youth here, will not be quite overlooked in your system." The reply that first rose to Mr. Linden s lips came not forth. He checked himself rather perhaps in deference to the subject than anything else, and simply answered, "I trust not, sir." And with many low bows from the Squire, the two gen tlemen went into the hall, Mr. Linden following. But he came back the next moment to ask the dinner hour. "We are as apt to have it at noon as any time," said Faith. " Will that do, Mr. Linden ? we could have it later." " That will do perfectly. Only if the temple of litera ture opens and swallows me up, Miss Faith, don t wait that s all." And with a smile that was a strong contrast to the face he had bestowed upon the trustees, he went after them. CHAPTER III. MONDAY morning came, with its hands full of work. They were willing hands that were outstretched to receive the load, strong hands too, and skilful ; but it may be, better suited to other work. Certainly as the days passed Endecott s gravity took a deeper tinge, and his words became fewer. Still maintaining his morning walk, and a like tasting of the air at night, ever punctual at meals, and when there displaying an unruffled equanim ity and cheerfulness, the even tones of his voice shewed sometimes a little weariness, and his step grew more thoughtful. And so the week rolled on, and the afternoon sun of Friday began to near the horizon. It was a warm afternoon, soft and balmy ; a little haze on the sky, the least veil upon the Mong s further shore ; the summer roses hanging their heads, heavy with sleep and sweetness. The honeysuckles on the porch grew sweeter and sweeter as the sun went down, and the hum ming-birds dipped into those long flagons, or poised them selves in mid- air for a survey. In the porch sat the three ladies. Each had been busy, and now each laid down her work, obedient to unseen influences. The warm breeze was softly rubbing Faith s cheek with its rouging fingers, and her mother gazed nor could give one look to humming-birds or roses. Her thoughts however, took greater range or the low chiming of the village clock sent them off; for she pres ently said, " Faith, my dear, what have we got for tea ?" that meal being under Faith s special superintendence. " Very good blackberries, mother, and beautiful rasp berries ; and I cut my cream-cheese ; and Cindy is ready to bake the bannocks. Butter s as sweet as it can be, this churning. Will that do ? Mr. Linden likes raspberries and cream," she added a little lower. . Mrs. Derrick gave a comprehensive "Yes, child," to (23) 24 SAY AND SEAL. both parts of Faith s reply, and then stopped and looked away up the street. For down the street at that moment came Mr. Linden, walking leisurely, his head bent towards one of his older scholars who had both hands clasped round his arm. The boy s upraised eager face shewed even at a distance how earnestly he was talking. " There he comes !" said Miss Danforth. " Who is that with him ?" said Faith. "Reuben Taylor, child," her mother answered. Then as they came near the gate, and stopped and shook hands, Reuben cried out (in answer to words which they did not hear) " Let me go I do, please, Mr. Linden I" and went ; while his teacher opened the gate, picked one of the drooping roses, came up the steps and taking off his hat bowed to the assembled ladies. "Well, Mr. Linden," said Miss Danforth, "how do you find the Pattaquasset diamonds ?" " I find, madam, that they shine as is the custom of diamonds." " Are you going to let Reuben Taylor go ?" " Whither ?" said Mr. Linden. " Why, where he asked you. Is he one of Mr. Somers 1 precious stones ?" " He has gone," was the smiling reply. " Precious ? yes, everybody is precious in one sense." "You haven t been to college for nothing," said Miss Danforth, who would talk about anything. " I should like you to find out in what sense I am precious. I ve a good many friends but there isn t one of em that wouldn t eat and drink just as well with me out of the world as in it." He smiled a little though rather soberly, and stood watching the changing colours of clouds and sky for a minute or two without speaking. Then, half to himself as it were, low but very distinctly, he repeated " And they shall be mine, saith the Lord, in the day when I make up my jewels. *" The answer to this was only in pantomime, but striking. Miss Danforth did not speak, and instead thereof turned her head over her shoulder and looked away steadily over the meadows which stretched north of the house into the SAY AND SEAL. 25 distance. Faith s eyes fell to the floor and the lids drooped over them ; and as plain a veil of shadow fell upon her face. Mrs. Derrick s eyes went from one to the other with a look which was not unwonted with her, and a little sigh which said she thought everybody was good but herself. " Bain t ye never comin in to supper ?" said Cindy, fram ing herself in the doorway. " I want to get out after supper, Miss Faith," she said dropping her voice, "I do, real bad." " Is all ready, Cindy ?" " Yes marm," said Cindy. " I m free to confess there s a pile o cakes baked." " Miss Faith, when do you mean to shew me the shore ?" said Mr. Linden turning round. " You have been so busy all the week," said Faith, " and then you didn t speak of it, Mr. Linden I can go any time." "My dear," said Mrs. Derrick, "there comes Squire Deacon. Maybe he ll stay to supper. I ll go and put on another cup." Mr. Linden gave one glance at the opening gate, and followed Mrs. Derrick into the house. " Miss Faith," said the Squire, "do you think the night dews conducive to to your comfort ?" " When they are falling," said Faith abstractedly. " Why not, Mr. Deacon ?" " To be sure !" said the Squire gallantly, "honeysuckles and such things do. But what I mean is this. Cilly s goin to get up a great shore party to-morrow, and she says she couldn t touch a mouthful down there if you didn t go. And like enough some other folks couldn t neither." " Mother s gone in to tea. Will you come in and ask her, Squire ?" " Couldn t stay, Miss Faith Cilly s lookin out for me now. But you can tell your mother 11 go if you do, or you can go if she don t, you* and Miss Danlbrth. It s good for you now, Miss Faith, the saline breezes are so very different," said the Squire. " When are you going, Mr. Deacon ?" " Soon as we can tackle up after dinner, Cilly thought. VOL. 1. 2< SAY AND SEAL. Bat fix your own time, Miss Faith I ll call for you any hour of the twenty-six." Faith hesitated, and pulled a leaf or two from tlie honey suckle ; then she spoke boldly. " But you forget we have a gentleman here, Squire ; . we can t go without Mr. Linden." "I don t want his help to drive my horse," said the Squire, with a little change of tone, " but whoever hin ders his going, / don t. The shore s wide, Miss Faith, it don t matter how many gets onto it. There s no chance but he ll go if you ask him. Who wouldn t!" said the Squire, relapsing into his former self. " We ll come down then some time in the course of the afternoon," said Faith, "and see what you are doing." "Then I sha n t drive you down, sha n t I ?" said Squire Deacon. " Never mind it s no matter, come when you like, Miss Faith, we ll be glad to see you, anyhow." And the Squire closed the little gate after him energetically. " Cinderella is in despair, Miss Faith," said Mr. Linden as Faith entered the dining-room. " Miss Danforth how could you keep Squire Deacon so long, and then send him home to supper !" " It s all your fault, sir," said Miss Danforth cheerfully. "And I guess the Squire has got his supper." "He must be a man of quick despatch," said Mr. Lin den ; while Faith after a glance to see if her bannocks were right, made her announcement. , "Mother, there s a shore party to-morrow." " Who s going, child ?" " Squire Deacon and Cecilia and I don t know who else and he came to ask us. Will you go and take tea with us at the shore, Mr. Linden ?" " Does that mean that my tea is to be transported to the shore, and that I am to go there to find it, Miss Faith ?" "You have a very puzzling way of putting things," said Faith laughing, though her look bore out her words. "I don t think it means that. Your tea won t be there before you are, Mr. Linden. Wouldn t you like to go ?" "The Squire says there is room enough on the shore," suggested Miss Danforth. " I suppose he wants a good deal for himself, or he wouldn t have thought of it." SAY AND SEAL. 2t "Perhaps he thinks I want a good deal," said Mr. Lin den. " Well in consideration of the width of the shore, I think I will go. Is not that your advice, Miss Faith ? What are the pros and cons. if you were to state them fairly ?" "Well," said Faith, "you will have a. pleasant ride, or walk, down whichever you like; /think it is very pleas ant. You can go in the water, if you like, which every body does ; there s a beautiful shore ; arid I suppose that would be pleasant. You ll see all that is pretty about the place while the people are digging clams and preparing supper ; and then you ll have supper ; and then we shall come home ; and I think it is all pleasant, except that there will be too many people. I like it best with just a few." "As if we were to go down there to-night in the moon light. Xow Miss Faith what is the other side ?" "Just that the too many people. There isn t a chance to enjoy anything quietly. I can enjoy the people too, sometimes, but not the other things at the same time so well. Perhaps you can, Mr. Linden." " I can sometimes enjoy the other things at the same time better." Faith again looked a little puzzled, but answered with a simple " Then I dare say you will like it." "What I am puzzled about," said he smiling, "is, how you are to shew me the shore. Miss Danforth why is that bread-plate so attractive to me, while I am like the reverse end of the magnet to it?" " But my dear," said Mrs. Derrick, for the bread-plate was suggestive, " ain t you going along with the Squire s party ?" " I said we would come after, mother." " The Squire only said there was room on the shore," added Miss Dauforth. " Is the shore wide enough for us to drive down there ? or must we walk ?" asked Mr. Linden. " But you ll eat supper with them, of course," said Mrs. Derrick. " Of course, mother. The wagon must go, Mr. Lindfcn There s room enough for anything." 2S SAY AND SEAL. Mr. Linden made no comment upon that, and finished his tea in comparative silence. Then went forth, as was his custom, to the post-office, and as was not his custom . returned very soon. Mrs. Derrick and Miss Danforth had gone out to see a neighbour, and Faith sat alone in the twilight parlour. It was very twilight there, but he walked in and stood waiting for his eyes to discover what there might be. " There is nobody here but me, Mr. Linden," said a very soft and clear voice. "Do you want anything ?" " I wanted to see you and am foiled by the darkness. Are you tired, Miss Faith ?" " Never. I wasn t sitting in the dark for that." " Would you object to coming into the light ?" " Not at all," said Faith laughing:. " Which way ?" " There is to be a fine illumination to-night, which I should like to have you see." "An illumination! Where is it? Shall I want my bonnet?" " You will be better illuminated without it, but you may perhaps take cold." "How do you make your scholars understand you?" said Faith. "I am sure I must need illuminating. So much, that I had better leave my bonnet, Mr. Linden ?" " I think you may if you will take some light substi tute. Why my scholars are my scholars, Miss Faith." " What then ?" said Faith stopping short. " Why then I am their teacher." "I half wish I was a scholar too," said Faith with a tone v which filled up the other half "I don t know much, Mr. Linden." "About illuminations? I will promise you some light upon that point." With which encouragement, Faith fetched the scarf which was to do duty for a bonnet if desired, and they set out. "Now Miss Faith," said her companion as he closed the gate, "if you will shew me the road, I will shew you the shore. Which will not at all interfere with your shew ing it to me to-morrow." *The shore !" said Faith. " To-night ? Are you in earnest ?" SAY AND SEAL. 29 " Very mnch in earnest. Ton prefer some other road ?" "No indeed it s beauti il, and I like it very much. Cindy," she said to that dk isel whom they opportunely passed at the entrance of the lane "you tell my mother I am gone to take a walk." And so they passed on. The way was down a lane breaking from the high road of the village, just by Mrs. Derrick s house. It was a quiet country lane ; passing between fields of grass or grain, with few trees near at hand. Here and there a house, small and unnotable like the trees. Over all the country the moon, near full though not high, threw a gen tle light; revealing to the fancy a less picturesque land scape than the sun would have shewn ; for there were no strong lines or points to be made more striking by her partial touches, and its greatest beauty lay in the details which she could not light up. The soft and rich colours of grain and grass, the waving tints of broken ground and hillside, were lost now ; the flowers in the hedges had shrunk into obscurity ; the thrifty and well-to do order of every field and haystack, could hardly be noted even by one who knew it was there. Only the white soft glimmer on a wide pleasant land ; the faint lighting of one side of trees and fences, the broader salutation to a house-front, and the deeper shadow which sometimes told of a piece of woodland or a slight hilly elevation. Then all that was passed ; and the road descended a lit tle steep to where it crossed, by a wooden bridge, a small stream or bed of a creek. Here the moon, now getting up in the sky, did greater execution ; the little winding piece of water glittered in silver patches, and its sedgy borders were softly touched out; with the darker outlines of two or three fishing-boats. And so on, towards the shore. Now the salt smell met and mingled with the perfume of woods and flowers, and the road grew more and more sandy. But still the fields waved with Indian -com, were sweet with hay, or furrowed with potatoes. Then the outlines of sundry frame bathing- houses appeared in the distance, and near them the road came to an end. The shore was improved by the moonlight, its great rocks, slippery with sea-weed, glittered with a wet sheen. . 3* SO SAY AND SEAL. The Sound wore its diamonds royally, and each tiny wave broke in a jewelled light upon the sand. Far in the dis tance the dim shore of Long Island lay like a black line upon the water; and sloops and schooners sailed softly on their course, or tacked across the rippling waves, a fleet of " Black spirits and white." " What do you think of the illumination, Miss Faith ?" said her companion, when they had sat still for five min utes. " What do you think of it, I think I should say. Mr. Linden, I have shewed you the shore 1" "You!" " Who else ? " Were you ever here before by moonlight ?" " I don t know No, I think not. Were you ever here before at all ?" " Is it owing to you that I am here now ?" "You couldn t have got here without me," said Faith, stooping to turn over some of the glittering pebbles at her feet ; " and I couldn t have got here without you. I am willing to allow that we are square, Mr. Linden. I must 1 for you will turn a corner faster than I can catch you." " If you really suppose that first proposition to be true," said Mr. Linden raising his eyebrows, "why of course there is no more to be said. Miss Faith, how would you like to be sailing about in one of those phantom ships?" "I should like it very well," said Faith, "in a good time. I went to Pequot in one once. It was very pleas ant. Why do you call them phantoms ?" "Look at that one standing off across the moonlight towards the other shore, gliding along so silently with her black sails all set, does she look real? You cannot even hear the creaking of a rope." Faith looked, and drew an interrupted deep breath. She had lived in a world of realities. Perhaps this was the first phantom that had ever suggested itself or been suggested to her imagination. Possibly something of the same thought crossed her mind ; for she drew her breath again a little short as she spoke. "Yes! it s beautiful ! But I live in such a different SAY AND SEAL. 31 world, Mr. Linden, I never thought of such a thing be- tore." He smiled pleasantly and thoughtfully. " How came you to see the sunrise colours the other day, Miss Faith ?" "01 see them always. -And that puts me in mind of something I have been wanting to say to you every day all the week I and I could never find a chance. You asked me that morning, Mr. Linden, if I was true to my name, finding enough in a cloudy sky. What did you mean ? What did you mean by being true to my name ? " " I shall have to use your name a little freely, to tell you," he said. "It is faith s privilege to be independent of circumstances. Faith always finds something whereiu to rejoice. If the sky be clear, Far into distant worlds she pries, And brings eternal glories near. If cloudy, faith uses her glass as a prism, and in one little ray of light finds all the colours of the rainbow." " I don t know what a prism is," said Faith somewhat sadly. "A prism, in strictness, is a piece of glass cut in a par ticular way, so that the colourless sunbeams which pass through it are divided into their many-coloured members. But other things act as prisms, the rain-drops in a show er the lustres upon your church chandelier. You have seen the colours there ?" " Well, how do they do that ?" " I must take some other time to tell you, it would be too long a matter to-night. And I doubt whether you ought to sit here any longer." " But this Faith don t do as you say," she said, as she slowly and rather unwillingly rose from her seat. "And I don t understand how any faith can." " This Faith must study the Bible then, and do what that says." The tone was encouraging though the voice was grave. He was not answered; and the homeward walk was oe- gun. But Faith stopped and turned again to look before she had gone three paces. 32 SAY AND SEAL. "I am in no hurry," Mr. Linden said, "take your own time only do not take cold." Faith turned away silently again, and began trudging along the sandy road which led back to the lane. The moonlight shewed the way better now. Passing on, as they neared home one house after another shewed its glimmer of light and gave forth its cheerful sound of voices. From one, however, the sound was not cheerful. It was Squire Deacon s. " Well, you ll see to-morrow, Cilly if the sky don t fall, you ll see. Folks thinks the water down to the shore s mighty deep way over their heads till they ve made its acquaintance ; and then they find out they can wade round in it most anywheres." " What s the matter with the Squire ?" said Faith with a slight laugh, as these strange statements reached her ears. " I should think to use his own phraseology he must be over his head somewhere," replied Mr. Linden. Whereat Faith s laugh deepened, but the low sweet tone of it only sounded an instant. " My dear 1" said Mrs. Derrick, running out as they en tered the gate, "ain t you very imprudent? Wasn t she very imprudent, Mr. Linden ?" "Very prudent, ma am, for she wore a shawl." "And didn t want that, mother," said Faith. CHAPTER IY. T HE illumination lasted through the night until "Night s candles were burnt out, and jocund day Stood tip-toe on the misty mountain tops." Very jocund she looked, with her light pink veils wreath ing about the horizon, and the dancing white clouds which hurried up as the sun rose, driven by a fresh wind. Mr. Linden declared, when he came in to breakfast, that the day promised to equal the preceding night. "And whoever wants more," he added, " must wait; for I think it will not surpass it." With which, Mr. Linden stirred his coffee, and told Miss Danforth with a little look of defiance, "it was particularly good she had better try a cup." Miss Danforth instituted a fierce inquiry as to the direc tion of the preceding evening s walk; to which Faith gave an unsatisfactory answer. " Did you ever look at coffee in connexion with the Vitigues of life ?" pursued Mr. Linden. " I shall, probably, in future," said Miss Danforth. "Now Mr. Linden, I ask you; you re a nice man to give a straight answer; where did you and Faith go ?" "I am glad I am a nice man," said Mr. Linden, "but I can scarce give a straight answer to that question." " Why not, for pity s sake ?" "It must needs travel a crooked road." " Did you ?" "It has left a meandering sort of recollection in my mind." " Where did it lead to ?" "It led to another." " What I want to know is," said Miss Danforth, " where did you find yourselves when y.ou were furthest from home." (33) 34 SAY AND SEAL. "Let me shew you," said he. " Suppose your plate to be a rock, and this tumbler of radishes a tree, arid the table-cloth gr*,ss, the moon over your head, crickets under your feet. Miss Faith walks round the rock, I follow her, and we both follow the road. On the way, the still night air is enlivened with owls, grasshoppers, family secrets Our attention is thus divided between the moon and sub lunary affairs. Miss Faith what shall I give you ?" Miss Danforth s curiosity seemed for once willing to be satisfied with fun ; and Faith s hunger was in the same predicament. " But child," said Mrs. Derrick, who had bent her atten tion upon the diagram at the other end of the table, " I don t recollect any such place !" " Mother !" said Faith, arid her gravity gave way hope lessly. " Squire Deacon sends his best compliments of the season," said Cindy opening the door a while later, " and he > ays they ll be to take supper percisely at four. I m free to confess he don t look much sweeter than common," add-^d Cindy. " Pray Miss Faith," said Mr. Linden as they left the <abk, "what is the precise depth of water down at the shore ?" Faith had very near broke down again, for she laughed and blushed, a good deal more than her wont ; and at last replied that " it depended on how far people went in she never went very far herself." " I was naturally curious," said he. After a dinner somewhat more hasty than usual, Mr. Linden and two of the ladies set off for the shore. The blackberry jam, or some other hindering cause, kept Mrs. Derrick at home. The country by daylight looked, rich and smooth. At not a very great distance a slight hilly elevation bounded the horizon line, which nearer seen would have been found bristling with stern grey rock, itself a ridge of rock, one of the ribs of the rigid soil. But where the lane led down to the water, fair fields and crops extended on every side, spotted very picturesquely with clumps of woodland. All looked genial in the summer light. If the distant rocks SAY AND SEAL. 35 poke a stubborn soil, the fine growth between said that man had overcome it ; and the fine order everywhere ap parent said too that the victory had been effectual for man s comfort and prosperity. The stone walls, in some places thin and open, told of times when they had been hurriedly put up ; moss on the rail fences said the rails had been long doing duty ; within them no fields failed of their crops, and no crops wanted hoeing or weeding. No straw lay scat tered about the- ricks ; no barrack roofs were tumbling down ; no gate-posts stood sideways ; no barnyards shewed rickety outhouses or desolate mangers. No cattle were poor, and seemingly, no people. It was a pretty ride the party had, in the little wagon, behind an old horse that Knew every inch of the way and trotted on as if he were a part of it. " How do you like Pattaquasset, Mr. Linden ?" said Faith, leaning forward to reach him where he sat alone on the front seat. " I like it well," he answered a little musingly. They came to the bridge and stream ; and now they could see. that Awasee River did not fill its sometime channel, but flowed in a bottom of alluvial soil, rich in bright-coloured marsh grass, which stretched up the country between two of those clumps of woodland they had seen from a distance. A little further on, just where the sandy road branched off to the shore, there stood a farm house, with a conglomerate of barns and outhouses, all painted to match, in bright yellow picked out with red. " Do you see that settlement of farm-houses ?" said Faith, leaning forward again, " of all sizes, in uniform ?" " Is it the fashion here to put earmarks on buildings ? w he answered with a smile. " Mr. Linden ! You should ask Mr. Simlins that. I see his wagon there he ll be down at the shore very likely He s a character. He lives a mile and a half further on, just where the road turns off to Mrs. Somers ." " Simlins I" was the only reply. " He s a good sort of man, but he s funny." " What is a good sort of man, Miss Faith ?" The old horse was walking quietly along the sandy road, 36 SAY AND SEAL. and the smell of the salt water was becoming pleasantly perceptible. "I suppose I mean by it," said Faith thoughtfully, "a man who is not very good, but who is on the good side of things." " I don t call that a good sort," said Mr. Linden, then looking round with a little smile he said, " You ought to say sort o good. " Faith looked serious and as if she felt half rebuked. "But," she said, "you would not call that a bad sort?" " Then you mean that he is in the same road with what you call the best people, only not so far advanced ?" "No," said Faith doubtfully, " I don t mean so much as that. I don t think Mr. Sinilins is in the same road with you." "How many best roads are there to the same place? As for instance does it matter which of these two I take to the shore ?" "Only one leads to the shore," said Faith. " Yet they seem to lie near together at the outset. The same is true of the other shore. " Faith sat back in her place with a face exceedingly un like a young lady who was going to a merry-making. But they were near the shore now ; not only the salt smell proclaimed it, but they could see the various bathing and other houses collected at the place, and the flag which floated high from the flag-staff, telling all who were not concerned that it was a gala day. A piece of ground im mediately surrounding these buildings was fenced in ; as they neared the gate, it was opened for them, and a tall farmer-looking man, whose straw hat shaded a sensible face, nodded as they passed. " That is Mr. Simlins 1" said Faith. Mr. Simlins seemed for the present to be king of the castle. Horses there were, and wagons, standing here and there, and one or two oldish faces looked out from the windows of one long shanty ; but the rest of the birds had flown into the water 1 It was the time of low tide, and the long strips of rippling water which lay one beyond the other, were separated by sand banks nearly as long. In these little tide lakes were the bathers, the more timid SAY AND SEAL 37 near snore, taking almost a sand bath ; the more adven turous going further and further out, till the last party bathed beyond the last sand bank. Not dressed in the latest Cape May fashion, nor the latest fashion of any kind ; for each had brought some dress too old to be hurt with salt water. Calico frocks, of every hue and pattern, caps, hand kerchiefs, sun-bonnets, gave additional force to the cries and shouts and screams which were wafted inshore. But when they began to come in ! and when the bathing dresses were hung on the fence to dry ! and when mermaid visions appeared at the windows ! who shall describe the scene then ? Over all, a blue smoke now began to curl and float, rising from the stove-pipe of the eating-house. Mr. Linden had driven up to one of the fence posts, and fastening his horse stood a while watching the show, till the bathers began to draw in from the water. Then helped the ladies out. " Which of these baskets contains my tea, Miss Faith ?" he said. " I feel a particular interest in that basket." " Perhaps your tea is in some other basket," said Faith ; "but both of these must come into the eating-house. 0, thank you, Mr. Linden 1" The eating-house was a long shanty, built for the express purpose of feasting picnic and other parties. At one end of it, within the house, was a well of excellent water ; at the other end a door opened into a cooking-house, which held a stove ; and through the length of the apartment a narrow table of boards was erected, ready to be covered with any description and any succession of table-cloths. In this room Mr. Linden with Faith s help deposited her baskets; while Miss Danforth looked on. At the door of the shanty coming out they met Mr. Simlins. Faith made the introductions. 11 Happy to have your acquaintance," said Mr. Simlins. " This is a piece of Pattaquasset, sir, that we all of us rather cord ally like. You haven t seen it before ?" " Yes, I don t wonder you like it," said Mr. Linden. " The sea-shore is no uovelty to me, sir such a shore party is." " I hope you ll enjoy it, as the rest of us do. We all do as we like, Mr. Linden I hope you ll use the grounds as voi-. i. 4 38 SAY AND SEAL. your own. We have the flag flying, sir, and it ratifies liberty to all who amuse themselves under it." Mr. Linden looked up at the stars and stripes, with an acknowledging smile for the benefits thereby conferred. " Faith I Faith Derrick !" called out half a dozen mer maids from the bathing house ; and Faith was obliged to go, while her companions walked up the green slope, and entered into a deep discussion of the crops and the weather. A while after, when Faith was busy about the supper table twenty young voices chiming around her, another voice that she did not know spoke close at her elbow. " Miss Faith I am Reuben Taylor. Mr. Linden told me to come to you and make myself useful. Is there any thing I can do ? would you like some round clams ? Father s out there in the boat." The earnest eyes said how gladly he would do any thing. " Who is your father ?" said Faith, a little surprised. My father s a fisherman." " The very tiling !" said Faith "if you ll help me roast em, Reuben. I guess nobody else ll want to do it, but I d just as lieve. Can you have em here quickly ? and I ll see and have the stove ready." " I ll fetch em and roast em too, Miss Faith. I m used to it," he added, with a half bashful half admiring glance at her face. Faith had the fire ready by the time Reuben returned with the clams. The kettle was on to boil, and nothing else was wanted of the fire, as it happened, by anybody ; least of all to roast clams, that necessarily making a kitchen prisoner of the roaster; so Faith and her new coadjutor had the field i.e. the cooking house all to themselves. Miss Danforth was to leave Pattaquasset in a day or two, and was busy talking to everybody. Readily the clams opened their shells on the hot stove-top ; savourily the odour of steaming clam juice spread itself abroad ; but Faith and Reuben were in for it, and nobody else cared to be in. So when Miss Cecilia Deacon had finished her toilet, which was somewhat of the longest, as it had been one of SAY AND SEAL. 39 the latest, she found nobody but her brother to apply to on the score of her hostess duties. "Sam!" said the young lady pinching her brother s arm, "I haven t been introduced to Mr. Linden." " He ll keep," was the encouraging reply. " Yes, but supper won t. See, Sam ! I haven t been in troduced to him, and I must." The Squire nodded his head politely, and began to whistle. " Come ! you Sam you ve got to, and in a hurry. I can t find Faith, or I d make her." Well I can t find him," said the Squire pettishly. " I haven t got neither of em in my pocket nor the crown of my hat," he added, taking off that useful article of dress for the express purpose of looking into it. " My deliberate judgment is to have supper." " Don t be a goose, Sam ! What s the use of asking him, if you didn t mean to conduct yourself?" "Didn t ask him." " Who did ?" "/didn t hear anybody," was the Squire s reply. "Don t you mean to introduce me, Sam Deacon?" said his sister in a tone which was rather over the verge of patience. "Jem Williams!" said the Squire, calling up a spruce embodiment of blue cloth, brass buttons, and pink cravat, " I say ! here s Cilly off the hooks to get hold of the new teacher. Whereabouts do you s pose he is ?" " Really Squire !" said Jem Williams, with a silly little laugh, " 1 couldn t testify ! Reckon he knows Miss Cilly d keep hold on him ef she got a chance !" " Sha n t speak to you in a month, Jem !" said the lady with a toss of her head and some heightening of the really pretty colour in her cheeks. " You may fix it as you ve a mind to, among you, and let anybody that likes bring him in to supper 1 I m going in, out of the way, myself." Whither she went, on the spur, as good as her word ; nor shewed her pretty face a^ain outside. Meanwhile Reuben and Faith had worked on through their basket of clams, and now the last were sputtering on 40 SAY AND SEAL. the stove. The work had been done almost in silence, for though the excitement now and then made Reuben break into a low whistle of some tune or other, he always checked himself the next moment with a very apologetic look. For the rest, if he had not done all the work himself, it cer tainly was not his fault. Now, watching quietly the open ing shells of that last dozen of clams, Reuben remarked, " I hope Mr. Linden won t forget about supper !" " Why what about it ?" said Faith. " Why should he forget ? or what if he does ?" The last sentence seemed to puzzle Reuben. "I don t know, ma am," he said, "it s better before everybody eats it up." "Who s going to eat it up?" said Faith. "Where is he?" " He went down on the sands with me," said Reuben, "but he didn t come up again. Maybe he has now. He liked it down there, real well." Faith went to the shutter window and flung it open, and looked to see whether or no the missing gentleman had returned to the shore. It was a fair view that lay spread before her. The low beams of the sun gave a cool after noon look to everything ; the sloop sails shone and gleamed in the distance ; down by the muscle rocks one little boat lay rocking on the advancing tide, which was fast covering the sand banks and connecting the strips of water ; and the freshening breeze curled the little waves as they came danc ing in, and brought a low sweet murmur to the shore. One or two gulls sailed floatingly about, and a brown mink perceiving that the company had retreated to higher ground came out and aired himself on one of the rocks. But Faith saw none of these things, for in swinging open her shutter (which the wind caught and clapped up against the house) she so nearly swung it against Mr. Linden that her first look was a startled one. " Miss Faith !" he said, turning round, " what can you possibly be about!" " I beg your pardon, Mr. Linden !" said Faith. "Is that all you are about?" " You were anxious about your supper, Mr. Linden Are you ready for it ?" SAY AND SEAL. 41 "Much more ready than anxious, Miss Faith." " How do you like the shore to-day ?" said Faith, drop ping her voice, and giving a glance of her eye to the fair, cool sunlight colours on the water and shore and ship ping fresh as the very sea-breeze itself, and glittering aa the water s thousand mirrors could make them. He turned and looked again, drawing in the breeze with a deep breath that more than answered her question. " How do you like this ?" he said, handing her through the window a little miniature tree of red sea- weed. Then, while she examined it, he repeated, " When descends on the Atlantic The gigantic Storm-wind of the equinox, Landward in his wrath he scourges The toiling surges, Laden with sea-weed from the rocks; " From Bermuda s reefs ; from edges Of sunken ledges, In some far-off, bright Azore ; Prom Bahama, and the dashing, Silver-flashing Surges of San Salvador ; " * From the tumbling surf that buries The Orkneyan skerries, Answering the hoarse Hebrides; And from wrecks of ships, and drifting Spars, uplifting On the desolate, rainy seas ; " Ever drifting, drifting, drifting On the shifting Currents of the restless main; Till in shelter d coves, and reaches Of sandy beaches, All have found repose again. " Faith s eye was upon the sprig of sea-weed while these verses were repeating, then she looked up at the speaker with an intenseness in which oddly mingled some strong feeling of sorrow or regret. "It s beautiful!" she said, "beautiful! both the one and the other. But there are a great many things there I 4* 42 SAY AND SEAL. don t understand," she added once more with a smrle. " If there was time but there isn t. Mr. Linden, Reuben and I have been roasting clams." " Yes, Miss Faith," he said answering the smile and stepping nearer the window. " So one of my senses informed me. Do you know what that is in your hand ?" " It s sea-weed, isn t it ?" " Yes. And moreover Miss Faith, that is part of your marine Flora. Now what about the clams ?" " My what?" said Faith. "First tell me, please, what you said." " Your marine Flora." "What is that?" " The particular department of life in the sea, of which this is a specimen." Faith looked puzzled, and amused. " You don t mean to enlighten me more than you can help," she said. "But why do you call it Flora? you used that word before. And oh Mr. Linden You can t tell me now, for supper s all -ready." His eyes looked amused too, and laying a clover head on the window, he said, " That is part of your land Flora," then pushed the shutter to rather quick, but softly; and Faith heard the reason thereof as follows. " Wai sir ef this be you, Fve looked all over for you." "How was it that you overlooked me then, sir?" was Mr. Linden s reply. "Don t jes know," laughed Jem Williams, "but Miss Cilly Deacon wants you the worst kind." "And where shall I go to receive her commands?" said Mr. Linden. Faith heard their retreating steps, and turning to take off her apron saw the dish of hot clams still on the stove, and that Reuben had removed himself outside the door, quite beyond the conversation but not beyond call. He stood looking thoughtfully out towards the muscle rocks. " Oh Reuben! there you are. Come!" said Faith ; "you re going in with me. Fcm re going to have some supper to night, whoever else does. You open the door, and I ll take in this dish. You keep by me, Reuben." SAY AND SEAL. 43 " Please let me take the dish, then, Miss Faith, I can the door first." But Faith had her own way, and followed by Reuben carried the clams into the supper room, where some of the company were already seated, and others stood waiting. Squire Deacon had not only given the desired introduc tion, but had (self-denyingly) placed Mr. Linden next Miss Cilly at the table, where he stood. "Here s a contribution," said Faith, "if somebody 11 make a place for it. Thank you, Mr. Deacon. Now Reuben, come here." And refusing more than one offer of a place at the table, Faith made her way down to the well end where there was room for two at a remote distance from the tea and coffee. What else was there not, npon that table ! " Won t you take a seat, Mr. Linden ?" said Miss Ceci lia. " I hope you ve got room there. Jerushy, can t you shove down a little ? I hope my coffee-pot s not disagree able." " I hope not !" said Mr. Linden, surveying the coffee pot. " How long does it take to declare itself, Miss Dea con ?" " ! it won t do anything, but spout coffee," said the young lady, " if you don t mind that. Won t you be helped to what you like, Mr. Linden ? I hope you have enjoyed our shore party this afternoon." " Thank you" said Mr. Linden, feeling perhaps that it was not their party he had enjoyed, " there has been a combination of pleasant things. As far as I could judge the bathers enjoyed their particular expedition." " yes, it was delightful invigorating. Mr. Sim- lins, I think Mr. Linden will like a piece of that cherry- pie with his clams. Do you take cheese, Mr. Linden ? Is your coffee agreeable ? There is the cold tongue by you, Jerushy. I hope you like Pattaquasset." " Ask Mr Linden whether Pattaquasset ain t a good place for handsome gals," said Mr. Simlins, as he handed over the piece of cherry-pie. " He knows by this time. I say there s a con-catenation of beauty now here this arternoon. 44 SAY AND SEAL. If yon look from the top to the bottom of the table, now. ain t it true, sir?" Mr. Linden certainly looked from the top to the bottom of the table, and then setting the plate of cherry-pie as far from his clams as he could, he said, " Miss Deacon let me help you, tell me where these cups belong, and I will convey them to their destination." " I thought they d shove down somehow," said the young lady. " Jerushy, do pass the coffee ! They re for anybody down there who ll take coffee. Tea ll be along presently," added Miss Cecilia, raising her voice a little to give the information. "Don t you trouble yourself, Mr. Linden." But Mr. Linden secured one, and carrying it down to Faith, requested her to stir it and taste it, and not give him the trouble of coming back with the sugar-bowl. "What will you have?" he said while she obeyed his directions. " Here are all the pies that can be thought of except the musical one recorded in history." "And so," said Faith with a laughing flash of her usu ally soft eye, "you immediately give me a desire for the one not here I It s like you, Mr. Linden. No, thank you . I ll have none of these. I believe Reuben has a desire for some of the clams he and I have roasted." "I m afraid I cannot get them away from Squire Dea con !" he said, "but I ll try." The Squire however held fast to the dish, and rising from his place midway at the table, insisted upon taking it to Faith himself. "Miss Faith," he said, "you have ruined my supper by sitting down here. My appetite has quite forsaken me," (whereupon Jem Williams observed, "that warn t strange. ") "and the worst is," added the Squire, "I can t maintain the constant supervision of your plate which my feelings prompt. I am too far off" he concluded in a melancholy tone. "I say, Squire!" said Jem Williams, "you bain t wior n as far agin as he" with a nod towards the upper end of the table. Squire Deacon lowered, but for the present his feelings were restrained. " Mr. Simlins," said Endecott, when he had resumed his SAY AND SEAL. 45 seat, "I ask you as one who knows the country where abouts does the concatenation you spoke of reach a climax ?" " The star you look at is always the brightest," said the farmer. " However, I think the clams is the best thing at table or near the best," with a slight glance towards Squire Deacon and the dish at the well end. 7 " I ve a legendary attachment to beauty, sir; my father married the three prettiest wives in the country." " I say, Squire," said Jem Williams, " Mr. Simlins says you r hot." " Hot ?" said Squire Deacon, flushing up very much, and setting down the clams, " that dish is. 7 m as cool as all these cucumbers accumulated into a heap." " Hope you ll stay where you are, then," said Mr. Sim lins. " I m cool too. Don t come near me, or we shall be in a state of concentration." Mr. Linden remarked that that was an excellent point when reached. "What point?" said Squire Deacon, who had returned to his seat with the strong impression that everybody was laughing at him, under the special guidance of the new teacher. You know mighty little of the points round here, I tell you." " The point of concentration is found in various places, sir," said Mr. Linden; "though I grant you it is rare." "What do you know about Pattaquasset points ?" re peated the Squire, " or Pattaquasset people or Patta quasset water either, for that matter? Just yon go down here when the tide s in and afore you know where you are you ll find yourself wading round over your head." " No sir never," said Mr. Linden with great assur ance. "Why not? how re you goin to help it?" said Squire Deacon. " When I reach that point," said Mr. Linden, " I shall swim." And Faith heard Reuben Taylor s smothered laugh of great gratification. " Hope you haven t spoiled your own supper, Squire," said Mr. Simlins, "by your complacency in carrying about them hot clams. Have somethin this way?" 46 SAY AND SEAL. While this question was getting its answer, Faith sat back in her chair and looked up and down the length of the table. It presented a distinguished -after-supper view, but the demands of the company had not yet ceased. Mr. Simlins was still discussing cheese and politics; Jem Williams was deep in cherry pie ; plum cake was not out of favour with the ladies. The Squire was hard at work at his supper, which had been diversely and wickedly inter rupted. He was making up for lost time now; while his sister, much disengaged, was bending her questions and smiles on Mr. Linden. Faith tried to see Mr. Linden, but she couldn t ; he was leaning back from the table ; and her eyes went out of doors. It was too fair and sweet there to be cooped up from it. The sun had just set. Faith could not see the water ; the windows of the eating house looked landward ; but the air which came in at them said where it had come from, and breathed the salt freshness of the sea into her face. But presently every chair was pushed back. And now there was no more silence nor quiet The busy swarm poured out of the supper room; the men to lounge or tackle their horses, the women to gather up the bathing dresses from the fence, to look round, laugh, and go in again to pack up the dishes. It would seem that this last might be a work of time, each had to find her own through such a maze of confusion. There was a spoon of Miss Cecilia s providing, in a cup of Mrs. Derrick s, beside a plate of Mrs. David s, and before a half-eaten cherry pie which had been compounded in the distant home and by the fair fingers of Miss Jerusha Fax. However, most people know their own at least ; and as on the present oc casion nobody had any particular desire to meddle with what was not her own, the difficulty was got through with. The baskets and hampers were packed again and stowed in their respective wagons; and everybody was bidding good bye to everybody. Noisy thanks and praises fell lib erally to the share of Miss Cecilia and her brother, and the afternoon was declared to have been "splendid." CHAPTER V. FOR some weeks the little town of Pattaquasset held on its peaceful way as usual. Early summer passed into harvest, and harvest gave way to the first blush of autumn, and still the Mong flowed quietly along, and the kildeers sang fearlessly. For even tenor and happy spirits, the new teacher and his scholars were not unlike the smooth river and its feathered visiters. Whatever the boys were taught, they certainly learned to be happy ; and Mr. Lin- den s popularity knew no bounds in his own domain. Neither did it end there : those fair members of the Patta quasset society who thought early walks good for their health, felt their sleepy eyes well paid for keeping open when they met Mr. Linden. Those who were fond of even ing expeditions, declared that his figure in the twilight was quite a picture, and made them feel so safe, a great slander, by the way, on Pattaquasset. Mr. Simlins was his firm friend, and many another known and unknown. Squire Deacon, I regret to say, was an exception. Squire Deacon declared (confidentially) that he never had thought the new teacher fit for his business, no how. As far as he could hear, Mr. Linden had never taught school before, and in that case what could you expect? "Moreover," said the Squire, "I am creditably informed, that the first day he kep school here, he begun by asking the boys who made them! as if that had anything to do with geography. Of course it s nat ral for a man to ask what he knows he can answer if the boys don t," added Squire Deacon in the way of kind explanation. Whereupon, Jonathan Fax, the Squire s right hand man, requested to be informed, "why ef a man was poor didn t he dress as though he felt so, and why ef he warn t rich did he act as though he war?" And thus by degrees, there was quite an opposition party in Pattaquasset if that could be opposition which the object of it never opposed. By degrees too, the murmurs became more audible. (47) 48 SAY AND SEAL. "Faith, child," said Mrs. Derrick in a cautions whisper, coining out where Faith sat OH the porch, bathed in the late September light: "Faith, child, where s our Linden tree ?" (Mrs. Derrick thought she had concealed her mean ing now, if anybody did overhear ) Faith started, more than so gentle a question seemed to sail for. " He s gone down to the post-office, mother." Her mother stood still and thought. " Child," she said, " I never thought we had any fools in our town before." " I didn t know there were so many," said Faith. "What new, mother?" "Child," she said, "you know more than I about some things what do you s pose fools can do ? Isn t he a whole tree of knowledge ?" "There is no fear of him, mother!" Faith said with a smile, which if the subject of it valued any faith in the world but his own it would have gratified him to see. "They can t touch him. They may vex him." Mrs. Derrick shook her head, softly, behind Faith s chair, then turned and went back into the house; not caring, as it seemed, to spread the vexation. Then after a little interval of bird music, the gate opened to ad mit Reuben Taylor. He held a bunch of water lilies drooping their fair heads from his hand ; his own head drooped a little too. Then he raised it and came firmly on. " Is Mr. Linden home, Miss Faith ?" " No, Reuben He will be directly, I guess. Do you want to see him ?" " No" said Reuben, " I don know as I do, more than usual. I have seen him all day. He wanted some pond lilies, Miss Faith at least he told me to bring em. Maybe it was you wanted em." " I ll give them to him, Reuben. What s the matter with you?" But Reuben stood silent perhaps from the difficulty of speaking, " Miss Faith," he said at last, "is Squire Deacon all the trustees of our school, besides Mr. Somers ?" SAY AND SEAL. 49 " No. Why ? What about it ?" "He s doin all the mischief he can," said Reuben con cisely. " What mischief has he done, Reuben ?" said Faith, waiting upon the boy s answer with an anxious face. " Well" said Reuben, as if he could not put it in plain words, "he s tryin to turn folks heads and some heads is easy turned." " How did you know this ? and whose head has he turned, Reuben ? Not yours ?" " They d have to turn my heart, Miss Faith," was Reu ben s subdued answer. Then he looked up and listened hearing a step he well knew. Nor that alone, for a few low notes of a sweet hymn tune, seemed to say there were pleasant thoughts within reach of at least one person. Then Reuben broke forth. " They can t keep him out of heaven, anyway! nor me, neither," he added softly. But he ran down the steps and out of the gate, passing his teacher with only a bow; and once beyond the fence, Reuben s head dropped in his hands. "Reuben! I want you !" said Mr. Liuden. But Reu ben was out of sight. Faith stood between the house and the gate. " Where is he ? can t you make him hear? I want that boy !" she said. " 1 can run after him with doubtful success." " The foolish fellow brought these for you, Mr. Linden," said Faith, giving the lilies where they belonged. "Complimentary, Miss Faith!" said Mr. Linden, taking the lilies and smelling them gravely. "H* is, J said Faith, "and you speak as if /wasn t." "Will it redeem my character or Reuben s if I bestow the lilies upon you, Miss Faith? I think that was their destination." Faith took the lilies ba;k again, with a slight smile and flash, and stood attentively turning them over for a while. Then suddenly said "Thank you." " What did you want of Reuben Taylor?" said Mr. Lin den. " Cannot I do as well ?" " I should be sorry to think you wanted, Mr. Linden, \rhat I wanted to give him." VOL. I. 6 50 SAY AND SEAL. " That sounds terrific ! But Reuben is under my juris diction I don t allow anybody to scold him but myself. So deliver it to me, Miss Faith, and I will give it to him duly pointed and sharpened up." " No," said Faith smiling, "you couldn t do it so well as I. I wanted to say two words to him to put nonsense out of his head." * ; Nonsense !" said Mr. Linden, looking grave, "I am as anxious on that point as you can be. What nonsense has he got in his head?" Faith hesitated, flushed and paled a little, and looked at her lilies. "I don t know whether I ought to speak of it," she be gan, with much less than her usual composure of speech. " Perhaps it is not my business. Please forgive me if I speak wrong. But I half think you ought to know it." "I ll try to bear the knowledge," he said smiling "if you will promise to speak the cabalistic two words that were to have such effect upon Reuben. So you want to put nonsense into my head, Miss Faith?" " Perhaps you know it already?" said Faith. "At any rate I think I should feel better satisfied if you did know it. Mr. Linden," she said speaking low "do you know that Squire Deacon has been trying to do you mischief?" " Just suppose for a moment that you are one of my scholars, and give me a definition of mischief." To judge by the unbent lines of Faith s brow, there was nothing very disagreeable to her in the supposition. Yet she had a look of care for the * definition, 7 too. " When a man is meaning to do harm, isn t he doing mischief?" Only to himself." But do you mean that one can t do harm to others in th s world ?" You said when a man is meaning to do harm. " Ah," said Faith laughing, "I should want a great deal of teaching before I could give a definition that would suit you ! Well then, isn t harm mischief?" "I m afraid I must yield that point." "Then," said Faith simply, but very modestly, "we come back to where we started from ?" SAY AND SEAL. 51 "What shall we do there ?" said he smiling. " Nothing, perhaps," said Faith with the same simplicity. " I only thought it right to put you there, Mr. Linden." "Thank you, Miss Faith. Now will you please pro nounce over me the two words intended for Reuben ?" Faith laughed a little, but then said gravely, " Mr. Lin den, I should be very sorry to think you needed them." "It s impossible always to avoid being very sorry: I want them, at all events. Haven t you just been putting nonsense into my head ?" "Have I?" said Faith. "Do you suppose there was any there before ?" "I don t think," said Faith, surveying his face, " there is much there now. I guess you don t need the two words, Mr. Linden. I was going to tell Reuben he was a goose for thinking that that man could hurt you." His face changed a little. "Poor Reuben !" he said then with the former look " On the whole, perhaps it was well he did not come back. If you put those in water they will open their eyes to morrow. Fresh water not salt," he added as he followed her into the house, "they are not part of the marine Flora." Tea was ready, with its usual cheer of eatables and pleasant faces ; not quite with its usual flow of talk. Mrs. Derrick certainly had something bewildering on her mind, for she even looked at her guest two or three times when he was looking at her. The pond lilies were alone in the twilight parlour. That was probably the reason why Lucinda introduced Parson Somers into the tea-room, the parson happening to call at this identical time. Parson Somers was always in a genial state of mind ; always, at least, whenever he came into Mrs. Derrick s parlour ; by the testimony of numbers it was the same in many other parlours. He came in*so now ; gave a smile all round ; and took an empty chair and place at the table like one who found it pleasant. " Well, I declare, Mrs. Derrick," said Mr. Somers when he was seated, "I don t think there s a a more cheer ful room in Pattaquasset than this one ; why, you always 52 SAY AND SEAL. have everything agreeable here. A cnp of tea, now I didn t expect it" "Why we always do have tea, Mr. Sorners," said Mrs. Derrick, " but it don t seem strong to-night. Lucindy . take the teapot and make some fresh." " These baked apples are strong in numbers at least," said Mr. Linden, as he bestowed one upon Mr. Somers. "Thank you! it s all strong enough, Mrs. Derrick thank you ! very good. And Mr. Linden how are you a getting along with your juvenile charge ? Confining work/ sir, isn t it ?" "Rather, sir to the body." "Not to the mind, eh? Well I should have thought ihat to a gentleman like you it would prove a more deleterious to the mental faculties. But I suppose you find yourself rewarded by your pupils improvement and regard !" " Yes sir th eir regard is very precious to me," was the quiet reply. "I should think so ! Why there s that boy Reuben Tay lor strange father that boy has fisherman ; I met that boy this evening, in the street, and he was crying, clown a little below here he was going home. I asked him ha if Mr. Linden had been dealing hardly with him ? and I declare ! I didn t know but Reuben would have attacked me on the spot." " Has Mr. Linden a character in the village for cruelty?" said Faith. "I I declare not that I know of, Miss Faith. I should think it could not be deserved. That boy s attach ment is certainly ha very warm. My dear Mrs. Derrick, how well Miss Faith is looking ! She always looks well ; but to-night ha the colour of her cheeks is to be re marked. " "You will get a character for cruelty, Miss Faith," said Mr. Linden, "if you ask about my character before my face." Faith looked up as if she would willingly have asked a question ; but that being in present circumstances impos sible, she merely uttered a quiet little no, and went on with her tea and with a colour still further improved, A SAY AND SEAL. 53 quiet little yes, of about equal prominence, did not divert the attention of Mr. Somers from his own remarks. " It s delightful to see really," said that gentleman. "But Mr. Linden ha I am sorry to find that you haven t the good will of our neighbour, Squire Deacon. The Squire s a valuable man very ! the Squire s a valuable man in the town. I am sorry. Do you know, Mr. Lin den ha how it has happened ?" " Have you asked the Squire himself, sir ?" said Mr. Linden. " Why no, sir, I haven t. I ha wanted to get at the truth of it, that I might, if possible, do something to heal the breach. Now you are doing a valuable work in Pattaquasset, sir I should be sorry to see it inter rupted very and I thought the best way would be to try to find out what the matter was, in order if possible to its being removed. And to get at the truth it is often best to hear both sides." " But I have no side to tell, sir," said Mr. Linden smiling in spite of himself. " I cannot deny that Squire Deacon seems to withhold his good will I think it is for him to tell his reasons." " Then you really have no idea what it can be about ? and I may tell him so ? Because that would be a great point." "No sir, you may not tell him that." " Then you have an idea what the matter is ?" said Mr. Somers eagerly. " Then, sir, if you will be so good as to let me know what it is I, have no doubt I entertain no doubt we shall be able to smooth it all away, and have peace." "You cannot prove one man s ideas by another man s," said Mr. Linden. " Then you can give me no help ?" said Mr. Somers re gretfully. " But Mr. Linden ha it strikes me that it would be useful for me to know your view of the cause of offence whatever it is before I know his. One may cor rect the other." " There has been no offence given sir," said Mr. Linden. " That the Squire has taken offence we both know, why he has taken it if I kuow I have no right to tell you, 5* 54 SAY AND SEAL. Squire Deacon might justly complain of me if I did. It is from no disrespect to you, believe me." "I say !" said Cindy coming into the room with a basket, "here s Sam Stoutenburgh been and fetched some Stouten- burgh Sweetenings for his teacher, he says. I m free to confess," added Cindy as she set down the basket by Mr. Linden, "he said if he would like to do anythin better with em, it would just be to shy em at Squire Deacon s head so I guess they aint over and above ripe." "Ha! Yery pleasant, certainly! very gratifying," said Mr. Somers rising. " Mr. Linden I have no more to say. You are a gentleman, sir, and understand these matters. I will see what I can do. Mrs. Derrick I thank you for your tea, ma am I am sorry there should be anything disagreeable, but I have no doubt it will all be set right The Squire is a good-feeling man I have no doubt of it. Miss Faith ha ! why Mrs. Derrick this colour is too deep, it isn t natural. It looks feverish !" " Do the Pattaquasset ladies use any rouge but their own sea breezes ?" asked Mr. Linden. " Ha ! we do get the sea breezes here pleasantly," answered Mr. Somers. "Good evening 1" Mr. Linden accompanied the visiter to the little gate, and returning paced up and down the moonlit porch, followed only by his shadow CHAPTER VI. WHILE Mr. Somers was enjoying his cup of unex pected tea at Mrs. Derrick s, Squire Deacon and Miss Cilly had a sociable tete-a-tete over theirs ; for Joe Deacon, who was in the full enjoyment of some fourteen years of boyhood, scarcely made a third in the conversation until his appetite was satisfied. Conversation indeed hardly existed during the first por tion of the meal. Miss Cilly poured out her tea and broke her biscuit with a certain prim sort of elegance which belonged to that young lady as at least she be lieved. But sipping tea and nibbling biscuit went on in company with thoughts. " Sam, what are you bothering yourself abcut Mr. Lin den for i " How long since you was made a trustee ?" said the Squire, beginning his sentence with an untranslatable sort of grunt, and ending it in his teacup. " Give us the sugar bowl down this way, Cilly," said Joe, " this apple sarce is as sour as sixty." " I ve been your trustee ever since you was up to any thing," said his sister. " Come Sam don t you begin now What s made you so crusty ?" " It aint the worst thing to be crusty," said the Squire, while Joe started up and seized the sugar bowl. " Shews a man s inore n half baked, any how." Miss Cilly vouchsafed a rather sour smile to these mani festations of disposition on the part of both her brothers "Well, what has he done ?" " Sure enough," said the Squire, (he kept his small stock of big words for company) " what has he done ? That s just what I can t find out." " What do you want to find out for ? What ails him ?" " Suppose he hasn t done nothing" said the Squire, " is that the sort o man to teach litteratur in Patta- quasset ?" (55) 56 SAY AND SEAL. " Lit what ?" said his sister with an arch of her head " Anything you ve a mind to," said the Squire sulkily. "I wouldn t say anything against Mr. Linden s litera ture, if I was you ; because it s my belief, Sam, it ll stand any pecking you make at it. What s given you such a spite at him ? You re a goodnatured fellow enough in general." " The whole temperature of Pattaquasset s come about since lie come," replied the Squire comprehensively. " He s a gentleman !" said Miss Cilly bridling again. " He won t hurt anybody s manners not the best if they was to copy him." "He didn t hurt mine," said Joe patronizingly. " To be sure 1 didn t go to him long." " Do the boys like him, Joe ?" " Well I daresay they wouldn t if they could help it," said Joe, " if that s any comfort. Some other folks likesi him too, besides Sam." "Aint he a good teacher ?" " Firstrate " said Joe, " taught me all I eve^learned. I didn t go but four weeks, and Sam thought twarn t no use for me to hold on any longer. My ! Cilly he d make you roll up your eyes in arithmetic !" " Now Sam Deacon, what do you expect to do by all this fuss you re making ?" said his sister judicially. "What s the use of cross-examining a man at that rate ?" said the Squire restlessly. " When I do anything, you ll know it." " You ll make yourself a fool, one of these fine morn ings ; that s what I count upon," said Miss Cecilia. " He s a match for you, I have a presentiment, Sam." " He won t be for you," said the Squire with some heat. " There s Mr. Simlins goin along," said Joe, who having finished his supper was gazing out of the window. " O my I if he was cut up into real simlinses, what a many there d be I" " You hush, Joe 1" said his sister wrathfully. " He s comin in." And Mr. Simlins tall figure did indeed come through the gate and up the walk, from which a very few more steps and minutes brought him to the tea table. SAY AND SEAL. 57 "Well, Mr. Simlins !" said Miss Cecilia as she gave him his cup, "you ve got back. I heard you were returned." "Yes!" said the farmer deliberately stirring his tea, "Fve got back! And I m glad, for one. I ve been visit ing my relations in New Jersey ; and I ve made up my mind that the Simlinses made a good move when they come to Connecticut." "You found them all well?" said Miss Cecilia po litely. "Well, no, I didn t," said Mr. Simlins. "How s a man to find five hundred and fifty people all well ? Taint nature. How s things with you, Squire?" "Wheat s done well corn middlin ," replied the Squire, while Joe got behind his sister s chair and whispered, "There s another name in the diction ry sounds like your n, though they aint spelled just alike." "Goin to school, Joe?" growled Mr. Simlins. "No sir," said Joe. "Mr. Linden teached me all he knowed in a jiffy, and all I know, too." " Well are the other boys learnin yet ?" said Mr. Sim lins, as he spread a slice of bread pretty thick with butter. " S pose so" said Joe, "all they kin." "It s hard work!" said Mr. Simlins. "I feel it now I Never ploughin made my back ache like learnin . I wonder whatever they made me school trustee for, seein I hate it like pison. But I s pose we mustn t quarrel with onerous duties," said the farmer, carrying on sighing and bread and butter and tea very harmoniously together. "I shouldn t mind takin a look at your last copy-book, Joe, if it would be agreeable." "0 Mr. Linden kep that," said Joe unblushingly, " cause it was so good lookin ." "He was so fond of you?" said Mr. Simlins. "How come he to let you go ?" " I staid away," said Joe, drumming on the back of Miss Cecilia s chair. "Cilly s got the rest of the copy-books she likes the writin too." "Joe, behave yourself!" said his sister. "Mr. Simlins knows better than to believe you." "Did you ever get flogged, Joe, for bad writin ?" said the farmer. 58 SAY AND SEAL. "Worse n that I" said Joe, shaking his head, "I ve had to do it over!" " Now you ve got to doit over for me," said Mr. Sirnlins. "You write your name for me there the best you kin . and Pattaquasset, Connecticut I want to see what the new school s up to." "No" said Joe "I aint agoin to do it. You ask one of the other boys. It wouldn t tell you nothin if I did, cause I learned writin afore, and I didn t go to him but four weeks, besides." And Joe at once absented himself. "Is it workin as straight with all the rest of em as it is with him ?" said Mr. Simlins. " You and me s got to see to it, you know, Squire seein we re honorary individuals." " Yes," said Squire Deacon, rousing up now Joe was gone he had a wholesome fear of Joe s tongue "Yes, Mr. Simlins, and it s my belief it wants seein to and he too." "Joe," said Mr. Simlins. "Ne-ver fear he ll see to himself." " Here s some of his writin ," said Joe, returning with a spelling book. "All the boys gets him to write in their books." And laying it down by Mr. Simlins, Joe took his final departure. " What do the boys want him to write in their books for ?" growled Mr. Simlins, surveying the signature. "I believe," said Miss Cecilia, "he is very popular in the school." "Well, Squire," pursued Mr. Simlins, "can Joe clinch this?" " He aint with me if that s what you mean," said Squire Deacon. "A man s writing don t prove much." "Don t go no furder," said Mr. Simlins assentingly. Well Squire if you ll go furder I shall be wiser." And freed from the fear of contradiction, the Squire had not the least objection to going further. "He s not the man to have here," said Squire Deacon, " I saw that the first day I saw him. I tried him, and he didn t toe the mark." " How did you try him?" growled Mr. Simlius. " I d like to know how much he s up to. / haint found it oufc yet." SAY AND SEAL. 59 "I tried him, sir," said the Squire, "I tried him with a classical story. Now Miss Faith gave in at once, and said she didn t know what it was ; but tother one made believe as though he knew all about it. And if a man aint classical, Mr. Simlins, what is he?" " I aint classical," growled Mr. Simlins again, " but then I don t set up for to be. I s pose that makes a difference, Squire ; don t it?" " Some people s more than they set out to be, and some people s less," replied the Squire. " Well, does he set up for to be classical in school? What does he teach em?" " I reckon he sets up for most everything he ever heard spoke of, Mr. Simlins. Teach em ? why he teaches em out of all sorts o superflus books 1" " Does !" said Mr. Simlins with a surprised look. "Our boys don t want none o your superficies. They ve got their bread to make. Give us an invoice o them books, Squire." " Just you look at em for yourself, Mr. Simlins then you ll know. Step down there some day in school time and look over the boys. Now I can understand figurs with any man, but what s the use o crosses and straight lines and Ys turned wrong side up ?" Mr. Simlins pushed back his chair and rubbed his chin. " Well Squire you and me are trustees what in your judgment and opinion had we ought to do, in these pre cedents ?" " Get rid on him / say," replied the Squire promptly. " Then here he is, leadin all the girls round town, and for all any one of em knows he s a married man." " Humph I think so ? What do the folks say of him?" said Mr. Simlins. "There s Mrs. Derrick what does she say of him he s in her house, she ought to have an idee. And Faith now I d take that gal s judgment on a most anything What do they think about him, Squire ?" "Never asked em a word," said the Squire stoutly " nor heard em say one, neither. But he gets fur n letters all the time, Widow Stamp says and female writin too. Who knows but he s got a wife in some fur n country ? or two" added the Squire, without specifying where the 60 SAY AND SEAL. plural belonged. " I m a justice of peace, Mr. Simlins. and this shouldn t be let go on." Mr. Simlins looked up from under his brows with a queer look at his host. "If he has two, he must want the school bad !" said he. " Well Squire, I ll go along and see what can be done. If I was you, mean time, I d not say much to no one. There s Judge Harrison, you know ; we can t act without him. Good night t ye I Squire, I guess he haint two? Anyhow, I wouldn t let fly no warrants till I saw my bird sitting somewhere. It s bad to have em hit in a wrong place." And it was well it was darkish and nobody to look at him ; for Mr. Simlins went grinning pretty much all the way between Squire Deacon s house and the house of Mrs. Derrick, where Mr. Linden was entertaining his shadow in the moonlit porch. "Good even to you !" growled Mr. Simlins as he came up. The grin was gone, and the farmer stood with his wonted solemnity of face and manner. " Where s the rest o your folks ?" "The rest of my folks are a good way off, Mr. Siralins," said the person addressed, giving the questioner his hand ; while his shadow exchanged civilities with the shadow of Mr. Simlins. "When did you come back? I am glad to see you ?" " I m glad ,to see myself," said Mr. Simlins. " There s no State like Connecticut, sir. Where s your bringin up place ? " No one place has had that honour, Mr. Simlins, I have been brought up from one to another." "Not Connecticut, eh?" "Not altogether 1 am here just now, as you see, getting a part of my education. I am one of the Say and Seal people in a way. Won t you come in, Mr. Sim lins ?" " Well I d as lief see Faith and Mrs. Derrick as a most any other two folks in Pattaquasset, but they re a long ways off, you say ?" "No further than the parlour, I believe." Mr. Simlins was willing to go as far as the parlour, and SAY AND SEAL. 61 so the party on the porch adjourned thither. A bright lamp lit the room, by which Faith was mending stockings ; while Mrs. Derrick sat in an easy chair a little further off, rocking and knitting. "Well," said Mr. Simlins, "when the sun goes down / think it is time to knock off work ; but womeukind don t seem to think so." " I guess when the sun goes down your work s knocked off, Mr. Simlins," said Mrs. Derrick. " Fact, Mrs. Derrick, when I m to home ; but when a man s visiting he has to work night and day. Moonlight s moonlight now. I declare, in Jersey I thought it was broad sunshine. You haven t been down to my place yet, Mr. Linden ?" "No sir, not within the gate." " The Simlins have held that place, sir, off and on, for nigh three hundred years. We re a good many Simlins and we re a good set, I ll say it 1 a pretty good set. Not thin-skinned, you know, we can take a scratch without bein killed but we never would stand bein trampled on. We re soft-hearted too ; plenty o what I may call tendrils, ready to take hold of anything ; and when we take hold we do take hold. We cover a good deal of ground in the country, here and elsewhere in the various branches. My mother was a Mush, and my grandmother was a Citron ; good families those, sir ; can t do better than take a wife from one of them, Mr. Linden, if you are so disposed ; you haven t got one already, have you ?" " What, sir?" said Mr. Linden, with more sharpness than he often shewed, and which made Mrs. Derrick drop her knitting and look up. " I thought you wasn t a married man are you ?" said Mr. Simlins, the grin just shewing itself again on his face. " Is that one of the charges brought against me ?" said Mr. Linden, a little too roused himself to pay much heed to Mr. Simlins questions. " Well I didn t know as you d think it a charge, " said Mr. Simlins with an unchanged tone. " I guess you mean to make it true some day, don t you ?" The question fell unheeded the charge did not; it VOL. i 6 62 SAY AND SEAL. touched him deeply; touched the proud sense of character ; though no words gave evidence of the fact. "Faith, child," said Mrs. Derrick in that moment of silence, her whisper as low as she thought would reach across the table, "ought we to be here ?" But a very emphatic "Yes 1" from the window, prevented the need of Faith s answer. " I was only recommending," said Mr. Simlins, " in case you wanted help to make up your mind. The Citrons are all gone to New Jersey there s a few of the Mushes ramblin round Connecticut yet. Well Mr. Linden I hope you and your boys get on commodiously together ?" "Just look into that basket on the table, and see what one of em brought him to-night," said Mrs. Derrick. "Those are Stoutenburgh Sweetings, Mr. Simlins." Mr. Simlins looked at the Sweetings and then looked towards the window. " I d like to hear you speak a little on that point," he said. "Fact is, there s been some winds bio win about Pattaquas- set that aint come off beds o roses ; and I d like to find where the pison is and clap a stopper on it for the future. It s easy done." Mr. Linden looked up with his usual expression, only the smile was grave and a little moved, and answered, "I could say a good deal on that point, Mr. Simlins. Yet I had rather you should ask the boys than me." "Don t want to ask the boys nothin, bless you I" said Mr. Simlins. " What I want to say is this ; what s the matter between you and the Squire ? I ve been askin him, and he says you learn the boys to make a Y wrong side up ward I can t make nothin of that," said Mr. Simlins, with again the approach to a grin ; " taint over easy to tell whether his Y s are one side up or tother. Now I d like to know from you where the hitch is. The Squire aiiit likely to set the Mong in a configuration just yet but if he s swingiu a torch round, I d jest as lief put it out afore the sharks fly." "But Mr. Simlins, don t you think it is rather hard measure to ask me why people dislike me ?" "Well I don t see as I do," said Mr. Simlins placidly; " cause I know pretty well it s some chymistry idee of AND SEAL. 63 his own ; and if I could get hold of it, you see, I should have a better handle. I guess the school never went on better than it s goin ; he don t know beans." " How do you know that I do ?" said Mr. Linden smil ing. " Why don t you ask him ? I think at least half his ill will arises from a mistake." "Have asked him," said Mr. Simlins "just come from there ; but he s pretty much like them V s we were speak- in about; don t spell 1 nothin . What s his mistake about then ? if I knowed that, I could bring things to a con cert." "Why," said Mr. Linden with grave deliberation, "sup pose he wants to buy your house ? and takes a walk up that way to set forth his terms." "Well suppose he does" said Mr. Simlins atten tively. "He finds you and Judge Harrison in the porch, you talk about the crops and the weather, and he tells you he wants your house. What do you say to him ?" "I tell him I don t sell it to no one but a Simlins nor that neither till I can t live in it no longer myself." " Is that your fault or Judge Harrison s ?" said Mr. Linden, setting the basket of Stoutenburgh Sweetings on the little table in the full light of the lamp. " Miss Faith, if those are sweetenings, they may as well do their office." The farmer sat with his elbows on his knees, touching the tips of his fingers together in thoughtful fashion, and softly blowing the breath through his lips in a way that might have reached the dignity of a whistle if it had had a trifle more of musicalness. " Is them the sort of lessons you give in school ?" he said at length without stirring. " Why ?" said Mr. Linden with a little bit of a smile. "Ingen-uous," said Mr. Simlins. "It s as good as a book. Mrs. Derrick," added he glancing up at the rocking chair, "is Squire Deacon wantin to buy your house ?" " My !" said Mrs. Derrick, again laying down her knit ting, "can t he be content with his own ? I hope he don t want ours," she added, some fear mingling with her sur prise. 64 SAY AND SEAL. "Miss Faith," said Mr. Linden, "do you think if I gave you an apple you would give me a knife ?" "I hope he don t," growled Mr. Simlins as he rose up " I never heerd that he did. Miss Faith them Stouten- burgh Sweetings is good eatin ." Faith after setting a pile of plates and knives on the table, had taken up her stocking again. " Yes Mr. Simlins I know they are." "Then why don t you eat one ?" "I don t want it just now, Mr. Simlins I d rather finish my work." "Work!" said the farmer taking an apple. "Well good evening ! I ll go and look after my work. I guess we ll fix it. There s a sight o work in the world!" With which moral reflection Mr. Simlins departed. "There ll be more work than sight, at this rate," said Mr. Linden when he came back from the front door. "Mrs. Derrick, how many stockings does Miss Faith abso lutely require for one day ?" "Why I don t know sir and I don t believe I ever did know since she was big enough to run about," said Mrs. Derrick, her mind still dwelling upon the house. "Miss Faith, my question stands transferred to you." " Why you know," said Faith, intent upon the motions of her needle, "I might require to mend in one day what would last me to wear a good many and I do." "But, The day is done and the darkness Falls from the wing of night. " " I never mend stockings till then," said Faith smiling over her work. "Are Sam s apples good ?" "By reputation." " I thought you were trying them ! Why you asked me for a knife, Mr. Linden and I brought it." " I m sure I gave you an apple. Perhaps you thought it was a ball of darning cotton." " No, I didn t," said Faith laughing. " Bat what use is my apple to your knife, Mr. Linden ?" " Not much it has served the purposes of trade." " But what is the purpose of trade, Mr. Linden, if the articles aren t wanted ?" SAY AND SEAL. 65 " I see you are dissatisfied with your bargain," he said. "Well, I will be generous you shall have the knife too; ; and Mr. Linden walked away from the table and went up stairs. The parlour was very still after that. Faith s needle, indeed, worked with more zeal than ever, but Mrs. Derrick rolled up her knitting and put it in her basket, sighing a little as she did so : then sat and thought. "Faith, child," she said after a long pause, "do you think the Squire would ever take our house ?" Faith hesitated, and the answer when it came was not satisfactory. "I don t know, mother." Mrs. Derrick sighed again, and leaned back in her chair, and rocked ; the rockers creaking in rather doleful sympa thy with her thoughts. Then an owl on a tree before the door hooted at the world generally, though Mrs. Derrick evidently thought his remarks personal. " I can t think why he should do that to-night, of all nights in the year !" she said, sitting straight up in her chair. " It never did mean good. Faith what should we do if he did ?" this time she meant the Squire, not the owl. " Mother !" said Faith, and then she spoke in her usual tone. " We d find a way." " Well ! " said Mrs. Derrick, rocking back and forth. Then she started up. " We ve got to have biscuits for breakfast, whether or no ! It s good I remembered em !" And she hurried out of the room, coming back to kiss Faith and say, " Don t fret, pretty child, whatever happens. Go to bed ttud to sleep, I ll make the biscuit." And alert and busy ehe left the parlour. Faith s sleep was quiet, but not unbroken. For at that time when all well-disposed people, young or old, are gene rally asleep (in such a well-ordered community as Patta- quasset) it pleased the younger portion of said community to be awake. Yet they were well -disposed and also ill ! For repairing in a body to Mrs. Derrick s house they gave her nine cheers for her lodger, thence departing to Squire Deacon s, they gave him as many groans as he could rea- 66 SAY AND SEAL. sonably want for himself. After which the younger part of the community retired in triumph. It was said, by one adventurous boy, that falling in with Mr. Siralins they impressed him that his voice helped on the cheers, but not the groans : and indeed the whole story needs confirmation. Faith heard the groans but faintly, owing to the dis tance, but the cheers were tremendous. It is painful to add that Joe Deacon was vociferous iu both parties. CHAPTER TIL f 1 HOPE your rest was disturbed last night," said JL Faith rather gaily, as she came in to the breakfast- table with a plate of biscuits and set them down before Mr. Linden. "Thank you! you have reason to be quite satisfied in that respect." " But did you hear them after they left our house ?" " 1 heard them really or in imagination all night, thank you again, Miss Faith and am as sleepy this morning as you can desire." "It wasn t I," said Faith. "Now what notice, Mr. Linden, will you think it proper to take of such a proceeding?" " That was one thing which kept me awake." " But as you are sleepy now, I suppose the point is de cided ?" " You are as quick at conclusions as Johnny Fax," said Mr. Linden smiling, "who always supposes that when I am not using my pen myself I am quite ready to let him have it." " Does he get it ?" "What should you advise ?" "0 Mr. Linden 1" said Faith, "I should advise you to do just what you do I" "Unsound!" he said, "I thought you were a better adviser. But about this matter of the boys I shall pro bably read them a lecture, wherein I shall set forth the risk they run of getting sick by such exposure to the night air; also the danger I am in of being sent away from my pre sent quarters, because ladies prefer sleep to disturbance. Having thus wrought up their feelings to the highest pitch, I shall give them a holiday and come home to dinner." Faith laughed her little low laugh of pleasure ; at least it always sounded so. It might be pleasure at one thing or at another ; but it was as round and sweet a tone of merry or happy acknowledgment, as is ever heard in this world of discordances. (67) (J8 SAY AND SEAL. "But are you really sleepy, sir?" said Mrs. Derrick "I m so sorry! I thought they were doing nothing but good. I never once thought of their waking you up." Mr. Linden laughed too, a little. " I shall get waked up" he said, " in the course of the day. Unless somebody has drugged my coffee." " Judge Harrison was here this morning, Mr. Linden, with a message for you," said Faith. " Mother, will you tell Mr. Linden what Judge Harrison said ?" "I d rather hear you, child, by half," said her mother, with a smile whereon the house cast a little shadow. " Tell him yourself, Faith." And Mrs. Derrick sighed, and took her napkin and rubbed off a spot on the coffeepot. "Judge Harrison came " said Faith, and paused. "And went away" said Mr. Linden. " Yes," said Faith. " He stopped on his way some where, and came into the kitchen to talk to us. He said he would like, if you would like it, he would like to have a great exhibition of the boys he knows about the school, he says, and there hasn t been such a school in Pattaqnas- set since he has been here himself; and he would like to shew it up to the whole town. So if Mr. Linden approved of it, Judge Harrison said, he would have a gathering of all the countryside in some nice place the Judge has plenty of ground and can get anybody else s besides ; and the boys should have a great examination, and after that there should be an entertainment under the trees, for boys and all. And he wanted mother to speak to Mr. Linden, and see whether he would like it. And mother wouldn t," said Faith as she finished. Mr. Linden raised his eyebrows slightly then let them fall and likewise his eyes. Then sent his cup to be re plenished, gravely remarking to Faith that if she had any drugs, she might put them in now ! " What kind of drugs would you like, Mr. Linden ?" said Faith. "Any that are deeply sedative." " Sedative ?" said Faith, with that look whi<-h he often, drew from her, very earnest, half wistful, half sorrow ful, " I don t know what it means, Mr. Linden." " It means," said he, his face relaxing a little, " such aa SAY AND SEAL. 69 diminish the physical energy, without destroying life, such. in short, as might qualify a man for the situation of a tame monkey on a pole." Faith s 1 jok changed to a sort of indignant little glance, and her lips parted ; but they closed again and her eyes went down to her plate. "What were you going to remark, Miss Faith?" Faith blushed a good deal, however the answer came stea dily. " I don t think any drugs would do that for yon." " I am in a bad way, then," said Mr. Linden with un moved gravity. " Because if I survive this trial of what I can bear, I intend to advertise for the afore-named situa tion. Have you heard of any vacant pole, Miss Faith?" Faith looked at him with a grave, considering wonder, which gradually broke into a sense of fun ; and then she laughed, as she did not often laugh Apparently Mr. Linden was well enough pleased with such answer to his words, for he not only made no attempt to stop her, but even remarked that it was good to be of a Sympathizing disposition. The day passed as usual ; only of late it had got to be Faith s habit to spend a good deal of time shut up in her room. It had never been her habit before. But now, after going through her early household duties, of which Faith had plenty, she used to be out of sight often for an hour before dinner; unless when the dinner required just that hour of her attention. Nothing was left behind her to call her down. Her dairy, her bread and cake, her pies and cream-cheeses, her dinner preparations whatever the things might be were all ready for the day s wants; and then Faith was gone. After dinner it was still more surely the same. Yet though all this was true, it was so quietly and unobtrusively true that Mrs. Derrick had hardly ob served it. It happened this afternoon that Faith lingered upstairs, not until teatime, but until she heard her mother call. Reuben Taylor wanted to see her. He was at the gate. " I didn t want to disturb you, Miss Faith. I told Mrs. Derrick so. It s only some clams, which I thought maybe you d like," said Reuben modestly. "I left em in the kitchen." YO SAY AND SEAL. " Thank you, Reuben I like them very much. Do you feel better than you did yesterday?" " Yes, ma am" said Reuben rather slowly, " I felt a great deal better last night." "And to-day don t you ?" "Yes, ma am," Reuben answered as before. " But not so well as last night ? What s the matter, Reuben ?" " Didn t you hear what they did last night, ma am ?" " To be sure I did, but what has made you feel worse to day ?" "Why you know, ma am," said Reuben, "last night I forgot all about everybody but Mr. Linden. But oh Miss Faith ! I just wish you could have been in school to-day for one minute! when Mr. Linden came in! You see," said Reuben, excitement conquering reserve, " the boys were all there there wasn t one of em late, and every one had a sprig of basswood in his hat and in his buttonhole. And we all kept our hats on till he got in, and stood up to meet him (though that we do always) and then we took off our hats together and gave him such a shout ! You know, Miss Faith," added Reuben with a smile both expressive and sweet, "basswood s a kind of linden." " And what did Mr. Linden do ?" said Faith with a smile of her own that very well reflected Reuben s. " He didn t say much," said Reuben, " he looked a good deal." "Well, you foolish boy," said Faith gently, "don t you feel well now, after all that ? What s the matter ?" A heavy, shoe-leathery step came down the street it was Squire Deacon. Reuben knew who it was before the Squire came near, for he flushed up, and for a moment stood with his back resolutely turned towards the gate ; then with an air as resolute, but different, he turned round and bowed as courteously as he knew how far more so than the Squire did to him ; for the combination of Faith and Reuben did not seem to fall pleasantly upon Squire Deacon s organs of vision ; nor indeed could he have quite forgotten last night. "Reuben, come in," said Faith touching his shoulder and smiling, " I want to speak to you. But first answer SAY AND SEAL. fl my question why don t you feel quite well now ? Yon ought, Reuben " " Yes, Miss Faith I know I ought, at least I oughtn t to feel just as I do," Reuben answered. "Mr. Linden told me so to-day." " Then why do you feel so ?" Faith asked with increased earnestness. Reuben coloured and hesitated. " Folks vex me " he said in a low voice. "And and Mr. Linden says I love him too well if I m not willing to let him go when God pleases. And I know it s true but " and Reuben followed Faith into the house without another word. " What do you mean about Mr. Linden s going ?" " Just that, ma am," said Reuben simply. " Because we can t make ourselves feel well by thinking things are going just as we want era to he says that s not strong enough ground to rest on." " But does he talk of going away, Reuben ?" " no 1 Miss Faith I never heard him, he only talked so to me because of what other folks said." "Well," said Faith with a change of tone, "you re a foolish boy. You come and see me whenever you get feel ing bad again. Folks can t hurt Mr. Linden. Now look here Wait a minute, will you 1" Faith ran upstairs; speedily came down again with & little blue-covered book in her hand. " Is this the arithmetic you study ?" she said softly, coming close to him. Reuben took the book with some surprise in his face. "Yes, ma am, this is the one." And he looked up at her as if to ask, what next. " How far have you gone ?" "I am through this now," said Reuben, "but some of the others are here and here." " Then you can tell me," said Faith. She turned over to a certain page, far on in the book too, and putting it into Reuben s hands, said quietly, " I am studying it, and I cannot make anything of this. Do you remember how it was explained ?" " The book s wrong," said Reuben, after a glance at it, V2 SAY AND SEAL. I remember, Miss Faith. See it ought to be so and so "Reuben went on explaining. "All the books we could get here were just like it, and Mr. Linden said if Ue found any more mistakes he would send to Qnilipeak ind get good ones. He shewed us how this ought to >e." " That s it ! said Faith. " Thank you, Reuben. And you needn t tell anybody I asked you about it." Reuben looked a little surprised again, but he said "No, ma am," and made his bow. It was Faith s turn to be surprised then, for stepping into the tea-room .to look at the clock, she found not only the clock but Mr. Linden, the former ticking sundry minutes past teatime, the latter enjoying the sunset clouds and his own reflections, and (possibly) his book. Mrs. Derrick, favouring the atmosphere of the little wood fire, which had burnt itself out to coals and ashes, sat at one corner of the hearth, taking up the stiches round the heel of her stocking ; which precarious operation engrossed her completely. Mr. Linden however looked up, and took in the whole of the little picture before him. Apparently the picture was pleasant, for he smiled. Faith s look was startled. "I am late !" she said with a compunctious glance at the clock. And as soon as it could be made the tea came in "smoking. As Faith took her seat at the table she put her question. " When did you come in, Mr. Linden ?" "About a quarter of an hour before you did." "By which way?" "Why! by the door. It is simpler than the window." The next few seconds seemed to be employed by Faith in buttering bread and eating it, but in reality they were used for carrying on a somewhat hurried calculation of minutes and distances which brought the colour in her cheeks to a hue of pretty richness. " Did I run over anybody in my way ?" asked Mr. Linden. " What gives the question its interest ?" " I had thought you were out," said Faith quietly. " I know a shorter way to the store than you do," said Mr. Linden with equal quietness. SAY AND SEAL. 73 "To the store I" said Faith, eye and lip quite putting quietness out of the question. "Yes, I found your footprints there the other day, and I have been wanting to tell you ever since that it is not anything like so far up to my room. Let me recommend that way to you for the future." Faith s colour was no matter of degrees now, for it rushed over temples and cheek in a flood. And seemed inclined to be a permanency. "There you may take what you like," he went on, with a smile that was both amused and encouraging, "and I shall be none the wiser unless you tell me yourself. If you do tell me, I shall be very glad. Now Miss Faith what shall we do about Judge Harrison ?" Faith hesitated, and struggled perhaps, for it did not seem very easy to speak with that deep flush on her brow; and then she said rather low, "I am not ungrateful, Mr. Linden." " Neither am I but this proposal of his gives me some trouble. I think if he would have all the fun, without any of the shewing oft , it would answer every good purpose and avoid all the bad ones. And if you will intimate as much to your mother, Miss Faith, and persuade her to convey the information to Judge Harrison, it will perhaps be the best way of reply. Of course as trustee he has still the right of doing as he likes." "Mother, do you hear?" said Faith, "or do you want me to repeat it ?" "No, child," said her mother abstractedly; "I didn t hear, to be sure, how should I ? Faith what do you suppose makes Cindy break the noses off all our milk pitchers ?" This was an irresistible question. Faith s own face came back, and during the rest of supper-time she was like her self, only with a shade more than was usual upon her brow and manner. The short September day had little twilight to lengthen it out. The cool western horizon still outshone the setting stars with its clear light, but in the east and overhead others came out, silently, one by one. Mr. Linden, went VOL. I. 7 74 SAY AND SEAL. to take his evening walk, Faith to light the lamp h the parlour, watched and gazed at by her mother th* while. "Child," said Mrs. Derrick, "what makes you stay up stairs so ? I never thought of it till I went to call you to see Reuben but seems to me you are up there a great deal." Faith smiled a little and also looked grave, as she was putting on the shade of the lamp. "Yes, mother" she said, "I am." "What for, pretty child?" said her mother fondly. Faith was pretty, in the look with which she answered this appeal. Her smile dropped its gravity, and only love came in to make the confession. " Mother, I am trying to learn. I want to be wiser." " Learn !" said Mrs. Derrick in utter astonishment, and rousing out of her resting position. " Trying to learn, child ?" " Yes, mother what about it ? I don t know anything ; and I want to know a great deal !" " Why you know everything now !" said Mrs. Derrick. 11 What don t you know, Faith ? / should like to !" Faith smiled. " Mother, I don t krrow anything !" and then she added more brightly, " I ve begun with arithmetic, for one thing." "Arithmetic !" said Mrs. Derrick ; and she paused, and leaned back in her chair, rocking gently to and fro, with a shade of soberness stealing over her face. "You never did have much chance," she said at length, "because I couldn t give it to you then. My heart was broke, Faith, and I couldn t bear to have you out of my sight for a minute. But somehow I thought you knew everything." And she sat still once more, looking at Faith as if trying to reinstate herself in her old opinion. Nor altogether without success ; for with a little smile coming over her face, Mrs. Derrick added, " You won t be any sweeter learn as much as you will, child, you needn t think it ;" and the rockers would have certainly come into play again if Cindy had not opened the door and claimed attention. "I s pose likely you don t want to go down to Widder SAY AND SEAL. 75 Stamp s ?" she said. " Cause she wants you to "come. I m free to confess she s got the high-strikes wonderful." " Mother," said Faith, giving her one or two kisses as Mrs. Derrick rose to prove the contrary of Cindy s supposi tion, " I shall be a great deal happier; and I am getting along nicely." Which sent Mrs. Derrick off in triumph. But when she was gone, Faith did not take her basket of stockings, nor yet her arithmetic ; but sat down by the table with her head in her hands and sat very still. Still, until Mr. Lin den came in, laid one paper on the table at her side, and sat down to read another. Faith s darning-needle came into play then, and worked quick and silently. Mr. Lin den glanced towards it as he laid down his paper. " I see you evaded my question last night," he said, " there could not be such a constant supply, if there were not also a constant demand." "Mr. Linden," said Faith, her colour a little raised and her voice changing somewhat, " I want to ask you some thing if you are not busy about anything." "I am not but you might ask just as freely if I were." "I couldn t," said Faith. She drew her hand out of her stocking and put her thimble on the table. "Mr. Linden," she said without looking at him, "a while ago, when you were speaking of faith and a cloudy day, and I told you I wasn t like that, you said I must read the Bible then, and do what that said. I have been trying to do it." Shading his eyes with his hand, he looked at her as if waiting to hear more. "And I don t understand it," she said. "I don t know how to get on." " Do you mean, with the Bible ? Is it that you do not understand ?" " I don t understand some things I don t know exactly what I ought to do." "In what respect? where is the difficulty? Some things in the Bible you never will understand, perhaps, in this world, and others you must learn by degrees." " I don t understand exactly what makes a Christian and I want to be one." IQ SAY AND SEAL. It was spoken low, and timidly ; but Faith was in earnest Mr. Linden sat silent a minute, without changing his posi tion. "A Christian is one, who trusting in Christ as his only Saviour, thenceforth obeys him as his only King." Faith hesitated and thought. " I don t understand," she said folding her hands, "about the trusting." " Suppose there was something you wanted done too hard for your strength but not for mine, would you know how to trust it in my hands ?" She bowed her head and said, "Yes !" " Suppose I consented to do it only upon condition that for the rest of your life my will and pleasure should be your only rule of action, would the great work still be yours or mine ?" "Why, yours," she said, still looking at him. " Cannot you see Christ standing between God and man, offering his own blood where justice demands ours, and with his perfect righteousness covering our imperfect obedience ? So that God may be just, and yet the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus. Can you apply any words ? Can you see that Christ only is mighty to save ? Are you willing to trust yourself in his hands ?" Faith dropped her eyes for a minute or two, but the lines of her face were changing. "I know what you mean now," she said slowly. "I couldn t see it before." Then with a little smile she went on "Yes, Mr. Linden, I am willing. But what must I do?" " Only believe " he answered. " Do what you say you ai f e willing to do." "But," said Faith, looking at him with a face which certainly spoke her near the little child character which Christians do bear, "there must be something else. I must not be like what I have been. I want to know what I ought to do." "Christ s own words tell you better than I can, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me that is the description of a Christian on earth. And then it follows I give unto them eternal life, and they SAY AND SEAL. 77 shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. " There was silence; and then Faith said, "But how am I to follow him ?" "How did the people do to whom he said those words when he was on earth ?" "I don t know!" " They arose, and left all, and followed him. " "Well, Mr. Linden?" "It is just such a following that we are called to now only that it must be in heart and life instead of actual foot steps. Just so must we rise up from doing our own will and pleasure, fix our eyes upon Christ, and follow him !" "But how are we to know how am / to know," said Faith, "what /ought to do ?" " Study Christ s summing up of the ten commandments, does not that cover the whole ground ? And then do every little duty as it comes to hand. If we are truly ready to do God s will, he will send us work, or if not They also serve, who only stand and wait. " Faith looked an earnest, wistful, sorrowful look at him. "But then," she said, "I don t do anything well how can I know that I am right? You know what you said of the two roads only one led to the shore. I keep think ing of that ever since." "A traveller in the right road," said Mr. Linden, "may walk with very weak and unsteady pace, yet he knows which way his face is set. Which way is yours?" Faith s face was in her hands. But Mrs. Derrick s step just then sounding at the front door, she sprang away before it could reach the parlour. 7 CHAPTER YIIL HHHE decision of Mr. Linden on the school question was J_ duly communicated to Judge Harrison ; and the time fixed was Thursday, the fifth of October. The place chosen, after much care, was the Judge s own house and grounds adjoining, which were spacious enough, and af forded good opportunity for setting tables and also for spreading them. So all that was fixed ; and all Pattaquas- set was a tip-toe ; and Mr. Linden submitted to what he could not help, with as* good a grace as he might. And September was sliding off into October with the gentlest, sunniest, softliest grace. With much the same sort of grace Faith Derrick walked up and down in her mother s household ; from the dairy where she made her butter, to Mr. Linden s room which it was her care to keep in order; and where she might if she chose amuse herself with Mr. Linden s books. If she did, it was unknown to their owner ; he surely found every vol ume lying where he left it. There was chance enough for Faith, in his long absences from the house ; and the books offered temptations. There were a good many of them, stowed in old-fashioned corner and window cupboards ; good editions, in good bindings, and an excellent very choice selection of subjects and authors. There were books in various languages of which Faith could make nothing but sighs ; in her own mother tongue there were varieties of learning and literature enough to distract her. All how ever that the owner could know of other hands about his books, was that there was no dust upon them. Perhaps he had a mind to know more or that there should be more to be known ; for about this time two re markable things happened. One was, that Faith found a little French book ensconced among the stockings in her basket, and the very next morning as Mr. Linden was setting off for school, he stopped at the threshold and inquired (78) SAY AND SEAL. 79 "Miss Faith whereabouts are you in Prescott?" That same colour flushed in Faith s face ; it did not rise to her temples this time, but glowed richly in her cheeks. She looked down and up, and down ; words seemed con founded in their utterance. " You do not mean that you have finished it already ? J> he said with an excellent look of astonishment. " I have almost," said Faith. " Mr. Linden, how could you tell? I don t know what makes me do so !" she said putting both hands to her cheeks, "there s no shame in it." " I didn t suppose there was," he said smiling, and closed the door. Very oddly, in spite of morning duties, Faith s next move was to go to her basket, pull out that little French book and examine it all over inside and out. Not one word of it could she read, not one sign of it did she know ; what was the meaning of its place in lur basket? Faith pon dered that question probably while her cheeks were coming back to their usual tint ; then the book was slipped back again and she hurried away to help her mother with the dishes. " You needn t come, child," said Mrs. Derrick, "what do you think I ll make of such a handful of things as that ? To be sure Cindy s cleaning up to-day, but I m pretty smart, yet. Go off and study arithmetic if you want to. Have you got through that yet ?" "Almost through, mother," Faith answered smiling. "Well why don t you go and finish ? r said her mother. "Mayn t I finish these first?" said Faith, through whose fingers and the towel the cups and saucers slipped with a dexterity that was, to say the least of it, pretty. " Why mother, you were not so keen after arithmetic the other day." "Keen after itl" said Mrs. Derrick, "la, child, I don t pretend to be keen. But I never could bear to see a thing half done, I d rather do it twice over." There was something else running in Faith s mind ; for after abstractedly setting down one after another several saucers, polished from the hot water and huckaback, she 80 SAY AND SEAL. dropped her towel and flung both arms round her mother s neck. " Mother ! there is one thing I want you to do I want you to be a Christian !" There was persuasion in the soft head that nestled against hsr, if Faith s words lacked it. To the words her mother gave no answer, but she re turned the caress with interest; wrapping Faith in her arms, and drawing her down to the next chair, as if liter ally she could not stand that. "Pretty child I" she said and more than one tear fell upon Faith s bright hair, "you re the best child that ever was ! and always were !" "No, mother," said Faith kissing her. "But will you ?" "I don t know 1" said Mrs. Derrick, "that s what your father used to say, Faith, and I used to think I d like to, to please him, but somehow I never did." "Never wished it for your own sake, dear mother ?" "Yes sometimes when I saw him die " said Mrs. Derrick. " Hush child don t say another word to me now, for I can t bear it." And giving Faith an embrace which took off all thought of roughness from her words, Mrs. Derrick rose up and went about her dishes again. And Faith tried to do as much ; but the dropping tears were too fast for her towel ; her hand sought in vain to forbid their coming; she laid down her work and went away. Truth however is always at one with itself, and so is right feeling, and so is duty. Faith as well as her mother had plenty of business on hand that morning ; and it was not long before she was as hard at work in the kitchen as if there were no other interests in the world. There was bread to make. That was done. There was an elaborate chicken pie to concoct for dinner, which Faith would not leave to her mother to-day. There was a certain kind of muffins which Mrs. Derrick suggested Mr. Linden would be upt to like, and which they had never had since he was in Pattaquasset. To hear was to obey, and Faith compounded the muffins. Then fresh yeast must be made, and Faith always did that Let it not be thought that Mrs. Derrick SAY AND SEAL. 81 was idle while thus indicating floury fields of exertion to her daughter. Yery far from it. There was all the house and all the rest of the dinner to see to ; .besides Cindy, who was one woman s work. The butcher was to be met, and farm questions settled with the farmer ; and Mrs. Derrick was still deep in vegetables when Faith quitted the kitchen. How much time she had left for study before dinner it doesn t appear. After dinner, this day, there was small study chance or at least small chance to get books ; for it was Wednesday, and Wednesday was in every Pattaquasset school a half holiday. Indeed that arrangement of tjiings extended beyond the schools ; and on this particular Wednesday, Mrs. Derrick devoted the holiday time to a far-off neighbour declaring that she "felt like a good long walk." And after her departure the dreaminess of a warm fall afternoon set tled down upon the house and its inhabitants. Faith sat sewing by the parlour window, or reading stealthily ; for Mr. Linden with his book sat in the porch not three feet from her ; but it is not too much to say that neither made great progress. Who could read or work or think vigi lantly, in that hazy sunshine ? the very bees took a siesta on the wing, and rocked to and fro in the soft air. About the middle of the afternoon a small white-headed boy was seen revolving down the main street of Pattaquas set. I say revolving for the slight suggestion of a small stone in the road or a spot of particular dustiness was enough to make the boy break the monotony of his walk with a somerset ; by which style of progress he at last ar rived at Mrs. Derrick s door, entered the gate and came up the steps. There he paused and gazed at Mr. Linden. " What is your name ?" inquired that gentleman, with the benevolent idea of setting the boy s thoughts in motion in a straight line. " Charles twelf " replied the boy promptly. " Charles twelfth 1" said Mr. Linden. "Are there eleven more of you ?" The boy put his finger in his mouth but brought forth no answer. "Miss Faith," said Mr. Linden, "are you the planet which has attracted this small star out of its usual orbit ?" 82 SAY AND SEAL. Faith came to the door. "Who are you, little fellow ?" said she, eyeing the dusty white head. "Who be you ?" said the boy. " The centre of your solar system at present," said Mr. Linden. " Is that the way satellites generally ask ques tions ?" " What a queer man I" said the boy looking at Mr. Lin den. " What a queer boy " said that gentleman gravely. " What do you want ?" said Faith, biting her lips and laughing at both of them. The boy gazed at her, but he also gazed at the scraper ! and the attraction of that was irresistible. Down went his white head, and over went his dusty feet, and then Charles twelfth was himself again. "My ma s kep your ma to supper," he said. "And she says you may come too, if you want ter and bring him. We ve got lots o pies." And stimulated by this recollec tion, the boy turned without delay and began his revolu tions homeward. Faith ran down the two or three porch steps and laid hold of the little invader. " Here ! You Charles twelfth ! who are you, and where does your ma live ?" " She lives down to our house." "Where s that?" "Down the woody road " said the boy, "next after you come to Capting Samp s blackberry field. There s sunflowers in front." "Then you are Mrs. Seacomb s boy? Very well," said Faith, letting him go. "Mr. Linden, there is an invitation for you." " Is there a carriage road into Sweden ? or do we walk ?" he replied "Sweden?" said Faith, "it is in the woods, two or three miles from here. A woman lives there the widow of a man that used to sail with my father. My father was captain of a ship, Mr. Linden. Mr. Seacornb was one of his mates, and very fond of him ; and we go to see Mrs. Seacomb once in a while. I don t think, peihaps, you would like it. It s a pretty ride " SAY AND SEAL. 83 That is a kind of ride I do like." "But I don t know whether you would like it all. If you say so, I will have up the wagon." "Thank you that I should not like. I prefer to ha^e it up myself, Miss Faith if you will have up your bonnet." Faith s face gave way at that, and the bonnet and the wagon were up accordingly. The way led first down the high road, bordered with gardens and farms and the houses of the village if village it were called, where the neighbours looked at each other s distant windows across wide tracts of meadow, orchards and grain fields. The road was reasonably dusty, in the warm droughts of September; nevertheless the hedgerows that grew thick in many places shewed gay tufts of autumn flowering ; and the mellow light lay on every wayside object and sober distance like the reflection from a butterfly s wing. Except the light, all changed when they got into the woody road. It was woody indeed ! except where it was grassy ; and woods and grass played hide and seek with each other. The grass-grown road, its thicker grass borders where bright fall flowers raised their proud little heads ; the old fence, broken down in places, where bushes burst through and half filled the gap ; bright hips on the wild rosebushes, tufts of yellow fern leaves, brilliant handfuls of red and yellow which here a maple and there a pepperidge held out over the road ; the bushy, bosquey, look which the uncut undergrowth gave the wood on either hand ; the gleams of soft green light, the bands of shadow, the deeper thickets where the eye looked twice and came back unsatisfied, over all the blue sky, with forest leaves for a border. Such was the woody road that afternoon. Flocks of little birds of passage flitted and twittered about their night s lodging, or came down to feast on wintergreen or cedar berries ; and Mrs. Derrick s old horse walked softly on, as if he knew no one was in a hurry. " With what a glory comes and goes the year !" Mr. Linden said. - And stays all the while, don t it?" said Faith rather timidly and after an instant s hesitation. " Yes, in a sort though to my fancy the other seasons 84 SAY AND SEAL. have rather beauty and splendour, while autumn keeps the glory for itself." "I think it is glorious all the year round," said Faith ; "though to be sure," she added with a sudden check, "per haps I don t use the word right." "Yes, it is glorious, but I think glorious and glory have drifted a little apart upon the tide of human speech. Glory, always seems to my mind a warm, glowing, effulgent thing, but ice-peaks may be glorious. The old painters encircled the heads of their saints with a glory and you could not imagine that a cold light." Faith listened, with the eyes of one first seeing into the world of wonder and beauty hidden from common vision. She did not answer, till her thoughts came back to the road they were travelling, and catching her breath a little she said, "This isn t a cold light." "No, truly. And just so far as the saints on earth walk in a cold light, so far, I think, their light is less glorious." "I don t see how they can," said Faith timidly. "They do sometimes, standing aloof like those ice- peaks. You can* see the white garments, but no glory transfigures them. Such a face as Stephen s, Miss Faith, is worth a journey to see." Faith thought so ; wondered how many such faces he had seen. Her meditations plunged her too deep for words. "What are you musing about? if I may ask," Mr. Linden said presently. She coloured but answered, " I was thinking what one must be, to have a face like Stephen s." " That is the promise, you know from, glory to glory. From grace to glory must come first. What one must be 1 yes, that is it. But it is good to measure the promises now and then." Faith laid that last remark up in her heart, enshrining it in gold, as it were. But she said nothing. "How is it with you?" he said turning his eyes full upon her, "you have not told me lately. Are the clouds all gone ?" Her look met his, wistful, and simple as her answer. SAY AND SEAL. 85 "I see the light through." " Unto the perfect-day !" Mr. Linden said, his smile slight as it was bringing a sort of illumination with it. After a few minutes he turned to her again. " Miss Faith, one whom Christ has called into his army should wear his uniform." "What, sir?" she said, the colour starting readily. "With the private vows of allegiance, there should be also a public profession." "Yes," she said, "I suppose so. I am willing I am ready." Timid, modest, even shrinking as she was, more in view of the subject than of her adviser, her face was as frank as the day. His hand quitted the reins a moment, taking hers and giving it a sort of right-hand- of-fellowship clasp, glad and warm and earnest, as was his look. "I am not going to ask you anymore questions," he said, "you will tell me if there are any you wish an swered." Her " Thank you " was a little breathless. For a while the old horse jogged on in his easy way, through the woods and the fall flowers and the sunny glow; and the eyes of the two travellers seemed to be busy there with. Then Faith said with a little timid touch upon her voice, "Mr. Linden I suppose it was you that put a little green book in my basket last night ?" "Jumping at conclusions again !" he said. "What sort of a little green book was it ?" "I don t know ! I suppose you can tell me." "Do you suppose I will ?" "Why not? What did you expect me to do with it, Mr. Linden ?" "Find out what sort of a book it is." "You know I can t read a word of it," said Faith rather low. " Look at that old house," said Mr. Linden. They were passing a cleared field or two, one of which seemed yet under cultivation and shewed corn stalks and pumpkin vines, but the other was in that poverty-stricken state described by the proverb as I once had. The house VOL. 1. 8 86 SAY AND SEAL. was a mere skeleton. Clapboards, indeed, there were and shingles ; but doors and windows had long since been removed by man or Time, and through the open spaces you could see here a cupboard door, and there a stairway, and there a bit of partition wall with its faded high-coloured paper. No remnant of furniture no rag of old clothes or calico ; but in the dooryard a few garden flowers still strug gled to keep their place, among daisies, thistles and bur docks. The little field was bordered with woodland, and human voice or face there was none. The sunbeams which shone so bright on the tinted trees seemed powerless here ; the single warm ray that shot through one of the empty window frames fell mournfully on the cold hearthstone. "Yes," said Faith. " I don t know who ever lived there. It has stood so a good while." The road grew more solitary still after that, passing on where the trees came close upon either hand, and arched their branches overhead, casting a deep and lonely shadow. The flowers dwindled, the briars and rank grass increased. "As to Le Philosophe sous les toits, Miss Faith, "said Mr. Linden, touching the horse with his whip, "there are just two things to be said. In the first place with the help of another book or two which are not beyond reach you may make his acquaintance quite comfortably by your self. In the second no, I shall not tell you the second, that you may find out by yourself too. There is Charles twelfth and all his subjects one might judge." For on Captain Samp s blackberry hill albeit black berries were bygone things a troop, a flock of children were scattered up and down, picking flowers. Golden rod and asters and moonshine, tilled the little uot-too-clean hands, and briars and wild roses combed the unkempt hair somewhat roughly. Whiteheaded youngsters all of them, looking (but for small patterns of blue calico and nankeen) not unlike a drove of little pigs. Next appeared an imposing array of sunflowers, below which prince s feather waved in crimson splendour, and the little brown capital of Sweden stood revealed. Or I should say, par tially ; for the house stood in the deepest corner of the shade, just where the road took a sharp turn towards the sunlight ; and Mr. Linden alighted and tied his horse to SAY AND SEAL. 81 a tree, with little fear that anything would happen to him unless the darkness put him to sleep. " Charles twelfth has the best of it just now, Miss Faith," ne said as he opened the gate for her. "Why do people build houses where they cannot see the sun !" They were met at the door by Mrs. Seacomb. Do tell !" she said "why if this aint you I But what made you come so late ? and how slow your horse did come when he was about it. I ve been watchin you this age. Well Faith I declare you re as pretty as a posie 1 And this is the teacher I s pose Guess likely you haint been down this way afore, sir, it s a good ways, and the road s lone some, but it s a fine place when you re here so retired and shady." All Mr. Linden s command of countenance only enabled him to answer the last remark with a strong affirmative. "Yes sir," said Mrs. Seacomb, "it is; and there s a good many of the trees is evergreens, so the shade never goes off. I do s pose, if I could keep the children more to home they wouldn t get nigh so brown as they do ; but if I was to run out in the lot and whip em home every half hour they d be back again afore I could count one. Now Genevievy she does stay round under the trees a good deal, but then she s fond of flowers. She ll be real glad to see you Faith, and so ll your mother" and Mrs. Seacomb at last got her visiters into the parlour. The parlour was as brown as the rest of the house. The visiters had not time to remark more particularly; for their attention was claimed by a tall girl of about Faith s age, with a loosely built, strong jointed frame, in as marked contrast as possible to the clean outline and soft angles of the other. She shook hands very cordially with Faith, but made a reverence to the teacher. " Won t you take a chair, sir," she said, setting one for the gentleman. "Aint it an age since we ve looked at you, Faith ! Your mother s been here a long spell. Ma wax proud to see her come it. You haint been here, seems to me, ever befor.e 1" " How do you do, Genevieve ?" " I m respectable well. Can t do nothin uncommon, you know, down in this eclusion. I guess it s as good to see 88 SAY AND SEAL. company as blackberries. We don t get it though. I hope you don t mind a lonely sitiwation, sir?" The last words with deep gravity and a bending head. "It agrees well with a contemplative mind," replied the gentleman, resolving that the young lady should not talk high english alone. "It does!" said Genevieve admiringly, taking him all in with her eyes. "There is always something to look at to make you contemplate. Then you don t think it an objection, sir, to live so far away from society as this ?" "I have lived further away from society than this," said Mr. Linden. " I have seen regions of country, Miss Sea- comb, where you could not even hear of anybody but your self." " I declare ! And war n t it awful still, sir ?" " It was beautiful, still," said Mr. Linden. "1 reckon it was !" At this juncture Charles twelfth made his appearance, and Mr. Linden at once turned to him " Well sir how are the Turks ?" To which Charles twelfth, being taken much by surprise, replied, "They re pretty well." "Genevievy," said her mother, "if you ll make your self agreeable, I ll go hurry tea afore the rest of the chil dren comes. They will all come to table, and there s so many." And Mrs. Derrick as in duty bound, followed her to help. " I ll go tell em !" said Charles twelfth as Mrs. Seacomb went out. "No you will not" said Mr. Linden, "you will not go out of the house again till I give you leave. Why don t you come to Sunday school and learn to behave yourself ?" " What else ?" said Charles twelfth. "What else!" said Mr. Linden, "that will take you some time. Afterwards you will learn all the lessor. s your teacher gives you." "Who ll he be?" said Charles twelfth coming a little nearer. " You ?" "No indeed," said Mr. Linden, "I have quite enough SAY AND SEAL. 89 to do now. I dare say this lady will take you into her class if you ask her politely." It was worth while to see Faith s face now, for the little stir and the flush and the sweet gravity that was in it. Not so much as a glance went to Mr. Linden, but leaning forward towards the young enemy of Peter the Great, she said in her sweet tones, " Will you come ?" Charles twelfth looked up at her rather earnestly, though his finger was in his mouth the while ; and then having ended his scrutiny gave a grave little nod of assent, and moved round and stood at her side. " Look here," said Faith, " don t you want to shew me how the sunflowers grow in your garden ?" " They hain t mine " said Charles twelfth. " I ll shew you my house if he ll let me go." That difficulty being got over, Charles twelfth trotted out of the front door, and on through the long grass, to a re markable edifice of clam shells, broken earthenware, moss and corn cobs, which was situated close by the fence. Faith commented and asked questions, till she had made herself slightly familiar to the young woodsman s mind ; and then it was agreed that he should come Sunday morn ing bright and early to Mrs. Derrick s and he and Faith would go to Sunday school together. By the time this arrangement was thoroughly entered into, the summons came to tea. " Now do just set down and make yourselves at home," said Mrs. Seacomb, " and eat as if you were home too. Faith," she added in a good sized whisper " I did like to forgot all about it! and your mother could have telled me, too, but you ll do just as well, does he always take cold pork and potatoes to his supper ?" Faith s eyes involuntarily opened ; then as the meaning of this appeal broke upon her she answered with a very decided "No, ma am." " Cause we ve got some handy," Mrs. Seacomb said. "Now Mr. Simpson, he staid with us a spell, and he couldn t do without it if I had pound cake and plum cake and mince pie for supper, it made no differ and if there warn t but one cold potato in the house it made none 8* 90 SAY AND SEAL. either ; he wanted that just the same. To be sure he was easy suited. And I didn t know but all school teachers was the same way. I never had much experience of em. Genevievy -just lock the front door and then the children can t get in, the back door is locked. I do take to peace and quiet !" " Is Charles twelfth much like his brothers and sisters, ma am ?" said Mr. Linden. " Well no " said Mrs. Seacomb, dealing out blackberry jam, " he always was an uncommon child. The rest s all real sponsible, but there s none of em alike but Americus Yespucus. It s fresh, Faith the children picked the blackberries in Captain Samp s lot. Charles twelfth does act sometimes as if he was helped. I thought he took a turn awhile ago, to behave like the rest but he s reacted." And having emptied the dish of jam Mrs. Seacornb began upon the cheese. " Which is Americus ?" said Faith. "Is he older or younger than Charles twelfth Mrs. Seacomb ?" "Well he s older," said Mrs. Seacomb; "that s him," she added, as a loud rattling of the back door was followed in an incredibly short space of time by a similar rattling at the front, after which came the clatter of various sticks and clods at the window. " I guess you won t care about seem him nearer," said Mrs. Seacomb, stirring her tea composedly. " Only don t nobody open the door I do love peace and quiet. They won t break the window, cause they know they d catch it if they did." " Children is a plague, I do s pose," remarked Genevieve. " Is your tea agreeable, sir ?" Which question Mr. Linden waived by asking another, and the meal proceeded with a peace and quietness which suited no ideas but Mrs. Seacoinb s. At last tea was over; the ladies put on their bonnets again, and the old horse being roused from his meditations, the party set for ward on their pleasant way home. Doubly pleasant now, for the sun was just setting; the air was fresher, and the glow of the sunset colours put a new glory upon all the colours of earth. And light aad shadow made witching work of the woody road as long as SAY AND SEAL. 91 the glow lasted. Then the colours faded, the shadows spread ; grey gathered where orange and brown had been ; that glory was gone ; and then it began to be shewn, little by little, as the blue also changed for grey, that there is "another glory of the stars." And then presently, above the trees that shaded Mrs. Seacomb s retreat, the moon rose full and bright and laid her strips of silver under the horse s feet. Were they all exhausted with their afternoon s work ? or was this shifting scene of colour and glory enough to busy their minds ? Mr. Linden found his way along the road silently, and the two ladies, behind him seemed each to be wrapped in her own thoughts; and moonlight and star light favoured that, and so on they jogged between the shadowy walls of trees tipped and shimmering with light, and over those strips of silver on the road. Out of the woods at last, on the broad, full-lit highway; past one farm and house after another, lights twinkling at them from the windows ; and then their own door with its moon lit porch. The old horse would stand, no fear; the reins were thrown over his back, and the three went in together. As Mrs. Derrick passed on first and the others were left be hind in the doorway, Faith turned and held out her hand. "Thank you, Mr. Linden !" she said softly. He took the hand, and inquired gravely, "whether she was taking leave of him for the rest of his natural life ?" Faith s mood had probably not been precisely a merry one when she began ; but her low laugh rung through the nail at that, and she ran in. CHAPTER IX. MR. SIMLINS stood on his doorstep and surveyed such portion of his fair inheritance as his eye could reach from that point. Barns and outhouses already in good order, Mr. Simlins favoured with a mental coat of paint ; fences were put up and gate-posts renewed, likewise in imagina tion. Imagination went further ; and passed from the stores of yellow grain concealed by those yellow clapboards, to the yellow stubble-fields whence they had come; so that on the whole Mr. Simlins took rather a glowing view of things, considering that it was not yet sunrise. The cloud less October sky above his head suggested only that it would be a good day for digging potatoes, the white frost upon the ground made Mr. Simlins guess it was about time to be lookin after chestnuts. The twitter of the robins brought to mind the cherries they had stolen, the exquisite careering of a hawk in the high blue ether, spoke mourn fully of a slaughtered chicken : the rising stir of the morning wind said plainly as a wind could (in its elegant language) that if it was goin to blow at that rate, it would be plaguey rough goin after round clams. With which reflection, Mr. Simlins turned about and went in to his early breakfast of pork and potatoes, only, as he was not a teacher, they were hot and not cold. Thus pleasantly engaged discussing his breakfast, Mr. Simlins was informed by one of his help, that a boy wanted to see him. Which was no uncommon occurrence, for all the boys about Pattaquasset liked Mr. Simlins. "Just as lieves see him as not," said Mr. Simlins "if he don t want my breakfast. Come in, there, you 1" And Dromy Tuck presented himself. " Early bird catches the worm, " said Mr. Simlims. "Don t want my breakfast, Dromy, do you?" "Had mine afore I started," replied Dromy. "But the thing s here. Mr. Linden says as how we wants your nuts off o them trees over to Neanticut and he says if SAY AND SEAL. 93 you don t want era, why it ll fit, he says. And if you do, why you may keep era that s all." " What s Mr. Linden goin to do with the nuts, s pos n he gets em ?" "He aint agoin to get em," said Droiny "it s us ; us and him. You see we did somethin to please him, and so now he said as how he d like to do somethin to please us, if he only kuowed what it was. And there wa n t a boy of the hull on em as didn t say he d rather go after nuts than any other livin thing whatsomedever." "And now I s pose you re askin for them particular nuts to please me. It s a round game we re on," said Mr. Simlins. " How re you goin to get to Neanticut ? same way Jack went up his bean ? won t pay." " He didn t tell "said Dromy. "He don t say every thing to oncet, commonly." " When you goin ?" " Don know, sir. Mr. Linden said as how we d better go afore the nuts did. And Saturday aint fur off." " Saturday well ! You tell Mr. Linden, if he ll send Reuben Taylor here Saturday morning, he can take the big wagon ; it ll hold the hull on ye, and I guess I ll do with out the team ; and if he wants to go into the old house and make a lire in case you want something to eat afore you get home, there s not a soul in it and no wood nother but you can pick it up; and I ll give Reuben the key. Now don t you splice the two ends o that together by the way. " Great was the stir in a certain stratum of Pattaquasset that day ! Many and startling were the demands for pies, cheese, and gingerbread, to be answered on the ensuing Saturday. Those good housewives who had no boys at school or elsewhere, thought it must be real good fun to help them get ready for such a frolic, those who had boys wished they had none ! As to the rest, the disturb ance spread a little (as disturbances are wont) "from its proper sphere of action. Two boys even invaded Mrs. Derrick s peaceful dwelling, and called down Faith from conquering Peru. These were Reuben Taylor and Joe Deacon ; for Joe with a slight variation of the popular adage, considered that once a scholar, always a scholar. 94 SAY AND SEAL. Reuben seemed inclined on his part to leave the present business in Joe s hands, but a sharp nudge from that young gentleman s elbow admonished him not only to speak but to speak quickly. Reuben modestly preferred his modest request, guiltless of any but the most innocent arrangement of his words. " We boys are all going over to Neanticut nutting, next Saturday, Miss Faith," he said, "and we thought as Mr. Linden was going, maybe you d like to go too and we d all enjoy it a great deal more." "There -aint room in the wagon," put in Joe "but I s pose you kin fix that." "Joe!" said Reuben flushing up. "There s plenty of room, Miss Faith there isn t one of us that wouldn t find it, somehow. I could walk easy enough, I know that." Faith flushed up too on her part a little, unconsciously; and asked who else was going. "Sam aint" said Joe, as if that was all he cared about. " Only the boys, Miss Faith," said Reuben with another glance at his comrade. " But it s a pretty place over there, and so s the ride. There s room for Mrs. Derrick too if she d like it," Reuben added, "I suppose we shall be gone all day." "It s very good of you to come and ask me, both of you," said Faith, evidently in perplexity; "and I should like to go dearly if I can, Reuben but I am afraid I can t. I am glad if the wagon s big enough to hold you all without me. You ll have a great time." "You may say that I" said Joe while Reuben looked down, disappointed. "We didn t know whether you would," he said "but Mr. Linden said you wouldn t be displeased at our asking. We asked him first, Miss Faith or we shouldn t have made so free. And you shall have some of the nuts, anyway !" A littTe cheered with which view of the subject, Reuben made his bow, and Joe Deacon whistled after him out of the gate. Faith looked after them, disappointed too. There was a grave set of the lines of her mouth, and it was with rather a thoughtful face that she looked down the road for a min- SAY AND SEAL. 95 nte. Then remembering the volume of Prescott in her hand, which her finger still kept open, she went up stairs again and set herself down to finish her treasure. Faith s reading- place, it must be known, was no other than a deep window- seat in Mr. Linden s room. That was a large, old-fashioned room, as has been said, with brown wainscottings and cornei and window cupboards ; and having on two sides a pleasant exposure, the light generally made it a winsome place to look at. Now, in this October weather, it came in mellow and golden from a softened sun and changing foliage ; the brown wood and white walls and dark old furniture and rich bindings of books, all mingled in the sunlight to make a rich sunny picture. There were pictures outside too and pleasant ones. From the south window, straight down the street, the houses and trees and the brown spire of the Methodist church stretched away roofs and $a*ble ends and the enormous tufty heads of the elm trees that half hung over them. At the back of these houses, the eye went uninterruptedly over meadows and fields to the belt of woods which skirted at a little dis tance the line of the shore from the Lighthouse to Barley Point here and there a break through which a schooner might be seen standing up or down the Sound ; elsewhere only its topsails might be discerned above the woods. The western window took in the break where Barley Point lay ; and further on in the southwest a distant glimpse of the Sound, with the little brown line of Monongatesak Point. The lane leading to the shore ran off due west, with houses, gardens, orchards, bordering it and spotting the country generally. A fair country level and rich all the range west and northwest was uninterrupted smooth fields; the eye had full sweep to the wide horizon ; the dotting of trees, barns and houses, only enriched it, giving the sweet air of peaceful and happy occupation. Faith s place was the deep low sill, or seat, of that west ern window. There often Faith s book rested, while on the floor before it the reader sat. This time the book was near finished, and a few more leaves turned over changed the near into quite . Faith stood then considering the books. The name of Prescott on another volume had tempted her, for she had taken it down and considered the title pagej 96 SAY AND SEAL. before settling to it, Faith laid her hand on one of another set not yet much examined; a set of particular outside beauty. But what was the inside ? For Faith stood by the cupboard door, not looking here and there, but leaf by leaf walking into the middle of the book. Faith rested the volume on the shelf arid turned over more leaves; and at last dropped down by her window seat, laid the book there, put her cheek on her hand as usual, a cheek already flushed, and lost herself in the very beams of the afternoon sun. It might have been a dream, it might have been a vision (only that vision it was not) it might have been reality ; wrapped up in her book, what should Faith know ? Yet when some crisis was turned over with the leaf, and the real world began to supplant the unreal, Faith started up and looked round. Had she heard a step ? a rustling of paper on the table ? The door was firmly shut, the shadowy cor ner near by had lost the sunbeams, but w~as else unchanged ; the table looked just as before unless Had there been a letter lying there when she came in ? Faith never could tell. The door opened now, however, and Mrs. Derrick en tered peering in somewhat anxiously. "Why here you are, pretty child !" she said, " I began to think you were lost ! Mrs. Somers has been here, and so s Miss Harrison, and they wanted to see you ever so much. I don t think that s a good cheese we cut last night, Faith, I guess I ll cut another." Faith was an image of innocent guilt ; and without daring to ask if it was tea-time, she ran down stairs. Her mother followed and stood by, not with any thought of overseeing but for the pleasure thereof. "Well child," she said, "are you learning all the world up? What s in the oven now?" " Don t you think that is good ?" The question had reference to the freshly cut cheese, of which Faith presented her mother with a small morsel. Mrs. Derrick tasted critically, but the first topic was the most interesting. " What s made your cheeks burn ?" she said laying her hand softly against the rose-colour. " If you re going to study yourself into a fever, Faith, fm not going to stand by and see it." SAY AND SEAL. 97 " No fear, mother. I forgot myself. Is Mr. Linden come : n ?" " He must be he always is by this time. Miss Harrison says the Doctor s got back, Faith." Faith took up her cheese and walked in with it. The tea-table stood alone. But the tea hour being come, and Mr. Linden known to be surely there within five minutes of the tea hour, the tea was made and not a minute too soon. Faith was not on this occasion talkative, nor anybody else. The meal proceeded rather silently. Spoons spoke in low tones, knives made themselves busy; and Cindy put her head in at the door and withdrew it with the mental ejaculation, " My I if they baint settin there yet !" At this point Mr. Linden spoke. "And so, Miss Faith, you have no fancy for nuts to crack ?" Faith flushed a little and hesitated. " I didn t say so, Mr. Linden." " Have you any dislike to Neanticut ?" " Not the least," she said laughing. " I dare not go further, and inquire as to the company. Don t you know how to drive, Miss Faith ?" "And what if I do ?" said Faith. " Is there any insuperable objection to your driving Mrs. Derrick over to Neanticut Saturday morning ? It would be so comfortable to know there were people there and fires in case it was a cold morning," said Mr. Linden demurely. " I could send Reuben with you, and the key." " that s good !" cried Faith clapping her hands. " Mother, will you go ?" " Why don t I always, just where you want me to, child ?" said her mother. " I should like to go to Neanticut, be sides. I haven t been there this long while. But I guess you and I can open the house, Faith, without Reuben Taylor." "After all, Mr. Linden," said Faith, " there is a great objection to my driving mother over there, because she li drive me." " There is a great objection to your opening the hou-a.- for Reuben has the key or will have it ; and keys you VOL. i. 9 98 SAY AND SEAL. know, are matters of trust, and not transferable. I don t know but Mr. Simlins would make an exception- in your favour, but 1 shall riot ask him." " I am glad to have Reuben along," said Faith. "And I suppose we must take our dinner with us, Mr. Linden ?" " I have no doubt there will be dinner enough from other quarters," he answered, "but how much of it will be like Mrs. Seacornb s tea I cannot say. I think it would be safe to take a very little basket such as would suffice for two ladies " " with Reuben we can manage nicely," said Faith joy ously. He looked at her pleased with her pleasure. "Don t make any grand preparation for me," he said, "you know I must eat in commons for the same reason that I cannot offer to drive you over." " Does that mean that you will have to take a piece out of everybody s basket?" "As near as possible !" Faith shook her head, but made no further remark. Early Saturday morning, before any other steps had brushed the dew from the grassy roadside, Reuben Taylor was on his way from the rocky coast point where he lived to- the smooth well-ordered abode of Mr. Simlins. Receiv ing from that gentleman the key of the old house at Nean- ticut, and having harnessed the horses to the big wagon under his special directions, Reuben drove down to the village, put horses and wagon in safe keeping, and reported himself at Mrs. Derrick s. All things there being in readi ness, that small turnout was soon on its way ; leaving Mr. Linden to look after his own much larger consignment. And despite the presence of Reuben Mrs. Derrick chose to drive; because, as she said, "when she had the reins in her own hands, she knew which way the horse was going." The road for awhile went on towards Mrs. Seacomb s, but passing the turn into the woods kept on its uneven way to the ferry. The natural hedges all glittering with dew shewed little colour but in the leaves. The fair clethra and the sweet clematis had ended their short reign and were gone, and high-coloured sumachs flamed out in insurrection. Now the country became more hilly, and where the eastern portion of Pattaquasset lay close upon the Mong, the road SAY AND SEAL. 99 went down by a succession of steep pitches to its shore Then the road ran on through a sort of half drained marsh varied in its course by holes and logs and a little bridge, a-nd then they were at the ferry. Now the ferry between Pattaquasset and Neanticnt was and is, as I trust it will always be propelled by wind power. No plodding horses to distract one s eyes from the surround ing peace, no puffing steam to break with its discord the sweet rush of the water, but a large, flat-bottomed boat, a white sail, and a Yankee steersman. The only evil attend ant upon these advantages is, that the establishment cannot be upon both sides at once and that the steersman, like other mortals, must take his dinner. This time it happened to be breakfast; for having been much interrupted and called for at the hour when he should have taken that refresh ment, long Tim declared "he would have it now, and no mistake !" The little fact that two ladies were waiting for him on the other side, did not in the least affect his appetite or his deliberation. " Faith," said her mother when they had waited about a quarter of an hour, "if tother wagon should catch up we shouldn t get there first !" Faith laughed and said, "Well, mother!" "Well, child," said her mother cheerfully, while Reuben waved fresh signals to the obdurate ferryman, " I m sure I ioii t mind, if you don t." "He s coming out now!" said Reuben, "or his wife is and that s just as good." And so it appeared ; for a short vision of a red petticoat and blue jacket on the other bank, was followed by the ferry man himself, the white sail rose up above the little boat, and she floated smoothly over. Then Mrs. Derrick drove carefully across the boat bridge, and long Tim pushed off into the stream. How pretty it was ! the winding river above, with its woody banks, and villages, and spires ; and its broader bends below, towards the Sound. They were about midway in the stream when Reuben suddenly cried out "Look, Miss Faith!" And there came the great wagon, at not the slowest possible rate, over the long marsh road. 100 SAY AND SEAL. The first sight of the ferryboat and her freight was the signal for a simultaneous shout from the whole wagon load which long Tim took for a summons to himself. " Taint no sort o use hollerin like that," he said, with a little turn of his steering oar ; " cause I aint a goin back till I get somewheres to go back from nor then neither mabbe. I kin count dollars whar they kint count cents, neow." And neow the little wagon was beyond pursuit, up the hill from the ferry, on over the farm road, drove Mrs. Derrick somewhat at the quickest ; until the old unten- anted house rose just before them, and Reuben sprang down to take the reins and help the ladies out It was a pleasant old "farmhouse that, in spite of its de serted condition. They went to the kitchen, bright with windows looking out to grass fields and trees. Mrs. Der rick stood at open door and window, recalling scenes and people she remembered there, or watching for the big wagon to make its appearance ; while Reuben arid Faith went to the outhouses, and finally by dint of perseverance found a supply of wood in an old rotten tumbled-down fence. Mrs. Derrick proclaimed that the wagon was com ing, as the foragers returned ; but there was a splendid blaze going up chimney before the aforesaid conveyance drew up at the door, and the whole first party turned out to see it unload. The wagon was unloaded in the twinkling of an eye ; then came rummaging for baskets ; then so many boys and so many baskets hopped and hummed round, like a little bevy of wasps with nothing at least of the bee business- character about them. " Mr. Linden, be we going to stop here ?" " Is here where the trees be, Mr. Linden ?" " Mr. Linden, Joe Deacon aint behaving nohow !" " Mr. Linden, will we leave our baskets and come back to the house ? or will they be to go along ?" inquired a more sober tongue. While others were giving their opinion in little asides that it was prime and fust-r.ate and arguing the com parative promise of chestnut and hickory trees. And one of the bigger boys of the party, not distinguished for his SAY AND SEAL. ., ;0; general good qualities, sidling up to Reuben, accosted him under breath with a sly, " So you druv Mr. Linden s sweetheart. Aint you spry 1" If Reuben had been in that line, he would probably have sent the offender head first down the bank, as it was, he said quietly, " I wouldn t let Mr. Linden hear me say that, Phil, if I was you." "Don t mean ter. Aint you great! But I say, Joe Deacon says you did." " Joe Deacon s made a mistake for once in his life," said Reuben rather contemptuously " and it isn t the first, by several." " Reuben," said Mr. Linden approaching the group, " you may all go and find where the best trees are, and then come back and report to me. I put you in charge. Under stand" he added, raising his voice a little, " Reuben Tay lor is leader of the search whoever does not obey his orders, does not obey mine." And in a minute the court yard was clear. Then Mr. Linden turned and walked up to the house. " Now what are you ladies going to do with yourselves ?" lie said. " Will you come out and sit under the trees and look on taking the chance of being hit by a stray nut now and then ?" " We can t go wrong to-day," said Faith, with whom the spirit of enjoyment was well at play. "When mother feels in the mood of it we ll come. We can find you we know where to look. Weren t you obliged to us for doing the waiting at the ferry ?" "And for looking so picturesque in the distance, it was quite a thing to be grateful for. I think you will have no difficulty in finding where we are there will be noise enough to guide you. I hope you have not brought a book along, Miss Faith." " Why, Mr. Linden ?" " The running brooks are good letter-press," he said " and the grey stones, and that white oak in the meadow. And is not that woodpecker a pretty illustration ?" " I have looked at them often," said Faith. " I don t AND SEAL. know- how to read them as you do. There isn t any brook here, though, that I know of, but Kildeer river. You ll like Neanticut, Mr. Linden. I m so glad you let us come. I ll read everything that I can." " I don t know how long everything ll last you, child at the rate you ve gone on lately," said Mrs. Derrick who stood in the doorway. Faith smiled again, and shook her head a little at the same time as her eye went from the woodpecker to the green leaves above his head, then to the bright red of some pepperidge trees further off, to the lush grass of the meadow, and on to the soft brownish, reddish, golden hues of distant woodland. Her eye came back as from a book it would take long to read thoroughly. " I am so glad it is such a day !" she repeated. " I see my boys are coming back," Mr. Linden said, with a smile which hardly belonged to them, " I must go and get their report. Au revoir, Miss Faith." And he went forward into the midst of the little swarm so manageable in his hands, so sure to sting anybody else. " Child," said Mrs. Derrick, looking over Faith s head from her more elevated position of the door-sill (looking at it too); " Child, why don t you get " and there, for the first and last time in her life, Mrs. Derrick stopped short in the middle of a sentence. "What, mother?" But Mrs. Derrick replied not. " What do you want me to get, mother ?" " I don t know as I want you to get anything, child you ve got enough now for me. Not that he wouldn t like it, either," said Mrs. Derrick musingly "because if he wouldn t, / wouldn t give much for him. But I guess it s just as well not." And Mrs Derrick stroked her hand fondly over Faith s head, and told her that if she stood out there without a bonnet she would get sunburnt. " But mother !" said Faith at this enigmatical speech, " what do you mean ? Who wouldn t like what ?" " What does it signify, child ? since I didn t say it ?" "But mother," persisted Faith gently, "what had I better get that I haven t ?" " I don t know as you had better get it, child and I 9* SAY AND SEAL. * 103 never said he wouldn t like it, I m sure," said Mrs. Derrick with a little self-vindication. " Who, mother?* Why nobody," said Mrs. Derrick," who s talking of anybody ?" " Dear mother," said Faith, " don t you mean to tell me what you mean ?" "I guess it s just as well not," her mother repeated. " The fact that he d like it don t prove anything." Faith looked at her, coloured a little, laughed a little, and gave up the point. The morning passed on its pleasant way in quietness ; at least with the old farmhouse and its two occupants. Mrs. Derrick was not without her knitting, and having come from the door sat comfortably click-clacking her needles together and her thoughts too perhaps before the cheer ful blaze of the fence sticks. -Faith had a book with her a little one with which she sat in the kitchen doorway, which looked towards the direction the nut party had taken; and apparently divided her attention between that volume and the one Mr. Linden had recommended. For she looked down at the one and looked off at the other by turns, in a sort of peaceful musing and note-taking, alto gether suited to the October stillness and beauty. Now and then she got up to replenish the fire. And then the beauty and her musing got the better of the reading, and Faith sat with her book in her hand, looking out into the dream-provoking atmosphere. No sound came from the far-off nut trees ; the crickets and grasshoppers and katy dids alone broke the stillness of the unused farm. Only they moved, and the wind-stirred leaves, and the slow- creeping shadows. When these last were but an hour s length from the tree stems, Faith proposed an adjournment to the nut trees before the party should come back to lunch. The fire was mended, the pot of coffee put on to warm ; and they locked the door and set out. It was not hot that day, even under the meridian sun. They crossed an orchard, and one or two farm fields, on the skirts of which grew single trees of great beauty. White oaks that had seen hundreds of years, yet stood in as fresh 104 SAY AND SEAL. and hale green youth as the upstart of twenty ; sometimes a hemlock or a white pine stretching its lithe branches far and wide and generously allowed to do so in despite of pasture and crops. Then came broken ground, and beyond this a strip of fallow at the further border of which stood a continuous wall of woodland, being in fact the crest of the bank of the little river Faith had referred to. And now, and truly for one or two fields before, the shouts and cries of the nut-hunters rang through the air. For just edging, and edging into, the border of trees last spoken of, were the great chestnuts and hickories ; awd underneath and among them many little dark spots were flying about ; which spots, as Mrs. Derrick and Faith came up, enlarged into the familiar outlines of boys caps, jackets, and trowsers, and ran about on two legs apiece, CHAPTER X. rpHE two ladies paused at a safe distance, there seemed 1 to be nothing but boys astir boys and nuts; and these last not dropping from the tree, but thrown from hand to hand (hand to head would be more correct) of the busy throng. Some picking up, some throwing stones to bring down, others at some flat stone shucking, others still filling their baskets. And four boys out of five, cracking and eating whatever else they were about. The grass, trodden down by the many feet, lay in prostrate shadow at the foot of the great tree ; and the shadows of other trees fell and met in soft wavy outline. From the side of one old tree a family of grey squirrels looked out, to see the besiegers lay waste the surrounding country; in the top of another a tall hickory, full clad with golden leaves, Mr. Linden sat to view the same country himself; well knowing that he had fiven the boys full occupation for at least fifteen minutes. [e was not very visible from below, so thickly did the gold leaves close him in ; but Faith heard one of the boys call out, "You Johnny Fax! if you throw stones in that tree, you ll hit Mr. Linden." " Trust Johnny Fax for not never throwin so high as he is," said Joe Deacon. " I don t want to " said Johnny Fax " I don t want to fetch him down." Whereupon there was a general shout, and "Guess you d better not, Johnny !" " He might come, if you didn t just hit him," vociferated from various quarters. " My!" Mrs. Derrick said, surveying the golden hickory, " how on earth did he ever get up ? And how do you s pose, Faith, he ll ever get down !" Faith s low laugh was her only answer ; but it would have told, to anybody who could thoroughly have translated it, Faith s mind on both points Apparently he was in no haste to come down certainly (106) 106 SAY AND SEAL. meant to send the nuts first ; for a sudden shower of hickory nuts and leaves swept away every boy from the tree near which Faith and her mother stood, and drew them all into its vortex. Drop, drop, the nuts came down, with their sweet patter upon the grass; while the golden leaves fell singly or in sprays, or floated off upon the calm air. " Child," said Mrs. Derrick, "how pretty it is ! I haven t seen such a sight since since a long while ago," she added with a sobering face. "I want to be there under the tree," said Faith looking on enviously. "No mother and I haven t seen it before in a long time, either. It s as pretty as it can be !" "Run along then, child," said her mother, "only take care of your eyes. Why shouldn t you ? I don t want to pick up nuts myself, but I ll go down and pick you up." Faith however kept away from the crowd under the hick ory tree ; and went peering about under some others where the ground was beaten and the branches had been, and soon found enough spoil to be hammering away with a stone on a rock like the rest. But she couldn t escape the boys so, for little runners came to her constantly. One brought a handful of nuts, another a better stone while a third told her of lots under the other tree ; and Reuben Taylor was ready to crack or climb as she chose to direct. "If you ll come down the other side, Miss. Faith," said Reuben, "down by the bank, you could see it all a great deal better." Faith seized two or three nuts and jumped up, and Reu ben led the way through the leaf-strewn grass to the other side of the mob. But mobs are uncertain things ! No sooner was Faith seen approaching the hickory, though yet full three feet from the utmost bound of its shadow, than a sudden pause in the great business of the day was followed by such a tumultuous shout of "Three cheers for Miss Faith Derrick! the prettiest girl in Pattaquasset!" that she was well nigh deafened. And promptly upon that, Joe Deacon stepped up to Reuben and whispered, "That 1 }], fetch him down!" Faith did not hear the words she only heard Reuben s indignant, "Joe Deacon! behave yourself. What makes you SAY AND SEAL. 107 always leave your manners home ? that big basket of yours would have held em all, easy." " I didn t know but Sam might want em," replied the unabashed Joe, dashing back into the midst of his com pardons, while Reuben at last reached the pretty look-out at the edge of the woods where Faith could see the whole meadow and its scattered trees. And having placed her there ran off again. Standing half hidden by the oaks and chestnuts, she could see the whole group clustering about the climber now, for he had come down from his high post. "Boys," he said, "I am going back to the house to din ner. Any boy who prefers nuts to dinner may stay and pick them up." A sudden recollection came over Faith that her fire was probably well down and coffee not in a state presentable. Taking a survey of the ground, and calculating that so large a company would want a little time to get under weigh, she slipped round to where her mother sat, and giving her a word, set off fleetly and skilfully under cover of some outstanding chestnuts across the fallow. If she had known it, Faith need not have shunned to shew her running, for prettier running could not be. She was soon hidden in the further woodland. The rest of the party took it more leisurely, so their outrunner easily gained her point ; and having put the fire in order stood at the door to watch the progress of the coming invasion. It looked enough like that. For though excellent order of march had been kept for most of the way, the main body of the troops maintaining a proper position in the rear of their captain who was quietly escort ing Mrs. Derrick over the meadows, no sooner did the whole band come in sight of the distant place of lunch baskets, than it became manifest for the hundred thousandth lime that liberty too long enjoyed leads to license. Scat tering a little from the direct line of march, the better to cover their purpose or evade any check thereto, as if by concert, first one and then another set off on a run, sprang the orchard fence, and by the time the mid- orchard was reached all of Mr. Linden s force with the exception of one or two of the very steadiest, were ahead of him and straining in full run, if not in full cry, for the 108 SAY AND SEAL. now near-at-hand farmhouse quarry. Beyond all call or hindrance. Standing at the kitchen door, Faith watched their coming ; but discerning beyond the runners the one or two figures that did not indeed bring up the rear but that covered it, and supposing that the invaders object was to storm the wagon in which the lunch baskets were hid, she stood her ground ; till she perceived that the foremost of the band were making straight for the kitchen door, and all the rest in their order. Faith gave back a little and the whole horde poured in. The fire was in a brisk blaze ; the table had nice white cups and naperies on it; the nose of the coffee-pot was steaming. It looked altogether an inviting place. Down went hats and caps on the floor, from some of the party, and the whole of them with flushed faces and open mouths took the survey. "Ain t it jolly here 1" 11 1 wonder if he ll let us take our dinner in here. There s lots o room." " It s good shady." "It s a long sight better under the trees." " Coffee ! I m blessed !" said a fifth speaker bending over the fireplace ; while a sixth began slyly to inspect what lay under Faith s napkins on the table. " Charley," said Mr. Linden s quiet voice from the door way, " did Miss Derrick desire you to uncover her dishes ?" The hand slipped from what it touched, as stealthily the boy s eye went to the face of the speaker, in the one place if not in the other to see what there might be. "I will bear witness that you have carried the house," Mr. Linden went on, " now I should like to see you carry the wagon. It will be a more useful enterprise than this. Only remember that one of the first duties of a surprise party is to go forth softly." " Where will we carry the wagon to, sir ?" inquired one of the party. "As far from the house as you can," said Mr. Linden, with a little glance at Faith. " Come ! be off I great enterprises are never finished till they are begun." "I d like to begin dinner, anyhow," said one, catching up h\s cap and leading off. As quick and more quick than it had been filled, the SAY AND SEAL. 109 room was cleared ; and laughing Faith watched the busy swarm as they poured towards their magazine. Then re membered her own and came back to offer it. "You may as well rest, Mr. Linden," said Faith as she offered him a cup of coffee. "I m sure they are all com fortable. Besides, you particularly desired a fire and some body in the house, you know." "Miss Faith," he said, (taking the cup however) "I m afraid your notions of duty are very slack 1 What sort of a captain would you make to a beleaguered city ? I shall make you read the story of Catherine Douglass." "Will you?" said Faith looking very pleased. "And what is beleaguered, Mr. Linden? in the meantime." " Beleaguered means, to be beset with a swarm of in vaders who want to come in and ought to be kept out." "I didn t know I ought to keep them out," said Faith laughing, "or I d have done it." Mr. Linden shook his head doubtfully. "I saw you give way!" he said, "I doubt whether there was even a show of resistance. Now Catherine Douglass But I must go. No, don t tempt me with apple pie you have no idea of the pies in that wagon. Perhaps if I get successfully through them, I ll come back and dispose of yours. What are you reading to-day? Le Philosophe ?" A little soberness came over Faith s smile as she shook her head and said no. "I can t stay to ask a question upon that but I ll ask you two by and by to pay for it." And he went out to that little cluster of life that hung about the great wagon, making himself at once the centre of pleasure and interest and even fun, as Faith s eye and ear now and then informed her. It was pretty, the way they closed in about him wild and untutored as they were, pretty to see him meet them so easily on their own ground, yet always enticing them towards something better. Mrs Derrick thought so too, for she stood in the doorway and smiled very pleasantly. "He s a real nice man, Faith," she said. "I don t won der the boys like him. " Faith did not wonder at it, but she did not answer, though she too stood looking. VOL. i. 10 ^0 SAY AND SEAL. The ladies had finished their lunch, and Mr. Linden had perhaps not finished his, for he came in again to take another cup of coffee while the boys were disposing of that very ragged piece of time which the end of a boys feast invariably is. So much peace and quietness he gave him self, if he did not give himself a sandwich of which I am not certain. "Mr. Linden," said Faith, "I want to ask something will you tell me if you don t like it?" "Don t like to have you ask me, do you mean? I do like it." "Then," said Faith half laughing, "will you tell me it you don t quite like what I mean ?" "I ll see " Mr. Linden replied with a smile. "It s not safe for teachers to commit themselves." "But I must commit myself," said Faith. "I want to go and pick up nuts with the boys under the trees may I ?" She looked for her answer with ah eye that thought he might possibly find an objection where she saw none. He paused a little before he replied, "I think you may if I could be among them and answer for their good behaviour I should not need to think about it; but you know a man loses power when he is too far above the heads of his audience. Yet I think I may trust them and you," he added with a little smile. "Espe cially as the first tree touched this afternoon is yours." "What does that mean?" said Faith, her doubt all gone. "Do you think I shall so far forget my office as to let them pick up nuts for nobody but themselves ? Therefore the first tree this afternoon is for you or if you please for your mother; the second for Mr. Simlins. If that will take away your desire for the fun, why I cannot help it." "I have no objection to pick up nuts for mother, noi even for Mr. Simlins," said Faith smiling. "And I am not afraid of the boys I know half of them, you know. Thank you, Mr. Linden!" "You might, if I could take you up into the tree-top. There is fine reading on those upper shelves." Her eye shewed instantly that she liked that higher fun best not the tree-top, verily, but the reading, that she could not get at. Yet for Faith there were charms plenty SAY AND SEAL. Ill below the tree -tops, in both kinds; and she looked very happy. "Well" Mr. Linden said, "as the successful meeting of one emergency always helps us in the next, and as it is quite impossible to tell what you may meet under those nut trees, let me give you a little abstract of Catherine Douglass, before you read it and before I go. The said lady wishing to keep the door against sundry lords and gentle men who came with murderous intent against her sovereign ; and finding no bar to aid her loyal endeavours, did boldly thrust her own arm through the stanchions of the door. To be sure the brave lady s arm was soon broken, but after all, what did that signify ?" And with a laughing gesture of farewell, he once more left the house. With which cessation of murmuring voices, Mrs. Derrick awoke from her after dinner nap in the rock ing chair. Faith was standing in the middle of the floor, smiling and looking in a puzzle. "Mother, will you go over to the nutting again?" "I m a great deal more likely to go to sleep again," said Mrs. Derrick rubbing her eyes. "It s the sleepiest place I ever saw in my life or else it s having nothing to do. I don t doubt you re half asleep too, Faith, only you won t own it." The decision was, that Mrs. Derrick preferred to sit quiet in the house ; she said she would maybe run down by and by and see what they were at. So Faith took her sun bonnet, kissed her mother; and went forth with light step over the meadow and through the orchard. The nutting party she found a little further on in the same edge of woodland. It seemed that they had pitched upon a great chestnut for her tree ; and Faith was half concerned to see what a quantity of work they had given themselves on her account. However, the proverb of many hands was verified here ; the ground under the chestnut tree was like a colony of ants, while in the capacious head of the tree their captain, established quite at his ease, was whipping off the burrs with a long pole. Faith took a general view as she came up, and then fell upon the chestnut burrs like the rest of them; and no boy there worked more readily or joyously. There seemed 112 SAY AND SEAL. little justification of Mr. Linden s doubts of the boys or fears for her. Faith was everywhere among them, and making Reuben s prophecy true, that they would all enjoy themselves a great deal better for her being there ; throw ing nuts into the baskets of the little boys and pleasant words at the heads of the big ones, that hit softly and did gentle execution ; giving sly handfuls to Reuben, and then hammering out for some little fellow the burrs that her hands were yet more unfit to deal with than his; and doing it all with a will that the very spirit of enjoyment seemed to have moved. She in any danger of rude treatment from those boys ! Nothing further from the truth. And so her happy face informed Mr. Linden, when he at last descended to terra firma out of the stripped chestnut tree. He did not say anything, but leaning up against the great brown trunk of the chestnut took a pleased survey of the whole then went to work with the rest. "Boys!" he said "aren t there enough of you to open these burrs as fast as Miss Derrick can pick out the nuts ? You should never let a lady prick her fingers when you can prick yours in her place." There was a general shout and rush at this, which made Faith give way before it. The burrs disappeared fast ; the brown nuts gathered into an immense heap. That tree was done. "Hurrah! for Mr. Simlins!" shouted all the boys, throwing up their caps into the air, then turning somer sets, and wrestling, and rolling over by way of further relief to their feelings. "The chestnut beyond that red maple for him," said Mr. Linden, flinging a little stone in the right direction; at which with another shout the little tornado swept away. "Will you follow, Miss Faith? or are you tired?" "No, I m not tired yet. I must do something for Mr. Simlins." "Well don t handle those burrs "he said. "They re worse than darning needles." "Have you seen Kildeer river yet, Mr. Linden ?" "I have had a bird s eye view." Faith looked a little wistfully, but only said, "We must look at it after the nutting is done SAY AND SEAL. 113 That s a bit of reading hereabout you ought not to pass over." "I mean to read everything I can, too," he said with a smile as they reached the tree. "Now Mr. Linden," said Joe Deacon, "this tree s a whapper ! How long you suppose it ll take you to go up ? "About as long as it would you to come down every one knows how long that would be. Stand out of my way, boys catch all the burrs on your own heads and don t let one fall on Miss Derrick." And amidst the general laugh Mr. Linden swung himself up into the branches in a way that made his words good ; while Joe Deacon whistled and danced Yankee Doodle 7 round the great trunk. Half at least of Mr. Linden s directions the boys obeyed; they caught all the burrs they well could, on their own heads. Faith was too busy among them to avoid catching some on her own bright hair whenever her sunbonnet declined to stay on, which happened frequently. The new object lent this tree a new interest of its own, and boys being an untiring species of animals the sport went on with no perceptible flagging. But when this tree too was about half cleared, Faith withdrew a little from the busy rush and bustle, left the chestnuts and chestnut burrs, and sat down on the bank to rest and look. Her eye wan dered to the further woodland, softest of all in hazy veils; to the nearer brilliant vegetation; the open fallow; the wood behind her, where the trees closed in upon eac\. other ; oftenest of all, at the whapper of a tree in which Mr. Linden still kept his place, and at the happy busy sight and sound of all under that tree. And so it happened, that when in time Mr. Linden came down out of Mr. Simlins chestnut, besides the boys he found nobody there but Mr. Simlins himself. "Well!" said that gentleman after a cordial grasp of the hand, " I reckon, in the matter of nuts you re going to reduce me to penur ousness ! How you like Neanticut ?" "It s a fine place," said Mr. Linden. "And for the matter of nuts, you need not take the benefit of the bank rupt act yet, Mr. Simlins." "Over here to see a man on business," Mr. Simlins went on in explanation, "and thought I d look at 114 SAY AND SEAL. you by the way. Don t you want to take this farm of me?" "I might want to do it and yet not be able," was the smiling reply ; while one of the smallest boys, pulling the tail of the grey coat which Mr. Simlins wore on business, and pointing to the heap of nuts, said succinctly, "Them s yourn !" "Mine !" said Mr. Simlins. "Well where s yourn ? What have you done with Miss Faith Derrick?" "Why we hain t done nothin to her," said the boy "she s done a heap to us." "What has she done to you, you green hickory?" "Why she s run round, firstrate," said little Rob, "and she s helped me shuck." "So some o you s thanked her. Twan t you. Here, you sir," said Mr. Simlins, addressing this time Joe Dea con, "what have you been doing with Miss Faith Der rick ?" "I bain t Sam," was Joe s rather cool rejoinder, with a slight relapsing into Yankee Doodle. "Hollo!" said Mr. Simlins "I thought you d learned all school could teach you, and give up to come ?" " Only the last part is true, Mr. Simlins," said Mr. Lin den, who while Joe spoke had been himself speaking to one of the other boys. Mr. Simlins grunted. "School ain t all nuts to him, " he said with a grim smile. "Well which of you was it? twas a fellow about as big as you here, you sir!" ad dressing in a more assured tone another boy who was swag gering near, "you! what have you been doing to Miss Faith? It was you." " Twan t me, notlier!" said the boy surlily; "nor I hain t done nothin ! but minded my own business." In a tone which implied that Mr. Simlins was not acting on the same laudable principle. "What has been done?" said Mr. Linden. And cer tainly his tone implied that he was minding his own busi ness. " Well," said Mr. Simlins, " I don t know as they ve done much of anything; but I guessed they d been givin her some sass or vexiu her somehow; and as she e a kind o SAY AND SEAL. 115 favourite o mine it riled me. I was too fur to hear what twas. " "Where was she? " She was round yonder not fur There had been some sort of a scrimmage, I guess, between two of em, a little one and this fellow; and she parted em. She had hold o this one when I see em first you couldn t have done it better," said Mr. Simlins with a sly cast of his eye; "you can set her to be your vice when you want one. I was comin up from the river, you see, and came up behind em, and I couldn t hear what they said ; but when she let him go, I see her give a kind o sheer look round this way, and then she put up her hand to her cheek and cleared for home like a gazetteer!" said Mr. Simlins, who had given this information in an undertone. "Made straight tracks for the house, I tell ye!" "A little one and which one?" was the next inquiry. Mr. Simlins went peering about among the crowd and finally laid hold on the identical shoulder of little Johnny Fax. "Ain t it you?" said Mr. Simlins. "Ain t that red basket yourn ?" Johnny nodded. "I knowed the basket," said Mr. Simlins returning. " That s about all that makes the difference between one boy and another ! what sort of a basket he carries. The other fellow is the one I was speakin to first I can -swear to him the big one." Mr. Linden took out his watch. "Thank you, Mr. Simlins," he said. "Boys it is half past four, get your nuts and baskets and bring them up to the house. Reuben Taylor do you see that it is done." With which words Mr. Linden also made tracks for the house and straight ones, but with not too much notice- taking of the golden leaves under his feet. The truth about Faith was this. While sitting on the grass, taking the pleasure of the place and time, the peace was at length broken by discordant sounds in her neighbour hood ; sounds of harsh voices, and scuffling. Looking round for the cause and meaning of all this, she found that the voices came from behind a thicket of sumach and laurel at her 116 SAY AND SEAL. back, and belonged to some of the boys. Faith went round the thicket. There were a big boy and a little boy tugging at a casket, both tugging; the little fellow holding to it with all his might, while the big boy, almost getting it from him with one hand, was laying the other very freely about his ears and shoulders. Faith heard the little one say, "I ll tell" And the other, a boy whose name Faith had learned only that morning, shouted in answer, "You tell I You tell if you dare 1 You tell and I ll kill you ! Leave hold !" A round blow was given with the words, which told, but the little boy still held on to his basket. "For shame, Phil Davids! you a big boy I" said Faith. There was a stay of proceedings while they looked at her, both parties keeping fast hold however, and both tongues at once combating for hearing and belief. The little boy, Johnny Fax himself, said the nuts were his; which the elder denied. "Let him have his nuts, Phil," said Faith gently. "He must have them they belong to him." "He aint a goin ter, though," said Davids, "and you can t do nothin, if you air Mr. Linden s sweetheart. You air Joe Deacon says you be. Leave hold, you ! " Thinking Faith quelled perhaps, Phil began the struggle again fiercely, with grappling arid blows. But Faith laid hold suddenly on the arm that was rising the second time, and bade the boy sternly behave himself and let the basket go. It was not immediately done. He had strength much more than hers, but something withheld him from exerting it. Nothing withheld his tongue. "Aint you Mr. Linden s sweetheart?" he said insolentlv "Joe Deacon says you be." "No sir!" said Faith; "and you are a bad boy." "Joe Deacon says you be!" But Faith did not relax her hold, and spoke with a steady voice and for that time at least with a steady eye of com mand which was obeyed. "Let him go ! Johnny, run off with your basket and be quiet; that s a good boy. Davids, you ll be quiet the rest of the day for your own sake." SAY AND SEAL. 117 The boys parted sullenly, Johnny to run off as she had bidden him ; and Faith fumed from the green bank, the nut trees, and the frolic, and laying one hand upon the cheek that faced that way, as if to hide its burning from eyes too far off to see it, she went into the house. She put the brands together which had burnt out, and built the fire up on the strictest principles, though no fire was wanted at present ; the day had mellowed into warmth. Perhaps Faith recollected that after she had got through, for she left the fire to take care of itself and sat down again on the doorstep looking towards the nut-tree field. For a good while her cheek wore its troubled flush ; her hand went up to it once or twice as if to cool it off, and her brow bespoke her using other and more effectual measures. , It cooled at last, into complete quietness and sweetness; and Faith s face was just like itself when the first of the party came back from the nut field. That first one, as we have seen, was Mr. Linden. He found both the ladies in the farmhouse kitchen; Mrs. Der rick very comfortably at her knitting. Faith was doing nothing; but she looked up, when she looked up, with just her own face ; not certainly in the happy glow he had seen under the nut tree, nor with the sparkle of busy pleasure it had worn in the morning; but as it was every day at home. Mr. Linden arranged the fire and then stood considering it or something for a minute in silence ; until Mrs. Der rick inquired "if he had found as much as he expected?" but upon his replying somewhat dryly, "Rather more" the conversation dropped again. "You ought to be tired now, Mr. Linden," Faith said gently. " I am afraid you are." "No," she said, "I am not at all." "Well then why shouldn t we have our look at Kildeer river? You said we must." "O, if you like it!" said Faith, a bright little tinge of pleasure coming into her cheek, and her sunbonnet was in hand immediately. "But aren t you tired?" she added doubtfully as they were passing out of the door. "You ve been hard at work." "You will have to pay for saying you are not, Miss 118 SAY AND SEAL. Faith, I mean to make you run all the way down to the bank." And holding out his hand to her, Mr. Linden half made his threat good; for though his own pace was not much more than a quick walk, by means of skilful short cuts and long steps, Faith had a gentle little run a good part of the way. Not down through the crowd of boys and baskets, but skirting the meadow passing from the shelter of one great tree to another, till they reached the bank and saw the blue waters of Kildeer river at their feet. There she was permitted to sit down and rest. A little laughing and a little flushed, her happy look was almost brought back again. But she sat and gazed down at the pretty stream and its picturesque banks without saying anything; letting Mr. Linden take his own view of them. His own view was a peculiar one to judge by his words. "Miss Faith, I suppose you are not much acquainted with law forms, yet you perhaps know that an important witness in an important case, is sometimes put in prison until his evidence is obtained.-" Faith looked up at him in pure astonishment, the corners of her mouth indicating that she expected another puzzle, or rather was already engaged in one. The look made his gravity give way a little. "I thought you might like to know your position at present," he said- "I don t know it yet, Mr. Linden." " It is that of the unfortunate prisoner to whom I referred." "A prisoner ! " said Faith looking up at him very much amused. "Well, Mr. Linden?" He looked amused too, yet with a difference. "Well, Miss Faith You are a prisoner, for political purposes. There is no practicable way for you to get back to the house save through the witness-box." "Where is the witness-box?" said Faith. "Are you in a hurry to be in it?" "No," said Faith with a very unshadowed smile, "I am not in a hurry for anything." "Then tell me what you have been reading to-day," he said, throwing himself down on the grass beside her. SAY AND SEAL. 119 She looked at him, hesitated, then said with a lowered tone, "I have been reading what you told me to read and my testament." Mr. Linden lifted his hat a little, replaced it rather more down over his brows than before, looking steadily down at Kildeer river the while. "Why did you look grave when I asked you if you had brought Le Philosophe ?" " I didn t know I did I" said Faith simply. "I had brought only my testament." "Only " Mr. Linden repeated. "Well, from only a testament and only such a scene a skilful reader may get much." Then turning and looking her full in the face, he said, "Miss Faith what have those beys done to vex you?" A sudden, painful, startled flush answered him. She did not look now; she said earnestly, "Please Mr. Linden, don t speak of it!" " I must know " was his only answer. " No," she said gently but troubled, "you mustn t know, and there is no need you should. There is no need," she repeated eagerly. "There is another true little witness I can call upon but I would rather have your account." "How did you know? how did you know anything about it?" said Faith, facing round upon him in her turn. "Gentlemen of what Miss Danforth is pleased to call my profession must know things occasionally," said Mr. Linden. " What do you think you know, Mr. Linden ?" she said a little timidly. His answer was gentle though resolute. "I don t think 1 know anything. What I know, 1 know what I do not, I will." Faith s head half drooped for an instant, and the flush which had faded came back painfully. Then she looked at him again, and though the flush was there she spoke as usual "You won t try, Mr. Linden because I am going to ask 120 SAY AND SEAL. you not. It is nothing you need take up it was nothing but what perhaps I was foolish to mind. I don t mind it now much " But there was a grave falling oflf in the tone of that much. She felt it herself, for she rallied and said with her own quiet frank smile, " I shall not mind it at all to-morrow." Mr. Linden looked at her while she spoke, gravely and intently enough; but then he looked away at the river again, and probably read problems in its soft rippling waters, for he spoke not. Overhead a hawk sailed noise lessly to and fro, on spread wings, in the trees close at hand a squirrel chattered and barked with his mouth full. The afternoon light left Kildeer river step by step, and the shadows crept after. Now the one white speck of cloud reflected in that peace ful stream was no break in its beauty, it marred nothing, nay, even brought a little glow of its own to replace the sunbeams. Yet at that speck did Mr. Linden take aim sending his pebble so surely, so powerfully, that the mirror itself was shattered to the remotest shore! Then he stood up and announced that it was time to go. Faith stood up, but stood still, and waited somewhat anxiously upon the answer to her question. "Then, Mr. Linden, you will not speak of it anymore?" "The witness is discharged," he answered lightly, and walking on. She sprang after and placed herself directly in his way. "Mr. Linden please give me your promise !" He looked down at her with eyes that were a little moved. "Miss Faith," he said, "please give me yours!" "For what?" said Faith. "That you will trust me and not ask what I do." "Yes," said Faith, "but You must trust me, Mr. Linden," she said smiling at him, " and believe me that this is nothing for you to take up mere nonsense; nothing at all to-morrow, it is nothing to me now. I want your word." She wanted it very much, it was easy to see ; but beyond that, her face did not belie her words. SAY AND SEAL. 121 "I don t suppose Mrs. Derrick ever called you naughty child " said Mr. Linden, "but if ever she did she might to-night. Look where the sun is and where I am, and guess where those boys are ! Come " and it was not easy to resist the hand that again took hold of hers, nor the quick pace at which he went forward. And for some fields length Faith yielded and went as fast as he pleased. Then as he stopped to put up a bar- place she said again, very gently but firmly too, standing before him, "Mr. Linden, I think I have Bright to ask this. I know what I ask, but you do not." "I never questioned your right, Miss Faith." "Then you ll not deny it to me?" " What is your idea of trust ?" said Mr. Linden, replacing the last bar. "That it is something I ought to have just now," said Faith, smiling a little. He stood leaning on the bars and looking at her a kind look, that she might well trust. "Child," he said, "you don t know what you are talking about and I do. And if you will not trust me any further than you can see me, you don t deserve to be called Miss Faith any longer ! Now don t you think I have a right to get home and attend to my duties?" She yielded utterly at that, but with a set of her lip which he had never seen before ; it was trembling. She was turning to go on, when as if to make amends for that or to ask forgiveness generally or to give assurance of the trust he had claimed, she stretched out her hand to him and went by his help again until the orchard was reached and other eyes might be expected to be on the look-out for them. "Do you like to read letters written from other countries by people you have never seen ?" Mr. Linden said when they reached that point. Faith s eyes opened slightly as was their way when sud denly astonished, and a little colour started too, of surprise or pleasure. " I never did read any," she said, "I should like it," "Well, Miss Faith, I think Mrs. Derrick and Reuben VOL. T. 11 122 SAY AND SEAL. can manage that brown horse especially as he has had no oats to-day and I want yon to take possession of the whole of the back seat, put yourself in a comfortable posi tion, and spend the rest of the daylight in Italy with my sister. When it gets dark you may go to sleep. And here is the talismanic paper by whose help you must make the journey. " What a colour thanked him ! what a rosy flush of plea sure and gratitude ! To say thank you Faith nearly forgot. But it was said. There was no more delay of any kind after that. Wagons were ready, and baskets, and boys ; also Mrs. Derrick ; and Faith was ready first of all. So the two parties, now getting under weigh, went fairly homewards, by an evening sky and a night full of stars. Only one incident need be recorded. The ferry was passed, and four of the six miles between that and the central town of Pattaquasset, when Mr. Linden suddenly checked his horses. Turning half round, and laying a pretty imperative hand on the collar of Phil Davids, he dropped him outside the wagon like a walnut from its husk remarking that he had seen enough of him for one day, and did not wish to hear of him again till next morning CHAPTER XL T ITTLE Charles twelfth did not come to meet his Sun J.J day school teacher, as had been arranged, the Sunday preceding the Neanticut expedition. Faith waited for him in the morning waited and hoped, but was not greatly surprised to find that she had waited in vain. Charles the twelfth, whether or not he was to follow during life the erratic and wilful course of his namesake, was that day at least not to be led by her. So Faith went to church, medi tating a sometime descent upon Mrs. Seacomb s shady domain, there to meet and recapture the heart of her little charge. For so he seemed to her now. But on her return from the morning service, she found Charles the twelfth, crest-fallen and repentant, in his turn waiting for her. The matter was, his brother Americus Vespucius had shut him up, so that he couldn t come ; and as soon as he was set free Charles the twelfth had used his freedom and his legs in making tracks, to use Mr. Simlins expression, for Mrs. Derrick s abode; and on this occasion he had made many fewer tracks than the afternoon of his pre viously recorded invasion ; as being somewhat burdened in spirit he had stopped for no somersets, and had been lured aside by no tempting invitations of a dusty place or a mud- puddle. Faith heard his story gravely and sympathizingly ; com forted him up ; encouraged him to hope that the discoverer of America would not prove so adverse to his making dis coveries another Sunday ; gave him a little talk and a good dinner, and sent him home cheerful and determined. The very mood for success ; accordingly the next morning aftei the return from Neanticut, being Sunday, Charles the twelfth presented himself at the house in brave good time ; and Faith and her little charge, for the first time in their lives both of them, went to Sunday school. The child very im portant and expectant ; the teacher very gentle and very grave indeed. (123) 124 SAY AND SEAL. Faith had made her arrangements the Sunday before ; so she and Charles twelfth proceeded at once to the place assigned her. At the opening services the king of Sweden stared mightily. Faith looked at nothing. She had a feeling that other children and other teachers were nearer to her than she wished they were ; and she was a little un certain how best to take hold of the odd little piece of humanity intrusted to her care. However, when the read ing and the singing were over Faith began a long low talk to him about some Bible story, diverging as she went on to an account of the other world, and the two ways that lead to it, and the two sorts of people that travel them. And becoming exceedingly interested herseK, she fastened the eyes of Charles the twelfth in a way that shewed his thoughts were cleaving to hers. Faith s own thoughts were cleaving elsewhere. The things she said were simply said ; her words were the plainest ; her illustrations just at his hand ; but the voice in which they were given would alone have won the ear of a child; and whatever other impression her words made upon his mind, the fixed conclu sion in which he was left at the ending was, that whatever way she was travelling was the right one ! It was a beautiful fair first of October ; still and sunny ; but if it had not, it would probably have been a fair day to Faith after that beginning of it. She looked as if it was, in the church, and on the way home, and at the quiet din ner table ; her face was a transcript of the day; still and sunny. It seemed to be true, her promise that the annoy ance of yesterday would be nothing to her to-day. There was no shadow of it in sight. If there was a shadow any where at the table, it was upon Mrs. Derrick, a half jealous fear that her child would be less hers by becoming a Christian a half uneasy feeling of the new state of things, did cloud her heart a little, though almost unknown to her self She would not have confessed to any such cloud and practically it was not there : no straw of hindrance did she put in Faith s way ; indeed she seemed rather fearful of touching the matter in any wise. It was rather from curio sity than anything else, that she said as they were both getting ready for afternoon church, "Well child, how did you like going to Sunday school?" SAY AND SEAL. 125 Faith s answer was subdued, but earnest. " I liked it very much, mother." "How many s in your class?" said Mrs. Derrick, tying her bonnet. "Only one yet but that was enough for me to begin with. I hope I shall get some more soon." "Only one!" said Mrs. Derrick "besides you, do you mean, child ?" "Mother!" said Faith. Then smiling she added, "Yes, mother only one besides me. That one is little Charley Seacomb and I am trying to teach him." "Why I thought you were in Mr. Linden s class 1" said Mrs. Derrick, facing round. But Faith s face flushed, and what was very uncommon with her, the tears came too. "So I am, mother," she said; "but I am one that he teaches at home. I have learned all I know from him," she said, covering her eyes with both hands. "Why child, hush I" said her mother softly "I didn t mean to say anything, how should I know ? So you re teaching Charley Seacomb, hey ? well I m sure he wants it bad enough. I guess I d better go too, next Sabbath; it was real lonesome with you all gone. And that makes me think, child I wonder if you could go a little way for me after meeting ?" "Go to Sunday school, mother!" said Faith shewing her bright wet eyes. "Will you teach some children, mother?" Written letters don t give the intonation of these words. "I guess they could teach me, some of em," said her mother. " But I thought maybe, Faith, you d take Sally Loundes some medicine she sent word for it, and I don t know as I can get so far to-day. Mr. Linden does have a class, don t he?" "I can go just as well as not, and like it very much, mother yes he has a class of course a class of some of the biggest boys a large class." "I wonder what he does with himself after meeting," said Mrs. Derrick. "Folks do say he goes strolling round, but. I don t betieve it." 11* 126 SAY AND SEAL. "Mother ! Folks say everything, I believe. He knows what he does." "Maybe you wouldn t like to be seen out on Sabbath ?" said Mrs. Derrick, with sudden thought. " Because if you wouldn t, Faith, I ll go myself to Sally s can or no can." "No, mother "she said brightly, "I would like to go. If I know I am doing right, I don t mind about being seen. I wish people had as good reason for telling tales about me, as they have for some others." " I guess your class 11 fill up, " said her mother, with her fond, wistful look at the only thing she had in the world. It was the fairest, still, sweet afternoon, when after church Faith got the medicine for Sally Loundes and set out to take it to her. So fair and lovely, that Faith hardly considered much the features of the road she travelled; in that light any piece of ground was beautiful. The road was very lonely after a little part of the village had been gone through. It left the main street, then bid farewell to a few scattering distant houses and approached what was called Barley Point; a barren piece of ground from which a beautiful view of the Sound and the ocean line, and per haps porpoises, could be had. But at the foot of this field the road turned, round the end of that belt of woods spoken of; and getting on the other side of it ran back eastward towards the Lighthouse point. Between the woods and the sea, on this side, was a narrow down that the farmers could make little of; and here the road, if desolate, had a beauty of its own. On Faith s right was this strip of toll ing downs, grown with nothing but short grass and low blackberry vines ; and close at hand, just beyond its undu lating line, the waves of the sea beating in. Very little waves to-day, everything was so quiet. At the Lighthouse point, a mile or more on, was a little settlement of fishermen and others; but only one house stood on the way, and that hardly disturbed the monotony or the solitude ; it was so little, so brown, and looked so of a piece with the barren country. That was Sally Louii- des house. Faith met nobody till she got there. When Faith came out of the house, the sun s place warned her she would have no time to spare to get home SAY AND SEAL. 127 She set off with quicker pace, though nowise concerned about it. There was no danger of anything in Pattaquas- set. But she had gone only a little part of her wild home ward way when she met Mr. Simlins. Xovv Mr. Simlins was accustomed to take an afternoon Sunday stroll and sometimes a long one ; so it was no matter of surprise to meet him, nor even to meet him there, for Mr. Simlins was as independent in his choice of a walk as in everything else. But he was surprised. "Hullo! my passenger pigeon," he exclaimed. "Why are you here all alone, in this unfrequent place ?" "It s a very nice place," said Faith. "And it s not dis agreeable to be alone though I am willing to meet you, Mr. Simlins." "Haven t been quarrelling with anybody, have you?" "No," said Faith, giving an amused look to this view of the subject. "Do I look quarrelsome, Mr. Simlins?" "I don t know how you look!" said the farmer. "I aint anything of an exposition. You ll have to ask some body else. There s some words too hard for me to spell and pro-nounce. Where have you been ?" "Just to carry Sally Loundes some medicine mother had for her." "Where are you goin now?" "Home." "Goin alone?" "AVhy, yes. Why not?" "Don know," said Mr. Simlins, "only I m going part waj^ and I ll see nothin happens to you as long as / in in your consort," It was a wild place enough to make company pleas ant. Dark clumps of forest-trees on one hand grew near together, and the spaces between, though cleared, looked hardly less wild; for vines and sumach and ferns had taken possession. The sun s rays yet lay warm on the rolling downs, the sere grass and the purplish blackberry vines, and sparkled on the waves beyond ; but when Mr. Simlins arid Faith struck into the woods for a short cut, tne shadowy solitude closed them in on all sides. Softly their steps moved over the fallen pine leaves, or rustled through the shreds of autumn finery that lay beneath oak 128 SAY AND SEAL - and maple, and nothing else but birds and squirrels broke the stillness till they were near the further edge of the wood. There they heard a soft murmur of voices. " Who lives here ?" said Mr. Simlins. But Faith held her breath. "There s mortality here, where I thought there was nothing but animals and vegetation, "said Mr. Simlins step ping softly and cautiously forward. "Let s see don t make no noise more n the leaves 11 let you. I shouldn t think anything would come to a meetin here but a wood- chuck and they re skeered if they see a shadow." On that side the trees ceased abruptly, and the open sunshine of a little clearing replaced them ; and there were the speakers. Tallest among the group sat Mr. Linden, and around him in various attitudes of rest or attention a dozen boys basked in the sunshine. Most of them were a size or two smaller than his morning class at the Sunday school, though several of those were stretched on the grass at the outskirts of the circle, as honorary members. Little Johnny Fax, established in Mr. Linden s lap, di vided his attention pretty evenly between the lesson and the teacher; though indeed to his mind the separate in terests did not clash. The little glade was very green still, but sprinkled with the autumn leaves which came floating down at every breath; and the bordering trees stood some in deep green hemlock and some in paler pine, and thrust out here and there a glowing arm into the sunlight. *The boys listening and looking, some playing the part of young Nebuchadnezzars, some picking and breaking up the asters and golden rod within their reach, giving little side nods of assent to each other, or bending a more earnest gaze on Mr. Linden; pushing back their caps or pulling them down with a quick brush across the eyes; the hand with which Johnny Fax stroked back from Mr. Linden s forehead any stray lock of hair which the wind displaced, or laid on his shoulder when there was nothing else to do ; made altogether a picture the like of which Mr. Simlins had not seen before nor even Faith. The sun might leave the clearing and betake itself to the tree-tops, and thence SAY AND SEAL. 129 to the clouds, there was light there which came from a higher source. Not Faith s silent attention was more silent and motion less than that of her companion ; he did not move or stir. But her deep, deep, rapt gravity formed part of the subject of his contemplations, for one or two keen sidelong glances fell upon it. Else, his eyes were busy uninterruptedly with the scene and took in the whole effect of it; hers hardly wavered from one point. A little stir among the boys roused both the lookers-on from their muse; but they stood still again at the first notes of a hymn as Mr. Linden s deep voice began, and the young choir with its varied treble chimed in. " I want to be an angel, And with the angels stand, A crown upon my forehead, A harp within my hand ; There, right before my Saviour, So glorious and so bright, I d wake the sweetest music, And praise him day and night. " I never should be weary, Nor ever shed a tear, Nor ever know a sorrow, Nor ever feel a fear ; But blessed, pure, and holy, I d dwell in Jesus sight, And with ten thousand thousand Praise him both day and night. "I know I m weak and sinful, But Jesus will forgive, For many little children, Have gone to heaven to live. Dear Saviour, when I languish, And lay me down to die, Oh send a shining angel To bear me to the sky ! " Oh there I ll be an angel, -And with the angels stand 1 A crown upon my forehead, A harp within my hand. 130 SAY AND SEAL. And there before my Saviour, So glorious and so bright, I ll wake the sweetest music, And praise him day arid night !" The two listeners stood still while the hymn was singing, still as the air; but Mr. Simliris got no more sight of Faith s face. They stood still when the hymn was finished, as if they lingered where the last vibrations had been. But as a general stir among the hymn party proclaimed that they would soon be on the move, the two who had watched them, as if by consent, turned short about and silently picked their way back through the darkening wood to the nearest point of road they could reach. It was far .from home, and even out of the wood the light was failing ; they walked with quick steps. Mr. Simlins could get glances now at Faith s face, but though it was quiet enough, he seemed for some reason or other in a disagreeable state of mind. It made itself manifest at length in a grunt of con siderable power. "Ugh! this is a complexious sort of a world to live in !" was his not very clear remark. The contrast of the tone of the next words was striking. "Dear Mr. Simlins, there is something better." "What do you call me dear for?" growled he. "You never did before. " "I don t know," said Faith. "Because I want you to be as happy as I am. " "Be you so happy?" said the farmer inquisitively. Faith said yes. It was a calm and clear yes ; a confident yes; one that felt its foundations strong and deep; yet Faith s mother or dearest friend, if gifted with quick ap prehensions, would hardly have been satisfied with it. Was Mr. Simlins so gifted ? "Not so happy you couldn t be happier?" he said in a tone that assumed it. "No," said Faith, looking at him with a sunshiny smile; -"I want to be better, Mr. Simlins." "Better!" growled Mr. Simlins. "You go hang your self! I wish you was better. If you aint happy I wish the Simlins may be an extant race !" The extraordinary combination of wishes in this speech SAY AND, SEAL. 131 took away Faith s breath for an answer. She waited for something more. "What was that fellow doing there?" growled the farmer after a while. "I suppose he was teaching Sunday school," Faith said after a little hesitation. "Why, is one to be forever teaching Sunday school?" said the farmer in a discontented tone. "Why not?" said Faith, "as long as there are people to be taught?" "Don t you want to take hold and teach me now?" said Mr. Simlins. Faith did not know at all what to make of this question ; and before she had found an answer that would do, she was saved making any. For Mr. Linden, with even brisker steps than theirs, came up behind them; and after a bright "Good evening, Mr. Simlins," uttered a somewhat sur prised "Miss Faith!" "Yes," said Mr. Simlins, "here she is; and I m goin along to see that nothing happens to her. She goes to take care o somebody else, and I come after to take care o her ; so we go. We all give each other a deal o trouble in this world !" "Am I expected to take care of you, Mr. Simlins, by the same rule? I came after." "Well! I don t know," said the farmer "I guess there ll be nobody to take care of me. I m past taking care of." "What does that mean?" said Mr. Linden. "How would you like the job?" said Mr. Simlins. "Think it ud be easy?" "Why I should like to know a little more about the job before I express any opinion." "I have an opinion," said Mr. Simlins, "that you don t know much o farming. Guess it s correct, aint it?" "What kind of farming?" inquired Mr. Linden again. "I don t know more n one kind. Tillin the earth, to bring out the produce of it, " "I have seen something of another kind," said Mr. Lin den; "it is this: Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy ; break up your fallow ground : for ft is time 132 SAY X AND SEAL to seek the Lord, till he return and rain righteousness upon you. " Mr. Simlins wasn t quick to answer that, and there was silence for a minute or two, only broken by their footsteps. " Well " he said slowly at length, " suppos n a piece o ground bears as good a crop as it has soil for, hadn t you ought to be contented with it ?" "Yes," said Mr. Linden ; "but I never saw such a piece of ground, yet." Mr. Simlins paused. " Do you believe some folks can be better than they air already ?" he asked. "I believe all folks can." "You believe in cameras, then. How re you goin 7 to work ?" " To make people better ? set them to work for them selves, if I can. " "What sort o ploughs and harrows would you want em to take hold of?" "They ll find out, when they set to work in earnest to make the ground yield the right sort of fruit," said Mr. Linden. "What do you call the right sort?" said the farmer, now thoroughly engaged. "Aint as good as a man can do, the right sort ?" "Why yes," said Mr. Linden again, "but I tell you I never saw that sort of fruit ripe and I m not sure that I ever shall in this world. For the best fruit that the ground can yield, includes not only the best seed and cultivation, but the perfect keeping down of every weed, and the un checked receiving of all sweet heavenly influences." " That s a camera !" said Mr. Simlins something shortly. "You can t have all that in this world." " The fact that people cannot be perfect in this world, does not hinder their being better than they are." "Well, I say, how re you goin to work to make it, when they re doin the best they can do, already ?" "Who is?" " I am inclined to be of the opinion you air," said Mr Simlins slowly. "I won t say I be but I don t know how to do n*o better." SAY AND SEAL. 133 " Thank you, Mr. Simlins " was the somewhat sorrowful reply, "you may see what I do, but you do not see what I know. "And for you, my friend pray to know ! there can be no mistakes in the advice that comes from heaven." There was a minute s silence, till they came to a turning. "I d be glad to see you," said Mr. Simlins in a somewhat lowered tone, "ary one of you down to my house, any time. You can take care of her the rest of the way Good night!" He turned off abruptly down a road that led his way. They had been walking with slackened steps during this conversation, and the lingering memory of it still checked the pace of the two now left together: " Silence accompanied; for beast and bird. They to their grassy couch, these to their nests," had all retreated. And when Mr. Linden spoke, it was not in his own words. " I thank thee, uncreated Sun, That thy bright beams on me have shined ! I thank thee, who hast overthfown My foes, and healed my wounded mind ! I thank thee, whose enlivening voice Bids my freed heart in thee rejoice! " Thee will I love, my joy, my crown! Thee will I love, my Lord, my God I Thee will I love beneath thy frown Or smile, thy sceptre or thy rod ! What though my flesh and heart decay, Thee shall I love in endless day P " The silence of the evening fell again unbroken. Unless a breath caught somewhat interruptedly so gentle a break might be said to break it. Faith said nothing, except by that caught breath. Mr. Linden s step was the only one heard. Silently then he gave her his arm, and they went on at a quicker pace. After a while Faith broke the silence. She spoke in a very quiet voice ; as if choosing her words ; and hesitated a little sometimes as if timidity checked her. " Mr. Linden, I want to ask you about something that troubles me I don t know what is right. I know I know very little I know I cannot say much or can t say it well VOL. i. 12 134 SAY AND SEAL. but I feel sometimes as if I must speak to everybody I can reach, and tell them what I do know, and beg them to be safe and happy. And then something tells me that if I do so, people will think me crazy, or be offended, that it is not my business and I can t do it well and that I had better not try to do it at all. Is that something right or wrong ?" " Let him that heareth, say Come, " Mr. Linden replied. " It is part of the sailing orders of every Christian to speak every other vessel that he can, which does not mean that he should go out of his own proper course to meet them, nor that he should run them down when met." "Nor, I suppose," said Faith, "that he should trouble himself about his voice being very low or very hoarse. I thought so. Thank you, Mr. Linden." "The voice of true loving interest is generally sweet and rarely gives offence," he said. "If people never spoke of religious things but from the love of them, there would be an end to cant and bad taste in such matters." She said no more. " How does Charles twelfth behave ?" said Mr. Linden as they neared home. "Has he reacted again or does he give you both hands full ?" " He behaved nicely !" said Faith. "As to filling my hands, I suppose they wouldn t hold a great deal to-day ; but I hope to have them fuller before long." "Then I may send you another scholar?" "0 yes !" said Faith. " Have you one for me ?" " Perhaps two, if circumstances make my hands too full." "Do I know them?" "I am not sure how well, nor whether you know them at all by name ; but you will like to teach them for different reasons. At least I have." " I don t know" said Faith. " If you have taught them, Mr. Linden, they will be very sorry to come to me !" " Then you may have the pleasure of making them glad." She laughed a little, but soberly ; and they reached their OWD e;ate. It was past the usual Sunday tea time; and soon the SAY AND SEAL. 135 little party were gathered at that pleasantest, quietest of tea-tables that which is spread at the close of a happy Sunday. It had been such to two at least of the family sitting there, albeit Faith s brow wus unusually grave ; and it had not been chappy to Mrs. Derrick. She entered, by hope and sympathy, too earnestly and thoroughly into everything that concerned Faith rested too much of her everyday life upon her, to be unhappy when she smiled. After tea, as he often did, Mr. Linden went out again ; and the two were left alone. Mrs. Derrick occupied her- vself with reading in the old family Bible, where she turned over leaf after leaf; but Faith, on a low seat, sat looking into the remains of the little fire which had been kindled in the supper room. Looking at the glowing coals and grey flickering ashes, with a very grave, meditative, thought ful gaze. "Mother "she said at length, turning her face towards Mrs. Derrick s Bible. " Well child ?" said her mother a little abstractedly. " I wish, mother, you would ask Mr. Linden to read and pray at night and let Cindy and Mr. Skip come in?" " Why Faith !" said Mrs. Derrick, now fully roused, " how you talk, child I Wish I d do this, and wish I d let tother don t I let you and Mr. Linden do pretty much what you ve a mind to ?" It was incomprehensible to Faith that her mother s per mission should have to do with any of Mr. Linden s actions; but she merely repeated, "I wish you d ask him, mother." "I guess I will !" said Mrs. Derrick "when I do you ll know it, and he too. Ask him yourself, pretty child," she added, looking at Faith with a very unbent brow. "But mother," said Faith with a little "tinge in her cheeks, " it would be much better that you should ask him. You are the person to do it." "I should like to see you make that out," said Mrs. Der rick. "I don t think I m such a person at all." "Only because you are the head of the family, mother," Faith said with a little fainter voice. " Well, if I m the head of the family I ll do as I like, for once," said Mrs. Derrick. " I d like to hear him, I m 136 SAY AND SEAL. sure, child it would seem like old times, but I wouldn t ask him, for a kingdom !" Faith looked at her, half laughing and grave too but gave up the point, seeing she must. And while you re about it, Faith, you can just ask him to make his boys behave. Sam Stoutenburgh did nothing all meeting time but look at you. So I guess the sermon didn t do him much good." Faith went back to the contemplation of the fire. How ever, she apparently had not made up her mind that she was the person, or else was not ready to act upon it ; for when Mr, Linden was heard opening the front door Faith ran away, and came down no more that night. CHAPTER XII. M TT occurs to me, Parson Somers," said that gentle man s lady wife, as she salted and sugared his morn ing bowl of porridge; "it occurs to me, that Pattaquasset is getting stirred up with a long pole." "Ah, my dear?" said Mr. Somers "Stirred up. 7 Well what makes you think so ?" "Why "said Mrs. Somers tasting the porridge "Jen ny! fetch some more milk. How do you suppose Mr. Somers is going to eat such thick stuff as that ? and when do you suppose he is going to get his breakfast, at this rate ? If you let your head run upon Jem Waters in this style, Jenny, I shall forbid him the house. I always notice that the day after he s been here Mr. Somers porridge is too thick." "Well, my dear," said the parson, "ha the porridge will do very well. I thought you were speaking of Patta quasset when you spoke of something being stirred up. " "So I was," said the lady, while Jenny blushing beyond her ordinary peonic hue, ran about in the greatest confu sion, catching up first the water pitcher and then the mo lasses cup. " Do very well? no, indeed it won t! but men never know anything about housekeeping." "Well, my dear, but about Pattaquasset? I know something about Pattaquasset. Is there any trouble in the village? It s a very peaceable place," continued Mr. Somers, looking at his distant breakfast dish, "always was ha I wish you d let me have my porridge. Is there any trouble, my dear?" "I can t tell, " said Mrs. Somers, adding critical drops of milk, "see for yourself, Mr. Somers. If there isn t, there may be. One set of things is at sixes, and another at sevens. There that s better, though it s about as far from perfection as I am." "We re none of us perfect, and so ha my dear, we can t blame the porridge," said Mr. Somers with slight 12* - 137) 138 SAY AND SEAL. jocularity which pleased at least himself. "But Patta- quasset is about as near the impossible state as most places, that I know. What have you heard of, Mrs. Somers ? Yon deal in rather a enigmatical construction, this morning." "Who said I had heard anything?" said the lady, "I only said, use your eyes, Mr. Somers, open your study window and let the light in. Just see what a rumpus we ve had about the school, to begin." "Ha! my dear," said Mr. Somers, "if opening the win dow of my study is going to let trouble come in, I d rather -ha keep it shut! Judge Harrison thinks the teacher is a very fine man and I ve no doubt he is! and the Judge is going to give him a great celebration. I have no doubt we shall all enjoy it. I think the disturbance that has been made will not give Mr. Linden any more trouble." "Why who cares about his trouble?" said Mrs. Somers rather briskly, " I dare say he s very good, Mr. Somers, but I shan t fret over him. I m not sure but he s a little too good for my liking I m not sure that it s quite natural. Jenny! fetch some more biscuit ! how long do you sup pose Mr. Somers and I can live upon one?" Parson Somers eat porridge and studied the philosophy of Mrs Somers statements. "My dear," said he at length, "I am not sure that you are correct in your view indeed it seems to me a rather contradictory. I don t know what the stir is about; and I don t think there is any occasion, my dear, for you a to fret, about anything. Not about Mr. Linden, certainly. The disaffection to the new school was a confined to very few ! I don t think it has taken root in the public mind generally. You will be better able to form a judg ment on Thursday." "Bless your heart ! Mr. Somers," said his wife, "what s Thursday to do ? If you think I ve said all I could say why there s no help for it. Now there s Sam Deacon don t come to meeting half the time lately, and to match that, Faith Derrick walks into Sunday school with one of those Seacomb children tagging after her." "Well," said Mr. Somers looking exceedingly mystified, what s the harm in that? If Miss Faith chooses to do SAY AND SEAL. 139 it, it shews, I am sure, a a charitable disposition, praise worthy !" "Mr. Somers!" said the lady. "Is it possible you can think for one moment that I mean what you mean ? If she came to Society too, I should know what to make of it, but when people work alongside of some folks, and not along side of others, why it s as long as it s broad. Then Maria Davids says she drove those boys over to Neanticut tother day or helped .drive em. What do you think of that, Mr. Somers?" Mr. Somers looked as if his wife was too fast for him. "My dear," said he howev-er, plucking up, "I think I would trust Faith Derrick as soon as Maria Davids, or any other young lady in Pattaquasset! If she did go to Neanticut I presume it was all as it should be. Squire Deacon never was a very remarkable for being a reli gious man or anything like that; and you can t help folks working alongside of each other they will do it," said Mr. Somers relapsing into his jocular mood. "I am a man of peace, my dear, and you should be a woman of peace." "Why you don t suppose I believed what Maria Davids said?" replied Mrs. Somers. "Her words are not worth their weight in gold and she isn t a bit too good to be jealous. But the thing is, if Faith didn t do that, what did she do? Jenny 1 fetch in the tub of hot water, and be spry !" With Jenny and the hot water walked in a somewhat rough-looking boy, who declared without much ceremony, beyond doffing his cap, that " ma sent him to find out where the sewin meetin was to be this week." " Who are you ?" said Mrs. Somers, dipping a cup in the hot water and wiping it with a spryness that was quite imposing. "Is your name Bill Wright?" "No taint," said the boy. "Guess again." "You ll never pay anybody for much trouble that way," said Mrs. Somers dipping in the corresponding saucer. "Jenny did you ever hear of anybody s getting along in a dish-tub without a mop ?" "Who is it wants to know, sir?" said Mr. Somers po litely. "Who is your father?" "He s farmer Davids." 