Ii0086 L6.912 A list of geographical I atlases in the Library of Congress. 2v. 2.35 Cent REFERENCE ROOM STORAGE ASADENA PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS A LIST OF GEOGRAPHICAL ATLASES IN THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WITH BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF PHILIP LEE PHILLIPS, F. R. G. S. CHIEF, DIVISION OF MAPS AND CHARTS VOLUME II AUTHOR LIST INDEX WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1909 Q O/- v. .2- ATTTHOR LIST. ^00 ^t> Numbers refer to main entries. * Refers to works received too late to be entered under subjects. Aa, Pieter van der, d. 1730. Atlas nouveau et curieux. [1728] 96, 170 Representation. [1730?] 55 Abich, Wilhelm Herrman, 1806-1886. Atlas zu den geologischen forschungen in den kaukasischen liindern. [1882] . .' 3119, 3180 Ablancourt, Nicolas Perrot d', 1606-1664. Vervolg van de neptunus. 1700 3229 Achaval, Luis, and Rio, M. E. Geografia de la provincia de Cordoba. 1905 2737 Akhmatov, Ivanov. Aiviac'b . . . Pocciftcicaro rocy^apcTBa. Geographical . . . atlas of Russia. 1845 3111 Axjiacrb PocciftcKaro rocy^apcrsa. Historical . . . atlas of the russian empire. 1831 3098 Akron map and atlas co. Illustrated Summit county, Ohio. 1891 2417 Alagna, J. Giacomo, of Messina. Compleat set of new charts ... of the coast of Portugal and the Mediter- ranean sea. [1767?] 2806, 3094 Alaskan boundary tribunal. Appendix to the case of his majesty's government, v. 2. Atlas. 1903. 1192 British case. Atlas. 1903 1261 Case of the United States. Atlas. 1903 1193, 1259 Counter case of the United States. Atlas. 1903 1194, 1260 Proceedings. Atlas. 1904 1452 Alden, John B. Home atlas. 1887 ' 936 Alden, Ogle & co. Plat book of Fayette county, 111. 1891 1531 Plat book of Macon county, 111. 1891 1549 Plat book of Marshall and Putnam counties, 111. 1890 1553, 1561 Alden publishing co. Standard atlas of Fillmore county, Nebr. 1905 2110 Allard, Carolus. Atlas minor. [1696?] 523 Magnum theatrum belli. [1702] 538 (1209) 1210 Allen, C. R. Illustrated atlas of Harrison county, Iowa. 1884 1668 Illustrated atlas of Pottawattamie county, Iowa. 1885 1692 Allodi, Pietro, and Naymiller, F. Atlante di geografia universale. [1867] 861 Alphen, Pieter van. Nieuwe zee-atlas. 1682 491 Alting, Menso, 1637-1713, and Schotanus a Sterringa, B. Uitbeelding der heerlijkeit Friesland zoo in't algemeen, als in haare xxx bijzondere grietenijen. 1718 3088 American atlas co. Atlas and directory of Madison county, Ind. 1901 1617 Plat book of Coles county, 111. 1893 1525 Plat book of Fulton county, 111. 1895 1533 Plat book of Hillsdale county, Mich. 1894 1972 Plat book of Morgan county, 111. 1894 1555 American express co. Note book and atlas. 1889 948 Tourist's pocket atlas. 1881 893 American tract society. Bible atlas and gazetteer. [1862] 79 Anderson & Goodwin co. Standard historical atlas of Plymouth county, Iowa. 1907 1690 Standard historical atlas of Sioux county, Iowa. 1908 1695 Standard historical atlas of Winneshiek county, Iowa. 1905 1708 Andreas, Albert T. Atlas map of Richland county, Ohio. 1873 2411 Historical atlas of Dakota. 1884 2339, 2572 Illustrated historical atlas of the state of Iowa. 1875 1639 Illustrated historical atlas of the state of Minnesota. 1874 2007 Andreas, Lyter & co. Atlas map of Morgan county, 111. 1872 1554 Atlas map of Pike county, 111. 1872 1559 Atlas map of Scott county, 111. 1873 1565 Atlas map of Tazewell county, 111. 1873 1571 Andree, Richard, 1835- Allgemeiner handatlas. 1899 1031 1900 1047 1904 1089a 1907 1112b Allgemeiner schul-atlas. 44 aufl. ausg. B. 1898 265 Andree, Richard, and Peschel, O. Physikalisch statistischer atlas dea deutschen reichs. 1878 3026 Andrews, J. D., & son. Atlas of the suburbs of greater Nashville, Tenn. 1906 2588 Andrews, John, geographer. Collection of plans of the most capital cities. [1792?] 56 Plans of the principal cities. [1792?] 57 1211 Andriveau-Goujon, J. Atlas classique et universe!. 1843-[1844] 791 Andriveau-Goujon, J., and Soulier, E. Atlas elementaire. [1838] 324 Anne'e cartographique. 1891-1908 * Ansted, David Thomas, 1814-1880, and Nicolay, C. G. Atlas of physical and historical geography. [1852-59] 211 Anthoine, E., Schrader, J. D. F., and Prudent, F. P. V. Atlas de geographic moderne. 1891 968 - 1898 1028 Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782. Atlas and geography of the antients. 1815 4 Atlas general. 1727-1780 571 1727-1786 572 - 1743-1780 599 Complete body of ancient geography. 1775 2 1806 3 Geographic ancienne abre"ge. Nouv. d. 1769 1 Nouvel atlas de la Chine. 1737 3189 Appleton, D., & co. General atlas of the world. 1872 862 Hand atlas. 1891 963 Library atlas. 1892 969 Aprds de Mannevillette, Jean Baptiste Nicolas Denis d', 1707-1780. East-India pilot. [1795] 3169 Neptune oriental. 1745 3163 - 1775 3165 - [1775-1781] 3166,3167 Supplement au Neptune oriental. 1781 3168, 3231 Aragon, Madame Anne Alexandrine, 1798-, and Perrot, A. M. Atlas de 59 cartes. 1843 790a Argentine-Chilian boundary. Report presented to the tribunal. Atlas. 1900 2730 Arms, Walter F., & others. Caldwell's illustrated historical atlas of Adams county, Ohio. 1797-1880. [1880?] 2352 Armstrong, Le Boy, 1854- Pictorial atlas illustrating the spanish-american war. [1898] 1357 Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823. Atlas to Thompson's Alcedo. 1816-[1817] 1174 New general atlas. 1817 730 Arrowsmith, Aaron, and Lewis, S. New and elegant atlas. 1804 702 - 1805 708 1812 718 1819 734 Arrowsmith, Aaron, jr. Orbis terrarum veteribus noti descriptio. 1828 98, 266 1212 Arrowsmith, John, 1790-1873. London atlas. [1832-1846] 764 1842-[1850] 789 1842-[1853] 790 Artero y Gonzalez, Juan de la Gloria. Atlas hist6rico-geografico de Espana. 1879 3138 Asensio, Jos6, 1759-, and Martinez de la Torre, F. Piano de la villa y corte de Madrid. 1800 3140 Asher & Adams. New Columbian railroad atlas. 1875 1300 New commercial and statistical atlas ... of the United States. 1872 . . 1271 New commercial and statistical gazetteer of the United States. [1875] . . 1274 New commercial, topographical and statistical atlas ... of the United States. [1872] 1270 [1873] 1272 - [1874] 1273 New statistical and topographical atlas of the United States. [1872] . . . 1329 New topographical atlas and gazetteer of New York. [1870] 2209 New topographical map of New York. [1869] 2208 Asher, Adams & Higgins. New topographical atlas and gazetteer of Indiana. 1870-71 1598 Atlante dell' America 1777 1167 Atlante geografico. 1788-1800 669 Atlante tascabile. 1804 703 Atlantic Neptune. Copy no. 1. [1774-1781] 1198 Copy no. 2. [1774-1781] 1199 Copy no. 3. [1774-1781] 1200 Copy no. 4. [1774-1781] 1201 Copy no. 5. [1774-1781] 1202 Copy no. 6. [1774-1781] 1203 Copy no. 7. [1776-1781] 1204 Copy no. 8. [1775-1781] 1205 Sea coast of Nova Scotia. [1775-1778] 1250 Atlas a'i mejmua khartat resm al-arz. 1835 768 Atlas de geographic militaire. Nouv. d. 1902 176 Atlas . . . de 1'histoire ancienne et moderne. mss. [1840?] 97 Atlas geographus. 1711-1717 557 Atlas maritimus & commercialis. 1728 Atlas moderne. [1762] 629 - [1771-1783] 646 1787-[1791] 664 Atlas of western, northwestern, and middle western states. [1905] 1301 Atlas publishing co. Illustrated atlas and directory of Erie county, Ohio. 1896 2374 Atwood, Holmes & Read. Pocket atlas of the United States. 1884 1420 1888 1425 1213 Australia. South Australia. Surveyor-general's office. Plan of the southern portion of the province of South Australia. 1873 . . 3257 Austria. /. r. istituto geografico militare di Milano. Carta di cabottaggio del mare Adriatico. [1822-24] 2802 Austria-Hungary. K. k. Ackerbau-ministerium. Atlas der urproduction Oesterreichs. [1877] 2860, 2862 Die forste der . . . stehenden staats- und fondsgiiter. 1885 2858 Geologisch-bergmannische karte mit profilen von Joachimsthal. 1891 . . 2868 Austria-Hungary. K. k. reichs-kriegs ministerium. Feldziige des prinzen Eugen von Savoyen. [1876-1892] 2812 Oesterreichischer erbfolge-krieg, 1740-1748. [1896-1905] 2863 Averill & Hagar. New and concise geographical and historical description of Clinton county, N. Y. 1879 2220 Avity, Pierre d', sieur de Montmartin, 1573-1635. Neuwe archontologia cosmica. [1646?] 58,456 Ayrouard, Jacques. Reciieil de plusieurs plans des ports et rades . . . de la mer Mediterranee. 1732-1746 187 Azara, Felix de, 1746-1811. Voyages dans 1'Amerique Meridionale. Collection de planches. 1809 . . Babinet, Jacques, 1794-1872. Atlas universel. [1861] 834 Bachiene, Willem Albert, 1712-1783. Atlas. 1785 657 Backhouse, Thomas. New pilot for the southeast coast of Nova Scotia. 1798 1251 Bacon, George Washington. Cycling and touring pocket atlas of the British Isles. 1898 2887 Complete atlas. 1890 956 New large scale ordnance atlas of the British Isles. [1884] 2899 Bacon, G. W., & co. New handy atlas. 1901 1061 Badeslade, Thomas. Chorographia Britannise. 1742 2916 Bseck, Elias, 1679-1747. Atlas geographicus. [1710] 555 Bar, Johann Christian, and Stulpnagel, F. von. Eisenbahn-atlas von Deutschland, Belgien, Elsass und dem nordlichstsn theile von Italien. 1856 2798 Bailly-BaiUiere & hijos. Atlas de las cinco partes. [1900?] 1046 Mapas de las cuarenta y nueve provincias de Espafia. 1904 3139 Baist, George William. Atlas of Camden, N.J. 1886 2175 Atlas of Long Branch, N. J. 1886 2186 Atlas of Philadelphia. 1888 2535 1214 Baist, George William Continued. Atlas of properties along the Schuylkill valley from Philadelphia to Norris- town. 1886 2447 Atlas of Wilmington, Del. 1887 1494 Property atlas of Birmingham, Ala. 1902 1450 Property atlas of Camden, N. J. 1902 2176 Property atlas of Milwaukee and vicinity, Wis. 1898 2676 Real estate atlas survey of Denver, Colo. 1905 Real estate atlas of surveys of Detroit, Mich. 1906 2004 Real estate atlas of surveys of Indianapolis and vicinity, Ind. 1908 . . . 1638 Real estate atlas of surveys of Los Angeles, Cal. 1905 Real estate atlas of surveys of Seattle, Wash. 1905 2626 1908 2626a Real estate atlas of surveys of Washington, D. C. 1903 1505 1907 1506 Complete in four volumes, v. 1-2. 1909 Baker & Tilden. Atlas of Hartford city and county. 1869 1478, 1487 Bankes, Thomas, Blake, E. W., ique du Sud, 1877-1879. 1883 2725 Croes, John James Robertson, 1834-1906. Additions to, and revisions of the West Side atlas. [New York. 1879]. . 2297 Croes & Van Winkle. West side of the city of New York. [1873] 2294 Crowell & Kirkpatrick co. New people's atlas. 1901 1062 New popular atlas. 1900 1048 Twentieth century peerless atlas. 1901 1063 Twentieth century pictorial atlas. 1901 1064 Twentieth century popular atlas. 1901 1065 Crowell publishing co. Twentieth century peerless atlas. 1902 1076 1903 1084 1905 1099 Cruls, Luiz, 1848-1908. Commissao exploradora do planalto central do Brazil. 1894 2744 Cruttwell, Clement, 1743-1808. Atlas to Cruttwell 's gazetteer. [1799] 692 - [1808] 715 Cuba. Gobierno y capitania general. Pianos de bolsillo de la isla de Cuba. 1842 . 2712 1232 Cumings, Samuel. Western navigator. 1822 1318 Western pilot. 1825 1319 1829 * 1832 1320 1834 1321 1838 1322 Cummings, Jacob Abbot, 1772-1820. School atlas. 4th ed. [1817] 274 7th ed. [1820] 275 8th ed. [1821?] 276,740 Cunningham, B. S., & co. Atlas of Schenectady, N. Y. 1892 2326 Curtice, David L. Revised atlas of the city of St. Paul. 1908 2058a Standard atlas of the city of St. Paul. [1887] 2057 Curtius, Ernst, 1814-1896, and Kaupert, J. A. Karten von Attika. 1904 3052 Cvijic, Jovan, 1865- FeojiomKH aTjiac. Geological atlas of Macedonia. 1903 3161 Cyclopaedia, The. Ancient and modern atlas. [1806] 711 Dahl, Peter M. Plat book of Hennepin county, Minn. 189S 2020 Plat book of Ramsey county, Minn. 1898 2036 Dalrymple, Alexander, 1737-1808, & others. Charts and plans. 1703-1807 543, 544 Danckerts, Justus, 16307-1695? Atlas. [1703?] 540,541 [1710?] * Danesi, C., Gibelli, G., and Brunamonti, G. Desegni e descrittioni dell fortezze . . . e fanteria dello etato ecclesiastico. [1888] 3056 Danz, C. F., and Fuchs, C. F. Acht tafeln zur physisch-medicinischen topographic des kreises Schmal- kalden. 1848 3041 Darton, William. Union atlas. 1812-[1814] 719 Davidson, C. Wright. Atlas of the city of Minneapolis, Hennepin county, Minn. 1887 .... 2054 Davis, F. A. Illustrated historical atlas of Berks county, Penn. 1876 2461 New illustrated atlas of Lehigh county, Penn. 1876 2481 Davis, F. A., & co. Combination atlas map of Pvockland county, N. Y. 1876 2251 Davis, William Morris, 1850- Atlas for practical exercises in physical geography. 1908 1233 Davis, William Morris, 1850- New England states. 1895 1441 Dayton, A. W., and Lathrop, A. W. Atlas of Frederick county, Va. 1885 2612 Dean, James. Alphabetical atlas, or gazetteer of Vermont. 1808 2592 Debes, Ernst, 1840- Neuer handatlas. 1900 1049 - 1905 1099a Schul-atlas. [1900] 277 De Brahm, John Gerard William, 6. 1717. Atlantic pilot. 1772 1197 Deharme, Plan de la ville et fauxbourgs de Paris. 1766 3014 Delachaux, Enrique A. S. Atlas meteorologico de la republica Argentina. 1901 2736 Delamarche, Charles Frangois, 1740-1817. Atlas elmentaire. 1816 727 Delisle, Guillaume, 1675-1726. Atlante novissimo. 1740-1750 594 Atlas de geographic. 1700-1712 533 Atlas nouveau. 1733 580,581 - [1741?] 596 Collection of maps of the world. [1700-1763] 535 1722-1774 565 1763 636 Delisle, Guillaume, and Buache, P. Atlas g^ographique et universel. 1781-[1784] 655 Atlas gSographique. [1789?] 671 [1831?] 759 Cartes et tables de la g^ographie physique. 1754-[1757] 220 Delisle, Joseph Nicolas, 1688-1768, & others. Russischer atlas. 1745 3109 Denis, Louis, fl. 1785. Empire des Solipses. 1764 81 Denis, Louis, and Pasquier, J. J. Plan topographique et raisonne de Paris. 1758 3012 De Puy, William Harrison, 1821-1901. People's atlas. [1885] 925 Universal guide and gazetteer. 1887 940 Desbuissons, L. Ed., 1827-, & others. Nouvel atlas illustre. 1891 964 Desmarest, Nicolas, 1725-1805, and Bonne, R. Atlas encyclopedique. 1787-1788 666,667 Desmarest, Nicolas, and Bory de St. Vincent, J. B. G. M., baron. Atlas encyclopddique. 1827 221 Desmond, John T. Atlas of Haverhill and Bradford, Mass. 1892 1863, 1891 1234 Desnos, L. C. Almanach gographique. 1770 644 Nouvel atlas d'Angleterre. 1767 2918 Tableau analytique de la France. 1766 2993 Deutsche kolonialgesellschaft. Kleiner deutscher kolonialatlas. 1900 3018 Wirtschafts atlas der deutschen kolonien. [1908] 3019 Deventer, Jacques Roelofs, known as Jacques de, d. 1575. Atlas des villes de la Belgique au xvi e siecle. [1884-1895] 2870 16 e livr. [1908] NOTE." La 15 e llvr. de cet ouvrage parut en mars 1895." Devlin & co. Metropolis explained. 1871 2293 Dickson, George K., Biniker, H., and Hagnauer, R. New atlas of Madison county, 111. 1892 1551 Diercke, Carl, 1842-, and Gaebler, E. Diercke schul-atlas. 44. aufl. 1908 278 Dispatch atlas. 1863 839 Dodd, Mead & co. Universal atlas. 1892 971, 971a Dodge, Robert Perley, 1817-1887. Plats of the 131 squares in West Washington. 1883 1502 Doncker, Hendrik. Zee-atlas. 1660-[1661] 468 1665 472 Doncker, Hendrik, Jacobsz, J., and Goos, H. Lghtning columne. 1689-[1692] 504, 2832 Donnelley, Reuben H. Atlas of St. Paul, Minn. 1892 2058 Sectional atlas of the city of Chicago. 1905 1590 Dornseiffen, Isaac, 1818- Atlas van Nederlandsch Oost- en West Indie. [1901] 2715, 3217 Dow, Earle Wilbur, 1868- Atlas of european history. 1907 2788 Dower, John. New general atlas. 1835 772 [1854] 812 Doyle, Joseph B., Barthel, O., Halfpenny, H. E., and Hasson, T. W. Atlas of the city of Wheeling, W. Va. 1901 2630 Drioux, Claude Joseph, 1820-, and Leroy, C. Atlas universel. 1879 889 1887 940a Dripps, Matthew. Map of the city of Brooklyn, N. Y. 1869 2273 Plan of New York city from the battery to Spuyten Duyvil creek. 1867 . 2291 Droysen, Gustav, i. e. Johann Gustav, 1828-1908. Allgemeiner historischer handatlas. 1886 105 1235 Drury, Luke, d. 1845. Geography for schools. 1822 279 Dubail, Augustin Yvon Edmond. Atlas de 1'Europe militaire. 1880 2817 Dubois, Edmond Marcel, 1856-, and Sieurin, E. Cartes d'e"tude pour servir a 1'enseignement de la geographic. 7. e"d. 1905 2857 Cartes d'e"tude pour servir a 1'enseignement de la geographic . . . Ame"rique. 9. e"d. 1905 281 Cartes d'^tude pour servir a 1'enseignement de la geographic, France et colonies. 9 ed. 1905 3009 Cartes d'6tude pour servir & 1'enseignement de la geographic . . . Asie, Insulinde, Afrique. 9. ed. 1905 280 Du Caille, Louis Alexandra. Etrennes g^ographiques. 1760-1761 626 Dudley; Sir Robert, styled duke of Northumberland and earl of Warwick, 1573-1649. Dell' arcano del mare. 1646-47 457, 458 Duflot de Mofras, Eugene, 1810-1884. Exploration du territoire de 1 'Oregon, des Californies et de la mer Ver- meille . . . 1844 1457, 2437 Dufour, Adolphe Hippolyte, 1798-1865. Atlas universel. 1860-[1861] 833 [1868] 852 Grand atlas universel. [1881] 894 Dufour, Guillaume Henri, 1787-1875. Topographische karte der Schweiz. 1833-1863 - 3156 Dulaure, Jacques Antoine, 1755-1835. Histoire physique civile et morale de Paris. 1829 3010 Dumas, Mathieu, i. e. Guillaume Mathieu, comte, 1753-1837. Precis des eVenemens militaires. [1816-1826] 2819 Dumez, , and Chanlaire, P. G. Atlas national portatif de la France. 1792 2995 Dumont d'Urville, Jules Sebastien Cesar, 1790-1842. Voyage au pole Sud et dans I'0c6anie sur les corvettes PAstrolabe et Zelee . . . Atlas. 1842-1848 3244 Voyage de la corvette 1'Astrolabe. Atlas. 1833 201 Dunham, F. A. Atlas of the city of Plainfield, Union county, and borough of North Plain- field, Somerset county, N. J. 1894 2194 Dunham, J. R. Atlas of Hamilton county, Nebr. 1888 2112 Dunn, Samuel, d. 1794. New atlas of the mundane system. [1768-1789] 659 1796 684 Dunning, A. G. Ancient, classical and scriptural geography. 1850 12 Dunwoody, Henry Harrison Chase, 1842- Summary of international meteorological observations. 1893 175a 1236 Duperrey, Louis Isidore, 1786-1865. Voyage autour du monde. Atlas. 1826-1830 . . . . 199, 2727 Du Petit-Thouars, Abel Aubert, 1793-1864. Voyage autour du monde. Atlas. 1840-1855 . 205,2729 Du Pinet, Antoine, sieur de Noroy, 15107-1566? Plantz . . . de plvsievrs villes . . . tant de 1'Evrope, Asie, & Afrique. 1564 60 Dupre, Julius V. Quarter-sectional atlas of the city of Milwaukee, Wis. 1881 2673 1884 2674 1889 2675 Dury, Andrew. New general and universal atlas. 1761 627 [1763?] 634 Du Sauzet, Henri. Atlas de poche. 1734-[1738] 584a Profils ou vues des principales villes de 1'Europe. 1739 592a, 2779a Dussieux, Louis Etienne, 1815-1894. Atlas de geographic. [1882] 902 Dutreuil de Rhins, Jules Leon, 1846-1894. L'Asie centrale. 1889 3176 Mission scientifique dans la Haute Asie. Atlas. 1898 3178 Dutton, Clarence Edward, 1841- Tertiary history of the Grand canon district, Colorado, with atlas. 1882 . 1471 Duval, Henri Louis Nicolas, 1873-1854. Atlas universel des sciences. 1837 344 Du Val, Pierre, d' 'Abbeville, 1619-1683. Cartes de geographic. 1688-[1689] 501 Cartes et tables de geographic. 1667 2874,2985 Diverses cartes et tables pour la geographic ancienne. [1669?] 171 Geographic frangoise. 1677 2986 Le monde. 1670 481 Duvotenay, Th. Atlas de la revolution francaise. [1880?] 2965 Edniont, Edmond, 1849-, and Gillieron, J. Atlas linguistique de la France. 1902-1908 2960 Edwards brothers. Historical plat book of Lyon county, Kans. 1879 1726 Illustrated historical atlas of Bourbon county, Kans. 1878 1714 Illustrated historical atlas of Clark county, Mo. 1878 2076 Illustrated historical atlas of Coffey county, Kans. 1878 1717 Illustrated historical atlas of Lawrence county, Mo. 1879 2081 Illustrated historical atlas of Lewis county, Mo. 1878 2083 Illustrated historical atlas of Miami county, Kans. 1878 1728 Illustrated historical atlas of Osage county, Kans. 1879 1731 Illustrated historical atlas of Rails county, Mo. 1878 2090 Illustrated historical atlas of Shelby county, Mo. 1878 2097 Illustrated historical atlas of Schuyler county, Mo. 1878 2094 1237 Edwards, Bryan, 1743-1800. History of the British West Indies, v. 5. Maps and plates. 1818 .... 2706 New atlas of the British West Indies. 1810 2704 New atlas of the West India islands. 1818 2707 Edwards, John P. Atlas of Cloud county, Kans. 1885 1716 Historical atlas of Sumner co., Kans. [1883] 1741 Egypt exploration fund. Atlas of ancient Egypt. 1894 3239 Eitel, Edward E. County atlas of California. [1894] * County atlas of Oregon and Washington. [1894] 2438,2622 Elliot, William Henry Harrison. Official plat book. The city of East St. Louis and environs. 1904 .... 2098 Elliott, Charles L., and Flynn, T. Atlas of the city of Newport, R. I. 1893 2566 Elton, Edward F. Class room atlas of physical, political, biblical and classical geography. 3d ed. [1908] * Elwe, Jan Barend. Atlas. 1792 674,675 Emmons, Samuel Franklin, 1841- Geology and mining industry of Leadville, Colo., with atlas. 1882 .... 1472 Encyclopaedia britannica New volumes of the Encyclopaedia britannica . . . Maps. 1903 .... 1085 English atlas. 1682 2831 English pilot. Part i. 1718 2837 Second part. 1716 2836 1723 2838 Part in. Describing the . . . Mediterranean sea. 1736 190, 2805 1786 191 Third book. 1748 606 Fourth book. 1706 1155 1737 1157 1758 1158 1760 1160 1767 1162,1163 1775 1164 1780 1168 1784 1171 Part v. 1766 3230 Describing the sea-coasts. 1775 2844 For the southern navigation. 1758 2842 - 1764 2843 - 1790 2846 - 1792 2847 Ensign, D. W., & co. Atlas of Kane county, 111. 1892 1540 Plat book of Cass county, N. Dak. 1893 2341 1238 Ensign, D. W., & co. Continued. Plat book of DeKalb county, 111. 1892 1527 Plat book of Grand Forks, Walsh and Pembina counties, N. Dak. 1893 . 2343 Erckert, Rodrich von. Wanderungen und siedelungen der germanischen stiimme in Mittel- Europa. 1901 2786 Erodi, Bela, Berecz, A., and Br6zik, K. Nagy magyar atlasz. 1906 2865 Erskine, R. To the right honourable sr Charles Wager . . . these views, plans and remarks are most humbly inscribed, nis. [1727-1734] 2804 Espinosa y Tello, JosS, 1763-1815. Relacion del viage hecho por las goletas Sutil y Mexicana . . . 1792. Atlas. 1802 1221 Espinoza, Enrique, 1848- Atlas de Chile. [1897] 2758 Euler, Leonhard, 1707-1783. Geographischer atlas. 1760 625 Evans, Rev. John, 1767-1827. New royal atlas. [1810] 717 Everts, L. H. Combination atlas map of Fairfield county, Ohio. 1875 2375 Combination atlas map of Licking county, Ohio. 1875 2394 New historical atlas of Butler county, Ohio. 1875 2357 Everts, L. H., & co. Official state atlas of Kansas. 1887 1710 Everts, Baskin & Stewart. Combination atlas map of Rock county, Wis. 1873 2660 Combination atlas map of Walworth county, Wis. 1873 2665 Everts & Kirk. Official state atlas of Nebraska. 1885 2107 Everts & Richards. New topographical atlas of surveys, Bristol county, Mass. 1895 1811 New topographical atlas of surveys, Providence county, R. I. 1895 . . . 2563 Everts & Stewart. Combination atlas map of Dauphin county, Penn. 1875 2473 Combination atlas map of Jackson county, Mich. 1874 1977 Combination atlas map of Lenawee county, Mich. 1874 1984 Combination atlas map of Middlesex county, N. J. 1876 2165 Combination atlas map of Salem & Gloucester counties, N. J. 1876 . 2159, 2169 Combination atlas map of Washtenaw county, Mich. 1874 2000 Faden, William, d. 1836. Atlas minimus universalis. 1798 690 Atlas of battles of the american revolution. [1845?] 1337 North American atlas. 1777 1207, 1208 Faehtz, Ernest F. M., and Pratt, F. W. Real estate directory of the city of Washington, D. C. 1874 1498 Fairchild, John F. Atlas of the city of Mount Vernon and the town of Pelham,N. Y. 1899 . 2288,2321 1908 2288a, 2321a 1239 Fatout, Henry B. Atlas of Indianapolis and Marion county, Ind. 1889 1618,1637 Favoli, TJgo, 1523-1585. Theatri orbis terravum. 1585 391 Fay, Theodore Sedgwick, 1807-1898. Great outline of geography . . . Atlas. 1867 222, 282 Fayard de la Brugere, Jean Artheme, 1839-, and Baralle, A. Atlas universel. 1877 884 Fennema, Reinder, and Verbeek, R. D. M. Geologische beschrijving van Java en Madoera. 1896 3218 Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720. Atlas curieux. 1700-[1704] 532 1705 546 Forces de 1'Europe. 1696-[1697] 517a,2780 Introduction a la geographic. 2. ed. 1717-[1740?] 561 Petit et nouveau atlas. 1705 547 Ferraris, Joseph de, comte, 1726-1816. Carte chorographique des Pays-Bas autrichiens. 1777 3082 Ferris, George Titus, 1840- Appleton's atlas of the United States. 1888 1426 Fidelity abstract co. Township maps of Spokane county, Wash. 1905 2624 Field, Barnum. Atlas designed to accompany the american school geography. 1832 . . . 283 Field publishing co. Plat book of Sangamon county, 111. 1894 1564 Findlay, Alexander George, 1790-1870. Classical atlas. 1853 . . . .' 13 Modern atlas. 1850 798 Finley, Anthony. Atlas classica. 1829 14 New american atlas. 1826 1378 New general atlas. 1829 752 1830 755 1831 760 Fischer, Hermann von, 1851- Atlas zur geographic der schwabischen mundart. 1895 3024, 3047 Fischer, Theobald, 1846- Raccolta di mappa-mondo. 1871-1881 249 Fischer, Wilhelm, and Streit, F. W., jr. Historischer und geographischer atlas von Europa. 1834-1837 2789 Fisher, Richard Swanison. Chronological history of the civil war in America. 1863 1350 Fisquet, Honore Jean Pierre, 1818-1883. Grand atlas departemental de la France. [1878] 3006 Flinders, Matthew, 1774-1814. Voyage to Terra Australia. 1814 3251 35799 VOL 2 09 3 1240 Floyd, William H., jr., & co. Atlas of the city of Saint Joseph, Buchanan county, Mo. 1884 2104 Flynn, Thomas. Atlas of the city of Manchester, N. H. 188G 2140 Flynn, Thomas, and Elliott, C. L. Atlas of the city of Newport, R. I. 1893 2566 Flynn, Thomas, < others. Atlas of the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. 1898 2428 Fonton, Feliks Petrovich, 1801- Russie dans I'Asie-Mineure. 1840 3102 Foote, Charles M. Plat book of Clayton county, Iowa. 1886 1653 Plat book of Howard county, Iowa. 1886 1671 Foote, Charles M., and Brown, W. S. Plat book of Brown county, Wis. 1889 2636 Plat book of Dunn county, Wis. 1888 2644 Plat book of Waupaca county, Wis. 1889 2670 Foote, Charles M., and Henion, J. W. Plat book of Columbia county, Wis. 1890 2639 Plat book of Dodge county, Wis. 1890 2643 Plat book of Fond du Lac county, Wis. 1893 2645 Plat book of Goodhue county, Minn. 1894 2018 Plat book of Lafayette county, Wis. 1895 2651 Plat book of Manitowoc and Calumet counties, Wis. 1893 2637, 2652 Plat book of Rock county, Wis. 1891 2661 Plat book of Washington and Ozaukee counties, Wis. 1892 2654, 2667 Plat book of Waukesha county, Wis. 1891 2669 Plat book of Winona county, Minn. 1894 2047 Foote, Charles M., one? Hood, E. C. Plat book of Barren county, Wis. 1888 2635 Plat book of Chisago county, Minn. 1888 2013 Plat book of Jefferson county, Wis. 1899 2648 Plat book of Juneau county, Wis. 1898 2649 Plat book of Polk county, Wis. 1887 2656 Foote, Charles M., and Warner, G. E. Plat book of Allamakee county, Iowa. 1886 1642 Plat book of Buchanan county, Iowa. 1886 1648 Plat book of Fayette county, Iowa. 1879 1661 Plat book of Houston county, Minn. 1878 2021 Plat book of Iowa county, Iowa. 1886 1674 Plat book of Marshall county, Iowa. 1885 1686 Plat book of Olmstead county, Minn. 1878 2031 Plat book of Otter Tail county, Minn. 1884 2033 Plat book of Winneshiek county, Iowa. 1886 1707 Foote, Charles M., & co. Pkt book of Stearns county, Minn. 1896 2042 Forsyth, William. Plats of the subdivisions of the city of Washington, D. C. 1856 1496 Fort Dearborn publishing co. National standard family and business atlas. [1896] 1007 [1899] . . , 1034 [1901] 1066 [1902] 1077 Foster, Eli Greenawalt. Forty maps illustrating United States history. 1905 1284 Historical outline maps. 1904 1286 Fowler, L. D. Title and assessment map of that part of Jersey City which constituted the city of Bergen . . . 1870. [1883] 2173, 2182 Fowler, L. D., & others. Official assessment map of Jersey City, N. J. 1894 2183 France. Depdt de la guerre. Atlas de 1'expedition de Chine en 1860. 1861-1862 , . . 7 . . 3184 Atlas des campagnes de 1'empereur Napoleon en Allemagne et en France. 1844 2966 France. Depdt de la marine. Pilote de 1'isle de Saint-Domingue. 1787-[1788] 2716 France. Depdt des cartes et plans de la marine. Neptune Americo-Septentrional. [1778-1780] 1211 [Portulan general. Mer des Antilles et golfe du Mexique. 1856?] .... 2711 France. Ministere de la marine. Atlas des colonies fran^aises. 1866 2950 Atlas des cotes me'ridionales de France. 1850 3001 Collection of charts by various hydrographers. 1792-1831 2849 Pilote francais. 1822-1843 2997 France. Ministere de I' instruction publique et des beaux-arts. Atlas archeologique de la Tunisie. 1892-1907 3240 France. Ministere des colonies. Service geographique des colonies. Mission de Bonchamps. [1900] 3236 France. Ministere des travaux publics. Ports maritimes de la France. [1871-1897] 2955 France. Prefecture de la Seine. Service de I'assainissement. Atlas administratif des egouts de la ville de Paris. [1896] 3016 France. Service geographique de Varm.ee. Carte de 1'Afrique. [1886-1900] 3235 France. Treaties, etc., 1895-99. Mmoire contenant 1'expose des droits de la France dans la question des frontieres de la Guyane et du Bresil. [1899] 2764 Frank, Charles P. Atlas of the city of Duluth, Minn. 1902 2052 Fraser, S. L. Mercantile guide. 1886 1276 Freycinet, Louis Claude Desaules de, 1779-1842. Voyage de d6couvertes aux terres Australes, ex6cut6 . . . sur les corvettes, leG^ographe, le Naturaliste . . . Atlas. 1807-1816 3249 1812-1815 3250 Freytag, Gustav. Export-atlas. [1903] 72 Friis, Jens Andreas, 1821-1896. Ethnographisk kart over Finmarken. 1861 3092 Frye, Alexis Everett, 1859- Home and school atlas. 1896 284 Fuchs, Caspar Friedrich, and Danz, C. F. Acht tafeln zur physisch-medicinischen topographie des kreises Schmal- kalden. 1848 . 3041 Fuller, John F., and Roberts, W. J. Atlas of Whitman county, Wash. 1895 2625 Fulmer, F. S., Beers, F. W., & others. Atlas of Rutland co., Vt. 1869 2601 Fulneck academy. Moravian atlas. 1853 180 Funk & Wagnalls co. Standard atlas. [1896] 1008 1903 1086 1905 1100 Standard biblical atlas. 1908 * Furnas, Boyd Edwin, 1848-1897. Combined atlas-directory of Miami county, Ohio. 1883 2400 Gaebler, Eduard, and Diercke, C. Schul-atlas. 44. aufl. 1908 278 Gage, William Leonard, 1832-1889. Modern historical atlas. 1869 106 Gannett, Henry, 1846-, and Hewes, F. W. Scribner's statistical atlas of the United States. [1883] 1331 [1885] 1332 Garcia Cubas, Antonio, 1832- Atlas geogrdfico, estadfstico 6 hist6rico de la republica Mexicana. 1858 . 2683 Atlas geogrdfico y estadfstico de los estados unidos mexicanos. 1886 . . . 2687 Atlas metddico para la ensenanza de la geograffa de la republica mexicana. 1874 2684 Atlas mexicano. 1884-86 2685 Atlas pintoresco 6 historico de los estados unidos mexicanos. 1885 . . . 2686 Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, 1829-1902. School atlas of english history. New ed. 1895 107,2881 Gamier, F. A. Atlas spheroidal. 1862 836 Gamier, Francis Marie Joseph, 1839-1873. Voyage d 'explorations en Indo-Chine. Atlas. 1873 3206 Garretson, Cox & co. Columbian atlas. 1891 965 1895 999 1896 1009 Gaston, Samuel N. Campaign atlas for 1861. 1861 1351 1243 Gaultier, Aloisius Edouard Camille, 1746-1818. Complete course of geography. 4th ed. 1800 94 Gay, Claudio, 1800-1873. Atlas de la historia fisica y politica de Chile. 1854 * Gazzettiere americano. 1763 1161 Gebbie publishing co. Spoftord's cabinet cyclopaedia atlas. 1900 1050 Geistbeck, Alois, 1853- Die seen der deutschen Alpen. 1885 3023 Gelder, W. van. Schoolatlas van nederlandsch Oost-Indie. 1900 3216 Geographie universelle. Atlas-Migeon. [1882] 903 Germany. Baden. Oberdirection des wasser- und strassenbaues. Topograph- isches bureau. Topographisches atlas des groseherzogthums Baden. 1875-[1901] .... 3038 Germany. Deutsche seewarte. Atlantischer ozean. 1882 184 Stiller ozean. 1896 206 Germany. Rolonialamt. Grosser deutscher kolonial-atlas. 1901-07 3020 Gibb bros. & Moran. Travelers' route and reference book of the United States and Canada. Map ed. 1909 * Gibelli, Giuseppe, 1831-, Brunamonti, G., and Danesi, C. Desegni e descrittioni dell fortezze . . . e fanteria dello stato ecclesias- tico. [1888J 3056 Gibson, Arthur. Plat book of Cottonwood county, Minn. 1896 2014 Gibson, George E., and Gibson, William. Map of Omaha and South Omaha. [1887] 2129 Gibson, John. Atlas minimus. 1758 621 1792 676 1798 691 New and accurate maps of the counties of England and Wales. [1758?] . 2917 Gilleland, J. C. Ohio and Mississippi pilot. 1820 1323 Gillen & Davy. Atlas of Mitchell county, Kans. 1884 1729 Gillieron, Jules, 1854-, and Edmont, E. Atlas linguistique de la France. 1902-1909 2960 Gotz, Andreas, 1698-1780. Brevis introdvctio ad geographiam antiqvam. 1729 15 Gomez de Arteche y Moro, Jose, 1821- Atlas de la guerra de la independencia. [1869-1901] 3127 1244 Gonzales, Alexandro. Atlas maritime del reyno de el Peru, Chile, costa Patagonica. ms. 1797 . 2768 Goodmn.li, H. J. Illustrated historical atlas of Ottawa county, Ohio. 1900 2406a Goodrich, Samuel Griswold, 1793-1860. Atlas designed to illustrate the Malte-Brun school geography. 1830 . . . 285 1838 286 Goodrich, Samuel Griswold, and Bradford, T. G. Universal, illustrated atlas. 1842 783 Goos, Hendrik, Jacobsz, T., and Doncker, H. Lightning columne. 1689-[1692] 504,2832 Goos, Pieter. Grand & nouveau miroir. 1G71 483 Nieuwe groote zee-spiegel. 1676 Sea-atlas. 1670 481a Zee-atlas. 1666 473,474 Gorjan, August, 1837-, and Luncan, I. Atlas-geografie. 1895 1000 Atlas-ge'ografie Romania. 1895 3097 Gould, F. A., Lake, D. J., and Stanford, G. P. Atlas of Randolph county, Ind. 1874 1624 Gould, Hueston T., & others. Illustrated atlas of Ross county and Chillicothe, Ohio. 1875 2413 Gould, Hueston T., Caldwell, J. A., & others. Atlas of Franklin county and of the city of Columbus, Ohio. 1872 . 2376, 2431 Gourn6, Pierre Mathias, abbe, 1702-1770? Atlas abrege" et portatif. 1763 637 Gouvion Saint-Cyr, Laurent, marquis de, 1764-1830. Atlas des cartes et plans relatifs aux campagnes du marechal Gouvion St. Cyr. 1828 2967 Atlas des me'moires pour servir 1'histoire militaire sous le directoire, le consulat et 1'empire. 1831 2968 Gover, Edward. Atlas of universal historical geography. 1854 108 Two shilling physical atlas. 1854 223 Graf, Carl, Graf, A., Bruhns, K. C., anrfKiepert, H. Hand-atlas. [1874?] 871 Grant, A. A. Bankers' and brokers' railway system atlas. [1907] 1258 Graves & Hardy. Eureka pocket atlas of the Red River valley. 1894 2340 Gray, O. W. Atlas of the United States. 1873 1390 1876 877,1393 Gray, O. W., Martenet, S. J., and Walling, H. F. New topographical atlas of the state of Maryland and the District of Colum- bia. 1873 1497, 1780 1245 Gray, O. W., and Walling, H. F. New topographical atlas of the state of Ohio. 1872 2347 New topographical atlas of the state of Pennsylvania. 1872 2453 Gray, O. W., & son. Atlas of the world. Supplement. 1876 875,876 National atlas. 1875 873,1391 1876 878,1394 1877 885, 1398 1882 904,1412 New illustrated atlas of Dutchess county, N. Y. 1876 2224 New topographical atlas of Essex county, N. Y. 1876 2227 Great Britain and Brazil. Atlas annex6 au contre-memoir. [1903] 2722,2724,2742,2743 Greeley & Carlson. Atlas of Hyde Park, 111. 1880 1592 Greely, Carlson & co. Atlas of the city of Chicago. 1884 1582 Second atlas of the city of Chicago. 1891 1586 Atlas of the town of Lake, 111. 1883-1892 1594 Greenleaf, Jeremiah, 1791-1864. New universal atlas. 1842 784 Greenleaf, Moses, 1777-1834. Atlas accompanying Greenleaf's map and statistical survey of Maine. [1829] 1772 Greenwood & co. Atlas of the counties of England. 1834 2925 Gregory, Henry Duval. Index to Mitchell's new school atlas. 1871 287 Grenet, L'abbe-, b. 1750. Atlas portatif. [1779-1782?] 288 Compendio di geografia. 1794 680 Griffen, Joseph. Atlas designed to illustrate "Elements of modern geography." 1833 . . 289 Griffin, William M., andMeleney, C. E. Primary geography of the state of New Jersey. 1884 2147 Griffing, B. N. Atlas of Darke county, Ohio. 1888 2370 Atlas of Defiance county, Ohio. 1890 2371 Atlas of Fulton county, Ohio. 1888 2377 Atlas of Mercer county, Ohio. 1888 2399 Atlas of Vanderburgh county, Ind. 1880 1631 Griffing, B. N., and Lake, D. J. Atlas of Brown county, Ohio. 1876 2356 Griffing, Dixon & co. Atlas of Davies county, Ind. 1888 1601 Griffing, Gordon & co. Atlas of Hancock county, Ind. 1887 1608 Atlas of Jay county, Ind. 1887 1614 1246 Griffith, William, jr. Illustrated atlas of Gallia county, Ohio. 1874 2378 Grosmann, Charles W. F. Donnelley 's sectional atlas of the city of Chicago. 1891 1585 Grove, Sir George, 1820-1900, and Smith, Sir W. Ancient atlas. 1874 52 Grundeman, Reinhold, 1836- Neuer missions-atlas. 2 aufl. 1903 181 Gueudeville, Nicholas, 16547-1721 or 22. Nouveau theatre du monde. 1713 558 Guigoni, Maurizio. Atlante geografico universale. 1875 874 Guizot, Frangois Pierre Guillaume, 1787-1874. Vie correspondance et Merits de Washington. Atlas. 1840 1338 Gurrey, Alfred R. Honolulu. [1906] 3263 Map of Honolulu. 1900 3262 Guthrie, William, 1708-1770. Atlas universel. 1802 698 General atlas. 1820 738 Haack, Hermann, 1872-, and Liiddecke, R. Deutscher schulatlas. 3 aufl. 1901 299 Hacke, William. Description of the sea coasts rivers &a. of inonomotapa . . . ms [1690?] 3162 Hagnauer, Rohert, Dickson, G. K., and Riniker, H. New atlas of Madison county, 111. 1892 1551 Hague, Arnold, 1840- Atlas to accompany the monograph on the geology of the Eureka district, Nevada. 1883 2131 Halfeld, Henrique Guilherme Fernando, 1797-1873. Atlas e relatorio concernente a exploracao do rio de S. Francisco desde CachoeVia da Pirap6ra ate ao oceano Atlantico. 1860 2745 Halfpenny, H. E., Hasson, T. W., Doyle, J. B., and Barthel, O. Atlas of the city of Wheeling, W. Va. 1901 2630 Hall, Sidney. Black's general atlas. 1840 777 1841 779 New general atlas. 1830 756 [1857] 821 Travelling county atlas [of England, 1846] 2928 Hall, Sidney, Hughes, W., & others. Black's general atlas. 1844 793 Hamilton, Theodore F., and Jones, C. H. Historical atlas of the world. 1876 115 Peoples' pictorial atlas. 1873 869 1247 Hammond, C. S. & CO. Alaska- Yukon-Pacific atlas. 1909 * Atlas of New York city. 1907 2315 1908 2316a Descriptive atlas of Panama and the Isthmian canal. [1907] 2693 Handy atlas. 1907 1123 1908 . . * 1909 * Modern atlas. 1905 T101 1909 * Pictorial atlas. 1905 1102 1909 * Ready reference atlas. [1906] 1111 Hammond publishing co. Plat book of Greene and Jersey counties, 111. 1893 1534, 1538 Handtke, Friedrich H., 1815-1879. Special-karte der europaischen Turkei. [1876] 3159 Hannak, Emanuel, 1841-1899, and Umlauft, F. Historischer schul-atlas. 1908 2789a Hansteen, Christopher, 1784-1873. Magnetischer atlas. 1819 224 Hantzsch, Viktor, i.e. Karl Viktor Gustav, 1868 Die altesten gedruckten karten der Sachsisch-Thuringischen lander. [1905] 3042 Hantzsch, Viktor, i. e. Karl Viktor Gustav, and Schmidt, L. Kartographische denkmaler zur entdeckungsgeschichte von Amerika, Asien, Australien und Afrika. 1903 250 Hardesty, Hiram H. Historical and geographical encyclopedia. 1883 1287, 2350 1884 1288,2351 Harms-worth atlas and gazetteer. [1908] 1132 Harrisburg title co. Atlas of the city of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Penn. 1901 2512 Harrison, R. H., & others. Atlas of Hamilton county, Ohio. 1869 2381, 2422 Harrison, Button & Hare. Atlas of Marion county, Ohio. 1878 2398 Harrison & Warner. Atlas of Benton county, Iowa. 1872 1644 Atlas of Cedar county, Iowa. 1872 1651 Atlas of Clinton county, Iowa. 1874 1655 Atlas of Columbia county, Wis. 1873 2638 Atlas of Dane county, Wis. 1873 2641 Atlas of Dodge county, Wis. 1873 2642 Atlas of Dubuque county, Iowa. 1874 1657 Atlas of Green county, Wis. 1873 2647 Atlas of Hardin county, Iowa. 1875 1667 Atlas of Iowa county, Iowa. 1874 1673 Atlas of Keokuk county, Iowa. 1874 1679 1248 Harrison & Warner Continued. Atlas of Madison county, Iowa. 1875 1682 Atlas of Marion county, Iowa. 1875 1684 Atlas of Marshall county, Iowa. 1871 1685 Atlas of Muscatine county, Iowa. 1874 1688 Atlas of Tama county, Iowa. 1875 1697 Atlas of Warren county, Iowa. 1872 f . 1702 Atlas of Washington county, Iowa. 1874 1704 Atlas of Waukesha county, Wis. 1873 2668 Illustrated historical atlas of Adair county, Mo. 1876 .... 1395, 2064, 2066 Harrower, Henry Draper, and Mecutchen, S. Pocket atlas. [1887] 941 Harrower, Henry Draper, and Swinton, W. Descriptive atlas of the United States. [1884] 1419 Hart, Albert Bushnell, 1854- Epoch maps illustrating american history. 1891 1188, 1289 1899 1189,1290 1904 1190,1291 Hart, Joseph C. d. 1855. Modern atlas. 5th ed. 1828 290 7th ed. 1830 291,757 HaskeU, W. W. Atlas of Valley county, Nebr. 1904 Hassenstein, Bruno, 1839-1902. Atlas von Japan. 1885-1887 3210 Hasson, Thomas W., Doyle J. B., Barthel, O., and Halfpenny, H. E. Atlas of the city of Wheeling, W. Va. 1901 2630 Hawkesworth, John, 17157-1773. Account of the voyages. Atlas. [1773] 642,3241 Hayden, Ferdinand Vandiveer, 1829-1887. Geological and geographical atlas of Colorado. 1877 1473 Hayes, E. L. Atlas of Grand Traverse county, Mich. 1881 1969 Atlas of Isabella county, Mich. 1879 1976 Atlas of Leelanau county, Mich. 1881 1983 Atlas of Mecosta county, Mich. 1879 1987 Atlas of Newaygo county, Mich. 1880 1992 Atlas of Osceola county, Mich. 1878 1995 Atlas of Sebastian county, Ark. [1887] 1455 Illustrated atlas of the upper Ohio river. 1877 2348, 2442 Haynes, M. B. Atlas of Renville county, Minn. 1888 2037 Hayward & Howard. Atlas of the city of Brockton, Mass. 1898 1866 He mau palapala aina a me na niele e pili ana. 1840 778, 3259 He ninau no ka palapala honau. [I860?] 830, 3260 Heather, William. Marine atlas. [1804] 704 [1808?] 713 1249 New Mediterranean pilot. 1802 192 New Mediterranean harbour pilot. New ed. 1814 193 North sea and Baltic pilot. 1807 2850 Heermans, Anna A. Hieroglyphic geography of the United States. 1875 1284 Hellert, J. J. Nouvel atlas, physique, politique et historique de 1'empire ottoman. 1843 3158 Helms, J. C. Plat book of Hancock county by townships. 1908 1536 Henion, J. W., and Foote, C. M. Plat book of Columbia county, Wis. 1890 2639 Plat book of Dodge county, Wis. 1890 2643 Plat book of Fond du Lac county, Wis. 1893 2645 Plat book of Goodhue county, Minn. 1894 2018 Plat book of Lafayette county, Wis. 1895 2651 Plat book of Manitowoc and Calumet counties, Wis. 1893 2637 Plat book of Rock county, Wis. 1891 2661 Plat book of Waukesha county, Wis. 1891 2669 Plat book of Washington and Ozaukee counties, Wis. 1892 2654, 2667 Plat book of Winona county, Minn. 1894 2047 Herbertson, Andrew John, and Bartholomew, J. G. Atlas of meteorology. 1899 213 Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio de, 1559-1625. Descripcion de las Indias Ocidentales. 1601 1141 1726 1156 Description des Indes Occidentales. 1622 1144 Nievwe werelt, anders ghenaempt West-Indien. 1622 1145 Nows orbis, sive descriptio Indise Occidentalis. 1622 1146 Heussi, Karl, and Mulert, H. Atlas zur kirchengeschichte. 1905 82, 2784 Hewes, Fletcher Willis, 1838 Citizen 's atlas of american politics, 1789-1888. 1888 1298 Citizen 's atlas of american politics, 1789-1892. [1892] 1299 Hewes, Fletcher Willis, and Gannett, H. Scribner's statistical atlas of the United States. [1883] 1331 - [1885] 1332 Hexamer, Ernest, and Locher, W. Geographisch-statistischer universal-taschen-atlas. 1900 1051 Maps of the city of Philadelphia. 1859 2518 Heyns, Pieter, 1537-1597. Le miroir dv monde. 1579 385 1583 387 Hickmann, A. L. Geographical-statistical universal pocket atlas. [1907] 346 Geographisch-statistischer universal-taschen-atlas. 1900 1051 1250 Hicks-Judd company. San Francisco block book. 1901 1468 1906 1469 1907 . 1470 Higgins, Belden & co. Illustrated historical atlas of Elkhart county, Ind. 1874 1604 Hildebrand, Emil, i. e. Henrik Robert Teodor Emil, 1848-, and Selan- der, N. Atlas till allmannaoch Bvenska historien. [1883] 109,2790,3141 Hills, John. Collection of plan's [!] . . in the province of New Jersey, ms. [1776- 1782] 1339,2143 Historisch-geogrophischer atlas der Schweiz 1870 3154 Hintze, Louis. Atlasof Norman county, Minn. [1907] 2030 Hitchcock, Charles Henry, and Walling, H. F. Atlas of New Hampshire. [1877] 2136 Hixson, W. W., & co. Plat book of Racine & Kenosha counties, Wis. 1899 2650, 2658 Hixson map co. Township plats of Waupaca county, Wis. [1901?] 2671 Hobson, William Colling. Fox-hunting atlas. [1848?] 2903 Hochstetter, Ferdinand von, 1829-1884, and Petermann, A. H. Geologisch-topographischer atlas von Neu-Seeland. 1863 3265 Hodder, Frank Heywood, 1860 Outline maps for an historical atlas of the United States. 1901 1292 Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607-1677. Kingdome of England. [1644] 2914 Holman, A. J. & co. New biblical atlas. 1898 83 Homann, Johann Baptist, 1664-1724. Atlas Germanise specialis. 1753 3035 Atlas novus terrarum. [1702-1750] 539 Grosser atlas. 1737 586 Neuer atlas. 1710-[1731] 556 Neuer atlas . . . iiber die gantze welt. 1712 Kleiner atlas scholasticus. [1732?] 577 Homann heirs. Atlas compendiarivs seu ita dictus scholasticvs minor. 1753 [1753-1790] 294 Atlas geographicvs. 1759-[1781] 622 1759-[1784] 623,624 Atlas mapparum geographicarum. 1762 Atlas novus reipublicae Helveticae. 1769 3151 Atlas regni Bohemiae. 1776 2866 Atlas Silesiae. 1750-[1808] 3046 1251 Beqvemer hand atlas. 1754 615 Homannischer atlas. 1747-[1757] 604 Schul-atlas. 1743 292 1745-[1746] 293 Stadt-atlas. 1762 61 Hondius, Henricus, 1587-1638. Nouveau theatre dv monde. 1639 452 Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1611, and Mercator, G. Atlas ofte afbeeldinghe vande gantsche weerldt. Dutch edition. [1634] . 447 Hood, Edwin C. ' Plat book of Richland county, Wis. 1895 2659 Plat book of Vernon county, Wis. 1896 2664 Hood, Edwin C., and Foote, C. M. Plat book of Barren county, Wis. 1888 2635 Plat book of Chisago county, Minn. 1888 2013 Plat book of Jefferson county, Wis. 1899 2648 Plat book of Juneau county, Wis. 1898 2649 Plat book of Polk county, Wis. 1887 2656 Hooghe, Romein de, 1646?-1708. Zee atlas tot het gebruik van de vlooten des konings van Groot Britanje. 1694 2835 Hoover, H. S. Atlas of Bremer county, Iowa. 1875 1646 Howland, C. W., and Sherman, W. A. Atlas of Abington and Rockland, Mass. 1874 1847, 1932 Hopkins, Griffith Morgan. Atlas of Allegheny. 1890-91 2505 Atlas of Baltimore county, Md. 1877 1783 Atlas of Beverly, Mass. 1880 1852 Atlas of Binghamton, N. Y. 1885 . 2271 Atlas of Bridgeport, Conn. 1888 1484 Atlas of Brookline, Mass. 1874 1869 1884 1870 Atlas of Bryn Mawr and vicinity. 