mi THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES BIBLIOTHECA SELECTISSIMA A CATALOGUE OF PRODUCTIONS OF THE PRESSES ESTABLISHED BY SCHOIFFER, CAXTON, ULRIC ZELL, MENTELIN, EGGESTYN, GULDENSCHAAF, HOBIBORCH, I GERARD LEEUW, CREUSNER, VELDENER, SWEYNHEYM, I THE FRATRES VITiE PANNARTZ, ' COMMUNIS, PFLUGEL & LAVER, I LUCAS BRANDTS, ZEINER, JENSON, KOELHOFF, 1 KETELAER & LEEMPT, RATDOLT, SORG, ' J. DE WESTPHALIA, ' WYNKYN DE WORDE, AXD MOST OTHER ILLUSTRIOUS EARLY TYPOGRAPHERS; INCLUDING SEVERAL EDITIONES PRINCIPES, AND VOLUMES UNKNOWN TO BIBLIOGRAPHERS. TO WHICH IS ADDED, A LARGE COLLECTION OF WORKS PRINTED BY THE ALDUSES; A SELECTION OF CURIOUS AND RARE BOOKS, IN HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, THEOLOGY, FACETIAE, ROMANCE, AND POETRY, IN THE ENGLISH, FRENCH, SPANISH, ITALIAN, LATIN, AND OTHER LANGUAGES ; COMPREHENDING BOOKS PRINTED ON VELLUM, NUMEROUS SPECIMENS OF THE GIUNTA, GIOLITO, ELZEVIR, BODONI, BASKEBVILLE, AND OTHER CELEBRATED PRESSES; WITH A NUMBER OP ^luiait |Hanu0rript0, UPON A VARIETY OF SUBJECTS, CHIEFLY ON VELLUM : THE WHOLE ON SALE AT THE AFFIXED PRICES, BY WILLIAM BAYNES AND SON, PATERNOSTER ROW. M.DCCC.XXVI. PRINTED BY \V. BAYNRS, JITN., BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. B3^ b W. BAYNES AND SON^S SELECT CATALOGUE. BOOKS PRINTED IN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. FOLIO. 1 Appianus Alexandrinus Sophista Latine, P. Candido interprete, fine copy, in old brown calf, rare, 5/. 5*. Impressum est hoc opus VeneUJs per Bernardum pic- torem ^ Ei-hnrdum Ratdolt de Augusta una cum Petro loslein de Langencen correctore ac socio, M.CCCC.LXXVII. The astonishing; beauty of this production of Ratdolt's press is acknow- ledged in glowing terms by almost every Bibliographer. Santander styles it, " Edition de la plusgrandebeaute,qu'on peutregardercomme un chef-d'oeuvre de typographic." Similar eulogiums are to be found in the works of Clement, Brunei, De Bure, Beloe, and Dibdin. 2 Apuleii (Lucii) Asinus Aureus, cum Commentario Philippi Bero- aldi, ELEGANTLY BOUND IX OLD RED MOROCCO, MARBLED LEAVES, RARE, 4/. 4*. Impressum hoc opus Bononice a Benedicto Hcctoris, 1500 A most beautiful copy, cut large, in the origiaal morocco binding, of a noble specimen of early tj^iography. It is preceded by a dedicatory Epistle, Preface, and Life of Apuleius, by Beroaldus. The text is printed in a large roman letter, and surrounded with the copious and erudite Commentary of Beroaldus. An Epigram by Calcagnini, with other miscellaneous matter, conclude the volume, which consists in the whole of 286 leaves. G46230 2 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. 3 Ausoiui Peonii Poetfe Disertissimi Epigrammata, vellum, scarce, 1 1. lOs. J^enetiis hnpressa per magistrum Joannem de Cereto de trid'mo alias Tacuinum 1496 " This is the first editioa with the Preface of Geo. Merula ; the text of the impression is corrected and improved by Jerom Avnnchis, as stated in Merula s Preface. Some of Ausonius's Epigrams, not before pub- lished, are added, from the discovery of Francis Nursiits. This edi- tion was reprinted at Milan in 1497." — Vide Ernesti edit. Fabr. Bibl. Lat. t. iii. p. 146. 4 Auli Gelii Noctes Atticae, neat, scarce, 21. 12*. 6d. f'enetiis, per Joannem de Trid'mo alias Tacuinum, M.D.IX. Clement styles this " Edition tres rare," and enters into a very particular description of its contents. He duly notices the three Epigrams pre- fixed by Beroaldus, Feretrius, and Capellus. Fabricius writes of this edition, that it is the first in which is to be found a summary of the 8th Book, which is lost. 5 Boetius de Consolatione Philosophice, Lat. et Belgicfe, met Com- mentarien, fine copy, old calf, neat, rare, 71. 7s. Gheprendt te Ghend by my Arend de Key sere, 1485 This noble volume is printed in double columns, with the text in Latin and Dutch, and the copious Dutch Comment, executed in a smaller type. It has been described by Fabricius, and cursorily noticed, for want of better information, by Clement, Maittaire, Laire, and Panzer. The description in the " Bibliotheca Speuceriana," is both full and accu- rate. — Vide vol. i. p. 284. 6 Boetius de Consolatione Philosophic nee non de scolarium dis- ciplina, cum sancti Thome Commentariis, half-hound, rare, 21. 2s. Impressis mandato et impensis nobilis integerrimique viri Octaviani Scoti : l^enetiis 1489 Numerous were the editions of this work, published in the fifteenth cen- tury, with the celebrated Comments of Saint Thomas, who is generally supposed to have been the Angelic Doctor Aquinas. This edition is noticed by Panzer, and is of uncommon occurrence ; but the present copy has been scribbled upon in the margin. 7 Coesaris C'ommentarii de Bello GdAYico, he. fine copy, neat, \l. As. Impressum Venetiis per magistrum Theodorum de Regazonilms de Asula M.CCCC.LXXXX. An interesting impression ; being the first with the Geographical Index of liaymund Martian. — See Ernesti Bib. Lat. vol. i. p. 259. It is cited Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 3 also in M. Bunemann Catalogus librorum rarissimorum, and noticed in Clement Bihliotheque, vol. vi. p. 22. 8 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, good copy, in old wooden bind- ing, 3/. 13*. Qd. Impresstim hoc opus f^'enetiis per Magistnim Andream de Paltascichis 1488 A good account of this edition of these admired Poets, with the Com- mentary of Parthenius, will be found in Braun Not. Hist. Litt. part ii. p. 154. Dibdin justly remarks, that the Tibullus is arranged first in this edition, with the date of 1487, by which, it appears, the printer was engaged twelve months in the execution of the volume. — Vide Bibling. Speiiceriatia, vol. i. p. 300. Clement calls this an " Edition tres rare." — Vide Bib. Cur. t. vi. p. 459. 9 Cicero de Officiis, cum Comm. Petri Marsi. — de Amicltia, cum Comm. Oranib. Leoniceni. — Cato Major, cum Comm. Mart. Phi- letici — Paradoxa, neat, 31. 3s. F'enetiis per Baptistam de Tortis, M.CCCC.LXXXVI. Although this important edition is omitted by Maittaire, it has been sup- plied by his continuator, Michael Denis. — Vide vol. i. p. 211. It is also noticed by Ernesti in his valuable edition of Fabricius's Bibli- otheca Latina, t. i. p. 191. 10 Ciceronis Epistolae ad Brutum, ad Quint. Fratrem, et ad Atticum, neat, in red, II. 4s Sine indie. Ann. Loc. mit Typog. This is an edition printed toward the close of the fifteenth century, and is noticed by Panzer as having the Epistles to August. Mapheus, by Barth. Salicetus and Ludov. Regius, with the Epigram of Pomponeus Laetus. — Vide Annales Typogr. t. iv. p. 113. 1 1 Claudianus de raptu Proserpince, sewed, very scarce, 10/. 10.?. Sine indie. Ann. Loc. aut Typog. sed Ultraj. typis Nic. Ketelaer, et Ger. de Leempt, circa. . . . 1473 Editio Princeps. — Maittaire was the first who gave an accurate descrip- tion of this very rare edition ; which he was enabled to do from a copy then in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire. He described it as a production of John de Westfalia's press, in which he was blindly fol- lowed by Lambinet, Visser, and Panzer. But this has subsequently been corrected by Santander and Dibdin, who, with great justice, assign it to the press of Ketelaer and Leempt, of Utrecht. Santander styles it, " Edition infiniment rare." It is indeed so rare, that any notice of it whatever will be looked for in vain in De Dure, Clement, Ernesti, Cailleau, or Osmont. The work is printed on 16 leaves, with 3 1 lines in a page ; and is to be ranked among the very first books printed in the Low Countries. 4 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. 12 Euclidis Opus Elemeutorum in Geometriam artera, cum Com- ment. Campani, ivooden binding, rare, 21. 2s. f^incenticE per Magistrum Leonardum de Basilea et Gul'iehnum de PapiaSoc'ios 1491 This is the third edition, and of very uncommon occurrence. It is noticed by Panzer and Clement. 13 Euclidis [jnegarensis philosophi platonic'i Matliemat'icarum disci- pl'marum Janitor'is .•] Habent in hoc volumine quicunque ad matliematicam scientiara aspirant : elementorum Libros XIII. cum expositione77^(?o?2is; quibus quse deerant ex lectione Graeca sumpta addita nee non plurima subversa et prsepostere j voluta in Campani interpretatione, &c. Jine copy, half-bound, vellum, At. As Venetus: in edibns J. Tacuini, M.D.\'. Panzer has slightly noticed this edition referring to Clement's Biblio- theque, in which last work will be found a full and satisfactory de- scription of the work. He commences by stating, " Comme cette Edition est presoue incOiVNUe, etque J'en possede im Exemplaire, je tacherai d'en donner une notion dctermin^e, par laquelle on verra qu'elle est I'une des meilleures et des plus complettes." — Vide Bib. Cur. t. viii. p. 146. 14 Frontinus, Vegetius, .'Elianus, et Modestus^ de Arte Militari,yfwe copy, vellum, \l. As. Impressit omni solertia Joannes Antonius de Bene- dictis, in inclita civitate Bononia; regnante J. Ben- tivolo M.D.IIIII. A beautifully printed edition ; with an Epistle prefixed by Bcroaldus to Hermias Bentivolo. 15 Horatii Opera Omnia, cum Commentariis Landini, half -bound, 21. 2s. Tmpressum Venetiis per Bernardinum de tridino, 1486 An early and elegant edition, on 178 leaves, paged ; Landino's popular Commentary surrounding the text. It is preceded by Politiaa's beau- tiful Ode to Horace. 16 La Tierce decade de Titus Livius, scarce, II. ]s. Sine indie. Ann. Loc. aut. Typog. This appears to have been printed by Verard, about the year 1487. It is executed on 250 leaves, in double columns, 34 lines in a column; and is embellished with rude %vood-cuts. 1 7 Lucan, Suetoine et Saluste en Francois, tvormed, calf, \l. \As. Paris, 1400, j)ar Pierre le Rouge, pour Anthoine Verard This is one of those magnificent folio productions of Verard's press, that arc the admiration of the whole Bibliographical world. It is executed Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 5 in double columns, on 200 leaves, with four of index, and enriched with wood-cuts and handsome capitals. Brunet informs us, that it is not a translation of the Works, which the title would load us to sus- pect. This copy has unfortunately suffered from the ravages of the impartial worm. 18 Pauli Orosii ad Aurelinrn Augustinum Historiarura, lib. vii. fine copy, vellum, 31. I3s. 6(1. Liipressi l^cnetUs Opera et e.vpensis Octav'iani Scot'i Modoetiensis [M.CCCC.LXXXHI. This is a neatly printed and very uncommon edition. Panzer has de- scribed it, and inserted in his description the following curious lines, that conclude the volume : — " Ut ipse titulus margine in primo docet. Orosio nomen mihi est. Librariorum quicquid erroris fuit. Exemit yEneas mihi. Quod si situm orbis : sique nostra ad tempora. Ab orbis ipsa origine. Quisque tumultus : bellaque : et csedes velit. Cladesque nosse : me legat." In the present copy are added five pages of an " Epytoma Justini His- tor." written in a coeval hand. 1 9 Orose (Paul) Histoires, 2 vols, imprhne a Paris ce XXI. Jour daotist 1489, pour Anthoine Verard. — Senecque des mots dorez des quatre vertus en Francoys, in 1 \o\.fine copy, calf, 71. 7s. Imprhne a Paris pour Anthoine ferard demourant sur le pant Notre Dame a Fymaige Sainct Jchan I Evangeliste ou au palay au premier pillier de la salle devant la chapelle ou on chante lamcsse de messeigneurs les presidens This is another of those more magnificent than beautiful productions of Verard's press, executed in a style similar to the Lucayi, Suetoinc, &c. in No. 17, supra. But this has the signal advantage of being a most beautiful copy, in the old calf binding. Brunet, in his excellent Ma- nuel (ill Libraire, affixes no date to the Orose, but merely states it to have been printed toward the end of the fifteenth century ; whereas the date, 1489, is evidently at the conclusion of the second volume, as given above. Again, he states the Seneque to have a colophon, with the date 1191 ; but the colophon in this is without date, as copied above. 20 Ovidii Nasonis Epistolai Heroides : una cum cxpositionibus exi- miorum virorum Antonii V^olscii, Ubertiniquc Clerici Crescnti- natis. — Ejusdem Ovidii Sappho, cum expositione singularissimi 6 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Fono. interpretis Domitii Calderini. — Nee non ejusdem Ovidii libellus i Ibiu. cum expositione ejusdem Domitii, 1/. 4s. Fideliter accuratissimeque hnpressum fu'it Venetns per Joannem Tacuinum de trid'ino, M.CCCC.LXXXXVII. Omitted by Maittaire, but supplied by Denis, in his Supplem. Malttair. p. 432 ; from which Panzer has inserted it in his Annal. Typ. t. iii. p. 415. 21 Ovidii Epistolae Heroicsej ejusdem Sapho cum Commentariis Ant. Volsci, 1/. Is Sine indie. Ann. Loe. ant Typog. This edition, on 47 leaves, was executed toward the close of the fifteenth century, and is apparently left unnoticed by all Bibliographers. It is in a neat roman letter, and a few of the beginning leaves are stained. 22 Fastorum Libri Commentationibus A. Constantii Fanensi : Paulo Marso piscinate viris clarissimis additis quibusdam ver- sibus qui deerant in aliis codicibus, &c. Vend, opera et im- pensa Joannis Tacuini de Tridino : Censore viro eruditissimo Barth. Menda, Mantuano. M.CCCCC.VIII. — Ovidii Libri de Tristibus cum Comm. Bartholomei Merulse. Venet. M.D.XI. — Ovidii Libri de Ponto, cum Comm. Bartli. Merulae, in 1 vol. old stamped binding, rare, 31. I3s. 6d. Impressit Venetiis Vir diligentissimus J. de Tridino alias Tacuinus M.D.VII. These are valuable editions, and have been but little noticed by Biblio- graphers. The following is a copy of the remarkable privilege on the title pages of the two last works : — Notum omnibus sit Sanctissimum in Christo Patrem Dominum nostrum Julium Pontificem secundum hujus operis Gratiam concessise Joanni T.icuino : cavisseque ne quis illud imprimere audeat sub excommunicationis latse sententiae pena : a qua nisi in mortis articulo ab ejus Sanctitate absolui possit: preter censu- ram amissionis librorum hujus modi impressorum a Ducali dominio impositam. 23 Plauti Comoediae, olim emendatae per Georg. Merulam, nunc recognitae per Eusebium Scutarium, ^ne copy, vellum, marbled leaves, rare, 31. lOs. Mediolani. Impressere fuere in ojfficina egregii Man- cipis Ulderici Scinzenzeler ipsius et niagistri Johannis legnani opera et impendio M.CCCC.LXXXX. A very fine copy of this admired edition, which Santander styles " Edi- tion tres rare, dont on fait beaucoup de cas." — Vide Diet. Bib. vol. iii, p. 271. See also Brunet Manuel, t. iii. p. 95. Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 7 24 Quintiliani Institutioiies Oratorue, cum Commento Lauicntii Vallensis, Pompouii, ac Sulpitii, old binding, neat, \l. 1 \s. 6d. Impressum I'enetiis per Peregrinum de Pusqualibus de Bononia M.CCCC.LXXXXIIH. Some account of the literary merit of this edition is given by Ernesti in his edition Fabricii. Bib. Lat. t. ii. p. 268. 25 Salustli Opera, cum Commcntarils : et aliis cum Declamationibus turn Orationibus opera et diligentia Bernardini misinti Tici- nensis. per Pomponium Lgetum castigata : et per Joannera Bri- tanicum revisa, half-bound, neat, 11. 14s. Impensa vero Angeli et Jacobi Britanicorum Fratrum impressa ftiisse Brixice M.CCCCLXXXXV. This volume escaped the researches of Maittaire, but was supplied by Denis, and is inserted in Panzeri Annates Ti/pogr. t. i. p. 255. 26 Sidonii ApoUinaris Poema Aureum ejusdemque E pistole, fine copy, old calf, neat, rare, 61. 6s. Impressum Mediolanni per magistricm Uldericmn Sci- zenzeler. Impensis venerabiVmm dominorum Pres- byteri Hyeronimi de Asula necnon Joannis de abba- tibus placentini M.CCCC.LXXXX\'in. First Edition with date, very rare, and much sought after. It sold at the Roxburghe sale for 12^. 12*. See an accurate description of thevolume in Dibdin's Bibl. Spenc. t. i. p. 7. Dr. Harwood designates it the Editio Princeps, but the one without date was certainly executed before the present. — Vide De Bare, Brunei, and Cailleau. 27 Strabo de situ Orbis, Latine, neat, rare, 11. 12s. Joannes Fercellensis, M.CCCC.LXXXXHII. This is a fine copy of an interesting impression. It is printed in a neat roman letter, on 150 pages, with 15 of index. 28 Thucydidis Historiee, Latine, interprete Laurentio Valla, calf, extra, rare, 21. 2s. Absque, indie. Anni. Loci, aut Typograplii. First Edition of the Latin Translation, and of uncommon scarcity. An accurate description of thevolume is given in Dibdin's Bibliotheca Spenceriana, vol. ii. p. 443. The reader may also refer with advan- tage to De Bure and Seemiller. 29 Vegetii Flavii Epitome Rel Militaris, unfortunately wanting the first five leaves, half-bd. russia, neat, very rare, 2/. 2.s\ Sine nota Anni, Loci, aut Typograplii, sed Ultrajecti typis Nic. Ketelaer et Ger Leempt. circa. . . 1473 " Editio Princeps, and of most extraordinary rarity." — Beloe. *' Pre- mij^re edition, infiniment rare et peucounue parmilesBibliographes." — 8 BOOKS PRIXTED IX [Folio. Suiitander. It is juinted;'.! linos in a pacre ; no signatures, catchwords, &c. aud concludes thus — Flavii vedati renati viri illustris Epiioma de re militari, expliciter felicit. The miserable defect of five leaves in this copy, has been already noticed. 30 Fcllei Patcrculi HistoricB RomancB : per Beatum Rhenanum Selestadiensem ah intentu utcunque vindicata, beautiful copy, brown calf, gilt, rare, 5/. Basileee in cedlbus Joannis Frobenii, M.D.XX. Editio Princeps. Ornamented with fignires in wood, by Holbein. " A work of extreme rarity ; of which I have not been able to dis- cover a copy, except in the Bibliotheca Askeviana, which was sold for a few pounds." — Dibdin's Class, v. ii. p. .307. Another copy sold at Roscoe's sale for seven jmunds. 31 Aristotelis Magna Moralia, Lib. II. Georgio \'alla placentino interprete : et Leonardi Aretini dialogus de moribus cum Mar- cellino, 12.s'. Flnitinn in alma Parh'is'iorum I'ltterana diatr'iba, anno 1497 Printed on 20 leaves, apparently by J. Higman and Wolfang. Hopyl. 32 Aristotelis Stag}-rite Operis Etlucorura antiqua Traductio, 14^, Imp. sumpt. et d'dig. J. Higmani et fVolgang'i Ho- pUii 1497 This is mentioned by Maittaire, and is printed in a style precisely similar to the preceding article. 33 Aristotelis Opus de moribus ad Nicotnachum : Johanna Argy- ropilo Byzantio traductore, adjecta familiari Jacobi Stapulensis Commentatione, 1 G-?. Ahsolutum in Alma Parhlseorum Academia, 1497 This Work of Aristotle is printed in the same type as the two numbers above, and the Comment, intersecting the text, in a much smaller letter. The Printers are thus pointed out at the conclusion of some verses at the end of the volume : — Hi graves sumptus, et onus tulere Unus Hichmanus, Volegangus alter. Et David mendas rcluit Britannus Qui sui prosint cupiunt labores. 34 Stapulensis (Jacobi) in decern libros morales Aristotelis, 10*. Gd. In alma Parhisiortan Academia, 1496 Printed like the three preceding numbers by Higman and Hopyl ; and it is more than probable they were originally published together. Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CEXTi RY. 9 35 Aristotells Libri de Celo ct Muiido — de Geiieratione et Cor- niptioiie — Metheoiuiii — de xAnima — de sensu et sensato — de niemoria et reminiscentia — de somno et vigilia — de Longitu- diiie et brevitate vlte — Lib. vi. Metaphisice, rare, 31. 3s. Feliciter iwpresse stent Lngduni, 1186 By whom this coarsely printed volume was executed does not appear. It is enriched with a copious Comment, intersecting the text; is printed in double columns on 180 pages ; and has escaped the united researches of Maittaire, Denis, and Panzer. 36 Expositio Egidii Romaiii super libros de Anima, cum textu, 14.?. Tenetlis mandato et e.rpeyis'is nohilis viri Octav. Scoti c'lvls Modoetlensls 1496 Printed on 86 leaves, in double columns, and noticed in Panzer's Annals of Typography. 37 Aiistotelis Ars Vetus, cum Quffstiouibus pulcerrime acutissimi philosoplii magistri Joliaiiiiis Versoris, 1/. 4*. Per honestion Civem ins)gnts c'tvitatls Coloniensis Hen- ricum Quentell 1497 This curious and uncommon edition is noticed both by Maittaire and Panzer. It occupies 72 leaves, and has a title-page containing a remarkably rude wood-cut, representing Versor and his Disciples. 38 Caietani de Tliienis Vincentini philosoplii piaeclarissimi recol- lecte super octo libros Physiconim Aristotclis, 14*. Venct. per Bonetum LocateUum jussii et e.rpensls Octaviani Scoti 1-^96 Executed in a Gothic character, on 32 leaves, paged, in double columns. 39 Alexandri Galli, vulgo de fllla Dei, Doctrinale seu Gkam- jiATicA metrice scriptn, cum Comm. Ludov. de Guaschis, vellum, VERY SCARCE, 12/. 12*. Mediolani, per Leonard uni Pachel, et Vldericim Scinscencellcr M.CCCC.LXXX. This is an impression of extraordinary rarity ; indeed we may say hitherto unknown. Sa.iius himself does not appear to have known of it, nor is it to be found in Maittaire, Denis, or Panzer. It is a verj- small- sized folio, printed in a rude Gothic type, and runs in fours from sig- nature A 2 to M 2. The work concludes on the recto of the last leaf, occupying 13 lines ; after which we have the word Finis ; and then follows the Printer's colophon, of four lines. 40 Almansouis Nonas Liber, cum cxpositione ejusdem clari.rm\c\..—Viile Manuel dti Lib. t. ii. p. 131. The present is a remarkably fine clean copy, in old vellum binding. 14 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. 57 Ortus (Hortiis) Sanitatis,y7«e copy, newly bound in pale russia, marhled leaves, kare, 2>l. 13*. 6(/. Absque indie. Ann. hoc. aut Typog. ■ This is au edition wholly different to the preceding. It has been but little known to Bibliographers. Brunet, however, has noticed it, and distinguishes it from the preceding, by the signatures running regularly throuah the volume. — Vide Manuel, t. ii. p. 231. This impression most assuredly bears evident marks of higher antiquity than the preceding, and may, perhaps with safety, be designated the First Edition. 58 Another Copy, tc anting the last leaf of Index, 21. 2s. Sine indie. Ann. Loc. aut Typ. This is of the same edition as the preceding, but unfortunately has lost the last leaf of the Index. With the exception of this, it is a fine copy, bound in red, with deep impressions of the almost innumerable spirited wood-cuts, many of which are singularly ludicrous in their design, and bold in their execution. 59 Papias Vocabulista, half-bound, neat, \l. \\s. 6d. Tmpressum Venetiis per Philippum de Pincis Mantua- num M.CCCC.XCVI. An interesting impression, executed in columns, and preceded by Car- men Bonini Muvihritii ad Lectorem, and Papics epistola ad filios. This edition is noticed by Maittaire, and described by Panzer, t. iii. p. 399. 60 Perotti (Nicolai) Cornucopiae, sive Liuguse Latiiiae Commen- tarii, 21. 12*. Qd. T^enetiis per Joannem de Tridino alias Tactdnum, M.CCCC.LXXXXVI. This impression is preceded by an Epistle of Polydore Virgil's, a co- pious Index, and several other Dedicatory Epistles. The work itself is pi-inted in columns, in a neat roman type, occupying 306 leaves num- bered, and a separate leaf containing Registrum hujus Operis, and De- mocritus ad Lectorem. v. Panzeri Ann. t. iii. p. 398. 61 Idem Opus, i. e. Perotti Cornucopise cum textu Martialis, half calf , 31. 3s. Parisii impressum per Uldaricum Gering et jnagistnnn Berchtoldum Rembolt socios 1504 A noble impression, exhibiting a favourable specimen of the t\-pography of Rembolt. This edition has the signal advantage of containing the entire Text of Martial's Epigrams, which is regularly printed in a larger type. The work is preceded by Polydore Virgil's Epistle, the copious Alphabetical Index, a separate leaf of the Greek and Latin Alphabets, Perrotus's Proem, and a brief Life of Martial, with the Epistles of Odaxius and Brixianus. Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 15 62 Angeli Politiani Opera Omnia, new, bound in russia, scarce, 3/. 13*. Qd. Florent'icB, accuratisslme castigatum opera et bnpensa Leonard} de A rig is de Gesoriaco M.ID. This is a volume of more than ordinary intrinsic value. It comprises the Epistolan- Correspondence of this elegant scholar with the most learned men of the Medicean a2:e ; to which are added his Latin Poems and beautiful Epigrams. Brunet informs us that this Edition is rarer than that of 1498. 63 Regiomontani (Joannis) Epytoma in almagestum Ptolomei, yf«e copy, in the old calf binding, rare, 4/. As. Iinpcnsis non minimis: curaque et emendatione, non mediocri virorum prestuntium Casparis Grossch : et Stephani Roeiner. Opera quoqiie arte impressionis mirijtca viri solertis Johannis Hamman de Landoia : dictus hertzog 1 496 This is a work of uncommon scarcity, the only edition printed in the XVth Centun,'. Panzer appears to have been unable to give the Colo- phon correctly. We find a copy in Askcw's Catalogue. The text of the work is preceded by a spirited wood-cut, containing portraits of Ptoloray and the Author. The margins are throughout occupied with astronomical figures. 64 Sacrobosco (Johannis de) Textus de Spliaera, cum additione : Novo Coramentario nuper edito ad utilltatem Studentium Phi- losophice Pavisiensis Academic illustratus, \8s. Impressum Parisiiper fVolfangum HopyL. ... 1494 Printed in precisely the same type as those in Nos. 3 1 , 32, 33, supra. This copy is wormed. 65 Scriptores Rei Rusticae — Marcus Priscus Cato, et Marcus Te- I'entius V'arro, half-bound, neat, 21. 2s. Iinpressit JSartholometis Bottonus AT Bruschus Rc- giensis M.CCCC.LXXXn. Editio Secunda. The printer of this volume was the introducer of Ty- pography into Reggio. The present is not a complete copy, containing only the Cato and Varro as noticed above. A full and accurate de- scription of the whole work is given by Dibdin in vol. iii. of the Spen- ceriana, at p. 24-5. 66 Sophilogium edition a fratre Jacobo magni de Parisius, ordinis heremitarum Sancti Aiigu. fine copy, sewed, rare, //. 7s. Absque indie. Ann. loc. aut Typog. An edition unknown to Bibliographers ; essentially differing from all those which Panzer has elaboratelv enumerated in his .Innalis. This 16 BOOKS PRINTED IX [Folio. impression, it is evident, was executed about the year 1470, and is probably the Eon lo Puinceps. It is preceded by two leaves of index, and the work is executed 40 lines in a page, sine sign. aist. ct pag.num, as well as without date, place, or printer. The present is a fine copy, with verj' ample margins. As to the nature of the contents, Mr. Gres- well informs us it is " an acknowledged compilation from the writings of the ancient Philosophers, Poets, and Orators." It became known in England under the title of the " Book of Good Manners, " printed by Caxton, anno 1487; which, as Mr. Caxton himself informs us, was compiled " by the venerable Frere Jaques le Graunt, in Latin, Jacobus MaGiNus." — Vide Annuls nf Parisian Typographt/, 8vo. p,5(i. or Suidas, Greece, russia extra, gilt leaves, 51. 5s. Iiiipressum Medlolan'i hnpensa et dexter'itate D. De- metril Chalcondyli Joannis Bissoli Matigii Carpen- sium ! M.CCCC.LXXXXVIIII. Editio Pkinceps. " We behold in it such a body of Lexicographical knowledge, such a mass of curious and elaborate printing, such beauty of paper and amplitude of margin, that the Scholar and Bibliographer are equally delighted in the contemplation of it." — Thus Mr. Dibdiu commences his description of this magnificent volume in the Spen- ceriana. — Vide vol. iii. p. 109. A sufficient description i>f this volume will be found also in Brunet'sManuel. A copy sold at Askew's for eight guineas. The present is bound in russia b}' Kalthoeber, and would have been a truly splendid copy, had not the worms commenced their undistinguishing ravages in the bottom margin at the beginning of the volume. G8 Siimma de Arlthmetica et Geometria, a Lucas de Burgo, Ital'ice, stamped binding, rare, 6/. Qs. Per Esso Pagan'ino di novo hnpressa. In Tusculano sula r'lva d'll laco Benacense ; vel propr'io luoco et Sito : dove gia esser solea la nob'tle c'ltta ditta Be- naco. Regnante il serenlssimo principe. D.D. An- drea Br'itti Incl'ito duce di J^enecia. Finita adi XX. Dccemhre 1 523 Second Edition ; the first having been executed by the same Printer at Venice in 1494 (as stated in a MS. note on the fly-leaf in this copy, by V Ahhi Mercier de St. Leger, who styles it, De la phis grande rarete). However, Maittaire mentions an edition, which he supposed to have been printed in 1484, such a date occurring in the Dedication. There is certainly no edition of 1484 : that which Maittaire has de- scribed being, to all appearance, none other than an imperfect copy of the present ; the same date occurring in a Dedication immediately preceding the Printer's colophon, with the correct date, which might have been wanting in the copy inspected by Maittaire. This edition is certainly rare, as mentioned in another MS. note on the fly-leaf, by SvviNDEN, at whose sale, at Amsterdam, this copy was recently pro- cured, having originally come from Scaliger's Lil)rary. Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 17 69 Tortelii Aretini (Joannis) Commentarii Grammatici dc Ortlio- graphia Dictionura e Graecis tractarum, l^enetiis, per Andrcam ^de Paltasclchls, M.CCCC.LXXXVKI.— Laurentii Vallae Elc- gantianiin Lingufe Latinae, Lib. \\. cum ejusdeia Epistola ad Joannem Tortclliuin et Calphurnii Epigrarama ad Anto- nium Pasqualinura, f^enet'iis, per Bernardhium de Novaria, M.CCCC.LXXXXI. — Nonius Marcellus Festus Pompeius (wanting- the \'arro), absque indie. Ann. Loc. aut Typog. in 1 vol. new caff, 4/. 4? The edition of Tortellius is noticed by Malttaire, Denis, and Panzer ; and the Valla is described hy Braun, Maittaire and Panzer; but the Nonius Marcellus not having the Varro, which was originally pub- lished with it, appears without date ; executed in columns, in a style similar to the Valla, it was probably printed about the same time at the same place. 70 Versoris (.Toanuis) Questiones subtilissime in totam novam Logi- caui, slightly wormed, IG*. Impresse in Florentissimo Universali studio Coloniensi, per honestum Civem insignis civitatis Coloniensis Henricum Quentell. 1497 This does not appear in the list given by Panzer of Versor's works printed by Quentell in 1497. It is executed in columns, without pages numbered, but with signatures running from a ii. to cc iiii. 71 Quaestiones super tractatu de ente et essentia Sancti Thome de Aqmno, doctoris angelici ordinis fratrum pre- dicatoruni, 9* Sine nota Anni Loci aut Typog. Executed in columns; and although it has neither name of place, printer, nor year, it was evidently printed at Cologne by Quentell, Joout 1490. 72 Viator de Artificiali Perspectiva, Lat. et Gall, cum Jig. Edit. Pbinc. impressura Tulli, 1505. — Albrecht Durer Eyn Schon nuylicli buchlin und underweisuug der kunst des Messens, mit dem Zirckel Richtscheidt oder Linial. Germanice, cumfg. 1531. VERY FIXE COPIES, IN OLD fiREEN xMOROCCO, GILT LEAVES, RARE, 4/. 14*. 6(/. The First Edition of John Pellegrin Viator's work, and exceedingly uncommon to meet with ; so much so, that many of our most emi- nent Bibliographers have omitted it. The Treatise of Albert Durer's is the original edition, and embellished with a number of spirited wood-cuts by that able master ; and is not to be seen but in the choicest collections. 73 Bavletii (Marini Scodrensis Sacerdotis) Historia de Vita et Gestis 18 . BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. Scanderbergi Epirotarum Principis, tcood-cut portrait, stamped binding-, AL As.. Impressum Rome par B. V. \Sine nota Anyii^ " Editio Prima rarissima." — Thus Panzer concludes his concise but accurate description of this interesting' work. He .appears to be the first Bibliographer personally acquainted with the volume. Clement has hinted at its existence, referring his readers, incorrectly, to Stru- vius's Bibliotheca Historica. CI. Denis lias noticed the work, and supposes it to have been printed in the XV th century. 74 Bergomensis (Jac. Phil.) Novlssinie hystoriarum omnium reper- cussiones : que Supplementum Supplement! Cronicarum nun- cupantur ab exordio mundi usque in Annum salutis nostre 1502, old wooden binding, \ I. 8s. P^enctiis impressu7n per Alberthmm de Lissona Ver- cellensem. Regnan. Leonardo Loredano Venetiarum Principe, M.CCCCC.III. This impression is neither noticed by Panzer nor described by Clement. It is executed on 451 leaves, and embellished with numerous spirited wood-cuts. The present copy is not free from stains, nor has it an Index, which this edition appai'ently ought to possess. 75 Blondi Flavii Italia illustrata, ^we copy, in red binding, 21. 2s. Impressum in inclyta civitate P^eronce (per Boninum de Boniniis de Ragusia) 1482 Panzer is unusually copious in his description of this neat and uncommon edition, executed with signatures. The Printer is specified in the last line of a verse, thus, Ragusii genito terse Bonine tibi. which concludes the volume. 7Q Blondi Flavii Roma Instaurata, bound in red, 21. 2$. Impressimx Veronce per Boninum de Boniniis de Ragusia 1481 This is printed in precisely the same style as the preceding, and is like- wise described with great accuracy by Panzer, \xi his valuable Annates Typogr. vol. iii. p. 503. 77 Breydenbach (Bernhardi de) Peregrinatio in Montem Syon ad Sepulciirum Ciiristi, &c. tvood-cuts, imperfect, rare, 71. 7s. Per Erhardum Reuwicii de Trajecto inferiori impres- sum in civitate Moguntina .... M.CCCC.LXXXVI, EDITIO PRINCEPS of this most entertaining of all early printed books. The most copious, satisfactory, and interesting history of the work and description of the volume is given in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, with facsimiles of some of the Plates, occupying 1 1 pages. Mr. Dibdin Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 19 concludes by saying that " it is no small criterion of the pecuniary worth of this Editio Princeps, that the first Edition of the French version of it, printed in 1488, was purchased at the Roxburghe sale, by the Duke of Devonshire, for 84/."— F. Bib. Spenc. v. iii. p. 21(). There is a deplorable defect in this copy of several leaves which have been to all appearance wantonly torn out of the middle of the volume. The wood-cuts are, as is usual with copies of this work, coloured in the old style of the time of the publication of the volume. 78 Chronicon Nurembergense, half-bound, russ'ia, 11. Is. Antlion'ms Koherger Nuremherge impressit. . . 1493 Editio Princeps. A volume of extraordinary interest, embellished with upwards of 2250 wood- cut Engravings of the principal events, cha- racters, and cities, described in the work, executed in a masterly and spirited style by the ingenious Artists, Michael Wolgemuth and William Pleydenwurff, as the last colophon in the work informs us. This Colophon is given at length in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, where will be found the fullest and liveliest description of the volume, with faint fac-similes of a few of the Cuts. A colophon occurring at p. 266 of the volume denotes Hartman Schedel to be the author or editor. The present is a good perfect copy with the title and six un- numbered leaves frequently wanting. 79 Aliud Exemplar, russia, ecVtra, 10/. 10*. . . . ib. 1493 A remarkably fine copy of this desirable work, with the title and un- numbered leaves. It is well known that copies in a stained and cropped condition are far from being uncommon, but one like the present is very rarely seen. It is almost matchless as to size, and the paper par- takes not at all, or very slightly indeed, of that dingy tint which in a greater or less degree pervades every copy. It has been recently bound in pale russia. 80 Croniken van Br-^bant, rare, 12/. 12*. Antwerpen geprcnt bi Rolant vanden Dorp. M.CCCC.XCVII. First Edition. This interesting and important volume is to be found for the first time mentioned by Maittaire, who refers to Weimman's Cata- logue, in which last it is erroneously denominated a quarto. From Maittaire it has been noticed by Visser, again by Panzer, and finally by Santander. None of these eminent Bibliographers appear to have seen the work, and have proved themselves unable to give even the concluding colophon. Lambinet (the Bibliographer of the Low Countries) writes that the first edition was printed in 1494 , and it appears to have been re- printed in 1497, referring to Visser. That there is an edition of 1494, appears verily false, as Visser, to whom Lambinet refers to, makes mention of no edition but this of 1497, and it certainly is not even alluded to by any other Bibliographer. The volume presents ample scope for a detailed and interesting account of its diversified contents and remarkable execution ; it is a small size folio of 198 leaves and 6 20 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. folded sheets of the Genealogy of the Dukes of Brabant. Printed in columns, 40 lines in a full column, and enriched throughout with a large number of spirited wood-cuts, representing Battles, Sieges, and illustrious Personages. The volume concludes with the Printer's colo- phon, Hier is voletjndt dese Cronihe endgeprent hi mi/ Rolaut vanden Dorp : ivonende Thantwerpen in die huyuetters atrate bi onser vrouwtn broeders, 1497, &c.onthe reverse the Printer's device of a warrior bio wing the horn. 81 Columnen {Gu'ido vander) Hbtorie van Troy en, extremely RARE, 10/. 10*. D'lt boec is voJeyndet ter Goude in Hollant hi mi Ghe- raert Leeu. Lit iaer onsheren M.CCCC. end LXXIX. den vie7'den dach in Jiinio. First Edition oftmeFlemish Version and of singular rarity. Itwas unknown to Lambinet and the majority of Bibliographers. Lelong,Visser, Maittaire, and Panzer, alone appear to have known of its existence. It is a small size folio, executed in columns, 35 lines in a column, with- out pages numbered, but running in signatures from A ii to X iiii. The volume opens with an Index: Dit is die tafel van deser historien, &c. which ends on the recto of the fifth leaf, the reverse of which is blank ; the Prologue occupies the sixth : Hier beghint dat prologus, &c. The work commences on the next, and concludes on the recto of the last, with the printer's colophon (given above) , and his well-known device. The present is a complete and clean fair copy, excepting part of the first leaf, which is neatly made up with MS. 82 Commines (Philippe de, clievallier-seigneiir dargenton) Hys- toire et Cronicque du feu Roy Loys L uziesme, Jine old copy, stamped binding, lbs. Pour Francoys Regnault Libraire jure de V Universite de Paris 1 529 This is the second complete edition, noticed by Panzer, t. A'iii. p. 126, and Meuselius, v. vii. pt. 2, p. 150. 83 Commines (Philippe de) Croniques du Roy Charles huytiesme de ce nom, vellum, \As. Pour maistre Enguillebert de Marnef, Libraire jure de r Universite de Paris 1529 Panzer has noticed this and the preceding as published together by Reg- nault ; they certainly do not bear the appearance of having been ori- ginally published in one volume, independent of their being executed by different printers. Tliis of Charles VIII. has a regular title, with ornamental borders. 84 Fasciculus Teinporum, ^-oorf copy, bound in red, bL5s. Per Petrum Drach Civcm Spirensis, iSl.CCCC.LXXVII. An early and remarkable impression, rendered an additional object of curiosity by its being probably the First Book printed at Spira. Folio.] THE FIF'TEENTH CENTURY. 21 For notwithstanding; Sautander notices a small tract of 17 leaves, with the actual date of 1471, it is to be deemed a point very disputable, since it is a fact, that between these two dates, that is, between 1471 and 1477, there is no book known to have been printed at Spira ; and it is not at all likely that a press should be established, and issue only a tract of 17 leaves, and to which the printer has not affixed his name, much less laid claim to the introduction of printing in that city. This tract, noticed by Santander, concludes thus : — Imprcssa Spire, Anno LXXI. probably an error of the press for LXXXI. of which there are numberless instances known in the annals of early typography. How- ever, for an adequate idea of the great scarcity of this edition of the Fasciculus, the reader need only refer to Clement Bib. Car. t. viii. p. 252 : it is ornamented with rude cuts, and printed sine sign, foil, num. et cnst. 85 Fasciculus Teuiporum, half calf , 31. 3s. Colon, per Henricum Quentel. 1479 This is one of the first productions of Qucntell's fertile press; it is a large noble impression on paper of a pleasing quality, and adorned with many rude wood-cuts ; besides which it has the signal advantage of a copious index, occupying the last eight leaves, executed in triple columns. The printer's colophon, copied at length in Panzer, is placed at the conclusion of the work itself, and immediately preceding the Index. 86 Fasciculus Temporum, setved, 21. 2s. Erhardus Ratdolt Augustensis impressioni paravit : Anno salutis M.CCCC.LXXXV, vi idus Septembris J^enetiis Inchjto Principe Johanne Mocen'ico. This is one of those elegant impressions executed by Ratdolt, between the years 1480 and 1485, and of which there are no less than five, all held in the highest esteem, and remarkable for the number and excel- lence of the wood-cuts with which they are adorned. 87 Fasciculus Temporum, half-bound, \L Ws.Gd. Sine indie. Ann. hoc. ant Typog. This is the edition which Clement has noticed as in the possession of M. Buiieniann, executed on 90 leaves, and bearing the following title — Fa- sciculus tempurum omiies antiquoruni cronicas complectois ; on the reverse is an engraving on wood of a man presenting a book to the Emperor seated on his throne, followed by an Index of five leaves, and enriched throughout with rude wood-cuts. The present copy is in an uncut state. 88 Fasciculus Temporum, 1/. 1*. Absque indie. Ann. Loc. out Typog. This impression is not noticed by Panzer. It is a very small folio ap- proaching the size of a quarto. The work is executed on 87 leaves, and preceded by five leaves of Index, with a separate leaf containing 22 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. the title page of two lines. It is enriched with wood-cuts, and was apparently printed at Lyons toward the close of the fifteenth centur}'. For a most copious and interesting account of the various editions of this popular and amusing work, the reader may refer to Clement Bib- liotheque Curieuse, t. viii. p. 250 — 261. 89 Gaguini de Origine et Gestis Francorum Compendium, tvormed, calf, rare, 21. 2s. Parisiis impens'is Durandi Gerleri'i accuratione Ma- g'lstrl Andree Bocard 1497 A remarkably uncommon impression, of which Panzer writes — " Editio secunda. Maitt. p. 634. cf. Clement IX. p. 12. ubi asseritur, editionem hanc, inscio autore lucem ^-idisse ; editioneuique Lugdunensem Anni 1497, esse secundam ab autore recognitam." — Vid. Annales Ti/pog. t. ii. p. 316. 90 Gaguhii de Origine et Gestis Francorum Compendium, sewed, II. Ws.Gd. Lngduni hnpensis M. Joannis Trechsel alemanni : et dUigenti accuratione Jodoc'i Bad'u ascemu, M.CCCC.XCVII. Clement styles this " Edition tres rare," and has treated at length of it, correcting the errors of many preceding Bibliographers. — Vide Bib. Cur. tom. ix. p. 10 — 13. See also Panzeri Annales, in which it is called, " Editio tertia," and the printer's colophon, with part of the author's lines to his book, are copied, t. i. p. 550. 91 Historia destructionis Trojse, composita per Guidonem de Co- lumna Messanensem {imperfect), \l. \s. Sine nota Ann. hoc. aut Typog. This is a rare edition, of which a copy was in the Valliere Collection. Vide vol. iii. p. 118, and which is also noticed by Denis and Panzer. It was printed about 1480, in columns, 40 lines in a full column, with- out catchwords or numbering of pages, but with signatures, and con- cludes with a leaf of table. The present is a fine copy as far as it goes, but unfortunately it wants the whole of the signatures a and b. 92 JOSEPHI FlAVII AnTIQUITATUM JuDAICARUM LiBRI XX. ET DE Bello Judaico Libri Septem, latine, extremely bare, 20/. Absque ulla Loc. Ann. et Typog. indicatione, sed ty pis Lucas Br andis de Schasz LuheccB circa, 147 o Tliis macrnificent impression had never been accurately described, and indeed but vaguely known amongst Bibliographers, until Santander's accurate description given in his Dictiomiaire Bihlingrapfiiqiie C/ioisi dit Qiii/tziimc Siiclc, vol. ii. p. 53, which description has since been enlarged by Dibdin in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, v. ii. p. 103. However, Beloe cannot have looked far when speaking of its great Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 23 rarity, he says, " I can find no mention of this edition in any of the Bib- liographers but Santander ;" for had he but turned to Denis, Panzer, Laire, Osmont, Braun, or Cailleau, he would have found that each of them mention this edition, although unable to give any account of it. The impression is accurately ascribed, by all who know it, to the press of Lucas Brandis de Schasz, at Lubec, and supposed to have been printed about 1475, being in the same type as the Rudimentum Novitiorum, of which there will be found a copy in a succeeding page of the present Catalogue. The very accurate description by both Santander and Dibdin, render any farther description of the volume totally unneces- saiy, more than stating that the present is a fine copy, with the wood- cuts and ornamental capitals (of which Mr. Dibdin gives some fac- similes) , highly coloured, and occasionally richly gilt. It is in the original wooden binding. 93 Flavii Joseph! Opera, sen Historia de Bello Judaico, et de Anti- quitatibus Judaicis, Latine, 3/. 3*. Lupressum f'eneciis per Joannem vercelensem, iM.CCCC.LXXXVI. This elegant impression is to be found in Maittaire and Panzer. It is printed in the well known admirable style of the early Venetian typo- graphers. The signatures in the History run from a to y, and in the Antiquities from a to m. The present is a fine copy, with very ample margins, many of the leaves being still in an uncut state. 94 Mer des HiSTOiRES, R.