140 SAY AND SEAL. "Oh! and are you Phil?" " Yes ! What be I goin to tell her?" This interroga tory being sent in the direction of the dish-tub. "Why you can tell her two things," said Mrs. Soraers, eying Phil from head to foot. "In the first place, the So- ciety ll meet down at Miss Bezac s ; and in the second, as soon as your mother ll teach her children how to behave themselves I shall be very glad to see them." "The Society ll meet down to Miss Purcell s?" "Miss Bezac s" said Mrs. Somers, preserving a cheer ful and brisk equanimity in the midst of her sharp words that was quite delightful. "Pay more attention to your lessons, Phil Davids, and you ll be a better boy, if you look sharp." "What lessons?" said the boy blackly. "All you get at home and abroad. You go to school I fancy," replied Mrs. Somers. The boy glanced towards the clock and began to move off, answering by actions rather than words. "You were over at Neanticut, I suppose, Saturday," said Mr. Somers affably. To which the answer was a choked and unwilling yes. 7 Well who drove you over?" He druv," said Phil. "I m going" And the ladies weren t there ladies along?" Yes They druv too." Did you have a fine time?" said Mrs. Somers. Yes! / did," said Phil very gloomily. Why what did you do more than the rest?" I didn t do nothing!" said Phil, blurting out, "and he went and took all my nuts away. He s the devil !" The boy looked at the minute as if he was a young one. "Hush, hushl" said Mr. Somers. "You you oughtn t to speak that way don t you know? it s not proper." "I hope he boxed your ears first," said Mrs. Somers "I m certain you deserved it. What made him take your nuts away ?" "He wanted em to make a present to you" said the boy; and with another glance at the hands of the clock, he darted out of the house and down the road towards the schoolhouse, as if truly he had expected to meet there the character he had mentioned. SAY AND SEAL. 141 "My dear " said Mr. Somers "do you think it is quite a politic, to tell Mrs. Davids she don t bring up her children right? Mrs. Davids is a very respectable woman and so is Farmer Davids none more so." "I don t know what you call respectable women " said Mrs. Somers "I should be sorry to think he was. But I just wish, Mr. Somers, that you would preach a sermon to the people about cutting off their children s tongues if they can t keep them in order. I declare ! I could hardly keep hands off that boy." And with this suggested and suggestive text, Mr. Somers retired to his study. It had been a busy day with more than Mr. Somers, when towards the close of the afternoon Faith came out upon the porch of her mother s house. She had not read more than one delicious bit of her letter on the ride home from Neanticut; the light failed too soon. After getting home there was no more chance. Saturday night, that Saturday, had a crowd of affairs. And Monday had been a day full of business. Faith had got through with it all at last; and now, as fresh as if the kitchen had been a bygone institution though that was as true of Faith in the kitchen as out of it she sat down in the afternoon glow to read the letter. The porch was nice to match ; she took a low seat on the step, and laying the letter in her lap rested her elbow on the yellow floor of the porch to take it at full ease. It was not just such a letter as is most often found in biographies, yet such as may be found out of print. A bright medley of description and fancy mountains and legends and scraps of song forming a mosaic of no set pat tern. And well-read as the writer was in other respects, it was plain that she was also learned in both the books Faith had had at Neanticut. The quick flow of the letter was only checked now and then by a little word-gesture of affec tion, if that could be called a check, which gave to the written pictures a better glow than lit up the originals. It was something to see Faith read that letter or would have been, if anybody had been there to look. She leaned over it in a sort of breathless abstraction, catching her breath a little sometimes in a way that told of the in- 142 SAY AND SEAL. terest at work. The interest was not merely what would have belonged to the letter for any reader, it was not merely the interest that attached to the writer of it, nor to the person for whom it was written ; it was not only the interest deep and great which Faith felt in the subjects and objects spoken of in the letter. All these wrought with their full power; but all these were not enough to account for the intent and intense feeling with which Faith bent over that letter, with eyes that never wavered, and a cheek in which the blood mounted to a bright flush. And when it was done, even then she sat still leaning over the paper, looking not at it but through it. A little shower of fringed gentian and white Ladies tresses came patting down upon the letter, hiding its deli cate black marks with their own dainty faces. "These are your means of transport back to Pattaquas- set," said Mr. Linden. Faith looked up, and rose up. " I had come back," she said, drawing one of those half long breaths as she folded up and gave him the letter. " I can t thank you, Mr. Linden." " I thought you were not reading, or I should not have ventured such an interruption. But I am in no hurry for the letter, Miss Faith. How do you like Italy ?" "I like it " said Faith doubtfully, " I don t know it. Mr. Linden," she went on with some difficulty and flushing yet more, "some time, will you tell me in what books I can find out about those things ? those things the letter speaks of." " Those which concern Italy, do you mean ? I can ar range an Italy shelf for you up stairs but I am afraid I have not very much here to put on it." "No indeed!" said Faith looking half startled, "I didn t mean to give you trouble only some time, if you would tell me what books perhaps " "Perhaps what?" he said smiling, "perhaps I wouldn t ?" "No," she said, "I mean, perhaps you would; and per haps I could get them and read them. I feel I don t know anything." That Faith felt it was very plain. She had that rare Deauty a soft eye. I do not mean the grace of insipidity, SAY AND SEAL. 143 nor the quality of mere form and colour ; but the full lus trous softness that speaks a character strong in the founda tions of peace and sweetness. Many an eye can be soft by turns and upon occasion ; it is rarely that you see one where sweetness and strength have met together to make that the abiding characteristic. The gentleness of such an eye has always strength to back it. Weakness could never be so steadfast; poverty could not be so rich. And Faith s eye shewed both its qualities now. Mr. Linden merely repeated, "I will arrange it for you and you can take the books in what order you like. Per haps I can send you another journey when they are ex hausted," he added, turning the letter softly about, as if the touch were pleasant to him. She stood looking at it. " I don t know how to thank you for letting me read that," she said. "It would be foolish in me to tell you how beautiful I thought it." " She is " her brother said, with a tender, half smiling half grave expression. And for a minute or two he was silent then spoke abruptly. "Miss Faith, what have you done with your Philosophe ? You know, though the rooms in the great Temple of Know- lodge be so many that no one can possibly explore them all, yet the more keys we have in hand the better. For some locks yield best to an English key, some to a French ; and it is often pleasant to take a look where one cannot go in and dwell." She flushed a good deal, with eyes downcast as she stood before him; then answered, with that odd little change of her voice which told of some mental check. "I haven t done anything with it, Mr. Linden. "That requires explanation." "It isn t so hard as one of your puzzles," she said smil ing. "I mean to do something with it, Mr. Linden, if I can ; and I thought I would try the other day ; but I found I didn t know enough to begin to learn that yet." "What other key are you forging?" " What other key ?" said Faith. "I mean," he answered with a tone that shewed a little fear of going too far, "what do you want to learn before that?" 144 SAY AND SEAL. "I don t know," said Faith humbly. "I suppose, Eng lish. It was a grammar of yours, Mr. Linden, a French grammar, that I was looking at ; and I found I couldn t understand what it was about, anywhere. So I thought I must learn something else first." "Never was philosopher so put in a corner!" said Mr. Linden. "Suppose you take up him and the dictionary and let me be the grammar do you think you could under stand what I was about ?" The blood leapt to her cheek; part of her answer Faith had no need to put in words, even if he had not seen her eyes, which he did. The words were not in any hurry to come. " When you have been teaching all day already " she said in a tone between regretful and self-reproving. " It wouldn t be right." "Mayn t I occasionally do wrong? just for variety s sake !" "You may and I don t doubt you would. I was think ing of my own part." "I am glad you don t say you have no doubt I do," said Mr. Linden. "I suppose you mean that I would if suffi cient temptation came up, which of course it never has." Faith looked an instant, and then her gravity broke up. "Ah", but yon know what I mean," she said. "You will have to furnish me with a dictionary next," he said smiling. "Look at my watch Miss Faith, how can you have tea so late, when I have been teaching all day ? it isn t right, and cuts off one s time for philoso phizing besides." Faith ran into the house, to tell the truth, with a very pleased face ; and tea was on the table inless time than Cindy could ever understand. But during tea-time Faith looked, furtively, to see if any signs were to be found that little Johnny Fax had been made to yield up his testimony. Whether he had or no, she could see none; which how ever, as she justly concluded with herself, proved nothing. The new grammar was far easier understood than the old. Although Mr. Linden unfolded his newspaper, and informed Faith that he intended to read uninterruptedly so that she need feel no scruple about interrupting him SAY AND SEAL. 145 yet he probably had the power of reading two things at once ; for his assistance was generally given before it was asked. His explanations too, whether Faith knew it or not, covered more ground than the French exigency abso lutely required, he was not picking this lock for her, but giving her the grammar key. But Faith knew it and felt it; and tasted the help thus given, with an appreciation which only it needed to do all its work ; the keen delight of one seeking knowledge, who has never been helped and who has for the first time the right kind of help. . Indeed, with the selfishness incident to human nature, she forgot all about Mr. Linden s inten tion to read uninterruptedly, and took without scruple or question, all the time he bestowed upon her. And it was not till some minutes after she had closed her books, that her low, grateful " You are very good, Mr. Linden 1" reached his ear. Now the fact was, that Faith had been much observed that afternoon, her reading-dream on the cteps had been so pretty a thing to see, that when Squire Deacon had seen it once he came back to see it again ; and what number of views he would have taken cannot be told, had he not been surprised by Mr. Linden. Naturally the Squire withdrew, naturally his enlarged mind became contracted as he thought of the cause thereof; and not unnaturally he walked down that way after tea, still further to use his eyes. The house was in a tantalizing state. For though the light curtain was down, it revealed not only the bright glow of the lamp, but one or two shadowy heads ; and the window being open (for the evening was warm) low voices, that he loved and that he did not love, came to his ear. Once a puff of wind floated the curtain in more tantalizing than ever! Squire Deacon could see Mr. Linden bending aside to look at something, but what the Squire could not see; for there came the edge of the curtain. In a warm state of mind he turned his face homewards, proclaiming to himself that he didn t care what they did ! the result of which was, that in ten minutes more he was knocking at Mrs. Derrick s door, and being promptly admitted by Cindy entered the Yarlour just as Faith had shut up her book and uttered her soft word of thanks. VOL. z. * 13 146 SAY AND SEAL. It was something of a transition ! But after a moment s shadow of surprise on her face, Faith came forward and gave the Squire her hand. She would have let him then explain his own errand ; but as he did not seem very ready to do that, or to say anything, Faith stepped into the breach. " How is Cecilia, Mr. Deacon ? I have not seen her in a long time." " She s firstrate," said the Squire, colouring up; for Mr. Linden s "how do you do again, Squire Deacon ?" not only implied that they had lately met, but that the occasion was not forgotten. " It s a sort of suffocating evening," added the Squire, wiping his forehead. " I don t recollect so warm an October for a year or two. Cilly s been out of town, Miss Faith, and since she come back she s been complainin of you." Faith was near saying that she hoped the warm weather would last till Thursday; but she remembered that would not do, and changed her ground. "I am sorry anybody should complain of me. Is that because I didn t go to see her when she was away ?" "I m sure the rest of us could have stood it, if you had come when she was gone, Miss Faith," said the Squire gallantly. " Seems to me we haven t seen you down to our house for an age of Sundays." "I will try to come of a week day," said Faith. "I think you never saw me there Sunday, Mr. Deacon." " I suppose an age of Sundays must be seven times as long as any other age," said Mr. Linden. "Isn t that the origin of the phrase, Squire Deacon ?" "Very like," said the Squire who didn t care to be interrupted. "I don t know much about originals, when a man has a position to fill, sir, he can t study knick-knacks. What a handsome book, Miss Faith ! such a becoming colour." "Don t you like the inside of books too, Mr. Deacon?" said Faith. "I daresay I should that one," said the Squire, "the outside s like a picture or a view, as some people call it. Looks just like a grain field in spring. What s the name of it, Miss Faith ?" SAY AND SEAL. 147 Half prudently, half wickedly, Faith without answering took the book from the table and put it in Mr. Deacon s hand. The Squire s face looked like anything but a grain field in spring then it was more like a stubble in November ; for opening the book midway and finding no help there, he turned to the title page and found the only English words in the book, in very legible black ink. "So !" he said "it s his n, is it !" "Yes, it is mine," said Mr. Linden, "almost any man may have so much of a library as that." The Squire glanced suspiciously at Faith, as if he still believed she had something to do with it ; but he did not dare press the matter. " Miss Faith," he said, calling up a smile that was meant to do retrospective work, "have you heard tell of the queer things they ve found down to Mattabeeset ?" "What things, Mr. Deacon?" " Some sort o bird s been makin tracks down there," said the Squire leaning back in his chair, with the look of one who has now got the game in his own hands; " makin tracks criss-cross round ; and they do say the size on era might have come out of the ark, for wonder." "How large are they, Mr. Deacon? and what sort of bird is it?" "Well if I was a descendant of Noah, I s pose I could tell you," said the Squire with increased satisfaction, "I m sorry I can t, as it is. But if you re curious, Miss Faith (and ladies always is in my experience) I ll drive you down there any day or any time of day. I want to see eio myself, that s a fact, and so does Cilly. Now Miss Faith, name the day!" The shortest possible smile on Mr. Linden s face at this sudden and earnest request, did not help Faith to an answer; but the Squire was happily forgetful for the moment that there were more than two people in the room, and leaning towards Faith he repeated, " The sooner the quicker, always, in such cases 1 because folks can never tell what may happen." "No," said Faith, "they cannot especially about wea ther; and I have got some particular work to attend to at 148 SAY aND SEAL. home, Mr. Deacon, before the weather changes. I wish j ou and Cecilia would go down and bring us a report. I should like that. But for the present Mr. Skip and I- have some thing to do." "It s good you want Mr. Skip, for I don t," said the Squire, stiffening a little. "Is that one of the new- fashioned ways of saying you won t go, Miss Faith?" "What s your objection to Mr. Skip?" said Faith plea santly. "I am glad nobody else wants him, for we do." "Well, I say I m glad you ve got him," said the Squire, relenting under the power of Faith s voice. "But what ails you Miss Faith, to go tackin round J : ke one o them schooners against the wind? Aint it a straight question as to whether you ll take an excursion to Mattabeeset?" "Very straight," said Faith smiling and speaking gently. "And I thought I gave a straight answer." "Blessed if I can see which road it took!" said Squire Deacon, "save and except it didn t seem to be the right one. No s about as ugly a road as a man can foller. Guess I spoke too late, after all," said the Squire medita tively. "How s your furr n news, Mr. Linden? Get it regular?" " Yes " said Mr. Linden, "making due allowance for the irregularity of the steamers." Faith looked up in no little astonishment, and took the eye as well as the ear effect of this question and answer ; then said quietly, "Have you any business in the post-office, Mr. Dea con ?" "Not a great deal, Miss Faith," said the Squire, with a blandness on one side of his face which but poorly set off the other. " I go. down for the paper once a week, and lection times maybe oftener, but I don t do much in the letter line. Correspondence never was my powder maga zine. I shouldn t know where to put two or three ferni- nine letters a week if I got em. " If he had got what somebody wanted to give him at that moment 1 Squire Deacon little knew what risk he ran, nor how much nearer he was to a powder magazine than he ever had been in his life. "A sure sign that nobody will ever trouble you in that SAY AND SEAL. 140 way," Faith said somewhat severely But the Squire was obtuse. "Well I guess likely," he said, "and it s just as good they don t. I shouldn t care about living so fur from any body I was much tied up in or tied up to, neither. I can t guess, for one, how you make out to be contented here, Mr. Linden." " How do you know that I do, sir?" There was a little pause at that it was a puzzling question to answer; not to speak of a slight warning which the Squire received from his instinct. But the pause was pleasantly ended. "Faith I" said a gentle voice in the passage "open the door, child I ve got both hands full." Which call Mr. Linden appropriated to himself, and not only opened the door but brought in the great dish of smoking chestnuts. Faith ran away to get plates for the party, with one of which in defiance of etiquette she served first Mr. Linden ; then handed another to the Squire. " I hope they are boiled right, Mr. Linden. Have you seen any chestnuts yet this year, Mr. Deacon ?" "I ve seen some but they warn t good for nothing," said the Squire rather sourly. " Thank you, Miss Faith, for your plate, but I guess I ll go." "Why stay and eat some chestnuts, Squire Deacon!" said Mrs. Derrick. " Those are Neanticut chestnuts firstrate too." "I don t like Neanticut chestnuts "said Squire Deacon rising "never did, they re sure to be wormy. Good night, Miss Faith good night, Mr. Linden. Mrs. Der rick, this room s hot enough to roast eggs." "Why the windows are open!" said Mrs. Derrick "and we might have had the curtains drawn back, too, but I always feel as if some one was looking in." Which remark did not delay the Squire s departure, and Mrs. Derrick followed him to the door, talking all the way. During which little passage Faith s behaviour again transcended all rules. For she stood before the dish of chestnuts, fingering one or two, with a somewhat unsteady motion of the corners of her mouth; and then put both 13* 150 SAY AND SEAL. her hands to her face and laughed, her low but very merri ment-speaking laugh. "Miss Faith," Mr. Linden said, "I think Job was an ex traordinary man ! and the chestnuts are not so bad as they are reported, after all." Faith became grave, and endeavoured to make trial of the chestnuts, without making any answer. "Child," said Mrs. Derrick returning, "I don t think the Squire felt just comfortable I wonder if he s well ?" Which remark brought down the house. "By the way " said Mr. Linden looking up, "did you lose a bow of ribband from your sunbonnet, the other day at Neanticut ?" Faith owned to having lost it somewhere. "I found it somewhere "said Mr. Linden with a rather peculiar look, as he took out the bow of ribband. "Where did you find it, Mr. Linden?" "I found it here in Pattaquasset." "Where?" But he shook his head at the question. "I think I will not tell you you may lose it again " And all Faith s efforts could get no more from him. CHAPTER XIII. E Thursday of the great school celebration arrived ; JL and according to Faith s unexpressed wish, the weather had continued warm. It was the very luxury of October. A day for all the senses to disport themselves and revel in luxurious beauty. But the mind of Patta- quasset was upon the evening s revel, and upon the beauty of white cambric and blue ribbands. The mind of Faiti Derrick was on somewhat else. "Mother," she said, "do you know there must be a fire up in Mr. Linden s room as soon as the weather gets cold?" "Of course, child." "Well there is nothing in the world up there to put wood in." "It used to lie on the floor " said Mrs. Derrick, as if the past might possibly help the future. "That does make a muss." "It s not going to lie on the floor now," said Faith. "I am going to get Mr. Skip to make me a box, a large box, with a top and I will cover it with some carpet or dark stutf, if you ll give me some, mother. It must be dark, oe- cause the wood of the room is. I am going to stuff the top for a seat, and it will look very nice." "Anything does that you take hold of," said her mother. Yes, child, I ll give you all I ve got, you can look for yourself and take what you like best." The immediate work of the day was to clear ship in other words, to do all the day s work in the former part thereof, so as to leave time for the unwonted business of the afternoon. Mrs. Derrick even proposed that Faith should get dressed. But Faith said there was time enough after dinner; and that meal was gone through with as usual. With this slight variation in the table talk. Mr. Linden suggested to Faith the propriety of philosophizing a little, (151) 152 SAY AND SEAL - as a preparative for the dissipation of the evening; and de clared that for the purpose, he would promise to bring hig toilette within as narrow bounds as she did hers. Faith s face gave answer, in the sort of sparkling of eye and colour which generally met such a proposition, and which to-day was particularly bright with the pleasure of surprise. "But," she said warningly, "I can dress in very few minutes !" So she did, and yet and yet, she was dressed from head to foot and to the very point of the little white ruffle round her throat. Hair, bright as her hair .was, and in the last degree of nice condition and arrangement, the same perfect presentation of hands and feet and white ruffles as afore said ; that was the most of Faith s dressing ; the rest was a plain white cambric frock, which had its only setting off in her face and figure. The one touch of colour which it wanted, Faith found when she went down stairs; for upon the basket where Le Philosophe commonly reposed, lay a dainty breast-knot of autumn tints, fringed gentian with its delicate blue, and oak leaves of the deepest red, and a late rose or two. It is a pity there was nobody to see Faith s face ; for its tints copied the roses. Surprise and doubt and pleasure made a pretty confusion. She held in her hand the dainty bouquet and looked at it, as if the red leaves could have told her what other hand they were in last; which was what Faith wanted to know. A step on the porch a slight knock at the front door, naturally drew her thoughts and feet thither, but whatever Faith expected she did not expect to see Sam Stoutenburgh. One might almost go further and say he did not expect to see her, for he gazed at her as if she had been an appari tion only that his face was red instead of white. " How do you do, Sam," said Faith, coming back a little to everyday life. " Do you want to see Mr. Linden ?" "0 no, Miss Faith!" said Sam as if it were the last thing in the world he wanted to see. "Well Sam what then ?" But Sam was slow to say what then or indeed to say anything ; and what would have been his success is to this SAY AND SEAL. 153 day unknown, for at that moment Mr. Linden came down stairs. "Do you want me, Sam?" he said, approaching the front door. "No, sir," said Sam (playing both parts of an unwilling witness) "I I thought you were out, Mr. Linden." "0 "Mr. Linden said. "I beg your pardon!" And he not only went into the parlour but shut the door after him. To no purpose ! With him went the remnant of Sam Stoutenburgh s courage, if he had had any to begin with, and after one more glance at Faith he fairly turned his back and fled without striking his colours. Faith went back to the parlour. "What is the matter with the boy?" she said, "I couldn t get anything out of him, Mr. Linden." A somewhat peculiar smile came with the words, " Couldn t you ?" Faith noticed it, but her thought was elsewhere. She came back to the table, took up the flowers, and said a little timidly, "Do you know who put these here, Mr. Linden?" The look changed. "I think I do," he said. Her look did not change, except to a softened reflection of the one with which she had first viewed them. She viewed them still, bending over them doubtfully; then glancing up at him she shook her head and said, " You are dressed before me, after all, Mr. Linden !" And ran away. She was back again in three minutes, with the flowers upon her breast ; and if there had been but one adornment in the world that would have fitted her just then, the giver of the flowers had found it. Faith had altered nothing, she had only put them in the right place ; and the effect was curious in its beauty. That effect of her flowers was probably the only one unknown to Faith her self, though it was with a face blushing with pleasure that she came in and sat gravely down to be a philosopher. She gave her teacher little trouble, and promised to give him less. She had excellent capacity, that was plain; with f he eager desire for learning which makes the most of it ; both the power and the will were there to appropriate and 154 SAY AND SEAL. use every word of Mr. Linden s somewhat lawless bat curiously skilful manner of instructing her. And the sim plicity of her attention was perfect. She did not forget her flowers, probably, during this particular page of philo sophizing, for a little tinge on her cheek never ceased to speak of pleasure all through the time ; but that was the sole sign of distraction, if distraction there were. Less grave, but more intent, than Mr. Linden himself, the in formation that Mr. Skip had driven the little wagon round before the door, came to her ears all too soon. The drive to the Judge s was not very long; it might have been three quarters of a mile; so even at the old horse s rate of travelling they were soon there. Judge Harrison s house was large and old-fashioned, yet had much more style about it. than any other house in Pat- taquasset pretended to ; and the same was true of its arrange ments and furniture. It was comfortable and ample; so was everything in it; with besides that touch of ease and fitness and adaptation which shews always or generally that people have lived where there is a freedom from fixed standards. It was so here ; for Judge Harrison s family during the life-time of his wife had always spent their winters and often part of their summers away from Patta- quasset in one of the great cities, New York generally or at some watering-place. There was also however an amount of good sense and kind temper in the family which made no difference, of intention, between them and the rest of Pattaquasset when they were there ; so that they were extremely popular. Mr. Skip and old Crab were in very good time ; there were not more than half assembled of all the good com pany asked and expected this afternoon. These were all over, in the house and out of the house ; observing and speculating. The house was surrounded with pleasant grounds, spreading on two sides in open smooth lawns of considerable extent, and behind the house and the lawns stretching back in a half open shrubbery. On one of the lawns long tables already shewed their note of preparation ; on the other there was a somewhat ominous array of benches and chairs ; and among them all, round and about everything, scattered the people. SAY AND SEAL. 155 Mrs. Derrick and Faith went upstairs to the unrobing room, where the latter was immediately taken into consul tation by Miss Harrison on some matters which promised to keep them both busy for some time. Mr. Linden mean while received a very cordial welcome from Judge Harrison, who was cordiality itself. " Well, Mr. Linden ! we ve got a good day I Good for the boys and good for us. We ve ventured to depart a little from your instructions ! but I hope in such a way as not to compromise you. My son and daughter have managed it. I ll introduce him to you" said the old gen tleman looking about, "but he s somewhere just now." "I should like to know first, Judge Harrison, what my instructions were," said Mr. Linden, as his eyes likewise made search for the missing doctor. "O," said the Judge, "all right! I understood your feelings exactly. I used that word because the right one didn t come. I have to do that often. .I ve heard of the 1 pen of a ready writer I m sure I d rather have the tongue of a ready speaker; but it don t matter for me now. My friends take me as they find me, and so will you, I have little fear. Julius ! Here s my son, Dr. Harrison, Mr Linden." Dr. Harrison must have a word of introduction to the reader, though he was one of those who need very little in actual life. He was a handsome man, young but not very young, and came up at his father s call and honoured the introduction to his father s guest, with that easy grace and address which besides being more or less born with a man, tell that much attrition with the world has been at work to take away all his outward roughnesses of nature. He was handsomely dressed too, though not at all in a way to challenge observation. His coat would have startled no body in Pattaquasset, though it might have told another that its wearer had probably seen France, had probably seen England, and had in short lived much in that kind of so ciety which recognizes the fact of many kinds of coats in the world. His greeting of Mr. Linden was both simple and graceful. "1 am very happy to see you," he said as he shook hands. " I should certainly have come to see you before,. 156 SAY AND SEAL. but I am more a stranger in Pattaquasset than anybody. I have hardly been at home since I returned; business has drawn me to other quarters and I am only fortunate enough to be in time for this occasion. It s a good time for me," said he looking round, "I can renew my old ac quaintance with everybody at once I think all Pattaquas set is here." "Not grown out of your remembrance, has it?" said Mr. Linden. "How long have you been away?" "Well it s had time to grow out of everything ! espe cially out of my memory. I have not been here for five years and then only for a few days and before that at College ; so I may say I have hardly been here since my boyhood. I don t know anybody but the old ones. I shall apply to you, if you will allow me," said he, drawing him self and Mr. Linden a little more apart from the centre of reception. "Who, for instance, is that very well-dressed young lady just entering the hall? good-looking too." The doctor s face was very quiet so were his words ; but his eye was upon Miss Cecilia Deacon, who in a low- necked blue silk, with an amber necklace and jet bracelets, was paying her respects to the Judge and his daughter. With equal quietness Mr. Linden made answer. "By the way," said the doctor suddenly, "I believe we owe this pleasant occasion very pleasant I think it is going to be to you." "Accidentally and innocently, I assure you." "Yes of course," said Dr. Harrison, with the air of one who needed no information as to Mr. Linden s view of the subject, nor explanation as to its grounds. "But," said he speaking somewhat low, "my father has the in terests of the school and indeed of all Pattaquasset truly at heart, and my sister has entered into all his feel ings. I am a kind of alien. I hope not to be so. But, as I was saying, my father and sister putting their heads together, have thought it would have a good effect upon the boys and upon certain interests of the community through them and their parents too, to give some little ho nours to the best students among them or to the cleverest boys which, as you and I know, are not precisely synony mous terms. Would you think well of such an expedient ? SAY AND SEAL. 15 Y My father is very anxious to do nothing which shall not quite meet your judgment and wish in the matter." "I shall leave it in Judge Harrison s hands," said Mr. Linden after a moment s silence: " I should be very sorry to gainsay his wishes in any respect. And some of the boys deserve any honours that can be given them." "Do they?" said the doctor. "Can you indicate them to me ?" "No," said Mr. Linden smiling. "I shall leave you to find out." " Leave me" said the other. " How did you know what office they had charged upon me ? Well I am making as long a speech as if I were a member of Congress. By the way, Mr. Linden, can you imagine what could induce a man to be that particular member of the body politic ? it occupies the place of the feet, I think ; such members do little but run to and fro though I remember I just seemed to give them the place of the tongue unjustly. They don t do the real talk of the world." "The real talk?" said Mr. Linden. "Indeed I think they do their share." " Of talk ?" said the doctor with an acute look at his neighbour. "Well as I was saying my sister has pro vided I believe some red and blue, or red and something, favours of ribband to be given to the boys who shall merit them. Now to find out that, which you won t tell me, I am to do, under your pleasure, some more talking to them in public to see in short how well they can talk to me. Do you like that ?" "Better than they will, perhaps as merit is sometimes modest." " I assure you I would happily yield the duty into your hands who would do it so much better but I suppose you would say as somebody else Let my friend tell my tale. Who is that ?" said the doctor slowly and softly, " like the riding pole of a fence as little to spare and as rigid isn t he ? and as long ! Don t I remember him ?" "You ought that is Mr. Simlins." "Yes" said the doctor musingly "I remember him! 1 incurred his displeasure once, in some boyish way, and if I recollect he is a man that pays his debts. And that VOL. I. 14 158 SAY AND SEAL. unfortunate next looks like the perspective of a woman." But this lady Mr. Linden did not know. She was little, in form and feature, and had besides a certain pinched-in look of diminutiveness that seemed to belong to mind as well as body, temper, and life and had procured her the doctor s peculiar term of description. " The next thing is," said Dr. Harrison, as his eye slowly roved over the assembled and assembling people " who is to give the favours ? My sister of course does not wish to be forward in the business and / don t and you don t. / say, the prettiest girl here." " I think the hands that prepared the favours should dis pense them," said Mr. Linden. "But she won t do it and ladies have sometimes the power of saying no they re generally persuadable ! Who s that ?" said the doctor with a change of tone, touching Mr. Linden s arm, " the one in white with a red bouquet de corsage she s charming ! She s the one !" "That is Miss Derrick." " She ll do," said the doctor softly to his companion, as Faith paused for a quick greeting of the Judge and then passed on out of sight; "she s charming Do you sup pose she knew what she was about when she put those red leaves and roses together? I didn t know there was that kind of thing in Pattaquasset." "Yes, they look very well," said Mr. Linden coolly. " Julius !" said Mrs. Somers, laying hold of the elbow of the suggestive coat, " what do you mean by keeping Mr. Linden and yourself back here. That s the way with you young men stand off and gaze at a safe distance, and then make believe you re fire proof." "Don t make believe anything, aunt Ellen," said the young man lightly. " Prove me. You can take me up to the cannon s mouth or any other ! and see if- 1 am afraid of it." " I shall prove you before I take you anywhere," said Mrs. Somers. " You needn t talk to me in that style. But it s a little hard upon the boys to keep Mr. Linden here out of sight, half of them don t know whether they re on their head or their heels till they see him, J can tell from their faces." SAY AND SEAL. 159 "Mr. Linden," said the doctor with a gesture of invita tion to his companion, "shall we go? Does it depend upon your face which of the positions mentioned is to be assumed ?" The two gentlemen accordingly threaded their way to the scene of action ; passing, among others, Squire Deacon and Mr. Simlins whom Mr. Linden greeted together. Mr. Simlins answer was a mighty grasp of the hand. Squire Deacon s deserved little attention, and got it. The party were now on the lawn, at one side of which the boys had clustered and were standing in expectation. "I think, Mr. Linden," said the doctor, if you will ex plain to the boys what is to become of them in the next hour, I will go and see about the fair distributor of the favours and then I suppose we shall be ready." It was well Dr. Harrison chose such a messenger, no one else could have brought quietness out of those few dis mayed minutes when the boys first learned what was to become of them ; and the Judge would have felt remorseful about his secret, had he seen the swift wings on which Pleasure took her departure from the little group. It took all Mr. Linden s skill, not to enforce submission, but to bring pleasure back; perhaps nothing less than his half laughing half serious face and words, could have kept some of the boys from running away altogether. And while some tried to beg off, and some made manful efforts not to feel afraid, others made desperate efforts to remember; and some of the little ones could be reassured by nothing but the actual holding of Mr. Linden s hand in theirs. So they stood, grouped in and out the trees at the further edge of the lawn, till their teacher disengaged himself and came back to the house, leaving the parting directions to say what they knew, and not try to say what they knew not. Meanwhile Dr. Harrison had found his sister, and after a little consulting the two had pressed their father into the service; and then the three sought Faith. She was dis covered at last on the other lawn, by one of the tables, Miss Harrison having clismayfully recollected that she had asked Faith to help her dress them, and then had left her all alone to do it. But Faith was not all alone ; for Mr 160 SAY AND SEAL. Simlins stood there like a good-natured ogre, watching her handling and disposing of the green leaves and late flowers with which she was surrounded, and now and then giving a most extraordinary suggestion as to the same. "Faith," said Miss Harrison after she had introduced her brother, " I want you to give these favours to the boys. Somebody must do it, and I can t and you must !" "You see, my dear," said Judge Harrison, "Sophy and Julius want their fete to go off as prettily as possible ; and so they want you to do this for them because you re the prettiest girl here." "Then I can t do it, sir," said Faith. She blushed very prettily, to be sure, but she spoke very quietly. "Faith 1 you will do it for me?" said Miss Harrison. "I can t, Sophy." "Nobody would do it so well as you half 1" "But I can t do it at all." And Faith went on leafing ner dishes. "I dare put in no petition of my own," said the doctor then; "but I will venture to ask on the part of Mr. Lin den, that you will do him and the school such a service." Faith s dark eyes opened slightly. " Did he ask you, sir ?" "I cannot answer that," said the doctor, a little taken aback. " I have presumed on what I am sure are his wishes." He did not know what to make of her smile, nor of the simplicity with which Faith answered, in spite of her vary ing colour, "You have been mistaken, sir." The doctor gave it up and said he was very sorry. "Then who shall doit?" said Miss Harrison. "Miss Essie de Staff?" " She ll do," said the Judge. And the doctor, raising his eyebrows a little, and dropping his concern, offered his arm to Faith to go to the scene of action. So it happened that as Mr. Linden entered the hall from one side door, he met the whole party coming in from the other, the doctor carrying the basket of blue and red favours which he had taken to present to Faith. But he stood still to let them pass, taking the full effect of the favours, the doctor, the SAY AND SEAL. 16i red leaves arid their white-robed wearer ; and then followed in his turn. All the inhabitants of the house and grounds were now fast gathering on the other lawn. Miss Sophy and her father separated different ways, the former taking the basket to commit it to Miss de Staff; and the doctor being obliged to go to his place in the performance, left his charge where he might. But nobody minded his neighbour now ; Faith did not; the boys were drawn up in a large semi circle, and the doctor taking his place in front of them, all in full view of the assembled townsmen of Pattaquasset, proceeded to his duty of examiner. He did it well. He was evidently, to those who could see it, thoroughly at home himself in all the subjects upon which he touched and made the boys touch ; so thoroughly, that he knew skilfully where to touch, and what to expect of them. He shewed himself a generous examiner too; he keenly enough caught the weak and strong points in the various minds he was dealing with, and gracefully enough brought the good to light, and only shewed the other so much as was needful for his purposes. He did not catch, nor entrap, nor press hardly ; the boys had fair play but they had favour too. The boys, on their part, were not slow to discover his good qualities ; and it was certainly a comfort to them to know that they were acquitted or condemned on right grounds. Beyond that, there were curious traits of charac ter brought to light, for those who had eyes to read them. The two head boys Reuben Taylor and Sam Stouten- burgh, though but little apart in their scholarship were widely different in the manifestation thereof. Sam Stouten- burgh s rather off-hand, dashing replies, generally hit the mark ; but the steady, quiet clearheadedness of Reuben not only placed him in advance, but gave indications which no one could read who had not the key to his character. He coloured sometimes, but it was from modesty ; while part of Sam Stoutenburgh s blushes came from his curls. Little Johnny Fax, by dint of fixing his eyes upon Mr. Linden s far-off form (he had been petitioned to stand in sight) went bravely through his short part of the performance; and 14* 162 SAY AND SEAL. proved, that he knew what he knew, if he didn t know much ; and of the rest there need nothing be said. Among the lookers-on there were also indications. To those who did not know him, Mr. Linden s face looked as unmoved as the pillar against which he leaned, yet the varying play of light and shade upon the one was well re peated in the other. Squire Stoutenburgh nodded and smiled, to himself and his neighbours, and made little aside observations "Tliat told, sir!" "Always was a good boy! studious." "Yes Reuben Taylor does well very well, considering who his father is." That father the while, stood alone even beyond the out skirts of the gay party. With Miss Cilly s blue dress he had nothing in common as little with Faith s spotless white. Dark, weatherbeaten, dressed for his boat and the clam banks, he stood there on the green turf as if in a trance. Unable to follow one question or answer, his eager eye caught every word of Reuben s voice; his intent gaze read first the assurance that it would be right, then the as surance that it was. The whole world might have swept by him in a pageant and he would scarcely have turned to look ! There was one other listener perhaps, whose interest was as rapt as h ? s; that was Faith. But her interest was of more manifold character. There was the natural feeling for and with the boys; and there was sympathy for their instructor And concern for his honour, which latter grew pre sently to be a very gratified concern. Then also Dr. Har rison s examination was a matter of curious novelty ; and back of all that, lay in Faith s mind a deep, searching, pressing interest in the subject matters of it. What of all that, she knew, how little, and how much the boys; how vastly much Dr. Harrison ; what far-reaching fields of knowledge there were in some people s minds. Where was Faith s mind going? Yet she was almost as outwardly quiet as Mr. Linden himself. All her shew of feeling was in the intent eye, the grave face, and a little deepening and deepening tinge in her cheeks. The questioning and answering was over the boys were all in their ranks there was a little hush and stir of ex pectancy, and Dr. Harrison gave his hand to a very bright SAY AND SEAL. 163 dy with a basket and led her to a position by his side, filling the eye of the whole assembly. Faith looked over to her with a tiny giving way of the lips which meant a great self-gratulation that she was not in the lady s place. There she stood, very much at home apparently, Miss Essie de Staff, as fifty mouths said at once. She was rather a little lady, not very young, nor old ; dressed in a gay- coloured plaid silk, with a jaunty little black apron with pockets, black hair in curls behind her ears, and a glitter of jewelry. It was not false jewelry, nor ill put on, and this was Miss Essie de Staff. She belonged to the second great family of Pattaquasset ; she too had been abroad and had seen life like the Harrisons ; but somehow she had seen it in a different way ; and while the de Staffs had the shew, the Harrisons always had the reality of precedence in the town. And Dr. Harrison, raising slightly again his voice, which was a melodious one, said, " The ladies of Pattaquasset intend to honour with a blue ribband the five elder boys who have spoken best ; and with a favour of red ribband the five little boys who have done the same on their part. Miss Essie de Staff will do us the honour to bestow them. Reuben Taylor, will you come forward here, if you please." The favours made a little stir among the group; and Reuben, who had been too much absorbed in the examina tion for its own sake to think much of the question of pre cedence, came forward at first with hesitation then steadily and firmly. Miss Essie stepped a little forward to meet him, gave her basket to Doctor Harrison, and taking a blue favour from it she smilingly attached the same securely to the left breast of Reuben s coat. "Don t leave your place," said the doctor to him in a low tone; "I mean," he added smiling, "go back to it and stay there. Sam Stoutenburgh 1" The doctor spoke like a man a little amused at himself for the part he was playing, but he did it well, nevertheless. And Reuben, who would fain have put himself and his blue ribband out of sight behind the rest, went back to his place, while Sam stepped briskly forward and received the 164 SAY AND SEAL. decoration in turn. Yery different his air from Reuben s, very different Reuben s grave and grateful bend of the head from the way in which Sam s hand covered at once his heart and the blue ribband. The four boys next in degree tc Reuben were severally invested with their blue stars. "Johnny Fax!" said Dr. Harrison. "Miss Essie, you are laying us under nameless obligations. Johnny, come and get your ribband." Johnny came looking first at Dr. Harrison and then at Miss Essie, as if a little uncertain what they were going to do with him; but apparently the fluttering red favour pleased his fancy, for he smiled a little, and then looked quite away over Miss Essie s shoulder as she bent towards him. For which neglect of the lady s face his youth and inexperience must account. But when the favour was on, Johnny s eyes came back, and he said simply, "Thank you, ma am. Shall I keep it always ?" " By all means 1" said Miss Essie. " Never part with it." The five little fellows were made splendid ; and then there was a pause. Miss Essie stepped back and was lost. Doctor Harrison made a sign with his hand, and two ser vants came on the lawn bringing between them a table covered with a red cloth. It was set down before Dr. Harrison and his sister came beside him. "My dear friends," said the doctor raising his voice again, and giving his sister at the same time the benefit of a slight play of face which others were not so situated they could see, "You have all done yourselves and somebody else, a great deal of credit. I hope you will thank him; . as we wish to shew our pleasure to you. It was not to be expected that everybody would be first this time though on the next occasion I have no doubt that will prove to be the case ; but as we could not of course in consequence give stars to all, we will do the best we can. Reuben Taylor " Again Reuben came forward ; the doctor had pulled off the red cloth, and a tempting pile of books, large and small, and nicely bound, rose up to view upon the table. And Miss Harrison as Reuben came near, chose out one of the best and handed it to him, saying softly, "You have done very well." SAY AND SEAL. 165 Now Miss Sophy Harrison was, as everyone knew and b id, thoroughly good and kind, like her father. She .ad chosen the books. And the one she had given Reuben ,.as a very nice copy of the Pilgrim s Progress. She wight have felt herself repaid by the one earnest look his t>yes gave her, then he bowed silently and retired. The list would be too long to go through. Every one was pleased this time; the Harrisons had done the thing well; and it may only be noted in passing that Johnny iax s delight and red ribband were crowned and finished oil with an excellent Robinson Crusoe. Then broke up and melted off the assembled throng, like I want a simile, like the scattering of a vapoury cloud in the sky. .It was everywhere and nowhere directly that which before had been a distinct mass. "Faith," said Miss Cecilia, almost before this process or dispersion commenced, "where did you get such a pietty nosegay this time of year ?" " They grew " said Faitli smiling. "Did they come out of your own garden." "We don t keep oak trees in our garden." "I declare I it s elegant. Faith, give me just one of those red leaves, won t you? I want it." "No indeed!" said Faith, starting back and shielding the oak leaves with her hand, as that of Miss Deacon ap proached them. "What are you thinking of?" "Thinking of!" said Cecilia colouring. "So, Faith, I hear you ve set up for a school teacher ?" "I ve one little scholar," said Faith quietly. "That isn t much setting up, Cecilia." "One scholar 1" said Cecilia contemptuously. "Didn t you go over with all the boys to Neanticut the other day?" "Yes," said Faith laughing, "indeed I did; but I assure you I didn t go to teach school." " Miss Derrick," said Dr. Harrison, offering his arm to Faith, "my sister begs the favour of your assistance in stantly and urgently you know I presume for what?" "Yes, I know, Dr. Harrison," said Faith smiling, "I left it unfinished" And the two walked away together. " Seems to me, Mr. Simlins," said Squire Deacon, watch- 1 66 SAY AND SEAL. ing Faith and her convoy with a certain saturnine satisfac tion ; "I say it seems to me, tlfat the Judge aint making the thing right side upwards. The boys get all the prizes without Dr. Harrison thinks he has, and the teacher don t seem to be much count. Now what a handsomer thing it would have been to make the boys get him some thing with their own hard cash, a pleasure boat " added the Squire, "or a Bible or anything of that sort. I thought all this philustration was to set him up." Mr. Simlins gave a kind of grunt. "It haint pulled him down much," he said, "as I see. And I suppose Judge Harrison thinks that drivin wedges under a church steeple is a surrogate work without he saw it was topplin ." Without getting any too clear a notion of the meaning of these words it took a lively imagination to follow Mr. Simlins in some of his flights, the Squire yet perceived enough to stay his own words a little ; and he passed away the tedium of the next few minutes by peering round the corner of the house and getting far-off glimpses of Faith. "She looks most like a spectral illusion," he said ad miringly. "The tablecloths aint bleached a bit whiter n her dress." "She aint no more like a spectre than I m like a ghost," said Mr. Simlins. "Washin and ironin 11 make a white frock for any woman." Then stalking up to Mr. Linden accosted him grimly, after his fashion. " Well Mr. Linden what d you think of that farm at Neanticut? don t you want to take it of me?" " There are too many fences between me and it," was the smiling reply. "It s good land," Mr. Simlins went on; "you can t do better than settle down there. I d like to have you for a tenant give you the land easy." "Let me pay you in nuts?" said Mr. Linden. But then came up other farmers and heads of families to ylaim Mr. Linden s attention; men whose boys were at the school ; and who now in various states of gratification, but all gratified, came one after another to grasp his hand and thank him for the good he had done and was doing them. SAY AND SEAL. 167 "You re the first man, sir," said one, a broad-shouldered, tall, strong man, with a stern reserved face, "you re the first man that has been able to make that boy of mine Phil attend to anything, or go to school regular. He talks hard sometimes, but you do what you like with him, Mr. Linden ! I give you my leave. He s smart, and he aint a bad boy, at heart; but he s wild, and he has his own way and it aint always a good one. His mother never had any government of him," said the father, looking towards the identical person whom Dr. Harrison had characterized as the perspective of a woman, and who .certainly had the air of one whose mind what she had was shut up and shut off into the further extremities of possibility. Then came up Judge Harrison. "Well, Mr. Linden, I hope you have been gratified. 1 have. I declare I have ! very much. You are doing a great thing for us here, sir; and I don t doubt it is a gra tification to you to know it. I haven t made up my mind what we shall do to thank you we ve been thanking the boys, but that s, you know, that s a political expedient. My heart s in the other thing." " Squire Deacon was givin me about the same perspec tive of the case," said Mr. Simlins, "only he thought he warnt the one to do the thaukin ." Mr. Linden s face, through all these various gratulations, had been a study. One part of his nature answered, eye to eye and hand to hand, the thanks and pleasure so variously expressed. But back of that lay something else, a something which gave even his smile a tinge, it was the face of one who "Patiently, and still expectant, Looked out through the wooden bars." Sometimes grave, at others a queer sense of his own posi tion seemed to touch him ; and his manner might then re mind one of a swift-winged bird who walking about on the grass for business purposes, is complimented by a com pany of crickets on his superior powers of locomotion. And it was with almost a start that he answered Judge Harrison 1C8 SAY AND SEAL. "Thank me, sir ? I don t think I deserve any thanks." "I am sure we owe them," said the Judge, "but that s another view of the case, I know. Well it s a good kind of debt to owe and to pay ! " And he was lost again among some other of his guests. In the gradual shifting and melting away of groups, it happened that Mr. Linden found himself for a moment alone, when the doctor again approached him. "Did I do your office well?" he said gently, and half putting his arm through Mr. Linden s as if to lead him to the house. The answer was laughingly given " What poet would not mourn to see His brother write as well as he? " "Well," said the doctor, answering the tone, "did I hit your boys ? the right ones ?" " My boys in point of scholarship ? yes, almost as care fully as I should." "I am glad you were satisfied," said the doctor; "and I m glad it s over ! What sort of a life do you lead here in Pattaquasset? I don t know it. How can one get along here ?" He spoke in a careless sort of confidential manner, as perfectly aware that his companion was able to answer him. They were very slowly sauntering up to the house. " One can get along here in various ways " said Mr. Linden, " as in other places. One can (if one can) sub side to the general level, or one can (with the like qualifi cation) rise above it. The paths through Pattaquasset are in no wise peculiar, yet by no means alike." "No," said the doctor, with another side look at him "I suppose as much. I see you re a philosopher. Do you carry a spirit-level about with you ?" " Define " said Mr. Linden, with a smile which cer tainly belonged to the last philosopher he had been in company with. "I see you do, "said the doctor. "What s your opinion of philosophy ? that it adds to the happiness of the world ji general ?" SAY AND SEAL. 169 "You ask broad questions, Dr. Harrison considering the many kinds of philosophy, and the unphilosophical state of the world in general. " The doctor laughed a little. " I don t know," said he, " I sometimes think the terms have changed sides, and that the world in general has really the best of it. But do you know what particular path in Pattaquasset we are treading at this minute ?" "A path where philosophy and happiness are supposed to part company, I imagine," said Mr. Linden. "Pre-cisely " said the doctor. "By the way, if any thing in my father s house or library can be of the least con venience to you while you are travelling the somewhat un furnished ways of Pattaquasset, I hope you will use both as your own. Yes, I am taking you to the supper table or indeed they are plural to-night Sophy, I have brought Mr. Linden to you, and I leave you to do what you will with him!" VOL. I. 16 CHAPTER XIY. WITH a slight congee the doctor left thorn and went back again ; and then came the full rush of all the guests, small and great. Miss Harrison claimed Mr. Linden s assistance to marshal and arrange the boys at their table one being given specially to them ; and then established him as well as circumstances permitted at another between Miss Cecilia Deacon and Miss Essie de Staff. Miss Harrison herself did not sit d<>wn The guests were many, the servants far too few ; ana Miss Har rison and her brother with one or two helpers, of whom Faith was one, went round from table to table ; attending to everybody s wants. The supply of all eatables and drinkables was ample and perfect enough ; but without the quick and skilful eyes and hands of these educated waiters, the company could not have been entirely put in possession of them. So Faith s red oak leaves did after all adorn the entertainment, and publicly, though most unconsciously on her part. "Reuben," she whispered at his shoulder, "there are no roast clams here shall I give you some jelly ? I see yon have got substantiate. " "No thank you, Miss Faith," said Reuben adding with some hesitation, "I believe it s ungrateful in me, but I don t want to eat." "Are you eating your book all the while ? I am so glad, Reuben ! Where is your father ?" "I think he s home, Miss Faith he must be by this time." " Home ! I m sorry. I ve been looking for him. Sam what can I get you ? coffee ?" "Miss Faith !" said Sam standing up in his place, " I d rather have one of those leaves you ve been wearing all day than all the coffee that ever was burnt!" " Leaves ! you foolish boy," said Faith, her own colour in an instant emulating them, and as before her band went (170) SAY AND SEAL. 171 up to shield them. " I can t give you one of these, Sam I ll bring you some coffee." Away she ran, coming back presently with a cup and a piece of jelly cake, bestowing a fellow piece upon Reuben, "You can get plenty of oak leaves anywhere, Sam," she said laughing a little. "But you haven t worn em, Miss Faith and I can t keep this !" said Sam surveying the cake with a very serio comic face. " Well, who wants to ?" said Joe Deacon. " Hand us over the other cake, that s got nothing between. If you re settin up to get round anybody, Sam Stoutenburgh, you ll find there s two or three in a bunch I tell you." Which remark Faith was happily too far off to hear. "Faith," said Mrs. Somers, leaning back and stopping her as she passed;" do you know why I let Sophy keep you running about so ?" "I like to do it, Mrs. Somers." "Well that s not the reason. You ought to sit up at the head of the table for your skill in arranging flowers. I didn t know it was in you, child." And Mrs. Somers bent closer to Faith to take the breath of the roses, but softly for she loved flowers herself. Faith bore it jealously, for she was afraid of another in vading hand ; and blushing at the praise she could not dis claim ran away as soon as she was free. But as the tide of supper-time began to ebb, the doctor arrested Faith in her running about and saying that his sister had had no supper yet and wanted company, led her to the place his aunt had spoken of, a clear space at one end of the table, where the doctor also discovered he had taken no supper. The rest of the party sat at ease, or began to scatter again about the grounds. A new attraction was appearing there, in the shape of Chinese lanterns, which the servants and others were attaching in great numbers to the trees and shrubbery. The sun went down, the shades of evening were fast gathering. At last Miss Harrison rose. "When the lamps are lit, Miss Derrick, "said the doctor as they followed her example, "there is a particular effect which I will have the pleasure of shewing you if you will allow me." 172 SAY AND SEAL. " Dv. Harrison, how do you do !" said a voice that sounded like perhaps as much like the bark of a red squirrel as anything ; and a little figure, with everything faded but her ribbands, and everything full but her cheeks, looked up with a pair of good, kind, honest eyes into the doctor s face. "It makes a body feel young or old I don t know which, to see you again," she said. " Though indeed I know just how old you are, without looking into the Bible. Not but that s a good place to look, for various things. And there s a great variety of things there, if a body had time to read em all, which I haven t. I used to read like a scribe when I was young till mv eyes got bad; but a body can t do much without eyes, especially when they have to sew all the time, as I do. 1 always did think it was one indemnification for being a man, that a body wouldn t have to sew. Nor do much of anything else for man works from sun to sun, but a woman s work is never done. And I always think the work after sundown comes hardest it does to me, because my eyes are so bad. Well, Miss Cilly ! don t your dress fit !" It may be proper to mention that this last sentence was a little undertone. "You have given me, Miss Bezac," said the doctor, " what I have wanted all my life until now an indemnifi cation for being a man !" " Is that the way they talk over in France ?" said Miss Bezac "well, it don t make a body want to go there, there s that about it. And there always is something about everything. And I ve something to say to you, Faith, so don t you run away. You ve done running enough for one day, besides." Faith was in no danger of running away. For while Miss Bezac was running off her sentences, a little low voice at Faith s side said "Ma am !" by way of modestly draw ing her attention to Johnny Fax and his red ribband. Faith stooped down to be nearer the level of the red ribband. " You did bravely, Johnny. And you got a book too. I guess Mr. Linden was pleased with you to-night," she added softly. " he s always pleased with me," said Johnny simply. "But I wasn t brave, ma am, 1 was frightened." Then SAY AND SEAL. 173 in a lower tone, as if he were telling a great secret, Johnny added, " I m coming to you next Sunday if it s cold weather " and looked up in her face to see the effect of this mysteri ous announcement. " You, Johnny !" said Faith, with a flash of remembrance of the time" she had last seen him, which made her almost sorrowful. " Well, dear we ll do the best we can," she added in a tone which was sweet at least as tenderness could make it. The child looked at her a little wistfully. "Mr. Linden says he don t think I m big enough to keep warm out of doors any more," he said with childish inex- plicftness. " I don t think you are," said Faith. " Well, Johnny you come to me next Sunday, and we ll try!" And she gave him, what Sam Stoutenburgh would probably have mortgaged his life for, a soft touch of her lips upon his cheek. And Sam Stoutenburgh was not far off. " Miss Faith !" he said as she rose to her former posi tion, " stand out of the way, Johnny, there s a good boy! mayn t I see you home to-night? Please don t refuse me everything !" " There isn t room in the wagon, Sam," said Faith. " are you going to ride ?" said Sam. "But I may go with you to the wagon ?" " Yes if you like," said Faith looking a little puzzled and amused. " I suppose you may." "Are there any more to come ?" said Miss Bezac, whose patience had outlasted that of Dr. Harrison, " because if there are, I d rather wait I don t like to be stopped when once I begin. And if I was you, Faith (how pretty you look !) I d keep still and not let my head be turned ; the old direction s the best ; and after all directions are more than dresses. For what s the odds between an embroidered vest and a plain one ? Not that it s much to embroider it I used to fiddle faddle many a one, till I lost my eyes ; and I ll teach you to do it in a minute, if you like." With which kind and lucid proposal, Miss Bezac put her hand softly on Faith s waist and smoothed out an imaginary wrinkle in the white dress. "Dear Miss Bezac," said Faith, not losing her amused 15* 114 SAY AND SEAL. look, "I don t want to embroider waistcoats. What are you talking of?" "I know " said Miss Bezac, "and I suppose that s enough. If folks don t know what you mean they can t say anything against it. But you don t know what you want, child, any more than I did. And do you know, sometimes I wish I d never found out? But whenever you do know, you can come to me ; and I ll fix you off so you won t know yourself. It s a pleasant way to lose a body s identity, I can tell you. Now give me a kiss and I ll go, for I live tother side of creation where you never come ; and why you don t come, and bring him, I don t see but I ve seen him, in spite of you. Here he comes, too" - said Miss Bezac, "so I ll be off." There was such a variety of confusions in this speech that Faith was hopeless of setting them right. She stood looking at the speaker, and did not try. However, every body was accustomed to Miss Bezac s confusions. "Are you pledged to stand still on this particular spot ?" Mr. Linden said at her side. "No indeed," said Faith with ready smile, "but people have been talking to me " "Yes, and there is no telling how many I shall interfere with if I take you away now." "I don t care " said Faith. "Only Dr. Harrison said he wanted to shew me something when the lamps were lit." "When they are lighting ? or when they are lit ?" "When they are lit, he said." "Well they are not lit yet," said Mri Linden, "and before they are I want you to get a view of people and things in twilight perspective. For which purpose, Miss Faith, I must take you to the extreme verge of society and the lawn if you will let me." "I would like to go anywhere you please, Mr. Linden." And Faith s face gave modest token that she would like it very much. He gave her his arm, and then by skilful navigation kept clear of the groups most likely to interrupt their pro gress ; passing rather towards the boy quarter, making Sam Stoutenburgh sigh and Joe Deacon whistle, with the most SAY AND SEAL. 175 frigid disregard of their feelings. The shrubbery at the foot of the lawn was in more than twilight now, and its deeper shadow was good to look out from ; giving full effect to the dying light on earth and sky. The faint rose- coloured clouds hung over a kaleidoscope of dresses, which was ever shifting and making new combinations, passing into black spots in the shadow of the trees, or forming a broad spread of patchwork on the open lawn. The twilight perspective was far more witching than the sun light full view. "How pretty that is !" said Faith delightedly. "Thank you, Mr. Linden. I don t believe Dr. Harrison will shew me any effect so good as this. How pretty and odd it is I" 11 Don t you know," he said, "that you never should thank me for doing pleasant things ?" "Why, Mr. Linden ?" she said in a tone a little checked. "Why? because I like to do them." "Well, "she said laughing slightly, "that makes me want to thank you more." "It don t make me deserve the thanks, however. Do you perceive the distant blue of Miss Cecilia s dress ? does it make you think of the blue ether over your head ?" "Not the least!" said Faith much amused. "What makes you ask me that, Mr. Linden ?" " I should like to hear why it does not?" "The two things are so very, very far apart," Faith said, after a moment s consideration. " I don t see what could make me think of them together. The only thing is that both are blue, but I should have to think to remember that," "You haven t answered me yet," he said smiling. " Why are they far apart? your blue gentians there, are as far below the sky in number of miles yet from them to the sky the transition is easy." "Yes " said Faith looking down at her blue gentian. " Why is it, Mr. Linden ? But this is God s work too," she added softly. "I suppose that is the deep root of the matter. The ruined harp of man s nature yet answers to a breath from heaven as to nc other touch. Then blue has been so long 176 SAY AND SEAL. the emblem of truth, that separated from truth one can scarce, as you say, realize what colour it is. " "Then Mr. Linden," said Faith after a moment s silence, with the tone and the look of quick pleasure, "is this what you mean by reading things?" "Yes " he said with a smile, " To rightly spell Of every star that heaven doth shew, And every herb that sips the dew. " "But how far can you read?" said Faith. "And I aever thought of such reading till till a little while ago I How far can you read, Mr. Linden ?" " I don t know " he said, "because I don t know how far I cannot read I Yet if the invisible things of God may be known by the things which are seen, there is at least room for ample study. To some people, Miss Faith, the world is always (with the change of one adjective) an incomprehensible little green book; while others read a few pages now, and look forward to knowing the whole here after." There was a pause, a little longer than usual. "And you say I must not thank you ?" Faith said very low. "I say I think you have no cause." She was silent. " Has the day been pleasant ?" Mr. Linden asked, as they walked up and down. " Yes, very pleasant. I liked what you didn t like, Mr. Linden all that examination business. And I was very glad for Reuben and little Johnny." " How do you know I didn t like it ?" "I don t know I thought you didn t," she said looking at him. " You don t like to say why ?" " Yes ! I thought you didn t like it, Mr. Linden, when Judge Harrison first proposed it. You wished he would give us the pleasure without the shewing off." " Well, did you also know," he said with a peculiar little smile, "that one of my best scholars was not ex amined ?" SAY AND SEAL. It7 K"o who do you mean ?" she said earnestly. He laughed, and answered, " One who would perhaps prefer a private examina tion at home and to whom I have thought of pro posing it." "An examination ?" said Faith, wondering and with considerable heightening of colour, either at the proposal or at the rank among scholars assigned her. "You need not be frightened," Mr. Linden said gravely "if anybody should be, it is I, at my own boldness. I am a little afraid to go on now though it is something I have long wanted to say to you." " What is it, Mr Linden ?" she said timidly. " I have thought " he paused a moment, and then went quietly on. " You have given me reason to think, that there are other desirable things besides French of which you have no knowledge. I have wished very much to ask you what they are, and that you would let me so far as I can supply the deficiency." It was said with simple frankness, yet with a manner that fully recognized the delicate ground he was on. The rush of blood to Faith s face he could see by the lamplight, but she hesitated for an answer, and hesitated, and her head was bent with the weight of some feeling. " I should be too glad, Mr. Linden !" she said at last, very low, but with unmistakeable emphasis. "Then if you will let me see to-morrow what you are doing with that other little book, I will see what compan ions it should have." And warned by the kindling lamps on every side, he led the way a little more into the open lawn, that Faith might at least be found if sought. That allowed him to see too, the look he had raised in her face ; the little smile on the lips, the flush of colour, the stir of deep pleasure that kept her from speaking. Yet when tiiey had taken a few steps on the broad lawn and other people would soon be nearing them, she suddenly said, softly, "What other book do you mean, Mr. Linden ?" "I don t know how many there may be, Miss Faith, but 1 meant one which I tried to get at the store one day, and found that the last copy had passed into your hands." 178 SAY AND SEAL. "The arithmetic!" said Faith. "That was how you knew it. There is Dr. Harrison looking for me !" she added, in a tone which gentle as it was would have turned that gentleman to the right about if he had heard it which he did not and if he had not been indifferent on the point of all such tones, which he was. "Stars shine by their own light 1" said the doctor as he came up. " I have no need to ask, Where is Miss Derrick ? Your Quercus rubra there is brilliant at any distance, with a red gleam. You have Mars on your breast, and Hes perus in your eye ! It is heaven on earth !" Faith could not choose but laugh at the mixture of gal lantry and fun and flattery in the doctor s manner, though his meaning was, to her, doubtful. Other answer she made none. "And so," said Mr. Linden, " you make the stars shine by their own light, and Miss Derrick by the light of the stars !" "Advances constantly making in the sciences!" said the doctor with a wave of his hand. " I dare say you are a better astronomer than I am ; I haven t kept up with the latest discoveries. But Mr. Linden, may I interfere with your heaven for a moment, and persuade these stars to shine, for that length of time, upon less favoured regions ? With another revolution of the earth they will rise upon you again." "I shall not persuade the stars for you," said Mr. Linden. " I will endeavour so far," said the doctor turning to Faith. "I had the honour to offer to shew Miss Derrick the peculiar effect of Chinese lanterns in Pattaquasset may I hope that she will allow me to fulfil my promise ?" He took possession of Faith, and with a graceful "Au revoir !" to Mr. Linden, led her away. The effect of the lanterns was very pretty, and to her eyes very curious. So were the lanterns themselves, be fore one and another of which Faith stopped and looked with charmed eyes, and the doctor nothing loth gave her charming details. "After all, it is only child s play," he said as he turned away. "Why should we want Pattaquasset to look like China?" SAY AND SEAL. 179 "For one night?" said Faith. " Well, for one night," said the doctor. " But you haven t got little feet on, have you ?" said he looking down at the edge of Faith s white dress in mock alarm; "I shouldn t like the transformation to go too far." Faith laughed. "Reassure me," said the doctor. "Nothing can be more unlike the Mongol type than the pure Circassian I have before me, yet let me see the slipper. I want to be sure that all is right." He persisted, and to stop the absurdity of the thing, Faith shewed him, not indeed her slipper, but the most un- Chinese, un-French, neat little shoe thick enough for walking, in which she had come to Judge Harrison s party. "Alarmingly near!" said the doctor peering at it "but the proportions are perfect. It is not Chinese. Thank you. I have seen so many odd things in my life, Miss Derrick, and people, that I never know what to expect; and any thing right from head to foot, is a marvel." They moved on again and sauntered round and round in the paths of the shrubbery, Faith hardly knew whither. In truth the doctor s conversation was amusing enough to leave her little care. Very few indeed were the words he drew from her; but with all their simplicity and modesty, he seemed to be convinced that there was something behind them worth pleasing ; at least he laid himself out to please. He easily found that what she knew of life and the world was very little, and that she was very ready to take any glimpses he would give her into the vast unknown regions so well known to him. Always in his manner carelessly graceful, Faith never dreamed of the real care with which he brought up subjects, and discussed them, that he thought would interest her. He told of distant countries and scenes he detailed at length foreign experiences he de scribed people he gave her pictures of manners and cus toms, all new to her ears, strange and delightful ; and so easily yet so masterly given, that she took it all in an easy full flow of pleasure. So it happened that Faith did not very well know how they turned and wound in and out 180 SAY AND SEAL through the walks ; she was in Switzerland and at Paris and at Rome, all the while. She came back pretty suddenly to Pattaquasset. As they paused to watch the glitter of one of the lamps on the shining leaves of a holly tree, several of the boys, seeking their own pleasure, came sauntering by. The last of these had time to observe her, and swaggering close up under her face said, loud enough to be heard, "You aint, neither ! I know you aint. Reuben Taylor says you aint." The lamplight did not serve to reveal Faith s changes of face and colour, neither did Dr. Harrison wait to observe them. "What do you mean, sir?" he said, catching hold of the boy s arm. " Why do you speak so to a lady ? what isn t she?" " Somebody s sweetheart," said the boy resolutely. " She aint. Reuben Taylor says she aint." "Foit ll never be, my fine fellow," said the doctor letting him go, "if you don t learn more discretion. I must tell Mr. Linden his boys want a trifle of something besides Algebra. That don t give all the relative values of things." "Pray do not! don t speak of it, Dr. Harrison I" said Faith. He tried to see her face, but he could not. " Hardly worth while," he said lightly. " Boys will be boys which is an odd way of excusing them. for not being civilized things. However if you excuse him, I will." Faith said nothing. She was trying to get over the sud den jar of those words. They had not told her anything she did not believe she thought no other; but they gave her nevertheless a keen stir of pain a revival of the pain she had quieted at Neanticut; and somehow this was worse than that. Could Reuben Taylor talk about her so? could Reuben Taylor have any authority for doing it? But that question would not stand answering. Faith s red oak leaves were a little JBgis to her then, a tangible pre cious representative of all the answer that question would not wait for. No sting of pain could enter that way. But the pain was bad enough ; and under the favouring shadow? SAY AND SEAL. 181 light of the lamps she strove and strove to quiet it ; while the doctor went on talking. Indeed," said he going on with the subject of Phil s speech, " I am obliged to him for his information which was of course incorrect. But I am very glad to hear it nevertheless. Other people s sweethearts, you know, are tabooed sacred ground not to be approached without danger to all concerned. But now if you will allow me, I think I shall claim you for mine." Whatever look the words may have, they did not sound rude. They were said with a careless half-amused, half gentle manner, which might leave his hearer in doubt whether the chief purpose of them were not to fall plea santly on her ear and drive away any disagreeable re mainders of Phil s insolence. But Faith scarce heard him. She was struggling with that unbidden pain, and trying with all the simplicity and truth of her nature and with the stronger help she had learned to seek, to fight it down. She had never thought such an utterly vain thought as that suggested in Phil s words ; in her humility and mo desty she chid herself that it should have come into her head even when other people s words had forced it there. Her humility was very humble now. And in it she quietly took up with the good she had, of which her roses were even then breathing sweet reminders in her face ; putting from her all thought of good that did not belong to her and she could not deserve. The uncertain light favoured her well, or Dr. Harrison would have seen too much of her face-play. They had been going on and on, and the doctor had been as usual talking, and she had managed now and then to seem to give an answer she never remembered to what ; and her part in the conversation all along had been so modestly small that the doctor hardly knew when or whether she had ceased to comprehend him. But they emerged at last upon f ,ho lawn, where Faith was taken possession of and marched off by the old Judge, nothing loth. The doctor casting about for another fish to throw his line at, spied Reuben Taylor, standing alone, and eying as Mr. Linden and Faith had done the gay scene about the house, now gay with the many-coloured lamps. VOL. I. 16 182 SAY AND SEAL. "Well, my man, said the doctor easily aceoting him as he stood there, "you did very well this afternoon, flow long have you been at the school?" Reuben made answer with his usual respectful courtesy. "Are you a friend of Miss Derrick s?" "I think Miss Derrick is my friend, sir," said Reuben with a little flush. "Is she?" said the doctor. "Well don t you think that comes to the same thing ?" "No sir." " No ? What s the difference ? I m not examining you now I am asking for information." "I think you must know, sir," said Reuben, respectfully but firmly, after a glance at his questioner. "Do you?" said the doctor laughing slightly. "Well, if you are not her friend, it don t signify. I was going to remark to you, if you were, that ladies don t generally care to have their private affairs talked about, and however much you may know, it is not always worth while to tell it." "I neither know nor have said anything, Dr. Harrison," said Reuben, drawing himself up a little, and looking full in the doctor s face. " You re Reuben Taylor, aren t you ?" " Yes sir I m not anybody else though." " No," said the doctor carelessly. " Well, it isn t neces sary you should be, for present purposes. I heard you quoted as authority just now, on something which touched that lady s affairs, whose friend you say you are not and I think, your friend though she may be, she was not par ticularly gratified with your interference." "Miss Faith knew it was a wrong quotation," said Reu ben quietly. . " You are sure of that ?" " Quite sure, sir if it was anything about her which 3 ought not to have said." "Don t know that it was," said the doctor; "it s well enough sometimes to set people right when they are wrong what I say is, that ladies don t always thank one for it." Reuben flushed a little. SAY AND SEAL. 183 "You don t know me, Dr. Harrison," he said " I can t expect you to take my word ; but I have nothing to add to it." "And I have nothing to add to mine,? said the doctor lightly. " I heard you quoted that s all ; 1 supposed you would know what for." " Who did you hear, sir ?" "Don t know, really," said the doctor "only he was a rude fellow if you can tell one "by such a description among your mates, it was he." And the doctor strolled away. Reuben on his part seemed to recognize the description, for taking a sort of intuitive bee-line through people and trees, he suddenly brought up with the question, "Phil Davids, what have you been saying about me?" " I s pose you think folks have nothing to do but talk about you now. You re a long way out !" was the care less answer. "What did you say I said ?" said Reuben. " I never heard you say anything, as I know, that was worth tellin over. When I do, I ll let somebody know it. I tell you." "I suppose that means that you won t answer my ques tion," said Reuben. "What I want to know is, not what I said, but what you say I said." "About what?" "About Miss Faith Derrick." "I don t say you said nothing about her I never heard you "call her name, as I know." " Like enough," said Reuben, with a sort of resolute patience; "but what did you say I said thfct had to do with her in any way?" "Who do you think you air?" said Phil. "I tell you what, Phil Davids," said Sam Stoutenburgh, who had heard the last question or two, " if you don t keep your tongue off Miss Derrick, I ll pitch you up into a pine tree so far that you ll see stars before you come down or I m not Stoutenburgh nor stout, neither!" and Sam who was a little of a young giant backed Phil up against the tree that was nearest in a sort of preparatory way that was rather breathless. Phil however was as tough as shoe leather. 184 SAY AND SEAL. "Suppos n you keep eyes off her, then," said he strug gling. "It s a poor rule that don t work both ways." "What have you been about?" said Sam, "come, own up for once -just to try how it feels." "What have you?" said Phil. "I aint up to half as many shines as you, Sam Stoutenburgh." "I should think riot!" said Sam disdainfully. " let him alone, Sam !" said Reuben "what s the use ?" "Little enough use "said Sam, "or matter either, everybody knows Phil Davids. Pity he wouldn t make his own acquaintance!" And releasing his prisoner Sam turned disdainfully and Reuben sorrowfully towards the house. But Reuben did not go very near. A wistful look or two towards the lighted front and the clustering guests, and he paused, leaving Sam to go on alone. Sam s bashfulness was happily not of the uncompromising kind, therefore he not only found Faith, but she found him ready to claim her promise the very moment she was ready to go. "But I don t know whether the wagon is here, Sam," said Faith. Other wagons were come, and driving off, and a little procession of colours was setting forth on foot, up and down the street from Judge Harrison s. The hall was full of people, getting hoods on and taking leave. "Well, Miss Faith," said Sam, "we can walk to where it ought to be, and if it isn t there maybe you ll let me go further." "But I can t go without seeing my mother, Sam, and I don t know where she is." "Sam Stoutenburgh!" said Mr. Linden s voice, while the speaker laid both hands on the boy s shoulders, "what are you about ?" "Miss Faith said I might go as far as the wagon with her, sir," said Sam looking down. "The wagon is not here," said Mr. Linden, "M*:. Skip is probably asleep " " Then I may see you home, Miss Faith ?" was the joyous comment. "Sam Stoutenburgh!" said Mr. Linden again, prevent ing Faith s reply, and giving Sam a gentle shake. "Isn t one favour a day enough for you ?" he added presently. SAY AND SEAL. 185 "No sir!" said Sara boldly. "I suppose I must give way before a blue ribband, "said Mr. Linden smiling, yet as if he was much inclined to lift Sam out of the way. "Miss Faith, the matter is in your hands." But Faith did not smile, and looked, or was it his fancy ? ever so little careworn. "What matter, Mr. Linden?" she said simply " Whether you will take charge of this boy as far as his father s gate. I will try and take care of you, after that." " Will that do, Sam ?" said Faith pleasantly, as she threw her scarf over her head. "I m glad to go any distance with you, Miss Faith," said Sam, but half content or a quarter ! for that was the distance assigned him. " Well behave yourself then," said Mr. Linden, removing his hands. A parting injunction. Sam s dignity would have dispensed with. 16* CHAPTER XY. evening was very still. A little too cool for insect _L voices, a little too late in the season for night birds, the soft dropping of the yellow leaves scarce stirred those already fallen. Few sounds came from the houses ; for all Pattaquasset had been out, and that portion which had got home was tired and thinking of bed, while the few strag glers yet abroad were far from the late scene of action, on their lonely homeward roads. Squire Deacon, with Joe for a thorn in his side, was opening his own door for Miss Cecilia, and Miss Bethia Bezac, at the other side of crea tion, mused over the possibility of again (without eyes) embroidering waistcoats. Thus when the clock struck eight, the earth seemed asleep and the stars at watch over it. At about that point of time, Sam Stoutenburgh and his fair companion were near the parting gate ; and Sam, not supposing himself within range of other eyes, had bent down over Faith s glove in a very demonstrative manner; and she would certainly have received an unwonted proof of his devotion, if Mr. Linden who had in truth been all the time not very far off had not just then been very near. "Take care, Sam " he said, "you are exceeding direc tions." A remark which sent Sam through the gate with more haste than coolness, while Mr. Linden stepped for ward into his place. "Your mother rode home with Mrs. Somers, Miss Faith, and this little shawl was requested to walk home with you," he said, wrapping it round her; for which he received a quiet little "Thank you." He put her hand on his arm, and once past the gate walked very slowly; moderating his steps to hers, and taking the most leisurely pace; perhaps to give her the full sedative effect of the night. Those faint breaths of air, that soft hush of everything, that clear starry sky, so high, so still, there was balm in them all. And for a while Mr. Linden let them do their work alone, then he spoke. (186) SAY AND SEAL. 187 " One of my scholars is very tired to night. I m afraid I have done wrong in letting her walk home." "0 no!" said Faith with a little start, "I like to walk verv much, Mr. Linden; it s very pleasant. And I am not tired," she added in a soft quiet voice. "What is the difference between being tired, and being in want of rest?" She looked at him again, and her words did not come at once. "I suppose the difference is, that in one case you can get what you want and in the other, you have to wait for it." "Till when?" She laughed, somewhat uneasily, and asked him what he meant. "I hardly know how to make my question plainer, Miss Faith. I suppose I am of an impatient disposition, but the idea of waiting an indefinite time for rest is not plea sant to me." " But can you always get it as soon as you would like to have it?" Faith asked with a kind of timid doubt, as not knowing but his power might extend so far. "Why not ? seeing rest is like some sweet wind, which cannot blow its soft gale till there is a clear space for it, why should it linger when the space is clear ? why not rest when we are weary ?" "But can you always get the clear space for it?" Faith asked, looking at him wonderingly. He smiled. " I am talking of what may be done, Miss Faith not of what I do. But I wish you would let me try my powers for you to-night. How comes there to be a demand ? how comes there not to be a supply?" " Of rest ?" said Faith. " Oh there is 1 At least," she added reluctantly, "there will be. There is now, Mr. Linden." "Equal to the demand ?" " Why do you ask me ?" she said, a little troubled. " I believe I have a bad habit of asking questions," said Mr Linden and his tone was apologetic in its very gentleness, " It is partly my fault and partly Pet s." 188 SAY AND SEAL. " Partly whose ? Mr. Linden," said Faith. " I don t think it ? s a bad habit. Whose fault, did you say ?" "Pet s my sister s, into whose company I hope to send you soon again." " Oh I mustn t thank you !" Faith said, beginning and stopping herself somewhat comically. " I don t know whether you will thank me for taking you past your own gate, which I was about to do," said Mr. Linden. "And I don t know whether the social and astronomical days ought to agree but Hesperus set some time ago." "I don t understand, Mr. Linden " said Faith pausing. " You must not expect to understand all astronomical things till you have studied astronomy," he said with a smile. " The practical application of my words is to sleep " That knits up the ravelled sleeve of care; Worn labour s bath; balm of hurt minds. " With which soporific potion he bade her goodnight; and Faith went to her room marvelling what could have put into Mr. Linden s head just those particular words ; and whether he had a quality of vision that could see through flesh and blood ; and a little in doubt whether or not in the circumstances to find the words or the surmise balmy. But if she wanted rest that night, or seemed to have wanted it, she had found it the next day, for she was all like herself. To speak with her own scrupulosity, there was perhaps just a shade of quieter gravity on her face and touching her smile, than there had been the day before And that shade she kept. It is a notable fact, that when Pleasure with her wand has roused into lively motion the waters of some mortaf lake, she straightway departs ; taking with her the sparkles, the dancing foam, and leaving the disturbed waves to de posit at their leisure the sediment which she has stirred up. Withered leaves flung upon the bank, a spot here and there of discoloured froth, these are what remain. Thus in the quiet nooks and corners of Pattaquasset were trophies not too bright of the celebration. Thus did Pattaquasset people behold some of the hidden evil in their neighbours, and likewise in themselves. The boys indeed maintained SAY AND SEAL. 189 their serenity and kept Pleasure with them ; but in other quarters there were some heartburnings most of all at Squire Deacon s. Relieved at first by the idea of a new rival then by some intuitive belief thrown off that ground of comfort ; the Squire was much in the condition of the man who wanted to commit an assault upon every small boy he met for boys were to him representatives. But deprived by law of this manly way of expressing his feel ings, the Squire sought some other. For the boys, they laughed at him and at pretty much everything else ; and having as I said managed to keep Pleasure with them, the faces that greeted Mr. Linden on Friday morning were unusually bright. Yet there were one or two exceptions. Sam Stouten- burgh was a little shamefaced in broad daylight a little afraid of being laughed at ; and Reuben Taylor, the head of the blue ribbands, was under a very unwonted cloud. It even seemed as if the day (no thanks to Pleasure) had done some work for Mr. Linden : perhaps he was consider ing how long he should be within reach of such ceremonies; or (perhaps) how soon he could be willing to put himself out of reach. And when he came home in the afternoon, it was with the slow, meditative step which reminded Faith of his first week in Pattaquasset. "You are tired now, Mr. Linden," she said with a smile, but the burden of her remark in her eyes, as she met him in the porch. " Boys are an extraordinary commodity to deal with !" he said looking at her, but answering the smile too. " I think you are bewitching all mine by degrees. Why can not you confine your conjurations to the black cats of the neighbourhood ? like some of the real, respectable Puri tan witches ?" Faith blushed very much at the beginning of this speech, and laughed at the last. " What have I done, Mr. Linden ? there are no black cats in the neighbourhood." " Is that it ?" said Mr. Linden " I shall have to import a few. You give me a great deal of trouble, Miss Faith." " I, Mr. Linden ? 1 am very sorry I What have I done ?" "I don t knowl or at least but partially. There is 190 SAY AND SEAL. Sam Stoutenburgh, making as much ado over his lessons as if his wits had forsaken him which perhaps they have. There is Reuben Taylor I don t know what is the matter with Reuben," he said, his tone changing, "but his last words to me were a very earnest entreaty that I would per suade you to see him for five minutes ; and when I wanted to know why he did not prefer his own request, all I could get was that he was not sure you would let him. Which gave me very little clue to the sorrowful face he has worn al] day." Once more, and this time with the keen tinge of pain, the blood rushed in a flood to Faith s cheek and brow; and for a second she put her hands to her face as if she would hide it. But she put them down and looked up frankly to Mr. Linden. "lam sure Reuben Taylor has done no wrong!" she said. "You may tell him so, Mr. Linden." "Wrong!" he said "to you?"- and the tone was one Faith did not know. Then with a manner that was like enough to the flinging of the little stone into Kildeer river, he added, "Yes, I will tell him. Miss Faith, I shall be down again directly, and then will you let me see that book?" And he passed on upstairs. The book was on the table in the parlour when he came down, but Faith met him standing. With a little timid anxiousness, she said, "I have done wrong now. Mr. Linden, I said I was sure Reuben had not done any, and you will not speak to him as if he had ? Please don t speak to him at all I will see him myself." The answering smile broke through some little cloud of feeling, in spite of him. "You need not fear," he said, "I know Reuben Tay lor. But you have got something else to think of just now." Then placing a chair for her at the table, Mr. Linden took up the little book and began his work of examination. And perhaps it is not too much to say that even Dr. Harrison might have learned somewhat from the way it was carried on. A skilful and kind way of finding out what she did not know, from what she did ; initiation and examining so carried on together that Faith found herself knowing where SAY AND SEAL. 191 she thought she was ignorant, more still, perhaps, a kind of separate decision what she ought to learn, and how ; which saved her the trouble of acknowledging and confess ing ; and all as gently done as if he had been dealing with some delicate winged creature, whose downy plumage would come off with a touch, such was the threatened examination. She might flutter a little under his hand, but the soft wings were unhurt. " Tell me first, Miss Faith," he said turning over the leaves, "what you have been doing here by yourself." " 1 have been all through it," she said ; fluttering sure enough, yet as much with pleasure as with timidity ; not at all with fear. "Will you work these out for me " and he gave her half a dozen different tests on a bit of paper. She coloured, and he could see her hand tremble ; but she was not long doing them, and she did them well, and gave them back without a word and without raising her " Well," said Mr. Linden, smiling a little as he looked at the paper, "if it takes half an hour to hear Charles twelfth his lesson, and Johnny gives you but one quarter the trouble, and Rob Waters about twice as much as Johnny, how much time will you spend upon them all?" "It will be about an hour wanting an eighth," she gaid without raising her eyes, but with a bit of a smile too. " I hear you and Johnny have arranged preliminaries, Miss Faith." "Yes," said Faith looking up brightly, "he came to shew me his ribband and to tell me last night. But I was almost sorry, Mr. Linden, that you should send him away from you." " For Johnny s sake, or my own ?" "For his sake certainly." "You need not speak so assuredly there were two parlies to the question besides you. But I have him still, you know, in a way. What has been in hand since this little book was finished?" " Nothing except the Philosophe, and " Well ? isn t that blank to be filled up ?" 192 SAY AND SEAL. "And Shakspeare," said Faith casting down her eyes. " I cannot let yon confine yourself to the study of human nature," said Mr. Linden, "that will never do. Charles twelfth and Shakspeare want ground to stand upon. Did you ever read anything of Physical Geography ?" She shook her head. " I don t know what that is, Mr. Linden." " Then I will have the pleasure of introducing you. Ordinary geography is but a shell without it. And if we accidentally go deeper down than the stratum of geography, I will try and bring you back safe. But Miss Faith, you have not done with this book yet the subject-matter of it. I want you to carry that further." "Well," she said smiling, "I like it. I am ready. What comes next, Mr. Linden ?" " Did you pay any attention to the algebra part of the examination yesterday ?" " Yes, I believe so. I paid attention to it all I didn t understand what some of it was about, but I believe I know what you mean." " How should you like to work with letters and signs instead of figures? By the way, Miss Faith, your sevens are too much like your nines, and if you drew a check for $500 with that five, you might find yourself paying out $800." She coloured again, but bowed her head in assent, quite ignoring in her interest in the subject the extravagance of the supposition by which he illustrated it. "You shall not say that again, Mr. Linden." "Don t pledge yourself for me," he said smiling, "I am a lawless kind of person, as perhaps you have found out. But if I were to spend one minute well on the first day of the year, and each succeeding day add to my well-spent minutes so many more as the year was days old how much of December would be well spent ?" But Faith could not tell. "You see what is before you " Mr. Linden said: "you must work that out, Miss Faith, in more ways than one. Well tell me this Which is nearest to us now, my sister Pet or the Khan of Tartary, supposing her iu Rome and him in his own dominions?" SAY AND SEAL. 193 Faith coloured again, a good deal, and with some sorrow "I am glad you asked me," she said; "I want you should know it, but I don t know anything about that, Mr. Linden. I know a little, of course," she said correct ing herself, "but I couldn t answer you." "But why can t you understand," he said looking at her, "that I am just some old, torn, dog-eared book of ques tions that you are looking into for the first time ? I don t like to be made to feel like a bran new schoolbook." Faith looked at him, and probably the words "old, torn, and dog-eared" made a peculiar contrast, for her eye flashed and in spite of everything she laughed, her musical little laugh. "That sounds reasonable," said Mr. Linden. "I like to be laughed at. But Miss Faith just suppose for a mo ment that there were tears in your eyes, what could keep them from falling?" Faith s eyes opened and she took a little time to consider this proposition. " If I were very determined, I think I could do it," she said. " Suppose they got so far as the tip ends of your eye lashes ?" he said, with a little play of the lips. " They must come down, I am afraid," said Faith look ing and wondering. "But why?" "Because my determination couldn t reach them there, I suppose," she said in unmitigated wonder. "There would be nothing to keep them up." "Unphilosophic!" he said gravely, "I shall have to teach you both why your tears fall, and why they don t." She smiled, as very willing to be taught, but with a face that looked as if it had had few to experiment upon either way. "I will try and not tire you out," Mr. Linden said, "but different things go on pleasantly together. Some I should like to have you study for me when I am away, some directly with me. And " " And what, sir?" she said with the gentle intonation of one to whose ear every word is pleasant. " How much time have you in the course of ths day that VOL. I. 17 194 SAY AND vSEAL. can and ought to be spent upon all these matters without disturbing Shakspeare and his companions ?" " I will make time, Mr. Linden, if I don t find it. I have a good deal. You won t tire me." " You must not make time out of strength. Will you write me a French exercise every day, among other things? Yes Cindy," he said "I understand," apparently quite aware that Faith did not. "I will try," said Faith, with a colour again that was not of French growth. "Well baint you comin ?" said Cindy, who stood still as if she liked the prospect before her. "Yes, but I can find my own way," said Mr. Linden; at which gentle hint Cindy vanished. And Faith sprang up. "Teaching all day," she said, "and no tea either!" . And she was about to run off, then paused to say, "That is all, Mr. Linden? do you want to say any thing more ?" " It was not tea, Miss Faith, Reuben is at the door. Will you see him ? Shall I bring him here or will you go there ?" "I will go there," said Faith hurriedly. But Mr. Lin den followed her. "Reuben," he said, "Miss Faith will hear you and I am ready to answer for your word with my own;" then he went back into the sitting room and closed the door. But those words seemed to touch at least one sore spot in the boy s heart he had to struggle with himself a mo ment before he could speak. Then it was low and humbly. "Miss Faith I don t know just what Phil has said about me, I can t find out. But whatever it is there isn t one word of it true. I never said one word about you, Miss Faith, that I wouldn t say to you, just the same !" And Reuben looked as if he would have confronted the whole world on that point. " I am quite sure of it, Reuben," Faith said very gently. . "I didn t need you to come and tell me so." He looked up at her with both gladness and thanks in his eyes. "I shouldn t have troubled you with my trouble at all, SAY AND SEAL. 195 Miss Faith only he said you were displeased with me * and I was afraid it might be true." "Who said I was displeased with you ?" An involuntary glance of Reuben s eye towards the closed door, seemed to say he did not want his words to go far. "Dr. Harrison, Miss Faith. At least I thought he said so." "Did he speak to you?" " Yes ma am and just pushed my word out of the way when I gave it, said it might be well enough to tell people but he didn t think you liked it. And so I got vexed. I m so used to Mr. Linden," Reuben said as if in excuse. . "Are you satisfied now, Reuben?" said Faith, giving him a good look of her eyes. A little qualified his look was perhaps because he had been too much troubled to have the traces go off at once; but there was no want of satisfaction in his, "O yes, Miss Faith I can t tell you how thankful I am to you ! Goodnight, ma am." Faith went back to the parlour. And then Mr. Linden, taking from his pocket a piece of broad dark blue ribband, and laying it lightly round Faith s shoulders, told her gravely, "that she was entitled to wear that for the rest of the evening." Faith matched the blue with red, and stood eying the ribband which she had caught as it was falling from her shoulders, seeming for a minute as if she had as much -as she could bear. Rallying, she looked up at Mr. Linden to get a little more light as to what he expected of her, or what he meant. But unless she could read a decided opinion that the two favours looked better together than separate, his face gave her no information. Then smiling he said, "I don t mean that you must wear it merely that you have the right." Faith gave another glance at his face, and then without more ado tied the blue ribband round her waist, where as she still wore the white dress of yesterday, it shewed to 196 SAY AND SEAL. very good advantage. She said nothing more ; only as she was quitting the room now in earnest to get tea, gave him an odd, pleasant, half grateful, half grave little smile. Too many things however had been at work to admit of her coming down into quietness immediately. The red left her no more than the blue for the rest of that evening. CHAPTER XYI. SATURDAY was but a half holiday to Mrs. Derrick s little family unless indeed they called their work play, which some of them did. It was spent thus. By Mrs. Derrick, in the kitchen, in the bed-rooms, all over the house generally with intervals at the oven door. By Mr. Linden in the sitting-room, where Faith came from time to time as she got a chance, to begin some things with him and learn how to begin others by herself. The morning glided by very fast on such smooth wheels of action, and dinner came with the first Natural Philosophy lesson yet unfinished. It was finished afterwards however, and then Mr. Linden prepared himself to go forth on some expedition, of which he only said that it was a long one. "I am going to petition to have tea half an hour later than usual to-night, Miss Faith," he said. "Just half an hour later, Mr. Linden ?" she said smiling. "You shall have it when you like." "I hope to be home by that time if not don t wait for me. You will find all the materials for your French exer cise on my table." Which intimation quickened Faith s steps about the little she had beforehand to do, and also quickened a trifle the beating of her heart. It was not quiet timidity and plea sure were throbbing together, and throbbing fast, when she turned her back upon the rest of the house and went to Mr. Linden s room. She would have a good uninterrupted time this afternoon, at any rate. And the materials were there, as he had said, all the materials ; from books, open and shut, to the delicate white paper, and a pen which might be the very one Johnny Fax thought could write of itself. Faith stood and looked at them, and then sat down to work, if ever such a determination was taken by human mind. She had been a good while absorbed in her business 17* (197) 198 SAY AND SEAL. when a knock came to the front door, which Faith did not hear. Cindy however had ears to spare, and presently in formed Mrs. Derrick that a gentleman wished to see her. And in the sitting-room Mrs. Derrick found Dr. Harrison. "You haven t forgotten to remember me, I hope, Mrs. Derrick," he said as he took her hand. He looked very handsome, and very pleasant, as he stood there before hex, and his winning ease of manner was enough to propitiate people of harder temper than the one he was just now dealing with. "No indeed!" said Mrs. Derrick; "I remember a great many things about you," (as in truth she did.) "But I daresay you ve changed a good deal since then. You ve been gone a great while, Dr. Harrison." "Do you hope I have changed? or are you afraid I have?" * "Why I don t think I said I did either," said Mrs. Der rick smiling, for she felt as if Dr. Harrison was an old ac quaintance. "And I suppose it makes more difference to you than to me, anyway." Which words were not blunt in their intention, but according to the good lady s habit were a somewhat unconscious rendering of her thoughts. "How s Miss Sophy, after her holiday? I always think play s the hardest work that s done." " I am very sorry you found it so !" said the doctor. "You needn t be " said Mrs. Derrick, rocking compla cently and making her knitting needles play in a style that certainly might be called work, " I ve got over it now. To be sure I was tired to death, but I like to be, once in a while." The doctor laughed, as if, in a way, he had found his match. "And how is Miss Derrick?" he asked. "If she was tired too, it was my fault." " I guess that 11 never be one of your faults, Dr. Harri son," said Mrs. Derrick, "it would take any amount of folks to tire her out. She s just like a bird always. she s well, of course, or I shouldn t be sitting here." "And so like a bird that she lives in a region above mortal view, and only descends now and then ?" "Yes, she does stay upstairs a good deal," said Mrs. SAY AND SEAL. 199 Derrick, knitting away. "Whenever she s got nothing to do down here. She s been down all the morning." " I can t shoot flying at this kind of game," said the doc tor; "I ll endeavour to come when the bird is perched, next time. But in the meanwhile, Miss Derrick seemed pleased the other night with these Chinese illuminations and Sophy took it into her head to make me the bearer of one, that has never yet illuminated anything, hoping that it will do that office for her heart with Miss Derrick. The heart will bear inspection, I believe, with or without the help of the lantern." And the doctor laid a little parcel on the table. Mrs. Derrick looked at the parcel, and at the doctor, and knit a round or two. "I m sure she ll be very much obliged to Miss Harrison," she said. "But I know I shan t remember all the message. I suppose that won t matter." "Not the least," said the doctor. "The lantern is ex pected to throw light upon some things. May I venture to give Mrs. Derrick another word to remember, which must depend upon her kindness alone for its presentation and delivery?" Mrs. Derrick stopped knitting and looked all atten tion. "It isn t much to remember," said the doctor laughing gently. "Sophy wishes very much to have Miss Derrick go with her to-morrow afternoon. She is going to drive to Deep River, and wished me to do my best to procure Miss Derrick s goodwill, and yours, for this pleasure of her company. Shall I hope that her wish is granted?" Now Mrs. Derrick, though not quick like some other people, had yet her own womanly instincts ; and that more than one of them was at work now, was plain enough. But either they confused or thwarted each other, for laying down her work she said, "I know she won t go but I ll, let her come and give her own answer;" and left the room. For another of he.- woman s wits made her never send Cindy *o call Faith from her studies. Therefore she went up, and softly open ing the door of the study room, walked in and shut it after her. 200 SAY AND SEAL. "Pretty child," she said, stroking Faith s hair, "are you Tery busy ?" "Very, mother 1" said Faith looking up with a burning cheek and happy face, and pen pausing in her hand. " What then ?" "Wasn t it the queerest thing what I said that day at Neanticut !" said Mrs. Derrick, quite forgetting Dr. Harri son in the picture before her. "What, dear mother?" "Why when I asked why you didn t get Mr. Linden to help you. How you do write, child 1" which remark was meant admiringly. "Mother!" said Faith. "But it can be done" she added with quiet resolution. "I m sure it never could by me, in that style," said Mrs. Derrick, "my fingers always think they are ironing or making piecrust. But child, here s Dr. Harrison come for nobody knows what, except that Sophy took it into her head to send her heart by him as near as I can make out. And he wants you to go to Deep River to-morrow. I said you wouldn t and then I thought maybe you d better speak yourself. But if you don t like to, you sha n t. I can deal with him." "I don t want to see Dr. Harrison, mother! To-mor row?" said Faith. "Yes I will see him." She rose up, laid her pen delicately out of her fingers, went down stairs and into the sitting-room, where she con fronted the doctor. Faith was dressed as she had been at the party, with the single exception of the blue ribband instead of the red oak leaves; and the excitement of what she had been about was stirring both cheek and eye. Perhaps some other stir was there too, for the flush was a little deeper than it had been upstairs, but she met the doctor very quietly. He thought to himself the lanterns had lent nothing with their illumi nation the other night. "No, sir," she said as he offered her a chair, "I have something to do ; but mother said " "Will the bird perch for no longer than this?" said the doctor, turning with humourous appeal to Mrs. Derrick who had followed her. SAY AND SEAL. 201 "My birds do pretty much as they like, Dr. Harrison, - said Mrs. Derrick "They always did, even when I had em in cages." "Then this bird is free now?" "I guess you d better talk to her " said Mrs. Derrick, taking her seat and her knitting again. "Miss Derrick!" said the doctor obeying this direction with an obeisance, "you are free to command, and I can but obey. Will you go with Sophy to-morrow to Deep River? I am not altogether uninterested, as I hope to have the honour of driving you; but she sends her most, earnest wish." "To-morrow is Sunday, Dr. Harrison." * Well isn t Sunday a good day ?" "It isn t mine/ said Faith gently. "Not yours?" said the doctor. "You have promised it away, and we are so unfortunate ?" Her colour rose a little, but it was with an eye as steady as it was soft that she answered him. " The day belongs to God, Dr. Harrison and I have promised it, and myself, away to him." The doctor looked astonished for a minute. And he gazed at her. "But, my dear Miss Derrick, do you think there is any thing contrary to the offices of religion in taking a pleasant drive, in a pleasant country, in pleasant weather? that is all." Faith smiled a little, gravely ; it was very sweet and very grave. "There are all the other days for that," she said. "God has given us his work to be done on his day, Dr. Harrison ; and there is so much of it to do that I never find the day long enough." "You are right!" he said "You are quite right. You are a great deal better than I am. I ana sorry I a sked you, and yet I am glad. Then Miss Derrick, will you forgive me ? and will you some other day shew that you forgive me and be so good as to go with us?" But Faith s interest in the subject was gone. "I am very busy, sir," she said. "I have work to do that I do not wish to put off." 202 SAY AND SEAL. "Cannot you go with us at all? We will wait and make it any day?" "Do not wait," said Faith. I could go, but I could not go with pleasure, Dr. Harrison. I have not the time to spare, for that, nor for more now. Please excuse me." And she went. "Mrs. Derrick," said the doctor musingly, "this is a winged creature, I believe but it is not a bird I" At which Mrs. Derrick looked at him with a mingled satisfaction that he had got his answer, and curiosity to know what he thought of it. For the further she felt her self from her child s high stand, the more presuming did she think it in any one to try to bring her down from it. "If. I thought, as I came here, that I walked on a higher level than the generality of mankind, as perhaps in the vanity of my heart I did, I feel well put down on the ground now," pursued the doctor. "But Mrs Derrick, when may I hope to see this winged thing of yours again?" It must be confessed that Mrs. Derrick did not admire this speech, a winged thing, as she justly thought, was a somewhat indefinite term, and might mean a flying grass hopper as well as a canary bird. Therefore it was with some quickness that she replied, "What sort of a winged thing are you talking of, doc tor?" "Nothing worse than a heavenly one, madam. But angel or cherub are such worn-out terms that I avoided them." He was standing yet where Faith left him, looking down gravely, speaking half lightly, to her mother. "I don t know who ll see her when she s an angel," said Mrs. Derrick, with a little flush coming over her eyes. "But she wouldn t thank you for calling her one now," she added presently, with her usual placid manner. "Won t you sit down again, doctor?" " May I ask," said he eying her, somewhat intent upon the answer, " why she wouldn t thank me for calling her one now? by which I understand that it would incur hei displeasure." "Why why should she?" said Mrs. Derrick, who SAY AND SEAL. 203 having dropped a stitch was picking it up with intentness equal to the doctor s. "True I" said the doctor in his usual manner. "Angels don t thank mortals for looking at them. But Mrs. Der rick, when may such a poor mortal as I, stand a chance of seeing this particular one again ?" Mrs. Derrick laid down her work. "Well you have changed!" she said, "there s no doubt of that ! I don t recollect that you used to care so much about seeing her when you were here before. If I don t forget, you set your dog on her cat. And as to when you ll see her again, I m sure I can t tell, doctor. She s a busy child, and folks out of the house have to do without seeing her till she finds time to see them." Whereat Mrs Der rick smiled upon Dr. Harrison with the happy conscious ness that she was one of the folks in the house. The doctor stood smiling at her, with a half humourous, quite pleasant expression of face. "Set my dog on her cat!" he exclaimed "That is why she would be angry with me for calling her a cherub ! " Tantae ne animis celestibus irae ! " The doctor sat down. "What shall I do ! he said. "Advise me, Mrs. Derrick." "I know what I should have done if I d got hold of you," said Mrs. Derrick. "I thought I never would speak to you again but you see I ve got over it." "I m not sure of it," said the doctor meditatively. " Folks out of the house well! It strikes me I ve been in to little purpose this afternoon." He rose again. "Where is Mr ; Linden? is he out, or in, this fine day?" "He s out this afternoon," said Mrs. Derrick. "I was thinking to ask you if you wanted to see him, and then I knew it was no use." "Yes, I should like to see him," said the doctor; "but as he is a mortal like myself, I suppose I can find him another time by the use of proper precautions." And Dr. Harrison took his departure. Mrs. Derrick on her part went upstairs again, and open ing the door merely peeped in this time. "Whatsit, mother?" 204 SAY AND SEAL. "Are you busy yet, child ?" "Not quite through." "I thought," said Mrs. Derrick stepping softly into the room, "that we d go down to the shore this afternoon, and maybe dig some clams. I don t know but it s too late for that we might ride down and see. You re tired, pretty child and other people won t like that a bit more than I do." "I d like to go, mother I m almost done, and I m not tired," Faith said with happy eyes. " There is time, I guess, for Mr. Linden don t want tea as early as usual. I ll come soon." Mrs. Derrick withdrew softly, and again Faith was en tirely lost in her business But she had nearly done now; the work was presently finished, the books put up in order, and the papers, with the exercise on top ; and Faith stood a moment looking down at it. Not satisfied, but too humble to have any false shame, too resolute to doubt of being satisfied and of satisfying somebody else, by and by. And the intellectual part of her exercise she thought, and with modest reason, would satisfy him now. Then she went down to her mother, quite ready for the beach or for anything else. It was one of those very warm October days which un learned people call Indian summer, the foreground land scape yellow with stubble fields and sered forest, the dis tance blue with haze. So soft and still, that the faint murmur of the wheels as they rolled along the sandy road sounded as if at a distance, and the twittering birds alone set off the silence. Now and then came a farm wagon loaded with glowing corn, then the field where the bereaved pumpkins lay among the bundles of cornstalks. Sports men passed with their guns, schoolboys with their nut-bags, and many were the greetings Faith received ; for since the day at Neanticut every boy thought he had a right to take off his hat to her. From the midst of his cornfield, Mr. Simlins gave them a wave of his hand, from the midst of its blue waters the Sound sent a fresh welcome. "I declare, child," said Mrs. Derrick, as they neared the shore, "it s real pleasant !" " The tide s out, mother," said Faith, who had the spirit SAY AND SEAL. 205 ot action upon her to-day " we can get some clams now, if we re quick. " I don t know but you re learning to be spry, among other things," said her mother looking at her. " I thought you were as spry as you could be, before. What haven t you done to-day, child !" Faith laughed a little, and then jumping out of the wagon and helping her mother down, was certainly spry in get ting ready for the clam-digging. Her white dress had been changed for a common one and that was carefully pinned up, and a great kitchen apron was put on to cover all but the edges of skirts as white as the white dress, and with shoes and stockings off, basket and hoe in hand, she stood ready almost before her mother had accomplished fas tening up old Crab to her satisfaction. Mrs. Derrick on her part prepared herself as carefully for work (though not quite so evidently for play) and the two went down to the flats. The tide was far out, even the usual strips of water were narrow and far apart. Wherever they could, the little shell-fish scrambled about and fought their miniature bat tles in one-inch water ; but at the edge of the tall shore- grass there was no water at all, unless in the mud, and the shell-fish waited, by hundreds, for the tide. Here was the scene of action for the two ladies. Walking daintily over the warm mud with their bare feet, which however white and twinkling at first were soon obliged to yield to circum stances ; disturbing the little shell-fish who in turn dis turbed them, by very titillating little attacks upon the aforesaid feet, Mrs. Derrick and Faith marched up to the edge of the grass and there sought for clam holes. The war went on after this fashion. A clam hole being found, the hoe was struck far down into the mud to unearth the inhabitant ; which the clam resenting, spit up into the in truder s face. But the intruder proof against such small tire repeated the strokes, and the clam was soon brought to light and tumbled ignominiously into the basket, to be followed every second or two by another of his companions ; *br the clam holes were many. The basket was soon full, but not before the cool ripple of the tide had passed the muscle rocks and was fast coming in-shore. " Well I do think play s hard work 1" said Mrs. Derrick, VOL. i. 18 206 SAY AND SEAL. bringing herself once more to an erect position " I told Dr. Harrison so this morning. How you and Mr. Linden stand it, Faith, I don t know." " What, mother ?" said Faith, making a descent upon another promising clam shell. But Mrs. Derrick always preferred to go on with her remarks. " It s good he s doing it, for his own sake, I guess," she said, " he s done nothing but work ever since he came to Pattaquasset " " Doing what, mother ?" said Faith. "What are you talking of?" "Why I m talking of you, child!" said her mother, "you and Mr. Linden. One of you played all the morning and the other s going to play all the afternoon. But I think you ve done enough, Faith it won t do to get sick so long as we ve nobody but Dr. Harrison to depend on. I don t believe he s much of a doctor." " Played all the morning ?" said Faith taking up her basket, " it was better than play to me. I wish I could do something for him, mother !" Very gravely, and even a little sorrowfully, the last words were said. " Why yes," said Mrs. Derrick stoutly. "Never tell me it s anything but play to teach you, child he didn t look as if it was, neither. I thought he got his pay as he went along." Faith knew he had looked so ; but that was not Faith it was Mr. Linden, in her account. " Dr. Harrison ought to be a good doctor, mother," she remarked, leaving the subject. "He has had chance enough." "La, child," said Mrs. Derrick, untying her apron, "chance don t prove anything. A man may have just as good a chance to kill as he has to cure. By which I don t mean that he has, for I don t know." " The tide is coming in, mother. We came just in the very point of the time. How pretty it is ! " said Faith ; standing in the blue mud, with her bare feet, and with the basket of clams in her hand, but standing still to look off at the flats and the dark water and the hazy opposite shore, all with the sunny stillness and the soft enveloping SAY AND SEAL. 207 haze of October lying lovingly upon them. Faith thought of the glory again, and watched to see how water and shore and flats and sky were all touched with it. One or two sails on the Sound could not get on ; they lay still in the haze like everything else ; and the glory was on them too. She thought so. It seemed to touch everything. And another glory touched everything, the glory of truth Faith had only for a little while come to know. She recognized it; there was light from heaven in more senses than one; the glow of joy and hope unknown a while before; the softening veil of mind-peace over whatever might be harsh or sharp in actual reality. She did not run out all the parallel, but she felt it, and stood looking with full eyes. Not full of tears, but of everything pleasant beside. Then came the drive home, with the air darkening every minute, but notwithstanding this,. Mrs. Derrick stopped by the way. "Faith," she said, "hold the reins, child I won t be a second, but I ve got something to see to in here;" and Faith was once more left to her meditations. Not for long ; for as she sat gazing out over old Crab s ears, she was ware of some one standing by the wagon : it was Squire Deacon. "I shall commence to think I m a lucky man, after all!" said the Squire. "I was coming down to see you, Miss Faith, and couldn t just resolve my mind to it, neither. I wanted to pay a parting visit." "Were you? are you going away, Squire Deacon?" "Why yes," said the Squire, looking down at his gun for he had been shooting, "I ve had considerable thoughts of taking a turn down to York. Cilly says she don t think it s worth my while but I guess she don t know much more n her own concerns. Pattaquasset s a good deal come round this season," he added, without specifying which way. "Do you mean that you intend to forsake Pattaquasset entirely?" said Faith, noticing the comfortable supply of ducks in the Squire s bag. "Well I can t just say I m not free to certify," said the Squire. " I said I thought it was worth my while to go, and so I do. I should like to know from your lips, Miss 208 SAY AND SEAL. Faith, whether you ll make it worth my while to come back." Faith was very glad it was so dark. "I don t see how I can touch the question either way, sir," she said gently and with not a little difficulty. .- "Wherever you are, I hope you ll be very happy, and very good, Squire Deacon." " I should like something a little better grown than that, ma am," said the Squire, striking his gun on the ground. "I can t just tell whether that s wheat or oats. It s likely my meaning s plain enough." Faith was dumb for a minute. "I believe I understood you, sir," she said in a low voice. "I meant to answer you." "Well what s to hinder your doing it, then?" said Squire Deacon. " I thought I had done it," said Faith. " I have nothing to do with the question of your coming or going anywhere, sir, and can t have, except to wish you well, which I do heartily." "That s your ultimate, is it, Miss Faith ?" "No, sir," said Faith, conquering the beating of her heart. "Squire Deacon, I want to see you in heaven." And she stretched out to him her little hand frankly over the side of the wagon. Squire Deacon took it for a moment then dropped it as if it had burnt his fingers. And then with a voice in which whether sorrow or anger prevailed Faith could not tell, he said "Well I don t blame you, never did and never shall. Cunning s been too much for me this time." And he took up his gun and strode off, just as Mrs. Derrick opened the house door and came out to take her place in the wagon again. "Dear mother!" said Faith, "why didn t you come sooner!" "Why I couldn t, child I" said Mrs. Derrick. "That woman always will tell one every pain and ache she s had since the year one. What s the matter? why didn t you tie Crab and come in, if you were lonesome." Faith was silent. SAY AND SEAL. 209 "What s the matter?" repeated her mother, "have you been getting sick after all I said to you?" . " Squire Deacon has been here talking to me," said Faith in a low tone. "Well then you had company, I m sure. What did he talk about? Come, Crab ! get on, sir!" "He says he is going away from Pattaquasset, and he lays it to me, mother," she said after some hesitancy again. "What does he lay it to you, for?" said Mrs. Derrick. "I don t believe he s going away, to begin with." "He wanted me to say something to bring him back again," said Faith lower yet. "0 is that all!" said Mrs. Derrick composedly. "I knew that gun was loaded, long ago. Well what s the harm if he did ? it s not dangerous." "I m sorry," said Faith. "But mother, do make Crab get on ! it s time." "It s not late," said Mrs. Derrick. "And don t you fret about Sam Deacon, child, he always was a little goose till he got to be a big one ; but you needn t thiqfe he ll ever shoot himself for love of you, he loves himself better than that." And at this point, Crab roused by the thought of his own supper set off at a good round trot which soon brought them home. There was nobody there however, not even Cindy; so the need of haste did not seem to have been urgent. Faith soon had the kitchen fire in order, and her clams in the pot, and was for the next half hour thoroughly busy with them. Then she made herself ready for tea, and the mother and daughter sat together by the lamp, the one with her knitting the other with her book. But the extra half hour was already past. "Faith," said Mrs. Derrick at last, "why wouldn t Mr. Linden do the other thing you asked him to ?" Faith looked up suddenly from her book, as if not under standing the question ; then her head and her voice drooped together. "I haven t asked him yet, mother." "I didn t know but he d some objection," said Mrs. Der rick. "Well I wish he d come I want my supper. I m as tired as tired can be, paddling round there in the mud 18* 210 SAY AND SEAL. How did you like your lantern, child?" she said as the clock struck half past seven Faith raised her head and listened first to the clock and for any sound that might be stirring near the house ; then answered "I haven t looked at it, mother." "What do you think of having supper?" "Before Mr. Linden comes, mother? well, if you like it, I ll get you yours the clams are ready." " I don t care," said her mother, "I m more sleepy than hungry. I ll just lie down here on the sofa, Faith, and you can wake me up when you hear him." And disregarding the cooked clams in the kitchen, Mrs. Derrick went to sleep and dug them all over again. The clock ticked on, softly, steadily, from the half hour to the hour, and from the hour to the half. Out of doors there was nothing stirring, unless the owl stirred between his unmusical notes, or Mr. Skip s dog did something but howl. Hardly a wagon passed, hardly a breath mo red the leaves. fcdy, on her part, was lost in the fascination of some neighbouring kitchen. And Faith at first had been lost in her study. But the sounding of eight o clock struck on more than the air, and she found, though she tried, she could not shut herself up in her book anymore. Mrs. Derrick slept profoundly; her breathing only made the house seem more still. Faith went to the window to look, and then for freer breath and vision went to the door. It was not moonlight ; only the light of the stars was abroad, and that still further softened by the haze or a mistiness of the air which made it thicker still. Faith could see little, and could hear nothing, though eyes and ears tried well to penetrate the still darkness of the road, up and down. It was too chill to stay at the porch, now with this mist in the air ; and reluctantly she came back to the sitting-room, her mother sleeping on the sofa, her open study book under the lamp, the Chinese lan tern in its packing paper. Faith had no wish to open it now. There was no reason to fear anything, that she knew; neither was she afraid; but neither could she rest. Half past eight struck. She went to the window again, and very gravely sat down by it. SAY AND SEAL. 211 She had sat there but few minutes when there came a rash of steps into the porch, and Cindy burst into the little sitting-room, almost too out of breath to speak. , Here s a proclamation!" she said "Mr. Linden s beeu shot at dreadful, and Jem Waters is down to fetch Dr. Harrison. I m free to confess they say he aiut dead yet." With which pleasing announcement, Cindy rushed off again, out of the room and out of the house, being seized with a sudden fear that Jem Waters would forestall her in spreading the news. The noise had awaked Mrs. Derrick, and she sat looking at Faith as if she was first in her thoughts. Faith stood before her with a colourless face, but perfectly quiet, though at first she looked at her mother without speaking. "Come here, pretty child," said her mother, "and sit down by me." "Mother," said Faith, but she would not have known her own voice, "something has happened." But the way Mrs. Derrick s arms came round her, said that she too had heard. "Where can he be, mother?" said Faith gently disen gaging herself. "I don t know, child." Faith was already at the door. "Faith!" her mother said, following her with a quick step," stop, child!" Faith put back a hand as if to stop her she was list ening. There was not a sound. Faith went down the steps and stood at the gate. Not a sound still ; and her mother said softly, "Faith, you must not go out." She put one hand on her mother s arm, and clasping it stood without stirring; her other hand on the gate. In mingled sorrow and fear her mother stood, not knowing well what to do or what to say, in that emergency where woman can only endure where she is powerless but to sailer. Faith stood without moving head or hand. And so they remained, they knew not how long, until Cindy once more presented herself and told her story more at length. 212 SAY AND SEAL. "You see I was down to Mis Somerses, and so was Dr. Harrison ; and Jem Waters come there for him. And Jem he makes, up to Mis Somerses Jenny, and to-night he wouldn t hardly speak to her wouldn t no how tell what he come for. So then Jenny got mad and she went and listened ; and she said Jem wanted to catch up Dr. Harri son and run off with him and the doctor he wanted his horse. I don know how they settled it but I m free to confess I m sleepy " and Cindy once more disappeared, and the stillness settled down over all. CHAPTER XYII. ON that eventful evening, Mr. Simlins had a husking bee and in his barn were met a fair representation of the Pattaquasset men and boys especially boys. And with busy hands and tongues the work went on, Mr. Simlins himself among the busiest. But in the midst of work and merriment though the fair stillness of the night was un heeded, the sudden interruption which came brought every one to his feet; it was a loud shriek from the house, a woman s shriek. "Hold on!" said Mr. Simlins "you all go ahead and I ll go quiet the distractions. I suppose Mrs. Hummins has seen another rat in the dairy. No thank ee I like to kill my own rats myself and then I know they air killed." So letting nobody follow him, Mr. Simlins left the barn and went over to the house. In the kitchen he found the full array of female servants, of his own house and the neighbours , one of whom hiding her face was rocking back and forth with the most incoherent exclamations ; while all the rest, standing by in various attitudes, seemed to have got an extra pair of eyes apiece for the express purpose of looking on. "Well !" said Mr. Simlins "where is it ? I ve got my stick ready. Hain t bit anybody, has he ? Or has some body got my silver spoons ? What s to pay ?" Now silver spoons there were none in Mr. Simlins econo my, and this was a proverbial expression well known in the household. " O Mr. Simlins ! Mr. Simlins 1" cried the hysterical one, with a shudder, "there s a murdered man at the front door 1 and 1 did shut it, but he might come round this way!" "You be hanged! and shut up!" was Mr. Simlins re mark in answer to this statement; and flinging down his Btick on the kitchen floor with a rattle, he strode to the (213) 214 SAY AND SEAL. front door and opened it, having had the precaution to take a candle with him. There was certainly a figure there, not standing, but sit ting on the bench in an attitude that spoke of faintness; and of all the men in Pattaquasset, Mr. Simlins was per haps most surprised to see that it was Mr. Linden. A white handkerchief ineffectually bound round his arm, but served to shew why he had tried to secure it there. Mr. Simlins surveyed it all with his candle in about three seconds, and then said hoarsely, "What s this? Can you upeak to me ?" But the power for that was gone, though a little parting of the lips spoke the intent. Mr. Simlins set down his candle and went back to the kitchen. " Get some brandy, you fools !" said he. " Here s a friend o mine got faint for want of his supper been too long out shootin . Fetch a glass of water here too ! Jenny Lowndes, you go tell Jem Waters that ere plaguey black heifer has got out of the yard. You send him to me, and if you spile the frolic with your story I ll have nothing more to do with you, I give you my word !" Mr. Simlins was obeyed. He himself went back with the water and the brandy, which he tenderly applied to Mr. Linden s forehead and lips, and seeing the handkerchief s ineffectual disposition had taken it off and bound it on tight by the time Jem Waters, one of his farm hands, had reached the porch. The two then taking the sufferer in their arms carried him into the house and into Mr. Simlins room, which was on the first floor, where they laid him on the bed. Jem Waters was then despatched for Dr. Harri son, with orders to hold his tongue and not say what he was sent for. And Jem Waters, the swiftest runner in Patta quasset, set off and ran every step of the way, till the doc tor was found. The cold applications, the resting posture, seemed to do their work, and Mr. Simlins was rewarded with a smile from both eyes and lips. He did not speak again however till he had seen a spoonful of brandy enter the lips ; then with a grave concern that did not seem like Mr. Simlins, he said, in a subdued tone, " How do you find yourself? Can you speak now ?" SAY AND SEAL. .215 "Not much " Mr. Linden answered with some effort. "I find myself in very kind hands." "Are you hurt anywhere else ?" " Somewhat the shot scattered, I think." There was a smothered execration, and then it was a very kind hand that renewed the touch of cold watei to his forehead, though a big, brown and rough one. "I ve sent for the doctor and now I ll get you a nurse. You keep quiet, till you can do something else." Mr. Simlins gently went forth ; and in a minute after was in the midst of his husking party in the barn. "Reuben Taylor!" said the farmer " You don t mind takin a run, do you ? Wouldn t you just as lieves heip me catch that black heifer afore she gets to Pequot?" Reuben started up, and signified his ability to catch any thing whatever. He was not alone ; for half a dozen others volunteered to be equally ready. "You keep where you be !" said the farmer with a wave of his hand to the half dozen. "I don t let everybody chase that ere heifer you ve got to catch her by the head and not by the foot, I tell you! Reuben, you come along." And getting him well outside of the barn and half way towards the house, Mr. Simlins said in a very low growl indeed, "Mr. Linden s here he s been hurt, somehow, in his arm and he s kind o faint ; I want you to stay by him till the doctor comes, and then let me know. If I don t keep in the barn they ll raise Plute or they ll come in and I d as lieves they d do one as tother." By this time Mr. Simlins had reached the door of his room, and ushered Reuben in. He heard and long re membered the smothered cry which seemed to come no further than Reuben s lips as he stepped within the door; but after that the boy might have been made of iron, for his strength and steadiness. He walked up to the bedside and knelt down by it, with a look which again Mr. Simlins could not soon forget; but his face was quite calm, except in the first moment when Mr. Linden looked at him. The farmer was a man of iron too, yet his voice was low and changed from its usual wont when he spoke. "It s only loss of blood, I guess," he said. "He ll get 216 SAY AND SEAL. along. You give him brandy, and water, Reuben, if he wants it; and call me when Dr. Harrison comes. Can I do anything else ?" The last words were gently, even ten derly, addressed to the sufferer. "No " Mr. Linden said, with that same pleasant look of the eyes. "I think there is not much the matter ex cept what you said." Mr. Simlins stalked off and was rather more grim than usual in the barn. The buskers had returned to their mer riment, and the slight sound of wheels in the road from time to time of course attracted no attention. After one of these signals, however, Jem Waters appeared at the front door. " Mr. Simlins there s a gentleman wants to see yer. I ll takeyer place." "Very few strides did Mr. Simlins make between the barn and the house, and slight was his stay of greeting to Dr. Harrison. " He s in here " said he leading the way. Reuben was just as Mr. Simlins had left him, it seemed as if he had not once taken his eyes from the calm face before him. For very calm it was reposeful ; with not a line disturbed except where a slight contraction of the brow told of some physical discomfort. But he was not asleep, for he looked at them the moment they entered; and Reuben rose then, and stood leaning against the bedpost. "I m sorry to see you so," said the doctor. "What s the matter ? and where ?" A little smile, a glance towards the bandaged arm, seemed to say there was nothing very bad, bul that what there was it would be easier for him to have the doctor find out for himself. Nor further did the doctor ask, but proceeded to work. And it appeared soon that Dr. Harrison at play, and Dr. Harrison at work, were two people yet the same! The doctor did not indeed play at his work ; yet the work was done with the same skilful ease that he brought to his play; an ignorant eye could see as much ; and Mr. Simlins jeal ously looking on, felt very soon at ease as to the doctor s part in the scene before him. Dr. Harrison knew his busi ness, and knew it well. SAY AND SEAL. 217 Mr. Linden s coat was removed, in the course of which operation a keen glance of the doctor s eye over at Reuben shewed that he recognized him ; hut then he attended to nothing but his patient. He found that a number of duck shot had been lodged in Mr. Linden s side and arm, the latter of which was somewhat lacerated, and this was the principal wound. The others were slight, the shot having taken a slanting direction and so rather grazed than pene trated. Dr. Harrison with care and skill went on to extract the shot and dress the wounds, which he did after the happy and simple regimen of modern discoveries; and ordered certain restoratives which he judged his patient needed. He did not speak except on business till he had seen these doing their work and Mr. Linden able to reply to him. And then his first words were to the farmer ; who, not asking a question, had stood by as silent and watchful as Reuben himself; nearly as grave. "There s nothing the matter with him, Mr. Simlins," he said. "He ll be able to shoot you in a day or two if he has a mind. What have you been doing to him ?" "Me! I ve been actin the part of the good Syrian to him," growled Mr. Simlins; "only I always thought before, the oil and wine went on the outside instead of the inside." " I dare say," said the doctor lightly, probably not understanding the allusion. And then he seated himself on the side of the bed, looking down at his patient very much in his usual manner. "You ll have made yourself the hero of Pattaquasset, Linden," he said. "There won t another fellow stand a chance to be looked at for a month to come from here to Quilipeak. You ought .to be indicted for breach of the public peace." "Don t try it " said Mr. Linden. "I should doubtless prevail with the jury too." "Ha? "said the doctor with another glance over at Reuben. "Now how did this come about?" "Quite suddenly as I was walking home." "Where were you?" "About a mile from here, in the open road." "Who was fool enough to be shooting ducks in the open VOL. I. 19 218 SAY AND SEAL. road and mistake you for a specimen ? You are not at all the sort of man I should ever think of making game of." "I tried hard to find out who it was/ said Mr. Linden, "but he was a better runner than I, or else my strength gave out." "Why how did the thing happen?" said the doctor. "Run ! you don t suppose the fellow meant to hit you ?" "He meant to run " said Mr. Linden. The doctor looked at Mr. Simlins, with a serio-comical expression. "Worse and worse !" said he. "It is a full-grown, regu lar built adventure; and this is a hero from head to foot." "Which way did the fellow run ?" said Mr. Simlins, with a growl that was ominous. " Straight ahead till he got into the woods," said Mr. Linden, smiling at his host. "But he probably turned there, Mr. Simlins." "I ll have him !" said Mr. Simlins " I ll foller his tracks, if they lead me to the two poles of the axletree ! You tell me where you see him, and I ll set runners on, that won t give out neither." " They d be as likely to run against each other as any way, in this mist to-night," said the doctor. "You d better leave all that till the morning. I ll see you again to-morrow," said he holding out his hand to Mr. Linden. " I suppose they don t know what is become of you at Mrs. Derrick s I will stop there as I go home and make myself as famous as I can. Though the first bearer of unwelcome news does not recommend himself to favour, yet if they have heard anything, on the whole they will thank me. I ll take my risk." "I am a little inclined to ride tfown with you," said Mr. Linden. "Folly!" said the doctor. "Mr. Simlins is acting a good part by you, he says,- which I presume is true, though I did not understand his terms; but I have no doubt he ll prove himself good for a day or two s board and lodging. I wish I had had the pleasure of finding you at my own door, instead of his having it!" "The question is whether I shall be good for a day or two I have no doubt of Mr. Simlins." SAT AND SEAL. 219 "Does that mean you are going to disobey me? You grudge me that little bit of famousness ?" " I shall hear the orders before I disobey " The doctor looked at him a minute. "Linden," said he, you re alarmingly well ! but you must remain in quar ters for another night or two. It would be dangerous to let you go. I can t allow it. Good night ! " Either the stimulus of the doctor s presence had been strong, or the effort to appear well had been fatiguing; and Dr. Harrison would have pronounced another verdict had he seen his patient ten minutes later. When Mr. Sim- lins came back into the room, Mr. Linden looked pale and exhausted. He roused himself however, at once. "Mr. Sirnlins," he said, "will you drive me into Patta- quasset to-night." "You aint a goin to do that?" said the farmer. " That was my intention. Why not?" "You aint fit for it, no ways I Can t you stop here one night and be peaceable ?" "Yes, both," said his guest smiling. "But if I do not go, I must send," he added after a minute s silence, during which perhaps some feeling of weakness came in aid of the doctor s orders. "And I do not think it would hurt me to go." " Send !" said Mr. Simlins " there s lots to send. Here s Reuben, and Sam Stoutenburgh the boys aint gone yet and here s me. Who do you want to send to ?" " I want to send for two or three things out of my room. Reuben can go and Sam may sit here with me, if you will sleep any better for it, Mr. Simlins. That is what you must do," he said with a look of warm interest and kindness. " Sleep 1" growled Mr. Simlins. " It s about all I m good for!" (Which was not at all Mr. Simlius abstract judgment concerning himself but purely comparative, on the present occasion.) "Well you tell Reuben what you want him to do, and he can take the brown mare Jem 11 have her ready and I ll send Sam to you; and after I get rid of all creation, I ll come myself. You d think all crea tion was just made, and the chips about 1" After which setting forth of the state of his affairs Mr Simlins went forth. 220 SAY AND SEAL. " I guess, sir," said Jem Waters when he had done his task with the mare, " I guess I d as good sleep in the front porch to-night. Cause if there ll be one here, there ll be forty." "What ll the forty do?" "Knock the house down, sir, if there s nobody there to stop em. Bless you, sir, all Pattaquasset 11 come to hear how Mr. Linden is, afore day. There won t one on -em wait two minutes after he hears the tale. It s all about by this time I made one gal mad by not tellin her, and I guess likely she s made it UD for herself and other folks by now." CHAPTER XVIII. DR. HARRISON did not find anybody at Mrs. Der rick s gate. The two, mother and daughter, had stood there, even after Cindy had come in with her report; unconscious, or unregardful, of the chill thick mist which en veloped everything and fell with steady heavy fall upon the bright hair of one and the smooth cap of the other. They had not spoken to each other all that while, unless an unfinished word or two of Mrs. Derrick s reached ears that did not heed them. It was Faith herself who first moved, perhaps reminded by the increasing dullness that her mother was feeling it too. She took her hand from the gate, and passing the other round Mrs. Derrick, led her into the house, and into the sitting-room and to a chair ; and then went for wood and kindling and built up a fire. She went to the kitchen next. That fire was out too, and that fire also Faith rebuilt, and coaxed till a blaze was going up round the cold tea kettle. Cindy sat with her head on her arms on the kitchen table, fast asleep. Faith did not wake her. In half an hour she brought into the sitting- room a tray with tea made, and clams warmed, and all things that should accompany the one teacup and saucer, and mutely set it before her mother. She did not then ask her to eat, except by this pantomime; and she herself im mediately went again to stand in the porch. But again her mother followed. "Child," she said, "you mustn t stand here. You ll be sick next. You must come right in and drink some hot tea." Faith s quick answer was to put her hand upon her mo ther s lips. Her mother went on, softly and steadily, in spite of that slight obstruction. Yet not in spite of it, for her voice was very low. "I know who d say you ought to " and she paused a little, as if to let her words have their full effect. Then 19* 222 SAY AND SEAL. with a carious sort of instinct she herself hardly perceived, Mrs. Derrick added, "Dr. Harrison ll be sure to come and you mustn t be standing here then." For the first time Faith s head drooped, and she turned, but it was to pass her mother and go upstairs ; laying her hand for an instant as she went, with a kind of caressing touch, on her mother s arm ; then she was gone. Mrs. Derrick stood where Faith left her, the still mist be-fore her out of doors, the still house behind her. And there she stood until her ear caught the distant smooth roll of wheels. Softly it came, nearing her every minute, till Mrs. Somers little wagon stopped at the gate, and Dr. Harrison jumped down and came towards her. Another had seen him, for Mrs. Derrick knew that a light step had come swiftly down stairs, but whither it went she knew not Th doctor spoke cheerily. " Nasty thick evening ! My dear Mrs. Derrick, do you stand at the door to shew your hospitality in welcoming your friends, all night ?" " It is late," said Mrs. Derrick. The doctor s words were too slippery for her to get hold of; she waited for him to speak again. "If it is late, my dear madam, why are you here? I don t want you to see me ever for anything but pleasure. Is it so late I mustn t come in ?" Mrs. Derrick stepped back into the hall then stopped and turned. "I was there to watch, Dr. Harrison. What have you got to tell me? One story has come already." "Has it! Then I can tell you but half a one. I was thinking to make my fortune. Mr. Linden is spending the night at a friend s house, my dear Mrs. Derrick that is all. He is as well as you are though perhaps just at this minute not quite so strong as I am. But I am afraid he can boast more than that in another few days." That Mrs. Derrick felt at once relieved, doubtful, unsat isfied, was clear. But the relief slight as it was brought back her hospitality; she led the way into the parlour. "What has been the matter?" she said. "What is the matter?" SAY AND SEAL. 223 "I don t know," said the doctor. "He fell in with some body carrying a gun which was very likely to happen, seeing I have met a great many myself; but I never fell out with any of them yet perhaps my time will come. This fellow however, let off his gun in the wrong place and some of the shot hit Mr. Linden in the arm, and before he could get to Mr. Simlins, where I found him, he was a little faint. So I commanded him to stay where he was till morning. That s all. He s perfectly well, I give you my word. I came now on purpose to relieve you from anxiety. He wanted to come down with me, but I wouldn t let him." " Why didn t you let him ?" said Mrs. Derrick. "Well, I came near letting him," said the doctor, "for I didn t know at one time that I could help it. It wouldn t have hurt him seriously. But he ll see you with more pleasure to-morrow." "I can t think how you made out to hinder him at all !" said Mrs. Derrick, looking a little puzzled. "But I m much obliged to you, doctor, for coming." " Is he such a difficult person to deal with ?" said the doc tor, glancing at the different doors of the room. " I never tried," said Mrs. Derrick with very simple truth. "I must try, some time," said the doctor abstractedly: "I like to deal with difficult people. But I remember you remarked it was late ! " And he started up and was about to take his leave ; when his purpose met with an in terruption. For the swift trot of a horse upon the road came to as quick a pause at Mrs. Derrick s gate, and Reu ben Taylor came up the steps and in at the open front don* before Dr. Harrison had finished his compliments. "I see!" said the doctor, "you don t keep open doors for nothing, Mrs. Derrick. Here s another. You re not riding after me, my friend, are you? You don t let the grass grow !" "No sir, "said Reuben. "Good evening, Mrs. Derrick may I go up to Mr. Linden s room ?" "How is he now, Reuben?" said Mrs. Derrick. "0 yes, you can go up, of course. " Thank you, ma am he said he was more comfortable when I came away." And with an almost imperceptible 224 SAY AND SEAL. glance round the room he was in, Reuben turned and bounded lightly up the staircase. But all was dark there and in Mr. Linden s room. Reuben could not execute his commission so ; and was turning to come down stairs again, when he encountered in the dim entry-way a white figure. " How is Mr. Linden, Reuben ?" said a voice which he knew, though it was in a very low key. "Miss Faith! "Reuben said with a little start "0 1 am so glad to find you!" Then repeated gravely his former answer-*-" He said he was more comfortable when I came away, ma am." "Is he much hurt?" Reuben hesitated. "I don t rightly know, Miss Faith," he said, so low that she could scarce catch the words. "He says he s not and Dr. Harrison says not, I suppose I m easy frightened." "What makes you frightened, then?" she said quickly. "I was frightened " Reuben said, drawing a long breath, and with a sort of awe-stricken voice, as if the fright was upon him yet; "and it takes a while to get over it. Maybe that s all. He wrote that, Miss Faith " and Reuben laid a tiny folded paper in her hand. "And may I have a light, ma am, to get some things from his room ?" He spoke eagerly now, as if he grudged the mo ments. Faith directed him to the kitchen, and when Reuben came up, followed him into the room and stood waiting while he sought what he wanted. Then suddenly remem bered that her paper might contain a request for something else, and bent over the candle to read it. It contained more than one. " Miss Faith," it said, " if any of my scholars are anxious about me, tell them, from me, that there is no cause. Bid them take rest without waiting for it. I am sorry that exercise must wait ! but I shall hope to see two on Mon day. J.E. L." Faith s head was bent a long while over the candle. "Have you got what you wanted, Reuben?" she asked at last. Reuben had heard her voice often, but he had never heard it like that nor any one else. What had passed through SAY AND SEAL. 225 it, clearing it so ? it was like the chiming of silver bells. He came at her word, bag in hand ; and with the freedom a mutual sorrow gives, held out his other hand to her. Then ran quick and softly down the stairs. "Hollo, sirl" said the doctor, as Reuben passed the open doorway. "A word with you." Reuben paused, then came back a step. " So you are Mr. Linden s friend, are you ?" said the doc tor in a careless manner. "Did you want anything of me, sir?" Reuben said. "Why yes I commonly want an answer to a question." "I don t just know what you mean by a friend, Dr. Harrison," said Reuben respectfully. "I might answer wrong." "So rather than do that You like to be on the safe side. Suppose you ask Mr. Linden to teach you defini tions, among other things? And look here keep him quiet and don t let anybody talk him out of his sleep to night. That s all." And the doctor followed Reuben im mediately. With a feeling of satisfaction certainly, Mrs. Derrick at last locked and bolted the front door, shutting out the driving mist and all that might hide within it; and then went to look after the only treasure the house contained. She wasn t far to seek, for as the locking and bolting sounded through the house, Faith came down and went with her mother into the sitting-room. "Have you had nothing to eat yet, mother!" she ex claimed as her eye fell on the orderly tea-tray. " No child nor sha n t want it, till I see you have some thing. Faith smiled a little, came and put her arms round her and kissed her; and then set about the whole work of get ting tea over again. It was with a very pale face yet ; only the silver ring of her voice told the change of the mental atmosphere. Her mother looked at her but was perhaps afraid to ask any questions to disturb the quiet. " Reuben s a good boy !" she said, feeling that remark to be perfectly safe. " I m glad he s there," Faith answered gravely. " I heard all Dr. Harrison said, mother." 226 SAY AND SEAL. "Yes child," said her mother as if she knew that before, "I thought you d see Reuben too." Reuben said the same, mother. And Mr. Linden him self sent word there was no cause to be anxious." Faith did not say he had written that word to her. Per haps her own consciousness might have made her shy of the subject or perhaps what she judged to be people s false reports had left a sore spot in her heart and she was afraid of touching that. But she did not speak of the little note which had come to her. She was preparing her mother s tea with all speed, while Mrs. Derrick on her part peeped into the sugar-bowl to see if it wanted filling, and began to cut the bread. "I m glad to hear it, child," she said. "Dr. Harrison s too smart for me I can t get a bit of good out of him. My, Faith ! I suppose Mr. Linden can manage him, but if I had that man buzzing round me, I shouldn t know whether I was sick or well. When is he coming back, child?" "I don t know, mother." Then with the invincible in stinct of truth, she added, "He wants my work to be ready for him Monday." "Reuben s got a great deal of gumption!" said Mrs. Derrick, her heart quite expanding with the pleasure of hearing *Faith talk once more. "Now half the boys in town would have blurted that right out to me and Dr. Harrison together, -and I wouldn t trust him for not ask ing questions. But I m sure I m glad, child it seems as if he d been gone a month. Do you think he ll come to morrow ? Maybe he meant you should send your work down to him." "I sha n t do that," said Faith, as she gave her mother at last a cup of tea that was to be drunk. But she had poured out none for herself. She sat before the tea-tray, still and pale. Her mother looked at her. "You must take some, child." " I don t want it, mother." And she brought everything that was on the table round her mother s plate. " You must " Mrs Derrick repeated. " I sha n t, if you don t, or else I ll get you a glass of wine. Why child," she said, with a half sober, half smiling look, which Faitb SAY AND SEAL. 22f for once did not read, "he s better. You ought to eat and be thankful." "I am thankful," Faith said, her head sinking for a moment. , Mrs Derrick deliberately got up, went to the pantry, ai fetching thence a tiny cup and plate set them before Faith. "Eat pretty child!" she said. "You know I m right. If you don t look out, Mr. Linden ll be worse scared when he comes home than he s been to-day, I guess." Faith gave her a look, both grateful and appealing, and very innocent of belief in her statement; and did honour the little cup so far as to fill it with tea which she swallowed. But the plate she left clean. "I can t to-night, mother," she said m answer to Mn Derrick s look. " I ll eat breakfast " CHAPTER XIX. TT cannot be said that sleep came to Faith s eyes unbid den, yet once come, sleep rested there sweetly, even beyond her usual time; and the first disturbing sound, in that misty Sunday morning, was the stopping of a wagon at the front door. But if Faith ran to the window with any special expectations, they were disappointed, there was nothing at the door but Crab, his companion the little wagon, and Mrs. Derrick composedly getting out of the same. Which was at least surprising enough. The good lady s next appearance was a very noiseless one in Faith s room. "Dear mother ! where have you been ?" " Why I ve been trying to get ahead of Dr. Harrison," said her mother sitting down ; "and I did it too. I should have been home before if I hadn t been afraid of meeting him so I had to take across road." Mrs. Derrick seemed tired. "You needn t look at me so, child," she said, taking off her bonnet. "It s enough to see one pale face in a morn ing. I did see him, Faith, though I didn t speak to him. " "How did he look, mother?" "I don t suppose he really looked bad considering," said Mrs. Derrick, with the tired look on her own face; "but I am not used to seeing him pulled down. It sort of upset me to see him lie there and those two boys keeping watch of him. I declare, Faith ! I wouldn t like to be the one to touch him with them sitting by!" "But how is he, mother? who did you see ?" "I didn t see anybody but them Mr. Simlins wasn t up. They said he seemed better, dear and that if I d seen him last night I d think he had quite a colour now: so I sup pose he is better. Only I haven t got the heart of a kitten sometimes " and a little motion of the lips warned Faith that if her mother was sparing of details it was because she could scarce give them. SAY AND SEAL. 229 " But isn t he as well as the doctor said ? He would look pale, you know" "I shouldn t have known from what the doctor said, that he d anything more than a scratch on the tip end of his little finger!" said Mrs. Derrick, "so I believe I didn t ex pect even to see him look pale. And all the while, the doctor was staring at the pantry doors I didn t know but he d get up and open em and look in." "You said two boys were there? who beside Reuben Taylor?" " Sam Stoutenburgh was tother side," said Mrs. Der rick, "and wanted to know how you were. I d a great mind to tell him it was none of his business. I suppose he thinks his heart is as large as he is, and can hold every thing at once." A shadow of something seemed to cross Faith at the mention of Sam s name. She turned away and began dressing herself. "Don t stir again, mother," she said. "I ll come down and see about breakfast." "It ll rest me to go with you, child, I told Reuben I d come again and stay if Mr. Linden would let me, and Reu ben will send me word. So I want to see you in the mean time. But I don t think they ll send." The breakfast was a quiet meal, though Faith but poorly performed her promise of eating. How Faith spent the hour after breakfast her mother could but guess; then she came out with her bonnet on and kissed her before setting off to Sunday school. The thick mist yet filled the air, growing yellow now with the struggling sunbeams. She walked quick and met nobody. Till she came to her place, and there she found not Charles twelfth alone, but the two other little additions to her charge that had been promised her. For though it was by no means cold weather the warm sunny days linger ing yet and this Sunday promising to be a good specimen, it happened that Johnny and his companion had received a special injunction to come, as Faith found out, and were there accordingly. And if Johnny regretted his old place in another class, VOL. i. 20 230 SAY AND SEAL. it was not for the reason his new teacher had feared Faith s face was very pale, that of itself touched the chil dren; and her words this day came in a tone that won all the recesses of their hearts. She had forgot about other teachers or children being in her neighbourhood ; on those three her stores of love and tenderness poured them selves out. She told them with warm lips, of Christ and his love and his leading, of the safety and joy of his sheep, of her wish that her little charge should be lambs in that flock, and what sort of lambs they must be. Faith spoke to her children very much as if she had been a child her self. They knew instinctively, with very sure knowledge, that she belonged to the fold of which she was joyously telling them. The children, on their part, met her variously. Johnny with his clear childish eyes, the flower-like unfolding of his little heart to that warm sunshine gave her more help than trouble, she understood the liking to teach him for her own sake. If his thoughts sometimes wandered a little from her words, the downcast look, the slight quiver of his childish lips, told Faith where they had gone ; and she could forgive him. But though at such times Robbie Wa ters always remembered to look grave too, yet he displaced Faith s gravity once by whispering to her (in the midst of her earnest admonitions to Charles twelfth) that she knew she was pretty ; and was in general in an easy, docile state of mind, and much interested and amazed at the deport ment of his little neighbour, Charles twelfth. When Faith came out of the school, she saw that all the seats of Mr. Linden s class were vacant; and with that little reminding touch, went to her own place in the church. It was between nine and ten o clock, while Faith was yet lost in her little charge, while Mrs. Derrick at home was thinking of her, and Mr. Simlins was taking his late break fast, that Dr. Harrison s curricle reached the farmer s gate. All was quiet without the house, but when Jenny Lowndcs adrnittel the doctor into the hall, the array of hats and caps upon the table might have startled a less professional man ; might have even suggested the idea that Mr. Simlins was giving a breakfast party. " Let me see Mr. Linden," said the doctor. SAY AND SEAL. 231 Jenny hesitated then her fear of Dr. Harrison over coming her scruples, she walked softly to the door and opened it. But if the doctor wanted to see his patient, he was obliged to wait a little; for the group of boys some standing, some kneeling around the bed, hid everything else. The room was very still, very earnest; even Dr. Harrison could feel that; the sound of words, very low- spoken, was all he could hear. The closing door made itself heard, however, several boys turned round, and at once stepped aside; and the doctor saw his patient, not dressed but lying as he had left him the night before. Mr. Linden smiled and saying some words to his class held out his hand towards the doctor ; but this was fastened upon at once by so many, that the doctor again had to wait his turn ; and it was not until everyone else had touched that hand, some even with their lips, that he was left alone with his patient. " What are you doing?" said he, in a sort of grave tone which did not however mean gravity. " Holding a levee ? and do you receive your courtiers at different hours accord ing to their ages? in that case. I have come at the wrong time." "No, you shall have the time all to yourself." " I see I have it ! Are the juvenile members* of society in Pattaquasset accustomed to pay their respects to you at this hour in the morning?" " Not always. Once a week we meet to talk over plea sant things." "Have I interrupted the pleasant things now?" "No, I could not talk very long this morning. The boys were just going." "I wish I had come a little sooner," said Dr. Harrison. "I m not a boy, to be sure, but I don t know that they are privileged to monopolize all pleasant things. If they are, I am against monopolies. However, if you can t talk, you mustn t talk. How do you do ?" "I do well if a man can be doing well when he s doing nothing. I will talk as long as you please about pleasant things." The doctor however diverged to the state of his patient s health, nor would talk of anything else till his investigations 232 SAY AND SEAL. on that point were made. The result of them seemed t( be satisfactory. "Now Linden," he said, in atone that indicated they were free to ask and answer, "who was that fellow.last night? have you any idea?" "It is difficult to identify a man when you are only within gunshot of him and after sundown," said Mr. Lin den smiling. "Difficult yes, it may be, but you gathered some thing ?" " I gathered a run. " "That is," said the doctor looking at him, "you have an opinion on the subject and are not willing to risk it?" "No," said Mr. Linden, " I have had risk enough for one night." "You are mistaken, Linden. A hint might be quite enough to bring out the certainty. My father is very eager about the matter, and is only waiting for you to empower him to act." "I shall give you no hint," said Mr. Linden. " I might be willing to risk my own opinion, but not another man s character." The doctor looked at him keenly and curiously. " What possible motive I" he said. " For it is evident that the shot was fired of intent, and evident that you your self think so. It is unheard-of!" " Were you bred to the bar, that you sum up evidence before it is given ?" said Mr. Linden, with a good-humoured raising of his brows at the doctor. "But the man ran !" " So did I he could hardly think I was much hurt." "I don t want to have such a fellow abroad in Patta quasset," said the doctor. "But suppose we go back tu the pleasant things. You must start the subject, Linden. Kousseau says a man can best describe the sweets of liberty from the inside of a prison so, I suppose, you being shot at and laid on your back, can have no lack of theme." Mr. Linden smiled the smile of a most unfettered spirit. "Liberty I" he said. "Yes, I have realized since I have lain here, that " My soul is free, as ambient air/-^- SAY AND SEAL. 233 "My sense of liberty comes from the possession not the want." "Prospective possession," said the doctor. "Unless indeed," he went on with a humourous play of the lips "you mean that my orders to you to lie still, merely gave zest to your triumphant knowledge that you could get up if you had a mind. A riotous degree of self-will that I believe I do not possess. Was that what good Mrs. Der rick meant when she said she wondered how I had hindered you?" "No," said Mr. Linden smiling "she meant that she did not think you had." "She didn t mean a thing of the kind ! She spoke in pure wonder, and made me begin to wonder in my turn." Which wonder Mr. Linden did not inquire into. "I am very sorry I wasn t a boy this morning !" said Dr. Harrison, after standing and looking down at him a little. "Can t you sit down and say why?" "I should have heard so much! which now I am not to hear. For if I had been a boy, I should certainly not have been missing at your levee." "0 you deceive yourself, if you were a boy nothing short of my authority would bring you, in the first place." " I have not the slightest doubt the power would have been fouud equal to the resistance," said the doctor bowing. "Neither have I." "Well ! " said the doctor laughing a little peculiarly, "in that case I should have been here. Now I have a fancy to know what you call pleasant things, Linden. You speak with a mouth full as if there were plenty of them." "Yes, there are plenty," Mr. Linden said, moving a little and resting his face on his hand as if he felt tired ; "but we were talking of only two this morning, heaven, and the way thither." Dr. Harrison looked at him steadily. " You are tired," he said gently. " You shall not talk any more to me now, and I shall forbid your holding any more levees to-day. After which," he added, the humour ous expression coming back, " I shall expect to hear a pro clamation going through Pattaquasset, that, like the knights of old, you are ready for all comers I Well I ll come and 20* 234 SAY AND SEAL. Bee you to-morrow ; and as long as you ll let me, as a friend ; for the pleasure of talking. You can have it all your own way, with a few more days strength. Will you have a levee to-morrow at the same hour ?" A little play of the lips came with the answer "Will that suit you? I ll send you word." Then look ing up at the doctor with a different expression, he added, "What do you think of my pleasant things ?" "Hardly in my line " said the doctor with a careless ness which was somewhat dubious in its character. "It is very well for those who find the subject pleasant I confess I have never studied it much." " Then you have but half learned your profession." But the words were so spoken that they could not give offence. Neither did the doctor seem disposed to take offence. "I ll ask you what you mean by that to-morrow," he said very pleasantly. "I thought I had learned my profession. Have you learned yours ?" The last words were with a keen eye to the answer. "Some people dignify my present business with that name," Mr. Linden said. " Well, you shall discourse to me more at length to-mor row," said the doctor. " Shall I come later ?" "I don t expect to be in school to-morrow, so you may name your own time," Mr. Linden said with a pleasant look. " But remember, a physician who has no skill to feel the pulse of the mind, no remedies that can reach its fever or its chills, is but half a physician. If / had never studied the subject, one word about heaven and the way thither would be worth more to me than all the science of medicine ever discovered 1 It is now " he said in a low tone, as the flush passed away. And then holding out his hand to Dr. Harrison, Mr. Linden added, " I fully appre ciate your skill and kindness you need not doubt it." The hand was taken, and grasped, cordially but in si lence. Whether the doctor went straight from Mr. Simlins house to church where he was not a very constant attend ant it does not appear. What is certain about the mat ter, is, that he was outside of the church door after service just at the time that Faith Derrick found herself there, and SAY AND SEAL. 235 that he assumed a place at her side and walked with her towards her mother s house instead of taking the other direction towards his own. Faith was alone, Mrs. Derrick having chosen to stay at home in case she should be sent for. The mist had cleared off completely, and the sunny warm air invited to lingering in it. Faith would not have lingered, but the doctor walked slowly, and she could not leave him. " I have been wanting to see you, ever since my inoppor tune proposal yesterday," said he in a low tone, "to make my peace with you. " "It is made, sir," said Faith, giving him a smile. "How do you do to-day?" "Very well !" she told him. The doctor listened to the sound of her voice, and thought with himself that as regarded the moral part of her nature the words were certainly true. "Let me have the pleasure of relieving you of that," he said, taking Faith s little Bible gently away from her. "I am going your way. Miss Derrick you spoke yester day of particular work to be done on Sunday. Have you any objection to tell me what you meant by it ? I confess to you, your words are somewhat dark to me. That is my fault, of course. Will you give me light ?" It was a gentle, grave, quiet tone of questioning. "Others might do it far better, sir," said Faith. "I would far rather hear it from you I" The colour came a little into Faith s cheeks, but her words were given with great simplicity. "The other days are taken up very much with the work of this world. Sunday is meant more particularly for the work that belongs to the other world." "And what is that? if you do not object to tell me. I confess, as I tell you, I am ignorant." She forgot herself now, and looked steadily at him. " To learn to know God with whom we have so much to do, here and there ; to learn to know his will and to do it, and to bring others to do it too, if we can. And if we know and love him already, to enjoy it and take the good of it," she added a little lower, and with a softening of expression. 236 SAY ANI) SEAL - Dr. Harrison read her look fixedly, till she turned it away from him. "And are these what you call pleasant things ?" said he somewhat curiously. But Faith s answer rang out from her heart. "Oh yes!" She stopped there, but evidently not for want of what to say. "You are a happy thing," said the doctor, but not in a way to make his words other than graceful. " I wish you would make me as good as you are." She looked at him, and answered very much as if she had been speaking to a child. " God will make you much better, Dr. Harrison, if you ask him." He was silent a minute after that, without looking at her. When he spoke again, it was with a change of tone. "You are of a different world from that in which I live ; and the flowers that are sweet to you, belong, I am afraid, to a Flora that I have no knowledge of. What, for instance, would you call pleasant things to talk about if you were choosing a subject of conversation ?" Faith looked a little surprised. "A great many things are pleasant to me," she said smiling. "I am sure of that I But indulge me what would you name as supremely such, to talk about ?" "If they are talked about right," said Faith gently, "I don t know anything so pleasant as those things I was speaking of what God will have us do in this world, and what he will do for us in the next." " Heaven and the way thither " said Dr. Harrison to himself. "What, sir?" said Faith. " I should like to have you answer me that ; but I am sorry, I see Mrs. Derrick s house not far beyond us. I saw our friend Mr. Linden this morning." "Is he better?" said Faith simply. " He s doing very well. I told him he d be a terribly famous man after this. And it s begun. I found near al] the boys in Pattaquasset assembled there this morning " SAY AND SEAL. 237 " His Bible class " said Faith, with a feeling which did not however come inco her face or voice, and Dr. Harrison watched both. "Here is your Bible," he said as they stopped at the little gate. " Do you always look so pale on Sundays ?" he added with a look and tone of half professional half friendly freedom. "Not always," Faith said; but there came at the same time a little tinge into the cheeks, that Dr. Harrison wished away. "May I come and earn your forgiveness for yesterday & stupidity ?" " Certainly !" Faith said, " but there needs no forgive ness from me, Dr. Harrison." He left her with a graceful, reverential obeisance ; and Faith went in. CHAPTER XX. DR. HARRISON had but little left Mr. Linden that morning, when Mr. Simlins came in. He had hardly seen his guest yet that day, except, like Mrs. Derrick, when he was asleep. For having watched himself the greater part of the night, for the pure pleasure of it, Mr. Sim lins late rest - had brought him almost to the hour when the boys came to what the doctor called Mr. Linden s levee. "Well how do you find yourself?" said the farmer, stand ing at the foot of the bed and looking at its occupant with a kind of grim satisfaction. "I find myself tired, sir and at the same time intending to get up. Mr. Simlins, are you going down to church this afternoon ?" "Well, no," said the farmer. "I think it s as good church as I can do, to look arter you. " "You can have both," said Mr. Linden smiling, "I should go with you." "You aint fit," said the farmer regretfully. "Fit enough I ll come back and stay with you another day, when I am well, if you ll let me." "Will you ?" said the farmer. "I ll bottle that ere pro mise and cork it up ; and if it aint good when I pull the cork then I ll never play Syrian again, for no one. But s pose I aint goin to church ?" "Then I shall have to take Reuben." "You sha n t take no one but me," growled Mr. Simlins. " I d rather see you out of my house than not if I can t see you in it." The bells were ringing out for the early afternoon ser vice when they set forth ; not ringing against each other, as which should give the loudest call for its own particular church, but with alternate strokes speaking the same thing the one stepping in when the other was out of broath. (238) SAY AND SEAL. 239 The warm sunshine rested upon all "the evil and the good," and spoke its own message though not so noisily. Along the road Mr. Simlins little covered wagon (chosen for various reasons) went at an easy pace ; with one to drive, and one to bear the motion as best he might; and a third who would almost have agreed to be a pillow or a cushion for the rest of his life, if he could have been one for that day. What there were of that sort in the wagon, or indeed in the house, were to Reuben s eyes far too thin and ineffectual. A little excitement, a very earnest desire to get home once more, did partially supply the need ; and by the time the houses were empty and the churches full, the wagon stopped at Mrs. Derrick s gate. "I guess nobody s home," said Mr. Simlins as he with great tenderness helped Mr. Linden to alight "but any way, here s the house all standin . Reuben, you go ahead and see if we can get in." But before Reuben touched the door, Mrs. Derrick had opened it from the inside, and stood there her usually quiet manner quite subdued into silence. Not into inaction however, for her woman s hands soon made their superior powers known, and Mr. Simlins could only wonder why this and that had not occurred to him before. Quick and still and thoughtful, she had done half a dozen little things to make Mr. Linden comfortable before he had been in the house as many minutes, and assured the two others very confidently that "he shouldn t faint again, if he wanted to ever so much !" "AVell, I was sorry to let him go," said Mr. Simlins, "and now I m glad of it. It takes a woman ! Where s somebody else ?" "There s nobody else in the house," said Mrs. Derrick. "Faith s gone to meeting, and Cindy too, for all I know." "I ll send Dr. Harrison word in the morning where / am," said Mr. Linden, which Mr. Simlins rightly under stood to mean that the fact need not be published to-night. He took gentle leave of this lost guest and went to church; excusing himself for it afterwards by saying he felt lonely. If Faith had seen him there, she might have jumped at conclusions again; but she did not; and after the service 240 SAY AND SEAL. walked Lome, slowly again, though nobody was with her. A little wearied by this time with the night and the day s work, wearied in body and mind perhaps, she paced home wards along the broad street or road, on which the yellow leaves of the trees were floating lazily down, and which was all filled from sky and wayside with golden light. It brought to mind her walk of last Sunday afternoon and evening ; the hymn, and those other lines Mr. Linden had repeated and which had run in her head fifty times since. And Faith s step grew rather slower and less lightsome as she neared home, and when she got home she went straight up to her room without turning to the right or the left. Her mother was just then in the kitchen and heard her not, and shielded by her bonnet Faith saw not even that Mr. Linden s door stood open ; but when she came out again a while after, the full stream of sunlight that came thence into the passage drew her eyes that way. And Faith did not wonder then that her mother had been startled, and unprepared by the doctor s words for the sight of what she now saw. The chintz-covered couch was drawn be fore the window, in the full radiance of the sunlight, and Mr. Linden lay there looking out ; but the sunlight found no glow in his face, unless one as etherial as itself. The habitual sweet pure look was there a look that reminded Faith of the one Johnny had worn in the morning ; but the face was perfectly colourless. The bandaged arm was supported only by a sling, upon the other hand his cheek rested wearily. Faith looked, hesitated, then stepped lightly into the room and stood before him ; with a face not indeed quite so pale as his own, but that only the sunlight hin dered his seeing was utterly without its usual colour. She found nothing to say, apparently: for she did not speak, only held out her hand. He had turned at the first sound of her step and watched her at first smiling, then grave as she came near ; and taking her hand as silently as it was given, Mr. Linden looked up at her face, perhaps to see whether his instructions had been obeyed. "I have had men s hands about me so long," he said, "that yours feels like " he did not specify what, but held it a minute as if he were trying to find out. " Miss Faith, you want to be rocked to sleep." SAY AND SEAL. 241 Could he see that her lips trembled ? He could feel how her hand did ; but her look was as frank as ever. "Are you less well to-day ?" she said at last, in a voice that was little above a whisper, and stopped short of his name. . "Less well than yesterday at this time not less well than this morning. A little more tired, perhaps." He spoke very quietly, answering her words and letting his hand and eye do the rest. " Has Mrs. Derrick a cradle in the house that would hold you ?" Perhaps Faith hardly heard the question, for she did not acknowledge it by so much as a smile. She wished to ask the further question, whether the assur ance of last night was still true; but his appearance had driven such fear to her heart that she dared not ask it. She stood quite still a minute, but when she spoke her words were in the utmost clear sweetness of a woman s voice. " Can I do something for you, Mr. Linden ?" "You are doing something forme now it is so pleasant to see you. But Miss Faith, I shall have to reclaim some of your scholars; you have been teaching too much to day." "No " she said, "I have had no chance." "No chance to teach too much? And why?" "Why," she said, "I had only the usual hour this morning. I could do no more." "You look as if you had been teaching all day or taught, which is but another branch. What did my boys say to you ?" "I think they thought they were saying to you, Mr Linden, they behaVed so well." He smiled. "I don t believe even your conjuring powers could bring about such a hallucination, Miss Faith. What a day it has been I Look at that sunlight and think of the city that hath no need of the sun !" She looked where he bade her, but the contrast was a little too strong just then with the earth thtft had so much need of it! Only the extreme gravity of her face how- VOL. I. 21 242 SAY AND SEAL. ever indicated anything of the struggle going on. Her eye did not move, nor eyelid. "That is the only rest we must wait for, " Mr. Linden 3aid. "That remaineth." Faith answered nothing. But after a little while the shadow of that sunlight passed away from her face, and she turned to the couch again and asked with her former gentle expression, " Will you have tea up here, Mr. Linden ?" "I m afraid I must," he said, looking up at her with eyes that rather questioned than answered. " Does mother know what you would like to have ?" "Miss Faith I wish you would tell me just what is troubling you." The question flushed her a little, and for a moment her face was a quick play of light and shade; then she said, "It troubled me not to see you looking better." He took the force of her words, though he answered lightly. "I suppose I do look rather frightful ! But Miss Faith, I hope to get over that in a few days you must try and brace up your nerves, because if you cannot bear the sight of me I shall have to deny myself the sight of you." "Don t do that," she said, the light coming into her eye and voice as if by an actual sunbeam. "Then it is true, what you wrote me last night, Mr. Linden?" "Well !" he said "I am not much in the habit of main taining my own words, however, in this case I am willing to admit them true. If it will be any relief to your mind, Miss Faith, I will promise to remain in seclusion until you say I am fit to be seen down stairs." The answer to that was only a rosy little smile, like the sunlight promise of fair weather on the last clouds that float over the horizon. But perhaps his words had brought her mind back to the question of supper for she asked again, " What are you to have for tea to-night, Mr. Linden?" "May I take a great liberty?" he said with a look as grave as before. "I don t know how you can," she said and with eyes SAY AND SEAL. 243 somewhat surprised, that said in their own way it was im possible. A little smile which she scarce saw came first, and then her hand was brought to his lips. But it was done too gravely and gently to startle even her. "Now you must go and rest," Mr. Linden said. "I want nothing for tea that shall cost one extra step." Faith went about as silently and demurely as a cat that has had her ears boxed and been sent out of the dairy. Only in this case she went to her dairy ; from whence in due time she emerged with cream and butter and made her ap pearance in the kitchen. "Well child! 11 said Mrs. Derrick. "When did you get home? and what did you do with yourself? I ve looked and looked for you till I was tired, and if you d staid five minutes more I should have run all over town after you." "Why mother !" said Faith, "I was in my own room for a good while. I got home in usual time." "Well!" said her mother, "I hope next time you ll say as much that s all. Do you know we ve got company, Faith ?" " Who, mother ? I ve seen Mr. Linden." "I meant him," said Mrs. Derrick. "I m sure the house seems as if it had twice as many in it since he came." " He ought to have tea, now, mother. Isn t Cindy home yet?" " No, but that s no matter I ll take it up in two minutes. Where s the teapot " " I think, mother," said Faith as she was adding the last touches to the tray which was to go up stairs, "I must have put Mr. Linden in mind of his sister, *br somebody, this afternoon. I am afraid he misses them now." "What do you mean by somebody?" said Mrs. Derrick. "Some of his own family, I mean. I thought so." " I don t believe you ever put anybody in mind of any body else," said Mrs. Derrick confidently. "What made you think so, child ?" "Something made me think so," said Faith rather ab stractly. "Now mother it is ready, and I ll take it up stairs if you ll take it then." "I guess I m up to as much as taking it all the way, 244 SAY AND SEAL. said her mother, lifting the tray. " I ll be down presently, dear, you must want your tea." And up stairs she went. Reuben came to stay all night, so the ladies had only to take their own much needed sleep, in peace ; and a note of information was left at Dr. Harrison s door next morn ing, some time before that gentleman was awake. CHAPTER XXI. M T KNOW what I have to do to-day," said Faith the J. next morning. "Mr. Skip has got the box made, mother, and now I want the stuff to cover it." "Well that s ready in my pantry, child." Whereupon Reuben offered his services ; but all that was given him to do was to carry up Mr. Linden s breakfast. This was hardly well over when Dr. Harrison came. He was shewn into the sitting-room, just as Faith with her arms full of brown moreen came into it also from the pantry. The doctor was not going to lose a shake of the hand, and waited for the brown moreen to be deposited on the floor accordingly. "You are looking more like yourself to-day," he said. "I will call mother," said Faith. Which she did, leavin^ the doctor in company with the brown moreen. "Mrs. Derrick," said he, speaking by no means without a purpose, " I have cause of complaint against you ! What have you done to allure my patient down here against orders?" "He s better here," said Mrs. Derrick with a cool dispos ing of the subject. "What did you want to keep him up there for, doctor?" "Only acted upon a vigorous principle of Mr. Linden s nature, madam. If I had ordered him to come, he would have stayed. May I see him ?" And Mrs. Derrick preceded the doctor up stairs, opened the door of the room and shut it after him. Mr. Linden was on the couch, but it was wheeled round by the side of the fire now, for the morning was cool. A little heap of unopened letters and post despatches lay before him, but the white paper in his hand seemed not to have come from 21* (2-15) 246 SAY AND SEAL. the heap. As the doctor entered, this was folded up and transferred to the disabled hand for safe keeping. Mr. Linden had that quality (much more common among women than among men) of looking well in undress; but let no one suppose that I mean the combination of care lessness and disorder which generally goes by that name, and which shews (most of all) undress of the mind. I mean simply that style of dress which Sam Weller might call Ease afore Ceremony; in it delicate particularity, Mr. Linden s undress might have graced a ball-room ; and, as I have said, the dark brown wrapper with its wide sleeves was becoming. Dr. Harrison might easily see that his pa tient was not only different from most of the neighbour hood, but also from most people that he had seen anywhere ; and that peculiar reposeful look was strongly indicative of power. "Good morning!" said the doctor. "Do you expect me to behave well this morning ?" " Why no -" said Mr. Linden. " My experience hitherto has not led me to expect anything of the sort." The doctor stood before the fire, looking down at him, smiling almost, yet with a keen eye, as at a man whose measure he hr,d not yet succeeded in taking. " What dii you come down here for, without my leave ? And how do you do?" For you see, I mean to behave well." "I cair.e down because I wanted to be at home," said Mr. Linden. "And I did not ask leave, because I meant to come whether or no. You see what a respect I have for your orders." "Yes," said the doctor, "that is a very ancient sort of respect. How do you do, Linden ?" "I suppose, well, as to feeling, I should not care to go through the Olympic games, even in imagination ; and the various sensations in my left arm make me occasionally wish they were in my right." The doctor proceeded to an examination of the arm. It was found not to be taking the road to healing so readily as had been hoped. "I am afraid it may be a somewhat tedious affair," said SAY AND SEAL. 241 Dr. Harrison, as he renewed the bandages in the way they ought to be. "I wish I had hold of that fellow 1 This may take a little time to come to a harmonious disposition, Linden, and give you a little annoyance. And at the same time, it s what you deserve !" said he, retaking his disen gaged manner as he finished what he had to do. "I almost wish I could threaten you with a fever, or something serious; but I see you are as sound as that axletree our friend spoke of the other day. There il is ! You have learned to do evil with impunity. For I confess this has nothing to do with the exercise of your lawless disposition yesterday. Why didn t you let me bring you, if you wanted to come ? That old fellow can t have anything drawn by horses, that goes easier than a harrow !" "Let you bring me!" said Mr. Linden. "Would you have done it against your own orders ?" "Under your authority! which is equal to anything, you know." "Well," said Mr. Linden, "will you take a seat under my authority, and then take the benefit of my fire ? What is going on in the outer world ?" "I haven t any idea!" said the doctor. " Pattaquasset seems to me to be, socially, at one extreme pole of the axletree before-mentioned, and while I am here I feel no revolution of the great mass heaving beyond. It takes away one s breath, does Pattaquasset." "You are making it akin to the music of the spheres, " said Mr. Linden. "Is that what you find in Pattaquasset?" said the doctor. "Your ears must be pleasantly constituted or more agree ably saluted than those of other mortals. The only music I know of here is Miss Derrick s voice. Does she feed upon roses, like the Persian bulbul?" "I should suppose not unless roses impart their colour in that way," said Mr. Linden, softly turning the folded paper from side to side. "This is a nice place," said the doctor surveying the room "and you look very comfortable. I should like to take your invitation and sit down but I mustn t. Won t you try and put a good opinion of me into the head of Mrs Derrick?" 248 SAY AND SEAL. "What an extraordinary request!" said Mr. Linden, laughing a little. "Pray what am I to understand by it? And why mustn t you sit down ? here is something to re joice your heart with a few of the aforesaid upheavings of Society;" and he handed the doctor an unopened foreign newspaper. "Absolutely irresistible !" said the doctor, and he broke the cover, took a chair and sat down before the fire ; where for awhile to all appearance he also made himself comfort able ; and certainly turned and returned and ran over the paper in an artistic manner. "After all," said he, "it s a bore! this alternation of knocking each other down which the nations of the earth practise, and the societies, and the men ! It s a pugil istic world we live in, Linden. It s a bore to keep up with them, for one must know who s atop both in Europe and in PattaquasSet where you are just now the king of men s mouths And all the while it don t a pin signify, except to the one who is atop; I beg your pardon !" "How long must I, being atop, lie here? All this week ?" "What will you do if I say more than that?" "Why I ll listen respectfully. Do you know I like to see you sitting there? Here is another paper for you." The doctor looked at him with an odd, frankly inquisitive smile ; but he only took the paper to play with it. "I wonder if I may ask a roundabout favour from you ?" "You may ask anything " said Mr. Linden. "I would rather have it in a straight- forward form." "Can t," said the doctor, "because it is crooked. I sup pose at this hour every lady in Pattaquasset expects that her friends will not call her away from her affairs ; and I stupidly forgot to deliver my message when I had a mo ment s chance this morning. Now as it is possible you may see this if she cannot be called the silver-footed Thetis, she is certainly the silver-tongued you would know how to address her?" "Thetis! probably, when I see her." "I may presume you will know her when you see her, and that brings me to my point. I have got some good SAY AND SEAL. 249 microscopic preparations which I am to have the pleasure of exhibiting to-night to some friends of my sister. Now it would greatly add to her pleasure and mine, if this mor tal Polyhymnia will consent to be of the number and this is what I was going to ask you, if you please, to communi cate to her or to her mother, in whose good graces, as I told you," said the doctor with a funny smile, " I don t think I have the honour to stand high. Sophy would have written this morning, but I gave her no chance. I will call for Miss Derrick this evening if she will allow me." Mr. Linden took out his pencil and made a note of the facts. "First," he said, I am to communicate, then you are to call, after that to exhibit. Do you call that crooked ? why it s as straight as the road from here to your house." Dr. Harrison looked and for a minute did not anything else. "For your arm, Linden," he said then getting up from his chair, and a smile of doubtful comicality moving his lip a little " we shall know better about it in two or three weeks ; but certainly I think you must be content to stay at home for double those that s undoubted." Mr. Linden gave the doctor a quick glance, but the omile which followed was undoubted in another way. "When two opposing forces meet at right angles, doc tor," he said, "you know what happens to the object. Not contented inertia." " Contented ! no, very likely, not when it is this object. But you will find a third force will establish the inertia." "What is your third force?" "The necessity of the case," said the doctor seriously. But to that Mr. Linden made no reply. The conversa tion had been kept up not only against weakness but against pain, and he lay very still and colourless for a long time after the doctor closed the door. Meanwhile Faith, busy at her brown moreen, made her mother s job of mending seem like embroidery ; but by de grees Mrs. Derrick s face became thoughtful, and she said, rather emphatically, "Child, have you been up to see Mr. Linden to-day?" Faith s hammer dropped, and her hands too. 250 SAY AND SEAL. "No, mother," she said, looking at her. "Why child!" Mrs. Derrick began, then <she stopped and began again. "I guess he d rather see you than that box, child, if the doctor hasn t talked him to death." "Mother, do you think he would like to have me come up and see him ?" "Like it ?" said Mrs. Derrick, her mind almost refusing to consider such an absurd question. "I m sure he likes to see you when he s well, Faith. Didn t he like it last night?" Faith looked a little bit grave, then she hastily pushed her brown moreen and box into a somewhat more orderly state of disorganization, and went up stairs, with a quick light step that was not heard before her tap at Mr. Linden s door. And then receiving permission she went in, a little rosy this time at venturing into the charmed region when its occupant was there; and came with her step a little lighter, a little slower, up to the side of the couch and held out her hand ; saying her soft " How do you do, Mr. Linden?" He was lying just as the doctor had left him, with the unopened letters, and the white paper which Faith felt instinctively was her own exercise. But eye and hand were ready for her. "Courageous Miss Faith!" he said with a smile. "And so, She s gentle and not fearful ?" She smiled, with an eye that took wistful note of him. " How do you feel to-day, Mr. Linden ?" "Not very well and not worse. Miss Faith, do you know that we have a great deal to do this week ? You may lock up your stocking basket." "Please let me do something for you, Mr. Linden?" she said earnestly. "That s just what I m talking about. Do you think, Miss Faith, that if you brought that low chair here, and set the door wide open so that you could run out if you got frightened at my grim appearance, you would be mill ing to philosophize a little ?" "Not to-day, Mr. Linden," said Faith. "Don t speak SAY AND SEAL. 251 BO 1 I haven t any stocking basket in the way. Can t I do something that would do you some good ?" "It would do me a great deal of good to get up and set that chair for you, but that is something I must ask you to do for me. I see you want coaxing" he added, looking at her. " Well if you will do half a dozen things for me this morning, you shall have the reward of a letter and two messages." Faith looked down doubtful, doubtful, whether to do what would please herself, and him, would be just right to day ; but the pleading of the affirmative side of the ques tion was too strong. She gave up considering the pru dential side of the measure, thinking that perhaps Mr. Linden knew his own feelings best; and once decided, let pleasure have its full flow. With hardly a shade upon the glad readiness of her movements, she placed the chair and brought the book, and sat docile down, though keeping a jealous watch for any sign of pain or weariness that should warn her to stop. And from one thing to another he led her on, talking less than usual, perhaps, himself, but giving her none the less good a lesson. And the signs she sought for could not be found. Weary he was not, mentally, and physical nature knew its place. Last of all, the little exer cise was opened and commented upon and praised and she praised through it, though very delicately. "Have I tired you ?" he said, as the town clock struck an hour past the mid-day. "Oh no ! And you, Mr. Linden ?" In what a different tone the two parts of her speech were spoken. "I have not hurt myself," he said smiling. "Perhaps by and by, this afternoon, you will let me see you again. Dr. Harrison threatens to keep me at home for two or three weeks, and I want to make the most of them,, I may not have such a time of leisure again." And then Mr. Linden gave the doctor s message a message, very strictly, and as near as possible in the doctor s own words, receiving as little tinge as it well could from the medium through which it passed. "The other message," he said, giving her a letter, "you will find there." 252 SAY AND SEAL. "A message ?" said Faith doubtfully and flushing with pleasure "isn t this one of your sister s letters ?" "Yes. Mayn t she send you a message ?" A very modest and very happy smile and deepening blush answered that ; and she ran away with a sudden com punctious remembrance of Mr. Linden s dinner. After dinner Faith had something to do in the kitchen, and something to do in other parts of the house, and then she would have read the letter before all things else ; but then came in a string of company one after the other, everybody wanting the news and much more than could be given. So it was a succession of flourishing expectations cut down and blasted ; and both Faith and her mother grew tired of the exercise of cutting down and blasting, and Faith remembered with dismay that the afternoon was wearing and Mr. Linden had wished to see her again. She seized her chance and escaped at last, between the adieu of one lady and the accost of another who was even then coming up from the gate, and knocked at Mr. Linden s door again just as Mrs. Derrick was taking her minister s wife into the parlour. Her first move this time on coming in, was to brush up the hearth and put the fire in proper order for burning well ; then she faced round before the couch and stood in a sort of pleasant expectation, as wait ing for orders. "You are a bright little visiter!" Mr. Linden said, hold ing out his hand to her. "You float in as softly and alight as gently as one of these crimson leaves through my win dow. Did anybody ever tell you the real reason why women are like angels ?" "I didn t know they were," said Faith laughing, aud with something more of approximation to a crimson leaf. " They are all ministering spirits ," he said looking at her. "But you must be content with that, Miss Faith, and not make your visits angelic in any other sense. What do you suppose I have been considering this afternoon? while you have been spoiling the last Pattaquasset story by confessing that I am alive ?" " Did you hear them coming in?" said Faith. "] didn t SAY AND SEAL. 253 know when they were going to let me get away. What have you been considering, Mr. Linden?" "The wide-spread presence and work of beauty. You see what a shock you gave my nervous system yesterday. Will you please to sit down, Miss Faith ?" Faith sat down, clearly in a puzzle ; from which she ex pected to be somehow fetched out. "What do you suppose is beauty s work in the world? I don t mean any particular Beauty." Faith looked at the crimson leaves on the floor for the window was open though the fire was burning ; then at the fair sky outside, seen beyond and through some other crim son leaves yet hanging on the large maple there, then coming back to the face before her, she smiled and said, "I don t know except to make people happy, Mr. Linden." "That is one part of its use, certainly. But take the thousands of wilderness flowers, and the thousands of deep sea shells ; look at the carvings on the scale of a fish, which no human eye can see without a glass, or those other ex quisite patterns traced upon the roots and stems of some of the fossil pines, which were hid in the solid rock before there was a human eye to see. What is their use ?" To the wilderness and to the deep sea, Faith s thought and almost her eye went, and she took some time to con sider the subject. "I suppose " she said thoughtfully "I don t know, Mr. Linden. "Did you ever consider those words which close the account of the Creation God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good ." " That is what I was going to say I" she said modestly but with brightening colour, "that perhaps he made all those things, those you spoke of, for himself?" "For himself to satisfy the perfectness of his own cha racter. And think how different the divine and the human standards of perfection ! Not the outward fair coloui and proportion merely, not the perfect fitness and adaptation, not the most utilitarian employment of every grain of dust, BO that nothing is lost, not even the grandest scale of working, is enough ; but the dust on the moth s wing must VOL. i 22 254 SAY AND SEAL. be plumage, and the white chalk cliffs must be made of minute shells, each one of which shines like spun silver or is figured like cut glass. Not more steadily do astrono mers discover new worlds, than the microscope reveals some new perfection of detail and finish in our own. 7 Faith listened, during this speech, like one literally see ing into space, as far as an embodied spirit can, for the first time. Then with a smile, a little sorrowful, she brought up with, " I don t know anything of all that, Mr. Linden ! Do you mean that chalk is really made of little shells ?" "Yes, really and blue mould is like a miniature forest. You will know about it" he said with a smile. "But do you see how this touches the standard of moral perfection ? how it explains that other word, Be ye also perfect ." Faith had not seen before, but she did now; for in her face the answer flashed most eloquently. She was silent. " That is the sort of perfection we are promised," Mr. Linden went on presently, "that is the sort of perfection we shall see. Now, both glass and eye are imperfect, specked, and flawed, and short-sighted ; and can but faintly discern the balancings of the clouds, the wondrous works of him that is perfect in knowledge. But then I When sin no more obstructs our sight, When sorrow pains our hearts no more, How shall we view the Prince of Light, And all his works of grace explore ! What heights and depths of love divine Will then through endless ages shine! " The words moved her probably, for she sat with her face turned a little away so that its play or its gravity were scarce so well revealed. Not very long however. The silence lasted time enough to let her thoughts come back to the subject never very far from them. "You are tired, Mr. Linden." "By what chain of reasoning, Miss Faith ?" J know by the sound of your voice. And you eat nothing to-day. Do you like cocoa, Mr. Linden ?" she added eagerly. He smiled a little and answered yes. "Then I shall bring you somel" SAY AND SEAL. 255 Faith stayed for no answer to that remark, but ran off. Half an hour good had passed away, but very few minutes more, when her soft tap was heard at the door again and herself entered, accompanied with the cup of cocoa and a plate of dainty tiny strips of toast. "Aunt Dilly left some here," she said as she presented the cup, "and she says it is good; and she shewed me how to make it. Aunt Dilly has lived all her life with a brother who has lived a great part of his life with a French wife so Aunt Dilly has learned some of her ways and this is one of them." But Mr. Linden looked as if he thought the way be longed emphatically to somebody else. "And so I am under the rule of the blue ribbands still ! he said as he raised himself up to do honour to the cup of cocoa. " Miss Faith, do you know you are subjecting your self to the penalty of extra lessons ?" "How, Mr. Linden?" "Don t you know that is one of the punishments for bad conduct ? It s a great act of insubordination to bring one cocoa without leave." She laughed, and then paid her attentions to the fire again ; after which she stood by the hearth to see the cocoa disposed of, till she came to take the cup. "Are you in pain, much, Mr. Linden?" she asked as she did this. "Not mental "he said with a smile; "and the physical can be borne Miss Faith, that cocoa was certainly better than I ever had from the hands of anybody s French wife. You must have improved upon the receipt." "When Dr. Harrison comes for me this evening, shall he come up and see you again ?" "If he wishes there is no need else." " How did it happen, Mr. Linden ?" she said with a very serious face. "On this wise, Miss Faith. I, walking home at a rather quick pace, was suddenly brought to as the sailors say, by this shot in my arm. But as for the moment it affected the mind more than the body, I turned and gave chase, wishing to "enquire who had thus favoured me, and why But the mind alone can only carry one a certain distance, 256 SAY AND SEAL. and before I had caught my man I found myself in such danger of fainting that I turned about again, and made the best of my way to the house of Mr. Simlins. The rest you know." "What did the man run for?" " There is no thread in my nature that just answers that question," said Mr. Linden. "I suppose he ran because he was frightened." "But what should have frightened him?" "The idea of my displeasure probably," said Mr. Linden smiling. " Have you forgotten my character for cruelty, Miss Faith?" "But" said Faith. "Why should he think he had dis pleased you ? He wasn t near you, was he ?" "Why I am hot supposed to be one of those amiable people who like to be shot," said Mr. Linden in the same tone. " But how near was he, Mr. Linden ?" " Within gunshot range, of course the precise distance is not easily measured at such a moment." "But if he was not near," said Faith, "how could he think that his shot had touched you ? He couldn t see it and your running wouldn t seem like a man seriously injured ?" "He might think I disapproved of discharging a gun at random, in the public road." " You don t suppose it could have been done on purpose, Mr. Linden !" she said in a changed awe-stricken tone. " I have no right to assume anything of the kind there are all sorts of so-called accidents. But Miss Faith I if you look so frightened I shall begin to think you are an accomplice 1 What do you know about it?" he added smiling. "Nothing " she said rather sadly, "except a little look of something, I don t know what, in your face when you said that, Mr. Linden." " You must not look grave nor think twice about the matter in any way," he said with a sort of kind gravity that met hers. " Is there light enough for you to read that first chapter of Physical Geography, and talk to me about it? it is your turn to talk now." SAY AND SEAL. 251 "Do you mean, aloud? or to myself, Mr. Linden?" she asked a little timidly, "I mean, to me." Faith did not object, though her colour rose very visibly. She placed herself to catch the fading light, and read on, talking where it was absolutely necessary, but sparing and placing her questions so as to call forth as few words as possible in reply. And becoming engaged in the interest of the matter she almost forgot her timidity ; not quite, for every now and then something made it rise to the sur face. The daylight was fading fast, sunlight had already gone, and the wood fire began to throw its red gleams un checked ; flashing fitfully into the corners of the room and playing hide and seek with the shadows. A little rising of the wind and light flutter of the leaves against the glass, only made the warm room more cheerful. Faith made the fire burn brightly, and finished the chapter by that, with the glow of the flickering flame dancing all over her and her book in the corner where she sat. But pages of pleasure as well as of prettiness, all those pages were. "Thank you, Miss Faith," Mr. Linden said as she closed the book. "I only wish I could give you a walk now in this bright evening air; but I must wait for that." A little tap at the door came at this point to take its place in the conversation. It was Mrs. Derrick. "Child," said the good lady, "here s Dr. Harrison down stairs." And stepping into the room, Mrs. Derrick walked softly up to the couch, and not only made enquiries but felt of Mr. Linden s hand to see if he had any fever. Faith waited, standing a little behind the couch head. "I m not quite sure " she said, "your hand s a little warm, sir but then it s apt to be towards night, and maybe mine s a little cool. If you could only go to sleep, it would do you so much good 1" And Mr. Linden laughingly promised to try, but would not guarantee the success thereof. Faith went down stairs, a little afraid that she had been doing harm instead of good, and at thr same time not see ing very well how she could have helped it. She found Dr. Harrison in the sitting-room, and gave her quiet rea sons for not going out with him. The doctor declared "he 22* 258 SAY AND SEAL. should be in despair but that he had hope !" and having made Faith confess that she would like to see his micro scope, gently suggested the claims of the next two even ings; saying that he must be in Quilipeak for a day or two soon himself, and therefore was not impatient without reason. Faith did not know how to get off, and gave the doctor to understand that she might be disengaged the next night. Having which comfort he went up to see Mr. Linden. Then followed Mr. Linden s tea, with cresses and grapes which Dr. Harrison had brought himself. " Mother," said Faith, when the two ladies were seated at their own tea-table, "did Dr. Harrison dress Mr. Lin den s arm again to-night?" "Yes child and I guess it was good he did. I think Mr. Linden was almost asleep when I went up." "Do you know how to do it, mother? if it was wanted when the doctor is not here ?" "I don t know " said Mrs. Derrick thoughtfully, "no, child, I don t know how at least not so I d like to try. Do you, Faith ?" "No, mother but could you learn?" "Why I suppose I could, child," said her mother, as if she disliked to admit even so much. "But I d about as lieve have my own arm shot off I m so dreadfully afraid of hurting people, Faith and I always was afraid of him. Why can t the doctor do it ? he can come six times a day if he s wanted I guess he don t do much else." Faith said no more on the subject, but hurried through her tea and sat down by the lamp in the sitting-room to read her letter. A minute or two she sat thinking, deeply, with her cheek on her hand ; then dismissing everything else she opened the precious paper at last. It was another Italy letter, but took her a very different journey from the last. A little graver perhaps than that, a little more longing in the wish to use eyesight instead of pen and ink ; and as if absence was telling more and more upon the writer. Yet all this was rather in the tone than the wording that was kept in hand. But it was midway in some bright description, that the message to Faith broke forth. "Tell Miss Faith," she said, "that I would rather have SAY AND SEAL. 259 *een her roasting clams down at the shore, than anything I have seen since I heard of it, which is none the less true, that I should have wanted to stand both sides of the window at once. And tell her if you can (though I don t believe even you can, John Endy) how much I love her for taking such care of one of my precious things. I feel as if all my love was very powerless just now I However you remember that comforting old ballad Where there is no space For the glow-worm to lye ; Where there is no space For receipt of a fly ; Where the midge dares not venture, Lest herself fast she lay ; If love come he will enter, And soon find out his way ! " So, Miss Faith, you may expect to see me appear some time in the shape of a midge ! Endecott will tell you I am not much better than that now." So far Faith got in reading the letter, and it was a long while before she got any further; that message to herself she went over again and again. It was incomprehensible, it was like one of Mr. Linden s own puzzles for that. It was so strange, and at the same time it was such a beautiful thing, that Mr. Linden s sister should have heard of her and in such fashion as to make her wish to send a message ! Faith s head stooped lower and lower over the paper, from her mother and the lamp. It was such a beautiful message too the gracious and graceful wording of it Faith felt in every syllable ; and the lines of the old ballad were some of the prettiest she had ever seen. But that Faith should have love sent her from Italy and from that person in Italy of all others! that Mr. Linden s sister should wish to see her and threaten to do it in the shape of a midge I and what ever could Mr. Linden have told her to excite the wish ? And what of this lady s precious things had Faith taken care of? such care of! Mother !" Faith began once by, way of taking counsel, but thought better of it, and went on pondering by herself. One thing was undoubted this message in this letter was a matter of 260 SAY AND SEAL. great pleasure and honour ! as Faith felt it in the bottom of her heart; but in the midst of it all, she hardly knew whence, came a little, little twinge of something like pain. She felt it yes, she felt it, even in the midst of the mes sage ; but if Faith herself could not trace it out, of course it can be expected of nobody else. CHAPTER XXII. PHIL DAVIDS, taking his morning walk through the pleasant roads of Pattaquasset, engaged in his out- of-school amusements of hunting cats and frightening chil dren, was suddenly arrested in the midst of an alarming face ( got up for the benefit of Robbie Waters) by the ap proach of Sam Stoutenburgh. In general this young gen tleman let Phil alone, severely, but on the present occa sion he stopped and laid hold of his shoulder. " Phil Davids ! I ve a warrant against you." "Hands off, Sam! and let a man alone, will you! What do you mean by that?" said Phil gruffly. "Yes I ll let him alone when I find him, if he s like you," said Sam with great coolness and some little con tempt. "But if you re tired of your own face, Phil, why don t you make up a handsome one, while you re about it? Keep out of his way, Robbie! can t you?" " Guess you don t know what folks says o yourn ! Do you ?" said Phil, wriggling his shoulder from under Sam s hand, "/do!" "I guess I know as much as is good for me, "replied the undaunted Sam. "But that s none of your business just now. Mr. Linden wants to see you, Phil and it aint often anybody does that, so you d better make the most of the chance." With which pleasing sentiment, Sam released Phil, and taking a sharp run after Robbie Waters enticed him into a long confidential conversation about his new Sunday school teacher. In the midst of which Phil s voice came again. " Twon t hurt you Sam jest listen once. They say, Sam Stoutenburgh would have been a Lady apple, if he hadn t grown to be such a Swar, and all the while he thinks he s a Seek-no-further. That s what folks says. How d ye like it?" "Firstrate I" said Sam "glad I missed the Lady apples, (261) 262 SAY AND SEAL. anyhow, and as for tother, never thought myself one yet don t like em well enough. When you get through pay ing me compliments, Phil Davids, you d better go and see Mr. Linden." " Guess I will 1" said Phil swaggering off, "when I want to see him; and that aint to-day, by a long jump." "He said you were to come "Sam called after him. "If I wasn t a Stoutenburgh sweeting, Phil Davids, I d teach you to talk of him so ! If I only was ! " Sam added sotto voce, "wouldn t I pack myself up in a basket! Rob bie, what sort of flowers did Miss Faith have in her bonnet ?" At which interesting point the two turned a corner out of Phil s sight. But Phil pursued his way ; decently regardless of threats or invitations, and having a wholesome opinion of his own that in holiday time Mr. Linden had nothing to say to him. In no possible time had he anything to say to Mr. Linden that he could help. So it happened, that coming in soon after Mr. Linden had dismissed his breakfast, Faith found Mr. Linden alone. She brought to his side a basket of very fine-looking pears. " Mr. Davids has sent you these, Mr. Linden." "-He is very kind," said Mr. Linden. "That is more than I asked for. He hasn t sent Phil in the basket too, has he? as the easiest way of getting him here." Faith rather startled, and passing over that asked Mr. Linden how he did. Which point, having learned all he wanted upon the other, Mr. Linden was also ready for. Faith then leaving the basket by the couch side, went to the fire and hearth, and put them more thoroughly to rights than Cindy s delicacy of touch, or of eye, had enabled her to do; and going on round the room, care fully performed the same service for everything in it gener ally. This work however was suddenly stopped in the midst, and coming to the head of the couch, rather behind Mr. Linden, Faith spoke in a low and ill-assured tone. "Mr. Linden will you let me be by this morning when Dr. Harrison dresses your arm ?" There was a moment s silence, and then raising himself up and turning a little so as to see her, Mr. Linden an swered, gravely though smiling, SAY AND SEAL. 263 "No, Miss Faitl I" She coloured very much and drew back. "I asked " she said presently, speaking with a good deal of difficulty, "because he spoke of being away and then there would be no one to do it and mother is afraid" And there Faith stopped, more abashed than anybody had ever seen her in her life before. He held out his hand, and took hers, and held it fast. "I know " he said, "you need not tell me. When is the doctor going away ?" "I don t know," she said almost under breath "he said perhaps or I thought I understood him to mean in a few- days." " Miss Faith 1" and the tone was half expostulating, half scolding, half caressing. " Come here and sit down by me," he said, gently drawing her round to the low chair at his side, "I want to talk to you. Do you need to be told why I said no ?" She sat down, but sunk her head a little and put up her other hand to shield the side of her face which was next him. The answer did not come at once when it did, it was a low spoken "no." Her hand was held closer, but except that and the moved change of his voice, Mr. Lin den took no notice of her fear. " I would not let Pet do it " he said gently, " if I could help it. My child, do you know what a disagreeable busi ness it is? I could trust you for not fainting at the time, but I should ill like to hear of your fainting afterwards. And then if you chanced to hurt me which the doctor often does you would be unhappy for the rest of the day, which the doctor by no means is. That is all, I would a great deal rather have your hands about me than his, but a thing that would give you pain would give me very doubtful relief. I had rather go with niy arm undressed." He had gone on talking partly to give her time to re cover ; but the silent look that was bent upon that shielded face was a little anxious. She dropped the hand that shielded it presently, and shewed it flushed and wistful, yet with a tiny bit of smile beginning to work at the corners of the mouth. 264 SAY AND SEAL. "Then Mr. Linden," she said almost in the same tone and without turning her face, "if you have no other ob jection please let me come !" "But that one is strong enough. You may send Cin derella up to take a lesson." " You said that was all ?" she repeated. " That is the only real objection I would not raise even that in a case of greater need. But I suppose unskilful hands could hardly do me much mischief now. So if you will send Cinderella," he added with a smile, " she may en large her world of ideas a little." "Mr. Linden," said Faith looking at him now fear lessly "I am going to come myself." "You are !" he said, looking at her and then his eyes went from her to the fire, and back again to her face. " Then if you faint away, Miss Faith, and I jump up to take care of you (which I shall certainly do) 1 may faint myself at which stage of the proceedings Dr. Harrison will have his hands full." "I shall not faint before nor after," she said, shaking her head. " I should not like to count too much upon your unfeel ing disposition," said Mr. Linden, in whose face different currents of thought seemed to meet and mingle. "And then you see, my senses may be guilty of as great a breach of politeness as the warder in a German story I was read ing yesterday." " What was that ?" "It fell out," said Mr. Linden, " that a lady of surpassing beauty arrived at a certain castle ; and next day, the lord of the castle brought before her his warder, bound in chains for a great breach of politeness ; he having failed to give his lord notice of the lady s approach ! The warder thus defended himself: he had indeed seen the lady, but his dazzled eyes mistook her for another sun ! So," added Mr. Linden smiling, "if my eyes should mistake you for a sun beam or a maple leaf, I might forget myself, and not keep my patience so perfectly as I ought under the hands of such a chirurgeon." "What is going to try your patience, Mr. Linden ? I ?" said Faith, now indubitably in a puzzle. SAY AND SEAL. 265 "Do you really want to do this for me ?" he said in a different tone, looking at her with that same grave, kind look which she had seen before. "I think I can and I should like to do it, Mr. Linden, if you are perfectly willing," Faith answered. "I am willing, since you wish it, and now you must get the doctor s leave or rather I must get it for you ; but in the mean time, Miss Faith, we may go on with some of our studies, if you are at leisure." Faith went to get the books, but returned without them and with a disturbed face. "Mr. Linden, one of the boys wishes to see you." "I suppose it never was heard that a boy came at the right time," said Mr. Linden. "Well Miss Faith I believe I must see him will you write another exercise for me ? Here is your pen and paper I will try not to be hindered long." Faith mutely took the pen and paper, and went out with a divided mind, for the boy whom she let in, Cindy being nowhere visible, was Phil Davids. Phil had thought better of his determination, and wisely judging that if Mr. Liu- den wanted to see him he probably would accomplish the measure some time, concluded the shortest way was to see him as smoothly as possible. So in he walked and made his bow, grumly civil, but civil. Mr. Linden s opening remark, after he had given the boy his hand (which even he liked to touch) was at least peculiar. "Phil do you know what a smart boy you are ?" And the answer was a strictly true, though blundering, "No, sir." "I don t know how smart you could be, myself," said Mr. Linden, "but I know you are very smart now. You always make me think of the man who found a bag of jewels lying in the road and didn t know what they were." It occurred to Phil s mind that not to know jewels when they were seen was a doubtful proof of smartness; so he answered with a somewhat surly, " How, sir?" "This man," Mr. Linden went on, "instead of having his jewels set in gold, to wear or to sell, went round the town VOL. i. 23 266 SAY AND SEAL. flinging them at his neighbour s windows or his leigh- bour s cats, as you do, Phil, with your very bright powers of head and tongue. Why don t you make a man of your self and use those powers for something worth while ?" "You never see me doin it, sirl" said Phil, answering the most interesting part of Mr. Linden s address. "Don t I ?" said Mr. Linden, "I see and hear a good many things. But nobody can get on in the world after such a prickly fashion, why even a porcupine smooths himself down before he tries to go ahead. If you were to be a lawyer Phil, you d fight your clients instead of helping them fight, and if you were a farmer, you d be like the man who burnt up three stacks of his hay because the fourth got wet." Phil reddened, though he couldn t help smiling, and was evidently getting angry. "That ere farmer was a big fool!" he said. "Yes, we are agreed upon that point," said Mr. Linden, "I daresay he would have said so himself next day. Well Phil this was not what I wanted to talk to you about to-day much as I like to see smart boys make the most of themselves. I- want to know exactly what it was that you heard Ileuben Taylor say about Miss Derrick" Phil s eyes opened unmistakeably. "I never heerd him say nothing about her!" he said boldly. " Then why did you say you did ?" said Mr. Linden, with the cool face of one who knows his ground. " I didn t!" said Phil. "I m blessed if I did." "No you are not "said Mr. Linden gravely, "people are never blessed who do not speak truth. Arid you have shut both doors by which such a blessing might have come in this case, Phil." "Who said I ever said so, sir?" Phil asked confidently. "You told Dr. Harrison, for one," said Mr. Linden. " I never spoke a word to Dr. Harrison " Phil began and checked himself. " I never said anything but the truth, sir!" "What truth did you say to him?" said Mr. Linden. "I wish you would do the same for me. The roughest SAY AND SEAL. 267 truth, Phil, is pleasanter to ray ears than the smoothesi falsehood." "I said nothin but what was truth, sir," said Phil, per plexedly, as if he felt caught in a snare. " I didn t think you meant thai." " That is precisely what I meant." " Twarn t nothing but the truth, sir." "Well " said Mr. Linden," I never was afraid of the truth yet, and I don t mean to begin now. You didn t say I had cut your ears off, did you Phil ?" "I didn t say nothiu about you, sir, good or indifferent." "That s something," said Mr. Linden with unmoved gravity. " What else did you say ?" " It was down to Neanticut, sir," said Phil "I told Reu ben Taylor as how he d druv her down, Joe Deacon said he had ; and Reuben said Joe had made a mistake. That s the hull of it, sir." "Who is her?" said Mr. Linden. "She Miss Faith Derrick, sir." Phil was getting very uncomfortably red in the face. " Well why did you tell Miss Derrick that Reuben didn t drive her down ? would not bhe have been likely to know." " I didn t, sir." " I thought not. What did you tell her ?" " She knows what I told her !" said Phil, looking ab stractedly at the corner of the couch on which Mr. Linden lay. "I don t know as I can recollect. But that s what Reuben said, sir. " "Well tell me as near as you can recollect " said Mr. Linden. "And also just the words you used to Reuben." Phil took time to reflect. " I don t want ter," he said. " No, I see you don t but I want to hear them," said Mr. Linden very quietly. "But tell me the truth this time, Phil." " Folks has a right to speak," said Phil, stating a broad proposition, " but they hain t a right to tell all they say !" "Well ?" said Mr. Linden, waiving that. " Twarn t nothiu !" said Phil "and it ll Just make folks mad and I durstn t " " Dare not repeat what you have dared to say f how is 268 SAY AND SEAL. that, Phil? But ray forgiveness always meets confession half way, as you know," said Mr. Linden. "Well," said Phil, "I jest told Reuben he d druv her down, and Reuben said Joe was mistaken. It was Joe said it first," "And what did you say before Dr. Harrison ?" " I said what Reuben said," said Phil feeling poorly. "And what was that ?" Mr. Linden was as untireable as a minority juror. " I said Reuben said she warn t what Joe said," Phil got out at last in a lowered tone. "And what was that?" "Well " said Phil desperately "Joe said she was " Mr. Linden waited. So did Phil. " This is the house that Jack built," Mr. Linden re marked. " What did Joe say she was ?" The answer came in articulation pretty well smoth-ered up. "Joe said she was Mr. Linden s sweetheart." "0!" said Mr. Linden, with a tone Phil felt to the tips of his ears, "that was it! I really did not know, Phil, that you and Joe took an interest in such matters. Have you had much experience ?" Phil shuffled and looked exceedingly embarrassed, but words found none. He had exhausted his stock, of more than words. "Well!" said Mr. Linden, "you will find, Phil, that it is generally safe to study arithmetic before you begin alge bra. "There s a little mistake here. Reuben did not drive anybody down to Neautieut Mrs. Derrick drove the whole way. That explains his words. As for yours, Phil 1 wish," said Mr. Linden, looking at him gravely, but gently too, "I wish I knew something you would like very much to have. Can you tell me ?" If ever in his life Phil Davids mentally stared, (physi cally, too) he did it now. Something he would like very much to have ? What could Mr. Linden want to know that for ? In his confusion Phil didn t know himself. To take in Mr. Linden, all over, was all he was competent to. "Well?" said his teacher with a smile it was rather a faint one, for he was tired, but very pleasant still. " What is there, Phil? I am in earnest." SAY /ND SEAL. 269 "I m sorry I said it, anyhow!" burst at last from the boy s reluctant lips. That seer ed to be his ultimatum. He could see that his words gave pleasure, though they were not directly answered. "I must send you away now," Mr. Linden said, taking his hand again. "I am not strong enough to talk any more. But Phil if you will learn to speak the truth so that at the end of six months you can truly say, I hate every false way I will give you then what you like, you shall choose yo .ir own reward. I would give anything I have in the worm if I could make you fear to displease God by telling a falsehood, as much as you fear to displease me by owning it !" It was as much as Phil could do, to take his teacher s hand, and that was done more humbly than certainly any previous action of his life. Speak he could not; but so far as Mr. Linden s influence and authority were concerned that boy was conquered. Whatever he became in after times, and whatever his mates found him still, and they were not open-mouthed in praise, for his teacher that boy was a different boy. On his way out of the house he chanced to pass Faith, and did so without a sign of recognition, giving her about as wide a berth as if she had been a ghost. At the door he met Dr. Harrison coming in; but the doctor perhaps did not recognise him. Once clear, Phil ran for it. And at the stair-foot the doctor found Faith. "Dr. Harrison," she said with grave simpleness, "if you will allow me, I should like to see you dress Mr. Linden s arm. If you go to Quilipeak there will be nobody to do it, and I think I can learn. Mother is afraid, and it would be very disagreeable to her." "And not to you ?" said the doctor. " Not so disagreeable. I think I can do it," she answered, meeting his look steadily. "You must not!" said he. "You were not made for such things. Could do it! I don t doubt you could do anything. But if I go, I will send Dr. Limbre in my place. There is no need for you to do disagreeable work. Now it s pleasant to me !" "Dr. Limbre I shouldn t like to have come into the 2fO SAY AND SEAL. bouse," said Faith. "And you know he can t leave his own house now he is sick. I will go up with you, if you please." Dr. Harrison could but follow her, as she tripped up the stairs before him; but there is no reasonable doubt he would have sent her on some other errand if he could. Faith tapped at the door, and they entered the room together. "How do you do?" said Dr. Harrison rather gravely, approaching the couch. Now the fact was, that those two previous interviews had been both long and exciting; and the consequent pros tration was greater than usual ; so though Mr. Linden did take down the hand which covered his eyes, and did meet the doctor s look with his accustomed pleasantness, his words were few. Indeed he had rather the air of one whose mind has chosen a good opportunity to ride ram pant over the prostrate flesh and blood, and who has about given up all attempts to hold the bridle. Whether Dr. Harrison perceived as much, or whether there might be some other reason, his words were also few. He addressed himself seriously to work. "Will you permit me to introduce an apprentice?" he said, in a more commonplace way than was usual for him, as he was removing Mr. Linden s wrapper from the arm. Faith had come quietly up to the head of the couch and was standing there. "Is not that the doctor s prerogative?" "Hum "said the doctor doubtfully; but he did not explain himself further. Faith had come close to the head of the couch, but stood a little back, so that Mr. Linden could not see whether she looked like fainting or not. There were no signs of that, for the lessening of colour in her cheeks, which was de cided, kept company with a very clear and intent eye. One little caught breath he might hear, when the wounded arm was first laid bare; but not another. The doctor heard it too, for he looked up, but Faith was gravely and quietly busy with what she had come there to see; giving it precisely the same simplicity of attention that she brought to her physical geography or her French exercise; and SAY AND SEAL. 2Y1 that was entire. She did not shrink ; she rather pressed forward and bent near, to acquaint herself perfectly with what was done; and once or twice asked a question as to the reason or the use of something. Dr. Harrison glanced up at her the first time it might have been with incipient im patience or irony, but if either, it disappeared. He answered her questions straightforward and sensibly, giving her, and with admirable precision, exactly the information she desired, and even more than absolutely that. For everything else, the work went on in silence. When the doctor however was standing at the table a moment, pre paring his lint or something else, and Faith had followed him there and stood watching; he said to her over the table in a sotto voc-e aside but with a sharp glance "Was the information true, that" we received the other night ? under the lanterns ?" "What a singular question!" said Mr. Linden from his couch. "Ponrquoi?" said the doctor as simply as if the original words had been addressed to Mr. Linden himself. "Well, it may be a singular question, for it was singular informa tion. Was it well-founded, Miss Derrick ?" "No at a venture," said Mr. Linden, with just the sort of air with which a sick person puts in his word and as sumes superior knowledge. The doctor looked at one and at the other; Mr. Linden s face told him nothing, any more than his words ; Faith, by this time, was covered with confusion. That at least it might be visible to only one person, she moved back to her former place. "Were you behind us?" said the doctor; "or were you French enough to come by invisibly ?" "Is that the last new method ?" said Mr. Linden. "You have been in Paris since I was." Never got so far as that though, I am sorry to say," said the doctor coming back to the couch. " But after all, that was very vague information it didn t tell one much only I have a personal interest in the subject. But I am glad you spoke the man that can tell the dream should be able to give the interpretation. What did it mean, Lin den ?" 272 SAY AND SEAL. "Behold a man of an enquiring turn of mind !" said Mr. Linden with the same half listless half amused air. " He asks for truth, and when that tarries demands interpreta tion. " "I don t know what sort of a man I behold !" said the doctor, moving his eyes with a double expression for an instant from Mr. Linden s arm to his face. "I should think you were a German student in pursuit of the Idea !" said Mr. Linden taking a quiet survey of the doctor s face. " Have you completed the circle, or is there still hope the Idea may seize you ?" "The idea seized me a good while ago," said the doctor, with a most comical mock confessional look. "Well then," said Mr. Linden in a sort of confidential tone, "what is your opinion upon the great German ques tion whether it is better to be One and Somewhat, or to be Nought and All ? "You see," said the doctor, standing back and suspend ing operations, "everybody can t be One and Some what !" "Then you choose the comprehensive side " said Mr. Linden. " That is without doubt the most difficult, the One and Somewhat is called egotistical, but to be Nought and All ! one must be what do you suppose ?" "A philanthropist, I should suppose !" the doctor an swered, with a change of expression not agreeable. And returning to his work, for awhile he behaved unusually like other people ; not hurrying his work, but doing it with a grave steady attention to that and nothing else answering Faith, and saying no more. Perhaps however he thought silence might be carried too far ; or else had an unsatisfied mood upon him ; for as he was finishing what he had to do, he looked up again to Faith and remarked, "What do you think of this for our quiet town, Miss Derrick ? Has Mr. Linden any enemies in Pattaquasset that you know ?" It was merciless in the doctor ; for through all this time she had been in a state of confusion as he knew that made speech undesirable, though she had spoken. And she didn t answer him now, except by a quickly withdrawn glance. SAY AND SEAL. 27-3 "Who do you suppose loves him well enough," pursued the doctor, "to send a charge of duck shot into him like that?" A sudden little cry of pain, driven back before it was well begun, was heard and but just heard, from Faith. The doctor looked up. "I was afraid this Are you faint?" he said gently. "No sir, " she answered; and she stood still as before, though the overspread colour which had held its ground for a good while past, had given way now arid fluttered pain fully. Bat the doctor s words brought Mr. Linden, for the first time since his accident to a perfectly erect position on the couch with a total disregard of where his arm went, or what became of its bandages. "What are you about!" "I declare, I don t know !" said Dr. Harrison, standing back. " I thought I was just disposing of you comfortably for the day but I am open to conviction I" The left hand let go its grasp of the couch taken so suddenly, and for which the wounded arm took swift ven geance; and Mr. Linden laid himself down on the cushions again, the colour leaving his cheeks as fast as it had come. "What s the matter, Linden?" said the doctor with rather a kind look of concern. "You have hurt yourself." Faith left the room. "I fear I have disarranged some of your work." The doctor examined and set to rights. "I ll see how you do this evening. What ailed you to pitch into me like that, Linden ?" "I think the pitching in came upon me," he answered pleasantly. " It seems so, indeed. I hope you won t try this kind of thing again. I am sure you won t to-day." And so the doctor went. A quarter of an hour or a little more had gone by, when the light knock came at Mr. Linden s door that he had certainly learned to know by this time ; and Faith came in, bearing a cup of cocoa. The troubled look had not entirely left her face, nor the changeful colour ; but she was not thinking of herself. "I knew you were tired, Mr. Linden Would you like this or some grapes or wine better?" 