HARPER'S CLASSICAL LIBRARY. C I C E R O'S THREE BOOKS OF OFFICES, AND OTHER MORAL WORKS, ( CICERO'S THREE BOOKS OF OFFICES, OB MORAL DUTIES; CATO MAJOR, AN ESSAY ON OLD AGE; L.ELIUS, AN ESSAY ON FRIENDSHIP; PARADOXES; SCIPIO'S DREAM; AND LETTER TO QTJINTUS ON THE DUTIES OF A MAGISTRATE. WITH KOTE8, DESIGNED TO EXHIBIT A COMPARATIVE VEBV OX THE OPINIONS 07 CIOEBO, AND THOSE OF MODERN MORALISTS AND ETHICAL PHILOSOPHERS. BY CYBUS B. EDMONDS. NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, 829 fc 831 PEAEL STREET. 1892 HARPER'S NEW CLASSICAL LIBRARY. COMrSISING LtTCBAL TEiNBLATIONS OP CAESAR. VIRGIL. SALLUST. HORACE. TERENCE. TACITUS. JVoli. LIVY. JVoU. CICERO'S ORATIONS. CICERO'S OFFICES, L./ELIUS, CATO MAJOR, PARADOXES, SCIPIO'S DREAM, LETTER TO QUINTUS. CICERO ON ORATORY AND ORATORS. PLATO (SELECT CICERO'S TUSCULAN DISPUTA- TIONS, THE NATURE OF THE GODS, AND THK COMMON- WEALTH. JUVENAL. XENOPHON. HOMER'S ILIAD. HOMER'S ODYSSEY. HERODOTUS. DEMOSTHENES. 2 Vol.. THUCYDIDE8. .ESCHYLUS. SOPHOCLES. EURIPIDES. SVol. DIALOGUES). Itmo, Cloth, $1 00 per Volume. HABFBB & BBumiiu vill lend tMer of At abate warki f>y mail, pottage prepaid, to any part i^oaoiaf, jxi) t/jnrtaeiv elf riva ao(j>iaTi/v fiydZ uiroKad.iaai tnl roi)f avyypael ff av7i/.oyiafj.ovf tivaXiieiv, ij frspl rH ftereupoAoyiKil Karayiveadai : ' That when I applied my mind to the study of philosophy, I did not meet with a sophist for my instructor ; neither did I spend my time in reading mean authors, nor was I embarrassed by the uselees studies of astrology." Guthrie. 2 " Wo have, in the Roman history, a remarkable story of this noble- man, by which wo may see the excellent effects of learning in a man of consideration, who knows how to time it welL For wo are told, that while he served against the Macedonians, under Julius JSmilius, ho fore- told to the Roman soldiers an eclipse, and explained its causes, and thereby prevented the consternation they otherwise would have fallen into, and which, seizing the enemies, they were easily routed by the Romans." Guthrie. 14 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOR i. voked 1 by suffering wrong ; next, that public property be ap- propriated to public, and private to individual, use. Now, by nature no property is private, but dependent either on ancient possession (as when men formerly came into unoc- cupied territories) ; or victory (as when they have taken posses- sion of it in war) ; or public constitution, contract, terms, or lot. By those, the land of Arpinum is regarded as belonging to the Arpinates ; the Tusculan, to the Tusculans. The like division holds with regard to matters of private property. Thus, as every man holds his own, each should possess that portion which fell to his share of those things that by nature were common ; and it follows, that no man can covet another's property without violating the laws of human society. 1 But (as has been strikingly said by Plato) we are not born for ourselves alone, and our country claims her share, and our friends their share of us ; and, as the Stoics hold, 1 " Dictat autem ratio homini (says Grotius, de Jure Belli ac Paris, lib. 2, cap. 20, 5), nihil agendum quod noceatur Iwmini alleri, nisi, id bonum habeat aliquid propositum. In solo autem inimici dolore, ita nudj spectato, nuttum est bonum nisi falsum et imaginarium : Now, reason tells men that we should do no hurt to another man, unless it is to serve some good end, for, from the mere pain of another person, there can result no good but what is mistaken and imaginary." Vidplura in loc. cit. a This subject has been extensively investigated by modern moralists and jurists. Paley, in one of his chapters on property, adduces and com- ments upon the principal theories that have been advanced. Those of Mr. Locke, and of Paley himrelf, may bo briefly given in the words of tho latter. " Each man's limbs and labor are his own exclusively ; by occu' pying a piece of ground a man inseparably mixes his labor with it, by which means tho piece of ground becomes thenceforward his own, as you can not take it from him without depriving him at the same time of something which is indisputably his." This is Mr. Locke's solution. Dr. Paley adds: "The real foundation of our right (i. e., to private property) is THE LAW OF THE LAND. It is tho intention of God that the produce of the earth bo applied to tho use of man ; this intention can not be ful- filled without establishing property; it is consistent, therefore, with his will that property be established. The land can not bo divided into separate property without leaving it to tho law of the country to regu- late that division ; it is consistent, therefore, with tho same will, that the law should regulate tho division ; and, consequently, ' consistent with the will of God,' or 'right.' that I should possess that share which these regulations assign me. By whatever circuitous train of reasoning you attempt to derive this right, it must terminate at last in the will of God ; the straightest, therefore, and shortest way of arriving at this will, is tho best Paley's " Moral and Political Philosophy," book 3, chap. 4. CHAP. vra. CICERO'S OFFICES. 15 all that the earth pioduces is created for the use of man, so men are created for the sake of men, that they may mutually do good to one another ; in this we ought to take nature for our guide, to throw into the public stock the offices of general utility by a reciprocation of duties ; sometimes by receiving, sometimes by giving, and sometimes to cement human society by arts, by industry, and by our resources. Now the foundation of justice is faithfulness, which is a perseverance and truth in all our declarations and in all our promises. Let us therefore (though some people may think it over nice) imitate the Stoics, who curiously examine whence terms are derived, and consider that the word fides, or faithful- ness, is no other than a performance of what we have promised. 1 But there are two kinds of injustice ; the first is of those who offer an injury, the second of those who have it in their power to avert an injury from those to whom it is offered, and yet do it not. For if a man, prompted either by anger or any sudden perturbation, unjustly assaults another man, such a one seems as it were to lay violent hands on one's ally ; and the man who does not repel or withstand the injury, if he can, is as much to blame as if he deserted the cause of his parents, his friends, or his country. Those wrongs, however, which are inflicted for the very pur- pose of doing an injury, often proceed from fear ; as for instance, when a man who is contriving to injure another is afraid, unless he executes what he is meditating, that he may himself sustain some disadvantage ; but the great incentive to doing wrong is to obtain what one desires, and in this crime avarice is the most pervading motive. Vffl. Now riches are sought after, both for the necessary purposes of life and for the enjoyment of pleasure. But in men of greater minds the coveting of money is with a view to power and to the means of giving gratification. As M. Crassus lately used to declare, that no man who wanted to have a direction in the government had money enough, unless by the interest of it he could maintain an army. Mag- nificent equipages, likewise, and a style of living made up of elegance and abundance give delight, and hence the desire for money becomes boundless. Nor indeed is the 1 Fides, quiayud quod dictum est. 10 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. mere desire to improve one's private fortune, without injury to another, deserving of blame ; but injustice must ever be avoided. But the main cause why most men are led to a forgetful- ness of justice is their fafling into a violent ambition after empire, honors, and glory. For what Ennius observes that " No social bonds, no public faith remains Inviolate ;" has a still more extensive application ; for where the object of ambition is of such a nature as that several can not obtain pre- eminence, the contest for it is generally so violent that nothing can be more difficult than to preserve the sacred ties of society. This was shown lately in the presumption of C. Caesar, who, in order to obtain that direction in the government which the wildness of his imagination had planned out, violated all laws, divine and human. But what is deplorable in this matter is, that the desire after honor, empire, power, and glory, is gener- ally most prevalent in the greatest soul and the most exalted genius ;' for which reason every crime of that sort is the more carefully to be guarded against. But in ever species of injust- ice it is a very material question, whether it is committed through some agitation of passion, which commonly is short- lived and temporary, or from deliberate, prepense, malice ; for those things which proceed from a short, sudden fit, are of slighter moment than those which are inflicted by forethought and preparation. But enough has been said concerning inflict- ing injury. IX. Various are the causes of men omitting the defense of others, or neglecting their duty toward them. They are either unwilling to encounter enmity, toil, or expense; or, perhaps, they do it through negligence, listlessness, or lazi- ness ; or they are so embarrassed in certain studies and pur- suits, that they suffer those they ought to protect to be ne- glected. Hence we must take care lest Plato's observation with respect to philosophers should be falsified: "That they 1 Milton thus expresses a similar idea : " Fame is the spur which the clear spirit doth raise (That last infirmity of noble mind) To scorn delights and live laborious days." Lycidas. CHAP. IT. CICERO'S OFFICES. 17 are men of integrity, because they are solely engaged in the pursuit of truth, and despise and neglect those considera- rations which others value, and which mankind are wont to contend for among themselves." For, while they abstain from hurting any by the infliction of injury, they indeed assert one species of honesty or justice, but they fail in another ; be- cause, being entangled in the pursuits of learning, they abandon those they ought to protect. Some, therefore, think that they would have no concern with the government unless they were forced to it ; but still, it would be more just that it should be done voluntarily ; for an action which is intrinsically right is only morally good in so far as it is voluntary. 1 There are others who, either from a desire to improve their private for- tune, or from some personal resentments, pretend that they mind their own affairs only that they may appear not to do wrong to another. Now such persons are free from one kind of injustice, but fall into another ; because they abandon the fellowship of life by employing in it none of their zeal, none of their labor, none of their abilities. Having thus stated the two kinds of dishonesty or injustice, and assigned the motives for each kind, and settled previously the considerations by which justice is limited, we shall easily (unless we are extremely selfish) be able to form a judgment of our duty on every occa- sion. For, to concern ourselves in other people's affairs is a delicate matter. Yet Chremes, a character in Terence, thinks, that there is nothing which has a relation to mankind in which he has not a concern. 2 Meanwhile, because we have the quicker perception and sensation of whatever happens favorably or untowardly to ourselves than to others, which we see as it were at a greater distance, the 1 Tho principle of the spontanoousnesg and intelligence of all actions being essential to their moral character, seems, if it be admitted, at onco fatal to those numerous schemes of ethics, which make the moral char- acter of conduct to depend on its essential utility inasmuch as on the latter showing a morally good action may not only bo performed under compulsion, but even with the deliberate and sole intention of producing the opposite results, namely, those which are in every aspect the most mischievous 2 Heautontimorumenos, Act I., Scene 1: Homo sum: humani nihil a me alienum puto. Augustin, who was made bishop of Hippo, A.D. 395, mentions the universal applause with which this admirable sentiment was 18 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. judgment we form of them is very different from what we form of ourselves. Those therefore are wise monitors who teach us to do nothing of whicli we are doubtful, whether it is honest or unjust ; for whatever is honest manifests itself by its own luster, but doubt implies the entertainment of in- justice. X. But occasions frequently happen in which those duties which are most worthy of an honest, and of such as we call a worthy man, are altered and changed to their contraries. For example, to return a deposit, to perform a promise, and other matters that are relative to truth and honesty, sometimes alter so that it is just they should not be observed ; for it is proper to have recourse to those fundamentals of honesty which I laid down in the commencement : in the first place, that of injuring no person ; and, secondly, that of being subservient to the public good. When these conditions are altered by cir- cumstances, the moral obligation, not being invariably identical, is similarly altered. A promise, as a paction, may happen to be made, the performance of which may be prejudicial either to the party promising, or to the party to whom the promise is made. For (as we see in the play) had not Neptune performed his promise to Theseus, the latter would not have been bereaved of his son Hippolytus ; for it is recorded, that of three wishes to be granted him, the third, which he made in a passion, was the death of Hippolytus, which, having been granted, he sunk into the most dreadful distress. Therefore, you are not to perform those promises which may be prejudicial to the party to whom you promise, nor if they may be more hurtful to you than they can be serviceable to him. It is inconsistent; with our duty that the greater obligation should be postponed to the less. For instance, suppose you should promise to appear as the advocate of another person while his cause is depending : now, if your son was to be seized violently ill, in the mean time, it would be no breach of duty received in the theater. He himself has left us an expression of tho same idea in the following words : " Omnis homo est omni homini proximus, nee ulla cogitanda est longin- quitas generis ubi est natura communis." " Every man is most closely connected with his every fellow man, nor should any distance of relationship enter into consideration where there is a common nature." CHAP. x. CICERO'S OFFICES, 19 in you not to perform what you promise ; the other person would rather depart from his duty if he should complain that he had been abandoned. Who, then, does not see that a man is not bound by those promises which he makes either when coerced by fear, 1 or seduced by deceit ? Many such promises are cancelled by the edict of the praetor's court, some by tho laws ; for very often wrongs arise through a quirk, and through a too artful but fraudulent construction of the law. Hence, " the rigor of law is the rigor of injustice," is a saying that has now passed into a proverb. Many injuries of this kind happen even in state affairs : thus, when a general has con- cluded a truce with his enemy for thirty days, yet ravaged that enemy's territories every night, because the truce was only for so many days, not for the nights. Nor, indeed, if it is true, is the conduct of our countryman, Quintus Fabius Labeo, to bo approved of, or whoever he was (for I have the story only by report), who, being appointed an arbiter by the senate to settle a boundary between the people of Nola and those of Naples, counseled each of those people separately to do nothing covet- ously, and that each ought rather to draw back than advance. Both of them taking this advice, a space of unoccupied ground was left in the middle. lie, therefore, adjudged to oach people the boundary to which they had confined them- selves, and all that was in the middle to the people of Rome. This was not to give judgment, but to cheat ; wherefore we ought to avoid all chicane of that kind in every transaction. 1 1 Seo conclusion of note, pp. 19, 20. a With these imperfect, and in some respects most faulty, notions touching tho obligations of promises, it will bo instructive to compare the principles of modern moralists. Tho following is a brief digest of these principles as given by Paley (" Moral and Political Philosophy," book 3, chap. 5): "They who argue from innate moral principles, sup- pose a sense of tho obligation of promises to bo one of them ; but with- out assuming this, or any thing else, without proof, tho obligation to per- form promises may bo deduced from tbo necessity of such a conduct to the well-being, or tho existence, indeed, of human society. ' Men act from expectation. Expectation is, in most cases, determined by the assurances and engagements which aro received from others. If no dependence could be placed upon these assurances, it would bo im- possible to know what judgment to form of many future events, or how to regulate our conduct with respect to them. Confidence, therefore, in promises is essential to the intercourse of human life ; because without it tho greatest part of our conduct would proceed upon chance. But there could bo no confidence in promises, if men wero not obliged to 20 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOR i XL Certain duties are also to be observed, even toward those who have wronged you ; for there is a mean even in perform them ; the obligation, therefore, to perform promises is essential to tho same ends, and in the same degree. Where the terms of promise admit of more senses than one, tho promise is to bo performed ' in that sense in which the promiser apprehended at the tune that the promisor received it.' " Dr. Paley sums up his argument in tho following words- ' : From the account we have given of the obligation of promises, it ia evident that this obligation depends upon tho expectations which we knowingly and voluntarily excite. Consequently, any action or conduct toward another, which wo are sensible excites expectations in that other, is as much a promise, and creates as strict an obligation, as the most express assurances." The exceptions which Paley admits to tho obliga- tion of promises are tho following ; " 1. Promises are not binding where the performance is impossible. 2. Promises are not binding whero the performance is unlawful. 3. Promises are not binding where they con tradict a former promise. 4. Promises are not binding before accept anco ; that is, before notice given to the promisee. 5. Promises are not binding which aro released by the promisee. And, 6. Erroneous prom- ises are not binding in certain cases ; as where tho error proceeds from the mistake or misrepresentation of the promisee ; or, secondly. "When the promise is understood by tho promisee to proceed upon a certain supposition, or when the promiser apprehended it to be so understood, and that supposition turns out to be false ; then the promise is not bind- ing." It is only necessary to cite another passage with reference to ex- torted promises. It seems obvious here to remark, that in the case of promises, or even declarations, unjustly extorted as by the highway- man or tho inquisitor a doubt may very naturally arise, whether the absence of all right on tho part of the extorting party, does not involve a correlative freedom on tho part of the victim, to declare the truth, or to fulfill the promise. This point Dr. Paley leaves (unnecessarily, as I think), undecided. " It has," he says, " long beep controverted among moralists, whether promises be binding which are extorted by -violence or fear. Tho obligation of all promises results, we have seen, from the necessity or the use of that confidence which mankind repose in them. The question, therefore, whether these promises are binding, will depend upon this : whether mankind, upon the whole, are benefited by the con- fidence placed on such promises? A highwayman attacks you ; anti being disappointed of his booty, threatens or prepares to murder you. You promise, with many solemn asseverations, that if he will spare you.* life he shall find a purse of money left for him at a place appointed. Upon the faith of this promise ho forbears from further violence. New. your life was saved by the confidence reposed in a promise extorted by fear ; and the lives of many others may be saved by the same. This ia a good consequence. On the other hand, confidence in promises like thesa greatly facilitates the perpetration of robberies ; they may be made tha instruments of almost unlimited extortion. This is a bad consequence ; and in the question between tho importance of these opposite conse- quences, resides the doubt concerning tho obligations of such promises." CHAP. XL CICERO'S OFFICES. 21 revenge and punishments. Nay, I am not certain whether it is not sufficient for the person who has injured you to repent of the wrong done, so that he may never be guilty of the like in future, and that others may not be so forward to offend in the same manner. 1 Now, in government the laws of war are to be most especially observed ; for since there are two manners of disputing, one by debating, the other by fighting, though the former characterizes men, the latter, brutes, if the former can not be adopted, recourse must be had to the latter. Wars, therefore, are to be undertaken for this end, that we may live in peace without being injured ; but when we obtain the victory, we must preserve those enemies who behaved without cruelty or inhumanity during the war : for example, our forefathers received, even as members of their state, the Tuscans, the ^Equi, the Volscians, the Sabines, and the Hernici, but utterly destroyed Carthage and Nu- mantia. I am unwilling to mention Corinth ; but I believe they had some object in it, and particularly they were induced to destroy it, lest the advantages of its situation should invite the inhabitants to make war in future times. In my opinion, we ought always to consult for peace, which should have in it nothing of perfidy. Had my voice been followed on this head, we might still have had some form of government (if not the best), whereas now we have none. And, while we are bound to exercise consideration toward those whom we 1 " Tho insolence and brutality of anger, when we indulge its fury without check or restraint is, of all objects, the most detestable. But we admire that noble and generous resentment which governs its pur- suit of the greatest injuries, not by the rage which they are apt to ex- cite in the breast of the sufferer, but by the indignation which they naturally call forth in that of the impartial spectator ; which allows no word, no gesture, to escape it beyond what this more equitable senti- ment would dictate ; which never, even in thought, attempts any greater vengeance, nor desires to inflict any greater punishment, than what every indifferent person would rejoice to see executed." Smith's "Moral Sentiments," part 1, chap. 5. " The nobleness of pardoning appears, upon many occasions, superior even to the most perfect propriety of resenting. When either proper acknowledgments have been made by the offending party, or even with- out any such acknowledgments, when the public interest requires that rho most mortal enemies should unite for the discharge of some import- ant duty, the man who can cast away all animosity, and act with con- fidence and cordiality toward the person who had most grievously offended him, seems justly to merit our highest admiration." Id. part 6, uection 3. 22 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK L have conquered by force, so those should be received into our protection who throw themselves upon the honor of our general, and lay down their arms, even though the battering rams should have struck their walls. In which matter justice was cultivated with so much care among our countrymen, that it was a custom among our ancestors that they who received under their protection cities, or nations conquered in war, be- came their patrons. Now, the justice of war was most religiously pointed out by the fecial law of the Romans. From this it may bo understood that no war is just unless it is undertaken to reclaim property, 1 or unless it is solemnly denounced and proclaimed beforehand. Popilius, as general, held a province where Cato's son served in his army. It happened that Popilius thought proper to disband one legion ; he dismissed, at the same time, Cato's son, who was serving in that legion. When, however, through love of a military life, he remained in the army, his father wrote to Popilius, that if he suffered him to continue in the service he should, for a second time bind him by the military oath ; because the obligation of the former having been annulled, he could not lawfully fight with the enemy. So very strict was their observance of laws in making war. There is extant a letter of old Cato to his son on this occasion, in which he writes, " That he heard he had got his discharge from the consul, while he was serving as a soldier in Macedonia, during the war with Perseus. He, therefore, en- joins him to take care not to enter upon action ; for he declares that it is not lawful for a man who is not a soldier to fight with an enemy. XII. And, indeed, there is another thing that I should observe, that he who ought properly be termed perduellis, that is, a stubborn foe, is called a hostis, and thereby the softness of the appellation lessens the horror of the thing ; for by our ancestors he was called hostis whom we now call a 1 To reclaim property, etc.] " The formal and public declaration of war was an indispensable preliminary to it among the Romans. This declar- ation was either conditional or simple. The conditional was when it was made cum rerum repetitions, which sometimes not only implied satisfac- tion for property but punishment upon the offender. A simple declara- tion was without any condition, as when an injury could not be repaired ; or when war was first declared by the other party." See Grotius, lib 3. chap. 3. De Jure Betti, etc. Guthrie. CHAP. xm. CICERO'S OFFICES. 23 stranger. This the twelve tables demonstrate : as in the words, " a day appointed for the hostis to plead ;" and again, " a Roman's right of property, as against a hostis, never terminates." What can exceed the gentleness of this, to call those with whom you were at war by so soft an appellation ? It is true that length of time has affixed a harsher significa- tion to this word, which has now ceased to be applied to the stranger, and remains peculiar to him who carries arms agains us. Meanwhile, when we fight for empire, and when we seek glory in arms, all those grounds of war which I have already enumerated to be just ones, must absolutely be in force. But wars that are founded upon the glory of con- quest alone, are to be carried on with less rancor ; for, as we treat a fellow-citizen in a different manner as a foe, than we do as an antagonist ; as with the latter the struggle is for glory and power, as the former for life and reputation ; thus we fought against the Celtiberians and the Cimbrians as against enemies, the question being not who should com- mand but who should exist ; but we fought for empire against the Latines, the Sabines, the Samnites, the Carthaginians, and Pyrrhus. The Carthaginians, 'tis true, were faithless, and Hannibal was cruel, but the others were better principled. The speech of Pyrrhus about ransoming the captives is a noble one : In war not crafty, but in battle bold, No wealth I value, and I spurn at gold. Be steel the only metal shall decree The fate of empire, or to you or me. The gen'rous conquest be by courage tried, And all the captives on the Roman side, I swear, by all the gods of open war, As fate their lives, their freedom I will spare. This sentiment is truly noble, and worthy the descendant of the ^Eacidae. XIII. Nay, if even private persons should, induced by circumstances, make a promise to the enemy, even in this fidelity should be observed. Thus Regulus, when he was made a prisoner by the Carthaginians in the first Punic war, being sent to Rome to treat of an exchange of prisoners, he swore that he would return. The first thing he did when he came to Rome was to deliver his opinion in the senate that 24 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i the prisoners should not be restored ; and after that, when he was detained by his relations and friends, he chose to deliver himself up to a cruel death rather than to falsify his word to the enemy. But in the second Punic war, after the battle of Cannae, Hannibal sent ten Romans to Rome, under an oath that they would return to him unless they procured the prisoners to be ransomed ; but the censors disfranchised, as long as they lived, all Of them that were perjured, as well as him who had devised a fraudulent evasion of his oath. For when, by the leave of Hannibal, he had left the camp, he returned soon after, to say that he had forgotten something ; and then again leaving the camp he considered himself free from the obligations of his oath, which he was with regard to the words but not the meaning of them ; for in a promise, what you thought, and not what you said, is always to be consid- ered. 1 But our forefathers set us a most eminent example of justice toward an enemy ; for when a deserter from Pyrrhus offered to the senate to dispatch that prince by poison, the senate and C. Fabricius delivered the traitor up to Pyrrhus. Thus they disapproved of taking off by treachery an enemy who was powerful, and was carrying on against them an ag- gressive war. Enough has now been said respecting the duties connected with warfare ; but we must bear in mind, that justice is due 1 As oaths are designed for the security of the imposer, it is manifest that they must bo interpreted and performed in the sense in which tho imposer intends them ; otherwise they afford no security to him. And this is the meaning and reason of tho rule, "jurare in animum impon- entis." Paley's " Moral and Political Philosophy," book 3, chap. 10. Against tho practice of administering oaths as demoralizing, we may instance two authorities. " The effect," says Dymond, " of instituting oaths is to diminish the practical obligation of simple affirmation. Tho law says you must speak the truth when you are upon your oath, which is the same thing as to say that it is less harm to violate truth when you are not on your oath. The court sometimes reminds a witness that ho is upon oath, which is equivalent to saying, If you were not we should think leas of your mendacity. The same lesson is inculcated by the as- signation of penalties to perjury and not to falsehood." " There is," saya Godwin, in his "Political Justice," book 6, c. 5, "no cause of insincerity, prevarication, and falsehood more powerful than the practice of admin- istering oaths in a court of justice. All attempts to strengthen the obli- gations of morality, by fictitious and spurious motives, will, in the sequel, be found to have no tendency but to relax them." CHAP. nv. CICERO'S OFFICES. 25 even to the lowest of mankind ; and nothing can be lower than the condition and fortune of a slave. And yet those prescribe wisely who enjoin us to put them upon the same footing as hired laborers, obliging them to do their work, but giving them their dues. Now, as injustice may be done two ways, by force or fraud ; fraud being the property of a fox, force that of a lion ; both are utterly repugnant to society, but fraud is the more detestable. But in the whole system of villainy, none is more capital than that of the men, who, when they most deceive, so manage as that they may seem to be virtuous men. Thus much, then, on the subject of justice. XIV. Let mo now, as I proposed, speak of beneficence and liberality, virtues that are the most agreeable to the nature of man, but which involve many precautionary con- siderations. For, in the first place, we are to take care lest our kindness should hurt both those whom it is meant to assist, and others. In the next place, it ought not to exceed our abilities ; and it ought to be rendered to each in proportion to his worth. This is the fundamental standard of justice to which all these things should be referred. For they who do kindnesses which prove of disservice to the person they pre- tend to oblige, should not be esteemed beneficent nor generous, but injurious sycophants. And they who injure one party in order to be liberal to another, are guilty of the same dishones- ty as if they should appropriate to themselves what belongs to another. 1 Now many, and they especially who are the most ambitious after grandeur and glory, rob one party to enrich another ; and account themselves generous to their friends if they enrich them by whatever means. This is so far from being consistent with, that nothing can be more contrary to, our duty. We should therefore take care to practice that kind of generosity that is serviceable to our friends, but hurtful to 1 " Liberality in princes is regarded as a mark of beneficence. But when it occurs that the homely bread of 010 honest and industrious i often thereby converted into delicious cakes for the idle and the prodigal, we soon retract our heedless praises. The regrets of a prince for having lost a day were noble and generous, but had ho intended to havo spent it in acts of generosity to his greedy courtiers, it was better lost than misemployed after that manner." Hume's " Dissertation on tho Pas- sions," section 2. 8 26 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK I. none. Upon this principle, when Lucius Sylla and Caius Cassar took property from its just owners and transferred it to strangers, in so doing they ought not to be accounted generous ; for nothing can be generous that is not at the samo time just. Our next part of circumspection is, that our generosity never should exceed our abilities. For they who are more generous then their circumstances admit of are, first, guilty in this, that they wrong their relations ; because they bestow upon strangers those means which they might, with greater justice, give or leave to those who are nearest to them. Now a generosity of this kind is generally attended with a lust to ravish and to plunder, in order to be furnished with the means to give away. For it is easy to observe, that most of them are not so much by nature generous, as they are misled by a kind of pride to do a great many things in order that they may seem to be generous ; which things seem to spring not so much from good will as from ostentation. Now such a simula- tion is more nearly allied to duplicity than to generosity or virtue. The third head proposed was, that in our generosity we should have regard to merit ; and, consequently, examine both the morals of the party to whom we are generous, and his dis- position toward us, together with the general good of society, and how far he may have already contributed to our own in- terest. Could all those considerations be united, it were the more desirable ; but the object in whom is united the most numerous and the most important of them, ought to have the greatest weight with us. XV. But as we live not with men who are absolutely perfect and completely wise, but with men who have great merit if they possess the outlines of worth, we are, I think, from thence to infer, that no man is to be neglected in whom there appears any indication of virtue ; and that each should be regarded in proportion as he is adorned with the milder virtues of modesty, temperance, and that very justice of which I have so largely treated. For fortitude and greatness of spirit is commonly too violent in a man who is not completely wise and perfect ; but the aforesaid virtues seem to belong more to a good man. Having said thus much of morals ; with regard to the CHAP. XVL CICERO'S OFFICES. 27 kindness which a person expresses for us, our first duty is, to perform the most for him by whom we are most beloved. Now we are to judge of kindness, not like children, by a sort of ardor of affection, but by its stability and constancy. But if its merits are such that we are not to court but to requite the kindness, the greater ought our care to be ; for there is no duty more indispensable than that of returning a kind- ness. Now if, as Hesiod enjoins, we ought, if it is in our power, to repay what we have received for mere use with interest, how ought we to act when called upon by kindness ? Are we not to imitate those fertile fields which yield far more than they have received ? For, if we readily oblige those who we are in hopes will serve us, how ought we to behave toward those who have served us already ? For as generosity is of two kinds, the one conferring a favor, the other repaying it, whether we confer it or not is at our own option, but the not repaying it is not allowable in a good man, provided he can do so without injury to any. Now there are distinctions to be made as to the benefits received ; and it is clear that the greatest return is due in each case to the greatest obligation. Meanwhile, we are above all things to consider the spirit, the zeal, and the meaning with which a favor is conferred. For many confer numerous favors with a sort of recklessness, without any judgment or prin- ciple, upon all mankind promiscuously, or influenced by sudden perturbation of mind, as if by a hurricane : such favors aro not to be esteemed so highly as those which result from judg- ment, consideration, and consistency. But in conferring or re- quiting kindness, the chief rule of our duty ought to be, if all other circumstances are equal, to confer most upon the man who stands in greatest need of assistance. The reverse of this is practiced by the generality, Avho direct their greatest services to the man from whom they hope the most, though he may stand in no need of them. XVI. Now society and alliances among men would be best preserved if the greatest kindness should be manifested where there is the nearest relation. But we ought to go higher, if we are to investigate the natural principles of intercourse and community among men. The first is, that which is perceived in the society of the whole human race, and of this the bond is speech and reason, which by 28 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK L teaching, learning, communicating, debating, and judging, conciliate men together, and bind them into a kind of natural society. There is nothing in which we differ more from the nature of brutes than in this ; for we very often allow them to have courage, as for instance, horses and lions ; but we never admit that they possess justice, equity, and goodness; because they are void of reason and speech. Now this is the kind of society that is most extensive with mankind among themselves, and it goes through all ; for here a community of all things that nature has produced for the common use of mankind is preserved, so that they may be possessed in the manner proscribed by laws and civil statutes : of which laws themselves some are to be observed in accordance with the Greek proverb, "that all things among friends are to be in common." Now this community consists of things which are of that nature which, though placed by Ennius under one head, may be applied to many. " He (says that author) who kindly shows the bewildered traveler the right road, does as it were light his lamp by his own ; which affords none the less light to himself after it has lighted the other." By this single example he sufficiently enjoins on us to perform, even to a stranger, all the service we can do without detriment to ourselves. Of which service the following are common illustrations : " That we are to debar no man from the running stream ;" " That we are to suffer any who desire it to kindle fire at our fire ;" " That we are to give faithful counsel to a person who is in doubt :" all which are par- ticulars that are serviceable to the receiver without being det- rimental to the bestower. We are therefore to practice them, and be constantly contributing somewhat to the common good. As the means, however, of each particular person are very confined and the numbers of the .indigent are boundless, our distributive generosity ought still to be bounded by the princi- ple of Ennius "it nevertheless gives light to one's self" that we may still be possessed of the means to be generous to our friends. XVII. Now the degrees of human society are many. For, to quit the foregoing unbounded kind, there is one more confined, which consists of men of the same race, nation, and language, by which people are more intimately connected CHAP. xvir. CICERO'S OFFICES. 29 among themselves. A more contracted society than that con- sists of men inhabiting the same city ; for many things are in common among fellow-citizens, such as their forum, their tem- ples, their porticos, their streets, their laws, their rites, their courts of justice, their trials, not to mention their customs, and intimacies, with a great number of particular dealings and inter- courses of numbers with numbers. There is a still more con- tracted degree of society, which is that of relatives ; and this closes, in a narrow point, the unbounded general association of the human race. For, as it is a common natural principle among all animated beings that they have a desire to propagate their own species, the first principles of society consists in the marriage tie, the next in children, the next in a family within one roof, where every thing is in common. This society gives rise to the city, and is, as it were, the nursery of the commonwealth. Next fol- lows the connection of brotherhood, next that of cousins, in their different degrees ; and, when they grow too numerous to be contained under one roof, they are transplanted to different dwellings, as it were to so many colonies. Then follow mar- riages and alliances, whence spring more numerous relationships. The descendants, by this propagation, form the origin of com- monwealths ; but the ties and affections of blood bind mankind by affection. 1 For there is something very powerful in having tne monu- 1 " Families arc so many centers of attraction, which preserve man- kind from being scattered and dissipated by the repulsive powers of self- ishness. The order of nature is evermore from particulars to generals. As in the operations of intellect wo proceed from the contemplation of individuals to the formation of general abstractions, so in the develop- ment of the passions, in like manner we advance from private to public affections; from the love of parents, brothers, and sisters, to those moro expanded regards which embrace the immense society of human kind." Robert Hall's "Sermon on Modern Infidelity." In apparent opposi- tion to this view stands the theory of President Edwards, which was afterward extensively adopted in an aggravated form. " True virtue, according to him (says Sir James Mackintosh, " Progress of Ethical Phi- losophy"), consists in benevolence, or love to being 'in general," which he afterward limits to 'intelligent being,' though sentient would have involved a moro reasonable limitation. This good will is felt toward a particular being, first in proportion to his degree of existence ('for,' says ho, 4 that which is great has moro existence, and is further from nothing than that which is little),' and secondly, in proportion to the degree in which that particular being feels benevolence to others." Perhaps the ablest 30 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. ments of our ancestors the same, in practicing the same religious rites, and in having the same places of interment. But among all the degrees of society, none is more excel- refutation of these principles, in a brief compass, is found in the following note by the Rev. Robert Hall in the Sermon above quoted. "It is somewhat singular that many of the fashionable infidels have hit upon a definition of virtue which perfectly coincides with that of cer- tain metaphysical divines in America, first invented and defended by that most acute reasoner, JONATHAN EDWARDS. They both place virtue ex- clusively in a passion for the general good ; or, as Mr. Edwards expresses it, love to being in general ; so that our love is always to bo proportioned to the magnitude of its object in the scale of being : which is liable to the objections. I have already stated, as well as to many others which the limits of this note will not permit mo to enumerate. Let it suffice to remark, (1.) That virtue, on these principles, is an utter impossibility ; for the system of being, comprehending the great Supreme, is infinite : and, therefore, to maintain the proper proportion, the force of particular attachment must be infinitely less than the passion for the general good; but the limits of the human mind are not capable of any emotion so infinitely different in degree. (2.) Since our views of the extent of the universe are capable of perpetual enlargement, admitting the sum of ex- istence is ever the same, we must return back at each step to diminish the strength of particular affections, or they will become disproportionate, and consequently, on these principles, vicious ; so that the balance must be continually fluctuating, by the weights being taken out of one scalo and put into the other. (3.) If virtue consists exclusively m love to being in general, or attachment to the general good, the particular affections are, to every purpose of virtue, useless, and even pernicious ; for their im- mediate, nay, their necessary tendency is to attract to their objects a pro- portion of attention which far exceeds their comparative value in the general scale. To allege that the general good is promoted by them, will bo of no advantage to the defense of this system, but the contrary, by confessing that a greater sum of happiness is attained by a deviation from, than an adherence to, its principles ; unless its advocates mean by the love of being in general the same thing as the private affections, which is to confound all the distinctions of language, as well as all the operations of mind. Let it be remembered, we have no dispute respect- ing what is the ultimate end of virtue, which is allowed on both sides to be the greatest sum of happiness in the universe. The question is mere- ly, what is virtue itself? or, in other words, what are the means appointed for the attainment of that end ? "There is little doubt, from some parts of Mr. Godwin's work, entitled 'Political Justice,' as well as from his early habits of reading, that he was indebted to Mr. Edwards for his principal arguments against the private affections; though, with a daring consistency, he has pursued his principles to an extreme from which that most excellent man would have revolted with horror. The fundamental error of the whole system arose, as I conceive, from a mistaken pursuit of simplicity : from a wish to construct a moral system, without leaving sufficient scope for the infi- CHAP. xni. CICERO'S OFFICES. 31 lent, none more stable, than when worthy men, through a sim- ilarity of manners, are intimately connected together ; for, as I have often said, even when we discern the Jionestum in another it touches us, and makes us friends to the man in whom it resides. Now, though virtue of every kind attracts and charms us to the love of those who possess it, yet that love is strongest that is effected by justice and generosity. For nothing is more lovely, nothing is more binding, than a similarity of good dis- positions ;' because among those whose pursuits and pleasures are the same, every man is pleased as much with another as he is with himself, and that is effected which Pythagoras chiefly contemplates in friendship, " that many become one." A strong community is likewise effected by good offices mutually confer- red and received-; and, provided these be reciprocal and agree- nite variety of moral phenomena and mental combination ; in consequence of which its advocates were induced to place virtue exclusively in some one disposition of mind : and, since the passion for the general good is undeniably the noblest and most extensive of all others, when it was once resolved to place virtue in any one thing, there remained little room to hesitate which should be preferred. It might have been worth while to reflect, that in the natural world there are two kinds of attraction ; one, which holds the several parts of individual bodies in contact ; an- other, which maintains the union of bodies themselves with the general system : and that, though the union in the former case is much more intimate than in the latter, each is equally essential to the order of the world. Similar to this is the relation which the public and private affec- tions bear to each other, and their use in the moral system. 1 " Friendship, founded on the principles of worldly morality, recog- nized by virtuous heathens, such as that which subsisted between Atti- cus and Cicero which the last of these illustrious men had rendered immortal is fitted to survive through all the vicissitudes of life; but it belongs only to a union founded on religion, to continue through an end- less duration. The former of these stood the shock of conflicting opin- ions, and of a revolution that shook the world ; the latter is destined to survive when the heavens are no more, and to spring fresh from the ashes of the universe. The former possessed all the stability which is possible to sublunary things; the latter partakes of the eternity of God. Friendship, founded on worldly principles, is natural, and, though com- posed of the best elements of nature, is not exempt from its mutability and frailty ; the latter is spiritual, and, therefore, unchanging and im- perishable. The friendship which is founded on kindred tastes and congenial habits, apart from piety, is permitted by the benignity of Providence to embellish a world, which, with all its magnificence and beauty, will shortly pass away ; that which has religion for its basis, will ere long be transplanted, in order to adorn the paradise of God." Robert Hall's " Sermon on the death of Dr. Ryland." 32 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. able, those among whom they happen are bound together in close association. But when you view every thing with reason and reflection, of all connections none is more weighty, none is more dear, than that between every individual and his country. Our parents are dear to us ; our children, our kinsmen, our frienas, are dear to us ; but our country comprehends alone all the endearments of us all. For which what good man would hesitate to die if he could do her service ? The more execrablj unnatural, therefore, are they who wound their country by every species of guilt, and who are now, and have been, em- ployed in her utter destruction. But where a computation or comparison set up, of those objects to which our chief ^utj should be paid, the principal are our country and our parents, by whose services we are laid under the strongest obligations ; the next are our children and entire family, who depend upon us alone, without having any other refuge ; the next our agree- able kinsmen, who generally share our fortune in common. The necessary supports of life, therefore, are due chiefly to those I have already mentioned ; but the mutual intercourses of life, counsels, discourses, exhortations, consultations, and even sometimes re- proofs, flourish chiefly in friendships, and those friendships are the most agreeable that are cemented by a similarity of manners. XVIIL But in performing all these duties we are care- fully to consider what is most necessary to each, and what every one of them could or could not attain even without us. Thus the relative claims of relationship and of circumstances will not always be identical. Some duties are owing to some more than to others. For instance, you are sooner to help your neighbor to house his corn, than your brother or your friend ; but if a cause be on trial, you are to take part with your kinsman, or your friend, rather than with your neigh- bor. These considerations, therefore, and the like, ought to be carefully observed in every duty; and custom and practice should be attained, that we may be able to be correct assessors of our duties, and, by adding or subtracting, to strike the balance, by which we may see the proportion to which every party is entitled. But as neither physicians, nor generals, nor orators, how- ever perfect they may be in the theory of their art, can evei perform any thing that is highly praiseworthy, without expe- rience and practice, so rules have indeed been laid down for the CHAP. xrs. CICERO'S OFFICES. 33 observation of duties, as I myself am doing ; but the import- ance of the matter demands experience and practice. I have now, I think, sufficiently treated of the manner in which the hanestum, which gives the fitness to our duties, arises from those matters that come within the rights of human society. It must be understood, however, at the same time, that when the four springs from which virtue and honesty arise are laid open, that which is done with a lofty spirit, and one which scorns ordinary interests, appears the most noble. Therefore the most natural of all reproaches is somewhat of Lfl3 following kind : Young men, ye carry but the souls of women ; That woman of a man. Or somewhat of the following kind : Salmacis, give me spoils without toil or danger. On the other hand, in our praises, I know not how it is, but actions performed with magnanimity, with fortitude, and virtue, we eulogize in a loftier style. From hence Marathon, Salamis, Plataea, Thermopylae, Leuctra, have become the field of rhetoricians ; and among ourselves, Cocles, the Decii, the two Scipios, Cneius and Publius, Marcus Marcellus, and a great many others. Indeed, the Roman people in general are distinguished above all by elevation of spirit ; and their fondness for military glory is shown by the fact that we generally see their statues dressed in warlike habits. XIX. But that magnanimity which is discovered in toils and dangers, if it be devoid of justice, and contend not for the public good, but for selfish interest, is blamable ; for, so far from being a mark of virtue, it is rather that of a barbarity which is repulsive to all humanity. By the Stoics, therefore, fortitude is rightly defined, when they call it "valor fighting on the side of justice." No man, there- fore, who has acquired the reputation of fortitude, attained his glory by deceit and malice ; for nothing that is devoid of justice can be a virtue. It is, therefore, finely said by Plato, that not only the knowledge that is apart from justice deserves the appellation of cunning rather than wisdom, but also a mind that is ready to encounter danger, if it is animated by private interest, and 2* 34 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. not public utility, deserves the character of audaciousness rather than of fortitude. We, therefore, require that all men of courage and magnanimity should be at the same time men of virtue and of simplicity, lovers of truth, and by no means deceitful ; for these qualities are the main glory of justice. But there is one painful consideration, that obstinacy, and an undue ambition for power, naturally spring up from this elevation and greatness of spirit ; for, as Plato tells us, the entire character of the Lacedaemonians was inflamed with the desire of conquest. Thus the man who is most distin- guished by his magnanimity, is most desirous of being the leading, or rather the only potentate of all. Now, it is a difficult matter, when you desire to be superior to all others, to preserve that equability which is the characteristic of justice. Hence it is that such men will not suffer themselves to be thwarted in a debate, nor by any public and lawful authority ; and in public matters they are commonly guilty of corruption and faction, in order to grasp at as great power as possible ; and they choose to be superior by means of force, rather than equals by justice. But the more diffi- cult the matter is, it is the more glorious; for there is no conjuncture which ought to be unconnected with justice. They, therefore, who oppose, not they who commit, in- justice are to be deemed brave and magnanimous. Now, genuine and well-considered magnanimity judges that the honestum, which is nature's chief aim, consists in realities and not in mere glory, and rather chooses to be than to seem pre-eminent : for the man who is swayed by the prej- udices of an ignorant rabble is not to be reckoned among the great ; but the man of a spirit the most elevated, through the desire of glory, is the most easily impelled into acts of injustice. This is, indeed, a slippery situation ; for scarcely can there be found a man who, after enduring trials and encountering dangers, does not pant for popularity as tlio reward of his exploits. 1 1 " It must be strongly impressed upon our minds," says Dr. Johnson. " that virtue is not to be pursued as oue of the means to fame, but fame to bo accepted as the only recompense which mortals can bestow on virtue to bo accepted with complacency, but not sought with eager- ness. Tho true satisfaction which is to be drawn from the consciousness CHAP. xx. CICERO'S OFFICES. 35 XX. A spirit altogether brave and elevated is chiefly dis- cernible by two characters. The first consists in a low estimate of mere outward circumstances, since it is convinced that a man ought to admire, desire, or court nothing but what is virtuous and becoming ; and that he ought to succumb to no man, nor to any perturbation either of spirit or fortune. 1 The other thing is, that possessed of such a spirit as I have just mentioned, you should perform actions which are great and of the greatest utility, but extremely arduous, full of difficulties and danger both to life and the many things which pertain to life. In the latter of those two characters consist all the glory, the majesty, and, I add, the utility ; but the causes and the efficient means that form great men is in the former, which contains the principles that elevate the soul, and gives it a contempt for temporary considerations. Now, this very excel- lence consists in two particulars : you are to deem that only to be good that is virtuous ; and that you be free from all mental irregularity. For we are to look upon it as the character of a noble and an elevated soul, to slight all those considerations that the generality of mankind account great and glorious, and to despise them, upon firm and durable principles ; while strength of mind, and greatness of resolution, are discerned in bearing those calamities which, in the course of man's life, are many and various, so as not to be driven from your nat- ural disposition, nor from the dignity of a wise man : for it is not consistent that ho who is not subdued by fear should be subjugated by passion ; nor that he who has shown him- self invincible by toil, should be conquered by pleasure." Wherefore, we ought to watch and avoid the love of money : that we shall sharo tho attention of future times, must arise from tho hope that with our name our virtues will bo propagated, and that those whom we can not benefit in our lives may receive instruction from our examples, and incitement from our renown." Rambler. 1 ''It is tho business of moralists to detect tho frauds of fortune, and to show that she imposes upon tho careless eye by a quick succession of ahadows, which will sink to nothing in tho gripe ; that she disguises life In extrinsic ornaments, which servo only for show, and aro laid aside in the hours of solitude and of pleasure ; and that when greatness aspires aither to felicity or to wisdom, it shakes off those distinctions which fiazzle tho gazer and awe the suppliant." Dr. Johnson. * " Be not a Hercules furens abroad, and a poltroon within thyself. To chase our enemies out of the field, and bo led captive by our vices; 36 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. for nothing so truly characterizes a narrow, groveling dispo- sition as to love riches ;' and nothing is more noble and more exalted than to despise riches if you have them not, and if you have them, to employ them in beneficence and liber- ality.' An inordinate passion for glory, as I have already ob- served, is likewise to be guarded against ; for it deprives us of liberty, the only prize for which men of elevated senti- ments ought to contend. Power is so far from being desirable in itself, that it sometimes ought to be refused, and some- times to be resigned. We should likewise be free from all disorders of the mind, from all violent passion and fear, as well as languor, voluptuousness, and anger, that we may possess that tranquillity and security which confer alike consistency and dignity. Now, many there are, and have been, who, courting that tranquillity which I have mentioned here, have withdrawn themselves from public affairs and taken refuge in retirement. Among these, some of the noblest and most leading of our philosophers ; s and some persons, of strict and grave dispositions, were unable to bear with the manners either of the people or their rulers ; and some have lived in the country, amusing themselves with the management of their private affairs. Their aim was the same as that of the powerful, that they might enjoy their liberty, without wanting any thing or obeying any person ; for the essence of liberty is to live just as you please. to beat down our foes, and fall down to our concupiscences, are solecisms in moral schools, and no laurel attends them." -Sir Thomas Browne's " Christian Morals." 1 " To me avarice seems not so much a vice as a deplorable piece of madness. To conceive ourselves urinals, or be persuaded that we arc dead, is not so ridiculous, nor so many degrees beyond the power of hellebore, as this. The opinions of theory, and positions of men, are not so void of reason as their practiced conclusions. Some have held that snow is black, that the earth moves, that the soul is air, fire, water ; bat all this is philosophy, and there is no delirium if wo do but speculate tho folly and indisputable dotage of avarice to that subterraneous idol and god of the earth." Sir Thomas Browne's " Religio Medici." 2 "A reader, of very ordinary erudition," says Guthrio, "may easily perceive how greatly the best historians and poets among the Romans were indebted to this and the foregoing chapter, which have served as a commonplace for their finest sentiments." 3 Such arc Pythagoras, Democritus, Anaxagoras, Socrates, Plata Aristotle, Zeno, Epicurus, etc. CHAP. xxi. CICERO'S OFFICES. 37 XXI. Therefore, as the object of those who are ambitious for power, and of those who court retirement, and whom I have just now described, is the same, the former imagine that they can attain it if they are possessed of great resources, and the latter, if they can be contented with their own, and with little. In this matter the sentiments of neither arc to be absolutely rejected. But a life of retirement is more easy, more safe, less tiresome, and less troublesome than any other ; while the life of those who apply themselves to the affairs of government, and to the management of a state, is more beneficial to mankind, and more conducive to glory and renown. Allowances, therefore, are to be made for those who having no management in public matters, with an excellent genius, give themselves up to learning; and to those who being hindered by feebleness of health, or for some very weighty reason, retire from affairs of government, and leave to others the power and the honor of the administration ; but when men, who have no such excuses, say that they despise that power and those offices which most admire, such men are so far from deserving praise that they incur censure. It is difficult to condemn their judgment in despising and under- valuing popularity ; but then they seem to dread the toils and troubles of affronts and repulses as involving ignominy and infamy. For some there are who, in opposite matters, are very inconsistent with themselves; they spurn most rigidly at pleasure, but they droop in pain ; they despise glory, but sink under unpopularity ; and that, too, with no little inconsistency. But the men who inherit from nature appliances for government ought, laying aside all excuses, to undertake the discharge of all public offices and the management of state affairs ; for neither can a state be governed, nor can magnan- imity display itself, by any other means. I am not, however, sure whether those who undertake the management of public affairs ought not to be equally distinguished by magnanimity as philosophers, if not more so, and impresssd with a con- tempt of common affairs and to possess that tranquillity, that calm of mind, I have so much recommended ; I mean, if they wish to live without anxiety, with dignity &ml consistency. 38 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK L This may be the more easily practiced by philosophers, because in their lives there is less exposed for fortune to strike at ; because their necessities are more contracted ; and because, if any thing adverse should happen, they can not fall so heavily. It is not, therefore, without reason, that in the mind of those who undertake the management of public affairs, more violent passions are excited, and mightier mat- ters are to be attempted, than by those who are retired ; they, therefore, ought to possess greater elevation of spirit, and freedom from disquiets. But, whoever enters upon public life ought to take care that the question, how far the measure is virtuous, be not his sole consideration, but also how far he may have the means of carrying it into execution. In this he is chiefly to take care that through indolence he do not meanly despond, nor through eagerness too much pre- sume. Thus, in all affairs, before you undertake them, a diligent preparation should be entered into. XXII. But, since most persons are of opinion that the achievements of war are more glorious than civil affairs, this judgment needs to be restricted ; for many, as generally is the case with high minds and enterprising spirits, espe- cially if they are adapted to military life and are fond of warlike achievements, have often sought opportunities of war from their fondness for glory ; but if we are willing to judge truly, many are the civil employments of greater im- portance, and of more renown, than the military. For though Themistocles is justly praised his name is now more illustrious than that of Solon, and his glorious victory at Salamis is mentioned preferably to the policy of Solon, by which he first confirmed the power of the Areopagus the one should not be considered more illustrious than the other ; for the one availed his country only for once the other is lastingly advantageous ; because by it the laws of the Athenians, and the institutions of their ancestors, are preserved. Now, Themistocles could not have stated any respect in which he benefited the Areopagus, but the former might with truth declare that Themistocles had been advan- taged by him ; for the war was carried on by the counsels of that senate which was constituted by Solon. We may make the same observation with regard to Pausanias and Lysander among the Lacedemonians ; for all CHAP. xxn. CICERO'S OFFICES. 39 the addition of empire which their conquests are supposed to have brought to their country is not to be compared to the laws and economy of Lycurgus ; for indeed, owing to these very causes they had armies more subordinate and courageous. In my eyes, Marcus Scaurus (who flourished when I was but a boy) was not inferior to Caius Marius ; nor, after I came to have a concern in the government, Quintus Catulus to Cneius Pompey. An army abroad is but of small service unless there be a wise administration at home. Nor did that good man and great general, Africanus, perform a more important service to his country when he razed Numantia, than did that private citizen, P. Nasica, when at the same period he killed Tiberius Gracchus. An action which it is true was not merely of a civil nature ; for it approaches to a military character, as being the result of force and courage ; but it was an action performed without an army, and from political considerations. That state described by the following line is best for a country, for which I understand that I am abused by the wicked and malicious : Arms to the gown, and laurels yield to lore. 1 For, not to mention other persons, when I was at the helm of government did not " arms yield to the gown ?" For never did our country know a time of more threatening danger or more profound tranquillity ; so quickly, through my counsel and my diligence, did the arms of our most prof- ligate fellow citizens drop of themselves out of their hands. What so great exploit as this was ever performed in war, or what triumph can be compared with it ? The inheritance of my glory and the imitation of my actions are to descend to you, my son Marcus, therefore it is allowable for me to boast in writing to you. It is, how- ever, certain that Pompey, who was possessed of much military glory, paid this tribute to me, in the hearing of many, that in vain would he have returned to his third triumph, had not my public services preserved the place in which he was to celebrate it. The examples of civil 1 Orig. Cedant arma togce, concedal laurea linguae. The author is here speaking of his conduct in suppressing Catiline's conspiracy. 40 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. courage are therefore no less meritorious than those of mili- tary ; and they require a greater share of zeal and labor than the latter. XXIII. Now all that excellence which springs from a lofty and noble nature is altogether produced by the mental and not by the corporeal powers. 1 Meanwhile, the body ought to be kept in such action and order, as that it may be always ready to obey the dictates of reason and wisdom, in carrying them into execution, and in persevering under hardships. But with regard to that honcstum we are treating of, it consists wholly in the thoughtful application of the mind ; by which the civilians who preside over public affairs are equally serviceable to their country as they who wage wars. For it often happens that by such counsels wars are either not entered into, or they are brought to a termination ; sometimes they are even undertaken, as the third Punic war was by the advice of Marcus Cato, whose authority was powerful, even after he was dead. Wisdom in determining is therefore preferable to courage in fighting ; but in this we are to take care that we 1 " As a previous observation, it is beyond all doubt that very much depends on the constitution of the body. It would be for physiologists to explain, if it were explicable, the manner in which corporeal organ- ization affects the mind. I only assume it as a fact, that there is in tho material construction of some persons, much more than of others, some quality which augments, if it do not create, both the stability of their resolution and the energy of their active tendencies. There is some- thing that, like the ligatures which one class of the Olympic combatants bound on their hands and wrists, braces round, if I may so describe it, and compresses the powers of tho mind, giving them a steady forcible spring and reaction, which they would presently lose if they could bo transferred into a constitution of soft, yielding, treacherous debility. Tho action of strong character seems to demand something lirm in its material basis, as massive engines require, for their weight and for their working, to be fixed on a solid foundation. Accordingly, I believe it would bo found that a majority of the persons most remarkable for decisive char- acter have possessed great constitutional physical firmness. I do not mean an exemption from disease and pain, nor any certain measure of mechanical strength, but a tone of vigor, the opposite to lassitude, and adapted to great exertion and endurance. This is clearly evinced in re- spect to many of them, by the prodigious labors and deprivations which they have borne in prosecuting their designs. The physical nature haa seemed a proud ally of the moral one, and, with a hardness that would never shrink, has sustained the energy that could never remit." Foster's Essays "On Decision of Character," Letter 2. CHAP. xini. CICERO'S OFFICES. 41 are not swayed by an aversion to fighting rather than by a consideration of expediency. 1 Now in engaging in war we ought to make it appear that we have no other view but peace. But the character of a brave and resolute man is not to be ruffled with adversity, and not to be in such confusion as to quit his post, as we say, but to preserve a presence of mind, and the exercise of reason, without departing from his purpose. And while this is the charac- teristic of a lofty spirit, so this also is that of a powerful intellect, namely, to anticipate futurity in thought, and to conclude beforehand what may happen on either side, and, upon that, what measures to pursue, and never be surprised so as to say, "I had not thought of that." Such are the operations of a genius, capacious and elevated ; of such a one as relies on its own prudence and counsel ;* but to rush 1 See Paloy's broad statement, that expediency is the fundamental test of all morality. Book 2, chap. 6. * The rarity of self-reliance, notwithstanding the commonness of the weakness that stimulates it, is thus strikingly shown by the great essayist above quoted : " The first prominent mental characteristic of the person whom I describe, is a complete confidence in his own judgment. It will, perhaps, bo said that this is not so uncommon a qualification. I, how- ever, think it is uncommon. It is, indeed, obvious enough that almost all men have a flattering estimate of their own understanding, and that as long as this understanding has no harder task than to form opinions which are not to be tried in action, they have a most self-complacent as- surance of being right. This assurance extends to the judgments which they pass on the proceedings of others. But let them be brought into the necessity of adopting actual measures in an untried situation, where, unassisted by any previous example or practice, -they are reduced to de- pend on the bare resources of judgment alone, and you will see in many cases this confidence of opinion vanish away. The mind seems all at once placed in a misty vacuity, where it reaches round on all sides, but can find nothing to take hold of. Or if not lost in vacuity, it is over- whelmed in confusion ; and feels as if its faculties were annihilated in the attempt to think of schemes and calculations among the possibilities, chances, and hazards which overspread a wide untrodden field ; and thia conscious imbecility becomes severe distress, when it is believed that con- sequences, of serious or unknown good or evil, are depending on the de- cisions which are to bo formed amid so much uncertainty. The thought painfully recurs at each step and turn, I may by chanco bo right, but it is fully as probable I am wrong. It is like the case of a rustic walking in London, who, having no certain direction through the vast confusion of streets to the place whero he wishes to be, advances, and hesitates, and turns, and inquires, and becomes, at each corner, still more inextric- ably perplexed. A man in this situation feels ho shall bo very unfortun- 42 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. precipitately into the field, and to encounter an enemy with mere physical force has somewhat in it that is barbarous and brutal. When the occasion, however, and its necessity compel it, we should resist with force, and prefer death to slavery or dishonor. XXIV. But Avith regard to overthrowing and plundering of cities, great consideration is required that nothing be done rashly, nothing cruelly. 1 And this is the part of a great man, after he has maturely weighed all circumstances, to punish the guilty, to spare the many; and in every state of fortune not to depart from an upright, virtuous conduct. For, as you find (as I have already observed) men who prefer military to civil duties, so will you find many of that cast who look upon dangerous and violent resolutions to be more splendid and more dignified than calm and digested measures. We should never so entirely avoid danger as to appear irresolute and cowardly ; but, at the same time, we should ate if he can not .accomplish more than he can understand. Is not this frequently, when brought to the practical test, the state of a mind not disposed in general to undervalue its own judgment?" Foster's Essay " On Decision of Character," Letter 2. 1 "If," says Paley, "the cause and end of war be justifiable, all the means that appear necessary to the end are justifiable also. This is the principle which defends those extremities to which the violence of war usually proceeds ; for, since war is a contest by force between parties who acknowledge no common superior, and since it includes not in its idea the supposition of any convention which should place limits to the operations of force, it has naturally no boundary but that in which force terminates the destruction of the life against which the force is direct- ed. Let it be observed, however, that the license of war authorizes no acts of hostility but what are necessary or conducive to the end and ob- ject of the war. Gratuitous barbarities borrow no excuse from this plea : of which kind is every cruelty and every insult that serves only to exas- perate the sufferings, or to incense the hatred, of an enemy, without weakening his strength, or in any manner tending to procure his submis- sion ; such as the slaughter of captives, the subjecting of them to indig- nities or torture, the violation of women, the profanation of temples, the demolition of public buildings, libraries, statues, and in general the de- struction or defacing of works that conduce nothing to annoyance or de- fense. These enormities are prohibited not only by the practice of civil- ized nations, but by the law of nature itself, as having no proper tend- ency to accelerate the termination, or accomplish the object of the war, and as containing that which in peace and war is equally unjustifiable ultimate and gratuitous mischief." " Moral and Political Philosophy," book 6, chap. 12. . CHAP. xxiv. CICERO'S OFFICES. 43 avoid unnecessarily exposing ourselves to danger, than which nothing can be more foolish. In encountering dangers, therefore, we are to imitate the practice of the physicians who apply to gentle illnesses gentle medicines, but are forced to apply more desperate and more doubtful cures to more dangerous diseases. It is the part of a madman to wish for an adverse tempest in a calm, but of a wise man to find relief against the tempest by what- ever means ; and the rather if one incurs more advantage by accomplishing the matter than disadvantage by keeping it in suspense. Now the conducting of enterprises is dangerous sometimes to the undertakers, and sometimes to the state ; and hence some are in danger of losing their lives, some their reputation, and some their popularity. But we ought to be more forward to expose our own persons than the general interests to danger, and to be more ready to fight for honor and reputation than for other advantages. Though many have been known cheerfully to venture not only their money but their lives for the public ; yet those very men have refused to suffer the smallest loss of glory even at the request of their country. For instance, Calli- cratidas, who, after performing many gallant actions at the head of the Lacedaemonian armies, during the Peloponnesian war, at last threw every thing into confusion by refusing to obey the directions of those who were for removing the fleet from Arginusae, and not for fighting the Athenians ; to whom his answer was, that if the Lacedaemonians lost that fleet they could fit out another, but that he could not turn his back without dishonor to himself. 'Tis true, the blow that followed upon this was not very severe to the Lacedaemonians ; but it was a deadly one, when, from a fear of public odium, Cleombrotus fought with Epamonidas, and the power of the Lacedaemonians perished. How preferable was the conduct of Quintus Maximus, of whom Ennius says : " Tho man 1 who saved his country by delay, No tales could move him, and no envy sway; And thus the laurels on his honored brow, In age shall flourish, and with time shall grow." 1 The verses quoted here by Enniua seem to have been in high repu- tation with the Romans ; for Virgil has borrowed tho first of them, and applied it, as our author does, to tho conduct of Fabiua Maximus against IlatfnibaL 44 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. This is a species of fault which ought also to be avoided in civil matters ; for there are some men who, from a dread of unpopularity, dare not express their opinions however excellent they may be. XXV. All who hope to rise in a state ought strictly to observe two rules of Plato. The first is, that they so keep in view the advantage of their fellow-citizens as to have reference to it in whatever they do, regardless of their indi- vidual interest. 1 The second is, that their cares be applied to the whole of the state, lest while they are cherishing one part they abandon the others. For the administration of government, like a guardianship, ought to be directed to the good of those who confer, and not of those who receive the trust.* Now, they who consult the interests of one part of 1 " Political power is rightly exercised only when it subserves the wel- fare of the community. The community, which has the right to with- hold power, delegates it of course for its own advantage. If in any case its advantage is not consulted, then the object for which it was delegated is frustrated ; or, in simple words, the measure which does not promote- the public welfare is not right. It matters nothing whether the commun- ity have delegated specifically so much power for such and such purposes ; the power, being possessed, entails the obligation. Whether a sovereign derives absolute authority by inheritance, or whether a president is in- trusted with limited authority for a year, the principles of their duty aro the same. The obligation to employ it only for the public good is just as real and just as great in one case as in the other. The Russian and the Turk have the same right to require that the power of their rulers shall bo so employed as the Englishman or American. They may not bo able to assert this right, but that does not affect its existence, nor the ruler's duty, nor his responsibility to that Almighty Being before whom ho must give an account of his stewardship. These reasonings, if they needed confirmation, derive it from the fact that the Deity imperatively requires us, according to our opportunities to do good to man." Eymond'a Essay 3, cap. 2 2 " Political powers (says Dymond) is rightly possessed only when it is possessed by the consent of the community." Ibid. The doctrine of the essential sovereignty of the people, and the dele- gated power of all governors is thus laid down by Milton : " It is thus manifest that the power of kings and magistrates is nothing else but what is only derivative, transferred, and committed to them in trust from the people to the common good of them all, in whom the power yet re- mains fundamentally, and can not be taken from them without a viola- tion of their natural birthright ; and from hence Aristotle, and tho best of political writers, have defined a king, ' him who governs to tho good and profit of his people, and not for his own ends.' " Milton's " Tenure of Kings and Magistrates." And again : " It follows that since the king or magistrate holds his authority of the people, both originally and nat- CHAP. xxv. CICERO'S OFFICES. 45 a community and neglect another, introduce into the state the greatest of all evils, sedition and discord. From this partiality some seem to court the people, some each great man, but few the whole. Hence the great discords among the Athenians, and in our government not only seditions but the most destructive wars, which every worthy and brave citizen who deserves to rise in the state will avoid and de- test; he will give himself entirely up to the service of his country, without regard to riches or to power, and he will watch over the whole so as to consult the good of all. He will even be far from bringing any man into hatred or disgrace, by ill-grounded charges, and he will so closely attach himself to the rules of justice and virtue, that how- ever he may give offense he will preserve them, and incur death itself rather than swerve from the principles I have laid down. Of all evils, ambition and the disputes for public posts are the most deplorable. Plato, likewise, on this subject, says very admirably, " that they who dispute for the management of a state, resemble mariners wrangling about who should di- rect the helm." He then lays down as a rule that we ought to look upon those as our enemies who take arms against the public, and not those who want to have public affairs di- rected by their judgment. For instance, Publius Africanus and Quintus Metellus differed in opinion, but without animosity. Nor, indeed, are those to be listened to who consider that we ought to cherish a bitter resentment against our enemies, and that this is characteristic of a high-minded and bravo man ; for nothing is more noble, nothing more worthy of a great and a good man, than placability and moderation. 1 urally, for their good in the first place, and not his own, then may tho people, as oft as they shall judge it for the best, either choose him or re- ject him, retain him or depose him, though no tyrant, merely by the lib- erty and right of free-born men to be governed as seems to them best. This, though it can not but stand with plain reason, shall be made good also by Scripture : ' When thou art come into tho land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, and shalt say, I will set a king over me, like as all the nations about me.' Deut. xvii. 14. These words confirm us that the right of choosing, yea of changing their own government, is by the grant of God himself in tho people." Ibid. 1 It is impossible not to remark how far the popular standard of duty, and tho modem laws of honor, fall below this high and almost Christian morality of Cicero. 46 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i, Nay, amid free nations and equality of rights, an equability and loftiness of temper is necessary, to prevent our falling into an idle, disagreeable peevishness, when we are irritated by persons approaching us unseasonably, or preferring to us unreasonable requests. Yet this politeness and moderation ought to be so tempered, that for the sake of the interests of the state severity should be employed, otherwise public busi- ness could not be carried on. Meanwhile, all reprimands and punishments ought to be inflicted without abuse, without re- gard to the party so punishing or reprimanding, but to the good of the state. We ought, likewise, to take care that the punishment be proportioned to the offense, 1 and that some be not punished for doing things for which others are not so much as called to account. Above all things, in punishing we ought to guard against passion ; for the man who is to pronounce a sentence of punishment in a passion, never can preserve that mean between what is too much and too little, which is so justly recommended by the Peripatetics, did they not too much commend the passion of anger, by asserting it to be a useful property of our nature. For my part, I think that it ought to be checked under all circumstances ; 2 and it were to be wished that they who preside in government were like 1 " A slight perusal of the laws by which the measures of vindictive and coercive justice are established, will discover so many disproportions between crimes and punishments, such capricious distinctions of guilt, and such confusion of remissness aud severity, as can scarcely be be- lieved to have been produced by public wisdom, sincerely and calmly studious of public happiness." Dr. Johnson. a "Be ye angry, and sin not;" therefore, all anger is not sinful; I sup- pose because some degree of it, and upon some occasions, is inevitable. It becomes sinful, or contradicts, however, the rule of Scripture, when it is conceived upon slight and inadequate provocation, and when it continues long. Paley's "Moral and Political Philosophy," book 3, chap. 7. "From anger in its full import, protracted into malevolence, aud exert- ed in revenge, arise, indeed, many of the evils to which the life of man is exposed. By anger operating upon power are produced the subver- sion of cities, the desolation of countries, the massacre of nations, and all those dreadful and astonishing calamities which fill the histories of the world, and which could not be read at any distant point of time, when the passions stand neutral, and every motive and principle are left to its natural force, without some doubt of the truth of the relation, did we not seo the same causes still tending to the same effects, and only acting with less vigor for want of the same concurrent opportunities." Dr. Johnson. CHAP. xxvi. CICERO'S OFFICES. 47 the laws, which in punishing are not directed by resentments but by equity. XXVI. Now, during our prosperity, and while things flow agreeably to our desire, we ought with great care to avoid pride and arrogance ; for, as it discovers weakness not to bear adversity with equanimity, so also with prosperity. That equanimity in every condition of life is a noble attribute, and that uniform expression of countenance and appearance which we find recorded of Socrates, and also of Caius Laelius. Though Philip of Macedon was excelled by his son in his achievements and his renown, yet I find him superior to him in politeness and goodness of nature ; the one, therefore, al- ways appeared great, while the other often became detestable. So that they appear to teach rightly, who admonish us that the more advanced we are in our fortune the more affable ought we to be in our behavior. Pansetius tells us his scholar and friend, Africanus, used to say, that as horses, grown unruly by being in frequent engagements, are deliv- ered over to be tamed by horse-breakers, thus men, who grew riotous and self-sufficient by prosperity, ought, as it were, to be exercised in the traverse of reason and philosophy, that they may learn the inconstancy of human affairs and the uncertainty of fortune. In the time of our greatest prosperity we should also have the greatest recourse to the advice of our friends, and greater authority should be conceded to them than before. At such a time wo are to take care not to lend our ears to flatterers, or to suffer ourselves to be imposed upon by adulation, by which it is easy to be misled : for we then think ourselves such as may be justly praised, an opinion that gives rise to a thousand errors in conduct; because, when men are once blown up with idle conceits, they are exposed to ignominious rid- icule and led into the greatest mistakes. So much for this subject. One thing you are to understand, that they who regulate public affairs perform the greatest exploits, and such as require the highest style of mind, because their business is most extensive and concerns the greatest number. Yet there are, and have been, many men of great capacities, who in private life have planned out or attempted mighty matters, and yet have confined themselves to the limits of their own 48 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. affairs ; or, being thrown into a middle state, between philoso- phers and those who govern the state, have amused themselves with the management of their private fortune, without swelling it by all manner of means, not debarring their friends from the benefit of it, but rather, when occasion calls upon them, shar- ing it both with their friends and their country. This should be originally acquired with honesty, without any scandalous or oppressive practices ; it should then be made serviceable to as many as possible, provided they be worthy ; it should next bo augmented by prudence, by industry, and frugality, without serving the purposes of pleasure and luxury rather than of gen- erosity and humanity. The man who observes those rules may live with magnificence, with dignity, and with spirit, yet with simplicity and honor, and agreeably to (the economy of ) hu- man life. XXVII. The next thing is, to treat of that remaining part of virtue in which consist chastity and those (as we may term them) ornaments of life, temperance, moderation, and all that allays the perturbations of the mind. Under this head is comprehended what in Latin we may call decorum (or the graceful), for the Greeks term it the n^enor. Now, its quality is such that it is indiscernible from the honestum ; for what- ever is graceful is virtuous, and whatever is virtuous is grace- ful. But it is more easy to conceive than to express the differ- ence between what is virtuous and what is graceful (or between the honestum and the decorum] ; for whatever is graceful appears such, when virtue is its antecedent. What is graceful, therefore, appears not only in that division of virtue which is here treated of, but in the three foregoing ones ; for it is graceful in a man to think and to speak with propriety, to act with deliberation, and in every occurrence of life to find out and persevere in the truth. On the other hand, to be imposed upon, to mistake, to falter, and to bo deceived, is as ungraceful as to rave or to be insane. Thus, whatever is just is graceful ; whatever is unjust is as un- graceful as it is criminal. The same principle applies to courage ; for every manly and magnanimous action is worthy of a man, and graceful ; the reverse, as being unworthy, is un- graceful. This, therefore, which I call gracefulness, is a universal CHAP. rxvm. CICERO'S OFFICES. 49 property of virtue, and a property that is self-evident, and not discerned by any profundity of reasoning ; for there is a cer- tain gracefulness that is implied in every virtue, and which may exist distinctly from virtue, rather in thought than in fact : as grace and beauty of person, for example, can not be separated from health, so the whole of that gracefulness which I here speak of is blended with virtue, but may exist separately in the mind and in idea. Now, the definition of this is twofojd : for there is a general gracefulness that is the property of all virtue, and that includes another, which is fitted to the particular divisions of virtue. The former is commonly defined to be that gracefulness that is conformable to that excellence of man, in which he differs from other sentient beings ; but the special, which is comprised un- der the general, is defined to be a gracefulness so adapted to nature as to exhibit propriety and sweetness under a certain elegant appearance. XXVIII. We may perceive that these things are so understood from that gracefulness which is aimed at by the poets, and of which elsewhere more is wont to be said ; for we say that the poets observe that gracefulness to be when a person speaks and acts in that manner which is most becoming his character. Thus if ^Eacus or Minus should say : Let them hato me, so they fear me ; Or The father's belly is his children's grave, it would seem unsuitable, because we know them to have been just persons ; but when said by an Atreus, they are received with applause, because the speech is worthy of the character. Now, poets will form their judgment of what is becoming in each individual according to his character ; but nature herself has stamped on us a character in excellence greatly surpassing the rest of the animal creation. Poets, therefore, in their vast variety of characters, consider what is proper and what is becoming, even in the vicious : but as nature herself has cast to us our parts in constancy, modera- tion, temperance, and modesty ; as she, at the same time, in- structs us not to be unmindful how we should behave to man- kind, the effect is, that the extent both of that gracefulness 3 50 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK L which is the general property of all virtue, and of that par- ticular gracefulness that is adapted to every species of it, is discovered. For as personal beauty, by ihe symmetrical dis- position of the limbs, attracts our attention and. pleases the eye, by the harmony and elegance with which each part cor- responds to another, so that gracefulness which manifests itself in life, attracts the approbation of those among whom we live, by ;Jae order, consistency, and modesty of all our words and deeds. There is, therefore, a degree of respect due from us, suited 10 every man's character, from the best to the worst : for it is not only arrogant, but it is profligate, for a man to disre- gard the world's opinion of himself; but, in our estimate of human life, we are to make a difference between justice and moral susceptibility. 1 The dictate of justice is to do no 1 Justice and moral susceptibility.'] Orig. Justiciam et verecundiam. This is a very fine passage, and deserves to be explained. Verecundia is commonly translated bashfulness or modesty ; but in the sense of our au^ thor here, neither of these two words will do ; nor am I sure that tho word decency, or any word in tho English tongue, comes fully up to his meaning, which is, an inborn reverence for what is right, and which sup- plies the place of, and sometimes controls, the law. Many actions may be agreeable to law, and yet disagreeable to this inborn principle. The tragedian Seneca has distinguished them very finely. He brings in Pyrrhus, saying, Pyr. Lex nulla capto parcit aut poenam impedit. To this Agamemnon replies, Ag. Quod non vetat lex, hoc vetat fieri pudor. Pyr. "No law exempts a captive from the sword." Ag. "Where the law does not, moral duties bind." Our author inculcates the same principles in many other parts of his works ; and it was afterward admitted by Justinian into his Institutes. "Fide commissa appellata sunt, quia nullo vinculo juris, sed tantum pu- dore eorum qui rogabantur, continebantur." " Deeds of trust were so called, because the party intrusted was not obligated by law, but by con- science or morality." Ovid has a very noble sentiment, which he seems to have taken from our author and from Plato. Nondum justiciam facinus mortale fugarat, Ultima de superis ilia reliquit humum ; Proque metu, populum, sine vi, pudor ipso regebat. " Nor justice yet had fled from Iniman crimes, Of all their godheads she the last remained; For awful conscience, in those happy times, Ruled without fear, and without force restrained." ferecundia or pudor, therefore, is properly an inward abhorrence of OHAP. xxvnx CICERO'S OFFICES. 5] wrong ; that of moral susceptibility is to give no offense to mankind, and in this the force of the graceful is most percept- ible. By these explanations I conceive that what we mean by the graceful and becoming may be understood. Now the duty resulting from this has a primary tendency to and agreement with and conservation of our nature ; and if we follow it as a guide we never shall err, but shall attain moral turpitude, through which the conscience is awed, and may be said to blush. Plato, and from him Plutarch, makes justice and this verecun- dia to bo inseparable companions. " God (says the former), being afraid lest the human race should entirely perish upon earth, gave to mankind justice and moral susceptibility, those ornaments of states and the bonds of society." It is on the possession of this moral susceptibility, anterior to ard in- dependent of human laws, that Bishop Butler founds his ethical system. Thus he says of man, that " from his make, constitution, or nature, he is, in the strictest and most proper sense, a law to himself;" that "he hath the rule of right within," and that (i what is wanting is only that he honestly attend to it ;" and, in enforcing the authority of this natural monitor, "your obligation to obey this law ia its being the law of your nature. That your conscience approves of and attests to such a course of action is itself alone an obligation. Conscience does not only ofler itself to show us the way wo should walk in, but it likewise carries its own authority with it, that it is our natural guide the guide assigned us by the Author of our nature. It, therefore, belongs to our condition of being ; it is our duty to walk in that path, and to follow this guide, without looking about to see whether we may not possibly forsake them with impunity." It is with a like reference that Lord Bacon says : " The light of nature not only shines upon the human mind through the medium of a rational faculty, but by an internal instinct, according to the law of conscience, which is a sparkle of the purity of man's first estate." But a parallel passage from tho pen of Cicero himself, affords a still fuller and loftier enunciation of this principle : " There is, indeed, one true and original law, conformable to reason and to nature, diffused over all, invariable, eternal, which calls to the fulfillment of duty and to abstinence from injustice, and which calls with that irresistible voice which is felt in all its authority wherever it is heard. This law can not be abolished or curtailed, nor affected in its sanctions by any law of man. A whole senate, a whole people, can not dispense from its paramount obligation. It requires no commentator to render it distinctly intelligible, nor ia it different at Rome, and at Athens, at the present, and in ages to come ; but in all times and in all nations, it is, and has been, and will be, one and everlasting one as that God, its great Author and promul- gator, who is the common sovereign of all mankind, is himself one. No man can disobey it without flying, as it were, from his own bosom and repudiating his nature, and in this very act will inflict on himself the severest of retributions, even though he escape what is commonly re- garded as punishment." 52 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. to that natural excellence which consists in acuteness and sagacity, to that which is best adapted to human society, and to that which is energetic and manly. 1 But the chief force of the graceful lies in that suitableness of which I am now treating. For not only those emotions of a physical kind, but still more those of the mind are to be approved as they are comforrnablc to nature. For the nature .and powers of the mind are two- fold; one consists in appetite, by the Greeks called OQUTJ (i, e. impulse), which hurries man hither and thither ; the other in reason, which teaches and explains what we are to do, and what we are to avoid. The result is, that reason should direct and appetite obey. XXIX. Now every human action ought to be free from precipitancy and negligence, nor indeed ought we to do any thing for which we can not give a justifiable reason. This indeed almost amounts to a definition of duty. Now we must manage so as to keep the appetites subservient to reason, that they may neither outstrip it nor fall behind through sloth and cowardice. Let them be ever composed and free from all perturbation of spirit; and thus entire consistency and moderation will display themselves. For those appetites that are too vagrant and rampant as it were, either through desire or aversion, are not sufficiently under the command of reason ; such, I say, undoubtedly transgress bounds and moderation. For they abandon and disclaim that subordination to reason, to which by the law of nature they are subjected, and thereby not only the mind but the body is thrown into disturbance. Let any one observe the very looks of men who are in a rage, of those who are agitated by desire or fear, or who exult in an excess of joy; all whose countenances, voices, motions, and attitudes, are changed. But to return to my description of duty. From these par- ticulars we learn that all our appetites ought to be contracted and mitigated ; that all our attention and diligence ought to be awake, so that we do nothing in a rash, random, thought- less, and inconsiderate manner. For nature has not formed us to sport and merriment, but rather to seriousness, and studies that are important and sublime. Sport and merriment x In other words, to wisdom, justice, and fortitude. CHAP. xxx. CICERO'S OFFICES. 58 are not always disallowable : but we are to use them as we do sleep and other kinds of repose, when we have dispatched our weighty and important affairs. Nay, our very manner of jok- ing should be neither wanton nor indecent, but genteel and good-humored. For as we indulge boys not in an unlimited license of sport, but only in that which is not inconsistent with virtuous conduct, so in our very jokes there should appear some gleam of a virtuous nature. The manner of joking is reduceable under two denomina- tions ; one that is ill-bred, insolent, profligate, and obscene ; another that is elegant, polite, witty, and good-humored. We have abundance of this last, not only in our Plautus, and the authors of the old Greek comedy, but in the writings of the Socratic philosophers. Many collections have likewise been made by various writers, of humorous sayings, such as that made by Cato, and called his Apopthegms. The dis- dinction, therefore, between a genteel and an ill-mannered joke is a very ready one. The former, if seasonably made, and when the attention is relaxed, is worthy of a virtuous man; the other, if it exhibit immorality in its subject, or obscenity in the expression, is unworthy even of a man. There is likewise a certain limit to be observed, even in our amusements, that we do not give up every thing to amusement, and that, after being elevated by pleasure, we do not sink into some immorality. Our Campus Martius, and the sport of hunting, supply creditable examples of amusement. XXX. But in all our disquisitions concerning the nature of a duty, it is material that we keep in our eye the great excel- lence of man's nature above that of the brutes and all other crea- tures. They are insensible to every thing but pleasure, and are hurried to it by every impulse. Whereas the mind of man is nourished by study and reflection, and, being charmed by the pleasure of seeing and hearing, it is ever either inquiring or acting. But if there is a man who has a small bias to pleasure, provided he is not of the brute kind (for there are some who are men only in name) ; but, I say, if he is more high-minded even in a small degree, though he may be smitten with pleas- ure, he yet, through a principle of shame, hides and disguises his inclination for it. From this we are to conclude that mere corporeal pleasure 54 CICERO'S OFFICES. EOOKI. is unworthy the excellence of man's nature ; and that it ought therefore to be despised and rejected ; but that if a man shall have any delight in pleasure, he ought to be extremely observant of limits in its indulgence. Therefore the nourish- ment and dress of our bodies should be with a view not to our pleasure, but to our health and our strength ; and should we examine the excellence and dignity of our nature, we should then be made sensible how shameful it is to melt away in pleas- ure, and to live in voluptuousness and effeminacy ; and how noble it is to live with abstinence, with modesty, with strict- ness, and sobriety. We are likewise to observe that nature has, as it were, en- dowed us with two characters. The first is in common to all mankind, because all of us partake in that excellency of reason, which places us above the brutes ; from which is derived all that is virtuous, all that is graceful, and by which we trace our connections with our several duties. The other character is peculiar to individuals. For, as there are great dissimilarities in our persons some for instance are swift in running, others strong in wrestling; and in style of beauty some have a dignity, and others a sweetness of aspect so are there still greater varieties in our minds. Lucius Crassus and Lucius Philippus had a great deal of wit; but in Caius Caesar, the son of Lucius, it was greater in degree, and more elaborate. In their cotemporaries, Marcus Scaurus, and young Marcus Drusus, there was a remarkable seriousness ; in Caius La3lius great hilarity ; but in his friend Scipio greater ambition, and a graver style of life. As to the Greeks, we are told of Socrates that he was agreeable and witty ; his conversation jocose, and in all his discourse a feigner of opinions whom the Greeks called el'par. On the other hand, Pythagoras and Pericles, without any gayety, attained the highest authority. Among the Carthaginian generals, Hannibal, we learn, was crafty, and Quintus Maximus among our own generals was apt at con- cealment, secrecy, dissimulation, plotting, and anticipating the designs of enemies. In this class the Greeks rank Themis- tocles, and lason of Phera3, above all others ; and place among the very first, that cunning and artful device of Solon, when, to secure his own life, and that he might be of greater service to his country, he counterfeited madness. In opposition to CHAP. xxxi. CICERO'S OFFICES. 55 those characters, the tempers of many others are plain and open. Lovers of truth and haters of deceit, they think that nothing should be done by stealth, nothing by stratagem; while others care not what they suffer themselves, or whom hey stoop to, provided they accomplish their ends; as we have seen Sylla and Marcus Orassus. In which class Lysander the Lacedaemonian, we are told, had the greatest art and per- severance, and that Callicratides, who succeeded to Lysander in the command of the fleet, was the reverse. We have known some others, who though very powerful in conversation, always make themselves appear undistinguished individuals among many ; such were the Catuli, father and son, and Quintus Mucius Mancia. I have heard from men older than myself, that Publius Scipio Nasica was of the same cast, but that his father, the same who punished the pernicious designs of Tiberius Gracchus, was void of all politeness in conver- sation : and the same of Xenocrates, the most austere of philosophers, and from that very circumstance a distinguished and celebrated man. Innumerable, but far from being blam- able, are the other differences in the natures and manners of men. XXXL Every man, however, ought carefully to follow out his peculiar character, provided it is only peculiar, and not vicious, that he may the more easily attain that gracefulness of which we are inquiring. For we ought to manage so as never to counteract the general system of nature ; but having taken care of that, we are to follow our natural bias ; insomuch, that though other studies may be of greater weight and excellence, yet we are to regulate our pursuits by the disposition of our nature. It is to no purpose to thwart nature, or to aim at what you can not attain. We therefore may have a still clearer conception of the graceful I am recommending, from this consideration, that nothing is graceful that goes (as the saying is) against the grain, that is, in contradiction and oppo- sition to nature. If any thing at all is graceful, nothing surely is more so than a uniformity through the course of all your life, as well as through every particular action of it ; and you never can preserve this uniformity, if, aping another man's nature, you forsake your own. For as we ought to converse in the language we are best acquainted with, for fear of 56 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK L making ourselves justly ridiculous, as those do who cram in Greek expressions ; so there ought to be no incongruity in our actions, and none in all the tenor of our lives. 1 Now so powerful is this difference of natures, that it may be the duty of one man to put himself to death, and yet not of another, though in the same predicament. For was the pre- dicament of Marcus Cato different from that of those who sur- rendered themselves to Caesar in Africa ? Yet it had been perhaps blamable in the latter, had they put themselves to death, because their lives were less severe, and their moral natures more pliable. But it became Cato, who had by per- petual perseverance strengthened that inflexibility which nature had given him, and had never departed from the purpose and resolution he had once formed, to die rather than to look upon the face of a tyrant. 8 1 " Decency, or a proper regard to age, sex, character, and station in the world, may bo ranked among the qualities which are immediately agreeable to others, and which by that means acquire praise and appro- bation. An effeminate behavior in a man, a rough manner in a woman, these are ugly because unsuitable to each character, and different from the qualities which we expect in the sexes. It is as if a tragedy abound- ed in comic beauties, or a comedy in tragic. The disproportions hurt the eye, and convey a disagreeable sentiment to the spectators, the source of blame and disapprobation. This is that indecorum which is explained so much at large by Cicero in his Offices." Hume's "Principles of Morals," sec. 8. 2 The guilt of suicide lias been palliated by Godwin, and utterly de- nied by Hume. The following remarks emanated from a sounder moral- ist than either: " The lesson which the self-destroyer teaches to his connections, of sinking in despair under the evils of life, is one of the most pernicious which a man can bequeath. The power of tho example is also great. Every act of suicide tacitly conveys the sanction of one more judgment in its favor ; frequency of repetition diminishes the sensation of abhor- rence, and makes succeeding sufferers resort to it with less reluctance." " Besides which general reasons," says Dr. Paley, (" Moral and Political Philosophy," book 4, c. 3), " each case will be aggravated by its own proper and particular consequences ; by tho duties that are deserted ; by the claims that are defrauded ; by the loss, affliction, or disgrace, which our death, or the manner of it, causes our family, kindred, or friends ; by the occasion we give to many to suspect the sincerity of our moral and religious professions, and together with ours those of all others;" and lastly by the scandal which we bring upon religion itself, by declaring practically that it is not able to support man under the calamities of life. Some men say that the New Testament contains no prohibition of suicide. If this were true it would avail nothing, because there are many things CHAP. xxxi. CICERO'S OFFICES. 5> How various were those sufferings of Ulysses, in his long continued wanderings, when he became the slave of women (if you consider Circe and Calypso as such) : and in all he said he sought to be complaisant and agreeable to every body, nay, put up with abuses from slaves and handmaidens at home, that he might at length compass what he desired ; but with the spirit with which he is represented, Ajax would have preferred a thousand deaths to suffering such indignities. In the contemplation of which each ought to consider what is peculiar to himself, and to regulate those peculiarities, with- out making any experiments how another man's become them ; for that manner which is most peculiarly a man's own always becomes him best. Every man ought, therefore, to study his own genius, so as to become an impartial judge of his own good and bad qualities, otherwise the players will discover better sense than we ; for they don't choose for themselves those parts that are the most excellent, but those which are best adapted to them. Those who rely on their voices choose the part of Epigonas or Medus ; the best actors that of Menalippa or Clytemnestra. Rupilius, who I remember, always selected that of Antiopa ; Esopus seldom chose that of Ajax. Shall a player, then, observe this upon the stage, and shall a wise man not observe it in the conduct of life ? Let us, there- fore, most earnestly apply to those parts for which we are best fitted ; but shculd necessity degrade us into characters which it does uot forbid, but which every one knows to be wicked. But in reality it does forbid it. Every exhortation which it gives to be pa- tient, every encouragement to trust in God, every consideration which it urges as a support under affliction and distress, is a virtual prohibition of suicide ; because if a man commits suicide he rejects every such ad- vioe and encouragement, and disregards every such motive. " To him who believes either in revealed or natural religion, there is a certain folly in the commission of suicide ; for from what does he fly ? from his present sufferings, while death, for aught that ho has reason to expect, or at any rate for aught that he knows, may only be the portal to sufferings more intense. Natural religion, I think, gives no counten- ance to the supposition that suicide can bo approved by the Deity, be- cause it proceeds upon the belief that, in another state of existence, he will compensate good men for the sufferings of the present. At the best, and under either religion, it is a desperate stake. He that commits murder may repeat, and, wo hope, be forgiven ; but he that destroys himself, while he incurs a load of guilt, cuts off by the act the power of repentance." Dymond's Essays, Essay ii. chap. 16. 3* 58 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. unsuitable to our genius, let us employ all our care, attention, and industry, in endeavoring to perform them, if not with pro- priety, with as little impropriety as possible : nor should we strive so much to attain excellencies which have not been con- ferred on us, as to 'avoid defects. XXXII. To the two characters above described is added a third, which either accident or occasion imposes on us; and even a fourth, which we accommodate to ourselves by our own judgment and choice. Now kingdoms, governments, honors, dignities, riches, interest, and whatever arc the qualities con- trary to them, happen through accident, and are directed by occasions ; but what part we ourselves should wish to act, originates from our own will. Some, therefore, apply to philos- ophy, to the civil law, and some to eloquence ; and of the virtues themselves some endeavor to shine in one, and some in another. Men generally are ambitious of distinguishing themselves in that kind of excellence in which their fathers or their an- cestors were most famous : for instance, Quintus, the son of Publius Mucius, in the civil law ; Africanus, the son of Paulus, in the art of war. Some, however, increase, by merits of their own, that glory which they have received from their fathers; for the same Africanus crowned his military glory with the practice of eloquence. In like manner, Timo- theus, the son of Conon, who equaled his father in the duties of the field, but added to them the glory of genius and learn- ing. Sometimes, however, it happens that men, laying aside the imitation of their ancestors, follow a purpose of their own ; and J- : s is most commonly the case with such men -who, though de- scended from obscure ancestors, purpose to themselves great aims. In our search, then, after what is graceful, all those particu- lars ought to be embraced in our contemplation and study. In the first place, we are to determine who and what manner of men we are to be, and what mode of life we are to adopt a consideration which is the most difficult of all ; for, in our early youth, there is the greatest weakness of judgment, every one chooses to himself that kind of life which he has most fancied. He, therefore, is -trepanned into some fixed and settled course of living before he is capable to judge what is the most proper. 1 1 " I have often thought those happy that have been fixed, from the first CHAP. Trrrrr. CICERO'S OFFICES. 59 For the Hercules of Prodicus, as we learn from Xenophon, in his early puberty (an age appointed by nature for every man's choosing his scheme of life) is said to have gone into a solitude, and there sitting down, to have deliberated within himself much, and for a long time, whether of two paths that he saw before him it was better to enter on, the one of pleasure, the other of virtue. This might, indeed, happen to a Jove- begotten Hercules ; but not so with us, who imitate those whom we have an opinion of, and are thereby drawn into their pursuits and purposes : for generally prepossessed by the principles of our parents, we are drawn away to their customs and habits. Others, swayed by the judgment of the multitude, are passionately fond of those things which seem best to the majority. A few, however, either through some good fortune, or a certain excellency of nature, or through the training of their parents, pursue the right path of life. XXXIII. The rarest class is composed of those who, en- dowed with an exalted genius, or with excellent education and learning, or possessing both, have had scope enough for deliber- ating as to what course of life they would be most willing to adopt. Every design, in such a deliberation, ought to be re- ferred to the natural powers of the individual ; for since, as I said before, we discover this propriety in every act which is per- formed, by reference to the qualities with which a man is born, so, in fixing the plan of our future life, we ought to be still much more careful in that respect, that we may be consistent throughout the duration of life with ourselves, and not deficient in any one duty. But because nature in this possesses the chief power, and dawn of thought, in a determination to some state of life, by the choice of one whose authority may preclude caprice, and whose influence may prej- udice them in favor of his opinion. The general precept of consulting the genius is of little use, unless we are told how the genius can bo known. If it is to be discovered only by experiment, life will bo lost before the resolution can be fixed ; if any other indications are to be found, they may, perhaps, be very early discerned. At least, if to mis- carry in an attempt bo a proof of having mistaken the direction of the genius, men appear not less frequently deceived with regard to themselves than to others; and therefore no one has much reason to complain that his life was planned out by his friends, or to be confident that he should have had either more honor or happiness, by being abandoned to the chance of his own fancy." Dr. Johnson's " Rambler," No. 19. 60 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. fortune the next, we ought to pay regard to both in fixing our scheme of life ; but chiefly to nature, as she is much more firm and constant, insomuch that the struggle some- times between nature and fortune, seems to be between a mortal and an immortal being. The man, therefore, who adapts his whole system of living to his uudepraved nature, let him maintain his constancy ; for that, above all things, be- comes a man, provided he come not to learn that he has been mistaken in his choice of a mode of life. Should that occur, as it possibly may, a change must be made in all his habits and purposes which, if circumstances shall be favorable, we shall mere easily and readily effect ; but, should it happen otherwise, it must be done slowly and gradually. Thus men of sense think it more suitable that friendships which are disagreeable or not approved should be gradually detached, rather than sud- denly cut off. Still, upon altering our scheme of life, we ought to take the utmost care to make it appear that we have done it upon good grounds. But if, as I said above, we arc to imitate our ancestors, this should be first excepted that their bad qualities must not be imitated. In the next place, if nature does not qualify us to imitate them in some things, we are not to attempt it : for instance, the son of the elder Africanus, who adopted the younger son of Paulus, could not, from infirmity of health, resemble his father so much as his father did his grand- father. If, therefore, a man is unable to defend causes, to entertain the people, by haranguing, or to wage war, yet still he ought to do what is in his power ; he ought to practice jus- tice, honor, generosity, modesty, and temperance, that what is wanting may be the less required of him. Now, the best inheritance a parent can leave a child more excellent than any patrimony is the glory of his virtue and his deeds ; to bring disgrace on which ought to be regarded as wicked and monstrous. XXXIV. And as the same moral duties are not suited to the different periods of life, some belonging to the young, others to the old, we must likewise say somewhat on this distinc- tion. It is the duty of a young man to reverence his elders, and among them to select the best and the worthiest, on whose advice and authority to rely. For the inexperience of youth ought to be instructed and conducted by the wisdom CHAP, xxxiv. CICERO'S OFFICES. 61 of the aged. Above all things, the young man ought to be restrained from lawless desires, and exercised in endurance and labor both of body and mind, that by persevering in them, he may be efficient in the duties both of war and peace. Nay, when they even unbend their minds and give themselves up to mirth, they ought to avoid intemperance, and never lose sight of morality ; and this will be the more easy if even upon such oc- casions they desire that their elders should be associated with them. 1 As to old men, their bodily labors seem to require diminution, but the exercises of their mind ought even to be increased. Their care should be to assist their friends, the youth, and above all their country, to the utmost of their ability by their advice and experience. Now there is nothing that old age ought more carefully to guard against, than giving itself up to listless- ness and indolence. As to luxury, though it is shameful in every stage of life, in old age it is detestable ; but if to that is added intemperance in lawless desires, the vil is doubled ; be- cause old age itself thereby incurs disgrace ; and makes the excesses of the young more shameless. 11 Neither is it foreign to my purpose to touch upon the duties of magistrates, of private citizens, and of strangers. It is then the peculiar duty of a magistrate to bear in mind that he rep- resents the state, and that he ought, therefore, to maintain its dignity and glory, to preserve its constitution, to act by its laws, and to remember that these things are committed to his fidel- 1 So Dr. South describes joy as exhibited by Adam in the state of inno- cence, in the most remarkable of his productions, the sermon entitled " Man created in God's image." " It was (says ho) refreshing, but com- posed, like the gayety of youth tempered with the gravity of age, or the mirth of a festival managed with the silence of contemplation." The course hero prescribed was adopted in the institutions of Lycurgus, and recommended by Plato. 2 " It may very reasonably bo suspected that the old draw upon them- selves the greatest parts of those insults which they so much lament, and that age is rarely despised but when it is contemptible. If men imagine that excessive debauchery can be made reverend by time, that knowl- edge is the consequence of long life, however idly and thoughtlessly em- ployed, that priority of birth will supply the want of steadiness or honesty, can it raise much wonder that their hopes are disappointed, and that they see their posterity rather willing to trust their own eyes in then* progress into life, than enlist themselves under guides who havo lost their way ?" Dr. Johnson. 62 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK L ity. 1 As to a private man and citizen, his duty is to live upon a just and equal footing with his fellow-citizens, neither subor- dinate and subservient nor domineering. In his sentiments of the public to be always for peaceful and virtuous measures ; for such we are accustomed to imagine and describe a virtuous citizen. Now the duty of a stranger and an alien is, to mind nothing but his own business, not to intermeddle with another, and least of all to be curious about the affairs of a foreign government. Thus we shall generally succeed in the practice of the moral duties, when we inquire after what is most becoming and best fitted to persons, occasions, and ages ; and nothing is more be- coming than in all our actions and in all our deliberations to preserve consistency. XXXV. But, because the graceful or becoming character we treat of appears in all our words and actions, nay, in every motion and disposition of our person, and consists of three par- ticulars, beauty, regularity, and appointment suited to action (ideas which indeed are difficult to be expressed, but it is suffi- cient if they are understood) ; and as in these three heads is comprehended our care to be approved by those among whom and with whom we live, on them also a few observations must be made. In the first place nature seems to have paid a great regard to the form of our bodies, by exposing to the sight all that part of our figure that has a beautiful appearance, while she has covered and concealed those parts which were given for the necessities of nature, and which would have been offen- sive and disagreeable to the sight. This careful contrivance of nature has been imitated by the modesty of mankind ; for all men in their senses conceal from the eye the parts which nature has hid ; and they take 1 Respecting tho ultimate possession of political power by the govern- ed, and the consequently delegated power of rulers, we have the follow- ing striking passage in "Hall's Liberty of tho Press:" "With tho enemies of freedom it is a usual artifice to represent tho sovereignty of tho people as a license to anarchy and disorder. But the tracing of civil power to that source will not diminish our obligation to obey ; it only ex- plains its reasons, and settles it on clear determinate principles. It turns blind submission into rational obedience, tempers the passion for liberty with the love of order, and places mankind in a happy medium, between the extremes of anarchy on the one side, and oppression on the other. It is the polar star that will conduct us safe over tho ocean of political debate and speculation, the law of laws, the legislator of legislators." CHAP, xxrvx CICERO'S OFFICES. 63 care that they should discharge as privately as possible even the necessities of nature. And those parts which serve those necessities, and the necessities themselves, are not called by their real names ; because that which is not shameful if privately performed, it is still obscene to describe. There- fore neither the public commission of those things, nor the obscene expression of them, is free from immodesty. Neither are we to regard the Cynics or the Stoics, who are next to Cynics, who abuse and ridicule us for deeming things that are not shameful in their own nature, to beccme vicious through names and expressions. Now, we give every thing that is disgraceful in its own nature its proper term. Theft, fraud, adultery, are disgraceful in their own nature, but not obscene in the expression. The act of be- getting children is virtuous, but the expression obscene. Thus, a great many arguments to the same purpose are maintained by these philosophers in subversion of delicacy. Let us, for our parts, follow nature, and avoid whatever is offensive to the eyes or ears ; let us aim at the graceful or becoming, whether we stand or walk, whether we sit or lie down, in every motion of our features, our eyes, or our hands. In those matters two things are chiefly to be avoided ; that there be nothing effeminate and foppish, nor any thing coarse and clownish. Neither are we to admit, that those considerations are proper for actors and orators, but not binding upon us. The manners at least of the actors, from the morality of our ancestors, are so decent that none of them appear upon the stage without an under-covering ; Ixiing afraid lest if by any accident certain parts of the body should be exposed, they should make an indecent appearance. According to our customs, sons grown up to manhood do not bathe along with their fathers, nor sons-in-law with their fathers-in-law. Modesty of this kind, therefore, is to be cherished, especially as nature herself is our instructor and guide. XXXVI. Now as beauty is of two kinds, one that consists in loveliness, and the other in dignity ; loveliness we should' regard as the characteristic of women, dignity of men : therefore, let a man remove from his person every ornament that is unbecoming a man, and let him take the same care of 64 CICERO'S OFFICES, B^DKX. every similar fault with regard to his gesture or motion. For very often the movements learned in the Palaestra are offens- ive, and not a few impertinent gestures among the players are productive of disgust, while in both whatever is unaffected and simple is received with applause. Now, comeliness in the person is preserved by the freshness of the complexion, and that freshness by the exercises of the body. To this we are to add, a neatness that is neither troublesome nor too much studied, but which just avoids all clownish, ill-bred sloven- ness. The same rules are to be observed with regard to ornaments of dress, in which, as in all other matters, a mean is preferable. We must likewise avoid a drawling solemn pace in walk- ing, so as to seem like bearers in a procession ; and likewise in matters that require dispatch, quick, hurried motions ; which, when they occur, occasion a shortness of breathing, an alteration in the looks, and a convulsion in the features, all which strongly indicate an inconstant character. But still greater should be our care that the movements of our miud never depart from nature ; in which we shall succeed if we guard against falling into any flurry and disorder of spirit, and keep our faculties intent on the preservation of propriety. Now the motions of the mind are of two kinds, the one of reflection and the other of appetite. Reflection chiefly applies itself in the search of truth. Appetite prompts us to action. We are therefore to take care to employ our reflection upon the best subjects, and to render our appetite obedient to our reason. XXXVII. And since the influence of speech is very great and that of two kinds one proper for disputing, the other for discoursing the former should be employed in plead- ings at trials, in assemblies of the people, and meetings of the senate ; the latter in social circles, disquisitions, the meetings of our friends, and should likewise attend upon entertainments. Rhetoricians lay down rules for disputing, but none for dis- coursing, though I am not sure but that likewise may be done. Masters are to be found in all pursuits in which there are learners, and all places are filled with crowds of rhetori- cians ; but there are none who study this, and yet all the rules that are laid down for words and sentiments (in debate) are likewise applicable to conversation. CHAP, xxxvn. CICERO'S OFFICES. 65 But, as we have a voice as the orgau of speech, we ought to aim at two properties in it : first that it be clear, and secondly that it be agreeable ; both are unquestionably to be sought from nature ; and yet practice may improve the one, and imitating those who speak nervously and distinctly, the other. There was, in the Catuli, nothing by which you could conclude them possessed of any exquisite judgment in language, though learned to be sure they were ; and so have others been. 13ut the Catuli were thought to excel in the Latin tongue ; their pronunciation was harmonious, their words were neither mouthed nor minced ; so that their ex- pression was distinct, without being unpleasant; while their voice, without strain, was neither faint nor shrill. The manner of Lucius Crassus was more flowing, and equally elegant; though the opinion concerning the Catuli, as good speakers, was not less. But Ca?sar, brother to the elder Catulus, exceeded all in wit and humor ; insomuch that even in the forensic style of speaking, he with his conversational manner, surpassed the energetic eloquence of others. There- fore, in all those matters, we must labor diligently if we would discover what is the point of propriety in every instance. Let our common discourse therefore (and this is the great excellence of the followers of Socrates) be smooth and good- humored, without the least arrogance. Let there be pleas- antry in it. Nor let any one speaker exclude all others as if he were entering on a province of his own, but consider that in conversation, as in other things, alternate participa- tion is but fair. 1 But more especially let him consider on what subjects he should speak. If serious, let him use grav- ity; if merry, good-humor. But a man ought to take the 1 " As the mutual shocks in society and the opposition of interest and self-love, have constrained mankind to establish the laws of justice, in order to preserve the advantages of mutual assistance and protection ; in like manner, the eternal contrarieties in company of men's pride and self- conceit, have introduced the rules of good manners or politeness, in order to facilitate the intercourse of minds and an undisturbed commerce and conversation. Among well-bred people, a mutual deference is effected, contempt of others disguised, authority concealed, attention given to each in his time, and an easy stream of conversation maintained, without , vehemence, without interruption, without eagerness for victory, and with- out any airs of superiority. These attentions and regards are immedi- ately agreeablo to others, abstracted from any consideration of utility or beneficial tendencies; they conciliate affection, promote esteem, a^d ex- 66 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK r. greatest care that his discourse betray no defect in his mo- rals ; and this generally is the case when for the sake of de- traction we eagerly speak of the absent in a malicious, ridic- ulous, harsh, bitter, and contemptuous manner. Now conversation generally turns upon private concerns, or politics, or the pursuits of art and learning. We are, therefore, to study, whenever our conversation begins to ramble to other subjects, to recall it : and whatever subjects may present themselves (for we are not at all pleased with the same subjects and that similarly and at all times) we should observe how far our conversation maintains its interest ; and as there was a reason for beginning so there should be a limit at which to conclude. XXXVIII. But as we are very properly enjoined, in all the course of our life, to avoid all fits of passion, that is, ex- cessive emotions of the mind uncontrolled by reason ; in like manner, our conversation ought to be free from all such emo- tions ; so that neither resentment manifest itself, nor undue desire, nor slovenness, nor indolence, nor any thing of that kind ; and, above all things, we should endeavor to indicate both esteem and love for those we converse with. Re- proaches may sometimes be necessary, in which we may per- haps be obliged to employ a higher strain of voice and a harsher turn of language. Even in that case, we ought only to seem to do these things in anger ; but as, in the cases of cautery and amputations, so with this kind of correction we should have recourse to it seldom and unwillingly ; and in- deed, never but when no other remedy can be discovered ; but still, let all passion be avoided ; for with that nothing can be done with rectitude, nothing with discretion. In general it is allowable to adopt a mild style of rebuke, combining it with seriousness, so that severity may be indi- cated but abusive language avoided. Nay, even what of bitterness there is in the reproach should be shown to have tremely enhance the merit of the person who regulates his behavior by them. " In conversation, the lively spirit of dialogue is agreeable even to those who desire not to have any share in the discourse. Hence the re- later of long stories, or the pompous declaimer is very little approved of But most men desire likewise their time in the conversation, and regard with a very evil eye that loquacity which deprives them of a right they are naturally BO zealous of." Hume's "Principles of Morals," sec. viii. CHAP, xxxix. CICERO'S OFFICES 67 been adopted for the sake of the party reproved. Now, it is advisable, even in those disputes which take place with our bitterest enemies, if we hear any that is insulting to ourselves to maintain our equanimity, and repress passion ; for what- ever is done under such excitement can never be either con- sistently performed, or approved of by those who are present. 1 It is likewise indecent for a man to be loud in his own praise (and the more so if it be false), and so to imitate the swagger- ing soldier (in the play) amidst the derision of the auditors. XXXIX. Now, as I touch, at least wish to touch, upon every matter of duty, I shall likewise treat of the kind of house which I think suited to a man of high rank and office ; the end of this being utility, to it the design of the building must be adapted, but still regard must be paid to magnifi- cence and elegance. We learn that it was to the honor of Cneius Octavius, the first of that family who was raised to the consulship, that he built upon the Palatine, a house of a noble and majestic appearance, which, as it was visited as a spectacle by the common people, was supposed to have voted its proprietor, though but a new man, into the consulship. Scaurus demolished this house, and took the ground into his own palace. But though the one first brought a consulship into his family, yet the other, though the son of a man of the greatest rank and distinction, carried into this, his enlarged palace, not only repulse but disgrace, nay ruin. 1 "Tho command of anger appears, upon many occasions, not less gener- ous and noblo than that of fear. The proper expression of just indig- nation composes many of the most splendid and admired passages both of ancient and modern eloquence. Tho Philippics of Demosthenes, the Catilinarians of Cicero derive their whole beauty from the noblo propri- ety with which this passion is expressed. But this just indignation is nothing but anger restrained and properly attempered to what the im- partial spectator can enter into. The blustering and noisy passion which goes beyond this is always odious and offensive, and interests us, not for the angry man but the man with whom ho is angry. The noble- ness of pardoning appears, upon many occasions, superior oven to the most perfect propriety of resenting, when either proper acknowledg- ments have been made by the offending party, or, even without any such acknowledgments, when the public interest requires that the most mortal enemies should unite for the discharge of some important duty. The man who can cast away all animosity, and act with confidence and cordiality toward the person who had most grievously offended him, eems justly to merit our highest admiration." Smith's " Moral Senti- ments," part vi. section iii 68 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOR i. For dignity should be adorned by a palace, but not be wholly sought from it : the house ought to be ennobled by the master, and not the master by the house. And, as in other matters a man should have regard to others and not to his own concerns alone, so in the house of a man of rank, who is to entertain a great many guests and to admit a multitude of all denominations, attention should be paid to spaciousness ; but a great house often reflects discredit upon its master, if there is solitude in it, especially if, under a former proprietor, it has been accustomed to be well filled. It is a mortifying thing when passengers exclaim, " Ah ! ancient dwelling ! by how degenerate a master art thou occupied !" which may well be said at the present time of a great many houses. But you are to take care, especially if you build for yourself, not to go beyond bounds in grandeur and costliness. Even the example of an excess of this kind does much mischief. For most people, particularly in this respect, studiously imitate the example of their leaders. For instance, who, imitates the virtue of the excellent Lucius Lucullus ? But how many there are who have imitated the magnificence of his villas. To which certainly a bound ought to be set, and it reduced to moderation, and the same spirit of moderation ought to be extended to all the practice and economy of life. But of this enough. Now in undertaking every action we are to regard three things. First, that appetite be subservient to reason, than which there is no condition better fitted for preserving the moral duties. We are, secondly, to examine how important the object in which we desire to accomplish, that our atten- tion or labor may be neither more nor less than the occasion requires. Thirdly, we are to take care that every thing that comes under the head of magnificence and dignity should be well regulated. Now, the best regulation is, to observe that some graceful propriety which I have recommended, and to go no further. But of those three heads, the most excellent is, that of making our appetites subservient to our reason. XL. I am now to speak concerning the order and the timing of things. In this science is comprehended what the Greek call tire^ta, not that which Ave Romans call mode- ration, an expression that implies keeping within bounds ; whereas that is cj)rai, in which the preservation of order is CHAP. XL. CICERO'S OFFICES. 69 involved. This duty, which we will denominate moderation, is defined by the Stoics as those things which are either said or done in their appropriate places of ranging. Therefore, the signification of order and of arrangement seems to be the same. For they define order to be the disposing of things into fitting and convenient places. Now they tell us that the appropriate place of an action is the oppor- tunity of doing it. The proper opportunity for action being called by the Greeks i5x/a, and by the Latins, occasio, or occasion. Thus, as I have already observed, that modestia which we have thus explained is the knowledge of acting according to the fitness of a conjuncture. But prudence, of which we have treated in the beginning of this book, may admit of the same definition. Under this head, however, I speak of moderation and temperance, and the like virtues. Therefore, the considerations which belong to prudence have been treated in their proper place. But at present I am to treat of those virtues I have been so long speaking of, which relate to morality, and the approbation oi those with whom we live. Such then should be the regularity of all our actions, that in the economy of life, as in a connected discourse, all things may agree and correspond. For it would be unbecoming and highly blamable, should we, when upon a serious subject, introduce the language of the jovial or the effemi- nate. When Pericles had for his colleague in the praetot- ship Sophocles the poet, and as they were discoursing upon their joint official duty, a beautiful boy by chance passed by, Sophocles exclaimed, " What a charming boy, Pericles !" but Pericles very properly told him, " A magistrate ought to keep not only his hands, but his eyes under restraint." Now Sophocles, had he said the same thing at a trial of athletic performers would not have been liable to this just reprimand, such importance there is in the time and place. So, too, a man, who is going to plead a cause, if on a journey or in a walk he should muse or appear to himself more thoughtful than ordinary, he is not blamed: but should he do this at an entertainment, he would seem ill-bred for not dis- tinguishing times. But those actions that are in wide discrepancy with good- breeding, such, for instance, as singing in the forum, or 70 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. any such absurdity, are so easily discernible, that they re- quire no great degree of reprehension or advice. But faults that seem to be inconsiderable, and such as are discernible only by a few, are to be more carefully avoided. As in lutes or pipes, however little they be out of tune, it is per- ceived by a practiced ear ; so in life we are to guard against all discrepancy, and the rather as the harmony of morals is greater and much more valuable than that of sounds. XLI. Thus, as the ear is sensible to the smallest discord in musical instruments, so we, if we desire to be accurate and attentive observers of faults, may make great discoveries from very trifling circumstances. The cast of the eye, the bending or unbending of the brow, an air of dejection or cheerfulness, laughter, the tone of words, silence, the raising or falling of the voice, and the like circumstances, we may easily form a judgment which of them are in their pro- per state, and which of them are in discord with duty and nature. Now in this case, it is advisable to judge from others, of the condition and properties of every one of those, so that we ourselves may avoid those things that are unbecoming in others. For it happens, I know not how, that we perceive what is defective more readily in others than we do in ourselves. Therefore, when masters mimic the faults of boys that they may amend them, those boys are most easily corrected. Neither is it improper, in order to fix our choice in matters which involve a doubt, if we apply to men of learning and also of experience, and learn what they think of the several kinds of duty ; for the greatest part of such men are usually led to that conclusion to which nature herself directs ; and in these cases, we are to examine not only what a man says, but what he thinks, and upon what ground he thinks it. For as painters, statuaries, and even poets, want to have their works canvassed by the public in order to correct any thing that is generally condemned, and examine both by themselves and with others where the defect lies ; thus wo ought to make use of the judgment of others to do, and not to do, to alter and correct, a great many things. As to actions resulting from the customs or civil institu- tions of a people, no precepts can be laid down ; for those very institutions are precepts in themselves. Nor ought men CHAP. XLL CICERO'S OFFICES. 71 to bo under the mistake to imagine that if Socrates or Aristippus acted or spoke in opposition to the manners and civil constitutions of their country, they themselves have a similar license. 