\RE, //. 7s. Lyon, par Jean du Pre, 1486 This edition has been long unknown to Bibliographers. Maittaire, find- ing it mentioned in a Sale Catalogue, inserted it for the first time in the reprint of the first volume of his Annates, from hence Panzer has copied it into his improved Annales. These are the only Bibliographers who appear to have made the least mention of it, which they were enabled to do by its accidentally occurring in a Sale Catalogue ; for we find Osmont, Cailleau, Santander, and Brunet, more cautious, and doubt- ing its existence, omit it entirely, making mention of no edition previous to the one of 1488, in the succeeding number. The recto of the first leaf contains the title only. La mer des histoires, having the first letter handsomely cut ; the reverse is blank. The Preface commences on the next page, surrounded by a rich border, and concludes on the reverse of the second leaf, followed by seven leaves of Index, after which the work itself begins on feuillet i, and is printed in columns, and adorned throughout with a large number of wood-cuts, remarkable only for ludicrousness of design and rudeness of execution. It concludes on the recto oi feuilkt cc.iiii. which bears the following colophon : — Cy finist le premier volume de la mer des histoires imprime a Lyon par Jehan du pre Lan M.iiii'.iiii^". et vi. le ^•\'''. iour du Moys Daoust. to which is subjoined the printer's device. It may be added, that of this early impression, as well jis another, which like the present is 24 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. scarcely known, there appears to have been no second volume printed. The present copy is cut large, but unluckily has suffered from the ra- pacity of a worm. 95 Mek des Histoires, 2 vols, wood-cuts, LARGE PAPER, RUSSIA EXTRA, MARBLED LEAVES, 14/. Paris, in/prime par Pierre Le Rouge, 1488 A particularly maffnificent impression ; executed in all that luxury of typography for which the folio productions of the Parisian press were at this time so famous, and of which several specimens are to be foimd in the present Catalogue. Any description of the volumes in this place is rendered quite needless by the numerous and generally accurate ac- counts which are to be found in most Bibliographers. It will only be necessary to add, that the present is a remarkable fine copy, complete with the unnumbered pages which occur at the conclusion of the second and scarcest volume, and all the tables : and on comparing it with the volume in the succeeding number, it will be found that we are fully justified in styling it a large paper copy. It has been re- cently elegantlj- rebound in russia, with marbled leaves. 96 Mer des Histoires, le premier volume, old calf, 1/. 4.9. Paris, par Pierre La Rouge, 1488 This is the first volume of Rouge's magnificent impression, and is only an object of curiosity on account of the numerous wood-cuts that em- bellish its pages. 97 Pii [.^neee Silvii] Historia Rerum ubique Gestarum, bl. os. f^enetiis, per Joan, de Colonia et J. Manthem de Gherretzem Anno Millesimo CCCC.LXXVII. First Edition. This beautiful impression will be found noticed in most of our Bibliographers. De Bure informs us that it was to have been followed by several other volumes ; but that in fact this is the only volume that was ever published, and is of great rarity. Panzer has described the volume at length, representing it to be executed with signatures on 105 leaves. Santander also describing it, styles it, " Edition tres belle, et la premi&re." 98 Platinse Vitae Pontificum, cut large, leaves rough, sewed, 41. 4s Nurenberge, A. Kohurger, M.CCCC.LXXXI. This, according to Panzer, is the third edition, and an impression of very uncommon occurrence ; is neatly printed in columns, without signa- tures, catchwords, or numbering of pages. 99 RUDIMENTUM NOVITIORUM, EPITHOMA IN SEX PARTES JUXTA SEX MUNDi .STATES DivisuM, iti the Original icooden binding, stamped, EXTREMELY RARE, 25/. Lubecce, per Lucam Brandis de Sckasz, 1475 EdITIO PrINCEPS, AND THE FiRST BoOK PRINTED AT LUBEC. This is a book of great importance in the Typographic Annals; fixing the pre- Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 25 cise period of the introduction of printing into Lubeck, and establish- ing the fact, that 'the Josephns in number 92 of this present Catalogue was executed bj- the same printer, at the same place, and most probably a j'ear or two posterior to the printing of this volume. It is not a little astonishing, that a book of such extraordinary interest should hitherto have been so unsatisfactorily described, evidently occasioned by a want of a knowledge of the book itself. Casimir Oiidin was so ignorant of the work, that in his Comm. de Script. Eccles. he calls it an edition of the Fascicieli/s Tempornm; and in this he was followed by Cave, in his Hist. Litterar. p. 202 ; but an error so heinous was speedily refuted by Seelen in his Sclecta Literaria, and Clement in his Dihliotheque Cii- rieiLse, which last remarks, with much truth and vivacity, — " On n'a qu'a le voir sans I'ouvrir: et la grosseur prodigieuse du volume, prou- vera sufissament que Ic Fasciculus Temporum n'est qu'un Pigmee au prix de ce geant." — Vide v. S. p. 251. Rlaittaire merely gives the con- cluding colophon referring to Seelen. Panzer likewise gives the colo- phon, and adds a short description of the volume, but incorrectly states it to be on 460 leaves ; which error Bi'unet, in his meagre account of the volume, has accurately copied. Santander's description is rather more copious than any of the preceding, although it extends to little more than giving the colophon, without telling the number of leaves. He however informs us, that the celebrated Martj-rology of Usuard is here for the FIRST Ti^iE printed. It is also to be found enumerated, without any de- scription, in the Gaignat and Valliere Catalogues ; and, lastly, Beloe has evinced the extent of his knowledge of the volume, by writing, that it was printed in 1476'. Having thus noticed all those Bibliographers that have made any mention of the work, we proceed to give, as briefly as possible, at least an accurate description of the volume. We would premise, that, contrary to Santander, who supposes it to have been written entirely by Brochart, it appears that Columna was the legiti- mate author, and that it was only completed, or, perhaps, edited by Brochart. The whole work is comprised on 472 leaves, contrary to Panzer, who states it to be only on 4<)0. The first 10 leaves are wholly occupied with genealogical chains from Adam to Christ, interspersed with wood-cuts of the principal personages, &c.; after which the work itself commences, printed in columns, in the gothic character, without signatures, catchwords, or numbering of pages, occupying 43.5 leaves, including the Martj-rologj' of Usuard, which concludes on the recto of the 445th leaf. On the reverse commences the Index, which occupies 27 leaves, ending on the recto of the 272d and last leaf, bearing the printer's colophon, which will be found copied in Rlaittaire, Panzer, and Santander, rendering it unnecessary to repeat it in this place, as it is of the unusual length of 32 lines. The present copy has the wood-cuts, which are remarkable for their rudeness, coloured in the old style of the publication of the volume, and a worm has made some slight depredations in the margins of a few of the leaves at the end. 1 00 Boccac'it. Johannk de Certnldo, Libri de nuilieribuft dark, ad E 26 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. Andream de AcciaroUs de Florencia alteville comitissam, VERY KAKE, 35/. Ulme, per Johannem Czeiner de ReutUngen, M.CCCC.LXXIII. " EDITIO ORIGINALIS ET RARISSIMA."— Laire. Comparatively few are the Bibliograpliers that liave not described and exulted over this singular specimen of early typography. We may refer the reader to Maittaire, Panzer, De Bure, Clement, Santander, and Brunet, for accurate notices of the volume, and warm acknowledgments of its great rarity. However, it is pretty certain that it owes much of its popularity among Collectors to the rude, spirited, and interesting cuts that embellish almost every leaf. Roscoe says of it, *' Editio Prin- CEPS. Remarkable not only for its extreme rarity, but as being one of the first books ornamented with historical prints from wood blocks." Dibdin also, at the commencement of his copious and interesting de- scription of the volume, declares, that " it has other pretensions to be noticed and treasured by the curious, than its being EDITIO PRIMA ET RARISSIMA, since it not only presents us with a specimen of a tjT)e, rarely used by John Zeiner, and of one of the earliest books printed at Ulm, but it contains some of the most curious and diverting wood-cuts in the earlier annals of the arts of printing and engraving." It will be only necessarj', in this place, to add, that the present is a MOST BEAUTIFUL COPY, in a clean and perfect state throughout, splen- didly BOUND IN Italian vellum, richly gilt, from the collec- tion OF Sir Masterman Mark Svkes. 101 Joliannis Bocaccii de Certaldo Liber de Claris Mulieribus, bound in red, 71. 7s. Jmpressum Lovan'ii per Egid'ium van der Heerstraten, M.CCCC.LXXXVII. This third edition has not been so generally described as the preceding one of 1473, nor is it to be considered an equal object of research. However, it is an impression of great rarity ; and the cuts, which are very numerous, often exhibit curious variations to those in the edition of 1473. It is noticed in Maittaire and Visser, and described in Cle- ment, Panzer, and especially Lamblnet, who had the opportunity of collating a copy of this edition, which was in the Library of the Uni- versity at Louvain. Goetzius knew no impression previous to this of 1487 ; and expresses his astonishment to find, in so early an edition, a wood -cut, representing the fabled accouchement de la Papesse Jeanne. Clement remarks on this, that had he seen the edition of 1473, in which there is a cut of the same, he would never have been surprised to find it in this, 102 Boccatii (Joannis) Genealogie, cum demonstrationibus informis arborum designatis. ejusdem de montibus et silvis. de fontibus Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 27 lacubus et fluminibus. ac etiam de stagnis et paludibus : nec- iion et de maribus. seu diversis maris nominibus, in the ori- ginal wooden binding, stamped, 21. 2s. Imprcssum I'enetiis per me Manfredum de Strevo de ]\Ionteferrato. Anno ah incarnatione Omnipotentis Dei, M.CCCCXCVII. Octavo kalendas Aprilis. This edition is described by Laire, Clement, and Panzer. Clement styles it, ^'Edition tres rare," adding, thatNiceron knew not of its existence. We liave given above the title as it occurs on the recto of the first leaf, and the printer's colophon as it is given on the recto of 162d and last leaf, the reverse of which is blank, 103 Albert! de Eyb Margarita Poetica, 3/. \os. 6d. Sine nota Loc. aiit Typog. M.CCCC.LXXXVII. This is a neat impression, executed in the roman letter, without number- ing of pages, or catchwords, but running in signatures from a to//, and preceded by 1 1 leaves of Index. Panzer has given the colophon ; and Clement informs us, that a copy is to be found in the Bibliotheca Menarsiana, " ou on I'a accompagnee d'une petite remarque, qui assure, qu'elle est tres rare." Of the work itself, we learn from the Abbd Gerard Molanus, through Clement, that " this wonderful per- formance is somewhat hastily inscribed, ' Margarita Poetica,' since it contains Excerpts not only from the Poets, but from almost all the Orators, Historians, and Philosophers," 104 ScCBCSpel, EXCESSIVELY RARE, 20/. Goude by Ghercert Leeuiv. 1479 First Edition of the Game of Chess moralized in the Flemish Language. This is an impression of extraordinarj' rarity, long un- known to Bibliographers. It is omitted by Hyde in his list of books on Chess, appended to the Shahiludinm ; and has likewise escaped the diligent researches of Lambinet, the Bibliographer of the Low Coun- tries. The onlj' Writers who appear to have known of its existence are Maittaire and Visser : the former of whom confesses his doubts as to its size, since in the only two Catalogues in which he finds it enu- merated, in the one it is styled a large, and in the other a small-sized volume. The indefatigable Panzer, on the authority of the preceding, has also inserted it in his Annates, although Dibdin tells us to the contrary ; and, lastly, a more copious than accurate description of the volume is given in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. The recto of the first leaf is blank : the reverse is occupied with the Index of Chapters — Dit is die tafel van desen boeck datmcn hict dat scaecspel. On the recto of the next leaf, a 2, we have the Prefix to the work, as given in the Spencerian Catalogue, The whole book occupies dl leaves, without numbering of pages, or catchwords, but with signatures. It 28 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. is executed in double columns, upon stout paper, in tlie same type as that used iu the Historic van Troy en, in iVo. 81, supra, and which Mr. Dibdin denominates, " The peculiarly square and bold Gothic character of the Printer." It concludes on the reverse of the last leaf, toward the end of the second column, with the imprint, thus — Int iaer ons heren dusent vier- hondert ende neghent seventich. op ten anderden dach van October, soe is dit ghenoechlijcke boeck voleynt end ghemaect ter goude in hollant by my ghersert leeu. lof heb god. Beneath are the shields in black, and the initials G. 1. Here Ave would not dismiss this volume without animadverting on the palpable blunder Mr. Dibdin has been guilty of iu the date, to which he has assigned this impression. By the imprint, which we have above copied at length, it may be seen that the date is expressed in Dutch, thus — fourteen hundred nine Seventy ; which Mr. Dibdin reads 1497. A strange error this for Mr. Dibdin to make, as, independent of the expressness of the date in Dutch, had he merely consulted his Bib- liographical skill, he would have known that Gerard Leeuw did not print at Gouda, the place where this volume was printed, posterior to 1485, when he removed to Antwerp, where he continued to exercise his art until 1493 ; after which time there is no book known to have been executed by him. 105 Lk Triomphe de Neuf Preux, ouquel sont contemis tons les fills ct proesses qu'ih out achevez diirant leurs vies avec f ysto'ire de Bertran de Guescl'm, extremely rare, 15/. Abbeville par Pierre Gerard. 1487 First Edition. Among the French, De Bure, Santander, and Brunet, have expatiated on the great rarity of this impression ; but, in this country, it does not appear to have been known. Warton alone hints at its existence. — Vide vol. i. of the Hist. ofEng. Poetry. It is an object of curiosity, not only as being the Editio Prima et rarissima, but as it exhibits one of the very few books printed at Abbatis Villa, and a specimen of Peter Gerard's press. The work itself too, is to be classed among the more interesting productions of the XVth century. The Nine Worthies, whose deeds of prowess are set forth in this edi- tion, are — Joshua, David, Judas Macchabeus, Alexander the Great, Hector, Julius Ccrsar, THE RENOWNED KING ARTHUR, Charle- maigne, and Godfrey de Buillon, with the History of Bertran de Guesclin, which Mr. Greswell, noticing a later edition, informs us, " is very interesting, and includes many particulars I'elating to our early wars with France." It is remarkable, that, according to Monnoye, in the later impressions, they omit King Arthur and Hector, and insert, in their place, Gideon and Sampson. The volume is executed in columns, without mmibering of pages, or catchwords, but with signatures, and preceded by an Index. To each Life is prefixed a rude wood-cut representation of their rcppective heroes. Folio.] THE FIFl^EENTH CENTURY. 29 106 Biblia Latina {imperfect, wanting all before the Psalnis), old calf, 11. Ss. Absque indie. Loc. aut Typog. M.CCCC.LXXXI. A very uncommon and elegant impression of those editions, charac- terized by the lines — Fontihis ex greets, Sfc. An account of which will be found in the next number. The present edition is a small size folio, in double columns, in a small Gothic type, on paper of a remarkably stout quality. Clement styles it, " Edi- iioH tres i-are," but this copy is miserably defective of nearly one half. 107 Biblia Latina, half-bound, calf, 21. 5*. . . . Sine nota Loci, 1483 Tliis edition is executed in the Gothic character, in columns, with sig- natures, without any indication of place or printer, but to which is subjoined the following imprint : — Fontibus ex grecis Hebreorum quoque libris Emendata satis ct decorata simul, Biblia sum presens superos ego tcstor et astra. Est impressa nee in orbe mihi similis Singula quiE que loca, cum concordantibus extant Orthographia simul quam bene pressa manet M.CCCC.LXXXIII. Of this Bil)le there appears to have been six different impressions, from 1479 to 1484, all of which are remarkable for their rarity. A copious account of these editions is to be found in Clement Biblioth. I\^ p. 99. Masch Bibl. Sacr. par. 2. v. 3. p. 90. and Panzeri Ann. t. iv. p. 31. 108 Biblia (Latine) cum pleno apparatu siinimarioriira coucor- dautiarum et quadruplicis repertorii sive iiidicii iiumeric|ue foliorum distinctione tersissime ac verissime impressa, 41. 4s. Jmpressum est (Lugduni) characteribus P^enetiis per Jacobmn Sacon 1506 Editio Prima of the famous editions, corrected by Albert Castellanus, and printed by Sacon. The editor's name, in this first impression, is carefully concealed, and tlie imprint merely states it to have been " jRccentcr per prestnnfiisimi/m sacre Ihcologie prufessore emenflnlinn ;" besides, the Printer, for some reason, wished to make it appear as printed at Venice. The title-page (printed in red) bears Junta's well- known device of the Lily ; and the concluding colophon declares it to be, " iinpressum chuructcribiis vc/wtis." This has led some to sup- pose, that Junta actually printed an edition in this year at Venice. Any farther notice of it is rendered altogether needless, by the very copious and accurate history of the work, and description of the volume, given by Masch, who has added a specimen of some of the various readings. — Vide Bihlioth. Sacr. t. v. p. 150 — (J. The present is a fine copy, in old calf binding. 109 Biblia {Latine) cum Coucordautiis veteris etiiovi Testament i 30 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. sacrornm canouum necnon et additionibus in marginibus varie- tatis diversorum textuum : ac etiam canonibus antiquis qua- tuor evangeliorum. Novissirae autem addite sunt concordantie ex viginti libris Joseph! de antiquitatibus et bello Judaico excerpte, 3/. 3s. Impressa autem Lugduni : per Joannem Marion. EApensis notabilis viri Antonii Koherger. Nurem- biirgensls 1520 A noble impression, executed in columns, on paper of an excellent qua- lity, and embellished with 130 small wood-cuts, spiritedly executed ; besides two of a larger size : the first of St. Jerom, beneath the title, and the other of the Nativity, occupying the reverse of fo. 244, both of which are masterly designed and cut in wood by an artist whose monogram is composed of an H. S. and K. which Professor Christ assigns to Hans Springinklee, or John Koberger. A full account of this edition is given both by Masch, t. v. p. 165, and Panzer, t. vii. p. 328. 110 Novum Testaraentum, Latine, cum postlllis Nicolai de Lyra, cumque additionibus per Episc. Paulum Burgensem editis, &c. \l. ]Qs. Nur ember ge, per Anthon. Koberger, M.CCCC.LXXXV. Masch gives the following description of this impression : — " In hac editione nullee cernuntur paginarum numeri, custodes, signaturae : nullse litterse initiales, nee minor typus in spatio vacuo. Ad calcem operis adjiciuntur Lyrse pulcherrime questiones Judaicam perfidiam in catholica fide reprobantes. Editio nitida typo Gothico expressa, et posterioribus anteferenda." — Vid. Bihlioth. Sac. t. v. p. 368. The pre- sent is a fine copy, perfectly clean throughout. 111 La Saincte Bible : en Francoys, ti-anslatee selon la pure, et entiere traduction de Sainct Hierome, conferee et entierement revisitee, selon les plus anciens et plus corrects exemplaires, &c. new black calf, marbled leaves, rare, 5/. 5*. Anvers, par Martin Lempereur, 1530 This had been for a length of time considered the first edition of the Bible in French, until latterly an earlier impression has been disco- vered, and the present is now denominated the second edition of the French Bible, edited by Jacobus Fabtr Stajnilensis. As this translation was found to favour the opinions of the Reformers, all the earlier edi- tions were most rigorously suppressed, and the editor was degraded from his doctorship, and declared a heretic by the faculty of theology at Paris ; besides which he suffered such persecution from the Sorbonne as to oblige him to flee from Paris. — Vide Clement and Brunei. It is printed in double columns, and embellished with rude wood-cuts. 1 1 2 The Byblc, that is to say, al the Holy Scripture conteined in Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 31 the Okie and New Testament, faytlifiilly set furtli according to ye Coppy of Thomas Mathewcs Translacion, wherunto arc added certaine learned Prologes and Annotacions, for the better understanding of many hard Places tliorowout the whole Byble, 8/. 8*. Imprinted nt London by Jhon Day, dwellyng over Aldersgate M.D.LI. This is one of those early editions of the English Bible that are the special objects of research, and of the greatest possible scarcity. It is in- serted in Lewis's List, who notices that it contains the Third Book of Maccabees. It is dedicated to King Edward Vlth by Edmond Becke, and comprises the preliminary miscellany of a Table of the principall Matters, gatheryiig of certaijne harde Wordes, the Prologe of Wyllyatn Tyndall, &c. It is well known that few books are found so generally incomplete as early editions of the English Bible. The present is in a much finer condition than is generally the case with books of this de- scription, but unfortunately the binder has placed two duplicate leaves of Exodus in the place of two leaves in Genesis, which are wanting. 113 Tindalfs Bible, very old edition, miserably imperfect, compris- ing only from Genesis to the Psalms, old binding, RiRE. 1 14 Erasmus's Paraphrase upon the Newe Testameute, 2 vols, in 1, very fine copy, 41. \4s. 6d. Enpriented at London in Fletestrete, at the signe of the Sunne, by Edwarde JFhitchurche, the last daie of Januarie,Anno Domini, 1548-9. A copious and satisfactory account of this edition is to be found in Lewis's History of the English Translations, p. 161, etseq.; and also in Dihdin's Ames, v. 3. p. 491 — 3, which renders it necessary in this place merely to state, that the present is an unusually fine and perfect copy, with both the volumes bound in one, in old rough calf. 115 Lyra (Nicolai de) Mistica seu raoralis expositio sacri canonis Biblie, 5/. 5s.. . Colon. per Joli. Koelhoef M.CCCC.LXXVIII. This is a noble production of the early Cologne press ; executed on paper of a remarkably stout quality, and printed in a neat gothic cha- racter, in double columns, having 50 lines in a full column, with the initial letters of each book coloured. It h:is neither numbering of pages nor catchwords, and the signatures do not extend through the whole volume. The title occupies the first 10 lines in col. one, on the first page, and the concluding colophon is comprised in 12 lines on the reverse of the last leaf, toward the end of the second cohnnn.— Vide Masch. Bill. Sacr. P. II. V. HI. p. 3'il, and Panzer, v. i. p. 283. The present copy is cut very large ; so nuich so, that several of the leaves are left ro\iQ:h. It is in old wooden binding, curiously stamped. 32 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folic 1 16 Mammotrectus, in quo libro coiitinentur expositiones et correc- tiones vocabulorum taiu Bibllcfe quam aliorum plurimorum librorura (autore fratre Marchesino), 5/. 5*. Absque Ann'i et Loci Indicatione, sed Argent, typ'ts Geo. Husner circa 1482 This edition bears neither indication of place, printer, nor date, but is with the greatest probability assigned by Laire to Strasbourg!!, and printed with the types of Geo. Husner, about the year 1482. — Vid. Index Libr. vol. i. p. 154. Panzer appears to have confounded Laire's account of this impression, with Denis's notice of another edition, also printed sine nota Ann. Loc. aut Typog. The present is a remark- ably line copy, in wooden binding, cui'iously stamped. 117 Ludolplii VitaChristi, IV, constans Partibus, Gallice, seu Me- ditacions sur la vie Ihesus Christ prins sur les quatre Evange- listes. Et compouse par venerable pere Liidoulphe religieux de lordre des Chartreux. Et translate de Latin en Francoys par venerable, scientifique, et eloquente personne frere (iuillaume Lcnienand, maistre en Theologie de lordre de men seigneur sainct Francoys, a la requeste de trespuissant, trescxcellent, et tresmagnifique Prince mon Seigneur le Due de Bourbon, Cones table de France, wood-cuts, scarce, 31. 3s. Imprhne en la cite de Lyon sur la rosne, par maistre Mathieu Hus de la nacion dallemaigne ] 493 This work is di%-ided into four parts, forming one very thick volume. It is printed in double columns, in a coarse gothic character, with num- bering of leaves and signatures. The wood-cuts adorning its pages, and intended to illustrate the Life and Sufferings of Christ, are singu- larly rude. A correct description of the volume is to be found in Panzer, t. i. p. 544. 118 Diiranti Rationale Divinorum Ojfficionim, handsomely bound I\ OLD RED MOROCCO, GILT LEAVES, 10/. 1 0^. Hcrmanmis Lichtenstein coloniensis probatissimus li- brarie artis exactor. Lnpressus Vincentie Anno Domini M.CCCC.LXXVIII. This rare edition affords us a favourable specimen of the typographic abi- lities of Lichtenstein, one of the most famous Printers of the XVtli century. It appears to be the first book printed by him after his return from Treviso ; and, according to Maittaire, he reprinted this same work in 1480, at the same place, before his removal to Venice. Panzer gives a correct description of this edition, which is printed in a small gothic type, in double columns, with signatures. The present copy is ruled throughout with red lines, and has the initial letter at the com- mencement of the work, richly illuminated. The worm has made a FoMo] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 33 very slight invasion into the margin of a few of the latter leaves ; otherwise it is an extremely fine cony, in rich old red morocco bind- ing, gilt leaves. 119 Diirandi Rationale Divinorum Officionira, rark, 5/. os. Absque Indlcatione hoc. Ann. aut Typog. • This edition does not correspond with any of those which Panzer has enumerated in his Annales. It appears to have been executed about the year 148.5, and is printed in double columns, with a small gothic letter, bearing both numbering of leaves and signatures. The first leaf contains the title only, thus, Kntionnle Divinorum. The next two leaves are occupied with the tables, beginning Iste Liber dividittir in ovto Libros ; after which commences the work itself, on fol. 1. Incipit rationale divino- rum officiorum Guilhelmi mi matensis ecclesie episcopi. Concluding on the reverse of fol. 272, thus — Rationale divinorum officiorum finit feliciter. The present is a fine clean copy, with leaves rough throughout, and in old wooden binding, curiously stamped. 120 Missale Diocesis Coloniensis, in neu) pale russia, 51. 5s. Impensh honestl vlri Francisci b'lrckman in alma Pari- siorum academia n JVolfgango Hopylio impressum, \5\\ This is a splendid Missal, printed with all the luxury of Parisian typo- graphy, in double columns, in a fine large gothic character, black and red, and embellished with upwards of one hundred ANDFim' wood- cuts, illustrative of the Life of Christ, executed in a masterly and spirited style : several leaves are printed on vellu:\i. 121 Missale Ordinarium. Missale Roiiiamim noviter imprcssiim, 4/. 4.S. Venetm in edibus Gregorii de Gregoriis,M.D.X]X. This is printed in double columns, with an unusually large gothic cha- racter, in black and red, adorned with a large number of spirited wooD-CLTs. It is not only a Missal magnificently executed, but one of uncommon scarcity, since it is not even to be found mentioned in the copious Annales of Panzer. 1 22 Livre de bien Vivre — Lc Livre intitule Vart de bien inourir — Le Traicte des paines d'enfer et de Purgatoire — Ladvenement de Anlechnat Les quinze .lignes hiatoirex preceden.t le iuge- F 34 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. ment general de dieu avecques les loyes de paradis, old binding, neat, very scarce, 71. 7s. Paris pour Antho'ine Verard Lan Mil CCCC nonante et deux. Tkisis a collection of four Treatises, publislied by Verard in 1492. The first work was finished on the 15th of December; the second was printed by Pierre Le Rouge ; the third by Gillet Cousteau et Jehau Menard on the 18th of July ; and the fourth was finished on the 28th of October. Tliis information we gather from their respective colo- phons. They all have signatures only, and are adorned with a quantity of extraordinarily curious and remarkably spirited wood-cuts. De Bure, noticing the last work in this volume, styles it " Ouvrage ctirietia: et siitgulier;" he adds, que " C'est le premier qui ait paru, en Francois, sur cette matiere." — Vid. Bibliog. Inst. t. i. p. 304, and Gres- weWs Annals, 8vo. p. 130. No greater proof of the rarity of these Avorks is necessarj', than to know the elaborate Panzer was ignorant of their existence. The present copies are cut very large, having many of the leaves rough. 123 Ordinaire des Chrestiens, old ivooden binding-, excessively SCARCE, 10/. IOa" Paris, pour Anthfme Verard, 1492 EDITIO PRIMARIA ET IGNOTA. That this is not only the first EDITION, but an impression of the greatest possible rarity, who will dispute? In fact, it appears hitherto entirely unknown to Biblio- graphers ; for in vain will any mention of an edition previous to 1494 be looked for in Maittaire, Denis, Panzer, Debure, Osmont, Fournier, Cailleau, Santander, Brunet, or Greswell. It is a small-sized folio, in the gothic character, with signatures only. The first leaf contains merely the title, Lordinaire des Crestiens. The three next leaves comprise La Table, and the recto of the fifth leaf is blank ; but on the reverse the work begins with, Le Prologue de ce livre. The whole ends on the reverse of the last leaf, containing Verard's co- lophon of eight lines, and his well-known device. 124 L'Ordiuaire des Chretiens. 21. 2s. Absque Indie. Ann. Loc. aut Typog. An impression executed in a small gothic character, totally dissimilar to that printed by Verard in 1492. It is preceded by the tables, and has signatures only ; the work ends at the very bottom of the last leaf. Although this edition, as it now is, bears neither name of place, printer, or date, it is very probable that it once did, and that the leaf that should contain it, is wanting. 125 Ambrosii, Episcopi Mediolanensis, Explanationum Evaiigelii S. LucaB Libri X. Enrrio Princeps, per Anthonium Sorg in- colam opidi Augustensis, 1476. — Sancti Ambrosii Exauieroii. Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH (JENTMRY. 35 id est de sex dieriim Opeiibus in principio iVlundi, she nota Loc. Typng. aut Ann. sed Colon, tyjm Joh. Guldenschaff, circa 1480, in 1 vol. calf, rare, 8/. 8*. An accurate account of the first book in this number, the Editio 1'kin- CEPS of the work, is given by Panzer, Santander, and Beloe ; the two latter especially note its great rarity. Maittaire also notices the work, but gives it a wrong title, which Panzer corrects. The Exameron , which is uncommonly scarce, is copiously described in the Valliere Catalogue, superseding all the less satisfactory notices of it in Mait- taire, Panzer, and Cailleau. The present are fine perfect copies, with ample margins, bound in one vol. in neat old light coloured calf. 120 S. Thom/e Aquinatis catena in evang. Marci et Joliannis, 2 vols, half-bound, 41. 4s. Romce Conrad Sweynheijm et Arnoldus Pannartz, M.CCCC.LXX. EDITIO PRINCEPS, and exceedingly scarce ; but it may be seen by the title we have given above, that this copy most unfortunately wants no less than two whole Gospels, viz. Matthew and Luke. However, it has both the colophons, and maybe adduced as one of the most favour- able specimens of the typography of these renowned artists. Dibdin styles these " grand volumes; not excelled by any which have ever issued from the ancient Roman press in the fifteenth century." For accurate and copious descriptions of this edition, it is much more difficult to refer to a general Bibliographical Work that does not con- tain it, than to one that does. 127 S. Thomae Aquinatis Continuum in quatuor Evangelistas, very fine copy, tc'itli leaves rough, half-bound, russia,neat, 41. \4s. 6d. P'enetUs impensa ingenioque Hermanni Llchtcnsteyn Colonlensis : atque Johunnis Hamman Splrensis so- ciorum M.CCCC.LXXXII. This is an elegant impression by one of the most illustrious Printers of the XVth century, who was not a little remarkable for his roving dis- position ; but this appears to be the last city in which he exercised his typographic art, and where he certainly produced his noblest works, of which the present stands foremost. It was printed, as the colophon informs us, in conjunction with J. Hauunan of Spira, and is executed in double columns, in an unusually neat gothic character, with signa- tures. For a further description of the work, vid. Denis, Mittarclli, and PaitAcr, the only three writers who have made any mention of it. 128 Thomse Aquinatis Sententlae in MysteriaS. S. Trinitatis, leaves rough, old wooden binding, stamped, 21. 2s. Colonice, per Henricum Quentell, 1480 The riRST edition of these sentences, and one of the earlier productions of Quentell's prolific press. It is a thick volume, printed in columns, 36 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. in a small and i"ude gotliic character, with signatures, and the different chapters expressed in roman numerals at the top of each page, a rather unusual circumstance in books of so early a date. A further notice of this impression will be found in Denis and Panzer. 129 Atlianas'ms de fide Cathol'ica contra Heret'icos Sabellicum Fotl- num et Arrium, extremely rare, Al. \As. 6d. Sifie nlla nota Ann'i, Loci, aut Typographi, Editio Princeps. Of all Bibliographers, Lambinet alone has noticed this edition of Athanasius's Defence of the Doctrine of the Trinity and Incarnation. It is executed on 30 leaves, in double columns, in a small rude gothic character, with numberless contractions, without signa- tures, catchwords, or numbering of pages, and bears neither name of place, printer, or date. Lambinet supposes it to be printed Fratribus \vTx. Communis ; which appears to be incoiTect, since the type and the quality of the paper is verj' dissimilar to that we see in books generally attributed to their press ; nor does it bear any resemblance to those executed by Themhout, whose characters are so like those used by the Fratres, that he has been supposed to have supplied them with types. The title, &c. will be found copied in Lambinet Recherckes sur rorigine lie V Imprimerie , p. 361. 130 AuRELii AuGUSTiNi Opus dc civitate Dei, fine copy, ix old FRENCH CALF, GILT LEAVES, 6/. G*. T^enet. ah Nicolao Jenson, 1475 A handsome specimen of the elegant typography of this most illustrious of Venetian printers. It is executed in a small semi-gothic character, in double columns. Copious and accurate descriptions of the volume will be found in most Bibliographers. 131 Augustinus de Civitate Dei enm Commeuto, fine copy, old wooden binding, stamped, 21. 2s. . Friburga, M.CCCC.XCIIII. This, according to Panzer, is the third book printed at Friburg. It is executed in columns, with a neat gothic type. For a further notice of the volume, vid. Annates Typogr. t. i. p. 437. 131*Aurelii Augustini Opiiscula Plurima, fine old copy, ivooden binding, stamped, scarce, Al. As. Argent, impensis et opera Martini Flach. M.CCCC.LXXXIX. Clement styles this " Editioti tres rare." He adds a very full and lively description of this edition, of which the following is a part : — " Elle est en beaux Caract^res demi Gothiques. Les grandes Lettres y sont peintes k la t^te des Livres et des Chapitres. Elle n'a point de re- clames ; mais les feuillets en sont chifr^s et ont leur signatures au has des pages, vers le coin ext^rieur. Elle contient35 pieces dif^rentes." — Vid. Bibliothcque fVnVw.se, t. ii. p. 2'6. It is also described in Panzer, and a Copy was in the Valliere Catalogue. Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 37 132 Bernardi {egregii atque mellijlui Doctoris, Clarevallemh) Sermoxes super Caxtica Caxticorum, fine '-opi/, icit/t very ample margins, extremely rare, 10/. 10*. Rostock per Fratres Communis Vit,i:, 1481 An highly interesting book in the tj'pographic annals, and of extraordi- nary rarity ; so much so as to be entirely unknown to Visser, Saiitmtifcr, and Lamhinet. It is the only book printed at Rostock, with the names of the printers Fratres Vits Communis. Santander has declared, that of all the books executed by these holy brethren, in one only is to be found their names, the Legenda S. Henrid et Kiinegundis, in 4to. printed at Brussels ; by which assertion he plainly evidences his utter ignorance of this edition of Bernard. It is printed in rather a large gothic type, without signatures, catchwords, or numbering of pages. The imprint occurs on a separate leaf at tlie end of the work, on tlic recto at the top, in red, thus — Ad laudem et gloriam omnipoteniis dei. gloriose nrginis marie et omnium sanctorum. Finiunt feliciter elegantissimi atque - pulcherrimi sermones beati. Bernardi clarevallensis abbatis doctoris melliflui super Cantica canticonmi summa cum diligen- -cia correcti atque imprcssi in Rozstock per Fratres Communis \'ite. ad sanctum Michaelem. Anno anativitate domini. Millesimo quadringentesimo octuagesimo primo quinto kalendas Augusti. Beneath is their device. 133 Bernardi, Abbatis Clarevallensis, in Cantica Canticoruin, fine copy, sewed, \l. As. Argentine per Marthium Flach, M.CCCC.XCMI. A remarkably neat impression, executed in double columns, in a gothic type. A description of it will be found in Panzer. 134 Bernardi, Clarevallensis Abbatis, Sermones de tempore fjue de Sanctis, rare, 51. js Bruxellis, 1 481 This, Lambinet informs us, is the fifth Book printed at Brussels, and is universally ascribed to the press, Fratrum Communis Vits, whose productions are to be classed among the very rarest books of the XVth century. It is printed in double columns, 40 lines in a column, without signatures, catchwords, or numbering of pages, in a type very similar to that used by Thernhout. Notices of this cditicm ■will be found in Laire, Denis, Visser, Panzer, SanUinder, and Lam- binet. The present copy is slightly wormed. 135 Chrysostomus, Johannes Episcopus Constantinopolitani, super Mattheum, 21. 2s. Impressum per Johanncm Koclhoff dc Luhevh Cive Colonie iM.CCCC.LXXXVU. Clement calls this an " Edition (res rare." It is printed in the gothic character, in double columns, with signatures, 'and leaves numbered. Maittairc, Braun, and Panzer, have mentioned it. 38 BOOKS PRlxNTED IN [Folio. 136 Cecilii Cipriani Episcopi cartagiiiensis et martiris dignissiiui Libri et Epistole, 1/. 4s. Absque Indicatione Anni, Loci, aut Typograph'i scd typ'is Albert Kunne. Memmingce This impression has signatures only, and is executed in a gotbic type, in double columns, with 46 lines in a column. It is ascribed to the press of Albert Kuune, at Memmbigen. — Vid. Panzcri Annales Ti/piigr. t. ii. p. 108. 137 Effrera (i. e. Sancti Ephraini) Libri de Compunctione Cordis, Judicio Dei et Resurre., Beatitudine Anime^ Penitentia, Luc- tamiue spiritali, Die Judicii, \L \s. Sine nota Ann. Loc. aut. Tijpog. This edition, bearing neither name of place, printer, or date, is to be found in Pamcr and Denis. A MS. note on the fly-leaf in this copy informs us, that it is printed with the characters of Caspar Hochfeder, at Nurembourg, about 1494. It is in a very neat gothic type, in double columns. 138 Beat'i Gregor'ii Papce Dialogorum Libri quatuor, rare, //. 7s. Absque hidicatione Typog. Loc. aut Ann. sed typis Petri Schoiffer Moguntice, circa 1470 This edition bears neither name of place, printer, or date ; but De Bure informs us, that the very same types with which this is printed, were used by Schoiffer in executing the Text of the Decretals, in 147;i. The volume is printed in double columns, with 37 lines in a full column, and has neither signatures, catchwords, or numbering of pages. A further description of this impression is given in the ValUere Catalogue, t. i. p. 183. 139 Gregorii, Beati Papse, super Cantica Canticorum Commentarius, R.^RE, 7/. 7s. Absque Lidicatione Typog. Loc. aut Ann. sed typis Ulrici Zell Coloniensis circa 1470 First Edition. Had not the well-versed Bibliographers, Panzer and Brunei, assigned this to the press of Ulric Zell, we should not have hesitated to declare it a legitimate production of Schoiffer's. The simi- larity of the type with that of the Dialugi, in the preceding number, is exceedingly striking. Besides which, this is also printed in double columns, 37 lines in a column, without signatures, &c. There only appears a slight difference in the quality of the paper and freshness of the ink. — Vid.AnnalesTypogr. i.332. dM.iS.\X).Q.Mnnuel du Libraire,\\. ll'J. 140 B. Gregorii Papae, et Origciiis Presbyteri, Homelias, fine copy, old calf, 31. Ss Sine nota Loc. aut Typ. 1475 This is an edition remarkably scarce. It is printed in double columns, 38 lines in a full column, without signatures, catchwords, or number- Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 39 iug of pages, and bears neither name of printer or place. Although both De Burc and Panzer have given correct descriptions of this edition, neither have hinted who was the printer of it. — Vid. Catal. dv la Valliere, i. 180. et Annales Ti/pogr. iv. 13. 141 Saucto Gregorio Papa, el libro de le Omelie di, vellum, scarce, 31. 3.S-. Medlolano per It prudent'i homini Leonardo Pachel e Uldcr'icho Scinzenceller de Allnmagna per loro Indus tria et consumma dU'igentiu, M.cccc.Lxxvrin. First Edition, printed in the roinan letter, in double columns, with signatures only- Satisfactory descriptions of this impression are to be found in the Valliere Catalogue, i. 182, and Sajitander Dirt. liiblioff. ii. 4(J4. Its rarity is acknowledged by almost every Bibliographer. The present copy is in parts, slightly stained. 142 Beati Gregorii Papte MoniMa, ^ne copy, II. lis. 6d. Parishes per Uldaricum Gering et Berchtoldvm Rembolt, M.CCCC.XCV. This is a favourable specimen of Gering and Rembolt' s prolific press. It is omitted in Greswell's imperfect " Armals of Parisian Typography." A sufficiently full and accurate description of the volume is given in Panzer, ii. 307. 143 HiEROXYMi Epistol.e Elegaxtissim.e, y?«e copy, new, half- bound, russla, 61. 6s. ■' Antonius Bartolomei I'^enetus fel'iciter impressit. M.CCCC.LXXVI. Die XXII. mensis Januarli. This is a most magnificent impression of these interesting Epistles, which are well known to contain Biographical sketches of men who retired from the world for religious purposes ; together with critical obsen-ations on the Bible. It is a royal-sized folio, printed in double columns, in, as Mr. Beloe expresses it, " a remarkably neat gothic character," and is one of the earliest known, ;is well as noblest efforts of this press. — Vid. Panzeri Annales, iii. 120. 144 Lactantius de Diviuis Institutionibus Libri \TI. new, brown calf, 31. 3s. Romce, per Udalricum Galium, Alamanum, et Symonc Nkolai de Luca M.CCCC.LXXIIII. Tills edition, styled hy Mr. Dibdin, " rare and sought after," is described at sufficient length in the Valliere Catalogue, vol. i. p. 154, and the Bibliutheca Spenceriana, v. i. p. 214. This copy commences with the short epistle oi Angelas Cnens Sabiniis io the Bishop of Brescia, and concludes with the leaf containing the Printer's colophon, which has been torn, mended, and rendered imperfect. 40 BOOKS PKIXTED IN [Folio. 145 V'oragine, Jacobi de, Aurea Legenda, sive HistoriaLombardica, cum nounullis SanctoruiH ac Sanctarura in fine siiperadditis, recently bound hi russla, AL As. Per Conradum JVinters de Homberch Cnlon'ie c'lveia domini M.CCCC.LXXXI. This early edition of these popular Legends is of uncommon scarcity. According to Panzer's copious Annals, it should seem that this is the second impression by Conrad Winters. It is executed in a rude gothic character, 40 lines in a full page, without signatures, catchwords, &c. 14G Another Fine Copy, half-bound, vellum, scarce, 51. 5s. 'lb. M.CCCC.LXXXI. 147 Jacobi de Voragine, Legenda x\urea Sanctorum, 11. 12*. 6' rarely met with. The present affords a fine copy, with ample margins, of one of the noblest speci- mens of his press. It is described in Panzer, vol. i. p. 168. 213 Qiisestiones Johannis Scotl ab Thoma Penket Anglico emen- datae, original icooden binding, 21. \2s. 6d. Per Magistrum Albertum de Stendcel impresse {^I'cnetiis'] Anno Domini M.CCCC.LXXHII. This impression is generally supposed to have been executed at Venice, for what reason it is impossible to say, since it is well known, that in none of this printer's productions are to be found any other name of place than Padua. However, he printed but few, all remarkable for their great scarcity, and this impression of Scotiis is unusually hand- some. Panzer describes it in his Annales, vol. iii. p. 104. 