274 SAY AND SEAL. The most prominent idea in Mr. Linden s mind just then, was that he had already had what he did not like ; but thai had no place in the look which answered her, as he raised himself a little (and but a little) to take the cup from her hand. "Pet would thank you better than I can now, Miss Faith." She stood looking down at him, with a little sorrowing touch about the lines of her mouth. "Do you know how much better two cups of cocoa are than one ?" said Mr. Linden. "I don t know how you can have two at once, Mr. Lin den." "Then I will bestow one upon you and wait while you get it." "I am well " she said, looking amused through her gravity, and shaking her head. "And besides, I couldn t take it, Mr. Linden. " And to put an end to that subject, Faith had recourse to the never failing wood fire; and from thence went round the room finishing what she had failed to do in the morning; coming back at the point of time to take Mr. Linden s cup. He looked at her a little as he gave it back. " You are too tired to go over all those lessons to-day which do you like best? will you bring it ?" "I am not tired at all," she said with some flitting colour, "but yo u are, Mr. Linden. "Won t you rest sleep till after dinner and then, if you like, let me come ?" "I will let you come then and stay now," he said smiling. "Let me stay and be silent then or do something that will not tire you. Please, Mr. Linden I" "Your line of action lies all within that last bound," he said gently. "But you may read French if you will or write it and let me look over you, or another geographical chapter. Neither need make me talk much." The hint about looking over her writing startled Faith amazingly, but perhaps for that very reason she took it as the delicate expression of a wish. That would be a trial, but then too it would call for the least exertion on the part of her teacher. Faith was brave, if she was fearful, and SAY AND SEAL. 2T5 too really humble to have false shame ; and after an instant s doubt and hesitation, she said, though she felt it to her fingers ends, " My exercise is all ready it only wants to be copied but how could you look over me, Mr. Linden ?" " Could you do such an inconvenient thing as to use that small atlas for a table ? and bring it here by me I am not quite fit to sit up just now." Faith said no more words, but went for her exercise and sat down to write it, as desired, under an observing and she knew a critical eye. It was well her business engrossed her very completely; for she was in an extremely puzzled and disturbed state of mind. Dr. Harrison s words about the occasion of Mr. Linden s accident, carelessly run on, had at last unwittingly given her the clue her own innocent spirit might have waited long for; and grief and pain would have almost overcome her, but for a conflicting feel ing of another kind raised by the preceding colloquy between the two gentlemen. Faith was in a state of profound un certainty, whether Mr. Linden s words had meant anything or nothing. They were spoken so that they might have meant nothing but then Phil Davids had just been with him what for? and whatever Mr. Linden s words might have meant, Faith s knowledge of him made her instinc tively know, through all the talk, that they had been spoken for the sake of warding off something disagreeable from her not for himself. She tried as far as she could to dis miss the question from her thoughts she could not decide it and to go on her modest way just as if it had not been raised ; and she did ; but for all that her face was a study as she sat there writing. For amid all her abstraction in her work, the thought of the possibility that Mr. Linden might have known what he was talking about, would send a tingling flush up into her cheeks; and sometimes again the thoughts of pain that had been at work would bring upon her lip almost one of those sorrowful curves which are so lovely and so pure on the lip of a little child- and rarely seen except there. All this was only by the way ; it did not hinder the most careful attention to what she was about nor the steadiest working of her quite unsteady fin- 276 SAY AND SEAL. gers, which she knew were very likely to move not accord ing to rule. For a little while she was suffered to go on without in terruption, other than an occasional word about the French part of her exercise; but presently Mr. Linden s hand began to come now and then with a modifying touch upon her pen and fingers. At first this was done with a gentle "forgive me 1" or, "if you please, Miss Faith," after that without words, though the manner always expressed them ; and once or twice, towards the very end of the lesson, he told her that such a letter was too German or too sophis ticated ; and shewed her a more Saxon way. Which ad monitions he helped her, as well as he could, to bear, by a quietness which was really as kind, as it seemed oblivious of all that had disturbed or could disturb her. And the words of praise and encouragement were spoken with their usual pleasure-taking and pleasure-giving effect. All this after a time effectually distracted Faith from all other thoughts whatever. When it was done, she sat a moment looking down at the paper, then looked up and gave him a very frank and humble "Thank you, Mr. Linden !" from face and lips both. % If Faith liked approbation that clover-honey to a woman s taste, so far beyond the sickly sweets of flattery and admiration she might have been satisfied with the grave look of Mr. Linden s eyes at her then. "You are a brave little child!" he said. "1 wish I could do something to give you a great deal of pleasure !" "Pleasure!" said Faith, and what was very rare with her, not only her face flushed but her eyes, so that she turned them away, "why it is all pleasure to me, Mr. Linden!" Such pleasure as I never had before/ she was near saying, but she did not say. "Well I must not let you tire yourself," he said with a smile, " for that would not be pleasant to me. Have you been out to-day ?" " No," said Faith, thinking of her brown moreen. "Nor yesterday that will not do, Miss Faith. I am afraid I must give you up to the open air for a good part of this afternoon." SAY AND SEAL. 277 "What shall I do there ?" said Faith smiling. " Let the wind take you a walk T wish I could be of the party. But the wind is good company, Miss Faith, and talks better than many people, and the walk you want." "So I want to finish my wood-box," said Faith, looking at the corner of the fireplace. "And I should think you would be tired of seeing the wood lie there, Mr. Linden. I am. I have got to go out this evening too " she said with a little hesitation, "to see that microscope." Mr. Linden was silent a moment. 11 The microscope does make some difference," he said, "as for the wood-box, Miss Faith, I don t think I can per mit it to have any voice in the matter, you may leave it for me to finish. But if you are going up there this even ing there are two or three things I should like to talk to you about first." "Then shall I come by and by ?" she said. "I must do something else before dinner." VOL. i. 24 CHAPTER XXIII. ~VT7"ELL child !" said Mrs. Derrick as they took their T T seats at the dinner-table, "what have you been about all day ? I ve just spent the morning looking over those apples, so I ve had no chance to look you up. How s Mr. Linden ? does the doctor think he s getting better ?" "He is, I hope, mother; the doctor didn t say anything about it." And a little shudder ran over Faith s shoulders, which she was glad her mother could make nothing of if she saw. "I have been as busy as you have, mother so I couldn t look you up nor my wood-box either." " Learning all the world!" said her mother smiling, though there was a little touch of regretfulness not quite kept down. "I think I d rather sit and look at you, child, than eat my dinner. What are you going to do this after noon?" " I ve got a little ironing to do after dinner, mother, and something to make for tea and Mr. Linden wants to see me for something. I ll get ready for Judge Harrison s, and then after I am through up stairs I ll come down and see to you and my box together. I wish you were going with me, mother." And Faith leaned her head on her hand. "Don t you want to go, pretty child?" said Mrs. Der rick fondly. "No, mother but I couldn t help it. I found I should have to go sooner or later." "I d go with you in a minute," said her mother, "if it wasn t for Mr. Linden. I don t care a pin whether they want me or not, Faith, if you do. And I dare say some of the boys will be here" Mrs. Derrick looked perplexed, as at the feeling of some unknown possibility. " Shall I, pretty child ?" she said with an anxious face, " what are you thinking of, child ?" Faith came behind her and put both arms round her aud kissed first one side of her face and then the other (278) SAY AND SEAL. 279 "Mother!" she said with those silvery tones, "I don t want anything ! I suppose I shall like to see the micro scope but I d rather stay at home and learn my lessons. Don t look sc /" Which with another kiss upon her lips, finished off Mrs. Derrick s anxiety. The ironing and the something for tea Faith despatched with extra diligence and speed, and then dressed herself for the evening. It was not much extra dressing ; only a dark stuff dress a little finer than ordinary ; the white ruffle round the neck and wrists was the same. And then, giving a few minutes to the seeking of some added help to quiet ness, for Faith s mind had been strangely disturbed, she went again to Mr. Linden s room. A gentle vision she was, if ever one was seen, when she entered it. "You say I mustn t thank you, Mr. Linden," she said giving him back his sister s letter; "but will you thank her for me ?" "I don t think she deserves many thanks," he said with a smile, "but I will tell her." The course of study that afternoon was peculiar, and eminently a talk. Mr. Linden called for none of the usual books at first, but began by giving Faith a very particular account of the whole process of circulation ; thence diverg ing right and left, in the most erratic manner as it seemed to her, passing from the bright crystal points in chy mis- try to the blue mould on a piece of bread, and then ex plaining to her the peculiar mechanism of a fly s eye. Two or three times he sent her to the cupboard for some book to shew her an illustration of the subject, but if there was any connecting link that she could see between one and another, it was simply the wonderful minute perfection of the world. And she needed none for the different things were touched upon so clearly and yet with such a happy absence of needless details, that they stood forth in full re lief, and set off each other. The daylight was already fail ing, and the red firelight was playing hide and seek with the shadows in Mr. Linden s room, before he gave her a chance to think what time it was. When she saw it, Faith started up. "I told mother I would come and see her before I went!" she said, drawing a long breath like a person iu 280 SAY AND SEAL. an atmosphere he can t get enough of. Then with a little change of tone, after standing a minute looking at the fire, she went on. "All /can do, is to drive the nails into that wood-box but I ll do it before to-morrow." She held out her hand as she spoke. " No you must not," Mr. Linden said, as he took the hand. "To-night you will be out, and you must not give me a late breakfast, Miss Faith! therefore yon must go to bed as soon as you come home, and leave the box to me." Faith ran away and did not go to her hammering just then. She brought a low bench to her mother s feet, sat down there ; and taking Mrs. Derrick s hands from whatr ever they were about, wrapped both arms round herself, laying her head on her mother s lap. "Mother," she said caressingly, U I couldn t come down before. I was so busy and so interested, I didn t in the least know what time it was ; and I hadn t a chance to think." "I m sure I m glad, pretty child," said her mother, bend ing down to kiss her. "I think sometimes you think too much. But you look just like a baby, for all that. I m sure I shall always love Mr. Linden for pleasing you so much," said Mrs. Derrick stroking Faith s hair, "even though he does please himself too." Faith secured that hand again and held them both wrapped round her; but further words for a moment spoke not. "I shall come home as early as I can," she said; "mo ther, time enough to do everything for breakfast." "You sha n t do a thing, child," said her mother. "You may come home as early as you like, but I m going to keep you out of the works. I feel so grand when you re up stairs studying you can t think 1 You wouldn t know me, Faith." Faith laughed, the laugh that was music to Mrs. Der rick s ears, and indeed would have been to any, and held the hands closer. " I feel a little grand too," she said, " sometimes in a way " This did not seem to be one of the times, or else feeling grand had a soporific effect; for Faith s eyelids presently SAY AND SEAL. 281 drooped, and when Dr. Harrison came to the house and for some time before, she was fast asleep on her mother s lap. "Psyche !" exclaimed Dr. Harrison as he discerned by the firelight the state of the case. Mrs. Derrick gave him a little reproving glance for speaking so loud, but other reply made none, save a low-spoken polite offer of a chair. " Thank you I am going up to see Mr. Linden. Miss Derrick was so good as to promise she would go with me to see my sister this evening. In these circumstances," said Dr. Harrison in his softest voice "do you think it would be presumption to wake her up ?" "Well go up, then," said Mrs. Derrick, "and I ll wake her up before you come down." Which arrangement took effect; and in a very few minutes thereafter, Dr. Harrison s horse making much better speed than old Crab could do now, Faith was de posited safely at Judge Harrison s door. There she was received with open arms and great exultation by Miss So phy and with great cordiality and pleasure by the Judge ; and with a certain more wncertain amount of both by Mrs. Somers, whom Faith found there, the only addition to the family party ; while the doctor stood complacently on the rug, in silence surveying everybody, like a man who has gained his point. "Well Julius," said Mrs. Somers, "how s Mr. Linden to-night? did you see him ?" "Yes ma am I saw him." "Well how is he?" repeated Mrs. Somers. "He is very happily situated," said the doctor. "I should like to be in his place." "What do you go there twice a day for ? Do you think him worse ? You began with going once," said Mrs. So mers. "Always begin gently," said Dr. Harrison. "You get on faster." " How soon do you expect to take up your abode there altogether, at that rate ?" "At what rate, aunt Ellen ? You are too fast for me." "Nonsense 1" said Mrs. Somers, "do you suppose I want 24* 282 SAY AND SEAL. to be told what you go there for? what I do want to know, is whether he s like to get well, and how soon." " He will be conquering Pattaquasset in a few weeks," said the doctor. "I wonder whether he ll conquer Phil Davids," said Mrs. Somers. "I should like to see that done. Julius, did you ever find out anything about the man that fired the shot?" "Really, aunt Ellen, I am not a detective" said the doctor carelessly, looking at Faith, who kept as quiet as a dormouse. " If it had been my business I suppose I should have found out." "I think I heard you opine that Mr. Linden knew" said Mrs. Somers. "And I think somebody ought to find out unless you want the thing done over again. Don t you think so, Judge Harrison ?" "Well my dear," said the Judge,"! understand Mr. Lin den to have been actuated by a very benevolent motive I understand his feelings. He wouldn t run the risk of ac cusing a man unjustly I can t blame him. It s right, I think, though it s provoking. What do you think, Miss Faith ?" Faith lifted her eyes, but perhaps the doctor saw in her changing cheek some token of the pain he had stirred in the morning. He prevented her reply. "Ladies don t think about these things, my dear sir! Aunt Ellen is so sharp she gets ahead of her sex. Let me have the honour of suggesting a pleasanter subject of medi tation. I have seen to-night, aunt Ellen, the most exqui site and valuable jewelry I have ever seen in my life! 7 "Here in Pattaquasset!" said his sister. "In Pattaquasset or perhaps in the world." "Don t excite yourself, Sophy," said Mrs. Somers, "let s hear what they were, first." Faith, like everybody else, looked for the doctor s answer, though she hardly knew what she was looking at. "A lady, aunt Ellen," the doctor went on, glancing at her, " had made a necklace of her mother s arms, and a cross, more precious than diamonds, of her mother s hands; and clasping this cross to her breast, adorned with this most exquisite and rare adornment, haa gone to sleep!" SAY AND SEAL. 283 "And for once," said Mrs. Somers," you preferred the wearer to the jewels and went into a trance! I can imagine you !" " J ? not 1 1" said the doctor "I went up stairs. But you have no idea of the effect." Faith had been experiencing some of the scattering fire of society, which hits no one knows where and no one knows when. First the name of Phil Davids had ploughed up the ground at her right; then the question about the man who had fired the shot had ploughed up the ground at her left; and shaken first by one and then by the other she had welcomed the doctor s change of subject and now was smiling as pleased as anybody. "I didn t suppose the trance was a long one," said Mrs. Somers, with a little raising of her eyebrows. "Faith, my dear, what have you done to that little Seacomb child ? I can t get over my astonishment at his transformation." " I am afraid there isn t much transformation yet," Faith said. " He listens very quietly and behaves well in school but I don t know how he is at home." "You are not a school teacher toot" said the doctor. "It isn t a bad trade," said Faith, though her cheeks bad answered for her another way. "Not a bad trade certainly but one may have too many trades. Aunt Ellen- I had the honour do you be lieve it? of giving Miss Derrick lessons this morning." "I think she was very good to permit it," said Mrs. Somers composedly. "She was very good " said the doctor demurely. "I am afraid that is her character generally !" He was called off by his father, and Miss Harrison seized Faith and planted her between herself -and Mrs. Somers on the sofa. Don t mind his nonsense, Faith! Julius never can talk like anybody else. Why haven t you been here this age ?" "I ve been busy, Sophy." "Why wouldn t you go to ride with us? Julius wouldn t go after what you said. Why wouldn t you ?" "It was Sunday, Sophy." "Well what if it was?" 284 SAY AND SEAL. "Sunday isn t my day I can t use it for my own work." "But taking a little ride isn t work?" Faith hesitated. "Isn t it work to the horses, Sophy? And if it is only pleasure Sunday has its own pleasures, dear Sophy, I can t have both." "Why can t you?" "Because, if I take these, God will not give me those," Faith said very gravely. "But Faith!" said Miss Harrison looking disturbed, "you didn t use to be so religious?" Faith s face flushed a little and was touchingly humble as she said, "No I didn t." "What s changed you so?" "It isn t a bad change, dear Sophy!" "I don t believe anything s bad about you," said Miss Harrison kissing her, "but don t change too far, dear; don t forget your old friends." "I want them to change too," said Faith looking at her winningly. "That s right Faith, stand by your colours!" said Mrs. Somers, with a tone and manner that came quite from the other side of her character. " Sophy your mothei wouldn t know her child, to hear you ask such ques tions. " Miss Harrison looked troubled, and left the room. Dr. Harrison immediately took her place, and almost as imme diately tea came in. That is to say, tea and chocolate were handed round, together with a sufficient abundance and variety of deli cate substantials -to suit the air and the style of a country town. Judge Harrison s was the only house in Pattaquas- set where tea was served in this way, except perhaps the De Staff s; though there was this difference to be observed, the De Staffs never had tea carried round unless when they had company ; at the Harrisons it was never carried round unless they were alone. Dr. Harrison attended politely to his aunt, but he was eyes and hands for Faith ; finding at the same time vry agreeable occupation for her ears. If people could be SAY AND SEAL. 285 content with being agreeable ! But in the midst of cold tongue and chocolate the doctor broke out again. "After all," said he, "what about that piece of curious information, Miss Derrick ? You know I was balked this morning and led a Will o the wisp chase after the Idea ! Is Mr. Linden in the habit of spoiling people s fan in that manner?" Faith said simply she did not know. She did not, but in private she thought it likely enough. "Well, about the question," said the doctor helping her to something at the same time, " what was the truth of it, Miss Derrick ? You see I am interested. Was our little informant correct ?" Now Faith had no mind, even in the dark, or about any thing, to set her yes against JMr. Linden s no. Besides, she knew that the doctor had heard no names, and what ever might be the extent of Mr. Linden s knowledge, he knew nothing. And she was very willing to take the shelter of the shield which had been thrown round her. The deep, deep dye of her cheeks she could not help ; bat she answered with tolerable quietness, behind that shield, "I hoped you had got enough of the subject this morning." The doctor had enough of it now ! He changed his ground with all speed, and for the rest of the evening Dr. Harrison shewed himself at his best. So soon as the removal of tea things gave him a clear field, he brought out his microscope; and from that in stant Faith almost forgot and forgave him everything. She forgot everything present the Judge, Sophy, and Mrs. Somers; and came to the table so soon as the bright brass of the little machine caught her eye. The machine alone was a wonder and beauty ; it seemed to Faith like an elegant little brass gun mounted on the most compli cate and exquisite of gun carriages with its multiplica tion of wheels and screws and pins, by which its adjustment might be regulated to a hair; with its beautiful workman ship and high finish, and its most marvellous and admirable purpose and adaptation. Dr. Harrison had never ad justed his microscope with more satisfaction, perhaps, than with those childish womanly eyes looking on ; and neither 286 Ar AND SEAL. he nor many other people ever performed better the subse quent office of exhibiting it. He troubled Faith now with nothing; his very manner was changed; and with kind ness and sense most delicate, most thoughtful, mos-t grace ful always, gave her all he could give her. He was a trifle surprised to find that the amount of that was not more. There was no lack indeed ; he could talk and she could listen indefinitely and did; nevertheless he found some of his channels of communication stopped off. At the first thing he shewed her, Faith looked for an instant and then withdrawing her eye from the microscope and facing him with cheeks absolutely paled with excite ment and feeling, exclaimed rapturously, " Oh ! are those the chalk shells ? ; The doctor hadn t counted upon her knowing anything of chalk shells "Aunt Ellen " said he, as he looked to shift or adjust something "do you think Miss Derrick has ever lived upon anything worse than roses ?" "Upon something stronger, I fancy," said Mrs. Somers, a little surprised in her turn, but well pleased too, for Faith had come nearer her heart that evening than ever before, and the voyage of discovery was pleasant. "I should certainly think I was in Persia!" said the doctor, "only the bulbul knows nothing of scientific dis coveries, I fancy." But Faith was in no danger of hearing, or caring, if she had understood; she had gone back to the chalk shells, and back still further, from them, into the world of those perfections which God had made for himself. A new world, now for the first time actually seen by her, and for a moment she almost lost her standing in this. Mrs. Somers watched her, smiling and curious. She drew back presently with a long breath, to give the other ladies a chance ; but Miss Harrison had looked all she cared to look, and Mrs. Somers was not new to the thing. They took a view occasionally, one for form, the other for real interest; but for the most part Faith found the exhibition was for her and she and the doctor might have it all their own way. A long way they made of it; for the doctor found a good deal of talking to do, and Faith SAY AND SEAL. 287 was most ready to hear. He talked well and gave her a great deal of what she liked, with a renewal every now and then of his first surprise ; for in the midst of some elaborate explanation he was launching into for her benefit, most in nocently and simply Faith would bring him up with a gentle Yes, I know, not spoken with the faintest arro gance of knowledge, but merely to prevent him going into needless detail ; and herself too rapt in the delight of the subject that occupied her to have any heed of the effect of her words. "I have kept the best for the last," said the doctor, when this exhibition had lasted a much longer time than Faith was aware of; "I thought you would like to see the cir culation ; and I have sent all over town for a frog found one at last, by great happiness." "AH over town!" said Mrs. Somers, "do try out of town next time, and save yourself trouble." "Have you got to kill the frog, Julius?" said Miss Har rison with a disturbed face. "I hope not!" said the doctor gravely. "That would rather interfere with our purposes than otherwise, Sophy. Aunt Ellen, I never learned the real extent of town yet when I was a boy it seemed to me to have no limits; and now it seems to me to have no centre. Tell James to bring in that frog, Sophy." Miss Harrison retreated from the frog; but the doctor assured Faith that he was in very tolerable circumstances, shut up in a little bag; arid that he was only going to be requested to exhibit a small portion of the skin of his toe, and to hold himself still for that purpose; which benevo lent action the doctor would help him to perform by put ting him in a slight degree of confinement. The holding still was however apparently beyond the frog s benevolent powers, and it was some little time before the doctor could persuade him to it. Then Faith saw what she had never seen nor fully imagined before. "0 Sophy! Mrs. Somers!" she exclaimed, "look at this!" She stood back with a face of delighted wonder Misa Harrison looked an instant. 288 SAY AND SEAL. "It is curious " she said. "What are those little things, Julius ?" "You have heard of the circulating medium, " said the doctor. "That is it." Faith evidently had never heard of the medium referred to. Turning to her, the doctor began a clear full account of the philosophy of what she saw going on in the frog s foot. But there she met him again. "Yes, I know, Dr. Harrison," she said with the simple tone of perfect intelligence. The doctor bit his lip, while Faith stooped over the microscope and read, and read, what was to be seen there. "Faith," whispered Sophy, "it s cruel of me but I am afraid your mother will be anxious, and Julius will never let you know " "What time is it?" said Faith starting up. "About half an hour after eight " said the doctor. "After ten, Faith." Not another look did Faith give, but for her bonnet, and went home as fast as the doctor would walk with her. Whether Mrs. Derrick was anxious or no, she did not say, but glad she certainly was to see Faith back. "Well child," she said, undoing the wrappers from Faith s head and neck, "I hope you ve had a grand time?" "Yes mother, very only I didn t mean to stay so late. I meant to be home in good time. I have seen everything, mother !" "Everything!" said her mother, "I guess at that rate I might say I d been everywhere." "Where have you been, mother? anywhere?" "I ve been out to tea!" said her mother, with the manner of one who has a remarkable secret on hand. " You have I Where, mother ?" "Guess" said Mrs. Derrick smiling at her. "I went up stairs to tea, Faith ! what do you think of that ? What ll you expect to hear of my doing next?" " Oh mother !" said Faith laughing," I am glad ! That was the best thing you could have done." " It wasn t my doing, though," said Mrs. Derrick. " But when I went up with Mr. Linden s tea, he asked me if you had gone, and I said yes, and he said since there was no- SAY AND SEAL. 289 body better worth seeing down stairs he wished I d come and drink tea with him. So I went, child, and it was real pleasant too. And I don t know how it was, but I staid there all the evening, only I wouldn t let him talk to me, and he just went to sleep as if I hadn t been there. I think he was very tired, Faith. So then I felt very comfortable," added Mrs. Derrick smiling, " and I sat there and watched him till Reuben came a little while ago." "Was he tired!" said Faith, the light in her face changing. "He had been talking to me all the afternoon I Mother, half the pleasure I had to-night he gave me, for he was all the afternoon preparing me for it." She stood looking at the fire reproachfully. "Why child, "said her mother, "I suppose his arm pains him a good deal and that tires one, you know. He didn t talk to you a bit more than he wanted to, I ll warrant. Why he even talked to me all tea-time 1" said Mrs. Derrick, as if she felt quite proud in consequence. "Well mother, we must go to bed now, tor I must be up very early to finish that box." VOL. i. 26 CHAPTER XXIV. VERY early it was, when Faith s hammer was at work again on the brown moreen, and short interruption did she give herself from anything that could be spared, till the box was done. It suited her well when it was done. The cover was stuffed, old-fashioned brown binding was lapped over the edges and seams, and fastened off with rows of brass-headed nails; which made it altogether an odd, handsome, antiquated-looking piece of furniture. With this, when her morning work was done and her exercise prepared, Faith went up to Mr. Linden s room; to see it brought in and placed properly. "I shall have to put a stop to this state of things!" he said, "that blue ribband will work me mischief yet. Miss Faith, how can you take advantage of my disabled condi tion ?" "Are you better this morning, Mr. Linden ?" "The time has not quite corne yet for me to be much better. But Miss Faith, if I had known that you would wake yourself up early this morning, what do you think I should have done?" "I can t think, Mr. Linden," she said looking merry. "I should have invited you and Mrs Derrick up here to breakfast ! which I only did not do, because I could not take the extra trouble upon myself, and because I knew you ought to sleep, till this time. Faith shook her head a little, perhaps sorry to have missed the breakfast; then went off and brushed away the dust and chips left round the wood-box. Then came and sat down. "I saw almost everything, last night, Mr. Linden!" "Well before you go off to last night will you come to morrow morning ? Now what did you see ?" (290) SAY AND SEAL. 291 The bright smile and flush and sparkle answered the in vitation ; and perhaps Faith thought no other answer was needed; for she gave no other. "I know now," she said after an instant, "what you were doing all yesterday afternoon, Mr. Linden!" "I know what you were, Miss Faith." She smiled innocently and went on, "All that just fitted me, as you meant it should, to take the good of the evening and I had a great deal," she said gravely. I saw almost everything you spoke of and other things I saw the chalk shells, Mr. Linden! and the circulation in a frog s foot; and different prepared pieces of skin; and the moth s plumage! and the silver scale-armour of the Lepisma, as Dr. Harrison called it; and more." "And with very great delight as I knew you would. I am very glad !" "Yes," said Faith "I know a little better now how to understand some things you said the other day. I am very glad I went only for one thing. " "What was that?" "Dr. Harrison asked such a strange thing of me as we were walking home at least it seems to me strange. " "May my judgment be brought to bear upon it?" Mr. Linden said after a moment s silence. "Yes indeed," said Faith; "that was what I was going to ask. He wants me to go with him to see a woman, who is dying, he says, and miserable, and he wants me to talk to her. He says he does not know how." And half mo destly, half timidly, she added, "Is not that going out of my way ?" A quick, peculiar smile on Mr. Linden s face, was suc ceeded by a very deep gravity, once or twice the lips parted, impulsively then took their former firm set; and shading his eyes with his hand he looked into the fire in profound silence. Very soberly, but in as absolute repose of face, Faith now and then looked at him, and meanwhile waited for his thoughts to come to an end. "Dr. Harrison said," she remarked after a little while, 292 SAY AND SEAL. "that you once told Mm he had but half learned his pro fession." "What did you say, Miss Faith? I mean, not to that, but to the question ?" "I didn t know what to say! 1 didn t want to go at all I don t know whether that was wrong or right; but at last I said I would go. Do you think I was right, Mr Linden ?" "Did you promise to go with him?" "I didn t know any other way to go," said Faith. "I don t know where the woman lives, arid he said I couldn t find it ; and old Crab has a lame foot. Dr. Harrison asked me to go with him. I don t think I should have minded going alone." " Neither should I mind having you," said Mr. Linden, with a look more doubtful and anxious than Faith had often seen him wear, though it was not bent upon her. "Do you think I said wrong then, Mr. Linden? I did not like to go but I thought perhaps I ought." " I don t think you did wrong," was the somewhat defi nite answer. " I wish I had been alongside of you when the request was made " A wish which he had not been the first to know. Faith was silent. "You made a fair promise ?" he said "and feel bound by it ?" "I said I would go," she said looking at him with her fair, grave face. " If you thought it was wrong, or that I was putting myself out of my way, I would not, Mr. Lin den. He asked if he might come for me at two o clock, and I said yes." " Miss Faith you must not make such a promise again ?" She looked at him enqiringly, very soberly, and then her eyes went to the fire and mused there. Mr. Linden was looking at her then, though with eyes still shielded. Once indeed the hand came with a soft touch upon her hair, drawing it back where it had fallen a little ; but the motion was quickly checked. She started, looked round with a liftle frank smile and colour, and instantly went back to her musing. S .V AJ" SEAL. 293 "I m afraid I must let >oa go " Mr. Linden said pre sently, smiling a little too, as if \t were no use to he grave any longer. "I m afraid I have ao right to hinder yon. If I had, I would. Some other time I will tell you part of the wherefore, but the less I say to you before you go, the better. About that, " he added in his usual manner, " I think we might write another exercise." She started up, but paused. . Mr. Linden," she said timidly, "Dr. Harrison said he would not be here this morning. Would you like to have me first it would be only pleasure to me, if you are not afraid, do what he does for you ?" He answered at first rather quick, as if he knew what sort of pleasure it was. "O no! I can wait, it cannot signify very much." And then with as quick a recognition of the real pleasure it would be, after all, Mr. Linden compounded matters. "I am afraid. Miss Faith! I am naturally timid." "What does that mean?" said she coming before him and looking with an inquisitive smile. "I don t know, Mr. Linden!" "Do you expect me to explain such a humiliating con fession ?" " Xo, certainly. I thought, perhaps, you wouldn t keep to it, after all." "I am a little afraid for you. What do you suppose I shall do this afternoon while you are gone?" "I don t know " she said, looking a little wistfully. "I shall lie here and study that wood-box. You see I carry out my principles, Miss Faith I have not thanked you for it." " I don t think you ll study it very long," said Faith, "there isn t much in it." "Somebody has said," replied Mr. Linden, "that in every subject there is inexhaustible meaning, the eye sees in it what the eye brings means of seeing. You must not limit my power of eyesight." "If you wouldn t limit my power of something else?" she said with gentle persistency. He looked up at her. "I will not, Miss Faith then will you please perform 25* 294 SAY AND SEAL. your kind office at once ? It will be a great comfort to me, and I shall be the better able to do something for you afterwards." And the manner almost made Faith feel as if the proposition had come from her at first. She went about it, not this first time without some trem bling of heart, but with also a spirit that rose above and quite kept down that. She knew exactly and intelligently what was to be done ; it was only the hands that were un wonted, and therefore she feared unskilful. But there are things that some women have by nature, and a skilful hand is one of them; and it was Faith s. Her womanly love and care were enough for all the rest; she made no mistakes, nor delays; and her soft fingers inflicted no pain that it was in the power of fingers to spare. A little longer than the doctor she was perhaps about it ; not much, and not more awkward ; and that is saying enough. So soon as that was done, Faith went for her exercise, and sat down as yesterday to write it. He too went on with the exercise; but watching her, lest relief might be wanted in another quarter. There was nothing of that, though. Quiet and very great satis faction, was the result of the matter in Faith s mind; at least it was all she permitted to be seen ; and now she gave herself happily to the connexion of her nouns and adjec tives, and to watching against the german or sophisti cated letters in her handwriting. The exercise indeed was fast taking a very compound character ; so much so, that Faith might well begin to suspect there had been a two fold reason for proposing it. But Mr. Linden had a pecu liar way of teaching especially of teaching her; and made her almost forget in the pleasure of learning, the fact that she had need to learn. And as for his memory on the sub ject, or his perception of how it might touch her, they were out of sight : she might have been a little child there at his side, for the grave simplicity and frankness of his in structions. And so exercise and reading arid philosophy followed on in a quiet train, arid the surface of the earth revealed new wonders, and the little French book was closed at the end of a pretty chapter. "Whenever I get about my duties again, Miss Faith," SAY AND SEAL. 295 Mi. Linden said, "I shall make one very stringent rule for our future intercourse. 1 " What s that, Mr. Linden ?" she said, with the face of quick deep pleasure she always wore when about any of her studies with him. "From the time when I come home to dinner till I go off again, I will neither speak nor be spoken to, Miss Faith, except in French. That is, you may speak but I shall not answer." Faith started a little, looked puzzled, and looked terri fied, as much as she ever did; but rather closed with looking as if it was impossible. "I should make the rule at once," said Mr. Linden smil ing, "but I foresee that you would absent yourself entirely. Now when I am down stairs you will have to see me whether you want to or not." "But I don t know one word!" said Faith breathlessly. "I am afraid I shall not say, or hear, much, Mr. Linden." "O you shall hear a great deal I will take that upon myself." Faith shook her head, gave the fire a final mending, and ran off; for it was again an hour past the mid-day. Mr. Linden s dinner came up, and was hardly removed before Dr. Harrison followed. "Well, Linden!" he said coming jauntily, in, "I hope you haven t missed me this morning." "Not in the least." "I am glad of that. How do you do? I will try and put you in condition not to miss me this evening though it is benevolent!" added the doctor, pulling off his left glove. "It is a great secret to make oneself missed!" "It is a secret your gloves will hardly find out, by my fire," said Mr. Linden. "How well you look, doctor! not a bit like Nought and All." "No," said the doctor, "I believe I disclaimed that particular sphere of existence yesterday. One had need be One and Somewhat in this wind if one will keep a place in a wagon, or elsewhere I But fire mustn t tempt me, Linden. I ll see to you and be off, and decide what I ll be afterwards." "You may be off without preamble." 296 SAY AND SEAL. "Do you mean to dismiss me?" exclaimed the doctor raising his eyebrows. "Have I said that you must accept my poor services ?" "Why no 1" said Mr. Linden, "doubly no ! I am most happy to see you, doctor." "The happiness will be mutual when I have the felicity of understanding you," said the doctor, settling himself in an attitude. Mr. Linden surveyed him from head to foot. "I perceive indeed that you are One and Somewhat!" he said, "you still need the four azure chains/ Do you need explanations too ?" "If you ll be so good !" said the doctor. "Or ha! you don t mean that, do you ?" " My arm has been dressed," said Mr. Linden quietly. "Never trust a woman 1" said the doctor wheeling round. "I thought she had got enough of that yesterday. Did she do it well ?" "Excellently well." "Your face says so as well as your tongue," said the doctor, with an odd manner of despair. "I have lost not my occupation, for I never had any ! but I have lost my power over you ; and she has got it ! I don t know how to whistle, or I suppose I could take comfort in that." Mr. Linden did not whistle, nor laugh, nor speak, all that could be-said of him was that he lay there very quiet, with his eyes open, looking remarkably well. "Let a woman alone for doing what she has a mind to I" the doctor went on, in his usual manner now, putting on his gloves. "I tell you what, Linden they re the hardest creatures to manage there are ; boys are nothing to them I Well, good morning !" "Good morning," said Mr. Linden. "I hope you will be able to manage the wind." The Dr. Harrison who had been up stairs was not at all the Dr. Harrison that met Faith in the hall and escorted her to the carriage. Grave, gentle, graceful, but especially grave, for some reason or other, he was; and not the less for that agreeable, she thought. Faith was in a sober mood herself; for she was about an undertaking she did not much like ; and which Mr. Linden had liked even less. JPaith pondered, as they drove swiftly along, what the par- SAY AND SEAL. 297 ticular objections had been which he had not chosen to tell her; and now and then thought a little uneasily of the coming interview with the doctor s patient, with Dr. Har rison himself for auditor and spectator. She did not like it; but she had honestly done what she thought ri;rht, and Mr. Linden had said she was not wrong. And she was bound on the expedition, which she could not get rid of; so though these considerations did float over and over her mind they did not shake what was nevertheless a very happy peacefulness. Faith was glad the doctor was pretty well engaged with his horses; and let her own musings run upon the pleasant things of the morning, and of yesterday, with glances at the delightful new world of work and knowledge into which she had entered, or was entering; and happy resting down on the foundation for all joy sO lately known to her. Whirled along on smooth going wheels, in that bright brisk day, little interrupted with talk, these thoughts and meditations took fair little flying passages through her head ; chasing and succeeding each other, put in and put out by the lights and shadows, the hills and fields, sky and trees and wind-clouds, as the case might be, and mixing up with them all. Dr. Harrison had come for her this time in an easy pleasant-going curricle, drawn by beautiful animals, and who felt beautifully in that gay wind. They looked so, certainly, every motion from ears to tail telling of life and the enjoyment of it. "You are not afraid of anything, I know," said Dr. Harrison, one time when he had been obliged to hold them in with a good deal of decision; "or I would have brought the old family trotter for you." "What makes you think so, Dr. Harrison?" "I have had proof of it," said he looking at her. Faith shook her head a little, and could have told him several things ; but did not. " You are not afraid of these fellows ?" She said no. "There is no pleasure in handling what gives you no trouble ; don t you think so ?" Faith sought for illustrations of the subject in her own experience ; did not find them. 298 SAY AND SEAL. "Now look at those fellows," the doctor went on. "They are fit to fly out of their skins; but a little bit of steel in their mouths and a good rein and a strong hand at the end of it and they are mine, and not their own," said he, giving them a powerful check at the same time which brought them on their haunches; "and they know it. Now isn t there some pleasure in this ?" "It is rather a man s pleasure," said Faith; "isn t it ?" "Do you think so?" said the doctor. "Ah, you know better. Do you mean to say," he added softly, "that a woman doesn t know the pleasure of power?" "I don t think /do," said Faith meeting his eyes with a smile. He smiled too, a different smile from what was usual with him. The drive was long much longer than Faith had counted upon, although they went so fast. "Down by the river" the doctor had said ; but it appeared not yet what part of the river he was aiming for. Still it was beautiful; the broken country, open and free, with the cloud shadows and the brilliant sunlight driving across it, and grey Sharp rocks everywhere breaking it, and tufts and reaches of brown or sear woodland diversifying it, was not easy to weary of. Nor did Faith weary. The doctor s words had sent her off on a long journey of thought, while she travelled over all that open, sunlight and shadow, country. Starting from the words, "Behold we put bits in the horses mouths, that they may obey us" ; she had gone on to moral gov ernment and suasion ; the means and the forces of both, not failing to illustrate largely here from personal experi ence ; and on and up to the one great arid strong hand that holds the reins of all, and makes even sunlight and shade, rock and hill, do his work and his bidding. But now in all that broad picture of life and life work, appeared a little dark spot ; which, small as it was, formed for the moment the vanishing point, where every line of beauty and sunlight met and ended. For with that strange recognizing of unknown things, Faith saw before her the house where the dying woman lay, and knew it for that, before the doctor spoke. A plain, brown, unpainted house ; straight and square, with no break of piazza or window blinds; tapestried on the front with frost-bitten gourd SAY AND SEAL. 299 vines, the yellow and green fruit yet unscathed. The usual little gate and dooryard common to such country houses; the usual remains of autumn flowers therein; the usual want of trees. Yet by the universal law of indemnification, the house was more picturesque than painting and archi tecture could have made it. Neighbours it had none, for contrast; but a low woody point of land stretched off behind it, reaching out even into the Mong. And the Mong itself with its cool sharp glitter in the stirring wind, and the swash of its blue waves at the very foot of the little paling about the house ; its white-sailed craft, its white- winged sea gulls; " Our lives are rivers, gliding free To that unfathomed, boundless sea, The silent grave ! Thither all earthly pomp and boast Roll, to be swallowed up and lost In one dark wave. " Thither the mighty torrents stray, Thither the brook pursues its way, And tinkling rill. There all are equal. Side by side The poor man and the son of pride Lie calm and still." Of the two that now entered that little dooryard, one felt all this and one did not. The one who had" felt "the power of an endless life," perceived the narrow bounds of this, to the one who had nothing beyond, its domain was vast. And as is often the case, the man went first and the angel followed. The doctor stepped up to the bedside and made some general enquiries. But it did not appear that there was much he could do for her. "Mrs. Ousters," said he presently, "you know I pro mised I would bring, if I could, a lady to see you. Here she is Miss Derrick." Faith came to the side of the bed. Little her quiet face phewed how she was trembling. In her soft sweet way she asked the sick woman how she did. And Mrs. Ousters turned her head a little, and gazed up into the blooming 300 SAY AND SEAL. face with strange, eager, feverish eyes eyes that thirsted, but with no bodily thirst. Then she closed them again and turned her face away, but said nothing. "Have you been sick long?" asked Faith. She did not answer, then ; though as if the tones of Faith s voice were making their way, there came presently a slight quiver of the face, and a bright drop or two that the closed eyelids could not quite keep back. But she was at that point of time where the fear of man has lost its power, where the doctor loses his supremacy and visiters their interest: where men and things are pushed like sha dows into the background, and the mind can see no object save "the great white throne." This was what the silence expressed, it was not dislike, nor churlishness ; but those surface questions failed to reach her where she stood. The next gentle and tender "What is the matter?" .-was so spoken that it found her even there. Her eyes came back to Faith s face with the sort of look they had given before. And then she spoke. "Where would you be going if you were lying where I be?" Faith heeded not the doctor then, nor anything else in the world. She waited an instant; she had drawn herself up on hearing the question ; then leaning forward again she said slowly, tenderly, " I should be going to be happy with my divine Re deemer. Are not you ?" "What makes you think you would ?" "Because I have his word for it," said Faith. "He says that whoever believes in him shall not perish, and that every one that loves him shall be with him where he is ; I believe in him and love him with my whole heart; and I know he is true. He will not cast me away." Slowly, clearly, the words were spoken ; so that they might every one enter and be received by the ears that heard. The woman looked at her, scanned her, examined her, looked down towards the foot of the bed at the doctor- then back at Faith. "Do you believe all that?" she said. "I know it!" said Faith, with a tiny bit of joy-speaking gmile. SAY AND SEAL. 301 Again that intent look. "Well he don t," she said with a motion towards the doctor. "Which of ye am I to believe?" "Don t believe either of us!" said Faith quickly, her look rather brightening than otherwise, though the play of her lips took a complicate character. "Believe God! Don t you know his words?" "I s pose I do some of em. I can t believe anything with him down there lookin at me !" she said impetuously. "He said he didn t believe and I keep thinkin of that." "Will you believe him, rather than God? rather than the Lord Jesus, who came and gave his very life for us, to bring us to heaven. Do you think he would tell us any thing but truth after that? His words are, " He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. " " Well I m most dead " said the woman in a sort of cold, hopeless tone. "Let Jesus make you live!" said Faith, in a voice as warm and loving. "The doctor said he couldn t," she answered in the same tone as before. "He believes that, anyhow." Faith answered, " My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. And I give unto them eternal life ; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. " That same little quiver passed over the face, but it changed into an irrepressible shudder. " Sit down here on the bed," she said, looking up at Faith, "and put your face so I can t see his n and then you may talk." And with that fair head for a screen, as if it really warded off some evil influence, Mrs. Ousters lay and lis tened quietly for a while ; but then her hands were clasped over her face, and she broke into a low sobbing fit as if mind and body were pouring out their griefs together. Not loud, not hysterical ; but weary, subdued, overpower ing; until the utter exhaustion brought sleep. Faith got off the bed then, looked at her, looked at the doctor, and then by an irrepressible feeling, sunk on her knees. Leave her, go out of the house with him, she could VOL. I. 2U 302 SAY AND SEAL. not, until she had put the cause of them all into the hand she knew her friend and wished theirs. A few moments motionless hiding of her face, during which, as indeed during the whole conversation, Dr. Harrison was nearly motionless too, and used his eyes silently; and Faith rose from her knees. She gave another look at the poor weary face that lay there, and then led the way out of the house. The doctor followed Tier, having perhaps got more than enough of the result of his ride. But as he was unfastening his horses, or rather after he had done it and was waiting to hand her in, Faith addressed him. "Dr. Harrison, on whose errand do you go telling that woman that God s word is not true?" She spoke gently, yet as the doctor faced her he saw that her soft eye could be steady as an eagle s. He did not answer. "Not for God s service," she went on answering herself, "nor for yours. See to it!" She turned and let him put her into the carriage and they set off again. But the drive homewards promised to be as silent as the drive out had been. The doctor was grave after another fashion now, with a further-down grav ity, and scarce looked at anything but his horses ; except when a glance or a hand came to see if Faith was well wrapped up from the wind, or to make her so. And either action was done not with his accustomed grace merely, but with even a more delicate tender care of her than ordinary. Faith was in little danger of cold for some time. Grief and loving sorrow were stirred and stirring too deeply for thought or feeling of anything else; only that be neath and with them her heart was singing, singing, in notes that seemed to reach her from the very harps of heaven, "I thank Thee, uncreated Sun, That thy bright beams on me have shined!" As they went on, however, and mile after mile was passed over again, and the afternoon waned, the wind clouds SA\ AND SEAL. 303 seemed thicker and the wind more keen ; Faith felt it and began to think of home The horses felt it too, and per haps also thought of home, for they travelled well. "What are you meditating, Miss Derrick?" the doctor said at length, almost the first word he had spoken. "I was thinking, just at that minute, sir, of the use of beauty in the world." "The use of beauty!" said the doctor, looking at her; he would have been astonished, if the uppermost feeling had not been of relief. "What is its use? To make the world civilized and habitable, isn t it?" "No " said Faith, "I should think it was meant to make us good. Look at the horses, Dr. Harrison I" The carriage had turned an angle of the road, which brought the wind pretty strongly in their faces. The horses seemed to take it as doubtful fun, or else to be in clined to make too much fun of it. They were all alive with spirit, rather excited than allayed by their miles of quick travelling. The doctor tried to quiet them by rein and voice both. " They get a little too much oats for the work they do," said he. "I must take them out oftener. Take care of this wind, Miss Derrick; I haven t a hand to help you. What s that ? " That was a bunch of weeds thrown into the road just before the horses heads, from over the fence ; and was just enough to give them the start which they were ready for. They set off instantly at full run. The road was good and clear ; the carriage was light ; the wind was inspiriting, the oats suggestive of mischief. The doctor s boasted rein and hand with all the aid of steel bits, were powerless to stop them. In vain he coaxed and called to them ; their speed increased every minute ; they had made up their minds to be frightened, and plunged along accordingly. The doctor spoke once or twice to Faith, encouraging or advising her; she did not speak nor stir. They -were just Hearing the brow of a hill, when an un lucky boy in the road, thinking to stay their progress, stepped before them and waved his hat over his head. Faith heard an execration from the doctor, then his shout 304 SAY AND SEAL. to her, "Don t stir, Miss Derrick I" and then she hardly knew anything else. The horses plunged madly down the hill, leaped carriage and all across a fence at the bottom of it, where the road turned, overthrew themselves and landed the doctor and Faith on different sides of the car riage, in a meadow. The doctor picked himself up again, entirely unhurt, and going round to Faith lifted her head from the ground. But she was stunned by the fall, and for a few minutes remained senseless. In these circumstances, no house being near, the doctor naturally shouted to a cap or hat which he saw passing along the road. Which cap also it happened belonged to Sam Stoutenburgh, who was on an errand into the country for his father. If ever Dr. Harrison was unceremoniously put aside, it was then. Sam had come rather leisurely at first then with a sort of flying bound which cleared the fence like a thistle down, he bore down upon the doctor, and taking up Faith as easily as if she had been a kitten, absolutely ran with her to a spring which welled up through the long meadow grass a few yards off. There the doctor found him applying the cold water with both gentleness and skill, for Sam Stoutenburgh had a mother, and her fingers had been so employed about his own head many a time. "You re a handy fellow!" said the doctor with a mix ture of expressions, as he joined his efforts to Sam s. "That will do it!" For Faith opened her eyes. The firstword was "Mother !" then she sat up and looked round, and then covered her face. "Are you hurt?" said Dr. Harrison after an instant. "No sir, I think not I believe not." "Can you stand up?" With the help of his hand she could do it easily. She stood silent, supported by him, looking on the prostrate horses and shattered curricle; then turned her grave eyes on the doctor. "Don t stand too long, Miss Faith!" said Sam earnestly, with trembling lips too, for the manhood in him had not got very far. "Are you sure you re not hurt ?" SAY AND SEAL. 305 "Sam!" said Faith giving her hand to him. "I didn t know it was you who was helping me." "I only wish I d been here for you to fall upon!" said Sam, with a queer mingling of grief and pleasure. " Seems as if folks couldn t always be in just the right place." "I am not hurt," she said with a little shudder. "Now, how are you going to do to get home ?" said the doctor looking much concerned. "Shall 1 " " I will walk home," she said interrupting him. " You are not able ! We are three miles, at least, from Mrs. Derrick s house. You could not bear it." "I can walk three miles," she said with a faint, fair smile. " I will go home with Sam, and you can take care of the horses." "That would be a tolerably backhanded arrangement!" said the doctor. "Young man, will you bring these horses into town for me after I get them on their legs to Judge Harrison s, or anywhere? I must take care of this lady and see her safe." "Yes I ll bring em into town," said Sam, "but Miss Faith s to be seen to first if they don t get on their legs all night! That ll be a work of time, I take it. Miss Faith could you walk just a little way ? there s a house there, and maybe a wagon." "You don t understand me," said the doctor. "I asked if you would do me the favour to bring my horses into town. / will take care of the lady." Sam considered a minute not the doctor but things. "Miss Faith," he said, "I can run faster than you can walk, beyond all calculation. If you ll keep warm here, I ll run till I find a wagon for if you don t ride and tell the story some one else will, and then there s two people will be worse hurt than you are. You d get home quickest so." Faith was about to speak but the doctor prevented her. "Then you refuse to take care of my horses?" he said. "I told you I would take care of the lady." "Bother the horses!" said Sam impatiently, "who s to think about horses with Miss Faith here frightened to death ? I m ready to drive em all over creation, when I get ready, Dr. Harrison !" Faith in her turn interposed. 26* 306 SAY ASD SEAL. "I would rather walk than wait, Dr. Harrison. If Sara knows some house near by, I would rather walk so far with him than wait for him to go and come again. We could send some one to help you then. Sam, you ll help Dr. Harrison get the horses up." So much Sam was willing to do, and the doctor with such grace as he might, accepted ; that is, with no grace at all. The horses with some trouble and difficulty were raised to their feet, and found whole. The carriage was broken too much to be even drawn into town. Faith then set out with her escort. " How far is your house, Sam ?" But Sam shook his head at that the nearest one of any s.ortwas a poor sort of a place, where they sometimes had a wagon standing and sometimes didn t. "But we can try, Miss Faith," he said in conclusion. Sam s arm was a strong one, and certainly if he could have induced his companion to lean her whole weight on it his satisfaction would have increased in proportion ; as it was he gave her good help. And thus they had walked on, in the fading afternoon light, more than what to Faith was "just a little way," when the first house came in sight. Fortunately the wagon was at home ; and before it stood an old horse that one of the men said " he should like to see run !" but for once such deficiency was the best recom mendation. Another man set off on foot to find arid help Dr. Harrison, and the owner of the slow horse gave the reins to Sam. The wagon was not on springs, and the buffalo skin was old, and the horse was slow 1 beyond a question ; but still it was easier than walking, and even quicker. Sam Stoutenburgh did his best to make Faith comfortable levying upon various articles for that purpose, and drove along with a pleasure which after all can never be unmixed in this world 1 Even Sam felt that, for his long-drawn "Oh Miss Faith 1" said much, and carried Faith s thoughts (she hardly knew why) to more than one person at home. " Sam," said Faith, " I don t want to say anything about this to-night." " Well, ma am I won t say a word, if I can help it. Do you mean to anybody, Miss Faith ?" SAY AND SEAL. 307 " Not to anybody. I mean, not to any one at home w " 1 won t if I can help it," Sam repeated. "But it s my night to stay with Mr. Linden." Is it ?_lWell what if it is ?" " I don t know " said Sam dubiously, " he has a funny way of reading people s faces." " But what is going to be in yours, Sam ?" " I don t know that, neither," said Sam. "But the fact is, Miss Faith, he always does find out things and if it s anything he s got to do with you may just as good tell him at once as to fuss round." A pretty significant piece of information ! Upon which Faith mused. It was not so late when thej reached Mrs. Derrick s door, that the good lady s anxiety had got fairly under way. At that moment indeed, she had quitted the front of the house, and gone to hurry Cindy and the teakettle ; so that Faith was in the house and her escort dismissed, before Mrs. Derrick appeared. " Why pretty child !" she said "here you are 1 I was very near getting worried. . And I went up and asked Mr. Linden what time it was, lest the clock should nt be right ; but he seemed to think it wasn t worth while to fret about you yet. You re tired to death !" she added, looking at Faith. "You re as pale as anything, child !" "Yes mother I m very tired." And very glad to get home, she would have said, but her lips failed it. "Well do sit down, child," said her mother, "and I ll take your things up stairs. Tea s all ready that ll do you good, and then you shall go right to bed." But that did not seem what Faith was ready to do ; instead of that, she preferred to sit down by her mother, and wrap her arms round her again and lay her head in her mother s lap. Even then she did not sleep, though she was by no means inclined to talk and answered Mrs. Derrick s fond or anxious words with very few in return, low and quiet, or with quiet caresses. And when her mother was silent, to let her sleep, Faith was silent too. They had sat so motionless for awhile, when Faith changed 308 SAY AND SEAL. her posture. She got up, sat down on a chair by her mother s side, laid her head in her neck and wrapped arms round her in turn. " Mother " she said most caressingly," when will you begin to follow Christ with me? I want that, I want that!" CHAPTER XXY. WHILE Dr. Harrison was sleeping off the effects of his exertions, mental and physical, of the preceding day ; and his horses in their stable realized that the reap ing of wild oats has its own fatigues; Mrs. Derrick was stirring about with even unwonted activity, preparing for that unwonted breakfast up stairs. An anxious look or two at Faith s sleeping face had assured her mother that the fatigue there had been nothing very serious ; and Mrs. Derrick went down with a glad heart to her preparations. There Faith joined her after awhile, and as breakfast time approached, Mrs. Derrick suggested that Faith should go up and see that the table was all right, and receive the breakfast which she herself would send up. Cindy was already there, passing back and forth, and the door stood open to facilitate her operations. If Faith had felt curious as to the success of Sam Stout- enburgh s efforts at concealment, her curiosity was at once relieved. The room as she saw it through the half-open door was bright with firelight and sunshine; the spoons and cups on the little table shone cheerily in the glow; and all things were in their accustomed pretty order and dis order. But the couch was empty, and Mr. Linden stood by the mantelpiece, leaning one arm there, his face bent down and covered with his hand. Faith had no need to knock the door being open and Cindy in full possession; but as her light step came near the tire he turned suddenly and held out his hand to her without a word. Then gently pushing her back to the corner of the couch, Mr. Linden bade her "sit down and be quiet " and he himself took a chair at her side. She could hardly tell how he looked the face was so different from any she had ever seen him wear. For a minute she obeyed orders ; then she said, though with an eye that avoided meeting his, " I mustn t be quiet, Mr. Linden I must see to the breakfast table." (309) 3iO SAY AND SEAL. If his first motion was to hinder that, he thought better of it, and suffered her to go and give her finishing touches ; watching her all the time, as she felt, but without speaking; and when Cindy shut the door and tramped down stairs, the room was very still. Only the light crackling of the hickory sticks in the chimney, and those soft movements about the table. If ever such movements were made with pleasure if ever a face of very deep peacefulness hovered over the placing and displacing of knives and forks, plates and salt cellars, it was then. Yet it was not a very abstracted face, nor looked as if the outitiard quiet might be absolutely immovable. The last touch put to the table, Faith glanced at the hickory sticks on the fire; but they wanted nothing; and then her look came round to Mr. Linden, and the smile which could no longer be kept back, came too ; a smile of touching acknowledgment. " Miss Faith, will you come and sit down?" She came, silently. One deep breath she did hear, as Mr. Linden arranged the cushions and with gentle force made her lean against them, but either he did not feel himself able to touch di rectly what they were both thinking of or else thought her not able to bear it. His tone was very quiet, the rest of his hand upon her hair hardly longer than it had been yesterday, as he said, "What will my scholar be fit for to-day? anything but sleep ?" For a moment it was a little more than she could bear, and. her face for that moment was entirely grave; then she smiled up at him and answered in a tone lighter than his had been, "Fit for anything and more fit than ever, Mr. Linden. I only rest here because you put me here." The next remark diverged a little , and was given with darkening eyes. "How DARED he take you with those young horses !" "He thought he could do just what he pleased with them " said Faith, shaking her head a little. "And with you " was in Mr. Linden s mind, but it came not forth. "Where is your mother? does she ?i, " SAY AND SEAL. 311 " Mother s coming," said Faith raising herself from the cushions, "as soon as she sends up the breakfast. She doesn t know yet. I told Sam not to tell you, Mr. Linden. - " How do you do to-day?" She answered him with a bright fair glance and in a tone as sweet as happiness could make it, "Very well!" Mr. Linden s eyes went from her to the opening door nnd the entering dishes. "Sara was not in fault, Miss Faith, I heard you come home " In the train of the dishes came Mrs. Derrick, and looked with a little amaze at Mr. Linden off the couch and Faith upon it But if the first didn t hurt him, she knew the second wouldn t hurt Faith, with whose appearance her mother was not yet quite satisfied. And when they were all at the table, Mrs. Derrick might wonder at those words of very earnest thanksgiving that they were all brought together again, but they needed no explanation to any one else. In all her life Faith had never known just such a breakfast. That sweet sense of being safe of being shielded, of breathing an atmosphere where no evil, mental, moral, or physical, could reach her, how precious it was ! after those hours of fear and sorrow. If her two companions had visibly joined hands around her, she could not have felt the real fact more strongly. And another hand was nearer and more, precious still to her apprehen sion ; even the one that made theirs strong and had brought her within them. Faith s face was a fair picture, for all this was there. But Faith s words were few. How many Mr. Linden s would have been, of choice, cannot be known ; for Mrs. Derrick s mind was so intent upon the last night s expedition, so eager to know how the poorVoman was, and what she said, and where she lived; and how Faith enjoyed the drive, and what made her get so tired, that he had full occupation in warding oil the questions and turning them another way. In compliance with her wishes he had taken his usual place on the couch, and there made himself useful both with word and hand; ihe particular use of breakfast to him, was nut so apparent. It was over not a bit too soon; for Cindy had not 312 SAY AND SEAL. finished the work of removing it before she brought up word that the doctor was come and wanted to see Mis Derrick. Faith judged the enquiry was meant for herself and ran down stairs accordingly. The doctor was satisfied that she was none the worse of her ride with him, but had brought a very serious face to the examination. "Have you forgiven me, Miss Derrick?" "I have nothing to forgive, sir!" Faith told him with a look that gave sweet assurance of it. " I am not hurt. I am very glad I went." "May I say," said the doctor, and he looked as if he was uneasy till he had said it, "that you misjudged me yester day from that woman s words. I did not choose to inter rupt her and the severity of your remarks to me," he said with a little smile which did not want feeling, "took from me at the moment the power to justify myself. But Miss Derrick, I have not done what you seemed to suppose and fairly enough, for she gave you to understand it. I never set myself to overthrow her belief in anything. I have hardly held any conversation with her, except what related to her physical condition ; if I have said anything it has been a word intended to quiet her. I saw her mind was very much disturbed." Faith had looked very grave, with eyes cast down, during the hearing of this speech. She raised them then, at the end, and said with great gentleness, " There is but one way to give quiet that will stand, Dr. Harrison." "I am sure you are right," he said looking at her with an unwonted face, nearer to reverence than Dr. Harrison was often known to give to anything "I hope you will go and see that poor creature again and undo any mischief my careless words may have done." "Won t you undo them yourself, Dr. Harrison?" "I will endorse yours, so well as I can 1" he said. "But won t you see her again ?" "If I can, I will try to go." " May I see Mr. Linden ?" was the next question in a .ighter tone; and receiving permission the doctor moved himself up stairs. He entered Mr. Linden s room with a quiet, composed air, very different from the jaunty manner SAY AND SEAL. 313 of yesterday ; and applied himself with business quiet to Mr. Linden s state and wants. And the reception he met was not one to set him a talking. It was not tinged with the various feelings which the thought of him had stirred in Mr. Linden s mind that night and morning, if they lived still it was in the background. The grasp of his hand was firmer than usual, the tone more earnest, which said, "I am very glad to see you!" and yet the doctor felt that in them both there was more and also less than mere personal feeling. He had nearly finished the arrangements of Mr. Linden s arm when he remarked, "Did you hear the result of our expedition yesterday ?" A grave yes, answered him. "You see," said the doctor, "I couldn t manage the wind!" But to that there was no reply. "It was just that," said the doctor. "Those horses had been taking whiskey, I believe, instead ot oats; and the wind just made them mad. They ran for pure love of run ning ! till a little villain threw up his hat at them and then indeed it was which could catch the clouds first." If the doctor wanted help in his account, he got none. He drew back and took a survey. " What s the matter, Linden ? you look more severe at me this morning than Miss Derrick does ; and I am sure she has the most reason." "I have a prudent fit come over me once in a while," said Mr. Linden goodhumouredly, but with a little restless change of position. "I m afraid if I talk much upon this subject I shall get out of patience and I couldn t lay all the blame of that upon you." "What blame do you pretend to lay upon me, as it is? r said the doctor not illhumouredly. "There ll be no pretence about it when I lay it on," said Mr. Linden. " Enact Macdufif and lay on 1" said the doctor smiling. "Let it suffice you that I could if I would." "The shadows of strokes suffice me!" said the doctor. "Am I a man of straw? Do you take me for Sir Andrew Aguecheck? horribly valiant after his fashion. What VOL. i. 27 314 SAY AND SEAL. have I done, man ?" He stood, carelessly handsome ana handsomely careless, before the couch, looking down upon Mr. Linden as if resolved to have something out of him. A part of the description applied well to the face he wag looking at yet after a different fashion ; and anything less careless than the look Mr. Linden bent upon him, could not be imagined. It was a look wherein again different feelings held each other in check, the grave reproof, the sorrowful perception, the quick indignation Dr. Harrison might detect them all; and yet more, the wistful desire that he were a different man. This it was that answered. "What have you done, doctor? you have very nearly given yourself full proof of those true things which you profess to disbelieve." " How do you know that I disbelieve anything ?" said the doctor, with a darkening yet an acute look; "much more that I profess to disbelieve ?" " How do I know whether a ship carries a red or a blue light at her masthead ?" "You don t, if she carries no light at all ; and I do not remember that I ever professed myself in your hearing on either side of the things I suppose you mean." " What do you say of a ship that carries no light at all ?" " Must a ship always hang out her signals, man ?" "Ay " said Mr. Linden, " else she may run down the weaker craft, or be run down by the stronger. " " Suppose she don t know, in good truth, what light belongs to her ?" " It is safe to find out." " Who has told you, Linden, that I believed or disbelieved anything ?" "Yourself." " May I ask, if any other testimony has aided your judg ment, or come in aid of it?" " No," said Mr. Linden, looking at him with a grave, considering eye. " I am not much in the habit of discuss ing such points with third parties." The doctor bit his lip ; and then smiled. " You re a good fellow, Linden. But you see, I can afford to say that now. I have you at advantage. As long as you lie there, and I am your attending physician wlucb SAY AND SEAL. 315 latter I assure you I look upon as a piece of my good for tune you can t, knock me down, if you feel disposed. I am safe, and can afford to be generous. As to the lights," said the doctor taking up his hat, " I agree to what you say and that s more of a concession than I ever made on the subject before. But in the atmosphere I have lived in, I do assure you I have not been able to tell the blue lights from the red !" " I believe you," said Mr. Linden, " nor was it alto gether the fault of the atmosphere. Even where the colour is right, the glass is sometimes dim. What then ?" "What then ? why the inference is plain. If one can not be distinguished from the other, one is as good as the other I" "And both shine with a steady clear light upon the heavenward way ?" " There s no question of shining," said the doctor half scornfully, half impatiently. " If they shew colour at all, it is on a way that is murky enough, heaven knows !" "Then what have they to do with the question?" said Mr. Linden, "you are applying rules of action which you would laugh at in any other case. Does the multitude of quacks disgust you with the science of medicine ? does the dim burning of a dozen poor candles hinder your lighting a good one ? You have nothing to do with other people s lights, let your own shine !" Dr. Harrison stood looking at his adviser a minute, with a smile that was both pleased and acute. "Linden " said he, "it strikes me that you are out of your vocation." "When I heard that account last night," Mr. Linden went on and he paused, as if the recollection were pain ful, " the second thing I thought of was your own words, that heaven is not in your line. " " Well ? " said the doctor swinging his hat and begin ning to pace up and down the room, and speaking as if at once confessing and justifying the charge laid to him, . " Now and then, I believe, a bodily angel comes down to the earth and leaves her wings behind her but that s not humanity, Linden !" "True servant of God, is as fair a name as angel," said 316 SAX AND SEAL. Mr. Linden ; " and that is what humanity may be a,nd often is. Though crowns are wanting, and bright pinions folded. " " I don t know " said the doctor. " I shouldn t have wondered any minute yesterday to see the pinions unfold before me." Which remark was received in silence. " If such an angel were to take hold of me," the doctor went on meditatively, " I believe she might make me and carry me whither she would. But I wonder if I shall be forbid the house now !" He stopped and looked at Mr. Linden with a face of comic enquiry. "You may come and see me," said Mr. Linden, with comforting assurance. "Do you think I may ?" said the doctor. He sat down and threw his hat on the floor. " What shall I do with Mrs. Derrick ? She will want to send me off in a balloon, on some air journey that will never land me on earth ! or find some other vanishing medium most prompt and irrevo cable all as a penalty for my having ventured to leap a fence in company with her daughter !" But the prudent fit had perhaps come back upon Mr. Linden, for except a sudden illumination of eye and face, the doctor s speech called forth no opinion. " The best driver on earth can t be a centaur, man ! Horses in these days will have heads of their own." But then the doctor rose up and came gracefully and gravely again to take his friend and patient s hand. "I agree to all you say !" said he, looking down with a goodhumoured wilful expression to Mr. Linden s face ; "and I know no other man to whom I would own as much, after such words and such silence as you have bestowed on me. Good-bye. But really, remember, a man is not an swerable for all his horses or all his wits may do." The doctor went ; and then there was an interval of some length. Faith had found several things to do in her down stairs department, which she would not leave to her mother ; especially after the shock Mrs. Derrick s mind and heart had received from the communication of what had happened the day before. So it was a little later than usual when the light tap was heard at Mr. Linden s door and Faith and a cup of cocoa came in. She set the cup down, and then SAY AND SEAL. 317 went out again for a dish of grapes and pears Judge Harrison s and Farmer David s sending which she brought to the table. " I didn t know which you would like best, Mr. Linden ; so I brought both." " I should like to be waiting on you," he said, " Miss Faith, you ought not to be waiting on me. I shall bestir myself and come down stairs." There was expression in the kind of happy silence that answered him, as she offered the cocoa. "I don t know where to begin to talk to you this morn ing," said Mr. -Linden, "everything demands the first place. Miss Faith, when you feel that you can, will you tell me all about yesterday ? I wish I could give you this couch again, but I suppose in prudence I ought to lie still." She saw him served with what he would have ; then sat down, and a shadow of sweet gravity came over her. " The ride out was all very pleasant. There wasn t much talk, and I could just enjoy everything. It s a long way, Mr. Linden," she said glancing at him she spoke generally with her eyes bent somewhere else; "it must be ten or twelve miles, for we went very fast ; and it was beautiful, with the wind and the driving clouds and shadows. So I enjoyed all that part, and I wasn t afraid of the horses, or not much afraid though they went very fast and I saw they felt very gay. I liked the going fast and I thought the doctor could manage them." She paused. "Are you sure you want to talk of this now ?" Mr. Lin den said. "You know we have other things to do this can wait till you choose." " I like to tell it," she said with another quick glance and a quick breath, "but the visit comes next and I don t know how to tell you of that. Mr. Linden, I wish you could see that woman ! And if you can t soon, I must, somehow." " If I can t or if I can, I will find you the somehow, if you want to go. And if you will let me," he added " Is she really dying ?" " She says so " Faith said low. And was silent a bit. " Then we set out to come home, and all went very well till we were half way on the road; but then the horses 27* 318 SAY AND SEAL. seemed to grow more frisky than ever I think the wind excited them ; and Dr. Harrison had his hands full, I could see, to hold them in, especially after we turned Lamprey s corner and the wind was in their faces. I think it was something suddenly flung over the fence, that started them off to run and then they ran faster and faster, and reins and bits were of no use at all." Faith was excited herself, and spoke slowly and low and with hindered breath. " I saw they were getting more and more furious, and there were a few minutes, Mr. Linden, when I thought I should maybe never see home again. And then I thanked you in my heart." "Me ?" he said with quick emphasis, and looking at her. Faith did not look at him, but after a pause went on very quietly. " I mean, on earth I thanked you. The end of it was, they took a new fright at something, I believe, just at the top of a hill ; and after that it was all a whirl. I hardly knew anything till I found myself lying on the ground in the meadow. The horses had jumped the carriage and all clean over the fence. The fence was just below the foot of the hill ; the road took a turn there. Sam told you the rest didn t he, Mr. Linden ?" He said "yes, "and not another word, but lay there still with those closely shielded eyes ; and lips unbent from their usual repose, with grave humbleness and grief and joy. The silence lasted till Faith spoke again. And that was some little space of time. A shade graver and lower her tone was when she spoke. " I shall never forget after this, that it is part of a Christian s sailing-orders to speak every vessel he meets. - I think I shall never forget it again." Mr. Linden did look then at the little craft that had begun her voyage so undauntedly under the Christian colours, though what he thought of her he said not ; apparently his own words were not yet ready, though he spoke. " Be strong and of a good courage ; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed : for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. " Faith spoke no more. She sat in the absolutest quiet, SAY AND SEAL. 319 of face and figure both ; looking into the fire that played in the chimney, with a fixedness that perhaps told in the beginning of some doubtfulness of self command. But the happy look of the face was in nowise changed. A knock at the door was the first interruption, a knock so low down that the latch seemed quite too high to match it ; but by some exercise of skill this was lifted, and Johnny Fax presented himself. He looked very wide awake, and smiling, and demure, as was his wont, though to-day the smiles were in the ascendant ; owing perhaps to the weest of all wee baskets which he held in his hand. Coming close up to Mr. Linden, and giving him the privileged caress, Johnny stood there within his arm -and smiled benignly upon Faith, as if he considered her quite part and parcel of the same concern. Who smiled back upon him, and enquired " where he had come from ?" Johnny said "From home, ma am," and looked down at his tiny basket as if it were a weight on his mind that he did not know how to get rid of. "Johnny," said Mr. Linden, "what have you got in that basket ?" "You couldn t gness!" said Johnny with a very bright face. "I couldn t guess !" said Mr. Linden. "Don t you sup pose I can do anything ?" " Yes " said Johnny shaking his head, "but you can t do that." "Then I shall not try," said Mr. Linden, "and you ll have to tell me." Johnny put his face close down by Mr. Linden, and whispered, but not so low that Faith could not hear " It s two white eggs that my black hen laid for you, sir!" "Well I never should have guessed that!" said Mr. Linden smiling. "I didn t suppose there was a hen in the world that cared so much for me. I don t believe she would if she was not your hen, Johnny." Which last sentence Johnny understood just well enough to feel de lighted ; and stood with a glad little face while his teacher opened the basket, and taking up first one egg and thec the other, commented upon their size and whiteness. 320 SAY AND SEAL. "As soon as I can get out I shall come and see that hen," said Mr. Linden, drawing the child closer and giving him another kiss which Johnny thought was worth a whole basket of eggs; "so you must tell her to have her feathers in good order. Now what have you to say to Miss Faith?" " she talks to me," said Johnny. "Does she?" said Mr. Linden, "is that the division of labour ? What does she talk about, Johnny ? let me see how well you remember." It was said with a little acknowledging look that he was asking that to which somebody would demur but also with a wilful assumption that somebody would- come to no harm. So though Faith flushed and started, she sat back in her seat again without making any word interposition. Johnny stood and thought for he was a real little literalist. " She talked about heaven " he said slowly, "and how to get there, and said she was going and we must too. That s what she said Sunday. And at Judgfc Harrison s she said she was glad I d got a red ribband and down to Neanticut she told me to run away." "I m sure that was a gentle way of -dismissing you, "said Mr. Linden, stroking the child s forehead. "Well Johnny are you trying to follow her in that way to heaven she told you of?" The "yes" was given without hesitation, and came with strangely sweet effect from those childish lips. Then after a minute Johnny added, as if he feared some misunder standing, "It s the same way you told me, sir." "Yes, I trust you will see me there too," Mr. Linden said, with a rather moved look at the little face before him. What made Faith, at those last words of Johnny s, jump up and spring to the fire ? And after a most elaborate handling of the sticks of wood, she did not come back to her seat, but stood still with her back turned to the couch and the little witness who was testifying there. He was not called upon for any more evidence, however. Mr. Lin den talked or let him talk about various important things in Johnny s daily life and experience^ and gave a SAY AND SEAL. 321 promise that he himself would be at school as soon as the doctor gave his permission. Mrs. Derrick s soft knock and entrance came now, she herself looking in good truth as if a "tear-storm" had passed over her. But she brightened up a little at the sight of Faith. "Pretty child!" she said, coming up to her, "and so you re here ? I couldn t rest any longer without seeing just where you were." Faith put one hand on her shoulder as she stood, and then clasped the other upon that. " Pretty child !" her mother repeated, in a tone that spoke more of pain than pleasure and Faith could feel the shudder that passed over her then. But she controlled herself. "Do you know it s dinner time, Faith? How is Mr. Linden?" "There he is," said Faith smiling. "I don t know, mother." "He don t look to me as if he had ever been asleep," said Mrs. Derrick, but whether that shewed want of sleep, or the reverse, was, as Mr. Linden remarked, quite doubtful. Mrs. Derrick looked at him, met his smile then her whole heart answered to something it said. "Oh Mr. Linden! think of her being in such danger!" and there was a minute of deep silence. "Nay!" he answered softly and the face was beautiful in its changing expression, "think of her being so safe !" Mrs. Derrick could bear neither word nor look after that. The two ladies went down together, leaving Johnny to dine with his teacher. CHAPTER XXVI. THE dinner up stairs was a very quiet and uninter rupted one. The dinner down stairs was destined not to be so. The first break was the entrance of Cindy with a bunch of flowers which the doctor had sent to Miss Derrick, with the desire to know how she was. Faith received the flowers with a dubious face and put them in water on the dinner-table, where they looked splendid. Mrs. Derrick could hardly see their splendour. "He needn t think to come round me that way," she said. " Child ! I wouldn t let you go off with him again for twenty kingdoms !" "Not with those horses, mother." "Nor with any others. I sha n t ever want to have you go with anybody again, Faith." " What s goin on here ?" said a growling voice which they knew, before Mr. Simlins entered the door of the dining room. "That gal o yourn wants me to stay politely in the parlour yonder but I ain t polite and I come to see you, not your doors and windows nor the pretty paper on your walls. What are you all about, Mrs. Derrick ? I hear the very spirit of turbidness has got into this house !" "There s not much spirit in me to-day," said Mrs. Der rick, "nor spirits neither. I ve lost what little I had Anybody could knock me down with a straw. Sit down, Mr. Simlins, and take some dinner." " I m afeard, if it s done so easy, I might occasionally do it with one o them posies," said Mr. Simlins standing and surveying the bouquet as if he didn t know what to make of it. "Do you eat the grass of the field at your noon- spell ?" "You may ask Faith," said Mrs. Derrick; "she put em there." " Sit down, Mr. Simlins," said Faith. (322) SAY AND SEAL. 323 "I ain t goin to sit down ! I ve eat my dinner. I ve just come in, Mrs. Derrick, to see if you re all overturned, or if there s anything left straight yet." "It s all straight," said Faith smiling up at him. "Sit down, Mr. Simlius." "What s the truth of it, Mrs. Derrick? This child ain t all straight, is she?" It followed that, bit by bit, Mr. Simlins got out the story of the accident, for neither Faith nor Mrs. Derrick was forward to speak about it. He then enquired, with an unsatisfied grunt, why Faith was "postin round with Dr. Harrison ?" Whereat Mrs. Derrick felt justly indig nant. "Why she ain t! Mr. Simlins. She went down there on business, and there was nobody else at hand to take her just then." "What do you call bein at hand?" said Mr. Simlins. "I ve got two hands, and more n two horses that won t run away neither. It s only my cows do that ! Where s Mr. Linden?" "0 he s up stairs " said Mrs. Derrick. "He s not been down yet. Faith, don t you think he s some stronger to-day?" "And so," said Mr. Simlins turning to her again re proachfully, "while he s lyin up there and can t stir, you go drivin over the country with tother one I" But that brought out Faith s roupd low laugh, so incon- trovertibly merry and musical that it changed Mr. Simlins face on the instant. It came to an end almost as soon, but short as it was it was better than the warble of any nightin gale ; inasmuch as the music of a good sound human heart is worth all the birds in creation. "When s Mr. Linden going to be down stairs, where a body can get sight of him ?" " The doctor says he mustn t go out for a long time yet," said Mrs. Derrick. "When are you going to find the man that shot him ? that s what / want to know." "When I get a composition from the only witness," Mr Simlins answered. "And as the witness ain t particular about testifying, I m afeard it ll be a spell o time yet. It ll come out. / should think the fellow d ha made tracks, 324 SAY AND SEAL. fust thing ; but I aint heerd of any one s bein* missin from town, except " Mr. Simlins suddenly started, stopped, and gazed at Faith with a most extraordinary expression. "Did you look at my flowers, Mr. Simlins ?" said Faith quite quietly, though without meeting his eye. "I ve seen nosegays afore," growled Mr. Simlins in a very uninterested manner. "I don t see as this is no more nor less than a nosegay. Do you s pose I might go up and see somebody up stairs for two minutes, without creating any confusion ?" Mr. Simlins went up and shortly afterwards went away. But if Faith anticipated a good long lesson that afternoon, to make up for the morning and afternoon in which she had had none albeit the morning had been better than lessons she was to be disappointed. Hardly was the din ner over, and the muffins mixed which she was determined should make amends for Mr. Linden s poor breakfast, when Miss Harrison came; full of sorrow, and sympathy, and hope. "Faith don t look a bit the worse, ma am," she said to Mrs. Derrick. "She couldn t look anyway but just so," her mother said with a fond glance. " Why she could look pale, but I don t see that she does even that; unless, perhaps, just such a tingy paleness as is rather becoming than otherwise. Dear Mrs. Derrick, I hope you have forgiven Julius ?" It was a sorrowful smile that met her words, and eyes that grew dim and looked away. "I suppose I could forgive the whole world since he didn t do any more harm," Mrs. Derrick said with her wonted gentleness. "But I wouldn t see her go with him again, Miss Sophy if that s what you call forgiveness." "Why not? Dear Mrs. Derrick !" "Why not?" said the good lady " why Faith s used to being taken care of, Miss Sophy and I m used to see ing it." "My dear Mrs. Derrick-!" Miss Harrison exclaimed out of breath, "do you think she was not taken care of? Julius knows his horses, and he is a capital hand with SAT AND SEAL. 325 them ; he says himself he thinks he should have brought them to, if that little wretch of a boy hadn t thrown op his nat before their eyes. No horses would stand that, you know. And the best man in the world, and the best driver, can t be certain of his horses, Mrs. Derrick. Not take care of her ! " " I don t mean to say that he didn t mean to/ 7 said Mrs Derrick quietly, " bat I don t think he knows how. You needn t look so, Miss Sophy I m not saying a word r your brother. But Faith s only part of the world to him and she s the whole of it to me. He should have taken horses he was sure of/ said Mrs. Derrick with a little flush on her cheek. "I don t know," said Miss Harrison softly, and looking at Faith, "I don t know just what part of the world she is to him bnt I think, and am very sure, he would have thrown himself oat rather than her. Can anybody do more? Can any man do more, Mrs. Derrick?" she said smiling. " I know you are her mother ; and though I am not her mother, I think of her just as you do." "I can t say what any man can do," said Mrs. Derrick pleasantly, "I havent tried many. And you can t tell how I feel, Miss Sophy it isn t cross, if it sounds so. How long has Dr. Harrison had those horses?" Vv hy, not very long," said Miss Harrison, "he hasnt been home long himself. But he s a good judge of horses, * she said, a little less sure of her ground than in the former part of the conversation. Perhaps she was not sorry to have it interrupted. "My dear Mrs. Derrick!" said Mr. Somers entering, " I have come to congratulate you ! Miss Harrison, I see, is before me in this pleasant a office. Miss Faith ! I am glad to see you looking so well after your overthrow." M r. Somers went round shaking hands as he spoke. " Mrs. Somers will be here presently to join me she stopped a few minutes by the way. Mrs. Somers always has more business on hand than I can a keep up with. Mrs. Derrick, I have rejoiced with you, indeed, ma am." Somers had managed to keep up with her business and him too, for she came in before Mr. Somers had wel! taken the measure of bis chair. She walked up to Faith VOL. i 28 326 SAY AND SEAL. and kissed her, with a sort of glad energy, gave her a com prehensive glance from head to foot, and then turned to Mrs. Derrick with, : : "There s nothing amiss with Jier, after all. Sophy, what excuses have you brought in your bag ? it seems to be full." " I wish you d make some for Julius, aunt Ellen I can see Mrs. Derrick has only half forgiven him." "Has she got so far as that?" said Mrs. Somers. "I don t know. Faith, you might come and say some thing you know if it isn t true; and Mrs. Derrick will hear you." Faith was busy giving Mrs. Somers a chair, and cer tainly looked as if she had nobody to forgive anything in the wide world. "What do you want me to say, Sophy?" "Why, that Julius wasn t to blame." "I find it is still a disputed point, whether a man has a right to break his own neck," said Mrs. Somers. "I think he hasn t, myself, but most people don t agree with me. Mr. Somers thinks people may run away alone or together, just as they ve a mind. I don t know whether it s the fees or the freedom that takes his fancy." . I suppose, my dear," said Mr. Somers, "a man may lawfully set out to take a ride without intending, to break his own neck, or anybody else s; and find it done at the end, without blame to himself. I never was, I hope, a promoter of ha! flighty marriages to which you seem to allude." "If he finds it done at the end, it isn t done very thoroughly," said Mrs. Somers. "But Pattaquasset s grow ing up into a novel last week furnished with a hero, and this week with a heroine, the course of things can t run smooth now. So we may all look out for breakers of horses, I hope, among other things." "Oh aunt Ellen!" was Miss Harrison s not gratified comment on this speech. " I hope Mrs. Somers don t mean that we are to look out for breakers of hearts, among the other things," said Mr. Somers. "Look out for them? to be sure !" said Miss Harrison; SAY AND SEAL. 327 "always and everywhere. What would the world be with out them ?" "The world would not be heart-broken," said Mrs. homers. "Faith which of you came to first ? who picked you up?" "I don t know, Mrs. Somers. Sam Stoutenburgh was passing just at the time and Dr. Harrison called him I don t know who picked me up." / "Sam Stoutenburgh!" said Mrs. Somers, "well, he s made, if nobody else is ! He ll bless Julius for the rest of his life for giving him snch a chance. Do you know how that boy watches you, Faith? I mean to speak to Mr. Linden about it the very first time I see him." Something in this speech called forth Faith s colour. She had spoken Sam s name herself with the simplest un changing face ; but now the flushes came and came abund antly. "I don t know what good that would do, Mrs. Somers." "Nor I till I try," said the lady smiling at her. "But if the mere suggestion is so powerful, what may not the reality do ? I ll say one thing for Mr. Linden he makes all those boys come into church and get seated before the service begins which nobody else ever did yet; if they ever tried. I was curious to see how it would be last Sun day when he wasn t there but they were more punctual than ever. It s quite a comfort if there s anything I do hate to see, it s a troop of men and boys outside the door when they ought to be in. What are you afraid he ll say to Sam, Faith ?" Faith s eyes were looking down. The question brought them up, and then her smile was as frank as her blushes had been. "I am not afraid he ll say anything, Mrs. Somers." "I don t know why he should, my dear," said Mr. Somers. " We all like to use our eyes you can t very well blame a boy." "O Mr. Somers!" said his wife with that air which a woman puts on when she says she believes, what she wouldn t for the world say iy she believed, "of course you think that ! Don t I know how you broke your heart after a green veil when you were in college ? I don t think it i 328 SAY AND SEAL. been right whole since. Now I have some feeling for Sam or his future wife." "Well Mrs. Derrick, what shall I tell Julius?" said Miss Harrison as she rose to go. "Tell him?" said Mrs. Derrick enquiringly. "He wouldn t care to hear anything about me, if you did tell him, Miss Sophy." " Well ! he ll have to come and talk to you himself," said Miss Harrison. "Faith, stand up for the right." Faith went to the door with her and returned ushering in a new-comer, even the wife of Farmer Davids. " Husband wanted me to come and see how Mr. Linden was," she said in meek explanation of her appearance. "He would have come hisself, but he was forced to be in the field, and he said he wisht I d come myself. How is he, ma am?" "I hope he s better," said Mrs. Derrick, giving her new visiter a kind reception and a seat. "He don t get strong very fast. How are you all at home, Mrs. Davids?" "We re considerable comfortable, ma am," said Mrs. Davids taking the chair in an unobtrusive spirit. "I am happy to have the occasion to make your acquaintance better. Husband would have come hisself, only he couldn t. Mr. Linden don t get strong ?" "Not very fast," said Mrs. Derrick. "I don t know just when the doctor 11 let him go to school again, I suppose you re anxious about Phil, Mrs. Davids. But all the boys have to be out, now." "Yes ma am, we re anxious and husband is anxious about Mr. Linden, and he sent me to know. But there is such a change in Phil, ma am," she said turning to Mrs. Somers, "such a change, you wouldn t believe! he never would go to school before not regular not for nobody not for his father, nor for me ; and it was mor n my life was worth. My husband, he said it was my fault; but I don t know how twas ! And now sir, he don t want a word spoke to him ! he s off before it s time in the morning and he learns too, for I catch him at it ; and my hus band don t think anything in the world is too good for Mr. Linden ; nor of course, I s pose, I don t. But however he s managed or overcome it, to make Phil draw in harness, 1 SAY AND SEAL. 329 don t know, and husband says he don t. And ma am, was those pears good ? or what does Mr. Linden like ? If it s on the farm he ll get it." It would have taken more conversational skill than Mrs. Derrick possessed, to give a summary answer to all this ; but her simplicity answered as well, after all. "I guess he ll like what you ve been saying better than anything, Mrs. Davids; I ll tell him." "Do," said Mrs. Davids. "I wisht you would. Hus band would have said it completer. He thinks ma am," (turning to Mrs. Somers again) "that Mr. Linden is a won derful man ! And I m of the opinion he s handsome." Faith had been sitting, quiet and demure, for some time past, hearing what was going on ; but this last sentence drove her to the right about like lightning. She found something to do in another part of the room. "Did you ever hear anybody say he wasn t?" said Mrs. Somers. "Mr. Somers, it s time we were going. Ah there s Squire Stoutenburgh ! Faith come here !" And Squire Stoutenburgh, appearing in the doorway like the worthy father of his stout son, bowed to the com pany. "Well Mrs. Derrick "he said, "good day Mr. Somers and Mrs. Somers! I beg pardon Well Miss Faith! I m glad it is well, I m sure. My dear, how do you do?" "Why very well, sir!" said Faith. "Why so it is!" said Squire Stoutenburgh taking hold of both her hands and looking at her. "Sam said you were as pale as a ghost when he carried you down to the spring but Sam don t always see straight when he s ex cited. You needn t be frightened if I kiss you, my dear you know I always do, and always have since you were a year old," said the. Squire as he took his wonted privilege. Faith gravely submitted, not letting the Squire however get any further than her cheek ; which ought to have con tented him. " Sam was very good to me yesterday, sir," she answered. " I think, Squire," said Mr. Somers, " your son was a . in luck, as we say. A fortunate chance ! What most people would have thought no a disagreeable office." " Sam s a good boy " said his father, "a very good 28* 330 SAY AND SEAL. boy always was. He does crow a little over Dr. Harrison, I must say. But what shall we do with the doctor, Mr. Somers ? what does he deserve for running away with our Pattaquasset roses and turning them into meadow lilies ? Yes, yes, Miss Faith you may look as pink as you please now it won t help the matter. What shall we do with him, sir ? My dear," said Squire Stoutenburgh seating Faith by his side and dropping his voice, "you re growing wonderfully like your father !" A changed, sweet glance of Faith s eyes answered him. "Yes I" the Squire repeated meditatively and looking at her. "Ah he was a fine man ! 1 used to think he couldn t be better but I s pose he is now. My dear, you needn t wonder when I tell you that I thought more of your mother last night than I did of you. But you don t remem ber all about that. Well I shall go home and tell Mrs. Stoutenburgh that you re as pretty as a posie, and then she won t care what else is the matter," he said, getting up again. " Mrs. Somers, I see the parson durstn t say a word about Dr. Harrison before you." " I I declare I don t think Dr. Harrison is very much to be blamed, Squire," said the parson thus called upon. "And Mrs. Somers is so well able to speak for herself I have no doubt, Squire Stouteuburgh, if it wasn t for Mrs. Somers, I dare say I might like to do as much as the doctor did, myself !" " Bless my life !" said Squire Stoutenburgh, " I can t stay to be a party to confidences of that sort ! I must go 1 " and he departed, laughing and followed by the two others. But even as they went, Faith, who with her mother had accompanied them to the door, was electrified somewhat doubtfully at the vision of Miss Deacon just within the gate. Miss Cecilia came forward, also with some doubt upon her spirit, to judge by her air. But Faith s greeting of her was so pleasant and kind, though she could not pre vent its being grave, that the young lady evidently took heart. Being reassured, she sat and talked at leisure, and at length, using her eyes as well as her tongue ; thus making herself mistress of all the truth she could get at, and of some more. She was thorough in her investigations as to all the drama of the last seven days, and all and each of the SAY AND SEAL. 331 nctors therein; and at the close of her visit declared that " Sam had been a great fool to go away, and that she had told him so before "; and departed at last with her head full of Dr Harrison. But detentions were not over. Miss Bezac came before Miss Deacon was quit of the parlour; and before Miss Bezac had been two minutes there, other members of the Pattaquasset community came pouring in. Everybody must see Faith, hear particulars, discuss realities and possi bilities of the accident, and know how Mr. Linden was getting along. The hours of the afternoon waned away; but people came as people went; and it was not till long shadows and slant sunbeams began to give note of supper time, that the influx lessened and the friends gathered in Mrs. Derrick s parlour began to drop away without others stepping in to take their place. "Faith," said her mother when they were at last alone, "I can t bear this any longer! I shall go crazy if I hear that story one other time to-night!" And she put her arms round Faith, and leaned her head wearily on her shoulder. " I ll sit up to tea," she went on presently, " and then if the rest of the town comes, you ll have to see em for I can t!" Faith gently put her into a chair and holding her in her arms stooped over her. " Mother" the words were as soft as the kisses which came between, "you mustn t mind it so much. Sit up to tea ! Why I have made some of the best muffins that ever were seen." "Child!" said her mother in a low voice, "I felt this morning as if I had been as near death as you had !" and if the words needed any emphasis, they had it in the way Mrs. Derrick leaned her head against Faith and was silent. But not for long. She got up, and kissing Faith two or three times, said, " My pretty child !" in a tone that indeed told of possible heartbreak; and then half holding her, half held by her, drew her on into the tea-room. CHAPTER XXVII. IT so happened that the first griddleful of muffins did not do credit to their raising (or to their bringing up, elegant reader !) therefore Mr. Linden s teatray waited for the second. Of course the other tea waited too. Mrs. Derrick walked out into the kitchen to see what was the matter with the griddle ; Faith discovered that one spoon on the tray looked dull, and went to the spoonbasket to change it. Thus occupied, and giving little reprehensive glances at the spoons generally, and mental admonitions to Cindy, with the open closet door half screening her from the rest of the room, she was startled not by the opening of another door, but by these words, "Miss Faith, shall I carry this tray upstairs?" To this day it is uncertain what sort of a spoon Faith brought back ! or indeed whether she brought any at all. There was one flash of gladness in her cheek and her eye, with the exclamation, "Mr. Linden!" then she came from the closet just her old little self. "Are you well enough to be down stairs, sir ?" " In whose estimation, ma am ?" "Because if you are, Mr. Linden," she said with a face of laughing pleasure, "won t you please come into the other room ?" "I think not," he said, laughing a little too, if the ex ertion of coming down had made him pale, the pleasure partly concealed it. " I will take a chair here, if you please. Ami alone, of all Pattaquasset, to be forbidden to pay my respects to you to-night? Miss Faith, how do you do ?" " I am very well. But Mr. Linden, if you will please come into the other room, there is an easy chair there. Please do ! this room is cold, for the fire got down while we were seeing people." She led the way as she spoke, without waiting for another denial ; pushed the table and a great chair of state, or of ease, in the sitting-room, into closer neighbourhood; and (332) SAY AND SEAL. 333 renewed the brilliancy of the fire. Then lit up the lamp and cleared books away from the table ; all done with quick alacrity. " That will do almost as well as the couch, won t it ? she said; and then repeated in gentler tones her question, "Are you well enough to be down, Mr. Linden ?" " I don t know, Miss Faith ! I am well enough to want to be down. How can you let the charms of society divert your mind from your books for a whole afternoon? Have you been so studious for the last few days only because you had nothing else to do ?" She laughed at the question, and went off, leaving Mr. Linden in a region of comfort. More comfort came soon in the shape of the teatray, borne by Cindy; then Mrs. Derrick; and lastly Faith herself appeared bearing a plate of the muffins, perfect this time, and delicate as they had need to be for a delicate appetite. Mr. Linden was pres ently served with one of these and a cup of smoking tea; and Faith thought, and her look half said it, that being down stairs would do him no harm. Certainly the surprise and pleasure of such company to tea did Mrs. Derrick good, whoever else missed it; though it is presumable no one did. The pleasant signing of the wind round the house and iu the chimney (it sighed alone for that evening) the sparkling of the fire, the singing of the maple or hickory sticks, the comfortable atmosphere of tea and muffins dif fused, like the firelight, all through the room ; gave as fair an assemblage of creature comforts as need be wished ; and the atmosphere of talk was as bright, and savoury, and glow ing too, in its way; though the way was quiet. Mr. Linden amused himself (and Faith) by giving her little lessons in the way she would have to talk in those French " noonspells" she had in prospect : making Mrs. Derrick laugh with the queer sounding words and sentences, and keeping Faith interested to that point, that if he had not attended to her tea as well, she would scarce have got any. " I shall not be hard upon you at first," he said smiling, " when I see you sitting in silent despair because you want something at my end of the table, I will help you out with a qne voulez-vous, mademoiselle? and perhaps with a vouiez-vous ? this or that. But after a week or two, Miss 334 SAY AND SEAL. Faith, if you go without any dinner, it will not move me in the least." Faith looked as if she would gladly forego her dinner to escape the French asking for it, and yet not quite so neither. But this ordeal was more terrible to her by far than all the rest ; she could face them, indeed they had ceased to be anything but pleasure or pleasure with a spice that en hanced it ; but at this she trembled. To the above speech or threat, she simply answered, "I shall be so glad to see you come home to tea, Mr. Linden I" "And so glad to see me go away from dinner !" "I didn t say that." "You will " said Mr. Linden, "I can imagine you falling back in your chair and exclaiming, Ah, quand voulez-vous partir, monsieur ! which of course will make it extremely difficult for me to remain a moment longer." "I don t think you can imagine me doing it," said Faith laughing. "I can t imagine. myself." " That proves nothing. Only don t ever say to me, Monsieur ! partez a 1 instant ! because " "Because what, Mr. Linden?" said Faith seriously. "Because we might disagree upon that point," he said with rather a demure arch of his eyebrows. Faith s full silver rang out, softly. " You see !" she said. " It s beginning already. I don t know in the least what you are talking about !" "No you do not," was the laughing reply. "But Miss Faith, if I am kept at home long enough, and society keeps at home too, instead of coming between us and our exercises, those conversations will seem less terrible by the time they begin. I should certainly get you a pocket dic tionary, but I prefer to be that myself. How far can you ride on horseback at once ?" " On horseback ?" said Faith, much as if those words had been also French, or an algebraical puzzle. "That was what I said." " I know that was what you said I didn t know what you meant, Mr. Linden. I have never been really on horse back but a few times in my life then I rode a few miles I don t know exactly how many." AND SEAL. 335 "I wonder people don t do it more" said Mrs. Derrick. When I was a girl that was the common way of getting , l out; and nobody ever got thrown, neither." "Wouldn t that be the pleasantest way of getting to Mattabeeset?" said Mr. Linden. An illumination answered him first; then "Oh, yes I" "I want you to see what is to be seen over there," he said, "shall we go some day, if I get well enough before cold weather?" Faith s quiet words of agreeing to this proposal were declared to be a sham by her eyes, cheeks, lips and brow, every one of which was giving testimony after a different fashion. At this moment the door opened. It happened tha ; Dr. Harrison had encountered Cindy at the hall door where she was either loitering to catch snatches of indooi conversation, or waiting to entrap Jem Waters. But there she was, and being asked for Mr. Linden replied that he was down stairs, and without more ceremony ushered the doctor in ; and entering the whole view lay before him in its freshness. Mrs. Derrick, complacent and comfortable, sat behind the no-longer-wanted tea-tray, listening and playing with a spoon. Faith s face, though considering her unfinished muffin, was brilliant with rosy pleasure; while the fire which she had for some time forgotten to mend, lay in a state of powerful inaction, a mass of living coals and smoking brands. In the glow of that stood the easy chair, and therein Mr. Linden, although with the air and attitude of one wanting both rest and strength, was considering with rather unbent lips no less a subject than One and Somewhat! further the doctor s eyes could not read. The precise direction of those other eyes, was shaded. The doctor came up and stood beside them. "Did I order you to stay up stairs?" he said in soft, measured syllables, without having spoken to anybody else. "Good evening, doctor!" said Mr. Linden offering his hand. "As I meet you half way, please excuse me for keeping my seat." From that hand, the doctor passed to Faith s; which was taken and held, just enough to say all he wished *-o * say; which, be it remarked in passing, was a good deal 336 SAY AND SEAL. "May I approach Mrs. Derrick?" said he then, turning round to Mr. Linden, with a cool, funny, careless, yet good- humoured, doubt upon his face. "What is the present state of your nerves?" "Depending upon your answer, of course! which the ordinary rules of society forbid me to wait for. Madam ! . are you in sufficient charity with me to give me a cup of tea?" "Yes, doctor if the tea s good enough, "said Mrs. Der rick with her usual quietness. "And if it isn t I ll have some more." So saying she got up and went towards the kitchen to call Cindy. The doctor skilfully intercepted this movement, placing himself in her way. "May I ask, where you are going ?" he said with a sort of gentle kindliness he did not always put on. " Why to get some tea that s fit to give you, doctor. I don t think this is." " Will you give me something else ?" "I ll give you that first," said Mrs. Derrick "I ll see about the rest." And passing out into the kitchen she gave her orders about the teapot, and a quiet little injunc tion to Faith to go in and sit down. "Mother, you re tired," said Faith. "Let me see about the tea !" "I guess I will !" said Mrs. Derrick. "I m not going to have the house stand up on one end just because Dr. Har rison wants his tea. You go off, pretty child, if you stay here he ll think you re baking muffins for him, and I don t choose he should." "Why I would do it, mother," said Faith. She went off, however, into the other room and sat down gravely, quite the other side of the fireplace from the tea-table. Dr. Harrison was standing on the rug with his back to the fire, and followed her with his eye. "How do you do ?" he said in a softened voice, stepping a step nearer to her. She looked up and gave him a frank and kind "very well!" Was it altogether professional, the way in which he took up her hand and held it an instant ? "Cool, and quiet," he said. "It s all right. I didn t frighten you out of your wits yesterday ?" SAY AND SEAL. 337 The "no, sir," was in a different tone. "Do you suppose," he said, "that your mother will ever bear the sight of me again ?" "Why I hope so, sir," said Faith smiling. "I don t know 1" he said. "I wonder if I have been so much more wicked than I knew of? I don t think I have. I couldn t have punished myself any more." Mrs. Derrick came in, followed by teapot and muffins, and having with her usual politeness requested, the doctor to take a seat at the table, she proceeded to pour him out a cup of tea, nor even stinted him in sugar. "If I stay at home according to your orders," said Mr. Linden, "I shall have all the trustees after me." "You aren t just the person they ought to be after," said the doctor. "Mrs. Derrick, I don t know why we never have any tiling at our house so good as this." The doctor was discussing a buttered muffin with satisfaction that was evidently unfeigned. Mrs. Derrick knew why but she wouldn t tell him, though exulting in her own knowledge. A low knock at the parlour door announced Reuben Taylor. "I beg your pardon, Mrs. Derrick " he said, "but I went" "I am here, Reuben," said Mr. Linden. The boy stayed not for more compliments then, but pass ing the ladies and the doctor with a collective bow, and "good evening, Miss Faith," went round with a quick step and a glad face to Mr. Linden. And kneeling down by him, with one hand on his shoulder, gave him the post despatches, and asked and answered questions not very loud but very earnestly. That was a phasis of Reuben Dr. Harrison had not seen before. He took good and broad note of it, though nothing interrupted the doctor s muffin or muffins, for they were plural. Neither did he interrupt anything that was going on. "Are you better, sir? are you really well enough to be down stairs?" Dr. Harrison would hardly have knowr the voice. And the answering tone was of the gentlest and kindest, though the words failed to reach the doctor s ears. Some directions, or commissions, apparently, Mr. Linden gave for a few minutes, and then Reuben rose to VOL. i. 29 338 SAY AND SEAL. his feet with a long breath that spoke a mind very much relieved. He paused for a moment on his way out, oppo site Faith, as if he wanted a word in that quarter; but perhaps the doctor s presence forbade, for all the congratu lation that Reuben gave her was in his face and bow. That did not satisfy Faith if it did him. She jumped up anfl gave him her hand, almost affectionately. "You see I am safe and well, Reuben." "I am so thankful, Miss Faith!" And the words said not half. The doctor had finished his muffins and was standing before the fire again. "Have you found out yet, my man," he said in a somewhat amused voice, "whose friend you are?" The words jarred and the colour .on Reuben s face was of a different tint from that which had answered Faith. It was with his usual reserved manner, though nothing could be more civil, that he said, " No sir no more than I knew before." But the respect was from Reuben as a boy to Dr. Harrison as a man. Faith s eye glanced from one to the other, and then she said, "What .do you mean, Dr. Harrison ?" "Only a play of words," said the doctor lightly. "This young fellow is very cautious of making professions as I have found." "He has no need, sir," said Faith. She quitted as she spoke, the boy s hand which she had held until then, and came back to . her seat. The words were spoken quietly enough and with as gentle a face, and yet with somewhat in the manner of both that met and fully answered all the bearing of the doctor s. "You need not wait, Reuben," said his teacher "I shall see you again by and by." " Who is that ?" said the doctor as Reuben went out. "One of my body-guard," said Mr. Linden, with lips not yet at rest from their amused look. "Are you waited upon by a Fehm-gericht ? or may the members be known by the uninitiated?" "I beg pardon !" said Mr. Linden, "but as you seemed to know him, and as you really did know his name a week ago That is Reuben Taylor, Dr. Harrison." SAY AND SEAL. 339 " So do I beg pardon 1 His name I do know, of course as I have had occasion; but the essence of my enquiry remains in its integrity. Him I do not know. Where and to whom does he belong?" " lie is one of those of whom we spoke this morning," said Mr. Linden. "True servant of God is his title to Him does Reuben belong. His home here is a little hut on the outskirts of Pattaquasset, his father a poor fisherman." There was a minute s silence, all round. "May I ask for a little enlightening, Miss Derrick?" said the doctor. "What do you mean, if you will be so good as to let me know, by a person who does not need to make professions." Faith hesitated. " Will you please say first, Dr. Harrison, just what you mean by professions? " she said somewhat timidly. "I shall shelter myself under your meaning," said he looking at her. "Fact is, I am not good at definitions I don t half the time know what I m saying myself." Faith cast an involuntary glance for help towards Mr. Linden; but getting none she came back to the doctor and the question, blushing a good deal. "I think," she said, "professions are telling people what you wish them to believe of you." The doctor looked comical, also threw a glance in the direction of Mr. Linden, but put his next question seriously. " Why do you say this Reuben Taylor does not need to make professions? according to this definition." "Because those who know him know what he is, with out them." "But do you mean that there is no use in making pro fessions ? How are you to know what a man is ?" "Unless he tells you?" said Faith smiling. The doctor stood, half smiling; evidently revolving more thoughts than of one kind. With a face from which every shadow was banished he suddenly took a seat by Mrs. Der rick. "Do you know," he said with gentle pleasantness of manner and expression, "how much better man I should be if I should come here and get only one definition a day from your little daughter ?" 340 SAY AND SEAL. "What one has she given you now?" said Mrs. Derrick, whose mind evidently stood in abeyance upon this speech. "One you didn t hear, uia am. It was a definition of me, to myself. It isn t the first," said the doctor gravely. "Mrs. Derrick, are you friends with me ?" "As much as I ever was," said Mrs. Derrick, smilingly. "I always thought you wanted putting in order." "How did you know that?" "Why, because you were out of order," said Mrs. Der rick, knitting away. The doctor uttered the lowest of whistles and looked down at his boot. " It s because of that unlucky dog !" he muttered. " Lin den " (glancing up from under his eyebrows) "when I was a boy, I set my dog on Miss Faith s cat." "Felt yourself called upon to uphold natural antipa thies" "Miss Faith, have you a cat now?" said the doctor looking over to her. "No, sir." "And I have no dog I", said the doctor. "I have only horses. If I could manage to do without animals alto gether, Mrs. Derrick, have you forgiven me ?" This last was in a changed tone. "I don t want to talk about it, doctor," said Mrs. Der rick very soberly. "About forgiving me?" he said as soberly. "Arid I don t mean to." "Nor I," said the doctor quietly; but you are going to inflict more punishment on me than I deserve." "What am I going to do ?" said Mrs. Derrick. "If you know, I don t." "Refuse to give me your hand, perhaps." "I never did that to anybody, yet," she said pleasantly. " Then you must let me do as we do in another country." He bent his face to her hand as he spoke, and kissed it. There was no mockery in the action. Done by some peo ple it would have been ridiculous. By Dr. Harrison, in the circumstances, it was in the highest degree graceful. It spoke sympathy, penitence, respect, manly confession, and submission, too simply not to be what it certainly was in some measure, a true expression of feeling. Mrs. Der- SAY AND SEAL. 341 rick on her part looked amused, her old recollections of the boy constantly tinged her impressions of the man ; and perhaps not without reason. "You re as like yourself as ever you can be, doctor!" she said, smiling at him. "How you used to try to get round me !" "I don t remember!" said the doctor. "I am sure I never succeeded, Mrs. Derrick ?" "I m afraid you did, sometimes," she said, shaking her head. He smiled a little, and turned the other way. "Linden, I ve been considering the German question." "Will it please you to state the result?" "This!" said the doctor. "I have come to the conclu sion, that in order to be One and Somewhat, it is neces sary to begin by being Nought and All Thus ranging myself -in security on both sides of a great abyss of meta physics. What do you think ? Unphilosophical?" "Unsafe " said Mr. Linden. "And impossible." " Humph ?" said the doctor. " Nothing is impossible in metaphysics because you may be on both sides of an abyss, and in the bottom of it! at once and without knowing where you are. The angel that rode Milton s sunbeam, you know, was no time at all going from heaven to earth; and I suppose he went the other way as quick." "I don t see the abyss in that case," said Mr. Linden "but Uriel to his charge Returned on that bright beam so probably he did." "Yes" said the doctor. "And my meaning skipped the abyss, also on a sunbeam. It referred to the unsubstan tial means of travelling in use among metaphysicians." "And among angels." "That reminds me," said the doctor. And quitting his stand on the rug, which he had taken again, he went over to Faith and sat down by her. "Is the Nightingale flourishing on her rose-bush to day ?" "What, sir?" said Faith, her eyes opening at him a little. "I beg pardon!" said the doctor. "I have been living 29* 342 SAY AND SEAL. in a part of the world, Miss Derrick, where it is the fash ion to call things not by their right names. I have got a foolish habit of it. Do you feel quite recovered ?" "Quite. I m a little tired to-night, perhaps." "I see you are, and I ll not detain you. Mrs. Ousters wants to see you again." He had dropped all banter, and was speaking to her quietly, respectfully, kindly, as he should speak ; in a lowered tone, but not so low as to be unheard by others than her. "I will try to see her again soon I will try to go very soon," she answered. " Would you be afraid to go with my father s old stand- bys ? they are safe 1" " I cannot do that, Dr. Harrison but I will try to see her soon." "Can you go without riding ?" "No," she said smiling; "but I must find some other way." "I won t press that point," said the doctor. "I can t blame you. I must bear that. But I want for my own sake to have the honour of a little talk with you I want to explain to you one or two things. Shall you be at lei sure to-morrow afternoon ?" " I am hardly at leisure any time, Dr. Harrison. I do not suppose I shall be particularly busy then." " Then will you take that time for a walk ?" Faith hesitated. "I have very little time, sir." "But you take time to go out?" "Not much." " I will not ask much. A little will do ; and so much you owe to skyey influences. You will not refuse me that?" "I will go, Dr. Harrison," Faith answered after an in stant a little soberly. He rose up then; proposed to attend upon Mr. Linden, and they went up stairs to gether. CHAPTER XXVIII. T^AITH was half ready to wish the next day might be _T rainy; but it rose fair and bright. She must go to walk, probably ; and visiters might come. The only thing to be done was to despatch her ordinary duties as quick as possible, prepare her French exercise, and go to her teacher early. Which she did. She came in with a face as bright as the day, although a little less ready to look in everybody s eyes. There were enough things ready for her. Lessons were pressed rather more steadily than usual, perhaps because they had been neglected a little for the last two days or hindered ; and it was not till one book and another had done its work, till the exercise was copied and various figure puzzles disposed of, that Mr. Linden told her he thought a talking exercise ought to come next, if she had one ready he should like to have the benefit of it. "You are tired, Mr. Linden!" said Faith quickly. "You may begin by giving me the grounds of that con clusion." "I don t know," she said half laughing, "I don t see it; but that don t make me know. I was afraid you were tired with this work." "Very unsafe, Miss Faith, to build up such a superstruc ture upon grounds that you neither see nor know. I was immediately beginning to question the style of my own ex planations this morning." "Why, sir?" "If I seem tired, said explanations may have seemed tiresome " She looked silently, with a smile, as if questioning the possibility of his thinking so ; and her answer did not go to that point. "You didn t seem tired, Mr. Linden I had no reason for thinking so, I suppose. I was only afraid. I was going to ask you what Dr. Harrison meant last night by (343) 344 SAY AND SEAL. the angel riding upon a sunbeam ? I saw you knew what he meant." Mr. Linden got up and went for a book then came back to his couch again. "Precisely what Dr. Harrison meant, Miss Faith, I should not like to say. What he referred to, was a part of Paradise Lost, where the angels set to guard the earth have a messenger. " Thither came Uriel, gliding through the even On a sunbeam, swift as a shooting star. " "Who is Uriel? an angel?" "Yes. He is called, " The archangel Uriel, one of the seven Who in God s presence, nearest to his throne, Stand ready at his command, and are his eyes. That run through all the heavens, or down to the earth, Bear his swift errands over moist and dry, O er sea and land. " Faith listened, evidently with a pleased ear. "But I suppose the angel could come as well without the sunbeam as with it?" "I suppose so !" he said smiling. "In my belief, angels go where the sunbeams do not. But Milton chose to name Uriel as the special regent of the sun, and so passing to and fro on its rays." "What do you mean by regent/ Mr. Linden?" "A regent is one appointed to rule in place of the king." "But that don t seem to me true, Mr. Linden," said Faith after a little meditation. "What, and why?" . Faith blushed at finding herself in for it, but went on. "I don t suppose the sun wants anybody to rule it or to take care of it, under its Maker ?" "Yet it may please him to have guardian spirits there as well as here, about that we know not. In the Revela tion, you know, an angel is spoken of as standing in the sun, -and from that Milton took his idea. Part of the de scription is very beautiful, at least ; SAY AND SEAL. 345 * So spake the false dissembler unperceived ; For neither man nor angel can discern Hypocrisy, the only evil that -walks Invisible, except to God alone, By his permissive will, through heaven and earth. And oft though wisdom wake, suspicion sleeps At wisdom s gate, and to simplicity Resigns her charge, while goodness thinks no ill, Where no ill seems: which now for once beguiled Uriel, though regent of the sun, and held The sharpest sighted spirit of all in heaven. " "Who is the person spoken of in the first line, Mr. Linden ?" " Satan applying to Uriel for guidance to the new created earth and its inhabitants, on the same plea that Herod presented to the wise men." "But that s a story?" said Faith. "Yes. The Bible only tells the work done by him after he got here. " " Mr. Linden, will you read that over onc6 more for me." She listened with a face of absorbed intentness while it was read ; then looked away from the book with an uncon scious, but very audible sigh. "Well?" Mr. Linden said, smiling as he looked at her. "I like it very much 1" was Faith s answer. " Is that what made you sigh ?" "Sigh !" she said starting a little and colouring. "No, I didn t mean to sigh." "The fact is more than the intention. Whence came that?" " It was only Please don t ask me, Mr. Linden. I can t tell you." He made no answer to that, but turning over the leaves read to her here and there without much comment, then asked her if she was tired of hearing about angels. "I think I should never be tired I" said Faith. "But you must be, Mr. Linden. Please," she said putting her hand gently on the book, "don t read for me any more. Is all the book like that?" " Not quite all I have given you some bits that I par ticularly like, but there is much more. You need not be uneasy about my being tired," he said smiling; "if I were, 346 SAY AND SEAL. by your own shewing I can have rest. However, Miss Faith lessons being the order of the day will you read French to me ?" In her reading, Faith came to the description of the philosopher s perplexity in finding that the birds would not pick up the crumbs he threw to them on the roof as usual. He concluded the feathered things were not more reason able than mankind, and had taken fright for nothing. "J allais fermer ma fenetre sur cette reflection, quand j ape^ois tout a coup, dans 1 espace lumineux qui s etend a droite, 1 ombre de deux oreilles qui se dressent, puis une griffe qui s avance, puis la tete d un chat tigre qui se montre a 1 angle de la gouttiere. Le drole e tait la en ambuscade, espe rant que les aniettes lui ameneraient du gibier. "Et moi qui accusais la couardise de mes hotesl J etais sur qu aucun danger ne les mena9ait ! je croyais avoir bien regarde partout ! je n avais oublie que le coin derriere moi ! " Dans la vie comme sur les toits, que de malheurs arrivent pour avoir oufrlie un seul coin 1" Faith closed the book then, very much amused with the philosopher s "chat tigre ." "But often one can t see round the corner," she re marked. A little gesture of lips and brow, half asserted that if one could not, one could : but Mr. Linden only said, " Most true ! Miss Faith. Nevertheless, the knowledge that there are corners is not to be despised." "I don t know. I shouldn t like to live always in fear of seeing the shadow of a cat s ears come in." " Have you quite outgrown the love of cats ?" said Mr. Linden smiling. "No, but I was talking of the fear of corners," she said with an answering smile. "I don t think I want to re member the corners, Mr. Linden." " I don t think I want you should. Philosophers and birds, you know, go through the world on different principles." She laughed a little at that, gave the hearth a parting brush, and went off to dinner. Business claimed its place after dinner, business of a less pleasant kind, quite up to the time when Faith must put on her bonnet to walk with Dr. Harrison. SAY AND SEAL 347 Faith had no great mind to the walk, but she couldn t help finding it pleasant. The open air was very sweet and bracing; the exercise was inspiriting, and the threatened talk went well with both. There was nothing whatever formidable about it; the words and thoughts seemed to play, like the sunlight, on anything that came in their way. Dr. Harrison knew how to make a walk or a talk pleasant, even to Faith, it seemed. Whatever she had at any time seen in him that she did not like, was out of sight; plea sant, gentle, intelligent, grave, he was constantly supplying ear and mind with words and things that were worth the having. Probably he had discovered her eager thirst for knowledge ; for he furnished her daintily with bits of many a kind, from his own stores which were large. She did not know there was any design in this; she knew only that the steps were taken very easily in that walk. So pleasant it was that Faith was in no haste to turn, in no mood to quicken her pace. But something else was on her mind, and must come out. "Dr. Harrison," she said when they were in a quiet part of the way, with nobody near, " may I speak to you about something ? that perhaps you won t like ?" "You can speak of nothing I should not like to hear," he said with gentle assurance. " Dr. Harrison " said Faith, speaking as if the recollec tion touched her, "when you and I were thrown out in that meadow the other day and came so near losing our lives if the almost had been quite, if we had both been killed, I should have been safe and well, I believe. How would it have been with you ? ; Dr. Harrison looked at her. "If I had gone in your company," he said, "I think it would hardly have been ill with me." "Do you know so little as that?" she said, in such a tone of sorrow and pity as might have suited one of the ministering spirits she had been likened to. "I don t think I am as good as you are, "the doctor said with a face not unmoved. "Good !" said Faith. "What do you mean by goodness, Dr. Harrison ?" "I shall have the worst of it if I try to go into defini 350 SAY AND SEAL. Soraers said good evening and walked on. Faith thought that was the end, as they were near her own door. But Dr. Harrison followed her in; and entering the sitting- room, Faith found that her meetings were not over. There was no less a person than Mrs. Stoutenburgh, and there also, regaling her eyes and ears, were Mrs. Derrick and Mr. Linden. Mrs. Stoutenburgh was a fair, pretty, curly-haired woman, a good deal younger than the Squire, intensely devoted to her own family, and very partial to Mr. Linden whom she had taken under her wing (figuratively) from his first coming to Pattaquasset. The first sound Faith heard as she opened the door was Mrs. Stoutenburgh s merry laugh at some remark of his then the lady jumped up and came towards her. " My dear Faith, how do you do ? Dr. Harrison I half said I would never speak to you again ! Faith, how can you trust yourself with him for one minute ?" " Mrs. Stoutenburgh," said the doctor, "I half thought I would shoot myself!" "I guess that s as near as you ll come to it, on purpose," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh. " You needn t think I shall forget it whenever I want Faith to come and see me I shall tell Mr. Linden to bring her. He s safe or supposed to be," she added laughingly. "I hope that s as near to it as I shall ever come on pur pose, or otherwise, Mrs. Stoutenburgh!" said the doctor. "I think you should judge me safer than Mr. Linden, as appearances go." "Squire Deacon used to tell very hard stories of him when he first came," said the lady "and I have heard a report or two since. I do love to talk to him about it 1 he always looks so grave, I think he likes it." The laugh was mutual, whether the delight was or no. "Who is Squire Deacon ?" said the doctor. "I should like to make his acquaintance." Faith took off her bonnet, and then pulled off her gloves, deliberately, and bestowed them on the table. "O he s a Pattaquasseter," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh haven t you seen his sister ? She admires you more than I think she need," she added mischievously. "But the SAY AND SEAL. 351 Squire s been away for awhile, he just got home this after noon." Faith had recourse to the fire. The doctor came round, took the tongs from her and did the work ; after which he took a somewhat succinct leave of the assembly. "By the way, Linden," he said pausing by his chair a moment, I expect to be in Quilipeak for a few days J am very sorry, but I must. You won t want me, I think. Limbre can do all that is necessary. I shall see you Mon day or Tuesday again." "Doctor !" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh "I want you to take me home. Mr. Stoutenburgh always makes such a fuss if I m out after dark and don t bring anybody home to tea, that I never dare do it." "Will you trust yourself with me, Mrs. Stoutenburgh?" said the doctor standing in comical doubt. " Just wait a minute," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh, as she went round with her pretty, free, womanly manner, and laid her hand on Mr. Linden s forehead and hands, just as if he had been one of her own boys. "I tell you what I don t think you cure him up half fast enough among you. If I had him up at my house I d take better care of him." " No, Mrs. Stoutenburgh, even you could not do that," he said looking up at her. She stood still a moment. "You shouldn t look at me so," she said, "I shall go home and feel real bad for all the nonsense I ve been talking. You know," she added, with the mischievous look coming back, " I never did believe one word of it except " and the sentence was finished softly. " Now I m ready, doctor Faith, I had a message for you, but Mr. Linden will tell you. Good-bye. . No, doctor I m not going to trust myself with you, you re going to trust yourself with me." Dr. Harrison was for once quiet, and went off without a repartee. Other eyes looked with a different anxiety at Mr. Linden then, and another voice, more grave as well as more timid, asked, at his side, "Are you not so well to-night, Mr. Lin den ?" He smiled, and gave her his hand by way of answer, before he spoke. 350 SAY AND SEAL. Soraers said good evening and walked on. Faith thonght that was the end, as they were near her own door. But Dr. Harrison followed her in; and entering the sitting- room, Faith found that her meetings were not over. There was no less a person than Mrs. Stoutenburgh, and there also, regaling her eyes and ears, were Mrs. Derrick and Mr. Linden. Mrs. Stoutenburgh was a fair, pretty, curly-haired woman, a good deal younger than the Squire, intensely devoted to her own family, and very partial to Mr. Linden whom she had taken under her wing (figuratively) from his first coming to Pattaquasset. The first sound Faith heard as she opened the door was Mrs. Stoutenburgh s merry laugh at some remark of his then the lady jumped up and came towards her. " My dear Faith, how do you do ? Dr. Harrison I half said I would never speak to you again ! Faith, how can you trust yourself with him for one minute ?" " Mrs. Stoutenburgh," said the doctor, "I half thought I would shoot myself!" "I guess that s as near as you ll come to it, on purpose," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh. " You needn t think I shall forget it whenever I want Faith to come and see me I shall tell Mr. Linden to bring her. He s safe or supposed to be," she added laughingly. "I hope that s as near to it as I shall ever come on pur pose, or otherwise, Mrs. Stoutenburgh!" said the doctor. "I think you should judge me safer than Mr. Linden, as appearances go." "Squire Deacon used to tell very hard stories of him when he first came," said the lady "and I have heard a report or two since. I do love to talk to him about it I he always looks so grave, I think he likes it." The laugh was mutual, whether the delight was or no. "Who is Squire Deacon ?" said the doctor. "I should like to make his acquaintance." Faith took off her bonnet, and then pulled off her gloves, deliberately, and bestowed them on the table. "0 he s a Pattaquasseter," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh 1 haven t you seen his sister ? She admires you more than I think she need," she added mischievously. "But the SAY AND SEAL. 351 Squire s been away for awhile, he just got home this after noon." Faith had recourse to the fire. The doctor came round, took the tongs from her and did the work ; after which he took a somewhat succinct leave of the assembly. "By the way, Linden," he said pausing by his chair a moment, I expect to be in Quilipeak for a few days .1 am very sorry, but I must. You won t want me, I think. Limbre can do all that is necessary. I shall see you Mon day or Tuesday again." " Doctor !" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh " I want you to take me home. Mr. Stoutenburgh always makes such a fuss if I m out after dark and don t bring anybody home to tea, that I never dare do it." " Will you trust yourself with me, Mrs. Stoutenburgh ?" said the doctor standing in comical doubt. " Just wait a minute," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh, as she went round with her pretty, free, womanly manner, and laid her hand on Mr. Linden s forehead and hands, just as if he had been one of her own boys. "I tell you what I don t think you cure him up half fast enough among you. If I had him up at my house I d take better care of him." " No, Mrs. Stoutenburgh, even you could not do that," he said looking up at her. She stood still a moment. "You shouldn t look at me so," she said, "I shall go home and feel real bad for all the nonsense I ve been talking. You know," she added, with the mischievous look. coming back, " I never did believe one word of it except " and the sentence was finished softly. " Now I m ready, doctor Faith, I had a message for you, but Mr. Linden will tell you. Good-bye. . No, doctor I m not going to trust myself with you, you re going to trust yourself with me." Dr. Harrison was for once quiet, and went off without a repartee. Other eyes looked with a different anxiety at Mr. Linden then, and another voice, more grave as well as more timid, asked, at his side, "Are you not so well to-night, Mr. Lin den ?" lie smiled, and gave her his hand by way of answer, before he spoke. 352 SAY AND SEAL. " I think I am, Miss Faith you know Mrs. Stoutenburgh has not seen me before since I was quite well." She brought both hands to test the feeling of his, for an instant, without speaking. "Mr. Linden, I heard what Dr. Harrison said Don t you think I can do instead of Dr. Limbre ?" "Yes, Miss Faith; if you will be so good," he answered without hesitation and with the simplest tone and manner. Her brow lightened immediately ; and happy and quiet as usual, and that was very happy, she began to make her preparations for tea, clearing the table and rolling it to its last night s position. In which last operation she had as sistance. Then she went off for her tea and the lamp and the fire-light shone again presently on the pleasant scene of last night "Don t you want to hear your message, Miss Faith ?" Mr. Linden said. " Yes, but I wasn t in a hurry, Mr. Linden. I supposed it would come." "It is in three parts. The first is nothing new; being merely that the birthday" of the young heir of the house of Stoutenburgh occurs on the 29th of November. Whether the second part is new, I being a stranger cannot tell ; but the day is to be graced with various suitable festivities." " It s all new to me," said Faith laughing. "Of the novelty of the third part you also must judge," said Mr. Linden with a smile. "The aforesaid young heir will consider the festivities entirely incomplete without your presence nay, will perhaps refuse to have his birthday come at all, and wish that these happy returns had never had a beginning." Faith s laugh came with its full merry roll now, and she withal coloured a little. "What must I do then, Mr. Linden?" " I generally incline to the merciful side, Miss Faith I believe I should advise you to go. Then I, not having such power in my hands, may not appreciate its fascinations." " Such power ? As what, Mr. Linden ?" I ought in conscience to tell you " he went on without answering her, " it has been on my mind ever since, that the other night " and the look was grave for a minute SAY AND SEAL. 353 "the trophy of a broken rosebud was picked up where you fell. And I had not the heart to reclaim it, Miss Faith/ Mr. Linden said, with a submissive air of confession She looked at him with the prettiest look in the world, of -grave, only half conscious enquiry; and then the lost rosebud was more than replaced in her cheeks. "That is the state of the case," Mr. Linden said, as gravely as if both rosebuds had been out of sight and mind, "but your mother refuses to go. And it seems that I also am wanted on the 29th ; so if you please, Miss Faith, I will try to see that you make the journey both ways in safety." "1 should like to go," said Faith quietly. "They are pleasant people." The tea things were withdrawn, and Cindy was no more needed there, and Mrs. Derrick also had gone into the other part of the house to attend to some business. Faith stood before the fire looking meditatively into it. "I wish," she said slowly and soberly, "Dr. Harrison would please to talk to you instead of to me, Mr. Linden I" "Talk to me?" Mr. Linden repeated, looking at her. "About professions?" "No indeed !" said Faith, first astonished and then smil ing, "I mean very different things. About religion, and what he thinks of it?" Rather soberly the words were received, and soberly answered, not at once. "Do not let him say much to you on that last point, Miss Faith." "How can I help it, Mr. Linden?" she said instantly. "Forbid him, if need be. If he asks for information, and you choose to give it, that is one thing, you are not obliged to hear all the skeptical views and arguments with which he is furnished. Your statement of the truth has nothing to do with the grounds of his unbelief." "But " Faith got no further. She stood thinking of that after noon s talk, and of the certain possible hindrances to her foJ owiug such advice. "1 am talking a little in the dark, you know," Mr. Lin den said, "I am only fupposing what he may say and 30* 354 SAY AND SEAL. ask you to say ; and I do not think much of such conver sation between any parties. Press home the truth and like David s pebble it may do its work; but in a fencing match David might have found it harder to maintain his ground. And his overthrow would not have touched the truth of his cause, nor perhaps his own faith yet the Philistine would have triumphed." "Thank you, Mr. Linden," she said with a, grateful smile. " That is just the truth. But, do you think Dr. Harrison is exactly a Philistine ?" "Not in all respects," he said smiling. "What do you mean by a Philistine ?" "I thought you put him in the place of that Philistine," she said. "Yes, for the illustration. But I do not know him to be strictly a champion of unbelief, although he avows him self on that side. His conversations with me have left me uncertain how far he would go." Faith was silent and looked thoughtful. "Have I touched any of your difficulties? May I hear any more ?" "No " she said. "I believe you have said all you can say. And it is good for me." "I have not said all I could say, but it is not easy for me to talk to you about it at all. You see, Miss Faith," said Mr. Linden smiling, "there cannot be such an anomaly in nature as a philosophical bird so what am I to do?" Faith smiled a little and thought that as long as he gave her the benefit of his philosophy, it did not much matter. Which recondite view of the subject she did not put into words. The days began to roll on smoothly once more, subsid ing into their old uneventful flow. The flow of talk indeed had not quite subsided; but as nothing came to throw any light on the point of the unknown sportsman who chose his sport so strangely, curiosity took a modified, condensed form; and the whole matter was stowed away in people s minds as the one Pattaquasset mystery. Happy Patta- quasset 1 Even Mr. Linden s protracted confinement to the house made little difference to most, ttfe had been so little seen SAY AND SEAL. 355 when he was able to be out : only the boys had had his daylight hours; and where he had spent those times of twilight and evening when he was not at home, no one knew but the poor unknown class who mourned his absence as they had blessed his presence, in secret. The boys were not silent, but they had the indemnification of going to see him, and of watching or sleeping in his room at night, according to their various dispositions. There came all his scholars on Sunday, met by Faith on her contrary way; there came the whole school by turns, and at all hours. Indeed when once the embargo upon visiters was taken off, the supply was great I and without careful measures on the part of Mr. Linden, French exercises would have been put aside with a witness. But he made two or three rules, and carried them out. In the first place he would see nobody before dinner, except the doc tor; nor anybody after tea, save the same privileged indi vidual. In the second place, when he was able to be out of his room without too much fatigue, the lessons were carried on down stairs, in the dining-room generally, as being more private. There could both parties come and go without observation ; and often when Mrs. Derrick was entertaining a roomful, a sudden fall of the thin partition would have revealed the very people they were discussing, deep in some pretty point of information. Pretty those lessons were ! Faith s steps, arithmetical, geographical, or what other, were swift, steady, and sure; herself indefatigable, her teacher no less. If Mr. Linden had not quite come to be in her eyes "an old school book," she was yet enough accustomed to his teaching and animad versions to merge the binding in the book; and as to him, she might have been one of his school boys, for the straight forward way in which he opened paths of knowledge and led her through. The leading was more careful of her strength, more respectful of her timidity, was more strictly leading than pushing, that was all. Of course in two weeks, or even in four, the best of teachers and scholars could make but a beginning; but that was well made, and the work went steadily on from thence despite "teaching all day," despite the various other calls for time and strength. 356 SAY AND SEAL. And Faith was as docile and obedient as Johnny Fax himself, and as far as those qualities went, very much in the same way. If the denial of Phil s information and Mr. Linden s manner the day after her overturn, had raised a doubt as to the real abstractness of his regard for her, Faith s modesty and simplicity put the thought well into the background. She did not care to look at it or bring it up; in the full, happy, peaceful hours she was enjoying she had enough, for the present; and so Faith went on very much after her old fashion. A little quieter, per haps, when not called out of it ; a little shyer of even inno cently putting herself forward; but in speech or action, speaking^and acting with her wonted free simplicity. The only breaks in these weeks were one or two visits to Mrs. Ousters, and the doctor s comings and goings. He could not be shut out. The Monday evening after the doctor s absence at Quili- peak, the little party were as usual in the sitting-room; and a pretty chapter of Physical Geography was in pro cess of reading and talk, when the doctor s quick wheels at the door announced not only his return but his arrival. And Mr. Linden announced to his scholar, that it was needful now to return to the surface of the earth and attend to the flow of conversation and to put the book in his pocket. "Are you glad to see me back?" said the doctor as he took the hand of his patient. He looked rather glad himself. "If I say yes, that will be to confess that I have reason. You perceive my dilemma," Mr. Linden said, but with a smile that was certainly as kind and trustworthy as anv the doctor had seen since he went away. "Do you mean that you have no reason to be glad?" said Dr. Harrison slowly, eying the smile and giving it, to judge by his own, a trustful regard. " Certainly not ! It s a comfort to have somebody at hand who is ready to fight me at any moment," said Mr. Linden. " What have you been doing since I went away ?" " Reading, writing, and considering the world generally." "From this Pattaquasset centre !" SAY AND SEAL. 35Y " Why not? if lines meet and make it one." "How do you get the ends of the lines in your hands!" said the doctor. " A centre, I feel it to be but very like the centre of the earth socially and politically. You see, I have just emerged to the surface, and come down again. Who has taken care of you?" "I feel quite equal to the task of taking care of myself, thank you, doctor." "You don t mean to say, man, you have dressed your arm yourself?" "What do you suppose my powers are equal to?" "That is a matter," said the doctor, "upon which I stand in doubt which gives me an uncomfortable, troublesome sort of feeling when I am in your presence. It must be superstition. I suppose I shall get the better of it or of you ! in time. Meanwhile, who has dressed your arm for you?" The answer was given very quietly, very simply, not very loud. "The lady whom you had the honour of in structing in the art, Dr. Harrison." "Did you do it well?" said Dr. Harrison somewhat comically, wheeling round before Faith. She was a contrast; as her face looked up at him, rather pleased, and her soft voice answered, "I think I did, sir." " I don t doubt you did ! And I don t doubt you would do anything. Are you preparing to be another Portia? And am I to be Bellario ?" " I don t know what you mean, Dr. Harrison." "Do -you know the story of Portia? in the Merchant of Venice?" "I never read it." "She was a dangerous character," said the doctor. "Portia, Miss Derrick, wishing to save not the life but the character and happiness of a But what a way this is to tell you the story 1 Is there a Shakspeare here ?" "We haven t it," said Faith quietly. "I ll bring the play the next time I come, if you will allow me," he said sitting down by her; "and indoctrin ate you in something more interesting than my first lesson. How shall 1 thank you for doing my work for me?" "It became my work." 358 SAY AND "I am in your debt nevertheless more than you can know without being one of my profession. I have some thing that I wish to submit to your inspection, and to take your advice upon, too. It will be fit to be seen, I hope, by the day after to-morrow. If I could I would bring it here but as that is not possible Will you go to see it ?" " Where is it ?" " Not far ; but it will cost you the taking of a few steps." Faith declared she had hardly time to go to see any thing ; but was obliged finally to yield to persuasion, and Thursday was the day fixed. The thing, whatever it was, however, was not ready when tb* day came, and the exhi bition was put off indefinitely. CHAPTER XXIX. nnHOSE weeks, like others, came to an end. And then Mr. _ Linden gave notice to all and sundry of his scholars, that his time of seclusion was at an end only giving way to advice so far, as to a.ccept the daily use of Squire Stout- enburgh s close carriage, until his health should be in a more assured state. Monday morning he was to take up his old routine of school duties ; though none too fit for it, in the estimation of some people, the doctor said it was a month too soon. And no one could- look at him and forget the last month s work, a little exertion made the work very apparent; and as they sat at breakfast Monday morning, Mrs. Derrick made up her own mind privately that Dr. Harrison should have found some means to keep him in the house and from work yet longer. But the result of her meditations was not put in words ; the effect betrayed itself in the extra care bestowed upon cups of coffee the only thing within her reach. It was a cold morning, true November, with its driving grey wind clouds, through which the cool sunbeams strag gled fitfully; with crees shorn of their golden honours, and brown branches waving and twisting in the wind, and only mere specks of blue here and there overhead. The gulls sailed to and fro above the Mong as if they rejoiced in the fierce gusts of northern wind ; the vessels shortened sail, or ran under bare poles. The wind shook the village windows, and poured dry leaves in every porch, and swept up the world generally not much to the comfort of the same. In Mrs. Derrick s little eating- room indeed, it was warm enough, and the floor swept after another fashion ; yet even there did the wind rush in, whenever the kitchen door opened, after Cindy and the hot cakes. " Mr. Linden," said Faith after her eye had gone explor- ingly to the .window, the wind and the clouds, "I wish you would give the boys only half a day to day 1" (359) 3GO SAY AM) SEAL. "I fancy you could have your wish seconded thirty times," he said smiling. " No not thirty times, but perhaps twenty." "I don t think those wishes would be worth minding; but I think mine is, Mr. Linden. I mean the reason of it." " I think yours is if 1 could mind it. What is the reason, Miss Faith ?" " I am afraid you are not quite fit for a whole day s work. In school," she added smiling. " You don t know what you are asking ! if I stay at home I shall talk nothing but French the whole afternoon." "Well," said Faith laughingly, "I should only be still. I could bear that." "I couldn t and you wouldn t. But you need not be uneasy, Miss Faith I must not be at home." She looked grave, but said no more. The wind was not more busy out of doors that day, than the people within. Diligent and quick hands moved about in dairy and kitchen ; and a quick and diligent spirit as earnestly (for in Faith s mind it was all one work; that was on the way to this) dealt with problems and idioms in the study room that Faith liked best and where she was most secure. But long enough before dinner she was help ing Mrs. Derrick in the kitchen again. " Mother," she said, "you can t think how I dread to see Mr. Linden come home to-day ! He won t speak one word of English to me." "I guess he would, if you wouldn t speak one word of French to him," said Mrs. Derrick sagaciously. "What are you afraid of, child?" "I am afraid just of that," said Faith sighing. "Of having to speak those French words." "Why you ve been reading them to him, I m sure," said her mother. "I didn t know anybody was afraid of him but me, Faith. But if you don t like it, why don t you tell him so ?" Faith however negatived that proposition with a dubious shake of the head; which meant, probably, that neither Mr. Linden nor herself would be satisfied with such a mode of procedure ; and confined her present attentions to the dinner preparations. In which and other matters she be- SAY AND SEAL. 361 came so engaged that she forgot her fears ; and going into the dining room some time after with a dish in her hands and finding Mr. Linden there, Faith asked him earnestly and with great simplicity, "how he felt after his morning s work." Then remembering, or reminded by something in his face, she started away like a deer before any answer could be given; and only came back demurely with her mother, to receive his grave reverence and "Me voici, mademoiselle !" given just as if he had not seen her before. The half grave half laughing flash of Faith s eye spoke as much of amusement as of fear ; yet afraid she certainly was, for she did not so much as speak English to her mother. The language of the eye was all she ventured; nor that boldly. It had to come, however, fear or no fear, the English might be dispensed with but not the French. She could not but try to understand the remarks or bits of in formation which were given her sometimes gravely some times laughing; and if Mr. Linden was evidently waiting for an answer what could she do but try that too 1 He was an admirable dictionary, very quick at seeing and sup plying her want of a word, and giving his corrections of her phraseology and pronunciation so gently and by the way, that fear partly lost itself in interest. His own speech was singularly smooth and perfect; and whenever Faith found herself getting frightened, she was sure to be assailed with such a volley of swift flowing syllables, that she could do nothing but laugh, after which Mr. Linden would come back to the slower utterance which she could better under stand. After all, Faith s words that first time were few, and it may safely be asserted that she did not in the least know what she was eating, and made no sort of a dinner. Of that last fact her instructor was well aware, but as his first "Mais mademoiselle, mangez 1" received but little at tention, he postponed that point till just as he was going uwuy, and then made a rather stringent request to the same effect. So the afternoon passed on, and blew itself out, and the sun went to bed and night began to light her candles. Faith, standing at the window (it was too cold to be out) saw the red gleam fading from earth and sky, and the cold bright stars coming one by one into view. Then the boys VOL. I. 81 362 SAY AND SEAL. began to pass by, some together and some alone ; walking or running home, or playing ball by the way. Mr. Linden s carriage was a little behind them all, but he came at last, and gave her a bow and a smile from the gate though she thought herself standing too far back to be seen. "Now Mr. Linden," said Faith when he came in, "I am so glad to speak to you again 1 How do you do ?" The question was not lightly given. "Miss Faith, did you finish your dinner?" "No " said Faith hesitating, "but I am going to have some tea by and by. Aren t you well tired, Mr. Linden ?" "Pretty well Why didn t you?" "I wanted to be doing something else," said Faith, giving the easy chair a little push into place, and then brightening up the fire. " I shall have tea in here to-night, Mr. Linden. But we must wait a little while for it, for Cindy is out. You won t be sorry to rest first." She was summarily, though very respectfully put in the easy chair herself. " By what rule of right and wrong did you do anything else first? Do you know, Miss Faith, I did not finish mine either I wanted another piece of bread, and could not get it!" "Why not, Mr. Linden? I am sure there was bread on the table. But I am glad if you are hungry, for I have got something that you like. Now please rest !" she said spring ing up and beginning to arrange the table. "I am sure I asked you for it politely," he said with a smile, as he yielded to her "please rest." " What have you been about all day ?" "I have been learning my lessons and trying how well I could get on by myself." "Get on by yourself ?" he said rather slowly and inquir ingly. "In what?" "In the books in my studies, Mr. Linden." "Are you tired of my help, Miss Faith ?" She gave all her eyes to the answer, both in their sweet ness and their gravity. "Do you think I could let you spend all your time upon me, Mr. Linden, when your whole day is given to such work ? I ll come to you for help whenever I can t get on without it," she said with a SAY AND SEAL. 363 smile, not exactly an enjoying one, "but I know I can do a good deal by myself." His eyes were given to the answer too, a little intently, but the smile that followed was different "I think you will let me do what I shall do, Miss Faith." "I suppose that!" said Faith with a bright gleam in her eyes. She went out to see if Cindy had come back ; but returned immediately, sat down and looked gravely into the fire. "What is the use of startling people in that way?" Mr. Linden said, looking at her. "I didn t know but you were goina: to send me to take up my abode at Mrs. Seacomb s !" "Startling, Mr. Linden!" said Faith opening her eyes at him. "I said it because I thought it was right. I didn t think it was pleasant." "Well," said he, "we were agreed upon that point. Now Miss Faith, as my time is precious, and I cannot well give any of it to people who have enough of their own would it disturb you if I were to read aloud a little here for my own amusement ?" She changed her place to come nearer, without saying anything, but with a face of quiet delight only half revealed. " What do you think of the relative and respective charms of Mirth and Melancholy, Miss Faith ? I mean their charms to inward perception, not outward sight." "The pleasure of them?" said Faith. "Yes pleasure and satisfaction." " I never thought there was any pleasure in Melancholy," said Faith smiling at the idea, but smiling inquiringly too. In answer, Mr. Linden opened his book and gave her the Allegro and Penseroso, gave them with not only a full appreciation, but with a delicate change and suiting of voice and manner and look, even that made them witching. And if ever a hearer was bewitched, that was Faith. She lent her ear to the music, her eye to the eye, her thought to the thought, in utter forgetfulness of all else. At first she listened quietly, sitting where she was, looking some times at the fire, sometimes at the reader; but then she abandoned herself to full enjoyment, left her chair for a low seat near Mr. Linden, almost at his feet ; and with upraised 364 SAY AND SEAL. face and inter-t eye and varying play of lip, devoured it all. Sometimes the poetry certainly got beyond the bounds of her stock of knowledge ; but that mattered not ; for when ever the reading failed, the reader filled up all the gap and Faith listened to him. Precisely what it was to have just such a hearer, was best known to the reader himself; but he closed the book silently. Faith s comment was pecu liar. It wasn t made at first. Her look had come round slowly to the fire and slowly subsided. After sitting a minute so, she made her remark. "But Mr. Linden, none of that seemed much like Melan choly to me ?" "That may be called the ideal of Melancholy," he said smiling. "What is an ideal ? But oh," said Faith starting up, "it is time to have tea ! What is an ideal, Mr. Linden ?" It was impossible not to laugh a little but equally im possible to take that laugh amiss. " The particular mental standard of perfection by which every person measures other people and things ; and as that is generally more perfect than reality, the ideal is supposed to exist only in the idea." She stood pondering the answer, with a somewhat hum bled brow. " I think I know," she said shaking her head a little, - "but I shall have to ask what exactly you mean by a standard, Mr. Linden. By and by I must see to Cindy now." And she ran off. Cindy presently brought in the tray; and Faith followed, arranging and setting in order every thing. The tea did not immediately follow, perhaps the fire had got low, or Mrs. Derrick was not ready, for Faith did not seem expectant. She stood on the rug before the fire, looking into it very soberly and consideratively. There was a little abstraction in her figure and air. Suddenly she faced round where she stood. "Do you feel very tired indeed to-night, Mr. Linden ?" "Not very now," he said smiling. "I have been rest ing. I was a little more tired than usual when I came home." SAY AND SEAL. 365 Slowly and deliberately she came round behind his chair and stood leaning upon the back of it. "Mr. Linden I want to ask you something." The tone was low and peculiar. It was a very common thing for her to be more or less moved by a little timidity; but now plainly Faith was afraid. It changed her voice, beyond the slight sweet touch that timidity often gave it. "You know I like to have you, Miss Faith." "I wanted to ask if you would like, or if you wouldn t dislike if you would have any objection, to read and pray at night here, with us, and let Cindy and Mr. Skip corne in ?" "I will, certainly," Mr. Linden said: "how could I have any objection ? Miss Faith will you please to come round here and sit down ? Why are you so much afraid of me ?" She did not leave her position. "I didn t know whether you would like it, "she said in a rery low voice. "I asked mother to ask you, but she wouldn t, though she said she would like to have you do it. I wanted it particularly for mother s sake." The last words were said little above a whisper. "I don t see where the fear came from, yet." She was quite still, quite motionless, behind his chair. He turned a little, so as to see her face, and laid his hand upon hers. "Will you come round here and tell me, Miss Faith? I shall not let you stand up all the evening." She was looking, when he saw her, with the least bit of a smile upon a mouth all unbent, and eyes that were full ; a very happy, stirred face. It quieted down as soon as he turned ; except the smile which played rather more. "Tell you what, Mr. Linden?" she said not leaving her place. "What have I done to make myself such an ogre?" "What is an ogre, Mr. Linden?" "A ferocious sort of anomaly that everybody is afraid of." "I don t know what you ve done, Mr. Linden," she said naif laugh Ag. "I am not enough afraid to hurt any thing." 31* 366 SAY AND SEAL. "Enough to hurt me I don t care about any other thing." A grave glance of her eye was regretful enough. "But it s true, Mr. Linden ! I was a little afraid to ask what I wasn t sure you would like that was all." "Well," he said with a reassuring smile, as he got up and took hold of both her hands and brought her out of position, "I am not much hurt yet but I desire that the fear may not increase. And therefore, Miss Faith, I want to have you sit here in the firelight, so that I can keep watch of it." She smiled, as if it were beyond his ken now, but her words went to another point. "What time would you like, Mr. Linden?" , "Whatever suits you." She was silent for a minute or two, with a very happy face, till the door opened. Then she sprang up and re ceived and placed the tea and things which Cindy had brought in. There was a dainty supply to-night, perhaps in consideration of Mr. Linden s first day of out-door work, and in delicate sympathy and reward thereof. And Faith, in her happiest mood though as quiet as a mouse, was an excellent ministering spirit of the tea-table ; to-night par ticularly, for every sense and affection seemed to be on the alert. "How do you find all the boys, after their month out of school, Mr. Linden ?" she said, when waffles and cups of tea were fairly under weigh. " Very glad to see me very much afraid I should tire myself; and some a little afraid they might share the fatigue. So things correct each other 1 if they had not shewed the last fear, I might have felt the first." "How did that work?" said Faith laughing a little. "It worked " said Mr. Linden. "Is that intelligible, Miss Faith ?" Her smile and shake of the head said that it was. "Is Joe Deacon staying home yet?" said Mrs. Derrick. "No, he began school again to-day." "I wonder whether the Squire is going off again," said Mrs. Derrick, "or whether he s going to stay home." "I have heard nothing of his going away." SAY AND SEAL. 367 "You were going to tell me what exactly a standard is, Mr. Linden? At least!" said Faith correcting her self, "I was going to ask you." "There is a very intimate connexion between the two things," said Mr. Linden smiling. "A standard, in this sense, is simply some fixed rule of the ought to be, by which the is must be tried. Standard coin is that made according to the precise government regulation, and is the lusi of all other in the realm, as to size, weight, and alloy. So of standard weights and measures. For some things we have the Bible standard, for most, each person has his own." "Then Mr. Linden," said Faith, "I think my ideal of Melancholy is something disagreeable." "I don t believe you have any!" said he laughing. "You mean your idea, Miss Faith." "Do I?" said Faith. "But perhaps you have such a thing, Mr. Linden; isn t it disagreeable ?" . "Not at all and besides I haven t any. But the ideal of Melancholy is about as much like the reality, as a pic ture of the Tragic Muse is like the fifth act of a tragedy." That Faith did not know the meaning of tragedy, was a fact which she wisely and self-denyingly kept to herself, and for the present turned her attention to supplying her mother with a fresh waffle. And so with various bits of talk, tea came to an end, and Mrs. Derrick was called out to discuss some important matter with Mr. Skip. Mother," said Faith finding her opportunity, "I asked Mr. Linden, and he will do that." A little shadow came over Mrs. Derrick s face. "Well, child?" she said gently. "Mother I have asked him, Will you speak to Mr. Skip and Cindy ?" "I can t child " said her mother, with the same tone and look. I ll go in myself, but I can t try to do any more." "Dear mother " said Faith, "I wish you would!" Her mother turned and kissed her, but the difficulty was clearly not one to be overcome. The whole subject seemed to bring up some painful association. " He ll call them in himself, if you ask him, child." "Would it be right to ask him, mother?" 368 SAY AND SEAL. "Why yes!" said Mrs. Derrick "I don t see why not One of you must." With this thought Faith went back to the sitting-room. Clearly there was some strong feeling against her being the one, for after a little sober silent waiting, she spoke. "Mr. Linden would you rather I should ask Cindy and Mr. Skip to come in? or will you?" He knew, better than she did, how well the question shewed her own wish, and how simple a matter it was to him. "I will, Miss Faith, if you please. Is this the hour you have fixed upon ?" "I think so," she said, "if you like it; because by and by they will be sleepy." And Mr. Linden at once pro ceeded to the kitchen. A busy murmur of tongues, and bright firelight glancing from keyhole and crevice, guided him through the narrow passage which, sooth to say, he had never trod before, to the door of the kitchen; the latch of which yielded on slight persuasion, and Mr. Linden walked in. Supper was over there, too, and the dishes were washed and put away, and Cindy with dishcloth in hand was rubbing down the kitchen table. In one corner of the hearth sat Mr. Skip on a half bushel measure, a full corn basket beside him, an empty one in front, his hands busy with the shelling pro cess; this hard work being diversified and enlivened with the continual additions he made to a cob house on the hearth. But, cob in hand, Mr. Skip paused when Mr. Linden came in, and looked up at this unusual apparition from under an extraordinary hat which drooped on all sides of his face, as if .like its wearer it had long given up all idea of keeping up appearances. The face itself was strong, shrewd, apt. And so Mr. Skip looked at Mr. Lin den. Cindy on her part, did nothing but wring the dish cloth and shake it out again, entirely oblivious of the greet ing with which Mr. Linden favoured both parties; and she listened to the words he said about the corn, as if they had been Greek double distilled. Those words were few. "Mr. Skip," he said then, "I think that so long as God keeps us here together every day, we ought to thank him SAY AND SEAL. 369 for it together every night. I want you and Cindy to come into the parlour and let us begin to do it now." "Hey?" said Mr. Skip, between want of understanding and want of belief in the testimony of his ears. Mr. Linden repeated his words, with a composed distinctness that could leave no manner of doubt. "Well!" said Mr. Skip. "What do you want us for to do ?" "Come into the parlour." "I s pose we ll be to come," said Mr. Skip, dropping his cob and getting up and straightening himself. "Will you have us in now ?" "Yes," Mr. Linden answered, and led the way. "Go along, Cindy!" said Mr. Skip in undertone. "S pose it don t take fur to see into this." Cindy obeyed, but without seeing fur into anything even the parlour, though she tried for it. There was not very much to see. Mrs. Derrick (with a little shadow of recollective sorrow) had placed the old Bible by the lamp, and now sat leaning her head on her hand and did not look up as they came in. Faith s face was one of grave joy ; but the gravity was so quiet that the joy was beyond the ken of so dull a vision as Cindy s. She sat with clasped hands on a low seat beyond the fire. And Cindy at last fixed her attention upon Mr. Linden, with only an occa sional roll of her eyes towards Mr. Skip. It was a long time since such a service had been in tha house, a time at first swept by a storm of sorrow, the*; calmed and quieted into a stillness which had grown more and more bright, year by year. Whatever sunshine those years had seen, came from Faith; but that other faith, which should make even her more precious, had been un known. And the words of the reading and prayer to-night, were to Mrs. Derrick like the renewing of things so long past, that she could scarce bear it; and different as Mr. Linden was from any one she had ever known, that Chris tian family likeness almost, to her feeling, transformed him. It was a very simple matter to him, truly, why not? Why should it ever be anything else ? or why, when the fear of God is on the tongue should the fear of man be in the heart? Yet it was even more the love of God than 370 SAY AND SEAL. the fear, that his hearers perceived that night. Simple in word and tone and manner, it was the simplicity of a feel ing so full and strong that it needed no capillary tubes of speech to carry it upward. The prayer ended, and the retreating steps on their way along the kitchen passage, Mrs. Derrick came up to Faith, and putting her arms round her kissed first one cheek and then the other then turned and left the room. And Faith sat still, with that joy filling her heart so full that her head bent with the weight of it. One other comment she was destined to hear that night. "I must say, Miss Faith," said Cindy, "I like these new notions firstrate I I always did say my prayers afore 1 went to bed, and I m free to confess this saves a deal of trouble." CHAPTER XXX. quiet of that very peaceful evening was foi a short JL time interrupted by a call from Dr. Harrison. The doctor came, he said, to see how Mr. Linden felt after his day s work; and to tell Faith that his exhibition was in readiness for her and only waited a sunny day and her pre sence. It was agreed that if the sun did not fail of shew ing himself the next afternoon, Faith should not. Tuesday was fair, and the afternoon came on brilliant with sunbeams. But the doctor s steps did not reach Mrs. Derrick s door by some minutes so soon as he had pur posed they should. Passing down the main street of Pattaquasset, Dr. Har rison descried before him the well known figure of Squire Stoutenburgh, and the less familiar outlines of Squire Dea con. And the doctor s near approach procured him the fa vour of an introduction to the latter gentleman, either be cause the Squire desired it, or because the other Squire was tired of his companion and wanted to be off which he was, as soon as the introduction was over. For in Mr. Stoutenburgh s eyes the buttonhole of Dr. Harrison s soft coat was no more precious (to say the least) than that of his own grey Rough and Ready. " Squire Deacon is anxious about the state of Mr. Lin den s health, doctor," he said, "I refer him to you." The doctor made a slight inclination, graceful as all his inclinations were, but also slight; intimating that he would have the honour of satisfying Mr. Deacon s inquiries but desired nothing more of him. "How s he getting along?" said Squire Deacon feel ing the social duty thus imposed upon him. "There is hope that he will be restored to his pristine state of strength in the course of a few weeks, sir." "A few weeks!" said Squire Deacon. "Why he s in school again, ain t he?" (371) 312 SAY AND SEAL. "He has gone in a carriage," said the doctor, who for some unaccountable reason had taken a fit of perversity, "I understand he was in school yesterday." "Did you know him afore he come here, doctor?" "I had not that honour, sir, till I came here myself." "Well I never saw anybody as did," said Squire Dea con. "I s pose he comes from somewhere." "I doubt it," said Dr. Harrison with the slightest possi ble elevation of his eyebrows for an instant. Squire Dea con, however, was not just the fool Dr. Harrison took him for ; of which fact a little gleam in his eyes gave notice. " Taint extraordinary you don t like him, doctor," he said carelessly. "Mr. Linden s a fine man, but most any pair o wheels is one too many in some roads." "I never followed a wheelbarrow, sir," said the doctor. "I suppose, from your allusion, you have. May I be hon oured with your further commands?" "Wheelbarrows have only one wheel, mostly," said Squire Deacon composedly. " You know better than I, sir. Might I enquire why you are anxious about the state of Mr. Linden s health?" "Don t know as I said I was anxious " said Squire Deacon. "When a man s lived in a place as long as he has, it s nothing wonderful if folks ask whether he s going to hold on. All the women in my house think he s dead and buried, now." "Ah 1 He s a favourite in that line, is he ?" "Other lines just as much for all I know," said the Squire. " Can t say I ever just went in for all Mr. Sim- lins says nor all Parson Somers says, neither, can t help that, doctor, if he is one o your folks." "What have you against him?" "I don t say nothing against him," said Squire Deacon, "except he s a fine man. Maybe you think that is." "Is there anything further you would like to say on any subject, sir?" "Not much, I guess, if that s the time o day," said Squire Deacon looking at him with a queer little bit of a smile. " Taint useful to get stirred up that way, doctor, just because a man wishes you a good journey. But I can just as easy wish you another overturn I s pose you re SAY AND SEAL. 373 pretty sure to get one or t other out o the horses. It s all one to me and I dare say it is to everybody else." "What is your name, sir?" said the doctor standing and looking at him in a sort of mazed consideration. "My name s Sam Deacon," said the Squire with his peculiar sort of sullen composure. "Your father and I ve always been friends, anyhow." "Then Mr. Deacon will you have the goodness to under stand that I am not an agent for the transaction of Mr. Linden s affairs ; but as I am a friend of his, I will inform him that you are interested in the subject. That is all, sir ?" " I ll go bail for the first part of that !" said Squire Dea con. "But it s your affairs I m talkin of not his n. And I s pose I ve as good a right as all the rest of Pattaquas- set and give no offence, neither. I was goin to make you my compliments, doctor that s all; and if you don t think you ll ever want em, why there s no harm done and enough said. All I want to know is, what do you get so stirred up for?" "Is that all?" said the doctor, as if he had a mind to know the whole before giving an answer. "All what?" said SSquire Deacon. "All that you wish to communicate?" "I -haven t communicated anything yet," said the Squire. "I guess you knew all that before." " Well;" said the doctor, half laughing, though his ex pression had changed more than once during the last five minutes, "then my answer is easy. In the first place, Mr. Deacon, I have no affairs therefore it is impossible to talk about them. In the second place, when I am in want of your compliments I will send you mine. In the third place, I declare I am at a loss how to answer you; for the only thing I ever get stirred up for, is my break fast 1 Good afternoon ! " Staying no more civilities, the doctor made the best of his way to Mrs. Derrick s. Faith was ready for him, and more gently with her he set out on the road back again. It was not a time of day to meet people one familiar face however they did meet, Squire Deacon. His eye did VOL. 1. o2 3f4 SAY AND SEAL. not eek Faith s face, but rested on the doctor with full effect. Arrived at the Judge s house, the doctor led her to the library, and there unlocked the door of a little cabinet room. On a table in the window, standing in the full sun shine, was the object of their visit. It was simply a fine little Aquarium. More delightfully new to Faith s eyes nothing could be ; as the same eyes shewed. While they explored the wonders of the box, the doctor at his ease proceeded to unfold to her the various meanings of them. He enlarged upon the habits and characters of the several inmates of the Aquarium ; he explained to her the phi losophy of keeping the balance of vegetable and animal life and thereby preserving both; he told which creature lived upon which other; what office they severally, some of them, performed for the small section of Ocean in which they lived and its vitrified shores ; and then taking up the subject of Sea anemones, the doctor told stories, of natu ral truth, that with these living specimens before her en tranced Faith out of all knowledge of place or time. Dr. Harrison asked no more. He gave her what she liked, and with admirable tact abstained from putting himself forward; any further than a quick eye, excellent speech, and full and accurate mind must make themselves known, and most gentle and graceful attention make itself felt. "Do you suppose," said he, when Faith was absorbedly watching the Anemones feed, "that Mrs. Derrick would give this thing house-room ?" Faith looked, but half comprehending. "I am not always here," said the doctor carelessly, as he was supplying another bit of flesh to the voracious flower, ." and I should like to have it somewhere that it would be taken care of. If I left it to Sophy for a week, I should expect to find on rny return that the vegetables and fishes had eaten up each other. Don t you admire that crab ?" " Yery much," said Faith. "This little fish is just like some of the shells down on the shore." "He came from the shore somewhere," said the doctor, "little monster! The ocean world isn t much better than the world of earth, apparently, Miss Derrick." SAY AND SEAL. "Do you think the earth- world is like that?" said Faith. "Don t you?" "I don t know what it is like." "If you will permit me to say so, I hope you never will any further than as you choose to make this a miniature of that. And things in miniature are much less," said the doctor abstractedly, looking at the Anemone. "Would you like to have this little ocean box in your house for awhile, Miss Faith ? it could just as well as not. Indeed it would be rather a benefit to me." "O I should like it!" said Faith. "But I should be afraid of its getting broken, Dr. Harrison." "I am not afraid," said he. "It would be in less danger there than here. As I told you, Sophy neither knows nor cares anything about such things ; and she would either kill them with kindness or forget them altogether most likely do both alternately. But with you they would be safe, for the simple reason that you love them." The sunbeams had left the window before Faith was at all aware of the passing away of the afternoon. And then, for once to her joy, Miss Harrison could not be found. They set out to walk home, and had got half way when a little rush of footsteps came up behind them, and Reuben and Sam passed by, arm in arm ; or rather half by then paused and said good evening. "O have you seen Mr. Linden to-night, Dr. Harrison?" said Sam. "Good evening, sir!" said the doctor. "Have I the honour of knowing you?" "I should think you might," said Sam, in a tone not at all displeased "but it don t signify much. Have you seen him to-night, doctor?" "/should think I might, too," said Dr. Harrison looking coolly over the young giant. "Allow me to observe, that to-night is not come yet." "Did you ever I" said Sam in an aside to Reuben, who had stood perfectly still without speaking. "Well any time since he got home then, sir ?" "No, sir." "Have you, Miss Faith?" said Reuben. 376 SAY AND SEAL. "No, Reuben I am just going home. What s the matter ?" Why he fainted in school that s all," said Sam, "he said there was nothing the matter. Only we were going down to see how he got home, and I thought maybe the doctor might tell us first." And not staying for more words the two boys walked on a few steps, then set off and soon *an themselves out of sight. The other two quickened their walk, the doctor moder ating his steps however to suit the strength of his com panion. But she soon took the lead, and Mrs. Derrick s house was reached in as short a space of time as the ground might be travelled without a speed which Faith did not dare assume. There was nothing alarming in the little parlour. Mrs. Derrick sat knitting; Mr. Linden had been reading, but now was talking half laughing, half chiding with the two boys who stood before him. Reuben stood silent, smiling a little ; Sam s energy was at work. Faith came in quietly, with a face to which all her quick walk had not brought back the colour. She said noth ing. But the doctor s tongue was free. " Why what s this, Linden ?" "This is Linden " said that gentleman coolly. "No boys go off, I think I can live without seeing either of you again till to-morrow. What s the matter, Dr. Harri son?" "Just and precisely what I was asking," said the doctor ; while Faith glided to her mother and sitting down by her whispered enquiry. But Mrs. Derrick knew nothing had heard nothing, apparently. " It s for you to state the case " said Mr. Linden. " You speak as if you had a warrant of arrest in your pocket." " Why I" said the doctor, standing and looking down upon him, "here s a wind that has blown from nowhere! Do you want me to lodge information against yourself?" "/don t wish to lodge any." "Linden," said the doctor changing his tone to one of serious kindly interest, while Faith s eyes from her more distant seat waited for the answer, "what is the matter? What made you faint to-day ?" SAY AND SEAL. 377 "What nonsense have those boys been talking?" said Mr. Linden but his look carried the charge a little beyond the range of his words. " I was faint for awhile not quite in a deadly swownd, however." "That young scapegrace said and declared you had fainted." "They are so used to their own red cheeks, they think red is the only colour, " said Mr. Linden. "However, I believe he spoke true but it was nothing worth speaking of, after all." "What was the cause?" " I presumed a little upon the successful way in which I got through yesterday tried to do a little too much to-day, had one or two things to try me and so. Which of my boys do you honour with that title of scapegrace ?" "You musn t do so again," said the doctor seriously. " There was no malice prepense to-day," said Mr. Linden. "What have you been about all the afternoon? I expect to hear that you have sailed up the Great Pyramid in a canal boat, or coasted Japan in a Chinese lantern." "Nearly right," said the doctor. "We have been enact ing the part of the wise men of Gotham I can t imagine where 1 ever heard of them 1 who went to sea in a tub." "Went to see what? " said Mr. Linden laughing. "Went to Se vast a pool I" said the doctor with perfect gravity. "I hope you re better 1" "Don t Hook well?" "If I were to take the votes on that subject," said the doctor, "I presume the verdict would be unanimous. But looks are proverbially unsatisfactory ! Do you know what damage you have done me by your exploit this afternoon ?" "I should be very glad to hear." " Why you have brought me into discredit and disfavour with half Pattaquasset, man, because I have let you go out too soon don t you see ? Mrs. Derrick has already laid it to her account against me which is getting to be a score I shall never dare to foot up. " Faith had left the room for a minute, and coming back again began to make ready the table for tea. Dr. Harrison s eyes followed her. She was not looking as she had looked tit his anemones ; quiet, sweet, and grave, she went round 32* 378 SAY AND SEAL. gathering up the books, and arranging the cups and plates. "But the doctor, though asked, would not stay. He went off and the tea was brought in. "Miss Faith," said Mr. Linden, "if you are half as ready for that exercise as I am, we shall get on superbly to-night. r She almost started. "You, Mr. Linden ! Oh you re not fit for it !" " Not fit for it I Miss Faith, how can you say that to me?" "Let it be so to-night, Mr, Linden!" "I shall do nothing of the kind, Miss Faith, by your leave. You know I can rest here most comfortably, and make you work after the same fashion, I hope. I am a little afraid," he said looking at her, "that you are working too much." " Why, Mr. Linden ? How could I ?" "By not keeping your studies well balanced with fresh air." "0 no!" she said smiling. "The work is a great deal better than the fresh air. Besides, I have been out to-day." " You might as well say that bread is a great deal better than water. Yes, you have been out to-day, that is one good thing. And I shall try to throw somewhat into that scale myself, if I live. But I want all the books to-night, Miss Faith and to-morrow, you know, is a half holiday, but you need not expect to have one." Faith s tea went on after that in a manifestly different manner. Expeditiously the table was cleared after tea! And if ever Faith wrought with eager care to do perfec tions and save her teacher every word and thought that could be spared, she did it then. So the exercise was written, with most earnest guarding against anything ger- man or sophisticated in her letters. Indeed Faith s handwriting, by dint of taking pains, was fast growing into stiff correctness not without a certain beauty, of promise at least, but stiff still. And with all her other lessons, of thought or memory ; what earnest quick effort could do was done that night, and done upon the back of a sound prep aration. Mr. Linden however did not spare himself words, riot much, and care not at all : watching and guiding his pretty SAY AND SEAL. scholar with equal gravity, gentleness, and attention ; rarely diverging from the business view of the subject, unless Faith grew timid or frightened, in which case he indulged himself with making her laugh, and so brought her back to business again. What views Mrs. Derrick took of the two, thus engaged, it would be hard to say ; save that they were wondrous pleasant ones a little puzzled, a little thoughtful, loving and pleased to the last degree. How much she studied those two faces ! not Faith herself bestowed more care upon what she was about. But Faith came to con clusions Mrs. Derrick never did ; wanting help from the very person who cleared the path of learning for her daughter. His face its gravity, its changes she could not read ; but she liked the study. The doctor s plan about the Aquarium was excessively distasteful to Mrs. Derrick. She read the meaning and grounds of it, which Faith entirely failed to read; but then to give them to her was hardly an advisable thing. So the Aquarium carne, after a few days ; and Faith having found that Mr. Linden could give her some help, if neces sary, in the care of it, relieved her mind of all concern about the responsibility and took the full good of the trust. In a sunny window it was placed, and many a happy minute between the times of other things Faith stood or sat there to watch the unfolding and shrinking Anemones, and the restless, eager, wild lives of the other and more distinctly animal inhabitants of this little section of Ocean. The only uncomfortable thing about it was that other people sometimes saw it and heard how it came there ; and other people, Faith knew, drew very ridiculous inferences from nothing. And though ridiculous they were disagreeable. But however, she knew best how it came there and how simple a matter it was; and it was never the way of her simplicity to trouble itself overmuch about ridiculous things. Another person, it may be remarked, knew how it got there; and he found it pleasant to come and see it some times. This was generally in the afternoon, now, when Mr. Lindwn was not at home and Faith was not occupied in household duties. Pleasant talks were held over the Aqua rium; for there was never an end of things that might be told of old and new discoveries connected with what was 380 SAY AND SEAL. in it. The conversations diverged often to other matters, religious or scientific as the case might be ; and were clever, bright, interesting, or amusing accordingly and invariably. And so the time wore on towards the 29th. But in the fourth week of Mr. Linden s return to school duties, Faith began to have a new lesson or rather she had it once and practised upon it many times. That once was at the end of a Wednesday afternoon, in exquisite Indian summer weather; when other subjects being dismissed for the time, Mr. Linden gave his scholar an interesting and precis? account of the process of respiration ; passing thence to t!*e obvious benefits of fresh air, and finally requesting her to put on her things and come out and take them. After which, it may be observed, Faith was never heard to say that studies were " a great deal better than fresh air," often as the walk was repeated. The other lessons made beautiful headway. Even the French talks at dinner. That was harder to Faith than any other trial to which she had been put. She shrank from it with great shrinking. But the desire to please her teacher overcame even fear. Rather than not do that, Faith ventured, right or wrong ; arid once fairly launched, of course, with his good help and her own endeavours, soon got into smoother sailing. Mr. Linden and the doctor now met not often ; the doctor making his visits, as has been said, during school time. They met oftenest where the doctor went seldomest, in those rooms where Dr. Harrison did sometimes let his profession call him, where Mr. Linden was drawn by somewhat beyond profession. Sometimes this intercourse was only of the eye, sometimes they walked home together; the curious friendship between them deepening, as it seemed, from all sources. Come home when Mr. Linden would, his room looked as if somebody had just stepped out of it. The fire was always in its best beauty; the hearth guiltless of ashes ; the tem perature genial whatever the weather out of doors might be ; the books, the papers, the table, in their wonted order or disorder, as fresh as if dust never fell. But the fairy of the place was always out of sight. CHAPTER XXXI. f "PHE 29th of November came on Wednesday, which per- J mitted Mrs. Stoutenburgh to have her dinner at an earlier hour than would else have been possible. To thia dinner the two older guests were invited the boys were only to come to supper; and four o clock was the time. Till near three, studies and reading were in full force, but then other duties claimed attention. "If I could only sit next you at dinner, Miss Faith," Mr. Linden said as he shut up the books, " we could talk French all the time ! but there is no hope of that. And Miss Faith " he said as she turned to go upstairs, "do you know that all the things on my table are not in their proper place ?" Very much wondering, Faith was for a moment at a loss. "What is wrong, Mr. Linden?" "I would not .give it so harsh a name, Miss Faith only I thought perhaps you would go in there before I come up and see that all is left just as usual, if you would be so good." Faith went up, querying with herself whether Cindy could perhaps have been in there and committed some dire damage or what it could be. What could it! if ever a room was scrupulously in order, that was ; and the table it had not been stirred, nor a book upon it, since Faith s arranging hands had been there. Even writing implements were not laid about, as they often were, the table was just as usual. Unless Yes, in front of the books stood a glass of water, and therein one dark velvet rose, truly of a Cramoisi supe- rieure, failing to support itself upon its own green leaves, laid its face half coquettishly and half wearily upon dark sprigs of heliotrope and myrtle. Thence it looked at Faith. And Faith looked at it, with a curious smile of recognition, and yet of doubt, whether that could possibly be what he meant. But she was to see that all things were left just as 381) 382 SAY AND SEAL. usual ; it did not admit of a serious question. So lifting the glass and the rose, Faith and it went off together. Faith s best dress, of course put on for this occasion, was a black silk. She had thought that a little extravagant at the time it was got; but Mrs. Derrick would have it. It was made with the most absolute plainness, high in the neck, where the invariable little white ruffle graced the white throat; but the sleeves were short, and similar white ruffles softened the dividing line between them and the well rounded fair arms. Her hair was as usual, her feet were as usual, only the shoes were of fresh neatness ; but when Faith had with eyes that saw only them, not herself, fast ened the rose and myrtle on the bosom of her dress, a little figure stood there that in its soft angles and exquisite pro priety of attire would have been noted in any circle of splen dour, and might have satisfied the most fastidious lover ot elegance. Wrapped up and hooded Faith went down stairs, and Mr. Linden put her in the Stoutenburgh car riage, which rolled off to the mansion of the same name in a very short space of time. In solitary grandeur Faith was ushered into Mrs. Stout- enburgh s bedroom, where first the fire kept her company, and then Mrs. Stoutenburgh herself came in from another door and both unwrapped her and wrapt her up ! But when all that could be done was done, Mrs. Stoutenburgh ran off again, and told F&ith, laughing, that she hadn t seen her yet and was all ready for her in the parlour. Faith being left to herself stepped out into the passage, where Mr. Linden was standing with folded arms before a window that looked out upon the closing November clay. Faith came softly up beside him. "I ve seen Mrs. Stouteuburgh," she said, "but she says she hasn t seen me. Are your flowers right now, Mr. Linden ?" "Miss Faith ! why do you wear velvet shoes?" he said turning full upon her. "You have not been down stairs?" "No, certainly. I saw Mrs. Stoutenburgh up here." " Then shall I have the pleasure of taking you down ? I see nothing that is not right," he added smiling. It was rather an odd new thing to Faith, to be taken down, or in, anywhere. The form of having a gentleman s SAY AND SEAL. 383 arm was something rather startling. But she did not shew it. Down stairs they went, into the glowing parlour, where Faith was met and greeted by Mrs. Stoutenburgh de nouveau. "Ah Miss Faith!" said the Squire as he gave her his salutation, " how extravagant you are to add roses to roses in that style ! Don t you know it s a waste of material ?" "No, sir. I shall use it all up." " 1 should like to see you after you get through !" said Mr. Stouteuburgh laughing. "Ask Mr. Linden if it s not waste." Mr. Linden however entirely declined to assent to any such proposition, nay, even hinted that if any one was to be charged with wasting roses just then, it was the Squire himself. "Yes, I think so too!" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh, "but how funnily you always see through things and turn them about !" "Hoses are not very opaque things to see through," he answered smiling, while Mrs. Stoutenburgh rescued Faith and putting her arm round her drew her off towards the sofa. Where Faith was glad to get at a distance from the rose-consumers. She felt rather nervous. "Where is Sam?" she asked. "This is his day, isn t it?" "He was here a minute ago, "said his mother, "I guess he ran off when he heard you coming. He takes fits of being bashful once in a while, they don t last long. Your mother wasn t afraid to let you come with our horses, was she ?" "No ma am," Faith said, "not at all. I3ut she hasn t got back her old trust in horses and carriages generally. I wish she had." "I don t "said Mrs. Stoutenburgh, "they re not to be trusted generally, child. Has your horse got well yet?" "Not well. Mr. Skip says he s better, but we can t use him." " Well I wanted to talk to you about that Mr. Stouten- burgh s been at me to do it this month. You know we ve always got more horses on hand than we can use and there s one of em that would just suit you. Won t you 384 SAY AND SEAL. let him stand in your stable this winter ? and give Crab a chance." " O no, Mrs. Stoutenburgh ! thank you I" said Faith. " I dare say Crab will get better it won t be necessary ; and you know we don t ride much in winter. You re very kind to think of it." "There you are as usual!" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh. "I m always afraid to ask you anything, you keep such magnifying glasses. But now Faith, listen to reason. Not ride in winter! why it s the very time for riding, if there s snow; and you could drive Jerry, or your mother could, just as well as Crab he s as quiet as he can be. At the same time," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh with a little dance in her eyes, "if anybody else drives him, he can go a little faster." "I ll tell mother how good you are, Mrs. Stoutenburgh. It isn t my business to give answers for her. But did you ever see me drive ?" "Not horses," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh laughing. "Not anything else, I am sure? I used to want to go after the cows, but mother never would let me." But whatever Mrs. Stoutenburgh meant she did not explain, for dinner was announced, and the Squire came up to take possession of Faith again ; receiving his wife s little whispered "I ve done it!" with all her own satisfac tion. In the dining-room Sam was at last visible, but the bash ful fit had not gone off, and Faith s black silk was even more distracting than her white muslin. Her greeting of him was simple enough to have been reassuring. "I hope you will be as happy a great many times as you are to-day, Sam," she said as she shook hands with him. "On the 29th of November, I mean." Perhaps Sam thought that doubtful perhaps impos sible, perhaps undesirable. At all events his words were few; and though he was permitted the post of honour at Faith s side, he did not do much for her entertainment at first. The dinner itself, service and style and all included, was sufficiently like the Squire and his wife. Handsome and substantial, free, bountiful, and with a sort of laughing air SAY AND SEAL. 385 of good cheer about it which more ceremony would have covered up. There was no lack of talk, either, all the company having the ability therefor, and then, at least, the inclination. But if Mr. Linden now and then called Sam out of his. abstraction, so did the Squire attack Faith; giving her a little sword play to parry as best she might. "Miss Faith," he said, "do you know to what a point you are, day by day, winding up the curiosity of this town of Pattaquasset ?" "I, sir I" said Faith, apparently, by her eye and air, occupying the place of the centre of motion to all this curiosity; the point of absolute rest. "My dear," said the Squire, "they say two things about you ! The first is that you never go out ! Now don t trouble yourself to contradict that, but just tell me the reason. We re all friends here, you know." "Why I go out very often indeed, Mr. Stoutenburgh!" said Faith. "Didn t I tell you not to contradict me? Ah Miss Faith ! young ladies never will take advice 1 Well the first thing is, as I said, that you never go out. The second," said the Squire laughing, "is that you do 1" "Well sir," said Faith merrily, "they can t both be true and there isn t anything very bad about either of them. Nor very curious, either, I think." "What I should like to know," said Mr. Linden, "is, who keeps watch at the gate?" "Squire Deacon does, for one," said Sam promptly. "I see him there often enough." "When you come to relieve the guard?" said Mr. Lin den smiling. And the laugh was turned for the moment, rather to Sam s confusion. "So that s what the Squire s come back for, is it?" said Mr. Stoutenburgh. "I thought somebody was to blame for his going away." "Nobody was much to blame," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh. "I had a long talk with Sam the other day Sam Dea con, I mean," said the Squire, "and he was keen to get acquainted with Dr. Harrison. And as the doctor came along just then, I gave him a chance. I guess the doctor olessed me for it ! I did him. By the way, Miss Faith, VOL. i. 33 386 SAY AND SEAL. I s pose you ve got acquainted with the doctor by this time ?" "Yes sir very well " Faith said quietly, though she felt the ground uneasy and unsafe. "Well what sort of a chap is he? up to anything be sides running away with all he can lay his hands on ?" "Don t you know him, Mr. Stoutenburgh ?" "Can t say I do, Miss Faith, it rather strikes me he s not anxious I should." "How can he be anxious, sir, when you are not?" said Mr. Linden. " Isn t that expecting too much ?" The Squire laughed. "I don t expect too much of him," he said, "and don t you expect too little. After all, I d as soon take a boy s mind as a man s and he aint popular among the boys. I thought he would be, after that exhibition but he aint." Which remark Mr. Linden knew to be true, though he did not say so. "Well, Mr. Stoutenburgh! if yoa don t like him why do you talk about him ?" said his wife. " Faith you can play blind man s buff, I m sure ?" "Wait a bit, wait a bit," said the Squire "I m not ready to be blinded yet, if she is. You ladies are always in such a hurry ! Now Mr. Linden and I want to have our ideas cleared up. What sort of a man is the doctor, Miss Faith ? You say you know him very well, do you like him very much ? " This shot brought Faith to a stand and obliged her, to be sure, to shew her colours, which she did bravely. Nevertheless she faced the Squire and answered steadily. " I like him a good deal, Mr. Stoutenburgh in some respects very much." " Hum " said the Squire, as he cut a persuasive piece of duck and put it on her plate. "Well wouldn t you like to tell rne, my dear, what you mean by some respects ? . That s Mrs. Stoutenburgh s word, and I never could find out yet." " I suppose it means different things hi different cases," said Faith smiling. "Did you ever?" said the Squire, taking a general sur vey of the table, which began with Faith and ended with SAY AND SEAL. 387 Mr. Liudeu, "Aint that half of creation up to anything ? [ tell you what, Miss Faith, if I d been in that meadow tother day, I d have made Mazeppa of the doctor in no time, Sam hasn t learnt to put his history in practice yet. And besides," said the Squire, with a peculiarly slow, inno cent enunciation, "he never likes to do anything that would displease Mr. Linden !" "Mr. Stoutenburgh!" said his wife, though she was laughing merrily herself, " Can t you be quiet ? Faith, why don t you answer me ?" "What, Mrs. Stoutenburgh?" Faith turned towards her a face from which, gentle as it was, the smile had dis appeared. " You play blind man s buff, don t you, dear ?" " When I can," said Faith. " The real question, Miss Faith," said Mr. Linden, whose grave unmoved look unmoved unless by a little fear that she might be annoyed would have been some help to her during her cross-examination if she had seen it, "the real question is, whether you are willing to play to-night. " "I am as willing as can be," said Faith. "I don t know whether they ll want to play it," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh, "but they may; and Sam s never con tent unless I m in the fun, whatever it is." "Of course Miss Faith will play," said the Squire, "she never refuses to please anybody." "Mr. Linden said he would," said Sam. "But how shall you and I manage, Faith?" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh. " They d tell us in a minute by our dresses as there are only two of us." Faith pondered this difficulty with an amused face. " Sam must lend us some of his jackets or coats, Mrs. Stoutenburgh. Our heads are the worst, or mine is you and Sam might be mistaken for each other." " But there d be no use in Miss Faith s disguising her self," said Sam naively, because she s so sweet." " You wouldn t have her disguise that, would you, Sam ?" said Mr. Linden laughing. "What a boy!" said his mother, "and what a reflec tion upon me !" "Why 1 meant her flowers I" said Sam, "you needn t 388 SAY AND SEAL. all langh so. I don t mean either that I didn t mean " but what more he meant Sam left unsaid, which did not much stay the laughter. "I will appoint two or three boys to play the part of the pigeon in hawking," said Mr. Linden, "Miss Faith might get tired of being caught, if not of running away." " How do you know that, Mr. Linden ?" she said a little archly. "Truly," he answered, "I know it not but most things are possible, even in blind man s buff. And all boys are not provided with silk gloves. Bat you shall not complain of not being caught I promise you that." "Again !" she said with another soft flash of her eye, though now she coloured. "Don t you understand, Mr. Linden, that I don t intend to let anybody catch me ? if I can help it." " Miss Faith, I have the most entire confidence in your intentions!" Faith kept her energies for action, and said no more. And in a very harmonious temper the whole party left the dinner table and went back to tne fire-lit parlour. All but Sam, who went to be ready for his particular guests in another room. His place was presently supplied by a new-comer. There was a step in the hall then the parlour door opened, and a little lady with a shawl round her shoulders, came in. " Good evening !" she said in a very cheery voice. " Why I didn t expect to find so many of you ! Is it a party, Mrs. Stoutenburgh, and shall I go away ? or will you let me come in, now I ve got here ?" "Come in, come in, Miss Essie, and make it a party," said the Squire; while Mrs. Stoutenburgh took off the shawl and answered, "Go away? why of course not! It s only Sam s birth day you re not afraid of boys, I guess." "I m not afraid of anything," said Miss Essie, and her bright black eyes said it too. " Isn t that Mr. Linden ? yes, I thought so. And Faith Derrick ! my ! child, how you re dressed. What sort of a party have you got, Mrs. S. ?" " Why, boys I" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh, while Mr. Lin den said, 33* SAY AND SEAL. 389 "Good evening, Miss Essie you know I am one of them." "Are you? I don t know much about you, except by hearsay, you know. I am glad you are here to-night. 1 shall study you, Mr. Linden." Mr. Linden bowed his acknowledgments. " Will you want my help, Miss Essie ?" She laughed. "Come!" said she "don t get on too fast ! I am beginning to like you already. What are the boys doing, Mrs. Stoutenburgh ? Sam s birthday, did you say ?" "Yes, it s Sam s birthday, I don t suppose they re doing much yet except coming," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh. "What they will do, no mortal can say." "And you ll let them do anything! It must be a nice thing to be a boy, with such a mother as Mrs. Stouten burgh, Mr. Linden." His "yes" came readily enough, but was unaccom panied with any other word whatever. Mrs. Stouten- burgh s "Do hush!" was sufficiently energetic though very low. "How old is Sam ?" was the instant question, as if the whisper had referred to him. "0 Sam can t get beyond fourteen till he s twenty," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh laughing. "I suppose by that time I sha n t care how old he is." "I know who thinks he s a handsome fellow 1" said Miss Essie shaking her head, "and that s not you, Mrs. S. / know he s a smart one, for I pinned a blue ribband to his coat once. I wonder if he loves me properly for it. Faith Derrick, how come you to be here, child ?" " Why because Mrs. Stoutenburgh asked me," said Faith, answering this sudden address with some surprise. "Wrong!" said Miss Essie. "There s some mistake about it. I ve just come from hearing you talked of." "Whom did you hear, Miss Essie?" said the Squire. "Come give up your authority." "I was at Judge Harrison s," said Miss Essie, after a considerative look of her black eyes at the Squire; "and that s all I am going to tell you, Mr. Stoutenburgh 1 Mr. 33* S90 SAY AND SEAL. .Linden, what do you think of the propriety of people s talking about people ?" "I think well of the propriety, when it exists." " Well what do you think of its existence ? Honestly, now. I want to get at your opinion." "I think its existence is rather limited and precarious, Miss Essie," said Mr. Linden smiling. " It is one of those things that may be said to have a delicate constitution." " Well," said Miss Essie again, smiling too, both with lips and eyes, " how could people get along in such a place as Pattaquasset, for instance, without it ? People must talk. And it is so pleasant to know that Mrs. Stoutenburgh s son Sam is fifteen years old and had a party on his birth day ; and that Mr. Linden and Miss Derrick were there and eat roast turkey; and to know that Miss Essie de Staff went to New York to get a new carpet for her best room and what the new style is; and that Miss Faith Derrick was run away with and brought home again, and went through adventures. How could we do without talk ing of these things ? Now perhaps you will say it s im moral; but I m in favour of a possible morality; and I say, how could Pattaquasset get along without all this ?" "Pattaquasset could get along without some of the things, to start with," said the Squire. "I don t know what you call pleasant, Miss Essie, but I never was so angry in my life since some rascal told me Mrs. Stouten- burgh was going to marry somebody else," he added laughing. "But I say," said Miss Essie, "how could Pattaquasset get along without talking of these things ? and I ask Mr. Linden. I want to know his opinion." "I will not say that it could," said Mr. Linden. "Miss Essie, you know Pattaquasset better than I do." "Well do you think there is any harm in talking of them ?" "What do you think of the modern definition of a young lawyer, Miss Essie a man who is where he has no busi ness to be, because he has no business where he ought to be ? " Miss Essie laughed, and laughed. " Don t Sam get along fast with his reading and writing. Mr. Stoutenburgh ?" SAY AND SEAL. 391 "Always did " said the Squire ; " and with everything else too. What are you talking about ? I lost that. I d gone off to that rascal " Miss Essie s laugh rang out again and her eyes dar.ced. "That rascal I Now for shame, Mr. Stoutenburgh ! You know better. I wonder if you never had young horses yourself, and took Mrs. Stoutenburgh to ride, too. Now I like him very much. Mr. Linden, you know Dr. Harrison, don t you?" "I should a little." "Well aren t you a judge of character? Do you think he deserves to be called a rascal ?" But Squire Stoutenburgh prevented the answer. "I wish you d just stop and let me catch up with you, Miss Essie," he said. "Now before we go any further, whoever said he was a rascal? /didn t." "Did you mean somebody else, Mr. Stoutenburgh?" "That s the way you talk over pleasant things!" said the Squire. "If I hadn t hallooed after you, Miss Essie, I should have had a challenge from the doctor before morn ingor a shot, that s getting to be the fashion." " Do you think Dr. Harrison is that kind of man ?" said Miss Essie. "Mr. Linden, what kind of man do you think he is? You can tell better than the Squire, and I want to know." " Miss Essie ! he is my friend and I am his, you can not expect me to give you Dr. Harrison s components each with its Latin label on ! " "Not at all ! but in general, how would you characterize him, if asked what sort of a man he was !" "I should perhaps decline." Miss Essie had no chance to push her question, for Sam came with a demand for Mr. Linden himself, which was at once obeyed. A little while passed, and then Mr. Linden came back again ; and walked composedly round to the back of Faith s chair. "Mrs. Stoutenburgh," he said, "will you let me take this lady away for five minutes? Miss Faith, will you come ?" Nothing loth, if the truth must be told, Faith rose up 392 SAY AND SEAL. to follow his leading; which was out of the parlour and through the hall. "Miss Faith," he said as he shut the door, "have you been conjugating the verb s ennuyer ?" "No," she said. "I was amused to hear you and Miss Essie talk." " What singular ideas people have on the question of pleasant things !" said Mr. Linden. " Come in here, Miss Faith" and he opened the door of a mingled library, study room, and office, "I want to give you (before we go any further) the whole quotation which I did not dare to give Miss Essie, though it would not have been meant for her, if I had." And he took down one of the books, and read "Her eye, it seems a chemic test, And drops upon you like an acid ; It bites you with unconscious zest, So clear and bright, so coldly placid ; It holds you quietly aloof, It holds, and yet it does not win you; It merely puts you to the proof And sorts what qualities are in you, &c. There you are classified: she s gone Far, far away into herself; Each with its Latin label on, Your poor components, one by one, Are laid upon their proper shelf In her compact and ordered mind, &c. brain exact, that in thy scales Canst weigh the sun and never err, For once thy patient science fails, One problem still defies thy art ; Thou never canst compute for her The distance and diameter Of any simple human heart. That s comforting doctrine isn t it ?" he said smiling as he put up the book. "How good that is!" said Faith, as much in the spirit of enjoyment as of criticism. But it isn t jast Miss Essie. It s more like " She stopped. " Well who ? No, it is not Miss Essie." "I was going to say, Mrs. Somers but it is not Mrs, Somers, either. She is more kind than that." SAY AND SEAL. 393 "Yes, I think so though she keeps her kindness under lock and key, like her sweetmeats. Miss Faith, shall 1 give you a loophole view of those boys before you ven ture yourself among them ?" She said yes, with a bright face that shewed her primed for any enjoyment, or anything else perhaps, he might pro pose. He knew the house, apparently, and led her out of one door and in at another, giving her little undertone remarks by the way. "I know you and I agree in some of our notions about pleasant things," he said, "or I should not presume that you would find this one. To some people, you know, boys are mere receivers for Latin and Greek to me they are separate little pieces of humanity. I study them quite as much as they do their lessons. Now you shall see them off their guard. This room is dark but I know the way." He took her hand as he spoke, and led her through the darkness to a spot of shaded light at the further end of the room, whence too came laughter and voices ; then drew back the curtain from a sash door and let her look in. It was pleasant, as he said, the room was glowing with light, the boys in a knot about the fire ; some sitting, some standing, one or two couchant upon the rug. Sam was the spokesman just then the rest listening, interrupting, applauding; the flashing firelight shewing such different faces ! such varied indications ! they looked like a little Congress of representatives. "What are they doing, Mr. Linden? Sam is having a good time ! and all the rest of them for that matter." "I am not quite sure what they are doing, Miss Faith, Sara looks as if he might be recounting some of his own exploits for the twentieth time." "But Reuben, who never would recount one of his, is five times as much of a man." "Yes, I wonder what Miss Essie would say of the two, respectively. She means to study me to-night, you know," he said smiling "and I mean she shall I There corner Mrs. Stoutenburgh now I shall take you in." Not by the sash door, but round again by another way they came upon the little company. Mrs. Stoutenburgh had been in before, and her reappearance had not made 394 SAY AND much change in the order of things; but wher. Faith came in every boy rose to his feet, and the admiring looks were only bounded by the number of eyes. They fell back right and left as she came on towards the fire; and once seated there in an easy chair, those who knew her came up to pay their respects those who did not stood still and paid them at a distance, whispering and touching each other with, "My ! aiut she handsome I" All of which amused at least two of the lookers-on. One or two of the boys Mr. Linden brought up and pre sented. Faith however was presently out of her chair of state and wound in and out among them, speaking to those whom she knew or remembered at Neanticut. She was in a little gale of good-fellowship by the time Mr. Linden with Miss Essie returned to the room. "Well!" said Miss Essie. "Now what s the first order of things ? Mr. Linden, these are all your boys, I sup pose ?" "These are all and not all, Miss Essie." "Yes. Do they always do what you tell them ?" "They are extraordinary boys !" said Mr. Linden. "Not one of them has a will of his own." "Oh!" said Miss Essie. "What has become of their wills ? Have you stolen them ? Now I am going to put that to the proof. Sam Stoutenburgh you are not twenty years old yet, your mother says; have you a will of your own?" "Mother says I have," replied Sam. "Ah! you see !" said Miss Essie. "You sir, I know you but I don t remember you, -your teacher says you haven t a will of your own now is it true ? I want to know." "A will of my own, ma am ?" Reuben repeated, looking doubtfully from Miss Essie to Mr. Linden. "Against whose, if you please?" "Well " said Miss Essie, a little surprised, and laugh ing "upon honour, will you tell the truth?" "I ll try, ma am." "Against Mr. Linden s. Now upon honour! I ll go bail for you." The bail was not needed. Reuben s quiet "No, ma am, and don t want to have," was very forcible. SAY AND SEAL. 395 "I declare !" said Miss Essie turning to Mr. Linden, 11 you re a wonderful man! For of course Sam s word is his mother s word, and that s nothing in the circumstances. I wish I had been so happy as to be a boy and go to school to you, Mr. Linden ! All my life my trouble has been a will of my own ; and I never found anybody that could deprive me of it." "Nor yourself ready to give it up ?" " Of course ! but I never could, you know. It was stronger than I." "I ll tell you what," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh, coming up, "if you two people want to talk any more, you ve got to stand out of the way, Faith and I are going to have a game with these boys." "What sort of game?" "Why blind man s buff," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh. "Sam go to my room and fetch that plaid ribband that lies on the bed." "Now I ll tell you," said Miss Essie, "you must play this game as they do it up at Suckiaug. Any game wants a stake, you know, Mr. Stoutenburgh, to make it thoroughly interesting. You must play it this way. Everybody that is caught and found, must answer any question the person catching chooses to ask. And if he refuses to answer, he must answer some other question and give a reason for it. That ll make em fly round !" In the midst of a little general bustle that ensued, Faith was startled at finding that her rose and myrtle were gone. The next -instant a hand presented them unceremoniously under her face, and an abrupt voice announced, "Here s your flowers I" It was even Phil Davids who had done it. Faith seized her flowers, and then sprang after Phil and thanked him very gratefully ; rightly hailing this civility as an omen for good. The flowers were next bestowed care fully in a glass of water, to be in safety till the play should be over. Now began the fun of robing and disrobing. The ladies pinned up their silk skirts into order and quiet compass, and pulled on over their arms and shoulders whatever boys gear would fit. Faith was jaunty in a little cloth jacket whicl covered her arms ; Miss Essie wrapped about her 596 SAY AND SEAL. a plaid travelling shawl of the Squire s. Mrs. Stouten- burgh deferred her disguising till she should need it, being in the first place to be the catcher, not the caught. Mr. Linden on his part chose to rely on his own resources for safety, but two or three of the boys tied on shawls and scarfs soon discarded in the melee. If Sam s intent was to have a steady game of running, never to produce results unless fatigue and laughter he had well chosen the first catcher. Mrs. Stoutenburgh s powers of entanglement lay not in that line, though she ran about with the most utter good will and merriment. But how the boys jumped over her arms ! or dived under them ! How Sam caught her round the waist, and even kissed her, regardless of danger ! She might have been playing till this time, if Mr. Linden had not interposed and gallantly suffered himself to be caught. "We ll have to step round now, I tell you!" said one of the boys, "this ll be another guess sort of a run 1" "Look out for yourself now, Miss Faith!" said Reuben both which things were profoundly true and necessary. And Faith soon found out that she was the quarry and that pigeons were of no avail. Whether Mr. Linden had heard her steps about his sick room till he had learned them by heart, whether the theory of spirits touching held good in this case, he gave her a swift little run round the room, and shut her up gracefully in the corner. Then with the simplicity which characterized most of his proceedings, disregarding jacket and cap, he took hold of her hand and inquired, "Miss Faith do you consider yourself disguised?" The soft laugh which it was impossible to keep back, answered to his ear, as the flush which overspread Faith s face answered to eyes of the rest of the company. "That will do to begin with," he said as he took off the plaid ribband, while Mrs. Stoutenburgh laughed and clapped her hands after her own lively fashion. "But Miss Faith!" said Sam "don t tie up your head, please ! if you shut your eyes it will do just as well." "You can t see her eyes if they re shut, you foolish boy," Baid Mr. Linden, "go off and attend to your own affairs. Miss Faith, shall I tie this on or do you wish for a deputy?" SAY AND SEAL. 397 There is a great deal of character that comes out in a play ! Miss Essie might have had excellent opportunity for prosecuting her studies, if she had not been busy on her own score. For Faith did not play like Mrs. Stouten- burgh. She- played like herself with a gentleness that never overstepped delicate bounds; but her foot was light and true, and her movements fearless and free as those of the very boys. It was a pretty game that she played. It would have been a short one, but that it was so hard to identify her captives. One boy after another Faith caught, to the feeling they were all alike ! At last her hand seized an other prize, and her voice exclaimed, Mr. Stoutenburghl There was a sharp change about now between the older and the younger people. Faith did her best not to be caught again. But after half a dozen changes between Mr. Linden and the boys, he again had the pleasure of in vesting her with the plaid ribband. " May I give her the question ?" whispered Miss Essie at Mr. Linden s ear. "No indeed!" said Mr. Linden.. "Miss Faith, what is the difference between a bird and a philosopher?" Somewhat to the surprise as well as amusement of the company, the answer to this was the heartiest, merriest bit of a laugh ; then she said, "One looks round the corner, Mr. Linden!" "Well you won t see round the corner now," he said softly and laughing as he tied on the ribband. "Miss Faith ! do you mean to say I did ?" She said no, and ran away. But Faith was not in luck this time, for she caught Miss Essie. And Miss Essie in a few minutes got the chance she wanted at Faith. She wouldn t have had it, for Faith ran too well and vanished too skilfully ; but a little knot of the boys getting into a knot just in her way and at the wrong time, Faith fell a prey. " Now," said her captor unbinding her ribband, " what do you think I am going to ask you?" Faith was very doubtful on the subject, and waited in silence. "Only a matter of taste," said Miss Essie. "Who do you think" (speaking slowly) " is the handsomest maa in Pattaquasset?" VOL. i. 34 398 The colour mounted in Faith s cheeks too distinctly to leave any room for the doubt that no other answer was at hand. She avoided Miss Essie s black eyes. " Come !" said that lady. "I can t tell you," said Faith, amid the laughter of some of the company, which was enormous. "You can t!" said Miss Essie. "Now you are at my mercy. You have got to tell me something else and give your reason. What do you think is the best profession a man can follow ?" "Any one is good that is used right," said Faith, look ing down and speaking with difficulty, " but I suppose the best is a minister s." "Why?" said Miss Essie, disappointed. "Because the business of that profession is to lead men to heaven; that of others is only to fit them for earth." "My dear, you re a fine girl!" said the Squire willing Faith should say anything that cut out Dr. Harrison. " Miss Essie, what do you mean by asking her such a string of questions? how can she tell who s the handsomest man? She wouldn t like to hurt Mr. Linden s feelings by saying me, nor to make us both mad by saying anybody else if there was anybody else to speak "of." "You hush, Mr. Stoutenburgh !" said Miss Essie. "Don t you know how to ask questions? Now Faith Derrick run off with yourself. " Faith obeyed with a trifle less than her usual spirit; but the game presently called it back again. Darting about, like some gentle-hearted hawk, among those flying pigeons, she had seized one boy and an other with her usual bad success in the matter of identify ing, when the boys suddenly cleared away a little anxious perhaps that Mr. Linden should be caught again ; for of all the players he gave them- the most fun. And so effec tually did they clear the way so ineffectual!