1881 2443, 2508 Atlas of Buffalo, N. Y. 1884 2280 1891 2281 Atlas of Cambridge, Mass. 1873 1871 1886 1872 Atlas of Chattanooga, Tenn. 1889 2585 Atlas of Danbury, Conn. 1880 1486 Atlas of Delaware county, Penn. 1870 2474 Atlas of East Orange, N. J. 1879 2179 Atlas of fifteen miles around Baltimore, including Anne Arundel county, Md. 1878 1782 Atlas of fifteen miles around Baltimore, including Howard county, Md. 1878 1784,1789 Atlas of fifteen miles around Washington, including the counties of Fair- fax and Alexandria, Va. 1879 1500, 2608, 2610 Atlas of fifteen miles around Washington, including the county of Mont- gomery, Md. 1879 1501, 1790, 2611 1252 Hopkins, Griffith Morgan Continued. Atlaa of fifteen miles around Washington, including the county of Prince George, Md. 1878 1499, 1791, 2607, 2609 Atlas of Germantown . . . city of Philadelphia. 1871 2520 Atlas of Gloucester and the town of Rockport, Mass. 1884 .... 1885, 1934 Atlas of Nahant, Mass. 1880 1911 Atlas of Louisville and environs, Ky. 1884 1770 Atlas of Marblehead, Mass. 1881 1903 Atlas of Nashville, Tenn. 1889 2587 Atlas of New Haven, Conn. 1888 1490 Atlas of Newport, R. I. 1883 2565 Atlas of Newton, Middlesex county, Mass. 1874 1914 Atlas of Norfolk, Va. 1889 2617, 2619 Atlas of Pawtucket, R. I. 1880 2567 Atlas of Philadelphia and environs. 1877 2524 Atlaa of Philadelphia, 21st & 28th wards. 1884 2528 let, 26th, and 30th wards. 1885 2529 llth, 12th & 14th wards. 1885 2530 15th ward. 1885 2531 22nd ward. 1885 2532 25th ward. 1886 2533 23rd ward. [1887] 2534 Atlas of Pittsburgh. 1889 2542 1890 2543 Atlas of Pittsburgh & Allegheny. 1882 2503 Atlas of Providence, R. I. 1882 2569 Atlas of St. Louis, Mo. 1883 2105 Atlas of St. Paul, Minn. [1884] 2055 Atlas of Somerville, Mass. 1884 1938 Atlas of Swampscott, Mass. 1880 1943 Atlas of Utica, N. Y. 1883 2332 Atlas of Waterbury, Conn. 1879 1491 Atlas of West Philadelphia. 1872 2521 Atlas of Woburn, Mass. 1875 1956 Atlas of Worcester, Mass. 1886 1959 Atlas of county of Allegheny, Penn. 1876 2459 Atlas of county of Suffolk, Mass. 1874-75 1857 Atlas of properties along the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore rail- road and the Philadelphia & Westchester railroad. 1882 .... 2444, 2526 Atlas of properties near the north Pennsylvania railroad from Wayne junct. to Penllyn stan. 1883 2445 Atlas of properties near the Philadelphia and Trenton railroad, Frankfort to Trenton. 1885 2148,2446 Atlas of the environs of Kansas City, Mo. 1886 2099 Atlas of the environs of St. Paul, including the whole of Ramsey county, Minn. 1886 2035, 2056 Atlas of the vicinities of the cities of Niagara Falls, North Tonawanda and Buffalo, N.Y. 1893 2282,2318,2319 Atlas of the vicinity of the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Penn. 1886 2504,2541 City atlas of Albany, N. Y. 1876 2266 City atlas of Alexandria, Va. 1877 2615 City atlas of Atlanta, Ga. 1878 1507 1253 City atlas of Auburn, N. Y. 1882 2268 City atlas of Baltimore, Md., and environs. 1876-77 1796 City atlas of Camden, N. J. 1877 2174 City atlas of Cleveland, Ohio. 1881 2424 City atlas of Covington, Ky. 1877 1769 City atlas of Hartford, Conn. 1880 1488 City atlas of Haverhill, Mass. 1881 1890 City atlas of Lawrence, Mass. 1875 1896 City atlas of Lynn, Mass. 1880 1898 City atlas of Macon, Ga. 1878 1509 City atlas of Mobile, Ala. [1878] 1451 City atlas of Newport, R. I. 1876 2564 City atlas of Orange and township of West Orange, N. J. 1878 2190 City atlas of Oswego, N. Y. 1880 2320 City atlas of Philadelphia by wards. 1875-76 2523 City atlas, Philadelphia, 29th ward. 1882 2527 City atlas of Providence, R. I. 1875 2568 City atlas of Rochester, N. Y. 1875 2322 City atlas of Schenectady, N. Y. 1880 2325 City atlas of Scranton, Penn. 1877 2556 City atlas of Toledo, Ohio. 1881 2436 City atlas of Troy, N. Y. 1881 2331 City atlas of Wilmington, Del. 1876 1493 City of Boston, Mass. 1882 1858 Combined atlas of the state of New Jersey and the city of Newark. 1873 . 2145, 2187 Combined atlas of the state of New Jersey and the county of Hudson. 1873 2146,2160 Complete set of surveys and plats of properties in ... Kansas [City], Mo. [1886] 2100 [1887] 2101 [1891] 2102 Complete set of surveys and plats of properties in ... Minneapolis, Minn. [1885] 2053 Complete set of surveys and plats of properties in ... Omaha . . . Nebr. [1887] 2130 Complete set of surveys and plats of properties in ... Washington, D. C. 1887 1503 Complete set of surveys and plats of properties in Wyandotte county and Kansas City, Kans. [1887] 1744, 1745 Detailed estate and old farm atlas of the city of Brooklyn, N. Y. 1880 . . 2275 Real estate plat-book of Pittsburgh. 1899-1900 2547 Real estate plat book of the eastern vicinity of Pittsburgh, Penn. 1895 . 2544 Real estate plat book of the northern vicinity of Pittsburgh, Penn. 1897 . 2546 Real estate plat book of the south-eastern vicinity of Pittsburgh, Penn. 1900 2548 Real estate plat-book of the southern vicinity of Pittsburgh, Penn. 1896 . 2545 Real estate plat book of Washington, D. C. 1892-96 1504 Hopkins, G. M., CO. Atlas of Hudson county, N. J. v. 1. 1908 2162a, 2183a v. 2. 1909 * Atlas of Nashville, Tenn. 1908 2589 1254 Hopkins, G. M., co. Continued. Atlas of . . . Syracuse, N. Y. 1908 2329a Atlas of the county of Fayette and the state of Pennsylvania. 1872 . 2452, 2476 Atlas of the county of Montgomery and the state of Pennsylvania. 1871 < 2451,2487 Atlas of the vicinity of Camden, N.J. 1907 2177 Real estate plat-book of Chattanooga. 1904 2586 Real estate plat-book of Allegheny. 1907 2507 Hopkins, G. M., & co. Atlas of Buffalo, Erie county, N. Y. 1872 2279 Atlas of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. 1872 2502, 2539 Atlas of Salem, Mass. 1874 1935 Atlas of Somerville, Mass. 1874 1937 Atlas of the county of Suffolk, Mass. 1874-75 1825 Combination atlas of the county of Butler and the state of Pennsylvania. 1874 :....*. . . . . 2455,2465 Combination atlas of the county of Mercer and the state of Pennsylvania. 1873 ........... 2454,2484 Real estate plat book of Pittsburgh. 1903 2550 1904-1906 2551 Real estate plat-book of the eastern vicinity of Pittsburgh, Penn. 1903 . . 2549 Real estate plat-book of the northern vicinity of Pittsburgh, Penn. 1906 . 2553 Real estate plat book of the southern vicinity of Pittsburgh, Penn. 1905 . 2552 Hopkins, Henry W. Real estate plat book of Allegheny. 1901-[1902] 2506 Horn, Georg, 1620-1670. Accuratissima orbis antiqui delineatio. 1654 16 Accuratissima orbis delineatio. 1660 1740 17 Horsburgh, James, 1762-1836. Atlas of the East Indies and China sea. 1806-1821 3171 Houze, Antoine Philippe. Atlas universel historique et geographique. 1848 110 [1849] Ill Hovey, Arthur M. Atlas of Lawrence county, Mo. 1900 2082 Hovey & Frame. Atlas of Monroe county, Iowa. [1902] 1687 Atlas of Warren county, Iowa. 1902 1703 Howden, J. A., and Odbert, A. Atlas of Warren county, Penn. 1878 2498 Howland, H. G. Atlas of Hardin county, Ohio. 1879 2382 Hubault, Gustave. 1825- Atlas de geographic. [1873?] 867 Huberts, Wilhelmus Jacobus Arnoldus de Witt, 1829- Nieuwe geographisehe atlas. [1870] 857 Huebinger, Melchoir. Atlas of Iowa. 1904 1640 Atlas of Peoria and environs, 111. 1909 * 1255 Huebinger surveying and map publishing co. Atlas of Story county, Iowa. 1902 1696 Standard historical atlas of Jasper county, Iowa. 1901 1676 Hughes, William, 1817-1876. Atlas of classical geography. New York ed. [1856] 19 Philadelphia ed. 1856 18 Popular atlas of comparative geography. 1876 112 Hughes, William, Hall, S., & others. Black's general atlas. 1844 793 Hulbert, Archer Butler, 1873- Crown collection of photographs of american maps. 1904-1908 1191 NOTE. Vol. 5 received after this work had gone to press. Indexed under subjects. Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander, freiherr von, 1769-1859. Atlas geographique et physique du royaume de la Nouvelle-Espagne. 1812 2682 Voyage de Humboldt etBonpland. Atlas geographique et physique. 1805- 1834. 2726 Hunt, F. W. J. H. Colton's historical atlas. 1860 113 Hunt & Eaton. Columbian atlas. [1893] 981 Hunter, C. M. Atlas of the city of Williamsport, Penn. 1888 2560 Huntington, Nathaniel Gilbert. School atlas. 1833 295 Hurd, D. H., & co. Town and city atlas of state of Connecticut. 1893 1476 Town and city atlas of the state of New Hampshire. 1892 2137 Hurlbert, J. Beaufort. Physical atlas ... of Canada. 1880 1234 Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman, 1843- Manual of biblical geography. [1884] , 84 Hyde, E. Belcher. Atlas of Nassau county, Long Island, N. Y. 1906 2240 Atlas of Suffolk county, Long Island, N. Y. v. 1. 1902 2255 v. 2. 1909 * Atlas of the rural country district north of New York city. 1908 . 1477, 2264, 2317 Din, Alexil Afenogenovich, 1832-1889. OntiTb cxaTHCTHiecKaro axjiaca. Statistical atlas of the Russian empire. 1874 3114 India. Department of revenue and agriculture. Statistical atlas of India. 1895 3200 India. Meteorological department. Climatological atlas of India. 1906 3197 Meteorological atlas of the Indian seas. 1908 3204 Indian Territory map co. Township maps of the Cherokee nation. [1909] 35799 VOL 209 4 1256 Inglis, Harry B. G. "Contour" road book of England. 1901 2906 Institute geografico argentine. Buenos Aires. Atlas de la republica Argentina. 1886 2732 1898 . 2735 International boundary commission. Boundary between the United States and Mexico . . . 1882. Revived . . . 1889. [1899] 1262,2680 Linea divisoria entre Mexico y los Estados Unidos . . . 1882, renovada . . . 1889. [1901] 1263,2681 Interstate publishing co. Plat book of Clay county, Iowa. 1887 1652 Plat book of Rock county, Minn. 1886 2040 Iowa publishing co. Atlas of Carroll county, Iowa. 1906 1650 Atlaa of Dubuque county, Iowa. 1906 1659 Atlas of Linn county, Iowa. 1907 1681 Atlas of Rock Island county, 111. 1905 1563 Atlas of Scott county, Iowa. 1905 1694 Atlas of Washington county, Iowa. 1906 1706 Italy. Ministero del lavori pubblici. Album dei porti i, ii e iii classe. [1873] 3057 Italy. Ministero delta marina. Portolano della Liguria. 1855 3066 Portolano della Sardegna. [1842] 3071 Italy. Ministero di agricoltura indttstria e commercio. Direzione generate della, statistica. Carte topografiche, idrografighe e geologiche annesse alle monografia statis- tica della citta di Roma. 1883 3070 Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & co. Handy atlas of the world. [1884] 917 Standard classic atlas. [1885] 20 Jackson map co. Twentieth century plat book of Grayson county, Tex. 1908 * Jacobsz, Theunis or Anthonie called Loots-man. Lightningh columne. 1692 510, 2834 Lighting colom of the Midland-sea. 1692 194 Nieuwe groote geoctroyeerde verbeterde en vermeerderde Loots-mans zee-spiegel. 1707 * Nieuwgroot straets-boeck inhoudende d'Middellantse zee. 1648 .... * Jacobsz Theunis, or Anthonie, called Loots-man, Doncker, H., and Goos, H. Lightning columne. 1689-[1692] 504,2832 Jacquemart Alfred, i. e., Eugene, Alfred, 1836-, and Mager, H. Atlas colonial. 1890 2952 Jaeger, Julius, 1848- Atlas van het koningrijk der Nederlanden. [1883] 3085 1257 Jaillot, Charles Hubert Alexis, 1640-1712. Atlas francois. 1695 520 1695-[1696] 519 Jaillot, Charles Hubert Alexis, & others. Atlas franfois. 1700-[1724] 534 Jansson, Jan, d. 1666. Atlantis majoris. Editio secunda. 1657 465 Guerre d'ltalie. 1702 3060 Illustriorum Hispanise urbium tabulae. [1652?] Joannis Jansonii atlas contractus. 1666 475 loannis lanssonii novus atlas. 1646-49 459 Nieuwen atlas ofte werelt. 1652-1653 * Novus atlas. 1646 2894 Nuevo atlas. 1653 463 Japan. Bureau of education. [Census atlas of Japan. 1902] 3207 Jefferys, Thomas, 1699-1775. American atlas. 1775 1165 General topography of North America and the West Indies. 1768 . . 1196, 2697 West-India atlas. 1775 2699 - 1783-[1787] 2701 1794 2702 1794-[1796] 2703 1818 2708 West-India islands. 1810 2705 Jefferys, Thomas, & others. American atlas. 1776 1166 1782 1169 Jenks, William, 1778-1866. Explanatory bible atlas. 1847 84a - 4th ed. 1849 85 Jewett, C. F., one? Walker, G. H. Columbia and Mon tour counties, Penn. 1876 2471,2491 County atlas of Tioga, Penn. 1875 2497 Joanne, Adolphe Laurent, 1813-1881. Atlas de la defense nationale cartes des dix-sept departements envahis ou menaces par 1'ennemi. 1870 2969 Atlas de la France. 1873 3005 Geographic, histoire, statistique et archeologie . . . de la France. 1882 . 3004 Jode, Gerard de, 1515-1591, and Jode, Cornells de, 1568-1600. Specvlvm orbis terrarvm. [1578] 383 Specvlvm orbis terrse. [1593-1613] 398, 399 Joerns brothers. Illustrated historical atlas of Sheboygan county, Wis. 1902 2663 Johnson, Alvin J. New illustrated . . . family atlas. 1862 837 - 1863 840 1864 843 1870 858 1883 . 913 1258 Johnson, A. J., & co. New illustrated family atlas. 1884 918 New general cyclopaedia and . . . hand-atlas. 1885 926 Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871. Half-crown atlas of physical geography. [1870] 230 Handy royal atlas. 1868 853 Index geographicus. [1864J 842 National atlas. 1850 799 Physical atlas. 1849 225, 226 Physical atlas of natural phenomena. 1850 227 Newed. 1856 229 Royal atlas. 1861 835 1873 868 1882 905 1905 1103 School atlas. 3d ed. 1853 296 School atlas of classical geography. 1853 21 School atlas of physical geography. 1852 228 Johnston, W. & A. K. Atlas of commercial geography. [1892] 73 Atlas of India. 1894 3203 Colonial atlas of Oceania. 1886 3247 Historical atlas. 1880 114 M. P. atlas. 1907 * Royal atlas of modern geography. 1908 Unrivaled atlas. [1903] 1087 Victoria regina atlas. 1902 1078 World-wide atlas. 1900 1052 Jollain, Cl. Tresor des cartes g6ographiqves. [1667] 477 Joly, Joseph Romain, 1715-1805. Atlas de 1'ancienne ge'ographie universelle. 1801 22 Jomard, Edme Franois, 1777-1862. Monuments de la geographic. [1842-62] 251 Jomini, Antoine Henri de, baron, 1779-1869. Atlas pour servir a 1'intelligence de 1'Histoire critique et militaire des guerres de la revolution. 1840 2970 1841 2971 Jones, A. W. Popular atlas. [1892] 972 Jones, Charles Henry, 1837-, and Hamilton, T. F. Historical atlas of the world. 1876 115 People's pictorial atlas. 1873 869 Jones, G. H., & co. Atlas of Philadelphia. 1874-75 2522 Jones, T. W., and Moore, S. S. Traveller's directory. 1802 1327 1804 1328 Jong, Dirk de, and Sallieth, M. de. Atlas van alle de zee-havens der bataafsche republick. 1802 * 1259 Joppen, Charles. Historical atlas of India. 1907 3199 Jouanny, L. A. Atlas del Peru. 1867 2770 Jourdan, Emilio Carlos, 1835- Atlas historico da guerra do Paraguay. 1871 2766 Juko Sliiga. [Atlas of Japan. 1902] 3208 Julien, Roch-Joseph. Atlas geographique et militaire de la France. 1751 2972 Atlas topographique et militaire. 1758 3029 Nouveau theatre de guerre. 1758 3030 Theatre du monde. 1768 641 K. Akademie der wissenschaften. Vienna. Historischer atlas osterreichen Alpenlander. 1906 2858a Kampen, Albert van, 1842-1891. Orbis terrarum antiquus. 1884 23 Kaufmann. Charles D. Street atlas of Philadelphia by wards. 1895 2538 Kauffman, William J., and Kauffmann, Orrin F. Atlas of Stark county, Ohio. 1896 2416 Kaupert, Johann August, 1822-1899, and Curtius, E. Karten von Attika. 1904 3052 Kausler, Franz Georg Friedrich von, 1794-1848. Atlas des plus memorables batailles. 1831-[1837] 349 Kawada, S., and Shigeno, Y. [Shina kyo-eki en-kaku dz. 1896] 3183 Keere, Pieter van den, d. 1624? Petri Kserii Germania inferior id est, xvii provinciarum ejus norse et exactse geographic*. 1622 3075 Keller, Christoph, 1683-1707. Geographia antiqua. 1774 24 - Newed. 1799, 25 Keller & Fuller. Illustrated atlas of Posey county, Ind. 1900 1622 Kenna, Thomas J. Land map of the county of Kings, state of New York. 1894 2234 Kerhallet, Charles Marie Philippes de, 1809-1863. Manuel de la navigation a la cote occidentale d'Afrique. 1852 3234 Manuel de la navigation dans la mer des Antilles etdans le golfe du Mexi- que. Vues de c6tes. 1854 2710 Keulen, Joannes van, d. 1755. Grand nouvel atlas de la mer. 169[6] * Groote nieuwe vermeerderde zee-atlas. 1734 584 Keulen, Joannes van, 1696-1763, anrfMarre, J. de. Nieuwe groote lichtende zee fakkel. 1753 3164 1260 Kiepert, Heinrich, i. e., Johann Samuel Heinrich, 1818-1899. Atlas antiquus. 12. aufl. 1898? '*' 26 Compendioser allgemeiner atlas. 1855 815 Deutecher kolonial-atlas. 1893 3021 Formae orbisantiqui. 1894 27 Grosser hand-atlas. [1893-96] ;'". 982 Historisch-geographischer atlas der alten welt. 13. verb. aufl. 1860 . . 28 Topographisch-historischer atlas von Hellas und den Hellenischen colo- nien. 1851 .' 3051 Kiepert, Heinrich, /. e., Johann Samuel Heinrich, Graf, C., Graf, A., and Bruhns, K. C. Hand-atlas. [1874?] 871 Kiepert, Heinrich, i. e., Johann Samuel Heinrich, and Wolf, K. Historischer schul-atlas. [7. aufl. 1897] 116 King, Nicolas, d. 1812. Plats of the city of Washington. [1888] 1495 Kingman brothers. Combination atlas map of Howard county, Ind. 1877 1613 New historical atlas of Miami co., Ind. [1877] 161g Kirk, W. H., & co. Chester county, Penn. 1883 2469 Kiser, Ellis. Atlas of Essex county, N.J. 1906 2158 Kiser, Ellis, and Barthel, O. Atlas of Atlantic City, N.J. 1896 2172 Kiser, Ellis, and Lathrop, J. M. Atlas of Atlantic City . . . New Jersey. 1908 2172a Kitchin, Thomas, 1718-1784. General atlas. 1797 687 Kitchin, Thomas, & others. General atlas. [1768-1788] 668 - [1770?] 643 1780 653 New universal atlas. [1789]-1796 685 1795 682 1802 699 1805 709 Kitchin, Thomas, Bowen, E., & others. Royal english atlas. [1778] 2920,2921 Klinckowstrb'm, Axel "Leonha.rd,friherre, 1775-1837. Atlas . . . om de Forente Staterne. [1824] 1375 Klint, Gustaf af, 1771-1840. Sveriges sjo atlas. [1832-1845] 2854 Knapton, John, and Knapton, Paul. Geographia classica. 8th ed. 1747 29 Knight, Thomas Harold, and Benians, E. A. Historical atlas. 1908 . 2880a 1261 Koch, Christophe Guillaiune, 1737-1813. Maps, and tables of chronology and genealogy. 1831 2791 Koch, Wilhelm, 1823-1902. Verkehrs-atlas von Europa. 1906 2783 Koch, Wilhelm, and Opitz, C. Eisenbahn- und verkehrsatlas von Russland. [1900] 3115 Kochersperger, H. L., and Kochersperger, D. H. People's illustrated & descriptive family atlas. 1884 919 - [1886] ...."* 930 Kb'hler, Johann David, 1684-1755. Atlas manualis. [1724?] 567,568,569 Bequemer echul- und reisen atlas. [1734?] 582 [Descriptio orbis antiqvi. 1720?] 30, 31 Kollner, August. Views of cities ... in the United States and Canada. [1848-51] .... 1267 Kohl, Johann Georg, 1808-1878. Die beiden altesten general-karten von Amerika. 1860 1135 Koninklijk instituut voor taal-land en volkenkunde van nederlandsch Indie. Atlas van karten over Nieuw Guinea. 1862 3264 Kopp, J. Kopp's taschen-weltatlas. [1908?] 1128 Krasilnikov, Andrei Dmitrievich, 1704-, and Rychkov, P. I. OpendyprcKaa rydepnia. Province of Orenburg. 1880 3122 Krause, F. L., & others. Atlas of the city of Cleveland, Ohio. 1898 2429 Kretschmer, Konrad, 1864- Die entdeckung Amerika's in ihrer bedeutung fur die gesrhichte des welt- bildes. 1892 1136 Kruse, Christfan. Atlas zur iibersicht der geschichte aller europaischen lander und staaten. [1822?] 2792 Tabellen und charten zur allgemeinen geschichte der drey letzten jahr- hunderte. 1821 2793 Krusenstern, Adam Johann von, 1770-1846. Axjiac'fa K)3KHaro Mopa. Atlas de 1'ocean Pacifique. 1826-1827 3242 1827-[1838] 200 Kunstmann, Friedrich, 1811-1867. Die entdeckung Amerikas. 1859 1137 Kunz, Martin, 1847- Relief-atlas fur blinde. 1907 . * Kuyper, Jakob, 1821- Atlas van Nederland. [1902?] 3087 Gemeente-atlas van Nederland. [1865-1870] 3084 Nieuwe atlas der wereld. [1864] 844 Labberton, Robert Henlopen, 1812-1898. Chautauqua atlas of english history. [1886] 2882 Historical atlas. 1872 . 1.17 1262 Labberton, Robert Henlopen Continued. Historical atlas. 6th ed. 1880 118 7th ed. 1884 -. . 119 1885 . 120 Historical atlas 3800 B. C. to 1900 A. D. 16th ed. 1901 122 New historical atlas. 1886 121 Laborde, Alexandre Louis Joseph, comte de, 1773-1842. Atlas de l'itinraire descriptif de 1'Espagne. 1809 3135 Atlas del itinerario descriptivo de Espana. 1826 . . .- 3136 La Brugere, F. de. See Fayard de la Brugere, Jean Artheme. Laet, Joannes de, 1593-1649. Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien. 1630 1148 L'histoire dv Nouveau Monde. 1640 1150 Nieuvve wereldt. 1625 1147 Novvs orbis; seu descriptions Indise Occidentalis. 1633 1149 La Feuille, Daniel de. Atlas portatif. 1706-[1708] 2820 La Guilbaudiere, Jouhan de. Description des principaux endroits de la Mer du Sud. ms. [1696] . . . 1154 La Harpe, Jean Frangois de, 1739-1803. Abrege de 1'histoire general des voyages. Atlas. 1820 591 Lake, D. J. Atlas of Athens county, Ohio. 1875 2355 Atlas of Columbiana county, Ohio. 1870 2364 Atlas of Cuyahoga county, Ohio. 1874 2367 Atlas of Guernsey county, Ohio. 1870 2380 Atlas of Hocking county, Ohio. 1876 2386 Atlas of Jackson county, Ohio. 1875 2388 Atlas of Lake and Geauga counties, Ohio. 1874 2379, 2392 Atlas of Lorain county, Ohio. 1874 2395 Atlas of Vinton county, Ohio. 1876 2419 Lake, D. J., and Griffing, B. H. Atlas of Brown county, Ohio. 1876 2356 Lake, D. J., Stanford, G. P., and Gould, F. H. Atlas of Randolph county, Ind. 1874 1624 Lake, D. J., & others. Atlas of Allegan county, Mich. 1873 1961 Atlas of Ashtabula county, Ohio. 1874 2353 Atlas of Branch county, Mich. 1872 1964 Atlas of Cass county, Mich. 1872 1966 Atlas of Clarke county, Ohio. 1870 2358 Atlas of Clermont county, Ohio. 1870 2360 1891 2361 Atlas of Coshocton county, Ohio. 1872 2365 Atlas of Frederick county, Md. 1873 1788 Atlas of Highland county, Ohio. 1871 2384 Atlas of Morrow county, Ohio. 1871 2403 Atlas of Pickaway county, Ohio. 1871 2408 Atlas of Preble county, Ohio. 1871 2410 Atlas of Washington county, Ohio. 1875 2420 Lake, D. J., & co. Atlas of Bath & Fleming counties, Ky. 1884 1746, 1754 Atlas of Boone, Kenton, and Campbell counties, Ky. 1883 . . 1747, 1750, 1760 Atlas of Bracken and Pendleton counties, Ky. 1884 1749, 1764 Atlas of Carroll and Gallatin counties, Ky. 1883 1751, 1755 Atlas of Clay county, 111. 1881 1523 Atlas of Gibson and Pike counties, Ind. 1881 1606,1621 Atlas of Greene county, Ind. 1879 1607 Atlas of Harrison county, Ind. 1882 1609 Atlas of Henry and Shelby cos., Ky. 1882 1757, 1765 Atlas of Jennings county, Ind. 1884 1615 Atlas of Nelson & Spencer cos., Ky. 1882 1761, 1766 Atlas of Owen county, Ky. 1883 1763 Atlas of Ripley county, Ind. 1883 1625 Atlas of Rockingham county, Va. 1885 2614 Atlas of Switzerland and Ohio counties, Ind. 1883 1620, 1629 Atlas of Union county, 111. 1881 1572 Illustrated historical atlas of Henderson and Union counties, Ky., 1880 1756,1767 Illustrated historical atlas of Spencer county, Ind. 1879 1628 Illustrated historical atlas of Warrick county, Ind. 1880 1634 Lake, Griffing & Stevenson. Illustrated atlas of Carroll county, Md. 1877 1786 Illustrated historical atlas of Clinton county, Ohio. 1876 2362 Illustrated atlas of Talbot & Dorchester counties, Md. 1877 1787 Atlas of Wicomico, Somerset & Worcester counties, Md. 1877 . 1792, 1794, 1795 Lanagan, J., and Beers, D. G. Atlas of Jefferson and Oldham counties, Ky. 1879 1758, 1762 Lanciani, Rodolfo Amadeo, 1847- Forma vrbis Romae. [1901] 3068 Lane, Michael, Cook, J., & others. Collection of charts of the coasts of Newfoundland and Labradore. [1765- 1768] 1254 Lange, Henry, 1821-1893. Atlas von Nord-Amerika. 1854 1230 Atlas von Sachsen. 1860 3045 Kartenwerk zu dr. Karl Andree's Nord-Amerika. 1854 1231 Volksschul-atlas. [1892] Langenes, Barent. Caert-thresoor. 1599 410 Hand-boeck. 1609 424 Thresor de chartes. [1602] 415 [1610?] 428 Langhans, Paul, 1867- Justus Perthes' deutscher marine-atlas. 2. aufl. 1898 173,3025 Langlois, Hyacinths. Atlas portatif et itineraire de 1'Europe. 1817 2809 Laperouse, Jean Franois de Galaup, comte de, 1741-1788. Voyage de La Perouse. Atlas. 1797 688 Voyage round the world. Atlas. 1799 693 1264 Lapie, Alexandra Emile, fils, and Lapie, P. Atlas universal. 1829-[1833] 754,765 1829-[1842] 123 1841-[1842] 123a,787 Lapie, Pierre, 1779-1850. Atlas classique et universel. 1824 744 Laplace, Cyrille Pierre Theodore, 1793-1875. Voyage autour du monde. Atlas hydrographique. 1833-1839 .... 202, 3174 Laporte, Joseph de, 1713-1779. Atlas moderne portatif . 1781 654 Atlas . . . pour 1'intelligence du voyageur franyois. 1787 662 Larousse, Libraire. Atlas Larousse, illustre. [1899] 1035 Las Cases, Emmanuel, i. e. Marie Joseph Auguste Emmanuel Dieu- donne', comte de, 1766-1842. Atlas historique. [1803] 124 [1807] 125 ed. populaire. [1835] 128 1853 129 Atlante storico. 1826 126 Veneta ed. 1826-[1840] 127 LeSage's [pseud.] historical . . . atlas. 2d ed. 1818 130 Latham, E. B., and Baylor, H. B. Atlas of Atlanta, Ga. 1893 1508 Lathrop, J. M. Atlas of the city of Trenton and borough of Princeton, Mercer county, N. J. 1905 . . . 2195,2199 Lathrop, J. M., and Dayton, A. W. Atlas of Frederick county, Va. 1885 2612 Lathrop, J. M., and Kiser, E. Atlas of Atlantic City . . . New Jersey. 1908 2172a Lathrop, J. M., and Penny, H. C. Atlas of Highland county, Ohio. 1887 2385 Lathrop, J. M., & others. Atlas of Orange county, N. Y. 1903 2245 Atlas of the city of Erie, Penn. 1900 2510 Lathrop, J. M., & co. Plat book of Monroe county, N. Y. [1902] 2238 Latour, Arsene Lacarriere, d. 1839. Atlas to the historical memoir of the war in West Florida and Louisiana. 1816 1345 Lattre, J. Atlas topographique des environs de Paris. [1762?] 3013 Petit atlas moderne. [1821?] 741 Laurie, Robert, 17557-1836, and Whittle, J. African pilot. 1801 3232 [1816] 3233 Complete East-India pilot. 1800 3170 1265 Complete East-India pilot. 1803 700 1806 3172 New and elegant, imperial, sheet atlas. 1808 716 1813-[1814] 720 Lavallee, Theophile Sebastien, 1806-1866. Atlas de geographic militaire. 1859 177,2973 1902 2973a Lavoisne, C. V. Complete genealogical, historical . . . atlas. 2d american ed. 1820 . . 131 - 3d american ed. 1821 132 Uawler, Finn. Plat book of Wisconsin lake region. 1908 2632 Iiea, Isaac, 1792-1886, and Carey, H. C. Complete historical, chronological, and geographical american atlas. 1822 1373a 1827 1177,1227,1379,2728 Family cabinet atlas. 1832 762 1834 767 !Lea, Philip. Hydrographia universalis. [1700?] 527 Leach, H. W. Atlas of the city of Oshkosh, Wis. 1895 2678 Iieavenworth, A., Warner, G. E., Beers, F. W., & others. Atlas of Delaware county, Ohio. 1866 2372 Le Boucher, Odet Julien, 1744-1826. Atlas pour servir a 1'intelligence . . . de la guerre de 1'independence des Etats-Unis. [1830] 1340 Xieer, Genuk Antonovich, 1829- KapTbi KT> crpaxerin. Strategical maps. 1885-1887 2821 Leete, Charles Henry, 1857-, and Chisholm, G. G. Longman's new school atlas. New ed. 1901 271 Lefevre, I. A. Atlas of Manhattan island, N. Y. 1895-96 2311 Atlas of Staten Island, Richmond county, N. Y. 1894 2205 Index to atlas of Manhattan island, N. Y. 1896 2312 Yearly index to atlas of Manhattan island, N. Y. 1896 2313 Iiegendre, P., and Malleterre, G. Livre-atlas des colonies francaises. [1900] 2953 Iiehmann, Richard, 1845-, and Petzhold, W. Atlas fur mittel-und oberklassen hoherer lehranstalten. 3. aufl. 1904 . . 297 Iiehmann, Richard, and Scobel, A. Atlas fiir hohere lehranstalten. 1903 74, 298 Leidel. Edward F., and Poetsch, C. J. Official quarter sectional atlas of the city of Milwaukee. 1907 2677 Lelewel, Joachim, 1786-1861. Atlas do J. Lelewela. 1818 133 Geographic du moyen age. Atlas. 1850 252 1266 Le Masson du Pare, Collection of maps. 1717? 560 Viies, plans et perspectiues de diuers lieux et places considerables. [1713] 2781 Leniau de la Jaisse, Pierre. Plans des principales places de guerre et villes maritimes frontieres du royaume de France. 1736 2974 Lenormant, Francois, i. e., Charles Frangois, 1837-1883. Atlas d'histoire ancienne de 1'Orient. [1868J 31a Le Rouge, George Louis. Atlas Ameriquain Septentrional. 1778-[1792] 1212 Atlas nouveau portatif. [1748] 607 [1756]-1759 618 Recueil des fortifications, forts et ports de mer de France. [1760?] . . . 2975 Pilote Ame'ricain Septentrional. 1778 1210 Recueil des plans de 1'Amerique Septentrionale. 1755 1185 Leroy, Charles, and Drioux, C. J. Atlas universel. 1887 940a 1879 -... 889 Le Sage, A., pseud. See Las Cases, Emmanuel, i. e. Marie Joseph Au- guste Emmanuel DieudonnS, comle de, 1766-1842. Leth, Hendrik de, de jonge. Nieuwe geographische en historische atlas. [1740] 3080 Letoschek, Emil. Geographischer repetitions- und zeichen-atlas. I. Europa. 1888 . . . 2801 Letts, son & co. Popular atlas. 1881-1883 900 Popular county atlas. 1884 2929 Leutemann, Heinrich. Illustrirter handatlas. 1863 841 Levanto, Francesco Maria. Prima parte dello specchio del mare. 1664 2803 Levasseur, Emile, {. e., Pierre Emile, 1828- Atlas de geographic economique. [1904] 75 Levasseur, Victor. Atlas national. 1847 3000 1856 3003 Lewis, Samuel, d. 1865. Atlas to the topographical dictionaries of England and Wales. 1844 . . . 2927 Lewis, Samuel, and Arrowsmith, A. New and elegant general atlas. 1804 02 1805 708 1812 718 1819 734 Liais, Emmanuel, 1826-1900. Hydrographie du haut San-Francisco et du rio das Velhas. 1865 .... 2746 Lighter, J. W. Plat book of Pocahontas county, Iowa. 1897 1691 1267 Lippincott, J. B., co. Popular family atlas. 1886 931 Iiizars, Daniel. Edinburgh geographical and historical atlas. [1831?] 761 Lizars, William Home, 1788-1859. Edinburgh geographical atlas. [1842?] 782 Lloyd, H. H. & co. Handy atlas. 1872 864 Lobeck, Tobias. Atlas geographicus portatilis. [!] [1762?] 631,632 Kurzgefasste geographic. [1762?] 630 Iiocher, William, and Hexamer, E. Maps of the city of Philadelphia. 1859 2518 Iiockwood, Anthony. Brief description of Nova Scotia. 1818 1252 Lowenberg, Julius, 1800-1893. Historisch-geographischer atlas. 1839 134 Longnon, Auguste Honore, 1844- Atlas historique de la France. 1885-1889 2957 Texte explicatif des planches. 1885-1889 2957a Xioon, Joannes van. Klaer lichtende noort-ster ofte zee atlas. 1661 470 1666 476 Lopez, Felicisimo. Atlas geografico del Ecuador. 1907 2763 Lopez, Tomas, i. e., Tomas Lopez de Vargas Mackuca, 1731-1802. Atlas elemental. 1792 677 Atlas geographico de la America Septentrional y Meridional. 1758 . . . 1159 Atlas geographico del reyno de Espaiia. [1757] 3132 Lord, John King, 1848- Atlas of the geography and history of the ancient world. [1902] 32 Los Angeles Saturday post. Unrivalled atlas. 1901 1067a Lowry, John Wilson, 1803-1879. Table atlas. [1852] 806 Lubrecht, Charles. Pictorial and comprehensive atlas. 1885 927 Lucas, Sir Charles Prestwood, 1853- Our empire atlas. 1897 2900 Lucas, Fielding, jr., 1781-1854. General atlas. [1823] 742 New and elegant general atlas, containing maps of each of the United States. [1816?] New general atlas of the West India islands. [1824?] 2709 Lubin, Augustin, 1624-1695. Orbis Avgvstianvs. 1659 466 1268 Liiddecke, Richard, 1859-1898, and Haack, H. Deutscher schul-atlas. 3. aufl. 1901 299 Liitke, Fedor Petrovich, graf, 1797-1882. ATJIHCT> ict nvTemecTBiio BOKpyr(5 cB-fexa nuiiona ceHHBHHa . . - Atlas du voyage autour du monde. 1835 203, 773 Luffman, John. Geographical & topographical atlas. 1815-1816 725 Select plans of the principal cities . . . &c. in the world. 2 v. 1801- [1802] 62 - 2 v. 1801-[1803] 63 Luncan, I., and Gorjan, A. Atlas-geografie. 1895 1000 Atlas-geografie Romania. 1895 3097 Luyts, Jan, 1655-1721. Introductio ad geographiam novam et veterem. 1692 511 Lyiuaii, Azel. S. Lyman's historical chart. 1874 135 Maclot, Jean Charles, 1728-1805. Atlas general mthodique et el^mentaire. 1770 645 1786 658 MacCoun, Townsend, 1845- Historical geography of the United States. 1889 1293 1890 1294 [1901] 1295 Macullar, Parker & co. Atlas sample book. [1879] 1404 McClure, Edmund. Historical church atlas. 1897 86 McCulloch, John Ramsay, 1789-1864. Dictionary ... of commerce . . . Atlas. 1859 76 McKenzie, Murdoch, the elder, d. 1797. Aanwyzing voor de zeelieden, door de Orcadische eylanden. [1753] . . . 2943 McLean, Robert. New atlas of Australia. [1886] 3253 Maelen, Philippe Marie Guillaume van der. See Vandermaelen, Phi- lippe Marie Guillaume. Mager, Henri, 1859- Atlas colonial. [1885] 68, 2951 Mager, Henri, and Jacquemart A. Atlas colonial. 1890 2952 Magini, Giovanni Antonio, 1555-1617. Italia. 1620 3061 Mallat de Bassilan, Jean, 1806-1863. Les Philippines . . . Atlas. [1846] 3223 Mallet, Alain Manesson, 1630-1706. Description de 1'univers. 1683 * 1269 Malleterre, Gabriel, i. e., Pierre Marie Gabriel, 1858-, and Legendre, P. Livre-atlas des colonies francaises. 6 v. [1900] 2953 Malte-Brun, Conrad, originally Malthe Conrad Bruun, 1775-1786. New general atlas. 1837 775 Universal geography. 1827-1829 751 1832 763 Malte-Brun, Conrad, originally Malthe Conrad Bruun, and Mentelle, E. Geographic math^matique, physique et politique. 1804 705 Manen, Leopold, i. e., Eugene Mare Leopold, 1829-1897. Atlas de la Basse Cochinchine. [1863] 3205 Manesson Mallet, Alain. See Mallet, Alain Manesson. Manila. Observatorio. Atlas de Filipinas. 1900 3225 Islas Filipinas. mss. [1900] 3224 Marcel, Gabriel Alexandre, 1843-1909. Chdix de cartes et mappemondes des xiv 6 et xv e siecles. 1896 254 Recueil de voyages et de documents pour servir & 1'histoire de la geographic. 1894 138 Marga, Anatole, 1843- Geographie militaire. Atlas. 1884-1885 2822 Marks, A. F. ATjiac-b. Large general table atlas. 1904-1905 1095 Marmocchi, Francesco Celestino, 1805-1858. Globo atlante di carte geografiche compilate. 1858 828 Nuovo atlante cosmografico. 1878 887 Marre, Jan de, 1696-1763, and Keulen, J. van. De nieuwe groote lichtende zee fakkel. 1753 3164 Marshall, John, 1755-1835. Atlas to Marshall's Life of Washington. [1832] 1342 Life of George Washington. Maps. 1807 1341 Marsigli, Luigi Ferdinando, conte, 1658-1730. Hongrie et le Danube. 1741 2867 Martenet, Simon J. Map of Maryland. Atlas ed. [1866] 1779 Martenet, Simon J., Walling, H. F., and Gray, O. W. New topographical atlas of the state of Maryland and the District of Columbia. 1873 1497,1780 Martin, Robert Montgomery, 18037-1868. Illustrated atlas. [1857] 822 Tallis's illustrated atlas. 1851 804 Martin de Moussy, Jean Antoine Victor, 1810-18G9. Description g^ographique et statistique de la confederation Argentine. 1873 2731 Martinez, Benigno T. Cartografia historica de la republica Argentina. 1893 2734 Martinez de la Torre, Fausto, and Asenseo, J. Piano de la villa y corte de Madrid. 1800 3140 1270 Martini, Martino, 1614-1661. Novus atlas Sinensis. [1655] 3186,3187,3188 Maryland. Geological survey. Physical atlas of Maryland, Alleghany county. 1900 1781 Massachusetts. Harbor and land commission. Atlas of the boundaries of the city of Worcester . . . 1908 * Atlas of the boundaries of the towns [of Massachusetts] 1901-1908. 1828-1846 Massachusetts. Topographical survey commission. Atlas of Massachusetts. 1890 1801 Atlas of the boundaries of Abington, Plymouth county. 1898 1848 Atlas of the boundaries of Attleborough, Bristol county. 1900 1851 Atlas of the boundaries of Beverly, Essex county. 1898 1854 Atlas of the boundaries of Bourne, Barnstable county. 1899 1862 Atlas of the boundaries of Bridgewater, Plymouth county. 1899 .... 1864 Atlas of the boundaries of Brockton, Plymouth county. 1898 1867 Atlas of the boundaries of Chelsea, Suffolk county. 1898 1873 Atlas of the boundaries of Duxbury, Plymouth county. 1899 1876 Atlas of the boundaries of East Bridgewater, Plymouth county. 1898 . . 1877 Atlas of the boundaries of Easton, Bristol county. 1899 1879 Atlas of the boundaries of Everett, Middlesex county. 1898 1881 Atlas of the boundaries of Halifax, Plymouth county. 1899 1887 Atlas of the boundaries of Hanover, Plymouth county. 1898 1888 Atlas of the boundaries of Hanson, Plymouth county. 1898 ...... 1889 Atlas of the boundaries of Kingston, Plymouth county. 1899 1894 Atlas of the boundaries of Lakeville, Plymouth county. 1899 1895 Atlas of the boundaries of Maiden, Middlesex county. 1898 1901 Atlas of the boundaries of Mansfield, Bristol county. 1899 1902 Atlas of the boundaries of Marion, Plymouth county. 1899 1904 Atlas of the boundaries of Mattapoisett, Plymouth county. 1899 .... 1905 Atlas of the boundaries of Medford, Middlesex county. 1898 1906 Atlas of the boundaries of Melrose, Middlesex county. 1898 1907 Atlas of the boundaries of Middleborough, Plymouth county. 1899 . . . 1909 Atlas of the boundaries of North Attleborough, Bristol county. 1900 . . 1919 Atlas of the boundaries of Norton, Bristol county. 1900 1921 Atlas of the boundaries of Norwell, Plymouth county. 1899 1922 Atlas of the boundaries of Plymouth, Plymouth county. 1899 1924 Atlas of the boundaries of Plympton, Plymouth county. 1899 1925 Atlas of the boundaries of Raynham, Bristol county. 1900 1927 Atlas of the boundaries of Rehoboth, Bristol county. 1900 1928 Atlas of the boundaries of Revere, Suffolk county. 1898 1929 Atlas of the boundaries of Rochester, Plymouth county. 1899 1931 Atlas of the boundaries of Rockland, Plymouth county. 1898 1933 Atlas of the boundaries of Seekonk, Bristol county. 1900 1936 Atlas of the boundaries of Springfield, Hampden county. 1900 1941 Atlas of the boundaries of Stoneham, Middlesex county. 1899 1942 Atlas of the boundaries of Taunton, Bristol county. 1900 1945 Atlas of the boundaries of West Bridgewater, Plymouth county. 1898 . . 1946 Atlas of the boundaries of Winchester, Middlesex county. 1899 .... 1953 Atlas of the boundaries of Winthrop, Suffolk county. 1898 1954 Atlas of the boundaries of Whitman, Plymouth county. 1898 1950 Atlas of the boundaries of Woburn, Middlesex county. 1899 1957 1271 Mast, Crowell & Kirkpatrick. New home atlas. 1899 1036 New peerless atlas. 1897 1017 1898 1022,1023 New people's atlas. 1898 1023 Peerless atlas. 1889 951 People's atlas. [1894] 987 Popular atlas. [1892] 973 Mathews & Leigh. Scripture atlas. 1812 87 Matson, Nehemiah. Map of Bureau county, 111. 1867 1519 Matthews, John, R. N. Twenty-one plans ... of different actions in the West Indies. 1784 . . 2700 Matthews-Northrup co. Adequate travel-atlas of the United States. [1893] 1435 Complete handy atlas. [1898] 1024 Up-to-date handy atlas. [1898-1899] 1030 Maverick, Peter, 1780-1831. [General atlas. 1816] 728 Mayo, Robert, 1784-1864. [Atlas to accompany . . . ancient geography. 1813] 33 Mecutchen, Samuel, 1827-, and Harrower, H. D. Pocket atlas. [1887] 941 Mees, Gregorius,yr., 1802-1883. Historische atlas van Noord-Nederland. 1865 3073 Meisner, Daniel, d.1684. Thesavrvs philo-politicvs. 1625-1627 64 Mekeel, Charles Haviland. Stamp collector's maps of the world. 1895 345 Meleney, C. E., and Griffin, W. M. Primary geography of the state of New Jersey. 1884 2147 Melish, John, 1771-1822. A military and topographical atlas of the United States. 1813 1346 1815 1347 Melvill van Carnbee, Pieter, baron, 1816-1856, and Versteeg, W. F. Algemeene atlas van nederlandsch Indie. [1875] 3214 Mendes de Almeida, Candido, 1818-1881. Atlas do imperio do Brazil. 1868 2749 Menke, Theodor, 1819-1892. Orbis antiqui descriptio. Editio secunda. 1854 34 Mentelle, Edme, 1730-1815. Atlas de tableaux. 1804-[1805] 706 Mentelle, Edme, and Chanlaire, P. G-. Atlas universel. [1807?] 712 1807 * Mentelle, Edme, and Malte-Brun, C. Geographie mathematique, physique, et politique. 1804 705 35799 VOL 209 5 1272 Mercator, Gerard, 1512-1594. Atlas minor. Latin edition. [1607] 423 German edition. [1609] 425 Latin edition. 1610 429 1621 435 1628 437 Dutch edition. 1630 439 Latin edition. 1634 446 German edition. 1651 461 Atlas ofte afbeeldinghe vande gantsche weerldt. Dutch edition. [1634] . 447 Atlas, or a geographicke description. English edition. [1636] 449 Atlas ou meditations cosmographiqves. French edition. 1609 426 Atlas eive cosmographise . . . 6th latin ed. 1613 Drei karten . . . Europa-Britische Inseln-weltkarte. 1891 253 Gerardi Mercatoris atlas. Latin edition. 1607 422 1619 434 Editio decima. French edition. 1628 438 French edition. 1630 440 Editio decima. Latin edition. 1630 441 Latin edition. 1632 443 French edition. 1636 450 Gerardi Mercatoris et I. Hondii atlas. German edition. 1633 444 Edition nouvelle. French edition. 1633 445 Historia mvndi. English edition. 1637 451 Mesnard, H. W., and Perrin, W. N. Atlas of Huron county, Ohio. 1891 2387 Mexico. Ministerio defomento. Memoria presentada al congreso de la union . . . Atlas. 1887 2688 Mexico. Comisi6n geogrdfao-exploradora. Carta general del estado de S. Luis Potosi. 1904 2689 Meyers, Hermann Julius. Geographischer hand-atlas. 1905 1103a Hand-atlas. 1900 1053 Michel, - L'indicateur fidele. 1765 2991 Mickleburgh, Rev. James, of Ashill. Index to the principal places in the world. 1844 794a Middendorff, Aleksandr Tedorovich von, 1815-1894. Karten-atlas zu dr. A. v. Middendorff 's reise in den aussersten norden und osten Sibiriens. 1859 3125 Middle-west publishing co. 20th century atlas of Kane county, 111. 1904 1541 20th century atlas of Du Page county, 111. 1904 1529 Miguel, Gregorio. Estudio Bobre las islas Carolinas. [1887] 3258 Miles & co. Illustrated historical atlas of the-county of York. 1878 1253 Miller, D. L. Atlas of Harrison and Kearny and the borough of East Newark . . . N. J. 1903 2178,2181,2184 1273 Atlas of Leominster, Worcester county, Mass. 1895 1897 Atlas of North Adams, Adams, Williamstown, and Cheshire, Berkshire county, Mass. 1894 1808,1849,1874,1916,1951 Atlas of Pittsfield, Berkshire county, Mass. 1893 1923 Atlas of Schenectady, N. Y., embracing maps of the village of Scotia. 1905 2327,2328 Atlas of Utica, N. Y. 1896 2333 Miller, D. L., & others. Atlas of Fitchburg, Worcester county, Mass. 1895 1883 Atlas of New Britain, Hartford county, Conn. 1902 1489 Atlas of Northampton and town of Easthampton, Hampshire county, Mass. 1895 1878,1918 Miller, Herman P. Outline maps of the counties of Allegheny, Berks, Bucks, Cambria, Dauphin, Fayette . . . Penn. 1901 2458 Miller, James Martin. Twentieth century atlas. [1899] 1037 World up-to-date. [1899] 1038 Miller, Konrad, 1864- Mappaemundi: die altesten weltkarten. 1895-1898 255 Mills, Robert, 1781-1855. Atlas of the state of South Carolina. [1825] 2570 Milner, Thomas, d. 1882, and Petermann, D. H. Descriptive atlas of astronomy, and of physical and political geography. 1850 231 Library atlas of physical and political geography. 1855 232 Minneapolis tribune. Unrivaled atlas. 1899 1039 Missouri. Geological survey. Report on the iron ores and coal fields. Atlas. 1873 2059 Missouri publishing co. Plat book of Barton county, Mo. 1903 2069 Mitchell, Samuel Augustus, 1792-1868. Ancient atlas. [1844] 35 1859 36 Atlas of outline maps. 1839 300 New atlas of America. 1874 1183 New atlas of North and South America. 1851 1179 New general atlas. 1860 831 1865 846 1866 848 1867 850 1870 . 859 1873 870 1876 880 1878 888 1879 890 1880 892 1881 895 1274 Mitchell, Samuel Augustus Continued. Xo\v general atlas. 1882 960 1884 920 1893 983 New reference atlas. 1865 847 New school atlas. 1865 301 1871 302 New universal atlas. 1849 797 - 1850 800 1851 805 1852 807 1853 809 1854 813,814 1857 823 Mitchell, Thirey & Hahn. Historical directory and atlas, Clinton county, Ohio. 1903 2363 Modern and ancient geography. 1850 801 Moller, Johann Heinrich, 1792-1867. Orbis terrarum antiquus. 23. aufl. [1851] 37 Mohr, John. Atlas of Cleveland, Ohio. [1906] 2430 Moll, Hermann, d. 1732. Atlas manuale. 1709 553 Atlas minor. 1729 574 - [1732?] 578 - [1736?] 585 - [1745?] 602 - [1763?] 635 Geographia antiqua. 1721 38 System of geography. 1701 536 World described. [1709-1720] 554 Monin, V., i. e. Charles V. Petit atlas national. [1841] 2999 Monnier, Marcel, i. e. Jean Marie Albert Marcel, 1853- Itineraires a travers 1'Asie, leves au cour du voyage accompli durant les annees 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898. [1900] 3177 Monnier, P., d. 1843. Atlas de la Martinique. 1827-31 2718 Monteith, James. Boys' and girls' atlas. [1884] 921 School and family atlas of the world. [1890] 303 Moore, S. S., and Jones, T. W. x Traveller's directory. 1802 1327 1804 1328 Morden, Robert, d. 1703. Geography rectified. 1688 498 Morgan, F. B., and Nash, G. V. Atlas of Pierce county, Wis. 1877-1878 2655 Morris, Lewis. Plans of the principal harbours, bays, and roads in St. George's and the Bristol channels. 1801 2889 Morrow, Oliver. Atlas and directory of Paulding county, Ohio. [ c 1906] 2407 Morse, Charles W. Diamond atlas. 1857 824 General atlas. 1856 817 Morse, Jedidiah, 1761-1826. American geography. 1794 1361 Morse, Jedidiah, and Morse, S. E. Modern atlas. 1822 304 1828 305 New universal atlas. 1822 306 Morse, Sidney Edwards, 1794-1871. Cerographic bible atlas. 1844 3221 1845 3222 New universal atlas. 1825 746 Morse, Sidney Edwards, and Breese, S. Cerographic atlas of the United States. 1842 1383 Morse's North American atlas. 1842-[45] 1228 Morse, Sidney Edwards, & co. Cerographic missionary atlas. [1848J 182 Mortier, Cornelis, and Covens, J. Nieuwe atlas. 1730-[1739] 576 - [1740-1817] 595 Mortier, Pieter. Atlas nouveau des cartes geographiques choisies. 1703 2823 Forces de 1'Europe, Asie, Afrique et Amerique. [1702?] 537, 2781a Moule, Thomas, 1784-1851. English counties delineated. 1838 2926 Mudie, Robert, 1777-1842. Gilbert's modern atlas. [1841?] 780 Mueller, A. H. Atlas of Lower Merion, Montgomery co. [Penn.] 1896 2514 Atlas of properties on the railway embracing Cheltenham, Abington, Springfield, Penn. . . . 1909 * Atlas of Yonkers, Westchester county, N.Y. 1907 2337 Mueller, A. H., & co. Atlas of Cheltenham, Abington, and Springfield townships and vicinity of Montgomery county, Penn. 1897 2490, 2501, 2509, 2557 Atlas of Essex county, New Jersey. [1901]-1906 2157 Atlas of properties on line of Pennsylvania r. r. from Rosemont to West- Chester [Penn.] 1897 2449,2555,2558 Atlas of properties on main line Pennsylvania railroad from Overbrook to Paoli [Penn.] 1908 2450 Atlas of surveys of Mahoning county, Ohio. 1899-1900 2397 1276 Miiller, Johann Christoph, 1673-1721. Schweizerischer atlas. [1712?] 3150 Miiller, Johann Ulrich. Kurtz-bundige abbild- und vorstellung der gantzen welt. 1692 .... 512 Mulert, Hermann, and Heussi, K. Atlas zur kirchengeschichte. 1905 82, 2784 Mann, A. M. Atlas of Otoe county, Nebr. 1902 2122 Murray, P., and Murray, R. Atlas of Morgan co., Ohio. 1902 * Naeff, M. A. Property atlas of Montgomery county, Penn. 1893 2489 Napoleon I, emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Guerre d'Orient. 1847 2976 Nash, G. V., and Morgan, F. B. Atlas of Pierce county, Wis. 1877-1878 2655 National publishing co. Imperial atlas of Gratiot county, Mich. 1901 1971 Naymiller, FUippo, and Allodi, P. Atlante di geografia universale. [1867] 851 Neptune franyois. [1792-1803] 2848 Neptune franyois. De fransche neptunus. 1693-1700 517 Netherlands. Topographische inrichtmg. Atlas van het koninkrijk der Nederlanden. 1900 3086 Netherlands. Voorn, Council of. Voorne caart-boeck van alle de dorpen, en polders gelegen inden lande van oost ende west Voorne. 1701 3089 New South Wales. Historical records of New South Wales. 1893 3254 New Hampshire. Geological survey. Geology of New Hampshire. Atlas. 