214 Summa Vitiorum fratris Guilhelmi peculat Lugdunensis Arclii- episcopi, wooden binding, stamped, Al. As. Colonicc, per Henricum Quentell. . M.CCCC.LXXIX. First Edition, and apparently the Second Production of Quen- tell's press. The rarity of this impression is acknowledged by San- 54 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. tander, who gives a brief description of the volume, as also do DeBure in the Valliert Catalogue, and Panzer in his Annales. It is executed in double columns, with signatures only. 215 Snmma de Virtutibus Willielmi Episcopi Lugdunensis, large PAPER, original wooden stamped binding, 10/. 10s. Colonics, per Henricum Quentell 1479 First Edition, and probably the First Production of Quentell's PRESS. Both this and the Summa Vitiorum, in the preceding Number, were printed in the same year, but this 1 think has the appearance of being the first executed. It is of uncommon scarcity, and was unknown to Quetif and Echard. A copy occurs in the Valliere Catalogue, and another in Santander's ; in both a brief description of the volume is added, and in the latter it is styled, " Une rare et belle edition." It has signatures only, and is printed in a rude gothic type, 34 lines in a full page. The present copy has such an amplitude of margins as indisputably entitle it to the dignity of a large paper copy. The extreme corners of a few of the bottom margins have been slightly discoloured by some fluid. 216 Rabbi Samuelis Tractatits contra Jiideos, translatus a f rat re Alfontio — Nicolai de Lyra Qucestiones disputatce contra He- hrCEOS, VERY RARE, 5/. 5*. Absque Indicatione Anm, Loci, aut Typographi, These Tracts appear to have been unknown to all Bibliographers. They are printed in precisely the same t^rpe as the Athanasius and Legenda Sancti Silvestris supra, and which Lambinet supposes to have been printed Fratribus Vitse Communis, but these he did not know. They occupy on the whole 36 leaves, in double columns, 37 lines in a co- lumn, without signatures, catchwords, or numbering of pages. 217 Sermones Discipuli {Joannis Herolt) de Tempore et de Sanctis cum promptuario Exemploruin, original icooden binding, 31. 3-i, Argentine (sine nomine Typographi), 1483 This is a large and noble impression, printed in a firm thick gothic type, in double columns. It bears no name of printer, but may probably have been executed by Gruninger. It is noticed in Maittaire, and briefly described in Panzer. 218 Sermones Discipuli (Job. Herolt) de Tempore et de Sanctis cum promptuario Exeraplorum, 21. 2s. Argentine {sine nomine Typographi sed typis Griinin- geri) 1484 This edition is comprised in a much smaller compass than the preceding. It is executed in a thick gothic character, in double columns, and likewise bears no name of printer ; but Panzer affirms the types to be those of Gruninger. — Vid. Annates Ti/pogr. vol. i. p. 26. Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 55 219 Sermones Parati de Temj)ore ct tie Sanctis, new, half -hound , riissla, scarce, 11. 12.s\ Gr/. Absque Indicatione Anni, Loci, aut Typographi, An early and very uncommon impression, executed in a small gotbic type, in double columns, 46 lines in a column, with signatures only. The present is a fine large copy, vrAh leaves rough. 220 Sermones Soccl de Sanctis, 3/. 13*. Gd. A sagac'i viro Johanni de Grunir.gen : in inclita Ar- gent'mens'is c'lvitate diligenter clahorati 1484 First Edition, and an early production of Gruninger's press. It is executed in double columns, in this printer's ordinary thick gothic character. — Vid. Maittaire, Freytag, Laire, and Panzer. 221 Sermones Socci de Tempore in Epistolas et Evangelia, stained, rare, II. lis. Qd. Daventria, per Rlchardum Paffrod, M.CCCC.LXXX. Second Edition, with date, and the third book printed at De- venter. This very early production of PaftVoed's press is of great scarcity. It is a very small-sized thick folio, executed in double co- lumns, with signatures. We find a copy in the Valliere Catalogue, a notice of it in Visser's Naamlyst, and a description of it in Panzeri Annates. The present copy is stained, in old calf binding. 222 Sermones Soccide Tempore, cum triplici eorum registro, or/^/zm/ wooden binding, scarce, ol. 5s. Denlque a Johanne de Gruningen magistro hnpressorle artis famoso diligenter in inclita civitate Argentina elaboratl M-CCCCLXXXUH. This is one of the earliest and one of the noblest productions of Gru- ninger's press. It is a thick volume, executed in this printer's best gothic type, in double columns, with signatures. The impression is noticed by Maittaire, and described by Panzer. Grassi also has entered into a detail respecting this edition, and gives a specimen of the type. The present is a fine copy, with leaves rough, in the genuine wooden binding. 223 Sermones Dormi Secure de Tempore et de Sanctis, rare, 71.7s. Sine nota Loci aut Typographl, M.CCCC.LXXXI. First Edition, of great rarity. This will only be found mentioned in Panzer, who has proved himself unable to supply a description of the volume. It is printed in a small rude gothic type, in double co- lunms, with signatures. A former possessor of this copy has had let- tered on the back Bruxellis, as the place where printed at, but this has every appearance of being incorrect, since, besides a sufficient dissi- milarity in the type, there is a striking ditference in tlie workmanship of this with those books known to have been printed at Brussels in 56 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. the XVth century, and which are ascribed to the press Fratrum Vits Communis. 224 Serinones Dorrai Secure do Tempore et de Sanctis, 2/. 2s. Absque Indlcatione ulln. Loci, Typographi aut Ann'i, This impression appears to have escaped the researches of Panzer. It is executed in a type not very dissimilar to that of John de Westfalia's, with 40 lines in a full page, and signatures only. 225 Speculum Humane Vite Roderici Episcopi Zamorensis, rare, 51. 5s. DUlgentus pariler et edpensis Mag'istri Johannis de Westfalia, viri quldem in impressoria arte non pariim industria Jlorida in Universitate hovAynEssi. Tiiis is a very uncommon and a very beautiful impression. It is printed in Westphalia's middling-sized gothic type, in double columns, with .signatures, on paper of a mellow and pleasing quality. Denis, Visser, Panzer, and Lambinet, have supplied us with a sufficient description of the volume. 226 Sumina que Destructiorum Mtiorum appelatur, recently neatly half-bound in russia, \l. 14*. Nuremberge, per Anthonmm Knberger e.vactissime correcta : ac summo studio impressa 1496 This is a noble impression, executed in the usual style oi Koherger's press. Panzer has supplied us with a copious description of the volume, and separate notices of it are to be found in Maittairc, Seemiller, and Gesner. 227 Thomasini de Ferraria Sermonis Quadrigesimales, imperfect, rare, \l. As. Colonits, per Johannem Koelhoff de Lubeck, 14/4 This is a fair specimen of Koelhoff's press, and one that is most rarely met with ; but this copy unfortunately is defective of the last leaf, con- taining the printer's colophon. 228 TURRECKEMATA, JoHANNIS DE, ExPOSITlO BREVIS ET UTILIS SUPER TOTO PsALTERio, Very scurce, 10/. 10*. MoGUNTiE impressa, Anno Domhii M.CCCC.LXX\'I. decima die tnarcii 2)erY*ETRVM Schoyffer de gerns- zheym feliciter est consummata The second Moguntine Edition of this work, and a MS. note on the fly-leaf of this copy informs us that it was " inconmie a De Bare et differens nutres Bibliog raphes et les exemplaire.s sunt fort rare et trcs recherche des curieux." Brunet has erred in giving it the date of 1475. Panzer accurately describes the volume. The present is a remarkably fine copy, in the original wooden binding, with unusually ample margin, exhibiting no mean specimen of the most illustrious press of the XVth centur)'. Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 57 229 Turrecremata, Johamm de, Expositio brevis ct utilis super toto Psalterio, fine copij, or'ig'innl wooden stamped funding, 31. 13.9. fir/. Argentine Impressa, sine nomine Typographi, M.CCCC.LXXXII. This edition was unknown to Masch. Maittaire incorrectly states it to be printed in 1480. It is executed in a gothic character, in double columns, without signatures, catchwords, or numbering of pages. 230 Turrecremata, Tractatus contra principales errores perfidi ma- chometi et turcorum sive saracenorum — Dialogus Christiani contra saracenum a venerabile fratre Dyonisio Rikel carthu- siensis ordinis compilatus, \\\ 1 vol. original wooden stamped binding, eMremely rare, 10/. 10.9. Absque Indicatione Anni, Loci, aut Typographi, Editiones Antiouissims et Ignot-E. Thesetwo works, and the .S^ Sil- vester, in No. 157, the Athanasius, in No. 129, the two Tracts, by Pros- per, and one by Augustine, in No. 209, with the two by Rabbi Samuel, and N. Lyra, in No. 216, all e%ndently issued from the same press, and at the same time. They are alike executed in the same small rude gothic type, in double columns, without signatures, catchwords, or number- ing of pages, so that the description already given of the Athanasius equally applies to them all, excepting the difference in the number of leaves. All have escaped the researches of the most laborious Biblio- graphers, excepting the Athanasius and St. Silvester, which were known to Lambinet, who cursorily noticing them, has ascribed them to the press Fratrum Vit.iE Communis, which wc have before given our reasons for supposing incorrect. But the precise tiiiie when, and the place where, they were executed, it is difficult to fix. In the proem to the work of Turrecramata, we find the date, M.CCCC.LXV. appearing to allude to the time when the work was written, and not when printed. However, this is evident, that if it was not executed at that time, it most assuredly was not long after. The two Tracts in this number consist of 94 leaves, with one leaf blank, separating the two M-orks. 232 Turrecremata, Johaniiis de. Sum me de Ecclcsia contra impuc;- natores potcstatis Summi Pontificis, 1/. S«. Lugduniper M. Joaniiem Trechsel. M.CCCC.XCM. Maittaire erroneously notices this impression as executed in 1495. Panzer has given a pretty accurate description of the volume. — Vid. Annates Tt/pographici, v. iv. p. 350. 233 Ubertixi de Cas.\li Arbor vite Crccifixe Jesu, very rare, 71. 7s.. . r^enetiis, per Andrcam de Boncttis de Papiu, M.CC'CC.LXXXV. De Bure has given a full, satisfactorj', and interesting account of this work. He declares it to be the only impression, beautiful aiul vcrv I 58 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. rare ; besides, he affirms it to be the foundation of a curious and now exceedingly rare book, entitled Liber Cunformitatum, designed to show the conformity of character between St. Francis and Jesus Christ. He then enters into a particular description of the contents of this work of Ubertinus Casalus, and, giving the titles of several of the chapters, adds, that it cannot yield to the Liber Conformitatum, in either the intrinsic singularity of the composition, or the extrinsic rarity of the volume itself. This well- versed Bibliographer concludes by stating, that, notwithstanding its great rarity, there was at that time a copy in the Gaignat collection, from which he was thus enabled to give so complete a description. — Vid. Bibliographie Instructive, vol. v. p. 38(5-9. 234 Leonardi de Utiuo Sermones aurei de Sanctis per totum aniium, LARGE PAPER, 51. 5s. Sine nota Loci, aut Typographi, sed Pansils, typ'is Uldarici Gering, Martini Crantz et Michaelis Fri- hurger, M.CCCC.LXXV. ultima Martii. This is an early production of the first Parisian press. It has no signa- tures, catchwords, or numbering of pages, neither does it bear any name of printer or place. Both Chevillier and Maittaire have erro- neously given it the date of 1476. It is described at some length in Panzer, and is slightly noticed, as usual, in GresweU's Annals of Pa- risian Typographi/. Comparing this with the copy in the next Num- ber, it is not difficult to perceive how well founded are its pretensions to be styled a large paper copy. 235 Another Copy, iv anting the two first leaves, and the Tables, \l.\s ib. M.CCCC.LXXV. 236 Vincentii, Sancti Ferrariensis, Sermones per totum annum, neiv, half-bound, russia, \l. 16.9. Colonia, absque nomine Typographi, M.CCCC.LXXXVII. This edition is executed in a small neat gothic type, in double columns, with signatures, and bears no name of printer. Maittaire supposed it to be printed by Guldenschaff, which is incorrect. Panzer gives a description of the volume in his Annates, vol. i. p. 298. 237 V^incentii Bellovacensis Consolatio super niorte Amici, 1/. 1*. Basilea, per Jounnem Amerbach. 1481 This is a scarce impression, described at length by Panzer, who has copied the curious colophon to be found at the end of the volume. — Vid. Annates Ti/pographiei, vol. i. p. 153. This copy is defective of part of the last leaf. 238 Vincentii Bellovacensis Laudes Virginis Marise, 1/. l.s. Sine nota Anni, Loci, aut Typographi, sed Basilcce, per Joannem Amerbach 1481 This is executed in precisely the same style as the preceding, and Panzer speaks of them as originally published together. — Vid. Annates Typo- graphivi, v. i. p. 153. Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 59 231) Averbach, Johannis de. Processus Juris, una cum lectura expo- sicionibusque Johannis de Eberbausen, scarce, 41. 4s. L'lpsicB, per Manric'mm Brandisz, Anno. . LXXXIX. ThLs is one of the very few productions of the press of Maurice Brandis, and of great scarcity. It is printed in rather a rude gothic character, on paper of a much superior quality to that usedatLeipsicin the i>resent day. The above is a very fine copy, with leaves rough throughout. 240 Baptistie de Salis Suinma Casuum Utilissima, fine copy, ori- ginal wooden binding, 3/. 3*. Nuremberg, per Anthonium Koberger hiibi concivem, M.CCCC.LXXXVUI. A noble impression, executed in a neat gothic character, and in which are displayed all the supposed after improvements of Typography. Panzer has given an accurate description of it, and Maittaire likewise notices it, but erroneously gives it the date of 1487. 24J BoNiFACii Liber Sextus Decretalium^ very scarce, 81. 8s. Rome, per venerabiles viros Leonhardum PJlugcl et Georgium Laver M.CCCC.LXXII. This is an edition long famous in the Typographic Annals. Several deeply read Bibliographers have discovered, or imagined they have disco- vered, that there existed no small rivalrj' between the printers of this volume, and Ulric Gallus, another eminent t}-pographer of Rome. This opinion they think established beyond controversy, by both printers having executed this same work in this same year. Of the present im- pression, we know that it is the noblest production of Pifugel and La- yer's press ; and that both Santander and Bcloe have declared it to be rarer than that printed by Ulric Gallus, and indeed than any other early impression of it whatever. Brunet has likewise remarked on the rarity of this edition. The present is a fine large clean copy in nice old brown calf. 242 Bonifacii, Pape VHI. Liber Sextus Decretalium cum Apparatu Johannis Andree, 21. 2s. Nuremberge per Anthonium Koberger, 1486 It will be a sufficient eulogium on the execution of this volume, to say that it issued from Koberger's press. It is described in Panzer. The initial letter at the commencement is, in this copy, richly illuminated. 213 Casus in Terminis Libri Sexti Decretalium, collecti per donii- num Fridericum Menckenlocher de ^^'endclstein, 1/. 1 1.9. (if/. Argentine per Martiniim Flach, M.CCCC.XC. Few of Flach's books are of rarer occurrence than this ; it appears to have escaped the keen scrutinising eyes of Panzer himself. 60 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. 244 dementis, Pape Quinti, Constitutiones uuacum Apparatu do- raini Joannis Andree^ 1/. lO*. f^enetiis hnpensa atque industr'm Bartholomei de Aletvandr'ia : Andreeque de Asula. M.CCCC.LXXXV. This is a very small sized folio, printed in a small neat gothic letter, a type not unusual witli some of the early Venetian typographers. In Braun, Denis, Rossi, and Panzer, are to be found notices of this im- pression. 245 Clementls, Pape Quiuti, Constitutiones una cum Apparatu do- mini Joannis Andree, 1/. 125. Nuremberge hnpensa atque industria shigulari An- tonii Kobero-er M.CCCC.LXXXVI. This is executed in exactly the same style and type as the Koberger's Boniface in No. 242, above. Panzer, as usual, has also described this in his Aimales Typographici, v. ii. p. 200. 246 Joannis Koelner de Vankel. Summarium Textuale et Conclu- siones super Sextuni et Clementinas, vellum, scarce, 41. 14*. 6d. Per Johannem Koelhoff de Lubeck civem Coloniensis impressa M.CCCC.LXXXVIII. This rare edition is copiously and accurately described in the Annales Typogruphici, vol. i. p. 298. But Panzer, by implicitly trusting to Braun, has certainly erred at vol. iv. p. 46. of his Annals, where he describes, accurately enough, the first part of this impression, the Con- cliisiones, which has the date only without any imprint, as a distinct edition without name of printer or place, but apparently executed at Cologne. 247 Decisiones nov.e dominokcm Auditorum de Rota, in the genuine old wooden binding, rare, 10/. 10.?. Colonic impresse, M.CCCC.LXXVII. De Burc in the Valliere Catalogue, has entered into a particular descrip- tion of this very uncommon impression. He concludes thus, " We have been unable to ascertain the printer of this volume, whose cha- racters are precisely similar to those used in the Mayence Bible of 1462. We have," says he, " attributed to this anonymous printer se- veral impressions executed without name of printer, place, or date, because they resemble this in the disposition of the page." He adds, " for this reason we are rather inclined to suppose the Dialogi Gregorii (a copy is in No. 138. supra), which we ascribed to the press of Schoif- fer, issued from the same Cologne press." — Vide Catalogue de la Val- liere, vol. i. p. ,S28. It seems highly probable that not only the Gregory ou the Canticles, in No. 12i), but the Dialogi Gregorii in No. 138, and even this of the Decisiones de Rota, are legitimate productions of Ulric Zell's press. Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY, 61 248 Gratiani Decretura, old brown calf, scarce, 21. 1 2*. 6(/. F'enetns, cum summa cura bnpemlsqtte Mag'istri Petri Cremonena'is died f'^eronensis de Ptasiis, M.CCCC.LXXXni. This is a small folio of, according to Panzer, 547 leaves. It is executed in a small gothic type, similar to the Clementis Constitutiones in No. 244, supra. The first page in this copy is richly ornamented and gilt. 249 JusTiNiANi Institutionks^ cum Glossa, fine copy, original wooden stamped binding, very rare, 12/. 12.s. Joannes de Paderbornc in JVestfaUa, alma in iiniver- sitate Lovaniensi residens, non Jluviali calarno scd arte quadam Caracterisandi Modernissima, suo pro- prio signo cosignando feliciter cunsummavit, M.CCCC.LXXV. This is considered to be the sixth edition of Justinian, and the seventh production of the Louvain press. It is most assuredly the chef d'ceuvre of Westphalia's typography. The text is printed in a fine large noble type, and the Glossa intersecting the text in Westphalia's usual character. The whole of the colophon, part of which is copied above, will be found in De Bare and Maittaire. It is a circumstance unnoticed by bibliographers that the printer has beneath the colophon subjoined his own portrait, in a very small oval. This cannot fail to augment its value in the eyes of the curious. We find Lamblnet dis- covered a small tract by this printer, with the same small head. This singularity he does not fail to embellish and gives an accurate copy ot it in his Recherches stir VOrigine de C Imprimerie, p. 216. Acknow- ledgments of the rarity of this impression are given in De Bure, San- tander, and Brunet. 250 Justiniani Institutiones, cum Glossis, 3/. 3*. In celebratissima urbe Basiliensi, per Michaelem JVenszler 1481 A fine large noble edition, executed in an agreeable gothic type. The Glosses surround the text. It will be found both in Denis and Panzer. Tlie present copy is in the original wooden binding, with ample margins. 251 Nicolai Siculi Panorinitani Lectura super I. et H. partes De- cretaliuin. Venctih, curam vero ac diligentiam adiiibuit opti- mus vir Andreas Asula, M.CCCC.LXXXH. — Super Rubrica de Translatione Episcopor. An. de Butrio. r^enetiis, ingenio, impcns'isque Bernardini de Tridino, M.CCCC.LXXXVni. — Nicolai Siculi Panoruiitaui Consilia, seu AUegationcs cum tabula Ludovici, Ik)l(>guini. f'enctiis, impressa per nptimos 62 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. viros Percgr'inum de Pasqucdlbus ct Dominicum de Bertoch'is Bononiensls, M.CCCC.LXXXVI, Bound in one volume, IN old red morocco, gilt leaves, rare, 6/. 6s. Here are splendid specimens of three of the most illustrious Venetian presses. Rarely, indeed, do we find these printers exercising their typo- graphic abilities on such a magnificent scale as in these three works. The gothic type, the quality of the paper, and the brilliancy of the ink, appear in each one unrivalled. The first and the largest work has been very carefully perused by an intolerable scribbler, who has exer- cised his destructive pen pretty freely on its margins, rather detri- mental to the appearance of tlie volume. 252 JoANNis Petri Ferrariensis Practica Nova, 71. 7s. Absque Indicatione Loci, Typographi, aut Anni, scd fortasse typ'is Henrici EggestcynVi Argentoratl circa 1470 Editio Antiquissima, et haud ignota. This appears to be the edition noticed by Scemiller, which he supposed to be printed at Strasbui-g by Henry Eggestyn. But Panzer, in mentioning the same, adds this caution " non determiiiabo." It is a large folio, executed in a small gothic type in double columns, 56 lines in a column, on (according to the MS. numbering in this copy) 222 leaves. 253 Ilieronymi Epistolfe, cum prsefatione Joan. Andreae Episc. Ale- riensis, vol. i. old hhid'ing, extremely rare, 8/. 8.9. RomcB, per Conrad. Siveynheym et Arnold Pannartz, 1468 Editio Princeps. " Tout le monde" (to use De Bure's favourite ex- pression) have heard of Sweynheym and Pannartz's first edition of Jerom's Epistles with Andreas's interesting Preface. It exhibits one of the most perfect specimens of typography that ever issued from any press ; and who is there feeling any interest in the earlier stages of printing, or, indeed, in the rise and progress of literature in general, that does not regret to find a volume of this noble and important im- pression separated from its fellow, may we not hope that chance may one day or other deliver the second volume from its unknown confine- ment, that they may be once more united, to form one of the finest copies of the book extant. 254 Le Champion des Dames, en Vers, wood cuts, stained, old binding, neat, very scarce, 71- 7s. Sans Indication de lieu, hnprimeiir, ni date. First edition of this singular work. Brunet styles it " edition belle et rare," and informs us that it is printed in double colunms, with types resembling those used by Verard between 141)0 and 1500. The volume has signatures from a — a iii. second sign, comprising the title Quarto.] THE FIFTEENTH CExXTURY. 63 page and the dedicatory epistle to Philip Duke of Burgundy. Tlie last leaf ends thus — Veuilliez poxr Martin reqiterir Le royaume (It- paradis. Vide Manuel du Libraire, v. ii. p. 50. Tlicre are few books afford a richer fund of entertainment than Le Chatnpirm des Dames. It contains prolix rhyming details of the gallant champion's eloquence in defence of the fair sex. On the reverse of sheet M. 8. we meet with a chapter confined to an attack on the famous Roman de la Rose, entitled Cuiitre maistre iehun de vieiin qui les ainoureitx enseiguc ; et iniidentement de son vilaiii langage. To each chapter is prefixed an extremely rude wood-cut. The author was Martin Franc. Most of the leaves in this copy have unfortunately been stained, apparently by oil. 25.5 Aretino (Lionardo) Historia del Popolo F'lorentlno, trndovto In Lingua Toscana da Donati AcciaioU. — Poggio Historia Fio- rentina, tradocta di Lingua Latina in Lingua Toscana da Ja- copo suo JigVmolo, fine copies, in one vol. old calf, neat, rare, //. 7s. Impresso a flnegia per f/iuomo di optimo ingegnio Maestro Jacopo de Rossi di natione Gallo neli anni di Christo M.CCCC.LXXVI. Editiones Principes of both these works. The most elegant andintrin- sically valuable of the ancient histories of Florence. Written by Are- tin and Poggio, illustrious scholars of the Italian Golden Age. The impression appears to have escaped the researches of Tiraboschi ; but Bi-unet has given a full and accurate description of tlie whole volume. It is executed in a delightfully clear roman type, with signatures. Shepherd has given a character and synopsis of Poggio's History, in his Life of Poggio, 4to. p. 480. 255*Gei'son, Joannis, Alpliabetum Divinl Amoris, de elevatione mentis in dcuni, half-bound, russiu, very rake, 21. \2s. 6d. Lnprcsus Lovanii per me Joannem de Westfalia, sine Anno '. This impression is so rare as to be unknown to Panzer. It is executed on 15 leaves, with signatures a a and i i. The reverse of the last is blank. QUARTO. 25G Catonis Distlcliae, cum Commento, recently hound in pale russia, rare, 21. \2s. 6d. Absque Indicntione ulla Loci, Typographi aut Anni, sed Parisiis, typis S. Felicis Baligault circa, 1490 This edition has escaped the most scrutinising researches of Panzer. It is on 45 leaves, with signatures ; the comment in a small type inter- 64 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Quarto. sects the text, which is in a much larger. A leaf containing the title, Catho cum Comniento, precedes the work, beneath which is the curious device of Felix Baligault, who printed at Paris from 1488 to past 1500. 2.57 Cicero de Senectutc, Al. As. Sine nota Loci, TypograpM, aut Anni, sed typis Ul- drici Zell Coloniensis circa, 14C7 Tliis is one of the three very rare editions of this treatise ascribed by Bibliographers to the press of Ulric Zell. It is fully described in No. 210. of the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. It is executed in Zell's smaller type, with 26 lines in a page, concluding on the recto of the 24th and last leaf, thus, — Explicit Tullius de Senectute. Dibdin has affirmed it to be a rare and almost unknown pi'oduction ; he also supposed it to be unknown to Panzer, Santander,and Brunet; however it is to be found accurately described in the last edition of Bruuet's Manuel. The inner margins have been slightly invaded by the worm, otherwise it is a remarkably fine clean copy, with the leaves rough and bound in red. 258 Hesiodi Opera et Dies georgicon liber per Nicolaum de Valle, e Greco coiiAcrsus, rare, ]/. lO.y. Impressus Daventrie, per Jacobum de Breda, M.CCCC.XCII. This veiy uncommon edition is noticed by Denis and Panzer only. It is executed on 15 leaves in a small neat gothic character, with signatures. The present is an unusually fine copy, with the leaves rough. 259 Juvenalis Satyrse, 21. 12*. (id. Parisiis opera M. Georgii P\iolf Cadensis,'^l.CCQ,C^C\\\. This edition appears to have beea hitherto very slightly known. Mait- taire mentions it as a French translation ; this error was copied by Panzer and Greswell. It is a neat impression with signatures, 25 lines in a page, and bears the title of Textus Juvenalis sine Commeiito. 2G0 Plutarchi Cheroneusis Apohthegmata e Greco in Latinum tra- ducta elegantissime Philelfo interprete, 18*. Per Richardum Pafroet {Daventrice), M.CCCC.XCIX. Visser and Denis have noticed this small impression. It is on 23 leaves, with a separate title page, with signatures. The printer has not in- serted the name of place where printed at, but that is as immaterial now a days as it was when originally published, since all know in what city Paffroct exercised his art. 2G1 Buridani Sophisniata, scarce, II. Ss. (Parisiis) per Anthoniiim Dcnldel, sine Anno. This is an impression unknown to Pjinzer. It is printed in the gothic character, in double columns, with signatures, and is evidently one of tlie earliest productions of Denidel's press. The printer's device is ffiven beneath the title. QuAKTo.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTrRV. fir, 262 Collationes quas dicuntur fecisse mutuo rex Salomon sapientis- simus et Marcolphus facie deformis ct turpissimus taincn ut fertur eloquentissiinus, rare, II. 16*. Impressus, Anno Domini, M.CCCC.XC. — Quinta Oc- tobris. Here is another impression entirely unknown to Panzer. It is a small tract of 12 leaves, with signatures, printed in the gothic tj'pc, and hears no name of printer or place. Its diminutive size has no douht has- tened the destruction of the copies ; so that now it would be no small difficulty to discover another. 263 Florentiniis Tuiouensis de destructione Constantinopilataiia, sive de ultione Troianorum contra Grecos, \L 11*. Qd. Parisius per Anthonium Denidcl, 1508 This is a small Latin Poem of no inconsiderable rarity, since it will be sought for in vain in our most copious Bibliographical Dictionaries. It consists of 12 leaves, with signatures, and exhibits a specimen of Dcnidel's press, to which he has affixed his device. 264 Flores Poetarum de Virtutihus et Viciis, very scarce, 41. 4s. Finit Liber. Anno, M.CCCC.XC. This edition possesses in no ordinary degree, both relative and intrinsic value. The relative value is sufficiently attested by the ignorance of the majority of Critics and Bibliographers of its existence ; and of the intrinsic value of the work, the reader will be well able to judge by the following list of poets, parts of whose works compose this volume. Avian, Alda, Alan, Alexander, Arator, Bernard Silvester, Bernard Palpanista, Boetius, Claudius, Clcricus, Cato, Claudian, Dares, Esop, Everard, Ganfrid, Geta, Gilbertinus, Henricus Pauper, Horace, Isen- grinus, Juvenal, Lucan, Matheus, Mahumeth, Marcian, Maximus, Maximianus, Otto, Ovid, Pamphilus, Prosper, Prudentius, Querulus, Rapularius, Speculum Mundi, Statins, Sedulius, Susanna, Theodolus, Thays, Thobias, Virgil, Zosimas. Panzer supposes it to be printed at Strasbourg. 265 Gasparini (Pergamefisis clarissimi oratoris) Epistole, half- bound, 1 4s. Parisius in campo Gaillardo a Magistro Guidone Mer- catore 1498 We find a copy of this edition in the Gaignat Catalogue. It is printed in a remarkably small neat gothic type, and is preceded by a leaf, the recto of which contains the title, beneath which is the printer's well knoH-n device ; and on the reverse is a remarkably rude allegorical cut of a man steering his vessel against the obstructions of the devil. 266 Mantuani (Baptistse, Carmelite) de paticntia aurci libri tres. I'enundmitur Daventrie in cdibus Albcrti Paffrncd, 1515. — Baptistc Mantuani opus poeticus de mundi calainitatibus K 66 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Quarto. earumque turn caiisis turn remediis. E.rcusum in ojfftcina lite- raria Davoitrie, M.D.XIIII. — Baptiste Mantaani Carmen PanegyiicQS in Robertum Severinatem — Mantuani Carmen de Fortuna. Excusiim Daventrie, per Theodorlcum de Borne, M.D.XV. — In one vol. recently bound in pale russia, scarce, 21. 2s. These works of Baptist Mantuan are of great rarity. The title page of the third Tract exhibits portraits, i-ery like, of Virgil, Horace, Cicero, Ovdd, Sallust, Valerius Maximus, and Quintillian. The last Tract is dedicated to the famous Marquis Franciscus Gonzaga. 267 Mensa Philosopliica, old calf, very scarce, 21. 12*. Gd. Impressus Lovanii, per Joannem JFestfalia, sine nota Anni ■ This production of Westphalia's press is so singularly scarce, that, not- withstanding it is mentioned in Maittaii-e, Visser, and Panzer, it has been omitted by Lambinet in his Historj' of Westphalian Typography. Whether by his negligence, or whether he doubted its existence, it is impossible to say. It certainly exhibits one of the fairest specimens of Westphalia's lower-case type, and no doubt one of the rarest. It has signatures, and was printed about the year 1482. 268 Nanqnier (Fratris Simonis, alias de Gallo) de Lubrico tempo- ris cuiriculo deque liominis miseria, 10s. 6(/. Sine nota Anni, Loci, aut Typographi. This is a small Latin Poem of 10 leaves, bearing no name of printer, place, or date, but certainly was printed toward the close of the XVth, or, perhaps, commencement of the XVIth centurj'. 269 Petrarcha (Franciscus, Poete Laureatus) de secreto conflictu curanim suarum, half-bound, scarce, 21. 2s. Iinpressiim in Mercuriali Oppido Anticerpiensi, per Gerardum Leeu M.CCCC.LXXXIX. This is a rare production of Gerard Leeuw's press. It was miknown to Visser, and Lambinet alone appears to have had a personal knowledge of the book. He has given a concise description of the volume ; and it is not without reason that he styles it " tres-belle edition," since it certainly is one of the finest specimens of this printer's press. Unlike the Scaecspel of 1479, it is executed in a remarkably neat gothic type, and with great regularity, on paper of a fair, firm quality. 270 Franciscus Petrarcha de secreto conflictu curarum suarum, 14*. Impressus in Mercuriali Oppido Daventriensi, per Ja- cobum de Breda M.CCCC.XCVIII. This is likewise an impression of no common occurrence. It is executed in the ordinai-y gothic type of this printer, with signatures only. Quarto.] THE FIFTEENTH C ENTURY. 67 271 Philelphi {Francisci, Poete, Oratoris, FhUosophiriuc, prestan- ths'imi) de liberorum educatioue aurei libri sex, Jinc copy, vellum, \As. Impressmn et Venale Parrhisiis apud Gourmontios, M.D.VIII. 272 Philelfi (Francisci) Epistole nuper lima acriori castigate cum quibusdara oratiouibus videlicet divi Ambrosii vignati, Sa- baudie legati Alauique aurige de bello gallico cum aliis ejus- demque Epistola de miserae curialium : et de egressu Karoli regis ex urbe Parrhisia superadditis. Litteris Grecis undiquc suis in Locis impositis, vellum, scarce, \l. As. Impressum Parisii per Magistrum Johannem PhUipp'i, iM.CCCCC.I. The elegaut works of Francis Philelplms, the distinguished rival of Poggio, and generally acknowledged to be the most learned man of his time, excelling equally in Greek and Latin, in verse and prose. 273 Probe Falconie Centone clarissime Femine excerptum e Ma- ronis carminibus ad testimonium veteris novique Testamenti Opusculum, old calf, \ Qs. Imprime pour Alexandre Alyate, M.CCCC.LXXXXIX. This impression is noticed by Denis and Panzer, and will also be found in the Pinelli Catalogue. It is a remarkable circumstance that a title- page is prefixed containing Gerard Mercator's device. 274 Regimen Sanitatis compositum sen ordinatum a Maglstro Ar- noldo de Villa Nova Cathalono omnium raedicorum viventium Gemma, or'ig'inal ivooden stamped b'mding, rare, 3/. 3*. Impressiis Lovanii in domo Magistri Johannis de JVestfalla. This is an impression singularly scarce. It is described at length in Panzer and Lambinet. The Treatise was originally composed by the Doctors of the School of Salerne for the use of the King of England. Robert Duke of Normandy, son of William the Conqueror, being wounded in the arm by a poisoned arrow at the siege of Jerusalem, went to consult this celebrated School. 275 Regimen Sanitatis Salernitatum necnon Magistri Arnoldi de Villa Nova, very scarce, 21. 2s. Sine nota Anni, Loci, aut Typographi sed typis Jo- annis JVestfalia Lovaniensis. This is an edition unknown to all Bibliographers. Although neither Visser nor Lambinet notice it, there can be no doubt of its being printed with the types of Westphalia. It is a small-sized quarto, 30 lines in a full page, with signatures. 68 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Quarto. 276 Tractatus qui de regimine sanitatis nuncupatur. Impressus Colonie, M.CCCC.XCIIII. — Regimen contra epidimias sive pestilentias. — Tractatus de variis antiquorum pLilosophorum questionibus natuialibus cum earundem solutionibus philoso- phice ac naturaliter pulclieirime declarate, in one vol. re- cently half-bound, russia, scarce, ] /. As. The two last Tracts in the above volume, though they bear no name of place, printer, or date, were evidently executed at the same place, about the same time. 277 Scliotti {Petri .4 rg-entlnensis Patric'i'i: Juris utriusqiie Doctor/s consul tlsshni : Oratoris et Poetce elegantisshm : Grceceque Lin- guce probe eruditi) Lucubraciunculae ornatissimae, fine copy, vellum, \l. \2s. Impressa a Martino Schotto C'tve Argen. M.CCCC.LXXXXVIII. First Edition. Printed in a fine roman letter, with signatures, and leaves numbered. These works of Schottus consist of — 1. Epistolarum elegantium ad doctos Liber. 2. De \nta Christiana. 3. Ad Conscientise casus varia Responsa. 4. Poemata Sacra. 278 Bkandt, Sebastiani, Stultifere Navis, Lathe, most beau- tiful copy, IN fixe old brown calFj gilt leaves, rare, 10/. 10*. In laudatissima Germanie urbe Basiliens'i, per Johan- nem Bergman de Olpe, M.CCCC.XCVII. KL. Augustl Editio Prima. It is well known that there were five or six editions of this work printed in 1497, and one or the other we find occasionally assuming the dignity of the First Latin Edition. To this honour the present copy justly aspires, backed as it is by the almost unques- tionable authority of Panzer. Brunet, wisely enough, cuts short every dispute, by observing, that they are all of equal interest and equal rarity. That it is a work possessing extraordinary interest in the highest degree no one will be so rash as to dispute ; for certainly there is not, nor indeed is it possible for any book to contain cuts more diverting than those in Brandt's Ship of Fools. Dibdin, unusually moderate, observes, " there are few books more pleasing to the eye, and more gratifying to the fancy, than the early editions of the ' Stl'lti- fera Navis.' The volume before us presents a combination of enter- tainment to which the curious can never be inditferent." He then gives a copious and interesting History of the work, but, for some reason or other, does not appear to favour the opinion of this being the First Impression. We can only add, that the present is a remarkably fine, clean, and perfect copy, in old genuine brown calf, gilt leaves. Quarto.] THE FIFTEENTH CExXTURY. 69 279 Brandt, Sebastiani, Stultifere Navis, Latini^, elegant, in j-iissia, RARE, 5/. 5*. ib. per Johanncm Bergman de Olpe, M.CCCC.XCVIII. KL. Martii. This Impression is equally interesting with the preceding. We find the spirited wood- cuts are precisely the same as those in the edition of 1497, with the addition of a large cut toward the end, representing Navis Socialis Mechanicorinn. The present copy has had several of the leaves cleaned, and been recently bound in pale russia. 280 Brandt, Sebastian}, Stultifere Navis, Latin^, wormed, half- bound, very rare, 51. 5s. Impression per Jacobmn Zachoni de Rojnani, M.CCCC.LXXXVni. This is generally acknowledged to be the rarest of all the early editions of Brandt's popular and curious work. De Bure, and some other Bibliographers, have rather hastily styled it the First Edition, im- plicitly relying on the erroneous date of 1488, affixed to the volume itself. Mr. Douce, speaking of this mistake, very justly remarks, that " any person, tolerably acquainted with early typography, would in- stantly detect the error from the appearance of the page ; but the usual date of 1497 to Locher's Epistles is decisive." However, for the fullest and most accurate description of this impression, the reader must refer to the Biblingraphie In-structive, t. iii. p. 428-9. The pre- sent copy is quite perfect, but, as usual with copies of this edition, it is wormed and stained. 281 Brandt, Sebastiani, Stultifere Navis, Latinfe, imperfect, vellum, scarce, 1/. 1 \s. 6d. Augusta per Johannem Schonsperger, 1497 Although this copy is deprived of several of the latter leaves, with tliat which contains the Printer's colophon, yet it appears, according to Panzer's description , there can be no doubt but this is Schonsperger's edition. It is complete to folio 104, and the cuts are executed with greater spirit than either those in the edition by Olpe, or J. Z. de Romani. 282 Jodoci Badii Ascensii in Stultiferae Navis additamentum de quinque virgiuibus, 1/. 4*. Impressit uti primum ca:ciderat : Thiehnannus Kerver. ex Lugduno M.CCCC.XC\M1I. This is a singularly scarce Tract, of 20 leaves, printed in a fine roman letter, and embellished with six spirited cuts. At the beginning De- marnef's device is given, and at the end the elegant device of Thielman Kerver. 283 Dialogue Apologetique excusant ou defendant le devot sexe femenin : introduict par deulx persounaiges : lun a nora 70 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Quarto. Bouche inaldisant : lautre Femme deflendaiit : auquel (pour excuser ou deffeiidre le diet sexe) est alleguee la Saincte escrip- ture : les docteurs de I'eglise comme Sainct Jherosme, Sainct Ambroise, Saiuct Gregoiie, Sainct Augustin, Saiuct Bernard, et plusieurs auctorites des Philosoplies, scarce, 11. 8s. Nouvellement Imprhne a Paris le XXIII. tour daoust Ian de grace mil cinq cens et XVI. A remarkably fine copy of tbis scarce work, ruled tbrougbout with red lines. 284 Le Chasteau de Virginite, Itnprime a Pai-is le XXII. tour de Novembre, mil. v. cens. et v. pour Anthoine Verard. — Le Chasteau perilleux compose par religieuse personne dam Robert de I'ordre des Chartreux, pour une sienne cousine religieuse, wood-cuts, imperfect at end, vellum, rare, \l. \\s. 6d. Nouvellement imprhne a Paris, These works are of very great rarity ; omitted by many Bibliographers. The last work unfortunately is defective of a leaf or two at the end. 285 Platyne de Honest a Voluptate : et f^alitudie, ad amplissimum ac doctissimum. D. B. Roverellam S. Clementis Presbiterum Cardi- nalem, most beautiful copy, in new white vellum, gilt LEAVES, RARE, Al. As. Impressus in Civitate Austrie : impensis et expensis Gerardi de Flandria M.CCCC.LXXX. The first book printed at Friuh, Santander and Brunet have ac- knowledged the great rarity of this impression. It sold at the Brienne- Laire Sale for 144 li\Tes. A finer or more perfect copy than the present it is impossible to have of any book, however modern. 286 Platine en Francoys tr6s utile et necessaire pour le corps hu- main qui traicte de honneste volupte et de toutes viandes, et choses que I'homme mange : quelles vertus ont : et en quoy nuysent ou prouffitent au corps liumain et Comment se doy- vent apprester ou appareiller : et de faire a chascune d'icelles viandes soit chair ou poisson sa propre saulce : et des pro- prietes et vertus que ont les dictes viandes, et du lieu et place convenable a I'homme pour habiter : et de plusieurs aultres gentillesses par quoy I'homme se peult mainteuir en prosperite et sante sans avoir grant indigence d'avoir aultre medecin sil est hommc de raison, recently bound in pale russia, mar- bled LEAVES, SCARCE, \l.Ss. Parts par Mtchcl Lc Noir, 1519 Quarto.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 71 287 Fasciculus Tempornm omnes Antiquoruin cronicas succincte comi)\ectens, hn/f-dound, ficat, \i.4s. Parisius, sumptibus honesti viri Jokannit Parvi, Bib- liopole M.D.xn. This impression, by Petit, is brought down to the year in which it was printed, and is embellished with spirited wood-cuts. It is noticed in Clement. — Vid. Bibliotherjue Curituse, torn. viii. p. 257. 288 HiSTORIA JlIERUSALEM DE ItINERE CONTRA TuRCHOS, ETC. VERY RARE, 5/. 5*. Absque Indicatione ulla Loci, Typographi, out Anni This is a work of which we can find no mention in any Bibliographer. It is executed on 125 leaves, in a rude type, not very dissimilar to that used by several of the early Cologne printers. It has 27 lines in a page, without signatures, catchwords, or numbering of pages. 289 Pomponii Laeti Romanse Historiae Compendium ab interitu Gordiani junioris usque ad Justinum HI. Jine cop]), vellum, 21. 2s. • Impressum l^enetiis per Bernardinuin Venetum, M.CCCC.LXXXXIX. First Edition. A brief Epitome of the Life of this illustj-ious Scholar, by Sabellicus, is appended to this impression, with Domici Palladii Sorani Tetrastichon : — Hie iacet exigua Laetus Pomponius urba : Cuius honos merito pulsat utrumque polum. Laetus erat Romae vates sublimis : & idem Rhetor : nunc Campis laetior Elysiis. 290 Montevilla {Mandevilla Johannis de) Itinerarius a terra Anglie, in partes Jhcrosolimitanas et in ulteriores transmarinns, very RARE, 5/. bs. . . . Sine nota Anni, Loci, aut Typographi, Sold at Blandford's Sale for 9/. 9*. It is a small-sized quarto, running in signatures from a to i iiii. executed in the gothic character, 37 lines in a page. It concludes on the recto of the last leaf thus : — Explicit itinerarius Domini Johannis de Montevilla militis. It is well known that there are no early impressions of this popular work, whether Italian, French, Latin, or English, but what are now- a-days eagerly sought after, and of great rarity. Dibdin writes, " It is somewhat extraordinary', that, of an author so celebrated, and of a work so intrinsically curious and interesting, so few editions should have appeared of the Travels of Maundeville." — Vid. Typ. Ant. vol.ii. p. 86. 72 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Quarto. 29 1 Tractatus de arte loquendi et tacendi : ab Albertano Causidico Brixieusi ad instructionem filiorum suorum couipositus, fine copy, vellum, 14*. Colonie, per Henricum Quentell, M.CCCC.XCI. A scarce Tract, of 10 leaves, executed in the gothic character, and no- ticed in Panzer, vol. i. p. 275. 292 Novum Testamentum Latinum, cum praef. Hieronimi. Liber Haymo de Christianarum rerum memoria, original wooden stamped binding, very scarce, 41. 4s. Sine nota Anni, Loci, aut Typographi, sed typis Jo- annis de TVestfalia • No notice of this impression will be found in either Visser or Lambinet. It is an edition of very great rarity, and I think there can be no ques- tion that it is a production of Westphalia's press. The volume is exe- cuted in double columns, 36 lines in a column, and has the work of Haymo affixed, rimning in signatures throughout. The type is of a remarkably fine and clear Westphalian cut. The present copy has several of the leaves rough. 