260 555 o "cl- og co 03 -X. Y. Z. OF WALL STREET By A. P. If. Author of < ' Shakespeare for the Unsophisticated ' ' and "Grandmother's Cook Book" PUBLISHED BY THE NANTUCKET PUBLISHING COMPANY 1204 BROADWAY, NEW YORK AND 426 STRAND, LONDON COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY NEW AMSTERDAM BOOK Co. PREFACE At some period during every man' s life be thinks be can make money by speculating in Wall Street. To such this book will prove valuable, not tbat it shows how to make money, but, rather, how to limit the losses. A. P. H. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF 132693 A Is for Advice that I'm giving free, Don't monkey with Wall Street, Or you'll lose like me. Bis the Broker who holds this position ; You may win or may lose, Still he makes his commission. C Stands for Clerks, who all ape their bosses. And use all their wages to pay up their losses. D Stands for Dread and D's for Disaster : Remember, my friend, and don't live like Astor. Els good Earnings they always report Just at the time you sold some stock "short." Fls crop Failures some- times wheat, sometimes corn. This usually happens at the moment you're "long.'' Stands for Gambling (dear me, how absurd). They speculate there ; I used the wrong word. Is for "Hello!" You answer the call. ;< More margin,'" says broker $ ;