L Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/detaifs/elimorhymnsofholOOhuntrich HYMNS OF HOLY REFRESHMENT. EDITED BY THE RKV. F. D. HUNTINGTON, D. I). "And they came to Elim, Tvoere ivere tivelo u h^Z Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1 864, by E. P. DUTTON AND COMPANY, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. RIVERSIDE, CAMBRIDGE: STER-EQ'TYPED AND, . P R't N T E D BY H.'d.« HOUOHVoN kN-D'.COMPANY. 1 ^ey greet me midst the shadows cold,— Such thoughts as holy men of old Amidst the desert found; Such gladness as in Him they felt Who, ivitb them, through the darkness dive It And compassed all around."" Ruskin. 28214 PREFACE. BSRRAWN from many sources, fugitive ^jjj and permanent, old and new, near and ' distant, open and obscure, the contents of this volume cannot be better introduced than in the language of the Preface of the " Lyra Anglicana," — from which some of the most striking and valued pieces are taken, — by the Rev. R. H. Baynes, M. A. of St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, and Perpetual Curate of Holy Trinity, Maidstone : — u A few words will explain the object of this Collection of Hymns and Sacred Songs. It is intended as a sup- plement to the many books of a similar character already published. I have therefore purposely excluded many well-known and favorite hymns, on the ground that nearly all of them are to be found in those Collections to which I have referred. A considerable number of those inserted in this Book will be new to the majority of read- ers, but I venture to believe that, when known and ap- vi Preface.^ predated, they will be added to the list of those Sacred Songs most dear to Christian hearts." " It would be almost impossible to overrate the value of really good hymns for private as well as public use. Next to the Bible itself, hymns have done more to influ- ence our views and mould our theology than any other instrumentality whatever. There is a power in hymns which never dies. Easily learned in the days of child- hood and of youth ; often repeated ; seldom, if ever, for- gotten, they abide with us, a most precious heritage, amid all the changes of our earthly life. They form a fitting and most welcome expression for every kind of deep re- ligious feeling : they are with us to speak of Faith and Hope in hours of trial and sorrow ; with us, to animate to all earnest Christian eflbrt ; with us, as the rich Conso- lation of individual hearts, and as one common bond of Fellowship between the living members of Christ's mys- tical body." "If the present Collection should tend in any way to further these blessed ends, I shall indeed rejoice, and shall consider any labor on my part as more than abundantly repaid." To this may be fitly added Milton's musical prose definition of the purposes of such poetry : " To celebrate in glorious and lofty hymns the throne and equipage of God's almightiness ; and what He works, and what He suffers to be wrought with high providence in His Church ; to sing victorious agonies of saints and martyrs, the deeds and triumphs of just and pious nations Preface. vii doing valiantly, through faith, against Christ's enemies ; to deplore the general relapses of kingdoms and states from justice and God's true worship : Lastly, whatsoever in re- ligion is holy and sublime ; in virtue, amiable or grave .... all these things to paint out and describe, teaching over the whole book of sanctity and virtue, through all the instances of example, with such delight to those especially of soft and delicious temper, who will not so much as look upon Truth herself unless they see her elegantly dressed, — that whereas the paths of honesty and good life appear now to be rugged and difficult, though they be indeed easy and pleasant, they will then appear to all men easy and pleasant, though they were rugged and difficult in- deed." The cc Palms " of Elim stand for majesty, strength, and victory. The u Fountains " are for fruitfulness, beauty, and peace. These re- freshing images represent the character of the grand and comforting compositions which are here brought together. Considering how rap- idly the stores of Sacred verse — including some of a really high order of poetical and spiritual excellence — have accumulated in our language within a few years, by research and by produc- tion, it may not be thought presumptuous to say that it has been endeavored to admit no one poem into this Collection that does not bear Vlll Pre/a, some mark of poetic power and of a clear spiritual discernment. The compiler thinks, with equal confidence, that the whole volume will be found p to be pervaded with the blessed Doctrine and Spirit of Christ, our Sacrifice and our Righteous- ness, — the indwelling Light and Eternal Life of believing souls. All Saints' Day, 1864. F. D. IL CONTENTS. Pag«s Reason and Faith . . C. F. Alexander i Repentance and Faith . Renj. W. Alexander 3 Believers not seeing . . Canterbury hymnal 6 " I know in whom I have believed " .7 " Seek ye my face — Thy face, Lord, will I seek " E. K. Blunt 9 Strength in Weakness . . . C. L. Ford 1 1 I said • • • Caroline A. Mason 13 The Compass . . . . . 15 Mont Blanc revisited . . . .16 My Sheep hear my Voice . . . 18 The Shadow of a Great Rock in a Weary Land . 20 This is my Beloved and this is my Friend S. Bernard 23 O Lord, Thou knowest ! Author of" Hymns from the Land of Luther " 25 Rabbi, where dwellest Thou ? — Come and see „. Author of the " Three Wakings " 28 The Well at Sychar Author of the " Three Wakings " 30 Come, blessed Jesu . . . .32 The Love of Christ which passeth Knowledge Christina G. Rossetti 34 For us also . . . John Wesley 36 The Israelites at the Red Sea . . -38 The Way of Sorrows . W. Chatterton Dix 40 x Contents. Page Emmaus . . . Thomas Grinfield 42 Sunday Eve . . James jD. Burns 44 At the Door . . . Joseph Grigg 46 Hymn for Epiphany . C. F. Alexander 48 Rest " H. L. Lr 49 " I am Thine " . . . . Gambold 5 1 Jesus is God ! . . . Oratory Hymns 53 Worthy the Lamb . Canterbury Hymnal 5$ I will not let Thee go . C. Wesley 57 The Boy with the Five Loaves Lyra Innocentium 59 Christ and the Little Ones . . . .62 " My Meditation of Him shall be sweet " Toplady 65 v " Christ in you, the Hope of Glory " . Toplady 68 Love of Love . . . . .69 " Come unto Me " . . Stephen of Saba 71 A Hymn of Angelus, of the Seventeenth Century C. Winkiuorth 73 Christ all in all . . W. C. C. 75 Jesus passeth by C. A. M. W. 76 The Answer . . . . 78 Christ's Word, "Abide" ... 80 Sunday next before Advent . . .82 A Death-bed Hymn . . . . 83 The Three Wonders ., W. Chatterton Dix 85 Come ! ye Lofty, Come! ye Lowly Archer Gurney 87 The Infant Jesus . . Oratory Hymns 89 Midnight Christmas Communion . E. L. L. 91 A Carol for Christmas-tide . . A. M. M. 94 Good Friday . . Canterbury Hymnal 96 The Chastisement of our Peace was upon Him 98 A Fine Day in Passion Week Rev. W. Alexander 100 The Vigil . • . Anna Shipton 102 Gethsemane .... Hart 104 An Ancient Hymn for Maunday-Thursday : from the German . . . . .107 Contents. xi Page At the Lord's Feast • M. B. Wheaton 109 Touched with a Feeling of our Infirmities C. F. Alexander 112 Not our Work . . . . .114 The Grief of Pleasures . . . Philip S. IVorsley 115 The Healer . . . Canterbury Hymnal 117 " Made nigh by the Blood of Christ " J. Wesley 119 Latus Salvatoris . . . M . Bridges 121 The Cross and the Heart . . . .123 The Bread that cometh down from Heaven C. Wadsuoorth 125 The Miracles of Grace and Nature J. S. B. Monsell 127 The Christian Altar .... 129 The Oblation . . Christina G. Rossetti 130 The Holy Feast . . . H. Alford 132 The Hunger . .' M. Bridges 133 The Morning of Reception . W. G. Tupper 134 This do in Remembrance of Me . . Bonar 136 The True Bread . . . Bonar 139 And when they had sung an Hymn, they went out unto the Mount of Olives Lyra Anglicana 141 Holy Communion . . Richard Crasha r iv 143 Communion Hymn . . C F. Alexander 145 The Holy Communion Author of the " Three Wakings " 148 The Completion of the Sacrifice of the Cross A. M. M. 150 Rock of Ages — in Latin I light Hon. W. L. Gladstone 152 Easter-Eve Archer Gurney i54 Vigil of Easter- Eve Child's Christian Tear 156 Christ risen Canterbury Hymnal 158 Easter Day Lyra Anglicana 1 6c Hymn for Easter . . Bonar 162 Easter Celebration W.B. l6r xii Contents. Page Ascension . . . Canterbury Hymnal 167 The Ceaseless Intercession . . C. S. 169 Homeward Guide . . Arthur Toxer Russell 171 The Lord's Knocking . . Herbert Kynaston 172 How long ? Author of" Hymns from the Land of Luther " 174 Behold, the Bridegroom cometh . . Laurenti 176 Hymn for Advent . . . C. F. Alexander 178 The Blessed Hope . Rev. H. G. Tomkins 180 Even so come, Lord Jesus . . . Bonar 181 Surely I come quickly . John S. B. Monsell 183 Lighted Lamps . . Canterbury Hymnal 184 The Second Advent . . . .186 A Litany to the Holy Ghost . Herrick 187 The Spirit also helpeth our Infirmities Rev. H. G. Tomkins 188 Lead me and guide me . . Newman 190 Daily Service of the Church . . . 191 On hearing Week-day Service at Westminster Ab- bey, Sept. 1858 . . . S. F. 194 Jacob's Ladder . Rev. W. Alexander 197 The Lord's Day . . Sir E. B. Lytton 199 Hymn for All Saints* Day Rev. H. G. Tomkins 201 The Burial of Moses . C. F. Alexander 203 Vision from the Apocalypse Rev. W. Alexander 207 White Robes and Palms Child's Christian Tear 210 Before the Throne . Canterbury Hymnal 212 " That where I am ye may be also " . .215 Athanasius against the World Rev. W. R. Huntington 217 Faith .... Miss Noble 219 She hath done what she could . . C. L. Ford 222 Behold, I stand at the Door and knock A. C. Coxe 224 The Sun of Righteousness . C. F. Alexander 226 The Wanderer . . . E. L. Lee 229 Contents, xiii Page •* Who can forgive Sins, but God only ? " . . 231 Kyrie Eleison . . Catherine Winkucorth 233 I believe in the Resurrection of the Body A. L. Waring 235 The Widow of Nain .. . W. R. Neale 238 The Grave at Bethany . . C. L. Ford 241 The Maid is not dead, but sleepeth . . 244 Strangers and Sojourners . Canterbury Hymnal 247 Below and above . Re=v. W. Alexander 248 Now is our Salvation nearer than when we believed Carey 252 The Death of the Christian Re