293 Ancona {Atigustini de) Tractatus de laudihus Virginis Marie, super evangelium missus est, extrkjiely rare, 41. 4s. Impressus vero Lugduni per Magistrum Sio'tum Glog- kengieler almanutn de Noerolingen Retie. sine Anno This is the production of a press altogether unknown in the Typographic Annals. In vain will it be looked for in the copious Indices of Panzer, or that of Santander. Indeed Bibliographers do not appear to have been aware that the work was ever printed. The volume is executed in rather a small, even, gothic type, in double columns, without signa- tures, catchwords, or numbering of pages, on paper of no very excel- lent quality. 294 Augustini Epistola ad Cyrillum de magnificentiis eximii doc- toris Hieronimi — Epistola Sancti Cyrilli ad Augustinum de miraculis beati Hieronimi — Epistola beati Hieronimi ad Susan- nam lapsam — Epistola Hieronimi ad Elyodorum, rare, 41. 4s. Sine nota Anni, Loci, aut Typographi, sed typis Ul- rici Zell, Coloniensis circa 14/1 These Epistles are printed in the same type with which Ulric Zell exe- cuted the Augustinus de Clcricorum, in 1467. They have neither sig- natures, catchwords, or numbering of pages, with 27 lines in a full page. De Bure describes them at considerable length in vol. iii. p. 96 — 8 of the Valliere Catalogue. Quarto.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 73 295 Bcrnliaidinus (Sanctus) de gloriosa Virginc Maria, 1/. Ass. Sine nota Ann't, Loci, aut Typographi, sed ti/pis Ul- rici Zell, Coloniensin circa 1471 This is executed in a type similar to the Epistles in th^ preceding number, with an equal quantity of lines in the page, &c. It is on 25 leaves, and will be found accurately described in Panzeri Annal. t. i. p. 327. 296 Bonaveiitiirae Centiloquium sive Ccntilogium intitulatur, opus licet parvum tamen perfructuosum,y7«(? copy, calf, 11. 2s. Ztrollis impressum, sine Anno, sed, 1479 This appears to be one of the first books printed at Zivoll, all of which are rare. Laire informs us that Maittaire and Denis were ignorant of this impression. It has no signatures or catchwords, but a full page has 27 lines. Mr. Dibdin says, " the type is sufficiently barbarous." — Vide Bihliothcca Spenctriaita, vol. iii. p. 196. 297 Crisostonuis tic Reparacione lapsi ad Amanticum lapsum, fin'e COPY, VELLUM, 21. 2s. Absque Indicatione ulla Loci, Typographi, aut Anni, sed typis Ulrici Zell, Coloniensis circa 14G7 A beautiful and rare specimen of Ulric Zell's press. It is on 37 leaves, and will be found noticed in both Denis and Panzer. 298 Crisostomi {Joannis) de Providentia, Lib. III. et Sermo de dig- nitate humane originis, seived, rare, \l. 1 1*. 6rf. Lnpressum per Theodoricum Martini. In oppido Alos- tensis M.CCCC.LXXXMI. For the only, though unsatisfactory' account of this edition, see Panzeri Annales, vol. i. p. .3. and Visscr NaamUjst, p. 2,3. Of its great rarity we are well able to judge, knowing that Clement was ignorant of its existence, and that, noticing another work, which, according to Panzer, was published with this, he says, " Si cette edition n'est pas imagi- naire, il ne faut pas douter, qu'elle ne soit trh rare," &c. — Vide Bibl. Cur. t. i. p. 256. 299 Cyrilli fepistola ad Augustiuum de miraculis beati Hieronimi — Epistola beati Hieronimi ad Susannam lapsam — Epistola Hieronimi ad Elyodorum, scarce, 21. 12*. Q,d. Sine nota A?mi, Loci, aut Typographi, sed typis Ulrici Zell, circa 1 470 This is the same edition of these Epistles as those included in No. 2'.)4, supra. They arc well described in the Valliere Catalogue, v. Iii. p. 96—8. I, 74 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Quarto. 300 De Contemptu Mundi, versibus hexametris, seivcd, scarce, [8s. Sine 7iota Loci, T;ipographi, aut Anni, sed typis Felicis Bnligault Parisiis This edition does not appear to be comprbed in the copious Indices of Panzer. It has no name of place, printer, or date, but fortunately the device of Felix Baligault, a well-known printer of Paris, is prefixed. 301 Eusebii Epistola de morte gloriosl coiifessoris Hieronimi doc- toris exiuiii, rare, \l. \\s. 6d. Sine nota Anni, Loci, aut Typographi, sed typis Ulrici Zell, Coloniensis circa 1470 This work, on the same subject as those in No. 299, supra, is executed in the same style, and, indeed, in the Valliere Catalogue we find them bound together. This is executed on 47 leaves, and exhibits the same type of Ulric Zell as those in the St. Augustin and Cyrill, supra. 302 Gregorii (Beati Pape) Expositio super Cantica Canticorum, recently half-bound, russia, \As. Parisiis in sole aureo vici Sorbonici, per Udalricum Gering et magistrum Renbolt sociorum 1498 This impression is executed in a neat roman letter. It is noticed in Laire, Maittaire, and Panzer. 303 Gregorii (Beati Pape) Dialogus : ejusque diaconi Petri in quattuor libros divisus : de vita et miraculis Patruui Italico- rum : et de eternitate animaruuij slightly wormed in the middle, neat, 12.9. Lnpressiis Parisiis opera Uldarici Gering et Berchtoldi Renbolt sociorum, Anno XCIIII. The first impression of this woi'k by Gering and Rembolt. It is executed in the gothic character, and on the title-page is given Rembolt's spi- rited device. 304 Another very Fine Large Copy, recently bound in pale russia, scarce, \l.As. ib. {neglectis majoribus numeris) XCIIII. 30;> Isidori {Hyspalensis Episcojn) de summo bono Libri tres, rare, 31. 3s. Lnpressiis iti alma Universitate Lovaniensi, per Jo- hannem de JFestfalia M.CCCC.LXXXVI. First Edition, with Date. This is one of the rarer productions of Westphalia's press, although there are none, as Mr. Dibdin accurately observes, very common. Maittaire and Visser notice it, on whose authorities Lambinet confesses he inserts it in his Recherches. It is a small-sized quarto, with signatures, in Westphalia's ordinary type. QiTARTo.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 75 306 Albert! Magni Opusciiluiii prai'clarum de Intellectu et liitcUi- gibili, very rare, 21. 2.?. Sine nota, Ann'i, Loci, aut Typographi, The only impression that appears to have been hitherto known of this work, is a folio of 18 leaves, supposed to have been printed at Ulme. The present edition has assuredly escaped the researches of all Biblio- graphers, and appears to have been executed by Gerard Leeuw soon after his arrival at Antwerp, as at the end of the volume we find the shields containing the tower of Antwerp. It is executed in a sharp gothic t}-pe,Qn 32 leaves, iucluding the title, with signatures. Mr. Dibdin in- forms us that this Tract is not to be found in any edition of his works. 307 Autliouini, Archiepiscopi Florentiui, Tractatus de lustnictioue seu directioiie Siinplicium Confessoium, very rare, 3/. 3*. Dclffin Hollandia impresse. Anno M.CCCC.LXXXn. An impression of very great rarity, apparently unknown to all Biblio- graphers. In vain will it be looked forin theNaamlj'st of Visser,or the general Anuales Typographici of Panzer. It is printed in a very peculiar gothic type, on a small page, with 26 lines in a page, and signatures. 308 Aiitlioniui Coufessionale, IS^. Sine nota Loci, aut Typographi, M.CCCC.LXXXVH. Described in the Annates of Panzer, t. iv. p. 4G5. It is printed in the gothic character, in double columns, with signatures. 309 Bandelli (Fratris Vinceutii de Castronovo) Coustitutiones — de officio legendi de Kalendario et luiia et Martirologio at aliis annexis — Tractatus de initio et fuudatioiie rcgule fratruiu et sororum de peniteutia, etc. — Umberti Liber de Instructioiie Officialium, vellum, rare, II. Ms. Gd. Sine Anno, Loco, aut Typographo, These works appear to be entirely unknown in the Typographic Annals. They all evidently proceeded from the same press, but bear no indica- tion of place, printer, or date. 310 Egidii Romani Tractatus Aureus de formatione Corporis hu- maiii, cum Tractatus ejusdem de Archa Noe. correetus, revisus, renovatus, et auctus per Johaimem Moncetum de Castclione Aretino totius Fraiicie, Anglieque Vicarium generalem ac Coraissarium Apostolicum dignissiinuin ordiuis Fratrum Iiere- niitarum Saucti Augustiiii,ad serenissiiiium regem Ancjlie, for- tissimura, liberarssimum, justissimura, et sapicutissimum, half- bound, scarce, 18*. Sine notaAnni, Loci, aut Typographi, By the device on the title-page, it appears to be printed at Paris by Ponset le Prcux, and is dedicated to Henry VII. 311 Bonifacii de Ceva Tractatus de perfectione Christiana, wood- cuT.s, Iinpressus per Bertholdum Rembolt, expensis Joannis Parvi Bibliopole Universitatis Parisiensif, 1517. — Bonifacii de 76 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Quarto. Ceva Viatice Excursiones, tivo remarkably spirited tvood-cuts, of an Ecce Homo and Crucljjanon, ib. per B. Rembolt, 1 5 1 5. — Bonifacii Defensorium elucidatiorum Observantie regularis Fiatriun minorum, sine Anno, Loco, aut Typ, sed ib. circa, 1515. — Articuli in supremo Parlamenteo Senatu Parisiensis ad Liidovici XII. iussum, veram divi ordinis minonun Obser- vantiara pacem et uiiionem, &c. recently half-bound in 1 vol. scarce, II. 11*. 6d The last Tract in tliis number is of singular scarcity. It has no name of place, printer, or date, but was printed about the same time as the others. 312 Copia Bulle seu Sententie diffinitive Sacri generali concilii Ba- siliensis universalem ecclesiam representantis de Sauctissima concepcione gloriosissime dei genetricis Virginis Marie ab originali peccato. Datiitn in trlcesimasexta scssionne nostra piiblica in maori ccclcsia BasiUensi solemniter celebrata XV. kal. Octohris, Anno a Nativltate Domini, M.CCCC. XXXIX. Apostolica sede vacante. — Anselmi Cantuariensis Archie- piscopi, AC gentis Anglorum prijiatis Epistola de Sancta concejjcione Virginis Marie celebranda. ad omnes coepiscopos ad Anglie destinata, excessively rare, 3/. 13*. 60. The present copy is stained. 458 Stella Clericorum, good copy, 9s. Sine nota Anni, Loci, aut Typographi, sed typis Ge- rardi Mercatoris Parisiensis Executed in Marchand's ordinary small type, not veiy dissimilar to Westphalia's. On the recto of the last leaf we are presented with lines ad laudem libelli, on the reverse the printer's device. 459 Tanibaco, Johannis de, Consolatorium Tlieologicum, 9*. Parisius, per Georgiutn Mittelhus, 1493 Maittaire and Panzer notice this second edition of the '.vork. It is executed in a coarse gothic type, with leaves numbered. 4G0 Idem Liber, i. e. Tambaco Consol. Theolog. vellum, neat, \Qs. dd ib. 1493 4G1 Le Traicte de Excmplaire Penitence, beautiful copy, (dd brown calf, very scakce, 21. 2s. On les vend a Paris en la rue Sainct Jaqves a p lOG BOOKS PRINTED IN [Duo. lenseigne die PeUlcaii a la boutique de Ainbroise Girault Executed in the old spra^^iiug French gothic character ; but since neither Panzer nor Santander have noticed Ambrose Girault as a printer in the XVth centuiy, this might probably have been printed since that period. The recto of the first leaf contains Ambrose Girault's de\-ice, the reverse a spirited cut of the Crucifixion. The next leaf comprises the dedication ; A Madame Jehaiine de homes vefve de feu hault et puissant Stigneicr Messire hugices de Melun Chevalier de Vnrdre de la toison dor, et Visconte de Gand. The Prologue occupies the third, and recto of the fourth, the reverse contains an unusually neat cut of the Annunciatio)i. 462 Tractatus Juditiorum per Bartholum de saxo ferrato. — ^Trac- tatus Renunciationum beneficiorum in publlcis instrumeutis. — Processus Satliane procuratoris iufernalis contra genus hu- manum coram deo nostro Jesu Christo, bound in red, scarce, 8*. Sine Anno, Loco, aut Typographo , Consisting on the whole of 24 leaves, with signatures. A production of one of the Parisian presses. 4G3 Tractatus Corporis Christi, 9*. Impressus per Johannem Lambert commorantem in vico Sancti Jacobi ad ymaginem beate Marie l^ir- ginis iuA^ta sanctum benedictum Printed in double columns, with signatures. Lambert's device is given beneath the title-page. 4^4 Tractatus Corporis Christi, 9*. Impressus Parrhisius, per Magistrum Petrum Le Dru pro Dyonisio Rosse. M.quingentesimo ■ Executed like the preceding in double columns. Denis Roce's device embellishes the title-page. 4&~} Tractatus de lusticia Commutativa, 8.s. Parisius, per Guidonem Mercatoris. In campo Gail- lardi M.CCCC.XCIIII. The title-page is ornamented with Marchand's device, and the reverse of the last leaf with the rude wood-cut of two Jewish looking men, to be found in several of his publications. 4GG Idem Liber, i. e. de lusticia Commutativa, bound in red, Qs ib. iM.CCCC.XCIIII. 4G7 Tractatulus de Reformatione virium anime, 7s. {Parisius) sine Typographo, M.CCCC.XCIII. Panzer notices this as bearing name of place. Although there is no doubt but what it was printed at Paris, yet that name of place does not actually occur in the voluiiu-. Duo.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 107 468 Triteniii, Johanms, de proprietatc Monacliorura Tractatus pul- cherrimus et per omnia utilissimus, scarce, 9*. Sine nota Anni, Loci, aut Typographi, scd typ'is D'lo- n'mi Roce, Parisiensls This little Treatise appears to have escaped the gigantic Panzer. Denis Roce's device embellishes the title-page. A&9 Lyses Icy les Vigilles des IMoks Translatees de Latin en Francoys. Nesperez pas du tour nourrir le corps Car il convient tons mourir u?ie fois. fVants a leaf, stained, recently half -bound in russia, rare, 1/. I. v. Sans Indication de lieu, imprimeur, ni date, The title we have above copied is comprised on the recto of the first leaf ; the reverse contains a cut of the Catholic Funeral Ceremony. The next leaf is unfortunately wanting in this copy. The work tliroughout is written in old French verse, in all kinds of measure. 470 De Vita et beneficiis Salvatore Jhesu Cristi devotissime Medi- tationeSj 7s. Absque ulla Indicatione Anni, Loci, aut Typographi, This diminutive sized volume is uncommon. It is executed in a rather neat gothic type, with signatures. 470*Beroaldi, Philippi, Orationes, Lugd. M.CCCC.XCn.— Phala- ridis Epistolae a F. Arretino traducta. Par. per Guidonem Mcrcatoris, M.CCCC.XCHL in 1 vol. much stained, half- bound, 10*. 6d. The size of this volume is a small quarto. 108 BOOKS PRINTED BY [Folio. BOOKS PRINTED BY ALDUS MANUTIUS, AND HIS SUCCESSORS, FROM 1495 TO 159]. FOLIO. 471 Theocriti EclogcB trighita. — Genus Thcocriti ct de inventmic hucolicorum. — Catonis Romcml sentcnt'ice parccneticcB lUstlch't. — Setitoitice scptem sapientiwi. — De invidia. — Theognidis mc- garensis siculi sentent'its eleg'iacee. — Sentcnt'ice monostichi per Capita ew var'iis Poetis. — Aiirea carmina Pythagorcp,. — Phoc- hjdcB Poema admonitorium. — Carmina Sibyllcs erythrcete dc Christo Jcsu domino nostro. — Differentia vocis. — Hesiodi Theo- gonia. — Ejiisdcm scutum Herculis. — Ejusdem Georgicon Hbri duo, Greece, most beautiful copy, in old vellum, rare, 10/. 10s. Impressum Venetiis characteribus ac studio Aldi Ma- micii Romani cum gratia, Sfc. M.CCCC.XCV. Mense Februario. This is a copy of what may be denominated the first, and, according; to Renouard, rarest impression of Aldus's elegant EuiTio Sec UN da of Theocritus. Tlie different peculiarities in the two kinds of copies are amply displayed in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, vol. ii. p. 440 — 43. 4/2 Polipbili Hypnerotomacliia, Italice, half-bound, stained, SCARCE, 5/. 5,9. Venetiis, mense Decembri, M.ID. in cedibus Aldi Manutii, accuratissime Prima Edizione. We were on the point of directing the reader to De Bure and Renouard for a description and history of this extraor- dinary volume ; but, on referring to the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, we find Mr. Dibdin bas so monopolized every thing relating to the work and volume, that renders any farther search absolutely unnecessary. Twenty pages are occupied with a detailed account of the author, the nature of the composition, the beauty of the tj^pography, and the ex- quisite engravings, probably designed by Andrea AIantegna, or Be- nedetto MoNTAGNA, with fac-similes of a few of the most interesting of these prints. The present, though a perfect, i» by no means a fine copy. Folio.] ALDUS MANUTIUS. 109 473 Astrononil Veteres, i. c. Julii Fiimici Astronoinicoruin libri octo integri, et emendati, ex Scythicis oris ad nos nupcr allati. — Marci Manilii Astronoraicorum libri quiiique. — Arati PIupiio- mena Germaiiico Cesare interprete, cum Commentariis et iina- giuibus. — Arati ciusdem Phoeuomeuon Fragmeutum Marco T. C. interprete. — Arati eiusdem Phfenoinena Ruffo Festo Avieno Parapbraste. — Arati ejusdem Phaenomena Gk^ce. — Tbeonis Commentaria copiosissima in Arati Phoenomena GRiECE. — Procli Diadocbi Sphaera Graecfe. — Procli eiusdem Spbaera, Thoma Lixacko Bbittano interprete, bare, 5/. ds. F'enet'iis cura, ^ diligent'm Aldl Ro. menss Octob. M.ID. " There are few Aldine publications more beautiful and interesting than the present." Very diffuse descriptions of the volume have been given by Renouard and Dibdin. The present copy is cut large, in old calf binding, with leaves gilt ; but the worm has unluckily made a slight depredation in a few of the latter leaves. 474 ■ Marci Manilii Astronomicon ad Cassarem Augustura. — Arati Phoenomena Germanico Cesare interprete cum Commentariis et imagiuibus. — Arati eiusdem Pbienomc- non Fragmentum, Marco T. Cicero interprete. — Arati eiusdem PbaiiJomena Rufo Festo Avieno Parapliraste, half-bound, vel- lum, scarce, \L \Qs ib. 474*Luciani Opera. — Icones Philostrati. — Eiusdem Hei'oica. — Eiusdem vitae Sopliistarum. — Icones Junioris Philostrati. — Descriptiones Callistrati, GRiECE, 4/. 14*. 6c/. yenetl'is in cedib. Aldi mense Junto. M.D.III. The First Aidine Edition, very rare. The present copy is splen- didly bound in russia, richly gilt, but has suffered considerably from the voracity of the worm. 475 Xeuophontis Omissa, Georgii Gemisti, qui et Pletho dicitur, ex Diodori, ct Plutarchi Historiis dc iis, quae post pugnam ad Mantineam gesta sunt, per capita tractatio. — Herodiani a Marci principatu Historiarum, libri octo. — Enarratiuiicukc antiquac, et per breves in totum Thucydidem, sine qnil)us autor intellectu est quam difficillimus, Graice, very scarce, 3/. 13«. M. Vcnct'us in Aldi Neacademia, mense Octobri M.D.III. A noble specimen of Aldus's Greek Typography. The present is a line large spotless copy, sewed in vellum. 476 Jamblichus dc Mysteriis .^gyptiorum, ChakUcorum, Assyrorum. 110 books: PRINTED BY [Folio. — Proclus iu riatouiciim Alcibiadem de anima a.U[ue demone. — Proclus de sacrificio, et niagia. — Porpliyrius de divinis, atque Daemonibxis. — Spiesius Platonicus de Somniis. — Psellus de Diemoiiibus. — Expositio Prisciaui, et Marsilii in Tlieo- phrastum de sensu, Phautasia, et intellectu. — Alciiioi Platouici Pliilosophi, liber de Doctrina Platonis. — Speusippi Platonis Discipuli, liber de Platonis definitiouibus. — Pytliagora; Pliilo- sophi aurea verba. — Symbola Pithagorae Pliilosophi. — Xeno- cratis Philosophi Platonici, liber de niorte. — Mercurii Tris- uiegisti Pimander. — Eiusdem Asclepius. — Marsilii Ficini de triplici vita Lib. II. — Eiusdem liber de voluptate. — Eiusdem de sole et lumine^ Lib. II. — Apologia eiusdem in librum suum de lumine. — Eiusdem libellus de magis. — Quod necessaria sit securitas, et tranquillitas animi, cum Annotationibus, vellum, 11. 10*. Venet'iis in cBiUbus Aldi, et Andrece Soceri mense No- vembri M.D.XV^I. 477 Aliud Exemplar, old calf binding; II. I2s lb. 478 Livii Opera. — Lucii Flori Epitome Decadum Livii. — Polybii Historiie, iu Latinum, traducta a Nicolao PerottOj cum iudi- cibus, 41. 4s. J^enetlls in cedibus Aldi, et AndrecB Soceri, M.D.XX— XXL The date affixed to the first Decad is Januan', 1521 ; to the third, Oc- tober, 1520 ; to the fourth, November, 1520 ; to the Florus, Decem- ber, 1520; to the Polybius, February, 1521. The present is a good copy, with MS. notes on the margins, in old calf binding. 479 Georgii Trapezuntii Rhetoricorum, Libri V. — Consulti Chirii Fortunatiaui, Libri III. — Aquilte Romaui de Figuris senten- tiarum, et elocutionis liber. — P. Rutilii lupi earundem Figu- rarum e Gorgia liber. — Aristotelis Rhetoricorum ad Theodecten Georgio Trapezuntio iuterprete, Libri III. — Eiusdem Rlieto- rices ad Alexandrum ;\ Francisco Philelpho, in Latinum versse liber. — Paraphrasis Rhetorical Hermogenis ex Hilarionis mo- nachi Veronensis traductione. — Piiscianus de Rhetoricae prae- exercitamentis ex Hermone. — Aphthonii declamatoris Rheto- rica progymnasraata Jo. Maria Catanaeo tralatore, vellum, neat, II. lis. 6d. f^cnetiis in cedibus Aldi, ct Andrece Asulani, mense Aprili M.D.XXllf. Quarto.] ALDUS MANUTIUS. Ill 480 Isocr(Ues,Alcidamas, Gorgias,Arist'ules, Harpocration, Gr^bck, fine copy, vellum, extra, rake, 3/. 3*. f^enetUs in cedibus hceredum Aldi Manuti'i, et Andrea; Asulani, mense Julio M.D.XXXIIII. 481 Bembi, Petri CardinaUs, Historiae Vcnetce, Lihri XII. half- hound, calf, 21. 2s f^enctiis, apud AldifUos, aNI.D.LI. An elegant history, written in the Ciceronian style. Bettinelli, eulogiz- ing Cardinal Bembo, declares, that " It was he who opened a new Augustan age, who emulated Cicero and Virgil with equal success." The volume is executed in an unusually fine noble tj-pe, with the initial letters of each book, spiritedly cut in wood ; and on the title-page is introduced an elegant representation of Pallas and Mercurj-. 482 Mannuccii, Paulli, Autiquitatum Romanarum liber de Comitiis. ad Seienissimum Steplianum Regein Poloniae, fine copy, ele- gantly bound, 18* Botionice, ah Aldo, CI3IC.XXCV. The title-page is embellished with a portrait of the Author, and the re- verse with one of the King of Poland. QUARTO. 483 Lascaris Grammatica Groeca, cum Tabula Cebetis, Gr. et Lat. Carmina Aurea PythagorK, Introductione ad Hebraicam lin- guam, etc. 21. \2s. 6d. Fenetiis, apud Aldum, mense Octobris, iM.D.XII. The present copy is considerably damaged by the worm, and neatly bound in russia, extra, with marbled leaves. 484 Sigonii, Caroli, Emcndationum Libri duo, neat, in old calf, scarce, II. Is Fenetiis, M.D.LVII. 485 I Dieci Clrcoli deirimjwrio, con I'entrate de Prencipc, et de gli stati della Germania, con le contribution!, con una parti- colar descrittione della Republica di Norimbergo, &c. stained, old binding, HARK, ll. Is. Nell' Academia Fenetiana, M.D.LVIIl. 48G PtoloiBcci Plaiiisphaerium.— .Tordani Planisphccrium.— Federici Coinmandini Urbinatis in Ptoloma-i Planisphtcriuin Comnien- tarius, beautiful copy, in a neat old light-coloured calf binding, ]/ g^ reuetiis, M.D.IA'Ilf. 112 ROOKS PRINTED BY [Octavo. 487 Dionvsu Halicarnassei deThucydidis Hlstoria Judicium, Latine, Andrea Duditio Pannouio interprctc, large copy, in old bhiding, 1/. 4.9 Fenet'iis, M.D.LX. 4S8 Conversio et Passio S. S. Martvrum Afree, H'llarice, DigncE, Eunomicjc, Eutropice ; quoe ante Annas Paiillo minus, INI.CCC. August<^ Vindelicarum passce sunt : cum Commentario, Marcl f'elseri, vellum, kahe, 21. 2s. T^enetiis, apud Aldum, CI0.I3.XCI. Appended to this copy is a work of four leaves, entitled Brevis Historia triiim Magontm ex Sairis Literis et Probatis Ecclesice Scriptorihus collccta. Colon. Agripp. M.D.XCVII. OCTAVO. 489 Libri de Re Rustica, LARGE PAPER, recently half-hound in nissia, rare, 3/. 13*. 6(/. f^enetiis in (sdibus Aldi, et AndrecE Soceri, mense Maio M.D.XIIII. The margins are filled with MS. Obsenations, and have been somewhat cut in binding. 490 Quintiliani Institutiones Oratorlse, vellum, 18.9. Venetiis in csdihus Aldi, et Andrece Soceri, mense Januario M.D.XXI. 491 Plauti ComcEdia3,y?«e copy, vellum, neat, scarce, 21. 2s. Venetiis in cedibus Aldi, et AndrecB Asulani Soceri, mense Julio M.D.XXII. 492 Alcyonii, Petri, Medices Lcgatus de ExsiUo,Jine large copy, LEAVES ROUGH, russia ea'tra, rare, 4/. 4.9. Venetiis in cedibus Aldi, et Andrece Asulani Soceri, mense Novembri M.D.XXII. The Author has been accused of incorporating into this work a Manu- script of Cicero de Gloria, and then annihilating the original MS. 493 Buda?us, G'?«7/«V/»2?69, de Asse etpartibus ejus,BiosT beautiful copy, IN fine old kussia binding, richly gilt, 21. \2s. 6d. Venetiis in cedibus Aldi, et Andrece Asulani Soceri me?ise Septembri M.D.XXII. 493^' Aliud Exemplar, good copy, russia, neat, ]/. 11.9. 6d. ib. M.D.XXII. Duo.] ALDUS MANUTIUS. 113 494 Vallae, Laiirent'ii, Elegantiarum Libri sex. eiusdem de Recipro- cationc sui, et suns libellus, pluriinum utilis, large copy, edges only scraped and gilt, rassla, scarce, 21. 12*. 6d. f^enctils in ccdibus hceredum Ald'i, et Andrece Asulani Soccri M.D.XXX\'I. DUODECIMO. 495 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertlus,y??ie <^opy, calf, neat, 21. 2s. f-'^enetiis in cjedibus Aldi, mense Januario .... M.D.II. " Edition rare, et reclierchee." — Brunei Manuel, vol. i. p. 353. 496 Lucanus,yf«e cojyy, old red morocco, 3/. 3*. l^'enetiis apud Aldum, incnse Aprili, M.D.I T. 497 Statii Sylvarura, Lib. V.— Thebaldos, Lib. XII.— Achilleidos, Lib. X. cum Oithographia et Flexo Dictionum Graecaruui, good copy, old calf, neat, rarb, 21. 2s. y^enetiis in cedibus Aldi, mense Auguslo, M.D.II. A copy sold for 4/. at the Roscoe Sale. 498 Aliud Exemplar, elegant morocco, 31. 3s ib. M.D.II. A good complete copy, with the Orthographia et Flextts Dictiunarum GrtEc.arum, &c. occasionally wanting. Bound in slate-coloured mo- rocco, gilt, with the Aldine Anchor stamped on the sides. 498*Eurlpidis Tragcedise, 2 vols. Editio Prixceps, russia, extra, gilt leaves, very scarce, 5/. 5*. Venetlis apud Aldum, mense Februario, M.D.III. " Premiere et rare edition de cet auteur." — Vid. Brunei Manuel, t. i. p. 605. 499 Sallustii 0])cra, fine copy, in vellum, neat, ]/. lOs. Fenetiis in cedibus Aldi, et Andrece Asulani Soceri, mense Aprili M.D.IX. 500 Oppiani Opera, Gr. et Lat. very fine copy, in old russia, gilt leaves, rare, 21. 2s. Fenetiis in cedibus Aldi, et Andrece Soceri, mense Decembri M.D.XVII. 501 Homeri Opera, Graece, 2 vols, old calf, very scarce, 51. 5s. Fenetiis in cedibus Aldi, et Andrece Asulani Soceri, M.D.XXIIII. This is an unusually fine old copy, with the exception of the two tirst leaves, which h.ive been very slightly damaged by the worm. Sold forC^Uv. Heath. 114 BOOKS PRINTED BY [Duo. 502 Herodiani Historiarum, Libri VIII. Latinfe, Angelo Politiano^ scarce, neat, in calf, 21. 2s. P^enetus in cedibus Aldi, et AndrecB Asulani Soeeri, mense Septembri M.D.XXIIII. 503 Diversorum Vetenim Poetarum in Priapum Lusus, russia, extra, gilt leaves, rare, 21. \2s. 6d. P^enetiis in cedibus HcEredum Aldi, et Andrece Soeeri, mense Martio iM.D.XXXIIII. 504 Pliuii SecuudiXaturalis Historiae, cum Indice, 4 vols, damaged, green morocco, rare, 1/. II*. G(/. Vcnetiis in cedibus Hceredum Aldi, et Andrece Asu- lani Soeeri M.D.XXXVI. Several leaves in the first volume are miserably decayed, and rendered imperfect. The fourth volume consists of the Index only, and is dated 1538. This volume alone is marked at 3/. 3*. in a late Catalogue. 505 Aristotelis Poetica, Gr. et Lat. per Alexandrum Paccium, 9ieiv, vellum, 21. 2s. l^enetiis in cedibus Hceredum Aldi, et Andrece Asu- lani Soeeri M.D.XXXVI. Renouard affirms this volume to be " very rare." 50G Speroni, M. S. Dialog!, nuovamente ristampati, et con molta diligenza riveduti, et corretti,y?«ar Galliot du Pre, Libraire iurc de rUniversite, M.D.XLVII. This is perhaps the best edition of these popular Annals. It is printed in a neat white letter, and ornamented with wood -cuts. 54G Wassebourg (M. Richard de). Antiquitez de la Gaulc Bel- gicque, Royaulme de France, Austrasie, et Lorraine, avec rOrigine des Ducliez et Comtez de Brabant, define copy, in old brotvn calf, gilt leaves, 21. Vis. 6d Paris, 1549 Briinet calls this an " Ouvrage int^-ressant," and De Bure declares that " Cet Ouvrage est encore assez considi're, inalgre les Faules dont il est rempli, parcequ'il renferme bcaucoup de particularites qu'on ne trouvc point ailleuis." — Vid. Bill. Instr. t. vi. p. GO. 547 La Gcnealugie et Descentc de la tres illustre Maison d' Attslrice, par Maistrc Roland Bouckcr, old calf, excessivkly raiik, 5/. 55. Imprhnee en Anvers, par Robert Peril, resident an diet lieu iM.D.XXXV. These are Genealogical Chains cut in wood, comprising Portraits of tlie Kings of France, and am|iK' Accoimts of the sevcial IVleinbeis, in old French, printed in the Ulack Letter. It is mounted on '27 pages, in an 124 CURIOUS AND [Folio. imperial folio, with a separate leaf for the title. Tlie work appears, to have escaped the united researches of all Bibliographers. 548 Bonchet {Jca7i). Les Ancieniics et Modernes Genealogies dcs Roys de France, leurs Epitaplies et Effigies : avee le som- inaire des Gestes des Roys de France. — Le Chappelet dcs Princes par cinquante Roudeaulx et cinq Ballades, nouvellc- ment reveu, et corrig6 par son Actcur niesnie. — Dcploration do I'Eglisc. — Dizains Moraulx, snr les Apoplitlicgnies, c'est a dire subtilles responces des Sept Sages de Grcce. — Les An- goysses et Remedes d'Amoars, du Traverseur, en son ado- lescence (wants title), vellum, bare, 21. ]0s. This edition of the works of the celebrated Traverseur des Voycs Peril- leitses, is defective of the first title, but appears to be that printed at Poictiers in 1545, and noticed by Clement as an " Edition fort RARE." Appended is a copy of Juachim Hopperus de Juris Arte, Lovanii, 1553. 549 Hypnerotoinacliie ou Discours du Songe de Poliphile, dedui- sant comnie Amour le combat a I'occasion de Polia, nouvelle- mcnt traduict de Langage Italien en Francois, wood-cuts, half- hound, calf, scarce, II. Ss. Parts, pour Jaques Kerver a la Licorne, Rue S. Jaques M.D.LXL Brunet informs us that this is rather an imitation than a Translation of the Poliphilio. The present copy has very many MS. Observations on the margins. 550 Diccionario de la Lengua Castellana. en que se ejplica el Vcr- dadero sent'ido de las Voces, su naturaleza y calidad, con las Phrases o Modos de Hablar, los Provcrbios o Refranes y otras cosas co)ivenientes al uso de la Lengua, compuesto por la real Academia Espanola, G vols, fine copy, in calf, neat, ex- tremely SCARCE, 10/. lO* Madrid, 1726 This is still considered the only standard Spanish and Castellan Dic- tionary. It is of singular scaixity, as well on the Continent as in England. 551 La Regla y Stablescimientos de la Cavallcria de Sanctiago del Espada, con la Hystoria del Origen y principio dclla, half- bound, scarce, 1 S.v. Madrid, en casa de Francisco Sancho, 1577 Immediately after the engraved title-page we are presented with two wood-cuts : the one representing the redoubted Knight, fully equipped, the other an exact representation of the Sword, Folio.] RARE BOOKS. 125 552 Historic do las Ordcncs Militarcs de Santiago, (,'alatrava, y Alcantara desde su fiindacion hasta cl Rey Don Filipc Sc- gundo Adniinistrador pcrpctuo dellas, engraved titlc-p(iea.i\\s, portraits, fine copy. In the original calf binding, II. 4s. London, printed by J. Okes, 1 G40 The reputed author of this work is Lupton. The frontispiece and por- traits are engraved by Glover. 573 Pagitt's (Ephraira) Heresiography; or. Description of the Here- ticks and Sectaries sprang up in these latter Times ; ivith the curiously engraved frontispiece, containing representations of the Anabaptist, Jesuit, Antinomian, Seeker, ^c. neatly half- bound, scarce, \0s. 6d ib. 1647 574 White's (John) First Century of Scandalous, Malignant Priests, made and admitted into Benefices by the Prelates ; or, a Nar- ration of the Causes for which the Parliament hath ordered the Sequestration of the Benefices of severall Ministers com- plained of before them, for vitiousnesse of Life, Errors in Doctrine, &c. half -bound , very scarce, ISs ib, 1643 This Tract was rigorously suppressed shortly after its publication. Some account of the author is to be found in Neal's Hist, of the Puritans, vol. ii. p. 183. 575 Baryvick's (John, D. D.) 'lEPONIKHZ ; or, the Fight, Victory, and Triumph of S. Paul, accommodated to Tliomas (Morton) late Quarto.] RARE BOOKS. 131 L. Bishop of Durcsine, in a Sermon preached at his Funeral on Michaelmas-day, 1659 : together with the Life of the said Bishop, MOST BRILLIANT PORTRAIT OF BiSHOP MoRTON, Cttl.f, neat, rare, 2/. 2.? London, \ 660 The brilliant portrait of Morton that adorns this scarce work, bears no name of engraver, but it evidently displays one of the most successful efforts of Faithorne's Burin. 576 Life of Merlin, sirnained Ambrosius — His Prophecies and Pre- dictions interpreted ; and their trnth made good by our Eng- lish Annals ; being a Chronographicall History of all the Kings and memorable Passages of this Kingdome, from Brute to the Reigne of our Royall Soveraigne King Charles, whole length portrait of Merlin under the tree, half calf , rare, 1/. 10*. ib. 1641 Thomas Heywood, the author, whom Warton calls " a most voluminous dramatic poet in the reign of James the First," has interspersed the Historical Life with numerous Rhymes, among which we have one beneath Merlin's portrait — ■ Merlin well verst in many an hidden spell. His countries omen did long since foretell. Graced in his time b)' sundry king-n he was, And all that he predicted came to passe. 577 The admirable Historic of the Possession and Conversion of a Penitent JVoman, seduced by a Magician that made her to become a f Fitch, and the Princes of Sorcerers in the Country of Province, who was brought to S. Baume to be e^rorcised in 1610, by the authority of Sebastian Michaelis, whcreunto is annexed a Pneumology, or Discourse on Spirits, by the said Father Michaelis, fine copy, half -bound, neat, scarce, II. Is. London, imprinted for IV. A spicy, 1613 578 Morgan's Phoenix Brittanicus : being a Miscellaneous Collec- tion of scarce and curious Tracts, only to be found in the Cabinets of the Curious,y?«e copy, old calf \l. As. . . ib. 1732 The scarcest edition of this interesting volume — interesting and curious, as the following brief selection of the titles of a few of the Tracts amply testifies, viz. The Wonderfull Yearc 1603. Life of H. Welby. Nedhani'sHist. of the Rebellion, Felton's End and Confession. in Verse. , The Fatal Vesper. Narration of Anne Greene, with Scot's Scout's Discovery, &c. Verses on Anne Greene. 132 CURIOUS AND [Quarto. 579 The Forest; orjCollcction of Historyes no lesse profitable, then pleasant and necessary, doone out of Frenche into English, by Thomas Fortescue, l{iaf& Ifttf 1% fine copy, half -bound , russia, rare, 41. 4s. Imprinted at London, by John Day, dwelUng over AMersgate 157G 'Mt is dedicated to John Fortescue, Esquire, keeper of tlie wardrobe. The genius of these tales may be discerned from their history. The book is said to have been written in Spanish, by Petro de Messia, then translated into Italian, thence into Frencii, by Claude Cruget, a citizen of Paris, and lastly from French into English by Fortescue. But many of the stories seem to have originally migrated from Italy into Spain." — Vid. Wartons Hist. ofEng. Poetry, vol. iii. p. 481. The ele- gant historian we have here cited has not noticed the " Poetical Ad- vertiseinent u'ritten by the Translator to his Booke," which precedes the work in this edition. 580 Joyfull Netves out of the Neiv-found IForlde ; wherein are de- clared, the rare and singular vertues of divers Herbs, Trees, Plantcs, Oyles, and Stones, with their applications, as well to the use of Phisicke, as of Chirurgery : tvhich being ivell ap- plyed, bring such present Remedie for all Diseases, as may seem altogether incredible : notwithstanding by practice found out to be true. Also the portrature of the said Hearbs, verie aptly described: Englished by Jouiss Frampton, Marchant. Newly corrected, as by conference ivith the olde copies may appeare. JVhcreunto are added three other bookes, treating of the Bezaar Stone, the Herb Escucrconcra, the properties of Iron and Steele in Medicine, and the benefit of Snow, very fine copy, old half binding , rare, 11. 12,?. C(/. London, printed by E. Allde, by the assigne of Bon- ham Norton 1 596 581 Acosta's Naturall and Morall Historic of the East and West Indies, translated into English by E. G., old calf, 10.?. Qd. London, printed by l^al. Sims, 1G04 From the Collection of Lord Minto. The present copy unfortunately wants part of the Author s Advertisement to the Header, and a leaf of the Table. 582 Dodridge (Sir John) History of the Ancient and Moderne Estate of the Principality of Wales, Diitchy of Corncvvall, and Earldome of Chester, collected out of the Records of the Quarto.] RARE liOOKS. 133 Tower of London, and divers ancient Aiitlioiirs,^oo^/ <^'(>l>y, old binding-, neat, 16* London, printed by Val. iSims, 1 604 583 Dcerings Historical Account of the Ancient and Present State of the Town of Nottingham, plates, fine copy, old calf, neat, scarce, 31. 3s Nottingham, ] 75 1 584 Willis's (Browne) Survey of the Cathedrals, 3 vols. plates, complete , fine copy, rare, 8/. 8* London, 1/42 585 Blount's (Henry) Voyage into the Levant, with particular Ob- servations concerning the Moderne Condition of the Turkes, and other People under that Empire, half calf , e.rtra, 15«. ib. 1636 586 Ayscu's (Edward) Historic, contayning the Warrcs, Treaties, Marriages, and other Occurreiits, betvveene England and Scot- land, from King William the Conqueror, untill the happy Union of them both in onr gratious King James : with a briefc declaration of the first Inhabitants of this Island : and what severall Nations have sithence setled themselves therein one after another, yf«e copy, calf neat, \L 10*. Lnprinted at London, by G. Eld, 1607 587 Another Copy, 7ietv, half-bound, russia, 11. Is. . . ib. 1607 588 A true Relation of a cruel Robberv and bloodv Murther com- mitted on the body of Mr. John Talbot, late Curate of Laine- done, in Essex, London, 1G69. — The Second Booke of Battailes (wants title), lUtlffe IfttfV* — Jeanes's (Henry) Want of Church Government no Warrant for a totall Omission of the Lord's Supper (dedicated to Col. J. Pyne), London, 1650. — Toleration stated (imperfect), ib. 1653. — Pinchin's (Will.) Meritorious Price of our Redemption, Justification, &c. ib. 1650. — Thorowgood's (Dr. Thos.) Jevves in America ; or, Probal)ilities that the Americans are of that race, 2^.1650. — T. F.'s Adress to Cromwell, &c. (imperfect), 1653. — Lilly's Astrologicall Prediction of the Occurrances in England, Part of the Yeers 1648, 1649, 1650, ih. 1648.— Bradshaw's (Ellis) Downfal of Tythes no Sacriledge, ib. 1 653. — Zach, Crofton's Fastning of St. Peter's Fetters (wants title and part of the Epistle to the Reader). — Mure's (Geo.) Princii)les for Vong Princes, collected out of sundry Authours, ib. printed for ./. Day, 1629, very rare collection, in 1 thick vol. old half- binding, 41. 4s. 134 CURIOUS AND [Quarto. 589 Narrative History of Kinij James for the first fourteen Years, in four parts: — The State of England at his Majesties en- trance ; the lascivious Courses at Court. — Tlie Proceedings touching the Divorce betwixt the Lady Frances Howard, and Robert Earl of Essex : also the Arraignment of Sir J. Elvis, &c. touching the furthering and Pay soiling of Sir T. Over- bury, &c. &c. russla, extra, rare, 1 /. 8.s London, 1 G5 1 This copy has the portrait of Overhury by Simon Pass, and is illustrated with several of the Heads published by Richardson. 590 The Apologiej or. Defence of the most noble Prince JVllllam, Prince of Orange, Countie of Nassau, &c. &c. against the Pro- clamation and Edict, published by the King of Spaine, pre- sented to my Lords the Estates Generall of the Lowe Countric, calf, extra, gilt leaves, slightly ivormed, 15*.. At Delft, 1581 591 True Historic of the memorable Siege of Ostend, and what passed on either side, from the beginning of the Siege, unto the yeelding up of the Towne, translated out of French into English by E. Grimeston, sewed in vellum, scarce, 1 2.?. London, 1604 Dedicated to Charles Monntioie, on whose name the translator adds an anagram, one a most richjuel. 592 Husband's exact Collection of all Remonstrances^ Declarations, Orders, &c. betwecne the King's most excellent Majesty, and his High Court of Parliament, beginning at his Majesties Re- turn from Scotland, in December 1641, untill March 21, 1643, old binding, neat, S* lb. 1 643 593 A Full Relation of the Passages concerning the late Treaty for a Peace, begun at LTxbridge, January 30, 1644. — Considera- tions touching the late Treaty for a Peace held at Uxbridge, — The Judgement of an old Grand- Jury-Man on the breaking up of the late Treaty, sewed In vellum, 7s Oxford, 1645 594 Walker's Relations and Observations upon the Parliament begun 1 640, 2 parts in 1 vol. curious front, illustrated iclth Richardson s portraits, old calf, \As London, 1648 595 Heylin's (Dr. Peter) Lord have mercie upon us j or, a plaine Discourse, declaring that tlie Plague of Warrc, \vhich now wasts this Nation, tookc its beginning in and from the Citie of London, half calf , extra, scarce, Vis. Printed in the ycare, M.DC.XLHL Quarto.] RARE BOOKS. 135 59G The King's C:ibiiiet opened j or, certain Packets of secret Let- ters and Papers written with the King's own Hand, and taken in his Cabinet at Nasby-Field, by Sir T. Fairfax, IG4.). — England's Appeal from the Private Cabal at Whitehall to the Parliament assembled, 1673. — Dialogue between Fa- ther Petres and the Devil, ix verse («o title). — Tom Tell Troth ; or, a Dialogue between the Devil and the Pope about carrying on the Plot, in verse {no title). — Moore's (Sir Thos.) Utopia, by Raphe Robinson, London, by B. Alsop, 1624. — The Pope's Conclave, in Verse and Prose {imper- fect). — JVealth Discovered ■ or, an Essay upon a late expe- dient for tahing aicay all Impositions and raising a Revenue without Taxes, by F. Cradocke, IGGl.— Truth and Loyalty vindicated from the Reproches and Clamours of Mr. E. Bag- shavv, Z,o«(/o», 1662 — in 1 vol. recently half -bound in russia, very scarce, 11.1s Several of the Tracts in the above Collection are extremely rare. 597 King Charls his Tryal ; or, a perfect Narrative of the m hole Proceedings of the High Court of Justice in the Tryal of the King in ^A'estminster Hall, with the several Speeches of the King, Lord President, and Solicitor General: together with a perfect Copy of the King's Speech upon the Scaffold imme- diately before he was beheaded, London, 1649. — Sir Geo. Paule's Life of the most reverend and religious Prelate Abp. Whitgift, ib. 1612. — Sir R. Naunton's Fragmenta liegaliaj or. Observations on the late Queen Elizabeth, her Times and Favorits, printed. Anno Domini, 1641, old binding, very scarce, 11. 2s The revrerse of the title is ornamented with a wood-cut portrait of Abp. Whitgift. 598 Piscatoris (i.e. Fisher) Marston Moor ; sive de Obsidione PrcB- lisquc Eboraccnai Carmen ; cum quibusdam Miscellaneis, fine copy, brown calf, extra, rare, 11. Is. Londini, typis Thomce Newcomb, M.DC.L. Preceded with Latin verses by E. Benlowes, Rob. Gardiner, P. l)e Car- donnel, Alex. Ross, Th. Culpepper, Job. Sictus, and Th. Philipot. At the end we are presented with a French Ode of some length by P. de Cardonnel. 599 Piscatoris (i. c. Fisher) Ircnodia Gratulatoria sive Illiistrissimi Amplissinii(pie ^'iri Oliveri Cromwelli, &c. Epinicion de- 136 CURIOUS AND [Quarto. dicatuin Domini PiKsidi Bradshawo, brown calf, e.rtrfi, rare, 2i. I2s. 6d Ti/pis T. Newcomh, 1652 Preceded with a Poetical Address to the Author in Greek by B. Denham, and another in Latin by March. Nedham. Fisher has added Lines to General Ludlow and Carmen Acrosticus, on the Death of Edv. Pop- ham ; with an Offertory presvnted at the Funeral of Pupham. The present copy is illustrated with an India ink drawing of Bradshaw, and an old portrait of General Monk. COO Piscatoris (i. e. Fisher) Inauguratio Olivariana, sive pro Prse- fectura Ser. Priucipis Anglian, Scotiae, ct Hibernian Dom. Pro- tectoris Olivari: Carmen Votiviim, brown calf, extra, rare, 21. 2s id. 1 6.54 Annexed to this are numerous Latin Odes by various other hands in praise of Cromwell and his infamous adherents. The arms of the Pro- tector faces the title-page. GOl An exact and most impartial Accoinpt of tlie Indictment, Arraignment, Trial, and Judgement (according to Law) of Tuentj-nine Regicides, the Murtlierers of his late Sacred Majesty : together with a Summary of the dark and horrid Decrees of those Caballists, preparatory to that hellish fact, staall oval port, of King- Charles I., half calf , \0s. 6d. Land. 1660 002 Speeches and Prayers of John Barkstead, John Okey, and Miles Corbert : together with several Passages at the time of their Execution, 19th of April, 1662, with the three portraits by Richardson, half calf , extra, 7s ih. 1662 603 Pedegree and Descent of his Excellency Generall Geo. Monck, setting forth hoiv he is descended from King Edward the Third, by a branch and slip of the JVhite Rose, the House of Yorh; and likewise his extraction from Richard, King of the Romans, with the State, Title, and Descents of the Houses of York and Lancaster, in their several Branches, broivn calf, extra, rare, 1/. 5.S ib. 1659 604 Letter from General Ludlow to Dr. Hollingworth, defending his former Letter to Sir E. S., Amst. 1692. — Letter from Major General Ludlow to Sir E(dvvard) S(eymour), com- paring the Tyranny of the first 4 Years of King Charles the Martyr, witii the Tyranny of the 4 Years Reign of the late abdicated King, Amsterdam, printed, 1691. — Ludlow no Lyar; or, a Detection of Dr. llollingwortirs Disingeiiuity in QtJARTO.] RARE BOOKS. 137 his Second Defence of King Charles I. with exact Copies of the Pope's Letter to K. Charles the First, and of his Answer to the Pope, Amsterdam, 1692, in I vol. cnlf, rark, ]4v. 605 Stubhe's (Henry, a lover of the Honour and Welfare of old England) Furtlier Justification of the present War against the United Netherlands, il/ustruled with sculptures, half russla, neat, ds Lond. 1 673 606 An exact Narrative of the Tryal and Condemnation of John Twyn, for printing and dispersing of a treasonable Book, with the Tryals of T. Brewster, S. Dover, printer, N. Brooks, bookbinder, for printing, publishing, and uttering of seditious, scandalous, and malicious Pamphlets, half-bound, scarce, 6s. id. 1664 607 An exact Diary of the late Expedition of the Prince of Orange, (bow King of Great Britain) from his Palace at the Hague, to his landing at Torbay, and from thence to his arrival at AVhite-hall, Lond. 1 689. — Dr. Patrick's Thanksgiving Sermon for the deliverance of the Kingdom bv the means of the Prince of Orange, 1689. — An Essay upon the original and Designe of Magistracie, or a modest Vindication of the late Proceedings in England, printed in the year jM.DC.LXXXIX. — Important Questions upon the late Revolutions and present State of these Nations by Socrates Christiunus, 1689. — A Re- solution of certain Queries concerning Submission to the pre- sent Government, by a Divine, 1689. — Reflections upon the Opinions of some Modern Divines concerning the Nature of Government, with an Appendix containing the 73th Canon of the Council of Toledo, the original Articles in Latin, out of which the IVlagua Charta of King John was framed. — The true Magna Charta of King Johx, in French, 1689, very SCARCE, elegantly bound, 21. 2s An extremely rare collection of Tracts relating: to the Revolution in 1G89. It is in tlie original red morocco bindinjr, gilt leaves, with the initials of J. D. stamped on the one side, and the arms of the Lion on the other. At the commencement is stuck in a folded print of the landing of King William into England, engraved by Romaim DE HOOGHE. 608 Moore's (Sir Thos.) Utopia j containing an excellent, learned, wittie, and pleasant Discourse on the best state of a I'ublike Weale, as it is found in the Government of the new lie called 138 CURIOUS AND [Quarto. Utopia, translated into English by Raphe Robinson, calf, neat, 15.v London, printed by Bernard Alsop, 1(5 11 Dedicated by the printer to Cresacre More, " next in bloud" to the author. (iU!) Tufjerv'iles {George) Booke of Falconrie, or Hawhmg • for the onely delight and pleasure of all Noblemen and Gentlemen : collected out of the best Authors, as well Italians as French- men; and some English Practises ivithall concerning Fal- conrie. — The Noble Art of f^cnerie or Hunting, translated and collected for the pleasure of all Noblemen and Gentlemen, out of the best approovcd Authors, tvhich have ivritten any thing concerning the same: and reduced into such order and proper termes as are used here in this Noble Realme of Great Britaine, IlldCit Ifttf tf wood-cuts, fine perfect copy, sewed in old vellum, RARE, 6/. 6.9. At London, printed by Thomas Purfoot, IGIl The present is, with the exception of the few latter leaves, which have been very slightly stained, one of the finest copies extant. The second part, or the Booke of Hunting', contains a good deal of Tubcrville's Poetry. Tiie first part has only the Cummendntion of Hawking, and the Epilogue in verse. 610 Agrippa (Henrie Cornelius) of the Vanitie and Uncertaintie of Artes and Sciences, Englished by James Sanford, llUlflV Ifttrr, half black calf , 9s. hnprinted at London, by Henry JVyhes, dwelling in Fleete-streat, at the signe of the Blacke Elephant, 15G9 Interspersed with many English Rhymes. 611 Agrippa (Henrie Cornelius) of the Vanitie and Uncertaintie of Artes and Sciences, Englished by James Sanford, IlltlCl^ ICttft% "Id calf, scarce, 15*. Imprinted at London, by Henrie Bynneman, dwelling in Knightryder-strcete, at the signe of the Mer- mayde 15/5 An unusually fine large copy, in old calf binding, of this scarce edition. 612 Gueuara's (Sir Anthonie) Familiar Epistles, translated out of the S})anish Tongue, by Edward Hellowcs, newly imprinted, corrected, and enlarged ; vvitli other Epistles of the same Authour, tllart; IfttfV, half calf, scarce, \Ss. Imprinted at London for Ralph Neivberric, 1577 Dedicated to Sir Henry Lee Knight, Maister of the Leashe. Quarto.] RARE BOOKS. 139 613 (loldeu Eiiisitk's ; contayiiiiigVarietic of Discourse, hotli Moral!, Philosophicail, and Divine: gathered as well out of tlie re- niayiider of (lueuarac's AVorkes as other Authors, Latiiie, French, and Italian, by Geflfray Fenton, t)lil(U Ifttf t, new, half-bound, russia, \Gs. Ii)i])rhitcd at London, hy Henry dliddleton, for linfc Neicbcnj, dwelling in Fleelcstreat, a title above the Conduit 1575 Dedicated " To the Right Honorable and vertumis Lady Anne, Cnuntesse of Oxciifordr Warton, in his History of English I'oetry, has given some account of the literary labours of Geoffrey Fenton. — Vid. vol. iii. p. 478, &c. 614 Familiar Epistles of Sir Antonie of Gueuara, Preacher, Chro- nicler, and Counsellor to the Emperor Charles the Fifth, translated out of the Spanish Tongue by Edward Hellowcs, at London, printed by Ralph Neiiberie, 1584. — Golden Epis- tles ; contayning \^arietie of Discourse, both Morall, Philo- sophicail, and DiA'ine : gathered as wel out of the remaynder of Gueuarae's Woorkes as otlier^Authours, Latine, French, and Italian, by Geffrey Fenton, Imprinted at London, by Ralph Newbcrie, dwelling in Flectstieetc, a little above the Conduite, 1582, 2 vols, in 1, IllaCti Ifttf V, fine copies, in the original stamped binding, scarce, \L Ss 615 Guazzo's (M.Stephen) Civile Conversation, written first in Ita- lian, divided into foure bookes : the first three translated out of French, by G. Pettie,and in the fourth is set downe the Forme of Civile Conversation, by an example of aBan(piet, made in Cassale, betweene sixc Lords and foure Ladies; and now translated out of Italian into English, by Earth. Young, Illarll letter, imp. new, half ntssia, scarce, 9s. Imprinted at London, by Thomas East, 1586 The present copy of this interesting and rare work is unluckily defective of tlie first leaf. 61G Person's (David) Varieties ; or, a Surveigh of rare and excel- lent Matters, necessary and delectal>le for all sorts of Persons, wherein the Principal Heads of Diverse Sciences are illus- trated 3 Rare Secrets of Natnrall Things Unfoulded, &c. new, half calf, scarce, \2s Lojul. I (i35 IVecedcd by Verses on the Rook, in English, by W. Dnimnioiid, cS.c. and in Latin, by A. Jonston, Tho. Crawford, Ro. Fairlanis, Jo. Adaiu- son, and others. no CUKIOLIS AND [Quarto. CI 7 Instructions for the Warres, Amply, Learnedly, and Politiqucly Discoursing the Method of Militaire Discipline, originally \vritten in French, by that rare and worthy General, Monsieur William de Bellay, Lord of Langey, &c. translated by Paule Ive, Gent, tliliti llfttft% half calf , scarce, \As. At London, jmnted for Thomas Man and Tobie Coohe 15S9 This scarce volume is not free from stains. The work is preceded I)}' a Poetical Address, 7'o all Gentlemen Snuldiers, and others, the Readirs of this Booke, by Thos. Newton, of whom Warton has given some account in liis Hist, of Eng, Poetry, vol. iii. p. 390. 618 Roberts (Captaine Lewes) Warrefare Epitomized, in a Centui^ of Military Observations ; confirming, by Antient Principles, the Moderne Practice of Armes^ Lond. 1640. — Markhani's (Gervaise) Souldier's Accidence {no title). — Stratioticos, t>!ilfft IrttfS^ {imperfect). — Captain Henry Hexham's Briefe Relation of the Famous Siege of Breda, besieged and taken under the conduct of the Prince of Orange, Lond. 1641. — Barentsz Journsel, Utijghegheven door Crispijn Van der Pas. 1639. in 1 vol. half-bound, rare, \As. 619 Book of Dystillations ; conteyning sundry excellent Secrete Remedies of Dystilled AVaters, iJUlfU Ifttft, wood-cuts, title damaged, neat, 9s 620 A Geometrical Practice, named Pantomctria, divided into three bookes : — Longimetra, Planimetra, and Stereometria; contain- ing Rules manifolde for Mensuration of all Lines, Superficies, and Solides ; framed by Leonard Digges, lately finished by Thomas Digges, his Sonne, vew, half-hound, russ'ia, scarce, \l. 8.f Imprinted at London, by Hcnrie Bynneman, 1571 An uncommon production of Bynneman's press, adorned witli wood-cuts. 621 Tanner's {Robert) Mirror for Mathematiques : a Golden Gem for Geometricians : a sure Safety for Saylers, &c. IlKltli Ifttf 1% Lnprinted at London, by J{ohn) C{harletvood), and are to be sold in Pauleys Churchyard, by Richard JVat- Itins, ir)87. — Speidell's Genmctricall Extraction, Lond. 16.57. — Propositions concerning Optic Glasses, Oxford, 1679. — G. Clerhe's Spot Dial, very useful to show the Hour within the House, Lond. 1687. — Moxou's Mcchanick Dyalling, Lond. QuAKTo.] RARE BOOKS. Ill 1CG8. — jMoxou'sMcchauick Exercises, Lond. \C)77. — Ellicotfs Several Essays toward Discovering the Laws of Electricity, ib. 1748, in 1 vol. rare, \l. 10s. Herbert has described tlie scarce edition of Tanner's Mirror, included in the above volume. — Vid. Typ. Autiq. vol. ii. p. 1025. C22 Thomas s i^IV'iUiam) Principle Rules of the Italian Graininer, with a Dictionary for the better understanding of Boccace, Petrarcha, and Dante, fine copy, sewed in vellum, rabk, 21. \2s. 6d. Imprinted at London, in Fletestrete, in the House of Thomas Berthelct 1550 First Edition, and First Italian Grammar and Dictionary in Eng- lish. Warton has attempted some account of the Author, but has erred throuarh implicitly relying on Ames, in affirming it to be " dedi- cated to Sir Thomas Chaloner, an accomplished Scholar." Hi'rbert has corrected the error, and has given at once an ample and an accu- rate description of the volume. — Vid. Typ. Ant. vol. i. p. 4.53. Tlie present is an unusually fine large clean copy. 623 Welwood's (William) Abridgement of all the Sea Lawes, Aff//" calf, 7s. 6d Lond. 1013 624 Mirrour for Magistrates ; being a true Chronicle Historic of the untimely falles of such unfortunate Princes and Men of note, as have happened since the first entrance of Brute into this Island, untill this our latter age, newly enlarged with a last part, called a TVinters Night f'^ision, being an addition of suck Tragedies, especially famous, as are exempted in the former Historic, tcith a Poem a7inexcd, called England's Eliza, calf, scarce, 31. lOs. London, imprinted by Feli.r Kyngston, KilO The best edition of one of the most interesting and important Collections of early English I'oetry. Warton has given a long History of the work in general, and of this edition in particular, with sevei'al speci- mens of the composition in the third vol. of his History of English Poetry. The writers are, Thos. Sackrillr, Caryll,Firic>:s, C/ii/rc/tyard, Pliaer, Buldwyne, S/tcltoii, Dolman, Higgiiis, Drayton, Hassct, and ?^ichols. It is preceded hy Hmnfrry Lhoyd's Description of Cumbiiu, and Verses by 'J'komns Newton. 625 Brewer's (Anthony) Lingua ; or, the ('oinbute of the Tongue and the Five Scuces for Siiperioritio, a pleasant Comoedic, Lond. 1632. — Countrie Girlc, a Comcdie, as it hath been often J 42 CURIOUS AND [Qlarto. acted with much applause, never printed before, by T. B. Lond. 1647. — The Love-sick King, an English Tragical His- tory, with the Life and Death of Cartesnninda, the Fair Nun of Winchester, written by Anth. Brewer, Gent. ib. ICoo, in 1 vol. old binding, scarce, II. 1 \s. 6d. These tlirec Pliiys are generally ascribed to Anthony Brewer, althoiii(h Langbaine utterly denies the Lingua to be his, and objects to the Coimtrie Girle being his, because of the letters T. B. in the title-page. Winstanley records a remarkable anecdote of the Lingua, which is also related by Baker. 626 D'Urfey's (Tom) Banditti 3 or, a Ladle's Distress, a Play acted at the Theatre Royall, lialf-bour.d, IU.9 Lond. 1686 627 Comical History of Don Quixote, as it is acted at the Queen's Theatre, in Dorset (iarden, by their Majesties' Servants, Part I, 1694.— Part H, 1694.— Part HI, 1696, in 1 vol. complete, half-bound, scarce, 1 1. Is. A not uninteresting account of the famous Tom D'Urfey will be found in the Biograpliia Dramatica, vol. i. p. 212. 628 Favvlkland's (Lord Viscount) Marriage Night, half-bound, RARE, 1 /. 8* Lond. 1 664 This Play is veiy scarce, and said " to contain a great share of wit and satire." 629 Masons (John) Ecvcellent Tragedy of Muleasses the Turke, and Borgias, Governour of Florence , full of interchangeable variety, beyond e.rpcctation, as it hath beene diverse times acted {with general applause) by the Children of his Maicslic's Revels, half-bound, rare, \l. As ib. \ 632 630 Otway's (Tho.) Orphan ; or, the Unhappy Marriage, a Tra- gedy, 7 s ib. 1 703 G31 Alcibiades, a Tragedy, 85 ib. 1687 f)32 Venice Preserv'd ; or, a Plot Discover'd, a Tragedy, scarce, \As ib. \ 682 633 ■ The Atheist 3 or, the Second Part of the Soul- dicr's Fortune, scarce, \As ib. 1684 g34 . Friendship in Fashion, a Comedy, scarce, 14,?. ib. 1678 OuiGiNAL EDirioNs, of uiorc than ordinary scarcity. 635 Shirley (.Lvmes). The Triumph of Peace, a Masque, pre- Quarto.] RARE BOOKS. 143 scnted by the Four Honaunihle Houses, or Iniics of Court, before the King and Qiieene's Majesties, in the Ban([netting House at AVhite Hall, February the third, 1633, invented and written by James Shirley, half-bound, scarce, \l. As. Lond. 1G33 On the title-page it is called, The Third Impresftinn; but it is well known to be the original etlitioa, and one of the first prodiiclious of Shirley's pen. G36 Hide Parke, a Comcdie, as it was presented by her Majestie's Servants, at the Private House in Drury Lane, written by James Shirly, half-bound, scarce, ICv. lb. 1C37 637 The Example, as it was presented by her Majesties Servants, at the Private House in Drury Lane, written by James Shirly, half-bound, scarce, \5s. . . . il>. IC37 638 The Maide's Revenge, a Tragedy, as it hath beeue aeted, with good applause, at the Private House in Drury Lane, by her Majestie's Servants, \vritten by James Shirley, Gent, half -bound, scarce, \6s ib. 163!) G39 The Humorous Courtier, a Comedy, as it hath been presented, with good applause, at the Private House in Drury Lane, written by James Shirley, Gent, half-bound, scarce, 1 6* ib. 1 640 640 The Polititian, a Tragedy, presented at Salis- bury Court, by her Majestie's Servants, written by James Shirley, half-bound, scarce, \'6s ib. I6.'i8 All these are the First Editions, and are acknowledged to be of great rarity. Dr. Fanner, Baker, and Reed, have eulogized the Plays of James Shirley. 641 Drummond's {Right Honble. TV.') Academical Questions, brown calf, VERY SCARCE, 21. \ds Lond. 1805 642 Spilsbury's Collection of Fifty Prints, from Antique Gems, very fine copy, in neat old brown calf, 21. 2s Lond. 178;) The present copy contains remarkably brilliant impressions of the plates. 643 Ckrotiicon ex Chronicis, ab initio Mundi tisque ad Annum Do- mini, 1118. deductum, auctore Florentio irigorniensi inonacho. Accessit ctiam continuafio nsfjnc ad annum Chriiti, II 11, per 141 CURIOUS AND [Quarto. quenddiii ciusdeni cwnoh'u cntd'Uum. Nunquam antchac in lucem cd'itum, fine copy, russ'in, extra, hare, Londinl, excudcbat Thomas Dausonus, pro Ricardo JVatkins 1592 6 11 Camdeni (Gulielmi) Reges Regina nobiles, ct alii in Ecclcsia Collegiata V>. Petri Westmonasterii sepulti, usque ad annum reparata? Salutis, 1G03, a remarkably fixe copy. In foreign calf, extra, \l. \s. Londhn, excudebat Melch Bradicoodits, M.D.C.III This scarce volume contains many Epitaphs, in English and Latin, which have since been destroyed or effaced. (J45 Gravissinue atque exactissimaj illustrissimarum totius Italiae, et Gallife Academiarum Censura?, efficacissimis etlam quorundam doctissimorum virorum Argumentationibus explicatae, de ve- ritate illius l^ropositionis, videlicet que ducere relictam fratres niortui sine libcris ita sit de iure divino et naturali Prohibitum: et nullus Pontifex super liuius modi Matrimoniis contractis sive coutraheudis dispensare possit, very fine copy, rare, 21. 2s. Impress. Lond'ini in oj/icina Thome Bertheleti Regit impress M.D.XXX. One of the first productions of Berthelet's press. The present is a very fine copy, in the original stamped binding. ^\% Articuli de quibus convenit inter Archiepiscopos, et Episcopos utriusque; Provinciae et clerum Universum in Synodo, Loh- dini. An. Dom. 1562, &c. old red morocco, gilt leaves, scarce, \(is Londini, apied Johannem Dayum, 1571 ()47 Prophetien of \'oorseggingen der beyde Keyseren Severi en Leonis, die beyde in Oricuten gheregeert hebben, plates, half calf, neat, rare, \2s T' Amsterdam, 1627 This singular Tract is of extraordinarj- scarcity. It is embellished with a number of Prophetical Figures. 648 Gulden Legende van den nieuven St. Jan : dat is Cort verhael van den Edcldom, deuchden, ende handelinghen van Meester Jan van Barnevelt, gliewesene Advocaet van flollandt, &c. vellum, BARE, 18* 1G18 This singularly curious and extremely rare Tract is a bitter satire, di- rected against the celebrated and unfortunate Barnevelt. Beneath the Quarto.] RARE BOOKS. 145 title is given a remarkaljle print, representing Barnevelt possessed of the riches of the kingdom, and a Priest, with the Men of State offering their dcvuirs to his Highness. 649 Opusculum Enchiridion rij^pcl/atum Joa-n^is Aquile Ferme de otujii ludorum generc, vellum, stained, very rare, 21. 12.v. dd. (Jppenheim, 1516 Au unusually interesting and excessively scarce volume. It treats of the Games of Chess, and Hunting; Theatrical Amusements — Comic, Tragic, and Pantomime ; Gynmastic Exercises, Musical Entertain- ments, &c. &c. Panzer has described it at considerable length in the 7th vol. of his Annales, p. 490. The present copy has unluckily several of the leaves slightly stained by oil. 650 Piognosticatio JoannisLiechtenbergers, quam olim scripsit super magna ilia Saturni ac Jovis coniunctione, quae fuit Anno M.CCCC.LXXXUII. piaeterea ad eclipsiui Solis anni seqiieutis videlicet, LXXXV^. in annum adliuc usque durans, M.D.LXVII. iam iterum, mendis quibusdam baud modicis sublatis, quaeque obscuri adeo et imperfecti erant sensus utcunque icstitutis, diligenter excussa, rude wood-cuts, beautiful copy, in rich OLD CALF, GILT LEAVES, RARE, Al. 4.9. Excusn sunt haec Prognostica Joannis Liechtenbcrger Pridie Nonas Ju?m, Anno M.D.XXV^I. This is certainly an improved edition of the Prognosticatio, printed in 1492, and described at p. 239 of the 2nd vol. of the jEdes Althorpiana; ; which Weisler had correctly supposed to be by Lichtcnberger, but which Mr. Dibdin ap[iears to have doubted ; this volume sets the question at rest. It contains all the wood-cuts of the edition of 1492, and apparently several additional. The cut of " The Ajjostate Monk," of which Mr. Dibdin has given a facsimile, occurs in this edition on the recto of fo. xliiii. The volume consists, on the whole, of 59 leaves, and the subscription , with which the previous edition concludes, occnrs on the reverse of fo. 57. then follows some further " Arcana" and " Prognostica," with a rude wood-cut. Beneath the title is given a whole-length miserable looking figure, perhaps intended for a repre- sentation of Lichtenberger. 651 Cochlei (.Tohaunis, Germani) de Matrimonio sereitissimi Regis Angliae, Hcnrici Octavi, Congratulatio disputatoria ad Paulum tertium Pont. Max. beautiful copy, rare, 1/. 1 1*. 6d. Lipsiae eo'cudehnt Michael Blum, Mensc Februario, Anno Domini M.D.XXXV. One of the rarest of the very many Tracts that were published on the Marriages of our Henry the Vlllth. The subject appe;us to have been of a sufficiently imposing description to engage the pens of not a few U 146 CURIOUS AND [Quakto. of the rancorous German disputants. The present copy is in the most desirable condition, " Ex Libris Henrici van den Block," in the genuine old brown calf, extra. C52 Biiceri (Martini) Acta Colloquii in Comitiis Imperii Ratisponae liabiti, hoc est, Articiili de Religione conciliati, et non con- ciliati omncs, ut ab Imperatore, Ordiuibus Imperii ad iudi- candum et deliberandum propositi sunt, et quaedam alia, FINE COPY, IN OLD CALF, EXTRA, SCARCE, 1/. 8*. Argentorati, M.D.XLII. Clement has acknowledged the rarity, and given an ample and accurate description of this work. — Vid. Bihlinth. Cur. t. v. p. 363. It seems to have been but little known to the Biographers of Bucer in particular, or the Historians of the Reformation in general. C53 Doleti (Stephani, Galli Anrelii) Carminum libri quatuor, half- hound, russia, scarce, 10*. &d Lugduni, M.D. XXXVIII. De Bure notices the scarcity of this volume of the famous Boletus's Poems. — Vid. Biblwgr. Instr. vol. iii. p. 425. (i54 Index Librorum Expurgatorium, Ulustr'isshnt ac Reverendis- s'lmi, D. D. Gasparis Quiroga, Cardinalis et Archiep. Tole- tan'i Hispan. generalls Inqumtor'is inssu editus, Jine copy, RARE, 1/. 11*. 6rf. Madrili apud Alfonsum Gomczium Reghwi Typo- graphum 15S4 This is a most beautiful copy in fine old calf, gilt leaves, of one of the most uncommon of the quarto Indices E.vpurgatorii. They are truly " libri hisce in terris raro obvii." 055 Icones Livianae : Praecipuas Romanorum, Historias magno ar- tificio ad vivum expressas oculis repriEsentantes, succinctis Versibus illustratiw per Pliillipum Lonicerum, oblong, fine im- pressions, russia extra, scarce, 21. 2s. Francof. ad Moen. M.D.LXXIII. This volume consists of 103 spirited wood-cuts ; the work of the indus- trious and ingenious JosT Amihon, of whose works the present vo- lume forms one of the most uncommon and most considerable. It is dedicated to the celebrated bookseller Sigismund Feyerabend, whose portrait is given above tlie Dedication. These same plates wei"e after- wards published, with German descriptions, in the year 1631, but of course in a worn out state. G56 Magnus Elucidarius omnes Mystorias et Poeticas Fabulas, con- tinens insuper montes, valles, amnes, fontes, lacus, urbes, et omnia in poetarum nionumentis loca famigerabilia : una Quarto.] RARE BOOKS. 147 cum Appcndicibus apprime necessariis ct marginariis anno- tatiunculis ne quid le79 Le fiolier des Hystoires Rommaines : Moralisez sur les nobles gcstes, faicts vertueulx et anciennes Croniques de toutes Na- tions de gens fort recreatif et moral. — Nouvellement translate de Latin en Francoys, tvood-cuts, lllilffe XiXXiX^russia, extra, VERY RARE, 4/. 14*. Qd. On les vend a Paris, en la Rue de Marchepolu, par Denys Janot, a In come de cerf devant la Rue Neufve Nostre Dame This is a book which appears to have been unknown to Warton, as well as to most others whose researches have been directed to this curious species of composition. It consists of a large number of the old ro- mantic Love and other Tales; eacli of which are, in perfect accord- ance witli the then prevailing taste, followed by a natural or strained moral ; and the majority are preceded by extraordinarily rude wood- cuts, which it is presumed were originally intended to illustrate the leading features of the respective Talcs. The vohmie, independent of four leaves of preliminary matter, contains 140 leaves, numbered ; concluding with ten lines on tlie recto of the 140th, which leaf, in this copy, is unluckily a little torn, so as to render it imperfect of a few words. G80 Dialogue tres elegant intitule Ic Peregrin, traictant dc I'honneste et pudicque amour concilie ])ar pure et sincere vertu, tradiiict de vulgaire Italien en Langue Francoyse, par 152 CURIOUS AND [Quarto. M.iistre Fianco\ s dassy contcroleur dcs Briz, de la maryne en Bretaigue, et Secretaire du Roy de Navarre. Reveu au long, et corrige oultre la premiere impression, avec les Annotations par Jehan Martin, tllaCfe Irttrtt fine copy, French calf, marbled leavex, rare, 21. \2s. 6d. Paris, par Denys Janot, 1.535 A fine, large, and most desirable copy of tLis unusually rare and inte- resting work. The volume is executed by the same Printer as the Violier des Histoircx, in the preceding number, but in a much more tastv style ; each page is surrounded with a not inelegant border, and the body of the Text is not disfigured with any of his frightful wood- cuts. 681 Les Ancroisses et Remedes d'amours du Traverseur en son ado- lescence, lllafil Ifttf V, wood-cut, MS. title, in the genuine old French red morocco binding, gilt leaves, rare, \l. \s. Poictiers, par Jehan et Enguilbert de Marnef, M.D.XXXVI. The original edition of these Poems of Bouchet. The present copy is in the best state for this book to be in, if we except the title-page, which Ls unluckily wanting : this defect, however, is supplied with a perfect MS. favsimilc. 582 FouiLLoux (Jaques du) Vexerie, wood-cuts, new, half calf, VERY RARE, Al. As. Poitiers, par les de Marnef z, et Bouchetz freres, A veiy rare edition of this interesting work, embellished %vith some of the liveliest and most entertaining wood-cuts that such a work is sus- ceptible of. The edition of 1585, which must be a much later one than this, sold for 14/. 14*. at Edwards's Sale. In turning over the pages of this volume, we at once discover that old Tuberville found it to be no unfruitful resource in the compilation of his 2?o6^eo/'^K«/j«^, since he has not only servilely copied many of the wood-cut embellishments, which, it is needless to say, are far less spirited in Tuberville than in Fouilloux, but has likewise literally translated much of the work itself. 683 Bouellcs (Charles de) Geonietrie pratique, many icood-cut Geo- metrical Figures, a most beaxiliful copy, ruled throughout with red lines, and in the original stamped bitiding, scarce, \8s. Paris, de I'imprimerie de Regnaud Chaudiere et Claude sonfilz M.D.XLVII. 684 Anglise Fairfaxismos, ou Tyrannie Angloise, contenant L'Exe- cution inouyie du Roy Charles Stuart, ses Conseilliers et No- blesse, Servant d'advertencc a tons Rovs Chrestiens, et Re- 0(1- Avo.] RARE BOOKS. 1:,3 monstrance de la fin des Tyraiis, dedi^ a tons fidelz Suhiectz de la Couronne d'Angleterre, pour Iciir delivrance, rare, \2s. Rouen, 1649 This is to be classed among the rarest of the vast quantity of Pamphlets that were occasioned by the truly inoutjie Execution of King Charles the First. 685 Cours des Pnnclpaux Fletives Rivieres de V Europe, compose et hnpr'ime par Louis XV. Roy de France, et de Navarre, en 1/18, ivith PORTRAIT BY AuDRAX, vi the old grecti morocco, with Arms impressed on each side, leaves gilt, extremely RARE, 2l.\2s.M Paris, M.DCC.XVIII. De Bare has satisfactorily accounted for the excessive rarity of this Petite Bi-ochure. He informs us, that the whole extent of the impression Avas extremely Kmitetl, and that the copies were not suffered to be generally circulated, but reserved to be distributed by the King himself. Brunct cautious the buyer to look sharply after the " Joli Portrait de Louis XV. enfant, grave par Audran," of which portrait the present contains a beautiful impression. 686 La totale et vraie Description de tons les Passaiges, lienx et destroictz : par lesquels on pent passer et entrer des Gaules es Ytalies. — Et signamment par ou passerent Hannibal : .Tiilius Cesar: et Charlemaignc, Charles Mil. Louys XII. et le tres illustre Roy Francois a present regnant ])remier de ce nom. — Avec le nonibre et tiltrcs des Cardinaulx et Patriarches. — Lordre et les noms des arclievesches, &c. &c. Parisius, M.V.C.XVIII. filarfe If ttrr, very rare.— Dc quattuor he- resiarchis ordinis Predicatorum de Observantia nnncupatorum, apud Suitenses in civitate Berncnsi combustis. Anno Christi, IM.D.IX. very rare, in 1 vol. vellum, 21. 2s The last very curious and very rare Tract has a singular wood-cut print beneath the title, representing the four Heretics in company with a Monastic-looking Being ; on the reverse of the last leaf, is ffiven an- other remarkably rude wood-cut, of a Teacher and his Disciples, a cut which we think is not uncommon in several of the Quarto Cologne Books printed at the commencement of the With centurv. OCTAVO. 687 Drummond's (Sir W.) ddipus Judaicns, brown calj, extra, excessively scarce, 3/. 3* Lond. 181 1 " With the Author's respects to Jas. Perry, Estj." X 154 CURIOUS AND [Octavo. 688 Tower's Illustrations of Prophecy, 2 vols, in ] , russia, ea-troi rare, 18* Lond. 1 79G Said to have been rigidly suppressed through the influence of W. Pitt. 689 "eYPHKA "eYPHKA, The Virtuous Woman found, her Loss bewailed, and Character exemplified, in a Sermon preached at the Funeral of Mary, Countess Dowager of Warwick 5 with the Life of that Noble Lady, by Dr. Anthony Walker, Itrotvn calf, rare, I8s ib. \ 678 The scarce Portrait of the Countess of Warwick, by R. White, faces the title-page. 690 Humanae Salutis Monumenta B. Arise Montani studio constructa et decantata, old stamped binding, rare, 21. 2s. Antverp. ex prototypographia Regia. Cristoph. Plant'inus 1571 This is a series of upwards of 70 exquisitely neat engravings, by Jerdini WiERix, and other artists, whose uionogranis appear on the plates. These engravings are executed from the designs of Peter Van der Borcht, and illustrate some of the leading Events of Sacred History ; they are universally surrounded with pleasing Borders of Animal Flowers, Fruit, &c. and the reverse of each plate is occupied with Montanus's Poetical Explanations. 691 Sucqnet (Antoni) Via Vitse i^ternae Iconibus illustrata per BoETIUM A. BOLSWERT, rUSSlU, CXtra, RARE, 1/. 10*. Antverpice, M.DC.XX. First Edition ; with the plates in the finest state. The 32 engravings, by Boetius a Bolswert, is that which renders this volume any way desirable. These cuts we class among the most successful productions of Bolswert's Burin. The subjects, although much bewildered with Catholic Superstitions and Ceremonies, are far from being altogether uninteresting. Bolswert has in these spiritedly depicted the ways of Life and Death ; and, in many of them, it is not difficult to discover glaring traits of no ordinary genius, and no unfertile imagination. They ai-e engraved in that bold and yet neat style which characterises the works of Bolswert, and places him on a level witli the most illus- trious engravers. 692 Atwoods Treatise on the Rectilinear Motion and Rotation of Bodies ; with a Description of Original Experiments relative to the Subject, half calf , very rare, 1/. \bs. . . . Camb. 1784 693 Shaftesbury's (Anthony, Earl of) Characteristicks of Men, Man- ners, Opinions, Times, 3 vols. LARGE PAPER, frontispiece, and three additional portraits of the Author, old roan, rare 21. 18s Binn. by John Baskerville, 1 773 Octavo.] RARE BOOKS. 155 694 Sidney's (Sir Philip) Works, in Prose and Verse, 3 vols, mosi beautiful copy, calf, extra, bound by Johnson, 21. 8«. Land. 1725 695 Milton's Poetical Works, from the Text of Di. Thos. Newton, 2 vols, beautifully printed ^^BASKERVILLE, very fine copy , calf extra, bound by Johnson, rare, 21. 15*. Birmingham, 1/60 696 Prolusions ; or. Select Pieces of Antient Poetry ; compiled with great care from their several Originals, and offered to the Publick as Specimens of the Integrity that should be found in the editions of worthy Authors, in three Parts ; cou- taing : — The Nut-browne Mayde. — Master Sackville's In- duction, and Overbury's Wife. — Edward tlie Third, a Play, thought to be writ by Shakspeare. — Those excellent Di- dactic Poems, intitlcd, Nosce Teipsum, written by Sir John Davis, with a Preface, calf scarce, \l. \0s. Land. Printed for Tonson, 1760 The Editor of this elegant volume was Capell, Avhose edition of Shaks- peare, executed in the same beautiful and faithful style, has always enjoyed a reputation equal to its extraordinary merits. 697 Ritson's Robin Hood : a Collection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs, and Ballads, now extant, relative to that celebrated English Outlaw ; to which are prefixed. Historical Anecdotes of his Life, 2 vols, ivood-cnts, calf, rare, 21. 8«. . Lond. 1795 698 Scotish Songs, 2 vols, dark coloured calf, extra, scarce, \l ib. 1 794 699 Witty's (Dr. Robert) Gout Raptures: an Historical .Fiction of a War among the Stars, in verse, half-bound, scarce, 10*. 6rf Camb. 1677 700 Fontaine (M. De La) Contes et Nouvclles, en vers, illustrated with a beautiful and extensive series of engravings, in the fine original red morocco, gilt leaves, rare, \L 16*. Amst. (i. e. Paris) 1764 This is the celebrated edition of the " Fermiers Generaux." The en- gradngs that embellish it are executed in that free and airy style, bordering upon the indelicate, that for the most part characterises the French illustrations of Fontaine and Boccacc. 701 Bull's (Roger) Grobianus ; or, the ('omplcat Booby : an Ironical 136 CURIOUS AND [Octavo. Poem, done into English, from the original Latin of Frederick Dedekindus, fine copy, old calf, neat, scarce, 18«. Lond. 1739 702 Second Tale of a Tub ; or, the History of Robert Powel, the Puppet -Show-Man, ncio brown calf, neat, scarce, 9s. ib. 1/15 703 V^iceroy of Catalonia ; or, the Double Cuckold, made English by James Morgan, Gent, brown calf, extra, scarce, 6*. lb. 1G99 704 Art of Knowing Women ; or, the Female Sex dissected, written in French by the Chevalier Plante-Amour, now faithfully made English, with Improvements, neat, scarce, 7s. . ib. J 730 705 Considerations upon the Institution of Marriage, Avith some Thoughts concerning the force and obligation of the Matrimo- nial Contract (by Booth, Earl of Warrington), calf extra, rare, 1 6* ii. 1 739 706 Life of Guzman d'Alfaraclie ; or, the Spanish Rogue : to which is added the celebrated Tragi-Coniedy, Celestina j or, the Spa- nish Bawd, 2 vols, adorned with Sculptures by Caspar Bout- tats, scarce, \Ss ib. 1708 707 Boccace's Decameron; or. Ten Days Entertainment, translated from the Italian, old calf, scarce, Qs ib. 1741 708 Erasmus's Panegyrick upon Folly, done into English, and il- lustrated icith above fifty cuts, designed and drawn by Hans Holbeine ; to which is prefixed Erasmus's Epistle to Sir Tho- mas More, and an Account of Hans Holbeine's Pictures, &c. and where to be seen, calf extra, scarce, \As ib. 1709 The cuts in this scarce edition are engraved by Sturt. 709 II Pecorone di Ser Giovanni Fiorentino, nel quale si contengono cinquanta novelle Antiche, belle d'Inventione et de Stile, in the original yellow morocco, rare, \l. \As Milano, 1554 This is an uncommon edition, but tlie date affixed to it is incorrect, al- though an Italian Journalist, of the name of Gamba,has supposed there to have been an edition of this date. Brunet has wisely placed it to about 1740. 710 Mengi (R. P. T. Hierouymi) Flagellum Dsemoniim, Exorcismos terribilcs potentissimos, et eflicaces, Rcmediaque probatissima, ac doctrinam singularem ad malignos Spiritus expellcndos, facturasque, &c. calf rare, \2s Lugd. 1604 Octavo.] RARE BOOKS. 157 71 1 Defoe's History of the Devil, as well ancient as modern, old calf, scarce, 9s Land. 1 727 Supposed by some, although incorrectly, to have been \mtten by Dean Swift. 712 Compleat System of Magick; or, the History of the Black Art, shewing the original of Magicians, &c. &c. scarce, 10«. dd. lb. 1729 713 Moreton's Secrets of the Invisible World Disclosed ; or, an Universal History of Apparitions, sacred and profane, under all Denominations, half calf, scarce, 9s ib. 1735 7 1 4 Howard's (Charles) Historical Anecdotes of some of the Howard Family, half calf, rare ib. 1709 Prefixed to the present copy of this very uncommon volume, is an yhroioit of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Mamifactures, and Com- •merce. 715 Knight's (Dr. Samuel) Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul's, /jor^rai; and plates, fine copy, old calf, scarce, \l. \s. lb. 1724 716 Howell's (James) Familiar Letters, Domestic and Foreign, BEST EDITION, ILLUSTRATED WITH 95 RARE PORTRAITS, TUSs'ia eactra, richly gilt, 61. 1 6s. 6d ib. 1 754 This copy is illustrated with an interesting series of portraits of illustrious persons, whose characters are introduced in the course of the volume, among whom are Anne, Queen of James I., by jMeyssens. — Spinola, on horseback. — Philip William, Count of Nassau, by Wieri.r. — Count Gon- damar, whole length. — The Spanish Parliament. — Earl of Manstield, by Delaram. — Camden, with Time reposing. — Fairfax, wj7A the Hebrew Inscription. — King James, by Meyssens. — Henrietta Maria, by Hollar. — Ben Jonson, by Vmtghan. — Sir Thos. Wentworth, sould by P. Stent. — Frederic, Count Palatine, by Crispin Pass, — with the others, by Hollar, Payne, Cross, &c. 717 Maundevile's (Sir John) Voiage and Travaile, which trcateth of the Way to Hierusalem ; and of Marvayles of Inde, with other Hands and Counti^cs, fnc copy, old calf scarce, 21. 12*. 6d ib. \72b Tlie best edition of these interesting Travels, and as such recommended by Dlbdin in his " Library Companion." A copy sold for Zl. lbs. at Bindley's Sale. 158 CURIOUS AND [Octavo. 718 Winstaiilcy's (Will.) England's Worthies. Select Lives of the most einitieat Persons of the English Nation, from Constan- tiue the Great, down to these times, old calf, scarce, 9s. Lond. 1681 7 1 9 Dolenian's Conference about the next Succession to the Crown of England, new, half -bound, scarce, \0s. 6d. . 1 681 720 Ducarel's Account of the Alien Priories, and of such Lands as they are known to have possessed in England and Wales, 2 vols, red morocco, gilt leaves, II. 5s Lond. 1786 721 Butcher's Survey and Antiquity of the Towns of Stamford, in the County of Lincoln, and Tottenham-High-Cross, in Mid- dlesex ; together with the Turnament of Tottenham ; or, the Wooing, Winning, and Wedding, of Tibbe, the Reeu's Daughter, there, new, halfrussia, uncut, scarce, 9*. ib. 17 \ 7 722 Genfs Antient and Modern History of the loyal toion of Rippon, fine copy, calf extra, rare, 1/. 10s York, 1733 723 History of the Royal and beautiful Town of Kingston- upon-Hull, calf extra, scarce, \l ib. 1 735 724 History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Roches- ter, ^/ic copy, old calf, Ss Lond. 1723 725 Salmon's Antiquities of Surrey, collected from the most an- tient Records, with some Account of the present State and Natural History of the County, nciv black calf, 10s. (jd. lb. 1736 726 Smith's Antient and present state of the County and City of Waterford, maps and plates, in old brown calf, scarce, 15s. Dublin, 1774 727 Antient and present state of the County of Down, old calf, 7s ib. 1757 728 Torr's (.Tames) Antiquities of York City, and the Civil Govern- ment thereof, old calf, scarce, 9s York, 1719 729 Stavelcy's History of Churches in England, half calf, scarce, 7s Lond. 1712 730 fFilUss {Browne) Survey of the Cathedral Church of St. Da- vid's, 1717. — Survey of the Cathedral Church of Landajf, Duo.] RARE BOOKS. 1.^)9 \7\9.— Survey of the Cathctlrul Church of St. yl.wph, 1720. — Survey of the Cathedral Church of Bangor, 1/21. — 4 vols. plates, hrown calf, uniform, very rare, 8/. 8.s' DUODECIMO ET INFRA. 731 New Testament, translated into English, out of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greeke, and other Edi- tions in diversLanguages,with Annotations and other Hclpes, for the better understanding of the Text, and specially for the discoverie of Corruptions in divers late Translations, and for cleering Controversies in Religion of these Dayes, on the English College of Rhemes, new calf, rare, \L Is. Antioerp, printed by James Seldenslach, 1 G2 1 This, according to the notices on the reverse of the title-page, appears to be the third edition of this Catholic Version with tlie Rhcmish An- notations subjoined. It is of very considerable scarcity. 732 Augustine. — A Pretious Booke of Heavenlie Meditations, called a Private Talke of the Soule with God : written (as some thinke) by S. Augustine ; and not translated onlie, but purified also, and with most ample and necessarie Sentences of holie Scripture, adorned by Thomas Rogers, Printed at London hy H. Denham, dwelling in Paternoster-row, at the signe of the Starve, 1581. — S. Augustine's Manuel; contein- ing special and picked Meditations, and godlie Praiers ; cor- rected, translated, and adorned, by Thomas Rogers, Imprinted at London, by Richard Yardley and Peter Short, dwelling on Ptred-strect-hil, at the signe of the Starve, 1591. — In 1 vol. recently half -bound in russia, scarce, II. 5s These are very uncommon impressions. Herbert has given an ample description of the Meditations, and a brief notice of the Manual. 733 The Meditations, Soliloquia, and Manual of the glorious Doctor St. Augustine, new calf, rare, 12*. Lond. 1628 " Permissu Superiorum." 734 Henrici VIII. Anglic: Regis Assertio Scptem Sacramento- rum adversus Mart. Lutherum, cui subnexa est cjusdom Regis Epistola, Asscrtionis ipsius contra eundem defensoria. Ac- cedit quoque R. P. D. Johannis Roflcnsi Episcopi (i.e. Fisher) 160 CURIOUS AND [Duo. contra Lutheri Captivitatein Babylonicam Asscrtionis Regise Dcfensio, old calf , rare, 1/. 10*. Paris'i'is, apiid Sebastlanum NlveUmm sub Ciconiis, via Jacohcea 15G2 A very rare edition of our mighty Henry's Defence of Catholicism, in opposition to the then propagating tenets of the impetuous Luther. This edition, although hut little known, on account of its scarcity, is, nevertheless, a perfect impression ; with the same King's subsequent Letter to Luther, and the learned Fisher's Defence of his Master's Assertio. 735 Flaming Hart j or, the Life of the Glorious S. Teresa, Foun- dresse of the Reformation, of the Order of the All-Immaculate Mrgin Mother, our B. Lady, of Mount Carmel, vellum, scarce, Ss Antwerpe, printed hy Johannes Meursius, 1642 736 An Apology for the Contemplations on the Life and Glory of Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus : showing the Innocency, Equity, and Antiquity of the Honour and Veneration given to the Blessed Virgin Mother, by the Holy Catholick Church, by J(ohn) C(ross), D.D. broion calf, extra, rare, 9a\ Lond. 1687 " With allowance of Superiours." Dedicated to the Bloody Queen Mary. 737 Palme of Christian Fortitude; or, the Glorious Combats of Christians in Japonia, taken out of Letters of the Society of Jesus from thence. Anno 1624, scarce, 7s. JV'ith permission of Superiours, Anno 1630 738 Spiritual Conflict, written in Italian, by a devout Servant of God, and lately translated into English out of the same Lan- guage, vellum, \2s This little and very scarce volume bears no name of place or date, but might have been printed at Antwerp, about 1600. It is dedicated to "The Right Reverend Mothers, the Abbesse, and Sisters of the Mo- nastery of S. Andrew's, in Venice," by " Hierome, Counte of Portia, the elder." The last leaf is occupied with a small and wretchedly feeble wood-cut representation of the Crucifuiion. 739 Of Adoration in Spirit and Truth, written in IV Bookes, bv John Eusebius Nieremberg, Native of Madrid, S. I. and trans- lated into English, by R. S. S. I. in which is disclosed the Pith and Marrow of a Spiritual Life ; of Christ's Imitation and Mystical Theolog^^ ; extracted out of the HH. FF. and great- est Masters of Spirit, — Diadoscluis, Dorotheus, Clymachus, Rusbrochius, Suso, Thaulerus, n Kenipis, Gerson ; and not a Duo.] RARE BOOKS. 161 little botli pious and effectual is siiperadded ; some of the leaves slightly stained with ink, new half calf, rare, 1 2.v. Printed Anno M.D.C.LXXIII. Permissu Siiperiorum. 739*Baily's (Dr. Thos.) Life and Death of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, yf«e cojyy, old calf, 5s Lond. 1 C55 740 Richleu (.Tohn Du Plessis, now Cardinal) Einblema Animae ; or, Morall Discourses Reflecting upon Hunianitif;, seived in Vclllim, RARE, 105 lb. \ G3.5 The title-page of this scarce volume is neatly engraved by Will. Mar- shall, in wliich he has introduced whole-length portraits of Cardinal Richelieu and Lewis Xlllth. 741 Menasseh Ben Israel's Term of Life : viz. whether it is Fixed or Alterable 5 with the Sense of the Jewisli Doctors, touching Predestination and Free-will ; to which are added, the Author's Life, never before published ; and a Catalogue of his Works, half calf , scarce, 9s id. 1699 742 The Exposicion of Daniell the Prophete, gathered out of Philip Melanchton, Jhon Ecolampadius, Chonrade Pellicane, and oute of Jhon Dracomte, &c. by George Joyc, a Prophecie diligentlye to bee noted of al Emperoures and Kinges in these last dales, {3ltl(& IttttVf/ine copy, old calf, rare, II. lOs. Imprinted at London, hy Jhon Date, dwelling over Aldersgate ; and fPllUam Seres, dwelling in Peter Colledge, the Yere of our Lorde God, M.D.L. the nynth daye of A pry II. This rare edition, Herbert informs us, " is printed page for page, as the edition by The. Raynalde, but witli a smaller type." — Vide Herbert's Ames, vol. i. p. 625. A copy of Raynalde's edition will be found iu the succeeding number. 743 The Exposycion of Daniel the Prophete (&c. as above), lllilfft XttitXf pnlc russia, extra, rare, 1 1. \os. Imprinted at London in Pauleys Church Yeardc, at the signe of the Starre, hy Thomas Raynalde. . . ]\LD.L. A very rare edition, amply described in Herbert and Dibdin. The title- page is embellished with a singular wood-cut border. 744 A Viewe of a Seditious Bui, s«nt into Englandc, from Pius Quintus, Bishop of Rome, Anno 15G9, by the Reverende Father in God, John Jewel, late Bishop of Salisburic; whcre- unto is added, a Short Treatise of the Holy Scrijitures : I)oth Y 162 CURIOUS AND [Duo. which he delivered in divers Sermons, in his Cathedral Church of Salisbiirie, Anno 1570, Illaffe ICUfV, old calf, neat, scarce, 1 4*. At London, printed by R. Neivher'ie and H. Bynneman, 1582 745 Northbrookes Poore Man's Garden ; wherein are Flowers of the Scriptures, and Doctours, verie necessarie and profitable for the Simple and Ignorant People to reade : newlie corrected and largelie augmented by the former Authour, til^Cft Ittt^r, new brown calf, scarce, 12*. At London, printed by John Charlewood, This is a fine large copy, with the exception of two or three of the last leaves, which have been so patched at the bottom as to render each imperfect of a word or two. 746 The Ground of Christianitie ; composed in maner of a Dialogue, between Paule and Titus : contayning all the Principal Poyntes of our Salvation in Christ, At London, printed by Robert JValdegrave, and are to be sold atHhe s'lgne of the Beare, in Faille's Churchyard, by Thomas JVoodcocke, 1584. — A Com- pendious Forme and Summe of Christian Doctrine, gathered, corrected, and newly augmented, by Christopher Shutte, Maister of Arte, Imprinted at London, at the Three Cranes, in the Vintree, by Thomas Dawson, 1584, 2 vols, in 1, calf, neat, scarce, \l. As. Both these works appear to have escaped the researches of Ames and Herbert. 