1874-1878 2135 New Jersey. Geological survey. Atlas of New Jersey. [1889] 2149 New Rochelle. Assessors. City of New Rochelle, N. Y. C 1907 2289 Newton, J. H. Caldwell's illustrated historical combination atlas of Clearfield county, Penn. 1878 2470 New York. Board of taxes and assessments. The land map of the city of New York. [1890] 2307 Nicolet, Hercule. Atlas de physique. 1855 233 Nichols, Beach. Atlas of Blair and Huntingdon counties, Penn. 1873 2462, 2477 Atlas of Lycoming county, Penn. 1873 2483 Atlas of Perry, Juniata, and Mifflin counties, Penn. 1877 . . . 2479, 2485, 2493 Atlas of York county, Penn. 1876 2500 1277 Nichols, Beach., Beers, F. W., & others. Atlas of Licking county, Ohio. 1866 2393 Atlas of Muskingum county, Ohio. 1866 2405 Nichols, Beach, & others. Atlas of Herkimer county, N. Y. 1868 2230 Atlas of Montgomery and Fulton counties, N. Y. 1868 2228, 2239 Nicolay, Charles Grenf ell, and Ansted, D. T. An altae of physical and historical geography. [1852-59] 211 Nicolosi, Giovanni Battista, 1610-1670. Dell' Hercole e studio geografico. 1660 467 Hercvles, Sicvlvs sive stvdivm geographic vm. 1670-1671 482 Nicolson, William, 1655-1727. Description of part of the empire of Germany. 1681 3032 Description of the remaining part of the empire of Germany. 1683 . 2864, 3034 Niel, Adolphe, 1802-1869. Siege de Sevastopol. Atlas. 1858 3103 Nietmann, Wilhelm. Eisenbahn-atlas fur deutsches reich, Luxemburg, Schweiz, Oesterreichish- Ungarische monarchic und angrenzende gebiete. 1902 2797, 3147 Noll, E. P., & co. Property atlas of St. Joseph county, Mich. 1893 1997 Nordenskiold, Nils Adolf Erik,/raftm-e, 1832-1901. Bidrag till Nordehs aldsta kartografi. [1892] 256, 3091 Facsimile atlas. 1889 257 Periplus. 1897 258 Norie, John William, 1772-1843. Complete East India pilot. 1816 3173 Norman, William. American pilot. 1798 1217 Norris, John, 16607-1749. Compleat sett of new charts, containing the North-sea, Cattegatt, and Baltick. 1723 2839 North American pilot. 2 v. 1777 1209 First part. New ed. 1806 1236 Second part. New ed. 1800 1220 Northern trust company bank. Complete atlas. 1904 1091 Northwest publishing co. Plat book of Anderson county, Kans. 1901 1712 Plat book of Appanoose county, Iowa. 1896 1643 Plat book of Audrain county, Mo. 1898 2068 Plat book of Barton county, Kans. 1902 1713 Plat book of Bates county, Mo. 1895 2070 Plat book of Boone county, Iowa. 1896 1645 Plat book of Boone county, Mo. 1898 2071 Plat book of Boone county, Neb*. 1899 2109 Plat book of Brown county, Kans. 1904 1715 Plat book of Cass county, Mo. 1895 2074 Plat book of Chariton county, Mo. 1897 2075 1278 Northwest publishing co. Continued. Plat book of Chippewa county, Minn. 1900 2012 Plat book of Coffey county, Kans. 1901 < . 1718 Plat book of Dallas county, Iowa. 1901 1656 Plat book of De Kalb county, Mo. 1897 2077 Plat book of Dubuque county, Iowa. 1892 1658 Plat book of Franklin county, Kans. 1903 1720 Plat book of Fremont county, Iowa. 1891 1664 Plat book of Greene county, Iowa. 1896 1665 Plat book of Greenwood county, Kans. 1903 1721 Plat book of Hamilton county, Iowa. 1896 1666 Plat book of Henry county, Mo. 1895 2078 Plat book of Howard county, Nebr. 1900 114 Plat book of Humboldt county, Iowa. 1896 1672 Plat book of Jackson co., Iowa. 1893 1675 Plat book of Jackson county, Kans. 1903 1722 Plat book of Jasper county, Mo. 1895 2079 Plat book of Jefferson county, Nebr. 1900 2115 Plat book of Jo Daviess county, 111. 1893 1539 Plat book of Jones county, Iowa. 1893 1678 Plat book of Kandiyohi county, Minn. 1886 2023 Plat book of Kingman county, Kans. 1903 1723 Plat book of Lafayette county, Mo. 1897 2080 Plat book of Le Sueur county, Minn. 1898 2024 Plat book of Lincoln county, Kans. 1901 1725 Plat book of Lyon county, Minn. 1902 2025 Plat book of McLean county, 111. 1895 1547 Plat book of McPherson county, Kans. 1903 1727 Plat book of Madison county, Iowa. 1901 1683 Plat book of Madison county, Nebr. 1899 2118 Plat book of Marathon county, Wis. 1901 2653 Plat book of Merrick county, Nebr. 1899 2119 Plat book of Nance county, Nebr. 1899 2120 Plat book of Nicollet county, Minn. 1899 2029 Plat book of Nodaway county, Mo. 1893 2086 Plat book of Norton county, Kans. 1900 1730 Plat book of Nuckolls county, Nebr. 1900 2121 Plat book of Osborne county, Kans. 1900 1732 Plat book of Page county, Iowa. 1902 1689 Plat book of Pettis county, Mo. 1896 2087 Plat book of Platte county, Nebr. 1899 2123 Plat book of Polk county, Minn. 1902 2034 Plat book of Portage county, Wis. 1895 2657 Plat book of Reno county, Kans. 1902 1733 Plat book of Renville county, Minn. 1900 2038 Plat book of Rice county, Kans. 1902 1735 Plat book of Rice county, Minn. 1900 2039 Plat book of Rush county, Kans. 1901 1736 Plat book of Russell county, Kans. 1901 1737 Plat book of Saline county, Kans. 1903 1738 Plat book of Saline county, Kans. 1901 2093 Plat book of Saline county, Nebr. 1900 2124 Plat book of Schuyler county, Mo. 1898 2095 1279 Plat book of Scotland county, Mo. 1898 2096 Plat book of Sherburne county, Minn. 1903 2041 Plat book of Stanton county, Nebr. 1899 2125 Plat book of Stephenson county, 111. 1894 1570 Plat book of Tama county, Iowa. 1892 1698 Plat book of Taylor county, Iowa. 1894 1699 Plat book of Thayer county, Nebr. 1900 2126 Plat book of Union county, Iowa. 1894 1700 Plat book of Van Buren county, Iowa. 1897 1701 Plat book of Walworth county, Wis. 1891 2666 Plat book of Washington county, Iowa. 1894 1705 Plat book of Wayne county, Nebr. 1898 2127 Plat book of Webster county, Nebr. 1900 2128 Plat book of Wilkin county, Minn. 1903 2045 Plat book of Wright county, Minn. 1901 2049 Plat book of Yellow Medicine county, Minn. 1900 2050 Nouvel atlas des enfans. Nouvelle e"d. 1776 307 Oberhummer, Eugen, 1854-, and Wieser, F., ritter von. Wolfgang Lazius karten der Osterreichischen lande und des konigreichs Ungarn aus den jahren 1545-1563. 1906 * Occidental publishing co. Plat book of Clinton county, 111. 1892 1524 Plat book of Marion county, 111. 1892 1552 Ockerson, John A., and Stewart, C. W. Mississippi river from St. Louis to the sea. 1892 1324 Odbert, A., anc?Howden, J. A. Howden & Odbert's atlas of Warren county, Penn. 1878 2498 Ogilby, John, 1600-1676. Britannia. 1675 2907 Britannia depicta. 1736 2908 1751 2909 1764 2910 Ogle, George A., & co. Plat book of Champaign county, 111. 1893 1521 Plat book of Clark county, 111. 1892 1522 Plat book of La Porte county, Ind. 1892 1616 Plat book of McHenry county, 111. 1892 1545 Plat book of Ogle county, 111. 1893 1557 Plat book of Shelby county, 111. 1895 1567 Plat book of Warren county, 111. 1893 1575 Plat book of Whiteside county, 111. 1893 1577 Plat book of Will county, 111. 1893 1578 Standard atlas of Adair county, Mo. 1898 2067 Standard atlas of Adams county, 111. 1901 1515 Standard atlas of Antelope county, Nebr. 1904 2108 Standard atlas of Barry county, Mich. 1895 1963 Standard atlas of Brown county, 111. 1903 1518 Standard atlas of Carroll county, Mo. 1896 2073 Standard atlas of Cass county, Mich. 1896 1967 Standard atlas of Clayton county, Iowa. 1902 1654 1280 Ogle, George A., & co. Continued. Standard atlas of Crawford county, Wis. 1901-1902 2640 Standard atlas of Grant county, Minn. 1900 2019 Standard atlas of Greeley county, Nebr. 1904 2111 Standard atlas of Harrison county, Iowa. 1902 1669 Standard atlas of Hendricks county, Ind. 1904 1611 Standard atlas of Holt county, Nebr. 1904 2113 Standard atlas of Houston county, Minn. 1896 2022 Standard atlas of Johnson county, Nebr. 1900 2116 Standard atlas of Knox county, 111. 1903 1543 Standard atlas of Leavenworth county, Kans. 1903 1724 Standard atlas of McLeod county, Minn. 1898 2026 Standard atlas of Lincoln county, Mo. 1899 2085 Standard atlas of Monroe county, Mich. 1896 1989 Standard atlas of Mower county, Minn. 1896 2028 Standard atlas of Muskegon county, Mich. 1900 1991 Standard atlas of Newaygo county, Mich. 1900 1993 Standard atlas of Olmstead county, Minn. 1896 2032 Standard atlas of Peoria city and county, 111. 1896 1558, 1596 Standard atlas of Pike county, Mo. 1899 2088 Standard atlas of Platte county, Mo. 1907 2089 Standard atlas of Pottawattamie county, Iowa. 1902 1693 Standard atlas of Ray county, Mo. 1897 2092 Standard atlas of Republic county, Kans. 1904 1734 Standard atlas of Richland county, 111. 1901 1562 Standard atlas of St. Clair county, Mich. 1897 1996 Standard atlas of St. Joseph county, Ind. 1895 1626 Standard atlas of Shawnee county, Kans. 1898 1740 Standard atlas of Sumner county, Kans. 1902 1742 Standard atlas of Wabaunsee county, Kans. 1902 1743 Standard atlas of Wabasha county, Minn. 1896 2043 Standard atlas of Waseca county, Minn. 1896 2044 Standard atlas of White county, Ind. 1896 1636 Ohio. Geological survey. Report of the geological survey of Ohio . . . Atlas. 1873-1878 .... 2349 Olivier, Jean. Livre de plusieurs plans des ports & rades de la mer Mediterranee. ms. [1796?] 2807 Olney, Jesse, 1798-1872. New and improved atlas. 1829 308 School atlas. [1844-1847] 309 Opitz, C., and Koch, W. Eisenbahn- und verkehrsatlas von Russland. [1900] 3115 Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598. AbregS dv theatre. French edition. 1602 416 Additamentvm iii. Latin edition. 1584 389 Additamentum iv. Latin edition. 1590 395 Additamentvm qvintvm. Latin edition. 1595 401 Aafszflg aufs des Abrahami Ortelij Theatro orbis. German edition. 1604 420 Epitome dv theatre de 1'vnivers. French edition. 1602 417 Epitome of Ortelivs. English edition. [1602?] 418 1281 Epitome theatri Orteliani. Latin edition. 1589 394 - 1595 402 - 1601 413 Epitome theatri orbis terrarvm. Latin edition. 1601 * - 1612 431 Parergon theatri. Latin edition. 1570 39 1579 40 - 1584 41 Parergon dv theatre. French edition. 1587 42 Parergon. Latin edition. 1592 43 1595 44 1601 45 1603 46 1609 48 Italian edition. 1612 47 - Latin edition. 1624 49 Teatro del mondo. Italian edition. 1697 525 Theatre de 1'vnivers. French edition. 1572 * 1581 * 1587 392 - 1598 406 Theatro de la tierra vniversal. Spanish edition. 1588 393 Theatro del mondo. Italian edition. 1598 408 - 1612 430 1667 478 1679 489 1683 492 - 1684 496 Theatro . . . ridotto in forma. Italian edition. 1593 397 Theatrvm oder schawplatz des erdbodems. German edition. 1572 . . . 376 1572-[1573] 377 Theatrvm orbis terrarvm. Latin edition. 1570 374 1571 375 1573 378 1574 379 1575 382 1579 386 1584 388 1592 396 [1595] 400 1598 407 1601 412 1603 419 1609 427 Ottens, Reiner, and Ottens, Joshua. Atlas. [1756?] 617 Atlas minor. [1695-1756?] 522 1756? 616 - [1703-1756?] 542 Oxenham, Edward Lavington. 1843-1896. Historical atlas of the Chinese empire. 1898 3182 1282 Oxford historical society. Old plans of Oxford. [1899] 2936 Paddock, H. G. Plat book, Moline and East Moline, 111. 1904 1591,1595 Page, H. R., & co. Atlas of Chicago. 1879 1581 Illustrated atlas of Winnebago and Boone counties, 111. 1886. . . . 1517,1579 Pajol, Charles Pierre Victor, comic, 1S12-1891. Atlas des guerres sous Louis xv. 1886 2977 Atlas des itineraires, campagnes, opera tions militaires de Pajol. 1874. . . 2978 Palairet, Jean, 1697-1774, & others. Bowles's universal atlas. [1794-1798] 681 Palmer, Loornis T. Gaskell's neAv and complete family atlas. 1886 932 Unique album atlas. 1894 988 Palmer, Sir Thomas, and Covert, W. Survey of the coast of Sussex, made in 1587. 1870 2891 Papen, Augustus. Topographischer atlas des konigreichs Hannover und herzogthums Braun- schweig. 1832-1847 3039 Paris, Louis Philippe Albert d'OrlSans, comte de, 1838-1894. [Histoire de la guerre civile en Amerique] Atlas. [1874-90] 1352 Paris. Bibliothtque nationale. Choix de documents geographiques. 1883 259 Paris. Conseil municipal. Histoire gen erale de Paris. Atlas des anciens plans de Paris. 1880. . . . 3011 Paris. Diocese. Atlas de la censive de Farcheveche dans Paris. 1906 3017 Pasquier, Jacques Jean, 1718-1785, and Denis, "L. Plan topographique et raisonne de Paris. 1758 3012 Patteson, Rev. Edward, of Richmond, Surrey. General and classical atlas. 1804-[1806] 707 Paul, Hosea. Atlas of Wabaeh county, Ind. 1875 1633 Pavlishchev, Nikolai Ivanovich, 1801-1879. HcToppraecKift aovracrb poccin Military historical atlas of Russia. 1845 . . 3099 1873 3100 Paz Soldan, Mariano Felipe, 1821-1886. Atlas geograficode la republica Argentina. 1887 2733 Atlas geografico del Peru. 1865 2769 Peabody coal company. Peabody atlas. 1906 1268 Pearson, Charles Henry, 1830-1894. Historical maps of England. 1883 2883 Peers, Richard, 1645-1690. Description of the seventeen provinces of the Low-countries. 1682 .... 3079 Peet, W. S., Beers, F. W., & others. Atlas of Addison co., Vermont. 1871 2594 1283 Peeters, Jaques. Atlas en abrege. 1692 513 Pelet, Jean Jaques Germain, baron, 1779-1858. Atlas des memoires militaires relatifs a la succession d'Espagne sous Louis xiv. 1836-48 3128 Pelet, Paul, 1849- Atlas des colonies francaises. 1902 2954 Penck, Albrecht, i. e. Karl Friedrich Albrecht, 1858-, and Kichter, E. Atlas der osterreichischen Alpenseen. 1895-1896 2859 Pennesi, Giuseppe, 1854- Atlante scolastico. 1894 310 - [1897] 311,1018 Pennsylvania. Indian forts commission. Report of the commission. 1896 2439 Pennsylvania. 2 d geological survey. Grand atlas. 1884-85 2440 Pennsylvania railroad. Ticket agents atlas. 1905 1305 Penny, H. C., and Lathrop, J. M. Atlas of Highland county, Ohio. 1887 2385 Peralta, Manuel Maria de, 1844- Limites de Costa-Rica y Colombia. Atlas. 1890 2691, 2759 Perrin, William N., and Mesnard, H. W. Atlas of Huron county, Ohio. 1891 2387 Perrot, Aristide Michel, 1793-1879, and Aragon, Madame A. A. Atlas de 59 cartes. 1843 790a Perthes, Justus. NOTE. Founders name of firm Justus Perthes, i. e., Johann Georg Justus Perthes, 1749-1816. Atlas antiquus. 6. aufl. 1898 50 Geschichts-atlas. 2. aufl. 1904 136 See-atlas. 5. aufl. 1901 174 Staatsbiirger-atlas. 1903 3037 Taschen-atlas. 1856 818 1900 1054 Peru. Estado mayor. Estado mayor general del ejercito . . . Viaje de estado mayor . . . Atlas. 1902. [1902] 2771 Peru and Bolivia. Juicio de limites entre el Peru y Bolivia. 1906 2738, 2767 Peschel, Oscar, and Andree, B. Physikalischstatistischer atlas des deutschenreichs. 1878 3026 Petermann, August Heinrich, 1822-1878, and Hochstetter, F. von. G eologisch-topographischer atlas von NeuSeeland. 1863 3265 1284 Petennan, August Heinrich, and Milner, T. Descriptive atlas of astronomy, and of physical and political geography. 1850 231 Library atlas of physical and political geography. 1855 232 Petersen, Carl Sofas, 1873-, and Bj0rnbo, A. A. Anecdota cartographica septentrionalia. 1908 2798a Peterson, E. Frank. Atlas of Beadle county, S. Dak. 1906 2574 Atlas of Bon Homme county, S. Dak. 1906 2575 Atlas of Brown county, S. Dak. 1905 2576 Atlas of Charles Mix county, S. Dak. 1906 2577 Atlas of Edmunds county, S. Dak. 1905 2580 Atlas of Sanborn county, S. Dak. 1900 2582 Atlas of Turner county, S. Dak. 1893 2583 Historical atlas of South Dakota. 1904 2573 Illustrated historical atlas of Clay county, S. Dak. 1901 2578 Twentieth century atlas of Davison county, S. Dak. 1901 2579 Twentieth century atlas of Hanson county, S. Dak. 1902 2581 Twentieth century atlas of Turner county, S. Dak. 1901 2584 Petersson, Walfr. Geologisk atlas ofver Norbergs bergslag. [1893?] 3143 Petty, Sir William, 1623-1687. Geographicall description of ye kingdom of Ireland. [1689] 2938 Petzold, Wilhelm, 1848-1897, and Lehmann, R. Atlas fur mittel- und oberklassenhoherer lehranstalten. S.aufl. 1904. . 297 Pharus-atlas deutscher stadte. Gruppe I. 1904 * Philadelphia public ledger. Unrivaled atlas. 1899 , 1041 Philip, George, & son, ltd. Commercial atlas of the world. 1908 76a Handy atlas of the counties of England. [1886] 2930 Handy volume atlas of London. 1891 2934 Imperial atlas of the world. 1890 958 Mercantile marine atlas. 2d ed. 1905 175 Model atlas. [1907] 246 Progressive atlas. [1907] 312 Students' atlas. 1882 907 Series of penny maps. 1853 810 Philippe de PrStot, Etienne AndrS, 1708-1787, H p-fcicn AMypa Atlas of the mouth of the Amoor river. 1864 . 3227 Russia. Gornju depar lament.. PocciftcKoft ATjiec-b Atlas of Russia. 1792 .............. 3110 Russia. Kommissiw, dlta razbora drevnikh aktov. kief. KapTM PocciH Facsimile maps of Russia. 1899-1906 ......... 3107 Russia. Mezhevol korpus voennago vfedomstva. ATjiac-b TsepcKoft ryoepnin Topographical survey atlas of the Tver prov- ince. 1853 ............................ 3126 Russia. Minuterstvo morske. Glavnoe gidrogrqficheskoe upravleniici. EHHCCH Atlas of the Yenisei river. 1900 ........ 3228 Russia. Morskoe ministerstvo . A-rjiac'b Mepnaro >iopa Atlas of the Black sea. 1841 .......... 3118 ATact> KracniftcKaro Mopa ^Atlas of the Caspian sea. 1826 ..... . . 3181 Russia. Otdiel statistiki i kartografii ministerstvo Putei Soobshchenfii. CraTHcrftMecKift aTjiacB nyreft coodmeHia Poccin Statistical atka of the commerce and traffic of Russia. 1902 ................ 3101 Rychkov, Petr Ivanovich, 1712-1777, and Krasilnikov, A. D. OpenOyprcKaH ryoepnia Province of Orenburg. 1880 ......... 3122 St. Louis plat and record co. Atlas of the city of St. Louis. 1905 .................. 2106 St. Petersburg. School of mines. HoBtift aTjiatrb seMHaro mapa New atlas ... of the globe. [1793] . . . 679 Sallieth, Mathias de, 1749-1791, and Jong, D. de. Atlas van alle de zee-havens der bataafsche republick. 1802 ...... * Sampaio, Theodore Femandes. Exploracao dos rios Itapetininga e Paranapanema. 1889 ........ 2747 Sandier, Christian. Reformation der kartographie um 1700. Atlas. 1905 ......... 261 Sanford, G. P., Beers, F. W., ub- lique et des beaux-arts. Atlas archeolog- ique de la Tunisie. 1892-1907 1 3240 BABER ISLAND. 1672. Levelis... c v 2, no 151; 543 BABINET, JACQUES, Nouveau systeme de projection homolo- graphique. Malte-Brun n834 Projection of n 836 BABUYAN ISLANDS. 1826-27. Krusenstern. Memoir. Text.c2; 3242, Suppl, c 3; 3242 1835. Krusenstern c27; 3242 BABYLON, N.Y. 1888. Wendelken. Atlas.. 2269 BABYLONIA. Oppert c!2; 31a Lenormant c 31a BACHE, ALEXANDER DALLAS. See United States. Coast and geodetic survey. Maps and charts of the U. S. Coast survey. 1854 1 1269 BACHE, HARTMAN. Augusta to Canada line, Road from. 1834 c23; 1384 Brandywine shoal, Delaware bay. 1836. c 24-26; 1384 Cape May roads. 1836 c 142; 1384 Charleston, S. C., harbor. 1823-25 ... c 90; 1384 Crow shoal, Delaware bay. 1836. . . c 142; 1384 Kennebec river. 1834 c 23; 1384 Roanoke sound and inlet. 1829?. . . c 153; 1384 BACHIENE, W. A. Brazil. 1785. Repr : . . c 52; 2720 Colombia, Venezuela, Guiana. 1785. Repr c 52bis; 2720 BACKER, REMMET TEUNISSE. Maps. 1703?. n 540 BACKHOUSE, THOMAS. Halifax harbor. 1798. c12: 1236 BACLER D'ALBE, Louis ALBERT GHISLAM. Guerre en Suisseet en Italie C2981 BADAJOZ. 1812. Wyld c22;2893 BADDISON, THOMAS. Track of the Princess Augusta. 1761 c v 2, no 142; 543 BADEN. Grand duchy. 1901. Atlas 3038 BADEN, CITY. 1841. Radefeld & Renner n781 BADUARIUS, JOHANNES. Epistle from Beneventanus to n 356; 357 BADUIS, CAPE. 1646-47. Dudley n 457 BAERLE, KASPAR VAN. See Herrera y Tordesillas. Nows orbis. 1622 tl!46 BAFFIN, W., & SOMMERSON, R. Road of Jasques. 1795 c v 1, no 130; 543 BAFFIN BAY. 1749. Brouckner n 612 1749. Robert de Vaugondy n 608 1768. Jefferys c8-ll;1196 1775. Bowen & Gibson c 5-6; 1165 1777. Faden... c 1-2; 1207 BAFFIN BAY Continued. 1777. Jefferys c5-; 1166 1783. Jefferys c5-6; 1169 BAHAMA BANKS. 1775. North American pilot . . c v 2, no 13 ; 1209 1792. Jefferys c 14; 2702 BAHAMA CHANNEL. 1675. Roggeveen c 17; 2694 1767. English pilot. Fourth book, c 18; 1163 1775. English pilot. Fourth book, c 17; 1104, c 17; 1164 1775. Jefferys c 10; 2699, c 24; 1165; c 25; 1166; c 25; 1169 1775. North American pilot, c v 2, no 12; 1209 1777. Jefferys c20; 1210 1777. Le Rouge c24; 1212 1780. English pilot. Fourth book, c 17; 1168 1784. English pilot. Fourth book, c 18; 1171 1792. Jefferys ell; 2702 1794. Jefferys c 20; 1220, c 11; 2703 BAHAMA ISLANDS. 1700? Lea n527 1706. Thornton c22;1155 1737. English pilot. Fourth book, c 22; 1157 1758. English pilot Fourth book, c 22; 1158 1760. English pilot. Fourth book. c22; 1160 1767. Thornton c 21; 1162 1768. Jefferys c 67; 1196, c 79; 1196 1775. North American pilot, c v 2, no 12; 1209 1777. Jefferys c 20; 1210 1777. Le Rouge c24; 1212 1792. Bellin n590 1794. Jefferys c 20; 1220 1801. Bellin n590 1813. Tanner c 5; 1346 1814. Tanner c 5; 1347 1822. Tanner c40; 1373a 1823. Lucas n742 1824. Lucas c 2; 2709 1825. Gary n745 1827. Carey & Lea c40; 1177 1827. Tanner c40; 1379, C 40; 2728 1839. Tanner c20; 1382 1850. Barnett, Owen & Smith n795 1851. Wyld n808 1854. Kerhallet c2710 1874. Robiquet n909 1897. Lucas n2900 BAHIA, BRAZIL. 1702. Schenk. View n66 See also Sao Salvador. BAHiA ANTIGUA. 1809. Spain c pt 4, no 7; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 4, no 7; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 4, no 7; 1226 BAHIA DE FUCHA. 1784. Dalrymple. cvl,nol!4; 543 BAHIA DE LA GBANJA. 1809. Spain cpt4, no 5; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 4, no 5; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 4, no 5; 1226 BAHIA DEL ALMTEANTE, PANAMA. 1788. Jefferys c29; 2702 1794. Jefferys c 29; 2703 1818. Jefferys c39; 2708 1340 BAHIA HONDA, CUBA. 1788. Jefferys o35; 2702 1794. Jeflerys c35; 2703 1809. Spain cpt2.no 17; 1223, cpt3, no 31; 1223 1818. Jeflerys c 47; 2708 1818. Spain c pt 2, no 17; 1224, opt 3, no 31; 1224 1825. Spain cpt3,no31; 1226, C pt 2, no 17; 1226 1856. France c vl.no 56; 2711 1874. Robiquet n909 BAHIA MOSQUITO. 1809. Spain cpt4,no7; 1223 1818. Spain cpt4, no 7; 1224 1825. Spain cpt4,no7; 1226 BAHR EL KOLSUM. 1785. La Rochette. . c 43; 694 BAILLEUL, Jacques Charles. Maps. 1768 ... n 641 BAILLIEUX, Maps. 1713 n2781 BAILLY-MAITRE, L. See Peru. Estado mayor. Viaje de es- tado mayor. 1902 1 2771 BAIN, R. Nisbet. Hungary. 997-1382 c 45; 2794 - 1382-1739 c46; 2794 Poland. 1569-1795 c 48; 2794 Poland and Lithuania. 1569 c 47; 2794 Russia. 1613-1878 c 49; 2794 Scandinavia. 1521-1815 c 51; 2794 BAINO HARBOR. 1838-42. Wilkes c 49; 3246 BAITIQUERI HARBOR. 1809. Spain cpt3,no3; 1223 1818. Spain cpt3,no3; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 3; 1226 BAKER, E. South America. 1806. Repr. c v2, no 36; 2767 BAKER, GEORGE. Borneo coast. 1786 c v 2, no 192; 543 Ivanna bay, Batanes island. 1759. c v 2, no 59; 543 Musa bay. 1759 c v 2, no 51; 543 Persaim River. 1754 cvl,no217; 543 - 1774 c vl, no 215; 543 Sumatra coast c v2, no 179; 543 TheTypa. 1759 c v2, no 18; 543 BAKER, ROBERT. Antigua. 1775 c28; 2699, c 50; 2702 1794 C50; 2703 - 1810 C9; 2705, C21; 2708 BALABAC ISLAND. 1753. Quesada. c v 2, no 79; 543 BALABAC STRAITS. 1838-42. Wilkes ... c 99; 3246 BALAMBANGAN ISLAND. 1764. Dalrymple cv2, no 84; 543 1770. Dalrymple c v 3, no 32; 543 1788. Dalrymple cv2,no83;543 1794. Dalrymple c v 2, no 81-83; 543 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 30; 3244 BALBI, ADRIAN. AbregS de geographic. Bradford t 769 BALD MOUNTAIN, DAYTON, WTO. 1902. U. S. Geological survey c 1, 141; 1283 BALDAMUS, ALFRED, editor. See Putzger. Historischer schul-atlas. 1891 t 138 1903 t!40 1906 .. t!39 BALDIVIA. 1696. La Guilbaudlere c3; 1154 1709-20. Moll n554 BALDOUIN, Capt. Fortiflcatione di Gen- ova. 1625 n3065 BALEARIC ISLANDS. 1740. Bellin c 18; 172 1740. Bellin c 18; 613 1801. Casslnl c v 2, no 8; 670 1844-51. Robiquet n 795 1851. Coello de Portugal y Quesada n 3137 BALEATO, ANDRES. Intendencia de Lima. 1792. Repr. cv2, no 32; 2767 Intendencia del Cuzco. 1792. Repr. cv2, no 33; 2767 Montaflas orientales al reyao del Peru. 1795? Repr cvl no 25; 2767 Montaflas orientales del Peru. 1795. Repr c6; 2723 BALIZE. See Honduras, British. BALIZE, LA. Fort. 1764. Jeflerys c32;2703, C 44; 2708 1768. Jeflerys c69; 1196 - 1788. Jeflerys c32; 2702 1775. Jeflerys c25; 1165, c 26; 1166, C 26; 1169 BALKAN PENINSULA. 1903. Cvijic" c 8; 3161 BALLAMBOUANG BAY. 1766. Skottowe cv2, no 195; 543 BALLARD, V. V. Gorontalo river. 1798 c v, 2 no 137; 543 BALLSTON, N. Y. 1876. Beers & Cramer. Atlas 2270 BALLY HIGH HILL. 1780. Forrest, c v 2, no 115; 543 BALTIC SEA. Description of early maps of n258 Lighthouses. 1846. Coulier c4, 95 1550-1600. anon. Repr c 7; 2798a 1646-47.. Dudley n 457 1658. Doncker c6; 468 1664. Doncker c9; 472 1682. Alphen c4; 491 1689. Jacobsz, Doncker & Goos. c pt 1, v4; 504 1690. Seller c7; 505 1692. Jacobsz cptl,v4;510 1700. Seller cvl, no 48; 529 1700? Lea n527 1801. Heather c4; 2850 1844-51. Robiquet n 795 1857. Mitchell n823 1858. Bartholomew c 3; 826 1860. Bartholomew c22,829 BALTIMORE. Battle monument. 1848. Kollner... c 5; 1267 City spring. 1848. Kollner c 6: 1267 Green Mount cemetery. 1851. Kollner. c4; 1267 Hospital. 1848. Kollner c 3; 1267 Railroad atlas. 1882. Hopkins 2444 Washington's monument. 1848. Koll- ner c2; 1267 1835. Bradford n 770 1836. Tanner n 774 1838. Bradford & Goodrich c 26; 783 1838. Bradford ... . . n 1381 1341 BALTIMORE Continued. 1848. Kollner. View cl;1267 1860. Mitchell n831, 846 1864. Colton n 1182 1876-77. Hopkins. Atlas 1796 1877. Hopkins. Atlas 1783 1878. Hopkins. Atlas n 1784 1883. Brown n949 1896. Bromley. Atlas 1797 1898. Bromley. Atlas 1785 1906. Bromley. Atlas 1798 BALTIMORE CAMP 1782 Rochambeau c20, 1335 BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. 1841. Chevalier c 5; 1266 1889. Smith. Atlas 2448 BALTUSROL, N. J. 1900. Robinson t2197 BAMBERG. 1759-34. Scatter n623 BAMPTON, WILLIAM. Borneo coast. 1788 c v 2, no 103; 543 New Guinea and New Holland strait. 1793 cv3, no40a; 543 Sunda strait. 1787. c v 2, no 198; 543 BANCOOT RIVER. 1788. McCluer c v 1, no 159; 543 1789. McCluer cvl,no!58; 543 BANCOSEY. 1690? Hacke. mss c 60; 3162 BANDA ISLANDS. 1788. Dalrymple c v 2, no 147; 543 1818. Bosch c8; 3072 1901. Dornseiflen c 24; 2715 BANDA ISLANDS HARBOR. 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 23; 3244 BANDA ISLANDS AND PAPUA. 1727. Dal- rymple c v 2, no 138; 543 BANDA ORIENTAL. 1834. Arrowsmith c v 4, no 50; 764 1863. Moussy c 8; 2731 BANDERES, BAYOF. 1696. La Guilbaudiere. c31; 1154 BANDOL HARBOR. 17%? Olivier, mss. c 4; 2807 BANES HARBOR. 1809. Spain cpt3, no 18; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 3, no 18; 1224 1825. Spain cpt3,no!8; 1226 BANGUEY ISLAND. 1827-40. Dumont d'Ur- ville 1 c 30; 3244 BANJAR TO TIMOR. 1781. Pinnell. Text, c v 3, no 8; 543 BANKA ISLAND. 1690? Hacke. mss c 80-S1, 85; 3162 1773. Dalrymple cv2,no!80; 543 1789. Cooper Text, c v 2, no 10; 543 1791. Wilson cv2,no!82; 543 1806. Dalrymple. English mss. p vl, no 261; 543 1896-1900. Dornseiffen c 6-17; 2715 BANKA, ISLANDS EAST OF. 1785. Cooper. c v 2, no 189; 543 BANKA PASSAGE. 1789. Wilson... cv 3, no 49; 543 BANKA STRAIT. 1786. Apr6s de Mannevillette. Mouth. C v 2, no 183; 543, c v 2, no 183; 543 1786. Dalrymple c v 3, no 48; 543, Text, c v 2, no 9; 543 1787. Wilson c v 2, no 201; 543 BANKA STRAIT Continued. 1797. Torin c v 3, no 40 e, f-g; 543 1827^0. Dumont d'Urville c 28; 3244 BANKA STRAIT TO Po. PANJANG. 1805. Dal- rymple c vl, no 262; 543 BANKS ISLANDS. 1827-40. Dumont d' Urville c!7; 3244 1900. Brigham c 12; 3248 BANTAM TO BABER. 1781. Payne & Levelis. Text, c v 3, no 7; 543 BAPAUME. 1760? Le Rouge c 2; 2975 BAPTIST, CAPE. 1774-81. Atlantic Nep- tune. View cvl,no6; 1198 BAR, FRANCE. Cities. 1694. Beaulieu c 2963 1779-99. Zatta c v 1, no 34; 651 BAR HARBOR, ME. 1904. Summer resident association. Atlas 1777 BARACOA, CUBA. 1788. Jefferys c39; 2702 1794. Jefferys c 39; 2703 1809. Spain C pt 3, no 5; 1223 1818. Jeflerys c51; 2708 BARACOA HARBOR. 1818. Spain c pt 3, no 5; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 5; 1226 1856. France c v 1, no 59; 2711 BARBADOS. 1642. Doncker c 7; 2691 1656? Colom n464 1676. Speed n488 1688. Morden n498 1690. Seller c31; 505 1700. Seller c v 2, no 40; 529 1700? Lea n527 1705-20. Ch&telain n548 1706. Thornton & Fisher c 18; 1155 1711-17. Moll n557 1728. Moll n574 1732? MoU n578 1736? Moll n585 1737. English pilot. Fourth book., c 26; 1157 1745? MoU n602 1747. Bowen n603 1748. LeRouge n C07 1752. Bowen c 67; 614 1758. Bellin n 590 1758. English pilot. Fourth book, c p 26; 1158 1760. English pilot. Fourth book . c p 26; 1160 1763. Gazzettiere americano. . c v 1, no 9; 1161 1763? Moll n635 1767. English pilot. Fourth book, cp 26; 1163, c p 28; 1162 1775. English pilot. Fourth book, cp 26; 1164 1775. Mayo c 33; 2699, c 56; 2702 1777. Atlante dell' America c 25; 1167 1780. Englishpilot. Fourth book, cp 26; 1168 1781. Bellin n348 1784. English pilot. Fourth book.c p 28; 1171 1794. Mayo c 56; 2703 1810. Jeflerys c26;2708 1810. Mayo c 14; 2705 1810. Tanner c3; 2704 1815-16. Luflman n 725 1818. Allen c3; 2706 1818. Tanner... c 7; 2709 1342 BARBADOS Continued. 1823. Lucas n742 1824. Lucas o 17; 2709 BABBABT. 1570. Ortelius n 374 1620. Blaeu n2829 1646-47. Dudley n 457 1660. Doncker c 16; 468 1661. Doncker c 14; 468, c 16; 472 1665. Doncker c 19 a; 472, c 19; 472 1689-92. Jacobsz, Doncker & Goss. cpt2,v4; 2832 1690. Seller c39; 505 1719. Chatelain c6; 548 1722-74. Delisle c31; 565 1732. Moll n578 1748. Price n 606 1752. Bowen c45; 614 1753. Bellin n 587, 588, 589 1760. Price c 19; 1160, n 1160 1762. Ilomann heirs n61 1784. Zatta c v4,no21- 651 1786. Dunn c37; 659 1794. Dunn c37; 684 1796? Olivier, mss c 107; 2807 1799. Cassini c v 3, no 14; 670 BARBIE DU BOCAGE, JEAN DEKI8. Hemisphere oriental. 1786 c 1; 572 North America, lakes. 1785. Repr. c v 5, no 5-6; * North America, rivers. 1785. Repr. *. c v 5, no 5-6; * BABBIE DU BOCAGE, JEAN GUILLAUME See Guigoni, Atlante geograflco univer- sale. 1875 t 874 BARBUDA ISLAND, W. I. 1856. France. C v 1 no 10; 2711 BABCA. 1700. Seller "... cv2,no20; 529 BARCELONA, CARLOS DE. Capuchin missions of Barcelona. 1779. Repr c74; 2776 Capuchin missions of Guayana. 1771. Repr c73; 2776 BARCELONA, SPAIN. 1727-34. ErsMne. View c 19; 2804 1792-1831. France. Ministere de la ma- rine et des colonies c 220; 2849 1862. Coello de Portugal y Quesada n3137 BARCELONA COVE, TIERRA-FIRME. 1809. Spain c pt 2, no 9; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 2, no 9; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 2, no 9; 1226 BARCELONA PROVINCE, VENEZUELA. 1840. Codazzi c 12; 2775 1856. France cv2,no8;2711 BARELLA ISLAND. 1805. Dalrymple. c v 1, no 245; 543 BARENDSZ, JP'ORMS OF NAME OF n 188 BARENDSZ, WILHELM BERNARD. Caertboeck vande Midlandtsche zee n 188 Delineatio cartae navigationum ad sep- tentrionalem plagam. 1598. Repr. Ser.2,clO; 3107 Description de la mer Me'diterrane'e. 1607-09 n!88 NIeuwe beschryvinghe ende caertboeck vande Midlandtsche zee. 1595 n 188 BARENTS, WILLEM. Voyage. See A n 96 BARENTZOEN, WILLEM. See Barendsz, Willem Bernard. BARFLEUR LIGHT-HOUSE. 1843. U. 8. Con- gress c36; 1384 BARI. 1783. Zatta cv3,no50; 651 1790. Cassini cvl.no 27; 670 BARIARI HARBOR. 1809. Spain cpt3, no 22; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 3, no 22; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 22; 1226 BARIMA RIVER, ENTRANCE. 1841. Schom- burgk. Repr c 49; 2779 BARINAS PROVINCE, VENEZUELA. 1840. Co- dazzi c!4; 2775 BARING'S BAY, SANDAL-WOOD ISLAND. 1790. Dalrymple c v 2, no 123; 543 BARKER, ELIHTT. Kentucky. 1795 c 17; 1172 1795. Reduced c 17; 1362 1796 C40; 683 1809 c!8; 1173 1809. Reduced C 18; 1369 BARKER, J. Mayotta. 1750 c v 1, no 83; 543 BARKER, WILLIAM, engraver. Carey. American pocket atlas. 1796... n!364 1801 n!367 1805 n!368 1814 n!370 Delaware. 1795 ell; 1172 1809 c!2; 1173 Georgia. 1795 c 15; 1172 1809 c!7; 1173 Kentucky. 1795 c 17; 1172 1809 c!8; 1173 Maine. 1794 c2; 1172 Maryland. 1794 c 12; 1172 1809 c!3; 1173 New Jersey. 1794 c 9; 1172 Northwest Territory. 1796 c24; 1173 South Carolina. 1795 C 15; 1172, c 16; 1173 Philadelphia. 1800 c2;2516 Plat of the seven ranges. 1785 c 23; 1173 Title-page for Birch's City of Philadel- phia. 1800 n2516 West Indies. 1795 c 21; 1172 1809 c21; 1173 BARKLEY, Capt. Clioquot, or Port Cox. 1787 C v2, no 44; 543 BARLAEUS, CASPARUS. See Baerle, Kaspar van. BARLOW, JAMES, engraver. Maps. 1767 n 1126 BARLOW, PETER. Chart of magnetic curves. 1840 n 777, 779 1844 n793 BARNARD, FREDERICK A. P., editor. See Johnson. New general cyclopaedia and copper-plate hand-atlas. 1885 t926 BARNARD, J. G. Isthmus of Tehuantepec. 1852? n2690 BARNES, A. S. & co. Hawaiian geography. 1889 n3261 BARNES,JOHN. St. Helena. 1816 n909 BARNETT, EDWARD. Bahama islands. 1850.... .. n 795 1343 BAENETT, EDWARD Continued. Chagres. 1882 n 909 Grey Town, Nicaragua. 1882 n 909 Maps. 1826-40. Repr n 3244 1844-51 n795 1882 n909 BABNIKEL, Maps. 1737 n586 1759-81 n622 BARN'S TAVERN CAMP. 1781. Rocham- beau c43; 1335 BARNSLET, HENRY. New England. 1767 c 9; 1163 Ruatan. 1775 c 25; 2699, C 47; 2702 1794 c47; 2703 1810 C21; 2705, c 15; 2708 BARNSTABLE, MASS. 1907. Mass. Harbor and land commission t 1844 BARNSTABLE BAY. 1825-43. U. S. War de- partment c32; 1377 BARNSTABLE BAY TO BUZZARDS BAY CANAL. 1825. U. S. War department c 7; 1377 BARNSTABLE co., MASS. 1880. Walker. Atlas 1806 BARQUISIMETO PROVINCE, VENEZUELA. 1840. Codazzi c 14; 2775 BARRAL, Montevido. 1874 n 909 St. Catherine island. 1874 n 909 BARRAUX, FORT. 1760? LeRouge c 48; 2975 BARRE, LE FEBURE DE LA. 1666. Cayenne island. Repr c 76; 2719 1666. French Guiana. Repr c 76; 2719 BARREN HILL. 1778. Carrington c p 53; 1336 BARREO, A. Maps. 1689 n 502 BARRERE, PIERRE. French Guiana and Brazil. 1743. Repr. Coast c 23; 2720 BARRINGTON BAY. 1774-81. Atlantic Neptune. View. cvl, no 19; 1198 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 14; 1199 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 18; 1198, c v 1, no 14; 1202 BARRINGTON, FORT. 1770. De Brahm. Repr c v2, no 10; 1191 BARRON CO., Wis. 1888. Foote & Hood. Atlas % . 2635 BARROW, J. Hang-Tchoo-Foo. 1796 C 9; 3190 Shan-Tung. 1796 c6; 3190 Turonbay. 1796 c 4; 3190 Zhe-Hol. 1796 c 8; 3190 BARROW, J., & PARISH, H. W. Santo Paulo Island. 1798 c2; 3190 BARROW, T. Tchu-San. 1796 c 5; 3190 BARRY, CITY AND HAEBOR. 1796? Olivier. mss c 29; 2807 BARRY co., MICH. 1895. Ogle. Atlas 1963 BARTHEL, OTTO. See Century map co. New century atlas of Cayuga county, New York. 1904. . . 1 2216 New century atlas of Otsego county, New York. 1903 t2248 Mueller. Atlas of Cheltenham . . . Penna. 1897 t 2490, 2501 , 2509, 2557 Atlas of properties on line of Penn- sylvania r. r. 1897 t 2449, 2555, 2558 BARTHELEMY, JEAN JACQUES. Voyage du jeune Anacharsis. 1791 n 3049 BARTHOLIN, L. See France. Ministere des colonies. Ser- vice geographique des colonies. Mission de Bonchamps. 1900 t3236 B ARTHOLOMAEUS, Maps . 1639 n 452 BARTHOLOMEW, JOHN. Index to Royal illustrated atlas. 1862... n 838 Maps. 1862 n838 BARTHOLOMEW, JOHN GEORGE. Cartography of England c xii; 2932 See also Constable. Hand atlas of India. 1893 t3202 BARTLETT'S REEF, LONG ISLAND SOUND. 1825-43. U.S. War Department c 137; 1377 BARTON, JAMES. Palawan island. 1781. c v 3, no 27; 543 BARTON, T. A. & FLINT, A. R. Owlshead harbor. 1836 c 146; 1384 BARTON, MD. 1875. Gray n!391 BARTON co., KANS. 1902. Northwest pub- lishing co. Atlas 1713 BARTON co., Mo. 1903. Missouri publish- ingco. Atlas 2069 BAR WICK. 1766. Rocque & Bellin c 8; 2878 BASEELAN. Gout's track. 1802. Torin c v 2, no 96; 543 BASEL. Historical diagram. Voegelin & Meyei von Knonaw n 3154 1739. Du Sauzet c 8; 2779a, c 8; 592a 1841. Radefeld & Renner n 781 BASHEE ISLANDS. Channel. 1784. Dalrymple. . . c v 2, no 50; 543 1781. Dalrymple. Coast views c v 2, no 49; 543 1826-27. Krusenstern. Memoir, suppl. c 3; 3242 1826-27. Krusenstern. Memoir. Text, c 2; 3242 1835. Krusenstern c 27; 3242 BASILICATA. 1783. Zatta cv3,no50;651 1790. Cassini c v 1, no 28; 670 BASILLAN STRAITS. 1838-42. Wilkes... c 100; 3246 BASLE, GRAF OF n 364 BASS, GEORGE. Strait of Malacca & port of Rio. 1805 cvl, no 256; 543 BASS, GEORGE, & SIMPSON,, R. Pacific ocean islands. 1802 c v 3, no 49 f-g; 543 BASS HARBOR. 1786. Forrest. . . c v 1, no 238; 543 BASS ISLAND, LAKE ERIE. 1791-94? Sim- coe. View. Repr c v 4, no 46; 1191 BASS STRAIT. 1835. Krusenstern c 5; 3242 1826-27. Krusenstern. Memoir. Text, cl; 3242 BASS'S REEF-TIED ISLANDS. 1799, Dalrym- ple c v 3, no 49h; 543 BASSALORE. 1765? Dalrymple. c v 1, no 160; 543 BASSE TERRE, ATTACK. 1759. Rycaut c97; 1196 1768. Jefferys c 96; 1196 1885. Mager n2951 BASSUS, FRANCISCUS. America. 1570. Repr. cpt29; 1136 1344 BASTIA COAST. 1830. France. Ministere de la marine el des colonies c 255; 2849 BASTIA HARBOR. 1831. France. Ministere de la marine et des colonies C256; 2849 BASTIDES, RODRIQUE. See Aa n96 BATANG-CAPAY BAY. 1788. McDonald cv2,no210; 543 BATANQAS BAY. 1763. Brereton. c v 2, no 67; 543 BATAVIA CITY. 1739. Du Sauzet c6; 2779a, c6; 592a 1762. Homann heirs n61 1763. Dalrymple c v2, no 200; 543 1901. Dornseiflen n3217, 2715 1904. Bos n268 BATAVIA HARBOR FORTIFICATIONS. 1652. Jansson. View * 1901. Dornseiffen n2715,3217 BATAVIA ROAD. 1786. Dalrymple. cv 2, no 200; 543 BATE HARBOR. 1803. Dalrymple. c v 1, no 132a; 543 BATES, ELIAS. Comptee & Onore. 1725 c v 1, no 166; 543 Merjce. 1725 c v 1, no 165; 543 BATES co. Mo. 1895. Northwest publish- ingco. Atlas 2070 BATH co., KY. 1884. Lake. Atlas. 1746 BATHER, FRANCIS A., translator. See Nordenskiold. Periplus. 1897 t258 BATON ROUGE FORT. 1796. Collot c 35; 1214 BATTICALOA, CEYLON. Road. 1802. Dal- rymple c v 1, no 185a; 543 Road and river. 1802. Heywood. c v 1, no 185; 543 1762. Dalrymple c v 1, no 185; 543 BATTEL, ANDRIES. Voyage n 96 BAUDOT, N. See Freycinet. Voyage de decouvertes aux terres australes. 1812-15 t3250 BAUDOUTN, Maps. 1640-43 n453 BAUDRAND MICHAEL ANTONIO. See Rossi. Mercurio geograflco. 1685? . . t 497 - 1692-1714 t516 - 1692-94 t515 Senex. New general atlas. 1721 1 563 BAUMEISTER, JOHANN JACOB VON. Maps. 1762 n61 BAURAND, See Atlas geographus. 1711-17 t 557 BAUZA, FELIPE. Choco, C6te occidentale de. 1805-34. c v 2, no 25; 2726 Colombia. 1830. Repr c pt 1 , no 17 ; 2778 BAVARIA. Wars. 1710-30. Bodenehr.. . c v 3, no 1; 2814 1533. Aventinus n 374 1571. Apianus n 375 1683. Nicolson c3; 2831 1741. Seutter n623 1759-84. Seutter n623 1762. Lobeck n632 1796. Zatta c v2, no 23; 651 1801. Cassini c v 2, no 32; 670 1805-09. France. Dep6t general de la guerre c 2; 2966 1808. Carey c29; 714 1819. Gary n736 BAY OF ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND. 1769-72. Hawkesworth c 41; 642 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 38; 3244 BAYAHA, HAITI. 1788. Jeflerys c 44; 2702 1794. Jeflerys c 44; 2703 1818. Jeflerys c56; 2708 BAYFIELD, HENRY WOLSEY, Maps. 1844-51 n795 BAYONNE. Actions in vicinity. 1813. Wyld c 32; 2893 1713. Gueudeville n558 1760? Le Rouge c 71; 2975 BAZAINE, FRANCOIS ACHILLE. Operation of the army of. 1870-71. Wachter c4; 2984 BAZILEVSKI, IVAN & FEDOR. Orenburg province. 1880. Atlas n3119 BEADLE co., S. DAK. 1906. Peterson. Altas 2574 BEARS ISLAND. 1689-92. Jacobsz, Doncker CASTELLAR, Conde de - - Peru. 1678. Repr c v2, no 14; 2767 CASTELL6N. 1852. Coello de Portugal y Quesada c3137 CASTIGLIA NUOVA. 1776. Zatta. . . c v 1, no 17; 651 CASTIGLIA VECCHIA, SPAIN. 1776. Zatta. c v 1, no 15; 651 CASTIGLIONE, BATTLE. 1706. Pelet. c v 6, no 5; 3128 CASTILE. 1670. DuVal n481 1688. Morden n498 1692. Mueller n512 1708-25. Senex c 18; 550 1781. Giissefeld n623 1794. Casslni c v 2, no 6; 670 1801. Casslni cv2,nolO; 670 1868. Coello de Portugal y Quesada. ... n 3137 CASTILLO, DOMINGO DEL. California. 1541. Repr. (Omitted) n258 CASTLE ISLAND. 1705. Romer. Repr. cv 4, no 15-19; 1191 CASTLE WILLIAM. Early. Hulbert. View. Repr. C v 4, no 23-24; 1191 1705. Romer. Repr c v 4, no 15-19; 1191 1789. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 17; 1198 CASTLETON, N. Y. 1894. Lefevre cvl;2205 CASTRICOM'S BAY. 1781. Dalrymple. C v 2, no 138; 543 CASTRO, THOMAS DE. Dalawan bay. 1753 c v 2, no 78; 543 Ypolot6 bay and rivers. 1753. c v 2, no 80; 543 CASUARINA, VOYAGE OF. 1800-04. Frey- cinet 1 3249, 3250 CAT ISLAND HARBOR. 1850. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. C42; 1269 1858. France c v 2, no 69; 2711 CATALAN MAPPEMONDE. 1375-77. Repr c 259; n252 1375. Repr c 31; 262 CATALINA HARBOR, CAL. 1852. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey c 47; 1269 CATALINA HARBOR, NEWFOUNDLAND. 1706. English pilot. Fourth book c 6; 1155 1706. Thornton c 4; 1155 1737. English pilot. Fourth book . . c 9; 1157 1758. English pilot. Fourth book., c 11; 1158 1760. English pilot. Fourth book., c 11; 1160 1767. English pilot. Fourth book... c 8; 1162 CATALONIA. 1689. Wolfgang n 502 1695-96. Jaillot n519 1801. Cassini c v2, no 9; 670 CATAMARCA PROVINCE, ARGENTINA. 1866. Martin de Moussy c 15; 2731 1373 CATANEO, A., engraver. Maps. 1792 n3062 CATANINA. 1706? Wit n549 CATARAUGUS HARBOK. 1838. Simpson-Williams c 12; 1384 U.S. War department c!05; 1377 CATARO, GULF. 1796? Olivier, mss.... c 33; 2807 CATIF BAY. 1780. Dalrymple c v 3, no 7; 543 CATOCHE, CAPE, YUCATAN. 1856. France. c v2, no 46; 2711 CATTARAUGUS co., N. Y. Beers. 1869. Atlas. 2214 CATTARO. 1789. Santni c 12; 694 CATTEGAT. 1801. Heather c 4; 2850 1801. Sous c2;2850 CAUCA DEPARTMENT, COLOMBIA. 1827. Restrepo c 6; 2760 1830. Schlieben c 16; 1178 CAUCASUS. 1828-29. Fonton n 3102 1882. Abich. Atlas 3119 1900. Vivien de Saint-Martin & Schra- der c 40; 916 1905. Vivien de Saint-Martin & Schra- der c 46; 916 CAULIN, ANTONIO. Orc5noque,lac Parime, Do- rado, bifurcation. 1759. Repr. c v 2, no 14; 2726 CAURA, RIO. 1816. Humboldt. . c v 2, no 21; 2726 CAUX. 1570. Ortelius. Surroundings n374 CAVENDISH, HENRY n 457 See Dudley, Sir Robert. CAVENDISH, THOMAS. Circumnavigation n 96 Portrait n 487 1672. Seller n2915,3077 CAVE-IN-ROCK, OHIO RIVER. 1849. Conelin. View n 1308, 1309, 1310 CAWLEY. 1764. Dalrymple cv2, no 66; 543 CAWOOR. 1771. Wahlfeldt c v 2, no 207; 543 CAYAGUANEQUE HARBOR. 1809. Spain c pt 3, no 8; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 3, no 8; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 8; 1226 CAYARA CANTON, GUAYANA PROVINCE, VEN- EZUELA. 1840. Codazzi c 15; 2775 CAYE CONFITES, HARBOR, CUBA. 1857. France c v 1, no 60; 2711 CAYENNE ISLAND. 1664. DuVal. Repr c 77; 2719 1666. Barre. Repr c 76; 2719 1666. DuVal. Repr c 77; 2719 1677. DuVal. Repr c 77; 2719 1698-99. Troger. Repr c 83-85; 2719 1729. Anville c 16; 572, n641 1744-69. Tirion n 600 1760. Jeflerys c 106; 1196 1762. Bruletout de Prefontaine. Repr. C14-15; 1138 1762. Buache & Bruletout de Pr^fon- taine. Repr c 33; 2720 1763. Bellin n 590 Bellin. Repr c 36; 2720 1841. Monin n2999 1885. Mager n2951 CAYENNE, CITY. 1744-69. Tirion n 600 1755. Le Rouge c 4; 1185 CAYENNE CITY Continued. 1760. Marchais c 107; 1196 1760? Le Rouge c 89; 2975 1781. Biteow. Repr c 48; 2720 1797. Norie c 42; n2850 1841. Monin n 2999 1882. Robiquet n 909 1885. Mager n 2951 CAYENNE, HARBOR. 1764. Bellin. Repr. c37; 2720 CAYENNE TO MARTINIQUE. 1764. Bellin n590 Repr c37; 2720 CAYL, PORT. 1782. Dalrymple. . c v 1, no 179; 543 CAYLUS, Cul de sac royal, bay. 1760 c 101; 1196 Fort-de-France. 1768 n 641 FortRoyal. 1760 c 101; 1196 Grenada. 1768 c 103; 1196 Maps. 1768 n 641 CAYO MOA HARBOR. 1809. Spain cpt3,noll; 1223 1818. Spain cpt3,noll; 1224 1825. Spain cpt3,noll; 1226 CAYUGA co. N. Y. 1875. Beers. Atlas 2215 1904. Century map co 2216 GAZE HARBOR. 1796? Olivier, mss c 55; 2807 CEARA PROVINCE, BRAZIL. 1830. Schlieben c 22; 1178 1868. Mendes de Almeida c 7; 2749 CEDAR co., IA. 1872. Harrison & Warner. Atlas 1651 CEDAR KEYS, FLA. 1851. U.S. Coast and geodetic survey. c37; 1269 1852. U.S. Coast and geodetic survey. c38; 1269 CEDAR MOUNTAIN, VA. 1861. Paris c 16; 1352 1864. Bechler c 9; 1348 CEDROS, CAPE. 1646-47. Dudley n 457 CELEBES. 1646-47. Dudley n 457 1690? Hacke. mss c86-89;3162 1761. Dalrymple. Coast views. c v 2, no 141; 543 1763-64. Watson. Coast views. c v 2, no 139; 543 1768. Dalrymple. Coast views. c v 2, no 137a; 543 1780. Dalrymple. Coast views. c v 2, no 129; 543 1786. Dalrymple. Coast. c v 2, no 132, 132a; 543 1795. Dalrymple. Coast views. c v 2, no 110; 543 1786. Dalrymple c v 2, no 135; 543 1787. Dalrymple c v 2, no 130, no 134; 543 1799. Dalrymple c v 2, no lllb; 543 1802. Dalrymple. Coast views. C v 2, no 112; 543 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 27; 3244 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 22; 3244 1844-51. Robiquet n 795 1880. Robiquet n909 1899. Dornseiffen c 22; 2715 1374 CELESTIAL GLOBE. 1630. Brahe. Repr. cv2,no!2; 2767 CELI, FRAN. MATH. Aguada Nueva de Puerto Rico. 1768. c90; 1196 Chagres. 1768 075; 1196 Honda bay. 1768 c84; 1196 Matanzasbay. 1768 c80a; 1196 Ntpe, Grand bay of . 1768 c81; 1196 Porto Bello. 1768 c 75a; 1196 Puerto de Cavafias. 1768 c84a;1196 Puerto de Mariel. 1768 c85; 1196 Santa Martha bay. 1768 c 77a; 1196 SantaMartha. 1768 c77a; 1196 Xaguabay. 1768 c83; 1196 CELLARIUS, CHRISTOPHORIUS. See Keller, Chrlstoph. CENTRAL AMERICA. Historical. Aa n96 Lighthouses. 1846. Coulier c 20, 21; 95 Missions, Protestant. 1903. Beach n 178 1548. Ptolemy n369 1561. Ptolemy n371 1564. Ptolemy n 373 1574. Ptolemy n380 1597. Wytfliet c 12; 1140 1599. Ptolemy n 409 1601. Herrera. Repr c2,3;2759 1602. Langenes n 415 1610? Langenes n428 1646-47. Dudley. Coast n 457 1664-65. Blaeu n 471 1692. Muller n512 1695-97. Coronelli n521 1695-1756? Ottens n522 1755. Gardiner n 107 1756? Ottens n616 1763. Gardiner n 107 1781. Bonne n288 1792. Jefferys. Coast c22;2702 1825. Brud n 758 1827. Thomson n 750 1829. Swift C103; 1384 1830. Schlieben c 14; 1178 1832. Brae" n6, 758 1834. Vivien de Saint-Martin n 767a 1840. Codazzi. Coast c 3; 2775 1842. Morse & Breese c30; 1383 1842-45. Morse & Breese c 35; 1228 1844. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 794 1850. Thorpe n803 1851. Martin n804 1852. Wyld n808 1853. Johnston n 296 1853. Philip&Son n810 1853. Smith n323 1856. Black Cl9r 1385 1857. Hall n821 1857. Kiepert. Repr c 10; 2724 1857. Mitchell n823 1858. Marmocchi n828 1859. McCulloch n76 1860. Bartholomew c 46; 829 1860. Mitchell n831,846 1860. Swanston n832 1861. Johnston... .. n835 CENTRAL AMERICA Continued. 1862. Johnson n 837 1862. Royal illustrated atlas n 838 1863. Dispatch atlas n839 1863. Johnson n840 1864. Johnson n 843 1865. Mitchell n301,847 1867. Bartholomew n849 1874? Kiepert, Graf & Bruhns n 871 1878. Marmocchi n887 1878. Robiquet. w. coast n 909 1881. Vivien de Saint-Martin n 899 1882. Philip n907 1888. Werner n90 1889. Brown n949 1891. Desbusslons & others n 964 1893. Vivien de Saint Martin and Schra- der c74b; 916 1903. Freytag n72 1904. Bos n268 See also Zerolo's Atlas geografico univer- sal * CENTURI, COAST AND HARBOR. 1829. France. Jfinistere de la marine et des colonies . c 250; 2849 CENTURION, MANUEL. Guiana. 1770. Repr c 24; 2779; c pt 1, no 4, 2778 CERAN. 1690. Hacke. mss c90;3162 1801. Hayward c v 3, no 49 n; 543 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 23, 3244 CERBICALE ISLANDS. 1827. France. Min- ister e de la marine et des colonies c 261; 2849 CERNOTI, LEONARD, translator. See Ptolemy. Geographia. 1598 n405 . 1621 t436 CERRO DE PASCA, PERU. 1865. Paz Sol- dan c!8; 2769 CERRO LARGO DEPARTMENT, URUGUAY. 1891. Sureda c 4,2773 CESANIS, ALOTSIUS. World. 1574. Repr. cpt28; 1136 CETTE, HARBOR. 1760? Le Rouge c 63; 2975 CEVALLOS, PEDRO DE. Peru. 1759. Repr. cvl,no!2; 2767 CEY RIVER. 1800. Dalrymple . . c v 3, no 34b; 543 CEYLON. 1690? Hacke. mss c 41-42, 46, 48; 3162 1719. Chatelain. c6; 548 1782. ManaartoCalpentyn. Dalrymple. Coast cvl.no 181; 543 1789. Dalrymple. Coast... c v 1, no 184; 543 1795-96. Wedgbrough. Coast. c v 3, no 22 e; 543 1799. Dalrymple. Coast. Dutch mss. cvl,no!77a; 543 1800. Dalrymple. Coast c v 3, no 34a; 543 1802. Heywood c v 1, no 186a; 543 1806. Columbo to Tranquebar. c v 1, no 181a; 543 CEYLON CHANNEL. 1690? Hacke. mss. c 48; 3162 CHABERT, JOSEPH BERNARD, Marquis de. Acadie. 1751 n590 DeRoyale. 1780 c8; 1211 Chibouctou, port. 1779 c 13; 1211 Newfoundland. 1751 n590 Newfoundland banks. 1798 c 9; 1217 1375 CHABERT, JOSEPH BERNARD, Marquis de Con. 1803 c2; 1236 Surveys c 13; 1165, c 13; 1166, c 13; 1169 CHABLAIS. 1792. Zatta c v 3, no 34; 651 CHACAO CHANNEL, CHILE. 1797. Gonzales. ell; 2768 CHACHAP6YAS, PERU. 1865. PazSoldan. c 4; 2769 CHACO. Catalogue of authors. 1807. Dalrym- ple Text c v 4, no 2; 543 1700. Jesuits. Repr c 4; 2723 1758. L6pez c 18; 1159 1805-34. Humboldt, after Donoso, Bauza, etc c v 2, no 25; 2726 CHACO TERRITORY, ARGENTINA. 1866? Moussy c 18; 2731 CHAFARINE ISLANDS. 1796? Olivier, mss. c 75; 2807 CHAGOS. 1712-74. Dalrymple. Coast views. c v 1, no 84; 543 1763. Dalrymple c v 1, no 106; 543 1763. Dewar c v 1, no 105; 543 1774. Dalrymple c v 1, no 101; 534 1784. Nicholls c v 1, no 100; 543 1786. Dalrymple. Memoir. Text c vl, no 10; 543 1787. Blair c v 1, no 98; 543 1787. Dalrymple cv3,no5;543 1788. Blair Text c v 1, no 11; 543 CHAGRES, TOWN AND HARBOR, PANAMA. 1768. Celi c 75; 1196 1788. Jefferys c 29; 2702 1794. Jeflerys c 29; 2703 1818. Jeflerys c 39; 2708 1850. France cv2,no!8 1882. Floyd & Barnett n 909 CHAGRES RIVER, PANAMA, MOUTH OF. 1809. Spain cpt2,no26; 1223 1818. Spain cpt2,no26; 1224 1825. Spain cpt 2, no 26; 1226 CHAGUARAMAS. 1797. Norie c42; p 1080 1804. Bellin n 590 CHAGUARAMAS BAY, TRINIDAD ISLAND. 1856. France c v 2, no 2; 2711 1809. Spain c pt 1, no 14, 1223 1825. Spain c pt 1, no 14; 1226 CHALDEA. Historical. Lenormant. . c, no 10; 31a CHALEUR BAY. 1774-81. Atlantic neptune ... c v 2, no 19; 1199 1775. North American pilot . c v 1, no 14; 1209 1777. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 13; 1198 1780. L'Hermite c 6; 1211 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 18; 1200 1794. North American pilot c!7; 1236 CHALLET, - Coast region of the Esse- quibo colony. 1791 ? Repr c 68; 2776 CHALONS. 1646. Avity p 120; 58 CHALONS-SUR-SAUNE. 1760? Le Rouge, c 46; 2975 CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. Maps t883 CHAMBERY. 1646? Avity c53;58 CHAMBRAY. 1815-16. Luflman n 63 CHAMETLA HARBOR, MEXICO. 1696 c 30; 1154 CHAMISSO ISLAND. 1882. Robiquet n909 CHAMPAGNE. 1777. Zatta c v 1, no 30; 651 CHAMPAIGN co., ILL. 1893. Ogle. Atlas... 1521 CHAMPEAUX, & DURANTY, - Vavao, harbor. 1827-40 c 14; 3244 CHAMPION HILL. 1861. Paris c22; 1352 1863. Sternegg n 177a CHAMPLAIN, SAMUEL DE. Canada. 1677 n501 CHAMPLAIN CANAL. 1841. Chevalier, c 3, fig 3; 1266 CHAMPLAIN, LAKE. Communication with Canada by. 1777. Sauthier c 19-20; 1212 Battle, oct. 11, 1776. Faden c 16; 1207 Early. Hulbert. Repr c v 1, no 21 ; 1191, c v 3, no 38; 1191 1748. Lery. Repr c 38; 1138 1758. Hulbert. Repr.... c v 3, no 39-41; 1191 1758? Hulbert. Repr.... c v 1, no 16-18; 1191 1762. Brassier c 6; 1343 1762-76. Brassier c 18; 1166, c 18; 1169 1775? Faden c 13-14; 1207 1777. Faden c 13-14; 1208 1791. Mann. Repr c v 1, no 20; 1191 1838. Burr n 2207 CHANCELLORSVILLE, VA., BATTLE OF. 1863. Sternegg n!77a 1864. Bechler c 15; 1348 CHANG RIVER. 1784. Dalrymple. c v 2, no 27; 543 CHANLAIRE, PIERRE GREGOIRE. French and dutch Guiana. 1806 c pt 1, no 8; 2778 CHANZY, General ANTOINE EUGENE ALFRED. Operations of the army of the Loire. 1870- 71. Wachter c 7; 2984 CHAOS ISLAND. 1781. Dalrymple. c v 1, no 34; 543 CHAOUL, PORT. 1784. Dalrymple. c v 1, no 156; 543 CHAPMAN, C. Azores. 1782 cvl.no 3; 543 CHAPMAN'S BAY. 1790. Riou ... c v 1, no 27; 543 CHAKBONNIERES. 1646? Avity c 53; 58 CHAEDIN, Sir JOHN. See Senex. New general atlas. 1721 t 563 CHARENTE. 1868. Joanne n3004 CHARENTE-INFERIEURE. 1869. Joanne n3004 CHARGES, COLOMBIA. 1763. Gazzettiere americano . c v 1, no 21; 1161 1777. Atlante dell' America c 32; 1167 CHAEITON co., Mo. 1897. Northwest pub- lishing co. Atlas 2075 CHARLE, J. B. See Guigoni , Atlante geograflco uni versale . 1875 t 874 CHARLEMAGNE. Empire. Zatta c v 4, no 62; 651 Baquol c v 2, no 5; 99 CHARLEMONT. 1760? Le Rouge c 25; 2975 CHARLES I n 471 Dedication to n 449, 1149, See also Blaeu 1664, 1665 - Laet 1633 Mercator 1636 CHARLES V. Atlas Catalan. 1375 c259 Portolano n 263 CHARLES VI. Dedication to n 583 SeeaZsoSeutter... 1734? 1376 CHARLES E MANUEL II, duke of Savoy. Por- trait. 1725. Nanteull n3055 CHARLES CITY, V A. 1864. Bechler c 6; 1348 CHARLES ISLAND, GALAPAGOS. 1840-55. Du Petit Thouars c 205 CHARLES Mix co., 8. DAK. 1906. Peterson. Atlas t2577 CHARLESTON 8. C. 1709-20. Moll n554 1755. Le Rouge c 8; 1185 1770. Brahm. Repr c v 2, no 17; 1191 1775. Jefferys 22-23; 1165, C 23-24; 1166, C 23-24; 1169 1776. Faden. View c28;1337 1776. Sayer& Bennett c 5; 1343 1776. Lewis. Siege c 10, 1341 1780. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 52; 1198 1780. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 53; 1198 1780. Carrington cp61; 1336 1780. Faden c24b; 11C6, c 19; 1337 1787. Faden clO; 1337 1799. Heather c47; plOSO 1823-25. Roblquet n 909 1835. Bradford n 770 1836. Tanner n 774 1861. Paris c 14; 1352 1862. Johnson n837 1864. Colton nl!82 CHARLESTON HARBOR. 1693-1700. Sanson n 517 1777. Wallace cv3, no51; 1198 1775. Faden C29-30; 1207 1776. North American pilot .. c v 2, no 8; 1209 1777. Faden C23-24; 1208 1777. Dessans c23; 1212 1778. Le Rouge c 14; 1210 1778. France c24; 1211 1778-92. Le Rouge c22,23; 1212 1780. Atlantic neptune c v 3, no 52; 1198 1791. North American pilot c 15; 1220 1798. Norman 1217 1801. Luffman n62 1823-25. Bache c 90; 1384 183 U.S. Topographical bureau, c 37-39; 1384 1855. France c v2,no62; 2711 CHARLESTON, W. VA. 1901. U. S. Geological survey C 72; 1283 CHARLESTOWN, MASS. 1874-75. Hopkins. c v6; 1825 CHARLEVILLE. 1760? Le Rouge c 26; 2975 CHARLEVOIX.P.F.X.DE. America. 1777. c4; 1212 CHARLOTTE BAT. 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 22; 1199 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 29; 1198 CHARLOTTE TOWN. 1880. Roe brothers n!239 CHARLOTTE HARBOR. 1777. North American pilot, c v 1, no 18; 1209 1806. North American pilot c 21; 1236 CHARLOTTE ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes... c 55; 3246 CHARLOTTEVILLE, LAKE ERIE. 1791-94? Repr. Simcoe. View cv4,no46; 1191 CHARTTER, A. T. See Geographic universelle t 903 CHARTRES, FORT. 1775. Jeflerys c 25; 1165, c26; 1166, c26; 1169 CHASSELOUP-LAUBAT, P. DE. See France. Ministere de la marine et des colonies. Atlas des colonies franchises. 1866 t2950 CHASTENET-PUISEGUR, JACQUES DE,COWU de. Salnt-Domlngue. 1787-88 n 590, 2716 CHATAM ISLAND. 1827-40. Dumont d'Ur- ville c57; 3244 CHATEAUX BAY. 1777. North American pilot . c v 1, no 17; 1209 1806. North American pilot c 20; 1236 CHATELAIN, H. A. Supplement a 1' Atlas his- torique n 579 CHATELAIN, ZACCHARIE. Mer du Sud. 1732. Repr c v 2, no 23; 2767 CHATHAM, CANADA. 1880. Roe brothers. . . n 1239 CHATHAM, MASS. 1907. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1844 CHATTANOOGA, TENN. 1889. Hopkins. Atlas 2585 1894. U.S. Geological survey c 6; 1283 1904. Hopkins. Atlas 2586 CHAU DE DAX. 1760? Le Rouge c 70; 2975 CHAUCHARD, Capt. Deutschland. 1797. c8; 694 CHAULL. 1690? Hacke. mss c 29; 3162 CHAUMETTE DES FOSSES, AMADEO. Hua- llaga y Ucayala, Pampa del Sacramento. 1836. Repr c v 2, no 48; 2767 CHAUSSEGROS DE LERY, Lake Champlain. 1748. Repr c 38; 1138 Quebec. 1722 c 12; 1138 CHAUTAUQUA co., N. Y. 1881. Beers. Atlas 2217 CHAVES, ALONZO DE. Guiana. 1536. Repr. cl; 2720 CHAYMOX, CORNEILLE n 59 SeeBraun, 1612,1618 CHAZELLES, JEAN MATTHIEU DE & SAUVEUR, JOSEPH. Neptune francois. 1693 n 2848 CHEBUCTO HARBOR, NOVA SCOTIA. 1758. English pilot. Fourth book. . . c 7; 1158 1760. English pilot. Fourth book... c 7; 1160 1767. English pilot. Fourth book... c 7; 1162 1775. English pilot. Fourth book... c 6; 1164 1780. English pilot. Fourth book... c 6; 1168 1784. English pilot. Fourth book... c 7; 1171 CHEBUCTO HEAD. 1774-81. Atlantic Neptune. View. cvl,no36; 1198 1781. Atlantic Neptune. View. cvl.no 33; 1198 CHEDABUCTO BAY, CAPE BRETON ISLAND. 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no51; 1198 1798. Backhouse ell; 1251 CHEDUBA ISLAND. 1782. Alves. . cv 1, no 211; 543 CHEGNECTO, CAPE. 1779. Atlantic Neptune View c v 1, no 7; 1198 CHELSIANG. 1690? Hacke. mss c 69; 3162 CHELJGOFF. See Shelikofl. CHELMSFORD, MASS. 1907. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1845 CHELSEA, MASS. 1874-75. Hopkins c v 4; 1825 1898. Mass. Survey commission. Atlas. 1873 CHELSEA, N. J. 1896. Kiser & Barthel 1 2172 1377 CHELTENHAM, PA. 1897. Mueller. Atlas 2509 1909. Mueller. Atlas * CHEMUNGCO.. N. Y. 1869. Beers. Atlas.. 2218 CHERBOURG. 1760? Le Rouge c 84; 2975 CHEROKEE COUNTRY. 1762. Tlmberlake. c64; 1196 CHEROKEE NATION. 1909. Indian Territory map co * CHERSONESUS, PROPOSED STATE OF n678 CHESAPEAKE AND DELAWARE CANAL. 1834. Poussin c3; 1265 CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO CANAL. 1826. U.S. War Department c 88; 1377 1834. Poussin c2; 1265 1841. Chevalier c 6, fig 2-3; 1266 1830. Atlas 1778 CHESAPEAKE BAY. 1608. Tindall . Repr cvl.no 27-28; 1191 1738-74. LaHarpe n 591 1776. North American pilot. c v 2, no 5-6; 1209 1777-81. Carrington c p 81 ; 1336 1778. France c22; 1211 1778. Le Rouge c 11; 1210 1781. Bellin n 348 1781. Faden c24; 1337 1794. North American pilot c 11-12; 1220 1798. Norman c5; 1217 1849. U.S. Coast and geodetic survey. c27; 1269 CHESHIRE, MASS. 1894. Miller. Atlas 1874 CHESHIRE CO., N. H. 1877. Rockwood. Atlas 2138 CHESTER, ENGLAND. Castle. 1766. Rocque * Bellin c 10; 2878 1612-1618. Braun n59 1766. Rocque & Bellin c 9; 2878 1778. Bowen, Kitchin, & others. View n2920 CHESTER, PA. Camp. 1782. Rochambeau mss c26; 1335 CHESTER co., PA. 1873. Bridgers and others. Atlas 2468 1883. Kirk. Atlas 2469 CHESTER RIVER. 1849. U. S. Coast and geo- detic survey c 27; 1269 CHETTIGON COAST. 1739. Ransom. C v 1, no 204; 543 CHEVREWIL, E n212 CHIAMETLAN PROVINCE, MEXICO. 1758. Lo- pez c 5; 1159 CHIAPA, MEXICO. 1758. L6pez clO; 1159 1830. Schlieben c 12; 1178 CHIARI, BATTLE. 1701. Pelet. c v 1-2, no 16; 3128 CHIAVES, HIERONIMUS. Florida. 1579 n 386 1584 n 386, 389 1587 n392 1588 n393 1592 n396 1595 H400 1598 n 406, 407 1601 n412 1603 .. D419 CHIAVES, HIERON Continued. Florida. 1609 n427 1612 n430 CHIBOUCTOU, PORT. 1779. De Chabert. . c 13; 1211 CHICAGO. 1864. Colton nl!82 1879. Mitchell n890 1879. Page. Atlas 1581 1880. Greeley & Carlson. 1883-92. Greeley, Carlson & co c 2; 1594 1884. Greeley, Carlson & co. Atlas 1582 1886. Robinson. Atlas 1583 1891. Central map co. Atlas 1584 1891. Greeley-Carlson co. Atlas 1586 1891. Grosmann. Atlas 1585 1891. Rascber. Atlas 1587 1892. Central map co. Atlas 1588 1893. Mitchell n 983 1893. Tillotson. Atlas 1589 1904. Bos n268 1905. Donnelley. Atlas 1590 1905. Funk & Wagnalls co 1 1100 CHICAGO HARBOR. 1837. U.S. War department c 100; 1377 1839. U. S. War department c 104; 1377 CHICAGO RIVER, ILL. 1830. U. S. War department c34; 1377 1839. U.S. War department c 100; 1377 1900. U . S. War department. Atlas 1510 CHICAGO TO DETROIT, ROAD FROM. 1829. U. S. War department c 40-43; 1377 CHICAGO, ILL.-!ND. 1902. U. S. Geological survey c81; 1283 CHICHAGOFF.PORT. 1826-27. Krusenstem. c8; 3242 CHICHIRIVICHI, HARBOR. 1809. Spain cpt2,no!4; 1223 1818. Spain cpt2,no!4; 1224 1825. Spain cpt2,no!4; 1226 CHICKASAW BAY, Miss. 1861. Paris. ... c 17; 1352 CHICORA. See Carolina. CHIGNECTO BAY. 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 9; 1203 1777. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 12; 1205 1779. Atlantic Neptune cvl,no9; 1201 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 8; 1198 CHIGNECTO, CAPE. 1774-81. Atlantic nep- tune. View cvl,no6; 1198 CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO. 1830. Schlieben. c 11; 1178 CHILCA. 1880. Belcher n 909 CHILD, T. See Swall, A., & Child, T. CHILE. Atlases. General. 1895-1904 2757-2758a Boundary. 1896. Chili and Argentina. Atlas 2756a 1900. Argentine-Chilian boundary. C 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11; 2730 1902. Chili cl-9;2756a Historical. Aa n 96 1825. Buchon c57; 1176 Statistical. 1825. Buchon c 57; 1176 1597. Wytfliet c3; 1140 1599. Langenes n 410 1601. Herrera y Tordesillas c 12-13; 1141 1602. Bertius... .. n 414 1378 CHILE Continued . 1602. Langenes n 415 1609. Langenes n 424 1610? Langenes n 428 1618. Quiros. Repr c v 2, no 11; 2767 1622. Hen-era y Tordesillas. c pt 1 , no 12-13; 1144 cptl.no 12-13; 1145 cptl, no 12-13; 1146 1625. Laet. c5, 11; 1147 1625. Laet Textcll; 1147 1630. Laet c9.11; 1148 1630. Laet Textcll; 1148 1633. Hondlus n 445 1635. Blaeu cv2,nol05; 448 1636. Mercator n 449 1639. Ilondius n 452 1640. Laet c912; 1150, 1640. Laet Textcl2;ll50 1644. Blaeu n 455 1646-47. Dudley. Coast n 457 1646-49. Jansson n 459 1648-58. Blaeu n 460 1651. Mercator n 461 1653. Jansson n 463 1657. Sanson c!2; 1151 1659. Lubln n 466 1660. Doncker. Coast c 27; 468 1661. Loon n 470 1662. Sanson c 12; 1152 1664-65. Blaeu n 471 1665. Doncker. Coast c30;472 1666. Goos D473, 474 1666. Jansson n 475 1666. Loon n476 1667. Blaeu n 479 1667? Sanson c 12; 1153 1669. Sanson n 486 1670. DuVal n 481 1675? Wit n485 1679. DuVal n501 1688. Morden n 498 1692. Luyts n511 1692. Mueller n 512 1696? Jansson n 523 1700. Seller c v 2, no 34; 529 1701. Moll n536 1702. Fer n 532 1703. Delisle n 535. 641 1705. Fer n 546 1705-20. Chatelain n 548 1706? Blaeu n549 1709. Moll n553 1711-17. Moll n557 1715. Renard n559 1719. Chatelain c 6; 548 1722-74. Delisle c 40; 565 1723. Compleat geographer n 566 1726. Herrera y Tordesillas c 12-13; 1156 1726. T'Sersteuens c 9; 570 1728. Aa_ n % 1729. Moll n574 1732? Moll n578 1732-39. Chatelain n 579 1733. Delisle n 680, 622 1737. Homann n 586, 604 1734? Seutter. Repr cvl.no 8; 2767 1736? Moll ..n585 CHILE Continued. 1739. Renard n 592 1741? Delisle n 596 1745. Delisle n 636 1745. Renard n601 1745? Moll nG02 1747. Bow-on n 603 1748? Delisle n 605 1749. Robert de Vaugondy n 608 1752. Bowen c 52; 614 1758. L<5pez 030,36,38; 1159 1763? Moll n635 1764. Bellin c2; 638 1765. Tirion n 600 1766. Brion de la Tour n 80, 640, 645 1776-84. Anville n 647 1778. Robert de Vaugondy n 649 1780. Bonne n 652 1780. Delisle & Buache n 655 1785. Bachine n 657 1785. Zatta n 650 1786. Brion n 658 1787-88. Bonne & Desmarest n666 1794. Zatta c v4, no 49; 651 1797. Gonzales t 2768, c3; 2768 . 1801. Casslnl cv3.no 34; 670 1801? Cassini n 670 1809. Pinkerton n 724 1812. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 718 1814. Carey n 722, 1372 1817. Thomson n 731 1818. Carey n 732, 1373 1818. Pinkerton n733 1819. Arrowsmith l 1639. Jansson n 452 1640. Jansson c 6; 2C91 1640. Jansson. Repr c 6; 2759 1640. Laet c7; 1150, Text c 9; 1150 1644. Blaeu n 455 1646-49. Jansson n 459 1648-58. Blaeu n 460 1651. Mercator n 461 1657. Sanson c 9; 1151 1660. Doncker. Coast c27;4G8 1662. Sanson c 9; 1152 1664-65. Blaeu n 471 1665. Doncker. Coast c 30; 472 1666. Jansson n 475 1667. Blaeu n 479 1706. Jansson n 549 1667? Sanson c 9; 1153 1711-17. Moll n557 1758. L<5pez c 22-23; 1159 1763. Gazzettiere americano. . c v 3, no 19; 1161 1777. Atlante dell' America c 34; 1167 1780. Bonne n 652 1780. Bonne. Repr c44;2720 1383 COLOMBIA, S. A. Continued. 1785. Bachiene n 657 1785. Bachiene. Repr c 52 bis; 2720 1787-88, Bonne & Desmarest n 666 1802. Arrowsmith. Repr c 36; 2779 1810. Brazil. Repr c61;2721 1811. Pinkerton n724 1812. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 718 1818. Pinkerton n 733 1819. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 734 1820. Hall. Repr c65;2721 1822. Finlayson c 47; 1373a 1822. Peralta, after Humboldt. Repr. c23; 2759 1822. Peralta c 23; 2691 1823. Arrowsmith. Repr c 20; 2722 1823. Lucas n 742 1825. Bru4. Repr c v 2, no 22; 2726 1826. Bru<5 n 758 1826. Humboldt. Repr c 67; 2721 1827. Finlayson c 47; 1177, c 47; 1379, C 47; 2728 1827. Restrepo cA;2760 1827-29. Malte-Brun n 751 1828. Hall n756 1828. Lapie n 765 1828. Lapie. Repr c 76; 2720, c pt 1, no 15; 2778 1830. Bauza. Repr c pt 1, no 17; 2778 1830. Schlieben c 15-16; 1178 1831? Lizars n 761 1832. Arrowsmith. Repr c 70; 2721, c 47; 2776 1832. Carey & Lea n 762 1832. Malte-Brun n763 1834. Arrowsmith c v 4, no 47; 764 1834. Burr n 771, 1379a 1834. Carey & Lea n767 1834. Vivien de Saint-Martin n 767a 1835. Bradford n 770 1835. Dower n 772 1835. LasCasas n 127 1836. Tanner n 774 1837. Malte-Brun n 775 1838. Duvotenay. Repr... c pt 1, no 18; 2778 1839. Radefeld & Renner n 781 1840. Codazzi c 10; 2775 1840. Codazzi. Repr c pt 1, no 20; 2778 1840. Hall n777 1841. Hall n779 1842. Arrowsmith c 47; 789 1842. Greenleaf n 784 1842. Lapie n!23a,787 1842? Lizars n 782 1842-43. Tanner n 788 1844. Hall, Hughes & others n 793 1848. Teesdale n 796 1849. Mitchell n 797 1850. Milner & Petermann n 231 1850. Potel n802 1851. Martin n 804 1851. Mitchell c 38; 1179 1851. Petermann. Repr c 9; 2724 1852. Delarochette n 808 1854. Kerhallet. Coast c 2710 1856. Morse n 817 1857. Hall n821 35799 VOL 2 09 12 COLOMBIA, S. A. Continued. 1857. Delarochette. Repr c 83; 2721 1858. Marmocchi n 828 1860. Bartholomew c49; 829 1860. Mitchell n 846 1860. Swanston. n 832 1862. Gamier n836 1862. Johnson n 837 1862. Royal illustrated atlas n838 1863. Johnson n 840 1865. Mitchell n301, n 847 1867. Bartholomew n 849 1868. Andriveau-Goujon. Repr c 16; 2724 1875. Brae". Repr c 18; 2724 1875. Duvotenay n 874 1878. Marmocchi n887 1886. Brown n 949 1903. Trope 1 c 1; 2721 See also South. America. Terra Firma. COLOMBO HARBOR, CEYLON. 1782. Keulen. cvl; no 179; 543 Robiquet n 909 COLONIA BAY. 1874. COLONIZATION. Beginning of. Supan c 2782a Dutch. 1598-1670. Supan c 2782a English- American. 1783-86. Supan... c2782a European- American. Since 1876. Supan. c2782a French-English. 1670-1783. Supan ... c 2782a Results. Supan c 2782a Spanish-Portuguese. 1492-1598. Supan c 2782a COLORADO. Boundary. 1889. International boundary commission c 5; 1262 Geography. 1881. anon c sup 2; 1411 Geological. 1882. Dutton. Atlas 1471 1882. Emmons 1472 1898. Spurr 1474 1861. Mitchell n846 1862. Johnson n 837 1863. Johnson n 840 1864. Johnson n 843 1865. Mitchell n301,n847 1866. U. S. General land office c 16; 1388 1876. Mitchell n 880 1876. U. S. General land office c 18; 1396 1877. Hayden. Atlas 1473 1878. Mitchell n 888 1879. U. S. General land office c 20; 1405 1886. Page t 1517,1579 1889. Brown n 949 COLORADO REEFS, CUBA. 1768. Jefferys c83a; 1196 1856. France c v 1, no 54; 2711 COLORADO RIVER. 1844. Duflot de Mofras c 10; 1457 1889. International boundary commis- sion c!9; 1263 COLSEE-ED HARBOR. 1838-42. Wilkes. . c 84; 3246 COLSON, JOHN. Maps. 1690 n2S33 COLTON, Brazil and Guiana. 1855. Repr clO; 2724 COLTON, J. H. See Fisher, Chronological history of the civil war in America. 1863 1 1350 1384 COLTON, J. H. Continued. &e Hunt. Historical atlas. 1800 1 113 Johnson. Johnson's new illustrated family atlas. 1862 t837 1863 t840 1864 t843 COLUMBIA, TENN. 1903. U. S. Geological survey c95; 1283 COLUMBIA co., N. Y. 1873. Beers. Atlas 2221 1888. Beers, Ellis & co. Atlas 2222 COLUMBIA co., PA. 1876. Walker graphiques n 533 GolfeduLyon. 1725 c!00a;2807 Magellan strait. 1703 n641 1733 n622 1748? n605 1695-1756? n522 1703-56? n542 1717? n560 1722-74 n565 1724 n3054 1730-39 n578 1734 n582 1737 n586 1738-74 n591 1740-1817 n595 1745 n601 1747-57 n604 1748? n605 1756? .".... n 616, 617 1759-81 n622 1768 n641 1787 n660 1787-91 n664 1792 n 674, 675 1793? ., n678 Mexico. 1703 n641 Mississippi river. 1703 n641 North America. 1700 c5;1195 1703 n641 1708 n542 1730-39 n 576 17347... .. n582 1395 DELISLE, GUILLAUME Continued. Observations astronomiques. Gourne. 1741 t637 Brion de la Tour t640 Maclot t 645, 658 Pacificocean. 1752 n 641 Discoveries of Admiral de Fonte. 1752 c7; 1195 Paraguay. 1703 n 641 1733 t n622 1748? n605 Peru. 1703 n 641 1703. Delisle. Repr c 89; 2719, c 9; 2721 1748? n605 Phillipsbourg. 1734 n 616 South America. 1700. Repr. c v 1, no 3: 2767 1700 c36; 2776,c88; 2719 1703. Repr c37;2776 Terra Firma. 1703 n641 1708 n542 1730-39 n576 1734? n582 1748? n605 Theatrum historicum. 1705 n 560 Works c5; 261, n 655 World. 1700. Repr c 87; 2719 1724. Repr c6; 261 1730-39 n576 1740-1817 n595 1741 n80 DELISLE, JOSEPH NICOLAS. Arctic regions. 1700-03 c 9; 1195 Brazil. 1703 n 641 1748 n605 Ostium fluvii Amur. 1745 n3109 DELISLE, Louis. Russia. 1745 n3109 DELLEKER, GEORGE. Connecticut. 1827 c 14; 2728 District of Columbia. 1827 c 21; 2728 Missouri. 1827 c 34; 2728 New Hampshire. 1827 c 11; 2728 DELLEKER, GEORGE, & YOUNG, G. II. Connecticut. 1822 c 14; 1373a 1827 c!4; 1379 District of Columbia. 1822 c21; 1373a 1827 c21; 1379 Missouri. 1822 c31;1373a 1827.... c34; 1379 New Hampshire. 1822 c 11; 1373a 1827 ell; 1379 South America. 1822 c 1; 1373a Virginia. 1822 c22; 1373a 1827 c22; 1379 DELLIE HARBOR, TIMOR ISLAND. 1802. Dal- rymple c v 2, no 122; 543 DELMENHORST. 1761. Homann n623 DELPHINAS, ORONTIUS F. See Fine 1 , Oronce. DEM AON. 1788. McCluer c v 1, no 148; 543 DEMBER, GEORGE. Lake Ontario. Early. Repr c v 1. no 8; 1191 DEMERARA. 1748. Storm van's Gravesande. Repr. c 17, 18; 2779 1749. Storm van's Gravesande. Repr. c 19; 2779 1775. Heneman. Repr c 64; 2776 DEMERARA Continued. 1776. Heneman. Repr c 39; 2721 1795. Bouchenroeder. Repr c 70; 2776 1798. Bouchenroeder. Repr c 35; 2779 1798. Bouchenroeder. Repr c 55; 2721 1847. Schomburgk. Repr c 86c; 2777 DEMERARA RIVER. 1749. Storm van's Gravesande. Repr. c20; 2721 1749. Storm van's Gravesande. Repr. c20; 2779 1750. Storm van's Gravesande. Repr. , c 11; 2722 1750? Storm van's Gravesande. Repr. c21; 2721 DEMONGENET, FRANCISCUS. World. 1552. Repr n 257 DENAIN, BATTLE. 1712. Pelet. cvlO-ll,nol; 3128 DENGELSTED, Maps. 1752-58 3044 DENHAM, HENRY MANGLES. Maps. 1844- 51 n 795 DENIA, CITY. 1792-1831. France. Ministere de la marine et des colonies c 218; 2849 DENIS, Louis. Brazil. 1764 n 81 Maps. 1789? n671 Mexico. 1764 n 81 North America. 1764 n 81 Paraguay. 1764 n 81 Peru. 1764 n 81 Philippine islands. 1764 n 81 South America. 1764 n81 DENIS, NICOLAS. Reproduction of his map of Europe. 1480-85 n 2799 DENIS BAY. 1784. Trobriand. . . c v 1, no 117; 543 DENMARK. Description by Pontan n 479 Historical c42; 97 Light houses. 1847. Coulier c 6; 95 Roads. 1820. Reichard c 7; 2810 1550-65. Cornells Anthonisz. Repr. c5; 2798a 1570. Ortelius n 374 1620. Blaeu. Coast n 2S29 1646? Avity c 42; 58 1646-17. Dudley. Coast n 457 1664. Blaeu c v 1; 471 1667. Blaeu c v 1; 479 1680. Pitt c 1: 2831 1680-1769. Atlas 2945-2947 1689-92. Jacobsz, Doncker & Goos. Coast cptl, v 1; 2832 1692. Jacobsz. Coast cptl,vl;2834 1700. Seller c v 1, no 47; 529 1700? Lea n527 1708-25. Senex c21;550 1714. Ch&telain c4;548 1722-74. Delisle 565 1752. Bowen :.. c24;614 1772. Kitchin c 19; 653 1779-99. Zatta cv 2, no 25; 651 1781. Zatta cv2, no27;651 1789. Dunn c 10; 659, c 10; 684 1789. Gussefeld... .. n294 1396 DENMARK Continued. 1794. Heather. Coast c!4;2850 1796. Carey c4;683 1796. Cassini cv 2, no 55; 670 1796. ReiUy c27;686 1801. Cassini cv2,no57;C70 1808. Carey c33,34;714 1829-30. Schlieben n2853 1834. Arrow-smith c v 1, no 9; 764 1842. Arrowsmith c9;789 1860. Bartholomew c 21; 829 1884. Vivien de Saint-Martin Shantung. 1868... c 1-2; 3191 ELIOT, Sir JOHN. See India. Meteorological department. Climatological atlas of India. 1906 t3197 ELIZABETH, Queen, portrait 1579. Saxton. n2913 ELIZABETH BAY. 1793. Dalrymple. c v3, no 1; 543 ELIZABETH, CAPE, TO MOOSE POINT, COAST. 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 11; 1198 ELIZABETH, CAPE, TO NEWBURY HARBOR, COAST. 1776. Atlantic Neptune. cv3,no!5; 1198 ELIZABETH ISLANDS. 1776. Atlantic Neptune. c v 3, no 23, no 32; 1200 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville ell; 3244 ELIZABETH RIVER. 1825-43. U. S. War de- partment c32; 1377 1404 ELIZABETH TOWN TO NEW YORK, ROAD FEOM. 1789. Colles c 40; 1326 ELIZABETH TOWN POINT. 1780. Hills o!6; 1337 ELIZABETH TOWN POINT TO ELIZABETH TOWN, ROAD FEOM. 1780. Hills.... c 20; 1339, o 20; 2143 ELKBEEQ, C. G. Coast of Hainan. 1760. cv2,no!5; 543 ELKHART co., IND. 1874. Hlgglns, Belden 05 1703-1807. Dalrymple & others; Repr. n 543 1740. Bellin c 172, c 5; 613 1757. Bellin n590 1786. McCluer Text c v 1, no 16; 543 1787. Dalrymple Text c v 1, no 6; 543, c v3, no49r; 543 1800. Laurie & Whittle n 700 1880. India. Meteorological Department. Robiquet n 909 1908. Atlas 3204 INDIAN TERRITORIES, CANADA. 1857. De- vine c 19; 1259 INDIAN TERRITORY. Missions. 1848. Morse n 182 1844. Gregg c33; 1228, c29; 1383 1854. Lange o!3; 1230 1857. Mitchell n 823 1865. Mitchell n301,847 1876. Brown n 949 1876. U. S. General land office c 12; 1396 1879. Mitchell n890 1879. U. S. General land office c 17; 1405 INDIAN WARS. Hardesty 1 1288, 2351 INDIANA. Boundary. 1827. Public survey... c 151; 1384 Coal. 1806. Peabody coal company... n 1268 Historical. Buchon c 36; 1176 Railroads. 1870-71. Asher, Adams & Hlggins t!598 1877. Gray n 1398 Statistical. Buchon c 36; 1176 1822. Lucas c32; 1373a 1823. Lucas n 742 1823. Tanner c 16; 1374 1825. Cary n 745 1825. Morse n 746 1825-33. Tanner n 1376 1826. Finley ell; 1378 1826. Weiland c24; 1225 1827. Lucasjr c32; 1177, C32; 1379, C 32; 2728 1829. Finley n 752 1830. Finley n755 1830. Schlieben c 7; 1178 1831. Finley n700 1833. Burr n 771, 1379a 1835. Bradford n 769, 770 1835. Tanner c22; 1380 1836. Burr c 41, 154; 1384 1836. Tanner n774 1838. Bradford & Goodrich c 21; 783 1839. Burr n 1379a 1839. Tanner c 16; 1382 1841. Tanner n788 1841. U. S. Treasury department. C112-115; 1384 1842. Greenleaf n784 1842. Morse & Breese c28; 1228, c 19; 1383 1849. Mitchell n 797 1851. Mitchell c28; 1179 1854. Lange c9; 1230 1856. Black c 8; 1385 1856. Morse n 817 1860. Mitchell n831 1862. Johnson n837 1863. Johnson n 840 1863. Mitchell n 846 1864. Johnson n 843 1865. Mitchell n301, 847 1866. U. S. General land office c 2; 1388 1867. Bartholomew n849 1870-71. Asher, Adams & Higgins. At- las 1598 1874. Lake, Sanford, Gould t!624 1451 INDIANA Continued. 1875. Paul t!633 1876. Baskin, Forster & co. Atlas 1599 1877. Gray n 885 1878. Mitchell n 888 1879. U. S. General land office c 2; 1405 1881. anon c sup 5; 1411 1882. Brown n 949 1884. Mitchell n 920 1886. Page t!517,1579 1896. Ogle t!636 1904. Ogle tl611 1908. Rand, McNally & co. Atlas 1600 INDIANA, PA. 1904. U. S. Geological survey. c 102; 1283 INDIANA co., PA. 1871. Beers. Atlas 2478 INDIANAPOLIS. 1877. Gray n 885, 1398 1889. Brown n949 1889. Fatout. Atlas 1637 1908. Baist. Atlas 1638 INDO-CHINA. 1G90? Hacke. mss c 63; 3162 Atlases. General. 1863-68 3205-3206 Voyages. 1866-68. Garnier t3206 1646-47. Dudley n 457 1773. Dalrymple. Coast c v 3, no 495; 543 1780. Dalrymple cv2,no8;543 1791. Dalrymple. Coast c v 2, no 9; 543 1802. Dalrymple. Coast cv 2, no 4; 543 1804. Dalrymple. Coast c v 2, no 1 ; 543 1830-32. Laplace c3-4;3174 1834. Arrowsmith cv3,no31;764 1834. Berghaus Text c9; 3175 1842. Arrowsmith c31; 789 1858. Bartholomew c4;826 1860. Bartholomew c35;829 INDPAROWE, SUMATRA. 1774. Dalrymple. cv2,no209; 543 INDRE-ET-LOIRE. 1870. Joanne n 3004 1874. Joanne n 3004 INGHAM co., MICH. 1874. Beers. Atlas 1973 INGHIBAMT, See Jouanny. Atlas del Pert. 1867 t 2770 INGRIA. 1801. Cassini cv2,no61; 670 INHABITANT BAY. 1798. Backhouse., c 10, 11; 1251 INHABITANTS RIVEE. 1777. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 5; 1201 1779. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 5; 1199 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 5; 1200 INHAMBAN BAY. 1806. Inverarity. c v 1, no 64; 543 INSTITUTO JEOGRAFICO AHJENTINO. Andes; liriea divisoria de aguas. 1895. Repr. c 2; 2756a INSTRUCTIONS SUR LA NAVIGATIONS DES INDES ORIENTALES ET DE CHINE. 1775. Apres de Mannevillette n 3165, n 3166 INVERARITY, DAVID. Bembatooka bay. 1802 c v 3, no 497; 543 Borneocoast. 1807 c v 3, no49cl; 543 China, coast of. 1793 c v 3, no 49w; 543 Delagoa bay c v 1, no 60; 543 Galleharbor. 1801 c v 3, no 49c 1; 543 Inhamban bay. 1806 c v 1, no 64; 543 Lingen road to Haycock island. Chain of angles cvl,no260; 543 INVERARITY, DAVID Continued. Lingen & Malaya, soundings to. 1807. c v 3, no 49 C 1; 543 Madagascar. 1803 Text, c v 4, no 1 ; 543 1S06 cv3, no49x; 543 Majambo bay. 1803 c v 1, no 59; 543 Mozambique harbor. 1802 ... c v 1, no 67c; 543 Narreenda bay & Luza river. 1803. cv3, no49al; 543 Passandava. 1813 c v 3, no 49z; 543 Po. Bintang & Po. Gallatt. 1804. c vl, no 259; 543 Po Pinang to Torres, chain of angles from. 1804... cvl,no233; 543 IONIA co., MICH. 1875. Beers. Atlas 1974 1891. Crawford. Atlas 1975 IONIAN ISLANDS. 1834. Arrowsmlth c v 2, no 20; 764 1842. Arrowsmith c v 2, no 18a; 764, c 20; 789 1844. Arrowsmith c 52; 789 1860. Bartholomew c 28; 829 IONIAN SEA. Lighthouses. 1845. Coulier. c 16; 95 IOWA. Coal n 1268 Railroads. 1871. Harrison & Warner. . t!685 1872. Harrison & Warner. t!644, 1651,1702 1874. Harrison & Warner. t 1655, 1657,1679, 1688,1704 1875. Harrison & Warner. t!667, 1684,1697 1838. Bradford & Goodrich c 39; 783 1839. Public survey c 65, 67; 1384 1841. Public survey c66; 1384 1842. Greenleaf n 784 1842. Morse & Breese c 16; 1383 1842-43. Tanner n 788 1844. Morse & Breese c 30; 1228, c26; 1383 1844-47. Olney n 309 1849. Mitchell n 797 1850. Mitchell n 800 1851. Mitchell c 32; 1179 1854. Lange c8; 1230 1856. Black c 9; 1385 1856. Morse n817 1860. Mitchell nS31 1861. Mitchell nS4& 1862. Johnson n 837 1863. Johnson n 840 1864. Johnson n 843 1865. Mitchell n 301,847 1866. U. S. General land office c 7; 1388 1867. Bartholomew n 849 1875. Andreas. Atlas 1639 1876. Mitchell n880 1879. U.S. General land office c 7; 1405 1881. Bessey c sup 6; 1411 1886. Page 1 1517, 1579 1889. Brown n 949 1902. Huebinger survey and map pub- lishing co 1 1696 1902. Ogle 1 1654, 1669 1904. Huebinger. Atlas 1640 1452 IOWA Continued. 1905. Anderson & Goodwin co t!708 1905. Iowa publishing co 1 1694 1906. Iowa publishing co 1 1650, 1 1659, 1700 1907. Anderson & Goodwin co 1 1690 1907. Cram. Atlas 1641 1907. Iowa publishing co 1 1C81 1908. Anderson & Goodwin co 1 1695 IOWA co., IA. 1874. Harrison & Warner. Atlas 1673 1886. Warner & Foote. Atlas 1674 IPELA HIDGE. 1900. Argentine-Chilian boundary c 3; 2730 IPSWICH, MASS. 1895. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1842 IQOTQ'JE. 1865. PazSoldan c 49,52; 2769 1882. Robiquet n 909 IEELAND. Atlases. General. 1689-1901 2938-2940 Early. Orpen c29; 2794 Early Tudor. Dunlop c30;2794 1541-1653. Dunlop c31;2794 1570-73. Camocio n2815 1620. Blaeu. Coast n2829 1646-47. Dudley. Coast n457 1654. Blaeu cv5; 460 1658. Doncker. Coast c 10; 468 1662. Blaeu cv5; 471 1665. Doncker. Coast c 12; 472 1667. Blaeu cv6; 479 1689. Jacobsz, Doncker & Goos. Coast. cpt2,v2; 504, c pt 2, v 2; 2832 1690. Seller. Coast c2;2833 1700. Seller c v 1, no 20; 529 1708. Chatelaln c3;548 1708-25. Senex c 9; 550 1715. Knight n2912 1752. Bowen c 7; 614 1780. Rocque c 10,11; 653 1786. Dunn c 7; C59, c7; 684 1787. Kiichln c 22; G94 1794. Zatta c v 1, no 42a; 651 1795. Cassinl c v 2, no 53-54; 670 1796. Carey c8; 683 1796. Jefferys c 13; 686 1796. Zatta cvl,no35;651 1808. Carey ell; 714 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 11; 3244 1834. Arrowsmith c v 1, no 7; 764 1842. Arrowsmith c 7; 789 1860. Bartholomew c 13; 829 1883-1908. Vivien de Saint-Martin & Schrader c 28-28a; 916 1901-02. Taylor c 3; 2901 IRONDALE. 1880. Greeley & Carlson c 2; 1592 IEWIN, Arabian sea. 1787 c 43; 694 ISABELLA co., MICH. 1879. Hayes. Atlas.. 1976 IsfcRE. 1870. Joanne n3004 ISIDOEUS OF SEVILLE. Mappemonde. 13th century. Repr. mss C 5; 202 World. 7thcentury c 255 ISKANDEEOON GtTLF. 1796? Olivier, mss. c60; 2807 ISLAMABAD EIVEE. 1764. Plaisted. C vl, no 202; 543 ISLAND NO. 10. 1861. Paris c 8; 1352 ISLANDS, Mythical. Bordone .. n 162, 163, 164, 156 ISLAY, PEEC. 1865. Paz Soldan . c 45,46,59; 2769 ISLE DE FRANCE. 1776. Zatta cvl, no23;651 1792. Dumez & Chanlaire n 2095 See also Mauritius. ISLE op MAN. 1690. Seller c 47; 505 ISLE or WIGHT. 1690. Seller c 18; 505 1692. Fer n 517a, 2780 1700. Seller c v 1, no 15; 529 1803. Neptune francols n2848 ISLE ROYALE, CAPE BRETON ISLAND. 1737-94. Bellln n 589 1749. Robert de Vaugondy n 608 1751. Chabert n590 1754. Bellln n587 1757. LaHarpe n 591 1778-80. France c 7; 1211 1779. Bellin n 590 1780. Bellin n 590 1780. Chabert c8; 1211 1787-88. Bonne & Desmarest n 666 ISLE ROYALE, MICH. Geology. 1854. Lange c 10; 1230 ISLENIEF, Ungarn. 1790 c9;694 ISLIP, N. Y. 1888. Wendelken. Atlas 2286 ISOTHERMAL CHART. 1833. Griffen n289 1844. Hall, Hughes & others n 793 ISPAHAN, PERSIA. 1652? Jansson. View... * ISSAKOFF, J n 95 ISSELT, MICHAEL. Verses by n 390, 421 ISTMO, COLOMBIA. 1830. Schlieben c 16; 1178 ISTEIA. 1604. PorcacchI n 168 1692-96. Rossi n515 1794. Zatta cv3, no 15, 16; 651 ITALIA SOTTO L'ASPETTO FISICO . . . 1867-97. n3063 ITALY. Ancient. Anville c 41; 571, c 38; 572, c 8; 599 Cassinl cv3,no50; 670 Horn n 17 Senez c28: 550 Zatta c v 4, no 58; 651 Arms of noble families. 1725. Blaeu... n 3055 Atlases. General. 1620-1897 3061-3062 Cities. Atlases 3053-3057 Armsof. 1725. Blaeu n3055 1867-97. Vallard n 3063 Coast. Description of. 1700? Voogt n 530 Ecclesiastical. Middle Ages. Ewart. c69; 2794 Forts. 1701-12. Pelet c v 5, no 5; 3128 1703-12. Pelet c v 6, no 7; 3128 Historical. Vallardl .' n3063 Lighthouses. 1847. Coulier c 13, 14; 95 Medical. Raseri. Atlas 3058 Papal States. 1646. Avity c 45; 58 1453 ITALY Continued. 1704. Blaeu '. c 2; 3053 1759-84. Seutter n624 1786. Zatta cv3, no 18; 651 1791. Cassini c v 1, no 32; 670 1794. Bonne n 680 Post routes. 1819. Keichard c 4; 2810 Principalities. 1783. Zatta.. c v 3, no 48; 651 1796-1859. Dubail c 13; 2818 S. Pietro patrimonio. 17S3. Zatta. cv3,no24; 651 Savoy, House of c 70; 2794 Travels. 1783. Santini. Atlas 3059 Wars. Jansson. Atlas 3060 1701-06. Pelet c v 1-2, no 3; 3128 1746. Homann n622 568-774. Bury c63;2794 850-1067. Eckenstein c 64; 2794 1060-1167. Eckenstein c Co; 2794 1167-1250. Eckenstein c 66 ; 2794 14th and 15th centuries. Ewart c 07; 2794 15th century. Perspective c 251 1454. Ewart c 68; 2794 1478. Berlinghieri. Repr. . . c v 5-6, no 6; 260 1478? Berlinghieri n352 1570. Castaldo n374 1646? Avity c 2; 58 1649. Jansson c v 3; 459 1651. Mercator c v 2, 461 1653. Jansson c v 4; 463 1658. Blaeu cv3; 460 1664. Blaeu c v 7; 471 1667. Blaeu c v 9; 479 1692-96. Rossi n 515 1695. Jaillot t520 1695-%. Jaillot t 519, n 519 1700. Seller c v 1, no 57; 529 1700-24. Jaillot t534 1701. T' Sersteuens c 14; 570 1703. Mortier n2823 1705. Chatelain c 1; 548 1708-25. Senex Cl9,c29;550 1713. Vignola n558 1715. Visscher n2912 1722-74. Delisle c 18; 565 1726. T'Sersteuens c3;570 1743. Anville c 15; 571, c 19; 572, c 18; 599 1752. Bowen c20,c21;614 1776. Anville-Jefferys c 16; 653 1785-89. Tindal n 2886 . 1786. Dunn c 18, 19; 659 1787. Anville c 16; 694 1789-91. Reilly n2845 1790. Cassini cvl,no23;670 1790. Rizzi-Zannoni n294 1794. Dunn c 18, 19; 684 1796. Anville c 16; 686 1796. Carey c 16; 683 1798. Zatta cvS.nol; 651 1805-09. France. Dep6t general de la guerre c2; 2966 1808. Carey c 18; 714 1819. Cary n 736 1834. Arrowsmith c v 1, no 17; 764, c v 2, no 18; 7C4 ITALY Continued. 1842. Arrowsmith. North c 17; 7J9 1842. Arrowsmith. South c 18; 789 1844-51. Robiquet. Coast n 795 1854. Baclerd d'Albe c2;2981 1860. Bartholomew c 25-26; 829 1882. Stieler n 910 1887. Vivien de Saint-Martin. South, c 23; 916 1899. Vivien de Saint-Martin & Schra- der c22; 916 1900. Vivien de Saint-Martin & Schra- der c21; 916 ITAM AKACA. 1657. Jansson n 465 ITAPUAMA. 1664-65. Blaeu n 471 IUKA, Miss. 1861. Paris c 17, c 29; 1352 IVANNA BAY, BATANES ISLAND. 1759. Baker. cv2,no59; 543 IvigA. 1727-34. Erskine c 31; 2804 1740. Bellin c 172 1778. Zatta c v 1, no 19; 651 IVICA, HARBOR. 1796? Olivier, mss. . . c 82; 2807 J. JACKSON, Capt. Lake George. 1756-76 c 18; 1166, c 18; 1169, c 6; 1343 See also Sayer & Bennet. American mili- tary pocket atlas. 1776 1 1206, 1343 JACKSON, ANDREW. Attack of American lines below New Orleans. 1814 c 6; 1345 Portrait of. 1816. Latour n 1345 JACKSON, CAL. 1894. U. S. Geological sur- vey ell; 1283 JACKSON, PORT. 1777. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 19; 1199 1779. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 19; 1200 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 26; 1198 1828. La Pierre & others c 204 1835. Krusenstern c 4; 3242 JACKSON co., IA. 1893. Northwest pub- lishing co. Atlas 1675 JACKSON co., KAN. 1903. Northwest pub- lishingco. Atlas 1722 JACKSON co., MICH. 1874. Everts & Stew- art. Atlas 1977 JACKSON co., OHIO. 1875. Lake. Atlas... 2388 JACMEL, HAITI. 1856. France., c v 1, no 31; 2711 JACOBS, engraver. See Barral. Atlas du Cosmos. 1867 t 212 JACOBSZ, ANTHONI. Maps. 1689-92 n 2832 1692 n!94 JACOBSZ, THEUNIS. Maps. 1689-92 n 2832 1692 n2834 JACOBSZ, T., DONCKER, H., & Goos, H. Easterne navigation. 1689-92. Westerne navigation. 1689-92 c 2832 Lighting colom of the Midland sea, 1692. n 2832 JACOBSZ FAMILY. Map makers at Amster- dam n 504, 510, 2834 JAFFATINE ISLANDS. Dalrymple. .. c v 1, no HOb; 543 1454 JAITRABAT. 17SS. McCluer. C v 1, no 140; 643 JAGEN, J. VAN, engraver. SeeBachiene. Atlas. 1785 t657 JAGUA BAY, CUBA. 1788. Jeflterys 039; 2702 1794. Jefferys o39; 2703 1809. Spain c pt 3, no 33; 1223 1818. Jefferys c51;2708 1818. Spain cpt3,no33; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 33; 1226 1856. France. cvl.no 51; 2711 JAILLOT, BERNARD. Paris. 1713. Repr. c23; 3011 JAILLOT, CHAKLES HUBERT ALEXIS. Brabantise. 1694 n502 Canada. 1695-1756? n 522 1696 n514 Maps. 1695-95 n 519 1695-1756? n522 1696? n523 1703 n2823 1703-56? n542 1706? n549 1709? n551 1740-1817 n 595 1741? n596 1748? n605 1756? n CIO, 617 1768 nC41 1781-84 n C55 1789? nC71 North America. 1095-1756? n522 1756? nC17 Portrait n 520 Post roads of France. 1772 c 14; 653 Sabaudise status. 1694 n 502 South America. 1695-1756? n 522 1756? n617 Tournay. 1692-96 n 514 Works ! n655 World. 1786 n658 Seea/soBseck. Atlas geographicus. 1710. 1 555 Sanson. Atlas nouveau. 1689-90. . . t 503 JAILLOT, JEAN BAPTISTE RENOU DE CHAU- VIGNE. Paris. 1775. Repr c 30; 3011 JALISCO PROVINCE, MEXICO. 1758. Lopez c5; 1159 1830. Schlieben c 12; 1178 JALTEPEC RIVEB. 1851. Williams c 5; 2690 JAMAICA. Historical. Aa n96 - Buchon c47; 1176 Statistical. 1825. Buchon c 47; 1176 1528. Bordone n 162 1534. Bordone n 163 1547. Bordone n 164 1562? Bordone n 165 1576. Porcacchi n 107 1597. Wytfliet c 10; 1140 1599. Langenes n 410 1602. Langenes n415 1604. Porcacchi n 168 1607. Mercator n422,423 1609. Mercator n 425, 426 JAMAICA Continued. 1610. Mercator n 429 1619. Mercator n434 1620. Porcacchi n 1C9 1621. Mercator n 435 1628. Mercator n437,438 1630. Mercator n 439, 440, 441 1632. Mercator n443 1633. Mercator n445 1G34. Mercator n446 1634. Mercator & Hondius n 447 1636. Mercator n449,450 1637. Mercator n451 1646-47. Dudley n457 1651. Mercator n461 1675. Roggeveen c23;2694 1675. Seller n487 1676. Speed ' n488 1C88. Morden n498 1690. Seller c30; 505 1690? Visscher n508 1700. Seller c v 2, no 39; 529 1700? Lea n527 1700? Voogt. Coast n530 1705-20. Chatelain n548 1706. English pilot. Fourth book., c 23; 1155 1711-17. Moll n557 1728. Moll n574 1732? Moll n578 1732-39. Chatelain n579 1736? Moll n585 1737. English pilot. Fourth book., c 21; 1157 1745? Moll nG02 1747. Bowen nG03 1748. Le Rouge n C07 1752. Bowen c64; 614 1753. Bellin n 590 1756-59. Le Rouge n 618 1758. Bellin n587, 588,589 1758. English pilot. Fourth book., c 21; 1158 1758. La Harpe n 591 1760. English pilot. Fourth book., c 21; 1160 1763. Gazzettiere americano. c v 2, no 11; 1161 1763? Moll n635 1767. English pilot. Fourth book, c 20; 1162, c 20; 1163 1768. Jeflerys c 71a; 1796 1775. English pilot. Fourth book. . c 19; 1164 1775. Jefferys c 17, 24; 2699, c 46; 2702 1777. Atlante dell* America c21; 1167 1779. Jefferys c 2Ta; 1166 1779-82? Bonne n 288 1780. Bonne n652 1780. English pilot. Fourth book., c 19; 11C8 1781. Laporte n654 1784. English pilot. Fourth book., c 20; 1171 1785. Bachine nC57 1786. Bellin n590 1787. Laporte nCC2 1787-88. Bonne & Desmarest n666 1789-96. Jefferys n 685 1792. Jefferys c 18; 2702 1794. Bonne n 680 1794. Jeflerys n 699, 709,716 C 18, 46; 2703 1794. Kitchin & others .. n682 1455 JAMAICA Continued. 1794-98. Palairet & others n 681 1801. Bellin n590 1807? Mentclle & Chanlaire n 712 1810. Edwards c 2; 2704 1810. Jeflerys n 720, c 3; 2705, c 16; 2708 1815-16. Luflman n 725 1817. Thomson n 731 1818. Edwards c 2; 2700, c 3; 2707 1822. Finlayson c 41; 1373a 1823. Lucas n 742 1824. Lucas cS; 2709 1827. Finlayson c 41; 1177, c 41; 1379, c 41; 2728 1827. Thomson n 750 1848. Arrowsmith c 64; 789 1856. France c vl,no34; 2711 1851. Martin n 804 1862. Johnson n 837 1863. Dispatch atlas n 839 1863. Johnson n 840 1867. Bartholomew n 849 1886. Brown n 949 1897. Lucas n 2900 JAMES, KING. Dedication to. Speed. 1676. n 488 JAMES iv, DUKE OF HAMILTON. Arms n 527 See Lea. JAMES, THOMAS. Plan of the platform in Sulivans fort. 1776 c31; 1207 JAMES AND KENHAWA CANAL. 1826-27. U.S. War department c 63-68; 1377 JAMES RIVER, VIRGINIA. 1608. Tindall. Repr c v 1, no 27-28; 1191 1737. Tiddeman c 16; 1157 1758. Tiddeman c 16; 1158 1760. Tiddeman c 16; 1160 1767. Tiddeman c 16; 1162, c 12; 1163 1775. Tiddeman ell; 1164 1780. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 50; 1198 1780. Tiddeman ell; 1168 1781. Faden c24; 1337 1784. Tiddeman c 12; 1171 JAMES TOWN, St. Helena. 1770. Bellin n 587 1880. Robiquet n 909 JAMESTOWN, N. Y. 1888. Beers. Atlas.... 2287 JAN MAYEN ISLAND. 1611. Bennet & Wijk Roelandszoon. c2-3; 1134, c 2-3; 3072a 1666. Loon n 476 1689-92. Jacobsz, Doncker & Goos t504, cptl, v3; 504, c pt 1, v 3; 2832, t2832 1692. Jacobsz t510, cptl, v 3; 510, 1 2834, cptl, v3; 2834 JAN SYLAN. 1786. Forrest c v 1, no 236; 543 JANS, MARTEN. South America. 1610. Repr c 55; 2719 JANSS, HARMEN. South America. 1610. Repr c 55; 2719 JANSSON, JAN n 422, 434, 444, 445, 447 Atlas n 452 Arctic regions. 1690? n 506 Amazon region. 1690? n 506, 507 Bermuda. 1661 n 470 Brazil. 1690? n 506, 507 Chile. 1696? n523 Colombia. 1640 c 6; 2691 Eastlndies. 1633 n445 Granatense. 1706? n549 Guiana. 1647. Repr c 8; 2779 1690? n 506, 507 1706? n549 Indiae orientalis . . . descriptio. 1633. Repr c v 2, no 7; 260 Maps. 1633 n444 1634 n447 1636 n449 1639 n 452 1640-43 n453 1680 n3078 1680? n2830 1688? n500 1690? n506 1692? n509 > 1695-1756? n522 1696? n523 1706? n549 Magellan strait. 1696? n 523 Mardelzur. 1650. Repr cv 2, no 13; 260 Mar di India. 1652. Repr. . . c v 2, no 12; 260 New England. 1639 n 452 North America. 1690? n 506, 507 1696? n 523 Pacific ocean. 1650. Repr n258 Paraguay. 1633 n445 1639 n452 Peru. 1633 n 445 1634 n447 1639 n452 1696? n523 1706? n549 Popayan. 1640 c 6; 2691 1706? n549 Rio de la Plata n 452 Sta. Cruz de la Sierra. 1639 n 452 South America. 1640 c 6; 2691 1690? n 506, 507 1696? n523 TerraFirma. 1633 n445 1634 n 447 1639 n 452 1706? .--- H549 Terra Firma et novum regnum Grana- teuse et Popayan. 1640. Repr c 6; 2759 Tucuma. 1639 n452 Venezuela. 1706? n549 Virginia. 1639 n 452 Westlndies. 1639 n452 See also Mercator. Atlasminor. 1610... t429 JANSSON, FIRM NAME OF n 459 JANVIER, JEAN. America. 1753 n 637 1762 1456 JANVIER, JEAN Continued. America. 1776-84 n647 1783 n 646, 604 1784. Repr c60; 2720 1790. Repr C31; 2779 Maps. 1762 n629 1763 n637 1771-83 n646 1776-84 n647 1787-91 n6G4 North America. 1762 n629 1782 n 646, 604 South America. 1762 n629 1762. Repr. . c 34, 2720; c v 1, no 13; 2767 1782 n 046, 664 1782. Repr c49;2720 World. 1762 n629 1776-84 n647 1782 n 646, 664 1646-47. Dudley n457 JAPAN. Atlas. General. 1851-1906 3209-3211 Census. 1902. Atlas 3207 Historical. Bennet & Wijk Roelands- zoon c7; 1134 Schools. Atlas 3208 1605. Wytfllet n 1143 1658 Dalrymple cv 2, no 34; 543 1658. Dalrymple. Repr n 543 1690? Hacke. mss c 72; 3162 1695-1756? Ottens n522 1695-1756? Relando n 522 1719. Chatelain c5; 548 1752. Bowen c40; 614 1756? Relando n617 1756? Scheuchzer n617 1785. Zatta cv4,no!2; 651 1786. Dunn c29; 659 1792. Dalrymple c v 2, no 28; 543 1794. Dunn c29; 684 1797. Cassini c v 3, no 10; 670 1800. Cordier cl;3212 1826-27. Krusenstern. Memoir. Text c 2; 3242 1827. Bennet & Wijk Roelandszoon. c 7; 3072a 1832. Lapie n705 1835. Krusenstem c22;3242 1837. Duval n 344 1843. Berghaus c2; 3175 1904. Vivien de Saint-Martin & Schra- der c49; 916 1909. Basiker. Atlas * 1844-51. Robiquet. Sea n795 JARAGUA HAKBOR. 1809. Spain cpt3, no 10; 1223 1818. Spain cpt3,nolO; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 10; 1226 JARVIS' ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes c 57; 3246 JASPER co., I A. 1901. Huebinger co. Atlas 1676 JASPER co., Mo. 1895. Northwest publish- ingco. Atlas 2079 JASQUES ROAD. 1783. Hunter c v 1, no 129; 543 1795. Baffin ASommerson . . c v 1, no 130; 543 o. 1753. Bravo. Repr c 3; 2723 JAVA. 1646-47. Dudley n 457 1690? Hacke. mss. ... c 77-79, 82-84, 87; 3162 1732-39. Chatelain n579 1780. Dalrymple. Coast views. cv2,nol!6; 543 1804. Dalrymple. Coast cv2,no!98a; 543 1818. Bosch c2,3,4; 3072 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 33; 3244 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville. Coast. c33; 3244 1844-51. Robiquet n795 1880. Robiquet n909 1888. Dalrymple. Coast c v 2, no 197; 543 1896. Verbeek & Fennema. Atlas 3218 1901. Dornseiflen C2-5; 2715 JAY co., IND. 1887. Grifflng, Gordon & co. Atlas 1614 JEBUCTO BAY. 1759. Morris c25; 1196 1775. North American pilot. . c v 1, no 9; 1209 JEDDAH SHOALS. 1800. Bissell. c v 1, no 112a; 543 JEDDO. See Tokio. JEFFERSON, PETER. Maps. 1793? n678 Maryland. 1751 c 54-57; 11% Virginia. 1751 C54-57; 1196 1775 C20-21; 1165, c 21-22; 1166, c 21-22; 1169, c 27-28; 1207, C 21-22; 1208 Virginie, Maryland. 1777 c 16; 1212 JEFFERSON, ILL. 1908. Real estate map publishingco. Atlas 1593 JEFFERSON co., ARK. 1905. Beauman. Atlas 1453 JEFFERSON co., KY. 1879. Beers & Lan- agan. Atlas 1758 JEFFERSON co., NEBR. 1900. Northwest publishingco. Atlas 2115 JEFFERSON co., N. Y. 1864. Beers & others. Atlas 2231 1888. Robinson. Atlas 2232 JEFFERSON co., OHIO. 1871. Beers & others. Atlas 2389 JEFFERSON co., Wis. 1899. Foote & Hood. Atlas 2648 JEFFERSONIAN ORDINANCE, Names of states according to n 678 JEFFERSONVILLE, IND. 1838. Bradford & Goodrich c7; 783 JEFFERYS, THOMAS. Atlantic ocean. 1778 c2; 1210 British channel, part of Atlantic ocean. 1800 cl; 1220 Cap. Francois. St. Domingue. 1768 n641 Costa-Rica and Veragua. 1792 c 21 ; 2691 1792. Repr c21;2759 Eastlndies. 1768 nC43, c 2.5; 653 Florida, Bahama channel and islands. 1794 C20; 1220 Floride occidentale et Louisiane. 1778- 92 C24; 1212 1457 JEFFERYS, THOMAS Continued. Floride occidentale, Louisiana, Floride, canal de Bahama, isles de Bahama. 1777 c20; 1210 (Jrossbritannien und Ireland. 1796. . . c 10; 686 Guiana, coast. 1775. Repr c 41 ; 7762 1781. Repr c42; 2776 1795. Repr c 45; 2776 Ireland. 1796 c 13; 686 Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica. 1776. c 16; 653 Jamaica. 1789-% n6S5 1794 n 699, 709, 716 1810 n720 Labrador, coast. 1867? c21; 1236 1768 c22; 1236 Maps. 1768 n641 1803 n700 1808 n716 Martinique. 1779 c 25; 1212 Nova Scotia and Cape Breton island. 1775 c7; 1208 1778-92 clO; 1212 Saint Lawrence river. 1775 c 32; 653, n668 1794 C23-25; 1236 South America. 1753. Repr c 29; 2764 1792. Repr c 44; 2776 West Florida and Louisiana. 1775. Coast c34; 1207, C 25; 1208 See also Cook, Lane & others. Collection of charts of the coasts of Newfound- land. 1765-68 t!254, 1256 Le Rouge. Pilote Ame'ricain Sep- tentrional. 1778 t!210 North- American pilot. 1777 t!209 1806 t!236 JEHENNE, Louis AUGUSTUS. Rio Janeiro. 1882 n 909 JEKYL SOUND, GEOEGIA. 1771. Speer.. c22; 2698 JENA. Battle. 1806. France. Depdt general de laguerre c 7; 2966 1759-84. Homann n624 JENEFER, Capt. Golden Island. 1721. .. n 563 JENKENSON, ANTON. Russia. 1562 Text. ser. 1; 3107 Russiae descriptio. 1562. Repr. Ser. 1. c!7; 3107 Russise, Moscoviae et Tartariae descriptio. 1562 n374 JENKINS, FOKT, PA. 1896. . . c v l, no 363, 367; 2439 JENNEY, WALTER P. See United States. Geographical and geo- logical survey of the Rocky mountain re- gion. Report on the geology and re- sources of the Black Hills of Dakota. 1880 1 2338, 2571 JENNINGS co., IND. 1884. Lake. Atlas 1615 JEROME ST. World. 12th cent... Rept. c 27; 262 JERSEY CITY, N J. 1883. Fowler. Atlas 2182 1886. Brown 949 1894. Fowler. Atlas 2183 1908. Hopkins. Atlas 2183a JERSEY co., ILL. 1893. Hammond. Atlas.. 1538 JERSEY ISLAND. 1690. Seller c 49; 505 1737-72. Bellin n587 JERSEY PROVINCE. 1781. Hills ell; 1339, c 11; 2143 JERUSALEM. Ancient. Segur c!46 Historical. Lenormant c31a Reichard n 51 Kingdom, before 1144. Baguol. . c v 2, no 6; 99 1612-18. Braun n 59 1646? Avity C80; 58 1652? Jansson. View 1732. Anville c 49; 571 1734? Seutter n583 1812. Mathews & Leigh n87 1853. Wheeler t91 JERUSALEM ROAD, NORFOLK co., MASS. 1895. Walker 1 1893 JERVIS BAY. 1794. Weatherhead. cv2,no!76; 543 JESSAMINE co., KY. 1877. Beers. Atlas... 1759 JESSO. See Gezzo. JESUITS. China. 1737 n3189 Philippine island. 1900 n3224 Jo DAVIESS CO., ILL. 1893. Northwest pub- lishing co. Atlas 1539 JOACHIMSTHAL, BOHEMIA. 1891. Austria. Atlas 2868 JOANNA. 1690? Hacke. mss c 10; 3162 JODE, CORNELIS DE. America. 1593. Repr c pt 19, no 5; 1136 Brazil and Peru. 1593. Repr c 36; 2719 Southern Hemisphere. 1593. Repr. c 35; 2719 World. 1593. Repr n257 JOHANNA ISLAND. 1762. Pigou cvl,no82;543 1774. Sibbald cvl,no82;543 JOHANNES, schnitzer de Armssheim n 253, 359 JOHN DE NOVA ISLANDS. 1776. Margaro. cvl.no 91; 543 JOHNSON, ALVIN J. Maps. 1863 t!350 South America. 1865. Repr c 14; 2724 JOHNSON, GEORGE. Maps. 1826-40. Repr. n3244 JOHNSON, JOHN n 449 See Mercator 1636 JOHNSON, T. HUGH. Maps. 1862 n 838 JOHNSON co., IOWA. 1870. Thompson & Everts. Atlas 1677 JOHNSON, CO., NEBR. 1900. Ogle. Atlas... 2116 JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER KEITH. Handbook of physical geography n 230 South America. 1861. Repr c 13; 2724 1868. Repr c 16; 2724 1879. Repr c20; 2724 See also Cartee. School atlas of physical geography. 1856 t219 JOHNSTON, G. H. See Johnston, A. K. Royal atlas. 1905.. tllOS JOHNSTON, T. B. Western Canada, n. d. C 45; 1260 1458 JOHNSTON, FORT. 1770. De Brahm. Repr. cv2,no!8; 1191 JOHNSTONE, JAMES. PortBrook. 1787 c v 2, no 43; 543 PortEtches. 178 c v 2, no 35; 643 JOHNSTONE, JOHN. Calamity harbor. 1787 c v 2, no 38; 543 Rose's harbor. 1787 cv2,no41;543 JOKAITZ, ROUTE FROM, TO FAMMAMATZ. 1695-1756? Ottens n522 JOKAITZ, ROUTE FROM MIACO TO. 1695-1756? Ottens n522 JOUVET, JOANN. Galliae descrlptio. 1570... n 374 JOLLAIN, CL. Maps. 1713 n2781 JOLLIET, LOUIS. Hudson bay. 1679 c23; 1307 St. Lawrence river. 1679 c23; 1307 See also A a. JOMARD, KDME FRANCHISE. Aelteste karte von Amerlka, gezeichnet von Juan de la Cosa. 1500. Repr. c pt 7; 1136 Karte des Sebastian Cabot. 1544. Repr. opt 16; 1136 Karte Helnrlch's n von Frankrelch, ge- zeichnet von Pierre Desceliers. 1546. Repr cpt!7; 1136 JOMINI, A.H. Explication del'atlas. 1841. n 2971 JONAS, Maps. 1639 n 452 JONES, Penobscot river and bay. 17.58. Repr. cvl,no26; 1191 Puerto Cabello, Venezuela. 1741... c26; 2702 JONES, BENJAMIN, engraver. Frogs point to Croton river. 1776 c 3; 1341 Missouri, Indian lands west of. 1836. C20-21; 1384 Newport, siege. 1778 c 7; 1341 Rhodelsland. 1778 c7;1341 JONES, ROGER. Arkansas, Indian lands west of. 1836 c 20-21; 1384 JONES co., IA. 1893. Northwest publishing co. Atlas : 1678 JONGHE, CLEMENDT DE. America. 1640. Repr c65; 2719 JONGMAN, W., engraver. Lisbonne. View c31;2779a - 1739 c31; 592a JOPLIN DISTRICT, MO.-KAN. 1907. U. S. Geological survey c 148; 1283 JORDEN, MARCUS. Schleswig and Holstein. 1559. Repr c6; 2798a JORNANDES, Geography. Russia. 550. c 5; 3113 JORULLO, VOLCANO. 1805-34. Humboldt. cv2,no29; 2726 JOSEPH II. Ferrari's map of Netherlands, presented to. 1777 n 3082 JOUAN, GULF. France. 1796? Olivier, mss. ell; 2807 Joux CASTLE. 1760? Le Rouge c 43; 2975 Jovrcs, PAULUS. Larii lacvs. 1570 n 374 JOYCE, P. W. See Bartholomew. Philip's handy atlas of the counties of Ireland. 1881 1 2939 JUAN DE FUCA STRAIT. 1788. Duncan cv2,no46;543 1838-42. Wilkes c 76; 3246 JUAN FERDINANDEZ ISLAND. 1709-20. Moll n554 1738-74. LaHarpe n591 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 9; 3244 1840-55. Du Petit Thouars c205 JUAN RABEL ANCHORAGE. 1809. Spain. cpt4,no8; 1223 1818. Spain cpt4,no8; 1224 1825. Spain cpt4,no8; 1226 JUBRIEN, JEAN. Maps. 1639 n452 - 1653 n463 JUDAE. See Palestine. JUDAEIS, CORNELIS DE. See Jode, Cornells de. JUDITH POINT TO SHELTER ISLAND. 1779. Atlantic Neptune. Coast. cv3,no22; 1203 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 30; 1198 JUIGNE, R. Printer. See Las Cases, 1818 n 130 JUJUY PROVINCE, ARGENTINA. 1866. Moussy c!6; 2731 JUKKASJARVI, SWEDEN. 1900. Sveriges geo- logiska undersakning. Atlas 3144 JULIEN, ROCH. JOSEPH, Frankreich. 1796. c 15; 686 JULIUS II, POPE, Patent granted by n 356 JUNEAU CO., Wis. 1898. Foote & Hood. Atlas 2649 JUNIATA CO., PA. 1877. Nichols. Atlas.... 2479 JUNIATA RIVER, BRANCH, MOUNTAIN PASS. 1796. Collot C23; 1214 JUNIN DEPARTMENT, PERU. 1865. Paz Sol- don c!7; 2769 JUPITER. 1700. Seller cv2, no x; 529 JUKURU HARBOR. 1809. Spain c pt 3, no 23; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 3, no 23; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 23; 1226 JUTHIA city. 1797. Dalrymple. . c v 3, no 28c; 548 JUTLAND. 1646-47. Dudley n 457 1689-92. Jacobsz, Doncker au xvn siecle n 1138 MARCHAIS, R. Fort St. Michael. 1760. cl07; 1196 MARCHAL, le chevalier FRANCOIS JOSEPH FERDINAND. Annotations. Las Cases. Atlas histo- rique. 1853 1 129 MARCHAND, ETTENNE. Discoveries t713 MARCHE. 1776. Zatta cvl.no 27; 651 MARE ISLAND STRAITS, CAL. 1851. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey c 53; 1269 MARESCOT. Anna Maria bay. 1827-40 c 12; 3244 Astrolabe harbor. 1827-40 c 19; 3244 Cordesbay. 1837-40 c 6; 3244 Maps. 1838-47 n3244 Peckett harbor. 1838 c 6; 3244 MAREUSE, EDGAR n453 See Tassin. 1640-43. MARGARET ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes... c 16; 3246 MARGARITA ISLAND, W. I. 1607. Mercator n 422, 423 1609. Mercator n 425, 426 1610. Mercator n429 1619. Mercator n 434 1621. Mercator n 435 1628. Mercator n 437, 438 1630. Mercator n 439, 440, 441 1632. Mercator n 443 1633. Mercator n 445 1634. Mercator n446 1634. Mercator & Hondius n 437 1636. Mercator n449, 450 1637. Mercator n451 1651. Mercator n 461 MARGARITA, CERRO DE LA, APA RTVER. 1862. Van der Maclen c 2765 MARGARITA ISLANDS AND PROVINCE, VENE- ZUELA. 1840. Codazzi c 13; 2775 1856. France c v2, no 6; 2711 MARGARO, M. JOHN DE NOVA. 1776. c v 1, no 91; 543 MARIA'S ISLAND. 1791. Dalrymple. cv2,no!70; 543 MARIANES ISLANDS. 1726. T'Sersteuens c 6; 570 1796. Dalrymple c v2, no 57; 543 1826-27. Krusenstern. Memoir c 2; 3242 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 44; 3244 1835. Krusenstern c 29; 3242 1852. Coello de Portugal y Quesada c 3137 1485 MARIE, CANADA. See Montreal. MARIE GALANTE, ISLAND. 1695-97. Coronelli n 521 1757-64. Raspe n 2825 1780. Bonne n652 1785. Bachiene n 657 1787-88. Bonne & Desmarest n 666 1789. Brette n 2956 1792. Dumez & Chanlaire n 2995 1885. Mager n 2951 MARIEL HARBOR, CUBA. 1856. France. cvl,no57; 2711 MARIENBAD. 1841. Radefeld & Renner n 781 MARIETTA, OHIO. 1796. Collot. View c 14; 1214 1902. Roe. Atlas 2434 MARIETTE, PIERRE. See Sanson. 1657 n 1152 MARIGOT BAY, ST. MARTIN ISLAND. 1858. France c v 1, no 11; 2711 MARIN CUL-DE-SAC, MARTINIQUE. 1828. Mon- nler c 10; 2718 MARINE HOSPITAL. 1823. U. S. Congress. C50-52; 1384 MARINELLI, SANTO. Weltkarte von Alby. 8th cent. Repr c pt 3, no 2; 1136 MARINUS OF TYRE, ENGRAVING OF n 433 See also Nordenskiold n 357 MARION, MASS. 1899. Mass. Survey com- mission. Atlas 1904 MARION co., ILL. 1892. Occidental pub- lishing co. Atlas 1552 MARION co., IND. 1889. Fatout. Atlas 1618 MARION co., IOWA. 1875. Harrison & Warner. Atlas 1684 MARION co., OHIO. 1878. Harrison, Button & Hare. Atlas 2398 MARIVELES BAY, LUZON. 1781. Watson. c v 2, no 63; 543 MARKHAM, Sir CLEMENTS ROBERT, transla- tor. See Nordenskiold. Facsimile atlas. 1889 t257 MARLBOROUGH, MASS. 1908. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1846 MARLBRO, FORT. 1793. McDonald. c v 3, no 12a; 543 MARMOL, Luis DEL. L'Afrique. 1667 n 517 MARMORA, SEA OF. 1802. Heather 1 192 1814. Heather 1 193 1844-51. Robiquet n 795 MARO REEF. 1838-42. Wilkes c 64; 3246 MARQUESAS ISLANDS. 1842. Du Petit Thouars c205 1900. Brigham c23; 3248 MARQUETTE, JACQUES. Travels in North America n 96 MARS. 1700. Seller c v 2, no x; 529 MARSAL. 1760? Le Rouge c 30; 2975 MARSEILLES. 1646? Avity C 16; 58 1733. Erskine. View c21;2804 1760? Le Rouge c 59; 2975 1796? Olivier, mss c 1; 2807 1801. Bougard n2852 MARSEILLES Continued. 1844. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 794 1853. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 811 1882. Johnston n 905 MARSEILLES, COAST AND ISLANDS. 1792. France. Ministere de la marine et des colonies c 227; 2849 MARSERICHE, PONGO, PERU. 1865. Paz Sal- dan c64; 2769 MARSHALL, , engraver. Antigua. 1810 c 8; 2704 1818 c 9; 2709 ST. CHRISTOPHERS. 1810 c 7; 2704 1818 c8; 2709 MARSHALL, WILLIAM. See Berghaus. Physikalischer atlas. 1892 t217 MARSHALL, WILLIAM LEWIS. Report. Nov. 14, 1899 n 1510 See also United States. War department. Atlas containing maps of Chicago river. 1900 1 1510 MARSHALL co., ILL. 1890. Alden, Ogle & co. Atlas 1553 MARSHALL co., IOWA. 1871. Harrison & Warner. Atlas 1685 1885. Warner & Foote 1686 MARSHALL ISLANDS. 1826-27. Krusenstern. Memoir c 2; 3242, suppl c 3; 3242 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 48; 3244 1835. Krusenstern c 33; 3242 1900. Brigham c 6; 3248 MARSHFIELD, MASS. 1902. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1834 MARTABAN. 1690? Hacke. mss c 56; 3162 MARTAV AN RIVER. 1780. Dalrymple. Eng- lish mss c v 1, no 219; 543 MARTELLUS, HENRICUS. Map of the north. 1490. Repr c 2; 2798a Scandinavia. 1490. Repr c 3; 2798a MARTHA'S VINEYARD. 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 16; 1199 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 31; 1198 MARTIERS. 1765-71. Brahm. Repr c v 5, no 35; * 1772. DeBrahm c 3; 1197 MARTIN, BENJAMIN. World. 1786-89 c g; 659 1796 eg; 684 MARTIN, D., engraver. America. 1796. Coast c20; 1366 Delaware. 1795 c 13; 1366 Maryland. 1795 c 13; 1366 New Jersey. 1796 ell; 1366 New York state. 1796 c 10; 1366 Pennsylvania. 1796 c 12; 1366 Westlndies. 1796 c 20; 1366 MARTIN, Louis. Mexico valley. 1804-07. c 4; 2682 MARTIN, MONTGOMERY. Westlndies. 1834. Repr c 72; 2721 Maps. 1628 n438 See also Mercator 1628 1486 MARTIN, ROBERT. Maps. 1030. SwMercator. 1630... n 440, 441 Maps. 1632. SwMercator. 1632 ....... n443 MARTIN, ROBERT MONTGOMERY. Guiana. 1834. Repr ............... c73;2721 Guiana, British. 1S49. Repr ........ c 8; 2724 MARTIN VAS ISLAND, BRAZIL. 1826-30. Berard .............. n 199, cl; 2727 1852. Vincendon-Dumoulin .......... n 807a MARTINEAU, A. See Desbuissons. Nouvel atlas illustre. 1891 t964 - VuiUemin & others. Nouvel atlas illustre. 1890 ...................... * *3008 MARTINES, JOAN. Africa. 1567. Repr .................. c"3;262 South America. 1582. Repr ....... c 28; 2719 World. 1582. Repr ................ c27;2719 MARTINEZ DE LEEUW, ARENT. See Leeuw. MARTINI, GILLES. Maps. 1653 - 1666 ................................. n475 MARTINI, MARTIN. Novus atlas sinensis. 1648 .......... c v 6; 460 Seealso Blaeu ..................... n 471, 479 MARTININA. See Martinique. MARTINIQUE. Atlases. General. 1827-31 ............. 2718 Battle of April 29, 1781. Matthews . . . . n 2700 Historical. Buchon ................ c52; 1176 Statistical. 1825. Buchon .......... c 52; 1176 Triangles. 1824-25. Monnier ........ c 1; 2718 1528. Bordone .......................... n 162 1534. Bordone .......................... n 163 1547. Bordone .......................... n 164 1562? Bordone .......................... n 165 1690? Visscher .......................... n508 1690. Seller .......................... c23; 505 .J704. Fer ............................... n546 1706. Thornton ..................... c 20; 1155 1732. Delisle ............................ n 535 1733. Buache ........................... n 581 1768. Jeflerys ..................... c 100; 1196 1775. Jeflerys ....................... c31;2C99 1794. Jeflerys ...................... c 53; 2702, c 53; 2703 1810. Jefferys ...................... c 12; 2705, c2-l; 2708 1824. Lucas ........................ C24; 2709 1741? Delisle ............................ n 596 1744-69. Tirion .......... . .............. n600 1745. Buache ........................... n641 1745. Delisle ............................ n636 1748. Le Rouge ......................... n607 1749. Robert de Vaugondy .............. n608 1756-59. Le Rouge ...................... n618 1757-64. Raspe ........................ n2825 1758. Bellin ............................. n590 1758. LaHarpe ......................... n591 1762. BeUln ............................. n622 1763. Gazzettiere americano. ............................ cv2,no20; 1161 1764. Bellin.... .. n 590 MARTINIQUE Continued. 1765. Beauraln n2813 1767. English pilot. Fourth book. . c 13; 1163 1775. English pilot. Fourth book., c 12; 1164 1777. Atlanto dell' America c 24 ; 1167 1779. Jeflerys c25;1212 1780. Bonne n652 1780. English pilot. Fourth book., c 12; 1168 1781-84. Delisle Buache n655 1784. English pilot. Fourth book. . c 13; 1171 1785. Bachiene n657 1787-88. Bonne & Desmarest n666 1789. Brette n2956 1792. Dumez & Chanlaire n2995 1793. Robert de Vaugondy n678 1796? Olivier, mss c98;2807 1823. Lucas n742 1825. Monnier c 1; 2718 1828. Monnier c 3; 2718 1829. Monnier c4, 5; 2718 1831. Monnier c 2; 2718 1841. Monin n 2999 1847. Levasseur nSOOO 1851. VuiUemin n3002 1856. Levasseur n 3003 1862. France. M inist&re de la marine et des colonies n 2950 1878. Fisquet n 3000 1882. VuiUemin n3007 1884-85. Marga n2822 1885. Mager n2951; 2952 1890. VuiUemin & others n3008 1898. Pelet n 2954 MARTINS, KARL FRIEDRICH PHILIPP VON. Brazil,etc. 1853. Repr c82;2721 MARTYR, PETRUS. America. 1511. Repr c pt 10, no 3; 1136 1534. Repr. (Omitted) n257 1587. Repr n257 New World. 1587. Repr c 19; 2776 World. 1534. Repr c!8;2776 See also Anghierl. MARTYRS, THE. 1775. North American pilot cv2,no!3; 1209 MARYE'S HEIGHTS, Va. 1863. Steraegg. . . n 177a MARYLAND. Canals. 1827. U. S. War department. C37-38; 1377 1841. Chevalier c 2; 1266 Geography. 1881. Newell c sup 10; 1411 Historical. Buchon c24; 1176 Railroads. 1841. Chevalier c 2; 1266 Seat of war. 1863. Dispatch Atlas nS39 Statistical. 1825. Buchon c 24; 1176 1675. Seller n487 1676. Lamb n488 1690. Seller c 21; 505 1690. Seller. Coast c 52; 505 1693-1700. Neptune francois n517 1700. Seller cv2, no 43; 529 1700? Lea n527 1705-20. Chatelain n548 1706. Thornton c3;1155 1706. Thornton & Fisher c 13; 1155 1706? Wit n549 1711-17. Moll... .. n557 1487 MARYLAND Continued. 1719. Senex n563 1729. Moll n574 1732? Moll n578 1736? Moll n685 1737. English pilot. Fourth book., c 5; 1156, c 15; 1157 1745. Moll n602 1747. Bowen n 603 1749. Robert de Vaugondy n 608 1751. Fry & Jefferson. Rev. 1755 by Dalrymple C54-57; 1196 1752. Bowen c59; 614 1755. Robert de Vaugondy n619 1755. Fry & Jefferson c 54-57; 1196 1758. Delisle c 36; 565 1758. English pilot. Fourth book . . c 5; 1158, c!5; 1158 1758. Gibson 621 1759-81. Homann n 622 1760. English pilot. Fourth book. . c 5; 1160, c 15; 1160 1763? Moll n635 1767. English pilot. Fourth book. c 12, 15; 1162, c 5, 11; 1163 1775. English pilot. Fourth book., c 4; 1164, c 10; 1164 1775. Fry & Jefferson c 20-21; 1165, C 21-22; 1166, C 21-22; 1169 1777. Fry & Jefferson c 18; 1212 1778. Bellin n590 1780. English pilot. Fourth book. . c 4; 1168, c 10; 1168 1780. Knight. Coast c v 3, no 38; 1198 1781. Laporte n654 1784. English pilot. Fourth book., c 5; 1171, c 11; 1171 1787. Laporte n 662 1792. Gibson n676 1793? Robert de Vaugondy n678 1794. Lewis c 12; 1172, 1362 1794. Morse c 16; 1361 1794-98. Evans n 681 1795. Martin c 13; 1366 1795. Russell c 7; 1363 1796. Carey c 13; 1364 1796. Lewis c 35; 683 1801. Carey c 13; 1367 1804. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 702 1805. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 708 1805. Carey c 13; 1368 1809. Lewis c 13; 1173, c 13; 1369 1812. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 718 1814. Carey n722,1372, c 13; 1370 1818. Carey n732,1373 1819. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 734 1822. Lucas c20; 1373a 1823. Lucas n 742 1823. Tanner c 15; 1374 1825. Cary n 745 1825. Morse n 746 1826. Finley c 7; 1378 MARYLAND Continued. 1826. Weiland c!2; 1225 1827. Lucas c20; U77 1827. Lucas c20; 1379, c 20; 2728 1827-29. Malte-Brun n751 1829. Finley n752 1830. Finley n755 1830. Goodrich n 285 1830. Schlieben c 5; 1178 1831. Finley n 760 1832. Malte-Brun n 763 1833. Burr n 771, 1379a 1833. Tanner n 1376 1835. Bradford n 769, 770 1835. Tanner c8; 1380 1836. Tanner n774 1837. Malte-Brun n 775 1838. Bradford & Goodrich c 25; 783 1839. Burr n 1379a 1839. Tanner c8; 1382 1842. Greenleaf n784 1842. Morse & Breese c 13; 1383 1842-43. Tanner n 788 1842-45. Morse & Breese c 14; 1228 1849. Mitchell n 797 1851. Mitchell c 13; 1179 1852. Coast. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey c25; 1269 1856. Black c 10; 1385 1856. Morse n817 1860. Mitchell n831, 846 1861. Gaston c2; 1351 1861. Paris c2;1352 1862. Johnson n837 1863. Johnson n840 1864. Johnson nS43 1864. Mitchell n846 1865. Mitchell n 301, 847 1866. Martenet. Atlas 1779 1867. Bartholomew n849 1873. Martenet & others. Atlas 1780 1882. Mitchell n 906 1889. Brown n949 MARYLAND HEIGHTS. 1864. Bechler c 2; 1348 MARYSVILLE, CAL. 1895. U. S. Geological survey c 17; 1283 MAS-A-FUERA, ISLAND. 1840-55. Du Petit Thouars c205 MASCALL, JOSEPH. Crotchey bay. 1774 c v 1, no 133; 543 Suez. 1777 c v 1, no 110; 543 MASCAREIGNE ISLAND. 1778-92. Le Rouge. c26; 1212 MASCARIN, TRACK OF THE. 1786. Dalrym- ple c v2, no 187; 543 MASCOP, GODEFRID. Monastenensis et Osna- burgensis descriptio. 1570 n 374 MASDAZIL. 1713. Gueudeville n558 MASHPEE, MASS. 1907. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1844 MASONTOWN-UNIONTOWN, PA. 1902. U. 8. Geological survey c 82; 1283 MASSA, ISAAC. Maps. 1636 n449 1639.... .. n452 14S8 MASSA, ISAAC Continued. Maps. 1653 n463 1066 n475 1G89 1502 1690? D506 Moscovla. 1668. Repr ser 2, c 13, 14; 3107 Russia. 1612. Repr ser 2, c 12; 3107 1633 Text, ser 1, c 3107 1633 serl, C29, 30; 3107 MASSACHUSETTS. Boundary. Early. Hulbert. Repr. cv4,no33; 1191 Cities. Atlases. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1828-1846 Index to. 1905 n!799,25C2 1905. Scarborough co n 1799 Geography. 1881. Marble c sup 11; 1411 Historical. Buchon c 16; 1176 Post-offices, Index to. 1905. Scarbor- ough co n!799 Roads. 1905. Scarborough. Atlas 1799 Statistical. 1825. Buchon c 16 ; 1176 1642. Woodward and Safery. Repr. cv4,no!2; 1191 1713. Hulbert. Repr c v 4, no 12; 1191 1680. Hacke. Repr. Coast., cv 5, no 10-11* 1680? Hulbert. Repr cv5,no8-9* 1755. Green c 29-29; 1196 1774. Green c 15-16; 1165, c 15-16; 1166, c 15-16; 1169 1777. Green c 11-12; 1212 1794. Morse c8; 1361 1795. Lewis c 5; 1172, c 5; 1362 1795. Russell c5; 13G3 1796. Carey c28; 683 c5; 1364 1796. Winterbotham c 6; 1366 1801. Carey c 5; 1367 1804. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 702 1805. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 708 1805. Carey c 5; 1368 1809. Lewis c6; 1173, c 6; 1369 1812. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 718 1814. Carey n 722, c 5; 1370, n!372 1818. Carey n732; 1373 1819. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 734 1822. Lucas c!2; 1373a 1823. Lucas n 742 1823. Tanner c 12; 1374 1825. Gary n 745 1825. Morse n 746 1825. Weiland c4;1225 1825-33. Tanner n 1376 1826. Finley C 4; 1378 1827. Lucas c 13; 1177, c 12; 1379, c 12; 2728 1829. Finley n752 1830. Finley n 755 1830. Schlieben c3; 1178 1831. Finley n760 MASSACHUSETTS Continued. 1835. Bradford n769, 770 1835. Burr n771, 1379a 1835. Tanner c3; 13SO 1836. Tanner n774 1838. Bradford & Goodrich ell; 783 1839. Tanner c5; 13S2 1841. Tanner n788 1842. Greenleaf n784 1842. Morse & Breese c32;13S3 1842-45. MorseA Breese c 7; 1228 1849. Mitchell n797 1851. Mitchell C8; 1179 1854. Lange c2; 1230 1856. Morse n817 1856. Black c 5; 1385 1860. Mitchell n831, 846 1862. Johnson n837 1862. Mitchell n 846 1863. Johnson n840 1864. Johnson n843 1865. Mitchell n301, 847 1867. Bartholomew n849 1871. Walling & Gray. Atlas 1800 1875. Heermans cptl;1284 1876. Mitchell n880 1884. Brown n949 1890. Mass. Topographical survey com- mission. Atlas 1801 1891. Walker. Atlas 1802 1894. Walker. Atlas 1803 1900. Walker. Atlas 1804 1904. Walker. Atlas 1805 1909. Walker. Atlas * MASSACHUSETTS BAY. 1634. Hulbert. Repr c v 5, no 12-13; * 1700? Lea n 527 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 15; 1199 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 20; 1198 MASSACRE, HARBOR. 1835. Krusenstera. c 14; 3242, c 18; 3242 MASSEFOA BAY. 1838-42. Wilkes c 25; 3246 MASSENA, RETREAT OF. 1810. Wyld . c 12-17; 2893 MASSEY, CHARLES. River Nagor. c vl, no 137; 543 MATA HARBOR, CUBA. 1856. France. c vl, no 58; 2711 MATAATU HARBOR. 1838-42. Wilkes. .. c 27; 3246 MATAMBA. 1731. Anville c 29; 571 MATANINO ISLAND. See Martinique. MATANZAS BAY, CUBA. 1729. Pearson c20; 1157, c20; 1158, c 20; 1160 1767. Pearson c 19; 1163 1768. Cell c80a; 1196 1771. Speer c26; 2698 1775. Pearson c 18; 1164 1780. Pearson c 18; 1168 1784. Pearson c 19; 1171 1788. Jeflerys c37;2702 1794. Jeflerys c 37; 2703 1809. Spain c pt 3, no 29; 1223 1818. Jeflerys c49;2708 1818. Spain c pt 3, no 29; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 29; 1226 1856. France c v 1, no 61; 2711 1489 MATAPAN, CAPO. 1646 1 47. Dudley n457 MATARO, HAEBOE. 1792-1831. France. Min- istere de la marine et des colonies c 221; 2849 MATATANNE. 1782. Dalrymple. . c v 1, no 46; 543 MATAVIA BAT. 1769-72. Hawkesworth c 34; 642 1827-40. Gourdin c 9; 3244 1838-42. Wilkes c 18; 3246 MATHEW HAKBOE, GEEAT INAGUA. 1858. France c v 1, no 63; 2711 MATHEWS & LEIGH. Jerusalem. 1812 n87 MATTAPOISETT, MASS. 1899. Mass. Survey commission. Atlas 1905 MATTAVAY. 1835. Krusenstern c 13; 3242 MATTEBN, H. W. See United States. War department. At- las of the battlefield of Antietam. 1904. t!354 MATTHEW OF PAEIS. Mappa terrae. 1251. Kepr c!6; 262 MATTHEW'S ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes.. c 54; 3246 MATTIOLI, PIETEO ANDEEA. Italian translator of 1548 ed. Ptolemy n 351 Translator first Italian edition of Ptole- my's geography n 369 /SeeaZsoPtolemseus, Geographia. 1548... t369 MATTO GEOSSO, BEAZIL. 1789. Victorio da Costa. Repr c 50; 2721 1797. Victorio da Costa. Repr c 54; 2721 1830. Schlieben c24; 1178 1868. Mendes de Almeida c 23; 2749 MATUKU ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes c 41; 3246 MATUBIN, COLOMBIA. 1830. Schlieben. c 15; 1178 MATZUA. 1784. Anville c v 1, no 116; 543 MAUBEUGE. 1760? Le Rouge c 19; 2975 MAUI ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes c 64; 3246 MAUL BAY. 1781. Atlantic Neptune. c v2, no 12; 1198 MAUEELLE, FEANCESO ANTONIO. Discov- eries. Heather 1 713 MAURICE, JAMES, jr., & FORSTER, THOMAS. Lake Erie. 1830 c85; 1384 Twenty mile Creek, Pa. 1830 c 85; 1384 MAURICE, Capt. T. W. Big Sandy creek. 1829 c6; 1384 Great Sodus bay, N. Y. 1829 c 8; 1384 Portland harbor. 1829 c 14; 1384 Putneyville bay, N. Y. 1829 c 7; 1384 MAURICE BAY. 1762. Ekeberg. . c v 2, no 196; 543 MAUEITIO HAEBOE. 1666. Ruggiero. mss. c7; n3065 1855. Italy. Ministero delta marina.. . n3066 1775. Boisquenay c v 1, no 89; 543 MAURITIUS. 1611. Bennet & Wljk Roelandszoon. C2-3; 3072a 1738. Blake cvl,no38; 543 1753. LaCaille cvl,no87; 543 1776. Archipelago north of. Grenier. cvl, no 85; 543 1794. Navigation, winds and weather. Dalrymple Text, cvl, no8; 543 MAURO, FRA. World n262 1457 C249 1459. Repr c 43-48; 262 MAUEO, FEA. Continued. World. 1459. Repr c pt 3, no 15; 1136 1460. Repr c39,262 MAURTUA, VICTOE M. See Peru, Juicio de limites entre el Peru yBolivia. 1906 t2738,2767 MAUVAIS CANAL. 1827-40. Duroch & Mon- travel c41; 3244 MAXWELL, GEORGE. Maps. 1803 n700 See also Laurie & Whittle & others. Afri- canpilot. 1801 t3232 1816 t3233 MAYAGUE BAY, PUERTO Rico. 1809. Spain c pt 1, no 3; 1223 1818. Spain cptl,no3; 1224 1825. Spain cptl,no3; 1226 1856. France c v 1, no 24; 2711 MAYER, TOBIAS. Maps. 1702-50 n539 1737 n586 1747-57 n604 1754 n615 1769 n3151 1794-98 n681 Poland. 1757 n 604 1773 n 294 MAYHAM. 1777. Harvey c v 1, no 150; 543 MAYNARD, MASS. 1904. Mass. H arbor and land commission 1 1838 MAYNARDVILLE, TENN. 1901. U. S. Geo- logical survey c 75; 1283 MAYO, JAMES. Delagoa bay. 1787. c v 1, no 62; 543 MAYO, WILLIAM. Barbadoes. 1775 c33;2699 1810 c 14; 2705 Mexico. 1758. L6pez c9; 1159 MAYO EFVEE, HEADWATEES. 1900. Argen- tine-Chilian boundary c8; 2730 MAYOTTA ISLAND. 1690? Hacke. mss c 10; 3162 1750. Barker c v 1, no 83; 543 1754. Keulen c v 1, no 83; 543 1754. Watson c v 1, no 83, 83a; 543 1762. Pigou c v 1, no 83a; 543 1768. Stainforth cvl, no83;543 1787. Lindley c v 1, no 83a; 543 MAZATLAN. 1844. Duflot de Mofras c 7; 1457 1878. Robiquet n 909 MAZOVIA. 1781. Zatta cv2,no37;651 MAZULAR ISLAND. 1782. Forrest, c v 2, no 228; 543 MAZZA, GIOVANNI BATTISTA. America. 1583. Repr c 260 1584. Repr c29; 2719 MEAD, & TAYLOR, See Robinson. Atlas of Summit, N. J. 1900 t2197 MECATINA HARBOR. 1777. North American pilot, c v 1, no 19, 1209 1806. North American pilot c 22; 1236 MECCA, MOSQUE IN. 1787. Philippe de Pr&- tot & others n 663, c v 1, no 24; 1198 MECHIOS MILLS. 1777. Atlantic Neptune. View . . c v 1, no 24; 1198 1490 MECHLIN PROVINCE. 1759-84. Visscher n 623 MECHOACAN. See Michoacan. 1IXCKLENBURO. 1681. Nicolson c2; 2831 1689-92. Jacobsz, Doncker & Goes. Coast cptl, vl; 2832 1692. Jacobsz. Coast cptl,vl;2834 1759-84. Homann n623 MECKLENBURG BAY. 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 21; 1199 1777. North American pilot, c v 1, no 18; 1209 1779. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 28; 1198 1806. North American harbor c21; 1236 MECKLENBURG-SCHWERIN. 1759-84. Ho- mann n 623 MECOSTA co., MICH. 1879. Hayes. Atlas.. 1987 MEDAS ISLAND. 1792-1831. France. Minis- tere de la marine et des colonies c 222; 2849 MEDCALFE, - Revolutionary war. 1777, pub. 1780 c35; 1337 MEDEMLECK. 1649. Schagen n3076 MEDFIELD, MASS. 1904. Mass. Harbor and land commis- sion t!840 1909. Walker. Atlas * MEDFORD, MASS. 1898. Mass. Survey com- mission. Atlas 1906 MEDIA. Ancient Lenonnant c 10; 31a Polonia. 1773 n 294 MEDINA, PEDRO DE. World. 1548-66. Repr. (Omitted) n257 MEDINA, MOSQUE IN, 1787. Philippe de Pi6- tot & others n 663 MEDITERRANEAN SEA. Atlases 184-196,2803-2807 Cities and ports. 1693-1700. Neptune francois n 517 Colonies, French. 1900. Malleterre & Legendre c 5; 2953 Islands. 1570. Ortelius n374 1570-73. Camocio n 2815 1751. Bellin c!72, c 15-16; 613 1607. Barendsz 1 188 1646-47. Dudley n 457 1658. Doncker c!5; 468 1664. Doncker c 17,18; 472 1682. Doncker c 9; 491 1690. Seller c40;505 1692. Jacobsz 1 194 1692. Jacobsz. Doncker & Goos . . c pt 3; 504, c pt 3; 2832 1693-1700. Neptune francois n 517 1694. Hooghe c 9; 2835 1695. Jaillot n 520 1700. Seller c v 1, no 58; 529 1710-30. Bodenehr i cvl;2814 1732-16. Ayrouard 1 187 1736. English pilot 1 190 1737. Bellin c 172, c 14; 613 1764. Roux t!95 1770. Homann n 624 1770. Lotter n623 1779. Roux t!96 1787. Bonne c38; 694 MEDITERRANEAN SEA Continued. 1801. Roux n697 1802. Heather t!92 1814. Heather t!93 1815-16. Luflman n63 1828. Hart clO; 290 1830-34. Bellue t!89 1844-51. Robiquet n 795 1876. English pilot t!91 1882. Robiquet n 909 MEDOC, FORT. 1760? Le Rouge c 72; 2975 MEDWAY, MASS. 1905. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1841 MEEKER co., MINN. 1897. Plnkney & Brown. Atlas 2027 MEGINDANAO. See Mindanao. MEONA RIVER, BENGAL. 1785. Dalrymple. cvl,no 200; 543 MEIGS co., OHIO. 1883. Hardesty. Atlas. t!287, 2350 MEISNER, DANIEL. Cuzco. 1625-1627. View, n 64 MEISSEN. 1759-84. Homann n 623 1570. Ortelius n374 MELA, POMPONIUS. Geography. Russia. 40-100 c 3; 3113 Orbis habitabilis c 255 World. A. D. 40. Repr c pt 1, no 2; 1136 1417. Repr c26;262 MELANESIA. 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville. Cl7; 3244 MELCHOFRSZ, JAN van der BOSCH. See Renard. Atlas van zeevaert. 1745. . 1 601 MELINDE. 1690? Hacke. mss c 11; 3162 MELISH, JOHN. Canada. 1816 c!6; 1375 Florida. 1816 c 15; 1375 Southern states. 1816 c 15; 1375 United States. 1816 c 15-16; 1375 1820 n!31 1821 n!32 MEM., ANTON. See K. Akademie der wissenschaften, Vienna. Hlstorischer atlas osterreich- Ischen Alpenlander. 1906 t2858a MELLE.CAPO. 1646-47. Dudley n457 MELLINGER, JOHANN. Maps. 1633 n441 1634 n447 1636 n449 1639 n452 1666 n475 MELROSE, MASS. 1898. Survey commission. Atlas 1907 1899. Walker. Atlas 1908 1906-08. Walker c v 2; 1820 MELUNDY. 1765. Watson c v 1, no 160; 543 MEN AM RIVER. 1797. Dalrymple. c v 3, no 28; 543 MENDANA ARCHIPELAGO. 1826-27. Krusenstern. Memoir. . . c 1, 8; 3242, Suppl c 3; 3242 MENDE, General, ALEXANDH IVANOVITCH. Tver province. 1853. Atlas n3126 MENDES DE ALNEIDA, CANDIDO. Amazonas province, Brazil. 1868. Repr c 85; 2721 1491 MENDEZIO, DIDACO. Pervviae typvs. 1579 n386 1584 n 386, 389 1584. Repr cv 2, no 3; 2767 1587 n392 1588 n393 1592 n396 1595 n400 1598 n 406, 407 1601 D412 1603 n419 1609 n427 1612 n430 MENDOSA, FELIS. Coast of China. 1760. cv 2, no 23; 543 MENDOZA PROVINCE, ARGENTINA. 1865. Moussy c 13; 2731 MENGATJD DE LA HAGE, Coast of Mada- gascar. 1775-76 c v 1, no 36; 543 MENGS, RAFAEL, engraver. Title-page of Tofifio de San Miguel's Atlas maritime. 1789 n3133 MENIN, SIEGE. 1706. Pelet c v 6, no 3; 3128 MENKE, THEODOR VON, editor. See Spruner vonMerz. Hand-atlas. 1880 1 148 MENOMINEE, MICH. 1900. U. S. Geological survey c 62; 1283 MENON, GABREELLE. Portrait n 1321 MENTELLE, EDMONDE. Guiana, french and dutch. 1805. Repr. c 57; 2720 1806. Repr c pt 1, no 8; 2778 MENTELLE, SIMON. Guiana, french. 1778, 1788. Repr c34; 2764 MENTZ. 1734-35. German army camp. Homann. n3035 1739. DuSauzet c 12; 592a, c 12; 2779a MEQUINEZ, MOROCCO. 1747-57. Homann. View n604 MERCATOR, GERARD n 257, 444, 447, 448 America. 1595. Repr n 258 1569. Coast. Repr c 19; 2719 Arctic regions. 1569. Repr n 257 Dedication by n 390 Editions of his atlases n 422 Life n 422, 445, 449 Maps n 421 1569. Repr n 252 1584 n390 1635 n448 1639 n452 1653 n463 1666 11475 1730 D575 1578 n 351,384 1695 n518 Portrait n 421, 427, 433,434,438,445,447,449 Projection of n836 Russia. 1554 Text ser 2, c; 3107 1569 Text ser 2, c; 3107 1594 Text ser 1, c; 3107 South America. 1569. Repr c 4 ; 2764 World. 1538. Repr n 257, c 16; 2776 1569 c 251 1584.... nl!40 MERCATOR, GERARD Continued. World. 1587. Repr n 257 1600 n411 See also Ptolemseus. Geographia. 1578. t384 1584 t390 1605 t421 MERCATOR, JOHANNES n 422, n 434, 438, 441, 445, 447 Verse by n 449 MERCATOR, MICHAEL. America. 1595. Repr c 39; 2719 1607 n422 MERCATOR, RUMOLDUS n 422 Flandria. 1570 n 374 World. 1587, 1595, 1602, 1606, 1607. Repr c33; 2719 MERCER co., N. J. 1890. Scarlett. Atlas.. 2164 MERCER co., OHIO. 1888. Griffing. Atlas. 2399 MERCER co., PA. 1873. Hopkins. Atlas... 2484 MERCURY BAY, NEW ZEALAND. 1769-72. Hawkesworth c 41; 642 MERGIN ARCHIPELAGO. 1783. Forrest. c v 1, no 233a; 543 MERIAN, MATHIAS. Guiana. 1634. Repr c 64; 2719 Paris. 1615. Repr c 15; 3011 MRIDA PROVINCE, VENEZUELA. 1840. Co- dazzi c 13; 2775 MERJEE RIVER. 1725. Bates c v 1, no 165; 543 1803. Heywood c v 1, no 165a; 543 MERRIAM, WILLIAM R. Census. 1900 n 1334 MERRICK co., NEB. 1899. Northwest pub- lishing co. Atlas 2119 MERRIMAC, MASS. 1895. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1842 MERRIMACK RIVER, MASS. 1826. U. S. War department c36; 1377 MESIA. 1801. Cassini cv3,no57;670 MESSANA. 1784. Dalrymple c v 1, no 116; 543 MESSELWARD. 1646-47. Dudley n 457 MESSENTUS, J., ARNOLD JOHAN. Description of '' Lappie " n 479, 471 Description of Sweden n 479 MESSINA. 1646? Avity c25; 58 1675. Seller n 487 1700? Lea. View n527 1706? Wit n549 1796? Olivier, mss c25;2807 1801. Bougard n 2852 META, Rio, COLOMBIA. 1817. Arrowsmith c 5; 1174 1817. Humboldt c v 2. no 19; 2726 METELLUS, NATALIUS. Pervani regni descrip- tio . . . 1602. Repr cv 2, no 9; 2767 METHUEN, MASS. 1906. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1843 METIA ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes c 15; 3246 METTUS, ADRIAN. Maps. 1633 n444 1634 n447 1639 n452 1653 n463 1666 n 475 METROPOTAMIA, PROPOSED STATE OF n 678 1492 METZ. 1760? Le Rouge c32; 2975 1870-71. Wachter. Vicinity c 3; 2984 1870-71. Duball c 7; 2818 MEUDON, CHATEAU DE. 1685-88. Silvestre. Views n 532 MEUSE RIVEK. 1759-84. Vlsscher n623 MEW BAT, SUNDA STRAIT. 1762. Watson. c v 2, no 196; 543 MEWETHE. 1868. Joanne n3004 MEXICO. Antiquities. 1885. Garcia Cubas n2686 Atlases. General 1812-87 2682-2088 Boundaries. United States. Paralelo 31 47'. 1889. International boundary commission C 1-8; 1263 United States and Mexico. 1889 .... 2680 United States and Mexico. 1889. United States and Mexico. 1901.. n2681 Atlas 2680-2681 Buildings. 1885. Garcia Cubas n2686 Churches. 1885. Garcia Cubas n 2686 Communication between Pacific and At- lantic. 1812. Humboldt c 5; 2682 Constitution c43; 1176 Costumes. 1885. Garcia Cubas n2686 Historical. 1728. Aa n96 Buchon c42; 1176 Las Cases n 127 Missions, Protestant. 1903. Beach n 178 Mountains. 1885. Garcia Cubas n2686 Physical. 1804. Humboldt c 11-12; 2682 Plants. 1885. Garcia Cubas n2686 Population. 1804. Humboldt c 19; 2682 Portraits of distinguished men. 1885. Garcia Cubas n 2686 Railway bridges. 1885. Garcia Cubas. .n 2686 Religions. 1730? Aa. Views n55 Routes. 1812. Humboldt c 18; 2682 Statistical. 1825. Buchon c 42; 1176 Valley of. 1804-07. Martin c 4; 2682 1816. Humboldt c3; 1174 1858. Garcia Cubas c 17; 2683 War. Hardesty 1 1288, 2351 Foster c30; 1285 1862-67. Dubail c 14; 2818 1540? anon. Repr c 6, 12; 1137 1564. VazDourado. Coast. Repr. .. c 3; 2720 1570. VazDourado. Repr c 4; 2720 1578. Jode n 383 1579. Ortelius n376, 386, n 392, 393, 396, 400, 406, n407, 412, 419, 427, 430 1584. Ortelius n 386, 389 1587. Ortelius n 392 1588. Ortelius n 393 1592. Ortelius n 396 1595. Ortelius n 400 1597. Wytfliet c 12-13; 1140 1598. Ortelius n 406, 407 1599. Langenes n 410 1600. Quad n 411 1601. Herrera y Tordesillas c 4-5; 1141 1602. Bertius n 414 1602. Langenes n 415 1603. Ortelius n 419 1604. Porcacchi n 168 1607. Mercator n 422, 423 1609. Langenes n 442 MEXICO Continued . 1609. Mercator '..... n425,426 :609. Orte'ius n427 1610. Mercator n 429 1610? Langenes n428 1612. Ortelius n430 1619. Mercator n 434 1621. Mercator n 435 1622. Herrera y Tordesillas. c pt 1, no 4-5; 1144, c pt 1, no 4-5; 1145, C pt 1, no 4-5; 1146 1625. Laet Text C5-6; 1147, c2; 1147 1628. Mercator n 437, 438 1630. Laet Text c 5-6; 1148 1630. Mercator n 439, 440, 441 1632. Mercator n 443 1633. Mercator n445 1634. Mercator n 446 1634. Mercator & Hondius n 447 1635. Blaeu n448, c v 2, no 98; 448 1636. Mercator n 449, 450 1639. 1640. 1642. 1644. Hondius n 452 Laet Textc5-6; 1150 Doncker c 7; 2691 Lubin n 466 Doncker. Coast c 27; 468 Blaeu. n 455 1646-47. Dudley n 457 1646-49. Jansson n 459 1648-58. Blaeu n 460 1651. Mercator n 461 1653. Jansson n 463 1656. Sanson n 486 1657. Sanson c 4-5; 1151 1659. 1660. 1660. Nlcolosl n467 1661. Loon n 470 1662. Sanson c 4, 6; 1152 1664-65. Blaeu n471 1665. Doncker. Coast c 30; 472 1666. Goos n 473, 474 1666. Jansson n 475 1666. Loon n476 1667. Blaeu n 479 1667? Sanson c 4-5; 1153 1670. DuVal n481 1670-71. Nicolosl n482 1675? Wit n485 1679. Du Val. Repr c 79; 2719 1679. Teller n 490 1683. Sanson n 494, 495 1688. Morden n 498 1690. Seller C 29; 505 1692. Luyts n511 1692. Mueller n512 1695-97. Coronelll n 521 1696? Allard D 523 1700. Seller cv2,no41;529 1700? Voogt n530 1701. Moll n536 1702. Per n532 1703. Delisle n533,641 1705. Fer n54 1705-20. Chatelaln .. n548 1493 MEXICO Continued. 1706? Wit n549 1709. Moll n553 1711-17. Moll n557 1713. Delisle n535 1713. Gueudeville. n558 1715. Renard n 559 1719. Chatelain c6; 548 1722. Delisle c37; 565, n596 1723. Compleat geographer n566 1726. Herrera y Tordesillas c 4-5; 1156 1726. T'Sersteuens c 7; 570 1732? Moll n578 1732-39. Chatelain n579 1733. Delisle n 580 1736? Moll n585 1737. Homann n586 1737-91. Bellin n 588 1739. Du Sauzet c 30; 592a, C 30; 2779a 1739. Renard n592 1740-50. Delisle n 594 1742. Coronelli n641 1745. Delisle n 636 174f>. Renard n601 1747. Bowen n 603 1747-^57. Homann n 604 1749. Robert de Vaugondy n 608 1752. Bowen c 56; 614 1754. LaHarpe n591 1758. Gibson n621 1758. Lopez c2; 1158, c3; 1159 1759-81. Homann n 622 1763? Moll n635 1764. Bellin c2; 638 1764. Denis n 81 1765. Tirion n 600 1766. Brion de la Tour n80,645 1770. Hulbert. Repr c v 5, no 43-14; * 1771. Bonne n664 1774. Dunn. Coast c2; 1343 1775. Jefferys. Coast ell, 15; 2699 1776-84. Anville n 647 1778. Robert de Vaugondy n 649 1780. Bonne n 652 1783. Delisle & Buache n 655 1785. Bachine n 657 1785. Zatta n650, C v 4, no 43; 651 1786. Brion n 658 1786. Dunn. Coast c41;659 1787. Clouet n 661 1787. Laporte n 662 1787-88. Bonne & Desmarest n 666 1791. Clouet n673 1792. Gibson n 676 1792. Jefferys. Coast c 12, 16; 2702 1793. St. Petersburg school of mines n679 1794. Dunn. Coast c 41; 684 1794. Jefferys. Coast c!2,16;2703 1798. Cassini n670, c v3, no 21, 22; 670 1803. Humboldt. Central c 13; 2682 1804. Humboldt c 19; 2682 1804-09. Humboldt c 1-2; 2682 MEXICO Continued. 1807. Bellin n590 1807. Costanzo & Conde c 8; 2682 1811. Humboldt c 3; 2682 1814. Carey n722, 1372 1816. Arrowsmith c3; 1174 1816. Jefferys. Coast c 42; 2708 1817. Arrowsmith n730 1818. Carey n 732, 1373 1820-21. Rossi n 739 1822. Finlayson c 38; 1373a 1824. Arrowsmith n743 1825. Bru6 n758 1827. Finlayson c38; 1177, c 38; 1379 1827. Finlayson, after Humboldt, etc. c38; 2728 1827. Thomson n 750 1827-29. Malte-Brun n751 1828. Hall -n756 1829. Finley n 752 1829. Lapie n765 1830. Finley n755 1830. Schlieben c 11-12 1830. Tanner c 18; 1382 1831. Finley n 760 1831? Lizars n761 1832. Bru<5 n6 1832. Burr n 771, 1379a 1832. Carey & Lea n 762 1832. Malte-Brun n 763 1833. Humboldt c v 2, no 7; 2726 1834. Arrowsmith c v 4, no 44; 764 1834. Carey & Lea n767 1834. Tanner n 788 1834. Vivien de Saint Martin n 767a 1835. Bradford n 769, 770 1835. Dower n 772 1835. LasCases n 127 1836. Tanner n774 1837. Malte-Brun n 775 1839. Mitchell n 300 1840. Hall n777 1841. Hall n779 1841. Radefeld & Renner n 781 1841? Mudie n 780 1842. Arrowsmith c 44; 789 1842. Greenleaf n784 1842. Lapie n 123a, 787 1842. Morse & Breese c 30; 1383 1842? Lizars n 782 1842? Thunot-Duvotenay n 786 1842-45. Morse & Breese c 35; 1228 1844. Hall, Hughes & others n 793 1844. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge ( n 794 1844-47. Olney! n309 1848. Teesdale n 796 1849. Mitchell n797 1850. Milner & Petennann n 231 1850. Potel n802 1851. Martin n804 1851. Mitchell c35; 1179 1852. Mitchell n807 1852. Wyld n808 1853. Smith n323 1854. Kerhallet. Coast... .. C2710 1494 MEXICO Continued. 1856. Black. C 19; 1385 1856. Morse. n817 1857. Hall n821 1858. Dutour n833 1858. OarclaCubas c 1,31; 2683 1858. Marmocchl n828 I860. Bartholomew c 46; 829 I860. Hawailanmap c 6; 3260 1860. Mitchell n831, 846 1862. Gamier n836 1862. Johnson n837 1863. Johnson n840 1864. Johnson n843 1865. Mitchell n301, 847 1867. Bartholomew n849 1867. Naymffler & Allodi n851 1868. Dufour n852 1874? Riepert, Graf & Bruhus n871 1875. Duvotenay n874 1878. MannocchI n887 1878. Robiquet. W. Coast n909 1881. Dufour n894 1881. Vivien de Saint-Martin n899 1882. Philip ... n907 1884. Vivien de Saint-Martin & Schra- der c73; 916 1886. OarciaCubas c 31; 2687 1888. Werner n90 1889. Brown. n949 1891. Desbuissons * others n964 1904. Bos n268 MEXICO, cnr. Historical. Bordone n!62 1528. Bordone n!62 1534. Bordone n 163 1547. Bordone n 164 1550. SantaCruz. Repr n257 1562? Bordone n 165 1564. DuPinet. View n60 1572. Porcacchi n 166 1576. Porcacchi n!67 1612-18. Braun n59 1620. Porcacchi n 169 1652? Jansson. View * 1733. Popple. View n596 1739. DuSauzet n592a 1804. Humboldt. c9;2682 1830. SchUeben. c 12; 1178 MEXICO TO SANTA FE, ROUTE FEOM. 1807. Rivera c7; 2682 MEXICO, GULF OF. 1519. Pineda. Repr., (Omitted) n258 1520. Pineda? Repr c pt 14, no 6; 1136 1693-1700. Neptune francois n517 1709-20. Moll n554 1737-44. Bellin n589 1749. Bellin c!72, c 12; 613 1754. LaHarpe D591 1755. Lopez&Cruz c 18; 2691 1755. Lopez & Cruz, after Anvflle. Repr. c!8; 2759 1762. Rizzi-Zannoni n633 1762?. Rizzi-Zannonl n629 1771-S3. Rizzi-Zannoni... .. n646 MEXICO, GULF OF Continued. 1774. Bellin n697 1774-81. Atlantic Neptune. Coast. c v 3, no 37; 1199 1780. Atlantic Neptune. Coast. c v 3, no 59-60; 1198 1780. Bonne n652 1780. Delisle & Buache n655 1781. Bellin n348 1781. Laporte n654 1783. Lattrt n741 1785. Bachiene n657 1787-91. Rizzi-Zannoni n664 1792. Elwe n674,675 1792. Lopez n677 1793. St. Petersburg. School of mines., n 679 1800. Bellin n590 1802. Bellin n590 1807? Mentelle&Chanlaire n 712 1810. Dession c 1-2; 2705 1810. Jefferys t2705 1818. Jeflerys t2708 1823. Lucas. n 742 1824. Lapie n743,744 1829. Lapie n765 1830. Le Boucher c5; 1340 1832. Bru6 n758 1834. Vivien de Saint-Martin n 767a 1840. Buache. Repr c 14; 2779 1842. Lapie n!23a,787 1850. Potel n802 1851. Robiquet n 795 1854. Kerhallet t2710 1856? France. Minitttre de la marine et des colonies t2711 1874. Robiquet n909 1882. Robiquet n 909 MEXICO, LAKE OF. 1705-20. Chatelain n548 1732-39. Chatelain n579 1738-74. LaHarpe n591 MEYER, BRUNO. See Langhans. Perthes' deutscher ma- rine-atlas. 1898 tl73,3025 MEYER, HERMAN JULIUS. South America. 1866. Repr c!4;2724 METER VON KNONAU, GEROLD. See nistorisch-geographischer atlas der Schweiz. 1870 t3154 MEYERS'S KONVERSATIONS-LEXTKON. Maps from nllOSa MEZIERES. 1760? Le Rouge c 27; 2975 MIACO. 1695-1756? Ottens n522 MIACO, ROUTE FROM, TO JoKArrz. 1695- 1756? Ottens n522 MIACO, ROUTE FROM OSACCA TO. 1695-1756? Ottens n522 MIAMI co., IND. 1877. Tringman. Atlas... 1619 MIAMI co., KAN. 1878. Edwards. Atlas.. 1728 MIAMI co., Omo. 1883. Furnas. Atlas 2400 1894 Rerick. Atlas 2401 MIAMI RIVER TO MICHIGAN ROAD, MONROE. 1829. U. S. War department c27; 1377 MICHEL, Indicateur fidele. 1765 n2993 1495 MICHEL, CHARLES. See France. Hinisttre des colonies. Ser- vice geographique des colonies. Mission de Bonchamps. 1900 t3236 MlCHELOT, IlENKI. See Heather. New Mediterranean pilot. 1802 t!92 MICHELSBERG, BATTLE. 1805. France. Depot general de la guerre c 4; 2966 MICHIGAN. Boundary. 1825-43. Cram c 116; 1377 1843. Burr c 15; 1384 Coal. 1906. Peabodycoalco n 1268 Historical. Buchon c 40; 1176 Statistical. 1825. Buchon c40;1176 1822. Finlayson c36;1373a 1823. Lucas n742 1825. Cary n 745 1826. Finley ell; 1378 1827. Finlayson c 36; 1177, c36; 1379, c 36; 2728 1828. Weiland c28;1226 1830. Schlieben c6;1178 1830. Tanner C 17; 1382 1831. Burr n 771, 1379a 1835. Bradford n769,770 1835. Tanner c21; 1380 1836. Burr c41; 1384 1836. Tanner n774 1837. Publicsurvey c77;1384 1838. Bradford & Goodrich c 23; 783 1839. Burr n 1379a 1839. Publicsurvey c61;1384 1841. Public survey c 62; 1384 1841. Tanner n788 1841. U. 8. Treasury department. C112-115; 1384 1842. Greenleaf n 784 1844. Morse&Breese c 27; 1228, c 25; 1383 1844-47. Olney n309 1849. Mitchell n797 1851. Mitchell c27;1179 1854. Lange c 10; 1230 1856. Black c9;1385 1856. Morse n817 1860. Mitchell n831 1862. Johnson n 837 1863. Johnson n840 1863. Mitchell n 846 1864. Johnson n 843 1865. Mitchell n301,847 1866. U. S. Gcneralland office c4; 1388 1867. Bartholomew n849 1873. Mitchell n870 1873. Walling. Atlas I960 1878. Hayes 1 1995 1879. Hayes t!976;1987 1879. U. S. General land office c 4; 1405 1880. Hayes 1 1992 1881. Estabrook c sup 12; 1411 1881. Hayes tl%9 1886. Brown n 949 1886. Page 1 1517; 1579 MICHIGAN Continued. 1894. Cookingham 1 1998 1896. Ogle t!989 1900. Ogle t!991,1993 1908. Cram. Atlas 1960a MICHIGAN AND ILLINOIS CANAL. 1830-31. U. S. War department c 11-13; 1377 MICHIGAN CITY, IND. 1839. U. S. War de- partment c 100; 1377 MICHIGAN, LAKE. 1680? Pinart. Repr c 17; 1235 1828? Ghent treaty commissioners. C119-125; 1384 MICHIGANIA, PROPOSED STATE OF n 678 MICHOACAN, MEXICO. 1659. Lubin n 466 1758. Lopez c3; 1159 1830. Schlieben c!2;1178 MlCKLEBURGH, JAMES. Index to the principal places hi the world. 1844 n794 1853 n811 MIDDLEBOROUGH, MASS. 1899. Mass. Sur- vey commission. Atlas 1909 MIDDLESEX, ENGLAND. 1779. Zatta. c v 1, no 40a; 651 MIDDLESEX co., CONN. 1874. Beers. Atlas. 1480 MIDDLESEX co., MASS. 1875. Beers. Atlas 1818 1889. Walker. Atlas 1819 1906-08. Walker. Atlas 1820 MIDDLESEX co., N. J. 1781. Dunham and Rue-Hills. mss.c!3;2143 1781. Hills c!3;1339 1876. Everts & Stewart. Atlas 2165 MIDDLETON, MASS. 1906. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1843 MIDDLE TOWN, N. J. 1776-82. Hills, mss. c 10; 1339, c 10; 2143 MIDDLE TOWN TO FREEHOLD, ROAD FROM 1778. Hills, mss c9;1339, c 9; 2143 MIDLAND SEA. See Mediterranean sea. MIFFLIN CO., PA. 1877. Nichols. Atlas 2485 MIKOWINY. See Milkovinyi, Samuel. MILAN, DUCHY or. 1570. Septala n374 1646? Avity c 72; 58 1704. Blaeu c 1; 3053 1726. T'Sersteuens c v 3; 570 1794. Zatta c v 3, no 30; 651 1819. Cary n736 MILAN, CITY OF. Library, f ac-similes of maps in n 246 1646? Avity c26;58 1703. Mortier n2823 1734? Seutter n 583 1734. Homann n 539 1838. Radefeld & Renner n 7S1 1844. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 794 1853. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 811 MILAZZO, SICILY. 1706? Wit... ..n549 35799 VOL 209- -19 149G MILBANK'S SOUND. 1788. Dalrymple. cv2,no39; 543 MILBURN, WILLIAM. Illinois. 1839 c55; 1384 MILES OF DIFFERENT NATIONS. 1700. Seller. c v 1, nov, c v 2, no xiv; 529 MlLET-MUREAU, L. A. See Laperouse. Voyage de La Perouse. 1797 t6S8 Voyage round the world. 1799 1 693 MILFORD. 1690. Seller c!4;505 MlLFORD HAVEN. 1777. Atlantic Neptune. View. cvl,no34; 1201 1779. Atlantic Neptune. View. cvl,no37; 1205 1781. Atlantic Neptune. View. cvl.no 41; 1198 MILHEUSER, L. Maps. See Blaen. 1649 . . n 3076 MILITARY CHRONICLE. See Anvllle. Atlas and geography of the antients t 4 MILKOVTNYI, SAMUEL. Ungarn. 1790 c 9; 694 MILL, IIUGH ROBERT. Introductory notes. See Bartholomew. Atlas of commercial geography 1 69 Physical features of England. 1903-04. cl; 2932 MILL RIVER, CONN. Harbor. 1825-43. U. S. War department c 39; 1377 MILL SPRING, BATTLE OF. 1861. Paris c 3, 28; 1352 MILLE VAISSEAUX BAY. 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 19; 3244 MILLER, D. L. See Barnes & Farnham. Atlas of Berk- shire county, Mass. 1904 t!809 MILLER, JOHN. Albany. 1695. Repr c v 2, no 34; 1191 German Flats, Indian fort. 1695. Repr. cv2,no41; 1191 Schenectady, Fort. 1695. Repr. cv2,no45; 1195 MILLER, M. A. See White. New county and district atlas of the state of West Virginia. 1873 t2627 MILLER, W. Ottoman empire. 1356-1897. c82; 2794 MILLER, FORT. Early. Hulbert. Repr c v 3, no 20; 119] 1759. Hulbert. Repr c v 3, no 19; 1191 MILLET, GEORGE. Taloutse & Siao islands. 1799 cv2,nolllb; 543 MILLIADGE, T., draftsman. Manuscript maps showing sir Henry Clinton's operations in the Jerseys n 1339 New Jersey. 1781. mss c 15; 2143 MILLIET DE SAINT- ADOLPHE, J. C. R. Brazil. 1863. Repr c 84; 2721 South America. 1863. Repr. cv2,no56; 2767 MILLIS, MASS. 1905. Mass. Harbor and land commis- sion t!841 1909. Walker. Atlas... * MILNER, THOMAS. See Cartee. School atlas of physical ge- ography. 1856 t219 MILTON, MASS. 1896. Walker. Atfas 1910 1903. Mass. Harbor and land commis- sion t!837 MILWAUKEE, Wis. 1836. U.S. War department c 118; 1377 1876. Mitchell n 880 1881-89. Dupr<5. Atlas 2672-2675 1893. Mitchell n 983 1898. Baist. Atlas 2676 1902. U. S. Geological survey c 140; 1283 1907. Poetsch & Leidel. Atlas 2677 MILWAUKEE AND ROCK RIVER CANAL. 1837. Lapham c 155; 1384 MlNAS DEPARTMENT, URUGUAY. 1891... C 10; 2773 MINAS-GERAES, BRAZIL. 1830. Schlieben c 23; 1178 1868. Mendes de Almeida c 21 ; 2749 MINA-TITLAN, MEXICO. 1851. Smith.... c 6; 2690 MINDANAO ISLAND. 1646-47. Dudley n 457 1762. Dalrymple c v 2, no 98; 543 1769-72. Hawkesworth c20; 642 1774. Dalrymple c v 2, no 94; 543 1781. Dalrymple. Coast. Text c v 3, no 5; 543 1789. Dalrymple c v2, no 111; 543 1794. Laurie & Whittle n 700 1802. Torin c v 2, no 96; 543 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 22; 3244 MINDORO ISLE. 1690? Hacke. mss c91-92;31C2 1793. Dalrymple c v 3, no 490; 543 1799. Dalrymple. Coast c v 2, no 6C>; 543 MINDORO, SHOALS SOUTHWEST OF. 1800. Dalrymple cv2,no71; 543 MINDORO STRAITS. 1838-42. Wilkes c 97; 3246 MINES, BASIN OF, ENTRANCE. 1774-81. Atlantic Neptune. View. c v 1, no 6; 1198 1779. Atlantic Neptune. View. c v 1, no 7; 1198 MINGAN HARBOR. 1806. North American pilot C24-25; 1236 MINGAN ISLAND. 1777. North American pilot c vl, no 20-23; 1209 1806. North American pilot c 23-25; 1236 MlNICOY ISLAND. 1790. McCluer c v 1, no 177; 543 1795. Bentley cv3, no 166; 543 MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 1885. Hopkins. Atlas 2053 1887. Davidson. Atlas 2054 MINNESOTA. Geological. 1903. U. S. Geologiacl sur- vey. Atlas 2006 1851. Mitchell n805, c 33; 1179 1854. Lange ell; 1230 1856. Black c 9; 1385 1860. Mitchell n831 1862. Mitchell n 846 1864. Johnson n843 1497 MINNESOTA Continued. 1865. Mitchell n301, 847 1866. U. S. General land office c 6; 1388 1867. Bartholomew n849 1874. Andreas. Atlas 2007 1875. Wheeler. Atlas "... 2008 1876. U. 8. General land office c 17; 1396 1879. U. S. General land office c 6; 1405 1886. Brown n 949 1886. Page t!517,1579 1888. Haynes t2037 1898. Ogle t2026 1900. Ogle t2019 1907. Cram n 1121 1907. Cram. Atlas 2009 1907. Rand, McNally &co n 1124 1907. Rand, McNally & CO. Atlas 2010 MlNNETONKA, LAKE, MlNN. 1908. Wood- man. Atlas 2006a MINOEICA. 1646-47. Dudley n 457 1740. Bellin c 172 1796. Zatta c v 1, no 41; 651 MINSK. 1781. Zatta cv 2, no 42; 651 MINTOW EOAD. 1789. Dalrymple. c v2, no 181; 543 MlQUELON ISLAND. 1763. Bellin n 590 1774. North American pilot. . c v 1, no 6; 1209 1792. Dumez & Chanlaire n 2995 1841. Monin n2999 1851. VuiUemin n 3002 1862. France. Ministere de la marine et des colonies n 2950 1882. VuiUemin n3007 1885. Mager n 2951, 2952 1898. Pelet n2954 MXRAMICHI BAY. 1777. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 17; 1199 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 14; 1198 MIBANDOLA, DUCHY OF. 1726. T'Sersteuens. c!4; 570 MlBANDULE, PlCUS. See Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni Francesco. MIES BAY. 1793. Dalrymple cv 2, no 25; 543 MISNIA. 1681. Nicolson c2;2831 MISSISSIPPI. Geography. Hilgard c sup 13; 1411 Historical. Buchon c33; 1176 Statistical. 1825. Buchon c 33; 1176 1717. Vermale. Repr c 25; 1138 1718. Delisle n 636 1719. Chatelain c 6; 548 1721. Senex n 563 1723. Compleat geographer n 566 1729. Moll n574 1732? Moll n578 1733. Delisle n 580 1736? Moll n585 1745? Moll n602 1749. Robert de Vaugondy n 608 1759-81. Homann n 622 1796? Olivier. Coast, mss c 118; 2807 1804. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 702 1805. Arrowsmith & Lewis.... ..n708 MISSISSIPPI Continued. 1805. Carey c 19; 1368 1812. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 718 1814. Carey n 722, c 19a; 1370, n 1372, 1373 1818. Carey n 732, 1819. Arrowsmith 1867. Mitchell n 850 1879. U. S. General land office c 11; 1405 1889. Brown n 949 MISSISSIPPI AND LAKE PONTCHAETEAIN CA- NAL. 1834. Poussin c3; 1265 MISSISSIPPI EIVEK. Atlases. General 1308-1325 British camps. 1815. Latour..'. c 5; 1345 DesMoines rapids. 1836. U. S. War department c!27; 1377 1837. Lee c!44; 1334 1837. U. S. War department... c96; 1377 Discoveries. La Salle. 1683 c 17; 1138 d'Herville. 1698-99 C 17; 1138 Historical. Aa n 96 Mouth. 1709-20. Moll n 554 1852. U. S. Coast and geodetic sur- vey c43; 1269 1861. Paris... ..oil; 1352 1498 MISSISSIPPI KIVEE Continued. Rock Island rapids. 1837. Lee.... c 116; 1384 1837. U.S. War department c95; 1377 Rock river rapids. 1836. U. S. War de- partment c!28; 1377 MISSOURI Continued . 1826. Welland c26; 1225 1827. Carey & Lea c34; 1177 1827. Young & Delleker, engraver.. c34; 1379 c 34; 2728 1828. Weiland c29; 1225 Early. Hulbert. Repr. . o v 1, no 36-39; 1191 1829. Finley n 752 1672 Marquette. Repr c30; 1138 1829-35. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 753 1701 Fer n 532 546 1830. Finley n 755 1701 Moll n 536 1830. Schlieben c 7, 10; 1178 1703 Delisle n 641 1831. Finley n760 1709 Moll n 553 1833. Tanner n 1373 1713 Gentil c 17' 1138 1834. Burr n771,1379a 1835. Bradford n 769, 770 1721 Senex n 563 1835. Tanner c24; 1380 1731. Oonichon. Repr... cv 1, no 31-35; 1191 1732-39. Chatelain n579 1836. Tanner n 774 1837. Surveyors office, St. Louis, c 53, 56; 1384 1838. Bradford & Goodrich c 38; 783 1741? Delisle n 596 1745 Delisle n 535 636 1839. Burr n!379a 1765 Ross C 25- 1165 1839. Surveyor general's office c 58; 1384 c26, 1166, c 26; 1169 1765-75 Ross c 33' 653 1839. Tanner c 15; 1382 1841. Brown c57; 1384 1841. Tanner n 788 1768. Jeflerys c69; 1196 1841. U. S. Treasury department. C112-115; 1384 1772. Hulbert. Repr. ... c v 1, no 42-44; 1191 1775 Jeflerys c 25' 1165 1842. Greenleaf . . . . n 784 1844. Morse&Breese c 32; 1228, c26; 1166, c 26; 1169 1775 Ross n 668 c23; 1383 1847. Mitchell n 797 1850. Mitchell n800 1779. Atlantic Neptune., c v 3, no 63-64; 1198 1851. Mitchell c30; 1179 1854. Lange c8; 1230 1796 Collot C 25 29' 1214 1856. Black c 13; 1385 1814 Carey n 1370 1856. Morse n817 1860. Mitchell n831 1826 Collet 1 1214 1215 1861. Gaston c!2;1351 1861. Mitchell n846 1843 Public survey c 17" 1384 1861. Paris c 4; 1352 1862. Johnson n837 1861 Paris c 20 30' 1352 1863. Johnson n840 MISSISSIPPI SOUND. 1841 Powell c 93' 1384 1864. Johnson n843 1865. Mitchell n301, 847 1850. U. 8. Coast and geodetic survey. c 42' 1269 1866. U. S. General land office c 9; 1388 1867. Bartholomew n849 1853. U. 8. Coast and geodetic survey. c41; 1269 1873. Campbell. Atlas 2061 1874 Whipple Atlas 2062 MISSOURI. Coal. 1906. Peabody coal company. . . n 1268 Compromise. Foster c 25; 1285 1876. Harrison & Warner. Atlas 2064 1876. Mitchell n880 1876. Whipple. Atlas 20C3 Geological. 1873. U.S. Geological sur- vey. Atlas . . 2059 1879. U.S. General land office c 8; 1405 1886. Brown n949 1874. Broadhead. Atlas. 2060 1886. Page... 1 1517, 1579 Geography. 1881. Neely c sup 14; 1411 1898. Ogle . t2067 Historical. Buchon c 38; 1176 1899 Ogle 1 2085, 2088 Indian lands west of. 1836. Jones. c20-21;1384 1907. Ogle t2089 1908. Cram. Atlas 2065 Statistical. 1825. Buchon c 38; 1176 MISSOURI RIVER. 1796. Collot c29; 1214 1814. Carey n722, 1370, c 20a; 1370, n!372 1818. Carey . . n 732, 1373 MITCHELL, JOHN. Little Sodus bay. 1755-1829 c 148; 1384 Maps. 1768 n 641 1822. Young & Delleker c 34; 1373a North America. 1756. Tr. by Le Rouge. n641 1776 C5-8; 1212 1823. Lucas n 742 1823. Tanner c 21; 1374 South America. 1783 c 5-8; 1212 1825. Morse n746 MITCHELL, SAMUEL AUGUSTUS. New school atlas. Index. Gregory... .. t287 1826. Finley.... .. c!2: 1378 1499 MITCHELL, THOMAS LIVINGSTONE. Maps. 1840 n2893 MITCHELL'S FAMILY ATLAS OF THE WORLD. 1893 n983 MITCHELL'S UNIVERSAL ATLAS. 1854 n 814 MITCHELL, S. DAK. 1903. U. S. Geological survey c 99; 1283 MITCHELL co., KANS. 1884. Gillen & Davy. Atlas 1729 MOALA ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes c 41 ; 3246 MOBILE, ALA. Early. Pitman. Repr cv2, no 3; 1191 1878. Hopkins. Atlas 1451 MOBILE BAB. 1771. Romans c33; 2703, c45; 2708 1788. Romans c33;2702 MOBILE BAY. 1764. Jefferys c33;2703, c 44; 2708 1788. Jeflerys c32;2702 1815. Latour c9;1345 1818. Spain c pt 2, no 41; 1224 1829. Swift c!03;1384 1851. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. c39; 1269 1852. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. c40; 1269 MOBILE POINT. 1815. Latour c 3, c 9; 1345 MOBILE RIVER. 1709-20. Moll n554 ins. Delisle n636 1741? Delisle n 596 1796. Collot. Sources c33; 1214 MOCA. See Mocha. MOCHA ISLAND. 1882. Robiquet n 909 MOCHA ROAD. 1784. Dalrymple c v 1, no 115, 116; 543 1795. Richardson cv3,no9c; 543 1798. McCluer c v 3, no 9c; 543 1806. Bissell c v 1, no 119; 543 MOCHETTI, ALES. Title-page of Cassini's Nuovo atlante. 1792-1801 n670 MOCHIMA HARBOR. 1809. Spain cpt2,no8; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 2, no 8; 1224 1825. Spain cpt2, no 8; 1226 MODENA, DUCHY OF. 1704. Blaeu cl; 3053 1783. Zatta c v 3, no 28; 651 1797. Zatta cv3,no27;651 MODON. 1684. Rossi. View n497 1700? Lea. View n527 MOELAU. 1762. Keulen c v 1, no83a; 543 MOERENTORF JAN. See Ortelius. Theatrum orbis ten-arum. 1598 t407 MOETJENS, ADR., engraver n 448 Portrait of Victor Amedee II. 1725 n 3055 See also Blaeu 1C35 MOFERATO. 1528. Bordone n 162 1534. Bordone n 163 1547. Bordone n 164 1562? Bordone n 165 MOFFAT,W. Maps. 1803 n 700 MOGERA, CAPO DI, PORTUGAL. 1646-47. Dudley n 457 MOHA. 1690? Hacke. mss c!5,16;3162 1784. Hunter c v 1, no 117; 543 MOHAWK RIVER. Early. Hulbert. Repr c v 1, no 5; 1191 1756. Hulbert. Repr... cvl, no 3; 1191 MOHAWK VILLAGE. 1791-4? ' Simcoe. View. Repr cv4,no40; 1191 MOHHAMMED EBN-ALY. World. 1509 C 251 MOHILLA. Richardson cvl, no83a; 543 1690? Hacke. mss c 10; 3162 1762. Keulen c v 1, no 83a; 543 MOHUN, EDWARD. British Columbia. 1884. c31; 1261 MOINES. 1825. France. Ministers de la marine et des colonies c 240; 2849 MOISEL, MAX. See Germany. Kolonialamt. Grosser deutscher kolonial atlas. 1901-07 t 3020 MOJOS PROVENCE, PERU, JESUIT MISSIONS. 1713. Peru. Repr c v 2, no 18; 2767 MOLASSES HARBOR, GREAT INAGUA. 1858. cvl, no 63; 2711 MOLDAVIA. 1692-96. Rossi n 515 1779-88. Zatta n650 1788. Schmid c 29; 694 1798. Zatta cv2,no50; 651 MOLETIUS, JOSEPHUS. "Discorso." Ptole- maeus t 371, 371, t 372, n 372, t 373, t 380, n 380, n 381 MoLTNE.lLL. 1904. Paddock. Atlas 1595 MOUSE. 1790. Cassini cvl,no26;670 MOLL, HERMANN. America. 1733? Repr c v 2, no 22; 2767 British Isles. 1699 n 527 Maps. 1695-1756? n 522 1703-56? n542 1706? n549 1711-17 t557 1724? n568 1734? n582 1756? n617 North America. 1759-81 n622 South America. 1709. Repr. c v 1, no 9; 2767 Thesaurus geographicus. 1695 n 536 World. 1748 n606 See also Compleat geographer. 1723 t 566 MOLUCCAS ISLANDS. 1598. Dalrymple & others. Repr n 543 1598. Wolfe cv3,no37;543 1617. Visscher. Repr cv2,no3;260 1646-47. Dudley n 457 1695-97. Coronelli n 521 1719. Chatelain c 6; 548 1726. T'Sersteuens c 6; 570 1797. Cassini n 670 1819-20. Robert de Vaugondy n 737 1899. Dornseiflen c23;2715 MOMBAS. 1690? Hacke. mss c 11; 3162 1799. Bissell c v 1, no 68; 543 1646-47. Dudley n457 1500 MONACHI. 1825. France. Ministtore de la marine et des colonies c 240; 2849 MONACHUS, FRANCISCUS. World. 1526. Repr opt 18, no 2; 1136 MONACO. 1760? Le Rouge c 55; 2975 1855. Italy. Ministero della marina. Plan a 3066 MONASTKKH'M. See Miinster. Mn.MiA7.i-:. 1784. Dalrymple cvl.no 78; 543 MONCTON. 1880. Poe brothers n 1239 MONDEOO BAY. 1808. Wyld c 1 ; 2893 MONESTERIO DE Asux, ANTONIO. Oblspado de Santa Cruz de la Sierra. 1766. Repr. c vl, no 14; 2767 MONGALLOU RIVER. 1789. Dalrymple. c vl, no 75; 543 MONGEZ, ANDRE. World. Physical. 1799. n 712 MONIN, C. V. Maps. 1877 t884 MONMOUTH, N. J. Battle. 1778. Ouizot c 16; 1338 1778. Carrington cp55; 1336 MONMOUTH CO., N. J. 1781. Williams & Dennis-Hills, mss. c!4; 2143 1781. Hills cl4; 1339 1873. Beers. Atlas 2166 MONMOUTH ISLAND, CHANNEL. 1784. Dal- rymple c v 2, no 50; 543 MONNIER, P. DE. See France. Ministere de la marine. Atlas des c&tes meridionales de France. 1850 t3001 MONOCACY RIVER, VALLEY OF. 1861. Paris. c24; 1352 MONOMOTAPA. 1690? Hacke. mss c 1, 3; 3162 1738-74. La Harpe n 591 MONONGAHELA KIVER. 1756? Hulbert. Repr c v 1, no 14; 119i 1825-43. U. S. War department c 32; 1377 MONONGAHELA RIVER TO WILL'S CREEK. 1755. Onne c 51; 1196 MONROE, GILBERT M. See Lathrop & others. Atlas of Orange county, New York. 1903 1 2245 MONROE, CITY. Michigan road to Miami river. 1829. U. S. War department... c27; 1377 MONROE co., IOWA. 1902. Hovey & Frame. Atlas 1687 MONROE co., MICH. 1876. Bartlett. Atlas 1988 1896. Ogle&co. Atlas 1989 MONROE co., N. Y. 1872. Beers. Atlas 2237 1902. Lathrop. Atlas 2238 MONROE co., OHIO. 1898. Caldwell. Atlas. 2402 MONROE co., PA. 1875. Beers. Atlas 2486 MONS, CAPE. 1785. Dalrymple. Text, c v2, no 2; 543 MONS, SIEGE. 1709. Pelet c v 8-9, no 7; 3128 MONT ATHOS. Description of. Langlols n 350 Reproduction of Ptolemy's geography . . . n 350 Views. 1867 .. n350 ! MONT BLANC. 1864. Pltschmer. Atlas 2961 MONT Louis. 1760? Le Rouge c 67; 2975 I MONT PATEN. 1739. Du Sauzet c 10; 2779a MONTAGUE, PORT OF. 1767. Dalrymple. C v2, no 164; 543 MONTANA. 1860. Mitchell n846 1871. Mitchell n 302 1876. Mitchell n880 1876. U. S. general land office c 14; 1396 1879. Mitchell n 890 1879. U. 8. general land office c 18; 1405 1882. Mitchell n 906 1886. Page 1 1517, 1579 1889. Brown n949 MONTANUS, B. A. World. Religious. 1571. Repr cv2,nol; 260 MONTANUS, JOH. Verse by .... n 434, 441, 444, 449 MONTANUS, PETRUS n 422 Verse by n 434, 438, 447, 449, 455 SeeoZsoKeer. Germanla inferior. 1622. 1 3075 Mercator. Gerard! Mercatoris atlas. 1607 t422 Ptolemseus. Geographia. 1605. 1 421, n 421 MONTAUBAN. 1713. Gueudevllle n 558 MONTBAZIN, Maps. 1792-1808. Repr. n 3249 MONTCLAIR, N. J. 1891. Scarlett & Scar- lett cv5; 2156 MONTE CRISTI BAY, HAITI. 1788. Jeflerys c 44; 2702 1794. Jeflerys c 44; 2703 1809. Spain cpt4,no2; 1223 1818. Jeflerys c 56; 2708 1818. Spam cpt4,no2; 1224- 1825. Spain c pt 4, no 2; 1226 MONTEBELLO, Due DE. See Lames Napoleon Auguste due de. MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA. 1780. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 66; 1198 1788. Jeflerys c 34; 2702 1809. Spain cpt4,no3; 1223 1818. Jeflerys c 46; 2708 1818. Spain cpt4, no 3; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 4, no 3; 1226 1856. France c v 1, no 44; 2711 MONTEIRO DE SALAZAR, JOSE. America. 1777. Repr c 43; 2720 Brazil. 1777. Repr c42; 2720 MONTEITH, JOHN. See Campbell. New atlas of Missouri. 1873 t 2061 MONTEREY. 1786. Dalrymple c v 2, no 48; 543 1791. Port and bay. Espinosa y Tello. Repr c6; 1221 44. Duflot de Mofras c 14; 1457 MONTEREY BAY. 1785-88. LapSrouse n 688, n 693 1844. Duflot de Mofras c 14; 1457 1844. Du Petit Thouars c205 1852. Tebienkov c 15; 1229 1852. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. c50; 1269 MONTEREY, VA.-W. VA. 1899. U. S. Geo- logical survey c 61; 1283 MONTEREY, FORT. 1801-03. Luflman n63 1501 MONTEVIDEO, DEPARTMENT. 1891. Sureda. ell; 2773 MONTEVIDEO. 1748. Martinez. Repr n 2734 1779? Dalrymple c 2, 3; 544 1789. Azara * 1836. Tanner n 774 1841. Radefeld & Renner n 781 1842-43. Tanner n 788 1874. Barral n 909 MONTEVIDEO, REPUBLIC. See Uruguay. MONTFEEEAT. 1646? Avity c 52; 58 MONTGOMEEY CO., MD. 1879. Hopkins. Atlas 1790 MONTGOMERY co., N. Y. 1868. Nichols, Beach & co. Atlas 2239 MONTGOMERY co., PA. 1871. Hopkins. Atlas 2487 1877. Scott. Atlas 2488 1893. Naefl. Atlas 2489 1897. Mueller. Atlas 2490 MONTGOMERY, FORT. 1777. Carrington cp41; 1336 1777. Hills c 17; 1337 1777. Knight c v 3, no 44; 1198 1779. Holland c v 3, no 44; 1198 MONTHLY REVIEW. London n 6, 57 MONTMEDY. 1760? Le Rouge c 27; 2975 MONTMEILLAN. 1705. Pelet c v 5, no 2; 3128 MONTMORENCY RIVER, CANADA. 1851. K611- ner c50; 1267 MONTOUR co., PA. 1876. Walker & Jewett. Atlas 2491 MONTPELIER CANAL. 1829. U. S. War de- partment C46; 1377 MONTPELLIER. 1760? Le Rouge c 62; 2975 MONTRAVEL, TARDY DE. See Tardy de Mon- traval. MONTREAL. 1720. Pinart. Repr c5-6; 1307 1720? anon. Repr c 16; 1138 1720? Pinart. Repr c 5-6; 1235 1755. Le Rouge c 4; 1185 1758. Abercrombie. Repr. c v 3, no 45; 1191, c v 4, no 7-8; 1191 1758. Jeflerys c20; 1196 1763. Rocque c 4; 1186 1763-76. Carver & others c 19; 1166, c 19; 1169 1777. Faden c 3; 1207 1778-92. Le Rouge c 9; 1212 1812. Tanner c 4; 1346 C 4; 1347 1851. KSllner c53; 1267 1859. McCulloch n76 1875. Walling n 1238 MONTREAL TO FOET EDWARD, Route from. Early. Hulbert. Repr c v 3, no 38; 1191 MONTREAL TO NEW YORK, Route from. 1756? Hulbert. Repr c v 1, no 46-47; 1191 MONTREAL ISLAND. 1760. Raspe n2825 1763-76. Carver . Carey c 20; 1172 1795. Scoles c 1; 1366 1795-1833. Arrowsmith c 12; 1259 1796. Collot c 1; 1214 1796. Lewis c 23; 683 1797. Kitchin-Pownall n687 1797. Walker n 689 1798. Cassini. Coast c v 3, no 12; 670 1798. Faden. Colonies n690 1798. Faden. West coast n 690 1798. Gibson n691 1798. Vancouver. Northwest Coast. . . n 1218 1799. Vancouver. Northwest Coast... n 1219 1800-03. Wilkinson n 701 1802. Guthrie n 698 1803. LasCases n 124 1803. Mentelle & Malte-Brien n 705 1804. Arrowsmith & Lewis. Colonies . . n 702 1804. Atlante tascabile n 703 1804. Patteson n707 1804-05. Mentelle n 706 1805. Arrowsmith Martin & Schra- der c65a; 916 1897. Lucas n2900 1902. Lavallee n2973a 1902. Militarymap n 176 1903. Alaskan boundary tribunal... . c 1; 1259 1904. Bos n268 1904. Cram.. n243 1907. Bartholomew n3179 See also New France. NORTH ANDOVER, MASS. 1906. Mass. Har- bor and land commission 1 1843 NORTH ATTLEBOROTTGH, MASS. 1900. Mass, survey commission. Atlas 1919 NORTH BROOKFTELD, Mass. 1885. Walker. Atlas 1920 NORTHCAPE. 1646-17. Dudley n457 NORTH CAROLINA. Historical. Buchon c 27; 1176 Statistical. 1825. Buchon c 27; 1176 1660. Hulbert. Coast. Repr... c v 5, no 29 * 1680. Hacke. Repr cv5, no 34* 1690. Seller c24,c52;505, c v 2, no 42; 529 1747. Bowen .. n603 NORTH CAROLINA Continued. 1752. Bowen c58; 614 1761. Hulbert. Repr. c v 5, no 41-42. . * 1775. Fry 1283 OEXMEHR, ALEXANDRE OLIVIER. See Exquemelin. OFFAK HARBOR. 1781. Dalrymple. c v 2, no 154; 543 OrOO ISLAND. 1837-42. Wilkes c 22; 3246 1838-42. Wilkes c22 ; S 246 OGIER, ST. J. See Mueller. Atlas of properties on line of Pennsylvania r. r. 1897. ... 1 2449, 2555, 2558 OGILBY, JOHN. Itinerarium Angliae. 1675 n2910 Roads through England. 1766. Senex.. t2911 OGLE co., ILL. 1893. Ogle. Atlas 1557 OHAMANENO HARBOR, UIIETEA. 1769-72. Hawkesworth c34; 642 OHIO. Boundary. 1836. anon c 127; 1384 Coal. 1906. Peabody coal company. . n 1268 Geological. 1873-78. Atlas 2349 Geological survey. Geological atlas of Ohio. 1879 n2349 Historical. Buchon c 30; 1176 Military history. 1884. Hardesty 1 1288 Railroads. 1870-71 t 1598 1878 t2398 Seven ranges. 1785. Hutchins .... c 23; 1369, c23; 1173, n 1372, 1373 Statistical. 1825. Buchon c 30; 1176 17C8. Jefferys c 52; 1196 1785. Hutchins c 23; 1369 1795. Russell c 6; 1363 1804. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 702 1805. Carey C 12; 1368 1812. Arrowsmith & Lewis .' n 718 1814. Carey n 722, C 12; 1370, n!372 1818. Carey n 722, 732, 1373 1819. Arrowsmith 2 POLO BABEE BAY, SUMATRA. 1788. Mc- Donald c v2, no 217; 543 POLOMDJA, ALVARES. See Aa n% POLONIA. See Poland. POLYPOTAMIA, PROPOSED STATE OF n 678 POMEROON. 1794. Challet. Coast region. Repr c69; 2776 POMOTON ARCHIPELAGO. 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 10; 3244, c 52; 55; 3244 POMPEH. 1844. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 794 1853. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 811 POMPTON MEETING-HOUSE, N. J. 1781. Rochambeau. mss c 34; 1335 PONCE DE LEON, MANUEL. Panama. 1864. Repr C24; 2759 PONCE DE LEON, Panama. 1864. c 24; 2691 POND, PETER. North America, lakes. 1785. Repr. c v 5, no 5-6; * North America, rivers. 1785. Repr. c v 5, no 5-6; * PONGHOU ISLANDS. 1714. Dalrymple. c v 2, no 26; 543 PONS, DE. Captain-generalcy of Ca- racas. 1805. Repr c pt 1, no 7; 2778 PONT, TIMOTHY. Maps. 1639 n452 1636 n449 Maps of Scotland n 471 PONT ST. ESPRIT. 1760? Le Rouge c 59; 2975 PONTAN, JEAN ISAAC. Description of Denmark. See Blaeu... n 479 Verse by. See Mercator. 1633 n 445 1636 n449 1630 n441 1619 n434 1628 n438 1630 n439 1634 n447 PONTES SlLVA, Brazil. 1798 c 56-57; 2721 Portuguese explorations. 1781. Repr. C44-45; 2721 PONTEVEDRA. 1868. Coello de Portugal y Quesada n 3137 PONTIUS, JEAN. See Aa n 96 POOLE, Lieut. BENJAMIN. Saginaw to Mackinac, Road from. 1837 c 143; 1384 POOLE, REGINALD LANE. India c83; 2794 Western Asia. Under the turks and per- sians c 81; 2794 - 1190 c79; 2794 - 780 c77; 2794 - 970-1070 C78; 2794 - 1330 C80; 2794 POOLO BALABALAKAN ISLANDS. 1764. For- rest cv2; 543 POOLO BANJAC PASSAGE. 1791. Dalrymple. c v 2, no 221a; 543 POOLO BANJACK BAY. 1791. Dalrymple. c v 2, no 221a; 543 POOLO BATO PASSAGE. 1755. Hayter c v 2, no 226; 543 POOLO BATOO. 1802. Dalrymple. c v 2, no 221; 543 POOLO BAY. 1793. MacDonald c v 3, no 22a; 543 1775. Tolley c v 2, no 207; 543 POOLO BINTANG PASSAGE. 1804. Inverarity. c v 1, no 259; 543 POOLO CHENCO, SUMATRA. 1788. McDonald. cv2,no218; 543 POOLO CONDOR. 1759. Dedier c v 2, no 5; 543 1759. Dalrymple. Swedish mss. c v 2, no 5; 543 1760. Dalrymple c v 2, no 4; 543 1780. Bligh c v2, no 5; 543 POOLO DINGDING. 1786. Forrest. cvl, no 244; 543 1549 POOLO GALLATT PASSAGE. 1804. Inverarity. c v 1, no 259; 543 POOLO MARRA ISLAND. 1788. McDonald. c v2, no 215; 543 POOLO MAYAS. 1774. Dalrymple c v 2, no 224; 543 1780. Dalrymple c v 2, no 223; 543 POOLO PEENANG ISLAND. 1787. Blair. cvl, no 242; 543 POOLO PFNAM. 1763. Dalrymple. ! cvl, no 241; 543 POOLO PINANG. Chain of angles. 1804. Inverarity. cvl, no 233; 543 1763. Alves c v 1, no 239; 543 POOLO PINANG STRAIT. 1786. Scott. cvl, no242a; 543 POOLO PlSANG HARBOR. 1763. Tyson c v 2, no 206; 543 1794. Blair c v 1, no 237; 543 POOLO PONTANGH. 1888. Dalrymple. cv 2, no 197; 543 POOLO SAYTAN ISLAND. 1788. Dalrymple. cv 2, no 216; 543 POPAYAN. See Colombia. POPELINIERE, LANCELOT VOISIN, sieur de la. SeeMercator. Atlas. 1609 t426 POPHAM, Sir HOME RIGGS. Benguela road. Village bay. Anna de Chayes. 1784 cvl, no 11; 543 Maps. 1803 n 700 POPPLE, HENRY. America. 1733 c 15; 2691 1733. Repr c v 2, no 22; 2767 1733. Frenched n596 1740 n 636 British empire in America, french and Spanish settlements adjacent. 1733. Repr c 15; 2759, c 34, 35; 2776, c 13; 2779 Maps. 1741? n596 North America. 1733. French ed n 596 1740 n636 Surinam. 1733. Repr c 33; 2776 POPPLER, Cuba. 1763 cvl, no 24; 1161 1777 c 17; 1167 POR MAN. 1792-1831. France. Ministere de la marine et des colonies c 213; 2849 PORCACCHI, THOMASO. World. 1572. Repr. n 257 PORCAIROLE ISLAND. 1796? Olivier, mss. c6; 2807 PORRO, GIROLAMO, engraver. Reproductions of Mercator's maps. 1596. n 422 See also Porcacchi. L'isole piv famose del mondo 1 166, 167, 168, 169 Ptolemaeus. Geographia. 1596. t&n403 1597 1 404 1617 1 432 PORT ANTONIO, JAMAICA. 1752. Bowen c C4; 614 1771. Speer c 7; 2698 1780. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 66; 1198 1788. Jeflerys c 35; 2702 1794. Jeflerys c35;2703 PORT ANTONIO, JAMAICA Continued. 1809. Spain cpt4,nol; 1223 1818. Jeflerys c47;2708 1818. Spain c pt 4, no 1 1825. Spain cpt4,nol; 1226 1856. France c v 1, no 48; 2711 PORT AU PRINCE, HAITI. 1766. Speer ell; 2696 1771. Speer c 24; 2698 1788. Jefferys c42;2702 1794. Jeflerys c 42; 2703 1818. Jeflerys c 54; 2708 PORT AU PRINCE GULF. 1856. France. c v 1, no 29; 2711 PORT AU PRINCE ROAD. 1849. France. cvl, no 30; 2711 Port AUX BASQUE, NEWFOUNDLAND. 1763. North American pilot c 9; 1236 1777. North American pilot. . c v 1, no 6; 1209 PORT BONA VISTA. 1706. English pilot. The fourth book. c7; 1155 1706. Thornton c4; 1155 1737. English pilot. Fourth book. . c 10; 1157 1758. English pilot. Fourth book., c 12; 1158 1760. English pilot. Fourth book., c 12; 1160 1767. English pilot. Fourth book... c 7; 1162 PORT BROOKS. 1787. Johnstone. c v 2, no 43; 543 PORT Cox. 1787. Barkley c v 2, no 44; 543 1791. Funter c v2, no 45; 543 PORT DAUPHIN, CAPE BRETON ISLAND. 1743. North American pilot, c v 1, no 10; 1209 1778. France c 12; 1211 1806? 1743? North American pilot, c 13; 1236 PORT DAUPHIN, HAITI. 1788. Jeflerys 2702 1794. Jeflerys c 44; 2703 1818. Jeflerys c 56; 2708 PORT DE PAIX, SANTO DOMINGO. 1766. Speer c 12; 2696 1771. Speer c 15; 2698 1788. Jeflerys c 43; 2702 1794. Jefferys c 43; 2703 1818. Jeflerys c 55; 2708 PORT DISCOVERY. 1838-42. Wilkes c 80; 3246 PORT ETCHES. 1787. Johnstone. c v 2, no 35; 543 PORT FAMINE. 1769-72. Hawkesworth.. c 3; 642 PORT GALLANT. 1769-72. Hawkesworth.. c3; 642 PORT GARDNER, OREGON. 1838-42. Wilkes. c89; 3246 PORT GEORGE. 1775. Atlantic Neptune. cvl, no 32; 1199 PORT HOOD. 1774-81. Atlantic Neptune n 1198 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 10; 1200 1779. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 10; 1199 Cape Breton island. 1798. Backhouse. c 12; 1251 PORT HUDSON, LA. 1861. Paris c 22; 1352 PORT KENT, N. Y. 1833. U. S. War depart- ment c 8; 1377 PORT Louis. 1760? Le Rouge c 82; 2975 1775. Boisquenay c v 1, no 39; 543 1801. Bougard n2852 1550 PORT LUDLOW. 1838-42. Wilkes o83; 3246 PORT MADISON. 1838-42. Wilkes c 88; 3246 PORT MAHON, HARBOR. 1752. Bowen... c9; 614 PORT MILLS. 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 17; 1199 1781. Atlantic Neptune. . o v 1, no 22-23; 1198 PORT NORTH. 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 27; 1199 1779. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 40; 1198 PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD ISLAND. 1856. France cv2; no4 PORT ORCHARD. 1838-42. Wilkes c 88; 3246 PORT ORFORD, OREGON. 1903. U. S. Geo- logical survey c89; 1283 PORT Pi. 1786. France. Ministers de la marine ct des colonies c 224; 2849 PORT ROCHELOIS. 1778-80. France c 14; 1211 PORT ROSEWAY HARBOR. 1798. Backhouse c 3; 1251 1806. North American pilot c 10; 1236 PORT ROYAL, JAMAICA. 1706. English pilot. Fourth book., c 23; 1155 1755. Le Rouge clO,13; 1185 1758. English pilot. Fourth book., c 21; 1158 1760. English pilot. Fourth book., c 21; 1160 1771. Speer c 1; 2698 1775. Jefferys C22-23; 1165, c 23-24; 1166, c 23-24; 1169 1779. Jefferys c27a; 1166 1794-98. Palairet & others n 681 1799. Heather c 47; p 1080 1799. Luffman n62 PORT ROYAL HARBOR. 1709-20. Moll n554 1736? Moll n585 1737. English pilot. Fourth book., c 21; 1157 1745? Moll n602 1752. Bowen c64; 614 1766. Speer c 1; 2696 1771. Speer ell; 2G98 1780. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 65; 1198 1810. Jeflerys c 3; 2705 1859. McCulloch n76 PORT ROYAL, SOUTH CAROLINA c 15; 1155 1706. Thornton c 16; 1155 1729. Moll n 574 1732? Moll n578 1758 c!7; 1158 1760. English pilot. Fourth book., c 17; 1160 1763? Moll n635 1767. English pilot. Fourth book., c 14; 1163 1775. English pilot. Fourth book., c 13; 1164 1775. Faden c 29-30; 1207 1776. Gascoigne c v 2, no 9; 1209 1777. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 55; 1198 1777. Faden c 23-24; 1208 1778. Gascoigne c 15; 1210, c 25; 1211 1778-92. Le Rouge c 22; 1212 1794. Gascoigne c 16; 1220 PORT-ROYAL TO WILLIAMSBURGH, ROAD FROM. 1789. Colles c 83-84; 1326 PORT ROYAL BASIN. 1779. France c 17; 1211 PORT ROYAL LAGOON. 1768. Jeflerys. c 73a; 1196 PORT ROYAL, NOVA SCOTIA. 1755. Le Rouge. c!2; 1185 PORT ROYAL, RUATAN ISLAND. 1856. cv2,no37; 2711 PORT ROYAL RIVER. 1779. France o 17; 1211 PORT SAFETY, CALVERT'S ISLAND. 1788. Duncan c v 2, no 39; 543 PORT SANDERS, NEWFOUNDLAND. 1777. North American pilot, c v 1, no 16; 1209 1806. North American pilot c 19; 1236 PORT SIDRE, HARBOR. 1796? Olivier, mss. c40; 2807 PORT STEPHEN'S, LISCOMB HARBOR. 1779. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 42; 1198 1788. Duncan .' c v 2, no 36; 543 PORT SUSAN, OREGON. 1838-42. Wilkes. c89; 3246 PORT TOULOUSE. 1779. France c 11; 1221 PORTAGE co., OHIO. 1900. Stranahan. Atlas 2409 PORTAGE co., Wis. 1895. Northwest pub- lishingco. Atlas 2657 PORTE CROS ISLAND. 1796? Olivier, mss c6; 2807 PORTER, J. Bloachee, Brodia. 1787. Text c v 1, no 15; 543 PORTER, THOMAS C. United States. Botan- ical n 1394, 1398, 1412 PORTLAND, ME. 1833. Anderson c84; 1384 1835 Bradford n 770 1836-38. Lovejoy-Simpson-Williams. c!3; 1384 1838. U.S. War department c 105; 1377 PORTLAND CHANNEL. 1867. Alaskan boundary tribunal. .. c31; 1260 1868. Great Britain. Admiralty... c 23; 1261 1888. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. c35,36; 1261 1903. Alaskan boundary tribunal... c 30; 1260 PORTLAND SOUND TO RODGERS BAY. 1776. Atlantic Neptune. Coast c v 3, no 13; 1198 PORTLAND HARBOR, N. Y. 1829. U. S. War department c 39; 1377 1829. Maurice c 14; 1384 PORTLAND AND LOUISVILLE CANAL. 1843. U. S. War department c 97; 1377 1838-43. U.S. War department .. .c 107-113; 1377 PORTLOCK, Discoveries. Heather t713 PORTO BELLO, BAY ET CHATEAU DE. 1702. Mortier n 537; 2781a 1709-20. Moll n554 1737. English pilot. Fourth book., c 25; 1157 1758. English pilot. Fourth book, c 25; 1158 1758. L<5pez c 16; 1159 1760. English pilot. Fourth book., c 25; 1160 1763. Gazzettiereamericano. . c v 3, no 6; 1161 1767. Jeflerys c38; 2708 1768. Celi c75a; 1196 1771. Speer c 17; 2698 1777. Atlante dell' America c 31; 1167 1788. Jefferys c28; 2702 1794. Jefferys c23; 2703 1809. Spain c pt 2, no 24; 1223 1818. Spain cpt2, no 24; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 2, no 24; 1226 PORTO FERRAJO, HARBOR. 1796? Elba. Olivier, mss c 10; 2807 1801. Bougard n 2852 PORTO Nuovo, HARBOR. 1828. France. Minister e de la marine et des colonies . c 259; 2849 PORTO PIN, AZORES. 1800. North American pilot c 4; 1220 1551 PORTO-POLLO, HARBOR. 1821. France. Mi- nist&re de la marine et des colonies c 241; 2849 POETO QUIETO. 1821. France. Ministere de la marine et des colonies c 270; 2849 PORTO Rico. Duke of Cumberland's voyage to n 96 Historical. Aa n96 Historical. Buchon c 50; 1176 Principal port. 1798. Churruca n 590 Statistical. 1825. Buchon c 50; 1176 1563. Luis. Repr c 16a-b; 2719 1576. Porcacchi n 167 1604. Porcacchi n 168 1620. Porcacchi n 169 1657. Jansson n 465 1666. Loon n 476 1675. Roggeoeen c 19; 2694 1696? Allard n 523 1700? Voogt n530 1734. Keulen , n 584 1740. Jefferys. West road c 57 ; 2708 1740. Jefferys c 57; 2708 1758. L6pez c 15; 1159 1767. English pilot. Fourth book., c 17; 1163 1768. Celi c 90; 1196 1775. English pilot. Fourth book., c 16; 1164 1780. English pilot. Fourth book., c 16; 1168 1782. Bonne n 288 1784. English pilot. Fourth book., c 17; 1171 1787-88. B onne & Desmarest n 666 1788. Jefferys c 45; 2702 1788. Jefferys. West road c 45; 2702 1790. Bonne n680 1794. Jefferys c 45; 2703 1794. Jefferys. West road c 45; 2703 1815. Thomson :. n731 1822. Lucas c 43; 1373a 1823. Lucas n 742 1824. Lucas c 6; 2709 1827. Lucas c43; 1177, c 43; 1379, c 43; 2728 1829-30. Schlieben n 2853 1851. Coello de Portugal y Quesada c 3137 1862. Johnson n 837 1863. Johnson n840 1886. Brown n 949 PORTO SANTO. 1799. Dalrymple. Coast. c vl, nol; 543 PORTO VECCHIO. 1801. Bougard n 2852 1828. France. Jfinistere de la marine et des colonies c 260; 2849 PORTO LANOS. Description of n 258 15th Century n 262 Charles V n 263 PORTSMOUTH, ENGLAND. 1700. Seller c v 1, no 15; 529 1766. Rocque & Bellin. View c 4; 2878 1778. Bowen, Kitchin & others. View, n 2920 1903-04. Bartholomew n 2932 PORTSMOUTH, N. H. 1780. Atlantic Neptune. View. cv3,no!8; 1198 PORTSMOUTH, OHIO, TO LIXVILLE, N. C., ROADS FROM. 1836. Dancy-Long c 87; 1384 PORTSMOUTH, VA. 1889. Hopkins. Atlas 2619 1900. Bowman. Atlas 2620 PORTSMOUTH BRIDGE. 1841. Chevalier. c 16, fig 13; 1266 PORTUGAL. Atlases. General. 17677-1870 3094-3095 Colonies. Atlas 3093 Historical. Battles c25;97 Lighthouses. 1845. Coulier c 10; 95 Roads. 1820. Reichard c 1; 2810 Royal Library, collection. Reproduc- tions. 1899. France n2764 1478. Berlinghieri. Repr... c v 5-6, no 3; 260 1560. Secco n374 1561. Secco. Repr c v 5-6, no 12; 260 1646? Avity c 21; 58 1658. Doncker. Coast c 13; 468 1661. Doncker. Coast c!4;468, c 16; 472 1665. Doncker. Coast c 15; 472 1689. Jacobs, Doncker v York 869 PUBLISHERS OF ATLASES Continued. Wilson, Hinkle & co. Cincinnati; New York 154 Wit, F. de. Amsterdam 485,500,549 Wltmer, A. R. Safe Harbor, Pa 2468 Wolfgang, A. Amsterdam 502 Wolters.J. B. Groningen 268,3216 Woodman publishing co. Minneapolis.. 2006a Woolman & Rose. Philadelphia 2141 World's atlas publishing co., ltd. Battle Creek, Mich 979 Wiirtemberg, K. statisttsch-topograph- isches bureau. Stuttgart 3048 Wyld, J. London 808,2893,3131 Zatta, A. Venice 650,651 Zatta, A. Qu: Giacomo. Venice 695 Zawadzkiego, Jdzefa. Wilna 133 Zell, T. E. Philadelphia 860,865 Zilettl, Giordano. Venice 373, 380, 381 PUEBLA, MEXICO. Volcanoes. 1805. Humboldt c 15; 2682 1830. Schlieben c 12; 1178 PUEBLO, COLO. 1897. U. S. Geological sur- vey c36; 1283 PUERTO BELLO, COLOMBIA. 1762. Homann heirs n61 1801. Luffman n62 PUERTO CABANAS, CUBA. 1788. Jefferys C36;2702 1794. Jefferys c36;2703 1818. Jefferys c48;2708 PUERTO CABELLO, VENEZUELA. 1741. Jones c26;2702, C 36; 2708 1768. Jefferys c 78; 1196 1794. Jefferys c 26; 2703 1809. Spain cpt2,no!3; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 2, no 13; 1224 1825. Spain cpt2, no 13; 1226 1856. France cv2.no 10; 2711 PUERTO CAKRETO, COLOMBIA. 1809. Spain cpt2,no22; 1223 1816. Spain cpt2, no 22; 1224 1825. Spain cpt2; no 22 PUERTO DE APRA, GUAM. 1733. Rodrigues. c v 2, no 54; 543 PUERTO DE BAEACOA, CUBA. 1768. Jefferys. c81a; 1196 PUERTO DE CAVANAS, CUBA. 1768. Cell. c84a; 1196 PUERTO DE CEBOLLAS. 1809. Spain cpt3, no 14; 1223 1818. Spain cpt3,no!4; 1224 1825. Spain cpt3, no 14; 1226 PUERTO DE CUBA, CUBA. 1809. Spain c pt 3, no 1; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 3, no 1; 1224 1825. Spain cpt3, nol; 1226 PUERTO DE LA CALDERA, S. DOMINGO. 1809. Spain c pt 4; no 13; 1223 1818. Spain cpt4, no 13; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 4, no 13; 1226 PUERTO DE LA GUAIRA, CARACAS ISLANDS. 1768. Jefferys c78a; 1196 PUERTO DE LAS NUEVTTAS DEL PRINCIPE, CUBA. 1809. Spain cpt3, no 28; 1223 1567 PUERTO DE LAS NUEVITAS DEL PRINCIPE, CUBA Continued. 1818. Spain cpt3, no 28; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 28; 1226 Channel of entrance. 1818. Spain. opt 3, no 28; 1224 1825. Spain cpt3,no28; 1226 PUERTO DE MATA, CUBA. 1809. Spain c pt 3, no 4; 1223 1818. Spain cpt3,no4; 1224 1825. Spain cpt3,no4; 1226 PUERTO DE MARIEL, CUBA. 1768. Cell. . c 85; 1196 PUERTO DE MUJERES, YUCATAN. 1856. France c v 2, no 45; 2711 PUERTO DE NAOS, PANAMA. 1809. Spain c pt 2, no 25; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 2, no 25; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 2, no 25; 1226 PUERTO DE NARANJO, CUBA. 1818. Spain cpt3,no20; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 20; 1226 PUERTO DE NIPE, CUBA. 1809. Spain c pt 3, no 17; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 3, no 17; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 17; 1226 PUERTO DE NIVA, CUBA. 1818. Spain. cpt3,no21; 1224 PUERTO DE NORMAND, VIRGIN ISLANDS. 1809. Spain opt 1, no 7; 1223 1881. Spain pt 1, no 7; 1224 1825. Spain e pt 1, no 7; 1226 PUERTO DE PAZ, SANTO DOMINGO. 1809. Spain cpt4,no6; 1223 1818. Spain cpt4,no6; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 4, m>6; 1226 PUERTO DE VITA, CUBA. 1809. Spain cpt3,no21; 1223 1825. Spain opt 3, no 21; 1226 PUERTO DEL CARENERO, ST. LUCIA ISLAND. 1809. Spain cptl.no 11; 1223 1818. Spain cptl, noil; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 1, no 11; 1226 PUERTO DEL DELFIN, SANTO DOMINGO. 1809. Spain cpt4,no3; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 4, no 3; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 4, no 3; 1226 PUERTO DEL GUANTANAMO, CUBA. 1809. Spain c pt 3, no 34; 1223 1818. Spain cpt3, no 34; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 34; 1226 PUERTO DEL GUARICO, SANTO DOMINGO. 1809. Spain c pt 4, no 4; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 4, no 4; 1224 PUERTO DEL MARIEL, CUBA. 1809. Spain c pt 3, no 30; 1223 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 30; 1226 PUERTO DEL PADRE, CUBA. 1809. Spain c pt 3, no 25; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 3, no 25; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 25; 1226 PUERTO ESCONDIDO,CUBA. 1809. Spain c pt 3, no 2; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 3, no 2; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 2; 1226 PUERTO ESCOSES, COLOMBIA. 1809. Spain cpt2, no 23; 1223 1818. Spain cpt2, no 23; 1224 PUERTO ESCUDO, S. DOMINGO. 1809. Spain cpt4,no7; 1223 PUERTO ESCUDO, S. DOMINGO Continued. 1818. Spain cpt4.no 7; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 4, no 7; 1226 PUERTO GRANDE, VIRGEN GORDA ISLAND. 1809. Spain c pt 1, no 8; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 1, no 8; 1224 1825. Spain cptl, no 8; 1226 PUERTO MARIEL, CUBA. 1788. Jefferys c36;2702 1794. Jefferys c 36; 2703 1818. Jefferys c 48; 2708 1818. Spain cpt3, no 30; 1224 PUERTO MORANTE, JAMAICA. 1809. Spain cpt4,no9; 1223 1818. Spain cpt4, no 9; 1224 1827. Spain cpt4, no9 PUERTO MORENO, COVE, MARGARITA ISLAND. 1809. Spain cpt2, no 5; 1223 1818. Spain cpt2, no 5; 1224 1825. Spain cpt2. no 5; 1226 PUERTO MULA, VIEQUE ISLAND. 1856. France cvl, no 21; 2711 PUERTO NARANJO, CUBA. 1809. Spain. cpt3,no20; 1223 PUERTO RABEL, S. DOMINGO. 1809. Spain cpt4, no 8; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 4, no 8; 1224 1825. Spain cpt4, no8; 1226 PUERTO SANTO COVES, CHHI. 1809. Spain cpt2, no 2; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 2, no 2; 1224 1825. Spain cpt2,no2; 1226 PUGET SOUND. 1838-42. Wilkes. 078-79,86-87; 3246 PULASKI co., ARK. 1906. Beauman. Atlas. 1454 PULASKI, FORT. 1861. Paris c 14; 1352 PULICAT, ROAD A X REEF. 1782. Dalrymple. . X . cvl, no 191; 543 PULICAT SHOALS. 1792. Goldingham c v 1, no 194; 543 1794. Goldingham Text, cv 2, no 7; 543 PULLMAN, ILL. 1880. Greeley and Carlson. c 2; 1592 PULOTU HARBOR. 1838-42. Wilkes c 50; 3246 PULS, H. F. See Jaeger. Atlas van het koningrijk der Nederlanden. 1883 t3085 PULTNEYVILLE BAY, N. Y. 1829. U. S. War department c 4; 1377 PUNJAB. 1846. Arrowsmith c v 3, no 32; 764 1849. Arrowsmith c 58; 789 PUNO PROVINCE, PERU. 1802. Lima, sociedad geograflca. Repr. c v 1, no 26; 2767 1809. Valencia. Repr c v 1, no 28; 2767 1865. Paz Soldan c 36, 37-38, 67-68; 2769 PUNTA- ARENAS. 1878. Robiquet n 909 PUNTA DEL TOCO ANCHORAGE. 1809. Spain c 15; 1223 1825. Spain c pt 1, no 15; 1226 PUNTA DEL Toco, TRINIDAD ISLAND, ANCHOR- AGE. 1818 cptl, no 15; 1224 PUNTA DELGADA ROAD, S. MIGUEL ISLAND. 1800. North American pilot c 4; 1220 PUNTA GALA, CEYLON. 1797. Robertson c v 3, no 34c; 543 1783. Dalrymple c v 1, no 182a; 543 100-S PURCELL, JOSEPH. Georgia. 1792 o!4; 1361 Florida. Boundary. 1792 o 14; 1361 North Carolina. 1792 c 14; 1361 South Carolina. 1792 c 14; 1361 Virginia. 1792 c 14; 1361 PURDY, JOHN. Atlantic ocean. Jefferys t2708 1812 cl-2; 2708 PUTNAM co., ILL. 1890. Alden, Ogle & co. Atlas 1561 PUTNAM co., IND. 1879. Beers. Atlas 1623 PUTNEYVILLE BAY, N. Y. 1829. Maurice . . c7; 1384 PUTTER,- K. DE. Engraving in 1730 ed. Ptolemy's geography, signed n 575 PUY-DE-DOME. 1876. Joanne n 3004 Puzzo HARBOK. 1823. France. Minisfere de la marine et des colonies. 1823 c 235; 2849 PYNACKER, CORNELIS. Maps. 1653 n463 1666 n475 1696? n523 1756? n617 PYRAMID HARBOR. 1891. Alaskan boun- dary tribunal c 32; 1260 PYRAMID PEAK, CAL. 1896. U. S. Geological survey c31; 1283 PYRARD, FRANCOIS. Voyage to East Indies, n 171 PYRENEES. 1695. Jaillot n520 1808-14. Wyld c 34; 2893 PYRENEES DEPARTMENT. 1793. Zatta. c vl, no 16; 651 Q. QUAD, MATTHIAS. Peru. 1598,1600,1608. Repr c 43a; 2719 World. 1608. Repr n 257 QUADRA, PORT. 1844. Duflot de Mofras. ' c!9; 1457 QUADRA ISLAND. 1852. Tebienkov c 12; 1229 QUANCY. 1690? Hacke. mss c 63; 3162 QUARITCH, BERNARD. Description of San- tarem's atlas n 262 QUEBEC PROVINCE. According to decree of 1763. Carver. c9; 1212 1776. Carver c3; 1207 QUEBEC, CITY. Attack. Shallus, engraver c 6; 1341 1759. Glegg c8; 1346 c 8; 1347 1762. Beaurain n 2813 1775. Carrington cpll;1336 1775. Shallus, engraver c 6; 1341 Vicinity. 1759. Jefferys. View... c 17; 11% 1759. Jefferys c!8; 1196 1696. Fer n2780 1696-97. Fer n 517a 1699. Fonville. View C8-9;1235, c 8-9; 1307 1699. Franquelin. View. Repr . . c 10; 1235, c 10, ell; 1307 1702. Mortier n2781a 1702? Mortier n 537 1722. Lery. Repr c!2;1138 QUEBEC, CITY Continued. 1729. Mahler c7; 1307, c7; 1235 1733. Popple. View n 596 1755. Anville c 9; 1166, c 9; 1169 1755. Le Rouge cl,c3; 1185 1755. LeRouge. View c 2; 1185 1757-64. Raspe n 2825 1758. Jefferys c 17a; 1196 1759. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 5; 1198 1759. Glegg. View c 8; 1346, c 8; 1347 1759. Tlrion n600 1760? LeRouge C 87; 2975 1762. Homann heirs n61 1763. Gazzettiere americano. . c v 3, no 8; 1161 1763. Gazzettiere americano. View. cv3,no9; 1161 1763. Rocque c 2; 1186 1763-76. Carver & others c 19; 1166, c 19; 1169 1765. Beaurain n2813 1771. Andrews n56, n57 1771. Foster c 13; 1285 1775-76. Faden c 2; 1337 1776. Faden c 5; 1207 1776. Holland c 17; 1166, c 17; 1169 1777. Atlante dell' America. n 1167, c 7, c 7J; 1167 1777. North American pilot. cvl, no 20-23; 1209 1778-92. LeRouge c 9; 1212 1781. Atlantic Neptune. View. cv2,no6; 1198 1851. KMner c 49; 1267 1859. McCulloch n76 1870. Mitchell n859 1872. Asher&Adams 1 1271 1875. Walling n 1238 1889. Brown n949 1896. Werner 1 1444 1897. Lucas n2900 QUEDA. 1786. Forrest c v 1, no 236; 543 QUEDAH ROAD. 1763. Athbridge. cvl, no 239; 543 QUEEN CHARLOTTE'S ISLANDS. 1773. Hawkes- worth c 15; 642 QUEENS co., N. Y. 1891. Bien & Ver- meule t 2150,2210 QUEENSLAND. 1886. Johnston c 5; 3247 QUEENSTON. 1791-94? Simcoe. View. Repr cv4, no 38; 1191 QUEIOPEQUE ISLAND. 1690? HaCke. BOSS. c70; 3162 QUELIMANIE. 1787. Dalrymple. cvl, no 63; 543 QUERCY. 1776. Zatta cvl,no24;651 QUERETARO, MEXICO. 1830. Schliebm. c 12; 1178 QUERIMBOO. 1779. Dalrymple . . c v 1, no 73; 543 QUESDAL, ANTONIO F. Balabac and coast of Palawan. 1753 c v2, no 79; 543 QUESNEL, FRANCOIS. Paris. 1609. Repr. c!3; 3011 1569 QUESNOY, SIEGE. 1712. Pelet. c v 10-11, no 2; 3128 QUICKSILVER DEPOSITS. Pacificslope. 1887 1 1282 1888 t!458 QUILFIT, POETO. 1784. Dalrymple. cvl,nol!4; 543 QUILOA. 1690? Hacke. mss c 11; 3162 1784. Dalrymple c v 1, no 76; 543 QtnLOA BAYS AND ISLANDS. 1789. Dal- rymple c v 1, no 75; 543 QUIN, EDWARD. Universal history n 141 QUINAM. 1690? Hacke. mss c 62; 3162 QUTNCY, MASS. 1903. Mass. Harbor and land commis- sion 1 1837 1907. Branch. Atlas 1926 QUTNCY BAY. 1831. U. S. War department. c9; 1377 QUTNTHOU BAY. 1793. Dayot ... c v 2, no 7-7a; 543 QUINTY BAY. 1791-94? Simcoe. View. Repr cv4, no 41; 1191 QUINTZAI. 1652? Jansson. View * QuiR6s, LUCAS DE. Peru, Chile . . . 1618. Repr. c v 2, no 11; 2767 South America. 1618. Repr c 10; 2720 QUIRPON HARBOE. 1777. North American pilot, c v 1, no 17; 1209 180G. North American pilot c 20; 1236 QUITO. Revolutionary campaigns. 1819-20. Codazzi c 7; 2775 1659. Lubin n 466 1711-17. Moll n557 1751. Cigni. Repr c22;2779 1758. Ldpez c 27, 28-29; 1159 1763. Gazzettiere americano, cv2,nolO; 1161 1777. Atlante dell' America c 36; 1167 1788? Bonne. Repr c v 1, no 20; 2767 See also Ecuador. Quixos PROVINCE. 1805-34. Humboldt. c v2, no 10; 2726 QUOQUIMBO. 1696. La Guilbaudiere.... c6; 1154 R. RAAB. 1685? Rossi. View n 497 RACCOON PASS, BAHAMAS. 1856. France. c vl, no 70; 2711 RACE, J. M. See Barnes & Farnham. Atlas of Berkshire county. 1904 1 1809 RACINE co., Wis. 1899. Hixson. Atlas... 2658 RADJAPORE RIVER. 1788. McCluer. cvl,no!57; 543 RADOGALA ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes... c60; 3246 RAFFEIX, PIERRE. Canada. 1688. Repr. c36; 1138 RAFLES BAY. 1827-40. Coupvent-Desbois and Gourdin c25; 3244 RAFT-COVE, QUEEN CHARLOTTE SOUND. 1789. Funter cv2,no44;543 RAGGED ISLANDS, BAHAMAS. 1856. France. c v 1, no 71, 72; 2711 RAGUSA. 1646. Avity p 512; 58 RAIT, ROBERT S. Scotland showing prin- cipal clans and families. 1832 c 28; 2794 RAJAPORA. 1795. Blair c v 1, no 141 ; 543 RALEIGH, Sir WALTER. Portrait. 1672. Seller n 2915, 3077 Guiana. 1595? Repr c 21; 2776 Voyage to Guiana. Aa n96 World. 1618. Repr c 9-9 bis; 2720 RALEIGH, N. C. 1882. Gray n 1412 RALEIGH, W. VA. 1902. U. S. Geological survey c77; 1283 RALLS co., Mo. 1878. Edwards. Atlas 2090 1904. Carroll. Atlas 2091 RALSTON AND BROWN STOCKADE, PA. 1896. c v 1, no 179, 181; 2439 RALSTON'S BLOCK HOUSE, PA. 1896. cvl,no!82; 2439 RAM, IAN VAN. Maps. 1689 n 502 1695-1756? n 522 Plates. 1724 n3055 RAMDILLY. 1786. French mss. Dalrymple. c vl, no 173; 543 RAMEN, POINT. 1788. Stevens, c v 1, no 180; 543 RAMILIES, BATTLE. 1706. Pelet.. cv 7, no 3; 3128 RAMISSEEAM ISLAND. 1788. Stevens. cvl, no 180; 543 RAMON, JUAN. Rio de la Plata. 18th cent. Repr c20; 1138 RAMOS, BARNARDO. Etat del' Amazone. 1901. Repr .. c 90; 272 RAMOS DE FIGUEROA, JOSE. Obispado del Cuzco. 1781. Repr c v 1, no 19; 2767 RAMSEY co., MINN. 1886. Hopkins. Atlas 2035 1898. Dahl. Atlas 2036 RAMSHEG HARBOR. 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 11; 1201 1779. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 11; 1199 1781. Atlantic Neptune. . c v 1, no 56-57; 1198 RAND, MCNALLY & co. Atlas of western Canada. 1901 n 1246 1902 n!246 1903 n!246 Descriptive atlas of western Canada. 1900 n 1244 School atlas of Canada. 1900 n 1243 See also Publishers. Rand, McNally & co. RANDALL, & BLACKWELL, See Dripps. Plan of New York city. 1867 t2291 RANDOLPH, MASS. 1903. Mass. Harbor and and commission 1 1837 RANDOLPH co., IND. 1874. Lake & others. Atlas 1624 RANDOUILLET. 1760? LeRouge c 52; 2975 RANSOM, JON. Arrackan & Chettigon. 1739. Coast c v 1, no 204; 543 RANSONNETTE, N. , Maps. 1792-1808. Repr n 3249 1802-09 n3250 RAPALLO. 1855. Italy. Ministero della marina .. . . n 3066 1570 RAPIN- THOYKAS, PAUL DE. History of Eng- land. Tindal t2886 RAPKIN, J. Maps to Tallis's illustrated atlas. 1850 n804 RAPPAHANNOCK, BATTLE OF. 1861. Paris. c!9; 1352 RAPPAHANNOCK EIVEB. 1608. Tindall. Repr c v 1, no 27-28; 1191 1864. Bechler c 10, 15; 1348 RABAKA ISLAND. 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 11; 3244 1838-42. Wilkes c 12; 3246 RAKATONGA ISLAND. 1840-55. Du Petit Thouars c 205 RARITON LANDING. 1776-82. Hills, mss. c 4; 1339, c 4; 2143 RAKITON KIVEE, N. J., to ELK HEAD, MD. 1776-77. Lewis c5;1341 RARITONA BAY. 1838-42. Wilkes c 50; 3246 RASCICOTTI, DONATO. America & the Pacific ocean. 1583. Repr c260 RASPE, GABRIEL NICOLAUS. Geschichte des gegenwiirtigen krieges. 1762-64 n 2825 RAT ISLAND. 1789. Surges c v 3, no 22b; 543 1789. Dalrymple c v 3, no 22b; 543 1852. Tebienkov c30; 1229 RATISBON. 1734? Seutter n583 RAT'S NEST ISLAND. 1790. Dalrymple. c v2, no 174; 543 RATTELAFFE HOUSE, CAMP. 1782. Rocham- beau mss c 3; 1335 RATZEK, BEKNAKD. New York. 1776 c20-21;1207 North America. 1778 c 15; 1212 Pitt, Fort. 1761. Repr. . c v 2, no 24-27; 1191 RAVELL, ANTHONY. St. Christophers c 49; 2703 1768 c92; 1196 1775 c27; 2699, c 49; 2702 1810 c 8; 2705, c 20; 2708 RAVENNA. World. 7th century. See Nor- denskiold c 255 RAWAK HAKBOE. 1775. Dalrymple. cv2,no!56; 543 RAY co., Mo. 1897. Ogle. Atlas 2092 RAYNEL, GUH.LAUME THOMAS FEANCJOIS. Histoire philosophique & politique des cStablissemens & du commerce des europe'ens dans les deux Indes. Bonne t652 RAYNHAM, MASS. 1900. Mass. Survey commission. Atlas 1927 READING, MASS. 1906. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1843 READING, PA. 1834. Breon. Atlas 2554 READING BEIDGE. 1841. Chevalier. c!7, flg9; 1266 REALEJO, NICAEAGUA. 1696. La Guilbaudiere c!9;1154 1878. Robiquet n 909 REALMONT, FEANCE. 1713. Gueudeville... n558 REBONgAS. See Brazil. Ministerio da agri- cultura, commercio e obras publicas. Mappa topographico da provincia do Parana. 1877 .. t2751 RECIFE. Brazil. 1652? Jansson. View * RED BAY. 1777. North American pilot, c v 1, no 17; 1209 1806. North American pilot c 20; 1236 REDDING, CAL. 1902. U. S. Geological sur- vey c!38; 1283 REDFIELD, S. DAK. 1909. U. S. Geological survey c 165; 1283 RED LION T., CAMP. 1782. Rochambeau. mss c 28; 1335 RED RrvEE, LA., DISTRICT, NOETH. 1837. Publicsurvey c 72; 1384 1833? anon c42; 1384 1839. Pubiicsurvey c 67; 1384 1841. Publicsurvey c73; 1384 RED EIVEE, TEXAS. 1838. Blake c 108-110; 1384 RED BIVEB VALLEY, N. DAK. 1893. Graves AHardy. Atlas 2340 RED SEA. Ports. 1784. Bruce c v 1, no 116a; 543 1800. Dalrymple cv3,no9h;543 1765. Anville c 24; 571, c 27; 572, c29; 599 1776. Dalrymple cv3, no9b;543 1795. White cv3, no9a;543 1799. Dalrymple. Coast views. c v3, no28d-f; 543 REDSTONE, FORT, PA. 1896 c v 2, no 382; 2439 REED'S BLOCK HOUSE, PA. 1896. c v 1, no 34; 2439 REELAND, ADEIANUS. Map. 1695-1750? SeeOttens. 1695-1756? n522 REES, ABEAHAM. Cyclopaedia, The. 1806.. t711 REFUGIO, HAEBOE. 1835. Krusenstern. c 13; 3242 REGIOMONTANUS, See Muller, Johann. REHOBOTH, MASS. 1900. Mass. Survey commission. Atlas 1928 REICHARD, CHEISTIAN GOTTLIEB. Jerusalem. Historical n 51 Rome. Historical n51 SeealsoWoller. Orbisterrarumantiquus. 1851 t37 REID, I., WAYLAND, L., & SMITH, C., pub- lishers. Ellicott. Washington, D. C. 1795. . n 1366 REIMS. Library. Mappemonde. 1417. Mela Repr c26; 262 1646? Avity c 10; 58 REINACH, SALOMON. See France. Ministere del' instruction publique et des beaux-arts, Atlas arch^ologique de la Tunsie. 1892- 1907 t3240 REFNAUD, JOSEPH TOUSSAINT. Weltkartedes Abulshakal Farsi al Istachri. 950. cpt2, nol; 1136 REINEL, PEDRO. America. 1505. Repr c pt 9, no 2; 1136 Labrador. 16th cent. Repr c 1 ; 1137 Newfoundland. 16th cent. Repr cl;1136 REISCH, GEEGOEIUS. America. 1515. Repr c pt 10, no 4; 1136 World. 1515. Repr. (Omitted) n257 REISKINS, JOH. See Cluver. Phillppi Cluveri introduc- tionis in universam geographiam. 1729 1 573 1571 BELAND, ADRIAN. Japan. 1695-1756? n522 1756? n617 Maps. 1695-1756? n522 1720? n30 1734? n 582 1756? n617 RENAUDUS, S. SeeBlaeu. 1649 n 3076 RENE, duke OF LORRAINE. See Ptolemy. 1513 n 359 RENNELL, JAMES. Abai harbor, Borneo. 1762. . . c v 2, no 37; 543 Calymere reef. 1763-64 c v 1, no 186; 543 Hlndostan and Bengal. 1788 c 54; 694 Island of Camorta. 1762 c v 1, no 228; 543 Maps. 1808 n716 Sambeelan island. 1763 c v 1, no 241; 543 Toolyan bay. 1761-64 c v 3, no 33; 543 See also Kitchin & others. New uni- versal atlas. 1789-96 t685 1795 t 682 1802 t699 1805 t 709 RENO CO., KANS. 1902. Northwest pub- lishing co. Atlas 1733 RENSSELAERCO.,N.Y. 1876. Beers. Atlas. 2249 RENVILLE co., MINN. 1900. Haynes. Atlas 2037 1900. Northwest publishing co. Atlas. 2039 REPUBLIC co., KANS. 1904. Ogle. Atlas.. 1734 REQUENA, FRANCISCO. South America. 1796. Repr c 53; 2721 RESOLUTION, PORT. 1835. Krusenstern c 10; 3242 1838-42. Wilkes c 15; 3246 RESOLUTION, VOYAGE OF THE. 1772-75.. c32; 1166 REUNION ISLAND. 1794. Apres de Manne- villette c v 1, no 86; 543 REUTER, C. G. Nazareth, barony, Pa. 1758- 1878 cvl,no256; 2439 REVEL. 1646? Avity c41;58 REVELLATA, GULF. 1529. France. Min- islere de la marine et des colonies c 249; 2849 REVENGES STRAIT. 1764. Watson. c v 3, no 44; 543 REVERE, MASS. 1874-75. HOPKINS c v 4; 1825 1898. Mass. Survey commission. Atlas. 1929 1906. Mass. Survey commission. Atlas. 1930 REVILLAGIGEDO CHANNEL. 1903. Alaskan boundary tribunal c30; 1260 REWA ROADS. 1838-42. Wilkes c 47; 3246 REYCH, ERHARD. Palatines Bavariae de- scriptio. 1570 n 374 REYNOLD, NICHOLAUS. Hartfordiae comita- tus. 1577 c 10; 2913 REYNOLDS, JAMES. Geological atlas. . . 1 2879; 2880 RHANDATERRA. 1770. Turner., cv 1, no 168; 543 RHEAS, MATTHEW. Cumberland river. 1834. C43; 1384 RIIEHO. 1750. Scott c v 1, no 257; 543 RHEINBERG. 1702-03. Pelet. Siege. c v 3, no 1; 3128 RHINE. Fortifications. 1737? Delisle n616 1681. Nicolson c 2; 2831 1695. Sengre n 520 RHINE Continued. 1701-12. Pelet c v 1-2, no 4-14; 3128 c v 4 no 7; 3128 1759-84. Homann n G23 1783. Gussefeld n624 1793. Zatta c v 2, no 13; 651 1797. Cassini c v 2, no 42; 670 1808. Carey c 27; 714 1819. Cary n 736 1880. Dubail c 7; 2818 Rmo STRAITS. 1838-42. Wilkes c 101; 3246 RHODE ISLAND. Boundary. 1750. Harrison. Repr. cv4, no 13-14; 1191 Cities, Index to. 1905 n 1799; 2562 Historical. Buchon c 17; 1176 Post-offices, Index to. 1905. Scar- borough co 1799 Roads. 1905. Scarborough. Atlas... 2562 Statistical. 1825. Buchon c 17; 1176 1680? Hulbert. Coast cv5,no8-9;* 1774. Green c 15-16; 1165, 15-16; 1166, 15-16; 1169 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 34; 1198 1777. Green c 11-12; 1212 1778. Foge. Repr cv5, no 16; * 1778. Lerouge, after Barres and Blasko- witz c7; 1210 1778. Lewis c 7; 1341 1794. Morse c 9; 1361 1794-98. Evans n 681 1795. Harris c 7; 1172, c 7; 1362 1795. Russell c5; 1363 1796. Carey c 6; 1364 1796. Harris c 29; 683 1796. Tanner c 8; 1366 1801. Carey c 6; 1367 1804. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 702 1805. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 708 1805. Carey c6; 1368 1809. Harris c7; 1173, c 7; 1369 1812. Arrowsmith & Lewis .' . . n 718 1814. Carey c6; 1370 1814. Harris n 722, 1372 1818. Harris n 732, 1373 1819. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 734 1822. Lucas c 13; 1373a 1823. Lucas n 742 1823. Tanner c 12; 1374 1825. Cary n 745 1825. Morse n 746 1825-33. Tanner n 1376 1826. Finley c 4; 1378 1826. Weiland c 5; 1225 1827. Lucas c 13; 1177, c 13; 1379, c 13; 2728 1829. Finley n752 1830. Finley n755 1830. Schlieben c3; 1178 1831. Finley n 760 1835. Bradford n 769, 770 1835. Burr n 771, 1379a 1835. Tanner c3; 1380 1836. Tanner n"74 1838. Bradford & Goodrich c 13; 783 1572 RHODE ISLAND Continued. 1839. Tanner c5; 1382 1841. Tanner n7S8 1842. Greenleaf n 784 1842. Morse&Breese o 32; 1383 1842-45. Morse & Breese c7; 1228 1849. Bartholomew n 849 1849. Mitchell n 797 1851. Mitchell c8; 1179 1854. Lange c2; 1230 1856. Black c5; 1385 1856. Morse n 817 1860. Mitchell n831, 846 1861. Colby nllSl 1862. Johnson n 837 1862. Mitchell n 846 1863. Johnson n 840 1864. Johnson n843 1865. Mitchell n 301, 847 1875. Heermans c pt 1; 1284 1876. Mitchell n 880 1884. Brown n949 RHODE ISLAND TO NANTUCKET ISLAND. 1779. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 20; 1199 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 29; 1198 RHODES, WILLIAM EUSTACE. Europe. 18th century c 10; 2794 France, llth and 12th centuries c 53; 2794 13th century c55; 2794 1600-1790 c58; 2794 Galliasacre c57; 2794 RHODES, CITY AND HAKBOE. 1811. Dalrym- ple c 1; 544 RHONE. 1869. Joanne n 3004 RIBAUT, JEAN. Voyage to Florida n 171 RIBEIRO DE SAMPAIO, FRANCISCO XAVIEE. Rio Branco, Brazil. 1778. Repr c 40; 2721 Gram Para and rio Negro. 1774-75. Repr Cl4; 2723 Guiana. 1775. Repr c33;2721 South America. 1778. Repr c 1C; 2722 RIBERA, LAZARO DE. 1792. Repr cvl.no 24; 2767 RIBERO, DIEGO. America. 1529. Repr n 252, C pt 15; 1136 Map. 1529. Repr c 64; 262 South America. 1529. Repr c 4; 2719 World. 1529. Repr n258,n!135, c 11; 1139 See also Borgia, cardinal Stefano. cpt3.no 11; 1136 RICE co., KAN. 1902. Northwest publishing co. Atlas 1735 RICE co., MTNN. 1900. Northwest publish- ing co. Atlas 2039 RICE, FORT, PA. 1896 c v 1, no 375; 2439 RICHARD DE HALDINGHAM. World. 13th cent. Repr c pt 3, no 8; 1136 1314 c!4; 251 See also Hereford. Map. Jomard. Les monuments de la g&>- graphie. RICHARDSON, J. G. Cutch & Guzarat. 1803 c v 1, no 133; 543 Mocha road. 1795 c v 3, no 9c; 543 Mohilla. View c v 1, no 83a; 543 RICHARDSON, WILLIAM. Track of the Non- such. 1783 cvl,no246a; 543 RICHARDSON, & LORD, See Morse &Morse. Modernatlas. 1822 t304 RICHELIEU, ARMAND JEAN DUPLESSIS, car- dinal de. Library. Portulan. 14th. cen- tury. Repr c37; 262 RICHELIEU RIVER. 1758? Hulbert. Repr. cvl.no 18; 1191 RICHLAND, N. Y. 1837. U. S. War depart- ment C139; 1377 RICHLAND co., ILL. 1562. Ogle. Atlas.... 1562 RICHLAND co., OHIO. 1873. Andreas. Atlas 2411 1896. Rerick. Atlas 2412 RICHLAND co., Wis. 1895. Hood. Atlas 2659 RICHMOND, KY. 1898. U. S. Geological sur- vey c46; 1283 RICHMOND, VA. Vicinity of. 1864. Johnson n843 1883. Johnson n913 1780. Carrington cp69; 1336 1861. Paris c!2; 1352 1864. Bechler c7; 1348 1877. Beers. Atlas 2621 1877. Gray n885 1877. Gray n!398 1889. Brown n949 RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG RAILROAD. 1841. Chevalier cl9,figl; 1266 RICHMOND BRIDGE. 1841. Chevalier. c!9,flgl; 1266 RICHMOND co., N. Y. 1891. Bien & Ver- meule t2150, t2210 RICHMOND ISLAND. 1777. Atlantic Neptune. View. cv2,no25; 1198 1777. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 5; 1201 1779. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 5; 1199 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 51; 1198 RlCHMONDS ISLAND, ME. 1851. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey c 1; 1269 RICHTER, EDWARD. Seestudien. 1897 n2859 See K. Akademie der wissenschaften. Vienna. Historische atlas osterreichi- schen. Alpenlander. 1906 t2858a RlCHTHOFEN, FERDINAND VON. See Kretschmer n 1136 Rico, COLO. 1905. U. S. Geological survey C130; 1283 RICQUE BAY, CHILI. 1696. La Guilbau- diere c8; 1154 RlDGEFIELD, CONN. 1908. Hyde 1 1477, t 2264, 2317 RlDGELY PORT. 1838-42. Wilkes c 106; 3246 RIEDIG, M. World. 1834 n766 RIGA. 1646? Avity c 40; 58 Rrao. 1805. Mackay c v 1, no 256; 543 RILEY, C. V. See Campbell. New atlas of Missouri. 1873 t2061 RIMINI. 17th century. Gibelli, Brunamonti & Danesi. Repr n3056 1573 RINGGOLD, GA.-TENN. 1894. U. S. Geolog- icalsurvey c 2; 1283 REN GROSE, JOHN. Angassea river. 1784 c v 1, no 151; 543 Arnol island. 1784 c v 1, no 151; 543 Coast of India. 1782 c v 1, no 145; 543 Danno river. 1784 c v 1, no 149; 543 Gundivee river. 1784 c v 1, no 146a; 543 Nursaree river. 1784 c v 1, no 146; 543 Omersary river. 1784 c v 1 , no 147 ; 543 Wood island. 1776 c v 1, no 90; 543 cio, Josfi DEL. Havana, city and port. 1798 n590 RlO, PORT, BlNTAM ISLAND. 1753. Apres de Mannevillette. c v 1 , no 257 ; 543 1805. Bass cvl.no 256; 543 Rio COLORADO. See Colorado river. Rio DE LA PLATA. See La Plata, Rio de. Rio JANEIRO PROVINCE, BRAZIL. 1868. Mendes de Almeida c 16; 2749 17C3. Stevens cvl.no 17; 543 1797. Gonzales c 13; 2768 1830. Schlieben c 23; 1178 1882. Jehenne n909 Rio JANEIRO HARBOR. 1794. Laurie & Whittle n 700 1795. Apres de Mannevillette n 3169 1806. Laurie & Whittle n 3172 Rio FARAT. 1784. Dalrymple. . c v 1, no 114; 543 Rio GRANDE, BRAZIL. 1666. Loon n476 1667. Blaeu n479 1830. Schlieben c22; 1178 Rio GRANDE DE LA MAGDALENA. 1805-34. Humboldt c v 2, no 24; 2726 Rio GRANDE DO NORTE PROVINCE, BRAZIL. 1808. Mendes de Almeida c 8; 2749 Rio NEGRO, BRAZIL. 1SSO. Schlieben.. c 21; 1178 Rio NEGRO DEPARTMENT, URUGUAY. 1891. Sureda c 13; 2773 Rio NEGRO CANTON, GUATANA PROVINCE, VENEZUELA. 1S40. Codazzi c 18; 2775 1874. Robiquet n 909 RIOJA PROVINCE, ARGENTINA. 1865. Moussy c!4; 2731 Riou, E. Houtbay&Chapman'sbay. 1790. C vl.no 27; 543 RlOUW-LlNGA ARCHIPELAGO. 1896-1900 C6-17; 2715 RIPLEY CO., IND. 1883. Lake. Atlas 1625 RlSHIBUCTO HARBOR. 1778. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 16; 1199 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, np 15; 1198 RlSTIGOUCHE HARBOR, CHALEUR BAY. 1794. North America pilot c 18; 1236 1775. North American pilot, c v 1, no 15; 1209 RITCHIE, JOHN. Andaman islands. 1771 c v 1, no 222; 543 Bayof Bengal. 1787. . . Text, c v 2, no 5, 6; 543 Coasts of Aracan & Ava. 1770-71 cvl.no 209; 543 Coast of Chittigong. 1785. . . c v 1, no 205; 543, c v 1, no 205; 543 Coast of Choromandel. 1771. c v 1, no 193; 543 RITCHIE, JOHN Continued. Coast of Orissa. 1795 ^ v 1, no 195; 543 Coringo & Vezagapatam. 1771. c v 3, no 17; 543 NegraistoCarnicobar. 1771.. c v 1, no 221; 543 Nlcobar island. 1771 cv 1, no 228, 229; 543 Noncowrey harbor. 1782 c v 1 , no 231 ; 543 RITTER, CARL. See Klepert, Topographisch-historischer atlas von Hellas. 1851 t 3051 RIVERA, PEDRO DE. Mexico to Santa Fe, route. 1807 c 7; 2682 RIVERA DEPARTMENT, URUGUAY. 1891. Sureda c 14; 2773 RIVERDALE. 1880. Greeley & Carlson... c 2; 1592 RrvifcRRE, C. See Brazil. Ministerio da agricultura, commercio e obras publicas. Mappa da provincia do Parana. 1877 t 2751 RrvoALEN, engraver. Portrait of Louis xv. See Pajol n 2977 RIZZI-ZANNONI, GIOVANNI ANTONIO. See Zannoni. ROAD BAY, ANGUILLA. 1850. France. c vl,no!4; 2711 ROAD HARBOR, TORTOLA ISLAND. 1856. France c v 1, no 19; 2711 ROAN MOUNTAIN, TENN.-N. C. 1907. U. S. Geological survey c 151; 1283 ROANOKE INLET. 1829? Bache c 153; 1384 ROANOKE SOUND. 1820. U. S. War department c 131; 1377 1829? Bache c 153; 1384 ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, DIDIER. South America. 1750. Repr c 28; 2720, C 22; 2721, C 12; 2722, c v 1, no 11; 2767, c21; 2779 World. 1812 n614 ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, DIDIER & GILLES. Africa. 1787 c 34; 694 17% c5;686 Atlantic ocean. 1750 n641 America. 1785? Repr c 19; 2759 Atlas pour Pinstruction de la jeunesse. 1783 n 737 Europe. 1772 c 3-4; 653 Maps. 1768 n641 1776-84 n647 1781-84 n655 1786-1800 n694 1787-91 n664 1789? n671 New Guinea. 1756-74 c v 2, no 161 ; 543 North America. 1767 n 641 North and South America. 1785?.. c 19; 2691 Paris. 1760. Repr c28;3011 1766 n641 ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, GILLES. Atlas portatif. 1748-49 n608 Maps. 1780 t653 1788 t668 St. Domingue. 1749 n 641 South America. 1750. Repr c 31; 2776 1767 n 641 West Indies. 1776-84.... .. n647 1574 ROBERT DE VAUGONDY, QILLES Continued. See also Kitchin. General atlas. 1797.. t 687 Kitchin & others. New universal atlas. 1789-46 t 685 1795 t682 1802 t699 1805 t709 ROBERT HARBOR, MARTINIQUE. 1828. Mon- nler c9; 2718 ROBERTS, Lieut. EDWABD HENRY. America. 1804. Northwest coast n 705 1788. Northwest coast n 694 ROBERTS, HEINRICH. American and Asiatic coasts. 1788.. . c 50; 694 Asia. 1788. N.E.Coast n694 Jakob Cook's discoveries. 1789 c 55; 694 Maps. 1786-1800 n694 Polynesien. 1796 c7; 686 Santa Cruz. Tenerife c v 3, no 1; 543 World. 1789 n 694 ROBERTS, JOHN. Malloodoo bay. 1790 c v 2, no 83; 543 Maps. 1808 n716 ROBERTS, JOHN, engraver. Vermont. 1796. c 7; 1366 ROBERTS, NATHAN S. See Complete set of maps, drawings, and tabular statements relating to the locations of the canal & railroad, from PointofRockstoHarpersFeny. 1830. t 1778 ROBERTSON, C. GRANT. Formation of modern German empire, c 43; 2794 Germany. 1648-1795 c 41; 2794 Growth of Prussia c42; 2794 ROBERTSON, GEORGE. Clements strait. 1786 c v 2, no 188; 543 PuntaGala. 1797 c v 3, no 34c; 543 Strait of Allass. 1780 Text, c v 3, no 3; 543 1781 c v 2, no 117; 543 ROBINSON, C. D. See Walling. Atlas of Wisconsin. 1876. t 2633 ROBINSON, E. See Lathrop & others. Atlas of Orange county,N. Y. 1903 t 2245 - Miller. Atlas of Utica, N. Y. 1896 t 2333 Pidgeon. Atlas of Bridgeport, Conn. 1896 t 1485 ROBINSON, G. GEOFFREY. South Africa, c 90; 2794 ROBINSON, WILLIAM. Eagle Island. 1771 c v 1, no 93; 543 Praslin harbor. 1771 cvl,no94;543 Suez harbor. 1777 c v 1, no 111; 543 ROBINSON'S FORT, PA. 1896 c v 1, no 32; 2439 ROBJOHNS, F. R. See Arms & others. Caldwell's illus- trated historical atlas of Adams county, Ohio. 1880? t2352 ROCHA DEPARTMENT, URUGUAY. 1891. Su- reda c 15; 2773 ROCHAMBEAU, EUGENE ACHILLE LACROIX DE VIMEUR, comte de. Manuscript plans. Revolutionary war. Description n 1335 ROCHE-PONCIE, FERDINAND ANTOINE JULES DE LA. See La Roche-Poncie. ROCHEPORT, JOUVIN DE. Paris. 1672. Repr c 20; 3011 - 1676. Repr 021; 3011 - 1694 n514,n524 ROCHES BASIN, VENEZUELA. 1856. France o v 2, no 12; 2711 1858. France ov2, no 12; 2711 ROCHESTER, MASS. 1899. Mass. Surrey com- mission. Atlas 1931 ROCHESTER, N. Y. 1862. Johnson n837 1875. Hopkins. Atlas 2322 1888. Robinson. Atlas 2323 ROCK co., MINN. 1886. Interstate publish- ing co. Atlas 2040 ROCK co., Wis. 1873. Everts, Baskin & Stewart. Atlas. 2660 1891. Foote & Henion. Atlas 2661 ROCK ISLAND, ILL. 1905. Iowa publishing co. Atlas 1563 ROCK ISLAND RAPIDS, MISSISSIPPI RIVER. 1837. U. S. War department. . c 95, 116, 129; 1377 ROCKFORD, ILL. 1892. Roe. Atlas 1597 ROCKTNGHAMCO.,N.H. Boundary. Early. Hulbert. Repr cv4,no34-35; 1191 ROCKINGHAM co., VA. 1885. Lake. Atlas.. 2614 ROCKLAND, ME. 1908. U. S. Geological sur- vey cl58; 1283 ROCKLAND, MASS. 1874. Sherman & Howland. Atlas 1932 1898. Mass. Survey commission. Atlas. 1933 ROCKLAND co., N. Y. 1875. Beers. Atlas 2250 1876. Davis. Atlas 2251 ROCKLY ROAD, TABAGO ISLAND. 1809. Spain cptl,no!3; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 1, no 13; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 1, no 13; 1226 ROCKPORT, MASS. 1884. Hopkins. Atlas 1934 1898. Mass. Harbor and land commis- sion t 1842 ROCK RIVER AND MILWAUKEE CANAL. 1837. Lapham c 155; 1384 ROCK RIVER RAPIDS, MISSISSIPPI RIVER. 1836. U.S. War department c 128; 1377 ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Geological. 1876. U . S. Engineer depart- ment c7; 1280 1876. U. S. Engineer department c 2; 1280 ROCQUE, JOHN. England & Wales. 1780 c 5; 653 Ireland. 1780 clO-11; 653 Notice of n 1186 World. 1749 n612 ROCQUE, MARY ANN, publisher n 1186 New York city. 1763 cl; 1186 ROCROIX. 1760? Le Rouge c 24; 2975 RODA. Library. Planisphere. 9th century. Repr cl; 262 RODGERS BAY TO PORTLAND SOUND. 1776. Atlantic Neptune. Coast cv3, no 13; 1198 RODRIGO. 1812. Wyld c 22; 2893 RODRIGUES, ANTONIO. PUERTO de Apra. 1733 cv2,no54; 543 RODRIGUES, FRANCISCO. Portulan. 1524- 30. Repr c 65-70; 262 1575 RODRIGUES ISLAND. 1793. Apres de Manne- villette c v 1, no 86; 543 RODRIGUEZ, MANUEL. Map from descrip- tions by n 580 ROMER, W. W. Castle island. 1705. Repr. c v. 4, no. 15-19; 1191 Hudson river. 1700. Repr... c v 1, HO 1; 1191 North America, 5 Indian nations. 1700. Repr c v3, no 15; 1191 William, Castle. 1705. Repr. cv 4, no 15-19; 1191 ROMME, CHARLES, translator. See De Brahm n 1197 ROGER, JOHANNES NICOLAUS n 354 See Ptolemaeus. Geographia. 1486 t354 ROGERS, H. D. Maps 1 869 ROGERSVILLE, PA., 1907. U. S. Geographical survey C146; 1283 ROGGEVEEN, ARNOLDO. Portrait. 1675 n2694 1680 n2695 Zeekusten von Westindien. 1680. Repr. CIS; 2764 ROGIERS, SOLOMON, engraver n 452 Maps. 1635 c448; n 448 See also Hondius, 1639. ROJAPORE, INDIA. 1690? Hacke. mss. c25;c35; 3162 ROLICA. 1808. Wyld c2;2893 ROUJNSON, WILLIAM, engraver. See Elli- cott, Washington, D. C. 1796 n 1366 ROMAGNA. 1783. Zatta c v3, no 20; 651 1791. Cassini c y 1, no 35; 670 ROMAN, CAPE, FLA. 1646-47. Dudley n 457 ROMAN, CAPE, TO CAPE HATTERAS. 1662. Hilton-Shapley. Repr c v 5, no 30* ROMANIA POINT. 1763. Alves cvl,no247; 543 1786. Thomas. Coast c v 1, no 248a; 543 1805. Dpwnie c v 1, no 255; 543 ROMANO GERMANICUM IMPEKIUM. Taylor, n 2912 ROMANS, BERNARD. Mobile bar. 1771 c 45; 2708 Pensacola harbor. 1771 c 33; 2703, c 45; 2708 See also Sayer& Bennett. American mili- tary pocket atlas. 1776 t 1206, 1343 ROMANZOFF. 1844. Duflot de Mofras. . . c 17; 1457 ROME, GA. 1902. U. S. Geological survey. c78; 1283 ROME, EMPIRE. 285-395. Bury cl; 2794 10th century. Bury c71,72; 2794 1025-1472. Bury c73; 2794 Historical. Anville c 38-39; 571 , C 35-36; 572, c 2-3; 599 Cassini cv3, no 47; 670 Dower 1 772 Peutinger c255 Zatta cv4,no53; 651 ROME, CITY. Ancient. Blaeu c4; 3053 Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 794, n 811 S(Sgur. x . c!46 35799 VOL 209 24 ROME, CITY Continued. ArchofSeptimiusSeverus. 1646? Avlty. c4; 58 Biblioteca Vittorio Emanuele zu Rom. Karte des Bartolomeo Pareto. 1455. Repr c pt 5; 1136 Campagna. Geological. 1880. Italy. Ministero di agricoltura c 2; 3070 1570. Ortelius n374 1783. Zatta cv3, no25;651 1790. Cassini cvl,no33;670 1879. Italy. Minisiero di agricoltura. c 4, 5; 3070 1880. Italy. Ministero di agricoltura. cl;3070 Capitol. 1646. Avity p.2;58 Campo Vacchina. 1646? Avlty c5;53 Historical. Luciani. Atlas 3068 Philippe de Pre"tot Mothers n663 Reichard n 51 Schneider. Atlas 3069 Quirinal. Marble horses. 1646? Avity. c 4; 53 S. Angelo castle. 17th century. Gibelli, Brunamonti & Danesi. Repr n 3056 1646? Avity C4; 5S San Bartolomeo island. 1646? Avity. . c 4; 58 1574. Ptolemy n380 1612-18. Braun n59 1646? Avity c3; 53 1704. Blaeu c 4; 3053 1706? Brown n549 1709. Moll n554 1734? Seutter n583 1739. DuSauzet C 32; 592a, c32;2779a 1801. Cassini c v3,no51; 670 1815-16. Luffman n725 1844. Clarke n794 1853. Clarke. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 811 1863. Dispatch. Atlas n 839 1880. Italy. Ministero di agricoltura. c 7; 3070 1883. Italy. Ministero di agrteoltura. Atlas 3070 ROME, PROVINCE. 1880. Italy. Ministero di agricoltura c 6; 3070 RONCADOR BANK, NICARAGUA. 1856. France. cv2,no35; 2711 RONSARD, Maps. 1792-1808. Repr . . n 3249 -RONSONNET, Maps. 1792-1808. Repr. . n 3249 ROOT RIVER, Wis. 1836. U. S. War depart- ment C124; 1377 ROQUETAS HARBOR. 1792-1831. France. Ministere de la marine et des colonies ... c 210; 2849 ROQVECOVRE. 1713. Gueudeville n 558 ROSACCIO, GUISEPPE. World. 1657. Repr c 12; 2720 See also Ptolemseus. Geographia. 1599 n409, t 409 ROSE, EDWARD & BEREIEN, J. M. Galien river,Mich. 1843 c 89; 1384 ROSE HARBOR. 1796. Olivier, mss c77;2807 1787. Johnstone cv 2, no 41; 543 1792-1831. France. Ministere de la ma- rine et des colonies c 223; 2549 1576 ROSE TAVEBN, PA. 1896. Stockade. ovl.no 269; 2439 ROSEBURG, OREGON. 1898. U. S. Geolog- ical survey c 49; 1283 ROSKU.I, FRANCESCO. Mappemonde. 1532. Bepr C53; 202 ROSEMONT, PA. 1897. Mueller. Atlas 2555 Ross, DANIEL. Coin-land bays. 1760 . . c 105; 1196 Ross, Lieut. JOHN. Mississippi river. 1765 c25; 1165, C 26; 1166, C26; 1169 1765-75 C33; 653 1775 n668 SeeaJsoJefferys & others. American atlas. 1776 tl!66 1782 tl!69 Le Rouge. Atlas Am^riquain Sep- tentrional. 1778-92 t!212 Ross,SirJoHN. Discoveries n750 Ross CO., OHIO. 1875. Gould. Atlas 2413 Ross, FORT, HARBOR. 1844. DuflotdeMofras. c!7; 1457 Ross, ROBERT. Route from Benedict to Washington. 1814. Wilkinson c 16; 1344 Rossi, D. V., engraver. Maps. 1763 n 1167 Rossi, GIOVANNI DOMENICO DE. Maps. 1692-1714 n516 Rossi, GIOVANNI GIACOMO. Russia. 1688. Repr ser 2, c 16; 3107 Tartaria. 1683. Repr ser 2, c 21 ; 3107 ROTA. 1782. Dalrymple. Coast views. cv2,no!20; 543 1796. Dalrymple c v 2, no 57; 543 ROTENHAN, SEBAST. Francise. Descriptio. 1570 n374 ROTTECK, CARL, VON. See LOwenberg. Historisch-geographi- scheratlas. 1839 1 134 ROTTENEST ISLAND. 1790. Dalrymple. cv2,no!74; 543 ROTTERDAM. 1646? Avity c70; 58 ROUABOUKI ROAD. 1827-40. Dumont d'Ur- ville c38; 3244 ROULS ISLANDS. 1827-40. Dumont d'Ur- ville c21; 3244 ROUMANIA. Linguistic Altas. Weigand 3096 1566. Castaldi. Repr c v 5-6, no 24; 260 1883. Vivien de Saint-Martin & Schra- der c38; 916 1895. Gorjan & Luncan. Atlas 3097 ROUND CAPE. 1775. Atlantic Neptune. View. c vl, no 36; 1199 1779. Atlantic Neptune. View. cvl,no38; 1205 1781. Atlantic Neptune. View. cvl,no48; 1198 ROUSES POINT. 1816. Wilkinson c 19; 1344 ROUSIN, ALBIN RENE DE, baron. Brazil. 1851 n 795 Guiana. 1851. Coast n 795 Maps. 1844-51 n 795 1882 .. n909 ROUSSE ISLAND. 1796? Olivier, mss c 18; 2807 1829. France. Afinistere de la marine et descolonies C251; 2849 ROUSSEL, Paris. 1731. Repr c 26; 3011 RoussnxoN. 172r-86. Anville n572 1777. Zatta c v 1, no 35; 651 ROUVIER, ABRAHAM. Maps. 1794-98 n681 Roux, JOSEPH. Mediterranean sea. 1801 . . n 697 ROVIGNE, HARBOR. 1796? Olivier, mss. c32; 2807 ROVIGO. 1795. Zatta c v 3, no 5; 651 ROWLEY, MASS. 1895. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1842 ROXATIM, CAPO. 1646-47. Dudley n 457 ROXBURY, MASS. 1874-75. Hopkins.. cv2; 1825 Roxo, CAPO, PORTUGAL. 1646-47. Dudley, n 457 ROYAL CUL DE SAC. 1778-92. Le Rouge. c25; 1212 ROYAL GEORGE. 1762. Passage. Skottowe. c v 1, no 258; 543 ROYAL ISLAND, BAHAMAS. 1856. France. cvl, no 81-82; 2711 ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Senex 1 550 RUATAN. 1775. Barnsley c 47; 2702 1775. Barnsley, improved by Jeflerys. C2 r ,; 2699 1794. Barnsley, improved by Jeflerys. c46; 2703 1810. Barnsley c21;2705, c 15; 2708 RUDIMENTUM NOViTioRUM. Mappemonde. 1475. Repr c 18; 262 RUE, J., draftsman. Manuscript maps show- ing sir Henry Clinton's operations in the Jerseys n 1339 RUE, J., & DUNHAM, A. Middlesex county, N.J. 1781. mss .' c!3;2143 RUELENS, CHARLES Louis. Deventer's At- las des villes de Belgique. 1884-1903 n 2870 RUESTA, SEBASTIAN DE. America, West Indies, etc. 1660. Repr c 14; 2720 RUGEN. 1689-92. Jacobsz, Doncker&Goos. Coast cptl, vl; 2832 1692. Jacobsz cptl.vl;2834 RUIGMANN, MATHIAS. See Ptolemy. 1513 n359 Ruiz DE ESTRADA, Panama, Coast line between Gorgona and. 1525. Repr. (Omitted) n 258 RUMELIA. 1791. Zatta cv 2, no 47; 651 RUMENIA, WARS. 1877-78. Dubail c 10, 2818 RUMFORD TOWNSHIP BOUNDARY. Early. Hulbert. Repr cv4,no34-35; 1191 RUPERTO, CARL. Maps. 1759-86 n622 RURAL VALLEY, PA. 1905. U. S. Geological survey c 125; 1283 RUSCELLI, GlROLAMO. Annotations n 373 See also Ptolemseus. Geographia. 1561. t 371, n 371 1564 t 373, n 371 1574 t 380, n 380, 381 1599 t 409, n 409 1577 KUSH Co., KAN. 1901. Northwest publish- ing co. Atlas 1*736 RUSSELL, LOCKHAKT. Island St. Mary. 1771 c v 1, no 52; 543 South America. 1794. Repr. c pt 1, no 5; 2778 RUSSELL co., KAN. 1901. Northwest pub- lishing co. Atlas 1737 Statistical atlas of Russia. Russia. Min- istry of roads and communications. Di- vision of statistics & cartography. 1902. n3101 RUSSIA. Acquisitions of. 1842. Arrowsmith... c 51; 789 Ancient. Strabo .' c 2; 3113 /Discoveries. 1763 c 4; 1165, 4; 1166 1774 cl-3; 1165, 1-3; 1166 1775 c4; 1169 1776 c v 4, no 42; 651 Atlases. General. 1680-1900 3108-3115 Historical 3098-3099 Icy sea and Eastern ocean. 1844-64. Russia. Admiralty c22; 1259 Light houses. 1846. Coulier c 95 Military. 1845. Pavlishev n 3099 1873. Pavlishev n 3100 Statistical. 1857. Russia. Departement de V Economic rurale n 3111 Atlas. 1902. Russia 3101 Wars. Atlases 3102-3107 1737. Ottens n 616 1807-12. Dubail c 11; 2818 440 B.C. Herodoturs c 1; 3113 40-100 A. D. Mela, Pliny & Tacitus, c 3; 3113 150 A. D. Ptolemy c 4; 3113 550 A.. D. Jornandes & Moses of Kho- rens c 5; 3113 945 A . D . Constantin Porphyro-Genetus. C6; 3113 1474. Benincasa Text ser. 1, c 3107 1474-1651. Kordt. Repr n3107 1482. German Text ser. 2, c 3107 1491. Cusana Text ser. 1, c 3107 1507. Waldseemuller Text ser. 2, c 3107 1516. Waldseemuller Text ser. 2, c 3107 1516. Waldseemuller. Repr.. ser. 2, c 1; 3107 1525. Agnese Text ser. 1, c 3107 1525. Agnese. Repr ser. 1, c 3; 3107 1532. Ziegler Text ser. 2, c 3107 1537. Wied Text ser. 1, c 3107 1537. Wied. Repr ser. 1, c 6; 3107 1538. Munster Text ser. 1, c 3107 1538. Solinus. Repr ser. 1, e 9; 3107 1539. Magnus. Repr ser. 2, c 2-3; 3107 1539. Olaus Magnus Text ser. 2, c 3107 1544. Munster. Repr ser. 1, c 7; 3107 1546. Ilerberstein. Repr ser. 1, c ll? 3107 1548. Gastaldo Text ser. 1, c 3107 1548. Gastaldo. Repr ser. 1, c 4; 3107 1549. Herberstein. Repr ser. 1, c 12; 3107 1550. Gastaldo. Repr ser. 1, c 15; 3107 1554. Mercator Text ser. 2, c 3107 1557. Herberstein. Repr. ser. 1, c 13, c 14, c 26; 3107 1559. Munster. Repr ser. 1, c 8, c 10; 3107 RUSSIA Continued. 1561. Gastaldo. Repr ser. 1, c 5; 3107 1562. Gastaldo Text ser. 1, c 3107 1562. Jenkenson n 374, Text ser. 1, c 3107 1562. Jenkenson. Repr ser. c 17; 3107 1566. Gastaldo. Repr c v 5-6, no 26; 260, ser 1, c 16; 3107 1569. Mercator Text ser. 2, c 3107 1570. Pograbius Text ser. 1, c 3107 1570. Pograbius. Repr ser. 1, c 23J 3107 1583. Ileyns. Repr ser. 1, c 18; 3107 1594. Mercator. Repr ser. 1, c 24; 3107 1594. Mercator Text ser. 1, c 3107 1596. Magini. Repr ser. 1, c 25; 3107 1596. Magini Text ser. 1, c 3107 1598. Langenes. Repr ser. 1, c 19; 3107 1600. Magini. Repr ser. 1, c 27; 3107 1601. Ortelius. Repr ser. 1, c 20; 3107 1612. Massa. Repr ser. 2, c 12; 3107 1612. Neugebauer. Repr... ser. 1, c 28; 3107 1613. Gerardo. Repr ser. 2, c 15; 3107 1613-1878. Bam c 49; 2794 1614. Garritz Text ser. 1, c 3107 1620. Blaeu. Coast n2829 1633. Massa Text ser. 1, c 3107 1633. Massa. Repr ser. 1, c 29; 3107 1639. Hondius. Repr ser. 2, c 23; 3107 1646? Avity c 47; 58 1646-47. Dudley. Coast n 457 1650. Beauplan Text ser. 1, c 3107 1650. Beauplan. Repr ser. 1, c 32; 3107 1651. Visscher .. n 2830; n 3078 1651. Visscher. Repr ser. 1, c 31; 3107 1664. Blaeu c v 1; 471 1667. Blaeu c 2; 479 1668. Massa. Repr ser. 2, c 13, 14; 3107 1676. Speed n 488 1680. Pitt cl;2831 1687. Witzen. Repr ser. 2, c 26; 3107 1688. Rossi. Repr ser. 2, c 16; 3107 1700. Seller c v 1, no 50; 529 1704? Bodenehr n545 1708-25. Senex c 23; 550 1714: Chatelain c 4; 548 1722-74. Delisle c 7-8, c 28-29; 565 1752. Bowen c 26, c 38; 614 1759-84. Homann n 623 1769. Homann n 623 1772. Anville c 21; 653 1775. Homann n623 1781. Zatta c v 2, no 30, 39; 651 1787. Schrsembl c 17; 694 1788. Zatta n 650 1789. Dunn c 11; 659 1792. Russia. Department of mines. Atlas n 3101 17^3. St. Petersburg. School of mines., n 679 1794. Dunn ell; 684 1795. Cassini c v2, no 60; 670 1796. Carey c 5; C83 1796. Gesellschaft der kiinste u. wissen- schaften in St. Petersburg c 23; 686 1808. Cary c 37-38; 714 1812. Julien n614 1814? Carey n721, 1371 1829-30. Schlieben n2853 1834. Arrowsmith c v 1, no 14; 764 1578 RUSSIA Continued. 1842. Arrowsmlth c 14; 789 1852. Nantlat n808 1854. Hill c34; 1200 1860. Baquol c v 3, no,15; 99 1860. Bartholomew c 23; 829 1867. Naymlller & Allodl "h 851 1883. Vivien de Saint-Martin & Schrader. Western c38; 916 1899. Vivien de Saint-Martin & Schra- der c37; 916 1900. Vivien de Saint-Martin & Schra- der. Eastern c 40; 916 1904-05. Marks n!095 RUSSIA IN ASIA. 1779-9. Zatta c v 4, no 16; 651 1796. Cassini cv 2, no 65-66; 670 RUTLAND, MASS. 1908. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1846 RUTLAND co., VT. 1869. Beers & others. Atlas 2601 RUYSCH, JOHANN. World. 1508. Repr n257, c 51, 61; 262, n 351, 356, 357, C pt 9, no 3, 1136 1507-08. Repr. (Omitted) n252 Description of. 1508 ed. of Ptolemy's geography n 357 Harvard library copy n 356, n 357 Murphy collection copy n 356, n 357 Nordenslriold reproductions n 357 Santarem reproduction n 357 Stevens reproduction n 357 RUYTER, GEEARD DE. Maps. 1695-1756? n 522 1756? n617 1803 n700 RYAN, GEORGE E. See Donnelley. Atlas of St. Paul, Minn. 1892 t2058 RYCAUT, GEORGE. Basse-Terre, attack. 1759 c 97; 1196 Fort George. Guadeloupe. Attack. 1759 c98; 1196 RYTHER, AUGUSTTNUS. Anglia. 1579 c 1; 2913 Dunelmensis episcopatus. 1576 c 26; 2913 Eboracensis Comitatus. 1577 c 24; 2913 Glocestrise Comit. 1577 c 12; 2913 Westmorland! ae et Cumberland! ee Comit. 1576 c27; 2913 S. S. ANDREA, CAPE, ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. 1646-47. Dudley n457 S. LEAGA BAY, SUMATRA. 1786. Bunyan, CV2,no222; 543 SABIN, JOSEPH. Bibliotheca Americana. Eames's List of editions of Ptolemy's geography n 351 Santarem's atlas, Collation of Lenox copy of n262 SABINA. 1790. Cassini c v 1, no 33; 670 SABINE LAKE. 1862. Johnson n837 SABINE PASS. 1840. Graham c 106; 1384 1840. U. S. War department c 114; 1377 SABINE RIVER. 1838. 1840. 1840. Blake c 108-110; 1384 Graham o 104; 1384, c 106; 1384 U.S. War department c90; 1377, C 114; 1377 1841. Gray c 105; 1384 1858. France c v 2, no 58; 2711 SABLE, CAPE. 1774-81. Atlantic Neptune. View cvl, no 19; 1198 SABLE ISLAND. 1766-7. Atlantic Neptune, c v 1, no 61-62; 1198 1770. North American pilot . . c v 1, no 8; 1209 1774-81. Atlantic Neptune n 1198, c v 1, no 63; 1198 1776. ApresdeMannevIUette. c v 1, no 90; 543 1779. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 60; 1198, c v 1, no 64; 1198 1781. Atlantic Neptune. View. cvl, no 65; 1198 1794. North American pilot c 11; 1230 1852. Vincendon-Dumoulin n807a SABON ISLAND. 1805. Dalrymple cvl, no 245; 543 SACHEM'S HEAD, HARBOR. 1851. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey c 18; 1269 SACILE BATTLE. 1809. France. DepGt gene- ral de la guerre c 5; 2966 SACKETTS HARBOR. 1816. Wilkinson .. c 10; 1344 SACRAMENTO, CAL. 1894. U. S. Geological survey c 5; 1283 SACRAMENTO BAY. 1854. Lange c 18; 1230 SACRAMENTO RIVER. 1838-42. Wilkes.. c93; 3246 SADDLE ISLAND. 1761. Dalrymple. Coast views c v 2, no 125; 543 SAFERY, & WOODWARD, Massa- chusetts boundary. 1642. Repr. cv4, no 12; 1191 SAFETY, PORT. 1838-42. Wilkes c 48; 3246 SAG HARBOR, N. Y. 1829. U. S. War de- partment c 33; 1377 SAGE, CARLOS. See Bolofia. Nuevo mapa deChile. 1904 t2758a SAGHALIN. 1826-27. Krusenstem. Memoir. Suppl. c3; 3242, Text, c 2; 3242 1835. Krusenstem c25; 3242 1852. Tebienkov c 36; 1229 SAGINAW TO MACKINAC, ROAD FROM. 1837. Poole c 143; 138 SAGONA, HARBOR. 1829. France. Minis- tere de la marine et des colonies c 245; 2849 SAGUA LA GRANDE. 1874. Lavallee n 909 SAGULIERS, HENRY. Description historique et g6ographique sur les xvii provinces des Pais-Bas n 617 See also Ottens. 1756 n617 SAGUSA. 1796? Olivier, mss c 106; 2807 SAHARA. 1700. Seller c v 2, no 19; 529 SAIGON RIVER. 1802. Dalrymple. cv3, no22d; 543 SAIL ROCK. 1853. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey c 57; 1269 ST. ABBS HEAD. 1646-47. Dudley n457 ST. AMBROSE ISLAND. 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 9; 3244 1840-55. Du Petit-Thouars c 205 ST. ANDRES, PORT. Marlnduque island. 1764. Dalrymple cv2, no 66; 543 1579 SAINT ANDREW ISLAND. 1856. France. c v 2, no 32; 2711 ST. ANDREW'S SOUND. 1829. Swift . . . c 103; 1384 SAINT ANGELO, Maps. SeeJulien. 1768 n641 ST. ANNS BAY AND HARBOR, CAPE BRETON. 1798. Backhouse c!3;1251 1830-32. Laplace c2;3174 1856. France c v 1, no 45; 2711 ST. ANTHONY, CAPE. 1727-34. Erskine. c 17; 2804 ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA. 1709-20. Moll n554 1740. Hulbert. View. Repr. cv2,no5; 1191 1758. Ldpez c!4;1159 1763. Gazzettiere americano. . c v 1, no 5; 1161 1776. Sayer & Bennett c5; 1343 1777. Atlante dell' America c 14; 1167 1777? Jefferys c35; 1207 1778. LeRouge C 19; 1210 1802. Luflman n62 1806. North American pilot c 22; 1236 1829. Swift c!03; 1384 1833. U. S. War department c 25; 1377 ST. AUGUSTINE HARBOR. 1780. Dalrymple cvl,no35;543 1780. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 58; 1198 1800. North American pilot c 18; 1220 1809. Spain cpt2, no37; 1223 1818. Spain cpt2, no37; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 2, no38; 1226 1836. Tanner n774 ST. AUGUSTINE TO CAPE HENRY. 1680. Hack. Repr c v 5, no 34* ST. AUGUSTINE, LABRADOR. 1777. North American pilot c v 1, no 19; 1209 ST. BARTHOLOMEW ISLAND. 1855. France c v 1, no 13; 2711 1885. Mager n2951 1890. Vuillemin & others n3008 1898. Pelet n2954 ST. BRAS BAY. 1774. Keulen c v 1, no 30; 543 ST. CATHERINE ISLAND. 1874. Barral n909 ST. CHRISTOPHER ISLAND, WEST INDIES. 1706. Thornton c20; 1155 1711-17. Moll n557 1729. Moll n574 1732? Moll n578 1736? Moll n585 1738-74. LaHarpe n 591 1745? Moll n602 1747. Bowen n603 1748. LeRouge n 607 1752. Bowen c62;614 1756-59. Le Rouge n 618 1758. Bellin n 590 1763? Moll n635 1767. English pilot. Fourth book., c 13; 1163 1768. Ravell C 92; 1196 1775. English pilot. Fourth book... c 12; 1164 1775. Ravell c 27; 2699, c 49; 2702 1780. English pilot. Fourth book... c 12; 1168 1781. Bellin n 348 1782. Matthews n 2700 1784. English pilot. Fourth book... c 13; 1171 1794. Ravell c49; 2703 1810. Marshall c 7; 2704 ST. CHRISTOPHER ISLAND, WEST INDIES Cont'd. 1810. Ravell c8; 2705, C 20; 2708 1815-16. Luffman n725 1818. Edwards c 7; 2706 1818. Marshall c8; 2709 1823. Lucas n 742 1824. Lucas c 9; 2709 1830. Le Boucher c6; 1340 ST. CLAJR co., MICH. 1897. Ogle. Atlas... 1996 ST. CLAIR DELTA. 1842. Macomb-Warner- Williams c94; 1384 SAINT CROIX co., Wis. 1897. Pinkney & Brown. Atlas :..: 2662 STE. CROIX, FORT, FRANCE. 1760? Le Rouge c73; 2975 ST. CROIX ISLAND. 1799. Oxholm c 7; 2705 ST. CROIX RIVER. 1780. Atlantic Neptune. c v 3, no 2-3; 1198 ST. CROIX RIVER TO ST. JOHN RIVER. 1840-41 . Graham c 16; 1384 SAINT-CYR, ANCIENNEMENT ATLAS DE t 176, t 2793a SAINT-CYR, ECOLE IMPERIALS MILITAIRE DE. Lavallee t 177,867,2973 ST. DENIS. World. 14th cent. Repr.... cpt 3, no 9; 1136 1364-72. Repr c21;262 ST. ELME, FORT. 1760? Le Rouge c 68; 2975 ST. ESTEVE, HARBOR. 1796? Olivier, mss. Cl5; 2807 ST. FELIX ISLAND. 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 9; 3244 1840-55. Du Petit Thouars c 205 17%? Olivier, mss c 112; 2807 1828. France. MinistZre de la marine et des colonies c253; 2849 ST. FRANCIS HARBOR. 1752. Bowen c 64; 614 ST. FRANCISCO DE PAULA, HARBOR. 1792-1831. France. Minister e de la marine et des colonies c 210; 2849, c 211; 2849 ST. GENEVEEVE ISLAND TO ST. JOHN RIVER. 1777. Atlantic Neptune. . c v 2, no 10-11; 1198 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 21; 1205 S. GEORGE HARBOR, GREECE. 1796? Olivier. mss c 35; 2807, c38; 2807 ST. GEORGE, GRENADA ISLAND. 1809. Spain c pt 1, no 12; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 1, no 12; 1224 1825. Spain cpt 1, no 12; 1226 ST. GEORGE'S CHANNEL. 1797. Neptune francois n 2848 1801. S. Norris 2889 1829. Swift c!03; 1384 ST. HELENA. 1610? Wright n428 1646-17. Dudley n457 1675. Seller n487 1690. Seller .'; c 27; 505 1700. Seller c v2, no 26; 529 1770. Bellin n587 1816. Barnes n909 ST. HELENA BAY. 1782. Bellin..., c v 1, no 23; 543 1580 ST. HELENA BAY Continued. 1793. Dalrymple c v 3, no 2; 543 1796. Dalrymple c v 1, no 24; 543, c v 2, no 237; 543 ST. HELENA DISTEICT, LA. 1837? Public survey c63; 1384 1839. Publlcsurvey c75;1384 1841. Publlcsurvey c73;1384 ST. HONNORAT ISLAND. 1796? Olivier, mss. ell; 2807 ST. JACINTO, TICAS. 1763 c v 2, no 70; 543 ST. JACQUES-SYLVABELLE, GUILLAUME DE. See France. Ministere de la marine et des colonies. Collection of charts. 1792- 1831 t2849 ST.JAMESBAY. 1800. Dalrymple. cv 3, no 34b; 543 ST. JEAN D'ACEE. 1796? Olivier, mss.. c 64; 2807 ST. JEAN DE PATINOS, HARBOR. 1796? Olivier. mss c54; 2807 ST. JEAN PIED DE PORT. 1760? Le Rouge C 69; 2975 ST. JEROM'S BAY. 1730. Erskine c5;2804 ST. JOHN, FORT, CANADA. 1762. Brassier c6; 1343 1762-76. Brassier c!8; 1166, 18; 1169 ST. JOHN HARBOR, CALIFORNIA. 1696. La Guilbaudiere c34; 1154 ST. JOHN CITY, NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA. 1880. Roebrothers n 1239 BT. JOHN HARBOR, NEW BBUNSWICK. 1798. Backhouse c2; 1251 BT. JOHN ISLAND, CANADA. See Prince Edward Island. SAINT JOHN ISLAND, W. I. 1607. Mercator n422,423 1609. Mercator n425,426 1610. Mercator n429 1619. Mercator n 434 1621. Mercator n435 1628. Mercator n437, 438 1630. Mercator n439, 440, 441 1632. Mercator n443 1633. Mercator n445 1634. Mercator n 446 1634. Mercator & Hondlus n447 1636. Mercator n449,450 1637. Mercator f n451 1651. Mercator n 461 1856. France cvl,no20; 2711 ST. JOHN RTVER, CANADA. 1774-81. Atlantic Neptune. View. c v 1, no 2; 1198 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 7; 1199 1779. France c!4; 1211 1780. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 7; 1202 1780. Atlantic Neptune. View. cv3,no4; 1198 1806. North American pilot c 10; 1236 1806. North American pilot c 10; 1236 ST. JOHN RIVER TO ST. CROIX RIVER. 1840-41. Graham. Profite c!6; 1384 ST. JOHN RIVER TO ST. GENEVIEVE ISLAND. COAST. 1777. Atlantic Neptune. . c v 2, no 10-11; 1198 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v2,no21; 1205 ST. JOHNS, INDIA. 1690? Hacke. mss.. c 28; 3162 ST. JOHN'S HARBOR, ANTIGUA ISLAND. 1857. France c v 1, no 6; 2711 ST. JOHNS HARBOR, NEWFOUNDLAND. 1706. Thornton .. c4; 1155 1709-20. Moll n554 1770. North American pilot. . c v 1, no 4; 1209 1794. North American pilot c 4; 1236 1799. Owen C6; 1236 ST. JOHN'S ISLAND, PACIFIC OCEAN. 1786. Larklns c v 2, no 17a; 543 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 20; 3244 ST. JOHNS RIVER, MOUTH AND BAR, FLORIDA. 1809. Spain cpt2,no38; 1223 1818. Spain cpt 2, no 38; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 2, no 39; 1226 1829. Swift C103; 1384 ST. JOSEPH, MICH. 1839. U. 8. War depart- ment clOO; 1377 ST. JOSEPH, Mo. 1884. Floyd. Atlas 2104 ST. JOSEPH co., IND. 1895. Ogle. Atlas 1626 ST. JOSEPH co., MICH. 1893. Noll. Atlas.. 1997 ST. JOSEPH RIVER. 1770. Hulbert. Repr- cv5, no 43-44; * ST. JOSEPH'S BAY, FLA. 1829. Swift Cl03;1384 1841. Powell c92;1384 ST. Kins. See Saint Christopher island. ST. LAURENT BAY, BERING SEA. Lutke n 203 ST. LAURENT DU MARONI. 1885. Mager n2951 ST. LAWRENCE, GULF OF. 1729. Moll n574 1732? Moll n578 1736? Moll n585 1738-74. LaHarpe n591 1745? Moll n602 1749. Robert de Vaugondy n608 1753. Bellin n587 1754. Bellin n587 1763? Moll n635 1775. Jefferys clO; 1165, c 10-11; 1166, c 10-11; 1169, c 11; 1165 1775. North American pilot, c v 1, no 11; 2709 1777. Atlantic Neptune cv3, no 1; 1201 1777. Faden c 4, 6; 1208 1777. North American pilot, c v 1, no 13; 1209 1778. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 1; 1198 1780. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 1; 1198 1781. Atlantic Neptune cv2, no 2; 1200 1781. Holland-DesBarres. Coast. . c v 2; 1198 1784. Bellin n 590 1794. North American pilot c 14, 16; 1236 1844-51. Robiquet n 795 ST. LAWRENCE CANAL. 1841. Chevalier. c!2; 1266 ST. LAWRENCE co., N. Y. 1865. Beers & others. Atlas 2252 ST. LAWRENCE ISLAND. 1852. Tebienkov. 020; 1229 ST. LAWRENCE RTVES. English fleet and army. 1759? Jeflerys. C19; 1196 Missions. 17th century. Pinart. Repr. C19-20; 1307 1581 ST. LAWRENCE RIVER Continued. Parishes and missions bordering on. 169-? Pinart. Repr c 19-20; 1235 1675. Roggeveen c 31; 2694 1679. Jolliet c 23; 1307 1697? Joliet. Repr c 27; 1138 1679? Pinart. Repr c!4;1235, C 14; 1307 1727-80. Anville c 34; 571 1732-39. Chatelain n 579 1755. Anville c 31; 572, c 35; 599, c 9; 1166, c 9; 1169 1755. Jefferys cl5-16;1196 1757. LaHarpe n591 1758? Hulbert. Repr c v 1, no 18; 1191 1759. Jefferys C 17; 1196 1761. Bellin n 590 1763. Gazzettiere americano. c v 3, no 3; 1161 1763-76. Carver & others c 19; 1166, c 19; 1169 1768. Jefferys c 15-16, 17a, 30-31 ; 11% 1774. North American pilot. . c v 1, no 6; 1209 1775. Jefferys c 32; 653, n668, c 9; 1165, C 9; 1166, C 9; 1169 1775. North American pilot. cvl, no 20-23; 1209 1777. Atlante dell' America c 8; 1167 1777. Atlantic Neptune c v 3, no 1 ; 1201 1777. Faden c3; 1207 1778. Atlantic Neptune cvl, no 1; 1199 1778-92. LeRouge c9;1212 1780. Atlantic Neptune c v 1 , no 1 ; 1 198 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 2, no 7-8; 1198 1781. Holland c v 2, no 2-4; 1198 1781. Holland-Des Barres cv2; 1198 1794. Jefferys c 23-25; 1236 1801. Norie C49; 1080 1806. North American pilot c 9; 1236 1814. Tanner c9,10;1347 1816. Wilkinson c 1, 7-8; 1344 1851. Kollner c 52; 1267 ST. LAWRENCE RIVER AND HUDSON BAY, JOLIET' s ROUTE BETWEEN. 1679. Joliet. Repr c23; 1235 ST. LORINSO. 1690? Hacke. mss c 6-9; 3162 ST. Louis, Mo. 17%. Callot c27; 1214 1835. Bradford n 770 1864. Colton nl!82 1870. Mitchell n859 1883. Hopkins. Atlas n 105 1889. Brown n 949 1905. St. Louis plat and record co. Atlas 2106 ST. LOUIS HARBOR, MO. 1837. Lee-Ewing c 22, 117, 118; 1384 1837. U.S. War department... c 101, 129; 1377 ST. Louis, Wis. 1891. Roe t2679 ST. Louis, PORT 1856. France, c v 2, no 57; 2711 ST. LOUIS HARBOR, HAITI. 1788. Jefferys c41;2702 1794. Jefferys c41;2703 1818. Jefferys c 53; 2708 ST. Louis RIVER. 1705-20. Chatelain n548 1718. Delisle n636 1732-39. Chatelain n579 1740. Hulbert. Repr c v 1 , no 40-41 ; 1 191 1741? Delisle n596 ST. LUCE BAT, MADAGASCAR 1782. Apre"s de Mannevillette cvl, no 46; 543 ST. LUCIA. 1757-64. Raspe n2825 1758. LaHarpe n591 1763. Bellin n590 1775. Jefferys c32;2699, C54; 2702 1778. Wyld C 14; 1337 1781. Bellin n348 1781. Biteow. Repr c48;2720 ST. MALO. 1646? Avity c 12; 58 1690. Seller c45; 505 1694. Hooghe c4; 2835 1700. Seller cvl,no23;529 1760? LeRouge c85;2975 1815-16. Luffman,J n63 ST. MARIA PORT. 1762. Dalrymple. c v 2, no 98; 543 ST. MARKS TO SUWANEE RIVER, CANAL. 1827. U. S. War department c 16; 1377 ST. MARTIN. 1534. Bordone n 163 1547. Bordone n 164 1562? Bordone .' n 165 1818. Fahlberg c!9;2708 1855. France c v 1, no 13; 2711 1885. Mager n2951 1890. Vuillemin & others n 3008 1898. Pelet n 2954 ST. MARTIN DE RE. 1760? Le Rouge., c 77; 2975 ST. MARTINE, CAPE. 1727-34. Erskine. c 17; 2804 SAINT MARY ISLAND, WEST INDIES. 1528. Bordone n 162 1534. Bordone n 163 1547. Bordone n 164 1562? Bordone n 165 ST. MARY, CAPE, URUGUAY. 16th cent. anon. Repr c 4-5; 1137 1781. Atlantic Neptune. View. cvl, no 13; 1198 ST. MARY FALLS, CANAL. 1837. U. S. War department c 130; 1377 ST. MARYS BAY, NOVA SCOTIA. 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 1 , no 10; 1199 1781. Atlantic Neptune. View. c v 1, no 13; 1198 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 10; 1198 ST. MARY'S HARBOR, FLORIDA. 1829. Swift. C103; 1384 ST. MARY HARBOR, MADAGASCAR. 1746. Brohier cvl, no53;543 ST. MARY ISLAND, MADAGASCAR. 1771. Rus- sell cvl, no 52; 543 1582 BT. MARTS, MD.-VA. 1906. U. S. Geological survey c 136; 1283 ST. MARY'S HARBOB, NEWFOUNDLAND. 17M. North American pilot c 3; 123(5 1770. North American pilot . . c v 1 , no 3; 1209 1806. North American pilot c 8; 1236 ST. MARY'S RIVER. 1769. Fulle. Pub. 1770 c 29; 1337 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v I,no28; 1199 1779. Atlantic Neptune c v I,no42; 1198 1800. North American pilot c 18; 1220 1770. Fuller C26; 1208 1778. Fuller c!8; 1210 1809. Spain cpt2,no40; 1223 1818. Spam cpt 2, no 40; 1224 1825. Spain cpt2,no41; 1226 ST. MARYS RIVER TO WHITE ISLANDS. 1781. Atlantic Neptune. View c v 1, no 41; 1198 ST. MATTHEW ISLAND. 1783. Forrest c vl,no234; 543 1852. Tebenikov c 21; 1229 ST. MICHAEL, FORT. 1760. de Marchais. Plan C107; 1196 ST. MICHEL, SOUFRTERE DE, CENTRAL AMER- ICA. c20; 1154 SAINT NICHOLAS BAY, OCEANICA. 1838. Duroch c6; 3244 ST. NICHOLAS HARBOR, CANADA. 1768. Jefferys c 15-16; 1196 1775. Jefferys c9; 1165, C 9; 1166, C 9; 1169 1777. Desjardins cvl,no20-23; 1209 1806. North American pilot c 23-25; 1236 ST. NICOLAS MOLE, HAITI. 1788. Jfferys c42;2702 1794. Jefferys c 42; 2703 1809. Spain cpt4,no9; 1223 1818. Jefferys c 54; 2708 1818. Spain cpt4,no9; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 4, no 9; 1226 1856. France c v I,no27; 2711 SAINT-OMER LIBRARY. Mappemonde. 10th & llth centuries. Repr c 3; 262 1760? LeRouge c 12; 2975 ST. PABLO ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes... c 16; 3246 ST. PATRICK'S BAY. 1786. Hanna. c v 2, no 40; 543 ST. PAUL, MINN. 1884. Hopkins. Atlas 2055 1886. Hopkins. Atlas 2056 1887. Curtice. Atlas 2057 1892. Donnelley. Atlas 2058 1908. Curtice. Atlas 2058a ST. PAUL ISLAND. 1790. Cox Text cvl,no9; 543 1852. Tebienkov c21;1229 ST. PAUL'S TRAVELS. 1700. Seller. cv2,no!6; 529 ST. PETER'S BAY. 1775. Atlantic Neptune c v I,no36; 1199 1779. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 38; 1205 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v I,no48; 1198 ST. PETERS ISLAND. 1737. English pilot. Fourth book, cp 18; 1157 1758. English pilot. Fourth book, c p 18; 1158 1760. English pilot. Fourth book, cp 18; 1160 ST. PETERS ISLAND Continued. 1763. North American pilot, c v 1, no 6; 1209, C 9; 1236 1767. English pilot. Fourth book. cp20; 1162, cplS; 1163 1774. North American pilot. . c v 1, no 6; 1209 1775. English pilot. Fourth book. cp!8; 1164 1780. English pilot. Fourth book, cp 18; 1168 1784. English pilot. Fourth book, cp 20; 1171 ST. PETERSBURG. Road to Leipzig. 1818. Reichard... c8; 2810 1734? Seutter n583 1747-57. Homann. View n604 17%. Russia. Gesellschaft der kunste u. wissenschaften c 23; 686 1844. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 794 1853. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 811 1882. Johnston n905 1906. Koch n2783 ST. PHILIP, FORT. 1815. Latour c 8; 1345 ST. PHILLIPS CASTLE. 1732. Ersklne c28; 2804 1734. Ersklne c27;2804 ST. PIERRE, MARTINIQUE. 1827. Monnier c7; 2718 1885. Mager n2951 ST. PIERRE ISLAND, MEDITERRANEAN SEA. 1796? Olivier, mss c21;2807 ST. PIERRE ISLAND, NEWFOUNDLAND. 1763. Bellm n 590 1763. Fortin n 590 1792. Dumez & Chanlaire n2995 1841. Monin n2999 1841. Roche-Ponci6 n909 1851. Vuillemin n3002 1862. France. Ministbre de la marine et des colonies n 2950 1882. Vuillemin n 3007 1885. Mager n2951,2952 1898. Pelet n2954 ST. QUENTIN. 1760? Le Rouge c 7; 2975 ST. ROQUE BANKS. 1794. Laurie 4. Tallin. c 2; 638 zoon c5 1134 1766. Brion de la Tour n 640, 645 1540? anon. Renr... ..c6-7 1137 1776-S4. Anville... .. n647 1614 TERRA FIRMA Continued. 1778. Robert do Vaugondy n 649 1782. Dellsle & Buache n656 1785. Bonne n664 1785. Zatta n6SO, c v 4, no 45; 051 1786. Brion n658 1794. Dunn. Coast c41;684 1798. Cassinl n670, no 31; 670 TERRACDJA. 17th century. Gibelll, Brun- amontland Danesl. Repr n3056 See also Colombia. TERRENI, G. M., engraver. Maps. 1763 n 1167 TERUEL. 1868. Coello de Portugal y Que- sada n3137 TERVOORT, LEONAERT. Cornubia. 1576 c8; 2913 Somersetensem comit. 1575 c 6; 2913 Southampton. 1575 c 3; 2913 Warwlc. 1576 C 16; 2913 TESSAX, U. DE. Atlas hydrographique. 1845 n 205, 2729 Physique. 18^0-55 n2729 Valparaiso. 1882 n909 TESSET, KINGDOM. 1700. Seller, c v 2, no 23; 529 TETES. 1760? Le Rouge c 51 -52; 2975 TETI, CAPO. 1646-47. Dudley n457 TETOUAN, HARBOR. 1796? Olivier, mss. c93; 2807 TEWKSBUKY, MASS. 1907. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1845 TEXAS. 1833. Tanner n 788 1837. Foster c26;1285 1838. Bradford & Goodrich c 40; 783 1838. Goodrich n286 1838. Blake c 108-110; 1384 1838. U. S. War department c 123; 1377 1839. Austin C 19; 1382 1839. Mitchell n 300 1840. Graham-Pillans c!04;1384 1841. Arrowsmith c v 4, no 43a; 764 1841. Gray c 105; 1384 1841? Mudie n"80 1842. Greenleaf n784 1842? Lizars n 782 1843. Arrowsmith c63;789 1844. Gregg c33; 1228, c29; 1383 1844. Morse & Breese. .. . c 23; 1228, c 27; 1383 1844. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 794 1845 Mitchell n 797 1851. Martin n804 1851. Mitchell c22;1179 1852. Mitchell n807 1853. Smith n 323 1854. Lange c!2; 1230 1856. Black c!7; 1385 1856. Morse n817 1860. Mitchell 831,n846 1861. Colby nllSl 1861. Gaston c!4; 1351 1862. Johnson n 837 1863. Johnson n 840 1864. Johnson n 843 1865. Mitchell n301,847 TEXAS Continued. 1867. Bartholomew n849 1876. Brown n 949 1876. Mitchell nS80 1886. Page t!517,1579 THAMES RIVER, CONN. 1829. U. S. War department c 77; 1377 THAMES RIVER, ENGLAND. 1672. Seller. View n2915 1700? Lea n527 1700? Voogt n530 1757. Bellin n588, 5S9 1766. Rocque & Bellin c 2; 2878 1801. Heather c9; 2850 THAMES AND MED WAY, CONFLUENCE or THE. Mythical picture. 1672. Seller n 3077 THAMES RIVER, NEW ZEALAND. 1769-72. Hawkesworth c 41; 642 THANARON, & FLOTE, DE. Ter- nate,harbor. 1827-40 c22;3244 THAULL. 1690? Hacke. mss c 29; 3162 THAYER Co., NEB. 1900. Northwest pub- lishingco. Atlas 2126 THEBES, EGYPT. Lenormant c 31a THESAURUS GEOGRAPHICUS. 1722 n 566 THESSALY. Ancient. Hohr n 16 THTIS, VOYAGE OF THE. 1824-26. Bougain- ville t204, 3243 THEUNIS, JACOB. Maps. 1689-92 n2832 - 1692 n2834 THEVET, ANDRE. America. 1575. Repr. C23; 2719 THEY B AY, ENGANS ISLAND. 1771. Wahlfeldt. cv2,no233; 543 THIBET. See Tibet. THIERS, ADOLPHE. See Duvotenay. Atlas des campagnes de larevolutionfrancaise. 1880? t2965 THIONVILLE. 17GO? LeRouge c31;2975 THOMAS, D. Eaglelsland. 1771 cvl,no93;543 Praslin harbor. 1771 c v 1 , no 94; 543 Seychelles harbor. 1771 c v 1 , no 93; 543 THOMAS, GEORGE. Point Romania. 1786. Coast. c v I,no248a; 543 Tree Island to St. John's Island, Passage from. 1805 c v 1 , no 244a; 543 Sincapore Strait. 1805 c v 1 , no 249a; 543 THOMAS, GEORGE M. Die entdeckung Amerikas. 1859. Atlas n 1137 THOMAS VIADUCT. 1841. Chevalier. c!6,flgl; 1266 THOMPSON, EDWARD. Guiana. 1781. Repr c43;2721 1783. Repr c33;2764, c 43; 2776, c 30; 2779 THOMPSON, GEORGE ALEXANDER. Translation of Bexarano's Diccionario geographico-historico. 1786-89 n 1174 See also Arrovrsmith. Atlas to Thomp- son's Alcedo. 1816-17 tl!74 THOMPSON, GILBERT. Bibliography n 1281 THOMPSON'S STATION. 1861. Paris c29; 1352 1615 THOMSON, A. M. See Walling. Atlas of Wisconsin. 1876. t2633 THOON-TON'S HOUSE, CAMP. 1782. Rocham- beau. mss c 10; 1335 THORLAKSEN, GUDBRAND. Iceland. 1595. Repr c 9; 3091 THORNE, ROBERT. America. 1527. Repr cpt!4, no 2; 1136 World. 1527. Repr n257 THORNTON, JOHN. Antigua, corrected by Bryan. 1701. c 19; 1155 Atlas maritimus. 1703 n2833 Bahama islands. 1706 c22; 1155 Boston harbor. 1706 clO; 1155 Canada. 1706 cl; 1155 1737 c2; 1157 Caribbees. 1706 c 17; 1155 Carolina. 1767 c!7;1162 Chusan harbor. 1703 c v 3, no 23; 543 English pilot. 1689 n 1155 Galconda & Onixa. 1703 c v 3, no 17; 543 Guadalupe. 1706 c 20; 1155 Longlsland. 1706 c 10; 1155 Maculla Bay. 1703 c v 1, no 119; 543 Maps. 1690 n2833 Martinique. 1706 c20; 1155 Mozambique channel. 1703... cvl,no65;543 New England. 1706 c 10; 1155 New York. 1706 c 10; 1155 Newfoundland. 1706 c5; 1155 North America. 1706 C3-4; 1155 Port Royal, S. C. 1706 c 15; 1155 St. Brandon shoals. 1782 c v 1, no 90; 543 St. Christopher. 1706 c 20; 1155 South Carolina. 1706 c 16; 1155 West Indies. Commercial. 1706 c 2; 1155 c24; 1155 Windward passage. 1706 c 22; 1155 THORNTON, JOHN & FISHER, WILLIAM. Barbadoes. 1706 c 18; 1155 Bermuda. 1706 c!8;1155 Carolina. 1706 c 14; 1155 North America. 1706 c!3;1155 THORNTON, JOHN & GASCOYN, JOEL. New Holland. 1790 c v 2, no 174; 543 THORNTON, SAMUEL. Bahama islands. 1767 c21; 1162 Bombay island. 1748 n606 China. 1748 n 606 Ganges river. 1748 n 606 New Holland. 1748 n 606 Windward passage. 1767 c 21; 1162 THOUSAND ISLANDS. 1851. Kollner c52;12C7 THF.ACE. Ancient. Kiepert c 27 THREE BROTHERS. 1787. Dalrymple. c v 1, no 97; 543 THREE FORKS, MONT. 1896. U.S. Geological survey c fol 24; 1283 THREE ISLAND BAY. 1769-72. Hawkes- worth c5; 642 THREE RIVERS, CANADA. See Trois Revieres. THUILIER, Maps. 1688? See Wit... .. n 500 THUILIER, L. See Vuillemin & others. Nouvel atlas illustre\ 1890 t3008 THULIS. See France. Ministere de la marine et des colonies. Collection of charts. 1792- 1831 t2849 THUNET, E., & c?, publishers n 262 Mexico. 1842? n786 United States. 1842? n 786 THUNOT-DUVOTENAY, J. T. Algeria. 1842? n786 THURINGIA. 1570. Ortelius n374 1747. Zollmann n 623 1762? Lobeck n631 THURUS, BARTHOLOMAEUS. Arms. See Ptolemy. 1478 n 352 TIBER. 1880. Italy. Ministero di agricol- tura c5; 3070 TIBET. 1865. Mitchell n301 TIBETHE HARBOR. 1838-42. Wilkes c 45; 3246 TlBURON BAY. 1809. Spain cpt4,no8; 1223 1818. Spain cpt4,no8; 1224 1825. Spain cpt4, no8; 1226 TlCONDEROGA, FORT. 1758. Abercrombie. Repr. c v 4, no 7-8; 1191, c v 3, no 45; 1191 1759. Bream-Brasier. Repr. c v 3, no 46; 1191 1759. Rocque c 29; 1186 1777. Hunter. View. Repr. cv3, no 47-48; 1191 TlCONDEROGA, FORT, TO LAKE GEORGE. 1756. Hulbert. Repr c v 3, no 43; 1191 Ticoo ISLANDS. 1762. Watson., cv 2, no 219; 543 TIDDEMAN, MARK. New York. 1758 c 14; 1158 1760 Cl4; 1160 1767 clO; 1163 1775 c9; 1164 1780 C9; 1168 Virginia. 1737 c 16; 1157 1758 c!6; 1158 1760 c!6; 1160 1767 c 16; 1162, c 12; 1163 1775 c 11; 1164 1780 ell; 1168 1784 C 12; 1171 TIDES. 1700. Seller c v 2, no xii; 529 TIEN-PE-HIEN. 1760. Stainforth. cv2, no 13; 543 TIERRA-BAJA, TORTUGA ISLAND, ROAD. 1809. Spain cpt4, no 6; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 4, no 6; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 4, no 6; 1226 TlERRA FlRME. See Terra Firma. Colombia. TlGRE CHANNEL, CHIRIQUI LAGOON. 1856. France c v 1, no 20; 2711 TIGRIS. 1786. Anville c47;694 1779. Anville c 18; 571, c 22; 572, c31; 599 1616 TlLLEMON, S. See Du Tralage, Jean Nicolas, sicur de Tillemon. TILSBURV, MASS. 1907. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1844 TIMBEELAKZ, HENRY. Cherokee county. 1702 c64; 119C TIMOR, ISLAND. 1690? Hacke. mss c88;3162 1782. Dalrymple. Coast views. c v 2, no 120; 543 1786. Dalrymple c v 2, no 123; 543, c v 2, no 128; 543, c v 3, no 47; 543 1799. Dalrymple. Coast views. cv3,no49m; 543 1801. Hayward c v3, no49u; 543 1827-10. Dumont d'Urville c 42; 3244 TIMOSTHENES. Compass-card. 2d century. Repr c"8; 202 TINDALL, ROBERT. Chesapeake bay. 1608. Repr. cvl.no 27-28; 1191 James river. 1608. Repr. c v 1, no 27-28; 1191 Rappahannock river. 1608. Repr. cvl, no 27-28; 1191 York river. 1608. Repr. c v 1, no 27-28; 1191 TINQARO ISLAND. 1795. Bentley. c v 3, no ICd; 543 TINIAN BAY. 1767. Dalrymple. . c v 2, no 54; 543 TlNIAN ISLAND. 1758-82. Dalrymple. Spanish mss. c v2, no 60; 543 1765. Townshend c v 2, no 59; 543 TINTIC, UTAH. 1900. U. S. Geological sur- vey c65; 1283 TIOGA co., N. Y. 1869. Beers & others Atlas 2257 TIOGA co., PA. 1875 Walker & Jewett. Atlas 2497 TIOKEA ISLAND. 1827-40. Dumont d'Ur- ville ell; 3244 TraioN, ISAAC. Guiana and the Spanish West Indies. 1767. Repr c30;2721 Maps. 1740-50 n 594 TIROLIO, FRANCISCO, editor. See Keller. Geographia antiqua 1 24 TISHOMINGO, IND. T. 1903. U. S. Geological survey c 98; 1283 TITUS, C. O. Titus' atlas of Hamilton co., Ohio. 1869. Harrison & others 1 2381 , t2422 TLASCALA PROVINCE, MEXICO. 1758. L<5pez. C4; 1159 TOANOA HARBOE. 1838-42. Wilkes. . . . c 18; 3246 TOBAGO. 1690. Seller c32; 505 1700? Lea n527 1765. Jeflerys c 105; 1196 1775. Jeflerys c37;2699, c 55; 2702 1794. Jeflerys c 55; 2703 1810. Jeflerys c 18; 2705, C 30; 2708 1810. Tanner c 10; 2704 1818. Edwards c 11; 2706 TOBAGO Continued. 1818. Tanner c 10; 2709 1823. Lucas n742 1824. Lucas c 19; 2709 TOBAGO ROAD. 1760. English pilot. Fourth book. cp25; 1160 1767. English pilot. Fourth book, cp 27; 1102 1775. English pilot. Fourth book, c p 25; 1164 1780. English pilot. Fourth book, c p 25; 1168 1784. English pilot. Fourth book, c p 27; 1171 TOBAR, J. Road del Principe. 1786. c v2, no 48; 543 TOBARES. 1690? Hacke. mss c 90; 3162 TOCANTINS RIVER. 1740? Anville? c 26; 1138 TOCCOA. 1827. U. S. War department . c 4C; 1377 Toco BAY, TRINIDAD ISLAND 1856. France. c v2, no 3; 2711 TODD, , compiler. English atlas. 1680. n2831 TODD'S ORDINARY TO ANNAPOLIS, ROAD FROM. 1789. Colles c69;1326 TODESCHO, NlCOLO. See Ptolemy. 1478? n352 TOFANELLI, STEFO. Title-page of Casslni's Nuovo Atlante. 1788-1801. SeeCassini n670 TOFINO, VlNCENTE. Ferrol, Betanze & Covogne. 1792 n 2848 Maps. 1844-51 n 795 See France. Ministere de la marine et dts colonies. Collection of charts. 1792- 1831 t2849 Bellue. 1830. Atlas 1 189 TOKAY, HUNGARY. 1683. Rossi. View n497 TOKIO. 1695-1756? Otten n 522 Route from Farra to. 1695-1756? Ot- tens n 522 TOKOLABO BAY. 1827-40. Dumont d'Ur- ville c38; 3244 TOLAGA BAY, NEW ZEALAND. 1769-72. Hawkesworth c 41 ; 642 TOLARE ISLAND. 1796? Olivier, mss. . c 20; 2807 TOLEDO, OHIO. 1881. Hopkins. Atlas 2436 TOLEDO, SPAIN. 1652? Jansson. View * 1868. Coello de Portugal y Quesada n 3137 TOLLEAE BAY. 1803. Keulen. . . c v 1, no 59; 543 TOLLEY, WILLIAM. Poolo Bay. 1775. c v2, no 207; 543 TOLMAN, F. A. See Miller. Atlas of Fitchburg . . . Mass t!883 TOLOUE ISLANDS. 1791. Dalrymple. cv3,no34; 543 TOMASSOVITS, B. See Real estate map publishing co. Official atlas of the township of Jeffer- son and part of Norwood Park, Maine andNiles. 1908 1 1593 TOMPKINS co., N. Y. 1866. Stone & Stew- art. Atlas 2258 TOMS, WILLIAM HENEY, engraver. Maps. 1799 n25 See also Badeslade. Chorographia Bri- tannia. 1742... .. t2916 1617 TONGA ISLAND. 1827-40. Dumont d'Ur- ville c51,54; 3244 TONGAN ISLANDS. 1900. Brigham c 18; 3248 TONGATABOO HARBOR. 1838-42. Wilkes. C97; 3246 ToNG-Hou COVE. 1797. Palmer c v 3, no 40h 543 TONQUEEN BAR. 1719. Walsh c v 2, no 11; 543 TONQUIN. 1690? Hake mss c 63; 31C2 TONQUIN RIVER. 1791. Dalrymple c v 2, no 11 ; 543 TOOLYANBAY. 1761-64. Rennel. . c v 3, no 33; 543 TOONNEEL DESAERDRHCX. 1648-58. Blaeu. n 3186 TOPPING, MICHAEL. Coringa bay. 1789. c v 3, no 18; 543 TOPSFIELD, MASS. 1895. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1842 TOR HARBOR. 1777. Trotter c v 1, no 111; 543 1785. Dalrymple cvl.no 112; 543 1801. Bissell cvl, nollOa; 543 TORALTUM. 1739. Renard n 592 TORBAY. 1688. Prince of Orange at. Seller. View n505, C 19, 505 * 1775. Atlantic Neptune cvl, no 30; 1200 1776. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 30; 1199 1778. Bowen, Kitchin & others. View, n 2920 1779. Atlantic Neptune cvl, no 33; 1205 1781. Atlantic Neptune c v 1, no 44; 1198 TORIN, ROBERT. Africa. 1785. South coast c v 1, no 29; 543 Banka strait. 1797 c v 3, no 40 e, f-g; 543 Gout's, Track of the. 1802 c v 2, no 96; 543 Krakatoa & Po. Slebeze, passage. c v 2, no 204; 543 Lusipara & Sumatra. 1797. . c v 3, no 49d; 543 Pigot's track. 1794 c v 2, no 227; 543 Straits of Sapy. 1797 c v 2, no 118a; 543 TORINO. See Turin. TORMENT, CAPE, TO ORLEANS ISLAND. 1768. Jefferys c 15-16; 1196 TORMENT, CAPE, TO THE BUTT. 1768. Jefferys. View c 15-16; 1196 TORNEO RIVER, FORK. 1805-34. TTiiTTI- boldt c v 2, no 13; 2726 TORNERO, CARLOS. See Bolofia. Nuevo mapa de Chile. 1904 t275Sa TORON HARBOR. 1796? Olivier, mss.. c 47; 2807 TORONTO, CANADA. Castle Frank. 1791-94? Simcoe. View. cv4 no41; 1191 Garrison. 1791-94? Simcoe. View. Repr cv4,no37; 1191 1851. Kollner c 54; 1267 1875. Walling n 1238 TORONTO, HARBOR. 1791-94?. Simcoe Repr c v 4, no 37; 1191 TORONTO MAIL AND EMPIRE ATLAS OF CAN- ADA. Rand, McNally & co 1 1247 TORRE VIEJA. 1792-1831. France. Minis- tire de la marine et des colonies c 214; 2849 TORRENTS HARBOR. 1827-40. Dumont d'UrvUle C 38; 3244 TORRES TO Po PINANG. 1804. Inverarity. c vl, no 233; 543 TORRES STRAIT. 1793. Dalrymple c v 3, no 40b; 543 1826-27. Krusenstern. Memoir. Text.c 1; 3242 1827-40. Dumont d'UrviUe c 41 ; 3244 1835. Krusenstern c2;3242 TORTOLA, PUERTO PRINCIPAL. 1809. Spain c pt 1, no 6; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 1, no 6; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 1, no 6; 1226 TORTUGA ISLAND, GULF OF CALIFORNIA. 16%. La Guilbaudiere c6;1154 TORTUGAS. 1858. Blunt c v 1, no 94; 2711 TORY CANAL. 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville. c38;3244 TOSA HARBOR. 1792-1831. France. Minis- tere de la marine et des colonies c 222; 2849 TOSCANNELLI, PAOLO. Toscannelli's karte. 1474. Repr cpt6,nol; 1136 TOSINUS, EVANGELISTA. Epistle by n 356; 357 TOTOIA ISLAND . 1838-42. Wilkes c 41 ; 3246 TOUBOUIA ARCHIPELAGO. 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 55; 3244 TOUL. 1760? LeRouge c35;2975 TOULON. Attack. 1707. Pelet c v 7, no 7 ; 3128 1713. Gueudeville n 558 1752. Bowen c8;614 1760? LeRouge c 58; 2975 1801. Bougard n2852 1844. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 794 1853. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 811 TOULON, PORT AND BAY. 1733. Erskine c22;2884 1796? Olivier, mss c 5; 2807 TOULOUSE, BATTLE. 1814. Wyld c 36; 2893 TOURAINE. 1733. Delisle n 581 1777. Zatta cvl,no28;651 TOURANE BAY, Indo-China. 1830-32. La- place c 6; 3174 TOURNAY. 1709. Pelet. Siege c v 8-9, no 5; 3128 1692-96. Jaillot n 514 TOURNEFORT, See Senex. New general atlas. 1721 t 563 TOURS. 1733. Delisle n581 Tou-Tou-lLA ISLAND. 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c 13; 3244 TOVA REEF. 1838-42. Wilkes c 103; 3246 TOWER ISLAND. 1761. Dalrymple. Coast views c v2, no 125; 543 TOWNSEND, CAPE. 1770. Cook. Repr. c 4-5; 3254 TOWNSHEND, CHARLES HERVEY. See Pine. Spanish armada, 1588 t 2892 TOWNSHEND, JOHN. Islands Tinian & Say- pan. 1765 c v 2, no 59; 543 TOYABE MOUNTAINS. 1870-80. Emmons & Wilson c 13; 1279 TRACY, LAKE. 1680. Pinart. Repr. . . c 17; 1307 TRAITORS ISLAND. 1769-72. Hawkesworth. ell; 642 1618 TRAMEZTNI, MICHELE. Brabantiae . . . descriptlo. 1558. Repr. cv5-6,no!8; 260 Flandriae . . . descriptio. 1555. Repr. c v 6-6, no 19; 200 Frisise . . . descriptio. 1558. Repr. C v 5-6, no 16; 200 Gebrise . . . descriptio. 1558. Repr. c v 5-6, no 17; 2CO Ilollandlse . . . descriptio. 1553. Repr. c v 5-6, no 15; 200 Septemtrionalivm regionvm . . . de- scriptio. 1558. Repr c v 5-6, no 20; 200 TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILWAYS. Williams, n 2090 TRANSYLVANIA. 156C. Castaldi. Repr c v 5-C, no 24; 2CO 15CC. Pannonlus n374 1C83. Nicolson c 3; 2831 1092-96. Rossi n515 1752. Bowen c28;C14 1789. Dunn c!3;G59 1794. Dunn c 13; C84 TRAPANI, SICILY. 1706? Wit n549 1796? Olivier, mss c 109; 2807 Vicinity. 1826. Trance. Ministtre de la marine et des colonies c 206; 2849 TRASTOUR, P. E. Boca-Barra river. 1850 c 8; 2690 Laventosa, port. 1851 c7;2090 Salina Cruz, port. 1851 c7;2690 Tehuantepec, isthmus. 1850 c 8; 2090 TRAUN, AUSTRIAN. 1896. Muller c 1 ; 2859 TREE ISLAND, PASSAGE FROM, TO ST. JOHN'S ISLAND. 1805. Thomas c v 1, no 244a; 543 TREINTA Y TRES, DEPARTMENT, URUGUAY. 1891. Sureda c20;2773 TRENTO. Library. Mappemonde. 1448. Leardus. Repr c49;262 TRENTON. Battle. 1776. Guizot c 13; 1338 Bridge. 1841. Chevalier c 16, fig. 7; 1266, C 16, fig. 9; 12C6 Camp. 1781. Rochambeau. mss.. c 29; 1335 1776. Carrington cp, 25; 1330 1776. Wilkinson c 2-5; 1344 1777. Carrington cp23;1336 1890. Scarlett. Atlas 2198 1905. Lathrop. Atlas 2199 1909. U. S. Geological Survey. Atlas . t * TRENTON TO NEW YORK, ROAD FROM. 1789. Colles c 44; 1326 TREO HARBOR, PARIS ISLAND. 1796? Oli- vier, mss c 52; 2807 TREPASSEY, NEWFOUNDLAND. 1715. Gaudy c2;1162 1737. Gaudy c8;1157 1758. Gaudy c8;1158 1760. Gaudy c8;1100 1767. Gaudy c8;1163 1770. North American pilot. c vl, no 3, no 5; 1209 1794. North American pilot c 3; 1236 1806. Cook c8; 1236 TREVES. 1739. DuSauzet cll;592a, Oil; 2779a 1793. Zatta cv3,noll;C51 TRIANGLES, GULF OF MEXICO. 1856. France. cv2,no54; 2711 TRIBULATION, CAPE. 1770. Cook. Repr. c5-6; 3254 TRIERE, PHILIPPE. Title page to Laperouse's Atlas. 1797 n688 TRIESTE. 1882. Johnston n 905 TRIESTE ISLAND. 1802. Hunter, c v 2, no 221; 543 TRINIDAD. Ancient. Vincendon-Dumoulin n 807a 1675. Roggeveen c6;2694 1758. Lopez c21; 1159 1781. Dalrymple c v 1, no 21; 543 1797. Jefferys c 19; 2705 1797. Norie c 42; 1080 1797. Whittle & Laurie n 720 1800. Kitchin & others n699, 709 1800. Laurie & Whittle n716 1802. Heather c43; 1080 1804. Bellin n590 1809. Jefferys c31; 2*08 1823. Lucas n 742 1824. Lucas c 20; 2709 1826-30. Berard n 199, cl; 2727 1830. Schlieben c25; 1178 1852. Vincendon-Dumoulin n 807a 1880. Robiquet n909 1897. Lucas n2900 TRINIDAD BAY, CAL. 1844. Duflot de Mofras c 15; 1457 1851. U. S. Coast and geodetic survey. C55; 1269 TRINITE, LA. See Trinidad. TRINITE HARBOR, MARTINIQUE. 1827. Mon- nier c8; 2718 TRINITY HARBOR, NEWFOUNDLAND. 1706. Thornton c 4; 1155 1770. North American pilot., c v 1, no 4; 1209 1794. North American pilot c 4; 1236 1801. Owen c 5; 1236 TRINQUEMALAY BAY. 1830. Le Boucher, c 7; 1340 TRIPOLI. 1675. Seller n 487 1700. Seller c v 2, no 21; 529 1799. Cassini. Coast c v 3, no 14; 670 TRIPOLI HARBOR. 1796? Olivier, mss. c 61 ; 2807, c 67; 2807 TRISTAN DA CUNHA ISLANDS. 1767. Donat. c v 1, no 22; 543 TRITON BAY. 1827-40. Montravel c 24; 3244 TRIUNFO DE LA CRUZ, HONDURAS COVE. 1809. Spain cpt 1, no 30; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 2, no 30; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 2, no 30; 1226 TROBRIAND, Bay Denis. 1784. cvl.no 117; 543 TROIS PASSES, PORT, MAGELLAN STRAIT. 1837. Montravel c 6; 3244 TROIS RIVIERES, QUEBEC. Atlas 1255 1619 TROIS RIVIERES, QUEBEC Continued. Church register. 1634. Suite. Repr... c 1255 Election d'un syndic. 1648. Suite. Repr c 1255 Historical. 1881. Suite 1 1255 Signatures des habitants. 1648-90. Repr C1255 Survey of seignories. 1685-1709. Repr. Suite C1255 1685. Suite. Repr c 1255 1700. Suite. Repr c 1255 1704. Suite. Repr c 1255 1721. Suite. View. Repr c 1255 TROMBETTA RIVER. 1884. Condrean. Repr. c84; 2721 TROMPETTE CASTLE. 1760? LeRouge. . . c 74; 2975 TROPE, HENRI. Guiana and the adjacent territory. 1903. cl; 2721 Territory in dispute between Brazil and British Guiana. 1903 c 2-3; 2721 TROTTER, GEORGE. Dareedy harbor. 1776 cv3,no9b;543 Negapatam road. 1782 c v 1, no 190; 543 Suez. 1777 cvl, nollO; 543 Tor harbor. 1777 c v 1, no 111; 543 TROU DE COXEN, RUATAN ISLAND. 1856. France c v 2, no 37; 2711 TEOY, N. Y. Courthouse. 1850. Kollner c 42; 1267 1850. Kollner. View c 41; 1267 1862. Johnson n 837 1869. Barton. Atlas 2330 1881. Hopkins. Atlas 2331 TRO YES, FRANCE. 1646. Avity p 120; 58 TRUCKEE, CAL. 1897. U. S. Geological sur- vey c39; 1283 TRUDRUFFRIN CAMP. 1777, pub. 1778. Faden. c5; 1337 TRUJILLO CITY, PERU. 1865. Paz Soldan. c!2; 2769 TRUJILLO PROVINCE, VENEZUELA. 1840. Co- dazzi c!4; 2775 TRURO, MASS. 1833-35. Graham c99;1384 1880. Roe brothers n 1239 1907. Mass. Harbor and land commis- sion t!844 TRUSCHET, OLIVIER & HOYAN, GERMAIN. Paris. 1552. Repr c 10; 3011 TRUXILLO PROVINCE, PERU. 1830. Schlie- ben c 18; 1178 TRUXILLO BAY, HONDURAS. 1766. Jefferys c 40; 2708 1788. Jefferys c 30; 2702 1794. Jefferys c 30; 2703 1856. France c v 2, no 37; 2711 TRYALL ROCKS. 1763. Dalrymple c v 2, no 175; 543 1782. Dalrymple c v 2, no 173; 543 TSCHINIATSKOY BAY. 1835. Krusenstem. c!7; 3242 TSCHUDUS, AEGIDUS. Helvetiae descriptio. 1570... .... n374 TSIOMPA, COCHIN CHINA. 1745. Apresde Mannevillette. Coast n3163 Tsis ISLAND. 1827-40. Gervaize & Boyer. TUBOU HARBOR. 1838-42. Wilkes c 106; 3246 TUCKER'S FORT, PA. 1896 c v 1, no 100; 2439 TUCKERS ISLAND, N. J. 1829. U. S. War department c 34; 1377 TUCUMAN, ARGENTINE. 1636. Mei-cator n 449 1639. Jansson n 452 1648-58. Blaeu n 460 1651. Mercator n 461 1666. Jansson n 475 1670. DuVal n 481 1692. Mueller n 512 1747. Bowen n 603 1752. Bowen c51;614 1758. Gibson n621 1758. L(5pez c31; 1159 1792. Gibson n 676 1866. Moussy c75;2731 TUNIS. Archeological atlas. 1892-1907. France. Minister e de I' instruction publique 3240 1700. Seller c v 2, no 21; 529 1789. Lopez y Vargas c 35; 694 1799. Cassini. Coast c v 3, no 14; 670 TUNIS, CITY. 1646? Avity c 83; 58 1652? Jansson. View * 1796? Olivier, mss c68;2807 1900. Malleterre & Legendre c 5; 2953 TUNQUIN, GULF. 1745. Apres de Mannevil- lette n3163 TUPINTERBAY. 1830-32. Laplace c 10; 3174 TURATTE BAY. 1761. Dalrymple. cv 2, no 136; 543 TURGOT, MICHEL ETIENNE. Paris. 1734-39. Repr c27; 3011 TURLINO HARBOR. 1809. Spain cpt2, no 12; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 2, no 12; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 2, no 12; 1226 TURIN. Battle. 1707. Pelet c v 6, no C; 3128 Library. Mappemonde. 10th century. Repr c 9 ; 262 1523-25. Repr c 6; 1139 University library. Globus des Fran- ciscus Bassus Mediolanensis. 1570. c pt 29; 1136 1646? Avity c 54; 58 1706? Wit n549 1713. Le Masson du Pare n2781 1792. Zatta c v 3, no 36; 651 1844. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 794 1853. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 811 TURKEY. Atlases. General. 1843-76 3158-3159 Historical. 1453-1680 c 17; 97 1680-1789 c 18; 97 1835-43. Hammer-Purgstall n 3158 1620 TURKEY Continued. Lighthouses. 1844. Coulier c!7;95 Ports. 1570-73. Camocio n2815 Wars. 1570-73. Camocio n2815 1737. Ottens n616 1356-1897. Miller C82; 2794 1478. Berlinghieri. Repr c 5-6, no 8; 260 1570. Ortelius n374 1646? Avity c78; 58 1700. Seller c v 1, no 54-56; 529, c v 2, no 7; 529 1708-25. Senex c 26-27; 550 1714. Chatelain c4; 548 1722-74. Delisle C 24; 565 1736-37. Homann n623 1741. Harenberg n623 1752. Bowen c29; 614 1771. Homann n623 1786. Dunn c21; 659 1788. Cassini cvl.no 50-55; 670 1788. Dunn C 20; 659 1792. Elwe n674,675 1794. Dunn C20-21;684 1796. AnviUe, Schmidt & Santini. . . c 22; 686 1796. Carey c 14; 683 1799. Zatta c v 2, no 46; 651 1800. Gary c39; 714 1800. Zatta n695 1829-30. Schlieben n2853 1834. Arrowsmith cv2,no!9; 764 1835. Atlas aii mejmua khartat al-arz. ell; 768 1842. Arrowsmith c 19; 789 1860. Bartholomew c 27; 829 1878. Mitchell n888 1879. Mitchell n890 1884. Mitchell n920 1897. Vivien de Saint-Martin & Schra- der c39; 916 TURKEY m ASIA. 1719. Chatelain c5;548 1752. Bowen c32;614 1784. Zatta cv4,no2; 651 1788. Dunn c23; 659 1794. Dunn c23; 684 1797. Cassini c v3, no 1; 670 1808. Cary c 41; 714 1834. Arrowsmith c v 3, no 28; 764 1842. Arrowsmith c28; 789 1860. Bartholomew c30; 829 TURKS ISLANDS. 1753. Jefferys c 60; 2703 1770. Jefferys c38;2699 1775. Jefferys c60;2702 1810. Jefferys c 22; 2705, c 6; 2708 1858. France c v 1, no 65; 2711 TURNBULL, WILLIAM. Potomac river. 1832. c3; 1384 TURNER, CHARLES. Rhandaterra. 1770. cvl,no!68; 543 TURNER co., S. DAK. 1893. Peterson. Atlas 2583 1901. Peterson. Atlas 2584 TURON HARBOR. 1764. Gore & Bromfield. cv2,nolO; 543 TURTLE BAY. 1780. Dalrymple c v 2, no 194; 543 1782. Dalrymple c v 2, no 195; 543 TURTLE ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes c 94; 3246 TUSCANY. 1570. Bellannatus n374 1646. Avity c 45; 58 1704. Blaeu c 1; 3053 1781. Zatta c v3, no 40; 651 1794. Bonne n680 1801. Cassini c v 1, no 36-37; 670 TUSCARAWAS CO., Omo. 1908. Rhodes. Atlas 2418 TUTACARIN. 1782. Dalrymple c v 1, no 179; 543 1795. Snook. Coast views. c v 3, no 16h; 543 1796. Wedgbrough c v 3, no 16i; 543 TUTTLE, STEPHEN. Reconnoissance of the Mississippi & Ohio rivers. 1821 n 1325 TUTUILA ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes c 22; 3246 TUTUKAKA HARBOR. 1827-40. Dumont d'Urville c38; 3244 TVER. 1853. Russia. Atlas 3126 TWENTIETH CENTURY PEERLESS ATLAS. 1889. Turner n955 1899. Miller n 1038 1890. Turner n%2 TWENTY MILE CREEK, PA. 1791-94? Simcoe. View. Repr. cv4,no42; 1191 1830. Forster& Maurice c85; 1384 TWIN POINT. 1804. Dalrymple.. cv2, no 17; 543 TWINING, WILLIAM J. See United States. Department of state. Joint maps of the northern boundary of the United States. 1878 1 1264 TYBEE BAR TO HUNTING ISLAND, MAY RIVER. 1838. Wilkes. Coast c%; 1384 TYNE RIVER. 1700? Lea n527 TYNGSBOROUGH, MASS. 1907. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1845 TYPA. 1759. Baker cv2,no!8;543 TYRE, SYRIA. Ancient. Lenormant c31a Ruins. Olivier, mss c63;2807 TYROL. Lakes. 1896. Richter c 2; 2859 1790. Wenzely-Anichs-Huebers c 15; 694 1808. Carey c31; 714 1819. Cary n736 TYSON, Capt. Po. Plsang. 1763. c v 2, no 206; 543 TZU-SA-TED COVE. 1838-42. Wilkes ... c 85; 3246 u. UAFATO HARBOR. 1838-42. Wilkes e 29; 3246 UBRAYE HARBOR. 1827-40. Dumont d'Ur- ville c38; 3244 UCAYALI RIVER. Missions, etc. 1819. Carvallo. Repr. cv2,no40; 2767 1790. Sobreviela. Repr c v 2, no 48; 2767 1836. Chaumette-des-Fosses. Repr. cv2,no48; 2767 UCKERT, See Moller. Orbls terrarum antiquus. 1851 t37 UDA BAY. 1852. Teblenkov c 37; 1229 UE A ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes c 94; 3246 1621 UBELIN, GEOKQ. Dedication by n 359 See also Ptolemaeus. Geographia, 1513. . n 359 1520 n360 UFFENBACH, PETER. Dedication by n 425 See also Mercator, 1609 n 444 1633. UINTA MOUNTAINS. Geological atlas. 1876. U. S. Geological and geographical survey of the territories. 1876 n 2590 ULM, BATTLE OF. 1805. France. Depdt general de la guerre c 4; 2966 1841. Radefeld & Renner n 781 ULRICH BLOCK HOUSE, PA. 1896. c v 1, no 59; 2439 ULRICH, FORT, PA. 1896 c v 1, no 59; 2439 ULSTER co., N. Y. 1875. Beers. Atlas 2259 UMAGO HARBOR. 1806. France. Ministere de la marine et des colonies c 271; 2849 UMATAC BAY, GUAM. 1796. Dalrymple. c v 2, no 58; 543 UMBRIA. 1783. Zatta c v 3, no 23; 651 1791. Cassini c v 1, no 34; 670 UNARE, COVE, VENEZUELA. 1809. Spain cpt2,nol; 1223 1818. Spain c pt 2, no 1; 1224 1825. Spain pt.2,nol; 1226 UNDEROOT ISLAND. 1790. McCluer c v 1, no 175; 543 1795. Dalrymple c v 3, no 91; 543 UNDERWOOD, J. A. See Caldwell. Atlas of Harrison county, Ohio. 1875 t2383 Newton. Caldwell's illustrated his- torical, combination atlas of Clearfield county, Perm. 1878 1 2470 UNDERWOOD, PORT. 1827-40. Dumont d'Ur- ville c38; 3244 UNION, BAIE DE L'. 1874. Robiquet n 909 UNION co., ILL. 1881. Lake. Atlas 1572 UNION co., IND. 1884. Beers. Atlas 1630 UNION co., IA. 1894. Northwest publish- ing co. Atlas 1700 UNION co., KY. 1880. Lake. Atlas 1767 UNION co., N. J. 1891. Bien & Venneule. 1 2150, 2210 UNION ISLANDS. 1900. Brigham c 17; 3248 UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO 1 1584 UNION, TRACK OF THE. 1771. Lindsay. c v 2, no 100; 543 UNITED BRETHERN, CHURCH OF. Statistics. 1853 1 180 UNITED STATES. Coast and geodetic survey. Alaska. 1869 c29c; 1200 c 27; 1261 1888 c3G; 1261 1903. Southeastern c 25; 1259 America, northwestern. 1867 c 24; 1250 Newark bay. 1839 c 9S; 1384 Philippine islands. 1900. Manila n 3224 Portland inlet, Alaska. 1888 c 35, 30; 1261 Stakeen river. 1809 c 27; 1201 Seea/soBien. Atlas of New York. 1895. t 2211 UNITED STATES Continued. Atlas of Pennsylvania. 1900 1 2456 1901 1 2457 Geographical and geological survey of the Rocky mountain region. Topographical and geological atlas of the Black Hills ofDakota. 1879 n 2338 Topographical and geological atlas of the district of the high plateaus of Utah. 1879 n 2591 Geological and geographical survey of the territories. Atlas accompanying the re- port on the geology of a portion of the Uinta mountains. 1876 n 2590 Geological survey. See Bien. Atlas of the state of New York. 1895 t 2211 Atlas of Pennsylvania. 1900.. t2456 1901 t2457 Lake survey. See Bien. Atlas of New York. 1895 t2211 Atlas of Pennsylvania. 1900. . t 2456 1901 t 2457 Atlases. General. 1794-1908 1361-1448 Agricultural. 1890. Atlas 1257 Back settlements. 1794. Morse c 17; 1361 Bankers. Atlas 1258 Botanical. Gray n 949 Porter n 1394, 1398, 1412 Brokers atlas 1258 Boundaries. Atlases 1259-1264 1782. Poole n 2794 1783. Poole n2794 1842. Poole n2794 Canada. 1828. Ghent treaty com- missioners el; 1384 Mexico. 1889. International boun- dary commission c A, B, 12-24; 1262 Northern. 1878. Campbell n 1264 1838. Blake c 108-110; 1384 Texas. 1838. U. S. War depart- ment c!23; 1377 Texas. 1840. Graham-Pillans. c 104; 1384 Texas. 1841. Gray c 105; 1384 Canals. Atlases 1265-1266 1835. Bradford n 770 Census. 1790-1890. Dodd, Mead & Co 1 971 1801. Carey 1 1368 1810. Carey 1 1370 1860 and 1870. Mitchell. 1 870, 880, 888, 890, 892, 895, 1183 1860, 1870 and 1880. Mitchell 1 906 1870. Lloyd t864 1880. Mitchell t920 1890. Mitchell t983 1900. Fort Dearborn publishingco.. 1 1077 Cerographic atlas. 1842. Morse 1 1383 Chronological atlas. 1825. Buchon. c 10-11; 1176 Cities. Kollner Atlas 1267 1835. Bradford n 770 1842-43. Tanner 1 788 1849. Mitchell 1 797 1850. Mitchell t800 1851. Mitchell 1 805 1852. Mitchell... .. t807 1622 UNITED STATES Continued. Cities. 1853. Mitchell '... t809 1854. Mitchell t813 1857. Mitchell t823 1867. Fay n232; 222 1873. Gray n 1390 1875. Gray n 1391 1876. Gray n!393 1882. Gray n 1412 1889. Brown n 1428 1392. Crane n 238 1898. Matthews-Northrup co 1 1024 Civil war 1348-1356 Bechler n 1348, 2606 Bragg's campaigns. Foster c 37; 1285 Buell's campaigns. Foster c 37; 1285 Chronological history. Fisher t843 Dubail c!4; 2818 Grant's campaigns. Foster c 36; 1285 Hardesty 1 1288, 2351 Hood's retreat. Foster c 38; 1285 Johnson n 840, 843 Labberton n 118 Lee's campaigns. Foster c 39; 1285 Paris cl; 1352 Peninsula campaign. 1864. Bech- ler c 5-8; 1348 Sherman's march to the sea. Foster. c38; 1285 Climatological. Blodget n 1394, 1398, 1412 Coal. Atlas 1268 Coast. Atlas 1269 Commercial. Atlas 1270-1276 Compromise of 1850. Foster c 32; 1285 Constitution c 12-13; 1176 Consular ofiBccs 1 175, 1277 Cost of living. 1789-1888. Hewes c 1298 Declaration of independence. 1776. Bu- chon c!2; 1176 Guizot. 1776 c 22; 1338 Defences of frontier. 1837. Gratiot- Abert-Hood c 32; 1384 1837. Poinsett-Abert-Hood c 33; 1384 Southern states. Foster c 10; 1285 Diplomatic. Atlas 1277 Drainage. Foster c21;1285 Duty. 1789-1888. Hewes c 1298 Foreign population. 1789-1888. Hewes. c 1298 Forestry. Atlas 1278 Forts, etc. 1864. Johnson n843 Geological. Atlas 1279-1283 Asher & Adams n 1272 Hitchcock. 75,949, 1394, 1398, 1412 Johnston n 229 1876. U. S. Engineer department. c 12; 1280 Harbors. 18G2. Royal illustrated atlas.. n838 Hieroglyphic. Atlas 1284 Historical. Atlas 1285-1296 Buchon c 9; ll~i Foster c 20; 1285 Gray n 949, 1394, 1398, 1412 Hewes C1298 LasCases n!28 UNITED STATES Continued. Importations. 1789-1888. Hewes c 1298 Indian lands. 183C. Jones c 20-21 ; 1384 Lakes. Atlas 1297 Land surveys n 2075 1876. 1896. 1897. Jones & Hamilton tl!5 Ogle & co 11636, Ogle& co t!996 Ogle & co 1 1740, 2026, 20C7 1899. Ogle&co t20S5,20S8 1900. Ogle&co 1 1993, 2019, 2116 1901-02. Ogle&co t2640 1902. Ogle&co 1 1654, 1669, 1742 1903. Ogle & co 1 1543, 1724 1904. Ogle & co ... t 2111, 2113, 2108, 1734 1905. Alden publishing co t2110 1907. Irva publishing co t!681 Manufactures. 1789-1888. Hewes c 1298 Middle states. Development. Foster, c 9; 1285 Military map. 1862. Johnson n837 1902 n!76 1902. Lavallee n 2973a Mining districts. 1876. U. S. Engineer department cl; 1279 Missions, Protestant. 1903. Beach n 178 Moravian church. 1853. Fulneck acad- emy n 180 Outline. 1829? Worcester n210 Physical. 1891. Hart c 1; 1188, cl; 1289 Political. Atlas 1298-1299 Political parties. Foster c22; 1285 1789-1888. Hewes c 1298 Post-offices. 1872. Lloyd t8G4 1873. Mitchell t870 1874. Mitchell 1 1183 1876. Mitchell t880 1877. Gray t!398 1878. Mitchell t888 1879. Mitchell tS90 1880. Mitchell t 892 1881. Mitchell t895 1882. Mitchell t 906 1884. Mitchell t 920 1889. Cram t 950 Post routes, First map of. 1729. Moll... n 574 See also Burr's maps. 1839. Presidential elections. 1789-1888. Hewes c 1298 Railroads. Atlas 1300-1306 1835. Bradford n 770 1841. Chevalier c 3, fig 1-2; 1266 1869. Harrison & others t 2381, 2422 1870-71. Ashcr, Adams & Iliggins. t!598 1874. Lake, Sanf ord & Gould 1 1624 1875. Paul 1 1633, 2355, 2388, 2420 1875. Watson 1 1392 1876. Lake & Grifflng . . t 235G, 2386, 2419 1879. Hayes 1 1970, 1987 1880. Hayes 1 1992 1880. Mitchell n892 1881. Hayes 1 1969 1893. Mitchell n983 1897. Ogle & Cot 1 1996 Reproductions. Atlas 1307 1623 UNITED STATES Continued. Revenue. 1789-1888. Hewes c 1298 Revolutionary war. Atlases 1335-1344 Campaigns c 14-17; 1285 Johnston n 114 Sayer & Bennett 1 1206 Le Rouge c 4a; 1212 Medcalfe c 35; 1337 Sauthier & Ratzer c 15; 1212 Bellin t 348 Rivers. Atlases 1308-1325 Fay n 222, 282 Roads. Atlas 1325a-1328 Seals n!426 Slavery. 1775-1865. Hart c 8; 1188, c8; 1289 Southern grants. Foster c 10; 1285 State maps. Early n 1373 Statistical. Atlas 1329-1334 1825. Buchon c 7; 1176 Swiss in the. 1890. Switzerland. Sta- tistisches bureau n 3148 Tariff. 1789-1888. Hewes c 1298 Territorial controversies. 1840-50. Hart ell; 1289 Territorial growth. 1775-1866. Hart. c7; 1289 Wages. 1789-1888. Hewes c 1298 Warofl812 1344-1347, t2351 Hardesty 1 1288 Tanner cl,5; 1346, c 1, 5; 1347 Campaigns. Foster c 24; 1285 Naval encounter. 1814. Latour c4; 1345 Wars. Atlases, i. e. Revolutionary. "War of 1812. Civil. Spanish- American. 1335-1358 Weather. Atlases 1359-1360 Wool product. 1789-1888. Hewes c 1298 Zoological. Cope n 1394, n 1398, n 1412 Gray n949 1740-1817. C<5vens & Mortier n595 177-. Carrington. Atlantic coast., c p 7; 1336 1775-1815. Rothert n 142 1778. Zatta n 650 1779-81. Carrington. Southern states. cp73; 1336 1780. Bonne n 652 1781. Bonne n288 1783. Anderson c 3; 1366 1783. Delisle & Buache n 655, 759 1783. Egerton c 88; 2794 1783. Foster c 18; 1285 1783. Gardiner n!07,2881 1783. Hart c 6; 1188, c6; 1289 1783. Jefferys c 5-6; 1169 1783. Quin n 141 1783. Russell c 4; 1363 1783-1866. Hart. Territories c 7; 1188 1784. Bowen n665 1784. Giissefeld n624 1785. Bachiene n657 1785. Delamarche n678 1786. Dunn c 40; 659 35799 VOL 2 09 27 UNITED STATES Continued. 1787-88. Bonne & Desmarest n 666 1787-91. Atlas moderne n664 1789-96. Kitchin & others. Middle states n 685 1789-96. Kitchin & others. Southern states n 685 1790. Clark. Coast * 1791. Zatta c v 4, no 27, 28; 651 1792. Gibson n676 1792. Lopez n677 1792. Morse c 5; 1361 1793. St. Petersburg. School of mines., n 679 1794. Bonne n680 1794. Dunn c 40; 684 1794. Kitchin & others. Middle states. n682, n699, n 709 1794. Kitchin & others. Southern states n 682, n 699, n 709, n, 716 1794. Laurie & Whittle. Middle states. n716 1794. Morse. Western territory c 17; 1361 1794. Whittle & Laurie n 720 1794. AVhittle & Laurie. Middle states, n 720 1794. Whittle & Laurie n 720 1794. Wilkinson n696 1794-98. Palairet & others n 681 1795. Lewis c 23; 683 1795. Russell. Middle states c6; 1363 1795. Russell. Southern states c 7; 1363 1796. Carey c 1; 1364 1796. Carey. Northwest territory .. c 12; 1364 1796. Carey. Southwestern territory. c!7; 1364 1796. Lewis c 24; 1173, c24; 1369 1796. Reilly c 6; 686 1797. Cassinl cv3,no24-29; n670 1797. Walker n689 1798. Cassini cv3,no23; n670 1798. Faden n960 1799. Cruttwell n692 1800. Atlante geografico n669 1800-03. Wilkinson n701 1801. Carey c 1; 1367 1801. Carey. Northwest territory., c 12; 1367 1801. Carey. Southwestern territory. c 17; 1367 1801. Hart c 9; 1188, c9; 1289 1802. Guthrie n698 1803. Mentelle & Malte-Brun n 705 1804. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 702 1804. Patteson n707 1805. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 708 1805. Carey c 1; 1368 1805. Carey. Northwest territory., c 12; 1368 1805. Carey. Southwestern territory. c!7; 1368 1806. Boiste n710 1806. Mentelle & Chanlaire n712 1807? Mentelle & Chanlaire n712 1808. Gary c54; 714 1808. Cary. Western territory c 56; 714 1808. Cruttwell n715 1808. Smith... .. n729 1624 UNITED STATES Continued. 1809. Lewis c2; 1173, c 2; 1369 1809. Pinkerton. Southern states 1810. Pinkerton n 724 1811. Lattr6 n 741 1812. Arrowsmith & Lewis n718 1812-14. Darton n719 1813. Tanner. Coast c6;1346, c6; 1347 1814. Carey n722, c 1; 1370, n!372 1814. Carey. Upper territories n722, c 12a; 1370, n!370 1815-16. LufFman. Coast from Sandy- Hook to Virginia capes n 725 1816. Arrowsmith c2; 1174 1816. Delamasche n727 1816. Melish c 15-16; 1375 1816. Melish. Southern states c 15; 1375 1816? Lucas. Atlas * 1817. Arrowsmith n730 1817. Cummlngs n274 1817. Thomson n731 1817. Public survey. Coast c 152; 1384 1818. Borghl n735 1818. Carey n732, 1373 1818. Pinkerton n333 1819. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 734 1819. Cary n736 1820. Cummings n275 1820. Guthrie n738 1820. Melish n 131 1820-21. Rossi n739 1821. Melish n!32 1821. Woodbridge n335, 337 1821? Cummlngs n 740 1822. Tanner c5; 1373a 1823. Lucas n742 1824. Arrowsmith n 743 1824. Cary n745 1824. Lapie n 744 1825. Buchon c 6; 1176 1825. Cary n 745 1825. Hart c 10; 1188, c 10; 1289 1825. Morse n746 1826. Finley c2; 1378 1826. Willard n334 1827. Carey & Lea c 5; 1177 1827. Long. Territories c35; 2728 1827. Tanner c5; 1379, c 5; 2728 1827. Thomson n 750 1827-29. Malte-Brun n 751 1827-29. Malte-Brun. Middle states n 751 1827-29. Malte-Brun. Western states. .. n751 1828. Hall n756 1828. Hart C 3; 290 1828. Morse n305 1829. Finley n752 1829. Olney n308 1829-35. Society for the diffusion of use- ful knowledge. Northwest n 753 1830. Finley n 755 UNITED STATES Continued. 1830. Goodrich n285 1830. Goodrich. Middle states n285 1830. Hart n757 1830. Le Boucher o 1-2; 1340 1830. Schlieben c3-10; 1178 1830. Schlieben. Northwest territory. c6; 1178 1831. Finley n 700 1831? Llzars n 701 1832. Brae n6,758 1832. Carey & Lea n 7C2 1832. Lapie n 765 1832. LasCases n 127 1832. Malte-Brun n 7G3 1832. Malte-Brun. Middle states n 763 1832. Malte-Brun. Western states n 763 1833. Burr n 771, 1379a 1833. Griflen n289 1833. Griffen. Middle states n289 1833. Griffen. Southern states n 289 1833. Huntington n 295 1833. Public survey. Coast c 152; 1384 1834. Arrowsmith c v 4, no 43; 764 1834. Carey & Lea n 767 1834. Poussln cl; 1265 1834. Street n 766 1834. Vivien de Saint-Martin n 767a 1835. Bradford n 769, 770 1835. Dower n 772 1835. Gamier n 836 1835. Smith c3; 318 1835. Smith. Eastern c4;318 1835. Smith. Middle c 5; 318 1835. Smith. Southern c6; 318 1835. Smith. Western c 7; 318 1835? Stone 1 771 1836. Tanner n 774 1837. Foster c26; 1285 1837. Malte-Brun n 775 1837. Malte-Brun. Middle states n 775 1837. Malte-Brun. Western states n 775 1838. Bradford & Goodrich c 6; 783 1838. Goodrich n 286 1838. Goodrich. Middle states n 286 1838. Goodrich. Southern states n 286 1838. Goodrich. Western states n286 1839. Burr n 1379a 1839. Burr. New England n 1379a 1839. Mitchell n 300 1839. Smith c 3; 319,320, n320 1839. Smith. Eastern c 4; 319 1839. Smith. Middle c 5; 319 1839. Smith. Southern c6;319 1839. Smith. Western c7;319 1839. Tanner n788 1840. Guizot c 21; 1338 1840. Hall n777 1840. Hawaiian map c 5; 3259 1840-50. Hart. Territories c 11; 1188 1841. Audriveau-Goujon n 791 1841. Hall n779 1841. Radefeld & Renner n 781 1841? Mudie n780 1842. Arrowsmith c 43; 789 1842. Greenleaf n784, t784 1842. Lapie n 123a, 787 1625 UNITED STATES Continued. 1842? Lizars n 782 1842? Thunot-Duvotenay n786 1842-43. Tanner t 788 1844. Butler n 792 1844. Hall, Hughes & others n 793 1844. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 794 1844-47. Olney n309 1844-47. Olney. Central states n309 1844-47. Olney. Southern states n309 1844-47. Olney. Western states n309 1844-51. Robiquet. Coast n 795 1846. Foster c29; 1285, c 31; 1285 1848. Teesdale n 796 1849. Chevalier c 1; 1266 1849. Mitchell. n797,t797 1850. Foster c33; 1285 1850. Milner & Petermann n231 1850. Mitchell n 800, 1 800 1850. Potel n802 1851. Martin n804 1851. Mitchell t805, c5; 1179 1852. Mitchell t807 1852. Wyld n808 1853. Johnston n 296 1853. Mitchell t809 1853. Philip & son n 810 1853. Smith n323 1853. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 811 1854. Kerhallet. Coast c2710 1854. Mitchell t 813 1855. Hart Cl2; 1188, c 12; 1289 1855. Kiepert n815 1855? Collins n 272 1856. Black. Western c 18; 1385 1856. Morse n 817 1856. Morse. Territories n 817 1857. Hall n821 1857. Mitchell t823 1857. Ward n 825 1858. Bartholomew n 826 1858. Mannocchi n 828 1859. McCulloch n 76 1860. Bartholomew c43-45;829 1860. Gamier n836 1860. Hawaiian map c 5; 3260 1860. Mitchell n 831, 846 1860. Rothert n 142 1860. Swanston n 832 1861. 'Oaston c 1; 1351 1861. Hart c!3; 1188, c 13; 1289 1861. Johnston n835 1861-65. Foster c 35; 1285 1862. Royal illustrated atlas n838 1863. Dispatch atlas n839 1864. Kuyper n844 1865. Mitchell n 301, 847 1866. U. S. General land, office c 23; 1388 1867. Bartholomew n849 1867. Bartholomew. Pacific states n849 1867. Fay n222,282 UNITED STATES Continued. 1868. Dufour n852 1868. Johnston n 853 1870. Huberts n857 1870. Warner & Higgins 1 1530 1871. Butler n 861 1872. Walling & Gray t2453 1872. Warner & Beers t!576 1872. Warner, Higgins & Beers 1 1574 1873. Martenet, Walling & Gray 1 1780 1873. Warner&Beers 1 1568 1874. Warner & Beers 1 1535, 1546, 1548 1874? Kiepert, Graf & Bruhns n 871 1875. Duvoteney n874 1875. Gray, O. W., & son t873 1875. Warner & Beers 1 1516, 1520, 1528, 1537, 1550, 1556, 1560, 1566 1876. Gray 2227 1876. Harrison & Warner 1 2064, 2006 1876. Walling n2633 1876. Warner & Beers 1 1544 1877. Gray tSS5 1878. Harrison, Sutton & Hare 1 2398 1878. Marmocchi n887 1879. Brown n 949 1880. Alaskan boundary tribunal. North West Territory c 40; 1260 1880. Robiquet n909 1880. Robiquet. Coast n 909 1881. Canada. Geological survey. North- west Territory c 41; 1260 1881. Dufour n894 1882. Gray t 904 1882. Philip n907 1883. Canada c 43; 12CO 1884. Gillen&Davy 1 1729 1886. Rand, McNally & co t935 1887. Alaskan boundary tribunal. Northwest Territory c 44; 1260 1888. Haynes t 2037 1889. Rand, McNally & co t953 1891. Akron map and atlas co t2417 1891 . Desbuissons & others n 964 1891. Hart c 14; 1188, c 14; 1289 1892. Dodd, Mead & co t971 1894. Cookingham 1 1998 1894. Rand, McNally & co c v 2; 992, t996, c v 2; 1439, c v 3-4; 1440 1896. Ogle t!636, 1989 1896. Rand, McNally & co 1 1013 1898. Ogle 1 1740, 2026, 2067 1898. Rand, McNally & co 1 1025, cvl; 1026, c v 2; 1446 1899. Ogle t2085, t20S8 1900. Gebbie publishing co 1 1050 1900. Ogle 1 1991, 1993, 2019, 2116 1901. Ogle tl515,15G2 1901-02. Ogle t2640 1902. Cram 1 1075 1902. Huebinger surveying and map publishing co 1 1696 1902. