UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF Col, '-^len 7. J enks y€*^. Rock Island Arsenal War's Greatest Workshop ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL HISTORICAL, TOPOGRAPHICAL AND ILLUSTRATIVE Its proven usefulness and limitless possibilities in time of peace as well as when put to the test Its romantic origin, its unimpregnable isolation, its limitless water power, its gradual development, its fulfillment of the prophecies of its various administrative officers, its magical response to the exigencies of war. Published with the approval of the War Department by the I Arsenal Publishing Co., of the Tri-Cities, Not Inc. ' " 19 2 2 K Libiaqr WF LU <: ACKNOWLEDGMENT The publishers of this work wish to make grateful acknowledgment to Col. D. M. King, Commandant at Rock Island Arsenal, to Col. Harry B. Jordan, his immediate predecessor, to Mr. H. L. Noth, administrative assistant at the Arsenal, to Mr. John H. Hauberg, author of the chap- ter on early Indian history, and to others, for invaluable co-operation and courtesies extended in connection with the collection of data and the preparation of material for publication, and also for the privilege of reference to Mr. B. F. Tillinghast's admirable work, "Rock Island Arsenal in Peace and War", and to Col. D. W. Flagler's historical records of the earlier days of the Arse- nal. Maj. Grn. C. C. W illiams, Chiff of Ordna Foreword N LAYING the ground plan for this story of Rock Island Arsenal, the desire has been to weave into the fabric of material fact some- thing of the spirit of romance which is so intimately connected with its history. So, in the background of the picture, as viewed through the long vista of the years, will be seen the Indian wig- wams of a \anished people, the heroic figure of Chief Black Hawk, the grim outlines of old Fort Armstrong, on a strategic point of the Illinois shore, and glimpses of the Mississippi river, dotted with the war canoes of the Sacs and Foxes. It is true that these things relate to a time far remote, but they belong in the picture, nevertheless. The l)uilding of Fort Armstrong in the year 1816, as a frontier post of the United States army, is ^■ery properly regarded as the starting point in the History of Rock Island x^rsenal, and as the opening of the four periods in which its story may be told. Col. Lawrence superintended the fort's erection, and he was retained on the Island in command of the Eighth U. S. Infantry. This may be classed as the first epoch in the history of the Arsenal. In the second period of Arsenal history — that of development — it made rapid strides under Gen. T. J. Rodman and Gen. D. AV. Flagler, embracing the time covered by and immediately sulxsequent to the Civil A\'ar. During the third period the Arsenal had its first real test of useful- ness in the Spanish-American AA^ar, A\'hen Col. Stanhope E. Blunt was commandant, and justified every hope of its founders. Succeeding Col. Blunt was Col. Hobbs, now deceased. Then came America's entrance into the AVorld AVar, in early April, 1917, with the Arsenal during this period first in charge of Col. George AV. Burr, and then of Col. Leroy T. Hillman. Its activity during this time, which may be called the fourth period in Arsenal development, is a matter of history that finds no parallel in the world's annals, and at the time the publication of this A\ork was undertaken Rock Island!* Arsenal was the center of post-war activities under Col. Harry B. Jordan, as commandant of the Arsenal, later succeeded Ijy Col. D. M. King in the same position. As in modern journalism it is the custom to chronicle at the head of a story the big e\ent, and to lead with it, although it may in reality come last in chronological order, so the publishers of this volume deem it proper to feature in the opening chapters the remarkable part played by Rock 523435 8 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL Island Arsenal in the World War. In that struggle this great military establishment fully demonstrated to the nation its supreme importance in meeting the exigencies of armed conflict. Briefly, then, this may be said to be the outline of the manner in which the history of Rock Island Arsenal is covered in the story here presented to the public. The results achieved for the nation in the face of the gravest crisis the world has ever seen are in themselves the best arguments for the continued support by congress of this great military plant. The matter of location alone gives the Arsenal that pre-eminence which was recognized by General Ramsey, United States Chief of ( )rdnance. in 1864. when in his report to the War Department he said: "After a careful study of the question of location, there is no position which, to my mind, afifords so many advantages, and at the same time pre- sents so few objections, as Rock Island, in the Mississippi river." For many years its possibilities had been recognized by a few who foresaw the part that location, manufacturing resources, distributive facil- ities, and other factors might be made to play in a great national emergency. Only the stress of actual war. however, could bring it the general recog- nition that it always had deserved. When the gate of circumstance opened it was revealed as the key to the military strength of the United States, and its rapid development was promptly provided for. Not only was the manufacturing plant greatly exi)anded, but storage facilities were mul- tiplied many times over, so that now, in time of peace, it is enabled to shelter complete equipment, immediately a\ailable. for an army greater than was even thought of before the \\ orld War. Besides being always ready to resume manufacture of war material at full capacity within a few weeks, this Arsenal is supplied with standard- ized tools and patterns designed to quickly transform many privately-owned industrial plants from a peace to a war basis, 'i'lnis the foresight of the founders has been fully vindicated. And so, in the telling of this story, the last shall be i)laced hrst. gi\ ing priority to that which transcends all that has gone before. The European struggle supplied the acid test of the great Arsenal established by the United States on the Mississippi river at Rock Island. Illinois, and opposite the city of Davenport. Iowa, in 1862. and therefore deserves first consider- ation in this volume. Indicative of and bearing out the importance of this mid-western military establishment, the official records show that from the day the United States entered the World War, on April 7, 1917, until the Armistice was signed, on November 11, 1918, the government authorized the expenditure at Rock ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 9 Island Arsenal of $108,955,974.07. Of this amount, due to the cessation of hostilities, $19,612,133.48 was revoked, leaving an actual expenditure of $89,343,840.59 by the Arsenal during the period of the war. In the total expended in this period, $66,526,540.31 was devoted to the manufacture of war materials and purchases for this purpose, this item also including $17,- 120,515.51 for labor; increased facilities, new machinery, alterations and new buildings, $17,341,487.69; storage, temporary barracks, guard houses, and other incidental buildings, $3,915,812.59; and Savanna, Illinois, proving grounds, $1,560,000.00. With the problem of reducing armament receiving the earnest consid- eration of the nations, and indications pointing to the ultimate adoption of a policy of material retrenchment in military expenditures, the question naturally arises as to the probable effect upon future activities at Rock Island Arsenal. Main entrance gate at west end of Islantl. 10 ROCK ISLAND A R S E N A L ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 11 Location and Advantages (^^^lOCK ISLAND ARSKNAL occupies an island in the Mississippi ^np river lying on the Illinois side of the channel between Rock Island - ^ and Moline, 111., and Davenport, Iowa. The tract comprises 896.62 ^-^ acres of almost level land, all but a small part lying well above high '^-' ''^'^ ' , water mark. The name was derived from the island's bed of lime- stone, into which the stream has cut on all sides, leaving projecting ledges exposed to view. This stone not only adds a picturesque effect, but lying near the surface, it furnishes an ideal foundation for the heavy construction required in an institution of this kind. The natural beauty of the spot has been commented upon from the days of the earliest white settlers. It is exceeded at but few points in the middle west. Being located on an island used almost exclusively for its purposes and all owned and controlled by the War Department, the Arsenal is set apart by nature from the surrounding c(»mmunity and is easily guarded and singularly free of danger from maciiinations of enemy agents in time of war. Its central location is of the utmost strategic value, since it is practically inaccessible to an outside enemy from any possible point of invasion, and it is in position to forward military supplies with equal facility to all national frontiers, east, west, north, south. Its transporta- tion resources include three great railroad systems that spread a network over the middle section of the country, with through service to the Pacific and direct connections to the Atlantic and (lulf coasts. These systems have several local branches and there arc. in addition, lines tapping two other trans-continental systems crossing tlic ri\er within a radius of 50 miles. Water transportation facilities are e.xccptional. including the great Mississippi and its navigable branches, giving access to the (lulf of Mexico and much of the interior of the country, and canal connections, about to be much inijjroved, oi)ening the way to the (ireat Lakes and thence out to the sea. Location of the Arsenal, in short, is such that ni.mufacturing may be conducted and war equi])ment stored with a mininnnn risk, while, when need arises, supplies may be distributed to all parts of the country with a maximum of efTiciency and speed. The Arsenal is practically a complete unit in meeting the nation's military needs. Its storehouses contain everything, with a few exceptions, that the soldier uses in modern warfare, and its shops make the vast ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 13 majority of the articles included. At no other place in the country is the variety of production so broad and the output so extensive, when in full operation. As far as it is practicable to make it. the Arsenal is independent of the civil community surrounding it. It has its own water power plant, which is sufticient for ordinary needs. In an emergency it can buy power in any quantity. There is also boiler capacity on the island sufficient to meet present requirements, and wanting only installation of engines and electrical equipment. Development of the water power has been largely incidental with the government project for the improving of the Rock Island rapids for purposes of navigation. The hydro-electric plant has a rated capacity of 4,400 horse-power, while the eight steam boilers are capable of developing 4,000 horse-power. The Arsenal has its own water and sewer systems and a complete and modern fire fighting equipment, manned by experts. Shipping facilities include no less than 15.6 miles of railroad track, covering the shop and storehouse districts and giving means of quick and economical handling of all materials. There are 23 miles of of wagon roads. 9.4 miles of which are permanently improved. There are quarters for the housing of officers and enlisted men, a hospital, cafeteria and buildings for recreation and welfare work among both service men and civil employes. Facilities for testing field equipment made and assembled at Rock Island Arsenal were made complete by the purchase and improvement of an extensive tract for proving grounds. These lie near Savanna, 111., 60 miles north. The project was begun in 1917, and includes large storehouses, erected since the World War, and used for housing vast quantities of the heavier kinds of war material. Rock Island, Illinois, is the Arsenal postoffice, and express, freight and telephone business is also handled through that city. Valuations placed upon the Arsenal, its equipment, and material stored there run into large figures. Here are the latest estimates under the head- ings given : Permanent buildings $ 18,005,730.00 Temporary buildings 304,795.00 Machinery and equipment 19,627,709.00 Railroad trackage (including bridges) 3,571.500.00 Roads and walks (including bridges other than • railroad) 300,000.00 Grounds (including all fences and improvements) 4,0(X),000.00 Sewer and water distributing system 1.301,600.00 Light, heat and power distributing system 1.457,(X)0.00 Military stores 299^235, 384.00 Stored raw material 11,485,132.(X) Total $359,288,850.00 Record During the World War O adeiiualc idea df what Unck Island Arsenal aceomplislicd during the World War can he i^ained trcni mere statistics. Neither can the record of any one department, nor, indeed, of several depart- ments, be taken as indicati\e of the extent of the aid s:iven the ii^overnment ni its military effort. To start with, the new methods of tight mg and the vastly increased scope of activities involved — all com- ing with such sur])rising suddenness — found the Arsenal, like the rest of ihe country, laboring under the handicap of unpreparedness. New ma- chinery and to(ds, new manufacturing specifications, were required, and new buildings were needed to meet the necessity of immediate expansion. Under the fearful pressure of a great emergency activities were begun or speeded up in a m^'riad of directions. \\'ith all jiossible haste the force of workers was increased, ultimately reaching ten times the number BiiUlinf;,n in llir (,,riM ..f „,allrii Irinilr luol. i~ lu-ln^r |..,ii,.-.l iiil.. Ii.nul/.r -li.-ll-. em])loyed normally before the war. Leaders were selected from among the experienced and skillecl artisans already engaged in Arsenal ])r. iduction, and thus was created the nucleus of the augmented organization. Supplies already un hand and constantly being received from \arious sources were distributed, experimental work conducted, standardized tools made and forwarded to ])rivate manufacturers to enable them to turn out war material, schools of instruction for workers in pri\rite factories and also for soldiers untaught in the use of modern weapons were organized, contracts let for a vast expansion of luanufacturing and storage facilities at the Arsenal and a great deal of other work undertaken with the least possible delay. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 15 Obviously, it was impossible for maximum shop production to be attained at once in all lines of work, and so the total output during the war of some varieties of finished work may seem small. That, however, is of minor importance. The significant fact is that the Arsenal was the key to a great part of the military production of the country, organizing and directing it and supplying its standards. Deprived of its aid, the country would have required much more time than it took to get on a war-producing basis. As a result of what was done during and immedi- ately after the war, the Arsenal is relatively much better fitted than ever to cope with any similar situation that may develop in the future. In the absence of anything more impressive to show how production was accelerated, it is necessary to resort to figures relating to expendi- tures and number of employes. Analysis shows that during the period from August, 1914. when the European nations began fighting, until xA-pril, 1917, when the United States III *^ ^ > isrnini t * » » iti-adv to be issuearracks '"B" begun 9-24-17. completed 11-27-17 Temporary Barracks "C" begun 12-17-17, completed 1-15-18 Storehouse "B.\" begun 10-23-17, completed 11-30-17 Dry Kiln (Wheel Stock) begun 11- 5-17, completed 11-30-17 Dry Kiln ( Ciun Stock) begun 12-12-17. completed 7- 1-18 Temporary (iarage and Testing Labratory .begun 2-15-17. completed 4- 4-18 Post Exchange and Y. M. C. A begun 4- 1-18. completed 4-23-18 This firm also installed the plumbing in the present Shops "B". "D". and "F". which was comjjleted August 10, 1918. Ma}- 9, 1917. Henry Kohlsaat started work on a non-commissioned officers' quarters, of brick and wo(td. The building of the assembling ])lant by the Westinghouse-Church- Kerr Company necessitated the relocation of the street car track by the Tri- City Railway Company, started June 12. 1917. completed October 31. 1917. Barracks "A", started June 17. 1917. was completed |ulv 17. 1917. This work was done by Arsenal forces. This building was later transformed into a hospital for enlisted men. June 21. 1917. Stone c^ Webster started building t>perations for the Field and Siege Building (Shop "M"). a reinforced concrete structure, on ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 27 the cost plus 5 per cent basis, and made a record-breaking time in progress, completing the work August 15, 1918. The building was partially occupied December 19, 1917. This project includes a duct line from the old tunnel to building. Other buildings built by Stone & Webster are: B-D Connection Started 7- 1-17, completed 5-24-18 G-I Connection .....Started 9-17-17, completed 6- 1-18 H-K Connection Started 10-24-17, completed 5-24-18 A-C Connection ..Started 11-24-17. completed 7-14-18 Central Heating Plant ...Started 7-21-17, completed 7-31-18 Boilers placed". _ Started 11-28-17, completed 7-31-18 All these l^uildings were fire-proof construction, and the connections were all stone faced to match the present Arsenal shops. August 15, 1917, the first nitrate was shipped to this post, and this was unloaded by Stone & Webster into an old storehouse, and later, by the same firm, unloaded by trucks and chutes into the nitrate storehouses started by the Hemen Co. and completed by Stone &: A\>1)ster June 12, 1918. Typical shop inlerior, being the craneway in the field and siege building. The Stone & Webster Co. also installed a new floor on the Moline bridge, September 7, 1918, to September 22, 1918; built the Plating and Tinning Shop, of fire-proof construction, starting March 18, 1918, com- pleting August 1, 1918; Storehouse "MA", started December 13, 1917, and completed April 9, 1918; Gun-Stock Dry Kiln addition, started June 28 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 24, 1918, and completed December 3, 1918. This company also repaired stone cornices, remodelled old coal shed into a paint shop, and did consider- able plumbing and heating in all shops from time to time. The contract for the erection of ati Ice Making Plant was awarded the Frazier & Davis Co.. of Rock Island, on a lump sum contract; started June 17. 1917. finished October 4. 1917. Tliis company later in- stalled a new filtration bed. sedimentation basin, etc.. on a lump sum con- tract, starting March 11. 1918. and finishing August 8. 1918. They also placed new gas mains at various points, starting May 15. 1918, completing August 6. 1918; remodelled the front of the fire station, starting August 15, 1918. completing October 15. 1918. i)lacing a new sidewalk and driveway in connection therewith. On June 25, 1917. the Artinir Neuman Co.. of Des Moines, Iowa, started an addition to Stone Barracks on a lump sum contract, finishing May 15, 1918. The Central Engineering Co., of Davenport, Iowa, was awarded a contract for sub-structure of the addition to the Water Power Dam, on a unit price basis, started July 31, 1917. They were later awarded a super- structure of brick and steel construction on a lump sum basis, started August 5. 1918, completed December 2, 1918. They later contracted for taking out the old cofiferdam and old dam. On February 18, 1918. the Walsh Construction Company, of Davenport, Towa, started on several projects under a cost plus 7 per cent contract: Office Building No. 2 Started 4-18-18. finished 5-15-18 Bakery Started 4-22-18. finished 5-20-18 Civilian Hospital Started 4-23-18, finished 6-15-18 A\'ard and Isolation Hospital Started 4-23-18. finished 6-15-18 Remodelled Barracks "B" Started 5-17-17. finished 6-24-18 Remodelled Barracks "C" Started 6- 1-18. finished 7- 1-18 Remodelled Y. M. C. A Started 6- 1-18. finished 7- 1-18 Five Vehicle Storehouses Started 2-18-18. finished 9- 7-18 Concrete General Storage Bldg Started 2-18-18. finished 3- 1-19 With the excei)tion of the \'ehicle Storehouses and Cieneral Storage Buildings, these buildings were of frame and of a more or less temporary nature. Before building operations could be made possible, it was necessary, in most cases, especially at the southwestern and northwestern parts of the Island, to clear the land from trees, as a large portion of these sections were well wooded with trees ranging from three feet in diameter to brush size. Also land levels had to be graded to suit conditions, roads had to be built, and at many parts of the Island proper drainage facilities had to be effected. Considerable excavating was especially necessary at the grounds of the General Storehouse, W-L, as will be seen under that heading. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 29 In general, Rock Island Arsenal is laid, as the name implies, on an island of rock, crusted with its own disintegrated, eroded and finely pulverized deposits, this intermixed with sedimentary organic substances, mostly of a vegetable character. The rock, like that of nearly all of this part of the United States, is a lime-stone, partially oolitic, but mostly ^l„.|. li, .■,|u,|,|,.-,l r,„ ll„. supplying steam :i. 1,11.- nl ,f, iip.ralors. Brl,,w. .\,-w St.-aiu H.-alillf: I'lanl. li..u>.int: l.i.ll.- nt in quantity and pressure to operate tlie niacliinery of the Arsenal, serving as an auxiliary to the water power. sedimentary, extremely finely grained. Outcrop of the rock has been en- countered at nearly all parts of the Island, but an average of three feet of excavation is necessary in order to reach its bed. At various parts of the Island, especially the western part along Main a\enue. rock was not encountered at over six feet depth of excavation, and in the south center, near Storehouse "G", thirty foot tests were made to reach rock. This has led, therefore, to the policy, for each project, of establishing rock grade at the site of buildings by digging to or sounding rock. The entire sewage from the Rock Island Arsenal is drained through sanitary drains of vitrified tile, of concrete and of brick. At a point in the basement of Shops "A" and "B" there is a 24-inch brick arched sewer 30 ROCK 1 S L A X D A R S E N A L extending east to the intersection of Shops "H" and "K", and all the temporary barracks on East avenue, thence south on Fourth street to the center of Fourth street and South avenue, where the laterals from Shops "A", "C". "IC", "G". "I", Storehouse "A" and the main (iuard House are connected. From this intersection the main 36-inch sewer is laid in a diagonal line to the power house tail race, into which it empties about 100-feet south of the power house. It also takes the sewage from the Truck (iarage and the Temporary Testing Laboratory. In August of 1917 the Stone & \\'ebster Company constructed a 30- inch vitrified tile sewer to the Artillery \'ehicle Plant, draining surface water from the low ground around the I'owder and Fulminate Caves, the sewage from the Ammunition Assembling Plant, the Central Heating Plant and the new Cafeteria. This is a very good and properly constructed sewer, all laid in a graded trench with iron-covered man-holes at intervals of 400 feet. The west end of the Island is drained through a sanitary sewer in- stalled in 1918 by the Walsh Construction Co. The sewage disposal from the six-story Storage Building drains ofT to the northeast through a six- teen-inch tile sewer and connects to the thirty-six inch just southwest of the Connnanding Officer's quarters. Man-holes are provided in appropriate places, with a perforated iron cover. The ujjper or east part of the Island is drained by a surface drain which empties into the water power ])ool about 3.000 feet from the Power House. The Steel Storage Building, built l)y Stone 6c Webster, is located at the west end of the Field and Siege Building (Shop M). is a one-story steel-framed building on concrete ff»imdation. and with an outside concrete wall to the height of the lower window sills. The superstructure walls are of hollow tile, plastered on the outside. The front walls of the building are entirely of concrete, to match the architecture of the Field and Siege Building as viewed from the Main avenue. The roof is of wood, supported on steel trusses. The building is 107 feet wide and 322 feet long, with a row of steel columns down the center. Two crane-ways are provided for, running the whole length of the building, one on each side of the center row of columns. The new Cafeteria building is of frame on concrete foundation, 96 feet by 256 feet, and contains a men's dining room at the east end, ladies' dining room and officers' dining room at the west end. and kitchen and store room in the center. It is designed for serving meals on the cafeteria plan. A small cellar for storage is provided. The building is constructed with 6-inch studding, sheathing and drop siding and has a monitor 32-feet wide down the center. The floors are maple. The inside walls are finished with yellow pine sheathing and the ceiling with wall ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 31 board. At one end there is a cement floor porch 20 feet by 40 feet, en- closed, for the sale of candy and cigars. The service ecjuipment was furnish- ed by Albert Pick Co., of Chicago, but was installed by Stone & Webster, Avho also installed the plumbing and heating. The electric lighting was also installed by Stone & Webster, and a refrigerator plant for cooling three boxes — meat, dairy and vegetable, and drinking water — has been installed in the basement. About 2000 feet of dining tables were assembled. All the kitchen, refrigerating and service counter ecjuipment was bought ■JSKi^|p>«^ *—- ff ■ ■ ■ B Bags .11 iB Shop L is also an imposing structure. Here are two views of it. by the government and installed by Stone & Webster. The building re- quired approximately 275,000 board feet of lumber. Work was started October 1, 1918, and the first meal was served January 6. 1919. The Parkerizing Plant is a frame building with concrete floor on concrete foundation, 36 feet wide by 76 feet long. Work was started August 22, 1918, and completed October 17, 1918. The first duct line built by Stone tS: Webster at the Arsenal ran from the present service tunnel near East avenue, along the south side of the old shops, and west to the new boiler house to Shop M. This duct line was built to provide the light and power to Shop M and to the Ammunition Assembling Plant south of the boiler house. The line consists of eight 3|/2- 32 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL inch fibre duct, encased in concrete, with manholes approximately 300 feet apart. Branches from this duct were constructed into the rear of the south shops, where transformers were installed by the government. The second duct line consisted of a continuation from the government service tunnel west of Shop *'K", around the north side of the north shops, with branches into the courts of the north shops, where transformers were also to be installed. Cable was installed in these ducts so that high tension current could be brought close to the shups. where it was to be transformed. This work was com})leted during the summer of 1918. A new concrete tunnel 4 feet by 4 feet 6 inches, containing an 8-inch high pressure line and a 4-inch return line and 1 '/2-inch drip line, was constructed b}- Stone t^ Webster from the Central Heating Plant to the new W'arehinise \\'-I on Main avenue, to supply steam for heating that building. This tunnel is ai)pr()ximately 1360 feet long. A new S3stem of water mains for hre protection was designed by the Maintenance Department at the Arsenal during the summer of 1918. This system is designed for high pressure service (215 lbs. per square inch), which is obtained by the installation of two pumps at the new Hydro- Electric Power House. This system consists of class "F" cast iron water pipes, ranging from 14 inches to 6 inches, and runs from the Power House north along East avenue to Main avenue, west on Main avenue to a point about 300 feet west of the Davenport gate. At the junction of Main and West avenue there is a branch running north to the new temporary ottices and a branch running south to connect with the present main at the Nitrate Storehouses and the Ammunition Assembling Plant. There is also a main south of the south shops from East to \\'est avenues. At the junction of Main avenue and East avenue there is a branch running to the Hospital. From the main south of the south shops there is a branch running to the dry kilns. There is also an extension north from the main on Main avenue running along the west side of the new warehouse, and extensions around the Artillery \'ehicle Storehouses and the new Steel Warehouses north of Main avenue. The Main avenue line has also been extended, as contemplated in the original scheme, to point opposite the old Arsenal Building. Ap- proximately 19,600 lineal feet of pipe has been installed, and there are more than 70 hydrants. All mains are laid so that there shall be a minimum of five feet covering over the top. The (jeneral Storage Building W-I was erected by Walsh Construction Company. Plans and specifications were prepared by the Supply Division of the Ordnance Department at Washington. D. C. This building covers a ground area of about 96.000 square feet (including platforms) and has a cubical content of about 5,496,000 cubic feet. No special difficulty was encountered in the purchasing or delivery of materials. The arrival of ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 33 material being sufficiently in advance of work started not to delay normal progress of work. Excavation was started March 4, 1918. The floor level of the first floor was established about eight feet below the natural grade, in order to obtain proper track grades. A most unusual condition of rock grade was found, beds of shell rock, sometimes of considerable length and thickness, were frequently encountered imbedded in clay, and very accurate tests had to be made to determine whether bed rock had been reached. The construction is reinforced concrete four-way flat slab, wnth steel sash and frames. It is equipped with five elevators and one suspended tray elevator, furnished by the Link-Belt Company, of Chicago. Provisions were made for two other elevators. A feature of the building is the three stationary spiral chutes, ten feet in diameter, carried from top floor Artillery Vehicle Storehouses, covering many acres of gruuml near west end of the Islanil. to first floor. This building cost twenty cents a cubic foot and $2.33 per square foot of ground area. The plumbing and electrical work was in- stalled by sub-contractors of the 'Walsh Construction Company, and the heating was let under an emergency form of contract to the Henry Ewinger Plumbing and Heating Company, of Burlington, Iowa, the Arsenal furnish- ing the material. OTHER BUILDING OPERATIONS Vehicle Storage Buildings. — Plans and specifications were prepared by the Supply Division, Ordnance Department, at Washington, D. C. These buildings each cover an area of about 54,500 square feet, with the exception of Number 9, which covers about 44,200 square feet of floor area. Excavation was started September 15, 1918. The footings are of rock, from three to seven feet below the surface, but no tests were made as to whether the rock was bed rock or shell rock, as struck at the General Storage Building W-I. These buildings cost about 12>^ cents per cubic foot and about $1.99 per square foot of ground area. They are one-story structures built of brick, wooden posts and griders and rafters. North and South Avenue Paving. — Plans and specifications were pre- pared by the Rock Island Arsenal Construction Department from sug- 34 R O C K 1 s L A X D ARSENAL gestions and data <^i\eii hy the Portland Cement Association, which co- operated with the Arsenal by having a representative on the work during a large part of the time. North avenue paving was already started before the Construction Division took charge, and was. therefore, not rei)orted with South avenue. Cost accounts were, however, handled by the Walsh Construction Company as one job for the two avenues. Motor Truck Ciarage. — Plans and specifications were prepared by the Rock Island Arsenal Construction Department engineering forces, and were completed about July 2, 1918; rock was struck close to the surface on the north end. During the process of excavation, it was deemed necessary to alter the position of the building as originally staked out. and an extra of $565.00. ccnered by specifications, was allowed the contractor. An extra of $175.00 was also allowed for column spirals, making the total cost $32,000.00. This building has a ground area of 7.000 square feet and a cubic area of 206.500 cubic feet. About 90 per cent of the material for this building was bought locally. The remainder, steel frame work and steel sash, was obtained from the Illinois Steel Company. Jacksonville. Illinois, and the David Lupton Sons Company. Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. Three steel frame warehouses were authorized in January. 1919. These buildings are located adjacent to the vehicle storehouses on the north- western part of the Island. Owing to the fact that a numljer of the former Arsenal war workers were deprived of their j)ositions on account of the signing of the Armistice, it was decided to erect these buildings with Arsenal workmen, thereby giving emi)loyment to o\er three hundred and sixty men at one time. These buildings ;jvere erected more econom- ically than if let under a cost plus type of contract, as no overhead or purchasing expense was necessary, this work being handled by the Purchas- ing and Time Division of the Arsenal. These warehouses were originally intended to be erected in France for war purposes, and all the steel was fabricated and cut to the proper lengths with all holes for connections drilled, and all that was necessary was to erect the buildings in place. WATICR SUPPLY. (IAS MAINS. ETC. During the summer of 1918, to meet the demand for more filtered water, there was installed a new filter bed, which has a capacity of 500,000 gallons of water per day. This gives now a total supply of 1,500,000 gallons of filtered water i)er day of 24 hours. There was also installed at the filter plant a high tank, which has a capacity of 300.000 gallons of water, and is one hundred and twenty feet high from the ground line. All of the water system is now supplied from this new high tank, which gives a constant pressure of 55 lbs. at the base. During the summer of 1918 a new ice plant, which has a 10-ton refrigerating capacity, was jnit in service. The ice plant was used ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 35 principally for cooling drinking water to supply all the shops through sanitary bubbling fountains. During the summer of 1918 it was found, on account of the rapid expansion of production in the shops, that the gas main supplying city gas for furnaces, hardening, etc., was not large enough for the demand. The old gas main location was from the Forty-second street bridge. Rock Island, and through the new Nitrate Storage building site. This was considered dangerous, in addition to its being too small. An allotment was made to install a new 6-inch gas main from the Forty-second street bridge in Rock Island, following the street car track around to the east of Shop Kiiijioiai) Office Building No. 2. Il was necessary to provide quarters for hundreds of extra office workers during the war. This is one of the buildings erected for that purpose. "G" and then north to Shop "H". After this was completed the Arsenal was then in a position to take care of all the furnaces that were required. This gas is furnished by the Peoples Power & Light Company, of Moline, and is metered in each shop. In June, 1917, there was installed in the west wing of Shop "F" one Sullivan high pressure air compressor. Previous to this time there were only two small air compressors in service. These not being large enough for war work, it was necessary to greatly increase the air capacity. There were also installed in Shop "M" one high pressure Worthington air com- pressor of 2500 feet capacity and one low pressure Worthington compressor of 2800 feet capacity. It was found during the summer of 1918 that it would be necessary to move the low pressure machine from Shop "M" to Shop "F" to supply enough air for the additional furnaces installed in 36 ROCK ISLAND ARSE X A L this building. After this was done there was plenty of air to take care of all requirements. There are eight 500 horse power Babcock & Wilcox boilers, ar- ranged in batteries of two units each. The eight boilers are served by one stack. 12-foot inside diameter, and extending 210 feet above the grates. The working steam pressure of the boilers is one hundred and fifty pounds, and there are four four-inch Ashton safety valves on each boiler. set at 150 pounds. Each boiler has 5.080 square feet heating surface. 252 four-inch tubes and 108 square feet of grate surface. PROTECTIXE LIGHTING A series incandescent light circuit was installed on the fence surrounding the manufacturing shops and storehouses — one circuit for the Nitrate Store- houses and one circuit for the Ammunition Plant. The illumination is such that a guard patroling the fence is able to see the entire length, which is, in some cases. 2.000 feet, approximately. Flood lamps were placed on the power house, lighting the river on both the north and south sides. The avenues are lighted with a series incandescent light circuit, eighty candle power lamps being installed eA^fery two hundred feet. "^or inter-communication between the various shops and departments, a tiiree hundred line two-wire local battery automatic telephone ex- change has been installed. This system not only takes care of the manu- facturing shops and storehouses, but affords communication between the outlying guard houses, pumping station and power houses. An electric time system was installed in many of the departments, wliich takes care of the job cards of the employees t)n piece and day work; electric time recorders are also used for employees, registering their time of arrival and departure. An electric signal system, which consists of klaxons installed in each =hop. are controlled by the master clock through a series of relays. These klaxons are sounded automatically for the working hours of the shops. On June 30. 1912. the following roads were in use on the reservation: 8.88 miles of macadam. 11.61 miles of cinder, 0.57 mile of taroid. At the end of the fiscal year 1916-1917 the following roads were in use: 5.27 miles macadam. 11.61 miles cinder. 4.21 miles taroid. Roads on reservation in March. 1919, consisted of: 8.85 miles macadam, 5 miles taroid, 6 miles concrete, and 6.33 miles cinder. At the beginning of the war there was 3.13 miles of railroad trackage on the reservation. During the year 1918 approximately 16 miles of finished track was laid, all light rails in the old tracks having been re- placed with 80-pound rgils, switch lights installed, etc. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL Z7 SUMMARY OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS COMPLETED AT ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL SINCE APRIL 7, 1917 Name of Project Type of Construction Purpose Cost Steel Water Su Tank ppiy Steel, 300.000 gals, capacity Water supply % 21.400.00 Ice-Making Plant Brick and concrete Ice for shops refrigeration drinking wa system and for t er 24,500.00 Non -Commissioned ficers Quarters Of- Hollow tile, stuccoed Quarters for Commissioned ficers Non- Of- 10.600.00 Toilet Addition to Stone Barracks Stone building with reinforced floors, slate roof Toilet facilities for Ordnance person- nel 32,500.00 30 Nitrate and Ammuni- tion Storehouses Hollow tile, concrete construction. Each building o0'x200'. Steel trusses Storage of sodium nitrate and artil- lery ammunition 490.000.00 Artillery Vehicle Store- house Reinforced concrete construction 2-story and attic; 53'xl40'. Storage veliicU' .f artillery 31.330.00 Artillery Ammunition Assemlily Plant Keinforced concrete construction. 3C0'x400'; north section, 3 stories : east section. 2 stories ; west section, 1 story; basement under entire building Assembly of artillery ammunition 2,093,000.00 Wheel Stock Dry Kiln Keinforced concrete and hollow tile construction, 105'x207'. Con- tains 27 Tiemann type kilns Gun Stock Dry Kiln Keinforced concrete and hollow tile construction, 105'xll5'. Con- tains 11 Tiemann type kilns Drying wheel stoclv \ Drying and season- ing of gun stocks Three (3) Lumber Slieds Steel frame, slate roof ; each shed | approximately 40'x240' I S t o r a g e of gun stocks and wheel stock material The cost of these three p r o j e cts is approximate- ly panneeoo.oo Addition to Gun Stock Dry Kiln Keinforced concrete and hollow | tile construction, 105'xl."i2'. Con- | tains 17 Tiemann type Ivilus | Drying and season- ing of gun stocks % 127.000.00 Artillery Vehicle Plant Keinforced concrete construction. Consists of Main Erection Shop 120'xU05', 4 stories ; 3 wings each S0'x200', 4 stories and basement ; and one story Forge Shop, KJO'xlGO' Manufacture of field I artillery material I 4 Shop (Connections | Keinforced concrete <'onstruction, with stone veneered walls. Each building GO'xOO', 2 stories, attic and basement Additional manufac- I turing space. Small | arms, harness, field | artillery material, | etc. 1 300.00(1.00 Central Steam Heatinj Plant Keinforced (oucrete construction. | Ileatiuf containing eight 504 H. P. water building tube boilers, automatic stokers, etc. Stack 210' high, 12' dia. of shop I 610.000.00 Steel Storage Building | Keinforced concrete and hollow tile construction, 10G'x320' Storage of steel used in nninufacturing operations 173,000.00 Tinning and Plating Shop Keinforced concrete construction, 5O'xl0O' Tinning and plating of articles manu- factured in E(iuip- ment vShop 23,000.00 Storage Building W-I iSlonolithic concrete construction with flat slab floors and roof. 140'x540', (i stories General storage 1,560,000.00 Eight Vehicle Storage Buildings Briclv exterior walls, mill con- structed roofs, concrete floors with ;'i5 feet concrete platforms. (7 buildings 115'x.500' and one l)uildiiig 115'x400') Storage of artillery vehicles S65.000.00 Motor Truck Garage | Keinforced concrete construction, l)ric]< walls, flat roof supported on steel trusses, 70'xl00', two stories Storage and repair of motor trucks 35,500.00 Addition to North Lum- ber Shed Light steel frame and slate roof construction, 3(i'xl40' Storage of lumber 7,534.00 Office Annex No. 1 Temporary frame construction. 30'x!)0'. three stories Additional office space IS, 000. 00 38 ROCK ISLAND A R S K N A L SUMMARY OF R( CONSTRUCTION PROJFXTS COMPLKTRD AT )CK ISLAND ARSKNAL— Continued Naiiu> of 1 •rojcrt Type of Coiistrtictioii I'UI pose Tost Barracks •A- Temporary fniiiu' constriK-tioii. xl47' 20' Ilolisiii;: Scliool OnliiaiKe liersoiinel 5.500.00 Barrack.s "B" ami "C" Temporary frame eoiistriK'tioii. | (ISarracks "H" aeeoiiimodates | -IVJ men and ISarracks ■■('" ae- eommodates K>5 men I I Iloiisintr Orilinnwe Srhool personnel 74.tM)0.00 Heaersonnel Kecreation Knildin;; and Tost Kxchanjre Temporary frame construction, :{.S'.\14(!' I'(»st exclian^re and recreational (piar- ters 11.5(K).0« First-Aid Hospital Temporary frame construction, 44'x77' First-aid treatment of civilian cases !l.200.00 Isolation Hospital Teinponiry frame construction. Isolation cases 3.000.00 Hospital Ward and Is- olation Ward Temporary frame construction, standard hospital ward units; each ll.'4'xl50' llospit.-il ward de- sitrned for ireneral c;ises and isolation ward for care of cont.-ifjious diseas- . es 22.t>00.0(l Lal)or:itorv for Motor Truck Testinsr Temporary 71'x100' fninie construction. Testiu}! trucks tors of and motor 1 trac- 1 17.700.00 Office Buildinjr No. 2 ■ Teniporar.v main liu win>rs ea( frame construction, ihlinjr 42'xl.".(!'; two h 4:i'xOS': :i stories I n c r e a space s iiifr office ! 1 r.1.000.00 Barracks •D" Temporary frame construction, 1 Housing hattalion of 1 4:{'xl4()'. two stories 1 10th Infantry sta- 1 ' tioned at Rock Is- | 1 l.ind Arsenal for 1 KUiir.l purposes | C.O.OOO.OO I'arkerizing Plant Temporary frame construction, with concrete Hoor, 7(i'x:i(;' I'arkeriziny: coinpoii- , ents of I". S. Ititle. j Cii\. .30 ! 9 700.00 Cafeteria Building Temporary frame construction, !)(!'x25(i'. Concrete founared roof, cinder Hoor. Eacdi liuildiiifr 240'x.'i(M)' Gener;; ■ sU)raj;e pur- poses 250.000.00 Kxtension of Hydro- electric I'ower riant Superstructure is n hrick build- injr, 30'x233'. Extension con- tains ei;rht 420 II. V. turbines, direct connected to 40."> K. V. A. Kenerators and 2 I'.Hi II. 1'. tur- bines, direct connected to 130 kilowatt generators I ncreasin^r p o w e r supply 74S, 000.00 ARSENAL'S M.\NUI^\CTUR1N( i C.XrACrrV With its greatly increased capacity llie Arsenal, of course, is prepared to play an even more important part in future wars, if any occur, than it has in the wars of the past. In order to ascertain just what may be expected of it as a manufacturing plant, a close study of its resources has been made and the results are summarized in tabular form, as here appended. With diversified output the individual items may not seem so im])osing, but should attention be centered upon a relati\cly small number of the more ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 39 essential articles of war equipment the output will run into large figures. The following ingenuously arranged tabulation gives in most concise form all available information pertaining to possible rate of production of the various items with the existing facilities: "A" — Facilities installed expressly for production monthly of the fol- lowing: (1) 360 75mm. gun recuperators (2) 40 3" A. A. gun recuperators "B" — Production units for simultaneous production per month of ap- proximately : (1) 4 155mm. or 4.7" gun recuperators (2) 4 155mm. howitzer recuperators (3) 4 155mm. gun carriages (without recuperators) (4) 4 155mm. howitzer carriages (without recuperators) (5) 6 4.7" gun carriages (without recuperators) (6) 10 75mm. gun carriages (without recuperators) (7) 4 155mm. gun carriage limbers (8) 4 155mm. howitzer carriage limbers (9) 6 155mm. howitzer caissons or limbers (10) 6 4.7" gun caissons or limbers (11) 10 75mm. gun caissons or limbers (12) 10 battery and store wagons, Model 1917 (13) 10 75mm. forge or store limbers "C" — The production units for the items listed in paragraph "B", if devoted to one item, could produce a maximum quantity of that item as follows : 4 155mm. ur 4.7" gun carriages with recuperators and limbers 4 155mm. howitzer carriages with recuperators and limbers 40 4.7" gun carriages, Model 1906 75 75mm. gun carriages. Model 1916 250 75mm. gun limbers or caissons 250 Battery and store wagons. Model 1917 250 Forge or store limbers. Model 1902 MI "D" — Tools, jigs, fixtures, patterns and gauges in store at this Arsenal available for issue to contractors for a monthly production of: 60 155mm. gun material 200 155mm. howitzer material 100 4.7" gun material 360 75mm. gun material 40 3" A. A. gun material Note: By "material" is meant comiilele e00 9.."'.00 9,."i()(( 9,.jOO 9.500 9,500 2,400 377 234 25 100 100 504 504 504 504 504 504 504 504 27,500 10,294 10,294 10,294 44 ROCK I S L A X D A R S E N A L STORAGE SPACE AT ROCK ISLAND ARSl'AWE— (Continued) Capa- city in nuiMiiit: Floor T\ pf of Material Square Feet G-A ^1 Spare parts F. \V. I). 1 12,728 1 S floors 1st floor liiid floor ;{ril floor Spare parts F. W. 1). Spare parts F. \V. I). Spare parts F. \V. 1). Spare parts F. W. 1). 7.132 7,132 7,132 K 4 floors 1st floor 2iul tloor Srd floor 4tli floor Uetnriied flelil stores Uetiuiieil lield stores Ketunit'd (iidd stores liotiiriied lield stores l{etiiriie(( tii'Id stores 15,075 15,075 15,075 15,075 K-A i-( lletliriied field stores 14,650 MA 1 Ueturned field stores 33,230 Shop "A" 4 floors Miscella neons material for manufac taring shops .J 1st floor Miseella neons material lor maiuifat turiug sh jps 43.701 'Jin\ floor Miscellaneous material lor mannfac turintr shops 4."$,910 :{r(l floor Miseella neons material tor mannfaetnrinjjT sh ips .*}8.349 4th floor Miseella neons material lor mMiHifa< tnrinjr sh >ps 40.404 Arsenal Biiililiiijr 4 floors 1st floor •Jii.l n.Hir .-.rd tl • Inert storajre Inert storajro Inert sforajjre In<'rt storajre 0.500 !»..">00 !)..5()0 4tli tl.M.r IniTt storajre 0..500 y' /I r^N "' Arsenal cmiiliiyfs partiripaling in Librrly day relebralion. Nov. 11. 1'ducing unit, was the task which fell to the more experienced employee of the Arsenal peace-time force. No less complex in its nature was the problem of demobilization of the vast working army upon cessation of hostilities. Many workers who. at the outbreak of the war. prompted solely by the sjjirit of loyalty, had left their regular lines of emi)h)yment to assist in the ))ro(luctiiin campaign at the Arsenal, returned to their chosen vocations upon the signing of the Armistice. In the process of elimination of those that remained, the more efticient were retained, '('he gradual rcsuni])ti(in of peace-time manufacture and produc- tion required, naturally, very heavy reductions to bring the working force within the proj^ortions allowed the Arsenal under its reduced ap])roj)ria- tions. In making these reductions the established policy of the War De- partment was followed, and all reductions were based on etiiciency. con- sideration, however, being given those of the force whose military service entitled them to preference. Interior of machine shop. Military Personnel ROM a small and comparatively unknown military post a few years ago, Rock Island Arsenal has come to be recognized all over the country as one of the leading Government posts. A large military personnel is unnecessary, because of the isolated position and natural topographical advantages. At the beginning of hostilities in 1917 the post had ten officers and an ordnance detachment of 89 enlisted men, six enlisted men in the Medical Department and three enlisted men in the Quartermaster's Corps. This force was gradually increased by authorization of the Chief of Ordnance, until at the conclusion of the fighting in Europe there were 76 ordnance officers and 169 enlisted men. In addition, there were six medical officers, with a detachment of 45 enlisted men, and three officers of the Quartermaster's Corps, with 48 enlisted men. The following is the roster of officers stationed at Rock Island Arsenal for duty at the date of the signing of the Armistice: ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT Colonel LeRoy T. Ilillman (Commanding (Jfficer.) Lieutenant-Colonels Lloyd G. McCrum, Emil Tyden. Majors Horace C. Sykes, Robert L. Messimer, Thomas Kirk, Rupert L. Penny, Robert L. Streeter, C. K. Boettcher, Lorenze B. Somerby, Milton D. Campbell. Captains Henry A. Brown, Charles G. Kaelin, Hammond W. Whitsitt, Albert R. Chandler, Ernest M. Gross, \\'illiam G. Noth, Francis H. French, Max Steinhauer, Francis S. Day, Norman B. Scott, Richard S.- Hosford, John J. Berry, Charles A. Barton, John B. Thompson, Robert H. Fulton, Jr., Newman M. Marsillius, Ernest Mosman. \'ictor A. Stibolt, Harry B. Knowl- ton, Clifi:'ord B. Langstroth, Joseph S. Stringham, S. W. Burford, Walter C. Hull, Louis Carson, Leo. C. Smith. First Lieutenants Charles P. Tymeson, M. M. Smith, G. Jules Polhemus, Hulbert D. Bassett, Edgar M. Webb, William D. Lacey, Clarence F. MacKay, Elmer L. Kyle, Sam Lewis, Robert G. Meyler, John O. Powell, Edward C. Blackwood, Charles P. Skinner, W. A. Gately, J. Reed Lane, Urban J. Rockcastle, Robert C. Black, Robert C. Mitchell, Charles H. Tharp, Albert W. Davis, Robert F. Peelle, John M. Metzger, Edward R. Kent. E. S. Russell, P. R. L. Hogner. 50 R () C K ISLAND ARSENAL r^f Col. Lerov T. Hillman. deceased. Commandant at the time of the signing of the Armistice. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 51 Second Lieutenants Frank J. Vonachen, Herman J. Hutkin. Walter Latt, Donald F. Smith. Charles R. Martin, H. S. Francis, G. C. Jefferson, C. J. Rafinski. Philip N. Wright, Paul Keachie, Harry A. Wilson, E. S. Higginbotham. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Major Chester H. Clark. Captains George G. Parlow, Elbert E. Cone, Walter E. Hunt, Fred F. Sprague. First Lieutenants U. S. Boyer. Otto Kolar (Dental). QUARTERMASTER CORPS Captain James L. Cireene. Second Lieutenants Clifford Martin. Thomas F. Drummy. ATTACHED First Lieutenant E. C. Wright. Philippine Scouts (Retired) Local interest attaches to the fact that in addition to those residents of the Tri-Cities whose names appear among those listed above as serving at the Arsenal at the time of the signing of the Armistice, the following officers, commissioned from civil life either during the earlier stages of the Avar or while undergoing a course of instruction preparatory to overseas duty, were stationed at the Arsenal : Major Ordnance Reserve Corps — Alfred LaMar. Captains Ordnance Reserve Corps — A. D. Ficke, R. A. Gregory. J. M. Hassett, Harry Hoisington, W. J. Larson, A. W. Mitchell. Leon Mitchell, H. G. Roberts, O. H. Seiff'ert, C. F. Skinner. Wm. B. Spears, George \\'. Thompson, J. A. Utts. First Lieutenants Ordnance Reserve Corps — G. Decker French, E. R. Guyer, Emil H. Hass, C. E. Pingle. Second Lieutenant Ordnance Reserve Corps — M. K.AIcPhail. Troops drawn up to witness presentation of faithful service badges to old employes. Civilian and Military Gnard DXR of the most striking features at Rock Island Arsenal during the period of the war was the careful and et'ticient manner of guarding the government property by means of both ci\il and %^iF iii'l'tary guards on and about the Island. Trior to the declaration of war the shop guard consisted of four civilian guards and four soldiers, the latter members of the permanent ord- nance detachment of the regular army. 'I'hese were known as "key men." and reported by means of clocks at various points in the shops. Immediately after war was declared, howexer. means were taken to protect the property and equipment, and a high wire enclosure was built Ko, k K-lamI Arsenal Military Drill rrty men. On January 1, 1918. two men were employed as drivers of the pumping machine. About April 1. 1918. authorizatitui was given for the reconstruction of the department, and an exi)erienced hreman was assigned as chief. Twenty men were subsequently employed. The double platoon system was placed in effect, and a full equipment of the most modern motorized hre-hghting ap- paratus replaced the obsolete types formerly in use. A high pressure water system was built and an electric alarm system installed. Fortunately, no serious fires occurred, due principally to the propaganda of the safety de- partment and constant efforts and inspections by the fire marshal and chief. Chemical Fire Truck ready for action. Post- War Activities WORK PERFORMED BY ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL FOR OTHER DEPARTMENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT A provision in the Act of July 11, 1919 (PiU)lic No. 7, G6th Congress), reads as follows: "That no part of the moneys appropriated in each or any section of this Act shall be used or expended for the purchase or acquirement of any article or articles that at the time of the proposed acquirements can he manufactured or produced in each or any of the Government Arsenals of the United States for a sum less than they can be purchased or produced otherwise." HE purpose of the inclusion of the abo\e provision in legislation was to provide for placing with the Ordnance Department orders for supplies by the Supply Bureaus concerned which could be manufactured by Arsenals cheaper or to better advantage than they could be procured from other sources. Prior to its adoption the large, spacious shops of the Arsenal, with their machines and shop appliances and facilities capable of producing work more diversified in character than that of any other government Arsenal, had been utilized almost exclusively in the manufacture of ordnance with the procurement of which the ( )rdnance Department was charged. In order to accomplish the ol)ject of the above Act, and to co-ordinate the work between the (Ordnance Department and the bureaus concerned, there was estal^lished in the office of the Chief of Ordnance an Arsenal Orders Branch, through which medium the Arsenal receives information and data concerning the requirements of other bureaus and has opportunity to sub- mit quotations on articles for which inquiries are sent out. Bids sub- mitted in answer are assured the same consideration as to price and time of delivery as are those from other bidders. The Arsenal has received 92 orders as a result of bids, 72 from the Ordnance Department and 20 from other departments. Of the circulars received, over 90 were returned on which no quotations were submitted, due to the fact that in many cases they called for small quantities of items of commercial manufacture for which it would have been hopeless for the Arsenal to attempt to compete, as they were items included in the regular output of commercial plants. The diversified nature of the work which the orders involved will be noted from the statement that the work performed covered torpedo parts and forgings for combustion flasks for naval torpedo stations, Bebout weirs for use on the Ohio river dam, emergency gates for the United States Engineer Department, bomb racks and demolition bombs for the Air Service, and mail bags and straps for the Post Office Department. The Arsenal, however, under instructions from the War Department, must confine its operations to manufactures for which its machinery and 56 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL equipment is adapted, and is not permitted to acquire additional machinery for the purpose of further invading the commercial field. The production attained at the various Arsenals and by the industrial plants throughout the country engaged in the manufacture of munitions of war naturally found the government, upon cessation of hostilities, with vast quantities of ordnance stores of every description, both in finished and partly finished state, on hand, together with large quantities of com- ponents. The most serious handicap in the manufacture by private concerns of war munitions in the World War was their unfamiliarity with the highly specialized business of manufacturing munitions, and if the Arsenal is to develop in times of peace the technique acquired through developing types of weapons, it is essential that it be given orders sulticient to maintain its organization to meet this end. The estimating section of the Arsenal during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, submitted through the channel mentioned above, and other government departments, approximately 300 estimates or bids. A list is given below of the different departments, with number submitted in each case, for which estimates were made : Ordnance Department 174 Navy Department 18 Treasury Department 1 Post Ofiice Department 8 Railroad Administration 1 Panama Canal 1 Geological Survey 3 Lighthouse Service 3 Engineer Corps 18 Interior Department 18 Signal Corps 4 Agricultural Department 1 Land Office 1 Air Service 9 Government Printing ( )ffice 1 Quartermaster Department 9 THE MARK \"III TANK \\'hen. in the spring of 1919. the Rock Island Arsenal received an order to assemble 100 Mark \'III tanks, it was not only the largest order ever received in the history of the .