} did he pro tect himself! that the next grasp of Faith s hand was upon his arm. And her voice gravely announced that she knew it. "Now Faith!" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh, "do puzzle him if you can give him a hard question." "She does not want to ask me any questions," said Mr. Linden as he untied the ribband. "You forget, Mrs SAY AND SEAL. 399 Stoutenburgh, how many she can ask every day. Now with Miss Essie the case is quite different." Yery quiet and pleasant was the look bent on Faith, very cool and undisturbed the manner. " Miss Faith, are you tired ? I must be philosophical enough to inform you that there is a shadow of puss-in-the-comer 1" And a very plain expression of gratitude was in her eyes and smile as she answered, "No, I m not tired, Mr. Linden but I would as lieve look on as play." That seemed to be the general grown-up mind; but before the looking on had lasted long, everybody was called into another room to supper. There the boys were left somewhat to themselves at one end of the table, and the half dozen others stood or sat in the warm fireplace corner at the other. Mr. Linden indeed, and Squire Stoutenburgh, were both boys very often; but their returns to the ladies were frequent and prolonged. Faith was enthroned in a great chair, and there petted by Mrs. Stoutenburgh, while everybody brought her things by turns a privilege highly prized by some of the boys. Neither could Miss Essie complain of want of attention, while Mrs. Stoutenburgh and Mr. Linden took laughing care of each other between whiles. " Miss Essie," he said as he brought her a cup of coffee, "where are you in the pursuit of knowledge ?" Miss Essie laughed; yet not a triumphant laugh, nor even a satisfied one ; it might be considered doubtful. "I think," she said, "you are one of a sort I don t much understand, Mr. Linden perhaps because I don t know them much. Aren t you one of what I may call the good sort?" Faith s laugh, which was indeed very low but unavoid able, was the first testimony. " I hope you may " said Mr. Linden, " the words sound pleasant. I am not quite sure what they mean." "Ah ! There you are again !" said Miss Essie. "As diffi cult to catch at other things as at blind man s buff. Well I ll be frank with you, for I don t mean to offend you. I mean, the sort of people who are called rigidly righteous people who think it incumbent on them to be better than their neighbours." 400 SAY AND SEAL. " no " said Mr. Linden, " I quite disclaim that. I only think it incumbent on me to be better than mvself." "Yes, but -you are one of the people I mean aren t you?" " Not according to that term, Miss Essie. May I ask what you mean by the other?" "Rigidly righteous?" "Yes." "Why I told you people that pretend to be better than people in general. People in general, you know, get on without pretending much to be good at all: and of course it s disagreeable to be brought short up at every turn with you ought not, and you ought; and whether it is said or acted don t make much difference. Now here s this child, a little while ago, thought she mustn t say anything was good but a minister. "Do you mean Christians?" said Mr. Linden. "Well " said Miss Essie, "I hope we re all Christians - aren t we ? We re not heathens." "I mean the followers of Christ. Is that what you meant ? I do wear the badge of that Legion of Honour. " Miss Essie looked fidgeted. Faith was letting her ice cream melt while she listened. Mrs. Stoutenburgh in the midst of supper-table attentions gave an anxious eye and ear to the conference, which she would not interrupt. "Well now tell me what you mean by that?" said Miss Essie, feeling herself in some confusion, of terms at least. " Can I find plainer words ? You know what was meant by a follower in the old feudal times ?" "No I don t," said Miss Essie beginning to sip her coffee again. "Tell me!" "A follower was one who binding himself to the service his lord required of him, thenceforth paid it in peace or in war, to the end of his life. And the terms of agree ment were two-fold, fidelity on the one side, protection on the other. They follow me, says Christ, and I give unto them eternal life ." "Yes, but," said Miss Essie, "do you think it is required that we should put ourselves so much out of the way to be good ? I think people were meant to enjoy themselves." "/ eiijoy myself " said Mr. Linden smiling a little SAY AND SEAL. 401 "What think you makes the lark fly circling up into the very sunbeams, singing as lie goes ? is it duty ? is it to rise above the robins and sparrows?" "I don t understand you!" said Miss Essie respectfully. "That is just the inner life of many a Christian, hia very heart-cry is, Nearer, my God, to thee ; Nearer to thee! E en though it be a cross, That raiseth me! " "Well, you think nobody can be safe that don t live just so ?" persisted Miss Essie. " In whom such a life is not at least begun ? How can it be, Miss Essie ? Safe ? without the blessing of God ?" "Well there we differ," said the lady. "That s what I mean by being rigidly righteous. I think every one must judge for himself." A little more erect Mr. Linden stood, drawing himself up slightly it was his wont sometimes under a touch of excitement, and spoke with his deep emphasis these words " This is life eternal, to know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. Miss Essie, where is your permit for free judgment against the Bible ?" "I didn t mean 7ia,"said Miss Essie, lowering her crest. "But I mean that everybody can t be good after your strict way." " I am not standing up for myself, you know," said he pleasantly, "nor denying that you have described me right; but what a follower of Christ ought to be, is no more rigid than sunlight or than the wings of angels. Yet both sun and angels always do his commandment who made them both." " Oh people can t be sunlight nor angels neither, in this world. You re Utopian! That s what I said." "They can be burning and shining lights, " said Mr. Linden. "Miss Essie, will you gainsay the Bible? Why can they not?" "They can be but I suppose they aren t obliged to be; or what is to become of us all?" said Miss Essie, half seriously half defiantly. 34* i02 SAY AND SEAL. "That will depend upon whom we follow," he answered gravely. "Well now, Mr. Linden, how many people in the world ere followers in the way you have described them? and are all the rest going to destruction ? Take the people in this room now, for instance, boys and all here s twenty of us perhaps. How many do you suppose are here of your way of following ? You re one who s another? Stand off there, and see whom you can get to join you !" " Stand off and say with Moses who is on the Lord s side? there would be several, Miss Essie." "Well count up," said Miss Essie. "I suppose they have no objection to shew themselves. You are one who s another ?" "I am another," said Faith, rising and setting down her ice cream. "You!" said Miss Essie turning the black eyes upon her, you look like it, child!" "You must put the rigid out of your head," Mr. Lin den said, with a smile which changed as he spoke. "Well who else?" said Miss Essie, for some reason or other in an impatient temper. "Tell them your definition, will you, and ask who ll stand by y^pu. Mrs. Stouten- burgh ! make them all stop and attend." "If I ask them you may think they come to please me." " No, no, you know how to say it. Mr. Stoutenburgh ! boys ! listen. I want to know how many there are here of a particular kind of people Mr. Linden will tell you what kind." He spoke then as Faith had once or twice heard him speak, sending his voice through the room almost without raising it. "Miss Essie de Staff wishes to know how many there are here of a particular kind of people those that have sworn unto the Lord, and wHl not go back. Whoever is of that number will please come over to this side." There was a little astonished pause. Mr. and Mrs. Stoutenburgh, just then at the further end of the room, had moved at Miss Essie s summons, but stopped short at the first sound of Mr. Linden s voice, and looked iu. a sort of maze, he clearly was not jesting, that was all they could SAY AND SEAL. 403 make out. That too the boys saw: but for a minute they stood like statues, then Reuben stepped from the group and walked quietly, deliberately, over to where Mr. Linden stood; the covenant-signing in his face glowing with the Free Church addition until death! One and another followed him one after another, Faith was surprised to see how many : ranging themselves about Mr. Linden. But something in it all touched him stirred him, something perhaps personal to himself and them ; for after the first three or four had come he looked no more, r^ his eyes fell, and the firmly compressed lips could not quite conceal their trembling. He stood as statue-like as the boys had done. In the interest of a moment and a scene that she never forgot, it was a simple thing that Faith lost thought of her own standing. Perhaps Miss Essie shared her oblivion of self for that minute ; her look of uneasy curiosity changed to a sobriety that was almost awe. Perhaps self-recollec tion came back; for after eying the dumb show with uncom monly blank black eyes, both they and she suddenly started into action. "That will do," she said with voice and gesture, "you may go back scatter ! and be boys again. Mr. Linden, what I complain of is, that you say you are on the Lord s side and that everybody else is not !" His thoughts came back slowly, as from some far- distant region, he even turned to Faith and wheeled up a chair for her before he answered. "No, Miss Essie those last words I believe I never said. But the Lord knoweth them that are his let each one have answering knowledge for himself." Miss Essie s look was not comfortable. She abandoned the point in hand, and swallowed her cold coffee. "Whata?*e you talking about ?" said Mrs. Stoutenbnrgh coming up to them. " What sort of a game was that, Miss Essie?" "Nothing," said Miss Essie. "I said I would study Mr. Linden and I have. I ve found out two things about him." "I wonder if he s been studying too!" said Mrs. Stout- enburgh. "What are the two things? Miss Essie, your 404 SAY AND SEAL. coffee s just as cold as Faith s ice is warm ! that comes of talking when you ought to be eating. Mr. Linden -just help Mr. Stoutenburgh with that little table, please and I ll have the coffee-pot here and be comfortable." "And I shall tell Miss Essie a story about fishes," said Mr. Linden as he obeyed. Mrs. Stoutenburgh sat down behind her coffee-pot, while the gentlemen went back and forth between the two tables, bringing cups and cake and what else was needed for this German cotillion, as Mr. Linden called it. During which interlude Miss Essie, after taking an observant view of Faith, gave her a significant private admonition, that somebody would not like her being there. Faith in vain endeavoured to get some light on this dark information ; Miss Essie was startling but enigmatical, and suddenly turned from her and asked Mr. Linden "what was the story he had promised ?" " Not much of a story, though I called it one. It has to do with the way different races of fishes wear their bones. " "Well?" said Miss Essie, using her eyes; while Faith forgot her flushed cheeks and used hers. "You are perhaps aware, "he said smiling, "that even fishes have their inflexible points ; in other words, a region of bone somewhere" Miss Essie bowed her head, mentally ejaculating, "You have!" "And all the fossil tribes, as well as those which now exist, are divided into two great classes, those which wear their bones on the outside, and those which wear them within. The first have a perfect plate armour jointed and fitted and carved, piece by piece ; but the inner framework is merely cartilaginous. The others, while they shew nothing but pliant flesh, have an internal structure of bone which can outlast ages." "Curious!" said Miss Essie, eying him all the while carefully. "Then I suppose we are all fishes !" " I wag thinking apropos to our talk awhile ago of the intangible, unseen nature of a Christian s strength. The moment his defence is worn on the outside, that mo ment there is a failure of strength within. His real armour SAY AND SEAL. 405 of proof is nothing more rigid, Miss Essie, than the girdle of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and for a helmet the hope of salvation. " "Very good armour," said Miss Essie; "but can t he wear it without being unlike other people ?" "Carche?" "Look here," said Squire Stoutenbnrgh, "what have you been about? If you ve been studying anatomy, Mr Linden, I ll go learn dancing !" And the conversation diverged. CHAPTER XXXII. FAITH pondered probably Miss Essie s enigmatical words; but she said nothing on the subject even to her mother. Other people s words and looks had produced their share of disturbance at the time; disturbance that Faith did not like to recollect. And she would not recol lect it, practically. It left no trace on her face or behaviour. The simplicity of both, unchanged in a whit, testified for her that her modesty would not take such hints from other people s testimony, and that there was no folly in her to be set fluttering at the suggestion. The next Wednesday morning was one of great promise, fair and soft and quiet, with November s sunshine soften ing November s brown dress. " I think, Miss Faith," Mr. Linden said before he went off after breakfast, " that you should take a short run 01 two, before you try that long one to Mattabeeset." "A run, Mr. Linden ? Didn t I have one last night ?" " Truly yes, but I mean on horseback. Will you take such a one to-day ?" "Yes!" said Faith, looking different things, especially pleasure, " but Mr. Linden, I don t know where I am to get a horse. Crab can t go now." "Well, as I am to play the part of page, and run by your side," said Mr. Linden, "I am rather glad he can t! no disrespect to his other good qualities. When will you be ready, Miss Faith?" The hour fixed upon had need to be early, for the days were short; so though books had a little time after dinner, it was but a little. Then the horses came; and Mr. Lin den took Faith in charge, with words from her mother that might have been very useful if they had been needed, which in his case they hardly were. A fact which his re ply, or the manner of it, seemed to impress upon Mrs. Der rick s mind, for she saw them ride off with nothing but pleasure. Other people saw them with a variety of emotions All (406) SAY AND SEAL. 407 the boys they met (except Sam) looked unqualified delight, from her window Mrs. Stoutenburgh gave them a gay wave of her hand ; Miss Bezac on the sidewalk absolutely turned to look again. They rode leisurely up the grassy road, hardly beyond a walk at first, and it was not till the houses grew few and the road more open, that Faith had her promised run : which was but an easy trot, after all. "You must begin very gently, Miss Faith," said her companion as they walked their horses up a little hill. "Look how those topsails mark the water line!" " Yes don t you like to see the white sails peeping over the trees? I always do. But Mr Linden, I don t get tired easily you needn t be afraid. I can go just as fast as you like." She looked enough in the mood. " You know I am interested in the matter, if I should come home to-morrow and find you gone to sleep at mid day I should lose my French lesSon ! Now you may have another run." This run was rather a long one, yet came to an unex pected end, for turning a woody point in the road the two riders saw a wagon before them, so directly in their way, that the run changed to a walk even before they perceived that the wagon was in distress. Some bit of harness, some pin, had given way, and the driver had dismounted to re pair damages. But moody, or intent upon his work, Faith s horse was close upon him before he looked up then she saw it was Squire Deacon. He looked down again as suddenly, with only a slight motion of his hand to his hat. Faith s first impulse would have been to rush on ; but she checked that. Her next would have been to wait and leave somebody else to speak first; but she overcame that too. So it was her very clear gentle voice that asked, "Are you in trouble here, Mr. Deacon ?" Th=; Squire had no time to give his answer, and scarce a moment wherein to concoct it, for Mr. Linden had dis- mou.ited and now came between Faith s horse and the wat>-ju, with, "What is the matter, Squire Deacon? can I help you?" The Squire looked up theA, full, with a face that dark ened as he looked. 408 SAY AND SEAL. "It s you, is it?" he said slowly. "I thought it was Dr. Harrison !" " Can I help you ?" Mr. Linden repeated and the tone was a little peremptory. Sullenly and slowly the Squire told the damage the broken harness, the lost lynch-pin ; and let Mr. Linden take the first out of his hands, and do what he chose with it; looking on the while then by degrees taking hold himself and working with him as with any other man, but throwing off jealously the kindness of his helper s words or manner. It was a grave kindness, certainly, but it did not belie the name. Faith sat looking on. After awhile her voice broke the silence. "Did you say a lynch-pin was wanting, Mr. Deacon?" "There s one gone." "I should like to be doing something to help. Will you lend me your knife, Mr. Deacon? and I ll try." But that brought a hand on her bridle. " I cannot trust your horse out of my sight, Miss Faith, . I will get what is wanting. " " There s no use in anyone s doing anything," said Squire Deacon, by way of a settler ; and the harness work went on in silence. Faith waited a little. "I am not the least afraid," she said then, leaning over her horse s neck but speaking no name. " There s a place only a little way back where I think I can get a lynch-pin, if anybody will lend me a knife. Please let me go and be doing something I I want to go." "This cord," said Mr. Linden, taking one up from the bottom of the wagon "is it wanted for any special purpose, Squire Deacon?" "I guess if you ask Joe Tie could tell you," said the Squire with a glance that way. " Twas good for something, but he s tied it in forty knots -just to see if I d be fool enough to pick em out." "It would be very useful about this harness," said Mr. Linden, "will you try and get rid of the knots?" and he handed Faith the cord, with a smile which said she must make that do instead of the lynch-pin. Which Faith did not particularly like, for she had a strong SAY AND SEAL. 409 hankering for the ride back to the bushes. She dropped the bridle upon her horse s neck, and began to exercise her patience and skill upon the knots. "I wish I had a knife I" she said as she did so, and I d shew you that I am not afraid." And a little colour rose in her face, which rather grew. "That s easy," said Squire Deacon, looking suddenly up and extending his hand. "Here s one as ll cut through most things." Mr. Linden s head was bent over the har ness, ^neither eye nor hand stirred from his work. "Thank you, Mr. Deacon," said Faith, feeling the blood rise to her brow, - lt but I won t go for it now. I ll do this first." In her confusion Faith did not see another person that joined the group, till he was standing at her horse s side. "What sort of a bee are you gettin up here on the high-way?" said Mr. Simlins in his good-humoured growl (and he had a variety.) "What air you doin on horse back?" " There s harness to be mended here, Mr. Simlins and I m making rope for it." "You go long!" said he. "Who are you makin rope for ? Give that to me ?" But Faith held fast. "No, Mr. Simlins, you can t have it I am bound to get out these knots. There is work doing round here, that perhaps you can help." Mr. Simlius stooped under her horse s head and went round to the other side, and then for the first time he got a full view. "That s the way you perform actions!" he said; seeming too profoundly struck to be at all wordy. " Say and Seal I guess you be ! What s the matter with you, Squire ?" "If anything is, I haint heard of it," said Mr. Deacon, with the knife lying heavy against his ribs. "Mr. Linden s turned harness-maker that s the last news." "0 are you there, Mr. Simlius?" said the new mechanic, looking up from his work. "Can t be more unlikely than you," said the farmer, be ginning on his part to finger the broken harness. How you come to be here passes all my imagery. That ll do smartly. Where did you learn all trades? I don t see, VOL. i. 35 410 SAY AND SEAL. Squire Deacon, but he s as good at mendin as you be at marrin . What do you think ?" "I don t see as one man has much to do with another/ said Mr. Deacon lucidly. "Yes, that will do," said Mr. Linden. "Now Miss Faith give me that cord if you please, and you shall go after the lynch-pin." "No," she said pleasantly, "it ll be done in a minute I want to finish it." " When did you get back from York, Squire?" said Mr. Simlins " and what took you away ? I haint heerd yet. I never believed you were gone for good though folks said it." " Taint generally worth while to believe what folks says," replied the Squire. "I ve been back three weeks, I guess. Shouldn t wonder if I. went again though." "Shouldn t wonder if you did," said Mr. Simlins. "I would if I was you if I wanted to. Mr. Linden, it was a providential thing, that you should come along at this idio- matical moment. There aint another man in Pattaquasset would ha done this so good as you." "There is another line of business open to me then," said Mr. Linden, who had begun upon the other end of the piece of cord with opposition fingers. " What aint open to you ?" said Mr. Simlins. " Do you know of anything? Give us that cord will you?" "Yes, you may have it now the knots are all out," said Mr. Linden, as he put the disentangled cord in the hands of Mr. Simlins and himself in the saddle. " Now Miss Faith, you shall have a lesson in lynch-pins s il vous plait." "You do beat all!" said Squire Deacon looking up from under his hat, and with a voice that kept his eyes com pany. Faith looked very pretty as she turned her horse in obe dience to the intimation given her, with a somewhat demure smile and blush upon her face. Mr. Simlins looked, as well as the Squire, with a different expression. "Well, I guess you re about right!" was his answering remark. "I do believe he can get the whip band of most things. He s a Say and Seal man, he says." To which, SAY AND SEAL. 411 however, the Squire deigned no response. Stooping over his harness, fingering and fitting, he was silent a little ; then spoke in a careless, half inquiring half assenting sort of way. " What wonders me is, why he don t marry that girl out of hand. I reckon she d follow him down that road as easy as she does down others. What s he waiting for ?" "I guess he haint pitched upon a likely place to settle yet," said Mr. Simlins, in a manner equally careless and devoid of reliable information. Squire Deacon gave a little inarticulate reply. "He d better hurry up " he said, "Dr. Harrison s giving chase." " Is he ?" said Mr. Simlins. " He ll be where the dog was when he chased the wolf if he s spry. I shouldn t won der." "0 you think he s a wolf, do you?" said Mr. Deacon. "Well the doctor s chance aint much the worse of that." "Don t look very carnivorous," said Mr. Simlins, "but I aint sure. I wouldn t be so quick in my presumptions, Squire. You ll shoot the wrong game one of these days if you haint already." "Think so?" said the Squire. "Well, I aint after the game they are, any way, so it don t matter to me which of em gets her. Most folks say it s like to be the doctor, . she seems tryin em both by turns." The riders, on their part, had a short run back on the road they had come, to where there was a hedge and thicket and trees together; and Faith s horse being led close up to the side of the hedge, and she herself provided with a knife, she was free to cut as many lynch-pins as she chose. But at this point Faith handed back the knife. "I can t do it half so well," she said. "I would rather you did it, Mr. Linden." "You would rather not do it?" he said looking at her. "Is 7?o bread pleasant but that eaten in secret ?" Faith coloured very much. " I didn t care about doing it, Mr. Linden, except to be useful, and for the enterprise of going off for it by myself. And I didn t care about that, more than two minutes." "You know I had a charge about you before we came 412 SAY AND SEAL. out," he said, taking the knife and bending down towards the hedge to use it. "But for that or a like one in my own mind you should have had your enterprise. There I think that may serve the purpose." The lynch-pin being delivered, the riders left the distressed wagon behind ; and again the free road stretched before them; the soft air and light filled all the way and even the! brown tree stems with pleasantness. The horses felt they had had a rest and pricked up their ears to be in motion again, and the minds of the riders perhaps felt a stir of the like kind. "Miss Faith," said Mr. Linden, "a German writer says, that one should every day read a fine poem, look upon an. excellent picture, hear a little good music, and, if possible, speak a few sensible words. " "Why do you tell that to me, Mr. Linden ?" "I consider it my duty to keep you well informed as to yours." "But then !" said Faith, who by dint of trotting had got into as merry a mood as her gentleness often wore, "I hope you will also think it your duty, Mr. Linden, to tell me how I can perform mine. Will you ?" "Of course! please speak a few sensible words to me at once." "You begin with the easiest thing!" said Faith. " Yes, I am generally considerate. But as it is part of my duty to hear a little good music, I am willing you should sing first." Music he had, though not exactly of the specified sort ; for Faitli s laugh rolled along the road, like the chafing of silver pebbles in a brook. "Now for the next part," said Mr. Linden smiling " I think I have done too much already," said Faith growing grave. "Besides," she added, the corners of her mouth all alive again, "I don t remember what the next part is, Mr. Linden." "Why the sensible words! what are the most sensible you can think of on a sudden, Miss Faith ?" "I don t know that I could think of anything very sen sible on a sudden, Mr. Linden. Is it my duty to do it on sudden ? " SAY AND SEAL. 413 "It might be Miss Faith. Indeed I think it is now!" "What would you like them to be about, Mr. Linden? and I ll try." " Nay, you may choose : sense is of universal applica- tion." "If I should say what was uppermost," said Faith, "it would be, How very pleasant what we are doing now, is!" "Which part?" "Both parts ! Every part ! One makes the other more pleasant." And Faith s happy face looked so. " Very sensible words 5" said Mr. Linden smiling. "I agree to them perfectly, which is, you know, in every mind, the great test of sense. The picture, Miss Faith, we have before us." "Yes, isn t it lovely to-day, Mr. Linden? and hasn t it been lovely ever since we set out? Except that broken harness and I don t think that has hurt anything, either." "No, I am not sure that even the harness was much the worse. And it has been very lovely. As for the poem, Miss Faith, you cannot be trusted with that and must re sign yourself to hearing it read. What shall it be ?" "I don t know," said Faith. "I know hardly any poe try, Mr. Linden, except what I have heard you read. Will you read some, perhaps, this evening ?" "Yes every evening, if you like, if we are to follow Goethe s rule. Just before tea is a good time, don t you think so ?" "Yes indeed!" said Faith, whose colour rose from pure pleasure, as her thought went back to L Allegro and II Pen- seroso. "I don t think there is any time pleasanter for it. But they re all pleasant I ve dropped my whip, Mr. Linden !" % I will get it for you," he said checking his horse, "if you will promise not to run away ! I am afraid of your enterprising spirit, Miss Faith." But her look at him was a little touched and deprecat ing. They turned their horses together and went back a few steps. There was no trouble in finding the whip, for just where it had been dropped, a boy stood holding it on high for Faith s acceptance The boy was Phil Davids. "Thank you, Phil !" said Faith, surprised and grateful. 35* 414 SAY AND SEAL. "I see it go out of your hand," said Phil. "Yes," said. Mr. Linden whose smile and word of thanks had accompanied Faith s, "Phil has singularly quick eyes. They have done me good service before." As they turned again, Farmer Davids stood at their horses heads. They were just at the farmer s door, and he so entreated them to come in and rest, that there was no refusing his hospitality. It was large, and various Pumpkin pies and cider, and much pouring forth of grati tude and admiration for Mr. Linden s success with Phil. "What have you done to that fellow?" his father re marked admiringly to Mr. Linden. "You never see such an alteration in a boy. He used oncet to talk hard words agin you, sir; you won t mind hearing it now; but he s come all about, and lately there s nothing to Phil s mind can equal up to Mr. Linden. He don t say much about it, sir, but it s evident. And he s been at me and his mother this fortnight or two, to give him something to make a present to you the boys do, he says; and he wants the best thing on the farm should go, and so do I, sir, if we knowed oncet what would be most favourable. It would be a kindness, sir, as I should be grateful for, if you d say what would do you most service or be most plea sure of anything that is on the farm; fruit or vegetables or dairy. We re plain folks, sir; I say what I mean. Take some pie, Mr. Linden ! some cider, sir ?" Answering these various questions and demands as best he might, Mr. Linden contrived to convince Mr. Davids that Phil himself was the thing "on the farm "that he cared most about; and his goodwill, better than any spe cial manifestation thereof; giving at the same time full and grateful thanks for the other things that had come to him when he was ill. "Yes," said Mr. Davids, smiling one of his grim and rare smiles, "all that don t help our difficulty, you see. Well, Phil and I ll have to put our heads together. But there s one person can send nothing that will tell half his good feelings of gratefulness to you, and that s me." And a very unwonted softening of the stern man s eye and brow shewed that he spoke a gentle truth. Kind words answered him, words of personal kindness SAY AND SEAL. 415 and interest, and deep pleasure too ; but Mr. Davids knew it was a pleasure, an interest, a kindness, that had each (like Samuel Rutherford s hope) " a face looking straight out unto that day !" Truly, "a city that is set on an hill, cannot be hid !" And the farmer felt it, and his manner softened, and his interest grew more wistful and intent with every minute they stayed. Faith was on horseback and Mr. Linden about to fol low, when Farmer Davids arrested him with a low remark and question. " She s a fine-faced girl looks as her father needn t ha been ashamed of her. Looks good like he did. Is she going to marry the son of Judge Harrison, sir?" "Dr. Harrison has told me nothing of the kind." "I heerd it" said the farmer. "I didn t know nothing, how it might be. Good day, sir ! I hope you ll come again." And they trotted off at last, with again the renewed feeling of liberty and pleasure of^motion. But the sun had descended perceptibly nearer to the horizon than he was when they dismounted. However there was nothing to do but to ride, for the proposed route was a cir cuit and they were passed the first half of the way already. "That was good, Mr. Linden," said Faith. Which part of it this time?" "I don t mean the pumpkin pie and the cider," she said smiling. "Do you feel rested?" " Oh yes ! Rested and tired too. At least, quite ready to move on again." " Yes, so am I. But do you know Goethe left out one very important item in his daily directions ?" "What was that?" " One should, if possible, every day give some one else a little pleasure." "Yes!" said Faith. "And it s so true, and so easy. How much you gave there just now, Mr. Linden !" "It was rather of their taking than my giving. But Miss Faith, How necessary is it now a-days, That each body live uprightly in all manner ways? " 416 SAY AND SEAL. "Yes, Mr. Linden! What are you thinking of?" "Just that " he said smiling. "A thought of the darkness makes one want to trim the lights. Did you ever notice, Miss Faith, that many things which were written in a mere worldly sense, will bear a very sweet Christian application ? Take this for instance : Thus would I double my life s fading space, For he who runs it well, runs twice his race. And in this true delight, These unbought sports, that happy state, I would not fear nor wish my fate, But boldly say each night, To-morrow let my sun his beams display, Or in clouds hide them ; I have lived to-day. " She listened with a bright face at first ; then as the quo tation was ended her face flushed, she turned her eyes away, and a grave look of sorrow crept over her lips. But in a little while she looked again. " How many books do you carry about in your head, Mr. Linden?" "If I should tell you, Miss Faith, then you would know and then I could never delude you any more ! Now we must quicken our pace, or we shall scarce get our poem before tea." For awhile the trotting was pretty brisk, then they drew bridle again and went gently on, but now towards the setting sun, whose bright rays were caught and held by the white sails that gleamed here and there in the dis tance. Now they met lines of cattle, driven by some bare footed boy or sunbonneted girl, and ploughmen trudged along the road behind their teams. Thicker curls of smoke from wayside "chimneys spoke of supper, and where a house stood in the shadow of some bit of forest, lights were already gleaming from the windows. " How many things by season seasoned are To their right praise, and true perfection!" Which bit of excellent eulogy might also have been true of Quapaw creek and the bridge over it, which they reached in seasonable time. Quapaw creek was here a SAY AND SEAL. 417 little bit of a river, and the bridge over it was an insigni ficant little bridge no count, in Squire Deacon s lan guage. Bat now, of all times in the year, the little bridge was already full of more than it could hold, literally, for it couldn t hold what was upon it. A heavy farm-wagon loaded with some sort of produce had got fairly upon the bridge some hour or two before and then broken through ; men and teams had for the present deserted it, and there was the way pretty effectually blocked up. What was to be done? They were not more now than a mile or two from home, but to go back and round by the nearest way would be several miles. The water was not very broad, nor generally deep ; but the banks and the bed of the stream were uneven and strewn with rocks and stones, small and great. It was fordable, certainly ; a good rider might cross well enough ; but a good rider would scarce choose to trust an unskilful one there. What was to be done? "We shall have to go back, Mr. Linden," said Faith; "and you mustn t mind my riding fast now, or mother will be uneasy." Mr. Linden took the case into consideration. "Will you mind riding before me, Miss Faith?" "What, sir?" she said, not understanding. "Will you let me take you across ?" "How can you, Mr. Linden?" she said, looking a little startled, and flushing. "Yery easily on ray horse. Stay where you are a minute, and let me try the ford " And not waiting for an answer to that, he rode down the bank and into the stream. It was easy enough, for a man who knew what to do with his horse s mouth ; not easy, nor perhaps safe for another. The footing needed to be chosen by the hand of the rider; so chosen it was good. Mr. Linden rode to the other side and came back. "Will you try, Miss Faith?" "Yes," she said, putting her horse in motion, "I am not afraid. I will follow you. It will be better than going round." But his horse did not stir. "I shall not follow you, Miss Faith, and yet if you cross it must be before me. No other way is safe for you." 418 SAY AND SEAL. "Well, we can go round, can t we?" said Faith. "Yes," he said, as the sun dropped down behind the low horizon, and the cool shade fell on everything but the tree tops. " You know it is about six times as far. Are you afraid of my horse ?" "No, not when you hold him. I will do just what you please, Mr. Linden," she said, though her colour mounted. "Then do not be afraid of me," he said, dropping his own bridle and gently disengaging the hand from hers. "Please take your foot out of the stirrup, Miss Faith " and the transfer was made in a moment : she was lifted across the little space between the two horses, and seated in front of Mr. Linden, and held fast. "Are you afraid?" he repeated, looking gravely down at her. "No sir. Not a bit, Mr. Linden," she said, throwing a little more warmth into her words, for the first had been spoken somewhat under breath. So leaving the one horse fastened to a tree-branch, the other set forward with his unwonted burden, which indeed at first he did not much approve; pricking his ears, and sideling about, with some doubtfulness of intent. But being after all a sensible horse, and apprehending the voice and rein suggestions which were made to him, he began to pick his way slowly and carefully among the stones on the bank, and then through the stones in the river; setting down his feet with great judgment and precaution, and paying no heed to the rush ing and splashing of the little stream, except by his ears which certainly worked, for once. And so the dangerous "pass" was soon behind them, and Mr. Linden dismounted and lifted Faith down, and seated her on a grey stone on the bank, while he went back for her horse. Which cross ing, it may be observed, was accomplished much quicker than the last. The twilight was falling fast, and the little river, and the two horses as they forded its . swift current, looked shadowy enough; set off by the white foam on both. The evening wind began its fitful stir, and swept the dry leaves past Faith s feet, and shook the cedar boughs above her head ; and so she sat there, and watched the crossing. "I have had the best picture to-day, Mr. Linden," she SAY AND SEAL. 419 said, when she was placed in the saddle again. "You ought to have seen the river, and you and the two horses coming over it, in this light, as I did. You don t know how pretty it was. Now you ll let ine ride fast, won t you? for mother will be looking for us." "As fast as you please but after all, you have not seen my picture," he said smiling. Faith profited by the permission given and put her horse to a pace that proved she was very much in earnest to pre vent that looking for them on Mrs. Derrick s part. She got out of the trot into a canter or her horse did and then away they flew; too fast to see or be hindered by any more friends or foes ; till they drew bridle at home. It was too late to have the reading before tea. So to have tea as speedily as possible was the next object. And then they adjourned to the fire-lit sitting-room, where Faith lighted the lamp in uncertainty whether reading or studies was to be the next move. Mr. Linden, however, went for his book a little old volume, of which Faith had never taken notice; and began, without doubt, the prettiest description of a garden that ever was written ; " How vainly men themselves amaze, To win the palm, the oak, or bays:" etc. The reader paused a moment, to tell more particularly what these leafy honours were, and then went on. "Fair Quiet, have I found thee here, And Innocence, thy sister dear? Mistaken long, I sought you then In busy companies of men. Your sacred plants, if here below, Only among the plants will grow- Society is all but rude To this delicious solitude." At which words precisely, the spirit of contrariety opened the door and ushered in Dr. Harrison. All he saw, was Mr. Linden with a book, in one easy-chair ; Mrs. Der rick with her knitting in another ; and a little further off, Faith, sitting on her low cushion and apparently doing 420 SAY AND SEAL. nothing. Probably for that reason the doctor made up to her first. He sat down beside her, and enquired in a low tone how the fishes were ? Faith answered that they were well; only one of them had been eaten up by the others. " You are a little tired and are feeling remarkably well to-night," the doctor went on. "What have you been doing?" "I have been trying to do my duty," Faith said colour ing and laughing. " Don t you always do that?" said Dr. Harrison looking at her enquiringly. "But I didn t know what it was till to-day." "You are doing what is very uncommon with you," said the doctor; "fighting me with my own weapons." His smile was pleasant though acute ; but Faith coloured ex ceedingly. "I can t tell you exactly what duty I mean," she said, "but Mr. Linden can." " Do you take your notions of duty from him ?" "To-day," said Faith with a smile, sweet and with spirit enough too. "I maintain that duties are facts, not notions," said Mr. Linden. " Hum " said the doctor turning, " Now you are too quick for me. May one not have a notion of a fact?" "One may. What are your notions about society and solitude?" "Of duty in those regards?" "Not at all, your notions of those facts." "Confused " said the doctor, "Incomprehensible Melancholy and Distracting !" He had got up and assumed the position he seemed to like, a standing-place on the rug, from whence he could look down on everybody. "What do you say to this? Two paradises were in one, To live in Paradise alone. I suppose that meets your notions. " "No," said the doctor, "not unless Eve were the para SAY AND SEAL. 421 dise. And even then, I shouldn t want her any more to myself than to. let all the world come and see that she was mine." "It is a grave question," said Mr. Linden, "whether paradise becomes smaller by being divided. In other words, whether after sharing it with Eve, Adam still retained the whole of it for himself!" "Just the other way 1" said the doctor, "it was doubled or trebled. For in the first place he had Eve ; she was a second paradise; then all her enjoyment of paradise was his enjoyment; that was a third; and in short I should think the multiplication might go on ad infinitum like compound interest or any other series of happiness impossible to calculate." " Simple interest isn t a bad thing," said Mr. Linden. " Yes," said the doctor with an answering flash of his eye, "but it never contented anybody yet that could get it compound that ever I heard of. Does Miss Derrick un derstand arithmetic ?" "Miss Derrick," said Mr. Linden, "how many angels can stand on the point of a (darning) needle without jost ling each other ?" "Don t be deluded into thinking that is arithmetic, "said the doctor. "Some of them would get their feet hurt. What duty has Mr. Linden been persuading you to do to-day?" "Mr. Linden can tell," said Faith. Which appeal Mr. Linden answered by deliberately finishing his poem aloud, for the benefit of the company. " What -wondrous life is this I lead ! Ripe apples drop about my head ; The luscious clusters of the vine Upon my mouth do crush their wine. The nectarine, the curious peach, Into my hands themselves do reach. Stumbling on melons, as I pass, Ensnared with flowers, I fall on grass. 4 Here, at the fountain s sliding foot, Or at some fruit-tree s mossy root, Casting the body s vest aside, My soul into the boughs does glide: VOL. . 36 422 SAY AND SEAL. There, like a bird, it sits and sings, Then whets and claps its silver wings ; And. till prepared for longer flight, Waves in its plumes the various light. " etc. The doctor listened, faithfully and enjoyingly ; but his finishing comment was, "What a pity it is November!" "No," said Faith "I think I enjoyed it better than I should in July." " Rousseau s doctrine," said the doctor. " Or do you mean that you like the description better than the reality ?" " It was the reality I enjoyed," said Faith. What have you got there, Linden?" : Various old poets, bound up together." ; What was that you read ?" Andrew Marvell s Garden. " It s a famous good thing ! though 1 confess my soul never glided into the boughs of any tree when my body didn t go along. Apropos Do you like to be on the back of a good horse ?" "Why yes," said Mr. Linden, "when circumstances place me there." " Will you let me be a circumstance to do it ? I have an animal of that description with almost the facility of motion possessed by Andrew Marvell s soul. Will you try him ?" " Can he run ?" said Mr. Linden with comic demureness. "Fleetly. Whether away with you depends, you know, on what I have no knowledge of; but I should think not." "I should like to know beforehand " said Mr. Linden in the same tone. "However Is it to be on simple or compound interest, doctor ?" "I never take simple interest," said Dr. Harrison. "I want all I can get." "Well if I take your horse, what will you ride alongside of me ?" "That is easily arranged," said the doctor smiling. "This fellow is a new-comer, comparatively, and a pet of mine. I want to know what you think of him When is your next time of leisure ?" SAY AND SEAL. 423 "My daylight leisure is pretty limited now. Part of Saturday I could take." "Then you ll hold yourself engaged to me for Saturday morning, and I ll hold myself engaged to give you some thing- pleasant to do with it. The roads hereabout are good for nothing but riding you can have the pleasure of motion, there isn t much to take your thoughts away from it." "Except emotion?" "If you re another Marvell of a man, and can send your soul into the boughs as you pass; as good as stumbling on melons," said the doctor. " Unless your horse stumbles !" "I see his character is coming out by degrees," said Mr. Linden smiling. "He s as sure-footed as you are I Here comes emotion in the shape of my aunt Ellen. Isn t Mr. Linden a careful man ?" he asked whimsically in a low voice, return ing to his place by Faith. The question touched Faith s feeling of the ludicrous, and she only laughed at the doctor. Which he liked very well. Mrs. Somers errand was to invite the younger portion of the company to spend Christmas evening with her. And having succeeded in her mission, she made the doctor take her home. CHAPTER XXXIII. rPHE week thereafter passed with the usual quiet business _L of those days. Friday evening, however, when the lamp was lit, instead of opening her books at once, Faith took the doctor s station on the rug. " Dr. Harrison has been here this afternoon, Mr. Linden ; and asked me to go with you and him in the ride to-morrow." "Well, Miss Faith?" "I was afraid at first that it might hinder the good of your ride, if I went ; but Dr. Harrison said no ; and he put it so that at last I said I would. But I am afraid of it still." "How did he put it?" " I don t know," said Faith half laughing ; "in a way that left me no excuse ; as if he thought it would be more pleasure both to you and to him, to have me along." "Miss Faith, if you go, you must give me leave to keep very near you. I trust my own care better than Dr. Har rison s. You will understand why I do it?" Faith did not understand very well. "I supposed of course, Mr. Linden, you would be very near ! I knew mother would not let me go to ride with Dr. Harrison, but with you I thought she would not be afraid." He looked at her a little doubtfully as if he wanted to say something; but whatever it might be, it was not what he did say, a quiet "I will try and take care of you. Miss Faith." Which words were afterwards enlarged upon. "Miss Faith, may I trust that you will not fall behind my fleet horse to-morrow?" "Do you mean, if he goes very fast?" said Faith, with questioning eyes. "His speed shall not put you to any inconvenience. Indeed it may chance that he will be obliged to go slower than you like, in which case, Miss Faith, I hope jour liking will change." (424) SAY AND SEAL. 425 The doctor came the next day in a gay mood. "I told you," said he, "I shouldn t be content with simple interest I wanted compound. I hope you approve of my addition to our plan ?" "So far so good," Mr. Linden said smiling. They went out, and Mr. Linden s first move was towards the horse with the side saddle ; not with the intention of mounting him, however : but a more particular, thorough, systematic examination of every buckle and strap of his harness, that particular horse had never had. Then Mr. Linden turned and held out his hand to Faith. She gave him hers with a facile readiness that quite pre cluded interposition, and testified either that she had ex pected it or had not expected it; most probably the latter. Dr. Harrison bit his lips, but that was a second s emotion; his next step was to dismiss the groom who stood at the horse s head and take that office on himself. "You are more careful than is absolutely necessary in this case," said he smiling. "This horse, Miss Faith, is the mate, I presume, of the one Job used to take his exer cise upon. I chose him for you, thinking of Mrs. Derrick. Give Stranger to Mr. Linden !" The last words being a direction to the groom. A very different creature was Stranger ! If it had been the purpose of Dr. Harrison to give his friend so much to do with his own particular affairs that he would have no leisure to bestow on those of other people, he had chosen the horse at least well. A very fine and beautiful animal, he deserved all the praise given him for facility of motion ; no feet could disdain the ground more daintily ; no carriage be more absolutely springy and soft. But the mischief and spirit of both the runaways combined would not match his case. Pie did not indeed appear to be vicious, any further than a most vehement desire to please himself and that in all manner of eccentric ways, totally irrelevant to the pur pose of getting ahead on the road or serving the will of his rider, might be called vice. It rather seemed the spirit of power in full play. However it were, there was no lack of either motion or emotion during the first haJf mile of the way; for Stranger s manner of getting over so much of 36* 426 SAY AND SEAL. the ground was continually either calling Faith s blood into her cheeks, or driving it out from them. They were well matched, however, the horse and the rider, and the spirit of power in equal exercise. Neither did Mr. Linden seem averse to the play though Stranger presently found that what play he indulged in, was clearly matter of concession ; his name, as regarded his rider, soon lost its point. On the whole, the performance came as near the Centaurship declared impossible by Dr. Harrison, as most things have in modern times ; but so far as the doctor had any stake depending upon Stranger s antics, so far he lost. Mr. Linden had never seemed more absolutely at leisure to attend to other people s affairs, and had rarely, it may be said, attended to them more thoroughly, than during that springy half mile. An occasional Pas seul round the minuet of his companions, rather heightened the effect. On another score, too, perhaps the doctor lost; for what ever efforts he made, or she made, it was simply impossible for Faith to attend to anything else whatever with any show of consecutiveness, but the said horse and his rider. An attention sufficiently accounted for in the first place by the startled changes of colour in her face ; latterly the colour rose and became steady, and a little varying play of smile on lip and eye during the third quarter of a mile attested the fact that other "emotions" had displaced that of fear. Clearly the doctor had lost upon Stranger. "How do you like him ?" he said at last speaking across Faith who was not "good " for conversation. "Very much." " I see you do and he likes you, which is, to be sure, a correlative position. As I see he don t fill your hands, may I impose upon you the care of my sister? We are an un even number you are aware, and as I thought it desirable not to look odd, I gave her permission to go with us." Dr. Harrison did not see if Faith did the tiniest bit of a glance that sought her face while he was speaking ; but nothing could be easier than the terms in which Mr. Linden declared himself ready to take charge of any number of ladies,-- it was only equalled by Stranger s bound the next minute. How dismayed one of the party was at this addition of SAY AND SEAL. 427 Miss Harrison s company, nobody guessed. They turned in at Judge Harrison s gate, and found Miss Sophy all ready for them. But to Faith, the play was suddenly taken out of "the play." She and Dr. Harrison set forward to be sure, over a pleasant road, in delicious weather; the doctor was in one of his balmiest moods ; and though quietly, she was very well mounted. It was pleasant, or would have been pleas ant; but all the while, what was Stranger doing behind her that she could not see ! Then in answering some kindly, graceful remark of the doctor s, Faith chid herself for un gratefulness, and roused herself to give and take what good was in her power. The ride was pleasant after that ! The air in all its calm sweetness was well tasted; the barren landscape, never barren to Faith s eyes, was enjoyed at every step. Her horse went agreeably, and the talk between her and Dr. Harrison grew interesting and enlivening. Meanwhile Mr. Linden s horse and his companion were at the antipodes of each other. Thoroughly good and estimable as Miss Harrison was, she never left the beaten track, and Stranger never kept in it. Between these two opposites Mr. Linden amused himself as best he might. To do him justice he tried his best to amuse his companion. Several miles of way had been passed over, when in a broad grassy reach of the road, the two riders ahead fell back upon the rest of the party; Faith taking Miss Harri son s side, while the doctor drew up by Mr. Linden. "How does it go?" he said good humouredly. "What is the impersonal in this case?" said Mr. I>inden, while Stranger snorted and bounded, and by every means in his power requested the doctor to keep at a distance. "A conglomerate, for which I found no better term. You, Stranger, and my sister, and the world generally." " Stranger is in a sufficiently ardent mood, for his share he gives me a fine view of the country," said Mr. Linden, as the creature brought himself to a tolerably erect position, and seemed to like it so well as to be in no hurry to come down ; and when he did, took the precaution to take his hind feet off the ground before the fore feet touched. " Miss Faith how does this agree with your ideal of Melan choly?" 428 SAY AND SEAL. Faith forgot to answer, or thought answers impertinent. "That horse frightens me out of my wits," said Miss Harrison. "I have been jumping out of the saddle half the time, since I came out. Sometimes he ll go very quietly as nice as anybody and then he ll play such a caper as he did then. That was just because Julius came up alongside of him. He had been going beautifully this last mile. I wish he d have nothing to do with such a creature !" " I suppose he s very pleasant to ride," said Faith eying the creature. Perhaps Stranger with his full, wild eyes, took note of this look of partial favour, for he backed a little from the doctor, and came dancing round by Faith, and there danced along at her side for a few minutes ; evidently in an excited state of mind. His rider meanwhile, gave Faith a quiet word of admonition about keeping so loose a rein, and asked, in the same half undertone, if she felt tired ? "0 no !" Faith said with a look of thanks and pleasure. "That piece of care I must trust in your hands don t forget that I do so trust it. How would you like to cross Quapaw creek on this piece of quicksilver?" " I don t think you d like to have me !" Faith said very decidedly. "I never saw anything so beautiful, quite, Mr. Linden that I recollect at this minute," she added smiling. " I want to dance with you to-day more than I ever did before," he answered, smiling too. "Miss Faith, if you have not yet said the few sensible words, or if you have any left, won t you please say them to me ?" " That question comes like a constable upon all my sense," said Faith laughing, "and it feels as I suppose a man does when he is clapped on the shoulder." "But then the man cannot run away, you know." "Nor my sense don t," said Faith, "that I know of, . but it feels as if it hadn t possession of itself, Mr. Linden." "Well see if it is equal to this demand What would be the consequences if y^a and I were to start off and scour the country on our own hook, as people say?" "I think our hook would draw two people after us," said Faith, looking very much amused and a little afraid of being overheard. "That is a melancholy fact ! And my self-indulgence SAY AND SEAL. 429 needs to be kept iii check. Miss Faith," he said dropping his voice still more, " Stranger regrets very much that he must now go through that figure of the cotillion called Ladies change !" And with a low and laughing bow, Mr. Linden reined back his horse and returned to his former place with all the soberness that circumstances allowed. There was no soberness whatever in the face with which Faith recommenced her tete-a-tete with Miss Harrison. The doctor was perfectly in order. "I have been thinking," he said, "since my question of how the world went with you. what a very insignificant thing, as to extent, the world of any one person is." " Compared with the universe," said Mr. Linden. "What sort of a world have you got into?" said Dr. Harrison somewhat impatiently. " No the actual extent of your and my consciousness of that field of action and perception which we magnificently call our world ! What a mighty limited field it is !" "I think you describe it correctly," said Mr. Linden: "it is both mighty and limited. A little space railed off for every man and yet larger than that man can ever fill." "It seems to me too insignificant to be worth filling." "There is a little outlet on every side that makes it im possible to fill ?" "What do you mean ?" " I mean, that while our action at every step touches other people, and their consequent action moves on with like effect, the limits of our power in this world can never be known." "Will you think me impertinent if I ask once more what you mean ? or rather, ask you to enlarge a little ?" " If a man plants the first clover seed or thistle-down in some great continent," said Mr. Linden, "from whose little field is it, that in a hundred years the whole land bears thistles or clover ?" "It won t," said the doctor, "if a hundred other things are sown at the same time. And so it seems to me in life that one action is counteracted by another, universally, and nothing makes anything 1 of any avail." " If nothing is of any avail, things don t counteract each other. You are proving my position." The doctor smiled, not unpleasantly. 430 SAY AND SEAL. "I see," ne said, "you can maintain any position you choose to take, on the ground or in the air ! I must give way to you on this ground." And Dr. Harrison reined back his horse and came into Faith s neighbourhood. " Miss Derrick, the road is getting too contracted for such a procession will you draw bridle ?" " I don t want to ride behind, Dr. Harrison," said Faith looking laughingly back at him. " I ll go on in front." Which she did, so briskly that the doctor had to bestir himself to come up with her. " I didn t know," he said, and he spoke somewhat in earnest, " I didn t know that you cared anything about eminence or preeminence." " Didn t you, Dr. Harrison ?" "Do you ?" " I don t know " said Faith gravely. "Eminence ? yes, I should care very much for that, in some things. Not for preeminence, I think. There s Mr. Simlins] and I must speak to him." Faith s horse which had been on an easy canter, came to a stand; and so must the doctor. Mr. Siinlins too was on horseback. ".Mr. Simlins," said Faith after giving him her If^nd, "will you have half a day s leisure Monday or Tuesday?" "Leisure?" said the farmer with his best growl. " n i, I sha n t have it if you take it." " Do you think I may take it?" "I don t suppose there s anybody that can hinder yt u," said Mr. Simlins "without excepting my own identity. / can t. Do you want to go up yonder again ?" The doctor interposed to make offers of his father s horses, carriage, and servants; but Faith quietly negatived them all. " How did you get home the other night ?" said the farmer. "Did you get over the river?" Then shifting his ground as Miss Harrison and Stranger came up into the group, he changed his question. "I say Mr. Linden ! I heerd Quapaw creek was choked up the other night-r-how did you get home ?" "The same way I expect to now," said Mr. Linden. "How did you, Mr. Simlins." "The harness was all right," said Mr. Simlins "if any- SAY AND SEAL. 431 cliing else was in a disorganized state, twas somebody s fault besides yourn. That lynch-pin made trouble though; it didn t fit more places than one. Did you get across Quapaw creek on your horses ?" "Do you suppose I crossed on foot?" said Mr. Linden .smiling. "Do you take me for a witch, Mr. Simlins ?" "I haven t just made up my mind about that," said the farmer. " I ve a temptation to think you air. What s that you re on ?" Only a broomstick in disguise, Mr. Simlins. As he Delongs to Dr. Harrison, I am willing to own so much." "He s as well-shaped a broomstick as ever I see," said the farmer consideratively. "I shouldn t mind puttin him in harness. Well good-day 1 I m glad this girl didn t have to go all round again the other night I was afeard she had. I ll take you over creation," he sung out after her as they parted company, "and I ll be along Monday." " Quapaw creek ?" said Dr. Harrison, as the interrupted procession took up its line of march again, " I think I remember that. What was the matter?" "The bridge was broken, with a loaded wagon upon it," Faith explained. "And you crossed by fording ?" "Yes." "Isn t it rather a difficult ford? If I remember right, the bed of the stream is uneven and rough; doesn t it require some guiding of the horses?" "I believe so yes. It isn t safe for an ignorant rider." "I didn t give you credit," said he looking at her, "for being such a horsewoman. That is quite a feat for a lady." Faith coloured high. But she was not going a second time to fight the doctor with his own weapons. A very little she hesitated, then she said boldly, though not in very bold tones it must be confessed, "I am not a horsewoman Mr. Linden carried me over." The doctor looked very moody fur a few minutes; then his brow brightened. Faith s straightforward truth had served her as well as the most exquisite piece of involutiou. The doctor could not very well see the face with which her words were spoken and had to make up his mind upon them alone. 432 SAY AND SEAL. "It is so !" was his settled conclusion. "She has only a child s friendly liking for him nothing more or she never, simple as she is, would have said that to me with that frankness!" Moodiness returned to the doctor s brow no more. He left Quapaw creek in the distance and talked of all manner of pleasant things. And so, with no second break of the order of march, they went on and went home. "Mr. Linden," said Faith when she was lighting the lamp for study in the evening, "you ll never ask anything of me so hard to do as that was to-day." "Hard ?" he replied. " Why ?" " To keep in front, where I could not see you and that horse." "Miss Faith ! I am very sorry 1 But you know I had you in charge I felt bound to keep you in sight." "I know," she said; and sat down to her work. CHAPTER XXXIY. THERE was no more riding after that the weather grew too cold, and Mattabeeset was put off till spring; but with walks and talks and reading aloud, Goethe s maxim was well carried out. For there is music that needs no composer but Peace, and fireside groups that are not bad pictures in stormy weather. And so December began to check off its sliort days with busy fingers. There came a sudden interruption to all this, except De cember s part of it, For a letter arrived from Miss Delia Danforth, at Pequot, begging that Faith would come and spend a little time with her. Miss Delia was very unwell, and suffering and alone, with the exception of her brother s French wife ; and she wrote with longing desire to see Faith. Mr. Danforth had been some years dead, and the widow and the sister who had lived so long together with him, since his death had kept their old household life, in a very quiet way, without him. But now Miss Danforth longed for some of her own kindred, or had a special liking or desire for Faith s company, for she prayed her to come. And it was not a call that Faith herself a moment doubted about answering. Mrs. Derrick s willingness lingered, for various natural reasons; but that too followed. It was clear that Faith ought not to refuse. The day before she was to go, Mrs. Derrick made her self unusually busy and tired, so as to spare Faith s study- time; and thus it fell out, that when night came and prayers were over, JVIrs. Derrick went straight to bed; partly from fatigue, partly to be ready for an early start next day ; for she was to drive Faith over to Pequot. No such need or inducements sent Faith to bed; and the two students planned a longer evening of work than common, to anticipate lost time. But when the hours were about half spent, Cindy came to the door and called out, "Miss Faith!" Faith left her book and went to the door, which she held open VOL. i. 37 (433) 434 SAY AND SEAL. "There was a boy come to-night," said Cindy, "from that old starvation creatur down .by Barley point, and he says she s more in a box than ever. Haint a crumb of bread for breakfast nor supper neither, for that." "Is the boy here now?" "Why sakes no I" said Cindy. " He come while you was to supper. I s pose I might ha telled ye before, but then again I was busy bakin cakes and I m free to confess I forgot. And prayers always does turn everything out of ray head. I can t guess how I thought of it now. Mr. Skip s away to-night, too," said Cindy in conclusion. Faith shut the door behind her. "It s too far for you to go alone. Can you find some body to go with you, Cindy ? I ll put ap a basket of things for her." "Aint a soul in sight " said Cindy. "I d as lieves go the hull way alone as to snoop round, hunting folks." "Then Cindy, if you ll get ready I ll go with you. She must have something." Cindy looked at her. " Guess you better get fixed first, Miss Faith. Taint hardly worth my while, I reckon. Who shouldn t we have after us !" "Just have your shawl and bonnet ready, Cindy, will you ?" said Faith gravely, " and I ll be ready in a very few minutes." She went with business speed to pantry and cellar, and soon had a sizeable basket properly filled. Leaving that in Cindy s charge, Faith went back to the sitting-room, and came and stood by the table, and said quietly, " I can t do any more to-night, Mr. Linden. J must be busy in another way. I am going out for a little while." "May I ask not from curiosity with whom?" he said looking up at her. "With Cindy to attend to some business she didn t tell me of in proper time." Faith had laid her books together and. was going otf. Mr. Linden rose from the table. "With me, if you please, Miss Faith. I will not intrude upon your business." "It s no business to be intruded upon!" she said with her simple look into his face. "But Cindy and I can do SAY AND SEAL. 435 it. Please do not let me take you away ! I am not afraid much." "Miss Faith, you want a great many lessons yet! and I do not deserve this. Don t you know that in Mrs. Derrick ^ absence I am guardian of her house and of you ? I will go with you, or without you -just as you choose," he added smiling. "If you would rather study than walk, you shall. Is the business too intricate for me to manage ?" It s only to carry some things to an old woman who is in great want of them. They can t wait till to-morrow. If you will go, Mr. Linden, I ll be ready in a minute. I d like to go." She ran to get ready, and Mr. Linden went to the kitchen and took the basket from Cindy, and then waited at the front door till Faith came, and they went out into the moonlight together. A very bright moonlight, and dark shadows dark and still; only one of them seemed to move ; but that one made Faith glad of her change of companions. Perhaps it made the same suggestion to Mr: Linden, for his first words looked that way. " Miss Faith, you did not do quite right, to-night. Don t you know " with a gentle half smiling tone "you must not let anything make you do wrong ?" Her look and tone were both very confiding, and touched with timidity. "Did I, Mr. Linden ? I didn t mean it." I know that but you must remember for another time." And he went off to other subjects, giving her talk and information that were perhaps better than books. The walk was good, too ; the air bracing, and the village sights arid sounds in a subsiding glimmer and murmur. The evening out of doors was worth as much as the evening within doors could have been. Faith thought so. The way was down the road that led to Barley point, branching off from that. The distance to the poor cottage seemed short enough, but if it had seemed long Faith would have felt herself well paid so much was the supply needed, so joy fully was it received. The basket was left there for Mr. Skip to bring home another time, and at a rather late hour in the evening the return walk began. The night was sharp and frosty, and still, now, with a 436 SAY AND SEAL. depth of silence. The moon, high and full, beamed down in silver splendour, and the face of the earth was all white or black. The cold, clear light, the sharp shadows angling and defining everything, the absolute stillness how well they chimed ! and chime they did, albeit noiselessly. In that bracing air the very steps of the two homeward bound people seemed to spring more light and elastic, and gave little sound. They went on together with a quick even step, the very walking was pleasant. For a while they talked busily too, then Thought came in and claimed her place, and words ceased. They had left the turn to the belt of woods, and were now passing one or two empty fields where low hedges made a black line of demarcation, and the moonlight seemed even whiter than before. Faith was on the side next the road, and both a little way out, for the walking was smoother and dryer. How it was done Faith could not tell the next two seconds seemed full of separate things which she remem bered afterwards but her hand was disengaged from Mr. Linden s arm, and he was standing before her and she be hind him, almost before she had fairly seen a little flash of red light from the hedge before them. A sharp report a powdery taint on the sweet air, came then to give their evidence to what? That second past, Mr. Linden turned, but still stand ing so as to shield her, and laid both hands on her shoul ders. "Are you hurt?" he said, in a voice lowered by feeling, not intent. One bewildered instant she stood mute perhaps with no breath for words; the next minute, with a motion too un expected and sudden to be hindered, lifting both hands she threw his off, bounded to one side to be clear of him, and sprang like a gazelle towards the spot where the red flash had caught her eye. But she was caught and stopped before she reached it, and held still that same shield between her and the hedge. " Did it touch you ?" Mr. Linden repeated. "No Let me ! let me 1" she said eagerly endeavouring to free herself. SAY AND SEAL. 437 He was silent a moment a deep drawn breath the only- reply ; but he did not loose his hold. " Aly dear child," he said, "you could find nothing for what would you go?" the tone was very gentle, even moved. "You must walk on before me as quick as you can. Will you promise to do it? I will keep you in sight." "Before you? no. What are you going to do? Are you touched ?" Her voice changed as she went on. " 1 am not hurt and mean to do nothing to-night but follow you home. But give me your promise, Miss Faith, you must not stand here." " Why in front ? will they be behind us ?" ! I must have you in sight and I will not have you near me." And letting go his hold he said, almost impera tively, " 1 will trust you. Walk on before me I Miss Faith, you must not delay a moment." U I will go with you," she said low, and clinging to his arm; " Your safety is in being near me. I will not delay. Come. l r But the hand was taken off again, and held in both his while he spoke. " 1 will not have you anywhere near me 1 If you do not walk on far in front, I shall, and keep watch of you as best 1 can." And he let go her hand, and stepped back with a quick pace that soon put some distance between them. She stood still a moment, looking, and then sprang back till she reached him ; speaking with a low vehemence that did not seem like Faith. "1 will not do it, Mr. Linden I will not I I will notl Come, come I don t stay here !"- Whatever Mr. Linden felt at that appeal and he was not a man to feel it lightly his words lost none of their firmness. " I shall not stir until you are ten yards in front of me ! unless I leave you as far behind." She planted herself for an instant before him and looked in his face, with eyes of quiet but most eloquent beseech ing. "No" he repeated, "you mu?t go on and fear nothing. 37* 438 SAY AND SEAL. Child there is no restraint to the Lord, to save by manj or by few. 7 She did not answer, even by the little shake of the head which sometimes with her stood in place of words. She turned, went swiftly forward, with a straight, even, unslack- ening pace, which did not falter nor stop for a long, long piece of the way ; how long it was by the mind s measure ment it would be hard to tell. It was one breathless sense of pain and fear; of which moonlight and shadows and the points of the way all made part and were woven in together. Her ears were tingling for that sound; her eyes only measured unconsciously the distances and told off the waymarks. Down the little pitch of the road where that to Barley point forked off; then by a space of clear fences where hedgerows were not, and a barn or two rose up in the moonlight; through gates where the post shadows were black and deep, by the skirting bushes that now and then gathered about the rails. She walked as fast as she could and keep her strength. That was unconsciously measured too. It had seemed to her, in her agony of pleading before the commencing of this strange walk, that it was impossible she should do it. She was doing it now, under a force of will that she had not been able to with stand ; and her mind was subdued and strained beyond the power of thinking. Her very walking seemed to her me chanical ; intensely alive as her senses were all the time. There was a transient relief at coming into the neighbour hood of a house, and a drear feeling of desolation and in creased danger as she left it behind her; but her pace neither faltered nor flagged. She looked round sometimes, but never paused for that. Before the more thickly settled part of the village was reached her step grew a little slower, probably from the sheer necessity of failing strength ; but steady it was, at whatever rate of travel. When at last they turned the sandy corner into the broad street or main way of the village, where houses and gardens often broke the range of hedgeway or fence, and lights spoke to lights in the neighbouring windows, Faith stopped and stood leaning against the fence. In another moment she was drawn away from that to a better support. "Are you faint?" Mr. Linden said. SAY AND 3EAL. 439 Her no was faint, but the answer was true for all the rest of her. He drew her hand within his arm, and went on silently ; but how glad he was to see her home, Faith might guess from the way she was half carried up the steps and into the hall, and the door shut and locked behind her. After the same fashion she was taken into the sitting-room and placed in the easy chair, and her wrappers unfastened and taken off with very gentle and quick hands. She offered almost as little help as hindrance, and her head sank imme diately. He stood by her, and repeated his question about faint- ness. "0 no, sir I m not faint. It s nothing," Faith said, but as if her very voice was exhausted. And crossing her arms upon the table, close to which the easy chair stood, she laid her head down upon them. Her mother might well say she had a baby face. It looked so theu. Mr. Linden s next move was to get a glass of wine, and with gentle force and persuasion to make her swallow it ; that done, he stood leaning upon the back of her chair, silently, but with a very, very grave face. She kept her position, scarcely stirring, for some length of time, except that after a while she hid her face in her hands. And sitting so, at last she spoke, in a troubled tone. "What can be done, Mr. Linden? to put a stop to this." "I will try what can be done," he answered, though not as if that point were uppermost in his mind. "I think I can find a way. I wish nothing gave me more uneasiness than that ?" "Do you think there is any way that you can do it, thoroughly ?" " Yes, I think so,-" he repeated. " There are ways of doing most things. I shall try. Do not you think about it, Miss Faith, I have something now to make me glad you are going to Pequot. Before, I could only remember how much I should miss my scholar." " Why are you glad now, Mr. Linden ?" Faith s voice was iu as subdued a state of mind as her face. 440 SAY AND SEAL. " Change of air will be good for you till this air.is in a better state." She made no answer. In a few minutes she rose up, gathered her wrappers into one hand, and turning to Mr Linden held out the other to him ; with a very child s look, which however was rather doubtful about meeting his. His look had lost none of its grave concern. "Are you better?" he said. "Will you promise to go right to sleep, and leave all troublesome matters where alone they can be taken care of?" The faintest kind of a smile flitted across her face. " I don t know" she said doubtfully, "I don t know what I can do, Mr. Linden." "I have told you." " I ll try the last part," she said with a somewhat more defined smile as she glanced up at him. It was as grave and gentle a smile as is often known. " You must try it all," he said, giving her hand the same touch it had had once before. "Miss Faith, I may use your words I think you will never give me harder work to do than I have had to-night !" She could not bear that. She stood with eyes cast down, and a fluttering quiver upon her lip; still, because the effort to control herself was at the moment as much as she could do. It was successful, though barely ; and then, without venturing another look, she said her low Good night, sir ; and moved away. She was accompanied as far as the door, but then Mr. Linden paused, with his hand on the latch. " Shall you take any work I mean book work with you to Pequot ? or will your hands find too much else to do ?" " I meant to take some I meant to do a good deal I hope so." "Then can you come back to the great chair for ten minutes, and let me give you a word or two of direction ?" She came immediately and sat down. And Mr. Linden went back to where they had been interrupted early in the evening, and told her what and where and how to go on in the various books, till she should see him again ; putting marks here and there to save her trouble, or pencilling some explanation which might be needed. It took but a SAY AND SEAL. 441 few minntes to do this ; and then Mr. Linden laid the books together, and drawing the old Bible towards him once more, he turned to the ninety-first Psalm and read it aloud. Read it with full heart-felt effect; which made the words fall like the dew they are, upon the weary little flower Faith was Then he bade her once more goodnight. She went refreshed ; yet to become a prey to struggling thoughts which for a while prevented refreshment from having its lawful action. How much of the night and of the early morning Faith spent in these thoughts, and in the fruit of them, is uncertain; for the evening s work would sufficiently have accounted for her worn look the next day. CHAPTER XXXV. go to Pe y aoi *" was the first thought that entered Faith s mind the next morning. And the advancing daylight, with its clear steadfast way of looking at things, said, "Yes, you must." "Is there anything / who know most about this business can do to put an end to it ?" That was a second thrilling question. The same daylight gave its frank answer, "No, you cannot you cannot." Faith took both answers, and then Bought, in the very spirit of a child, to "leave all troublesome things where alone they could be taken care of. "There is a faculty in this," saith Leighton, "that all persons have not." But the spirit of a child can do it; and the spirit of a Christian, so far as it is right, is none other. Faith went down stairs, in spite of inward sorrow and trembling, with a quiet brow. It was very much the face of last night, for its subdued look, and in spite of the night s rest, in its paleness too ; though the colour played there somewhat fitfully. Sorrowful note of that Mr. Linden took, or the pained look of last night had not passed off from his face, or both might be true. So far as the most gentle, quick-sighted, and careful attention could be of avail, the breakfast was pleasant ; otherwise it was but a grave affair. Even Mrs. Derrick looked from one to the other, with thoughtfulness that was not merely of Faith s going away. There was little time however for observations. Directly after breakfast the wagon was got ready ; and when they were bestowed in it and Mr. Linden s farewell had bade Faith remember all his injunctions the night before, he turned and walked on to his own place of work and the mother and daughter set forth on their journey. In a small insignificant house, in a by street of Pequot, was the little, very odd household of the two, Miss and Madame Danforth. They kepi no servant ; they lived quite (442) SAY AND SEAL. 443 to themselves; the various work of the household they shared between them and made it as good as play ; and no *vorse than play seemed all the rest of their quiet lives. But Miss Dilly was ill now and unable to do her part ; and what was worse, and more, she had lost her wonted cheer ful and gay way of looking at things. That the little Frenchwoman never lost; but it takes two to keep up a shuttlecock, and Faith was welcome in that house. What work she did there for the next two or three weeks w as best known not to herself but to the two old ladies whose hearts she cheered. And they knew not all ; they did not know the leap of Faith s heart at the thought of home, whenever, morning or noon or night, it came into her head. She kept it out of her head as much as she could. And she went about from the top to the bottom of the house, even after the first day she came, the same sort of sunbeam she was at home. She took in hand Miss Dan- forth s broom and duster, and did Cindy s part of setting cups and saucers; but that was a small matter. The help ful hand which made itself so busy and the voice which ran music all up and down the house, were never forgotten, even by the Frenchwoman. To Miss Danforth, feeble and ailing, Faith ministered differently, and did truly the work of an angel. More than once before the second day was done, Miss Dilly repeated, " Faith, child, how glad I am I sent for you !" And Madame Danforth took to her mightily; opened heart and arms without reservation ; and delighting to have her company, carried her down into the kitchen and initiated Faith into deep mysteries of the science and art the head quarters of which are there. Now did Faith learn new secrets about coffee, about eggs, about salads and about vegetables, that she never knew before ; and for some unknown reason she was keen to learn, and liked the half hours over the kitchen fire with Madame Danforth so well, that the little Frenchwoman grew proud of her pupil. It was the third day of Faith s being at Pequot. Faith was engaged in some gentle offices about the room, folding up clothes and putting drawers in order. Miss Danforth s eye watched her, following every movement, till Madame Danforth left the room to go out on business. Faith was 444 SAY AND SEAL. summoned then to her aunt s side. It was the darkening part of the afternoon. Faith sat down at the foot of Miss Danforth s great easy chair, looked into the fire, and won dered what they were doing at Pattaquasset. "And so, Faith, child, you re taken to new ways, I hear." To Faith s quick ear, Miss Danforth s voice shewed a purpose. It was less brisk than its old wont. Her answer was as simple as possible. "Yes, aunt Dilly. It s true." " You don 4 think you re any better than you used to be do you ?" "No, ma am. Yet my life is better, I hope." " I don t believe it ! How could it be ?" "In this at least, that I am the servant of God now. Before, I never thought of serving him." "I never did," said Miss Dilly. "But" There was a silence. Faith s heart leapt to hear this confession, but she said nothing and sat still as a mouse. "How s Mr. Linden getting on in Pattaquasset?" "Well" "You like him as well as ever?" "Yes." Alert questions. Rather faint answers. "Do you remember what he said one night, about every body being precious ? Do you remember it, Faith ?" "Yes, ma am very well." " I suppose I have thought of it five hundred and fifty times," Miss Dilly went on. "What were the words, Faith ? do you know em ?" Faith did not move, only repeated, and if they had been literal diamonds every word would not have seemed so precious to her, " They shall be mine, saith the Lord, in the day when I make up -my jewels. " "That s it!" said Miss Dilly. "Now go on, can you, Faith, and tell me what it means." "It is spoken of the people that fear the Lord, aunt Dilly it goes on " And I will spare them, as a man spareth his own on that serveth him. Then shall ye return and discern SAY AND SEAL. 445 between the righteous and the wicked, between him that, serveth God and him that serveth him not. " "Tell me more. Faith," said Miss Danforth presently in a subdued voice. "I don t understand one thing about, it from beginning to end." In answer to which Faith turned, took a Bible, and as one did of old, preached unto her Jesus. It was very simple preaching. Faith told her aunt the story even very much as she had told it to Johnny Fax; and with the same sweet grave face and winning tongue which had drawn the children. As earnest as they, Miss Dilly listened and looked, and brought her strong sense to bear upon the words. Not with the same ease of understanding. She said little, excepting to bid Faith go on, in a tone that told the quest she was upon unsatisfied yet. Faith went on, but preferred to let the Bible words speak instead of her own. It brought Mrs. Custers to mind again, though this time Faith s joy of heart made her words ring as from a sweet silver trumpet. So they fell on the sick woman s ear; nor was there stay or inter ruption till Faith heard the hall door close below. She shut the book then ; then her arm came round Miss Dan- forth s neck, and her kisses spoke well enough the glad sympathy and encouragement Faith spoke in no other way. One earnest return answered her. From that time, to read the Bible to her aunt was Faith s work; morning, noon, and night, literally; some times far into the night. For Miss Danforth, embracing what she had never known before, as the light gradually broke upon her; and feeling that her time for study might be made short, was in eager haste and longing to acquaint herself with the broad field of duties and privileges, all new, now laid open before her. Faith could not read too much ; Miss Dilly could not listen too long. "Faith, child," she said one night, late, when they were alone, "can t you pray for me?" "I do, aunt Dilly." "No, no! but I mean, can t you pray with me? now, here. Can t you, Faith?" Faith kissed her ; hid her face in her hands and trembled ; and then knelt and prayed. And many a time after that CHAPTER XXXVI. HI HE Saturday before Christmas, which was moreover JL the day but one before, Squire Stoutenburgh went over to Pequot ; and having checked off his business items, drove straight to Madame Danforth s. The door was opened to him by the Frenchwoman, who took him into a little room very like herself, and left him; and in another minute or two Faith .came in. Her exclamation was with the unmistakeable tone and look of pleasure. "My dear, I am very glad to see you 1" was part of the warm reply. " How do you do ?" "I do very well, sir." "Ah!" said the Squire, "I suppose so. Well I ll give you a chance to do better. My dear, I m going to carry you off, you re wanted." "Am I?" said Faith with a quick change. "There s nothing the matter ?" " Nothing bad," said the Squire. "At least I hope not ! AVill you go home with me this afternoon ?" "0 yes, sir and very glad! But did mother send for me ?" "Sent for you if I could get you, Miss Faith. I don t suppose she ll ever really interfere with your doings if you choose to go and live in the Moon, but she s half sick for the sight of you. That s prevalent just now," said the Squire, "and she s not the worst case. The doctor went off for fear he should take it; but some people have duties, you know, and can t stir." There was a tiny peachblossom tinge on Faith s cheek, which the Squire was pleased to take note of. She stood with a thoughtful face the while. "I ll be ready, Mr. Stoutenburgh. When will you come for me ?" The time was fixed, and Faith made her explanations to her friends; promising that if need were she would some back again, or her mother, after Christmas. Miss Dilly let her go very willingly, yet most unwillingly; and (446) SAY AND SEAL. 447 Madame Danforth s reluctance had nothing to balance it. So it was that Faith s joy had its wonted mixture of gravity when she met the Squire again. "If you re not going to be glad to get home, I m a rich man if I ll go in with you !" he said as he put her in the sleigh and tucked her up with shawls and buffalo robes. "That s the way ! first get power and then abuse it." "Power! Mr. Stoutenburgh. What do you mean? I am very glad to go home. Don t I look so?" She cer tainly did. " I mean that I haven t seen anybody smile since you went away," said Mr. Stoutenburgh, proceeding to tuck himself up in like manner. "Except Dr. Harrison. He kept himself in practice while he staid." Faith was silent; eying the snowy road and the jingling horse heads, with a bounding feeling of heart that she, was going home. She dared allow it to herself now. "What do you guess made the doctor leave that fly away horse of his for Mr. Linden to tame?" said the Squire. "Has he any particular reason for wishing to break his neck ?" "Did he do that?" "Break his neck? why no, not yet, I suppose the doctor lives in hopes. You take it coolly, Miss Faith ! upon my word." " Mr. Stoutenburgh ! I meant, did he leave the horse for him. Dr. Harrison knew there wasn t much danger, Mr. Stoutenburgh." Mr. Stoutenburgh touched up his own team. "I guess!" he said slowly, "the doctor don t just know how much danger there is. So Pattaquasset 11 have a chance to come down on both feet which that horse don t do often. We ve had all sorts of goings on, Miss Faith." "Have you, sir?" The question was put quietly enough, but there was a little tinge of curiosity, too. "Yes," said the Squire, shaking his whip. "Sam Dea con s gone away and Mr. Linden s grown unpopular. Aint that news?" "What do you mean, sir?" "Why Sam Deacon s gone away " the Squire repeated 448 SAY AND SEAL. coolly. "He was getting rather too much of a sportin character for our town, so a- friend of mine that was going to Egypt or somewhere took him along. You needn t be uneasy about him, Miss Faith he ll be taken care of. I should have sent him a worse journey, only I was over ruled." "And is he gone to Egypt?" said Faith. "Hardly got so far yet," said the Squire. "But I thought it would be good for Sara s health he s been a little weaker than usual about the head lately." "That was only half of your news, Mr. Stoutenburgh," Faith said after another interval of musing. " Tother halfs nothing wonderful. Mr. Linden s getting unpopular with everybody in town that he don t make up to on the right side; and as there s a good many of them, I m afraid it ll spread. I ve done my best to tell him how to quiet the matter, but you might just as well tell a pep- peridge which way to grow ! Did you ever try to make him do anything ?" said the Squire, facing round upon Faith. The startling of Faith s eyes was like a flash ; and some thing so her colour went and came. The answer was a very orderly, "Yes, sir." "Hum I s pose he did it, guess I ll come to you next time I want anything done. Are you cold, my dear ?" said the Squire renewing his efforts at wrapping up. Faith s desire for Pattaquasset news was satisfied. She manifested no more curiosity about anything; and so far as appeared in words, was contented with her own thoughts. That however would have been a rash conclusion. For thoughts do occupy that do not content; and Faith could willingly have spared the hints in Mr. Stoutenburgh s last speech and indeed in several others. She by no means understood them thoroughly ; yet something of the drift and air of them she did feel, and felt as unnecessary. There had been already in Faith s mind a doubtful look towards the last evening she had spent in Pattaquasset ; a certain undefined consciousness that her action that night might have said or seemed to say she knew not what. She could find no fault with it, to herself; there had been nothing that she could help; but yet this consciousness made her more tender upon anything that touched the subject. She had SAY AND SEAL. 449 thought of it, and put it out of her head, several times in these last weeks ; and now Mr. Stoutenburgh s words had just the effect to make her shy. Faith s mind however had been full of grave and sweet things of late, and was in such a state now. The principal feeling, which the Squire s words could not change, was of very deep and joyous happiness ; she was exceeding glad to go home ; but at the same time in a mood too quiet and sober for the wine of joy to get into her head. Squire Stoutenburgh too seemed satisfied, perhaps with the uncold hue of Faith s cheeks; and now drove on at a rapid rate, talking only of indifferent matters. The horses trotted quick over the smooth snow, and the gathering lead colour overhead was touched with gleams of light here and there, as the sun went down behind the Pattaquasset out lines. Swiftly they jingled along, crossing the ferry and mounting the hill ; past trees and barns and village houses then into the main street : down which the horses flew with a will, thinking of oats and their good stable, and un willingly reined in at Mrs. Derrick s door. It was dark by that time Faith could see little but the lights glimmering in the windows, and indeed had no time to see much ; so suddenly and softly was she lifted out of the sleigh the moment it stopped. Then Mr. Linden s voice said, "Thank you, Mr. Stoutenburgh I" "That s one way of thanking me!" said the Squire. "However I suppose it s all right," and gave his impa tient horses their way. " Why Mr. Linden," said Faith half laughing, but with a little of the old timidity in her voice, " how could you see me before I saw you ?" " For various reasons, Miss Faith. How do you do r ?" He led her on, into the house and into the tea-room, there to delight her mother s heart and make her mother s eyes overflow. " Pretty child !" Mrs. Derrick said, " I never will let you go away again for anybody !" Faith laughed, and kissed her and kissed her; but did not take that moment to say what she thought that Mrs. Derrick would have to let her go again in a few days perhaps, 38* 450 SAY AND SEAL. arid for Miss Danforth herself. Then her eye glanced at the tea-table, as it might at an ungoverned kingdom or a vacated sphere; and the fulness of her heart broke 3ut. Mother ! I m glad to be home again I" The tone said it yet more than the words. And then with a sudden movement, she went off a step to Mr. Linden and held out her hand to him, albeit ever so little shyly. The hand was taken and kept, his eyes taking a quiet survey of her the while. " Miss Faith, you want to be set to work ! Some people will neglect themselves if they have a chance." "I haven t done much work since I have been away, Mr. Linden. " He smiled what was he reading in her face? "You don t know what you have done, child," he said. "But she looks glad, Mrs. Derrick, and we are very glad to have her." Whereupon Faith was conducted to the tea-table without more delay; Mrs. Derrick feeling sure that she was starving both with cold arid hunger. Faith had no appearance of being cold; and though she certainly did eat her supper as if she was glad to be at home, it was not with the air of a person with whom his bread and butter is the first thought. Gladness shone in every look and movement ; but at the same time over all the gladness there was a slight veil ; it might be gravity, but it might not be all gravity, for part of it was very like constraint; the eyes were more ready to fall than to rise; and the words,, though free to come, had a great facility for tunning in short sentences. But Mrs. Derrick was too happy to notice such light streaks of mist in the sunshine, and talked away at a most unusual rate, telling Faith how Mr. Linden had ridden that wild horse, and had found time to teach her little class, and in general had done everything else for everything seemed to hinge upon him. Mr. Linden himself with now and then a word to qualify, or to make Faith laugh, took a somewhat special and quiet care of her and her wants at the table ; all which seemed to Faith (in her mood) very like little gentle suggestions at that vail; otherwise, he was rather silent. Then followed prayers, with all the sweet warm influ ences ot the time j and then Faith might sit and talk or bo SAY AND SEAL. 451 silent, as she liked ; rest being considered the best work for that evening. It would seem that she liked to be silent, if that were a fair conclusion from her silence. Her eye took happy note of the familiar things in and about the room ; then she sat and looked into the fireplace, as glad to see it again maybe, or doubtful about looking elsewhere. As silently, for a few minutes, Mr. Linden took note of her: then he spoke. "Miss Faith, will you let me give you lessons all through the holidays ?" She gave him a swift blushing glance and smile. "If you like to do it, Mr. Linden and if I am here." "Where do you find those two ifs ?" " I thought, perhaps, when I came away from Pequot to-day, that I might go back again after Monday. I am afraid aunt Dilly will want me." "How much must people want you, to gain a hearing?" "There are different kinds of wanting," Faith said gravely. "Aunt Dilly may miss me too much." "And the abstract too much, is different from the com parative. What about that other if 7 ?" " The other if*? I don t know that there is anything about it, Mr. Linden," Faith said laughing. "Whence did it come? before it trickeled, as Bunyan says, to your tongue ?" "I don t know, sir!" " Miss Faith 1 I did not think you would so forget me in three weeks. Do you want to hear the story of a very cold, icy little brook?" he said, with. a sort of amused de- mureness that gave her the benefit of all his adjectives. She looked up at him with earnest eyes not at all amused, but that verged on being hurt ; and it was with a sort of *ear of what the real answer might be, that she asked what he meant. "Miss Faith, I mean nothing very bad," he said with a full smile at her then.. "When I really think you are build ing yourself an ice palace, I shall spend my efforts upon thawing, not talking. What have you been doing all these weeks?" With a little bit of answering smile she said, in a deli berate kind of way, "I have been running about house 452 SAY AND SEAL. and learning how to cook French cookery, Mr. Linden and most of all, I ve been reading the Bible. I haven t had time to do much else." "Do you know," Mr. Linden said as he watched her, "that is just what I thought? And so you have been going step by step up the mountain ! Do you see how the road improves? do you find the richer pastures and the purer air ?" "0 sir," said Faith looking up at him, "I was reading to aunt Dilly." "I know, I understood that. Are not my words true still?" Gravity and shyness, all except the gravity that belonged to her and to the subject, broke away from Faith. She rose up and stood beside Mr. Linden, moved, happy, and glad with the gladness of full sympathy. " It has been a pleasant two weeks, Mr. Linden ! though I would have liked to be at home. Aunt Dilly has wanted the Bible, morning, noon, and night; and it was wonder ful to read it to her ! It has been my business, all these days." "My dear child ! I am very glad !" he said, taking her hand. " Wonderful ? yes, it is wonderful to read, to one who wants it." "She wanted it so much," Faith said, catching her breath a little. "And understood it, Mr. Linden. Yery soon it was all or mostly clear to her. I read to her sometimes till twelve o clock at night and sometimes began at four in the morning." Mr. Linden looked at her with a mingling of expressions. " I am afraid that was not good for you, if one dare say it of any work done in that service. Do you know how much the Bible is like that pillar of fire which guided the Israelites, but to those who were not of Israel became a pillar of cloud, from which the Lord looked out but to trouble them ?" Faith s eye watched him as he spoke, and caught the power and beauty of the illustration ; but she did not speak. Until after thinking and musing a while she said softly, "It don t trouble aunt Dilly." Mr Linden drew up a chair for her near his own, but SAY AND SEAL. 453 made no other comment upon her or her musings at first, then abruptly "And you think she will want you again ?" "There is nobody else to do this for her," said Faith; and again was silent. " How do you suppose it all began with aunt Dilly, Mr. Linden?" "As to means? I cannot tell." "it began from a few words, which I dare say you have forgotten, but which she and I remember, words that you said one evening when she was here last summer, about everybody s being precious in one sense. You repeated that passage They shall be mine, saith the Lord, you know." Faith did not know what a soft illumination was in her eyes, or she would probably not have turned the light of it so full upon Mr. Linden as at one or two points of her speech she did. It was a grave, sweet look that answered her ; but then his eyes went off to the fire without further reply. Faith did not again interrupt the silence ; a silence that to judge, by the faces of both was pleasant to both. Till Mrs. Derrick came in, who indeed could not be very long absent. Then Faith left her place, sat down on a low seat by her mother and caressingly took possession of her hands and arms. She made no more startling propositions that night of going back to Pequot again; and the minutes of the evening flowed on as such minutes do. The Sunday which followed was one as quietly happy as is often known in this wor!4- And the next day was Christmas. CHAPTER XXXYII. 8O came the holiday week, wherein was to be done so much less than usual and so much more. Mr. Linden s work, indeed, was like to double on all hands; for he was threatened with more tea-drinkings, dinners, suppers, and frolics, than the week would hold. How should he manage to give everybody a piece of him, and likewise present himself entire to the assembled boys when ever they chose to assemble? which promised to be pretty often. How should he go skating, sliding, and sleigh-riding, at all hours of the day and night, and yet spend all those hours where he wanted to spend them ? It was a grave question ; and not easy, as he remarked to Faith, to hold so many feelings in his hands and hurt none of them. So with the question yet undecided, Christmas day came. It was a brilliant day all white and blue ; the sky like a sapphire, the earth like a pearl ; the sunbeams burnished gold. " Ha ye but seen the light fall of the snow, Before the soil hath smutched it?" Such was Pattaquasset, Christmas morning. And the bright lily, " Before rude hands have touched it," that was Faith Derrick when she came down stairs. The dainty little crimson silk hood ^which Mrs. Derrick had quilted for her, was -in her hand, brought down for dis play ; but at present the sitting-room was empty, and Faith passed on to her work-basket, to put the hood in safe keeping. She found a pre-occupied basket. At some unknown hour of the night, Santa Claus had come and left upon it his mark in the shape of a package : a rather (454) SAY AND SEAL. 455 large and ratlier thin package, but done up with that in fallible brown paper and small cord which everybody knows by instinct. Who ever looked twice at a parcel from that wagon, and doubted whence it came ? Faith s cheeks took an additional tinge, quite as brilliant as if the crimson hood had been on. What doubtful fingers lifted the package from the basket! The thing whatever it was had been done up care fully. Beneath the brown paper a white one revealed itself, beneath that a red leather portfolio made in the pretty old-fashioned style, and securing its contents by means of its red leather tongue. But when Faith had withdrawn this, and with the caution always exercised on such occasions had also drawn out the contents, she found the prettiest continuation of her Italian journey, in the slmpe of very fine photographs of all sorts of Italian places and things, mingled with here and there an excursion into the Swiss mountains. A few almost awe-stricken glances Faith gave. How good it was she was alone ! she would not have cared to have the door open and anybody come in, at that minute. Then she put the photographs in the portfolio again, scarcely seen, and looked at the outside of the red leather; felt of its smooth surface with admiring fingers that hardly believed what they touched, arid a face glowing with a very deep glow by this time. Faith thought herself rich, be yond the imagination of a millionaire. She could have sat there with her riches nobody knows how long, and not wanted breakfast; but she dreaded somebody s coming in; and besides, gratitude and pleasure quickened her sense of ether people s wanting breakfast. So after a little mute amazed consideration of her happiness, she folded the port folio again carefully in its paper coverings, and rushed off to the kitchen to signalize the Christmas breakfast and perhaps spend a few of her too many thoughts by the preparation and production of one of Madame Danforth s nice, but in PattaquasBet unheard of, delicacies; and wlun all the rest of the breakfast was ready, Faith demurely went in with her dish. She had not a word of acknowledgment for Mr. Linden, which was ungrateful. She gave him her hand, however, 456 SAY AND SEAL. with a manner and look which were graceful enough ; being at once open and shy, very bright, and yet veiled with a shade of reserve. She had been over the fire, so her face was naturally a little rosy. There was no particular reserve about him, his "Merry Christmas" was not only wished but carried out, so far as breakfast time extended. Faith might be as demure as she liked, but she had to be merry too ; so on the whole the breakfast room was beaming with more than sunlight. Yes, it was a merry Christmas I merry without and merry within, that sort of merriment which "doeth good like a medicine." Gay voices and steps and snowballing on , the broad street; gay snowbirds and chickadees in the branches; in the house glad faces; over and upon all, clear sunshine and the soft hush of a winter s morning. "What are you going to do to-day, mother?" said Faith towards the close of breakfast time. "I d rather look at you than anything else, child," said her mother, "but I ve got to go out, you know. What are you going to do Faith ?" "All sorts of things, mother. Mr. Linden ?" "All sorts of things, Miss Faith therefore we shall probably meet quite often in the course of the day," he said smiling. " Will you give me any commands ?" " Perhaps if I can. Mother, how are we to get to Mrs. Somers to-night ? is Crab well ?" "0 Crab s gone away for the winter, child, and we ve got Mr. Stoutenburgh s Jerry. To be sure that s since you went away." The first thing for Faith was the Christmas dinner, into which she plunged, heart and hand. The turkey, the apples, and the pies, were all seen to at last; and about an hour before dinner Faith was ready to take off her kitchen apron and go into the parlour. She longed for a further touch and eyesight of that red leather. She had it, for that hour; as dainty a luxuriating over her treasures as anybody ever had. Faith pondered and dreamed over the photographs, one after another; with endless marvel and querying of numberless questions springing out of them, general and particular, historical, natural, social, and artistic or scientific. Questions that SAY AND SEAL. 457 sometimes she knew only enough to form vaguely. What a looking over of prints that was ! such an hour as is known by few, few of those who have seen engravings all their lives. Nay, further than that; such as is not known by many a one that stands on the Bridge of sighs, and crosses the Mer de glace, and sees the smoke curling up from Vesuvius. For once in a while there is an imaginary traveller at home to whom is revealed more of the spirit of beauty residing in these things, than hundreds of those who visit them do ever see. Who "Feels the warm Orient in the noontide air, And from cloud-minarets hears the sunset call to prayer." Before dinner time was quite on the stroke came home Mr. Linden, who betaking himself first upstairs and then into the sitting-room, brought Faith her Christmas breastknot of green and red. Stiff holly leaves, with their glossy sheen, and bright winterberries clear and red, set each other off like jewellers work ; and the soft ribbon that bound them together was of the darkest possible blue. It was as dainty a bit of floral handicraft as Faith had often seen. " Will you wear it, Miss Faith ?" Mr. Linden said as he laid it on the table by her. Faith had come out of her dream, and gave the holly and winter-berries a downcast look of recognition. It was given in silence, but the pleasure which had been upper most for some time presently made her overcome shyness, and looking up gratefully she exclaimed, "Mr. Linden what pleasure you have given me !" The soft colour which had been in her cheeks before, mounted instantly to deep crimson, and she added timidly, " Wasn t it you?" . "What pleasure you give me!" he said with a smile at her crimson arid all. "Yes, it was I." "It seems to me I have been at those places to-day," she went on, looking over at the sofa where her portfolio lay. "I have been fancying your sister standing here and there and looking at something I saw in the picture. Now 1 can understand a little better what she was writing abouty "I am very glad you like them! Some time you must VOL. i. 39 458 SAY AND SEAL. let me give you any explanations they may need. What have you found for me to do this afternoon ?" "Aren t you going to be busy, Mr. Linden ?" "About something^-your business shall come first." "It can wait," said Faith very brightly. "It was just that, Mr. Linden. I was going to ask you some time to shew them to me. I have been looking at some of them by myself, and going into a great many things over them that I could not understand. But any time will do for that as well as to-day." "And to-day as well as any time" he said smiling; "but I suppose we must wait till after dinner." There was great satisfaction at that dinner, not to say in it which indeed the dinner merited. There was the re maining glow of the pleasant morning, and a little dawning of the afternoon, besides the hour s own light. Faith indeed was the radiating point of pleasure, which the two others watched and furnished with new supplies. Then after dinner came the Italian work, and she had as elabo rate and careful answers and information as she wished for. Mr. Linden could go back and tell her where each place got its name, and what had been its history, with many stories of its climate and productions and traditions ; and so one by one Faith went over again her new treasures. One by one, until the short afternoon began to fade, and it was time to dress for Mrs. Somers ; and they had made but little progress into the portfolio, after all. Yet it was a great progress to Faith; a grand procession through the years of history and the stages of civilization and the varying phases of nature and humanity. Very tenderly the photographs were restored to the portfolio and the red leather tongue drawn through, with a little breath heavy with pleasure, and Faith carried off the whole to be put where profane hands should not get hold of it. Then the comparatively ignoble business of dressing occupied her. And Mrs. Derrick yet more, who of course was there to help and look on ; while Faith s head was er ratically in her portfolio, or at Rome, or at Florence, or elsewhere, as the case might be. Her dress was this evening the same she had worn to Mrs. Stoutenburgh s, but the knot of holly and wiuterberries transformed her more SAY AND SEAL. 459 than the rose and myrtle had done; and she stood an un doubted guest of Christmas night. Faith herself took somewhat of the effect, which her thought however concen trated. "Mother," she said as she looked in the glass, "I never saw anything so pretty 1" "Neither did I, child," said Mrs. Derrick smiling. Faith took still closer note of the beauty of her breast- knot ; and then gathering up her crimson hood and cloak, they went down stairs. It was not quite the hour yet for Mrs. Burners . Mr. Linden was ready and in the sitting-room ; but Faith did not this time call his attention to her bouquet. She came in and sat down very quietly in a corner of the sofa. He paused in his walk up and down the room how ever, noting her well as she came in and took her seat; coming presently to take one at her side ; and then catch ing up a book from the table he proceeded to give her the ice palace of the little brook, with which he had threatened her before. Down swept the cold wind from the mountain peak, From the snow five thousand summers old" etc. " 0," exclaimed Faith, " I have seen just such a brook I I have played in it; when mother was afraid I should tako cold, and wouldn t let me stay. But that s as good as the brook," she added timidly. " Without the danger of taking cold. You are quite sure it has not chilled you, Miss Faith ? do you feel win ter-proof?" "I think I do, for to-day," said Faith. "If the evening were to be even very disagreeable, I think I could stand it." Which remark was perhaps significant. The tinkle of Jerry s bells now made itself heard at the door, and Faith was shawled and cloaked and wrapped up by her mother in the house and by Mr. Linden in the sleigh. He was more skilful about it than Squire Stouten- burgh ; and contrived to enclose Faith in a little wigwam of buffalo robes, without letting her feel the weight of them. Then they dashed off Jerry well disposed for exercise after his five minutes stand, and spurning the 460 SAY AND SEAL. snow from a light enough pair of heels. How merrily the bells jingled ! how calmly and steadily the stars shone down ! There was no moon now, but the whitened earth caught and reflected every bit of the starlight, and made it by no means dark ; and the gleams from cottage windows came out and fell on the snow in little streaks of brightness. Sleighs enough abroad ! from the swift little cutters and large family sleighs that glided on towards the parsonage, down to sledding parties of boys, cheered only by a cow bell and their own laughter. Tinkle, tinkle everywhere, near by and in the distance ; the dark figures just casting a light shadow on the roadside, the merry voices ignoring anything of the kind. Mrs. Somers house was a good long drive from Mrs. Derrick s. The road was first on the way to Mr. Simlins ; from there it turned off at right angles and went winding crookedly down a solitary piece of country ; rising and falling over uneven ground, twisting out of the way of a rock here and there, and for some distance skirting the edge of a woodland. There was light enough to see by, but it was not just the piece of road one would choose of a dark night ; and Faith felt thankful Squire Deacon was gone to Egypt. CHAPTER XXVIII. IN the dressing-room Faith was seized upon in the warmest manner by Mrs. Stoutenburgh, who looked very pretty in her dress of bright crimson silk. " I m so glad you ve come back, dear. And how wel) you re looking ! a little thin, though. But you ll SOOE make up for that. You re just as lovely as you can be, Faith do you know it?" "No, ma am." Her flowers, she knew, were as lovely as they could be. "Jerry brought us, Mrs. Stoutenburgh, after all, and pretty fast too." "0 he can go fast enough. You needn t look so sober, child of course no one thinks so but me, and nobody ever minds what I say. ThaVs pretty, I suppose you ll allow," she said laughing, and bending down closer to Faith s holly leaves, "what is it, Faith? basswood?" "Don t you know holly, Mrs. Stoutenburgh? And the berries are winterberries." " Yes my dear I perceive. You mustn t get angry with me, child I tell you nobody does, not even your grave escort. At least not for anything I do to him. Well I ll go down and electrify people with the news that you re coming. And the crimson dress floated off to the tune of a light step and a merry voice. And more slowly and more doubtfully the black dress and winterberries followed her. Perhaps in very truth Faith would have been willing that Mr. Stoutenburgh should have taken her under his broad wing for that going down stairs. At least she was as absolutely grave and quiet as anybody ever saw her, and a little more inclined to be shrinking. But Mr. Lin den was alone in the hall at that minute, so there was no one else to shrink from; and if Faith wanted to shrink from him, she hardly could, there was such an absence of anything to alarm her, both in his look and manner. Therefore, though she had to go down stairs upon his arm, and pass sundry people on their way up, Faith felt that he , 39* (461) 462 SAY AND SEAL. was a shield between her and the glances and words which he so little regarded. Eyes and tongues indeed ventured hut little in his presence ; but that protection of course extended only to the centre of the drawing-room, and the welcome which Faith received from Mrs. Somers, then she must shield herself. Then truly, for a while, she was taken possession of by Squire Stoutenburgh, who walked with her up and down, and said all manner of kind things. Faith had no particular skill to shield herself from any thing, and indeed gave herself no thought about it. She took what came, in a simple and quiet spirit, which was very apt to strike like a bee the right part of every flower ; or that perhaps carried its own honey along. So she walked up and down with Mr. Stoutenburgh ; and so she afterwards entered into the demands of a posse of her old and young friends who had not seen her for a good while Amidst a little group of these people, collected benignly around Faith, Dr. Harrison presently intruded himself. Now Dr. Harrison was a lion, and the smaller animals naturally fell off from him, which was precisely what he expected them to do. The doctor had the field soon clear. "What have you been doing to yourself?" he said to Faith with the kindly, familiar manner which had grown up between them. "Taking good care," she said, in smiling answer to his question. "Who took the care? yourself?" "Yes." "I thought so." "Why, Dr. Harrison?" "Excuse me," said he. "Anybody else would have don? it better." "No," said she shaking her head, "you are wrong." . "You have been " said he, looking at her, "you have been doing your duty too hard." " Can one do that, Dr. Harrison ?" "Certainly!" "I haven t been doing it this time." "Do you remember," he said sitting down by her and lowering his voice, "what you said once about the flowers of the wilderness?" SAY AND SEAL. 463 "Yes." "Would you like to see some of them ?" "In the wilderness?" "No," said he smiling. "I can shew you one family cf them, by their portraits, here to-night." " I would like to see them in the wilderness or anywhere ! said Faith. "Then if you ll come with me" And the next thing was Dr. Harrison s walking off the black silk and winterberries before all the eyes of the peo ple and through one room after another, till a little one-side room was reached which was not a thoroughfare to any thing. In this little room was a table and a lamp upon it, and also several very large thin books. There was also, which was singular, a very comfortable easy chair. In this Dr. Harrison installed his charge close by the table, and drew up one of the volumes. "I am going to introduce to you," he said, "the whole family of the Rhododendrons." " Rhododendron ?" said Faith. "I never saw them." "It is their loss," said the doctor; "but here they are." It was as he said ; the whole family of the plant, in the most superb style of portraiture and presentation. Full size and full colour; one of the most magnificent of such works. Faith had never seen a Rhododendron, and even in her dreams had never visited a wilderness where such flowers grew. Her exquisite delight fully satisfied Dr. Harrison, and quite kept her attention from herself and the fact of her being shut off from the rest of the company. Now and then one and another would drop in and look at what they were about, with curiosity if not with sympa thy ; but Rhododendrons were not alluring to most of the people, nor to say truth was Dr. Harrison. With most urbane politeness he dispersed any desire to remain and look over his proceedings which might have been felt by some of the intruders ; or contrived that they should find nothing to detain them. It was a long business, to turn over all those delicious portraits of floral life and give anything like a sufficient look at each one. Such glories of vegetable beauty Faith had never imagined. It was almost a new revelation 464 SAY AND SEAL. There were deep brilliant crimsons ; there was the loveliest rose-colour, in large heads of the close elegant flowers ; there were, larger still and almost incredible in their mag nificence, enormous clusters of cream-coloured and tinted and even of buff. There were smaller and humbler mem bers of the family, which would have been glorious in any other companionship. There were residents of the rich regions of the tropics; and less superb memberi of the temperate zones; there were trees and shrubs; and there were little bushy, hardy denizens of the highest and bar- renest elevations of rocks and snow to which inflorescence ever climbs. Faith almost caught her breath. "And these are in the wilderness!" she said. "Yes. What then?" said the doctor. Faith did not say. "You are thinking they waste their sweetness ?" "O no, indeed ! I don t think that." "You are thinking something. Please let me be the better for it." "One ought to be the better for it," said Faith. "Then I hope you won t refuse it to me," said Dr. Har rison gently laughing at her. "I was thinking, Dr Harrison, what the Bible says, He hath made everything beautiful in his time ; and, God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good. " The doctor turned over the leaf to a new Rhododen dron. Faith s thoughts went to Pequot, and her heart gave a bound of joy at the remembrance of the sick woman there. Mrs. Stoutenburgh s crimson dress was so softly worn and managed, that the wearer thereof was close in Dr. Harrison s neighbourhood for a minute before he was aware of her presence; which quiet motions, it should be ob served, were habitual to Mrs. Stoutenburgh, and not at all assumed for the occasion. Therefore it was with no idea of startling anybody, that she said presently, "My dear Faith, what are you looking at through those Rhododen drons ?" Faith started, and looked up with a bit of a smile. " What do you see, Mrs. Stoiltenburgh ?" said the doctor SAY AND SEAL. 465 "0 several things," said the lady, passing her hand softly over Faith s brow, and then with one of her sudden im pulses putting her lips there. "Do you like them, Faith?" "Does not Mrs. Stoutenburgh like them?" said the doc tor, as he placed a chair for her in the best position left for seeing. "Thank you," said she laughing. "I came here to be seen this evening. And so ought some other people. How much do you pay for the monopoly, doctor?" "I really don t know!" said Dr. Harrison with a very slight rise of his handsome eyebrows. "I am in Patta- quasset which is to me a region of uncertainties. You will know better than I, Mrs. Stoutenburgh." "Well," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh with a wicked look at the doctor for his sole benefit, ." speaking of Rhododen drons, which you ve seen often enough before, don t you admire this which you have not seen before?" and she touched Faith s holly leaves with the tip of her little glove. " I should think it must stir what Mr. Linden calls your nerves of pleasant sensation. " "I am honoured by your estimation," said the doctor laughing slightly. " Miss Derrick s taste is matchless. It is an act of benevolence for her to wear flowers." Faith s very brow crimsoned, till she bent it from view as much as she could. In all her truth she could not rise up there and confess that her skill was not the skill to be com mended. She wanted a shield then. "Don t flatter yourself that you are an object of charity," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh turning over another leaf to give Faith employment. " They re talking of games in the other room, dear," she added in a gentle voice, "may I tell Mrs. Somers you will play too ?" "Yes ma am, certainly!" "They re not ready yet sit still and enjoy your prints I ll see what they are about." And the lady left the room. Dr. Harrison sought some particularly fine specimens and engaged Faith in talk about them and their localities and habits, till her self-possession was restored. " Have you heard the news about Mr. Linden ?" he asked with most nonchalant carelessness. 465 SAY AND SEAL " What news ?" said Faith, doubtful whether he meant Squire Stoutenburgh s chapter or some other. "Then he hasn t told you himself?" "No," said Faith. "I thought you ought to be authority," the doctor went on in the same tone. "It is very good news for him I hope it is true. They say I have heard, .how beautiful the droop of those petals is ! and the shade of colour is rare They say, that he has a very dear friend abroad ; I mean in Europe, somewhere. Do you think it is true ?" "Yes," said Faith. She thought it was not wonderful news. " I mean a lady friend ?" said the doctor. "Yes," said Faith again. She knew now what the doc tor meant, but she did not feel inclined to enter into the subject or to enlighten him at all. Then too Mr. Linden might have more friends than one abroad 1 li, flashed upon her like a curious illumination. "Then the story is true ?" said the doctor. "I don t know, sir," said Faith in some distress. "I know nothing about it." "But you don t know that it is not true ?" said he look ing at her. " No, sir. I don t know." Dr. Harrison s further questions and remarks were cut short by the entrance of the very person referred to ; who coming up with his usual light, alert step, held out his hand first of all to the questioner. "Good evening, doctor! how do you do again? Miss Faith, may I take you away from these beauties ?" And the released hand was offered to her. She put hers in it very willingly but very silently; Faith dared not say a word to him about the Rhododendrons or about anything else. "Ah, you have two hands again," said Dr. Harrison, "and you turn it against me !" "Not that fact " Mr. Linden said as he went off. And then slackening his step, he talked or made Faith talk and laugh every inch of the way into the room where all the rest were clustered ready for blind man s buff. It was a triumph of his skill, or of his power, for she had left the Rhododendrons in a mood most shy and quiet, and dis- SAY AND SEAL. 467 posed to keep so. Dr. Harrison had not followed them, but soon made his entrance upon the company by another door. " What is going on ? or off, Mrs. Stoutenburgh ?" he whispered to that lady. "Why the bandage is going on, and we re going off," said she laughing. "Will you be blinded first, doctor?" "Blind man s buff!" said the doctor shrugging his shoul ders comically. "Barbarous! I would rather go off too but anything to please you, Mrs. Stoutenburgh. A game to see how much a man without his five senses can do against other people who have them." But the doctor gallantly stepped up to Mrs. Somers. "I represent the forlorn hope for the evening, aunt Ellen. Has anybody volunteered to be the first victim?" "You are the last person in the room that ought to vol unteer," said Mrs. Somers, "however, blindness is pro verbial in some cases. Miss Essie will bandage your eyes, Julius and use her own for you in the meanwhile, I dare say. Miss Essie, here is a candidate." "Not for Miss Essie s good offices I" said the doctor. "1 know her. I shall not trust her. I will put myself in safe hands." And with an inexpressible air of carelessness and easy pleasure-taking, Dr. Harrison carried his handsome person across the room to where Faith yet stood by the side of Mr. Linden; stood looking rather sober. She had not brought any of the rosy Rhododendron colour away in her face ; or else it had faded. The doctor came up and spoke in an undertone as wilfully and gracefully independent as his manner. "If I ask you to do me the honour to put this handker chief over my eyes, Miss Derrick, I suppose you will not know what it signifies?" "No, sir," said Faith, with a very slight smile and extra colour. "Where I have been," said the doctor, "where we never play it I it is played in this way. My entreating you to blind my eyes, signifies that without them I shall endeavour to find you." " Then I wish you d get somebody else to do it, Dr. Har rison." 468 SAY AND SEAL. "You are not in earnest?" said the doctor. "Very much in earnest." "But I should observe," said he smiling, "that even the unkindness of your refusal would not change my endeavour: I only give you, as in honour bound, the chance of doing all you can to prevent my succeeding. Will you do it ?" He tendered the handkerchief. Faith coloured a little more, but to put a stop to his absurdities, as they seemed to her, and to her consequent prominence before the eyes of people, she accepted the office. Dr. Harrison kneeled at her feet, and Faith put the handkerchief round his eyes and tied it on ; endeavouring, to do her justice, to perform the task thoroughly. She was not quite sure how well it was done, after all, for the doctor had interposed a gentle Softly, as she was drawing the knot and had at the same time also raised his hand to ease the bandage. But Faith had to let it go so ; and simply resolved to take care of herself. Many eyes, meanwhile, surveyed this performance with much edification, glancing too at the motionless figure who at Faith s side looked down upon it. But when the smile in those eyes touched the lips as well, Mrs. Stouteriburgh was roused to a pitch of delight; and running into the middle of the room to meet the doctor as he came to take his stand, she clapped her hands exclaiming, " doctor 1 doctor I how could you let anybody tie anything over your eyes 1" " Is there treachery, Mrs. Stoutenburgh ?" said the doctor with a comic stop. " Where ?" said the lady. "Nay, I know where," said the doctor. And turning from her he addressed himself to the game. But though Dr. Harrison shewed himself a keen player the game came to no sudden termination. And Faith could not help doubting that her work had not been too effectual. It was beyond question, even if she had not been forewarned, that the doctor was endeavouring to find or endeavouring to catch her. In vain Mrs. Stoutenburgh s crimson and Miss Essie s blue floated past him and rustled behind him. In vain Mrs. Somers purple stood in his way. The skirt of that one black silk could go nowhere that some one of the doctor s senses did not inform him of SAY AND SEAL. 469 it. Closely he followed upon her flight, and keen work Faith found it, play as well as she would. She began to get out of breath, and the amusement and fun gre# uproarious. It was when her foot was failing that the doctor s gained strength : between him and the prize there was now no barrier; no leap could avail Faith in the corner where she was at last hemmed in. Slowly and securely the doctor advanced, first himself and then his hands, and caught- Mr Linden ! Caught him unmistakeably too, there was no help for it; and Dr. Harrison in his astonishment forgot to pronounce him somebody else ! "Confound you !" said the doctor slowly and comically " how did you get here ?" "Are you fatigued?" said Mr. Linden, taking off the bandage. "Miss Faith, you did this part of your work very ill." "How did you get here?" repeated the doctor, taking hold of his arm and shaking it slightly. "I wasn t looking for you, man." "What were you looking for?" said Mr. Linden, with a laughing return of the doctor s gaze. " Shall I put that on for you ?" said the latter with a sort of complicate expression, which however never lost its grace and ease. And then began another chase but not of Faith this time, perhaps Mr. Linden thought she needed rest. And the changes ran round the company, but never (as it happened) including Faith or Dr. Harrison, until they reached the finishing round of the game. Then it was Mr. Linden s turn again to wear the bandage, and then he gave Faith the sort of run he had given her before at Mrs. Stoutenburgh s, and with the same success. " Haven t they played blind man s buff long enough ?" Faith whispered, when the bandage was taken off her cap tor. She was flushed, a little, and sober more than a little. "Yes I will move a change," he answered in the same tone. Which he did, after a short consultation. "Dr. Harrison you have seen the Butterfly, I sup pose?" " The butterfly ?" said the doctor. "I have seen many of all colours ; but the butterfly par excellence, 1 know VOL i. 40 410 SAY AND SEAL. not. Unless it is one with white wings and black bodj. and spots of most brilliant red on the breast." "The one I mean combines more colours," said Mr. Lin den. "What were you doing in France, not to see it?" "Seeing other things, I suppose. However, now you speak of it, I believe that butterfly has flown over me sometime." "Please to imagine yourself a gay rover for the nonce," said Mr. Linden, leading the doctor persuasively into the middle of the floor. "Just suppose you are a Purple Em peror will you doctor? Miss Essie wants a story and forfeits, I shall leave you to gratify her." But he himself sverit to give Miss Faith a seat. That was done with a very different manner from the gay, genial way in which he had addressed the doctor : it was genial enough, certainly, but grave. "You do not feel well?" he said, as he wheeled up an easy chair for her. It was spoken too low for any one else to hear. "Yes, I do," said Faith quickly. But her face flushed deep, and her eye though it glanced towards him, failed timidly of meeting his; and her voice had lost all the spring of pleasure. "Then cannot you keep the promise you made about a disagreeable evening?" The tone was very low still (he was arranging her footstool and chair) a little concerned too, a little or Faith fancied it but indeed she was not quite sure what the third part was; and then the doctor began his work. For a minute or two she did not hear him, or heard without heed. She was thinking over Mr. Linden s ques tion and struggling with it. For its slight tone, of remon strance perhaps, only met and stirred into life the feeling she was trying to keep down. Her lip took one of its sor rowful curves for an instant; but then Dr. Harrison came towards them. "What insect on the face of the earth, Linden, will you be ? What does he resemble most, Miss Derrick ?" "I am not particular about being on the face of the earth," said Mr. Linden, "the air will do just as well." The docto- was waiting for Faith s answer. Under the 8 AY AND SEAL. 471 exigency of the moment she gave it him, glancing up first at the figure beside her, perhaps to refresh her memory or imagination and smiling a little as she spoke. "I don t think of any he is like, Dr. Harrison." "Dc you think I am like a purple butterfly?" said the doctor. "Yes, a little," said Faith. But it was with a face of such childlike soberness that the doctor looked hard at her. "What do you think you are like yourself?" said he; not lightly. " I think I am a little like an ant," said Faith. The doctor turned half round on his heel. " Angels and ministers of grace !" was his exclamation "Most winged, gentle, and etherial of all the dwellers in, or on, anthills, know that thy similitude is nothing meaner than a flower. You must take the name of one, Miss Faith all the ladies do what will you be ?" "What will you be?" Mr. Linden repeated, "Mignon ette ? that is even below the level of some of your ant hills." "If you please," she said. "Or one of your Rhododendrons?" said the doctor "that is better; for you have the art or the nature, indeed, of representing all the tints of the family by turns except the unlovely ones. Be a Rhodora I" "No" said Faith "I am not like that nor like the other, but 1 will be the other." "Mignonette" said the doctor. "Well, what shall we call him? what is ftelike?" "I think," said Faith, looking down very gravely, not with the flashing eye with which she would have said it another time, "he is most like a midge." The little laugh which answered her, the way in which Mr. Linden bent clown and said, "How do you know, Miss Faith ?" were slightly mystifying to Dr. Harrison. "I don t know," she said smiling; and the doctor with one or two looks of very ungratified curiosity left them and returned to his post. " What are they going to play, Mr. Linden ?" said Faith. The doctor s explanation, given to the rest generally, she had not heard. 412 SAY AND SEAL. "Do you know what a family connexion you have given me, Miss Faith? The proverb declares that the mother of mischief is no bigger than a midge s wing. " An involuntary little caught breath attested perhaps Faith s acquiescence in the truth of the proverb; but the doctor s words prevented the necessity of her speaking. "Miss Essie Ladies and gentlemen! Please answer to your names, and thereby proclaim your characters. Mrs. Stoutenburgh, what are you ?" "A poppy, I think," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh laughing. "I like to be beforehand with the public." " Will you please to name your lord and master ? He is incapable of naming himself." "I think you ve named him!" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh with a gay toss of her pretty head. "I m not learned in insects, doctor, call him anything that eats up butter flies." "Mr. Stoutenburgh will you be a grub?" said the doc tor. "Or a beetle? I don t know anything else that I us a butterfly dislike more." "No, I ll be a cricket I m so spry," said the Squire, "and I ll be down upon you in some other form, doctor." "You ll have to fly higher first," said the doctor. "Miss Essie declares herself to be a purple Althaea. Miss Davids an evening primrose. Miss Deacon a cluster rose. Miss Fax a sweet pink. Miss Chester a daisy. Miss Bezac what shall I put you down ?" The butterfly was making a list of his flowers and insects, and cards had been furnished to the different members of the party, and pencils, to do as much for themselves. "I d as lieve be balm as anything else, if I knew how," said Miss Bezac; "but I shouldn t call that putting me down." "That fits, anyhow," said Squire Stoutenburgh. " Balm for hurt minds " said Dr. Harrison writing. "Miss Julia De Staff is a white lily. Miss Emmons a morning glory. Mrs. Churchill a peony. Miss Derrick is mignonette. Mrs. Somers ?" "I may as well be lavender," said Mrs. Somers. "Y</u say I am in a good state of preservation." "What is Mr. Somers?" SAY AND SEAL. 473 "Mr. Somers what are you?" said his wife. "Ha! I don t know, ray dear," said Mr. Somers blandly. "I think I am a out of place." "Then you re a moth," said the doctor. "That is out of place too, in most people s opinion. Miss Delaney, I beg your pardon what are you ?" "Here are the two Miss Churchills, doctor," said Miss Essie "hyacinth and laburnum." "I am sure you have been sponsor, Miss Essie. Well this is my garden of flowers. Then of fellow insects I have a somewhat confused variety. Mr. Stoutenburgh sings round his hearth in the shape of a black cricket. Mr. Linden passes unnoticed in the invisibility of a midge nothing more dangerous. Mr. Somers does all the mis chief he can in the way of devouring widows houses. The two Messrs. De Stan " (two very spruce and moustachioed young gentlemen) "figure as wasp and snail one would hardly think they belonged to the same family but there is no accounting for these things. Mr. George Somers professes to have the taste of a bee but luckily the garden belongs to the butterfly." "In other words, some one has put Dr. Harrison in a flutter," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh. "I haven t begun yet," said the doctor wheeling round to face her; "when I do, my first business will be to cut you up, Mrs. Stoutenburgh." " Miss Faith," said Mr. Linden while the roll went on, "I have not forgotten your question, they, and we, are going to play a French game called the Butterfly and the Flowers; wherein I, a midge, am in humble attendance oh a sprig of mignonette. Whenever our butterfly gardener chooses to speak the name of any flower or insect, that Flower or insect must reply : when he speaks of the gar dener, you flowers must extend one hand in token of wel come, we insects draw back in dismay: if the gardener brings his watering-pot, or there falls a shower of rain, you must hold np your head for joy I must kneel down for fear. If the sunshine is mentioned, we are free to rejoice together standing up and making demonstrations You may reply, Miss Faith, either in your own words or quotations, so that you mention some one of your com- 40* 474 SAY AND SEAL. panions ; but if you fail to speak, or break any other rule, you must pay a forfeit first and redeem it afterwards." "I may mention either insect or flower?" said Faith. "Yes, just what you like." "If everybody is ready," said the doctor, "I will begin by remarking that I find myself in an embarras de rich- esses so many sweets around me that I a butterfly know not which to taste first; and such an array of ene mies hostile alike to the flowers and me, that I know not which to demolish first. I hope a demolishing rain will fall some of these days ah I that is gratifying ! behold my enemies shrinking already, while the flowers lift up their heads with pleasure and warm themselves in the rays of the sun. What is mignonette doing ?" There was a general outcry of laughter, for as the gen tlemen had kneeled and bent their heads, and the flowers had risen to greet the sun, Faith, in her amusement and preoccupation had sat still She rose now, blushing a little at being called upon. " Mignonette loves the sun without making any show for it. She has no face to lift up like the white lily. "The white lily isn t sweet like lavender," said Miss Julia. "And the lavender has more to do in the linen press than among butterflies," said Mrs. Somers. "It is good to know one s place," said the doctor. "But the butterfly, seeking a safe resting place, flutters with unpoised flight, past the false poppy which flaunts its gay colours on the sight." "And fixes its eyes on the distant gardener with his watering-pot" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh, stretching forth her hand, sibyl-like, towards the now prostrate doctor, " whereat the mignonette rejoices " "All the flowers rejoice," said the mignonette, "and the cricket jumps out of the way." "Into the sunshine" said Mr. Stoutenburgh, laughing; "but the moth feels doubtful." "The moth" said Mr. Somers "he don t like the sunshine so well as the rain. He ha he wishes he was a midge there, to get under shelter." " A midge here he can t be," said Mr. Linden, dropping SAY AND SEAL. 4Y5 his voice for Faith s benefit, " Two suns hold not their courses in one sphere! " Then aloud " Invisibility is a great thing when you can make up your mind to it, but Althaea with the purple eye looks on life differently." "I look on it soberly," said Miss Essie " Flutter he, flutter he. high as he will, A butterfly is but a butterfly still. And tis better for us to remain where we are, In the lowly valley of duty and care, Than lonely to soar to the heights above, Where there s nothing to do and nothing to love. " "I ll flutter no more! after that" said the doctor. "I ll creep into the heart of the white lily and beg it to shelter me." "It won t hide you from the sun nor from the rain," said the white lily, "and I d as lieve shelter a spider be sides." Faith forgot again that she must welcome the sun; but she was not the only one who had incurred forfeits. Nor the last one who should. For while that interesting mem ber of society who called himself spider, made his reply, Mr. Linden s attention naturally wandered or came back; and the lively dialogue which then ensued between Messrs Snail, Wasp. Beetle, etc. failed to arouse him to the duties of a midge or the fear of the gardener : he forgot everything else in the pleasure of making Mignonette laugh. Stand ing half before her at last, in some animated bit of talk, more than one sunbeam and watering-pot had come and gone, unnoticed by both midge and mignonette, a fact of which some other people took note, and smilingly marked down the forfeits. " Mr. Linden" said the voice of Miss Essie at his elbow "do you know what the doctor is saying? The mother of mischief is no bigger than a midge s wing ! You d better speak to him." Mr Linden turned, with a laughing, recollective glance "Who speaks slightingly of the midge? let him have a dose of syrup of poppies 1" "I guess you can find balm," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh gaily 476 SAY AND SEAL. " He shall have it if he wants it, said Miss Bezac "that is if / ve got it, though I rather guess he s got it himself, I m sure I don t know what he hasn t got. And it don t strike me he looks as if he wanted it, either, if I had. But it s funny I should and not the doctor though to be sure most things are, and he s gone to the butter fly s ball and the grasshopper s feast. " The grasshopper s feast being just now announced," said Mrs. Somers stepping forward, " I shall hope to set the flowers free from their natural enemies without more delay." "I shall not confess to that!" said Mr. Linden under tone. " But will you come, Miss Faith the insects are all gone Save the few that linger, even yet, Round the Alyssum s tuft and the Mignonette. " The midge s prompt action had perhaps disappointed several other people. Dr. Harrison at any rate contrived with Miss Essie to be the immediately preceding couple in the walk to the supper-room. "I m glad of some refreshment!" said the doctor; "but terflies cannot live on the wing. Linden 1 have you been singing all the evening, in the character of a midge ?" "No," said Mr. Linden "all the singing I have done has been in my own character." "I am glad to hear it. By the way," said Dr. Harrison as they reached the supper-room and paired off from their respective charges, " I am sorry to hear that Pattaquasset has no hold on you, Linden." "Indeed?" said Mr. Linden, an indeed which might refer to the doctor s sorrow, or the supposed fact. " Nay I know nothing about it !" said the doctor lightly as he attacked the supper-table "but Miss Derrick tells me it is true that your heart is in another place." "Dr. Harrison!" Mr. Linden said, with a momentary erectness of position. But he said no more; turning off then towards Faith with her oysters. And the gentle re spect and quick attention with which she "was served, Faith might feel, and take note of yet not guess that its peculiar tone this night was warring, hand to hand, with the iujus- SAY AND, SEAL. 471 tice done her name. The doctor had unwittingly betrayed at least one point of talk held over the Rhododendrons furnished a clue he dreamed not of; and stirred a power of displeasure which perhaps he thought Mr. Linden did not possess. Faith did not indeed guess anything from the manner of the latter to her, although she felt it; she felt it as his own, kind and watchful and even affectionate ; but like him, be longing to him, and therefore not telling upon the question. With a very humbled and self-chiding spirit, she was endeav ouring to keep the face and manner which suited the place, above a deep sinking of heart which was almost overcom ing. Her success was like the balance of her mind doubt ful. Gentle her face was as ever; all the crosses of the evening had not brought an angle there ; but it was sha dowed beyond the fitness of things ; and she was still and retiring so far as it was possible to be, shrinking into a very child s lowness of place. Ladies were in the majority that night and the gentlemen were obliged to be constantly on the move. In one of the minutes when Faith was alone, Mrs. Stoutenburgh came up. "Faith," she whispered, "have you been doing anything to vex my friend ?" Faith started a little, with a sort of shadow of pain crossing her face. "Who is your friend, Mrs. Stoutenburgh ?" "Hush, child!" ihe answered "your friend, if you like it better." And she added softly but seriously, "Don t vex him, he doesn t deserve it." Faith s lip was that touchingly sorrowful child s lip for an instant. She was beyond speaking. Then came up help, in the shape of Miss Essie; with questions about the forfeits and about Mr. Linden. All Mrs. Stoutenburgh s kindness made itself into a screen for Faith, on the instant, neither eyes nor tongues were allowed to come near her. "Mr. Linden !" said Miss Essie as he just then came up, " will you help us give out forfeits ? Who do you think is best to do it ?" "Mr. Linden," said Mrs. Somers, "we are all very anx ious to know whether all the reports about you are tree." 478 SAY AND SEAL. Mr. Linden bowed to the anxiety, but gave it no further heed. "Are they ?" she repeated. "Do all the reports agree, Mrs. Somers?" "I must confess they are at swords points." "Then they cannot all be true, let them fight it out." "But suppose some of the fighting should come upon you ?" "That is a supposition I have just refused to take up," said Mr. Linden, stepping towards the table and bringing a bunch of grapes to Faith s plate. "Yes, but everybody hasn t the patience of Job," said Mrs. Somers. "Julius, for instance." "He has at least his own ways of obtaining information," said Mr. Linden, and Faith felt the slight change of voice. "Miss Essie, what will you have?" " Has the doctor any forfeits to pay?" was the somewhat irrelevant answer. "I should so like to see you two set against each other I Dr. Harrison! have you any for feits?" "No," said the doctor; "but as severe service to per form as if I had. Linden, we shall want your help it s too much for one man." Faith edged away behind this growing knot of talkers, and presently was deeply engaged in conversation with Miss Cecilia Deacon, at a table in the corner, and alternating her attention between grapes and words. Then Squire Stoutenburgh walked softly up and stood behind Faith s chair. "My dear, will you have anything more?" "No, sir, thank you." "Then I am going to carry you off!" said the Squire, "if I wait a quarter of a second more I shall lose my chance. Come I" Faith was very willing to come, indeed; and they went back to the drawing-room, all the company pouring after them ; and Faith feeling as if she had got under a kind of lee shore, on Mr. Stoutenburgh s arm. It could not shelter her long, for the forfeits began. The doctor and Mr. VLinden, with Miss Essie and Mrs. Stoutenburgh for coadjutors, were constituted the awarding SAY AND SEAL. 479 committee; and the forfeits were distributed to them indif ferently. There were many to be redeemed ; and at first there was a crowd of inferior interest, Messrs. Spider and Wasp, Mesdemoiselles White Lily and Cluster rose; who were easily disposed of and gallantly dismissed. But there were others behind. One of Faith s forfeits came up; it was held by Dr. Harrison. "Please to stand forth, Miss Derrick, and hear your sen tence," said the doctor, leading her to a central position in the floor ; which Faith took quietly, but with what inward rebellion one or two people could somewhat guess. " Have the goodness to state to the company what you consider to be the most admirable and praiseworthy of all the characters of flowers within your knowledge ; and to describe the same, that we may judge of the justness of your opinion." " Describe the character ?" said Faith in a low voice. "Yes. If you please." She stood silent a moment, with downcast eyes, and did not raise them when she spoke. Her colour was hardly heightened, and though her voice rose little above its for mer pitch, its sweet accents were perfectly audible every where. The picture would have been enough for her for feit. " The prettiest character of a flower that I know, is that of a little species of Rhododendron. It is one of the least handsome, to look at, of all its family ; its beauty is in its living. It grows on the high places of high mountains, where frost and barrenness give it no help nor chance ; but there, where no other flower ever blossoms, it opens its flowers patiently and perseveriugly ; and its flowers are very sweet. Nothing checks it nor discourages it. As soon as the great cold lets it come, it comes ; and as long as the least mildness lets it stay, it stays. Amidst snow and tempest and desolation it opens its blossoms and spreads its sweetness, with nobody to see it nor to praise it ; where from the nature of the place it lives in, its work is all alone. For no other flower will bear what it bears. \Vili that do?" said Faith, looking up gravely at her questioner. Very gently, very reverently even, he took he** hand, put 480 SAY AND SEAL. it upon his arm and led her to a seat, speaking as he went low words of gratified pardon asking. "You must for- five me!" he said. "Forfeits must be forfeits, you know couldn t resist the temptation." "Now wasn t that pretty?" whispered Miss Essie in the mean time in Mr. Linden s ear. He had listened, leaning against the mantelpiece, and with shaded eyes looking down; and now to Miss Essie s question returned only a grave bend of the head. "If you have been looking at the floor all this while, you have lost something," said the lady. " Do you know your turn comes next ? Mr. Linden ladies and gentlemen 1 is condemned to tell us what he holds the most precious thing in this world ; and to justify himself in his opinion by an argument, a quotation, and an illustration 1" "Now will he find means to evade his sentence!" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh laughing. " He has confessed himself addicted to witchcraft in my hearing," said the doctor, who had remained standing by Faith s chair. "The most precious thing in the world," said Mr. Lin den, in a tone as carelessly graceful as his attitude, "is that which cannot be bought, for if money could buy it, then were money equally valuable. Take for illustration, the perfection of a friend." "/ don t understand," said Miss Essie; "but perhaps I shall when I hear the rest." He smiled a little and gave the quotation on that point in his own clear and perfect manner. " A sweet, attractive kind of grace; A full assurance given by looks ; Continual comfort in a face ; The lineaments of gospel books, I trow that countenance cannot lye Whose thoughts are legible in the eye. " The quotation was received variously, but in general with vast admiration. Miss Essie turned to Mrs. Stouten burgh and remarked, half loud, That s easy to understand. I was dull." " What do you think of it ?" said the doctor softly, stoop- SAY AND SEAL. 481 ing towards Faith. But if she heard she did not answer him. She sat with downcast eyes that did not move. She had been wondering whether that was a description of Pet, or of somebody else. Faith," whispered Mrs. Stoutenburgh s kind mischiev ous voice in her ear, "in whose face do you suppose he finds continual comfort ?" But she was sorry the next instant, for the pained, startled look which flashed up at her. Sorry and yet amused the soft little kiss on Faith s cheek was smiling although apologetic. " Mr. Linden," said the doctor, who held the bag of for feits, "it is your duty to punish Miss Essie with some in fliction, such as you can devise." "Miss Essie," said Mr. Linden, walking gravely up to her, "if there is any person in this room towards whom you entertain and practise malicious, mischievous, and under hand designs, you are hereby sentenced to indicate the person, declare the designs, and to shew cause. " " Why I never did in my life !" said Miss Essie, with a mixture of surprise and amusement in her gracious black eyes. " The court is obliged to refuse an unsupported negative." said Mr. Linden bowing. "Well," said Miss Essie, with no diminishing of the lustre of her black orbs, "I had a design against you, sir 1" "Of what sort?" said Mr. Linden with intense gravity, while everybody else laughed in proportion. " I had a design to enter your mind by private fraud, and steal away its secrets ; and the reason was, because the door was so terribly strong and had such an uncommon good lock ! and I couldn t get in any other way." "I hope that is news to the rest of the company," said Mr. Linden laughing as he bowed his acknowledgments. " It is none to me ! Miss Essie, may your shadow never be less!" " Aint you ashamed !" said Miss Essie reproachfully. "Didn t such a confession deserve better? Who s next, Or. Harrison ?" Some unimportant names followed, with commonplace for feits according ; then. Faith s name came to Mr. Linden. VOL. i. 41 482 SAY AND SEAL. Then was there an opening of eyes and a pricking of ears of all the rest of the company. Only Faith herself sat as still as a mouse, after one little quick glance over to where the person stood in whose hands she was. He stood look ing at her, then walked with great deliberation across the room to her low seat, and taking both her hands lifted her up. "You need not be frightened," he said softly, as keeping one hand in his clasp he led her back to where he had been standing; then placed her in a great downy easy chair in that corner of the fireplace, and drew up a foot stool for her feet. "Miss Faith," he said, "you are to sit there in absolute silence for the next fifteen minutes. If anybody speaks to you, you are not to answer, if you are longing to speak yourself you must wait. It is also required that you look at nobody, and hear as little as possible." With which fierce sentence, Mr. Linden took his stand by the chair to see it enforced. "What a man you are 1" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh laugh ing. "That s not fair play !" said Mrs. Somers. "She don t want to sit there if you think she does, you re mis taken. " " She should have been more careful then," said Mr. Linden. "Dr. Harrison, you have the floor." Dr. Harrison did not appear to think that was much of a possession; to judge by his face, which cast several very observant glances towards the chair, and by his manner which for a moment was slightly abstracted and destitute of the spirit of the game. Miss Essie s eyes took the same direction, with a steady gaze which the picture justified. Faith sat where she had been placed, in most absolute obedience to the orders she had received, except possibly not probably the last one. The lids drooped over her eyes, which moved rarely from the floor, and never raised themselves. Her colour had risen indeed to a rich tint, where it stayed; but Mrs. Somers declaration neverthe less was hardly borne out by a certain little bit-in smile which lurked there too, spite of everything. Otherwise she sat like an impersonation of silence, happily screened, SAY AND SEAL. 483 by not looking at anybody, from any annoyance of the eyes that were levelled at her and at the figure that held post by her side. "Mrs. Stoutenburgh," said the doctor, "you have my aunt Ellen." Mrs. Stoutenburgh however was lenient in that quarter, and told Mrs. Somers they would require nothing of her but the three last items of Pattaquasset news which she, as pastor s wife, was bound to know. And Mrs. Somers was not backward in declaring them ; the first being the engagement of two people who hated each other, the second the separation of two people who loved each other; the third, that Mr. Linden shot himself to make a sensa tion. "Mr. Linden," said the doctor, "you come next and you are mine. What shall I do with you ?" " Why anything," said Mr. Linden. "Well I am greatly at a loss what you are good for," said the doctor lightly, "but on the whole I order you to preach a sermon to the company." "Have you any choice as to the text?" "I am not in the way of those things," said the doctor laughingly. "Give us the lesson you think we want most." The clear, grave look that met him Dr. Harrison had seen it before. The change was like the parting of a little bright vapour, revealing the steadfast blue beneath. "Nay doctor, you must bid me do something else! I dare not play at marbles with precious stones." There was probably a mixture of things in the doctor s mind ; but the outward show in answer to this was in the highest degree seemly and becoming. The expression of Dr. Harrison s face changed ; with a look gentle and kind, even winning, he came up to Mr. Linden s side and took his hand. "You are right!" said he, "and I have got my sermon which I deserve. But now, Linden, that is not your forfeit; for that you must tell me honestly what you think of me." There was always a general air of careless ness about Dr. Harrison, as to what he said himself or 484 SAY AND SEAL. what others said in his presence. Along with this care lessness, which whether seeming or real was aluost inva riable, there mingled now a friend s look and tone and something of a friend s apology making. "But do you want me to tell everybody else?" said Mr. Linden, smiling in his old way at the doctor. "Do you like to blush before so many people ?" "That s your forfeit!" said the doctor resuming also his old-fashioned light tone. " You re to tell me and you are not to tell anybody else !" Well if you will have it," said Mr. Linden looking at him, " Honestly, I think you are very handsome 1 of course that is news to nobody but yourself." "Mercy on you, man 1" said the doctor; "do you think that is news to me ?" "It is supposed to be by courtesy," said Mr. Linden laughing. "Well give me all the grace courtesy will let you," said the doctor; whether altogether lightly, or with some feeling, it would have been hard for a by-stander to tell. "Is Miss Derrick s penance out? She comes next and Miss Essie has her." " ]S"o," said Mr. Linden consulting his watch. "I am sorry to interfere with your arrangements, doctor, but justice must have its course." "Then there is a recess " said the doctor comically. "Ladies and gentlemen please amuse yourselves." He had no intention of helping them, it seemed, for he stood fast in his place and talked to Mr. Linden in a different tone till the minutes were run out. No thing could be more motionless than the occupant of the chair. "Miss Faith," Mr. Linden said then, "it is a little hard to pass from one inquisitor to another but I must hand you over to Miss Essie." Faith s glance at him expressed no gratification. Mean while the doctor had gone for Miss Essie and brought her :ip to the fireplace. "Miss Derrick," said the black-eyed lady, "I wish you to tell as the penalty of your forfeit why, when you - SAY AND SEAL. 485 thought the Rhododendron the most perfect flower, you did not take it for your name V If anybody had known the pain this question gave Faith the leap of dismay that her heart made 1 Nobody Knew it; her head drooped, and the colour rose again to be sure; but one hand sheltered the exposed cheek and the other was turned to the fire. She could not refuse to answer, and with the doctor s weapo.ns she would not; but here, as once before, Faith s straightforwardness saved her. "Why didn t you call yourself Rhodora?" repeated Miss Essie. And Faith answered, "Because another name was suggested to me." The question could not decently be pushed any further; and both Miss Essie and the doctor looked as if they had failed. Faith s own tumult and sinking of heart prevented her knowing how thoroughly this was true. "And you two people," said Mr. Linden, "come and ask Miss Derrick why she chose to appropriate a cha racter that she thought fell short of perfection ! what is the use of telling anybody anything, after that ?" "I am only one people," said Miss Essie. "I am another," said the doctor; "and I confess my self curious. Besides, a single point of imperfection might be supposed, without injury to mortal and human nature." "Julius," said Miss Harrison, "will you have the good ness to do so impolite a thing as to look at your watch ? Aunt Ellen will expect us to set a proper example. Dear Faith, are you bound to sit in that big chair all night?" Then there was a general stir and break-up of the party. One bit of conversation Faith was fated to hear as she slowly made her way out of the dressing-room door, among comers and goers: the first speaker was a young De Staff. " Since that shooting affair there s been nothing but reports about you, Linden." " Reports seldom kill," said Mr. Linden. 41* 486 SAY AND SEAL "Don t trust to that!" said another laughing mous tache, "keep em this side the water. By the way is there any likeness of that fair foreigner going? How do you fancy she would like reports?" " When you find out I wish you would let me know," said Mr. Linden with a little accent of impatience, as he came forward and took Faith in charge. CHAPTER XXIX. IT was pretty late when Jerry and his littie sleigh-load got clear of the gates. The stars were as bright as ever, and now they had the help of the old moon ; which was pouring her clear radiance over the snow and sending long shadows from trees and fences. The fresh air, was pleasant too. Faith felt it, and wondered that starlight and snow and sleigh-bells were such a different thing from what they were a few hours before. She chid herself, she was vexed at herself, and humbled exceedingly. She en deavoured to get back on the simple abstract ground she had held in her own thoughts until within a day or two; she was deeply ashamed that her head should have allowed even a flutter of imagination from Mr. Stoutenburgh s words, which now it appeared might bear a quite contrary sense to that which she had given them. What was she, to have anything to do with them? Faith humbly said, nothing. And yet, she could not help that either, the image of the possibility of what Dr. Harrison had suggested, raised a pain that Faith could not look at. She sat still and motionless, and heard the sleigh-bells without knowing to what tune they jingled. It was a quick tune, at all events, for the first ten or fifteen minutes Jerry dashed along to his heart s content, and his driver even urged him on, then with other sleighs left far behind and a hill before him, Jerry brought the tune to a staccato, and Mr. Linden spoke. But the words were not very relevant to either stars or sleigh-bells. "Miss Faith, I thought you knew me better." They startled her, for she was a minute or two without answering ; then came a gentle, and also rather frightened, "Why? why do you say that, Mr. Linden?" "Do you think you know me?" he said, turning towards her with a little bit of a smile, though the voice was grave. "Do you think you have any idea how much I care about you ?" (487) 488 SAY AND SEAL. "I think you do," she said. "I am sure you do very much !" "Do you know how much?" and the smile was full then, and followed by a moment s silence. "I shall not try to tell you, Miss Faith ; I could not if I would but there is something on the other side of the question which I want you to tell me." And Jerry walked slowly up the snowy hill, and the slight tinkle of his bells was as silvery as the starlight of Orion overhead. Faith looked at her questioner and then off again, while a rich colour was slowly mantling in her cheeks. But the silence was breathless. Jerry s bells only announced it. And having by that time reached the top of the hill he chose and was permitted to set off at his former pace ; flinging off the snow right and left, and tossing his mane on the cool night air. Down that hill, and up the next, and down that and along a level bit of road to the foot of another, then slowly. "Miss Faith," said Mr. Linden when they were half way up, "do you never mean to speak to me again ?" A very low-breathed although audible "yes." " Is that all you mean to say ? I shall take it very com prehensively. " She was willing probably that he should take it any way that he pleased ; but to add was as much beyond Faith s power at the moment as to subtract from her one word. She did not even look. "Do you know what this silence is promising?" Mr. Lin den said in the same tone, and bending down by her. " I do and yet I want to hear you speak once more. If there is any reason why I should try not to love you better than all the rest of the world, you must tell me now." One other quick, inquiring, astonished glance her eyes gave into his face; and then, as usual, his wish to have her speak made her speak, through all the intense difficulty. There was a minute s further hesitation, and then the words, very low, very simple, and trembling, "Do if you can." "Do try?" he said in a lower and graver tone. SAY AND SEAL. 189 "Try?" she said; then with a change of voice and in very much confusion, "0 no, Mr. Linden!" "I should not succeed " was all his answer, nor was there time for much more ; for having now turned into the main street where other homeward-bound sleighs were flying along, there was nothing to do bat fly along with the rest ; and a very few minutes brought them home. Mr. Skip was probably reposing in parts unknown, for there was no sign of him at his post; and when Faith had been silently taken out of the sleigh and into the hall, Mr. Linden went back to Jerry telling her she must take good care of herself for five minutes. Bewilderedly, and trembling yet, Faith turned into the sitting-room. It was warm and bright, Mrs. Derrick having only lately left it; and taking off hood and cloak in a sort of mechanical way, with fingers that did not feel the strings, she sat down in the easy chair and laid her head on the arm of it ; as very a child as she had been on the night of that terrible walk; wondering to herself if this were Christmas day if she were Faith Derrick and if anything were any thing ! but with a wonder of such growing happiness as made it more and more difficult for her to raise her head up. She dreaded with an odd kind of dread which con tradicted itself to hear Mr. Linden come in; and in the abstract, she would have liked very much to jump up and run away ; but that little intimation was quite enough to hold her fast. She sat stifl drawing quick little breaths. The loud voice of the clock near by, striking its twelve strokes, was not half so distinct to her as that light step in the hall which came so swiftly and quick to her side. "What is the problem now, pretty child?" Mr. Linden said, laying both hands upon hers, "it is too late for study to-night. You must wait till to-morrow and have my help." She rose up at that, however gladly she would have hid den the face her rising revealed ; but yet with no awkward ness she stood before him, rosily grave and shy, and with downcast eyelids that could by no means lift themselves up to shew what was beneath ; a fair combination of the child s character and the woman s nature in one ; both spoken fairly and fully. Mr. Linden watched her for a minute, 490 SAY AND SEAL. softly passing his hand over that fair brow; then drew her closer. "I suppose I may claim Mr. Stoutenburgh s privilege now," he said. But it was more than that he took. And then with one hand still held fast, Faith was put back in her chair and wheeled up to the fire to get warm, and Mr. Linden sat down by her side. Did he really think she needed it, when she was rosy to her fingers ends ? But what could she do, but be very still and very happy Even as a flower whose head is heavy with dew, never more fragrant than then, yet with the weight of its sweet burden it bends a little ; like that was the droop of Faith s head at this minute. Whither had the whirl of this evening whirled her ? Faith did not know. She felt as if, to some harbour of rest, broad and safe ; the very one where from its fitness it seemed she ought to be. But shyly and confusedly, she felt it much as a man feels the ground, who is near taken off it by a hurricane. Yet she felt it, for her head drooped more and more. " Faith," Mr. Linden said, half smiling, half seriously, "what has made you so sober all this evening so much afraid of me?" The quick answer of the eye stayed not a minute ; the blush was more abiding. "You don t want me to tell you that!" she said in soft pleading. "Do you know now who I think has A sweet attractive kind of grace ?" "0 don t, please, speak so, Mr. Linden!" she said bow ing her face in her hands, "it don t belong to me." And pressing her hands closer, she added, " You have made me all I am that is anything." "There is one thing I mean to make you if I live," he answered smiling, and taking down her hand. "Faith, what do you mean by talking to me in that style ? haven t you just given me leave to think what I like of you ? You deserve another half hour s silent penance." A little bit of smile broke upon her face which for an instant she tried to hide with her other hand. But she dropped that and turned the face towards him, rosy, grave, SAY AND SEAL. 491 and happy, more than she knew, or she perhaps would have hidden it again. Her eyes indeed only saw his and fell instantly ; and her words began and stopped. There is one comfort " "What dear child?" "That you know what to think," she said, looking up with a face that evidently rested in the confidence of that fact. "About what?" Mr. Linden said with an amused look. "I have known what to think about you for some time." "I meant that," she said quietly and with very down cast eyes again. "I am not in a good mood for riddles to-night," said Mr. Linden, "just what does this one mean ?" "Nothing, only " said Faith flushing, "you said " She was near breaking down in sheer confusion, but she rallied and went on. "You said I had given you leave to think what you liked of me, and I sav it is a comfort that you know what to think." Mr. Linden laughed. "You are a dear little child !" he said. "Being just the most precious thing in the world to me, you sit there and rejoice that I am in no danger of overestimating you which is profoundly true. My comfort in knowing what to think, runs in a different line." It is hard to describe Faith s look ; it was a mixture of so many things. It was wondering, and shamefaced ; and curi ous for its blending of humility and gladness; but gladness moved to such a point as to be near the edge of sorrowful expression. She would not have permitted it to choose such expression, and indeed it easily took another line ; for even as she looked, her eye caught the light from Mr. Linden s and the gravity of her face broke in a sunny and somewhat ob stinate smile, which Faith would have controlled if she could. " That penance was not so very bad," she said, perhaps by way of diversion. "I enjoyed it," said Mr. Linden, "I am not sure that everybody else did. Are you longing for another piece of rest ? Look up at me, and let me see if I ought to keep you here any longer." She obeyed, though shyly; the smile lingering round her 492 SAY AND SEAL. lips yet, and her whole face, to tell the truth, bearing much more resemblance to the dawn of a May morning than to the middle of a December night. Mr. Linden was in some danger of forgetting why he had asked to see it; but when her eyes fell beneath his, then he remembered. "I must let you go," he said, "I suppose the sooner I do that, the sooner I may hope to see you again. Will you sleep diligently, to that end ?" "I don t know " she said softly; rising at the same time to gather up her wrappers which lay strewed about, around and under her. Her lips had the first answer to that ; only as he let her go Mr. Linden said, "You must try." And a little scarce-spoken "yes" promised it. It was easier than she thought. When Faith had got to her room, when she had as usual laid down her heart s burden -joyful or careful in her prayer, there came soon a great subsiding ; and mind and body slept, as sleep comes to an exhausted child ; or as those sleep, at any age, whose hearts bear no weight which God s hand can bear for them, and who are contented to leave their dearest things to the same hand. There was no ravelled sleeve of care ever in Faith s mind, for sleep to knit up ; but tired nature s sweet restorer she needed like the rest of the human family ; and on this occasion sleep did her work without let or hindrance from the time ten minutes after Faith s head touched her pillow till the sun was strong and bright on the morning of the 26th of December. Yes, and pretty high up too; for the first thing that fell upon her waking senses was eight clear strokes of the town clock. Faith got up and dressed herself in a great hurry and in absolute dismay; blushing to think where was her mother; and breakfastand everybody all this while, and what everybody was thinking of her. From her room Faith went straight to dairy and kitchen. She wanted her hands full this morning. But her duties in the kitchen were done ; breakfast was only waiting, and her mother talking to the butcher. Faith stood till he was dismissed and had turned his back, and then came into Mrs. Derrick s arms. "Mother! why didn t you call me!" "Pretty child!" was the fond answer, "why should I? SAY AND SEAL. 493 I ve been up to look at you half a dozen times, Faith, to make sure you were not sick; but Mr. Linden said he was in no hurry for breakfast and of course I wasn t. Did you have a good time last night?" "I should think you ought to be in a hurry for breakfast by this time." And Faith busied herself in helping Cindy put the breakfast on the table. "You run and call Mr. Linden, child," said her mother,- "and I ll see to this. He was here till a minute ago, and then some of the boys wanted to see him. " Faith turned away, but with no sort of mind to present herself before the boys, and in tolerable fear of presenting herself before anybody. The closing hall door informed her that one danger was over ; and forcing herself to brave the other, she passed into the sitting-room just as Mr. Lin den reentered it from the hall. Very timidly then she ad vanced a few steps to meet him and stood still, with cheeks as rosy as it was possible to be, and eyes that dared not lift themselves up. The greeting she had did not help either matter very much, but that could not be helped either. "What colour are your cheeks under all these roses?" Mr. Linden said smiling at her. "My dear Faith, were you quite tired out ?" " No You must think so," she said with stammering lips "but breakfast is ready at last. If you ll go in I ll come, Mr. Linden." "Do you want me to go in first?" "Yes. I ll come directly." He let her go, and went in as she desired ; and having persuaded Mrs. Derrick that as breakfast was on the table it had better have prompt attention, Mr. Linden engaged her with a lively account of the people, dresses, and doings, which had graced the Christmas party; keeping her mind pretty well on that subject both before and after Faith made her appearance. How little it engrossed him, only one person at the table could even guess. But she knew, and rested herself happily under the screen he spread out for her; as quiet and demure as anything that ever sat at a breakfast table yet. And all the attention she received was as silent as it was careful ; not till breakfast was over VOL. i. 42 494 SAY AND SEAL did Mr. Linden give her more than a passing word ; but then he inquired how soon she would be ready for philosophy. Faith s hesitating answer was "Very soon;" then as Mr. Linden left the room she asked,, " What are you going to do to-day, mother ?" "0 just the old story, "said Mrs. Derrick, "two or three sick people I must go and see, and some well people I d rather see, by half. It s so good to have you home, dear!" And she kissed Faith and held her off and looked at her several feelings at work in her face. "Pretty child," she said, "I don t think I ever saw you look so pretty." Faith returned the kiss, and hid her face in her mother s neck ; more things than one were in her mind to say, but not one of them could get out. She could only kiss her mother and hold her fast. The words that at last came, were a very commonplace remark about "going to see to the dinner." "I guess you will!" said Mrs. Derrick "with Mr. Linden waiting for you in the other room. I wonder what he d say to you, or to me either. And besides people that want to see about dinner must get up earlier in the morning." The words, some of them, were a little moved ; but whatever Mrs. Derrick was thinking of, she did not explain only Lade Faith go off and attend to her lessons and make up f/r lost time. Which after some scouting round kitchen and dairy, Faith did. She entered the sitting-room with the little green book in her hand, as near as possible as she would have done three weeks ago. Not quite. She had a bright smile of welcome, and Mr. Linden placed a chair for her and placed her in it; and then the lessons went on with all their old gentle care and guidance. More, they could hardly have though Faith sometimes fancied there was more ; and if the old sobriety was hard to keep up, still it was done, for her sake. A little play of the lips which she could sometimes see, was kept within very quiet bounds ; whatever novelty there might be in look or manner was perhaps unconscious and unavoidable. She might he watched a little more than formerly, but her work SAY AND SEAL. 495 none the less; and Mr. Linden s explanations and cor rections were given with just their old grave freedom, and no more. And yet how different a thing the lessons were to him ! As to Faith, her hand trembled very much at first, and even her voice ; but for all that, the sunshine within was easy to see, and there came a bright flash of it sometimes. In spite of timidity and shyness, every now and then some thing made her forget herself, and then the sunlight broke out ; to be followed perhaps by a double cloud of gravity. But for the rest, she worked like a docile pupil, as she always had done. Apparently her teacher s thoughts had not been con fined to the work, if they had to her; for when all was done that could be done before dinner, he made one of those sudden speeches with which he sometimes indulged himself. "Faith I wish you would ask me to do half a dozen almost impossible things for you." What a pretty, wondering look she gave him. One of the flashes of the sunlight came then. But then came an amused expression. " What would be the good of that, Mr. Linden ?" "I should have the pleasure of doing them." "I believe you would," said Faith. "I think the only things quite impossible to you are wrong things." "The only thing you ever did ask of me was impossible," he said with a smile, upon which there was a shadow too as if the recollection pained him. " Child, how could you ? It half broke my heart to withstand you so, do you know that ? I want the almost impossible things to make me forget it." Her lip trembled instantly and her command of herself was nearly gone. She had risen for something, and as he spoke she came swiftly behind him, putting herself where he could not see her face, and laid her hand on his shoulder. It lay there as light as thistle-down ; but it was Faith s mute way of saying a great many things that her voice oould not. Very quick and tenderly Mr. Linden drew her forward again, and tried the power of his lips to still hers. 496 SAY AND SEAL. "Hush, dear child !" he said "you must not mind any thing I say, I am the last person in the world you ought to be afraid of. And you must not claim it as your pre rogative to get before me in danger and behind me at all other times because that is just reversing the proper order of things. Faith, I am going to ask an almost im possible thing of you." "What is it ?" Faith was secretly glad, for afraid of his requests she could not be. "You will try to do it?" " Yes certainly !" "It is only to forget that Mr. Linden is any part of my name," he said smiling. She had been rosy enough before, but now the blood reddened her very brow, till for one instant she put up her hands to hide it. "What then?" she said in a breathless sort of way "What you like" he answered brightly. "I have not quite as many names as a Prince Royal, but still enough to choose from. You may separate, combine, or invent, at your pleasure." There came a summons to dinner then; and part of the hours which should follow thereafter, Mr. Linden was pledged to spend somewhere with somebody away from home. But he promised to be back to tea, and before that, if he could ; and so left Faith to the quiet companionship of her mother and her lessons if she felt disposed for them. They were both in the sitting-room together, Mrs. Derrick and the books, both helping the sunlight that came in at the windows. But Faith neglected the books, and came to her mother s side. She sat down and put her arms round her, and nestled her head on her mother s bosom, as she had done in the morning. And then was silent. That might have been just what Mrs. Derrick expected, she was so very ready for it; her work was dropped so in stantly, her head rested so fondly on Faith s. But her silence was soon broken. "How long do you think I can wait, pretty child?" she said in the softest, tenderest tone that even she could use. " Mother !" said Faith startling. " For what ?" SAY AND SEAL. 491 "Suppose you tell me." "Do you know, mother?" said Faith in a low, changed tone and drawing closer. Bat Mrs. Derrick only repeated, "What, child?" "What Mr. Linden has said to me," she whispered. "I knew what he would" but the words broke off there, and Mrs. Derrick rested her head again in silence as abso-* lute as Faith s. For awhile; and then Faith lifted up her flushed face and began to kiss her. " Mother ! why don t you speak to me ?" It was not very easy to speak Faith could see that ; but Mrs. Derrick did command her voice enough to give a sort of answer. "He had my leave, child, at least he has talked to me about you in a way that I should have said no tc, if I had meant it, and he knew that. Do you think I should have let him stay here all this time if I had not been willing?" Faith laid her head down again. "Mother dear mother!" she said, "I want more than that !" She had ail she wanted then, Mrs. Derrick spoke clearly and steadily, though the tears were falling fast. " I am as glad as you are, darling or as he is, -I can not say more than that. So glad that you should be so happy so glad to have such hands in which to leave you." The last words were scarce above a whisper. Faith was desperate. She did not cry, but she did everything else. With trembling fingers she stroked her mother s face ; with lips that trembled she kissed her ; but Faith s voice was steady, whatever lay behind it. "Mother mother! why do you do so? why do you speak so? Does this look like gladness?" And lips and hands kissed away the tears with an eagerness that was to the last degree tender. "Why yes, child!" her mother said rousing up, and with a little bit of a smile that did not belie her words, "I tell you I m as glad as I can be! Tears don t mean anything, Faith, I can t help crying sometimes. But I m just as glad as he is," she repeated, trying her soothing 42* 408 SAY AND SEAL. powers in turn, "and if you d seen his face as I did when he went away, you d think that was enough. I don t know whether I could be," she added softly, "if I thought he would take you away from me but I know he ll never do that, from something he said once. Why pretty child ! any one but a baby could see this long ago, and as for "that, Faith, I believe I love him almost as well as you do, this minute." The last few minutes had tried Faith more than she could bear, with the complete reaction that followed. The tears that very rarely made their way from her eyes in any body s sight, came now. But they were not permitted to be many ; her mother hardly knew they were come before they were gone ; and half nestling in her arms, Faith lay with her face hid ; silent and quiet. It seemed to Mrs. Derrick as if she was too far oft still, for she lifted Faith softly up, and took her on her lap after the old childish fashion, kissing her once and again. "Now, pretty child," she said, softly stroking the un covered cheek, "keep your hands down and tell me all about it. I don t mean every word," she added smiling, "but all you like to tell." But Faith could not do that. She made very lame work of it. She managed only with much difficulty to give her mother a very sketchy and thin outline of what she wanted to know; which perhaps was as much as Mrs. Derrick ex pected; and was given with a simplicity as bare of additions as her facts were. A very few words told all she had to tell. Yes, her mother was satisfied, she loved to hear Faith speak those few words, and to watch her the while herself supplying all deficiencies; and then was con tent that her child should lie still and go to sleep, if she chose it was enough to look at her and think : re joicing with her and for her with a very pure joy, if it was sometimes tearful. Faith presently changed her position, and gave a very particular attention to the smoothing of the hair over her mother s forehead. Then pulling her cap straight, and giving her a finishing look and kiss, she took a low seat close beside her, laid one of her study books on her mother s lap, resting one arm there fondly, and went hard to work j SAY AND SEAL. 499 remarking however that Mrs. Derrick might talk as much as she liked and she would talk too. But Mrs. Derrick either did not want to talk, or else she did not want to in terrupt; for she watched Faith and smiled upon her, and stroked her hair, and said very little. Just at the end of the afternoon, when Faith was finish ing her work by firelight, Mr. Linden came in. She did not see the look that passed between her mother and him . she only knew that they held each other s hands for a minute silently, then one of the hands was laid upon her forehead. "Little student do you want to try the fresh air?" She said yes; and without raising her eyes, ran off to get ready. In another minute she was out in the cool freshness of the December twilight. CHAPTER XL. walk lasted till all the afterglow had faded and all . the stars come out, and till half Pattaquasset had done tea ; having its own glow and starlight, and its flow of conversation to which the table talk was nothing. Of course, Faith s first business on reaching home was to see about the tea. She and Mrs. Derrick were happily engaged together in various preparations, and Mr. Linden alone in the sitting-room, when the unwelcome sound of a knock came at the front door; and the next minute his solitude was broken in upon. "Good evening!" said the doctor. "Three-quarters of a mile off I heard the clarion of the unseen midge ! so I thought it was best to come to close quarters with the enemy. There is nothing so annoying as a distant hum ming in your ears. How do you do ?" He had come up and laid his hand on Mr. Linden s shoulder before the latter had time to rise. "What a perverse taste !" Mr. Linden said, laughing and springing up. "All the rest of the world think a near-by humming so much worse." " Can t distinguish at a distance," said the doctor ; " one doesn t know whether it s a midge or a dragon-fly. How is Mignonette ? and Mignonette s mother ?" " They were both well the last time I saw them. In what sort of a calm flutter are you, doctor ?" "Do you think that is my character?" said the doctor, taking his favourite position on the rug. "You go straight to the fire like all the rest of the tribe," said Mr. Linden. "Is it inconsistent with the character of such an extra ordinary midge, to go straight to the mark ?" "Nobody ever saw a midge do that yet, I ll venture to say. " "And you are resolved to act in character," said the doctor gravely. "You have got clean away from the (500) SAY AND SEAL. 501 point. I asked you last night to tell me what you thought of me. We are alone now do it, Linden I" "Why do you want to know?" "I don t know. A man likes to talk of himself cela s entend but I care enough about you, to care to know how I stand in your thoughts. If you asked me how I stand in my own, I could not tell you ; and I should like to know how the just balances of your mind I m not talking ironically, Linden, weigh and poise me; what sort of alloy your mental tests make me out. No mat ter why! indulge me, and let me have it. I presume it is nothing better than philosophical curiosity. I am every man is to himself an enigma a mystery ; and I should like to have a sudden outside view from optics that I have some respect for." "I gave you the outside view last night," Mr. Linden said. But then he came and stood near the doctor and answered him simply ; speaking with that grave gentleness of interest which rarely failed to give the speaker a place in people s hearts, even when his words failed of it. "I think much of you, in the first place, and in the second place, I wish you would let me think more ; you stand in my thoughts as an object of very warm interest, of very earnest prayer. Measured not by my standards, but by those which the word of God sets up, you are like your own admirably made and adjusted microscope, with all the higher powers left off. The only enigma, the only mystery is, that you yourself cannot see this." Dr. Harrison looked at him with a grave, considerative face, drawing a little back ; perhaps to do it the better. " Do you mean to say, that you do such a thing as pray for me?" A slight, sweet smile came with the answer. " Can you doubt it?" "Why I might very reasonably doubt it, though not your word. Why do you, may I ask?" "What can I do for a man in deadly peril, whom my arm cannot reach ?" The tone was very kindly, very earn est; the eyes with their deep light looked full into the doctor s. Dr. Harrison was silent, meeting the look and taking 502 SAY AND SEAL. the depth and meaning of it, so far as fathomable by him. The two faces and figures, fine as they both were, made a strange contrast. The doctor s face was in one of its serious and good expressions; but the other had come from a region of light which this one had never entered. And even in attitude the dignified unconsciousness of the one, was very different from the satisfied carelessness of the other. "May I further ask," he said in a softened tone, "why you do this for me?" "Because I care about you." " It s incredible !" said the doctor, his eye wavering, how ever. "One man care about another! Why, man, I may be the worst enemy you have in the world, for aught you know." "That cannot hinder my being your friend." "Do you know," said the other looking at him half curiously, " I am ready to do such a foolish thing as to believe you ? Well be as much of a friend to me as you can; and I ll deserve it as well as I can which maybe won t be very well. Indeed that is most likely !" He had stretched out his hand to Mr. Linden however, and clasped his warmly. He quitted it now to go forward and take that of Faith. She came in just as usual, and met the doctor with her wonted manner; only the crimson stain on her cheek tell ing anything against her. She did not give him much chance to observe that; for Cindy followed her with the tea things and Faith busied herself about the table. The doctor went back to his stand and watched her. "Mignonette has changed colour," he remarked pre sently. " How is chat, Miss Derrick ?" "How is what, sir?" "How corne you to change the proper characteristics of mignonette ? Don t you know that never shews high brilliancy ?" "I suppose I am not mignonette to-night," said Faith, returning to the safer observation of the tea-table. "Are you my flower, then? the Rhodora?" he said with a lowered tone, coming near her. If Faith heard, she did not seem to hear this question. SAY AND SEAL. 503 Her attention was bestowed upon the preparations^ for tea, till Mrs. Derrick came in to make it ; and then Faith found a great deal to do in the care of the other duties of the table. It was a mystery, how she managed it; she who generally had as much leisure at meals as anybody wanted. Dr. Harrison s attention however was no longer exclusively given to her. " Do you always have these muffins for tea, Mrs. Der rick ?" he remarked with his second essay. "Why no!" said Mrs. Derrick, "we have all sorts of other things. Don t you like muffins, doctor?" "Like them!" said the doctor. "I am thinking what a happy man Mr. Linden must be." "Marvellously true I" said Mr. Linden. "I hope you ll go home and write a new Search after happiness, ending it sentimentally in muffins." "Not so," said the doctor. "I should only begin it in muffins as I am doing. But my remark after all had a point; for I was thinking of the possibility of detaching anybody from such a periodical attraction. Mrs. Derrick, I am the bearer of an humble message to you from my sister and father who covet the honour and pleasure of your presence to-morrow evening. Sophy makes me use ful, when she can. I hope you will give me a gracious answer for yourself and Miss Faith, and so make me use ful again. It is a rare chance ! I am not often good for anything." "I don t know whether I know how to give what you call gracious answers, doctor," said Mrs. Derrick pleasantly. "I m very much obliged to Miss Sophy, but I never go anywhere at night." With the other two the doctor s mission was more successful ; and then he disclosed the other object of his visit. "Miss Derrick, do you j emember I once threatened to bring the play of Portia here and introduce her to you ? " I remember it," said Faith. "Would it be pleasant to you that I should fulfil my threat this evening ?" 504 SAY AND SEAL. "I dqn t know^sir," said Faith smiling, "till I hear the play." "Mr. Linden, what do you think?" said the doctor, also with a smile. "I am ready for anything if you will let me be impolite enough to finish writing a letter while I hear the first part of your reading." "To change the subject slightly what do you suppose, Mr. Linden, would on the whole be the effect, on society, if the hand of Truth were in every case to be presented without a glove ?" The doctor spoke gravely now. "The effect would be that society would shake hands more cordially I should think," said Mr. Linden ; "though it is hard to say how such an extreme proposition would work." " Do you know, it strikes me that it would work just the other way, and that hands would presently clasp nothing but daggers hilts. But there is another question. How will one fair hand of truth live among a crowd of steel gauntlets ?" "What?" Mr. Linden said, with a little bending of his brows upon the doctor. "I am wearing neither glove nor gauntlet, what are you talking about? And my half- finished letter is a fact and no pretence." "I sha n t believe you," said the doctor, "if you give my fingers such a wring as that. Well, go to your letter, and I ll take Miss Derrick to Venice if she will let me." Venice ! That exquisite photograph of the Bridge of Sighs, and "the palace and the prison on each hand," about which such a long, long entrancing account had been given by Mr. Linden to her the scene and the talk rose up before Faith s imagination; she was very ready to go to Venice. Its witching scenery, its strange history, floated - up, in a fascinating, strange cloud- view ; she was all ready for Shylock and the Rialto. Nay, for the Rialto, not for Shylock; him, or anything like him, she had never seen nor imagined. She was only sorry that Mr. Linden had to go to his letter ; but there was a compensative side to that, for her shyness was somewhat less endangered. With only the doctor and Shylock to attend to, she could get along very well. SAY AND SEAL. 505 Shyness and fears however, were of very short endurance. To Venice she went, Shylock she saw ; and then she saw nothing else but Shylock, and those who were dealing with him ; unless an occasional slight glance towards the distant table where Mr. Linden sat at his writing, might be held to signify that she had powers of vision for somewhat else. It did not interrupt the doctor s pleasure, nor her own. Dr. Harrison had begun with at least a double motive in his mind ; but man of the world as he was, he forgot his unsatisfied curiosity in the singular gratification of reading such a play to such a listener. It was so plain that Faith was in Venice ! She entered with such simplicity, and also with such intelligence, into the characters and interests of the persons in the drama ; she relished their words so well ; she weighed in such a nice balance of her own the right and the wrong, the true and the false, of whatever rested on nature and truth for its proper judgment; she was so perfectly and deliciously ignorant of the world and the ways of it! The fresh view that such pure eyes took of such actors and scenes, was indescribably interesting; Dr. Har rison found it the best play he had ever read in his life. He made it convenient sometimes to pause to indoctrinate Faith in characters or customs of which she had no ade quate knowledge ; it did not hurt her pleasure ; it was all part of the play. In the second scene, the doctor stopped to explain the terms on which Portia had been left with her suitors. What do you think of it?" I think it was hard," said Faith smiling. What would you have done if you had been left so?" I would not have been left so." But you might not help yourself. Suppose it had been a father s or a mother s command? that anybody might come up and have you, for the finding if they could pitch upon the right box of jewelry?" " My father or mother would never have put such a com mand on me," said Faith looking amused. "But you may suppose anything," said the doctor lean ing forward and smiling. "Suppose they had ?" "Then you must suppose me different too," said Faith VOL. i. 43 506 SAY AND SEAL." laughing. " Suppose me to have been like Portia ; and I should have done as she did." The doctor shook his head and looked gravely at her. "Are you so impracticable ?" "Was she?" said Faith. " Then you wouldn t think it right to obey Mrs. Derrick in all circumstances?" " Not if she was Portia s mother," said Faith. " Suppose you had been the Prince of Arragon which casket would you have chosen ?" said Mr. Linden, as he came from his table, letter in hand. "I suppose I should have chosen as he did," said the doctor carelessly " I really don t remember how that was. I ll tell you when I come to him. Have you done letter- writing?" " I have done writing letters, for to-night. Have I per mission to go to Venice in your train ?" "I am only a locomotive," said the doctor. "But you know, with two a train goes faster. If you had another copy of the play, now, Linden and we should read it as I have read Shakspeare in certain former times take dif ferent parts I presume the effect would excel steam- power, and be electric. Can you ?" This was agreed to, and the "effect" almost equalled the doctor s prognostications. Even Mrs. Derrick, who had somewhat carelessly held aloof from his single presentation of the play, was fascinated now, and drew near and dropped her knitting. It would have been a very rare entertainment to any that had heard it ; but for once an audience of two was sufficient for the stimulus and reward of the readers. That and the actual enjoyment of the parts they were play ing. Dr. Harrison read well, with cultivated and critical accuracy. His voice was good and melodious, his English enunciation excellent ; his knowledge of his author thorough, as far as acquaintanceship went; and his habit of reading a dramatically practised one. But Faith, amid all her de light, had felt a want in it, as compared with the reading to which of late she had been accustomed ; it did not give the soul and heart of the author though it gave everything else. That is what only soul and heart can do. Not that Dr. Harrison was entirely wanting in those gifts either; SAY AND SEAL. 507 they lay somewhere, perhaps, in him ; but they are not the ones which in what is called the world come most often or readily into play; and so it falls out that one who lives there long becomes like the cork oak when it has stood long untouched in its world ; the heart is encrusted with a monstrous thick, almost impenetrable, coating of bark. When Mr. Linden joined the reading, the pleasure was perfect ; the very contrast between the two characters and the two voices made the illusion more happy. Then Faith was in a little danger of betraying herself; for it was diffi cult to look at both readers with the same eyes ; and if she tried to keep her eyes at home, that was more difficult still. In the second act, Portia says to Arragon, " In terms of choice I am not solely led By nice direction of a maiden s eyes," etc. "What do you think of that, Miss Derrick?" said the doctor pausing when his turn came. "Do you think a lady s choice ought to be so determined ?" Faith raised her eyes, and answered, "No, sir." "By what then ? You don t trust appearances?" Faith hesitated. "I should like to hear how Portia managed," she said, with a little heightened colour. "I never thought much about it." "What do you think of Portia s gloves, doctor?" said Mr. Linden. "Hum" said the doctor. "They are a pattern! soft as steel, harsh as kid-leather. They fit too, so exquisitely ! But, if I were marrying her, I thinS: I should request that she would give her gloves into my keeping." " Then would your exercise of powe7 be properly thwarted. Every time you made the demand, Portia would, like a jug gler, pull off and surrender a fresh pair of gloves, leaving ever a pair yet finer-spun upon her hands." " I suppose she would," said the doctor comically. "Come! I won t marry her. And yet, Linden, one might do worse. Such gloves keep off a wonderful amount of friction." " If you happen to have fur which cannot be even stroked the wrong way !" 508 SAY AND SEAL % The doctor s eye glanced with fun, and Faith laughed The reading went on. And went on without much pausing until the lines "0 ten times faster Venus pigeons fly To seal love s bonds new made, than they are wont To keep obliged faith unforfeited ! Who riseth from a feast, With that keen appetite that he sits down ? Where is the horse, that doth untread again His tedious measures with the unbated fire That he did pace them first? All things that are, Are with more spirit chased than enjoyed." "Do you believe in that doctrine, Miss Faith?" said the doctor, with a gentle look in her direction. "I suppose it is true of some things," she said after a minute s consideration. "What a wicked truth it is, Linden!" said the doctor. "There is an error i the bill, " said Mr. Linden. Faith s eyes looked somewhat eagerly, the doctor s philo sophically. "Declare and shew," said the doctor. "I thought it was a universal, most deplorable, human fact ; and here it is, in Shakspeare, man ; which is another word for saying it is in humanity." "It is" true only of false things. The Magician s coins are next day but withered leaves the real gold is at com pound interest." The doctor s smile was doubtful and cynical; Faith s had a touch of sunlight on it. "Where is your real gold 7 ?" said the doctor. "Do you expect me to tell you?" said Mr. Linden laughing. "I have found a good deal in the course of my life, and the interest is regularly paid in." "Are you talking seriously ?" "Ay truly. So may you." " From any other man, I should throw away your words as the veriest Magician s coin ; but if they are true metal why I ll ask you to take me to see the Mint some day!" "Let me remind you," said Mr. Linden, "that there are many things in Shakspeare. What do you think of this, for a set-off? SAY AND SEAL. 509 Love s not Time s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle s compass come; Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out e en to the edge of doom. If this be error, and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved. " "There s an error proved upon me," said the doctor, biting his lips as he looked at Faith who had listened de lightedly. " Come on! I ll stop no more. The thing is, Linden, that I am less happy than you I never found any real gold in my life I" "Ah you expect gold to come set with diamonds, and that cannot always be. I don t doubt you have gold enough to start a large fortune, if you would only rub it up and make it productive." The doctor made no answer to that, and the reading went on ; Faith becoming exceedingly engrossed with the progress of the drama. She listened with an eagerness which both the readers amusedly took heed of, as the suc cessive princes of Morocco and Arragon made their trial ; the doctor avowing by the way, that he thought he should have "assumed desert" as the latter prince did, and received the fool s head for his pains. Then they came to the beau tiful "casket scene." The doctor had somehow from the beginning left Portia in Mr. Linden s hands ; and now gave with great truth and gracefulness the very graceful words of her successful suitor. He could put truth into these, and did, and accordingly read beautifully ; well heard, for the play of Faith s varying face shewed she went along thoroughly with all the fine turns of thought and feeling ; here and elsewhere. But how well and how delicately Mr. Linden gave Portia! That Dr. Harrison could not have done ; the parts had fallen out happily, whether by chance or design. Her ladylike and coy play with words her transparent veil of delicate shifting turns of expression . contriving to say all and yet as if she would say nothing were rendered by the reader with a grace of tone every way fit to them. Faith s eye ceased to look at anybody, and her colour flitted, as this scene went on; and when Portia s address to her fortunate wooer was reached that very noble and dignified declaration of her woman s mind, 43* 510 SAY AND SEAL. when she certainly pulled off her gloves, wherever else she might wear them; Faith turned her face quite away from the readers and with the cheek she could not hide sheltered by her hand as well as her hand could she let nobody but the fire and Mrs. Derrick see what a flush covered the other. Very incautious in Faith, but it was the best she could do. And the varied interests that immediately fol lowed, of Antonio s danger and deliverance, gradually brought her head round again and accounted sufficiently for the colour with which her cheeks still burned. The Merchant of Venice was not the only play enacting that evening; and the temptation to break in upon the one, made the doctor, as often as he could, break off the other ; though the interest of the plot for a while gave him little chance " So shines a good deed in a naughty world." "Do you suppose, Miss Derrick," said Dr. Harrison with his look of amused pleasure, "that is because the world is so dark ? or because the effects of the good deed reach to such a distance ?" "Both," said Faith immediately. "You think the world is so bad?" "I don t know much of the world," said Faith, "but I suppose the shining good deeds aren t so very many." "What makes a good deed shining?" said the doctor. Faith glanced at Mr. Linden. But he did not take it up, and she was thrown back upon her own resources. She thought a bit. "I suppose," she said, "its coming from the very spirit of light. "You must explain," said the doctor good-humouredly but smiling, "for that puts me in absolute darkness." "I don t know very well how to tell what I mean," said Faith colouring and looking thoughtful ; " I think I know. Things that are done for the pure love of God and truth, I think, shine ; if they are ever so little things, because really there is a great light in them. I think they shine more than some of the greater things that people call very bril liant, but that are done from a lower motive." "I should like" said the doctor "Can you remember an instance or two ? of both kinds ?" SAY AND SEAL. 511 Well Faith remembered an instance or two of one kind, which she could not instance. She sought in her memory. "When Daniel kneeled upon his knees three times a day to pray, with his windows open, after the king s law had for bidden any one to do it on pain of death, " said Faith . "I think that was a shining good deed !" "But that was a very notable instance," said the doctor. "It was a very little thing he did," said Faith. "Only kneeled down to pray in his own room. And it has shined all the way down to us." "And in later times," said Mr. Linden, "when the ex ploring shallop of the Mayflower sought a place of settle ment, and after beating about in winter storms came to anchor Friday night at Plymouth Rock; all Saturday was lost in refitting and preparing, and yet on Sunday they would not land. Those two dozen men, with no human eye to see, with every possible need for haste !" "That hasn t shined quite so. far," said the doctor, "f>r it never reached me. And it don t enlighten me now ! I should have landed." " Do you know nothing of the spirit of Say and Seal, as well as the province?" said Mr. Linden. "As how, against landing ?" "They rested that day according to the commandment. 1 Having promised to obey God in all things, the seal of their obedience was unbroken." " Well, Miss Faith," said the doctor "Now for a counter example." "I know so little of what has been done," said Faith. "Don t you remember some such things yourself, Dr. Har rison ? Mr. Linden ?" The voice changed and fell a little as it passed from one to the other. "General Putnam went into the wolfs den, and pulled him out" said the doctor humorously, "that s all I can think of just now, and it is not very much in point. I don t know that there was anything very bright about it except the wolfs eyes ! But here we are keeping Portia out of doors, and Miss Derrick waiting! Linden fall to." And with comical life and dramatic zeal on the doctor s part, i a few minutes more, the play was finished. 512 SAY AND SEAL. " Mrs. Derrick," said the doctor gravely as he rose and stood before her, "I hope you approve of plays." Mrs. Derrick expressed her amusement and satisfaction. "Miss Faith," he said extending his hand, "I have to thank you for the most perfect enjoyment I have ever had of Shakspeare. I only wish to-morrow evening would roll off on such swift wheels but it would be too much. Look where this one has rolled to \ n And he shewed his watch and hurried off; that is, if Dr. Harrison could be said to do such a thing. The rest of the party also were stirred from their quiet. Mrs Derrick went out; and Mr. Linden, coming behind Faith as she stood by the fire, gently raised her face till he could have a full view of it, and asked her how she liked being in Venice ? " Very much," she said, smiling and blushing at him, "very much!" "You are not the magician s coin !" he said, kissing her. "You are not even a witch. Do you know how I found that out ?" "No" she said softly, the colour spreading over her face and her eyes falling, but raised again immediately to ask the question of him. "A witch s charms are always dispelled whenever she tries to cross running water!" She laughed ; an amused, bright, happy little laugh, that it was pleasant to hear. "But what did Dr. Harrison mean, by what he said when he thanked me ? What did he thank me for ?" "He said- for a new enjoyment of Shakspeare." "What did he mean?" "Do you understand how the sweet fragrance of mig nonette can give new enjoyment to a summer s day?" She blushed exceedingly. "But, Mr. Linden, please don t talk so ! And I don t want to give Dr. Harrison enjoyment in that way." "Which part of your sentence shall I handle first?" he said with a laughing flash of the eyes, " Dr. Harrison or Mr. Linden ?" "The first," said Faith laying her hand deprecatingly oil his arm; "and let the other alone !" SAY AND SEAL. 513 "How am I to please not to talk ?" " So as I don t deserve," she said raising her grave eyes to his face. "I would rather have you tell me my wrong things." He looked at her, with one of those rare smiles which belonged to her; holding her hand with a little soft motion of it to and fro upon his. own. "I am not sure that I dare promise to be good, " he said, "I am so apt to speak of things as I find them. And Mignonette you are to me both in French and English. Faith, I know there is no glove upon your hand, and I know there is none on mine ; but I cannot feel, nor imagine, any friction, can you?" She looked up and smiled. So much friction or promise of it, as there is about the blue sky s reflection in the clear deep waters of a mountain lake so much there was in the soft depth and reflection of Faith s eyes at that moment. So deep, so unruffled ; and as in the lake, so in the look that he saw, there was a mingling of earth and heaven. or TOI. i. SAY AND SEAL. BT THE AUTHOR OF "WIDE WIDE WORLD/ THE AUTHOR OF "DOLLARS AND CENTS. IN TWO VOLUMES. "If any man make religion as twelve, and the world aa thirteen, such a < hath not the spirit of a true New Englandman." HiGQiwsoir. VOL. II. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 1883. . Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year I860, bj .1. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., It the Clerk s Office of the District Court of -the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. . SAY AND SEAL. CHAPTER I. VT7EDNESDAY morning was cold and raw, and the W sun presently put on a thick grey cloak. There were suspicions abroad that it was one made in the regions of perpetual snow, for whatever effect it might have had upon the sun, it made the earth very cold. Now and then a little frozen-up snowflake came silently down, and the wind swept fitfully round the corners of houses, and wan dered up and down the chimneys. People who were out subsided into a little trot to keep themselves warm, all ex cept the younger part of creation, who made the trot a run ; and those who could, staid at home. All of Mrs. Derrick s little family were of this latter class, after the very early morning ; for as some of them were to brave the weather at night, there seemed no reason why they should also brave it by day. As speedily as migk be, Mr. Linden despatched his various matters of outdoor business, and came back to look for his scholar. The first thing she was set about was her French exercise, during the first few lines of which Mr. Linden stood by her and looked on. But then he suddenly turned away and went up stairs returning however, presently, to take his usual seat by her side. He watched her progress silently, except for business words and instructions, till the exercise was finished and Faith had turned to him for further directions ; then taking her hand he put upon its forefinger (3) 4 SAY AND SEAL. one of the prettiest things she had ever seen. It was an old-fashioned diamond ring; the stones all of a size, and of great clearness and lustre, set close upon each other all the way round ; with just enough goldsmith s work to bind them together, and to form a dainty frill of filagree work above and below looking almost like a gold line of shadow by that flashing line of light. "It was my mother s, Faith," he said, "and she gave it to me in trust for whatever lady I should love as I love you." Faith looked down at it with very, very grave eyes. Her head bent lower, and then suddenly laying her hands to gether on the table she hid her face in them; and the diamonds glittered against her temple and in contrast with the neighbouring soft hair. One or two mute questions came there, before Mr. Linden said softly, "Faith!" She looked up with flushed face, and all of tears in her eyes but the tears; and her lip had its very unbent line. She looked first at him and then at the ring again Anything more humble or more grave than her look cannot be imagined. His face was grave too, with a sort of moved gravity, that touched both the present and the past, but he did not mean hers should be. "Now what will you do, dear child?" he said. "For I must forewarn you that there is a language of rings which is well established in the world." "What do you mean?" she said, looking alternately at the ring and him. "You know what plain gold on this finger means?" he said, touching the one he spoke of. She looked at first doubtfully, then coloured and said "yes." "Well diamonds on this finger are understood to be the avant-couriers of that." Faith had never seen diamonds; but that was not what she was thinking of, nor what brought such a deep spot of colour on her cheeks. It was pretty to see, it was so bright and so different from the flush which had been there a few minutes before. Her eyes considered the diamonds attentively. "What shall I do?" she said after a little. SAY AND SEAL. 5 "I don t know you must try your powers of con trivance." "I cannot contrive. I could keep ray glove on to-night; but I could not every day. Shall I give it back to you to keep for me?" she said looking at it lovingly. "Per haps that will be best ! What would you like me to do ?" "Anything but that," he said smiling, "I should say that would be worst. You may wear a glove, or glove - finger what you will; but there it must stay, and keep possession for me, till the other one comes to bear it company. In fact I suppose I could endure to have it seen !" Her eyes went down to it again. Clearly the ring had a charm for Faith. And so it had, something beyond the glitter of brilliants. Of jewellers value she knew little; the marketable worth of the thing was an enigma to her. But as a treasure of another kind it was beyond price. His mother s ring, on her finger to Faith s fancy it bound and pledged her to a round of life as perfect, as bright, and as pure, as its own circlet of light-giving gems. That she might fill to him as far as was possible all the place that the once owner of the diamonds would have looked for and desired ; and be all that he would look for in the per son to whom the ring, so derived, had come. Faith con sidered it lovingly, with intent brow, and at last lifted her eyes to Mr. Linden by way of answer; without saying anything, yet with half her thoughts in her face. His face was very grave Faith could see a little what the flashing of that ring was to him ; but her look was met and answered with a fulness of warmth and tenderness which said that he had read her thoughts, and that to his mind they were already accomplished. Then he took up one of her books and opened it at the place where she was to read. The morning, and the afternoon, went off all too fast, and the sun went down sullenly. As if to be in keeping with the expected change of work and company, the even ing brought worse weather, a keener wind beginning to bestir itself in earnest, a thicker sky ; though the ground was too snow-covered already to allow it to be very dark. With anybody but Mr. Linden, Mrs. Derrick would hardly have let Faith go out; and even as it was, she several 1* 6 SAY AND SEAL. times hoped the weather would moderate before they came home. Faith was so well wrapped up however, both in the house and in the sleigh, that the weather gave her no discomfort; it was rather exhilarating to be so warm in spite of it ; and they flew along at a good rate, having the road pretty much to themselves. "Faith," Mr. Linden said as they approached Judge Harrison s, "I cannot spend all the evening here with you that is, I ought not. I had a message sent me this afternoon too late to attend to then, which I cannot leave till morning. But if I see you safe by the fire, I hope Miss Harrison will take good care of you till I get back." "Well," said Faith, "I wouldn t meddle with your ought s, if I could. I hope you ll take care of Jerry 1" "What shall I do with him ? "Don t you know?" said Faith demurely. "I suppose I ought to drive him so fast that he ll keep warm," said Mr. Linden. "What else?" Faith s little laugh made a contrast with the rough night. " You had better let me get out to the fire," she said joy fully, "or /sha n t keep warm." "You sha n t?" he said bending down by her, as they reached the door, "your face has no idea of being cold I I ll take care of Jerry, child if I don t forget him in my own pleasant thoughts." Faith threw off her cloak and furs on the hall table where some others lay, and pulled off one glove. "Keep them both on!" Mr. Linden said softly and miling, "enact Portia for once. Then if you are much urged, you can gracefully yield your own prejudices so far as to take off one." She looked at him, then amusedly pulled on her glove again ; and the door was opened for them into a region of warmth and brightness; where there were all sorts of re joicings over them and against the cold night. Mr. Linden was by force persuaded to wait till after coffee before braving it again ; and the Judge and his daughter fairly involved Faith in the meshes of their kindness. A very mouse Faith was to-night, as ever wore gloves; and with a little of a mouse s watchfulness about her, fancying cat s SAY AND SEAL. 7 ears at every corner. A brown mouse too ; she had worn only her finest and best stuff dress. But upon the breast of that, a bunch of snowy Laurestinus, nestling among green leaves, put forth a secret claim in a way that was very beautifying. The Judge and Miss Sophy put her in a great soft velvet chair and hovered round her, both of them conscious of her being a little more dainty than usual. Sophy thought perhaps it was the Laurestinus; her father believed it intrinsic. The coffee came, and the doctor. "I have something better for you than Portia to-night" he said as he dealt out sugar, " though not something better than muffins." "Faith, my dear child," said Miss Sophy, "you needn t be so ceremonious none of us are wearing gloves " Faith laughed and blushed and pulled off one glove. "You are enacting Portia, are you?" said Dr. Harrison. "Even she would not have handled wigs with them. I see I have done mischief! But the harm I did you last night I will undo this evening. Ladies and Gentlemen ! I will give you, presently, the pleasure of hearing some lines written expressive of my wishes toward the unknown but supposed mistress of my life and affections. Any sug gestions toward the bettering of them I will hear." "The bettering of what?" said Mrs. Somers, "your life and affections ?" "I am aware, my dear aunt Ellen, you think the one impossible the other improbable. I speak of bettering the wishes." " Unknown but supposed " said Mr. Linden. " Item She hath many nameless virtues ." "That is not my wish," said the doctor gravely looking at him, "I think nameless virtues deserve their ob scurity !" "What do you call your ideal?" " Psyche, " said the doctor, after a minute s sober con sideration apparently divided between Mr. Linden s face and the subject. "That is not so uncommon a name as Campaspe," said Mr. Linden, with a queer little gesture of brow and lips. "Who is Campaspe?" said the doctor; while Faith 8 SAY AND SEAL. looked, and Miss Essie s black eyes sparkled and danced, and everybody else held his coffee cup in abeyance. "Did you never hear of my Campaspe ?" said Mr. Lin den, glancing up from under his- brows. " We will exchange civilities," said the doctor. " I should be very happy to hear of her." Laughing a little, his own cup sending its persuasive steam unheeded, his own face on the sparkling order though the eyes looked demurely down, Mr. Linden went on to ansTer. " Cupid and my Campaspe played At cards for kisses ; Cupid payed ; F.e stakes his quiver, bow and arrows, His mother s doves, and teame of sparrows ; Loses them too ; then down he throws The coral of his lippe, the rose Growing on s cheek, (but none knows how) With these, the crystal of his browe, And then the dimple of his chinne ; All these did my Campaspe winne. At last he set her both his eyes, She won, and Cupid blind did rise. Love ! has she done this to thee ? What shall, alas! become of me! " There was a general little breeze of laughter and ap plause. The doctor had glanced at Faith; her colour was certainly raised; but thon the old Judge had just bent down to ask her "if she had ever heard of Campaspe be fore ?" The doctor did not hear but he guessed at the whisper, and saw Faith s laugh and shake of the head. "Is that a true bill, Linden?" " Very true, " said Mr. Linden, trying his coffee. " But it is not yet known what will become of me." "What has become of Campaspe?" " She is using her eyes. " "Are they those eyes, Mr. Linden?" said Miss Essie coming nearer and using her own. "What was the colour of Cupid s?" "Blue, certainly 1" "Miss Derrick I" said the doctor, "let us have your opinion." SAY AND SEAL. Q Faith gave him at least a frank view of her own, all blushing and laughing as she was, and answered readily "As to the colour of Cupid s eyes ? I have never seen him, sir." The doctor was obliged to laugh himself, and the chorus became general, at something in the combination of Faith and her words. But Faith s confusion thereupon mastered her so completely, that perhaps to shield her the doctor requested silence and attention and began to read; of a lady who, he said he was certain, had borrowed of nobody not even of Cupid. " Whoe er she be, That not impossible she, That shall command my heart and me, " "I believe she is impossible, to begin with," said Miss Essie. "You will never let any woman command you, Dr. Harrison." " You don t know me, Miss Essie," said the doctor, with a curiously grave face, for him. "He means Who shall command my heart not me, " said Mr. Linden. "If she can command my heart what of me is left to rebel?" said the doctor. " Sophy," said Mrs. Somers, "how long has Julius been all heart?" "Ever since my aunt Ellen has been all eyes and ears. Mr. Somers, which portion of your mental nature owns the supremacy of your wife? may I inquire, in the course of this investigation?" "Hal" said Mr. Somers blandly, thus called upon "I own her supremacy sir ha in all proper things !" "Ha! Very proper!" said the doctor. "That is all any good woman wants," said the old Judge benignly. "I take it, that is all she wants. 7 "Then you must say which are the proper things, father!" said Miss Sophy laughing. "You ll have to ask every man separately. Sophy," said 10 SAY AND SEAL. Mrs. Somers, "they all have their own ideas about proper things. Mr. Somers thinks milk porridge is the limit." " Mr. Stoutenburgh," said the doctor, "haven t you owned yourself commanded, ever since your heart gave up its lock and key ?" "Yes indeed," said the Squire earnestly, "I am so bound up in slavery that I have even forgotten the wish to be free ! All my wife s things are proper 1" "0 hush !" his wife said laughing, but with a little quick bright witness in her eyes, that was pretty to see. Dr. Harrison smiled. "You see, Miss Derrick!" he said with a little bow to her, "there is witness on all sides; and now I will go on with my not impossible she." He got through several verses, not without several inter ruptions, till he came to the exquisite words following : " I wish her beauty, That owes not all his duty To gaudy tire or glistring shoetye. Something more than Taffeta or tissue can, Or rampant feather, or rich fan. More than the spoil Of shop, or silk-worm s toil, Or a bought blush, or a set smile. " "While Miss Essie exclaimed, Miss Harrison stole a look at Faith ; who was looking up at the doctor, listening, with a very simple face of amusement. Her thoughts were in deed better ballasted than to sway to such a breeze if she had felt it. But the real extreme beauty of the image and of the delineation was what she felt ; she made no application of them. The doctor came to this verse. " A well-tamed heart, For whose more noble smart Love may be long choosing a dart. What does that mean, Linden? isn t that an error in the description ?" SAY AND SEAL. li "Poetical license," said Mr. Linden smiling. "Psyche will give you trouble enough, wings and all, there is no fear you will find her tamed ." "Hew h Campaspe in that respect?" " She has never given me much trouble yet," said Mr. Linden. "What I object to is the long choosing ," said the doc tor. "Miss de Staff do you think a good heart should be very hard to win ?" " Certainly ! the harder the better," replied the lady. "That s the only way to bring down your pride. The harder she is, the more likely you are to think she s a diamond." "Mrs. Stoutenburgh I" "What has been the texture of yours all these years, doctor?" "lie thinks that when he has dined the rest of the world should follow suit like the Khan of Tartary," said Mrs. Somers. "Miss Derrick!" said the doctor "I hope for some gentleness from you. Do you think such a heart as we have been talking of, should be very difficult to move?" Faith s blush was exquisite. Real speech was hard to command. She knew all eyes were waiting upon her; and she could not reason out and comfort herself with the truth that to them her blush might mean several things as well as one. The answer came in that delicate voice of hers which timidity had shaken. "I think it depends on what there is to move it." "What do you call sufficient force?" said Mrs. Somers. "1?" said Faith. "Yes, you," replied the parson s wife with a look not unkindly amused. "What sort and degree of power should move such a heart ? to quote Julius." Faith s blush was painful again, and it was only the sheer necessity of the case that enabled her to rally. But her answer was clear. "Something better than itself, Mrs. Somers." " I should like to know what that is I" said Mrs. Somers. Mr Linden s involuntary "And so should I " was in a VOL II. 7 J2 SAY AND SEAL. different tone, but rather drew eyes upon himself than Faith. "It s of no consequence to you I" said the doctor, wiij a funny, mock serious tone of admonition. Mr. Linden bowed, acquiescingly. "Psychology is an interesting study" he added, in qualification. "But let me return your warning, doctor you have a formidable rival. " " Qui done ?" " Cupid carried off Psyche some time ago do you sup pose you can get her back?" And with a laughing sign of adieu, Mr. Linden went away. Luckily for Faith, she was not acquainted with the hea then mythology ; and was also guiltless of any thought of connexion between herself and the doctor s ideal. So her very free, unsuspicious face and laughter quite reassured him. "Mr. Linden is an odd sort of person," said Miss Essie philosophically. "1 have studied him a good deal, and I can t quite make him out. He s a very interesting man I But I think he is deeper than he seems." "He s deeper than the salt mines of Salzburg then!" said the doctor. "Why?" said Miss Essie curiously. The doctor answered gravely that "there were beautiful things there "; and went on with his reading. And Faith listened now with unwavering attention, till he came to " Sydnean showers Of soft discourse, whose powers Can crown old winter s head with flowers. " Faith s mind took a leap. And it hardly came back again. The reading was followed by a very lively round game of talk; but it was not such talk; and Faith s thoughts wandered away and watched round that circlet of brightness that was covered by her glove ; scattered rays from which led them variously, home, to her Sunday school, to Pequot, and to heaven; coming back again and again to the diamonds and to the image that was in the centre of them. No wonder her grave sweet face was remarked as being even graver and sweeter than usual; SAY AND SEAL. 13 and the doctor at last devoted himself to breaking up its quiet. He took her into the library to finish the Rhodo dendrons ostensibly but in reality to get rid of the stiff circle in the other room. The circle followed; but no longer stiff; under the influence of the cold weather and the big fires and good prompting, their spirits got up at last to the pitch of acting charades. Miss Harrison brought down her stores of old and new finery ; and with much zeal and success charades and tableaux went on for some length of time ; to the extreme amusement of Faith, who had never seen any before. They did not divert her from watching for the sound of Mr. Linden s return ; but it came not, and Miss Essie expected and hoped aloud in vain. The hour did come, and passed, at which such gatherings in Patta- quasset were wont to break up. That was not very late to be sure. The Stoutenburghs, and the De Staffs, and finally Mr. and Mrs. Somers, went off in turn; and Faith was left alone to wait; for she had refused all offers of being set down by her various friends. It happened that Mr. Linden had been, by no harmful accident but simply by the uutowardness of things, delayed beyond his time ; and then having a good distance to drive, it was some while after the last visiters had departed when he once more reined up Jerry at the door. No servant came to take him, and Mr. Linden applied himself to the bell-handle. But there seemed a spell upon the house or else the inmates were asleep for ring as he would, no one came. To fasten Jerry and let himself in were the next steps neither of which took long. But in the drawing-room, to which he had been ushered in the beginning of the evening, there was now no one. The lights and the fires and the empty chairs were there ; that was all. Mr. Linden knew the house well enough to know where next to look; he crossed the hall to a room at the other side, which was the one most commonly used by the family, and from which a passage led to the library. No one was here, and the room was in a strange state of confusion. Before he had well time to remark upon it, Faith came in from the passage bearing a heavy marble bust in her arms. The colour sprang to her cheeks; she set down Prince Talleyrand VOL. ii. 2 14 SAY AND SEAL. quickly and came towards Mr. Linden, saying, "There s firo in the library." "My dear child!" he said softly, "what is the matter? What are you about ?" "Why there is fire in the library it s all on fire, or soon will be," she said hurriedly, "and we are bringing the things out. The fire can t get in here its a fireproof building only the inside will all burn up. The servants are carrying water to the roof of the house, lest that should catch. I am so glad to see you I" And Miss Sophy and the doctor came in, carrying one a picture, the other an armful of books. Faith ran back through the passage. But before she could set her foot inside the library, Mr. Linden s hand was on her shoulder, and he stepped before her and took the survey of the room in one glance. Its condition was sufficiently unpromising. The fire had kindled in a heap of combustible trumpery brought there for the tableaux. It had got far beyond management be fore any one discovered it; and now was making fast work in that corner of the room and creeping with no slow pro gress along the cornices of the bookshelves. Short time evidently there was for the family to remove their treasures from its destructive sweep. One corner of the room was in a light blaze; one or two lamps mockingly joined their light to the glare; the smoke was curling in grey wreaths and clouds over and around almost everything. Here an exquisite bust of Proserpine looked forlornly through it; and there a noble painting of Alston s shewed in richer lights than ever before, its harmony of colouring. The ser vants were, as Faith had said, engaged in endeavouring to keep the roof of the house from catching; only one old black retainer of the family, too infirm for that service, was helping them in the labour of rescuing books and treasures of art from the tire, which must take its way within the library. The wall it could not pass, that being, as Faith had also said, proof against it. "Stay where you are," Mr. Linden said, "and I will hand things to you" adding under his breath, "if you love me, Faith !" And passing into the room he snatched SAY AND SEAL. 15 Proserpine from her smoky berth and gave her to the old servant, handing Faith a light picture. "Don t let your sister come in here, Harrison," he said, springing up the steps to the upper shelves of the bookcase nearest the fire " and don t let everybody do everything, keep half in the passage and half here." "Yes, Sophy," said the doctor, "that is much better "don t you come in here, nor Miss Faith. And don t work too hard," he said gently to the latter as she came back after bestowing the picture. "I won t ask you not to work at all, for I know it would be of no use." "Just work like monkeys," Mr. Linden said from his high post, which was a rather invisible one. "Reuben! I am glad of your help." " Reuben !" exclaimed Faith joyously. " How good that is. Give me those books, Reuben." And after that the work went on steadily, with few words. It was, too smoky an atmosphere to speak much in; and the utmost exertions on the part of every one of the workers left no strength nor time for it. "Like monkeys" they worked the gentlemen handing things out of the smoke to the willing fingers and light feet that made quick dispo sition of them. Quick it had need to be, for the fire was not waiting for them. And in an incredibly short time incredible save to those who have seen the experiment tried, books and engravings were emptied from shelf after shelf compartment after compartment and lodged within the house. Not a spare inch of space not a spare second of time, it seemed, was gone over; and the treasures of the library were in quick process of shifting from one place to another. It was rather a weary part Faith had to play, to stop short at the doorway and see the struggle with smoke and fire that was going on inside ; and an anxious eye and trembling heart followed the movements of one of the workers there whenever she returned to her post of waiting. She would rather have been amid the smoke and the fire too, than to stand off looking on ; but she did what she was desired and more than she was desired ; for she said not a word, like a wise child. Only did her work with no delay and came back again. Two excellent workers 16 SAY AND SEAL. were the doctor and Mr. Linden ; Reuben was a capital seconder ; and no better runners than the two ladies need have been found ; while the old Judge and his old serving man did what they could. There was every appearance that their efforts would be successful ; the fire was to be sure, greatly increased and fast spreading, but so also the precious things that it endangered were already in great measure secured. Probably very little would have been lost to be regretted, if the workers had not suffered a slight interruption. Mr. Linden was in the middle of the room unlocking the drawers of the library table, which was too large to be re moved. Old Nero, the black man, had taken one of the lamps which yet remained burning, a large heavy one, to carry away. He was just opposite the table, when a stone bust of some weight, which had stood above the bookcases, de tached by the failure of its supports, came down along with some spars of the burning wood and fell against a rich screen just on the other side of Nero. The screen was thrown over on him ; he struggled an instant to right him self and it, holding his lamp off at an awful angle towards Mr. Linden ; then, nqbody could tell how it was, Nero had saved himself and struggled out from the falling screen and burning wood, and Faith and the lamp lay under it, just at Mr. Linden s feet. Yet hardly under it so instantly was it thrown off. The lamp was not broken, which was a wonder ; but Faith was stunned, and the burning wood had touched her brow and singed a lock of hair. In such a time of confusion all sorts of things come and go, unseen but by the immediate actors. Dr. Harrison and Reuben were intent upon a heavy picture ; the Judge and his daughter were in the other room. And Faith was lifted up and borne swiftly along to the drawing-room sofa, and there was cold water already on her brow, before the others reached her. She was only a little stunned and had opened her eyes when they came up. They came round her, all the gang of workers, like a swarm of bees, and with as many questions and inquiries. Faith smiled at them all, and begged they would go back and finish what they were doing. "I ll stay here a little while," she said; "my fall didn t SAY AND SEAL. 17 hurt me a bit, to speak of. Do go I don t anybody wait for me." There seemed nothing else to be done ; she would own to wanting nothing; and her urgency at length prevailed with them, however reluctantly, to leave her and go back to the library. But Mr. Linden stood still as the othetc moved off. " Where are you hurt ?" he said in a low voice. "I suppose the fall bruised me a little bit. It didn t do me any real harm. Don t wait here for me." " Where?" Mr. Linden said. "Where it bruised me? A little on my head and elbow and side ; altogether nothing I" He sat down by her, passing his hand softly over the scorched hair; then said, "Let me see your arm." "Oh no! that s not necessary. I said I was bruised, out it isn t much." "Faith, you have not told me the whole." Her eye shrank from his instantly, and her colour flitted from red to pale. " There is nothing more I need tell you. They will all be back here or some of them if you stay. I ll tell you anything you please to morrow," she added with a smile. But he only repeated, "Tell me now I have aright to know." Her lip took its childish look, but her eye met him now. "Don t look so 1" she said, "as if there was any reason for it. I think some of the fluid from that lamp ran down on my arm and it smarts. Don t stay here to look grave about me ! it isn t necessary." He bent his head and gave her one answer to all that then sprang up and went for Dr. Harrison. Faith tried to hinder him, in vain. There was little now to detain anybody in the library, he found, and a good deal to drive everybody out of it. The fire had seemed to take advantage of its unwatched opportunity and had put it pretty well out of any one s power to rescue much more from its rapacity. Reuben and Dr. Harrison were carrying out the drawers of the table, which Mr. Linden had been unlocking; and the doctor dropped the one he held the instant he caught the 2* 13 SAY AND SEAL. sense of Mr. Linden s words. He went through the other way, summoning his sister. 7aith was lying very quietly and smiled at them, but her colour went and came with odd suddenness. She would not after all let the doctor touch her; but rising from the sofa said she would go up stairs and let Sophy see what was wanting. The three went up, and Mr. Linden was left alone. He stood still for a moment where they left him, resting his face upon his hand, but then he Went back to the burn ing room ; and stationing himself at the doorway, bade all the rest keep back, and those that could to bring him water. Reuben sprang to this work as he had done to the other ; some of the servants had come down by this time ; and Mr. Linden stood there, dashing the water about the doorway and into the room, upon the floor, the great table, and such of the bookcases as he could come near. The effect was soon evident. The blazing bits of carved moulding as they fell to the floor, went out instead of getting help to burn ; and the heavier shelves and wainscot which being of hard wood burned slowly, began to give out steam as well as smoke. The door and doorway were now perfectly safe the fire hardly could spread into the passage, a danger which had been imminent when Mr. Linden came, but which the family seemed to have forgotten ; secjire in their fireproof walls, they forgot the un-fireproof floor, nor seemed to remember how ifar along the passage the cinders might drift. When there was really nothing more for him to do, and he had given the servants very special instructions as to the watch they should keep, then and not till then did Mr. Linden return to the parlour ; the glow of his severe exercise fading away. He found the Judge there, who engaged him in not too welcome conversation ; but there was no help for it. He must hear and answer the old gentleman s thanks for his great services that night praises of his conduct and of Faith s conduct ; speculations and questions concerning the evening s disaster. After a time that seemed tedious, though it was not really very long, Miss Harrison came down. " She ll be better directly," she said. "Do sit dowu, Mr SAY AND SEAL. 19 Linden! I have ordered some refreshments you must want them, I should think ; and you ll have to wait a little while, for Faith says she will go home with you ; though I am sure she ought not, and Julius says she must not stir." Mr. Linden bowed slightly answering in the most com monplace way that he was in no hurry and in no need of refreshments ; and probably he felt also in no need of rest for he remained standing. "How is she, dear? how is she?" said the Judge. "Is she much hurt ?" "Just now," said Miss Harrison, "she is in such pain that she cannot move but we have put something on that will take away the pain, Julius says, in fifteen min- ntes; and she will be quite well this time to-morrow, he says." "But is she much hurt?" Judge Harrison repeated with a very concerned face. " She ll be well to-morrow, father ; but she was dread fully burned her arm and shoulder I thought she would have fainted upstairs but I don t know whether people can faint when they are in such pain. I don t see how she can bear her dress to go home, but she says she will ; Mrs. Derrick would be frightened. Mr. Linden, they say every body does what you tell them I wish you d persuade Faith to stay with me to-night! She won t hear me." "How soon can I see her?" The voice made Miss Harrison look but her eyes said her ears had made a mis take. "Why she said she would come down stairs presently as soon as the pain went off enough to let her do anything and she wanted me to tell you so ; but I am sure it s very wrong. Do, Mr. Linden, take something!" (the servant had brought in a tray of meats and wine) " While you re waiting, you may as well rest yourself. How shall we ever thank you for what you ve done to-night !" Miss Harrison spoke under some degree of agitation, but both she and her father failed in no kind or grateful shew of feeling towards their guest. "How did it happen, Mr. Linden?" she said when she had done in this kind all she <*ould. 20 SAY AND SEAL. He said he had not seen the accident only its results. "I can t imagine how Faith got there," said Miss Har rison. " She saw the screen coming over on Nero, I sup pose, and thought she could save the lamp she made one spring from the doorway, he says, to where he stood. And in putting up her hand to the lamp, I suppose that horrid fluid ran down her arm and on her shoulder when Nero put out the lamp he must have loosened the fastening ; it went all over her shoulder. But she ll be well to-morrow night, Julius says." "Who s with her now, my dear?" said the Judge. " Julius is with her he said he d stay with her till I came back she wanted Mr. Linden to know she would go home with him. Now, Mr. Linden, won t you send her word back that you ll take care of Mrs. Derrick if she ll stay ?" "I will go up and see her, Miss Harrison." That was anticipated however, by the entrance of the doctor; who told his sister Miss Derrick wanted her help, then came gravely to the table, poured out a glass of wine and drank it. His father asked questions, which he an swered briefly. Miss Derrick felt better she was going to get up and come down stairs. "But ought she to be suffered to go out to-night, Julius ? such a night ?" " Certainly not !" The Judge argued the objections to her going. The doctor made no answer. He walked up and down the room, and Mr. Linden stood still. Ten or fifteen minutes passed; and then the door opened softly and Faith, all dressed, cloaked, and furred, came in with her hood, fol lowed by her friend. Miss Sophy looked very ill satisfied. Faith s face was pale enough, but as serenely happy as release from pain can leave a face that has no care behind. A white embodiment of purity and gentleness she looked The doctor was at her side instantly, asking questions. Mr. Linden did not interrupt him, he had met her almost before the doctor, and taken her hand with a quietness through which Faith could perceive the stir of feeliags that might have swept those of all the others out into the snow. But he held her hand silently until other people SAY AND SEAL. 2 1 had done their questions then simply asked if she waa quite sure she was fit to ride home? Then, with that passing of the barrier, look and voice did change a little. - "I mean to go," she said without looking at him, "if you ll please to take me." " She ought not, I am sure she ought not I" exclaimed Miss Harrison in much vexation. "She is just able to stand." "You know," Mr. Linden said, not at all as if he was urging her, but merely, making a statement he thought best to make; "I could even bring your mother here, in a very short time, if you wished it." "01 don t wish it. I can go home very well now." He gave her his arm without more words. Miss Harri son and the Judge followed regretfully to the door; the doctor to the sleigh. "Are you well wrapped up ?" he asked. "I have got all my own and all Sophy s furs," said Faith in a glad tone of voice. "Take care of yourself," he said; "and Mr. Linden, you must take care of her which is more to the purpose. If / had it to do, this ride would not be taken. Linden I ll thank you another time." They drove off. But as soon as they were a few steps from the house, Mr. Linden put his arm about Faith and held her so that she could lean against him and rest ; giv ing her complete support, and muffling up the furs about her lightly and effectually, till it was hardly possible for the cold air to win through ; and so drove her home. Not with many words, with only a whispered question now and then, whether she was cold, or wanted any change of posture. The wind had lulled, and it was much milder, and the snow was beginning to fall softly and fast; Faith could feel the snow crystals on his face whenever it touched hers. Mr. Linden would have perhaps chosen to drive gently, as beiog easier for her, but the thick air made it needful. Once only he asked any other question. " Faith is my care of you in fault, that it lets you come home ?" "No, I think not," she said; "you hold me just so nicely as it is possible to be 1 and this snow-storm is beau- 22 SAY AND SEAL. tiful." Which answer, though she might not know it, tes tified to her need of precisely the care he was giving her. "Are you suffering much now, dear child ?" "Not at all. I am only enjoying. I like being out in such a storm as this. Only I am afraid mother is troubled " "No I sent Reuben down some time ago, to answer her questions if she was up, and to have a good fire ready for you." " that s good I" she said. And then rested, in how luxurious a rest! after exertion, and after anxiety, and after pain ; so cared for and guarded. She could almost have gone to sleep to the tinkle of Jerry s bells ; only that her spirit was too wide awake for that and the pleasure of the time too good to be lost. She had not all the pleasure to herself Faith could feel that, every time Mr. Linden spoke or touched her; but what a different atmosphere his mind was in, from her quiet rest ! Pain had quitted her, but not him, though the kinds were different. Truly he would have borne any amount of physical pain himself, to cancel that which she had suffered, there were some minutes of the ride when he would have borne it, only to lose the thought of that. But Faith knew nothing of it all, except as she could feel once or twice a deep breath that was checked and hushed, and turned into some sweet low-spoken word to her ; and her rest was very deep. So deep, that the stopping of the sleigh at last, was an inter ruption. The moment Jerry s bells rang their little summons at the door, the door itself opened, and from the glimmering light Reuben ran out to take the reins. " Is Mrs. Derrick up ?" Mr. Linden asked, when the first inquiry about Faith had been answered. " I don t know, sir. I told her you wore afraid Miss Faith would take cold without a fire in her room and she let me take up wood and make it; and then she said she wasn t sleepy, and she d take care it didn t go out. I haven t seen her since." "Thank you, Reuben now hold Jerry for me, I shall keep you here to-night," Mr. Linden said as he stepped out. And laying his hand upon the furs and wrappers, he SAY AND SEAL. 23 said softly, "Little Esquimaux do you think you can walk to the house ?" "0 yes! certainly." A little bit of a laugh answered her the first she had heard since Campaspe ; and then she was softly lifted up, and borne into the house over the new-fallen snow as lightly as if she had been a snowflake herself. The snow might lay its white feathers upon her hood, but Faith felt as if she were in a cradle instead of a snow-storm. She was placed in the easy chair before the sitting-room fire, and her hood and furs quickly taken off. " How do you feel ?" Mr. Linden asked her. She looked like one of the flakes of snow herself, for simplicity and colour; but there was a smile in her eyes and lips that had come from a climate where roses blow. " I feel nicely. Only a little bruised and battered feel ing, which isn t unpleasant." "Will you have anything? a cup of tea? that might* do you good." Faith looked dubious at the cup of tea ; but then rose up and said it would disturb her mother, and she would just go and sleep. "It won t disturb her a bit," Mr. Linden said, reseating her, -"sit still I ll send Reuben up to see." He left her there a very few minutes, apparently attend ing to more than one thing, for he came back through the eating-room door; bringing word to Faith that her fire and room were in nice order, and her mother fast asleep there in the rocking-chair to keep guard; and that she should have a cup of tea in no time. And with a smile at her, he went back into the eating-room, and brought thence her cup and plate, and requested to be told just how the tea should be made to please her, and whether he might invade the dairy for cream. " If I could put this cloak over my shoulders, I would get some myself. Will you put it on for me ? please. Is there fire in the kitchen? I ll go and make the tea." "Is there nothing else you would like to do?" he said standing before her, "you shall not stir! Do you think I don t know cream when I see it?" and he went off again, coming back this time in company with Reuben and 24 SAY AND SEAL. the tea-kettle, but the former did not stay. Then with ap peals to her for directions the tea was made and poured out, and toast made and laid on her plate ; but she was not allowed to raise a finger, except now to handle her cup. "It s very good !" said Faith, "but don t you remem ber you once told me two cups of cocoa were better than one ?" It is to be noted in passing, that all Faith s nameless addresses were made with a certain gentle, modulated ac cent, which invariably implied in its half timid respect the Mr. Linden which she rarely forgot now she was not to say. "Dear child ! I do indeed," he said, as if the remembrance wore a bright one. "But I remember too that my opinion was negatived. Faith, I used to wish then that I could wait upon you bat. I would rather have you wait upon me, after all !" Faith utterly disallowed the tone of these last words, and urged her request in great earnest. He laughed at her a little but brought the cup and drank the tea, cer tainly more to please her than himself; watching her the while, to see if the refreshment were telling upon her cheeks. She was very- little satisfied with his perform ance. "Now I ll go and wake up mother," she said at last rising. "Don t think of this evening again but to be glad of everything that has happened. I am." "I fear, I fear," he said looking at her, "that your glad ness and my sorrow meet on common ground. Child, what shall I do with you ?" but what he did with her then was to put her in that same cradle and carry her softly upstairs, to the very door of her room. CHAPTER II. f TTHE same soft sriow-storra was coming down when Faith JL opened her eyes next morning; the air looked like a white sheet; but in her room a bright fire was blazing, reddening the white walls, and by her side sat Mrs. Derrick watching her. Very gentle and tender were the hands that helped her dress, and then Mrs. Derrick said she would go down and see to breakfast for a little while. "Wasn t it good your room was warm last night?" she said, stroking Faith s hair. Faith s eyes acknowledged that. "And wasn t it good you were asleep !" she said laugh ing and kissing Mrs. Derrick. " Mother ! I was so glad!" "That s the funny part of it," said Mrs. Derrick. "Reuben s just about as queer in his way as Mr. Linden. The only thing I thought from the way he gave the mes sage, was that somebody cared a good deal about his new possession which I suppose is true," she added smiling; "and so I just went to sleep." Mrs. Derrick went down; and Faith knelt on the rug before the fire and bent her heart and head over her bible. In great happiness ; in great endeavour that her happiness should stand well based on its true foundations and not shift from them to any other. In sober endeavour to lay hold, and feel that she had hold, of the happiness that can not be taken away; to make sure that her feet were on a rock, before she stooped to take the sweetness of the flowers around her. And to judge by her face, she had felt the rock and the flowers both, before she left her room. The moment she opened her door and went out into the hall, Mr. Linden opened his, or rather it was already open, and he came out, meeting her at the head of the stairs. And after his first greeting, he held her still and lo jkcd at her for a moment a little anxiously and intently. 26 SAY AND SEAL. "My poor, pale little child!" he said "you are nothing but a snowdrop this morning !" "Well that is a very good thing to be," said Faith brightly. But the colour resemblance he had destroyed. She was lifted and carried down just as she had been carried up last night, and into the sitting-room again; for breakfast was prepared there this morning, and the sofa wheeled round to the side of the fire all ready for her. How bright the room looked ! its red curtains within and its white curtains without, and everything so noiseless and sweet and in order. Even the coffeepot was there by this time, and Mrs. Derrick arranged the cups and looked at Faith on the sofa, with eyes that lost no gladness when they went from her to the person who stood at her side. Faith s eyes fell, and for a moment she was very sober. It was only for a moment. "What a beautiful storm!" she said. "I am glad it snows. I am going to do a great deal of work to-day." Mr. Linden looked at her. " Wouldn t you just as lieve be talked to sleep? 1 She smiled. "You couldn t do that, Mr. Linden." " Mr. Linden can do more than you think and will," he said with a little comic raising of the eyebrows. For a while after breakfast Faith sat alone, except as her mother came in and out to see that she wanted nothing, alone in the soft snowy stillness, till Mr. Linden came in from the postoffice and sat down by her, laying against her cheek a soft little bunch of rosebuds and violets. "Faith," he said, "you have been looking sober what is the reason ?" "I haven t been looking too sober, have I? I didn t know I was looking sober at all." She was looking quaint, and lovely ; in the plain wrap per she had put on and the soft thoughtful air and mien, in contrast with which the diamonds jumped and flashed with every motion of her hand. A study book lay in her lap. " How did all that happen last night?" said Mr. Linden abruptly. "Why " said Faith colouring and looking down at her SAY AND SEAL. 27 "I was standing in the doorway and Nero was coming out with that great lamp ; and when he got oppo site the screen something fell on it, I believe, from the burning bookcases, and it was thrown over against him I thought the lamp and he would all go over together and I jumped ; and in putting up my hand to the lamp I sup pose, for I don t remember, the fluid must have run down my arm and on my shoulder I don t know how it got on fire, but it must have been from some of the burning wood that fell. The next I knew, you were carrying me to the drawing-room I have a recollection of that." He listened with very grave eyes. "Were you trying to take the lamp from Nero ?" "0 no. I thought it was going to fall over." " What harm would it have done the floor ?" The tinge of colour on Faith s cheek deepened consider ably, and her eyes lifted not themselves from the diamonds. She was not ready to speak. "I did not think of the floor" "Of what then?" She waited again. "I was afraid some harm would be do lie," "Did you prevent it?" "I don t know" she said rather faintly. Gently Her head was drawn down till it rested on his shoulder. " Faith," he said in his own low sweet tones, " I stretched a little silken thread across the doorway to keep you out did you make of that a clue to find your way in ?" She did not answer nor stir. There were no more questions asked no more words said ; Mr. Linden was as silent as she and almost as still. Once or twice his lips touched her forehead, not just as they had ever done it before, Faith thought; but some little time had passed, when he suddenly took up the book which lay in her lap and began the lesson at which it lay open; reading and explaining in a very gentle, steady voice, a little moved from its usual clearness. Still his arm did not release her. Faith listened, with a semi- divided mind, for some time; there was something in this 28 SAY AND SEAL. state of things that she wished to mend. It came at lajt, when there was a pause in the lesson. "I am glad of all that happened last night," she said, except the pain to you and mother. There is nothing to be sorry for. You shouldn t be sorry." "Why not, little naughty child? and why are you glad ?" "Because it was good for me," she said, not very readily nor explicitly. " In what way ?" "It was good for rae,"-=-she repeated; "it put me in mind of some things." " Of what, dear child ?" It was a question evidently Faith would rather not have answered. She spoke with some difficulty. "That there are such things in the world as pain and trouble. It is best not to forget it." Mr. Linden understood and felt; but he only answered, " It will be the business of ray life to make you forget it. Now don t you think you ought to put up this book, and rest or sleep ?" "I dare say you ought," said Faith, "and I wish you would. / want to work." He gave her a laugh, by way of reply, and then gave her work as she desired; watching carefully against her tiring herself in any way, and making the lessons more of talk on his part and less of study on hers. They were none the less good for that, nor any the less pleasant. Till there came a knock at the front door ; and then with a littlu sigh Faith leaned back against the sofa, as if lessons were done. "There is Dr. Harrison." "And I shall have to be on my good behaviour," Mr. Linden said, quitting the sofa. "But I suppose he will not stay all the rest of the day." And as Cindy was slow in her movements, he went and opened the door ; Faith the while fitting on a glove finger. "First in one element, and then in another " Mr. Linden said, as the doctor came in from a sort of simoon of snow. "This one for me I" said Dr. Harrison shaking hhr SAY AND SEAL. 09 self; "but I should say you must be ou.t of your element today." "Wherefore, if you please?" said Mr. Linden, as he endeavoured to get the doctor out of his. "Unless you live in a variety! I thought you were in your element last night." And the doctor went forward into the sitting-room. The first move was to take a seat by Faith and attend to her; and his address and his in quiries, with the manner of them, were perfect in their kind. Interested, concerned, tender, grateful, to the utmost limit of what might have been in the circumstances testified by anybody, with equal grace and skill they were limited there. Of special individual interest he allowed no testimony to escape him none at least that was unequivocal. And Faith gave him answers to all he said, till he touched her gloved finger and inquired if the fire had been at work there too. Faith rather hastily drew it under cover and said no. "What is the matter with it?" "There is nothing bad the matter with it," said Faith, very imprudently letting her cheeks get rosy. The doctor looked at her told her he could cure her finger if she would let him; and then rose up and assumed his position before the fire, looking down at Mr. Linden. "There isn t much of a midge about you, after all," he said. " I suppose in the matter of wings we are about on a par. What is\he extent of the damage?" "It is nothing worth speaking of I think now," said the doctor. "But we are under an extent of obligation to you, my dear fellow, which sits on me as lightly as obli gation so generously imposed should; and yet I should be doubly grateful if you could shew me some way in which I could for a moment reverse the terms on which we stand towards each other." " I don t think of any generous imposition just now," said Mr. Linden smiling. " How are your father and sister? I was afraid they would suffer from the fright, if nothing else." " Strong nerves !" said the doctor shrugging his shoulders. We all eat our breakfast this morning, and wanted the 3* 30 SAY AND SEAL. chops done as much as usual. Sophy did suffer, though ; but it was because Miss Faith would do nothing but get hurt in the house and wouldn t stay to be made well." "I am sure I did something more than that," said Faith, to whom the doctor had looked. "You don t deserve any thanks!" he said sitting down again beside her; "but there is somebody else that does, and I wish you would give me a hint how to pay them. That young fellow who says he is no friend of yours he helped us bravely last night. What can I do to please him?" "Mr. Linden can tell best," said Faith looking to him. The doctor turned in the same direction. "Thank you!" Mr. Linden said, and the words were warmly spoken, yet not immediately followed up. "Thank you very much, doctor!" he repeated thoughtfully "I am not sure that Reuben wants anything just now, next sum mer, perhaps, he may want books." " I see you are his friend ?" "Yes if you give the word its full length and breadth." "What is that?" said Dr. Harrison. "Don t go off to Nought and All. " "I suppose in this case I may say, a mutual bond of trust, affection, and active good wishes." "There s something in that fellow, I judge?" "You judge right." / "A fisherman s son, I think you said. Well I share thv* active good wishes, at least, if I can t assume the affection so think about my question, Linden, and I ll promise to back your thoughts. What do you do with yourself such a day ? I was overcome with ennui till I got out into the elements." Ennui is not one of my friends," said Mr. Linden smiling "not even an acquaintance. In fact I never even set a chair for him, as the woman in Elia set a chair for the poor relation, saying, perhaps he will step in to day . I have been busy, doctor what shall I do to amuse you? will you have a foreign newspaper?" The doctor looked dubious; then took the newspaper SAY AND SEAL, 31 and turned it over, but not as if he had got rid of his ennui. "This smoke in the house will drive us out of Patta- quasset a little sooner than we expected." "Not this winter?" "Yes. That s nothing new but we shall go a few days earlier than we meant. I wish you were going too." "When to return?" said Mr. Linden. "I mean you not myself." "I? I am a wandering comet," said the doctor. "I have astonished Pattaquasset so long, it is time for me to flare up in some other place. I don t know, Linden. Somebody must be here occasionally, to overlook the re fitting of the inside of that library perhaps that agreea ble duty will fall on me. But Linden," said the doctor dropping the newspaper and turning half round on his chair, speaking gracefully and comically, "you astonish Pattaquasset as much as I do : and to tell you the truth you astonish me sometimes a little. This is no place for you. Wouldn t you prefer a tutorship at Quilipeak, or a professor s chair in one of the city colleges ? You may step into either berth presently, and at your pleasure, I know. I do not speak without knowledge." There was a stir of feeling in Mr. Linden s face there was even an unwonted tinge of colour, but the firm-set lips gave no indication as to whence it came ; and he presently looked up, answering the doctor in tones as graceful and more simple than his own. "Thank you, doctor, once more! But I have full em ployment, and am or am not ambitious, whichever way you choose to render it. Not to speak of the pleasure of astonishing Pattaquasset," he added, with a smile breaking out, "I could not hope to do that for Quilipeak." "Please know," said the doctor, both frankly and with much respect in his manner, "that I have been so pre sumptuous as to concern my mind about this for some time . for which you will punish me as you think I deserve. How to be so much further presumptuous as to speak to you about it, was my trouble; and I ventured at last," he said smiling, "upon my own certain possession of certain 32 SAY AND SEAL. points of that friend character which you were giving just now to Reuben Taylor or to yourself, in his re gard." "I am sure you have them! But about Reuben, though I know reward is the last thing he thought of or would wish, yet I, his friend, choose to answer for him, that if you choose to give him any of the books that he will need in college, they will be well bestowed." "In college!" said the doctor. "Diable! Where is he going?" "Probably to Quilipeak." "You said, to college, man. I mean, what is college the road to, in the youngster s mind ?" "I am not sure that I have a right to tell you," said Mr. Linden, "it is in his mind a road to greater usefulness so much I may say." " He ll never be more useful than he was last night. However, I m willing to help him try. What is Mign onette going to do with herself this afternoon ?" said the doctor throwing aside his newspaper and standing before her. "I don t know," said Faith. "Sit here and work, I suppose." "I ll tell you what she ought to do," the doctor went on impressively. " She ought to do what the flowers do when the sun goes down, shut up her sweetness to herself, see and be seen by nobody, and cease to be conscious of her own existence." Faith laughed, in a way that gave doubtful promise of following the directions. The doctor stood looking down at her, took her hand and gallantly kissed it, and finally took himself off. " There is a good little trial of my patience !" Mr. Lin den said. " I don t know but it is well he is going away, for I might forget myself some time, and bid him hands off." At which Faith looked thoughtful. " Faith," Mr. Linden said, gently raising her face, "would you like to live at Quilipeak?" The answer to that was a great rush of colour, and a SAf AND SEAL. 33 casting down of eyes and face too as soon as it was per mitted. "Well?" he said smiling though she felt some other thread in the voice. " What did you think of the words that passed between the doctor and me ? Would you like to have me agree to his proposal ?" "You would do what is best," she said with a good deal of effort. "I couldn t wish anything else." He answered her mutely at first, with a deep mingling of gravity and affection, as if she were very, very precious. "My dear little child!" he said, "if anything on earth could make me do it, it would be you ! and yet I can not." She looked up inquiringly ; but except by that look, she asked nothing. "You strengthen my hands more than you weaken them," he said. "I am so sure that you would feel with me ! I know it so well I I have a long story to tell you, dear Faith, some time, not now," he added, with a sort of shadow coming over his face. "Will you let me choose my own time? I know it is asking a good deal." "It would be asking a great deal more of me to choose any other," Faith said with a sunny smile. "I like that time best." He passed his hand softly once or twice across her fore head, giving her a bright, grateful look, though a little bit of a sigh came with it too, then drew her arm within his and led her slowly up and down the room. But after dinner, and after one or two more lessons under careful guardianship, Faith was persuaded to lay herself on the sofa and rest, and listen, first to various bits of reading, then to talk about some of her photographic pictures; the talk diverging right and left, into all sorts of paths, fictional, historic, sacred and profane. Then the light faded the out-of-door light, still amid falling snow; and the firelight shone brighter and brighter; and Mrs. Derrick stopped listening, and went to the dining-room sofa for a nap. Then Mr. Linden, who had been sitting at Faith s side, changed his place so as to face her. "How do you feel to-night?" he asked. 34 SAY AND SEAL. "Perfectly well and as nicely as possible. Just enough remains of last night to make it pleasant to lie still." "You are a real little sunbeam ! Do you know I want you to go off with me on a shining expedition ?" " On what sort of expedition ?" said Faith laughing. "A shining one I want to carry your bright face into all the darkest places I can find." There was an alternation of amusement and a grave ex pression in her face for a minute, one and the other flitting by turns; but then she said quietly, "When, Mr. Linden?" " What shall I do with you ?" he said, "shall I call you Miss Derrick ?" " No indeed !" she said colouring. " I don t often forget myself." "No, I shall not do that, for it would punish myself too much, but I shall do something else which will not punish me at all, and may perhaps make you remember. What do you suppose it will be ?" " I don t know" she said flushing all over. "Nothing worse than this" he said, bending his face to hers. " Faith ! I did not mean to frighten you so ! I ll tell you where I want to take you. You know Monday is the first of January, and I want to go with you to those houses in the neighbourhood where the wheels of the new year drag a little, and try to give them a pleasant start. Would you like it ?" "0!" she said, springing forward with a delighted exclamation. " Tell me, just what you mean. To which houses ?" "I mean that if you are well, we will have a long, long sleigh ride, and leave as many little pieces of comfort and pleasure by the way as we can. The houses, dear, will be more than you think I must make out a list." Faith clapped her hands. "O delicious! That is the best thing we could possibly do with Monday I and there are two days yet this week - I shall have plenty of chance, mother and I, to make every thing. O what sorts of things shall we take ? and what, are some of the houses ? There is Mrs. Dow, where we went that night," she said, her voice falling, "and Sally Lowndes what places are you thinking off" SAY AND SEAL. 35 "I think we might give Reuben at least a visit, if notning else, and there are a good many such houses down about those points, and far on along the shore. I was thinking most of them though there are some nearer by. But my Mignonette must not tire herself, I did not mean to bring anything but pleasure upon her hands." "You can t ! in this way," said Faith in delighted eager ness. "Who keeps house in Reuben s home? he has no mother." "No I suppose I may say that he keeps house, for his father is away a great deal, and Reuben always seems to be doing what there is to do. As to things you will want some for well people, and some for sick, at some houses the mere necessary bread and meat, and at others any of those little extras which people who spend all their money for bread and meat can never get. But little child," Mr. Linden said smiling, "if I let you prepare, you must let me send home." "What?" said she. "I thought you said we would both take them together?" He laughed taking her hand and holding it in both his. "And so we will ! I meant, send home here, to pre pare." "Oh! Well," said Faith, "but we have a great deal now, you know; and I can send Mr. Skip to get more. But one thing I know we will take Reuben a roast turkey !" I wonder if she could tell, in the firelight, with what eyes he watched her and listened to her! Probably not, for his back was towards the fire, and the changing light and shade on his face was a little concealed. But the light had the mastery "Faith," he said, "I shall send you home some sugar plums upon express condition that you are not to eat them up; being quite sweet enough already." His face was so hid that probably Faith thought her own was hid too, and did not know how clearly its moved timid changes were seen. She leaned forward, and touching one hand lightly to his shoulder, said, "What do you mean to make me, Endecott?" 36 SAY AND SEAL. It was a thing to hear, the soft fall and hesitancy of Faith s voice at the last word. Yet4hey hardly told of the struggle it had cost. How the word thrilled him she did not know, the persons living from whom he ever had that name were now so few, that there was a strange mingling with the exquisite pleasure of hearing it from her lips, a mingling of past grief and of present healing. He changed his place instantly; and taking possession of her, gave her the most gentle, tender, and silent thanks. Perhaps too much touched to speak perhaps feeling sure that if he spoke at all it would be in just such words as she had so gently reproved. The answer at last was only a bright, "I told you I could not promise and I will not now !" She pushed her head round a little so that she could give a quick glance into his face, in which lay her answer. Her words, when she spoke, made something of a transition, which however was proved by the voice to be a transition in words only. "Wouldn t a bag of potatoes be a good thing for us to take?" "Certainly! and we must take some books, and some orders for wood. And you must have a basket of trifles to delight all the children we meet." " That s easy ! And books, will you take ? that s de licious! that s better than anything, for those who can enjoy them. Do you think any of them want bibles?" " We will take some, at a venture I never like to go anywhere without that supply. And then we shall both have to use our wits to find out just what is wanted in a particular place, the people that tell you most have often the least to tell. And above all, Faith, we shall want plenty of sympathy and kind words and patience, they are more called for than anything else. Do you think you can conjure up a sufficient supply?" "It is something I know so little about!" said Faith. "I have never had very much chance. When I went to see Mrs. Ousters I didn t in the least know how to speak to her. But these people where we are going all know you, I suppose?" she said with another and not a little wistful look up into his face. " Most of them more or less. What of it ?" SAY AND SEAL. 37 " That makes it easy," she said quietly. "But I suppose it would be just the same if you didn t know them I About the sick people, Endecott if you can tell us how they are sick, mother and I between us can make out what things to prepare for them." " Did you think I was in earnest, dear Faith, when I asked about your sympathy?" Mr. Linden said, drawing her closer. "No. I think I have the sympathy, but I don t so well know how to shew it. Then loaves of bread, I suppose, wouldn t come amiss ? And above all, meat. Where else do you think a roast turkey ought to go ?" "To one particular far-off house on the shore that is brim full of little children and nothing else !" "We ll take them a big one," said Faith smiling, "and I suppose it is no matter how many cakes ! You ll have to make a very particular list, with some notion of what would be best at each place; because in some houses they wouldn t bear what in others they would be very glad of. Wouldn t that be good? So that we might be sure to have the right thing everywhere one right thing, at any rate. The other things might take their chance." "Yes, I will do that. But you know the first thing is, that you should get well, and the next that you should not get tired, and these must be secured, if nobody ever has anything." Faith s laugh was joyous. " To-morrow I mean to make cakes and pies," she said, "and the next day I will bake bread and roast turkeys and boil beef! And you have no idea wha! a quantity of each will be wanted ! I think I never saw anybody so good at talking people to sleep ! that didn t want to go. Now what is that?" For the knocker of the front door sounded loudly again. "It is something to send people away that don t want to go !" Mr. Linden said, as he put her back in her old position on the cushions, and moved his chair to a respect ful distance therefrom. But nothing worse canae in this time than a note, well enveloped and sealed, which was for Mr. Linden, it ran after this fashion. 38 SAY AND SEAL. "Tfi the snow yet and the chair not only set for Ennui, but en nui in the chair ! "This 2Sth Dec. 18 " DEAR LINDEN, You see my condition. I am desperate for want of something to do so I send you this. Enclosed you will please find if you haven t dropped it on the floor ! $25, for the bibliothecal and collegiate expenses of Miss Der rick s friend. If you should hereafter know him to be in further want of the same kind of material aid and comfort please convey intelligence of the same to myself or father. He i.e. said friend saved to us last night far more than the value of this. - I am sorry I have no more to say! for your image what else could it be? has for the moment frightened Ennui into the shadow but he will come back again as soon as I have sealed this. By which you will know when you read the (then) present condition of Your friend most truly JULIUS HARRISON. In Pattaquasset, is it ?" Mr. Linden read the note by firelight and standing then came and sat down by Faith and put it in her hands. By firelight Faith read it hastily, and looked up with eyes of great delight. "Oh ! "she said, "isn t that good !" Then she looked down at the note soberly again. "Well, little child? what?" he said smiling. "Yes, I am very glad. What are you doubting about ?" "I am not doubting about anything," she said giving him the note, "only thinking of this strange man." " Is he very strange ?" Mr. Linden said. But he did not pursue the subject, going back instead, to the one they had been upon, to give her the information she had asked for about the sick people ihey were likely to meet in their rounds; passing gradually from that to other matters, thence into silence. And Faith followed him, step by step, only when he was quite silent, she was asleep 1 CHAPTER III. ^TTHE next two days were busy ones, all round ; for though JL Faith was carefully watched, by both her guardians, yet she was really well and strong enough again to be allowed to do a good deal ; especially with those intervals of rest and study which Mr. Linden managed for he". His work, between these intervals, took him often out of doors, and various were the tokens of that work which came home greatly to Faith s interest and amusement. They were curiously indicative, too, both of the varied wants of the poor people in the neighbourhood, and of his knowledge on the subject. From a little pair of shoes which was to accompany one roast turkey, to the particular sort of new fishing net which was to go with the other, it really seemed as if every sort of thing was wanted somewhere, simple things, and easy to get, and not costing much, but price less to people who had no money at all. Faith was ap pointed receiver general, and her hands were full of amuse ment as well as business. And those two things were the most of all that Mr. Linden suffered to come upon them, whatever his own means might be, it was no part of his plan to trench upon Mrs. Derrick s; though she on her part entered heart and hands into the work, with almost as much delight as Faith herself, and would have given the two carte-blanche to take anything she had in the house. Faith didn t ask him what she should take there, nor let him know much about it till Monday. By this time, what with direct and indirect modes of getting at the knowledge, Faith had become tolerably well acquainted with the class or classes of wants that were to be ministered to. Many were the ovenfuls that were baked that Friday and Satur day ! great service did the great pot that was used for boiling great joints ! nice and comforting were the broths and more delicate things provided, with in (mite care, for some four or five sick or infirm people. But Faith s delight was the things Mr. Linden sent home; every fresh arrival (39) 40 SAY AND SEAL of which sent her to the kitchen with a new accession of zeal, sympathy, and exultation, sympathy with him and the poor people ; exultation in the work most of all in him ! Great was the marvelling of Cindy and Mr. Skip at these days proceedings. So passed Friday and Saturday; and Sunday brought a lull. Faith thought so, and felt so. Her roast turkeys and chickens were reposing in spicy readiness ; her boiled meats and bakeries were all accomplished and in waiting; and dismissing all but a little joyful background thought of them, Faith gave her whole heart and mind to the full Sabbath rest, to the full Sabbath rising; and looked, in her deep happiness, as if she were what she was enjoy ing the one and striving after the other. But the ways by which we are to find the good we must seek, are by no means always those of our own choosing. It was a clear, cold, still, winter s day. Cold enough by the thermometer ; but so still that the walking to church was pleasant. They had come home from the afternoon service Faith had not taken off her things when she was called into the kitchen to receive a message. The next minute she was in the sitting-room and stood by the side of Mr. Linden s chair. "Mrs. Custers is dying and has sent for me." "For you, dear child? Well Are you able to go?" "Oh yes." He looked at her in silence, as if he were making up his own mind on the subject, then rose up and gently seating her on the sofa, told her to rest there till he was ready; but before he came back again Mrs. Derrick came to Faith s side with a smoking cup of chicken broth and a biscuit. "You ve got to eat it, pretty child," she said fondly, "we re both agreed upon that point." Which joint mandate Faith did not try to dispute. The town clock had struck four, all counted, when Jerry dashed off from the door with the little sleigh behind him. No other sleigh-bells were abroad, and his rang out noisily and alone over the great waste of stillness as soon as they were quit of the village. The air happily was very still and the cold had not increased; but low, low the sun was, and sent his slant beams coolly over the snow-white fields, SAY AND SEAL. 41 glinting from fences and rocks and bare thickets with a gleam that threatened he would not look at them long. The hour was one of extreme beauty, fair and still, with a steady strength in its stillness that made the beauty somewhat imposing. There was none of the yielding character of summer there; but a power that was doing its work and would do it straight through. "He giveth forth his ice like morsels; who can stand before his cold ?" thought Faith. The sleighing was excellent ; the roads in perfect con dition. "How long is it since you were here?" Mr. Linden said as the house came in sight, shewn only by its twinkling panes of glass. "Not since before I went to Pequot not since a day or two after that ride we took with Dr. Harrison, when you rode Stranger the first time." " How was she then ?" " Not much different from what she had been before she didn t say much she seemed to like to listen to me, or to see me, or both. That was all I could be sure of." " Try not to let her spend her strength in examining the past state of her mind. Bid her lay hold of the promise now. A present hold will answer all her questions and is all the oldest Christian can rest in." "I wish you could speak to her instead of me," said Faith. "Perhaps she will let you." "It is not you nor I, my child. Fix your heart upon Christ, and let him speak, fix your eyes upon him, and let his light shine." "I know it. I do! " she said, looking up at him with an humble, moved face. He lifted her out of the sleigh and led her up to the house, where they were presently admitted ; into an outer room first, where Faith could lay off her furs. " She s some brighter to-night," the woman in attend ance said, in answer to Mr. Linden s questions. "I guess she ll be real glad to see you" this was addressed to Faith. Faith left Mr. Linden there, and went into the sick chamber alone; where she was always received as if she 4* 42 SAY AND SEAL. had brought an olive branch, or a palm branch, or both of thera, in her hand. The spirit of both, no doubt, was in her ; the gentle face looked the promise of both peace and victory, as only humility can look it. Mrs. Ousters on her part looked as the other had said* glad ; if so bright a word could be applied to a face that had lost all its own light, and where no reflected light as yet shone. Yet she was quieter than when Faith had first seen her, whether from mental relief or physical prostra tion, and was most eager for all Faith s words, listening for the most part in silence, but with eyes that never said enough. As some poor exhausted traveller takes the water which he has at last reached in the desert, nor knows yet whether its bright drops can avail to save his life, but lays him down by the fountain there to live or die. And Faith, feeling that her hand was ministering those drops of life, lost every other thought, except to wish for a hand that could do it better. Once she ventured a proposition. " I have a friend here, Mrs. Ousters, who can tell you about all these things much better than I can. Will you let him ? May I ask him to come in and see you ?" " Better ?" she said slowly " I don t believe it. Who is he ? your brother ?" "No I haven t any brother. But that don t matter. He s somebody that is a great deal better than I am. May I let him come in? He s here," said Faith very qui etly, along with her flushing cheek. There was a poor little faint smile for a moment upon the sick woman s lips while Faith spoke, but it passed and she answered in the same tone "I ll see him to please you before you go. I just want the words now and I like you best." Faith troubled her no more with unnecessary sugges tions, and gave her the words. Gave them with the fragrance of her own love about them, which certainly is the surest human vehicle for the love above human that is in them. As on that first occasion, Faith placed herself on the side of the bed ; and holding one of Mrs. Ousters hands in her own, bending her soft quiet face towards the listening eyes and ears, she gave her one by one, like SAY AND SEAL. 43 emmbs of life-giving food, the words of promise, of encour agement, of invitation, of example. No answer cheered or helped her ; no token of pleasure or even of assent mot her ; only those fixed listening eyes bade her go on, and told that whether for life and refreshment or no, the words were eagerly taken in, each after the other, as she said them. There was something in the strong sympathy of the speaker in her own feeling and joy of the truths she told that might give them double power and life to the ears of another. Faith reported the words of her Master with such triumphant prizing of them and such leaning on their strength ; she gave his invitations in such tones of affection ; she told over the instances of others prevailing faith with such an evident, clear, satisfying share in the same; the living words this time lost nothing of their power by a dead utterance. Of her own words Faith ventured few; now and then the simplest addition to some thing she had repeated, to make it more plain, or to carry it further home ; such words as she could not keep back ; such words, very much, as she would have spoken to Johnny Fax; not very unlike what Johnny Fax might have spoken to her. But there was not a little physical exhaustion about all this after a while, and Faith found she must have some help to her memory. She went into the other room. "I w.nt a bible," she said looking round for it "Is there o*e here ?" Yes there was one, but it was Mr. Linden s. That was quickly given her. " J forgot it at the moment you went in," he said, "and then I did not like to disturb you. My dear Faith ! " and he held her hand and looked at her a little wistfully. She brought her other hand upon his, and looked down and looked up wistfully too; like one with a heart full. " Can I bfilp you ? can I take your place ?" "She won t let you," said Faith shaking her head. ." She says she will see you by and by but she must take her own time for it." And Faith went back to her ministrations. Of all bibles, ghe would hnve had that one in her hand then ! And yet its compaU /mship bowed down her heart with a sense of 44 SAY AND SEAL. weakness ; but that was the- very position for the next move ; a spring beyond weakness to the only real and suffi cient ground of strength. The afternoon merged into the evening. A tallow can dle had been brought by the attendant into the room in which Mr Linden was waiting; and its dim smoky light would have made a dismal place of it if he had had no other to go by. He could sometimes hear the low tones of a word or two in the other room ; more often the tones were so low that they failed to reach him. When this state of things had lasted a long time as it seemed there came an interruption in the form of quick steps on the snow; then the door was pushed open, and Dr. Harrison ap- You here I" was his astonished salutation. "What upon earth has brought you ?" " I came to bring some one else." "She isn t here?" said the doctor. "You don t mean that?" His emphatic pronouns were a little smile-provoking, in spite of the grave thoughts upon which they intruded or rather perhaps because of them ; but if Mr. Linden s face felt that temptation, it was only for a moment, he answered quietly, "If you mean Miss Faith, she has been here a long time." The doctor knew that 1 if she came when she was called. He had stopped to eat his dinner. "I mean her, of course," he said with his tone a little subdued. "I shouldn t think her mother would have let her come such a night ! " Which meant very plainly that Dr. Harrison would not have let her. " Is she in there with the woman now ?" "Yes." The doctor went with grave aspect to the door of com munication between the two rooms and softly opened it and went in ; so softly, that Faith, engaged in her reading, did not hear anything; the sick woman s eyes were the first that perceived him. Hers rested on him a moment then came back to Faith, and then again met the doctor s; but SAY AND SEAL. 45 not just as they had been wont. And her first words bore out his impression. "You may come in " she said, slowly and distinctly, . "I m not afraid of you to-night." He came forward, looked at her, touched her hand, kindly ; and then without a word turned to Faith. Faith did not dare ask a question, but her eyes put it silently. " She don t want anything," said he meaningly. " Not from me. She may have anything she fancies to have." Faith s eyes went back to the other face. That the doctor s words had been understood there too, was evident from the little flitting colour, and the sick woman lay still witli closed eyes, clasping Faith s hand as if she were holding herself back from drifting out on that great and unknown sea. But she roused herself and spoka hurriedly. " Won t somebody pray for me ?" Faith bent over until her lips almost touched the suffer er s cheek and her warm breath floated in the words, "I ll bring somebody " then loosing her hold, she sprang from the bed and out into the other room. But when she had clasped Mr. Linden s hand, Faith bent down her head upon it, unable to speak. The strength it could, his hand gave her and his voice. "What, my dear child?" Then Faith looked up. " She wants you to pray for her." And without waiting for the unnecessary answer, she led Mr. Linden to the door of the room, there dropped his hand and went in before him. Dr. Harrison was standing by the bedpost, and looked wordlessly upon the two as they entered. Mrs. Ousters scanned the stranger s face as he came to wards her, with an anxious, eager look, as if she wanted to know whether he could do anything for her; the look changing to one of satisfaction. But to his low-spoken question as he took her hand, she gave an answer that was almost startling in its slow earnestness. " Pray that I may believe and that he may and that God would bless her forever!" How was such a request to be met! then and there ! for a moment Mr. Linden s eyes fell. But then he knelt 46 SAY AND SEAL. by her side, and met it most literally, in tones very low and clear and distinct, in words that might have been angels plumage for their soft bearing upward of the suffer er s thoughts. Faith could feel a slight trembling once or twice of the hand that held hers, but the bitterness of its grasp had relaxed. Dr. Harrison was behind her; whether he stood or knelt she did not know; but he knew that when the other two rose to their feet, one of them was exceedingly pale ; and his move, made on the instant, was to get her a glass of water. Faith only tasted it and gave it him back, and mounted to her former place on the bed. And for a little all was still, until Mr. Linden spoke again in the same clear, guiding tones. " My God, within thy hand My helpless soul I trust ! Thy love shall ever stand Thy promise must! " Then Mrs. Ousters opened her eyes ; and her first look was at Dr. Harrison. But whether the relaxed mental tension let the bodily weakness appear, or whether the tide was at that point where it ebbs most rapidly, her words were spoken with some trouble yet spoken as if both to make amends and give information. "You meant to be very kind "she said "and you have But now I want to believe even if it isn t any use." Her eyes passed from him rested for a minute on Mr. Linden: then came to Faith, and never wavered again. " Read" was all she said. With unnerved lip and quivering breath Faith began again her sweet utterance of some of those sweetest things. For a moment she longed to ask the other two listeners to go away and leave her alone ; but reasons, different and strong, kept her mouth from speaking the wish ; and then, once dismissed, it was forgotten. Her voice steadied and grew clear presently ; its low, distinct words were not in terrupted by so much as a breath in any part of the room. They steadied her; Faith rested on them and clung to them as she went along, with a sense of failing energy which needed a stay somewhere. But her words did not shew it, except perhaps that they came more slowly and SAI A ND SEAL. 47 deliberately, Mr. Linden had drawn back a little out of sight. Dr. Harrison kept his stand by the bedpost, lean ing against it ; and whatever that reading was to him, he was as motionless as that whereon he leaned. Till some little length of time had passed in this way, and then he came to Faith s side and laid his hand on her open book. " She does not hear you," he said softly. Faith looked at him startled, and then bent forward over the woman whose face was turned a little from her. "She is sleeping" she said looking up again. " She will not hear you any more," said the doctor. " She breathes, regularly, " Yes so she will for perhaps some hours. But she will not waken again, probably." "Are you sure?" Faith said with another look at the calm face before her. "Very sure !" Was it true*? Faith looked still at the unconscious form, then her bible fell from her hands and her head wearily sunk into them. The strain was over broken short. She had done all she could, and the everlasting answer was sealed up from her. Those heavy eyelids would not unclose again to give it; those parted lips through wlr ch the slow breath went and came, would never tell her. It seemed to Faith that her heart lay on the very ground with the burden of all that weight resting upon it. She was not suffered to sit so long. "May I take you away?" Mr. Linden said, "you must not stay any longer." "Do you think it is no use?" said Faith looking up at him wearily. " It is of no use," said Dr. Harrison. He had come near, and took her hand, looking at her with a moved face in which there was something very like tender reproach. But he only brought her hand gravely to his lips again and turned away. Mr. Linden s words were very low- spoken. "I think the doctor is right. But let me take vou home, and then I will come back and stay till morning 48 SAY AND SEAL. iff if you like or till there comes a change. You must not stay. " " I don t like to go," said Faith without moving. " She may want me again." "There may be no change all night," said the doctor; . "and when it comes it will not probably be a conscious change. If she awakes at all, it will only be to die. You could do nothing more." Faith saw that Mr. Linden thought so, and she gave it up; with a lingering unwillingness got off the bed and wrapped her furs round her. Mr. Linden put her into the sleigh, keeping Jerry "back to let the doctor precede them; and when he was fairly in front, Faith was doubly wrapped up as she had been the night of the fire, and could take the refreshment of the cool air, and rest. Very wearily, for a while, mind and body both drooped. Faith was as still as if she had been asleep ; but her eyes were gazing out upon the snow, following the distant speck of the doctor s sleigh, or looking up to the eternal changeless lights that keep watch over this little world and mock its changes. Yet not so ! but that bear their quiet witness that there is something which is not " passing away ;" yea, that there is something which "endureth forever." " He calleth them all by their names ; for that he is strong in power, not one faileth." That was in Faith s mind along with other words " The Lord knoweth them that are his." Her mind was in a passive state; things floated in and floated out. It was some time before Mr. Linden said anything he let her be as silent and still as she would ; but at last he bent over her and spoke. "My Mignonette" and the thought was not sweeter than the words "are you asleep ?" "No " she said in one of those etherial answering tones which curiously say a great many things. "Are you resting ?" "Yes. I am rested." "You must try not to bear the burden of your work after it is done. Now lay it off and leave your poor friend in the hands where I trust she has left herself Her senses are not closed to his voice." SAY AND SEAL. 40 "I do" she said with a grateful look. "I know it is Dot my work nor anybody s." He drew the furs up about her silently, arranging and adjusting them so as to keep off the wind which had risen a little. " We are not very far from home now, we have come fast." And as Jerry did not relax his pace, the little distance was soon travelled over. How fair the lights in their own windows looked then ! with their speech of blessing and comfort. They all came together round the fire first, and then round the tea-table ; Faith being specially watched over and waited on by both the others. Mrs. Derrick s half developed fear at their long stay, had given place to a sort of moved, untalkative mood when she heard the explana tion, but a mood which relieved itself by trying every pos sible arid impossible thing for Faith s refreshment. Every possible thing except refreshing talk and that Mr. Linden gave her. Talk which without jarring in the least upon the evening s work, yet led her thoughts a little off from the painful part of it. Talk of the Christian s work of the Christian s privilege, of " Heaven and the way thither," of the gilding of the cross, of the glory of the crown. Faith heard and joined in it, but there was a point of pressure yet at her heart; and when they left the table and went into the other room, a slight thing gave indication where it lay. Faith took a little bench by Mrs. Derrick s side, drew her mother s arms round her close, and laid her head down on her lap. How softly, how tenderly, did Mrs. Derrick answer the caress, as if she read it perfectly 1 touching Faith s hands and brow and cheeks with fingers that were even trembling. And at last whether her child s mute pleading was too much for her, whether the pain which had never left her heart since the day of Faith s overturn had by degrees done its work, she bent down her lips to Faith s cheek and whispered "Yes, pretty child I mean to try." And so the door opened, and Cindy and Mr. Skip came in for prayers. Faith hid her face, but otherwise did not stir. VOL. II. 50 SAY AND SEAL. How- sweet the service was to them all that night ! yes, to them all ; there was riot one who could help feeling its influence. And yet it was very simple, and not very long, Mr. Linden read first a few Bible passages, and then Wes ley s hymn of the New Year, with its bugle note of ac tion, and then to prayer, for which, by that time, every heart was ready. "Come let us anew our journey pursue, Roll round with the year, And never stand still till the Master appear. His adorable will let us gladly fulfil, And our talents improve, By the patience of hope and the labours of love. " Our life is a dream ; our time, as a stream, Glides swiftly away, And the fugitive moment refuses to stay. The arrow is flown the moment is gone ; The millennial year Bushes on to our view, and eternity s here. * that each, in the day of his coming, may say, I have fought my way through ; I have finished the work thou didst give me to do. that each from his Lord may receive the glad word, Well and faithfully done ! Enter into my joy, and sit down on my throne." CHAPTER IV. THE first morning of the new year turned out as bright as could be desired for the great sleigh-riding expe dition; the very day for it. And in the very mood for it were the people who were to go. Not but somewhat of last night s gravity hung about Faith s bright face ; the one did no hurt to the other; for the best brightness is always sure to be grave, and the best gravity is almost sure to be bright, on some side. However there was nothing contemplative about the character of things this morning; there was too much action afoot. Such an army of meats and drinks, with all sorts of odd ends and varieties, from the shoes to the fishing-net, and such an array of apples and sugarplums! to marshal and order them all in proper companies and ranks, wanted a general I But Faith was by no means a bad general, and up to the act of stowing the sleigh, at which point the things were made over to Mr. Linden and Mr. Skip, her part was well done. And Mr. Linden found in the course of his part of the business that Mrs. Derrick and- Faith had followed a lead of their own. There had been a pretty packing and tying up and labelling at the table, before the sleigh-packing began, Faith s busy little fingers went in and out with great dexterity; and either Mr. Linden thought it was pleasant to her or knew it was pleasant to him, to have them so engaged ; for though he stood by and talked to her, and laughed at her, he let the said little fingers have their way ; except when they touched some harsh bit of string, or rough bit of paper, or unmanageable package, and then his own interfered. It was a bright packing up without a shadow, at least that could be called such. But once or twice, when with some quick movement of Faith s hand the diamonds flashed forth their weird light suddenly, she did see that Mr. Linden s eyes went down, and that his \nouth took a set which if not of pain, was at least sad. (51) 52 SAY AND SEAL. It never lasted long and the next look was always one of most full pleasure at her. But the second time, Faith s heart could hardly bear it. She guessed at the why and the what; but words were too gross a medium to convey from spirit to spirit the touch that love could give and pain bear. She watched her chance ; and when one of Mr. Linden s hands was for a moment resting on a package that the other was busied in arranging, suddenly laying the jewelled hand on his, Faith s lips kept it company. "Faith!" he said. And then as if he saw it all, he did not say another word, only held her for a minute in a very, very close embrace. But then he whispered, "Faith you must give me that in another way." Faith appeared to have exhausted her ammunition, for she only answered by hiding her face. ""Faith" Mr. Linden repeated. She looked up slowly, blushing all over; and her very doubtful face seemed to negative the whole proceeding. But then an irrepressible little laugh began to play. "I wouldn t do it," she said unsteadily, "at least, I don t know that I would if I hadn t wished so very much to give you something to-day; and I have nothing else ! " And nerving herself desperately, Faith laid one hand on Mr. Linden s shoulder and slightly raising herself on her toes, did bestow on his lips as dainty a kiss as ever Santa Claus brought in his box of New Year curiosities. But she w.as overcome with confusion the moment she had done it, and would have rushed off if that had been possible. "Let me go" she said hastily "let me go!" In answer to which, she was held as securely fast as she ever had been in her life. Covering and hiding all of her face that she could, Faith renewed her request, in a comical tone of humility as if she didn t deserve it. "I never felt less inclined to let you go !" "There is all that work to be done," said Faith, by way of possibly useful suggestion. " Mignonette, will you remember your new lesson ?" She whispered softly, "No. It was only Santa Claus." "Not Campaspe?" "No Certainly not!" SAY AND SEAL. 53 "You remember," said Mr. Linden, "that when Cupid and Campaspe played at cards for kisses, Cupid paid. I was unavoidably reminded of that. But you may go on with your work, you know what happens when lessons are learned imperfectly." And liberty for her work she had ; no more. "Child," said her mother coming in, "are you ready for your lunch ?" "Why no, mother," said Faith with a little laugh, "of course not ! but I can take it as I go on. There s a good deal of sorting to do yet. I hope the sleigh is big." "Take it as you go on, indeed!" said Mrs. Derrick. "You ve got to stop and eat, child, you can t live till night with nothing but other folk s dinners." Faith however declared she could not stop to eat; and she contrived to carry on both the rival occupations to gether; and even to make right sure that no one else should attempt to live upon anything more etherial than sandwiches and pumpkin pie. She drank her coffee in the intervals of tying packages and writing labels, and ran about with a sandwich in one hand and a basket in the other; filling Mr. Linden s cup and putting tempting platefuls in his way. But he was as busy as she, spend ing much of his time at the barn, where Squire Stouten- burgh s pretty little box sleigh was in process of filling with cloaks, buffalo robes, and commodities! At last everything was in, and Mr. Linden came to announce that fact to Faith, furs and hood were donned, and the sleigh was off with its whole load. Bright, bright the snow was, and blue the shadows, and fair the white expanse of hill and meadow, all crisp and sparkling. Everybody was out which was not wonderful; but so well had Mr. Linden disposed and covered up his packages, that all anybody could see was that he and Faith were taking a sleigh-ride, which was not wonderful either. And before long they left the more frequented roads, and turned down the lane that led to the dwelling of Sally Lowndes. How different it looked now, from that summer evening when Faith had gone there alone. What a colouring then lay on all the ground that was now white with sunlight and blue with shade ! And also, what a 5* 54 SAY AND SEAL. difference in the mental colouring. But Jerry, travelling faster than her feet had done, soon brought them to the .house. Mr. Linden buckled the tie, and helped Faith to emerge from the buffalo robes; the winter wind blowing fresh from the sea, and sweeping over the down till Jerry shook his blanket in disapproval. "Now my little counsellor," said Mr. Linden, "what does your wisdom say should go in here besides this basket of substantiate ? I think you know more of these people than I do?" And the surf in its cold monotony, said Anything warm! "Mother has put in a shawl for Sally," said Faith, getting out the package; (it was one that Mrs. Derrick found she could do without,) "and a little paper of tea, tea is Sally s greatest delight, here it is !" Sally s abode was in nothing different from the run of poor houses in the country ; unpainted of course, outside and inside; a rag carpet on the floor, a gay patchwork coverlet on the bed. Sally herself was in the rocking- chair before a little wood fire. But there was not the look of even poor comfort which may sometimes be seen ; want, that told of lack of means and that also went deeper, was visible in everything. I ve come to wish you a happy new year, Sally," said Faith brightly. "Laws ! I wonder where it s to come from!" said Sally. " If wishiri 1 would fetch it I ve wished it to myself till I m tired. Happy new years don t come to all folks. Aint that How do you do, sir ! raint it the gentleman Jenny told of? that fell down at Mr. Simlins door?" "And got up again?" said Mr. Linden. "Yes, I pre sume I am the very person Jenny told of. I remember that Jenny was very kind to me, too. Where is she ?" " she s to Mr. Simlinses all along ! she s got a good place; she knows when she s comfortable. She doii t think of me stayin here all alone." "But aren t you comfortable, Sally?" said Faith. "I should like to know how I would be ! Folks that is comfortable thinks all the world is like them ! If they didn t they d help." SAY AND SEAL. 55 Well what is the first thing that would help to make you comfortable ?" said Mr. Linden. Sally looked at him, up and down. " I d like to see a speck o somebody s face now and then. I mope and mope, till I wish I d die to get rid of it I You see, sir, I aint as I used to was ; and my family aint numerous now. There s no one lives in this house over my head but me and a girl what stays by me to do chores. Aint that a life for a spider ?" Faith had been stealthily unfolding the shawl and now put it round Sally s shoulders. " Will that help to make you comfortable ?" she said gently. " Laws 1" said Sally " aint that smart ! That s good as far as it goes. Where did that come from ?" " Mother sent it to you, for New Year." "It s real becoming of her!" said Sally in a mollified tone, feeling of the shawl. "Well I won t say this New Years haint brought me something." "It brings you too much cold air at present," Mr. Lin den said. "Do you know that window lets in about as much cold as it keeps out ?" "Well I reckon I do," said Sally. I ve nothin to do all day but sit here and realize onto it. There aint no such a thing as buildin a fire in the chimney that ll keep out the cold from that winder." " I should think not ! the way is to attack the window itself," he said, looking at it as if he were studying the attack. "We ve brought you something else here, Sally, to help keep out the cold," said Faith. "May I put the things in your closet so as to carry home my basket ?" "Yes, if you like. What have you got there, Faith?" said Miss Lowndes looking into the closet after her. "There s a piece of beef, Sally, of mother s own curing all ready cooked so you ll have nothing to do but cook your potatoes and mother thought you d like a few of our potatoes, they re good this year. Then here is a little paper of tea she sent you, and I ve brought you one of my own pumpkin pies so you must say it is good, Sally." " Well I m beat I" said Sally. " Haint you got something else ?" 56 SAT AND SEAL. She was like to be beat on all hands ; for Mr. Linden who had been examining the window while Faith emptied her basket, now went ont and presently brought back ham mer and nails and strips of lath, that made Faith wonder whether he had brought a tool-chest along. But the noise of his hammer was much more cheerful than the rattling of the window, and when it had done its work outside as well as in, the wind might whistle for admission in vain. He came in and stood by the fire for a moment then, before they set off, and asked Faith softly what else was wanted ? And Faith whispered in answer "The Dairyman s Daughter? but you must give it." "Can t you get some comfort in reading your Bible, Sally?" said Faith while Mr. Linden went out to the sleigh with his hammer and nails." "Laws!" said Sally "what s the use! I haint got the heart to take the trouble to read, half the time." "If you read one half the time, and pray too, Sally, you ll soon get heart for the other half." "It s easy talkin " was Sally s encouraging view of the case. "It s a great deal easier doing," said Faith. "If you try it, Sally, it ll make you so glad you ll never say you want comfort again. " "Well you ve brought me a heap to-day anyhow," said Sally. "Just look at that winder! I declare! I spect I ll make out to eat my dinner to-day without scolding." Mr. Linden came back with the tract, but kept it in his hand for a minute. "Do you know, Sally, how a house is built upon the bare ground?" he said. "The mason lays down one stone, and then another on that ; and if he cannot have his choice of stones he takes just what come to hand little and big, putting in plenty of mortar to bind all together. Now that s the way you must build up a happy year for your self, and in that way every one can." The words were spoken very brightly, without a touch of faultfinding. "Well" said Sally rocking herself back and forth in the rocking-chair "I spect you know how." Which might have been meant as a compliment, or as an excuse. "I think you do," said Mr. Linden smiling; "and I am SAY AND SEAL. 57 going to leave you a true story of how it was really done by somebody else. Will you read it?" "Yes" said Sally continuing to rock. "I ll do any thing you ask me to after that winder. You ve given me a good start anyways. I d as lieves hear you talk as most things." There was not time for much more talk then, however. Mr. Linden and Faith went away, leaving the little book on the table. But when Sally went to take a nearer view of its words of golden example, there lay on it the first real little gold piece Sally had ever possessed. "That was a good beginning," said Faith in a sort of quiet glee, after she had got into the sleigh again. "I knew, before, we were like a butcher and baker setting off on their travels ; but I had no idea there was a carpenter stowed away anywhere !" And her laugh broke forth upon the air of those wild downs, as Jerry turned his head about. " I must be something, you know," said Mr. Linden, "and I don t choose to be the butcher and certainly am not the baker." They turned into the village again, and then down towards the shore ; getting brilliant glimpses of the Sound now and then, and a pretty keen breeze. But the sun was strong in its modifying power, and bright and happy spirits did the rest. One little pause the sleigh made at the house where Faith had had her decisive interview with Squire Deacon, but they did not get out there; only gave a selection of comforts into the hands of one of the house hold, and jingled on their way shorewards. Not turning down to the bathing region, but taking a road that ran parallel with the Sound. " Do you remember our first walk down here, Faith ?" said Mr. Linden, " when you said you had shewed me the shore ?" "Well I did," said Faith smiling, "I shewed you what I knew; but you shewed me what I had never known before." " I m sure you shewed me some things I had never known before," he said laughing a little. "Do you know where we are going now ?" they had left the beaten road, 58 SAY AND SEAL. and entered a by-way where only footsteps marked the snow, and no sleigh before their own had broken ground. It seemed to be a sort of coast-way, leading right off to wards the dashing Sound and its low points and inlets. The shore was marked with ice as well as foam ; the water looked dark and cold, with the white gulls soaring and dip ping, and the white line of Long Island in the distance. "Xo, I don t know. Where are we going? how beautiful! how beautiful !" Faith exclaimed. "Hasn t every time its own pleasure I Where are we going, Ende- cott ?" "To see one who Dr. Harrison fancies may have some thing in him. Whatever made the doctor take such a dis like to Reuben ?" Faith did not answer, and instead looked forward with a sort of contemplative gravity upon her brow. Her cheeks were already so brilliant with riding in the fresh air that a little rise of colour could hardly have been noticed. " Do you know ?" Faith presently replied that she supposed it was a dislike taken up without any sort of real ground. " Well to tell you the truth, my little Mignonette," said Mr. Linden, "the doctor s twenty-five dollars gives me some trouble in that connexion. Reuben will take favours gladly from anybody that likes him, but towards people who do -not (they are very few, indeed) he is as proud as if he had the Bank of England at his back. / might send him a dinner every day if I chose; but if Reuben were starving, his conscience would have a struggle with him before he would take bread from Dr. Harrison." Faith listened very seriously and her conclusion was a very earnest "Oh, I am sorry ! But then," she went on thoughtfully, "I don t know that Dr. Harrison dislike-s Reuben He don t understand him, how should he? and I know they have never seemed to get on well to gether. " "I chose to answer for him the other day," said Mr. Linden "and I shall not let him refuse; but I have questioned whether I would tell him anything about the money till he is ready for the books. Then if he should meet the doctor, and the doctor should ask him ! " SAY AND SEAL. 59 Faith was silent a bit. "But Reuben will do what you tell him," she said. "And besides, Reuben was doing everything he could for Dr. Harrison the other night he can t refuse to let Dr. Harrison do something for him. I don t think he ought." "He had no thought of reward. Still, he would not refuse, if he supposed any part of the doing was out of care for him, and you know I cannot tell him that I think it is. But I shall talk to him about it. Not to-day : I will not run the risk of spoiling his pleasure at the sight of us. There do you see that little beaver-like hut on the next point? that is where he lives." Faith looked at it with curious interest. That little brown spot amidst the waste of snow and waters that was where the fisherman s boy lived ; and there he was preparing him self for college. And for what beside ? "Will Reuben or his father be hurt at all at anything we have brought them ?" she said then. " No, they will take it all simply for what it is, a New Year s gift. And Reuben would not dream of being hurt by anything we could do, he is as humble as he is proud We are like enough to find him alone." And so they found him. With an absorbed ignoring of sleigh-bells and curiosity perhaps because the former rarely came for him, Reuben had sat still at his work until his visiters knocked at the low door. But then he came with a step and face ready to find Mr. Linden though not Faith ; and his first flush of pleasure deepened with surprise and even a little embarrassment as he ushered her in. There was no false pride about it, but "Miss Faith" was looked upon by all the boys as a dainty thing; and Reuben placed a chair for her by the drift-wood fire, with as much feeling of the unfitness of surrounding circum stances, as if she had been the Queen. Something in the hand that was laid on his shoulder brushed that away; and then Reuben looked and spoke as usual. Surrounding circumstances were not so bad, after all. Faith had noticed how carefully and neatly the snow was cleared from the door and down to the water s edge, and everything within bore the same tokens. The room was 60 SAY AND SEAL. very tiny, the floor bare but very clean; the blazing drift-wood the only adornment. Yet not so: for on an old sea chest which graced one side of the room, lay Reuben s work which they had interrupted. An open book, with one or two others beside it; and by them all, with mesh and netting-kneedle and twine, lay an old net which Reuben had been repairing. The drift-wood had stone supporters, the winter wind swept in a sort of grasping way round the little hut; and the dashing of the Sound waters, and the sharp war of the floating ice, broke the stillness. But they were very glad eyes that Reuben lifted to Mr. Linden s face, and a very glad alacrity brought forward a little box for Faith to rest her feet. "Don t you mean to sit down, Mr. Linden ?" he said. "To be sure I do. But I haven t wished you a happy New Year yet." And the lips that Reuben most reverenced in the world, left their greeting on his forehead. It wa well the boy found something to do with the fire, and Faith s box, and Mr. Linden s chair 1 But then he stood silent and quiet as before. " Don t you mean to sit down, Reuben ?" said Faith. Reuben smiled, not as if he cared about a seat ; but he brought forward another little box, not even the first cousin of Faith s, and sat down as she desired. "Didn t you find it very cold, Miss Faith?" he said, as if he could not get used to seeing her there. "Are you getting warm now?" Faith said she hadn t been cold ; and would fast enough have entered into conversation with Reuben, but she thought he would rather hear words from other lips, and was sure that other lips could give them better. "And have you got quite well, ma am ?" said Reuben. "Don t I look well?" she said smiling at him. "What are you doing over there, Reuben? making a net?" "O I was mending it, Miss Faith." "I can t afford to have you at that work just now," said Mr. Linden, "you know we begin school again to-mor row. You must tell your father from me, Reuben, that he must please to use his new one for the present, and let you mend up that at your leisure. Will you ?" SAY AND SEAL. 61 Reuben flushed looking up and then down as he said, "Yes, sir," and then very softly, "0 Mr. Linden, you needn t have done that !" "Of course I need not people never need please them selves, I suppose. But you know, Reuben, there is a great deal of Santa Glaus work going on at this time of year, and Miss Faith and I have had some of it put in our hands. I won t answer for what she ll do with you ! but you must try and bear it manfully." Reuben laughed a little half in sympathy with the bright words and smile, half as if the spirit of the time had laid hold of him. "You know, Mr. Linden," said Faith laughing, but ap- pealingly too, "that Reuben will get worse handling from you than he will from me! so let him have the worst first." "I ll bring in your basket," was all he said, and the basket came in accordingly; Reuben feeling too bewildered to even offer his services. Faith found herself in a corner. She jumped up and placed herself in front of the basket so as to hide it. " Wait !" she said. " Reuben, how much of a housekeeper are you ?" " I don t know, Miss Faith, I don t believe I ever was tried." "Do you know how to make mince pies, for instance ?" But Reuben shook his head, with a low-spoken, "No, Miss Faith," a little as if she were somehow transparent, and he was viewing the basket behind her. "Never mind my questions," said Faith, "but tell me. Could you stuff a turkey, do you think, if you tried ?" "I suppose I could somehow," Reuben said, colouring and laughing. "I never tried, Miss Faith." "Then you couldn t!" said Faith, her laugh rolling round the little room, as softly as the curls of smoke went up the chimney. "You needn t think you could! But Reuben, since you can t, don t you think you would let me do it once for you?" Reuben s words were not ready in answer. But a bashful look at Faith s face and her hands, one that reminded her of the clam-roasting, was followed by a VOL. JI. 6 I 6^ SAY AND SEAL. grateful, low-spoken" I don t think you ought to do any thing for me, Miss Faith." "I have had so much pleasure in it, Reuben, you ll have to forgive me;" Faith answered, withdrawing from the basket. "You must look into that at your leisure, Reuben," Mr. Linden said, as he watched the play of feeling in the boy s face. "Miss Faith is in no hurry for her basket." Reuben heard him silently, and as silently lifted the basket from where it stood and set it carefully on the table. But then he came close up to Faith and stood by her side. "You are very good, Miss Faith !" he said. "I don t know how to thank you." "Reuben!" said Faith colouring "you mustn t thank me at all. I ve just had the pleasure of doing but it is Mr. Linden that has brought the basket here, and me ton " "And he must take you away," Mr. Linden said. "Reuben, you may thank Miss Faith just as much as you please. If I had nothing else to do, I should invite my self here to dinner, but as it is I must be off. Are you ready?" he said to Faith, while in silence Reuben knelt down to put on again the moccasins which she had thrown off, and then she followed Mr. Linden. Reuben followed too, partly to help their arrangements, partly at Mr. Linden s bidding to bring back the net. But when there was added thereto a little package which could only mean books, Reuben s cup of gravity, at least, was full; and words of good-bye he had none. And for a few minutes after they drove away Faith too was silent with great pleasure. She hardly knew, though she felt, how bright the sun was on the snow, and how genial his midday winter beams ; and with how crisp a gleam the light broke on ice points and crests of foam and glanced from the snow-banks. The riches of many days seemed crowded into the few hours of that morning Were they not on a "shining" expedition! Had they not been leaving sunbeams of gladness in house after house, that would shine on, nobody knew how long! Faith was too glad for a little while not to feel very sober ; those sun beams came from so high a source, and were wrought in SAY AND SEAL. 63 with others that so wrapped her own life about. So she looked at Jerry s ears and said nothing. "Faith," Mr. Linden said suddenly, "I wish I could tell you what it is to me to be going these rounds with you !" Faith shewed a quick, touched little smile. " I ve been thinking just now, what it means." "I should like to have the explanation of those last three words." " What it means ?" and the slight play of her lips did not at all hinder the deep, deep strength of her thought from being manifest. "It means, all you have taught me and led me to ! " "You don t intend to lead me to a very clear understand ing," he said playfully, and yet with a tone that half acknowledged her meaning. "Do you ever remember what you have taught me? r-They say one should at the end of the year, reckon up all the blessings it has brought, but I know not where to begin, nor how to recount them. This year ! it has been like the shield in the old fable, it seemed to me of iron to look forward to so cold and dark, and it has been all gold !" "Did it look so?" she said with quick eyes of sym pathy. "Yes, little Sunbeam, it looked so; and there were enough earthly reasons why it should. But unbelief has had a rebuke for once ; if I know myself, I am ready now to go forward without a question !" Over what Hill Difficulty did that future road lie ? He did not explain, and the next words came with a different tone, one that almost put the other out of Faith s head. "My little Sunbeam, do you keep warm?" " Yes" she said with a somewhat wistful look that came from a sunbeam determined upon doing its very best of shining, for him. But she was silent again for a minute. "There are plenty of sunbeams abroad to-day, Endecott," she said then with rare sweetness of tone, that touched but did not press upon his tone of a few minutes ago. "Dear Faith," he said looking at her, and answering the wistfulness and the smile and the voice all in one, "do you know I can never find words that just suit me for 11* 64 SAY AND SEAL. you? And do you know that I think there was never such a New Year s day heard of ? it is all sunshine ! Just look how the light is breaking out there upon the ice, and touching the waves, and shining through that one little cloud, and guess how I feel it in my heart. Do you know how much work of this sort, and of every sort, you and I shall have to do together, little child, if we live ?" It was a look of beauty that answered, so full in its happiness, so blushing and shy; but Faith s words were as simple as they were earnest. "I wish it. There can t be too much." Their course now became rather irregular ; crossing about from one spot to another, and through a part of the country where Faith had never been. Here was a sort of shore population, people living upon rocks and sand rent free, or almost that ; and supporting themselves otherwise as best they might. A scattered, loose-built hamlet, perching along the icy shore, and with its wild winds to rock the children to sleep, and the music of the waves for a lullaby. But the children throve with such nursing, if one might judge by the numbers that tumbled in the snow and clustered on the doursteps; and the amusement they afforded Faith was not small. The houses were too many here to have time for a visit to each, a pause at the door, and the leaving of some little token of kindness, was all that could be at tempted ; and the tokens were various. Faith s loaves of bread, and her pieces of meat, or papers from the stock of tea and sugar with which she had been furnished, or a bowl of broth jelly for some sick person, a pair of woollen stockings, perhaps, or a flannel jacket, for some rheumatic old man or woman, or a bible, or a combination of dif ferent things where the need demanded. But Faith s special fun was with the children. When they first entered the hamlet, Mr. Linden brought forward and set at her feet one basket of trifling juvenile treasures, and another filled more substantially with apples and cakes and sugarplums ; and then as all the children were out of doors, he drove slowly and let her delight as many of them as she chose. What pleasure it was ! those little cold hands, so unwonted to cakes and that could SAY AND SEAL. 65 hardly hold apples, how eagerly, how shyly, they were stretched out! with what flourishes of hare feet or old shoes the young ones scampered away, or stood gazing after Jerry s little dust-cloud of snow; ever after to re member and tell of this day, as one wherein a beautiful lady dressed up like a pussy cat, gave them an apple, or a stick of candy, or a picture book! Faith was in a debate between smiles and tears by the time they were through the hamlet and dashing out again on the open snow, for Mr. Linden had left all that part of the business to her; though the children all seemed to know him and he them by heart. And good note Faith took of that, and laid up the lesson. She had been a very good Santa Glaus the while, and had acted the part of a sunbeam indifferent well ; being just about so bright and so soft in all her dealings with those same little cold hands and quick spirits; giving them their apples and candy with a good envelope of gentle words and laughter. Seeing that she had it to do, she went into the game thoroughly. But once she made a private protest. "Do you know, Endecott, these things would taste a great deal sweeter if your hand gave them ?" " I know nothing of the sort 1 Sweeter ? look at that urchin deep in peppermint candy, could anything enhance the spice or the sweetness of that ?" "Yes," said Faith shaking her head "and look at that little girl before him, who took the apple and looked at you all the while !" "She has an eye for contrast," he said laughing, "and is probably wondering why all people can t look alike !" Faith did not secretly blame her, but she left that subject. It was to the furthest point of their round that they went now, another fisherman s house far, far off, on the shore. A little larger than Reuben s, but not so neatly kept ; as indeed how could it be ? with so many children, or how could the house hold them, in those times of weather when they condescended to stay in ! They were in pretty good order, to do their mother justice, and she in great delight 6* 66 SAY AND SEAL. at the sight of her visiters. There was no room for silence here or at least no silence in the room, for Mrs. Ling was never at a loss for words. And there was no need of much circumlocution in presenting the turkey, nothing but pleasure could come of it, let it enter on which foot it would ; and the train of potatoes, and tea, and bread, and other things, fairly made Mrs. Ling s eyes shine, though she talked away as fast as ever. The children were in spirits too great to be got rid of in any ordinary way, especially the youngest walking Ling ; whose turn having not yet come for a pair of shoes from his father s pocket, was now to be fitted out of Mr. Linden s sleigh. And the shoes did fit and little Japhet marked his sense of the obligation by at once requesting Faith to tie them. Which Faith did in a state of delight too great for words. "Now what do you feel like?" she said, when Japhet was fairly shod and she still stooping at his feet. "I feel like a king!" said Japhet promptly, which had been the height of his unrepublican ambition for some time. "Dear sakes !" said his mother, who had heard the child s request too late to interfere, "I hope you ll not mind him, ma am, he oughter know better, but he don t. And poor things, when they gets pleased it aint often, you see, ma am, so I can t be hard upon em. Do you feel warm ? we do make out to keep warm, most times." "I am quite warm, thank you; but I should think you d feel the wind down here. Japhet," said Faith, who had brought in her basket of varieties and whose quiet eyes were fairly in a dance with fun and delight, "which do you think kings like best cookies or candy ?" To which Japhet with equal promptness replied, "Candy and cookies." / "Don t!" his mother said again, but the basket of varieties looked almost as wonderful to her eyes as to those of the children, who now gathered round as near as they dare come, while Mrs. Ling cautiously peeped over their heads. "I see you feel like a king!" said Faith filling both Japhet s hands. "There! now I hope you don t feel like Alexander." SAY AND SEAL. 67 "Alexander haint got nothin 1" said Japhet, looking towards his eldest brother. Which did not overset Faith s gravity, because by this time she had none to speak of. Alexander s delight was found to be in red apples, and he thought a little common top a treasure such as neither Diogenes nor the real Alex ander knew of between them ! One little girl was made happy with a wonderful picture-book in which there were a dog, a cat, and a lion with a great mane just ready to eat a man up, with the stories thereto pertaining ; and a neat little slate seemed a most desirable acquisition to the bright eyes of an older girl. They were all more satisfied than the conqueror of the world by the time Faith rose from the basket; and then she offered her tribute of gingerbread to Mrs. Ling. The little girl with the slate, once released from the spell of the basket, went up to Mr. Linden (who had stood looking on) and said, lt She s awake now, if you please, sir," and he turned and went into the next room, leaving Mrs. Ling to entertain Faith as best she might. For which Mrs. Ling was most ready. "Ma always does want to see him" she said. "You see, ma am, she can t never get up now, so it s a play to hear somebody talk. And ma likes him special. Mr. Somers he s been kind too and Mrs. he come down when ma was first took, and since ; but souieways she don t just see into him much. I don know but it s along of his bein better than other folks but after all, a person wants to have even good things talked to em so s they can under stand. Now Mr. Linden, my Mary there 11 listen to him for an hour, and never lose a word." And Mary s bright little eyes answered that readily, while Mrs. Ling s went back to the basket. "I can t believe!" she^said. "You don t know what you ve done, ma am I Why there aint one o them children as ever see a real live turkey cooked, in their existence." "You don t know what plea-sure I had in doing it for them, Mrs. Ling. Mr. Linden told me there was a house ful of children." "Well so there is!" said Mrs. Ling looking round the room, "and it s no wonder he thinks so, for they tease him most out of his life sometimes when he s here, or 68 SAY AND SEAL. would if lie wam t as good-natured as the day s long. But there aint one too many, after all said and done, for I ve got nothing else, so if it warn t for them I should oe poorly off." With which reverse statement of the case, Mrs. Ling complacently smoothed down four or five heads, and tied as many aprons. "Ma," said little Mary, "will Mr. Linden sing for us to day ? "I dare say if you ask him pretty," said her mother. "No, I guess he s busy and won t be bothered." "He never is bothered," said Mary persistently, while two or three of the others recovering from their apples and shyness, ventured up to Faith again and began to stroke her furs. "What does he sing for you, Jenny?" said Faith, taking the little picture-book girl on her lap, and glad to put her own face down in a somewhat sheltered position. "0 he sings hymns " said Jenny, gazing abstractedly at the lion and the cat by turns," and other things too, sometimes." "Hymns are very interesting. And beautiful don t you think so ?" said Mary drawing nearer. "Yes, indeed I do," said Faith stretching out her hand and pulling the little girl up to her. "What ones do you like best, Mary ?" But Mary s answer stayed, for Mr. Linden came back at that moment, and skilfully making his way up to Faith without running over any of the little throng, he told her he was ready. And Faith, though secretly wishing for the song as much as any of the children, set Jenny on the floor and rose up$ while Mr. Linden laughingly shewed her an excellent way of investing ten cents , by giving the children each one. Meanwhile Mrs. Ling had been emptying the basket. There was the cold turkey in the full splendour of its rich brown coat a good large turkey too ; but lest there should not be enough of it to go round to so many mouths, Mrs. Derrick and Faith had added a nice piece, ready boiled, of salt pork. Then there were potatoes, and some of Faith s bread, and a paper of tea and another of sugar; and there was arrowroot, made and un made, for the sick woman, with some broth jelly. It was SAY AND SEAL. 69 one of those houses where a good deal was wanted, and the supply had been generous in proportion. Mrs. Ling was at her wits end to dispose of it all ; and the children watched her in a gale of excitement, till the last thing was carried off, and Mrs. Ling began to shake out the napkins and fold them up. But then they came round Mr. Linden with their petition, urging it with such humble pertinacity, that he was fain at last to comply. It was only a child s Christmas hymn, set to a simple, bright, quick tune, which at first kept some of the smallest feet in a greater state of unrest than the older children thought at all respectful "0 little children, sing. Jesus, your Lord and King For you a child became : On that bright Christmas day He in a manger lay, Who hath the on% Almighty name ! "Come children, love him now, Before the Saviour bow, Give him each little heart. His spotless nature see, Then like him spotless be, And choose his service for your part. " The joy of loving him Shall never fade nor dim, While worldly joys fly fast : Jesus to see and love, First here and then above, Such joy shall ever, ever last. "I ll give myself away On this new Christmas day, He gave his life for me i Jesas, my heart is thine, make it humbly shine With ever-living love to thee! "0 Jesus, our Great Friend, Our Saviour, without end Thy praises we will bring ! Glory to God s high throne ! Peace now on earth is known, And we for joy may ever sing!" I 70 SAY AND SEAL. "There" Mr. Linden said, breaking the hush into which the children had subsided, and gently disengaging himself from them, "now I have given you something to think of, and you must do it, and let me go." And he and Faith were presently on their way ; Faith feeling that she had something to think of too. The sun was westing fast as they turned, but now their way lay towards home, via sundry other places. The long sunbeams were passing lovely as they lay upon the snow, and the fantastic shadows of Jerry and the sleigh and all it held, were in odd harmony and contrast. The poverty- stricken house to which the two had walked that memora ble night, had been already visited and passed, and several others with sick or poor inhabitants. Then Mr. Linden turned off down one of the scarce broken by-roads, and stopped before a little lonely brown house with an old but- tonwood tree in front. "There is a blanket to go in here, Faith," he said as. he took her out, " and also my hammer ! for there is always something to do." "Always something to do at this house?" "Yes," he answered laughingly, "so you must hold in check your aversion to carpenters." "If you ll please have a charity for the butcher and baker, and tell me what I shall take in here ? for my part." "0 we ll go in and find oat, these good people are never just suited unless they have the ordering of every thing. They ll tell us what they want fast enough, but if we guessed at it beforehand, they would maybe find out that those were just the things they did not want. Only my hammer I m sure of that." The "good people" in question, were an old man and his wife, living in one little room and with very little furni ture. Very deaf the old man was, and both of them dim- sighted, so that the old bible on the shelf was only a thing to look at, if indeed it had ever been anything more, which some people doubted. This was one of the first things Mr. Linden took hold of after the kind greetings were passed, and he gave it to Faith ; telling her that old Mr. Koscom always expected his visitors to read to him, SAY AND SEAL. 7i and that if she would do that, he would mend Mrs. Ros- com s spinning-wheel which he saw was ready for him. Faith threw back her hood and her furs, and took a seat close by the old man ; and the first thing he heard was her sweet voice asking him where she should read, or if he liked to hear any part in particular. "No," he said, "he liked to have it surprise him." Faith pondered how she should best surprise him, but she had not much time to spare and no chance to ask counsel. So she read as her heart prompted her, first the fifth chapter of II. Corinthians with its joyful Chris tian profession and invitation to others; then she read the account of Jesus healing the impotent man and bidding him " sin no more" ; and then she turned over to the Psalms and gave Mr. Roscom the beautiful 103d psalm of thanksgiving, which after those other two passages seemed particularly beautiful. This was work that Faith loved, and she read so. How softly the hammer worked while she read, she might have noticed if her mind had not been full; but though she had no word from that quarter, Mr. Roscom a opinion was clear. "That s good," he said, " and strong;^ and I m obleeged to ye." And then, the wheel being near done, there was a little skilful talk gone into; in the course of which Faith and Mr. Linden learned, that the old couple were " real tired of salt meat, some days" and that rye bread "warnt thought wholesome by itself" and that " if their tea should give out they didn t know what they should do !" and that " times when the old man was a little poorly, nothing on airth would serve him but a roasted potato!" All of which was said just for the pleasure of talking to sympathizing faces, without the least idea of what was at the door. The blanket was too old a want to be spoken of, but Faith needed only to look at the bed. And then she looked at Mr. Linden, in delighted watch to see what his next move would be ; in the intervals of her chat with Mr. Pvoscom, which was very lively. Mr. Linden had finished his work, and stood balancing Y2 SAY AND SEAL. his hammer and listening to the catalogue of wants with a smile both grave and bright. "Are these just the things you wish for?" he said. "Well your Father kuoweth that ye have need of them, and he has sent them by our hands to-day; so you see that you may trust him for the future." He laid his hand on Faith s shoulder as an invitation to her to follow, and went out to the sleigh. She was at the side of it as soon as he, and in it the next minute, stopping to give him only with the eye one warm speech of sym pathy and joy. "You haven t put up a basket specially for these people, of course," she said, "so we shall have to take the things from everywhere. There s a beautiful chicken in that bas ket, Endecott I know; that s the largest one we havo left ; and bread there aren t but two loaves here ! shall we give them both ? or. do we want one somewhere else?" "I think we may give them both. And Faith don t you think a roasted apple might alternate usefully with the potato ?" Faith dived into the receptacle for apples and brought out a good quantity of the right kind. Potatoes were not in very large supply, but tea and sugar were blessed things ! unfailing. "And here is a pumpkin pie !" said Faith " I am sure they ll like that and as many cookies and cruller as you like. And what else, Endecott ? here s a pair of those big socks mother knit wouldn t they be good here ?" " Very good, dear child 1 and this blanket must go and some tracts, that will furnish more reading. You run in with those, Faith these other things are too heavy for you." "I ve strength enough to carry a blanket," said Faith laughing. "Well, run off with that too, then," said Mr. Linden, " only if your strength gives out by the way, please to fall on the blanket." Faith managed to reach the house safely and with a bright face deposited the blanket on a chair. "I got leave to bring this in to you, Mrs. Roscom," she said. "1 sup pose you know what Mr. Linden means you to do with it. " SAY AND SEAL. 73 Perhaps they had seen no two people in the course of the day more thoroughly pleased than these two. The sources of pleasure were not many in that house, and the expectation of pleasure not strong ; and the need of comforts had not died out with the supply; and old and alone as they were, the looking forward to possible cold and hunger was a trial. It was easy to see how that blanket warmed the room and promised a mild winter, and how the socks be came liniment, and it seemed doubtful whether the old man would ever be sick enough for roast potatoes, with the potatoes really in the house. So with other things, they took a childish pleasure even in the cakes and pie, and an order for wood was a real relief. And what a dinner they were already eating in imagination ! Mr. Linden had put Faith in the sleigh, with the last sunset rays playing about her ; and he stood wrapping her up in all sorts of ways, and the old man and the old woman stood in the door to see. Then in a voice which he sup posed to be a whisper, Mr. Roscoin said, "Be she his wife?" " He didn t say and I don know what he said," screamed Mrs. Roscom. "Wai she s handsome enough for it and so s he," said the old man contemplatively. "I hope he ll get one as good !" Very merrily Mr. Linden laughed as they drove away. "I hope I shall !" he said. "Faith, what do you think of that? And which of us has the compliment?" But Faith was engaged in pulling her furs and buffalo robes round her, and did not appear to consider compli ments even a matter of moonshine; much less of sunshine. Her first words were to remark upon the exceeding beauty of the last touch the sunlight was giving to certain snowy heights and white cumuli floating above them ; a touch so fair and calm as if heaven were setting its own seal on this bright day. " Is your hearl in the clouds ?" Mr. Linden said, bending down to look at her with his laughing eyes. "How can you abstract your thoughts so suddenly from all sublunary affairs ! Do you want any more wrapping up ?" VOL. ii. 7 74 SAY AND SEAL. A little flashing glance of most naive appeal, and Faith s eyes went down absolutely. "You may as well laugh!" he said. "One cannot get through the world without occasionally hearing frightful suggestions." Faith did laugh, and gave him another good little look, about which the only remarkable thing was that it was afraid to stay. "What were your cloudy remarks just now?" said Mr. Linden. "I wanted you to look at the beautiful light on them and those far-off ridges of hill it is not gone yet." " Yes, they are very beautiful. But I believe I am not in a meditative mood to-day, or else the rival colours distract me. Faith, I mean to put you in the witness-box again. " "In the witness-box?" she said with a mental jump to Neanticut, and a look to suit. "Yes but we are not on the banks of Kildeer river, and need not be afraid," he said with a smile. "Faith what ever made you take such an aversion to Phil Davids ?" " I don t dislike him," she said softly. "I did not mean to doubt your forgiving disposition! But what did he do to displease you ?" Did Mr. Linden know? or did he not know! Faith looked up to see". He was just disentangling one of the lines from Jerry s tail, but met her look with great com posure. "It s an old thing," said Faith. "It s not worth bringing up. "But since I have brought it won t you indulge me?" The red on Faith s cheeks grew brilliant. "It isn t any thing you would like, if I told it to you. Won t you let me let it alone ?" "I should like to hear you tell it." "He made one or two rude speeches" said Faith in very great doubt and confusion; "that was all." "That I knew before." "Did you?" said Faith looking at him. "How did yoi know it, Endeoott ?" SAY AND SEAL. Y5 There was a curious gentle, almost tender, modulation of tone in this last sentence, which covered a good deal of possible ground. Mr. Linden drew up one of her mufflers which had fallen off a little, giving her as he did so a silent though laughing answer, as comprehensive as her ques tion. "You are just the dearest and most precious little child in the whole world 1" he said. "But why are you afraid to tell me now? and why did Phil s insinuation cause you such dismay ?" Faith s confusion would have been, as her rosy flush was, extreme, if something in Mr. Linden s manner had not met that and rebuked it, healing the wound almost before it was made. Between the two Faith struggled for a standing-ground of equanimity, but words, though she struggled for them too, in her reason or imagination she could not find. "I want an answer to one of these questions," Mr. Linden said, in a playful sort of tone. "Dr. Harrison used to ask me if you lived upon roses but do you think 1 can ?" Faith made an effort. "What do you want me to say?" "What was it in Phil s words that troubled you so much ?" The crimson rush came back overwhelmingly. " Oh Endy please don t ask me 1 " "Not quite fair," he said smiling. "I m sure I am willing to tell you anything. Though indeed I do not suppose you need much telling. But Faith is that the system of tactics by which you intend always to have your own way? I shall have to be philosophical to any point !" "That speech is so very zigzag," said Faith, "that I cannot follow it. How are you going to be philosophical, Mr. Linden ?" "Not by forgetting to exact your forfeit, Miss Der rick." "That isn t fair," said Faith laughing. "I didn t for get ! I shouldn t think you had gone> all day without eat ing anything ! and yet you must be starving." 76 SAY AND SEAL. "For what? little provider." "For something to eat, I should think." " Does that mean that you are suffering ? because if that be the case, I will refresh you (cautiously) with sugar plums ! A very superfluous thing, to be sure, but the most suitable I can think of." Faith s laugh came clear now. "No indeed. Suffer ing 1 I never eat so many dinners in one day in my life. But I am hungry though, I believe. How many more places are we going to ? I don t care how many," she said earnestly. "I like to be hungry." " Well, keep up your spirits, the next turn will bring us out of the woods, and a three-minute stay at one or two doors will end our work for this time. Meanwhile, 4o you want to hear a little bit of good poetry on an entirely new subject?" "Oh yes! if you please." Demurely enough it was given. " Her true beauty leaves behind Apprehensions in my mind Of more sweetness, than all art Or inventions can impart. Thoughts too deep to be expressed, And too strong to be repressed. " She gave him a wistful look as he finished the lines; and then sat among her furs, as quiet again as a mouse. " Do you like them, Mignonette ?" "Yes very much." "Would you like to tell me then why the hearing of them makes you sober ?" "Yes if you wish"; she said gently. "I know a little I believe, what you think of me ; but what I seem to your eyes on the outside and much more ! I want to be really, really in the sight of the eye that tries the heart and I am not now, Endy." "My dear child " he said, and was silent a minute, speeding smoothly along through the starlight; then went on. "Yes, dear Faith, that is what I wish for you and for myself. That is where we will most earnestly try to SAY AND SEAL. 77 help each other." And presently, as eye and thoughts were caught and held by the wonderful constellation above in the clear sky, yet not drawn away from what they had been talking of, Mr. Linden said, " Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, that bringeth the shadow of death upon the day, and turn- eth the night into morning! " And so, in the thought of that, they went home; Orion looking down upon them, and they leaving bits of brightness by the way at the two or three houses which yet remained. The box sleigh got home at last emptied of all its load but the two travellers. Mrs. Derrick and supper were ready for them, and had been a good while ; and by this time Mr. Linden and Faith were ready for supper. And much as Mrs. Derrick had to hear, she had something to tell. How Judge Harrison had come to make a visit and say good-bye, and how he had put in her hands another twenty-five dollars to be added to those his son had already bestowed on Reuben. Squire Stoutenburgh too had been there ; but his errand was to declare that Jerry could never be received again into his service, but must henceforth remain in Mrs. Der rick s stable and possession. Altogether, the day even at home had been an exciting one. A little time after supper Faith went into the sitting- room. Mr. Linden was there alone. Faith came up to the back of his chair, laid a hand on his shoulder, and bent her head into speaking neighbourhood. It may be remarked, that though Faith no longer said " Mr. Linden," yet that one other word of his name was never spoken just like her other words. There was always a little lowering or alteration of tone, a slight pause before or after it, which set and marked it as bordered round with all the regards which by any phrase could be made known. "Endecott" she said very softly, "do you know what you have been doing to-day ?" "Comprehensively speaking I have been enjoying my self," he said with a bright smile at her. "You have been giving me a lesson all the while, that I felt through and through. " "Through and through?" he repeated. "Come round 78 SAY AND SEAL. here, little bird you need not perch on the back of nij chair. What are you singing about ?" "Of what you have taught me to-day," "I must have fallen into a very unconscious habit of lesson-giving. What have I taught you? suppose you teach me." "How one should hold forth the word of life. " "Ah little bird!" he said, with a look at her which said his day s lesson had been the same, yet on different grounds. "Well if you can learn anything from so im perfect a teacher, I am glad. But do not rest there, take up the olive leaf and bear it on 1" CHAPTER Y. MRS DERRICK went to Pequot the next day, and found Miss Danforth as Faith had left her ; or rather, somewhat more failing in everything but mind-strength. Mrs. Derrick was greatly welcomed by both ladies ; but she had not been there three hours when Miss Dilly spoke out what was on her heart. "Isn t Faith coming back to me again?" For Faith s sake her mother hesitated, and yet it was for Faith s sake that she answered, "Yes, if you want her." "It won t be for long I shall want her," said Miss Dilly with a quietness very unlike her old self: "but I would like to have her dear face and music about me once more if she can let me." Mrs. Derrick came back with Mr. Stoutenburgh to Pattuquasset that same evening; and Faith put up her books and made immediate preparations for going to Pequot in her stead. " I must let you go, child," said her mother, " I couldn t refuse." "And I am so glad to-morrow is Wednesday, for I can take you over," said Mr. Linden. Wednesday afternoon was very fair, and after dinner Faith and all her needful baggage were bestowed in the little sleigh, and the journey began. Not very much of a journey indeed, unless compared with the length of day light; but as fair and bright and pleasant as a journey could be. Full of talk of all sorts, gliding on through the fading day and the falling night, until the floor of heaven Was thick inlaid with patines of bright. gold." Very bright the stars were, very dark the sky, when , Jerry s bells began to mingle with a crowd of others in the (79) 80 SAY AND SEAL. streets of Pequot. Faith had insisted that Mr. Linden should come in and have a cup of tea or coffee before he went back again; and this being a not unreasonable re quest, besides a pleasant one, she had her way. Miss Danforth was in her room and could not see Mr. Linden. Faith with a kiss and a word established the little Frenchwoman to talk to him, obtaining leave to do what she pleased; though Madame Danforth managed to have her share in the hospitality ; got out cups and saucers for Faith and Mr. Linden both on a little table by the fire, her rolls and her butter; talking all the while to him; and took a minute to run down into the kitchen and see that Faith and the coffee-pot were getting on properly. And it may be said in passing that the result did credit to both. The coffee served to Mr. Linden was faultless. Madame Danforth however had hardly presented him his cup, when she was called off and her guests were left alone. "Faith," said Mr. Linden, "you must not forget that you have something to do for me as well as for other people while you are here." "I don t forget it. But what do you mean, Ende- cott ? " To put it in the most effective way I mean that you must take care of me !" he said smiling. "I will. As good care as you would take of your self." " That is a little ambiguous ! But will you send me word very often of your success ?" Faith looked up and looked at him, a little startled. "Do you mean " "I mean that there is a postoffice in Pattaquasset and another in Pequot." She coloured, and somewhat hastily busied herself with refilling Mr. Linden s cup. Then she folded her hands and sat Jooking into the fire with a face on which there was a touching expression of humbleness. "My little Mignonette," he said, "what are you think ing of ?" "I am thinking of that," she said with a smile which did not change the expression. " Of what you want me to do and about it." SAY AND SEAL. 81 "What about it? Are you inditing a letter to me on the spot?" "No." "What then?" Faith would have liked to have her face out of sight, but she couldn t, conveniently. "I am thinking, how I shall do it and how you will not like it." " You don t know" said Mr. Linden. "Let me tell you how I shall like it. I shall read it, and love it, and answer it will that satisfy you ? or do you want me to hang it round my neck by a blue ribband ? because if you do, I will." The laughing flash of Faith s eye contained nevertheless a protest. " No, you will not like it, because it will not be fit for you to like ; but you will have patience with it," she said with a smile which did in its loveliness bid good-bye to shadows. Mr. Linden left the table, and standing before her as she had risen too, took her face softly in both hands and raised it up for his inspection. "Do you know what a naughty child you are ?" A most quaint little "yes." "Then why don t you behave better?" he said, enforcing his question but not releasing her. "I suppose you will teach rne, in time" she said, blush ing and sparkling under his hands. He seemed to like to study her face or was thinking that he should not see it again for some time, the expression on his own belonged to more than one thing. "You must not make me wait for that letter, Faith," he said "and I must not let you keep me any longer here ! But if you want anything, of any sort, you must send to me." "Yes! to you or to mother." "To me if it is anything I can do," he said as. he bade her good-bye. " And take care of yourself, dear child, foe me." And releasing her at last, none too willingly, Mr. Linden went out alone into the starlight. He did not see nor guess how Faith stdod before the fire where he 82 SAY AND SEAL. had left her, looking down into it, motionless and grave until Madame Danforth came back. Then all that part of her life was shut up within her, and Faith was again to other eyes what she had been before at Pequot. Yet not 80 entirely the same, nor was all that part of her life so entirely shut up to herself, that both her aunt and Madame Danforth did not have a thought and exchange a word on the subject. "The sun has found the blossom I" said the little French woman knowingly one day; "they do not open so without that!" "Nonsense!" said Miss Danforth. "I will ask her." But she never did. And for a little while again Faith filled her old office. Miss Dilly had no troubles or darkness to clear away now ; the Bible was plain sailing to her; but she could never spread her sails too soon or too full for that navigation. Early and late, as before, Faith read to her, with a joy and gladness all brightened from the contrast of that Sunday night s reading, and coming with a fuller spring since that one little word of her mother the same night. Indeed the last few days had seemed to make the Bible even greatly more precious to Faith than ever before. She clung more fast, she searched more eagerly, among its treasures of riches, to its pillars of strength ; valueing them all, as it seemed to her, with a new value, with a fresh knowledge of what might be found and won there for others and herself. So with the very eagerness of love Faith read the Bible to Miss Dilly; and so as she had done before, many a time, early and late, in childlike simpleness prayed at her bedside and by her chair. And as before when she was at Pequot she won Madame Danforth s heart, she intrenched herself there now. She was all over the house, carrying a sunbeam with her; but Faith never thought it was her own. She was a most efficient maid of all work, for nursing and too much care had worn poor Madame Danforth not a little. Faith was upper servant and cook by turns; and sometimes went to market ; made every meal pleasant with her gentle happy ways; and comforted the two old ladies to the very top of comfort. Whether she wanted to be" at home or not, Faith did not SAY AND SEAL 83 stop to ask herself. But those letters those letters they were written, and they were carried to the postoffice and others were found at the postoffice in reply to them. And what had been such trial in the proposition, became, even in the first instance, the joy of Faith s life. She wrote hers how she could; generally at night, when she could be quite uninterrupted and alone. It was often very late at night, but it was always a time of rare pleasure and liberty of heart; for if the body were tired, the spirit was free. And Faith s was particularly free, for the manacles and fetters of pride which weigh so bitter heavy on many a mind and life, her gentle and true spirit had let fall. She knew nobody better that her letters were not like those letters of Mr. Linden s sister, Pet : those exquisite letters, where every grace and every talent of a finely gifted and fully cultivated mind seemed playing together with all the rich stores of the past and realities of the present. She knew, that in very style and formalities of execution, her own letters were imperfect and unformed. But she was equally sure that in time what was wrong in this kind would be made right ; and she was not afraid to be found wrong, at all, for her own sake. It was because of somebody else, that she had flinched from this writing proposal; because she felt that what was wrong in her touched him now. But there again, Faith wrote, trusting with an absolute trust in the heart and hand to which she ^ent her letters; willing to be found wrong if need be; sure to be set right truly and gently. And so, Faith wrote her own heart and life out, from day to day, giving Mr. Linden precisely what he wanted, and with a child s fear lessness. It was a great thing to go to the postoffice those days! Faith left it to nobody else to do for her. And how strange how weird, almost, the signature of those letters and her own name on the outside looked to her, in the same fr.ee, graceful handwriting which she had read on that little card so long ago ! And the letters themselves ? - enough to say, that they made Faith think of the way she had been sheltered from the wind, and carried upstairs when her strength failed, and read to and talked to and instructed, that they made her long to be home and yet con tent to be there ; giving her all sorts of details, of things in 84 SAY AND SEAL. Pattaquasset and things elsewhere just as the writer would have talked them to her ; with sometimes a word of counsel, or of caution, or of suggestion, or some old German hymn which she might find of use in her ministrations, written out in full. It may be mentioned in passing, that the fair little face he had been looking at, or her evident fear of writing to him, made Mr. Linden write to her that very night; a little sugarplum of a letter, which Faith had for her dinner next day. And Faith read these letters at all sorts of times, and thought of them at other times ; and made them next to her Bible as she should. CHAPTER VI. weeks passed quietly, without much apparent _ change in Miss Danforth; and Faith was beginning to think of appointing a time to go home. But the neces sity for that was suddenly superseded. The Friday follow ing, Miss Dilly took a change for the worse, and Saturday she died. Faith sent off tidings immediately to Pattaquas- set; but her letter could not reach there till Monday ; and Monday came a very great fall of snow which made trav elling impossible. Faith waited patiently, comforting Ma dame Danforth as she might, and endeavouring to win her to some notion of that joy in the things of the Bible in which Miss Dilly had lived and died. For no change had come over Miss Dilly s sky ; and she had set sail from the shores of earth in the very sunlight. It fell out, that Faith s letter of Saturday afternoon had been five minutes too late for the mail ; and after lying in the office at Pequot over Sunday, had been again subjected to the delays of Monday s storm, which in its wild fury put a stop to everything else; and thus, when Mr. Linden went to the office Tuesday morning before school time, the mail had not yet got in. Not long after, however, Mr. Skip brought home the letters ; and Mrs. Derrick reading hers, at once took Mr. Skip and Jerry and set off for Pequot; minding neither snowdrifts nor driving wind, when the road to Faith lay through them, and arriving there quite safe about the hour of midday. The delayed funeral took place the same afternoon. And the next morning, in a brilliant cold day, snow all over the ground and the sky all blue, the mother and daughter set forth homewards. Madame Danforth was going to take another relation in, and live on still in the little bouse where she and her sister-in-law had made a happy home for so many years. Miss Danforth had left a few hundreds, three or four, to Faith. It was all she bad owned in the world ; her principal living having been an VOL. ii. 8 (85) 86 SAY AND SEAL. annuity settled upon her by her brother, which reverted to Madame Danforth. It was about mid afternoon when they reached home, and of course the house held no one but Cindy ; except in deed that sort of invisible presence which books and other inanimate things make known ; and Cindy had to tell of two or three visiters, but otherwise nothing. Yery fair it all looked to Faith, very sweet to her ear was the sound of the village clock, although as yet it was only striking three. She did not say much about the matter. A gleeful announcement that she was glad to be at home, she made to Mrs. Derrick; but after that she expressed herself in action. One of her first moves was to the kitchen, determined that there should be a double con sciousness of her being at home when supper-time came. Then books were got out, and fires put in wonderful order. Mr. Linden might guess, from the state in which he found his room, that it had come under its old rule. No such fire had greeted him there for weeks ; no such brushed-up clean hearth ; no such delicate arrangement of table and chairs and curtains and couch. But the fire burned quietly and told no tales, otherwise than by its very orderly snap ping and sparkling. And indeed it so happened, that Mr. Linden went first into the sitting-room, partly to see if any one was there, partly because the day was cold, and under Cindy s man agement there was small reason to suppose that his room was warm. And once there, the easy-chair reminded him so strongly that he was tired, that he even sat down in it before going upstairs, which combination a long walk through the snowdrifts since school, made very acceptable. Five minutes after, Faith having got rid of her kitchen apron, opened softly the door of the sitting-room. She stopped an instant, and then came forward, her gladness not at all veiled by a very rosy veil of shy modesty. There was no stay in his step to meet her, he had sprung up with the first sound of her foot on the threshold ; and how much she had been missed and longed for Faith might guess, from the glad silence in which she was held fast and for a minute not allowed to speak herself. So very glad ! she could see it and feel it exceedingly as he brought her SAY AND SEAL. 87 forward to the fire, and lifted up her face, and looked at it with eyes that were not easily satisfied. "My little Sunbeam," he said, "how lovely you are !" She had been laughing and flushing with a joy almost as frankly shewn as his own ; but that brought a change over her face. The eyes fell, and the line of the lips was unbent after a different fashion. "I don t know what it is like to see you again," Mr. Linden said as his own touched them once more, *Tike any amount of balm and rest and refreshment! How long have you been here, dear child ? and how do you do ? and have you any idea how glad I am to have you home ?" She answered partly in dumb show, clasping one hand upon his shoulder and laying down her head upon it. Her words were very quiet and low-spoken. "We came home a while ago and I am very well." Mr. Linden rested his face lightly upon her shining hair, and was silent till Faith wondered ; little guessing what thoughts the absence and the meeting and above all her mute expression, had stirred; nor what bitterness was wrapped in those sweet minutes. But he put it aside, and then took the sweetness pure and unmixed; giv ing her about as much sunshine as he said she gave him. "How do you like writing to me, Faith ?" he said. "Am I, on the whole, any more terrific at a distance than near by?" "I didn t know you could be so good at a distance," she said expressively. "Did you find out what reception your letters met?" "I didn t want to find out." "Do you call that an answer?" he said smiling. "Why didn t you want to find out? and did you?" "Why!" said Faith, "I didn t want to find out be cause it wasn t necessary. I did find out that I liked to write. But you wouldn t have liked it if you had known what time of night it was, of: en." "What do you think of taking up a new study?" said Mr. Linden. "It strikes me that it would do you good *o stand in the witness-box half an hour every day, just 88 SAY AND SEAL. for practice. Faith did you find out what reception your letters met?" " I knew before " she said, meeting his eyes. . "Did you ! then what made you assure me I should not like them ?" "I don t think you did, Endecott the parts of them that you oughtn t to have liked." "Truly I think not!" he said laughing. "You are on safe ground there, little Mignonette. But speaking of let ters do you want more tidings from Italy ?" ^ " yes I if you please. Are they good ? And has all been good here with you and the school since I have beeu away ?" " Yes, they are good, my sister and yours is enjoy ing herself reasonably. And the boys have been good, and I have wanted my Mignonette." One word in that speech brought a soft play of colour to Faith s face, but her words did not touch that point. The days went on very quietly after that, and the weeks followed, quietly, regularly, full of business and pleasure. Quick steps were made in many things during those weeks, little interrupted by the rest of Pattaquasset, some of the most stirring people of that town being away. An occa sional tea-drinking did steal an evening now and then, but also furnished the before and after walk or ride, and so on the whole did little mischief; and as Faith was now some times taken on Mr. Linden s visits to another range of soci ety, she saw more of him than ever ; and daily learned more and more not only of him, but of his care for her. His voice never indeed harsh to any one took its gentlest tones to her ; his eye its softest and deepest lustre : no matter how tired he came home the first sight of her seemed to banish all thought of fatigue. Faith could feel that she was the very delight of his life. Indeed, by degrees, she began to understand that she had long been so only there had once been a qualification, now, the sunshine of his happiness had nothing to check its ex pression, or its endeavour to make her life as bright. That he took "continual comfort" in her, Faith could see. SAY AND SEAL. 89 And child ! he did not see what this consciousness spurred her to do ; how the strength of her heart spent itself yet was never spent in efforts to grow and become more worthy of him and more fit for him to take comfort in. The days were short, and Faith s household duties not few, especially in the severe weather, when she could not let her mother be tried with efforts which in summer-time might be easy and pleasant enough. A good piece of every day was of necessity spent by Faith about house and in the kitchen, and faithfully given to its work. But her heart spurred her on to get knowledge. The times when Mr. Linden was out of school could rarely be study times, except of study with him; and to be prepared for him Faith was eager. She took times that were hers all alone. Nobody heard her noiseless footfall in the early morning down the stair. Long before it was light, hours before the sun thought of shewing his face to the white Mong and the snowy houseroofs of Pattaquasset, Faith lighted her fire in the sitting-room, and her lamp on the table ; and after what in the first place was often a good while with her Bible, she bent herself to the deep earnest absorbed pressing into the studies she was pursuing with Mr. Linden or such of them -as the morning had time for. Faith could not lengthen the day at the other end; to prevent the sun was her only chance ; and day after day and week after week, through the short days of February, she had done solid work and a deal of it before anybody in the house saw her face in the kitchen or at breakfast. They saw it then as bright* as ever. Mr. Linden only knew that his scholar made very swift and smooth progress. He would have known more, for Faith would have shewn the effects of her early hours of work in her looks and life the rest of the day, but happiness is strong ; and a mind abso lutely at peace with God and the world has a great rest ! Friction is said to be one of the notable hindering powers in the world of matter it is equally true, perhaps, of the world of spirit. Without it, in either sphere, how softly and with how little wear and tear, everything moves I And Faith s life knew none. 8* CHAPTER VII. IT was near the end of February, rather late in the afternoon of a by no means balmy day, in the course of which Dr. Harrison had arrived to look after his repairs. But the workmen had stopped work and gone home to supper, and the doctor and his late dinner sat together. Luxuriously enough, on the doctor s part, for the dinner was good and well cooked, the bottles -of wine irreproach able (as wine) in their silver stands, the little group of different coloured glasses shining in the firelight. The doctor s fingerbovvl and napkin stood at hand, ( at this stage of the proceeding) his half-pared apple was clearly worth the trouble, and he himself between the fire and his easy- chair might be said to be "in the lap of comfort." Com fort rarely did much for him but take him on her lap, however he seldom stayed there; and on the present occasion the doctor s eyes were very wide open and his thoughts at work. It might be presumed that neither process was cut short, when the old black man opened the door and announced Mr. Linden. But if Mr. Linden could have seen the doctor s face just before, he might have supposed that his entrance had pro duced rather a sedative effect. For* the brow smoothed itself down, the eye took its light play and the mouth its light smile, and the doctor s advance to meet his friend was marked with all its graceful and easy unconcern. Ho did not even seem energetic enough to be very glad ; for grace and carelessness still blended in his welcome and in his hospitable attentions, nothing of which however was failing. He had presently made Mr. Linden as comfortable as himself, so far as possible outward appliances could be effectual; established him at a good side of the table; Burnished him with fruit and pressed him with wine; and then sitting at ease at his own corner, sipped His claret daintily, eyeing Mr. Linden good humouredly Between sips ; (90) SAY AND SEAL. 91 but apparently too happily on good terras ^ith Comfort to be in any wise eager or anxious as to what Mr. Linden s business might be, or whether he had ai.y. "Has the news of ray arrival flown over Pattaquasset already?" said he. "I thought I had seen nothing but frieze jackets, and friezes of broken plaster and I have certainly felt so much of another kind of freeze that I should hardly think even news could have stirred." Mr. Linden s reception of the doctor s hospitality had been merely nominal except so far as face and voice had the receiving, and he answered quietly " I don t know. I happened to want you, doctor, and so I found out that you were here." " Want me ? I am very glad to be wanted by you so that it be not for you. What is it, my dear Linden ?" " No you will not be glad," said Mr. Linden, "though it is both for me and not for me. I want you to go with me to see one of my little scholars who is sick." "Who is he?" "One whom you have seen but will not remember, Johnny Fax." "Fax " said the doctor "I remember the name, but no particular owner of it. What s the matter with him ?" "I want you to come and see." "Now?" "As near that as may be." "Now it shall be, then; though with such a February night on one side, it takes all your power on the other to draw me out of this chair. You don t look much like Comedy, and I am very little like the great buskin-wearer but I would as lieve Tragedy had me by the other shoulder as February, when his fingers have been so very long away from the fire. Did you ever read Thomson s Castle of Indolence, Linden ?" "Not to much purpose the name is all I remember." "Stupid book," said the doctor; "but a delightful place !" The luxury of broadcloth and furs in which the doctor was presently involved might have rendered him reasonably independent, one would think, of February or any other of Jank Frost s band. Jerry was at the door, and involving. 92 SAY AND SEAL. themselves still further in buffalo robes the two gentle men drove to the somewhat distant farm settlement which called Jonathan Fax master. Mr. Fax was a well-to-do member of the Pattaquasset community, as far as means went ; there was very little knowledge in his house how to make use of means. Nor many people to make use of the knowledge. The one feminine member of the family had lately married and gone off to take care of her own concerns, and Jonathan and his one other child lived on as best they might; the child being dependant upon the maid of all work for his clothes and breakfast, for his Sunday lessons upon Faith, for the weekday teaching and comfort of his little life upon Mr. Linden. Living along in this somewhat divided way, the child had suddenly taken sick no one just knew how; nor just what to do with him except to send Mr. Linden word by one of the other boys, which had been done that afternoon. And thus it was, that Dr. Harrison had been looked for, found, and drawn out into the February night with only the slight protection of furs and broadcloth. Thus it was that after a short and rather silent drive, the two gentlemen went together into the last-century sort of a house, received the angular welcome of Jonathan Fax, and stood side by side by the bed where the sick child lay. Side by side with what different faces I A difference which Johnny was quick to recognize. He lay on the bed, wrapped in a little old plaid cloak, and with cheeks which rivalled its one remaining bright colour; and half unclosing his heavy eyes to see the doctor, he stretched out his arms to Mr. Linden, clasping them round his neck as his friend sat down on the bedside and gently lifted him up, and receiving the kiss on his flushed cheek with a little parting of the lips which said how glad he was. But then he lay quite still in Mr. Linden s arms. Whatever attractions the Castle of Indolence might have for Dr. Harrison upon occasion, he never seemed so much as to look that way when he was at his work. Now, it made no difference that he was no friend of Johnny s; he gave his attention thoroughly and with all his skill to the condition and wants of his little patient. "Is there nobody to take care of him?" he asked in SAY AND SEAL. 93 French, for Jonathan Fax with his square and by no means delicate and tender physiognomy stood at the other side of the bed heavily looking on. "I shall, to-night," said Mr. Linden. "You may give me your directions." The doctor proceeded to do this ; but added, " He wants care and good nursing ; and he ll suffer if he don t have it. He is a sick child." "He shall have it," was all the answer; and when the doctor had finished his work for the time, Mr. Linden laid the child on the bed again, giving him a whispered promise to come back and stay with him all night; upon the strength of which promise Johnny fell into a deep sleep. "Has the creature nobody to take care of him?" said the doctor as they went out. "Nobody at home." "I shall be here a day or two, Linden I ll see him early in the morning again." Mr. Linden s next move through the biting air was to drive home. At the door of the sitting-room Faith met him " Endecott how is he ?" " Less well than I expected to find him, dear Faith. I found Dr. Harrison and took him there with me." "And what did Dr. Harrison say of him ?" "That he wanted good care and nursing." "And who is there to give it to him, Endy?" she said with a very saddened and earnest face. "Why I shall give it to him to-night, my child, and we ll see about to-morrow. The doctor promised to go there again in the morning." She stood a moment silent, and then said, "I ll go with you." " Not to-night, dear it is not needful. He will not want more than one watcher." "But he might want something else something to be done that a woman about the house might be wanted for let me go too ! " "No indeed! you must go to sleep. And he will hardly want anything but what I can give him to-night. I know / well what your little hands are in a sick room," be said 94 SAY AND SEAL. taking them in his own, " 1 know well ! but they are not made of iron nor are you." Faith looked ill satisfied. "Well, you ll not hinder my taking your place by him to-morrow, Endy ?" "If I can," Mr. Linden said, "I shall come home to breakfast, and then I may know what you had better do; but if I should be detained there, and so not get here till midday, wait for me I should not like to have you go without seeing me again ; and I can leave Reuben there for the morning if need be." "Oh Endecott! " she said with a heart full; but she said no more and ran away. She came back soon to call Mr. Linden to tea, which had waited ; and after tea when he was about going she put a basket in his hand. " I hope Mr. Fax has wood in his house, so that you can keep a fire, but you are not likely to find anything else there. You ll want everything that is in this, Endy please remember." "I will not forget," he said, as he gave her his thanks. "But what did that exclamation mean, before tea? : " What exclamation ? Oh " said Faith, smiling some what but looking down, "I suppose it meant that I was disappointed." "My dear little child you must try not to feel disap pointed, because I am quite sure you ought not to go ; and that must content both you and me. So good night." Faith tried to be contented, but her little scholar lay on her heart. And it lay on her heart too, that Mr. Linden would be watching all night and teaching all day. He did not know how much he had disappointed, for she hud laid a fine plan to go by starlight in the morning to take his place and send him home for a little rest before breakfast and school. Faith studied only one book that night, and that was her Bible. It was a night of steady watching, broken by many other things, but not by sleep. There was constantly some little thing to do for the sick child, ranging from giving him a drink of water, to giving him talk, or rock ing and it might be singing him to sleep. But the SAY AND SEAL. 95 restless little requests never had to wait for their answer, and with the whole house sunk in stillness or sleep, Mr Linden played the part of a most gentle and efficient nurse and thought of Faith, and her disappointment. And so the night wore away, and the morning star came up, and then the red flushes of sunrise. " Who turneth the night into day" Mr. Linden thought, \vith a grave look from the window to the little face beside him and then the words came, "In the morning, children, in the morning; We ll all rise together in the morning!" It was very early indeed, earlier even than usual, when Faith came down and kindled her fire. And then leaving it to burn, she opened the curtains of the window and looked out into the starlight. It was long before the red flush of the morning; it was even before the time when Faith would have gone to relieve the guard in that sick room ; her thoughts sped away to the distant watcher there and the sick child. Faith could guess what sort of a watching it had been, and it was a comfort to think that Johnny had it. But then as she looked out into the clear still starlight, something brought up the question, what if Johnny should die? It was overwhelming to Faith for a minute ; her little scholar s loveliness had got fast hold of her heart; and she loved him for deep and far-back associations too. She could not bear to think that it might be. Yet she asked herself if this was a reasonable feeling ? \Vhy should she be sorry if it were so that this little blossom of Heaven should have an early transplanting thither? Ah, the fragrance of such Heaven-flowers is too sweet to be missed, and Earth wants them. As Faith looked sadly out into the night, watched the eternal proces sion of bright stars, and heard the low sweep of the wind, the words came to her, separated from their context and from everything else as it seemed, I, the Lord, do all these things. Her niiud as instautly gave a glad assent and rested itself in them. Not seen by her or by mortal the place or fitting of any change or turn of earthly things, in the great plan, every one such turn and change had its 96 SAY AND SEAL. place, as sure as the post of each star in the sky as true to its commission as that wind, which came from no one knew where to go no one knew whither. Faith looked and listened, and took the lesson deep down in her heart. Mr. Linden s little basket had stood him well in stead that long night, for Faith had said truth ; nothing was for him in Mr. Fax s house. Mr. Fax was well enough satis fied that Johnny s teacher should take the trouble of nurs ing the child, had no idea that such trouble would necessa rily involve much loss of sleep, and still further no notion of the fact that a watcher at night needs food as much as fire. Fire Mr. Linden had, but he would have been worse off without the stores he found in his basket. In truth the supply generally was sufficient to have kept him from starv ing even if he had been obliged to go without his breakfast ; but Dr. Harrison concerned himself about his little patient, and was better than Mr. Linden s hopes. He came, though in the cold short February morning, a good while before eight o clock. He gave Mr. Linden a pleasant clssp of the hand ; and then made his observations in silence. "Is this one of your favourites?" he said at length. A grave "yes." "I am sorry for it." Mr. Linden was silent at first, looking down at the child with a sort of expression the doctor had not often seen, am* when he spoke it was without raising his eyes. "Tell me more particularly." "I don t know myself," said the doctor with a frankness /startling in one of his profession ; but Dr. Harrison s char acteristic carelessness nowhere made itself more apparent than in his words and about what people might think of them. "I don t say anything certainly but I do not like appearances. " "What is the matter?" " It s an indefinite sort of attack all the worse for that ! the root of which is hid from me. All you can do is to watch and wait. Have you been here through the night?" " Yes," Mr. Linden answered arid put the further ques tion, "Do you think there is any danger of contagion?" "O no 1 the fever, what there is, comes from some SAY AND SEAL. 97 inward cause a complicated one, I judge. I can guess, and that s all. Are there no women about the house ?" "None that are good for much." And looking at his watch, Mr. Linden laid the child who had fallen asleep again out of his arms among the pillows, arranging them softly and dextrously as if he were used to the business. "Reuben Taylor will stay with him for the present," he said as he turned to Dr. Harrison. "I ll come again by and by," the doctor said. "Mean while all that can be done is to let him have this, as I told you." The directions were given to Reuben, the doctor drove off, and Mr. Linden set out on his quick walk home ; after the confinement of. the night, the cold morning air and exercise were rather resting than otherwise. It was a very thoughtful half hour very sorrowful at first; but before he reached home, thought, and almost feeling, had got beyond the narrow bounds of time, and were resting peacefully even joyfully where bright celestial ages roll. He entered the house with a light step, and went first upstairs to change his dress; but when he came down and entered the sitting-room, there was the tone of the whole walk upon his face still. Faith put her question softly, a,s if she expected no glad answer. And yet it was partly that, though given in very gentle, grave tones. "There is more to fear than to hope, dear Faith, aud there is everything to hope, and nothing to fear!" She turned away to the breakfast-table ; and said little more till the meal was over. Then she rose when he did. " 1 am going now, Endy !" The tone was of very earnest determination, that yet waited for sanction. " Yes," he answered " Dr. Harrison says the fever is not contagious, I waited to know that. If I can I shall get free before midday, so I may meet you there. Ani can you prepare and take with you two or three things ?" he told her what. Faith set about them ; and when they were done, Mr. Skip had iinished his breakfast and got Jerry ready. Some other preparations Faith had made beforehand ; and with no delay now she was on her swift way to little Johnny s VOL. II. 9 98 SAY AND SEAL. bedside. She came in like a vision of comfort upon the sick room, with all sorts of freshness about her ; grasped Reuben s hand, and throwing back her hood, stooped her lips to Johnny s cheek. And Johnny gave her his usual little fair smile and then his eyes went off to the doorway, as if he half expected to see some one else behind her. But it was from no want of love to her, as she knew from the way the eyes came back to her face and rested there, and took a sort of pleased survey of her hood and, her fur and her dress. "Dear Johnny! Can you speak to me?" said Faith tenderly touching her cheek again to his. "Oh yes, ma am," he said, in a quiet voice and with the same bit of a smile. That was what Faith wanted. Then she looked up. "Are you going to school now, Reuben?" "I didn t expect to this morning, Miss Faith," Reuben said with a sober glance at his little comrade. "Then you can wait here a bit for me." Leaving Reuben once more in charge, Faith went on a rummaging expedition over the house to find some woman inmate. Not too easily or speedily she was found at last, the housekeeper and all-work woman, deep in all work as she really seemed, and in an outer kitchen of remote busi ness, whither Faith had trace-d her by an exercise of deter minate patience and skill. Having got so fur, Faith was not balked in the rest; and obtaining from her some of Johnny s clean linen which she persuaded her to go in search of, she returned to the room where she had left Reuben; and set about making the sick child as comfortable as in his sickness he could be. It was a day or two already since Johnny had lain there and had had little effectual attention from anybody, till Mr. Linden came last night. The child might well look at his new nurse, for her neat dress and gentle face and soft move ments were alone a balm for any sick place. And in her quiet way, Faith set about changing the look of this one. There was plenty of wood, and she made a glorious fire. Then tenderly and dextrously she managed to get a fresh nightgown on Johnny without disturbing him more than pleasantly with her soft manipulations ; and wrapping him SAY AND SEAL. 99 in a nice little old doublegown which she had brought with ner and which had been, a friend of her own childish days, Faith gave him to Reuben to hold while she made up the bed and changed the clothes, the means for which she had also won from the housekeeper. Then having let down the chintz curtains to shield off the intense glare of the sunny snow, Faith assumed Johnny into her own arms. She had brought vinegar from home, and with it bathed the little boy s face and hands and brushed his hair, till the refreshed little head lay upon her breast in soothed rest and comfort. "There, Johnny!" she whispered as her lips touched his brow, "Mr. Linden may corne as soon as he pleases we are ready for him !" The child half unclosed his eyes at the words, and then sunk again into one of his fits of feverish sleep, the colour rising in his cheeks a little, the breath coming quick. Ileuben knelt down at Faith s side and watched him. "I used to wonder, Miss Faith," he said &oftly, "what would become of him if Mr. Linden ever went away" and the quiet pause told what provision Reuben thought was fast coming for any such contingency. " You can t think what Mr. Linden s been to Johnny, Miss Faith," he went on in the same low voice, "and to all of us," he added lower still. "But he s taken such care of him, in school and out. It was only last week Johnny told me he liked coming to school in the winter, because then Mr. Linden always went home with him. And when ever he could get in Mr. Linden s lap he was perfectly happy. And Mr. Linden would let him, sometimes, even in school, because Johnny was so little and not very strong, and he d let him sit in his lap and go to sleep for a little while when he got tired, and then Johnny would go back to his lessons as bright as a bee. That was the way he did the very first day school was opened, (or Johnny was frightened at first, and a mind to cry he d never had any body to take much care of him. And Mr. Linden just called him and took him up and spoke to him and Johnny laid his head right down and went to sleep ; and he s loved Mr. Linden with all his heart ever since. I know we all laughed and he smiled himself, but it made all the rest of us love him too." 10(1 SAY AND SEAL. Reuben had gone on talking, softly, as if he felt sure of sympathy in all he might say on the subject. But that "first day school was opened!" how Faith s thoughts sprang back there, with what strange, mixed memories the vision of it came up before her ! That day and time when so many new threads were introduced iato her life, which were now shewing their colours and working out their various patterns. It was only a spring there and back again, however, that her thoughts took; or rather the vision was a sort of background to Reuben s delinea tions, and her eye was upon these ; with what kind of sym pathy she did not care to let him see. Her cheek was bent down to the sick child s head and Faith s face was half hidden. Until a moment later, when the door opened and Johnny s father came in to see what was become of him ; and then Mr. Fax had no clue to the lustrous softness of the eyes that looked up at him. He could make nothing of it. "What!" said he. "Why who s Johnny got to look after him now ?" "I am his teacher, sir." "His teacher, be you? Seems to me he s a lot of em. One teacher stayed with him last night. How many has he got, among you?" " Only two " said Faith, rejoicing that she was one. " I am his Suuday school teacher." " Well what s your name, now ?" "Faith Derrick." " ThaVs who you be !" said Mr. Fax in surprise. "Don t say 1 Well Johnny s got into good hands, aint he ? How s he gettin along ?" Faith s eye went down to the little boy, and her hand passed slowly and tenderly over his hair; she was at a loss how to answer, and Reuben spoke for her. "He s been sleeping a good deal this morning." The father stooped towards the child, but his look went from him to Faith, with a mixture of curiosity and un easiness as he spoke. " Sleeping is he ? Then I guess he s gettin along first- rate aint he ?" Again Faith s look astonished the man, both because of SAY AND SEAL. 101 its intent soft beauty and the trembling set of her lip. But how to answer him she did not know. Her head sunk over the child s brow as she exclaimed, "His dear Master knows what to do with him! " Jonathan Fax stood up straight and looked at Reuben. "What does she mean !" " She means that he is in God s hands, and that we don t know yet what He will do," Reuben answered with clear simplicity. Yet it was a strange view of the subject to Mr. Fax ; and he stood stiff and angular and square, looking down at Faith and her charge, feeling startled and strange. Her face was bent so that he could not see that quiver of her lip now; but he did see one or two drops fall from the lowered eyelids on Johnny s hair. Perhaps he would have asked more questions, but he did not; something kept them back. He stood fixed, with gathering soberness growing over his features. Little he guessed that those tears had been half wrung from Faith s eyes by the contrast between his happy little child and him. It was with some thing like a groan at last that he turned away, merely bid ding Reuben Taylor to call for anything that was wanted. The morning wore on softly, for Johnny still slept. Reuben went quietly about, giving attention where it was needed; to the fire, or to the curtains drawn back now as the sun got round or bringing Faith a footstool, or trying some other little thing for her comfort; and when he was not wanted remaining in absolute stillness. As it neared midday, however, he took his stand by the window, and after a short watch there suddenly turned and left the room. And a moment after Mr. Linden came in. * Faith met him with a look of grave, sweet quiet ; in which was mingled a certain joy at being where she was. She waited for him to speak. But something in her face, or her office, moved him, the gravity of his own look deepened as he came forward his words were not ready. He sat down by her, resting his arm on the back of her chair and giving her and Johnny the same salutation the last too softly to rouse him. "Has the doctor been here?" he said first. "No." 102 SAY AND SEAL - He was silent again for a minute, but then Johnny sud denly started up waking perhaps out of some fever dream ; for he seemed frightened and bewildered, and almost ready to cry ; turning his head uneasily away from everything and everybody as it seemed, until his eyes were fairly open, and then giving almost a spring out of Faith s arms into those of Mr. Linden ; holding him round the neck and breathing little sobbing breaths on his shoulder, till the resting-place had done its work, till Mr. Linden s soft whispered words had given him comfort. But it was a little wearily then that he said, "Sing." Was it wearily that the song was given ? Faith could not tell, she could not name those different notes in the voice, she could only feel that the octave reached from earth to heaven. " How kind is Jesus, Lord of all ! To hear my little feeble call. How kind is Jesus, thus to be Physician, Saviour, all to me! How much he loves me he doth shew ; How much he loves I cannot know. I m glad my life is his to keep, Then he will watch and I may sleep Jesus on earth, while here I lie; Jesus in heaven, if I die : I m safe and happy in his care, His love will keep me, here or there. * An angel he may send for me, And then an angel I shall be. Lord Jesus, through thy love divine, Thy little child is ever thine. " Faith had drawn her chair a little back and with her head leaning on the back of Mr. Linden s chair, listened in a spirit not very different from Johnny s own. She looked up then when it was done, with almost as childlike a brow. It had quieted him, as with a charm, and the little smile he gave Faith was almost wondering why she looked grave. "You ve been here a good while," he said, as if the mere announcement of the fact spoke his thanks. SAY AND SEAL. 103 "Has she?" Mr. Linden said. "What has Miss Faith done with you, Johnny, if she has been here a good while ?" "All sorts of things," Johnny answered, with another comprehensive expression of gratitude. "I thought so !" said Mr. Linden. "I shouldn t wonder a bit if she had dressed you up in something she used to wear herself." " She wasn t ever so little," the child said softly. Faith had been preparing for him a cup of some light nourishment which he was to take from time to time, and now coming to Mr Linden s side kneeled down there before Johnny to give it to him. The child took the delicate spoonfuls as she gave them, turning his fair eyes from her to Mr. Linden as if he felt in a very sweet atmosphere of love and care ; and when she went away with the cup he said in his slow fashion, " I love her very much/ And Faith heard the answer "And so do I." Coming up behind Mr. Linden she laid her hand on his shoulder. "Endecott where are you going to take dinner and rest to-day ?" "01 will take rest by the way," he answered lightly, and with a smile at her. " There is dinner enough in my supper basket I have not much time for it, neither." " School again this afternoon ?" "Yes, I must be there for awhile." Faith moved away, remarking in a different tone, "Your supper basket is at home, sir!" and busied her energies about serving him as she had just served Johnny. With something more substantial however. Faith had brought a lunch basket, and in five minutes had made Mr. Linden a cup of home tea. "Now how shall we manage?" she said; "for Johnny must have you every minute while you are here and tnere is no such thing as a little table. I shall have to be table and dumb waiter for you if you won t mind." And so Faith pulled up her chair again and sat down, 104 SAY AND SEAL. with the basket open on her lap and Mr. Linden s cup in her hand. "I only hope," she said, "that Dr. Harrison will not choose this particular minute to come in I If he does, catch the cup of tea, Endecott ! for I won t answer for anything." "I don t know whether I should be most sorry or proud, in case of such event," said Mr. Linden, "however, I do not wish the doctor anything so disagreeable. But I will promise to catch the cup of tea and everything else, down to his displeasure. Only you must not be a dumb waiter, for that will not suit me at all." It was one of those pretty bits of sunshine that some times shew themselves in the midst of a very unpromising day, the time when they sat there with the lunch basket between them. The refreshment of talk and of lunch (for lunch is refreshing when it is needed) brightened both faces and voices; and Mr. Linden s little charge, in one of his turns of happy rest and ease, watched them amused and interested till he fell asleep. By that time Mr. Linden s spare minutes were about over. As he was laying Johnny gently down on the bed, Faith seized her chance. "You ll let me stay here to-night won t you, Ende cott?" " It would not be good for you, dear child, if you stay until night it will be quite as much as you ought to do. But I will see you again by that time." "I am strong, Endecott." "Yes, you are strong, little Sunbeam," he said, turning now to her and taking both her hands, "and yet it is a sort of strength I must guard. Even sunbeams must not be always on duty. But we ll see about it when I come back." Mr. Linden went off to his other sphere of action, and soon after Reuben came softly in, just to let Faith know that he was at hand if she wanted anything, and to offer to take her place. "Reuben!" said Faith suddenly, "have you had anj dinner ?" SAY AND SEAL. 105 "0 yes, ma am enough," Reuben said with a smile. "I brought something with me this morning." Faith put her lunch basket into his hand, but her words were cut short; for she saw Dr. Harrison just coming to the house. She moved away and stood gravely by the fire. The doctor came in pulling off his glove. He gave his hand to Faith with evident pleasure, but with a frank free pleasure, that had nothing embarrassing about the manner of it; except the indication of its depth. After a few words given with as easy an intonation as if the ther mometer were not just a few degrees above zero outside where he had come from, the doctor s eye went over to the other person in the room ; and then the doctor himself crossed over and offered his hand. "I shall never see you, Reuben," said he with a very pleasant recollective play of eye and lip, "without think ing of a friend. 11 The doctor had a more full view of Reuben s eyes, there upon, than he had ever before been favoured with, for one moment their clear, true, earnest expression met his. But whatever the boy read or tried to read or did not read, he answered simply, as he looked away again, "You have been that to me, sir." "I don t know " said the doctor lightly. "I am afraid not according to your friend. Mr. Linden s definition. But reckon me such a one as I can be, will you ?" He turned away without waiting for the answer and went back to Faith. "Do you fcnow," he said, "I expected to find you here ?" "Very naturally," said Faith quietly. "Yes it is according to my experience. "Now how is this child ?" He turned to see, and so did Faith. He looked at the child, while Faith s eye went from Johnny to him. Both faces were grave, but Faith s grew more grave as sue looked. "How is this child ?" she repeated. " He is not worse," said the doctor; except that not to 106 SAY AND SEAL. be hotter is to be worse. Are you particularly interested in him ?" Faith looked down at the sweet pure little face, and for a minute or two was very still. She did not even think of answering the doctor, nor dare speak words at all. Her first movement was to push away softly a lock of hair from Johnny s forehead. "What can I do for him, Dr. Harrison?" "N)t much just now go on as you have been doing. I will be here to-night again, and then perhaps I shall know more." He gave her a new medicine for him however; and having said all that was needful on that score, came back with her to the fire and stood a little while talking -just so long as it would do for him to stay with any chance of its being ac ceptable ; talking in a tone that did not jar with the place or the time, gravely and pleasantly, of some matters of interest; and then he went. And Faith sat down by the bedside, and forgot Dr. Harrison ; and thought of the Sun day school in the woods that evening in October, and the hymn, I want to be an angel ; and looked at Johnny with a very full heart. Not a very long time had passed, when Faith heard sleigh bells again, and a person very different from the doctor came softly in ; even Mrs. Derrick. She smiled at Reuben and Faith, and going ^close up to the bed folded her hands quietly together and stood looking at the sick child ; the smile vanishing from her face, her lips taking a tender, pitiful set her eyes in their experience gravely reading the signs. She looked for a few minutes in silence, then with a little sorrowful sigh she turned to Faith. "Pretty child," she said, "can t you take a little rest? I ll sit by him now." "O mother I m not tired much. I have not been very Mrs. Derrick however took the matter into her own hands, and did not content herself till she had Faith on a low seat at her side, and Faith s head on her lap ; which was a rest, to mind and body both. Reuben replenished the fire and went out, and the two sat alone. "Faith," her mother said softly, "don t you think he d SAY AND SEAL. 101 be content with me to-night ? I can t bear to have Mr. Linden sit up." "I want to stay myself, mother, if he would let me." " I don t believe he ll do that, Faith and I guess he s right But you must make him go home to tea, child, and he might rest a little then ; and I ll stay till he comes back, at least." There was not much more to be said then, for Johnny woke up and wanted to be taken on Faith s lap, and talked to, and petted; answering all her efforts with a sort of grateful little smile and way ; but moving himself about in her arms as if he felt restless and uneasy. It went to her heart Presently, in the low tones which were music of themselves, she carried his thoughts off to the time when Jesus was a little child ; and began to give him, in the simplicity of very graphic detail, part of the story of Christ s life upon earth. It was a name that Johnny loved to hear ; and Faith went from point to point of his words, and wonders, and healing power and comforting love. Not dwelling too long, but telling Johnny very much as if she had seen it, each gentle story of the sick and the weary and the troubled, who came in their various ways to ask pity of Jesus, and found it ; and reporting to Johnny as if she had heard them the words of promise and love that a little child could understand. Mrs. Derrick listened ; she had never heard just such a talk in her life. The peculiarity of it was in the vivid faith and love which took hold of the things as if Faith had had them by eyesight and hearing, and in the simplicity of representation with which she gave them, as a child to a child. And all the while she let Johnny constantly be changing his position, as restless ness prompted; from sitting to kneeling and lying in her arms ; sometimes brushing his hair, which once in a while he had a fancy for, and sometimes combing it off from his forehead with her own fingers dipped in the vinegar and water which he liked to smell. Nothing could be more winning nothing more skilful, in its way, than Faith s talk to the sick child that half hour or more. And Johnny told its effect, in the way he would bid her talk, if she paused for a minute. So by degrees the restless fit passed off for 108 SAY AND SEAL. the time, and he lay still in her arms, with drooping heavy eyelids now. Everything was subsiding; the sun sank down softly behind the wavy horizon line, the clouds floated silently away to some other harbour, and the blasts of wind came fainter and fainter, like the music of a retreating army. Swiftly the daylight ebbed away, and still Faith rocked softly back and forth, and her mother watched her. Once in a while Reuben came silently in to bring wood or fresh water, otherwise they had no interruption. Then Mr. Linden came, and sitting down by Faith as he had done before, asked about the child and about the doctor. " He came very soon after you went away," said Faith. "He said that he was no better, and that to be no better was to be worse." It was plain that she thought more than she said. Faith had little experience, but there is an intui tive skill in some eyes to know what they have never known before. Mr. Linden bent down over the child, laying cheek to cheek softly and silently, until Johnny rousing up a little held up his lips to be kissed, and he did not raise his head then. "Have you been asleep, Johnny?" he said. "I don t know," the child said dreamily. " Has Miss Faith taken care of you ever since I went "Yes," Johnny said, with a little faint smile "and we ve had talk." "I wish I had been nere to hear it," said Mr. Linden. "What was it about ? all sorts of sweet things?" "Yes," Johnny said again, his face brightening "out of the Bible." "Well they are the sweetest things I know of," said Mr. Linden. " Now if you will come on my lap, I am sure Miss Faith will get you something to eat she can do it a great deal better than I can." Faith had soon done that, and brought the cup to Johnny, of something that he liked, and fed him as she had done at noon. It seemed to refresh him, for he fell into a quieter sleep than he had had for some time, and was oftly laid on the bed. SAY AND SEAL. 109 "Now dear Faith," Mr. Linden said coming back to her, "it is time for you to go home and rest." "Do you mean to send me?" she said wistfully. " Or take you n he said, with a soft touch of his fingers on her hair. "I don t know but I could be spared long enough for that." It was arranged so, Mrs. Derrick undertaking to supply all deficiencies so far as she could, until Mr. Linden should get back again. The fast drive home through the still cold air was refreshing to both parties ; it was a still drive too. Then leaving Mr. Linden to get a little rest on the sofa, Faith prepared tea. But Mr. Linden would not stay long after that, for rest or anything. "I am coming very early to-morrow, Endecott," Faith said then. " You may, dear child if you will promise to sleep to night. But you must not rouse yourself too early. - You know to-morrow is Saturday so I shall not be called off by other duties." He went, and Mrs. Derrick came; but Faith, though weary enough certainly, spent the evening in study. VOL. II. 10 CHAPTER VIII. HPHERE is no knowing what Mr. Linden would have _L considered "too early," and Faith had prudently omitted to enquire. She studied nothing but her Bible that morning and spent the rest of the time in getting ready what she was to take with her; for Mr. Linden would not come home to breakfast. And it was but fair day, the sun had not risen, when she was on her way. She wondered, as she went, what they would have done that winter without Jerry; and looked at the colouring clouds in the east with a strange quick appreciation of the rising of that other day told of in the Bible. Little Johnny brought the two near ; the type and the antitype. It was a pretty ride; cold, bright, still, shadowless; till the sun got above the horizon, and then the long yellow faint beams threw themselves across the snow that was all a white level before. They reached Faith s heart, as the commissioned earnest of that other Sun that will fill the world with his glory and that will make heaven a place where "there shall be no night." The room where little Johnny was, lay like the chamber called Peace, in the Pilgrim s Progress towards the sun- rising; but to reach it Faith had first to pass through another on the darker side of the house. The door be tween the two stood open, perhaps for fresher air, and as Faith came lightly in she could see that room lit up as it were with the early sunbeams. It was an old-fashioned room ; the windows with chintz shades, the floor painted, with a single strip of rag carpet; the old low-post bed stead, with its check blue and white spread, the high-backed splinter chairs, told of life that had made but little progress in modern improvement. And Jonathan Fax himself, lean, long-headed, and lantern-jawed, looked grimmer than ever under his new veil of solemn feeling. He sat by the win dow. The wood fire in the low fireplace flickered and fell with (110) SAY AND SEAL. HI its changing light, on all ; but within the warm glow a little group told of life that had made progress progress which though but yet begun, was to go on its fair course through all the ages of eternity ! Little Johnny sat in his teacher s lap, one arm round his neck, and his weary little head resting as securely on Mr. Linden s breast as if it had been a woman s. The other hand moved softly over the cuff of that black sleeve, or twined its thin fingers in and out the strong hand that was clasped round him. Sometimes raising his eyes, Johnny put some question, or asked for "talk;" his own face then much the brighter of the two, Faith could see the face that bent over him not only touched with its wonted gravity, which the heavenly seal set there, but moved and shaken in its composure by the wistful eyes and worfrs of the little boy. The answering words were too low-spoken for her to hear. She could see how tenderly the child s caresses were returned, not the mother whose care Johnny had never known, could have given the little head gentler rest. Nay, not so good, unless she could have given the little heart such comfort. For Johnny was in fhe arms of one who knew well that road to the unseen land who had studied it; and now as the child went on before him, could still give him words of cheer, and shew him the stepping-stones through the dark river. It seemed to Faith as if the river were already in sight, as if somewhat of that strange, unearthly grace Which crowns but once the children of our race " already rested upon Johnny s fair brow. Yet he looked brighter than yesterday, bright with a very sweet clear quietness now. Faith stood still one minute and another; then pulling off her hood, she came in with a footfall so noiseless that it never brought Mr. Fax s head from the window, and knelt down by the side of that group. She had a smile for Johnny too, but it was a smile that had quite left the things of the world behind it and met the child on his own ground ; and her kiss was sweet accordingly. A look and a clasp of the hand to Mr. Linden ; then she rose up and 112 SAY AND SEAL. went round to the window to take the hand of Mr. Fax, who had found his feet. "I m very much beholden to ye!" said he in somewhat astonished wise. " You re takin a sight o trouble among ye." "It s no trouble, sir." Mr. Fax looked bewildered. He advanced to Mr. Lin den. "Now this girl s here," said he, "don t you think you hadn t better come into another room and try to drop off? I guess he can o^t along without you for a spell can t he?" "I am not quite ready to leave him," Mr. Linden said, " and I am not at all sleepy, Mr. Fax. Perhaps I will come by and by." % "We ll have breakfast, I conclude, some time this fore noon. I ll go and see if it s ever comin . Maybe you ll take that first," He went away; and Faith, rid of her wrappers, came up again behind Johnny, passing her fingers through his hair and bending down her face to his; she did not speak. Only her eye went to Mr. Linden for intelligence, as the eye will, even when it has seen for itself 1 "Dr. Harrison is coming this morning," was all he said. She did not need to ask any more. " May Johnny have anything now ?" " yes and he will like it," Mr. Linden said in a dif ferent tone, and half addressing the child. " He asked me some time ago when you were coming but not for that." Faith brought something freshly prepared for Johnny and served him tenderly. Meanwhile her own coifee had been on the fire ; and after making two or three simple arrangements of things she came back to them. "Will you sit with me now, Johnny, and let Mr. Linden have some breakfast ?" "In here ?" the child said. But being reassured on that point, he came to Faith s arms very willingly, or rather let Mr. Linden place him there, when she had drawn her chair up nearer the table so that he could look on. And with ner a~ms wrapped tenderly round him, but a face of as clear quiet as the morning sky when there are no clouds before SAY AND SEAL. 113 the sunrise, she sat there, and she and Johnny matched Mr. Linden s breakfast. There was no need to talk, for Johnny had a simple pleasure in what was going on, and in every thing his friend did. And if the little face before him hindered Mr. Linden s enjoyment of breakfast, that was suffered to appear as little as possible. Breakfast was even rather prolonged and played with, because it seemed to amuse him ; and the word and the smile were always ready, either to call forth or to answer one from the child. Nor from him alone, for by degrees even Faith was drawn out of her silence, into gentle quiet talk. Mr. Linden had not yet changed his place, when on the walk that led up to the house Faith saw the approacl of Dr. Harrison. The doctor as he came in gave a compre hensive glance at the table, Mr. Linden who had risen, and Faith with Johnny in her lap; shook hands with Mr. Lin den, and taking the chair he had quitted sat down in front of Faith and Johnny. A question and answer first passed about her own well-being. "You ve not been here all night?" said he. "No, sir. I came a while ago." The doctor s unsatisfied eye fell on the child; fell, with no change of its unsatisfied expression. It took rapid and yet critical note of him, with a look that Faith knew through its unchangingness, scanned, judged, and passed sentence. Then Dr. Harrison rose and walked over to Mr. Linden. " There is nothing to be done," he said in a low tone. " I would stay but I know that it would be in vain. She ought not to be here." For the first remark Mr. Linden was prepared, the second fell upon a heart that was already keeping closer watch over her strength and happiness than even the doc tor could. He merely answered by a quiet question or two as to what could be done for the child s comfort . as to the probable length of time there would be to do anything. "He may have any simple thing he likes," said the doc tor- -"such as he has had. I need not give you directions for more than to-day. I am sorry I cannot stay longer 10* 114 SAY AND SEAL. with you but it does not matter you can do as well as I now." He went up to Faith and spoke with a different manner. " Miss Faith, I hope you will not let your goodness forget that its powers need to be taken care of. You were here yesterday there is no necessity for you to be here to day." "I don t come for necessity, Dr. Harrison." "I know!" said he shaking his head, "your will is strong ! but it ought not to have full play. You are not wanted here." Faith let him go without an answer to that. As soon as the doctor was gone, Mr. Linden came and sat down by Johnny again, kissing the child s brow and cheek and lips, with a face a little moved indeed, and yet with its clear look unclouded ; and softly asked what he should do for him. But though Johnny smiled, and stroked his face, he seemed rather inclined to be quiet and even to sleep; yielding partly to the effect of weakness and fever, partly to the restless night; and his two teachers watched him together. Faith was very silent and quiet. Then sud denly she said, " Go and take some rest yourself, won t you, Endecott now." "I do not feel the need of it " he said. "I had some snatches of sleep last night." She looked at him, but the silence was unbroken again for some little time longer. At length, pushing aside a lock of hair from the fair little brow beneath which the eyelids drooped with such unnatural heaviness, Faith said, and the tone seemed to come from very stillness of heart, the words dropped so grave and clear, "The name of Christ is good here to-day, Endecott." "How good! how precious!" was his quick rejoinder. "And how very precious too, is the love of his will 1" and he repeated softly, as if half thinking it out " I worship thee, sweet will of God ! And all thy ways adore ! And every day I live, I seem To love thee more and more. " SAY AND SEAL. 115 An earnest, somewhat wistful glance of Faith s eye was the answer ; it was not a dissenting answer, but it went back to Johnny. Her lip was a child s lip in its humble ness. " It was very hard for me to give him up at first " Mr. Linden went on softly ; and the voice said it was yet ; "but that answers all questions. The good Husbandman may pluck his roses, and gather in his lilies at mid-summer, and, for aught I dare say, in the beginning of the first summer month. " Faith looked at the little human flower in her arms and was silent. "Reuben was telling me yesterday " she said after a few minutes, "what you have been to him." But her words touched sweet and bitter things Mr. Linden did not immediately answer, his head drooped a little on his hand, and he did not raise it again until Johnny claimed his attention. The quiet rest of the little sleeper was passing off, changing into an unquiet waking; not with the fear of yesterday but with a restlessness of discomfort that was not easily soothed. Words and caresses seemed to have lost their quieting power for the time, though the child s face never failed to answer them; but he presently held out his arms to Mr. Linden, with the words, "Walk like last night." And for a while then Faith had nothing to do but to look and listen ; to listen to the soft measured steps through the room, to watch the soothing, resting effect of the motion on the sick child, as wrapped in Mr. Linden s arms he was carried to and fro. She could tell how it wrought from the quieter, unbent muscles from the words which by degrees Johnny began to speak. But after a while, one of these words was, " Sing." Mr. Linden did not stay his walk, but though his tone was almost as low as his foot steps, Faith heard every word. "Jesus loves me this I know, For the Bible tells me so: Little ones to him belong, They are weak, but he is strong. 116 SAY AND SEAL. " Jesus loves me, he who died Heaven s gate to open wide; He will wash away my sin, Let his little child come in. "Jesus loves me loves me still, Though I m very weak and ill ; From his shining throne on high Comes to watch me where I lie. "Jesus loves me, he will stay Close beside me all the way. Then his little child will take Up to heaven for his dear sake." There were a few silent turns taken after that, and then Mr. Linden came back to the rocking-chair, and told Faith in a sort of bright cheerful way meant for her as well as the child that Johnny wanted her to brush his hair and give him something to eat. Which Johnny enforced with one of his quiet smiles. Faith sprang to do it, and both offices were performed with hands of tenderness and eyes of love, with how much inner trembling of heart neither eyes nor hands told. Then, after all that was done, Faith stood by the table and began to swallow coffee and bread on her own account, somewhat eagerly. Mr. Linden watched her, with grave eyes. "Now you must go and lie down," he said. "Not at all!" Faith said with a smile at him. "I hadn t time or didn t take time to eat my breakfast before I came away from home that is all. It is you who ought to do that, Endy," she added gently. She put away the things, cleared the table, made up the fire, and smoothed the bed, ready for Johnny when he should want it ; and then she came and sat down. " Won t you go ?" she said softly. "I would rather stay here." Faith folded her hands and sat waiting to be useful. Perhaps Mr. Linden thought it would be a comfort to her if he at least partly granted her request, perhaps he thought it would be wise; for he said, laying his cheek against the child s, "Johnny, if you will sit with Miss Faith now, I will lay SAY AND SEAL. Uf my head down on one of your pillows for a little while, and you can call me the minute you want me." The child was very quiet and resting then, and leaning his head happily against Faith, watched Mr. Linden as he sat down by the bedside and gave himself a sort of rest in the way he had proposed ; and then Faith s gentle voice was put in requisition. It was going over some things Johnny liked to hear, very softly so that no ears but his might be the wiser, when the door opened and Jonathan Fax came in again. He glanced at Mr. Linden, and ad vanced softly up to Faith. There stood and looked down at his child and her with a curious look that half recog nized what it would not see. "You re as good to him as if he belonged to ye ! "said Jonathan, in a voice not clear. " So he does " was Faith s answer, laying her cheek to the little boy s head. By how many ties, she thought; but she added no more. The words had shaken her. " How s he gettin on ?" was the uneasy question next, as the father stooped with his hands on his knees to look nearer at the child. Did he not know ? Faith for a minute held her breath. Then she lifted her face and looked up looked full into his eyes. "Don t you know, Mr. Fax, that Johnny cannot go any way but well ?" The words were soft and low, but the man stood up, straightening himself instantly as if he had received a blow. "Do you mean to say," he asked huskily, "that he is goin to die ?" It startled Faith fearfully. She did not know how much Johnny would understand or be moved by the words. And she saw that they had been heard and noted. With infinite softness and quietness she laid her cheek to the little boy s, answering in words as sweet as he had ever heard from her voice as unfearful "Johnny knows where he is going, if Jesus wants him." " Jesus is in heaven," the child said instantly, as if she had asked him a question, and with the same deliberate manner that he would have answered her in Sunday school, 118 SAY AND SEAL. and raising his clear eyes to hers as he had been WOL! to do there. But the voice was fainter. Faith s head drooped lower, and her voice was fainter too but clear and cheery. "Yes, darling and we ll be with him there by and by." "Yes," the child repeated, nestling his head against her in a weary sort of way, but with a little smile still. The father looked at Faith and at the child like one mazed and bewildered; stood still as if he had got a shock; then wheeling round spoke to nobody and went out. Faith pressed her lips and cheek lightly to Johnny s brow, in a rush of sorrow and joy ; then began again some sweet Bible story for his tired little spirit. Mr. Linden did not long keep even his resting position, though perhaps longer than he would but for the murmur ing talk which he did not want to interrupt. But when that ceased, he came back to his former seat, leaning his arm on Faith s chair in a silence that was very uninter rupted. There were plenty of comers and goers in the outer room, Miss Bezac, and Mrs. Stoutenburgh, and Mrs. Derrick, and Mrs. Sorners, were all there with offers of assistance; but Mr Linden knew well that little Johnny had all he could have, and his orders to Reuben had been very strict that no one should come in. So except the various tones of different voices which made their way once in a while the two watchers had nothing to break the still quiet in which they sat. Their own words only made the quiet deeper, as they watched the little feet which they had first guided in the heavenward path, now passing on before them. " We were permitted to shew him the way at first, Faith," Mr. Linden said, "but he is shewing it to us now! But suffer them to come I in death as in life." Much of the time the child slumbered or lay in a half stupor, though often this was uneasy unless Mr. Linden walked with him up and down the room. Then he would revive a little, and look and speak quite brightly, asking for singing or reading or talk, letting Faith smooth his hair, or bathe his face and hands, or give him a spoonful or two from one of her little cups ; his face keeping its fair quiet SAY AND SEAL. 119 look, even though the mortal began to give way before the immortal. In one of these times of greater strength and refresh ment, when he was in Mr. Linden s arms, he looked up at him and said, "Read about heaven what you used to." Mr. Linden took his little Bible remembering but too readily what that used to be, and read softly and clearly the verses in Revelation " And he shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it : for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the nations of them that are saved shall walk in the light of it, and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour unto it. And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day, for there shall be no night there. And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that -defileth, or whatsoever worketh abomina tion, or maketh a lie, but they that are written in the Lamb s book of life. " The child listened, with his eyes upon his teacher s face and his arm round him, as he had been used, too, and when the reading was finished lay quiet for a little time; while his friends too were silent thinking of "the city that hath foundations." " That s the same gate," Johnny said in his slow, though t- .ful way, as if his mind had gone back to the morning hymn. "Yes," Mr. Linden said, with lips that would not quite be controlled, and yet answering the child s smile, "that is the gate where his little child shall go in ! And that is the beautiful city where the Lord Jesus lives, and where my Johnny is going to be with him forever and where dear Miss Faith and I hope to come by and by." The child s hands were folded together, and with a fair, pure smile he looked from one face to the other; closing his eyes then in quiet sleep, but with the smile yet left. It was no time for words. The gates of the city seemed too near, where the little traveller s feet were so soon to enter. The veil between seemed so slight, that even sense might almost pass beyond it, when the Heaven-light was 120 SAY AND SEAL. already shining on that fair little face ! Faith wiped away tears and looked and brushed them away again ; but for a long time was very silent. At last she said, very low, that it might be quietly, "Endecott it seems to me as if I could almost hear them!" He half looked the question which yet needed no answer, looking down then again at the little ransomed one in his arms, as he said in the same low voice, wherein mingled a note of the church triumphant through all its deep human feeling, " And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof, for thou wast slain : and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood, out of every kindred, and tongue, and people and nation !" "And," said Faith presently, lower still, "can t you, as Bunyau says, hear the bells of the city ringing for joy 1 " Those choral harmonies of heaven, heard or unheard, were stilling to mortal speech and even mortal feeling. Very quietly the minutes and the hours of that day suc ceeded each other. Quietly even on the sick child s part; more so than yesterday ; nature succumbed gently, and the restless uneasiness which had marked the night and the pre ceding day gave place gradually before increasing faintness of the bodily powers. There was little talk called for after that time hardly any, though never a word met his waking ear that did not meet the same grateful, pleased manner and smile. But the occasions became fewer; Johnny slumbered gently, but more plainly a sleep that was nearing the end, in the arms of his best friend, who would let him even when unconscious have no worse resting-place would let every faint waking minute find the same earthly love about him that had been his dearest earthly refuge and stay. But earth was having less and less of her little immortal tenant ; and as the hours of the afternoon began to tell of failing light and a fading day, it was plain that the little spirit was almost ready to wing its way to the city that hath no need of the sun." Mr. Fax came in sometimes to look at the child, but never staid long never offered to take him out of the hands he perhaps unconsciously felt were more of kin to him. SAY AND SEAL. 121 spiritually, than his own. Out of the room, he sat down in the midst of his visitors and said nothing. He seemed bewildered or astounded. "I never knowed," he said once, "till that girl told me. I heard what the doctor said at night but I didn t think as he was any wiser than other doctors and their word s about as good one side as tother." At the edge of the evening Reuben came in to say that Mr. Skip was there with the sleigh. "Let him put Jerry in the stable and go home," Faith said softly to Mr. Linden. " One of Mr. Fax s men can harness him any time." "Dear Faith !" he said, "you had better go with him." "I can t go, Endecott. Don t tell me to go," she said with a determinate quietness. " How can I let you stay ? you ought not to watch here all night unless there were something for you to do." " There may be something for me to do," she said, but not as if that were what she wanted to stay for. " I think not," he said softly, and looking down again, "Faith it is near the dawning! and yet it may not be till the dawning. And dear child, you ought not to watch here." " It will not hurt me," she said under her breath. " I know " he said with a gentle admission of all her reasons and. full sympathy with all her wishes, "but I think you ought not." "Do you mean," she said after a minute s pause, "that you wish me to go?" It was hard for him to say yes but he did. She sat still a moment, with her face in the shade ; then rose up and arranged everything about the room which her hands could better ; made a cup of tea and brought it to Mr. Linden; and prepared herself for her ride. When she came at last, ready, with only her hood to put on, her fat 1 " was almost as fair as Johnny s. There was no shadow on n of any kind, but clear day, as if a reflection from the c "ty she had been looking towards. She put her hand in Mr. Linden s and knelt down as she had done in the morn- iug to kiss Johnny. Her lips trembled but the kisses were VOL. 11. 