1 For this was a right they acquired by their 1 There are two things in this passage which must excite surprise ; the first, that Cicero should regard those actions as immoral in the general- ity of society which he justifies in the case of two individuals on tho sole ground of their intellectual pre-eminence. For this must be tho sole ground of the distinction ; inasmuch as, if a moral superiority bo admitted as a justifying consideration in the case of Socrates, it can scarcely be denied to any other individual who might be led to the adop- tion of a similar course. The second is, that the customs and institu- tions of a country should be invested by Cicero with the powers of moral obligation ; nor, considering the general tenor of Cicero's ethics, is this the less surprising, from tho fact that in modern times the same principle was carried by Hobbes to a far greater extent. "According to him," says Sir James Mackintosh, " tho perfect state of a community is where law prescribes tho religion and morality of tho people, and where the will of an absolute sovereign is tho solo fountain of law." The insuf- ficiency both of tho law of th'o land, and of that conventional influence which in modern times has been designated tho law of honor as a codo of morality is admirably shown by Paley in the following passage : " Tho Law of Honor is a system of rules constructed by people of fashion, and calculated to facilitate their intercourse with one another ; and for no other purpose. Consequently, nothing is adverted to by tho law of honor, but what tends to incommode this intercourse. Hence this law only prescribes and regulates the duties betwixt equals; omitting such as relate to tho Supremo Being, as well as those which wo owe to our inferiors. For which reason, profancness, neglect of public worship or private devotion, cruelty to servants, rigorous treatment of tenants or other dependents, want of charity to the poor, injuries done to trades- men by insolvency or delay of payment, with numberless examples of the samo kind, are accounted no breaches of honor ; because a man is not a less agreeable companion for theso vices, nor tho worse to deal witli in thoso concerns which aro usually transacted between ono gentle- man and another. Again, tho law of honor, being constituted by men occupied in the pursuit of pleasure, and for l!io mutual conveniency of such men, will bo found, as might bo expected from tho character and design of the law-makers, to be, in most instances, favorable to tho licentious indulgence of tho natural passions. Thus, it allows of forni- cation, adultery, drunkenness, prodigality, duelling, and of rovengo iu tho extreme-, and lays no stress upon the virtues opposite to theso. " That part of mankind, who aro beneath tho law of honor, often mako tho Law of tho Land their rules of life ; that is, they aro satisfied with themselves, so long as they do or omit nothing, for tho doing or omitting of which the law can punish them. Whereas every system of human laws, considered as a rule of life, labors under tho two following de- fects : 1 . Human laws omit many duties, as not objects of compulsion ; 72 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK L great and superhuman endowments. But as to the whole system of the Cynics ; we are absolutely to reject it, because it is inconsistent with moral susceptibility without which nothing can be honest, nothing can be virtuous. Now it is our duty to esteem and to honor, in the same manner as if they were dignified with titles or vested with command, those men whose lives have been conspicuous for great and glorious actions, who feel rightly toward the state and deserve well or have deserved well of their country. We are likewise to have a great regard for old age, to pay a deference to magistrates ; to distinguish between (what we owe to) a fellow-citizen and a foreigner, and to consider whether that foreigner comes in a public or a private capacity. In short, not to dwell on particulars, we ought to regard, to cultivate, and to promote the good will and the social welfare of all mankind. XLIL Now with regard to what arts and means of ac- quiring wealth are to be regarded as worthy and what dis- reputable, we have been taught as follows. In the first place, those sources of emolument are condemned that incur the public hatred ; such as those of tax-gatherers and usurers. We are likewise to account as ungenteel and mean the gains of all hired workmen, whose source of profit is not their art but their labor ; for their very wages are the consideration of their servitude. We are likewise to despise all who retail from merchants goods for prompt sale ; for they never can suc- ceed unless they lie most abominably. Now nothing is more disgraceful than insincerity. All mechanical laborers are by their profession mean. For a workshop can contain nothing befitting a gentleman. Least of all are those trades such as piety to God, bounty to the poor, forgiveness of injuries, educa- tion of children, gratitude to benefactors. The law never speaks but to command, nor commands but where it can compel ; consequently those duties, which by their nature must be voluntary, are left out of the statute-book, as lying beyond the reach of its operation and authority. 2. Human laws permit, or, which is the same thing, suffer to go un- punished, many crimes, because they are incapable of being defined by any previous description. Of which nature are luxury, prodigality, par- tiality in voting at those elections in which the qualifications of the candidate ought to determine the success, caprice in the disposition oi men's fortunes at their death, disrespect to parents, and a multitude of similar examples." " Moral and Political Philosophy," book i. caps. 2 & 2. CHAP. xuu. CICERO'S OFFICES. 73 to be approved that serve the purposes of sensuality, such as (to speak after Terence) fishmongers, butchers, cooks, pastry-cooks, and fishermen; to whom we shall add, if you please, perfumers, dancers, and the whole tribe of gamesters. 1 But those professions that involve a higher degree of in- telligence or a greater amount of utility, such as medicine, architecture, the teaching the liberal arts, are honorable in those to whose rank in life they are suited. As to merchandizing, if on a small scale it is mean ; but if it is extensive and rich, bring numerous commodities from all parts of the world, and giving bread to numbers without fraud, it is not so despicable. But if a merchant, satiated, or rather satisfied with his profits, as he sometimes used to leave the open sea and make the harbor, shall from the harbor step into an estate and lands ; such a man seems most justly deserving of praise. For of all gainful profes- sions, nothing is better, nothing more pleasing, nothing more delightful, nothing better becomes a well-bred man than agriculture. But as I have handled that subject at large in my Cato Major, you can draw from thence all that falls under this head. XLIII. I have I think sufficiently explained in what manner the duties are derived from the constituent parts of virtue. Now it often may happen that an emulation and a contest may arise among things that are in themselves virtuous; of two virtuous actions which is preferable. A division that Panaetius has ovelooked. For as all virtue is the result of four qualities, prudence, justice, magnanimity * There is, perhaps, no passage in this work more short-sighted and ridiculous than the above, and none which more clearly indicates the practical fallaciousness of all systems of morals framed in ignorance of those views of human nature which are derived from Christianity alone. To stigmatize as morally base those occupations which are necessary to the comfort of society, is to maintain the very opposite of his own fun- damental principle, by affirming that immorality and not morality is necessary to the happiness of mankind. Indeed, the attribution of any moral character to mere industrial pursuits, is an absurdity which Cicero would probably not have incurred had ho lived but a few years later, and become acquainted as ho might, without leaving Rome, with those fishermen and that tent-maker "of whom the world was not worthy," and through them with that Being in whoso sight, amid all the irregu- larities of time, " the rich and the poor meet together." 4 74 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. and moderation; so in the choice of a duty, those qualities must necessarily come in competition with one another. I am therefore of opinion that the duties arising from the social relations are more agreeable to nature than those that are merely notional. This may be confirmed from the fol- lowing argument. Supposing that this kind of life should befall a wise man, that in an affluence of all things he might be able with great leisure to contemplate and attend to every object that is worthy his knowledge ; yet if his condition be so solitary as to have no company with mankind, he would prefer death to it. Of all virtues, tlie most leading is that wisdom which the Greeks call aoqwa, for by that sagacity which they term (pgovyan; we understand quite another thing, as it implies the knowledge of what things are to be de- sired, and what to be avoided. But that Avisdom which I have stated to be the chief, is the knowledge of things divine and human, which comprehends the fellowship of gods and men, and their society within themselves. If that be, as it certainly is, the highest of all objects, it follows of course that the duty resulting from this fellowship is the highest of all duties. For the knowledge and contem- plation of nature is in a manner lame and unfinished, if it is followed by no activity ; now activity is most perspic- uous when it is exerted in protecting the rights of mankind. It therefore has reference to the social interests of the human race, and is for that reason preferable to knowledge ; and this every virtuous man maintains and exhibits in prac- tice. For who is so eager in pursuing and examining the nature of things, that if, while he is handling and con- templating the noblest objects of knowledge, the peril and crisis of his country is made known to him, and that it is in his power to assist and relieve her, would not instantly aban- don and fling from him all those studies, even though he thought he would be enabled to number the stars, or measure the dimensions of the world ? And he would do the same were the safety of a friend or a parent concerned or endan- gered. From this consideration I infer, that the duties of justice are preferable to the studies and duties of knowledge, relating as they do to the interests of the human race, to which no anterior consideration ought to exist in the mind of man. XLIV. But some have employed their whole lives in the CHAP. XLIV. CICERO'S OFFICES. 75 pursuits of knowledge, and yet have not declined to contrib- ute to the utility and advantage of men. For they have even instructed many how they ought to be better citizens and more useful to their country. Thus Lysis, the Pythagorean edu- cated Epaminondas of Thebes, as did Plato Dion of Syracuse, and so of many others ; and as to whatever services I have per- formed, if I have performed any to the state, I came to it after being furnished and adorned witfe knowledge by teachers and learning. Nor do those philosophers only instruct and educate those who are desirous of learning while alive and present among us ; but they continue to do the same after death, by the monu- ments of their learning ; for they neglect no point that relates to the constitution, the manners and the morals of their coun- try ; so that it appears as if they had dedicated all their leisure to our advantage. Thus while they are themselves devoted to the studies of learning and wisdom, they make their under- standing and their skill chiefly available to the service of man- kind. It is therefore more serviceable to the public for a man to discourse copiously, provided it is to the purpose, than for a man to think ever so accurately without the power of expres- sion ; the reason is, because thought terminates in itself alone, but discourse affects those with whom we are connected in a community. Now as the swarms of bees do not assemble in order to form the honey-comb, but form the honey-comb because they are by nature gregarious; so, and in a far greater degree, men being associated by nature, manifest their skill in thinking and acting. Therefore, unless knowledge is connected with that virtue which consists in doing service to mankind, that is, in improving human society, it would seem to be but solitary and barren. In like manner greatness of soul, when utterly disunited from the company and society of men, becomes a kind of un- couth ferocity. Hence it follows that the company and the community of men are preferable to mere speculative knowledge. Neither is that maxim true which is affirmed by some, that human communities and societies were instituted from the necessity of our condition, because we can not without the help of others supply what our nature requires ; and that if wo could bo furnished, as by a kind of magic wand, with everything "76 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK i. that relates to food and raiment, that then every man of excel- ling genius, laying aside all other occupations, would apply him- self to knowledge and learning. The fact is not so ; for he would fly from solitude and look out for a companion in his pur- suits ; and would desire sometimes to teach and sometimes to learn, sometimes to listen and sometimes to speak. Every duty therefore that operates for the good of human community and society, is preferable to that duty which is limited to speculation jind knowledge. XLV. Here perhaps it should be inquired, whether the duties of that society which is most suitable to nature are preferable to moderation and decency ? By no means. For some things are partly so disgraceful, and partly so criminal in their nature, that a wise man would not commit them, even to save his country. Posidonius has collected very many such ; but they are so obscene and so shocking that it would be scandalous even to name them. A wise man would not un- dertake such things, even to serve his country, nor Avould his country undertake them to serve herself. But it fortunately happens, that there never can be a conjuncture, when the public interest shall require from a wise man the performance of such actions. Hence it follows, that in the choice of our duties we are to prefer that kind of duty that contributes to the good of society. For well-directed action is always the result of knowledge and prudence. And therefore it is of more con- sequence to act properly, than to deliberate justly. Thus much then may suffice on this subject ; for this topic has now been so fully laid open, that it is easy for every man in the study of his duties, to see which is preferable. Now in society there are degrees of duties by \vhich every man may understand what belongs to himself. The first is owing to the immortal gods, the second to our country, the third to our parents, and lastly to others through different gradations. From these arguments thus briefly stated we perceive that men are sometimes not only in doubt, whether a thing is vir- tuous or disgraceful ; but likewise when two virtuous things are proposed, which is more so. This head, as I said before, was omitted by Pansetius. Let us now proceed to what remains of our subject. CHAP, I. CICERO'S OFFICES. 7V BOOK II. MARCUS, MY SON, I THINK I have in the former Book sufficiently explained in what manner our duties are derived from morality, and every kind of virtue. It now remains that I treat of those kinds of duties that relate to the improvement of life, and to the acquirement of those means which men employ for the attainment of wealth and interest. In this inquiry, as I have already observed, I will treat of what is useful, and what is not so. Of several utilities, I shall speak of that which is more useful, or most so. Of all this I shall treat, after pre- mising a few words concerning my own plan of life and choice of pursuits. Although my works have prompted a great many to the exercise not only of reading but of writing, yet I sometimes am apprehensive that the name of philosophy is offensive to some worthy men, and that they are surprised at my having employed so much of my pains and time in that study. For my part, as long as the state was under the management of those into whose hands she had committed herself, I applied to it all my attention and thought. But when the government was engrossed by one person, when there was an end of all public deliberation and authority; when I in short had lost those excellent patriots who were my associates in the protection of my country, I neither abandoned myself to that anguish of spirit which had I given way to it, must have consumed me, nor did I indulge those pleasures that are disgraceful to a man of learning. Would that the constitution had remained in its original state ; and that it had not fallen into the hands of men whose aim was not to alter but to destroy it ! For then I would first, as I was wont 78 CICERO'S OFFICES BOOK n. to do when our government existed, have employed my labors in action rather than in writing ; and in the next place, in my writ- ings I should have recorded my own pleadings as I had frequent- ly done, and not such subjects as the present But when the constitution, to which all my care, thoughts, and labor used to be devoted, ceased to exist, then those public and senatorial studies were silenced. But as my mind could not be inactive, and as my early life had been employed in these studies, I thought that they might most honorably be laid aside by betaking myself anew to philosophy, having, when young, spent a great deal of my time in its study, with a view to improvement. When I afterward began to court public offices and devoted myself entirely to the service of my country, I had so much room for philosophy as the time that remained over from the business of my friends and the public. But I spent it all in reading, having no leisure for writing. II. In the midst of the greatest calamities, therefore, I seem to have realized the advantage that I have reduced into writing, matters in which my countrymen were not sufficiently instructed, and which were most worthy their attention. For in the name of the gods, what is more desirable, what is more excellent, than wisdom ? What is better for man ? what more worthy of him ? They therefore who court her are termed philosophers; for philosophy, if it is to be interpreted, implies nothing but the love of wisdom. Now the ancient philosophers defined wisdom to be the knowledge of things divine and human, and of the causes by which these things are regulated ; a study that if any man despises, I now not what he can think deserving of es- teem. For if we seek the entertainment of the mind, or a respite from cares, which is comparable to those pursuits that are always searching out somewhat that relates to and secures the welfare and happiness of life ? Or if we regard the principles of self-consistency and virtue, either this is the art, or there is absolutely no art by which we can attain them. And to say that there is no art for the attainment of the highest objects, when we see that none of the most inconsiderable are without it, is the language of men who speak without consideration, and who mistake in the most important matters. Now if there is any CHAP. IIL CICERO'S OFFICE& 79 school of virtue, where can it be found, if you abandon this method of study ? But it is usual to treat these subjects more particularly when we exhort to philosophy, which I have done in another book. At this time my intention was only to explain the reasons why, being divested of all offices of state, I chose to apply myself to this study preferable to all others. Now an objection is brought against me, and indeed by some men of learning and knowledge, who inquire whether I act con- sistently with myself, when, though I affirm that nothing can be certainly known, I treat upon different subjects, and when, as now, I am investigating the principles of moral duty. I could wish such persons were thoroughly acquainted with my way of thinking. I am not one of those whose reason is always wander- ing in the midst of uncertainty and never has any thing to pur- sue. For if we abolish all the rules, not only of reasoning but of living, what must become of reason, nay of life itself? For my own part, while others mention some things to be certain, and others uncertain, I say, on the other side, that some things are probable, and others not so. What, therefore, hinders me from following whatever appears to me to be most probable, and from rejecting what is otherwise ; and, while I avoid the arrogance of dogmatizing, from escaping that recklessness which is most inconsistent with wisdom ? Now all subjects are disputed by our sect, because this very probability can not appear, unless there be a com- parison of the arguments on both sides. But, if I mistake not, I have with sufficient accuracy explained these points in my Academics. As to you, my dear Cicero, though you are now employe! in the study of the oldest and noblest philo- sophy under Cratippus, who greatly resembles those who have propoundel those noble principles, yet I was unwilling that these my sentiments, which are so corresponding with your sys- tem, should be known to you. But to proceed in what I propose. HI. Having laid down the five principles upon which wo pursue our duty, two of which relate to propriety and virtue, two to the enjoyments of life, such as wealth, interest, and power, the fifth to the forming of a right judgment in any case, if there should appear to be any clashing between the principles I have mentioned, the part assigned to virtue is concluded, and with 80 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK n. that I desire you should be thoroughly acquainted. Now the subject I am now to treat of is neither more nor less than what we call expediency ; in which matter custom has so declined and gradually deviated from the right path, that, separating virtue from expediency, it has determined that some things may be virtuous that are not expedient, and some expedient which are not virtuous ; than which doctrine nothing more pernicious can be introduced into human life. It is indeed with strictness and honesty that philosophers, and those of the highest reputation, distinguish in idea those three principles which really are blended together. For they give it as their opinion that whatever is just is expedient; and in like manner whatever is virtuous is just ; from whence it follows that whatever is virtuous is also expedient. Those who do not perceive this distiaction often admire crafty and cunning men, and mistake knavery for wisdom. The error of such ought to be eradicated ; and every notion ought to be re- duced to this hope, that men may attain the ends they propose, by virtuous designs and just actions, and not by dishonesty and wickedness. The things then that pertain to the preservation of human life are partly inanimate, such as gold, silver, the fruits of the earth, and the like ; and partly animal, which have their peculiar instincts and affections. Now of these some are void of, and some are endowed with, reason. The animals void of reason are horses, oxen, with other brute creatures, and bees, who by their labors contribute somewhat to the service and condition of mankind. As to the animals endowed with reason, they are of two kinds, one the gods, the other men. Piety and sanctity will render the gods propitious; and next to the gods mankind are most useful to men. (The same division holds as to things that are hurtful and prejudicial. But as we are not to suppose the gods to be injurious to mankind, excluding them, man appears to be most hurtful to man). For even the very inanimate things I have mentioned, are generally procured through man's labor ; nor should we have had them but by his art and industry, nor can we apply them but by his management. For there could neither be the preservation of health, navi- gation, nor the gathering and preserving the corn and other fruits, without the industry of mankind. And certainly CHAP. v. CICERO'S OFFICES. 81 there could have been no exportation of things in which we abound, and importation of those which we want, had not mankind applied themselves to those employments. In like manner, neither could stones be hewn for our use, nor iron, nor brass, nor gold, nor silver, be dug from the earth, but by the toil and art of man. IV. As to buildings, by which either the violence of the cold is repelled, or the inconveniences of the heat mitigated, how could they have originally been given to the human race, or afterward repaired when ruined by tempests, earth- quakes, or time, had not community of life taught us to seek the aid of man against such influences? Moreover, from whence but from the labor of man could we have had aqueducts, the cuts of rivers, the irrigation of the land, dams opposed to streams, and artificial harbors ? From those and a great many other instances, it is plain that we could by no manner of means have, without the hand and industry of man, reaped the benefits and advantages arising from such things as are inanimate. In short, what advan- tage and convenience could have been realized from the brute creation, had not men assisted ? Men, undoubted- ly, were the first who discovered what useful result we might realize from every animal ; nor could we even at this time either feed, tame, preserve, or derive from them advantages suited to the occasion, without the help of man. And it is by the same that such as are hurtful are destroyed, and such as may bo useful are taken. Why should I enume- rate the variety of arts without which life could by no means be sustained ? For did not so many arts minister to us, what could succor the sick, or constitute the pleasure of the healthy, or supply food and clothing ? Polished by those arts, the life of man is so different from the mode of life and habits of brutes. Cities, too, neither could have been built nor peopled but by the associa- tion of men : hence were established laws and customs, the equitable definition of rights, and the regulated order of life. Then followed gentleness of disposition and love of morality ; and the result was that life was more protected, and that by giving and receiving, and by the exchange of resources and articles of wealth, we wanted for nothing. V. We are more prolix than is necessary on this head. 4* 82 CICERO'S OFFICES BOOK n. For to whom is not that self-evident for which Pansetius employs a great many words, that no man, whether he be a commander of an army, or a leader in the state, has ever been able to perform great and salutary achievements without the zealous co-operation of men ? As instances of this, he mentions Themistocles, Pericles, Cyrus, Alexander, and Agesilaus, who, he says, without the aid of men never could have achieved such great exploits. Thus in a matter that is undoubted he briugs evidences that are unnecessary. But as the assem- blage or agreement of men among themselves is productive of the greatest benefits, so is there no plague so direful that it may not arise to man from man. We have a treatise of Dicaearchus, 1 an eminent and eloquent Peripatetic, con- cerning the destruction of mankind; and after collecting together all the different causes, such as those of inundations, pestilence, devastation, and those sudden attacks of swarms of creatures, by which he tells us some tribes of men have been destroyed ; he then calculates how many more men have been destroyed by men, that is by wars and seditions, than by every other species of calamity. As this point therefore admits of no doubt, that man can do the greatest good and the greatest injury to man, I lay it down as the peculiar property of virtue, that it recon- ciles the affections of mankind, and employs them for her own purposes. So that all the application and management of inanimate things, and of brutes for the use of mankind, is effected by the industrial arts. But the quick and ready zeal of mankind for advancing and enlarging our conditions, is excited through the wisdom and virtue of the best of mankind. For virtue in general consists of three properties. First, in discerning in every subject what is true and genuine ; what is consistent in every one ; what will be the con- sequence of such or such a thing ; how one thing arises from another, and what is the cause of each. The next property of virtue is to calm those violent disorders of the mind which the Greek call nddtj, and to render obedient to reason those appetites which they call oQ/xni. The third property is to treat with moderation and prudence those with 1 Dicaearchus, born in Sicily, and a disciple of Aristotle. CUAF. vi. CICERO'S OFFICES. 83 whom we are joined in society, that by their means we may have the complete and full enjoyment of all that nature stands in need of; and likewise by them repel every thing adverse that may befall us, and avenge ourselves of those who have endeavored to injure us, by inflicting on them as much punishment as equity and humanity permit VI. I shall soon treat of the means to acquire this art of winning and retaining the affections of mankind, but first a few things must be premised. Who is insensible what great influence fortune has in both ways, either upon our prosperity or adversity ? ' When we sail with her favoring breeze, we are carried to the most desirable landing-places : when she opposes us, we are reduced to distress. Some, however, of 1 " All can not bo happy at onco ; for because the glory of ono state depends upon the ruin of another, there is a revolution and vicissitude of their greatness, which must obey the spring of that wheel not proved by intelligences, but by the hand of God, whereby all estates rise to their zenith and vertical points, according to their predestinated periods. For the lives not only of men but of commonweals, and the whole world, run not upon an helix that still enlargeth, but on a circle, where arising to their meridian, they decline in obscurity, and fall under the horizon again, " These must not, therefore, bo named the effects of fortune, but in a relative way, and as we term the works of nature. It was the ignorance of man's reason that begat this very name, and by a careless term mis- called the providence of God ; for there is no liberty for causes to operate in a loose and straggling way, nor any effect whatsoever but hath its warrant from some universal or superior cause. "Tis not a ridiculous devotion to say a prayer before a game at tables ; for even in sortileges and matters of greatest uncertainty, there is a settled and pro- ordered course of effects. It is we that are blind, not fortune ; because our eye is too dim to discover the mystery of her effects, wo foolishly paint her blind, and hoodwink the providence of the Almighty. I can not justify that contemptible proverb, that fools only are fortunate ; or that insolent paradox, that a wise man is out of the reach of fortune ; much less those opprobrious epithets of poets, whore, bawd, strumpet. 'Tis, I confess, the common fate of men of singular gifts of mind to be destitute of those of fortune ; which doth not any way deject the spirit of wiser judgments, who thoroughly understand the justice of this pro- ceeding, and being enriched with higher donatives, cast a more careless eye on these vulgar parts of felicity. It is a most unjust ambition to do- sire to engross the mercies of the Almighty, nor to bo content with the goods of mind without a possession of those of body or fortune ; and 13 an error worse than heresy to adoro these complemental and circunr- stantial pieces of felicity, and undervalue those perfections and essential points of happiness wherein we resemble our Maker." Sir Thomae Browne's " Religio Medici," cap. 17, 18. 84 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK u the accidents of fortune herself are more unfrequent ; for instance, in the first place storms, tempests, shipwrecks, ruins, or burnings, which spring from inanimate things ; in the next place, causes blows, bites, or attacks of brutes. Those accidents I say happen more seldom. But of the destruction of armies, Ave have just now seen three different instances, 1 and often we see more ; the de- struction of generals, as was lately the case of a great and an eminent personage ; 2 together with unpopularity, whence frequently arises the expulsion, the fall, or the flight of the worthiest citizens ; and on the other hand, prosperous events, honors, commands, and victories ; though all those are influenced by chance, yet they could not be brought about on either side without the concurring assistance and inclinations of mankind. This being premised, I am now to point out the manner in which we may invite and direct the incli- nations of mankind, so as to serve our interests ; and should what I say on this head appear too long, let it be compared with the importance of the subject, and then, perhaps, it may even seem too short. Whatever, therefore, people perform for any man, either to raise or to dignify him, is done either through kindness, when they have a motive of affection for him ; or to do him honor in admiration of his virtue, and when they think him worthy of the most exalted fortune ; or when they place confidence in him, and think that they are doing the best for their own interests ; or when they are afraid of his power ; or when they hope somewhat from him ; as when princes, or those who court the people, propose certain largesses ; or, lastly, when they are engaged by money and bribery ; a motive that of all other is the vilest and most sordid, both with regard to those who are influenced by it, and those who are compelled to resort to it. For it is a bad state of things, when that is attempted by money which ought to be effected by virtue ; but as this re- source is sometimes necessary, I will show in what manner it is to be employed, after I have treated of some things that are more connected with virtue. Now, mankind submit to the command and power of another for several reasons. For they 1 Meaning the defeat of Pompey at Pharsalia, of his sons at Mundj in Spain, and of Scipio in Africa , all by Julius Caesar. - Pompey the Great. CHAP. vii. CICERO'S OFFICES. 85 are induced by benevolence or by the greatness of his bene- fits ; or by his transcendent worth, or by the hopes that their submission will turn to their own account, or from the fear of their being forced to submit, or from the hopes of reward, or the power of promises, or, lastly (which is often the case in our government), they are hired by a bribe. VIL Now, of all things there is none more adapted for supporting and retaining our influence than to be loved, nor more prejudicial than to be -feared. Ennius says very truly, " People hate the man they fear, and to each the destruction of him whom he hates is expedient." It has been lately shown, 1 if it was not well known before, that no power can resist the hatred of the many. Nor indeed is the destruction of that tyrant, who by arms forced his country to endure him, and whom it obeys still more after bis death, the only prooi how mighty to destroy is the hatred of mankind, but the similar deaths of other tyrants ; few of whom have escaped a similar fate. For fear is but a bad guardian to permanency, whereas affection is faithful even to perpetuity. But the truth is, cruelty must be employed by those who keep others in subjection by force ; as by a master to his slaves, if they can not otherwise be managed. But of all mad- men, they are the maddest who iu a free state so conduct them- selves as to be feared. However, under the power of a private man the laws may be depressed and the spirit of liberty in- timidated, yet they occasionally emerge, either by the silent determinations of the people, or by their secret suffrages with relation to posts of honor. For the inflictions of liberty, when it has been suspended, are more severe than if it had been retained. We ought therefore to follow this most ob- vious principle, that dread should be removed and affection reconciled, which has the greatest influence not only on our security, but also on our interest and power ; and thus we shall most easily attain to the object of our wishes, both in private and political affairs. For it is a necessary consequence, that men fear those very persons by whom they wish to be feared. For what judgment can we form of the elder Dionysius? 1 1 Cicero hero alludes to the assassination of Caesar in the senate. * This elder Dionysius was tyrant of Syracuse about the year of Rome 447. His son and successor, of the same name, was expelled by Dione, the disciple of Plato. 80 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK n. With what pangs of dread was he tortured, when, being fearful even of his barber's razor, he singed his beard with buniing coals ? In what a state of mind may it not be sup- posed Alexander the Pherean to have lived ? Who (as we read), though he loved his wife Thebe excessively, yet when- ever lie came into her bed-chamber from the banquet, ordered a barbarian, nay, one who we are told was scarred with the Thracian brands, to go before him with a drawn sword ; and sent certain of his attendants to search the chests of the ladies, and discover whether they had daggers concealed among their clothes. Miserable man ! to think a barbarous and branded slave could be more faithful to him than his wife ! Yet was he not deceived, for he Avas murdered by her on the suspicion of an illicit connection ; nor, indeed, can any power be so great as that, under the pressure of fear, it can be lasting. Phalaris is another instance, whose cruelty was notorious above all other tyrants ; who did not, like the Alexander I have just mentioned, perish by secret treachery, nor by the hands of a few conspirators, like our own late tyrant, but was attacked by the collective body of the Agrigentines. Nay, did not the Macedonians abandon Demetrius, and with one consent betake themselves to Pyrrhus ? And did not tho allies of the Lacedaemonians abandon them almost univers- ally when they governed tyrannically, and show themselves unconcerned spectators of the disaster at Leuctra ? Vin. Upon such a subject I more willingly record foreign than domestic examples ; as long, however, as the empire of the Roman people was supported by beneficence, and not in- justice, their wars were undertaken either to defend their allies or to protect their empire, the issues of their wars were either merciful or unavoidable ; and the senate was the harbor and the refuge of kings, people, and nations. Moreover, our magistrates and generals sought to derive their highest glory from this single fact, that they had upon the principles of equity and honor defended their provinces and their allies. This therefore might more justly be desig- nated the patronage than the empire of the world ; for some time we have been gradually declining from this practice and these principles; but after the victory of Sylla, we entirely lost them : for when such cruelties were exer- ,;HAP. vm. CICERO'S OFFICES. 87 cised upon our fellow-citizens, wo ceased to think any thing unjust toward our allies. In this case, therefore, a disgrace- ful conquest crowned a glorious cause ;* for he had the pre- sumption to declare, when the goods of worthy men, of men of fortune, and, to say the least, of citizens, were selling at public auction, that he was disposing of his own booty. He was followed by a man who, with an impious cause and a still more detestable victory, did not indeed sell the effects of private citizens, but involved in one state of calamity whole provinces and countries. Thus foreign nations being ha- rassed and ruined, we saw Marseilles, 8 the type of our perished constitution, carried in triumph, without whose aid our generals who returned from Transalpine wars had never triumphed. Were not this the most flagrant indignity the sun ever beheld, I might recount a great many other atrocities against our allies. Deservedly, therefore, were we punished ; for had we not suffered the crimes of many to pass unpunished never could so much licentiousness have been concentrated in one, the inheritance of whose private estate descended in- deed to but a few, but that of his ambition devolved upon many profligates. Nor, indeed, will there ever be wanting a source and motive for civil war, while men of abandoned principles call to mind that bloody sale, and hope for it again. For when the spear 3 under which it was made was set up for his kinsman the dic- tator, by Publius Sylla, the same Sylla, thirty-six years after, was present at a still more detestable sale ; while another who in that dictatorship was only a clerk, in the latter one was city-qua3stor. From all which we ought to learn, that while such rewards are presented, there never can be an end of our civil wars. Thus the walls of our city alone are standing, and even these awaiting the crimes that must destroy them ; but 1 Sylla's pretense for taking up arms was to defend tho nobility against the encroachments of the commons, headtd by Marius, whose party Caesar revived. Guthrie. 2 This was a favorite state with the Roman republicans ; but having too inconsiderately shut their gates against and provoked Caesar, he treated it as is here described. Guthrie. 3 Cicero here alludes to the sales of the estates of the Roman citizens made by Sylla ; and which always were, among the Romans, carried on under a spear stuck into tho ground. Tho like sales were afterward made by some of Caesar's party. Guthrio. 88 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK u. already we have utterly lost our constitution ; and to return to my subject, we have incurred all those miseries, because AVC chose rather to be feared than to endear ouselves and be beloved. If this was the case with the people of Rome Avhcn exercising their dominion unjustly, what consequence must private persons expect ? Now, as it is plain that the force of kindness is so strong, and that of fear so weak, it remains for me to discant upon the means by Avhich we may most readily attain to that endearment which AVC desire, consistently Avith fidelity and honor. But of this we do not all stand in the same need ; for it depends on the different purpose of life which each individual pursues, Avhether it be necessary for him to be beloved by the many, or Avhether the affections of the few be sufficient. One thing, ho\vever, may be considered as certain ; that it is chiefly and indispensably necessaiy, that AVO should possess the faith- ful affections of thoss friends Avho love our persons and admire our qualities ; for this is the only particular in Avhich men of the highest and middle stations of life agree, and is attainable by both in much the same manner. All, perhaps, are not equally desirous of honors and of the good-will of their fellow- citizens ; but the man Avho is possessed of them is greatly as- sisted by them in acquiring other advantages as Avell as those of friendship. IX. But I have in another book, Avhich is entitled Laelius, treated of friendship. I am now to speak of fame, though I have already published two books upon that subject :' let me, however, touch upon it, as it greatly conduces to the right management of the more important affairs. The highest and the most perfect popularity lies in three requisites ; first, Avhen the public loves us ; secondly, Avhen it regards us as trustAvorthy ; thirdly, Avhen, Avith a certain degree of admi- ration, it judges us to be Avorthy of preferment. Now, if I am to speak plainly and briefly, almost the same means by which those advantages are acquired from private persons procure them from the public. But there is another passage by which we may, as it Avere, glide into the affections of the many. And first, let me touch upon those three maxims by Avhich (as I have already said) good-will may be acquired. This is 1 This treatise is now lost. CHAP. x. CICERO'S OFFICES. 89 chiefly acquired by benefits ; but next to that, good-will is won by a beneficent disposition, though we may bo desti- tute of means. Thirdly, the affections of the public are wonderfully excited by the mere reputation of generosity, beneficence, justice, honor, and of all those virtues that re- gard politeness and affability of manners. For the very honestum and the graceful, as it is called, because it charms us by its own properties and touches the hearts of all by its qualities and its beauties, is chiefly resplendent through the medium of those virtues I have mentioned. We are there- fore drawn, as it were, by nature herself to the love of those in whom we think those virtues reside. Now these are the strongest causes of affection, though some there may be which are less material. The acquisition of public confidence or trust may be effected by two considerations : by being supposed to be possessed of wisdom and of justice combined. For we have confidence in those who we think understand more than ourselves, and who we believe see further into the future, and, when business is actually in hand and matters come to trial, know how to pursue the wisest measures and act in the most expedient manner, as the exigency may require ; all mankind agreeing that this is real and useful wisdom. Such confidence, also, is placed in honest and honorable men, that is, in good men, as to exclude all suspicion of fraud or injury. We therefore think we act safely and properly in intrusting them with our persons, our fortunes, and our families. But of the two virtues, honesty and wisdom, the former is the most powerful in winning the confidence of mankind. For honesty without wisdom has influence sufficient of itself; but wisdom without honesty is of no effect in inspiring confi- dence ; because, when we have no opinion of a man's probity, the greater his craft and cunning the more hated and suspected he becomes ; honesty, therefore, joined to understanding, will have unbounded power in acquiring confidence ; honesty with- out understanding can do a great deal ; but undersanding with- out honesty can do nothing. X. But lest any one should wonder why, as all philosophers are agreed in one maxim, which I myself have often main- tained, that the man who possesses one of the virtues is in possession of them all, I here make a distinction which im- 90 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK n. plies that a man may bo just but not at the same time pru- dent ; there is one kind of accuracy which in disputation refines even upon truth, and another kind, when our whole discourse is accommodated to the understanding of the public. Therefore I here make use of the common terms of discourse, by calling some men brave, some good, others prudent. For when we treat of popular opinions, we should make use of popular terms, and Panretius did the same. But to return to our subject. Of the three requisites of perfect popularity, the third I mentioned was, " when the public with a certain degree of admiration judges us to be worthy of preferment." Now every thing that men observe to be great and above their comprehension they commonly admire ; and with regard to individuals, those in whom they can see any unexpected excellences. They therefore behold with reverence and extol with the greatest praise, those men in whom they think they can perceive some distinguished or singular vir- tues ; whereas they despise those whom they think to possess no virtue, spirit, or manliness. Now, men do not despise all those of whom they think ill. For they by no means con- temn rogues, slanderers, cheats, and those who are prepared to commit an injury, though they have a bad opinion of them. Therefore, as I have already said, those are despised who can neither serve themselves nor any one else, who have no assiduity, no industry, and no concern about them ; but those men are the objects of admiration who are thought to surpass others in virtue, and to be free as well from every disgrace, as especially from those vices which others can not easily resist. For pleasures, those most charming mistressess, turn aside the greater number of minds from virtue, and most men, when the fires of affliction are applied to them, are un- measurably terrified. Life and death, poverty and riches, make the deepest impressions upon all men. But as to those who, with a great and elevated mind, look down on these in- differently ; men whom a lofty and noble object, when it is presented to them, draws and absorbs to itself; in such cases, who does not admire the splendor and the beauty of virtue ? XI. This sublimity of soul, therefore, produces the highest admiration; and above all, justice, from which single virtue CHAP. xi. CICERO'S OFFICES. 91 men arc called good, appears to the multitude as something marvelous. And with good reason ; for no man can be just if he is afraid of death, pain, exile, or poverty, or prefers their contraries to justice. Men especially admire him Avho is incorruptible by money, and they consider every man in whom that quality is seen as ore purified by the fire. Justice, therefore, comprehends all the three means of acquir- ing glory which have been laid down. The love of the pub- lic, on account of its being a general benefit ; its confidence, for the same reason ; and its admiration, because it neglects and despises those objects to which most men are hurried on inflamed with avidity. In my opinion, however, every scheme and purpose of life requires the assistance of men, especially that one should have some with whom he can familiary unbosom himself, which is hard for one to do, unless he maintain the appear- ance of a good man. For this reason, were a man to livo ever so lonely or ever so retired in the country, a reputation for justice would be indispensable to him, and so much the more, as those who do not possess it will be esteemed dis- honest, and thus surrounded by no protection will be exposed to numerous injuries. And with those likewise who buy or sell, who hire or let out, or who are engaged in the transaction of business, justice is necessary to the carrying of their pursuits, for its influ- ence is so great, that without some grains of it, even they who live by malpractices and villainy could not subsist. For among those who thieve in company, if any one of them cheat or rob another he is turned out of the gang ; and the captain of the band himself, unless he should distribute the spoils impartially, would either be murdered or deserted by his fellows. Indeed, robbers are even said to have their laws, which they obey and observe. By this impartiality in sharing the booty, Bardyllis, the Illyrian robber, mentioned by Theopompus, obtained great wealth ; and Viriathus, the Lusitanian, much greater ; to whom our armies and our gene- rals yielded; but whom the praetor Caius Lzelius, surnamed the wise, crushed and subdued, and so repressed his ferocity that he left an easy victory to his successors. If, therefore, the influence of justice is so forcible as to strengthen and enlarge the power of robbers, how great must wo suppose 92 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK n. it to be amid the laws mid administration of a well -constituted government ? XII. It appears to me, that not only among the Medes, as we are told by Herodotus, but by our own ancestors, men of the best principles were constituted kings, for the benefit of their just government. For when the helpless people were oppressed by those who had greater power, they betook themselves to some one man who was distinguished by his virtue, who not only protected the weakest from oppression, but by setting up an equitable system of government, united highest and lowest in equal rights. The cause of the institu- tion of laws was the same as that of kings ; for equality of rights has ever been the object of desire ; nor otherwise can there be any rights at all. When mankind could enjoy it under one just and good man, they were satisfied with that ; but when that was not the case, laws were invented, which perpetually spoke to all men with one and the same voice. It is therefore undeniable that the men whose reputation among the people was the highest for their justice, were commonly chosen to bear rule. But when the same were likewise regarded as wise men, there was nothing the people did not think themselves capable of attain- ing under such authority. Justice, therefore, is by all manner of means to be reverenced and practiced ; both for its own sake (for otherwise it would not be justice), and for the enlargement of our own dignity and popularity. But as there is a system not only for the acquisition of money but also for its invest- ment, so that it may supply ever-recurring expenses, not only the needful but the liberal ; so popularity must be both acquired and maintained by system. It was finely said by Socrates that the shortest and most direct road to popularity, is " for a man to be the same that he wishes to be taken for." People are egregiously mistaken if they think they ever can attain to permanent popularity by hypocrisy, by mere outside appearances, and by disguising not only their language but their looks. True popularity takes deep root and spreads itself wide ; but the false falls away like blossoms ; for nothing that is false can be lasting. I could bring many instances of both kinds ; but for the sake of liberty, I will confine myself to one ftunily. While there is a memorial of Roman history remaining, the memory of CHAP. xm. CICERO'S OFFICES. P3 Tiberius Gracchus, the son of Publius, will bo held in honor; but his sons even in life were not approved of by the good, and, being dead, they are ranked among those who were deservedly put to death. XIII. Let the man therefore who aspires after true popularity, perform the duties of justice. What these are has been laid down in the former book. But although we may most easily seem to be just what we are (though in this of itself there is very great importance), yet some precepts require to be given as to how we ma)' be such men as we desire to be considered. For if any one from early youth has the elements of celebrity and reputation, either derived from his father (which I fancy, my dear Cicero has happened to you), or by some other cause or accident ; the eyes of all mankind are turned toward him, and they make it their business to inquire what he does and how he lives ; and, as if he were set up in the strongest point of light, no word or deed of his can be private. Now those whose early life, through their mean and ob- scure rank, is passed unnoticed by the public, when they come to be young men, ought to contemplate important pur- poses, and pursue them by the most direct means, which they will do with a firmer resolution, because not only is no envy felt, but favor rather is shown toward that period of life. The chief recommendation then of a young man to fame is derived from military exploits. 1 Of this we have many ex- 1 " Perhaps it will afford to somo men now ideas, if we inquire what the real nature of the military virtues is. They receive more of applause than virtues of any other kind. How does this happen ? Wo must seek a solution in the seeming paradox that their pretensions to the charac- ters of virtues are few and small. They receive much applause because they merit little. They could not subsist without it; and if men resolve to practice war, and consequently to require the conduct which givea success to war, they must decorate that conduct with glittering fictions, and extol the military virtues, though they be neither good nor great. Of every species of real excellence it is tha general characteristic that it is not anxious for applause. The more elevated the virtue the less the desire, and the less is the public voice a motive to action. What should we say of that man's benevolence who would not relieve a neighbor in distress, unless the donation would be praised in a newspaper ? What should wo say of that man's piety, who prayed only when he was ' seen of men?' But the military virtues live upon applause; it is their vital element and their food, their great pervading motive and reward. Aro there, then, among the respective virtues such discordances of char- 94 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK it amples among" our ancestors, for they were almost always vraging wars. Your youth however has fallen upon the time of a war, in which one party incurred too much guilt and the other too little success. But when in that war Pompey gave you the command of a squadron, you gained the praise of that great man and of his army by your horsemanship, your darting the javelin, and your tolerance of all military labor. But this honor of yours ceased with the constitution of our country. My discourse however has not been undertaken with reference to you singly, but to the general subject. Let me therefore proceed to what remainso As in other matters the powers of the mind are far more im- portant than those of the body, so the objects we pursue by intelligence and reason are more important than those we effect by bodily strength. The most early recommendation, therefore, is modesty, obedience to parents, and affection for relations. Young men are likewise most easily and best known, who at- tach themselves to wise and illustrious men who benefit their country by their counsels. Their frequenting such company gives mankind a notion of their one day resembling those whom they choose for imitation. The frequenting of the house of Publius Marcus commended the early life of Publius Rutilius to a reputation for integrity and knowledge of the law. Lucius Crassus indeed, when very young, was indebted to no extrinsic source, but by himself ac- quired the highest honor from that noble and celebrated prosecution he undertook ; at an age when even those who exercise themselves are highly applauded (as we are told in the case of Demosthenes), Crassus, I say, at that age showed that he could already do that most successfully in the forum, which at,that lime he would have gained praise hud he attempted ax home. XIV. But as there are two methods of speaking ; the one proper for conversation, the other for debate, there can be no doubt but the disputative style of speech is of the greatest efficacy with regard to fame ; for that is what we properly term eloquence. Yet it is difficult to describe how great ncter, such total contrariety of nature and essence ? No, no. But how then do you account for the fact, that while all other great virtues are independent of public praise and stand aloof from it, the military virtues can scarcely exist without it ?" Dymond's " Essay on Morals.* CHAP. xiv. CICERO'S OFFICES. 95 power, affability and politeness io conversation have to win the affections of mankind. There are extant letters from Philip, from Antipater, and from Antigonus, three of the wisest men we meet with in history, to their sons Alexander, Cassander, and Philip, recommending to them to draw the minds of the people to kindly sentiments by a generous style of discourse, and to engage their soldiers by a winning address. But the speech which is pronounced in debate before a multitude often carries away a whole assembly. For great is their admiration of an eloquent and sensible speaker, that when they hear him, they are convinced he has both greater abilities and more wis- dom than the rest of mankind. But should this eloquence have in it dignity combined with modesty, nothing can be more admirable, especially should those properties meet in a young man. Various are the causes that require the practice of elo- quence ; and many young men in our state have attained distinction before the judges and in the senate ; but there is the greatest admiration for judicial harangues, the nature of which is twofold, for it consists of accusation and defense. Of those, though the latter is preferable in point of honor ; yet the other has often been approved. I have spoken a little before of Crassus; Marcus Antonius when a youth did the same. An accusation also displayed the eloquence of Publius Sulpicius, when he brought to trial Caius Norbanus, a seditious and worthless citizen. But in truth, we ought not to do this frequently nor even- except for the sake of our country, as in the cases I have mentioned ; or for the purpose of revenge,' as the two Lu- 1 The direct approbation and inculcation of revenue on the part of ancient moralists, constitutes the point at which the authorities on Christian ethics most widely diverge from them. Paley lays down tho following principles on this subject: "It is highly probable, from the light of nature, that a passion, which seeks its gratification immediately and expressly in giving pain, is disagreeable to the benevolent will and counsels of tho Creator. Other passions and pleasures may, and often do, produce pain to some one ; but then pain is not, as it is hero, the object of the passion, and the direct cause of the pleasure. This proba- bility is converted into certainty, if we give credit to tho authority whicb dictated the several passages of the Christian scriptures that condemr revenge, or, what is the same thing, which enjoins forgivenesa Tho forgiveness of an enemy is not inconsistent with the proceedings against him as u public offender ; and that the discipline established in reUgioua 95 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK it culli did ; or by way of patronage, as I did on behalf of the Sicilians, or as Julius did in the case of Albucius on behalf of the Sardians. The diligence of Lucius Fufras was dis- played in the impeachment of Manius Aquillius. For once therefore it may be done ; or at all events not often. But if a man should be under a necessity of doing it oftener, let him perform it as a duty to his country, for it is by no means blameworthy to carry on repeated prosecutions against her or civil societies, for the restraint or punishment of criminals, ought to bo upholden. If the magistrate be not tied down with these prohibitions from the execution of his office, neither is the prosecutor ; for the office of the prosecutor is as necessary as that of the magistrate. Nor, by parity of reason, are private persons withholden from the correction of vice, when it is in their power to exercise it, provided they be assured that it is the guilt which provokes them, and not the injury ; and that their motives are pure from all mixture and every particle of that spirit which delights and triumphs in the humiliation of an adversary." Paley's Moral and Political Philosophy, book iii. ch. viii. Sir Thomas Browne, in his " Christian Morals," has the following striking reflections on revenge : " Too many there bo to whom a dead enemy smells well, and who find musk and amber in revenge. Tho ferity of such minds holds no rule in retaliations, requiring too often a head for a tooth, and the supreme revenge for trespasses which a night's rest should obliterate. But patient meekness takes injuries like pills, not chewing but swallowing them down, laconically suffering, and silently passing them over ; while angered pride makes a noise, liko Homerican Mars, at every scratch of offenses. Since women do most delight in revenge, it may seem but feminine manhood to bo vindictive. If thou must needs have thy revenge of thine enemy, with a soft tongue break his bones, heap coals of fire on his head, forgive him and enjoy it. To forgive our enemies is a charming way of revenge, and a short Caesarian conquest, overcoming without a blow; laying our enemies at our feet, under sorrow, shame, and repentance ; leaving our foes our friends, and solicitously inclined to grateful retaliations. Thus to return upon our adversaries is a healing way of revenge ; and to do good for evil a soft and melting ultion, a method taught from heaven to keep all smooth on earth. Common forcible ways make not an end of evil, but leave hatred and malice behind them. An enemy thus reconciled is little to be trusted, as wanting the foundation of love and charity, and but for a time restrained by disadvantage or inability. If thou hast not mercy for others, yet be not cruel unto thyself. To ruminate upon evils, to make critical notes upon injuries, and be too acute in their apprehen- sions, is to add unto our own tortures, to feather the arrows of our enemies, to lash ourselves with the scorpions of our foes, and to resolvo to sleep no more. For injuries long dreamt on take away at last all rest, and he sleeps but like Ilegulus who busieth his head about them." -> Christian Morals, chaptei xii. CIIAP. XIT. CICERO'S OFFICES 9 7 enemies. But still let moderation be observed. For it seems to bo the part of a cruel man, or rather scarcely of a man at all, to endanger the lives of many. It is both dangerous to your person, and disgraceful to your character, so to act as to get the name of an accuser, as happened in the case of Marcus Brutus, a man sprung from a most noble family, and son to the eminent adept in civil law. Moreover, this precept of duty also must be carefully ob- served, that you never arraign an innocent man on trial for his life, for this can by no means be done without heinous guilt. For what can be so unnatural as to prostitute to the prosecution and the ruin of the good, that eloquence which nature has given us for the safety and preservation of man- kind. Although, however, this is to be avoided, yet we are not to consider it a religious duty never to defend a guilty party, so that he be not abominable and impious. The people desire this, custom tolerates it, and humanity suffers it. The duty of a judge in all trials is to follow truth ; that of a pleader, sometimes to maintain the plausible though it may not be the truth, 1 which I should not, especially as I am now 1 Two of tho most eminent moralists of modern times havo thus re- corded their respective judgments on this point of casuistry. Archdeacon Paley says, " There are falsehoods which are not lies ; that is, which are not criminal: as, where no one is deceived; which is tho case in para- bles, fables, novels, jests, tales to create mirth, ludicrous embellishments of a story, where the declared design of the speaker is not to inform, but to divert; compliments in the subscription of a letter, a servant's deny- ing his master, a prisoner's pleading not guilty, an advocate asserting the justice, or his belief of tho justice, of his client's cause. In such in- stances, no confidence is destroyed, because none was reposed; no promise to speak tho truth is violated, because none was given, or un- derstood to bo given." Paley's Moral and Political Philosophy, book iii. chapter xv. In refutation of this view, Dymond suggests tho following considera- tions : " This defense is not very credible, even if it were valid ; it de- fends men from tho imputation of falsehood, because their falsehoods are so habitual that no one gives them credit I " But tho defense is not valid. Of this tho reader may satisfy himself by considering why, if no ono over believes what advocates say, they continue to speak. They would not, year after year, persist in uttering untruths in our courts, without attaining an object, and knowing thai, they would not attain it. If no one ever in fact believed them, they would cease to asseverate. They do not love falsehood for its own sake, and utter it gratuitously and for nothing. Tho custom itself, therefore, disproves tho argument that is brought to defend it. Whenever that 5 98 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK tt treating of philosophy, venture to write, were it not likewise the opinion of a man of the greatest weight among the Stoics, Pansetius. But it is by defenses that glory and favor also are acquired in the greatest degree ; and so much the greater, if at any time it happens that we come to the help of one who seems to be circumvented and oppressed by the influence of some powerful man, as I myself have done both in other cases fre- quently, and when a youth in defense of Sextus Roscius Amer- inus, against the influence of Lucius Sylla, then in power, which speech, as you know, is extant. XV. But having explained the duties of young men, which avail to the attainment of glory, we have next to speak about beneficence and liberality, the nature of which is twofold ; for a kindness is done to those who need it, by giving either our labor or our money. The latter is easier, defense becomes valid, whenever it is really true that 'no confidence ia reposed' in advocates, they will cease to use falsehood, for it will have lost its motive. But the real practice is to mingle falsehood and truth together, and so to involve the one with the other that the jury can not easily separate them. The jury know that some of the pleader's state- ments are true, and these they believe. Now he makes other statements with the same deliberate emphasis ; and how shall the jury know whether these are false or true ? How shall they discover the point at which they shall begin to ' repose no confidence ?' Knowing that a part is true, they can not always know that another part is not true. That it is the pleader's design to persuade them of the truth of all ho affirms, is mani- fest. Suppose an advocate, when he rose should say, 'Gentlemen, I am now going to speak the truth ;' and after narrating the facts of the case, should say, ' Gentlemen, I am now going to address you with fictions.' "Why should not an advocate do this ? Because then no confidence would be reposed, which is the same thing as to say that he pursues his present plan because some confidence is reposed, and this decides the question. The decision should not be concealed that the advocate who employs untruths in his pleadings, does really and most strictly lie. " And even if no one ever did believe an advocate, his false declara* tions would still bo lies, because ho always ' professes to speak the truth.' This indeed is true upon the Archdeacon's own showing ; for he says, 1 "Whoever seriously addresses his discourse to another, tacitly promises to speak the truth.' The case is very different from others which he proposes as parallel ' parables, fables, jests.' In these, the speaker does not profess to state facts. But the pleader does profess to state facts. He intends and endeavors to mislead. His untruths, therefore, are lies to him, whether they are believed or not ; just as, in vulgar life, a man whose falsehoods are so notorious that no one gives him credit, is not the less a liar than if he were believed." Dymond's Essay on the Prin- ciples of Morals, Essay ii. chapter v- CHAP. IT. CICERO'S OFFICES. 99 especially to a wealthy person; but the former is the more noble and splendid, and more worthy of a brave and illus- trious man ; for although there exists in both a liberal incli- nation to oblige, yet the one is a draft on our purse, the other on our virtue, and bounty which is given out of our income exhausts the very source of the munificence. Thus benignity is done away by benignity, and the greater the number you have exercised it upon, so much the less able are you to exercise it upon many. But they who will be beneficent and liberal of their labor, that is, of their virtue and in- dustry, in the first place, will have by how much greater the number of persons they shall have served, so much the more coadjutors in their beneficence. And in the next place, by the habit of beneficence they will be the better prepared, and, as it were, better exercised to de- serve well of many. Philip, in a certain letter, admirably reproves his son Alexander, because he sought to gain the goodwill of the Macedonians by largesses " Pest !" he says, "what consideration led you into the hope that you could imagine that they whom you have corrupted with money would be faithful to you ? Are you aiming at this, that the Macedonians should expect you will be, not their king, but their agent and purveyor." He says well, "agent and purveyor," because that is undignified in a king ; and still better, because he designates a largess a corrupt bribe ; for he who receives becomes the worse for it, and more ready always to expect the same. He enjoined this on his son, but we imy consider it a precept for all men. Wherefore, this indeed is not doubtful, that such beneficence as consists of labor and industry is both the more honorable, and ex- tends more widely, and can serve a greater number. Some- times, however, wo must make presents nor is this sort of beneficence to be altogether repudiated ; and oftentimes we ought to communicate from our fortune to suitable persons, who are in need, but carefully and moderately. For many persons have squandered their patrimonies by unadvised gene- rosity. Now, what is more absurd than to bring it to pass that you can no longer do that which you would willingly do ? And moreover, rapine follows profuseness. For when, by giving, they begin to be in want, they are forced to lay their hands upon other men's property. Thus, when, for the sake 100 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK u. of procuring good-will, they mean to be beneficent, they ac- quire not so much the affection of those to whom they give as the hatred of those from whom they take. Wherefore, our purse should neither be so closed up that our generosity can not open it, nor so unfastened that it lies open to all a bound should be set, and it should bear reference to our means. We ought altogether to remember that saying which, from being very often used by our countrymen, has come into the usage of a proverb, that " bounty has no bottom." For what bounds can there be, when both they who have been accus- tomed to receive, and other persons, are desiring the same thing? XVI. There are two kinds of men who give largely, of whom one kind is prodigal, the other liberal. The prodigal are those who with entertainments, and distributions of meat to the populace, and gladiatorial exhibitions, and the appa- ratus of the stage and the chase, lavish their money upon those things of which they will leave behind either a tran- sient memory, or none all. But the liberal are they who, with their fortunes, either redeem those captured by robbers, or take up the debts of their friends, or aid in the establish- ing of their daughters, or assist them either in seeking or increasing their fortunes. Therefore, I am astonished what could come into the mind of Theophrastus, in that book which he wrote about riches, in which he has said many things well, but this most absurdly. For he is lavish in praise of magnificence, and of the furnishing of popular exhibitions, and he considers the means of supplying such expenses to be the grand advantage of wealth. Now, to me that enjoyment of liberality of which I have given a few examples, seems much greater and surer. With how much more weight and truth does Aristotle censure such of us as feel no astonishment at that profusion of wealth which is wasted in courting the people ; " if," says he, " they who are besieged by an enemy should be compelled to purchase a pint of water at a mina, 1 this, on first hearing, would seem to us incredible, and all would be astonished, but when we reflect upon it, we excuse it for its necessity ; while in these pieces of immense extravagance and unbounded expense, we do not feel greatly astonished." And he censures us, especially, " because we are neither relieving necessity, nor is our dignity increased, and 1 About three pounds sterling. CHAP, rra CICERO'S OFFICES. 