747 (Greenewood's) Race Celestiallj or, a Speedie Course to Sal- vation. — Tormenting Tophet ; or. Terrible Description of Hell. — Joyeful Tractate of our Lord Jesus, by John in Jordan, l)laCil Ifttf t't old calf, scarce, 7s. Lond. by George Purstowe, 1620 748 Larkin's Speculum Patrum : a Looking-Glasse ; with the Cha- racters of some of the Chief Philosophers, Historians, Gram- marians, Orators, and Poets, netv, half-bound, russia, 6s. Lond. 1659 749 Paget's Meditations of Death : wherein a Christian is taught how to remember and prepare for his Latter End, curiously engraved frontispiece, new, russia, rare, \Qs. 6d. Printed at Dort, by Henry Ash, 1639 Dedicated to Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia, by Briget Paget, wife of the Author ; some account of his life and labours is given in the publisher's Preface to the reader. Duo.] RARE BOOKS. 163 750 Burton's (R.) Delight for the Ingenious, in above 50 Select and Choice Emblems, curiously ingraven upon copper-plate, with 50 Delightful Poems, for the more lively illustration of each Emblem ; to which is prefixed an Incomparable Poem, intituled, Majesty in Misery, an Imploration to the King of Kings 3 written by his late IMajesty, King Charles the First, &c. with an Emblem^ old calf, scarce, 18*. Land, for Nath. Crouch, 1684 This appears to be Burton's only Poetical Work. The Emblem prefixed to the unfortunate Charles's Poem, is a representation of his Sacred Majesty kneeling, with a Crown of Thorns. 75 1 The Pernicious Consequences of the New Heresle of the .Tesuites against the King and State, by an Advocate of Parliament, neat, scarce, 4s. Qd Lond. 1 66G 752 Everard's {Dr. J.) Gospel Treasury opened; or, the Holy est of all Unavailing : discovering- yet more the Riches of Grace and Glory to the Vessels of Mercy, new calf, rare, 18s, ib. 1 659 753 Fuller's (Dr. Thos.) Mixt Contemplations in Better Times, calf, extra, rare, 1 2s ih. 1 660 754 Walton's (Dr. Brian) Considerator Considered j or, a Brief View of certain Considerations upon the Bthlia Polyglotta, the Prolegomena, and Appendix thereof, neiv brown calf, extra, scarce, 8* , ib. \ 6.')9 755 Cartwright's Comedies Tragi-Comedies ; with other Poems, RARE PORTRAIT, BY LoMBART, Cttlf 12* lb. \{i^)\ Lombart's portrait of Cartwright, that faces the title-page, has been copied by Richardson. The volume is preceded by above fifty recom- mendatory Verses, by a variety of hands. 756 Craftsman ; or. Weekly Journalist, a Farce, half-bound, calf, scarce, 5s. ... ib. 1 "28 Written by John Mottley. — Vid. Biographia Dramatica. 757 The Ever-Green : being a Collection of Scots Poems, wrote by the Ingenious before 1600, published by Allan Ramsay, 2 vols. old binding, neat, scarce, 15* Edinburgh, 1 761 758 Greenwood's Virgin Muse : being a Collection of Poems, from our most celebrated English Poets ; with some Copies of Verses, never before printed, with Notes, and an Index of the dillicult Places, and Hard Words, half calf , As Lond. 1/17 164 CURIOUS AND [Duo. 759 King's (Dr. Heiuy) Psalms of David, from the New Transla- tion of the Bible, turned into Meter : to be Sung to the Com- mon Tunes used in Parish Churches, calf, extra, very neat, gilt leaves, 7s .y Lond. 16/1 760 Milton's Paradise Regained : a Poem, in IV Books ; to which is added, Samson Agonistes, calf, extra, .... ?5. 1 G7 1 First Edition. 761 Rigbye's Drunkard's Prospective ; or. Burning Glasse, ivant'ms; the title-page and last leaf, calf, extra, rare, \As Described in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, where a copy, made up with MS. is priced at 3/. 2>s. 762 77^6 Royall Gatne of CJiesse-Play, sometimes the Recreation of the late King, loith many of the Nohility ; illustrated ivith almost an hundred Gambetts : being the Study of Biochimo, the famous Italian, j)ortrait, neiv russia, kare, 1/. 4s. Lond. The title-page is faced with a rare portrait of King Charles I. P. Stent, exrudit. Preceding the work are Verses by R. Lovelace and E. Revet, with a Poetical Prolegomena ttpon Chesse-plat/ to Dr. Buclden. 763 Shirley's (James) Poeras. — Narcissus ; or. The Self-Lover. — — Prologues and Epilogues, vpritten to severall Playes. — The Triumph of Beautie, as it was Personated by some Young Gentlemen, for whom it was intended, at a Private Recreation, stained, calf extra, gilt leaves, scarce, 18*. Lond. printed for Humphrey Moscley, 1646 An ample description of this edition of these Poems will be found in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, where a copy is priced at &l. 6s. The pre- sent is a fine copy, but has several of the middle leaves miserably stained. 764 Suckling (Sir John) Fragmenta Aurea. A Collection of all the incomparable Pieces written by Sir John Suckling, old- calf, 6* ib. 1648 765 Wither's (George) Juvenilia. A Collection of those Poemes which were heretofore imprinted and written by George Wi- ther, viz. Abuses stript and whipt: oi", Satyricall Essayes, with certaine Epigrams. — Prince Jlenries Obsecpiies : or, Mournefull Elegies upon his Death. — A Satyre written to the King's most excellent Maiestie. — Epithalamia: oi", Nup- tiall Poems upon the Marriage between Prince Frederick Count Palatine and Elizabeth daughter of K. James, calf .scarce, U. As ib. \ 622 Duo.] RARE BOOKS. 165 766 Heath's England's Chronicle: or, the Lives and Reigns of the Kings and Queens from Julius CcKsar to K. William and Q. Mary, ivhole length portraits of JVill'iam and Mary, u-'uh a frontispiece containing 11 small ovals of the Kings, ^c. half calf extra. Is Lond. 1 G9 1 767 Cotton and Hayward's Histories of the Lives and Raignes of Henry the Third and Henry the Fourth, Kings of England, black calf extra, marbled leaves, 7s 1642 768 Smith's (Sir Thos.) Commonwealth of England, frontispiece, black calf, extra, gilt leaves, 7s 1 635 The frontispiece is engraved by Will. Marshall, and contains a neat oval portrait of King Charles I. 769 Mary Queen of Scots. — Barnestapolii (Oberti) Maria Stuar- ta, Regina Scotia*, Dotaria Franciae, Hoeres Angliip, et Hy- berniae. Martyr Ecclesie, Innocens j\ csede Darleana, Ingol- stadt, 1588. — Vitaa Episcoporum Aberdouensium ex Hectore Boetio descriptas. Item Vita S. Margar. Reginae Scotie, par- tim ex iis quas habentur apud Boetium, lib. 12 et 13, hist, partim ex Alredo Abbate, MS. in one vol. vellum, rare, 21. 12*. 6d " Yet must the reader not fail to bear in mind the very rare Latin piece relating to Mary, of which Obertus Barnestaple was the author." — Vide Dibdms Library Comp. p. 267. Bound up with the present copy is the interesting MS. of which wc have given the title above. It forms one-half of the volume, and is written in a very small ancient hand. 770 Maky Queen of Scots. — Summarium Rationum, r/uibus Can- cellarius AngVice et Prolocutor Puckcringius FAizihcthce An- glice Regince persuaserunt occidcndam esse Mariam Stuartaiii ScoticE Reginam et Jacobi VI. Scotorum Regis matrem : una cum Rcsponsionibus Regincc AnglicE et Sententia mortis : qucB Anglice primum edita sunt : his additum est Suppli- cittm et Mors Regines Scotice, cum Anhnadversionibus, 8fc. opera Romoaldi Scoti, sewed in vellum, rare, 21. 2s. Ingolstadii, 1588 This excessively rare little volume has not escaped the indefatigable A\'att. Appended to the work are numerous Latin verses on the fate of the unfortunate Mary, with an Epistola Joan. Pistorii ad Jac. Gry- nceum. 166 CURIOUS AND [Duo. 771 Oclaudi Anglorum Praelia ab anno 1327, anno nimirum primo Edvardi eius nominis tertii, usque 1558. Carmine sumina- tim perstricta. Item de pacatissima Angliae statu, imperante Elizabetha, compendiosa Narratio Hiis Alexandri Nevilli Ket- tura adiuncitur, old calf, neat, hare, 1/. 4*. Lond'mi apud Radulphum Nubery, ex assignatione Henr'ic'i Bynneman Typographl 1582 A very ample and interesting description of tins scarce volume, is given in Warton's Hist, of Eng. Poetry, vol. iii. p. 314-16. " Prefixed to the Anglorum Prmlia is a Latin elegiac copy by Thomas Newton, of Cheshire : to the Elizabetha, which is dedicated by the author to the learned Lady Mildred Burleigh : two more, one by Mulcaster, the other by Thos. Watson," &c. 772 Heywood's (Thos.) England's Elizabeth, her Life and Troubles during her Minoritie from the Cradle to the Crowne, histo- rically laid open and interwoven with such eminent Passages of State as happened under the Reigne of Henry V^III. Ed- ward VI. Q. Mary j all of them aptly introduced to the pre- sent relation, calf, ivormed, rare, \As Land. 1631 The present copy has somewhat suffered from the worm. 773 Osborn's (Francis) Historical Memoires on the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James, with their portraits, 1658. — Miscellany of sundry Essayes, Paradoxes, &c. with political deductions from Essex's Death, old calf, scarce, 12s. ib. 1659 The portraits of Queen Elizabeth and King James are small ovals, admirably engraved in the style of R. Peake. 774 Court and Character of King James, written and taken by Sir A. W. being an eye and eare witnesse, original portrait and original bi7iding, 6s 1 650 775 Truth brought to Light : or, the History of the first 1 4 Years of King James I., in four parts, containing the account of the Divorce betwixt Lady Frances Howard and Robert Earl of Essex. The Arraignment of Sir J. Ellis, about the Murther of Sir Thos. Overbury, &c. tvith the emblematical frontispiece, old calf, scarce, lOs. 6d 1692 776 Lloyd's (David) Statesmen and Favourites of England since the Reformation ; their Prudence and Policies, Successes and Miscarriages, Advancements and Falls, during the Reigns of Duo.] RARE BOOKS. 167 Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary, Elizabeth, James, and Charles I. old calf, lis- London, printed for Samuel Speed, 1 005 Rarely will a larger or cleaner copy of this work be met with than the present. 777 Tragicum Theatrum Actorum et Casimm Trag'icorum Lond'me puhl'ice celcbratorum, qiiibus Hlbernice Proregi Episcopo Can- tuariensi, ac tandem Reg'i ipsi, AUlsqiie vita adempta, et ad Anglicanani Metamorplios'in via est apcrta, portraits, vellum, RARE, 21. 2s Amst. apud Jodocum Jansonimn, 1G49 This interesting and exceedingly scarce little volume is embellished with seven portraits, most beautifully engraved in the highly finished style of Wenceslaus Hollar. The characters represented are Thomas Went- worth, Abp. Laud, General Fairfax, Oliver Cromwell, Chakles I, Charles II, and James Duke of Hamilton, with a view of the consum- mation of the Tragedy at Whitehall. 778 The None-siich Charles, his Character : extracted out of divers originall Transactions, Dispatches, and the Notes of severall Publick Ministers, and Councellours of State, calf, scarce, 7s. 1G51 779 Symmons's Vindication of King Charles I. : or, a Loyal Sub- ject's Duty, re-published by Dr. R. Hollingworth, tvith an oval portrait of Ids sacred Majesty, old calf, scarce. As. 1 693 780 Galardi {Le Sieur de) Tyrannic Heureuse ou Cromicel poli- tique, avec ses artifices et intrigues dans tout le cours de sa conduite, portrait, half calf , rare, \2s Leyde, 1671 This diminutive and excessively scarce volume has a curious frontispiece, in which is introduced an equestrian portrait of Cromwell, and a view of the beheading of King Charles in the back ground. 781 England's Glory: or, an ea^act Catalogue of the Lords of his Majestic' s most honourable Privy Councel, with the most noble Order of Saint George, called the Garter, and the House of Peers, with the frontispiece, old binding, rare, 1/. 4s. Lond. 1666 The frontispiece is excessively scarce. It is engraved by Chantrey, and represents his Majestic (Charles II.) and his Prive Counccll, the House of Lords, the House of Commons, the Lord Bishops, the Convo- cation. 782 W(alkley)'s (Tlios.) New Catalogue of the Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, &c. with the times of their Creations, &c. calf extra, 6.v. ib. 1658 1C8 CURIOUS AND [Duo. 783 The Mystery and Method of his Majesty's (Charles 2d) Happy Restaiiration laid open to Publick View, by Dr. John Price, one of the late Duke of Albemarle's Chaplains, and privy to all the Secret Passages and Particularities of that glorious Revolution, neat, scarce, ^s Land. 1680 784 The History of his Sacred Majesty Charles the Hd, King of England, Scotland, &c. begun from the Murder of his Royal Father, of happy menioi-y, and continued to this present Year, 1660, portrait, neat, scarce, Qs ib. 1660 The binding stamped with the Crown and C. R. 785 A Parallel; in the manner of Plutarch: between a most cele- brated man of Florence; and one scarce ever heard of in England, by Mr. Spence, new calf, extra, uncut, scarce, 105. 6«/ Stratvberry-Mll, 1758 A scarce and interesting production of the famous Strawberry-hill Press. 786 Lawes and Statutes of Geneua, as well concerning Ecclesias- tical Discipline, as Civill Regiment, M'ith certeine Proclama- tions duly executed, whereby God's religion is most purelie mainteined, and their commonwealth quietli governed : trans- lated out of Frenche into Englishe by Robert Fills, ttl^Cl^ \tXtiVfJine copy, calf, kare, 15*. Printed at London, by Rotvland Hall, dicellyng in Gutter-lane, at the sygne of the Halfe Egle and the Keye 1562 787 Fraud Detected; or, the Hibernian Patriot : containing all the Drapier's Letters to the People of Ireland, on Wood's Coin- age, &c. with Prometheus, a Poem, and other Songs, neat, scarce, 3s Dubl. 1 725 788 Doleman's Conference about the next Succession to the Crowne of lugland, divided into two partes, directed to the Earle of Essex, calf, rare, \2s. . . . Imprinted at N. ivith Licence, 1594 789 The Practice of the Sheriff's Court, London, old binding, bare, 1657 790 Dc Launc's present State of London: or. Memorials compre- hending a full and succinct Account of the Ancient and Mo- dern State thereof, plates, old binding, scarce, 1 /. 8*. Lond. 1681 The present is internally a very fine copy, with all the plates complete. Dtjo.] RARE BOOKS. 169 791 Historical Remarks and Observations upon the Ancient and Present State of London and Westminster, by R(obert) B(ur- ton), neatly hound in russia, ds. London, printed for Nath. Crouch, 1 703 792 Hallifax and its Gibbet Law placed in a True Liglit ; with a Description of the Town, kc. frontispiece, 3«. . . . Halif 793 A Conspiracy of tlie Spaniards against the State of F'enice, old calf, RARE . , Lond. 1 0)7 'i) This scarce little volume is singularly interesting and curious. ' It was the foundation of Otway's Venice Presented, one of the most effective Tragedies that ever graced the English Stage. 794 Seymour's Court Gamester; or, Full and Easy Instructions for playing the Games of Ombre, Picquet, and Cliess, bound, 3«. lb. 1722 795 Markhani's (Gervase) Hunger's Prevention j or, the Whole Art of Fowling, by Water and Land, tvood-cuts, neiv calf, rare, \l. \s lb. 1655 The present copy is slightly wormed. 796 North's {Sir Dudley) Discourse of Fish and Fish Ponds, old binding, scarce, ib. 1715 797 Kent's (Countesse of) Choice Manual; or. Rare and Select Se- crets in Physick and Chirurgery. — The True Gentlewoman's Delight, wherein is contained all manner of Cookery, pub- lished by W. J. gent., neat, scarce, 10s. M. ih. 1659 Some account of the Right Honourable Authoress is given in the third vol. of Granger. 798 Brutes turned Critlcks; or. Mankind Moralized by Beasts, in Sixty Satyrical Letters upon the Vices and Follies of our Age, written in Italian by Signiore Moscheni; and now done into English, with some Improvements, old calf, scarce, 7s. ib. 1695 799 Campanalogia Improved; or, the Art of Ringing made Easie, half -bound, neat, 3* ib. 1 705 800 Defoe's Compleat and Humorous Account of all the remarkable Clubs and Societies in the Cities of London and Westminster, half calf , scarce, 7s ib. 1 756 800*An Essay upon Winu ; with Curious ANfECuorKS of Emx- z 170 CURIOUS AND [Duo. NENT PeTEURS, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, luilf Culf, EXCES- SIVELY RARE, 3/. 2iS. Printed at the Office of Peter Puffendorf, Potsdam, Of this extraordinarily singular and truly eccentric Treatise, there were only fifty copies printed. The present is one of the very few vellum copies ; the volume is of an octavo size. 801 Head's (Richard) Proteus Redivivus ; or, the Art of Wheedling, or Insinuation, obtained bv General Conversation, and ex- tracted from the several Humours, Inclinations, and Passions of both Sexes, respecting their several Ages, and suiting each Profession or Occupation, neiv half russla, scarce, 10*. dd. 1675 802 Another Copy, neio in russla, scarce, 15* 1675 803 Haywood's (Mrs. Eliza) Secret Histories, Novels, and Poems, 4 \o\s. portrait, calf extra, scarce, \l. As 1732 804 Defoe's History and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders, who was born in Newgate, old binding, scarce, Qs. Llverp. 1 786 805 Ward's Nuptial Dialogues and Debates ; or, an Useful Prospect of the Felicities and Discomforts of a Marry'd Life, digested into Serious, Merry, and Satyrical Poems, 2 vols, neat, 12*. 1756 806 Comforts of Matrimony; or. Love's Last Shift; consisting of Matrimonial Dialogues, by Ned Ward, junior, frontispiece, half-bound, neat, scarce, 3*. Qd 1 780 807 Hey woods (T.) Generall History of JVomen; cantalnlng the Lives of the most Holy and Prophane, the most Famous and Infamous, in all Ages, exactly described, not only from Poeti- call Fictions, but from the most Ancient, Modern, and Admired Historians, to our Times, frontispiece, black calf, extra, gilt leaves, \l. As 1657 808 Les Fcmmes Illustres; or, the Heroick Harrangues of the Illustrious Women, written in French by the exquisit pen of Monsieur de Scuddcry, Governour of Nostre Dam, translated by James Innes, new russla, scarce, 8* Edlnb. 1681 809 School of Man, translated from the French ; to which is pre- fixed a Key to tlie Satyrical Characters interspersed in this Work, gr^en calf, extra, scarce, 6* 1 753 810 The Obliging Husband and Imperious Wife; or, the West Duo.] RARE BOOKS. 171 Country Clothier undone by a Peacock ; with the pleasant and comical Humours of Honest Humphry, his Man, tvood-cut, frontispiece, new half calf , 6s Lo?hI. 811 Shepherd's Kalender: or, the Citizen's and Country Man's Daily Companion, treating of Eclipses, Signs of Weather, Lucky and Unlucky Days, &c. half calf, 5s Lond. 812 Ball's (Richard) Astrology Improved: or, a Compendium of the whole Art of that most noble Science, 6* 1723 813 The most excellent, profitable, and pleasant Booke of the fa- mous Doctor and expert Astrologian Arcandam, or Alcan- dr'm, to find the fatal Destiny, Constellation, Complexion, and naturall Inclination of everie Man and Child by his birth; with an addition of Physiognomic, very pleasant to reade, turned out of French by W. Warde, fililCfe IfttCt, damaged, newly Sound in russia, rare, \0s. 6d. Lond. by Felix Kyngston, 1617 814 Lilly's (William) Anglicus ; or, an Ephemerls for 1G46, half calf extra, As. Lond. for John Partridge and Humfrey Blunden, 1C46 815 • Merlini AnglicI Ephemerls, half calf , extra. As : ib. I G47 816 The Hermetick Romance} or, the Chymlcal AVedding; written in High Dutch, by Christian Rosencreutz ; translated by E. Foxcroft, russia, extra, scarce, 9s 1 G90 817 Bulwer's Chirologia; or, the Naturall Language of the Hand, composed of the Speaking Motions and Discoursing Gestures thereof: whereunto is added, Chikoxomia; or, the Art of Mauuall Rhetoricke : consisting of the Naturall Expressions, digested by Art in the Hand, as the chiefest Instrument of Eloquence, by HIstoricall Manifestos, Exemplified^ neiv brown calf, RARE, 1/. 7* Lond. 1C44 The present copy of tliis singular and rare work has all the plates, and the two frontispieces, complete ; engraved by Will. Marshall. 818 Larivey (Pierre de) Predictions et Pronostlcations Generalles pour dix neuf Ans. des choses plus Memorables, les quelles nous sont denoncees advenir par les Revolutions, grandes Con- jonctlons des plus haultz Pianettes, &c. depuis 1G28, jusques a 1G4G, rare, 8* Troyes, This curious work of Larivey's appears to have been unknown to Brunei. 819 Garrault (Francois) Rccherches des Monnoycs, Poix, ct Maniere 172 CURIOUS AND [Duo. dc Norabre, des premieres et plus renomuiees Nations du monde : avec une facille Instruction, &c. Paris, 1576. — Re- monstrances faites au Parlement de Dijon, 1573, par M. T. Turquam General des Monnoyes, &c. Paris, 1573, in 1 vol. calf extra, rare, &s 820 Bernier (Francois) Voyages, contenant la Description des Etats de Grand Mogol, de I'Hindoustan, du Royaurae de Kachemire, &c. 2 vols, plates, old calf, rare, 1/. 10s Amst. 1710 The best and scarcest edition of these interesting voyages. Brunei declares it to be an edition much sought after. 821 Histoire des Troubles et Guerre Civile du Pays de Flandres, Contenant I'Origine et Progres dicelle : les Stratagemes des Guerres : Assiegemens et Expugnations des Villes et Forte- resses : L'Estat de la Religion, depuis Tan 1559, iusques a present, neiv russia, extra, very scarce, \4s Lyon. 1584 822 L'Histoire et Cronique de Normandie, finissant au Roy tres Chrestien Henry troisesme de ce nom, a present Regnant, Rouen, chez Martin le Mesgissicr, 1581. — Description du Pays, et Duclie de Normandie, appellee anciennement Neustrie, de son Origine, et des limittes d'iceluy. Extraict de la Cro- nique de Normandie, non encores imprimee, faicte par feu Jean Nagerel, ib. 1581, vellum, rare, M.\s This rare volume appears to have been unknown to our Historians. It comprises full and interesting Histories of the Deeds of William the Conqueror ; his son Robert ; and Henry the First. 823 La Republique des Suisses ; comprinse en deux livres, Conte- nans le Gouvernement de Suisse, L'Estat Public des treizc Cantons, L'Origine et les Conditions de toutes leurs Alliances, leurs Baittailes, Victoires, et autres gestes Meraorables, de- puis L'Empereur Raoul de Habspourg, iusqiia Charles V. descrite en Latin par Josias Simler, de Zurich, et nouvelle- ment mise en Francois, avec le pourtraict des villes des TREizE Cantons, vellum, rare, 1/. \s Paris, 1578 " On fait assez de cas de ce petit Ouvrage, qui renferme des choses int^- ressantes." — Voyez De Bure liild. Inst. vol. vi. p. 20.5. 824 Corrozet Autiquitez Croniqnes et Singularitez de Paris, sewed in vellum, complete, scarce, 14.9 ji. 158G The present copy is complete with the second part, which was printed in 1588, and consists of wood-cut rei)resentations, with descriptions, of the Ancient Monuments of Kingy, and other Illustrious Persons, that were then to be seen in the Churches of Paris. This most interesting part was collected by John Rabel, the Painter. Duo.] RARE BOOKS. 173 825 Boucher Sermons de la simulee Conversion, et Nullite de la pretcndue Absolution de Henry de Bourbon^ a S. Denys, en France, le Dimenche 25, Juillct, lo93, red morocco, gilt LEAVES, RARE, IS*. . . Ju.vte III copic wiprmce a Paris, 1594 The First Edition of this work was, on its puhlication, burnt, and the Author banished the country. On his arrival at Douay, he had this edition printed ; of whicli, altliough the copies were not burnt, Clement declares, they ai-e " fort rare." Bayle informs his readers, that they who wish to see the titles of these " Sermojis exe'crahles," may consult the Memoirs of Artignij, t. i. p. 467. 826 Sorbin (71/. Arnault) Vray Resveilleinatin des Calvinistes, et Publicains Francois ; ou est amplement discoura de I'auctorit^ des Princes, et du devoir des suiets envers iceux, original calf, CcVtra, gilt leaves, scarce, 9s. Paris, cJiez Guillaume Chaudicre, 1576 827 Huict Sermons de la Resurrection de la Chair, prononcez au Chasteau du Bois-de-Vincennes, durant le temps de Parade et dueil de feu Charles IX. Roy de France, vrayement piteux et debonnaire, Paris, 1576. — Exhortation a la Noblesse pour les dissuader et destourner des Duels, et autres Combats, &c. calf, rare, 9* ib. 1578 The Theologico-political Works of Arnault Sorbin are well known to be very scarce. 828 De la Puissance Legitime du Prince sur le Peuple, et du Peuple sur le Prince Traits tres-utile et digne de Lecture, en ce temps, escrit en Latin par Esticnne Junius Brutus, et nouvellement traduit en Francois, original gree.v morocco, extra, gilt leaves, very rare, 2/. 2* ALD.LXXXL " L'Original est en Latine. La traduction est plus rare et plus re- CHERCHEE, parcc qu'elle est ecrite dans une Laugue plus a la portt'^e de tout le moude, et qui met le Lectern- plus facilement en etat de juger du nierite de ce Livre, dont la maticre est interessant et delicate. Cct ouvrage a fait beaucoup de bruit dans son terns, et il i ete sup- prime, ce qui a cause la rarete des cxemplaires de cette traduction Francois, la seulequi en ait ete faite. II y a en eu au contraire plusieurs Editions de I'original Latin." — Vid. Dc Dure Bibl. Instr. vol. ii. p. 223. The present most beautiful copy is ' ' Ex miiscEo Fault Girardot de Prefond" 829 Discours Veritable de ce qui est advcnu aux Estats Generaux de France tcnuz aBloys en lannec 1588, Paris, 15H9. — Signcs Mervcillcux aparuz sur la ville ct Chasteau dc Blois, en la 174 CURIOUS AND [Duo- presence du Roy, et I'assistance du Penple. Ensembles les Signes et Comette aparuz pres Paris, le doiiziesme de Ja- nuicr, 1589, comme voyez par ce present portraict {then fol- lows a singular loood-cut, ivhich is repeated on the verso of the last leaf), M.D.LXXXIX. in 1 vol. green morocco, extra, gilt leaves, very rare, 21. \2s. 6d These two Tracts are of excessive rarity. The present beautifully chaste copies are handsomely bound in one volume, in green morocco, by DEROME. 830 Lannoy (Mattliieu de) Remonstrance Chretienne et Modeste, pour la Justification des Chretiens, Apost. Cathol. et Rom. contra les bMmes, Impostures, et Calumnies des Huguenotz et autres semblables Heretiques, Maheutres et Caco-lyques de ce temps, &c. vellum, rare, I2s Brux. 1601 " Tons les livres de cet auteur sont rares, on trouve dans celuici bien des circonstances curieuses et singulieres touchant, les principaux eve- ments des troubles de France, comme la St. Barthelemic," &c. &c. — Vid. MS. Note on the fly-leaf . 831 L'Assasinat du Roy, ou Maximes du Vieil de la Montagne Va- ticane et de ses Assasins, practiquees en la personne de def- funct Henry le Grand, old calf, rare, Is. Imprime Nouvellement, M.D.C.XIIII. 832 Eloges, &c. de Henry IV, Roy de France. — Recueil des Eloges sur les Actions de Henry IIII. Paris, 1609. — Petit sommaire de la vie, actes et faits de, 1610. — Discours La- mentable, sur I'attentat et Parricide commis en la Personne de, 1610. — Les Souspirs de la France sur la raort de, 1610. — Les Larmes et Lamentations de la France sur la trespas de, avec quelques Epitaphes. — Les Larmes et sanglots de la de- solee France, sur la perte inestimable de, 1610. — Arrests de la Cour pour la Regence de la Royne pendant le bas aage da Roy, 1610. — Declaration du Roy, sur les Edicts de Pacifica- tioii, 1610. — Ditto, pour la DefFencedu port d' Amies, 1610. — Dirae in Parricidiam ad Card. Du Perron, 1610. — Bonefonii Henrico Magno Lacryuite, 1610. — Henrico IIII. Monodiae Professorum Regiorum, 1610. — Marcilii Henrico IV, Mono- dia, 1610. — De Caede Nefaria Henrici Carmen, 1610. — Regi- cidium Detcstatum, Qua'.situm, Praecautum, Meinardi, 1610. — Arrest de la Cour de Parlemcnt, contre le tres mccliant Par- ricide Franrois Ravaillac, 1610. — Funus Rcgium, ib. — Regrets Duo.] RARE BOOKS. 175 Funebres, ib. — De la Fons Discours sur la mort de, ih. — Larmes sur la Menioire de, ib. — Execrations sur le detestable Parricide, ib. — Les Imprecations et Furies, &c. ib. — Funebres Cyprez. — Cottcuaile Stances et Regrets. — Nevelet la France en Dueil. — Coton Lettre sur la Doctrine des Peres Jesuites. — Du Verdier Discours Consolatif sur la mort de, tvith fineUj engraved title-page, and beautiful portrait of Mary de Medici, by Leonard Gaultieh, &c. thick vol. new calf, extra, SI. 3s. 1610 A rarer or more extensive series of Tracts, on this interesting subject, is rarely to be met with. The volume contains 14 more than we have above enumerated. 833 Perefixe, Histoire du Roy Henry Le Grand, with frontispiece, containing an equestrian portrait of the King, new calf, 8s. Amst. chez Louis et Daniel Elzevier, 1661 The Genuine Elzevir Edition. See Brunet, who says, that it is a " Jolie edition, dont les exemplaires sont rares." — Vid. vol. iii. p. 38. 834 L' Alcoran des Cordeliers, tant en Latin qu'en Francois, c'esfc a dire, Recueil des plus Notables bourdes et Blasphemes de ceux qui ont os6 comparez Sainct Francois a Jesus Christ, plates by Bernard Picart. — Legende doree ou Sommaire de I'Histoire des Freres Mendians de I'Ordre S. Dominique et de S. Francois, 3 vols, in 2, very fine copy, old calf, neat, scarce, 1 /. 1 0* Amst. 1 734 These two works expose, more effectually than almost any other two books whatever, the astonishing absurdities of at least one body of the Catholic Faith. The superlatively incredible wondei's superstitiously reported to have been wrought by the thrice holy founder of the once popular Franciscan Order, are in the Alcoran des Cordeliers, not only distinctly related in Latin and French, but masterly depicted in a beautiful series of engravings, by Bernard Picart. Of these extra- vagancies but a verj- inadequate idea can be formed, without au actual inspection of this curious work. The Golden Legend of the Begging Friars, annexed to the present copy, is a work equally curious, and of far rarer occurrence. 835 Taxes des Parties Casuelles de la Boutique du Pape, en Latin et en Francois, avec Annotations, par A(nt)d(u) P(inet), old calf, RARE, 7 s Ley den, 1 607 Tlie present copy of this singularly curious Work has bound up with it, Parallele de la Doctrine des Fayens avec celle des Jesuites, Sfc. Amst. 1736, which forms more than one half of the volume. 176 CURIOUS AND [Duo. 83G Pelerinage de Colombelle ct Volontairette vers Icur bicn-aim^ dans Jerusalem ; leurs aventures, empeschemens et fins, de- duiot et exprlme, par de beaux eaiblemes, par B(oetius) a B(olswert), vellum, rare, 11. \s Anvers, 1G3G " Premiere Edition, la plus rare et la plus rechercWe." — Vid. Brunei, vol. iii. p. 32. Boetius Bolswert has executed tlie plates that em- bellish this work somewhat in the manner of Callot, a style of en- graving he did not often pursue, but in which, as the present amply proves, he was equally calculated to excel. Heinecken has noticed these engravings, and designates the volume which they illustrate a mystical work. 837 L'Histoire de ma Dame Saincte Anne, de ses Parens, et de sa vie, miracles, et exemples, JDltlCli IfttCft neiv, half nissia, scarce, 7s. Anvers a la Rue de la Chambre a la Taxdpe, par la Vefue de Henry Pierre This is a curious and rare work ; a rude wood-cut of Ann, and Mary with the Holy Child, is introduced in the title-page. 838 Fenclon {M. De Arclievcque de Cambray) Refutation des Er- reurs de Bcno'it de Sphiosa, avec la vie de Spinosa, ccrite par M. Jean Colerus, beautiful copy, old red morocco, gilt LEAVES, RARE, 1 /. 5« BrUX. 1 73 1 " Cette refutation a et6 supprimee, et elle est plus rare que rouvrage de Spinosa." — De Bure Bibl. Instr. t. i. p. 496. 839 Nouvclles Liberies de Penser, original green morocco, gilt LEAVES, RARE, 9s Amst. 1 743 This scarce work contains Reflections on Pascal and Locke's Argument as to the possibility of a Future Life. — The Philosopher's Sentiments on the Nature of the Soul. — On the Existence of the Soul, and on the Existence of God, &c. 840 La Patron de I'honneste Raillerie ; ou, le fameux Arlote con- tenant ses Brocards, Bon Mots, agreablcs Tours et plaisantes Rencontres de Piovano Arloto, vellum, 5s Paris, 1650 841 Puteanus (Erycii) Comus 5 ou. Banquet dissolu des Cimme- riens Songe ; ou par unc infinite dc belles feintes, gayes, gentilles, et serieuses inventions, les moeurs deprav«jes de ce sieclc sont dcicrite, reprises, et condamncjcs, traduit par Nico- las Pelloquin, vellum, 7s ib. 1613 This, Brunet informs us, is the scarcest edition, and the one most eagerly sought after. Duo.J RARE BOOKS. 177 842 Garcia (Don) L' Antiquity des Larrons. Ouvragc iion moins curieiix que flclectablc, traduit en Francois, par le Sr. Daudi- guier, calf, scarce, C* Paris, 1G21 843 Menken, de la Charlatanerie des Savans ; avec des Remarques Critiques de differens Auteurs, traduit en Francois, curious frontispiece, old calf^ scarce, 7s Haye, 1 721 A valuable little volume, replete with interesting anecdotes of literary history and characters; much in the style, as to substance, of the mo- dern collector of " The Curiosities of Literature." 844 Rabelais (Francois). Lcs CEuvres de, augmejitees de la vie de VAuteur, et de quelques Remarques sur sa vie et sur I'Hls- tolre, 2 vols, old calf very scarce, 21. 2s. (Lej/rfe, Elsevier) 1663 This is the beautiful and rare Elzevir Edition of Rabelais. The printer has not affixed his name to these volumes, but a .single coup il'ceil is sufficient to convince eveiy one that it is a perfect chef d' teuvre of El- zcverian Typography', and one of the most successful efforts of print- ing. The rarity of the edition vies with its beauty. 845 Rocoles (Jean Baptiste de). Les Imposteurs Insignes, ou, Histoires de plusieurs Honinics de n^ant, de toutes Nations, qui ont usurpe la quality d'Eiupereurs, Roys, et Princes, j9or- truits, neio brown calf scarce, 10?. dd Amst. 1 683 This appears to be the first edition of these entertaining Biographies. Many interesting and curious particulars, relative to English History, are to be met with in the course of the v/ork. 846 La Contre-Lesine; ou, plnstot Discours, Constitutions, et Lou- anges de la liberality, remplis de Morality, de doctrine, et beaux traicts admirables. Augmentez dune Comedie, intitulee, Les Nopces d'Antilesine. Ouvrage du Pasteur Monopolitain, new russla, extra, rare, \As Paris, 1604 847 Soinaize, Grand Dictionnaire des Pretieuses, Historique, Poe- tique, Geographiquc, Cosmographique, Cronologlque, et Armo- riquc, dediii a Monseigneur le Due de Guise, 2 vols, in 1, in fine old calf gilt leaves, 18* e5. 1661 " Ouvrage satyrique, assez recherche, quand la clef, qui sert k son intel- ligence, se trouve h. la fin du second volume. Ccttc clef est une bro- chure fort mince et separ^e,qui manque dansbeaiicoup d'exemplaires." — Vide De Bure Bihl, /«*/;•. vol. iv. p. 21 1. The present genuine ohl copy has both the Key, and the curious and finely engraved Frontis- piece. 2a 178 CURIOUS AND [Duo. 848 HuDiBKAs, English and French, by Towneley, 3 vols. plates, old calf, rare, 2/. 2*^ Lond. 1 757 Brunet informs us this editioa was published by the Abbe Tuberville Needham, and that the remarks are written by the far-famed Larcher. He adds, that it is an edition in singularly high estimation in England. Tliis affirmation is confirmed by the high prices copies have sold for, when brought to public sale. It fetched bl. hs. at Bindley's, and ti/. 12*. at Duten's. 849 Eustorg de Beaulieu Divers Rapportz, contenant plusieurs Ron- deaulx, Dixains, et Ballades sur divers propos. Chansons, Epistres, Ensemble une du coq a lasne, et une aultre de lasne au coq, Sept Blasons Anatomiques du corps femenin, Lexcuse du corps pudique contre le blason des hlassoneurs des mein- bres feminins, &c. &c. most beautiful copy, in old bed MOROCCO, GILT LEAVES, VERY BARE, 21. \2s. 6d. Lyon, Pierre de Sahicte Lucie, 1537 Brunet calls this an extremely licentious publication, of which the copies are rare. He intimates that the author has not affixed his name to the edition ; but this is incorrect, for it is given on the verso of the first leaf, in a continuation of the title, which could not, on account of its length, be comprised on the recto. A copy, like the present, must be of excessive rarity. 850 Recueil de Poetes Gascons, contenant les CEuvres de Pierre Goudelin, les Folies du Sieur le Sage de Montpellier, TEm- barras de la Fieiro de Beaucaire, per Jean Michel de Nismes, 2 vols, old calf, scarce, \l. As Amst. 1 700 " Ce recueil ne se trouve pas facilement." — Brunet, vol. iii. p. 200. 851 Cy Commence une petite Instruction et maniere de vivre pour une femme scciiliere, comment elle se doibt conduire en pen- sees, en parolles, et oeuvres, tout au long du iour, pour tous les iours de sa vie, pour plaire a nostre seigneur Jesu Christ, et ainasser richesses celestes au profEt et salut de son ame, \s\u^ letter, 10*. 6(/. hnpr'ime a Paris pour Giiillaumc Merlin, The reverse of the last leaf of this scarce work is occupied with a wood- cut representation of the Catholic Chtn-ch below and above. 852 Le Meme CEuvre, avec Une Devote Meditation sur la Mori et Passion de nostre Saulueur et Redempteur, Jesu Duo.] RARE BOOKS. 179 Christ, ^c. ruled throughout with red lines, wormed, IbliTCl^ XtiXtXt rare, \2s. Jmprime a Paris, pour Guillaume Merlin, A flifferent edition to the one in the preceding: number, witlioiit !i!iy im- print, but witli the same device. Tlie second work contains several wood-cuts, and bears the device. 853 Le Livre des Quenoillesj ou les EvanglUes dcs Femines, faict a leur louange et honneur, lllacft Ifttft, calf extra, rake, 1/. 45 This edition exhibits one of the most miserably printed books that ever issued from any press ; and yet it bears internal evidence of having been executed toward the latter end of the XV^Ith century. However, it is curious and excessively scarce. 854 Le Moyne, Gallerie des Femmes Fortes, portraits, vellum, scarce, Ids. 6d Leid. chez Elsevier, 1660 The beautiful Elzevir edition. To each Life is prefixed a whole length portrait of its heroine. A brief account of the unfortunate Mary (jueeu of Scots is included, with her portrait, in which is introduced a view of the execution in the distance. 855 Opuscule de Plutarque, des Vertueux et Illustres Faitz des An- cieunes Femmes : traduit de vulgaire Tuscan en Francoyse, Paris, Jeanne de Marnef, 1546. — Cinq Opuscules de Plu- tarque Cheronee, traduitz par Maistre Estienne Pasquieur, Recteur des Escoles de Louhans, Paris, Jeanne de Marnef, 1546, 2 vols, in 1, sewed in vellum, rare, 1/. 4* The particular circumstances of the rarity of these two works, are amply set forth in a MS. note on the fly-leaf of the volume itself. Suffice it to say here, that they appear to have escaped the researches of the majority of Bibliograpliers. 856 Boucher (.Tean). Les Triumphes de la Noble et Amoureuse Dame, et I'Art de honnestcmcnt aymer, compose par le Tra- verseur des Voyes Perilleuses,y?«e copy, handsomely bound, scarce, \As. On les vend h Paris, en la grand salle du palays uu premier pillier devant la chapelle de Messieurs par Jehan Andre 1 545 This is a kind of allegorical, mystical work, in verse and prose. 857 Petrarcque, Triomphcs, nouucUemcnt redigez do son langaige 180 CURIOUS AND [Duo. vulgaire Tuscan en nostre diserte langue Francoyse, wood- cuts, newly bound in pale russia, rare, 1/. 10^. Paris, par Denis Janot, Libraire et Imprimeur De- mourant en la rue neufue Nostre Dame, ^c. . . 1538 Bninet informs us this edition is an object of research, on account of its rarity, and its wood-cut embellisliments. A copy sold for Al. 10.«. at the Roscoe Sale. 858 — — Another Copy, tvanting- (he title-page, neiv, half russia, 10*. Grf i/5. 1538 4- 859 Lea Angoysses Douleureuses qui procedent d'Amours, com- posees par Dame Helisenne, wood-cuts, wormed, vellum, RARE, 145. On les vend a Paris en la rue neufue Nostre Dame a lymage Sainct Nicolas, par Pierre Sergent. . The present copy of this rare edition of an interesting and singular work has unluckily suffered from the barbarous ravages of the worm, otherwise it is in a fine large state. The wood-cuts are executed in the same style, and appear to be for the most part a mere repetition of those in the Petrarque above. _^ 860 Les Declamations, Proccdeures, et Arrestz d'Amours, nouvelle- ment donnez en la court, et parquet de Cupido, a cause dau- cuns diffcrcns entenduz sur ceste police, wood-cuts, original calf, VERY RARE, 21. 2s. Paris en la rue Neufue Nostre Dame a Fenseigne Sainct Nicolas par Pierre Sergent Brunet classes this among the " Dissertntioiis siiigitlicres plaisantes et en- jonecs ;" and although it is usual with him to affix the ordinary price of each work he inserts in his Manuel, he has not presumed to do so in the present instance, but simply declares its rarity. jr 8G1 Les Quinze .Toyes de Mariagej ou, Lanasse dans laquelle sont detenus plusieurs Personnages de Nostre Temps, Mises en lu- miere, par Fran(;ois de Russet^ calf e/ece, half-calf, 5.f. Londrc.s, 1/12 This curious work is certainly a Parisian production. The title-page is faced with an engraving of Pandora's Box. 864 Aubery (Jeao) Antidote d'Ainourj avec un ample Discours contenant la Nature et les causes d'iceluy, ensemble les reme- des les plus singuliers pour se preserver et guerir des passions Kmouvenses, frontispiece, vellum, Qs Ddff. 1663 A scarce, and the best edition of this singular Treatise. 865 L'Amour en Fureur ; ou, les Excfes de la Jalousie Italienne, His- toire Nouvelle et Curieuse, frontispiece, Haye, 1742. — His- toire des Amours de Cleante et Belise, Leyde, 1691, 2 vols, in 1, brown calf, gilt leaves, rare, 9* 866 L'Art de Plumer la Poulle sans Crier, frontispiece, old calf, scarce, 6« Cologne, 1710 867 Olivier {Jacques) jilphabet de V Imperfection et Malice des Femmes, in blue French binding, rare, 125.... Rouen, 1631 Bruuet notices the singularity and scarcity of this volume. A curious print is introduced on the title-page of this edition. 868 Sonnet (Thomas) Satyre Menippee contre les Femmes, sur les poignantes traverses et incommoditez du Mariage, avec la Timethelie ou Censure des Femmes — Deffence Apologetique contre les Censeurs de sa Satyre du Mariage — Respouce a la contre Satyre, vellum, rare, \2s Lyon, 1 623 Tliis is a rare edition, not mentioned by Brunei. It has a double title- page, in one of which is introduced a portrait of the celebrated Satirist. 869 Tagereau (Vincent) Discours sur I'lmpuissance de THoramc ct de la Femme. Auquel est declare que cest qu' Impuissance empeschant ct scparant le Mariage. Comment ellc se cog- noist, bound in red, scarce and curious, 8s Paris, 1 655 870 Traicte de la Dissolution du Mariage, par I'lmpuissance et froideur de THomme ou de la Femme, bound in red, rare, 8*. ib. 1610 The titles of these two suflSciently explain the singular nature of their contents. 182 CURIOUS AND [Duo. 871 Traite dc la Jalousie; ou, Moyens d'entreteuir la Paix dans le Mari-dge, frotitispiece, neat, scarce, 5s Paris, 1677 A singular Treatise, on an interesting subject. The curious frontispiece is engraved in tlie style of Romaiu de Hooglie. 872 Le \ltime, frontispiece, old binding, 5s ib. 1682 Both these editions are represented on the title-pages as executed Juuxte la copie imprimee a Paris, Sfc. but this appears to be a mere sub- terfuge. 873 Aretixo (Pietro). — La Prima e Seconda Parte de Ragiona- menti del Zoppino. — Commento di Ser Agresto da Ficarvolo, sopra la prima Ficata del Padre Siceo, con la Diceria de Nasi, 3 parts in 1 vol. beautiful copy, in fine original calf, gilt leaves, RARE, 1/. As. Stampata, con buona Itcenza (toltami) nella nobil Citta di Bengodi, ne l Italia altre volte piu felice, il viggesimo prima dOttohre. . . . M.D.LXXXIV. 874 capricciosi et piaceiioli Ragionamenti di M. Pietro Aretino, Nuova Editione, con certe postille, che spianano e dichiarono evidentemente i luogki et le parole piu oscure, et pia difficili dell' opera, new, in russia, very rare, 21. Is Stampati in Cosmopoli (Elzevir) 1660 The best, and the most beautiful edition. Most Bibliographers have remarked on its great scarcity, and set forth the signal advantages it possesses over all other editions. Tlie present is what M. Renouard calls, the first of the Elzevir edition, known by the singular formation of the letter z. 875 La Puttana Errante Dialogo di Maddalena, e Giulia di ^I. Pietro Aretino, calf rare, J 8*. This edition is executed on 62 leaves, unknown to De Bure and Brunet. It has no name of place, printer, or date, but was probably printed about 1660. The work is of a sufficiently infamous nature- to justify De Bure's declaring it needless to know more of it than the title. Some have supposed it to have been inaccurately ascribed to Aretin, and that it rather was written by a Maffeo Vemeko. 876 La Terza, et Ultima Parte de Ragionamenti del Divino Pietro Aretino, Appresso Gio. Andrea del Mela- grano, 1589. — 11 Ragionamento del Divino Pietro Aretino nel quale si parla del gioco, &c. 2 parts in 1 vol. French calf, marbled leaves, scarce, 18* 1589 Vid. Brunei Manuel , torn. i. p. 95. Duo.] RARE BOOKS. 183 877 Another Copy {ivanting the two first leaves of the first part), half calf , source, 8.? 1589 878 Quattro Comedie del Divino Pietro Are- tino. — c\6h II Marescalco, La Cortegiana^ La Talanta, L'Hipo- crito, newly bound in russia, rare, M.As.... M.D.LXXXVIH. 8/9 Pornodidascalus seu Colloquium Muliebre Petri Aretini : de astu Nefario Horrendisque Dolis, quibus impudicoe raulieres juventuti incautae insidiantur, old calf scarce, \2s Francof 1 623 A fair and comprehensive account of " the unprincipled and licentious" Aretino, is introduced in the fourth volume of the elegant Life of Leo X. by W. Roscoe. 880 Alberto (Leon Battista, Firentino) Hecatomphila, ne la quale ne insegna lingeniosa Arte d'Amore, 1534. — Deiphira, ne laquale ne insegna araare temperatamente, &c. calf, scarce, V2s. f'inegia, per Francesco Bindoni, ct Mapheo Pasini, 1534 " Deux opuscules curieux et rares." X 881 Sansovino (M. Francesco) Ragionamento, nel quale brevemcnte s'insegna a giovani huomini la bella Arte d'Amore, calf scarce, 7s Finegia, 1545 _.( 882 II Puttanismo Moderno con il novissimo Parlatorio delle Mo- naclie Operetta Piacevole, e Curiosa dedicata al Lettore istesso, calf, neat, \2s This edition bears no name of place or date. It appears to hare been printed about 1700, certainly not in Italy. 883 Dialogo dove si ragiona della Bella Creanza delle Donne (Aless. Piccolomini), stamped binding, scarce, \l. \s. f^enetia, 15/4 Brunei informs us, that Haym styles this Dialogue bellisimo, and that it is a production much too free for such a character as Alex. Piccolomini to affix his name to ; but that this defect has chiefly contributed to render it popular. 