11 122 SAY AND SEAL. quietly given ; and rising to her feet without speaking or looking, Faith went away. If quietness was broken on the ride home, it was restored by the time she got there ; and with the same clear look Faith went in. That Mrs. Derrick was much relieved to see her, was evident, but she seemed not very ready to ask questions. She looked at Faith, and then with a little sigh or two began softly to unfasten her cloak and furs, and to put her in a comfortable place by the fire, and to hasten tea, but all in a sort of sorrowful subdued silence ; letting her take her own time to speak, or not speak at all, if she liked it better. Faith s words were cheerfully given, though about other things. And after tea she did in some measure justify Mr. Linden s decision in sending her home; for she laid herself on the couch in the sitting-room and went into a sleep as profound and calm as the slumbers she had left watching. Her mother sat by her in absolute stillness thinking of Faith as she had been in her childhood and from thence until now; thinking of the last time she her self had been in that sick room, of the talk she had heard there of the silence that was there now: wiping away some tears now and then looking always at Faith with a sort of double feeling; that both claimed her as a child, and was ready to sit at her feet and learn. But as it came to the hour of bedtime, and Faith still slept, her mother stooped down and kissed her two or three times to wake her up. "Pretty child," she said, "you d better go to bed." Faith started with a recollective look and asked what time it was ; then sank down again. "I ll wait an hour yet." " Had you better ?" her mother said gently. " I ll sit up, dear, and call you if you re wanted. Did you think they d send ?" "Send? no, mother!" Mrs. Derrick was silent a minute. " Mr. Linden wouldn t come home to-night, dear." "Wouldn t he?" said Faith startling; and for a minute the sorrowful look came back to her face. But then it re turned to its high quiet ; she kissed her mother and they went up stairs together. SAY AND SEAL. 123 No, he did not come home, and well assured that he would not, Faith ceased to watch for him, and fatigue and exhaustion again had their way. The night was very still the endless train of stars sweeping on in their appointed course, until the morning star rose and the day broke. Even then Faith slept on. But when the more earthly light of the sun came, with its bestirring beams, it roused her; and she started up, in that mood where amid quick coming recollections she was almost breathless for more tidings waiting, as if by the least noise or stir she might lose something. It was then that she heard Mr. Linden come in even as she sat so listening, heard him come in and come up stairs, with a slow quiet step that would have told her all, if the fact of his coming had not been enough. She heard his door close, and then all was still again, except what faint sounds she might hear from the working part of the house below. Faith sat motionless till she could hear nothing more up stairs and then kept her position breathlessly for a second or two longer, looking at the still sunbeams which came pouring into her room according to their wont, with their unvarying heavenly message ; and then gave way rare for her to a burst of gentle sorrow, that yet was not all sorrow, and which for that very mingling was the more heart-straitening while it lasted. The light of the fair clear Sunday morning bore such strange testimony of the everlasting day upon which her little charge of yesterday had even entered ! But the sense of that was quieting, if it was stirring. Not until the breakfast hour was fully come did Mr. Lin den make his appearance; but then he came, looking pale indeed, and somewhat worn, yet with a face of rest. He gave his hand to Mrs. Derrick, and coming up to Faith took her in his arms and kissed her, and gently put her in her chair at the table; waiving all questions till another time. There were none asked; Mrs. Derrick would not have ventured any ; and the tinge in Faith s cheeks gave token of only one of various feelings by which she was silenced. Yet that was not a sorrowful breakfast for rest was on every brow ; on two of them it was the very 124 SAY AND rest of the day when Christ broke the bars of death and rose. Breakfast had been a little late, and there was not much time to spare when it was over. " You had better not try to go out this morning, dear Faith," Mr. Linden said as they left the table and came round the fire in the sitting-room. "0 yesl I can go. I must go" she added softly. "I have not much to tell you," he said in the same tone, "nothing, but what is most sweet and fair. Would you like to go up there with me by and by ?" "Yes. After church?" "After church in the afternoon would give us most time." The Sunday classes were first met how was not likely to be forgotten by scholars or teachers. It was an absorb ing hour to Faith and her two little children that were left to her; an hour that tried her very much. She controlled herself, but took her revenge all church time. As soon as she was where nobody need know what she did, Faith felt unnerved, and a luxury of tears that she could not restrain lasted till the service was over. It lasted no longer. And the only two persons that knew of the tears, were glad to have them come. After the afternoon service, when people were not only out of church but at home, Mr. Linden and Faith set out on their solitary drive it was too far for her to walk, both for strength and time,- the afternoon was well on its way. The outer room into which Faith had first gone the day before, had a "low murmur of voices and a little sprinkling of people within ; but Mr. Linden let none of them stop her, and merely bowing as he passed through, he led her on. In the next room were two of the boys, but they went away at once ; and Mr. Linden put his arm round Faith, letting her lean all her weight on him if she chose, and led her up to the bedside. They stood there and looked as one might look at a ray of eternal sunlight falling athwart the dark shadows of time. The child lay in his deep sleep as if Mr. Linden had just laid him down; his head a little turned towards them, SAY AND SEAL. 12 5 a little drooping, his hands in their own natural position on breast and neck. A faint pink-tinted wrapper lay in soft folds about him, with its white frills at neck and wrists, on his breast a bunch of the first snowdrops spoke of the everlasting spring, and never - withering flowers! With hearts and faces that grew every moment more quiet, more steady, Johnny s two teachers stood and looked at him, then knelt together, and prayed that in the way which they had shewed him, they might themselves be found faithful. "You shouldn t say we" said Faith when they had risen and were standing there again. "It was you to him and me both." And bending forward to kiss the little face again, she added, " He taught me as much as he ever learned from me !" But the words were spoken with difficulty, and Faith did not try any more. They stood there till the twilight began to fall, and then turned their faces homewards with a strange mingling of joy and sorrow in their hearts. How many times Mr Linden went there afterwards Faith did not know she could only guess. There was no school for the next two days. Tuesday was white with snow, not falling thick upon the ground, but in fine light flakes, and few people cared to be out. Mr. Linden had been, early in the morning, since dinner he had been in his room; and now as it drew towards three o clock, he came down and left the house, taking the road towards that of Jonathan Fax. Other dark figures now appeared from time to time, bendlig their steps in the same direction, some sturdy farmer in his fearnought coat, or two of the school-boys with their arms round each other. Then this ceased, and the soft falling snow alone was in the field. The afternoon wore on, and the sun was towards the setting, when a faint reddish tinge began to flush along the western horizon, and the snowflakes grew thinner. Then, just as the first sunbeams shot through their cloudy prison, making the snow a mere white veil to their splendour, the little carriage of Mr. SoLiers came slowly down the road, 11* I2o SAY AND SEAL. and in it Mr. Somers himself. A half dozen of the neigh bouring farmers followed. Then the little coffin of Johnny Fax, borne by Reuben Taylor and Sam Stoutenburgh and Phil Davids and Joe Deacon, each cap and left arm bound with crape > followed by Johnny s two little classmates Charles Twelfth and Robbie Waters. Then the chief mourners-^Jonathan Fax and Mr. Linden, arm in arm, and Mr. Linden wearing the crape badge. After them the whole school, two and two. The flickering snowflakes fell softly on the little pall, but through them the sunbeams shot joyously, and said that the child had gone "Through a dark stormy night To a calm land of light!" "Meet again? Yes, we shall meet again, Though now we part in pain! His people all Together Christ shall call, Hallelujah!" "Child," said Mrs. Derrick in a choked voice, and wiping her eyes, when the last one had long passed out of view, "it s good to see him and Jonathan Fax walking to gether I anyway. I guess Jonathan 11 never say a word against him again. Faith, he s beautiful 1" CHAPTER IX. TT seemed to Faith as if the little shadow which Febru ary had brought and left did not pass away or rather, as if it had stretched on till it met another; though whence that came, from what possible cloud, she could not see. She was not the cloud that she knew and felt : if such care and tenderness and attention as she had had all winter could be increased, then were they now, every spare moment was given to her, all sorts of things were undertaken to give her pleasure, and that she was Mr. Linden s sunbeam was never more clear. -Yet to her fancy that shadow went out and came in with him lived even in her presence, nay, as if she had been a real sunbeam, grew deeper there. And yet not that, what was it? Tho slight change of voice or face in the very midst of some bright talk, the eyes that followed her about the room or studied her face while she studied her lesson she felt if she did not see them, even the increased unwillingness to have her out of his sight, what did they all mean ? So constant, yet so intangible, so going hand in hand with all the clear, bright activity that had ever been part of Mr. Linden s doings; while the pleasure of nothing seemed to be checked, and yet a little pain mingled with all, Faith felt puzzled and grieved by turns. She bore it for a while, in wondering and sorrowful silence, till she began to be afraid of the shadow s spreading to her own face. Nay, she felt it there sometimes. Faith couldn t stand it any longer. He had come in rather late one evening. It was a bleak evening in March, but the fire never more wanted . burned splendidly and lit up the sitting-room in style. Before it, in the easy-chair, Mr. Linden sat meditating. He might be tired but Faith fancied she saw the shadow She came up behind his chair, put both hands on one of bis shoulders and leaned down. (127) J2S SAY AND SEAL. "Endecott" she said in some of -her most winning tones, "may I ask you something?" He came out of his muse instantly, and laying his hand on hers, asked her "what she thought about it herself?" " I think I may, if you ll promise not to answer me unless you have a mind 1" " Do you suppose I would ?" Mr. Linden said laughing. "What trust you have in your own power !" " No, not a bit," said Faith. " Then shall I ask you ?" "You are beginning to work upon my timid disposition ! . of which I believe I once told you. What are you going to ask me ? to challenge Dr. Harrison ? or to run for President ?" "Would you like to do either of those two things?" "I was only putting myself at your disposal as I have done before." "Would you do either of em if I asked you?" said Faith softly. "I suppose I am safe in saying yes!" said Mr. Linden smiling. "Little bird why do you keep on the wing?" "I wanted to make sure of lighting in a right place," said Faith. "Endy" and her voice came back to the rich softness of the tones of her first question, a little dashed with timidity, "has anybody been putting non sense into your head?" He lifted her hand from its resting place, bringing it round to his cheek and lips at first in silence, "Do you know," he said, "that is just the point over which I thought you were hovering?" But the certainty had changed his tone. And rising up quick and suddenly, he drew her off to the sofa and seated her there, keeping his arm still about her as if for a shield. "Faith," he said, "do you remember that I promised some time to tell you a long story ?" She looked up into his face gravely and affectionately, reading his look. "But you won t have time for it now, Endecott tea will be ready directly. We must wait till by and by." "My little Sunbeam," he said, looking at her and gently pushing back her hair, "do you know I love you very SAY AND SEAL. 129 much r What made you think there was anything in my head but the most profound and abstract sense ?" Faith shook her head with a little bit of a smile. "1 saw that you were growing either more sensible of late or less, and 1 wanted to know which it was." "Please to explain yourself! How could I grow more sensible ? and in what way did I grow less ?" " I am talking nonsense," said Faith simply. " But if it was sense in your head, Endy, there was a little too much of it; and I had seen nonsense look so so I wanted to know." "Faith," Mr. Linden> : said, "you remind me often of that Englishman Madame D Arblay tells about, who to the end of his life declared that his wife was the most beautiful sight in the world to him 1 Do you know I think he will have a successor?" Her colour rose bright, and for a minute she looked down at her diamonds. Then looked up demurely, and asked who Madame D Arblay was ? " She was an English woman, an authoress, a maid of honour to the Queen. Do you wish to know anything about the other two persons 1 alluded to ?" One sparkling flash of Faith s soft eye, was all she gave him. "No, I don t think I do," she said. "You know enough already? or too much? Faith- are Christmas roses to be in season all the year round ?" "I don t know, but tea is. Suppose I go and see about it Monsieur ?" "Eh bien Mademoiselle," he said gravely but holding her fast, "suppose you do !" " Then we should have it." "Undoubtedly, Mademoiselle! Vous avez raison." "And what have you ?" said Faith laughing. "I have you! Love and Reason did meet once, you know." "Did they?" said Faith looking up. "How should I know?" "You never found it out in your own personal experi ence ?" "You say it s a fact," said Faith. "I thought you referred to it as a former fact." 130 SAY AND SEAL. "Like tea" said Mr. Linden. "Like tea, Endecott! what are you talking of ? n "Former facts." "I wonder what I shall get you to-night, Endecott" she said merrily twisting round to look at him, "you must want something ! Is a thing properly said to be former, as long as it is still present ?" " What is present ?" " Tea isn t past" said Faith with another little flash of her eye. "If you are going to set up for Reason," said Mr. Lin den, "there is no more to be don3; but as for me, I may as well submit to my fate. Shakspeare says, To love, and to be wise, exceeds man s might. " "I don t- think I set up for reason," said Faith, "only for tea ; and you obliged me to take reason instead I guess Shakspeare was right." " Unquestionably !" said Mr. Linden laughing. " Faith, did you ever hear of Love in a Cottage ?" "I believe I have." " I hope you don t think that includes tea ?" " I never thought it included much good," said Faith. "I always thought it was something foolish." " There spoke Reason !" said Mr. Linden, " and I shall not dare to speak again for ten minutes. Faith, you will have time to meditate." And his eyes went to the fire and staid there. Faith meditated or waited upon his medita tions ; for her eyes now and then sought his face somewhat wistfully to see if she could read what he was thinking of . which yet she could not read. But her exploring looks in that direction were too frequent to leave room for the supposition that Reason made much progress. " Faith," Mr. Linden said, suddenly intercepting one of these looks, "now let us compare results before we medi tate any further. What have you to shew ?" " Nothing" said Faith frankly. "I on my part have made a great discovery, which will perhaps answer for us both. It is very simple, as most great discoveries are, being merely this : that I prefer other things than reproofs from the lips of Reason. Will you have an illustration ?" SAY AND SEAL. 13} " Can t I understand without ?" said Faith laughing, but with also a little rising colour. And very smilingly she had her answer the only answer she could expect. " I believe you are principled against saying yes !" said Mr. Linden. " The most encouraging thing you ever said to me was Oh no ! " What swift recollection, what quick sympathy with that time, spoke in the crimson of Faith s cheeks ! It was some thing to see the eloquent blood. Eyes were not to be seen. Mr. Linden smiled, touching his hand softly to her cheeks. "0 Mignonette !" he said "or I should rather say, Roses ! or Carnation ! Is there anything beyond that in your Flora ?" In the emergency Faith took possession of the hand that invaded her carnations and turning the full display upon him asked if he would not like to have something more substantial. Apparently the display was approved, though there were no words to that effect. " I suppose I must let you go," he said, "because if we are to study all the evening after tea, it will not do to talk away the whole evening before. You shall choose your own time for hearing my story, dear child only let me know when the time comes." There was no shadow upon the tea hour, on Faith s part, nor on the hours of study that followed. The wind swept i-ound the house, March fashion, but the fire and the open books laughed at him. There seemed even a little more than usual of happy gayety in Faith s way of going through her work ; she and the fire played at which should get ahead of the other ; and between whiles she was obliged to use a little caution to obviate Mr. Linden s surprise at find ing how far she was getting ahead of herself. For Faith s early morning studies were not now by any means confined to the lessons he set for her and expected her to do ; net- object and endeavour was to prevent his requirements, and so prepare the ground before his teachings that without finding out how it came to be so ready, he should simply occupy more of it and cultivate higher. It was rather a nice matter ! not to let him see that she had done too much, and 132 SAY AND SEAL. yet to make him know that he might take what harvests he pleased off the ground ; with such keen eyes too, that knew so well all the relative forces of soil and cultivation and could estimate so surely the fruits of both. Faith managed by not managing at all and by keeping very quiet, as far as possible shewing him nothing he did not directly or indi rectly call for; but sometimes she felt she was grazing the edge of discovery, which the least lifting of the veil of Mr. Linden s unsuspiciousness would secure. She felt it to-night, and the fire and she had one or two odd little con sultations. Just what Mr. Linden was consulting with himself about at those times, she did not know ; but she half fancied it was something. Once the fire called her off at the end of a lesson, and when she came back to the table he had the next book open ; but it was not till this set of questions and answers and explanations was half through, that Faith discovered he had opened the book at a different place from the one where it had been closed the day before, then it suddenly flashed upon her ; but whether it had been by accident, or of intent, she did not know. One last consultation Faith held with the fire while Mrs. Derrick was gathering her work together to go to bed. Then she brought a low seat to Mr. Linden s feet. " Now, Endy, I am ready." A little smile a soft, lingering touch upon her forehead, came with his words. " My little Mignonette, what do you suppose I came to Pattaquasset for ?" She looked rather wondering at him, and then said, " I supposed to teach the school." " Yes, but to what end ? I mean in my intent. I know now what I came for, in one sense," he said, securing one of her hands. " Why Endecott, do you want me to tell you ?" "If you know or guess." " I don t know nor guess anything. I supposed merely that you did that as other people do other things and for the same reason." " It was for a very commonplace reason," Mr. Linden said, watching her face with two or three things at work in his own : "it was to get money to finish my studies for your favourite profession." SAY AND SEAL. 133 " My favourite profession ! Which do you mean ?" " Have you forgotten Miss Essie s question ? I have not nor the dear child who was so unwilling to answer it." Faith s mind went back to Miss Essie, the question and answer, and took the round of the subject, and even as she did so her face changed, a sort of grave light coming into it "Do you mean that, Endy?" she said half under her breath. "I mean that, and no other." The light brightened and deepened her colour flushed like a morning sky, till at last the first sunbeam struck athwart her face, in the shape of a smile. It was not a lip smile it was on eye and brow and lip and cheek together. Mr. Linden bent down by her, lifting her face to meet hi? eyes, which through all their intentness smiled too "Faith, I want to hear every word of that." "Of what?" "Of all that is in your mind and face just now." Her two little answering sentences evidently only gave the key of very deep tones. "I think it is good, Endy. I am glad." " I thought you would be. But that does not satisfy me, dear Faith I want you to say to me all the different things that your thoughts were saying to you. You are not afraid of me at this time of day ?" he said bringing her face closer. "I have nothing to say I need be afraid to say," Faith answered slowly, "but it is hard to disentangle so many thoughts. I was thinking it is such great and high work such happy work and such honour and then that you will do it right, Endecott " she hesitated. "How could I help but be glad?" "Do you like your new prospective position, little Sun beam?" A deep colour came over her face, and the eyes fell Yet Faith folded her hands and spoke. " I was glad to think " She got so far, but the sen tence was never finished. "Glad to think what, dear child?" Faith glanced up. She did not want to answer Then VOL. u. 12 134 SAY AND SEAL - she said with the greatest simplicity, " I am glad if I may do something " "Glad that I should realize my ideal?" Mr. Linden said with a smile, and softly bringing her face round again. "Faith, do you know what a dear little minister s wife you will make ? Mignonette is so suitable for a parson age ! so well calculated to impress the people with a notion of the extreme grave propriety which reigns there ! For is not Mignonette always sweet, demure, and never by any chance 1 high coloured ?" She would not let her face be held up. It went down upon her lap into her hands, which she pressed close to hide it. "Oh Endecott! " she said desperately. "You ll have to call me something else." " Faith !" was Ids smiling reply, "I will, just so soon as I can. Don t you want to come over to the sofa and hear the rest of my story ?" "Your story ! Oh yes !" And first having a sympathizing interview with the fire, Faith went over to the sofa and sat down ; but hid her face no more. Much as he had done before tea, Mr. Lin den came and sat down by her, with the same sort of gentle steadiness of manner, as if some strong thread of feeling had wrapped itself round an equally deep thread of purpose, his gay talk now as then finding always some contrast in his face. But of this Faith had seen little or nothing her eyes had not been very free to look. She did notice how silently he stood by her as she put the fire in order, she did notice the look that rested on her as she took her seat, but then he began his story and she could thing of nothing else. "It was given to me, dear Faith," he said, "to spend my boyhood in an atmosphere more like the glow of that firelight than anything I can compare it to, for its warmth and radiance ; where very luxurious worldly circumstances were crowned with the full luxury of earthly love. But it was a love so heaven-directed, so heaven-blessed, that it was but the means of preparing me to go out into the cold alone. That was where I learned to love your diamonds," he added, taking the jewelled hand in his, "when I used SAY AND SEAL. ]35 to see them not more busy among things of literature and taste, than in all possible ministrations to the roughest and poorest and humblest of those whom literature describes and taste shrinks from ! But I used to think," he said speaking very low, "that the ring was never so bright, nor so quick moving, as when it was at work for me." Faith s eye fell with his to the diamonds. She was very still; the flash all gone. "That time of my life," Mr. Linden presently went on, "was passed partly in Europe and partly here. We came home just after I had graduated from a German University, but before I went away again almost everything I had in the world went from me." He was silent for a little, draw ing Faith s head down upon his shoulder and resting his lightly upon^it, till she felt what she was to him. Then he looked up and spoke quietly as before. "Pet and I were left alone. A sister of my father s was very anxious to take her, but Pet would not hear of it, and so for a year we lived together, and when 1 went to the Seminary she went too, living where I lived, and seeing what she could of me between times. It was not very good for her, but it was the best we could do then. I sup pose there was some mismanagement on the part of my father s executors or some complication in his affairs, I need not trouble you with details; but we were left with out much more than enough to give her the income 1 wished her to have for her own private use. Of course I would not touch that for our joint expenses. But until a year ago we did still live together by various means. Then this sister of my father s set her heart upon taking Pet with her to Europe and I set mine almost as much ; 1 could better bear to live alone, than to have her ; and her life then amounted to that. And so between us both she con sented very unwillingly; and she went to Italy, and I studied as long as I had ways and means, and then came here to get more. So you see, dear child," Mr. Linden said with a smile, "it is not my fortune I have asked you to share, but my fortunes." She gave him a smile, as bright and free as the glancing of a star ; then her look went away again. And it was a good little while before perhaps she dared speak perhaps 136 SAY AND SEAL. before she wanted to speak. So very steady and still her look and herself were, it said that they covered thoughts too tender or too deep to be put into words. And the thoughtfulness rather deepened as minutes rolled on and a good many of them rolled on, and still Faith did not speak. Mr. Linden s watch ticked its remarks unhindered. Words came at last. "Endecott you said something about means for study. How much means does it want? and how much study?" The interest at work in the question was deeper than Faith meant to shew, or knew she shewed. He told her the various expenses, ordinary and contingent, in few words, and was silent a moment. But then drawing her close to him, with that same sort of sheltering gesture she had noticed before, he went on to answer her other question; the voice and manner giving her a perfect key to all the grave looks she had mused over. "Do you remember, dear Faith, that I once called you a brave little child ?" "Yes." "You must be that now," he said gently, "you and I must both be brave, and cheerful, and full of trust. Be cause, precious child, I have two years work before me and the work cannot be done here." She looked in his face once, and was silent; what her silence covered could only be guessed. But it lasted a little while. "It must be done at that place where you were with your sister ?" "Yes, little Mignonette, it must be done there." "And when must you begin the work, Endecott?" If the words cost her some effort, it only just appeared. "I came for a year, dear Faith and I ought not to stay much beyond that." Faith mentally counted the months, in haste, with a pang; but the silence did not last long this time. Her head left its resting place and bending forward she looked up into Mr. Linden s face, with a sunny clear look that met his full. It was not a look that could by any means be mistaken to indicate a want of other feeling, however. One might as soon judge from the sunshine gilding on SAY AND SEAL. 137 the slope of a mountain that the mountain is made of tinsel. "Endecott is that what has been the matter with you ?" She needed no answer but his look, though that was a? slear as her own. "I could easier bear it if / could bear the whole," he said. "But you can understand that Dr. Harrison s pro posal tried, though it did not tempt me." She scarce gave a thought to that. "There is one thing more I wanted to ask. Will there be " she paused, and went on, " no time at all that yon can be here ?" "Dear Faith!" he said kissing her, "do you think I could bear that ? How often I shall be able to come I cannot quite tell, but come I shall from time to time, if I live. And in the meanwhile we must make letters do a great deal." Her face brightened. She sat quietly looking at him. "Will that shadow come any more, now that you have told me ?" "I will give you leave to scold me, if you see it," Mr. Linden said, answering her smile, "I ought not to be in shadow for a minute with such a sunbeam in my posses sion. Although, although! do you know, little bright one, that the connexion between sunbeams and shadows is very intimate? and very hard to get rid of?" "Shall I talk to you about nonsense again?" she said half lightly, resting her hand on his arm and looking at him. Yet behind her light tone there was a great ten derness. "You may and I will plead guilty. But in which of the old classes of uncanny folk will you put me? with those who were known by their having no shadow, or with those who went always with two ?" " So I suppose one must have a little shadow, to keep from being uncanny !" " You and I will not go upon that understanding, dear Faith." Faith did not look like one who had felt no shadow; rather perhaps she looked like one who had borne a blow; 12* ] 38 SAY AND SEAL a look that in the midst of the talk more than once brought to Mr. Linden s mind a shadowy remembrance of her as she was after they got home that terrible evening, but her face had a gentle brightness now that then was wanting. " I don t know " she said wistfully in answer to his last words. " Perhaps it is good. I dare say it is, for me. It is a shame for me to remind you of anything but don t you know, Endecott- all things are ours ? both things present and things to come?" And her eye looked up with a child s gravity, and a child s srnile. Bear it alone ? yes, he could have done that as he had borne other things, it tried him to see her bear it. It touched him to see that look come back to see any tem pering of the bright face she had worn so long. Faith hardly knew perhaps with what eyes he had watched her through all the conversation, eyes none the less anxious for the smile that met hers so readily ; she hardly guessed what pain her bright efforts at keeping up, gave him. To shel ter and gladden her life was the dearest delight of his ; and just now duty thwarted him in both points. And he knew almost better than she did how much she de pended on him. He looked down at her for a moment with a face of such grave submission as Faith had never seen him wear. "My dear little child !" he said. But that sentence was let stand by itself. The next was spoken differently. "I do know it, dear Faith, and yet you do well to remind me. I need to be kept up to the mark. And it is not more true that each day has sufficient evil, than that each has sufficient good if it be only sought out. There can not much darkness live in the light of those words." "How far have you to go," she said with demure arch ness, "to find the good of these days?" "You are quick at conclusions" said Mr. Linden, " how far do you think it is between us at present ?" "Endecott" she said gravely "it will never be fur ther!" He laughed a little with a half moved half amused expression, wrapping her up like some dainty piece of preciousness. "Because every day that I am away will SAY AND SEAL. 139 bring us nearer together? I suppose that is good mea surement." "You know," she said, "you have told me two things to-night, Endecott; and if one makes me sorry, the other makes me glad." " I was sure of that ! And it is such great, great pleasure to think of the times of coming back and of leaving you work to do, and of writing to you about it, and then of finding out how well it is done ! You must keep my books for me, Mignonette mine, I sav ! they are as much yours as mine and more." "Your books?" she said with a flush. "Yes there are but a few of these that I shall want with me, the most of my study books I did not bring here." "But won t you want these with you?" "As far from that as possible. Do you think you could make up your mind to let me tell Reuben a secret ? and give him a reason for being even more devoted to you than he is now?" She coloured very brightly again. "I am willing if you wish it. Why, Endecott ?" " The chief reason is, that I do not wish to lose any of your letters, nor have you lose any of mine. And small postoffices are not so safe as large ones, nor are their managers proverbially silent. I should like to make Reu ben a sort of intermediate office." "And send your letters to him ?" " Yes. Would you mind that ?" "And my letters ?" "And yours in like manner, little Mignonette. He could either enclose them to me, or put them in some neighbour ing office, I think Reuben would enjoy an eight miles walk a day, taken for me. Or you could hide your en velope with another, and let him direct that. You need not be afraid of Reuben," Mr. Linden said smiling, "you might give him forty letters without his once daring to look at you." "But I thought you said he was going to college next summer?" " That was talked of, but I think he will stay another 140 SAY AND SEAL. year at home, and then enter a higher class. It will save expense, and he will be longer with his father. Reuben and I hope to be brother ministers, one day, Faith." "Do you! Does he !" said Faith astonished. "That is good ! I am glad of it. But what will he do for money, Endecott?" "We shall see part of the way is clear, so we may hope the rest will be. Perhaps I may let him do some of his studying with me. Do you think you would object to that?" "Object to it! How could I? What do you mean, Endecott?" "0 little Mignonette!" he said smiling, "how sweet you are ! and what joy it would be to see you wear the only title I can give you ! Don t you know, pretty child, that if I gave Reuben Hebrew you might be called upon to give him tea!" Faith s eyes went down and her colour mounted, and mounted. But her next remark was extremely collected. "How good it was Dr. Harrison s money came!" "I believe you stipulated that we were to have tea ourselves," said Mr. Linden, "but the question remains whether you would dispense it to any one else." Faith was only restrained from covering her face again by the feeling that it would be foolish ; and withal a little laughter could not be prevented. She did shield one side of her face with her hand, and leaning upon it looked into the fire for suggestions. Finally answered sedately, "I should think you and he might have it together !" "Have it yes, if we could get it; but I am ignorant of any but the chemical properties of milk and sugar." " I thought you said you knew cream when you saw it !" said Faith from behind her shield. "That is knowing its appearance not its properties, Miss Reason." " What does reason want to know more, for a cup of tea?" "But you have declared once to-night that I am not Reason," said Mr. Linden laughing. "For instance I once made the sudden acquaintance of a particular person, vrho made as sudden an impression on my mind, after SAY AND SEAL. 1 41 those three minutes I should have known her by sight (like cream) to the end of my life. But I went on trying ex periments (as one might taste successive drops of cream) finding out more and more sweetness each time; untii (like cream again) I discovered that she was perfectly indispensable to my cup of tea 1" Faith bowed her glad little head, laughing, though feeling much deeper was at work. "After this," she said, "I shall always be greatly at a loss what you are thinking of when you are looking at me." "Will your reflections be carried on with such a face?" said Mr. Linden. "Do you remember that afternoon, Faith? when I so nearly laid hold of you and you wanted to laugh, and did not dare ?" "What afternoon?" "The one wherein I first had the pleasure of seeing you. How demurely you eyed me ! and wondered in your little sensible heart what sort of a person I could possibly be I" "How did you know I wondered?" said Faith colour ing." "By your very gentle, modest, and fearful examinations, your evident musings over my words, and the bright look now and then that told of progress." Faith laughed. " You made me begin to think and wish immediately," she said. "It was no wonder I wondered. . "Yes, and how I longed to give you your wish, so far as I could, and how afraid I was to offer my services, and how you would persist in thanking me for pleasing myself, do you remember, little Sunbeam ? and your fright when I asked about Prescott?" She looked up with the prettiest, rosiest remembrance of it all; and then her face suddenly changed, and turning from him she shielded it again with her hand, but not to hide the rosy colour this time. Mr. Linden drew her close to him, resting his face upon her other cheek at first without words. "Dear child 1" he said, "my own little Mignonette! you must not forget what you said to me, and you must not forget that I hope to come home quite often. There 142 SAY AND SEAL. was a time, when I thought I might have to go away and never have tne right to come and see you again. And you must think to yourself though you will not speak of it to me that after this bit of time, all our life will be spent together. You need not expect m; 1 to wait for anything . not even the cottage you like so much." She did not answer immediately, as was natural, his last suggestions not being very word-provoking with her. But when she did speak, it was in a clear, cheerful tone. "I ll bear my part, Endy I should be very ungrateful if I couldn t. And you can bear your part I am glad to think of that ! for you are working for a Master that always gives full pay." "We can always bear God s will," he said, a little gravely, "it is only our own that points the trial and makes it unbearable." CHAPTER X. TT^AITH had no chance to think that night. She went JL to sleep conscientiously. And a chance the next morning was out of the question. She dared not come down as early as usual, if her own strength would have let her. The few minutes before breakfast were busy ones ; and the few hours after breakfast. Faith went about with the consciousness of something on her heart to be looked at; but it had to bide its time. Her household duties done, her preparations for Mr. Linden being already in advance, she had leisure to attend -to this other thing. And alone Faith sat down and looked at it. It was the first real steady trial her life had known. Her father s death had come when she was too young to feel deeply any want that her mother could not fill. To be away from anything she much loved was a sorrow Faith hardly knew by experience. But a two years separation was a very, very heavy and sharp pain to think of; and Faith had an inward assurance that the reality would be heavier and sharper than her thoughts beforehand could make it. Perhaps it was too great a pain to be struggled with ; for Faith did not struggle or not long. She sat down and looked at it, what she had not dared to do the night before ; measured it and weighed it; and then bowed her heart and head to it in utter submission. With it came such a crowd of glad and good things, things indeed that made the trial and were bound up with it, that Faith locked the one and the other up in her heart together. And remem bering too the sunshine of joy in which she had lately lived, she humbly confessed that some check might be needed to remind her and make her know that earth has not the best sunshine, and that any gain would be loss that turned her eyes away from that best, or lessened her sense of its brightness. (143) 142 SAY AND SEAL. was a time, when I thought I might have to go away and never have tne right to come and see you again. And you must think to yourself though you will not speak of it to me that after this bit of time, all our life will be spent together. You need not expect mi- to wait for anything not even the cottage you like so much." She did not answer immediately, as was natural, his last suggestions not being very word-provoking with her. But when she did speak, it was in a clear, cheerful tone. "I ll bear my part, Endy I should be very ungrateful if I couldn t. And you can bear your part I am glad to think of that ! for you are working for a Master that always gives full pay." "We can always bear God s will," he said, a little gravely, "it is only our own that points the trial and makes it unbearable." CHAPTER X. TT^AITH had no chance to think that night. She went JL to sleep conscientiously. And a chance the next morning was out of the question. She dared not come down as early as usual, if her own strength would have let her. The few minutes before breakfast were busy ones ; and the few hours after breakfast Faith went about with the consciousness of something on her heart to be looked at; but it had to bide its time. Her household duties done, her preparations for Mr. Linden being already in advance, she had leisure to attend *to this other thing. And alone Faith sat down and looked at it. It was the first real steady trial her life had known. Her father s death had come when she was too young to feel deeply any want that her mother could not fill. To be away from anything she much loved was a sorrow Faith hardly knew by experience. But a two years separation was a very, very heavy and sharp pain to think of; and Faith had an inward assurance that the reality would be heavier and sharper than her thoughts beforehand could make it. Perhaps it was too great a pain to be struggled with ; for Faith did not struggle or not long. She sat down and looked at it, what she had not dared to do the night before ; measured it and weighed it; and then bowed her heart and head to it in utter submission. With it came such a crowd of glad and good things, things indeed that made the trial and were bound up with it, that Faith locked the one and the other up in her heart together. And remem bering too the sunshine of joy in which she had lately lived, she humbly confessed that some check might be needed to remind her and make her know that earth has not the best sunshine, and that any gain would be loss that turned her eyes away from that best, or lessened her sense of its /brightness. (143) 144 SAY AND SEAL. So there came no shadow over her at all, either that day or afterwards The clear light of her face was not clouded, and her voice rung to the same tune. There was no shadow, nor shade of a shadow. There was a little sub dued air ; a little additional gravity, a trifle more of ten derness in her looks and ways, which told of the simpleness of heart with which she had quietly taken what God gave and was content with it. To Mr. Linden the trial was not new, and to sorrow of various kinds he was wonted ; but it was new to him to see her tried, and to that he found it hard to accustom himself. Yet he carried out his words, Faith could feel a sort of atmosphere of bright strength about her all the time. How tenderly she was watched and watched over she could partly see, but pain or anxiety Mr. Linden kept to himself. He set himself to work to make her enjoy every minute. Yet he never shunned the subject of his going away, he let her become used to the sound of the words, and to every little particular connected with it they were all told her by degrees ; but told with such bright words of hope and trust, that Faith took the pain as it were diluted. Before all this had gone far indeed not many days after the first telling of his story, Faith had come down as usual one early morning to her work. She had been down about an hour, when she heard the door open and Mr. Linden came in. He had two seconds view of the picture before she rose up to meet him. There was no lamp yet burning in the room. A fire of good hard wood threw its light over everything, reflected back from the red curtains which fell over the windows. In the very centre of the glow, Faith sat on a low cushion, with her book on a chair. She was dressed exactly, for nicety, as if she might have been going to Judge Harrison s to tea. And on the open pages, and on Faith s bright hair, edging her ruffles, and warming up her brown dress, was the soft red fall of the firelight. She rose up immediately with her usual glad look, behind which lay a doubtful surmising as to his errand. It was on her lips to ask what had brought him down so early, but she was prudently silent. He came forward quick and quietly, according to his wont, not at all as if she were about anything unusual, and giving her one of those SAY AND SEAL. 145 greetings which did sometimes betray the grave feeling he kept so well in hand, he brought her back to the fire. " Little bird," he said, " what straws are you weaving in at present ?" " I don t know. Not any unless thoughts." " Will it please you to state what you are doing ?" "I was reading. I had just got to the end of the story of Moses blessing Israel. I was thinking of these words" and she took up her book and shewed him. " Happy art thou, Israel, saved of the Lord, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency." "Did you ever look out any of the answering passages in other parts of the Bible ?" " Not often. I don t know them. Once in a while I think of one. And then they are so beautiful !" Mr. Linden took the book from her hand, turning from place to place and reading to her. " Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God : which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is : which keepeth truth forever. That is what David said, then hear how Isaiah answers Behold, God is my salvation ; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. And again Israel shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation : ye shall not be ashamed nor con founded, world without end. " Faith drew a little quick breath " Doesn t it seem," she said, " as if words were heaped on words to prevent our being afraid ?" " I think it really is so ; till we have a shield of promises as well as protection. After Abraham had gone out of his own country, not knowing whither he went, the word of the Lord came to him, saying, Fear not, Abraham, I am ti>y shield and thy exceeding great reward. Then David takes that up and expatiates upon it, finding in it both thing s present and things to come , dear Faith." " For the Lord God is a sun and a shield : the Lord will give grace and glory : no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee. " VOL. II. 13 |46 SAY AND SEAL. She looked down at the words, then up at him with a glad, sunshiny light in her eyes. Her comment on the whole was heartfelt, and comprehensive. " How good it was you came down this morning !" "Would you like to have me come every morning ?" " Oh how much ! But that s no use, Endecott." "Why not?" "I mustn t get to depending upon you too much," she said with a smile. "What had you been musing about to make you so glad this morning ?" he said looking at her. " Nothing ! but those passages as you read them one after the other were so beautiful, and felt so strong. It was a great pleasure to hear you read them," she said dropping her voice a little in confession. "It shall be as you like, darling, about my coming again. But dear Faith, of this other morning work you must let me say a word." " What, Endecott ?" "You are doing too much." " No. What makes you think so ?" Significantly Mr. Linden laid his hand on the pile of study books. "Well?" "Well. For the future please to let these gentry rest in peaceful seclusion until after breakfast." "Oh no, Endy!" "My dear, I shall have you turning into a moonbeam. Just imagine what it would cost me to call you pale Cyn thia !" "You needn t imagine it, Endecott." "Only so far as to prevent the reality. Do you know I have been afraid of this for some time." "Of what?" "Afraid that you were disregarding the bounds I have laid down for study and the sun for sleep." " I didn t know you had laid down any bounds," she said gaily again, "and I never did mind the sun." " Well won t you mind me?" said he smiling. "I have a right to expect that in study matters, you know." " Don t try me " said Faith, very winningly, much more SAY AND SEAL. 147 than she knew He stood looking at her, with the sweet unbent expression which was her special right. "Faith, don t you mean to love to have me take care of you?" That brought a change of look, and it was curious to see the ineffectual forces gather to veil what in spite of them wreathed in her smile and laid an additional roseleaf upon each cheek. The shy eyes retreated from view ; then they were raised again as she touched his arm and said, with a demure softness, "What must I do, Endy?" "Be content with the old study houis, my dear child. They are long enough, and many enough." " Oh Endy ! not for me. " "For thee." Faith looked down and looked disturbed. " Then, Endecott, I sha n t be as wise as I want to be, nor as you want to have me." " Then you will be just as wise as I want you to be," he said with a smile. "As to the rest, pretty child, do you mean that my wife shall deprive me of my scholar?" Faith turned away and said rather quickly, "Endy, how did you know ?" " From some lesson evidence. And I always hear yon come down and whiles I see a face at breakfast which has riot lately come from rest." Faith s secret thought was that it was better than rest. But after folding her hands with a grave face, she looked up at Mr. Linden with a smile which yielded the whole question. "To prove to you what a naughty child you have been," said Mr. Linden, " I shall give you an increase of outdoor lessons, and take you off on an expedition the first mild day. On which occasion you may study me if you have any of Miss Essie s curiosity." " Don t I ?" said Faith. "And I am going to do it more. What expedition are you going on, Endecott?" "Up to Kildeer river- I have business there. Will you trust yourself to me in a boat if I will let you steer ?" " I ll do anything to go," said Faith. "And I suppose if I steered wrong, the helm would come about pretty quick 1" And so ended her last early morning studies. 148 SAY AND SEAL. It was in the afternoon of the same day that Faith put in practice what she had been thinking of when she avowed her determination of further studying Mr. Linden. He had come home from school, and it was the dusky hour again ; the pleasant interregnum between day and night when even busy folk take a little time to think and vest. Mr. Linden was indulging in both apparently ; he was in one of those quiet times of doing nothing which Faith chose for making any of her very gentle attacks upon him. One seemed to be in meditation now. She stole up behind him and leaned down on the back of his chair, after her wont. "Endecott" she said softly. Faith s voice was in ordinary a pleasant thing to hear ; but this name from her lips was always a concretion of sweetness, flavoured differently as the case might be. Sometimes with mere gladness, sometimes with the spirit of fun, often enough with a little timidity, and sometimes with a rose-drop from the very bottom of her heart s well ; with various compounds of the same. But this time it was more than timidity; Faith s one word was spoken as from lips that were positively afraid to follow it with others. "That note," said Mr. Linden smiling, "seems to come from the top of a primeval pine tree with a hawk in sight ! Little bird, will you please come down into the lower regions of air? where you can be (comparatively) safe." Faith laughed ; but the hawk remained in sight of her words. "You said this morning I never asked you any but impossible things." "Most sorrowfully true ! have you another one ready ?" "If I ask you something possible, what will you do?" she said, softly touching the side of his head with her hand. It was Faith s utmost freedom; a sort of gentle admiring touch of her fingers which the thick locks of hair felt hardly more than a spider s feet. "That depends so much upon the thing!" he said, half turning to give her the look which belonged to his words. " There are such a variety of ways in which I might deal with it and with you." "I am not going to ask you anything but what would be right." SAY AND SEAL. 149 "You do not doubt that ray answer will be conformable ?" "Yes I do. It will be your right, but it may not be my right, you know." "If you get what is not your right, you ought to be contented," said Mr. Linden. "Now you have turned me and my meaning round; Endecott-^-you know Aunt Dilly gave me something? mayn t I won t you let me lend it to you ?" Very low and doubtfully the words came out ! But if Faith had any more to say, she had little chance for a while. One quick look round at her Mr. Linden gave, but then he sprang up and came to where she stood, lifting her face and giving her her "right" in one sense at least. Other answer he made none. "Endy have I asked a possible thing this time?" she said under breath. "My precious child ! Do you think it possible?" "It ought to be possible, Eudecott." And if ever an humble suggestion of a possibility was made, Faith made it then. "I shall have to go back to my first answer," said Mr. Linden, " I have no words for any other. Faith, dearest don t you know that it is not needful ? Will that con tent you, little sweet one ?" A soft "no." "Why not?" he said, making good his threat. "What do you want me to have more than I need ?" "I fear the ways you will take to make that true. I should think you might, Endecott!" The ellipsis was not hard to supply. "I shall not take any unlawful means nor any unwise ones, I hope," he said lightly. "What are you afraid I shall do ?" "Get up early in the morning, she whispered. "But that is so pleasant! Do you suppose I get up late now, little bird ?" " Not late, with breakfast at seven. How early do you ?" "Philosophically early! Do you know you have not had your poem to-day ? what shall it be ? sunrise or sunset?" " Which you please," she said gently, with the tone of a 150 SAY AND SEAL. mind upon something else. Mr. Linden looked down at her in silence for a minute. "Dear Faith," he said, "I told you truly that there is no need. This year s work has done quite as much as I thought it would. What are you afraid of?" "I am not afraid of much," she said, looking up at him now with a clear brow. "But Endy, I have changed ruy mind about something. Could you easily come down and read with me a little while every morning ? or are you busy?" " I am never too busy to spend time with you, my child, that is one piece of pleasure I shall always allow myself. At what hour shall I come ?" "At six o clock, can you?" said Faith. "If you gave me a quarter of an hour then, I should still have time enough for breakfast work. This morning I was afraid but I was foolish. This evening I want all I can get. And when you read me a ladder of verses again," she said smiling, "I shall mark them in my Bible, and then I shall have them by and by when you are gone." "Yes, and I can send you more. It is good to go up a ladder of Bible verses when one is afraid or foolish," he said gently and answering her smile. "One end of it always rests on earth, within reach of the weakest and weariest." "That is just it! Oh Endy," she said, clasping her hands sadly and wishfully before her and her eyes tilling as she spok} "I wish there were more people to tell people the truth !" CHAPTER XI. IT was a fair, fair May morning when Mr. Linden and Faith set forth on their expedition to Kildeer river After their early rising and early breakfast, they took their way down to the shore of the Mong, where the little sail boat lay rocking on the incoming tide, her ropes and streamers just answering to the morning breeze. The soft spring sunlight glinted on every tree and hillside. The "Balm of a Thousand Flowers" true and not spurious was sprinkled through the air, under the influence of which unseen nectar the birds became almost intoxicated with joy ; pouring out their songs with a sort of spend thrift recklessness, the very fish caught the infection, and flashed and sparkled in the blue water by schools at a time. In the sailboat now stood baskets and shawls, a book or two, an empty basket for wild flowers, and by the tiller sat Faith invested with her new dignity but not yet. instructed therein. Mr. Linden stood on the shore, with the boat s detaining rope in his hand, looking about him as if he had a mind to take the good of things as he went along. Up the hill from the shore, trotted Jerry and Mr. Skip. "Endecott," said Faith joyously, "Goethe would have more than enough if he was here." She was not a bad part of the picture herself; fair and glad as she looked, as fair as the May morning and tho birds and the sunlight. "Isn t this air sweet?" " Very ! But Goethe would choose my point of view. So much depends, in a picture, upon the principal light!" "I wonder which is the principal light to-day!" said Faith laughing. " How it sparkles all over the river, and then on the young leaves and buds ; and then soft shining on the clouds. And they are all May! Look at (151) 152 SAY AND SEAL. those tiny specks of white cloud scattered along the horizon, up there towards Neanticut." "The principal light to-day," said Mr. Linden, "is one particular sunbeam, which as it were leads off the rest. It s a fair train, altogether I" and he threw the rope into the little vessel, and jumped in himself; then lifting Faith a little from her place, and arranging and disposing of her daintily among shawls and cushions, and putting her un wonted fingers upon the tiller. "Now Miss Derrick," he said, "before we go any further, I should like to know your estimate and understanding of the power at present in your hands." " I know what a rudder is good for," said Faith merrily. "I know that this ship, though it be so great, and driven of fierce winds, yet is it turned about with a very small helm whithersoever the governor listeth. That is what you may call theoretical knowledge." "Clearly your estimate covers the ground! But you perceive, that while you take upon yourself the guiding of the boat (if I might venture to suggest ! our course lies up the Mong, and not out to sea) I, with my sail, control the motive power." "You mean that if I don t go right, you ll drop the sail?" "Not at all! I shall navigate, not drift. Do you sup pose I shall surrender at the first summons?" "What would you consider a summons ?" said Faith with a funny look. "I don t think your sail can do much against my rudder." "My sail regulates the boat s headway which in its turn affects the rudder. (If we run down those fishermen the damages may be heavy.) But you see I have this ad vantage, I know beforehand your system of navigation you don t know mine. Let me inform your unpractised eyes, Miss Derrick, that the dark object just ahead of us is a snag." " My eyes don t see any better for that information, said Faith ; with great attention however managing to guide their little craft clear of both snag and fishermen, and almost too engaged in the double duty to have leisure for laughing. But practice is the road to excellence and SAY AND SEAL. 153 ease ; Faith learned presently the correspondence between the rudder and her hand, and in the course of a quarter of an hour could keep the north track with tolerable steadiness. The wind was fair for a straight run up the Mong. The river stretching north in a diminishing blue current (pretty broad however at Pattaquasset and for some miles up) shewed its low banks in tlie tenderest grading of colour; very softly brown in the distance, and near the eye opening into the delicate hues of the young leaf. The river rolled its bright blue, and the overarching sky was like one of summer s. Yet the air was not so, - spicy from young buds; and the light was Springy; not Summer s ardour nor Summer s glare, but that loveliest promise of what is coming and oblivion of what is past. So the little boat sailed up the Mong. Mr. Linden s sail was steady, Faith s rudder was still. ," Faith," Mr. Linden said suddenly, "have you made up your mind to my letter plan ?" "About Reuben? yes. I am willing." " You know you are to send me every possible question that comes up in the course of your studies, and every French exercise, and every doubt or discomfort of any kind if any should come. I shall not be easy unless I think that." "But you won t have tifee for my French exercises ! "Try me. And you are to take plenty of fresh air, and not a bit of fatigue; and in general are to suppose your self a rare little plant belonging to me, which 1 have left in your charge for the time being. Do you understand, Mignonette ?" Her blush and smile, of touched pleasure, shewed abund ance of understanding. " But I want you to tell me, Endecott, all the things in particular you would like to have me do or attend to while you are away besides my studies. I have been thinking to ask you, and waiting for a good time." " All the things ? of what sort, dear child?" "Aren t there some of your poor people you would like to have particularly attended to? I could get Reuben to go with me, you know, where it was too far for me to go alone, or mother." 154 SA1 AND SEAL "Yes, there are some things you might do," said Mr. Linden,. "for me and for them, though more in the way of sending than going; the places are too far off. But I should like to know that Mrs. Ling s mother had a bunch of garden flowers now and then, and that another went to that little lame girl on the Monongatesak road ; and once in a great while (not often, or they will lose their charm) you may send the Roscoms two fresh eggs ! not more, on any account. Reuben will go for you, anywhere and the Roscoms are old protegees of his." "I didn t mean to forget the Roscoms," said Faith. "But must one manage with them so carefully?" "In matter of favours, yes. And even in matter of visits, to a certain degree, their life is so monotonous that novelty has a great charm. Reuben used to go and read to them almost every day on his way from school, but I found it best to make my coming an event." "Can "I do anything for Reuben?" "Nothing new that I know of, at present you are doing something for him all the while, and it will be a wonderful delight to him to bring you letters. Then if you are ever driving down that Monongatesak road, with nothing to hinder, take the little lame child with you for a mile or two, she so pines to be out of the house and moving. Would it be disagreeable to you? there is nothing but what is pleasant in her appearance." "What if there were?" she said with a wistful look at him. "Do you mind disagreeablenesses ? and do you want to have me mind them ?" "No, dear child, but you must get wonted by degrees, and some temperaments can never bear what others can. What if we were to overhaul those fishermen ?" "What do you want?" said Faith, as she carefully set the boat s head that way. "A fish for dinner?" "No" said Mr. Linden, "I have too much respect for that basket at my feet. But you know, Faith, we are having a sort of preliminary play-practice at seeking our fortune, to-day, we must carry it out. Just imagine, my dear, that we are adrift in this boat, with nothing at all for dinner, and supper a wild idea ! riot the eastern fisher man who for four fish received from the Sultan four hun- SAY ANI> SEAL. 155 dred pieces of gold, would then appear so interesting as these." " If you wanted dinner from them but you say you don t," said Faith laughing. "Endecott, I don t under stand in the least ! And besides, you said you wouldn t drift but navigate!" And her soft notes rolled over the water, too soft to reach the yet somewhat distant fishermen. "And so because I turn navigator you turn Siren 1" said Mr. Linden. "But I have you safe in my boat I need not stop to listen. " "But what did you mean ?" "By what?" "All that." "Short and comprehensive!" said Mr. Linden "come up on the other side, Faith, the current is less strong. All about seeking our fortune, do you mean? Did you never hear of any other extraordinary prince and princess who did the same?" "If I am not adrift in the boat, I am in my wits !" said Faith, "and with no sail nor rudder either. Why are those fishermen interesting, Endecott?" "Why my child," he said, "in the supposititious case which I put, they were interesting as having fish, while we had none. But in the reality they were picturesque in the distance, what they are near by we will see," he added with a smile at her, as the sail cani round and the little boat shot up alongside of her rough-looking relation. " Well friends, what cheer ? besides a M&y morning and a fair wind ?" The fishermen slowly dragging their net, hoarsely specu lating on its probable weight of fish, paused both their oars and tongues and looked at him. One of the m%n had the oars ; the other at the end of the boat was hauling in, hand over hand. " That s about all the cheer you want, I guess, aint it ?" said this man. It was said freely enough, but with no inci vility. " Not all 7 want," said Mr. Linden, while the oarsman, rolling his tobacco in his mouth, came out with VOL. II. 19 156 SAY AND SEAL. Shouldn t wonder, now, if twan t much in your line o business ! guess likely you be one o the mighty smart folks that don t do nothin ." "I ve no objection to being mighty smart ," said Mr. Linden, belaying his rope with a light hand, "but I shouldn t like to pay such a price for it. Smartness will have to come down before I m a purchaser." The man looked at him with a queer little gleam crossing his face " Shouldn t wonder if you hadn t took it when it was down !" he said. "It s a great thing to know the state of the market," said Mr. Linden. "I suppose you find that with your fish." "Gen lly do, when we take em," said the man at the net, who never took his eye off the overhauling boat and. its crew. He was not a young man, but a jovial-looking fellow. "What fish tfe you arter, stranger?" " Somewhat of a variety," Mr. Linden said with a smile. "What makes the fish come into your net?" "Haven t an idee !" said the man "without it bees that fish is very onintelligent creturs. I don t suppose fish has much brains, sir. And so they goes further and fares worse." Which statement of the case he appeared to think amusing. "But then why do they sometimes stay out?" said Mr. Linden, "because I -have read of men who toiled all the night and caught nothing ." " Wall, you see," said the fisher, " they goes in shoals or flocks like, and they s notional. Some of em won t come at one time o tide, and some won t come at another and they has their favourite places too. Then if a man sets his nets where the fish aint, all creation might work and catch nothin . This side the river is better now than over there." "These men that I was talking of," said Mr. Linden, "once found a difference even between the two sides of their ship. But the other time, when they had caught nothing all the night, in the morning they caught so many that their net broke and both their ships began to sink." SAY AND SEAL. 157 "What kind o folks was them ?" said the oarsman a little scornfully. " Why they were fishermen," said Mr. Linden. "They followed your calling- first, and then they followed mine." "What s yourn?" said the other, in his tone of good- humoured interest. " Guess you re a speaker o some sort aint ye ?" " Yes " Mr. Linden said, with a little demure gesture of the head, " I am of some sort, as you say. But I ve got an account of these men in my pocket don t you want to hear it? it s more interesting than any account you could have of me." "Like to hear it well enough " said the man at the net, setting himself astride the gunwale to listen, with the net hanging from his hand. "I wouldn t mind knowing how they worked it " said the other man, while Mr. Linden threw a rope round one of the thole-pins of the fishing boat and gave the other end to Faith, and then took out his book. And Faith was amused at the men s submissive attention, and the next minute did not wonder at all ! as she noted the charm that held them the grace of mingled ease, kindliness, and power, in Mr. Linden s manner and presence. Nothing could have greater simplicity, and it was not new to Faith, yet she looked at him as if she had never seen him before. "A great many years ago," he said, "when the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, was in this world, he went about healing sick people, and teaching every one the way to heaven; and the people came in great numbers to hear him. " And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesareth, and saw two ships standing by the lake; but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets. " "We wash our n by pnllin em through the water," said the net man. "The Lord entered one of the ships, which belonged to a marf named 8imon, and asked him to push out a little from the shore. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship. Now, when he had left speaking, he VOL. H. 14 158 SAY AND SEAL. unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering, said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing ; nevertheless, at thy word I will let down the net." " In course ! whether twas any use or not," the man with the net said approvingly. "So he had oughter." " Yes, and he knew it would be of use in some way, for God never gives a command without a reason. And when they had let down the net, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. " " That was a bigger haul than ever I see, yet," remarked the man. "Neither had Simon ever seen anything like it he knew that it was brought about by the direct power of God. " When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus knees, saying, Depart from me ; for I am a sinful man, Lord. For he was astonished, and all they that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken. " "Can t see what he said that fur," said the oarsman. " No more don t I !" said the other. " He had got a good haul o fish, anyway if he was ever so ! and we aint none of us white lilies." "But then Peter knew that. he ought to be a white lily and such a new view of God s power and greatness made him feel it more than ever. So that he was both afraid and ashamed, he thought himself unworthy to have the Lord in his ship, and was afraid to have him stay there." "1 wouldn t have asked him to go out, if he had been in mine, I don t think !" said the elder fisher slowly. "I don t see as that chap need to ha j been afeard he hadn t done nothin but good to him." "But it s what we do ourselves that makes us afraid," said Mr. Linden. " So it was with Adarn and Eve in the garden, you know God had talked to them a great many times, and they were never afraid till they disobeyed him then the moment he spoke they ran and hid themselves." SAY AND SEAL. 159 The oarsman was silent, the other man gave a sort of grunt that betokened interest. " What shines had this feller been cuttin up ?" "Why!" said Mr. Linden, starting up and taking his stand by the mast, as the little boat curtseyed softly over the waves, " if you tell one of your boys always to walk .11 one particular road, and you find him always walking in another I don t think it matters much what he s doing there, to him or to you." "Wall?" said the man, with a face of curiosity for what was to come next, mingled with a certain degree of intelligence that would not confess itself. "Well Peter knew he was not in the way wherein the Lord commands us all to walk." " I guess every feller s got to pick out his own road for himself !" said the fisher, pulling up a foot or two of his net carelessly. "That s what Peter had thought, and so he had lived, just as he chose. But when he saw more of the glory of God, then he was afraid and confessed his sin. And what do you suppose the Lord said to him then ?" "What did Peter own up to ?" "The account gives only the general confession that he was a sinful man, not worthy to have the Lord look upon him except in anger. You see he falls down at his feet and prays him to depart he could not believe that the Lord would stay there to speak good to him." " Well what did he say to him ?" " He said unto him, Fear not . And no one need fear, who humbly confesses his sins at the feet of Jesus, for if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Then the Lord bade Simon and all his companions to follow him and they obeyed. And now I want to tell you what this following means." He put one arm round the mast, half leaning against it, and gave them what Faith would have called a ladder passing from the Follow me, spoken to Peter, to the young man who being bid to follow, went away sor rowful , to the description of the way given in the tenth 19* (60 SAY AND SEAL. chapter of John, to the place whither the flock follow Christ "And I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father s name written in their foreheads . These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. " The men listened, open-mouthed and with intent eyes ; - partly to the speaker, it was evident, and partly to what the speaker said. And that his words took hold, it was also evident. When he ceased, the man at the net dropped his eyes for a moment, a curious look of meditation cover ing his face. . "It s easy to talk of follerin ," he said with a half laugh which was not of carelessness, "and one might like to, but it s plaguey hard to know where to start ! " " It s easy for God to teach you and easy to ask him to do it. If it was anything else you wanted to do, you would not stop trying till you found out," said Mr. Linden "and that is just the way here. Now I am going to give you a copy of all this," he said, throwing his own little Bible softly into Faith s lap and stepping forward to the prow of the boat (which she thought held only lunch baskets) " and I shall turn down a leaf at the story of the net full of good fishes and another at a place that tells of a net full of every kind, both bad and good. And I want you to read them, and think about them, and find out how to follow Christ and then come on!" He took his seat once more in the stern of the boat, and held out the Bible to the fisherman. The other man, slowly dip ping his oars in and out, met his look too, but made no answer. The man at the net took the book and turned over the leaves with a wondering, considering air. "What do you reckon this here s worth ?" he said some what awkwardly, without raising his eyes from it. " Worth daily reading and study worth all you ha\e in the world, if you will use it right," said Mr. Linden. " Von need not think about any other value I had it in trust to give away." SAY AND SEAL. 161 "I m much obleeged to you, I ll take a look at it no\i and then. Do you live along here, anywheres ?" "In Pattaquasset, just now," Mr. Linden said, as he prepared to make sail again: "I don t very often come to this part of the river." " Well hold on !" said the man, beginning to pull in his net with great vivacity, "I m bound to give you a fish if I ve got one here. Bear a hand, Dick ! Haint you got a place on board there that you can stow it, without skeerhr the lady?" " I ll try to find one !" said Mr. Linden, answering the proposal just as it was meant. "If the lady is scared she shall turn her face the other way." "She ll turn it which way you say? " ventured the fisher insinuatingly. Faith did not seem afraid of the fish, by the way she leaned over the stern of the boat and eyed the up-coming nets which the men were drawing in. She had listened to the foregoing talk, to the full as intently as those for whom it was meant, and with a multitude of interests at work in her mind and heart of which they had never dreamed. And now her eye was bent on the net; but her thoughts were on that other kind of fishing of which she had just seen an example the first she had ever seen of Mr. Lin den s ! and her full heart was longingly thinking, among other thoughts, of the few there were to draw those nets, and the multitude to be drawn ! What Faith saw in the meshes the man s hands were slowly pulling up ! But the fisherman only saw what pleased him greatly, some very fine fish; shad they were for the greater part; from which he selected a noble specimen and cast it over into Mr. Linden s boat. Then standing up in his own he wiped his hands on the sleeves of his coat. " Hope you ll come along again some day," said he. "And" (waggishly) "don t come without the lady!" The rope was drawn in and the little skiff shot ahead smoothly and silently from the great brown fishing boat and her equally brown owners. Gliding on watched for a little by the fibers, then their attention was claimed by the flapping shad -in the net, and the sail boafe set her canvas toward; Kikiecr river. Mr. Linden went forward and 14* | 6 o SAY AND SEAL. bestowed his prisoner a little more out of sight and sound in Korae place of safety, and then sitting down in the prow dipped his hands in the blue water and took a survey of Faith, as she sat in the stern the tiller in her hand, the shadow of the sail falling partly across; the spring zephyrs playing all about her. "Little bird," he said, "why don t you sing?" A smile of much and deep meaning went back from the stern to the prow; but she presently made the somewhat obvious remark that "birds do not always sing." "A melancholy fact in natural history ! the truth of which I am just now experiencing. What shall be done with them at these times are they to be coaxed or chidden or fed with sponge cake? Have you got any in your basket?" "Are you hungry ?" said Faith. " Only for words or songs or some other commodity of like origin," Mr. Linden said, coming back to his old place. "What shall I have? if I cannot get the two first ?" "You might have a little patience? " " Patience , my dear, is a good root but nothing akin to sugar canes." "There s no need of it, either," said Faith laughing, "for you can sing if I can t." " No, there is no need of it, and therefore Now, little bird, will you please not to fly past the outlet of Kildeer river?" Laughing, colouring, Faith nevertheless bent a very earnest attention upon this difficult piece of navigation. For the opening of Kildeer river was as yet but slightly to be discerned; a little break in the smooth shore line, a very little atmospheric change in the soft leafy hues of the nearer and further point. Faith watched, as only a young steersman does, for the time and place where her rudder should begin to take cognizance of the approaching change of course. A little wider the break in the shore line grew, more plain the mark of a break in the trees, and almost suddenly the little stream unfolded its pretty reach of water and woodland, ^stretching in alluringly with picturesque turns of its mimic channel. Faith needed a little help now, SAY AND SEAL. 103 for the river was not everywhere navigable ; but after a few minutes of pretty sailing among care-requiring rocks and sand-banks, where the loss of wind made their pro gress slow, the little skiff was safely brought to land at a nice piece of gravelly shore. It was wonderful pretty! The trees with their various young verdure came down to the water s edge, with many a dainty tint ; here one covered with soft catkins of flower, there one ruddy with not yet opened buds. The winding banks of the stream on one hand; and on the other the little piece of it they had passed over, with the breadth of the Mong beyond. Through all, May s air and Spring s perfume, and the still ness of noonday. "Inverted in the tide Stand the grey rocks, and trembling shadows throw. And the fair trees look over, side by side, And see themselves below." So Mr. Linden told Faith, as he was putting his sail in trim repose, and then telling her that the guiding power was still in her hands, requested to know what they should do next. "Why," said Faith merrily, "I thought you had business to attend to ?" "I had " said Mr. Linden, "but I reflected that you would probably give me full occupation, and so got rid of the business first." " Then you have nothing to do here ?" "A great deal, I suppose; but I know not what." Faith fairly sat down to laugh at him. "What do you think of having lunch, and then going after flowers ?" "I consider that to be a prudent, bird-like suggestion. Do you expect me to cook this fish for you ? or will you be content to take it home to your mother, and let us feast upon " Herbs, and such like country messes, Which neat-handed Phyllis dresses ?" "Have you all the books in the world in your head ?" said Faith, laughing her own little laugh roundly. " JIow 166 SAY AND SEAL. get at that fire, and the fancy will pass away. Endeeott \ it is absolutely necessary that some wood should be put on; and I don t believe princes know how." "Princes," said Mr. Linden, holding her a little off with ose hand, while with the other he replenished the fire, "are especially famed for their power of doing impossible things in desert places. And the princess will follow whether you can see it or not. Is that blaze aspiring enough for you ? "Yes, but it needs to be kept up I want a good bed of coals." A fine fire was on its way at last, and while waiting for it to burn down to the desired bed of coals, the temporary prince and princess sat down on the rock to feast their eyes in the mean time. A little past midday, it was not the pic turesque hour for another season ; but now, in the freshness of Spring, the delicate beauties of colour and light could bear the full meridian sun and not ask for shadows to set them off; other than the tender shade under the half-leaved trees. It was a warm enough day too, and. those same leaves were making a great spring towards their full unfold ing. Birds were twittering all around, and they only filled up the silence. "Isn t it worth corning for! said Faith, when they had taken it all in for a few minutes without interrupting the birds. "More than that and the it is very plural. Faith, do you see that butterfly?" A primrose- winged rover was meandering about in the soft air before them, flitting over the buttercups with a listless sort of admiration. "Poor thing, he has come out too soon," said Faith. " He will have some frost yet, for so summery as it is to day." But Faith gave a graver look at the butterfly than his yellow wings altogether warranted. "Among the ancients," said Mr. Linden, "the word for a butterfly and the word for the soul were the same, they thought the first was a good emblem of the lightness and airiness of the last. So they held, that when a man died a butterfly might be seen flitting above his head. I was thinking how well this one little thing shews the exceeding lowness of heathen ideas." SAY AND SEAL. 167 "Did they think the butterfly was his very spirit, in that form ?" " I suppose so or thought they did. But look at that creature s wavering, unsteady flight; his aimless wander ings, anywhere or nowhere; and compare it with the mounting up with wings as eagles , which a Christian soul may know, even in this life, compare it with the swift return to God who gave it with the being caught up to meet the Lord which it shall surely know at death." "And the butterfly isn t further from that," said Faith clasping her hands together, "than many a real, living soul in many a living person!" "No, not further; and so what the old Greeks made an emblem of the immortal soul, gives name, with us, to those persons who are most tied down to mortality. What were you thinking of, a minute ago, when I shewed you the butterfly?" " I was thinking of somebody that I am afraid a butter fly will always remind me of," Faith answered with a slight colour ; " and of the time he got the name." "He got it by favour of his office, you know not other wise." "I know" But with that, Faith jumped up to see to the state of the tire; and then after some conjuration in her basket pro duced a suspicious-looking tin vessel, for which the proper bed of coals was found. Leaving it and the fire to agree together, Faith came back to the rock and Mr. Linden and stood a little while silently looking and breathing the sweetness. "I always did love everything in the world, that my eyes could see," she said gravely. "But I love them so much more now ! now that the hand that made them is not such a strange far-otf hand to me. It makes a kind of new world to me, Endecott." "Yes and you can understand how even without physical changes when we shall know as we are known, the heavens and earth wherein dwelleth righteousness may be preeminently new ." Faith stood without reply a few minutes longer, then ran 168 SAY AND SEAL. back to her fire ; and after a short space called to Mr Linden to ask if he would like to come and see what the prince had been picking up wood for ? To which the prince responded with very un-royal alac rity, bringing a well-put-together knot of buttercups to adorn one side of Miranda s head; which he declared looked better than gold beads, if they didn t cost as much. A napkin was spread on the rock, conveniently near to the fire ; on which plates and bread and a bottle of cream and a dainty looking pasty were irregularly bestowed. Mr. Linden threw himself down on the moss ; and Faith had got a cup and saucer out of her basket and was just sugaring and creaming the prince s reward before applying to her dish on the fire for the crowning coffee ; when her eye was caught by a spectator lately come upon the scene. No other than a somewhat ragged little boy, who eyeing them from the bank had been irresistibly lured nearer and nearer, by the grace of the preparations and the steam of the hot coffee perhaps, till he now stood by the trunk of the nearest tree. " What are you doin ?" he said. "What are you?" said Mr. Linden, turning to look at the boy not just as he looked at the coffee, but very much as the coffee looked at him. "Did you never see people eat dinner ?" The boy stood his ground with, "What you got?" " When was the last time ?" said Mr. Linden. (" Princess this may turn out to be a subject 1") "Last time what?" said the subject stoutly. "The last time you saw people eating dinner," said Mr. Linden. "Did you ever go to the Museum?" "I ve went to Pettibaug!" "When is the last time you saw people eating dinner?" said Faith. "We haint got none to our house." "What s the matter?" "Mintie said there warn t nothin to eat and I might go a blackberryin ." "You ve come to the right place," said Mr. Linden, "I don t believe they re ripe anywhere else. -Who ia SAY AND SEAL. 169 Mintie ? and who stays with her while jou re after blackberries ?" " Mintie s sissy. There aint nobody stayin with her she s stayin along o mother when she s up." "Where is she ? I mean where does she live and you, and Mintie. Where is your house ?" "Round there Taint fur. What you got?" Faith set down her cup and looked at Mr. Linden. "What is the matter with your mother?" "She s sick." " Well if I give you a basket, and this lady puts some dinner in it for your mother and Mintie and you, do you think you can carry it home ?" "Is your sister sick too?" said Faith. "She s got the fever nagur." "Endecott," said Faith softly, "shall we go and see them?" "Yes, of course. What s your name, child?" "My name s Bob Tuck." Mr. Linden looked at him. " How comes it that you and Dromy are no more alike ? w he said. "Mother says Dromy aint like nothin . /be." "Well Bob Tuck," said Mr. Linden smiling, "have you got a broom at home ?" " There s two old ones." "Then if you will go home and sweep the floor as well as you can, with the two old brooms, and set the table, I ll bring this lady to see you and we ll carry the basket (which means, Princess, that 7 will!) and you can let the blackberries hang on till they get ripe. Do you under stand ?" "If I ll sweep the floor, you ll fetch the basket?" said Bob. "Yes. And you can wash your hands nicely and be residy to help me take the things out of it." Bob started. " How soon 11 yon come ?" "As soon as I finish my dinner." " How good it is I brought the whole pie 1" said Faith, as she poured the delayed coffee upon the cream and sugar. "And there s your shad, Endecott ! unless you prefer to VOL. II. 15 170 SAY AND SEAL. take that home, and we ll send something else. Now yon see what you picked up sticks for ?" "I see " Mr. Linden said, looking at her. "And you gee, Princess, what royalty is apt to meet if it will go wandering round the world." "What?" "Bob Tuck!" "Well it s a good thing for Bob Tuck to meet with royalty," said Faith, looking at the pie Mr. Linden was cutting. "Princess," said Mr. Linden, "have you any Queen Anne in your basket?" Faith looked, her merry, puzzled, grave look of inquiry, and then there was nothing for it but a ringing laugh again. -"I would rather have that at a venture, if I were the sick one," said Mr. Linden. "But the specific most prized by that class of the population who have fever nagur , is called in their vernacular Queen Anne anglice, quinine. Faith, you have no idea how those buttercups are beau tified !" "Flowers always are, that you handle," said Faith. "You see how appropriate they are to my Sunbeam for The buttercup catches the sun in his chalice ." "What is a chalice ?" "A sort of cup a church service cup, generally. Did you admire so much the head of clover I gave you once down at the shore ?" Faith gave him a curious glance of recollection ; but though there was a half smile on her face too, she remained silent. " Well, little bird ?" he said smiling. "Of what is that look compounded ?" "Various things, I suppose. Let me have your cup, Endecott ?" "Do you know," he said, "that for a scholar, you are remarkably unready to answer questions ?" "I didn t know it." "Are not aware of any class of recollective remarks or SAY AND SEAL. 17] inquiries which now and then break forth, and which yon invariably smother with a thick blanket of silence ?" There was another quick glance and smile, and then Faith said as she handed him his cup, " What do you want to know, Endecott?" " I want to know where there was ever just such another princess. And by the way, speaking of the shore I have something that belongs to her." "To me?" "Oui, mademoiselle." "May I know what?" "You may, yet not just now. You may guess what it is." But Faith gave up guessing in despair at one of Mr. Linden s puzzles. The basket was repacked when the lunch was done ; and they set out on their walk. The way, following Bob s direction, led along the bank under the trees, turning a lit tle before the Mong was reached. The house was soon found : standing alone, in an enclosed garden ground where no spade had been struck that season; and at the end of a farm road that shewed no marks of travel. Bob had not only swept the room, but his tidings had roused apparently his sister to prepare herself also; for Mintie met them as they came in. She was a handsome girl, with a feverish colour in her cheeks that made her appearance only more striking. There was pride and poverty here, clearly. Faith s simple words neither as sumed the one nor attacked the other. The girl looked curiously at her and at the other visiter. "Who be you?" "We do not live in this neighbourhood," said Faith. "We came up to Kildeer river to-day, and met your little brother down by the shore." " What did he say to you ?" "He told us you were sick and in want of help." Another look laid the girl s jealousy asleep. She told her story her father had died six months ago ; she and her mother and brother lived there alone. It was an "un likely place to get to," and no neighbours very near. Her mother had been sick abed for a number of weeks; and 172 SAY AND SEAL. she had had all co do, and now for a week past had been unable to do anything, go to Pettibaug or anywhere else, to get what they wanted. And so they "had got out of most everything." Dromy Tack, Mr. Linden s scholar, lived at Farmer Davids in the capacity of farm-boy; Mrs. Davids being a far-off connexion. So much was all pride permitted to be told. Without much questioning, her visiters contrived to find out what they could do for her. Faith put the coffee-pot on the fire, declaring that it would do Miritie good like medicine; and served it to her when it was hot, with some bread and chicken, as if it had been indeed medicine and Faith a doctor. Then while Bob and she were dining, Faith weut in to see the sick woman. She was much more communi cative, and half avowed that she believed what she wanted now was "nourishing things" ."but with me lyin here on my back," she said, " taint so easy to find em." Faith gave her a cup of coffee too and some bread ; she had hardly drunk any herself at lunch; and leaving her patient much inspirited, came back to Mr. Linden in the other room. Apparently his words and deeds had been accepta ble too, Bob s face was shining, not only with dinner but with the previous cold water applications which Mr. Linden had insisted on, and Mintie s mind was evidently at work upon various things. The basket was soon emptied of all but its dishes, and the prince and princess went on their way down the hill. "Faith," said Mr. Linden, "shall we go and sit in the boat for half an hour, considering various things, and then h.ive our wild flower hunt? Or would you prefer that first ?" "0 no! I would rather have the half hour in the boat." It was good time yet in the afternoon, and though the little boat now lay partly shadowed by the hill, it was none the worse resting place for that. Again Faith was seated there in all the style that shawls and cushions furnished, and just tired enough to feel luxurious in the soft atmo sphere. Mr. Linden arranged and established her to his liking; then he took out of his pocket a letter. It was one which had been opened and read ; but as he t SAY AND SEAL. j^.3 unfolded it, there appeared another unopened, unread; its dainty seal unbroken, and on the back in fair tracery, the words, "Miss Faith Derrick." As Faith read them and saw the hand, her eye glanced first up at Mr. Linden with its mute burden of surprise, and then the roses bloomed out over her cheeks and even threw their flush upon her brow. Her eye was cast down now and fixed on the unopened letter, with the softest fall of its eyelid. "Shall I read you a part of mine first?" "If you please. I wish you would." "Only a little bit," he said smiling thinking perhaps that she did not know to what she gave her assent so readily, "you shall read the whole of it another tim** " The "little bit" began rather abruptly. " I have written to yonr darling, Endy Xot much, tell her; because what I have in my heart for her cannot be told. I know how precious any one must be whom.yoi love so much. But make her love me a little before she reads my letter and don t let her call me anything bn+ Pet and then I shall feel as if I had a sister already. And so I have, as you say. What a glad word ! I could cry again with the very writing of it. 1 Endy I did cry a little over your letter, but only for joy : if it had been for sorrow I should have cried long ago ; for I knew well enough what was coming. Only I want more than ever to be at home, and to see you, and to see Faith don t let her think I am like you ! V My letter wouldn t hold much, as I told you. But I give you any number of (unspeakable !) messages for her, John "Endy. I suppose you will take charge of them? I may feel sure they have all reached their destination ? " Long before the reading was finished, Faith s head had sunk almost to the cushions beside her. The reader s voice and intonation had given every word a sort of ring in her heart, though the tone was low. One hand "ame round her when she put her head down, taking possession of her hand which lay so still, with the unopened letter ID its clasp. But now she was gently raised up. "Precious child," Mr. Linden said, "what are you droop ing your head for?" "For the same reason she had, I suppose, " said Faith 15* 174 SAY AND SEAL. ^ half laughing, though witnesses of another kind were in her eyes. " Who are you talking about ?" "Your sister." "Why don t you begin to practise your lesson ?" Perhaps Faith thought that she was. She looked at nothing but her letter. "Will you wait for your messages till we get home? this place not being absolute seclusion." "Shall I read this now?" said Faith rather hastily. "I should think there would be no danger in that." With somewhat unsteady fingers, that yet tried to be quiet, Faith broke the seal; and masking her glowing face with one hand, she bent over the letter to read it. "My very dear, and most unknown, and most well- known little sister ! I have had a picture sent me of you as you appeared one night, when you sat for your por trait, hearing Portia ; and with it a notice of several events which occurred just before that time. And both picture and events have gone down into my heart, and abide there. Endecott says you are a Sunbeam and I feel as if a little of the light had come over the water to me, ever since his letter came I have been in a state of absolute reflec tion I " I thought my love would not be the first to find out the way even then when I wrote it! Faith do you know that there is nobody in the world just like him ? be cause if you do not you will find it out ! I mean ! like Endecott not like Love. My dear, I beg pardon for my pronoun 1 But just how / have loved you all these months, for making him so happy, I cannot tell you. "And I cannot write to-day about anything, my thoughts are in too uneven a flow to find their way to the end of my pen, and take all possible flights instead. Dear Faith, you must wait for a letter till the next steamer. And you cannot miss it nor anything else, with Endecott there, it seems to me that to be even in the same country with him is happiness. "You must love me too, Faith, and not think me a Btranger, and let me be your (because I am Endy s) "PET." SAY AND SEAL. 175 Faith took a great deal more time than was necessary for the reading of this letter. Yery much indeed she would have liked to do as her correspondent confessed she had done, and cry but there was no sign of such an in clination. She only sat perfectly moveless, bending over her letter. At last suddenly looked up and gave it to Mr. Linden. "Well ?" he said with a smile at her as he took it. "You ll see " she said, a little breathlessly. And still holding her hand fast, Mr. Linden read the letter, quicker than she had done, and without comment unless when his look shewed that it touched him. "You will love her, Faith!" he said as he folded the letter up again, "in spite of all your inclinations to the contrary 1" "Do you think that is in the future tense? But I am afraid," added Faith, "she thinks too much of me now." " She does not think as much of you as I do," Mr. Lin den said, with a look and smile that covered all the ground of present or future fear. "And after all it is a danger which you will share with me. It is one of Pet s loveable fiiilu.gs to think too much of some people whom she loves just enough." H umility is not a fearful thing. Whatever had been in Faith s speech, her look, bright, wistful, and happy, had no fear, truly bumble though it was. "There is no.danger of my loving this letter too much" she said as she carefully restored it to its envelope ; saicl with a secret utterance of great gratification. The promised half hour was much more than up, and the broadening shadow on Kildeer river said that the time which could be given to wild flowers was fast running away. Perhaps, too, Mr. Linden thought Faith had mused and been excited enough, for he made a move. Everything in the boat was put up in close order, and then the two went ashore again, flower basket in hand. The long shadows heightened the beauty of the woods now, falling soft and brown upon the yet browner carpet of dry leaves, and the young leaves and buds overhead shewed every tint, from yellow to green. Under the trees were various low shrubs in flower, shad-blossom, with its 176 SAY AND SEAL. fleecy stems, and azalia in rosy pink; and the real ild flowers the dainty things as wild in growth as in name, were sprinkled everywhere. Wind flowers and columbine ; orchis sweet as any hyacinth; tall Solomon s seal; spotless bloodroot; and violets white, yellow, and purple. The dogwood stretched its white arms athwart hemlock and service; the creeping partridge berry carried its perfumed white stars over rocks and moss in the deep shade below. Yellow bellwort hung its fair flowers on every ridge ; where the ground grew wet were dog s-tooth violet and chick wintergreen. There the red maples stood, with bunches of crimson keys, at the edge of the higher ground their humbler growing sister the striped bark, waved her green tresses. There seemed to be no end to the flowers nor to the variety nor to the pleasure of picking. " Faith" said Mr. Linden. Faith looked up from a bunch of Sanguinaria beside which she was crouching. "I find so much Mignonette! do you?" Faith s eye flashed, and taking one of those little white stars she threw it towards Mr. Linden. It went in a graceful parabolic curve and fell harmlessly, like her cour age, at his feet. "What has become of the princess?" "You ought rather to ask after the prince!" said Mr. Linden, picking up the Sanguinaria with great devotion. "Is this the Star of the Order of Merit?" "I am not Queen Flora. I don t know." "As what then was it bestowed ?" " It might be Mignonette s shield, which she used as a weapon because she hadn t any other ! Endy, look at those green Maple flowers ! You can reach them." He gathered some of the hanging clusters, and then came and sat down where she was at work and began to put them into her basket, arranging and dressing the other flowers the while dextrously. "Do you know, my little Sunbeam," he said, "that your namesakes are retreating ?" "I know it, Endy," she said hastening her last gather ings "and I am ready." SAY AND SEAL. 177 They began their homeward way to the boat, wandering a little still, for flowers, and stopping to pick them, so that the sun was quite low before Kildeer river was reached. There Mr. Linden stood a moment looking about, "Do you see the place where we sat, Faith?" he said, "over on the other bank?" She looked, and looked at him and smiled very differ ent from her look then ! A glance comprehensive and satisfactory enough without words, so without any more words they went on their way along the shore of the river. As they neared their boat, the rays of the setting sun were darted into Kildeer river and gilded the embayed little vessel and all the surrounding shores. Rocks and trees and bits of land glowed or glistened in splendour wherever a point or a spray could catch the sun; the water in both rivers shone with a long strip of gold. They had had nothing so brilliant all day. In the full glow and brightness Faith sat down in the boat with her flowers near her, and Mr. Linden loosened the sail. How pretty the bank looked as they were leav ing it ! the ashes of their tire on the rock, and the places where they had sat or wandered, and talked such happy words ! "I shall always love Kildeer river," said Faith with little long breath, "because I read my letter here." "And so shall I," said Mr. Linden, "but my love for it dates back to the first piece of reading I ever did in its company." He looked back for a minute or two at the one shore and the other the sunlight, the trees, the flowery hillside, and it was well then that his face was not seen by Faith there fell on it such a shadow of pain. But he presently turned to her again with just the former look. "Xow," he said, "do you think you can steer home in the twilight?" "I don t know. Can I? I can follow directions." "And I can give them." And with that arrangement they ran out from the clean woody shores of Kildeer river, and set their sail for Patta- quasset. How fair, at that point of weather and day ! a little quieter than the morning spring-tide of everything, 178 SAY AND SEAL. but what was loss gay was more peaceful; and against a soft south wind the little boat began to beat her way down, favoured however by the tide. These tacks made Mr. Linden s counsels more especially needed, but the short swift runs back and forth across the river were even more inspiriting than a steady run before the wind, and the con stant attention which helm and sail required made talk and action lively enough. "This is good, Endecott!" said Faith as the little boat came about for the fifth or sixth time. "Faith," he said, smiling at her, "you look just as fresh as a rose ! the day does not seem to have tired you one bit." "Tirod!" she said, "yes, I am a little bit tired or hungry but was there ever such a day as we have had ? since the first of January!" "My dear little Mignonette!" Mr. Linden said but if it was a message Faith had then, it came from some where nearer than across the water. "If you are tired, dear child, give up the rudder to me, and lay down your head and rest. Do you see after what a sleep-inviting "ashion the lights are twinkling all down the shore?" "I m not sleepy a bit;" said Faith, "nor tired, except just enough; and I like this small portion of power you have put in my hands. How beautiful those lights look ! . and the lights overhead, Endy. How beautiful every thing is I " "Yes," said Mr. Linden, "when there is light within. " He that hath light within his own clear breast, May sit i the centre and enjoy bright day. " "That s beautiful!" said Faith after a pause. And now the brush and stir of coming about again claimed their attention, and in a minute more they were stretching away on a new tack, with another set of constel lations opposite to them in the sky. The breeze was fresh, though as mild as May ; the boat made good speed ; and in spite of beating down the river the mouth of the Mong was neared fast. Pattaquasset lights, a little clus ter of them, appeared unmistakably; for down by the point SAY AND SEAL. If 9 there was a little knot of houses, variously concerned in trade or fisheries. Mr. Linden had to put his hand upon the tiller sometimes then, till they got in. Mr. Skip and Jerry were in waiting; had been, "a sight o half hours," the former stated. Baskets and shad and passengers were transferred to the wagon, and within a moderate time thereafter welcomed (the latter) by Mrs. Derrick and sup per wherein, after a little delay therefor, the shad played a conspicuous and most satisfactory part. Now there are no shad like the shad that come out of the Mong. CHAPTER XII. SO passed the days. Not indeed all at Kildeer river, but all in sweet, peaceful, bright occupations, whether of work or play. The trustees had received their notice, with much dismay; a little alleviated by the fact that Mr. Linden was willing to stay at his post for a few weeks after the end of the year. It was almost a wonder, as the weeks went on, that Mr. Linden kept down the shadows as well as he did, to leave Faith in the morning, and go to his devoted set of scholars every one of whom had some particular as well as gen eral hold on him and love for him ; and then to get away by the hardest from their words and looks of sorrow and regret, and come back to the presence of her brave lit tle face Mr. Linden was between two fires. And they wrought a sort of deepening of everything about him which was lovely or loveable which did not make it easier for Pattaquasset to let him go. As far as anybody could be a help to him, Faith was one. In a gentleness of spirit that was of no kin to weak ness, she took to her heart the good that she had, and was quite as much of a sunbeam as ever. How it would be when Mr. Linden was gone, Faith did not know; but she did know that that was one of to-morrow s cares, with which she had no business to-day. If the thought ever came up in its strength, strong enough to bring down her heart and head, if there were times when Faith shewed herself to herself the revelation was made to no other person. And therefore it is probable that it was a view she did not often indulge in. Dr. Harrison was not much at Pattaquasset these days He found it convenient to be away. Dr. Harrison was a man who did not like to throw away his ammunition. He by no means absented himself because 180) SAY AND SEAL. . 181 of any failing in his fancy for somebody in Pattaquasset ; the working of cause and effect was on a precisely opposite principle. The truth was, the fancy had grown to a strength that would not well bear the doubtful kind of in tercourse which had been kept up between the parties; yet doubtful it remained, and must remain for the present. With Mr. Linden there in the family ; with the familiar habits that naturally grow up between hostess and guest, friend and friend, fellow inmates of the same house it was very difficult for the doctor to judge whether those habits nad any other and deeper groundwork. It was impossible, with his scanty and limited chances of observation. At the same time there was too great a possibility his jeal ousy called it more, for him to be willing to take any for ward and untfbubtful steps himself. He did not find sea- room to put in his oar. In this state of things, all that his pride and his prudence would suffer him to do, was t& wait wait till either by Mr. Linden s stay or departure the truth might be made known. But to abide in Patta quasset and watch patiently the signs of things, was more than Dr. Harrison s feeling, for it was far more than fancy, could bear. Just now, in despair or disgust, he had taken a longer enterprise than usual ; and was very far indeed from Pattaquasset when the news of Mr. Lin den s going set all the country in a flame. So, greatly to Faith s satisfaction, he could not for some time be there to idcl any flame of his own. The morning readings with Mr. Linden were great and chief treasures to her all these days. She was always ready for him before six o clock. Not now in a tirelit room, with curtains drawn against the cold; but in the early freshness of the spring and summer mornings, with windows open and sweet air coming in. Duly Faith noted every "ladder of verses" till her Bible grew to be well dotted with marks of red ink. They looked lovely to her eyes. So they might ; for they were records of many very deep and sweet draughts from that well of water which the word is to them that love it; draughts deeper and sweeter than Faith could have drawn by herself or she thought so. No quarter of an hour in the day Faith loved so well. It was often more. voi,. IK 16 182 - SAY AND SEAL. One morning the "ladder" began with the silver trum pets made for the service of God in the hands of the priests of Israel. Faith, looking quietly out of the win dow, went roving in thought over the times and occasions Mr. Linden read of, when their triumphal blast had pro claimed the name and the glory of God in the ears of the thousands of Israel; times of rejoicing, of hope, of pro mise and of victory. Scenes of glory in the old Jewish history floated before her with the sublime faitli of the actors in them, and the magnificent emblematic language in which they read the truth. Faith only came fairly back to New England and Pattaquasset at David s decla ration "Blessed are the people that know the joyful sound; they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance." The words thrilled her. She thought of the many who had never heard the sound at all ; snd entered into Isaiah s foresight of a day when " the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come that were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt." " How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good ; that publisheth salvation ; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth 1" Then came Isaiah s own blast of the trumpet, and then the sweet enlargements and proclamations of the gospel, and the Lord s own invitation to all who are "weary and heavy laden." But also "How shall they call on him in whom they have not be lieved ? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard ? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things !" "And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." Faith sat by the open window, no sound abroad but the stir in the leaves and the low music of birds. The very SAY AND SEAL. 183 still peace without, rather seemed to heighten and swell the moving of thoughts within, which surged like the sea. Mr. Linden, stopped reading and was silent; and so was she, with nothing of ail this appearing otherwise than in the fixed, abstracted look which went out into Patta- quasset but also went far beyond. And when she spoke, it wns earnestly and with the same clear quiet. "Endy I am glad to have you go, for the reason you are going for. I wouldn t have you be anything else than what you mean to be, not for the pleasure of having you here." Her voice did not tremble, though indeed it told of feel ings that were less assured. "Dear Faith !" Mr. Linden said, with a bright flash of pleasure at her words, which changed even while he spoke, "you do not know what a comfort it is to me to feel that ! And do you realize, little Sunbeam, what joy it is, that however far apart we can still work together in the same cause, for the same master ? The work which I take upon me by name, belongs as really to you, for the call should be given by every one that heareth to every one that is athirst." " I know " she said quietly. "How grand those words are you have been reading!" "Faith," Mr. Linden said presently, "have you any special attachment to this particular little Bible ?" "I have my red notes in it," she said with a bright smile. " I am not quite satisfied with the paper and type, for your eyes by firelight and twilight. Shall I break up any train of old association if I send you another ?" She gave him a look of what Dr. Harrison might have called "compound interest"; but assured him at the same time with sedate earnestness that the one she had would do very well. This was but a day or two before Mr. Linden s leaving Pattaquasset. He had paid his many farewell visits before the last week came, and before that, too, had given up his weekday scholars, those last days were all given to Faith. Given to her in every possible way out of doors and within ; in that fair summer weather the open air was the 184 SAY AND SEAL. best of all places for talking, and the least liable to intru sion. It was a great relief to get away from village sights and sounds to the still woods, or the fresh shore, it was a great help towards cheerfulness. And the help was needed. Wherever Mr. Linden went, among people, he met nothing but sorrow for his going away, wherever he went, to house or woods, he carried the deep-hidden double sorrow in his heart, which no one guessed of all who so loudly bewailed his departure. Faith herself perhaps hardly realized what his part of that sorrow was; but he knew hers, and bore it as one bears the trials of the dearest friend one has on earth. He was to go very early in the morning, but when the late evening talk had impinged upon the night as much as it could be allowed to do, he gave Faith the unexpected promise of coming down to read with her just as usual next day. It was very, very early this time, in the summer twilight dawn, when the kildeers were in their full burst of matins, and all the other birds coming in one by one. Faith did not say many words, but she was as quiet as the hour. Then she went to the breakfast-room to arrange and hasten matters there ; and Mr. Linden followed, and stood watch ing her she did not know how, she only knew how he talked. But he took her into the sitting-room the moment break fast was over and stood by her, giving her the mute caresses he could not put in words. And for words there was little time. The morning light came up and up into the sky, the caudles burned dim, as they stood there ; and then he bade her " be perfect, be of good comfort, " and so went away. CHAPTER XIII. WHEN Mr. Linden was out of sight from the porch, Faith went to the deserted room. It was in the latter end of summer. The windows were open, and the summer wind blowing the muslin curtains flutteringly in. The maple shaded Faith s old reading window, the leaves not changing yet; one cupboard door a little open, shewed the treasures of books within. The chintz couch stood empty, so it always stood when Faith saw it, except only in those days of Mr. Linden s confine ment with his wound. But now her mind leaped back to that time ; and the couch and the table and the books, the very windows and fireplace, looked deserted. The red maple leaves floating in the dancing flames in the chim ney her lessons by the side of that couch her first exer cise, which she had been sent to do at that table ; all that and everything beside seemed to make its passage through Faith s mind in tumultuous procession. She sat down on the couch and leaned her head on the back of it ; but only a few nervous tears came, and oppressed sobbing breaths took the place of them. For a little while then Faith fell on her knees, and if she could not speak connectedly, nor think connectedly, she yet poured out her heart in the only safe channel ; and grew quiet and self-possessed. After an hour she left the couch and turned to go down and join her mother. Passing the table on her way out, with a glance which had been called off by other things as she came in, Faith s eye was caught and stayed. There was no exercise left there for her, but the very gold pen with which she had written that first one and which she had used so many times since, lay there ; and by the pen a letter. The blood rushed to Faith s heart as if Mr. Linden had come back again, or rather as if he had not taken quite all of himself away In a flood of gladness and thankfulness and sorrow, 16* (185) 186 SAY AND SEAL. Faith took up the letter and standing there by the table read it. "MY OWN LITTLE PRECIOUS MlGNONETTE, I have a love for this sheet of paper, because it will be in your hands when I cannot touch them nor see them, how often they have ministered to me just where I am writing this ! just where you will find it. I know you will find it, Faith I know where you will go as soon as I am out of sight, but dear child, do not let any sight or asso ciation in this room make you anything but glad : they are all very dear to me. That first day when you came in here to see me and all the days that followed, and all the sweet knowledge I gained of my little Mignonette, while she was learning other things. Faith, I can even forgive Dr. Harrison his questions that day, for the delight it was to me to shield you. Dear child, you must let me do that now whenever I can, it is one of the griefs of this separation that I cannot do it all the time. I must go back to our Bible verses ! Do you remember that first ladder we went up together? The Lord God is a sun and a shield; the Lord will give grace and glory. In that sunlight I shall think of you as abiding, I will remember that you are covered by that shield. I know that the Lord will keep all that I have committed to him ! Now darling, if I could leave you messages, I would; but they must wait till I come and deliver them myself. Take, in the mean while, all possible love and trust ; and all comfort from the cause of my absence, from our mutual work, from my expected coming home now and then from the diamonds on your finger and what they betoken 1 The diamonds stay with you, Faith, but their light goes with me. My child, I have too much to say to write any longer I shall be drawn on too far and too long, it is not far from daybreak now. Take the best possible care of your self, and be strong and of a g-ood courage, and the Lord that made heaven and earth, bless thee out of Zion l Precious child, you do not know how deeply I am Always your own ENDECOTT." SAY AND SEAL. 187 The first lines of the letter wrung some tears from Faith s eyes, but afterwards the effect of the whole was to shake her. She sat down on the couch with the let ter fast in her hand, and hid her head ; yet no weeping, only convulsive breaths and a straitened breast. Faith was wonderful glad of that letter ! but the meeting of two tides is just hard to bear; and it wakened everything as well as gladness. However, in its time, that struggle was over too ; and she went dowu to Mrs. Derrick looking much like her wonted self. She went about so, all the day; nervously busy, though never more orderly about her business. In the kitchen and dairy and storeroom, and with her mother, Faith seemed as usual, with a very little of grave thoughtfulness or remem brance thrown over her natural pleasantness; only she gave books a wide berth, and took care to see no face that came to the house One would have thought her per haps Mrs. Derrick even did quietly composed and pa tiently submitting to trial, as if Mr. Linden had been already weeks away. Perhaps Faith herself thought so A little thing shewed how much this quiet was worth. The day had been gone through ; the tea was over, as it might, with the two alone ; and mother and daughter had gone into the other room. Faith lit the lamp, and then began a sentence to her mother about laying the Bible in its place for prayer when she stopped short. For a mo ment she stood still with the revulsion ; then she fell on her knees and hid her face in Mrs. Derrick s lap. and the tears that had kept back so long came in a stormy flood; clearing the sky which had not been clear before. She was quiet really after that; she had no more fear of her books; and the first thing Faith did was to take pen and. paper and pour out an answer to her morning s letter ; an answer in which she gave Mr. Linden the history of her whole day, with very little reservation. Her mother watched her, sat and looked at her as she wrote, with eyes very glistening and tremulous in their fond admiration. Indeed that had been their character all day, though Mrs. Derrick had followed Faith in her busy work, with no attempt to check her, with no allusion to what they both thought of uninterruptedly. Now, however, that J88 SAY AND SEAL. Faith s tears had made their own way, her mother s heart was easier; and she watched the pretty writer by the lamp with all sorts of sweet and tender thoughts. A day or two passed, in great quiet and tender minister ing to each other of the mother and daughter. Faith had taken deep hold of her studies again and every minute of the day was filled up as busily as ever. So the sitting-roorn wore in all things minus one its wonted aspect, when, the third evening, it received Dr. Harrison. He came in looking remarkably well, in his light dainty summer dress, and with that gentle carelessness of move ment and manner that suited the relaxing persuasions of a hot summer day. He came in, too, a little like a person who through long absences has forgotten how wonted he used to be in a certain place or how fond he was of what he found there. Nothing further from the truth 1 He accosted both ladies after his usual gay fashion, and talked for a while about nothings and as if he cared about nothing. He could make nothing of Faith, except perhaps that she was a trifle shy of him. That did not mean evil necessarily ; it was natural enough. He wouldn t disturb her shyness ! " I have a sympathetic feeling for you, Mrs. Derrick, "h^ remarked. "I miss Mr. Linden so much in Pattaquasset, I can t think how you must do in the house." "No, doctor, you can t," was Mrs. Derrick s quiet rejoinder. "How do you?" "Why I can t tell you, either," said Mrs. Derrick. "Mrs. Derrick," said the doctor, "I shouldn t like to be a lawyer and have to examine you as a witness. Unless it wasn t August!" "Well I suppose we should agree upon that, doctor," said Mrs. Derrick. " I don t know what August has to do with it." "My dear madam, it would be too much trouble! Ap parently it isn t August everywhere !" A very peremptory rap at the front door came in the train of footsteps that were loud and brisk as by authority, and that had quite survived the enervating effects referred to by the doctor "Miss Faith," said Cindy appearing at the parlour door, SAY AND SEAL. |89 "here -s a man s got something and he won t give it to me without I ll take oath I m you which of course I dursn t. I m free to confess, I can t even get sight of it. Shall I fetch him in thing and all ?" Faith went to the door. It was nobody more terrific than an express-man, who seemed to recognize Miss Faith Derrick by instinct, for he asked no questions only put a package into her hands, and then gave her his book to sign. Faith signed her name, eagerly, and then ran up stairs with her treasure and a beating heart, and struck a light, There was no need to ask where it came from the address was plain enough ; nor much need to ask what it was she knew that it must be her Bible. Yet that only heightened the pleasure and interest, as she took off one wrapping paper after another, till its own beautiful morocco covers appeared. Within was the perfection of type and paper, with here and there a fine coloured map ; in size and shape just that medium which seems to combine the excel lencies of all the rest. There was no letter in the package, but a slip of paper with a new ladder of verses marked the place where they began ; and on the fly leaf, below the inscription, was written the first verse of the ninety-first psalm. This was the leading reference on the slip of paper. Has any one with any heart ever received such a package ? To such a one there is no need to tell the glow of pleasure, the rush of affection and joy, which filled Faith s heart and her face; to anybody else it s no use. 8he had to exercise some care to prevent certain witnesses of the eyes from staining the morocco or spotting the leaves. The paper of references she left, to be enjoyed more leisurely another time ; and went on turning over the pages, catching glimpses of the loved words that she had never seen so fairly presented to the eye before; when after a good deal of this sort of delectation, through half of which she was writing a letter to Mr. Linden, Faith sud denly recollected Dr. Harrison ! Softly the paper wrappers enfolded her treasure, and then Faith went down stairs with the high colour of pleasure in her cheeks. The doctor took several observations. 190 SAY AND SEAL. He had not been profiting by any opportunity to ex amine Mrs. Derrick. On the contrary, he had talked about everything else, somewhat August fashion, in man ner, but yet so cleverly that even Mrs. Derrick confessed afterwards she had been entertained. Now, on Faith s re appearance, he went on with his subject until he came to a natural pause in the conversation ; which he changed by remarking, in a simple tone of interest, "I haven t learned yet satisfactorily what took Mr. Lin den away ?" "His own business," said Mrs. Derrick. "You must have heard what he is about now, doctor ?" "I have heard but one hears everything. It is true then ?" "0 yes, it s true," said Mrs. Derrick with an even play of her knitting-needles. "But then follows another very natural question," said the doctor. "Why did he come here at all?" " I dare say he d tell you if he was here as I wish he was," said Mrs. Derrick, "Mr. Linden always seemed to have good reasons for what he did." "I think that too," said the doctor. "I am not quito so sure of his telling them to me. But Pattaquasset has reason to be very sorry he is gone away ! What sort of a preacher will he make, Mrs. Derrick ?" "He s a good one now " said Mrs. Derrick with a smile that was even a little moved. " Don t you think so, doctor ?" "How dare you ask me that, Mrs, Derrick?" said the doctor with slow funny utterance. "But I will confess this, I would rather have him preach to me than you." "What sort of a bad reason have you got for that?" she said, looking at him. "Miss Faith," said the doctor with the mock air of being in a dilemma, "you are good at definitions, if I remember what is the proper character of a bad rea son /" Faith looked up he had never seen her look prettier, with a little hidden laughter both on and under her face and that colour she had brought down stairs with her. But her answer was demure enough. SAY AND SEAL. 19] " T suppose, sir, one that ought not to be a reason at all, or one that is not reason enough." "Do you consider it a bad reason for my not liking Mrs. Derrick s preaching, that I am afraid of her?" I shouldn t think it was reason enough," said Faith. " Do you like preaching from people that you are afraid of?" "Yes. At least I think I should. I don t know that I ever really was afraid of anybody." These words, or the manner which went with them, quite obliterated the idea of Mrs. Derrick from the doctor s head. But his manner did not change. He-only addressed his talk to Faith and altered the character of it. Nothing could be more cool and disembarrassed. He had chosen his tactics. They were made to regulate likewise the length of his visit, though the short summer evening had near run its course before he (in parliamentary phrase) was on his legs not to speak but to go. Then strolling on to the front door, he there met Reuben Taylor; flush in the doorway. The boy stept back into the hall to let him cone out; whence, as the doctor saw through the open window, he went at once to Faith s side. But either accidentally or of design, Reuben stood so directly before her, that Dr. Har rison could see neither face indeed could scarce see her at all. The little business transaction that went on then the letter which Reuben took from his pocket and then again from its outer envelope. the simple respect and pleasure with which he gave it to Faith though colouring a little too, all this was invisible, except to Mrs. Derrick. Faith s face would have told the doctor the whole. The pretty colour the dropped eyes and the undertone of her grate ful, "I am very much obliged to you, Reuben !" Reuben made no verbal answer, and staid not a minute briger, but the pleasure of his new trust was wonderful! CHAPTER XIY. FAITH did not have as uninterrupted a time for studies as she had counted upon for the next few months. In the first place, letters took a great many hours. In the second place, her studies were pretty frequently broken up of an evening by Dr. Harrison. He certainly came often ; whether it was because of the strength of attraction in that particular house, or the failure of any attraction beside in all the coasts of Patta- quasset, was a problem. which remained unsolved by any thing in the doctor s manner. His manner was like what it had been the evening just recounted. He amused him self, after his nonchalant fashion, and amused his hearers; he did not in the mean time call upon them for any help at all. He discerned easily that Faith had a little shyness about her; that might mean one thing or it might mean another; and Dr. Harrison was far too wise to risk the one thing by endeavouring to find out whether it was the other. The doctor was no fisher had no favour for the sport ; but if he had been, he might have thought that now he was going to give his fish a very long line indeed, and let it play to any extent of shyness or wilfulness ; his hand on the reel all the time. The talk that would do for Miss Essie would not please Faith. The doctor knew that long ago. He drew upon his better stores. His knowledge of the earth we live on ; his familiarity with nature s and art s wonders; history and philosophy; literature and science; and a knowledge of the world which he used as a little piquant spice to flavour all the rest of his knowledge. Thrown in justly, with a nice hand, so as not to offend, it did rather serve to provoke a delicate palate; while it unmistakably gratified his own. It was the salt to the doctor s dish. (192) SAY AND SEAL. 193 But everything wants breaking up with variety, and variety itself may come to be monotonous. He asked Faith one evening if she knew anything of chymistry; and proceeded upon her reply to give her sundry bits of detail and some further insight into the meaning and bearing of the science. . It was not August then, but it might have been, for the leisurely manner in which the doctor unwound his skein of talk, as if he were talking to himself or for himself; and yet he was, and he knew it, filling Faith s ears with delight. He took up the same subject afterwards from time to time; beginning from any trifle of suggestion, he would go off into an exquisite chymical discussion, illus trated and pointed and ornamented, as no lecturer but one loving both his subject and his object could ever make it. After a while the doctor began to come with bits of metal and phials of acids, and delight Faith and astonish Mrs. Derrick by turning her sitting-room into an impromptu laboratory. Such fumes ! such gaseous odours ! such omin ous reports , were never known in and about Mrs. Der rick s quiet household ; nor were her basins and tumblers ever put to such strange, and in her view hideous, uses. But Dr. Harrison rather seemed to enjoy what appeared at first sight inconveniences ; triumphed over the imperfections of tools and instruments, and wrought wonders over which Faith bent with greater raptures than if the marvels of Aladdin s lamp had been shewn before her. The doctor began by slow degrees; he let all this grow up of itself; he asked only for a tumbler the first time. And insensibly they went on, from one thing to another ; till instead of a tumbler, the doctor would sometimes be surrounded with a most extraordinary retinue and train of diversified crockery and china. An empty butter-tub came to do duty for a water-bath ; bottles and jars and cups and glasses, of various shapes and dimensions, attended or waited upon the doc tor s operations ; and with a slight apology and assurance to Mrs. Derrick he on more than one or two occasions ap propriated the clock-shade for his use and behoof as a re ceiver. Then siphons began to come in the doctor s pocket; and glass tubes, bent and straight, open and sealed, in the doctor s hand; and one of his evenings came to be better than a play. 7 A most beautiful and exquisite VCL. II. 17 194 SAY AND SEAL. play to Faith. Yet Dr. Harrison never forgot bis tactics; never let his fish feel the line; and to Faith s joyous How shall 1 ever thank you, Dr. Harrison! would reply by a dry request that she would induce Mrs. Derrick to have muffins for tea some evening and let him come. And what did Dr. Harrison gain by all this? He did gain some hours of pleasure that would have been very exquisite pleasure, but for the doubt that haunted him, and respecting which he could get no data of decision. The shyness and reserve did pass away from Faith; she met him and talked with him as a pleasant intimate friend whose company she enjoyed and who had a sort of right to hers ; the right of friendship and kindliness. But then he never did anything to try her shyness or to call up her reserve. He never asked anything of her that she could refuse. He never advanced a step where it could with de cency be repressed. He knew it. But he bided his time. He did not know what thorough and full accounts of all his evenings went through the post-office. He knew, and it rather annoyed him, that Reuben Tay lor was very freely admitted and very intimately regarded in the house. There was perhaps no very good reason why this should have annoyed the doctor. Yet somehow he always rather identified Reuben Taylor with another of his friends. He found out, too, that Reuben much preferred the times when he, the doctor, was not there ; for after once or twice coming in upon sulphuric acid and clock shades (from which he retreated faster than if it had all been gun powder) Reuben changed his hour; and the doctor had the satisfaction of wishing him good evening in the porch or of passing him on the sidewalk or of hearing the swing of the little gate and Reuben s quick bound up the steps when his own feet were well out in the common ground of the road. Mrs. Derrick expressed unequivocally (to Faith, not the doctor) her dislike of all chymical smells whatever, and her abhorrence of all reports but those which went off after the doctor s departure; the preparation of which Mrs. Der rick beheld with a sort of vindictive satisfaction. Mr. Liu- den enjoyed his letters unqualifiedly, sometimes wrote chymical answers now and then forestalling the doctor, SAY AND SEAL. 195 but rarely saying much about him. Faith was in little danger of annoyance from anything with her mother sitting by, and for the rest Dr. Harrison was at his own risk. Letters were too precious every inch of them to be much taken up with discussing him. Other things were of more interest, sometimes discussion, sometimes information, oftenest of all, talk; and now and then came with the letter some book to give Faith a -new bit of reading.. Above all, the letters told her in a sort of indefinable, unconscious way, how much, how much her presence was missed and longed for ; it seemed to her as if where one letter laid it down the next took it up not in word but in atmosphere, and carried it further. In that one respect (though Faith never found it out) the chymical accounts gave pain. Faith in her letters never spoke directly of this element of his ; but she made many a gentle effort to meet it and soothe what could be soothed. To this end partly were her very full accounts of all the course of her quiet life. As fearlessly and simply as possible Faith talked, to him; quite willing to be found wrong and to be told so, where- ever wrong was. It was rather by the fulness of what she gave him, than by any declaration of want on her own part, that Mr. Linden could tell from her letters how much she felt or missed in his absence. She rarely put any of that into words, and if it got in atmospherically it was by the subtlest of entrances. When she spoke it at all, it was generally a very frank and simple expression of strong truth. Of out-door work, during all this time, she had a variety. For some time after Mr. Linden s going away, neither Mrs. Stoutenburgh nor the Squire had been near the house ; but then they began to amuse themselves with taking her to drive, and whenever Faith could and would go she was sure of a pleasant hour or two out in the brisk autumn air, and with no danger of even hearing Mr. Lin den s name mentioned. The silence indeed proved rather too much, but it was better than speech. Then she and Rt-uben had many excursions, short and long. Sometimes the flowers or eggs or tracts were sent by him alone, but often Faith chose to go too ; and he was her ever ready, 196 SAY AND SEAL. respectful, &nd efficient escort, respect it was truly, of the deepest and most affectionate kind. And thus on foot or with Jerry the two went their rounds; but at such houses Faith must both hear and speak of .Mr. Linden there was always some question to answer, some story to hear. It happened, among Dr. Harrison s other pleasures, that he several times met them on these expeditions ; generally when he was driving, sometimes when they were too; but one late November afternoon not late in the month but late in the day, fortune favoured him Strolling along for an unwonted walk, the doctor beheld from a little hill Faith and Reuben in the valley below, saw them go up to the door of a cottage, saw Faith go in, and Reuben sit down in the porch and take put his book. It was a fair picture, --the brown woodland, the soft sunlight, the little dark cottage, the pretty youthful figures with their quick steps and natural gestures, and the evening hue and tone of everything. But the doctor did not admire it and went down the hill without even taking off his hat to the chickadees that bobbed their black caps at him from both sides of the road. By the porch the doctor suddenly slackened his pace, looked within, nodded to Reuben, and came to a halt. "Have I accidentally found out where you live, Reu ben ? "I live down by the shore, sir," said Reuben standing up. "I thought " said the doctor, "I had got an impres sion that you were not a thorough-going Pattaquasseter . but you looked so much at home there. "Where do you live ? whereabouts, I mean ; for the shore stretches a long way." Reuben gave the vernacular name of the little rocky coast point which was his home, but the point itself was too much out of the doctor s beat to have the name familiar. "How far off is that?" "About four miles from here, sir." " May I ask what you are studying so diligently toui aiiles from home at this hour ?" Reuben coloured a good deal, but with not more than a SAY AND SEAL. J9Y moment s reluctance held out his book for the doctor s inspection, it was a Bible. The doctor s face changed, ever so little ; but with what feeling, or combination of feelings, it would have taken a much wiser reader of men and faces than Reuben to tell. It was only a moment, and then he stood with the book in his hand gravely turning it over, but with his usual face. "I once had the pleasure of asking you questions on some other matters," he remarked, "and I remember you answered well. Can you pass as good an examination in this ?" "As to the words, sir? or the thoughts? I don t quite know," said Reuben modestly. "Words are the signs of thoughts, you know." "Yes, sir but nobody can know all the Bible thoughts though some people have learned all the Bible words." The doctor gave a little sort of commenting nod, rather approving than otherwise. "You are safe here," he paid as he handed the book back to Reuben; "for in this study I couldn t examine you. What are you pursuing the study for ? may I ask ?" "If you don t know!" was in the boy s full gaze for a moment. But he looked down again, answering steadily " Thy word have I hid in ray heart, that I might not sin against thee ! I love it, Dr. Harrison and it shews me the way to serve God." "Well," said the doctor rather kindly "if I hadn t interrupted you, how much more study would you have accomplished bei f ore you thought it time to set oft for that four miles walk home to that unpronounceable place ?" "I don t know, sir I am not obliged to be there by any particular time of night." "No, I know you are not. But excuse my curiosity I are you so fond of the Bible that you stop on the way home to read it a? you go along ? or are you waiting for somebody ?" The words brought the colour back with a different tnge, but Reuben simply answered, "No, sir I did not stop liera to re;id. I am waiting." "For Mie Derrick, are you not?" 17* 198 SAY AND SEAL. "Yes, sir." "Then I dare say Miss Derrick will release you for this time, and allow me to attend her home, whither I am going myself." "I must wait till she comes out, sir," Reuben said, with the respectful intractability which the doctor remem bered. "Of course!" he said. "Did you ever take lessons of anybody but Mr. Linden ? " But at this point the house door opened and Faith came out. "Miss Faith," said the doctor, after his greeting which was thoroughly in character, "if you will tell your escort here who 1 am sure is a staunch one that you need him no longer, he will feel free to begin his long walk to the shore, and I shall have the rare pleasure and honour of going home with you." Faith turned frankly. "Do you want to go home, Reuben ?" "No, Miss Faith" was the equally frank, low-spoken answer, "not unless you want me to go." Reuben could but speak the truth and he did try to speak it with as little offence as possible; though with an instinctive feeling that the time when truth will be truth and not treason , had not yet arrived. " I mean, that I want to do just what you wish," he added looking up at her. "I don t want you to go, then," said Faith laughing, "for I mean that you shall come home to tea with me. Dr. Harrison, I will invite you too," she said turning her bright face towards him. "I believe there are muffins to-night." "Miss Faith," said the doctor, "you are an angel !" "What is the connexion between that and muffins?" said Faith merrily, for Reuben was at her side and she felt free. "You mistake the connexion," said the doctor gravely. "Angels are supposed to be impartial in their attentions to the human race, and not swayed by such curious and of course arrogant considerations as move the lower herd of mortals. To an immaterial creature, how can the height of a door be material 1" "But I think you are mistaken," said Faith gently. I SAY AND SEAL. 199 don t believe any creatures mind more what they find inside the door." What did you find inside that door?" said the doc tor. Faith hesitated. "Do you know to-morrow is Thanks giving day, Dr. Harrison?" "I am not quite sure that I ought to say I know it . though my father did read the proclamation. I suppose I know it now." "I found inside of that door some people who could not make pumpkin pies and Reuben and I have been carry ing them one of mother s." "What a day they will have of it!" said the doctor, "if Mrs. Derrick s pies are made in the same place as her muffins. But can you find nothing better to do than run ning round the country to supply the people that haven t pies?" " Not many things pleasanter," said Faith looking at him. "I see I was right," said he smiling. "I have no doubt angels do that sort of thing. But it is a sort of pleasure of which I have no knowledge. All my life I have pleased only myself. Yet one would wish to have some share in it, too. I can t make pies ! And if I could, I shouldn t know in the least where to bestow them. Do you think you could take this now," said he producing a gold eagle, "and turn it into pumpkins or anything else that you think will make people happy and see that they get to the right places ? for me ?" "Do you mean it seriously, Dr. Harrison?" "If you will have the condescension !" "Oh thank you!" said Faith flushing with joy, "oh thank you ! I am very glad of this, and so will many others be. Dr. Harrison, I wish you could know the plea sure this will give I the good it will do." " I don t think a ten-dollar piece ever gave me so much pleasure," said he looking a little moved. "About the good I don t know; that s not so easy." Faith left that point for him to consider, though with many a wish in her own heart. But the walk home bright ened into a very pleasant one after that. CHAPTER XV. THE soft grey clouds which had hung about the setting sun only waited his departure to double their folds and spread them all over the sky. Then the wind rose, sweeping gustily through the bare branches, and heavy drops _of rain fell scatteringly on the dead leaves. But when wind and rain had taken a little more counsel to gether, they joined forces in .a wild stormy concert which swept on with increasing tumult. It did not disturb Faith and her mother, at their quiet work and reading, it did not deter Cindy from going over night to spend Thanks giving day with her friends, but it was a wild storm nevertheless; and while the hours of the night rolled on over the sleepers in Mrs. Derrick s house, still wind and rain kept up their carousal, nor thought of being quiet even when the morning broke. "But rather, giving of thanks." That was the motto of the day the one answer to the many vexed questions of life and care. Care was pressing, and life distracting, and everywhere was something that seemed to call for tears or complaints. To all of these the day answered "But rather, giving of thanks." It was dark enough when Faith awoke ; and she sat up in bed a minute or two, listening to the wild blasts of wind and the heavy pattering of the rain, hearing the screech of the locomotive as the train swept by in the distance, with a pang at the thought of its freight of homeward- bound and expected dear ones, then taking the day s motto, and gently and quietly going about the day s work. But the first of its work for her, was to cancel the bit of work it had already done by itself; and for that Faith went to her Bible, went first to the list of texts that had come with it ; endeavouring to realize and make sure her ground on that verse of the 91st Psalm then on from that to its following. (200) SAY AND SEAL. 20 ] "For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion." It was not a "time of trouble." Faith would not call it so. Never so bright a Thanksgiving day had risen upon her, spite of its clouds. But trouble might come; in the course of life-experience she knew it was pretty sure to come; and she sought to refuge herself beforehand in the promise of that pavilion of hiding. The driving wind and storm that emblematized another kind, gave emphasis also to the emblem of shelter. How Faith blessed her Bible ! The next verse enlarged a little. "Thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy presence from the pride of man : thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues." Then followed the joyful acceptance of that promise "Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble ; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance." Then its result " I am like a green olive tree in the house of God : I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever." "From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in thy taber nacle for ever; I will trust in the covert of thy wings." What strong refuge ! what riches of trust ! How very bright Faith s fire-lit room looked, with the wind whistling all about, and the red light on her open Bible. She turned on. And like the full burst of a chorus after that solo, she seemed to hear the whole Church Militant say, "Lord, thou hast been our dwelling-place in all genera tions." Her mind swept back to the martyr ages, to times when the church s road has been in darkness and in light, and the long train of pilgrims have gone over it in light and in darkness, each with that staff in his hand. Faith looked long at those words, seeming to see the great "cloud of wit nesses" pass in procession before her. How true the words were to Abraham, when he left his home. How true to Daniel when he was thrown to the lions. How true they 2Q2 SAY AND SEAL. were to Stephen when he uttered his dying cry ! how true to the little child whom she had seen go to be with Christ for ever I "In all generations." The prophets, true to their office, threw the light for ward. "He shall be for a sanctuary." "Although I have cast them far off among the heathen, and although I have scattered them among the countries, yet wili I be to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come." "I will be as the dew unto Israel: he shall grow as the lily, and cast forth his roots as Lebanon. His branches shall spread, and his beauty shall be as the olive tree, and his smell as Lebanon." The next words gave the whole description, the whole key of entrance. "Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him and he in God. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love ; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him." Here was the " Sanctuary " on earth, the foreshewing image of the one on high. "I saw no temple therein : for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it." How far Faith had got from the earthly Thanksgiving day even to that finished and everlasting one on high ! She had of course read and studied these passages all be fore once ; and then she had shut them up as a particular casket of treasures that she would not grow too familiar with suddenly, but would keep to enjoy their brightness another time. Something this Thanksgiving morning had made Faith want them. She now sat looking at the last words, feeling as if she wanted nothing. The wind and the rain still raged without, drowning and merging any sounds there might be in the road, though truly few animate things were abroad at that hour in that weather. Mr. Skip had roused himself, indeed, for his day s pleasure, and after lighting the kitchen fire had gone forth leaving it to take care of itself; but when the door closed after him, Faith and her fire looked at eajh other in SAY AND SEAL. 203 the same stillness as before. Until she heard the front door open and shut, that was the first sound, and the last, no unwonted one, either; that door opened and shut twenty times a day. What intangible, well-recognized modification in its motions now, made Faith s heart bound and sink with sudden belief with swift denial? Who was it? at that hour! Faith sprang to the parlour door, she did not know how, and was in the dark hall. A little gleam of firelight followed her a little faint dawn came through the fanlight of the door: just enough to reveal to Faith those very outlines which at first sight she had pro nounced "pleasant." One more spring Faith made ; with no scream of delight, but with a low exclamation, very low, that for its many-folded sweetness was like the invo lutions of a rosebud. " Faith I" he exclaimed. " Don t touch me till I get out of the rain 1" which prohibition Faith might consider useless, or might think that shuttlecock fashion it had got turned round in the air. "The best place to get out of the rain is in here," she said trying to draw him along with her. " Oh Eudy ! how came you in it?" " If you say three words to me, I shall give you the benefit of all the remaining raindrops," said Mr. Linden, disengaging himself to throw off his overcoat, "how can one do anything, with you standing there ? How came I in it? why I came in it! Precious child! how do you do ?" And she was taken possession of, and carried off into the next room, like a rosebud as she was, to have the same question put a great many times in a different way. More words for her, just then, Mr. Linden did not seem to have. Nor Faith for him. She stood very still, her face in a glow of shy joy, but her eyes and even her lips grave and quiet; except when sometimes a very tiny indicatory smile broke half way upon them. " When did you come ?" "I came in the night train. Mignonette are you glad to see rne ?" The f-mile shewed her teeth a little. They would bear shewing, but this was only a glimmer of the white enamel. "Then you have been travelling all night?" 204 SAY AND SEAL. Yes. How are you going to prove your position f" What position, Endy?" That you are glad to see me." I don t know," she said looking up at him. You cannot think of any proof to give me?" I can think of a great many." I am ready to take them !" said Mr. Linden demurely. Then if you will sit down and let me leave you for a few minutes, I will see what I can do." " Thank you the proofs that I mean would by no means take you further off. Suppose you see what you can do without going away." She laid her head down for a minute, colouring too, even the cheek that was high-coloured before ; but she looked up again. " Stoop your high head, then, Endy !" she said ; and she gave him two kisses, as full and earnest as they were soft. There was no doubt Faith had proved her position ! "Faith, darling," he said, "have you been growing thin? or is it only that I have had to do with such substantial humanity of late. Look up here and let me see are you anything but the essence of Mignonette ?" The face she shewed was aptly named ; about as pure as that. With grave, loving intentness not the less grave for its little companion smile. Mr. Linden studied her face for a minute, pushing back her hair. "Do you think," she said then in a light soft tone a departure from the last words, >"do you think you won t want the essence of something else by and by, Eudecott?" "No," decidedly, "I want nothing but you so you may as well make up your mind to want nothing but me." " Do you know what that would end in ?" "Not necessarily in such a simple duet," said Mr. Lin den smiling, "people do riot always realize their ideal. Mignonette, you are just as lovely as you can be 1 and you need not bring Miss Reason to keep me in order. I suppose if she were in the house it would end in her want ing her breakfast." "I don t like Miss Keason," said Faith, "and the only thing I am thinking of putting in order is the kitchen fire. Would you like to go there with me ? Nobody s i\ SAY AND SEAL. 205 the house Cindy went yesterday to a wedding, and Mr. Skip is gone home to keep Thanksgiving." " That is the best thing I ever heard of Cindy," said Mr. Linden " Of course I will go ! and play Ferdinand again Faith, would the doctor call me an acid corne to dissolve all his crystals?" "Dr. Harrison gave me ten dollars yesterday for the poor people," said Faith as she led the way to the kitchen. Arrived there, she placed a chair for Mr. Linden and re quested him to be seated; while she examined into the state of the fire. The chair was disregarded the fire received double attention. "Faith," he said laughingly, "I bear the curb about as well as Stranger. I have a great mind to tell you how that eagle stands in the doctor s memorandum book !" Faith dropped her hands for the moment and looked at him, with grave eyes of wide-open attention. The look changed Mr. Linden s purpose, he could not bear to take away all the pleasure the eagle had brought on his gold wings. " I don t believe there is such a book in existence," he said lightly. " Miranda, what would you like to have me do for you now? the fire is ready for anything." "I haven t anything ready for it yet," said Faith, "but I will have if you ll wait a bit." She left him there, and ran off coming back in a little while. And then Mr. Lin den was initiated, if he never was before, in kitchen myste ries. Faith covered herself with a great apron, rolled up 4 her sleeves above the elbows, and with funny little glances at him between whiles, went round the room about various pieces of work. Almost noiseles-sly, with the utmost nicety of quick and clean work, she was busy in one thing after another and in two or three at the same time; while Mr. Linden stood or sat by the fire looking on. Two things he comprehended ; the potatoes which were put over the fire to boil and the white shortcakes which finally stood cut out on the board ready for baking. The preliminary flour and cream and mixing in the bowl had been (culinary) Sanscrit to him. He had watched her somewhat silently of late, but none the less intently : indeed in all his watching there had been a silent thread woven in with its laughing and VOL. II, 18 206 SAY AND SEAL. busy talk, his eyes had followed her as one follows a vcri table sunbeam, noting the bright gleams of colour here, and the soft light there, and thinking of the time when it must quit the room. "Faith," he said as she cut out her cakes, "are these what you made for me the first night I came here ?" "I believe so !" " What do you suppose you look like going about the kitchen in this style? you make me think irresistibly of something." "I should like to know," said Faith with an amused laugh. "I shall make you blush, if I tell you," said Mr. Linden. That was enough to do it ! Faith gave him one look, and went on with her shortcakes. "You don t care about knowing, after all?" said Mr. Linden. "Well. Faith, do you expect ever to make such things in my house ? because if you do, I think it will ensure my coming down stairs before breakfast." How she flushed I over cheek and brow, then remarked gravely that " she was glad he liked it." "Yes, and you have no idea what effects my liking will produce !" said Mr. Linden. "You see, Faith, it may hap pen to us now and then to be left without other hands than our own in the house (there is no reliance whatever to be placed upon cottages 1) and then you will come down, as now, and I shall come too taking the precaution to bring a book, that nobody may suspect what I come for. Then enter one of my parishioners Faith, are you attend ing?" Faith had stopped, and poising her rolling pin the re verse way on the board that is, on end, had leaned her arms upon it, giving up shortcakes entirely for the time being. "You will not be in that position," said Mr. Linden, "but going on properly with your cakes as you should be now. Then enter one of my parishioners who lives six miles off, to ask me to come over to his house and instruct him in the best way of hanging his gate, which I of course promise to do, notwithstanding your protestations that I know nothing of that nor of anything else. Parishioner SAY AND SEAL. 207 goes away and reports. One part of the people say how economical we are 1 to make one fire do our cooking and studying. Another part have their suspicions that you keep me at hand -to lift otf the teakettle (much strength ened by report of your protest.) And the charitable part at once propose to raise my salary so that we may have as many fires as we like. Faith what should we do in the circumstances ?" Faith was biting her lips and rolling out cakes with the swiftest activity, not allowing Mr. Linden a sight of her face. "If you hung the gate, I should think you would take the money " she answered demurely. "I said you would say I could not do it!" said Mr. Lin den. "Which being duly reported and considered by cer tain other people, will cause them to shake their heads, and wish in half audible (but most telegraphic !) whispers, that Mr. Linden were half as smart as his wife !" Faith stopped again. " Oh Endy !" she exclaimed be tween laughing and pleading. "Que voulez-vous, Mademoiselle?" But Faith went at her cakes and finished the few that were left. " I think you must be very much in want of your break fast," she said coming to the fire. "You have played Prince Ferdinand do you think you would mind acting the part of King Alfred, for once?" " My dear, I will play any part for you whatever ! in our duet. Shall I practise taking off the kettle to begin with ?" "I don t think you had better," Faith said with a kept down laugh, "for it doesn t boil." " Shall I take you off then ? What are you going to do while I play Alfred ? I will not answer for my solo per formances." "I shall not be gone but a few minutes. Do you think you could take this little skillet from the fire if it did. boil ?" Mr. Linden might have got into a reverie after she ran away ; but certain it is that the skillet was in imminent 208 SAY AND SEAL. danger of "boiling over" when Faith appeared at his side and with a laughing look at him gently lifted it off. "You are an excellent Alfred !" "What version of Alfred have you learned?" he said laughing, and catching it from her hand before it reached the hearth. "I thought hot water was his reward not his work." " I thought, Endy, you would like to go up to your room before breakfast. Mother will be down presently." "And am I to find the perfection of a fire, as usual?" said Mr. Linden, taking both her hands in his and looking at her. "Little Sunbeam! you should not have done that 1 Do you know what you deserve ?" She stood before him rather soberly, glancing up and down ; but he little guessed what her quietness covered. Though the lines of her lip did give tiny indication that quietness was stirred somewhere. He drew her to him for a moment, with one or two unconnected words of deep affection, then turned and went away. Faith listened to hear the well known run up the stairs the familiar closing of that door, how strange it sounded ! how gladsome, how sorrowful. She stood still just where Mr. Linden had left her, as if sorrow and joy both held her with detaining hands. " Why child ? Faith !" said Mrs. Derrick coming into the kitchen, "what af~e you about? What made you get up so early, Faith ? What s the matter? breakfast ready at this time of day ! Couldn t you sleep, pretty child ?" she added tenderly. " I didn t get up very much earlier than usual, mother. Don t you want breakfast ?" " Whenever you like, child," said her mother, taking hold in her turn, " but what s made you in such a hurry ? And what makes you look so, Faith ? You re not pale, neither, how do you look ?" Faith came so close that her mother could not see, and kissed her. "Mother, Mr. Linden is here." "Here!" said Mrs. Derrick with a little sympathetic start it was not all surprise, nor all joy. " Pretty child ! how glad I am 1 But why didn t you call me, Faith ? and why don t you go and sit down and be quiet -now you ve SAY AND SEAL 209 just been tiring yourself, and I could have done the whole! And of all things, how could he get here in such weather? No wonder you re in a hurry, child !" and Mrs. Derrick began to work in earnest. Faith gave her the word or two more that she could give, and went to the dairy. It was Faith s domain ; she was alone, and her industry fell from her hands. Breakfast and all might wait. Faith set down her bowl and spoon, sat down herself on the low dairy shelf before the window, cold and November though it was, and let the tears come, of which she had a whole heartful in store ; and for a little while they fell faster than the raindrops which beat and rattled against the panes. But this was a gentler shower, and cleared the sky. Faith rose up from the shelf entirely herself again. So busy, skimming off the smooth cream, she felt the light touch of hands on her shoulders felt more than that on her cheek. Had the tears left any trace there ? that Mr. Linden brought her face round into view. He asked no such question, however, unless with his eyes. "Mignonette, what are you about?" "King Alfred s breakfast. I forgot you knew the way to the dairy!" " Or could find it if I did not. What shape does my breakfast take in these regions ?" "It takes the shape Let us go back to the kitchen and we will see." It was spry work in the kitchen now ! How Faith s fingers went about. But Mr. Linden could make nothing of the form his breakfast was taking nothing of Faith s mysterious bowl, in which the cream he had seen her skim went into compound with the potatoes he had seen boiling and with also certain butter and eggs. The mixture went into the oven, and then Faith went off to set the table in the parlour. As they were alone to-day the fire in the dining-room was not to be kindled. The storm beat so differently upon the windows now! aow, when it was only a barrier against people who were not wanted to come in. Mr. Linden followed Faith in her motions, sometimes with eye and voice, sometimes with his own steps; confusing both her and her arrangements, 18* 210 SAY AND SEAL. making her laugh, and himself the cause of various irregu larities in the table-setting, which he was very quick to point out. " Mignonette," he said, "I think it is a perfect day ! Do you hear how it storms ?" ."And aren t you glad Cindy went to a wedding? And oh, Endy ! how many people will be coming after you to-day?" Faith stopped, knife in hand. " Did you suppose that I would come here to see you, and then be obliged to see half Pattaquasset instead ? I stopped at Patchaug station, there Reuben met me, and we had as pleasant a four mile drive in the rain as I ever remember. As to the wedding I think there can never be more than one other so felicitous." Faith ran off. And presently the breakfast came in, variously, in her hands and in Mrs. Derrick s. It was broad light now, and the curtains drawn back, but the red firelight still gave the hue of the room ; and the breakfast-table and the three people round it wanted for no element or means of com fort. There were the shortcakes, which Mr. Linden might more readily recognize now in their light brown flakiness his coffee was poured upon the richest of cream ; the pota toes came out of the oven in the shape of a great puff-ball, of most tender consistency; and the remains of a cold chicken had been mystified into such a dish of delicacy as no hands but a Frenchwoman s or Faith s could con coct. It s a pleasant thing to be catered for by hands that love you. Mr. Linden had found that pleasure this morn ing before. But both Faith and he were undoubtedly ready for their breakfast ! After breakfast came the consideration of a basketful of things Mr. Linden had brought her. Very simple things they were, and unromantic enough to be useful ; yet with sentiment enough about them, if that name might be given to the tokens of a care that busied itself about all the ins and outs of her daily life, and sought out and remembered the various little things that she wanted and could not get; for the various papers of sugarplums in which the whole were packed, Mr. Linden declared them to be nothing but epithets and adjectives. SAY AND SEAL. 211 The weather held on its way into the afternoon; but what was most unexpected, the afternoon brought a visiter. Mr. Linden and Faith, deep in talk, heard the sound of a foot on the scraper and then of a knock at the door, which made them both start up. Faith went to the door. But before she could open it, Mrs. Derrick came up behind her with swift steps and remanded Faith to the parlour. "I ll open it, child," she said, "it s no use for you to run the risk of seeing anybody you don t want to." So Faith returned to Mr. Linden. But the first word set all fears at rest it was only Reuben Taylor. He presented himself with many apologies, and would fain have told his errand to Mrs. Derrick, but as it was for Faith, the good lady opened the parlour door and bade Reuben go in, - which, as he could not help it, Reuben did. But the colour of his face as he came in! Mr. Linden took the effect of it Faith was partly occupied with her own ; and Reuben, thinking the sooner the quicker walked straight up to her. " Miss Faith," he said, trying to speak as usual, "I beg your pardon but I was sent here with this," and Reuben presented a moderately large round basket, without a handle. "Reuben, come up to the fire," said Mr. Linden; while Faith took the basket and exclaimed, "This ! Who in the world sent you, Reuben? Yes, come to the fire." " 1 am not cold, sir," Reuben said with a look towards where Mr. Linden stood by the mantelpiece, as if his desire was to get out of the room instead of further in, though he did follow Faith a step or two as she went that way. " I didn t mean to come here to-day, Mr. Linden, but " "Didn t mean to come here?" said Mr. Linden smiling, " what have you been doing, to be afraid of me ? Faith, has your postman been remiss ?" They were a pair, Reuben and Faith ! though the colour of the one was varying, while Reuben s was steady. Faith nevertheless seized the boy s hand and drew him with gentle violence up to the fire. " Who sent you with this, Reuben ?" " Dr. Harrison, Miss Faith. I was off on an errand after fhurch, and one of his men came after me and told me to come to the house. And there 1 saw the doctor himself 212 SAY AND SEAL. and ho told me to bring you this basket, ma am, and that he didn t like to trust it to any one else. And " but there Reuben hesitated. "And that you were the only person he knew who would go through fire and water for him ?" said Mr. Linden. "No, sir, but I suppose I ve got to say it, since he told me to, Dr. Harrison said, Miss Faith, that " the message seemed to stir both Reuben s shame and laughter "that he had begged a cake of his sister, to go with your Thanks giving pies and that it was in the basket. And that I needn t tell anybody else about it." "Reuben," said Mr. Linden laughing, "you needn t tell him that I shall eat half the cake." "No, sir" Reuben said, and tried not to laugh, and couldn t help it. The third member of the trio shewed no disposition at all to much laughter. She had put the basket down on the table and looked at it from a distance, as if it had contained the four and twenty live blackbirds or a small powder magazine. The effect of his message Reuben did not stay to see. He went round to Mr. Linden to ask if the morn ing orders were unchanged, clasped hands with him then bowed low to Faith and went out. With very demure face Mr. Linden seated himself in one of the easy-chairs, and looked towards the table, with the air of one who expects something! And not demurely but with grave consciousness, Faith stood looking in the same direction ; then her eyes went to Mr. Linden. But his face did not relax in the least. "Do you suppose that basket holds a kitten?" he said contemplatively. Faith did not answer but walked over to the table and began the work of investigation. Mr. Linden came too. "if you are to make feline discoveries, I must stand by you, little bird," he said. The basket was carefully tied with a network of strings over the top ; then followed one paper after another, a silk paper at last, and the cake was revealed. The low excla mation that burst from Faith might be characterized as one of mingled admiration and dismay. Certainly Dr. Harrison had amused himself that Thanks SAY AND SEAL. 213 giving day ! perhaps in terror of his old enemy, ennui. At least his basket looked so. The cake lay upon a white paper in the basket, with a little space all around. It was a rather small loaf with a plain icing. But round the sides of it were trailed long sprays of ivy geranium, making a beautiful bordering. The centre was crowned with a white camellia in its perfection. From the tip edge of each outer petal depended a drop of gold, made to adhere there by some strong gum probably ; and between the camellia and the ivy wreaths was a brilliant ring of gold spots, somewhat larger, set in the icing. Some body, and it was probably the doctor, for want of better to do, had carefully prepared the places to receive them, so that they were set in the white like a very neat inlay. It was presently seen that quarter eagles made the inlay, and that the camellia was dropped with gold dollars. On the ivy lay a note. Faith looked at Mr. Linden as she took it up; broke the seal, and hastily running over the paper gave it to him "My DEAR Miss FAITH, My yesterday s speculation in pumpkins proved so suc cessful, that like a true speculator it made me want to plunge deeper into the pumpkin field ! I find myself this morning dissatisfied with what I have done and beg to send a cake to go along with the pies to be appor tioned of course as your judgment shall suggest. I begged the cake from Sophy, who I am sure would not have given it to me if she had known what I was going to do with it. Your pleasure, personal and representative, last night, .s a reproach to me whenever I think of it. Yet my un wonted hand knows neither how to cut up cake, nor what :o do with it when it is cut except avaler! Am I wrong In hoping that you will do me the grace to make available what I should only if I tried to do better with it throw away ? and that as a token of your forgiveness and grace you will on the next opportunity bestow a piece of pump kin pie, such as you carried the other night, on Your very respectful and most obedient servant, PATTAQUASSET, Nov. 15, 18. JULIUS HARRISON." 214 SAY AND SEAL. Mr. Linden read the note more deliberately than Faith had done, but his face, the while, she could not read; though (fascinated by the difficulty) her glances changed to a steady gaze. It was quietly grave that was all and not all, and the note was given back to her with a smile that spoke both thoughts of the doctor, and pleasure for any pleasure Faith might have from his basket. But then some of the deeper feeling came out in his comments and they were peculiar. He had stood still for a second after reading the note, his eyes looking down at the cake gravely; but then they came to her; and suddenly taking her in his arms Mr. Linden gave her it would be hazard ous to say, as many kisses as Dr. Harrison had gold pieces but certainly as many as he had put in the basket, and more. Faith did not read them, either, at first, till the repetition or the way of it, told what they were ; the glad saying that she was his, beyond any one s power to buy her, more than all, an indemnification to himself for all the gold he could not lay at her feet ! There needed no speech to tell her both. A word or two had answered his demonstrations, first a wondering word, arid then afterwards a low repetition of his name, in a tone of humble recognition and protest. Now she looked up at him with a child s clear face, full of the colour he had brought into it. - "Little darling," he said, "you will have your hands full of business !" " Oh Endy I am very sorry !" " Sorry ?" Mr. Linden said. " What about ?" " I m sorry that basket has come here !" "It gives you the means of making other people glad." "Yes but," Faith looked uncomfortably at the basket. Then brought her eyes back to Mr. Linden s face. " What ought I to do, Endecott?" "The most good and the least harm you can in the circumstances." "How shall I, the last? 7 she said with a manner like a beautiful child, truth struggling through embarrassment " If you could contrive to make yourself disenchanting !" Faith passed that, and waited, her eyes making a grave appeal. Mr. Linden smiled. SAY AND SEAL. 215 "I am afraid you can only be yourself," he said. "And if Dr. Harrison will not remove himself to a safe distance, there is not much to be done, except with the money. Let him understand that you consent for once to be his almoner, merely because you know better than he where the need is, that you take from him, as from anybody, a donation for your poor and sick neighbours." "Must I write?" "No." "But, Endecott is that all?" " All that I need say. You never did encourage him, Faith, it may be a long time before he gives you a chance to rf/scourage. There is one thing /can do, if you wish." She had stood with an awakened, sorrowful look, the colour burning all over face and brow. Now she startled and asked "What?" " Something you do not wish. I can tell him that you belong to me." But that indeed Faith did not wish. "Oh no, Endecott I would rather manage it some other way. Now don t let us lose any more of our afternoon with it but come and tell me what will be the best things to do with this money." "It is hard to tell all at once," Mr. Linden said as they once more took their seats by the fire. "What have you thought of yourself?" "I know where one or two blankets are wanting. And O, Eudy ! there is one place where I should like to send a rocking-chair ever so common a one, you know." "And if Ency Stephens had one of those little self-loco motive carriages, she could go about by herself all day long." "How good that would be ! as soon as .the spring opens. You could send one up from New York, Endecott. Do they cost much ?" " I think not. And what do you say to taking a little portion of this for the beginning of a free library Tor the poor people? If the thing were once begun, Mr. Stouten- burgh would give you what you please to carry it ou, and Mr. Simlins would help, and so would I." "1 was thinking of books!" said Faith, her eye dancing in an unknown library ; "but these would be books to 216 SAY AND SEAL. lend. I think a great many would like that, Endecott ! O yes, we could get plenty of help. That is a delightful plan ! I don t think I ought to be sorry that basket came, after all," she added smiling. Mr. Linden smiled too she was a pretty Lady Bountiful 1 "Faith," he said, "suppose (it is a very presumptuous supposition, but one may suppose anything) suppose when my hands are free to take care of my Mignonette, that I should have the offer of two or three different gardens wherein to place her. How should I choose ?" She coloured and looked at him somewhat inquiringly, then turned away with a kept- in but very pretty smile. "I know," she said, "how you would choose and you would not ask me." "Yes I should, little unbeliever I ask you now." "You would go," she said gravely "where your hands were most wanted." "There spoke a true Sunbeam 1" said Mr. Linden. But perhaps the word or something in the changing light of the afternoon carried his thoughts on to the night train which was to bear him away ; for he left Dr. Harrison, and baskets, and schemes, in the background ; and drawing her closer to his side talked of her affairs what she had been doing, what she meant to do, in various ways, trying to leave as it were a sort of network of his care about her. Then came twilight, and Mrs. Derrick and tea; with Faith s light figure flitting to and fro in preparation; and then prayers. And then how fast the clock ticked ! how fast the minutes began to run away ! The storm did not rest, it blew and beat and poured down as hard as ever, eddying round the house in gusts that made every word and every minute within doors seem quieter and sweeter. And the words were many, and the minutes too yet they dropped away* one by one, and the upper glass was empty! CHAPTER XVI. * FAITH fortified herself with a triple wall of mental resolves against Dr. Harrison s advances. Bat when the doctor came again, a night or two after Thanksgiving, there did not seem to be much that she could do or hin der. The doctor s lines of circumvallation were too skil fully drawn for an inexperienced warrior like Faith to know very well where to oppose him. He was not in a demon strative mood at all; rather more quiet than usual. He had just pushed an advanced work in the shape of his golden cake ; and he rested there for the present. To Faith s great joy, midway in the evening the doctor s monopoly was broken by the entrance of Squire Stouten- burgh and a very round game of talk. Faith seized the opportunity to present her claim for a free library an swered with open hand on the spot. And when he was gone, she sat meditating a speech, but she was prevented. The doctor, as if unconsciously amusing himself, started a chymical question; and went on. to give Faith a most ex quisite analysis and illustration It was impossible to listen coldly ; it was impossible to maintain reserve. Faith must be herself, and delight shone in every feature. Now could Dr. Harrison enjoy this thoroughly and yet give no sign that he did so ; his eye watched hers, while Faith thought he was looking into depths of science ; his smile was a keen reflection of that on her lips, while she fancied it called forth only by his own skill, or success, or scientific power. He had produced the very effect he wanted ; for the moment, he had her all to himself. " Miss Faith," he said gently, as his demonstration came to an end, "you may command me for that library." Faith drew back and her mind returned to business again. Tlr doctor saw it, and was instantly sorry he had started the subject. "I was going to speak to you about that, Dr. Harrison. .ft you have no objection, I shall take a little of that money VOL ti. 19 (217) 218 SAY AND SEAL. you entrusted to me, for it the beginning of it. Only a little. The rest shall go as I suppose you meant it to go." "I knew it was very sure to go right after it got into your hands. I don t think I followed it any further." " It will make a great many people happy this winter, Dr. Harrison " "I hope it will," said he very sincerely ; for he knew that if it made them it would her. "You have little notion how much," Faith went on gravely. "I will do the best I can with it, and if you had patience to hear, I would let you know what, Dr. Har rison." "You do me less than justice, Miss Faith. You can hear me rant about philosophical niceties, and yet think that I would not have patience to listen to a lecture from you upon my neglected duties !" "I didn t mean that, sir." He gave her a genial, recognizing little smile, which was not exactly in his "part" but came in spite of him. "Do you know, I should like to hear it, Miss Faith. I always like lectures illustrated. What have you done already ?" "There is an almost bed-ridden woman two miles off, who will bless somebody all winter for the comfort of a rocking-chair all her life, I may rather say; a common wooden one, Dr. Harrison." "That is a capital idea," said the doctor. "She will bless you, I hope." "No, certainly! I shall tell her the money is not mine, I am only laying it out for a, kind somebody." . "Miss Faith ," said the doctor, "I am not kind!" "I think you are," was her gentle, somewhat wistful answer. The doctor sprung up. " Mrs. Derrick," said he with all his comicality alive, "Miss Faith promised me a piece of pumpkin pie." He had it, and taking his old place on the rug slowly demolished it, qualifying every morsel with such ridiculous correlative remarks, allusions, and propositions, that it was beyond the power of either Mrs. Derrick or Faith to retain her gravity. But the moment the door closed upou him, Faith looked sober. SAY AND SEAL. 219 "Well, child?" said her mother. "Well, mother I haven t written my French. n And she sat down to write it, but studied something else. "Manage it some other way" she had said she would; it was not easy ! What was she going to do ? the doctor asked nothing of her but ordinary civility ; how could she refuse him that? It was a puzzle, and Faith found it so as the weeks went on. It seemed to be as Mr. Linden had said ; that she could do little but be as she had been, her self. That did not satisfy Faith. It was a great relief, when about the middle of Decem ber the family went to New York for a few weeks, and Dr. Harrison went with his family. Once more she breathed freely. Then Faith and Reuben made themselves very busy in preparing for the Christmas doings. Means enough were on hand now. Reuben was an invaluable auxiliary as a scout; to find out where anything was pressingiy wanted and what; and long lists were made, and many trains laid in readiness against Mr. Linden s arrival. And then he came 1 It was for a good week s holiday this time, and how it was enjoyed two people knew which was enough. Stu dies went on after the old fashion during that week, and dinners and teas out made some unavoidable interruptions, yet not on the whole unpleasant. And sleigh rides were taken, day and night; and walks and talks not to be men tioned. Then the Newyear s visiting with such a budget of new varieties ! how pleasant it was to go that round again together; and it was hard to make short visits, for everybody wanted to see and hear so much of Mr. Linden. He stayed one extra day after that to see Faith when he had done seeing everybody else, but then he went; and the coldness and quiet of winter set in, broken only by letters. There was a break of another kind when Dr. Harrison came back, in the middle of January ; such a break to Faith s quiet that the coldness was well nigh forgotten. She had doubly resolved she would have as little as possi ble to do with him ; and found presently she was having quite as much as ever. The plan of rendering him a grave account of what she had done or was doing with his money, so far as the plan 22 SAY AND SEAL. regarded keeping him at a distance, was a signal failure. Very simply and honestly it was done, on her part; but it suited the doctor admirably ; nothing could better serve his purposes. Dr. Harrison heard her communication about some relieved family or project of relief, with a pleasant sort of attention and intelligence ; and had skill, although really and professedly unwonted in the like things, to take up her plans and make the most happy suggestions and additions often growing a large scheme upon a small one, and edging in the additional means so insensibly, so quietly, that though Faith saw he did it she could not tell how to hinder and did not know that she ought. Mr. Linden had sent, as he promised, his help for the library, indeed sent from time to time some new parcel; and without inquiring whether the money he had left for 7m poor people was exhausted, had sent her a fresh supply. But she had none too much, from all sources. It was a winter of great severity among the poorer portion of the community; work was hard to come by, and the intense weather made food and .clothing and tiring doubly in demand. There were few starving poor people in Pattaquasset; but many that winter lacked comforts, and some would have wanted bread, without the diligent care of their better-off neigh bours. And there as everywhere, those who gave such care were few. Faith and Reuben had plenty to do. But indeed not merely, nor chiefly, with the furnishing of food to the hungry and firing to the cold ; neither were those the points where Dr. Harrison s assistance came most help fully in. Little Ency Stephens wanted a flower now and then, as well as a velocipede ; and Dr. Harrison gave not to Faith, but to Faith s hands for her a nice little monthly rose bush out of the greenhouse. How it smiled in the poor cottage and on the ailing child ! and what could Faith do but with a swelling heart to wish good to the giver. A smoky chimney was putting out the eyes of a poor seam stress. Dr. Harrison quietly gave Reuben orders to have a certain top put to the chimney and send the bill to him. He even seemed to be undertaking some things on his own account. Faith heard through Reuben that he had pro cured the office of post-mistress in Pattaquasset to be given SAY AND SEAL. . 221 to the distressed family she and Mr. Linden had visited at Neanticut ; and that Mrs. Tuck and Miutie were settled at the post-office, in all comfort accordingly. But worst of all ! there were some sick people ; and one or two for whom Faith dared not refuse his offer to go with her to see them. Dared still less after the first time he had actually gone ; so great and immediate she found the value, not of his medi cines only, but of the word or two of hint and direction which he gave her towards their help and healing. Faith began to look forward to May with a breath of almost im patience. But a change came before that. 19* CHAPTER XVII. T^HE spring came, with all its genial influences. Not now with such expeditions as the last spring had seen, but with letters to take their place, and with walks of business and kindness instead of pleasure. Yes, of pleasure too; and Faith began to find her "knight" not only a help and safeguard, but good company. Reuben was so true, so simple and modest was walking in such a swift path of improvement; was so devoted to Faith and her interests, besides the particular bond of sympathy be tween them, that she might have had many a brother and fared much worse. The intercourse had not changed its character outwardly Reuben s simple ceremonial of re spect and deference was as strict as ever; but the thor ough liking of first acquaintanceship had deepened into very warm affection on both sides. With Dr. Harrison Reuben gained no ground or the doctor did not with him. Though often working for him and with him, though invariably courteous with the most respectful propriety, Faith could see that Reuben s old feeling was rather on the increase. With the spring thaw came a freshet. It came suddenly, at the end of the week", every river and stream rising into a full tide of insurrection with the inciting snows of Satur day, and Saturday night bridges and mill-dams went by the board. Among the rest, one of the railway bridges near Pattaquasset gave way, and a full train from the east set- down its freight of passengers in Pattaquasset over Sun day. They amused themselves variously as such freight in such circumstances is wont to do. Faith knew that the church was well filled that Sunday morning, but the fact or the cause concerned her little did not disturb the quiet path of her thoughts and steps, until church was out and she coming home, alone that day, as it happened. Then she found the walk full and her walk hindered. Especially by two gentlemen who as the others thinned off, right and (222) SAY AND SEAL. 223 left, still went straight on ; not fast enough to get away from Faith nor slow enough for her to pass them. They were strangers, evidently, and town bred. One of them reminded Faith of Dr. Harrison, in dress and style both belonged to a class of which she had seen few specimens. But she gave them little heed (save as they detained her,) nor cared at all for their discussion of the weather, or the place. Then suddenly her attention was caught and held. "By the way!" said one "this is the very place where Linden was so long." "Who? Endecott Linden?" said Dr. Harrison s like ness. " What was he here for?" "Teaching school." " Teaching school !" echoed the other, "Endecott Lin den teaching school ! Pegasus in pound ! How did the rustics catch him ?" "Pegasus came of his own accord, if I remember." " Pshaw, yes ! but Linden. For what conceivable rea son did he let himself down to teach school?" " He didn t " said the other a little hotly. " He wouldn t let himself down if he turned street-sweeper." "True he has a sort of natural dais which he carries about with him, I suppose he d make the crossing the court end. But I say, what did he do this for?" "Why for money !" said the first speaker. "What an ado about nothing!" "Inconceivable ! Just imagine, George, a man who can sing as he does, teaching a, b, ab !" "Well imagine it," said George, "and then you ll wish you were six years old to have him teach you. 11 " How cross you are," said his friend lazily. "And despotic. Was there nothing left of all that immense property? I ve just come home, you know." ; Not much," said George. "A little but Endecott wouldn t touch that it was all put at interest for Miss Pet. He would have it so, and even supported her as long as she staid in the country. What he works so hard for ?7.oi I don t understand." "Works, does he? I thought he was studying for the church going to bury himself again. It s a crying 224 SAY AND SEAL. shame! why he might be member, minister, Secretary, President !" " He !" cried George in hot disdain, "he soil his fingers with politics ! No he s in the right place now, there s no other pure enough for him." " I didn t know you admired the church so much," said nis friend ironically. "I don t only the place in it where he ll stand. That s grand." "And so he s at work yet ?" "Yes indeed and it puzzles me. That year here ought to have carried him through his studies." "Why what can he do ? not teach school now, he s no time for it." "He can give lessons and does. Makes the time, I suppose. You know he has learned about everything but Theology. Oliphant was telling me about it the other day." "What a strange thing!" said the other musingly, "such a family, so swept overboard ! What a house that was! You remember his mother, George?" "I should think so ! and the way Endecott used to sing to her every night, no matter who was there." "Yes," sai$ the doctor s confrere "and come to her to be kissed afterwards. I should have laughed at any other man but it set well on him. So did her diamond ring in his hair, which she was so fond of handling. How did he make out to live when she died ?" " I don t know " said George with a half drawn breath a little reverently too : " I suppose he could tell you. But all that first year nobody saw him unless somebody in need or sorrow : they could always find him. He looked as if he had taken leave of the world except to work for it." "How courted he used to be!" said the other "how petted not spoiled, strange to say. Do you suppose he ll ever marry, George ? will he ever find any one to suit his notions? He s had enough to choose from already in Europe and here. What do they say of him off yonder where he is now ?" "They say he s rock crystal, because ice will meU," said George. " So I suppose his notions are as high as ever." "You used to admire Miss Linden, if I remember," said SAY AND SEAL. 225 his friend. "What a ring that was I I wonder if she s got it. George I sha n t walk any further in this mud turn about." Which the two did, suddenly. Both stepped aside out of Faith s way, in surprise her light footfall had not made them lower their voices. But in that moment they could see that she was a lady ; in acknowledgment of which fact the one gentleman bowed slightly, and the other lifted his hat. Faith had thrown back her veil to hear better what they were saying, not expecting so sudden an encoun ter; arid as she passed, secure in being a stranger, gave them both a view of as soft a pair of eyes as they had either of them ever looked into, which also sought theirs with a curious intentness, borne out by the high bright tinge which excitement had brought into her cheeks. Both of them saw and remembered, for swift as it was, the look was not one to forget. But the glance added lit tle to what Faith knew already about the strangers, and she went on her way feeling as if a stricture had been bound tight round her heart. The words about Mr. Linden s fastidiousness she knew quite enough of him to verify; and in the light of these people s talk it almost seemed to Faith as if there had been some glamour about her as if she should some day prove to be "magician s coin" after all. But though the old sense of unworthiness swept over her, Faith was not of a temper to dwell long or heavily upon such a doubt. Her heart had been strangely stirred besides by what was said of his mother, and his old way of life, and his changes. She knew about them of course before; yet as a trifle, the touching of a single ray, will often give a new view of an old scene, those side words of strangers set all Mr. Lin den s time of joy and sorrow with such vivid reality before her, that her heart was like to break with it. That effect too, more or less, passed away from her mind, never entirely. Another thing staid. "What he works so hard for now" Then he was work ing hard! and doing his own studies and correcting her French exercises, and giving her lessons all the while, as well as to other people ; and bringing her gifts with the fruit of his work! And not an atom of it all could Faith 226 SAY AND SEAL. touch to change. She pondered it, and she knew it. She doubted whether she could with any good effect venture so much as a remonstrance ; and the more Faith thought, the more this doubt resolved itself into certainty. And all the while, he was working hard ! Round that fact her thoughts beat, like an alarmed bird round its nest; about as help lessly. Mrs. Derrick thought Faith was more grave and ab stracted than usual that day, and sometimes thought so afterwards ; that was all Faith made known. Dr. Harrison thought the same thing on the next occa sion of his seeing her, and on the next; or rather he thought she held off from him more than usual ; what the root of it might be he was uncertain. And circumstances were unfavourable to the exactness of his observations for some time thereafter. It was yet early in March, when Mrs. Stoutenburgh took a very troublesome and tedious fever, which lasted several weeks. It was reckoned dangerous, part of the time, and Mrs. Derrick and Faith were in very constant attendance. Faith especially, for Mrs. Stoutenburgh liked no one else so well about her; and gratitude and re gard made her eager to do all she might. So daily and nightly she was at Mrs. Stouteuburgh s bedside, ministering to her in all the gentle offices of a nurse, and in that line besides where Mr. Linden had declared Dr. Harrison but half knew his profession. And there, and about this work, Dr. Harrison met her. Their meetings were of necessity very often; but no lec tures, nor discussions, nor much conversation, were now possible. Faith felt she had a vantage ground, and used it The doctor felt he had lost ground, or at the least was not gaining ; and against some felt but unrecognized obsta cle in his way his curiosity and passion chafed. He could see Faith nowhere else now; she contrived not to meet him at home. She was out with Reuben or resting or unavoidably busy, when he came there. And Dr. Harrison knew the resting times were needed, and could only fume against the business in which he sometimes had some reason.. One day he found her at her post in the sick room, when Mrs. Stouteuburgh had fallen asleep. It was to- SAY AND SEAL. 227 wards the end of the afternoon. An open Bible lay on the bed s side; and Faith sat there resting her head on her hand. She was thinking how hard Mr. Linden was working, and herself looking somewhat as if she were fol lowing his example. " What are you doing ?" said the doctor softly. "I have been reading to Mrs. Stoutenburgh." ; * Feverish " whispered the doctor. "No; she has gone to sleep." "Tired her!" "No," said Faith with a smile, " it s resting. The Bible never tired any one yet, that loved it I think. " "Well people " said the doctor. " Sick people ! You re mistaken, Dr. Harrison. Sick people most of all." "Do you know that you will be sick next," said he gravely, "if you do not take more care?" A fair little smile denied any fear or care .on that sub ject, but did not satisfy the doctor. "I do not approve of what you are doin;," said he seriously. "Reading this?" "Even the same." "But you are mistaken, Dr. Harrison," she said gently. "There is nothing so soothing, to those that love it. I wish you loved it! Don t you remember you confessed to me once that somebody had told you you had but half learned your profession?" Faith trembled, for she had said those last words wit tingly. She could not have spoken them, if the light in the room had not been such as to hide her change of colour ; and even then she dared not speak the name she alluded to. But she had said it half as a matter of COP science. It drew forth no answer from the doctor, for Mrs. Stoutenburgh just then stirred and awoke. And Faith little guessed the train she had touched. There were no indications of manner; and she could not, as Dr. Harrison went leisurely down the stairs, see the tremendous bound his mind made with the question, "Is it that book that stands in my way? or HE!" CHAPTER XVIII. MRS. STOUTENBURGH got well. And it was in Faith s mind then, by some means to see very little more of Dr. Harrisoti till Mr. Linden should be in Pattaquas- set again. So much for human intentions. Faith fell sick herself; and instead of being kept at a distance Dr. Har rison saw her twice at least in the twenty-four hours. It was a doubtful privilege to see those soft eyes lustrous with fever and a steady glow take place of the changing and flitting hues which were as much a part of Faith s lan guage, at times, as the movements of a horse s ears are part of his. But as after a few days it became evident that there was nothing dangerous about Faith s attack, it is probable that the doctor rather enjoyed his position than otherwise. The freedom and authority of his office were a pleasant advance upon the formalities of ordinary inter course ; and to see Faith and speak to her and touch her hand without any ceremonial but that of friendship, was an advantage great enough to desire the prolonging thereof. Faith was a gentle patient; and Dr. Harrison s care was unbounded ; though it was not alarming, even to Mrs. Der rick, as he assured her there was no cause. For a week however Faith kept her bed, and even Dr.- Harrison was glad when at the end of a week she was able to be up again. Especially perhaps as it was only in her wrapper and an easy-chair ; his office was not at an end ; the fever, in a remittent or intermittent form, still hung about her and forbade her doing anything but taking care of herself. Not precisely in this category of duty were the letters Faith had written all that week. She had written them, how was best known by an aching head and burning fingers and feverish vision. Bat an interruption of them would have drawn on Mr. Linden s knowing the reason; (228) SAY AND SEAL. 229 and tnen Faith knew that no considerations would keep him from coming to her. It was towards the end of the study term ; he was working hard already ; she could not endure that any further bar should be placed in his way. None should for her. And so, bit by bit when she could do but a bit at a time, the letters were written. Exercises had to be excused. And Faith was a third very thankful when at the end of a sick week, she was able to get up and be dressed and sit in the easy-chair and see the diamonds sparkling against her brown wrapper again. It was April now, and a soft springy day. A fire burned gently in the chimney, while a window open at a little dis tance let in Spring s whispers and fragrances; and the plain old-fashioned room looked cozy and pretty, as some rooms will look under undefinable influences. Nothing could be plainer. There was not even the quaint elegance of Mr. Linden s room ; this one was wainscotted with light blue and whitewashed, and furnished with the simplest of chintz furniture. But its simplicity and purity were all in tone with the Spring air and the cheer of the wood fire ; and not at all a bad setting for the figure that sat there in the great chintz chair before the fire; her soft hair in bright order, the quiet brown folds of the wrapper enveloping her, and the flash of the diamonds giving curious point and effect to the whole picture. Faith was alone and looking very happy. It wanted but a few weeks now of Mr. Linden s coming home, coming home for a longer rest and sight of her ; and Faith had not seen him since January. Mrs. Stouten- burgh s illness and Faith s consequent fatigue had in part accounted to him for the short letters and missing French exercises, but she could see that such excuse would not long be made for her, his last one or two letters had been more anxious, more special in their inquiries : how glad she was that he need have no further cause for either. Partly musing on all this, partly on what she had been reading, Faith sat that afternoon, when the well-known single soft knock at her door announced Reuben Taylor. He came in with a glad face how sad it had lately been Faith had seen, sick as she was, and with both hands full of pleasant things. One hand was literally full, of cowslips ; and as he VOL. ii. 20 230 SAY AND SEAL. came up and gave her bis other hand, it seemed to Faith as if a great spot of Spring gold was before her eyes. "Dear Miss Faith," Reuben said, "I wonder if anybody can ever be thankful enough, to see you better ! You feel stronger than yesterday, don t you, ma am ?" "I can t be thankful enough, Reuben I feel that to-day. How good you are to bring me those cowslips ! yes, 1 am stronger than I was yesterday." That Faith was not very strong was sufficiently shewn by the way her hands lay in her lap and on the arm of the chair, and by the lines of her pale quiet face. Bodily strength was not flourishing there. Reuben looked at her wistfully, with a half-choked sigh, then knelt down beside her chair, as he often did. "I didn t bring them all, Miss Faith I mean, I didn t pick them all. Charlie and Robbie saw me in the meadow, and nothing would do but they must help. I don t think they always knew which to pick but I thought you wouldn t mind that," he said as he laid the cowslips on the table, their fair yellow faces shewing very fair in the sick room. Faith s face was bright before, but it brightened still. "They look lovely to me tell Charlie and Rob I will thank them when I can. I don t thank you, Reuben," she said turning from the flowers to him. " No, ma am, I should hope not," he said, answering her smile gratefully. " But that s not all, Miss Faith for Ency Stephens sent you one of her rosebuds," and Reuben took a little parcel carefully from his pocket. " It s only wrapped up in brown paper, because I hadn t time to go home for white. And she told me to tell you, Miss Faith," he added, both eyes and cheek flushing "that she prays every day for you to get well and for Mr. Linden to come home." The smile died on Faith s face and her eyes fell. " He ought to have this," she said presently, with a little flush on her own cheek. " I don t feel as if it should come to me. Reuben, does she want anything?" It was very rare, even now, for Faith to speak directly to Reuben of Mr. Linden, though she was ready enough to hear Reuben speak of him. " No, ma am, I think not," he said in answer to net ques tion. "You know did you ever hear, Miss Faith? that SAY AND SEAL. 231 when Mr. Linden first went there she was kept in the house the whole time, nobody knew how to take her out or took the trouble ; and Mr. Linden carried her half a mile down the lane that very first day. And you can guese how he talked *q her, Miss Faith, they said she looked like another child when she catne back. But is there any thing I can do for you, ma am, before I go to the post- office ? it s almost time." "If you ll fill that glass with water for me, Reuben that I mayn t let my sweet cowslips fade that s all. They ll do me good all to-morrow." Reuben went off, his place presently supplied by Mrs. Stoutenburgh ; who against all persuasion had insisted upon coming down to see Faith. And then Faith was left to the calm companionship of her cowslips till Reuben came back from the post-office. He came up to Faith s chair, and taking out the letter broke the outer seal, (a ceremony he generally performed in her presence) and was just removing the envelope when the doctor came in for his evening visit. The doctor saw a tableau, Faith, the cowslips, and Reuben, Mrs. Derrick by the window he hardly saw, nor what the o thers were about. But that he had interrupted something was clear the very atmosphere of the room was startled ; and though Reuben s position hid both letter and hands, it was certain the hands were busy. What was in them, and what became of it, the doctor could not tell. Before he was fairly in the room the letter had retreated to Reuben s pocket, and Reuben stepped back and stood behind Faith s chair. The doctor laid a hand on his shoulder with a How do you do as he passed; and accosted Faith with all the free kindliness which his office of physician permitted him to add to the friend. The doctor took all his advantage ; he did not take more ; and not Faith herself could see that there was any warmer feeling behind his pleasant and pleased eye and smile. But it is true Faith was a simple ton. She did not see that his pleasantness covered keen scrutiny. The scrutiny found nothing. " How do you do ?" he said. "I don t suppose I need say a word to tell you," Faith answered smiling. "I am well enough to enjoy cowslips." 232 SAY AND SEAL. The doctor s eye fell slightingly upon them, which was not wonderful. "I think you must be very well!" he said with some trifle of addenda from lip and eye. "You see you are mistaken. I shouldn t have known how well, except from your words." "You are mistaken now, Dr. Harrison," said Faith in the slow quiet way in which she spoke to-day. "You think these are not splendid but they are bits of spring !" "They are not Spring s best bits, I hope," said the doctor. "What do you think of that?" The doctor took the rosebud and looked at it. "If I were to tell you what I think of it," he said with a sort of grave candour, "you would dismiss me, and I should come here no more I" "Reuben brought me that, Dr. Harrison, from the little lame girl you sent the rosebush to, in the winter. I wish you knew how much good that rosebush has done !" "I sometimes wish," said the doctor, "that I had been born in a cottage !" " Why, in the world ?" "It would be so pleasant to have people come and bring me rosebushes!" "Or cowslips ?" said Faith. " Then you would have a taste for cowslips." "But then the people might get sick," said the doctor, waiving the bits of spring ;- "so I am content. How are you to-day?" He took Faith s hand and felt it, and looked at her. The result did not seem to be unsatisfactory on the whole. You mustn t read too much in that book," said he, glancing over at it. "Why not?" "You must keep quiet." "For how long?" " It depends. There is a little enemy of fever hanging about your skirts, that I will oppose with something else ; but all you can oppose to him is quietness." Faith thought of the words "The rock of my defence SAY AND SEAL. 233 and my refuse" what quietness was like that of their giving; but she said nothing to the doctor. Dr. Harrison gave Mrs. Derrick her directions on various points; then taking his old-fashioned stand on the rug, surveyed the easy-chair and its occupant and Reuben still behind it. "By the way, Mrs. Derrick," said he carelessly, "I have heard a pretty story of your friend Mr. Linden." He noticed, but only that Faith had glanced at him and was to all appearance quietly looking down at her cowslips. "I dare say, doctor," said Mrs. Derrick placidly. "I ve heard a great many." " Have you heard it ?" "Heard what?" said Mrs. Derrick. "It s an old pretty story that everybody loves him." "I heard this only the other day," said the doctor. "It s not of that kind. But stories will be stories and people will tell them." How the colour flushed and paled in Reuben s cheek ! he stood resting his hands lightly on the back of Faith s chair, looking down. The colour on Faith s cheek did not change. "Who told this?" said Mrs. Derrick. "People that have known the family. They say, he has managed to run through a very large property, and that he leaves his sister now to live upon charity." It was impossible to tell from the doctor s manner whether he put any faith in his story himself. It was as much like delivering a report as bringing a charge. It might have been either ! He saw Reuben s colour become fixed and very high, but though the doctor could almost have sworn that there was a rush of hid tears under the boy s drooping eyelids, yet the lines about the mouth took the curl of an irrepressible smile. Mrs. Derrick picked up two stitches, made a third then answered. "So that s what you call a pretty story! It was hardly worth remembering to tell us, doctor, you and I, and Reuben, and Faith, know better." Now could not the doctor tell for the life of him, whether the words were sim ply innocent, or simply malicious! Mrs. Derrick was jso 20* 234 SAY AND SEAL. imperturbable there, at her knitting! Neither did the doctor much care. It sounded to him just like Mrs. Der rick. He looked at Faith; and remarked lightly that "he didn t know anything !" Faith was very quiet ; he could not see that her colour had risen more than a little, and a little was not enough to judge by in her face. But in an instant more after he had spoken, she looked full and gravely up at him. "Do you believe everything about everybody, Dr. Har rison ?" " On the contrary ! I don t believe anything of anybody I Except you," he added with a little smile. " Do you believe such a story ?" Her steady soft eyes, which did not move from him, gave him an uncomfortable feeling perhaps of undefined remem brance. "I don t believe it,"- he said returning her gaze. "I don t do anything with it. Such things are said of everybody and of almost everybody they are true. I take them as they come. But about this particular case," he said with one of his gentle looks, "I will do just what you say I must do." Faith smiled. "I don t say you must do anything. I am sorry for you, Dr. Harrison." "I am glad you are sorry !" he said sitting down by her. "And there is reason enough; but what is this one ?" "You lose a great pleasure." "What one?" "You don t know how to trust." "Do I not?" said the doctor, looking at the rosebud still in his hand. "Well you shall teach me!" And spring ing up he bowed to Mrs. Derrick and went off rosebud and all. Reuben stood still for about half a minute then came round, and silently gave Faith her letter. "Reuben Taylor!" said Faith, as he was going after the doctor. "You have been standing so long suppose you sit down for a minute ?" Whatever Reuben thought of the request, he said no thing, but obeyed her, bringing a foot cushion to her chair and bestowing himself upon it. Faith smiled at him as she SAY AND SEAL. 235 spoke again, though there was an unwonted fire in her owe eyes ; and the blood came fast now to her face. "Reuben, I wanted to ask you what all that colour is in your cheeks for ?" Reuben hesitated there seemed a stricture across his breast which made speaking hard work ; but at last he said frankly, though in none of the clearest tones, "Because I m angry, Miss Faith and hurt too." Faith s next words fell like pearls " It isn t worth the while." "No, Miss Faith," he answered without looking up. "It s too much honour to something that doesn t deserve it, and Reuben it s too little to something that does." "0 no, ma am! it s not that!" Reuben said, raising his eyes to her face with the old earnest look. "But Miss Faith, there are some things tme can t bear to hear said and said so," he added a little lower, and looking down again. "And then he s Dr. Harrison, and I m only a poor boy and mayn t answer him and that fretted me; and it isn t the first time, neither," Reuben said, as if he were making a clean breast of it. "Oh Miss Faith! I d rather have had him knock me down, than speak such words !" Tears were getting the upper hand in the boy s voice. "Dear Reuben," said Faith, very quietly, though her cheeks were two carnations, "what I am most sorry for is Dr. Harrison." Reuben drew a long breath, with his "Yes, ma am I m sorry for him too, very aften when he talks about other things. But I don t believe even you know just just how false that was." Reuben spoke as if the words choked nira. "It s maybe never come in your way to know all he did here for everybody, and for me." There was a quick pulsation at that instant from Faith s heart to the hand that held her letter, but she only said, "Tell me!" " I couldn t begin to tell you all, ma am," Reuben said, a sfflile coming over his face now, "nobody could but himself and he wouldn t remember. I couldn t even tell you all he s done for me; but one thing" Reuben s eyes ^and voice fell and he spoke very low. "You know, Miss 236 SAY AND SEAL. Faith, the rate of schooling here is fixed by the trustees. And the first day I came father told me to say he didn t know that he could find the money for more than one quarter, but he had so much all ready, and he wanted me to have so much. I thought it would be hard to ask, but it was so easy of him, 7 Reuben said with that same smile. " Mr. Linden didn t say much about it only yes but then he spoke to father (that very day we were at the shore Miss Faith) and told him I should come all the time for the pleasure of teaching me." (Reuben thought the compli ment went all to Mr. Linden, or he would not have told it.) " But father wouldn t do that, he said Mr. Linden should have the money as fast as he could get it; arid if he didn t take it I shouldn t come. And it was paid all the year, regularly. But then, Miss Faith " there was a pause. "What, Reuben?" she whispered. "Then instead of keeping it for himself, he put it all in the bank for me. And I never knew it till I opened the letter he gave me when he was going away." The brightness of the hidden diamonds danced in Faith s face for a minute half hidden too, but it was there. " Reuben," she whispered, as he was starting up to go, "what we have to do is to pray for Dr. Harrison." "Miss Faith, how do people live who do not pray?" "I don t know!" But Faith s voice did not speak the thanksgiving which bounded in her heart to Reuben s words. She sat back in her chair looking tired, with her letter clasped fast in her hand. Reuben stepped forward and arranged the fire softly then giving her another wistful look he bowed and went lightly out of the room. With gentle step Mrs. Derrick came up to Faith, to kiss her and ask how she felt. Faith s eyelids unclosed. "Very happy, mother, and tired too. Don t you think I could have a light presently ?" " This minute, pretty child. But lie down on the couch, Faith, and I ll bring up the little table." That was done, and then Faith read her letter, with^first a rapid and then a slow enjoyment of it, making every word and sentence do more than double duty, and bring the very writer near. And then she lay with it clasped upon her SAY AND SEAL. 237 bosom, thinking those flowing trains of half feverish thought which are so full of images, but which in her case flowed with a clear stream over smooth channels, nor ever met a rough break or jar. Even Dr. Harrison did not make an exception, for Faith s thought of him was constantly soft ened by her prayer for him. Her mother drew near when the letter was at last folded up, and watched her from the other side of the stand; but though mind and heart too were full enough, she rightly judged that Faith needed no more excitement ; and so never mentioned Dr. Harrison s name, nor even asked how he came to carry oif the rosebud. Faith s trains of thought ended at last in a sleep which lasted till past her tea-time. Mrs. Derrick was still by her side when she awoke, and Faith opening her eyes as quietly as she had shut them, remarked, "Mother! letters are great things." "Why child," said her mother smiling, "what have you been dreaming about?" "Nothing. That isn t a dream; it s a reality." Blessing in her heart the sender of the reality which gave such pleasure, Mrs. Derrick answered, " Yes, child, it s real arid so s he." Faith said nothing to that except by her smile. She only spoke the hope that she might be stronger the next day ; a sentiment which though at first sight it might seem to have nothing to do with the former subject, was really in very close connexion with it. But Faith was not stronger the next day. The fever was not driven away and strength was in the grip of it yet. The doctor gave her no new directions, but insisted very much on quietness and care. There was nothing to be apprehended of the fever but tediousness, and the further and prolonged loss of strength; but that was quite enough to have to avoid. For that she must take all sorts of care. He also said that the case might go on without his over sight for a day or two, and that for that space of time in the middle of the week he should be absent from Pattaquas- set, having a very urgent call of business elsewhere. And whether for that reason or needing no fresh one, the doctor having stated so much went on to tell about other things, and made a long visit. The talk came upon the AND SEAL. Bible again, Faith didn t know how, and grew very ani mated. Dr. Harrison had brought with him this morning one of his pleasantest moods, or manners; he thought yes terday that Faith s eyes had given him a reproof for slander, and he had no intent to offend in the like way again. He was grave, gentle, candid, seemingly willing to listen, but that he always was to Faith ; and talked sense or feeling in a most sensible and simple way. Yet the conversation ended with giving Faith great pain. He had asked her to read something confirmatory or illustrative of the statement she was making, out of the Bible ; and Faith had complied with his wish. That was nothing strange. She had often done it. To-day the reading had been followed by a little observation, acutely put, which Faith felt raised a barrier between him and the truth she had been pressing. She felt it, and yet she could not answer him. She knew it was false ; she could see that his objection was foundationless stood on air; but she did not see the path by which she might bring the doctor up to her standing-point where he might see it too. It was as if she were at the top of a mountain and he at the bottom ; her eye commanded a full wide view of the whole country, while his could see but a most imperfect portion. But to bring him up to her, Faith knew not. It is hard, when feet are unwilling to climb ! And unskilled in the subtleties of controversy, most inno cent of the duplicities of unbelief, Faith saw her neighbour entangled, as it seemed, in a mesh of his own weaving and had not power to untie the knot. It distressed her. Other knots of skepticism or ignorance that he had presented to her she had cut easily with the sword of truth if she could not untie ; he had offered her one to-day that she could cut indeed as easily for herself, but not for him. To do that called for not better wits, but for far greater controversial acumen and logical practice than Faith knew. He did not press his point, not even for victory; he gave the ob jection to her and left it there ; but while to her it was "mere rottenness of reasoning, she knew that for him it stood. It grieved her deeply; and Mrs. Derrick saw her worn and feverish all the day, without knowing what special reason there had been. She tried to stop Faith s working; but though not fit for it, Faith would not be stopped She SAY AND SEAL. 239 dared not trust Mr. Linden with any more excuses or put- offs ; and a feverish cheek and hand that day and the next went over her exercise and letter. And enjoyed both, in spite of fever. But when they were done, late in the next day, Faith lay down wearily on the couch and consoled herself with the thoughts of the letter to come ; it was the evening for one. It was the evening for one and yet one came not. Other letters came the great leather bag was tossed out on the station-house steps, and thence borne off to the post-office, where five minutes later Reuben Taylor came to wait for his share of the contents. But when with the assurance which has never yet known disappointment, Reuben ap plied at the window, Mintie gave him a rather coquettish "No, Mr. Taylor you re not in luck to-day, there s nothing for you." In his surprise Reuben tried every means to make him self and her believe that she was mistaken ; and urged a new examination of all the letters, till Mintie made or feigned to make it, with the same success. Reuben turned away from the office in real sorrow of heart. He had not now to learn what store was set by those letters especially now, when Faith was sick, he had noticed her holding of that very last one which had come. And then, not merely to lose the pleasure, but to have the disappointment ! Then too, what had hindered the letter? One sometimes came out of time, but the expected one hud never yet failed. Was Mr. Linden sick? and what would Miss Faith think? the letter might fail from other causes (hardly, Reuben thought) but what would she think ? herself so far from well. And then, should he go at once and tell her or let her find it out from his non- appearance ? That last idea was promptly rejected, she should at least not be in suspense, and Reuben was soon at her door, as soon admitted. But he came in very quietly, without that spring of step which had so often brought a letter, arid standing by her chair said gently, Miss Faith, I didn t find anything to-night but I thought I d come and tell you, for fear you d be ex pecting. " 240 SAY, AND SEAL. "-Not find anything !" said Faith raising herself half up, with the start of colour into her pale cheeks. "No, ma am, they said at the office there was nothing. Maybe it will come to-rnorrow." It hurt him to see the little patient droop of each feature as Faith laid herself down again. "Thank you, Reuben," she said. "0 yes, maybe it will." Words of consolation Reuben did not presume to offer, but there was a great deal in his face and quiet low-spoken "Can I do anything to-night, Miss Faith?" "No," she said cheerfully. "There s nothing. Isn t it time Mr. and Mrs. Roscom had some fresh eggs, Reuben ? Mother will give you them." Reuben only said he would stop there and see them. The letter did not come next day. Reuben came, as usual, in the afternoon, but only to tell his bad success. He had not the heart to bring cowslips again, and ventured no words to Faith but about some of her poor people. That subject Faith went into fully. After Reuben was gone she lay quiet a while ; and took her indemnification in the even ing by getting Mrs. Derrick to read to her one or two of those strings of passages which Faith called ladders. Whether she could mount by them or not just then, her mother might ; and hearing them Faith went to sleep. She said nothing about her letters, except to tell Mrs. Derrick they had not come. That day and the next were quiet days, being the days of Dr. Harrison s absence. And if some accident had befallen Wednesday s letter, there was good hope of one Friday. And as Friday wore away, Faith did not know that she was counting the hours, and yet could at any time have answered any question as to the time of day. It was one of those calm days, within doors and without, which ebb away so noiselessly, that only the clock tells their progress. Faith s little clock (Mr. Linden had amused himself with sending her one, about- as big as a good-sized watch on a stand) ticked musically on the table, suggesting a good many things. Not merely the flight of time not merely that the train would soon be in, not merely that she might soon have a letter; nor even that it, the clock, had seen SAY AND SEAL. 241 Mr. Linden since she had. All these thoughts mingled, but with them something else. They would tick on, those minutes, relentlessly, no matter what they were to bring or take away, steady, unalterable, unchecked, like the old idea of Fate. She tried to be steady too tried to have that fixedness of heart which says confidently, " I will sing and give praise. " But she was weak yet, with the effect and even the presence -of fever, and through all her thoughts she seemed to feel those minutes tracking with light steps across her breast. She lay with her hands clasped there, to still them. The sun began to slant his beams in at the window, and then with one long screeching "Whew!" the afternoon train flew through Pattaquasset, tossing out the letter bag on its way. Then Faith waited watching intently for Reuben s step on the stairs. Reuben on his part had watched the letter-bag from the moment it was thrown out, had followed it to the office, and there posted himself near the window to have the first chance. But his prize was a blank. Sick at heart, Reuben drew back a little, giving way before Mintie s rather sharp "I tell you no, Mr. Taylor, 1 and other people s earnest pressing forward to the window. But when the last one had gone those happy people, who had got their letters ! Reuben again presented himself, and braved Mintie s displeasure by further inquiries ; which pro duced nothing but an increase of the displeasure. He turned and walked slowly away. It might have been any weather he might have met anybody or heard anything; but when Reuben reached Mrs. Derrick s the whole walk was a blank to him. What was the matter how would Miss Faith bear it these two questions lay on his heart. In vain he tried to lay them down, for the very words which told him .that "the Lord doth not afflict willingly," said also that he doth afflict; and Reuben s heart sank. He stood for a moment in the porch, realizing how people live who do pray then went in and straight upstairs, walked up to Faith s couch when admitted, and without giving himself much time to think, told his news. "Dear Miss Faith, you must wait a little longer yet. May I write by to-night s mail and ask why the letter hasn t come ? it may have been lost." VOL. II. 21 242 SAY AND SEAL. Faith started up, with first a flush and then a great sinking of colour, and steadying herself with one hand on the back of the couch looked into her messenger s face as if there she could track the missing letter or discern the cause that kept it from her. But Reuben s face discovered nothing but his sorrow and sympathy ; and Faith sank back on her pillow again with a face robbed of colour beyond all the power of fever s wasting to do. "Yes write!" she said. Reuben stood still, his hands lightly clasped, his heart full of thoughts he had perhaps no right to utter, if he could have found words. " I wish you d write, Reuben, "she repeated after a moment. "Yes, ma am," he said, "I will. Only dear Miss Faith ! you know the darkness and the light are both alike to Him. " Reuben was gone. Faith lay for a few minutes as he had left her, and then slipped off the couch and kneeled beside it ; for she felt as if the burden of the time could be borne only so. She laid her head and heart down together, and for a long time was very still; setting her foot on the lowest step of some of those ladders, if she could not mount by them. A foot hold is something. She was there yet, she had not stirred, when another foot step in the passage and other fingers at the door made her know the approach of Dr. Harrison. Faith started up and met him standing. The doctor looked at her as he came up. So pale, so very quiet, so purely gentle, and yet with such soft strength in her eye, he had not seen her look just so, nor anybody else, before. "How do you do?" he said reverentially as he took her hand. "I am well," said Faith. "Are you ?" said the doctor gravely, eyeing the mark of unconquered fever and its wasting effects even on her then. "I am very glad to hear it, indeed !" "I mean, that I feel well," said Faith correcting herself. " You will feel better if you will take a more resting posi tion," said -the doctor putting her into the chair. And then he stood and looked at her; and Faith looked at her little clock, with her foot on that step of her ladder. "He kuoweth thy walking through this great wilderness." SAY AND SEAL. 243 "What have you been doing to yourself these two days ?" said the doctor. "Nothing " she said; "more than usual." He laid her appearance all to the account of the fever, she was so quiet; and proceeded to a new examination of the state of her hand, and to give her various profes sional orders. "Miss Faith, can you do anything in the way of eating ?" Her very face as well as her tongue seemed to answer him, "Not much." " Do you think of anything you could fancy?" "No." " I brought some birds home with me that I believe I can answer for. Try to demolish the pinion of one of them will you? Jt is a duty you owe to society." "I will try," she said gravely. The doctor wondered whether she had laid up against him any of his former conversation. "What do you think," he said with a kind of gentle insinuation, "of that argument I ventured to advance the other day, on the matter we were speaking of?" "I don t like to think of it at all, Dr. Harrison." "May I know why not?" "Because I know it is false, and yet I cannot make you see it." "Can you make yourself see it?" " I don t need to take any pains for that. I see it very well." " Perhaps you will find the way to make me see it," said the doctor pleasantly. "That would be easy," said Faith, "if" " If what ? May I not know the difficulty ?" "If you really cared about it." " I do care about it. You mistake me when you think that. But you must not think about anything now. Did you know I carried off your rosebud the other night?" "Yes." It was impossible to tell from the doctor s accent how he viewed the transaction, and equally impossible from Faith s answer to tell what she thought of it. Extremes meet as Mr. Linden had once remarked. 244 SAY .ND SEAL. " I ll endeavour to atone for that presumption to-morrow," said lie rising, for Mrs. Derrick now entered the room. To her Dr. Harrison repeated his orders- and counsels, and to Faith s relief took himself away. Her mother came up to the easy-chair with a smothered sigh on her lips, and laid her gentle hand on Faith s forehead and wrist. "Child," she said, "has that man talked you into a fever again ? I ve a great mind not to let him come any more I guess I could cure you better myself. If you d send word to somebody else, Faith, we d have you well in no time." "I haven t heard from him to-night, mother." Faith felt the little start of her mother s hand. "Maybe he s coming then," said Mrs. Derrick, "he might have meant to come yesterday and been hindered." Faith did not think that. .~ "We shall know," she said to her mother. "We have only to wait and be quiet." And she carried out both parts of her stated duty to perfection. There is a strange sort of strength in a certain degree of weakness or it may be that weakness runs sooner to its refuge, while strength stands outside to do battle with the evil felt or feared. Faith s gentle and firm temper was never apt for struggling, with either pain or fear; it would stand, or yield, as the case called for; and now, whether that her mind had been living in ^uch a peaceful and loving atmosphere, both earthly and heavenly, that it could settle upon none but peaceful views of things, or that bodily weakness made her unable to bear any other, she did mount upon one of those ladders and left her burden on the ground. She thought she did. She was as quiet outwardly as before; she told Mrs. Derrick, who looked at her in misery, and told her with a steady cheerful little smile, that "she dared say the letter would come to-morrow." But it is true that Faith had no power to eat that night nor the next day; and that she did not know the hidden slow fever not of disease which was running through all her veins and making the other fever do its work again, bright in her cheek and eye and beating at her temples and wrist. But she was as still and quiet through it all quiet in voice and brow as if letters had been full and plenty CHAPTER XIX. IT was about midday of Saturday, when Reuben Taylor, proceeding up the main street of Pattaquasset on some business errand for his father, was joined by Phil Davids no wonted or favourite associate or companion. But Phil now walked up the street alongside of the basket which had come "into town" with fish. "I say, Reuben," said Phil after some unimportant re marks had been made and answered, "does Mr. Linden ever write to you ?" Reuben started as if that touched some under current of his thoughts, and answered "yes." " I wish he d write to me," said Phil. "I know I d like it. I say, Taylor, what does he send you such thick letters about?" "Such thick letters!" Reuben repeated, with a quick look at his companion. "People put a great many things in a letter, Phil." "I guess likely. That s what I say. What does he write to you about?" "Maybe I ll bring up one of em for you to read," said Reuben. "You ve heard him talk, Phil he writes just so." " Does he ? I guess you wouldn t like to miss one of his letters then, Reuben, would you?" "No." " I s pose it would be a worse job yet to miss two of em wouldn t it?" said Phil with a perfectly grave face. "Phil Davids!" Reuben exclaimed, facing round upon him, with such a flash of joy and hope and surprise and eagerness, as made Phil wonder. "What do you mean?" he added checking himself. "Just turn your pockets inside out, Phil, before we go any further." When were you at the post-office?" 21* (245) 24G SAY AND SEAL. "Last night and this morning." Reuben forced him self to be quiet. " Well look here, when you go there, don t you ask for letters ?" "Ask! I ve asked till they were all out of patience." "Suppose you come to the right shop next time!" said Phil, importantly producing the missing papers. "Phil! Phil! " was all Reuben said. He caught the letters and stood looking at them with a face that made Phil look. "Mr. Linden will love you all his life for this. But how in the world did you get them ?" " That s exactly what I d like somebody to tell me !" said Phil. " I know who put the monkey s paw in the fire but how the chestnuts got there, I m beat!" " What do you know ?" said Reuben, " where did you get these ? Oh Phil ! I never can thank you enough !" "It was because they were his letters I did it," said Phil bluntly. "I wasn t going to let Mintie Tuck have em. But I say! Reuben, what have you done to spite her ? or has she a spite against Mr. Linden ? or who has she a spite against?" "I don t know. Did she give em to you, Phil?" "Not by a precious sight 1 nor to anybody else. Dromy saw em in her drawer, and for all the gumph he is, he knew the writing; and I made him get em for me this morning while they were at breakfast. Now Taylor," said Phil settling his hands further down in his pockets as thpy rapidly walked along, "what bird s on that nest?" Reuben listened with an intentness that spoke of more than wonder. "In her drawer ?" he repeated, "what, down in the office ?" "Not a bit of it! Stowed away with her earrings and ribbands upstairs somewhere." "Phil," said Reuben when he had pondered this strange information in silence for a minute, "will you be in the office when the mail comes in for a night or two?- and don t tell this to any one till Mr. Linden sends word what should be done." "You expect more letters?" said Phil, with a not stupid glance at his fellow. "Yes," Reuben said, too frankly to increase suspicion; SAY AND SEAL. 247 "and if one should come it s very important that I should get it. And of course /can t watch." " She sha n t get it I" said Phil. "I ll be there. I ll be Sinbad s old man of the mountain for Mintie. I won t sit on her shoulders, but I ll sit on the counter; and if there s a scratch of Mr. Linden s in the mail-bag, I ll engage I ll see it as fast as she will. I know his seal too." "Gould she have done it to tease me?" Reuben said, " I ve never had the least thing to do with her but through that post-office window." "What did you ever give her through the post-office window ?" Phil asked half laughingly. "Questions enough " Reuben said, his thoughts too busy to notice any underhand meaning, "and lately she s given me rather cross answers. That s all." "Well what do you suppose she stole your letters for?" "I don t know enough about her to guess," Reuben said frankly. "Well," said Phil, "/guess Dr. Harrison won t appoint the postmaster of Pattaquasset when I am President. I rather think he won t." "I wish you d make haste and be President," Reuben said. "But if he didn t know anything about Mrs. Tuck, Phil, other people did and thought she was honest at least And you l^now she s postmaster, by right." 11 She is the female of Dromy!" said Phil with intense expression. "But Mintie aint a fool, and it s s/ie s post master anyhow Dromy says it s she that s Dr. Harrison s friend ; so that makes it. But that don t tell why she wants the letters." "Dr. Harrison s friend?" said Reuben, "what does she have to do with him ?" " I aint a friend of either of em, so I don t know," said Phil. "But girls with pretty faces will make friends with anybody !" A very high degree of masculine charity and correctness of judgment was expressed in Phil s voice and words. Reuben made no reply his charity, of any sort, was not m a talkative mood, and the two parted kindly at Phil s cross road. Not home to dinner now, for Reuben ! The minutes 248 SAY AND SEAL. of talk had seemed long to his impatience ; he had borne them, partly to get information, partly to keep down sus picion. But now with Phil out of sight, he turned short about and took the way to Mrs. Derrick s with almost fly ing steps. True, he was not dressed for "Miss Faith s" room but Reuben Taylor was always neat and in order, and she must not wait. He hurried into Mrs. Roscom s there to leave his basket and every removable trace of his work, then on ! Faith had spent the early morning upon her couch ; no need to ask if she felt stronger than yesterday, every line and feature shewed prostration and patience. Breakfast had been passed over nominally. What Mrs. Derrick could do for her was done ; what she could not, lay heavy on the hearts of both as the one went down to make the day s arrangements, and the other lay still to endure. Reuben had not come after the morning train there was nothing even to expect till night, and Faith lay listening to her lit tle clock and watching the passage of the April sunbeams through her room. Suddenly a loud startling rap at the front door. But she was powerless to go and see, and after that one sound the house seemed to sink into perfect stillness. Then the door of her room opened, and Mrs. Derrick came in bear ing a large basket. A heavy one too,, but Mrs. Derrick would have spent her last atom of strength before she would have let any one else bring it up. Her face looked quite radiant. "Pretty ch ild!" she said, "here s something for you!" It was needless to ask questions, Mrs. Derrick s face could have but one meaning. Faith neither asked nor an swered, except by the sudden start of the blood into cheeks which were pale enough before. Slipping from the couch she was on her knees by the basket, pulling out the ends of the knots by which it was tied, with just a tiny beauti ful smile at work on her changed lips. Her mother went softly away (she thought the first sight of anything in that line belonged to Faith alone) and the April sunbeams took a new view of things. The knots gave way, arid the basket cover swung round, and the white wrapping paper came off; and within lay SAY AND SEAL. 249 something for her truly! most appropriate! A great stem of bananas and another of plantains, thick set with fruit, displayed their smooth green and red coats in very ex cellent contrast, and below and around and doing duty as mere packing, were sunny Havana oranges, of extra size, and of extra flavour to judge by the perfume. But bet ter than all, to Faith s eye, was a little slip of black- marked white paper, tucked under a red banana it had only these words " Sweets to the sweet. "Faith, I should put in more, but the basket refuses. It is the measure of only one part of the proverb do you understand ?" Faith knew oranges, she had never seen bananas or plantains before. It was all one ; for the time being they were not bananas or oranges but hieroglyphics; and the one fruit looked as much like Mr. Linden s handwriting as the other. She sat with her arm resting on the couch sup porting her head, and looking at them. Not the finest picture that Goethe ever viewed, or bade his friends view as part of their "duty," was so beautiful as that basket of red and yellow fruit to Faith s eye. And all the more for that foreign look they were like Mr. Linden ; for the com mon things which they said, it was like him to say uncom monly. How very sweet was the smell of those oranges ! and how delicious the soft feeling of peace which settled down on all Faith s senses. Yery different from the sort " of quiet she was in a quarter of an hour ago. She did not trouble herself now about the missing letters. - This told that Mr. Linden was well, or he could hardly have been out to buy fruit and pack it and pack it off to her. So Mrs. Derrick found her, reading not words, but oranges and bananas ; with a face it was a pity Mr. Linden could not see. It may be remarked in passing that the face was not lost upon the one who did see it. Mrs. Derrick came and stooped down by Faith and her basket in great admiration and joy and silence for a moment the sight almost put everything else out of her head ; but then she exclaimed, "Child, the doctor s coming! I saw him driving up to the door." 250 SAY AND SEAL. . Faith put the cover on the basket, and while Mrs. Der rick set it out of sight, she received the doctor as yesterday, standing. But with a nice little colour in her cheeks to day, in place of yesterday s sad want of it. Dr. Harrison came up with one hand full of a most rare and elegant bunch of hothouse flowers. "My amends-making " he said as he presented it. It was not in Faith s nature not to look pleasure and admiration at such bits of kindred nature. They were very exquisite, they were some of them new to her, they were all most lovely, and Faith s eyes looked love at them. Dr. Harrison was satisfied, for in those eyes there was to day no shadow at all. Their gravity he was accustomed to, and thought he liked. "How do you do?" he said. "I am a great deal better. mother may I have a glass of water for these?" "You said yesterday you were well, Miss Faith." "You saw I wasn t," said Faith as she put her flowers in the glass. " That is very true. And I see also that your statement to-day is not of much juster correctness. How came you to say that?" " I said, it without knowing what I said," Faith an swered simply. "What is this, Dr. Harrison?" The doctor puzzled over her answer and could make nothing of it. "That is a Fuchsia and that is another." "How beautiful ! how beautiful. They are not sweet?" " You cannot always have sweetness in connexion with everything else," he said with a slight emphasis. Faith s mind was too far away from the subject to catch his innuendo ; unless other lips had spoken it. "Mrs. Derrick," said the doctor, "I should like as a professional man, to know what portion of the wing of a robin this lady can manage for her breakfast ?" " Some days more and some days less," said Mrs. Der rick. "She was not very hungry this morning." (A mild statement of the case.) "Some days less than the wing of a robin I" said the SAY AND SEAL. 251 doctor. " The robin himself is a better feeder. Mrs. Der rick, what fancies does this bird live upon?" The allusion drew a smile to Faith s face, which Mrs Derrick did not understand. " She don t tell all her fancies, she has seemed to live on tea and toast, for eatables." The doctor smiled, and went back to Faith who was busy with the flowers ; or as Mrs. Derrick said, seemed to be busy with them. "Are those better than cowslips?" he asked lightly. "They are more wonderfully beautiful they are not better in their place." "How is that?" "I told you cowslips were bits of spring," said Faith smiling. "These are not that. I think everything in the world I mean, the natural world has its place, that it fills." "Better than any other would?" "I suppose so. Yes." "That is admirable philosophy," said the doctor. "Ex cellent to keep one contented. Three feet of snow is then as good as May zephyrs ! Daisies and dandelions are fair substitutes for geraniums and cacti! And these barren granite fields, where the skeleton rock has hardly covered itself skin deep with soil, are better than flowery prairies of rolling land, and fertile wildernesses of roses !" " Well/ said Faith ; "you needn t laugh. I think they are. "By what transmutation of philosophy?" Faith s philosophy was put to the test by certain sounds which just then came to her ear ; the hall door opened and shut quick though softly, and Reuben came lightly upstairs -two stairs at a time ! but his knock at Faith s door was almost as quiet as usual. Whatever spirit of energy was at work in him, however, calmed itself down at sight of Dr. Harrison whom he did not then stay to greet; but coming up with a swift steady step to Faith s chair, knelt down there and gave her his hand with, "Miss Faith, are you better to-day ?" If a rosebud yesterday shut up in the cold had opened all its beams to the sun, that was Faith to-day, as she took Reuben s hand and held it. 252 SAY AND SEAL. "That is a very devoted servant of yours, Miss Faith/ said the doctor pointedly. "I notice he gives you homage in true chivalric style. Does the transmuting philosophy extend thus far also ?" Faith turned the light of her face upon him as she an swered, "I shouldn t be worthy of one of those knights or of this, Dr. Harrison, if I would change one for the other." Reuben had risen to his feet as the doctor spoke, and as he quitted Faith s hand laid his own, with the slightest pos sible gesture, upon the left breast of his coat ; which did not mean (as it would with Sam Stoutenburgh) that there was his heart but that there were the letters I Then step ping back with a bow acknowledging Dr. Harrison s pre sence, Reuben went over to the window to speak to Mrs. Derrick. The doctor had seen him before that morning from the window, as with some ordered fish Reuben entered Judge Harrison s gate, and his dress was the same now as then, how the different offices could be so different and so reconciled or what this office was, were matters of study. But clearly Faith was as strong for her knight as her knight was for her. "I didn t understand the transmuting philosophy in the tormer case," the doctor remarked. " It is not that," said Faith with rising colour, for she had seen Reuben s hand gesture. " It is just taking things as they are." "That is a philosophy deeper than that of transmuta tion!" said the doctor. "I give it up. But what is the philosophy in this case ? " and he nodded slightly towards Reuben. "If you ever know him, you ll know, Dr. Harrison, Faith said softly. "Is he so trustworthy?" said the doctor thoughtfully looking at him; but then he gave his attention to Faith, and talked of herself and what she was to do for herself; until seeing no prospect of the doctor s being out of his way, Reuben was again passing them on his way out. The doctor arrested him by a slight but pleasant gesture. "What are you doing now, Taylor?" "Nothing new, sir, a little for my father and a little foi myself." SAY AND SEAL. 253 "I saw you doing something for your father, I think to-day. Doesn t that hinder your studies ?" "Mr. Linden used to say that one duty never really hinders another, sir." "Pleasant doctrine!" said the doctor. "I am tempted to try it now. If you bestow a little time upon me, it will not perhaps interfere with your going to dinner afterwards. Does Mr. Linden continue to hold some of his super vision over you ? Do you hear from him sometimes?" "Yes sir both," was Reuben s prompt answer. "Then you have something to do with the post-office occasionally ?" "Yes sir." "And know pretty well what everybody in Pattaquasset says of every other body, -don t you ?" "I don t need to go to the post-office for that, sir," Reuben said quietly. "No I mean by virtue of another office that which you exercise for your father. But it is true, isn t it?" " Not quite, sir. Some people do not talk to me and some I never stop to hear." The doctor smiled a little, along with an acute look of approving intelligence. "Well do you happen to know what is said or thought of the people I was the means of putting into the post- office, half a year ago?" " Not very well, sir. I haven t heard much said about them." "As far as your knowledge goes, they seem to be doing their duty ?" "I make no complaint, sir." Dr. Harrison glanced at Faith with a not pleased expres sion, and back again. "Does that mean that you have none to make, or that you will make none? I am asking, you surely must know, not officially nor judicially ; but to gain private information which it is desirable I should have; and which I ask, and expect to receive, confiden tially." " Sir," Reuben said gravely, though with a manner per fectly respectful, "why do you ask me? The gentlemen of Pattaquasset should know more about their own post-office, VOL, ii. 22 254 SAY AND SEAL. than the poor fishers of Quapaw. There is a clannishness among poor people, sir, if I had heard anything, I should not like to tell you." The doctor got up and took his old position on the car pet rug, a very slight air of haughty displeasure mixing with his habitual indolent gracefulness. "This is your knight, Miss Derrick! Apparently the proverb of friends friends does not hold good with him. When you are a little older, sir, you will know if you grow correspondingly wiser that the fishers of Qua paw or of any other pohit are precisely the people to know in such a matter what the gentlemen whom it more nearly concerns, cannot get at; and you have yourself given the reason." Faith looked at Reuben with a little inquiring wonder. But he made no answer, either to her look or the doctor s words ; indeed perhaps did not see the former, for his own eyes were cast down. He stood there, the fingers of both hands lightly interlaced, his face quiet to the last degree of immovability. The doctor s first words, to Faith, had brought a moment s flush to his cheeks, but it had passed with the moment; gravity and steadiness and truth were all that remained. The doctor recognized them all, but all as adverse or opposition forces.. "I will not detain you longer, sir! I told you, Miss Faith," he said sitting down and changing his tone, "that I did not know how to cut up cake still less how to administer it. I found this family very poor over at Neanticut, on some of my excursions; and somewhat carelessly thought they could perform the duty of taking papers out of a bag, as well as wiser people. There is a girl too, the daughter, who seemed clever enough. But I have had reason to doubt my own wisdom in the proceed ing, after all." Faith heard the door close after Reuben with the first of the doctor s words to her. She listened to the rest with a divided interest. Her mind had gone off to her basket of oananas, and was besides occupied with a little lurking wonder at Reuben s impracticability. But with nothing strongly, the feeling of weakness and lassitude was so Baking the upper hand of every other. The relaxing now SAY AND SEAL. 255 began to tell of the great tension she had borne for a day or two ; the relaxing was entire, for what the basket had begun Reuben s appearance had finished. Faith was sure he had a letter for her, and so sat and looked at the doctor like one whose senses were floating away in a dream one of those pleasant dreams that they do not wish to break. "You are faint!" said the doctor suddenly. "Mrs. Derrick, have you any wine in the house ? I should like some here." But Mrs. Derrick s first step (it seemed but that) was to Faith taking her out of the easy-chair and putting her on the couch before any one had time to say ay or no. There she left her while she opened the closet and got out the wine ; bringing it then to Faitli and setting the doctor aside most unceremoniously. Faitli had not quite reached the fainting point, though she was near it from mere inani tion. She drank the wine, and smiled at them both like one who had a secret wine of her own that she was taking privately. " What will she eat, Mrs. Derrick ?" said the doctor in real concern. "Tea and toast won t do !" "I w-ill take something presently," Faith said with another of those childlike satisfied looks. They made Dr. Harrison very unlike himself, always. He stood so now. "Doctor," said Mrs. Derrick, in her odd, free, rather blunt and yet kindly way, "you are a very good doctor, I dare say, but you re not much of a nurse. Now I am and I ll find her something to eat, you needn t be uneasy." He looked at her with one of the best smiles that ever came over his face ; bright, free and kindly ; then turned to Faith. " What made your knight so cross with me ?" he said as he bent over her to take her hand. " I don t know " said Faith. " I am sure he had some good reason." " Reason to be cross !" " He didn t mean to be cross. You don t know Reuben Taylor." 