-\rsenal. but it involved the most new problems. Practically all of the components of the tank required in the assembly were shipped to the Arsenal. The principal parts consisted of the heavy structural pieces — i. e. armor plate, angle iron, steel girders and channels, together with a large quantity of equipment, such as tools. Hotchkiss guns, ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 57 camouflage nets, water cans, bird cages, food cans, telescopes, periscopes, festoon lamps, semaphores and various other sundries purchased from the British Government. The balance of the required material was manufac- tured by various outside contractors in the United States, and included Liberty motors, transmissions, compound clutches, petrol tanks, radiators, electrical equipment, and front control units. Construction on the first of these tanks was started July 1, 1919, and the last tank was completed and ready for road test June 5, 1920. making a total of 286 days to complete the 100 tanks. The Mark VIII tank is a fighting tank weighing about 40 tons when fully equipped and manned. It carries a complement of eight men — one The Mark \III tank. Th.- i.j.Kr !■. a-.-.Tiil.l'- on.- Iiuri.lii-<1 of thcs*- ponil(>roiis fightiiij!; machines, received in the spring of 1919, was the largest ever undertaken at the Arsenal. The task was completed in 286 days. in the engine room and seven in the fighting compartment. The seven men consist of the officer in command, the driver and five gunners, two of the gunners manning the 6-pounder Hotchkiss guns and three the Browning machine guns. Storage capacity is provided for 200 rounds of 6-pounder ammunition and 20,000 rounds of calibre 30 ammunition. IMPROVEMENT OF GROUNDS During the period of the war only such repairs to the roads had been made and labor in the upkeep of the grounds expended as was found to be absolutely necessary. The activities carried on in connection with the Arsenal's construction projects had left the grounds adjacent to many of the new buildings in an unsightly condition. The vast quantities of war material turned in from the field and from abandoned plants had. because of lack of covered storage space, to be piled in the open in scattered areas about the Arsenal. The clearing of these sites, the disposing of the serviceable and un- serviceable material; the construction of new roads and drives; the repairing and resurfacing of many of the permanent roads (the most notable of which was that of Main avenue from the main gate to West avenue) ; the removal of the flagstaff, formerly occupying the center of Main avenue at its junc- ture with West avenue, to its present location in front of the Administra- 58 ROCK ISLAND ARSE N A L tion building. I)ut out of the line of traffic ; the replacing by monolithic walks of many of the earlier types of flagstone walks, which had become broken and sunken; the planting of trees and shrubs; the laying out of a j)ark for the recreation of Arsenal employees; the extension of the exterior lighting of roads and buildings, including the placing of lights on the clock tower of the old Arsenal building at the lower extremity of the Island, and many other improvements have since been completed to restore the Island to its former beauty. With the advent of war. precautionary measures which the government was obliged to take with resjject to protection of its ])lant and propertv. to J..:..... ,.. the end that its capacity to i)ro(luce fighting material might not be curtailed, compelled the AX'ar Department to close the Arsenal to visitors, and where heretofore general admission to holders of passes had been granted to visit the Island, it became necessary to revoke the privilege and limit the admis- sion to those only having business on the Island; the shops and that area of the Island which was given over to manufacturing purposes was enclosed in a high non-climbable wire fence, and the regulations with respect to ad- mission within this enclosure were rigidly enforced. \\ ith the signing of the Armistice the restriction with resj)ect to passes imposed as a result of the war were remcjved ; and while at this government ])ost strict regulations are necessarily enforced, passes are generally issued to residents and visitors to the Tri-Cities who a])ply for same and who may desire to avail themselves of the privilege. Savanna Provinp; Ground HE purchase of approximately 13,000 acres of land for a proving ground near Savanna, Illinois, was made possible under an appro- priation of $1,500,000 authorized by an Act of Congress on June 12, 1917, and work on this valuable adjunct to Rock Island Arsenal was pushed early after the United States entered the World War. It was contemplated that this tract be used for proof-firing gun car- riages manufactured at the Arsenal, some sixty miles distant, but upon the signing of the Armistice, immediate need for gun carriages having ceased, the Savanna project was used as a storage depot for the vast quantities of ordnance stores manufactured at the Arsenal during the war. In the purchase of the Sa\anna lands, the United States had the services of Hugh E. Curtis, of Rock Island, Illinois, and others, through whom options were secured from the owners, and the sales were consummated Tractors and tanks in field awaiting permanent storage. This picture, taken in June, 1919, shows but a small part of the equipment brought to Savanna after the war. upon acceptance by the government. Out of a total of 13,146 acres, costing $890,209.15, only 320 acres were purchased direct by the government, and condemnation proceedings w^ere necessary in the acquirement of ten acres that could pot be obtained in any other way. After the Savanna land purchase there remained from the appropriation made by Congress approximately $600,000, and this was expended in con- structing necessary quarters, barracks, firing points, power house, store- houses, roads, and sewage system. 60 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL It will be realized to what extent the Savanna site was used for a storage depot from the statement that at the heo:inning ^f the fiscal year 1920 artillery material was beiny; received at llie rale of forty carloads a day. No covered storage was available, and the material was parked in the open, there being something like fifteen acres of this on hand July 1, 1920. To care for the material it was necessary to construct forty storehouses, each 96 bv 400 feet, to house artillery and tractors. Quarters of Commanding Officer at Savanna proving ground. War With Spain N 1898 Rock Island Arsenal had its first real test, and it was not found wanting. At the outl:)reak of the AVar with Spain, in April of that year, the extent of the country's unpreparedness may be judged by the fact that this Arsenal, though employing only 500 men and having less than one-fifth of its shop floor space utilized for manufacturing i)urposes, yet was first of all the arsenals of the country in size, number of employees, variety of work performed, amount of output and monthly payroll. Inevitably, then, upon this Arsenal fell a proportion- ately large share of the work of equipping the suddenly augmented fighting forces of the nation. Rock Island Arsenal, fully outfitted with machinery and completely manned, it had been estimated, should be able to equip and maintain an army of 750,000 men, but the spring of 1898 found it with a capacity of not more than one-fifth of its estimated maximum output. Congress had not appropriated sufficient funds to place it in a state of readiness for such an emergency. Nevertheless, it did not fail to do all and more than was ex- pected of it. The plant, which up to that time had been large enough merely to supply the small army maintained in time of ])eace, quickly expanded to meet the increased demands occasioned by the rapid growth of the military forces. Additional machines were installed wdiere possible, and where hand labor only was involved in the shop operations the great floor space available in the vacant buildings was promptly filled. There was no time, and, indeed, there was no need for further shop or storehouse construction. In six months the crisis was passed. The number of employees, which on March 1, 1898, numbered less than 500, quickly increased until a maximum force of approximately 3,000 was attained, with an expenditure of $175,000 per month in wages. The old shop and oftice forces were made the nucleus of the larger organization, thdse especially fitted for leadership being advanced to more responsible positions and given the task of organizing and training the inexperienced help taken on in such large numbers. The extent to which the Arsenal was developed to meet the emergency then existing may be realized by stating that the department producing the cloth equipment, which, before the Spanish-American War, operated but fifteen machines, was expanded until sixty machines were used to turn out the product. The shop which at its maximum was producing before the war 300 tin cups and 125 meat cans per day, and in which no facilities for the 62 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL manufacture of canteens existed, when hnally deNcloped, was capable of Turning out 3,000 tin cups. 6.000 meat cans, and 4.000 canteens per day. All shops and departments were expanded in like proportion, and although the force was operated continuously twenty-four hours per day, it was necessary to augment the Arsenal's output l)y purchases from private manufacturers of large quantities of completed articles of infantry, cavalry and horse equipments, delivered in finished condition ready for issue to the Interior of Wooilworking Shop, aliovc; bi-low, interior of Armon, . field. With the procurement of these articles, entailing- the pre])aralinn of specifications, inviting of bids, making of awards, and the placing of the orders, the Arsenal was charged. In many cases the contractor performed only one certain operation in connection with llie C(ini])lete ecjuipment. such as covering with leather of the saddle tree and the wooden stirrups, the trees and stirrups for which were manufactured and furnished the contractor by the Arsenal. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 63 As was the case later, during the World War, the Arsenal found much to do in organizing and directing private manufacture of materials needed by the army, in assembling complete sets of equipment from parts obtained here and there and adding the final touches to make them ready for use. Orders for large quantities of raw materials were placed, as the limited capacity of the Arsenal, operating on a peace-time basis, resulted in only .1 moderate quantity of materials for orders then in progress being on hand. 1 he magnitude to which the purchases grew under the stimulus of war to meet shop production requirements may be indicated by a statement of the principal articles procured. These included 351,400 yards dyed duck; 1,008,000 yards cotton webbing of various widths for haversacks and blanket bags ; 654,000 pounds tin plate for meat cans, tin cups and canteens; 79,900 pounds brass wire; 89,500 pounds sheet brass for Imckles, rings and hooks; 984,000 feet linen rope for lariats; 205,300 pounds harness leather backs; 1,262,000 square feet collar, bridle and bag leather for straps, saddles, saddle bags and carbine scabbards; 116.200 pounds copper; 1,161,900 pounds steel for gun carriages; 133,000 feet basswood and ash for saddle trees; and 690,000 feet other lumber for ammunition chests, besides many thousand ixninds of minor articles. The value of the completed articles purchased during the Spanish- American war aggregated $331,262.33. Some of the principal items of equipment, showing the proportion in which they were manufactured at the Arsenal and the quantities which were acquired l)y purchase, are as follows : Manufactured at Purchased from Articles The Arsenal Contractors Blanket bags.. 36,190 30,521 Blanket bag shoulder straps, pairs.... 72,428 . 12,980 Blanket bag coat straps, pairs 48,070 20,269 Canteens 235.553 23,952 Canteen stra])s. Infantry.. 95,671 105,059 Gunslings ..* 64.942 86,979 Haversacks 80,588 61.878 Haversack straps 122,086 29,236 Meat cans. 208,841 29,206 Tin cups .......:.... 231,400 29,209 Of course the foregoing talmlation includes l)Ut a small fraction of the articles manufactured, purchased and assembled here. In the four months from April 15 to August 15, 1898, there were either made here wdiolly or partly, or received from contractors, 25 3.2-inch breech loading rifles and other field guns, 53 carriages for 3 and 3.2-inch guns. 210 limbers for the 3.2 and 3.6-inch gims. 120 caissons, a large quantity of artillery harness, 64 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL saddles, etc.. and hundreds of thousands of miscellaneous articles. The Arsenal was the largest depot of issue in the ccnmtry. At the outbreak of the war with Spain this country was far behind the times in much of its military equipment. The old 45-calibre single shot Springfield rifle, firing with black [)owder. but little better than the weapons used at the close of the Civil War, was the only small arm available for use by many of the troops. About the only improvement in the army uniform made since the 60's consisted in the addition of the campaign hat and leggings. Our forces invaded the tropics clad in the regulation blue wool garments, ill-fitting and as uncomfortable as they were conspicuous Site of old Fort Armstrong, looking rlown the Misslsi^ij'i'i to enemy marksmen. No canteens had been maile since the Civil War. the surplus left after that conflict being repaired and recovered as needed. In many other ways the equipment was far out of date. The Spanish war not on!}- stimulated manufacture. l)Ut brought about a marked change in tyi)e of most army goods, which led to a permanent expansion of Rock Island Arsenal's facilities and shop forces. Though the war of 1893 did not last long, it brouglit realization of the advanced needs of the nation in the way of defenses and was followed bv an increase in the size of the standing army, which helped to insure continued activity at this Arsenal on a scale greater than that which had prevailed up to that time. Among the ])ermanent imi)rovements brought about at once were the modernizing of the water power plant and the taking of steps for the manu- facture of small arms. During the Spanish War, rifles were cleaned, re- paired and issued, but none were made here. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 65 Major Blunt, the Commandant, in his report for 1893 praises the spirit of the shop workers during that year. Referring to the manner in which the organization was expanded he said: "As the force was increased, the necessity for foremen and inspectors familiar with the successive operations (for there was no time to teach and develop new men) grew with the expansion of the work. They were found among the old employees, and from their ranks a number of temporary appointments to these positions were made. They proved capable and efficient, and when necessary, as was frequently the case, worked overtime with entire willingness ; in fact, the spirit they displayed permeated, with very few exceptions, the entire force, the men being apparently animated by the desire to observe the shop rules and regulations to the best of their ability and to render all possible assistance to the government in the exist- ing emergency." That work turned out at the Arsenal was superior to that made in private plants, and produced at a lower cost, is emphasized : "While fairly favorable prices were obtained for the $L110,0(X) worth of finished articles of ordnance stores procured under contracts, yet in all cases they exceeded, in some instances considerably so, the cost at which similar stores were at the same time being turned out at the Arsenal. * * * It must also be remembered that the articles obtained by purchase, especially at such a period, as unquestionably has been the case with most of those recently procured under contracts, are often inferior, both in material and workmanship, to those procured in the government shops. This fact was universally admitted l:)y all the contractors who visited this Arsenal during the last few months and examined the work in progress." Rock Island Arsenal Golf Club, maintained by civilian members from surrounding cities, but under control of Commandant, who is ex-officio president of the organization. 66 RUCK IS L A X D A R S E X A L Fort Armstrong By JOHN H. HAUBURG O fort gave a greater sense of security to the pioneers of the Illinois Territory than did old Fort Armstrong. For decades the Indians of the Upper Mississippi had been in the habit of uniting their forces against their white brethren. Together they shared the honors at Braddock's defeat during the French and Indian War, and again they were united in Pontiac's War. The seizure of the Illinois country by General George Rogers Clark in 1778 was a challenge to the warriors, under British control, from Rock River to Lake Superior and from Lake Michigan to the St. Peter's river in Minnesota. In 1779, and again in 1780, there were fighting expeditions descending the Mississippi past Rock Island l)ent on the re-conciuest of Illinois from the Americans, and among them l)raves from the k)cal villages of the united Sauks and Foxes. When the War of 1812-T4 came on, Territorial Governor Ninian h2d\vards wrote: 'T believe there is a universal combination among the Indians. Independent of the Indians west of the Mississippi, and 300 lodges of Sioux on the Wisconsin, we may certainly count on 4,400 who can reach the settle- ments on the Mississippi in six or eight days, and come all the v\'ay by water. Our danger, therefore, is xevy evident." The settlements of the pioneers at that time were mostly near the Mississippi, and nearly all south of a line drawn eastward from where Alton, Illinois, is now. North of this line was the wilderness, from which came Indian bands creeping upon the settlers by stealth and leaving a trail of blood. In 1813 Governor Edwards wrote: "The savages have already committed murders within the bounds of every regiment in this (Illinois) territory." In 1814 the government took aggressive action against the Indians of this vicinity. Governor William Clark, of Mississippi Territory, headed an expedition to Prairie du Chien, W^isconsin. His first trouble came as he reached Rock Island, where he was attacked by the united Sauk and Fox. This was in the month of May. In July of the same year Lieutenant John Campbell was attacked at Campbell's Island, a few miles above Rock Island, and after a hard fought battle was defeated by Black Hawk's warriors. Early in September the same year an expedition under Major Zachary Taylor came up stream for the purpose of destroying Black Hawk's village and corn fields and to select a site for a fort. Major Taylor was decisively defeated by British artillerists and overwhelming numbers of Indians of the allied tribes at Credit Island, in plain sight of Rock Island. Peace was signed as between Great Britain and the United States in December, 1814, but the Indians continued their depredations upon the 68 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL settlers to the south, and so, in 1815, the 8th U. S. regiment was dispatched to Rock Island to build a fort. On account of certain hindrances, they did not arrive at Rock Island until May 10, 1816, at which time, accompanied by the rifle regiment under Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas A. Smith, work on the fort was begun. As General Smith remained but a short time, the work was continued under Col. William Lawrence, of the 8th regiment, and was called "Fort Armstrong," in honor of the then Secretary of Wa-r. Major Marsten. in 1819, reported as follows: "This fort is about 270 feet square, \\ith three block houses mounting three six-pounders. The barracks are well constructed, of hewed timber, and are sufficiently extensive Fori Armstrong, as originally built, from photograph of an oM drawing. to quarter three companies. The magazine is of stone, and well built. The commanding (jflicer's (piarters consists of a center two-story building 28 feet in length and a piazza built in front and rear. The fort is ])uilt on the lower point of Rock Island, and upon a perpendicular bank of lime- stone about twenty-five feet in height. It completely commands both chan- nels of the river. The garrison is a great check upon the Indians in this country, and from its central situation it appears to me to be a station of considerable imjjortance." Of its general outward appearance. Governor Ford wrote as follows: "The river here is a beautiful sheet of clear, swift-running water, about three-quarters of a mile wide. Its banks on both sides were uninhabited, except by Indians, from the lower rapids to the fort, and the voyagers up stream, after several days solitary progress through a wilderness country on its borders, came suddenly in sight of the whitewashed walls and towers ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 69 of the fort, perched upon a rock, surrounded by the grandeur and beauty of nature, which at a distance gave it the appearance of one of those enchanted castles in an uninhabited desert, so well described in the Arabian Nights Entertainments." Within the walls of the fort were housed a variety of interests — the commandant, the surgeon, the interpreter, the Lidian Agent, the blacksmith, the soldiers, and lastly the servants. Among the last named was the colored man, Dred Scott, whose residence at Fort Armstrong provided the grounds for the legal battle carried through to the United States Supreme Court, made famous in history by the "Dread Scott decision." The blacksmith was appointed because of a stipulation in treaties with the Indians that the United States should provide such an artisan for repairing the Indians' hoes, axes, guns, etc. The United States Indian Agent managed the affairs of the Government with the Indians. All traders must receive their traders' licenses from the agent. He would pass upon the proposed trader's qualifications, upon the financial responsibility of those who signed his bond as security, take a list of their interpreters, clerks and boatmen, the place where to trade and the tribe of Indians with whom he would trade. The agent issued passports to Indians wishing to travel to other posts, issued rations to the Indians, keeping book account of all such transactions, and paid out the thousands of dollars annually as annuities to the red men, etc. In addition to those officially connected with the fort, James D. Rishell, in a recent edition of "Black Hawk's Autobiography," says: "Around every fort on the border, from the earliest times onward, hovered a band of French, English and American traders, in sharp competition for the rich furs and peltries of the Indians." Colonel George Davenport, in fact, had a permanent trading establishment but a few hundred yards distant from Fort Armstrong. All through the years, until after the Black Hawk War, Fort Armstrong functioned as a restraint upon the Indians. Always there were quarrels, battles, killings, stealings, between the two races over a wide range of country hereabout. Our earliest settlers would scarcely have dared to locate within Black Hawk's village had it not been for the presence of the fort. The Winnebago War, and two campaigns, 1831 and 1832, of the Black Hawk War, found the fort a refuge to the crowds of men, women, and children of settlers, as also the headquarters for the military operations which resulted in the expulsion from the old Northwest Territory of the last of a long list of patriotic, fighting Indians. The stories of Indian treaties negotiated at Fort Armstrong; of refugee settlers in fear of massacre; of Black Hawk's attempt to blow up the fort; of the legend of the spirit, in the form of a large swan, which inhabited the cave underneath the fort; the hustle and bustle of soldiers and supplies 70 ROCK ISLAND A R S E N A L during- the Black J lawk War. at which time llie fort was headquarters for the army; the ct)ming of Cjeueral W'infield Scott, and the plague of cholera at the fort — all these and many others are subjects of too great length to be treated in the space allotted to this part of the stcjry of the Tri-Cities and the Arsenal. From \\m. A Meese's "l^ariy Rock Island" we quote the following: "May 4, 1836. the fort was evacuated and the troops sent to Fort Snelling. Lieutenant Colonel William Davenport was in command at that time, and he left Lieutenant John Reach, of the in- fantry, in charge with a few men to take care of the proi)erty. The fort was never re-garrisoned. November, 1836. Lieutenant Beach was ordered away and all the prop- erty was removed. From 1836 to 1838, Ceneral Street, Indian Agent, had charge of the Island, and he was succeeded by Colonel Cjeorge Davenport, who had been a])i)ointed Indian Agent. In 18-K) some of the buildings were repaired and an ordnance (k])oi was established at the fort, Captain W . k. Shoemaker having charge until 1845. when the depot was broken uj) and the ^odds removed to St. Louis, lliomas L. Drum, of Rock Island, was custodian from 1845 to 1853. Ordnance Sergeant Cum- mings was in charge for a short time in 1853 to 1854; J. B. Danforth from 1854 to 1857. and H. Y. Slaymaker from 1857 to 1863." Reproduction of first blork house, rrerteil in 1916 by the people of the community, for celebration of 100th anniversary of building of Fort Armstrong. In 1855 part of the fort was reduced to ashes. The last vestiges of the fort were removed in 1863, at the time of the building of the large Armory clock tower building. It is unfortunate that i)art, at least, of this relic of the stirring days of the past was not left as a monument for succeeding generations. In 1916, however, the one-hundredth anniversary of the building of Fort Armstrong was fittingly observed by a great celebration, in which not only the Tri-Cities joined, but visitors from away were here in large numbers. Among the noted visitors were Jesse Ka-ka-que, of Kansas, a great grand- son of Black I lawk, and Push-e-ton-e-que, chief of the Fox or Mesquakies, together with about twenty-five other Indians from Tama, Iowa. As a part of this celebration, one of the blockhouses was restored, and is an exact replica in form of those which were placed there a century before, which, with their six-poundcrs. gave such comfort to the westward tide of immigra- tion. Squatters' Rights LTHOUGH claiming it from the first as a reservation for its uses, the War Department had no little difficulty in finally establishing- title to Rock Island. Seldom has a tract of land no larger than the Island ofl:'ered such obvious attractions to private owners, and many and devious were the schemes employed in an effort to wrest it from the control of the government. In the end it cost Uncle Sam $221,035 to buy rights of settlers wlio were conceded to have just claims to portions of the premises, and the water power rights are still shared by private interests. Much space would be required to record details of this phase of the Arsenal's history. Only a brief outline will be attempted. For many years the ciuestion whether the Island was lawfully under the control of the A\'ar Department, or subject to distribution as part of the public domain, was considered debatable. Appeal was made at various times to the Courts, to the Secretary of War, the President, and even to Congress. In 1825, and again in 1835, the War Department formally asserted its claim to the whole of the tract. Nevertheless, a survey was made by an engineer employed by the Department of the Interior in 1832, and the land was laid out in quarter sections. After the troops were withdraAvn, in 1836, squatters appeared and occupied most of the Island, with a view of preempting it under regulations applying to all public lands not set aside for some particular purpose. In 1837 the Illinois legislature gave permission, by special act, em- powering David B. Sears and John AY. Spencer to construct a water power dam across Rock Island Slough, connecting the Island with the mainland at Moline. In 1842 the dam was completed, and in a short time a number of small manufacturing plants made their ai)i)earance at the head of the Island, operating with the i)ower generated there. In 1846 Mr. Sears built another dam connecting the main island with Benham's Island, on the north and just below the head of the former. In 1848, for some reason not clear at this date, the Secretary of AVar wrote to the Secretary of the Interior formally relinquishing the Island for military purposes. In doing so, how- ever, the former exceeded his poAvers, as court decisions and subsequent acts of the War Department indicated, and so a great many persons who claimed interests in the property were disappointed. Most of the litigation with respect to the ownership of the premises resulted from the building of the Chicago & Rock Island railroad, which crossed the Island a quarter of a mile east of the present line, the company 72 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL claiming a tract 300 feet in width by virtue of its charter from the State of Illinois. That was in 1854. The War Department resisted the intrusion, and the matter was thrown into the courts, which eventually upheld the company, apparently more on the grounds of public need of transportation by rail than upon proof of technical rights submitted by the defendant. Subsequently the railroad was induced to remove its tracks to the extreme western end of the Island, where they are now located. In 1850. when General Zachary Taylor was President, he issued an order for the sale of the Island. Advertisements were not printed in local news- papers, and it was charged that the move had been instigated by outside capitalists who wished, for obvious reasons, to avoid publicity. Two weeks .1 Ihr (...lll.-cl,- Hal l>lov% at til. "' a|">n?^ «iro use. I in tlir nuinitiirs which crushed orlh from the sea iluring the Civil war. prior to the date of the sale, however, people of the community awoke to what was going on, and immediately such a protest arose that the War Department felt impelled to postpone the date. Word to this effect did not reach Rock Island until the afternoon of the day on which the sale was to have taken place and an ofticer was on the ground prepared to receive bids. Most active in opposing the sale were those who had settled or made improvements on the Island, for they felt that their alleged rights were being placed in jeopardy. They banded together and even went so far as to post notices in the vicinity warning prospective purchasers that those appearing to submit bids would be in serious physical danger. The sale was finally called off. Many bills were offered in Congress for the sale of all or part of the land, but most of them were defeated throug^h the vigilance of local interests. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 73 which from the first ardently upheld the effort to maintain the Island as a site for an Arsenal. In 1858 the AVar Department again was induced to con- sent to public sale, and bids were advertised for and received, but never opened. About this time Congress began to manifest a real interest in the utilization of the Island for military purposes, and so in 1859, when the last bill ever ofifered for sale of the premises came up, it was promptly voted down, and that ended the controversy. In the meantime parts of the Island had been disposed of by act of Congress. Colonel George Davenport, the original settler in the community, was permitted to purchase at the prevailing price of $1.25 per acre the Residence of Commandant of Arsenal. quarter section he had claimed and improved at the time the first army post was established, and D. B. Sears was given a similar privilege with respect to the fractional tract adjacent to his flour mill at the head of the Island, The Davenport interests subsequently were re-purchased by the War Department for $40,700 and the Sears interests for $145,175. An organized effort to get the greater part of the Island by preemp- tion was made in 1856, when one Thales Lindsley, said to have been a clerk in the Patent Office at Washington, appeared and located a party of squatters as ''dummies" upon unoccupied parts of the Island. About the same time a number of Rock Island men conceived of the same idea, namely, that of 74 ROCK ISLAND A R S E N A L establishing riohts preliniinarv to i)urchasc from the govcrninent. The result was that the po})ulation of the Island was materially increased, there being two or more claimants for each of the more desirable portions. Some vit)lencc resulted from the clash of interests. Eventually the Lindsley party was worsted. Lindsley. however, was not daunted. He remained on the ground and interested a number of local men in a plan to get the Island by grant from C;)ngress as the site for a great state and national university. lie drew up a prospectus for an institution of learning, offering Beauty spots on the Island. Above, stone bridge leading to Officers' quarters. Below, garden near Commanding Officer's quarters. more than one hundred courses of study, some of which never had been, and perhaps never Avill be. taught in any school. A bill to carry out the scheme was actually presented to Congress. When Lindsley appealed to Senator Stephen A. Douglas for aid, that statesman, evidently apprised of the many devices already employed with a similar purpose, is (juoted as having ex- claimed: "For heaven's sake. sir. draw something thicker than a lace veil over your scheme!" ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 75 Apparently that sealed the doom of the project, for it did not get much farther. Lindsley made one other attempt to improve his fortunes through an application to the Illinois legislature for a water power grant involving rights in the south channel, already claimed by the Moline Water Power Company, but met with defeat. Private claim to water power rights in the Rock Island slough never was seriously contested by the War Department. The original dam, built in 1842, by Sears and Spencer, was taken over a few years later by Pitts, Gilbert & Pitts, an eastern firm. Power was supplied to a number of factories from the first, but the project was not placed on a permanently paying basis till after 1865, when it passed into the hands of the newly formed Moline Water Power Company. This concern entered into an agreement by which it surrendered all rights to the government, obtaining in return a perpetual grant of the use of one-fourth of the power developed, with the option of use of surplus power, above the requirements of the Arsenal, at a specified rental. The government agreed to bear all expense of development and maintenance. This agreement stands to this day, and the Moline Water Power Company is still in existence, selling power to the Peoples' Power Company, which provides for distribution in the community. Flag pole in front of Commanding Officer's headquarters. Buiklina* the Orioinal Arsenal c o THE first formal move to set Rock Island apart for military purposes was made in 1825, when the Secretary of War notified the Com- missioner of the General Land Office to reserve the land from sale, fen years later Congress approved of an examination of sites for a proposed western Armory, which was made by a commission of army otiicers. In 1840 the Commandant of the Arsenal at St. Louis was directed by the Chief of Ordnance to ascertain w'hat advantages Rock Island might have for ordnance purposes. The report, submitted by Captain William Bell, gave an intimate description of the Island and adjoining community, prais- ing the transportation and water power facilities, and stating there were but two responsible private claimants at that time prepared to dispute ownership with the government. The following year Congress again ordered an investigation to de- termine the site for a western Armory to be located on a waterway. Three army ofticers spent eighteen months in the work and made a voluminous report, which gave enthusiastic praise to the natural advantages of Rock Island for the proposed purpose. "Articles of subsistence of all kinds, for man and beast," the report said, "are abundant, and these are remarkably cheap. The site is exceptionally healthy, as evidenced by reports now on file in the office of the Surgeon General * * * covering a period of more than twenty years, during which the number upon the sick list at Fort Armstrong was proportionately less than at any other post in the western country." Other reports of similar nature were made to the War Department from time to time, up to the date when Congress finally authorized the beginning of construction of permanent buildings. A. C. Dodge, chairman of the Senate Committee on Public Lands, writing to the Secretary of War in 1854, said : "Rock Island, as you are well aware, has long been regarded by a large portion of the people of the Mississippi valley as an advantageous site for an Arsenal of construction." From the earliest days of the white men in this vicinity there was a strongly defined sentiment in the upper river valley, and especially in the more immediate locality, in favor of maintaining and developing the Island for military uses. Time after time, the records show, when ownership of the land by the War Department was threatened, or the authorities at Washington wavered in their intentions along this line, champions of the ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 17 Arsenal project who were able to make their voices heard and influence felt in the national capital came forward. Disposition toward hasty adverse action was repeatedly halted and the subject kept open till a more deliberate consideration of its merits finally won the day. By Act of Congress, approved July 11, 1862, a national Arsenal was located on Rock Island, and $100,000 was appropriated for buildings. The original intention was to use the establishment for storage and repairs only. Major C. P. Kingsbury was assigned as the first Commandant, coming on the scene in 1863. In that year the first permanent building, the one at (Pi"*'*' ■ ■ Sr « ^WL '-^^fT-^r' '"Ml!- ,; ' f f .1 - " - - _ t - '^v " ' \_t b -AC — ^^ 7.- J- • Rear view of original shops. Insert, old stone storehouse at west end of Island. This was the first permanent buiJing erected. With its tall clock tower it is now the most conspicuous object connected with the Island, as viewed by transients. It is now kept chiefly as a relic. the west end of the Island, with its clock tower provided with 12-foot dials facing in four directions, was begun. This structure was designed as a storehouse, and for years has been used only incidentally as circumstances demanded. A few years ago it was condemned and ordered torn down, but the order was rescinded in response to local sentiment. The building is not now a part of the Arsenal, properly speaking. 78 R O C K T S 1. A N D A R S 1^ N A L General Thumas J. Rodman snccecdcd Major Kingsbury in citmmand in 1865 and remained in charge till his death, which took place in 1871. His remains were buried on the Island. Under General Rodman, who designed some of the best heavy guns used in the Civil War, those with which the monitors were armed being among them, comprehensive plans for the Arsenal were elaborated. In accordance with these, the institutit)n was constructed and remained with only minor additions up to the date of beginning of the \\ Orld \\ ar. Two rows of great shops, one on either side of the main a\enue ex- tending east and west, and located on the highest ground the Island aiTorded, were included. Most of the building was done under General Rodman and his successor. General U. \\'. Flagler. The shops on the south side of the avenue were designed for an Arsenal and those on the north ior an Armory. The center shop on the south side is a foundry and blacksmith shop and the one on the north a rolling mill and forge shop. Both are one-story structures, with monitor roofs. Other shops are two stories, with basement. Ground i)lans for all ten buildings originally were alike. Each has two parallel wings. 60x300 feet, 90 feet apart, being U-shaped, with the closed end on the avenue. This leaves a court 90x238 feet. The porticos at the sides project 12 feet and are 60 feet wide, while those at the ends are ot the same width, but project only two feet. During the late war the inside porticos of the t\\<.) end buildings on each side of the avenue were joined, to give more floor space and facilitate handling of materials. Walls of all buildings are entirely of stone, most of it ol)tained from quarries near jolict. Illinois. Average thickness of llie walls is 3 feet 4 inches for the first story, 2 feet 10 inches iov the second, and 2 feet 4 inches for the third. An enormous amount of material was used. In Shop A. for instance, were placed 30.115.800 pounds of stone, 3.132.800 pounds of brick, 2,199,646 i)ounds of irt)n. 1.331.500 pounds of lumber, 362.500 pounds of slate. 200.000 j)ounds of plaster and 26.000 ])oun(ls of copjjcr. Total area • »f each sho]) is a little more than one acre. .Much of the construction work was done by day labor directed by sj)ecially trained oliicers. and reports of Commanding ()fhcers comment upon the saving of money eft'ected and better structures secured thrctugh this ])lan. These shop buildings. su])plenu'nted with three lire-jjroof storehouses, barracks. Commanding ( )riicer's quarters, subaltern ofhcers' quarters, general offices and fire engine house, all of equally durable and commodious character. ])rovided facilities for liousing the largest and most effective Arsenal and Armory in the country. So much room was there, in fact, that only a i)art of the space atiforded was utilized for manufacturing purposes and fitted out with machinery until after the ICuropean War broke. Good ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 79 use was made of it during the Spanish \\^ar flurry, but most of the shop ex- pansion then was of a temporary nature. Under General Rodman the second Rock Island bridge was begun and work was prosecuted in the improvement of the water power. A reservoir giving sufficient water facilities for the needs of the institution was con- structed and Shops B and C and the Commanding Officer's cjuarters were nearly completed. Under General (then Captain) Flagler most of the other l)uildings were constructed as originally planned. The Aloline highway bridge was built, a sewer S3'stem installed, the main avenues were partially improved, and miles of driveways about the Island laid out. Most of the trees, other than those of the natural forest remaining, were planted at this time. The second bridge over the main channel of the river was completed and opened for public use. Construction lagged under Colonel T. G. Baylor (1886 to 1889), and Colonel J. M. Whittemore ( 1889 to 1892). Under Colonel A. R. Buffington (1892 to 1897) the Rock Island bridge was rebuilt to bear heavier traffic, this being the chief item in the way of improvements. Under Colonel S. E. Blunt as Commandant the Arsenal rendered valiant service to the country in the Spanish-American \\'ar. Reference of a more extended nature under this heading is made elsewhere. The capacity of the manufacturing plant was enlarged l^y the installation of machinery and shop fixtures. Congress, stirred by the urgent need of the times, made tardy provision for the equipping of the Armory and the manufacture of army rifles. Money for this purpose was voted in 1899, and in the following year work was begun with a view of increasing the water power plant, modernizing it with electricity and placing three of the shop buildings in Armory row in readiness for men and machinery. Eventually the Armory attained a capacity of 250 rifles daily, but after the immediate needs of the army were met the output was cut down to al^out half the full capacity. For some years before the A\'orld War little was done at the small arms plant, but it sprang into new life with the entrance of the country into the great struggle, the number of employees being brought up to 3,000 in this department alone. The vast additions to shops and storehouses, together with the many other improvements brought about by the late war, were made under Colonel George W. Burr, Colonel L. T. Hillman, and Colonel Harry B. Jordan. \\niat the Arsenal Cost and Its Present Valuation XPENDITURES for all purposes in connection with Rock Island Arsenal during the 58 years of its existence total $32,591,920.94. Present estimated value of improvements is $18,310,525.00. With grounds, buildings and war material and machinery stored therein inventoried at more than $250,000,000, the government has a larger investment in this Arsenal than at any other center in the United States, outside of Washington, D. C. In the table below there are included under "Construction, Repair and Preservation" not only the cost of the buildings when new, but also the sums required for their repair and maintenance ; the government share of expense in connection with the various bridges; and under "Water Power" the sums disbursed for acquisition of power rights and their sub- Filtration plant. The Arsenal's water supply is taken from the Mississippi river, being purified by modern methods. sequent development; and under "Machinery," the cost of all that has been installed, including the earlier purchases, now either worn out or obsolete and no longer in use. The totals, therefore, represent actual expenditures, and, taking no account of appreciation or depreciation, do not represent present values. Against the various items it is proper to charge off the benefit that the country has enjoyed from the operation of the Arsenal, which, of course, is an item that cannot be reduced to figures. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 81 COST OF BUILDINGS, WATER POWER. MACHINERY, ETC., AT ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL FROM ITS ESTABLISHMENT TO JUNE 30, 1920 Construc- tion, Re- Construc- Rock Is- pair and tion, Re- land Water Machinery Commandant Period Preserva- pair and Power and Shop Total tion of Preserva- Dikes and Fixtures Buildings, tion of Dams Roads, Bridges Sewers, etc. Maj. C. P. Kinssbury 1 lS63-()3 1$ 231,3,84.72 1? $ $ $ 231,3,84.72 Gen. T. J. Rodman 1865-71 6.664..33 440„-,«Mi.:!5 2.:!02,(;2t;.30 Gen. D. W. B^agler 1871-86 4,137,675.24 160.,S94.74 r,--:(l.!)4 Cafeteria, erected to serve thousands of war workers. For the single year from July 1, 1919, to July 1. 1920. the cost under the four headings was as follows: Construction, Repair and Preservation of Buildings. Roads. Sewers, etc $858,231.57 Construction, Repair and Preservation of Bridges 33,573.30 Rock Island Water Power. Dikes and Dams 80.608.61 Machinery and Shop Fixtures 393,893.33 Total : $1,366,306.81 Two hundred and three items are included in the list of Arsenal improve- ments, 168 being of a permanent nature and the balance temporary. Of course not all of the buildings originally constructed are now standing, a number of the smaller and less substantial sort having been salvaged. By 82 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL far the most valuable of the present structures are those of modern design erected during the last few years, as an inspection of the following itemized estimate will show: \ALUATlON OF QUARTERS AND BUILDINGS PE RM A N i:nt b u I ld I nc ;s ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING 1— Main office ? 39.000.00$ 30,000.00 OFFICERS' Qr.ARTERS 2— ComuiaiKliiip Officers quarters 100.000.00 3— Assistant Officers (piarters No. 2 :t(i.(M»0,(M) 4 — Assistant Officers quarters No. 3 :i:!.(KKI.(K) .T — Assistant Officer's quarters No. 4 2:?.7.">0.00 (5 — Assistant Officers quarters No. 13..500.00 7_Assistaut Officers quarters No. 7 12.000.00 218,250.00 EM.ISTKI) MKNS s. V.K 20. 21 and 22 20..300.00 16 — Contagious Hospital (wash room for (juarters) 3.000.00 1VH).400.00 .MISCELL.VNEOIS BIILDING.S 17— Post Hospital 10.000.00 IS — Bowling alley (south of welfare building) 5.500.00 Post exchange and welfare building 11,500.00 19 — Garage, ronimanding Officer's (luarters 450.00 20 — Garage, (juarters No. 2-_-T 2.50.00 21 — Garage, quarters No. 3 ISO.OO 22 — Garage, (juarters No. 4 2S0.00 2.3 — Ciarage. quarters No. (5 2s0.nO 24 — (Jarage. (|uarters No. 7 2.">().0.00 29 — Chicken house. No. (! (luarters :{S0.00 30 — Chicken house. No. 7 quarters 300.00 31— Frame bakerv 2.S00.00 .3-2- Post staldes 9.000.00 :« — (ireen houses. Commanding Officer's quarters 9.720.00 .34 — Barn west of cadilv house l.SOO.OO 35 — Band stand. National Cemetery 500.00 54,950.00 >L\XrF.\CTrRING SECTION 36— Shop "A" 600.000.00 .37— Shop -B' 600.000.00 .^S_Shop "C" ('OO.JKW.OO .39 — Shop "D" tMXt.OOO.OO 40— Shop "E" 2SO.()00.00 41— Shop "F" 295.tMM1.00 42— Shop "G" 375.000.00 4:{— Shop "H" 403..5(K).00 44— Shop "I" 32S..500.00 4.5— Shop "K" 377.200.00 46— Shop "L" 1.916.M)4.00 47— Chemical Laboratory L-1 1.50.iKM).00 4>^L. court 7.5.;)(M).00 49— Shop "M" and oil storage. Group Xo. 4 2.225.mM).{K) 50— Shop "O" l.")0.(MM1.00 51— Shop "Q" 12.5.;MMI.,'^M) 52— Shop "R" 4.'.0.!M»0.(M) 5.3— Tinning and Plating shop 23.!MM».(M1 ryi — Paint shop .V..(MMI.(M) 5.5— Shop connections A-C, B-D, G-I and H-K - 3.00 73— Dry kiln (new) 4,125.00 74— Drv kiln (wheel spoke) 247,500.00 75— Drv kiln (gun stock) 374,000.00 76— Unloading platform (shop "A" court) 4,900.00 77— Fulminate fuse exploding vault 90.00 12,58o,069.00 STOREHOUSE SECTION 78— Storehouse "A"' 147,520.00 79— Storehouse '-G' . 00,0'iO.OO 80— Storehouse 'F' 31,300.00 81— Storehouse "K" 119,700.00 82- Storehouse V-1 78,000.00 S3— Storehouse V-2 108,000.00 84— Storehouse V-3 108,000.00 85— Storehouse V-4 108,000.00 SO— Storehouse V-5 108,000.00 87— Storehouse V-6 108.000.00 88— Storehouse V-7 108,000.00 S9— St(>n>tiouse V-8 108,000.00 90— Storehouse V-9 108,000.00 91— Storeliouse V-10 80.333.00 92— Storehouse V-11 ■_ 80,333.00 93— Storehouse V-12 80.334.00 94— Storehouse V-14 05,000.00 95— Storehouse V-15 05,000.00 90— Storeliouse W-I 1,500.000.00 97— Storcliouse X-1 20.277.00 9,S— Storehouse X-2 29,277.00 99— Storeliouse X-3 29,277.00 100— Stor.'liiMise X-4 29.277.00 101- Storehouse X-5 29.277.00 102— Storehouse X-0 29,277.00 103— Storehouse X-7 29.277.i)0 104— Storehouse X-8 29.277.00 105— Storehouse X-9 29.277.00 100— Storeliouse X-10 29.277.00 107— Storeliouse Y-1 29,277.00 108- Storeliouse Y-2 29,277.00 109— Storeliouse Y-3 29.277.00 110— Storehouse Y-4 29.277.00 111— Storehouse Y-5 29,277.00 112- Storehouse Y-0 29,277.00 113— Storehouse Y-7 29,277.00 114— Storehouse Y-S 29.277.00 11.5— Storehouse Y-9 29.277.00 110— Storehouse Y-10 29,277.00 117— Storehouse Z-1 29.277.00 J IS— Storehouse Z-2 29.277.!I0 119— Storehouse Z-3 29.277,00 120— Storehouse Z-4 :;9. 277.00 ■J21— Storeliouse Z-5 29, 277. IK) 122— Storehouse Z-0 29,277.00 123— Storehouse Z-7 29.277.00 124— Storehouse Z-S 29,277.00 12.5— Storehouse Z-9 29,277.00 12(i— Storehouse Z-10 .29,277.00 127— Old Arsenal liuilding 200,000.00 12.S— Lumher shed (old ) 14,000.00 129— Lumber slied (north new) ,S,.500.00 130 — Lumlier shed (center new) 8,1)00. 00 131— Lumber shed (south new) S.500.00 132— Oil storage, Group No. 1 (old building) 15.000.00 133— Oil storage, Group No. 1 (new building) 20,000.00 134— Oil storage. Group No. 1 (office) 0..500.00 13.5— Oil tank. Group No. 2 9,700.00 130— Oil house and tanks. Group No. 3 29.(i00.00 1.37— Oil house, "AA" (storehouse) 23.000.00 1.38— Storehouse "M" (for steel) 173.000.00 139— Central tool storage No. 2 4,800.00 140— Primer dry I;-4 8,130.00 141— Powder blending L-5 142— Gun cotton dry L-0 2.320.00 143— Cave fulminate L-7 1,980.00 84 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL STOREHOUSE SECTION— (Continued) 14+— Cave fulminate L-S l.DSO.OO 145— Smokeless powder L-9 l.KtW.OO 14G — Smokeless powcU-r L-10 3.!tf,,s.00 147— Black powder L-11 l.Of.s.oO 14S— T. N. T. L-12 :!.2S0.00 149— Smokeless powder L-13 1,9^*^.00 ir»0— Smokeless powder L-14 l.lHls.OO 151— T. N. T.. L-15 :?.2S0.00 152— T. X. T., L-IG :'..2S0.00 153— Majraziiie A-1 15.000.00 154— Scale house 3.000.00 155— Tool shed, east side of Y-5 000.00 4,708,675.00 MISCEM.ANEOUS BUILDINGS 156— Mess hall (cafeteria) 93,000.00 157 — Davenport house 500.00 15S — Fire and police station 27.500.00 1.^9— Guard house Ft. Armstroufr ave.. Station B 5,000.00 ItiO— Guard house Davenport briil;:e X. E., Station C 250.00 IGl— Guard house, main gate, Station D 2.500.00 1(12- Guard house. Moline bridjie 500.00 103 — Guard house, Kock Island viaduct, south end. Station A 000.00 1(>4 — Outside Department 20.100.00 10.'>— Golf Club house 50.000.00 160 — Shelter station (street car) Main and West avenue ."520.00 167— Shelter station (street car) R. I. avenue 320.00 lOS— Loading platform south of central heating: plant 2,700.00 129.380.00 Grand total valuation of perniaiiont l)uildint:s 5118.005.730.00 TEMPORARY BUILDINGS ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING 169— Office* building Xo. 2 $ 01.000.00$ 61,000.00 MILITARY BUILDINGS 170— Sheep shed (east of V-12) 160.00 171 — Chicken farm (except quarters) 3.730.00 172— Ward hospital 11,300.00 173 — Infautrv stables, cow barn, hav shed 6,500.00 174 — Sheds at post stables 17.V-Barracks B 37.000.00 170 -Barracks C 37.000.00 177— Barracks D 45.000.00 143.315.00 M.\NUFACTURING SECTION 178— Shed court yard, A-C annex l.SOO.OO 179— Sprav painting shed (east of V-10) ."»00.(M) ISO— Receiving room G and 1 court 2.040.00 4..340.00 STOREHOUSE SECTION 181- Storehouse V-12A 8.000.00 1N2— Oil shed (east of storehouse "G"') 1.2(M).00 !«{- Storehouse 'BA" 19.000.00 — Storehouse 'GA" 19.000.00 1.S.5— Storehouse "KA" 19.000.00 18<;— Storehouse "MA" 19.000.00 187 — Machine gun storage 1..500.00 18H— Office "XYZ" 500.00 ISO— Machine storage shed 2.200.00 UK) — Shed in raw material yard 275.00 191— Shed north of truck garage ,mM).00 192— Shed back of storehouse W-I 30O.(M) 19.3 — Shed in scrap luml)er vard 200.00 194— Shed (office north of V-10) 2.50.00 299,.S.80.00 MISCELLANEOUS BUILDINGS 19.->— Laboratory sheds 3..500.00 190— Shed west of Z-1 27."..O0 197— Caddv house (at golf club) 19S — Bicvcle shed, shop B l.Mi.oo ]!t9— Bicvcle shed, shop D l.jO.OO 200— Bicvcle shed, shop F 150.00 201— Bicvcle shed, shop H 150.00 202— Bicvcle shed, shop M 150.00 203— Bicycle shed. Storehouse W-1 150.00 Grand total valuation of temporary buildings $ .304,795.00 Grand total valuation of permanent buildings 18.005,730.00 Grand total valuation of all buildings $18,310,525.00 Military Prison In Civil War URING the Civil War, 1861-1865, Rock Island became the site of a military prison. It was the policy of both the Union and the Confederacy to confine prisoners of war as far as possible from the battle lines. This Island answered very well the need of the gov- ernment in this connection, being hundreds of miles north of the Mason and Dixon line, and comparatively easy to guard. Besides, the War Department already claimed the ground and there was abundant room. Extensive barracks for prisoners were built during the summer of 1863. Construction of buildings was in charge of Captain C. A. Reynolds, U. S. Quartermaster's Department, and they were intended to accommodate 13,000 men. Barracks were placed on the north side of the Island near the river front and about midway between the east and west ends. The prison took 1 p ^ 1 S \ S _,--- -^-^ R s ...-^. .;. ,'_ - i*= £"i-- " ' . ■ 4 ■ <9 • - - :'. .f||.