884 Giovio (Paolo, Vescovo di Nocera) Dialogo dell' Imprese Mi- litari et Amorose, con un Ragionamento di Messer Lodovico Domenichi nel medesimo soggeto, scarce, \Qs. yinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito, 1557 An eleorant edition, and probably the first. Fontanini makes mention of no edition of Paolo's Dialogue, previous to 1574, nor of Donicnichi's, previous to 15G2, included iu the succeeding number. _t 184 CURIOUS AND [Duo. 885 Domeniclii (Jjodovico) Dialoghi 5 cioh, d'Araore, de' Rimedi d'Amore, dell' Amor Fraterno, della Fortuna, della vera No- bilita, deir Irapresc, della Corte, et della Stampa, vrllum, 9*. yinegia appresso Gabriel Giolito, M.D.LXII. 88G Astolfo Innamorato nelqual tratta d Anne, et d'Amore. di Antonio Legname Padouano. nuovamente r'lstainpato, et rtcorretto, et di Figure adornato, newly bound in pale russia, rare, 21. 2s f'enetia, 1616 A very uncommon impression, unknown to most Bibliographers. The wood-cuts, that embellish the pages of this edition, are very numerous. They represent, for the most part, the wonderful deeds of Knight- errantry, and are executed in a rude, coarse style. 887 Ariosto (Lodovico) La Lena, Comedia, I'^inegia per Vettor de Uavaniani, et conipagni, 1538. — Li Soppositi, Comedia, Stam- pata in T-^inegia, per Francesco Bindonl et Maj)hco Pasini compagnl, 1537, in 1 vol. yelloio binding, scarce, \2s. . Most Bibliographers acknowledge the scarcity of the original editions of Ariosto's Lena and Soppositi. 888 Cicognini (Giacinto Andrea). II Maritarsi per vendetta, Venet. 1G72. — Domenechi (Lodovico) Due Cortigiane Co- media, Venet. 1C26. — La Regina statista d' Inghilterra, ct il Conte di Esex, Vita, Successi, e 3/orte. Con nuove aggitmte di Nicolo Biancolelli. Bologna, 1668. — Andreini (Gio. Bat- tista) Campanacia, Comedia piacevole, e ridicolosa, Venet. 1662. — Cicognini, La Forza dell' Innocenza ne' successi di Papirio, Opera Tragica, Fenet. 1672. — "La Drammaturgia tace quest' edizione." — Vid. Catal. Comin. Ital. — L'Amante fedele Pantalone Omicida, et il Dottor Disonorato Onorata- mente, Comedia Ridicolosissima et. di nuova aggiontovi, Li disperati Contenti Intermedii bellissimi del Capriccioso, Venet. 1672, in 1 vol. vellum, rare, M.^s A very rare Collection of Italian Plays. BlancolelH's Tragical History of the Earl of Essex and Queen Elizabeth, appears to be generally unknown. 889 Rime di diversi antichi Autori Toscani in dieci Libri raccolte, viz. Dante Alagliieri, Cino da Pistoia, Guido Cavalcanti, Dante daMaiano, Fra Guittone d'Arezzo, &c. old calf, scarce, 18*. (Florentia, Giunta) This impression bears no name of printer, place, or date, but imme- diately after the title-page we are presented with Bernard Giunta's Duo.] RARE BOOKS. J8.> Address to the Lorers of rusoan Poetr>'. The ninth, tenth, and ele- venth books are composed of Canzoni e Ballate di IMversi Aitturi, fit Midori incerti, &c. A copy printed by the Sabio, at Venice, in l.')32, sold for 2/. 4.V. at the Roscoe sale. 890 Gelli (Giovanbatista). La Circe, p.eautifc;l copy, red mo- Hocco, GILT LEAVES, HARE, 1/. \s Florenzd, M.D.L. The best Edition. Ou the reverse of the title-page is introduced a wood-cut representation of the author. 891 Quinto Curtio, dall' Originale, strongly bound in the original red morocco, leaves gilt, and inlaid with sky-blue silk, rare, ]/. i)S. Florcntia per H heredi di Philippo di Giunta, M.D.XIX. di Giugno. Leone A. Pontijice. A rare pi-odnctioiv of the Junta Press. The work is preceded by Bernardo PhiUj^po di Giunta' s Dedication to Francesco Patritio Giudetti Fio- rentino. 892 Lauro (M. Pietro, Modonese) Lettere, il Primo Lihro, Fene- tla, 1552. — Libro Secuiido, flnegia, 156Q.—/inc copy, com- plete, original green morocco binding, gill leaves, scarce. Lis. This elegant volume, destitute of any actual indication of the printer, bears the appearance of being a successful proriaction of t'ae renowned Aldine Press. 893 Toloniel (M. Claudio) delle Lettere di, Libri Sette. Con luiova aggiunta, ristampate, et con somnia diligenza corrette, new, half russia, rare, \Gs. InFinetia appresso Gabriel Giolito di Ferrarii, 1549 Brunet informs us this edition is rare, and that it is cited by the La Crusca. It is certainly a chef d'verunt ostendens, old brown calf, scarce, 18.? 1527 Tills is a singular and interesting Treatise. The author in the first place defines heretics and denounces their deserts ; he then gives a copious alphabetical list of heretics, with their works, after which he proceeds more immediately to attack Luther himself, and gives an account o tlie burning of Luther's books, the Emperor Charles V.'s Declaration against Luther, &c., and finally he defends the doctrine of Purgatory. The present copy has unluckily been a little cut in the binding, other- wise it is in a beautiful state. 905 Index Expuvgatorius Libroruni qui hoc Sseculo prodierunt, vel DoctriiicB non sanae erroribus inspersis, vel inutilis et offen- sivaa malediceutiae fellibus permixtis, juxta Concilii Tiideu- tini, M.D.LXXI. — Accesserunt huic cditioni excerpta alio- rura Librorum expurgatoriuin, ex Indice Hispanico Gasparis Quiroga, old binding, scarce, \As Argentorati, 1 G09 This edition was published by the famous Protestant Francis Junius, as an exposition of the frauds, deceits, falsities, &c. &c. of the Catholic Church. He has affixed a Dedication, and an explanatory Preface. 906 Idem Liber, cum ludice Librorum Proliibitorum, vcrif fine copy, complete, calf extra, rare, 1/. 1*. . . Hanov'ice, 1611 This is the completcst and rarest edition of the Protestant Version of thesis Catholic Injunctions. 907 Index Librorum Proliibitorum, cum Edicto Philippi II. Regis Oatliolici de Librorum Proliibitorum Catalogo observando, served in vellum, scarce, 7s Antv. e.v Off. Planthn, 1570 The Indices of Prohibited Books are known to be of much rarer occur- rence than those of eicpurgated only. 908 Posttiumum Calvini Stigma in tria Lilia, sive tres Libros dis- pcrtituin. a Ulictoril)us Collegii Societatis Jesn liruxellis, Anno IGl 1, new, half russ'ta, rare, \l. \s.. . . Bruxell(B, 1611 This is a singular and curious as well as a rare and interesting volume. Every little circumstance that the malice of the Papists could heap against poor Calvin, is in this volume collected together, and forms subjects for almost an infinite number of verses, in almost every kind of measTue. Here we have acrostics and anagrams in abundance ; and at the end of the volume vvc are presented with sevftral Greek epigrams on the same fertile subject. Duo.] RARE BOOKS. 1B9 909 Bezae (Thtiodoii) IVactatio de Polygiimi;i, in qua ct Ochiui Apostatje pro Polygamia, ac aliorum argumenta lefntantur. — Tractatio de Repudiis et Divortiis, neat, 6« Dav. 1651 010 Confessio Chrifstiaiiffi Fidei, et Eiusdem Col- latlocum Papisticis Hieresibus, russ'ia extra, gilt leaves, rauk, 1^*. 6rf Londini, eXcudebat Thomas Vautrollenus, 1575 A very uncommoa edition, amply described in tierberl's Ames, Tol. ii. p. 10()7. 911 Beverlandi (Hadriani) de Peccato Originali Disseitatio. Lug. Bat. 1679. — Hadriani Beverlandi de Stolatte Virgiuitatis Jure Lucubratio Acaderaica, ?(5. 1680. — Ryssenii (Leonardi) Jiista Detestatio sceleratissimi Libelli Adrian! Beverlandi, Icti. de Peccato Originali, Gorinchem't, 1680. — Poetica Descriptio Creationis, et Lapsus, in one vol. vellum, very scarce, IS*. De Bure has treated at considerable lengtli of these books, has pointed out their tendency, and remarked on their extreme rarity. Few books are seldomer found united than these of Beverland and Ryssenius's Refutation, which the same accurate Bibliographer affirms to be " plus rare que I'ouvrage contre lequel elle a €t32 Aristotele Politiche, bound in russia, \l. \s S^^C. XV. This translation appears to have been made by Pe. Alessandro. It is written in a small hand, in double columns, on a coarsish paper. Folio.] MANUSCRIPTS. 193 >-- 933 De Scematihns, de Tropis, (ie Mctaplasin, &c., cum Glo.s.sario, et Libro de Specie Lapidum, ON VELLUM, newly bound in russia, 61. 6s. An ancient manuscript of singular interest, written in double columns, on 1()() leaves of vellum. The Glossary comprises 1.50 of these leaves. It is a general alphabetical i>ictionary, containing many classical quo- tations. The books on grammatical rules occupy the first eigUt leaves, and the Poem de Specie Lapidum, the last seven. I 934 Tractatiis de Causihiis, Liber de Rhctorica, &c., ON VELLUM, "^ recently half-bound in russia, 3/. 3.? S^EC. XIV. This is a collection of works on Logic, Moral Philosophy, and Theology, written by various hands in a small and scarcely legible character. Several of the tracts are surrounded with Comments, and some are seemingly defective. 93.') Dantis Aldigerii de Florentia, de Monarvhia, ON V^ELLUM, vellum stamped, 21. 12s. 6d. This copy of Dante's celebrated treatise de Monarchia, is written in a small hand, on a rather dirty coloured vellum, apparently toward the latter end of the Fourteenth Century. This work served to inflame the Court of Rome very considerably against the unfortunate poet. Tira- boschi writes, " II Libro de 3/oiifirc/iia fu da lui scritto in Latino, e in csso prese a difendcre i Diritti Imperial;, e scrisse percio di essi e dell' autorita della Chiesa." 936 The Fore Runer of Revenge, uppon the Duke of Buckin«;liam, for the Poysoniug of tlie most potent Kiiige James of happy memory. King of Create Brittan, and the Lord Marcpics Haui- bleton, and others of the Nobilitie, discovered by Mr. (George EgUsham,one of Kinge James his Physitious for his Majesties Person about the space of tenne yeares. Frankfort, 1G26. — The Speech and Behavior of William Parrye, att the Tyme of his Execution, in the of the Oidd Pallace of Westminster, over against the Starr Chamber, on the second daye of Marte ir)S4. — Oratio Divi Thomai Cantuariensis a quibusdam Angliie Episcopiis accusati eorum summo Ecclesiai Pontifice Alexan- dre Tertio. — De calamitatibus Anglite ad Doininum Thomam Cantuarieusem ode. recently half-bound in russia, 21. \2s. 6d. This interesting MS. is written in a small running hand. «i- 937 ^n Index to several Records in the Tower of London, commu- nicated by Geo. Holjies, Esq. Deputy Keeper of the Record Office, 1 74G, half -bound, 21. 1 2s. 6d. At the conclusion of this work, is given a brief account of the origin of the town of Ipswich, written by tlie same hand. Tiic volume was suc- 2 c -\ 4r V94 MANUSCRIPTS. [Folio. ccssivcly the property of the well-known antiquaries, Guildford North, and R. Gougii, whose autographs are given at the beginning. 938 The Old and Auntient Order of keeping tlie Parliament, in nse in the time of Edward the Confessor. With a true Catalogue of all the Nobility of England. — The Priviledge of Parliaments. — Considerations of the causes of Scarcitie of Coyne within this Kingdome, 1620. — Certaine Collections deduced from the Trade into the Easterne Countries, showing in part the cause of the great Scarcitie of Silver in England, and some remedie for the same. — Methods of furnishing His Majesty with Money. — A brief Declaration of the Plantation of Virginia, during the first twelve yeares, when Sir Thomas Smith was Governor of the Company, and downe to this present time by the ancient Planters, now remaining alive in Virginia. — Mr. Rog. AVid- drington's Conference with Mr. Edward Courteney, about his Booke, 1634, o/d binding, 21. V2s. 6d. 939 Additions to the Four Volumes of Granger's Biographical His- tory of England, 2 vols, boards, \l. lOs. These two volumes contain a multitude of slips of paper, relating to Granger's popular History, written by Granger himself, Richardson, and others. 940 ICOXES POXTIFICUM ET ImPERATORUM, COLOURED, ON VEL- LUM, hound in old calf, 81. 8s 13.53 An extraordinarily singular and curious volume. It consists of exces- sively rude half-length coloured figures, intended for representations of Popes and Emperors, comprehended on seventy pages of fine vel- lum. Tliese figures are executed in compartments sometimes two and three in a row. The Popes, occupying universally the top of the page, commence with Christ, Peter, and Paul, and end with Eugene IV. ; the JEmperors, occupying the lower part, begin with Julius I., Octavianus Augustus, and Tiberius, and conclude with Rt.r fwderattis Romanorum, preceded by Sigismund and Albert. Luckily each figure is inscribed with the name of the individual intended to be represented. The date of its execution, .5153, reckoning from the creation, we find at the commencement of the volume. 941 Lettres de Margarite de Parme et du Due d'Alve, ecrites de ii Fcv. 1566, a 14 Aoust 1568, et Autres Actes, old calf, 31. 3s. An exceedingly interesting Volume. It consists of copies of all the letters that passed between Margaret of Parma and the Duke of Alva. Besides this Correspondence, are several Acts and other miscellaneous sources of information relating to the horrible Persecution of the Pro- testants in the Low Countries under their administration. 942 Extrait dos Histoircs et Cronicqucs faictes et compilees par noble liomme Enguerann de Monstkelet, dcmourant a FoMo.] MANUSCRIITS. 195 Cambiay. Commcnchans iccUes Cronicques la ou venerable lioraiue Maistie Jelian Froissart, fiiia ct termina Ics sicnues Tan de rincarnacion. Mil CCCC ou environ^ strongly bound in vellum, 21. 2s. This old MS. is executed in small hand, in double columns, and on paper. 943 TwJENTY-ONE OLD ViEWS IN FlANDERS, EXQUISITELY DRAWN WITH Pen and Ink, on Twenty-one Sheets of VELLUM, Al. 14*. Qd. 944 Brabantia quarternis ab hiuc Saeculis illustrata monetis aureis et argenteis cum valoribus, ponderibus, ligis ac cdictis (juas successive cudi mandanint Inclyti Brabantie Duces Belgiei Burguudici Austriaci scilicet ab anno 12S8, ab Joanne 1° Duce Lotharingiae, Brabantie et Limburgi, usque ad Carolum ii Austriacum Hispaniarum et Indiarum Regem Catliolicum Duceni Brabantie, old binding, 31. 3s 1688 This important Work is written in Latin and Flemish. It appears to have been prepared for publication, and has many of the coins that are noticed and described, cut in wood. 945 A Work on the Ancient Coinage of Holland, written on sixty- four leaves of VELLUM, ll. \s S.EC. XV. " Liber Conven. Carmelit. in Civ. Harlemensis." 94G Genealogie et Preuves de la Faniille de Stalins, illustrated by Arms, Ar7norial Bearings, and Sepulchral Monuments, bril- liantly coloured,, half calf , 31. \3s. 6d. 947 Extractum dcductionis Geniagologicae perantiqujc Famllia; Vi- vevallorura depost Hauteriere nunc de Leefdale, calf e.rtra, 31. 3s 1783 Embellished with a large number of Coats of Arms richly coloured, and Sepulchral Monuments elegantly drawn. — Jp 948 The Pedegree or Genealogie of the Auncient Name, Familie, and Armes of Pariiam, testified by good proffe, and doth i^^ agree icith the Registers and Records in our OJ/ice, on three ROLLS OF FINE VELLUM, 61. 6s. On the lower part of the second roll, we find these words, " Fecit exin- formatione, Fran. Popeley, Gen. per me Hen. Chitling, Chester Herald." _1„ 949 Touchant la paix faicte en la Ville et Cite de Cainbray en Tan XV*^ XXIX entrc r£nq)ereur Charles le (pilnd, et Franchois jMcnuer dc cc noni Roy de Franclie, sewed in vellum, \l. \s. This MS. is cotemporary with the deed it relates. Tlie Volume contains several old French Poems, &c. 196 MANUSCRin^S. [Folio. 9J0 Triittato se>//Mo.CCCC''.XLIX. This is a work for the most part unknown. It appears never to have been printed. The subscription to the volume informs us when and by whom it was written ; part of this subscription is copied above. 'V 909 Leonis Liber Sermonum, «/. .O.v. »«'in. Scriplus Anno M°.CCCC°.LI. p. Easone. A fiue old Copy, on 188 leaves of Vellum, comprising the Index and the Epistles said to have been written by I'aul to Seneca, and by Seneca to Paul. Quarto.] MANUSCRIPTS. 201 L-' 974 Aretino (Magistri Jo/tfomh Bcnedtcti Moncetti de Castell'ionc) Epistolc coiisolatorie IMaric Angle Rcglne missc per moduni Dyalogi, on \'ELLUM, half-calf, 51. 5s. Au interesting Epistle of the celebrated Leouard Aretin, addressed to our Queen Mary, which appears never to have been published, or even known to the literary world. It is executed on thirty-two leaves of beautiful, fine vellum. The first page is surrounded with an elegant border, and a richly coloured and gilt initial. An ample history of the Author's Life and Works is to be found in Bayle, vol. i. p. 434. 975 Ct/ apressont les Serimonies ct Ordonnances qid se appart'iennent a ga'ig-e de Battaille fait par (juerelle selon les Constitucions faictes par le hon Roy Phcllppe de France, on \'^ELLlfM, old stamped binding, 11. Is 1306 This extraordinarily singular, useful, and entertaining MS., occupies, on the whole, nineteen leaves. On the recto of the first we have the title, as copied above. This occurs in tlie middle of the page, having over it a most singularly curious miniature, representing two knights in single combat, inclosed in a kind of railing, on which the supposed seconds lean ; the royal spectators being situated in an elevated gal- lery on the left side. This miniature is unusually interesting to the Antiquary, since by it he is enabled to ascertain with infallible cer- tainty the Court Costume of France at that period. Beneath the title commences Philip's Address to his Subjects, concluding at the top of the verso of the second leaf, where we find the date given thus : Dunne a Paris le mescredi Van Mil. ilA' 2 VI.; after which we have the Work itself. At the commencement of each chapter is given, in the margin, an handsome border of flowers, tastefully coloured and gilt. 976 Sonnets, Acrostiches, Anagrammes, Chansons, Eclios, et Dix- nins siir lAniour, ^VITII ten iiighly finished vaintings on \'ELLUM, oblong, bound in velvet, splendldbj ivorkcd in gold and silver, leaves gilt, 41. 4s. The Composer of this truly interesting and elegant Volume signs him- self A. F. D. D., and the object of his tender flame was a Madamoiselle Susanne Vander Vorst, whose name, in the course of a few piiges, ap- pears under an almost infinite variety of shapes. The poetry is written in a neat, delicate hand, and the paintings executed with the most lively colours, in a masterly style, on vellum of the very finest quality. The subjects arc of course various representations of Cupid's power. 976* V'oyage de Rome a Jerusalem, uith Illustrative Drawings, old binding, II. lis. 6d 1 666 The Author of this Volume h;is illustrated his interesting descrip- tions of Antiquities with fac-simile drawings. The Volume con- tains, besides the entertaining illustration of Jerusalem's Sacred Re- mains, some account of Italian Monuments, ArchiUicturc, and miscel- laneous objects of curiosity, with representations of Neapolitan Coins. 2 D h 202 MANUSCRIFrS. [Quarto. 977 Conclavi da Leone XI. a Clemente VIII., sewed hi vellum, 9s. 978 Copies of ancient Titles and Dignities, in Latin, on VELLUM, thick wooden binding, 11. 2s. Such appears to be the legitimate title of this ancieut MS. It is written on sixty-nine leaves of old vellum, in double columns. A' 979 Libellus Electionis a Magistro G. de Mandagoto, an ancient 3IS. on thirty-eight leaves of VELLUM, half-bound, 12s. 980 Richardson's Catalogue of Sir W. Musgrave's Collection of English Portraits, from Egbert to the end of George II. The original MS., with the Authors Autograph, 1/. 10*. J^ 981 Regis Brev. MSS. Edwardi III., on VELLUM, russia, 41. 4s. Such is the title of this Jincient MS. as lettered on the back of the vo- lume ; but the hand in which it is written being so small, so full of contractions, and, withal, so illegible, the compilei' is incapable of ascertaining the nature of the work. 982 Ductor Historicus Anglicus, 3 vols., velhnn, \l. 15*. These three small volumes contain valuable collections for a general His- tory of England. They appear to have been written about 1700. 983 Richardson's Common-Place Book, vellum, 31. 3s. This Volume consists of interesting Historical and Biographical Anecdotes of Remarkable Characters, &:c., collected by Richardson, the well- known Printseller. 984 Bell's Common-Place Book, w//«?w, 18*. This Volume is filled with Extracts from various Works, illustrating some of the more remarl^able features in various parts of America, the Indies, and other Countries. L 985 A Supply of Pollicies, or the famous Observations which that renowned Emperor, Charles the Fifth, gave to his Son, Prince Phillip, old calf, IS*. Dedicated To the Right Honourable Sir Francis Bacon, Knight, Lord Keeper of the Great Scale of England, Heaven\ Paradice, and the World's Happines. By Samuel Jeynens. ■~ 986 Political Ordinances, written in Flemish, on fifty-six leaves of fine Vellum, 12*. A 987 La Manifere d'Appaiser les Troubles qui sont maintenant en France, et pourront estre cy apres, a la Royne mere du Roy, half calf. 18*. An interesting cotemporary MS., relating to those direful commotions of France in 1 Lubeck, M.CCCC.XCIIII. Vogt, Seelen, Clement, Panzer, Dibdin, and many other Bibliographers, expatiating on this remarkable impression of the German Bible, have noticed its great raritj'. The present copy is unfortunately defective of a leaf or two at the beginning and ending of each volume, and the singular wood-cut illustrations are partly coloured. 1046 Berthorii, Pictavicnsi, Reductoriura Moralizaciouum super totain Bibliain,/?«e large copy, old half calf, rare, 21. 1 2*. 6(/. {Colonic) impressum per me Bartholomeum dc Unckcl, \A77 No Bibliographer appears to have supplied us willi a description of this very uncommon and interesting impression. It is one of the first pro- Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 213 diictions of Unckel's Press, and is exccntcil on paper of admirable quality, in double columns, witb a type not very dissimilar in its effect to that ofUlricZell. Neither signatures, catch-words, or numerals arc used. Maittaire and Panzer have not wholly omitted it. J 047 Duraud Ratioual des Divins Offices, translate de Latin en Francois, par Jclian Goulain, half-bound, scarce, \l. 8.s. Paris, pour Anthome Vcrard IT) 03 Printed in the Gothic character, in double columns. On the recto of fueillet 1, is a large wood-cut Print of the Catholic Service; on the verso of the last, Verard's device. The present copy is ruled through- out with red lines. 1048 La tres ample et uraye Exposition de la Reigle Monsieur Sainct Benoist : tres utile et necessaire a toutes gens de Re- ligion. Et speciallement a de votes sanctimonialles niili- tantes soubz le statut et divine institution dicelluy sainct benoist qui est le resplandissant inirouer de la vie monas- tique, &c. old binding, 1 Qs. Paris, ])ar Maistre Pierre P^idouc imprimeiir, pour Symon Vostre librairc. 1049 S. Tliomae de Aquino Tractatus de divinis Moribus et de Beatitudine, 4/. \As. 6d. Absque ulla indicatione Loc. Typog. aut Ann, scd Ultbajecti, Typis Nicolai Ketelaer et Gerardi Leempt, circa 1 473 This, like every other production of the first Dutch Press, is of excessive rarity. Maittaire, Visser, and Lambinet, appear alike ignorant of its existence. Braun, and after him Denis and Panzer, notice the im- pression, but he errs most egregiously when he assigns it to John Zeiner, at Ulme. The two Tracts occupy together, including the Index, 30 leaves, printed 31 lines in a full page, without signatures, catch-words, or numbering of leaves. 1050 Augustinus de Civitate Dei — Augustinus do Triuitate, russia extra, marbled leaves, 21. 12*. 6rf. Friburga, M.CCCC.XCIIIL Respecting this edition of the de Civitate Dei, see No. 131 of this present Catalogue. Panzer notices the de Triuitate, as evidently executed at the same place ; and observes that these appear to have been published together, which is highly probable. 1051 Le Souge du Vergier Icquel parle de la Disputacion du C'lerc 214 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. et du Chevalier, made up with MSS., rough binding, scarce, II. 4a. . Paris, le Petit Laurent, pour Jehan Petit, sans date. This is a very uncommon edition. The first leaf contains on the recto the title, with Petit's device ; and on the reverse a large rude wood- cut. The present copy, defective of a few of the latter leaves, has been neatly made up with MSS. 1052 Ficiiio (Marsilio, fiorentino) ellibro della Cliristiana Religione, half-bound in red, scarce, 1/. 1 \s. 6d. Impresso in Pisa, per Ser Lorenzo e Ser Agnolo Fiorentini del mese digiugno, M.CCCC.LXXXIIII. First Edition, and Second Book printed at Pisa. Specimens of this press are very rarely to be met with, the productions of these Typographers having been exceedingly limited. 1053 Petrarca de Remediis utriusque Fortunae, recently half -bound calf, someivhat stained in the upper margins, scarce, \L As. Cremonce, Bernardini de Misintis Papiensis ac Cce- saris Parmensis sociorum diligeiiti opera .... 1492 First Edition with date, and, according to Panzer, the second book printed at Cremona. 1054 Der Groi/ssen Si/len Trost, und Der Cleynen Sele Troist, wood-cuts, VERY BARE, 4/, 4*. Dit boick halt gedruckt Johan Koelhoff van Lubcck burger in Coellen tzoder eren gotz unde is gccynt up sent Johan Baptistcn avcnt als he geboren wartLi denJaeren uns /ie>-e??,M.CCCC.LXXXIX. This 1 reckon to be a volume of extraordinary scarcity, since in no Jiibliographic work that I have consulted does there appear to be the least mention of it. It is written in German, and is compiled from a number of works that are mentioned in the Latin proem. The work contains a great number of Historic Examples or Tales, which are illus- trated by remarkably rude wood-cuts. The type is a small Gothic ; but, being much more rude and uneven than that of books printed by KcelliofF, bearing even an eailier date, I am inclined to suppose there is an eiTor in the imprint of ten years, and that it ought to be dated 1479, instead of 1489. The present copy is rather stained and dirty. 1055 Drci Bucher des Doctrinals von Engeln und Menschcn fur dye Ley en gemacht zu teutsch, wood-cut, very rare, 31. 3s. Sine nota Anni, Loci, aut Typographi. An early production of a German press. It appears to have eluded the researches of Bibliographers. The type is not very unlike that of An- thony Sorg. No initials, catch- words, or muueruls are used. Folio.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 215 10j5*Ej)istelen undc des liylgen Ewangelli aver dat gaiitze yar myt veler glosen unde Exeinple, loood-cuts, in fine old stamped ivooden binding, 21. 2s M.CCCC.XCVH. A volume of great scarcity. It appears to be destitute of name of printer or place, but the device is given on the last page, wliich, by research, U'oukl easily fix by wliom printed and where. The curious and entertaining historic examples, enlivening the pages of this work, are illustrated by wood-cuts of the rudest description. The present is a particularly fine copy, with the exception of two leaves, which, by rending, are imperfect. 1050 The Floure of the Conimauiideraentes of God, with many examples and auctorytees extracte and drawen as well of Holy Scryptures as other Docteurs and good auucyente Faders, the whiche is moche ntyle and profytable unto all people: wood-cuts, wooden bmdlng, y.-kthy.^x^ly k\ue, 18/. Enprynted at London, In Flete-strete, at the sygtie of the Sonne, by Wynkyn de Worde, the \\n.yere of ye reygne of oure most naturell soverayne horde hynge Henry ye Eyght of yt. name. Fynysshed ye yere of our Lorde, M.CCCCC.XXI. the viii. day of October. Had it not been for a slight invasion of the worm into some of the latter leaves, the present volume would have afforded an unparalleled Wvn- KYN DE WoRDE, and one of the rarest productions of his press. It is in the genuine, original, stamped binding, perfectly clean throughout, cut so large as actually to leave many of the leaves rough. Herbert has copiously described the edition. IOj/ Ciiillermi Postilla super Epistolas et Evangelia, half calf, 1 6*. Absque ulla hidicatione Annl, Loci, aut Typo- graphi. Printed in a Strasburg-looking Gothic type, without signatures, catch- words, or numbering of pages. 1058 Harentals (Petri de) Collectarius sive Expositio libri Psahno- rum, fine copy, half-calf, scarce, 1/. 8*. Impressus per me, Johannem Koelhoff, Colonic civem, anno grntle Millesimo CCCCLXXXVH". A noble impression, noticed in the Typographic Annals of Maittaire, and described in that of Panzer. Braun erroneously styles it the first edition. 210 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Folio. 1059 Litio (Roberti de) Opus Quadragesimale, neat old binding; scarce, 3/. 13*. 6d. Confection per Ulricum Zel dk Hanaw, art'is hnpressoric niagistrum Colonie impressum finem cep'it optatiim sexto dcchno Kal. mens'is Fehruar'i'i, M.CCCC.LXXIIL The most remarkable impression of this once extraordinarily popular Work. It is rendered famous in the Typographic Annals as being one of the three or four volumes among the exceedingly numerous effusions of Ulric Zell's Press, to which has been affixed his own name as the printer, with indication of place and dale. Brunet informs us the types are very like those used in the Mogunt Bibles of 1462 and 1472. Consult iatVe /«r/. t. i. p. 308. 1 OCO Another exceedingly fine, large, spotless copy, with edges rough throughout, unbound, rare, 4/. 14*. 6(/ ih. 14/3 1 OGl Litio (Roberti de) Serinones de Laudibus Sanctorum,y?«e copy, in old brown calf', \l. 10*. Basilee, per Nicolaum Kesler, impressum, M.CCCC.XC. A no mean specimen of Kesler's press, executed in his ordinary Gothic type, in double columns, with signatures only. The recto of the last leaf contains the imprint, beneath which is given the shields, his usual device : the reverse of the leaf is blank. The work itself is of a more interesting description than the bare title would lead us to suspect. 10C2 Rodorici Zamorensi Speculum Humanae Vitae, beautiful LARGE COPY, IN FINE OLD MOROCCO BINDING, GILT LEAVES, 5/. 5*. Absque hidicatio7ie Anni, Loci, ant Typographi, sed characteribus Uldarici Gering Parisiensis, circa, 1472 An early and extremely I'are edition of this once popular Work. It ap- pears to have been unknown to Panzer. The volume is executed thirty-two lines on a full page, without numerals, signatures, or catch-words. Gcring's name is mai'kcd on the back of this copy, as the printer of the volume. This appears to be correct. 10G3 TURRECREMATA, JoHANNIS DE, ExPOSITlO BREVIS ET UTILIS SUPER TOTO PsALTERIO, 12/. 12*. MoGUNTiE, impressa, anno Domini M.CCCC.LXXIIII. tercio idus Scptembris, per Petrum Schoyffer, de Gernszhem, feliciter est consummata. TuF. iiKsr MoCiUNTiNF IMPRESSION. Its grcat rarity is remarked on by QijAUTo.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 217 most Bibliographers, several of whom supply iis with accurate descrip- tions of the volume. Tlic present is a truly fine, large, clean copy, with several of the edges yet uncut, in the original wooden binding, with brass clasps. 1064 Vincentii Sermoties de Tempore, pars estivalis, fine copy, /m//'- calf, \l. As. Impressi Nuremberge, per Anthgniuji Kobergkr, M.cccc.xcn. The present Volume exhibits a fair specimen of Koberger's Typography. I0G5 Voragine (.Tacobi de) Sermones de Sanctis per circuluni anni, Jine copy, old calf, 21. 2s. Sine nnta Ann'i, Loci, aut Typographi sed typis Joannis Gruniger Argentine, anno Domini, M.CCCC.LXXXniI. An impression which appears to have escaped the researches of Panzer. It is executed in a thickish Gothic type, in double columns, forty-four lines in a full column ; and, though it bears neither name of printer nor place, there will be little hazard in unequivocally assigning it to the press of John Gruniger of Strasburgh. lOGG Silvatici Opus pandectarum Medicine, \L \s. f'^enetiis impendio Johannis Colonic Agrippinensis Johannis Manthen Gheretzen, Sociorum smnma cum diligentia impressiim feliciter, M.CCCC.LXXX. A fine specimen of these eminent Typographers' semi-Gothic character, executed in double columns, witli signatures. Described in the Aimales Ti/pogr. vol. iii. p. 153. QUARTO. J0G7 Catonis Prrecepta et Disticha cum Comrnento, old calf, rare, 1/. 11*. (jd. Exarata in Parisiana urbe per Petrum Levet, 1 487 A very uncommon Edition, unknown to many Bibliographers. It is in- serted in Maittaire, Panzer, and Greswell. 1 068 Seneca de Quattuor Virtutibus Cardinalibus — Caruieu Juvenile denioribus mense, cum Comrnento, 14*. Sine Nota Anni, Loci, aut Typographi. This is a production of a Parisian press, after 1.500. The recto of the first leaf contains Denis Roce's device, and the verso of the hist, Pi- gouchct's. 2 K 218 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Quakto. 1069 V'egetius de re Militaii — Sexti Julii Frontinl Strategematicon, Lib. iv. — Modestus de re Militari — ^^lianus de instruendis aciebus — Oiiosauder de optimo laiperatore, Jine copy, old red morocco gilt, \l. \\s. 6d. RomcB hnpresstim per Eucharium S'llber Alama- num M.CCCC.XCIIII. Panzer having fully described these Works, informs us that the first four were published together, and that the last has the appearance of being so also. — Vid. Amudes Typogr., vol. ii. p. .511, Nos. 548 et 549. — Laire, in his Index of Books printed at Rome, omits to notice the two last. 1070 Brant, Sebast'iani, Stultifera Navis, WOOD-CUTS, hi fine old calf binding, a'ery rare, 8/. 8*. In laudat'isshna Germanic iirbe Basiliensi, nuper opera et promotione Johannis Bergman de Olpe, 1497, Kalendis Martii. The celebrated March impression, considered by Brunet, Dibdin, and other Bibliographers, the FIRST EDITION, in preference to that of August, of which there will be found a copy in a preceding page of the present Catalogue. Mr. Dibdin copiously describes this edition in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, which he, as usual, illustrates with fac-similes of a few of its entertaining embellishments. 1071 Brant {Sehastinni) Navis Stultifera j lepidissimis Teutonice Lingne rithinis decorata : Deinde ab Jacobo Lochero Pliilo- muso latinitate donata : ct demum ab Jodoco Badio Ascensio vario carmimun genere uoii sine eorundem faniiliari expla- iiatione illustrata : woou-cuts. {Basil) impresstmi per Nl- colaum Lamparter, ]\I.CCCC(C)\'I. — Tractatus Tlieologici Hcnrici de Gorycliuni. Colonic per Henricum Quentcl, anno su- pra Jubilcum tercio: — Theoduli Egloga cum notabili Commento. Impresse in Sancta civitate Coloniensi per Henricum Quen- tell, M.CCCC.XCV. in one volume, calf gilt, rare, 51.5s. The first article in this Volume is the rare edition of Brandt's Ship of Fools, with the erroneous date of 140G (a mistake of the press) for 150'!. A copy sold for 5/. 7.V. ()f/. at the Roscoe sale. The two re- maining Works are uncommon prodnctions of Quentell's press. The Theoduli Ecloga will be found noticed in Maittaire, Braun, and Panz,cr. 1072 Beroaldi (Pliilippi) Orationes, Praelectiones, Prjpfationes ; et Quaedam Mytliice Historia'. Item j)lusculue AngeJi Politiaiii, Quarto.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 219 Hermolai Barbari atquc una Jasonis Mayni Oratio. Quibus ad- denda sunt varia eiusdem Philippi Beroaldi Opuscula : ut de Terraemotu, et alia addi solita : cum Epigrammatis et eorura Commentariis, half- calf, \As. Parrhisiis in adibus Ascen^ianiSfM..CCCC.l^C\\\\. 1073 Alberti (Leonis Bapt.) de re yEdificatoria Opus, slightly wormed, new half riissla, 21. 2s. Florentice acctirat'isshne impression opera Magistri Nicolai Laurentii Alamani 1485 "EoiTioN Originale, tres-rare et recerch^e des curieux." Vid. Saii- tander Diet. Bill., vol. ii. p. 28- 9 ; who there gives a full and accurate description of the volume itself. See also the Manuel du Libraire of Brunei. The present copy has the leaf which contains Politian's Epistle to Laurent de Medicis. 1074 Ence Silvii Epistole, ^oof? (70/)?/, calf, II. Is. Imj)ensis Anthonii Koherger Nurernbcrge, M.CCCC.XCVI. The best edition of this interesting Work, handsomely printed by Ko- burger. 1075 Publii Fausti Audrelini Elegie, new half calf \2s. Parisius, per Guidonem Mercatorem, M.CCCC.LXXXX\'I. Omitted by Panzer. Tlie Work is preceded by the Author's two Epistles, ^d Lit terntissimiim Thomam, tiistudiam screitis. Anglici Regis orato- rem, and ad Guielmum Riipifurtcm. 1076 Libri de Ecclesiasticis Scriptoribus compositi Sancto Hiero- iiinio, Preslntero Geuadio, Epi scope Ysidoro, et modernis, old calf, RARE, 1/. 8*. Sine ulla Nota yfnni. Loci, aict Typographi, This is a volume which has to all appearance been generally unknown. It is executed in a Cologne type, and runs in signatures from a. ii to k. iiii. 1077 Mancinclli (Antonii) Carmen de Floribus, de Figuris, de Poetica Virtute, Vite Carmen, 10*. Qd. Parisius, per Anthonium Denidel, M.CCCC.XCIX. This edition of these Poems was also app;u"cntly unknown to Pan/er. Denidel's larger device, surrounded with a singular border, embel- lishes the title-page. 220 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Quarto. 1078 Probe Falconix Ceiitouc Excerptuin e JVIaroiiis carmiiiibus ad Testimonium veteris iiovique Testamenti Opusculum, 9s. (Paris) Imprhne pour Ale.randre Alyate, M.CCCC.LXXXXIX. Marchand, who was most probably the printer of the volume, has given his device beneath the title. 1079 Syinmachi Epistolae Familiares, Landinus in Epistolas Magni Turci, Impressum Argcjit'me per Joanncm Knohloucltuiit, Anno M.D.XI. — Petrarchse (Francisci) Epistole Familiares, Imprcsso in iirhe Venet'iarum Operi per Johannem ct Grcgo- rium de Grcgor'iis Fratres foeVix hnponitur Jinis, ]\Iillcsiino. CCCC.LXXXXII. — Phalaridis Epistole per Franciscum Aretinum traducte, Impressum L'lptzk, per Jacobum Thun- ner Herbipolensem, 1508. — Beroaldi Opuscula, Sine Nota Anni aut Loci. — In one vol. wooden boards, rare, 2/. 2.v. The types with which the Beroaklus is printed are very like those of Ratdolt. 1080 Valla (Laurentii de) Elej^antie Terminonini. — Modus cou- ficiendi Epistolas perbrevis fratris Guillermi Sophonensis, scarce, \4s. (Parisius) per Magistrum Guidonem Mercatorem, pro Dionysio Rosse M.CCCC.XCVTIl. An uncommon edition. On the recto of the first leaf, beneath the title, Denis Roce's device is given ; the verso is occupied with a rude wood- cut. On the reverse of the last leaf we are presented with a much coarser impression of the same printer's device. 1081 EuRioLi iND LucREciE, Gcrmanicc, imperfect, excessively SCARCE, 1/. 11*. Gd. Gedrucht van mir Johan Guldenschaiff van Mentz, ind Vollenbracht, die xiiii. Januarii, M.CCCC.LXXVIII. This early German translation of the popular story of Euriolus and Lu- crctia, is seemingly unknown. The present volume is to be classed among the first productions of Guldenschair's Press. It is a small quarto, twenty-four lines in a page, witlioiit signatures and numerals. This copy is defective of a first leaf or two. 1082 Saint Gelais (Octovicn de). Le Sciour d'Honncur, JjKlfU. IfttCVt beautiful copy, old brown calf, scarce, \l. Is. Paris, imprime pour AntJioyne Verard, il/i/.CCCCC. c^XlX. One of tlie most uncommon of the poetical Works of Saint Gelais. Quarto.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 221 Brunet has remarked on the difficulty with Avhich copies are to be found. The present is a remarkably fine, large cut, clean copy. 1083 Heures a I'Usaige de Rome, printed on VELLUM, wood- cuts, old calf, RARE, 6/. 6.9. Ces presentes Heures a f Usaige de Romme ont c.ste fa'ictes pour Simon Vostre L'lbraire, dcmourant a Paris, a la Rue Neiwe Nostre Dame a renscignc Sainct Jehan I' Evangel'iste. A rare and elegant impression, executed, as appears from the device gracing the recto of the first leaf, by Philip Pigouchet. The volume occupies ninety-five leaves, and is ornamented with twenty-one mode- rately large wood-cuts, illustrative of Sacred \Vrit, and several lesser ones. Every page is surrounded with an admirably cut and unusually entertaining border ; representing inditferently grotesque figures, sub • jects from Sacred, Saint, and Profane History ; scenes from pastoral and social life. In these borders are introduced the Dance of Death, in sixty-six diminutive compartments. 1084 Die Auslegung uher den Pater Noster unnd den Gclaubcn. Auch e'ln Mitkosung dcr Gewisscn und der fernunfft vondem Heyligen Sacrament, unnd ein Hubsche Geleichsnusz des Menschen Lehen czu einem Baumgarten endent sich hie, original icooden stampted binding, rare, 21. 2s. Gcdruckt in der Keiserlichen stat Augspurg, von Anthonio Sorg, vollendt an Sant Ulrichs abent do man zalt M.CCCC.LXXXH. A very rare production of Sorg's press, unknown to Seemiller. 1085 Bernard*!, Bcati, Meditaciones, calf, rare, 18.?. Absque ulla indicatione , Loci, Typographi, aut Anni, sedTypisV^TRi C.esaris, et Joannis Stol. Pari- sicnsis, circa 1 475 An impression, to all appearance, unnoticed by all Bibliographers, and one evidently of an earlier date than any inserted in the Typographic Annals. It is executed on twenty-six leaves, concluding on the recto of the last, and has neither numerals, signatures, or catch-words. No doubt can be entertained of its being the production of those printers, to whom we above assign it. J 086 Bernardus, Beatus, super Evaiigclio missus est Angcliis Ga- briel, half-calf ] As. Sitie Nota Anni, Loci, aut Typographi. An early, undescribed edition, executed on thirty-two leaves, in a Co- logne Gothic type, with numberless contractions, and without signa- tures, catch-words, or numbering of pages. 222 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Quarto. 1087 Grcgoiii, (Beati Pape), Liber pastoralis, calf, very bare, 1/. II*. U. Finltus Anno Domini, millesimo quadringentesimo oc- togesimo 1 480 First Edition, with date. No Bibliographer has been able to supply us with a description of this edition. It is executed in an unusually coarse Gothic type, and signatures are used throughout the volume. 1088 Isldorus de siimmo bono, in original wooden binding, rare, 21. 2s. Absque ulla ind'icatione Anni, Loci, aut Typographi, sed typis Ulrici Zelli Colonicnsis, circa 1470 First Edition. This rare impression is noticed by most Bibliographers, and universally ascribed to the printer of the celebrated S. Augus- tinus de Sing. Cleric, of 1467. 1089 Allyaco (Petri de) quidam tractatns de potestate Pape et auc- toritate Cardiualium. — Expositio super Cantica, old half- binding, scarce, \l. \\s. 6d. (Parisius) per Antonium Cayllaut, M.CCCC.LXXXIII. One of the very earliest productions of Caillaut's Press: unknown to many Bibliographers. Panzer has inserted both in his admirable An- nales, the one from Laire, and the other from Maittaire; the first he places with the Libri indicia Amu, Loci, et Tyjwgruphi destituti, but which had he seen he doubtless would have inserted with the other, having been evidently printed at the same time by the same printer. 1 090 Dccreta Basiliensia et Bituricensia quam Pragmaticam vocant, glosata per Cosmam Guyniier in utroque iure licenciatuni, Parisii impressa per Johannem Bonhomme Librarium Farisiense M°.CCCC°.LXXXVI. The riRST impression noticed by Panzer; it was unknown to Maittaire. These original decrees of the celebrated Basil Council, are much souglit after, and this edition is unquestionably the most uncommon. Koch, the Strasburgh Librarian, has recently given a distinct and ample his- tory of this remarkable event in the Catholic Church, with a collection of original documents. 1091 Caguiiii (Robcrti) Orationes, Epistolae, et alia Opuscula, /m//- calf \2s. Parisius, (typis Durandi Gerlier) 1498 This is apparently Gerlier's impression of Gaguin's Opuscula, which he executed in 141)8. It bears the date, and devices, although without the imprint. Panzer describes it at length, but the present does not altogether tally with his description. Vid. AnnalcsTyp. vol. ii. p. 322. Quarto.] THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. 223 1092 Hassia (Heniici de) Exposicio super Oratioiiem Dominicain, et super Ave Maria, — Speculum anime, hoards, UNCUT, very scarce, 11. 'Is. Absque indicatione Ann'i, Loci, aut Typograph'i, scd typis Ulrici Zellii Coloniens'is, circa 1470 This is one of the almost numberless Quarto Impressions, generally ascribed to tlic Press of Ulric Zell. The present volume is to be classed among the least interesting and scarcest of these impressions. Nothing can be of more uncommon occurrence in the Bibliographical World, than an Ulric Ztll, in a genuine Uncut state. 1093 Nider (Johannis) Tractatus dc Lepra IMorali, calf, scarce, 18*. Sine ulla nota Anni, Loci, aut Typographi. Apparently a Cologne production, executed with signatures in a same sized type with, though differently formed from, that of Ulric Zell. 1094 Idem Opus, rare, 1/. \\s. 6d. Absque ulla indicafume An)ii, Loci, aut Typographi sed typis Ulrici Zell, circa 1470. FIRST EDITION. Satisfactorily described in the nUt. Bib. du Qnin- zihne Sieclc, vol. iii. p. 21.'. 1095 Simouis Dalmate Pharensis Opusculum in quo Tractatur de Bajitismo Sancti Spiritus et Virtute eius super Evangelio Joannis, new calf, rare, 1/. 1*. Jmpressum f^'enetiis per ISIagistrum Guilielmum (Gal- ium M.CCCC.LXXVH. Thk only known production of this Press. Panzer, copying from some Catalogues, h.as erroneously inserted this same Work under two different places of his Annals. 1096 Speculum Sermonum Beate Marie Virgiuis super Salutatione Angelica, beautiful copy, old half binding , rake, 1/. 8*. Lnpressum Anttverpic, per me, Gerardum Leeu, Millesimo CCCC.LXXXVII. A handsome and very uncommon production of Gerard Lef.u's press. Yew books are more rarely met with in this country than those of this printer. 1097 Modus Legendi in utroque lure, 14*. Per Petrmn Levet in Alma Univcrsitate Parisicnsi itnpressus M.CCCC.LXXX\'III. Beneath the title-page is given Level's device. A cleaner copy of a book printed in the Fifleenlh Century, than tiie present, it is impossible to have. 224 BOOKS PRINTED IN [Doo. 1098 Joannis Duns Scoti Scriptura super tertio Sententiarum, per Thomam Penketh Aiiglicum, calf neat, scarce, \l. %s. VcnetVis hnpression ad expensns et mandalum Joannis DE CoLOXiA, NicoLAi Jencon socioruiiKjuc eorum, Anno Domini M.CCCC.LXXXI. A noble impression, executed in a demi-gotliic character in double co- lumns, noticed both by Maittaire and Panzer. DUODECIMO ET INFRA. 1 099 Cy commancent Ics Cotistumes des Pays d' A71I0U et du Maine contcnans seize Parties, neioly bound in russia, very rare, 2/. 2s. Cy finist le Coustumier avecques la Table des Pays d' Anion et du mayne im prime par Jelian Alexandre, Libraire-2'encral et Garde de la Librairie de T Unl- o versite de Answers demourunt en la dicte ville a la 'b chaussee Sainct Pierre Mil.CCCC.LXXXXI. This extraordinarily scarce little volume was altogether unknown to Panzer. It should seem to be the first production of Alexander's press, and the SECOND book printed at Angers. The recto of the fiist leaf is oc- cupied with a wood-cut, and the verso of the last, the recto being blank, with the imprint and a ])oetical explanation of the cut. Bound up with this is Les Stilles et Vsaiges de Proccder en Court Laye es Pais iV Aniou et du vnaine nouvellevient Ordoniiez , et commande estre gardez et observez par Messeigneurs de la Iiistire dcsdils Pais. Aittrement nornme le Mirouer des A'lvocats et Gejis de Pratique. It bears no name of printer, place, or date, but most probably was executed by some Parisian Typographer about the latter end of the Fifteenth Century. 1 100 Heures a I'Usaige de Romme, Paris, Thielman, Kerver, 1524, Psalteriuui iuteinerate Dei genitricis Virginis Marie, a beato Bonavcntura Doctore seraphico cdituni^ sta?nped binding-, scarce, 11. lis. 6d. Dibdin says, " The Missals of Kerver upon paper," (as is the copy before us,) " are probably rarer than those upon vellum." This 15 one of the most elegant and interesting of his impressions. Every page is sur- rounded witli an entertaining wood-cut border, and a profusion of larger engravings is also introduced. 1101 Heures a TUsaigc do Rome, wood-cuts, dumcigcd, stamped binding; II, v. Sans Note de Date ou lieu. This appears to be an earlier impression than the one in the preceding Duo.] THE FIFTEENTH CEXTURV. 225 Number. Like that, it is adorned witli spirited wood-cuts, and cveiy page is surrounded with a curiously cut border. 1102 Officiura BeatcE Mariac Virginis, secundum usum Romauum, OX XEhhVSl, wooden binding, velvet covering, \l. 10*. Paris'ms noviter hnpressum : opera Egidi'i Har- douyn 1510 An uncommon impression, occupying ninety leaves of Vellum, embel- lished with two large miniatures and several smaller ones, coloured and gilt. Each page has a border of gold, tastefully coloured. 1 1 03 Usuardi Martyr'ilogium cum addltionibus iam ex diversis Mar- tyrilogiis collectis atque de novo adjectis, most beautiful, large copy, original tvoode?i binding, 18*. Impressum per Johannem Landen, civem inclyte civitatis Coloniensis, si^ie anno. A pretty, and, at the same time, a rai-e edition of Usuard's celebrated Martyrolog}'. The present copy is cut so large as to leave several of the leaves rough-edged. 1104 Augustin (Saiut) Contemplacions — le livre de seul parlcr de lame a Dieu, Gs. Sans date, ni lieu, ni nam d'imprimeur. Apparently a production of a Parisian press towards the commencement of the sixteenth century. 1105 Gerson (Jolianuis, Cancellarii Parisieusis) libri de Imitationc Christi, etde Conteraptu omnium Vauitatum Mundi, 10*. Gd. Par. pro Johanne Parvo 1501 This scarce edition of Thomas a Kempis's celebrated Work is one of those in which it is ascribed to Chancellor Gerson. The recto of the first leaf contains Petit's device, and the reverse of the last that of Gas- pard Philippe, the legitimate printer of the volume. 11 OG Bcckenliaub (Joliannis) Index Alphabeticus slve Repertorium in Scripta divi Bonaventure supei' quattuor libris sententia- rum, sewed in vellum, scarce^ 9*. Parrhisiis in edibus Francisci Regnault (sine anno) . This is an impression that appears to have eluded the researches of Panzer. Regnault's device embellishes the title-page. 1107 Expositio Canonis Misse. Parisius per Guidoncm Mercatoris, 1493. — Tractatus Corporis Christi, Parisius per Pcirum Poullhac, M.CCCC, nonagcsimo quarto, in one vol. calf, scarce, 18*. Uncommon editions of both these works. The former has the ordinary device of its printer, on the title-page. The latter is one of the few 2 c. 226 BOOKS PRINTED, &c. [Duo. books executed byPouillac, and its title-page is adorned with a wood- cut representation of Jason and Medea, not very applicable to the subject of the work, but which appears to have been intended for the device of Denis Roce, probably the publisher of the volume. 11 OS Horologium Devotiouis, wood-cuts, half-bound, scarce, \As. Colonic, per Johannem Landen {sine anno). This little production of Landen's press, is very uncommon and will be found described in Panzer, vol. iv. p. 282. The wood- cuts with which it is embellished are very small, and singularly rude. 1109 Nyder (Johaiinis) Confessionale seu Manuale Confessormn, fine copy, old green hlnd'mg. Is. Paris'ms per Johannem Lambert pro Johanne Petit {sine anno'). Pctit's device is as usual given beneath the title, on the recto of the first leaf. 1110 Nyder (Johannis) de Reforuiatione Religiosorum, Libri III. vellum, scarce, I C*. Parisius, industria Johannis Barbier impressus, im- pensis vero honesti viri Johannis Petit Parrhjsiensis Academic Librarii luvati 1512 Respecting the rarity of this work, vid. Vogtii Cntal. Lihr. rar. p. 489. The present has bound up with it Tractatus de professiune Monachormn editus a Guillermo de Peraldo, apparently printed at the same time. nil Fructus Sacraracnti peniteiitie per Magistrum Jacobum Lupi Rebclloj 6s. Parisiics per Guidonem Mercatoris, M.CCCCC.XIIII. With the Printer's device, and the two rude wood-cuts, to be found in several of Marchand's Books, and which he doubtless intended should serve for embellishments. 1112 Lyndewode {TVilhelmi) Constitutiones Provinciates Ecclesie AngUcce, A MATCHLESS, CLEAN, LARGE COPY, IN THE ORIGINAL STAMPED BINDING, WITH A SHEET OF A BOOK PRINTED BY (JAXTON, FOR FLY LEAVES, EXCESSIVELY SCARCE. Impressum per WYNANDUM DE WORDE, apud JVestmonastcrium 1499 " It would seem that neither Ames nor Herbert were acquainted with this edition. On the reverse of the last leaf, there is the small mark of Caxton." // would seem likewise, from the very meagre account of the volume in the last edition of the T'l/pugraphicnl Antiquities, that it was not very familiar to Mr. Dibdin himself, although he has men- tioned a copy as being in the possession of Mr. Douce. ADDITIONS TO THE BOOKS PRINTED BY ALDUS MANUTIUS, AND HIS SUCCESSORS. FOLIO. 1113 CicERONis Opera, Mannucciorum Commentariis Ulustratus antiquaque ieclioni restltutus, bound in 9 vols, in fine old calf extra, gilt leaves, rare, 71. 7s. Venetiis, apud Aldum 1583 Brunet acknowledges the rarity of complete copies of this edition, the volumes having been printed at different times by the younger Aldus, between the years 1578 — 83 The present is an unusually fine, large, perfect copy, uniform, in genuine old calf binding, with the leaves gilt. 1114 Perotti Cornucopise, sive Linguae Latinse Commentarii, &c. M. Terentii Varronis de Lingua Latina, Lib. VI. k.Q..,fine copy, vellum, 31. 3s. J^enetiis in cedibus Aldi, et AndreeE Soceri, M.D.XIII. The first genuine Aldine Edition, having the double dates of 1513. Vid. M. Renouard Ann. des Aide, t. i. p. 108, and Brunet Manuel, t. i. p. 41. The present is an unusually fine, large, clean copy. 1115 Athenaeus, Graece, ex recens. Marci Musuri, half-bound, II. 8s. J^enetiis apud Aldum, et Andream Socerum, M.D.XIIII. Editio Princeps. Vid. Brunet and Bibliotheca Speuceriana. The above copy has a few of the first leaves slightly stained, and the first leaf, containing the title, has been torn at the top part ; with these excep- tions, the present is a fair, clean copy. 1116 Angeli Politiani Opera Omnia, et alia quaedam lectu digna, fine copy, scarce, 31. 3s. F'enetiis in cedibus Aldi Romani 1498 " Editio Princeps of the entire Works of Politian," most amply de- scribed in the Bibliotheca Spenccriana. Copies sold for bl. 10»-. at the Askew, and 8/. 8*. at the Pinelli Sales. 1116* Aristotelis de Moribus ad Nicoinacliunij Lib. X., cum Com- ment. Etistratii et aliorum insignium Peripatetici, Graced, calf, scarce, 1 /. 1 Qs. l''enetiis, in eedibus hcsredum Aldi Mauutii, et An- dreas Asulani Soceri M.D.XXXVI. Tlie present copy has bound up with it the Latin translation printed at Paris in 1543, forming one half of the volume. 228 BOOKS PRINTED BY [Deo. QUARTO. 111/ Epistolarum Gioecarura Collectio, Greece, both parts com- PLETEj FINE LARGE COPY, IN THE ORIGINAL WOODEN BIND- iNGj CURIOUSLY sTAMFEDj rare, 41. 4s. P'^enetlis, apucl Aldiim, M.ID. EDITIO TRINCEPS. The rarity of this collection is remarked on by Renouard, Brunet, Beloe, and others. A copious description of it is given in the Bibliotheca Spenceriana. 1118 Hieronymi Faleti de Bello Sicambrico, Lib. IIII. et eiusdem alia Poemata, Lib. VIIL, old binding, scarce, \L 8*. Fenet'ils, M.D.LVIL " Volume peu comraun." — Brunet. Bound up with this, is a scarce Volume of Poems, by Hieronymus Oliverius, de Jmperio Romano, ^-c, printed at Angsburgh in 1548. Beneath its title-page is a whole-length wood-cut representation of the Emperor Charles V. 11 1 J) Casparis Coiitareni Cardinalis, de Magistratibus et Republica Venetorunij Lib.yf«e copi/, old green morocco, gilt leaves, 18*. f-^enetiis apud Aldmn, CI3-I3-XXCIX. OCTAVO. 1 1 20 Pontani Centum Ptolemrei Sententise ad Syrum Fratrem, ejusdem Pontaui, Lib. XIIIL de Reb. Coelestibus. Liber etiam de Luna imperfectus, clean, large copy, old calf, 1 6s. Fenetiis M.D.XIX. 1121 Scriptores de Re Rustica, cut large, in the original stamped vellum binding, brass clasps, 11. 8s. Fenetiis M.D.XXXIIL " This edition is rare, and little known."— Dibdin. DUODECLMO. 1122 Valerius Maximus, large copy, in the original binding, neat, \As. Fenetiis in cedibus Aldi, et Andrccc Soccri Mcnse Octobri M.D.XillL Duo.] ALDUS MANITTHJS. 229 1123 Dante, col site et forma della Valle Inferna, &c., ncnt French binding, 1 /. 4*. Impresso In Vlncgla nelle Case d'Aldo ct d' Andrea dl Asola suo suocero neUanno M.D.XV\ 1124 Horatius; Centimetruin Marii Servii ; Annotationcs Aldi Maimtii Romaiii, etc., a beautiful copy, Avanting title, old calf, scarce, J 2s. P^enetlls In cedlbus Aldi, et Andrece Socerl, M.D.XIX. 1 1 25 Ciceronis Epistolae ad Atticura, a very large cut copy, tvafUbig title, recently covered In calf, 1 6s. T^enetlls In cedlhus Aldi, et Andrece Soceri, M.D.XXI. " Jo. Grolierii Lugd. et amicor." 1125* Valerii Flacci Argonautica. Jo. Baptists^ Pii Caniien ex quarto Argonauticon Apollonii. Orphei Argouautica iimo- minato interprete, sewed in vellum, 8s. F'enetils in cedlbus Aldi et Andrece Asulani Socerl, M.D.XXIII. 1126 Juvenalis, Persius, 6«. yenetlls in cedlbus hceredum Aldi, et Andrece Socerl M.D.XXXV. 1127 Macliiavelli, (NicoloFirentino,) Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio. — II Prencipe, al maguifico Lorenzo di Piero de Medici. — La Vita di Castruccio Castracani da Lucca. — II modo, die tenne il Duca Valentino per ammazzare Vitellozzo Vitelli, Oliverotto da Fermo, il S. Paulo, et il Duca di Gra- vina I Ritratti delle cose della Francia, et dell' Alaniagna, recently bound In calf, \l. 8s, Finegla nelV anno, M.D.XL. in casa de Figlluoll dl Aldo. 1128 Leoue Medico, Dialog! di Amore, old calf, scarce, 16*. In F'inegia, In casa de' Figlluoll dl Aldo, nelf Anno, M.D.XXXXL The first, best, and most uncouimon of the Aldine Editions. 1129 Speroni Dialogi, In Flnegla, in casa de' Figlluoll dl Aldo, neir Anno, M.D.XXXXIIL— Dialogo de la Bella crcanza de le Donne, de lo Stordito intronato, Stampata In Brouazzo per dlspetto dun Asnazzo, M.D.XXXX. — Franco (Nicolo) Dialogo dove si ragiona delle Bellezze. Fenetlls apud Anto- nlum 6'arf/««e, M.D.XXXXII.— In one vol. BKAUTiFUL co- 230 BOOKS PRINTED BY ALDUS MANUTIUS. [Dlo. PIES, ALL RULED WITH RED LINES, IX FIXE OLD GKEEN MO- ROCCO, RICHLY GILT, VERY SCARCE, 2/. 2*. 1130 Ciceronis Epistolae ad Atticum, ad M. Brutum, ad Quiiitum Fratrem, multoruin locorum correctione illustratae, cum com- ment. Pauli Maimtii, original binding, neat, scarce, \l. As. Paulus Manutius Aldi Filitcs, l^enetiis, M.D.XL.llII. An unusually large cut copy. 1131 Lettere \^olgari di diversi nobilissimi Huomini, et excelleu- tissimi Ingegui, scritte in diversi Materie, vellum, 7s. llnegia, M.D.XLIIII. These Letters are written by Annibale Caro, B. Varchi, Boccacio, Car- dinal Medici, Bembo, Petrarca, Lorenzo de Medici, Paolo Manu- tio, &c. 1132 Patritii (Francesco, Sanese Vescovo Gaiettano) Discorsi, sopra alle cose appartenenti ad una citta' Libera, e Famiglia Nobile 5 tradotti in Lingua Toscana da Giovanni Fabriui Fiorentino, vellum, 12*. J^inegia, in Casa de" Figliuoli di Aldo, M.D.XXXXV. 1133 Le Comedie di Tercntio volgari, di nuovo riccorrette, eta' niiglior tradottione ridotte, French binding, 14*. Plnegia, in Casa de Figliuoli di Aldo, M.D.XXXXVL 1134 Pretiosa Margarita Novella de Thesauro, ac Pretiosissimo, Philosopliorum Lapide, Artis huius divine Typus, et Me- thodus : Collectanea ex Arnaldo, Rhaymundo, 8cc., per Janum Lacinium Calabrum nunc primum, cum lucupletissimo Indice, in lucem edita, sewed in vellum, scarce, 18*. F'enetiis, apud Aldi Filios, M.D.XXXXVL A volume of very uncommon occurrence, embellished with spirited wood-cuts. 1135 Leone Medico Hebrajo, Dialoglii di Amore, slightly stained, neat iti vellum, 5s. J^inegia, in Casa de' Figliuoli di Aldo, M.D.XLIX. 1136 Catullus, et in eum Commentarius M. Antonii Mureti, seiced in vellum, 8*. Venetiis, apud Paulum Manutium, Aldi Filium, M.D.LIIH. 1137 Canipegii (TliomEe) Opera, half -calf, 7s. f^cnetiis, apud Faulum Manutium, Aldi F., M.D.LV. Folio.] RARE BOOKS. 231 1 138 Pauli Manutii, Epistolanim Libii IIII. Eiiisdem quae prnefa- tiones appellantur, seiced in vellum, 7s. f-'^enetiis, Aldus, M.D.LX. 1 139 Ciceronis de Officiis, Lib. III. Cato Major : Laelius : Paradoxa Somnium Scipioiiis, cum Annotat. Pauli Manutii in margine adscriptis, old calf extra, 14.9. . . l^enetiis, Aldus, M.D.LXI. ADDITIONS TO THE MISCELLANEOUS, CURIOUS, AND RARE BOOKS. FOLIO. 1140 The Holy Bible, printed by Baskett, 2 vols., plates, LARGE PAPER, ruled with red lines, in fine original rnssin binding, gilt, 121. ]2s Oa'ford, 1717 The noblest and most magnificent impression of the English Bible ; a perfect chef-d'oemTC of Baskett's typography. The head and tail pieces are executed by the most popular engravers of the day. 1141 Horatii Flacci Opera, royal vavv^r, fine copy, calf extra, gilt leaves, 41. lOs. Pannce, in cedibus Palatinis, typis Bodonianis, 1791 Tliis is universally ranked among the most successful productions of the Bodoni press, and among the most splendid and perfect eflfusions of the typogi"aphic art. 1142 Angustin de la Cite de Dieu, translate de Latin en Francoys, lllaCiv Ifttrr, 2 vols, in one, 1/. As. Paris, par Nicolas Savetier .... Mil.\''.C.XXXI. A magnificent impression, executed in Gothic character, in double co- lumns. Both title-pages are surrounded with Galliott du Pre's ordi- nary ornamental border, and the reverses are occupied with rude wood-cuts. The first volume is advertised to be sold by Galliot du Pre, and the second by Jean Petit. 1 1 43 Augustin Saincte et Sacree Exposition sur le Psaultier de David, tJlarl^ IfttCt, 16*. Paris, imprimee par Gilles Cousteau, pour Jehan de la Porte, Libraire demourant, en la Rue Sainct Jehan de Latran, a renseigne de la Chayre, 1 .") 1 1 Printed in the Gothic character, in double columns. The Work is pre- ceded by a separate leaf, containing a whole-length wood-cut repre- sentation of St. Augustine. 232 CURIOUS AND [Folio. 1144 Le Propvietaire des Glioses, translate do Latin en Francois, WOOD-CUTS, 1bl(if& lfttfr» old French binding, gilt leaves, 21. '2s. Paris, par Nicolas Couteau 1539 A copy of the translation made by John Corbichon, at the command of Charles V. This is an interesting impression, unknown to Clement, and unnoticed by Brunet and other Bibliographers. It is executed in a small Gothic type, in double columns, and embellished with singu- larly rude wood-cuts. 1145 La Mer des Histoires, tuo vols, in one^ wood-cuts, lllilCl^ Ifttff, velhim, scarce, 21. \2s. 6d. On les vend a Paris, en la Rue Sainct Jaqiies, a t enseigne de Lelephant, par 3/agdaleine Bour- cette, vefue de Francojs Regnauld. One of the latest, best, and most uncommon editions of the Mer des His- toires, a work of acknowledged value and interest. It is, as usual with all the editions, illustrated by an extensive series of wood-cuts, re- markable only for tameness of design and rudeuess of execution. 114G Gaguin, Mer des Croniques et Miroir Kystorial de France, lequel traicte de tons les faitz advenuz depuis la Destruc- tion de Troye la grant, tant es Royaume de France que a Angleterke, Irlaxde, Espaigne, Gascongne, Flandres, et lieux Circouvoisins, wood-cuts, I)IniClU^ If tttt*t lialf-boiind, scarce, 1/. Ss Paris, L527 Tlie best and most uncommon edition of this entertaining and important Work. 1 147 Romant de la Rose Moralisie cler et net Translate de Rime en Prose, par vostre humble Molinet, tllilCit IftttVt wood- cuts, ^??e copy, old calf, gilt leaves, 21. \2s. 6d. Paris, par la Veufve feu Michel le Noir demourant en la grant Rue Sainct Jacques, a I'efiseigne de la Raze Blanche 1521 A rare edition of Molinet's Version of the Romant de la Rose. It is ex- ecuted in double columns, and adorned with an extensive series of nidc wood-cuts. These cuts, in this copy, are coarsely coloured. Michael Le Noir's device is given beneath the colophon, immediately pre- ceding the Index. 1 1 48 Flavc Vegece Rene du fait de Guerre et fleur de Chevalerie -, Sexte Jule Frontin des Stratagemes ; yElian de Lordre des Battailles ; Modeste ; Parcillement CXX. Histoires con- cernans le fait de Guerre, ioinctes a Vegece. Traduicts par le Polygraplie humble Secretaire et Historien du Pare FoMo.] RARE BOOKS. 233 d'Honneur, wood-cuts, llljfl^ Ifttft, remarkably fine LARGE COPY, IN BEAUTIFUL OLD BED MOROCCO, GILT LEAVES, 11. \'2s. 6d. Imprhne a Paris, par Chr'iatian fVechel, M.D.XXXV^I. This copy, for its perfect, spotless coudition, amplitude of margin, and elegance of binding, is not to be equalled. 1 149 Virgile CEuvres translatees de Latin en Francois et nouvelle- ment imprimees, veues et corrigees oultre les precedentes impressions. Avec les histoires mises et posees chascunes en son lieu ainsi que Ion pourra veoir dedans le livre, lescpielles sont moult recreatives, tllACU Ifttftt wood-cuts, old binding, \l. bs. On les vend a Paris, en la grand salle du palais, au Deiuriesme pillier devant la Chappclle de Mes- sieurs les Presidens, par j^rnoul Langclier, M.D.XL. An uncommon and interesting old French translation of the Prince of Poets. The Bucolics and Georgics are translated by Michel de Tour*, and the j-Eneid by Octavien ue Saint Gelais. It is enriched with a large number of rude wood-cuts. The worm has unluckily made a slight depredation into a few of the latter leaves. 1150 Fabijaris Crony cle, newly prynted, ivytli the Crony cle, Actes, and Dedes done in the Tyme of the Reygne of the Moste Ex- cellent Prynce, Kynge Henry the VIL, Father unto our Most drad Soverayne Lord, Kynge Henry the VIIL, two vols, in one, wanting the last leaf, calf extra, rare, 3/. 3*. Prentyd at London, by TVyllyam Rastell . . 1533 A very large copy, with old MS. Notes in the margin, and the Autograph of Edward Heath on the title-page. It unfortunately is defective of the last leaf. 1151 Morysons (Fynes) Ten Yeeies Travell through the Twelve Dominions of Germany, Bohraerland, Sweitzerland, Nether- land, Denmarkc, Poland, Italy, Turky, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland, divided into Three Parts, a fine copy, half-calf scarce, 41. 4s. Lond. 1G17 1152 PLJRCHAS HIS PILGRIiMES, 5 vols., with the Frontis- piece containing the Portrait of the Author, old calf ex- tremely RARE, 31/. 10* ilj- 1C25 1153 Meteren Histoire des Pays Bas, on Recueil des Guerres, et choses memorablcs advenucs taut es dits Pays, qu'cs Pays 234 CURIOUS AND [Quauto voysins depuis Tan 1315, iusques a I'an 1G12, avec la vie de TAutheiir, portraits, fine copy, calf, scarce, 21. Ha-i/e,]6lS The best Edition of tliis old Ciironicler, preferable to all other editions, as well in the text as in the portraits. These portraits are fifty-seven in number, and many of them particularly belong to the English series ; •such are, James VI. of Scotland; Mary, Queen of Scots; Dudley, Earl of Leicester, iu the style of Pass; Queen Elizabeth, richly dressed, by Crispin Van Qiieboren ; the Prince of Orange, hy Fan Dalen; Philip, Mary's Husband; Duke of Alvft, by Qiieboren; Em- peror Charles V. ; and others. 1154 Die excellente Crouike van Brabant, wood-cuts, ttltlfl^ Ifttf t*t old binding-, rare, 21, 2s. Gheprent tot Antwerpen op die Lombaerde veste, bi mi Jan van Doesborch, int iaer ons heren, M.CCCCC.XXX. in Junto. Copies of the Brabant Chronicle very rarely occur for sale, especially in a clean and perfect condition. The Volume has at all times been popu- lar among the Collectors of Black Letter, owing, in some measure, to the singularly rude wood-cuts witli which it is embellished. Several of these cuts ai'e occasionally to be seen in the Flemish Romances of that time. 1155 Flavii Joseph! Opera, Greece, a matchless copy, in the ori- ginal icooden stamped binding, bare, 3/. 13*. Gd. Basilece, M.D.XLIIII. EDITIO PRINCEPS. " I wonder that Collectors of Greek Books do not value this Editio Princeps more : it is one of the noblest and most venerable old books I ever saw." — Dr. Harwood. The present beautiful copy is " ex Collegio Societatis Jesu Antwerpise," and has the autograph of the celebrated Abraham Ortelius on the title-page. QUARTO. 1156 The Flowers of the Lives of the most renowned Saincts of the three Kingdoms, England, Scotland, and Ireland, written and collected out of the best Authoin-s and Manuscripts of our Nation, and distributed according to their Feasts in the Ca- lendar, by the R. Father, Hierome Porter, the First Tome, wanting the last leaf, front, and plates, calf, scarce, \2s. Doivay, 1632 This scarce volume is embellished with seventeen whole-lengths of Qt-ARTo.] RARE BOOKS. 235 English Saints, such as Bede, Ausfustine, Ansehu, &c. These arc engraved bj' Martin Bas, whose works, if not reiuarkable for beauty, are particularly so for rai'ity. 1 157 A thick volume of Sermons preached before the two Houses of Parliament between the years 1 640-45, on extraordinary occasions, by J. Gaudcn, J. Burroughs, Marshall, Dr. Bur- gess, M. Newcomen, Dr. Calamy, Hcrle, Obadiah Sedgc- tcick, Coleinan, Caryl, Case, I'^ines, A. Henderson, Strick- land, Spurstotoe, and Arrowsmith, being 25 in number, half russia, rare, II. 5s f^. V. Illustrated with some of the Heads published by W. Richardson. 1158 A new Liglit of Alchymie, to which is added, a Treatise of Sulphur, written by Michael Sandivogius ; also. Nine Books of the Nature of Things, written bv Pakacelsus ; also, a Chymicall Dictionary j all translated by F. F., M.D. half calf, scarce, 9s Lond. 1650 11 59 Depositions and Articles against Thomas Earle of Strafford, 1640. — Pj-m's Speech against the Earle of Strafford, 1641. — An Argument of Law concerning the Bill of Attainder of High Treason of the Earle of Strafford, by Mr. St. John, 1641. — The Bill passed against the Earle of Strafford, 1641. — Earle of Strafford's Two last Speeches, one in the Tower, the other on the Scaffold, 1641. — Contra Conspiratorum Consilia Orationes Duce. quarum priorem Georgia, Domino Carcw, Baroni de Clapton, posteriorem Henrico et Thomoe, fratribus, Carey et Guilielmo JValcr Consecrat Adam Ren- ter, Lond. 1612, — Threno-thriambeuticon {sine titulo). — The Proceedings of the Fleet, 1659. — The Foundation of the Universitie of Cambridge, Catal. of Founders, &c. 1651. — The Foundation of the Universitie of Oxford, 1651. — Cook's Union of Hearts between the King, the Lords and Com- mons, Fairfax, &c. — (Austen's) Spiritual LTse of an Orchard 3 or, Garden of Fruit Trees. — In one vol. new half bound, russia, rare, 1 /. As. The Threno- thriambeuticon, is a Collection of Latin Poems by the most eminent Scholars and Poets of James the First's time, edited by W. Smith. 1160 The Second Part of Appian of Alexandria, wherein be con- tained so nianieof the Romanes Expeditions against Forraiue 236 CURIOUS AND [Quarto. Nations, as have been defended from the Spoyle of War, or the Decay of Time, and bin brought into light and come to our handes, translated into English by W. B., |)ld[(lt l£^tt^1^t half calf , 15.?. Imprinted at London by Ralph Netvberie and Henric Bynnhnan 1578 1161 Caii (Johannis) Historia Cantibrigiensis Academise, ab urbe condita, /f«e copy, old stamped calf, scarce, 18*. Londini In cedibus Johannis Daii, 1574. 1162 Lambarde's Perambulation of Kent : couteiniug the Descrip- tion, Hystorie, and Customes of that Shyi-e, first published in the yeere 1576, and now increased and altered after the Author's owne last Copie, tlltlCl^ Ifttff^ neat, \l. \s. Imprinted at London, by Edm. Bollifant, 1596 A fine large copy, with the exception of the first leaf of the Dedication. 1 1 6,'i Nova Francia. The Three late Voyages and Plantation of Monsieur De Monts, of Monsieur Du Pont Grav^, and of Monsieur De Poutrincourt, into the Countries called by the Frenchmen La Cadia, lying to the South-west of Cape Bre- ton 5 together with an excellent severall Treatie of all the Commodities of the said Countries, and Manners of the ua- turall Inhabitants of the same (trauting title), half calf scarce, lOs. 6d. 1 1 64 Bucaniers of America : or, a True Account of the most re- markable Assaults committed, of late Years upon the Coasts of the West Indies by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tor- tuga, original edition, plates, old calf, \6s Lond. 1 684 1 1 65 Smith's (Sir Thos.) Commonwealth of England, and the Maner of Gouerneraent thereof, tllilClli lftttt% half calf , rake EDIT., 12* ib. 1600 1166 Lloid's (Lodowicke) Pilgrimage of Princes, I)lat1& l^ttl^t*, old binding, scarce, 14*. London, printed by TV. JVhke, 1607 A very uncoinnion edition of this singular and interesting Work. It is dedicated to Sir C. Hatton, and preceded with Verses by Churchyard, Drant, and others. 1 167 Strutt's Chronicle of England, 2 yfA'S,. plates, half russia, RARE, 71. 7s Lond. 1 777 Quarto.] HARE BOOKS. 237 1168 Beaumont and Fletcher's Elder Brother, a Coiuedie, second EDIT., Lond. printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1651. — Fletcher's Faithfull Shepeardesse, second edit., Lond. printed by T. C. for Richard Meighen, 1629. — Fletcher's Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, a Comoedie, acted by his Majesties Servants, first edit,, Oxford, printed by Leonard Lichfield, 1640. —Fletcher's Tragoedy of Rollo Duke of Normandy, first edit., e^.l640. — Fletcher's Night-Walkerj or, the Little Theif, a Comedy, as it was presented by her Majesties Servants, at the Private House in Drury Lane, FIRST edit., Lond. printed by Tho. Cotes, 1640. — Fletcher's Monsieur Thomas, a Comedy, acted at the Private House in Blacke Fryers, first edit., Lond. printed by Thos. Harper, lg39. — Fletcher's Coronation, a Comedy, first edit., Lond. printed by Tho. Cotes, 1640. — Beaumont and Fletcher's Woman Hater ; or, the Hungry Courtier, a Comedy, first edit., Lond. printed for Humphrey Moseley, 1649. — In one vol., original calf, very rare, 2/. 2*. 1 169 Warner's Albion's England, a continued Historic of the same Kingdome, from the Originals of the first Inhabitants thereof 5 with most the chiefe Alterations and Accidents theare hap- ning, unto, and in the happie Raigne of our now most gracious Soueraigne, Queen Elizabeth : not barren in varietie of in- ventive and historicall Intermixtures : whereunto is also newly added an Epitome of the whole Historic of England, sewed in vellum, scarce, \l. 15*. Lond. printed by Edm. BolUfant, 1602 A copy of this edition is priced at 5/. 5*. in the Bibliotheca Anglo-Poetica, where will be found an accurate description of the volume, and some account of the Work. — Vid. p. 401. 1 170 Court Intrigues; or, the Secret History of the New Atalantis; containing the Amours of our British Nobility. fFith the Lives of our most celebrated Beauties and 7nost famous Jilts, begining in the Reign of King Charles IL, ayid continued to the present time. Tlie ichole interspersed with Love Letters and Gallantry. By Captain Smith, with Lives of General Blnke, Dukes of Hamilton, Albemarle, Monmouth, Earl of Shaftsbury, &c. half calf , scarce, 18s Lond. 1741 1171 The most delectable History of Reynard the Fox, newly cor- 238 CURIOUS AND [Quarto. rected, and purged from all Grosness in Phrase and Matter, as also, augmented and inlarged with sundry excellent Morals and Expositions upon every several Chapter, tllAfl^ Irttftt curious wood-cuts, beautiful, large, clean copy, 2l.2s. London, printed for Edward Bretvster, at the Sign of the Crane, in St. Paul's Church-yard 1681 1172 Publii Fausti Andreliui Opera Poetica, half-calf, scarce, 18«. Parisius, 1501-5 A collection of Faustus's Works, printed between the years 1501 and 1505, by Petit, Warcliand, &c. The printer's devices occupy a con- spicuous place on most of the distinct title-pages. 11/3 Mara {Guilielmi de) tripertitus in Chimeram conflictus, fami- liaribus Vatelli conunentariis elucidatus, 7s. 6d. JSj; ^dibus Ascensianis, M.D.XIII. 11/4 Le Godefroy, ou la Hierusalem deslivr^e du Tasse, Poeme Heroique en Vers Francois, par Mr. Sablon, most beautiful COPYj IN FINE OLD BED MOROCCO, RULED THROUGHOUT WITH RED LINES, RICHLY GILT, 1/. 1* Paris, 1659 1 1 75 Anguilla {Francesco) Discorso sopra quell' Oda di Safo, die comiucia, Parmi quell huomo equale esser a i Dei, Con alcune Rime Amorose, del medesimo, in fine, old, richly gilt VELLUM, \As. F'enetia, appresso Giordano Ziletti, e compagni, 1572 1176 Chartier (Alain) Faitz, Ditz, et Balades, in old green mo- rocco, 1/. 4* Paris 2iar Michel le Noir, 1514 An uncommon Edition. The Faitz are represented on the title-page as treating " de plusieurs choses touchaut les guerres faictes par les Angloys," 11/7 Thesoro de varias Poesias, compuesto por Pedro de Padilla, thick vol. sewed in vellum, rare, 1/. Qs. Madrid, en casa de Francisco Sanchez, 1580 A copious treasuiy of old Spanish Poetry. 1 178 Albumasar de magnis coniunctionibus annorum revolutionibus : ac eorum profectionibus : octo continens tractatus, wood -cuts, French calf, \l. \s. f^enetiis, Mandato et e.ipensis Melchioreni Sessa, per Jacobum pcntium de Leucho 1515 A rare Edition. Beneath the colophon is urivcn Melchior Sessa's device Quarto.] RARE BOOKS. 239 of a cat and mouse. It is well known the late Bishop of Ely enter- tained a verj' high opinion of the general rarity and interest of all those books bearing this notable device. 1179 Bodiu Demonomanie des Sorciers, without title, old binding, BARE, \(ys Ea'cudebat Joseph Barnes, Owonice. An edition unnoticed by Bibliographers. It is executed in a style similar to, and on an equal number of leaves as, the Paris edition of 1582, but it is destitute of the dedication to De Thou and other preliminary matter. The first leaf contains Barnes's imprint, and several curious hieroglyphical figures. 1180 Lullii (Illuminati Doctoris Magistri Raymundi) Ars brevis, que est ad omnes sclentias pauco et brevi tempore asse- quendas introductorium et brevis x\?i, figures, 7s. Lugd. per Stephaman Baland, IM.CCCCC.XIIII. An edition that has been designated " tres rare." 1181 Maieri Tripus Aureus, hoc est tres tractatus Chymici selectis- simi, nempe, 1. Basilii Valentini Practica una cum 12 clavibus et appendice. II. Tiiom.e Nortoni, Angli Phi- LOsopHi, Crede mihi seu Ordinale. III. Cremeri, cuius- DAM Abbatis Westmoxasteriensis Axgli Testamentum, liacteuus nondum publicatum, curious plates, beautiful COPY, fine old brown calf, stamped and gilt, rare, 1/, As. Franco/, ex Chalcog. PauH Jacobi, impensis Lugce Jennis 1618 This is a volume always anxiously sought after by a particular class of Book Collectors. It consists of three singular treatises by Basil Valen- tine, Thomas Norton, and Cremer, an old Westminster Abbot, edited by Maier, whose portrait, elegantly engraved, is inserted at the com- mencement. 1 182 Fouilloux (Jacques du) Venerie, avec le Miroir de Faucon- nerie, wood-cuts, vellum, scarce, II. 4s Paris, 1640 A curious and uncommon edition, complete with the Mirror of Falconry. The wood-cuts are executed in a much coarser style than those in the Poictiers Edition, a copy of which will be found in a preceding page of this Catalogue. 1183 Le Reveil de 1' Antique Torabeau de Chyndonax Prince des Vacies, Druides, Celtiques, Duonois, avec les Ceremonies des anciennes Sepultures briefvement et clairement raportecs par M. I. Guenebault, icith the two plates, complete, calf, scarce, I8s Paris, 1 623 1184 Crouica Cronicarum. — Le Registre des ans passer puis la 240 CURIOUS AND [Quarto. Creation du Monde jusques a I'annee presente Mil cinq cens. XXXII. llliUfii !fttft% wood-cuts, recently bound in russia,rare, \l. \\s. Gd. On les vetid a Paris en la grant mile dii, pallais, en la houticque de Galliot dupre mar chant lihraire iure de /' Universite de Paris 1532 A perfect copy, having botli the parts, according with Brunei's descrip- tion. This is a vohinie as interesting as it is uncommon. Tlie latter part comprehends a full epitome of the descente iles roys d'ANGLETERRE, 1 185 Opusculura de Mirabilibus Nove et Veteris Urbis Rome editum a Francisco Albertino Florentino, netv, half russia, scarce, 1 6s. Lugd. per Joan. Marion sumptihus et eapensis Ro- mani Marin bibliopole eiusdem civitatis M.D.XX. Containing an account of the Buildings, Statues, Pictures, Libraries, &c. to be seen at Rome, at that interesting period. 1 186 Lettres Patentes du Roi, qui ordonnent 1' execution du Tarif des Frais et Droits k percevoir par les Procureurs au Parlc- ment de Paris, Donn^es a Marly le 23 Mai 1 778, ON VEL- LUM, blue binding, stamped and gilt leaves, \l. 8*. Paris, 1 778 The impression was limited to four copies only. 1187 Origine e Discendenza della Famiglia Colonna d' Istria, &c. MOST BEAUTIFUL COPY, ORIGINAL RED MOROCCO, GILT LEAVKS, 1 /. 7s Parigi, 1 777 A Presentation Copy recently obtained from Paris. All the particulars introduced in the course of the Work, relating to the ancestors of Buonaparte, are carefully pointed out by pencil -marks. 1188 Nazari (Gio. Battista, Bresciano) della Tramutatione Metal- lica sogni tre, scarce, 1 6.y. Brescia, appresso Francesco, et Piet. Maria Marchetti Fratelli 1572 The first and rarest edition of this most singular treatise. It was un- known to Fontanini. The wood-cuts that embellish the volume, are remarkable only for rudeness of design and coarseness of execution. The Aldine device is given both at beginning and end. 1189 Alberti Dureris Figurae Passionis Domini Nostri, ^;e//wm, rrtre, 1/. \\s. 6d. 1190 A Collection of about 350 original Wood-cuts of Albert DuRER, Hans Holbein, Hans Sebaldt Beham, Hans ScHEUFLiN, and other cfriincnt carl// German Masters, with Quarto.] RARE BOOKS. 241 some e.rpia?ifit'ions (aid introductory preface in German, oblong vellum, KARK, 21. 12*. Qd Frnnrkfiirt am Meyn, 1620 The extreme rarity of the original wood-cuts of the ancient German masters, has at all times been the theme of those who have treated on the subject, from old John Evelyn downwards. 1191 Reuversement de la morale Chretienne par les desordres du Monacliisme, en Hollandois et en Yxdiacoxs , singular Mezetin Plates, ORIGINAL EDITION, BOTH PARTS COJIPLETK, Calf, RARE, 21. \2s. 6d. The great scarcity of this truly singular volume, is acknowledged by Brunet. The present is the original edition, the plates being in small ovals, with four French verses beneath. These remarkably grotesque figures are fifty in number, executed much in the style of Dusart, pre- ceded with a sheet plate of L'Ahrege du Ckrge Romain, engraved in the manner of De Hooghe. Plate 2, in the second and rarest part, is the curious caricature of King James, Le Pere Jacques Roy de I'Annee Passe'e. 1 192 Veldii (Joannis) Delicise Variarum insigniumque Scripturarum, Gerardus Gauw sculpsit Harlemensis, 1 604, with thirty leaves of original writing, /. l\ V. me fecit, 1585. — Diversarum Gentium Armatura Equestris. Ubi fere Europae Asiae atque Africse equitandi ratio propria expressa est. Abraham Bruy- nus Excude : upwards of seventy Equestrian Figures, elegantly engraved by De Briiyn, representing the Costumes of Eng- land, and other nations, preceded with six emblematical plates, in one vol. oblong, calf, scarce, \l. 10*. Many of the Engravings in the last work of the above No., are sur- rounded with borders of Flowers, Fruit, Birds, Animals, &c. 1193 Brant (Sebastiani) Navis Stultifera, wood-cuts, Im- pressum Basilec per Nicolaum Lamparter Anno Christi, M.CCCCC.VII. — Ysbrandi Balkii Pecten Hispanorum, id est, Paraenesis ad Belgas, Carmine Elegiaco conscripta, sine loco, M.D.LXXXVII. — Pandorsc sive V^eniae Hispa- nicffi Belgicis Exulibus, item Papalis Veniae Anatomia, Prometheo Autore, 1574. — With 11 other Works in Latin, German, and Dutch, vellum, rare, 21. 12*. Qd. 1194 Margarita Philosophica cum Appendice Matheseos, wood- cuts, tlltlffe I^ttrt^t Eo«^. old calf, \2s ib. 1729 With the Autograph of W. Herbert, the Editor of Ames. 1199 Leake's Historical Account of the English Money, from the Conquest to the present Time ; including those of Scotland, from the Union of the Two Kingdoms in James I., plates, best edition, calf, scarce, \2s London, 1744 1200 Life and Death of the Merry Deuill of Edmonton, with the Pleasant Pranks of Smug, the Smith, &c., by Thos. Brewer, wood-cut, boards, 6s London, 1812 1201 Jacob's History of the Town and Port of Faversham^ in the County of Kent, plates, brorvn calf, 9s ib. 1 774 1202 Reresby's (Sir John) Memoirs, containing Private and Re- markable Transactions, from the Restoration to the Revolu- tion, inclusively, old calf, 8s ib. 1734 1203 Thoresby's Vicaria Leodiensis, or the History of the Church of Leedes, in Yorkshire, plates, old binding, 9s ib. 1724 J204 JVillis's {Browne) History of Mitred Parliamentary Abbics and Conventual Churches, fine copy, calf, rake, 4/. 14s. 6/. Clarke's Bib. Diet., vol. v. p. 98. 1241 Nevizanis {Joan, de) Sylva Nuptialis, in qua ex dictis mo- dernis plurime questiones quotidie in practica occurrentes in materia Matrimonii, Dotium, Filiationis, Adulterii, etc. enucleantur, tllftfl^ ItttfVf fine coj)y, calf, scarce, 18.y. Lugd. per Joannem Moylin 1526 One of the original Black Letter Editions, which are much more eagerly sought after than those subsequently printed in the White Letter, owing to the text having been, in these latter ones, revised, and many passages against women greatly modified. For farther notice of this Work, and an account of the disgrace brought on the Author, vid. De Bure Bibl. Instr. vol. ii. p. 138, and Brunei. 1242 Imagines Mortis, illustratse Epigrammatis G. iEmylii, cum multis Epitaphiis, Gr. Heb. et Lat. in funere Davidis, Filioli D. Chytraei, 1576. — Uberti Clerici Sacra Poesis. Tornaci, 1610, old calf, scarce, 1 4*. This impression of Holbein's celebrated Dance of Death is cut in wood with remarkable spirit and delicacy. Monograms of a cross, the letter T, and two V's joined together, arc to be found on some of the prints. These have not been deciphered by monogrammists, excepting the two V's, which appears to be ascribed by the Author of the Notices sur les Gravcurs to a " graveur inconnu, qui travaillait a Nuremberg, en 1638," and to whom Strutt gives the name of Walch. Duo.] RARE BOOKS. 249 1244 Apocalypsis insigniuin aliquot Hferesiarcharum, with seven- teen portraits of Anabaptists, &c., wormed, rare, Gs-. Lugd. Butav. 1()08 " Ce volume est tres-rare." — Vid. Osmont Diet. Typ. vol. i. p. 30. The present copy has suffered considerably from the merciless ravages of the worm. 1245 Fabri (Petri Joannis) Propugnaculum Alchymiae. Ubi an sit Lapis Pliilosophorum, qui sit et qua raetliodo, et via ipsum Lapidum Antiqui, tractatur, %ic., fine copy, old bbie morocco, gilt leaves, rare, 7s Tolos. 1 645 " Adversus quosdam IMisochymicos, Philosophos umbraiiles, naturas hu- manse larvas, qui se Philosophos profiteri audent, dum Chymiam stulte rident, nee tamen Brutorum geuia tenent." 1246 Batei Elenchus Motuum nuperorum in Anglia, simul ac Juris Regni et Parlamentarii brevis Enarratio, 2 parts, with neat, oval portraits of Charles I. and II., old binding, scarce, 9*. A7nst. 1663 1247 Joannis Joachimi Becheri CEdipus Chiniicus, 2 curious plates, sewed, uncut, rare, 6.? Francofurti, 1705 1248 Paracelsi (Z>. Phil. Theophrasti) Pyrophilia Vexationumque Liber, per Doctorem Adamutn a Bodenstein promulgati. Lat. et Germ, boards, scarce, 7s. Basilece per Petrum Pernam, 1568 1 249 Euphrates, or the Waters of the East ; being a short Discourse of that Secret Fountain, whose water flows from fire, and carries in it the Beams of the Sun and Moon, by Eugenius Philalethes, old binding, 7s Lond. 1655 The Author was Thomas Vaughan, " a noted son of the fire," of whom some account will be found in Wood's Athence. He constantly wrote under the assumed name of Eugenius Philalethes. 1250 The Hermetical Triumph: or, the Victorious Philosopliical Stone, to wliich is added. The ancient War of the Knights, with Annotations, yro«;, bound, As. 6d ib. 1723 1251 Starkey's Pyrotechny asserted and illustrated, to be the surest and safest means for Art's Triumph over Nature's Infir- mities, 3* id. \ 658 1252 Nature's Explication and Helmont's Vindication, or 2 K 250 CURIOUS AND [Duo. a short and sure AV'ay to a long and sound Life^ old binding, scarce, Gs Loud. 1657 r2;i3 Valentinus {BasiUus, Monk, of the Order of Si. Bennet) his last Will and Testament, in five parts, with other of his Works, forming 8 Tracts in one vol. old binding, scarce, 8*. lb. 1658 1254 MuScEum Tradescantium : or a Collection of Rarities, pre- served at South Lambeth, near London, by John Tradescant, bound, bs ib. 1656 1255 Hell Reformed, or a Glasse for Favorits. Their Falls and Complaints, also the Complaints of Princes against their Favorits, Also the Reasons of a Devill, why he had rather continue in Hell, then returne and live againe on Earth. The Decree of Lucifer, for Reformation, &c., discovered in a Vision, by a Spanish Knight. Published by E, M. Gent., old binding, scarce, \0s. 6d. ib. 1641 1256 N. Sanderus de Origine ac Progressu Schisraatis Anglican!, fine copy, old calf, \2s Ingolstad, 1588 A genuine Catholic History of England, during the reigns of Henry VIIL, Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. 1257 BASIAIKONT AnPON, ou Present Royal de Jaques Premier Roy d'Angleterre, Escoce et Irlande ; au Prince Henry son Fils, in fine broivn calf, 5s Paris, 1 603 1258 Howell's (Jam.) Phil Anglusj som sober Inspections made into the Carriage and Consults of the Late Long Parlement, whereby occasion is taken to speak of Parlement in former Times, &c. With some Prophetic Paragraffs, bound, scarce, 7s Lo7id. 1 660 1259 Representations des Malheurs horribles qui menacent les Pro- testans de la Grande Bretagne, seived, uncut, rare, 8*. Sans date ou place. 1260 Histoire entiere et veritable du Procez de Charles Stuart, Roy d'Angleterre Contenant tout ce cpii s'est pass6 sur ce sujet dans le Parlement et en la Haute Cour de Justice ; et la faf;on en laquelle il a est6 mis a mort, new calf extra, 5s. 1650 1261 Charles Premier, Roi d'Angleterre, condamn6 a mort par la Duo.] RARE BOOKS. 251 Nation Angloise, et Biiig, Amiral Anglois, Fasillo par ordrc de la 111 erne. Nation. Entrctiens de leurs Ombres aux Champs Elisees, half calf , As. 6d Atnst. \757 1262 Nicolai Janssenii Animadvcrsiones et Scholia, in Apologiara nuper cditam de Vita et Morte Joannis Duns Scoti. Colon. Agr'ipp. — Epistola cujusdam Pastoris de Methodo absolvendi a peccatis venialibus. Antuerpice, IG74. — De ofl'icio imma- culatse conceptionis Deiparae, &c. Par'mis, 1G81. — Preser- vatif contre le Venin d'un Ecrit intitule Lettre a une Dame. L\m M.D.CC.VIIL — Reghel der Christelycke Volmaecky- heyt. Ghendt, 1G93. — Robert Everards Epistle to several Non-conformists (no title j from the postscript it should seem to be the second edition) . The Premonition of F. IF. P. upon certaine branches and partes of an Act of free and general Pardon, Indempnity and Oblivion granted Anno Regni Caroli 2, at the Parliament at JVestminster, 1660, Printed Permissu Superiorum, 1672. — An Epistle declaratorie, or Manifest icritten by G. L{eybourn) , to his Brethren residing in England. By the Widdowe of Mark Wyon, 1657. — The Siimme of Dr. Eeybourne" s Answere to a Letter printed against him by Mr. Blacloe, ib. 1657. — A Letter written by G. L(eybouru), to Mr. And. Kingh. and Mr. Tho. Med. — Requeste presentee au Parlement par M. L'Archeveque, Due de Reims, 1698. — Richard Flecknoe's Epigrams divine and moral, dedi- cated TO HER Majesty. Printed in the year 1670. — Eloge en vers, a la memoire immortelle de Princesse Marguerite de Savoye, par un Frere de I'Ordre S. Dominique, in one vol. foreign binding, very rare collection, 21. 2s. 1263 Martin (Francisci, Iberno-Galviensis) brevis Tractatus, quo supremos Priucipes seculares a Sacerdotibus ant Pontificibus deponi nou posse, ostenditur,M.DCC.XXI. — Francisci Jans - sens Elinga Suprema Romani Pontificis Auctoritas, cjusque extra Concilium Generale definientis Infallibilitas, BcrioH^ old binding, 6s Paris, 1694 1280 Cselii Secundi Curionis Pasquillus Ecstaticus cui accedit Pas- quillus Theologaster, half calf , scarce, as Genev. 1667 1281 Pasquin ressuscite, ou Dialogue entre Pasquin et Marforio, ou le premier raconte a I'autre tout ce qu'il vit en I'autre monde, dans le voyage qu'il y fit apr^s sa mort, pour contenter sa curiosity. As. 6d Villefranche, 1670 PRINTED BV W. BAYNES, JUN., 15ARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. > UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form Ly-oU«tll,'50 (2554)444 UN'. ^OENIK Z240 Baynes. firm. B34b booksellers, London — Biblio Ll ieca — « selectissima. Z240 B34b