256 SAY AND SEAL. The doctor was inclined to be of a different opinion, for his brows knit as soon as he had closed her door. " Now mother !" said Faith half raising herself, " please let me have my basket. I am going to try one of those queer things. That is what I want." "Do you know what I want ?" said Mrs. Derrick as she brought up the basket. "Just to have Dr. Harrison find Mr. Linden here some day !" Which severe sentence was so much softened down by the weight of the basket, that it sounded quite harmless. Faith was too eager to get the cover off to pay present attention to this speech. There they were again ! the red and yellow strange, beautiful, foreign-looking things which she was to eat; too handsome to disturb. But finally a red plump banana was cut from the stem, and Faith looked at it in her fingers, uncertain how to begin the attack. Look ing back to the little empty space where it had been, Faith became ware of an end of blue ribband beneath said space. Down went the banana and down went Faith. The loop of ribband being pulled gently suggested that it was not able to contend with an unknown weight of bananas; but when Faith partly held these up, the ribband yielded to persuasion, and tugged after it into the daylight a tiny package which being unwrapped revealed a tiny oval case; wherein lay, last of all, a delicate silver knife. Faith s face of overflowing delight it was good to see. "0 mother! how just like him! Mother !" exclaimed Faith, "this is to eat those with !" Could anything more be wanting to give bananas a fla vour ? They happened moreover to hit the fancy the doctor had been so anxious to suit. Faith liked her first one very much, and pronounced it very nearly the best of all fruits. But being persuaded to try one, Mrs. Derrick avowed that she could not eat it and wondered how Faith could ; declar ing that in her judgment if a thing was sweet at all, it ought to be sweeter. If Dr. Harrison could have seen the atmosphere of peace and delight his knit brows had left behind them ! As soon as he was gone, Reuben brought up the letters. And with sunshine all round her, Faith read them and went to sleep, which she did with the little case that held her SAY AND SEAL. 257 knife clasped in her hand. Sleep claimed her while fever took its turn and passed away for the day. -Faith woke up towards evening, weak and weary in body, unable to make much lively shew of the merry heart which doeth good like a medicine . "My studies don t get on very fast at this rate, mother," she remarked as she sat in the easy-chair at her tea, unable to hold her head up. " This has been a hard day," her mother said sadly as she looked at her. "Faith, I won t let Dr. Harrison pay any more such long visits ! he tires you to death." "It wasn t that. Mother I think I ll have one of those things out of my basket I wish Mr. Linden had told me what to call them." Mrs. Derrick brought the basket and -looked on intently. "When is he coming, child?" she said. Faith did not certainly know. Under the influence of a plantain and the silver knife she revived a little. "Mother what made you wish Dr. Harrison might meet Mr. Linden here?" "It would save- him a world of trouble," said Mrs. Der rick kindly. "And besides, child, I m tired seeing him buzz round you, myself Faith, Mr. Linden would say that he ought to be told you re sick." "I can judge for him once in a while," Faith said with a little bit of a triumphing smile. "Well " said her mother, "you ll see what he ll say. I guess he d rather you d judge for him about something else." From that time letters went and came through the Pat chaug post-office. 22* CHAPTER XX. FAITH rallied somewhat from the prostration that suc ceeded those days of anxiety; but then the fever again asserted its empire, and strength, little by little but daily, lost ground rather than gained it. Though not ever very high, the fever came back with persevering regularity ; it would not be baffled ; and such always recurring assaults are trying to flesh and blood and to spirit too, be they of what they may. Faith s patience and happy quiet never left her; as the weeks went on it did happen that the quiet grew more quiet, and was even a little bordering on depression. One or two things helped this uncom fortably. The sense of the extreme unpleasantness of such a meet ing as her mother had wished for, perhaps startled Faith to a fresh sense of what she had to do in the premises. She resolved to be as grave and cool as it was possible to be, in Dr. Harrison s presence. She would keep him at such a distance as should wean him from any thoughts of her. Faith tried faithfully to do what she had purposed. But it was very difficult to keep at a distance a person who did not pretend to be near, or only pretended it in a line where he could not be repulsed. He must see her every day as her physician. He must be sllowed the kindly ex pression of kind feelings; he could not be forbidden to bring to his patient, as her friend and physician, such tilings as he thought her strength, or weakness, needed. These instances of thoughtfulness and care for her were many. Birds, old wine from his father s cellar, flowers from the greenhouse, and fruit from nobody knows where, came often; and the manner of offering them, the quiet, unobtrusive, unexacting kindness and attention, it was scarce possible to reject without something that would have seemed churlishness Faith took them as gravely as Bhe could without being unkind. Her illness helped her, and also hindered the effect she wished to produce. Feel ing weak and weary and unable for any sort of exertion, it (258) SAY AND SEAL. 259 was the easier for her to be silent, abstracted, unresponsive to anything that was said or done. And also her being so signified the less and testified the less of her real purpose. Faith knew it and could not help it. She could not besides be anything but natural ; and she felt kindly towards Dr. Harrison ; with a grave kindness, that yet was more earnest in its good wishes for him than any other perhaps that existed for Dr. Harrison in the world. Faith could not hide that, careful as she was in her manner of shewing it. And there was one subject upon which she dared not be unresponsive or abstracted when the doctor brought it up. He brought it up now very often. She did not know how it was, she was far from knowing why it was ; but the pleasant talk with which the doctor sought to amuse her, and which was most skilfully pleasant as to the rest, was very apt to glance upon Bible subjects ; and as it touched, to brush them with the wing of doubt or difficulty or uneasiness. Dr.. Harrison did not see things as she did that was of old; but he contrived to let her see that he doubted she did not see them right, and somehow contrived also to make her hear his reasons. It was done with the art of a master and the steady aim of a general who has a great field to win. Faith did not want to hear his suggestions of doubt and cavil. She remem bered Mr. Linden s advice long ago given ; repeated it to herself every day ; and sought to meet Dr. Harrison only with the sling stone of truth and let his weapons of artifi cial warfare alone. Truly she "had not proved these," and "could not go with them." But -whatever effect her sling might have upon him, which she knew not, his arrows were so cunningly thrown that they wounded her. Not in her belief; she never failed for a moment to be aware that they were arrows from a false quiver, that the sword of truth would break with a blow. And yet, in her weak state of body and consequent weak state of mind, the sight of such poisoned arrows flying about distressed her; the mere knowledge that they did fly and bore death with them; a knowledge which once she happily had not. All this wouid have pained her if she had been well ; in the feverish de pression of illness it weighed upon her like a mountaiu of cloud. Faith s shield caught the darts and kept them from 260 SAY AND SEAL. herself; but in her increasing nervous weakness her hand at last grew weary; and it seemed to Faith then as if she could see nothing but those arrows flying through the air. But there was one human form before which, she knew, this mental array of enemies would incontinently take flight and disappear; she knew they would not stand the first sound of Mr. Linden s voice; and her longing grew intense for his coming. How did she ever keep it out of her letters ! Yet it hardly got in there, for she watched it well. Sometimes the subdued " T want to see you very much," at the. close of a letter, said, more than Faith knew it did; and she could not be aware how much was told by the tone of her writing. That had changed, though that too was guarded, so far as she could. She could not pour out a light, free, and joyous account of all that was going on within and about her, when she was suffering alternately from lever and weakness, and through both from depression and nerv ous fancies. Most unlike Faith ! and she tried to seem her usual self then when she came most near it, in writing to him. But it was a nice matter to write letters for so many weeks out of a sick room and not let Mr. Linden find out that she herself was there all the while. His letters how ever were both a help and a spur; Faith talked a good deal of things not at Pattaquasset ; and through all weak ness and ailing sent her exercises prepared with utmost care, regularly as usual. It hurt her; but Faith would not be stopped. Her sickness she knew after all was but a light matter ; and nothing could persuade her to break in upon Mr. Linden s term of study with any more interrup tions for her. And even to Mrs. Derrick she did not tell the keen heart-longing, which daily .grew more urgent, for that term to come to an end. Mrs. Derrick did sometimes connect the cause of her weariness with Dr. Harrison, and was indignant in propor tion. Faith looked at him with different eyes, and her feeling was of very gentle and deep sorrow for him. It was by the appeal to that side of her character that Dr. Harrison gained all his advantage. Faith s shield caught his arrows of unbelieving sugges tion and threw them off from her own heart; she could not put that shield between them and the doctor, and that SAY AND SEAL. 261 was her grief. It grieved her more than he thought. And yet, it was with a half conscious, half instinctive availing himself of this feeling that he aimed and managed his at tacks with such consummate tact and skill. Faith would not have entered into controversy ; she would not have taken up a gauntlet of challenge ; did he know that ? His hints and questions were brought into the subject, Faith knew not how ; but the point. of view in which they always presented themselves was as troublers of his own mind difficulties he would willingly have solved questions he would like to see answered. And Faith s words, few or many, for she was sometimes drawn on, were said in the humble yearning desire to let him know what she rejoiced in and save him from an abyss of false fathomless depth. It was more than she could do. Dr. Harrison s subtle difficulties and propo sitions had been contrived in a school of which she knew nothing ; and were far too subtle and complicate in their false wit for Faith s true wit to answer. Not at all for lack of wit, but for lack of skill in fencing and of experi ence in the windings of duplicity. So she heard things that grieved her arid that she could not shew up to the doctor for what she knew them to be. "I am no better than this little knife!" she thought bitterly one day, as she was looking at her favourite silver banana-carver; "it can go through soft fruit well enough, but it isn t strong enough or sharp enough to deal with anything harder ! " Faith did herself injustice. It tajves sometimes little less than Ithuriel s spear to make the low, insidious, unobtrusive forms of evil stand up and shew themselves what they are the very Devil ! "Reuben," said Faith one time when they were alone together, "did you ever hear any of the mischievous talk against the Bible, of people who don t love it?" " Yes, Miss Faith, I never heard a great deal at a time only little bits now and then. And I ve felt some times from a word or two what other words the people had in their hearts." "Don t ever let people talk it to you, Reuben, unless God makes it your duty to hear it," she said wearilv. Reuben looked at her. 2G2 SAY AND SEAL. " Do you think he ever makes it our duty, Miss Faith ?" " I don t know !" said Faith, a little as if the question startled her. "But you might be where you could not help it, Reuben." He was silent, looking rather thoughtfully into the fire. "Miss Faith," he said, "you remember when Christian was going through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, the fiends came and whispered to him all sorts of dreadful things which he would not have thought of for the world. But, as Mr. Bunyan says, he had not the discretion either to stop his ears, or to know from whence those blas phemies came ." Reuben blushed a little at his own advice- giving, but made no other apology. There was much love and respect and delight in Faith s swift look at him. Her words glanced. "Reuben, I am glad you are going to be a minister!" She added with the sorrowful look stealing over her face, "I wish the world was full of ministers! if they were good ones." His face was very bright and grateful, and humble too. "Miss Faith," he said, taking up her words, "don t you love to think of that other definition of minister? you know ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure ." "In that way the world is full now," said Faith; "in nil things except men. But by and by the great trumpet will be blown and they that were ready to perish shall come, from everywhere. It s good to know that." "It s such a beautiful thing to know, just by believing !" Reuben said, "don t you think so, Miss Faith ? And then whatever people say or do, and if we can t find a word to answer them, we know down in our hearts, that the Bible is true. And so by faith we stand . " "But we ought to find words to answer them, Reuben or else, though we stand, they fall !" "Yes, ma am sometimes," Reuben said rather hesita tingly. "Only I ve heard Mr. Linden say that a Chris tian must take care of his own standing first, and do nothing to shake that; or else he may have his own light blown out while he s trying to light other people s. You know, Miss Faith, the five wise virgins would not give their oil to the others. I ve heard Mr. Linden talk about it very often," Reuben added softly, as if he wanted to screen himself from the charge of presumption. SAY AND SEAL. 263 If Faith was bringing charges, it was against herself, for she sat very silent and thoughtful, and weary also; for when for the fifth or sixth time Reuben brought his eyes from the fire to her face he saw that she had fallen asleep. Mr. Linden s letters about this time told two or three things, among the rest that he might soon be looked for instead of letters. Moreover that he felt sure he was wanted and further, that Faith s letters had changed. These two last things were not said in words, but Faith read them none the less surely read thus first that her let ters really were different. Just what cause Mr. Linden assigned to himself, she did not know, nor whether he had fixed upon any ; but it was clear that nothing but the fact that his freedom was so close at hand, kept him from free ing himself at once and coming to Pattaquasset. Arid second only to Faith did Mrs. Derrick long for his appear ance. She had heard bits of the doctor s talk from time to time, but for a while with some doubt of their meaning, as whether he was reporting what other people said, or whether she had heard him correctly. But when by degrees the goodness of her hearing attested itself, then Mrs. Derrick s indignation began to follow suit. The doctor s object she did not at first guess (perhaps made it, if possible, worse than it was) but that made little difference. On this particular afternoon, when Faith woke up she found Reuben gone and her mother keeping watch. The fair look that always greeted Mrs. Derrick was given her, but otherwise the face she was studying was not satisfac tory. The roundness of the cheek was much lessened, the colour was gone, and the lines of expression were weary though she had slept. Or rather perhaps they were too gravely drawn. " Faith," said her mother decisively, "you want your tea. Can you eat a broiled pigeon, if I broil it myself?" "I can eat a piece of one, if you ll take the rest, mother," she said with a smile at her. "I eat a whole banana just before I went to sleep." " Well this ain t the doctor s pigeon, so I guess it will be good," said Mrs. Derrick. " Sam Stoutenburgh brought 2G4 SAY AND SEAL. it. And I m going to cook it here, pretty child, because J want to be here myself. I suppose the smoke won t trou ble you if it goes up chimney ?" "I d like it, smoke and all, mother," said Faith, changing the resting-place for her head. "But you needn t slight the doctor s birds they were as fine birds as could be when I could eat them." " Birds of a feather " said Mrs. Derrick laconically. And she drew out some of the glowing and winking embers, and set thereon the tiny gridiron with its purplish plump pigeon. " Sam s home now, Faith, arid you d think he d been through every degree of everything. But the first thing he did was to go off and shoot pigeons for you." Faith was inclined to think he had not got above one degree. She sat in her easy-chair and watched the play cookery with amused pleased eyes. " I should like to be in the kitchen again, mother doing something for you." "You shall do something for me presently," said her mother, as the pigeon began to send out little puffs of steam and jets of juice, which the coals resented. "This one s fat, anyway and there s a half dozen more. The fun of it is, child, that Sam was afraid there weren t enough ! he wanted to know if I was sure they d last till to-morrow ! so I guess he s not in a fainting away state. I told him we d roast beef in the house, for you to fall back upon, child," she added with a little laugh, as she turned the pigeon. But her face was very grave the next moment, with the sorrowful reality. "Pretty child," she said tenderly, "do you feel as if you could eat a muffin or a biscuit best?" "Mother, that pigeon is making me hungry, it smells so nice. I am sure I can eat anything. * "Well I made muffins," said Mrs. Derrick, bustling softly about with the little table and the tea-things. " Faith, I m afraid to have Mr. Linden come home and find your cheeks so thin." "I m not," said Faith quietly. "My!" said her mother, "you never were afraid of any thing he d a mind to do, child. But for all / know, he may carry you off to Europe in the next steamer. He s up SAY AND SEAL. 265 to most anything," said Mrs. Derrick stooping down by the pigeon, and giving it the persuasion of a few more coals. Faith said languidly that she did not think there was much danger, and Mrs. Derrick for the present concentrated her attention upon the tea preparations. Cindy came up with a little teakettle, and Mrs. Derrick made the tea, and then went down stairs to superintend the first baking of the muffins, leaving the teakettle to sing Faith into a very quiet state of mind. Then presently reappearing, with a smoking plate of cakes in her hand, Mrs. Derrick took up the pigeon, with due applications of butter and salt and pepper, and the tea was ready. It was early ; the sunbeams were lingering yet in the room, the air wafted in through the window the sweet dewy breath of flowers and buds and springing grass over the pigeon and muffins; and by Faith s plate stood the freshest of watercrpsses in a little white bowl. These Reuben brought he r every day, wet from the clear stream where they grew, shining with the drops of bright water, and generally sprinkled too with some of the spring flowers. To-day the plate on which the bowl stood had a perfect wreath or crown of mouse-ear, the pale pink blossoms saying all sorts of sweet things. The room was well off for flowers in other respects. Dr. Harrison s hot house foreigners looked dainty and splendid, and Mrs. Stoutenburgh s periwinkle and crocuses and daffodils looked springlike and fresh ; while in another glass a rich assort ment of dandelions spoke a prettier message yet, from Charles twelfth and his little compeers. "And the mouse-ear is come !" said Faith as she applied herself to the refreshment of salt and watercresses. "I won der whether Reuben does this because he loves flowers him self, or because he knows I do. I guess it s both. How lovely they are! How my dairy must want me, mother." Which was said with a little recollective patient sigh. "I guess it can wait," said her mother cheerfully. "And I guess it ll have to. You needn t think you ll be let do anything for one while, Faith." "I guess I shall, mother. I am sure I am stronger to day, and Dr. Harrison said I had less fever. And your pigeon is good. Besides, I must, if I can," said Faith, with an anticipative glance this time. VOL. ii. 23 266 SAY AND SEAL. "It s my belief, child," said her mother, "that if Dr. Harrison had staid away altogether or never staid here more than five minutes at a time, you d have been better long ago. But I think you are better in spite of him." Of the two subjects Faith preferred the pigeon to Dr. Harrison, and discussed it quite to her mother s satisfaction. But if silent, she thought never the less. Both Reuben Taylor s words and her mother s words quickened her to thinking, and thinking seemed of very little use. The next day when the doctor came she was as grave and still and unresponsive as she could be. And it had no effect on him whatever. He was just as usual, he talked just as usual ; and Faith could but be grieved, and be silent. It did not enter her gentle imagination that the very things which so troubled her were spoken on purpose to trouble her. How could it? when they made their way into the conversation and into her hearing a? followers of something else, as harpies that worried or had worried somebody else, as shapes that a cloud might take and be a cloud again only, she could not forget that shape. It was near now the time for Mr. Linden to come home, and Faith looked for his coming with an hourly breath of longing. It seemed to her that his very being there would at once break the mesh Dr. Harrison was so busy weaving and in which she had no power to stop him. But the doctor s opportunity for playing this game was nearing an end, and he knew it. He did not know that Mr. Linden was coming; he did know that Faith was getting well. A day or two after the talk with Reuben it happened that Mrs. Derrick was detained down stairs when the doc tor came up to see Faith. The room was full of a May warmth and sweetness from the open windows ; and Faith herself in a white dress instead of the brown wrapper, looked May-like enough. Not so jocund and blooming certainly; she was more like a snowdrop than a crocus. Her cheeks were pale and thin, but their colour was fresh; and her eye had the light of returning health, or of returning something else 1 "You are getting well!" said the doctor. "I shall lose my w^rk and forgive me, rny pleasure 1" SAY AND SEAL. 26 T "I will give you some better work to do, Dr. Harrison." " What is that ? Anything for you ! " "It is not for me. That little lame child to whom you sent the rose-tree, Dr. Harrison, she is very sick. Would you go and see her ?" " Did you think I would not ?" he said rather gravely. "I want to see her very much myself," Faith went on; "but I suppose I could not take so long a ride yet Could I?" The doctor looked at her. "I think the mother of the Gracchi must have been something such a woman !" he said with an indescribable grave comic mien; "and the other Roman mother that saved Rome and lost her son ! Or that lady of Sparta who made the affectionate request to her son about coming home from the battle on his shield I I thought the race had died out." Faith could not help laughing. He had not been sure that she would understand his allusions, but his watchful eye saw that she did. " Were you educated in Pattaquasset ?" he said. "Par don me I" All Faith s gravity returned, and all her colour too. "No, sir," she said, "I have never been educated. I am studying now." "Studying!" said he gently. "You have little need to study." "Why, sir?" "There are minds and natures so rich by their original constitution, that their own free growth is a fuller and better harvest than all the schoolmasters in the world can bring out of other people." Again Faith s cheek was dyed. "I was poor enough," she said bowing her head for a moment. " I am poor now, but I am studying." In which last words lay perhaps the tiniest evidence of an intention not to be poor always. A suspicious glance of thought shot from the doctor s mind. But as it had happened more than once before, the simplicity of Faith s frankness misled him, and he dismissed suspicion. If you want an illustration of my meaning," he went on 268 SAY AND SEAL. without change of manner, "permit me to remind you that your paragon of character, the Rhododendron doefc no studying. My conclusion is plain !" "The Rhododendron does all it can." " Well " said the doctor, "it is impossible to trace the limits of the influences of mignonette." Faith looked grave. She was thinking how very power less her influences had been. "Don t you see that I have made out my position?" "No." "What sort of studying may I ask it? do you favour most?" he said with a smile. "I like all kinds every kind 1" "I believe that. I know you have a love for chymistry, and Shakspeare, and natural history. But I should like to know Mignonette s favourite atmosphere." "The study I like best of all is the one you like least, Dr. Harrison." "What may that be, Miss Faith ?" "The study of the Bible." "The Bible ! Surely you know that already," he said in an interested voice. "Did you think so ?" said Faith quickly and with secret humbleness. "You made a great mistake, Dr. Harrison. Bat there is nothing I take such deep lessons in ; nor such pleasant ones." "You mistake me too, Miss Faith. I do like it. You are strong enough for it to-day I wish you would give me one of those lessons you speak of?" "If you loved it, sir, you would not ask me. You would find them for yourself." "Another mistake!" said the doctor. "I might love them, and yet ask you. Won t you give me one ?" She lifted to his a look so gentle and grave that he could not think she was displeased, or harsh, or even unkind. But she answered him, "No." "Don t you feel strong enough for it?" he said with a shade of concern. "Yes." "You think you have given me one lesson already," he said smiling, " which I am not attending to. I will go and SAY AND SEAL. 269 see your little sick child immediately. But I don t the \vay ! I wish you were well enough to pilot me. I can t find her by the sign of the rosebush?" " Reuben Taylor will take you there, Dr. Harrison, if you will let him. He goes there often." " If I will let him ! Say, if he will let me ! Your knight does not smile upon me, Miss Faith." "Why not?" "I m sure I m not qualified to give evidence," said the doctor half laughing at having the tables turned upon him. ""Unless his chivalric devotion to you is jealous of every other approach even mine. But you say he will guide me to the rosebush ?" "I am sure he will with great pleasure, Dr. Harrison." "And I will go with great pleasure for you." He was standing before her, looking down. There wan something in the look that made Faith s colour come again. She answered seriously, "No sir not for me." "Why not?" "I can t reward you," said Faith ; trembling, for she felt she was speaking to the point. " Do it for a better reason." "Will you shew me a better?" She answered instantly with a bright little smile, " Give, and it shall be given unto you ; full measure, pressed down, heaped up, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. " "In another world ! " said the doctor. "No in this. The promise stands for it." "It s your part of this world not mine; and unless you shew me the way, Miss Faith, I shall never get into it." Then more gently, taking her hand and kissing it, he added, "Are you tired of trying to help me ?" Faith met his keen eye, reddened, and drooped her head ; for indeed she felt weak. And her words were low and scarce steady. "I will not be tired of praying for you, Dr Harrison." What swift electric current along the chain of associa tion moved the doctor s next question. lie was silent a minute before he spoke it; then spoke in a clear even voice. "May 1 ask you is it impertinent what first led 23* 270 SAY AND SEAL. you to this way of thinking ? Sophy says you were not always so." The colour deepened on Faith s cheek, he saw that, and deepened more. "The teaching is always of heaven, sir. But it came to me through the hands of the friend who was so long in our house last year." "And has that adventurer counselled you to trust no friend that isn t of his way of thinking?" the doctor said with some haughtiness of accent. Faith raised her eyes and looked at him the steady grave look that the doctor never liked to meet from those soft eyes. It fixed his, till her eyes fell with a sudden motion, and the doctor s followed them whither ? To that gloved forefinger which he had often noticed was kept covered. Faith was slowly drawing the covering off; and something in her manner or her look kept his eyes rivetted there. Slowly, deliberately, Faith uncovered the finger, and in full view the brilliants sparkled ; danced and leapt, as it seemed to Faith, whose eyes saw nothing else. She did not dare look up, nor could, for a double reason. She sat like a fair statue, looking still and only at the diamond sign, while the blood in her cheeks that bore witness to it seemed the only moving thing about her. That rose and deepened, from crimson to scarlet, and from her cheeks to the rim of her hair. She never saw the changes in her neighbour s face, nor what struggles the paleness and the returning flush bore witness to. She never looked up. She had revealed all ; she was willing he should conceal all, that he could. It was but a minute or two, though Faith s measurement made it a more indefinite time ; and Dr. Harrison took her hand again, precisely in his usual manner, remarked that it was possible he might be obliged to go south in a day or two for a day or two, but that he rather thought he had cured her; and so went off, with no difference of tone that any stranger could have told, and Faith never raised her eyey to see how he looked. CHAPTER XXI DR. HARRISON sent away his curricle and walked home, slowly, with his hands behind him, as if the May air had made him lazy. To any one that met him, he wore as disengaged an air as usual ; his eye was as coolly cognizant of all upon which it fell, and his brow never looked less thoughtful. While his head never had been more busy. He kept the secret of his pride he had kept and would keep it, well ; no one should guess what he bore ; but he bore a writhing brain and a passion that was heav ing with disappointment. To no end except to expose himself he had worked at his mining operations all these months; nothing could be more absolute than the silence of Faith s answer; nothing could be more certain than the fixedness of her position. Against the very impassable- ness of the barrier the doctor s will chafed, even while his hope gave way. He ruthlessly called himself a fool for it too, at the minute. But he was unused to be baffled ; and no man pursues long with such deliberate energy a purpose upon which he has set his heart, without having all the cords of his will and his passion knit at last into a cable of strength and tenacity. The doctor s walk grew slower, and his eyes fell on the ground. How lovely Faith had looked even then, when she was putting him and herself to pain ; how speakingly the crimson hues had chased each other all over her face, and neck ; how shyly her eyelashes had kept their place on her cheek ; with how exquisite grace her still attitude had been maintained. And withal what a piece of simplicity she was ! What a contrast those superb diamonds had made with the almost quaint un- adorriedness of her figure in its white wrapper. A con trast that somehow was not inharmonious, and with which the doctor s artistic taste confessed itself bewitched, though Faith s only other remotest ornament was that very (271) 212 SAY AND SEAL. womanly one of her rich brown hair. A piece of simplicity ? Could she be beyond his reach ? With duty between, yes ; otherwise, no ! as all the doctor s experience told him. And he walked leisurely past his own door, past the houses of the village, on almost to the entrance of the woody road; then turned and came with a brisker pace back. He still called himself a fool, secretly ; but he went into the library and wrote a letter. Which in course of time was received and read by Mr. Linden between two of his pieces of work. It appeared the next day that Dr. Harrison had changed his mind, or his plans, about going south ; for he came as usual to see Faith. In every sense as usual ; to her astonishment no traces remained of the yesterday s conver sation. The ease and kindliness of his manner had suffered no abatement, although a little touch of regretfulness, just allowed to appear, forbade her to doubt that she had been understood. Spite of herself, she could not help being presently again almost at ease with him. Nevertheless Faith wished he had gone south. She did not feel sure that Mr. Linden would be pleased with the state of matters, as days went on, and she was sure she was not pleased herself. There was something she did not understand. The doctor s manner was not pre suming, in a way ; neither did he obtrude even his sorrow upon her ; yet he took the place of a privileged person she felt that and she was obliged to see his pain in the very silence and in the play of words or of face which she thought assumed to conceal it. She was very sorry for him, and in the same breath thought she must have been wrong in something, though she could not see how, or things would never have come to such a point. She could not guess how could she ! that the doctor was playing a desperate game and had thrown his last stake on the chance of a flaw in Mr. Linden s confidence towards her or in hers towards him, or of a flaw in the tem per of either of them, or a flaw in their pride, or affection ! There are flaws in so many characters 1 Did but either of them lack moral courage, or truth, or trust, or common sense, like a great many of the rest of the world and the doctor had gained his ground ! For Dr. Harrison had de- SAY AND SEAL. 273 termined that Faith s religious opinions should not stand in his way; she should think as he did, or he would think with her! Of all this Faith knew nothing. She had only an intui tive sense that something was not right ; and doubt and annoyance kept her strength back. She lost ground again. All summed itself up in a longing for Mr. Linden to come. Meanwhile Mr. Linden had received and read the follow ing despatch, and studied and taught before and after it as best he might. Pattaquasset, April, 18 . "MY DEAR LINDEN, I do not know what impulse prompts me to write this letter to you A very strong one, probably, that makes fools of men Yet even with my eyes open to this, I go on. I have unwittingly become your rival. Not in fact ; indeed, but in character. I have been so unfortunate as to love a person you are somehow concerned in and before I knew that you had any concern of the kind. That is a very simple story, and only one to be smothered not to be brought to open air, were it all. But the course of the months past, which has too late brought me this knowledge of myself, has also made me believe that had I a fair field were there no contrary ties or fetters of conscience I should not love in vain. What those ties are I know nothing I have not asked but the existence of some obligation I have been given to understand. With certain natures of truth and duty, that is a barrier impassable. You would be safe, were I to act out of honour. I arn a fool, I believe; but I am not yet such a fool as not to know that there is but one man in the world to whom I could write such a confession. Nothing better prompts it than pure selfishness, I am aware but with me that is strong. I have that notion of you that you would not care to keep what you held only by priority of claim. I may be wrong in the supposition upon which I am going yet it is ray chance for life and I cannot yield it up. That were the lady free in conscience as well as in fact she might be induced to look favourably on me. 1 ought to add, that I believe such a consciousness has never shaped itself to her mind the innocence with which she may at 2T4 SAY AND SEAL. first have entered into some sort of obligation, would not lessen or alter its truth or stringency to her pure mind. The game is in your own hands, Linden so is Your unworthy friend JULIUS HARRISON. p.S. One thing further I ought to add that a some what delicate state of nerves and health, over which I have been for some time watching, would make any rash broach ing of this subject very inexpedient and unsafe. I need not enforce this hint." CHAPTER XXII. nnHE spring opened from day to day, and the apple JL blossoms were bursting. Mr. Linden might soon be looked for, and one warm May afternoon Faith went in to make his room ready. It was the first day she had been fit for it, and she was yet so little strong that she must take care of her movements. With slow and unable fingers she did her pleasant work, and then very tired, sat down in her old reading window-seat and went into a long dream-meditation. It was pleasant for a while, in har mony with the summer air and the robins in the maple; it got round at last into the train of the last weeks. A fruitless reverie ended in Faith s getting very weary; and she went back to her own room to put herself on the couch cushions and go to sleep. Sleep held on its way after a peaceful fashion, yet not so but that Faith s face shewed traces of her thoughts. Mrs. Derrick came softly and watched her, and the spring air blew back the curtains and fanned her, and brushed her hair with its perfumed wings ; and one or two honey bees buzzed in and sought honey from the doctor s flowers, and forsook them again for the fields. Up there at last, following Mrs. Derrick, came Mr. Lin den. With few reasons asked or told of his sudden appear ance ; with little said even of Faith s illness but the mere fact, he went up to the sunlit room and there staid. Not restingly in Faith s easy-chair, but standing by the low fire place, just where he could have the fullest view of her. Mrs. Derrick came and went, he never stirred. The sun beams came and went wrapped Faith in their bright folds and lay at his feet, then began to withdraw altogether. They had shewed him the unwontedly pale and worn face, and lit up the weary lines in which the lips lay asleep ; and just when the sunbeams had left it all, Mr. Linden became aware that two dark eyes had softly opened and were gazing at him as if ho were a figure in a dream. So per- (275> SAY AND SEAL. haps for a minute he seemed, touched with the light as he was, which made a glorification in the brown locks of his hair and gleamed about "pleasant outlines" standing as fixed and still as a statue. But they were not statue eyes which looked into hers, and Faith s dreamlike gaze was only for a moment. Then every line of her face changed with joy and she sprang up to hide it in Mr. Linden s arms. He stood still, holding her as one holds some rescued thing. For Faith was too weak to be just herself, and weariness and gladness had found their own very un usual expression in an outflow of nervous tears. Something seemed to have taken away Mr. Linden s power of words. He did place her among the cushions again, but if every one of her tears had been balm to him he could not have let them flow more unchecked. Perhaps the recollection that they were tears came suddenly ; for with very sudden sweet peremptoriness he said, "Faith, hush! Are you so glad to see me?" She was jnstantly still. No answer. "What then?" The intonation was most tender, so, rather than by any playfulness, cancelling his own question. She raised her head, she had dismissed her tears, yet the smile with which her glance favoured him was a sort of rainbow smile, born of clouds. " That is a very struggling and misty sunbeam !" said Mr. Linden. "Is that why I was kept out of its range so long?" Faith s head drooped. Her forehead lay lightly against him ; he could not see what sort of a smile she wore. " Whereupon it goes into seclusion altogether. Mignon ette, look up and kiss me, how much longer do you sup pose I can wait for that ?" He had no longer to wait at that time, and the touch of her lips was with a tremulous gladness which was tale-tell ing. And then the position of the lowered head and the hand which kept its place on his shoulder shewed him that she was clinging, though with shy eagerness, like a bird that with tired wing has found her nest. With one of those quick impulses which to-day seemed to have taken the place of his usual steadiness, Mr. Linden bent down and blessed her; in words such as she never remembered from other SAY AND SEAL. 277 lips. Not many indeed, bat deep and strong, as the very depth and strength of his own human and religious nature ; words that stilled Faith s heart as with the shadowing of peace ; so that for the time she could not wonder, but only rest. They made her tremble a moment; then she rested as if the words had been a spell. But the rest wrought action. Faith drew back presently and looked up at Mr. Linden to see how he looked. And then she could not tell. Her puzzled eyes found nothing to remark upon. "Endy I thought you would not be here for two or three days yet." " It was nearly impossible. My child, when did you get sick ?" "0 a good while ago." " A good while / Mr. Linden repeated with grave emphasis. "Well do you think it would have lengthened the time to have me come and see you ?" Faith s heart was too full, and her answer, looking down, was a tremulous, quiet and tender, "I don t think it would." " Then wherefore was I not permitted ?" "I didn t want you to come then." "And again, wherefore?" "Why you know, Eudy. I couldn t want you till you were ready to come." " I should have been most emphatically ready I What sort of medical attendance have you had ?" "Good, you know. I had Dr. Harrison." "And he did his duty faithfully ?" "I guess he always does his medical duty," said Faith somewhat quietly. "Duty is a sort of whole-souled thing, to my mind," said Mr. Linden. "Do you think all his ministrations did you good?" There was pain and wonder, and even some fear in Faith s eyes as she looked at Mr. Linden. "They ought not to have done me any harm" she said neekly. "Did they, Faith ? I thought " Very softly and thought fully his fingers came about her hair, his eyes looking at her, Faith could hardly tell how. The pain of those weeks VOL. IT. 24 278 SAY AND SEAL. stung her again the sorrow and the shame and the need- lessness. Faith s head sunk again upon Mr. Linden s breast, for the tears came bitterly; though he could not know that. He only knew that they came. Holding her with a strong arm as if against some one else ; soothing her with grave kisses, not with words, Mr. Linden waited for her to speak. Child," he said at last, "you will do yourself harm. Has he brought on this state of the nerves that he talks about ? And in what possible way ?" "Don t talk about it, Endy ! " said Faith struggling for self-command "I am foolish and wrong and weak. I ll tell you another time." But Faith s head kept its position. "Do you think I can wait, to know what has made my coming home such a tearful affair ?" "Yes. Because it s all over now." "What is over?" "All that you wouldn t like." " Faith you talk in perfect riddles ! It is well that what I can see of this very pale little face is less puzzling. Did you tell Dr. Harrison of your claim upon me ?" "What? " she said looking up. "Well. You know what that claim is. Did you tel) him, Faith ?" Her eyes fell again. "Yes at least I shewed him my ring." "In answer to his suit, Faith?" "No. He was talking as I did not like, one day." Faith s cheeks were growing beautifully rosy. "Was it to protect yourself, or me?" said Mr. Linden watching her. Faith s glance up and down, was inex pressibly pretty. "Myself, I think." "You have a strange power of exciting and keeping down my temper, at one and the same time 1" said Mr. Linden. "What did he dare say to you?" "Nothing about me. It was something about you which I did not choose to have him say." Mr. Linden smiled, and called her a little crusader, but the g rave look came back. Dr. Harrison had known, SAY AND SEAL. 279 then, just what ties he was trying to break, had felt sure must have felt sure that they were bonds of very deep love and confidence ; and thereupon, had coolly set him self to sow mistrust ! Mr. Linden was very silent, the keen words of indignation that rose to his lips ever driven back and turned aside by Faith s face, which told so plainly that she could bear no excitement. He spoke at last with great deliberation. "You may as well shew it to all Pattaquasset, Mig nonette ! for all Pattaquasset shall know before I have been here much longer." "What? why?" she said startling. "For what you will, love. I think you need the pro tection of my name." Faith could not deny it; howsoever she looked quaintly grave upon the proposition. " Do you know how you will have to scour the country now, and make yourself as much as possible like cowslips and buttercups and primroses and mouse-ear ?" said Mr. Linden smiling. "One day you may be a Spring beauty, and the next Meadow-sweet, and when I see you a wild pink I shall feel comparatively happy." Faith with a very little laugh remarked that she did not feel as if she ever should be anything wild. "What is your definition of wild?" "Not tame." "Does that meek adjective express the kind of pink you intend to be ?" "I didn t say what I should be I only spoke of what I am." " Shall I tell you the future tense of this very indicative mood?" he said touching her cheeks. "If you know it!" "If I know it! You will be (some months later) a Linden flower! whether wild or tame remains to be been." Unless Linden flowers can be sometimes, found a good deal deeper-coloured than pinks, there was at least very little present resemblance. The only notice Faith took of this prophecy was an involuntary one. The door softly opened at this point, and Mrs. Derrick came in to an- 280 SAY AND SEAL. nounce tea. She stood still .a moment surveying thetd both. "How do you think she looks, Mr. Linden?" His eyes went back to Faith, giving a quick reply which he did riot mean they should. She looks like a dear child as she is, Mrs. Derrick. I cannot say much more for her. But I shall take her down to tea." Mrs. Derrick went joyfully off for shawls and wrappers. Mr. Linden was silent; his eyes had not stirred. But he amused himself with taking some of the violets from the table near by and fastening them in her belt and hair ; the very touch of his fingers telling some things he did not " Sunbeam, do you feel as if you could bear transporta tion ?" "Not as a sunbeam. I could walk down, I think," saif l Faith. Mr. Linden remarked that the truth of that pro position would never be known; and then she was muffled in a large soft shawl, and carried down stairs and laid on the sofa in the sitting-room. The windows were open for the May wind, but there was a dainty little fire still every thing looked strangely familiar ; even Mr. Linden ; though his face wore not just its most wonted expression. He had laid her down among the cushions and loosened her wrapping shawl, and paid a little attention to the fire; and now stood in Dr. Harrison s favourite place, looking at her, perhaps trying to see whether she looked more like herself down stairs than she had done above. He could not find that she did. Faith felt as if a great cloud had rolled over and rolled off from her; yet in her very happiness she had a great desire to cry ; her weakness of body helped that. Her head lay still upon the cushions with fingers pressed upon her brow. She hardly dared look at Mr. Linden; her eye wandered over less dangerous things; yet it saw him not the less. How sweetly the wind blew. Mr. Linden went off to the window and picked three or four of the May roses that grew there, and then coming to sit down by Faith s sofa softly pushed one of the buds in between her fingers, and made the rest into a breast knot which he laid on the white folds of her dress. He put other roses in her cheeks then, but it was all done with a SAY AND SEAL. 28 1 curious quietness that covered less quiet things. Faith took the flowers and played with them, venturing scarce a look of answer. With the wasted cheek, the delicate flush on it. and all the stirred fountain of feeling which she was not so able as usual to control, Faith was very lovely; to which effect the roses and violets scattered over her lent a help of their own. Mr. Linden looked at her, giving now and then a little arranging touch to flowers or hair with an unbending face, which ended at last in a very full bright smile; though just why it rouged her cheeks so instantly Faith did not feel quite sure. She felt the rouge. "I am glad you feel like yourself again," she remarked. "How do you know that I do?" "I think you look so." "Quite a mistake. I am only bewitched. That is some what like myself, I must own." Faith s face made a remonstrance, not at all calculated to be successful. "Please don t bewitch me then 1" said Mr. Linden an swering the look. "You know I cannot help it and on the whole you don t wish I could. What do you think of her now, Mrs. Derrick ?" he added, getting up to roll the tea-table close to the sofa. The folding of Mrs. Derrick s hands was significant. "Yes, but you must not look at her so," said Mr. Linden demurely arranging the table and sofa angles in harmonious relation. "You should look with cool unconcern as I do." " YouT said Mrs. Derrick. "Well I should like to see that for once." Faith laughed again, and was ready for her supper after a new fashion from what she had known for many a day past. There is no doubt but cresses and broiled pigeon were good that night 1 24* CHAPTER XXIII. WHAT a twitter of birds was in Faith s ears as she awoke next morning ! Perhaps they were not really more noisy than usual, but she seemed to hear them more; and then it was a soft balmy morning, with a joyous spring sunshine and a dancing spring air, which gave full effect to all the bird voices. Faith listened to the chorus, the choir, the concert, the solos, with a charmed ear. The minute s hush; the low twitter answered softly from bush and tree; the soft chiming in of other notes; the swelling, quicken ing, increasing song till every sparrow and kildeer in all Pattaquasset drew his bow and clattered his castanets with the speed and the eagerness of twenty fiddlers. Only in this orchestra the heads turned gracefully on swelling throats, and for the angular play of elbows there was the lifting flutter of joyous wings ; and the audience of opening leaves clapped their little hands for an encore. Such were the sounds that came to Faith from without; within her room, Mrs. Derrick moved silently about, lighting the fire, arranging the window curtains, the tab!* and couch, laying out Faith s dressing gown to air, but not saying a word to her yet, lest she might be asleep. Faith could see the relief and gladness in every step her mother took and well knew why. On the white spread before her lay a glowing little bunch of spring flowers, the last night s dew yet hiding in the depths of the violets, and sprinkling the leaves of the May roses, and making the windflowers look at her with w.et eyes. Faith grasped these and held a considerably long conversation with them ; then found it in her heart to speak otherwise. " Mother," said she, with a little smile upon the contented languor of convalescence, " you feel better!" Mrs. Derrick came quick to her side, and kissed her and stroked her face. "Pretty child," she said, " so do you." Which fact Faith confirmed by setting about the busi- (282) SAY AND SEAL. 283 *.css of dressing with more energy and good will than she nad for many a day brought to it. The pale cheeks were not quite so pale this morning. The white dress was tied round the waist with that blue ribband of long ago nevei yet spoiled with wearing; and in it the roses and violets made a spot of warmer colour. When at last she was ready, and had stepped out into the hall, Mr. Linden met her there as he had done the night after the fire; and as then, stayed her for a minute and scanned her face : with a different look from then, with a different sort of gravity, which gladness did not quite cover up. He asked no questions but with his eyes, and did not say much but with his lips ; then carried her down to the breakfast- room " Mignonette," he said, " what time to-day will it please you to take a drive ?" The pleasure of the idea brought the colour to Faith s cheeks. "I suppose I had better ask Dr. Harrison first whether I may go," she said gravely. " Not at all. He has nothing whatever to say about it " " Then as soon as he is gone, I am ready." "We will not wait for him," said Mr. Linden. "But Endy, later will do just as well, won t it?" "No, love not half so well." "Why?" "Principally, because I want you to be out when Dr. Harrison comes." And quitting that subject, Mr. Linden wheeled her round to the nearer consideration of biscuits and coffee; leaving Dr. Harrison, for the time, quite out of sight. Out of his own sight, that is ; for Faith plainly did not forget him. She was a delicious thing to take care of this morning; in that delicacy of bodily condition to which the strong love to minister, and a tenderness of spirit which grew out of other things and which to-day she had no force to hide. And there was an apprehension which Mr. Linden could see behind her eyes every time they came to his face. Faith was gathering her powers for a struggle. Yet she had no mind to begin it, and waited after breakfast till Mr. Linden should bring up the subject again. He seemed in no haste to bring it up. For some reason or other, he was in a mood that could not do enough for her, It was a mood Faith must try. 284 SAY AND SEAL As the morning had worn on and she saw some prelimi nary movement on Mr. Linden s part, which looked like action, she put her hand in his and lifted her eyes to his face, with a gentle plea in them, speaking in musical soft ness. "Endy, will you let me wait till Dr. Harrison has made his visit ?" The little hand was clasped and held fast. " He would not wish to see you with me, Mignonette and I certainly will not let him see you without." "0 why, Endy?" "Because Mignonette I cannot tell you. Don t ask me. " Faith flushed and looked troubled but somewhat timid too, and asked no more. She puzzled over the subject. "Then, Endy, suppose we don t go out to drive to-day?" "Suppose we do. What are you rouging your cheeks for?" he added smiling. "Faith, I know I have no legal right to control your actions and yet in this case you must let me say for you what I should for my sister or my wife." How Faith wished to know why. The rouge grew bright; but forbidden to ask, she dared not ask. "Would you care if we did not go out to-day ?" she said with some timid hesitation. "Very much." She was silenced. That Mr. Linden had some strong reason it was plain; not the less the thought of Dr. Har rison grieved her. But she said nothing. Nor did he, upon that subject, threw it to the winds apparently. The first move was to take her up stairs again and bestow her daintily among cushions, then to sit by her and spice her cup of chicken broth with pepper and talk, till both it and Faith were warm, and Mrs. Derrick in a state of delight. The good, sweet effect of which mode of treatment, was shewn in the way the fringed curtains of Faith s eyes were by and by dropped by sleep herself. When she awoke Mr. Linden was gone ; and Mrs. Derrick sat there keeping watch. "Has the doctor been here, mother?" " Why child," said her mother, " he s slipped off Stranger, in some of his capers, and hurt his ancle, so Reuben says he won t come till to-morrow. Shall I tell Mr. Linden he may come up ?" "Yes." Faith felt it a relief. SAY AND SEAL. 285 Mr. Linden came to tell her the carriage was ready. It seemed to Faith as if Jerry knew his old driver, with such good will did he set forth, with such little snorts of high spirit and tossings of head and mane. Down the old farm road, among fields of fresh grain and fresh ploughing, where blue birds sat on the fences, and jocund dandelions sunned themselves by the wayside. The breeze came fresh into Faith s face, tossing back her hair ; and presently with the scent of buds and flowers and ploughed land came a mingling of the sea breeze, for Mr. Linden was driving that way. " He was right to make her come ! Faith felt it in her heart, and so did he. There had been few words spoken hitherto, but now he turned to her with a smile of great satisfaction, saying, "Mignonette, this breeze is telling upon your cheeks." "It is going all through me!" said Faith, drawing an eager breath of appreciation. Mr. Linden gave her shawls and cushions some arranging touches, and to her a glad word or two of answer, then drove on down to the shore. Not at their usual bathing and picnic place, but at the fur ther out Barley Point ; where the breeze came in its full freshness and the waves rolled in white-crested. There he made Jerry stand still for a while, and made Faith lean upon him and so rest. They were somewhat elevated above the sea, where the barren face of the land broke down suddenly some twenty feet. With what a sweet dash the waves broke upon the beach, chasing up the wet sand and laying down a little freight of seaweed here and there: how the water sparkled and glittered, and was blue and white and green and neu tral tint, how the gulls soared and stooped and flapped their wings in the gay breeze, before which the white- winged vessels flew on a more steady course. Jerry pawed the turf, and shook his head in approbation, and Faith s head lay very still. Perhaps Mr. Linden thought she had done talking enough that day, for he was rather silent; only watching her lest she should be tired, or have too much of the air. What he watched her for all the rest of the time, was best known to himself. Her brow had its old quiet again now, though her face was grave beyond its old wont; and the eyes, as he could see them, were softly 286 SAY AND SEAL. grave and softly glad together, intently going from the white-tipped water to the white- winged gulls and the clouds grey and white that sailed above them. Suddenly, after a long roaming over the fresh life that was abroad there, the eyes were lifted to his face. "Endecott if I don t say anything, it is because I can t say anything good enough !" "Faith," he said with that same glad look at her, "your face says that you are getting better every minute. Not tired yet ?" "I feel as if I was in a grand dream." "Do you?" said Mr. Linden, "I am glad I do not. It brings me out of a dream to see you begin to look like yourself. I have not felt so real before since I came home." "You are real enough," said Faith; "and so is every thing else. It is only my feeling that is dreamy. And this air will wake me up, if 1 stay here a little while longer. How good it is !" "Do you see that dark rock out in the midst of the waves ? and how the waves half cover and then leave it bare ?" "Yes" " I was thinking of what Rutherford says of the chang ing, swaying, unsteady tide of life-joys and sorrows,^ Our rock doth not ebb and flow, but our sea ." Faith thought her own life had not been much like that changing tide; then remembered his had, in nearer measure. The next question was not far off; she put it, looking up anxiously and regretfully. "Endecott, what are you work ing so hard for ?" A very gay change of face answered her. "So hard as what?" "As you do." "What makes you think I am working so hard, little Mignonette ? have I given you that impression ? I did not mean it. Do I look overworked ?" "No " said Faith "I think not, but that is not the thing. Why do you, Endecott?" It was a very gently put question, but put with eyes and lips as well as the sweet voice, dainty in its half timidity SAY AND SEAL. 287 mixed with the sweetness. Mr. Linden looked down at her till the question was finished, but then he looked off at the dancing water; the smile which had been dawning upon his lips breaking out into very full sunshine. It was a strange smile very enjoying and yet a little moved. "Mignonette," he said looking down at her again, "do you know what a dear little child you are ?" Her eyes wavered, then faced him again with a sort of smiling gravity, as not relinquishing their answer. "You will be dreadfully shocked if I tell you." u Shall I?" she said, not believing him. \ "Yes. But what do you suppose I am doing? what has put all this into your head ?" "I heard it," said Faith. "From whom?" "I don t know. But somebody that wondered what you were doing it for." " Most enigmatical information! What it did some body say I was doing ?" "Working hard giving lessons," said Faith dropping her voice. "Well what else was I doing when I was here? Thai should not shock you, dear child." "You were not doing anything else when you were here that is the very thing, Endecott." "Mignonette I have done nothing to hurt myself, as you may see. I am very strong to work." She gave a little grave glance at him, grave with a back ground of regretfulness, and placed herself back in her for mer position ; pushing her questions no further. But Mr. Linden did not look grave. "I am quite willing to tell you all about my work," he said, "that I did not long ago was for two or three rea- .sons which you will understand. I told you once, dear Faith upon a night which I shall never forge-t that I had means enough to carry me through my studies; but two things made me take measures to earn a good deal more. One was, that I would always rather work than not to have what I want to spend in various good and pleasant ways." 288 SAY AND SEAL. "Yes ?" she said a little eagerly. He looked at her with that same smile coming over his face. "It will shock you," he said, "however The other reason was this. We agreed how I should choose between two gardens wherein to place my Mignonette. But it may chance that for even the offer of one I shall have to wait and for Mignonette I cannot. Yoyez-vous, Mademoi selle ?" Yes, plainly enough; as he could- tell by the bright flush which mounted up to her forehead arid made her a Rho- dora again. And doubtless Faith would have said several things, only she could not! and so sat like the stillest of scared mice ; with no more words at command. Mr. Linden laughed telling her he thought there was no hope of benefitting her cheeks any further that day, and that to judge by her eyelids sleep would be the next thing ; and BO turned the little carriage round and Jerry s head towards home. CHAPTER XXIY. DINNER was ready when they reached home, so that Faith was taken at once to the table ; and when din ner was over, up stairs to go to sleep. And sleep held her well nigh all the afternoon. The sunbeams were long, the light of day was growing gentle, when Faith at last awoke and arose, with a tinge in her cheeks and a face getting to be itself again. She put her hair and her dress in fresh order, and went softly about doing the same office for several things in the room; thinking all the while what Mr. Linden had been working for, and how shut her mouth was from saying anything about it. Where is Mr. Linden, mother?" Down stairs." I am going down too. I am quite well enough without be ng carried. Come, mother." He won t like it, child, you d better let me call him." No indeed," said Faith. "I ll just take your arm, mother. It will do me good." So softly and with a little wilful pleasure on Faith s part, the stairs were descended ; and not content with that, Faith went into the tea-room and began as of old to give a deli cate hand to the tea-table arrangements. Then when all was done, slowly made her entrance into the other room. But there, to Faith s dismay, were two gentlemen instead of one, standing in the middle of the floor in earnest conver sation. Both turned the minute she opened the door, and Squire Stoutenburgh came towards her, exclaiming, "Why Miss Faith ! nobody gave me any hope of seeing you. My dear, are you as well as you loo k ?" Faith s instant extreme desire was to quit the field she had so rashly ventured upon. Her answer to Mr. Stout- enburgh, if made, was too unintelligible to be understood or remembered ; and meanwhile she was as the Squire had hinted, looking very well, and a picture of dainty confu sion. It might not help the confusion, though it did put VOL. n. 26 (289) 290 SAY AND SEAL. her face more out of sight, to be rescued from the Squire s hands and placed in the easy-chair. "No, she is not as well as she looks, Mr. Stoutenburgh, and therefore you must not keep her standing." "I won t keep her nor you neither long," said the Squire. " Miss Faith, I hope you ll keep him standing or kneeling or something all summer. How long are you going to stay, sure enough ?" "Till I must go." Faith heard the smile with which it was spoken. "Then I shall go home a happy man !" said Mr. Stout enburgh, with a sort of earnest heartiness which became him very well. "My dear, I m as glad as if you were my own daughter and you ll let me say that, because your father and I were such friends." With which original and sincere expression of feeling the Squire went off. "You naughty child," Mr. Linden said, coming back to Faith s chair, "who gave you leave to come down stairs? I shouldn t be at all surprised if you had been after cream." "No I haven t Endy," said Faith lifting up her face which was in a sort of overwhelmed state. "What is the matter?" he said smiling. "Don t mind me," said Faith passing her hands over her face. I am half ashamed of myself I shall be better in a day or two." " How do you feel, after your ride and your sleep ?" "0 well! nicely," she said in happy accents. "What made you try to walk down stairs?" "I thought I could do it." "And knew I would not let you. Will you be in a talk ing mood after tea?" "I am now. I have been wanting to talk to you, Ende- cott, ever since you got home." "What about?" "About these weeks." The summons to tea came then, however; but when tea was disposed of, and Faith had come back to her sofa in the sitting-room, Mr. Linden took his p\ace at her side. "Now I am ready for these weeks ," he said. Faith was less ready than he, though she had wished for SAY AND SEAL. 291 the talk. Her face darkened to something of the weary look with which he had found her. "Endecott, I have wanted to see you dreadfully!" He looked pained not merely, she knew, because of that : but the thought had no further expression. "What has been the matter, my dear child?" Faith s hand and head went down on his shoulder, as on a rest they had long coveted. " I am afraid you will be ashamed of me, Endecott, but I will tell you. You know since I have been sick I have seen a great deal of Dr. Harrison every day, and twice a day. I couldn t help it." "No." "And Endy, he used to talk to me." "Yes," the word was short and grave. "I don t know why he did it; and I did not like it, and I could not help it. He would talk to me about Bible things." "Well? He used to do that long ago." "And long ago you told me not to let him talk to me of his doubts and false opinions. Endecott, I didn t forget that I remembered it all the while, and yet he did talk to me of those things, and I could not tell how to hinder it. And then, Endecott the things were in my head . and I could not get them out!" The manner of Faith s slow words told of a great deal of heart- work. Mr. Linden did not start but Faith felt the thrill which passed over him, even to the fingers that held hers. Clearly this was not what he expected. "Faith," he said, "has he touched your faith ?" Faith s head drew nearer to his, with a manner half caressing, half shrinking, but the answer was a low, " No never." " Child !" he said with a sort of deep terror in his voice, " I think I could not have borne that. I wo^ild rather he had won away your heart from me !" Faith did not move, and seemed to herself scarce to breathe, such a spasm of various feelings was upon her heart. " It did not, Endy," she whispered. He stooped to kiss her, as if that was the only answer 292 SAY AND SEAL. he conld give just then; merely saying, "Tell me all about it." "I don t know how he did it" Faith went on hesi tatingly, as if the words were not easy to her; "and always before I knew it was coming, it was .said, some thing that troubled me; almost every time he came. I don t know whether it troubled him too, or whether But no matter what it was said for ! He would tell me of some question that had occurred to him, or some difficulty that he could not understand ; or else it was a contrary fact that somebody else had stated, or a cunning explanation that somebody had found out, or a discovery that was against the truth, or some train of consequences and inferences that would undermine it. And these things were always so curiously put, that though I knew they were false, Endy I never doubted that I knew they were not the truth; yet I could not shew him that they were not ; and that hurt me. It pained me by day and by night; but that was not all." Faith hesitated. "These things nev.er did touch my faith, Endecott but it seems to me now as if they had shut it up in a fortress and besieged it. I hadn t a bit of comfort of it except by snatches only I knew it was there for ever so long. When I tried to read the Bible, often I could think of nothing but these thoughts would push themselves in between like a swarm of gnats humming in my ears ; and often I had no good of prayer," she added in a yet lower voice. "Have you now?" Mr. Linden said. "Has that passed away ?" She hesitated again, perhaps struggling with some emo tion which she would not let get the better of her. Her words were quiet. "It is passing. Earth and sky are all cleared since you came as I knew they would be." Mr. Linden was silent and motionless, looking down at her, curbing as he best might the grief and indignation which were by turns as much as he could manage. He did not speak for some time. "I think, Endy," said Faith, "I shouldn t have felt so if I had been well and strong. I am almost sure it was partly that. I wasn t strong in mind or body and how I wanted you!" SAY AND SEAL. 293 "And where was my place in the world if not here I" "I didn t want you till you came," she said in a very sweet low tone. " Ah, child ! you do not know what you are talking of, nor what a snare was spread for you." " Do you think that, Endy ?" she said in a scared way. "What else?" "But he always seemed I always hoped, he was really interested in those things himself." "No man carries truth in one hand and falsehood in the other," said Mr. Linden sternly. Faith was sitting upright, looking very thoughtful and very grieved. "But you do not think, Endecott, you do not think there was no truth in it ?" His face caught her grieved look, he answered slowly, "Child, you must leave all that. I only know that he tried to get rid of every barrier in his way." "And how in this, Endecott? What?" "He doubtless thought your belief stood between him and your favour." "And that if he could change that !" Faith s head sank with a low word of pain. Mr. Linden was silent. She looked up again, with a face of yearning sorrow which it was a pity perhaps Dr. Harrison could not see. "And now," she said, "we never can do anything more for him I" But Mr. Linden was not ready for the wish, the stern ness of his face did not relax this time even under the power of hers. Until as he looked, with the sight of all her loveliness and the thought of all the wrong done her, came the keen realization of why it had been done ; then his look changed and saddened. "Endecott," she said after a while, humbly, "do you think any one who loves Christ could be brought to disbe lieve him ?" "No not really and permanently The promise says, Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him ." "Then what did you fear so much for me, Endy?" She had cause for the question ; he had spoken and looked and listened with that intentness of sense which shews some 25* 294 SAY AND SEAL. hidden anxiety, measuring jealously every look and word of hers by some old well-remembered standard. "You remember, dear Faith," he said, "that when the thieves set upon one of the pilgrims, though he made out to keep his jewels yet they took from him all his spending money; and in the want of that he went to the end of his life." But the smile that answered him was an answering smile. Though there was sorrow in it, and humbleness, and even fear, its fullest burdens were the free guaranty that she was not hurt, and an untold wealth of affection, that almost breathed out of the moving and parted lips. "Endy, it was only a cloud I knew at the time it would scatter away just as soon as you came. I knew it was a cloud, but I wasn t well." Mr. Linden lifted her face, gazing at it intently. " My little Mignonette," he said, "are you sure that you hold fast the beginning of your confidence ? Are you sure he has not dimmed the light that used to shine so bright in your heart ? that he has not made heaven seem less real, nor the promises of less effect ? Are you sure, Faith ? If he has, find it out now I" She had never seen him look so never heard him speak with such earnestness. The words seemed to come from the very depths of his heart ; freighted not only with their own moment, but with the pain which the raising such Questions had stirred in him. Faith knew little of even the pictures of angels if she had she might have thought of one then. Her child nature would have thrown itself into Ms arms to give the answer ; as it was, the woman drew a little back and spoke with veiled eyes. If he has, I don t know it, Endecott. It was a cloud tkut hindered all enjoyment from me, I knew at the time it was no more. It is gone, or almost. It was wrong to be on me at all but I was weak and not well." Her sp^ch was very humble, and the innocent trembling of the lips was as one might answer an angel. His eyes changed as she spoke, watching her still, but less clearly ; and bringing her where she had not dared to place herself, Mr. Linden kissed her again and again as one rejoices over what has been lost or in deadly peril. Not SAY AND SEAL. 205 many words and those low and half uttered, of deep thanksgiving, of untold tenderness. But Faith hid her face in her hands, and though she did not shed any tears, shook and trembled. " This will not do, for you nor for me," said Mr. Linden. "Mignonette have my words grieved you? they need not there was not a breath in them harsher than a summer wind." "I didn t think it, Endy." "What are you thinking of, my child ?" "Nothing Never mind me, " she said deprecatingly. " Tell me, Faith," he repeated. But she did not. The quivering emotion passed away or was overcome ; and then her answer was a very grave and sweet look and smile ; still such a one as might without any for.ce have been given to an angel. "Faith, what will make you speak? this? Tell me what you were trembling about I shall begin to think you have grown afraid of me." "I don t think I have, " she said very quietly. "You are a sort of willowbranch, so very pliant that you glide out of reach on the very breath that comes after you. Now I think the very profound confidence I reposed in you this morning, deserves some return. I m afraid I can not ask for it with such persuasive eyes." " It s no confidence " said Faith. " I didn t know I had been in such danger ; and" she spoke with some diffi culty " I didn t know what it would be to offend you." "Did you think you could ?" "If I did wrong ?" "Faith," he said, "do you know what I should expect 1 if I did wrong , as you say ? that you would break your heart, perhaps, but never that you would be offended. I should expect to find you more than ever my sweet minis tering spirit." A look of intense grave earnestness followed and echoed his thought with one or two of her own; then her gravity broke in a radiant little smile. "I am not exactly like you, Fudecott," she said. "What is the precise bearing of that remark ?" "You might be offended where I should have no 296 SAY AND SEAL. right, " she said with slow utterance and consideration of her words. "But why little Arabic poem?" The colour started into Faith s cheeks, but she answered. "You are better than I, and besides, you know, Endj ! it would be right for* you to do what it wouldn t be right for me to do." Her colour deepened to brightness and her eyes were very cast down. Mr. Linden looked at her smiling a grave sweet smile. "Faith," he said, "I have heard or imagined that a man might have an angel for his wife, but I never heard yet of a woman who had an angel for her husband did you ?" Faith endeavoured to shield her eyes and cheek with a very insufficient hand. " You put me in the witness-box, what can I do ?" she said. "You can do one thing as well as anybody I ever saw," Mr. Linden said, taking her hand down. "Faith, where did you get such pink cheeks ?" "What is an Arabic poem?" said Faith gravely. "A pretty thing that requires translating. Faith, I have a great desire to take you all about Pattaquasset and tell everybody what you are to be." "Endecott!" said Faith with a startled glance. "What?" he answered laughing. "Why do you say so ?" "Just imagine the delight of all Quapaw, and the full satisfaction of the Roscoms. Shouldn t you like to see it ?" Faith looked at him in a sort of frightened mood of mind, discerning some earnest in the play. Mr. Linden s face did not reassure her, though he carried the play at that time no further. CHAPTER XXV. IF the fears of the night before had not quite been slept off, if the alarming ideas had not all been left in dream land, still it was hard for anything but peace and pleasure to shew its head that morning. In at Faith s window came the sunbeams, the tiny panes of glass shewed each a patch of the bluest sky, and through some unseen open sash the morning air swept in full sweetness. When Faith opened her own window, the twitter and song of all manner of birds was something to hear, and their quick motions were something to see. From the sweetbriar on the house to the trees in the orchard, from the mud nest under the eaves to the hole in the barn wall, what darting and skimming and fluttering ! Off in the orchard the apple trees were softly putting on their nonpareil dress of blossoms, feeding the air with nectar till it was half intoxicated ; and down in the garden a little bevy of bells stood prim and soft and sweet, ringing their noiseless spring chimes under Faith s window. Under her window too, that is within close sight of it, stood Reuben Taylor and Mr. Linden. Not watching for her just then as it appeared, but intent upon their own con cerns. Or rather, Reuben in his usual dark, neat dress and straw hat, with hands neither busy nor at rest, but waiting and ready was intent upon Mr. Linden and Mr. Linden upon his work. His hat was off, on the grass beside him, and he himself half sitting half leaning upon an old crooked apple tree, had his hands full of cowslips though what he was doing with them Faith could not tell. Only from a fluttering end of blue ribband that appeared, she could guess their destination. The two friends were talking busily and merrily, with little cowslip interludes, and the yellow blossoms sprinkled the grass all about the tree, some having dropped down, others been tossed off as not worthy a place in the ball. For that was the work in Mr. Linden s hands something which Faith had never seen. (297) 298 SAY AND SEAL. It was so very pretty a picture that Faith sat down to look at it, and thoughtless of being found out, looked on in a dream. Mr Linden s threats of yesterday did come back to her shrinkingly, but she threw them off; the time was tpo happy to bear the shadow of anything weightier than apple blossoms. Faith looked out through them admiringly, marvelling anew how Mr. Linden had ever come to like her ; and while her soft eyes were studying him, her heart made many a vow before the time. She only felt the birds fly past; her mind was taking strange glimpses into the future. Stepping jauntily out from the house, Sam Stoutenburgh came next upon the scene, the springtime of his man s attire suiting well enough with his years but not so well with his surroundings ; too desperately smart for the cow slips, bright and shining asthey were there in the sun, too new for the tulips though they had been out of the ground but a few days. For In a little bit of garden ground Where many a lovely plant was found, Stood a tulip in gay attire! His pantaloons green as ever were seen, His cap was as red as fire. But the tulip was at least used to his cap which was more than could be said of Sam and his hat. "Mrs. Derrick told me to come out here and find you, sir," he said. "But what are you doing, Mr. Linden?" ^ "I am making a ball." "A ball !" "Yes," said Mr. Linden, -" gratifying one of my youth ful tastes. Sam, I ll lend you my hat." " Why ! what for, sir ?" said Sam, a little confused and a good deal puzzled, while Reuben smiled. "Just to save you from the headache while you stand there in the sun," said Mr. Linden, tying the ends of his ribband together. " It s a man s hat, Sam you need not be afraid of it. That s a good lesson in whistling!" he said, looking up into the tree over his head, where a robin had just come to exercise his powers. But as Mr. Linden s eyes came back from the robin they caught sight of Faith SAY AND SEAL. 299 nt her window, and instantly he was on his feet and made her a most graceful and low reverence. Instinctively the two boys turned and followed suit the one with his straw hat the other with his beaver. Faith s contemplative quiet was broken up, and her face grew shy and flushed as she gave her tiny grave signs of recognition; but a soft good morning floated down to them, followed nobody knows why by a more particular "Good morning, Sam." "Miss Faith!" said Sara affectingly, "are you always going to stay up stairs ?" " No I am coming down presently. You are early to day, Sam." "Not earlier than I ve been some other days, Miss Faith." Faith nodded at him and left the window; threw round her the light shawl which she was expected to wear because she had been sick, rather than because the May air called for it, and prepared to go down. But in the second of time which all this took, she heard her name called from the orchard not very loud but very distinct. "Faith!" She knew who called, and it was with a little startled thrill that she presented herself at the window to answer the summons. Mr. Linden stood close beneath it. " Can you catch this ?" he said, looking up at her with laughing eyes. And the soft cowslip ball came whirling up to bury its golden head in her hands. If Faith saw anything else, it was the very evident astonishment of one of the standers-by. But nevertheless she bravely put her bright blushing face out again. " Thank you, Mr. Linden," she said. "It s too pretty to be thrown more than once." "Are you ready to come yourself?" "Yes, I m coming." He bowed and turned away, passing on into the house with so quick a step that he was at the head of the stairs as soon as she was. " You are not going to carry me down to-day 1" said Faith starting back. "I can walk down as well as you can or at least I can as well walk down." 300 SAY AND SEAL. "There is no one in the parlour, Mignonette." " Then I ll not go there," said Faith smiling. "I ll take you to the garden, if you prefer it. Is the supposed fact of your being able to walk down stairs any reason why you should not bid me good morning ?" There was neither that nor any other existing reason, to judge by the quiet grace with which Faith drew near to give the required good morning, or rather to permit Mr. Linden to take it ; and then placed her hand in his, as will ing to have so much aid from him as that could give. He held it fast, and her too, for a minute, while his other hand busied itself with fastening in her belt a dewy, sweet, sonsie looking little sprig of May roses. "How do you feel this morning?" he said when he was gravely considering the effect. "Very much like Spring I" Faith looked so, with her other hand full of primroses. "And otherwise ?" "I don t feel otherwise!" said Faith laughing; the first really free merry look of laughter he had seen on her face since he came home. "You are the sweetest of all spring blossoms," Mr. Lin den said, carrying her off with perfect disregard of the supposed fact of her being able to walk. At the foot of the stairs, however, she was permitted to find her feet again. " Where will you go, dear child ? the orchard is very wet, but you may venture as far as the door." "No, I have something to do," said Faith. "What have you to do ?" "What I used to take care of part of it. I m so glad to do it again." "Not to-day you ought not! nor to-morrow. You must come in here and sit quiet till breakfast, and for a few days more be content to be Love in idleness as well as Mignonette. Will you promise ?" he said, seating her in the easy-chair, with open window, and breakfast table, and a gay little fire to make the captivity pleasant. "But I like work, Endy and a little won t hurt me. Those boys want you and I ll make the coffee." "Do you know, Mignonette, how pale you would be if I were away?" SAY AND SEAL. 30] She shook her head. "I do," said Mr. Linden, "and as I am in a mood for roses this morning, I want you to let me bring those boys in here then they can see me and I can see you." The roses came, started and brightened, and her eyes looked a soft protest ; but it was a minority protest and gave way, and her face after all told him he might do what he liked. He gave her a reassuring smile, and went back to the orchard, presently returning with Reuben and Sam, the one wearing a face of unqualified pleasure, the other of almost as unqualified shyness. Sam was not quite sure that his ears had reported correctly, but the doubt and the new idea were enough to discompose him thoroughly. He listened eagerly to the answers Reuben s words called forth, but seemed afraid to venture many himself. As for Mr. Linden, he was combining another handful of flowers covering his amusement with very grave composure. It was not bad amusement; for the exquisite simplicity in Faith s manner, with the contrast of the coming and going colour and the shy eyelashes, made a picture that any one claiming interest in it would have been a little proud of. And the roses in her belt and the cowslips in her hand and the delicate lines of her face which health had not yet rounded out again, all joined to make the vision a very fair one. She was most shy of Sam, and did not look at Mr. Linden. "I haven t thanked you for your pigeons, Sam," she said, after a few lively words with Reuben. "No, Miss Faith, please don t 1" was the gallant rejoinder. "Weren t they worth thanks?" inquired Mr. Linden. "I thought they were, when I was eating them; and mother said they were the best I had. Don t you like to be thanked, Sam ?" "When it s worth while," said Sam. "But you* know, ma am You know, Mr. Linden, it s thanks enough to do anything for Miss Faith." "I know that very well." Quiet as the words were they brought all Sam s ideas to the ground like his own pigeons. " Where are you now in college, Sam ?" Faith went on perhaps because she felt herself a coward. VOL. II. 2G 202 SAY AND SEAL. Sam made answer, in a more subdued state of mind than was usual when he announced his Sophomorical dis tinctions. "What are you going to do when you come out?" "O I don t know, Miss Faith, father says I can do just what I like." "And you don t know what that will be, Sam ?" "No " said Sam. "I can t even guess." "A man who can do what he likes ought to do a great deal," said Mr. Linden. "Reuben, will you take the upper road home, and give these flowers to Ency Stephens for Miss Faith ?" "O yes, sir!" Reuben said. "No, Reuben 1 I didn t send them," said Faith eagerly. "Tell her," said Mr. Linden smiling, "that they came from Miss Faith s garden, and that I shall bring Miss Faith herself to see her, just so soon as she can bear such a long drive." The bunch of flowers was laid lightly on her hands for her disposal. "Now I must send you two collegians present and future away, for you have had your breakfast and we have not had ours." At which remark Sam took Faith s hand with a bow of great perplexity and reverence, and Reuben drew near and waited for the flowers. "Give them to her from Mr. Linden," said Faith, rosy red, as she put them in his keeping; "she will like that best, Reuben." Reuben thought he knew how to combine the two mes sages, and the boys went off just as the coffee-pot came in. "Faith," said Mr. Linden coming back to sit down by her, "here is a rosebud so much like you that I think I ought to wear it. What do you consider the most appropriate way?" " How do gentlemen wear flowers ? You ll have to stick it in a buttonhole," said Faith half grave and half laugh ing, "if it must be worn." "But that is to treat it as a common flower I" "You ll have to treat it so," said Faith glancing from the rosebud to him. "Look at it," said Mr. Linden, "do you see how very lovely it is ?" SAY AND SEAL. 303 She did look at it, more closely, and then at him with an appeal of grave remonstrance, deep though unspoken. But it was met defiantly. " If I am to wear this, Mignonette, you must put it in place." Faith was a little shy of even doing so much, and be sides was aware that her mother as well as the coffee-pot had come upon the scene. However she took the flower and succeeded in attaching it securely where she thought it ought to go, on the breast of Mr. Linden s waistcoat; by which time the resemblance between the two rosebuds was perfect, and striking; and Faith drew back to her break- fast, glad to have everybody s attention diverted to coffee, which she declared was good with cowslips. It may be said that the diversion was not immediate; for though her chair was at once wheeled round to the table, yet Faith had to take her thanks then and there in full defiance of Mrs Derrick s presence. After that, however, Mr. Linden to do him justice did change the subject. Cowslips and coffee went on well till near the end of breakfast, which to say truth had been rather prolonged aa well as delayed ; and then there came a front door knock. It was of no use for Faith to start, for breakfast was not absolutely finished ; and the next minute who should come in from the hall but Miss Essie de Staff. As fresh as pos sible, in white dress and black silk apron; her black hair from which -she had drawn off the sunbonuet, in shining order; the black eyes as well ! Perhaps they dilated on first seeing the party ; more sparkling they could not be. She advanced at a moderate pace towards the table, look ing and speaking. "Mrs. Derrick! I didn t know you were such late peo ple. I have come to run away with your daughter, and thought I should find the coast clear. Mr. Linden ! I didn t know Pattaquasset was so happy as to have you back, sir." "We have breakfast late for Faith s sake," said Mrs. Derrick, while Mr. Linden rose and gave the lady first his hand and then a chair, remarking that the happiness of Pattaquasset was pleasant news to him too. "But Faith s well again, isn t she?" said Miss Essie, waiting to get breath, mentally. 304 SAY AND SEAL. "She s better," said Mrs. Derrick. "She goes out?" "She has been once." "Is that all? Well it will do her good to go again. Sophy Harrison and I made up our minds that she and I and Faith would spend the day together and so I ve come to fetch her. Do you believe in the possibiliiy of ladies falling in love with ladies, Mr. Linden ?" "I have more knowledge of gentlemen s possibilities. Who is supposed to be in danger, Miss Essie ?" "Faith cannot go out to spend the day," said Mrs. Der rick decidedly. "Is it danger?" said Miss Essie. "Mrs. Derrick, why can t Faith go with me ? Faith, won t you go ?" She had come up close to the table and stood by Faith s side, whom her eyes were now reading, or at least endeavouring to spell out. "Not to-day, Miss Essie, thank you." "Thank me? you ought to apologize to me." Miss Essie took a chair in that place, where she could "rake" the whole table. " Here will be Sophy and me horribly dis appointed. We had counted on you. Sophy is all alone. You know, Faith, the doctor is laid up?" "We heard of it," Faith answered, not very easily. " Well, do you know he says he is going South ?" "I heard so," said Faith. Miss Essie could not make much of the rising colour in her cheeks, it came and went so easily ! " What takes him off just now in such haste ? business ?" Faith looked up and gave her inquisitor a full clear look, such as curiosity never cares for, while she answered with quiet dignity, "He did not tell me, Miss Essie." "It s a pity Dr. Harrison s just going now that you re just come," said the lady of the black eyes, shifting her ground. "You used to be such friends." "What is a friend?" said Mr. Linden "By the way, Miss Essie, you should make these cresses an excuse for at least eating salt with us, and so prove your title to the name." " Dear me !" said the lady taking a handful, " I thought a friend was something more more etherial than thatP SAY AND SEAL. 30 "Than what, if you please?" "A person who eats your salt ! I don t love cresses. 1 am not one of Nebuchadnezzar s family. Where did yon get the fashion ? It s French. Dr. Harrison eats them Did he teach it to you, Faith ?" " I think I had that honour," said Mr. Linden. "I dare say you gave more lessons than were given in school," said Miss Essie significantly. "What else did you learn of him, Faith ?" Faith gave the lady only a glance of her soft eye, but her face and her very throat were charged with varying colour. Her attention went from cresses to cowslips. "I am saucy!" said the lady. "Mr. Linden, are you coming back to the bona fide school here ? there ll be a great many glad." A very involuntary lesson to Miss Essie herself came longingly to Mr. Linden s lips, but except from the slight play and compression of the same she had not the benefit of it. He spoke as usual. " She has never learned the art of self-defence, Miss Essie, therefore I pray you attack me. No, I am not coming back to the school and to say truth, I think there would be some people sorry as well as glad if I did." "Your bad scholars?" said the lady, not intent upon her question. "No my good friends." "/should be glad," said Miss Essie. "Who are your friends that would be sorry ? Dr. Harrison, for instance ?" "The friends who like my present work better." "And you are going to be a clergyman?" said Miss Essie, leaning her elbow on the table and studying Mr. Linden, perhaps some other things too, with her eyes. He smi)ed under the scrutiny, but merely bowed to her question. " It s dreadful hard work ! " said Miss Essie. "Dreadful? Miss Essie, you have not studied the sub ject." "No " said she laughing, "I said dreadful hard. Ami so it is, I think." " There be some sports are painful, but their labour delight in them sets off is not that equally true of soma 26* 306 , SAY AND SEAL. work?" said Mr. Linden, making one or two quiet addi tions to the breakfast on Faith s plate. Which means of assistance Faith inadvertently disregarded and pushed her plate away. "Do you suppose anybody delights in them ?" said Miss Essie. "I can t understand it but perhaps they do. A minister is very much looked up to. But one thing is cer tain of all things the hardest, it is to be a minister s wife 1" "Of all things! He must be a poor sort of a minister who lets his wife have a harder life than his own." "He can t help it " said Miss Essie, walking her black eyes about. "Of course he don t wish it but women always do have a harder time than men, and a minister s wife particularly." "It s a comfort to think he don t wish it," said Mr. Lin den with a sort of resigned gravity. "Well it would not be much comfort to me," said Miss Essie. "When a woman marries, she naturally expects her husband to belong to her; but a minister belongs to everybody else !" "I see I have not studied the subject," said Mr. Linden. "Miss Essie, you are giving me most important .informa tion. Is this so inevitable that I ought in conscience to warn the lady beforehand ?" Miss Essie smiled graciously. "It would be no use, she wouldn t believe you. / might warn her. I have seen it." "What have you seen?" "Why that! that a woman who marries a minister needn t expect to have any more of her husband than his clothes to mend." "Melancholy statement!" said Mr. Linden. "It s of no use to tell it to a man!" said Miss Essie "But I have seen it." "Not in my house." "I shall see it in your house, if you ever let me in there but it will be too late to warn then. Yery likely you will not see it." Faith sat with one hand shielding her face from this speaker, though by that means it was more fully revealed to the other. Her other hand, and her eyes as far as possible, SAY AND SEAL. 307 were lost in the bunch of cowslips; her colour had long ceased to be varying. She sat still as a mouse. "No, I shall not see it. To what end would your warn ings be directed, if they could reach her in time ?" "To keep her from taking such a trying position." "Oh " said Mr. Linden. "Have you no feeling for me, Miss Essie? It is very plain why you scrupled to eat salt with me this morning !" "I ll eat salt with you as a single man," said Miss Essie, "but if you are going to be a minister, be gener ous, and let your wife go ! Any other woman will tell you so." "Let her go where? With me? that is just what I intend." "Yes," said Miss Essie, "and then you>\\ never know it but she will sit alone up stairs and sew while you are writing your sermons, and she ll sit down stairs and sew while you re riding about the country or walking about the town; and she ll go out alone of your errands when you have a cold that keeps you at home; and the only time she hears you speak will be when you speak in the pulpit ! And if you ask her whether she is happy, she will say yes ! " Despite all her desperate contusion, the one visible corner of Faith s mouth shewed rebellion against order. Mr. Linden laughed with most unterrified amusement. "If she says that, it will be so, Miss Essie my wife will be a most uncompromising truth-teller But in your picture / am the one to be pitied. Will she never sit on the same floor with me under any circumstances?" "More than you deserve !" said Miss Essie. "You to be pitied, indeed ! You know the man has the stir, and the talk, and the going from place to place, and the being looked up to, and the having everybody at his feet; and what has she ?" Mr. Linden did not answer, even with his eyes, which were looking down ; and the smile which came at Miss Essie s last words, was clearly not meant for her. His wife would have something so it said and asserted, and his wife was not an indefinite, imaginary person, it said that too. And she was worth all that could be laid at her feet.. How much he had to lay there what homage his homage 308 SAY AND SEAL. was even of this the face gave unconscious token. Miss Essie looked, and read it or at least felt it, much more than she could well have put into words. Then taking in review Faith s bowed head, she turned and spoke in quite a different tone. <l There is no use in talking to people, Mrs. Derrick. After all, mayn t I have Faith ?" "To spend the day? Oh no, Miss Essie! she s not strong enough," said Mrs. Derrick, rising from the table and beginning to put the cups together. Faith left the party and went to the fire, which in the advanced state of the May morning needed no tending. "Yet she must spend the day somewhere," said Miss Essie wheeling round. "Faith! what are you going to do with yourself?" "Nothing, Miss Essie," came softly from the fire- mender. But as her hand moved to and fro with the tongs, the sparkle of the diamonds caught Miss Essie s eye. "Child! how did you get that?" she exclaimed, springing to her side and arresting the tongs. Faith s low "I don t know, ma am" was inimitable. It was- well neither lady had sight of Mr. Linden s face. "It s very beautiful !" said Miss Essie, controlling herself into some order, and poring over the little hand sHe had made captive. " I never saw a greater beauty of a ring never. Do you know what it means, Faith ?" She dropped her voice and tapped significantly the finger. Faith answered like a person put to the question, "Yes." "Do you?" said Miss Essie in the same low aside and half laughing. " I am so glad. I always thought it. But this is splendid, Faith. You don t know how handsome it is. It is easy to know where this came from. I needn t ask." "I must ask you both to sit down," said Mr. Linden. "Faith is not strong enough for much standing, Miss Essie," " I can t sit down I m going away," said the lady. " I ll tell Sophy she may expect you the first day you can go out for so long," she went on renewing her half whisper to Faith. " Does she know of this ?"^-touching the diamonds which Miss Essie had not yet let go. SAY AND SEAL. 309 "No, Miss Essie" Faith stood in great confusion. Mr. Linden left the table, and gently disengaging her from Miss Essie placed her in the great chair, and stood resting one hand on the back of it. "Miss Essie," he said, " Faith belongs to me and there fore if I take care of her strength in a somewhat summary .way, you will forgive me." Miss Essie paused and looked at him in most bewildering confusion. He had spoken and she had heard, very clearly. "I don t believe it !" she said with an attempt at jocu larity in which there mingled somehow, inexplicably, a quality that was not pleasure. "Faith! no double-deal ing. Two is too much." "Or even the suggestion of two," Mr. Linden said. "Do you mean," said Miss Essie looking at him with a semi-comical endeavour to cover up discomfiture and other things "do you mean to say that I have made nothing here but an abominable mistake ?" "I should give it a different adjective." Miss Essie made a despairing gesture. " Oh ! I might well say it s no use talking to people ! Will you ever for give me, Mr. Linden, for all the mischief I have tried to do you ? I didn t know both parties were within hearing of me, you know, sir ? " "Miss Essie, I hope you may always be as successful." Perhaps Miss Essie wondered, as she glanced at Faith, whether she had done any mischief or no ; but she ven tured no sort of repartee, being altogether in an uncomfort able and somewhat awed state of mind. She made hurried adieus to Mrs. Derrick, more formal and extremely civil leave-taking of Mr. Linden, parted in a sort of astonished wise with Faith and the diamonds which evidently bewil dered her yet, and made what was also evidently an escape out of the house. While Mr. Linden attended the lady to the door, Faith softly and swiftly passed behind them and made her escape too, up stairs. She was gone before he turned. It was perhaps an hour after this, when Cindy entered Faith s room and gave her a note. "I m free to confess," said Cindy, "that Mr. Linden gave it to me, but who writ it I don t know." But Faith did. It ran thus: 310 SAY AND SEAL. " Mademoiselle With great impatience I have waited for my Sunbeam to break through the gloomy clouds of doubt which surround me but I perceive the warning has taken effect ! In keeping with this is the state of the outer world, which is even rainy! so that my purpose to take said Sunbeam out to drive is for the present thwarted. Conceive of my state of mind ! In vain I repeat to myself the comforting truth, that my Sunbeam is shining somewhere, if not on me, there are circumstances where philosophical truths lose all their power. I remember that the warning contained some notable mistakes, as for instance, that I should ever my pen re fuses to write the words! or I do. As well might it be said that I should . Mademoiselle, you must perceive the obvious bearing of these two upon each other. If your interest in the writer has carried you so far, per haps he may indulge the hope that at some future time it may carry you further even to the head of the stairs where it is needless to say you will be received with open arms. It is also needless to sign this it could come from but one person !" Some two minutes after, Faith s room door opened, and a very flashing bright sunbeam came out upon the place indicated, only a little peachblossom tinge in her cheeks witnessing to any consciousness. She was met according to promise then held off and looked at with serio-comic eyes. "What a cruel child you are !" Mr. Linden said. "What do you want, Endecott?" said Faith trying to be serious. " How can you have the heart to sit up stairs and sew while I am down stairs in my study ?" Faith instantly came so close, taking the nearest refuge, that he could not very well see her face ; but that she was laughing still he knew. "Endecott! don t talk so. I didn t know where you were." " Will it be in this sort of weather that you will go cut to do errands and leave me at home ?" SAY AND SEAL. 31 1 "Endecott! If you don t want anything more of me," said Faith lifting up a face which was an array of peach- blossoms, "I ll go back again." " Will you ? " with a little tightening of his hold, and signification of his approval of peachblogsoms. "Faith, you are a lovely child ! Will it distress you very much if I go off and ride about the country alone ?" But now, seeing she could not get away, she stood graver ; and the answer was very gentle, almost tender "No." "Then you will not confess that you were frightened out of your wits at the picture?" said Mr. Linden smiling, though with an answering change of tone. "Did you think I was?" "No you are too much of a woman for that, even if you had believed it true." " Then you were not frightened ? " she said with some comicality. " I ? desperately ! my note did not give you any idea of the state of my mind ! Imagine me sitting down stairs and saying to myself (words naturally suggested by the state of the weather) how this spring of love resembleth Th uncertain glories of an April day, Which now shews all the beauties of the sun, And by and by a cloud takes all away! " One of the soft flashes of Faith s eye came first to an swer him; and then she remarked very coolly, (N.B. her face was not so,) "I think it will clear at noon, Endecott." "Do you?" he said looking towards the window with a counterfeit surprise that was in comical antithesis to his last words, "does it rain still !" Faith s eye came back quick from the window to him, and then, for the first time in many a long day, her old mellow sweet laugh rolled over the subject, dismissing make-believes and figures of speech in its clear matter-of- fact rejoicing. "My dear* little Mignonette!" Mr. Linden said, "that does my very heart good. You are really getting better, in spite of lessons and warnings, and all other hindrances. 312 SAY AND SEAL. Do you want to know what I have truly been thinking of since you came up stairs ? Shall we exchange thoughts ?" " Please give me yours," she answered. " They sprang from Miss Essie s question. Faith, when she asked me what my wife would have, I could not tell her I could not answer it to myself afterwards very definitely. Only so far she will have all I have to give." His hand was smoothing and arranging her hair as he spoke his look one that nobody but Faith ever had from Mr. Linden. She had looked up once and seen it ; and then she stood before him, so still and silent as if she might have had nothing to say; but every line of her brow, her moved lip, her attitude, the wy power of her silence, contradicted that, and testified as well to the grace of a grave and most exquisite humility which clothed her from head to foot. Mr. Linden was as silent as she, watching her ; but then he drew her off to the low couch in the wide old-fashioned entry window, and seated her there in a very bath of spring air and struggling sunbeams. "I suppose it is useless to say Please give me yours ," he said smiling. "Mignonette, we have had no reading to-day do you like this time and place ? and shall it be with you or to you ?" "It will be both, won t it?" said Faith; and she went for her Bible. CHAPTER XXVI. day was struggling into clearness by the time dinner was over. Patches of blue sky looked down through grey, vapoury, scattering clouds ; while now and then a few rain drops fell to keep up the character of the morning, and broad warm genial sunbeams fell between them. It was not fair yet for a drive; and Mr. Linden went out on some errands of business, leaving Faith with a charge to sleep and rest and be ready against his return. He was but a little while gone when Jem Waters made his appearance and asked for Faith. Mr. Simlins had been ill -that Faith knew but Jem brought a sad report of how ill he had been, and a message that he was "tired of not seeing Faith and wished she would let Jem fetch her down. She might go back again as soon as she d a mind to." He wanted to see her "real bad," according to Jem; for he had ordered the best wagon on the premises to be cleaned and harnessed up, and the best buffalo robe put in, and charged Jem to bring Miss Faith "if she could any ways come." And there was Jem and the wagon. Faith demurred ; she had not had her sleep and didn t know, or rather did know, how the proceeding would be looked upon; but she also fancied more meaning in the summons than Jem had been commissioned to make known. And perhaps another little wee feminine thought came in to help her decision. "Mother," she said, "I shall go. You need not say anything about it unless you are asked. It isn t far to Mr. Simlins I shall be home in time for my ride." So, quickly ready, Jem drove her down. Mr. Simlius she found sitting up, in a nondescript inva lid s attire of an old cloak and a summer waistcoat; and warm as the day was, with a little fire burning, which was not unnecessary to correct the damp of the unused sitting- room. He was, as he said, "fallen away considerable, and VOL. IT. 27 (313) 314 SAY AND SEAL. with no more strength than a spring chicken," but for the rest looked as usual. And so spoke. "Well, why haint you been to see me before?" "I have been sick, sir." "Sick?" said he, his voice softening unconsciously to wards her sweet tones. "Sit there and let me see. I believe you have. But you aint fur from well now!" He had some reason, for the face he had turned to the sunlight bore all the quiet lines of happiness, and its somewhat faint colour was replaced under his scrutiny by a conscious deep rose. "Don t you know," said he settling himself back in his chair, "I don t think I see the sun and moon when I don t see you ? Or the moon, anyways you aint but the half of my Zodiack." "What did you want to see the moon for, Mr. Simlins?" said Faith willing to interrupt him. "Well you see, I ve been a kind of a latudinarian too," said Mr. Simlins doubtfully. "It pulls a man s mind down; as well as his flesh and I got tired of thinkin to day and concluded I d send for you to stop it." His look confessed more than his words. Faith had little need to ask what he had been thinking about. "What shall I do to stop it, sir?" " Well, you can read can t you ? or talk to me." There was a strange uneasy wandering of his eye, and a corresponding unwonted simplicity and directness in his talk. Faith noted both and silently went for a Bible she saw lying on a table. She brought it to Mr. Simlins side and opened its pages slowly, questioning with herself where she should read. Some association of a long past conver sation perhaps was present with her, for though she paused over one and another of several passages, she could fix upon none but the parable of the unfruitful tree. "Do you mean that for me?" said the farmer a minute after she had done. "Yes sir and no, dear Mr. Simlins I" said Faith look ing up. "Why is it yes and no ? howj^e I like that?" he growled, but with a certain softening and lowering of his growl. SAY AND SEAL. 315 " The good trees all do the work they were made for. God calls for the same from us," Faith said gently. "I know what you re thinkin of," said he; "but liaint 1 done it? Who ever heerd a man say I had wronged him ? or that I have been hard-hearted either ? I never was. It was curious how he let his thoughts out to her ; but the very gentle, pure and true face beside him provoked neither controversy, nor mistrust, nor pride. He spoke to her as if she had only been a child. Like a child, with such sympathy and simplicity, she answered him. "Mr. Simlins, the Bible says that the fruits of right eousness are by Jesus Christ. Do you know him? rare you in his service ?" "I don t know as I understand you," said he. "I can t make you understand it, sir." "Why can t you? who can?" said he quickly. " It is written, Mr. Sirnlins, * They shall be all taught of God. " She shewed him the place. "And it is writ ten, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths. That is it. If you are willing to walk in his paths, he will shew them to you." Faith looked eagerly at the farmer, and he looked at her. Neither heart was hid from the other. "Bat supposin I was willin which I be, so fur s I know I don t know what they be no more n a child. How am I goin to find em out?" Faith s eyes filled quick as she turned over the leaves again; was it by sympathy alone that occasion came for the rough hand to pass once or twice hastily across those that were looking at her? Without speaking, Faith shewed him the words, "If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine." "That is the question, dear Mr. Simlins. On that if it all hangs " The farmer took the book into his own hands and sat looking steadily at the words. "Well," said he putting it back on her lap "supposin the if s all right Go ahead, Faith." "Then the way is clear for you to do that; and it s all BIG SAY AND SEAL. easy. But the first thing is here the invitation of Jesus himself." "Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." "You see," she went on very gently, "he bids you learn of him so he is ready to teach you. If you are only willing to take his yoke upon you, to be his servant and own it, he will shew you what to do, step by step, and help you in every one." "I don t see where s the beginning of the way yet," said the farmer. "That," said Faith. "Be the servant of Jesus Christ and own it ; and then go to him for all you want. He is good for all " There was a pause. "I s pose you ve been goin on in that way a good while." "A good while yes," Faith almost whispered. "Well, when you are goin to him sometimes, ask souie- thin for me, will you?" He had bent over, leaning on his knees, to speak it in a lower growl than ordinary. Faith bowed her head at first, unwilling to speak; but tears somehow started, and the drops followed each other, as she sat gazing into the black fireplace, she could not help it .till a perfect shower of weeping brought her face into her hands and stirred her not very strong frame. It stirred the farmer, robust as he was in spite of illness ; he shifted his chair most uneasily, and finally laid down his head on his folded arms on the table. Faith was the first to speak. "Mr. Simlins, who takes care of you?" "Ugh !" (a most unintelligible grant,) "they all do it by turns Jenny and all of em." "What have you had for dinner to-day?" "Didn t want anything!" He sat up and brushed his cloak sleeve across his forehead. "Mr. Simlins, I shall send you down something from home and you must eat it." SAY AND SEAL. 31 7 "The doctor said I was to take wine but I haint thought of it to-day." "Where is it?" He nodded his head in the direction of the cupboard. Faith went rummaging, poured him out a glass and brought it. "You see," said he after he had taken it "I ve been pretty well. pulled down I didn t know one time which side of the fence I was goin over and I didn t see the ground on the other side. I don t know why I should be ashamed to say I was afeard !" There was a strong, stern, truth-telling about this speech that thrilled his hearer. She sat down again. "You had best take some yourself," he said. "Do Faith !" "No sir I m going. I must go," she answered rising to make ready. It was strange how the door could have opened and she not heard it neither she nor Mr. Simlins in fact, perhaps because their minds were so far away. That the incoming steps were unheard was not so strange, nor new, but the first thing of which Faith was conscious was the soft touch of a hand on either side of her face she was a prisoner. Faith s instant spring to one side brought her face to face with everybody. Mr. Simlins looked from one to the other, and his first remark was characteristically addressed to Faith. "Why you didn t tell me that !" "Has she told you everything but that?" said Mr. Lin den smiling, and giving the farmer s hand good token of his presence. "Where under the sun did you come from?" said the farmer returning his grasp with interest, and looking at Mr. Linden as if indeed one of the lights of the solar sys tem had been out before his arrival. Faith sat down mutely and as quietly as possible behind Mr. Linden. "From under the sun very literally just now before that from under a shower. I have been down to Quapaw, then home to Mrs. Derrick s, then here. Mr. Simlins, I am sorry to see that you are nursing yourself instead of me. What is the matter ?" 27* 318 SAY AND SEAL. " Pd as Heves be doin this, of the two," said the farmer with a stray smile. "There aint much the matter. How long have you been in this meridian?" "Two days." And stepping from before Faith, Mr. Linden asked her "if she had come there in a dream?" "Do you ever see such good-lookin things in your dreams ?" said the farmer. " My visual picturs are all broken down fences, or Jem or Jenny doin somethin they haint ought to do. How long re you goin to stay in Pat- taquasset, Dominie ?" "Some time, I hope. Not quite so long as the first time, but longer than I have been since that. Do you know, Mr. Simlins, your coat collar is a little bit turned in ? and why don t you give the sunshine a better wel come ? you two sick people together want some one to make a stir for you." Which office Mr. Linden took upon himself lightly disengaging the collar, and then going to the window to draw up the shade and throw back the shut ters, stopping on his way back to straighten the table cover, and followed by a full gush of sunlight from the window. "It is so glorious this afternoon!" he said. And stand ing silent a moment in that brilliant band of light looking out at the world all glittering and sparkling in the sun, Mr. Linden repeated, " Unto you that fear my name, shall the Sun of Righteousness arise, with healing in his wings. What a promise that is!" "Where did you get those words?" said Mr. Simlins, after the sunlight and the silence had given them their full effect. "From the Bible God s book of promises. Do you want to se the place ?" Mr. Simlins turned down a corner of the leaf and laid the book, still open, on the table. Then looked at Mr. Linden with a mixture of pleasure and humour in his eyes. "Are you any nearer bein a minister than you was a year ago ?" "Nearer in one way. But I cannot lay claim to the title you gave me for another year yet, Mr. Simlins." "You re Say and Seal as much as ever. What more fixin have you got to do ?" SAY AND SEAL. 310 "A little finishing," said Mr. Linden with a smile. And he got up and went for Faith s shawl and gloves which were on the table. Mr. Simlins watched the shawl ing and gloving with attention. "You can tell Jem he won t be wanted again, Faith," he said. "I guess you ll see him at the gate." Mr. Linden smiled, but some other thought was on his mind, the face that he turned to Mr. Simlins shewed concern that was both grave and kind. "What can I do for you?" he said. " This aint the prettiest place in Pattaquasset ; but maybe you ll come and see me sometimes till I can get out my self," Mr. Simlins said considerately. "You may be sure I will. And will you let me pray with you now, before I go ?" The farmer hesitated or was silent one instant, then with a sort of subdued abruptness said, "I m ready!" * They knelt there in the sunlight; but when the prayer was over Mr. Simlins felt half puzzled to know for whose sake it had been proposed. For with the telling of his doubts and hindrances and wants things which he had told to no one, there mingled so much of the speaker s own interest, which could not be content to leave him but in Christ s hands. There was not a word spoken after that for a minute, Mr. Linden stood by the low mantelpiece resting his face on his hand. The farmer, busy with the feelings which the prayer had raised, sat with downcast eyes. And Faith was motionless with a deep and manifold sense of happi ness, the labyrinth of which herself could not soon have threaded out. The silence and stillness of his two com panions drew the farmer s eyes up; he read first, with an eager eye that nobody saw, the sweet gravity on one half hidden face, and the deep pure joy written in all the lines of the other; and secret and strong, though half unknown to himself, the whole tide of his heart turned that way. If not before, then at least, something like Ruth s resolution came up within him; " thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God !" Mr. Linden was the first one that moved. 320 SAY AND SEAL. "Are you ready, dear child ?" The farmer s eyes were on her too, even while he wrung Mr. Linden s hand. But he only said before he let it go, "Give a glass of wine to her when she gets home." Out in the sweet afternoon air, and driving through the gate which opened on the highway, with Jem Waters on hand to shut it, Mr. Linden brought Faith s face round towards him and scanned it earnestly. "My child, how tired you are! I wish I knew whether it would do you most good to go straight home, or to breathe this air a little longer." "I hope you won t conclude to take me home," said Faith. " I have been looking for this all day. "Do you think you deserve to have it ?" said Mr. Linden, turning Jerry s head however the way that was not straight home. "Why didn t you sleep, and wait for me to bring you down here ?" "One reason was, Endy, that I half guessed Mr. Simlins wanted to talk to me and that it might be better for him to see one than two. "I could have left you there for a while." "No you couldn t!" she said. "And I couldn t have driven off Jerry and left you though that would have been better." "You could have driven me off. What was the other reason?" "The other reason isn t really worth your hearing. Don t you think this afternoon is too pretty to spoil with bad reasons?" she said with gentle eyes, half fun, half confession. "Entirely. Faith I think you would bear the ride better if you had a sort of afternoon lunch, shall we stop at Miss Bezac s for a glass of milk ?" "Oh no!" she said hastily. "Oh no, Endecott ! I don t want anything but to ride." "And to hide " said Mr. Linden laughingly. "Another bad reason, Faith ?" She gave him a little blushing look, very frank and happy, that also bore homage to his penetration. " Stop anywhere you please, Endy," she said honestly "I was very glad you came to Mr. Simlins ." SAY AND SEAL. 321 " Would you rather get it from Mrs. Davids ?" he inquired demurely. "No, not rather. Whichever you like, Endecott," Faith said, hiding the start which the question in this real form gave her. The afternoon sun through which they were riding was very bright; the washed leaves were brilliantly green ; sweet scents of trees and buds filled the air, and opening apple blossoms were scattering beauty all over the land. Nothing could spoil that afternoon. Faith had a secret consciousness besides that the very thing from which she shrank was by no means disagreeable to Mr. Linden. She did not care what he did! And lie, in the joy of being with her, of seeing her grow stronger every hour, Mr. Linden was in a holiday humour in the mood for work or play or mischief; and took the road to Miss Bezac s for more than a glass of milk. "Mignonette," he said, "what varieties of pride do you consider lawful and becoming?" "I know only a few innocent sorts," said Faith, "that I keep for myself." "Luxurious child ! A few innocent sorts of pride that, you keep for yourself 1 You must divide with me." How Faith laughed. "You wouldn t thank me for one of them all, Endecott. And yet " She stopped, and coloured brilliantly on the sudden. "Explain and finish," said Mr. Linden laconically. " If I told you what they are you would laugh at me." " That would not hurt me. What are they, Mignonette ?" She spoke gravely, though smiling sometimes; answer ing to the matter of fact, as she had been asked. "I am proud, a little, of very fine rolls of butter, or a particularly #ood cheese. I think I am proud of my carnations, and perhaps " she went on colouring "of being so good a baker as I am. And perhaps I think I am of such things as sewing and dressmaking; but I don t think there is much harm in all that. I know myself sometimes proud of other things, where I know it is wrong." "How do you know but I am proud of your rolls of butter too?" said Mr. Linden looking amused. "But Mignonette, what called forth such a display of the carna- 822 SAY AND SEAL. tions you are not proud of? What was the force of that And yet ?" It brought the colour again, and Faith hesitated and looked puzzled, Then she tried a new way of escape. "Don t you mean to let me have any of my thoughts to myself?" she said playfully. " Don t you mean to let me have any of them for myself?" "You? Haven t you them almost all?" "My dear I beg pardon ! one for every carnation, but I did not know that I had so nearly made the tour of your mind. I was under the impression that my passports were not yet made out and that my knowledge of your thoughts was all gained from certain predatory excursions, telescopic observations, and such like illegal practices. I am sure all my attempts to cross the frontier in the ordinary way are met by something more impassable than a file of bayonets." Faith looked up at him as if to s**s how much of this was meant for true. "But," said she naively, "I feel &* it I had been under a microscope." "My clear!" said Mr. Linden again, with an air at once resigned and deprecating. But the? his gravity gave way. "Faith ! is that your feeling in ray company? I wonder you can endure the sight of me." "Why ?" said she timidly. "If I seem to you like a microscope." "Only your eyes, like those power-glasses. Not for size!" said Faith, laughing now herself. "Ah little Mignonette," he said smiling, "some things can be seen without microscopic vipion. And do not you know, ray child, that carnations mut draw attention to the particular point round which they bloom ?" "Endy, you shall know what J was thinking of," she said. "You touched it already. It was only that per haps sometime you would be a little proud even of those little things in me because Now you can punish me for being proud in earnest !" It was said in great confusion ; it had cost Faith a struggle ; the white and red both strove in her downcast face. Mr. Linden might not fathom what was not in a man s nature ; but Faith had hardly ever SAY AND SEAL. 323 perhaps given him such a token of the value she set upon Ins pleasure. "Punish you ?" he said, leaving Jerry to find the road for himself for a minute, "how shall I do it? so? And how much punishment do you require ? I think a little is not enough. Because what, love?" "Endy! "she said under her breath, "you know! don t ask me." "Then if I exceed your limits you will not blame me?" "Limits of what?" "Limits of this species of executive justice." "I don t think you would keep limits of anybody else s setting," said Faith with a little subdued fun. "Look, Endy ! we are coming to Miss Bezac s." "Most true," said Mr. Linden, "now shall you see (perhaps!) one of the innocent sorts of pride that I keep for myself. What have we come for ?" he added laughing, as Jerry trotted up the side hill to the cottage, "is it butter, or carnations, or dressmaking? they all make a rare com bination in my mind at present." "She is at home!" said Faith, "if she wasn t, the win dow-curtains would be down. Now she is going to be pleased, and so am I, for she will give me something to eat." Faith looked as if she wanted it, as she softly opened the door of the dressmaker s little parlour, or workroom, and softly went in. The various business and talk of the afternoon had exhausted her. Miss Bezac, having in her young days been not only rich, but also a firstrate needlewoman, now that she was older and poor plied her needle for a different purpose. Yet something of old habits clung to her still; she would not take the common work of the village; but when Mrs. Stoutenburgh wanted a gay silk dress, or Miss De Staff a delicate muslin, or Mrs. Somers an embroidered merino then Miss Bezac was sure to have them go through her hands; and for these ladies she took the fashions and dis pensed them exceeding well. Strangers too, in Patta- quasset for the sammer, often came to her, and had not Miss Bezac made the very first embroidered waistcoat that ever Squire Deacon wore, or Sam Stoutenburgh admired 324 SAY AND SEAL. himself in ? So her table was generally covered with pretty work, and on this particular afternoon she was choosing the patterns for a second waistcoat for the young member from Quilipeak, a mantilla for his mother, and a silk apron for Miss Essie, all at once. In deep cogitation Faith found her, and Faith s soft salutation, "Dear Miss Bezae, will you let strangers come in?" How gloriously Faith blushed. "Strangers!" cried Miss Bezac, turning round. "Why Faith ! you don t mean to say it s you ? though I don t suppose you mean to say it s anybody else. Unless I de clare I don t know whether it is you or not !" said Miss Bezac, looking from her to Mr. Linden and shaking hands with both at once. "Though if it isn t I ought to have heard only folks don t always do what they ought at least I don t, nor much of anything." "It is nobody else yet," said Mr. Linden smiling. Whereat Miss Bezae laid one hand on the other, and stepping back a little surveyed the two as a whole. "Do you know," she said, "(you wouldn t think it) but sometimes I can t say a word !" "You must not expect Faith to say much she is tired," said Mr. Linden putting her in a chair. "Miss Bezac, I brought her here to get something to eat." " Well I don t believe I don t really believe that any body but you would ever do such a kind thing," said Miss Bezac. " What shall I get ? Faith what will you have ? And you re well enough to be out again ! and it s so well I m not out myself! I ll run and see if the fire ain t, the kettle ought to be boiled, for I wanted an early cup of tea" "No, dear Miss Bezac, don t!" said Faith. "Only give me some bread and milk." Miss Bezac stopped short. "Bread and milk?" she said "is that good for you? The bread s good, I know, baked last night; and the milk always is sweet, up here with the cowslips and most things are sweet when you re hungry. But ain t you more hungry than that ? and somebody els might be, if yon ain t and one always must think of somebody else too. But you do, I ll say that for you. And oh didn t I say long SAY AND SEAL. 305 ago ! " A funny little recollective pause Miss Bezac made, her thoughts going back even to the night of the celebration. Then she ran away for the bread and milk, then she came back and put her head in at the door. "Faith, do you like a cup or a bowl? I like a cup, because 1 always think of a cup of comfort and I never heard of a bowl of anything. But you can have which you like." "I like the cup too," said Faith laughing. "But even the bowl would be comfort to-day, Miss Bezac." The cup came, and a little pitcher for replenishing, and a blue plate of very white bread and very brown bread, and one of Miss Bezac s old-fashioned silver spoons, and a little loaf of one, two, three, four, cake , that looked as good as the bread. All of which were arranged on a round stand before Faith by Miss Bezac and Mr. Linden jointly. He brought her a footstool too, and with persuasive fingers untied and took off her bonnet which supplementary ar rangements Miss Bezac surveyed with folded hands and great admiration. Which also made the pale cheeks flush again, but that was pretty to look upon. Faith betook herself to the old-fashioned spoon and the milk, then gave Mr. Linden something to do in the shape of a piece of cake ; and then resigning herself to circumstances broke brown bread into the milk and eat it with great and profitable satisfaction, leaving the conversation in the hands of the other two. The sun sank lower and lower, sending fare well beams into the valleys, and shaking out gold pieces in Miss Bezac s little brown sitting-room like the Will-o - wisps in the Tale of tales . Through the open door her red cow might be seen returning home by a winding and circuitous path, such as cows love, and a little sparrow hopped in and out, from the doorstep, looking for One, two, three, four , crumbs. Faith from her seat near the fire could see it all if her eyes chose to pass Mr. Linden, . what he saw, she found out whenever they went that way. It was not wonderful that Faith turned from the table at last with a very refreshed face. " Miss Bezac, you have made me up," she said smiling. "Have I?" said her little hostess, "well that comes pretty near it. Do you know when I saw you I mean VOL. IT. 28 326 SAY AND SEAL. when I saw both of you, I really thought you had come foi me to make up something else ? And I must say, I wish you had, not that I haven t dresses enough, and too many unless I had a new pair of eyes but I always did set my heart on making that one. And I haven t set my heart upon many things for a good while, so of course I iain t used to being disappointed. You won t begin, will you, Faith ?" Faith kissed her, hastily expressing the unsentimental hope that her tea would be as good as her bread and milk; and ran out, leaving Mr. Linden to follow at his leisure. Faith was foiind untying Jerry. "What do you mean?" said Mr. Linden staying her hands and lifting her in the most summary manner into the wagon. "Bread and milk is too stimulating for you, child, we must find something less exciting. What will you see fit to do next?" "I can untie a bridle," said Faith. "Or slip your head through one. But you should have seen the delight with which Miss Bezac entered upon the year of patience that I prescribed to her ! and the very (innocuous) pride that lay hid in the prescription. Do you feel disposed to punish me for that, Mignonette ?" One of Faith s grave childish looks answered him; but then, dismissing Mr. Linden as impracticable, she gave herself to the enjoyment of the time. It was a fit after noon I The sunbeams were bright on leaves and flowers, with that fairy brightness which belongs peculiarly to spring. The air was a real spring air, sweet and bracing, full of delicate spices of May. The apple blossoms, out and bursting out, dressed the land with the very bloom of joy. And through it all Mr. Linden drove her, himself in a "holiday humour." Bread and milk may be stimulating, but health and happiness are more stimulating yet; and Faith came home after a ride of some length looking not a bit the worse, and ready for supper CHAPTER XXVII. A MONTH passed away, with apple blossoms, straw* berry flowers, now with strawberries themselves. Roses coming into splendour, carnations in full force, and both re established in the cheeks of Faith Derrick. What a month it had been ! of weather, of work, of society. Lessons after the old fashion, reading aloud, talking ; going round the country at Jerry s heels, or on the back of Mrs. Stout- enbnrgh s pony for there she was put, just so soon as she coulrl bear it, passing by degrees from a gentle trot on level ground to a ladylike scamper over the hills. Faith had not been so strong for many a day as the longest day of that summer found her. Coming home from their afternoon ride by the way of the postoffice, Mr. Linden found there a letter from Europe ; the seal of which he broke as they entered, the house, just in time to give Faith a little enclosed note to herself as she went up stairs to change her dress. Its words were few. Referring Faith to Mr. Linden for particulars, it asked her to let him come to Germany without delay. The aunt with whom Miss Linden lived was at the point of death, appar ently she herself in danger of being left quite alone in a strange land. Yet with all the urgency of the case, the whole breathing of Miss Linden s note was, "Faith can you spare him ? will you let him come ?" The question was settled before it was asked, in Faith s mind; but what a laying down of pleasure and what a taking up of pain was there ! The rest of the vacation was gone at once ; for Mr. Linden could not go to Europe and come back, even on the wings of steam, and have a day left before study would begin again. No more of him except, at the best, snatches till next year; and next year was very far off, and who could tell what might be next year ? But at the best, she must see little more of him until then ; and in the mean time he must put half the world between them. Nobody saw how fast the roses (327) S28 SAY AND SEAL. faded on Faith s cheek ; she sat and looked at the matter all alone, and looked it through. For one few minutes; and then she rose up and began dressing slowly, looking at it still, but gathering all her forces together to deal with it. And when her dressing was done, she still stood leaning one hand and her head on the dressing table, thinking over all that was to do. She had remembered, as with a flash of remembrance, what day the next steamer would sail from what port she knew the hour when Mr. Linden must leave Pattaquasset. And when her mind had seen all the preparations to be made, and she thought she was strong enough, she turned to go down stairs ; but then feeling very weak Faith turned again and kneeled down to pray. And in a mixed feeling of strength and weakness, she went down stairs. First to the kitchen, where she quietly looked after the state of the clothes in the wash, and desired Cindy to have all Mr. Linden s things ready for ironing that evening. Then attended to the supply of bread and the provision for breakfast; saw that one or two things about the supper were in proper order and progress ; asked Mrs. Derrick to make the tea when it was time, and finally, as quietly as if the afternoon s ride had been the only event of the after noon, opened the door of the sitting-room and softly went in. For a while after reading his own letter Mr. Linden had sat absolutely still, then with a sort of impatience to see Faith, to give her what comfort he could, at least to have her with him every minute, he had paced up and down the sitting-room till she appeared. Now he took her in his arms with all sorts of tender caresses with no words at first but, "My little Mignonette !" Faith herself was quite still and wordless ; only once, and that suddenly and ear nestly, she gave his cheek the salutation she had never given him before unbidden. From her it was a whole volume, and thoroughly peace-speaking, although it might intimate a little difficulty of words. Keeping one arm round her, Mr. Linden began again his walk up and down the room ; beginning to talk as well telling her what wa,s in his letter, how long the journey would take, and more than all, what she must do while he SAY AND SEAL. 329 was away. How long the absence would be when he should be at home again, that was little touched upon by either; the return might be very speedy -that seemed most probable, but neither he nor Faith cared to pu in words all the uncertainties that hung about it. From every point he came back to her, with injunctions about her strength, and directions about her studies, and charges to take care of herself for him with other words of comfort and cheering, spoken cheerfully from a very sorrowful heart. One other charge he gave " My little Sunbeam, my dearest Faith, keep both your names unclouded!" " I have had one lesson, Endy " She was a little pale, but had listened to him quietly as intently ; voice and smile both ready to do their part, albeit gravely, whenever there was a part for them. "I shall not forget " she added now with a smile, a rare one, after a little pause. He brought her back to the sofa then, kissing the pale cheeks as if he missed their carnations. Yet with the stringency of the old law which saith that "Doublet and hose must shew itself courageous to petticoat" Mr. Liu- den gave her bright words, although they were words of a very grave brightness not contradicted, but qualified by his eyes. "Mignonette," he said, "I. did not think next year could gain brightness from anything but I cannot tell you how it has looked to me within these last two hours. If I could but call in Mr. Somers, and then take you with me !" It brought a rush of the carnations ; but Faith did not think so extravagant a wish required any combating. Nei ther did she say what she thought of "next year." That evening at least they had quietly together. What Faith did after they had separated for the night, Mr Lin den never knew; but the morning saw everything ready for his departure, ready down to the little details which a man recognizes only (for the most part) by the sense of want. And if cheeks were paler than last night, they were only now and then less steady till he was gone. 28* CHAPTER XXVIII. DR. HARRISON took passage in the steamship Vul can, C. W. Cyclops, commander, for the Old World ; having come to the conclusion that the southern country was not sufficiently remote, and that only a change of hemi spheres would suit the precise state of his mind. Letters of combined farewell and notice-giving, reached Pattaquas- set too late to cumber the doctor with a bevy of friends to see him off; but his sudden motions were too well known, and his peculiarities too long established, to excite much surprise or dismay by any new manifestations. The Yulcan lay getting her steam up in that fair June morning, with very little regard to the amount of high pres sure that her passengers might bring on board. Nothing could be more regardless of their hurry and bustle, the causes that brought them, the tears they shed, the friends they left behind, than the ship with her black sides and red smoke pipe. Tears did indeed trickle down some parts of her machinery, but they were only condensed steam which might indeed be true of some of the tears of her pas sengers. Punctual to her time slie left her moorings, steaming down the beautiful bay with all the June light upon her, throwing back little foamy waves that glittered in the sun, making her farewell with a long train of blue rollers that came one after another to kiss the shore. What if tears sprinkled the dus,ty sidewalks of Canal St. ? what if that same light shone on white handkerchiefs and bowed heads ? The answering drops might fall in the state-rooms of the Yulcan, but on deck bustle and excitement had their way. So went on the miles and the hours, then the pilot left the vessel, taking with him a little handful of letters ; and the passengers who had been down stairs to write were on deck, watching him off. In the city business rolled on with its closing tide, far down on the Long Branch shore peo- (330) SAY AND SEAL. 331 pie looked northward towards a dim outline, a little waft of smoke, and said "There goes the Vulcan." The fresh ening breeze, the long rolls of the Atlantic, sent some pas sengers below, even now, others stood gazing back at the faint city indications, others still walked up and down . those who had left little, or cared little for what they had left. Of these was Dr. Harrison, who paced the deck with very easy external manifestations. Some change of mind some freak of fancy, sent him at last to the other side of the ship then to the prow. Here sailors were busy, here one passenger stood alone : but if there had been twenty more, Dr. Harrison could have seen but this one. He was standing with arms folded, in a sort of immoveable position, that yet accommodated itself easily to the ship s slow courtseying; as regardless of that as of the soft play of the sea breeze; looking back but not to the place where the Vulcan had lain a few hours before. He was rather looking forward, looking off to some spot that lay north or northeast of them : some spot invisible, yet how clearly seen ! Looking thither, as if in all the horizon that alone had any interest. So ab sorbed so far from the ship, his lips set in such grave, sad lines; his eyes so intent, as if they could by no means look at anything else. Nay, for the time, there was noth ing else to see ! Dr. Harrison might come or go the sailors might do their utmost, far over the rolling water, conscious of that only because it was a barrier of separa tion, the watcher s eyes rested on Mignonette. If once <i)r twice the eyelids fell, it was not that the vision failed. Dr. Harrison stopped short, unseen, and not wishing at that moment to meet the consequences of being seen. Yet he stood still and looked. The first feeling being one of intense displeasure and disgust that the Vulcan carried so unwelcome a fellow-passenger; the second, of unbounded astonishment and wonder what he did there. He putting the ocean between him and Pattaquasset ? he setting out for the Old World, with all his hopes just blossoming in the New ? What could be the explanation ? Was it possi ble, Dr. Harrison asked himself for one moment, that he could have been mistaken ? that he could have misunder stood the issue of the conversation that morning in Faith s 332 SAY AND SEAL. sick room? A moment resolved him. He recalled the steady, dauntless look of Faith s eyes after his words, a look which he had two or three times been privileged to receive from her and never cared to meet; he remembered how daintily her colour rose as her eyes fell, and the slow deliberate uncovering of her diamond finger from which the eyes were not raised again to look at him ; he remem bered it with the embittered pang of the moment. No I he had not been mistaken ; he had read her right. Could it be it crossed the doctor s mind like a flash of the intens- est lightning that his letter had done its work? its work of separation ? But the cool reminder of reason came like the darkness after the lightning. Mr. Linden would not have been at Mrs. Derrick s, as the doctor had heard of his being there, if any entering wedge of division had made itself felt between his place there and him. No, though now he was here in the Vulcan. And Dr. Harrison no ticed anew, keenly, that the expression of the gazer s face, though sorrowful and grave, was in nowise dark or de sponding. Nothing of that ! The grave brow was unbent in every line of it; the grave lips had no hard set of pain ; the doctor read them well, both lips and brow ! Mr. Lin den was no man to stand and look towards Pattaquasset if he had nothing there. And with a twinge he now recol lected the unwonted sound of that name from the pilot s mouth as he took charge of the letters and went off. Ay ! and turning with the thought the doctor paced back again, as unregardful now of the contents of the Vulcan, animate or inanimate, as the man himself whom he had been watch ing. What should he do? he must meet him and speak to him, though the doctor desired nothing less in the whole broad earth. But he must do it, for the maintenance of his own character and the safety of his own secret and pride that hung thereby. That little piece of simplicity up there in the country had managed to say him no with out being directly asked to say anything thanks to her truthful honesty; and perhaps, a twinge or two of another sort came to Dr. Harrison s mind as he thought of his rela tions with her, yes, and of his relations with him. Not pleasant, but all the more, if possible, Dr. Harrison set hw SAY AND SEAL. 333 teetn and resolved to speak to Mr. Linden the first oppor tunity. All the more, that he was not certain Mr. Linden had received his letter, it was likely, yet Dr. Harrison had had no note of the fact. It might have failed. And not withstanding all the conclusions to which his meditations had come, curiosity lingered yet; a morbid curiosity, un reasonable, as he said to himself, yet uncontrollable, to see by eye and ear witness, even in actual speech and conver sation, whether all was well with Mr. Linden or not. His own power of self-possession Dr. Harrison could trust: he would try that of the other. Yet he took tolerably good care that the opportunity of speaking should not be this evening. The doctor did not come in to supper till all the passengers were seated, or nearly so, and then carried him self to the end of the apartment furthest from his friend; where he so bore his part that no mortal could have sup posed Dr. Harrison had suffered lately in mind, body, or estate. Mr. Linden s part that night was a quiet one, the volun tary part of it, and strictly confined to the various little tea-table courtesies which with him might indeed be called involuntary. But it so happened that the Vulcan carried out quite a knot of his former friends gentlemen who knew him well, and these from their various places at the table spoke either to him or of him frequently. Dr. Har rison in the pauses of his own talk could hear, "Linden" "Endecott Linden" "John, what have you been doing with yourself?" in different tones of question or comment, . sometimes caught the tones of Mr. Linden s voice in reply ; but as they were both on the same side of the table eyesight was not called for. The doctor sat in his place until the table was nearly cleared; then sauntered forth into the evening light. Fair; bright, glowing light, upon gay water and a gay deck-full ; but Dr. Harrison gaining nothing from its brightness, stood looking out on its reflec tion in the waves more gloomily than he had seen another look a little time ago. Then a hand was laid lightly on his shoulder, making its claim of acquaintanceship with a very kind, friendly touch. The doctor turned and met hand and eye with as far as could be seen his old manner, only perhaps his fingers released themselves a little sooner 334 SAY AND SEAL. than once they would, and the smile was a trifle more broad than it might if there had been no constraint about it. " I am not altogether taken now by surprise," said he, 11 though surprise hasn t yet quit its hold of me. I heard your name a little while ago. What are you doing here, Linden?" "Rocking in the cradle of business as well as of the deep," said Mr. Linden. " The last steamer brought word that I must sail by this, and so here I am." "Who rocks the cradle of business?" said the doctor, with the old comical lift of the eyebrows with which he used to begin a tilt with Mr. Linden. "Duty and Interest rock it between them, -singing of rest, and keeping one awake thereby." "A proper pair of nurses!" said the doctor. "Why man, they would tear the infant Business to pieces between them ! Unless one of them did as much for the other in time to prevent it." "Never unless Inclination took the place of Interest." "Don t make any difference," said the doctor; "Incli nation always follows the lead of Interest. Except in a few extraordinary specimens of human nature." Mr. Linden turned towards the scattered groups of pas sengers, and so doing his eye caught the shining of that very star which was rising over Pattaquasset as he and Mignonette rode home two nights before. Only two nights ! For a minute everything else might have been at the an tipodes then Mr. Linden brought at least his eyes back to the deck of the Vulcan. "What sort of a motley have we here, doctor? Do you know many of them?" "Yes " said the doctor slightly; "the usual combina tions of Interest and Inclination. I wonder if we are exceptions, Linden ?" " The usual combination is not, perhaps, just the best, it is a nice matter for a man to judge in his own case how far the proportions are rectified." "He can t do it. Human machinery can t do it. Can you measure the height of those waves while they dazzle your eyes with gold and purple as they do now ?" "Nay but I can tell how much they do or do not throw me out of my right course." SAY AND SEAL. 335 "What course are you on now, Linden?" said the doc tor with his old-fashioned assumption of carelessness, dis missing the subject. " Now ?" Mr. Linden repeated. " Do you mean in studies, travels, or conversation ?" "In conversation, you have as usual brought me to a point ! I mean if I mean anything, the other two ; but I mean nothing, unless you like." " I do like. Just now, then, I am in the vacation before the last year of my Seminary life, for the rest, I am OD my way to Germany." "Finish your course there, eh?" said the doctor. "Why man, I thought you had found the four azure chains long ago." " No, not to finish my course, if I am kept in Germany more than a few weeks, it will not be by azure chains," said Mr. Linden. "That it will not!" said one of the young men coming up, fresh from the tea-table and his cigar. "Azure chains ? pooh ! Linden breaks them as easy as Samson did the green withs. How biblical it makes one to be in company with such a theologian ! But I shouldn t wonder if he was going to Europe to join some order of friars he ll find nothing monastic enough for him in America." ".Mistaken your man, Motley !" said the doctor; who for reasons of his own did not choose to quit the conversation. "The worst / have to say of him is, that if he spends an other year in Germany his hearers will never be able to understand him !" "Mistaken him!" said Mr. Motley "at this time of day, that ll do! Where did you get acquainted with him, pray ?" "Once when I had the management of him," said the doctor coolly. " There is no way of becoming acquainted with a man, like that." "Once when you thought you had," said Mr. Motley. "Well, where was it? in a dark passage when you got to the door first ?" " Whenever I have had the misfortune to be in a dark passage with him, he has shewed me the door," said the 336 SAY AND SEAL. doctor gravely but gracefully, in his old fashion admirably maintained. "If one of you wasn t Endecott Linden," said Mr. Mot ley throwing the end of his cigar overboard, "I should think you had made acquaintance on a highway robbery." "Instead of which, it was in the peaceful town of Pat- taquasset," said Mr. Linden. "Permit me to request the reason of Mr. Motley s extraordinary guess," said the doctor. "So natural to say where you ve met a man if there s no reason against it," said the other coolly. "But you don t say it was in Pattaquasset, doctor ? Were you ever there ?" "Depends entirely on. the decision of certain questions in metaphysics," said the doctor. "As for instance, whether anything that is, is and the matter of personal identity, which you know is doubtful. I know the appearance of the place, Motley." "Are there any pretty girls there?" said Mr. Motley, carelessly, but keeping his eye rather on Mr. Linden than the doctor. "Mr. Linden can answer better than I," said Dr. Harri son, whose eye also turned that way, and whose tone changed somewhat in spite of himself. "There are none there that could not answer any question about Mr. Linden." "By the help of a powerful imagination," said the per son spoken of. Mr. Motley looked from one to the other. "I don t know what to make of either of you," he said. " Why doctor, Endecott Linden is a a mere I don t like to call him hard names, and I can t call him soft ones ! However to be sure the cat may look at the king, even if his majesty won t return the compliment. Well you and I were never thought hard-hearted, so I ll tell you my story. Did it ever happen or seem to happen, doctor that you, seeming to be in Pattaquasset, went not to church but along the road therefrom ? Preferring the exit to the entrance as you and I too often do ?" " It has seemed to happen to me," said Dr. Harrison, as if mechanically. " Well George Alcott and I do you know George ? no SAY AND SEAL. 337 great loss we were kept one Sunday in that respectable little town by a freshet. Whether it was one of those rains that bring down more things from the sky than water, I don t know, George declared it was. If it wasn t, we made discoveries." "If you and George both used your eyes, there must have been discoveries," said Mr. Linden. "Did you take notice how green the grass looked after the rain ? and that when the clouds were blown away the sun shone ?" "You re not all theology yet !" said Mr. Motley. "Be quiet can t you? I m not talking to you. We were sauntering down this same road, doctor after church, falling in with the people, so that we could see them and be taken for churchgoers. But there wasn t much to see. Then George declared that here was the place where Lin den had secluded himself for nobody knows what, then we fell naturally into lamenting the waste of such fine ma terial, and conned over various particulars of his former life and prospects the great promise of past years, the present melancholy mania to make money and be use ful. Upon which points George and I fought as usual. Then we grew tired of the subject and of the mud turned short about and beheld what do you suppose, doctor ?" "How far you had come for nothing?" "Imagine," said Mr. Motley, taking out a fresh cigar and a match and proceeding to put them to their respective uses, "Imagine the vision that appeared to Balaam s ass and how the ass felt." "Nay, that we cannot do," said Mr. Linden. "You tax us too far." " In both requisitions " added the doctor. "There stood," said Mr. Motley, removing his cigar and waving it gracefully in one hand. "There stood close behind us on the mud she could not have been in it an immortal creature, in mortal merino ! We transfixed, mute stepped aside right and left to let her pass, I be lieve George had presence of mind enough to take off his hat; and she severe in youthful beauty , glorious in youth ful blushes walked on, looking full at us as she went. But such a look ! and from such eyes ! fabulous eyes, doctor, upon my honour. Then we saw that the merino was only VOL. ii. 29 338 SAY AND SEAL. a disguise. Imagine a search warrant wrapped up in moonbeams imagine the blending of the softest sunset re flection with a keen lightning flash, and after all you have only words not those eyes. Linden ! seems to me your imagination serves you better here, your own eyes are worth looking at 1" "It has had more help from you," Mr. Linden said, con trolling the involuntary unbent play of eye and lip with which he had heard the description. "Well, George raved about them for a month," Mr. Motley went on, "and staid in Pattaquasset a whole week to see them again which he didn t; so he made up his mind that they had escaped in the train of events or of ears, and now seeks them through the world. Some day he will meet them in the possession of Mrs. Somebody . and then hang himself." And Mr. Motley puffed out clouds of smoke thereupon. "According to your account, he could not do better," said the doctor cynically. "I suppose the world would get on, if he did," said Mr. Motley with philosophical coolness. " But the queerity was," he added, removing the cigar once more, " what made her look at us so? Did she know by her supernatural vision that we had not been to church ? for I must say, Linden, she looked like one of your kind. Or were her unearthly ears charmed by the account of your unearthly perfections ? for George and I were doing the thing hand somely." "It was probably that," said Mr. Linden. "Few people, I think, can listen to your stories unmoved." "Hang it," said Mr. Motley, "I wish I could! This vixenish old craft is behaving with a great deal too much suavity to suit my notions. I don t care about making a reverence to every wave I meet if they re going to tower up at this rate. But I guess you re right, Linden the description of you can be made quite captivating and her cheeks glowed like damask roses with some sort of inspira tion. However, as George pathetically and poetically remarks, I only know she came and went ! the last part of which illustrious example I shall follow, SAY AND SEAL. 339 Linden, if any story don t move you, you re no better than the North Cape." " Can you stand it ?" asked the doctor suddenly of hia remaining companion. "Yes I have known Motley a long time." "Pshaw! no, I mean this wind." " 1 beg your pardon ! Yes for anything I have felt of it yet." "If you will excuse me, I will get something more on. I have come from a warmer part of the world lately." The doctor disappeared, and found something in another part of the boat to detain him. Dr. Harrison had stood one conversation, but he had no mind to stand a second. He did not think it necessary. If by any possibility he could have put himself on board of another steamer, or packet; or have leaped forward into France, or back into America ! he would have done it. But since he must see Mr. Linden from time to time in their present situation, he contrived that that should be all. Even that was as seldom and as little as possible; the art not to see, Dr. Harrison could practise to perfection, and did now ; so far as he could without rendering it too obvi ously a matter of his own will. That would not have suited his plans. So he saw his one-time friend as often as he must, and then was civil invariably, civil with the respect which was Dr. Harrison s highest degree of civility and which probably in this instance was true and heartfelt ; but he was cool, after his slight gay surface manner, and even when speaking kept at a distance. For the rest, it is notable, even in so small a space as the walls of a steamer shut in, how far apart people can be that have no wish to be near. Days passed that saw at the utmost only a bow exchanged between these two ; many days that heard but one or two words. Mr. Linden s own plans and occupa tions, the arrangement of his time, helped to further the doctor s wish. There was many an hour when Dr. Harrison would not have found him if he had tried, but when they were really together the non-intercourse was the doctor s fault. For all that had been, Mr. Linden was still hia friend, he realized more and more every day the value of 340 SAY AND SEAL. the prize for which Dr. Harrison had played and lost ; aud pity had made forgiveness easy. He was ready for all their old kindly intercourse, but seeing the doctor shunned him there was nothing to do but follow the lead. Some times indeed they came together for a few minutes were thrown so in a way that was worse than hours of talk. The Yulcan had made about half her passage, and a fair, fresh morning had brought most of the passengers on deck. Mr. Linden was not there, but the rest were grouped and watching the approach of a homeward bound steamer ; when as she neared them Mr. Linden too came on deck. It was to talk with the Captain however, not the passen gers or to consult with him, for the two stood together speaking and smiling. "You can try," Dr. Harrison heard the Captain say; and then he lifted his trumpet and hailed the other Captain responding. Still the steamer came on, nearer and nearer, still the two on the deck of the Yulcan stood side by side; till at a certain point, just where the vessels were at the nearest, Captain Cyclops gave his companion a little signal nod. And Mr. Linden stepping forward a pace or two, lent the whole power of his skill and strength to send a despatch on board the Polar Bear. The little packet sped from his hand, spinning through the air like a dark speck. Not a person spoke or moved Would it reach? would it fail? until the packet, just clearing the guards, fell safe on the deck of the other vessel, was picked up by her Captain and proclaimed through the speaking trumpet. Slightly raising his hat then, Mr. Lin den drew back from his forward position ; just as a shout of delighted acclaim burst from both the boats. "That went with a will, I tell you!" said Captain Cy clops with a little nod of his head. "I say, Linden !" spoke out one of the young men "is that your heart you sent home ?" "I feel it beating here yet," Mr. Linden answered. But just how much of it he carried back to his state-room for the next hour has never been ascertained. Society had no help from Dr. Harrison for more than that length of time. Neither could proximity nor anything else make him, visibly, aware of Mr. Linden s existence during the rest of the day. SAY AND SEAL. 341 Mr. Linden knew the doctor too well and it maybe said, knew Faith too well to be much surprised at that. If he could have spared Dr. Harrison the pain of seeing his little air-sent missive, he would have done it ; but the letter could go but at one time, and from one side of the ship and just there and then Dr. Harrison chose to be. But though the sort of growing estrangement which the doctor practised sprang from no wish nor feeling but his own, yet Mr. Linden found it hard to touch it in any way. Sometimes he tried sometimes he left it for Time s touch ing, which mends so many things. And slowly, and gently, that touch did work not by fading one feeling but by deepening another. Little as Dr. Harrison had to do with his friend, almost every one else in the ship had a good deal, and the place which Mr. Linden soon took in the admiration as well as the respect of the passengers, could not fail to come to the doctor s notice. Men of very careless life and opinions pruned their language in his presence, those who lived but for themselves, and took poor care of what they lived for, passed him reverently on some of his errands through the ship. Dr. Harrison had never lived with him before, and little as they saw each other, you could as well conceal the perfume of a hidden bunch of violets as welJ shut your senses to the spring air as could the doctor shut his to the beauty of that well-grown Christian character. The light of it shone, and the influence of it went forth through all the ship. "What a strange, incomprehensible, admirable fellow, Linden is !" said Mr. Motley one day when he and the doc tor were sunning themselves in profound laziness on deck. It was rather late Sunday afternoon, and the morning ser vice had left a sort of respectful quietness behind it. "He must be r said the doctor with a slight indescrib able expression, "if at this moment you can be roused to wonder at anything." Mr. Motley inclined his head with perfect suavity in honour of the doctor s words. " It s a glorious thing to lie here on deck and do nothing !" he said, extending his elegantly clad limbs rather more into the distance. "How fine the breeze is, doctor what d? you think of the day, as a whole ?" 29* 342 SAY AND SEAL. "Unfinished, at present, " Well " said Mr. Motley, "take that part of it which you with such precision term this moment , what do you think of it as it appears here on deck ?" "Sunny " said the doctor, "and we are flies. On the whole I think it s a bore, Motley." "What do you think of the Black Hole of Calcutta, in comparison ?" said Mr. Motley closing his eyes. " The difference is, that that would have been an insuffer able bore." Mr. Motley smiled stroking his chin with affectionate fingers. " On the whole," he said, " I think you re right in that position. What do you suppose Linden s about at this moment ?" "Is he your ward?" said the doctor. "He s down below " said Mr. Motley with a significant pointing of his train of remarks. "By which I don t mean ! that he s left this planet for truly, when he does I think it will be in a different direction ; but he s down in the steerage trying to get some of those creatures to follow him." "Which way?" "You and George Alcott have such a snappish thread in you!" said Mr. Motley yawning "only it sits better on George than it does on you. But I like it it rather excites me to be snubbed. However, here comes Linden so I hope they ll not follow him this way." This way Mr. Linden himself did not come, but chose another part of the deck for a somewhat prolonged walk in the Seabreeze. The doctor glanced towards him, then moved his chair slightly, so as to put the walker out of his range of vision. "He s a good fellow enough," he remarked carelessly. "You were pleased to speak of him just now as incompre hensible may I ask how he has earned a title to tliat ?" The tone was a little slighting. "Take the last instance "said Mr. Motley, "you yourself were pleased to pronounce the steerage a more insufferable bore than the deck yet he chooses it, and not only on Sundays. I don t believe there s a day that he don t go down there. He s popular enough without it SAY AND SEAL. , 343 Hisn t that. And nobody knows it one of the sailors told me. If he was a medico, like you, doctor, there d be less wonder but as it is ! " and Mr. Motley resigned himself again to the influence of the sunshine. A moment s medi tation on the doctor s part, to judge by his face, was delect able. " There isn t any sickness down there ?" he said then. Always is in the steerage isn t there?" said Mr. Mot ley, "I don t knowl the surgeon can tell you." "There s no occasion, " said the doctor with a little haughtiness. "He knows who I am." And Dr. Harrison too resigned himself, apparently, to the sunny influences of the time and was silent. But as the sun went down lower and lower, Mr. Motley roused himself up and went off to try the effect upon his spirits of a little cheerful society, then Mr. Linden came and took the vacant chair. "How beautiful it is!" he said, in a tone that was half greeting, half meditation. The start with which Dr. Har rison heard him was skilfully transformed into a natural change of position. "Beautiful? yes," said he. "Has the beauty driven Motley away ?" "He is gone. Your waves are very dazzling to-night, doctor." "They are helping us on," said the doctor looking at them. "We shall be in after two days more if this holds." Helping us on perhaps the thought was not unqualified in Mr. Linden s mind, for he considered that or something else in grave silence for a minute or two. "Dr. Harrison," he said suddenly, "you asked me about my course I wish you would tell me yours. Towards what for what. You bade me call myself a friend may I use a friend s privilege?" He spoke with a grave, frank earnestness. The doctor s face shewed but a small part of the aston ishment which this speech raised. It shewed a little. " I can be but flattered ! " he said with something of the old graceful medium between play and earnest. " You ask me what I am hardly wise enough to answer you. I 344 SAY AND SEAL. am going to Paris, and you to Germany. After that, I really know about as much of one course as of the other." "My question referred, not to the little daily revolutions, but to the great life orbit. Harrison, what is yours to be ?" Evidently it was an uneasy question. Yet the power of influence or of associations was such that Dr. Harrison did not fling it away. "I remember," he said, not without some bitterness of accent "you once did me the honour to profess to care." "I do care, very much." And one of the old looks, that Dr. Harrison well remembered said the words were true. "You do me more honour than I do myself," he said, not so lightly as he meant to say it. " I do not care. I see nothing to care for." "You refuse to see it " Mr. Linden said gently and sorrowfully. Dr. Harrison s brow darkened it might be with pain, for Mr. Linden s words were the echo of others he had listened to not long ago. In a moment he turned and spoke with an impulse of bravado ? Perhaps he eould not have defined, and his companion could not trace. " I refuse to see nothing ! but I confess to you I see nothing distinctly. What sort of an orbit would you propose to me ?" The tone sounded frank, and certainly was not unkind. Mr. Linden s answer was in few words " To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life ." Dr. Harrison remained a little while with knitted brow looking down at his hands, which certainly were in an order to need no examination. Neither was he examining them. When he looked up again it was with the frankness and kindliness both more defined. Perhaps, very strange to his spirit, a little shame was at work there. "Linden," he said, "I believe in you ! and if ever I enter upon an orbit of any sort, I ll take up yours. But " said he relapsing into his light tone, perhaps of intent, "you know two forces are necessary to keep a body going in one and I assure you there is none, of any sort, at present at work upon me !" SAY AND SEAL. 345 "You are mistaken," said Mr. Linden, "there are two." "Let s hear " said the doctor without looking at him. "In the first place your conscience, in the second your will." "You have heard of such things as both getting stagnant for want of use haven t you ?" "I have heard of the one being half choked by the other," said Mr. Linden: "It s so warm this afternoon that I can t contradict you. What do you want me to do, Linden ?" "Let conscience do its work and then you do yours. 1 A minute s silence. "You do me honour, to believe I have such a thing as a conscience," said the doctor again a little bitterly. "I didn t use to think it, myself." He was unaware that it was that very ignored principle which had forced him to make this speech. "My dear friend " Mr. Linden began, and he too paused, looking off gravely towards the brightening hori zon. "Then do yourself the honour to let conscience have fair play," he went on presently, "it is too delicate a stream to bear the mountain torrents of unchecked will and keep its clearness." "Hum ! there s ho system of drainage that ever I heard of that will apply up in those regions !" said the doctor, after again a second s delay to speak. "And you are doing my will too much honour now I tell you it is in a state of stagnation, and I don t at present see any precipice to tumble down. When I do, I ll promise to think of yon if that thought isn t carried away -too. Come, Linden!" he said with more expression of kindliness than Mr. Linden had seen certainly during all the voyage before, " I be lieve in you, and I will ! though I suppose my words do seem to you no better than the very spray of those torrents you are talking about. Will you walk ? Motley put me to sleep, but you have done one good thing you have stirred me to desire action at least." It was curious, how the power of character, the power of influence, had borne down passion and jealousy even smothered mortification and pride and made the man of the world speak truth. Mr. Linden rose yet did not im- 346 SAY AND SEAL. mediately begin the walk; for laying one hand on the doc tor s shoulder with a gesture that spoke both regard and sorrow and entreaty, he stood silently looking off at the colours in the west. "Dr. Harrison," he said, "I well believe that your mother and mine are dear friends in heaven God grant that we may be, too !" Then they both turned, and together began their walk. It lasted till they were summoned to tea; and from that time till they got in there was no more avoidance of his old friend by the doctor. His manner was changed ; if he did not find enjoyment in Mr. Linden s society he found somewhat else which had value for him. There was not again a shade of dislike or of repulsion; and when they parted on landing, though it might be that there lay in Dr. Harrison s secret heart a hope that he might never see Mr. Linden again, there lay with it also, as surely, a secret regret. Now all that Faith knew of this for a long time, was from a newspaper; where among a crowd of unimportant passengers in the Yulcan s list she read the names of Dr. Harrison and J. E. Linden. CHAPTER XXIX. TT^AITH and her mother sat alone at breakfast. About a fortnight of grave quiet had followed after the joy ous month that went before, with little enlivening, few in terruptions. Without, the season had bloomed into greater luxuriance, within, the flowers now rarely came ; and Faith s flowerless dress and belt and hair, said of them selves that Mr. Linden was away. Roses indeed peeped through the windows, and thrust their heads between the blinds, but no one invited them in. Not so peremptorily as the roses and yet with more assurance of welcome Reuben Taylor knocked at the door during breakfast time ; scattering the abstract musings that floated about the coffee-pot and mingled with its vapoury cloud. "Sit down, Reuben," said Faith jumping up; "there s a place for you, arid I ll give you a plate." To which Reuben only replied, "A letter, Miss Faith !" and putting it in her hands went off with quick steps. On the back of it was written, up in one corner "Flung on board the Polar Bear, by a strong hand, from steamship Vulcan, half way across." There was no need of flowers now truly in the house, for Faith stood by the table transformed into a rose of summer joy. " Mother 1" she exclaimed, "It s from sea half way across." "From sea! half way across " her mother repeated. "Why child, what are you talking about? You don t mean that Mr. Linden s contrived to make a letter swim back here already, do you ?" Faith hardly heard. A minute she stood, with her eyes very like what Mr. Motley had graphically described them to be, breaking the seal with hurried fingers, and then ran away. The breakfast table and Mrs. Derrick waited they waited a long time before Faith came back to eat a cold (347) 348 SAY AND SEAL. breakfast, which tasted of nothing but sea-breezes and was therefore very strengthening. The strengthening effect went through the day ; there was a fresh colour in Faith s face. Fifty times at least the "moonbeams" of her eyes saw a "strong hand" throw her packet across the sea waves that separated the two steamers ; the master of the "Polar Bear" might guess, but Faith knew, that a strong heart had done it as well. And when her work was over Faith put a rose in her belt in honour of the day, and sat down to her books, very happy. The books were engrossing, and it was later than usual when she came down stairs to get tea, but Mrs. Derrick was out. That wasn t very strange. Faith went through the little routine of preparation, then she took another book and sat down by the sweet summer air of the open window to wait. By and by Mrs. Derrick came slowly down the road, opened and shut the gate with the same air of abstracted deliberateness, and came up the steps looking tired and flushed. In the porch Faith met and kissed her. "Where have you been now, mother? tea s ready." "Pretty child!" was Mrs. Derrick s answer, "how glad I am you got that letter this morning 1" Faith smiled ; she didn t forget it, but it was not to be expected that it should be quite so present to Mrs. Der rick s mind. Yet almost at the same instant she felt that her mother had some particular reason for saying that just then. "Where have you been, mother?" "Up to Squire Stoutenburgh s," said Mrs. Derrick, put ting herself wearily in the rocking-chair, "and they were all out gone to Pequot to spend the day. So I lost my labour. " Gently Faith stood before her and took off her bonnet. "What did you go there for, mother?" "I wanted to see him " said Mrs. Derrick. "Squire Deacon s been here, Faith." " Mother ! Is he back again ? What for ?" " Settle here and live, I suppose. He s married that s one thing. What was he here for ? why the old story, Faith, he wants the place." And Mrs. Derrick ^ eyes looked as if she wanted it too. SAY AND SEAL. 349 "Does he want it very much, mother?" "Means to have it, child and I don t feel as if I could live in any other house in Pattaquasset. So I thought maybe Mr. Stoutenburgh would make him hold off till next year, Faith," said Mrs^ Derrick, a little smile coming back to her lips. "I guess I ll go up again after tea." Faith coaxed her mother into the other room and gave her her tea daintily ; revolving in her mind the while many things. When tea was over and Mrs. Derrick was again bent upon business, Faith ventured a question. "Mother, what do you suppose Squire Stoutenburgh can do to help us?" " 1 can t tell, child, he might talk Sam Deacon into let ting us keep the house, at least. We ve got to live some where, you know, Faith. It s no sort of use for me to talk to him, he s as stiff as a crab tree and I aint. I think I ll try." "To-night, mother?" "I thought 1 would." Faith hesitated, putting the cups together. "Mother, I ll go. I dare say I shall do as well." "I m afraid you re tired too, pretty child," said Mrs. Der rick, but with evident relief at the very idea. "I tired ? Never," said Faith. "You rest, mother and don t fear," she added, kissing her. "I ll put on my bonnet and be there and back again in a little while." The summer twilight was falling grey, but Faith knew she Could have a guardian to come home; and besides the road between the two houses was thickly built up and per fectly safe. The evening glow was almost gone, the stars faintly gleaming out in the blue above ; a gentle sea breeze stirred the branches and went along with Faith on her errand. Now was this errand grievously unpleasing to Faith, simply because of the implication of that one year of reprieve which she must ask for. How should she manage it ? But her way was clear ; she must manage it as she could. Spite of this bugbear, she had gone with a light free step all along her road, walking rather quick; for other thoughts had kept her company, and the image of her little flying packet shot once and again through her mind. At length she came to Mr. Stoutenburgh s gate, and Faith s VOL. II. 30 350 SAY AND SEAL. foot paused. Light shone through the muslin curtains ; and as her step neared the front door the broken sounds of voices and laughter came unwelcomely through. A most unnecessary formality her knock was, but one of the chil dren came to the door and ushered her at once into the tearoom, where the family were waiting for their late tea. Mrs. Stoutenburgh looking very pretty in her light sum mer dress was half reclining on the sofa, professing that she was tired to death, but quite failing to excite any sym pathy thereby in the group of children who had not seen her since morning. The Squire himself walked leisurely up and down, with his hands behind him, sometimes laugh ing at the children sometimes helping on their play. Through the room was the full perfume of roses, and the lamplight c*ould not yet hide the departing glow of the western hori zon. Into this. group and atmosphere little Linda brought the guest, with the simple announcement, "Mother, it s Miss Faith." " Miss Faith I" Mrs. Stoutenburgh exclaimed, starting up and dispersing the young ones, "Linda, you shall have a lump of sugar ! My dear other child, how do you do ? and what sweet corner of your little heart sent you up here to-night? You have not no, that can t be, and you wouldn t come here if you had. But dear Faith, how are you ?" and she was rescued from the Squire and carried off to the sofa to answer at her leisure. With a -sort of blushing, steadfast grace, which was common with her in the company of friends who were in her secret, Faith answered. "And you haven t had tea yet," she said remorsefully. "I came to give Mr. Stoutenburgh some trouble but I can do it in three minutes." Faith looked towards the Squire. "My dear," he said, "it would take you three years !" "But Faith," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh "here comes the tea, and you can t go home without Mr. Stoutenburgh, and nothing qualifies him for business like a contented state of his appetite !" Faith laughed and sat down again, and then was fain upon persuasion to take a place at the table, which was a joyous scene enough. Faith did little but fill a place ; her mind was busy with thoughts that began to come pressincrly ; ihe tried not ti have it seem so. SAY AND SEAL. 351 "My dear," said the Squire as he helped Faith to rasp berries, " what fine weather we have had, eh ?" "Beautiful weather!" Faith responded with a little energy. " Papa," said one of the children, "do you think Mr. Lin den s had it fine too?" "What tangents children s minds go off in !" observed Mrs. Stoutenburgh. " Faith ! don t eat your raspberries without sugar, how impatient you are. You used to preach patience to me when I was sick." "I can be very patient, with these raspberries and no sugar," said Faith, wishing she could hide the bloom of her cheeks as easily as she hid that of the berries under the fine white shower. "Poor child I" said her friend gently, "I think you have need of all your patience." And her hands came softly about Faith s plate, removing encumbrances and adding dainties, with a sort of mute sympathy that at the moment could find no more etherial channel. "Mr. Stoutenburgh drove down to Quapaw the other day," she went on in a low voice, "to ask those fishing people what indications our land weather gave of the weather at sea; and he couldn t half tell me about his visit when he came home," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh, breaking short off in her account. "Linda, go get that glass of white roses and set it by Miss Faith, maybe she ll take them home with her." Faith looked at the white roses and smelled their sweet ness;" and then she said, "Who did you see, Mr. Stouten burgh ? down at Quapaw ?" "None of the men, my dear they were all away, but I saw half the rest of the village ; and even the children knew what report the men had brought in, and what they thought of the weather. Everybody had a good word to say about it, Miss Faith; and everybody I do believe!" said the Squire reverently, "had been on their knees to pray for it. Jonathan Ling s wife said that was all they could ever do for him." Which pronoun, be it understood, did not refer to Jonathan Ling. "They re Mr. Linden s roses, Miss Faith," said little Linda, who stood waiting for more marked admiration, "do you like them ? He always did." 352 SAY AND SEAL. FaHh kissed the child, partly to thank her and to stop her lips, partly to hide her own which she felt were tale- telling. "Where did you get the roses, Linda?" " off the bush in the garden. But Mr. Linden always picked one whenever he came, and sometimes he d stop on his way to school, and just open the gate and get one of these white roses and then go away again. So we called it Mr. Linden s bush." Faith endeavoured to attend to her raspberries after this. When tea was over she was carried off into the drawing-room and the children were kept out. "If you want me away too, Faith," Mrs. Stoutenburgh said as she arranged the lamp and the curtains, "I ll go." "I don t want you to go, ma am." And then covering her trepidation under the simplest of grave exteriors, Faith spoke to the point. "It is mother s business. Squire Dea con has come home, Mr. Stoutenburgh." "My dear," said the Squire, "I know he has. I heard it just before you came in. But he s married, Miss Faith." "That don t content him," said Faith, "for he wants our farm." "Rascal!" said Mr. Stoutenburgh in an emphatic under tone, "the old claim, I suppose. What s the state of it DOW, my dear? " "Nothing new, sir ; he has a right to it, I suppose. The mortgage is owing, and we haven t been able to pay any thing but the interest, and that must be a small rent for the. farm." Faith paused. Mrs. Stoutenburgh was silent; look ing from one to the other anxiously, the Squire himself was not very intelligible. " Yes" he said, " of course. Your poor father only lived to make the second payment. I don t know why I call him poor he s rich enough now. But Sarn Deacon I a small rent? too much for him to get, and too little. Why my dear!" he said suddenly sitting up straight and facing round upon Faith, "I thought What does your mother axpect to do, Miss Faith ? has she seen Sam ? What does hn say ?" :< He came to see her this afternoon, sir he is bent upon having the place, mother says. And she don t like to leave the old house," Faith said slowly. " He will take the SAY AND SEAL. 353 farm, I suppose, but mother thought, perhaps, sir if you would speak to Mr. Deacon, he would let us stay in the house only the house without anything else for another year. Mother wished it I don t know that your speaking to him could do any good." Faith went straight through, but the rosy colour sprung and grew till its crimson reached her forehead. Xot the less she went clearly through with what she had to say, her eyes only at the last words droop ing. Mr. Stoutenburgh rose up with great energy and stood before her. " My dear," he said, "he shall do it ! If it was any other man I d promise to make him do more, but Sam always must have some way of amusing himself, and I m afraid I can t make this as expensive as the last one he tried. You tell your mother, Miss Faith, that she shall stay in her house till she d rather go to yours. I hope that won t be more than a year, but if it is she shall stay." " That s good, Mr. Stoutenburgh 1" said his wife with a little clap of her hands. Whether Faith thought it was good might be a ques tion ; her eyes fell further, she did not offer to thank Mr. Stoutenburgh for his energetic kindness, nor to say any thing. Yet Faith had seemingly more to say, for she made no motion to go. She sat quite still a few minutes, till raising her eyes fully to Mr. Stoutenburgh s face she said gravely, " Mother will feel very glad when I tell her that sir." " She may make herself easy But tell her, my dear," said the Squire, again forgetting in his earnestness what ground he was on, "tell her she s on no account to tell Sam why she wants to stay. Will you recollect that, Miss Faith?" Faith s eyes opened slightly. "I think he must know or guess it, Mr. Stoutenburgh? Mother says she could hardly bear to live in any other house in Pattaquasset." "My dear Miss Faith I" said Mr. Stoutenburgh, "I mean ! why she don t want to stay any longer. That s what Sam mustn t know. I m very stupid about my words, always. " Faith was again obliged to wait a few minutes before she could go on. Mrs. Stoutenburgh was the first to speak, 30* 354 SAY AND SEAL. for the Squire walked up and down, no doubt (mentally; .attacking Mr. Deacon. " I m so glad !" she said, with the old dance of her eyes and yet a little sigh too. " So glad and so happy, that I could cry, I know I shall when the time comes. Dear Faith, do you feel quite easy about this other business now?" "What, ma am? about Mr. Deacon?" "Why yes!" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh laughing, "isn t that the only one you ve been uneasy about?" "I am not uneasy now," said Faith. "But Mr. Stout enburgh if Mr. Deacon takes the farm back again, whom does the hay belong to, and the cattle, and the tools and farm things ?" "All that s on the land all that s growing on it, goes with it. All that s under cover and moveable belongs to you." "Then the hay in the barn is ours?" "Everything in the barn." "There s a good deal in the barn," said Faith with a brightening face. "You know the season has been early, sir, and our hay -fields lie well to the sun ; and a great deal of the hay is in. Mr. Deacon will want some rent for the house I suppose, and I guess there will be hay enough to pay it, whatever it is. For I can t sell my cows ! " she added laughing a little. Her two friends the Squire on the floor and his wife on the sofa looked at her and then at each other. "My dear," the Squire began, "I want to ask you a question. And before I do, let me tell you which per haps you don t know just what right I" "Oh Mr. Stoutenburgh!" cried his wife, "do please hush ! you ll say something dreadful." "Not a bit of it " said the Squire, "I know what to say this time, my dear, and when to stop. I wanted to tell you, Miss Faith, that I am your regularly appointed guar dian therefore if I ask questions you will understand why. " But what more on that subject the Squire might have said, and said not, was left to conjecture. Faith looked at him, wondering, colouring, doubting. "I never heard of it before, sir," she said. SAY AND SEAL. 355 "You shouldn t say regularly, Mr. Stoutenburgh," said his wife, " Faith will think she is to be under your control. " " 1 shouldn t say legally," said the Squire, "and I didn t No she aint under ray control. I only mean, Miss Faith," he said turning to her, "that I am appointed to look after your interests, till somebody who is better qualified comes to do it." " There Mr. Stoutenburgh, don t go any further," said his wife. "Not in that direction," said the Squire. "Now my dear, if Sam Deacon will amuse himself in this way, as I said, what will you do ? Do the farm and the house about counterbalance each other most years ?" Faith never knew how she separated the two parts of her nature enough at this moment to be practical, but she answered. " We have been able to pay the interest on the mortgage, sir, every year. That s all. Mother has not laid up anything." The Squire took a turn or two up ajid down the room, then came and stood before her again. " My dear," he said, "you can t tell just yet what your plans will be, so I won t ask you to-night, but you had better let me deal with Sam Deacon, and the new tenant, and the hay, and every thing else. And you may draw upon me for something more solid, to any amount you please." "Something more solid than yourself! Mr. Stouten burgh !" his wife said, though -her eyes were bright with more than one feeling. Faith was silent a minute, and then gave Mr. Stouten burgh a full view of those steady eyes that some people liked and some did not care just so to meet. "No, sir! " she said with a smile and also a little wist ful look of the gratitude she did not speak, "if the hay will pay the rent, I don t want anything else. Mother and I can do very well. We will be very much obliged to you to manage Mr. Deacon for us and the hay. I think I can manage the rest. I shall keep the cows and make butter/ she said with a laughing flash of the eye. "O delicious!" cried Mrs, Stoutenburgh, "(I mean the butter, Faith) but will you let me have it ?" "You don t want it," said Faith. 356 SAY AND SEAL. "I do! nobody makes such butter I should eat my breakfast with a new appetite, and so would Sam. We never can get butter enough when he s in the house. I ll send down for it three times a week how often do you churn, Faith ?" Faith came close up to her and kissed her as she whis pered laughingly, "Every day!" Then I ll send every day!" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh clapping her hands. "And then I shall hear of you once in a while. Ungrateful child, you haven t been here before since I suppose it won t do to say when," she added, kiss ing Faith on both cheeks. " I shall tell Mr. Linden it is not benevolent to pet you so much." "But my dear my dear " said the Squire from one to the other. "Well, well, I ll talk to you another time, Miss Faith, I can t keep up with more than one lady at once. You and Mrs. Stoutenburgh have gone on clean ahead of me." " What s the matter, Mr. Stoutenburgh ?" said Faith. " I would like to hear it now, for there is something I want settled." "What s that?" said the Squire. "Will you please go on, sir?" "I guess I ll hear you first," said the Squire. "You seem to know just what you want to say, Miss Faith, and I m not sure that I do." " You said we had gone on ahead of you, sir. Shall we go back now?" "Why my dear," said the Squire smiling, "I thought you two were settling up accounts and arrangements rather fast, that s all. If they are the beginning and end, that s very well ; but if they re only premonitory symptoms, that again s different." "And not very well ?" said Faith, waiting. "Not very," said Mr. Stoutenburgh shaking his head. "How should it be better, sir?" "My dear, -in general, what is needless can be spared." "I don t know what I am going to do, Mr. Stouten burgh. I am going to do nothing needless, not wilfully needless. But I am going to do it without help." She stood before him, with perfect gentleness but with as clsar SAY AND SExVL. 357 determination in both look and manner, making her mean ing known. Mrs. Stoutenburgh laughed, the Squire stood looking at her in a smiling perplexity. Finally went straight to the point. "Miss Faith, it is doubly needless that you should do anything more than you ve been doing everybody knows that s enough. In the first place, my dear, you are your father s child and that s all that need be said, till my purse has a hole at both ends. In the next place shall I tell her what she is in the next place, Mrs. Stoutenburgh ?" "I fancy she knows," said his wife demurely. " Well," said the Squire, "the next place is the first place, after all, and I haven t the right to do much but take care of her. But my dear, I have it under hand and seal to take better care than that." Than what, sir?" said Faith with very deep colour, but unchanged bearing. "I don t know yet," said Mr. Stoutenburgh, "any more than you know what you are going to do. Than to let you do anything that would grieve your dear friend and mine. If I could shew you the letter you d understand, Miss Faith, but I m not good at repeating. To take care of you as lie would that was part of it. And because I can t half carry out such instructions, is no sign I shouldn t do it a quarter." And the Squire stood as firm on his ground as Faith on hers. No, not quite ; for in her absolute gentleness there was a power of intent expressed, which rougher outlines could but give with less emphasis. The blood spoke for her eloquently before Faith could find any sort of words to speak for her self, brought now by more feelings than one ; yet still she stood before the Squire, drooping her head a little, a soft statue of immoveability. Only once, just before she spoke, both Faith s hands went up to her brow to push the hair back ; a most unusual gesture of agitation. But her look and her words were after the same steady fashion as before, aggravated by a little wicked smile, and Faith s voice sounded for sweetness like silver bells. "You can t do it, Mr. Stoutenburgh! not that way. Take care of me every other way ; but I ll not have of that sort -a bit of help. " 358 SAY AND SEAL. The Squire looked at her with a mixture of amusement and perplexity. "Pin to follow suit " he said, "but then I don t just know what Mr. Linden would do in such a case ! Can you tell me, Miss Faith ?" "It is no matter it would not make any difference." "What would not?" said the Squire innocently. "Anything that he could do, sir ; so you have no chance." She coloured gloriously, but she smiled at him too with her last words. Well, Miss Faith," said Mr. Stoutenburgh, "I have my doubts as to the correctness of that first statement; but I ll tell you what / shall do, my refractory young lady. If you set about anything outside the limits, I ll do my best to thwart you, there !" If Faith was not a match for him, there was no meaning in the laugh of her dark eye. But she only bade Mrs. Stoutenburgh an affectionate good night, took her bunch of white roses and Mr. Stoutenburgh s arm and set out to go home. CHAPTER XXX. FAITH put her roses in water and listened half a minute to their strange silent messages. But after that she did a great deal of thinking. If all went well, and Mr. Linden got home safe from abroad, and this year were all she had to take care for, it was a very little matter to keep the year afloat, and very little matter, in her estimation, whatever she might have to do for the purpose. But those "ifs" no mortal could answer for. Faith did not look much at that truth, but she acted upon it; prayed over her thoughts and brought her plans into shape in very humble consciousness of it. And at the early breakfast the next morning she began to unfold them; which as Mrs. Derrick did not like them, led on to a long talk; but Faith as usual had her way. After some preliminary arrangements, and late in the day, she set off upon a long walk to Miss Bezac s. The slant beams of the summer sun were again upon the trim little house as Faith came up towards it. Things were changed since she was there before ! changed a good deaf from the gay, joy&us playtime of that visit. Mr. Linden in Europe, and she "It is very well," thought Faith; "it might not have been good for me to have too much of such a lime Next year" Would if it brought joy, bring also an entering upon real life-work. Faith knew it; she had realized long before with a thought of pain, that this summons to Europe had perhaps cut short her last time of absolute holiday pleasure. Mr. Linden could hardly now be more than a few days in Pat- taquasset before "next year" should come and Faith did not stop to look at that; she never thought of it three minutes together. But life-work looked to her lovely; what did not? Even the little pathway to Miss Bezac s door was pleasant. She was secretly glad of that other visit now, which had made this one so easy; though yet a sympathetic blush started as she went in. (359) 360 SAY AND SEAL. "Why Faith !" said Miss Bezac,-^" you re the very per son I was thinking of, and the very one I wanted to see ! though I always do want to see you, for that matter, and don t often get what I want. Then I don t generally want much. But what a beautiful visit we had last time! Do you know I ve been conjuring ever since how your dress should be made ? What ll it be, to begin with ? I always do like to begin with that and it s bothered me a good deal not knowing it, I mean. I couldn t arrange so well about the making. Because making white satin s one thing, and muslin s another, and lace is different from em both and indeed from most other things except spider s webs." All which pleasant and composing sentiments were uttered while Miss Bezac was clearing a chair for Faith, and put ting her in it, and laying her various pieces of work together. "I shouldn t be the least bit of help to you," said Faith who couldn t help laughing. " Can t it wait ?" "Why it ll have to," said Miss Bezac; "he said it must, but that s no reason I should. I always like a reason for everything. It took me an age and a quarter to find out why Miss Essie De Staff always will wear aprons. She wears em out, too, in more ways than one, but that s good for me. Only there s so many ways of making them that I get in a puzzle. Now this one, Faith would you work it with red flowers or green ? I said black, but she will have colours. You ve got a good colour to-day don t you want some bread and milk /" said Miss Bezac, dropping the apron. " No, thank you 1" said Faith laughing again, "not to day. I should work that with green, Miss Bezac." "But I m afraid green won t do, with black above and black below," said Miss Bezac. "Two sides to things you know, Faith, aprons and all the rest. I d a great mind to work it with both, and then she couldn t say she d rather have had tother. What things I have worked in my day ! but my day s twilight now, and my eyes find it out." "Do you have more to do than you can manage, gen erally ?" said Faith. " Why no, child, because I never take any more, that s ihe way not to have things troubles or aprons. I could SAY AND 8EAL. 361 have my hands full of both, but what s the use ? when one hasn t eyes for sewing or crying. Mrs. Stoutenburgh comes, and Mrs. Somers, and Miss Essie and the land lord, and sometimes I let em leave me a job, and sometimes I don t, send em, dresses, and all, off to Quilipeak." " Then I ll tell you what you shall give me to-day in stead of bread and milk; some of the work that you would send off. Don t you remember," said Faith, smiling quietly at Miss Bezac s eyes, "you once promised to teach me to embroider waistcoats ?" "Why yes!" said Miss Bezac "and so I will. But, my dear, are you sure he would wear it? and after all, isn t it likely he ll get everything of that sort he wants, in Paris ? And then the size 1 who s to tell what that should be ? To be sure you could do the fronts, and have them made up afterwards and of course he would wear any thing you made. I ll go right off and get my patterns." Faith s confusion was startled. It was Miss Bezac s turn to look at her. She caught hold of the seamstress and brought her back to listening at least. " Stop ! Miss Bezac 1 you don t understand me. I want work ! I want work. I am not talking of making anything for anybody ! " Faith s eyes were truthful now, if ever they were. "Well then how can you work, if you won t make any thing for anybody ? Want work, Faith ? you don t mean to say all that story about Sarn Deacon s true? Do you know," said Miss Bezac, dropping into a chair and folding her hands, "when I heard that man had gone out of town, I said to myself, it would be a mercy if he never came back!" which was the severest censure Miss Bezac ever passed upon anybody. "I really did," she went on, "and now he s come, and I s pose I ve got to say that s a mercy too and this, though I wouldn t believe it last night." "Then you have heard it?" "My ears did, and they re pretty good ears too, though f do get out of patience with them now and then." "It s true," said Faith, "and it s nothing very dreadful. Mother and I have nothing to live upon but what I can make by butter ; so I thought I would learn and take work VOL. II. 81 362 SAY AND SEAL. of you, if you had it for me. I could soon understand it ; and then you can let people bring you as much as they wilr what you cannot do, I will do. I could think of nothing so pleasant; no way to make money, I mean. /; For a minute Miss Bezac sat quite still, then she roused up. "Nothing to live upon but butter!" she said, "well that s not much, at least if there s ever so much of it you want something else. And what you want yoa must have if you can get it. And I can get you plenty of work and it s a good thing to understand this sort of work too, for he might carry you off to some random place where they wear calico just as they can put it on and that wouldn t suit you, nor him neither. I don t believe this ll suit him though and it don t me, not a bit. I m as proud as a Lucifer match for anybody I love. But 1 (1 make you proud of your work in no time. What ll you d ? tirst? em broider or stitch or cut out or baste or fit ?" "What you please what you think best But Miss Bezac, what are you proud about ?" "O I ve my ways and means, like other folks, 1 said Miss Bezac. "And you can do something more striking than aprons for people that don t need em. But I m not going to give you this apron, Faith I sha n t have her wearing your work all round town, and none the wiser. See this is nice and light and pretty like the baby it s for, you like green, don t you? and so will your eyes." "I d as lieve have Miss Essie wear my work as eat my butter," said Faith. "But," she added more gravely, "I think that what God gives me to do, I ought to be proud to do, and I am sure I am willing. He knows best." ".Yes, yes, my dear I believe that, and so I do most things you say," answered Miss Bezac, bringing forth from the closet a little roll of green calico. "Now do you like this? because if you don t, say so." "I ll take this," said Faith, "and the next time I ll take the apron. I must do just as much as I can, Miss Bezac ; and you must let me. Would you rather have the apron done first? I want Miss Essie s apron, Miss Bezac !" "Well you can t have it," said Miss Bezac, "and what you can t, you can t^ all the world over. Begin slow and SAY AND SEAL. 363 go on fast that s the best way. And I ll take the best care of you ! lay you up in lavender, like my work when it s done and isn t gone home." So laughingly they parted, and Faith went home with her little bundle of work, well contented. A very few days had seen the household retrenchments made. Cindy was gone, and Mr. Skip was only waiting for a boy to come. Mother and daughter drew their various tools and conveniences into one room and the kitchen, down stairs, to have the less to take care of; abandoning the old eating-room except as a passage-way to the kitchen ; and taking their meals, for greater conve nience, in the latter apartment. Faith did not shut up her books without some great twinges of pain; but she said not one word on the matter. She bestowed on her stitching and on her housework and on her butter the diligent zeal which used to go into French rules and philosophy. But Mrs. Stoutenburgh had reckoned without her host, for there was a great deal more of the butter than she could possibly dispose of; and Judge Har rison s family and Miss De Staff s became joint consumers and paid the highest price for it, that Faith would take. But this is running ahead of the story. Some days after Faith s appeal to Mr. Stoutenburgh had passed, before the Squire presented himself to report progress. He found both the ladies at work in the sitting- room, looking very much as usual, except that there was a certain not inelegant disposition of various pieces of muslin and silk and ribbon about the room which carried the appearance of business. "What rent will Mr. Deacon have, Mr. Stoutenburgh ?" said Faith looking up from her needle. "My dear, he ll have what he can get," said the Squire, "but what thaV\\. be, Miss Faith, he and 1 haven t just made up our minds." " How much ought it to be, sir, do you think ?" "Nothing at all," said the Squire, "not a cent." " Do you think not, sir ?" said Faith doubtfully. "Not a cent!" the Squire repeated, "and I told him so, and said he might throw the barn into the bargain and not hurt himself." 364 SAY AND SEAL. "Will he agree to that, Mr. Stoutenburgh ? I mean about the house. We can pay for it." " My dear, I hope to make him agree to that, and more too. So just let the hay stand,, and the house, and the barn, and everything else for the present. I ll tell you time enough if quarter day must come. And by the way, talking of quarters, there s one of a lamb we killed yester day, I told Tim to leave it in the kitchen. How does your ice hold out?" "Do you want some, sir?" said Faith, in whose eyes there shone a soft light the Squire could be at no loss to read. "No my dear, I don t though Mrs. Stoutenburgh does tell me sometimes to keep cool. But I thought maybe you did. Do you know, Miss Essie De Staff never sees me now if she can help it what do you suppose is the reason ?" "I don t think there can be any, sir." "Must be I" said the Squire, "always is a reason for every fact. You know what friends we used to be, it was always, Hush, Mr. Stoutenburgh! or, How do you know anything about it ? Ah, he s a splendid fellow ! My dear, I don t wish to ask any impertinent questions, but when you do hear that he s safe across, just let me know will you ?" And the Squire bowed himself off without waiting for an answer CHAPTER XXXI. "TTIAITH found that sewing and housework and butter Jj making took not only her hands but her minutes, and on these little minute wheels the days glided off very fast. She had plenty of fresh air, withal, for Mrs. Stoutenburgh would coax her into a horseback ride, or the Squire take her off in his little wagon ; or Mrs. Derrick and Jerry go with her down to the shore for clams and salt water. The sea breeze was more company than usual, this summer. By the time August days came, there came also a letter from Europe ; and thereafter the despatches were as regu lar and as frequent as the steamers. But they brought no special news as to the point of coming home. Mrs. Iredell lingered on in the same uncertain state, neither worse nor better, there was no news to send. Everything else the letters had ; and though Faith might miss that, she could not complain. So the summer days slipped away peacefully; and when the mother and daughter sat sewing together in the after noon, (for Mrs. Derrick often took some little skirt or sleeve) nobody would have guessed why the needles were at work. There was one remarkable thing about the boy Reuben had found to supply Mr. Skip s place he was never visible. Nor audible either, for that matter, except that Faith at her own early rising often heard the wood-saw industriously in motion. He was not to sleep in the house for the first month, that had been agreed ; but whether he slept any where seemed a matter of doubt. A doubt Faith resolved to set at rest; and one August morning, while the birds were a-twitter yet with their first getting up and the sun had not neared the horizon, Faith crossed the yard to the woodshed and stood in the open doorway, the morning light shewing the soft outlines of her figure in a dark print dress, and her white ruffles, and gleaming on her faultlessly soft and bright hair. 31* (365) 366 SAT AND SEAL. The woodshed was in twilight yet ; its various contents shewing dimly, the phoebe who had built her nest under the low roof just astir, but the wood work was going on briskly. Not indeed under the saw that lay idle; but with the sort of noiseless celerity which was natural to him, Reuben Taylor was piling the sticks of this or yester day s cutting : the slight chafing of the wood as it fell into place chiming with the low notes of a hymn tune w,hich Faith well remembered to have heard Mr. Linden sing. She did not stir, but softly, as she stood there, her voice joined in. For a minute Reuben did not hear her, then in some pause of arrangement he heard, and turned round with a start and flush that for degree might have suited one who was stealing wood instead of piling it. But he did not speak nor even thought to say good morning; only pushed the hair back from his forehead and waited to receive sentence. "Reuben I" said Faith, stepping in the doorway. And she said not another word ; but in her eyes and her lips, even in her very attitude as she stood before him, Reuben Taylor might read it all ! her knowledge for whose love he was doing that work, her powerlessness of any present means of thanks, and the existence of a joint treasury of returned affection that would make itself known to him some day, if ever the chance were. The morning sun gleamed in through the doorway on her face, and Reuben could see it all there. He had raised his eyes at the first sound of her voice, but they fell again, and his only answer was a very low spoken "Good morning, Miss Faith." Faith sat down on a pile of cut sticks and looked up at him. " Reuben what are you about ?" " Putting these sticks out of the way, Miss Faith" with a half laugh then. "I shall tell Mr. Linden of you," (gravely.) "I didn t mean you should have a chance, Miss Faith." "Now you are caught and found do you know what your punishment will be ?" Reuben looked up again but did not venture to -guess. SAY AND SEAL. 367 "You will be obliged to come in and take a cup of coffee with me every morning." "O that s not necessary!" Reuben said with a relieved face, "thank you very much, Miss Faith." "It is necessary," said Faith gravely; "and you are not to thank me for what you don t like." "It was partly for what I do like, ma am," said Reuben. softly pitching up a stick of hickory. "It s so pleasant to have you do this, Reuben," said FaUh, watching him, "that I can t tell you how pleasant it. is ; but you must drink my coffee, Reuben, or I will not burn your wood ! You know what Mr. Linden would make you do, Reuben." Faith s voice lowered a little. Reuben did not dispute the commands so urged, though a quick glance said that her wish was enough. "But dear Reuben, who s coming when you re gone?" "Would you like Dromy Tuck, Miss Faith ? but I don t know that you ever saw him. He s strong, and honest he s not very bright. I ll find somebody." And so the matter ended. August went on, Reuben sawed his last stick of wood and eat his last breakfast at Mrs. Derrick s, and then set forth for Quilipeak, to begin his new life there. The little settlement at Quapaw was not alone in feeling his loss, Mrs. Derrick and Faith missed him every day. One of Reu ben s last doings in Pattaquasset, was the giving Dromy Tuck in charge to Phil Davids. "Look after him a little, Phil," he said, "and see that he don t go to sleep too much daytimes. He means to go straight, but he wants help about it; and I don t want Mrs. Derrick to be bothered with him." Which request, en forced as it was by private considerations, favoured Dromy with as strict a censorship as he desired. From Germany news came at last, but it was of the sort that one can bear to wait for. Mrs. Iredell was not able to be moved nor certain to get well. Mr. Linden could neither come with his sister nor from her. And thus, hindered from getting home to his Seminary duties in America, there was but one thing he could do finish hia course in a German University. But that ensured his being in Europe the whole year I No question now of fall 368 SAY AND SEAL. or winter or spring, summer was the first time that could be even thought of; and in this fair September, when Faith had been thinking of the possibility of his sudden appear ance, he was beginning his work anew in a foreign land. It came heavily at first upon her. Faith had not known how much she counted on that hope or possibility. But now when it was gone she found she had lost a large piece of her sunlight. She had read her letter alone as usual, and alone she struggled with her sorrow. It cost Faith for once a great many tears. Prayer was always her refuge. But at last after the tears and the signs of them were gone, Faith went into her mother s company again, looking wistful and as gentle and quiet. Perhaps it was well for Faith that her mother knew what this quiet meant it saved her countless little remarks of wonder and comment and sorrow. More devoted to her Mrs. Derrick could not be, but she had her own strong box of feeling, and there locked up all her sorrow and anxiety out of sight. Yet it was some time before the little sitting- room, with its scattered bits of work, could look bright again. "And I sha n t see him again till ." It gave Faith a great pang. That "next year" she never looked at much. She would have liked a little more of those inno cent play days which had been so unexpectedly broken off. "Next year" looked serious, as well as glad. "But it is good for me," she said to herself. "It must be good for me, to be reminded to live on what cannot fail. I suppose I was getting to be too very happy." And after a few such talks with herself Faith went straight on, for all that appeared, as peacefully as ever, and as cheerfully. It was not long after this, that passing Mr. Simlins gate one afternoon, as she was coming home from a walk, Faith was hailed by the farmer. She could not but stop to speak to him, and then she could not prevent his carrying her off into the house. " Twont hurt you to rest a minute and twont hurt me," said he. "Why I haint seen you since How long do you s pose folks can live and not see moonshine ? Now you pull off your bonnet, and I ll tell Mrs. Hummius to give us something good for tea." SAY AND SEAL. 369 V "What would mother do for hers, Mr. Simlins?" said Faith resisting this invitation. "Well you can sit down anyhow, and read to me," said Mr. Simlins, who had already taken a seat himself in pre paration for it. "People can t get along without light from one phenomenon or the other, you know, Faith." She took off her bonnet, and brought the Bible. "What do you want, Mr. Simlins?" her sweet voice said mean ingly. "Fact is," said the farmer rather sorrowfully, "I s pose I want about everything! I don t feel to know much more n a baby and there aint more n three grains of corn to the bushel in our minister s preachin . I go to meetin and come home with my head a little more like a bell than twas ; for there s nothing more in it but a ringin of the words I ve heerd. Do you mind, Faith, when somebody I don t know whether you or I like him best wanted me to try a new kind of farming ? you mind it ? I guess you do. It never went out o my head again, till I set out to try; and now I find I don t know nothin at all how to work it I" "What is the trouble, dear Mr. Simlins?" said Faith looking up. The farmer hesitated, then said low and huskily, " I don t know what to do about joinin the church." " The Bible says, If a man love God, the same is known of him, " Faith answered softly. " Well, but can t it be known of him without that ? Fact is, Faith, I m afeard !" and a rough hand was drawn across the farmer s eyes " I m afeard, if I do, I ll do something I hadn t ought to do, and so only just dishonour the profes sion and I d better not have anything to do with it I" Faith turned back the leaves of the Bible. " Listen to what God said to Joshua, Mr. Simlins, when he was going to lead the people of Israel over into a land full of enemies. " Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed." "It s easy to say be strong ," said the farmer after pausing a minute, "but how are you going to contrive it?" 370 fcAY AND SEAL. Faith read from the Psalms ; and her words fell sweetei every one. " In the day when T cried thou answeredst me, and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul. That is what David says, Mr. Simlins; and this is Isaiah s testi mony. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength ; they shall mount up with wings as eagles ; they shall run and not be weary ; and they shall walk, and not faint. " " Go ahead, Faith !" said the farmer, who was sitting with his head down in his hands. "You aint leavin me much of a corner to hide in. Turn down a leaf at them places." Faith was still again, turning over leaves. " Paul was in trouble once, Mr. Simlins, and prayed ear nestly about something ; and this is what he says of the Lord s answer to him. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee : for my strength is made perfect in weak ness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my in firmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. When I am weak, then am I strong. And in another place I can do all things through Christ which strength- eneth me. " "But he wa n t much like me," said Mr. Simlins "he was an apostle and had inspiration. I hain t none." " He was a man, though," said Faith, " and a weak one, as you see he calls himself. And he prays for the Christians at Ephesus, that God would grant them to be strengthened with might by his Spirit; and they were common people. And the Bible says Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might ; we aren t bid to be strong in ourselves ; but here again, Strengthened with might, according to his glo rious power, unto all patience and long-suffering with joy- fulness. Won t that do ?" said Faith softly. " Have you put marks in all them places ?" said the farmer. "I will." "If that don t do, I s pose nothing will," said Mr. Sim lins. " They re mighty words ! And they ve stopped my mouth." Faith was silently marking the places. The farmer sat looking at her. " You do know the Scriptures I can say that for you 1" he remarked. SAY AND SEAL. 3T1 " No, Mr. Simlins ! " said Faith looking up suddenly, "I don t know this string of passages of myself. Mr. Lin den shewed them to me," she said more softly and blushing. She went on with what she was about. " Well don t he say you like to speak truth rayther than anything else ?" said the farmer. " If he don t, I wouldn t give much for his discretion. When s he going to have leave to take you away, Faith?" It was half sorrowfully spoken, and though Faith rose up and blushed, she did not answer him quickly. " My business must take me away now, sir ; good night." But Mr. Simlins shouted to Jem Waters, had the wagon up, put Faith in with infinite care and tenderness, and sent her home so. One rainy, stormy, wild equinoctial day in the end of Sep tember not long after that letter had come, Squire Stout- enburgh came to the door. Faith heard him parleying with her mother for a minute heard him go off, and then Mrs. Derrick entered the sitting-room, with her. eyes full of tears and her heart, at least, full of a little package, it did not quite fill her hands. "Pretty child!" she said, "I m so thankful!" and she went straight off to the kitchen, and the little package lay in Faith s lap. The thick brown paper and wax and twine said it had come a long way. The rest the address told. It was a little square box, the opening of which revealed at first only soft cotton ; except, in one corner, there was an indication of Faith s infallible blue ribband. Fastened to that, was a gold locket. Quite plain, alike on both sides, the tiny hinge at one edge spoke of a corresponding spring. That touched, Faith found Mr. Linden. Admirably well done and like, even to the expression, which had probably struck the artist s fancy ; for he had contrived to represent well both the pleasure and the pain Mr. Linden had felt in sitting for this picture, for such a reason. The dress was that of the German students such as he was then wearing. Faith had never guessed till her wondering fingers had persuaded the locket to open she had never guessed what she should find there; at the utmost she looked to find a lock of hair; and the joy was almost as overwhelming as a little while ago pain had been. Faith could hardly see the 372 SAY AND SEAL. picture for a long time ; she called herself foolish, but she cried and laughed the harder for joy ; she reproached her self for past ungratefulness and motions of discontent, which made her not deserve this treasure ; and the joy and the tears were but enhanced that way. Faith could hardly believe her eyes, when they were clear enough to see ; it seemed, what they looked at, too good to be true ; too precious to be hers. But at last she was fain to believe it ; and with blushes that nobody saw, and a tiny smile that it was a pity somebody didn t see, she put the blue ribband round her neck and hid the locket where she knew it was expected to find its place. But Faith forgot her work, and her mother found her sitting there doing nothing, looking with dreamy happy thoughtfulness into distance, or into herself; all Miss Bezac s silks and stuffs neglected around her. And work, diligent, happy, contented, continued, was the order of the day, and of many days and weeks after. Miss Bezac giving out that she would take as much work as was offered her, she and Faith soon had both their hands com pletely full. The taste and skill of the little dressmaker were so well acknowledged that even from Pequot there was now many an application for her services ; and many a lady from there and from Pattaquasset, came driven in a wagon or a sleigh to Miss Bezac s cottage door. i CHAPTER XXXII. T was the month " When beechen buds begin to swell, And woods the blue bird s warble know, the month of the unbending of Nature of softening skies and swelling streams and much underground spring work. As for instance, by the daffodils; which by some unknown machinery pushed their soft, pliant leaves up through frozen clods into the sunshine. Blue birds flut tered their wings and trilled their voices through the air, song sparrows sang from morning to night, and waxwings whistled for cherries in the bare tree tops. There the wind whistled too, "whiles," with the fall approbation of snow birds and chickadees, the three going out of fashion together. It was a busy month at Miss Bezac s two weddings at Pequot and one in Pattaquasset kept her hands full, and Faith s too, Just now the great point of interest was the outfit of Miss Maria Davids the wedding dress, especially, being of the most complicate and ornamented description. Miss Bezac and Faith needed their heads as well as their hands, Miss Maria s directions with regard to flowers and furbelows being somewhat like the Vicar of Wakefield s in respect of sheep only Miss Maria was willing to pay for all that went on, whereas the Vicar wanted the sheep for nothing. Thus they stood, the two friends and co-workers, with the dress spread out on a table, contriving where the flowers should go and how many it would be possible to put on. Miss Maria s box of Pequot flowers on a chair near by, was as full as her directions. "It would be better to take the box and turn it right over her after she s dressed, and let em stick where they would!" said Miss Bezac in some disgust. Whereupon, VOL. i* 32 (373) 874 SAY AND SEAL. dropping her grave look of thought, Faith s laugh bidke up the monotony of the occasion. "Well that s good any way," said Miss Bezao. "And I m sure everything s any way about this dress But I won t have you about it a bit longer, you re tired to death standing up." "I m not much tired. Miss Bezac, let the lilacs have the bottom of the dress, and the roses and lilies of the valley trim the body. And it will be like a spotted flower-garden then !" said Faith laughing anew. How little like her occupation she looked, with her brown stuff dress, to be sure, as plain as possible ; her soft brown hair also plain ; her quaint little white ruffles ; and that brilliant diamond ring flashing wherever her hand went ! N.B. A plain dress on a pretty person has not the effect of plainness, since it lets that better be seen which is the highest beauty." Up Miss Bezac s mountain road came a green coach drawn by two fat grey horses; the coachman in front and the footman behind being in the same state of plethoric comfort. They addressed themselves to the hill with no hasty approbation yet with much mind to have their own way, and the hill yielded the ground step by step. At Miss Bezac s door hill and horses made a pause. "Coaches already!" said Miss Bezac, "that s a sign of summer, as good as wild geese. And you d think, Faith, not having had much experience, that it was the sign of another wedding dress but nothing worse than a calico wrapper ever comes out of a coach like that." "Why?" said Faith looking amused. " The people that drive such coaches drive em to town for a wedding dress," said Miss Bezac sagely. "There s a blue bird getting out of this one, to begin with." While she spoke, a tiny foot emerged from the coach, and after it a dress of blue silk, which so far from "stand ing alone " followed softly every motion of the wearer. A simply plain shirred spring bonnet of blue and white silk, made the blue bird comparison not altogether unapt, the bird was hardly more fair and dainty in his way than the lady in hers. She stood still for a minute, shading her eyes with her hand, and looking off down the road ; a SAY AND SEAL. 375 slight, delicate figure, with that sort of airy grace which has a natural poise for every position, then she turned abruptly and knocked at the door. Now it was Miss Bezac s custom to let applicants open and shut for themselves, her hands being often at a critical point of work; so in this case, with a refractory flower half adjusted while Faith was in the intricacies of a knot of ribband, she merely cried, "Come in !" And the young lady came so far as across the threshold, there she stopped. A quick, sudden stop, one little ungloved hand that looked as if it had never touched -anything harsher than satin, clasped close upon its gloved companion; the shawl falling from her shoulders and shewing the bunch of crocuses in her belt; the fair, sweet, high bred face spark ling, withal flushing like a June rose. For a minute she stood, her bright eyes seeing the room, the work, and Miss Bezac, but resting on Faith with a sort of intenseness of look that went from face to hand. Then her own eyes fell, and with a courteous inclination of her head, she came for ward and spoke. " I was told," she said, advancing slowly to the table, and still with downcast eyes, "I was told that I mean Can you make a sunbonnet for me, Miss Bezac ?" She looked up then, but only at the little dressmaker, laying one hand on the table as if to support herself, and with a face grave enough to suit a nun s veil instead of a sunbonnet. Faith s eyes were held on this delicate little figure with a sort of charm ; she was very unlike the Pattaquasset models. At the antipodes from Miss Essie De Staff etherial com pared to the more solid proprieties of Sophy Harrison, Faith recognized in her the type of another class of crea tures. She drew back a little from the table, partly to leave the field clear to Miss Bezac, partly to please herself with a better view. "A sunbonnet?" Miss Bezac repeated, "I should be sorry if 1 couldn t, and badly off too But I m afraid you ll be, for a pattern, all I ve got are as common as grass. Not that I wish grass was uncommon, either but what s the htuff?" "When I came out this morning," said the lady, glancing at Faith and then down again, "I did not expect to come 3T6 SAY AND SEAL. liere. And I have brought no stuff. Can you send some one down to the village? -this young lady, perhaps. May [ take her with me now ?" "Why of course you may !" said Miss Bezac delightedly. " Just as much as if I was glad to get rid of her which I aint, and am too, for she s tired to death, and I was just wishing somebody that wasn t would take her home. Or some horses." There was a sweet amused play of the lips in answer to this lucid statement of facts, and then turning towards Faith, the stranger said, "Will you go?" the words were in the lowest of sweet tones. " Where do you wish me to go ?" said Faith, coming a Btep forward. "With me down into the village." "I will go," said Faith. "Then I will take these two mantillas, Miss Bezac, and you shall have them the day after to-morrow." The straw bonnet and shawl were put on in another minute, and not waiting for her gloves she followed the "blue bird" to the carriage, rather pleased with the adven ture. The little ungloved hand took firm hold of hers as they stepped out of Miss Bezac s door, and but that the idea was absurd Faith would have thought it was trembling. Once in the carriage, the two side by side on the soft cushions, the orders given to the footman, the coach rolling smoothly down the hill, the stranger turned her eyes full upon Faith ; until the tears came too fast, quenching the quivering smile on her lips. Her head dropped on Faith s shoulder, with a little cry of, " Faith, do you know who I am ?" A sort of whirlwind of thoughts swept over Faith nothing definite ; and her answer was a doubtful, rather troubled, "No." "I know who you are!" said the stranger. "You are Mignonette." " Who told you so ?" said Faith, drawing back from her to look. "Some one who knew!" the face was lovely in its April of mischief and tears. SAY AND SEAL. 377 Faith s face grew very grave, with doubt, and bewilder ment, and growing certainty, and drew yet further off. Rosy blushes, more and more witchingly shy, chased in and out of her cheeks ; till obeying the certainty which yet was vague, Faith s head stooped and her two hands covered her face. She was drawn back into the stranger s arras, and her hands and face (what there could) were covered with kisses. "Faith, is it strange your sister should know? and why don t you let me have the rest of your face to kiss ? I haven t half seen it yet. And I m sure Endy would not like to have his message delivered in these out of the way places." Even as she spoke, the hands quitted the face, veiled only by the rosiest consciousness; and laying both hands on the stranger Faith gave her warm kisses on cheeks and lips ; and then looked at her, with eyes alternately eager and shy, that rose and fell at every new stir of feeling. " How did you come here ?" she said with a sort of soft breathlessness. The eyes that looked at her were as intent, a little laughing, a little moved. "How did I come here? Faith, I knew you at the first glance, how came you not to know me ?" "I could not!" said Faith. "How came you here?" "Here? in Pattaquasset how I love the name ! Faith, I shall expect you to take me to every place where Ende- cott set his foot when he was here." Faith s eye gave a little answering flash. "I don t be lieve I know them all. Then " she checked herself . "But how did you come here? You were in Germany." "Then what? please answer me first." How Faith blushed ! and laughed ; but she grew very grave almost immediately. "Please answer me !" she said. "Yes, I was there and I could not help coming here," Miss Linden answered. "To leave him there, after all! But I could not help it, Faith. When he determined to spend the year there and I never saw him look so grave over a determination it was for one reason alone. You know what ?" 