101 the very delight of the multitude is for a brief and little space, and only felt by the most giddy, even in whom, how- ever, at the same time with the satiety, the memory of the pleasure likewise dies." He sums up well, too, that " these things are agreeable to boys and silly women, and slaves, and freemen very like slaves ; but that by a man of sense, and one who ponders with sound judgment on such exhibi- tions, they can in no way be approved." Though I know that in our state it is established by ancient usage, and even now in the good times, that the splendor of aedileships 1 is expected even from the most excellent men. Therefore, both Publius Crassus, wealthy as well in name as in fortune, dis- charged the office of ffidile with the most magnificent enter- tainment ; and, a little while after, Lucius Crassus, with Quintus Mucius, the most moderate of all men, served a most magnificent aedileship ; and next, Caius Claudius, son of Appius ; many subsequently the Luculli, Hortensius, Silanus ; but Publius Lentulus, in my consulship, surpassed all his predecessors. Scaurus imitated him ; but the shows of my friend Pompey, in his second consulship, were the most mag- nificent of all concerning all of whom, you see what is my opinion. XVII. Nevertheless, the suspicion of avarice should be avoided. The omitting of the aedileship caused the rejection of Mamercus, a very wealthy man, from the consulship. Wherefore it must bo done if it be required by the people, and good men, if not desiring, at least approve it, but in proportion to our means, as I myself did it ; and again, if some object of greater magnitude and utility is acquired by popular largess, as lately the dinners in the streets, under pretext of a vow of a tenth, 3 brought great honor to Orestes. Nor was ever any fault found with Marcus Seius, because in the scarcity ho gave corn to the people at an as the bushel. For he delivered himself from a great and in- veterate dislike by an expense neither disgraceful, since he was aedile at the time, nor excessive. But it lately brought the greatest honor to our friend Milo, that with gladiators, 1 Tho -#5dilea, among other duties, had the care of the public shows, to which they were expected to contribute largely out of their private fortunes. a To ono of the goda. 102 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK n. hired for the sake of the republic, which was held together by my safety, he repressed all the attempts and madness of Publius Clodius. The justification, therefore, of profuse bounty is that it is either necessary or useful. Moreover, in these very cases the rule of mediocrity is the best. Lucius Philippus, indeed, the son of Quintus, a man in the highest degree illustrious for his great genius, used to boast that without any expense he had attained all the highest honors that could be obtained. Cotta said the same, and Curio. I myself, too, might in some degree boast on this subject ; for considering the amplitude of the honors which I attained with all the votes in my own 1 year, too a thing that happened to none of those whom I have just named the expense of my sedileship was certainly trifling. These expenses also are more justifiable on walls, docks, ports, aqueducts, and all things which pertain to the service of the state, though what is given as it were into our hands is more agreeable at present, yet these things are more acceptable to posterity. Theaters, porticos, new temples, I censure with more reserve for Pompey's sake, but the most learned men disapprove of them, as also this very Panaetius, whom in these books I have closely followed, though not trans- lated; and Demetrius Phalereus, who censures Pericles, the greatest man of Greece, because he lavished so much money on that glorious vestibule ; 2 but all this subject I have carefully discussed in these books which I have written upon Govern- ment. The whole plan, then, of such largesses is vicious in its nature, but necessitated by particular occasions, and even then ought to be accommodated to our means, and regulated by moderation. XVIII. But in that second kind of munificence which proceeds from liberality, we ought in different cases to be affected in different manners. The case is different of him who is oppressed with misfortune, and of him who seeks to better his fortune without being in any adversity. Our 1 To he Quaestor, ^Edile, Praetor, and Consul, the respective ages were 31, 38, 41, and 44 years. The man who was elected to an office at the earliest age at which he was entitled to offer himself a candidate for it was said to get it in his own year. Cicero got each of them in his own year. 3 Of the Acropolia CHAP. mil. CICERO'S OFFICES. 103 benignity will require lo be more prompt toward the distressed, unless perhaps they merit their distress ; yet from those who desire to be assisted, uot that they may be relieved from afflic- tion, but that they may ascend to a higher degree, we ought by no means to be altogether restricted, but to apply judgment and discretion in selecting proper persons. For Eunius observes well " Benefactions ill bestowed, I deem malefactions." But in that which is bestowed upon a worthy and grateful man there is profit, as well from himself as also from others ; for liberality, when free from rashness, is most agreeable, and many applaud it the more earnestly on this account, because the bounty of every very exalted man is the common refuge of all. We should do our endeavor, then, that we may servo as many as possible with those benefits, the recol- lection of which may be handed down to their children and posterity, that it may not be HI their power to be ungrateful ; for all men detest one forgetful of a benefit, and they consider that an injury is done even to themselves by discouraging liberality, and that he who does so is the common enemy of the poor. And besides, that benignity is useful to the state by which captives are redeemed from slavery, and the poor are enriched. That it was indeed the common custom that this should bo dono by our order, 1 we see copiously described in the speech of Crassus. This kind of bounty, therefore, I prefer far before the munificent exhibition of shows. That is the part of dignified and great men this of flatterers of the populace, tickling, as it were, with pleasures the levity of the multitude. It will, moreover, be expedient that a man, as he should be munificent in giving, so that he should not be harsh in exacting ; and in every contract, in selling, buying, hiring, letting, to be iust and good-natured to the vicinage and surrounding occupiers ; conceding to many much that is his own right, but shunning disputes as far as he can conveniently, and I know not but even a little more than he can conveniently. For, to abate at times a little from our rights, is not only generous, but sometimes profitable also. But of our property, which it is truly disgraceful to allow to 1 The eenatorial. 104 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK n. get dilapidated, care must be taken, but in such a way that the suspicion of shabbiness and avarice be avoided. For to be able to practice liberality, not stripping ourselves of our patrimony, is indeed the greatest enjoyment of wealth. Hospitality also has been justly recommended by Theo- phrastus. For, as it appears to me, indeed, it is very decorous that the houses of illustrious men should be open for illustrious guests. And that also brings credit to the state, that foreigners in our city should not fail of ex- periencing this species of liberality. It is, moreover, exceed- ingly useful to those who wish to be very powerful in an honorable way, to get the command over wealth and interest among foreign nations through their guests. Theophrastus, indeed, writes that Cymon at Athens practiced hospitality even toward his brethren of the Lacian tribe ; for that he so directed and commanded his stewards, that all things should be supplied to any of them that should turn aside into his villa. XIX. Now, those benefits which are bestowed out of our labor, not our money, are conferred as well upon the entire commonwealth, as upon individual citizens. For to give legal opinions, to assist with counsel, and to serve as many as we can with this kind of knowledge, tends very much to increase both our means and our interest. This, therefore, as well as many things about our ancestors, was noble, that the knowledge and interpretation of our most excellently constituted civil law was always in the highest repute ; which, indeed, before this confusion of the present times, the nobles retained in their own possession. Now, like honors like all the degrees of rank, so the splendor of this science is extinguished ; and this is the more unmeet on this account, because it has happened at the very time when he 1 was in existence who far surpassed in this science all who went before, to whom also he was equal in dignity. This labor, then, is acceptable to many, and suited to bind men to us by benefits. But the talent of speaking being very closely connected with this art, is more dignified, more agree- able, and capable of higher ornament. For what is more excellent than eloquence, in the admiration of the hearers, or 1 Serviua Sulpicius Rufus CHAP. xx. CICERO'S OFFICES. 105 in the expectation of those in need of its assistance, or in the gratitude of those who have been defended ? To this, then, the first rank of civil dignity was given by our ancestors. Of an eloquent man, then, and one willingly laboring, and, what is ac- cording to the customs of our forefathers, defending the causes of miny, both ungrudgingly and gratuitously, the benefits and patronage are very extensive. The subject would admonish me that at this opportunity I should likewise deplore the discontinuance, not to call it the extinction, of eloquence, did I not apprehend lest I should appear to be making some complaint upon my own account. However, we see what orators are extinct, in how few there is promise, in how much fewer ability, in how many pre- sumption. But though all, or even many, can not be skill- ful in the law, or eloquent, yet it is in a man's power, by his exertions, to be of service to many, by asking benefits for them, commending them to judges and magistrates, watch- ing the interests of others, entreating in their behalf those very advocates who either are consulted or defend causes. They who act thus, gain a great deal of influence, and their industry diffuses itself most extensively. Furthermore, they need not be admonished of this (for it is obvious), that they take care to offend none while they are wishing to serve others. For oftentime they offend either those whom it is their duty or whom it is their interest not to offend. If unwittingly they do it, it is a fault of negligence ; if knowingly, of rashness. It is necessary, too, that you make an apology, in whatever way you can, to those whom you unwillingly offend how that which you did was of necessity, and that you could not do otherwise ; and it will be necessary to make compensation to them for what injury you have inflicted by other efforts and good offices. XX. But since, in rendering services to men, it is usuai to look either to their character or their fortune, it is easy, indeed, to say, and so people commonly say, that in bestow- ing benefits they only attend to a man's character, not to his fortune. It is a fine speech ; but pray is there any one who in rendering a service would not prefer the thanks of a rich and powerful man before the cause of a poor, though most worthy man ? For in general our good-will is more inclined toward him from whom it appears that remuneration would 106 CICERO'S OFFICES. 3OOK n. be easier and quicker. But we ought to consider more at- tentively what the nature of things is : for of course that poor man, if he be a good man, though he can not requite a kindness, can at least have a sense of it. Now it was well said, whoever said it, " that he who hath the loan of money, hath not repaid; and he who hath repaid, hath not the loan. But both he who hath requited kindness hath a sense of it, and he who hath a sense of it 1 hath requited." But they who consider themselves wealthy, honored, pros- perous, do not wish even to be bound by a benefit. More- over, they consider that they have conferred a favor when they themselves have received one, however great ; and they also suspect that something is either sought or expected from them : but they think it like death to them that they should need patronage, and be called clients. But, on the other hand, that poor man, because in whatever is done for him he thinks it is himself and not his fortune that is regarded, is anxious that he may be seen to be grateful, not only by him who has merited it from him, but also by those from whom he expects the like (for he needs it from many). Nor indeed does he magnify with words any favor of his own doing, if by chance he confers one, but rather undervalues it. And this is to be considered, that if you defend a man of power and fortune, the gratitude is confined to himself alone, or per- haps to his children ; but if you defend a poor but worthy and modest man, all poor men who are not worthless (which is a vast multitude among the people) see a pro- tection offered to themselves : wherefore, I think it better that a favor should be bestowed upon worthy persons than upon persons of fortune. We should by all means endeavor to satisfy every description of people. But if the matter shall come to competition, undoubtedly Themistocles is to be re- ceived as an authority, who, when he was consulted whether a man should marry his daughter to a worthy poor man, or to a rich man of less approved character, said, " I certainly would rather she married a man without money, than money without " A grateful mind, By owing, owes not, but still pays at once Indebted and diacharg'd." Milton. CHAP. xxi. CICERO'S OFFICES. 107 But our morals are corrupted and depraved by the admira- tion of other men's wealth. Though what concern is its amount to any of us ? Perhaps it is of use to him who owns it ; not always even that : but admit that it is of use to himself, to be sure he is able to spend more, but how is he an honester man ? But if he shall be a good man besides, let his riches not prevent him from getting our assistance only let them not help him to get it, and let the entire consideration be not how wealthy, but how worthy each individual is. But the last pre- cept about benefits and bestowing our labor is, do nothing hostile to equity nothing in defense of injustice. For the found- ation of lasting commendation and fame is justice without which nothing can be laudable. XXI. But since I have finished speaking about that kind of benefits which have regard to a single citizen, we have next to discourse about those which relate to all the citizens together, and which relate to the public good. But of those very ones, some are of that kind which relate to all the citizens collectively ; some are such that they reach to all individually, which are likewise the more agreeable. The effort is by all means to be made, if possible, to consult for both, and notwithstanding, to consult also for them individ- ually ; but in such a manner that this may either serve, or at least should not oppose, the public interest. The grant of corn proposed by Caius Gracchus was large, and therefore would have exhausted the treasury ; that of Marcus Octavius was moderate, both able to be borne by the state, and neces- sary for the commons ; therefore it was salutary both for the citizens and for the nation. But it is in the first place to be considered by him who shall have the administration of the government, that each may retain his own, and that no dimi- nution of the property of individuals be made by public authority. For Philip acted destructively, in his tribuneship, when he proposed the agrarian law, which, however, he readily suffered to be thrown out, and in that respect showed him- self to be exceeding moderate; but when in courting popu- larity he drove at many things, he uttered this besides im- properly, " that there were not in the state two thousand persons who possessed property." A dangerous speech, and aiming at a leveling of property than which mischief, what can be greater ? For commonwealths and states were estab- 108 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK n. lished principally for this cause, that men should hold what was their own. For although mankind were congregated together by the guidance of nature, yet it was with the hope of preserving their own property that they sought the pro- tection of cities. Care should also be taken, lest, as often was the case among our ancestors, on account of the poverty of the treasury and the continuity of wars, it may be necessary to impose taxation, and it will be needful to provide long before that this should not happen. But if any necessity for such a burden should bo- fall any state (for I would rather speak thus than speak omi- nously of our own ;' nor am I discoursing about our own state only, but about all states in general), care should be taken that all may understand that they must submit to the necessity if they wish to be safe. And also all who govern a nation are bound to provide that there be abundance of those things which are neces- saries of which, what kind of a provision it is usual and proper to make, it is not necessary to canvass. For all that is obvious ; and the topic only requires to be touched on. But the principal matter in every administration of public business and employments is, that even the least suspicion of avarice be repelled. " Would to heaven," said Caius Pontius, the Samnite, " that fortune had reserved me for those times, and I had been born then, whenever the Romans may have begun to accept bribes I would not have suffered them to reign much longer." He surely would have had to wait many generations. For it is of late that this evil has invaded this state ; therefore I am well* pleased that Pontius was in ex- istence rather at that time, since so much power resided in him. It is not yet a hundred and ten years since a law about bribery was passed by Lucius Piso, \vhen previously there had been no such law. But afterward there were so many laws, and each successive one more severe, so many persons arraigned, so many condemned, such an Italian war excited through fear of condemnations, such a rifling and robbing of our allies, those laws and judgments were sus- 1 Plutarch relates that ^Emihus Paullus, on the conquest of Persiua, king of Macedonia, brought home such an immense treasure, that the Roman people were entirely relieved from taxes until the consulship of llirtius and Pansa, which was the year after Cicero wrote this work. CHAP, xxn. CICERO'S OFFICES. 109 pendcd, that we are strong through the weakness of others., not through our own valor. XXII. Panaetius applauds Africanus because he was self- denying. Why not applaud him ? But in him there were other and greater characteristics ; the praise of self-restraint was not the praise of the man only, but also of those times. Paullus having possessed himself of the whole treasure of the Macedonians, which was most immense, brought so much wealth into the treasury, that the spoils of one commander put an end to taxes ; but to his own house he brought nothing except the eternal memory of his name. Africanus, imitating his father, was nothing the richer for having overthrown Carthage. What ! Lucius Memmius, who was his colleague in the censorship, was he the wealthier for having utterly de- stroyed the wealthiest of cities? He preferred ornamenting Italy rather than his own house although by the adorn- ment of Italy, his own house itself seems to me more adorned. No vice, then, is more foul (that my discourse may return to the point from whence it digressed) than avarice, especially in great men and such as administer the re- public. For to make a gain of the republic is not only base, but wicked also, and abominable. Therefore, that which the Pythian Apollo delivered by his oracle, " that Sparta would perish by nothing but its avarice," he seems to have predicted not about the Lacedaemonians alone, but about all opulent na- tions. Moreover, they who preside over the state can by no way more readily conciliate the good-will of the multitude than by abstinence and self-restraint. But they who wish to be popular, and upon that account either attempt the agrarian aftair, that the owners may be driven out of their possessions, or think that borrowed money should be released to the debtors, sap the foundations of the constitution ; namely, that concord, in the first place, which can not exist when money is exacted from some, and forgiven to others ; and equity, in the next place, which is entirely subverted, if each bo not permitted to possess his own. For, as I said before, this is the peculiar concern of a state and city, that every person's custody of his own property be free and undisturbed. And in this destructive course to the state they do not obtain even that popu- larity which they expect; for he whose property is taken is 110 CICERO'S OFFICES BOOK 11, hostile ; he also to whom it is given disguises his willingness to accept it, and especially in lent moneys he conceals his joy that he may not appear to have been insolvent ; but he, on the other hand, who receives the injury, both remembers and proclaims his indignation ; nor if there are more in number to whom it is dishonestly given than those from whom it has been unjustly taken, are they even for that cause more success- ful. For these matters are not determined by number, but by weight. Now, what justice is it that lands which have been pre-occupied for many years, or even ages, he who was pos- sessed of none should get, but he who was in possession should lose ? XXIII. And on account of this kind of injustice, the Lacedemonians expelled their Ephorus Lysander, and put to death their king Agis a thing which never before had happened among them. And from that time such great dissensions ensued, that tyrants arose, and the nobles were exiled, and a constitution admirably established fell to pieces. Nor did it fall alone, but also overthrew the rest of Greece by the contagion of evil principles, which having sprung from the Lacedaemonians, flowed far. and wide. What ! was it not the agrarian contentions that destroyed our own Gracchi, sons of that most illustrious man Tiberius Grac- chus, and grandsons of Africanus? But, on the contrary, Aratus, the Sicyonian, is justly commended, who, when his native city had been held for fifty years by tyrants, having set out from Argos to Sicyon, by a secret entrance got possession of the city, and when on a sudden he had over- thrown the tyrant Nicocles, he restored six hundred exiles, who had been the wealthiest men of that state, and restored freedom to the state by his coming. But when he perceived a great difficulty about the goods and possessions, because he considered it most unjust both that they whom he had restored, of whose property others had been in possession, should be in want, and he did not think it very fair that possessions of fifty years should be disturbed, because that after so long an interval many of those properties were got possession of without injustice, by inheritance, many by purchase, many by marriage portions ; he judged neither that the properties ought to be taken from the latter, ner that these to whom they had belonged should be without satis- CHAP. xxiv. CICERO'S OFFICES. Ill faction. When, then, he had concluded that there was need of money to arrange that matter, he said that he would go to Alexandria, and ordered the matter to be undisturbed until his return. He quickly carne to his friend Ptolemy, who was then reigning, the second after the building of Alexandria, and when he had explained to him that he was desirous to liberate his country, and informed him of the case, this most eminent man readily received consent from the opulent king that he should be assisted with a large sum of money. When he had brought this to Sicyon, he took to himself for his council fifteen noblemen, with whom he took cognizance of the cases, both of those who held other persons' possessions, and of those who had lost their own ; and by valuing the possessions, he so managed as to persuade some to prefer receiving the money, and yielding up the possessions ; others to think it more convenient that there should be paid down to them what was the price, rather than they should resume possession of their own. Thus it was brought about that all departed without a complaint, and concord was established. Admirable man, and worthy to have been born in our nation ! Thus it is right to act with citizens, not (as we have now seen twice) 1 to fix up a spear in the forum, and subject the goods of the citizens to the voice of the auctioneer. But that Greek thought, as became a wise and superior man, that it was necessary to consult for all. And this is the highest reason and wisdom of a good citizen, not to make divisions in the interests of the citizens, but to govern all by the same equity. Should any dwell free of expense in another man's house ? Why so ? Is it that when I shall have bought, built, repaired, expended, you, without my will, should enjoy what is mine ? What else is this but to take from some what is theirs ; to give to some what is another man's ? But what is the meaning of an abolition of debts, unless that you should buy an estate with my money that you should have the estate, and I should not have my money ? XXIV. Wherefore, it ought to bo provided that there be not such an amount of debt as may injure the state a thing which may be guarded against in many ways -, not that if there shall be such debt the rich should lose their 1 Under Sylla, and under Caesar. 112 CICERO'S OFFICER. BOOK n. rights, and the debtors gain what is another's for nothing holds the state more firmly together than public credit, which can not at all exist unless the payment of money lent shall be compulsory. It never was more violently agitated than in my consulship, that debts should not be paid ; the matter was tried in arms and camps, by every rank and description of men, whom I resisted in such a manner, that this mischief of such magnitude was removed from the state. Never was debt either greater, or better and more easily paid. For the hope of defrauding being frustrated, the necessity of paying followed. But on the other hand, this man, now our victor, 1 but who was vanquished then, has accomplished the things which he had in view, when it was now a matter of no importance to himself. So great was the desire in him of doing wrong, that the mere wrong- doing delighted him, although there was not a motive for it. From this kind of liberality, then, to give to some, to take from others, they will keep aloof who would preserve the commonwealth, and will take particular care that each may hold his own in equity of right and judgments ; and neither that advantage be taken of the poorer class, on account of their humbleness, nor that envy be prejudicial to the rich, cither in keeping or recovering their own. They will besides increase the power of the state in whatever way they can, either abroad or at home, in authority, territories, tributes. These are the duties of great men. These were practiced among our ancestors ; they who persevere in those kinds of duties, will, along with the highest advantage to the republic, themselves obtain both great popularity and glory. Now, in these precepts about things profitable, Antipater the Tyrian, a Stoic, who lately died at Athens, considers that two things are passed over by Pansetius the care of health and of property which matters I fancy were passed over by that very eminent philosopher because they were obvious ; they certainly are useful. Now, health is supported by under- standing one's own constitution, and by observing what things are accustomed to do one good or injury ; 2 and by temperance 1 Caesar, who was suspected of a share in Catiline's conspiracy, after- ward, in the first year of his dictatorship, when he was himself no longer in debt, passed a law, abolishing the fourth part of all debts. 2 Lord Bacon might be supposed to have had this passage before him OHAP. zxv. CICERO'S OFFICES 113 in all food and manner of living, for the sake of preserving the body ; and by forbearance in pleasures ; and lastly, by the skill of those to whose profession these things belong. Wealth ought to be acquired by those means in which there is no disgrace, but preserved by diligence and frugality, and increased, too, by the same means. These matters Xenophon, the Socratic philosopher, has discussed very completely in that book which is entitled (Economics, which I, when I was about that age at which you are now, translated from the Greek into Latin. XXV. But a comparison of profitable things, since this was the fourth head, but passed over by Panaetius, is often necessary. For it is usual to compare the good estate of the body with external advantages, and external with those of the body, and those of the body among themselves, and external with external. The good estate of the body is compared with external advantages in Ihis manner, that you had rather be healthy than wealthy. External with those of the body in this manner, to be wealthy rather than of the greatest physical strength. Those of the body among them- selves, thus, that good health should be preferred to pleasure, and strength to speed. But the comparison of external objects is thus, that glory should be preferred to wealth, a city income to a country one. Of which kind of comparison is that reply of Cato the elder, of whom, when inquiry was made, what was the best policy in the management of one's property, he answered, " Good grazing." " What was next ?" " Tolerable grazing." " What third ?" " Bad grazing." "What fourth?" "Tilling." And when he who had interrogated him inquired, " What do you think of lending at usury?" Then Cato answered, "What do you think of killing a man?" 1 From which, and many other things, it when ho wrote the first paragraph of his thirtieth Essay on " Regimen of Health." " Thero is a wisdom in this beyond the rules of physic ; a man's own observation, what he finds good of, and what ho finds hurt of, is the best physic to preserve health ; but it is a safer conclusion to say 4 This agreeth not well with me, therefore I will not continue it,' than this, ' I find no offense of this, therefore I may use it,' for strength of nature in youth passes over many excesses which are owing a man till his ago. ' Discern of the coming on of years, and think not to do the same things still ; for age will not be defied." Bacon's Essays, Thirtieth Essay. 1 "Many have made witty invectives against usurv. They say that 114 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK n. ought to be understood that it is usual to make comparisons of profitable things ; and that this was rightly added as a fourth head of investigating our duties. But about this entire head, about gaining money, about letting it out, also about spending it, the matter is discussed to more advantage by certain most estimable persons 1 sitting at the middle Janus, than by any philosophers in any school. Yet these things ought to be understood ; for they relate to utility, about which we have discoursed in this book. We will next pass to what remains. it is a pity the devil should have God's part, which is the tithe ; that tho usurer is the greatest Sabbath breaker, because his plow goeth every Sunday ; that the usurer is the drone that Virgil speaketh of: 'Ignavum fucos pecus a prsesepibus arcent:' that the usurer breaketh tho first law that was made for mankind after the fall which was, ' in sudore vultus tui comedes panem tuum' not ' in gudore vultus alieni :' that usurers should have orange-tawny bonnets, because they do judaise ; that it is against nature for money to beget money, and the like. I say this only, that usury is a ' concessum propter duritiem cordis:' for since there must be borrowing and lending, and men are so hard of heart as they will not lend freely, usury must be permitted. Some others have made suspicious and cunning propositions of banks, discovery of men's estates, and other inventions ; but few have spoken of usury usefully." Bacon's Essay, Essay 41. 1 He is speaking ironically of the usurers, numbers of whom frequented the middle Janus in tho forum. END OF SECOND BOOK. CHAP. I, CICERO'S OFFICEa 115 BOOK III. I. PUBLIUS SCIPIO, my son Marcus, he who first was surnamed Africanus, was accustomed, as Cato, who was nearly of the same age as he, has written, to say " that he was never less at leisure than when at leisure, nor less alone than when he was alone." A truly noble saying, and worthy of a great and wise man, which declares that both in his leisure he was accustomed to reflect on business, and in solitude to converse with himself; so that he never was idle, and sometimes was not in need of the conversation of an- other. Thus, leisure and solitude, two things which cause languor to others, sharpened him. I could wish it were in my power to say the same. But if I can not quite attain to any intimation of so great an excellence of disposition, I come very near it, in will at least. For, being debarred by impious arms and force from public affairs and forensic business, I remain in retirement ; and on that account having left the city, wandering about the fields, I am often alone. But neither is this leisure to be compared with the leisure of Africanus, nor this solitude with that. For lie, reposing from the most honorable employments of the state, sometimes took leisure to himself, and sometimes betook himself from the concourse and haunts of men into his soli- tude as into a haven : but my retirement is occasioned by the want of business, not by the desire of repose. For, the senate being extinct, and courts of justice abolished, what is there that I could do worthy of myself, either in the senate- house or in the forum ? Thus, I who formerly lived in the greatest celebrity, and before the eyes of the citizens, now shunning the sight of wicked men, with whom all places abound, conceal myself as far as it is possible, and often am alone. But since we have been taught by learned men, that out of evils it is fit not only to choose the least, but also from those very evils to gather whatever is good in them, I 116 CICERO'S OFFICES BOOK, in therefore am both enjoying rest not such, indeed, as ho ought who formerly procured rest for the state, and I am not allowing that solitude which necessity, not inclination, brings me, to be spent in idleness. Although, in my judg- ment, Africanus obtained greater praise. For there are ex- tant no monuments of his genius committed to writing no work of his leisure no employment of his solitude. From which it ought to be understood that he was never either idle or solitary, because of the activity of his mind, and the investigation of those things which he pursued iu. thought. But I who have not so much strength that I can be drawn away from solitude by silent thought, turn all my study and care to this labor of composition. And thus I have written more in a short time, since the overthrow of the republic, than in the many years while it stood. IE. But as all philosophy, my Cicero, is fruitful and pro- fitable, and no part of it uncultivated and desert so no part in it is more fruitful and profitable than that about duties, from which the rules of living consistently and virtuously are derived. Wherefore, although I trust you constantly hear and learn these matters from my friend Cratippus, the prince of the philosophers within our memory, yet I think it is beneficial that your cars should ring on all sides with such discourse, and that they, if it were possible, should hear nothing else. Which, as it ought to be done by all who design to enter upon a virtuous life, so I know not. but it ought by no one more than you ; for you stand under no small expectation of emulating my industry under a great one of emulating my honors under no small one, per- haps, of my fame. Besides, you have incurred a heavy responsi- bility both from Athens and Cratippus ; and since you have gone to these as to a mart for good qualities, it would be most scandalous to return empty, disgracing the reputation both of the city and of the master. Wherefore, try and ac- complish as much as you can, labor with your mind and with your industry (if it be labor to learn rather than a pleasure), and do not permit that, when all things have been supplied by me, you should seem to have been wanting to yourself. But let this suffice ; for we have often written much to you for the purpose of encouraging you. Now let us return to the remaining part of our propose'^ division. CHAP. m. CICERO'S OFFICES. 117 Panaetius, then, who without controversy has discoursed most accurately about duties, and whom I, making some cor- rection, have principally followed, having proposed three heads under which men were accustomed to deliberate and consult about duty one, when they were in doubt whether that about which they were considering AVES virtuous or base ; another, whether useful or unprofitable ; a third, when that which had the appearance of virtue Avas in opposition to that which seemed useful, how this ought to be determined; ho unfolded the two first heads in three books, but on the third head he said that he would afterward write, but did not perform what he had promised. At which I am the more surprised on this account, that it is recorded by his disciple Posidonius, that Panaetius lived thirty years after he had published those books. And I am surprised that this matter should bo only briefly touched on by Posidonius in some commentaries, especially when he writes that there is no subject in all philosophy so necessary. But by no means do I agree with those who deny that this subject was casually omitted by Panaetius, but that it was designedly abandoned, and that it ought not to have been written at all, because utility could never be in opposition to virtue. On which point is one thing that may admit a doubt ; whether this head which is third in the division of Panaetius, ought to have been taken up, or whether it ought to have been altogether omitted. The other thing can not be doubted, that it was undertaken by Panaetius, but left unfinished. For he who has completed two parts out of a three fold division, must have a third remaining. Besides, in the end of the third book he promises that he will afterward write about this third part. To this is also added a sufficient witness, Posi- donius, who in a certain letter writes that Publius Rutilius Rufus, who had been a disciple of Panastius, had been ac- customed to say, that as no painter could be found who could finish that part of the Coan Venus which Apelles had left unfinished (for the beauty of the countenance left no hope of making the rest of the body correspond), so no one could go through with those things which Panaetius had omitted, on account of the excellence of those parts which he had com- pleted. III. Wherefore, thero can not be a doubt about the opinion 118 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK. m. of Panaetius ; but whether it was right in him, or otherwise, to join this third part to the investigation of duty, about this, perhaps, there may be a question. For whether virtue be the only good, as is the opinion of the Stoics, or whether that which is virtuous be, as it appears to your Peripatetics, so much the greatest good, that all things placed on the other side have scarcely the smallest weight ; it is not to be doubted but that utility never can compare with virtue. Therefore we have learned that Socrates used to execrate those who had first separated in theory those things cohering in nature. To whom, indeed, the Stoics have so far assented, that they considered that whatever is virtuous is useful, and that noth- ing can be useful which is not virtuous. But if Panoetius was one who would say that virtue was to be cultivated only on this account, because it was a means of procuring profit, as they do who measure the desirableness of objects either by pleasure or by the absence of pain, it would be allowable for him to say that our interest sometimes is opposed to virtue. But as he was one who judged that alone to be good which is virtuous, but that of such things as oppose this with some appearance of utility, neither the accession can make life better, nor the loss make it worse, it appears that he ought not to have introduced a deliberation of this kind, in which what seems profitable could be compared with that which is virtuous. For what is called the summum bonum by the Stoics, to live agreeably to nature, has, I conceive, this meaning always to conform to virtue ; and as to all other things which may be according to nature, to take them if they should not be repugnant to virtue. And since this is so, some think that this comparison is improperly in- troduced, and that no principle should be laid down upon this head. And, indeed, that perfection of conduct which is properly and truly called so, exists in the wise alone, and can never be separated from virtue. But in those persons in whom there is not perfect wisdom, that perfection can indeed by no means exist; but the likeness of it can. For the Stoics call all those duties about which we are discours- ing in these books, mean duties (media ojficia). These are common, and extend wid?ly, which many attain by the good- ness of natural disposition, and by progressive improvement. But that duty which the same philosophers call right (rec- CHAP. iv. CICERO'S OFFICES 119 turn), is perfect and absolute, and, as the same philosophers say, has all the parts perfect, and can not fall to the lot of any but the wise man. But when any thing is performed in which mean duties appear, it seems to be abundantly perfect, because the vulgar do not at all understand how far it falls short of the perfect ; but as far as they understand, they think there is nothing wanting. Which same thing comes to pass in poems, in pictures, and in many other matters, lhat those things which should not be commended, the un- skillful art, delighted with and commend ; on this account, I suppose, that there is in these things some merit which catches the unskillful, who indeed are unable to judge what deficiency there may be in each. Therefore, when they are apprised of it by the initiated, they readily abandon their opinion. IV. These duties, then, of which we are discoursing in these books, they 1 say are virtuous in some secondary degree 'not peculiar to the wise alone, but common to every de- scription of men. By these, therefore, all are moved in whom there is a natural disposition toward virtue. Nor, indeed, when the two Decii or the two Scipios are commem- orated as brave men, or when Fabricius and Aristides are called just, is either an example of fortitude looked for from the former, or of justice from the latter, as from wise men. For neither of these was wise in such a sense as we wish the term wise man to be understood. Nor were these who were esteemed and named wise, Marcus Cato and Caius Lajlius, wise men ; nor were even those famous seven, 1 but from the frequent ]>erformancc of mean duties they bore some simili- tude and appearance of wise men. Wherefore, it is neither right to compare that which is truly virtuous with what is repugnant to utility, nor should that which we commonly call virtuous, which is cultivated by those who wish to be esteemed good men, ever be compared with profits. And that virtue which falls within our comprehension is as much to be maintained and preserved by us, as that which ia properly called, and which truly is virtue, is by the wise. For otherwise, whatever advancement is made toward vir- tue, it can not be maintained. But these remarks are made 1 The Stoics. 2 The seven wise men of Greece- 120 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK in. regarding those who are considered good men, on account of their observance of duties ; but those who measure all things by profit and advantage, and who do not consider that those things are outweighed by virtue, are accustomed, in deliberating, to compare virtue with that which they think profitable; good men are not so accustomed. There- fore, I think that Panaetius, when he said that men were accustomed to deliberate on this comparison, meant this very thing which he expressed only that it was their cus- tom, not that it was also their duty. For not only to think more of what seems profitable than what is virtuous, but even to compare them one with the other, and to hesitate between them, is most shameful. What is it, then, that is accustomed at times to raise a doubt, and seems necessary to be considered ? I believe, whenever a doubt arises, it is what the character of that action may be about which one is considering. For oftentimes it happens, that what is accustomed to be generally considered disreputable, may be found not to be disreputable. For the sake of ex- ample, let a case be supposed which has a wide applica- tion. What can be greater wickedness than to slay not only a man, but even an intimate friend ? Has he then in- volved himself in guilt, who slays a tyrant, however inti- mate ? He does not appear so to the Roman people at least, who of all great exploits deem that the most honorable. 1 1 " Tyrannicide, or tlio assassination of usurpers and oppressive princes, was highly extolled in ancient times, because it both freed mankind from many of these monsters, and seemed to keep the others in awe whom the sword and poniard could not reach. But history and experience having since convinced us that this practice increases the jealousy and cruelty of princes, a TIMOLEON and a BRUTUS, though treated with indulgence on account of the prejudices of their times, are now considered as very improper models for imitation." Hume's "Dissertation on the Passions." " The arguments in favor of tyrannicide are built upon a very obvious principle. ' Justice ought universally to be administered. Crimes of an inferior description are restrained, or pretended to be restrained, by the ordinary operations of jurisprudence. But criminals, by whom the wel- fare of the whole is attacked, and who overturn the liberties of mankind, are out of the reach of this restraint. If justice be partially administered in subordinate cases, and the rich man bo able to oppress the poor with impunity, it must be admitted that a few examples of this sort are insuf- acient to authorize the last appeal of human beings; but no man will deny that the case of the usurper and the despot is of the most atrocious nature. In this instance, all the provisions of civil policy being super- CHAP. rr. CICERO'S OFFICES. 121 Has expediency, then, overcome virtue ? Nay, rather, expe- diency has followed virtue. Therefore, that we may be able to decide without any mistake, if ever that which we call expediency (utile) shall appear to be at variance with that which we understand to be virtuous (honestum), a certain rule ought to be established, which if we will fol- low in comparing such cases, we shall never fail in our duty. But this rule "will be one conformable to the reason- ing and discipline of the Stoics chiefly, which, indeed, we are following in these books, because, though both by the ancient Academicians and by your Peripatetics, who form- erly were the same sect, things which are virtuous are preferred to those which seem expedient; nevertheless, those subjects are more nobly treated of by those 1 to whom whatever is virtuous seems also expedient, and nothing ex- seded, and justice poisoned at the source, every man is left to execute for himself the decrees of immutable equity.' It may, however, be doubted, whether the destruction of a tyrant be, in any respect, a case of excep- tion from the rules proper to be observed upon ordinary occasions. The tyrant has, indeed, no particular security annexed to his person, and may be killed with as little scruple as any other man, when the object is that of repelling personal assault. In all other cases, the extirpation of Ihe offender by self-appointed authority, does not appear to be the ap- propriate mode of counteracting injustice. For, first, either the nation, whose tyrant you would destroy, is ripe for the assertion and mainten- ance of its liberty, or it is not. If it be, the tyrant ought to bo deposed with every appearance of publicity. Nothing can bo more improper, than for an affair, interesting to the general weal, to bo conducted as if it were an act of darkness and shame. It is an ill lesson we read to mankind, when a proceeding, built upon the broad basis of general jus- tice, is permitted to shrink from public scrutiny. The pistol and the dagger may as easily bo made tho auxiliaries of vice as of virtue. To proscribe all violence, and neglect no means of information and impar- tiality, is the most effectual security wo can have for an issue conformable to reason and truth. If, on the other hand, the nation be not ripe for a state of freedom, the man who assumes to himself the right of interposing violence, may indeed show the fervor of his conception, and gain a cer- tain notoriety ; but ho will not fail to bo tho author of new calamities to his country. The consequences of tyrannicide are well known. If the attempt prove abortive, it renders tho tyrant ten times more bloody, ferocious, and cruel than before. If it succeed, and tho tyranny be res- tored, it produces tho same effect upon his successors. In tho climate of despotism some solitary virtues may spring up; but in tho midst of plots and conspiracies, there is neither truth, nor confidence, nor love, nor humanity." Godwin's "Political Justice," book iv. chap. iv. 1 The Stoics. ft 122 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK m. pedient which is not virtuous, than by those according to whom that may be virtuous which is not expedient, and that expedient which is not virtuous. But to xis, our Academic sect gives this great license, that we, whatever may seem most probable, by our privilege are at liberty to maintain. But I return to my rule. V. To take away wrongfully, then, from another, and for one man to advance his own interests by the disadvantage of another man, is more contrary to nature than death, thsn poverty, than pain, than any other evils which can befall either our bodies or external circumstances. For, in tho first place, it destroys human intercourse and society; for if we will be so disposed that each for his own gain shall 9 of bad men, which, when it grasps at something which seems useful, separates it immediately from virtue. Hence spring stilettos, hence poisons, hence forgery of wills, hence thefts, embezzlements, hence robberies and extortions from allies and fellow-citizens, hence the intolerable oppressions of ex- cessive opulence hence, in fine, even in free states, the lust of sway, than which nothing darker or fouler can be con- ceived. For men view the profits of transactions with false judgment, but they do not see the punishment I do not say of the laws, which they often break through, but of moral turpitude itself, which is more severe. Wherefore, this class of skeptics should be put out of our consider- ation (as being altogether wicked and impious), who hesitate whether they should follow that which they see is virtuous, or knowingly contaminate themselves with wicked- ness. For the guilty deed exists in the very hesitation, even though they shall not have carried it out. Therefore, such matters should not be at all deliberated about, in which the very deliberation is criminal ; and also from every delibera- tion the hope and idea of secrecy and concealment ought to be removed. For we ought to be sufficiently convinced, if we have made any proficiency in philosophy, that even though we could conceal any transaction from all gods and men, yet that nothing avaricious should be done, nothing unjust, nothing licentious, nothing incontinent. IX. To this purpose Plato introduces that celebrated by tho written revelation. The habitual preference of futurity to tho present time which Scripture exhibits, indicates that our interests hero should be held in subordination to our interests hereafter ; and as these higher interests are to be consulted by the means which revelation pro- scribes, it is manifest that those moans are to bo pursued, whatever wo may suppose to be their effects upon the present welfare of ourselves or of other men. ' If in this life only wo have hope in God, then are we of all men most miserable.' And why did they thus sacrifice expediency? Because tho communicated will of God required that course of life by which human interests were apparently sacrificed. It will be perceived that these considerations result from tho truth (too little regarded in talking of 'expediency' and 'general benevolence'), that utility as res- oects mankind can not be properly consulted without taking into account our interests in futurity. 'Let us eat and drink, for to-morrow wo die,' is a maxim of which all would approve if we had no concerns with another life. That which might bo very expedient if death were anni- hilation, may be very inexpedient now." Essay on Morality, Essay I. chap, iil S|t 130 CICERO'S OFFICES. OCK in. Gyges, who, when the earth had opened, in consequence of certain heavy showers, descended into that chasm, and, as tradition goes, beheld a brazen horse, in whose side was a door, on opening which he beheld the body of a dead man of extraordinary size, and a gold ring upon his finger, which when he had drawn off, he himself put it on, and then betook himself to the assemby of the shepherds (for he was the king's shepherd). There, when he turned the stone of this ring to the palm of his hand, he was visible to no person, but himself saw every thing; and when he had turned the ring into its proper place, he again became visible. Having em- ployed, then, this convenience of the ring, he committed adultery with the queen, and, with her assistance, slew the king, his master, and got rid of those whom he considered likely to oppose him. Nor could any one discover him in these crimes. So with the assistance of the ring he suddenly sprang up to be king of Lydia. Now, if a wise man had this ring itself, he would think that he was no more at liberty to commit crime than if he had it not. For virtue, not secrecy, is sought by good men. And here some philosophers, and they indeed by no means unworthy men, but not very acute, say that the story told by Plato is false and fabulous, just as if he indeed maintained either that it had happened or could have happened. The import of this ring and of this example is this if nobody were to know, nobody even to suspect that you were doing any thing for the sake of riches, power, domination, lust if it would be for ever unknown to gods and men, would you do it ? They deny that the case is possible. But though indeed it be possible, I only inquire what they would do if that were possible which they deny to be so. They argue very stupidly, for they simply deny that it is possible, and they persist in that answer. They do not perceive what is the force of that expression, " if it were possible." For when we ask what they would do if they possibly could conceal, we are not asking whether they really could conceal ; but we are putting them, as it were, to the torture, that if they answer that they would do, if impunity were offered, what it was their interest to do, they must confess that they are wicked ; if they deny that they would do so, they must admit that all base actions are to be whunned on their own account. But now let us return to our subject CHAP. X. CICERO'S OFFICES. 131 X. Many cases frequently occur, which disturb our minds by the appearance of expediency. Not when this is the subject of deliberation, whether virtue should be deserted on account of the magnitude of the profit (for on this, indeed, it is dishonest to deliberate), but this, whether or no that which seems profitable can be done without baseness. When Brutus deposed his colleague, Collatinus, from his command, he might seem to be acting with injustice; for Collatinus had been the associate and assistant in the councils of Brutus in expelling the kings. But when the rulers had taken this counsel, that the kindred of Superbus, and the name of the Tarquinii, and the memory of royalty were to be rooted out; that which was useful, namely, to consult for his country, was so virtuous that it ought to have pleased even Collatinus himself. Therefore the expediency of the measure prevailed with Brutus on account of its rectitude, without which expediency could not have even existed. But it was otherwise in that king who founded the city ; for the appear- ance of expediency influenced his mind, since, when it seemed to him more profitable to reign alone than with another, he slew his brother. lie disregarded both affection and humanity, that he might obtain that which seemed useful, but was not. And yet he set up the excuse about the wall a pretense of virtue neither probable nor very suitable : therefore, with all due respect to Quirinus or Romulus, 1 1 would say that he committed a crime. Yet our own interests should not be neglected by us, nor given up to others when we ourselves want them ; but each should serve his own interest, as far as it can bo done witli- out injustice to another : Chrysippus has judiciously made this remark like many others : " He, who runs a race, ought to make exertions, and struggle as much as he can to be victor ; but he ought by no means to trip up or push with his hand the person with whom ho is contesting. Thus in life it is not unjust that each should seek for himself what may pertain to his advantage it is not just that he should take from another." But our duties are principally confused in cases of friend- ship ; for both not to bestow on them what you justly may, and to bestow what is not just, are contrary to duty. But the rule regarding this entire subject is short and easy. For 1 Romulus, when deified, was called Quirinun. 132 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK ni, those things which seem useful honors, riches, pleasures, and other things of the same kind should never be preferred to friendship. But, on the other hand, for the sake of a friend a good man will neither act against the state, nor against his oath and good faith not even if he shall be judge in the case of his friend for he lays aside the character of a friend when he puts on that of a judge. So much he will concede to friendship that he had rather the cause of his friend were just, and that he would accommo- date him as to the time of pleading his cause as far as the laws permit. But when he must pronounce sentence on his oath, he will remember that he has called the divinity as witness that is, as I conceive, his own conscience, than which the deity himself has given nothing more divine to man. Therefore we have received from our ancestors a noble custom, if we would retain it, of entreating the judge for what he can do with safe conscience. This entreaty has reference to those things which, as I mentioned a little while ago, could be granted with propriety by a judge to his friend. For if all things were to be done which friends would wish, such intimacies can not be considered friendships, but rather conspiracies. But I am speaking of common friendships; for there could be no such thing as that among wise and perfect men. They tell us that Damon and Phintias, the Pythagoreans, felt such affection for each other, that when Dionysius, the tyrant, had appointed a day for the exe- cution of one of them, and he who had been condemned to death had entreated a few days for himself, for the purpose of commending his family to the care of his friends, the other became security to have him forthcoming, so that if he had not returned, it would have been necessary for himself to die in his place. When he returned upon the day, tho tyrant having admired their faith, entreated that they would admit him as a third to their friendship. When, therefore, that which seems useful in friendship is compared with that which is virtuous, let the appearance of expediency be disregarded, let virtue prevail. Moreover, when in friendship, things which are not virtuous shall be required of us, religion and good faith should be preferred to friendship. Thus that distinction of duty which we are seeking will be preserved. XI. But it ia in state affairs that men most frequently CHAP. XL CICERO'S OFFICES. 133 commit crimes under the pretext of expediency as did ou* countrymen in the domolition of Corinth : the Athenians still more harshly, since they decreed that the thumbs of the ^Egv netans, who were skillful in naval matters, should be cut off. This seemed expedient ; for ^Egina, on account of its proxi- mity, was too formidable to the Piraeus. But nothing which is cruel can be expedient ; for cruelty is most revolting to the nature of mankind, which we ought to follow. Those, too, do wrong who prohibit foreigners to inhabit their cities, and banish them, as Pennus did among our ancestors, and Papius did lately. For it is proper not to permit him to be as a citizen who is not a citizen a law which the wisest of consuls, Crassus and Scsevola, introduced : but to prohibit foreigners from dwelling in a city is certainly inhuman. Those are noble actions in which the appearance of public expediency is treated with contempt in comparison with virtue. Our state is full of examples, as well frequently on other occasions as especially in the second Punic war, when she, having suffered the disaster at Cannae, exhibited greater spirit than ever she did in her prosperity no indication of fear, no mention of peace, So great is the power of virtue, that it throws the sem- blance of expediency into the shade. When the Athenians could by no means withstand the attack of the Persians, and determined that, having abandoned their city, and deposited their wives and children at Troezene, they should embark in their vessels, and with their fleet protect the liberties of Greece, they stoned one Cyrsilus, who was persuading them to remain in the city, and to receive Xerxes : though he seemed to pursue expediency ; but it was unreal, as being opposed to virtue. Themistocles, after the victory in that war which took place with the Persians, said in the assembly, that he had a plan salutary for the state, but that it was necessary that it should not be publicly known. He demanded that the people should appoint somebody with whom he might communicate. Aristides was appointed. To him he disclosed that the fleet of the Lacedaemonians, which was in dock at Gytheum, could secretly be burned; of which act the necessary consequence would be, that the power of the Lacedaemonians would be broken ; which, when Aristidea had heard, he came into the assembly amid great expecta- tions cf the people, and said that the t>lan which Themistocle* 534 CICERO'S OFFICE. BOOK in. proposed was very expedient, but by no means honorable. Therefore, the Athenians were of opinion that what was not upright was not even expedient, and on the authority of Aristides, rejected that entire matter which they had not even heard. They acted better than we who have pirates free from tribute, and allies paying taxes. XII. Let it be inferred, then, that what is base never i^ expedient, not even when you obtain what you think to be useful. For this very thinking what is base to be expedient, is mischievous. But, as I said before, cases often occur, when profit seems to be opposed to rectitude, so that it is ne- cessary to consider whether it is plainly opposed, or can be reconciled with rectitude. Of that sort are these questions. If, for example, an honest man has brought from Alexandria to Rhodes a great quantity of grain during the scarcity and famine of the Rhodians, and the very high prices of provi- sions; if this same man should know that many merchants had sailed from Alexandria, and should have seen their ves- sels on the way laden with corn, and bound for Rhodes, should he tell that to the Rhodians, or keeping silence, should he sell his own corn at as high a price as possible ? We are supposing a wise and honest man ; we are inquiring about the deliberation and consultation of one who would not conceal the matter from the Rhodians if he thought it dishonorable, but is in doubt whether it be dishonorable. In cases of this sort, one view was habitually taken by Diogenes, the Baby- lonian, a great and approved Stoic; and a different ^iew by Antipater, his pupil, a very acute man. It seems right to Antipater, that every thing should be disclosed, so that the buyer should not be ignorant of any thing at all that the seller knew. To Diogenes it appears that the seller ought, just as far as is established by the municipal law to declare the faults, to act in other respects without fraud ; but since ho is selling, to wish to sell at as good a price as possible. I have brought my corn I have set it up for sale I am selling it, not at a higher rate than others, perhaps, he will even say for less, since the supply is increased ; to whom is there injustice done ? The argument of Antipater proceeds on the other side. "What do you say ? When you ought to consult for the good of mankind, and to benefit human society, and were born under this law, and have these principles from CHAP, zm CICERO'S OFFICES. 13* nature, which you ought to obey and comply with, that your interest should be the common interest, c'ind reciprocally, the common interest yours will you conceal from men what ad- vantage and plenty is near them? Diogenes will answer perhaps, in this manner. It is one thing to conceal from them, another thing to bo silent on the subject : " I do not conceal from you now, if I do not tell you what is the nature of the gods, or what is the supreme good ; things, the know- ledge of which would be more beneficial to you than the low price of wheat. But is there any necessity for me to tell you whatever is beneficial to you to know ?" " Yes, indeed," the other will say, " it is necessary, that is, if you remember that there is a social tie established between men by nature," " I remember that," he will answer, " but is that social tie such that each has nothing of his own ? for if it be so, we should not even sell any thing, but make a present of it." XIII. You sec, throughout all this disputation, it is not said, although this act be base, yet since it is profitable I will do it ; but on the one side it is said it is profitable in so much as it is not a base act ; and on the other side, be- cause it is base, on this account it should not be done. An honest man would dispose of a house on account of some faults which he himself knows, but others are ignorant of; it is unwholesome, though considered healthy; it is not known that snakes make their appearance in all the bed chambers; it is built of bad materials, ready to fall ; but nobody knows this except the master. I ask, if the seller should not tell these things to the buyer, and should sell the house for a great deal more than lie thought he could sell it for, whether he would have acted unjustly or dishonestly ? lie surely would, says Antipater. For if suffering a purchaser to come to loss, and to incur the greatest damage by mistake, be not that which is forbidden at Athens with public execrations, namely, a not pointing out the road to one going astray, what else is ? It is even more than not showing the way ; for it is knowingly leading another astray. Diogenes argues on the other side. Has he forced you to purchase who did not even request you to do so ? lie advertised for sale a house that did not please him ; you have purchased one that pleased you. But if they who advertised "a -ood and well built country house," are not thought to have prac- ticed fraud, even though it bo neither good nor well built* 136 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK m. much less Lave they who have not praised their house. For \vhere there is judgment in the buyer, what fraud can there be in the seller ? But if it be not necessary to make good all that is said, do you think, it necessary to make good that which is not said ? For what is more foolish than that the seller should relate the defects of that which he sells ? Or, what so absurd as that, by the command of the owner, the auctioneer should thus proclaim: "I am selling an unhealthy house." In some doubtful cases, then, virtue is thus defended on the one side ; on the other side, it is said on the part of expediency, that it not only is virtuous to do that which seems profitable, but even disgraceful not to do it. This is that dissension which seems often to exist between the profitable and the virtuous. Which matters we must decide. For we have not proposed them that we might make a question of them, but that we might explain them. That corn merchant, then, seems to me to be bound not to practice concealment on the Rhodians, nor this house-seller on the purchasers. For it is not practicing concealment if you should be silent about any thing ; but when for the sake of your own emolument you wish those, whose interest it is to know that which you know, to remain in ignorance. Now, as to this sort of con- cealment, who does not see what kind of thing it is, and what kind of a man will practice it ? Certainly not an open, not a single-minded, not an ingenuous, not a just, not a good man ; but rather a wily, close, artful, deceitful, knavish, crafty, double-dealing, evasive fellow. 1 Is it not inexpedient to 1 On referring to tho conclusion of the last chapter, it will be seen that neither does Diogenes prove, nor does Antipater admit, that by the corn- merchant's silence any rule of morality is infringed. On what ground and for what reason was it incumbent on him to disclose the fact which acci- dentally came to his knowledge, that other cargoes of com were at sea f none is assigned, but that buyers and sellers are bound by the same social ties. But these do not, as Antipater observes, bind us to communicate to every body all wo know. In withholding this information, which was wholly extrinsic to his bargain, no confidence was violated. Had ho dis- closed it, the price of the commodity in which he dealt would have been materially reduced. However noble-minded or liberal it might be in him to put the buyer in possession of all the intelligence on the subject within his power, no rules of justice were violated by his withholding it. And these are, as Adam Smith observes (Theory of Moral Sentiments, iv. 7), " the only rules which are precise and accurate ; those of other virtues are vague and indeterminate. The first may be compared to the rules of grammar; tho others to tho rules which the critics lay down for the CHAP, in CICERO'S OFFICES 137 pose ourselves to the imputations of so many vices, and even more ? XIV. But if they are to be blamed who have .kept silent, what ought to be thought of those who have practiced false- hood in word ? Caius Canius, a Roman knight, not without wit, and tolerably learned, when he had betaken himself to Syracuse, for the sake, as he was himself accustomed to say, of enjoyment, not of business, gave out that he wished to purchase some pleasure-grounds, whither he could invite his friends, and where he could amuse himself without intruders. When this had got abroad, one Pythius, who practiced dis- counting at Syracuse, told him that he had pleasure-grounds, not indeed for sale, but that Canius was at liberty to use them as his own if he desired, and at the same time he in- vited the gentleman to dinner at the pleasure-grounds on the following day. When he had promised to go, then Pythius, who, as a discounter, was well liked among all ranks, called some fishermen to him, and requested of them that upon the following day they should fish in front of his grounds, and told them what he wished them to do. In due time, Canius came to dinner the entertainment was sumptuously pro- vided by Pythius a crowd of fishing-boats before their eyes. Each fisherman for himself brought what he had caught ; the fish were laid before the feet of Pythius. Then Canius says, " What is this, pray, Pythius so much fish so many boats ?" And he answers, " What 's the wonder ? Whatever fish there are at Syracuse are taken at this place ; here is their watering- place ; these men could not do without this villa." Canius, attainment of the sublime, which present us rather with a general idea of the perfection we ought to aim at, than afford us any certain and in- fallible directions for acquiring it." Puffendort, considering this very question, after deciding that no rule of justice was infringed by tho corn- merchant, absolves him also from any offense against the laws of benev- olence and humanity. In this opinion his ingenious commentator, Bar- beyrac, fully agrees, and cites the opinion of a strict casuist, La Placetto, to the same effect. Had the merchant, on his arrival, found the market forestalled by tho importation of corn from some other quarter, or had ho on tho voyage lost ship or cargo, he could not have expected from tho Rhodiaus the reimbursement of his loss. "Why then should he not avail himself of a favorable state of the market ? All concur, therefore, in de^ ciding that he was not bound in conscience to a disclosure, " provided merchants do not impose on us, we may easily dispense them," says PuffendorC " from all acts of puro liberality." 138 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK in. inflamed with desire, presses Pythius to sell. He is unwill- ing at first ; but, to be brief, he obtains his wish. The man, eager and wealthy, purchases the place at as much as Pythius demands, and purchases it furnished. He draws the articles and completes the transaction. Canius on the following day invites his friends. He comes early himself; he sees not a boat ; he asks of his next neighbor, was it any holiday with the fishermen, that lie saw none of them. " None that I know," said he : " but none used to fish here, and there- fore I was amazed at what happened yesterday." Canius got angry ; yet what could he do ? for my colleague and friend Aquillius had not yet brought out the forms about criminal devices ; in which very forms, when it was inqu'.red of him, " What is a criminal device ?" he answered, " When one thing is pretended, and another thing done." Very clearly, indeed, was this laid down ; as by a man skilled in definition. Therefore, both Pythius, and all those who do one thing, while feigning another, are perfidious, base, knavish. No act of theirs, then, can be useful, when it is stained with so many vices. XV. But if the Aquillian definition is true, pretense and dissimulation ought to be banished from the whole of life ; so that neither to buy better, nor to sell, will a good man feign or disguise any thing. And this criminal device was punished both by the statute laws (as in the case of guardianship by the twelve tables, in that of the defrauding of minors, by the Plaetorian law), and by judicial decisions without legal enactment, in which is added " according to good faith" (EX FIDE BONA). Moreover, in other judgments, the following phrases are very excellent : in the arbitration of a cause matrimonial, the phrase, " MELIUS ^EQUIUS ;" in a case of trust, the phrase, " UT INTER BONOS BENE AGIER." ' What then ? Can there be any room for fraud either in that 1 The Pnctor had an equitable jurisdiction. It is to his decrees tho text refers ; and as the principal subjects that came before him were bona fide contracts, not binding in strict law, but in which he decided accord- ing to conscience, and used in these decrees a set form of words, " ex fide bona agatur," the decisions on this and all other cases in equity cam& to be called judicia bonce fidei. Two other set forms are mentioned ir the text ; one used in the case of divorce (as well as in all other cases of arbitration), where arbitrators, decreeing the restoration of the wife's property, employed the form QUANTUM ^EQUIUS MELIUS. The other formula was usual in cases of trust ; it ran thus : INTEH BONOS BEXB AGIER ET SINE FRA UDATIONE CHAP. XT. CICERO'S OFFICES. 139 transaction which is decreed to be adjusted " better and fairer ?" Or can any thing be done deceitfully or knavishly, when it is pronounced " that among honest men there must be fair dealing ?" But criminal device, as Aquillius says, is comprised in pretense ; therefore all deceit should b* excluded from contracts. The seller should not brin/i a person to bid over the value, nor the buyer one to bid under him. Each of the two, if he should come to name a price, should not name a pi ice more than once. Quintus Scaevola, indeed, the son of Publius, when he re- quired that a price of a property of which he was about to become a purchaser should be named to him once for all, and the seller had done so, said that he valued it at more, and gave in addition a hundred sestertia. There is no person who can deny that this was the act of an honest man ; they deny that it was of a prudent man ; just as it would be if a man should sell a thing for less than he could get. This, then, is the mischief That persons think some men honest, others prudent; through which mistake En- nius remarks, " that the wise man is wise in vain, who can not bo of use to himself." That indeed is true, if it be only agreed on between me and Ennius what " to be of use'* means. I see, indeed, Ilccaton of Rhodes, the scholar of Panaetius, saying, in those books about duties which he wrote to Quintus Tubcro, "that it was the duty of a wise man, that doing nothing contrary to manners, laws, and institutions, he should have regard to improving his prop- erty ; for wo do not wish to be rich for ourselves alone, but for our children, kindred, friends, and especially for our country ; for the means and affluence of each individually constitute the riches of the state." To this philosopher the conduct of Scaevola, about which I spoke :i little while ago, can by no means be pleasing ; for to him who disavows that he would do for the sake of his own giiin only just so much as is not illegal, neither great pains nor thanks arc due. But if pretense and dissimulation are criminal de- vices, there are few affairs in which that criminal device may not be employed ; or if a good man is he who serves whom ho can, injures nobody certainly we do not easily find such a good man ; to do wrong, then, is never profitable, because it is always base ; and to be a good man is always profitable, because it is always virtuous 140 CICERO'S OFFICES. COOK in. XVI. And with respect to the law of landed estates, it is ordained among us by the civil law, that by selling them, the faults should be declared which were known to the seller. For though by the twelve tables it was sufficient to be answerable for those defects which were expressly men- tioned, which he who denied suffered a penalty of double the value, yet a penalty for silence also was established by the lawyers. For they determined that, if the seller knew what- ever defect there was in an estate, he ought to make it good, unless it was expressly mentioned. Thus, when the augurs were about to officiate on the augurs' hill, 1 and had com- manded Titus Claudius Centumalus, who had a house on the Caelian Mount, to take down those parts of it, the height of which obstructed their auspices, Claudius set up the house for sale, and he sold it ; Publius Calpurnius Lanarius pur- chased it. That same notice was given to him by the augurs ; therefore, when Calpurnius had pulled it down, and had discovered that Claudius had advertised the house after he had been commanded by the augurs to pull it down, ho brought him before an arbitrator, to decide " what he ought to give or do for him in good faith." Marcus Cato pro- nounced the sentence ; the father of this our Cato (for as other men are to be named from their father, so he who begot that luminary ought to be named from his son). This judge, then, decreed as follows : " Since in selling he had known that matter, and had not mentioned it, that he ought to make good the loss to the purchaser." There- fore he established this principle, that it concerned good faith that a defect which the seller was aware of should bo made known to the purchaser ; but if he decided with justice, then that corn-merchant did not with justice keep silent, nor that seller of the unhealthy house. 2 However, all mental 1 The Capitoline. 2 A commentator on this passage very justly observes, that " the anal- ogy is by no means perfect between the cases. Claudius withheld from the buyer information respecting that very house, by which its utility and its value were materially reduced. In fact the house which he sold was not the identical house, as he well knew, which in a short period would be standing on that spot ; it must be replaced by a house less lofty, and which would cost to the buyer no small sum to unroof, reduce, and alter. This information related, therefore, to the house itself which he sold and warranted. Not so with regard to the corn sold at Rhodes ; the quality of the corn was not there in question; the intelligence which tho mer- CHAP. XVIL CICERO'S OFFICES. 141 reservations of this kind can not be comprehended in the civil law ; but those which can are carefully checked. Marcus Marius Gratidianus, our kinsman, sold to Caius Sergius Grata that house which he had himself purchased from the same man a few years before. This house was subject to a service ; * but Marius had not mentioned this in the con- ditions of conveyance. The matter was brought to trial. Crassus was counsel for Grata; Antonius defended Gratidi- anus : Crassus relied on the law whatever defect a seller who knows it had not disclosed, it is fit that he should make good : Antonius relied on the equity that since that defect could not have been unknown to Sergius, who had formerly sold the house, there was no necessity that it should be disclosed ; neither could he be deceived, who was aware under what liability that which he had bought was placed. To what purpose these accounts ? That you may understand this, that cunning men were not approved by our ancestors. XVII. But the laws abolish frauds in one way, philoso- phers in another : the laws, as far as they can lay hold of them by their arm ; " philosophers, as far as they can check them by reason and wisdom. Reason, then, requires that nothing be done insidiously, nothing dissemblingly, nothing falsely. Is it not then an ensnaring to lay a net, even though you should not beat up the game, nor hunt them to it ? For the wild creatures often fall into it of themselves, no one pur- suing them. So is it fit you should set up your house for sale, put up a bill like a net, sell the house because of its defects, and that somebody should rush into it unwittingly ? chant withheld did not relate to that corn, but was completely extrinsic. Though he might be bound to satisfy the buyer's inquiry by giving a true account of that corn, lie was not bound to furnish, unasked, an account of all other corn. Had he stated his corn to be merchantable, and of a given weight, and the buyer had found the corn on delivery to bo of less weight and full of weevils, then the comparison would have been more just with a house, which, as the proprietor knew, must be reduced in height, and which he sold, concealing that important circumstance." 1 A property was said in law, "servire alicui," when some third per- son had a right of way, or some other such right over it. 8 The duty of the laws is to punish fraud in such overt cases as it can lay hold of. The duty of philosophy is to expose by argument the turpi- tude of fraud, even in those cases which, from their subtilty, or from tho corruptness of morals, escape the hand of tho law, since "reticentise juro civili omnes comprehend! nou possunt " M2 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK ia Though I see that this, on account of the corruption of man- ners, is neither esteemed base in morals, nor forbidden either by statutable enactments or by civil law ; yet it is forbidden by the law of nature. For there is the social tie between man and man which is of the widest extent, which, though I have often mentioned it, yet needs to be mentioned oftener. There is a closer tie between those who are of the same nation ; a closer still between those who are of the same state. Our ancestors, therefore, were of opinion that the law of nations was one thing, the municipal law a different thing. What- ever is civil law, the same is not, for that reason, necessarily the .law of nations ; but whatever is the law of nations, the same ought to be civil law. But we possess no solid and express image of true right and its sister justice : we use merely their shade and faint resemblances. Would that we followed even these, for they are taken from the best pat- terns of nature and truth! For how admirable are those words, " that I be not ensnared and defrauded on account of you and your honesty." What golden words those "that among honest men there bo fair dealing, and without fraud." But who are honest men, and what is fair dealing, is the great question. Quintus Scaevola, indeed, the high priest, used to say that there was the greatest weight in all those decisions in which was added the form " of good faith ;" and he thought the jurisdiction of good faith extended very widely, and that it was concerned in wardships, societies, trusts, commissions, buyings, sellings, hirings, lettings, in which the intercourse of life is comprised ; that in these it is the part of a great judge to determine (especially since there were contrary decisions in most cases) what each ought to be accountable for to each. Wherefore craftiness ought to be put away, and that knavery which would fain seem, indeed, to be prudence, but which is far from it, and differs most widely. 1 For prudence consists in the distinguishing of 1 Addison carries out this distinction far more elaborately. " At the same time," he says, " that I think discretion the most useful talent a man can be master of, I look upon cunning to be the accomplishment of little, mean, ungenerous minds. Discretion points out the noblest ends to us, and pursues the most proper and laudable methods of attaining them. Cun- ning has only private, selfish aims, and sticks at nothing which may make them succeed. Discretion has large and extended views, and, like a well-formed eye, commands a whole horizon. Cunning is a kind of short- CHAP. xvn. CICERO'S OFFICES. 143 good and evil knavery, if all things that arc vicious are evil, prefers evil to good. Nor is it, indeed, in landed property alone that the civil law deduced from nature punishes knavery and fraud, but also in the sale of slaves, all fraud of the seller is prevented. For he who ought to be aware of the health, the running away, the thefts of slaves, is accountable by the edict of the ^Ediles ; but the case of heirs is different. 1 From which it will be understood, since nature is the fountain of right, that it is according to nature that no one should act in such a manner, that be should prey on the ignorance of another. 2 Nor can there be found in life any greater curse sightedness that discovers the minutest objects which aro near at hand, but is not able to discern things at a distance. Discretion, the more it is discovered, gives a greater authority to tho person who possesses it. Cunning, when it is once detected, loses its force, and makes a man in- capable of bringing about even those events which ho might have done had he passed only for a plain man. Discretion is tho perfection of reason, and a guide to us in all the duties of life ; cunning is a kind of in- stinct that only looks out after our immediate interest; and welfare. Dis- cretion is only found in men of strong sense and good understanding ; cunning is often to bo met with in brutes themselves, and in persons who are but tho fewest removes from them. In short, cunning is only tho mimic of discretion, and may pass upon mean men in Iho same manner as vivacity is often mistaken for wit, and gravity for wisdom." Spec- tator, No. 225. 1 Because an heir, having only just comointo possession of tho proper- ty, consisting of slaves, might fairly bo considered ignorant of their evil qualities. 2 We havo hero a singular proof of tho facility with which men, oven when analyzing tho nicest moral obligations, may bo insensible to tho grossest violations of moral fitness involved in tho social institutions amid which they havo been educated. In connection witli this nice casuistry touching tho sale of a slave, it is curious to peruse tho following descrip- tion of the state of things which existed at tho very time when Cicero penned his treatise : " The custom of exposing old, useless, or sick slaves in on island of the Tyber, there to starve, seems to havo been pretty common in Home; and whoever recovered, after having been so exposed, had his liberty given him by an edict of tho Emperor Claudius; in which it was likewiso forbidden to kill any slave merely for old ago or sickness. But suppos- ing that this edict was strictly obeyed, would it better tho domestic treatment of slaves, or render their lives much more comfortable ? Wo may imagine what others would practice, when it was tho professed maxim of tho elder Cato to sell his superannuated slaves for any price, rather than maintain what he esteemed a useless burden. " Tho ergastula, or dungeons where slaves in chains wero forced to 144 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK m. than the pretense of wisdom in knavery ; from which those in- numerable cases proceed, where the useful seems to be opposed to the virtuous. For how few will be found who, when prom- ised perfect secrecy and impunity, can abstain from injustice ? XVni. Let us test the principle, if you please, in those ex- amples in which, indeed, the mass of mankind do not think per- haps that there is any crime. For it is not necessary in this place to treat of assassins, poisoners, will-forgers, robbers, embezzlers, who are to be kept down, not by means of words and the disputation of philosophers, but by chains and a dungeon. But let us consider these acts, which they who are esteemed honest men commit. Some persons brought from Greece to Rome a forged will of Lucius Minucius Basilus, a rich man. That they might the more easily obtain their object, they put down as legatees along with themselves, Marcus Crassus and Quintus Hortensius, the most powerful men of that day ; who, though they suspected that it was a forgery, but were conscious of no crime in themselves, did work, were very common all over Italy. Columella advises that they be always built under ground, and recommends it as the duty of a careful overseer to call over every day the names of tho slaves, like the muster- ing of a regiment or ship's company, in order to know presently when any of them had deserted ; a proof of tho frequency of these ergastula and of the great number of slaves usually confined in them. " A chained slave for a porter was usual in Rome, as appears from Ovid and other authors. Had not these people shaken off all sense of com- passion toward that unhappy part of their species, would they have presented their friends, at the first entrance, with such an image of tho severity of the master and misery of the slave ? Nothing so common in all trials, even of civil causes, as to call for tho evidence of slaves ; which was always extorted by the most exquisite torment. Demosthenes says that where it was possible to produce, for tho same fact, either freemen or slaves, as witnesses, the judges always preferred the torturing of slaves as a more certain evidence. " Seneca draws a picture of that disorderly luxury which changes day into night, and night into day, and inverts every stated hour of every office in life. Among other circumstances, such as displacing tho meals and times of bathing, he mentions, that regularly, about tho third hour of the night, the neighbors of one who indulges this false refinement, hear the noise of whips and lashes ; and, upon inquiry, find that he is then taking an account of the conduct of his servants, and giving them due correction and discipline. " This is not remarked as an instance of cruelty, but only of disorder, which even in actions tho most usual and methodical changes the fixed hours that an established custom had assigned for them." Hume's Es- Bays, Part ii. Essay 11. CHAP. xix. CICERO'S OFFICES. 145 not reject the paltry gift of other men's villainy. What then ? Was this enough, that they should not be thought to have been culpable ? To me, indeed, it seems otherwise ; though I loved one of them when living, and do not hate the other, now that he is dead. But when Basilus had willed that Marcus Satrius, his sister's son, should bear his name, and had made him his heir (I am speaking of him who was patron of the Picene and Sabine districts; oh! foul stigma upon those times I 1 ) was it fair that those noble citizens should have the property, and that nothing but the name should come down to Satrius ? For if he who does not keep off an injury, nor repel it if he can from another, acts unjustly, as I asserted in the first book, what is to be thought of him who not only does not repel, but even assists in the injury? To me, indeed, even true legacies do not seem honorable, if they are acquired by deceitful fawning not by the reality, but by the semblance of kind offices. But in such matters the profitable is sometimes accustomed to be thought one thing, and the honest another thing. Falsely ; for the rule about profit is the same as that which obtains respecting honesty. To him who will not thoroughly perceive this, no fraud, no villainy will be wanting ; for, considering thus, " that, indeed, is honest, but this is expedient," he will dare erroneously to separate things united by nature which is the fountain of all frauds, malpractices, and crimes. XIX. If a good man, then, should have this power, that by snapping his fingers his name could creep by stealth into the wills of the wealthy, ho would not use this power, not even if he had it for certain that no one at all would ever suspect it. But should you give this power to Marcus Crassus, that by the snapping of his fingers ho could be in- scribed heir, when he really was not heir; believe me, he would have danced in the forum. But the just man, and ho whom we deem a good man, would take nothing from any man in order to transfer it wrongfully to himself. Let him who is surprised at this confess that he is ignorant of what 1 Marcus Satrius, having taken his uncle's name, Lucius Minucius Basilus, was chosen as patron by those districts ho was a partisan of Caesar in the- civil war. In the eyes of Cicero it was, of course, a foul stain upon the times that a friend of Caesar should be chosen as patron, especially since, as ho insinuates in the 2d Phillippic, it was through fear, not love, ho was selected for that honor. 146 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK in. constitutes a good man. But if any one would be willing to develop the idea involved in his own mind, 1 he would at once convince himself that a good man is he who serves whom he can, and injures none except when provoked by injury. What then ? Does he hurt none, who, as if by some enchantment, accomplishes the exclusion of the true heirs, and the substitution of himself in their place ? Should he not do, then, somebody will say, what is useful, what is expedient ? Yes, but he should understand that nothing is either expedient or useful which is unjust. He who has not learned this, can not be a good man. When a boy, I learned from my father that Fimbria, the consular," was judge in the case of Marcus Lutatius Pinthia, r.oman knight, a truly honest man, when he had given security, 3 {which he was to forfeit*) " unless he was a good man ;" and that Fimbria thereupon told him that he never would decide that matter, lest he should either de- prive a worthy man of his character, if he decided against him, or should be seen to have established that any one was a good man, when this matter was comprised in in- numerable duties and praiseworthy actions. To this good man, then, whom even Fimbria, not Socrates alone had 1 The commentator, from whom I have already quoted, gives tlio fol- lowing explanation of this passage. From the Platonic school Cicero seems to have imbibed a persuasion, not merely that ideas are innate, but that they were acquired during a pre-existent state of the mind or soul. " Habet primuca (se animus hominis) memoriam et earn inflnitam, rerum innumerabiiium quam quidem Plato recordationem esse vult superioris vitae. Ex quo effici vult Socrates, ut discere nihil aliud sit quam recor- darL Nee vero fieri ullo modo posse ut a pueris tot rerum atque tanta- rum vnsitas, et quasi consignatas in animis, notiones, quas ivvoiaf vocant, haberemus, nisi animus, antequam in corpus intrasset, in rerum cognitiono viquisset." TulL Q. I. 24. He states also, Tull. Q. IV. c. 24., " Notionem quam habemus omnes do fortitudine, tactam et involutam." In the present passage he appears to speak in the same tone, of developing tho notion we have, though indistinctly, in our minds of perfection of moral character. 2 So called to distinguish him from Caius Fimbria, who having by his intrigues occasioned the death of Lucius Flaccus, the proconsul of Asia (eighty-five years B.C.), was subsequently conquered by Sylla, and termin- ated his career by suicide. 3 The "sponsio" was a sum deposited in court, or promised with tho usual formula ni veram causam haberet. If the party who thus gave security was defeated, the money was forfeited to the treasury- CHAP. xx. CICERO'S OFFICES. 147 known, any thing which is not morally right can by no means seem to be expedient. Such a man, then, not only will not venture to do, but not even to think, what he would not venture openly to proclaim. Is it not disgraceful that philosophers should hesitate about this, which not even rustics doubt from whom is derived this proverb, which has now become trite through antiquity ; for when they commend the integrity and worthiness of any person, they say " he is one with whom you might play odd and even in the dark." 1 What meaning has this proverb but this, that nothing is ex- pedient which is not morally right, even though you could obtain it without any body proving you guilty. Do you not see that, according to that proverb, no excuse can be offered either to the aforesaid Gyges, nor to this man whom I havo just now supposed able to sweep to himself the inheritances of all by a snap of the fingers ? For as, how much soever that which is base may be concealed, yet it can by no means become morally right (honestum), so it can not be made out that whatever is morally wrong can be expedient, since nature is adverse and repugnant. XX. But when the prizes are very great, there is a tempta- tion to do wrong. When Caius Marius was far from the hope of the consulship, and was now in the seventh year of his torpor, after obtaining the praetorship, and did not seem likely ever to stand for the consulship, he accused Quintus Metellus, a very eminent man and citizen, whose lieutenant he was, be- fore the Roman people of a charge that he was protracting the war, when he had been sent to Rome by him his own com- mander ; stating that if they would make himself consul, that he would in a short time deliver Jugurtha, either alive or dead, into the power of the Roman people. Upon this ho was indeed made consul, but he deviated from good faith and justice, since, by a false charge, he brought obloquy upon a most excellent and respectable citizen, whose lieutenant he was, and by whom he had been sent. Even my relative Gratidianus did not discharge the duty of a good man at the time when he was 1 This play, retained among modern Italians under tlio name of La Mora, is thus played : A and B are the players ; A suddenly raises, wo will suppose, three fingers, and B two; A at a guess, cries, six; B, five. B, having named the number, wins. Parties, to play it in tho dark, must huvo reliance on each other's word ; hence tho provorb. 148 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK m praetor, and the tribunes of the people had called in the college of the praetors, in order that the matter of the coinage might be settled by a joint resolution. For at that period the coinage was in a state of uncertainty, so that no man could know how much he was worth. They drew up in common an edict, with a fine and conviction annexed, and agreed that they should all go up together to the rostra, in the afternoon. And while the rest of them, indeed, went off each a different way, Marius, from the judgment seats, went straight to the rostra, and singly published that which had been arranged in common. And this proceeding, if you inquire into the result, brought him great honor. In every street statues of him were erected, and at these incense and tapers were burned. What need of many words ? No man ever became a greater favorite with the multitude. These are the things which sometimes perplex our deliberations, when that in which equity is violated seems not a very great crime, but that which is procured by it appears a very great advan- tage. Thus to Marius it seemed not a very base act to snatch away the popular favor from his colleagues and the tribunes of the people, but it appeared a very expedient thing by means of that act to become consul, which at that time he had proposed to himself. But there is for all, the one rule which I wish to be thoroughly known to you ; either let not that which seems expedient be base, or if it be base let it not seem expedient. What then ? Can we judge either the former Marius or the latter, 1 a good man? Unfold and examine your understanding, that you may see what in it is the idea, form, and notion of a good man. Does it then fall under the notion of a good man to lie for the sake of his own advantage, to make false charges, to overreach, to deceive ? Nothing, indeed, less so. Is there, then, any thing of such value, or any advantage so desirable, that for it you would forfeit the splendor and name of a good man ? What is there which that expediency, as it is called, can bring, so valuable as that which it takes away, if it deprive you of the name of a. good man, if it rob you of your integrity and justice ? Now, what difference does it make, whether from a man one transform himself into a beast, or under the form of a man, bear the savage nature of a beast ? 1 Namely, Marcus Marius Gralidianus. CHAP. xxi. CICERO'S OFFICES. 149 XXI. What ? Are not they who disregard all things up- right and virtuous, provided they can attain power, doing the same as he l who was willing to have even for his father- in-law, that man* by whose audacity he might himself be- come as powerful ? It seemed expedient to him to become as powerful as possible by the unpopularity of the other. He did not see how unjust that was toward his country, and how base and how useless. But the father-in-law himself always had in his mouth the Greek verses from the Phoe- nissae, 3 which I will translate as well as I can inelegantly, perhaps, yet so that the meaning can be understood : " For if justice ought ever to be violated, it is to be violated for the sake of ruling ; in other cases cherish the love of country." Eteocles, or rather Euripides, deserved death for making an exception of that one crime, which is the most accursed of all. Why, then, do we repress petty villainies, or fraud- ulent inheritances, trades, and sales ? Here is a man for you, who aspired to be king of the Roman people, and master of all nations, and accomplished it if any one says this desire is an honest one, he is a madman/ For he ap- 1 Pompey. 8 Caesar, whoso daughter Julia was sought and obtained in marriage by Pompey, who being, from his great power, suspected of ambitious designs by the people, with whom Caesar was a favorite, wished by the alliance to bring a share of the suspicion under which himself labored upon hia rival, and thus to diminish his popularity. 3 EJirep ytip aiiKelv XP^> TVpawttof irepi KuXTiiarov dtiinetv r" dA/ia 6' evaepeiv xpeuv. * " "Wo may, indeed, agree, by a sacrifice of truth, to call that purple which we see to be yellow, as wo may agree by a still more profligate sacrifice of every noble feeling, to offer to tyranny the homage of our adulation ; to say to the murderer of Thrasea Paetus, ' Thou hast done well;' to the parricide who murdered Agrippina, 'Thou hast done more than well.' As every new victim falls, we may lift our voice in still louder flattery. Wo may fall at the proud feet, wo may beg, as a boon, the honor of kissing that bloody hand which has been lifted against the helpless ; we may do more ; we may bring the altar, and the sacrifice, and implore the god not to ascend too soon to heaven. This we may do, for this we have the sad remembrance that beings of a human form and soul have done. But this is all wo can do. Wo can constrain our tongues to be false, our features to bend themselves to the semblance of that passionate adoration which we wish to express ; our knees to fall prostrate ; but our heart we can not constrain. There virtue must still have a voice which is not to be drowned by hymns and acclamations ; there the crimes which wo laud as virtues, are crimes still; and ho 150 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK m. proves of the murder of our laws and liberty ; the foul and abominable oppression of these he thinks glorious. But by what reproof, or rather by what reproach, should I attempt to tear away from so great an error the man who admits that to usurp kingly power in that state which was free, and which ought to be so, is not a virtuous act, but is expedient for him who can accomplish it ? For, immortal gods ! can the most foul and horrible parricide of his country be expedient for any man, though he who shall hove brought upon himself that guilt be named by the oppressed citizens a parent ? Expediency, then, should be guided by virtue, and in- deed so that these two may seem to differ from each other in name, but to signify the same in reality. In vulgar opinion I know not what advantage can be greater than that of sov- ereign sway, but, on the contrary, when I begin to recall my reason to the truth, I find nothing more disadvantageous to him who shall have attained it unjustly. Can torments, cares, daily and nightly fears, a life full of snares and perils, be ex- pedient for any man ?' " The enemies and traitors to sove- reignty are many, its friends few," says Accius. But to what sovereignty ? That which was justly obtained, having been transmitted by descent from Tantalus and Pelops ? Now, whom wo have made a god is the most contemptible of mankind ; if, in- deed, we do not feel, perhaps, that we are ourselves still more contempt^ ible." Brown's "Moral Philosophy," Lecture Ixxviii. 1 " Do we think that God has reserved all punishment for another world, and that wickedness has no feelings but those of triumph in the years of earthly sway which consummate its atrocities ? There are hours in which the tyrant is not seen, the very remembrance of which, in the hours in which he is seen, darkens to his gloomy gaze that pomp which is splendor to every eye but his ; and that even on earth, avenge with awful retribution, the wrongs of the virtuous. The victim of his jealous dread, who, with a frame wasted by disease and almost about to release his spir't to a liberty that is immortal, is slumbering and dreaming of heaven on the straw that scarcely covers the damp earth of his dungeon if he could know at that very hour what thoughts are present to the conscience of him who doomed him to this sepulcher, and who is lyiEtj* sleepless on his bed of state, though for a moment the knowledge of the vengeance might bo gratifying, would almost shrink the very moment after from the contemplation of honor so hopeless, and wish that the vengeance were less severe. ' Think not,' says Cicero, ' that guilt requires the burning torches of the Furies to agitate and torment it. Their own frauds, their crimes, their remembrances of the past, their terrors of tho future, those are the domestic Furies that are ever present to the mind of tho impious.' " Dr. Brown's "Moral Philosophy," Lecture Ixiv- CHAP. rni. CICERO'S OFFICES. 151 how many more do you think are enemies to that king, who with the military force of the Roman people crushed that very Roman people, and compelled a state that was not only free, but also the ruler of the nations, to be slaves to him? What stains, what stings of conscience do you conceive that man to have upon his soul ? Moreover, could his life be a beneficial one to himself, when the condition of that life was this, that he who deprived him of it would be held in the high- est esteem and glory I But if these things be not useful, which seem so in the highest degree, because they are full of disgrace and turpitude, we ought to be quite convinced that there is nothing expedient which is not virtuous. XXII. But this indeed was decided, as well on other oc- casions frequently, as by Caius Fabricius, in his second con- sulship, and by our senate in the war with Pyrrhus. For when king Pyrrhus had made aggressive war upon the Roman people, and when the contest was maintained for empire with a generous and potent monarch, a deserter from him came into the camp of Fabricius, and promised him, if he would propose a reward for him, that as he had come secretly, so ho would return secretly into the camp of Pyrrhus, and dispatch him with poison. Fabricius took care that this man should be sent back in custody to Pyrrhus, and this conduct of his was applauded by the senate. And yet if we pursue the appearance and notion of advantage, one deserter would have rid us of that great war, and of thav formidable adversary ; but it would have been a great dis- grace and scandal, that he, with whom the contest was for glory, had been conquered, not by valor, but by villainy. Whether was it then more expedient, for Fabricius, who was such a person in our state as Aristides was at Athens, or for our senate, which never separated expedi- ency from dignity, to fight against an enemy with arms or with poison 2 If empire is to be sought for the sake of glory, away with guilt in which there can not be glory ; but if power itself is to be sought by any means what- ever, it can not be expedient when allied to infamy. That proposition, therefore, of Lucius Philippus, the son of Quintus, was not expedient that those states, which, by a decree of the senate, Lucius Sylla, on receiving a sum of money, had made free, should again be subject to tribute, and that we 152 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK m. should not return the money which they had given for their freedom. To this the senate agreed. Disgrace to the em- pire ! For the faith of pirates is better than was the senate's. But our revenues have been increased by it therefore it was expedient. How long will people venture to say that any thing is expedient which is not virtuous ? Now, can odium and infamy be useful to any empire which ought to be supported by glory and the good-will of its allies? I often disagreed in opinion even with my friend Cato. For he seemed to me too rigidly to defend the treasury and tributes ; to deny all concessions to the farmers of the revenue ; and many to our allies, when we ought to have been munificent toward the latter, and to have treated the former as we were accustomed to do our colonists, and so much the more, because such a harmony between the orders 1 conduced to the safety of the republic. Curio was also in error when he admitted that the cause of the Transpadani was just, but always added, " let expediency prevail." He should rather have said that it was not just, because not expedient, for the republic, than to say it was not expedient, when he confessed that it was just. XXHL The 6th book of Hecaton, " De Officiis," is full of such questions whether it be the part of a good man, in an exceedingly great scarcity of provisions, not to feed his slaves ; he argues on either side, but still in the end he guides our duty rather by utility than humanity. He inquires, if goods must needs be thrown into the sea in a storm, Avhether ought one to throw overboard a valuable horse or a worthless slave. Here pecuniary interest Avould incline us one way, humanity another. If a fool should snatch a plank from a wreck, shall a wise man wrest it from him if he is able ? He says no, because it is an injustice. What Avill the master of the ship do ? Will he seize the plank as his own ? By no means no more than he Avould be willing to toss into the sea one sailing in his ship, because it is his own. For until they are come to the place to which the vessel was chartered, the vessel is not the property of the master, but 1 The equestrian order, who were the farmers of the revenue, and the senators, who exacted too rigidly the full amount of the contracts, not- withstanding any event that might render the taxes less valuable to the farmers. This disgusted the knights with the senate, and threw them into the arms of Caesar, who procured for them a remission of part of their liabilities. CHAP. XXHL CICERO'S OFFICES. 153 of the passengers. What, if there be only one plank, two shipwrecked men, and both wise ? Should neither seize it, or one yield to the other? One, indeed, should yield to the other, namely, to him whose life was of more consequence either for his own sake or that of the commonwealth. But if these considerations be equal in both cases? There will be no dispute ; but one, conquered, as it were, by lot, or by playing at odd or even, should yield to the other. What, if a father should rob temples, or carry a subterraneous passage into the treasury ; should his son inform of it to the magistrates ? To do that indeed would be impiety. Nay, he ought even to defend his father if he were accused of it. 1 Ls 1 Tho most noted opponent of this crude and indefensible dogma, which would set up a claim on the score of personal relationship paramount to all the claims of justice, has been answered, as wo have already seen, by two ethical philosophers of no mean reputation, Jonathan Edwards, in his " Essay on the Nature of True Virtue," and "William Godwin, in his " Inquiry concerning Political Justice." It is tho latter who has carried these principles to the greatest extent. Indeed, he appears so far to equalize the relative obligations of mankind as to make gratitude an injustice, and to destroy all peculiarity of claims arising from the closest relationship. Perhaps, however, it is safe to affirm that ho has not erred so widely on tho one side, as Cicero in tho above sentence has erred on the other. The following passage contains tho strongest statement of Godwin's views on this point : " What magic is there in tho pronoun ' my' that should justify us in overturning the decisions of impartial truth ? My brother, or my father, may be a fool, or a profligate, malicious, lying, or dishonest. If they bo, of what consequence is it that they are mine ? 'But through my father I am indebted for existence, ho supported me in the helplessness of in- fancy.' When ho first subjected himself to tho necessity of these cares, ho was probably influenced by no particular motives of benevolence to his future offspring. Every voluntary benefit, however, entitles the be- stower to some kindness and retribution. Why ? because a voluntary benefit is an evidence of benevolent intention, that is, in a certain degree of virtue. It is tho disposition of the mind, not tho external action sepa- rately taken, that entitles to respect. But tho merit of this disposition is equal, whether tho benefit be bestowed upon mo or upon another. I and another man can not both be right in preferring our respective bene- factors, for my benefactor can not bo at tho same time both better and worse than his neighbor. My benefactor ought to bo esteemed, not bo- cause ho bestowed a benefit upon me, but because he bestowed it upon a human being. His desert will bo in exact proportion to the degree in which that human being was worthy of the distinction preferred. " Thus every view of the subject brings us back to the consideration of my neighbor's moral worth, and his importance to the general weal as tho only standard to detennino the treatment to which bo is entitled. 7* 154 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK lit not our country then paramount to all duties ? Yes, indeed, but it is advantageous to our country itself to have its citizens affection- ate toward their parents, What, if a father should endeavor to usurp tyrannic power, or to betray his country ? Shall the son be silent ? Nay, but he should implore his father not to do it. If he prevail not, he should reproach he should even threaten. If at last the matter should tend to the ruin of his country, he should prefer the safety of his country to that of his father. He also asks, if a wise man should receive base money unawares for good, shall he, when he shall have come to know it, pay it instead of good, if he owes money to any person ? Diogenes affirms this ; Antipater denies it and with him I rather agree. Ought he who knowingly sells wine that will not keep, to acquaint the buyer ? Diogenes thinks it unnecessary ; Antipater thinks it the characteristic of an honest man. These are, as it were, the controverted laws of the Stoics. In selling s\ slave, are his faults to be told not those which, unless you tell, the slave would be returned by the civil law ; but these, that he is a liar, a gambler, a pilferer, a drunkard ? These things to the one seem necessary to be told ;' to the other not. K any person selling gold should suppose he was selling brass, should an honest man acquaint him that it was gold, or should he buy for a denarius what. was worth a thousand de- Gratitude, therefore, if by gratitude we understand a sentiment of prefer- ence which I entertain toward another, upon the ground of my having been the subject of his benefits, is no part either of justice or virtue. " It may be objected, ' that my relation, my companion, or my bene* factor, will of course in many instances obtain an uncommon portion of my regard : for not being universally capable of discriminating the com' parative worth of different men, I shall inevitably judge most favorably of him of whose virtues I have received the most unquestionable proofs ; and thus shall be compelled to prefer the man of moral worth whom J know, to another who may possess, unknown to me, an essential superi- ority.' " This compulsion, however, is founded in the imperfection of humpn nature. It may serve as an apology for my error, but can never chango error into truth. It will always remain contrary to the strict and uni- versal decisions of justice. The difficulty of conceiving this, is owing merely to our confounding the disposition from which an action is chosen with the action itself. The disposition, that would prefer virtue to vice, and a greater degree of virtue to a less, is undoubtedly a subject of ap- probation ; the erroneous exercise of this disposition, by which a wrong object is selected, if unavoidable, is to be deplored, but can by no color- ing, and under no denomination, be converted iato right." Godwin's " Political Justice," voL i. book ii. chap. ii. CHAP. XXIT. CICERO'S OFFICES. 155 narii ? It is plain now, both what is my view, and what is the controversy between those philosophers whom I have mentioned. XXIV. Are compacts and promises always to be kept, 1 which are made neither by means of force, nor with crimin- al intent (as the praetors are accustomed to say) ? If any one should give some person a cure for the dropsy, and should covenant with him that he should never afterward use that cure if by that cure he became well, and in some years afterward fell into the same disease, and could not obtain from him with whom he had covenanted, leave to use it again what ought to be done ? Since he is an in- human fellow, who would not give him leave, and no in- jury would be done to that person by using it, he ought to consult for his life and health. What 1 If a wise man, being required, by one who would make him his heir, when ho would be left by him a large fortune in his will, that be- fore he entered upon the inheritance he should dance openly by daylight in the forum should promise him that he would do it, because otherwise ho would not have made him his heir; should he do what he promised, or not? I 1 Promises are not binding if performance is unlawful. Sometimes men promise to commit a wicked act, even to assassination j but a man is not required to commit murder because ho has promised to commit it. Thus, in the Christian scriptures, the son who has said, "I will not work" in the vineyard, and "afterward repented and went," is spoken of with approbation, his promise was not binding, because fulfillment would have been wrong. Cranmer, whoso religious firmness was overcome in tho prospect of the stake, recanted ; that is, ho promised to abandon tho Protestant faith. Neither was his promise binding ; to have regarded it would have been a crime. The offense both of Cranmer and of tho son in the parable, consisted not in violating their promises but in making them. Respecting the often discussed question, whether extorted prom- ises are binding, there has been, I suspect, a general want of advertence to one important point what is an extorted promise ? If by an extort- ed promise is meant a promise that is made involuntarily, without tho concurrence of tho will ; if it is tho effect of any ungovernable impulse, and made without tho consciousness of tho party, then it is not a promise. This may happen. Fear or agitation may bo so great that a person really does not know what he says or does, and in such a case a man's promi- ses do not bind him any more than the promises of a man in a fit of in- sanity. But if by an " extorted" promise it is only meant that very powerful inducements were held out to making it, inducements, how- ever, which did not take away tho power of choice then these promises are hi strictness voluntary, and like all other voluntary engagements they ought to be fulfilled. Dymond's " Principles of Morality," chap. 6. 156 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK m. would wish that ho had not promised, and I think that this would have heen the part suitable to his dignity. Since he has promised, if he considers it disgraceful to dance in the forum, he will with greater propriety break his word, provided he should not take any thing out of the inheritance, than if he did so ; unless, perhaps, he will contribute that money to some great occasion of the state so that it would not be disgraceful even to dance, since he was about to con- sult for the interests of his country. 1 XXV. But even those promises ought not to be kept, which are hurtful to those very persons to whom you have made them. To revert to fictitious tales, Sol promised to Phaeton, his son, to do whatever he would desire. He desired to bo taken up in his father's chariot. He was taken up. But before he was well settled, he was burned with the stroke of lightning. How much better would it have been in this case, that the promise of the father had not been kept ? Why should I mention the promise which Theseus exacted from Neptune, to whom when Neptune gave three wishes he wished for the death of his son Hippolytus, when he was suspected by his father concerning his step-mother; by ob- taining which promise, Theseus was involved in the greatest affliction ? Why, that Agamemnon, when he had vowed to Diana the loveliest thing that should be born that year in his kingdom, sacrificed Iphigenia, than whom, indeed, nothing lovelier was born that year ? Better that the promise should not be performed, than that a horrible crime should be committed. Therefore, promises arc sometimes not to be performed, and deposits arc not always to be restored. If any man in sound mind should have intrusted a sword to you, and having gone mad, should ask it back, to restore would be a crime ; not to restore, a duty. What, if he who may have deposited money with you, should levy war against his country, ought you to re- 1 Tho following is Cockman's note upon this passage : " Dancing was esteemed but a scandalous practice, and unbecoming a sober and prudent person among the Romans ; wherefore our author tells us in his oration for Murena (chap. 6), nobody almost dances, unless he be drunk or mad, and calls it omnium vitiorum extremum, a vice that no one would bo guilty of till he had utterly abandoned all virtue; and umbram luxurice, that which follows riot and debauchery, as the shadow follows the body. The meaning, therefore, of this place is, that Crassus would not stick a; the basest actions if he could but fill his coffers by them." CHAP. XXVL CICERO'S OFFICES. 157 store the deposit ? I think not. For you would be acting against your country, which ought to be most dear to you. So, many things which are right by nature become wrong by occasions. To perform promises, to stand to agreements, to restore deposits, the expediency being altered, become contrary to virtue. Now, indeed, of those things which seem to be profitable, contrary to justice, but with the semblance of prudence, I think enough has been said. But since in the first book we derived duties from the four sources of virtue, we shall be engaged with those same, while we show that those things which seem to be useful are not so as long as they are hostile to virtue. And indeed of prudence, which craft is apt to imitate, and likewise of justice, which is always expedient, we have already treated. Two parts of virtue remain, of which the one is discerned in the greatness and pre-eminence of an elevated mind; the other in the habit and regulation of continence and temperance. XXVI. It seemed to Ulysses to be expedient (to act], as the tragic poets, indeed, have represented for in Homer, the best authority, there is no such suspicion of Ulysses but the tragedians accused him of wishing to escape from military service by the affectation of insanity. A dishonorable de- vice. But it was advantageous, some persons, perhaps, will say, to reign and live at ease in Ithaca, with his parents, with his wife, with his son. They may ask, do you think any glory arising from daily toils and perils to be compared with this tranquillity ? I think, indeed, this tranquillity is to be despised and rejected, because I think tranquillity which was not honorable, was not even advantageous. For what reproach do you think Ulysses would have heard if he had per- severed in that dissembling, when though ho performed the greatest achievements in the war, he yet heard this from Ajax ? " Of the oath, of which he was the originator, as you all know, he alone disregarded the obligation. Madness he feigned ; persisted in not joining the army ; and had not the clear-sighted wisdom of Palamedes seen through the knavish audacity of the fellow, he would have forever evaded the obligation of his sacred oath." It was really better for him to buffet, not only with the foe, but also with the waves, as he did, than to desert Greece, when combining to wage war against the barbarians. But let 158 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK IIL ns leave both fables and foreign scenes let us come to real history, and that our own. Marcus Atilius Regulus, when in his second consulship taken in Africa by stratagem by Xanthippus, the Lacedaemonian general but when Hamilcar, the father of Hannibal, was the commander-in-chief was sent to the senate, bound by an oath, that unless some noble captives were restored to the Carthaginians, he should himself return to Carthage. When he arrived at Rome, he saw the semblance of advantage, but, as the event declares, judged it a fallacious appearance, which was this to remain in his country, to stay at home with his wife and his chil- dren ; and, regarding the calamity which he had experienced as incident to the fortune of war, to retain the rank of con- sular dignity. Who can deny these things to be profitable ? Whom do you think ? Greatness of mind and fortitude deny it. XXVII. Can you require more creditable authorities ? For it is characteristic of these virtues to fear nothing, to despise all human concerns, to think nothing that can happen to a man intolerable. What, then, did he do ? He came into the senate he disclosed his commission he refused to declare his own sentiments he said that as long as he was bound by an oath to the enemy he was not a senator. And this, too (oh, foolish man ! some person will exclaim, an enemy to his own interests !) he denied to be expedient, namely, that the captives should be restored, for that they were young men and good generals, that he himself was already worn out with years. When his authority had pre- vailed, the captives were retained, and he returned to Carthage ; nor did the love of his country or of his family withhold him. Nor was he then ignorant that he was return- ing to a most cruel enemy, and to exquisite tortures. But he considered that his oath ought to be observed. Therefore, at the very time when ho was undergoing death by want of sleep, he was in a better condition than if he had remained at home an aged captive, and a perjured consular. But ho acted foolishly, since he not only did not advise the sending back the captives, but even spoke against the measure. How foolishly ? What, even if it was advantageous to his country ? Can that now which is inexpedient for our country be expedient for any citizen ? CHAP. YTTT. CICERO'S OFFICES. 159 XXVIII. Men pervert those things which are the founda- tions of nature, when they separate expediency from virtue. For we all desire our own interest we are carried along to it; nor can we by any means do otherwise. For who is there that shuns his own advantage ? or rather, Avho is there that does not most eagerly pursue it ? But because we never can find real advantage except in good report, honor, virtue ; therefore we esteem these things first and chief; we consider the name of utility not so much noble as necessary. What is there, then, somebody will say, in an oath ? Are we afraid of angry Jove ? But it is a common principle with all philosophers, indeed not of those only who say that tho deity has no labor himself, and imposes none on others but of those also who are of opinion that the deity is always acting and planning something, that the deity never is angry, nor injurious. But what greater harm could angry Jupiter do to Regulus, than Regulus did to himself? It was, then, no force of religion which prevented so great an advantage. Was it that he might act basely ? In tho first place, choose the least among evils. Would, then, this trifling turpitude bring as much evil as that great torture ? In the next place, that saying in Accius " Hast thou broken faith ? I neither have plighted nor do plight faith with any of the faithless" though it is spoken by an impious king, yet is well spoken. They add, also, that just as we say that somo acts seem useful which are not; so they say that some acts seem virtuous which are not so ; as for instance, this very act seems virtuous, to return to torture for the sake of observ- ing an oath, but it is really not virtuous, because whatever is extorted by the violence of enemies, ought not to be fulfilled. They add also that whatever is very advantageous becomes virtuous, even though it did not seem so before. These things are usually urged against Regulus. But let us consider the first objection. XXIX. We need not dread Jupiter, lest in his wrath he might do us harm, who neither is accustomed to be wroth, nor to do harm. This reasoning, indeed, applies not more against Regulus than against every oath ; but in an oath it ought to be considered, not what is tho fear, but what is the force. For an oath is a religious affirmation ; but what you solemnly promise, as if tho deity were witness, to that you 160 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK in ought to adhere. 1 For it pertains now not to the anger of the gods, which exists not, but to justice and fidelity. For well has Ennius said "0 holy Faith, winged, and tho very oath of Jove." He, then, who violates an oath, violates Faith, which our ancestors, as is recorded in Cato's speech, wished to be in the Capitol, next to Jupiter Greatest and Best. But they argue that even angry Jupiter could not have done more harm to Regulus than Regulus did to himself. Certainly not, \i nothing but pain be an evil. But philosophers of the highest authority assert, not only that it is not the greatest evil, but that it is not an evil at all. I pray you not to despise a witness of theirs, of no slight weight I know not, indeed, but that he is the weightiest namely, Regulus. For, whom do we require more creditable than the chief of the Roman people who, for the sake of adhering to duty, underwent voluntary torture ? But as to what they say, choose the least of evils that is baseness rather than calamity can there be any evil greater than baseness? And if this implies some- thing of disgust in the deformity of person, how much worse should appear the depravity and foulness of a debased mind ? They, 2 therefore, who treat of these subjects more boldly, 1 " An oath is that whereby we call God to witness the truth of what we say ; with a curse upon ourselves, either implied or expressed, should it prove false." Milton on Christian Doctrine. While the sacredness of oaths is still held as a principle of morals, the lawfulness of their administration is doubted by many, and their efficacy perhaps by the majority of modern society. The increased security for the veracity of him who takes them, which they are supposed to afford, is in the case of an honest man unnecessary, and of a dishonest man valueless. The argument of Godwin with relation to oaths of duty and office, appears to admit of a universal application ; the same arguments that prove the injustice of tests, may be applied universally to all oatha of duty and office. " If I entered upon the office without an oath, what would be my duty ? Can the oath that is imposed upon me make any alteration in my duty ? if not, does not the very act of imposing it, by implication, assert a falsehood ? "Will this falsehood have no injurious effect upon a majority of the persons concerned ? What is the true cri- terion that I shall faithfully discharge the office that is conferred upon me ? Surely my past life, not any protestations I may be compelled to make. If my life have been unimpeachable, this compulsion is an un- merited insult; if it have been otherwise, it is something worse.' 1 God- win's " Political Justice," book vi. chap. v. 2 Cicero hero obviously refers to the Stoics who regarded pleasure and CHAP. xxix. CICERO'S OFFICES. 161 venture to say that that which, is base is the only evil ; hut they 1 who treat of them more timidly, yet do not hesitate to call it the greatest evil. Now, that saying indeed " I neither have plighted, nor do plight faith with any of the faithless" was well imagined by the poet, on this account, because when Atreus was being delineated, it was necessary to sus- tain the character. But if they take this to themselves, that there is no faith Avhich is plighted to the faithless, let them see to it lest it be sought as a subterfuge for perjury. There are also rights of war, and the faith of an oath is often to be kept with an enemy. For that, which is so sworn that the mind conceives it ought to be done, that should be observed. What is otherwise, if you perform it not, pain as indifferent. This theory is thus refuted by tfcat most ingenious metaphysician and moralist, Dr. Thomas Browne. " Between mero pleasure and mere virtue there is a competition, in short, of the less with the greater ; but though virtue be the greater, and the greater in every case in which it can be opposed to mere pleasure, pleasure is still good in itself, and would bo covetablo by the virtuous in every case in which the greater good of virtue is not inconsistent with it. It is, indeed, be- cause pleasure and pain are not in themselves absolutely indifferent that man is virtuous in resisting the solicitations of the one and the threats of the other. And there is thus a self-confutation in the principles of stoicism, which it is truly astonishing that the founder of the system, or some one of tho ancient and modern commentators on it, should not have discovered. Wo may praise, indeed, tho magnanimity of him who dares to suffer every external evil which men can suffer rather than give his conscience ono guilty remembrance ; but it is because there is evil to bo endured that wo may praiso him for his magnanimity in bearing the evil, and if there bo no ill to bo endured, there is no magnanimity that can bo called forth to endure it. Tho bed of roses differs from the burning bull; not merely as a square differs from a circle, or as flint differs from clay, but as that which is physically evil ; and if they do not so differ as good and evil, there could be as little merit in consenting when virtue required the sacriflco to suffer all tho bodily pain which tho instrument of torturo could inflict, rather than to rest in guilty indolence on that luxurious couch of flowers, as there could be in tho mero preference for any physi- cal purpose of a circular to an angular form, or of tho softness of clay to tho hardness of flint. Moral excellence is, indeed, in every case, prefer- able to mero physical enjoyment : and there is no enjoyment worthy of the choice of man when virtue forbids tho desire. But virtue is tho superior only, not tho solo power; she has imperial sway, but her sway is imperial only because there are forms of inferior good over which it is her glory to preside." Moral Philosophy, Lect. xcix. 1 The Peripatetics. 162 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK in. involves no perjury. Thus, if you should not pay a price for your life, agreed on with robbers, it is no fraud if you should not perform it, though bound by an oath. 1 For a pirate is not comprehended in the number of lawful enemies, but is the common foe of all men. With such a man, neither 1 " Grotius," says an anonymous commentator (de Jure Belli et Pacis, II, 13, 15), "citing this passage, admits that a person extorting a promise by force, can have no right to demand its performance ; but thinks that an oath accompanying it makes it binding in conscience." Hobbes, de Civ. ii. 16, maintains that a promise, because extorted by fear, is not the less obligatory in cases where the promiser receives from it some benefit. On this it is remarked by Puffendorf, that merely abstain- ing from injury can not bo reckoned among benefits ; that a highway- man, for instance, who does not murder you, can not be called your bene- factor. Hobbes's doctrine is, therefore, thus qualified by Puffendorf, pro- vided that the promiser can legitimately exact the performance of that promise. To this Barbeyrac, the learned and acute commentator on both Grotius and Puffendorf, fully accedes, and pronounces that every act of violence, every sort of menace, by which the promises, against his will, is induced to make an engagement into which he otherwise would not have entered, deprives him of the liberty necessary to form a valid engagement, and, consequently, annuls all such promises and convocations. He adds, that the performance of an engagement made under such circumstances is injurious to society, as it leads to the encouragement of robbers. Adam Smith has treated this question much at length, Theory of Mor. Sent. vii. 4. "With some exceptions, and guardedly, he leans to the opposite opin- ion. Some regard, ho thinks, should be paid to promises of this kind, but how much it is not possible to determine by any general rule. If the sum promised was very great, such for example as would ruin by its payment the family of the payer, or sufficient to effect the most useful purposes, it would appear comical, at least extremely improper, to throw it into such worthless hands, but in general it may be said that exact propriety requires the observance of such promises where not inconsist- ent with other duties, when violated it is always with some degree of dis- honor to the person who made them. It is observable that Paley ap- pears to have changed his opinion on tho subject of such promises. In the first edition of his valuable work on Moral and Political Philosophy, III. part 1, 5, ho states their obligation to depend on tho question wheth- er mankind are benefited or not by their observance, concluding that lives are saved by it, ho treats such promises as in general binding. But in subsequent editions he observes, that they may be made the instru- ment of almost unlimited extortion, and therefore in tho question be- tween the importance of these opposite consequences resides the doubt concerning the obligation of such promises. The noble-minded Mon- taigne remarks on this subject : " Ce quo la crainte m'a fait une fois vouloir, je suis tenu do la vouloir encore sans crainte ; et quand elle n'aura force que ma langue sans la volonte, encoro, suis jo tenu de faire la maille bonne de ma parole." CHAP, xxx CICERO'S OFFICES. 163 should faith nor an oath be in common. For to swear what is false is not always perjury ; but not to do that which you swear according to the sentiment of your mind, "ex animi tui sententia," as it it expressed in words in our law form, is per- jury. For Euripides says well " With my tongue have I sworn ; I bear an unsworn conscience." But Regulus was under obligation not to disturb by perjury the conditions and covenants of war and of the enemy ; for the affair was transacted with a just and lawful foe, in regard to whom both the entire Fecial law and many other laws are binding in common. Had not this been so, the senate would never have delivered up eminent men bound to the enemy. XXX. But Titus Veturius and Spurms Postumius, when they were consuls the second time, were given up to the Samnites because they had made a peace with them, after having fought with ill success at Caudium, when our legions were sent under the yoke ; for they had made it without the command of the people and senate. And at the same time, Titus Numicius, and Quintus Mtelius, who were then tri- bunes of the people, because the peace was made by their authority, were given up, that the peace with the Samnites might be rejected. And of this surrender, Postumius himself, who was given up, was the advocate and author. Which same thing Caius Mancinus did, many years after- ward, who advocated that bill which Lucius Furius and Sextus Atilius, by a decree of the senate, brought in, that he himself should be delivered up to the Numantines, with whom he had made a league without the authority of the senate ; which bill being passed by the people, ho was given up to the enemy. He acted more worthily than Quintus Pompeius, through whose petitioning against such a measure, when he was in similar circumstances, the law was not passed. With this man, that which seemed his interest had more weight than virtue had ; in the former instances, the false semblance of expediency was overcome by the authority of virtue. But, say they, that which was extorted by force ought not to be ratified ; as if, indeed, force could be used to a man of fortitude. Why, then, you say, did Regulus go to the senate, if he was about to dissuade them concerning the captives? You are reprehending that which was the 104 CICERO'S OFFICES, BOOK in. noblest thing in that transaction ; for lie did not rely upon his own judgment, but he undertook the cause that there might be a decision of the senate ; by whom, had not he him- self been the adviser of the measure, the prisoners, indeed, would have been restored to the Carthaginians. Thus Regulus would have remained in safety in his country ; which, because he thought inexpedient for his country, therefore he believed it virtuous in himself, both to think and to suffer these things. Now, as to what they say, that whatever is very useful becomes virtuous, I say, Nay, it is so really, and does not merely become so ; for nothing is expedient which is not likewise virtuous ; and it is not because it is ex- pedient that it is virtuous, but because it is virtuous it is expe- dient. Wherefore out of many admirable examples, one could not easily mention one either more laudable or more excellent than this. XXXI. But out of all this laudable conduct of Regulus, this alone is worthy of admiration, that he was of opinion that the prisoners ought to be retained. For that he re- turned seems wonderful to us now, though at that time he could not do otherwise. Therefore, that was not the merit of the man, but of the times. For our ancestors were of opinion that there was no tie closer than an oath to bind our faith. This the laws of the twelve tables indicate this the leges sacratae 1 indicate, this the leagues indicate, by which our faith is pledged even with enemies. The opinions and animadversions of the Censors indicate it, who passed sentence on no subject more strictly than on such as concerned oaths. Marcus Pomponius, tribune of the people, fixed a day for Lucius Manlius, the son of Aulus, when ho had been Dictator, to stand his trial, because he had taken to himself a few days in addition for holding the dictator- ship. He accused him also because he had banished from intercourse with men, his son Titus, who was afterward called Torquatus, and had commanded him to reside in the country. When the young man, the son, had heard this, that trouble was brought upon his father, he is said to have hastened to Rome, and to have come with the first dawn to 1 The laws concerning liberty and the tribunitial power, so called, be- cause he who violated them was to bo held devoted (sacer) to the re- sentment of the deity. CHAP. XIXIL CICERO'S OFFICES. 165 the house of Pomponius, who, when it was announced to him, supposing that the son, being enraged, was about to bring to him some accusation against his father, arose from his bed, and, the bystanders having been dismissed, ordered the youth to come to him. But he, when he entered, hastily drew his sword, and swore that he would intantly slay him unless he gave his oath that he would suffer his father to be discharged. Pomponius, forced by fear, swore this ; he subse- quently brought the matter before the people, and informed them why it was necessary for him to abandon the prosecution, and then suffered Manlius to be discharged. So much force had aii oath in those times. And this is that Titus Manlius who ac- quired the surname of Torquatus, at the Anio, for taking the collar from the Gaul, whom he, having been challenged by him, had slain ; in whose third consulship the Latins were routed and put to flight at the Veseris. A most eminently great man, but though very indulgent to his father, was again cruelly severe to his son. XXXII. But as Regulus is to be commended for observ- ing his oath, so these ten are to be condemned whom Hanni- bal, after the battle of Canna?, sent to the senate under an oath that they would return to that camp which the Cartha- ginians had got possession of, unless they succeeded about redeeming the prisoners ; if it bo true that they did not re- turn about whom, all historians do not relate the story in the same manner. For Polybius, an eminently good author, writes, that out of ten very noble persons who were then sent, nine returned, the request not having been granted by the senate ; that one of the ten, who, a short time after he had gone out of the camp, had returned, as if he had forgotten something, remained at Rome. For, by his return into the camp, he construed it that he was freed from his oath not rightly, for fraud does but fasten, not absolve perjury. It was, then, silly cunning, perversely imitating prudence. The senate, therefore, decreed, that this double-dealing and artful fellow should be brought fettered to Hannibal. But the greatest act of the senate was this. Hannibal had eight thousand men prisoners ; not those whom he had taken in battle, or who had fled from the peril of death, but who had been left in the camp by the Consuls, Paullus and Varro. The senate decreed that these should not be redeemed, though 1C6 CICEEO'S OFFICES. BOOK HL it might have been done at a small expense, that it might be impressed upon our soldiers that they were either to con- quer or die which circumstance, indeed, having become known, the same author writes that the courage of Hannibal fell, because the Roman senate and people possessed so lofty a spirit in their depressed condition. Thus those things which seem expedient, are overpowered by a comparison with virtue. But Acilius, who wrote his history in Greek, says that there were more than one who returned into the camp with the same fraudulent design, that they might be freed from their oath, and that they were branded by the censors with every ignominy. Let this now be the end of this subject. For it is plain that those acts which are done with a timid, humble, abject, and broken spirit (such as would have been the conduct of Regulus, if, respecting the prisoners, he had either advised what seemed to be needful for himself, not what he considered beneficial to the commonwealth, or had desired to remain at home), are inexpedient, because they are scandalous, foul, and base. XXXIII. The fourth part remains, which is compre- hended in propriety, moderation, modesty, continence, temper- ance. Can any thing, then, be expedient, which is contrary to this train of such virtues ? However, the Cyrenaeans, fol- lowers of Aristippus, and the Annicerians, misnamed philo- sophers, have made all good consist in pleasure, and have thought virtue to be commended on this account, because it is productive of pleasure ; but, as they are antiquated, Epicurus llourisb.es, the advocate and author of nearly the same opinion. Against these we must fight with man and horse, as it is said, if it is our intention to defend and retain virtue. For if not only expediency, but all the happiness of life, be contained in a strong bodily constitution, and in the certain hope of that constitution, as it is written by Methrodorus ; certainly this ex- pediency, and that the greatest (as they think), will stand in opposition to virtue. For, in the first place, where will room be given for prudence ? Is it that it may seek on all sides after sweets? How miserable the servitude of virtue, when the slave of pleasure ? Moreover, what would be the office of Prudence ? Is it to select pleasures ingeniously ? Admit that nothing could be more delightful than this ; what can bo CHAP, xxxni. CICERO'S OFFICES. 167 imagined more base? Now, what room can Fortitude, which is the contemning of pain and labor, have in his system, who calls pain the greatest of evils ? For though Epicurus may speak, as he does in many places, with suffi- cient fortitude regarding pain ; nevertheless, we are not to regard what he may say, but what it is consistent in him to say, as he would confine good to pleasure, evil to pain ; so if I would listen to him on the subject of continence and tem- perance, he says, indeed, many things in many places ; but there is an impedient in the stream, 1 as they say. For how can he commend temperance who places the chief good in pleasure ? For temperance is hostile to irregular passions ; but irregular passions are the companions of pleasure. And yet, in these three classes of virtue, they make a shift, in what ever manner they can, not without cleverness. They introduce prudence as the science which supplies pleasures and repels pain. Fortitude, too, they explain* in some man- ner, when they teach that it is the means of disregarding death, and enduring pain. Even temperance they introduce not very easily, indeed but yet in whatever way they can. For they say that the height of pleasure is limited to the absence of pain." Justice staggers, or rather falls to the ground, and all those virtues which are discerned in society, and the association of mankind. For neither kind- ness, nor liberality, nor courtesy can exist, any more than friendship, if they are not sought for there own sakes, but are referred to pleasure and interest. Let us, therefore, sum up the subject in a few words. For as we have taught that there is no expediency which can bo contrary to virtue : so we say that all bodily pleasure is opposed to virtue. On which account I think Callipho and Dinomachus the more deserving of censure, for they thought they would put an end to the controversy if they should couple pleasure with virtue ; as if they should couple a human being with a brute. Virtue does not admit that combination it spurns, it repeb it. Nor can, indeed, the ultimate principle of good and evil, which ought to be simple, be compounded of, and tempered with these most dissimilar ingredients. But about this (for 1 Meaning that the system of Epicurus presents impediments to the flowing of the virtues, like obstructions in a water-course. 2 That is, that the greatest pleasure consists in the absence of pain. 168 CICERO'S OFFICES. BOOK ra- it is an important subject), I have said more in another place. Now to my original proposition. How, then, if ever that which seems expedient is opposed to virtue, the matter is to be decided, has been sufficiently treated of above. But if pleasure be said to have even the semblance of expedi- ence, there can be no union of it with virtue. For though we may concede something to pleasure, perhaps it has some- thing of a relish, but certainly it has in it nothing of utility. You have a present from your father, my son Marcus ; in my opinion, indeed, an important one but it will be just as you will receive it. However, these three books will de- serve to be received by you as guests among the commenta- ries of Cratippus. But as, if I myself had gone to Athens (which would indeed have been the case had not my country, with loud voice, called me back from the middle of my jour- ney), you would sometimes have listened to me also : so, since my voice has reached you in these volumes, you will bestow upon them as much time as you can ; and you can bestow as much as you wish. But when I shall understand that you take delight in this department of science, then will I converse with you both when present, which will be in a short time, as I expect and while you will be far away, I will talk with you, though absent. Farewell, then, my Cicero, and be assured that you are indeed very dear to me, but that you will be much more dear if you shall take delight in such memorials and precepts. ON FRIENDSHIP. I. QUINTCS Mucnrs, the augur, 1 used to relate many things of Caius Laelius, his father-in-law, from memory, and in a pleasant manner, and did not scruple in every discourse to call him a wise man. Moreover I myself, after assuming the manly toga, 2 was introduced by my father to Scsevola, in such a way that, as far as I could and it was permitted me, I never quitted the old man's side. Accordingly, many sagacious discussions of his, and many short and apt sayings, I committed to memory, and desired to become better in- formed by his wisdom. When he died, I betook myself to Scaevola tho pontiff, who is the only man in our country that I venture (o pronounce the most distinguished for talent and for integrity. But of him elsewhere. I now return to the augur. Among many other circumstances, I remember that once being seated at home in his arm-chair (as was his custom), when I was in his company, and a very few of his intimate friends, he fell by chance upon that subject of dis- course which at the time was in the mouth of nearly every one : for you of course remember, Atticus, and the more so because you were very intimate with Publius Sulpicius (when he, as tribune of the people, 3 was estranged by a 1 Augur is ofien put for any one who predicted future events. Auspex denoted a person who observed and interpreted omens. Augurium and auspicium are commonly used interchangeably, but they are sometimes distinguished. Atispicium was properly the foretelling of fututo events from the inspection of birds ; Augurium from any omen or prodigies whatever. Fifteen augurs constituted tho college. a The toga praetexta, a robo bordered with purple, was worn by young people, male and female, and by the superior magistrates. The toga pura, or white gown, was worn by men after the age of about seventeen, and by women after marriage. 3 Tribuni plebis, magistrates created for the maintenance of popular rights, in tho year u.c. 2G1. Their number was originally two, which was raised to five, and afterward to ten. Their office was annual 8 170 CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. CHAP. L deadly hatred from Quintus Pompey, who was then consul, with whom up to that time he had lived on terms of the closest union and affection), how great was the surprise and even regret of the people. Accordingly, when Scaevola had incidentally mentioned that very subject, he laid before us the discourse of Laelius on Friendship, which had been ad- dressed by the latter to himself and to the other son-in-law of Laelius, Caius Fannius, the son of Marcus, a few days after ! lhe death of Africanus. The opinions of that disquisition I committed to memory, and in this book I have set them forth according to my own judgment. For I have introduced the individuals as if actually speaking, lest " said I " and " said he " should be too frequently interposed ; and that the dialogue might seem to be held by persons face to face. For when you were frequently urging me to write something on the subject of friendship, it seemed to me a matter worthy as well of the consideration of all as of our intimacy. I have therefore willingly done so, that I might confer a benefit on many in consequence of your request. But as in the Cato Major, which was addressed to you on the subject of old age, I have introduced Cato when an old man conversing, because there seemed no person better adapted to speak of that period of life than he, who had been an old man for so long a time, and in that old age had been pre-eminently prosperous ; so when I had heard from our ancestors that the attachment of Caius Lajlius and Publius Scipio was especially worthy of record, the character of Laalius seemed to me a suitable one to deliver these very observations on friendship which Sca3vola remembered to have been spoken by him. Now this description of discourses, resting on the authority of men of old, and of those of high rank, seems, I know not on what principle, to carry with it the greater weight. 1 Accordingly, 1 " Wo continue to think and feel as our ancestors have thought and felt ; so true in innumerable cases is the observation that ' men make up their principles by inheritance, and defend them as they would their estates, because they are born heirs to them.' It has been justly said that it is difficult to regard that as an evil which has been long done, and that there are many great and excellent things which we never think of doing, merely because no one has done them before us. ' The preju- dice for antiquity is itself very ancient,' says La Motte; and it is amus- ing, at the distance of so many hundred years, to find the same com- plaint of undue partiality to the writera of other ages brought forward CHAP. II. CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. 171 while I am reading my own writing, I am sometimes so much affected as to suppose that it is Cato, and not myself that is speaking. But as then I, an old man, wrote to you, who arc an old man, on the subject of old age ; so in this hook I myself, a most sincere friend, have written to a friend on the subject of friendship. On that occasion Cato was the speaker, than whom there was no one at that time older or wiser. On this, Laelius, not only a wise man (for so he has been con- sidered), and one pre-eminent in reputation for friendship, speaks on that subject. I would wish you to withdraw your thoughts a little while from me, and fancy that Lselius him- self is speaking. Caius Fannius and Quintus Mucius come to their father-in-law after the death of Africanus. With these the discourse begins. Laelius replies; and the whole of his dissertation regards friendship, which in reading you will discover for yourself. II. FANNIUS. Such is the case, dear Lajlius, nor was there ever a better or more distinguished man than Africanus. But you ought to consider that the eyes of all are now turned upon you, Lrclius : you alone they both denominate and believe to be wise. This character was lately bestowed on M. Cato : we know that Lucius Atilius, among our fathers, was entitled a Aviso man ; but each on a different and pev culiar account : Atilius, because he was considered versed in the civil law ; Cato, because he had experience in a variety of subjects ; both in the senate and in the forum many in- stances are recorded either of his shrewd forethought, or persevering action, or pointed reply : wherefore he already had, as it were, the surname of wise in his old age. While of you it is remarked that you are wise in a different sense, not only by nature and character, but further, by application and learning; and not as the vulgar, but as the learned designate a wise man, such as was none in all Greece. For as to those who are called the seven wise men, persons who inquire into such things with great nicety do not consider them in the class of wise men. We learn that at Athens there was one peculiarly so, and that he was even pronounced against their cotemporaries by those authors whom we are now dis- posed to consider as too highly estimated by our own cotemporaries on that very account." Dr. Brown's Lectures on the Philosophy of th Mind, lecture xliv 172 CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. CIIAP. IL by the oraclo of Apollo the wisest of men. 1 This is the kind of wisdom they conceive to be in you, that you consider every thing connected with you to rest upon yourself, and consider the events of life as subordinate to virtue :" therefore they inquire of me (I believe of you also, Scaevola) in what manner you bear the death of Africanus. And the rather so, because on the last nones, when we had come into the gardens of Decius Brutus the augur, for the purpose of dis- cussion, as our practice is, you were not present ; although you were accustomed most punctually to observe that day and that engagement. SCAEVOLA. It is true, many are inquiring, Caius Laelius, as has been asserted by Fannius. But for my part I answer them according to what I have remarked, that you bear with patience the grief which you have suffered, by the death of one who was at once a very distinguished man, and a very dear friend ; yet that you could not forbear being distressed, nor would that have been consistent with your feelings as a man. And with regard to your not having attended last nones at our assembly, ill health was the cause, and not affliction. L^ELTOS. You certainly said what was right, Scaevola, and agreeable to truth : for neither ought I to have absented my- self through any inconvenience of mine from that duty which I have always fulfilled when I was well ; nor by any chance do I conceive it can happen to a man of firmness of character, that any interruption should take place in his duty. And as j!br you, Fannius, who say there is attributed to me so much merit, as I am neither conscious of nor lay claim to, you act therein like a friend : but, as it seems to me, you do not form a right estimate of Cato ; for either there never has been a wise man, which I rather think, or if there ever was one, he was the man. For (to omit other cases^ consider how 1 Socrates. See Plato's defense of Socrates. 2 "If thou must needs rule, bo Zeno's king and enjoy that empire which every man gives himself. He who is thus his own monarch contentedly sways the scepter of himself, not envying the glory of crowned heads and Elohims of the earth. Could the world unite in the practice of that de- spised train of virtues which the divine ethics of our Saviour have so in- culcated unto us, the furious face of things must disappear; Eden would be yet to be found, and the angels might look down, not with pity but joy upon us." Sir Thomas Browne's Christian Morals, chap. xix. CHAP. IIL CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. 173 lie endured the loss of his son ! I remember the instance of Paullus, and witnessed that of Gallus : but theirs was in the case of children ; but Cato's is that of a mature and respected man. Wherefore pause before you prefer to Cato, even him whom Apollo, as you say, pronounced the wisest of men : for the deeds of the one are praised, but only the say- ings of the other. Concerning myself, however (for I would now address you both), entertain the following sentiments. III. Should I say that I am not distressed by the loss of Scipio, philosophers may determine with what propriety I shoul J do to ; but assuredly I should be guilty of falsehood. For I am distressed at being bereaved of such a friend, as no one, I consider, will ever be to me again, and, as I can con- fidently assert, no one ever was : but I am not destitute of a remedy. I comfort myself, and especially with this consola- tion, that I am free from that error by which most men, on the decease of friends, are wont to be tormented : for I feel that no evil has happened to Scipio ; it has befallen myself, if indeed it has happened to any. Now to be above measure distressed at one's own troubles, is characteristic of the man who loves not his friend, but himself. In truth, as far as he is concerned, who can deny that his end was glorious ? for unless he had chosen to wish for immortality, of which he had not the slightest thought, what did he fail to obtain which it was lawful for a man to wish for ? A man who, as soon as he grew up, by his transcendent merit far surpassed those sanguine hopes of his countrymen which they had con- ceived regarding him when a mere boy, who never stood for the consulship, yet was made consul twice ; on the first occasion before his time ; on the second, at the proper age as regarded himself, though for the commonwealth almost too late ; who, by overthrowing two cities, 1 most hostile to our empire, put an end, not only to all present, but all future wars. What shall I say of his most engaging manners; of his dutiful conduct to his mother ; his generosity to his sisters ; his kindness to his friends ; his uprightness toward all ? These are known to you : and how dear he was to the state, was displayed by its mourning at his death. How, therefore, could tho accession 1 Carthage was destroyed by Scipio, tho second Africanus, B.C. 147 ; and Numantia, a town of Spain, B.C. 133. From tho latter exploit he obtained the surname of Numantinus. 1 74 CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. CHAP, in of a few years have benefited such a man ? For although old age is not burdensome (as I recollect Cato asserted, in con- versation with myself and Scipio the year before he died), yet it takes away that freshness which Scipio even yet pos- sessed. Wherefore his life was such that nothing could be added to it, either in respect of good fortune or of glory : moreover, the very suddenness of his death took away the consciousness of it. On which kind of death it is difficult (o pronounce : what men conjecture, you yourselves know. 1 However, this we may assert with truth, that of the many most glorious and joyous days which P. Scipio witnessed ia the course of his life, that day was the most glorious when, on the breaking up of the senate, he was escorted home in the evening by the conscript fathers, by the allies of the Roman people, and the Latins, the day before he died ; so that from so high a position of dignity he may seem to have passed to the gods above rather than to those below. Nor do I agree with those who have lately begun to assert this opinion, that the soul also dies simultaneously with the body, and that all things are annihilated by death." 1 " Certainly the stoics bestowed too much cost upon death, and by their great preparations made it appear more fearful. Better, saith he, ' qui finem vitas extremum inter munera ponat natures. ' It is as natural to die as to be born, and to a little infant, perhaps, the one is as painful as the other. He that dies in an earnest pursuit is like one that is wounded in hot blood, who for the time scarce feels the hurt ; and there- fore a mind fixed and bent upon something that is good doth avert the dolors of death ; but above all believe it the sweetest canticle is, ' nunc dimittis,' when a man hath obtained worth, ends, and expectations. Death hath this also, that it openeth the gate to good fame and extin- guisheth envy; ' extinctus amahitur idem.' " Lord Bacon, Essay ii. 2 Ever since the time of Cicero the subject of the immortality of the soul has been incessantly discussed ; by some as a conclusion of natural religion, by others as a doctrine of revelation. The following summary of the argument is given by Dugald Stewart in the second part of his Outlines of Moral Philosophy, cap. ii. sec. 1. The reasons he here states without any illustration for believing the doctrine of a future state, are the following: " 1. The natural desire of immortality, and the anticipations of futurity inspired by hope. " 2. The natural apprehensions of the mind when under the influence of remorse. "3. The exact accommodation of the condition of the lower animals tc \heir instincts and to their sensitive powers, contrasted with the unsuit- cbleness of the present state of things to the intellectual faculties of man ; CHAP. jv. CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. 175 IV. The authority of the ancients has more weight with me, Cither that of our own ancestors, who paid such sacred honors to the dead which surely they would not have done if they thought these honors did in no way affect them ; or that of those who once lived in this country, and enlightened, by their institutions and instructions, Magna Graecia (which now indeed is entirely destroyed, but then was flourishing); or of him who was pronounced by the oracle of Apollo to be the wisest of men, who did not say first one thing and then {mother, as is generally done, but always the same ; namely, to his capacities of enjoyment, and to tho conceptions of happiness and of perfection which he is able to form. " 4. The foundation, which is laid in. the principles of our constitution for a progressive and an unlimited improvement " 5. Tho information wo are rendered capable of acquiring concerning the more remote parts of the universe; tho unlimited range which is opened to tho human imagination through the immensity of apace and of time, and tho ideas, however imperfect, which philosophy affords us of the existence and attributes of an overruling mind acquisitions for v/hichan obvious final cause may bo traced on the sup ositionof a future state, but which if that supposition be rejected, could have no other effect than to make tho business of life appear unworthy of our regard. " 6. The tendency of tho infirmities of age, and of the pains of diseaso to strengthen and confirm our moral habits, and tho difficulty of account- ing upon tho hypothesis of annihilation for thoso sufferings which com- monly put a period to tho existence of man. " 7. Tho discordance between our moral judgments and feelings and tho course of human affairs. " 8. Tho analogy of tho material world, in some parts of which the most complete and tho most systematical order may be traced ; and of which our views always become tho more satisfactory tho wider our knowledge extends. It is the supposition of a future state alone that can furnish a key to tho present disorders of tho "moral world ; and with- out it many of tho most striking phenomena of human life must remain forever inexplicable. " 9. The inconsistency of supposing that tho moral laws which regulato tho course of human affairs have no reference to any thing beyond tho limits of tho present sceno ; when all the bodies which compose the vis- ible universe appear to bo related to each other, as parts of one great physical system. " Of the different considerations now mentioned, there is not one per- haps which, taken singly, would be sufficient to establish tho truth they are brought to prove, but taken in conjunction, their force appears irre- sistible. They not only all terminate in tho same conclusion, but they mutually reflect light on each other ; and they hare that sort of con- sistency and connection among themselves which could hardly be sup- posed to take place among a series of lalso propositions. ' 176 CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. CHAP. iv. that the souls of men are divine, and that when they have de- parted from the body, a return to heaven is opened to them, and the speediest to the most virtuous and just. 1 Which samo opinion was also held by Scipio ; for he indeed, a very few days before his death, as if he had a presentiment of it, when Philus and Maniiius were present, and many others, and you also, I So striking is the resemblance between the religious tenets of Cicero and those of modern philosophy, corrected by a divine revelation, that it is difficult to suppose that they should have originated in his own re- flections, unaided by any light derived through the medium of tradition or report. The idea contained in this passage we find reproduced, with little modification, in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, by a moralist and ethical philosopher, neither of whom was at all likely to derive his opinions on such a subject from the writings of Cicero. By giving the former passage entire, I may perhaps lead the reader to bc- lievo that Sir Thomas Browne has added nothing to the conceptions of Cicero touching the immortality of the soul but superstition and folly. " I believe," he says, " that the whole frame of a beast doth perish, and is left in the same state after death as before it was materialed into life ; that the souls of men know neither contrary or corruption ; that they subsist beyond the body, and outlivo death by the privilege of their proper natures, and without a miracle ; that the souls of the faithful, as they leave earth, take possession of heaven ; that those apparitions and ghosts of departed persons are not the wandering souls of men, but the unquiet walks of devils, prompting and suggesting us unto mischief, blood and villainy instilling, and stealing into our hearts ; that the bless- ed spirits are not at rest in their graves, but wander solicitous of the af- fairs of the world ; that these phantasms appear often, and do frequent cemeteries, charnel-houses, and churches; it ia because these are tho dormitories of tho dead where tho devil, like an insolent champion, be- holds with pride the spoils and trophies of his victory in Adam." Rc- ligio Medici, chap. xxxviL II "Wo have," says Dr. Thomas Brown, "therefore to conceive the mind at death matured by experience, and nobler than it was when tho Deity permitted it to exist; and tho Deity himself; with all those gracious feel- ings of love to man which the adaption of human nature to its human scene displays, and in these very circumstances, if wo affirm without any other proof tho annihilation of the mind, wo are to find a reason for this annihilation. If even we in such a moment, abstracting from all selfish considerations, would feel it a sort of crime to destroy, with no other view than that of tho mere destruction what was more worthy of lovo than in years of earlier being, are we to believe that ho who loves what is noble in man more than our frail heart can love it, will regard the im- provements only as a signal of destruction ? Is it not more consonant to the goodness of him who has rendered improvement progressive here, that in separating the mind from its bodily frame, ho separates it to ad- mit it into scenes in which the progress begun on earth may be con- tinued with increasing facility." Lecture xcvL CHAP. iv. CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. 1T7 Scaevola, had gone with me, for three days descanted on the subject of government : of which discussion the last was almost entirely on the immortality of souls, which he said he had learned in sleep through a visiop from Africanus. If this be the fact, that the spirit of the best man most easily flies away in death, as from the prison-house and chains of the body; whose passage to the gods can we conceive to have been readier than that of Scipio ? Wherefore, to be afflicted at this his departure, I fear, would be the part rather of an envious person than of a friend. But if, on the other hand, this be rather the truth, that the death of the soul and of the body is one and the same, and that no consciousness remains ; as there is no advantage in death, so certainly there is no evil. For when consciousness is lost, it becomes the samo as if he had never been born at all ; yet, both we -ourselves are glad, and this state, as long as it shall exist, will rejoice that he was born. Wherefore (as I said above) with him indeed all ended well : with myself, less happily ; for it had been more equitable that, as I entered upon life first, I should likewise first depart from it. But yet I so enjoy the recollec- tion of our friendship, that I seem to have lived happily be- cause I lived with Scipio ; with whom I had a common anxiety on public and private affairs, and with whom my life both at home and abroad was associated, and there existed that, wherein consists the entire strength of friendship, an entire agreement of inclinations, pursuits, and sentiments. 1 That character for wisdom, therefore, which Fannius a little while ago mentioned, does not so delight me, especially since it is undeserved, as the hope that the recollection of our friendship will last forever. And it is the more gratifying to me, because scarcely in the history of the world are three or four pairs of friends men- tioned by name ; 3 and I indulge in the hope that the friendship of Scipio and Laelius will be known to posterity in this class. FANNIUS. Indeed, Laelius, that must be so. But since you 1 "The consideration of moral worth will always enter deeply into the motives which actuate wise and good men in their choice of friends ; but it is far from constituting the only one ; a certain congeniality of mind and manners, aided by the operation of adventitious circumstances, con- tributes a principal share toward the formation of such unions." Robert Hall's Funeral Sermon for Dr. Ryland. 2 Orestes and Pylades, Damon and Pythias, Nisus and Eurvalus, aro the most famous pairs of friends recorded in ancient history. 8* 178 CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. CHAP. T. have made mention of friendship, and as we have leisure, you will do what is very agreeable to me (I hope also to Scsevola), if, as your custom is concerning other matters when your opinion of them is asked, so you would descant on friendship, [telling us] what is your opinion, of what nature you consider it to be, and what direction you would lay down. SC^EVOLA. To me it will be exceedingly agreeable ; and in fact, when I was endeavoring to prevail with you, Fannius anticipated me wherefore you will confer a very great favor on both of us. V. LJELIUS. I indeed should not object, if I could feel confidence in myself; for not only is the subject a splendid one, but we, as Fannius said, have nothing to do. But who am I ? or what ability is there in me for this ? This is the practice of scholars, and of Grecian scholars, that a subject be given them on which they are to dispute, however suddenly. It is a great undertaking, and requires no little practice. Wherefore, as to what may be said on the subject of friendship, I recommend you to seek it from those who pro- fess such things. 1 I can only urge you to prefer friendship to all human possessions ; for there is nothing so suited to our nature, so well adapted to prosperity or adversity. Bun first of all, I am of opinion, that except among the virtuous, friendship can not exist : I do not analyze this principle too closely, as they do who inquire with too great nicety into those things, perhaps with truth on their side, but with little gen- eral advantage ; for they maintain that there is no good man but the wise man. Be it so ; yet they define wisdom to be such as no mortal has ever attained to : whereas we ought to contemplate those things which exist in practice and in common life, and not the subjects of fictions or of our own wishes. I would never pretend to say that Caius Fabricius, Marius Curius, and Titus Coruncanius, whom our ancestors esteemed wise, were wise according to the standard of these moralists. Wherefore let them keep to themselves the name of wisdom, both invidious and unintelligible ; and let them allow that these were good men nay, they will not even do that ; they will declare that this can not be granted except to a wise man. Let us therefore proceed with all our dull genius, as they say. Those who so conduct themselves, and so live 1 The Greek sophists, like the modern Italians, professed to improvise on any given subject. See Plato's Gorgia^ Protagoras, etc- CHAP. V. CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. 179 that their honor, their integrity, their justice, and liberality are approved ; so that there is not in them any covetousness, or licentiousness, or boldness ; and that they are of great consistency, as those men whom I have mentioned above ; let us consider these worthy of the appellation of good men, as they have been accounted such, because they follow (as far as men are able) nature, which is the best guide of a good life. 1 For I seem to myself to have this view, that we are 1 " A person when he speaks of Nature, should know distinctly what he means. The word carries with it a sort of intermediate authority ; and he who uses it amiss, may connect that authority with rules and actions which are little entitled to it. There are few senses in which the word is used that do not refer, however obscurely, to God ; and it ia for that reason that the notion of authority is connected with the word. 1 The very name of Nature implies that it must owe its birth to somo prior agent, or, to speak properly, signifies in itself nothing.' Milton, Christ. Doct. p. 14. Yet, unmeaning as the term is, it is one of which many persons are very fond, whether it bo that their notions are really indistinct, or that some purposes are answered by referring to the obscu- rity of Nature rather than to God. ' Nature has decorated the earth with beauty and magnificence,' 'Nature has furnished us with joints and limbs," are phrases sufficiently unmeaning, and yet I know not that they are likely to do any other harm than to give currency to the common fiction. But when it is said that ' Nature teaches us to adhere to truth,' 'Nature condemns us for dishonesty or deceit, ' 'Men are taught by Nature that they are responsible beings,' there is considerable danger that wo have both fallacious and injurious notions of the authority which thus teaches or condemns us upon this subject, it were well to take tho advice of Boyle : 'Nature,' ho says, 'is sometimes indeed commonly taken for a kind of semi-deity. In this sense it is best not to use it at all. 1 (See Inquiry into the vulgarly received notions of Nature). It is dangerous to induce confusion into our ideas respecting our relationship with God. " A law of nature is a very imposing phrase; and it might bo suppos- ed, from tho language of somo persons, that nature was an independent legislatress, who had sat and framed laws for tho government of man- kind. Nature is nothing ; yet it would seem that men do sometimes practically imagine that a 'law of nature' possesses proper and independ- ent authority; and it may bo suspected that with some, tho notion ia so palpable and strong that they set up tho authority of ' tho law of nature' without reference to the will of God, or perhaps in opposition to it. Even if notions like these float in the mind only with vapory indis- tinctness, a correspondent indistinctness of moral notions is likely to en- sue. Every man should make to himself tho rule never to employ tho word nature when he speaks of ultimate moral authority. A law possesses no authority; the authority rests only in the legislator, and as nature makes no laws, a law of nature involves no obligation but that which is imposed by tho Divine will." Dymond's Essays, Essay I. chapter ii. 180 CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. CHAP. vi. so formed by nature, that there should be a certain social tie among all ; stronger, however, as each approaches nearer to us. Accordingly, citizens are preferable to foreigners, and relations to strangers ; for with the latter, nature her- self has created a friendly feeling, though this has not suf- ficient strength. For in this respect friendship is superior to relationship, because from relationship benevolence can be withdrawn, and from friendship it can not : for with the with- drawal of benevolence the very name of friendship is done away, while that of relationship remains. Now how great the power of friendship is, may be best gathered from this consid- eration, that out of the boundless society of the human race, which nature herself has joined together, friendship is a matter so contracted, and brought into so narrow a compass, that the whole of affection is confined to two, or at any rate to very few. VI. Now friendship is nothing else than a complete union of feeling on all subjects, divine and human, accompanied by kindly feeling and attachment ; than which, indeed, I am not aware whether, with the exception of wisdom, any thing better has been bestowed on man by the immortal gods. Some men prefer riches, others good health, others influence, others again honors, many prefer even pleasures : the last, indeed, is the characteristic of beasts ; while the former are fleeting and uncertain, depending not so much on our own purpose, as on the fickleness of fortune. Whereas those who place the supreme good in virtue, therein do admirably ; but this very virtue itself both begets and constitutes friendship ; nor without this virtue can friendship exist at all. Now let us define this virtue according to the usage of life, and of our common language ; and let us not measure it, as certain learned persons do, by pomp of language ; and let us include among the good those who lire so accounted the Paulli, the Catos, the Galli, the Scipios, and the Phili ; with these men ordinary life is content : and let us pass over those who are nowhere found to exist. Among men of this kind, therefore, friendship finds facilities so great that I can scarcely describe them. In the first place to whom can life be " worth living," as Ennius says, who does not repose on the mutual kind feeling of some friend ? What can be more delightful than to have one to whom you can e peak on CHAP. TII. CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. 181 all subjects just as to yourself? Where would be the great enjoyment in prosperity, if you had not one to rejoice in it equally with yourself? And adversity would indeed be difficult to endure, without some one who would bear it even with greater regret than yourself. In short, all other objects that are sought after, are severally suited to some one single purpose : riches, that you may spend them ; power, that you may be courted ; honors, that you may be extolled ; pleasures, that you may enjoy them ; good health that you may be exempt from harm, and perform the functions of the body. Whereas friendship comprises the greatest number of objects possible : wherever you turn yourself, it is at hand ; shut out of no place, never out of season, never irksome ; and therefore we do not use fire and water, as they say, on more occasions than we do friendship. And I am not now speaking of common-place or ordinary friendship (though even that brings delight and benefit), but of real and true friendship, such as belonged to those of whom very few are recordei ; for prosperity friendship renders more brilliant; and adversity more suppoj-table, by dividing and communi- cntiug it." ' VII. And while friendship embraces very many and great advantages, she undoubtedly surpasses all in this, that she shines with a brilliant hope over the future, and never suffers the spirit to bo weakened or to sink. Besides, he who looks on a true friend, looks as it were upon a kind of imago of himself: wherefore friends, though absent, are still present; 1 " The sympathies of virtuous minds when not warmed by tho breath of friendship, are too faint and cold to satisfy tho social cravings of our nature, their compassion is too much dissipated by the multiplicity of its objects and the varieties of distress to suffer it to flow long in one channel, while the sentiments of congratulation are still more slight and superfi- cial. A transient tear of pity, or a smile of complacency equally transient, is all we can usually bestow on the scenes of happiness or of misery which wo meet with in the paths of life. But man naturally seeks for a closer union, a more permanent conjunction of interests, a more intense reciprocation of feeling; he finds tho want of one or more with whom ho can trust the secrets of his heart, and relieve himself by imparting tho interior joys and sorrows with which every human breast is fraught. IIo seeks, in short, another self, a kindred spirit whoso interest in his welfare bears some proportion to his own, with whom ho may lessen his cares by sympathy, and multiply his pleasures by participation." Hall's Fu- neral Sermon for Dr. Ryland. 182 CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. CHAP. vir. though in poverty, they are rich ; though weak, yet in the enjoyment of health; and, what is still more difficult to assert, though dead they are alive ; so entirely does the honor, the memory, the regret of friends attend them ; from which circumstance, the death of the one seems to be happy, and the life of the other praiseworthy; nay, should yob remove from nature the cement of kind feelings, neither a house nor a city will be able to stand ; even the cultivation of the land will not continue. If it be not clearly perceived how great is the power of friendship and concord, it can be dis- tinctly inferred from quarrels and dissensions ; for what house is there so established, or what state so firmly settled, that may not utterly be overthrown by hatred and dissension ? from which it may be determined how much advantage there is in friendship. They relate, indeed, that a certain learned man of Agrigentum l promulgated in Greek verses the doctrine, that all things which cohere throughout the whole world, and all things that arc the subjects of motion, arc brought together by friendship, and are dispelled by discord ; 4and this principle all men understand, and illustrate by their conduct. Therefore, if at any time any act of a friend has been exhibited, either in undergoing or in sharing dangers, who is there that does not extol such an act with the highest praise ? What shouts of applause were lately heard through the Avhole theater, on the occasion of a new play by my guest and friend, Marcus Pacuvius, when the king, being ignorant which of them was Orestes, Pylades said he was Orestes, that he might be put to death instead of him ; but Orestes, as was the fact, solemnly maintained that he was the man ? They stood up and applauded in an imaginary case ; what must we suppose they would have done in a real one. Nature herself excellently asserted her rightful power, when men pronounced that to be rightly done in another, which they could not do themselves. Thus far I seem to have been able to lay down what arc my sentiments concerning friend- ship. If any thing remains (and I fancy there is much), ask of those, if you please, who practice such discussions. FANNIUS. But we Avould rather hear it from you ; although 1 Empedoclea, a philosopher, poet, and historian of Agrigentum in Sicily, who flourished, B.C. 444. Ho wrote a poem on the doctrines of Pythagoras. CHAP. Tin. CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. 183 / have often ssked sucli questions, arid heard their opinions, and that not without satisfaction, yet -what we desire is the somewhat different thread of your discourse. SC^EVOLA. You would say so still more, Fannius, if you had been present lately in the gardens of Scipio, when the subject of Govern- ment was discussed. What an able pleader was he then on the side of justice against the subtle argument of Philus ! FANNIUS. Nay, it was an easy task for the most just of men to uphold the cause of justice. SC^EVOLA. What shall we say then of friendship ? Would it not be easy for him to eulogize it, who, for maintaining it with the utmost fidelity, steadiness and integrity, has gained the highest glory ? VIII. L^ELIUS. Why, this is using force against one: for what matters it by what kind of request you compel me ? You certainly do compel me. For to oppose the wishes of one's sons-in-law, especially in a good matter, is not only hard, but it is not even just. After very often, then, reflect- ing on the subject of friendship, this question seems to me especially worthy of consideration, whether fiiendship has become an object of desire, on account of weakness or want, so that by giving and receiving favors, each may receive from another, and mutually repay, what he is himself in- capable of acquiring. Or whether this is only a property of friendship ; while there is another cause, higher and nobler and more directly derived from nature herself? For love (from which friendship takes its name) is the main motive for the union of kind feelings : for advantages truly are often derived from those who are courted under a pretense of friendship, and have attention paid them for a temporary purpose. In fiiendship there is nothing false, and nothing pretended; and whatever belongs to it is sincere and spon- taneous. Wherefore friendship seems to me to have sprung rather from nature than from a sense of want, and more from an attachment of the mind with a certain feeling of affection, than from a calculation how much advantage it would afford. And of what nature indeed it is, may be observed in the case of certain beasts ; for they love their offspring up to a certain time, and are loved by them in such a way that their emotions are easily discovered. And this is much more evi- dent in man. In the first place, from that affection wLich subsists between children and parents, which can not bo do- 184 CICERO OX FRIENDSHIP. CHAP. ix. stroyed without detestable wickedness : next, where a similar feeling of love has existed, if we have met with any one with whose character and disposition we sympathize, because we appear to discover in him a certain effulgence as it were of integrity and virtue. For nothing is more amiable than virtue, nothing which more strongly allures us to love it, seeing that because of their virtue and integrity we can in a certain degree love those whom we have never seen. Who can mention the name of Caius Fabricius, and Marius Curius, otherwise than with love and affection, though he never saw them 1 Who can forbear hating Tarquinius Superbus, Spurius Cassius, and Spurius Maelius ? Against two generals we had a struggle for empire in Italy, I mean Pyrrhus and Hannibal ; toward the former, on account of his honorable conduct, we bear not a very hostile disposition ; while this state will always detest the latter for his cruelty. IX. Now if such be the influence of integrity, that we love it even in those whom we have never seen, and, what is much more, even in an enemy, what wonder if men's feelings are affected when they seem to discover the goodness and virtue of those with whom they may become connected by intercourse ? although love is confirmed by the reception of kindness, and by the discovery of an earnest sympathy, and by close familiarity ; which things being added to the first emotion of the mind and the affections, there is kindled a largo amount of kindly feeling. And if any imagine that this proceeds from a sense of weakness, so that there shall be secured a friend, by whom a man may obtain that which he wants, they leave to friendship a mean indeed, and, if I may so speak, any thing but respectable origin, when they make her to be born of indigence and want; were this the case, then in proportion as a man judged that there were the least resources in himself, precisely in that degree would he be best qualified for friendship : whereas the fact is far otherwise. For just as a man has most confidence in himself, and as he is most completely fortified by worth and wisdom, so that he needs no one's assistance, and feels that all his resources reside in himself; in the same proportion he is most highly distinguished for seeking out and forming friendships. For what did Africanus want of me ? nothing whatever ; nor indeed did I need auarht from him : but I loved him from CHAP. x. CICERO ON FRIENDSHIP. 185 admiration of his excellence; he in turn perhaps was at- tached to me from some high opinion which he entertained of my character, and association fostered our affection. But although many and great advantages ensued, yet it was not from any hope of these that the cause of our attachment sprang : for as we are beneficent and liberal, not to exact favor in return (for we are not usurers in kind actions), but by nature are inclined to liberality, thus I think that friend- ship is to be desired, not attracted by the hope of reward, but because the whole of its profit consists in love only. From such opinions, they who, after the fashion of beasts, refer every thing to pleasure, widely differ : and no great wonder, since they can not look up to any thing lofty, magnificent, or divine who cast all their thoughts on an object so mean and contemptible. Therefore let us exclude such persons altogether from our discourse ; and let us ourselves hold this opinion, that the sentiment of loving, and the attachment of kind feelings, are produced by nature, when the evidence of virtue has been established ; and they who have eagerly sought the latter, draw nigh and attach themselves to it, that they may enjoy the friendship and character of the individual they have begun to love, and that they may be commensurate am 1 equal in affection, and more inclined to confer a favor than to claim any return. And let this honorable struggle be maintained between them : so not only will the greatest advantages be derived from friendship, but its origin from nature rather than from a sense of weakness, will be at once more impressive and more true. For if it were expediency that cemented friendships, the same when changed would dissolve them ; but because nature can never change, there- fore true friendships are eternal. Thus you see the origin of friendship, unless you wish to make some reply to these views. FANNIUS. Nay, go on, Laelius, for I answer for Scajvola here (who is my junior) on my own authority. SC^EVOLA. You do right ; wherefore let us attend. X. L^ELIUS. Listen, then, my excellent friends, to the dis- cussion which was very frequently held by me and Scipio on the subject of friendship ; although ho indeed used to say that nothing was more difficult than that friendship should continue . 2 "Nee regna vini sortiere talis." Horace, Book T. Ode 4. CHAP. nr. CICERO ON OLD AGE. 239 desire is more delightful than enjoyment. But if the prime of life has more cheerful enjoyment of those very pleasures, in the first place they are but petty objects wich it en- joys, as I have said before ; then they are those of which old age, if it does not abundantly possess them, is not altogether destitute. As he is more delighted with Turpio Ambivius, who is spectator on the foremost bench, 1 yet he also is delighted who is in the hindmost; so youth having a close view of pleasure, is perhaps more grati- fied; but old age is as much delighted as is necessary in viewing them at a distance. But of what high value are the following circumstances, that the soul, after it has served out, as it were, its time under lust, ambition, contention, enmities, and all the passions, shall retire within itself, and, as the phrase is, live with itself? But if it has, as it were, food for study and learning, nothing is more delightful than an old age of leisure. I saw Caius Gallus, the intimate friend of your father, Scipio, almost expiring in the employment of calcu- lating the sky and the earth. How often did daylight over- take him when he had begun to draw some figure by night, how often did night when he had begun in the morning? How it did delight him to predict to us the eclipses of the sun and the moon long before their occurrence ! What shall wo say in the case of pursuits less dignified, yet, notwithstanding, requiring acuteness ! How Nsevius did delight in his Punic war ! how Plautius in his Truculentus ! how in his Pseudolus ! I saw also the old man Livy," who, though he had brought a play upon the stage six years before I was born, in the consul- ship of Cento and Tuditanus, yet advanced in age even to the time of my youth. Why should I speak of Publius Licinius Crassus's study both of pontifical and civil law ? or of the present Publius Scipio, who within these few days was cre- ated chief pontiff? Yet we have seen all these persons whom I have mentioned, ardent in these pursuits when old men. But as to Marcus Cethcgus, whom Ennius rightly called the 1 Prima caved. The theater was of a semicircular form : tho foremost rows next the stage were called orchestra : fourteen rows behind them were assigned to tho knights, tho rest to tho people. Tho wholo was frequently called cavea. '* Livius Andronicus flourished at Rome about 240 years before tfiw Christian era 240 CICERO ON OLD AGE CHAP. XT. " marrow of persuasion," with what great zeal did we sec him engage in the practice of oratory, even when an old man ! What pleasures, therefore, arising from banquets, or plays, or harlots, are to be compared with these pleasures? And these, indeed, are the pursuits of learning, which too, with the sensible and well educated, increase along with their age : so that is a noble saying of Solon, when he says in a certain verse, as I observed before, that he grew old learning many things every day than Avhich j^easurc of the mind, certainly, none can be greater. XV. I come now to the pleasures of husbandmen, with which I am excessively delighted ; which are not checked by any old age, and appear in my mind to make the nearest approach to the life of a wise man. 1 For they have relation to the earth, which never refuses command, and never returns without interest that which it hath received ; but sometimes with less, generally with very great interest. And yet for my part it is not only the product, but the virtue and nature of the earth itself delights me ; which, when in its softened and subdued bosom it has received the scattered seed, first of all confines what is hidden within it, from which harrowing, which produces that effect, derives its name (pccatio) ; then, when it is warmed by heat and its own com- pression, it spreads it out, and elicits from it the verdant blade, which, supported by the fibers of the roots, gradually grows up, and, rising on a jointed stalk, is now inclosed in a sheath, as if it were of tender age, out of which, when it hath shot up, it then pours forth the fruit of the ear, piled in due order, and is guarded by a rampart of beards against the pecking of the smaller birds. Why should I, in the case of vines, tell of the plantings, the risings, the stages of growth ? That you may know the repose and amusement of my old age, I assure you that I can never have enough of that gratification. For I pass over the peculiar nature of all things which are produced from the earth : which generates ' " God Almighty first planted a garden ; and indeed it is the purest of human pleasures ; it is the greatest refreshment to the spirits of man ; without which buildings and palaces are but gross handy-works, and a man shall ever see, that, when ages grow to civility and elegancy, men come to build stately sooner than to garden finely ; as if gardening wers the greater perfection." Lord Bacon, Essay 46. CHAP. xv. CICERO ON OLD AGE. 241 such great trunks and branches from so small a grain of the fig or from the grape-stone, or from the minutest seeds of other fruits and roots : shoots, plants, twigs, quicksets, layers, do not these produce the effect of delighting aay one even to admiration I The vine, indeed, which by nature is prone to fall, and is borne down to the ground, unless it be propped, in order to raise itself up, embraces with its tendrils, as it were with hands, whatever it meets with ; which, as it creeps with manifold and wandering course, the skill of the hus- bandmen, pruning with the knife, restrains from running into a forest of twigs, and spreading too far in all directions. Accordingly, in the beginning of spring, in those twigs which are left, there rises up as it were at the joints of the branches that which is called a bud, from which the nascent grape shows itself; which, increasing in size by the moisture of the earth and the heat of the sun, is at first very acid to the taste, and then as it ripens grows sweet, and being clothed with its large leaves does not want moderate warmth, and yet keeps oft' the excessive heat of the sun ; than which what can be in fruit on the one hand more rich, or on the other hand more beautiful in appearance ? Of which not only the advantage, as I said before, but also the cultivation and the nature itself delights me: the rows of props, the joining of the heads, the tying up and propagation of vines, and the pruning of some twigs, and the grafting of others, which I have mentioned. Why should I allude to irriga- tions, why to the diggings of the ground, why to the trenching by which the ground is made much more productive ? Why should I speak of the .advantage of manuring ? I have treated of it in that book which I wrote respecting rural affairs, concerning which the learned Ilesiod has not said a single word, though he has written about the cultivation of the laud. But Homer, who, as appears to me, lived many ages before, introduces Laertes soothing the regret which he felt for his son, by tilling the land and manuring it. Nor in- deed is rural life delightful by reason of corn-fields only and meadows and vineyards and groves, but also for its gardens and orchards ; also for the feeding of cattle, the swarms of bees, and the variety of all kinds of flowers. 1 Nor 1 "I look upon the pleasure which wo take in a garden, as one of the most innocent delights in human life. A garden was the habitation of 11 242 CICERO ON OLD AGE. CHAP. XVL do plantings 1 only give me delight, but also engraftings; than which agriculture has invented nothing more inge- nious. XVL I can enumerate many amusements of rustic life ; but even those things which I have mentioned, I perceive to have been rather long. But you will forgive me; for both from my love of rural life I have been carried away, and old age is by nature rather talkative, that I may not appear to vindicate it from all failings. In such a life then as this, Marcus Curius, 2 after he had triumphed over the Samnites, over the Sabines, over Pyrrhus, spent the closing period of his existence. In contemplating whose country seat, too (for it is not far distant from my house), I can not sufficiently & '.mire either the continence of the man himself, or the moral character of the times. When the Samnites had brought a great quantity of gold to Curius as he sat by his fire-side, they were repelled with dis- dain by him ; for he said that it did not appear to him glorious to possess gold, but to have power over those who possessed gold. Could so great a soul fail in rendering old age pleasant ? But I come to husbandmen, that I may not digress from my- self. In the country at that time there were senators, and they too old men : inasmuch as Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus was at the plow when it was announced to him that he was made dictator : by whose command when dictator, Caius Servilius Ahala, the master of the horse, arrested and put to death Spurius Melius, who was aspiring to kingly power. From their country house, Curius and other old men were summoned to the senate, from which cause they who sum- moned them were termed " viatores." Was then their old age to be pitied, who amused themselves in the cultivation of land? In my opinion, indeed, I know not whether any other can be more happy : and not only in the discharge of our first parents before the fall. It is naturally apt to fill the mind with calmness and tranquillity, and to lay all its turbulent passions at rest. It gives us a great insight into the contrivance and wisdom of Prov- idence, and suggests innumerable subjects for meditation." Spectator, No 477. 1 Consitio, sowing or planting ; insitio, grafting ; repaslinatio, trench- ing. 2 Curius Dentatus Marctts Annius, celebrated for his fortitude and frugality. Ho was thrice consul, and twice honored with a triumph. CHAP. xvii. CICERO Otf OLD AGE. 243 duty, because to the whole race of mankind the cultivation of the land is beneficial ; but also from the amusement, which I have mentioned, and that fullness and abundance of all things which are connected with the food of men, and also with the worship of the gods; so that, since some have a desire for these things, we may again put ourselves on good terms with pleasure. For the wine-cellar of a good and diligent master is always well stored ; the oil-casks, the pantry also, the whole farm-house is richly supplied ; it abounds in pigs, kids, lambs, hens, milk, cheese, honey. Then, too, the countrymen themselves call the garden a second dessert. And then what gives a greater relish to these things is that kind of leisure labor, fowling and hunt- ing. Why should I speak of the greenness of meadows, or the rows of trees, or the handsome appearance of vineyards and olive grounds ? Let me cut the matter short. Nothing can be either more rich in use, or more elegant in appear- ance than ground well tilled ; to the enjoyment of which old age is so far from being an obstacle, that it is even an invitation and allurement. For where can that age be better wanned either by basking in the sun or by the fire, or again be more healthfully refreshed by shades or waters ? Let the young, therefore, keep to themselves their arms, horses, spears, clubs, tennis-ball, swimmings, and races : to us old men let them leave out of many amuse- ments the tali and lesser i ce ;' and even in that matter it may be as they please, since old age can be happy without these amusements. XVII. For many purposes the books of Xenophon are very useful ; which read, I pray you, with diligence, as you are doing. At what length is agriculture praised by him in that book, which treats of the management of private property, and which is styled " CEconomicus." * And that you may understand that nothing to him appears so kingly as the pur- suit of agriculture, Socrates in that book converses with Crito- 1 Tesserae had six sides marked 1, 2, 3, etc., like our dice. The tali had four sides longwise, the ends not being regarded. The lowest throw (unio), the ace, was called canis: the highest (senio or sice), was called Venus ; the dice-box, Fritittus. 3 (Economicus. A dialogue of Xenophon, in which he treats of the management of a farm, horses, etc. 244 CICERO ON OLD AGE. CHAP. xvn. bulus, [and remarks] that Cyrus the younger, 1 king of the Persians, pre-eminent in talent and the glory of his empire, when Lysander 1 the Lacedaemonian, a man of the highest valor, had come to him at Sardis, and had brought to him presents from the allies, both in other respects was courteous and kind toward Lysander, and in particular showed to him an inclosed piece of ground planted with great care. And that when Lysander admired both the tallness of the trees and the lines arranged in a quincunx, and the ground well cultivated and clear, and the sweetness of the perfumes which were breathed from the flowers, he said that he admired not only the diligence, but also the skillfulness of the man by whom these grounds had been planned and measured out ; and that Cyrus answered him, " Well, it was I who planned all these grounds ; mine are the rows, mine the laying out ; many also of these trees were planted by my own hand." That then Lysander, beholding his purple robe and the elegance of his person, and his Persian dress adorned with much gold and many jewels, said, " O Cyrus, they truly report you as happy, since excel- lence is combined with your fortune !" This lot then old men may enjoy ; nor does age hinder us from retaining the pursuit both of other things, and especially of cultivating the land, even to the last period of old age. In the case of Marcus Valerius Corvus, we have heard that he continued to live to his hundredth year, while, when his (active) life had been spent, he lived in the country and tilled the land : between whose first and sixth consulship forty-six years intervened. Thus, as long a period of life as our ancestors considered to reach to the beginning of old age, just so long was the career of his honors : and the close of his life was happier on this account than the middle, because it had more of authority and less of toil. Now authority is the crown of old age. How great was it in Lucius Caecilius Metellus ! how great in Atilius Calatinus! on whom was that singular inscription " Many nations agree that he was the leading man of the people." It is a well-known epitaph, inscribed on his tomb. He therefore was justly dignified, about whose praises the 1 Cyrus tfte younger. He attempted to dethrone his brother Arta- jcerxes, and was killed at the battle of Cynaxa, B.C. 401. 2 Lysander defeated the Athenian fleet at the battle of ^Egos p.c. 405, and put an end to the Peloponnesian war. CHAP, xvm. CICERO ON OLD AGE. 245 report of all meii was concurrent. IIow great a man have we seen in Publius Crassus, late pontifex maximus; how great a man subsequently in Marcus Lepidus, invested with the same sacerdotal office ! Why should I speak of Paulus or Africanus ? or, as I have already done, about Maximus ? men not only in whose expressed judgment, but even in whose acquiescence authority resided. Old age, especially an honored old age, has so great authority, that this is of more value than all the pleasures of youth. XVIII. But in my whole discourse remember that I am praising that old age which is established on the foundations of youth : from which this is effected which I once asserted with the great approbation of all present that wretched was the old age which had to defend itself by speaking. Neither gray hairs nor wrinkles can suddenly catch respect ; but the former part of life honorably spent, reaps the fruits of authority at the close. For these very observances, which seem light and common, are marks of honor to be saluted, to be sought after, to receive precedence, to have persons rising up to you, to be attended on the way, to be escorted home, to be consulted ; points which, both among us and in other states, in proportion as they are the most excellent in their morals, are the most scrupulously observed. They say that Lysander the Lacedaemonian, whom I mentioned a little above, was accus- tomed to remark, that Lacedaemon was the most honorable abode for old age ; for nowhere is so much conceded to that time of life, nowhere is old age more respected. Nay, further, it is recorded that when at Athens, during the games, a cer- tain elderly person had entered the theater, a place was nowhere offered him in that large assembly by his own townsmen ; but when lie had approached the Lacedaemonians, who, as they were cmbassadors, had taken their seats together in a particular place, they all rose up and invited the old man to a seat ; and when reiterated applause had been be- stowed upon them by the whole assembly, one of them remarked, that the Athenians knew what was right, but were unwilling to do it. There are many excellent rules in our college, 1 but this of which I am treating especially, that in proportion as each man has the advantage in age, BO he 1 In nostro coUegio. The College of Augurs b hero meant, which Cicero calls " amplissimi sacerdotii collegium." 246 CICERO ON OLD AGE. CHAP. xix. takes precedence in giving his opinion ; and older augurs arc preferred not only to those who are higher in office, but even to such as are in actual command. What pleasures, then, of the body can be compared with the privileges of authority ? which they who have nobly employed seem to me to have consummated the drama of life, and not like inexpert per- formers to have broken down in the last act. Still old men are peevish, and fretful, and passionate, and unmanageable nay, if we seek for such, also covetous : but these are the faults of their characters, not of their old age. And yet that peevishness and those faults which I have mentioned have some excuse, not quite satisfactory indeed, but such as may be admitted. They fancy that they are neglected, despised, made a jest of; besides, in a weak state of body every offense is irritating. All which defects, however, are extenuated by good dispositions and qualities ; and this may be discovered not only in real life, but on the stage, from the two brothers that are represented in the Brothers ;' how much austerity in the one, and how much gentleness in the other ! Such is the fact : for as it is not every wine, so it is not every man's life, that grows sour from old age. I approve of gravity in old age, but this in a moderate degree, like every thing else ; harshness by no means. 3 What avarice in an old man -can propose to itself I can not conceive : for can any thing be more absurd than, in proportion as less of our journey remains, to seek a greater supply of provisions ? XIX. A fourth reason remains, which seems most of all to distress and render anxious our time of life, namely, the near approach of death, which certainly can not be far distant from old age. O wretched old man, who in so long a time of life hast not seen that death is a thing to be despised ! Which either ought altogether to be regarded with indiffer- ence, if it entirely annihilates the mind, or ought even to be 1 Adelphi. A play of Terence : Demea and Micio are the names of the two old men alluded to here. a " Nothing is more despicable or more miserable, than the old age of a passionate man. When the vigor of youth fails him, and his amuse- ments pall with frequent repetition, his occasional rage sinks by decay of strength into peevishness; that peevishness, for want of novelty and variety, becomes habitual ; the world falls off from around him, and he is left, as Homer expresses it, 'oivv&uv ihnv nr/p,' to devour his own heart in solitude and contempt." Rambler, No. 11. CHAP, xix CICERO ON OLD AGE. 247 desired, if it leads it to a place where it is destined to be im- mortal.' Yet no third alternative certainly can be found. What, therefore, should I fear, if after death I am sure either not to be miserable or to be happy ? Although who is so foolish, though he be young, as to be assured that he will live even till the evening ? Nay, that period of life has many more probabilities of death than ours has : young men more readily fall into diseases, suffer more severely, are cured with more difficulty, and therefore few arrive at old age. Did not this happen so, we should live better and moro wisely, for intelligence, and reflection, and judgment reside in old men, and if there had been none of them, no states could exist at all. But I return to the imminence of death. What charge is that against old age, since you see it to be common to youth also ? I experienced not only in the case of my own excellent son, but also in that of your brothers, Scipio, men plainly marked out for the highest distinction, 1 " I thank God I have not those straight ligaments or narrow obli- gations to the world as to doto ou life, or be convulst and tremble at the name of death : not that I am insensible of the dread and horror thereof or by taking into the bowels of the deceased continual sight of anatomies, skeletons, or cadaverous reliques like vespillores, or grave-makers ; I am become stupid, or have forgot the apprehension of mortality, but that marshaling all the honors, and contemplating the extremities thereof, I find not any thing therein able to daunt my courage of a man, much less a well resolved Christian ; and therefore am not angry at the error of our first parents, or unwilling to bear a part of this common fall, and, like the best of them, to die ; that is, to cease to breathe, to take a farewell of the elements, to be a kind of nothing for a moment, to be within ono instant of a spirit. "When I take a full view and circle of myself without this reasonable moderator and equal piece of justice, I do conceive my- self the miserablest person extant ; were there not another life that I hope for, all the vanities of this world should not intreat a moment's breath from mo ; could the devil work my belief to imagine I could never die, I would not outlive that very thought ; I have so abject a conceit of this common way of existence, this retaining to the sun and elements I can not think thia is to be a man, or to live according to the dignity of humanity : in expectation of a better, I can with patience embrace this life ; yet in my best meditations do often defy death ; I honor any man that contemns it, nor can highly love any that is afraid of it. This makes mo naturally love a soldier, and honor those tattered and con- temptible regiments that will die at the command of a sergeant. For a pagan, there may be some motives to be in love with life ; but for a Christian to be amazed at death, I see not how he can escape this dilem- ma, that ho is too sensible of this life, or hopeless of the life to come." Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici, chap. xxxviiL 248 CICERO ON OLD AGE. CHAP. xix. that death was common to every period of life. Yet a young man hopes that he will live a long time, which expectation an old man can not entertain. His hope is but a foolish one : for what can be more foolish than to regard uncertainties as certainties, delusions as truths ? An old man indeed has nothing to hope for ; yet he is in so much the happier state than a young one ; since he has already attained what the other is only hoping for. The one is wishing to live long, the other has lived long. And yet, good gods ! what is there in man's life that can be called long ? For allow the latest period: let us anticipate the age of the kings of the Tar- tessii. For there dwelt, as I find it recorded, a man named Arganthonius at Gades, 1 who reigned for eighty years, and lived 120. But to my mind, nothing whatever seems of long duration, in which there is any end. For when that arrives, then the time which has passed has flowed away ; that only remains which you have secured by virtue and right conduct. Hours indeed depart from us, and days and months and years; nor does past time ever return, nor can it be dis- covered what is to follow. Whatever time is assigned to each to live, with that he ought to be content : for neither need the drama be performed entire by the actor, in order to give satisfaction, provided he be approved in whatever act he may be : nor need the wise man live till the plaudite? For the short period of life is long enough for living well and honorably; 8 and if you should advance 1 Gades, a small island in the Atlantic, now Cadiz. It was anciently called Tartessus and Erythia. 2 The last word of the play which invites the applause of the audience. It is here equivalent to the phrase, 'the fall of the curtain.' 3 " Glory is the portion of virtue, the sweet reward of honorable toils, the triumphant crown which covers the thoughtful head of the disinte- rested patriot, or the dusty brow of the victorious warrior. Elevated by BO sublime a prize, the man of virtue looks down with contempt on all the allurements of pleasure, and all the menaces of danger. Death itself loses its terrors when ho considers that its dominion extends only over a part of him, and that, in spite of death and time, the rage of the ele- ments, and the endless vicissitudes of human affairs, he is assured of an immortal fame among all the sons of men. There surely is a Being who presides over the universe ; and who with infinite wisdom and power has reduced the jarring elements into just order and proportion. Let speculative reasoners dispute how far this beneficent Being extends his care, and whether he prolongs our existence beyond the grave, in order to bestow on virtue its just reward, and render it fully triumphant. The CHAP. xix. CICERO ON OLD AGE. 249 further, you need no more grieve than farmers do when the loveliness of spring-time hath passed, that summer and autumn have come. For spring represents the time of youth, and gives promise of the future fruits ; the remaining seasons are intended for plucking and gathering in those fruits. Now the harvest of old age, as I have often said, is the recollection and abundance of blessings previously secured. In truth every thing that happens agreeably to nature is to be reckoned among blessings. What, however, is so agreeable to nature as for an old man to die ? which even is the lot of the young, though nature opposes and resists. And thus it is that young men seem to me to die, just as when the violence of flame is extinguished by a flood of water ; whereas old men die, as the exhausted fire goes out, spontaneously, without the exertion of any force : and as fruits when they are green are plucked by force from the trees, but when ripe and mellow drop off, so violence takes away their lives from youths, maturity from old men ; a state which to me indeed is so delightful that the nearer I approach to death, I seem as it were to be getting sight of land, and at length, after a long voyage, to be just coming into harbor. 1 man of morals, without deciding any thing on so dubious a subject, ia satisfied with the portion marked out to him by the supreme Disposer of all things. Gratefully ho accepts of that further reward prepared for him; but is disappointed, he thinks not virtue an empty name, but justly esteeming it its own reward, ho gratefully acknowledges the bounty of his Creator, who, by calling him into existence, has thereby afforded him an opportunity of once acquiring so invaluable a possession." Hume's Essays, Essay 16. 1 " It ia curious to observe the difference in the estimate formed by Cicero and the great moralist of the last century on the condition of old age and the proximity of death. A difference depending partly, no doubt, upon the temperament of the two men, but still more on their religious notions. The other miseries which waylay our passage through the world, wisdom may escape, and fortitude may conquer ; by caution and circumspection, we may steal along with very little to obstruct or incom- mode us; by spirit and vigor wo may force a way, and reward tho vescalion by conquest, by the pleasures of victory. But a time must como when our policy and bravery shall bo equally useless ; when we shall all sink into helplessness and sadness, without any power of receiving solace from the pleasures that have formerly delighted us, or any pros- pect of emerging into a second possession of tho blessings that wo havo lost. However ago may discourage us by its appearance from consider- ing it in prospect, wo shall all by degrees certainly be old, and therefore wo ought to inquire what provision can be made against that time of U* 250 CICERO ON OLD AGE. CHAP. xx. XX. Of all the periods of life there is a definite limit ; but of old age there is no limit fixed ; and life goes on very well in it, so long as you are able to follow up and attend to the duty of your situation, and, at the same time, to care nothing about death ; Avhence it happens that old age is even of higher spirit and bolder than youth. Agreeable to this was the answer given to Pisistratus, 1 the tyrant, by Solon ; when on the former inquiring, " in reliance on what hope he so boldly withstood him," the latter is said to have answered, "on old age." The happiest end of life is this when the mind and the other senses being unimpaired, the same nature, which put it together, takes asunder her own work. As in the case of a ship or a house, he who built them takes them down most easily ; so the same nature which has compacted man, most easily breaks him up. Besides, every fastening of glue, when fresh, is with difficulty torn asunder, but easily when tried by time. Hence it is that that short rem- nant of life should be neither greedily coveted, nor without reason given up : and Pythagoras forbids us to abandon the station or post of life without the orders of our commander, that is of God." There is indeed a saying of the wise Solon, in distress ? what happiness can be stored up against the winter of life ? and how we may pass our latter years with serenity and cheerfulness ? If it has been found by the experience of mankind, that not even the best seasons of life are able to supply sufficient gratifications without antici- pating uncertain felicities, it can not surely be supposed that old age, worn with labors, harassed with anxieties, and tortured with diseases, should have any gladness of its own, or feel any satisfaction from tho contemplation of tho present. All the comfort that can now be expect- ed must be recalled from the past, or borrowed from the future ; tho past is very soon exhausted ; all the events or actions of which tho memory can afford pleasure, are quickly recollected ; and the future lies beyond the grave, where it can be reached only by virtue and devotion. Piety is tho only proper and adequate relief of decaying man." Ramb- ler, No. 69. 1 Pisistratus, tyrant of Athens, reigned thirty-three years, and died about B.C. 527. a Upon this passage Melmoth has a note, of which the following is an abstract: "Although the practice of suicide too generally prevailed among the ancient Greeks and Romans, yet it was a practice condemned by tho best and wisest of their philosophers. Nothing can be more clear and express than the prohibition of Pythagoras with respect to this act, as cited by Cicero in the present passage ; and in this he was followed both by Socratx^ and Plato, those noblest and most enlightened of the pagan moralists. -xmsiderod suicide as an act of rebellion against the authority CHAP. xx. CICERO ON" OLD AGE. 251 which he declares that he does not wish his own death to bo unattended by the grief and lamentation of friends. He of the Supreme Being, who having placed man in his present post, hath reserved to himself alone the right of determining the proper time for his dismission. Agreeably to these principles, Cicero in his relation of Scipio's dream, represents the departed spirit of Emilius as assuring his son, who had expressed an impatience of joining him in the heavenly mansions, that there was no admittance into those regions of felicity for the mail who attempted to force his way into them by his own unau- thorized act. The Platonic poet, it is well known, places those unhappy persons in a state of punishment, who not having the piety and the cour- age to support their misfortunes with duo resignation, impiously endeav- ored to deliver themselves by venturing to bo their own executioners." Such were the sentiments of the most approved moralists among the ancient philosophers ; tho doctrine of the Stoics, it must be acknowledg- ed, was more relaxed upon this important article ; but although they did not scruple to represent it even as a duty in some very particular circum- stances, they ought, if they had reasoned consequentially from their own principles, to have held it forth as highly criminal in all. For there is no precept of morality which they inculcate more frequently, nor in stronger terms, than an unlimited submission to tho dispensations of Providence ; the truth is, the ancient writers of this sect are not more at variance with reason than with themselves in what they have delivered upon this subject. Inconsistency, indeed, is one of the characteristical marks of tho Stoical system, as Plutarch has proved by a variety of in- stances drawn from tho writings of Chrysippus. Those of Seneca and Epictetus may equally bo produced in support of tho same charge, so far at least as relates to their sentiments on tho present question ; for they sometimes contend for tho lawfulness of suicide without any restric- tion, sometimes only under very peculiar circumstances, and sometimes zealously press upon their disciples, as an indispensable obligation, tho duty of a pious acquiescence under all tho various calamities of human life. Agreeably to this last position, Seneca, in answer to a querulous letter he had received from his friend Lucilius, writes thus: "A wise and pood man," says ho, " should stand prepared for all events, remembering that he is destined to pass through a world where pain and sorrow, disease and infirmity, aro posted in his way. It is not in his power to change these conditions upon which ho receives his present existence ; but it certainly is to submit to them with such fortitude and acquiescence in the laws of nature as becomes a virtuous mind. It should bo our con- stant endeavor, therefore, to reconcile our minds to these unalterable laws of Providence, and to submit to them without murmur or com- plaint ; fully persuaded that every thing is as it ought to be, and that tho government of tho world is in the hands of the Supreme Being. To de- liver himself up to that Being with an implicit md unreserved resigna- tion, is the merit of a truly great soul, as it is of a base and little mind to entertain unworthy suspicions of the order est&b\ished in the world, to attempt to break through the laws of Provideno/i , ar,d instead of cor- 252 CICERO ON OLD AGE. CHAP. xx. wishes, I suppose, that he should be dear to his friends. But I know not whether Ennius does not say Avith more propriety, " Let no one pay me honor with tears, nor celebrate my funeral with mourning." He conceives that a death ought not to be lamented which an immortality follows. Besides a dying man may havo some degree of consciousness, but that for a short time, espe- Icially in the case of an old man : after death, indeed, con- 'sciousness either does not exist, or it is a thing to be desired. But this ought to be a subject of study from our youth to be indifferent about death ; without which study no one can be of tranquil mind. For die we certainly must, and it is uncertain whether or not on this very day. He, therefore, who at all hours dreads impending death, how can he be at peace in his mind? concerning which there seems to be no need of such long discussion, when I call to mind not only Lucius Brutus, who was slain in liberating his country ; nor the two Decii, who spurred on their steeds to a voluntary- death ; nor Marcus Atilius, 1 who set out to execution, that he might keep a promise pledged to the enemy ; nor the two recting his own ways, impiously presume to correct the ways of God." Sen. Ess. 10T. To the same purpose, and with equal inconsistency, is the doctrine of Epictetus ; on the one hand telling those who complain under the press- ure of any calamity that they have the remedy in their own power, and on the other exhorting them to bear with a patient composure of mind the evils that attend human life, and not presume to deliver themselves by an unwarranted desertion of that post in which the Supremo Being has thought proper to place them. With the exception of the cases of soldiers, suicide was not forbidden by the Roman law, nor was it discountenanced by public opinion. Vol- untary suicide, by the law of England is a crime ; and every suicide is presumed to be voluntary until the contrary is made apparent. It is re- markable, however, that even English moralists are by no means unani- mous in condemning it ; both llumo and Godwin submit it to the test of a mere calculation of expediency. The Code Penal of France contains no legislation on the subject of suicide. Of the modern codes of Germany, some adopt the silence of the Trench code, and others vary in their particular provisions. In the Bavarian and Saxon codes, suicide is not mentioned. The Prussian code forbids all mutilation of the dead body of a self-murderer, under ordinary circumstances, but declares that it chall be buried without any marks of respect, otherwise suitable to tho rank of the deceased. 1 Better kaown to tho English reader by tho name of Regulus. CHAP. xxi. CICERO ON OLD AGE. 253 Scipios, who even with their very bodies sought to obstruct the march of the Carthaginians ; nor your grandfather Lucius Paulus, 1 who by his death atoned for the temerity of his colleague in the disgraceful defeat at Cannae ; nor Marcus Marcellus, 5 whose corpse not even the most merciless foo suffered to go without the honor of sepulcher : but that our legions, as I have remarked in my Antiquities, have often gone with cheerful and undaunted mind to that place from .which they believed that they should never return. Shall, then, well-instructed old men be afraid of that which young men, and the'y not only ignorant, but mere peasants, de- spise ? On the whole, as it seemed to me indeed, a satiety of all pursuits causes a satiety of life. There are pursuits pe- culiar to boyhood ; do therefore young men regret the loss of them ? There are also some of early youth ; does that now settled age, which is called middle life, seek after these ? There are also some of this period ; neither are they looked for by old age. There are some final pursuits of old age ; accord- ingly, as the pursuits of the earlier parts of life fall into disuse, so also do those of old age ; and when this has taken place, satiety of life brings on the seasonable period of death. 3 XXI. Indeed I do not see why I should not venture to tell you what I myself think concerning death ; because I 1 Lucius Faidus fell at tho battle of Cannae, which was brought on by tho rashness of his colleagues, Terentius Varro, B.C. 21G: 40,000 Romans were killed in this battle. 2 M. MarceU'us, a Roman consul who fought against Hannibal. Ho was killed in an ambuscade, A.U.C. 546. 3 " Confound not tho distinctions of thy life which nature hath divided, that is youth, adolescence, manhood, and old ago; nor, in these divided periods, wherein thou art in a manner four, conceive thyself but one. Let every division bo happy in its proper virtues, nor one vice run through alL Let each distinction have its salutary transition, and critically de- liver theo from the imperfections of tho former, so ordering the whole that prudence and virtue may havo tho largest section. Do as a child, but when thou art a child, and rido not on a reed at twenty. He who hath not taken leave of tho follies of his youth, and in his maturer state scarce got out of that division, disproportionately divideth his days, crowds up the latter part of his life, and leaves too narrow a corner for the ago of wisdom, and so hath room to bo a man scarce longer than he hath been a youth. Rather than to make this confusion, anticipate the virtues of age, and live long without the infirmities of it. So mayest thou count i up thy days, as some do Adam's, that is by anticipation. So mayest thou bo co-ctaneous unto thy elders, and a father unto thy cotempora- i.-:es." Sir T. Browne's " Christian Morals," part 3, ch. 8. 254 CICERO ON OLD AGE. CHIP. *xi. fancy I see it so much the more clearly, in proportion as I am less distant from it. I am persuaded that your fathers, Publius Scipio, and Caius Lselius, men of the greatest eminence and very dear friends of mine, are living ; and that life too which alone deserves the name of life. 1 For whilo 1 In another of his writings, "The Tusculan Questions," Cicero thus expresses himself: "There is, I know not how, in minds, a certain pre- sage as it were, of a future existence. And this takes the deepest root, and is most discoverable in the greatest geniuses and most exalted minds." It was naturally to be expected that far more distinct and elevated views should be entertained upon this subject subsequently to the dawn of the Christian dispensation, and it is most interesting to observe both the resemblances and the contrasts which obtain between the views of Cice- ro, the most enlightened of heathen advocates for the soul's immortality, and of Christian moralists the analogies doubtless arising from tho universality and instinctiveness of the notion, and the differences being readily explained by the fuller light shed upon tho subject by the Chris- tian revelation. We will select Addison as one of the most charming, if not one of tho most profound of the latter school. In stating tho argu- ments for the immortality of the soul, in one of his elegant essays, he has the following observations: "I consider these several proofs drawn: First, from the nature of the soul itself, and particularly its immateriality, which though not absolutely necessary to the eternity of its duration, has, I think, been evinced to almost a demonstration. Secondly. From its passions and sentiments. As particularly from its love of existence, its horror of annihilation, and its hopes of immortality, with that secret satisfaction which it finds in the practice of virtue, and that uneasiness which follows in it upon tho commission of vice. Thirdly, From the nature of the Supreme Being, whose justice, wisdom, goodness, and voracity, are all concerned in this great point. But among these and other excellent arguments for tho immortality of the soul, there is one drawn from the perpetual progress of the soul to its perfection, without a possibility of its ever arriving at it, which is a hint that I do not remem- ber to have seen opened and improved by others who have written upon this subject, though it seems to mo to carry a great weight with it. How can it enter into tho thoughts of man, that the soul, which is capable of such immense perfections, and of receiving new improvements to all eternity, shall fall away into nothing almost as soon as it is created ? Aro such abilities made for no purpose? A brute arrives at a point of per- fection that ho can never pass in a few years ; he has all the endowments he is capable of, and were he to live ten thousand more, would be tho same thing he is at present. Were a human soul thus at a stand in her accomplishments, were her faculties to be full blown and incapable of further enlargements, I could imagine it might fall away insensibly, and drop at once into a state of annihilation. But can we believe a thinking being that is in a perpetual progress of improvements, and traveling on from perfection to perfection, after having just looked abroad into tho works of its Creator, and make a few discoveries of Ms infinite goodness, .JHAP. XXL CICERO ON OLD AGE. 255 we are shut up in this prison of the body, we arc fulfilling as it were the function and painful task of destiny : for the heaven-born soul has been degraded from its dwelling- place above, and as it were buried in the earth, a situation uncongenial to its divine and immortal nature. But I believe that the immortal gods have shed souls into human bodies that beings might exist Avho might tend the earth, and by contemplating the order of the heavenly bodies, might imitate it in the manner and regularity of their lives. 1 Nor have reason and argument alone influenced me thus to believe, but likewise the high name and authority of the greatest philo- sophers. I used to hear that Pythagoras and the Pytha- goreans, 2 who were all but our neighbors, who were formerly called the Italian philosophers, had no doubt that we possess souls derived from the universal divine mind. Moreover, wisdom, and power, must perish at her first setting out, and in the be- ginning of her inquiries ? " There is not, in my opinion, a more pleasing and triumphant conside- ration in religion than this, of the perpetual progress which the soul makes toward the perfection of its nature, without ever arriving at a period of it To look upon the soul as going on from strength to strength ; to consider that she is to shine forever, with new accessions of glory, and brighten to all eternity ; that she will be still adding virtue to virtue, and knowledge to knowledge, carries in it something wonderfully agree- able to that ambition which is natural to the mind of man. Nay, it must be a prospect pleasing to God himself, to see his creation forever beautifying in his eyes, and drawing nearer to him by greater degrees of resemblance." Spectator, No. 111. 1 The Pythagoreans, according to Aristotle (Eth. Magn. I.), were tho first who determined any thing in moral philosophy. Their ethics are of the loftiest and most spiritual description. Virtue was with them a har- mony, an unity, and an endeavor to resemble tho Deity. Tho whole lifo of man should be an attempt to represent on earth tho beauty and har- mony displayed in the order of the universe. Tho mind should have tho body and the passions under perfect control ; the gods should bo wor- shiped by simple purifications, offerings, and abovo all, by sincerity and purity of tho heart. 2 Tho Pythagoreans represented tho souls of men as light particles of tho universal soul diffused through tho whole world (Cic. de Nat. Deor. L 11). Tho souls of tho gods wero considered as proceeding directly from the central fire, which was on this account designated " mother of the gods," while the souls of men proceeded from tho sun, which was a mere reflux of tho central fire. The soul of man was divided into three parts, vovf, pevt<;, and dvpor. The two former were considered as tho rational half of tho soul, and had their seat in tho brain. Tho last, or dvpos, was the animal half, and its seat was in tho heart. Diog. riiu 19. 30. Plut. do Plac. Phil. iv. 5. 236 CICERO ON OLD AGE. CHAP. XXL the arguments were conclusive to me, which Socrates de- livered on the last day of his life concerning the immortality of the soul he who was pronounced by the oracle of Apollo the wisest of all men. But why say more ? I have thus per- suaded myself, such is my belief: that since such is the activity of our souls, so tenacious their memory of things past, and their sagacity regarding things future so many arts, so many sciences, so many discoveries, that the nature Avhich comprises these qualities can not be mortal j 1 and since the mind is ever in action and has no source of motion, because it moves itself, I believe that it never will find any end of motion, because it never will part from itself; and that since the nature of the soul is uncompounded, and has not in itself any admixture heterogeneous and dissimilar to it- self, I maintain that it can not undergo dissolution ; and if this be not possible, it can not perish : and it is a strong argument, that men know very many things before they are born, since when mere boys, while they are learning difficult subjects, they so quickly catch up numberless ideas, that they seem not to be learning them for the first time, but to remember them, 2 and to be calling them to recollection. 3 Thus did our Plato argue. 1 " Tho sublime attainments which man has boon capable of making in science, and the wonders of his own creative art in that magnificent scene to which he has known how to give new magnificence, have been considered by many as themselves proofs of the immortality of a being so richly endowed. When we view him, indeed, comprehending in hia single conception, the events of ages that have preceded him, and not content with the past, anticipating events that are to begin only in ages as remote in futurity as the origin of the universe is in the past, measur- ing the distance of the remotest planets, and naming in what year of other centuries, the nations that are now gazing with astonishment on some comet, are to gaze on it in its return, it is scarcely possible for us to believe that a mind which seems equally capacious of what is infinite in space and time, should only be a creature whose brief existence is measurable by a few points of space, and a few moments of eternity." Brown's Moral Philosophy, lect. xcvii. 2 Reminisci et recordari. See Plato's dialogue called Mono, in which it is attempted to bo shown that all our knowledge is the reminiscence of what has passed in some previous state of existence. 3 "That the soul had an existence prior to her connection with tho body, seems to have been an opinion of the highest antiquity ; as it may be traced in the Chaldean, Egyptian, and Grecian theology, as far back as there are any records remaining of their speculative tenets. This general notion, however, was not maintained universally in tho same precise sense. Some considering the soul in its former state as subsist- ing only in tho great soul of tho universe, while others held its prior CHAP. xxii. CICERO ON OLD AGE. 25 7 XXII. Moreover, in Xenophon, Cyrus the elder, 1 on his death-bed, discourses thus : " Never imagine, O iny dearest sons, that when I have departed from you, I shall exist nowhere, or cease to be : for while I was with you you never saw my soul; though you concluded from the actions which I performed that it was in this body. Believe, therefore, that it still exists, though you will see nothing of it. Nor, in truth, would the honors of illustrious men con- tinue after death, if their own spirits did not make us pre- serve a longer remembrance of them. I could never, indeed, be persuaded that souls, while they were in mortal bodies, lived ; and when they had quitted them, perished : nor, in truth, that the soul became senseless when it made its escape from a senseless body ; but that it then became wise when freed from every corporeal admixture, it had become pure and genuine. Besides, when the constitution of man is broken up by death, it is clear whither each of its other parts depart ; for they all return from the source from whence they sprang : whereas, the soul alone, neither shows itself when it is with us, nor when it departs. Further, you see there is nothing so like death as sleep. Yet the souls of per- sons asleep especially manifest their divine nature ; for when they are disengaged and free, they foresee many future events." From which we conclude in what state they will bo distinct and personal individuality. Those philosophers who maintained the latter opinion, at least the generality of them, seem to have supposed that the soul is sent down into this sublunary orb as into a place of pun- ishment for transgressions committed in a former state. And this theory claims the greater attention, not only as it appears to have been adopted both by the Pythagoric and Platonic schools, which undoubtedly produced the most respectable philosophers that ever enlightened the Pagan world, but as bearing strong marks of being primarily derived from the Mosaical account of the fall of man." (Melmoth, in loco), 1 Cyrus Major. The character of this Cyrus is drawn by Xenophon in his Cyropaedia. Ho was king of Persia, son of Cambyses and Man- dane, daughter of Astyages, king of Media. IIo dethroned Astyages, and transferred tho Persian empire to the Modes. The Cyropaadia is not to be looked upon as an authentic history, but as showing what a good and virtuous prince ought to be. 8 " There is surely a nearer apprehension of any thing that delights us in our dreams than in our waking senses, without this I were unhappy, for my awakened judgment discontents me, ever whispering unto me that I am from my friend, but my friendly dreams in night requite me and make me think I am within his arms. I thank God for my happy dreams, as I do for my good rest, for there is a satisfaction in *bem unto 258 CICERO ON OLD AGE CHAP. xxn. when they shall have altogether released themselves from the fetters of the body. Wherefore, if this is the case, regard me reasonable desires, and such as can bo content with a fit of happiness. And surely, it is not a melancholy conceit to think we are all asleep in this world, and that the conceits of this life are as mere dreams to those of the next, as the phantasms of the night to the conceits of the day. There is an equal delusion in both, and the one doth but seem to be the emblem or picture of the oth&r ; we are somewhat more than ourselves in our sleep, and the slumber of the body seems to be but the waking of the soul It is tho ligation of sense, but the liberty of reason, and our awakening conceptions do not match the fancies of our sleeps. I am in no way facetious, not disposed for tho mirth and galliardizo of com- pany, yet in one dream I can compose a whole comedy, behold tho ac- tion, apprehend tho jests, and laugh myself awake at the conceits thereof. Were my memory as faithful as my reason is then fruitful, I could never study but in my dreams, and this time also would I choose for my devo- tions ; but our grosser memories have then so little hold of our abstracted understandings that they forget tho story, and can only relate to our awakened souls, a confused and broken tale of that that hath passed. Aristotle, who hath written a singular tract on sleep, hath not, methinks, thoroughly defined it ; nor yet Galen, though he seem to have corrected it ; for those noctambuloes and night-walkers, though in their sleep, do yet enjoy the action of their senses, wo must therefore say that there is something in us that is not in tho jurisdiction of Morpheus, and that those abstracted and ecstatic souls do walk about in their own corps, as spirits with tho bodies they assume wherein they seem to hear, see, and feel, though indeed, tho organs aro destitute of sense, and their natures of those faculties that should inform them. Thus it is observed that men sometimes upon the hour of their departure, do speak and reason above themselves ; for then the soul, beginning to bo freed from the ligaments of the body, begins to reason like herself, and to discourse in a strain above mortality." Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici, part ii. chap. 11. " Dreams," says Addison, " are an instance of that agility and perfection which is natural to tho faculties of tho mind when they are disengaged from the body. Tho soul is clogged and retarded in her operations when she acts in conjunction with a companion, that is so heavy and unwieldy in its motion. But in dreams it is wonderful to observe with what a sprightliness and alacrity she exerts herself. Tho slow of speech make unpremeditated harangues, or converse readily in languages that they are but little acquainted with. The grave abound in pleasantries, the dull in repartees and points of wit. There is not a more painful action of tho mind than invention, yet in dreams it works with that case and activity that we are not sensible of when the faculty is employed. For instance, I believe every one some time or other dreams that he is reading papers, books, or letters, in which case the invention prompts so readily chat tho mind is imposed upon, and mistakes its own suggestions for the compo- sitions of another. I must not omit that argument for the excellency of tho soul which I have seen quoted out of Tertullian, namely, its power of divining in dreams. That several such divinitions have been made, none can question who believes tho holy writings, or who has but the CHAP. xxni. CICEKO OK OLD AGE. 259 as a god, but if the soul is destined to perish along with the body, yet you, reverencing the gods, who oversee and control all this beautiful system, will affectionately and sacredly preserve my memory." Such were the dying words of Cyrus. XXIII. Let me, if you please, revert to my own views. No one will ever persuade me that either your father, Paulus, or two gandfathers, Paulus and Africanus, or the father of Africanus, or his uncle, or the many distinguished men whom it is unnecessary to recount, aimed at such great exploits as might reach to the recollection of posterity, had they not perceived in their mind that posterity belonged to them. Do you suppose, to boast a little of myself, after the manner of old men, that I should have undergone such great toils, by day and night, at home and in service, had I thought to limit my glory by the same bounds as my life ? Would it not have been far better to pass an easy and quiet life without any toil or struggle ? But I know not how my soul, stretch- ing upward, has ever looked forward to posterity, as if, when it had departed from life, then at last it would begin to live. 1 least degree of a common historical faith ; thcro being innumerable in- stances of this nature in several authors, both ancient and modern, sacred and profane. "Whether such dark presages, such visions of the night, proceed from any latent power in the soul, during this her state of abstraction, or from any communication with tho Supremo Being, or from any operation of subordinate spirits has been a great dispute among the learned. The matter of fact is, I think, incontestible, and has been looked upon as such by tho greatest writers who have been never sus- pected either of superstition or enthusiasm. I do not suppose that the soul in those instances is entirely loose and unfettered from tho body: it is sufficient if she is not so far sunk and immersed in matter, nor en- tangled and perplexed in her operations with such motions of blood and spirits, as when she actuates the machine in its waking hours. Tho corporeal union is slackened enough to give tho mind more play. Tho soul seems gathered within herself, and recovers that spring which is broken and weakened when she operates more in concert with tho body." Spectator, No. 487. 1 Dr. Thomas Brown attaches no value to tho argument for tho im- mortality of the soul, derived from the aspiration after it which is com- mon to all. " I am aware," he says, " that in judging from the mind it- self a considerable stress has often been laid on the existence of feelings which admit of a very easy solution, without the necessity of ascribing them to any instinctive foreknowledge of a state of immortal being. Of this sort particularly seems to me an argument which, both in ancient and modern times, has been brought forward as one of the most power- ful arguments for our continued existence, after life has seemed to close upon us forever. I allude to the universal desire of this immortal exist- 260 CICEEO ON OLD AGE. CHAF. xx:n And, indeed, unless this were the case, that souls were im- mortal, the souls of the noblest of men would not aspire above all things to an immortality of glory. 1 Why need I ence. But surely, if life itself be pleasing, and even though there were no existence beyond the grave life might be still, by the benevolence of Him who conferred it, have been rendered a source cf pleasure ; it is not wonderful that we should desire futurity, since futurity is only pro- tracted life. It would, indeed, have been worthy gf our astonishment it man, loving his present life, and knowing that it was to terminate in the space of a very few years, should not havo regretted the termination of what ho loved ; that is to say, should not havo wished the continuance of it beyond the period of its melancholy close. The universal desire then, even if the desire were truly universal, would prove nothing, but the goodness of Him who has made the realities of life or if not tho realities, the hopes of life so pleasing that the mere loss of what is possessed, or hoped, appears like a positive evil of tho most afflicting kind." Dr. Brown's Moral Philosophy, sec. 97. 1 "I am fully persuaded that one of the best springs of generous ar,f tho senses." Lord Bacon's Advancement of Learning, Book L 300 THE VISION OF SCIPIO. entered these temples, the sun disappeared to mortals and seemed to be extinguished ; so whenever the sun be eclipsed at the same time with all the stars, and constellations, brought back to the same starting-point, shall again disappear, then you are to reckon the year to be complete. But be assured that the twentieth part of such a year h not yet elapsed. If, therefore, you hope to return to this place, toward which all the aspirations of great and good men are tending, what must be the value of that human fame that endures for but a little part of a single year ?' If, then, you would fain direct your regards on high, and aspire to this mansion and eternal abode, you neither will devote yourself to the rumors of the vulgar, nor will you rest your hopes and your interest on human rewards. Virtue herself ought to attract you by her own charms to true glory; what others may talk of you, for talk they will, let themselves consider. But all such talk is confined to the narrow limits of those regions which you see. None respecting any man was ever- lasting. It is both extinguished by the death of the individual and perishes altogether in the oblivion of posterity. 2 1 " Le cygne qui s'envole aux routes eternelles, Amis, s'informe-t-il ei 1'ombre de ses ailes. Flotte encore sur un vil gazon ?" Lamartino. Lo Poiito Mourant. The contrast between the vanity of posthumous fame and the- glories of a future state of happiness, is represented by Dr. South in the follow- ing majestic passage : " Time, like a river, carries them all away with a rapid course ; they swim above the stream for a while, but are quickly swallowed up, and seen no more. The very monuments men raise to perpetuate their names consume and molder away themselves, and proclaim their own mortality, as well as testify that of others. But now on the other side, the enjoy- ments above and the treasures proposed to us by our Saviour are inde- fectible in their nature and endless in their duration. They are still full, fresh, and entire, like the stars and orbs above, which shine with tho same undiminished luster, and move with the samo unwearied motion with which they did from the first date of then* creation. Nay, the joys of heaven will abide when these lights of heaven will be put out, and when sun and moon, and nature itself shall be discharged their stations, and be employed by Providence no more ; the righteous shall then ap- pear in their full glory, and, being fixed in the Divine presence, enjoy one perpetual and everlasting day : a day commensurate to the unlimited eternity of God himself, the great Sun of Righteousness, who is always rising and never sets." South's Sermons, vol. i. Sermon 48. 2 Thia is another of the instances in which the sentiments of Cicero THE VISION OF SCIPIO. 301 Which when he had said, I replied, " Truly, Africanus, since the path to heaven lies open to those who have deserved well of their country, though from my childhood I have ever trod in your and my father's footsteps without disgracing your glory, yet now, with so noble a prize set before me, I shall strive with much more diligence." " Do so strive," replied he, " and do not consider yourself, but your body, to be mortal. For you are not the being ; which this corporeal figure evinces ; but the mind of every man is the man, and not that form which may be delineated 1 coincide as nearly as possible with Scripture in the Book of Ecclesiastes, chap. ii. ver. 1422. "The wise man's eyes are in his head; but the fool walketh in darkness. And I myself perceived also that one event happeneth to them all. Then said I in my heart, As it happeneth to tho fool, so it happeneth even to me ; and why was I then moro wise ? Then I said in my heart, that this also is vanity. For there is no re- membrance of the wise more than of the fool forever; seeing that which now is, in tho days to come shall all bo forgotten. And how dieth the wise man ? As the fooL Therefore, I hated life ; because the work that is wrought under tho sun is grievous unto me ; for all is vanity and vex- ation of spirit. Tea, I hated all my labor which I had taken under the BUU ; because I should leave it unto the man that shall be after me. And who knoweth whether he shall be a wise man or a fool ? Yet shall ho have rule over all my labor wherein I have labored, and wherein I have showed myself wise under tho sun. This is also vanity. There- fore I went about to cause my heart to despair of all tho labor which I took under the sun. For there is a man whose labor is in wisdom, and in knowledge, and in equity ; yet to a man that hath not labored therein shall he leave it for his portion. This also is vanity and a great evil For what hath man of all his labor, and of tho vexation of his heart, wherein he hath labored under tho sun ?" 1 The principle here enunciated by Cicero is thus expanded by Bishop Butler into an argument for the soul's immortality : " From our being so nearly related to and interested in certain systems of matter, suppose our flesh and bones, and afterward ceasing to be at all related to them, the living agents, ourselves, remaining all this while un- destroyed, notwithstanding such alienation ; and consequently these sys- tems of matter not being ourselves ; it follows further, that we have no ground to conclude any other supposed interval system of matter to be the living agents ourselves ; because we can have no ground to conclude this, but so form our relation to and interest in such other system of matter at death, to bo the destruction of tho living agents. "We havo already several times over lost a great part or perhaps tho whole of our body, according to certain common established laws of nature, yet wo remain the same living agents ; when wo shall lose as great a part, or the whole, by another common established law of nature, death, why may wo not also remain tho same ? 302 THE VISION OF SCIPIO. with a finger. Know therefore ' that you are a divine person. Since it is divinity' that has consciousness, sensation, memory, and foresight ; that governs, regulates, and moves that body over which it has been appointed, just as the Supreme Deity rules this world ; and in like manner, as an eternal God guides this world, which in some respect is perishable, so an eternal spirit animates your frail body. For that which is ever moving* is eternal ; now that which communicates to another object a motion which it received " That the alienation has been gradual in one case, and in the other will be more at once, does not prove any thing to the contrary. We have passed undestroyed through those many and great revolutions of matter so peculiarly appropriated to us ourselves ; why should we ima- gine death will be so fatal to us ? Nor can it be objected, that what ia thus alienated or lost is no part of our original solid body, but only ad- ventitious matter ; because we may lose entire limbs, which must have contained many solid parts and vessels of the original body ; or if this be not admitted, wo have no proof that any of these solid parts are dis- solved or alienated by death. Though, by the way, we are very nearly related to that extraneous or adventitious matter while it continues united to, and distending the several parts of, our solid body. But after all the relation a person bears to those parts of his body to which he is the most nearly related, what does it appear to amount to but this, that the living agent and those parts of the body mutually affect each other ? And the same thing, the same thing in kind though not in degree, may bo said of all foreign matter which gives us ideas, and which we have any power over. From these observations the whole ground of the imagin- ation is removed, that the dissolution of any matter is the destruction of a living agent, from the interest he once had in such matter." 1 " It was the common opinion of all the ancient philosophers who fol- lowed the system of Pythagoras, that the souls of men, and even of beasts, were portions of divinity. What opinion our author had of tho properties and immortality of the soul is difficult to determine. For we are not to imagine that in the passage before us, and in many others in which he mentions tho subject, he gives his own sentiments, but those of others ; accordingly, in his first book, De Natura Deorum, he makes Veleius, one of his prolocutors, absolutely destroy the doctrine which is advanced here." Guthrio. " 'T is the Divinity that stirs within us, 'T is heaven itself that points out an hereafter, And intimates eternity to man !" Addison's Cato. 3 " All this doctrine is taken almost word for word from the Phcedrus of Plato, and Macrobius has reduced it to the following syllogism. The soul is self-motive ; now self-motion contains the principle of motion, the principle of motion ia not created, therefore tho soul is not created." Guthrie. THE VISION OF SCIPIO. 303 else where, must necessarily cease to live as soon as Us motion is at an end. Thus the being which is self-motive is the only being that is eternal, because it never is abandoned by its own properties, neither is this self-motion ever at an end ; nay, this is the fountain, this is the beginning of motion to all thinsfs that are thus subjects of motion. Now there can be no commencement of what is aboriginal, for all things proceed from a beginning; therefore a beginning can rise from no other cause, for if it proceeded from another cause it would not be aboriginal, which, if it have no commencement, certainly toever has an end ; for the primeval principle, if extinct, can neither be re-produced from any other source nor produce any thing else from itself, because it is necessary that all things should spring from some original source. The principle of motion, therefore, can only exist in a self-motive being, and it is impossible that such a being should be born or that it should die, otherwise all heaven must go to wreck, and the whole system of nature must stop ; nor can it come under any other force, should it be removed from its original impulsion. 1 Since therefore it is plain that whatever is self-motive must be eternal, who can deny that this natural property is 1 It only remains then to bring this idea of the material word into connection with the principle that motion, in all cases, originates from mind ; or in other words, in the effect of will either the supreme will, or the will of created minds. Motion is either constant and uniform, obeying what we call a law, or it is incidental. The visible and palpable world then, according to this theory, ia MOTION, constant and uniform, emanating from infinite centers, and spreading during every instant of its continuance from the creative energy. The instantaneous cessation of this energy, at any period, is therefore abstractedly quite as easily conceived of as is its continuance ; and whether, in the next instant, it shall continue, or shall cease whether the material universe shall stand or shall vanish is an alternative of which, irrespective of other reasons, the one member may bo as easily taken as the other ; jnst as the moving of the hand, or the not moving it, in the next moment depends upon nothing but our volition. The annihilation of the solid spheres the planets, and the suns, that occupy the celestial spaces, would not on this supposition be an act of irresistible force crushing that which resists compression, or dissipating and reducing to an ether that which firmly coheres ; but. it would simply be the non-exertion in the next instant of a power which has been exerted in this instant ; it would be, not a de- struction, but a rest ; not a crash and ruin, but a pause. Taylor's Physi- cal Theory of another Life, chap. xviiL 304 THE VISION OF SCIPIO. bestowed upon our minds ?' For every thing that is moved by a foreign impulse is inanimate, but that which is animate is impelled by an inward and peculiar principle of motion ; and in that consists the nature and property of the soul. Now if it alone of all things is self-motive, assuredly it never was originated, and is eternal. Do thou therefore employ it in the noblest of pursuits, ard the noblest of cares are those 1 " It is motion that measures duration, and time is duration, measur- ed into equal parts by the equable motion of bodies through space. But as motion belongs to matter, of which it is a condition, and is that where- in duration and extension combine to form a common product, so mind must become related to extension, in order to its having any knowledgo of motion, or to its being able to avail itself of the measurement of dura- tion ; in other words, it is only in connection with matter that it can know any thing of time. "Minds embodied, not only learn to measure out their own existence equally, and to correct the illusions of which otherwise they would bo the sport, but also, by an insensible habit, they came to exist at a moro even velocity, if we may so speak, than could else be possible, and learn unconsciously to put a curb upon the excessive and dangerous rapidity of thought ; while in other cases a spur is supplied for the sluggishness of the mind, or a remedy found for its undue fixedness ; and thus all minds are brought to move together at nearly the same rate, or at least as nearly so as is essential for securing the order and harmony of the social system. " But then, this same intimate connection between mind and matter, while it exposes the mind, passively, to the influence of the inferior ele- ment, becomes in return the means of its exerting a power and how extensive and mysterious a power is it over the solid matter around it. Mind, embodied, by a simple act or volition, originates motion. That is to say, its will or desire, through the instrumentality of muscular con- tractions, as applied to the body itself, or to other bodies, puts it or them in movement. This power of the mind in overcoming the vis inertia of matter and tho force of gravitation, is the only active influence in rela- tion to the material world which we have a certain knowledge of its possessing ; for, as is obvious, the various combinations of substances that are brought about by the skill of man, are all indirectly effected through the instrumentality of the muscular system ; nor can it be ascer- tained, whether the chemical changes and assimilations that are carried on in the secreting glands and the viscera are effected by an unconsious involuntary mental operation. This organic influence excepted, suppos- ing it to exist, the mechanical power of the mind is the only one it en. joys ; but this it enjoys in no mean degree. It may, without much hazard, be assumed, that motion in all instances originates in an imme- diate volition, either of the supreme or of some created mind, and that this power is exerted by the latter through the means of a corporeal structure." Taylor's Physical Theory of Another Life, chap. ii. THE VISION OF SCIPIO. 305 for the safety of thy country. The soul that is stirred and agitated by these "will fly the more quickly to this mansion, even to its own home, 1 and this will be the more rapid, if even now, while it is imprisoned within the body it sallies abroad, and, contemplating those objects that are without it, abstracts itself as much as possible from the body. For the souls of those men who are devoted to corporeal pleasures themselves, and who having yielded themselves as it were as their servants, enslaved to pleasures under the impulse of their passions, have violated the laws of gods and men ; such souls, having escaped from their bodies, hover round the earth, nor do they return to this place, till they have been tossed about for many ages." He vanished, and I awoke from my sleep. 1 "Wo can not better conclude our notes on this interesting fragment, than by the peroration of that sermon of the late Robert Hall which was possibly suggested by this passage, and indeed some of the greatest beauties of that discourse seem to have been, by passages from the fore- going treatises of Cicero : "To that state all the pious on earth are tending, and if there is a law from whose operation none are exempt, which inevitably conveys their bodies to darkness and to dust, there is another not less certain, or less powerful, which conducts their spirits to the abodes of bliss, to the bosom of their father and their God. The wheels of nature are not made to roll backward. Every thing presses on to eternity. From the birth of time an impetuous current has set in, which bears all the sons of men toward that interminable ocean. Meanwhile, heaven is attracting to itself, whatever is congenial to its nature, is enriching itself by the spoils of tho earth, and collecting within its capacious bosom whatever is pure, per- manent, and divine, leaving nothing for the last fire to consume but tho objects and slaves of concupiscence ; while every thing which grace has prepared and beautified, shall be gathered and selected from the ruins of the world to adorn that eternal city. "Let us obey the voice that calls ua thither; let us seek the things that are above, and no longer cleave to a world which must shortly perish, and which wo must shortly quit, while wo neglect to prepare for that in which we are invited to dwell forever. While every tiling within us and around us reminds us of the approach of death, and con- curs to teach us that this is not our rest, let us hasten our preparations for another world, and earnestly implore that graco which alone can put an end to that fatal war which our desires have too long waged with our destiny. When these move in the same direction, and that which tho will of heaven renders unavoidable, shall become our choice, all things will bo c urs; life will be divested of its vanity, and death disarm- ed of its terrors. ' Hall's Funeral Sermon for Dr. Ryland. 806 CICERO ON THE ON THE DUTIES OF A MAGISTRATE. ADDRESSED TO HIS BROTHER QUINTUS. 1 THOUGH I doubt not 8 that many messengers and indeed that rumor itself with characteristic rapidity will have out- stripped this letter, and that you will already have heard that a third year has been added to your labors, and to our impatience, yet I have thought that the announcement of this annoyance should be made to you by me also. For while every one else despaired of the success, I still, by repeated letters, gave you hopes of an early return, not only that I might amuse you as long as possible with that pleasing expectation, but because I did not doubt that through the strong interest made both by me and the praetors the object might be accomplished. Now as it has so happened that neither the prators by their interest, nor I by my zeal, were able to effect any thing, it is certainly difficult not to feel mortification at it, but yet we ought never to suffer our minds which are employed in managing and supporting the arduous affairs of government to be crushed or dejected by misfortune. And because men ought to be most annoyed by those ills which are incurred by their own faults, there is in this transaction somewhat more afflicting to me than ought to be to you, for it happened by my misconduct contrary to your understanding with me when parting, and subsequently 1 Quintus Cicero was at this time propraetor of Asia Minor. 2 In the original " non dubitabam." The Roman idiom in epistolary writing, is that the verbs by which the writer expresses a present action or state, are put in the past tense ; that is, as it will appear, to the per- son who subsequently reads the letter. DUTIES OP 'A MAGISTRATE. 307 by letters, that your successor was not named last year. This I did unwisely, with a view of consulting the welfare of our allies, of crushing the presumptuousness of certain traders, 1 and with the desire of increasing my own glory through your merits ; es- pecially as I effected the result of a third year being added to that second. Having thus frankly acknowledged that it was my fault, it is the part of your wisdom and kindness to take care and manage that this which has been unwisely schemed by me may be corrected by your diligence ; and surely, if you exert yourself in all the duties of government so as to seem to vie not only with others but with yourself, if you call in use all your faculties, all your attention, all your thought, to that love of glory, which is so powerfully prevalent in all trans- actions, believe me, that one year added to your toil will bring many years of pleasure to us, and even glory to our pos- terity. Wherefore, I in the first place beg of you, that you will not suffer your spirit to be damped or diminished, nor yourself to be overwhelmed, as with a flood, by the multitude of business ; but that, on the contrary, you will arouse yourself, and make a firm stand, even if you spon- taneously incur it ; for you do not bear a part in such a government as is governed by fortune, but one in which discretion and diligence has the greatest influence. Had I seen your command prolonged at a time when you were involved in the management of some great and dangerous war, then I should have been disquieted in my mind, because I should have been sensible that the power of fortuuo over us was prolonged at the same time. But since that depart- ment of the state has been committed to you in which fortune has very little or no part, it seems to mo to depend entirely on your own virtue and wisdom. We apprehend, I think, no treachery of enemies ; no revolt of our allies ; no want of money or scarcity of provisions, and no mutiny in the army. Yet these have often happened to the wisest of men, who are forced to yield to the assaults of 1 Traders. " Several complaints had been carried to Rome against Quintus, and Cicero thought that his brother remaining another year in bis government might have stifled them. The reader is to observe that this government was the province of Asia Minor, one of the best the Romans had, and that a great many merchants resided there for the benefit of commerce." Guthric. 308 CICERO ON THE fortune, as the best of pilots sometimes are to the violence of a tempest. Tho most profound peace and perfect tranquillity has fallen to your lot ; but though those are circumstances that may well give pleasure to a vigilant steersman, yet they may be fatal to a sleeping one. For your province is composed, first of that kind of allies, who of all the human race are the most humanized ; and in the next place of those Roman citizens, who either as farmers of the public revenues, are most intimately connected with me, 1 or, having so traded as to have become rich, consider they possess their fortunes in security through the beneficial influence of my consular administration. Yet even among these very men serious dis- putes exist, many injustices are committed, and great con- tentions are the consequence ; and, thinking thus, I am sensible that you have not a little business upon your hands. I know that this business is very important, and requires great wisdom. But still remember that I main- tain that this is a business which rather requires wisdom than good fortune. If you restrain yourself, how easy is it to restrain those you govern. This may indeed be a great and difficult matter to others, as indeed it is a most difficult achievement ; but the practice of it was ever easy to you ; and well it might be, as your disposition is such that it seems capable of moderation even without harming; while such an education has been enjoyed by you as would be capable of correcting the most vicious nature. When you check, as you do, the passion for money, for pleasure, and for all other things, can there be forsooth any danger of your being unable to restrain a dishonest trader, or a too rapacious publican ? For even the Greeks, when they behold your living in this manner, will think that some one 1 So Cicero in his speech in support of the Manilian Law, says, in speaking of this same class : " Equitibus Romania honestissimis virig, afferuntur ex Asia quotidie literse quorum magnse res aguntur, in vestria vectigalibus exercendis occupatae ; qui ad me, pro neccessitudine, qua3 mihi est cum illo ordine, causam rei publicse periculaque rerum suaram detulerunt." " Letters are daily brought from Asia, from Roman knights, most honorable men largely engaged in the farming of your revenues, who, i:i consideration of the close relationship which subsists between me and that order, have laid before mo the cause of the state and the jeopardy of their own interests." DUTIES OF A MAGISTRATE. 309 from the records of their ancient history, or some divine person from heaven has descended upon that province. 1 I write to you in this strain, not that you might practice these things, but that you may rejoice that you do practice them, and that you have ever done so. For it is a glorious thing for a man to have been invested with a three years' sovereign power in Asia, in such a manner that no statue, no picture, no plate, no garment, no slave, no beauty, no hoard of money, in which things this province abounds, ever caused him to swerve from his continence and moderation ! a Again 1 We have a striking parallel passage to this in Cicero's oration, " Pro Lcge Manilia." In eulogizing the continence of Pompey in Asia Minor, lie says, " Non avaritia ab institute cursu ad praedam aliquam devocavit, non libido ad voluptatem, non amcenitas ad delectationem, non nobilitas urbis ad cognitionem, non denique labor ipse ad quietem Postremo signa, et tabulas, ceteraque ornamenta Graecorum oppidorum, qua? ceteri tollen- da esse arbitrantur, ea sibi ille no visenda quidem existimavit. Itaquo omnes quidem, nunc in his locis On. Pompeium, sicut aliquem non ex hac urbe missum, sed de coelo delapsum, intuentur." "Neither did avarice call him away from the course ho had laid down, to the acquisition of any gain, nor his passions to any pleasure, nor tho magnificence of a city to acquaint himself with it, nor fatigue itself to repose. Moreover those statues and paintings and other ornaments of Greek towns, which others consider as things to be carried away, he did not even regard as objects to bo visited, and thus indeed all men now in these regions look upon Cnoius Pompey, not as a certain individual dis- patched from this city, but as one descended from heaven." 2 " Statues and paintings, and works of art in general, were favorite objects of rapacity with the Romah commanders, and were carried off without any scruple. The statues and pictures which Marcellus trans- ported from Syracuse to Rome, first excited that cupidity which led tho Roman provincial magistrates to pillage without scruple or distinction, the houses of private individuals, and tho temples of tho gods. Marcellus and Mummius, however, despoiled only hostile and conquered countries. They had made over their plunder to tho public, and after it was con- veyed to Rome, devoted to tho embellishment of tho capital ; but subse- quent governors of provinces, having acquired a tjjsto for works of art, began to appropriate to themselves those masterpieces of Greece, which they had formerly neither known nor esteemed. Some contrived plausi- ble pretexts for borrowing valuable works of art from cities and private persons?, without any intention of restoring them, while others, less cau- tious or more shameless, seized whatever pleased them, whether public or private property, without excuse or remuneration. But though this passion was common to most provincial governors, none of them ever came up to tho full measure of tho rapacity of Verres, when praator of Sicily. He seized tapestry, pictares, gold and silver, plate, vases, gems, and Corinthian bronzes, till ho literally did not leave a single article cf 310 CICEEO ON THE what can be a more distinguished, a more desirable circumstance, than that this virtue, this moderation, this purity of mind, should not be buried or concealed in darkness, but displayed in the sight of Asia, to the eyes of the noblest of our provinces, and to the ears of all people and nations. That the inhabitants are not alarmed at your journeys ! that they are not impoverished by your expenses ! that they are not frightened by your ap- proach ! that there is the utmost rejoicing, both public and private, wherever you go ? that every town seems to receive you as its guardian, not as its tyrant ! every house as a guest, not as a robber ! l But upon this subject, experience by this time must have instructed you that it is not sufficient for you alone to practice these virtues, but you are to give careful attention, that invested as you are with this government, not only you, but all officers subordinate to your authority, are to act for the good of our allies, of our fellow-citizens, and of our country. You have, it is true, lieutenants under you, who will themselves have regard to their own dignity ; and of these the chief in preferment, in dignity, and in experience, is Tubero, who, I make no doubt, especially while he is writing his history, will be able to choose from his own annals such models of conduct, as he both can and will imitate ; and Allienus, too, attached to us as well in affec- tion and inclination, as in imitation of our lives. Need I to mention Gratidius, who, I know for -a certainty, labors for his own fame, so as, with a brotherly affection for us, to labor equally for ours. You have a quaestor, 2 whom lot, and value of theso descriptions in the whole island." Dunlop's Roman Lite- rature, vol. ii. page 284. 1 Ejusmodi in provinciam homines cum imperio mittimus, ut, etiam si ab hoste defendant, tatnen ipsorum adventua in urbes sociorum non multum ab hostili expugnatione different. Hunc audiebant antea, nunc praesentem vident, tanta temperantia, tanta mansuetudine, tanta human- itate, ut is beatissimi esso videantur, apud quos ille diutissime commo- ratur." u We send out into that province such men with military command, that even if they defend them from the enemy, yet their own entranco into the cities of our allies differs but little from a hostile invasion ; but this man, they had heard of before, and now see him present among them distinguished by so much self-control, so much gentleness, so much hu- manity, that those seem to be the most fortunate with whom he makes the longest stay." Cicero's Oration for the Manilian Law. 3 Qucestor. This officer had the charge of the public money, and it DUTIES OF A MAGISTRATE. 311 not your own choice, appointed to you. It is necessary that ho should both be moderate by his own inclination, and conform himself to your arrangements and directions. Should any of your officers appear of a more selfish dis- position, you should bear with him, so long as he only neglects the laws by which he is bound in his own person, but not if he should prostitute for interest that power which you have annexed to his office. It does not however seem desirable to me, especially as our manners have lately leaned so much to laxity and ambition, that you should scrutinize and dissect out every instance of corruption ; l but to proportion the trust you repose in every one, according to the degree of honesty he possesses. In like manner you should be answerable for those whom our government has given you as assessors and assistants, only under the restrictions which I have already laid down. As to those whom you have chosen to belong to your domestic establishment, or to be with you as your necessary retinue, and who are accustomed to be designated as of the praetor's cohort, you are answerable, not only for all their actions, but for all their sayings. But you have about your person those whom you may easily love while they act rightly ; and such as but slightly consult your reputation you can most easily coerce. Meanwhile it is natural to suppose that, while you were inexperienced, your generosity might have been imposed upon ; for the more virtuous any man is in himself, the less easily does he suspect others to be vicious." was determined by lot in what province he should serve. He likewise paid the soldiers, and acted as contractor for the army. 1 Shakespeare seems to have had this passage in his recollection when he wrote that passage in his play of Julius Caesar : " At such a time as this it is not meet That every nice offense should boar its comment." 2 This principle of morals has been confirmed by the experience of mankind until it has almost become proverbial ; it is asserted by Dr. Johnson in the following passage : " Suspicion, however necessary it may be to our safe passage through ways beset on all sides, by fraud and malice, has been always considered, when it exceeds the common meas. ures, as a token of depravity and corruption ; and a Greek writer of sentences has laid down, as a standing maxim, that ho who believeu not another on his oath, knows himself to be perjured. ""We can form our opinions of that which we know not, only by pAxc- jng it in comparison with some thing that we know : whoever, therefore, 312 CICERO ON THE But now let this third year be distinguished by the same purity which marked the two former, and even by more caution and diligence. Let your ears be such as are suppoesd to hear what they listen to, but not into which things may be falsely and dishonestly whispered for the sake of gain, without being the receptacles of false and malicious whispers, insinuations, and complaints. Suffer not your seal to be a common chattel, but as your very self ; let it not be the tool of another's pleasure, but the evidence of your own. Let your pursuivant keep the rank which our ancestors assigned to him, who did not rashly intrust that office to any but freed men, over whom they exercised pretty much the same command, as they did over their slaves, and that not as a post of advantage but of labor and service. Let the lictor be the agent of your lenity rather than of his own, and let his ax and his rods be stronger evidences of his post than of his power. is overrun with suspicion, and detects artifice and stratagem in every proposal, must either have learned by experience or observation the wickedness of mankind, and been taught to avoid fraud by having often suffered or seen treachery, or he must derive his judgment from the con- sciousness of his own disposition, and impute to others the same inclina- tions, which he feels predominant in himself. "When therefore a young man, not distinguished by vigor of intel- lect, comes into the world full of scruples and diffidence, makes a bargain with many provisional limitations ; hesitates in his answer to a common question lest more should be intended than he can immediately discover ; has a long reach in detecting the projects of his acquaintance ; considers every caress as an act of hypocrisy, and feels neither gratitude nor affec- tion from the tenderness of his friends, because ho believes no one to have any real tenderness, but for himself; whatever expectations this early sagacity may raise of his future eminence or riches, I can seldom forbear to consider him as a wretch incapable of generosity or benevo- lence ; as a villain early completed beyond the need of common opportu- nities and gradual temptations. " Suspicion is indeed a temper so uneasy and restless, that it is very justly appointed the concomitant of guilt. It is said, that no torture is equal to the inhibition of sleep long continued ; a pain to which the state of that man bears a very exact analogy, who dares never give rest to his vigilance and circumspection, but considers himself as surrounded by secret foes, and fears to intrust his children or his friend with the secret that throbs in his breast and the anxieties that break into his face. To avoid, at this expense, those evils to which easiness and friendship might have exposed him, is surely to buy safety at too dear a rate, and in tho language of the Roman satirist, to save life by losing all for which a wise man would live." Rambler, No. 79. DUTIES OF A MAGISTRATE. 313 In short, let all the province be sensible how dearly you prize the welfare, the children, the fame, and the fortunes of all who are under your command. Let it be notorious that you will be equally the enemy of the man who gives, as of him who receives a present, if you shall know it ; for no one will give them, when it shall be clearly perceived that those who pretend to have the greatest interest with you are accustomed to obtain nothing from you. Yet this address of mine to you is not because I would have you treat your dependents in a too severe or suspicious manner. For if any of them for two years have never fallen under suspicion of avarice, as I hear Caesius, Chaerippus, and Labeo, have done, and I believe it because I know them well ; there is nothing which I should not think may bo most properly committed to them and to men of their character. But if there is a man from whom you have already received offense, or of whom you have known any thing ill, never intrust any thing to him, nor commit to him any portion of your reputation. But if within your province you have got any person who has been thoroughly admitted to your intimacy, and who is unknown to me, consider how far you ought to trust him. Not but that there may be many worthy men among the provincials ; but this it is lawful to hope, but dangerous to determine. For every man's nature is concealed with many folds of disguise, and covered as it were with various vails. His nature, his brows, his eyes, and very often his countenance are deceitful, and his speed is most com- monly a lie. Wherefore, out of that class of men who, being devoted to the love of money, are destitute of all those qualities from which we can not be separated, where can you find one who will sincerely love you, a mere stranger to them, and not pre- tend to do so for the sake of advantage ? It would seem to me very extraordinary, especially as those very men pay seldom any regard to any private man, while they are all invariably attached themselves to the praetors. However, if among such kind of men you should find one (for the thing is not impos- sible), who loves you more than he does his own interest, eagerly enroll such a man in the number of your friends ; but if you do perceive this, there will be no class in your acquaintance more to be avoided : because they know all the arts of getting 314 CICERO ON THE iiaoney, they do nothing but for money, and they are indifferent about the opinion of any man with whom they are not to con- tinue to live. Certain connections too with the Greeks themselves are to be most carefully guarded against, except with a very few men, who, if any, are worthy of ancient Greece. For truly, in general they are deceitful and treacherous, and trained up by perpetual subjection, in the art of sycophancy. 1 All of these I would say should be liberally treated, and the best of them re- ceived into hospitality and friendship ; but too close intimacies with them are not very safe, for though they dare not oppose our wishes, yet they are jealous not only of our countrymen but even of their own. Though they dare not fly in the face of & Roman magistrate, yet at the bottom they hate not only us but their own countrymen. Now, as in matters of this kind, as I wish to be cautious and diligent (though I fear I may seem too rigid), what do you think is my feeling with respect to slaves, whom we ought to keep under the strictest command in all places, but especially in the provinces ? Concerning this class many directions might be given ; but the shortest and plainest method I can recommend is, that in all your Asiatic journeys, they should behave as if you were traveling ovei the Appian way, and that they think there is not the leas\ difference whether they were entering Tralles 8 or Formise.' But if any of your slaves should distinguish himself by hiu fidelity, let him be employed in your domestic and private affairs, but not let him have the smallest thing to do with any public concern, or any thing relating to the business of your government. For though many things may property 1 Juvenal alludes to tho same characteristic vice of the Greeks in tho following passages : Quse nunc divitibus gens acceptiasima nostris, Et quos prsecipue fugiam, properabo fateri ; Nee pudor obstabit. Non possum ferre, Quirites, Graecam urbem, quamvis quota portion fccis Achaei * * * * * Natio comceda est : rides ? majore cachinno Concutitur : flet si lachrymas conspexit amici. Noc dolet. Igniculum brumae si tempore poacas, Accipit endromidem : si dixeris, sestuo, sudat 8 A city in Caria under the government of Quintus. a A cicy of Campania in Italy. DUTIES OP A MAGISTRATE. 315 be intrusted to our faithful slaves, yet for the sake of avoiding observation and animadversion, they ought not to be committed to them. But I know not how my discourse has deviated into a style of dictation, though that was not my intention at the com- mencement. For why should I dictate to a man not inferior to me in knowledge, especially in all matters of this kind, and even superior in experience ? but I thought it would be very agreeable, if my sanction were added to what you are doing. Wherefore let these be the foundations of your dignity. In the first place, your own integrity and modera- tion ; in the next place, the modest behavior of all who are about you, joined to a very cautious and circumspect choice of your acquaintance, whether they be provincials or Greeks ; and the orderly and consistent regulation of your household. All which particulars are commendable in our private and daily concerns, but they must appear divine amid such great power, such depraved manners, and so corrupting a province. Such a plan, and such regulations, will be sufficient to sup- port that severity in all your resolutions, and all your decrees, which you exercised in those matters, and by which, to my great pleasure, we have incurred some enmities, unless, indeed, you imagine that I was influenced by the complaints of an in- dividual I know not whom of the name of Paconius, who is not even a Greek, but is some Mysian, or rather Phrygian ; or that I was moved by the vociferations of Tuscenius, that frantic, mean-spirited wretch, from whose polluted maw you, with the utmost equity, rescued a dishonest prey. Wherefore we could not easily maintain those and the other instances of severity which you have practiced in that province, without tho most perfect integrity. There should therefore bo the utmost rigor in your ad- ministration of justice, so that it should not be affected by favor, but maintained without variation. 1 It is, however, 1 So impressed was Godwin with tho supremo importance of uniformi- ty and certainty in tho awards and inflictions of the law, that ho thus treats of tho subject of pardons as interfering with this certainty. " The very word pardon, to a reflecting mind, is fraught with absurdity. What is tho rule that ought in all cases to direct my conduct ? What then is clemency ? It can bo nothing but the pitiable egotism of him who im- agines he can do some thing better than justice." Is it right that I 316 CICERO ON TUB of no great consequence that justice should be impartialjy and diligently administered by yourself, unless the same is done by those to whom you have delegated some part of your functions. Now it appears to me that in the government of Asia there is no great variety of business, but that it is chiefly employed in judicial administration, the method of which especially in provinces is simple. Constancy and gravity must indeed be exercise, which may be not only above partiality, but even above the suspicion of it. To this must be added affability in hearing, calmness in determining, and carefulness in discussing the case and making restitution. By reason of these qualities, Octavius 1 lately became most should suffer constraint for a certain offense ? The reasonableness of my Buffering must be founded in its consonance with the general welfare. He, therefore, that pardons me, iniquitously prefers the supposed interest of an individual, and utterly neglects what he owes to the whole. He bestows that which I ought not to receive, and which he has no right to give. Is it right, on the contrary, that I should not undergo the suffer- ing in question? "Will he by rescuing me from suffering, confer a benefit on me, and inflict no injury on others ? He will then be a notorious delinquent if he allow me to suffer. There is indeed a considerable de- fect in this last supposition. If, while he benefits me, he inflicts no injury upon others, he is infallibly performing a public service. If I suffered in the arbitrary manner which the supposition includes, the pub- lic would sustain an unquestionable injury in the injustice that was per- petrated : and yet the man who prevents this serious injustice, has been accustomed to arrogate to himself the attribute of clement, and the ap- parently sublime, but in reality tyrannical, name of forgiveness. For if ho do, man has been hero described instead of glory ; he ought to take shame to himself as an enemy to human kind. If every action, and especially every action in which the happiness of a rational being is con- cerned, be susceptible of a certain rule, mere caprice must be in all cases excluded. There can bo no action which, if I neglect, I shall have dis- charged my duty, and if I perform, I shall bo entitled to applause. From tho manner in which pardons are dispensed, inevitably flows the uncer- tainty of punishment. It is too evident that punishment is inflicted by no certain rules, and, therefore, creates no uniformity of expectation. Uniformity of treatment, and constancy of expectation, form the solo basis of a genuine morality. In a just form of society, this would never go beyond the sober expression of those sentiments of approbation or disapprobation, with which different modes of conduct inevitably impress us But if we at present exceed this line, it is surely an execrable re- finement of injustice that should exhibit tho perpetual menace of suffer- ing unaccompanied with any certain rule for telling its application." Godwin's Political Justice, book vii. ch. ix. 1 Octavius. He was father to Augustus Cffisar, and had been about this time governor of Macedonia. DUTIES OF A MAGISTRATE. 317 popular, before whom, for the first time, the lictor had nothing to do, and the crier had nothing to say ; for every one spoke when he pleased and as long as he pleased. In this matter he might, perhaps, seem too compliant, were it not that this gentleness was the warrant of his inflexibility. The men of Sylla's party were compelled to restore what they had seized by force and terror. Such of the magistrates as had made unjust decisions were obliged themselves to submit, as private men, to similar inflictions. Now this severity on his part would have seemed cruel, had it not been tempered with many ingredients of humanity. If this gentleness is agreeable at Rome, where there is so much arrogance, such unbounded liberty, such unrestrained licentiousness, where there are such numerous magistracies, so many auxiliaries, so great force, and so much authority in the senate, how agreeable must the affability of a praetor bo in Asia, where so great a number of our countrymen and allies, where so many cities and so many states, are observant of one man's nod ? where they have no resource, no tribunal, no senate, and no assembly of the people ? It belongs there- fore to the character of a great man, and of a man as well humane by nature, as improved by learning and the study of the noblest arts, so to conduct himself in the use of such great power as that no other authority should be desired by those over whom he rules. The great Cyrus is represented by Xenophon (not accord- ing to the truth of history, but as the ideal model of right government) 1 , whose extreme gravity is combined by that philosopher with singular sweetness of manners ; which books our countryman, Scipio Africanus, was accustomed, and not without reason, always to have in his hands, for in them no duty of active, well-tempered government has been passed over; and if Cyrus, who could never be reduced to a private station, so diligently cultivated those duties, what ought they to be held by those to whom power has been given on con- dition of their surrendering it, and given by ''hose laws to which they must be amenable ? Now it seems to me that all the considerations of those who rule over others should be referred to than object, that those who are under their government should be as happy as 1 See note, p. 257. 318 CICERO ON THE possible ; and by constant report, and the acknowledgment of all, it has become no honor that this both is, and ever has been your most settled principle ever since you first landed in Asia; nay, that it is the duty, not only of those who govern the allies and the subjects of Rome, but of those who have the care of slaves and dumb cattle, to con- tribute to the interests and welfare of all committed to their charge. In this respect I perceive it is universally allowed that the utmost diligence has been used by you ; that no new debts have been contracted by the states ; that you have dis- charged many old ones with which many of the cities were burdened and oppressed ; that you have repaired many ruin- ous and almost abandoned towns; among others Samus the capital of Ionia, and Halicarnassus the capital of Caria; that there are no seditions, no discords in your towns ; that it has been seen to by you that the states are governed by the councils of the best men ; that you have suppressed rapine in Mye'a, and bloodshed in many places; that peace has been established all over your province ; that you have chased thieves and robbers, not only from the highways and country places, but from towns and temples, where they were more numerous and more dangerous ; that calumny, that most cruel minister to the avarice of praetors, has been removed from the reputation, the fortunes, and the retire- ment of the rich ; that the funds and taxas of the states are equally borne by all who inhabit the borders of those states ; that access to you is most easy ; that your ears are open to the complaints of all men ; that the poor and the helpless always find admittance, not only to your public audiences and tribunals, but even to your house and your bed-chamber ; and that in short, in the whole of your government there is nothing that is spiteful, nothing that is merciless, but that it is filled with clemency, gentleness, and humanity. How important was that public service you performed when you freed Asia from the unjust and burdensome tax imposed upon them by the aediles, with great odium to us ; for if one man of quality publicly complains that you have deprived him of almost 100,000, by ordering that money should not be levied for public exhibitions, what vast sums must have been ra:sed, had the custom continued for raising money in the name of all who exhibited public shows at DUTIES OF A MAGISTRATE. 319 Rome. I stifled these complaints of our people, by a method which, however it may be regarded in Asia, is highly ap- plauded at Rome ; for when the states of my province had voted a sum of money for erecting a temple and a monument to me, and when on account of my great deserts and your extraordinary services, they did it voluntarily and cheer- fully, and though the law has expressly provided, " That governors may receive money for erecting a temple or a monument," nay, though the money which was granted was not to perish, but to be laid out upon the ornaments of a temple, that was to appear to future times, not more a pres- ent to me than to the people of Rome, and to the immortal gods ; and yet I thought that the offer should be rejected though warranted by dignity, by law, and by the good will of those who made it ; and this I did for this reason, among others, that those magistrates to whom such sums are not due, nor permitted by law, might bear (the refusal of them) with a more resigned temper. Apply yourself, therefore, with all your spirit and all your zeal, to that plan which you have already practiced, that of loving the people which your country has committed and en- trusted to your faithful care ; protecting them in every way, and desiring that they should be as happy as possible. 1 But if fortune had set you over the Africans, the Spaniards, or the Gauls, those fierce and barbarous nations, yet still it would have been the dictate of your humanity to study their interests, and to have promoted their advantage and welfare. But when wo govern a set of men, among whom civilization not only exists, but from whom it may be supposed even to have extended to others, surely we are most especially bound to repay them what wo havo received from them ; for I am not ashamed to acknowledge, especially 1 "The only legitimate object of political institution, is the advantage of individuals. All that can not bo brought home to them,4ftational wealth, prosperity, and glory, can bo advantageous only to those self- interostod impostors who from tho earliest accounts of time havo con- founded tho understandings of mankind, tho more securely to sink them n debasement and misery. Tho desire to gain a more extensive terri- tory, to conquer or to hold in awe our neighboring states, to surpass them in arts or arms, is a desire founded in prejudice and error. Usurped authority is a spurious and unsubstantial medium of happiness ; security frad peace are more to be desired than a national splendor that should torrify tho world." Godwin's Political Justice, book v. chap. 22. 320 CICERO ON THE in my position in life, and with the deeds which I have per- formed, which can involve no suspicion of indolence or un- steadiness ; that I have arrived at all those accomplishments to which I have attained, by means of those studies and arts which have been handed down to us in the remains and sys- tems of Greece. Therefore, besides the common faith which we owe to all mankind, we seem to bo especially in- debted to this race of men, 1 so that we should be desirous of offering to those, by whose precepts we have been instructed, that which we learned from them. Plato, that philosopher, so distinguished by his genius and learning, thought that states would then at length be happy, when either wise and learned men should begin to be their rulers, or when their governors should apply themselves wholly to the study of learning and wisdom ; that is, he thought that this union of power and wisdom would constitute the safety of states. This may possibly, at some time, be the case of our whole empire, but at present it is the case of one province, that an individual possesses the supreme power in it, who has de- voted, from his childhood, the largest amount of time and study to the pursuit of learning, of virtue, and humanity. Take care, therefore, my Quintus, that this year which is added to your government, prove to be a year that is added to the welfare of Asia ; and because Asia has been more successful in detaining you than I was in procuring your recall, do you behave so as that my regret may receive some mitigation from the joy of the province. For if you have so indefatigably applied yourself to deserve greater honors than perhaps ever man did, you ought to exert much greater diligence in maintaining them. I have already given you my sentiments concerning that kind of honors. I have always been of opinion, that if they are commonly accessible they are worthless ; if bestowed to serve a purpose, they are con- temptible ; but if they are offered (as has been done) as a tributeto your merits, I think you can not bestow too much pains upon their preservation. As, therefore, you are invested with the highest command 1 Horace tacitly acknowledges the same obligations to Greek litera- ture: " Yos cxemplaria Graeca Nocturna versato manu, versate diurna." Epist. ad Pisoncs, v. 268, 269. DUTIES OP A MAGISTRATE. 321 and power in those cities where you see your virtues are consecrated and deified, think, in all that you arrange, and decree, and perform, what you owe to such opinions on the part of mankind, to such flattering decisions, and such ex- alted honors. The result of this will be that you will pro- vide for all, that you will remedy the ills of your subjects, provide for their welfare, and desire to be designated and regarded as the parent of Asia. To this zeal and assiduity the farmers of the revenue offer a great obstruction. If we oppose them we shall separate from ourselves and from the state an order of men who have the highest claims upon us, and who by me were attached to the service of our government. If, on the other hand, we should indulge them in every respect, we must suffer those to be utterly ruined, whose welfare, nay, whose convenience, we are bound to consult. This, if we will view the case aright, is the sole difficulty in all your administration. For to practice self-control, to subdue all inordinate desires, to regulate your family, to practice the impartial administra- tion of justice, to show yourself ready to acquaint yourself with cases, and to admit and grant a hearing to individuals, are things more glorious than difficult, for they consist not in any laborious application, but in the bent of the mind and of the affections. We learned how much bitterness of feeling this matter of the farmers of the revenue occasioned to our allies from our own fellow-countrymen ; who, when the tolls of Italy were lately abolished, complained not so much of the heaviness of the tolls as of the insolence of the toll-gatherers, from which I am sensible of what must befall our allies in remote coun- tries, when I have heard such complaints from our fellow- citizens in Italy. It seems to require a superhuman virtue, that is, one like your own, in this situation of things, to give satisfaction to the farmers of the public revenue, especially when the taxes have been disadvantageously contracted for, and at the same time not to suffer our allies to be ruined. But, in the first place, as to the Greeks, the hardship which they most bitterly complain of, that of their being taxed, is, in my opinion, no great hardship, because by their own constitutions, apart from the government of the Roman people, they were in the same condition with their own con- 14* 322 CICERO ON THE sent. As to the name of a farmer of the revenue, the Greeks ought not to hold it in such contempt, because, without their assistance, they could not have paid the tax indiscriminately imposed upon them by Sylla. Now that the Greeks are fully as severe as our farmers are, in the collection of the public revenue, may be concluded from this, that the Caunians 1 some time ago, who inhabit the islands that were annexed' by Sylla to the division of Rhodes, petitioned the senate that they might pay their taxes to us, rather than to the Rho- dians. They therefore who always have been taxed, ought not to hold the name of a tax-gatherer with horror, nor ought they to despise him, without whom they can not pay their taxes ; nor ought they who have petitioned for him to reject him. The Asiatics ought at the same time to reflect, that were they not under our government, no calamity of foreign war and domestic discussion would ever have been absent from them. And since this government can not bo supported without taxes, they ought cheerfully to purchase for themselves, with some part of their incomes, an uninter- rupted peace and tranquillity. When once they come to en- dure with patience the profession and name of a farmer of the revenue, your prudent measures and conduct will be able to make other annoyances seem lighter to them. They will come, not to reflect so much in making their compositions upon the Censorian Law, but rather upon the advantage of settling the business, and upon their freedom from molesta- tion. You can likewise continue what you have always so admirably done, to put them in mind how much dignity there is in tho office of a farmer of the revenue, and how much we owe to that order. So that, apart from force and the influence of authority, and of the fasces, you will bring the publicans into favor and credit with the Greeks. You may even entreat those whom you have so highly obliged, and who owe their all to you, that by their compliance they wi'l suffer us to cherish and continue those intimate con- nections that subsist between us and the farmers of tho revenue. But why do I exhort you to those measures which you are not- only able to do of your own accord without the in- ' The Caunians wero subjects of tho government of Quintus, inhabit- ing i part of Caria in Asia Minor. DUTIES OF A MAGISTRATE. 323 etructions of any one, but which in a great degree you already have happily executed. For the most honorable and considerable bodies of our empire never cease to pay me their daily thanks, which are the more agreeable, because the Greeks do the same. Now it is a matter of great difficulty to bring together in good will those whose in- terests, whose advantages, and whose natures, I had almost said, are repugnant But what I have here written, I have written not for your instruction (for wisdom such as yours stands in need of no man's instructions), but the recording of your merits delights me as I write. In this letter, how- ever, I have been longer than I intended or supposed that I should be. There is one thing which I shall not cease to recommend to you, for so far as in me lies I will not suffer an exception to your praises. All who come from that region, while they praise your virtue, your integrity, and your humanity, even in their highest commendations make one exception, your anger ; a vice, which in private and every day life seems to be the defect of an inconstant and weak mind ; but when a passionate behavior is joined to sovereign power, nothing can be more monstrous. 1 I shall not, however, endeavor to 1 " Anger is so uneasy a guest in tho heart, that he may be said to bo born unhappy who ,s of a rough and choleric disposition. The moralists have defined it to be a desire of revenge for some injury offered. Men of hot and heady tempera aro eagerly desirous of vengeance, the very moment they apprehend themselves injured ; whereas the cool and sedato watch proper opportunities to return grief for grief to their enemies. By this means it often happens that the choleric inflicts disproportionate punishments upon slight and sometimes imaginary offenses, but tho tem- perately revengeful, have leisure to weigh tho merits of tho case, and thereby either to smother their secret resentments or to seek proper and adequate reparations for the damages they have sustained. Weak minds are apt to speak well of tho man of fury, because when tho storm is over ho is full of sorrow and repentance, but the truth is, ho is apt to commit such ravages during his madness, that when ho comes to himself, ho be- comes tame, then for the same reason that he ran wild before, ' only to give himself ease,' and is a friend only to himself in both extremities. Men of this unhappy make, more frequently than any others, expect that their friends should bear with their infirmities. Their friends should in return desire them to correct their infirmities. Tho common excuses that they can not help it, that it was soon over, that they harbor no malice in their hearts, aro arguments for pardoning a bull or a mastiff, but shall never reconcile me to an intellectual savage. Why indeed should any ono imagine, that persons independent u; on him should 324 CICERO ON THE give you the sentiments of the best instructed men, concern- ing the passion of anger, both because I am unwilling that this letter should be too long, and because you can easily learn them from the writings of many men. Still I do not think that one thing which is proper to a letter should be neglected, namely, that he to whom we write should *t>o made acquainted with those things of which he is ignorant. Now I am told almost by every body, that when you are free from anger, nothing can be more agreeable than you are ; but when the impudence or perverseness of another has excited you, you are under such violent agitations that your kindly disposition is sought for in vain. As, therefore, a certain desire of glory as well as interest, and fortune, have concurred to lead us into that walk of life, by which we become the perpetual subject of conversation among mankind, we ought to do and to strive all we can that no conspicuous vice may be said to attach to us. 1 I do venture into his society who hath not yet so far subdued his boiling blood, but that he is ready to do some thing the next minute which ho can never repair, and hath nothing to plead in his own behalf but that he is apt to do mischief as fast as ho can ! Such a man may be feared, he may be pitied, but ho can not bo loved." Dr. Johnson, Rambler, No. 129. 1 " It is methinks an unreasonable thing, that heroic virtue should, as it seems to be at present, be confined to a certain order of men and bo attainable by none but those whom fortune has elevated to the most conspicuous stations. I would have every thing to be esteemed as heroic which is great and uncommon in the circumstances of the man who per- forms it. Thus there would bo no virtue in human life, which every ono of the species would not have a pretense to arrive at, and an ardency to exert. Since fortune is not in our power, let us be as little as possible in hers. "Why should it be necessary that a man should be rich to be generous ? If we measured by the quality and not the quantity of things, the particulars which accompany an action is what should denominate it mean or great. " The highest station of human life is to be attained by each man that pretends to it ; for every man can be as valiant, as generous, as wise, and as merciful, as the faculties and opportunities which he has from Heaven and fortune will permit. He that can say to himself, I do as much good, and am as virtuous as my most earnest endeavors will allow me, whatever is his station in the world, is to himself possessed of the highest honor. " If ambition is not thus turned, it is no other than a continual suc- cession of anxiety and vexation. But when it has this cast, it invigo- rates the mind and the consciousness of its own worth is a reward, which it is not in the power of envy, reproach, or detraction, to take from it DUTIES OF A MAGISTRATE. 325 not now insist on this consideration, that in human nature at large, and especially at our time of life, it is very difficult for a man to alter his disposition, or suddenly to pluck out a fail- ing that has settled into a habit. But my advice to you is this, if you can not altogether avoid this, but passion takes possession of your mind before reason can take precautions that it should not invade it, you should undergo a course of preparation, and be every day meditating that resistance must be offered to anger, and the more violently it affects the mind, the more diligently must you restrain your tongue ; which merit sometimes appears to me not less than that of never being angry at all ; because the latter virtue is not solely the proof of self-respect, but sometimes of a lethargic temperament But when you are touched with anger, to control both your temper and your language, even to hold your peace, and to keep under command all excitement and irritation of mind ; these are the properties, if not of consum- mate wisdom, yet of extraordinaay understanding. They say that in this respect you are become much more pliable and gentle. None of your violent emotions of passion are stated to me; none of your imprecating expressions, and opprobrious behavior, all which are as repugnant to authority and dignity as they are reproachful to learning and good breeding. For if angry passions are implacable, the utmost cruelty is involved, and if placable, 1 an excess of weakness ; which, however, as a comparison of evils, is prefer- able to the cruelty. Thus the seat of solid honor is in a man's own bosom, and no ono can want support who is in possession of an honest conscience, but ho who would suffer the reproaches of it for other greatness." The Tatler, No. 202. 1 " Another form of a passionate disposition arising indeed from the same cause, is that which involves the next error which I have stated with respect to resentment the disproportion of the anger and tho of- fense. He who does not pause even to weigh tho circumstances, can not bo supposed to pause to measure the extent of injury. He feels that he is injured, and all his anger bursts out instantly on the offender. It is this disproportion, indeed, which is tho chief evil of what is commonly termed passion. Some cause of slight displeasure there may be oven where anger in its violence would be immoral and absurd. Yet such is tho infirmity of our nature, that it is often no slight triumph over our weakness to forgive a trifle with as much magnanimity as that with which we have forgiven greater injuries," Dr. Brown's Moral Thi- losophy, Lect. 63. 326 CICERO ON THE That the first year of your government gave rise to a great deal of talk upon this subject might be owing to your un- expectedly encountering that injustice, avarice, and insolence of individuals, which seemed intolerable. The second year, however, was more gentle ; because both habit and reason, and, if I mistake not, my letters rendered you more mild and patient. Now your third year ought to admit of such amendment, as that no person may be able to utter the slightest reproach. And on this subject I address you in the terms neither of exhortation nor precept, but of brotherly entreaty, that you employ your whole abilities, care, and concern, in accumu- lating praise from all quarters. 1 If our situation were one of mediocrity as to public conversation and discourse, nothing pre-eminent would be required of you, nothing beyond the ordinary conduct of others. But by reason of the splendor and magnitude of the concerns in which we are engaged, unless we derive the highest glory from these functions, we seem scarcely capable of avoiding the deepest condemnation. We are so situated, that while all good men are our friends, they also require and expect from us, all application and virtue ; in the mean while, all the repro- bate part of mankind, because with them we have declared eternal war, seem to be satisfied with the slightest ground for condemning us. Wherefore, since such a theater as Asia has been assigned you for the display of your virtues, a theater most celebrated by fame, most ample in extent, most distinguished by dis- cernment, but naturally so noisy that its expressions and intimations reach even to Rome, I pray you to strive and labor to appear, not only adequate to these conditions, but by your merits to have surpassed them all ; and as fortune has fixed my share of the public administration in Rome, and 1 " Make not the consequence of virtue the ends thereof. Be not beneficent for a name or cymbal of applause, nor exact and just in com- merce for the advantages of trust and credit, which attend the reputation of true and punctual dealing. For these rewards, though unsought for, plain virtue will bring with her. To have other objects in good actions sours laudable performances, which must have deeper roots, motives, and instigations, to give them the stamp of virtues." Sir Thomas Browne's Christian Morals, Book i. chap. 10. DUTIES OP A MAGISTRATE. 327 rours in Asia, while I yield to none in my conduct, do you excel all in yours. At the same time reflect that we are not now laboring for a glory that is in expectation and reversion ; but we are struggling for what has been attained, a glory that we are not so much to covet as to preserve. Indeed, had I any interest that is distinct from yours, I could desire nothing more than that situation of life which has actually been assigned to me ; but as the case is, that unless all your words and actions are answerable to my conduct here, I shall think that I have gained nothing by all those mighty toils and dangers in all which you have been a sharer. Now if you were my chief fellow laborer in working my way to this splendid reputation, you ought to labor beyond others that I may maintain it You are not to regard the opinion and the judgment of those who are now living, but also of those who shall here- after exist, whose verdict will be the more just as it will bo free from detraction and malevolence. In the next place, you are to reflect, that you are not seeking glory for yourself alone ; and, if you were, you would not be indifferent about it, especially as you have thought proper to consecrate the memory of your name by the noblest memorials, but you are to share it with me, and it is to descend to our posterity. You are therefore to beware, lest if you should be careless you should seem not only to have neglected your own interests, but to have acted grudgingly even to your de- scendants. And these things are said, not that my words may seem to have aroused you when slumbering, but that they may en- courage you in your career ; for you will continually act as you have acted, so that all may praise your equity, your moderation, your inflexibility, and your integrity. But through my excessive affection for you, I am possessed with an insatiable passion for your glory. In the mean while I am of opinion, that as you must be now as well acquainted with Asia as any man is with his own house ; ' and as so 1 Thia would seem to have been a proverbial simile. Juvenal baa tho same : " X< it.-i magis null! domus cst qua, quam mihi lucus Martis," etc., Sat. I. v. 7. 328 DUTIES OF A MAGISTRATE. * great experience has been added to your great wisdom, there is nothing that pertains to glory of which you are not fully sensible, and which does not daily occur to your mind, without the exhortation of any. But I who, when I read your letters, think I hear you, and when I write to you think I converse with you, am more delighted with your letters the longer they are, and for the same reason I myself also am more prolix in writing. In conclusion I exhort and entreat you, that just as good poets and skillful actors are wont to do, so you will redouble your attention at this the latter part and conclusion of your business and office ; that this last year of your government, liko the last act of a play, may appear the most elaborate and perfect. This you will most easily do, if you think that I, whom individually you have endeavored to please more than all the world besides, am ever present with you, and take an interest in all that you do or say. Lastly, I entreat you, as you value my welfare, and that of all your friends, that you will most carefully attend to your health. INDEX, ACADEMICS little differing from the Peripatetics, 2, 6, 8 ; have a right to treat about duties, 2 ; how dif- fering from the Skeptics, and why they dispute against every thing, 79 ; are not tied to a set of opin- ions, 120; formerly the same with the Peripatetics, 121. Accusing, how far allowable, 96. Acilius, the historian, 166. Acknowledgment, a sufficient re- turn for a kindness, 106. Acropolis, its entrance, 102. Action gives a true value to virtue, 13 ; to take place of speculation, 13, 74, 76; not to bo ventured on, if we doubt of its honesty, 18 ; should be free from rashness, etc., 52 ; three rules to be ob- served for keeping decorum in our actions, 68 ; order and reg- ularity to bo observed in our actions, 69 ; these depend upon time and place, 69 ; good actions ill applied become bad ones, 103. Actors choose the parts fittest for their humors, 57 ; respect mod- esty, 67. Addison, Joseph, quoted, 142, 254, 255, 258, 281, 300. Admiration, how moved in men, 90, 91. Advantages tempt men to bo rogues, 131. Advice of friends to bo asked in prosperity, 47 ; of experienced men, in doubt, 70; rules about taking this advice, 72. Advocates may plead for what is not really true, 97. ^Ediles, who, and their magnifi- cence, 100. Affability wins people's love, 95. Affectation odious, 64. Africanus, his saying that men grown proud, etc., 47 ; his retire- ment and saying that ho was never less idle, etc., 115; Afric. the younger razes Carthage, and Numantia, 39 ; son of Paulus, 60 ; not to bo corrupted by money, 109. Agamemnon sacrificed his daugh- ter, 156. Agreement between the several orders tho support of a state, 151. Agriculture commended, 73 ; its va- rious pleasures described, 240, etc. Ajax, his character, 57. Alexander Pheraeus the tyrant, 86. Alexander the Great, often guilty of great vices, 47 ; reproved by his father for giving money, 99. Ambition, a great cause of in- justice, 16, 34; is generally in men of tho greatest souls, ib. ; is contrary to true courage, 34, 36 ; robs a man of his liberty, 36 ; is destructive to a state, 45, 149. Anger against adversaries to bo avoided, 4G ; especially in pun- ishing, ib. ; also in common dis- course ; in chiding, and in quarrels, 66, 319. Annicerian philosophers, 166. Antipater the stoic, 112, 135. Antonius Marcus, tho subject of Padox V., 277; subservient to Cleopatra, 280. Antoninus quoted, 13. Appelles's Venus, 117. Applause, tho dcsiro of it to bo avoided, 34, 36. Aquillius's Formulae, 138. Aratos tho Sicyonian, 110. 330 INDEX. Archytas, saying of; 20G, 235. Aristippus, 71, 166. Aristo, 6. Aristotle, neglected eloquence, 2 ; his opinion about shows to the people, etc., 100 ; makes honesty far outweigh all other goods, 128; quoted, 7. Armies of little use abroad, with- out prudence at homo, etc., 39. Assent not to be given hastily, 1 2. Athens, a famous university, 1, 116. Athenians make a cruel edict, 132 ; forsake their city for fear of the Persians, ib. ; reject a dishonest proposal, etc., 134. Atilius, L., 171. Avarice, one great cause of injustice, 15, 16 1 ; a sign of a narrow and sordid spirit, 36 ; magistrates should be free from suspicion of it, 108 ; is destructive to a state, 109. Augustine quoted, 17. BACON, LORD, quoted, 113, 174, 188, 204, 228, 240, 265, 280, 282, 289, 296. Bardylis the Illyrian, 91. Bargains should bo made at a word, 139. Beauty of two sorts, 63 ; how to be gotten, ib. Becoming; see Decency. Benefits ; how we should judge of their value, 27 ; done either by our money or industry, 98; re- late either to the republic, or to individuals, 104, etc.; upon whom best bestowed, 105, 106. Bentham, Jeremy, quoted, 5. Bias of Priene, saying of, 265. Body should be inured to labor, 40. The care nature has taken in its fabric 62. Bounty ; see Liberality. Boys not allowed all sorts of plays, 53. Bragging very unbecoming, C7. Bribery in magistrates, the ruin of a republic, 108, 109; laws made against it by the Romans, 1 09. Browne, Sir Thomas, quoted, 6, 35, 36, 83, 96, 172, 176, 207, 247, 253, 257, 261, 277, 278, 321. Brown, Dr. T., 7, 10, 149, 150, 161, 170, 176, 208, 212, 256, 259, 321. Brutes, how differing from men, 9 ; we often talk of their courage, but not justice, etc., 28. Brutus deposed Collatinus, 131; decrees the augur, 172. Building ; its extent and object, 68. Butler, Bishop, quoted, 4, 51, 299. Buyers should not use arts to bate down the prices, 139. C.&SAK, brother of Catulus, a face- tious man, 65. Ca3sar broke through tho most sacred ties for the sake of em- pire, 16; robbed some that ho might be generous to others, 26 ; was murdered for his tyranny, triumphs over Marseilles, etc., loved villainy, though he got nothing by it, 112; makes him- self king of tho Romans, etc., 150. Callicratidas, too careful of his own honor, 43 ; a lover of simplicity, 55. Calling ; see Life. Callipho and Dinomachus join pleas- ure and virtue, 167. Ka&iJKov, what, 7. Cannius's bargain, 137. Carriage toward all men to bo taken care of, 15, 63. Carthaginians treacherous, 23. Cato Censorius, his letter to Po- pilius, 22 ; caused tho third Carthaginian war, 40 ; his ap- ophthegms, 53 ; his answer about managing an estate, 113. Cato, father to Uticensis, his do- termination of a case, 140. Cato Uticensis's genius, 56; too headstrong in standing up for the interest of the republic, 152. KaropQu/ua, what, 7. Catulus not inferior to Pompey, 39; Catuli counted tho best speaker, 65. INDEX. 331 Chiding sometimes necessary, GG ; rules to be observed in it, 67. Children naturally loved, 10. Chrysippus's excellent saying, 131. Cicero's service to his countrymen by writing, 1 ; assumes to him- self the virtue of an orator, etc., ib. ; his prudent management of the republic, 112; got his prefer- ments by all the votes, 102 ; be- takes himself to retirement, 115 ; designed to have gone to*Athens, 168 ; quoted, 3, 254, 397, 308. Oimbers and Celtibers, 23. Cimon of Athens's hospitality, 104. Circumstances of men to bo re- garded in giving, 15, 103; make that not to be a crime, which usually is one, 120. Cities, in taking them, nothing to to be done cruelly, etc., 43 ; the great use of them, 81 ; why at first built, 107, 109. Citizens' duties, 62. Clarendon, Lord, quoted, 214. Claudius Centumalus, 140. Clemency, how far laudable, 45. Cleombrotus beaten by Epaminon- das, 43. Clodius proved to bo amadman, 275. Clothes, only health to bo regarded in them, 54; moderation to bo observed in the fineness of them, 64. Clownishness to be avoided, 62, G4. Cockman, Dr. quoted, 156. Common ; all things at first were so, 14 ; what things are common to all, 25. Company; a man would bo weary of his life without it, 74 ; to keep company with good and wise men recommends young people, 94. Conceal, how diflering from not to tell, 135; what it is, 13G. Concord, a pillar of any state, 109. Confidence ; see Trust. Constantia, what it is, 35. Corinth razed by the Romans, 21, 133. Coriolanus, 186. Correction; see Cliiding, Punish- ment. Coruncanius, T., 187. Covetousness ; see Avarice. Countenance to be kept always tho same, without dejection, 47. Counterfeit; nothing can be last- ing that is such, 92. Country claims a share in us, 15 ; the love we have for it swallows up all other loves, 32; their wickedness who injure it, ib. ; every one that is able ought to serve it, 35 ; should be preferred even before parents, 32, 76, 153. Courage is a virtue contending for honesty, 34 ; an enemy to treach- ery, etc., ib. ; to desire of ap- plause, 35 ; consists in two things, ib. ; is obtained by the mind, not the body, 40 ; in war, recom- mends young men, 93 ; teaches us to fear nothing, etc., 158; nothing profitable that is con- trary to it, ib. Craft ; see Cunning. Crassus, Marc., his saying about riches, 15 ; made heir by a falso will, 144 ; a bad man, 145. Crassus, Luc., an orator, 66 ; got honor by an accusation, 94. Crassus the wealthy, sedile, 95. Cratippus, who he was, 179. Cruelty most contrary to nature, 91. Cunning far from true wisdom, 33, 80, 143 ; the great mischief of it, ib. ; doth not excuse from perjury, bat rather aggravates it, 165. Curius, Marcus, 187, 242; Manius, 282, 285. Custom and civil constitutions to be followed, 70 ; some may act against them, and others not, 71. Cynics argue against modesty, 63 ; to bo wholly rejected, 72. Cyrenaic philosophers, 166. Cyrus, anecdote of, 244 ; dying ad- dress of, 257. DANCING in tho streets scandalous, 145, 156. 332 INDEX. Danger, how far to bo undertaken. 43 ; we should endanger our- selves rather than the public, ib. Death not terrible to the great and good, 271. Debts forgiven, etc., 109, 110 ; gov- ernors should hinder people from running into debt, 112. Deceit frees a man from being bound by his promise, 18. Decency (or gracefulness) observed by a man only, 9 ; inseparable from honesty, 48 ; is seen in all the parts of honesty, ib. ; two eorts of it universal and particu- lar, 49; draws the approbation of all, 60; relates both to body and mind, ib. ; nothing decent that is contrary to a man's genius, 51 ; decency of living according to universal nature, 60, 52 ; according to each man's particular one, 55 ; according to one's place or station in the world, 58 ; is seen in our words, actions, etc., 62 ; in our eyes, hands, etc., 63. Decorum of the poets, 49. Defending more laudable than to accuse, 96 ; to defend a guilty person lawful, 97. Define ; the subject of a discourse ought to be defined at the be- ginning, 7. Deliberation, five heads of it, 8 ; in some cases sinful, 120, 129. Demet. Phalereus, who he was, 2 ; blames Pericles, 102. Demetrius forsaken by the Mace- donians, 86. Demosthenes, a hearer of Plato, 2 ; at what age he began his study, 94. Desire of riches, etc. ; see Avarice, Ambition. Despising different from having a bad opinion of, 91. picaearchus's book about the De- struction of Men, 82. Difficult subjects ; see Study. Diffi- culty makes a thing more honor- able, 34. Diogenes and Antipater dispute, 134. Dion taught by Plato, 75. Dionysius, the Sicilian tyrant, 85. Direct a wandering traveler, 28. Discourse: variety in men's ways of it, 55 ; not to be dressed up with Greek expressions, 56 ; of two sorts, 65, 95 ; common dis- course should be easy, etc., ib. ; free from passion, etc., 67 ; should be agteeable to the subject wo discourse upon, 65, 69. Disputing of two sorts, by reason and by force, 21. Dissimulation should bo excluded, 138. Dolus mains, what, 137 ; punished by the civil laws, 139. Donations to the people, when al- lowable, 101, 102. Doubt : we should do nothing of which we doubt whether it is honest or not, 18; in cases of doubt ask experienced men's ad- vice, 70. Dunlop, John, quoted, 307. Dreams evince the immortality of the soul, 257 ; not prophetic, 289. Duties : the whole subject of them consists of two parts, 7 ; middle and perfect ones, ib., 119, 120 ; incumbent on us in every part of our lives, 3; greater ones to take place before less, 18 ; duty to parents adorns a young man, 94. Dymond, Jonathan, quoted, 24, 44, 56, 93, 97, 128, 154, 179. EARTH, the, its diminutiveness in the universe, 292 ; too wide to be pervaded by fame, 296. Edmonds, C. R., quoted, 226. Education of youth a laudable em- ployment, 73 ; makes many use- ful men, etc., 75. Edwards, Jonathan, quoted, 4. Effeminacy to be avoided, 143 ; see Niceness. Its signification, 54. INDEX. 333 Eloquence preferable to acute thinking, 75 ; its great force, eta, 80; its downfall in Rome, 105; gives one opportunities of obb'ging many, 106. Empedocles, 182. Enemies, by the old Romans called strangers, 22 ; justice to be kept toward them, 20, 23, 160; dif- ference of carriage to be observ- ed toward them, 23 ; none to bo reckoned enemies, but who take up arms against the state, 44. Ennius, quoted, 16, 28. Epicurus ruins all virtue, 3, 166; makes happiness consist in pleas- ure, 167 ; endeavors to explain this away, but in vain, ib. Estate, how to be gotten, bettered, etc., 43, 112, 113 ; it is a scandal to ruin it by neglect, 103 ; what the best that can bo left to a son, 60. Evenness of temper, a part of cou- rage, 47. Evils: the least to be chosen, 115, 158, 160; those of body and fortune less than those of the soul, 122. Euripides, quoted, 149, 163. Eira&'a, what it signifies, 68. Exacting to bo avoided in dealings with others, 103. Exercise requisite to make men perfect, 32. Extraordinary things movo admira- tion, 90. FABIUS LABEO'S (Q.) trick, 19; Fab. Maximus's wise delaying, 43 ; his subtilty and cunning, 54. Fabricius's justice, 24, 119, 151. Faith the foundation of justice, 15 ; Bet up in the capitol next to Jupiter, 160 ; to be kept with enemies, 161 ; see Oaths. Fame, its transiency, 298. Fannius, C. and Scajvola and C. Lelius, interlocutor in the dia- logue on Friendship, 171, etc. Fathers often followed in course of life by their sons, 58 ; rules to bo observed in imitating them, 66; whether to be accused by their sons, should they plot against the state, 153. Fear, one cause of injustice, 15 ; promises made through fear not binding, 19 ; an improper way of getting men to be of our side, and the ill consequences of it, 85, 87. Fecial law of the Romans, 22, 163. Fides derived by the Stoics, 15 ; ex fide bona, a form in law, 142. Fighting, when laudable, 41. Fimbria judge in a case, 146. Flatterers to be avoided, 47 ; estates got by flattery, scandalous, 145. Flattery condemned, 211. Force and fraud, the two ways of injuring men, the latter more odious, 32; a courageous man can not bo forced, 165. Forms in judgment, 138; tho gen- eral form or rule, 122. Fortune must yield to nature, 60 ; her influence upon tho good or ill success of actions, 83 ; blind and blinds her votaries, 193 ; every man master of his own, 279; seditions will never be wanting while men hope to make their fortunes by them, 88 ; to be transported with good or ill fortune shows a mean spirit, 61. Foster, John, quoted, 40, 279, 295. Freedom, wherein it consists, 35. Fretfulncss upon unseasonable visits, etc., to bo avoided, 46. Friends necessary for all, 88; all common among friends, 28 ; tho counsel of friends should bo asked, 47 ; men are born for their friends, as well as them- selves, ib.; corrections, counsel, etc., duo among friends, 32; how much may bo dono for tho sake or a friend, 132 ; Damon and Fh i nth ias two friends, ib. ; close- ness of union between friends, 31. Friendship makes many become 334 INDEX. one, 31; is cemented by likeness of manners, ib. ; to be broken off by little and little, 60 ; of C. Laslius and P. Scipio, 170, 214; superior to relationship, 180 ; exists between but few, ib. ; a union of sentiment, 1 80 ; adorns prosperity, and solaces adversity, 181 ; of Orestes and Py lades, 182 ; founded on virtue, 184, 185, 204; and sincerity, 197; subverted by avarice and ambi- tion, 186; does not excuse in- justice, 188, 189; the greatest of blessings, 190; this universally admitted, 204; care to be em- ployed in contracting it, 195 ; old friendship better than new, 198; description of, 201; ruined by iiattery, 208. GAIT should not bo too slow, etc., 63. Generals of the Romans delivered to their enemies, 163. Genius; see Nature. Geometricians' method, 127. Genteel jests, 53 ; carriage, 63. Glory made up of three ingredients, 89; Cicero wrote two books about it, 88 ; must bo used with discretion, and what the shortest cut to it, 92, 94 ; not to bo gotten by counterfeit, 92 ; but by just- ice, 93 ; can not be durable un- less founded upon virtue, 107 ; inconsistent with wickedness, 151. Gods; duties to them to bo per- formed first, 7G; how their favor may be procured, 80 ; they never hurt, ib. ; are never angry, 160. Godwin, William, quoted, 24, 120, 126, 153, 160, 292, 313. Good fortune, it is the sign of a low spirit to bo transported with it, 61. Good men, so called from justice, 13, 91; who, 139, 145; very hard to be found, ib. ; it is al- ways profitable to be one, ib. ; good men desire honesty, not secresy, 130. Good-will ; see Love. Government of a state like the office of a guardian, 44 ; tho several duties of those that gov- ern, 108. Gownsmen as useful as soldiers, 39, 40. Gracchus, father of the two Gracchi, 93 ; his sona justly slain, ib. ; ruined by their leveling princi- ciples, 110; Tiberius, 187, 188. Gratidianus, 141. Gratitude a most necessary duty, in which we should imitate fruit- ful fields, 27; all people hato one that is not grateful, 103. Greatness of soul natural to man, 11; what it appears in, 10; in- clines men to ambition, 34; is often too hot, 27 ; usually mado most account of in the world, 33; necessary for statesmen more than philosophers, 36; its description, and how it differs from greatness of understanding, 41 ; seen even in a retired life, 48 ; is savageness if not accom- panied with justice, 75; seo Courage. Greek and Latin to bo joined, 1 ; to bring Greek into discourse ridiculous, 56; Greeks deceitful and treacherous, 311. Grotius, quoted, 14, 22. Guardian, the, quoted, 124. Guthrio, Wm., quoted, 13, 36, 87, 289, 296, 300, 305. Guilty persons may sometimes bo defended, 97. Gyge's ring, 19, 130, 147. Hall, Robert, quoted, 29, 30, 31, 62, 177, 184, 203, 215, 261, 302. Hannibal cruel, 21 ; sends ten to Rome after tho fight at Cannae, 23, 166. Hastiness, the passion should not through haste outrun reason, 52. Hate able to ruin tho greatest power, 85, 87. Haughtiness in prosperity to bo avoided, 47. INDEX. 335 Health, how to be preserved, 112. Heaven ; a certain place in it as- signed to patriots, 290 ; magni- tude of, 292 ; what constitutes a cycle of the heavens, 298. Hecaton tho Rhodian, 139, 152. Help; not to help the injured, if we can, is injustice, 15. Hercules sees too ways, 59 ; is placed among the gods, 123. Heriilus exploded, 6. Herodotus the historian, 92. Hesiod's rule, 27. Hire ; the worst means of winning men to our side, 84. Jlonestum, whence it results, 11 ; laudable in itself) ib. would make tho world in love with it, could it be seen, ib. ; shows it- self by its own brightness, 18 ; entitles a man to our liberality, 26, 27, 106; more especially de- serves our study, 80 ; naturally pleases men, 89 ; is the same with profit, 118, 128, etc.; hon- est man, who, 146. Honor ; the desire of it tempts men to injustice, 147. Horace, quoted, 7, 123, 238, 266, 316. Hortensius, sedile, 101 ; uses a false will, 144 Hospitality to be kept by groat men, 68 ; praised deservedly by Theophrastus, 104. Jlostis, its signification among tho old Romans, 22. Hot counsels and designs preferred by some, 42. House ; of what sort becomes a great rnan, 68 ; tho master should be an honor to his house, ib. Humility requisite in prosperity, 47. Hume, David, quoted, 9, 25, 56, 65, 120, 123, 143, 248. Hunting ; a manly recreation, 53. Hypocrisy should bo banished out of the world, 138; repugnant to friendship, 209. JESTING, in what kind and degree allowable, 53. Immortality of tho soul asserted, 174, 175; its return to heaven the most ready in tho case of tho virtuous and the just, 176, 302 ; if the doctrine is false, death ia no evil, 177, 262; argued from the uncompounded nature of tho soul, 256; from the phenomena of sleep, 257 ; held by the Italian philosophers, 255 ; aspired after by the greatest men, 260 ; glori- ous hopes connected with it, brings about the re-union of tho good in heaven, 261. Improvising; tho practice of tho Greeks, 178. Individuals ; nothing to be dono for them that is a damage to tho public, 107 ; should not have interests separate from the pub- lic, 124. Inheritance ; the best a father can leave to his son, ia the fame of his virtues, 60. Injuries : two ways of doing them, 25 ; injuring others most con- trary to nature, 122. Injustice of two sorts, and tho causes of each, 15-17 ; tho greatest, which is dono under the mask of honesty, 25. Innocent persons, never to bo ac- cused, 97. Interest draws one way, and hon- esty another, 8; no base thing can bo any man's interest, 146 ; should be measured by justice, 150. Isocratos, contrary to Aristotle, 2. JOHNSON, Dr. Samuel, quoted, 34, 35, 46, 58, 61, 206, 209, 219, 232, 246, 249, 266, 269, 284, 286, 296, 322, 369. Judges' duty, 97. Justice, tho most splendid virtue, 13 ; makes men be called good, ib., 91 ; the duties of it, 13 ; is altered upon an alteration of the circumstances, 18; to bo kept toward three that have itv- jured us, and cuomSos, 2 1 ; to- 33C INDEX. ward the meanest, such as slaves, 25 ; is the only way of obtaining our ends, 80; makes men trust us more than pru- dence, 89 ; no man just who is afraid of death, etc., 91 ; justice gets us all the three ingredients of glory, ib. ; is necessary for all men, even pirates, ib. ; kings were at first chosen, and laws made for the sake of it, 92 ; no credit can be lasting that is not built upon it, 106 ; is the queen of all virtues, 124; nothing prof- itable that is contrary to it, 152, etc. Juvenal, quoted, 210, 220, 279, 311, 334. KINDNESSES should be done to honest rather than great men, 106 ; not to be done to one, by injuring another, ib. ; see Bene- fits. Kings formerly chosen for their justice, 92 ; no faith in case of a kingdom, 16; justice violated for a kingdom, 150; many treacher- ous, and but few faithful to kings, ib. Knowledge, how desired, etc., by men, 10, 12; must give place to action, 74; is a barren accom- plishment, without justice, 75 ; that of honesty best, 78, 80, 118. Knavery to be avoided, 80 ; few actions wholly free from it, 139. See Dolus malus. LACEDEMONIANS, Plato's observ- ation of them, 33 ; ruined by Epaminondas, 43 ; forsaken by their allies, 86 ; murder their king Agis, etc., 110. Laclius, C., chief speaker in the dialogue on Friendship, 172, etc. Lsetorius's law, 138. Lamartine, A. de, quoted, 298. Language ; see Discourse. Largi, of two sorts, 1 00. Latin to bo joined with Greek, 1. laws, a malicious interpretation of them a means of roguery, 19 ; punish offenders according to justice, 46; why first invented, 92 ; use the same language to all conditions, ib. ; the knowl- edge of them creditable at Eomo, 104; give a man opportunities of obliging, ib. ; the end and de- sign of them, 122; how they root out frauds, 142 ; the law of nations different from that of particular cities, ib. ; Roman law taken from nature, and its ex- cellence, ib. ; law of nature taken in all men, 124; law-suits to bo avoided, 103. Learners, how best corrected, 70. Learning, who may be allowed to give themselves up to the study of it, 36 ; is a pleasure, not a labor, 116. Letters, how to be expressed, 65. Leveling estates destructive, eta, 107. Liberality, three cautions to be ob- served in it, 25 ; must be govern- ed by justice, ib. ; to give to one what is taken from another not liberality, ib. ; to whom it should be most shown, 26, 32, 104, 106, moves the people's love, 98 ; con- sists in doing kindnesses cither by money or labor ; the latter preferable, 15 ; has got no bot- tom, ib. ; how the liberal dis- pose of their money, 16. Liberty ought to bo most of all contended for, 35; wherein it consists, ib. ; bites deeper after it has been chained, 85. Life of retirement, and that of pub- lic business compared, 37 ; seve- ral men take several ways of life, 58 ; the difficulty of choosing a way of life ; and what chiefly to be regarded in it, 58, 59 ; should not easily bo changed, 60 ; how such change should be made, ib. Little indecencies especially to bo avoided, 70 ; in tho least things we observe what is becoming, ib. INDEX. 337 Locke, John, quoted, 14. Love of themselves and offspring in all animals, 1 ; love a stronger motive to obedience than fear, 85, 86 ; how to be gained of the people, 89 ; by what we are to judge of men's love to us, 27; we should do most for those by whom we are loved most, ib. ; general love, and that of friend- ship, how far necessary, 86. Lucullus magnificent in building, 68. Lycurgus the lawgiver of Sparta, 39. Lying abominable, 72, 137 ; should be banished from all commerce, 138 ; is inconsistent with the character of a good man, 148. Lysander enlarged the Spartan em- pire, 38 ; crafty, 55 ; the Ephori banished, 110. Lysis, master of Epaminondas, 75. MACEDONIANS desert Demetrius, 8G ; Paulus took the treasure of Macedon, 109. Mackintosh, Sir James, quoted, 3, 4, *7, 8, 29, 71. Macknish, Dr. 288. Magistrates' duties, 43, 44, 60, 108 ; responsible for the acts of their subordinates, 309; should prac- tice rigor and impartiality, 313; and discountenance calumny, 314. Mamcrcus put by the consulship, 101. Man, how different from brutes, 9, 63 ; not born for himself alone, 14 ; all things on earth made for him, say the Stoics, ib. ; wo should show a respect for all men, 50 ; and desire to bo thought well of by them, ib. ; some are men in name only, 53 ; men may bo allowed some orna- ments; but mu.st avoid nicencss, 63 ; naturally love society, 74, 75 ; do the most good and harm to one another, 80-82 ; to pro- cure their love the chief of virtue, 15 82; by what means they are drawn to be for us, 84; every man should help any other be- cause he is a man, 124. Manilius, 176, 286. Manlius, Luc. and Titus, 164, 165. Marius made consul, etc., 147 ; Marius Gratidianus, 141, 147. Marriage the closest bond of society 29. I Medes chose the justest men kings, 92. Melmoth, William, quoted, 216, 221, 225, 234, 250, 256, 291. Memmius took Corinth, etc., 109. Merchandise, how far creditable, 73. Merchant of corn's case, 134, 136. Merits of the receiver to be con- sidered in giving ; of four sorts, 25. Metellus accused by Marius ; and Africanus's dissent, 45. Metrodorus's opinion about happi- ness, 166. Milo got great honor, 101. Milton, John, quoted, 16, 106, 160, 179. Mind of man always in motion, 13 ; consists in reason and appetite, 52, 64; decency to bo kept in its motions, 63 ; filthiness of the mind more loathsome than of the body, 160. Moderation, what, 69 ; is best in most things, 64. Modesty, bashfulness, etc., 48 ; the duties of them different from those of justice, 60; forbids to do or name some things, 63 ; the Cynics argue against it, ib.; nothing virtuous or becoming without it, 72 ; sets off elo- quence, especially in young men, 95. Money; see Hire, Riches, etc.; those tried with fire, who liavo withstood its temptations, 91 , how best laid out, 100, 102, in:; bad money should not bo put away, 154. Montaigne, quoted, 162. 338 INDEX. Moral duties, a most useful and comprehensive subject, 2, 116; who have a right to discourse about them, 2. Motion, philosophy of, 300, etc. Motives drawing men to favor us, etc., 83. Musicians discover the least faults in music, 70. NASICA murdered T. Gracchus, 39. Nature should b3 taken for a guide, and then we can not err, 49, 218; pleasures, etc., unworthy man's nature, 53 ; variety of men's particular natures, 54 ; every one should follow his own nature, and how far, 55 ; nothing becoming that is contrary to it, ib. ; its great influence on our actions, ib. ; has greater sway than fortune, 60 ; directs to modesty, 62 ; is both a human and divine law, 122 ; enjoins each man to help another, 1 24 ; always desires what is becom- ing, 128; to live according to nature the Stoical chief good, 118. Nature, the best guide, IT 9 ; the mother of all things, 267. Necessity not the motive to society among men, 75. Niceness in carriage, 62 ; dress, etc., 63. Nola and Naples quarrel about their bounds, 19. Nan putaram, a fool's shift, 41. Numa Pompilius, 266. OATIIS given to soldiers, 22 ; what is to bo considered in oaths, 24, 161 ; I am not tied by oath to a deceiver, 159, 161 ; oath is a re- ligious affirmation, etc., ib. ; the sacredness of them among the old Romans, 164 ; not eluded by shifts, 24, 165. Obscene jesting, 53 ; talking dis- covers bad inclinations, etc., 63. Obscure subjects to bo neglected, 13. OSbnse ; a fear of giving offense, a cause of injustice, 16 ; a cause of mismanagement in civil and mili- tary affairs, 43 ; it is the duty of modesty not to give offense, 51 , nothing to be done that may of- fend the eyes and ears, 63. Old age to bo reverenced, 60, 72; the duties of it, 61 ; the, of Cicero beguiled by writing a treatise on that subject, 217 ; tolerable to men of regulated minds, 219 ; of Quintus Maximus, 221 ; of Plato, Isocrates, and Gorgias, 222; of Ennius, 23 ; four causes why it is thought miserable, 223 ; ha? its appropriate employments, 224; does not necessarily im- pair memory, 225, nor intellect, 226, nor studies, 227 ; does not require the strength of youth, 228, 232 ; mellows the voice, 229 ; its vigor preserved bj temperance, 232 ; can enjoy modern conviviality, 237 ; 238, the last act of a play, 262. Opinion of the world concerning us not to be neglected, 50. Oratory and philosophy to be join- ed, 1. Order in our words and actions, 69 Orestes gives a dinner to the people. 101. Ofjfj.al, 82. Other men's affairs appear small td us as things at a distance, 1 7 ; we should mind by others what is becoming, 70 ; we can soonest see faults in others, ib. Ovid, quoted, 50, 225, 265. Own : every one to be kept in tho enjoyment of his own, 109; own interest how far to be regarded, 122, 131. Pain racks and torments us, 90; not the greatest evil, 160. Pains should be proportioned to what we are about, 68. Painters set their works out f o be viewed, 70. INDEX. 339 Paley, Dr., quoted, 5. &, i9, 24, 32, 46, 71, 95, 97, 2Y1 Panaetius, 7 ; left his work about duties unfinished, 117, 127. Paradoxes, why so called, 263. Parts; men have several parts to be acted, 54, 58 ; parts of the body well fitted by nature, 62. Pascal, Blaise, quoted, 12. Passion ; injuries done in a passion less heinous than in cold blood, 16 ; should be governed by rea- son, 52, 64, 68, 82 ; disturb both body and mind, 52 ; to be shun- ned in discourse, 67 ; nothing can bo like that is done in a passion, G6. Pausanias. Spartan general, 38 Paulus had all tho riches of Mace- don, 109. Paulus JEmilius appears in vision to his son Scipio Africanus tho younger, 291. Pcricles's answer to Sophocles, 69 ; is blamed by Palerius, 102. People caressed, etc., 100. Peripatetics differ little from the Academics, 2, 121; have a right to treat about duties, 2 ; require a mediocrity, and say anger was given us to good purposes, 46; theirs a most noble and ancient philosophy, 79. Perjury, when a man ia guilty of it, 162. Pharton, 156. Phalaris, 86, 125. Philip of Macedon, above his son in good-nature, 47 ; advises his son to speak kindly to tho people, 95 ; rebukes him for giving them money, 99. Philip's harangues in his tribune- ship, 107 ; his ill counsel, 151. Philosophers, unjust in minding only their studies, 17; relinquish the public, ib. ; their method of rooting out frauds, 141 ; none may assume that name without giving rules about duty, 2 ; their study commended, 78 ; philos- ophy a comfort in affliction, 77 ; a rich and plentiful soil, 116: the meaning of the word, 78. Phulus, 176. Pirates ought to have no faith kept with them, 162 ; can not bo without justice, 91. Place, its influence on our actions, 69. Plato might have made an excel- lent orator, 2; his saying, that men are not born for themselves only, 14 ; his mistake about tho philosophers, 17 ; his two rules about government, 44 ; his say- ing about ambition, ib. ; his ex- cellent saying about prudence, 33; his fablo of Gyges, 130; quoted, 11, 51; his arguments for the pro-existence of the human soul, 256. Plays and recreations, how far al- lowable, 53 ; play at even and odd, etc., 147. Players choose the parts fittest for them, 57 ; their respect to mod- esty, 63. Pleasures of body beneath a man, 54. Pleasures are alluring mistresses, 90 ; are contrary to honesty, 168 ; may serve to give a relish to actions, ib. ; should not bo re- garded in eating, etc., 54 ; con- sist in virtue, 268. Plutarch, quoted, 106. Poetical decorum, 49; poets set their works out to be viewed, 70. Polybius tho historian, 165. Pompey Sextus, a geometrician, 13. Pompey tho Great : his party un- successful, 94 ; his magnificent shows to the people, 101. Pomponius the tribune, 164. Pontius, C., the Samnite, 108. Pope Alexander, quoted, 230. Popilius, a Roman commander, 22. Popular expressions to be used, 90. Posterity, impartiality of their ver- dict, 323. Power ; the desire of it draws men to injustice, 149. 340 INDEX. Practice necessary to perfect a man in virtue, 33. Precepts insufficient without exer- cise, ib. Present things more acceptable for a time, 102. Pride in prosperity to bo avoided, 47. Private men should be kept in their / estates, 38. Procreation ; the love of it natural to all animals, 9. Prodigal, who, 100. Profit, the same with honesty, 80, 121, 128, 134; moves all men, 128, 159 , the appearance of it makes men act contrary to duty, 133; ought to bo rejected, ib. ; every thing honest profitable, and every thing profitable hon- est, 128. Promises not always binding, 18, 155, 156. Property, its original, 14. Prudence; the duties resulting from, 12 ; consists in the knowl- edge of truth, and is most natu- ral to man, 5. ; of but little worth without justice, 74 : differ- ent from craft, 33, 80, 143; a definition of it, 74; makes men confide in us, if joined, etc., 89. Public officers should be free from passion, etc., 36, 45, 319; should see that what they undertake be honest, 44 ; remember Plato's two rules, ib. ; a description of a good one, 44, 313 ; should bo courteous, affable, etc., ib. ; do the bravest actions, 47 ; should guard their eyes as well as hands, 69, 307; not to be resisted, 72; public and private life compared, 37. Puffendorf, quoted, 137. Punishment ; rules to bo observed about them, 46. Pyrrho can give no rules about duty, 6, 79. Pyrrhus, his speech upon giving up the prisoners, 23 ; a deserter offers to poison him, 24, 151. Pythagoras, 31, 54; maxims oC 234. Pythias, a banker, 137. RALEIGH, SIR WALTER, quoted, 280. Rashness in giving up our assent to be avoided, 12, 79 ; in our ac- tions, 52. Reason ought to be the governing faculty in man, 52. Rebukes in friendship, 32. Seo Chiding. Regularity ; see Uniformity. Regulus taken by the Carthagini- ans, etc., 158, 252, etc. ; not really unhappy, 269. Relations should be considered be- fore other people, 25, 27. Republic : Cicero wrote six books about it, 102. Respect should be had for all men, 51 ; especially those we converse with, 63, 64, 67. Retired people do very noble tilings, 47. See Life. Revenge must bo kept within bounds, 20. Rhetoricians omit some subjects, 64. Riches, why desired, 15 ; neither to be kept too close nor too open, 99 ; the best fruit of them, 100 ; are too much respected, 107 ; to bo got not for ourselves alone, 1 39 ; are not profitable, if ac- companied with infamy, 151 ; the baggage of virtue, 265 ; of no value in themselves, 286; a com- parative term, 284. See Avarice, Liberality. Romans famous for courage, 33 ; their ancient justice and kind- ness to allies when changed, 86 ; ruined by tyranny and oppres- sion, 87. Romulus did wrong in killing Re- mus, 131 ; praised, 266; the sun eclipsed at his death, 297. Roscius Amerinus, defended by Cicero, 98. Rousseau, J. J., quoted, 122. INDEX. 341 Rule ; the desire of it natural to men, 10 ; general rule or meas- ure, 123. Rutilius had the name of an hon- est man, etc., 94; scholar of Pansetius, 117. SALAMIS famous for a victory, 33, Saguntines, not parricides, 274. Salmacis, 33. Scaevola gives more than was asked for an estate, 139; Pontifex Max., 142, 169, 176. Scipio, Africanus, his history and glorious end, 173, 174. Secrecy, nothing to bo committed out of hopes of it, 129, 130. Self-love prevents men from seeing their duty, 16 ; nature allows a man to lovo himself first, 131, 122 ; but not to injure others for the sake of self, 122, 124. Seller, bound to tell the faults of his goods, 134, 135, etc. ; should use no arts to enhance their price, 139. Seneca, quoted, 50, 218, 251. Serious things to be handled seri- ously, 65, 69. Shakespeare, Wm., quoted, 210, 279, 294, 309. Shows to the peoplo how far al- lowable, 100, 102. Sincerity agreeable to man's na- ture, 10. Singing openly a great rudeness, 69. Skeptics ; their opinion, 79. Slaves, how to bo dealt with, 25, 86 ; tricks in selling them pun- ished, 143 ; not to be trusted with public concerns, 312. Smith, Adam, quoted, 21, 67, 136, 192, 196. Society : the principles, sorts, and degrees of it, 28, 29; nothing that men should bo more con- cerned for, 74 ; man by nature sociable, 75 ; necessity not the motive to society, ib. ; duties of it of several degrees, in what order to bo performed, 74 ; uni- versal society, of what nature, 134. Socrates facetious and droll, 54 ; of extraordinary virtues, 72; his shortest cut to glory, 92; used to curse those that separate pro- fit and honesty, 118; pronounc- ed by the oracle the wisest of men, 172, 173, 255; remark of, 244. Solon, Athenian lawgiver, 38; his craft, 54. Sons should live as becomes the name of their ansestors, 39 ; do not bathe with their fathers, 63. Zopt'n, 74. Sophocles the tragedian, 69, 238. Soul's functions more noble than the body's, 94 ; pre-existed, 256 ; an emanation of the divine es- sence, 255 ; immortal (see Im- mortality), nothing more excel- lent and divine, 268, 300 ; souls of the wicked hover round the earth for ages after death, 303. South, Dr., quoted, 61, 267, 268, 270, 271, 280. Spectator, the, quoted, 220, 229, 230, 241, 260. Speech. See Discourse. Spheres, the description of, 293 ; music of, 294. State, how to bo supported, 85, 87, 152. Stewart, Dugald, quoted, 6, 174, 206. Styles of eloquence and philosophy to bo both cultivated, 1. Stoics ; Cicero follows them in this book, 6 ; groat admirers of deri- vations, 15; their chief good, etc., 118; aim at no embellish- ment, 263. Strangers' duties in a place, 62; a difference to bo mado between them, 7 2 ; should not bo forbid a city, 133. Study not to bo spent upon obacuro and difficult subjects, 13; tho end of it. ib. ; should give placo to action, 13, 74, 76. Suicide forbidden, 250, 292. 342 INDEX. Subject of a discourse must bo first explained, 7 ; different subjects require different ways of expres- sion, 90. Subjects of common discourse, 65. Sulpitius, an astronomer, 13, 169; an orator, accuses Norbanus, 93. Sumumjus, suma injuria, 19. Swearing upon one's conscience, 146 ; my tongue swore, but, etc., 163. Syla, Lucius's inhuman victory, 87. Sylla, Pub., kinsman to the former, 0. TAKING away what is another's, a breach of justice, 14; most con- trary to nature, 122, 124; taking away from one and giving to another no liberality, 25, no good man will take from another to enrich himself, 14.5. Talk; see Discourse. Tatler, the, quoted, 320. Taylor, Isaac, quoted, 295, 301. Taxes, the people not to be burden- ed witli them, 108; tax-gatherers hated, 72, 317. Ten men sent by Hannibal to Rome, etc., 24, 165. Temperance, 12; the duties of it must not always give placo to those of justice, 76; nothing prof- itable that is contrary to it, 167. Tenths paid to the gods, 101. Terence's Chremes, 17 ; Andria, 207; Eunuch, 209. Thebe, wife of tyrant Alexander, 86. Thomistocles, 38 ; his opinion about marrying a daughter, 106 ; his proposal to the Athenians, 133 ; illustrations, 189 ; sayings of, 220. Theophrastus, 2 ; his book about riches, 100 ; praises hospitality, 104. Theseus'a wish granted by Nep- tune, 18, 156. Thieves can not submit without justice, 91. Thinking; the end of it, 13; a g)od man will not think what he' is ashamed should bo known, 145. Thracians branded, 86. Time and place make actions good or bad, 69. Trades, which creditable, etc., 72; tradesmen should avoid lying, ib. ; be just, 91. Treachery, etc., contrary to reason, 142. Truce for thirty days, 19. Trust; how men are induced to trust us, 89 ; trust not always to bo restored, 156. Truth, the love of it natural to man, 10, 55 ; two faults in search of it to be avoided, 12. Tyrants generally come to a bad end, 86 ; to kill them counted glorious among the Romans, 120 ; are enemies of human society, 125 ; lead miserable lives, 149. ULYSSES of a temper to undergo any thing, 57 ; would have avoid- ed the war, 157. Unable ; thoso who are unable to exercise some virtues, should take the more care to get others, 60. Ungrateful men hated by all, 103. Uniformity, of life, whence it arises, 55, 69 ; is most becoming, ib. Unjust ; thoso who spend their lives in contemplation are so, 17 ; and those who mind no- body's business but their own, ib. Usurers hated, 72 ; Cato's opinion of usury, 113. VICTUALS ; pleasure should not bo regarded in it, 54. Vine, cultivation of, 241. Viriathus, the Lusitanian robber, 11. Virgil, quoted, 11, 270, 290. Virtue alone, or at least chiefly desirable, 5, 12 ; virtues all con- nected, 12, 89 ; forces us to lovo the persons that possess it, 31, 89 ; its principal office to pro- cure tke lovo of men, 82 ; con- INDEX. 343 sists in three things, ib. ; moves men's admiration, 89; when it appears with greatest splendor, ib. ; scorns affinity with pleas- ure, 167; the only good, 264; conformable to reason, 273 ; all virtues equal, ib. See Honesty. Voice should be clear and har- monious, etc., 65. Voluntary : no true virtue, that is not so, 17. WANT ; wo should be most liberal to those that want most, etc., 27, 103. "War; laws of it to bo observed, 21, 161 ; may bo undertaken, but it must bo for the sake of peace, 21, 41 ; the management of it less glorious than civil pru- dence, 38; courage hi it recom- mends a young man, 93. Ways, two, of pleasure and virtue, 59. Whewell, Dr., quoted, 218. Wicked ; to be so, never profitable, 139; wicked men slaves, 280. Will forged of Minutius Basilius, etc., 144. Wing of horse, 94. Wisdom, which the chief, 74 ; the definition and commendation of it, 78 ; to be often with wise men recommends a young man, 94; a wise man not wise for himself, good for nothing, 139. Work-shop can have nothing gen- teel in it, 72. World ; we should endeavor to bo well thought of by all the world, 50. XAKTIPPUS the Lacedaemonian, 158. Xenocrates the severest philoso- pher, 55. Xenophon's (Economics, translated by Cicero, 113. YOUNG men ; the duties of them* 60 ; how they should make themselves taken notice of in the world, 93 ; are not envied, but rather encouraged, ib. 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