= ||. \y':iy. ■ - .'J ■ -, e \ ■ . - ' ■ '.'■ ' . :%' • .;;■'"• . . * . v> -r ■ '■■'■. ■ ■ .?- ' . ■ ■ y • i'* - ' . .••-'.'^ ■-> ■ ■"•'vV: "".iH-,V '.■"-_. ■".•'. ,■ '■-■''•V, '^ " '.iWA— ".«— - ^^' - ■ ■.■-■-.■■•■■-■••.•?'■';.• N >• '« } S y u ^ » c B Map of Island drawn in 1870, showing location of prisoners' barracks in central part near north side. At that time, it will be observed, improvements were few and the land was nearly all covered with trees. the form of a rectangle, covering about twelve acres. The four sides faced the main points of the compass, the northeast corner being opposite the lower end of Pappoose Island. There were fourteen rows of one-story buildings, extending east and west, six in a row. Each was 100 feet in length and 20 feet in width, with windows in the sides and doors in the ends. They were not plastered or painted, but otherwise were well constructed and as comfortable as the use to which they were put demanded that they should be. A kitchen was located in one end of each buildinsf. Double- 86 ROCK I S L A X D A K S !•: X A L decked bunks were proNided for sleepinsjf purposes, each building ht)using 120 men. A main avenue divided the seven rows on the north from the seven on the south. This avenue was 50 feet wide. Though intended to house 13,000 prisoners, there never were tiiat many in the prison. The death rate was high. 1.961 men expiring of disease in a period of two years. A few prisoners escajjed and several were killed in the attempt to do so. East of the main shop buildings and south of Main avenue is the cemetery in which Confederate dead lie buried. They were interred in long trenches, bodies being placed in wooden boxes, laid about two feet apart. At the head of each grave is a permanent marker, giving name, regiment and state of deceased. Farther east is the cemetery for Union soldiers. Here are buried about five hundred men. Many of these served at the local post, but the burial grounds are open to receive the remains of any American soldier. At this cemetery it is the custom to hold services each Memorial Day, exercises being under the auspices of the veterans' organizations of the vicinity. Both burial grounds are surrounded by trees and guarded by old cannon, and the premises are carefully maintained. Entrance to Confedrrale cemetrrv, wherr the remains of 2,0(K) prisonrr:? were inlerretJ. The Arsenal's Water Power HE water power of the Rock Island rapids was one of the main factors which determined the selection of its present site for the location in the Mississippi valley of an Arsenal for the manufacture of military supplies. Jefiferson Davis, while Secretary of War, wrote in 1854 to the United States Senate Committee on Public Lands as follows : "I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 10th instant, asking the views of this department as to the expediency of selling the military reser\ation at Fort Armstrong, on Rock Island. Illinois, as contemplated by Senate Bill No. 195. "The water power available at that place, and the communication by water and railroads, projected or in the course of construction, concur with other circumstances in rendering Rock Island one of the most advantageous sites in the whole western country for the construction of an Armory or an Arsenal for the manufacture of wagons, clothing, or other military supplies." Water power in the south channel, near the head of the Island, was developed by private enterprise in 1843, long before there was any clearly defined plan to erect a manufacturing Arsenal at this point. AVhen the War Department started the erection of factory Ijuildings the Moline Water Power Company already had acquired such power rights as a charter from the State of Illinois could confer, and had a considerable investment in its plant. Power was being supplied to a numljer of nearby factories. After extended negotiations, the Power Company, in 1867, subscribed to an agreement relinquishing its rights to the government, being pledged in return the free use of one-fourth of the power derived from existing or subsequent development of the premises, together with the privilege of renting whatever surplus there might be after the needs of the Arsenal were supplied. The government, under this compact, assumed all cost of develop- ment and maintenance. In pursuance of the terms laid down, the govern- ment erected a dam wall parallel to the Illinois shore of the channel south of the Island, with numerous flume openings, and later constructed, farther along this channel and closer to the site chosen for the x\rsenal shops, a second dam, known as the government dam. In 1895 the government closed all the openings in the first dam wall, known as the upper dam, and erected a new dam, located at the west of the first structure, where the openings were concentrated and from which power is now being developed. 88 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL The abandoned tail-race resulting fruni the closing of the openings in the upper dam wall was filled, and over a section of the filled portion the D. R. L Si N. W. railroad is now operating its line, extending service to the adjacent factories in Moline. Fall in the river from the foot of the Island to the head of the original wing dam at the upper end was about seven and one-half feet, but in 1899 the dam was extended longitudinally up stream about two and one-half miles, to what is known as the head of Duck Creek chain, and the head of water was increased to about fourteen feet, at rest, or more than eleven feet when in operation. Commenting upon the success of this improvement. Present power dam, viewed from below. Major iJluiit, under whose administration as Commandant the work was done, in an address to Tri-City business men in 1901, stated that there had been provided "a volume of water which it was recently found could not be materially diminished, even when all the gates in the two power dams were simultaneously opened." Following the improvement of conditions above the dam, the channel below it was excavated, the tail-race was widened and deepened and the united channel, extending from the juncture of the canal south of Sylvan Island (the tail-race from the upper dam) with that of the government dam to the point where it reaches the decj) water below the lower point of the Island, was straightened. Forty-one openings for water wheels were provided in the dam at the time the government reconstructed it in 1890, but only eight of the number of openings provided were utilized and turbines installed therein. Because of the type of wheel and the low head of water, but 35 horse-power was developed from each wheel, the total being but 280 horse-power. This ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 89 amount, however, sufficed for the limited operations of the Arsenal prior to the Spanish-American war. When that conflict broke it was necessary to supplement the water power with steam power, which was provided at considerable additional expense. Needs of the War Department for additional facilities for the manu- facture of small arms became apparent at the time of the outbreak of the war with Spain, as it was found that the equipment at the Springfield Armory, which prior to this time furnished a sufficient output for the requirements of the army on a peace footing, was wholly inadequate to meet the needs on a war footing. As buildings and other facilities were already available at Rock Island Arsenal, the original plans contemplating use of the north row of shops for Armory purposes, it was natural to turn to this plant for help. The south or Arsenal row of shops required a minimum of 600 horse- power and the Armory row, fully equipped, would need as much more. To supply the combined requirements of the Arsenal and give a liberal surplus over minimum needs, 14 new turbines of improved design were installed at the power plant. Each was capable of developing from 125 to 150 horse-power, depending upon the stage of water, or from 1,750 to 2,100 horse-power, taken together. In addition, at the time of reconstruction of the dam, provision was made for installing seven more wheels, which would bring the total horse-power developed up to from 2,500 to 3,000, which was deemed sufficient to meet the Arsenal's needs, as far as it was possible to anticipate them at that time. The installation in 1899-1900 provided for fourteen 50-inch Lefifel wheels and two 500-kilowatt three-phase alternating current generators, with their exciters. The w^heels transmitted their power through heavy bevel gearing to a long, horizontal shaft on which the generators were mounted and ar- ranged so that either generator could be connected with either exciter and operated by either of the two groups of seven turbines as separate units, or the whole plant could be connected and operated as a single unit. Some five years later this equipment was supplemented with six more wheels of similar type and a 650-kilowatt generator was installed, thereby complet- ing the plant as planned at the time the dam was reconstructed. Distance from the source of power at the dam to its place of application in the shops is considerable, being about two thousand feet. Transmission of power was one of the earlier problems of the Arsenal. General Rodman proposed the use of compressed air, while General Flagler installed a continuous shaft. As neither method was feasible, a wire cable was resorted to as being most reliable and economical. Power was transmitted by this cable over successive sheave wheels from the dam to the shops, the sheave wheels being supported by aerial towers. When the plant was modernized, immediately after the Spanish-American war, the old cable transmission line was replaced by electricity. 90 ROCK 1 S L A N D ARSENAL T(i carry the transmission wires to the shops a concrete subway or tunnel was constructed from the chun to the two shops at the eastern end of the north and south rows. Cross tunnels were run untler each row of buildings, and brackets secured to tlie tunnel walls, along which the power cables were laid. AH tunnels are lighted with incandescent lamps set at the top of the arch, and are seven feet in height and wide enough to allow comfortable passage from end to end, so that conductors can be inspected at any time. Separate motors were })laced in the shops for independent operation of the different main lines of shafting, for elevators, etc. In 1914. after it had been in operation 15 years, frequent repairs and mounting cost of upkeep of the water plant led to consideration of plans for Interior of power house, showing big electric generators. replacement of the \arious units. The water wheels, which were the best available when they were installed, alrcad}- had become ol)solete and were far less efhcient than the modern turbine. Ilie combination of inefficient wheels, long shaft and bevel gearing imoKed a great loss of power. The w^orking head of water averaged ele\en feet or less, and it recpiired three feet to merely turn the generators, so that the i)lant, with a rated capacity of 2,200 horse-power, actually was generating only from 1,300 to 1,400 horse- power, or 65 i)er cent of its sup])osed capacity. It became evident that the demands resulting from increased consumption of electrical energy in the shops, together with new uses constantly being found for it, would soon render the ])ower plant entirely inadequate. During the tiscal year ending June ,^0. 191.^. a])pro.viniately 3,000,000 kilowatt hours of electricity ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 91 was consumed, and it was necessary to purchase some power from private sources. The sundry civil appropriation act approved July 1, 1916, among other things, contained a provision setting aside $5CX),000 "toward providing facili- ties for manufacturing field artillery ammunition, at a total cost not exceed- ing $1,250,000, under a contract or contracts, or otherwise, in the discretion of the Secretary of War." The estimate forming the basis for this appro- priation included the project for increasing the water power at Rock Island Arsenal. It was found that the most economical and satisfactory method of doing so was to construct a new concrete dam in the rear of and at an angle with the existing dam, and to install therein eight large generator units and two exciter units of modern type, giving, with an eleven foot operating head, approximately 3,760 horse-power. This was done, the im- provement being ready for use June 1, 1919. The present plan consists of eight alternators with a capacity of 430 KVA each at 80 per cent power factor, generating 2,400 volt, three phase, 60- cycle current. Generators are of the vertical type, direct connected to water turbines. Underground distribution was installed from the new power plant to the sub-stations in the various shops, distribution being at 2,300 volts, stepped down to 550 volts at the sub-stations for operation of motors, etc. Each sub-station is arranged for. one power feeder, one light feeder and an emergency feeder which is capable of caring for both the power and lighting at that particular sub-station. The feeder distribution and transformers installed are capable of taking care of 6,600 KVA, which was about peak load at the Arsenal during the late war. Acts of Congress making appropriations for the development of water power at Rock Island Arsenal are as follows: Act of June 27, 1866 $ 100,000 Act of June 8, 1868 80,000 Act of March 3, 1869....._ 150,000 Act of July 15, 1870 200.000 Act of March 3, 1871 _ _ 200,000 Act of June 10. 1872 110,000 Act of March 3, 1873 _ 18,000 Act of June 23, 1874 __ 5,400 Act of March 3, 1881-.. _ 50.000 Act of August 7, 1882 100.000 Act of March 3, 1883 20,000 Act of July 7, 1884 18,500 Act of Oct. 2, 1888 275.000 Act of August 30, 1890 101,000 Act of July 1, 1898 45,000 92 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL Act of March 3, 1899 21,350 Act of March 3. 1901 130,500 Total $1,624,750 Extraordinary repairs to the Rock Island Arsenal water power have called for the following appropriations. Act of October 2. 1888 $.- 25.000 Act of Angust 18. 1894 30,000 Act of March 2, 1895 37,500 Act of Tune 4. 1897 28.150 Act of "lune 6. 1900 97,000 Act of May 27, 1908..... 28,500 Total $ 246.150 »^¥t' #^.:^||^: One of the many original forest trees seen along driveways on the Island. Improvement of the Rock Island Rapids LOSELY linked with development of water power for use of the Arsenal has been the improvement of the Rock Island rapids for purposes of navigation. Measures taken to create a head of water sufficient for Arsenal needs have been of incidental help in deep- ening the channel of the stream and furnishing slack water naviga- tion over the swiftest and most dangerous part of the rapids. The Island's shores form the bank of the present power pool, and almost inevitably will perform a similar function in any future hydro-electric development that may be attempted. In the early days of Mississippi river navigation the Rock Island rapids constituted a serious and at times an almost insurmountable obstacle to boats. Fourteen miles in length, from LeClaire down to the present Rock Island bridge, with a fall of 20 feet at low water, there always was a strong current. Fourteen chains of upheaved limestone crossed the stream in that distance, and the channel was tortuous. Prior to the beginning of improvements the rapids were, in extremely low stages, impassable to boats and barges of the larger type. In 1863, and again in 1864, it was necessary for a time to transfer freight and pas- sengers around the rapids by rail. Boats frequently were wrecked and groundings on the rocks were almost of daily occurrence. Rafts of logs and lumber often were broken up. The first steamboat to pass over the rapids arrived at Fort Armstrong May 23, 1823. It was the "Virginia," from the Ohio river, and passed on up to the Galena river and the mouth of the St. Peter, now known as the Minnesota river. Surveys were made at an early date, but Congress did not see fit to provide funds for improvements for a number of years. The first survey was made by Lieutenant Napoleon B. Bufort, in 1829. A second one was made in 1836. Robert E. Lee, then a lieutenant, and later head of the Con- federate armies, made the third survey, with a view of removing some of the navigation hazards from the channel. That was in 1837, but it was 1857 before any actual work was done. In that year some rock was taken out, and then there was a total lapse of activities for another decade. Since 1867 work has been fairly continuous in one form or another, and the present year is expected to see the original object practically realized, and the rapids made as safe for river craft as any other part of the stream now considered navigable. First excavation of rock was done inside of cofferdams. Later chisel boats and dredges were employed, the chisel, weighing about three and 94 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 95 one-half tons, breaking up the rock, which was scooped up by the dredges. This method gave way to that of drilling and blasting, with removal of rock by dredging, as is now done. First appropriation for removal of rock from the channel was made by Congress in 1852. During the years from 1867 to 1882 efforts of the river engineers were directed to the opening of a channel 200 feet in width, excavated in the rock. This work was done in carrying out a project approved by Congress in 1879, calling for a channel of a minimum depth of four and one-half feet from the mouth of the Missouri to the head of naviga- tion. Subsequently, in 1907, Congress passed an act providing for a minimum depth of six feet in the section of the river indicated, and later projects on the rapids have conformed to this standard. Construction of closing and wing dams to confine the channel and aid in deepening it was commenced in 1890. Up to that time spoil from excavation was deposited in various places outside of the channel. Practically all improvements in the rapids have been made by use of government-owned equipment, operated by day laljor, and directed by War Department engineers. The power pool at Moline was originally created by building a rock dam about one-half mile up the river, parallel with the shore, from Ben- ham's Island, north of and just below the head of Rock Island. This was extended three miles farther upstream in 1898. Another dam connected the two islands named. These dams virtually cut off the city of Moline from benefits of river transportation, since l^oats entering the pool were forced to go around the head of the longitudinal dam. The River and Harbttr Act passed in March, 1905, provided for the remedying of this situation. It appropriated money for the building of a lock and dam at the foot of Benham's Island, thus obviating the detour to gain access to the channel, and also set on foot the excavation of a 250-foot passageway for boats, four feet deep, throughout the entire length of the pool. The lock and dam were built in 1907, the cost being $386,000. Later the longitudinal dam was reconstructed with a concrete core to prevent leakage, and a concrete apron to check erosion in high stages of the river, when the dam became a spillway, relieving the pool of surplus water. By stopping leakage and making a slight extension of the main dam, together with the building of back water dams, the head of water in the pool was increased one and one-half feet, giving a channel depth of approximately six feet and conforming to the general plan for river improvement. With the completion of this work, practically all river traffic was diverted through the pool and lock, thus avoiding the worst part of the rapids. A difficult stretch of river remained, however, between LeClaire and 96 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL what is known as the Hampton pool. Lateral dams had been built to raise the water, but the channel was narrow and the current swift. In 1888 maps were prepared by a board of engineers with a view to the creation of a longitudinal canal connecting the head of the rapids with the Hampton pool, three miles below. With the adoption of the six-foot channel project the subject was further investigated, and it was determined to build the canal on the Iowa side. Plans called for a longitudinal dam to the head of Smith's Island, which was to form the south bank for about a mile, thus obviating much work. The height of the dam was to be six and one-half feet above low water at the upper end, to serve as a spillway in floods, and the lower part was to be above high water mark. Below the island a dam and lock were provided for. The original estimate of cost was $1,282,797. Work was begun in 1914 and is being continued at the present time. Delay has been caused by failure of Congress to make consecutive appro- priations, but it is expected that the lock will be ready for use at the opening of the 1923 navigation season. The LeClaire canal project involved construction of cofferdams and the removal of much rock in the upper section. This has made the work slow and costly. The lock at the lower end of the canal is 80 feet wide and 350 feet long, with a lift of six feet at low water. Upon completion of this project the Rock Island rapids will no longer be an obstruction to navigation. A safe channel with a depth of not less than six feet and not less than 200 feet wide, with no swift water, and with two locks capable of passing the largest boats and barges, will be available. But a small part of the potential power of the Rock Island rapids is developed by the present hydro-electric plant, and considerable attentitin has been given to the subject of extending the scope of the project. Maps and plans have been prepared looking to furthering the undertaking both by the government and by private interests. Flow of the Mississippi at this point varies from 20,000 to 200.000 cubic feet per second, depending upon the stage of water, and this, with a 20-foot fall, forms the basis for varying estimates of the power possibilities in- volved. It is apparent that any increase of water power utilization that takes place holds important possibilities for Rock Island Arsenal, pro\idcd the work is done by the government, or under govcrmnent supervision, and the plan of operation be so arranged that the needs of the x\rsenal shall be fully pro- vided for before any diversion of power for private use is permitted. Bridging the Mississippi P to the time when the present Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rail- road Company completed its bridge from Rock Island to the Daven- port shore, in 1856, the channel of the Mississippi never had been spanned. The remains of the si'nth pier of the first bridge to cross the stream may yet be seen on the Island shore, about a quarter of a mile above the present structure. This original bridge was of wood, of what is known as the Howe truss type. It was a single decker, with room for Init one railroad track. There were six spans, t: e draw si)an l)eing 250 feet in length. The first locomo- tive, ])ulling a few empt}- cars, crossed April 21. 1856. Compared with later triumphs of the bridg;e builder's c.rt. this old structure was crude and inadecjuate, and was dt)omed to dv:?monstrate its shortcomings in a variety of ways. Fifteen days after it was opened the steamer "EFfie Afton," bound down stream, crashed against the draw span pier, took fire and burned, igniting the span, which also was consumed. The hull of the l)oat drifted a couple of miles down stream and sank. (Jther craft subsecpiently came to grief at this point, and rafts frecpiently met with disaster. There was much property loss and some loss of life. Constructed, as it was, at the height of the usefulness of the steamboat, when a score of packet lines plied the upper ri\er and hundreds of rafts of logs and lumber were brought down from the north each season, the bridge was not popular with the ri\er men. As a matter of fact, it greatly complicated the feat of successfully negotiating the already dangerous rapids, being built just below the most ditficult stretch of the rock-infested channel. To make matters even worse, the draw span was not set scpiarely across the current. In the s])ring of 1868 the ice. in moving out. caught the first pier from the Iowa side and pushed it down stream 25 feet. xA few^ weeks later a windstorm from the west rolled the draw span over on its side, so that it hung suspended on the pier. These various accidents made it necessary practically to rebuild the bridge piecemeal. The accident to the "Effie Afton" led to a lawsuit in which the owners of the boat endeavored to reco\er damages from the bridge com])any. Abraham Lincoln was one of the attorneys for the defense. Lincoln con- tended that the right to navigate a stream w^as no more fundamental than the right to cross it, and that, therefore, the fact that the steamboat antedated the bridge in this case added nothing to the merits of the plaintifif's cause. 98 ROCK ISLAND A R S R N A L 'IMie jury disagreed, which was regarded as a triunipli ior the defense, in view of adverse public sentiment. Under the a(hiiinistration of Col. Jordan as Connnandant at the Arsenal steps were taken to permanently repair the old pier of the original bridge, which had been retained as a memorial of the first bridge crossing the Miss- issippi, and which was crumbling away. The weakened parts were bound up w ith concrete and a metal tablet with suital)le inscrijjtion was placed upon it. When Rock Island was set aside for Arsenal purposes in the early 60's the question of bridges became one of much importance. Means of access to the surrounding cities must be pro\ided. and the government at once Original Rock Island bridge, viewed from the Illinois shore below the Island. This structure was opened in 18.">6, and was the first thrown across the Mississippi at anv point. took charge of the situation. An agreement with the Rock Island road was effected for the removal of its tracks t(j the western end of the Island, iind the joint construction by the railroad and government of a new steel bridge on the site of the present one across the main channel. Work on the second bridge was completed in l"\'l)rnarv. 1872, and it was turned (»ver to the War Department fou'- nmntlis later. ( )riginally this bridge was intended for use in transaction of go\ ernment business only, and not as a thoroughfare between the Illinois and Iowa shores. There was much local criticism of the course pursued, but Captain Flagler, the Com- mandant, wild bad just improved and opened the present Fort Armstrong avenue, threw the main bridge open {<< the iiul)lic sliortly after it was placed in his hands. The second bridge was 1.550 feet long, five spans and draw, and cost about a million dollars. It was a double-deck, two-track bridge, with foot- paths on the sides below, the same as the bridge of this day. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 99 Heavier traffic, especially use of larger locomotives and railway cars, made it necessary to replace the second bridge with a new steel structure in 1894-95. The old piers were used. Ralph Modjeska, son of the famous act- ress, and to this day one of the leaders in his profession, was the engineer in charge of the work. nd Rock Island bridge, completed in 1872. The trusses of the present bridge, which provides for street railway, as well as railroad, vehicle and foot traffic, are calculated to carry a moving load of 11,360 pounds per lineal foot, 8,000 on the railroad floor above and 3,360 pounds on the lower floor. The draAv span, one of the heaviest in exist- ence at the time it was built, weighs 2,500,000 pounds. The first span at the north is 260 feet long, the second, third and fourth are 220 feet, and the fifth 260 feet. The draw span, which touches the Island shore, is 368 feet in length, with an opening on either side for river traffic of 162 feet. The railroad approach span on the Iowa side is 200 feet in length and that at the south end about 100 feet. The first bridge connecting the Island with the City of Rock Island was a wooden aflr'air, and belonged to the municipality. This the govern- ment bought soon after the construction of the Arsenal was begun. In the spring of 1868 this bridge was carried away by the ice and was succeeded, as soon as an appropriation for the purpose could be secured, by one of steel. This later was elevated at the south end and a viaduct built across the railroad tracks on the river bank. Moline owned the original bridge connecting that city with the Island. The government bought this in 1868, and replaced it with the present steel bridge in 1873. The railroad and street railway bridges from the Island to the Illinois shore are under control of, though not built by, the government. 100 R U L" K 1 S L A X D ARSENAL All told Congress has appropriated $1,310,550 for l)ridges at Rock Island, as fcdlows : Act of March 2. 1867 $ 200.000 Act of July 25. 1868 100.000 Act of March 3. 1869 500.000 Act ..f July 15. 1870.., 300.000 .\ct ..f March 2. 1889 35.000 .\ct of March 28. 1896 96.000 Act of June 11. 1896 10.200 .\ct of May 27. 1908 9.350 Act of March 4. 1909 60.000 Total $1,310,550 ROCK ISLAND A R S E N A L 101 Being the only artery for use of street cars, vehicles and pedestrians between the Rock Island and Davenport shores, the Rock Island bridge noM^ bears a traffic which at times tests the capacity of the lower deck. When heavy movements of freight are on the railroad tracks, there, also, are scenes of much activity. Records of traffic, both across the bridge and up and down the river, liave been kept from the beginning, and a comparison of the figures from year to year is enlightening. While travel across the stream has grown rapidly, there has been a rapid falling off in the use of the river. The record for the fiscal year ending June 30. 1921, follows: Total Average Number Per Day Engines, 36,385 100 Passenger cars.. ._ 98,568 270 Freight cars .....:. 469,334 1.286 Street cars 162,688 445 Pedestrians 810,142 2.220 Vehicles 3,296,064 9,030 Steamboats 1,607 7 (for 8 months) Barges 1,466 6 (for 8 months) Compare the foregoing with the figures for the fiscal year ending- June 30, 1874: Total Average Number Per Day Engines 3,725 10 Passenger cars -..- 9,088 25 Freight cars 120,775 331 Pedestrains _ 338,786 938 Vehicles 290.940 797 Steam boats 1.672 7 (for 8 months) Barges _ 444 2 (for 8 months) Rafts, lumber and logs 583 2^Mfor 8 months) Street cars None The maximum load for a freight car in 1874 was 30.000 pounds ; in 1921 115.000 pounds. The 583 rafts that passed through the bridge in 1874 had an average of 2.000.000 feet, board measure, or a total of 1,166,000,000 feet. In the seventies and early eighties, there were 17 side-wheel packets plying 102 RUCK I S L A X D A R S E X A L between St. Louis ami St. Paul. All of those packets were about on a par with the "St. Paul" and "'Quincy" ui late years. It will be noted that the records do not indicate the decline in steam- boat traffic that actually has taken place since 1874. The truth is that in 1921 no packets passed through the draw, craft listed being mostly sand dredges and government boats and barges working on the rapids, with a few excursion steamers, which ply the upper river irregularly during the summer months. Kpfnain- I'f thr Islantl pier of iht- fir-l bri'li:*-. n<>\* prestTved as a hislorio relii Passenger Transport AYING out driveways on the Island and building bridges connecting with Rock Island, Moline and Davenport did not fully solve the question of passenger transportation to and from Rock Island Arsenal. Workers lived in the surrounding cities, some of them several miles from the scene of their employment, so walking was out of the question, and in the early days it was impossible for all to ar- range for private vehicles. The situation was met at first through the use of horse-drawn hacks, carrying as many men as a team could conveniently haul, which collected jiassengers at given points, at designated periods in the mornings, and returned them to their homes in the evenings. Each driver kept his own list of passengers, and compensation was arranged on mutually agreeable terms. With the coming into general use, early in the 90's, of the bicycle, this became the favorite means of getting to and from work for many of the men, especially the younger ones, though the hacks continued to operate till after the coming of the street car, which was under the administration of Colonel Blunt. Then the Tri-City Railway Company obtained a fran- chise to lay tracks on the Island extending from the southern viaduct on Fort Armstrong avenue at the west, past the shops, and connecting with the Rock Island-Moline lines by means of a bridge across Sylvan Water at Forty-second street, Rock Island. Thereafter cars were operated on regular schedule over this line, with special cars starting from various points in the three cities to collect workers in the morning and returning them to their homes at the close of the day. Under Colonel Blunt, also, bicycle paths were laid out for the safety and convenience of those using this method of traveling back and forth, but these became obsolete with the coming of the automobile into general use, and occupying part of the building sites when the vast expansion of the late war was begun, were discontinued. Many Arsenal workers now use their own automobiles, though the street cars continue to operate and do the greater part of the passenger carrying, and the bicycle still is in favor with some. In time of war the privilege of the public to visit the Arsenal is of necessity closely curtailed, but ordinarily restrictions are removed to the limit considered compatible with the security of the institution. Guards are stationed at the entrance gates both day and night, and passes are re- quired to gain admittance. Since the main driveway through the Island offers the shortest route between Moline and Davenport, it was to have been expected that efforts 104 ROCK 1 S L A X 1) A R S E N A L would be made to have it declared a public thoroughfare. The War De- partment, however, has consistently refused this concession, on the ground tliat it would practically remove restrictions upon visitors and would greatly complicate the work of guarding the \aluable government property at the Arsenal. 'I'hen. too. wear and tear on the two miles of paving which is maintained by the War Department has been an item given consideration. A similar policy was adopted with reference to the street car line across the Island, which carries no through passengers. Reguhitions respecting the care of property are strictly enforced. \isitors are not allowed to picnic on the Island, or to destroy shrubs, flowers or trees, or to kill wild birds and animals, which numerously inhabit the wooded tracts. Timber squirrels are common, as are imported pheasants, which find the premises a haven of refuge. Among the squirrels are many of the l)lack \arietv. which are not native to the locality. Fori Arnjhlronp avpnui-. Puhlii' highway between bridges at west end of Island ami side Iraflir artery between Illinois and Iowa shores at this point. The Military Museum OR the visitor, nothing at Rock Island Arsenal holds greater interest than the war museum, one of the most complete of its kind in the country. It contains nearly every fighting implement used l)y man in the last century, and some weapons common as far back as Revolu- tionary times. It occupies a space 60x216 feet on the first floor in the southwest corner of Shop A, and the need for more room is increasing] v felt to house the exhibits constantly being added to it. Prior to the World War the museum was relatiAcly small, Ijut since that struggle it has acquired a great variety of new material, including man}- trophies captured from enemy armies. These help to make the collection one of surpassing interest. During the war many of the exhibits were boxed and stored, while the others were placed on view in the old storehouse near the south end of the main bridge. This was done to give more floor space for manufacturing purposes. In the museum one can trace the history of the development of the art of war even as far back as the day of the spear and the bow and arrow, for there are included in the collection the weapons of the primitive Indian of the locality and the wild natives of the Philippines, as well as tools of destruc- tion evolved by the so-called civilized nations. Along with the spear and the machete are samples of gaspipe cannon, wrapped with wire to give greater strength, that occasionally have been employed since the age of gunpowder arrived, to meet emergencies arising from lack of facilities to manufacture more effective weapons. Some of these guns were used against our own soldiers in the Philippine insurrection. Of cannon there is a variety most complete, from the old brass gun that a man could carry about and the swivel guns of yore, down to cpiick- firing and destructive implements used in the late war. So far it has been impracticable to show the heavier siege guns. There are, however, a number of mortars and howitzers of larger bore. Among the guns are some that were made for use by the navy. It would be difticult to conceive a more complete collection of small arms than the one here shown. There are revolvers of every tvpe used since gunpowder was invented, and rifles of every description. The old flintlocks are here, and so are the deadly automatic rifles and the sawed-oft' shotguns which did such execution in the \\"orld \Var. Not alone are shown weapons made for army use, but scores of arms of jjrivate manufacture, especially of the latter part of the nineteenth century, are included. Here one sees the weapons with which the pioneers of this country established their reputa- tions for accurate shooting, and which exterminated the buft'alo and forced the Red Man into subjection. Guns used by foreign armies can be seen and studied. 106 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL The machine g-uii exhibit is one of much interest, and includes many trophies over which sanguinary struggles took place in France. With the machine guns is a sample repair kit made by the Germans, and well illustrat- ing their trait of care and thoroughness in preparing for war. There is also a German war map. drawn with infinite pains and delineating every topo- graphical and other feature that could be of use in planning and executing military maneuvres. Anti-aircraft guns, armor, gas masks, bombs used by aircraft, torpedoes, and most of the devices used in trench warfare are on view. Included in the artillery is an exact duplicate of the French gun which fired the first shot from French soil at the advancing Germans. There are several guns in camouflage, and a field gun and caisson of an earlier type appears, hitched to horses completely harnessed and apparently ready for marching orders. Of leather goods there is a great variety, showing the products of this department of the Arsenal, which was the largest of its kind in the world. Saddles, harness and the various straps and other devices for which an army has use. are all to be seen. There is also a wall exhibit of personal equipment sets made at the Arsenal, some of them shown in course of manufacture, the eflFect of each separate operation being indicated. In one corner is a Liberty motor set up on a block. It is the policy of the department to add to the exhibits of this museum from time to time, and to maintain it open to the public, admission free, subject only to such rules and regulations as are necessary in the circum- stances. Ar«cnal Mu«eiim, showing a few of the many war rtlirs on \new. The Old Davenport House HE early history of the Island, from the founding of Fort Armstrong to the establishment of the Arsenal in 1862, is largely a record of contention for possession of the premises. It was apparent from the first that the land would some day be very valuable, and many coveted the more desirable parts of it. Influx of settlers was accel- erated at the close of the Black Hawk war, which put an end to Indian depredations and assured the safety of the white man. After that there was no real need for the presence of troops in the locality. Fort Armstrong, however, was maintained until May 4, 1836, and two 3^ears later Colonel George Davenport was appointed Indian agent and re- mained in charge until 1840. Colonel Davenport was the first white settler in lln,,..- ,. ((:,,!. I)av.i,|.,,rt, a> .1 slaii.l.- (..,la\. the vicinity of the Island. He was identified with it from 1815 to July 4, 1845, when he was murdered in his home by a band of robbers and horse thieves. The murderers escaped unrecognized, but Avere afterward arrested, and three of them — Aaron Long, John Long and Granville Young — were hanged on October 19th, of the succeeding year. Colonel Davenport was an Englishman, born in Lincolnshire, in 1783. After many hard experiences at sea, he reached New Orleans in 1806. Dur- 108 R U C K IS L A N D A R S !•: N A L iiig his Island life he became famous as a trader, winning- the confidence of the Indians. riie house in which Colonel Da\enport was murdered stands near the northern shore at the lower end of the Island. It was built in 1833, and is by far the oldest structure at the Arsenal. Up to the year 1906 no repairs had been made, and it was gradually falling into decay, but in that year the Old Settlers' Association of Rock Island County, Illinois, secured per- mission from the government to undertake the work oi repair and to maintain this historic building for the future. An organizati(Mi known as the Colonel Davenport House Association has been formed for the purpose of fostering the local traditions and liistorv with which the Davenport home is so closely attached. To each of the four patriotic societies of the Tri-Cities — the Colonial Dames, the Daughters of the American Revolutiini. the ()ld Settlers' Associations of Rock Island Countv. Illinois, and Scott County. Iowa, and the Daveni)ort family — one each of the four roi>ms in the old house has been definitely assigned. The preservation of the Davenport house was made possible through the efforts of Mr. Phil Mitchell, of Rock Island, Miss Alice French and C A. I'icke, of Daxenport, and the Misses Catherine and Naomi Da\enport. I.rdnance Department, was born in Warren. Ohio, April 30, 1879, and was appointed to the United States Military Academy from Indiana in June, 1896. Upon his graduation he was appointed a Second Lieutenant of Artillery in 1900, and received the First Lieutenancy in the same branch in 1901. He was detailed to the Ordnance Department with the same rank in 1904. and was made a Captain of Ordnance in 1906. He was transferred to the Artillery in 1908. His rank of Captain in the Artillery dated from January, 1907. He was again transferred to the Ordnance Department in 1909, and in 1911 received his Majority. During his time as Major he was appointed a member of a special examining board for officers who applied for detail in the r)rdnance Depart- ment. His promotion to a Lieutenant-Colonelcy came in September, 1917, when he was sent to France, representing the Ordnance Department. After six months service abroad, he was returned to the United States, wdiere he received his full Colonelcy and was assigned to succeed Colonel George W. \ X n A K S F. X A L KiH.K ISLAMl ARSF.NAI. COMMANDANTS PRIOR TO THt WORLD WAR u. <• 1 I.- F H.,Mw 140- iqil- Col S E Blunt. 1897-1907: Col. A. R. Buffinplon. 1832-18^. y ,,,... . U-a >";ifX;ow-ColTM.' W^;.elVe.''r^^89 CoK T. G. Bavlor 1«^^1889. Lower row-Gem D.W. Flagler. 1871.1886: Gen. T. J. Rodman, 1865-1871: Ma,. C. P.,bur>. 1863-1860. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 113 Burr as Commandant at Rock Island Arsenal. He remained in command of the latter post until his death, which occurred at the Arsenal on Deceml^er 29, 1918. BRIGADIER-GENERAL GEORGE W. BURR Brig-adier-General (ieorge W. Burr entered United States Military Academy June 15, 1884, and on graduation was given a Second Lieutenant's commission, June 11, 1888; he was made a First Lieutenant of Ordnance January 10, 1893; commission as Captain followed on April 7, 1899; he was commissioned a Major June 25, 1906, and a Lieutenant-Colonel October 23, 1910. In 1911 General Burr was assigned to command of Rock Island Arsenal, and while in command of the post was promoted to the rank of Colonel. General Burr served as Commandant of the Arsenal until February, 1918, when he was transferred to Washington, where he became the representative of the Ordnance Department in purchasing heavy artillery and munitions from the British (jovernment and was assigned as Chief Ordnance Officer on the staff of Major-( General Biddle in P^ngland. ( )n August 8. 1918, he was appointed Brigadier-(ieneral in the National Army and assigned as Chief of the Engineering Dixision of the Ordnance Department. In December, 1918, he was appointed Assistant Director of Purchase, Storage and Traffic, and on March 5, 1919, was promoted temporarily to the grade of Major- General. He now holds the rank of Brigadier-General and is Chief of the Field Service in the office of the Chief of Ordnance. COMMANDING OFFICERS, ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL, FROM DATE OF ITS ESTABLISHMENT. JULY 11, 1862, WITH INCLUSIVE DATES OF SERVICE Major C. P. Kingsbury : July 27, 1863 to June 14, 1865 Major T. J. Rodman. Aug. 3, 1865 to June 7, 1871 Captain D. ^^^ Flagler ....June 15, 1871 to May 12, 1886 Colonel T. G. Baylor May 12, 1886 to Nov. 8, 1889 Colonel J. M. Whittemore... Nov. 8, 1889 to Mar. 14, 1891 Colonel A. R. Bufrtngton Jan. 21, 1892 to Mar. 3. 1897 Captain S. E. Blunt.... Mar. 3, 1897 to Aug. 3, 1907 Lieutenant-Colonel F. E. Hobbs Aug. 3. 1907 to Apr. 12. 1911 Lieutenant-Colonel George W. Burr July 7, 1911 to Feb. 15, 1918 Colonel L. T. Hillman Mar. 4, 1918 to Dec. 29, 1918 Colonel Harry B. Jordan Jan. 20, 1919 to June 1. 1921 Colonel D. M. King June 3, 1921 to 114 RUCK IS L A X D A R S E X A L COLONEL JOHN T. THOMPSON, U. S. A.. RETIRED Colonel John T. Thompson (retired), whose activities as an Ordnance C^rticer were closely allied with the development of the small arm. first served at Rock Island Arsenal in 1891 as a Lieutenant of Ordnance under Colonel Burtington, then its Commandant, and again in 190+, when as a Captain, he was assigned as Assistant C)tticer to the Commanding Officer, Colonel S. E. Blunt, in charge of the manufacture of the rifle, the production of which, following the establishment of the small arms plant at the Arsenal, was to be imdertaken in quantity. Colonel Thompson entered the U. S. Military Academy July 1, 1878, and graduated in 1882 as a Second Lieutenant of Artillery; his promotion to the grade of First Lieutenant followed January 20. 1889; in December. 1890. he was transferred to the Ordnance: he was promoted to Captain June 15. 1898; to rank of Major on June 25. 1906; Lieutenant-Colonel on Jaimary 21. 1909. and Colonel October 30, 1913. When war broke out Colonel Thompson retired and became associated with the Remington Arms Co. in the manufacture of rifles (Model 1914) for the British Government. On our own entrance into the war Colonel Thompson re-entered the service as Chief of the Small Arms Division, office of the Chief of Ordnance, and was the prime moving spirit in the production of the Model 1917 U. S. Rifle. He later became Director of Arsenals, in which capacity he was charged with directing for the Chief of Ordnance the operations of the Arsenals as manufacturing plants and military establish- ments, and handling of all matters of general administration. At the cessation of hostilities he again retired. Since that time his energy has been devoted in perfecting the Thompson sub-machine gun, of which he is the inventor. This weapon, the inventor claims, considering its small size, the number of blows it can hit in a given time, is the most effective portable weapon yet invented. The Thompson sub-machine gun is being manufactured by the Auto Ordnance Corporation, of X'ew York. maj(jr-(;I':xI':ral c. c. willi.kms The jjresent Chief of Ordnance. Major-( Jeneral C. C. Williams, entered the U. S. Military Academy on June 17. 1890. graduating June 12. 1894, as a Second Lieutenant of Artillery. He was commissioned a First Lieu- tenant of Ordnance October 4, 1898. On June 14. 1902. he was promoted to ihe rank of Captain, and it was during the period of his Captaincy, some two years later, that he was assigned to duty at Rock Island Arsenal as assistant to the officer in charge of work in the Armory shops, at that time being equipped for the manufacture of the rifle. While on duty as Inspector of Ordnance at the works of the Bethlehem Steel Co.. which assignment followed his relief from duty at the Arsenal. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 115 he was promoted to the rank of Major. He was made a Lieutenant-Colonel April 6, 1915. When the expeditionary forces of the United States were ordered to France, General Williams was one of the first ordnance officers sent abroad, where he served as Chief Ordnance Officer, A. E. F. On August 5, 1917, he was appointed Brigadier-General in the National Army, and on May 17. 1918, was assigned to duty as Acting Chief of Ordnance. On July 16, 1918, he succeeded Major-General William Crozier as Chief of Ordnance, the latter having on that date been appointed Major-Cieneral in the line of the Army. Col. JohnT. Thom|.^..iL, I.- direLtm- ol Ar ,rn,-,l a-, .lii.'fof Ih,- small arms ,li slalioneil at Kock. Island Arsenal. Other Arsenals () gi\e ail adequate understanding of the relative importance of Rock Island Arsenal, it is necessary to furnish a basis of comparist»n with other similar institutions in the United States. There are. altogether, eight Arsenals, an Armory and a Reserve Depot under the jurisdiction of the Ordnance De])arlment. which is charged with the task of providing and caring for all military supplies. Arsenals and Armories are manufacturing establishments, while dejiots have only facilities for storage. Rock Island Arsenal is the largest plant of them all. and its uses are more diversified, the others specializing in certain kinds of ordnance stores. This Arsenal also produces small arms, a work carried on nttwhere else except at the Si)ringfield Armory, and. besides, its store- houses shelter the greatest single collection of ordnance supplies in the country. In connection with the manufacture of field artillery, tests by proof firing are necessary. So the Ordnance Department has established ])roving grounds. That at Aberdeen, Md.. is the largest. Facilities for emergency use of the same sort exist at the Savanna grounds, an adjunct of Rock Island Arsenal, and at I'2rie. ( )hio. Practically all ordnance manufacturing, except, of course, in emergen- cies, is done at the Springfield Armory and the four main Arsenals — at Rock Island. Frankford. W'atertown and W'atervliet — other Arsenals doing repair work c.nlv. in atldition to storing and issuing supplies. SPRINGFIFLD AkM( )\<\ Principal work done at the Springfield Armory is in connectic^n with the manufacture of the U. S. army rifle, model of 190.^. and its spare parts and appendages, bayonets, bolos and trench knives. The Armory was established at Springfield, Massachusetts, in .\pril. 1778, as a laboratory for the preparation of ammunition to be used in the Revolutionary ^\'ar. In 1794 it was made a National .\rmory for the manu- facture of small arms, and has continued in this capacity since. In the World War the outi)Ut attained a rate of 6.000 rifles a week. The value of the .\rmory. which occupies 297 acres of ground, is estimated at $12,229,000. Before the .Armory at Rock Island was opened, in 1905, all rifle manu- facturing was done at Springfield, and in 1915 reduction of appropriations by Congress made it necessary to again center production at the latter place. During the World War Springfield and Rock Island together could not ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 117 supply enough arms. Since that conflict the Rock Island Armory has done only repair work, Springfield being able to meet peace time needs of the army. With a great supply of rifles on hand, it is unlikely that the present type of weapon will again be manufactured at Rock Island. RegulMlion uniform adopteil for women workers at Arsenal during the war. WATERTCJWN ARSENAL Watertown Arsenal is located at Watertown, Mass. Its activities include manufacture of gun forgings, seacoast gun carriages, railway mounts 118 ROCK 1 S L A N D ARSENAL and high explosive and armor-piercing projectiles. It stores and issues parts for seacoast artillery carriages and target material. This Arsenal was established under act of Congress dated February 8. i815. It embraces 87.4 acres, valuation of land, buildings and equipment be- ing Jj^20.63 1 ,000. The civilian personnel numbered over 3,000 during the late war. WATER\'LIET ARSENAL Watervliet Arsenal is located within the city limits of Watervliet, N. Y. Its main function is the manufacture of both light and heavy guns, and accessories. The site was acquired in 1813. and comprises 144 acres. The value of its lands, buildings and equipment is $12,029,000. During the World \\'ar employees numbered 3.300 and production in 1918 was 578 completed guns, ranging from 1.457-inch to 16-inch. There were relined or modified 161 guns, ranging from 6 to 16-inch types. FRANKFORD ARSENAL Frankford Arsenal is located 10 miles from the center of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It manufactures small arms ammunition of all kinds, metal components of artillery, trench warfare ammunition, and fire control and range-finding instruments, including optical parts. This Arsenal was acquired May 27, 1816. It covers 91.5 acres, and the value of its land, build- ings and equipment is estimated at $24,084,000. Over 5,000 workers were employed during the World \\'ar. PICATINNY ARSENAL Picatinny Arsenal is in Morris county. New Jersey, within 5 miles of Dover. Its work is the manufacture of powder, high explosives and metal components for the loading of the same. Experimental work is also done in development of ammunition. Picatinny Arsenal was established in 1880. It comprises 1.615 acres, the valuation of land, buildings and equipment being $8,965,000. Number of employees during the late war reached 1.500 and the production of powder in 1918 was 2.369.200 pounds. SAX ANTONIO ARSENAL Located within the city limits of San Antonio, Texas, San Antonio Arsenal is a pre-war ordnance establishment, equipped for storing, maintain- ing and issuing all classes of ordnance goods, and with facilities for repair- ing stores used by troops in that section of the country. The site comprises 19.65 acres. It was acquired in 1859. There are 235.640 feet of storage space, and value of the establishment is placed at $998,000. AU(;USTA ARSENAL Augusta, Georgia, is the home of Augusta Arsenal. Here are stored and issued ordnance material other than ammunition for the 4th Army Corps. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 119 Minor repairs are also made, shop equipment being sufificient to care for all kinds of ordnance, including small arms, field and coast artillery, etc. The Arsenal embraces what formerly was known as the Augusta Ordnance Supply Depot, located several miles from the Arsenal, and now the main storage plant. There are 100 acres of land, of which the government owns 70, the other 30 being leased. This Arsenal was established in 1826. BENICIA ARSENAL Benicia Arsenal is located one mile from Benicia, California. It stores and issues ammunition and other supplies for the 9th Army Corps area, and collects and forwards ordnance supplies for the army in the insular possessions and Alaska. It manufactures cast iron projectiles, all classes of target material and smokeless powder for seacoast armament, and repairs ordnance material. Though title to this Arsenal was not finally acquired until October 10, 1862, a portion of its present site was used for ordnance purposes as early as 1851. It covers 339 acres, the valuation of land being $140,000 and of buildings and equipment $1,489,000. RARITAN ORDNANCE RESERVE DEPOT The Raritan Ordnance Reserve Depot is located on the Raritan river, about thirty miles west of New York City, and five miles northeast of New Brunswick, N. J. At this establishment are stored, issued and maintained ordnance supplies for troops of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Corps areas. There is also stored a reserve supply of ammunition and components. Dock facili- ties accommodate lighters for loading ocean-going vessels. The Depot was acquired in October. 1917. It comprises 2,159 acres. The land is valued at $680,000 and buildings and equipment at $14,073,000. Raritan has taken over activities of the former New York Arsenal. ERIE PROVING GROUND Location of the Erie Proving Ground is seven miles west of Port Clinton. Ohio, on Lake Erie. It has storage space and maintains facilities for trac- tors, automotive vehicles and heavy artillery, and in addition, in case of emergency, proof firing may be done there. It was acquired March 25, 1918. Of the 1.218 acres included. 1.165 are owned by the government and 53 by the State of Ohio. Valuation of land is $231,000, and of buildings and equip- ment $5,527,000. ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND The Aberdeen Proving Ground is located 35 miles northeast of Balti- more, Maryland. It was acquired December 14, 1917. There are 70,000 acres, half of which is under water. Valuation of land is $3,553,000, and of build- ings and equipment $13,728,000. In addition to facilities for proof firing of guns and carriages, this establishment has a field service storage area with space under roof of 480,000 square feet. Resources of Tri-Cities \AI l-A 1)1 LITY iif workers in luuiihcrs. (lualilu-alidiis and training suited to its needs was \ital in the successful uperatinn of Rock Island Arsenal in tlie World War. just as it must be in any future military crisis in which the country may l)ecome inv(»lved. At ncj time during the conflict was there any serious ditficulty in recruit- ing shop and ottice workers and building tradesmen as rapidly as they could be utilized. Most of tliem came from the surrounding cities, Rt^ck Island. Moline and h'ast Moline. Illinois, and Davenport and Bettendorf, Iowa. All were housed without much inconvenience, though the govern- ment undertook a j^roject to ])rovide homes in all five cities. This was begun in 1918. in anticipation of a i)rolonged struggle; in all 565 houses being finished, none. howe\er. being completed at the time the armistice was signed. The five cities named, together with their suburbs, generally known as the Tri-City community, have a combined population of over 150,000, according to the 1920 census. ( )f this numl)er, according to a recent private survey, 73,000 are aged between 15 and 45, and 46,000 males and 13,000 females work for wages. Industrial workers number 14.000 and trades employes 8,000. Diversity of employment ofl:'ered in the comiuunity afifords opportunity for a wide variety of training, and the ])eop]e are well above the average, taking the country over, in education and wealth. The per- centage of families with an income of $3,000 or more is 7.06. against an average of 1.94 per cent for the entire United States. The percentage with incomes between $1,800 and $3,000 is 23.60, while that for the entire country is but 11.06 per cent. The Tri-City comnumity is the center of a large area of rich, fertile, and thickly populated country. From Chicago the distance by rail is 181 miles, and from the Missouri ri\er. on the west, it is 316 miles. North by river to St. Paul it is 397 miles, and south ])y ri\er to St. Louis ^^2 miles. This is the largest p()])ulation center l)etween the points named. Conse- quently an inunense business in distributing commodities is carried on. Diversity of manufacture and magnitude of trading area make for sta- bility and minimize danger of temporary depressions to which communities depending upon a limited number of lines of commerce and production are subject. There are a number of concerns in the Tri-Cities which do business all over the world, and valuable aflvertising for the community is gained there- ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 121 by. This is the center of the manufacture of agricultural implements— Deere & Company, the Moline Plow Company, and Rock Island Plow ("ompany being leaders in their field, with a combined capital of more than $100,000,000. Users of plows everywhere associate with them the name Moline. Rock Island's renown is carried abroad by the trans-con- tinental railroad which bears its name, as well as by the greatest Arsenal in this country, and in many respects the most complete and spacious mili- tary manufacturing and storage establishment on the globe. A number of large industrial concerns perform a similar service for Davenport, East Moline, and Bettendorf. The handicap of being located a thousand miles from tidewater has not prevented more than a dozen Tri-City manufacturing establishments from doing an extensive foreign business. Among them, in addition to the farm implement concerns already named, may be mentioned the Western City of Rock Island, seen from Arsenal clork tower. Pump Company, Davenport Locomotive Works, Gordon-Van Tine Com- pany, Red Jacket Manufacturing Company, Victor Animatograph Company, Linograph Company, Purity Oats Company, and Western Flour Mills, of Davenport; Rock Island Manufacturing Company, Phelps Manufacturing Company, Franks Manufacturing Company, and Standard Textile Products Company, of Rock Island ; Williams, WHiite & Company and National Licorice Company, of Moline; and the Troy Laundry Machinery Company, the E. & T. Fairbanks Company, of East Moline; and the Bettendorf Com- pany, of Bettendorf. The famous Velie Motor Cars, manufactured by the A^elie Motors Cor- poration; the "R & W" manufactured by the R. c\: V. Motor Company, and the "Stephens," manufactured l)y the Moline Plow Company, are known internationally as high-class automobiles, backed by reliable, progressive and time-tried concerns. The largest washing machine factories in the world are located in Dav- enport, Iowa — the Voss Bros. Manufacturing Company, the White Lily Manufacturing Company, and the Brammer Mamifacturing Company. This industry had its birth in Davenport. 122 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL The Gordon \'an-Tine Company is the largest distributor of ready- cut houses in the world. The X'ictor Animatograph Company, making moving picture projectors and slides, is also the largest of its kind any- where. About one-third of the machinists' vises used in the world are supplied by the Rock Island Manufacturing Company, which furnished 150.000 vises for use by the allied armies in the World War. Williams, \\'hite & Co. lead in production of machine shop and foundry tools. The Bettendorf Company has the largest shops in the locality devoted to a specified line of production, being one of the largest manufacturers of steel freight cars in the world. Scores of local concerns send their products to all parts of the United States. Few communities are better served in the matter of transportation. Three trans-continental railroad lines reach the Tri-Cities, and two others, having connecting links, cross the Mississippi within 50 miles. Of minor branches and interurbans there are several, while the end of 1922 is expected to witness the completion of at least one hard road giving access to the per- manent highways of the east. Last year a million dollars was spent build- ing hard roads radiating from the city of Davenport, while extensive work of the same sort, to be undertaken in the immediate future, is planned on both sides of the river. The Tri-City Railway Company lines ramify into all parts of the urban community, which is also bound together by hundreds of miles of paved streets. Two bridges cross the main river, rail, vehicle and foot traffic being carried free of tolls by the Rock Island bridge, govern- ment owned and controlled. In connection with transportation advantages, the facilities aflforded by the Mississippi river must not be overlooked. Though water-borne traffic on the inland streams has greatly declined from that of a few decades ago, competent authorities agree that the railroads have about reached their physical limits, and that the day of the return of the water carriers is not far distant. Everything points to an early demand for use of boats to handle the bulkier and heavier commodities that rail lines are expected to relin- quish as the business of the country outgrows their facilities for expansion. Foreseeing such a situation, the city of Davenport has expended a million dollars in levee improvement to facilitate the handling of freight to and from river craft. In addition to connection with all points on the Missis- sippi and its navigable tributaries, this locality, by means of the canal about to be built by the State of Illinois and the existing Illinois and Mississippi canal, will be able to ship by water east through the Great Lakes to all ports thereon, and, eventually, no doubt, to the seaboard. Water power, available in a limited quantity with present facilities, and potential, in an amount sufficient to supply all future industrial needs, i.e another important asset of the Tri-City district. As was pointed out by Mr. E. S. Putnam, of Davenport, during the World W^ir, when the govern- ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 123 ment was seeking a site for a nitrogen fixation plant, the Rock Island rapids make possible a hydro-electric plant developing as much as 100,000 horse- power. Within 60 miles distant, at the east, as was shown by the same authority, there are extensive coal deposits, where steam power can be most economically generated in any amount desired to supplement the water power. Transmission from the mines by high voltage wires would be a simple problem. It may be taken for granted that the Tri-City community is well supplied with schools, churches, welfare organizations and other means of promoting spiritual advancement and culture. Among the schools are several sectarian institutions, including Augustana College and Theological Seminary, St. Looking south from Island end of Moline bridge. Ambrose College, St. Katharine's School, and the \'illa de Chantal, all of which draw pupils from a wide area. The Palmer School of Chiropractic, with its 3.000 students, representing practically every civilized country on the globe, should not be overlooked. It is hardly necessary to state that the cities located on the river shores adjacent to Rock Island Arsenal are progressive, that they are modern, well kept and sanitary, with many parks and scenic features, the beauty of which is being constantly enhanced by judicious expenditure of money and effort. Recreation has not been slighted. There are fine theatres, and art, music, and sports, both amateur and professional, are well supported. The Rock Island Arsenal Golf Club maintains an eighteen-hole course on the Island itself that is accounted one of the finest in the country and has been the scene of several celebrated tournaments. The club-house, costing $50,000, was built and the links were laid out and are maintained by civilian mem- bers, but the Arsenal Commandant is ex-officio president of the organization and in full charge of the premises. The course utilizes some of the lower ground and that adjacent to the officers' quarters, and the Arsenal is in no- wise jeopardized, nor is the military reservation encroached upon. Facili- 124 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL ties arc afforded for outdoor exercise which reg-ulalioiis rc(iuire army officers to take. Growth of the cities surrounding the Arsenal has been rapid ever since they passed from the village state, more than half a century ago. Permanent improvements annually made range, normally, between five and ten millions, tending always upward. Population of the fi\e municipalities increased from 96,117 in 1910 to 146,880 in 1920, a rate of growth far above the average the country over, being more than fifty per cent. Total bank deposits in the 'l"ri-("ity community were $82,000,000 at the close of 1921, reflecting the financial depression by onU^ a slight decline from the figures of the preceding year. Davenjjort enjoys the rc])Utation of ha\ing the greatest banking resources of an_\- city of its size in the country. The community is a great jobbing center, its territory comprising nearly all of Iowa and a large i)art of western Illinois; retail stores rank with the best anywhere, and there are many of them, always in keen competition. Da\'enport has a million dollar office building and the largest hotel in the State of Iowa. A hotel nearly as large is in course of erection in Moline There have been few serious labor controversies to interrupt the good order and progress of the community. Though there are five cities with separate municipal governmental units and trading centers, the fact remains that the citizens of each one enjoys the advantages that all have to ofifer. Boundaries join on botli sides of the river, and the peoi)le are closely drawn together by mutual interests. There is, in fact, a ma.ximum of intercourse and a mininuun of ri\alrv and friction, offering all the ad\antages of a single large city of 150,000 and eliminating some of the disadvantages. Big things can be and are. successfully under- taken, commercially, industrially, educationally and in the way or recreation -—things that no single city of the fi\e could hope alone to support. To take a single instance, consider the Mississippi X'alley Fair and h^xposition, which, though ostensibly a Daven])ort enterprise, has made a phenomenal success of the two annual fairs thus far gi\cn. haxing the distinction of be- ing the first organization of its class to win rec()gnitit)n in its initial year by the International .Vsscjciation of Fairs and Fxpositions. Though the subject might be treated at greater length, it is believed that en(jugh has been told to slmw that Pock Island Arsenal's surroundings are such as to insure an ample supply of trainei.l..rf . :ir fliojis in the .listanr ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 125 Henry W. Horst Company The present Henry W. Horst Company is the outgrowth of a concept formed in the mind of a twelve-year-old boy, when its president, Mr. Henry W. Horst, was a lad in the old country. Not that he saw Rock Island, nor that he saw concrete road building or many of the other projects which today form integral parts of the large construction work his company now carries on, but that there was ever before him from these early days, America — the country of first promise — the building industry, for which he had a natural talent, and the determination to excel in building work, and in a company of his own. Filled with these visions, and backed by a strong re- HENRY W. HORST A. E. HORST ligious faith and an unshaken belief in himself, the then embryo constructor never permitted discouragements, struggles or setbacks to dim the ardor or divert the energies with which he, as a youth, a young man and a mature man, continuously pressed forward toward his goal. Apprenticed under old-country guild rules at the age of 14, this future American man-of-affairs served faithfully for three years, devoting a part of the time, as per guild requirements, to the study of bookkeeping and drafting, and using spare hours to add to his already considerable knowledge of foreign language. He emigrated to the United States at seventeen years of age, finding his way to Rock Island, Illinois, destined at a later date to become the center of his far-reaching labors. Keeping the fixed purpose of service through a com- 126 ROCK I S L A N D A R S E N A L pany of his own ever before him. the youth folhiwed carpentry, continuing in this line through early manhood, gradually working toward his end through sub-contracting, chiefly in the Middle West. Mr. Hurst feels today that outside of his faith in an all-wise God, no one thing contributed more largely to his ability to cope with difficulties than seven years of pioneering on the Kansas prairies, homesteading. helping to build towns then in their infancy, and at the same time laying the founda- tions of his own fine family. In ( )akley. Logan County. Kansas, Mr. Horst first entered the contracting business. Buildings there, comjjleted in 1886. still stand to the credit of this step in the development of his purpose. Returning to Rock Island in 1892, Mr. Horst soon joined forces with another contractor, but only to sever relations after one year's united efforts, during which time a splendid church edifice was erected. In March. 1893. he entered into a co-partnership with Mr. Emil Peterson. This partnership lasted eight years, which time was largely occupied with the building of residences. Already the time element, so dominant in all Henry \\\ Horst Company construction, was making itself felt, many fair-sized residences having l)een erected during this period in thirty days each. Usually the houses built during this ])eriod were designed by Mr. Horst himself, who worked long and incessantly during these years of struggle. 1900 marked the establishment of the individual business of Henry W. Horst. For a number of years Mr. Horst not only constructed buildings. but kept his own accounts, acquiring his first bookkeeper in 1903. By this time, however, his work was so well organized that he found it possible for the first time to visit his aged mother and to tour Europe, taking with him liis oldest son and later business partner. Ofiices had already been removed from the residence of Mr. Horst to a small building on the same lot. Later they were moved into a fine down-town location. Before this latter move, the Company's first prospectus, an attractive booklet of 28 pages of illustra- tions, was published in 1907. In 1911. in order to accommodate the growing business, Mr. Horst purchased the lot on which the present spacious Horst building stands. The building was erected in 1912. By this time the second member and present manager of the company, A. E. Horst. had graduated from the University of Illinois, and had become superintendent of construction. After three years of this joint work, the present company was organized and incorporated. A second and larger booklet was published, and a new and larger period of development was entered upon. During this period Mr. Horst, who had at one time built sod houses and had gone through such experiences as that of having brought into Rock Island its first concrete mixer and having constructed Rock Island's first reinforced concrete office building, saw his company develop to the point of covering such work as residences, business blocks, industrial buildings. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 127 railroads, highways, housing projects, large government contracts, etc. Among the accomplishments of the company the following may be cited: L Government Work. 1. A number of important buildings on the Rock Island Arsenal, among which are the Standard Forging building and the Heppen- stall building, now known officially as Shop "O" and Shop "Q", respectively. 2. Officers' Quarters and Barracks buildings. Eleven buildings, mostly large brick and concrete structures, for housing and caring for the military units located on the Government reservation at Proving Ground, Illinois. This project was completed 30 days ahead of scheduled time, much to the satisfaction of Government inspectors and contractors alike. 3. Railroad. Sixteen miles of standard gauge railroad with a dozen spurs, built on government property at Proving Ground, Savanna, Illinois. 4. Nitrate Storage Pit. One of the most unique of the Henry W. Horst Company's varied bits of construction, this mammoth pit, the size of three city blocks, (160O'x20O') and with sloping 17-foot sides, all of reinforced concrete, having seven cross-walls, was de- signed for the storage of 10,000 carloads of nitrate for the manu- facture of explosives. Situated in a veritable sand desert, this huge project required for construction some 150 cars of sand, 250 cars of stone and gravel, 50 cars of cement and 100 cars of miscellaneous materials. 70,000 cubic yards of dirt had to be moved. Undertaken in the late fall of 1920, just about the time of the keenest railroad transportation difficulties, this pit, with the 16 miles of railroad mentioned in the last paragraph, were completed before Christmas — three days ahead of scheduled time — the schedule having been pre- pared before the transportation difficulties had presented them- selves. 5. Housing Projects. Here again the Henry W. Horst Company record-breaking time achievements came to the fore. This war- time Government contract was to furnish 460 homes for Government workers in the United States Arsenal at Rock Island. Time was, of course, an important element. The houses were in six groups in three localities, one in Moline, two in East Moline and three in Rock Island. Although the contract was signed in the fall, the seventh of October, this project, said to be the second largest of some thirty-eight such Government Plousing Projects in the country, was the first one finished. 460 permanent and very well appointed homes were completed, including decorating, in 117 days — an un- paralleled record. 128 R () L" In L A N I) A R S E N A L t. S. STORAGE PIT AT SAVANNA, ILL.— REINFORCED CONCRETE PIT, THE SIZE 6. Hangars at Chanute Field, including boiler house and heating system for 11 hangars at Chanute Field, Rantoul. Illinois. 11. Concrete Highways. W ilh 13 miles of concrete road in the liome slate of Illinois built in slightly more than one year as a beginning, the company soon branched out to build such roads in neighboring states, as Iowa and \\'isct)nsin, until now its reputatitm for "smooth-riding" roads has spread through the east, the company at this time having under construction three fine concrete roads in Pennsylvania. A nearby state has recently gi\en the company the record of having built the best-riding road in its limits. SECTION OF U. S. GOVERNMENT HOUSING PROJECT IN TRI-CITIES- ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 129 OF THREE CITY BLOCKS, FOR THE STORING OF 10,000 CARLOADS OF NITRATE. IIL Industrial Buildings. Here the list grows so large that there can at l^est be but a touching of the work accomplished. Outstanding are such projects as the Deere Harvester Plant in East Moline, where five large buildings were under construction at one time ; the Root & \ andervoort- W'agner Ordnance plant, a huge two-story brick building with monitor l)ay and crane way, all turned over complete in 70 days; the Deere Foundry and Service building, Moline Power Plant, Crescent Macaroni and Cracker factory, Davenport, Iowa, etc. IV. Miscellaneous. (Business Blocks, Schools, Clubs, Residences, etc.) As samples of business blocks in the Tri-Cities. such buildings may 41.(1 HOMES COMPLETE, INCLUDING DECORATlNi;. ALL IN 117 DAYS. 130 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL be cited as the Robinson builtliiiis legislature was petitioned for extension of charter rights necessary to make Chicago, instead of LaSalle. the eastern terminus. The name became the "Chicago & Rock Island Railroad Company." Since the line between Peru and Chicago would compete directly with the state- ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 133 owned canal, a stipulation was forced by the legislature upon the railroad company requiring it to pay to the canal trustees sums equal to canal freight charges on all commodities except live stock carried by rail be- tween the points named. October 1, 1851, construction was started by Farnum & Sheffield, of New Haven, Conn., and the first passenger train was run from Chicago to Joliet on October 10, 1852. Late that year, at a banquet in Davenport, a project Above view shows first bridge arross Mississippi River. View to right is Island abutment of bridge, preserved as memorial. View to left is of the famous Rook Island "Silver Engine" of the early seventies. to build a line through Iowa to the Missouri river and to bridge the Mississippi at Rock Island was informally launched. The Mississippi & Missouri Railroad Company was formed under the laws of Iowa, February 22, 1852. In May following, the first rail was laid 134 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL en the Iowa side. January 17, 1853. the Illinois legislature granted a charter to the "Railroad Bridge Company," formed by those interested in the rail lines it was planned to connect. July 16 of the same year John Warner, the contractor, began work on the first pier on the Iowa shore of what was to become the first bridge across the Mississippi. River transportation interests naturally viewed prospective rail com- petition with apprehension. Therefore, they united for the purpose of obstruction. At first the idea of bridging the river was merely ridiculed as foolhardy. Later more forcible means of opposition were adopted. Rivermen were then, perhaps, the most powerful group in the Mississippi Valley, with ample funds and means of reaching those in high govern- mental positions. Right of w^ay across the Island was claimed by the railroad company under the terms of its state charter and also under act of congress, giving use of necessary space through public lands to all railroad and turnpike companies. The Iowa legislature had formally sanctioned the undertaking so far as it had authority to do so. However, Jeflferson Davis, then sec- retary of war, claimed that the Island, having been set aside for use of his department, was not public land and the state had no rights therein. He forbade the railroad company to lay tracks or build a bridge there. Next came application for an injunction in the federal court for the northern district of Illinois, made at the request of the secretary of war. Hearing was before Judge John McLean in July, 1855, title of the case being "The United States vs. the Railroad Bridge Company, et al." The federal district attorney contested both the right-of-way on land and the building of the bridge, which was held an obstruction to navigation, but the court held with the defendant, and denied the motion for injunction. In the meantime, work on the railroad and bridge had gone on with- out interruption, and on April 21, 1856, nearly two years after the road through Illinois had been completed, the first locomotive steamed across the "first bridge" to the Iowa shore. Next day a train of three locomotives and eight passenger cars crossed. The aggregate weight of this train was 67 tons. Trains weighing 2.200 tons now dail)^ almost hourly, cross the bridge at Rock Island. Two weeks after the bridge was opened, the steamer Efiie Afton became unmanageable just above the draw span, drifted against the pier and took fire. Boat and span were destroyed. This brought the wrath of the rivermen to a climax. Suit for damage followed. Judge McLean again presided, the case being "Hurd, et al vs. the Railroad Bridge Company." Abraham Lincoln, after visiting Rock Island to familiarize himself with the situation, and especially with the river currents at the bridge, appeared for the defense. It was one of the last cases in which he took part before turning his attention to the political movement which later carried him into the presidency of the United States, and served to call national attention to Mr. Lincoln. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 135 A vast mass of evidence w^as presented to prove the bridge an obstruc- tion to navigation. Lincoln handled the issue with his usual skill and secured disagreement of the jury, thereby exceeding the expectations of his clients. Public sentiment admittedly was averse to the defense. About this time congress took a hand in the controversy, ordering an investigation to determine if the bridge were, in fact, a serious obstruction to navigation. The committee on commerce conducted the inquiry and decided in the affirmative, but added that in its opinion the courts were fully qualified to deal with the situation. Congress concurred in the finding. Encouraged by the report of the committee, the river interests made one more fight. James Ward, a St. Louis steamboat owner, started an action in the United States Court for the southern district of Iowa to have the bridge declared a nuisance and secure an order for its removal. This the court, in due time, did. Judge John M. Love finding the structure "a com- mon and public nuisance," and ordering destruction of the three northern piers with their superstructure, which lay within the jurisdiction of Iowa. This order was not carried out, because the United States Supreme Court, in December, 1862, reversed the finding of the District Court. That ended the litigation, which had been watched with interest all o\'er the country, involving, as it did, c(uestions which presented themselves wherever rail- roads were compelled to cross import- ant navigable streams. Much that is of interest necessarily has been omitted from this brief outline of events attending the pioneer work of building the Rock Island Lines. With the later history of the system the pres- ent generation is more or less familiar. How the road first planned merely to connect two inland waterways, scarcely 100 miles apart, has grown into a great system of 8,122 miles, extending its service to the Pacific coast and forming the leading artery of commerce through the most productive areas of the Mid- dle West ; how it always has kept abreast of or a little in advance of the times, mechanically, and in meeting the needs of its territory ; how it has built up the Tri-City community about Rock Island and made the development of the Arsenal there possible, need be no more than referred to here. Its tracks form a network, many miles long in the aggregate, in the kI Ginl Traffic Mgr. 136 ROCK ISLAND A R S F. \ A L Gineral UtT.ce.- . nii Ch.rago Term na! K". I. M: n transport the goods to interior commnnities. In spite of many handicaps, howc\er, the John Dccre ])low-making business expanded steadily. In 1832 the out])Ul rose to 10,000 plows — a notable figure for those days, iictter times came with tlie rapid settlement of the great agricultural section of America, llie building of railroads and the westward surge of commerce and money. Larger buiblings were erected, the i>ul])ui increased, and John Deere ])l(i\\s bt'came known the world o\er. The}- were leading instruments in ANDW^HAT, ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 161 changing the grass-matted haunts of the buffalo into fruitful acres. Much of the soil of Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakotas, which now feeds a great part of the world, was first turned with John Deere plows. They came into wide use among the "colonos" on the broad plains of South America, among the Hottentots of South Africa, among the bushmen of Australia and on the great plains of Russia. Commerce throughout the world grew because of greater harvests produced through the use of John Deere plows. Today there are few farms in America on which John Deere implements have not been used. The little one-story, six-forge John Deere shop of 1847 has become the Deere & Company of today, owning and operating fourteen John Deere factories and thirty-two John Deere branch houses. The John Deere Plow AVorks, the direct descendant of the little shop and the parent factory in the John Deere organization of today, is the largest steel plow plant in the world. Its floor space is 1,500,000 scpiare feet, or 35 acres. It produces 450,000 complete implements every normal year, or three implements every minute. It uses annually 50,000 tons of iron and steel, 2,500,000 gallons of fuel oil, 35,000 tons of coal and coke and 1,000 tons of oil and paint. Two other large John Deere factories — the Deere & Mansur AV'orks and the John Deere AVagon Works — are located in Moline, and the Marseilles Works, the John Deere Harvester Works and the Union Malleable Iron Company are located in East Moline. Other John Deere factories are the Waterloo Boy Tractor Works, Waterloo, Iowa; Van Brunt Works, Horicon, Wisconsin; Dain Works, Ottumwa, Iowa; Syracuse Chilled Plow Works, Syracuse, New York; John Deere Manufacturing Co., Welland, Ontario, Canada; Fort Smith Wagon Works, Fort Smith, Arkansas; Reliance Buggy Works, St. Louis, Mo., and Moline Lumber Works, Malvern, Ark. John Deere branch houses engaged in facilitating the economical distribu- tion of John Deere implements are located at Minneapolis, Minn; Moline, Illinois; Des Moines, Iowa; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Bloomington, Illinois; Omaha, Nebraska; Sioux Falls. South Dakota; Kansas City, Missoviri ; Okla- homa, City, Oklahoma; Denver, Colorado; St. Louis. Missouri; New Orleans, Louisiana; Nashville, Tennessee; Dallas, Texas; Atlanta, Georgia; Portland, Oregon; Spokane, Washingtt)n ; Seattle, Washington; Boise, Idaho; San Francisco, California; Indianapolis, Indiana; Columbus, Ohio; Lansing, Michigan; Baltimore, Maryland; Syracuse, New York; Winnipeg, Manitoba; Saskatot)n, Sask. ; Regina, Sask. ; Calgary, Alberta; Lethbridge, Alberta; Edmonton, Alberta; AVelland, Ontario. An export department, conducting a large business with foreign countries, is located at Moline. 162 ROCK IS L A X L) ARSENAL United Utility Service riaii>|t(nlali(m. I'owcr. Light. Gas and Heat Had it lacked the aid supplied by the united utilities of the Tri-Cities during the World \\'ar. the effectiveness of the Rock Island Arsenal would have been seriously curtailed. Street railway transportation for the many thousands of Arsenal workers, additional electric power to meet the demand for manufacturing purposes, and gas for the treatment of metals were abso- lutely necessary. The need for these services was urgent and unexpected, yet the capacity was available in all three cases and was supplied at low cost. Official records show that the Arsenal and the Tri-Cities shared with Chicago the distinction of being the only manufacturing centers in the United States during the early part of 1918 where the lack of capacity of the public utility companies did not hamper the industrial expansion re- quired to meet war needs, and recognition of this fact at Washington had much to do with the volume of war orders received by the Tri-Cities. Should the country again be called upon for military supplies to the same extent as was recently necessary, the showing made by the local Arsenal and Tri-City industrial concerns will warrant the confidence they will receive. While it is true that there is now a water power development at Rock Island Arsenal suflicient for its ordinary requirements, yet it is necessary, as is the case with all other low head hydro-electric developments, that it be supplemented by a steam plant equipped to assume the load on momentary notice, due to failure on account of high water, low water, or ice. The Arsenal, having no steam power generating plant of its own, obtains this assurance of a constant energy supply from the power conijiany serving the Tri-Cities, and when the demand for power required for war activities exceeded the capacity of the Arsenal station, the excess energy necessary was supplied on call. Energy was transmitted to the Arsenal over 4,8C)0-volt transmission lines owncfl and maintained l)y the goxernmcnt. The company's power house is located in Moline. directly across Syhan Water from the main Arsenal shops, and adjoining the gtnernnient'^ property. This ])lant is equipped with steam units having a maximum capacity of 61,000 horsepower, supplemented by hydro-electric energy I'Urchased from the Moline Water Power Coni])any and the hydroelectric plant of T. I), and S. S. iJavis, on Rock ri\cr. these developments having a maximum capacity of 4.(XX) and 2.500 horsepower, resi)ectively. At such times as the output t)f the government station exceeds the Arsenal require- ments, this sur])lus is taken over by the power company. Approximately eighty per cent f)f the annual Tri-City i)ower output is generated by steam, the balance cominsf from the hvdro stations. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 163 Industrial expansion in the Tri-Cities prior to 1918 had reached a point A\diich would soon require additional electrical generating- capacity, which led the power company, early in 1917, to order a 25,000 horsepower steam turbine, with the necessary boilers, auxiliaries, etc., this unit l^eing received and in- stalled in 1918, in time to meet the war demand. When ready for operation Gas Works Beoples Itovrear Co MohnelE. TVpioal Higpa Tfension. Transmissicm. line Intenor aibstationB" Peoples ligiit Co. dcu^nportja Cyiew of ftjwer tojse tohetior Showmg large Tmbo-Cer€X3tss-/t3lmeJJl the new turbine cost approximately $1,250,000. As this is written, plans are under way for an additional installation of 32,000 horsepower, to cost in the neighborhood of $1,500,000, which will increase the total power availal^le for the Tri-Cities and the Arsenal to nearly 100,000 horsepower. Gas for the Arsenal is produced l)y the l^eoples Power Company at their gas works adjoining the electric plant in Moline, and is distributed through high pressure mains to the various l)uildings on the Island. Prior to the war the Arsenal used coal and oil for manufacturing purposes, but the convenience and practically unlimited supply of gas, together with results of research work which proved that gas was in many ways more efficient and economical, led to the abandonment of the coal and oil burners and their replacement by gas. The average war-time gas consumption of the Arsenal was approximately 5,000.000 cul)ic feet per month, far in excess 164 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL All communicationi must b« addressed (o "Che Commindme OfBiVr. Rcxk Inland Arsenal. Rock Uland Illinois." Hi:ly this and hIIrt rapidly iiuTcasiii!^' local demands, llie Cdinpaiiv iiislalle(l addilimial jii'i '(hu-inj; and dislrihuting" e(|uipnieiit at an e.\])en(liture i<\ nmre than $3UU.UUU. Street railway service to and from the Arsenal is fnrnished by the Tri-City Railway Company of Iowa and the Tri-City Kaihvay Comi)any of Illinois. With a line throui^h the heart of the Uland. c( mnectini'- with ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 165 WM. BUTTERWORTH. .VAN DERVOORT. W A ROSENFrFLD. vicePms JOS. W. BETTENDORF. CHAS. E.WHITE TRI-CITY MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION SKINNER ANNEX H. A. JANSEN JOSEPH L HECHT MoLiNE. Illinois. December 7. 1922. Ur. B. J. Denman, President, Tri-City Railway & Light Compajiy, Davenport, Iowa. In. recently reviewing the v,-&r activitlee of the manufacturers of the Tri-Cities, the record of your company duriug that period was brought forcibly to my attention. About twenty-eight of our largest factories had direct contracts with the government for the manufacture of war supplies, and other local companies were also manufacturing munitions and other war supplies. The requirements of these companies for gas, electricity and transportation service were so great as to cause government officials to question whether the service available would be sufficient for the needs of these manufacturers, especially when they liad In mind the tremendous increased demand for service made on your company by the Arsenal and also that production had broken down in many places in the East through lack of sufficient supply of gas, electric and street railway service. l{r. Charles 3. Stewart, Chief of the Power Section at Washington, testified before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of Representatives that there was a satisfac- tory surplus of pov/er, gas and street railv;ay service in the Tri- City District, which, with the exception of CJiicago, was the only district in the country where it was reconL-nended that additional orders for war supplies be placed. This, of course, meant a great deal to our community and our manufacturing interests especially. That your company was in a position to meet so completely these large demands for gas, electricity and transportation service is cause for public thanks. That you were able to so well and so rapidly your facilities as they were still further demanded and that you failed in no respect to render satisfactory service is cause for additional commendation. The value of such a company as yours to the community cannot be overestimated. The record of your company during the war gives all possible assurance of the ability to furnish any future needs of these communities, no matter how great. Very truly youjg HAJ/B . y-ireasirrer. a double track system at tlie west end of the Island and on Forty-second Street, Rock Island, it is in position to handle an almost unlimited number of workers, as was demonstrated during 1917, 1918 and 1919, when respective yearly totals of 1,731,557, 3,231,471 and 2,126,144 passengers were carried to and from the Arsenal. A maximum number of 50 cars w^as required to transport this huge and unprecedented traffic. The pre-war needs of the 166 ROCK 1 S L A X 1) ARSENAL Arsenal had been met with five cars, and the additional trafific necessitated the purchase of forty-five additional cars for this service alone. In addition to the expenditure for these cars. 2.M miles of track were laid on the Island, bringing the total Island track mileage to 4.62. The public utility companies referred to in the ft)regoing as serving the Rock Island Arsenal so ably in time of need are owned and operated by the Tri-City Railway & Light Company, a holding company organized in 1906 with a ca])ital of $30,000,000, the operating headquarters of which are located at Davenport. This was a consolidatit)n of the utilities of the Tri-Cities. which had heretofore been operating independently. The present officers and directors of the Tri-City Railway iS: Light Company are as follows: President — R. J. Denman, Davenport. Vice-President — Richard Schaddelee. Grand Rapids. \'ice-President — H. R. Tobey, New York City. \'ice-President and Treasurer — F. T. Hulswit. (Irand Rapids. \'ice-President, Ass't Sec'y and Ass't Treasurer — H. E. Weeks, Daven- port. Secretary — H. E. Littig, Davenport. Assistant Secretary — L. H. Heinke. Grand Rapids. Directors — Ofiicers and William P>utterworth. Moline; G. M. Averill, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Joe R. Lane, Davenport; C. N. Chubb, Davenport; R. B. MacDonald, Moline; J. G. Huntoon. Rock Island; \\'m. Chamberlain, Cedar Rapids. The operating companies serving the Tri-Cities are as follows: Tri-City Railway Company of Illinois — Street railway service in Rock Island, Moline. East Moline, Silvis and contiguous territory; T. C. Roderick, Rock Island, \'ice-President and General Manager. Tri-City Railway Company of Iowa — Street railway service in Daven- port, Bettendorf and Rockingham, Iowa; R. J. Smith, Davenport, \'ice- President and General Manager. Peoples Light Company — Serves Daveni)ort. Rockingham and Betten- dorf, Iowa, with gas and electricity ; steam heating plant serving downtown section of Davenport ; C. N. Chubb, Davenport, \'ice-President and General Manager. Peoples Power Company — Serves Rock Island, Moline, East Moline and Silvis with gas and electricity, in addition to wholesaling energy to a number of small towns in the immediate neighborhood; R. B. MacDonald. Moline. \'ice-President and General Manager. Clinton. Davenport (S: Muscatine Railway Company — Electric inter- urban connecting the three towns forming its name. Clark G. Anderson, Davenport. General Manager, ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 167 According to the 1920 census the total population of the territory served by the foregoing companies was 137,000. Electric customers total 30,368 and gas customers 28,791, these patrons being supplied with electricity over 1,859.3 miles of wire line and wnth gas through 445.33 miles of gas main (reduced to three-inch equivalent). Transportation lines in operation in- clude 104.16 miles of. single track equivalent street railway and 64.56 miles of interurban track. The annual coal consumption of the Tri-City utilities is approximately 125,000 tons, or 2,500 carloads; which, if placed end to end, would form a train 30 miles long. Gas manufacture requires 600 cars of coke and 550 cars of oil each twelve months. The working forces of the various operating companies total about 1,200 men and women. The amount expended by the operating companies for improvements, betterments and extensions in the ten-year period from 1912 to 1922 ag- gregated $7,975,436. This large amount of capital required to take care of utility expansion in the Tri-Cities has been furnished by the United Light cSc Railways Company since 1912, when it acquired the Tri-City Railway & Light Company. In the last two years capital to finance local requirements has been provided to a constantly increasing extent through customer owner- ship of United Light securities, which have been sold almost exclusively to utility patrons by company employes, the company's prior preferred stock now being sold to Tri-City residents at a rate in excess of $700,000 per year. Company and consumers have thus become partners in the upbuilding of their community, and the confidence engendered by a better understanding of the mutuality of interests is evidenced by the spirit of wholehearted co-operation and general good will now prevailing. The Tri-City Railway & Light Company has always pursued a pro- gressive policy, its aim being to anticipate public needs and thus encourage the growth of the cities it serves. In its endeavor to maintain the closest possible relations with the public by keeping them informed of the practical problems involved in the operation of its properties the company feels that it has succeeded to an unusual degree. The utility companies of the Tri-Cities, prior to their consolidation in 1906, were developed for the most part by home capital. The story of their progress forms an interesting chapter of local history, and the ag- gressive enterprise of the three communities can be shown in no better way than by the steady improvement in utility service. Eor the beginning of the history of Tri-City utilities we must go back to 1843, when what was known as the Sears dam was constructed to develop water power at Moline. Because of the crude methods of distribution pre- vailing at that time, the use of energy generated there was limited to the immediate vicinity of the plant, resulting in the erection of several small factory buildings at each end of the dam, which formed the nucleus of 168 ROCK I S L A \ 13 A R S !•: X A L Moline's later industrial cleveU)pnicnt. When more qfticient electrical transmission became available some forty years later tlie water output was taken over by the Peoples Light t^ Fuel Com])any (predecessor to the present Peoples Power Company) for general (listril)ution tlirougliout the community. (las i)lants were established alx'Ul the lime the three cities were emerg- ing from the village state, the Rock Island ( ias. Light »S: Idke conijjan}- first Gas WoHts-i^pjiits Li-, furnishing service in 1855, and the Davenport (las Light t.^ Coke Company three years later. The first alternating current generator in what was then termed the west was installed in Rock Island in tlie early 80's. ( )ne of the first, if not actually the first, electric street car successfully o])erated in the United States was run on the Urady Street line in Davenport, in August, 1888. The first electric street car was operated on Arsenal Island for ex- clusive Arsenal serxice December 28. 1899. Since the ])urchase of all local utilities by the Tri-City Railway ^c Light Company in 1906, the economies and efficiencies resulting from unified operation have evidenced themselves in a higher degree of service at a lower cost to the consumer than is enjoyed in other cities of similar size and wealth throughout the country. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 169 The R&V Motor Company Second only in importance to Rock Island Arsenal in the Tri-City field in the actual production of war munitions, the R. & V. plant in East Moline rendered valuable service to the United States and its allies during the world conflict. Ammunition and ordnance were manufactured in quantity, a great shop being built especially for this work, and large numbers of tools were supplied to other private concerns engaged in filling War Department orders. The contribution of this industry toward the cause of the allied governments may be summarized as follows: Shells, 8-inch high exj)l()sive and 8-inch gas, to the number of hundreds of thou- sands. deli\ered to the British and the United States governments ; hundreds of guns, of 4-inch and one-pound size, and large numbers of mounts, sights and gun stands for 3-inch and six-pounder guns. I-arge numbers of specially designed machine tools for manufacture of ammu- nition was furnished to the British govern- ment and Canadian and American contrac- tors. Great numl)ers of motors manufactured for use in tractors. luilistment and induction into the mili- tary service of 460 employes of various degrees of mechanical and technical skill. W. H. VAN DERVOORT, for many years head of the great R &V business in East Moiine, which was named with the initials of him- self and his associate, Mr. O. J. Root. Mr. Van Der- voort's death in 1921 was in a large measure the result of overwork during the war, when he served as a mem- ber of the National War Labor Board and the Muni- tions Standard Board, in addition to directing the R&V production of ammunitions and ordnance. He was in- Liberty bond subscriptions amounting temationally known as an engineer and automobile manufacturer. to $1,077,060, exclusive of first loan. War saving stamps purchases of more than $18,000. Services of W. H. \"anDervoort, president, as member of Munitions Standard Board and the National AVar Labor Board. Some of the things it was necessary to do in order to manufacture munitions on the scale indicated were: Construct the buildings used for the shell shop. Equip the shell plant with specially designed machinery, produced chiefly in the engineering company's own plant. Organize a force capable of producing hundreds of 8-inch shells dail}^ Replace one of the important buildings, the heat treating plant, which was destroyed by fire. Organize a great corporation to handle the ordnance ct»ntracts in con- junction with the Wagner Electric Manufacturing Company of St. Louis. 170 ROCK ISLAND ARSE X A L Build an ordnance plant with 130.000 feet of floor space and equip it with more than 400 specially designed machine tools. Replace hundreds of workers who entered the service, and in addition recruit new help for the added departments till the total number of em- ployes approached 3.000. In order to keep the shops working to full capacity night and day, which was the rule during the war, women workers were introduced, the maximum number employed being 500. The help problem brought with it the one of housing workers in the near vicinity. The company tinanced the building of two hotels that were conducted under the auspices of the V. M. C. A.; and mainly because of its needs. East Moline was included in the cities where government house building projects were approved, the number of dwellings constructed there being 111. The R&\' plants, operating now under the name of the R&\' Motor Company, always have been leaders in the industrial tield. In the early days when the manufacture of stationary and portable farm engines was its principal business, the Root & \'anDervoort Engineering company became a major factor in that industry. It contributed materially to the development of internal combustion gasoline engines, and sold hundreds of thousands of them for use in all agricultural countries of the world. In 1904. when it took up automobile manufacturing, it quickly won like recognition, its products being repeatedly winners in economy and reliability runs. When, in 1913. it adopted the Knight engine as its automobile power equipment, it developed an engine that broke all world's records in an endurance test and established marks still imbeaten and unchallenged. In the bus motor field, where the power equipment requirements are most severe, it won immediate recognition. When the United States entered the ^^^orld \\'ar it found the R&\' com- pany with a plant and equipment ready for immediate service, and this fact gave the company a great advantage in securing contracts as well as in sup- plying tools and patterns to other concerns. Long before this country became involved, the British government had turned to the United States for muni- tions, and the R&\' company was one of the private manufacturers which undertook the work on a large scale. It made high explosive and gas shell, supplying Great Britain with great quantities of them. On the completion of its contracts, the R&\' management, convinced that ultimately it would be called upon again by either the United States or Great Britain for further supplies of ammunition, sealed its shell shops and kept intact its equipment. L^p to this time, in addition to executing its contracts for shell, it had de- signed new machinery which greatly increased manufacturing efficiency in the making of shell, and had. at the suggestion of the British government, sold large numbers of shell lathes to other manufacturers. Thus it happened that when Uncle Sam entered the struggle he found the R&\' plants ready to produce on very short notice, and so they became ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 171 172 ROCK I S L A X D A R S 1-: N A L the most important atixiliary to Rock Island Arsenal in munition production to be found in this community. Troops were at once placed on guard to protect the company's facilities for the making of shell and ordnance, and in a short time the plant was again engaged in war production. At first, at- tention was devoted mainly to machining the S-inch gas shell. Then came a proposition to undertake the production of naval ordnance. To provide adequate facilities for this, a great new building was constructed. It was 706 feet long and 165 feet wide. Thus equipped, the RtK:\' company for many months produced three-fourths of the 4-inch guns supplied by private manufacturers for the United States Navy. ( )ne contract completed, others were awarded, and sights and mounts for 3-inch rifles and 1-poimd guns for submarine chasers were added to the 4-incli guns which the comjiany originally undertook to prodtice. How well the R&\' organization served the United States and its allies may be judged from the fact that of all the shell machined. 227.000 in number, only 159 were rejected by government inspectors; and of the 1,165 guns built, not a single one failecl to pass the very exacting tests to which they were subjected, and every one was accepted by the navy. Farm and tractor engine production, being considered necessary in the campaign for more foodstufts. was continued during the war. and at the close of the conflict the company turned again to this field, as well as resum- ing the building of automobiles, which had almost ceased. In pursuance of its policy of constantly advancing its standards, it shortly brought out a six-cylinder Knight a type not then being i)r()(luced by any other PLANT OF THE R&V MOTOR COMP.ANV — This fine building was originally built to hamllr the production R&\ Knight automobile. It is one of the best arrange ai;'> a man stood in front of a bakeshop looking at some tempting rolls and cakes disi)layed on a dirty shelf in a dingy, unkempt bakery. As he stood there thinking of the conditions under which these delicious-looking cakes and rolls were probably made, there came to his mind the picture of a spotlessly clean, well lighted bakery, with the baked J. Re.-,! Lane, PresidenI products made in a rotary oven "right before your eyes." That man was Milton Feder. With this idea in mind, he secured a patent on a revolving oven and organizecj the "Chatterton System of Bakeries." The first bakery of this system was opened in Oakland. California, and proved a big success. People flocked to the store, attracted by the novelty of seeing the brown, crispy loaves baked right before their eyes. Several more shops were ojjened in California, and then it was decided to make them a national institution. In 1918 the company was reorganized under its present name, F"ederal System of Bakeries of America, with headquarters in Chicag.>. to standardize and su])er\ ise these bakeries. A few niontlis later the offices were moved to Xew \'ork. In the fall of 191S two Federal stores were opened in Davenport by \V. C. Swigart and W'm. R. Doran. which were later purchased by L. J. Yaggc and A J. Faerber. 'JMiese stores proved immediate successes. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 175 About this time J. Reed Lane, of Davenport, became interested in the novel methods employed by this company and the apparent favor with which they were meeting-. He acquired interests in the company and was elected Treasurer. Other Davenport men followed his lead, and in January, 1920, the city of Davenport became the home ofiice of the company. Mr. Lane was elected President and Wm. L. Mueller, Joe R. Lane, Maurice Hemsing, A. J. Faerber, Charles Shuler, G. Watson French, Ed. C. Mueller, Milton Feder, T. J. Walsh and J. W. Bettendorf, directors. The central location of the home office offered many advantages. It not only enabled the officers of the company to keep in closer touch with the stores in all sections of the country, but placed them in direct contact with the wheat-producing- and milling centers of the country. In the fall of 1919 a Federal School was established in the old St. Luke's Hospital, at 8th and Main streets, Davenport. Here men were given a 176 ROCK 1 S L A X D A R S E N A L thorough course in technical and practical hakin^- and merchandising which fitted them not only to operate Federal stores under sanitary and modern methods, but how to make good bread. Federal bakeries are installed under a license system with a royalty clause attached. In return for this royalty, the licensees are given service under the supervision uf twelve departments. Sales. Equipment. Purchasing. Stores and Traffic. Operating. Sales Promotion and Advertising, Auditing. Installation. Insurance. Chemistry and Research, Mail and Record. Legal and Executive. Each department is t)rganized to give pmrnpt service under the direction of an expert in his line of work. All advertising is done on a national scale and is handled direct by the home office. Similar suggestions ancl methods of advertising are thus distril)uted to every Federal Bakery. A monthly magazine, "The Sunlight Magazine." keeps all managers and employees familiar with general conditions and methods of improve- ment of their stores. "Quality and Service" is the watchword of Federal Bakeries. Standard formulas used in all stores call for the best ingredients, substitutes being absolutely prohibited. ( )nly the best of Hour is used, which is tested before use in the company's laboratories at the Federal School. Not only are the raw materials analyzed under the direction of one of the leading chemists of the country. Dr. J. Sluyter. but a sample loaf of bread is forwarded monthly from each store to the laboratories to be tested for quality. Each loaf must receixe a rating of over 95 per cent before the store can be awarded a certificate of Federal quality. From Maine to California and from Torontci, Canada, to Tampico. Mexico, the patrons of Federal bakeries are assured of a uniform quality of baked goods of the highest type obtainable. It is not too much to say that the Federal System of Bakeries of America. Inc.. dominates the baking field, setting its standards for quality and service. In 1921 the estimated total business done by Federal bakeries amounted to $20,000,000. The loaves of bread baked daily, if placed end to end, would cover a distance of seventy-five miles. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating" — and the Federal System of Bakeries has established over 400 bakeries in some three hundred towns in a period of five years and is steadily developing new territory until its slogan "Bringing Home the Bakin' " is a household expression in every home throughout the United States. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 177 The Bettendorf Company We often marvel at the rapid mechanical advancement of this age. To refer to it is to deal in the trite and common-place. And yet it has been achieved in the face of many handicaps, not the least of which is nature's failure to implant in the average in- dividual of in\'enti\e turn enough of the practical to enable him to util- ize to l)est ad\antage the product of his genius. This defect in man's make-ujj has been responsible for a prodigious waste of capital and time in connec- tion with really workable ideas that never got beyond the formative stage, and has deprived the race of the earlier use of an untold number of devices that would have lightened toil, increased production and made life generally more worth the living. The ]jatent office at Washington is a morgue for the dead hopes of inventors who did not realize till too late that it requires the application of business principles to successfully make and sell even the most perfect and useful inventions. In all too many cases those who have lived to see the products of their genius in general use have Ijeen deprived of their just rewards by reason of their inability to grapple as successfully with the practical as with the theoretical end of their enterprise, others reaping the harvest that rightfully was theirs. The late \\\ P. Bettendorf was one of the conspicuous exceptions found in the modern industrial field to the rule laid down in the foregoing. Not only was he possessed of rare mechanical ingenuity, but he was resourceful to a marked degree in applying his ideas, and highly successful in organizing, manufacturing and selling, and in financing his undertakings. Further than that, he was fortunate in having a brother, J. W. Bettendorf, who, when the former was called from earth at the very height of his activities, was able to carry on and bring the industry to the place of leadership in its field which it now occupies. The capabilities of J. W. Bettendorf are no less marked than those of the founder of the concern, and under his administra- tion the company has greatly expanded, becoming by far the largest single W. p. Bettendorf, Founder of the Company 178 ROCK ISLAND .\ R S E N A L industry in the Tri-City community. Its shop buildings cover 24 acres of ground and its annual business runs well into the millions. It is one of the i)rincipal manufacturers of railway equipment in the country, specializing in steel freight cars. Over one and Due-half million Bettendorf truck side frames are now in use. The foundation of the great Bettendorf industry was a practical idea. and. strangely encnigh. it had nothing to do with railroad equip- ment. It brought into existence a new tvpe of metal wheel and the ma- cliinery for making it. both being the product of the genius of W. P. Bet- tendorf. In 1886. Mr. Bettendorf, then a young man. brought his ideas and the letters patent protecting them to Davenport, near three great agricul- tural implement factories, and set about forming a company to begin production. Here his efforts were as successful as they had been in dealing with the mechanical end of the undertaking. In a short time the first shops were in operation. The tvpe of wheel made, it may be added. J. w. Bettendorf. President ^^.^g soou rccoguized as idcal for use on agricultural implements and the concern which Mr. Bettendorf founded remains today the largest exclusive makers of metal wheels in the world. As soon as his first venture was well on its way toward success Mr. Bettendorf set about looking for new problems to solve. His active mind shortly developed a steel gear for farm wagons. Closing out his interests in the metal wheel concern, he formed another company to manufacture farm wagons. This also prospered greatly and soon assumed large propor- tions. Then, gradually, he turned to the making of railroad equipment, in which steel was being used in rapidly increasing quantities. First, the I-beam car bolster was invented, and later the one-piece cast steel truck frame and other steel parts for freight cars were perfected. Finding a ready demand for these lines, the company decided to turn its entire atten- tion to their production, looking forward, even then, to the making of complete cars. Its growth from that time on was phenomenal. Earlv in the manufacturing career of \V. P. Bettendorf his brother, J. W. Bettendorf, became associated with him, and as the business grew ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 179 the latter, in an executive capacity, took an increasing share of the re- sponsibility. His versatility and steady devotion to the firm's interests prepared him for the part he was ultimately to play and entitle him to much credit for the earlier, as well as for the later, successes the concern achieved. In 1902 the industry had out- grown its quarters, and so forty acres of land just beyond the eastern limits of the city of Davenport, and on the banks of the Mississippi river, were purchased, and the first factory build- ings there were erected. This was a fortunate move, for additional room was available as it was needed. The plant has been gradually built up during the intervening years to its present immense proportions. To provide a place of residence for fac- tory workers, a town-site was laid out adjacent to the shops and named Bettendorf. This has now grown into a city, with a city's improve- ments and advantages. First experiments in the manu- facture of cast steel trucks had be- gun with the forming of the Betten- dorf Axle Company in 1895, but slowness in the development of the process of making intricate steel castings deferred the perfecting of the Bettendorf invention. Not till 1903 were truck side frames actually produced, and then in only a small way. Their use soon proved their superiority, and arrangements were made with one of the principal steel castings manufacturing firms for quantity production. As time passed and the new frame became more and more popular, castings orders were placed with other makers. To secure uniformity of product in the various foundries it was neces- sary for the Bettendorf company to supervise the making of the castings, and to install in each plant its specially designed hydraulic straightening presses, by which the various parts were aligned and tested. In pursuance of the same object, elaborate records were kept of the performance of thou- sands of trucks in use. This made possible, also, a more intelligent selec- tion of materials and the prevention of defects. As a result of these pre- cautions, Bettendorf products rapidly built up a reputation for strength and reliability, and a fund of experience was gained which was of im- J. H. Bend 180 R () C K I S I. A X I) A R S E N A L nicnsc value later when the coinpaiiy undertook the making of all its own parts. It became evident that oi)en hearth steel was best adapted to the casting of steel car frames, and that certain (pialities must be incorporated to resist the shocks and stresses to which cars in service are subjected. Perceiving finally that the most economical and satisfactory way to get desired results was to do its own casting, llie company, in 1909, began the erection of a foundrw which was ]»laced in commission during the following year. Tiuill originally with three twenty-live-ton furnaces, the foundry has been enlarged from time to time till il now has seven units which make all castings for car trucks, and togctlicr ha\c an annual capacity of 320,000 side fratues and b(ilsters. in the arrangement and c(|uii)ping of its foundry the P)ettendorf company scored a great mechanical and engineering triumph. IJased as it was upon ex- perience obtained in a witle tield and under varying circumstances, it em- braces features not found elsewhere, and turns out a superior product. Ex- ceptional strength and uniformit}- in all parts of the same casting, as well as between the se])arate ])ieces, is insured by treatment in specially designed atuiealing furnaces, which is also a purely Hettendorf creatif Illinois. Pioneer settlers who came from the l^^ast and from Northern Europe to the upper Mississippi valley in the 40's and 50's at once felt the need of an institution for general education and for the training of ministers and OMer Collejie Bu.i.: _ teachers. Augustana College and Theological Seminary was founded by these pioneers in 1860. From the beginning Augustana College felt it to be its duty to serve the state and community, as well as the church. During the Civil War the growth of the institution was impeded, as the prospective students enlisted in the Union army. After the close of this war the development has been steady, and the College has now grown to number a thousand students. During the years 1860-63 this institution was located in Chicago; during the following twelve years it was located at Paxton, 111., and in 1875 Augustana College found its permanent home at Rock Island. The buildings comprise Old Main. Dormitories, one for young men and one for young women, and Science Hall. The gymnasium is one of the best buildings for its purpose in the state, with running track and swimming pool. On ac- count of its size (90x140), it is also used as an auditorium, the acoustics being perfect. Citizens of Rock Island and Moline assisted generously in contributing to the expenses for erecting this gymnasium. The most beautiful building on the grounds is the Denkmann Memorial Library, erected by the children to the memory of the parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. A. Denkmann. In this library building are housed the administrative offices of the Augustana College. Four stories of modern stacks give ample room for the books: the offices of the library are on the second floor. In the beautiful architecture of this building, the reading-room has been ac- ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 183 184 R (.) C K 1 S L A N D A R S K N A L centuatetl both as to size (50x120) and l)y beauty of decoration, so that it is one (»f the finest reading^ rooms of any C'olleije in our country. Two buildings are now being erected at a cost of approximate! \- S.^00,- 000.00. for the Theological Seminary, one constituting the main building. I I nil Memorial Library the other the Seminary dormitory. I Mans are maturing for ihc ])rocuring of funds and for the erection of additional buildings, greatly needed for the right development of the College. The ])resent grounds cover an area of about 36 acres. The buildings (of which there are eight), and the grounds represent a value of $494.000.(X). The I'.ndowment and Trust Funds amount to $656,991.16. making the total value of the institution abo\e a million dollars. \\'hen President Wilson in 1917 called for \iilunteers. so great a num- ber of .\ugustana students, including the whole l)and. enlisted, that this institution, according to the records at Washington, stood first on the list of American colleges as to the number of students enlisted in proportion to the attendance. The roster of the 1921 catalog shows that twenty-six states of the Union and two foreign countries (Canada and Sweden) sent ])Upils to Augustana. The graduates of the college dei)artment now number 850; from the Theological Seminary one thousand young men ha\e gone forth to serve the church in the ministry. In all, about ten thousand >tudents have been wards of Augustana College during the sixty-two years of its existence; these former students are now found in all departments of American activity, in the halls of Congress, on the judge's bench, in the ministry, in law. in business, on the farm, and in foreign parts. The fall term begins during the first week in ."September; the spring term in the second week of January. I'"urther information is furnished by the rresidenl. Dr. Custav Andreen, Augustana College, Kock Island. 111. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 185 The McCarthy Improvement Company The history of street pa\iiig- in the middle west might be written in the life story of P. F. McCarthy, president of the McCarthy Improvement Company, of Davenport. Mr. McCarthy started his active career as water boy with Edwards & Walsh, thirty-odd years ago. That firm laid most of the first paving placed in the main streets of the Tri-Cities. In those days brick was exclusively used, and it wasn't very good brick, either, according to modern standards. It would not have long stood up under present day traffic. A^itrified paving blocks were then unknown and concrete foundations had not come into vogue. The foundation was of stone, broken by hand on the ground. ( )n this was placed a sand cushion, and then sometimes only one, but usually two, courses of brick. The lower course was laid flat, and culls were considered good enough for this layer. The first concrete base was made with hydraulic cement and mixed with shovels. Then came mixing machinery, crude, but much more economical than hand methods. That was the era of the wheelbarrow, which was used to feed the mixer and distribute the concrete. Always there was an incline up which the material was pushed to be dumped into the hopper. Now there is scarcely a wheelbarrow in use on any paving job. Hand labor is reduced to a minimum. Introduction of the motor truck has rexolutionized the paving business. Materials are assembled at central i)oints and conveyed to the scene of operations as they are needed. In the case of concrete, the ingredients are elevated by machinery and dumped into trucks, which carry them to the mixers on the scene of operations. Sometimes mixing is done at central plants, where supplies may be prepared for several jobs in progress at the same time. This plan has been successfully followed by the McCarthy Improvement Company when the haul was as great as seven miles. Use of machinery has greatly speeded up street improvement. It has also facilitated the standardization of mixtures, insuring uniform work of a much better qualit_\' than it was possible to turn out I)y the old hand methods. Materials can be more accurately measured or weighed. Inspection is nijide more efficient and formulas are more closely followed. Paving may cost more per yard than it did a decade or more ago, but it is vastly better. If it were not it would quickly break down under heavy motor traftic. Mr. McCarthy worked up through the paving business to the top. From water boy he advanced to stone cutter, shaping the stone curbing in use in the early days. Then he became foreman, later superintendent, and finally organized a company of his own. The McCarthy Improvement Company was incorporated in 1903, in Iowa, and three years later took out a charter in Illinois. It is now one of the largest paving concerns in the west. It pays most attention to city work, its field being Iowa and Illinois, but it also does highway construction. Ten years ago it laid some of the first concrete paving on a country road in Rock Island county. This stretch Abovr — F'. F. McCarthy. Prcsi.lrnl. Below — T. J. OBricn. VirrPrcsi.lent and G.iural Manag. of highway, which is near Joslin, is still in perfect condition. More recent wurk of tiiis kind was the brick paving on the lirady street road north of Davenport. The company never has been called upon to relay paving be- cause of faulty work. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 187 Two Views of First Conipl.iril H.,ul. \anl I ink connecting Rock Island and Moline, and Built by the McCarthy Improvement Company. Above — Lookini; haf subscribers in the early years and their nund)er increased slowly. Later, howe\er, an exchange was established in rented (piartcrs in Rock Island. In 1901. the telephone company completed its own building on Nineteenth street. Mere was a switchboard with places for ten girls to handle local calls and two f(jr tolls. In 1914, when the Xinetecnth street building was nearly outgrown, constructi(»n of the present telephone building was begun at 635 Eighteenth street. On January 18. 1915. the change from the old board to the new was made. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 189 There are now fifty-five per cent more telephones in Rock Island than there were ten years ag"o. In that time the population of the city increased thirty-seven per cent. Service is given through a switchboard with thirty positions for girls handling local calls and ten positions for toll traffic. Rock Island now has in use more than 6,300 telephones, of which seventy l>er cent are residence stations. There is a force of more than 100 employees Interior, Showing Switchboard in Operation. operating, repairing and extending the equipment so that better and in- creased service may be given. Telei)hone men and women of Rock Island are a part of the great army of 225,000 Bell System employees, all stri\-ing for the same purpose — the rendering of better and increased service. The telephone plant in Rock Island is part of the Bell System facilities that makes it possiljle for you to talk to persons in 70,000 other places in the United States, Canada and Cuba. Citizens of Rock Island, employees and others, are numbered with the more than 200,000 shareholders of the Bell System. They are the owners who have invested their savings to provide a nation-wide telephone system. 190 ROCK IS L A N D A R S E N A L The Builders Sand and Gravel Co. First in its line of business in the Tri-City tiekl. the Builders Sand & Gravel Company, of Daveni)ort. enjoys the distinction of having furnished building material to Rock Island .\rsenal from the time that construction was started, back in 1863. It has been priv- ileged to transact business with the War Department under every Commandant from Maj. Kingsbury to Col. King. Its first con- tract was for sui)plies used in the old store- house ccMitaining the clock tower. It con- tributed U) the erection of the original shops and did its part in furthering the great construction i)rogram undertaken during the AX'orld War. Origin t)f the company dates back seventy years to the time when its founder, Hans Goos. father of the present manager, began operations. His first equii)ment con- sisted of a small flatboat propelled with ])ike poles. Sand was loaded from nearl^y bars and islands by means of wheelbarrows. The first imi)rovement consisted of long- handled shovels, flatiron-shaped and per- forated to i)ermit the water to escape. With ihese sand was scooped up from the bottom of the stream and a better grade was obtained with less effort. About this time the pike-pole method of propulsion was discarded in favor of a sail, enabling the craft to make longer trips, going as far down stream as Muscatine and as far up as Hampton. To pilot such a sailing boat over the Rock Island rapids was c«.>nsidered quite a feat. H«n« Coos. Foundrr of The Buililers Sand ami Gravrl Coaipanv. na\<>n[".rt River Fnml. Showinp I.oaHinp Bin? and Pari of ihf- ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 191 Hand and wind power gave way to steam about 1880, when the company fitted out a steam elevator dredge for loading sand and gravel and secured a small sidewheel steamer for towing barges to Rock Island Arsenal and other points. Unloading continued to be done by hand from docks along the levee until comparatively recent years. In 1891 the present company was in- corporated. The same year was marked by the introduction of a modern centrifugal, commonly called suction, pump for loading- sand and gravel, and a larger and more powerful sternwheel steamer to replace the sidewheeler. The present method of handling, as developed by the Builders Sand & Gravel Company, consists of loading barges by large centrifugal pumps, or, if the material is crushed rock, by gravity from bins at the (]uarry. These are then towed to Davenport by sternwheel steamboats, of which there are two in service. Unloading is done by a powerful crane and derrick boat, or a locomotive crane, into reinforced concrete bins. From these the material is dropped into trucks and wagons. In this operation crushed rock, sand and gravel may be ac- curately measured in desired proportions ready to be dumped into con- crete mixers on the job. Thus all hand labor from the sandl^ar to the mixer is eliminated. The Builders Sand & Gravel Company enjoys a most advantageous location. Its bins for the handling of sand, gravel and stone are on the river bank directly opposite the west end of Rock Island Arsenal. It has a 500- Hans Goos, Son of Founder of the Company, and Present Manager. lJLj i * s g t ting Equipment of The Builders Sand and >'• Pl Comp. 192 ROCK 1 S L A X D A R S E N A L foot frontage there under 25-year lease from the Davenport Levee Com- mission. It (lid the levee improvement work at this point, with tlie excep- tion of building- the sea wall, and paved the driveway with concrete. A railroad track runs the full length of the property. Warehouses and yards for the handling of building material and fuel are located at First and (iaines streets, at the edge of the business district of the city. Here there are 800 feet of private railroad tracks. The com])any's first steamboat was named Lone Star. The larger of the two present craft is the Lone Star III. The other is the Lone Deer. There is also a derrick boat, a large fleet of barges, and a 30-ton railroad crane. Almost unlimited quantities of sand. gra\el and rock are at hand. Sand of best quality is brought from a dozen miles downstream and rock is obtained from the Buffalo and Linwood quarries. The company has its own gravel pit thirty miles upstream. As much as 1.000 yards or 1.500 tons of these materials has been unloaded and retailed in a sinsfle day. The Davenport Water Company DaNcnjiort has a safe and adequate water sujiply. furnished by the Davenport Water Company, drawn from the channel of the Mississippi river and purified by the most approved processes. In neither quantity nor quality has this concern failed to meet the increasingly exacting re- quirements laid u])nn municipal water plants during the last generation. After several efforts to provide a city-owned water system had failed. Daveni)ort. in 1873. granted a franchise tt) the present company, which was founded b}- the late Michael Donahue and associates. From the be- ginning satisfacttiry service, rather than large i)rofits. has been the con- cern's main objective. Continuity of management has been a factor in attaining this end. a number of those htdding places of responsibility with the company having served it for many years. Growing needs of the city have been provided for and maximum fire protection aflorded by the installation of over-size mains and ample re- serve machinery. Average pressure maintained is exceptionally high. The company has met every emergency that has arisen in the half century of its existence. It now has 120 miles of distribution mains, two pumping stations, large sedimentation basins and a reserxoir. which, being located on the bluff, offers the advantage of gravity jtressure in the business dis- trict. The Davenport \\'ater Company was one of the first to install filters for the purification of Mississipjji water. It operates under a 25- year franchise, which was renewed in 1914. The ])resent ofticers are: President, Thomas W. (iriggs; Nice-President. Tliomas [. Walsh; Sec- retary and Treasurer. James P. Donahue; (len. Manager. C. R. Henderson. R O C K ISLAND A R S E N A L 193 The Borg & Beck Company Back of the smoke and smudge and clatter, the stress and toil and grind of the average industrial enterprise lies an element of chance — a business romance — that keeps the game ever new for those who direct its movements. The play of forces in the fairy tales of our childhood, in which suspense gradually grows till the climax in which the prince and the princess are married and "li\e happil}' e\er after" is reached, has its counterpart in the dreams ni many a plain matter-of-fact indixidual whose earthly all is tied up in. some grimy manufacturing enter])rise. The difference is that The Moline Plant in the manufacturer's dream the prince is an ideal product, guiltless of mechanical fault or tiaw, whose principality is protected irom invasion by iron-bound patents, the princess is the universal market that ncj rival has yet wooed, and the dreamer is the good fairy who brings the two together and shares with them the ha])]jiness that ever afterward prevails. Records of the bankruptcy courts unfortunately prove that by far the larger part of the dreams of manufacturers fail to come true. Those of Charles W. fjorg and Marshall Beck, however, were an exception to the rule. The manner in which their early hopes and expectations have been realized is a stor}- of unusual interest. In the automobile clutch Avhich their company perfected they ha\e an ideal device for which there is an almost universal demand. It is regular equipment with three-fourths of all automobiles of standard design made in this coiuitry. In 1903 Charles \\\ Borg was a member of the designing and experi- menting staff of the Deere »S: Mansur Company, Moline. Wooden parts 194 K ( ) I K I S L A K D ARSENAL of implements and wagons at that time were mostly made by hand or with machinery, the operation of which was comparatively slow' and expensive and often dangerous. Mr. Borg devised a shaping planer, a wood-working device which by means of a succession of cam-controlled cutting heads, turned out at a single run finished parts with tapers, swells, bevels, rounds, and other irregularities of form. Its use greatly simplified the making of wagons, to which it was first applied. si)eeding up the process and reducing the number of operations. Realizing that he had hit ui)on something of unusual value. Mr. Borg resigned and prepared to manufacture his machines. At first he made his own drawings and patterns and did his nwn machine work. Later he ap- plied the shai)ing ])laner princi])le tn machinery for cutting wooden parts used in other lines of manufacture, such as barrels, washing machine tubs, porch columns and ice cream containers, 'i'he greater part of wond products of this nature now made in the United States and Canada are shaped l)y Borg machines embodying the original jirinciple. Mr. Borg also devised a wheel felloe shaping machine, automatic rim sander. automatic column lathe, automatic column cap and base shaper. automatic trim and crozing saw, plow share jointer and landside trimmer, all of which were later made ?.nd sold by his company. The co-partnership of Borg t^- Beck was formed in 1904, when Marshall Beck came into the firm tf) take up the office end of the enterprise. Shop space was rented in j-last Moline. Late in 1909 the concern secured quarters of its own at Third avenue and Si.xth street, Moline, which are still occu- pied, though many additions to them have been made. Incorporation under the same name took place in 1913. with Charles A\'. Borg president, George W. Borg secretary, and Marshall Beck treasurer. George W. Borg. son of the founder of the firm, entered the industry in 1903 and soon rose to a place of responsii)ility. His early training for the work was obtained mostly in his father's shops, although he supple- mented his factory experience with some technical instruction in college. \\'hile still in his teens he was spending most of his vacations and other spare time familiarizing himself with the fundamentals of machine design and construction. At 22 he gave up school and devoted his entire time to the industry. Like his father, he has a natural aptitude for mechanics and takes enthusiastic interest in his work. lie has designed, or helped to perfect, many of the devices manufactured by his firm. He is gifted with rare foresight and judgment in estimating mechanical possibilities involved in manufacturing processes. On toj) of that he has demonstrated unusual executive cai)acity. F^or the last decade he has been in active charge, re- lieving his father of most oi his responsibilities, and latterly making his headquarters at the main i)lant in ( hicago. For the first few years Borg (S: Beck grew rapidly. The early dreams of the founders seemed realized. They had a product which defied competi- tion, the demand was heavy and profits satisfactory. But it gradually became ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 195 (Jeorffe W. Borsr apparciU ihal Ihe Held was limited. Unce a factory was equipped with their machines, its needs in that respect were met for many years. Replacement orders were negdible. By 1912 ninety percent of the prospective users in the 196 R () L K 1 S I. A X 1) A R S I- X A 1, United Stales and Canada had installed Burg tS: Beck equipment. The field liad played out. It lucked as if there were no more worlds to c«niquer. The comi)any. however, did nt)t mean to give up without a struggle. W hen orders fur its regular product fell off. instead of laying off men and reducing activities, other work was sought. Machining contracts that cuuld he executed without radical shop changes were undertaken. Ame)ng the orders received was one frum the \ elie Mutur \ ehicle Company fur a number uf single dry-plate clutches which embodied features then new in the automotive industry. Up to that time mt»st clutches used liad been of either the cone or the multiple disc type. Borg atents. the company turned its main attention to the making of clutches. At last it had realized the manufacturer's ideal, an exclusive product and a demand that was rapidly becoming universal. Use of the Borg & Beck clutch is not confined to autonn)biles. It is equally successful in trucks, tractors, tanks and motor boats. It "picks up" the power load smoothly and efficiently. Auiomoti\e engineers generally recognize the Borg «Jv: Beck clutch as ideal, because of its de])endability. effectiveness, ease of adjustment and low cost. Expansion of its ])usiness after the i)erfection t)f the clutch made it necessary for Borg c^ Beck to expand its quarters. Five additions to the original plant in Moline were made in rai)id succession. Then in 1918. because of a local labor shortage incident to the war. it was found expedient to open a branch in (ialesburg. 111., employing fifty men. Late the same year the factory of the Smith Form-a- Truck Company at Clearing, in the southwestern limits of Chicago, was bought at bankrupt's sale. The plant was new and modern and well adapted tu the needs of the new t)wners. It had 118.000 feet uf fluur space, giving ruom for the employment of 1.000 to 1.200 ojjeratives. The Chicago Belt Line railroad gave first-class shipping facilities and there was a 1.000-fuut covered loading platform and as many feet uf new private service track. The Clearing factury was opened early in 1919 and was conducted as a branch till early in 1922. when headquarters were removed there from Muline. The (ialesburg branch was discontinued when the one at Clearing was opened. During the Wurld War Borg iS: Beck worked almost exclusively on parts fi'T manufacturing concerns having go\ ernnient contracts. RUCK ISLAND A R S K N A L 197 Leading Newspaper In Western Illinois t> -.<&. ■ The Moline Dispatch was estal)lished as a daily in 1878. after a nuniljer of weekly newspapers had lixed l)rief existences. In the first seven years of the life of the Dispatch it had its own vicissitudes and many changes of ownership. Commencing' in 1885, when Messrs. P. S. McGlynn and J. K. Groom became owners, the Dispatch began a growth commensurate with or a little more rapid than that of the city. It moved into and occupied its present home in ( )ctober, 1922. From 1885 to 1922 the ownershi]) of the Dispatch underwent only two changes — in 1891, when Mr. (irt)om sold his half interest to ^^^ F. Eastman; and in 1911, two years after the death of Mr. Eastman, when lohn .^undine ])urchased the I'^astman half interest. 198 ROCK IS L A N D A R S R N A T. The Rock Island Argus Survival of the fittest, is the hard law that has shaped the destinies of the daily press of the country. The Rock Island Argus stands today a typical product of newspaper evolution during the last seventy years. It has fought and won the long battle in which its competitors, one by lle's death in 1908, he was succeeded by F. J. Mueller. During the years of marked transition in the methods of newspaper publishing The Argus kept pace with its contemporaries and rapidly grew from a small, eight-page paper to a large modern daily. The Argus acquired the first Associated Press report and leased wire service in Rock Island, and its mechanical equipment has been steadily increased and improved. In 1919 John W. Potter, third in a direct line to bear that name and follow the vocation of newspaperman, entered the business and the paper is now actively conducted by him as publisher, his brother, Ben H. Potter, Mr. Mueller and J. M. Colligan, managing editor. The directors of the J. W. Potter Company are Mrs. J. W. Potter, John W. Potter, Ben H. Potter, Marguerite F. Potter, F. J. Mueller and H. P. Simpson. The Rock Island Daily Union, the last of its competitors in the Rock Island field, was absorbed by purchase in March, 1920, and at that time The Argus, which always had been conducted as a Democratic paper, became independent in politics. A year later, in 1921, a new building site at the southwest corner of Eighteenth street and Fourth avenue was purchased by the company and plans for a spacious, modern plant to be erected on this lot are being drawn. The structure will be one of the finest newspaper homes in the middle west and will be modeled so as to accommodate the rapidly growing adver- tising and circulation business of The Argus. 200 () C" K I S I. A X I) A k S !•: N A L The Daily Times Tliere is l)Ut one daih' newspaper coxcrin^' I )a\en])(irl, I\(>ck Island. Moline and their sul)nrl)s and i^iNiiii^" a ci>ni])lete local daily news service, with deli\ery by carrier throiif^hout the Tri-City held. That is the Daily Times, ])iil)lishe(l in Daxenport. It has been a Tri-City newspa])er for civer twenty vears. exerting' a ])('werfnl inHuence for ciunnuniity co-operation. The Times was establishecl as a l)aven])ori newspaper in 1886. \\. W . jlrady was its fotmder. In jnne. 1899. A. W . Lee and C. D. Reimers, of the ( )tttimwa C'oin'ier. ])nri-hased the Times, which, with the COurier. became the nucletis of the present Lee Syndicate. com])osed of six daily news])a])ers. L'nder the new owners the Times yrew rapidly. ( )thces were opened in Rock Island and .Moline and news and carrier ser\ice were extended to the Illinois side of llu- ri\er. The l)ail_\- Times was the first in its tleld to adopt modern mechanical e(pii])ment. In 1901 l'.. 1'. .\dler. the present pnblisher and ])resident of the Lee Syndicate, was made manager of the Daily Times, and Messrs. Lee and Adler ]nirchased Mr. Reimers' interest in the enterprise. 'The Times was lirst ])rinted in a small plant on T'ront street. After a few years it took up f|uarters on I>rady between Second and 'Third streets. September 5. 1911. it occupied its ])resent home on I^ast Second street, con- ceded to be one of the finest news])a])er establishments outside of the metro- politan centers. Its (ioss hi^h speed sextuple i)ress has a ca])acity of 72,000 twelve-page papers ])er hour. 'J'he circulation of the Daily 'Times has grown from 1,800 to 24,000. R () C K ISLAND A R S E N A L 201 The Davenport Democrat. — -Iowa's Leading Newspaper Wlien the Democrat Puljlishing Company, headed by Frank D. Throop, purchased the Davenport Democrat in the autumn of 1915 the paper hjoked back across 60 years of continuous jmlilication under practically unchanged ownership. The first issue of the I(»\\a State Democrat appeared October 15. 1855, and October 22, 1905. the Democrat ol)served the 50th anni\ersary of the paper by the pul^lication of the Democrat's half-century edition — a feat of journalistic enter- prise which gave to its readers nearly 100 pages of historical and reminiscent reading that made the edition unique in the fiebi of journalism. D. N. Richardson, tiie long-time editor of The Democrat, left his scholarly and dignified impress on its pages and made it one of the leading newspapers of the west. In his later years he won distinction as a traxeler and author. J. j. Richardson, who sur\i\ed his brother, remained the i)rincipal owner of the paper until Frank d. Throop, Publisher 1915, when it was i)urchased by The Democrat Publishing Company, of Avhich J. B. Richardson is president and Frank D. Throop secretary and treasurer. In 1922 the company purchased the property at 407, 409, 411 and 413 Brady street, where it planned to erect a magnificent $250,000 plant, one of the finest in the middle west. The paper has played a large part in the history of Davenport from its very beginning. Launched as a Democratic daily by Richardson. Hildreth and West, in 1848, the Richardson ownership survived several changes in the firm, and in 1863, the Richardson Bros, bought out the other interests and remained the pul)lishers of the paper for over half a century. D. N. Richardson remained editor of the i^aper for 43 years. He passed to his reward July 4, 1898. In 1887 The Democrat bought out the Davenport Gazette, and seven years later absorbed another Davenport daih', the Leader, and the name was added as a sub-title to the paper. Frank D. Throop, present publisher of The Democrat, had been fcjr 14 years connected with the Muscatine Journal, and for the last nine years its publisher, when he came to Daven])ort and organized the company which purchased the Democrat from the Richardson interests. He is the third generation of newspaper publishers in his family, his grandfather having conducted a newspaper, beginning in 1868. Since the change in ownership The Democrat has continued to expand in size and infiuence. and it is to be reckoned one of the leading independent-Democratic newspapers of the middle west. 202 R O r K 1 S I. A X I) A R S !■: N A L The Linograpli Company The Linograph Company Davenport, Iowa Ihe Linograph C\»nipany of Daven- port, Iowa, manufactures the Linograph. which is a typesetting machine used in job printing and newspaper offices. \\ hen this enterprise started, in 1912. there were many who claimed such fine machinery as a typesetting machine conhl not l)e successfully manufactured out here "Where the \\ est Begins." The success of the Linograph has definitely proven that skilled mechanics for the highest grade of work can be secured in Davenport. The enterprise was brought here from Minneapolis, Alinn.. through the efforts of a group of the leading business men, acting under suggestions from the Davenport Chamber of Commerce, then known as The Greater Davenport Committee, and a large number of Davenport peoi)le became interested as stockholders. Since then the Linograph has been developed and perfected, and new- models have been put on the market which have reached a high point of efficiencv. This is an international business, for Linographs have been sold in twenty-two foreign countries and nearly all the states, and are making friends everywhere. The Lin(igraph Compan}' is essen- tially a local enterprise, backed by Dav- enport capitalists and hundreds of people in the city and vicinity. The men who direct the destiny of and are respc^isible for the success of this enterprise are: R. R. Englehart. J. ^^'. Bettendorf. Chas. Shuler, J. W. Bollinger, Ray Nyemaster, II. C. Kahl and II. Petersen. The officers and acti\e management consists of: R. R. Englehart, president; Hans Petersen, \'ice-President and Gen- eral Manager ; Ray Nyemaster, Treas- urer ; J. C. Pedersen, Secretary and P. O. Pedersen, Sales Manager. The Linograph ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 203 Rock Island Bridge and Iron Works Facilities for the fabrication and erection of steel parts ofifered by the Rock Island Bridge and Iron Works makes possible greater speed in the construction of modern buildings in the Tri-Cities and immediate vicin- ity. This company is equipped to design, fabricate and erect anything in structural steel and iron. Its plant, occupying six acres of ground on the river bank in the west end of Rock Island, has exceptionally good shipping facilities both by rail and water. It regularly employs one hundred men. Practically all the steel used in buildings erected at Rock Island Arsenal during and immediately fol- lowing the war was furnished by the Bridge and Iron A\'orks, which also erected there an elevated steel water tank of 500,000 gallons capacity. The main activities of the plant at that time, however, were devoted to the fabrication of materials used in the construction of the 5,000-ton mer- chant ships by the Submarine Boat Corporation for the Emergency Fleet Corporation. The steel was shipped direct from the mills to Rock Island, fabricated there and re-shipped to Newark, N. J., where the ships were built and launched. Great quantities cf material were handled in this manner. In peace time most of the work done by the company has consisted in the preparation and erection of structural steel for building purposes. It is advantageously located for the construction of steel barges, of which it has made several, and in the event of the revival of river traffic it will be in position to make a strong bid for work of this kind. The Rock Island Bridge and Iron Works was incorporated in 1912 with $100,000 capital. The officers are: President — Walter A. Rosenfield. Vice-President — Walter G. Murphy. Secretary and General Manager — Edward Manhard. W. A. Kusenfield, President 204 R O C K I S L A X I) A K S I". X A L National Construction Company It lakes hard work, straight thinking-, close hguring and Kits of nerve to win success in the construction g-ame. That isn't all it takes, but the qualities enumerated as essential will make it clear that unless one is pos- sessed of more jxisitixc \irtues than are commonl}- foinid combined in uwq individual be had better turn his hand to other things. I), v.. Keeler. of Davenport, has followed the business for ihirty-tive years. W orking under his father, the late Dan Keeler. just thirty-tive years ago he laid tiie first pavement in this part of the country. It was of two- course brick, on sand cushion, and extended from Perry to Ripley on Third street in Davenport. With Mr. Keeler for the last twenty years has been associated j. W. Crowley. of the same city. I'lrst in the I'eoples Construction Com])any. later in the D. Keeler Company and finally in the Xational Construction Company, organized in 1919. lleavy bridge building is the specialty of the last named concern, but it also does all kinds of railroad work, installs water and sewer systems, paves streets and builds and improves highways. One of the big jjrojects put through by one of the earlier organizations was the celebrated Belle Fourche irrigation system in the Black Hills of South Dakota. This under- taking in\< lived the erection of a huge dam. creating" a reservoir of 9.000 acres and supplying water enougli ti> reclaim 240.000 acres of land. ( )ther work done bv the comjianies in which Messrs. Keeler and Crowley had been the mo\ing spirits includes tlie l)uilding of all the l)ridges between Chicago and Terre Haute for the Chicago. Terre Haute c\: St)utheastern. bet- ter known as the John R. Walsh mad : l)uil(ling of the cut-oti' for the C. B. X: O. between ( )ld Monroe and Mexico City, Mo.; the Big Lane cut-off of the Cniiin Pacific ont ank. The Treasurer. ( i. 11. Ficke. is in the insurance and real estate business in Da\enport. In its first season the company undertook a large highway bridge con- struction program for Scott County, Iowa. ])Utling in sixty-six of these structures. In 1921, thirty-seven bridges fi>r Scott county and live large bridges for the state of Illinois were constructed. ( )perations for the 1922 season were confined entirely to highway paving, ten miles of concrete road- ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 207 way being laid fur the state of Missouri. This was a $500,000 contract, and the work was highly commended by highway authorities from different states who inspected it both while it was being built and after completion. Exacting requirements of present-day highway and bridge construction make it necessary to use only the best equipment obtainable and calls for a degree of executive and engineering skill unknown in such work a few Ihe Work of The Geo. Sheldon Company years ago. In every department the Geo. Sheldon Company has made good. Its equipment includes two complete paving units, five bridge build- ing outfits and camps of modern type for each. The company's work has been of such character that it is being sought after by highway commissions, county and state, in Iowa and nearby states, to undertake new contracts. W'ith its record of achievement and with high- way and bridge construction programs of unprecedented extent in hand all over the country, the future of the concern seems assured. 208 ROCK I S L A X 1) A R S I-. X A L The Tri-Citv Brick Conipanv The Tri-City IJrick Company was organized in Febrnary. 1922. by Mr. J. L. Buckley, then located at Pittsburg. Pa. Mr. Buckley organized the Tri-City Brick Company for the purpose of purchasing a i)lant that was (twned and operated by the Argillo Works and located at Carbon Cliff. 111. The majority of the stock in the company is owned bv Tri-City residents, and the officers of the concern at the time of this writing are as follows: President — V. K. Khoads. \'ice-President — C. j. Mueller. Secretary and (ieneral Manager — j. L. Buckley. Treasurer — C. A. Beers. The above officers, together with H. ( ). Binyt^m. of Chicag(^. and F. T. Myers, of Rock Island, constitute the board of directors. This plant has a large acreage of excellent raw material, both shale and fire clay, and unexcelled shipping facilities, both by rail and water as well as by truck, as the plant is located directly on the Rock Island-Ceneseo new paved road. The Argillo L<)m])any. which is one of the oldest concerns in this section of the country, was devoting its efforts entirely to the manufacture of hollow ware, but immediately upon taking possession of the plant Mr. Buckley discontinued the manufacture of hollow ware and started manufacturing face brick, and in a short time very successfully developed one of the most artistic lines of facing brick that has ever been manufactured in the central west. The plant was greatly improved and extended: new kilns were erected: an entire new set of brick machinery was installed, and Ijefore the end of the first year the jjroduction had been increased to 50.C00 brick per day. Carbon Cliff Plant of The ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 209 Commodious offices were opened up shortly after the organization of the company, in suite 318, Robinson Building, in Rock Island, where an exten- sive line of its brick is displayed in large panels. The Argillo works antedates all other concerns of its kind in the com- munity. As early as 1856 the quality of the clay at Carbon Cliff attracted the attention of W*. S. Thomas, who had some scientific knowledge of ceramics. At that time the coal mines there were at the height of produc- tion and the Rock Island road had just been completed, connecting the Mississii)pi river with the (ireat Lakes at Chicago, and giving exceptionally good shipping facilities. Air. Thomas began by making pottery on a small scale, experimenting t(^ learn the possibilities of his undertaking. Results were so satisfactory that in 1865 a company was organized l)y Air. Thomas, together with A. L. A\'ait, of Carbon Cliff, and Jeremiah Chamber- lain, of Rock Island. It was given the name Argillo Works, Argillo meaning white clay. An architect from abroad was engaged to build the hrst kiln. From that time till the present operation of the plant has l^een practically continuous, though tlie product has been changed from time to time to meet market demands. Milo Lee became chief owner and president of the concern in 1869. He was succeeded in 1897 by \\'. T. Ball. In 1899 J. F. Robinson. Fred Titter- ington and F. K. Rhoads purchased the plant, with the 189 acres of land owned by the company, and operations were conducted under the manage- ment of Mr. Titterington until the organization of the Tri-City Brick Company. Clay at (_'ar1)on Cliff is adapted to a wide \ariety of uses. An excellent grade of pottery was made from it in the early days. Crockery and jugs formed the staple output for a numljer of years. Even tableware was attempted, 1)Ut the product was tot) dark in color to find favor. ( iood sewer pipe was turned nut, l)Ut the kiln capacity was not large enough to produce this line successful! v. Tli-Citv Brirk C.ompanv 210 ROCK I S L A X I) A R S \i N A L The Sturte\ ant -Baker Company Etticiency and cleanliness go iiand in hand in the Sunlight plant, the new lionie of the Sturtevant-Baker Company, manufacturers of l*urity ice cream and Crystal ice. Located at the corner of Sixteenth street and Fifth avenue. Rock Island, convenient for prompt delivery to all parts of the three cities, the huilding was planned ])rimarily for the production of good ice cream. Working at full capacity. 240 gallons of ice cream can be produced hourly, while the daily output of ice is 100 tons. In the ten years since its advent in Rock Island the Sturtevant-Baker Company has o])erated with marked success, building up a reputation for New Home of The Sturlevant-Baker C Purity ice cream which extends throughout the three cities and surrounding territory. Twice it has outgrown its quarters, and finally was forced to construct the j^resent building ft)r its plant, the structure being started late in 1921 and occupied early in 1922. The business later acquired by the present owners was started about twenty-five years ago by the late J. M. Beeman, at Seventh avenue and Fif- teenth street. At first a milk depot was conducted, and later the Beeman Ice Cream Company was organized. In 1912 O. G. Sturtevant and C. E. Baker, both experienced in the business, purchased Mr. Beeman's interests and op- erated it as a partnership under the name of Sturtevant & Baker. The old quarters were inadequate for the needs of the new owners, and so a new building was erected just across the alley west of the former station. There the retailing of milk and cream was shortly discontinued and the firm came to devote its entire attention to the manufacture and sale of ice cream. Details of the present plant were planned with much care and after an exhaustive investigation of the best features of similar structures through- out the country. The Sturtevant-Baker Company, which was incorporated when the expansion was undertaken, was fortunate in securing the site of ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 211 the old rink building, centrally located and with ground space of 100x212 feet. The building covers all the ground, part of it being two stories in height, and is of fireproof construction. In it all that is modern in the way of equipment for the manufacture of ice cream and pure ice has been installed. While the foundations were being laid an artesian well was drilled to supply pure water for the making of ice. The structure is of brick and concrete, presenting a pleasing exterior and an interior so admirably adapted to its purposes that it is likely to serve for a long time as a model for build- ing activities of concerns engaged in the ice cream business. Recognizing sunlight as an important factor in promoting sanitation, and light interior colors as an aid in the maintenance of perfect cleanliness, the builders provided an abundance of windows and skylights and finished the inside in pure white. Refrigerating machinery of the latest type fills the engine room, from which is piped vaporized ammonia to three separate departments. In one of these Crystal ice is produced, being frozen in brine reduced to a low temperature l)y the expansion of the piped ammonia. This ice, produced in 400-pound cakes, is handled by an electric crane. It is used to pack ice cream and supplied to ice cream dealers, and the surplus is sold at retail at the plant. Four electrically operated freezers are in the ice cream department. They are cooled direct by the ammonia process. The "mix," composed of cream, sugar, flavoring extracts, etc., is prepared in three large containers on the second floor and fed through closed pipes dow^n into the freezers. There the dashers are set at work in the cold cylinders and when tests show that the specific gravity has been reduced to the required point, the ice cream, still in a partly fluid state, is poured out into paper-lined cans ready to be placed in the zero chaml)er. Each of the four freezers converts fifteen gallons of "mix" into ice cream every fifteen minutes. In the zero cliaml:)er, which is also cooled by direct action of the am- monia, a low temperature is maintained. There the ice cream is brought to the right consistency for handling. Before being delivered it is packed in crushed ice, which keeps it in perfect condition for several hours, even in the warmest weather. Sturtevant-Baker delivery facilities are up to the high standard of the manufacturing plant. Anticipating the heavy demand for its product which has since been realized, the company planned a large loading dock, all under roof, from which the eight trucks serving the Tri-Cities receive their daily loads of ice and ice cream. An overhead mechanism carries the crushed ice direct from the crusher to the vehicles so that loading and packing can be done most expeditiously. The Sturtevant-Baker Company invites inspection of its plant, confident that the more the public knows of its methods of operation the sooner will the truth of its claim for the purity and goodness of its product be realized 212 ROCK I S L A X 1) A R S 1-: X A L The Bettendorf Oxvgen-Hvdrogen Company ( )xvg^en and hydrogren. combined in the form of water, are among tlie most Common elements. Separated they ha\e long been employed in small quantities in various ways, but their general use in the industries dates back but a few years, and involves a story of surjjrising growth. O.xygen is used mainly in welding and in cutting steel, expediting both operations to a marked degree and offering other improvements upon older methuds. During the war hydrogen was required in large quantities to inflate balloons. The business of generating oxygen and hydrogen in commercial quan- tities in this country goes back only a few years. In 1914, when the World War began, the number of plants in the United States was fifty-one. and the »',T;^fe4i|^''" ci:-"**i" cuantity of oxygen produced annually was 104.700,000 cubic feet. Xow there are about one hundred plants, with a capacity of 1.500,000,000 cubic feet yearly. The Bettendorf < )xygen-Ilydrogen Company l^egan operations in August. 1914, with a capacity of one million cubic feet of oxygen yearly. Its plant is fitted to generate gases by the electrolysis of distilled water. A high voltage current is passed through the liquid in cells, setting the two elements free in the form of gases, which are conducted to separate holders and later compressed into steel cylinders for handling, at a i)ressure of 1,800 pounds per square inch. Present capacity of the plant is 7,000,000 cubic feet of oxygen and 14,000.000 cubic feet of hydrogen per annum. Hydrogen is used principally in the hydrogenation of vegetable oils, a process which converts them into stearine, used in the manufacture of lard substitutes. During the World War j)ractically all the gases generated by the Bettendorf jjlant were used at Rock Island Arsenal and in Tri-City manu- facturing concerns doing war work. .\. J. Russell, secretary and manager of the comj^any, was chairman of the war service committee of the oxygen- hydrogen industry. ]\. J. Bettendorf is president of the company. T. |. Walsh vice-president. J. Reed Lane treasurer, and A. J. Russell secretary and manager. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 213 The Knox Mortuary The Knox Mortuary More than a hundred years ago — June 27, 1818, to be exact — was born at Blanford, Mass., the founder of the Knox Mortuary in Rock Island. Charles Bishop Knox was his name. He learned the trade of cabinet maker, came to Rock Island in 1841 and opened a shop. In the early days cabinet makers found plenty of work in the newer communities of the west. They built furni- ture and store fixtures. Cothn making was a side line. Such factories as there were then were far away, and trans- ])ortation was expensive and slow. (ienerally work was done on order, and few goods were made uj) in adxance to be held for sale. Mr. Knox found a brisk demand for coffins and soon established a rejjU- tation as coffin maker that extended many miles l)eyond the \illage limits. There were no undertakers in the community then. Friends of bereaved families generally \dlunteered to officiate at burials, but even so, something better than a rough ]dne l)ox nailed together by amateurs was demanded. Coffins were made to order, and not infrequently Mr. Knox was aroused during the night to prepare one needed forthwith at some distant ])oint. Such experiences suggested to him the wisdom of making up coffins in advance in diffierent sizes, and keeping them ready for emergencies. This ])ractical expedient, strange as it now seems, set the tongues of the townspeople to wagging. It \A'as considered little short of sacrilegious to thus anticipate the visits of the Grim Reaper. Idie Knox cabinet shop then was in the base- ment of a one-story brick building at what is now 2010 Fourth a\enue. The morbid curiosity of people who ])aused in the street to watch the coffin maker at work made it expedient for the owner of the shop to screen the windows. The elder Knox conducted his first funeral, according to records now in the* hands of the family, in 1852, and three years later he definitely em- barked in the business of undertaking, being the first in this ])art of the country to do so. From that time till his death, in 1890, he was actively engaged in this work, returning to earth the remains of most of the older residents of Rock Island and \icinity. During the Civil War nearly two thousand Confederate prisoners, who died mostly of contagious diseases, were buried on Rock Island, just east 214 R ( ) f K ISLAND A K S I". X A L 1852 — Four Generations of Knox Service. — .1922 Hurry T. Knox. .Ir. Who In Expt'cteil to Carry on ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 215 of the Arsenal shops. As the only undertaker in the locality, Mr. Knox was called upon to inter them, also making the coffins. This he did, number- ing- the graves and keeping a record, still in the family possession, of names and all other available data. Two sons of the elder Knox learned the undertaking business with him, one of them, B. Frank Knox, became associated with his father in 1872, and taking over the business upon the latter's death. The son had his first introduction to hard work as a boy, being employed in a bakery at night making bread for Confederate prisoners and in daytime helping his father hury the southern soldiers who had succumbed during the preceding 24 hours. B. Frank Knox conducted the undertaking establishment until his death, Dec. 28, 1914, as the result of an injury in an automobile accident. Then the business passed into the hands of his son, Harry T. Knox, who now owns and manages it. The three generations that have conducted the Knox mortuary estab- lishment have witnessed remarkable changes. The village of the 40's, where the business was started, has grown to a city. The crudities of pioneer days have given way to the refinements of the twentieth century. The under- taking business has passed from its inception through the era of the slow and unpretentious horse-drawn hearse to the ornate and swift motor funeral car of today. In all the changes in its lousiness the Knox Mortuary has been among the pioneers. The late B. Frank Knox was one of the first licensed embalmers in Illinois. He was among the first to discontinue the use of ice and intro- duce embalming fluid. He adopted arterial embalming as soon as its success was demonstrated. Long ago the original building used in the business was torn down and more commodious quarters provided. Fifteen years ago a mortuary chapel was added, and is now used exclusively for funeral services. The Knox family always has taken a prominent part in political and social afiairs. Charles B. Knox served as coroner, supervisor and alderman, and was one of the first captains of the volunteer fire department. B. Frank Knox was chief of the volunteer fire department in 1886 and 1887. later serv- ing as alderman from the fifth ward and was mayor of Rock Island three terms, being elected in 1895, 1901 and 1903. Harry T. Knox has learned the business from the ground up. Like his father, he grew up in it, has a natural aptitude for it, and is ever alert to learn and apply betterments in his line of work. During the World War he was in the aviation service, serving with the 612th Aerial Squadron, which trained at Kelly Field, San Antonio, Texas, and later had charge of aviation training work at the general supply depot at Fairfield, Ohio. It is the fond hope of the present owner that the Knox Mortuary will sometime pass into the hands of the fourth generation of the family, Harry T. Knox, Jr., whose portrait accompanies this sketch. 216 k ( ) e" K 1 S L A X I) A R S I-: X A Rock Island Rejxister Company Founded upon a sound, practical idea. I^uilded w itli painstaking care and fidelity to correct business principles, the Rock Island Register Com- pany in a dozen years has grown until it now stands ])ractically without com- petition in the middle west in the manufacture of warm air registers. "Xo Streak" is the Registered Trade Mark. Formerly the wall register used in warm air heating was objected to because of leakage of air. which carried dust up the wall and in time caused streaks. The idea of the founders of the Rock Island Register Company was a device to i)re\ent this leakage. 7 ^ ^^r ym "^ ;: patented interlapi)ing slip joint that made a tight connection, and forced all the warm air out into the room away from the wall. Xo com])Ctitor ever has been able to im])rove upon or even ecpial it. The Rock Island Register Com])any is distinctly a Rock Island concern. J. |. Burgess and S. \\ Burgess, brothers, and natives of the city, invented the register, and established the business in 1910. In 1911 they formed a corporation in which ( ieorge Harms and W. ( i. Harms became interested. In 1915 they erected their first building, which was quickly • aitgrown and two additions were made. Xo more ground room being avail- able, they built the present factory building at Fifth avenue and Twenty- fifth street. This building is three stories and basement, and has 32.000 feet of floor si)ace. I*"orty men are em])loyed. I'roin the beginning the com])any has maintained a high standard for its product. During the war it installed heating plants in 460 government-built houses in Rock Island. Moline and Fast Moline, and there never has been a complaint. It was the best work of its kind, government housing official? said, that was done anywhere in the United States. Distribution of the Rock Island register is now national in scoi)e. ROCK ISLAND A R S E N A L 217 The Rock Island Mfg. Company In diversity of output the Kock Island Mfg. Company probably ranks among Tri-City manufacturing concerns next to Rock Island Arsenal. More than five hundred dififerent articles are listed in its catalogues. Hardware, electrical and farm specialties are its chief products. Vises constitute the largest single item. From thirty to forty per cent of the vises used by the armies of the United States and its allies during the World War were made by this concern. The history of the Rock Island Mfg. Company goes back scarcely a dozen years. In 1909 it was organized under the leadership of Carl E. Shields, who has served continuously since as president and treasurer. The assets of the former Rock Island 1\hA Company were purchased, and the plant at First street and Fifteenth avenue. Rock Island, was taken over. Vises had been the main ])roduct of the Tool Company, which employed thirty to forty men. and occupied twenty thousand feet of floor space. Manufacture was resumed on an enlarged scale. New markets were found, and the variety of products enlarged to meet growing demands. Feed grind- ing mills, emery grinding tools, stock fountains and a line of hand farming tools were produced, principal attention being paid to the needs of the agricultural communities. Within two years manufacture of sad irons was undertaken on a large scale, and this company is now conceded to be the largest single producer of sad irons in the world. Popular automobile specialties were later added, and in 1918. the Loetcher-Ryan Mfg. Company, of Dubuque. Iowa, was absorbed and its factory equipment removed to Rock Island. This made possible the manufacture of electrical specialties, electric irons principally, at first. Other items have been added and the list is still growing. Before this country entered the World A\'ar the Rock Island Mfg. Company supplied vises in large numljers to [uigland and her allies. Sev- eral shipments lie at the bottom of the Atlantic, sent there !)y German sub- marines. When our soldiers were in training they shot at targets the metal castings of which were produced by this company. For several weeks the foundry was employed exclusively in tilling a rush order from Rock Island Arsenal to supply all cantonments in the United States with targets. In the beginning the sales of the Rock Island Mfg. Company totaled less than one hundred thousand dollars a year. Now they normally run more than a million annually, and there has been a healthy increase in every year, save one. Shop expansion has l)een necessary, twelve acres of land now owned by the company insuring sufticient room for the future. In the reac- tion following the war boom, the scale of operations w^as temporarily reduced, but the factory never has been closed. Neither have products been cheapened to stimulate sales. Only standard quality goods are made. Floor space has been increased to 150,000 feet, and 250 men are employed. 218 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 219 Villa de Chantal Rock Island has a widely patronized school for girls and young ladies in Villa de Chantal, conducted by the Sisters of the Visitation, a Catholic order of long standing and high achievement. It occupies a magnificent site on the bluff overlooking the city and Davenport, and unfolding a panorama of the Mississippi valley for miles in each direction. The Order of the Visitation was founded in France more than three hundred years ago. Its rules and traditions tend to encourage that spirit of refinement, simplicity and self-sacrifice which peculiarly fits its members for the training of young girls. Founded in 1864, in Maysville, Ky., as Francis de Sales Academy, the school was removed to Rock Island in 1899. Already widely known for the quality of its work and drawing pupils from many states, in its new home it found a broader field and shortly became recognized as one of the leading college preparatory institutions. The academy building is surrounded by fifteen acres of land, mostly level and sloping away on three sides, with a precii)itate drop toward the city at the north, line site is exceptionally well adapted to landscaping and for purposes of outdoor recreation. Walks and drives have been laid about the grounds, the natural forest growth supplemented with a variety of other trees and shrubber_v, and la\\ns and courts installed for the games and amusements in which girls delight to take part. The course of study embraces academic, intermediary and primary departments. The academic department offers two courses, one general and the other college {preparatory. Recognition that of all the arts music is the most subtle and far-reaching in its eft'ects, and that its influence is most pronounced in refining- and broadening the tastes of those who study it, the school always has laid particular stress upon this branch of its work. The department for both vocal and instrumental instruction is under the direc- tion of graduates of the leading conservatories of the country. The piano, organ, guitar, harp, mandolin and violin are taught by competent instructors. The department of elocution is under the supervision of a graduate of one of the best known schools of oratory. Foreign languages are taught by ac- complished linguists. Aesthetic culture and daily physical exercises, which promote gracefulness of carriage and the habit of true politeness, receive special care. Axilla de Chantal is centrally located and easily accessible from all parts of the Tri-City connnunity. Thus it is enabled to serve many day pupils who live within a radius of a few miles. Though the school is con- ducted by a Catholic order, pupils of all denominations are received. Two free scholarships are maintained and medals are aw^arded for high standing in certain lines of work. The school library is one of the most complete in the state. 220 ROCK 1 S 1. A X I) ARSE X A L St. Ambrose College St. Anil)rt)se College. Davenport, was founded by the Rt. Rev. James McMullen. D. D.. first bishoj) of Davenport, in the year 1882. and was incori)orated under the laws of the state of Iowa on October 6. 1885. The present ofiicers of the corporation are: Rt. Rev. James Davis. D. D.. presi- dent: \'ery Rev. J. T. A. Flannagan. vice-president; \'ery Rev. William E. llannon. secretary and treasurer. It is a Catholic college devoted to the cause of Christian education. The institution owes its existence to the con- viction that in the education of young men best results are ol)tained where the imi)ortance of the religious element in training is recogniz- ed and respected. St. Ambrose offers the regular college and high s c h o o 1 courses. A large en- dowment insures a high standard of in- struction and equip- ment. \'ery Rev. \\m. L. Hanni)n is president in charge of the institution. Da\U Hall, .Men's New Donnitur) ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 221 St. Katharine's School (Jccupying a wooded knoll in the heart of the residential part of Daven- [)ort, overlooking" the Mississippi, St. Katharine's School for girls and young women is set amidst ideal surroundings. Conducted by the Sisters of St. Mary, an I^piscopal order, this institution offers unexcelled opportu- nities for the study of music, dramatics and art, and has l^een most successful in prei)aration of its students for entrance to eastern colleges for women. Group of St. Katharine's School B'lildings Its work is conducted by se\en Sisters, twenty-two instructors, all college graduates, a physical instructor and a nurse. Cirls of all denominations are welcomed as students. St. Katharine's School was opened September 24, 1884. Its establish- ment was made possible by a legacy from the estate of Miss Sarah I'.urr, left to Griswold College for the purpose of founding in the diocese of Icnva a church school for girls. A building and live acres of ground were purchased. Bishop Perry presided at the opening ceremonies. An addition to the building was made in 1885. Until 1902 the school was conducted by Miss luuma Rice, later Mrs. J. J. Richardson, as preceptress. Then it was turned over to the Sisters of St. Mary, wdiose chief work is education. During the summer of 1902 ihe chapel and gymnasium were built. In 1907 three acres of land adjoining the school pro])erty, \\-ith the buildings thereon, were acquired. St. Katharine's is not conducted for i)ecuniary proht. A few generous bequests and a modest endowment provided by its friends have made its expansion possible. Six scholarships to defray tuition of deserving girls needing financial assistance are jjrovided. Perhaps the best testimonial to the character of St. Katharine's is to be found in its list of alumnae, which is made up of members of leading families of Iowa, as well as from many other states, east and west. Ill RUCK IS L A X D A R S 1£ N A L Rock Island Transfer & Storage Company \\ arelit'using has come in the last few years to assume a degree of importance hitherto imdreamed of. Changes in methods of handling mer- chandise and household goods, improved facilities for storing, and above all. the development t)f the motor truck, ottering cpiicker and more efficient transport on short hauls, have helped to bring this business to the front. Though a comparati\ ely ticw concern, the Rock Island Transfer tS: Stor- age Company occupies a position of leadership in its field in the Tri-City community, with a new $125,000 plant and with facilities to meet every de- mand incident to the warehousing business. March 27. 1917. the company was incorporated. At that time its equipment was limited to six teams and wagons, and it rented modest quarters on West Seventeenth street. The company's new home at First avenue and Seventeenth street was formally opened June 20, 1922. It is a four-story building, of heavy vitrified brick construction, and so arranged as to make possible the erection of two additional stories. The main building is 77.\110 feet, with garage adjoining. 73x110 feet, the latter being part one and part two-story. Latest ideas in warehouse construction were incori)orated ; efficient handling, safe storage and adequate fire ])rotection being leading objccti\es. Equii)ment now includes half a dozen trucks, more than a score of horses and many wagons. Moving and hauling, packing, crating and storing of household goods and storing and distributing merchandise are among the company's activities. B. L. Burke is president and treasurer, N. B. Gosline vice-president and secretary and Loyal Robb superintendent of the concern. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 223 Augustana Book Concern The Lutheran publishing plant, known as the Augustana Book Concern, was established in Rock Island in the 80"s. At first a small private printing shop and bookstore, it was purchased in 1889 by the Augustana Synod of North America and made the official publishing house of that Synod. As such the business has developed from a modest store and shop to its present uf Augustana H,,.,k r,„„,-,,i capacity — an establishment fully equipped in every department of a modern printing and publishing plant, and showing an annual turnover of more than $280,000.00. The output per year may be indicated by the following totals for the last calendar year: The number of copies of books and pamphlets printed in 1921 was 210,850, half of which were new, the balance reprints. The average number of copies of periodicals printed, counting one issue of each, exceeds 100,000. Since its establishment in 1889 the Augustana Book Concern has printed 5,014,130 copies of books, tracts, pamphlets and sheet music. The business management consists of an elective board and an executive head. Mr. A. G. Anderson has served as manager since the founding of the synodical publishing house thirty-three years ago, and several heads of departments have served the same length of time. In point of volume of business done annually, the Augustana Book Concern ranks well to the front among commercial establishments in the city of Rock Island, and the postal revenues of this city are largely derived from this source. 224 R ( ) ( " In 1 S LA X I) S !•: X A L K.H k blan.l Fu.1 (. Rock Island Fuel Company During^ the winter of 1917-18, when the United States Fuel Administra- tioti \\a< ill charsre of distribution of coal, the Rock Island Fuel Company l)layed a \ cry important i)art in looking after the comfort of the community. During" this severe pcriixl a coal famine existed. There was very little coal of any kind for domestic or steam use. and what little did arrive was quickly consimied. The Rock Island Fuel (dmpany. using every possible resource, managed to secure enough fuel to avert real suffering. Besides taking care of its own trade, it furnish- ed fuel to other dealers. It was at times necessary to route shijjnicnts through distant points because of exist- ing embargoes. In emergencies the Rock Island Fuel Company has never failed to supply the needs of the community. This company, the (ddest and largest exclusive fuel concern in the three cities, enjoys a wide prestige because of the high qualit\- of the fuels handled and the excellent service it renders. The business was started in 1880. by William Hubers. who at that time dealt principally in wood. From a small beginning the business developed quickly, and in 1889 the Rock Island Fuel Company was incorporated \\ith William Hubers as ])resident. Mr. Hubers has remained at the head of the compan}^ and still takes an active hand in the business. Today the company has yards in all three cities, and handles on the average about 100.000 tons of fuel a year. The company maintains a fleet of trucks besides many teams, has its own blacksmith and rei)air shops and other facilities f(.r the efficient handling of the business. Besides its large storage yards in Davenport and Moline. the company has its great gravity bins in Rock Island, which are capable of holding six thousand tons at one time. if Gravity Bins ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 225 Rock Island Wood Works Founded as an adjunct to sawmills of the vicinity when the lumber business on the Mississippi river was at its zenith, the Rock Island Wood Works has survived the days of the log raft, the screeching saw and the fragrant lumber pile in its home city and has become a permanent concern. Able business management and high stand- ards maintained in cjuality of output have contributed to its success. Starting as a partnership with William Roth and C. J. Schreiner as owners, the original name was the Variety Wood Works. That was in 1891. Mr. Schreiner's death late in the nineties led to the pur- chase of the Schreiner interests by Mr. Roth in 1901, and the incorporation of the present company. The first factory building at the north- west corner of Eleventh street and Sixth avenue was soon outgrown and additions were made. Soon after incorporating the company secured the land on the corner diagonally opposite the plant and erected thereon the present office and warehouses. William Roth, one of the Founders of the Rock Island Wood Works The company manufactures no stock goods, working only on architects' or builders' specifications, and has an en- viable reputation for the high class of its product. Its millwork has been used in some of the best buildings in the three cities, among which may be mentioned the Rock Island postoffice, court house, Central Trust & Savings bank, Peoples bank. Fort Armstrong theatre, the Washington and Audubon schools, the Capitol theatre in Davenport and the Reliance building in Moline. On the death of William Roth, early in 1922, his son, G. William Roth succeeded him as president and treasurer. Walter F. Roth is vice-president and Max Helpenstell secretary of the company. G. William Roth, Present Head of Company 226 R O C K I S L A X I) A K S !•: X A I. Beder Woo(1's Sons Company Forty-six years ago Beder \\\>()d, of Moline. had sufficient vision to see a future in the sand business, and out of that vision grrew the flourishing industry now conducted by Beder Wood's Sons Company, operating an equipment capable of handling 600 tons of sand and gravel daily, besides large quanti- ties of fuel and building material. Concrete was unknown in this country in 1876. Sand was used in relatively small quantities and gravel not at all in construc- tion projects. The ri\er then, a? now. offered tlic most a\ailable supply of clean sand, but the method of getting it out of the stream and onto the banks ready for use was crude and involved a great deal of labor. W hen Mr. W dod began dealing in sand he obtained it by shoveling it from bars onto barges. Tlic barges were poled from the l)ank at tlie foot of Sixteenth street. where his first yard was located, up the ri\er to the nearest bar. and when loaded Beder Wood. Foun.ier wcre rctumed to the starting po'uU by the same method. Lse of steam power to propel the craft and pump the sand had nt)t been thought of. \\'hen the stage of the river was high and bars were covered with water it was necessary to use long-handled shovels, and the task was unusually arduous and slow. Mr. Wood had not followed the sand business long before he began to cast about for better and more economical ways to handle his product. The centrifugal pump was then in use. but it ne\ er had been adapted to the raising of sand. Mr. \\'(^od set about applying it to this use. and after much exj)erimenting and a number of failures, succeeded in getting the desired results. He built the steamboat Kdna and rigged it up with an equipment which has been the model for manufacturers of sand pumping machinery ever since. This was done in the early 80's. his pump being the first one used in the business on the Mississippi ri\er. Ciravel did not come into general use till the 90's and then there was some opposition to it as a substitute for crushed stone, which Mr. Wood labored to overcome, (iravel now is sold in much greater quantities than sand, having to a large extent displaced crushed stone in concrete construc- tion. In 1902 the business was removed from .sixteenth street to its i)resent location, the site of the old Keator sawmill on I-".ightecnth street, where two ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 227 half blocks are now covered by yards and Iniildings. Modern bins and docks have been built, and improved machinery installed for washing, screening, grading and handling gravel and sand. The firm has built practically all its own boats and barges. Its fleet now consists of the steel-hulled towboat, Beder Wood, a pump boat, coal boat, spud boat and nine barges. It owns gravel pits at Hampton and below the mouth of the Aleredosia, 20 miles above Moline. ( )n shore the firm operates from ten to forty trucks and teams, the number \arying with Upper left — Towboat Beiler Wooii. Lipper right —Pump boat in ai-tion. Lower left Unloading barge at wharf. Lower right — Part of land equipment of Beder Wood's Sons Company. the season. Much of its gravel and sand is shipped to inland points within a radius of 100 miles. A full line of building materials, including brick, cement, tile, etc., is carried, and an extensive retail coal business is done. When not otherwise employed its boats do a general towing business. Beder Wood, Sr., died in 1914. Since that time the business has been conducted by his sons, Beder Wood. Jr., and Benjamin Wood. During the AVorld War large quantities of sand and gravel were supplied for construc- tion work at Rock Island Arsenal, the War Department always having priority in the filling of orders. 228 ROCK I S I A X I) A R S 1-: X A The Rol)insons. Pioneer Bankers and City Builders Among the men who gave impetus to Rock Island's early grituth. none was more active or interested in a greater diversity of enterprises than the late Capt. Thomas J. Robinson. He and his son. the late James F. Robinson. who continued his father's work during the few years that he was spared to do so, ac- cumulated extensive property holdings, now administered as the Robinson estate by Mrs. J. F. Robinson. Capt. Robinson was of New England birth and training. Born in Maine, in 1818, he made his own way from his early teens, when he learned the cooper's trade. Com- ing west at the age of twenty, he taught school, clerked on a river steamer and finally took up farming near Hillsdale, in Rock Island county. Three years later he removed to Port Byron, where he conducted a retail store for five years, and then in 1853 came to Rock Island. With his sav- ings he bought from Judge John W. Spencer an interest in the Davenport & Rock Island Ferry company and took charge of the business, acquiring in that connection the title of "Captain." by which he was known thereafter. The young captain lost no time in re- placing with steam the horse power then used in operating the ferry. In less than a decade he had become full owner of the enterprise, of which he remained in con- trol until his death. Capt. Robinson always had supreme faith in the future of the Tri-Cities. Act- ing on the belief that they were destined to became a great industrial center, he exerted his energies and invested his capital in promoting home enterprises. He was one of the organizers of the Rock Island Stove Company, the Rock Island Glass Company, and many other concerns which flourished in the early days. Seeing in an eastern city a street railway in operation, he re- turned home and set to wrtrk to ]>rovide a j.f. Robinson Ca|il. T. J. Kubinsuii ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 229 similar utility here. As a result, the line between Rock Island and Moline, which became the nucleus of the properties of the present Tri-City Railway Company, was built. No other man in the community worked harder to secure congressional legislation for the establishing of Rock Island Arsenal than he. He spent much time and money interesting national law makers in the building of the Hennepin canal as the link in a water route between the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mexico. He was a leading promoter of the railroad line between Rock Island and St. Louis, which is now operated by the Burlington as its St. Louis division. In connection with Weyer- haeuser & Denkmann, Rock Island lumbermen, he backed enterprises for the development of the lumber industry in Wisconsin. In 1871 Capt. Robinson founded the Rock Island National Bank. He became its president, holding the office till his death, and made it one of the strongest financial institutions in western Illinois. The supreme test of his business career came in 1873, when the stability of his bank was threat- ened by the resumption of specie payment, ordered by President Grant. Many persons now living recall the panic of 1873, in which only the strongest business concerns survived. The "Robinson bank," as the Rock Island National was generally known, came through unscathed, but its president staked every resource he possessed in winning the fight. To provide a home for the bank the Robinson building at Second avenue and Eighteenth street, one of the landmarks of the business district, was constructed. Upon the death of Capt. Robinson, April 12, 1899, his son, J. F. Robinson, who was his sole heir, succeeded him as president of the Rock Island National Bank. In December, 1899, the Central Trust & Savings Bank was organized, with Mr. Robinson president, and occupying quarters jointly with the Rock Island National. Later the two banks were merged under the name of the younger institution. James F. Robinson was born in Rock Island county, February 27, 1849. Upon completion of his schooling, which included a classical course at Northwestern University, he became cashier of the Rock Island National Bank, a position which he held for 25 years. He died May 23, 1902. The younger Mr. Robinson was a man of scholarly tastes. Like his father, he led a most exemplary life, had no fear of hard work and earned a reputation for dealing honestly and fairly with his fellows. Under his management the properties he inherited prospered, and he added to them by engaging in new enterprises. He always had at heart the best interests of his home city. Both father and son were affiliated with and actively supported the Methodist Episcopal church. Both gave liberally in aid of schools and charitable institutions, and devoted large sums to the relief of the needy. J. F. Robinson was married in 1879 to Miss Mary E. Rhoads, of Pekin, 111. Two daughters were born to the union, but both died in infancy. 230 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL Leading Rock Island Merchant Credit for Rock Island's high standiiii^ as a merchandising center is due in large measure to the late L. S. McCabe. For forty-five years actively engaged in the retail business in the city, his energy, enterprise and fair dealing built up a patronage extending many miles beyond the city's borflers and heli)ed in no small degree to bring ])ros])erily to tliose engaged in other lines of trade. Mr. McCabe .always had great faith in the com- munity. Combined with his rare ability as a merchant was an unusual insight into the motives which actuated the Imying public and a belief in the power of constant, truthful advertising. The ])ublicity he obtained for his enterprise was backed by dependable got)ds and honest service. L. S. McCabe was born in Delaware County, New York. December 11. 1846, and died in Rock Island Se])teml)er 26. 1915. ( )n coming west in 1868, ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 231 he taught school for two years in Drury township, the late Judge William H. Gest being county superintendent at that time. The first McCabe store, located at what is now Second avenue and Six- teenth street, was opened October 5, 1870, its stock consisting of drygoods and household necessities. Even in that early day the young merchant saw the advantage of creating separate departments for the sale of different classes of goods, which later became the plan of merchandising in all the larger establishments. He also realized the possibilities of economy in larger buying for a number of business enterprises, and as soon as he had sufficient capital he opened other stores, cities in which he operated including Davenport, Muscatine and Des Moines, Iowa, and Chicago and Ottawa, Illi- nois. Growth of his business in his home city, however, demanded so much of his time and attention that eventually he closed out all branches and center- ed his resources in Rock Island. There he built up a truly metropolitan department store, wdiich, during the later years of his life, was recognized as a leader in the Tri-City field. Early in his career Mr. McCabe began acquiring real estate in the business district of the city. The Gay ford lilock on Second avenue, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets, the present Second avenue home of the L. S. McCabe c^ Co. store, was his first purchase. Adding to his holdings from time to time, he ultimately became the largest individual owner of business property in the city of Rock Island. In 1899 the present company was incorporated and the following year the Third avenue building, with 80,000 feet of floor space, was erected, providing a store one block in length, with entrances on two avenues. Since his death the business has been con- tinued by the company bearing his name. While a master of detail and always in close touch with every branch of his business establishment, Mr. McCabe never permitted himself to become wdiolly absorbed in it. His abundant energies always sought addi- tional outlets, and as a result be became identified with various undertakings outside of the retail field. He was vice-president and director of the Moline Central street railway, one of the first in the west to be electrified. He helped to lay out Prospect Park. He was president of the Rock Island Safety Deposit Company, builder of the Safety building, and of the Colonial Hotel Company, being owner of the site of the building, now known as the Como hotel. H,e was an organizer and an officer of the Central Trust & Savings bank. He was interested in agriculture, owning several fine farms on which he raised blooded Angus cattle. In religious, social and political affairs Mr. McCabe was also deeply interested. In 1902 he w^as elected state senator to represent the Thirty- third district, serving one term of four years and declining re-election. Mr. McCabe was married to Miss Marion V. Reck, August 30, 1888. He is survived by the widow and three daughters, the Misses Dorothy Clay. Alarguerite Baxter and Marion McCabe Bruner. 232 R () e K 1 S L A X 1) A R S !•: X A L Federal Surety Company The Federal Surety Company is a stock company located in Davenport, ioua. This company, with a capital of one million dollars, writes casualty insurance and surety bonds. It is owned by many prominent people in the Tri-Cities and at present transacts business in eighteen states and the District of Columbia. The Federal Government has licensed this company to write government business throughout the United States. The Federal is one of only twenty-nine companies in the United States to be so licensed, and only two of these companies are located west of the Mississippi. W. L. Taylor is the very elhcieiit manager of the Federal Surety Com- pany, and the effects of his splendid management are shown in the rapid growth of this company. It w^as established during the month of July, 1920, and since that date has attained a position of confidence and trust usually accorded only to companies which have put many years of faithful service behind them. Best's Insurance Guide with key ratings for 1922 rates the Federal Surety's paying record as "excellent" and gives its management the highest rating accorded to companies of this kind. Each department is managed by men with years of experience in their respective lines. The directors of this company are: M. H. Calderwood, Ex-President of the Iowa Rankers Association. Director and President of the Eldridge Savings Bank, Director and Presi- dent of the Mississippi \'alley Fair and I'lxposition Association. George E. Decker, Director and President of the Register Life Insurance Company, also Director of the Iowa National Bank. Charles Grilk, Counselor and Attorney-at-law, General Counsel Register Life Insurance Company. H. C. Kahl, Director and \'icc-President of the Walsh Construction Company, Director and President of the Blackhawk Hotel Company, Direc- tor and \"ice-President of the Miller Hotel Company, Director of the Citizens Trust and Savings Bank, Director of the Iowa National Bank, also sole owner of the Kahl building. Charles Shuler, Director and President of the Iowa National Bank, Di- rector Colorado and Utah Coal Company, Maple Coal Company, also inter- ested in some of Davenport's largest institutions. Frank B. Yetter, Director and active \'ice-President of the Iowa National Bank, Director Register Life Insurance Company, member of the Ex- ecutive Committee Clearing House division of the American Bankers' Association, also Ex-President of the Iowa Bankers' Association. W. L. Taylor \'ice-President and General Manager of the Company. Charles Shuler is the President of the Federal Surety Com])any ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 233 W. L. Taylor, Vice-President and General Manager Federal Surety Company 2.H k u C K I S I. A X I) A k S I. X A L Geo. M. Bechtel & Co. In April. 1891, tlie investment house of (ieo. M. Bechtel & Cu. was es- tablished in Davenpi>rt. Iowa, to specialize in the purchase and sale of Iowa municipal bonds. For over thirty years the institution has grown and prospered by adherence to conservative and safe principles of investment banking. It is interesting to note the great difference in the investment tield of that day and this. We find that while the State of Iowa was well settled, it was not the wealthy, highly developed state that it is today. It is reported that the entire bonded indebtedness of all the cities, counties and school districts in the state at that time amounted to only $11,000,000. But the need of capital for public improvements existed, and the prosperity of the greatest agri- cultural state in the union was dependent upon it. Naturally many of its lx)nd laws were new and untested. We find further that the market for municipal bonds existed only among the banks and insurance companies of New York and New England, while some of the bonds found their way to London, along with other classes of American securities. But the number of bond buyers among the general public was limited. At that time it may be said that Iowa was considered by the eastern investor as a field for high rate semi-conservative investments, such as we now find in so many western and southern localities. But above all. Iowa possessed the potential uealth and prospect for prosperity that does not exist in any undeveloped part of the United States today. The favorable reception of Iowa bonds in the market then, and also their future market, was wholly dependent on the 'judgment of and development by those who dealt in them. This is briefly the situation at the time of the establishment of the house oi Geo. M. Bechtel & Co. \\'ith no change in policy nor deviation from the ideals of conser\ati\e investment banking, this institution stands today as a tribute to the judg- ment and integrity of its founder, Mr. Geo. M. Bechtel. Money and the investment markets are no lortger confined to the east. The municipal bond, the government bond, or any bond is common stock in trade. The banker, the merchant, the professional man and the wage earner look upon a safe conservative bond as a logical i)lacc for spare funds or savings. A record in Iowa municipal bonds of "no loss to any investor of principal or interest in thirty years" has earned for them the name of "Little Governments" among the customers of Geo. M. Bechtel & Co. It is estimated that there is now outstanding in the State of Iowa $125,000,000 of city, county and school bonds and probably an equal amount has been issued and paid during the past thirty years. In all of this financing this institution has been very closely associated. Hardly a municipality exists in the state that at some time or other has not been assisted by this house. Geo. M. Bechtel & Co. serves today thousands of conservative investors in the United States who believe in safe, convenient and tax-free investments. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 235 The White-Phillips Company The White-Phillips Company, Livestment Bankers, Davenport, Iowa, is recognized as one of the foremost institutions of its kind in Iowa. The concern specializes exclusively in the handling of municipal bonds in the middle west — primarily in Iowa, Illinois and Nebraska. The universal interest of the investing public in municipal bonds has caused the firm to prepare an interesting booklet explaining how bond values are computed and what they represent. Copies of this booklet may be had upon request, free of charge. Since the World ^\'ar this class of securities, which found but a limited field of buyers twenty years ago, has attained wide popularity, for the very good reason that they form a nearly ideal investment for wage earners and those of limited means, as well as for those of larger financial resources. A people which had learned to buy government bonds to the value of billions of dollars has turned largely now to the bonds of cities, towns, school districts and counties. The White-Phillips Company is at all times prepared to answer any questions which may arise with reference to municipal bonds. The services and facilities of this banking house are yours to command, and it is their earnest desire that you avail yourself of them. All inquiries are accorded serious, respectful and courteous personal consideration. Specializing exclusively in the handling of municipal bonds in the great corn belt, they at all times have on hand an ample list of diversified offerings \vhich permit a varied selection to meet any particular requirements. The institution has grown to an enviable position of stability, strength and high character, and has branch offices located in Dubuque and Des Moines. Iowa, and Omaha, Nebraska, with a personnel of over forty jK-ople. The officers and members of the firm are: President — George AAHiite. \'ice-President— B. A. Phillips. Secretary — Robert Alexander. Treasurer — S. C. (ilaspell. Cashier — \\'alter E. A^ieth. Their facilities for handling any investment needs are unsurpassed and without peer in their chosen field. 236 ROCK I S L A \ I) A R S E N A L Peoples National Bank and American Trust & Savings Bank Forty-eight years ago the Peojiles National Bank, now the only national bank in Rock Island county, was organized. Bailey Davenport was its first president and its directorate included Frederick Weyerhaeuser, George J. L. Vernon, Prfsirlmt Ppoplrs National and American Triisl and Savings Banks Wagner, Ignat/. Iluber. Charles Tegeler, Joseph Rosenfield, August Huesing, Frederick \V. Kellerstrass, Frederick Hass, Henry Burgower, and Peter Fries. All have passed away, most of them many years ago, but de- scendants of nearly all remain and the family names are closely linked with Rock Island's history from the earliest days. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 237 The Peoples National Bank first did business in the 1800 block, coming to its present quarters about ten years later. In 1911 the property at Second avenue and Eighteenth street was purchased and remodeled. Peoples National Bank Building Henry Burgower was the first vice-president and John Peetz the first cashier. On the death of Bailey Davenport, Joseph Rosenfield became pres- ident, being followed by Otto Huber. Present officers are: President — J. L. Vernon. Vice-President — Robert Wagner. Cashier — G. O. Huckstaedt. Assistant Cashier — F. E. Sudlow. Directors — G. O. Hucksteadt, C. B. Marshall, James F. Murphy, G. W. Roth, C. A. Schoessel, J. L. Vernon, Robert Wagner. The American Trust & Savings Bank was formed in 1912, and occupies quarters jointly with the Peoples National. Officers are the same, except that the directorate of the former includes S. J. Apple, C. A. Bopes, N. A. Larson, C. J. Montgomery, John A. Murrin, L. Ostrom, H. C. Schafifer, and J. A. Weishar. The combined capital and surplus of the two banks is $400,000 and their joint resources approximately $3,000,000. 238 R () f K 1 S I. A X I) A R S v. N A I R. j. Walsh & Company R.J. Walsh I-'dundt'd in 1917 and incorporated in 1920. R. j. Walsh & Company has heconu' a leading; Tri-City ])on(l and mortgage in\estment company. Since the date of incorporation it has occupied attractive .ground tloor quarters in the Kalil building-, MO West Third street, Daven- jxirt. In its earlier years the concern handled stock issues for industrial concerns and scored a remarkable success. Latterly it has turned its attention exclusively to the l)uying and selling of first mortgage real estate gt)ld bonds. Here, also, it has done a large volume oi business and has built up an extensive and steadily growing patron- age. The company maintains a staff of ex- pert salesmen. It pays particular attention to Iowa and Illinois securities, its field be- ing one in Avliich real estate \alues. both urban and rural, are uniformly sound and normally show a steadily rising tendency. making an ideal security for conser\ati\e in\estment. I'rogressive develop- ment of this territory, assured by e\ery industrial, commercial and agri- cultural aspect, gives positive promise of a steadily growing volume of business, of which the Walsh organization may be relied u])on to secure its share. The company is ca])itali/ed at $250,000. It is backed by local men of high standing financially and of unquestioned integrity. Its re- sources enable it to handle inde- Itendently large issues of securi- ties, thereby doing business e.xi)edi- tiously and with maximum returns. Officers of the com])any arc: ()ti„,<.fR. j. WaUh* Company President. Treasurer and .Manager — R. j. W alsh. Vice-President — A. I',. Carroll. Secretary — I. W. Simons. Directors— R. j. Walsh. A. P.. Carroll. T. W. Simons. Dr. V. Neufeld, George A. Parks. Dr. C. L. Barewald, K. ( ). Denkniaii and A. C. Klindt. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 239 Rock Island Savings Bank The Rock Island Savings Bank is one of the solid institutions of the city. Organized in 1890, it was the first savings bank in Rock Island. Quar- ters originally were in the then Mitchell c^- Lynde building, now the home of the State Bank. Capital stock at first was $100,000, and E. J'. Reynolds was the first president, with F. C. Denkmann vice-president and J. M. Buford cashier. P. L. Mitchell became president in 1892 and J. M. Buford was promoted from the cashiership to head of the bank on the death of Mr. Mitchell, in 1899. Phil Mitchell followed Mr. Buford and H. S. Cable served as president from 1910 to 1922. l)eing succeeded by Hugh E. Curtis. From the first the Rock Island Savings Bank made rapid progress. In a decade its dei)osits had increased from $333,864.84 to $1,704,027.06. At the close of 1922 deposits were $4,300,000.00. Growth of business neces- sitated more roomy quarters, and in the fall of 1911 the present home, at Eighteenth street and Third avenue, built exclusively for banking purposes, was occupied. Capital, surplus and undivided profits at the close of 1922 were over $550,000 and resources over $5,000,000. Present officers are: Chairman of board, H. S. Cable; president, Hugh E. Curtis; vice-president, M. E. Strieter; vice-president-cashier, W. G. Johnston; assistant cashiers, J. H. Meehan and R. W. Osterman. Directors— H. S. Cable. Hugh E. Curtis William H. Dart, Franz Happ. W. G. Johnston, Phil Mitchell, John ^^^ Potter, M. E. Strieter. 240 R () L K 1 S L A X 1) A R S !•: X A Central Trust & Savings Bank History of the Central Tru-i \ .--;i\ iii^s Hank really goes back to Sept. 11, 1871, when the former Rock Island National Bank was organized. The savings institution came into existence Dec. 2. 1899. and the two were con- solidated April 1. 1915. under the present name. Captain T. J. Robinson was the founder of the Rock Island National. Quarters first were at No. 23, Illinois street, now 1609 Second avenue. In 1876 the Robinson building, at Second avenue and Eighteenth street, was occupied. Consolidation of the two banks was coincident with the occupying of the present home on Third avenue at Eighteenth street. Captain Robinson, first president of the Rock Island National, was succeeded in that office. at his death by his son, the late J. Frank Robinson. The late H. E. Casteel was the third president. The Central Trust & Savings Bank is capitalized at $200,000. Its surplus is $200,000 and undivided profits $190,000. The present officers are: President, M. S. Heagy ; vice-presidents, H. H. Cleaveland, C. J. Larkin. H. \V. Tremann ; cashier, L. M. Casteel ; assistant cashier, R. E. Swanson ; trust officer, E. H. Krell. Directors— M. S. Heagy, H. H. Cleaveland, C. J. Larkin, H. B. Simmon, H. W. Tremann. J. W. Tremann. Oscar F. Smith. W. J. Sweeney. Dr. G. A. Wiggins, George H. Richmond, 11. D. Mack, \V. S. Parks. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 241 State Bank of Rock Island Successor to Mitchell & Lynde, Ye Olde Banke, Established 1852 OFFICERS I'hil Mitchell, President K. T. Ainlersoii, Asst. Cashier C. F. Chaunoii, Asst. Cashier I. S. White. Vice-President B. J. Mitchell, Asst, Cashier DIRECTORS I'hil Mitchell I. S. White G, L, Eyster B. D, Connelly Frank Mixter E. H. Giiyer B. C, Hartz Capital $200,000,00 Surplus $100,000.00 Undivided Profits $100,000,00 The first bank in Rock Island County was established in Rock Island in 1852, by Cook, Sargent & Parker, bankers and business men of Davenport, Iowa, in the room now occupied by Martin Cigar Store at 1630 Second avenue. In 1854 the bank was moved to the then new brick building erected by Bailey & Boyle at Second avenue and Seventeenth street, the site of the pres- ent State Bank building, which has been the home of this bank and its prede- cessors for sixty-eight years, the present structure having been built by Mitchell & Lynde in 1890. Mitchell & Cable (P. L. Mitchell and P. L. Cable) bought out Cook, Sargent & Parker in 1856. At that time there were four banks in Rock Island, including the Rock Island Bank (Negus, Osborn & Lee), Bank of the Federal Union (N. B. Buford, president), and Fish, Goodale & Lee. Mitchell & Lynde (P. L. Mitchell and Cornelius Lynde), succeeded Mitchell & Cable in 1860. Following the panic of 1857-1858, and the succeeding hard time years, Mitchell & Lynde became the sole survivor, and was the only bank in Rock Island for several years, until 1861, when Mitchell & Lynde organized the First National Bank, charter No. 108, with P. L. Mitchell as president. This was one of the first national banks to be organized, as shown by its charter number. Mitchell & Lynde succeeded the Rock Island Bank in 1861, and also succeeded the First National Bank of Rock Island in 1890. The other pioneer banks in Rock Island county were Gould, Dimock & Co., Moline, dating from 1856, and W. H. Devore, Port Byron, about 1858. The Rock Island National Bank (T. J. Robinson, president) was started in 1872. Phil Mitchell, State Bank president, has been in continuous service with the bank and its predecessors since 1861, sixty-one years, and it is believed he is the oldest bank officer in time of service in the State of Illinois. 242 KOI In S LA X I) A k S !•: X A L First Trust & Savings Bank of Rock Island Wmiii^t'st anitiiij;" Rock Island financial instilutitins is the I'^irst I'rust (!\: Sa\ inq;s iJank. riiouiili it is less than three years old. it has i^one ahead with rapid strides, ])rov- inj;- the wisdom, fore- sight and ability of its founders. and demon- strating;; that there was a tine held for its business activities. luich month since its opening has s h o w n a substantial growth. Its deposits now total one million dollars. charter for the First Trust & Savings Bank- was issued December 29. 1919. The doors were opened for business Jan- uary 24. 1920. quarters being in the Robinson building, at the south- west corner oi Second axenue and Eighteenth street. ( )rganized under the laws of Illinois, the bank is also a member of the I-'ederal Reserve system, being thus under both state and federal inspection. The First Trust c^ Savings bank gives special attention U) the needs of the farmer, for whom excellent service is given. There are attractive features for handling long-time farm loans. The bank also enjoys a very substantial city business. At the time this was written it was qualifying as a trust company, which would provide additional service for its ra])idly in- creasing list of customers, in addition to existing commercial, savings and investment departments. Rapid growth of business has made necessary an increase of capital, and old and new customers are being offered a part of additional st<^ck author- ized at the last annual meeting of stockholders, sale of which will provide a total oi more than a quarter of a million capital and >ur])lus. (■ai)ital and surplus now are $130,000. Ofticers are: President. C. A. Beers; vice-president. C. C. Clarke; cashier, O. O. Liitt; assistant cashier. 1\. 1*. Gilloley. Directors— C. A. Beers. J. M. Welch, O. ( ). Liitt. W. S. Verbury. J. A. '■Veils. Walter Foster, W. j. Krull, Walter j. Klockau. John Lipton, t. A. Pender. C. C. Clarke and Allen J. Miller. ROCK ISLAND A R S K N A L 243 French & Hecht Primitive man pushed logs and stones about on wooden rollers. Later he evolved the wooden disc wheel and the axle. It was a long step from the disc wheel to the spoke wheel, which answered its purpose very well until the day of rapid transport dawned. Then it was necessary to have some- thing stronger to withstand the shocks and strains incident to the moving of heavy bodies at high speed. Once the metal wheel was created new uses for it were shortlv found. and it proceeded to displace the wr)oden wheel in fields where it had been Crt-: Part of the French & Hecht Plant thought the latter never could be improved upon. Only a few years ago the wooden wheel was used on nearly all agricultural implements. Now few farm labor-saving devices are so equipped. The motor vehicle is passing through the same evolutionary process as has taken place in farm implements, and the time is not far distant when the \\-oo(len wheel will l)e but a memory. French & Hecht, of Davenport, are the largest exclusive manufacturers of metal wheels in the world. They have developed and perfected the steel spoke wheel, in the manufacture of which they stand preeminent. French & Hecht started in 1890, as a corporation known as the Betten- dorf Metal Wheel Company. In 1909, without material change of owner- ship, the present partnership was formed. There are now three general partners in the enterprise. Messrs. G. Watson French, j. L. Hecht and W. H. Stackhouse, all of Davenport. 244 R O L' K ISLAND A R S K N A L Victor Storage Battery Company Rock Island claims the largest western manufactory producing storage batteries — the \'ictor Storage Battery Company, located at Mississippi river and Fourth avenue. The size of the institution is realized by comparatively few Tri-City residents, for while the plant has excellent transportation facili- ties by rail, highway and water, it is at some distance from the more generally traveled streets. A visit to the factory helps to impress one witli the diversity of industrial products the community has to offer. The \'ictor Company, whose officers are Dick R. Lane, president; George White, vice-president; B. 1'. White, secretary, and Tully White, treasurer, was incorporated early in 1914. During the last eight years it has developed a large and well-deserved demand for the S. O. S. line of batteries. Manufacturing" was started in llic l)uil(ling nt Twenty-hfth street and Fourth avenue, now occupied by the J. Peterson Com})any. In August, 1917, the concern remoxed to Moline and occupied a building at Seventh street and Fourth avenue. Rapid growth of the business made larger manufacturing facilities im- perative. The old W^eyerhaeuser &: Denkmann sawmill site at the foc^t of Fourth avenue in Rock Island was accpiired and the present modern factory erected in 1919. This building is the last word in modernity and convenience for the making of storage batteries in large quantities. It is equipped with the latest appliances in machinery, lighting, \entilation. etc. The initial steps in manufacturing take ])lace at one end of the plant and the finished product leaves the building at the other end. .\ switch track from the C. R. I. & P. line parallels the factory and makes possible the loading and unloading of several cars at the same time. The property extends from Fourth to Sixth avenue along the bank of the Mississippi, so that the company is in an ideal position to benefit from the revival of river traffic. Storage batteries for all purpt)ses are made by the X'ictor Company, but special attention is jjaid to starting and lighting batteries for automo- biles, farm lighting, power plants and for radio use. These batteries enjoy an enviable reputation not only in the United States, but in practically all parts of the world. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 245 Phelps Light & Power Company Possible uses of electricity on the farm are almost without limit. How- to get the electricity to the farm remote from central power stations is a subject that has been given much attention and in the solving of which much capital has been invested. Out of the experimental period has come the modern farm lighting and power plant. Among the farm lighting and power plants now in the market, that manu- factured by the Phelps Light & Power Company, of Rock Island, stands without a superior for all-around uses. It is economical, reliable and durable, Phelps Light & Power Company Plant and it develops sufficient power so that it may be used for belt work and battery charging simultaneously. The Phelps generator has a guaranteed rating of 1,500 watts. The Phelps motor is guaranteed to deliver three and one-half horsepower, in addition to operating the generator. The 235 ampere-hour battery will run a half-horse power electric motor. R. W. Phelps began the manufacture of gasoline motors in 1915 at Wilton, Iowa. Early in 1916 he bought out the W^arner Arc Lamp Com- pany, manufacturers of electrical appliances, and removed to Tipton, Iowa. Late the same year the plant was brought to Rock Island, where, till 1918, motors were made for the Marron Mfg. Company. In the latter year manu- facture of the Phelps farm lighting plant was begun. The Phelps factory is the largest in the country exclusively devoted to the making of farm light and power equipment. It occupies 40,000 feet of floor space, employs 150 men and is capable of producing 100 complete plants daily. Phelps plants are being sold all over the United States and in foreign countries. The company is capitalized at $800,000 and the officers are: R. W. Phelps, president; A. G. Bush, secretary; W. J. Moore, treas- urer. 246 R () e" K S I. A X I) A R S !•: X A 1 The L. Stapp Company. Florists For half a century flowers from Stapp's have helped to express the deeper feelings of the people of Rock Island and of the Tri-Cities. They have added warmth and color and beauty to festivals; they have paid tribute to the deserving; they have been offered as evidence of affection and loyalty; thev have softened the poignant grief of separation. Human emotions from the highest to the lowest have responded to their presence and their influence for the making of better lives in the community has been beyond calculation. It has been more than half a century since John Stapp. of ( ierman birth, and a florist and gardener by training and inclination, established the busi- ness which now bears his name. He had a tract of ten acres in the west end of Rock Island and there was built the first greenhouse in the city. Always he preferred to cultivate flowers, but pioneer Rock Islanders, more prosaic than their descendents of this day. preferred to buy vegetables. So at first the garden was a more prolific source of rexenue than the flower bed. and was given corres])ondingly more space and attention. Approximately fifty years ago the site of the present greenhouses on Twelfth street was acquired and there a ])lant has been develoi)ed till it is the largest exclusively devoted to the production of flowers in the three cities, and is exceeded in size only in the larger population centers. Eighteen acres of land are cultivated and one-third of the tract is under glass. A specialty is made of roses, which few florists attempt to grow extensively. About two-thirds of the greenhouse area is devoted to this flower. Produc- tion of vegetables was discontinued many years ago. Panorainir view of Stapp Grefnhuuees with ROCK ISLAND A R S I<: N A L 247 L. Stapp, son of the founder of the business, is the present head of the company. He grew up in the work, and, like his father, has a special aptitude for it. After he attained his majority he became a member of the firm, which for a number of years was known as John Stapp & Son. In 1903 the father retired and in 1916 the present company was incorporated. Most of the expansion of the plant and business has taken place under ihe son's management. Year by year the greenhouses have Ijeen extended, construction always being of the latest and most durable type. During the present year (1922) a beautifully appointed family home was erected east of the plant on a knoll overlooking the surrounding country. In the beginning the Stapp greenhouses catered exclusively to the local demand, but in later years a large and steadily growing shipping business Itas been built up, reaching over Illinois and Iowa and even beyond. By far the greater part of the output is disposed of at wholesale, though an extensive retailing business continues to be done. Meeting the practical problems of flower culture and sale involves activities on a large scale in many directions. For instance, it requires a seven and one-half-ton ice machine to keep the cold storage room at the proper temperature. The bill for water alone is $1,000 annually, and it recjuires 2,500 tons of coal a year to heat the greenhouses. Hundreds of yards of surface soil are hauled from a nearby tract each season to renew the fertility of the flower beds and to guard against the mysterious train of evils to highly domesticated plants arising from "soil sickness." About thirty men are given steady employment. fine new Stapp residence inserted at left. 248 l\ ( » (■ K S L A X D A R S E X A L The John P. Hand Company The tirst automobile starting and lighting- battery service station opened in the Tri-Cities was that ui The John P. Hand Company, agent for the W'il- iard line. It was established in 1914, in a small store room at Second and Iowa streets, Davenport, by the present proprietor. At that time present day electrical equipment for automobiles was largely in the experimental stage, not over 50.000 cars in the United States being so outfitted. Mr. Hand, however, was quick to see the possibilities of the battery business, and so allied himself with the W'illard company, one of the earliest in the fiehl Tri-City bcrvice Maiioiis ol John P. Mand Company. lop — Davenport. Lower left — Kock Island. Lower right — Moline. and which may now be said to dominate the industry, inasmuch as seventy- five percent of all automobile manufacturing concerns in this country regularly equip their cars with W'illards. Under the impetus of a rapidly growing popular demand the Hand battery station soon needed more room. In 1916 it occupied its present quarters at 315 East Second street, built especially for its use. Two years later, for the convenience of owners of W'illard-equipped cars in that city, the company built its present station at 523-525 Fourteenth street, Moline. and in 1920, followed with the one at 2001-2003. Fifth avenue. Rock Island. Until the current year (1922), the business was confined to battery sales, repairing and service. A starter and generator repair department has now been installed in all three cities. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 249 The Faerber Agency Deprived of the opportunity for schooling at the age of eleven, when circumstances compelled him to go to work in his father's meat market, A. J. Faerber, like many another American boy, yet found a way to acquire an education and win success. To- day he is head of one of the largest insurance agencies in the state of Iowa, and interested in a number of leading Davenport business and in- dustrial enterprises. Mr. Faerber was born on a farm in Wood county, Ohio, Nov. 24. 1877. When seven years of age his parents remo\ed to Woodlake. Alinn. At sixteen the youth started out for himself, working w^ith the Cudahy Packing Company, of Mil- waukee. It did not take him long, however, to decide that the insur- ance business ofifered a better field for his talents than the meat busi- ness did. When se\enteen he start- ed work for the Prudential Insur- ance Company and at eighteen he was made inspector, a position he held till 1902. Then he removed to Davenport. In Davenport Mr. Faerber be- came one of the organizers of the A.J. Faerber Guarauty Lifc Insurance Company, retaining his interest in that concern till 1911. Then the present general agency of the National Life Insurance Company of the United States was established and he was appointed to that position. Mr. Faerber has been an active promoter of a number of new industries in Davenport, being an official in several corporations. He was one of the organizers of the Federal System of Bakeries and the Community Oil Service Station Company, both of which operate extensively throughout the central west. Mr. Faerber's public spirit is attested by the fact that he is a past president of the Davenport Chamber of Commerce ; was long a member of the Greater Davenport Committee; a charter member of the Greater Iowa Association, now the Iowa State Chamber of Commerce, holding a director- ship in the same; is secretary of the board of trustees of the Y. M. C. A., and was County Chairman of the Council of National Defense and Chief Justice of the Liberty Loan Court, active during the war. 250 R ( ) C" K A \ I) A K S 1-: X A I, The Iowa Steam Laundry Company ( )nl\ by tlie closest attention to detail, prompt and satisfactory service and uniform courtesy in dealing with the jjublic can a successful laundry business be l)uilt Uj). The Iowa Steam Laundry Company, of Davenport, has filled these require- ments. It has made an unusual success in its field. Four laundry establishments, some of them among the oldest in the city, have been combined to form what is now known as "The Laundrv of Oualitv." y ^^^^^l^k^^M I" ^^^0 j. K. Buck .>])ene(l Laundry ^^^H|^^WH|||^^| the east half of the of the Iowa Steam Laundry Company, at 209-215 East Third street. For fourteen years he conducted the business. Bert Hayes buying an interest in the latter part of his regime. Soon after the launching of the Electric concern Miller & Lucas incorporated the Iowa Steam laundry Company and set up busi- ness just across the street. C. A. Keeler and J. F. Halligan became owners of the Iowa Steam Laundry in 1907. and also absorbed the Electric Laundry. Mr. Buck retiring and Mr. Hayes coming in as part owner. The east half of the present quarters was occupied at that time. \\'illiam Pohlmann, now president and treas- urer, acquired control of the business in August. 1908. A year later the upper floor of the building at 213-215 East Third street was occupied and then the building on the west was added, the lower floor l(>h Han..-n. i>ei-. and Mgr. RUCK ISLAND A R S I^: N A L 251 The M. V. Boies Company Perhaps no undertaking business in the state of Iowa dates back as far as the M. V. Boies Company, of Davenport, founded in the early forties. The first shop of Israel Hall, who established the mortuary, was on Brady street between Third and Fourth. Later it was removed to the site of the present federal building on Perry street, and in 1910 the M. W Boies firm occupied its present quarters at 52.^ Perry street. Exterior and interior views ot M. V. Boiee. Company Mortuary in the early days Mr. ilall and Mr. Boies made coffins as they were needed. x'Vs soon as casket manufacturing became standardized a stock of metallic and wooden coffins was purchased. About this time a hearse and box wagon were bought, being among the first vehicles of this kind in the vicinity. Mr. Boies passed away in 1890, and the extensive business that he had built up was then incorporated under the present name, Mrs. Boies being president and the son, Warren D. Boies, manager. On the latter's removal to Chicago some years ago, his place was taken by Selden Morse Clapp. grandson of M. V. Boies, who is now in charge. The present quarters are modern in every respect, with offices, casket display rooms, a preparation room, a large funeral chapel, which is ex- tensively used, a large garage for rolling stock, and other adjuncts necessary to a modern mortuary. The chapel is finished in fumed oak, with beautiful stained glass windows of Gothic design. It seats sixty people, but by opening into the reception room accommodations are provided for forty more. Mr. Clapp is assisted by two male licensed em])almers and by Mrs. Lottie Boies Clapp, also licensed as an embalmer, who looks after the department for ladies and children. 252 ROCK 1 S L A X D A R S E X A The Moline Paint Mfg. Company The Tri-City community, a leading center for the manufacture of imple- ments, vehicles and other equipment for farm, shop and domestic use. is a heavy consumer uf ])aint. much of it for dipping purposes. On the ground and catering to this demand is the Moline Paint Mfg. Company, of which C. P. Skinner is head. In 1908 the j. C. Scott Paint Com- pany, a Freeport concern of some years standing, removed to Moline. Mr. Skinner became associated with it as trade manager. In April. 1910. interests of the stockholders of the firm were purchased and the present company incorporated with S15.000 capital. From the first the present company has supplied large quantities of paste paints to the big implement-making con- cerns of the vicinity, being able, because of favorable location, to keep in close t(^uch with their needs and to give prompt service. Quantity production in this particular line was also of great ad- vantage in meeting comi)etition. During the last five years the making of house paints has been given increasing attention, and with results that are highly satisfactory. A large percentage of the firm's business is now done in this line. with sales covering an ever widening field. Direct distribution to the consumer is contemplated in plans that are well ad- vanced at the time this is written. This method, with the return of normal busi- ness conditions, is expected to result in a very material increase in output and the expansion of the concern's facilities. Officers of the Moline Paint Com- pany are : President — Charles P. Skinner. \'ice-President — M. C. Skinner. Secretary and Manager — W. C. Skiinier. Treasurer — Charles D. Rosenfield. Charles P. Skin ^'. C. Skinner, Secretary and Manager ROCK ISLAND A R S li N A L 253 The Maehr Company The Maehr confectionery and bakery is the oldest in point of contin- uous service in the city of Davenport. It was founded in 1887 by Frank Maehr, a candy maker by trade, and a native of the community. Throughout the years of ceasless change in methods of manufacturing and sell- ing confectionery goods, the firm has kept abreast of the times and maintained its reputation for the high class of its goods and the efficiency and completeness of its service. The first Maehr establishmeni was located at 323 West Third street. After two years the busi- ness of Ed. Brehmer at 110 West Second street was purchased and the premises there occu])ied. Here Mr. Maehr specialized in the mak- ing of cream pie, the excellence of which did much to luring his busi- ness into general notice and to build up a lasting patronage. As the business became well established Mr. Maehr branched out into the manufacture of candies, fitting up the second floor of his building for that purpose. This department has steadily grown, as Maehr candies found favor in an ever widening field. Four of the five sons of Mr. Maehr saw service in France during the World War. The fifth, Walter P. Maehr, conducted the business, which he and two of his brothers had taken over in 1916. Store No. 2, located at 316 West Third street, to which the business was removed in 1919, is one of the best equipped confectioneries in the west. The first floor is used for retailing, and a high class cafe is conducted. The second floor is devoted to the manufacture of bakery goods and candy. Not only does the Maehr Company make its own candy and bakery goods, but it manufactures ice cream and sherbets. It has its own ice- making plant and laundry, and cooling within the plant is done exclusively by means of brine coils. The business in August, 1922, was again being managed by Walter P. Maehr, formerly with the Terrace Gardens, and now president of the company. Walter P. Maehr 254 I< ( ) C K 1 S L A X 1) A R S E N A L The Moline Consumers Company Thirty-i»ne years aj^o llie Moliiic Ctuisuniers Conipaii}-, which now deals extensively in sand, gfravel. cement, ice and coal. ]va(\ its (iri<(in in the Channel Ice Company. 'i"\vo years later, in 1893. James P. Pearson pnrchased a half interest in the hnsincss anrl assumed the management, which he retains at the present time. Formed in the lirst place to harxest. store and (lis])ose of ice at whole- sale and retail, the company has made rapid expansion, with several reorganiza- tions to broaden its scoj)e u n d e r the incorporation laws of the State and to provide for additional capi- tal. Pari of Molinr Consumers (^jmpany firet at moorings and in artion The first change of name took place in 1898, when the company was in- corporated as the Moline Channel Ice Company, with .Mr. Pearson president and manager. In 1903 the concern l)ranche(l out into the coal and building- material field. Among the building materials were sand and gravel, to handle which it was necessary to operate boats and barges. To run the boats to best advantage, the com])any went into the handling of freight and excursions. Since the original charter was not drawn to include all these activities, a new- company, the Moline Sand Company, was formed with capital of $100,000, taken from the surplus earnings of the Moline Channel Ice Company. The two companies being inter-dependent to a great extent, the prL ( ) C K I S L. A N D A R S ]-: N A L 255 The present name was then adopted, the capital fixed at $200,000, and the present officers chosen, as follows: President — James P. Pearson. Vice-President — G. A. Shallberg. Secretary — Charles C. Loptien. Assistant Secretary and Treasurer — Oscar ^V. Ellis. The properties of the company include a sand and gravel screening plant, located between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets, on the river bank ai Moline, and one at ( )ttawa, Illinois. The home plant gets its raw material from a pit about thirty miles up the Mississippi. Transportation is by water, the company maintaining two steamboats, pump boats and twelve barges. The plant at Ottawa was acquired in 1916, and includes a large tract of land underlaid with some of the best gravel in Illinois. The Moline plant has a capacity of 700 tons a day, and that at Ottawa of 800 tons. P)Oth are well supplied with rail shipping facilities. The Moline Consumers Company has reached its present position of financial security through able business management and satisfactory and consistent public service. Its total business runs into large figures. Over fifty thousand barrels of cement, in addition to a great quantity of brick, lime and other building materials, are now handled annually. The wholesale and retail coal business in 1920 totaled 24,000 tons. Fifty thousand tons of ice were harvested in the winter of 1921-22, being- stored in the company's houses and disposed of thrtiugh various channels, half of it being used by the Rock Island road in the icing of refrigerator and dining: cars. 256 k ( ) e" K S L A X 1) A R S 1". X A I. The Rock Island Southern Offering freight and passenger service between the Tri-Cities and points directly south, the Rock Island Southern Railway Company connects three county seats and taps a territory rich in agricultural resources. Along its line are to be found coal mines, brick yards, gravel and sand plants and commercialized shale and clay deposits, as well as modern grain elevators and adequate stock yards and station shipping facilities. Through the Rock Island Southern Railroad Company it has access to Galesburg. At the south it connects with the C. B. cS: Q., the A. T. & S. F. and M. .& St. L., at the north with the C. R. I. maintaining local camps or lodges, it has developed one of the greatest semimilitary organizations in its Foresters, or uniformed drill teams, which feature is of special interest to young men. Modern Woodmen of America was the first of the great American fraternal beneficiary institutions to recognize and act upon the belief that it is the duty and privilege of a fraternal society to save lives as well as to pay death benefits: that it is more beneficial to its membership and to society at large to expend thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars in saving the lives of members, than to pay unavoidable early losses running into the millions. Recognizing that pulmonary tuberculosis was a leading cause of death in this country, it not only joined as pioneers in the crusade devoted to educating the people on preventive measures against the disease, but it established an institution to take care of Modern \\'oodmen sutTering Sanatorium for treatment of tuberculosis, near Coioraoi> ^pririjis from it. And so. on January 1. 1909, the great Modern Woodmen of America Sanatorium was established and openetl at the foot of Mount Cedar, in the Pikes Peak range, a few miles north of the (iarden of the (iods, in the Colo- rado Springs region. Here, at Woodmen. Colorado, was established that which has been developed intt» one of the greatest life-saving institutions in the world, where members of Modern Woodmen of America afflicted with tuberculosis are treated and cared f»»r free of charge, llcre more than 6,000 patients have been admitted, and the i)ercentage of cures, improvements, and arrests of the disease equals almost 60 per cent. Its daily capacity is 240 patients. Aside from a modest sum realized from voluntary contributions by its members, this Sanatorium, which has a property value of more than $1,500,000 in its present highly developed form and perfected equipment, has been built and is maintained from the General fund of the Society, to which each member contrilnites for that i)urpose not to exceed 5 cents per- month. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 261 Crane Co. On the fourth day of July, 1855, Mr. R. T. Crane made the first cast- ing in a little frame building in Chicago which started a business that has developed steadily until today Crane Co. stands a leader in its specialized pm ami ■■■ 1 r^r" ( Davenport Branch of Crane Co. field of power plant piping, sanitation and heating equipment, with branch houses, warehouses, sales offices, exhibit rooms, and manufacturing plants in 140 cities throughout the world. The complete Crane line consists of many thousands of articles, such as valves, pipe fittings and steam specialties used in piping equipment for steam, water, gas, air, oil, chemicals, ammonia — in fact "anything for any pipe line." In addition to these products the Crane line includes sanitation and heating materials for buildings of all kinds and sizes. The completeness of the Crane line, coupled with the company's high standard of business ethics, and the maintaining of mamifacturing facil- ities to meet the growing demands of the trade, have brought Crane goods into world-wide use. The Davenport branch was established in 1912, and, like other Crane branches, is prepared to serve its surrounding territory with everything required for the piping and sanitation equipment of industrial, commer- cial and private enterprises. An added feature of the Davenport branch is a beautiful exhi])it room on the first floor equipped with a representative line of Crane products, and maintained for the convenience of architects, engineers, dealers, and prospective builders. A cordial welcome awaits the visitor. 262 ROCK IS L A X 1) A k S l". X A I. The Purity Oats Company With 250 cm])I.>ycs. a factory payn.ll of $200.(XK) annually and an in- \estnicnt in i)a\eni)()rt of one and one-half millions of dollars, the Purity Oats Company is one of the sulistantial industries of the Tri-Cities. Its outi)Ut is distributed all o\er the United States, and large (juantities are ex- ported, especially to luirope. Nine thousand carloads of manufactured goods arc shipped annually, when working to capacity. In addition to oat products, stock, poultry and other feeds are made. The capacity is 1,200 barrels of rolled oats. 225 bar- rels of corn meal and .^00 tons of feed a dav. The Purity Oats Company started in business in Keokuk, Iowa, in 1909. From the first it put an improved product on the market. It had a better system of removing all the hull and it originated the "toasty nut flavor," which is still a distinctive feature of its rolled oats. It also was the hrst to pack its goods in the cylindrical pasteboard container, or "can." which is proof against weevils and makes it possible for a merchant to carry a stock for months without deterioration. The Davenport i)lant was opened in 191.\ with 5(K) barrels daily capacity. In 1909 the company became affiliated with the American Hominy Company and the factory was enlarged to its present size. The American Hominy Company is the largest manufacturer of corn cereals, such as corn meal and cracked and flake hominy, in the world. It has eight ])lants. ti\e handling corn, one wheat and two oats, the second oatmeal factory being the one at Keokuk. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 263 The Davenport Clearing House Association ( B}^ Albert J. Jansen) The Davenport Clearing House Association was organized in 1895, the first actual business being the exchange of checks on Tuesday, September 3, of that year. Before the association was formed the banks were compelled to spend an unnecessary amount of time on certain work, such as the routine business of exchanging checks drawn by the customers of the various banks on other banks in the city. Through the association this was done in a much more satisfactory manner, the clerks of the different banks meeting at the Clearing House daily. The association also immediately proved of value in the financial trans- actions of the city and county treasurer, which from that time have been managed by all the banks, acting together. First officers of the association were: President, F. H. Griggs; vice president, L H. Sears; secretary and manager, Charles Pasche. The first president and vice president served for five years, and the manager one year. During the entire history of the association the man- agers have changed every year, because the office of the association rotated from one bank to another and the cashier or other official of the bank used as headquarters has been chosen as manager. The Clearing House Association has a very gratifying record to look back upon, for during the 28 years that it has been in existence the banks of Davenport have been more and more loc^ked upon as leaders in conser- vative and yet progressive banking. The high standing which our banks hold through the state of K)wa and surrounding states is proverbial. No de- positor in one of them ever has lost a [)enny. During the war, when the government found it necessary to raise enor- mous sums of money, the Clearing House was useful for the purpose of getting the sul^scriptions for Liberty loans and to enable the people of the community to pay the amount subscribed in a convenient way. The effectiveness of this organization had much to do with the fact that while Scott county was expected to subscribe $16,000,000 for the five Liberty loans issued, it actually did subscribe $22,000,000 and the total number of subscribers was over 90,000. During this period, and after the war, when the government issued certificates of indebtedness running for a short time, the Clearing House did its best to help secure the necessary funds. The eight Ijanks affiliating with the association are the First National. American Commercial ».^ Savings, Davenport Savings. Scott County Sav- ings, Iowa National, Union Savings, Citizens Trust & Savings, and Security Savings. There are in the city besides four non-member banks. Present officers of the association are: President. E. J. Dougherty; vice president. I. J. (ireen; secretary and manager, Plerman Oetzman. 264 K < > <^" K 1 S L A X D A R S !•: X A L A Davenport Builder and Some ul His W ork Upper left. Putnam building. Upper right. W. C. Putnam. Below. Department Store building. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 265 W. C. Putnam Estate One of the noteworthy blocks of buildings through the whole history of Davenport has been that on the north side of Second street between Brady and Main. When Antoine LeClaire laid out his first addition in 1839, he built at the corner of Second and Main the LeClaire House, famous all through the pioneer days. He extended the buildings on to Brady street, the stores being known as LeClaire Row and the public hall as Le- Claire Hall. Later on the hotel was known as the Newcomb House and the stores as Velie Block. W. C. Putnam bought the property in 1895, borrowing money to do so. Mr. Putnam, who had managed the property for the owners, as his father had done before him, knew its possibilities. He also had confidence in the city, and immediately began imi)r()\ ing and developing the property. When Mr. Putnam died, in 1906, he left his entire estate in trust for the benefit of the Davenport Academy of Sciences, subject to certain reason- able payments to his brothers and sister in lieu of their statutory fees as trustees and to a life interest in the homestead to his sister. Li addition he left for the institution his art collections and his art, history and science library. The institution selected as the beneficiary of the estate was founded by a group of scientific men back in 1867. It has had an interesting history, l.aiilding up scientific collections, conducting explorations, especially of "mounds," publishing proceedings, bringing lecturers to the city, cooperat- ing with schools in advancing scientific education, and carrying on various activities in the fields of science, history and art. Instead of a group of scientific men, it has developed into a public museum. In order that the institution should have an assured income for the future, Mr. Putnam made his gift in the form of a permanent trust fund, the principal of which must remain intact, only the income being at any time available. The bulk of the trust fund was invested in the half block already described, in the center of the Ijusiness district of Davenport. On this property there still remained a considera1)le portion of the loan Mr. Putnam made for its purchase. Mr. Putnam directed that the half block' should not be sold by the trustees but that the old buildings should be re- placed by modern fireproof structures. This the trustees have been doing as rapidly as the situation warrantefl. In 1910 an eight-story oftice building was put up at the corner of Second and Main streets and in 1922 a corres- ponding department store building at the corner of Second and Brady. By the time the remaining center portion of the property is rebuilt and the necessary building loans retired, the trust will produce a large annual in- come for the museum and art gallery. 266 !\ ( ) r i\ I S 1. A X I) A R S J-: N A L The Photo Art Enck Island Sand iJt (iravel Company was organized and received a certificate of incorporation from the Secretary of State of Illinois on April 17th. 1902, to conduct a business for the production of sand and gravel, and to deal in mason supplies and coal. They started out with a small pump boat and towing boat combined and several small l)arges. In 1906 a larger boat was necessary, and from year to year new and larger barges were built. In 1910 a locomotive crane was installed on the levee between Xineteenth and Twentieth streets and hop])ers and concrete wall were built t(» facilitate the handling of their ])roducts. The increased demand for screened and washed sand and gravel justified this company installing a washing and screening ])lant. which plant was built in the spring of 1922. at Mill street and Twenty-first avenue. Rock Island. This plant has a capacity of 1000 tons i)er day. The officers of this company are Chas. |. Larkin. president. Cieorge H. Richmond, vice-president; W ni. M. McConochie. treasurer; and H. 1. Larkin, secretary and general manager. R C) C K I S L A N D .V R S E N A L 271 Mercy Hospital, Davenport The Catholic Messenger The Catholic Messenger was estaljlished in Daxenport. Iowa, in 1882, by the late Thomas L. Sharon. After his death in 1888 the management was assumed by his l^rother, Fred B. Sharon, who is still in charge as publisher. The Messenger is the official organ of the Catholic Diocese of Davenport and of its Bishop, Rt. Re\-. James Davis. For many years after its founding it was the only Catholic paper puldished in Iowa. It maintains all depart- ments necessary for a first-class family newspa])er. It covers besides all the world's news affecting the church. Catholic acti\ities in the social, political, economic and industrial tields. The Messenger is affiliated with the National Catholic ^\'elfare Council and uses its extensive news service, through which it obtains the latest and most reliable news of the church throughout the world, gathered by its efficient correspondents, 'idie Messenger is also a member of the Catholic Press Association. It is published weekly at a subscription rate of $2.50 per year. The present staff of the Messenger consists of Fred B. Sharon, pub- lisher; E. M. Sharon, editor; M. E. Sharon, city editor, and C. L. Stebbins, advertising manager. 272 K ( ROCK ISLAND A R S E N A L 273 Map of Tri-City Community u!rba,"tcrn'turv '^"^ ^"l""-'' '^'"'-■^ ''--t Moline. Bclten.Iorf and su- 274 ROCK IS L A X D A R S l". X A L City of Rock Island I*<>|iiilati<>n (I!fi0 <-eiiMixl — :i."i,I77. .M iini<-ii>iil appropriat inns for tisral year I9'i'i Area — ten siiiiare niilt'!*. >.?!. >,..>!. r..«al hankiiiK resources (Dee. .;9. Urii)— """''7* ..l"''^'o'..•','l'J^'"' "' "'""'' 'l'"''»-^ <•■'"'••• #i:. !>!.->. ,-)«!♦. of I!»-,",') — S8-,'.(MMI. Postal rereipts (!!»,•-)— ?,'59.6»4. Served by main lines of three railroad HyR- tenis. (. R. I. X v., (. It. A; Q. iind MiU-i. of streets — \il. ^■ >| ^. st. I'. Miles of pavement h.. Has four-mile frontajce on navicable stream Miles of sewers — Xi. and water freiKlit outlets Houtli an. population of I.VI.IHH). OCK ISLAND is a healthy, i::r()\ving American city of 35,OCX) stmls. Its location and g^eneral facilities arc ideal fur purposes of com- merce and industry. Its social advantages are such as men every- ^y^^ where are seeking". Its scenic features are unexcelled in the ujjper f '^-^ '^"' Mississippi valley. Its past is rich in historic lore. Its present is full of throbbing human interest. Its future holds a promise than which none is more bright. As part of a conniiunity composed of four adjoining cities which, with their suburbs, have a combined population of 150,000, it is able to offer inducements not found outside of the larger centers. In presenting Rock Island's points of excellence it is not necessary to indulge in extravagant statements. Its people are content to rest their cause on a plain recital of the facts. Facts also give a basis for comparison much more satisfactory than any free-hand sketch could oti'er. Rock Island occu]>ies a point of land formed by the junclion of Rock river with the Mississijipi. ( )n the north and west it has a frontage of more than four miles on na\ igable water. Rock river is on the south and Moline on the east. Across the Mississippi at the north is Da\enport. Lying opposite the east half of the city is the island from which its name was taken and which is occupied by the greatest Arsenal and military storehouses in the world. Here is assembled the largest amount of govern- ment property anywhere in the United States outside of Washington, I). C. The official inventory shows a value of more than $350,000,000. On the banks of the river are the inain lines and terminals of three great railroad systems, having belt line connections with all parts of the business and industrial sections of the city, and, with the several branches centering here, giving unexcelled transportation service in all directions. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 275 The country round about is rich in agricultural resources and highly developed. A number of permanent highways giving access to it already have been built and an aggressive policy of improvement is being pursued. The Mississippi and its navigable tributaries offer the advantages of water transportation, while the Illinois and Mississippi canal, otherwise known as the Hennepin, connecting with the latter stream just south of the mouth of Rock River, opens a way east to the (jreat Lakes for water-borne freight. The Mississippi at this point is spanned by two bridges, one used exclusively by two railroad systems and the other a combination two-deck, double-track structure, the largest in i)oint of carrying capacity north of St. Louis. Rock Island has a population, according to the 1920 census, of 35,177, an increase over 1910 of 10,842, or 44.6 per cent. The average increase by decades in the last 70 years has been 61.5 per cent, with a minimum of 16.9 and a maximum of 199.8 per cent, shown in 1860. The city is the seat of government of Rock Island county, having a population of 92,297 and averaging 217 people to the square mile, a density of population not equalled in the state outside of Cook county. The adjoining counties of Whiteside, Henry and Mercer, together with Rock Island, have a total population of 192,433, an increase in the ten years prior to 1920 of 11 per cent. Rock Island county's increase from 1910 to 1920 was 31.1 per cent and its average increase by decades over a period of 30 years has been 30 per cent. Twenty million people live within a radius of 300 miles of Rock Island. There is no more accurate index of a city's greatness than the record of its postal receipts. In Rock Island's case a vigorous and steady growth is indicated. The totals, taken approximately for five-year periods from 1889, are as follows: 1889 $ 23.376 1895 , 28,936 1900 : 64,894 1905 80,523 1910 143,804 1915 158,716 1920 240,919 1922 2.59,684 Increase in business and resources of the six banks of Rock Island also testifies to the city's expansion in commercial and industrial lines. This was only slightly affected by the war and was not materially reduced after its close, as bank statistics for 1913, 1919 and 1922 given below will show: Capital Surplus and Tjoniis and Total Stock Profits Iiivestuiciits Deposits Resources Feb. 5. 1913 $ 900.000 $ 710,311.S0 $ 8,001.306.20 .$ S,767,44S.14 $10.,563.072.96 March 4. 19]9_- 900.000 978.89:5. (i7 12,9(K,1:«.43 1;?,6.59,04;10!I 1 ,141 674 73 Dec. 29, 1922— 1,000,000 1.147.0S().6S 15,144,577.80 15,22>.7 miles of other tracks. including yards of the C. R. I. & P., the C. B. & Q. and the Rock Island Southern. Assessed valuation of property in Rock Island for 1922 was $12,417,875. This is about half of the actual valuation. The 1921 tax rate was $6.74 per hundred dollars. Of this $2.54 was for city and $2.75 for school purposes. The city's bonded indebtedness at the close of 1922 was $82,000, or only about one-eighth of the maximum allowed by law. The school bonded indebtedness was $400,000. With its location, transportation facilities and other advantages Rock Island offers unexcelled opportunities for commercial and industrial de- velopment. It does a brisk business in wholesaling and retailing. Two million people live within a radius of 100 miles. The manufacturing enter- prises within its limits number about fifty, with a combined invested capital of more than $15,000,000 and with 3,500 male and 500 female workers, these being the figures for 1922. The output of its factories includes agricultural implements, lumber products, tractors, oil cloth and textiles, stoves, registers and .furnaces, hardware and plumbing specialties, structural steel, farm lighting plants, paints, electrical fixtures, men's clothing, rubber footwear, 278 ROCK 1 S L A \ I) A K S E N A L candies, automobile accessories and pipe organs. These are in addition to the products of Rock Island Arsenal shops, in which many Rock Island workmen are employed. Rock Island has abundant room for factory ex- pansion, with sites level and low in price, reached by street cars from the business district in ten minutes, and on paved streets, licit line railway service, and in some cases water transportation, is a\ailable. W itli its neighl)oring cities. Rock Island shares the advantages of water power attordetl by rapids in both the Mississippi and Rock rivers. With a minimum flow of the two streams there is a potential energy of 100,000 horse power, of which little more than one-tenth has been developed. I'ossibilities in this direction greatly enhance the industrial jirestige of the community. Large quantities of fuel within a radius of 60 miles make prac- tical location of auxiliary ])ower plants at the mines, w'ith economical elec- trical transmission. Coal in commercial quantities is mined near enough to be delivered by truck, while three railroad lines bring supplies from the great bituminous fields of central and southern Illinois. Labor conditions, from the standpoint of both employer and employe, are exceptionally good. Diversity of industry gives a variety of training, and skilled workmen are available for nearly all standard lines of manufac- turing. What Rock Island happens to lack usually may be found in adjtnn- ing cities. On the other hand, the worker failing to find a job at his trade in Rock Island may secure one within easy reach in t»ne of the other municipalities, and so unemployment is materially lessened. There has been a marked freedom from serious labor troubles, wages compare favor- ably with those elsewhere, and the cost of li\ing is below the average in communities offering equal advantages. The Tri-City Federation of Labor, with an affiliating membership of between seven and eight thousand, includ- ing 63 unions, maintains headquarters in Rock Island. There is no pre- dominating foreign element in the city. FJghty-tvvo and six-tenths per cent of the people are nati\e born, and of tlic others northern luiropcan strains form a large majority. In the distribution of its many fine homes Rock Island is unusually democratic. It has no exclusive residence district, i)erhaps because there is no one part of the city ])rceminently favored for that purpose. There are so many gcnxl locations and builders of the better class of houses have made their own selections according to individual tastes. Latterlv there has been a disposition to favor the bluffs, of which there are se\eral miles overlooking the Mississijipi and Rock river valleys. Lxce])tional opi)ortunities for landscaping are afforded, with the option of northern, western or southern views of valleys and streams, and woo(led hills in the back ground. Most of the city is built on the level bottom land but the hill district is growing rapidly. One may place his home in the valley, on the hillside or on the level upland, 150 feet above the river, lie may locate it in the oj)en to get maximum sunshine, or among the natural forest trees, as he elects. A few ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 279 sites remain within convenient walking distance of the business center. All residence localities are well served by trolley lines. In Rock Island the home owning class is in the majority. There are 4.313 rented homes and 4,336 owned, according to a late survey. Of the owned homes 2,347 are free from encumbrance. Building ordinances enforced for a number of years have checked the tendency to cheapen construction as building costs advanced and a better class of moderate priced homes has resulted. The rate of building has been fairly uniform year after year. In 1922, which was somewhat below normal, 120 new dwellings were erected and the total expenditure for buildings was $1,624,621. There are two building and loan associations in the city and the banks pursue a policy calculated to encourage the construc- tion of homes. Rents range ratiier lower than in other cities of the same class, the average for an ordinary hve-room house being about thirty dollars per month. There are no slum districts in the city. Rock Island never has been wanting in appreciation of the importance of its public schools. Like most other growing cities, it has had a problem in keeping its school building program up with the increase in juvenile population, but it is believed that a permanent solution now has l)een reached and that henceforth there will be ample room. Since the World War the people have voted additional revenue to meet the greatly increased cost of building and conducting the schools. Most of the needs of the outlying sections have now been met and means are in sight to provide another large high school. Tlje city schools are conducted under a special charter which gives some advantages not conferred under the general law. School affairs are administered by a non-partisan board of education. School sites have been purchased on favorable terms in districts which were in process of being settled and in other w^ays the needs of the public have been anticipated so far as was possible. There are fifteen grade schools, high school and manual arts school in the city's system. Three of the grade schools are departmental. In addi- tion there are half a dozen denominational schools with a combined attend- ance of more than 700. The recent growth of the public school system is best shown by comparative statistics on attendance and expenditures: Attendance: 1914—4,440, 1919—4,975, 1922—5,685. Expenditures: 1914— $292,749, 1919— $303,096, 1922— $396,672. The public schools employ 181 teachers and the value of school prop- erty is placed at $1,296,410, of which $980,179 is in buildings, $172,542 in lands and $115,975 in erjuipment. Augustana College is the principal school maintained by the Augustana Lutheran Synod of North America, embracing practically all of the United 280 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL States. It occupies thirty-six acres of land at the edge of the bluff in the east end of Rock Island and its buildings and grounds represent a value of nearly a niilliun dollars. Its students number 1.000 men and women and it has graduated an equal nunil)er into the ministry. \'illa de Chantal is a girl's boarding and day school, \\ itli primary and advanced departments, conducted by the Sisters ui the X'isitation. a Roman Catholic order. Its students come from many states. Organizations for the promotion nf spiritual welfare are liberally sup- ported in Rock Island. A careful survey indicates a church affiliation of eighty per cent of the population. A healthy interest is maintained in all the auxiliary lines of religious endeavor. There are twenty-hve Protestant churches, including practically all denominations, hve Roman Catholic churches and three Jewish synagogues. The V. M. C. A., occupying a fine new home, has a membership of 665 and the Y. W. C. A. a membership of 1,000. There are a number of benevolent institutions. St. Anthony's hospital, conducted by the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, is a 150- bed institution, and most of it is new and of modern construction and ap- pointment. The West End Settlement is conducted in the industrial dis- trict and covers a large field. Bethany Home cares for homeless children, be- ing supported mostly by subscription. The Rescue Mission, similarly financed, relieves the urgent wants of homeless adults, giving them food and shelter free, or at a nominal cost. There is a municipal tuberculosis sanitorium in which patients are treated without charge. A welfare asso- ciation is maintained by private citizens as a central agency for the dis- pensing of charity. Fraternal organizations receive much attention in Rock Island. Masons, with an aggregate membership of 2,000; Odd Fellows, with 700; and Eagles, u ith 1.200. have homes of their own, while Elks, with 1.000 and Knights of Columbus, with 650. maintain clubrooms and both expect to see plans for new buildings soon realized. Woodmen of the World and Loyal Order of Moose are among other fraternals strongly represented. \'eterans of the three wars have active camps. The city is headquarters for the Modern AN'oodmen of America, and there are several flourishing local lodges here, one. Camp 26. being the largest in the jurisdiction. Here. also, is the head office of the Woodmen auxiliary, the Royal Neighbors of America. The Modern Woodmen is the largest fraternal organization in the world, and the Royal Neighbors the largest conducted exclusively by women. The two societies employ more than 500 people in their head offices. The Modern Woodmen, with more than 14.000 camps, operates in all states in the union except two, and in four Canadian provinces. It has over one and one-half billions of dollar* of insurance in force and its total disbursements to be4ieficiaries in the forty ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 281 years of its existence have amounted to $280,(X)0.(X)0. It has an invested surplus of $26,000,000. The society maintains a tuberculosis sanitorium near Colorado Springs, Colo., w^ith a capacity of 240 patients, which is free to members and is accounted one of the most successful anywhere. The Royal Neighbors has a membership of nearly half a million; it operates in 45 states and maintains 7,200 local camps. It is on a sound fmancial basis. In addition to adult and juvenile insurance, it provides a fund for the assistance of members who are temporarily in need. Both Woodmen and Royal Neighbors publish ofificial organs which are given nation-wide circulation to the number of one and one-half million copies monthly. Business, civic and social organizations are numerous and active. Lead- ing among them is the Rock Island Chamber of Commerce, with a member- ship of 600, drawn from nearly every field of business and professional activity. A paid secretary and stafif of assistants is maintained and the organization is always alert to promote the city's industrial and commercial welfare. Other organizations of the same nature include the Rock Island club. Retail Business Men's association. Industrial commission, Real Estate board. Builder's Exchange, Rotary club, Kiwanis club and Business and Professional Women's clul). Women of Rock Island take an active part in civic affairs and in the promotion of the arts. The chief agency through which they work is the Rock Island Woman's club, with a membership of 1,400. Local and Tri- City organizations from time to time sponsor the appearance of the world's leading instructors and entertainers in music, literature and the drama. The favorite place for such programs is Augustana college gymnasium, with seating capacity of 5,000, remarkable acoustic properties, and centrally located for Tri-City patrons. Rock Island has two libraries, one public and the other an adjunct of Augustana college. Building of the former was made possible through the generosity of Frederick Weyerhaeuser. The latter was presented to the college as a memorial by the heirs of F. C. A. Denkmann, who, wath Mr. Weyerhaeuser, laid in Rock Island the foundation of the great lumber industry which still bears their names. The public library, which was built in 1903, has more than 37,000 volumes and the collection is growing at the rate of several thousand yearly. There are 12,000 card-listed borrowers and the number of books issued for home use in 1922 was 165,621. There are two main branches, one in the West End Settlement and the other in the Washington school, in the southeastern part of the city. Collections of books are also placed in dift'erent rooms of the various public schools. Rock Island's independent recreational facilities are second to none, and they are supplemented by those of its neighboring cities, giving a 282 ROCK I S L A X D ARSE N A L range of offerings to suit any taste. It has scenic attractions not excelled in the valley of the upper Mississippi, invitinji^ drives and well kept parks. Of its public parks there are six. with a combined area of 83.5 acres. ( )ne of these, Long \'iew park, is held to l)e one of the best impro\cd and most sightly in the central west. It comprises 40 acres. Then there is Black Hawk's Watch Tower on the high bluff on Rock River, which is one of the historic spots of northern Illinois. Rock Island .Arsenal grounds are beautiful and threaded with miles of fine roadways. The Rock Island Arsenal Golf club's course is famous and has been the scene of noted tournaments. There are fine facilities for outdoor Ijathing in summer and for skating in winter. F'ishing and boating are popular and organizations are maintained to promote both. Amateur sports of all kinds flourish under the direction of the schools. V. M. C". A. and other organizations. The city also has commercial basel^all and football teams in season. Boxing is well supported. Public playgrounds are operated for the benefit of the children in all parts of the city and in summer play is supervised. Rock Island is headquarters for the corps of United States engineers in charge of improvement and maintenance of the Mississippi river and adjacent waters from the mouth of the Missouri river to the mouth of the Wisconsin. Offices are in the Federal building. A staff of twenty-five men is employed, in addition to those manning the government fleets used in river work, the government boat yard in the Hennepin canal near Milan and the government drydock at Keokuk. Through this office from $700,000 to $1,000,000 is expended annually, depending upon the size of congressional appropriations, mainly for the purpose of creating and maintaining a channel depth in the Mississippi at all times of at least six feet. Accomplishing of this end is expected to greatly facilitate the eflforts of those endeavoring to develop the freight-carrying possibilities of the stream. An outdoor force of from 800 to 1.000 men is kej)t at work on river improvement in this section during the summer season. In addition to the river engineers, permanent offices are maintained in the federal building for the United States revenue bureau, department of commerce. dei)artment of justice, treasury de])artment and postal dej^artment. The structure is three stories in height and represents an investment of $225,000. The local postoffice occupies the entire gmund floor. Rock Island has adequate fire ])rotection. Its fire department, which is imder civil service, has six stations, with thirty-two men and standard motorized equipment throughout. There are two pumps, one (»f 1.000 gallons capacity ])er minute and the other 700 gallons. Fire insurance premiums are based on a Class Three rating. Average fire losses during the last decade have been $174,222 yearly. In case of a general fire aid from Moline and Davenport can be secured in 10 minutes. Streets and alleys of the city are well kept. The sum of $30,000 is ex- pended annually for this i)urpose. The city maintains an incinerator for garbage disposal. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 283 There is a state free employment bureau in Rock Island, Avhich, during the last five years, has found work for an average of 75.569 men and women annually. A live county farm bureau is in existence, with headquarters in Rock Island. This organization has a membership of 700 and maintains a paid advisor. There is also a home bureau reaching 800 women in the rural sections, and having a competent director. Fine results have been obtained by both organizations. Not the least important evidence of Rock Island's attractiveness is its popularity as a convention city. This ha^ resulted in the holding there in recent years of many state and a number of national meetings. HISTORICAL It was from the island, now the site of the greatest manufacturing Arsenal and military storehouse in the world, that the county of Rock Island and city of Rock Island received their name, and in the order named. Rock Island county was created by act of the Illinois legislature Feb. 9, 1831, and the first election of county officers took place July 5, 1833. The city, or as it was then known, town of Rock Island did not come into being till 1841, when the legislature changed the name of the village of Stephenson to Rock Island and provided a charter, under which the first election was held in July of the same year. A city charter was adopted by the legislature and approved Feb. 12, 1849, and served as a plan of municipal government till Feb. 16, 1857. when one better suited to the needs of the growing community was provided. This was in force till 1879. Nov. 4 of that year the people voted to incorporate under the general law. The site of the present city of Rock Island was a favorite one with the Indians as far back as written history of the locality goes. Once it was inhabited by the tribes of the Illini. The Sacs and Foxes, first known to have dwelt along the lower St. Lawrence in Canada, came into this part of the country from southern Wisconsin, driving the Illini remnants southward and taking possession about the year 1722. A village was built on Rock river in the southern part of the present city of Rock Island, the site being favored because it was protected by water on three sides and there was a high blufif at hand, now known as Black Hawk's Watch Tower, which served as a look-out to scan the country round about for the approach of hostile bands of warriors. This village, known to historians as Saukenuk, became one of the most populous found by the early white explorers. Being a strong, courageous people, wisely led, the Sacs and Foxes prospered and more than held their own in the wars they carried on with other nearby tribes. They took some part in an expedition against the Americans at Cahokia in the Revolutionary war and their village was burned 284 K () r K 1 S I. A X 1) A R S K N A L in reprisal. Again in the war of 1812 the Indians were active on the side of the British. From that time on there were many clashes with the white settlers till finally Black Hawk, who became chief early in the nineteenth century, was driven, with his folK)vvers, across the Mississippi as a result of the Black Hawk war of 1832. 'J'he first house (»n the present site of Rock Island was built in 1826, on the river bank near the south end of the Rock Island railroad bridge at the foot of Twenty-ninth street, by Colonel Da\enport and Russell I^'arnham. This structure, later known as the house of John Barrel, was the seat of the original county government and the center of the settlement known as Farnhamsburg. The town of Stejjhenson was laid out under legislative authority in 1835 to be the county seat. It conij)rised twenty blocksi adjacent to the present court house square. It was later enlarged to include Farnhamsburg and other contiguous territory. Protection offered by Fort Armstrong against Indian depredations attracted settlers to the locality in the early days. The place became a favorite crossing point on the Mississippi, partly because of the presence of the fort and j)artly because the stream was narrow and the banks high, making approach easy, and providing good landings. After the Indians were gone the land nearby was rapidly taken up and the settlement grew apace. First comers were hardy American stock traveling by wagon, on horse and afoot from the east, or by boat from the south. There were migratory waves from southern Illinois and Kentucky, from Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Some from the eastern states came down the Ohio river and up the Mississippi. Advent in 1854 of the Chicago (.K: Rock Island railroad, the first to reach the Mississippi from the east, gave Rock Island a pronounced boom. The l)lace for a time was the sole junction i)oint on the river of rail and water transportation lines. Population grew raj)idly. Business increased. In- dustries, provided witli shipping facilities which were exceptional in that day, sprang up. The village became a city. Rock Island's fame spread, reaching e\cn across the Atlantic. I'>om northern luirope came immigrants, the most desirable class that e\er landed upon our shores. They came look- ing for permanent homes and found them here, building up the city and I'ecoming ])art of it. Many of the ])ioneer families were of (lerman, Irish, Scandinavian or other northern iun-oi)can stock. Tlic cast cud of the city was settled largely by Swedish families and their descendants, overflowing from Moline. Later came Belgians and a scattering representation from Mediterranean countries. The advent of those from across the sea, however, has been gradual and they have been most thoroughly assimilated. The native born element always predominated heavily and does to this day. Rock Island's fonndation was laid by men of unusual force, enterjjrise and wisdom. The}' had high ideals and sound judgment. The city was ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 285 never suffered to lag behind in the procession. It always has been rated as a leader in every field of endeavor. It never was a one-man or a one- industry town. The diversity of its interests has been a leading factor in its steady progress. A heavy shipping business was done by water in the palmy days of the Mississippi steamboat, in the fifties, sixties and se\enties. The decline of the water carriers found the community well supplied with railroad facili- ties to take their place, so that the city really was the gainer by the change. When the river w-as the artery down which flowed the pine to build homes for the people of the central west the lumber industry in Rock Island throve as it did in few other cities. But passing of the log and luml)er raft into history was not attended by a decline in manufacturing prestige, for the reason that other industries had been i)rogressively develoi)ed as the supply of timber declined and, with n]ore diversified e)pportunities for investment and employment, a broader foundation for community prosperity resulted. Since the earliest days Rock Island has gone forward steadily in v/ealth and population. At no stage in its history has its momentum been materially checked. It has encountered the usual obstacles, but in all cases they have been o\ercome and in\aluable lessons learned in the operation. The manner in which it has met and mastered its problems is the best possible assurance for its future. As a city of 35,000 its resources and opportunities are no less outstanding than they were when it was a village before the railroad came. And there is not the slightest reason to doubt that the years to come will bring to it growth and prosperity, even as did the years that are gone. 286 R () e" K 1 S L A N n A K S F. N A T. City ol Davenport ropiihition (IJt'iO renNiiH) — .'»6."'i7. Aroa — Ifi.'il f<<|iiiir<* nilleH. MilfH of !.lrert>. — IK8. MileH of pii\ciiifrit — 1''0. MllcH of ».«•«. TH— !:<:<. >Iile» of «iit«T iiiaiio — I I J. .Miles of stri'ct niilwa.v Irai-ks — r>0. Milfs of main line railroad tracks — 'i\.!i. MileH of other traekw — .i',/.). A«TeaKe of parks — 750. Total liankinR resourees — $55,:)45,l)(i>) — S4Kl,r.72.;>l. AssesHecl valuation of property (1!>22) — $(>!>,- «>(i7.(»-.>n. Value of moneys and credits — $I5,IH;:<,450. Municipal appropriations for flNral year I !»•»•.' — SKIH,H(M(. Number of liomes es ^loines and St. Louis an i;7l.:tiiJ.iis 1«.I20 1. 44(l..Vi7.H V.rS2 4si:>72.!(l Assessed valuatiim of property in the city of Davenport for the collec- tion of revenues for 1923 was $69,667,020. Municipal taxes were levied upon approximately one-half of this sum and upon $15,603,450 listed in moneys and credits, at the rate of 2.7 mills on the dollar. Municipal api)ropriations f..r 1922 were $848,300. Davenport takes a high place in the character and extent of its public improvements, and travelers commend it for its well-kept appearance. It has 188 miles of streets and 63 miles of alleys. One hundred twenty miles of streets and alleys are paved. Pavement, especially in the business dis- trict, is kept in good condition by prompt repairs or resurfacing when necessary. Streets as originally laid out are wide enough to meet the needs of an ever growing traffic. The coming of the motor vehicle did not cause the inconvenience so often sullered by other cities which had been planned on less liberal lines. Davenport lies admirably for purposes of drainage. There are 20 miles of storm drains and 113 miles of sewers. The river furnishes a con- venient outlet. Clogging and overflowing of drains and sewers rarely takes place. Connecting uj) with the city's streets are eight priiuary highways leading out into the country on the Iowa side, which are being permanently surfaced, mostly with brick. Scott county has in hand and nearing completion at the close of 1922, a road improvement program involving an outlay of $3,000,000 and calling for work on all primary thoroughfares centering in the county seat. Similar work undertaken on the Illinois side promises early comple- tion of hard roads east, north and south. To reach the Illinois side Daven- port enjoys the use of the two-deck, double track Rock Island bridge, govern- ment owned and maintained, and the only one between St. Louis and St. Paul on which no tolls are charged. Davenjxirt and liettendorf. its eastern suburb, together have seven miles of frontage on navigable water. A])i)rcciating the advantage of water trans- portation and believing in the future of the Mississippi in this connection. Davenport has taken the lead among upper river cities in levee improvement. Nearly a mile of sea wall has been built, at any i)oint of which freight may be transferred by gravity or power from rail to boat and vice versa, doing away with expensive hand labor. There are also 1,000 feet of ])aved sloping levee. The Davenport Levee Commission was organized for this undertak- ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 289 ing. It issued bonds, which are being retired by rentals from reclaimed land, $205,000 being outstanding at the close of 1922. A municipal wharf has been constructed for a packet terminus. Most of the reclaimed land, which lies adjacent to the business district, has been transformed into an at- tractive park, known as LeClaire park, and comprising 11 acres. Area of all the land reclaimed when the sea wall is extended down stream to the present city limits will be 125 acres. It is estimated that the cost of the whole improvement will be $1,000,000. The entire benefit, which will be much in excess of that sum, will accrue to the city. Work already done has wonder- fully bettered the appearance of the waterfront, making it a mcidel which is being copied elsewhere. The area of Davenport is 16.24 square miles, of which 10 square miles are platted. About three-fourths of the city lies on the bluff, reaching a maximum altitude of 150 feet above the river and of 728 feet above sea level. The lower land, well adapted to business and industrial uses, is adequately served by rail, as well as water transportation facilities. Railroads parallel the river the entire length of the city and branch out into all parts of the industrial district at the west end. Three lines cross the city transversely, striking back into the country in different directions. In addition to the trunk lines of the C. R. I. & P., C. B. & Q. and C. M. & St. P. roads, there are the D. R. I. & N. W.. a belt line, and two interurbans of the C. D. & M., one operating up the river to Clinton and the other down to Muscatine. There are within the city 28.5 miles of main line and 35.9 miles of other tracks. In addition to the latter there are nine miles of switch tracks form- ing the terminal yards of the C. M. & St. P. at Nahant. just west of the municipal bounds. There are 32 steam passenger trains in and 34 out daily. Interurban trains number 22 each way. In 1922 the railroads received 26,991 carload lots of freight and forwarded 11,124 carloads. Davenporters are fortunate in the character of the pul)lic utilities which serve them. Standards are unusually liigh and costs compare favorably with those in other cities. The Tri-City Railway & Light Company owns and operates street railways, gas and power plants and a central heating plant supplying steam to office and business blocks in the down-town district. The water plant is privately owned and is one of the best in the country. For many years Davenport has had exceptionally good street railway facilities. It claims the first electric car regularly operated in the United States. There are now 50 miles of street railway track. An 8-cent fare is charged. Facilities for the production of gas and electrical energy for power and illumination are considerably in advance of the city's normal needs, and it is the policy of the company always to so maintain them. There are 205 miles of gas mains, reduced to a three-inch equivalent, and 703 miles of wire for power distribution. The lumiber ()f gas and electricity users is significant 290 ROCK 1 S L A X D ARSE X A L of the high standards of living prevailing. There are 13.379 of the former and 13.368 ..f the latter. The 1920 census showed 12.042 hemes and 14.388 families. The Davenport Water Company installed one of the first mechanical filters used in the middle west. Its raw supply is taken from the channel of the Mississippi at a point well above the center of the business district, and so effective is the process of purification that turbidity is entirely elim- inated at all times, and the supply always has met the most exacting tests. Large storage reservoirs on the bluff give the business section the advantage of gravity pressure. There are 114 miles of water mains and they are of greater capacity than is commonly used. Capacity of the filters is 9.000.000 gallons per day, twice the average consumption, and the cajiacity of the pumps is 31.000.000 gallons. Davenport has but one telephone system and through it is given free connection with adjacent cities on the Illinois side and also with villages and many rural subscribers in Scott county. There are 1.904 business and 9.279 residence stations connecting with the local exchange. Rates are $4 per month for residence and $8 per month for business service. Davenport's business interests are well balanced. It is not preeminently an industrial city, yet it excels in certain lines of manufacturing, and there has been a marked expansion in this direction in recent years. The 1920 census showed 219 industries, with value of yearly output of $55,000,000 and 5,271 workers employed. The two years following saw a material increase in the number of concerns, but there has been no detailed survey since that made by the federal government. Among the factories are several marketing part of their output in foreign countries and a larger number distributing products on a nation-wide scale. These concerns carry the city's name abroad, giving it invaluable advertising. Thousands of freight cars are made annually in the Rettendorf shops, the largest single industry, with 30 acres under roof. The city leads in the making of washing machines, metal wheels, brooms, ready-cut houses and motion picture projectors. Other products finding a universal market are light locomotives, pumps, type-setting machines, cereal products and pearl buttons. Foundry products, cigars, candy, bakery products, overalls, optical goods, ladders, industrial gases and packing house products are also exten- sively manufactured. There is a $2,000,000 cement mill on the river bank just above the city and another one is planned, to be located a few miles below town. Davenport enjoys unusual advantages which appeal to manufacturers. Arriong them are presence of water power, nearness of fuel and raw ma- terials and facility and economy of distribution in a territory of exceptional buying power. There is also a large supply of well-trained labor, in which ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 291 the city's resources are supplemented l)y those of its nearby neighbors on the Illinois side. Good transportation facilities and favorable freight rates also help enhance the city's prestige as a jobbing and retail center. There are 120 wholesale establishments, with an annual business estimated at $50,000,000. They employ 700 traveling salesmen. Retail concerns include six department stores, eight ladies' ready-to- wear, 23 clothiers, 20 shoe stores, 193 groceries and 30 drug stores. The city is headquarters of the Federal System of Bakeries, w^ith hundreds of shops in all parts of the United States, and is the home of several large construction companies prepared to execute almost any kind of a contract in any part of the country, and doing an annual business run- ning up in the millions. Davenport has many fine buildings. Among the most imposing are the Blackhawk hotel, with 416 rooms, largest in the state, the $1,000,000 Kahl office building and the new eight-story Parker department store, which has no superior in middle western cities. A $1,000,000 Masonic temple is in course of construction. Among the public buildings are a central high school of unusual size and completeness, an imposing court house, fine city hall and federal building and a large library. Commodious and well appointed homes crown the prominent bluffs overlooking the valley and the landscap- ing is effective to an unusual degree. Camp McClellan addition in the east end, commanding a view of the river and Rock Island Arsenal, and built up with residences of the more costly class, is one of the show places of the community. Good homes are the rule, and the tendency constantly is toward im- provement in average quality. New additions are being laid out rapidly. There is unlimited room for growth, most of the suburbs being on rolling ground and well supplied with paved streets and trolley lines. The 1920 census showed 12,042 homes, but it is probable that 13,000 would be nearer the correct number for 1922. In that year 360 new residences were con- structed and $3,249,000 was expended on buildings. It is estimated that three-fourths of the homes in the city are owned by the occupants. That is an unusually large proportion, and speaks well for the thrift, enterprise and stability of the people. Residences and lawns, as a rule, are well kept, reflecting the prosperity and content of the owners. Rents are not exorbitant. An exceptionally liberal policy is pursued in the financing of home building enterprises. In the matter of schools Davenport is second to none. There are 17 grade and three intermediate schools and one high school in the public system, with 13 parochial and diocesan schools and 17 miscellaneous. The high school, built on a commanding site in 1907, at a cost of $350,000, is one of the conspicuous structures of the city. It accommodates 1,600 pupils. 292 R () C K IS L A \ D A R S I". X A L Schools maintained by religi»»us denominations include St. Ambrose college for boys and the Academy of the Immaculate Concejition for girls, both con- ducted by the Rtmian Catholic church, and St. Katharine's school for girls, under the auspices i»f the I*!piscopal diocese ""f Iowa. The miscellaneous schools include the Palmer School of Chiropractic, with 2.500 students, draw n from all states in the union and from many foreign countries. Public school attendance for the 1921-22 year was 9.621. School ex- penditures the same year were $820,000. \'alue of school property was S3.006.920 in buildings and grounds, and $280,246 in equipment. The school bonded debt was $1,023,000. Public school pupils are given every advantage to promote their educa- tional advancement and physical welfare. There is special instruction in drawing, music, manual training, cooking, sewing, physical culture and nature study. School physicians and nurses are employed. Special schools are maintained for deaf children and those with defects of speech. A training course for teachers is part of the regular high school course. The Davenport library is well housed, centrally located and complete. At the close of 1922 it had 78.158 volumes and the circulation for the year had been 456.564. Eight stations in various parts of the city are maintained. More than eighty per cent of the people of Davenport claim church affiliation. All told there are 43 churches, including practically all denom- inations. There are two cathedrals, this being the see city of the Roman Catholic diocese of Davenport, comprising the southern half of Iowa, and of the Episcopal diocese of Iowa. Auxiliary religious organizations are well supported. The Y. M. C. A. has a membership of 1.300 and the Y. W. C. A. of 1.200. The former occupies a building specially erected for its use. and the latter has extensive rented quarters. Few cities are so well supplied with organizations, business, educational, welfare, recreational and for the promotion of science and the arts as is Dav- enport. They are numbered by the scores, their purposes cover almost the whole field of human endeavor and nearly every resident is enrolled in one or more of them. Many are German in origin and character, led by the Turners and their various branches. The spirit of mutual helpfulness which pervades the community is manifested in numerous beneficiary and welfare societies, some with but a few members and some with many hundreds. These have headquarters in all parts of the city and do a magnificent work. People of means and benevolent inclination have endowed a number of these with jjraiseworthy liberality, enable them to operate on a broad scale and to build, equij) and plan adequately for the future. Leading among the business organizations is the Davenport Chamber of Commerce, occujjving a handsome home of its own and maintaining traftic, credit, manufacturing and retail bureaus in charge of paid secretaries. The ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 293 traffic bureau has complete tariiif files and the credit bureau keeps up-to-date ratings to the number of 80,000. The Chamber of Commerce is headquarters for the live men of the community, and is doing eiTective work in furthering the city's interests and exploiting its advantages. Its motto always has been "Business Before Pleasure." Benevolent work is participated in by such organizations as the Ladies' Industrial Relief and the Davenport Friendly society, having buildings of their own equipped for educational and recreational, and, in the case of the former, for charitable work. The Visiting Nurses' association keeps six nurses whose services are free to those unable to pay for them. The Lend-a- Hand club looks after the Avelfare of working girls and is building a $200,000 home for them, a complete club, with all customary club facilities, a large dining room and quarters for 80 lodgers. There are four hospitals with a combined capacity of 300 beds. Elee- mosynary institutions include the Clarissa C. Cook Home for the Friendless, a refuge for women, the Fejervary Home for Aged Men, and St. Vin- cent's Orphan's home. The Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' home, maintained by the state, and capable of caring for 500 inmates, is located in the city. Pine Knoll sanatorium, maintained by the county for treatment of tuberculosis, has a capacity of 50 patients. The public museum of the Davenport Academy of Sciences, organized in 1867, ranks with the museums of cities with many times the population of the Tri-Cities. The collections fill to overflowing two large connected buildings owned by the institution. There are departments of natural his- tory, commercial geography, local history, American ethnology and arch- aeology (especially Mississippi Valley mound-builders), and exhibits from Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, Japan. Peru, Alaska and other parts of the world. The museum is visited by 15,000 people in a year. It has been built up by the generosity of many citizens. Its endowment is assured by a trust fund and it is planning fcjr a new^ fireproof museum and art gallery building. The C. A. Ficke collection of paintings, valued at half a million dollars, recently has been given to the city, and public spirited citizens have under- taken to provide a home for it. Permanent literary, debating and study clubs are numerous and reach a great many people. Women's organizations number more than a score. Many of them are educational in their purpose, while others are devoted to the arts, especially to music, which Davenporters liberally patronize. The Tri-City Symphony orchestra, taking rank with the best in the country, and the Tri-City Musical Association, which sponsors entertainments by the world's leading musical celebrities, are strongly supported in Davenport and their programs there are given in the coliseum, well adapted to such uses and having a seating capacity of 3,000. 294 ROCK IS L A X 1) A R S F. N A L Aniono; the fratcrnals. the Masons hui*;' have held a leading: plaee. Their original temple having been outgrown, the Masonic bodies are now erecting one of the most jiretentious structures of its kind in the country, to be thrown open during 1923. The Elks, Turners. Ancient Order of Hibernians. Knights of Columbus and Danish Brotherhood have buildings of their own, while the Eagles are building and the Odd Fellows expect to do so soon. Few fraternal organizations that are more than local in character are without branches in the city. There are half a hundred labor unions, embracing all crafts and most of them affiliating with the Davenport Trades and Labor Assembly. In the planning of Davenport, recreation has been well provided for, and there are numerous organizations to promote that end. Among these may be mentioned the Outing club, with house and grounds only a few blocks from the center of the city, the Rock Island Arsenal Golf club, more than half of the members of which are Davenporters, certain 'branches of the Turners, and numerous clubs to encourage shooting, bowling and other sports, both outdoor and indoor. There are 14 parks, w^ell distributed within the city limits, and having a combined area of 379 acres. Of these Vander\'eer park is noted for its flowers, while in Fejervary park is a small zoo. Credit island, a tract of nearly four hundred acres, is owned by the city and is equipped with golf course, bathing beach, baseball grounds and other recreational facilities. It is open to the public free of charge, and though outside the municipal limits, is easily reached. At LeClaire park, on the levee, the city, in 1922, constructed a well appointed natatorium costing $100,000. Attractive and well improved drives leading out into the country in all directions have a strong appeal to motorists. A well-appointed tourists' camp is provided for visiting automobile parties in summer time. Efforts to beautify the city have been highly successful in Davenport, and there are many sightly spots within and near its borders. There are no "Keep off the grass" signs in the public parks. All schools have play- grounds, well equipped, and there are three public playgrounds with wad- ing pools. The Davenport Boat Club has a harbor and club house and has sponsored a number of regattas, attracting power boat enthusiasts from all over the middle west. Indoc)r recreation is supplied by four theatres and 15 motion picture houses, among which the new Capitol theatre is recognized as one of the fmest in the country. Davenport's fire protection ranks with the best. Fire insurance is written on a Class Two basis, a rating accorded few other cities. Large pumping capacity of the water company, over-size mains in the fire limits, enforcement of a satisfactory building code, and effectiveness of fire fight- ing forces and equipment are factors considered in establishing the low rate. There are seven fire stations, with 67 men. Equipment is all motorized ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 295 and includes two large pumps. There are LI 50 fire hydrants in the city. Help from Rock Island and Moline is always available on short notice. Average fire losses for the past 10 years have been $176,727. There are two police stations, with a force of 62 men. Law enforce- ment is efl:'ective. The number of arrests for the last 10 years has averaged 2,398 and the average annual collection of fines has been $8,378. Unusual attention is given to directing of traffic in business streets. A federal law enforcement organization is maintained in the city, including a United States commissioner, deputy United States marshal and prohibition agent. There is an adequate local health and inspection service. The federal government maintains a weather station in Davenport fully equipped and manned by a meteorologist and two assistants. Weather data from all over the country and river stage bulletins from points on the Miss- issippi from Dubuque down to Muscatine are collected daily. Reports are sent out over the Tri-City district and are broadcasted by radio, making them available for many miles. Records kept since 1871 show an average rainfall of 32.27 inches, average winter temperature of 24.3 degrees, spring temperature of 49.1, summer temperature of 73.1 and autumn temperature of 52.4. The average growing season has been 174 days. There have been no crop failures in the vicinity in 50 years. Davenporters take great pride in their city. They are ever alert to add to its advantages and always have a warm welcome for visitors. Many con- ventions are entertained. There are half a dozen hotels of high rating and a score of others in which visitors may find comfortable quarters and at moderate cost. One of the city's leading attractions is the Mississippi Valley Fair and Exposition. This was opened in 1920, and took high rank from the start. The grounds, just outside the city limits, comprise 90 acres and repre- sent an investment of $550,000. There is a modern half-mile track, grandstand of unique design, built to afford occupants a view of aerial spectacles, as well as those occurring on the ground, and with large seating capacity, to- gether with all other necessary buildings of a class usually found only at state fair grounds. The annual fair, open for a week in 1922, drew a paid attendance of 80,899. The Scott County Farm Bureau, formed in 1912. with headquarters in Davenport, is one of the three oldest in the state. It has 1.200 members, a paid secretary, or advisor, and is one of the most active and progressive in the country. Agricultural interests of the county have experienced much benefit from its work, which is covering an ever widening field. Davenport has Battery B of the state militia, with a total membership of 80, and an artillery armory of large size and modern design, which is battery headquarters of the Iowa National Guard. One of the best boat harbors on the Mississippi is located at the west end of Davenport, in the slack water formed by building a dam, also used as a 296 ROCK ISLAND A R S R N A L driveway frtun tlie niaiiilaiul to the head t»f Credit ishind. Many craft winter here and some boat building and repairinj^ is done. Already well supplied with land and water transp02 ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL forties, and the excellence of his product, the quantity of his output and the vigor with which he sought new fields to market it soon spread the fame of the town. Gradually the Deere shops grew and their growth attracted other manufacturers, who set up plants to make plows and other implements, farm wagons, light vehicles, machinery, etc. Moline also once had its lumber mills, but their departure a score of years ago was scarcely noticed in the general industrial growth. In time absorption of the individual enterprises by the Deere interests began. The Moline Plow Company also entered the field as competitor. Both major concerns acquired complete lines of plows, cultivating and harvesting machinery, tractors and motor and other vehicles. For the most part these were secured by purchase of home or outside individual manufac- turing enterprises which were taken over and operated as a unit. To a large extent the industry has been consolidated in Moline and East Moline. with many millions invested, an immense output and with distribution facilities in practically all parts of the civilized world. \\'hile the early growth of Moline and the later development of East Moline was given the greatest impetus by the implement-making business, neither place can be called a one-line manufacturing city. Muline has approx- imately 55 industries, including, besides the farm implement plants, one of the leading automobile factories in the country. Heavy machinery, furniture, steel products, automobile bodies, tools, wood products and licorice are a few of the other products that are turned out in large quantities. East Moline also has a big automobile factory, in addition to concerns making gasoline motors, laundry machinery, scales, storage batteries and metal and wooden novelties. \'alue of the output of Moline factories for 1919, shown in the 1920 fed- eral census, the latest official figures available, was $-14,811,021. Capital invested was listed as $108,000,000. The number of workers employed was 5444 and the annual wages $9,470,632. In that year East Moline factories employed about 2.600. the annual wages amounted to a little less than half of the Moline total, and the output and capital invested were in proportion. The number of men etnployed in the SiKis railroad shops and yards was nearly 2.000. Moline's acreage is 4.183. X'irtually all of this is platted. It has 97 miles of streets, 58 miles of pavement, 94 miles of sidewalks and 68 miles of sewer mains. The assessed valuation of ])roj)erty in the city in 1922 was $11,980,000. Current appropriations were $528,999. The 1922 tax rate was $7.71 on the hundred dollars valuation. The city's bonded indebtedness in 1922 was S171.500. There are 170 acres of parks and recreational centers in Moline. Two of the parks have lakes where wading and bathing are enjoyed in the summer and skating in the winter. Browning field is a completely equipped athletic ROCK I S L. A N D ARSENAL 303 field, with a steel constructed grandstand haxing- a seating capacity of 5,000. Professional baseball and amateur games are played there. It is easily reached from the business district. The six parks are conveniently located to serve the entire city. Public playgrounds are conducted in each of the parks by the Community Service League. Recreational facilities include many attractive drives in and near the city. There is a vehicle bridge connecting with Rock Island Arsenal, the golf course of which is reached more directly from the business district of Moline than from that of either of its neighboring cities. Many business and professional men and manufacturers avail themselves of the advantages offered. Campbell's island, named after the commander of a river expedi- tion which was attacked and defeated by the Indians during the second war with England, is maintained as a watering place, with bathing beach and summer camps patronized by thousands each season. There are many camps, also, on Rock river. Aquatic sports are popular. Pigeon clubs are numerous and flying contests are held in season. East Moline St. Elroy Driving club has a half-mile track on the outskirts of that city and holds regular meets in summer and autumn. Moline has pure filtered water, the raw supply being taken from the channel of the Mississippi. The pumping capacity of the plant, which is owned by the city and valued at $1,198,914, is 17.000,000 gallons daily. The filter capacity is 5,000,000 gallons, or more than twice the average daily consumption. A filtered reserve of several million gallons is maintained. Water service is meterized throughout the city. The minimum quarterly charge for a five-eighths-inch meter, the size used by the average family, is S2.25 ; for a three-ciuarter-inch $3, and the rate graduates up to $30 for a 6-inch meter. There are 78 miles of water mains and 749 fire hydrants. The factory district is supplied through separate raw water mains with private pumping plant. The fire department is modern and completely motorized. Four stations, centrally located, are manned by a crew of 28. The average annual fire loss for the ten-year period ending with the close of 1922 was $85,000. Because of its well organized department, complete fire-fighting apparatus, adequate water supply and strict attention to lessening of fire hazards, the city has an unusually low fire insurance rate, being based on a classification of two and one-half. Moline has an efficient police department of 28 men. Law enforcement is uniformly efifective, the city being kept unusually free from vice. Good order is maintained in public places and traffic regulations are not allowed to become a dead letter. There is a city court with resident judge. Great pride is manifested in the schools of the city. There are 16 buildings, including a central high school costing $250,000. Total enrollment of pupils is 4,900. Annual expenditures for school purposes is $450,000. The 304 R O C K I S L A X D A R S i: N A L value of school property is $1,600,000 and llic school debt $321,000. There are two Roman Catholic parochial schools with a combined attendance of 800. Religious organizations arc well sujjpttrted. There are 27 churches, 25 Protestant and two Roman Catholic. Combined altiliations of the former are 8,000 persons and of the latter 4.500. Four new church buildings were started in 1922. Another, begun in 1919. was approaching completion. Church property has a total valuation of one and one-quarter millions. There is a commodious Carnegie library, located in the business district and stocked with 32.000 volumes. Moline has three hospitals with a combined capacity of more than 200 beds. One of these is city owned and supported by a 3-mill tax. There are a nurses' home, maternity home and detention hospital in connection and a training school for nurses is conducted. One of the other hospitals is main- tained by the Rock Island district Lutheran churches, and its equipment includes a modern X-ray laboratory. It also has a nurses' training school. The third hospital, a private one, specializes in health baths. Moline's status as a hotel city was materially advanced by the construc- tion of the million-dollar LeClaire hotel, nearing completion at the close of 1922. This 15-story structure has 202 guest rooms and 70 family apartments and is one of the largest and most costly to be found in any city of Moline's population. Other local hotels together have regular facilities for the accommodation of 200 guests. The city is well cared for in the matter of public utilities. Its power and gas supply and street railway and telephone service are not excelled anywhere. The power plants generating electricity both by steam and water for the entire tri-city district are located within its boundaries, as is the gas plant supplying the cities on the Illinois side of the river. The capacity of these is far beyond the normal needs of the community. At the close of 1922 there were in the city 182.6 miles of gas main, reduced to 3-inch equivalent, and 423.13 miles of single wire power distribution lines. The number of electric customers was 7.238 and of gas customers 6.940. The Tri-City Railway Company has two lines operating the full length of the city east and west and two north and south. There are three lines connecting with Rock Island, one with East Moline and one with Silvis. The combined mileage of tracks is 20.63. In East Moline and Silvis there are 63.7 miles of gas mains and 280.41 miles of power distribution lines, with 2.671 electric customers and 1.593 gas customers. Total mileage of street railway tracks is 8.6. There is but one telephone system, that of the Illinois Bell Company, with 5,700 stations in Moline and 1,100 in East Moline and Silvis. The power, light, gas and telephone rates are the same as in Rock Island, being exceptionally low, and the street railway fare, also, is 10 cents, with the ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 305 privilege of riding for a nickel extended to those who purchase monthly identification cards, for which 50 cents is charged. The average fare col- lected under this plan is a little more than six cents. Moline is served by the trunk line of the C. R, L & P., the main north and south line and the Sterling Ijranch of the C. B. & Q. and the Chicago- Kansas City line of the C. M. & St. P. It also has a belt line, the D. R. I. & N. W., connecting with Davenport, Rock Island, East Moline, Silvis and Carbon Cliff, and having a system of terminals and service tracks in the industrial district. The Milwaukee road uses its main line and the terminals. There are 50 trains in and out daily. In Moline and the two cities adjoining on the east there are 29 miles of main track and 111 miles of service and other tracks, the switch yards including the iMg division terminal of the C. R. I. & P. at Silvis. Freight shipments in and out of Moline and East Moline run about 40,000 cars annually. In 1922, which was below normal, there were 15,032 carload lots received and 11,083 forwarded. In the days when water transportation flourished Moline, by reason of the rapids and the water power development of its river front, was practically cut off from steamboat connections. In 1907, however, the government built a lock, and subsecpient improvement of the rapids has given the city an ex- ceptionally good slack water harbor through wdiich all craft navigating the Mississippi at this point must pass. With railroads on the river bank and most of its big industrial plants within convenient reach, the city is bound to be a source of much business for river craft in the event of their revival. At this time the river is valuable mainly for the power it furnishes and for the possibilities of further development in this direction that it affords. Supplementing its railroad and water shij)ping facilities is a system of improved highways wdiich promises to play an equally prominent part in keeping Moline on the map. With one hard road to the east connecting with city pavement at Silvis completed at the close of 1922, state and county building programs already financed promised two more concrete highways in 1923. One of these was to be extended south, via Coal Valley, and the other northeast through the upper end of the county, paralleling Rock river. Two other routes, leading east and north, were to be improved with either concrete or gravel. Southwest the city has highway outlets through Rock Island and north and w^est through Davenport. Rock Island in late years has co-operated with Moline in laying out and improving through streets to facilitate exchange of motor vehicle traftic, and further plans in this direc- tion are being considered. Interests of all the adjoining cities in this respect are looked after practically as well as if they were under a single municipal government. Moline already has made material advances as a retail center, having three large department stores and many other prosperous concerns dealing 306 R L) L K IS L AND A R S I-. X A L in the various lines of gmxls. Removal i>f the business district across the railroad tracks greatly aided its business revival. The city's commercial interests are looked after by several live organizations of business men. Completion of the road building program is expected to bring great benefits to retailers. In banking resources the Pk»\v City is keeping pace with its general growth. It has six banks, all in sound condition and with combined resources at the close of 1922 oi $18,774,497. There are several imposing bank build- ings, the home of the Moline Trust & Savings bank, completed in 1922. be- ing one of the city's sky-scrapers. Steady grcnvth in all departments has characterized the city's banking history. The following totals for all banks, taken from official statements made at three different times in the last decade, bear out this assertion : Capital rrofiis ami I^oans and Total Stock Surplus Investments Deposits Uestiurces Feb. :$, 1913— $ 97.5.000 ^^S.fii'i.W ? n OSO.141.97 ?;10.13.''..7,32.6.t |;il,7;W..>'i6.S9 .Mar. 4. 1919 1.07.^.000 (-, 14..5t)7. 174.79 1.5.(>72 247.12 17..521..54.5.2t» Dee. 29. 1922— l.:«)0.()00 l«tl. 4.50.19 1«,2S2.S03.15 15.782.710.79 1S.774.497..S1 Nothing can better show the growth of Moline than the steady increase of its postal receipts during the last 30 years, which amounted to over 1.000 per cent. The following figures show the advance made in approximately 5-year periods since 1891 : 1891 I 24.4.^•{.28 1895 27..312..54 1900 4:{.:i.s5.)»; 1905 (V5.4S0.8.'} 1910 12fi.3.50.4;i 1916 1S2.749.24 1920 272.546.75 Moline is an own-your-own-home city. At the last census there were 6,535 homes, and of these approximately 5.000 were occupied by their owners. This is a most exceptional showing. A larger i)ercentage of the industrial workers own their own homes than in any other city in the country, it is said. The average value of these homes is high and they are well kept. The rolling character of the residence district gives scope for effective landscaping, and the opportunity has not been neglected. A score of costly residences established by founders of the city's large industries and their families crown the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi and Rock rivers and add materially to the natural beauty of the sky-line, viewed from either the north or the south. Growth of the residential section is mostly toward the south. More than a million dollars is spent normally each year on new homes. In 1922. which was below the average. 68 new residences were erected. The total expenditure, based on cost estimates given when building permits were issued, was $733A73. These estimates did not include plumbing, wiring, improvement of grounds, and other items, so that the sum actually spent was at least $1,000,000. Population classification statistics of the 1920 census gave Moline 23.002 native white residents. 7.391 foreign born and 338 colored. The number of ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 307 dwellings was 6,535 and families 7,564. Sweden was the birthplace of 3,640 of the foreign born and Belgium of 1,615. From the earliest days the Swedish element has been prominent in the city, and this fact has been one of the most potent in connection with the industrial development of the community. The industry, thrift, sobriety and spirit of co-operation and high quality of citizenship of this class has profoundly affected the Plow City's destiny. Li East Moline, in 1920, there were 5,857 native white, 2,423 foreign born white, 409 negroes; 1,287 dwellings and 1,357 families. The Silvis classifica- tion showed 1,898 native born whites, 636 foreign born, 7 negroes, 517 dwell- ings, 605 families. Moline has 13,000 registered voters and East Moline 3,000. Organizations for business, fraternal, social, educational, recreational, patriotic and welfare purposes are numerous in Moline, East Moline and Silvis. The Moline and East Moline Chambers of Commerce have a large membership and are wide-awake. The Moline Woman's club is one of the strongest in the state. The city is headquarters of the Tri-City Manufac- turers' association. Masons, Odd Fellows, Elks and Eagles are well estab- lished. There are many Swedish organizations and a number formed by Belgian-Americans. There is an Industrial hall, the home of the various labor organizations, and owned by the federated unions. Swedish Olive lodge of Odd Fellows has its own building, as have the Eagles, who also maintain a club house on Rock river which cost $50,000. The Elks also have a club house. The Moline Y. M. C. A., with a membership of 600, has a fine home and does a splendid work. The East Moline Y. M. C. A. also is well housed. Moline has a welfare association which extends its activities to East Moline in emergencies. The Red Cross Visiting Nurses' association serves all three of the cities, ministering to the sick and holding clinics for the promotion of modern methods of handling disease and caring for infants. Among cities of 25,000 to 50,000 population Moline ranks as one of the three lowest in the United States in infant mortality, with a rate of 35 per 1,000. There is a Federation of Girls' Clubs with 22 affiliating organizations, a participating membership of 600 and a sustaining and associate membership of 400. All three cities are liberal patrons of musical and dramatic entertain- ments and of the cinema. There are many fine theatres, the largest being the LeClaire, costing $300,000 and seating 2,000 people. Sports flourish, es- pecially professional baseball, football, wrestling, boxing and bowling. Moline is a member of the Three-Eye Baseball league. Public buildings in Moline include an imposing modern city hall, post- office, library and city hospital. In Riverside cemetery there is a mausoleum, built at a cost of $100,000, containing 850 crypts, and the only building of the kind in the Tri-City community. 308 R O C K IS L A N D A R S i: N A L Perhaps the most imposing group of buildings in the vicinity is that of the Western Illinois Hospital for the Insane, better known as the Water- town hospital, located on a point of the bluff overlooking the Mississippi val- ley at the northeast corner of East Moline. Here, visible for miles down the valley, are 21 structures, mostly of stone and of striking architectural design. In additictn to the grounds about the buildings, which are well wooded and beautifully parked, there is a farm cultivated mainly by inmates, and one of the show places of the locality. All told there are 590 acres of land in the tract and the valuation of the hospital i)roperty is $1,340,750. The number of patients cared for is about 1.700 and there are 320 employes. East Moline was built i)rimarily to take care of the needs of Moline industries, which a score of years ago found themselves without sufficient room for expansion. Incorporation as a village took place in 1903. Its growth was surprising. Pour years later it became a city. It now has all the improvements and advantages of the average city of two or three times its age. There are 2,396 acres, or i.7 square miles, in East Moline. The area platted is 1.125 acres. The normal building rate is in keeping with the rapid increase of its population and industrial importance, though many of its shop workers are still drawn from Moline. Its residence district is attractive, especially that on the bluff, and there are many fine homes. The city has 40 miles of streets. 13 miles of pavement, 15 miles of water mains. 17 miles of sanitary sewers. 3 miles of storm sewers. 18 miles of alleys and 31 miles of concrete sidewalks. Citv property includes waterworks pumping plant, valued at $20,000. city hall, $40,000, and barns. $4,000. Pumping capacity of the water plant, which draws its supply from wells, is 750.000 gallons daily and the capacity (jf the standpipes, which are located on the bluff and furnish pressure, is 600.000 gallons. Average fire loss for the last decade has been less than $20,000. Plans are in hand for an extension of the fire department and for the building of a new library. There are exceptionally fine schools in East Moline. with five grade buildings and a township high school. Enrollment in the grade schools in 1922 was 1.400 and in the high school 282. The high school maintains a uniformed band and orchestra. X'alue of school property is $229,590 and the bonded school indebtedness $97,500. There are three growing banks in East Moline with total resources of $3,000,000 and total dejx.sits of $2,250,000 at the close of 1922. Receipts of the l^ast Moline i)ostottice in 1922 were $28,230.44. In 1912 they were $10,000 and in 1917 $17,920, having nearly doubled in each five-year period. ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL 309 Three parks, having a total acreage of 32, provide recreational centers. Each park has a playground, conducted by the Community Service Council. A country club is in course of construction and a nine-hoTe golf course is being laid out on a beautiful 110-acre tract, situated just south of the business district. The city is within 10 minutes by trolley of Campbell's island, which is much patronized by campers and week-end recreation parties during the summer months. Many residents also have summer homes on Rock river. Silvis was founded in 1906 as a place of residence for workers in the repair shops of the Rock Island road. It was named after C. L. Silvis, wdn) took a leading part in its inception. It was incorporated as a city in 1920. In 1910 the population was 1,163 and in 1920 more than double that number. Resides the railroad shops, Silvis has the general store of the entire Rock Island railroad system and receiving yards which are exceeded in size at but few points. Normally about two thousand men are employed in shops, storehouse and yards. Many of these reside in the adjoining cities, being transported to and from work by special shop train. Silvis has three miles of paved streets, connecting with which is the first concrete highway to be built eastward from the Tri-City community. Its water supply is taken from artesian wells. Sewer and) water mains cover the city. The sewer outlet is in Rock ri\er. The city has two municipal parks and an automobile tourists' camp. It has just erected a $45,000 city hall. From the I'rcss of DUIKKILL PKINTINti COMPANY Rock Island, 111. INDEX CHAPTERS Page Foreword 7 Location and Advantages 1 2 Record During the World War 14 Main Items of Production 19 Vast Program of Construction 24 Expansion of Shop Personnel 45 Military Personnel 49 Civilian and Military Guard 52 Post- War Activities 55 Savanna Proving Ground 59 War with Spain 6 1 Fort Armstrong 67 Squatters' Rights 7 1 Building the Original Arsenal.. 76 What the Arsenal has Cost, and Its Present Valuation 80 Military Prison in Civil War 85 The Arsenal's Water Pow^er 87 Improvement of the Rock Island Rapids 93 Bridging the Mississippi 97 Passenger Transport 1 03 The Military Museum 105 The Old Davenport House 1 07 Arsenal Commandants 1 09 Other Arsenals... 1 1 6 Resources of the Tri-Cities 1 20 City of Rock Island 2 74 City of Davenport 286 Moline, East Moline and Silvis 299 ii I X D 1-: X List of Illustrations rage Rock Island Arsenal, view from the air (Frontispiece) 2 Maj. Gen. C. C. Williams, chief of ordnance 6 Main entrance at west end of island 9 Pouring molten trinitrotoluol into shells 14 Loaded shells ready to be issued 15 Storehouse W-I and group of original shops 18 Group of interior views of storehouses 20 Walnut for gunstocks, in storage 22 Commandant's headquarters 23 Two views of Shop M 25 Craneway in field and siege building 27 Shop R and new steam-heating plant 29 Two views of Shop L 31 Artillery vehicle storehouses 33 Temporary office building No. 2 35 Storehouse VI 41 Nitrate and ammunition storehouses 42 Arsenal employes participating in Liberty day celebration 44 Women w^orkers in cloth department 46 Arsenal workers' band 47 Interior of machine shop 48 Col. Leroy T. Hillman 50 Troops in line at presentation of faithful service badges 5 I Rock Island Arsenal military drill corps 52 Rock Island Arsenal woman's military drill corps 52 Rock Island Arsenal fire-fighting force 53 Chemical fire truck 54 Mark VIII tank 5 7 Col. Jordan presenting faithful service badges 58 Tractors and tanks in field at Savanna proving ground 59 Quarters of commanding officer at Savanna 60 Group of shop interiors 62 Site of old Fort Armstrong 64 Rock Island Arsenal Golf Club 65 Group of veteran Arsenal employes 66 Fort Armstrong, as originally built 68 Reproduction of first block house 70 Grave of Gen. Rodman 72 Residence of Arsenal commandant 73 Beauty spots on island 74 Flag pole at commanding officer's headquarters 75 View of first storehouse and original shops 77 Filtration plant 80 INDEX iii List of Illustrations Continued Page Arsenal workers' cafeteria 81 Entrance to Conferedate cemetery 86 Power dam, viewed from below 88 Interior of power house 90 Typical natural forest tree on island river front 92 Original Rock Island bridge 98 Second Rock Island bridge 99 Present Rock Island bridge 1 00 Remains of island pier of first bridge 102 Fort Armstrong avenue 1 04 Arsenal museum 1 06 Home of Col. Davenport 1 07 Looking toward Davenport from west end of island 108 Rock Island Arsenal commandants during World War period (Col. George W. Burr, Col. Leroy T. Hillman, Col. Harry B. Jordan and Col. D. M. King) 1 10 Arsenal commandants prior to World War (Col. F. E. Hobbs, Col. S. E. Blunt, Col. A. R. Buffington, Col. J. M. Whittemore, Col. T. G. Baylor, Gen. D. W. Flagler, Gen. T. J. Rodman, Maj. C. P. Kingsbury) 1 12 Col. John T. Thompson 1 15 Regulation uniform for women workers 117 City of Rock Island, seen from Arsenal clock tower 121 Looking south from island end of Moline bridge 123 Looking up the river from head of island 124 Maps Rock Island Arsenal before World War 10 Rock Island Arsenal after World War 1 1 Rock Island, mapped in 1870 85 Rock Island rapids 94 Tri-City community surrounding Arsenal 2 72-2 73 iv 1 N D !•: X Coniiiicrcial Representation Augustana College I 82 Augustana Book Concern 223 Bechtel. Geo. M. & Co 234 Beder Wood's Sons Company 226 Bettendorf Company 1 77 Bettendorf Oxygen-Hydrogen Company 2 1 2 Boies, M. V. Company 25 1 Borg & Beck. Company 1 93 Builders Sand & Gravel Company 190 Burlington Railroad 1 38 Catholic Messenger 2 7 1 Central Trust & Savings Bank 240 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad 143 Como Hotel 269 Crane Co 261 Daily Times 200 Davenport Clearing House Association 263 Davenport Democrat 20 1 Davenport Water Company 192 Deere & Co 159 Don Sales Company 269 Eckman Studio 270 Faerber Agency 249 Federal System of Bakeries 1 74 Federal Surety Company 232 First Trust & Savings Bank of Rock Island 242 French & Hecht 243 Hand, John P. Company 248 Horst, Henry W. Company 1 25 Iowa Steam Laundry Company 250 Knox Mortuary 2 1 3 Linograph Company 202 Maehr Company 253 McCarthy Improvement Company 1 85 McCabe, L. S 230 Mercy Hospital 271 Miller Hotel Company 268 Modern Woodmen of America 257 Moline Dispatch 197 INDEX V Commercial Representation — Continued Page Moline Paint Company 252 Moline Consumers Company 254 National Construction Company 204 Peoples National Bank and American Trust & Savings Bank 236 Phelps Light & Power Company ■. 245 Photo Art Engraving Company 266 Purity Oats Company 262 Putnam, W. C. Estate 265 Robinsons, Pioneer Bankers and City Builders 228 Rock Island Argus 1 98 Rock Island Bridge & Iron Company 203 Rock Island Fuel Company 224 Rock Island Mfg. Company 21 7 Rock Island Plow Company 1 5 1 Rock Island Railroad 1 3 1 Rock Island Register Company 2 1 6 Rock Island Sand & Gravel Company 270 Rock Island Sash & Door Works 156 Rock Island Savings Bank 2 39 Rock Island Southern 256 Rock Island Telephone System 1 88 Rock Island Transfer & Storage Company 222 Rock Island Wood Works 225 R&V Motor Company 169 Seaman Paper Company 267 Sheldon, Geo. Company 206 Snider, Walsh & Hynes... 256 St. Ambrose College.. 220 St. Katherine's School 22 1 Stapp, L. Company, Florists 246 State Bank of Rock Island 241 Sturtevant-Baker Company 2 1 Tri-City Brick Company 208 Tri-City Railway & Light Company 162 V^ictor Storage Battery Company 244 Villa de Chantal 219 Weyerhaeuser & Denkmann Company 155 Walsh Construction Company I 46 White-Phillips Company 235 Walsh, R. J. & Co 238 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-25»n-8,'46 (9852) 444 jFoiUSU. 1 ? ^B UF .Arsenals R59A78 publishing com- Eiigiiieer4ng--Pa2y of ^^^ ^^i library cities, not inc jyar_* s„_ggg^tjg^j fforkshof UP 543 R59A78 Engineering Uhr&ry llllllTlllirilmr« mP'^^^ L'SRAR^- FACILITY D 000 375 303 AUXFLFARY STACK SEP '73