32* 3T8 SAY AND SEAL. Faith did not assent nor dissent, but her eyes were swal lowing every word. "It seemed then as if it might not much lengthen his absence, and would ensure its being the last. And by-the- by, fair ladye, Endecott said I might make the most of you before he got home ; for then he meant to have you all to himself for six months, and nobody else should have a sight of you." As far as they could go, Faith s eyes fell ; and her new sister might study the fair face and figure she had not had so good an opportunity of studying before. Perfectly grave, and still to her folded hands. "After he was fairly launched in his work," Miss Linden went on, "Aunt Iredell began slowly to grow better; and as the winter passed she took the most earnest desire to come home to America. Nothing could shake it; and the doctors approved and urged that there should be no delay. Then, Faith, / would have stayed, but she was exceedingly dependent upon me, and most of all, Endecott said I ought to come. I believe he was glad to think of my being here for another reason. He came with us to Paris it happened just then that he could come and put us on board the steamer. But we were three days in Paris first, such pretty days!" she added smiling. "I ll tell you about them another time." The downcast eyes were lifted and rested for a minute on the sparkling face before them. If a little warm light in their glance meant that all was "pretty" about which those two had to do, it said part at least of what was in Faith s mind. " Now I am to be your neighbour for a while," said Miss Linden. "Aunt Iredell was ordered out of town at once, and last night we came up to Pequot, so you must not wonder if you see me every other day after this. how good it is to see you ! Do you know," she said, wrapping her arms round Faith again, and resting the soft cheeks and lips upon hers, "do you know how much I have to say of this sort, for somebody else ?" "You are not going back to Pequot to-day ?" said Faith softly. "May I stay in Pattaquasset till to-morrow?" SAY AND SEAL. 379 "If I can take good enough care of you!" said Faith, kissing her half gladly, half timidly. "And may I go home with you now ?" " Where are we going ?" said Faith looking out. " My dear, you ought to know ! but I do not. I told them to drive about till I gave contrary orders. Now you must give them." And the check string brought the horses to a stand and the footman ditto. A half minute s observa tion enabled Faith to give directions for reaching the main Pattaquasset road and taking the right turn, and the car riage rolled on again. There was a little pause then, till Faith broke it. A rich preparatory colour rose in her cheeks, and the subject of her words would certainly have laughed to see how gravely, with what commonplace de- mureness, the question was put. "Was Mr. Linden well, when you came from Ger many ?" "Faith !" was his sister s prompt reply. Faith s glance, soft and blushing, yet demanded reason. Whereupon Miss Linden s face went into a depth of demureness that was wonderful. " Yes my dear, Mr. Linden was well looking well too, which is an uncommon thing with him." "Is it?" said Faith somewhat wistfully. "Not in the way I mean," said her new sister smiling, "I thought nothing could have improved his appearance but Mignonette. And I suppose he thought so himself, for he was never seen without a sprig of the little flowers." Faith s look in answer to that was given to nothing but the ground, and indeed it was worthy to have been seen by only one person. "Faith," said Miss Linden suddenly, "are there many French people in Pattaquasset ?" "No, not any. Why?" " Because Endecott gave me a message to you, part ot which I did not understand. But I suppose you will, and that is enough." "What is it?" said Faith eagerly. "You would not understand the other part, to-day." Faith went back to her thoughtfulness But as the car riage turned into the Pattaquasset high street she suddenly faced round on Miss Linden, flushing again before she spoke. 380 SAY AND SEAL. "Pet," she said a little timidly it was winning, this air of timidity that was about her, "don t say don t tell Mr. Linden where you found me." "Faith! does he not know? is it something new? dear child, I am very sorry !" and Miss Linden s other hand came caressingly upon the one she held. "Don t be sorry! " said Faith, looking as fearless and sonsy as any real piece of mignonette that ever shook its brown head in the wind; "I wouldn t tell you, only you must see it. You know, perhaps, that mother lived by a farm. Last summer the farm was taken away and we had nothing left but the house. We had to do something, and I took to dressmaking with Miss Bezac where you found me. And it has been very pleasant and has done very well," said Faith, smiling at Miss Linden as honestly as if the matter had been of music lessons or any other accomplish ment. Miss Linden looked at her grave and bright too. Then with a sparkle of her eyes " I won t tell Endecott now, but some time I will tell him over what sort of a wed ding-dress I found you poring. But my dear child ! " and she stopped with a look of sudden thought that was both grave and gay. Faith s eyes asked what the matter was. "No, I will not tell him now," Miss Linden repeated, "it is so little while he could not know it in time for any thing but his own sorrow. But Faith ! I am going to make one of those mantillas !" and she looked a pretty piece of defiant resolution. " You shall do what you please," Faith said gayly. "But will you stop them ? there is the house." The coach came to a stand before Mrs. Derrick s little gate and the two ladies alighted. Miss Linden had been looking eagerly out as they drove up at the house, the fence, the little garden courtyard, the steps, but she turned now to give her orders, and taking Faith s hand again, fol lowed her in, looking at every inch of the way. Faith drew the easy-chair out before the fire, put Miss Linden in it, and took off her bonnet and shawl. She staid but to find her mother and introduce her to the parlour and her guest; and she herself ran away to Mr. Linden s room. She knew that the brown woodbox was near full of wood SAY AND SEAL. 381 which had been there since his sudden departure nine months ago. It was well dried by this time. Faith built a fire and kindled it; made the bed, and supplied water and tow els ; opened the blinds of one or two windows, laid books on the table, and wheeled up the couch. The fire was blaz ing by that time and shone warm and glowingly on the dark wood and furniture, and everything wore the old pleas ant look of comfort and prettiness. Then Faith went for her guest. "You will know where you are," she said a little vaguely. "when you open the cupboard doors." Miss Linden stood still for a moment, her hands folded, her lips again taking their mixed expression. "And that is where he lay for so long," she said. It was a mixed remembrance to Faith; she did not like to answer. A moment s silence, and she turned her bright face to Miss Linden. "Let me do what I can for you, "she said with that mix ture of grace and timidity. "It isn t much. What may I now, Pet?" "You did a lifetime s work then, yon dear child! and how I used to hear of it." And putting her arm round Faith s waist Miss Linden began to go slowly about the room, looking at everything out of the windows and into the cupboards. "If you could have known, Faith if you could have seen Endecott in some of the years before that, you would have known a little how very, very glad I was. 1 hardly believed that he would ever find any one who could charrn him out of the solitary life into which sorrow had led him." "I didn t do it!" said Faith simply. "What do you suppose did ?" "I think he charmed himself out of it," Faith said blushing. Miss Linden laughed, holding her very fast. "You are clear from all charge of malice prepense," she said. "And I will not deny his powers of charming, but they are power less upon himself." "Do you think so?" said Faith. " A charm comes at the rebound, doesn t it sometimes ?" "Does it ? How do I know ?" 382 SAY AND SEAL. Faith laughed a little, but very softly. "Now shall I leave you for a little while?" she said. "Will you be busy, or may I come down when I like?" "I am going into the kitchen, You wouldn t like to follow me there ?" "If I have leave I am in the mind to follow you every where." "Come then!" said Faith joyously. Miss Linden might not be accustomed to seeing kitchens, or she might 1 there was no telling from her manner. Cer tainly that kitchen was a pleasant one to see. And she fol lowed, as she had said, wherever Faith went and watched her whatever she did, conversation going on meanwhile amus ingly enough. Faith was making some cakes again ; and then concocting coffee, the Pattaquasset fete dish in ordi nary ; while Mrs. Derrick broiled the chicken With a great white apron enveloping her brown stuff dress, and her arms bared, running about the kitchen and dairy in her quick still way, Faith was a pretty contrast to the bluebird who smiled on her and followed her and talked to her throughout. Then the cakes were baking, and Faith came back to the sitting-room ; to set the table and cover it with all dainty things that farm materials can produce. And if ever i et had been affectionately served, she was that night, and if ever a room was fresh and sweet and warm and glowing, the fire-lit room where she went to sleep afterwards was such a one. But before that, when they had done tea, and talk and motion had subsided a little, Miss Linden brought a low seat to Faith s side, and taking that left hand in hers looked silently at the ring for a few minutes, then laid her cheek down upon it in Faith s lap. Faith slip trembled; but she only sat still as a statue till the cheek was lifted up. CHAPTER XXXIII. | N the early morning which Faith and her mother enjoyed 1 next day together, Mrs. Derrick was in a contemplative and abstracted state of mind ; assenting indeed to all Faith s words of pleasure and praise, but evidently thinking of something else. At last the matter came out. "Faith, how much money have we? I mean, to last how long, suppose you didn t do anything else but the butter?" "Why, mother?" "Why child, I ve been thinking do you know how much you ve got to do for yourself? it won t do to put that off for Miss Bezac." Faith s lips softly touched Mrs. Derrick s. " Hush, mother, please ! Don t you think Dromy could find some water-cress at the foot of the Savin hill ?" "Yes like enough," said Mrs. Derrick, "Reuben could if he was here. And child, you may say hush, but things won t hush, after all." With which sentiment Mrs. Derrick gave attention to the tea-kettle, just then a practi cal illustration of her remark. About as bright and fresh and sweet as the morning Miss Linden looked when she came down, but warmer and gentler than March in his best mood. Her interest in everything about the house and its two tenants was unbounded, and without being really like her brother, there was enough family likeness in manner and voice to give a pleasant reminder now and then. While they were at breakfast the man came from Fequot according to order, but she went out alone to attend to him, coming back to the table with a sort of gleeful face that spoke of pleasure or mischief in prospect. "Faith," she said, "we cannot touch those mantillas this morning." "Can t we?" said Faith. "Which part of Pattaquasset shall we go to see?" (383) 384 SAY AND SEAL. "Suppose we go up to my room and discuss matters." Faith was ready. Ready as a child, or as the "bird" she used to be called, for any innocent play or work. "My dear little sister," said Miss Linden as they ran up stairs, the glee working out at the dainty finger ends that were on Faith s belt, "don t you know that I promised you a message ? and don t you want to have it? how lovely this room is ! That trunk is not lovely, standing just there. Dear Faith, you need not think all my bag gage is coming after it !" "I wish it could," said Faith, looking after her mes sage. " I want to shew you the key of this it has something peculiar about it," said Miss Linden searching in her bag. "Endecott said, Faith, that as you and he had been to gether so much in a French atmosphere, you must let him do one thing in the French style. To which message, as well as to the trunk, you will find this the key." Now attached to the key was a little card, on which was written simply the word, "Trousseau." Faith understood the word well enough, and it seemed to turn her into a pretty petrifaction with internal life at work indeed, as the rising and falling colours witnessed. She stood with bended head looking at the mysterious key; then making a swift transit to the window she opened it and threw back the blinds and stood looking out, the key in one hand giving little impatient or abstracted taps against the fingers of the other. It was a pretty landscape certainly, but Faith had looked at it often before. Miss Linden on her part followed Faith to the window with her eyes and a smile, then sat looking at the great leathern trunk in its travelling cover, which it wore still. Once she made a motion to take this off then laid her hands back in their former position and waited for Faith to come. "Pet," said Faith presently, "have you looked out of the window this morning ?" Which question brought two hands round her shoulders in no time. "Yes my dear, I have. What new beauties have you discovered ?" "It looks pretty in the spring light. But I wasn t think SAY AND SEAL. 385 ing of it, either," said Faith blushing. And without rais ing her eyes, looking distressed, she softly insinuated the key with its talismauic card back into Miss Linden s hand. "Well? what, dear Faith?" "I don t know," said Faith softly. "You know." "I know," said Miss Linden, "that Endecott locked the trunk and tied the label to the key, and it is a great mistake to suppose that I will unlock the one or take charge of the other. In the second place, I need not even look on unless you wish. It can go to another room, or I will leave you in undisturbed possession of this. So speak," she said, kissing her. Faith did not immediately. She wound her arras round her new sister and hid her face in Miss Linden s neck, and stood so clasping her silently for a few minutes. But when she raised her head she went straight to the "trousseau" trunk; pulled off, business fashion, the travelling cover; set the key in the lock, and lifted the lid. " I should tell you, dear," said Miss Linden while this was doing she had seated herself a little way off from Faith and the trunk, " I should tell you, that if it had been possible to get a pattern dress and so forth, you would have found nothing here to do but look. As it is, there is some work for your fingers, and I hope for mine." The lid was now open, and between the two next protecting covers lay a letter. A recognizing flash of eye greeted that ; Faith put it out of sight and lifted the second cover. From where she sat Miss Linden could see her hand tremble. There were two or three characteristics that applied to the whole arrangement, choice, and filling of the "trous seau." The absence of things useless was not more notable thun the abundance of things useful ; and let not useful be understood to mean needful, for of the little extras which are so specially pleasant to those who never buy them for themselves, there was also a full supply. The daintiness of everything was great, but nothing was out of Faith s line: the stuffs might be finer than she had always worn, but the colours were what she had always liked, and in any one- of those many dresses she might feel at home in five minutes they suited her so well. She could see, well enough, that Mr. Linden not only remembered "her style" VOL. ii. 33 386 SAY AND SEAL. but loved it, in the very top rack, that was first laid open, she had proof of this for besides the finest of lawn and cambric, there were dainty bands of embroidery and pieces of lace with which Faith could ruffle herself to her heart s content. At this point Faith drew a rather quick breath. She was on her knees before the trunk, and shielding her face a little from Miss Linden, she sat looking in steadfastly at bits of French needlework and lappings of the daintier texture, lifting now and then, also daintily the end or fold of something to see what lay underneath. There was so much food for meditation, as well as for industry, in this department, that Faith seemed not likely to get through it. How clearly she saw any one thing might be doubted. She made no progress. "You may see Endecott in everything, Faith," said Miss Linden. "In the matter of quantity I could sometimes give him help, but every colour and style had to be matched with the particular pattern in his mind. I wish you could have seen it ! it was one of the prettiest things I ever saw. Those three days in Paris ! I told you they were pretty days." Faith gave her a swift look, very flushed and very grave. A pretty picture of wonder and humility she was ; and something more was borne witness to by those soft eyes, but Miss Linden had only a second s look of them. The racks seemed to hold the light varieties, each done up by itself. There was the little French parasol in its box ; the fan box, with most pretty contents. There was the glove box, beautifully filled, and holding among the rest the prettiest of riding gauntlets all of just the right size, by some means. At the other end to keep this in countenance, was a little French riding hat in its own pasteboard container. The riding whip Mr. Linden had given her long before. There were stockings in pretty variety; and handkerchiefs not laced and embroidered, but of fine material and dainty borders. The various minor things were too many to mention. Faith was in an overwhelmed state, though she hardly shewed that. Her fingers made acquaintance almost fear- SAY AND SEAL. 38t fully with the various items that lay in sight ; finally sha laid both hands upon the edge of the rack. " It is exactly like him ! " she said in profound gravity. His sister laughed a gay, pleased little laugh. "He said they were all like you, Faith. His fear of touching your individuality was comical. Do you know he says he shall expect you always to have a brown merino? so you will find one there." But first, at the bottom of the rack, under all the others, was the flat mantilla box ; and its contents of muslin and silk, in their elegant simpleness, left Miss Bezac s "no where". How Faith would have liked to shut up the trunk then and run away nobody knew ! For she only quietly lifted out the rack and took the view of what came next. It was not the brown merino ! it was something made up, the gayest, prettiest, jauntiest dressing gown; with bunches of tiny carnations all over it, as bright as Faith s own. Though that be saying much, for at this hers reached their acme. "How beautiful! " she said gravely, while her poor fluttering thoughts were saying everything else. "How perfectly beautiful ! " And as delicately as if it had been made of silver tissue, Faith laid it off on the rack. Laid it off to find the next staprc in the shape of morning wrappers, also made up. " They fit so loosely at best " Miss Linden explained, "and Endecott knew your height." Now neither in these nor in what lay beneath was there such profusion as would furnish a new dress every day (for an indefinite number) at a watering place ; but there was just such as befitted a young lady, who being married in summer-days yet looked forward to winter, and was to be the delight of somebody s eyes summer and winter. They were downcast and wonderfully soft eyes that looked at those morning dresses now, as Miss Linden could see when by chance they were lifted. But that was not generally ; with lowered eyelids and unsteady lips Faith went on taking out one after the other. Below, the pack ages were more solid and compact, some close at both ends, others shewing shawl fringes. Dress after dress lay in close order muslin and silk and stuff ; under them pieces of 388 SAY AND SEAL. linen and flannel such as Pattaquasset could hardly have furnished. One particular parcel, long and soft, was tied with white ribband. Faith looked at it doubtfully. "Must I open this, Pet?" "It is tied up for that express purpose." A little suspicious of each new thing, Faith pulled the easy knot of white ribband and uncovered what lay within. It was a white embroidered muslin, fine and beautiful in its clear texture, as was the wrought tracery upon it. No colour relieved this white field, a pair of snowy gloves lay upon it, with the lace and sash for its finish of adorn ment; with them a folded handkerchief, plain like the rest but particularly fine. Separately wrapped up in soft paper that but half hid them, were the little resetted slippers. " He said you must have none but real flowers," Miss Linden said too softly to call for a look in answer. That dress was what not even Miss Bezac had been able to make Faith look at in imagination and there it lay be fore her! Perhaps, to tell the truth, she had been hardly willing to realize to herself the future necessity of such a thing. The blood came deeper to her cheeks, then left them in another moment pale. Faith laid her face in her hands on the edge of the trunk, for once overcome. Again Miss Linden s quick impulse was to come to Faith s side, and again she checked herself; thinking perhaps that she was too new a friend to have her words pleasant just then feeling that there was but one person who could say what ought to be said So she sat quite still, nor even turned her eyes towards Faith except now and then in a quick glance of sympathy and interest ; both which were shewn in her folded hands and averted head. But very soon Faith was softly doing the parcel up again in its white ribbands ; and then she began to lay the things back in the trunk, with quick hands but dainty. Half way through, Faith suddenly stopped. "Shall I put these back here for the present?" she said, looking towards Miss Linden. " For the present, dear ? I am not sure that I under stand." "Just now till I can arrange some other place to put them." SAY AND SEAL. 389 "I have nothing to do with this place ," said Miss Lin den smiling;, "it came with my trunks, that is all." Faith coloured again and went on with what she was doing. Miss Linden watched her. "Faith," she said, "don t finish that work just now, sit still there and read Endy s letter won t you, darling? I am going down to pay your mother a visit." And with a kiss and embrace she was gone. Faith s hands stopped their work as the door closed, and she sat still, looking at the voiceless messages of love, care, thought, and anticipation, which surrounded her. Looking dreamily, and a little oppressed ; and when she moved her hand it was not first to get her letter, but to draw out the locket from her bosom and see Mr. Linden s face; as if she wanted his look to authenticate all these messages, or to meet her own heart s answer. At any rate it was not till after a good study of the little picture that Faith put it away and took out her letter. It was not just like having him there to talk or caress away her discomfort and yet it was like it, though the pages were well on ther way before the trousseau was even alluded to. But the words, the atmosphere of the letter made Faith breathe easier, it was like the wand of the Fairy Order, smoothing out the little tangled skeins of silk. And when that subject came up, it was touched so lightly, so delicately, yet with such evident pleasure, there was such mingling of play and earnest in the charge given her to be ready before he came, and such a strong wish that he could have saved her all the work, the terror of the trousseau could not stand before it. And at the hope that her taste would be suited, Faith s heart made a spring the other way. She drank in every word of the letter; and then feeling healed, though tender-spirited yet, she finished putting away her riches and went down stairs. Mrs. Derrick having gone off to attend to dinner pre parations, Miss Linden sat alone, singing to herself softly in company with the March wind and the fire, and (of all things !) at work upon one of Miss Bezac s mantillas. Faith s two hands were laid upon the one which held the needle. "Not to-day "said the silver voice which Miss Linden must learn to know. 33* 390 SAY AND SEAL. "Yes unless you ll give me somewhat else to do!" she said leaning her sunshiny head back against Faith. " I was out of patience with myself because I could not do what no one but Endecott could so in my woman s pride I took up something which he couldn t. What are you going to do, darling ?" Faith thought she knew why she was called " Pet" but she only kissed her. " I shall have to ask you a great deal about those things up stairs," she said; "but to-day I want to see you What would you like ?" The thing Miss Linden liked best, was to see some of her brother s old haunts; and a notable drive the two had that afternoon. Wherein, under the light of a Spring day, Miss Linden saw Pattaquasset, the .Quapaw people, (part of them) and not least of all, Faith herself, who shewed herself very much as the Spring day. And of Mr. Linden his sister talked the while, to her heart s content, and Faith s in the full joy of that affection which can never say enough, speaking to that which can never hear too much. It would be long to tell how the trousseau was made up. Mrs. Iredell came from Pequot and established herself in a, farmhouse at Pattaquasset; and the two future sisters put their heads and their hands a good deal of their hearts too into the work that was done in Faith s blue-wain- scotted white room. There they sat and sewed, day after day; while the days grew warm, and the apple blossoms burst, and the robins whistled. They whistled of Mr. Lin den s coming home, to Faith, and sent her needle with a quicker impulse. She never spoke of it. But Miss Linden knew whither the look went, that seemed to go no further than the apple trees ; and what was the pressure that made a quick breath now and then and a hurried finger. Perhaps her own pulses began to move with accelerated beat. And when towards the end of May Mrs. Iredell found business occasion for being in Quilipeak a fortnight, Pet so urged upon Mrs. Derrick the advan tages of the scheme, that she carried off Faith with her. It would break the waiting and watching, and act as L diversion, she said, and Faith did not contradict her. CHAPTER XXXIV. T7STABLISHED fairly in that great Quilipeak hotel, _!Tj Faith found her way of life very pleasant. Mrs. Ire- dell was much in her own room, coming out now and then for a while to watch the two young things at their work. A pretty sight ! for some of the work had been brought along, fast getting finished now, under the witching of sweet counsel. Miss Linden declared that for her part she was sorry it was so near done, what Faith thought about it she did not say. Meantime, June was using her rosy wings day by day, and in another week Mr. Linden might be looked for. Just what steamer he would take was a. little uncertain, but from that time two people at least would begin to hope, and a day or two before that time they were to go back to Patta- quasset. The week was near the ending so was the work, and in their pretty parlour the two ladies wrought on as usual. The morning had been spent in explorations with Reuben Taylor and Sam Stoutenburgh, and now it was afternoon of a cool June day, with a fresh breeze scouting round to see what sweets it could pick up, and coming in at the open window to report. On the table was a delicate tinted sum mer muslin spread out to receive its trimming, over which Faith and Miss Linden stood and debated and laughed, then Faith went back to her low seat in the window and the hem of a pocket handkerchief. So half looking out and half in, the quiet street sounds murmuring with the rustle of the many elm leaves, Faith sat, the wind playing Cupid to her Psyche; and Miss Linden stood by the table and the muslin dress. " Faith," she said contemplatively, " What flowers do you suppose Endecott would get you to wear with this out of a garden full ?" "It is difficult to tell" said Faith; "he finds just what he wants, just where I shouldn t look for it." And a vision (391) 392. SAY AND SEAL. of red oak-leaves, and other illustrations, flitted across Faith s fancy. "Very true," said Miss Linden, " precisely what Aunt Iredell said when she first saw you, but I am inclined to think, that the first day you appear in this you will see him appear with a bunch of white roses probably Lamarques ; if " " Why Lamarques ?" said Faith sewing away. " Pet, how pleasant this wind is." Miss Linden did not immediately answer. She stood resting her finger tips on the muslin dress, looking down at it with an intentness that might have seen through thicker stuff, the colour in her cheeks deepening and deepening. "Why?" she said abstractedly, "they re beautiful don t you think so? Oh Faith! 1 With a joyous clasp of the hands she sprang to the window, and dropped the curtain like a screen before her. There was no time to ask ques tions nor need. Faith heard the opening door, the word spoken to the waiter, saw Mr. Linden himself come in. Pet sprang towards him with a joyful exclamation an unselfish one, as it seemed ; for after a moment s concen trated embrace which embodied the warmth of half a dozen, she disappeared out of the room. Mr. Linden came for ward, looking after her at first with surprise, then as if a possible explanation occurred to him, he stood still by the mantelpiece, watching the door by which she had gone. Faith had waited behind her screen she could not have told why utterly motionless for that minute ; then a little quick push sent the curtain aside, and she came to him, "Faith!" he exclaimed "are you hiding from me? My dear Mignonette " She hid from him then, all her face could ; for her glad ness was of that kind which banishes colour instead of bring ing it. He let her stand so a few minutes, himself very silent and still; then one hand brought her face within reach. "Little bird!" he said, "I have you safe now, you need not flutter any more I" Perhaps that thought was hardly composing, for Faith s head drooped yet, in a statue-like stillness. Not very unlike a bird on its rest however, albeit her gravity was SAY AND SEAL. 393 profound. And rest to speak it fairly is a serious thing to anybody, when it has been in doubt or jeopardy, or long withheld. What could be done to bring the colour back, that Mr. Linden tried. "Faith," he said, "is this all I am to have from your lips of any sort ? Where did you get such pale cheeks, precious one ? did I frighten you by coming so suddenly ? You have not been ill again ?" "No," she said, raising her eyes for the first time to look fairly in his face. But that look brought Faith back to herself; and though she drooped her head again, it was for another reason, and her words were in a different key. "We didn t expect you. for a week more." "No because I didn t want you to be watching the winds. Mignonette, look up !" Which she did, frankly, her eyes as delicious a com pound of gravity and gladness as any man need wish to have bestowed upon him. " Pet brought me here, " she said. "Well do you suppose / have brought an invoice of Dutch patience?" "I don t think you are particularly patient," said Faith demurely, "except when you choose. Oh Endy! " That last note had the true ring of joy. Her forehead touched his shoulder again ; the rest of her sentence was unspoken. " I do not choose, to-day. Mignonette, therefore tell me do you think I have had all I am fairly entitled to ?" She flushed all over, but lifted up her head and kissed him. Mr. Linden watched her, smiling then though she mit -ht not see it. "My little beauty," he said, "you have grown afraid of me do you know that?" "Not very " she said. Certainly Faith was not good at defending herself. . " No, not very. Just enough to give us both something to do. Mignonette, are you ready for me ?" Faith s face was bowed again almost out of sight. " Don t you think," she half whispered, "that Pet must be ready to see you, by this time ?" For all answer except a smile she was led across the room to a seat near the window. But just there, was the 394 SAY AND SEAL. table and its muslin dress I Mr. Linden stopped short, and Faith felt and understood the clasp of his arm about her waist, of his hand upon hers. But he only said laughingly, " Faith, was that what made you hide away ?" " Pet hid me," Faith said very much abashed ; " not I. She let fall the curtain." Mr. Linden let it fall again, in effect, for he quitted all troublesome subjects, and sat down by her side ; not loosing his hold of her, indeed, nor taking his eyes from her, but in the gravity of his own deep happiness there was not much to disturb her quiet. " I sent you a telegraphic despatch this morning to Pat- taquasset, dear Faith, I did not mean to take you quite by surprise. And my stopping anywhere short of that was merely because the arrangement of trains forced me to lose an hour here on the way. I thought it lost." "It hasn t proved so." " There was such a doubt of my being in time for this steamer, that I would not even speak of it. Faith, I have not often heard such music as the swash of the water about her paddle-wheels as we set off." " Didn t you hear the swash of her paddle-wheels as you came in ?" said Faith merrily. "No!" The wistful gladness of her eye was a pretty commentary. "Is Miss Reason in full activity yet?" said Mr. Linden smiling, his comment. " She has had no interruption, you know, for a great while." "Take care of her, Faith, she has a great deal of work before her." The look that answered this was a little con scious, but shewed no fear. There was nothing very unreasonable in the face that bent over hers ; the eyes with their deep look, lit up now and then with flashes of different feelings ; the mouth wear-, ing its sweet changeable expression. A little browner than usual, from the voyage, a little thinner, perhaps, with hard work; Mr. Linden still looked remarkably well and like himself; though Faith felt that nameless change that mingling of real and unreal, of friend and stranger, which a long absence always brings. One minute he was himself. SAY AND SEAL. 395 as he had been in Pattaquasset, giving her lessons, riding with her, reading to her, going off to school with one of Mrs. Stoutenburgh s white roses. The next he was a gentleman just arrived from Europe! from whom she could not get away. Perhaps the last impression was the most remarkable. But in spite of this, Faith was herself, every inch of her; with the exception of that one little dif ference which Mr. Linden had pointed out and which was not to be denied. Some time had passed, when Faith felt Pet s little hand come round her neck the other was round Mr. Linden. Faith s start was instant; springing up she went to the window where behind the curtain lay the work her hand had dropped. Faith gathered it up. She would have put that muslin dress out of the way then ! but there it lay in plain sight and close neighbourhood. Yet somebody must do it, and it was her business; and with cheeks of a very pretty deep rose that set off her white drapery, Faith ap plied herself to the due folding of the troublesome muslin. In two minutes Pet came to help her, but in a different mood, though her eyelashes were glittering. "Endy, come here and look at this I think it is so pretty. What flowers must Faith wear with it?" "Carnations look very well." I said white roses." "Which will you wear, Mignonette?" said Mr. Linden. He was favoured with a glance from two gentle eyes, which it was worth a little wickedness to get. It was only a flash. "I think Pet is right," she answered with great gravity. He came close to her side, the low-spoken "you shall have them " touched more things than one. "What do you suppose I found her doing?" said Pet, folding down a sleeve. Pet !" said Faith. " Don t touch that I Not to-night. " "Do you wish me to leave it unfolded? the servants will perhaps sweep in the morning." "Pet," said Faith softly, "don t you raise a dust! We might not lay it so soon." "Endy," said his sister, "how do you do? you haven t told me." 396 SAY AND SEAL. "Perfectly well, dear Pet." "Turn "round to the light and let me see You ve grown thin, child!" He laughed giving her a kiss and embrace to make up for that; which was only half successful. But she spoke in her former tone. "He looks pretty strong, Faith, I think I might tell him." "Mr. Linden," said Faith, "won t you please ask Pet not to tell you something?" "I will ask you" he said softly, laying his hands lightly on her shoulders. "Faith I think we may dispense with Mr. Linden now, even before people." She was oddly abashed ; glanced up at him and glanced down, with the grave air of a rebuked child. There was nothing about it that was not pretty; and the next thing her eyes went to Pet. How lovely and precious she looked as she stood there ! with her sweet shy face and changing colours. Mr. Linden held her to his breast and kissed her more than once, but in a way that was beyond chiding. "Why must I ask Pet not to tell me something?" "It is nothing great!" said Faith stammering over her words "Only you won t like it very well but you will have to hear it. I thought another time that s all." " He ll never hear it from you what I mean," said Miss Linden, "so he shall from me. We ll see whether he likes it. Know then, Endecott, that I found this child absorbed in wedding dresses !" "Wedding dresses !" he repeated. " More than one ?" "Oh Endy," said his sister with a sort of laughing im patience, "what a boy you are! I mean other people s." Faith stood smiling a little, letting her manage it her own way. "Imagine it," Miss Linden went on, "imagine this one little real flower bending over a whole garden of muslin marigolds and silk sunflowers and velvet verbenas, growing unthriftily in a bed of white muslin !" Mr. Linden laughed, as if the picture were a pleasant one. " Mignonette," he said, " how could you bear the sight ?" "I was trying to make the best of it." " In whose behalf were you so much interested ?" SAY AND SEAL. 397 "Maria Davids," said Faith glancing up at him. "But I was not interested, only so far as one is in making the best of anything." "Who is trying to make the best of her?" Faith looked down and looked grave as she answered "Jonathan Fax" Mr. Linden s face was grave too, then, with the recollections that name brought up. "There is one place in the house she cannot touch," he said. "Faith, I am glad she is not to take care of him." " I have thought that so often !" "Do you like my story, Endy?" said Miss Linden pres ently. "Very much the subject. I am less interested in the application. Who next is to be married in Pattaquasset ?" "I don t know." "Aunt Iredell says she wishes you would be married here," observed Pet demurely. To which insinuation Faith opposed as demure a silence. "Oh Enclecott," said his sister changing her tone and speaking in that mixed mood which so well became her, " I m so happy that you are here ! This week Faith has been pretty quiet, by dint of being away from home ; but nothing would have kept her here next week and I had been thinking what we should do, if the week should run on into two or if the wind should blow!" She spoke laughingly, yet with a voice not quite steady. " So he bringeth them to the haven where they would be !" Mr. Linden said. But his voice was clear as the very depth of feeling of which it told. "Aunt Iredell cannot have her wish, Pet," he added presently, "there would be at least three negative votes." "I suppose that! But I shall come down Saturday to hear what wishes are in progress." "Won t you go with us, Pet, to-morrow?" said Faith earnestly. She had been standing in a sort of abstracted silence. " No, pretty sister, 1 will not. But I shall keep all those ruffles here to finish, and Saturday Reuben Taylor shall escort them and me to Pattaquasset." VOL. ii. 34 CHAPTER XXXY. were yet in their morning light and shadow JL when Faith set off on this her first real journey with Mr. Linden. She felt the strangeness of it, in the early breakfast, the drive alone with him to the station, to stand by and see him get her ticket, to sit with him alone in the cars (there seemed to be no one else there !) were all new. The towers of Quilipeak rose up in the soft distance, shin ing in the morning sun : over meadow and hillside and In dian-named river the summer light fell in all its beauty. Dewdrops glittered on waving grain and mown grass ; labourers in their shirtsleeves made another gleaming line of scythe blades, or followed the teams of red and brindled oxen that bowed their heads to the heavy yoke. Through all this, past all this, the Pequot train flew on towards Pat- taquasset ; sending whole lines of white smoke to scour the country, despatching the shrill echoes of its whistle in swift pursuit. Faith saw it all with that vividness of impression which leaves everything sun-pictured on the memory forever. In it all she felt a strange something new ; which gave the sunlight such a marked brilliancy, and made dewdrops fresher than ordinary, and bestowed on mown grass and waving grain such rich tints and gracious motion. It was not merely the happiness of the time; Faith s foot had a little odd feeling that every step was on new ground. It was a thoughtful ride to Pattaquasset, though she was in nocently busy with all pleasant things that came in her way, and the silveriest of tones called Mr. Linden s attention to them. He did not leave her thoughts too much chance to muse : the country, the various towns, gave subject enough for the varied comment and information Faith loved so much. Mr. Linden knew the places well, and their history and legends, and the foreign scenes that were like or unlike . them, or perhaps a hayfield brought up stories of foreign agriculture, or a white sailing cloud carried them both off (398) SAY AND SEAL. 399 to castles in the air. One thing Mr. Linden might have made known more fully than he did and that was his com panion. For several times in the course of the morning, first in the station at Quilipeak, then in the cars, some friend or acquaintance of his own came to greet or welcome him. And Faith could see the curiosity that glanced a,t so much of her as her veil left in view, Mr. Linden saw it too, with some amusement. And yet though all this was a little rouging, it was interesting to her in another way, shew ing her Mr. Linden as she had never seen him, among the rest of the world. giving her little glimpses of his formei life ; for the bits of talk were sometimes quite prolonged. "Mignonette," he said after one of these occasions, " some people here are very anxious to make your acquaint ance." "I am glad you don t want to gratify them." "Why? In the first place, I do." "Do you !" said Faith, somewhat fearfully. "Certainly. I, like you, am a little proud of my carna tions . How do you like this way of travelling ?" "I like it such a morning as this," said Faith. "I don t think it s the pleasautest. But to-day it s delicious." "Yes to-day," he repeated. "What way of travelling do you like best?" "You know I never travelled at all, except to Quilipeak and Pequot. I believe I like a wagon or a sleigh better than this, in general." "That is our last whistling post!" said Mr. Linde^ "Faith, I shall be glad to get rid of that veil. And I have so many things to say to you that cannot be said here. Is Mr. Somers in Pattaquasset still ?" "Everybody s there " Faith answered. The little shake of the head with which this intelligence (so far as regarded Mr. Somers) was received, Faith might understand as she pleased, for in another minute they were at the Pattaquasset station ; the train was puffing off, and she standing there on the platform with Mr. Linden. A little way back was Jerry and the wagon that Faith saw at a glance ; but there too, and much nearer, was Squire Stoutenburgh in doubt whether to handle the new corners separately or together, in his great delight. 400 SAY AND SEAL. From all this Mr. Linden rescued Faith with most prompt skill ; carried her off to the wagon, shook hands with Dromy and dismissed him, and then with the reiLs in his own hands had her all to himself once more. Aid Jerry dashed on as if he knew his driver. "Mignonette, please pat back your veil," were the first words. Which Faith did, and looked at him, laughing, blushing and a little shy, all in one pleasant combination. "What have you been doing to make yourself lovelier, little Sunbeam ?" "I have been a year without seeing you," said Faith with excellent seriousness. " My presence seems to have no counteracting effect. By the same rule, I should be marvellous ! T)o you perceive it?" Her eye gave one of its little flashes, but Faith imme diately looked away. "Do you know," said Mr. Linden, "I can hardly believe that this year of exile is over and that there are none others to follow it. What do you suppose will be the first subject you and I shall consider ?" "Mr. Skip," said Faith gravely. "Mr. Skip merits no consideration whatever. Is Miss Bezac at work on that dress ?" "Because he don t live with us any longer, Endecott." "Does he not? Unfortunate man!" "And Dromy is in his place." "My dear, my own place is the only one I can think of with any intense interest. Except yours." " Because we have had no farm to manage this winter," said Faith; "so Dromy could do what we wanted." "I am glad to hear it," said Mr. Linden, "he never used to be able to do what I wanted. Who has managed for you? Mr. Simlius? And has Mr. Skip gone off in a pumpkin with Cinderella? Faith, there is the door where I had the first sight of you my Rose of delight!" he added softly, as if all the days since then were passing through his mind in sweet procession. Faith was silent, for she too had something to think of; ant! there was no more time to finish either train of conver- sa "jn that had been started. Both dropped, even before SAY AND SEAL. . 401 Jerry drew np at the gate ; and if she had not gained one object she had the other. By this time it was about eleven o clock. It was rarely very hot in Pattaquasset ; and now though under a sunny sky there were summer breezes rustling in the trees. Both mingled in Faith s senses with the joy of going into that house again so accompanied. That gladness of getting home in a pleasant hour! No one was in the cool sitting- room Faith pushed open the door between and went into the eating-room, followed by Mr. Linden. There was Mrs. Derrick ; and what of all things doing but doing up some of Faith s new ruffles! It was a glad meeting, what though Mrs. Derrick had no hand to give anybody. Then she went to get rid of the starch, and the two others to their respective rooms. But in a very few minutes indeed Faith was by her side again. " Mother has Cindy come ?" " She s coming to-morrow, child. But there s not much to do for dinner, that s all under way." Faith bared her arms and plunged into dairy and kitchen to do all that her mother characterized as not much, and a little more. When every possible item had been cared for the strawberries looked over the cream made ready the table set the lettuce washed the dishes warming for the vegetables the pickles and bread on the table and Faith had through all this delighted Mrs. Derrick as much as possible with her company, sight and presence at least, for Faith s words were a trifle less free than usual; when it was all done and the eating-room in a state of pleasant shady summer readiness, Faith went ben , as they say in Scot land. She came into the sitting-room, as quietly as usual, and coming up to Mr. Linden laid a hand on his shoulder. "My own dear little Mignonette! Do you feel less afraid of me, now I am here ?" She hesitated to answer at first, then spoke with a very dainty shy look " I don t think I ever had fear enough of you to hurt anything." " See that you do not begin now ! What have you been about, all these long months ? You were as chary of details as if I had no right to them." Faith looked gravely out of the window before she 402 SAY AND SEAL. said, "I have not been studying tins year, Endecott." There was so clearly some reason for it, that Mr. Linden >s first thought was one of anxiety. " What has been the matter ?" "You know I told you Mr. Skip had gone away?" "Yes." "And that he went because we hadn t any farm to manage ?" " What has the farm to do with your studies ?" "What shall I do if I make you very angry with me ?" said Faith, the least touch of seriousness mingling with her words, "You had better ask what I shall do. Has Mr. Deacon come back and taken possession ?" " Yes And you know, Endy, we used to live by the farm When that was gone we had to live by something else I wouldn t tell you if I could help your knowing it." "Mignonette, what have you been doing?" "You know what Pet found me at?" "Yes." She could not tell whether he saw the whole, he was clearly in the mind to hear it, taking both her hands in his. ; I did that," said Faith. Did what?" : I got work from Miss Bezac. She gave me lessons." For how long ?" ginee about a fortnight after you went away. It was* then Squire Deacon took away the farm. From that time until Pet came " she added with a little rise of colour in her cheeks.. "And that all the daylight and candlelight hours of each day?" " no, not that. I had long walks to Miss Bezac s, you know or rides every day or two ; for we kept Jerry ; and I never sewed before breakfast. And in the evening I used to write letters part of the evening." "Child! child!" He dropped her hands, and began to pace up and down the moderate limits of Mrs. Derrick s best carpet. Until after a few turns Faith put herself straight in his way and intercepted him, with a very inno cent face. SAY AND SEAL. 403 " Faith, did no one protest against this for me ?" "Yes, sir." "And you knew that I had guarded that I had tried to guard you against any such possibility?" Faith paused. " Yes, I knew, but Endy, that couldn t make any difference." " It did notHow, could not ?" " It ought not," she said softly and colouring. "Canyon tell why?" "You know, Endy, it was better, it was right, it was better that I should work for myself." "Never, Mignonette while I could work for you. How do you expect to manage when you are my wife ? And do you think I had no right even to know about it ?" "I thought now was the best time " Faith said. "Am I to learn from this and similar instances what my wife will expect of me if I chance to be sick or in trouble ?" It touched her. She coloured again to the roots of her hair. "Do you think I did wrong, Endy ?" she said doubtfully, yet in an appealing fashion. " I cannot say you did right." " But when you could do me no good," said Faith very gently, "and I should only have given you pain for nothing?" "It would not have given me pain to have you tell it and the thing does now. Besides, in a great many cases the thought that it is pain for nothing 1 is a mistake. I might know some remedy when you did not. Self sacrifice will never run wild in my nature as it is inclined to do in yours, but just imagine it once in the ascendant and me with a bad headache (which I never have), it can only give you pain to hear of it so I tell you of it the next, day. But if I had told you at the time what conjurations of your little fingers ! what quick-witted alleviations ! till the headache becomes almost a pleasure to both of us." Faith was very near the unwonted demonstration of tears. She stood still, looking down, till she could look up safely. " I will not do so again, Endy. About important things, I mean," 404 SAY AND SEAL. "You know, Faith, I am speaking less of this one case, than of the daily course of future action. Is not perfect frankness, as well as perfect truth, best? And if I call for your sympathy in all manner of small and great things, will you let mine lie idle ?" "I might like it," said Faith honestly. "But in great things I will not again, Endecott." " Take care you get the right measure for things," said Mr. Linden smiling. " Frankness makes a deliciously plain way for one s feet." Faith looked sober again, at the idea that she should have failed in frankness. Then put her hand in his and looked smiling up at him. "There is one thing I will not keep from you any longer," she said. "What is that? the seal of this little compact of plain speaking ?" "Strawberries!" "Only another style of nomenclature," said Mr. Lin den. " You must take the trouble to go into the other room for them." And light-heartedly Faith preceded him into the other room, where the dinner was ready. A very simple dinner, but Mrs. Derrick would not have had anything less than a roast chicken for Mr. Linden, and the lettuce and potatoes did very well for a summer day ; and Faith s waiting on table made it only more pleasant. Talk flowed all the while ; of a thousand and one things ; for Mrs. Derrick s sympathies had a wider range since Mr. Linden had been in Germany. Indeed the talk was principally between those two. It was a remarkably long dinner, without mul tiplication of courses there was so much to say ! Many were the pleasant things swallowed with the strawberries It is said hunger is the best sauce ; it s not true ; happiness is a better. And then what came then ? Truly, the same over again looking and talking, without the strawberries. Which were not wanted ; especially when Faith was dressed out with roses, as she was presently after dinner. As she would wash the tumblers and spoons in the dining-room, spite of SAY AND SEAL. 405 all Mrs. Derrick could say, so Mr. Linden would stay there too ; not indeed to do anything but look on, and bestow the roses as aforesaid. Talking to her sometimes in En glish, sometimes in French, with preliminary instructions in German. "Mignonette," he said, "I have three letters for you to read." " Letters,. Endecott ! Who has written to me ?" "Through me three regions of country." "What do you mean?" Just as she spoke the words, Faith paused and set down the tumbler she was wiping. Her ears had caught the sound of a modest knock at the front door. She looked at Mr. Linden. "Stay here, Endy please !" she said as she threw down her towel and ran off. But Faith s hope of a chance was disappointed. She ushered somebody into the sitting-room and came back gravely and flushed to Mr. Linden. "It s Mr. Somers and he wants to see you, Ende cott!" Faith went at her tumblers, and simultaneously, greatly to the dismay of one party as to the surprise of the other, in walked Mr. Somers after her. "Miss Derrick told me you were in this room, sir," said the clergyman shaking Mr. Linden s hand, "so I came in. Ha ! I am glad to be one of the first to welcome you back. How do you do, Mr. Linden ? You ve been a great while from Pattaquasset ! and you ve been missed, I don t doubt." Apparently not by Mr. Somers ! But Mr. Linden met all the advances as he should, merely stating his belief in the general proposition that there is always somebody to miss everybody." "Will you take a seat here, sir?" he said "or may I go with you to the next room ?" " I have no choice," said Mr. Somers looking benig- nantly around ; " it is very pleasant here, very ! cool ; perhaps Miss Derrick will have no objection to our taking our seats here ?" Faith did not say, but as Mr. Somers had taken her leave for granted, and his seat consequently, she was saved that 406 SAY AND SEAL. trouble. How she reddened at the thought of the roses with which she was dressed ! And there she stood in full view, washing her spoons ! But Mr. Soiners looked the other way. "I I am very happy to see you again, Mr. Linden . very happy indeed, sir I I heard from Squire Stoutenburgh that you were expected, and I lost no time. How have you enjoyed your health, sir, this year ? A year s a long time ! isn t it?" Mr. Linden, taking his seat as in duty bound, looked abstractedly at Faith and the spoons and the roses, and answered according to the evidence " Yes, Mr. Somers, and yet it depends very much upon how far the two ends of the year are apart in other re spects. The Voyage autour de ma chambre could never seem very long, whatever time it took." "Ha!" said Mr. Somers blandly, he hadn t the re motest idea what this speech might mean, "no. Did you have a good passage coming over? We had every sign of it." "Very good," said Mr. Linden smiling, "and very stormy. " "Ah ?" said Mr. Somers, " very good and very stormy ? Well I shouldn t have thought that. But I suppose you have got to be such a traveller that you don t mind which way the wind blows, if it blows you on, ha? like Dr. Harrison. He never minds the weather. Dr. Harrison s a great loss to Pattaquasset too," said Mr. Somers looking at Faith and smiling a little more openly ; " all our ha ! our pleasantest members of society seem to be running away fro.m us! That s what Mrs. Somers says." " One more spoon and put them up," thought Faith, "and then I ll be away!" "But I ve come to see if I can t get you to do me a favour, Mr. Linden," said Mr. Somers withdrawing his eyes and mind from her. " I should be very much obliged to you indeed ! t I m almost afraid to ask, for fear I sha n t get it." Faith wiped her spoon slowly. "I like to do favours," said Mr. Linden, "at least I think I should. But I cannot imagine how you can give me a chance, Mr. Somers." SAY AND SEAL. 407 "Don t you think it would be a great gratification to all your old friends in Pattaquasset, if you would consent to fill ray pulpit next Sunday ? They I believe they d come from all over the country ! and it would be a it would be a very great gratification indeed to me. Can t I prevail with you ?" Faith had ceased her work and was standing quite still, with bended head, and cheeks which had gathered their colour into two vivid spots. On .those carnations Mr. Linden s eyes rested for a moment, with a strange feeling of pleasure, of emotion. The sort of touched smile upon his lips when he spoke, did not, it may be said, belong to Mr. Sorners. His answer was very simple and straightfor ward. "I should like to see and speak to all my old friends again, sir, more than I can tell you and I think they would be glad to see me. I could do it so well in no other way. Thank you, Mr. Somers ! it is you who confer the favour." " Then you ll do it ?" said Mr. Soraers, delighted. " I am very happy very fortunate indeed ! It will be quite a relief. And a pleasure a very great pleasure a I assure you, sir. It s profitable for a people to have a change they listen ha ! they hear the same things said in a dif ferent way ; and it is often striking. And it is certainly profitable to the pastor. Well, Mr. Linden, I shall make a great many people happy, and Mrs. Somers, she ll set off on her side to tell the news. How long are you going - a to remain in Pattaquasset? But I don t know," added he laughing, "as I ought to ask I" Faith had carried her spoons summarily to the cup board, and was sitting at an open window near it, looking out. "And I cannot answer," said Mr Linden. "I have hardly got past my arrival yet, sir." " No -certainly. I was a premature. You must ex cuse me. And I have no right to take up any more of your time, as you have so kindly a consented to give me Sunday. What is the state of religion now, abroad, sir?" The answer to which comprehensive enquiry drew on 408 SAY AND SEAL. into a talk of some length, although Mr. Somers had de clared he mast go and had no right to stay. For a little while Faith sat still by her window, but then she vanished and appeared at Mrs. Derrick s side in the kitchen. The dishes were all done there too, and Mrs. Derrick was "ticing" about, talking to Faith and wishing Mr. Somers would go, some time before he went. Faith heard the closing door, and the light returning step, then a clear - not loud-spoken "Mignonette where are you?" Faith sprang back through the passage, and stood in the eating-room again. With a very sweet sort of gravity. All her mind and her face full of the thought that he was going <vo preach for Mr. Somers. What are you about, little Sunbeam? are you busy?" "No." "Then first I want a talk with you, and then a walk with you, do you want the same with me ? or are you tired?" " No yes ; I m not tired a bit." "Are you nervous?" he said, drawing her off into the next room. "No!" she said laughing a little, "did you ever think I was, Endecott?" But Faith s heart beat somewhat strangely. " I am going to try you " he said as he sat down by her; "so if you are, shut up your eyes." There was no sign of shutting up in Faith s eyes. She looked at him, not indeed assuredly, but steadily, and with a wee smile. Eye and smile were met and held, until he had taken her left hand and held that too ; but then look ing down at it, Mr. Linden gravely took out a little gold ring and proceeded to try how well its dimensions agreed with those of the finger for which it was destined. Nothing moved of Faith but her eyes, which followed his, and the fluttering colour which fluttered indeed! went and came like the lights on a wreath of vapour. Silently the hand, with both rings on, was looked at for a few moments then held to his lips, with special greeting of those two fingers ; and then, as he took off the second ring, Mr. Linden looked up at her. "Mignonette, when may I put it on again?" SAY AND SEAL. 409 There seemed to be difficulty in Faith s answering. Pro bably she was making up her mind to speak, but he had to wait for her words to be ready. He waited quietly, as if he expected it; looking down at the hand he held, and saying nothing unless by the clasp of its little fingers. "Do you know where you are going, yet Endy?" she said in a very low voice." " No, darling not certainly." "Then do you want to know this yet?" "Very much." Faith had expected no less ; she had had fair warning ; and besides in her heart could not but confess that Mr. Linden had reason Little as she might care to disturb the existing state of things, which to her mind was pleasant enough, it was clear that his mind on the subject was differ ent ; and she could not find fault with that. There was a pause again, of quiet waiting on one side and great diffi culty of utterance on the other, and the words when they came were in the lowest possible key. What do you wish?" What I have been waiting for all these years. " But as to time?" As little as possible." I know, but what is that, Endy ?" she said with very timid intonation. " As little as possible ?" he said, raising his eyes with a laughing look to her face, "the words hardly need ex planation I might have stayed Mr. Soraers this afternoon. It cannot be too soon for me, Mignonette but I do not know what is possible for you." What was possible for her! It almost took Faith s breath away. Because she acknowledged Mr. Linden s right to his wish. She was in great confusion, besides. "I will do what you please!" she said at length. "You may arrange it with mother." " No, with you," said Mr. Linden, " what do you please ? Am I to repeat the passage of Quapaw creek ?"- She looked up and looked at him, and said yes. It was a look any man would have liked to have given him. Not without a little fear of what he might say, those eyes put >uch a pure faith in him and were so ready to answer his VOL. ii. 35 410 SAY AND SEAL. pleasure. She waited for his answer, though her eyes did not. "You know, dear Faith, I sent you word to be ready for me, is that done ?" "Yes nearly." " Nearly is soon despatched," said Mr. Linden, "and this is the month when, if ever, come perfect days Shall we say a week from to-day ?" She looked very startled, soft though the glance was that again met his face. And for a moment the roses fairly fled away. "As soon as possible" this was, sure enough. They came back however, first stealthily and then swiftly, till Faith s face was bowed and her right hand with futile intent of concealment was interposed between it and Mr. Linden. But whether Faith meant to speak or meant not to speak, certain it is that words were none. " I cannot have this !" said Mr. Linden, as he took the shielding hand into his own possession, "Faith, you shall not look pale about it. This is the second time I have banished the colour in the first twenty-four hours I have been home. And these roses I see now, seem to me to come from the same tree as the white ones. If you would look more boldly at the subject it would appear much less terrific and the same might be said of me. What sort of a face have I down there in the carpet?" There was a little clasp of his hand which answered that ; but though he could see Faith s lips give way he did not hear them speak. "Mignonette, the treaty waits your signature." "Yes, Endy," she said quaintly enough. Mr. Linden brought her face round within sight, saying much as he had done at Quapaw creek "Are you afraid, dear child?" " No " she said timidly, and yet "no" it was. "Then it only needs my seal. In one of the northern countries of Europe, Mignonette, the bride and bridegroom are expected to stand at the open window for an hour or two, in full dress, so you see things are not so bad as they might be. Now my little beauty are you ready for youi walk?" CHAPTER XXXVI. IT was the pretty time of a summer afternoon. The sun, in the last quarter of almost his longest journey of the year, but high yet, sent warm rays to rest in the meadows and dally with the tree tops and sparkle on the Mong and its salt outlet. The slight rustle of leaves now and then was as often caused by a butterfly or a kildeer as by the breeze ; sometimes by a heavy damask rose that suddenly sent down its rosy shower upon the ground. It was the very pastime of birds and insects and roses, with that slight extra stir which told the time of day and that the afternoon siesta was at an end. Gathering roses as he went along, fastening them in her belt or her bonnet, Mr. Linden led Faith down the farm road by which he had driven her to the shore that first day after her illness. There was small danger of meeting any one, it was not the time for loads of hay and grain, and little else passed that way: the labourers in the fields were seen and heard only at a distance Mr. Linden himself was in as gay and gladsome a mood as the day, more lively indeed, and active taking the "dolce far" without the "niente;" witnessing what "the year of exile "-had been, by his joy in being at home, with June and Mignon ette. The afternoon s talk had added something even to both their perfections he could not forget it though he talked of other things. Neither did Faith forget it. Yet she laughed at Mr. Linden and with him; though as far as conversation was concerned she took a secondary part. She started no subject whatever, of the least moment. Subjects started of themselves in numbers somewhat like the little butterflies that roused out of the clover as the intruding feet came by, about as airy, about as flitting, not quite so purposeless. And thus in a way more sum mery than summary, Mr. Linden and Faith arrived at the *hore. He found a shady seat for her, and with no " by (411) 412 BAY AND SEAL. your leave" except in manner, transferred her bonnet to an airy situation on a wild thorn. " Mignonette, do you know what I mean to do with you after Thursday ?" "No, Endecott." " I shall put you before me on the wooden horse spoken of in the fairy tale, turn the pin under his right ear, and be off." "What s that story!" said Faith, looking round at him (he was standing behind her) with the prettiest of bright flushed faces. "An authentic account of how a prince carried off a princess." " How did he ?" " Got her consent first (couldn t get anybody s else, but that did not matter) ordered some one to bring the wooden horse to the front of the palace, placed her and himself as aforesaid, turned the pin, and disappeared from the curious eyes of the-whole court. The story goes on to state that they both enjoyed the ride." " Was that what you meant when you asked me if I liked travelling in cars ? " said Faith, a very little laugh speak ing her sense of the application. "Quick witted little princess!" said Mr. Linden. "The horse that refuses to carry double for your service, shall be dismissed from mine." "But I don t see much, yet," said Faith. "I don t under stand the story nor you. I think you have taken me a great many rides on that horse." "Not en princesse," said Mr. Linden smiling. "The story is very simple, my dear. After shewing his wife various places of interest, and letting his friends see her, the prince arrives at home. It is said that he then finds his fortune but I think that part of the story is fabulous, so don t set your heart upon it." "That s the story but what do you mean, Endy ?" "To give you such a ride. I mean that I am the prince, and that you (will be) the princess, who shall do all these things." Faith jumped up. " Do you !" "Truly I do, dear Mignonette." SAY AND SEAL. 413 Faith s face was changing. The undoubted joy in her eye had yet a check somewhere. "But Endecott " "Qu est ce qne c est, Mademoiselle?" "You haven t a wooden horse!" she said with a delicious and most delicate mixture of frankness and timidity. "Are you sure of the fact? and after all, Mademoiselle, what then ?" The same look almost answered him without words. "I am not sure " she said. "I thought so." "What is the point of the remark ?" She hesitated between the two feelings. But frankness, or duty, carried it. "Because, Endy if that were so, I don t want to go !" " How did your royal pride get turned about ? that you will look at none but a wooden horse?" She smiled at him, a little puzzled as of old, and not choosing to venture any further. "I suppose I know what you mean, my dear one," Mr Linden said, taking both her hands in his, and smiling too; "but as I do not intend to be John Gilpin, you need not b^ his wife, not yet. Besides, the horse of whatever sort will require less than you suppose ; and for the prince and princess, they, Being in the air, Will not care How they fare!" Which words had an overcoming effect not only upon Faith s nascent scruples, but upon Faith herself; and a perfect series of little laughs of the most musical descrip tion rolled along a very limited extent of the shore, kept company by flushing colours as fair as the lights which were just then playing in the clouds overhead. Mr. Linden, holding her hands still, watched his princess with the most perfect satisfaction. "Is your mind at rest?" he said. "You know I threat ened to keep you all to myself for six months though I m afraid four will be as near as I can come to it." "But where are you going, Endy?" 35* 414 SAY AND SEAL. " That waits partly on your choice. In general, to hills, cities, and rivers, the Falls, the White Mountains, Wash ington, and the pictured rocks of Lake Superior. Then to some shore where you can see real surf and to delight the eyes of some of my old friends by the way. - Faith s eye went gravely over to the sunny Long Island shore, but her mind had made a perfect leap. The only outward token of which was the unconsciously playing line of her lips. Such a journey! with him! The breeze from the White Mountains seemed to blow in her face already, and the capital of the country rose before her in a most luminous cloud-view. With Mr. Linden to guide her and to tell her everything ! She did not see the eyes that were watchiLg her, but when she suddenly noticed the silence and turned towards Mr. Linden, the smile was on his lips too. "I thought I should go right to work," she said, "to study to make up for lost time. Can t I do that too ?" "As much as you like ! But don t you know there is a lost holiday to be made up, as well?" " It is made up," she said gently, after a minute s hesi tation. "How that grieved me when I went away!" said Mr, Linden, "to take from you what I might never be able to replace. But sit down, dear child I want to consult you about various things." Faith sat down and looked like a grave child indeed. Her journey for the present forgotten, and all her mind bent on something more weighty and worthy. "I told you I had three letters for you to read," said Mr. Linden. "One reached me in Germany, two I found waiting for me here. They are all about the same subject, Mignonette: where you and I shall establish ourselves." A flush- rose, but she looked steadily. "You told me once," Mr. Linden went on, "that in such a case I should choose the place where I was most needed where there was most work for me to do. Now you shall judge. The pastor of a large manufacturing town in Pennsylvania (I may say of the town it is so in effect) has accepted a call to Baltimore. I knew him formerly, and I SAY AND SEAL. 415 suppose it is through his influence that the people have applied to me." Faith thought it very likely. " How large is the town, Endy ?" "Ten or fifteen thousand I do not know precisely." "And no other churches ?" "Yes, but this is so much the leading one that the others hardly hold their ground ; and by the way, I think I would rather have a call from one of them. Apparently the churchgoers are in the minority." Faith thought there must be work enough to do in that place ; but she only listened more gravely. "An old friend of my father s writes the second letter. He lives at Newport, and has pleased himself with building a new church in a part of the island not much adorned with spires. Climate and society are good, scenery picturesque, and he is quite sure if I will only bring Mrs. Linden ! to his house, she will decide in favour of Newport at once." Faith s eyes went down, and rouge of the richest and frankest coloured her cheeks. "Do you think she will?" said Mr. Linden demurely. " What is the other, Endy? You said three." " The other, love, is from those very White Mountains you are going to see. Another friend writes the letter, one who has built himself a nest there for summer migra tions. It is a strange place, Faith, by all accounts I have never been to that part of the mountains. A scattered population, sprinkled about on the hills like their own dew berries, and to be found in much the same manner. Neither church nor chapel, but only an unused schoolhouse of which Mr. Olyphant prays I will come and take possession. Snow and frost, the valleys and the everlasting hills that would be your society." Faith s eyes were raised now and met Mr. Linden s. Grave, as one who felt the weight of the question to be settled ; but with a brow unshadowed, and eyes unfearing. A child s look still ! "Mr. Olyphant says there could not be better air for my bird to sing in," he went on with a smile, "there was one great objection to the place in Pennsylvania. How does this seem to you, dear Faith ? it is rather on a spur of the mountains not absolutely shut in. Then I am not sur 416 SAY AND SEAL. how much society you would have but mine, what do you think of it, in comparison with Newport ?" She answered at first with a rare little smile, so happy in its grave trust, and which withal a little significantly deferred the question. "I know you will go where you think you ought to go. Endy I don t know about places." "I doubt whether I shall grant more than half of Mr. Alcott s request," said Mr. Linden. "I suppose if George has not got home I may venture to grant that. Faith, it, is a very singular fact that everybody falls in love with you. " To judge by Faith s blush, it was a somewhat painful fact. "Whom are you talking of?" she said doubtfully. "The present occasion of my remark is George Alcott said to be absent on a crusade of search after a pair of eyes he saw in Pattaquasset. " "I don t know him," said Faith laughing a little; but instantly recurring to business she asked very earnestly, "Then, Endy, you think you will go to that place in the mountains ? or haven t you made up your mind ?" "I am inclined to that one, of the three I cannot say my mind is absolutely made up. It has had so much else to do since I came home 1 Faith, do you mean to have any bridesmaids ?" Faith jumped up off her rock. "Endy, I want to run down and look at these little fish. And it s growing late, besides !" "Yes, but, you must answer me first," said Mr. Linden laughing and holding her fast. "It is needful I should know beforehand, because they will want supporters, if I do not." "I don t want any, Endy," said Faith with cheeks like two pink roses, but standing very still now. " Then come and shew me the fish. Don t you think it would be gladsome work to seek out those untaught and uncared for people up in the mountains ?" They had come down to the rocks between and among which at. low tide the shell fish played in an inch or two of water ; and sitting on one of the mossy stones Faith was watching the mimic play of evil passions which was going SAY AND SEAL. 417 on among that tribe of Mollusca below her ; but her mind was on something else. "I read the other day," she said, "those words of Paul, where he says to the Thessalonians we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel*. They made me very happy they make me happy now. What I thought of in connexion with them, I mean." "And what was that ?" "That they are your words too," she said after looking up as if she thought her meaning must be known. "And that even I have something to do," she added lower. Mr. Linden stood by her, looking off at the rippling waves, then down at his fair little helper. "Yes, Faith it is a glorious thing to have any part of that work in trust, and the part which makes least show may be no less in reality. In trust !" he repeated, looking off again. "Such beautiful words ! such terrible." "No !" she said with a smile, "I don t think so." "Nor I, dear, from your point of view. But in the world, Faith, where you have been so little, I have seen the words of the trust to be boundless the faithfulness of the trustees within very narrow limits. And to be always ready to sow beside all waters who is ? Freely ye have received, freely give , .is the command but what Christian sees with half perception what he has received !" Faith paused and looked thoughtful, and then smiled again. " I always think of the words you read to me one day, Only be thou strong and very courageous, for the Lord, thy God is with thee, whithersoever thou goest ." The answering look told that if Mr. Linden s words had not been said for the purpose of drawing her out, they had at least served that purpose. "You are a dear little Sunbeam !" he said. "Acting out your name, as I told you long ago. There is nothing needful to get you ready for the White Mountains but a fur cloak. Now come it is growing late, as you say." It was a late tea-time when they got home. They sat down to tea and Faith had not told her mother yet ! which she remembered with a somewhat uneasy mind. There was nothing uneasy about the third member of the family ! the poise and balance of the white strawberries upon each 418 SAY AND SEAL. other was not more complete than the resting adjustment of all his thoughts. "Mrs. Derrick," he said as she handed him his cup of tea, " what do you consider the prettiest time of day ?" "The prettiest time of day?" Mrs. Derrick repeated, "do you mean when the day looks best or the people? I m sure I don t know, Mr. Linden, I never watch any body from morning to night but Faith." "I am talking of Faith or what concerns her." "O well all times of day are alike to her," said her mother fondly, "she s just as pretty one time as another, and one day as another. Only the days when she used to get letters." "Mignonette," said Mr. Linden, "when should I have heard such a piece of news from you ?" "I never knew it before," said Faith. " How many hours does she need for a morning toilette ?" said he, pursuing his researches. "Hours!" said Mrs. Derrick "you d better say minutes. It s less than an hour, commonly." "But I mean uncommonly." Mrs. Derrick looked thoroughly puzzled. But Faith had got the key, and hopeless of stopping Mr. Linden shp thought the next best thing was to expedite matters. "When I take longest, mother," she suggested in alow voice. "-How long would she need to arrange orange flowers to ner satisfaction " said Mr. Linden, " or white muslin ?" " ! " said Mrs. Derrick setting down the teapot with her cup half filled. "I didn t know what you were talking about." "I am talking about next Thursday," said Mr. Linden, with a gay gentleness of manner. "Because we have de cided or I have that Thursday is to be the prettiest day of the week, and now we want to choose the prettiest time of day." A little flush came into Mrs. Derrick s quiet face, sLe gaid not a word. "You are willing it should be then?" Mr. Linden said. The mother s "yes" was very firm and clear, and yet SAY AND SEAL. 419 not in just her usual tone. That came back a minute after with the relief which a thought of business always brings. "That dress isn t made!" she said. Mr. Linden s " Faith ! " was expressive. " I knew that it could be done in a day at any time, Endecott," said Faith, very grave and flushed. "It is up stairs in my drawer, mother." "Kept there by what piece of superstition?" he said smiling. "Did you think if you made it up that I would never come back ?" CHAPTER XXXYII. T? RID AY passed all too swiftly. Not in much work, so Jj far as Faith was concerned unless so far as Mr. Lin den gave her work. Apparently she had been out of his sight long enough he was not in the mood to let her be so any more. Saturday followed close in Friday s steps until after dinner, then came a move. For Pet and Reu ben were to come in the afternoon train ; and Mr. Linden going with Jerry to the station to meet them, summoned Faith to give "her sweet company." So far as the station, Faith gave it ; but there she drew back into the furthest corner of the wagon, and waited, while Mr. Linden walked up and down between the wagon and the front platform. Waited, and watched, furtively, everything ; him and the people that spoke to him ; with those strange eyes that saw everything new. Then came the whistle ! the rush and roar of the train the moment s lull ; and then Faith saw the three she looked for coming towards her. Reuben a little in advance with Miss Linden s travelling bag, she with one hand on her brother s shoulder and he r eyes on his face, coming rather slowly after, talk ing, asking questions, some of which Faith could almost guess from the look and smile with which they were an swered. It was a pretty picture ; she felt as if she knew them both better for seeing it. Before they had quite reached the wagon, Pet received an answer which made her quit Mr. Linden with a little spring and leave him to follow with Reuben. And Faith had opened the wagon door. "Faith! you dear child!" said Miss Linden, "what have you been doing with yourself or what has anybody done with you, to stow you away here like a forgotten parcel?" She had entered the wagon no further than to rest one knee there holding both Faith s hands and looking at her with full, bright, loving eyes. "How came Endecott to leave you here, alone ?" " Two people must be alone if they are not together," said Mr. Linden. "Pet, shall I put you in or out?" (420) SAY AND SEAL. 421 She laughed, jumping into the wagon then and twining one arm about Faith s waist, much like a spray of wood bine. "What do you think I have asked him?" she whispered, "and what do you think he has told me ?" "I don t know," said Faith; "but I guess." A significant clasp of the woodbine answered that then the hand rested in a quiet embrace. "How well he looks!" she said, her eyes taking glad note of one figure on the seat before them. " Faith, how are you ?" "I am well." Nothing could be quieter in its kind. "Did he tell you what he is going to do to-morrow, Pet?" "No " she said looking her quick inquiry. Faith s face might have told her before she spoke ; such a joy sat gravely on her brow and in the depth of her eyes. "If you go to church to-morrow, you will know." A sudden flush, both of cheeks and eyes, bore witness to the interest of this news. The look met Faith s for a mo ment then rested on Mr. Linden, and then with that little tide of feeling deepening its sweet flow, the eyes fell, the unbent lips wavered and trembled. Faith ventured only a silent act of free- masonry ; a fast clasp of her fingers round Miss Linden s hand that rested on her waist; but maybe never yet in their short friendship had they felt their hearts beat so close together. With one, there was perhaps some old recollection or association some memory of the time when such a day had been first talked of, that made self- command a hard matter; for though the lips presently grew still, and the eyes quiet, the gravity that remained was easily stirred, and the voice spoke doubtfully. There was more discussion of various things that evening than Faith cared for, but it could not be helped. Sunday brought a lull of discussions. But the gravity which sat on Faith s face that morning was not the less but the more. If a guardian angel had shewn himself bodily, his face might have worn such a pure distance from low and trifling things and like kindred with the blue sky and the truth it emblematizes. That day was the first of her new life to Faith. Not such to Mr. Linden ; but it was the first of her seeing him publicly take the office to which his 422 SAY AND SEAL. life was to be given, and in which hers was to be by his side. She was a very grave "sunbeam" when she set out to walk to church and as clear ! There were sunbeams in plenty of the literal kind abroad ; it was a perfect day ; and everybody was glad of that, though some people remarked it would have made no difference if it had rained cannon-balls. Never did Pattaquasset see such a coming to church! never in the remembrance of Mr. Somers. They came from all over; the country was gleaned; and many a fire was raked up on the hearthstone that day which most Sundays got leave to burn and some body to watch it. The fishermen came from Quapaw, and the labourers from the farms all over the country; those who did riot directly know Mr. Linden, knew of him ; and knew such things of him that they would not have missed this opportunity of hearing him speak, for a week s wages. The fathers and mothers of the boys he had taught, they knew him ; and they came in mass, with all their uncles, aunts and cousins to the remotest degree, provided they were not geographically too remote. The upper society of Pattaquasset lost not a man nor a woman ; they were all there, some with great love, others with great curiosity. The Stoutenburghs had plumed themselves. Mr. Simlins was as upright as his new beaver. Miss Essie De Staff with magnified black eyes ; Judge Harrison with benevo lent anticipation. Mr. Stephens the fisherman had driven his little lame child down to the Pattaquasset church, "for once;" Jonathan Ling was there with his wife, having left the eldest child to keep house, and both being in great smartness and expectation. Jonathan Fax was there and his new wife ; the one with a very grave head, the other with a very light one, and faces accordingly. Mrs. Derrick and Pet had long ago been quietly seated ; when through that full house, after* her Sunday school duties were over, Faith came in. Her colour was very bright, and she trem bled ; but it was not because many saw in her an object of curiosity; though Faith remembered it, at that minute she did not care. She felt the stillness of expectation that filled the house, with which the little murmur of sound now and then chimed so well; the patter of childish feet that followed her up the aisle spoke so keenly to her wrought SAY AND SEAL. 423 ip feeling of the other one of her class, who used to follow him with such delight, that Faith felt as if the happy little spirit long since received in at the golden gates, was evep th&re in the church, to hear once more his beloved teacher. Who else ? what other angel wings stirred in the soft breeze that -floated through from door to door? what other unseen, immortal senses waited on those dear mortal lips ? Faith s step grew lighter, her breath more hushed ; eyes might look at her she looked not at them. And eyes did look, from all sorts of motives ; perhaps in the whole church there was not a person who did not try to see her, except the one who next to herself was the most interested Pet never moved. Her head was bent, her hand half supporting half concealing in its position, like any statue she sat there, nor even stirred when the stir of every one else told who had come in. If she held her breath to bear every one of her brother s steps as he passed by, she did not look at him ; did not raise her head till his first prayer was ended ; then her rapt gaze was as unwavering. The service which followed could not be measured by the ordinary line and rule of pulpit eloquence , and power, could not be described by most of the words which buzz down the aisles after a popular sermon. There was not the "newness of hand" of a young preacher for almost from boyhood Mr. Linden had been about his Master s work. To him it was as simple a thing to deliver his mes sage to many as to one, many, many of those before him had known his private ministrations, and not a few had through them first known the truth; and now to all these assembled faces he was just what each had seen him aldne; as humble, as earnest, as affectionate, as simply speaking not his own words, for "Who hath made man s mouth have not I, the Lord ?" No one who heard the ambassador that day, doubted from what court he had received his cre dentials. " In trust with the gospel !" Yes, it was that ; but that with a warm love for the truth and the people that almost outran the trust. As the traveller in the fountain shade of the desert calls to the caravan thaf passes by through the sand, as one of the twelve of old, when Christ "blessed and brake and gave to his disciples, and 41* 424 SAY AND SEAL. the disciples to the multitude"; so did he speak from the words "Eat, friends! drink, yea drink abundantly, be loved !" There were some there who would never forget that day There were many to whom it seemed, that not the warm summer breeze that floated in was gentler or sweeter than the feeling that filled the place. The little lame girl, and her older and rougher father and mother, listened alike to their dear friend with moveless eyes; and drank such a draught of those sweet waters as it was long, long since either of them had tasted in a church. It was a white day for all the fishing population; and nothing would have kept them from coming in the afternoon. Miss Essie s black eyes lost all their fire. Farmer Simlins, unknown to himself, sat and smiled. And the one who listened most tenderly and joyfully, listened indeed quietly to the last word, or till her face had leave to bow itself from sight ; quietly then no longer, only that such tears come from no broken-up fountains of unrest. They came freely, as Faith recalled and applied the whole of her quoted sentence of Paul to the Thessalonians "For as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, SQ WE SPEAK." She was very quiet when the benediction was spoken, but she drew her veil closely as they left the church. It was a lingering getting out, even for them, because others would linger. Some turned to look, some stopped to speak ; and if Mr. Linden had had twenty hands they would all have found employment. Part of this the two veiled figures saw as they made their way to the door, and there Miss Linden paused and looked back. The broad stream of sunlight that lay across the church, the shadowy background figures, in that very spot of light, Mr. Lin den, made a never-to-be-forgotten picture. Reuben Tay lor stood close behind him, a step back, looking down ; little Ency Stephens perched up on the pew cushions had one hand; Robbie Waters far down below the other. Phil Davids and his father, Squire Stoutenburgh, and some of the Quapaw fishermen made up the group. Pet gave one look, and then she went swiftly down the steps and on. SAY AND SEAL. 425 Slowly the people scattered away, up and down the road ; not with the brisk steps and busy voices that give token the church service has but interrupted not suspended the current of everyday thought and behaviour. It was a fair picture of a Sunday in a New England village ; the abso lute repose of nature copied and followed by hands that other days let nothing stand still. Before Faith and Pet got home the road was almost empty. Mr. Linden had overtaken them, but all his greeting was to put Faith s hand on his arm then he walked as silent as they. It was a little thing, and yet it touched the very feeling she had had all day the beginning of her new way of life, with him. The afternoon was like the morning. Not a creature was missing of all who from far and near had filled the house in the former part of the day! and doubtless it was well that Mr. Somers could not hear the spoken and un spoken wishes that would have unseated him and caused him to relinquish for ever his charge in Pattaquasset. The afternoon air was enticing, the afternoon walk home very lingering; then standing in the hall to look and taste it still, the sweet peace of everything seemed to enter every heart. Even Pet, who all day had been unheard and almost unseen, stood with clasped hands looking out ; and only the heavy eyes spoke of the oppression that had been. But as she looked the tears came back again, and then she turned to Mr. Linden wrapping her arms round his neck. " Endy, Endy ! do you remember the first time we talked of this day ?" Mr. Linden gave back her caresses without a word, but with a look of pain that Faith had rarely seen on his face. It was some minutes before he spoke. "Dear Pet she knows it now!" Miss Linden looked up then, mastering her tears, and with a broken "Forgive me, Endy " she kissed him and went away up stairs. But Mr. Linden did not look out any more. He went into the sitting-room, and resting his face on his hand sat there alone and still, until Faith came to call him to tea. 36* CHAPTER XXXVIII. ** 1VTOW my two pets," said Mr. Linden as they left the 1.M tabje Monday morning, "what are you going to do ?" "I am going to work," said his sister. " Mrs. Derrick and I have business on hand. You can have Faith." "There is an impression of that sort on my own mind." "But I mean to-day. Except for about five minutes every half hour." "It would be needless for me to say what I am going to do," observed Faith quietly. "If that is a little piece of self assertion," said Mr. Lin den, "allow me respectfully to remark that my impression had no reference to the present time. Do you feel molli fied?" "No," said Faith laughing. "You are wide of the mark." " Then will you please to state your intentions ? So far from being needless, it will be what Mr. Somers would call gratifying. " "I don t know," said Faith merrily. "I understand that if I tell you, you will say I have no time*for them !" " For them ! enigmatical. Who told you what I would say ? Ask me." But Faith laughed. "I am going to make Pet and you some waffles for tea." "Do they require more time than shortcakes?" Faith stood before him quietly as if she had a great deal to say. "I am going to make bread, for mother and all of us." "What else?" "Sponge cake, I think." "And after that ?" "Crust for pot-pie." "De plus?" "Curds," said Faith, looking down now. (426) SAY AND SEAL. 427 " Pourquoi, Mademoiselle ?" "To eat," said Faith demurely. "You like them." "Mademoiselle, I prefer you." "Each in its way," replied Faith admirably well, but with a glance, nevertheless. " There is only one in my way," said Mr. Linden. " WelJ does that complete the circuit? I suppose nothing need gc between cheese and bread but waffles ?" "I shall wish and I suppose you would wish that I should, look over strawberries." "Where do you commonly do all these things?" "The sponge cake and the strawberries in the other room other things in the kitchen." " We may as well begin as we are to go on 1" said Mr. Linden. "If you will not come and keep me company I must do that for you. Faith, I think Miss Essie s state ment of facts was much like the artistic representation of lions and men, in the fable !" Faith did not at all dislike this compounding of matters; and so the strawberries were looked over, and the sponge cake beaten in the dining-room; with various social enliven- ings. For besides Mr. Linden s calls upon her attention, and the subjects by him presented to be looked over along with the strawberries, Faith made now and then a run into the kitchen to see Mrs. Derrick or Cindy there ; and if the runs up stairs were less frequent, they took more time. For Miss Bezac had arrived, and she and Miss Linden were deep in the white folds of Faith s muslin dress. There too was Mrs. Derrick, for the touch and the making of that dress stirred her very heart. Faith was often in demand, not to use her needle, but her taste or to be fitted, or tried on, as Miss Bezac said. Coming back from one of these "trying" visits to the three workers, Faith found Mr. Linden by the sitting-room table ; before him a package, in his hands a letter. "Faith," he said, "come and look at this." Faith ran in from the strawberries. "Rosy fingers are not needed," said Mr. Linden, "but as eyes are first called for they may pass. Sit down here by me, Mignonette, and take off this wrapping paper." Which very curiously and amusedly, and now with a little 428 SAY AND SEAL. suspicious tinge in her cheeks, Faith did ; remarking that she could not help her fingers being rosy. Keep the roses to their chosen location," said Mr. Lin den gravely, as the first paper parted right and left and shewed a second, which bore this inscription. "For Mrs. Endecott Linden with the warmest regards and respects of W. and L. Olyphant." Faith suddenly jumped up, pushed back her chair and whisked back to the strawberries, where she was found diligently putting the hulls into a dish by themselves. "Mignonette, your fingers will be more rosy than ever." Mr. Linden spoke from the doorway where he stood watch - mg her. Then coming forward he laid a key on the table. "That belongs to you." " Wouldn t you be so good as to take care of it ? You see I am busy." "No my dear, I will not be so good. You shall have that pleasure as a reward for running away. Would you like to hear this letter ?" "If you please "Faith said with a little hesitation. " You shall read it to yourself if you like better " but he read it to her, after all. It was a pretty letter, shewing so well Mr. Linden s place in the writer s affection thai Faith could not but enjoy it. Neither could she dislike the messages to herself though they did cost her a few roses. As to the contents of the package the letter gave no hint. " What is that the key of, Endy ?" she said, glancing up after the letter was finished. "I don t know!" Faith went on with her strawberries. Through the open hall door came little uneven steps, tracking on through other open doors even to the dining- room, there the steps and Charles twelfth came to a pause. " Ma said," he began, then fixed his eyes and mind on Mr. Linden with a concentration that was marvellous. The general attire and appearance of the little potentate were as usual, but both hands were in use to support a heavy mass of red coral, hugged up to his blue apron in the most affectionate manner. With a sigh of relief Charles twelfth withdrew his attention. from Mr. Linden long enough to set the coral on the floor, then gazed anew, with his hands behind him. SAY AND SEAL. 429 " Charley !" said Faith laughing, " what are you doing ! and what have you done ?" "Ma said " began the child, stopping short as before. "Charles twelfth," said Mr. Linden holding out his hand "do you never use anything but your eyes ? Come here and speak to me. Who is prime minister now ?" "You," was the very prompt reply. "Ma said so yes terday." The laugh in Mr. Linden s eyes as he looked at Faith, was a thing to see. "Faith," he said, "the conversation is in your hands !" Faith was in doubtful readiness to speak. " Charley I" she said as soon as she could, "come here. Was that all your ma said ?" " No," said the boy, "she said a heap more." "Well what did you come here for to-day?" "I came to fetch that " said Charles twelfth with another sigh. "Poor child I What did you bring it for, Charley?" "Why for you," said Charley. " Ma said she didn t know when it oughter come and she guessed you d like it, cause it used to live off in the place where you said they eat up babies and people !" and Charles twelfth s eyes grew large and round with the announcement. "And ma said she s sorry twarnt more. I aint." Faith s eyes went to Mr. Linden with a flash and a burst of the uncontrollable little laugh ; but after that they were sus piciously downcast, and Faith busied herself in providing little Charles twelfth with the refreshment of a good saucer of sugared strawberries, with which he sat down in a cor ner much consoled. And when he was setting off again, Faith gave him a whispered message to ask his mother to come and see her Thursday. Just what Mr. Linden saw in the piece of red coral he did not declare, but when Faith came back to the table he was looking at it very fixedly. "Faith," he said, that is not the worst token, nor the worst envoy that might be. What a shy child you were that first time I took you down there ! And you have not changed any too much," he added, carrying her off to the 430 SAY AND SEAL. other room. " I am not sure that you ought to be indulged suppose you open this box." "You do it, please, Endecott !" she said with a crimson rush to her cheeks. "I do not believe there is any explosive material under such an address, however, if there is I prefer that my hands should fire the train. Stand back, Faith I" and with cautious and laughing deliberation the key was turned and the lid raised. It was a very plain lid, by the way mere white pine. " There is nothing here (that appears) but silk paper and cotton, not gun cotton, probably," said Mr. Linden. "Faith, do you wish me to risk my safety any further?" "Yes." "My dear, you must have more courage. If I am to open all your boxes I shall have my hands full, and ne vous en deplaise I would rather see the work in yours." And she was seated before the portentous pine box, Mr. Linden keeping his stand at her side. Faith blushed and didn t like it; but applied her fingers with a sort of fear ful delicacy to the silk paper and cotton, removing one after the other. The box had interior divisions, by way of help to the silk paper, its different contents being thus more securely separated. Faith s fingers exploring among the papers brought out first a silver chocolate pot, then the dainty china cups for the same, then the spoons, in size and shape just suiting the cups. Spoons and chocolatiere were marked with the right initials; the cups chocolate colour them selves, that no drop of the dark beverage might hurt their beauty had each a delicate gilt F. L. twining about the handle. If the givers could have seen the gift uncovered and in spected ! the rosy delight in Faith s cheeks, the pleasure in her eye ! They would have considered themselves re warded. She looked and bent over the pretty things, her attitude and blush half veiling her admiration and satisfac tion, but there was no veiling them when she looked up at Mr. Linden. " I am so glad you like chocolate I" she said naively. But it was worth a hundred remarks of aesthetic criticism. SAY AND SEAL. 431 "I am so glad I do!" he said, stooping to kiss her. "Faith, one would almost imagine some bird of the air had told them our chocolate associations." "Now won t you put these back for me ?" said Faith, "because, if that sponge cake is to get done to-day I haven t two minutes to lose !" The pretty chocolatiere was but the beginning, as Faith soon found. Found to her most utter and unbounded astonishment though to that of no one else. Tuesday arrived a packet from Madame Danforth, accom panied by a note of affection and congratulation. The present was peculiar. A satin sachet, embroidered after the little Frenchwoman s desire, and to do it justice very exquisitely scented, was the first thing. A set of window curtains and toilet cover, of a curious and elaborate pattern of netting, made of very fine thread, a manufacture in which Madame Danforth delighted and on which she prided herself, was the second thing. The third was a pretty breakfast service of French china. Faith enjoyed them all, with some amusement and some pleasure of possession, and not a little affectionate remem brance. Even the sachet, in this view, was particularly pre cious ; that was the only use Faith saw in it. But the next arrival gave her a great start. It was again this time a deal box, but immensely heavy ; and it was a strong box that Faith did not attempt to open ; marked only Grover & Baker , which told her nothing There was no occasion indeed. A note was delivered with the box, and a small covered basket. The note conveyed the assurance of Sophy Harrison s 4ove and a request that Faith would let her shew it on the present occasion. It, went on. "Papa has sent you, dear Faith, an odd thing for a pre sent for such a present but I haven t been able to put it out of his head. He insists it is what you ought to have, and that he shall have the pleasure of giving it to you To save you the trouble of opening the box before you want it, I will state that it contains a sewing machine. Papa has taken great pains to satisfy himself and it is certainly the best or one of the best. My offering, 432 SAY AND SEAL. dear Faith, is in the basket, and may be looked at with less difficulty." Miss Sophy s offering was a kindly one. She had sent a little invoice of silver spoons and forks. Faith was pleased; and yet she looked grave, and very grave, over these things. She made no remark whatever to say why. If no one else knew there was to be a wedding, at least the express man did! and probably in his mind joined these new packages with those he had so often brought before, very comfortably. The next arrival was a delicate pair of silver salt-cellars and spoons from Mr. Alcott, then a little framed sketch from the Captain of the Vulcan, por traying the meeting of two steamers at sea, with these words underneath The despatch post . At which Mr. Linden looked with much amusement. Faith was delighted. First on Wednesday morning came Miss Bezac, bring ing the well assorted tokens of an elaborate needlebook and a simple bread trencher and knife ; and staying only long enough to say, "You see, Faith, what made me think of this, was that the first time I heard of that, was when you came in for bread and milk. And now you ll have to think of me, whether you sew or eat!" with which tri umphant sentiment Miss Bezac departed. They say ill news flies fast, in this case so did the good : certainly people are quick to hear and understand what pleases them. The friends who had heard from Pet or Mrs. Iredell what was to be, had spread the information : and in the same" sort of way, from two or three old family dependants another class of Mr. Linden s friends had heard it. Perhaps among all her presents the little tokens from these people touched her most. They came queerly done up and directed, sometimes the more formal Mrs. Linden changed into an ill-spelled For Mr. Endecotfs wife or For the, young lady, in care of Mr. Linden 1 . She knew the names thereto appended as little as they knew hers, could only guess the vocations, the tokens were various. A pair of elaborately carved brackets, a delicate rustic footstool, trimmed with acorns and cones, a wooden screw pincushion, with a flaming red velvet top, a case of scissors, pretty enough to have come from anybody, declared SAY AND SEAL. 433 the trade of the sender by the black finger marks on the brown wrapper, and a most mysteriously compiled address. One of the old sailors who had crossed with Mr. Linden, long ago, sent by Pet s hands a stuffed tropical bird of gor geous colours ; a woman who had once been upper servant in his mother s house, sent by the same messenger a white toilet cushion, made exactly after one that had belonged to her mistress and which she had been allowed to keep. It was worth while to see Mr. Linden examine these things, every name was familiar to him, every one called up some story or recollection. Alternating with these, came richer presents, books and vases and silver ; then from the poor people in and about Pattaquasset, a couple of corn husk mats, a nest of osier baskets. The children brought wild flowers and wild strawberries, the fishermen brought fish, till Mrs. Derrick said, " Child, we might as well begin to lay down for winter!" Ency Stephens, having got Reuben to bring her two fine long razor shells, had transformed them into a pincushion. Tlis she sent, with a kiss, by Mr. Linden. "I half promised her that she might come before the rest of the world to-morrow, Faith," he said. "She never saw any one married, and has the greatest desire to see you and I said if you were willing, Reuben should bring her here at one o clock." . Faith was just then exploring the contents of a new package or rather two : one of as many spools of white thread as she had scholars in her little class, (presented by Robbie Waters) the other a wee far- sent carved box of curled maple. She looked up with wet eyes. "Oh let her come, Endecott I should like to have her here." Faith had been living in a strange atmosphere this week. The first presents that came simply pleased and amused her to a great degree; Judge Harrison s and his daughter s she saw with a strong admixture of painful feeling. But as tokens from rich and poor began to throng in not of re spect for her wedding-day so much as of respect and love Tor Mr. Linden, Faith s mood grew very tender and touched. Never perhaps, since the world stood, did any body receive wedding presents from friends known and un- VOL. ii. 37 434 SAY AND SEAL. known with a more gentle and humble heart-return to the senders. There was no least thing of them all that Faith did not dearly value; it told her of something so much better than the gifts, and it signified of a link that bound her with that. How beautiful to her eyes the meanest of all those trifles did seem ! and for the rest, she was as quick to be delighted with what was really beautiful and glad of what would be really useful, as any sensible child could have been. So the amusement with which the week began changed into a grave, loving, and somewhat timid appreciation of each new arrival. Meanwhile, on Faith s table stood a little silver saucepan sent by Mrs. Somers with the sage remark that she would want it for others if not for herself; and near by, a beauti ful butter cup and knife from Mrs. Stoutenburgh. With the butter cup trotted down a little mountain pony, with the daintiest saddle and bridle that the Squire could find for money. Miss Linden s love had chosen for itself sundry channels ; from the silver knives of all sorts which made their appearance now, to various comforts, great and small, which were to await her brother and sister in their new home. In those Mrs. Iredell too had a share ; her present token was a silver tea-service, whereon the chacing devel oped itself in sprays of mignonette. A mark of attention which Mr. Linden at least appreciated. CHAPTER XXXIX. IT was very early indeed in the still sweet morning ot Thursday, when Faith threw open the windows and blinds of the sitting-room. Xo one was abroad, and not even a wind moving. The leaves of the trees hung mo tionless; except where a bird stirred them; the dawn was growing slowly into day ; sweet odours called forth by the dew, floated up to the windows, and the twitter and song of the birds floated in. The freshness and stillness and calmness of all the earth was most sweet. Faith could not read ; she knelt upon a low cushion at the open window and leaned her arms upon the sill to look out, and breathe, and think and pray. The morning was not unlike her. She was as fresh, and as grave, and as still; and there was a little flutter now and then too in her heart, that went with nothing worse than the song of the birds, though it stirred something more than the leaves of the branches. So Mr. Linden found her. So she met them all at breakfast ; with the same unready eyes and lips that Mr. Linden had seen before. It was odd how Faith seemed to have put off the full realization of Thursday till Thursday came. After breakfast she wag making her escape, but was detained before she reached the staircase. What it was that Mr. Linden fastened in her dress, Faith could not have told ; neither dd his words tell her. "You must not think me extravagant, Mignonette, these are some old gems of mine which I want you to wear in this form." He gave her one grave kiss and let her go. Faith sped up stairs; and with a fluttering heart went to see what Mr. Linden had done. Yes, they were gems, clear, steadfast, as the eternal truth which they signified, the blue sapphires shone upon Faith s white dress. Faith was alone ; and she sat before the glass an odd long while, studying the brooch where Mr. Linden had placed it. Her head upon her hand, and with much the (435) <36 SAY AND SEAL. same sort </ face with which she used long ago to study Pet s letters, or some lesson that Pet s brother had set her. From the sapphires Faith turned to her Bible. She was not or would not be interrupted, till it was time to attend to business. The first business was presented for her attention by Miss Linden, who came in, basket in hand. There was no need to ask what it was, such a breath of orange flowers and roses filled the room. She found Faith ready ; her hair dressed as it always was; her mind too, to judge by appear ances. Only Faith was a little more quiet than usual. With the very quietness of love and sympathy Pet did her part; with the swiftest fingers, the most noiseless steps. Silent as Mrs. Derrick or Faith herself, only a sparkle of the eyes, a pretty flush on the cheeks, said that she viewed the matter from a greater distance. And yet hardly that, so far as one of the parties was concerned. Never putting her hand forward where Mrs. Derrick s liked to be, it was most efficient in other places. Both used their skill to put the soft muslin safely over Faith s smooth hair, but then Mrs. Derrick was left to fasten and adjust it Pet applied herself to adjusting the flowers. How dainty they were ! those tiny bunches ! sprays of mrytle and orange flowers, or a white rosebud and a more trailing stem of ivy geranium ; the breast-knot just touched with purple heliotrope and one blush rose. Kneeling at her feet to put on the roset- ted slippers, Pet looked up at her new sister with all her heart in her eyes. And Faith looked down at her like a child. She had been dressed in Pet s room her own as being larger and more commodious than the one where Faith had stowed herself lately ; and when the dressing was done she sat down by the open window, and with the odd capricious- riess of the mind at certain times, thought of the day when Mr. Linden had thrown her up the cowslip ball, and in the same breath wondered who was going to take her down stairs ! But she sat quiet, looking as fair in her soft robe with its orange flowers as if they and she had been made for each other. Faith s hair in its rich colour was only dark enough to set off the tender tints of her flowers and dress ; SAY AND SEAL. 437 it wanted neither veil nor adornment. The very outlines of her figure betokened, as outlines are somewhat apt to do, the spirit within ; without a harsh angle or line. And nothing could be too soft, or strong, or pure, to go with those eyes. She sat looking out into the orchard, where now the noonday of summer held its still reign nothing there but the grass and the trees and the insects. The cow slips were gone; and Mr. Linden Pet finished all that had been left unfinished of her own dress, then in her rose-coloured summer silk, white gloves in her hand, white -flowers on her breast, she c-ame and stood by Faith. Mrs. Derrick had gone down stairs. It was close upon one o clock now; the shadows were losing their directness and taking a slant line, the labourers were coming back to their work, standing about and taking off their coats, waiting for the clack to strike. Miss Linden stood drawing on her gloves. Faith gave her one swift glance, which rested for a second on her face with a look of loving gratitude. A flush rose to her cheek, as if it might have been the reflection of Miss Linden s dress; but it was not that, for it paled again. One o clock ! It would have seemed a less weird sort of thing if the clock had made a little more fuss, twelve strokes, or even eleven, would have been something tangible ; but that one clang scarce heard before it was gone, dying away on the June breeze, what a point of time it seemed ! The waves of air were but just at rest, when Mrs. Derrick opened the door and came in ; her black dness and white cap setting off a face and demeanour which with all their wonted sweet placidness, and amid all the tender influences of the day, kept too their wonted energy. " Come, pretty child !" she said. Faith was ready, and followed her mother without a question. In the hall Mr. Linden stood waiting for her, and she was given into his care; though again Faith lost the look which passed between the two, she saw only the startling white of Mr. Linden s gloves. He handed her down stairs, then gave her his arm and took her in ; Mrs. Derrick going first and Pet following. There were but six or eight people there. On one side 37* 438 SAY AND SEAL. sat Mrs. Iredell in her rich dress ; the rest were standing, except little Ency Stephens who was in one of her perched up positions by the window. Mr. Somers was lingering about his position, his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Stoutenburgh were opposite to Mrs. Iredell. Reuben Taylor furthest back of all, in the shadow of Ency s window. JEIer little cry was the only sound as they came in, and that hardly louder than a sigh of delight. Faith did not hear it nor look at anybody. Yet she did not look dismayed at all nor abashed. A piece of very timid gravity the person nearest her knew her to be ; but hardly any person further off. A very lovely mingling of shy dignity and humility was in her face and air as she stood before Mr. Somers; those who saw it never forgot. Except, I must, that same Mr. Somers ! He saw only a pretty bride whose orange flowers and roses were very sweet. He had seen many pretty brides before, and orange flowers were not new to him. And he pronounced his part of the service which followed, with gratification, certainly ; Mr. Somers was always gracious and to-day he was ad miring ; but yet with no more sense of what he was about than when a hundred times before he had pronounced it for very different people ! However there is a great system of compensations in this world ; and on this occasion there was in other mem bers of the party so much sense of what was doing, that it mattered little about Mr. Somers want of it. It mattered nothing to Faith, how his words were spoken ; nobody that heard them forgot how hers were the sweet clear sounds of every syllable; only that once or twice she said "yes" where by established formula she should have said the more dignified "I do." Perhaps "yes" meant as much. Those who heard it thought it did. For Mr. Linden his senses not being troubled by shy nessjust because his own heart was so thoroughly in what he was about he did perceive the want of heart, in Mr. Somers. And, in the abstract, it did not suit his notions that even a man who had married five hundred other peo ple should put such questions to Mignonette, or to him, in a commonplace way. So far his senses perceived, but SAY AND SEAL. 439 Mr. Somers could reach no further. One touch of Faith s hand had banished the officiate to another planet; and the vow to love, cherish, and honour, was taken, word for word, deep in his own heart ; the grave, deliberate accents of assent seeming to dwell upon each specification. Yes, he took her " for better for worse, m sickness or health, for richer for poorer"! every word was like the counting over of gold to him, it was all "richer." Even the last words the limit fixed, shone with light from another world. " Till death shall you part"; yes, but to them death would be but a short parting. And standing side by side there with the blessing of his earthly life, Mr. Linden thanked God in his heart for the future "life and immortality" to which he had called them both. Mysterious is the way in which events are telegraphed from the inside of a house to the exterior thereof! Hardly were Mr. Somers last words spoken, Faith was not yet out of Mr. Linden s hands, when there came a peal from the little white church as if the bell-ringing of two or three Sundays were concentrated in one. Much to the surprise of Mr! Somers; who to speak truth rather thought the bells were his personal property, and as sucli playing truant. But in two seconds the other bell chimed in ; and all that could ever be known, was, that Phil Davids and Joe Dea con had been seen in closer attendance on the two churches than they were wont to be week days. Meantime, the bells rang. It was done ; and those downcast eyes mu^t be lifted up, if they could. But Faith was not unlike her usual man ner. The slight air of timidity which sat with such grace upon her was not so very unusual; and that besides touched only or mainly one person. With blushing quietness she let her friends kiss and congratulate her. It was rather kiss and caress her; for they came about her, that little bevy of friends, with a warmth that might have thawed Mi. Somers. Mrs. Derrick and Pet glad and silent, Reuben Taylor very shy, the Stoutenburghs in a little furor of in terest which yet did not break pretty bounds. And then Faith went up to Ency where she sat by the window, and gave her two kisses, very grave and sweet. 440 SAY AND SEAL. " How beautiful you are, ma am !" was the child s truth ful comment. "Do you know who Miss Faith is now, Ency ?" "Yes sir," the child said then shy of speaking it out "Stoop down and I ll tell you." Mr. Linden bent his head to hear the whisper, giving her a kiss in return, and then carried Faith off to the next room ; where presently too the little lame girl was perched up at such a table as she had never dreamed of before. It was a pretty gathering, both on the table and around it. The party of friends, few enough to be choice, were good and different enough to be picturesque; and had among them a sufficient amount of personal advantages to be, as Eucy said, "beautiful." The table itself was .very plain with regard to china and silver ; but fruit is beauti ful, and there was an abundance of that. Coffee of course ; and cream, yellow as gold, for coffee and fruit both. There were more substantial things, to serve as substitutes for din ner, attesting Mrs. Derrick s good housekeeping at once, and the loving remembrance of friends. There had been little need to do much in the house. Mrs. Iredell had taken the wedding cake into her charge, which Mrs. Stoutenburgh not knowing had taken it into hers, and into her hands as well ; so Faith had both the bought cake, of the richest and best ornamented to a point, and the homemade; with plain icing indeed, but wherein every raisin had been put with a sweet thought. "This is ha! a very agreeable occasion!" said Mr. Somers, smiling at the ornamented plum cake which was before him. "I a really, I don t see, Mrs. Derrick, how anything could be improved for the pleasure of the party. We have done a good thing, and to good people, and it s been well done;" (Mr. Soraers vaunted himself) "and in a good time, ha this is the prettiest month in the year, Mr. Linden; and now we are all enjoying a pleasant sight, before us and around us ! and I enjoy my coffee also very much, Mrs Derrick. The only bad thing about it is ha that it rather spoils one for the next occasion. I assure you I haven t seen anything like it in Pattaquas- set since I have lived here ! I wasn t married here, Mrs. Stoutenburgh, take notice !" SAY AND SEAL 441 "I hope you don t mean to say you saw anything that was on the table the day you were married, Mr. Somers !" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh irreverently. "Let s hear what you mean by well done, let s hear, Mr. Somers," said the Squire. "He means securely," said Mrs. Somers. " I feel sure," said Mr. Somers with exquisite signifi- cancy, "I feel sure that part of my audience were at no loss for the meaning of ray words. Experience, somebody says, is the best commentary hey, Mr. Linden ? is it not so?" "What, sir?" Mr. Somers laughed, gently. "I see you coincide with me in opinion, sir." " I coincide with him in the opinion that it was well done to ring the bells," said Mrs. Stoutenburgh. "Ileubeu. I guess that was your doing." "Never mind whose it was," said the Squire, "the bells were never put to a better use, week days, I ll venture. Mr. Linden, won t that lady by you let me give her another piece of chicken?" "No, sir," came in a low voice that had a private chime of its own. "Little bird," said Mr. Linden softly, "do you know that all your compeers live by eating?" "Crumbs" said Faith with equal softness. "But of proportionate size!" " Yes," said Faith. "You know/ 1 he said in the same low voice, "to go back to our old maxim, those bells may stand for the music, and we have certainly spoken a few sensible words ; but if you do not look up how will you find the picture ?" She raised her eyes, but it was for a swift full glance up into his face; she looked nowhere else, and her eyes went back to her plate again. The involuntary, unconscious sig- nih cance of the action made Mr. Linden smile. "1 have had mine now, Mignonette, and Eucy spoke true !" " How long does it take people to get married *r" came in a good-humoured kind of a growl from the room they had left, the door to which was ajar. "Aint it done yet? 442 SAY AND SEAL. "There s Mr. Siralins, Endecott " whispered Faith colouring. "Come in and see!" said Squire Stoutenburgh. "Who wants to know?" Wherewith the door was pushed open and Mr. Simlins long figure presented itself, and stood still. "What are you uneasy about, Mr. Siralins?" the Squire went on. "You may go and shake hands with Mr. Linden, but don t congratulate anybody else." The farmer s eye rested for a moment on Faith ; then he went round and shook hands with the bridegroom. "Is it done?" he asked again in the midst of this cere mony. "Yes." "Past all. help, Mr. Simlins," said Mrs. Somers. "I am glad, for one !" Mr. Simlins answered. "Mayn t I see this cretur here ? I wish you d stand up and let me look at you. T Faith rose up, he had edged along to her. He sur veyed her, profoundly. "Be you Faith Derrick?" he said. "Yes sir." He shook her hand then, holding it fast. "It s the true, and not a counter !" he remarked to Mr. Linden. "Now if you d only take Neanticut ! I could die content, only for liking to live and see you. Where are you going to take her to ?" "I am not sure yet." "I guess I don t want you at Neanticut," said the far mer, taking a cup of coffee which Faith gave him. "Last Sunday fixed that. But there ll a bushel of Neanticut nuts follow you every year as long as I m a Simlins ! if you go to the Antipathies! No, I don t want anythin to eat I ve done my eatiii till supper-time." The door-knocker warned the party that they must not tarry round the lunch-table, and before Mr. Simlins had a chance to say anything more he had on his mind, the prin cipal personages of the day were receiving Judge Harrison and his daughter in the other room. Mr. Simlins looked on, somewhat grimly, but with inward delight and exulta tion deep and strong. Miss Sophy was affectionate, the Judge very kind ; the congratulations of both very hearty ; SAY AND SEAL. 443 though Judge Harrison complained that Mr. Linden was robbing Pattaquasset and Sophy echoed the sorrow if not the complaint. In the midst of this came in Miss Essie de Staff with a troop of brothers and sisters ; and they had scarcely paid their compliments when they were obliged to stand aside to make room for some new-comers. Miss Essie s eyes had full employment and were rather earnest about it. "She s beautifully dressed!" she remarked to Mrs. Stoutenburgh, evidently meditating a good deal more than her words carried. "Why of course!" was Mrs. Stoutenburgh s quick response, "so is he. Don t be partial in your examina tions. " "Oh he, of course!" said Miss Essie, in the same mariner. "I never saw two people set each other off better," said Mrs. Stouteuburgh. " Set each other off?" repeated Miss Essie. " Why he d set anybody off! I always admired him. Look at her! she hasn t an idea how to be ceremonious." Faith had been speaking to Mrs. Iredell. Just then a rosebud having de tached itself from her dress, she went round the room to Ency by her window and gave it to her. Near this window Miss Linden had placed herself; the table before her cov ered with wedding cake and white ribband, Reuben Taylor at her side to cut and fold, her little fingers daintily wrap ping and tying up. Ency already held her piece of cake and white ribband, and with the promise of other pieces to take home watched Miss Linden s proceedings with interest. It was a busy table, for thither came everybody else after cake and white ribband. Thither came Mrs. Stoutenburgh now, quitting Miss Essie. " Faith, what do you think Mr. Stoutenburgh asked me Sunday ?" "I don t know. What?" asked Faith with her half shy, half free, very happy face. " You should*have heard him !" said Mrs. Stoutenburgh laughing, but speaking in the softest of whispers. "You should have heard the dismal way in which he asked me jf VOL. ii. 43 444 SAY AND SEAL. Mr. Somcrs would go anywhere else, if he could get a chance." Faith smiled, but evidently to her the question whether Mr. Linden should stay in Pattaquasset had lost its interest. "0 lean find her never fear!" said Miss Bezac, fol lowed by Mr. Linden in Faith s direction. " Though I don t suppose you ever did fear anything. And I do sup pose, if I ve thought once I have fifty times how she d look to-day and I was right every time. Don t she look ! I always told her she didn t know what she wanted and I m sure she don t now !" With whr.k Miss Bezac gave Faith as hearty a congratulation as she had yet received. " Well " she* said, turning to Mr. Linden, "do you wonder I wanted to make it ?" "Not in the least!" But what do I want, Miss Bezac?" said Faith laughing and looking affectionately at her old friend and fellow work woman. " Why I should think, nothing V said Miss Bezac. " So it seems to me. And talking of seams didn t I do yours ! Do you know I should have come before, but I never can see two people promise to love each other forever without crying and crying always makes rusty needles, so I wouldn t come till now, when everybody s laughing." Faith was an exception, for her amusement grew demure. And Miss Essie approached Now Miss Essie s black eyes, although bright enough, were altogether gracious and in a certain way even propi tiatory. They were bent upon the gentleman of the group. "Mr. Linden," said the lady with her most flattering manner, "I want to know if you have forgiven me all my dreadful speeches that I made once !" " Miss Essie, I never questioned your right to make them therefore you see my forgiveness has no place." Miss Essie looked as if her study of Mr. Linden hadn t been thorough. "That s very polite," she said; "too polite. But do you think Mrs. Linden will ever let me come into her house ?" SAY AND SEAL. 445 "Why not? It cannot be worse than you imagined." "Because," said Miss Essie earnestly, " I want to come, and I am afraid she will not ask me. I go everywhere, and wherever you are I shall be sure to come there some time ; and then I want to see you and see how you live and see if my theory was mistaken. But I drew it from experi ence !" " Did you ever hear of the ice palace the little brook built for himself?" said Mr. Linden. "Lowell oh yes !" "Mrs. Linden thinks she would like to try that." If ever black eyes were thoroughly puzzled, that were Miss Essie s ! She glanced from Mr. Linden to Faith, who had fallen back towards another part of the room, but whose cheek gave token of her having heard and noticed. Miss Essie s eyes came back; she looked a little mortified. " I see you have not forgiven me," she said. " But, Mr. Linden, I only spoke of what I had seen. I had been un fortunate and I am sure I needn t confine myself to the past tense ! I knew nothing, you know." " Miss Essie," he said smiling, "your frame for the picture may be correct but the picture will be different. As you will see when you come." "Then you will let me come?" "I will let you come.. Only if you hear that Faith is not at home, do not feel sure of the fact till you have looked in my study." Miss Essie s face for a moment was notable ; she was in a certain way satisfied, and yet it wore a sort of compound morti fixation inexplicable very likely to the lady herself; and perhaps that only an acute eye of another would have read. Before this dialogue had reached so much of a culmina tion, Mr. Simlins, who had been standing looking at every thing like a good-humoured bear, made his way across the room and through the people to Faith, where she had shrunk back out of the way. "I can t stay here all the afternoon !" said he, "and I s pose it aint expected of me. Can t you step over yonder and let a man have a chance to say a word to you before I go?" VOL. IT. 38 446 SAY AND SEAL. Faith agreed to this proposition, not knowing that it was going to take her literally into a corner ; but to one of the further corners of the room Mr. Simlins strode, and Faith went after him ; and there he sat down and she was fain to do likewise. Then he wasn t ready. " I had somethin to say to you," said he, " but I don t know how to say it!" "Try, Mr. Simlins," said Faith smiling. "How does the dominie manage to talk to you?" said he looking at her. "/don t see how he can get on with it." Faith grew crimson, and grave. "Well," said the farmer, smiling a bit, "I s pose I ll have to get it out somehow. You see, Faith, the thing is, in my mind, I want you to have something that ll make you you and him too think of Pattaquasset and me once in a while. Now I m goin to give you that black heifer. If you can, I hope you ll take her with you where- ever you re goin if you can t, why you may turn her into cash but I guess you can. She s a real Simlins she ll run, if you don t keep a fence round her ; but if you treat her right, she ll give you all your dairy 11 want for some time to come ; and the very plague you ll be at to keep her shut up will make you think of me." "Dear Mr. Simlins!" Faith said with her eyes full "there is no danger about that!" "No!" said he rising, "and when you think of me I know you ll do something else for me. Good-bye till you get back again." Off he went. Other people followed. The room had thinned a little, when Pet left her table in Reuben s charge and came to Faith s corner. "Poor child," she said, "you must be tired. Faith I shall defy ceremony and put you in Aunt Iredell s chair she is going to lie down. Oh ! how did that man get here ! and George Alcott !" Pet faced round upon Faith, folding her hands with an air of dismayed resignation. " What s the matter, Pet ?" "I thought 1 was safe here, "said Miss Linden. "Faith, I did not suppose ubiquitous people found their way to Pattaquasset. You ll have to run the gauntlet of that man s compliments, child however, Endy is a pretty good safeguard." SAY AND SEAL. 447 Before Faith could see much of what was going on, Mr. Linden was at her side. " Mrs. Linden Mr. Motley, 11 was all he said ; and Faith found herself face to face with one of those two well remembered strangers. So well remembered that her slight glance at him was arrested, by what at first she did not recognize, and unconsciously she gave Mr. Mot ley for a second a look sufficiently like what he had seen before to identify her. That second brought it all back. A blush of most rosy beauty came upon Faith s face, and her eyes fell as if no one was ever to see them again. Mr. Motley s eyes, on the contrary, expanded. But the whistle which rose politely to his lips, was held in polite check by Mr. Linden s presence or some other consideration and with no further sign than an under breath "Linden !" Mr. Motley gave the bride his hand, claiming that privilege iu easy, musky words, on the score of old acquaintanceship with the bridegroom. " I trust Mrs. Linden has been well since I last (and first!) had the pleasure of seeing her? Apart from the occasion it seems to me that she is looking even better than then though then I should not have believed that possible." "It is a long time, sir," Faith said gravely. "Linden," said Mr. Motley in a sort of aside, "even your symmetrical taste must be satisfied !" " With what?" said Mr. Linden. Which rather shortly put question brought Mr. Motley to a stand. Much as when one pushes on into daylight, through the filmy fine spun work of a spider, that respectable insect looks about, considering where he shall begin anew. "It is so long," said Mr. Motley with soft emphasis, "that I could hardly have hoped to be remembered." " If I recollect right," said Mr. Linden, "if you did not misstate the case it was the charms of your conversation that made the impression." " You are the most inconvenient person to talk to !" said Mr. Motley with a glance at the handsome face. "Like a quicksand closing around one. Mrs. Linden, do you not find it so ? Ah George ! talking to Miss Pet as usual. "Permit me Mrs. Linden, Mr. Alcott. George, you cannot 448 SAY AND SEAL. have forgotten Mrs. Linden ?" That George had not was very clear. And that Faith had not forgotten, was very clear. She lifted her eyes once more, to see if the second was the second; and then stood with the most exquisite cheeks, though perfectly quiet. Her gloves had not been put on again since the lunch, and the hand that held them bore also the ring which had been the gentlemen s admiration. "Now what do you think, George," said Mr. Motley, "of Linden s letting me tell Julius Harrison that whole story, and never giving the least hint that he knew the lady referred to ? Except yes once indeed, I do remember, Mrs. Linden, his face took a warm reflection of the sub ject, but I thought that was due to my powers as a colourist." "You couldn t high colour that picture," said Mr. Alcott, in a tone Faith remembered well. " Mrs. Linden, I hope we are to see you at Newport." Faith felt in a tumult with all these Mrs. Lindens. But all that seemed unquiet about her, besides her cheeks, was the flashing ring. " Well, we must tear ourselves away from this place of fascination," said Mr. Motley. "I believe, Mrs. Linden, we ought to apologize for our intrusion but it was an old saying among this gentleman s friends that he never would submit to bonds and imprisonments (there goes the Bible again !) and some of them had a long standing per mission to come and believe their eyes if such an event ever should take place. I can hardly, now !" " Why do you, sir ?" Faith asked simply. "Really madam, because I can t help it! One look at you, Mrs. Linden, is enough. In some circumstances all a man can do is to surrender I" "He needn t till he s summoned " said George Alcott shortly. Though whether he had acted so wisely himself, was a question as Mr. Linden said amusedly after they were gone. Faith turned away, feeling as if she had rather more than enough, and occupied herself with Reuben and Ency again. Then came in Farmer Davids and his wife, and Phil. Phil was forthwith in a state of glamour ; but Faith brought SAY AND SEAL. 449 him to the table and gave him cake and discoursed to him and Reuben ; while Mrs. Davids talked to Mrs. Derrick in wonderful delighted admiration ; and the farmer as usual fixed upon Mr. Linden. "We had the uncommon pleasure of hearin you speak last Sunday, sir," said Mr. Davids with great seriousness. "I sha n t forget it, what you said. And you don t know where you re going to fix yourself, sir?" "Not certainly." "I would rather than half what I sell off the farm, that it was going to be where I could be within reach of you, sir ! But wherever tis Phil and I, we consulted how we could contrive to shew our sense of this day we re plain folks, Mr. Linden, and we didn t know how to fit But if you ll let us know where you re goin to be, Mrs. Davids she wants to send your wife a cheese, and there s some of Phil s apples, and I want you to have some Pattaquasset flour to make you think of us. And if you ll only think of us every year as long as they come, it s all I ask !" It was said with the most honest expression of struggling regard, and respect, that wanted to shew itself. Then Mr. Linden was claimed by a new comer. Sam Stoutenburgh, fresh from College, Quilipeak, and the tailor, presented himself. Now it was rather a warm day and trains are not cool, and haste is not a refrigerator, never theless Sam s cheeks were high coloured I His greeting of Mr. Linden was far less off-hand ajid dashing than was usual with this new Junior ; and when carried off to Mrs. Linden, Sam (to use an elegant word) was flustered. "Miss Faith," he began. "No I don t mean that! I beg your pardon but I m very glad to see you again, and I wish you were going to stay here always." Faith laughed. " Will you stay here always yourself, Sam ?" "01 don t know," said Sam. "It s a while before I ve got to do anything yet. But Miss Faith I mean ! since you will go, won t you please take this?" and Sam pre sented a tiny box containing a pretty gold set cornelian seal, engraved with a spirited Jehu chariot running away ! " It ll remind you of a day / shall never forget," said Sam both honestly and sentimentally. If Mr. Linden could have helped Faith answer, he would ! 450 SAY AND SEAL. Faith s face was in a quiver, between laughter and very much, deeper and stronger feeling. But she shook Sam s hand again gratefully. " I shall never forget it, Sara, nor what you did for me that day. And I hope you ll come and see me somewhere else some time." Then Mr. Linden spoke. " No one can owe you so much for that day s work as I, Sam, and since she is running away again, you must do as you did then and find her." Sam was somewhat touched and overwhelmed, and went off to talk to Reuben about Miss Linden s dress. A little while longer and the room was cleared. The two collegi ans came last of all to say good-bye, Reuben lingering behind his friend. "You know," said Mr. Linden, holding the boy s hand, "you are coming to study with me, Reuben, if I live: we will not call it good-bye. And I shall expect to see you before that in vacation." "And you know, Reuben," said Faith very low, "you have been a brother to me this great while. " Reuben looked down, trying for words. Then meeting Faith s eyes as he had done that very first time what though his own were full, he said, "I am not sorry, ma am I am glad! So glad," he repeated, looking from her face to Mr. Linden s. But his eyes fell then ; and hastily clasping the hand she held out to him, he bent his face to Mr. Linden s and turned away. One quick step Mr. Lin den took after him, and they left the room arm in arm, after the old fashion. With Mr. Linden when he came back, was an oldish gen tleman, silver-haired, with a fresh ruddy face ; not very tall, very pleasant-looking. Pet s exclamation was of joy this time, and she ran forward to meet him. Then Mr. Linden brought him up to Faith. " Mignonette, this is my dear friend, Mr. Olyphant." And Mr. Olyphant took both her hands and kissed her on both cheeks, as if he meant to be her friend too. Then looked at her without letting go. "Endecott!" he said turning to Mr. Linden, "whatever you undertake you always do well !" And he shook Faith ? hands again, and told her he could wish her joy wfth a clear conscience. SAY AND SEAL. 451 The timid little smile which this remark procured him, might have confirmed the old gentleman in his first expressed opinion. Mr. Olyphant studied her a minute, not con- fusingly but with a sort of touched kindliness. What do you call her, Endecott?" he said. "Any sweet name I can think of," said Mr. Linden smil ing, "just now, Mignonette." Which remark had a mer ciless effect upon Faith s cheeks. "It suits her, Mr. Olyphant," said Pet. " So I see, Miss Pet do you think I have lost my eyes ? Endecott, are you going to bring her to the White Moun tains?" "I think so, sir: that is my present inclination." "How would you like it, Mrs. Linden ?" "I think I should like it, sir." "Not afraid of the cold?" Faith s smile clearly was not afraid of anything. So was her answer. " You must have a house midway on the slope," said Mr. Olyphant; "half your parish above your heads, half at your feet : and you will have plenty of snow, and plenty of work, and not much else but each other. Endecott s face says that is being very rich but he always was an unworldly sort of fellow, Mrs. Linden, I don t think he ever saw the real glitter of gold, yet." Did her eyes? But they were unconsciously looking at riche*s of some kind; there was no poverty in them. "I like work, sir." "Do you think she could bear the cold, Mr. Olyphant? how are the winters there ? That is what I have thought of most." " I am no more afraid of the cold than you are, Ende cott." How gently the last word was spoken ! But Faith clearly remembered her lesson. Mr. Linden smiled. "She is a real little Sunbeam," he said. "You know they make light of cold weather." " Light of it in two ways," said Mr. Olyphant. "No I don t think you need fear the winters for her, we d try and protect her." " Do you see how much good the Sunbeam has done him. Mr. Olyphant?" said Pet. 452 SAY AND SEAL. "I see it, Miss Pet, it does me good. I meant to have been here to see you married, Endecott, and missed the train. I shall miss it again now, if I am not careful. But you must come up and stay with us, and we ll arrange mat ters. Such neighbours may tempt me to winter in the mountains myself and then I shall take charge of you, Miss Pet," "I should like that," said Pet. "I see, my dear Mrs. Linden," said Mr. Olyphant smil ing at her, "I see you follow one of the old Jewish laws." "What is that, sir?" "You know it was required of the Jews that they should bear the words of the law as frontlets between the eyes , ^ow if you will forgive me for saying so in your eyes is written one of the proverbs." *"Look up, Mignonette, and let me see," said Mr. Lin den. But oddly, Faith looked down first; then the eyes were lifted. "Is truth a proverb ?" said Pet laughing. "0 you see too many things there 1" said Mr. Olyphant, "this is what I see, Endecott The heart of her husband doth safely trust in herV A little veil of shyness and modesty suddenly fell around Faith. Even her head drooped. But Mr. Linden s lips touched the fair brow between those very fair eyes. "I cannot praise your discernment, sir," he said. " It is not more true than evident." "I cannot half congratulate either of you," said Mr. Olyphant smiling, "so I ll go. Good-bye, Miss Pet re member next winter. Mrs. Linden we shall expect to see you long before that time. Let me have a word with you, Endecott." And Faith was again left alone, entirely this time, for Miss Linden went up stairs to attend Mrs. Iredell. As they turned to go out, Faith turned the other way and sat down, feeling overwhelmed. Everything was very still. Pet s light steps passed off in the distance; through the open windows came the song of kildeers and robins, the breath of roses, the muslin-veiled sunshine. Then she heard Mr. Olyphant s carriage drive off and Mr. Linden came back. Faith started up. And very lovely she looked, SAY AND SEAL. 453 with the timid grace of those still dyed cheeks and vailed brow. "My poor little tired Mignonette !" he said as he came up to her. Then lifted her face, and looking at it a moment with a half smile pressed his lips again where they had been so lately. But this time that did not satisfy him. "Endy " she said presently, "please don t praise me before other people 1" "What dreadful thing did I say?" inquired Mr. Linden laughing. "Do you know I have hardly seen my wife yet?" To judge by Faith s face, neither had she. " If I speak of her at all I must speak the truth. But Mr. Olyphant knows me of old he will not take my words for more than they are worth." A slight commentary of a smile passed, but Faith did not adventure any repartee. "Are you very tired?" "Oh no!" " Little bird !" said Mr. Linden holding her close. " What sort of a sweet spirit was it that said those words at my side this morning?" There was no answer at first ; and then, very quaint and soft the words, "Only Faith Derrick." " Only. Faith, did you hear my parting direction to Miss Essie?" "Yes." "Do you agree to it, Mrs. Linden?" He had spoken that name a good many times that day, and to be sure her cheeks had more or less acknowledged it; but this time it brought such a rush of colour that she stooped her face to be out of sight. " Do you want Miss Reason to answer that question, sir ?" "No, nor Miss anybody." "Prudence would say, there are shortcakes," said Faith. "Where?" "In hypothesis." " If your shortcakes outweigh my study, Faith, they will be heavier than I ever saw them !" "You wouldn t take Reason s answer," said Faith. "What would it have been?" She looked up, a swift little laughing glance into his face. 454 SAY AND SEAL. "Parlez, Madame s il vous plait." Her look changed. "You know, Endy, I would rather be there than anywhere else in the world !" It moved him ; the happiness to which his look bore wit ness was of a kind too deep for words. "Do you know, love, if we had been going, at once to our work in the mountains, I should have asked a great many people to come here to-day." "Would you? Why, Endy?" " To let them see my wife. Now, I mean to take her to see them. " Faith was willing he should take her where he pleased, though she made no remark. Her timidity moved in a small circle and touched principally him. Mingling with this, and in all she did, ever since half past one o clock to day, there had been a sort of dignity of grave happiness ; very rare, very beautiful. "I wonder if you know half how lovely and dear you are ?" said Mr. Linden, studying the fair outlines of char acter as well as of feature. But Faith s eye went all down the pattern of embroidery on her white robe, and never dared meet his. "Have you any idea, little Mignonette of sweetness, after what fashion that proverb is true ?" She looked up, uncertain what proverb he meant; but then immediately certain, bent her head again. Faith never thought of herself as Mr. Linden thought of her. Movings of humility and determination were in her heart now, but she knew he would not bear to hear her speak them, and her own voice was not just ready. So she was only silent still. "What will make you speak?" said Mr. Linden smiling. "I am like AH Baba before the storehouse of hid treasure. Is this the Sesame you are waiting for?" he added, raising her face and trying two or three persuasive kisses. " There was nothing in the storehouse," said Faith laugh ingly. "No words, I mean." "I am willing to take thoughts." "How?" "Which way you like !" "Then you will have to wait for them, Endy. w SAY AND SEAL. 455 "Mignonette, I am of an impatient disposition." "Yes I know it." " Is it to be your first wifely undertaking to cure me ?" he said laughing. "It takes time to put thoughts into action," said Faith blushing. "Not all thoughts, Mignonette." She coloured beautifully; but anything more pure and sweet than those first wifely kisses of Faith, could not be told. Did he know, had he felt, all the love and allegiance they had so silently and timidly spoken? She had reason to think so. CHAPTER XL. IN a low whitewashed room, very clean though little and plain, where the breeze blew in fresh from the sea, Faith found herself established Friday afternoon. Mr. Linden had promised to shew her the surf, and so had brought her down to a little village, long ago known to him, on the New England shore ; where the people lived by farming and fishing, and no hotel attracted or held an influx of city life. It was rather late in the day, for the journey had been in part off the usual route of railway and steam, and therefore had been longer if not wearier. But when Faith had got rid of the dust, Mr. Linden came to her door to say that it would be half an hour to supper and ask if she was too tired to walk down to the beach. The shore was but a few hundred yards from the little farmhouse; green grass, with interrupting rocks, extending all the way. Faith hardly knew what she was corning to, till she reached the brink. There the precipitous rocks rose sheer a hundred feet from the bottom, and at the bot tom, down below her, a narrow strip of beach was bordered with the billowy crest and foam of the sea. Nothing but the dark ocean and the. illimitable ocean line beyond ; there was not even a sail in sight this evening ; in full uninter rupted power and course, from the broad east, the swells of the sea rolled in and broke broke, with their graceful, grand monotony. The beach was narrow at height of tide ; now the tide was out. Fishermen s boats were drawn up near to the rocks, and steep narrow pathways along and down the face of them allowed the fishermen to go from the top to the bottom. "Can t we get down there?" said Faith when she had stood a minute looking silently. Her face shewed an eager readiness for action. ".Can you fly, little bird?" "Yes As well as the fishermen can !" "If you cannot I can carry you," said Mr. Linden. (456) SAY AND SEAL. 457 And doubtless he would have found some way to make his words good had there been need, as it was, he only guarded her down the steep rocky way, going before her and holding her hand in a grasp she would have been puz zled to get away from. But Faith was light and free of foot and gave him no trouble. Once at the bottom, she went straight towards those in-coming big waves, and in front of them stood still. The sea breeze blew in her face, the roar of the breakers made music in her ears. Faith folded one hand upon the other and stood motionless. Now and then the wind caught the spray from some beaten rock and flung it in her face, and wave after wave rose up and donned its white crest; the upstanding green water touched with sunlight and shadow and changing tints of amber arid olive, down which the white foam came curling and rushing sweeping in knots of seaweed and leu vino: all the pebbles with wet faces. Mr. Linden let her look without the interruption of a word, but he presently put his arm round her, and drew her a little into shelter from the strong breeze. It was a while before she moved from her steady gaze at the water, then she looked up, the joy of her face breaking into a smile. " Kndecott, will you shew me anything more grand than this ?" "You shall tell me, when you have seen the uprising mists of Niagara," he answered smiling, "or the ravines between snow-caps five thousand summers old ." Her eye went back to the sea. "It brings before me, somehow," she said slowly, "all time, and all eternity! - I have been thinking here of myself as I was a little child, and as I shall be, and as I am," she added with her in veterate exactness, and blushing. "I seem to see only the great scale of everything." "Tell mo a little more clearly what you see," said Mr. Linden. It isn t worth telling. I see everything here as belong ing: to God. The world seems his great work-place, and life his time for doing the work, and I and you," she said with a flash of light coming across her face, "his work people. And those great breaking waves, somehow, seem to me like the resistless sure beautiful doings of VOL. u. 39 458 SAY AND SEAL. his providence." She spoke very quietly, because she was bidden, evidently. " Do you know how many other things they are like ? or rather how many are likened to them in the Bible ?" " No ! I don t know the Bible as you do." "They seem to be a never failing image an illustration suiting very different things. The wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, and then that thou hadst hearkened to me I then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea. "There is the endless struggle of human will and pur pose against the divine The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their waves. The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea. Fear ye not me ? saith the Lord : will ye not trem ble at my presence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it : and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail : though they roar, yet can they not pass over it? And so in another place the image is reversed, and God says, Behold I am against- thee, Tyrus, and will cause many nations to come up against thee, as the sea causeth his waves to come up. Could anything be more forcible ?" A look was Faith s answer ; it spoke the kindled thoughts at work. "Then you know," Mr. Linden went on, "how often the troubles of God s children are compared to the ocean; as David says, All thy waves are gone over me. But then the Lord answers to that, When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee, and through the floods, they shall not overwhelm thee; and David himself in another place declares it to be true Lord God of hosts, who is a strong Lord like unto thee ? or to thy faithfulness round about thee? Thou ruiest the raging of the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them. I suppose," he added thoughtfully, taking both her hands in his, "this is one sense in which by and by there shall be no more sea except that sea of glass, upon which they stand who have gotten the victory !" SAY AND SEAL. 459 Another look, a grave, full look, came to him from Faith ; and grave and soft her eye went back to the sea. The sunbeams were all off it; it was dark arid foamy. Speaking rather low, half to her half to himself, Mr. Lin den went on "And they overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony : and they loved not their lives unto the death ." Her look did not move. Mr. Linden s went with it for a minute or two, but then it- came back to her differently. " My darling, I am afraid to have you stay here any longer." "We can come again !" said Faith gleefully as she turned away. "I want to look at them a great deal." " We will come again and try how far a ladder can reach from this low sand." She looked back for another glance as she began to mount the rocky way. The mounting was an easy matter, for Mr. Linden came close and took hold of her in such fashion that she was more than half carried up. "Do you feel as if you had wings now?" he asked her, after a somewhat quick "flight" up half the way. "Folded ones," said Faith laughing and breathless. "I don t know what sort yours can be ! I can go up by my self, Endecott." "With folded wings, as you remark, Mrs. Linden. Do you remember that infallible way of recognizing earth s angels, when they are not pluming themselves?" "They never do plume themselves ," said Faith stopping to look at him. " Xot when they are carried !" Faith s laugh rolled down the rocks ; and then as they reached the top she grew timid and quiet, a mood which came over her whenever she remembered her new position and name in the world. There is no room to tell all the seaside doings of those days; the surf bathing, and fishing beyond the surf. A week passed there, or rather more; then, Mr. Linden having business in New York, the "wooden horse" went that way. We cannot follow all its travels. But we must stay with it a day in the city. CHAPTER XLI. TWERYBODY who has travelled on the great route I J from Pattaquasset to New York, knows that the scenery is not striking. Pleasant it is, and fresh, in fresh seasons of the year, cornfields and hayfields and spark ling little rivers always make up a fair prospect: but until the towers of Quilipeak rise upon the sight, with their leafy setting of green, there is nothing to draw much notice. And less, afterwards. The train flies on, past numberless stopping posts, over bridges, through towns ; regaling its passengers with hay, salt water, bony fish, and (in the sea son) dust; until the matchless flats marshes pools sights and smells, crowd thick about Haarlem river, and lure the traveller on through the sweet suburbs of New York. Hither business demanded that the " wooden horse " should come for a day or two ; here they were to be re ceived by one of the many old friends who were claiming all over the country a visit from Mr. Linden and his bride. Through the dark tunnel the train puffed on, the passengers winking and breathing beneath the air-holes, dark and smothered where air-holes were not; then the cars ran out into the sunlight, and in a minute more two of the passengers were transferred to the easy rolling coach which was in waiting for them, and drove away. Past warm brick fronts and pavements; past radish boys and raspberry girls; past oranges, pineapples, vegetables, in every degree of freshness except fresh. Of all which, even the vegetables, Faith s eyes took most curious and intent notice for one minute ; then the Avenue and fruit stalls were left behind ; the carriage had turned a corner, and in another minute or two drew up before an imposing front in Madison Square. And there, at the very steps, was a little raspberry girl. How Faith looked at her ! "Raspberries to-day, ma am?" said the child, encour aged by the look, or the sweet face. (460) SAY AN. SEAL. 461 "No, dear, I don t want any." Faith went gravely up the steps. It was her first intro duction to New York. But Mr. Linden s face wore a smile. There was no time to remark on it, for the door opened and a second introduction awaited her. An introduction to another part of the world. A magnificent house, every square yard of which perhaps, taken with its furniture and adornments, had cost as much as the whole of Faith s old home. A palace of luxury, where no want of any kind, material, could be known or fancied. In this house they were welcomed with a great welcome by a stately lady, Mr. Linden s old friend and his mother s; and by her family of sons and daughters, who were in another style, arid whose vivacious kindness seemed disposed to take up Faith bodily and carry her off. It was a novel scene for Faith, and she was amused. Amused too with the overpowering curiosity which took the guise or the veil of so much kindness, and beset her because Mr. Linden had married her. Yet Faith did not see the hundredth part of their curiosity; Mr. Linden whose eyes were more open, was proportionably amused, both with that and with Faith s simplicity, which half gratified and at least half baffled it. The young ladies at last took Faith up to her room ; and after lav ishing all sorts of attentions upon her, and making vari ous vain efforts to understand her, gave her the informa tion that a good deal of company was expected to dinner, and left her; baffled and attracted almost in an equal degree. They did not seem to have as puzzling an effect on Faith; for when Mr. Linden came out of his own dressing room, he found her ready and looking as fresh and cool as if she had just come up from the sands at Baukhead. She was dressed in a light muslin, but no more elaborately than she used to be at Pattaquasset ; only that this time her ruffles were laces. She was a little more dainty for the dinner-party. Mr. Linden came with a knot of glowing geraniums "Jewess" and "Perfection" and "Queen of the Fairies;" which, bound together as they were with white ribband, he first laid against her dress to try the effect (well deserving his smile of comment) then put in her hand to make fast. They set off all the quiet ele- 3 ( J* 462 SAY AND SEAL. gance of her figure after their own style, which was not quiet. "Now Mignonette," he said, "I suppose you know that I am to have the pleasure of introducing my wife to sundry people?" "I heard they were coming," said Faith. " If you will only stand by and look on, it will amuse you very much." "It will amuse me anyway," said Faith, "if " and what a rose colour came up into her face, "if, Endy, you are satisfied." Mr. Linden folded his arms and looked at her. "If you Bay anything against my wife, Mrs. Linden, her husband will not like it neither will yours." " That is all I care about not pleasing those two gen tlemen," said Faith laughing. "Is that all? I shall report your mind at rest. Come it is time this little exotic should appear." Faith thought as she went with him, that she was anything but an exotic ; she did not speak her thoughts. There was a large dinner company gathered and gather ing; and the "pleasure." Mr. Linden had spoken of intro ducing his wife was one enjoyed, by him or somebody, a great many times in the course of the evening. This was something very unlike Pattaquasset or anything to be found there; only in Judge Harrison s house little glimpses of this sort of society might be had ; and these people seemed to Faith ratlier in the sphere of Dr. Harrison than of his father and sister. People who had rubbed off every parti cle of native simplicity that ever belonged to them, and who if they were simple at all as some of them were had a different kind of simplicity, made after a most exquisite and refined worldly fashion. How it was made or worn, Faith could not tell; she had an instinctive feeling of the difference. If she had set on foot a comparison, she would soon have come to the conclusion that "Mr. Linden s wife" was of another pattern altogether. But Faith never thought of doing that. Her words were so true that she had spoken, she cared so singly to satisfy one person there, and had such an humble confidence of doing it, that other people gave her little concern. She nad little SAY AND SEAL. 468 need, for no word or glance fell upon Faith that did not shew the eye or the speaker won or attracted. The words and glances were very many, but Faith never found out or suspected that it was to see her all this party of grand people had been gathered together. She thought they were curious about "Mr. Linden s wife;" and though their curiosity made her shy, and her sense of responsibility gave an exquisite tenderness to her manner, both effects only set a grace upon her usual free simplicity. That was not dis turbed, though a good deal of the time Faith was far from Mr. Linden s kelp or protection. A stranger took her in to dinner, and among strangers she made her way most of the evening. But though she was shy, Faith was afraid never but of one person nor much of him. For him among old acquaintances, beset with all man ner of inquiries and congratulations he yet heard her voice whenever it was possible, and knew by sight as well as hearing all the admiration she called forth. He might have said as at Kildeer river, that he found "a, great deal of Mignonette." What he did tell her, when the evening was over, was that people were at a loss how to name the new exotic. "How to name me, Endecott?" "As an exotic." "I don t wonder!" said Faith with her merry little laugh. "Don t philosophers sometimes get puzzled in that way, Endecott? "Scientific philosophers content themselves with the hardest names they can find, but in this case such will not suit. Though Dr. Campan may write you in his books as Lindenethia Pattaquassetensis exotic, very rare. The flower is a double star colour wonderful! " Faith stopped to laugh. " What a blunder he will make if he does !" she said. "It will shew as Mr. Simlins says that he don t under stand common vegetables." "Well translated, Mignonette. How will it shew that, if you please ?" " He has mistaken one for a trumpet creeper." "A scarlet runner, I suppose." " Was I ?" said Faith seriously. 464 SAY AND SEAL. "According to you. I am in Dr. Campan s predica ment." "I should think you needn t be," said Faith simply. "Because you know, Endy I never knew even how to climb, till you shewed me." Mr. Linden faced round upon her, the quick flashing eyes answering even more than his " Faith ! what do you mean !" But his lips played then in a rare little smile, as he said, very quietly, in his former position, "Imagine Mignonette, with its full sweetness and more than its full colour sud denly transplanted to the region where Monkeys and Gera niums grow, I like to think of the effect." "I can t think of any effect at all," said Faith, "/should look at the Monkeys and Geraniums !" "Of course being Mignonette. And clearly that you are ; but then how can Mignonette so twine itself round things ?" Faith thought it did not, and also thought of Pet s charge about "charming;" but she left both points. " Most climbers," said Mr. Linden with a glance at her, "have but one way of laying hold but this exotic has all. There are the tendrils when it wants support, and the close twining that makes of two lives one, and the clasp of a hundred little stems that give a leaf or a flower wherever they touch." "Endecott!" said Faith with a look of astonished remonstrance and amusement in one. "What?" But the smile and blush with which Faith turned away bespoke her not very much displeased ; and she knew bet ter by experience than to do battle with Mr. Linden s words. She let him have it his own way. The next day business claimed him. Faith was given up to the kindness and curiosity of her new friends. They made good use of their opportunity, and their opportunity was a good one ; for it was not till late in the day, a little while before the late dinner hour, that Mr. Linden came home. He found Faith in her room ; a superbly appointed chamber, as large as any three of those she had been accus tomed to. She was standing at the window, thoughtfully SAY AND SEAL. 465 looking out; but turned joyfully to meet Mr. Linden. Apparently he was glad too. "My dear little Mignonette I I feel as if I had not seen you for a week." "It has been a long day," said Faith; who looked rather, it may be remarked, as if the day had freshly begun. " Mignonette, you are perfectly lovely I Do you think you will condescend to wear these flowers ?" said Mr. Lin den, drawing her to a seat by the table, and with one arm still round her beginning to arrange the flowers he had thrown down there as he came in. Faith watched him, and then looked up. "Endecott you shouldn t talk to me so. You wouldn t like me to believe you." Mr. Linden finished setting two or three ruby carnations in the green and purple of heliotrope and sweet-scented verbena then laid the bunch lightly upon her lips and gravely inquired if they were sweet. "Yes," Faith said, laughing behind them. "You are not hungry?" "Why? and what of it?" "You don t seem to remember it is near dinner time." "Dinner time is a myth. My dear I am sorry I give you so much uneasiness. I wish you could feel as com posed about me as I do about you. What have I done with that white ribband ! don t stir, it is in so-me pocket or other." And the right one being found, Mr. Linden unwrapped the piece of ribband and cut off what he wanted, remarking that he could not get used to giving her anything but blue. " Well, why do you then ?" said Faith. "I feel in a subdued state of mind owing to reproofs," said Mr. Linden, with the white satin curling round his fingers. "I may not tell anybody what I think of my wife!" Faith "looked amused, and yet a soft glance left the charge and the reproof standing. " I feel so composed about you" Mr. Linden went on, drawing his white bows Faith did think the eyes flashed under the shading lashes, "so sure that you will never 466 SAY AND SEAL. over-estimate me much less speak of it. But then you know, Mignonette, I never did profess to follow Reason." He was amused to see the little stir his words called up in Faith. He could see it in thu changing colour and rest less eye, and in one look of great beauty which Faith favoured him with. Apparently the shy principle pre vailed, or Faith s wit got the better of her simplicity; for she rose up gravely and laying her hand on the bunch of flowers asked if she should put them on. "Unless you prefer my services." She sat down again immediately, with a face that very plainly preferred them. Half smiling, with fingers that were in no haste about their work, Mr. Linden adjusted the carnations ; glancing from them to her, trying them in different positions, playing over his dainty .task as if he liked it. The flowers in place, his full smiling look met hers, and she was carried otf to the glass "to see his wife." Hardly seen, after all, but by himself. "She looks ready for dinner," said Faith. "Your eyes are only to look at!" said Mr. Linden with a laughing endorsement of his thoughts, and putting her back in the dormeuse. "Suppose you sit there and tell me what efforts they have made in the way of seeing, to day." "Efforts to see all before them which was more than they could," said Faith. "What- did they see? not me, nor I them, that 1 know." " That was another sort of effort they made," said Faith smiling "efforts to see what was not before them. I watched whenever I thought there was a chance but 1 couldn t see anything that looked like you. We must have gone half over the city, Endecott; Mrs. Pulteney took me all the morning, and her daughters and Mr. Pul teney all the afternoon." "Know, little Mignonette," said Mr. Linden, "that in New York it is morning till those people who (Tine at six have had their dinner. "Like the swell of some sweet tune Morning rises into noon," was written of country hours. " SAY AND SEAL. 467 "I guess that is true of most of the other good things that ever were written," said Faith. Mr. Linden looked amused. "What do you think of this ? And when the hours of rest Come, like a calm upon the mid-sea brine, Hushing its billowy breast The quiet of that moment too is thine; It breathes of Him who keeps The vast and helpless city while it sleeps. " "I never saw the city when it was asleep," said Faith smiling. "It didn t look to-day as if it could sleep. But, Endecott, I am sure all the pretty part of those words comes from, where we have been." "The images, yes. But connect any spot of earth with heaven by any tie and it must have a certain sort of grandeur. You have been working in brick and mortar to-day, Mignonette, to-morrow I must give you a bird s- eye view." Faith was silent a minute; and then said, "It don t look a happy place to me, Endecott." "No it is too human. You want an elm tree or a patch of dandelions between every two houses." "That wouldn t do," said Faith, "unless the people could be less ragged and dirty and uneasy; and then- houses too. There s nothing like it in Pattaquasset. " " I have great confidence in the comforting and civilizing power of elm trees and green grass," said Mr. Linden. "But Carlyle says Man is not what you can call a happy animal his appetite for sweet victual is so enormous ; and perhaps New York suffers as much from the fact that everybody wants more, as that some have too little and others too much." "Do these people want more?" said Faith softly. "Without doubt 1 So does everybody in New York but me." "But why must people do that in New York, when they don t do it in Pattaquasset?" said Faith, who was very like mignonette at the moment. " The appetite grows with indulgence, or the possibility 468 SAF AND SEAL. of it. Besides, little bird, in Pattaquasset you take all this breeze of humanity winnowed through elm branches. There, you know, My soul into the boughs does glide. " "No," said Faith, "it is not that. When my soul glides nowhere, and there are no branches, either ; in the Roscoms house, Endecott and poor Mrs. Dow s, and Sally Lowndes , people don t look as they look here. I don t mean here, in Madison Square, though yes I do, too; there was that raspberry girl; and others, worse, I have seen even here. But I have been in other places Mr. Pulteney and his sisters took me all the way to the great stone church, Endecott." "Well, Sunbeam, it has been a bright day for every raspberry girl that has come in your way. What else did you see there." "I saw the church." "Not the invisible" said Mr. Linden smiling, "re member that." "Invisible! no," said Faith. "There was a great deal of this visible." " What thoughts did it put in your head ?" "It was very wonderfully beautiful," said Faith thoughtfully." "What else?" "I cannot tell. You would laugh at me if I could. Endecott, it didn t seem so much like a church to me as the little white church at home." " I agree with you there, the less show of the instru ment the sweeter the music, to me. But the street in front of the church so specially filled with beggars and cripples I never go by there, Faith, without a feeling of joy : remembering the blind man who sat at the Beautiful gate of the temple; knowing well that there is as safe, .expe ditious, and easy a way to heaven from that dusty side walk, as from any other spot of earth. The triumph of grace ! how glorious it is ! / cannot speak to all of them together, nor even one by one, but grace is free ! Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts. Faith, I have been thinking of that all day !" She could see it in his face in the flush on the cheek SAY AND SEAL. 469 and the flash in the eye as he came and stood before her. She could see what had been all day before his eyes and mind; and how pain and sympathy and longing desire had laid hold of the promise and rested there "Ask and ye shall receive." Unconsciously Faith folded her hands, and the least touch of a smile in the corners of her mouth was in no wise contradictory of her eyes sweet gravity. "I saw them too," she said in a low tone. "Bndecott, I would rather speak to them out there, under the open sky, if it wasn t a crowd, than in the church ?" "I should forget where I was, after I began to speak," said Mr. Linden; "though I do love that dome most catholic and solemn. better than all others." "Mr. Pulteney asked me how I liked the church," said Faith. "He did not understand your answer," said Mr. Linden smiling, " I know that beforehand. What was it ?" "I think he didn t like it," said Faith. "I told him it seemed to me a great temple that men had built for their own glory and pleasure, not for the glory and pleasure of God." " Since when, you have been to Mr. Tom Pulteney like a fable in ancient Greek to one who has learned the modern language at school and forgotten it. 7 "He did not understand me," said Faith laughing and blushing a little. "And I was worse off; for I asked him several questions he could not answer me. I wanted to go to the top, but lie was certain I would be too tired if I did. But I heard the chime, Endecott ! that was beautiful. Beautiful! I am very glad I was there." "I ll take you to the top" said Mr. Linden, "it will not tire me. Faith, I have brought you another wedding present talking of ancient things." "What is that, Endecolt?" she said with a bright amused face. "Only a fern leaf. One that waved a few thousand years before the deluge, and was safely bedded in stone when the children of Israel passed through the Red Sea. 1 went to see an old antiquarian friend this morning, and out of his precious things he chose one for mine." And Mr Linden laid in her hand the little rough stone ; rough VOL. ii. 40 470 SAY AND SEAL. on one side, but on the other where the hammer had split it through, the brown face was smooth, and the black leaf lay marked out in all its delicate tracery. "Eudecott ! what is this ?" Faith exclaimed in her low tcnes of delight. "A fossil leaf." "Of a fern I How beautiful ! Where did it come from ?" She had risen in her delight, and stood by Mr. Linden at the dressing-table. " This one from Bohemia. Do you see the perfection of every leafet ?" " How wonderful how beautiful," Faith repeated, study ing the fossil. "It brings up those words, Endecott, A thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past; or as a watch in -the night. " "Yes, and these The counsel of the Lord, that shall stand. Compare this fern leaf, with the mighty palaces of Babylon and Nineveh. Through untold ages this has kept its wavy fragile outline, they are marked only by the line of confusion and the stones of emptiness. " Faith looked up, with such an eye of intelligence and interest as again would have puzzled Mr. Pulteney. " Did your old antiquary send this to me, Endecott ?" she said looking down at it again. "To you, darling." "I have seen nothing so good to-day, Endy. I am very glad of it." "Do you remember, Sunbeam, the time when I told you I liked stones ? and you looked at me. I remember the look now !" So did Faith, by the conscious light and colour that came into her face, different from those of three minutes ago, and the grateful recognition her eyes gave to Mr. Linden. "I don t know much more now," she said, in very lowliness, "about stones but you can teach me, Ende cott." "Yes, I will leave no stone unturned for your amuse ment," he said laughing. " Faith, if I were not so much afraid of you, I should tell you what you are like. What else have you seen ?" "Tell me what I am like, Endecott." SAY AND SEAL. 471 "What sort of consistency is that to coax me when I don t tell you, and scold me when I do?" "It s curiosity, I suppose," said Faith. "But it s no matter. I saw all that strange place, Broadway, EndeooU; we drove through the whole length of it." "Well?" said Mr. Linden, throwing himself down in the arm-chair and looking gravely up at her. But then the lips parted, not only to smile but to sing a wild Scotch tune. "0 wat ye wha that lo es me, And has my heart in keeping ? sweet is she that lo es me, As dews o summer weeping, In tears the rosebuds steeping; that s the lassie o my heart, My lassie ever dearer ; that s the queen o womankind, And ne er a ane to peer her ! " If thou hast heard her talking, And thy attention s plighted, That ilka body talking But her by thee is slighted, And thou art all delighted: that s the lassie o my heart, My lassie ever dearer ; that s the queen o womankind, And ne er a ane to peer her!" "Did you see anybody like that in Broadway, Faith ?" Blushing how she blushed! but she would not say a word, nor stir, to interrupt the singing ; so she stood there casting a shy look at him now and then till he had stopped, and then coming round behind him she laid her head down upon his shoulder. Mr. Linden laughed, caressing the pretty head in various ways. "My dear little bird!" he said. Tljen presently "Mig nonette, 1 have been looking at fur cloaks !" "Don t do such a thing again, Endy." "I shouldn t if I could have quite suited myself to day." "I don t want it. I can bear the cold as well as you." 472 SAY AND SEAL. "Let it make up for something which you do want and haven t got, then, you must bear the cold Polar fashion. But at present, there is the dinner bell." They went down ; but with the fossil and the fur, Faith was almost taken out of New York ; and astonished Mr. Pulteney once or twice more in the course of the evening, to Mr. Linden s amusement, CHAPTER XLII. THE Hudson river railway, on a summer Saturday after noon. Does everybody know it? if not, let me tell the people who have not tried it or those more unfortu nate ones who are tried by it, and driven into the depths of newspapers and brown literature by the steam pressure of mountains, clouds, and river, that it is glorious. Not on a dusty afternoon, but when there has been or is a shower. ]S T ot the locomotive, or the tender, or the cars though the long chain has a sort of grandeur, as its links wind into the bays and round the promontories, express. But get a river side seat, and keep your patience up the lumbered length of Tenth Avenue, and restrain your impatience as the train goes at half stroke along that first bit of road where people are fond of getting on the track, watch the other shore, meantime, or the instructive market gardens on this, then feel the quickened speed, as the engine gets her "head," then use your eyes! Open your windows boldly people don t get cold from our North river air, never mind the sun hold up a veil or a fan ; only look. See how the shore rises into the Palisades, up which the March of Improvement finds such uncertain footing: how the rising points of hill are rounded with shadow and sun light, and green from river to crown. See how the clouds roll softly up on the further side giving showers here and there; how the white-winged vessels sail and careen and float. Look up the river from Peekskill, and see how the hills lock in and part: think of the train of circum stances that rushed down Arnold s point that long ago morning, where a so different train now passes. Mark the rounding outlines of the green Highlands, and as you near Garrisons let your eye follow the sunbeam that darts down the little mill creek just opposite the tunnel. Then on through those beloved hills, till they fall off right and left, and you are out upon Newburgh bay in the full glory of the sunset. After this, (if you are tired looking,) you 40* (473) 474 SAY AND SEAL. may talk for a while, till the blue heads of the Catskill catch yonr eye and hold it. The blue range was a dim outline hardly that when Faith reached her journey s end that night. She could hear the dash of the river, and see the brilliant stars, but all details waited for morning. And the morning was Sunday. Balmy, cloudless, the very air put Faith almost in Elysium; and between dreamy enjoyment, and a timid sense of her own new name and position, she would have liked for herself an oriole s nest on one of the high branches. Failing that, she seemed as her hostess and again an old friend of Mr. Linden s told him "like a very rosebud; as sweet, and -as much shut up to herself." Truth to tell, she kept something of the same manner ind seeming next day. The house was very full, and of a very gay set of people ; of whom Faith s friend, Mr. Mot ley, was one. Faith met their advances pleasantly, but she nas daintily shy. And besides, the scene and the time were full of temptations to dream over the out of door beauty. The people amused her, but often she would rather have lost them in the hills or the sunset; and was for various reasons willing that others should talk while she looked. So passed the first two days; and the third brought an excursion which kept the whole party out till lunch time. But towards the end of the day Mr. Linden was witness to a little drama which let him know something more of Faith than he had just seen before. It was near the time of dressing for dinner. Mr. Linden was already dressed and had come to the library, where in a deep recess on one side of the window he was busy with a piece of study. The window was very large and opened upon a green terrace ; and on the terrace in a garden chair, just outside the open window, sat Faith ; quietly and in tensely, he knew, enjoying the broad river and the mountain range that lay blue in the sunlight a few miles beyond ; all in the soft still air of the summer day. She distracted Mr. Linden s thoughts from his study. He could see her per fectly though he was quite out of her view. She was in one of the dainty little morning dresses he had sent her from the place of pretty things; nothing could be mure SAY ANT) SEAL. 475 simple, and it suited her; and she looked about as soft and still as the day. Meanwhile some gentlemen had entered the library and drew near the window. Faith was just out of their range and Mr. Linden was completely hid in his recess, or doubtless their remarks would have had a different bearing The remarks turned upon Faith, who was here as well as in New York an object of curiosity to those who had known Mr. Linden ; and one of the speakers expressed himself as surprised that Linden should have married her. "Wouldn t have thought it? would you," said Mr. Motley. "To be sure, he s able to do all the talking." "She does very well for the outside," said another. "Might satisfy anybody. Uncommon eyes." "Eves!" said Mr. Motley. "Yes, she has eyes! and a mouth. I suppose Linden gets some good of it if no body else does. And after all, to find a woman that is all eyes and no tongue, is, as you remark, uncommon." " She s not quite stylish enough for him," said a third. "I thought Linden would have married a brilliant woman." "He ll be a brilliant man, if you tell him that," said Mr. Motley. "Corruscations and so forth. I never thought I should see him bewitched, even by a rose leaf monop oly." The conversation was interrupted. It had not been one which Mr. Linden could very well break ; all he could do was to watch Faith. He could see her slightly bent head and still face, and the colour which grew very bright upon the cheek nearest him. She was motionless till the last words were broken off; then, with a shy movement of one hand to her cheek, covering it, she sprang away, as lightly as any bird she was ever named after. Mr. Linden was detained in the library, where as the dinner hour drew near other members of the family began to gather. A group of these were round the table, dis cussing an engraving; when Mr. Linden saw Faith come in. He was no longer in the dangerous recess; but Faith did not come near him ; she joined the party at the table. Mr. Linden watched her. Faith s dressing was always a quiet affair; to-day somehow the effect was very lovely. She wore a soft muslin which flowed about her in full draperies ; with a breast-knot of roses on its white folds. 476 SAY AND SEAL. Faith rarely put on flowers that Mr. Linden had not given her. To-day was an exception ; and jier white robe with no setting off but those roses and her rich hair, was faultless. Not merely that ; the effect was too striking to be abso lutely quiet ; all eyes were drawn to her. The gentlemen whom she had heard speak were among the party ; and no eyes were more approving. Mr. Linden watched, as he might, without being seen to watch. Faith joined not only the party, but the conversation; taking her place in it frankly ; shewing no unwillingness to give opin ions or to discuss them, and no desire to avoid any subject that came up. She was taking a new stand among these strangers, Mr. Linden saw it, and he could guess the secret reason ; no one else could guess that there was anything to give a reason for, so coolly, so naturally, it was done. But the stand was taken. Faith had not stepped in the least out of her own bounds ; she had abated not a whit of her extreme modesty. She was never more herself, only it was as if she had laid down a self-indulgent shyness which she had permitted herself before, and allowed Mr. Linden s friends to become acquainted with Mr. Linden s wife. But with herself! Her manner to-day was exceedingly like her dress ; the plainest simplicity, the purest quality, and the roses blushing over all. It fascinated the gentlemen, every one of them. They found that the little demure piece of gravity could talk ; and talk with a truth and freshness of thought too, which was like the rest of her, uncommon and interesting, soft and free at once. Faith went off to dinner on the arm of one of her maligners, and was very busy with company all the evening after, having little to do with Mr. Linden. She had escaped to her room earlier than he, however; and when he came in she was sitting thoughtfully before the open window. She rose up directly and came to him, with the usual smile, and with a little hidden triumph dancing in her eyes, and an odd wistful look besides of affection and humility. She only came close to him for a caress, without speaking. Mr. Linden took her face in both hands and looked at it a beautiful smile mingling with the somewha* moved look of his own. "What a child you are 1" SAY AND SEAL. 477 The colour rushed all over Faith s cheeks. "Why? " she whispered. The answer to which, cheeks and brow and lips might spell out as best they could. "Do you know why I did not come with your flowers, Mignonette?" "Before dinner? no. I got some for myself." " I was on my way for them, and was entrapped and held fast. My little Mignonette ! I never thought to have you put your hand to your cheek in that way again I" "Again, Endecott! Who told you?" said Faith, as usual jumping to conclusions. "Who told me what, my beauty?" Faith s eye fell in doubt, then looked up searchingly. I believe you know everything; but you don t look dis pleased. How did you know, Endecott?" "I saw and heard. And have seen and heard since," he added smiling. A question or two found out exactly how it had been ; and then Faith put the inquiry, simple to quaintness, "Did I do better to-day ?" " If you are so anxious for me " he said stroking back her hair. "They did not deserve to have one of my wife s words, but her words were admirable." It was worth while to see Faith s cheeks. " Will you trust me to ride with Mr. Middleton to-mor row?" she asked presently, smiling. "No Yes I will trust you but not him." " Does that mean that you will trust me to go ?" "Not with him." " But what shall I do ?" said Faith flushing after a dif ferent fashion half laughing too " I told him I would go, or that I thought I would go." "Tell him that you think you will not." Faith looked a little troubled ; she foresaw a charge of questions she did not like to meet. "Are you afraid of the horse, Eudy ?" she said after a pause, a little timidly. " No, darling." Faith was pretty just now, as she stood with her eyes cast down ; like a generous tempered horse first feeling the 478 SAY AND SEAL. bit ; you can see that the creature will be as docile as pos* sible, yet he is a little shy of your curb. Anything like control was absolutely new to her; and though her face was never more absolutely sweet, there was with that a touch of embarrassment which made an inexpressibly pretty mixture. Mr. Linden might well be amused and touched, and charmed too, all in one. "Mr. Motley asked me to ride too," she said after a minute, blushing a little deeper, and speaking as if it were a supplement to her former words. "He wanted to shew me the Belle Spring. I had better give them both the same answer." "Has nobody else preferred his request? they are just the two people with whom I do not want you to ride," said Mr. Linden smiling. "I shall have to ask you myself or claim you. Mrs. Linden, may I have the honour?" Faith gave him a very bright answer of a smile, but with a little secret wish in her heart that the other people had not asked her. Her denial however was perfectly well taken by Mr. Motley; not indeed without a little bantering talk and raillery upon the excessive care Mr. Linden bestowed on her. But Mr. Middleton, she saw, was not pleased that she disappointed him. Within two or three days Faitli had become unmistakeably the centre of attraction to all the gentlemen of the neighbourhood. To walk with her, to talk to her, to attend upon her, were not a coveted honour merely, but a coveted pleasure. It was found wonderfully refreshing to talk to Faith : her eyes were something pleas ant to look at, for more than George Alcott ; and the truth of her enjoyment and gratitude made it a captivating thing to be the means of exciting them. Mr. Middleton was one of those men who think very much indeed of the value of their approbation, and never bestow it but where they are sure the honour of their taste and judgment is like to be the gainer. One of those men who in ordinary keep their admiration for themselves, and be stow in that quarter a very large amount. Faith s refusal to ride with him touched him very disagreeably. It was impossible to be offended with her. But perhaps all the more he was offended with somebody; and it happened un- SAY AND SEAL. 479 luckily that some reported light words of Mr. Motley about M*\ Linden s care of his wife arid especial distrust of the gentlemen who had asked her to ride, reached Mr. Middle- ton s ear in a very exaggerated and opprobrious form. Mr. Middleton did not know Mr. Linden, nor know much of him ; his bottled-up wrath resolved that Mr. Linden should not continue long in his reciprocal ignorance. And so it fell out, that as this week began with shewing Mr. Linden something of Faith that he had not seen before, it did not end without giving her a new view of him. It was a captivating summer morning when the cavalcade set forth from Rye House, on a picnic to Alderney one of the show places in the neighbourhood. It seemed fairyland to Faith. The beautiful country over which they travelled, in summer s luxuriance of grass and grain; the river rolling below at a little distance, sometimes hidden only to burst upon the view again ; and towering above all, unchanged beyond the changing lights and shades of the nearer landscape, the long mountain range. The air was perfec tion ; the sounds of voice and laughter and horses brisk feet helped the exhilaration, and the lively colours and fashion of caps and habits and feathers made pretty work for the eye. Faith s ears and eyes were charmed. At a cross road the party was joined by Mr. Middleton; whose good-humour, at present in a loose-jointed state, was nowise improved at the sight of Faith. She rode then, at any rate ; and she sut well and rode fearlessly, that he could see ; and his eye, keen for such things, noted too the neat ap pointments of her dress, and saw that they were all right and lilted her and she fitted them; and that her figure alto gether was what no man might dislike to have beside him, even a man so careful of his appearance as Mr. Middleton. Not near Faith did he come ; but having noted all these things with gathering ire, he sheered off to another part of the troop. It was a pretty day to Faith, the whole first part of it. The ride, and the viewing the grounds they went to see. These were indeed naturally very noble; and to Faith s eyes every new form of natural beauty, of which her range had hitherto been so- very sinall, was like a fresh draught of water to thirsty lips. It was a great draught sho 430 SAY AND SEAL. had this morning, and enjoyed almost to the forgetful- ness of everything else. Then came the lunch. And that was picturesque too, certainly; on such a bank, under such trees, with such a river and mountains in front; and Faith enjoyed it and them so far. But it was splendid too, and noisy; and her thoughts went at one time away very far, to Kildeer river, and remembered a better meal taken under the trees, with better talk, and only Bob Tuck to look at them. She stole a glance at Mr. Linden. He was doing his part and making somebody very comfortable indeed Faith half smiled to see it. Mr. Middleton at another part of the assembled com pany, had been getting his temper up with wine and his ill humour with the various suggestions and remarks of some careless gossipers at his side. Finding that he winced under the mention of Mrs. Linden and the ride, they gave him that subject with as many variations as the Katydid polka, the simple "She did" (or rather "She didn t") skilfully diversified and touched up, which brought Mr. Middleton s heavy piece of displeasure, already primed, loaded, and at full cock, to the very point where his temper struck fire. He left the table and drew towards Mr. Lin den, who was talking in the midst of a group of ladies and gentlemen. Middleton knew which was he that was all. "You, sir!" he said like a surly bull-dog which term describes both his mental and physical features, "my name s Middleton I want you to take back what you ve said about me !" Mr. Linden at the moment was in the full tide of Ger man talk with one of his old fellow students from abroad ; his excellent poise and play of conversation and manner setting off the gesticulations of the foreigner. With a look of more surprise than anything else he brought eyes and attention to bear upon Mr. Middleton. "What, sir?" he said. "Will you take back what you ve said about me?" The dogged wrath of the man was beyond the use of many words, to which indeed he was never given. "I have not said anything, sir, which requires that." And with abend of the head cool and courteous as his SAY AND SEAL. 4<U words Mr. Linden dismissed the subject; and placing himself on the grass with his friend and some others, fell back into the German. Middleton followed fuming. "I ve cpme to speak to you!" he said, beginning with an execration, "and you must get up and answer me. Will you take back what you said ?" Stooping down, he had thrown these words into Mr. Linden s ear in a way to leave no doubt whom they were meant for. "I have answered yon, sir." "That is to tell you what I think of it !" said Middle- ton, dashing in his face the remains of a glass of wine which he had brought with him from the board on purpose. He was on his feet then ! with what a spring ! as in the fairy tale the beautiful princess of a sudden became a sword. Just such eyes of fire Mr. Middletoii had never been privileged to see. But Faith saw the hands drop and grasp each other, she saw the eyes fall, and the colour go and come and go again, with a rush and swiftness that was startling to see. Absolutely motionless the very breath kept down, so he stood. And even his assailant gazed, in a sort of spell-bound wonder. The twittering birds overhead, how they carolled ; how softly the leaves rustled, and the river sent up its little waves : and the sunshine and shadow crept on, measuring off the seconds. The pure peace and beauty of everything the hush of human voices were but the setting of the deep human struggle. The victory came. With a face from which at last the colour had taken its permanent departure, Mr. Linden looked up and spoke : and something made the very low tones ring in the air. "I have said nothing about you which needed apology, Mr. Middleton. You have been misinformed, sir." And with that same bend of dismissal Mr. Linden drew himself up and walked away, bareheaded as he was. The trees hid him in a moment. Then there came a stir. "What a coward!" cried George Alcott, pressing for ward, "to do that to a man who you knew wouldn t knock you down !" The young German had started up, sputtering strange things in his native tongue. VOL. II. 41 482 SAY AND SEAL. "Mr. Linden is an excellent commentator!" said one young lady, who took the liberty of speech pretty freely. "How clear he makes it that The discretion of a man deferreth his anger ; and it is his glory to pass by a trans gression ! " "I really thought," said Mr. Motley in a make-believe whisper, "when Middleton first came up, that he had been taking a glass too much, but now I see that he took just half a glass too little !" "Sir," said Colonel Rye stepping forward, a man of most noble character and presence both, "Mr. Linden is my guest and friend you must answer this to me." Before Mr. Middleton could make answer, Faith had come in between and laid hold of the Colonel s hand. She was white, and quiet, but she could not at once speak. All around stood still. " Sir," she said, in words that were well heard for every body held his breath, " Colonel Rye this is Mr. Linden s affair." "I beg your pardon, my dear young lady it is mine." "No sir," said Faith he felt how eagerly her fingers Gasped his "it is in Mr. Linden s hands. He forgives Mr. Middleton entirely." "I don t forgive him !" said the Colonel shortly. "Sir," said Faith, "Colonel Rye this is not what Mr. Linden would wish. Endecott will tell you, sir, that he has passed it by. Don t undo what he has done! No true friend of Mr. Linden will make any more of this." "I am willing to answer it to anybody," said Middleton gruffly, but as if half ashamed of himself. "There is nothing to answer to any one," said Faith quitting the Colonel and turning to him; her face was so white and gentle that it smote him, and those very steady sweet eyes had a power in them just now that broke his doggedness. "There is nothing to answer to any one . unless, Mr. Middleton " (how soft her voice was) "un less you find you were wrong, and choose to tell Mr. Linden which I daresay you will. Colonel Rye will you see for Mr. Linden s honour ^that this goes to no harm ?" The extreme ge.ntleness and the steady firmness of Faith SAY AND SEAL. 48 b ruled them all ; and at her last appeal the Colonel s only answer was to take her in his arms ;md kiss her an ac knowledgment Faith would willing]) have gone without. But it was good for a promise. "Mr. Alcott," she said seeking him in the group, "you said we would go down the bank " Faith did not finish her sentence, but he saw her wish to finish it by action. She went wilh him till they were out of sight and away from everybody ; then slipped her arm from his and begging him not to wait for her sat down on the grass. For a while she sat very still, whether her heart was fuller of petition or thanksgiving she hardly knew. She would have rejoined Mr. Alcott much sooner if she had guessed he was waiting for her like an outpost among the trees ; but all the time had not brought back Faith s colour. After a .while, other steps came swiftly over^the turf as she sat there, and before she had raised her head it was lifted up for her. "My precious wife I what are you doing here?" Very low the tones were, very grave, very tender. Faith sprang, and after an exploring glance into his face, knelt on the grass beside him, and threw her arms round his neck, pressing her cheek very close as if she would take off or share the affront that had been offered to his. That for a minute and then changing characters she raised her head and pushing the hair back from his brow with her soft hurried fingers, she covered that and his face with kisses with a kind of eager tenderness that could not say enough nor put enough love and reverence into every touch. All this while she was still ; she did riot shed tears at all, as some women would have done ; and she said not one word. Perhaps surprise made him passive : perhaps the sooth ing of her caresses was too sweet and too much needed to be interrupted, even by a return. He let her have her way, nor even raised his eyes. One arm indeed was round her, but it left her free to do what she liked. If Faith needed any light on what the morning s work had been, it was fur nished by those few minutes. Only at last, with a sudden motion Mr. Linden brought her lips to his, and gave her back principal and interest. 484 SAY ANI) SEAL - You blessed child!" he said. "Are you a veritable angel already ?" "I should have brought you a palm-branch, Endy" For almost the first time he had ever heard it so, Faith s voice was unsteady. Had she not done it ? Mr. Linden did not say so, as he took grave note of her pale cheeks Presently rising up he passed his arm round her, and took her up the bank to the rest of the party, nor let go his hold till she was seated between Mrs. Rye and himself. Then from the fern leaf in his hand, he proceeded to give them both an account of ferns in general living and fossil, extant and extinct ; with his usual happy skill and interest, and except that the lips never broke into a smile with just his usual manner. And never had the grave depth of eye been more beautiful, more clear. Not Faith alone watched it with loving admiration, but no one any more than she ventured word or look of sympathy. When at last the various groups began to draw in towards a centre, and ladies put on their riding hats, and grooms were buckling girths again, Mr. Middleton with two or three others was seen advancing towards Mr. Lin den s quarter. Mrs. Rye rose hastily. "I am sorry to find that I made a mistake, sir," said Middleton with a sort of unwilling courtesy. " I was under misinformation and I was not aware of your profession. I beg your pardon for what has occurred." Mr. Linden had risen too, and with folded arms and the most unmoved face stood watching the party as they came up. " It is granted " he said offering his hand. "But permit me to say, Mr. Middleton, that you made a third mistake, equally great if the other two had not existed." Mr. Middleton s private thoughts were perhaps not clearly disentangled. At all events he had no desire to multiply words, and turned off. "So, he has spoken, has he I" said Colonel Rye coming up. "Like a bear, T dare say. Why do you think I didn t fight him, Endecott?" A smile came over Mr. Linden s face then bright and stirred. SAY AND SEAL. 485 " I think, sir, you yielded to Mignonette s power,- did long ago." "You? Did he?" said the Colonel turning. "No, sir never!" said Faith, laughing and blushing till her cheeks were brilliant. The Colonel smiled at her. "My dear," said he, "you conquered me! and I don t believe any other man more invincible than myself. Is this your horse? No, Motley no, George she is going to have an old cavalier for her ride home." And much to Faith s pleasure, so she had. 41* CHAPTER XLIII. OCTOBER S foliage had lost its distinct red and purple and brown, and had grown merely sunburnt ; but the sky overhead still kept its wonderful blue. Down the ravines, over their deep shadow, October breathed softly; up the mountain road, past grey boulders and primeval trees and wonderful beds of moss, went the stage wagon. The travellers were going by a somewhat long and irre gular route, first up one of the great highways, then across to that spur of the mountains where they were to live. Mrs. Derrick was to follow in a few weeks with Mr. Stoutenburgh. It was late and dusky when the stage wagon transferred the travellers to Mr. Olyphant s carriage which was waiting for them at a certain turn of the road. Mr. Olyphant himself was there, with extra wrappings for Faith ; and muffled in them she sat leaning in the corner of the carriage, tired enough to make the rest pleasant, awake enough to hear the conversation ; feeling more like a bird than ever, with that unwonted night air upon her face, and the wild smell of woods and evergreens and brooks floating about her. At Mr. Olyphant s they were received with warm wood fires and excellent supper, the welcome spending itself in many other ways. But though Mr. Linden did take her to the door for one minute to hear a pouring mountain tor rent, she could see nothing that night. The stars overhead were brilliant, the dark hill outline dim, the rushing of that stream how it sounded 1 Faith s whisper was glee ful. "Endy I can t see much but it feels lovely ! I am so glad to be here !" The morning was wonderful. Such a sunlight, such arc air, such rejoicings of birds and brook and leaves. Mr. Olyphant s house stood on one sido of a woody slope rocks (486) SAY AND SEAL. 487 and trees crowned to the very top; in the ravine below, the brook Faith had heard. She could see it now, foaming along, quieting itself as it came into smoother circum stances. The most of its noise indeed seemed to be made in some place out of sight, higher up. This slope was not very high, other ridges before and beyond it looked down not frowningly, in their October dress. Not much else could be seen, it was a mere leafy nest. A little faint line of snoke floated over the opposite ridge, glimpses of moun tain paths here and there caught the sunlight, below Faith s window Mr. Linden stood, like some statue, with folded arms. Faith hastily finished her dressing. As soon as that was done she knelt at her window again, to look and to pray. Those hills looked very near the sky; life-work there seemed almost to touch heaven. Nay, did it not? Heaven bent over the glorious earth and over the work to be done there, with the same clear, fair, balmy promise and truth. Faith could almost have joined the birds in their singing; her heart did; and her heart s singing was as pure and as grave as theirs. Not the careless glee that sees and wants nothing but roses in the way; but the deep love and gladness, both earthly and heavenly, that makes roses grow out of every soil. So she looked, when Mr. Linden first discerned her, venturing from the hall door and searching round for him. "0 little Sunbeam!" he said, "how you glint upon everything ! there is a general illumination when you come out of the door. How do you feel this morning ? rested ?" "As if I never had been tired." And Faith might have said, as if she never would be tired again ; but only her eye revelled in such soft boasting. "Where is our home, now, Endecott?" The ridge before them, on the other side of the ravine, rose up with swifter ascent into the blue air and looked even more thick set with forest trees : but where it slanted down towards the more open country, a little break in the trees spoke of clearing and meadow and cultivation. The rlearing was for the most part on the other side, but a bit 488 SAY AND SEAL. of one green field, dotted with two or three dark objects, swept softly over the ridge line. "Are you in the sight-seeing mood ?" said Mr. Linden, with a look as gladsome as her own. "Yes! and seeing sights too. But where is that, Eudy ?" "I shall take you there by degrees wait a moment," and he went in for the glass. "Now, Mignonette," he said, adjusting it for her, "I wish to ask your notice for a little black spot on that bit of clearing. But first what does it look like to you a hut or a summerhouse?" "It s too far off it looks like nothing but a black spot." "Now look " said Mr. Linden smiling. O wondrous power of the glass! the black spot remained indeed a black spot still, but with the improvements of very de cided horns, black tail, and four feet. "Somebody lives there," said Faith. "It s a cow. "Most true! What cow do you suppose it is, Mrs. Linden ?" Faith put down her glass to laugh at him. " It s no friend of mine," she said. "I have a few friends among cows, but not many." "My dear Mrs. Linden, you always were rather quick at conclusions. If you look again, you will see that the cow has a surrounding fence of primeval roots, which will keep even her from running away." Faith obeyed directions, carefully. "Endy " she said in an oddly changed tone, "is it my black heifer?" "It is not mine," said Mr. Linden. "But I didn t know she had come!" said Faith; then putting up her glass again to scan the far-off black spot and all around it, with an intenseness of feeling which shewed itself in two very different spots on her cheeks. "Put down your glass, Faith," said Mr. Linden, "and look up along the ridge to that faint blue wreath over the yellow tree-tops, that is your first welcome from my study." She looked eagerly, and then a most delighted bright smile broke over her face as it turned to Mr. Linden SAY AND SEAL. 489 "How do you know it is in your study, Endecott? and who has lighted it ?" "Some one! We ll go over after breakfast and see." At breakfast many things were discussed besides broiled chicken. And afterwards there came to the door two of the rugged, surefooted, mountain horses, saddled and bridled for the expedition. On the porch steps a great lunch basket told of Mrs. Olyphant s care Faith was up stairs donning her habit. Mr. Linden ran up to meet her. "Faith," he said laughingly, "Malthus has just confided to me, that if Mrs. Endecott has any things to take over, they would make the way wonderfully pleasant to him." "Who is Malthus?" The shy blush on Faith s cheek was pretty to see. "He is an old servant of mine, who has been with Mr. Olyphant arid is coming to me again." Faith thought it was good news, and as good for Mal thus as anybody ! An important little travelling bag was committed to him, and the cavalcade set forth. The way was far longer than the distance seemed to pro mise, having to follow the possibilities of the ground. A wild way through the forest and over the brook ; a good bridle path, but no better. The stillness of nature everywhere ; rarely a human habitation near enough to afford human sounds. Frost and dew lay sparkling yet on moss and stone, in the dells where the sun had not looked; though now and then a sudden opening or turn shewed a reach or a gorge of the mountains all golden with sunlight. Trees such as Faith had never seen stood along the path in many places, and under them the horses footfalls frightened the squirrels from tree to tree. "Is this the only way of getting about here, Ende cott?" "This or on foot in many directions That part of our parish which lies below us, as Mr. Olyphant says, can be reached with wheels. But look, Mignonette ! " The road turned sharply round a great boulder, and they were almost home ! There it lay before them, a little below, an irregular, low, grey stone cottage, fitting itself to the ground as if fitting the ground to it had been aD 490 SAY AND SEAL. impossibility. It was not on a ravine; the slope went down, down, till it swept off into the stubble fields and cleared land below. There was the sound of a great waterfall in the distance, close by the house a little branch stream went bounding down, and spread itself out peace ably in the valley. Dark hemlocks guarded the cottage from too close neighbourhood of the cliffs at the back, but in front the subsiding roughness of nature kept only a few oaks and maples here and there. The cleared ground was irregular, like the house, running up and down, as might be. No moving thing in sight but the blue smoke and the sailing clouds and cloud shadows. The tinkle of a cow bell made itself heard faintly the breeze rushed through the pines, then slowly the black heifer came over the brow of her meadow and surveyed the prospect. Faith had checked her horse, and looking at it all, up and down, turned to Mr. Linden. There was a great deal in her look, more than words could bear the burden of, and she said none. He held out his hand and clasped hers speakingly, the lips unbent then, though they went back to the grave lines of thought and interest and purpose. It was not merely his home he was looking at it was the one to which he was bringing her. Was it the place for Mig nonette ? would ft be too lonely, too cold ? or was the whole scene that lay before them, in its wild beauty, the roughness covered and glorified by that supreme sunlight, a fair picture of their life together wherever it might be? So he believed ; the light grew and deepened in his own eyes as he looked, the grave purpose, the sure hope ; and Mignonette s little hand the while was held as she had rarely felt him hold it before. Presently she bent down so that she could look up in his face, answering him then with a smile. "Endy what are you thinking of? I am very happy." The last words were lowered a little. Mr. Linden s eyes came to her instantly, with something of their former look but very bright; and bending off his horse he put one arm round her, with as full and earnest a kiss as she had ever had from him. "That is what I was thinking of," he said. "I was thinking of my wife, Mig nonette. " SAY AND SEAL. 491 "Aren t you satisfied?" she said in her former tone. " Perfectly ! " The look made a very personal application. Faith shook her head a little and they rode on. The cottage door was very near presently ; Faith could see all the minor points of interest. Malthus who had got there by a short cut, waited to take their horses then a white cap and apron appeared in the doorway for a second and vanished again. "You will find another of our old dependants here, Faith," said Mr. Linden. "Who is that?" she said quickly. "There were three women in our house," said Mr. Lin den, "that Pet and I called respectively, Good, Better, 1 Best, this is Best. Hers was a name in earnest, for we never called her anything else ; and it was always the de sire of her heart first to see my wife and then to live with her. And I was sure she would please you." "What must I call her? Mrs. Best?" said Faitn. "No, you must call her nothing but Best. " "That s excellent!" said Faith gleefully. "I thought there was nobody here but one friend of yours, Endecott. Now I shall get in order directly." "That is what you thought you were coming to!" he said coming to her side to lift her down. "How would you like to be taken right back to Mr. Olyphant s ?" "Not at all!" In answer to which she was lightly jumped down from the saddle and carried off into the house ; where Mr. Lin den and Best shook hands after a prolonged fashion, and the old servant not that she was very old neither turned glad and eager and respectful eyes upon her new mistress, touching that little hand with great satisfaction of heart. " It s warmer in the study, sir," she said, "and there s a fire in the kitchen if Mrs. Eudecott would like to see that. Arid shall I make one anywhere else, ma am?" Best s white cap and apron were very attractive ; and so on the other hand were Faith s blush and smile. The hall in which they stood rather a wide one, cut the house from front to back, with no break of stair way. Through the open back door Faith could see the 402 SAY AND SEAL. dark cliff and hear the brook. Mr. Linden asked where "she would go first?" Faith whispered, "To the study." He smiled, and opened the one door at her left hand and led her in. Not yet in perfect order, the book shelves yet unfur nished, it looked a very abode of comfort. For there were basking sunbeams and a blazing fire, there were shelves and cupboards of various size and shape, there were win dows not very large, it is true, but giving such views ! of the fair country below, and the brook, and the ascent, and the distant blue peaks of the range. Warm-coloured curtains and carpet and couch had been put here under Mr. Olyphant s orders, and here were things of Mr. Linden s which Faith had never seen, his escritoire and study table among others. Her table, with a dainty easy-chair, at the prettiest of all the windows, she knew at a glance un known as it was before ; but the desk which she had had lon^ ago stood on the study table, nearer his. Mr. Linden brought her up to the fire, and stood silent with his arms wrapped about her for a minute. Then he stooped and kissed her. "How does it look, Sunbeam?" Faith was grave, and her eye went silently from one thing to another even after he spoke ; then turned its full sunny answer upon him. Faith certainly thought he did too much for her ; but she spoke no such thought, leaving it as she had once meant to leave other thoughts, for action. "You can put your books right in, and then it will be beautiful," she remarked. "And look down the mountain, out of that window, Endecott ! " She was taken over to the window for a nearer view and placed in her easy-chair to take the good of it. "Do you see that little red speck far down at the foot of the hill?" Mr. Linden said "in that particularly rough steep place ?" "Yes." "That is the best thing we can get for a church at present." Faith thought it would be a very good sort of a "thing" when he was in it ; but as usual, she did not tell all her SAY AND SEAL. 493 thoughts. They came back to her easy-chair and table, and from them to Mr. Linden s face, with a look which said "How could you?" But he only smiled, and asked her if she felt disposed to go over the rest of the house. For a house that was not in order, this one was singu larly put to rights. Boxes and packages and trunks there were in plenty, rolls of carpet and pieces of bedsteads, and chairs and tables and everything else ; but they were all snugly disposed by the wall, so that the rooms could be entered and the windows reached. The inside of the cot tage was, like the outside, irregular, picturesque, and with sufficient capabilities of comfort. The kitchen was in a state of nicety to match that of Best; in a piece of ground behind the house, partly prepared for a garden, Malthus was at work as composedly as if they had all been settled in the White Mountains for the last ten years. Lunch was taken somewhat informally ; then the riding habit being changed for a working dress, Faith set about reducing the rebellion among boxes and furniture. Best had reason presently to be satisfied not only with the man ners but the powers of her new mistress; though she also judged in her wisdom that the latter needed some restric tion in their exercise. Gentleness was never more efficient. The sitting-room began to look like a sitting-room ; tables and bookshelves and chairs marched into place. Mean while Faith had been getting into pleasant order one of the rooms up stairs, which with what Mrs. Olyphant had done was easy; enjoying the mountain air that came in through the window, and unpacking linen and china. Mr. Linden on his part had been as busy with some of the rougher and heavier work, opening boxes and unpacking books, and especially taking care of Faith which last work was neither rough nor heavy. She was amused (edi fied too) at the new commentary on his former life which this day gave her : to call upon servants when they were present, seemed as natural as to do without them when they were absent. Faith mused and wondered a little over the old habit which shewed itself so plainly thinking too of his life in Pattaquasset. The day had worn on and faded, and Faith was still busy, in a hunt for some of her wedding presents which she VOL. u. 42 4 J4 SAY AND SEAL. wanted to have on the tea-table. But Mr. Linden for some time had missed her; and entering upon a tour of search, found her in a large closet near the kitchen, with a great deal chest on one side and a trunk on the other. Between them, on her knees, Faith was laying out package after package, and pile after pile of naperies lay on the floor around her. In the very height of rummaging, though with cheeks evidently paled since the morning. Mr. Linden took an expressive view of the subject. "Mignonette, I want my tea." " Yes !" said Faith eagerly looking up and then at her work again, "just so soon as I find some things". "I don t want things I want tea." "Yes but you can t have tea without things." "I will be content with six napkins and ten tablecloths just for to-night, as we are in confusion." "And no spoons?" said Faith. "Here they are !" "Yes here they are," said Mr. Linden, "and here is everything else! Just look at the state of the floor for me to walk over." "Not at all," said Faith, "please keep out. J will have tea ready very soon, Endy." "You shall not have anything ready," and Faith tound herself lifted from her kneeling position and placed in a not uncomfortable nest of packages, "Now, Mrs. Linden, whatever of these things your hands may touch, shall lie on the floor all night. But as you see, my hands have a different effect." And swiftly and surely the "things" began to find corner room in the closet. "Endy!" said Faith catching his hands, "please don t! Just go away, and leave me here for three minutes." "Not for one. I ll turn them all out again in the morn ing, after the most approved fashion." Faith sat down, the swift colour in her cheeks testifying to a little rebellion. It was swift to go, however, .as it had been to come ; and she sat still, looking on at Mr. Linden s work, with a little soberness of brow. That broke too, when she met his eye, in a very frank and deep smile. "Well?" he said, laughing and leaning back against the closet door. SAY AND SEAL. 495 "Will yon let me go and get tea now?" she said with the same look. "You pretty child! No, I want Best to get tea and YOU to be quiet." " I ll come and be quiet in three minutes, Endy, after I get rid of the dust," she said winningly. "Genuine minutes? If Ariel put a girdle round the earth in forty, you should be able to put one round your waist in three I suppose that is included in a feminine getting rid of the dust ." Faith s face promised faithfulness, as she ran off towards the kitchen; where in less than three minutes she and Best had proved the (sometimes) excellence of women s business faculties. Meantime a strange man lifted the latch of the kitchen door, and carefully closing it after him remained upon the scene of action. "How d ye do," he said. "Is the new man come?" "Everybody s new here," said Faith. "Whom do you mean ?" " Couldn t tell ye the first word ! But I ve been after him better n three times, if he aint," the man spoke as if it was "worse" instead of better. "Whom do you mean?i said Faith more gravely; "the minister?" "Now that s what I call hitting the nail," said her visi- ter. "Well if he s here, just tell him to come up the mounting, will ye?" "When?" "Moon sets close on to nine and its lighter afore that." "Where is the place ?" said Faith, now very serious in deed ; "and what do you want the minister for?" " I don t want him, bless you !" said the man. "If I did, I shouldn t be standin here. It s an old soul up our way He s got to go up to the bridge and over the bridge and tother side of the bridge and so on till he comes to it. And the bridge is slippy." With which summing up, the man turned to the door, rattling the latch in a sort of pre paratory way, to give Faith a chance for remarks. "But who wants him there and what for? you haven t told me." 496 SAY AND SEAL. "Why it s old Uncle Bias. Sen he s sick he s got something on his mind never seemed to afore and he s iii a takin to tell it. That s all." And he opened the door. "Why won t to-morrow do as well as to-night?" "Wai " said the man slowly, "s pose it might. Nev ertheless, to-morrow aint worth much to him. Nobody d give much for it." "Why?" " Taint certain he d get what he paid for." "Is he very sick?" "Very enough " said the man with a nod and opening the door. Faith sprang forward. " Stop a minute will you, friend and see Mr. Linden." "That s his name! as sure as guns," said he of the mounting. "No, thank ee, I don t care about seein him now next time ll do just as well, and it s time he was off." "Then wait and shew him the way, will you? how is he to find it ?" "Do tell !" said th^ man slowly, "if he can t find his way round in the moonlight?" . "Better than most people," said Faith; "but I think he would like to see you." The man however chose to defer that pleasure also to "next time," and went off. Faith went to the study. Coming up behind Mr. Linden wheve he was sitting, and laying both hands on his shoulders, she said in a very low and significant voice, "Endy some one wants you." "Only that you never assert your claims," he said, bring ing the hands together, "I should suppose it must be the very person whom I want." Her head stooped lower, till the soft cheek and hair lay against his. But she only whispered, "Endy it is some one up the mountain." "Is it?" he said, rousing up; but only turning his lips to her cheek. "Well people up the mountain must have what they want. Is it now, Faith ?" "Endy they say it s a dying man." "Where? Is the messenger here?" SAY AND SEAL. 497 "I couldn t make him wait he thought he had business somewhere else. The place is I dare say Malthus knows . up the mountain, beyond the bridge you are to go over the bridge and on till you come to the house. And he says the bridge is slippery." Only a fine ear could detect the little change in Faith s voice. But she knew it was no ticed, from the smile on the lips that kissed her, two or three times. Then Mr. Linden disengaged himself and rose up. "Faith," he said, "you are to wait tea for me, and in the mean time you must take one of Miss Bezac s cups of comfort and lie down on the sofa and go to sleep. Your eyes will be just as good guiding stars sleeping as waking." She said not another word, but watched him go off and out into the half dark wilderness. The moon shone bright indeed, but only touched the tops of many a woody outline, and many a steep mountain side rose up and defied her. Faith smelled the wild sweet air, looked up and down at the gleams of light and bands of shadow ; and then came back to the study where the fire blazed, and sat down on the floor in front of it. Gazing into the red coals, and fol lowing in fancy Mr. Linden ou his walk and errand. It took him away from her, and so many such an errand would, often; but to speak comfort to the dying and tell the truth to the ignorant. Faith gloried in it. He was an ambassador of Christ; and not ^o have him by her side would Faith keep him from his work. That he might do his work well that he might be blessed in it, both to others and himself, her very heart almost fused itself in prayer. So thinking, while every alternate thought was a petition for him, weariness and rest together at last put her to sleep ; and she slept a dreamless sweet sleep with her head on Mr. Linden s chair. She awoke before he got back, though the evening was long set in. Feeling refreshed, Faith thought herself at liberty to reverse orders and went to the forbidden closet again, and to further conjurations with Best. They could not have taken long ; for when, some hour later, Mr. Lin den was nearing the house on his return, he had a pretty view of her, standing all dressed before the fire in his study. 42* 498 SAY AND SEAL. The glow shone all over her he could see her well, a.. 1 her fresh neatness. He could see more. Faith Linden to night was n)t just the Faith Derrick of old time ; nor even of six months ago. The old foundations of character were all there, intact; but upon them sat a nameless grace, not simply of cultivation, nor of matured intelligence, nor even of happiness. A certain quiet elegance, a certain airy dig nity which had belonged to her only since she had been Mr. Linden s wife. She stood there, waiting now for him to come home. The firelight caught behind her the gleam of silver, whether Mr. Linden could see it or not, where the little chocolatiere stood brilliant. Faith had found that in her last rummaging. Miss Bezac s new trencher and bread knife were on the table too, with a loaf of Mrs. Olyphant s bread; and the fireshine gleamed on Mr. Alcott s salt cellars, and on the Mignonette tea service. Faith evidently had pleased her fancy. But now her fancy had forgotten it or left it in the background ; and for what, was well shewn by her spring as she caught the sound of the coming step. She met Mr. Linden at the door, gladness in every line and movement, and yet the same grace over all her action now, that a minute before was in all her repose. She said nothing at all. " Watching for me, my dear child I" he said. " Faith, you have been on my heart all these hours." She waited till he had come up to the fire, and then softly inquired, "What for?" " What for no ?" he said smiling, but giving her face a somewhat earnest consideration. " Have you been asleep ?" "Yes. And then I thought I might go after my choco late pot, in the closet." " Sensible child ! What did you think upon the great question of setting forth to see me safe over the bridge ?" Her face changed, though smiling. She whispered, "I did see you safe over it." But his lips were grave in stantly, and the eyes even flushed. And Faith could see then that he was exceedingly tired. Gently her hands rather insinuated than pushed him into the chair, and she ran away to give an order; coming back to do two or three other things for his comfort. Still silent, standing SAY AND SEAL. 499 there beside his chair, she presently stooped and put her fresh sweet lips to his. Roses full of dew are not sweeter ; and if roses were sentient things their kisses could not give sympathy more fragrantly, nor with more pure quiet. Holding her fast, Mr. Linden asked what she thought of her share of clerical duties, on the whole ? Faith answered somewhat quaintly, "Not much." "You don t! What a triumph for Miss Essie. Were you lonely, Faith ?" She was going to answer, then sprang away from him, for Malthus came to the door. And the table was spread, with as dainty exactness as if there were no disorder any where in Mr. Linden s household. The little chocojatiere steamed out its welcome, Malthus was gone, and Faith stood by Mr. Linden s chair again. "It is ready, Endecott." He had watched her from under the shadow of his hand, her soft arranging steps and touches. " Faith," he said looking up, "is this the night when I am to have sugarless tea to remind me of the over-sweetened cup of long ago ?" Her smile and flash of the eye were conscious as well as bright. "I guess sugar is potent yet, Endy." " You are I " he said. " Have you been lonely, my dear child? You don t answer me." She hesitated a very little. "I felt you were away, Endy but I didn t wish you here. No, I wasn t lonely." His eyes spoke a full understanding of both parts of her sentence. But his words touched somewhat else. "Those poor people up on the mountain ! poor as un belief could make them. Faith, I must go there again in the morning." Is it far ?" Pretty far. On the crest of the ridge." What about them, Endy?" What were you looking for, here in the embers?" I ? " she said, the colour instantly starting as she un derstood his question. "I was lookin-g for you, then." "I was sure of it. I saw myself distinctly portrayed in a piece of charcoal." She laughed, gaily and softly. "Wouldn t you like to 500 SAY AND SEAL. have some tea, and then tell me what you saw up on the mountain?" she whispered. "Ah little Sunbeam," he said, "I spent some weary hours there. No, I don t want to tell you about it to-night. And so at last I came home, thinking of the scene I had been through, and of you left alone here in this strange place. And then I had that vision of my wife." She was silent, her face shewing certainly a grave con Hciousness that he was tired and a full entering into the feeling of his work ; but for herself, a spirit as strong in its foundations of rest, as full of joy both in his work and in him as a spirit could be. So till her eyes met his, then the look broke in a winsome little confessing smile, and the eyes fell. "Don t you want something better than visions?" she said. "Is that a challenge ?" He laughed and rose up, carry ing her off to her place at the table, and installing her with all the honours; and still holding her by the shoulders asked "if she felt like the head of the house?" "No indeed!" said Faith. "What then?" "You know " said Faith colouring "What I am." " Mrs. Endecott, I suppose. I have noticed, Mignonette," said Mr. Linden as he went round to his chair, "that when ever you see fit to agree with me it is always in your own words 1" Which remark Faith benevolently answered with a cup of cocoa, which was good enough to answer anything. END OF VOL. II PUBLICATIONS OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. "OUIDA S" LATER WORKS. IN MAREMMA. A. Story of Italian Life. 12mo. Extra cloth, $1.23; Paper cover, 6O cents. " Ouida s pen is a graphic one, and page after page of gorgeous word- painting flows from it in a smooth, melodious rhythm that often has the perfect measure of blank verse, and needs only to be broken into lines." Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, A VIULAGE COMMUNE. A Story. 12mo. Extra cloth, $1.23; Paper cover, 6O cents. " It is a book which claims and will repay a careful reading." Philadel phia North American. " It is deeply interesting with ex cellent character portrayal, the whole being written in the witty, sparkling style for which Ouida is famous." Boston Post. 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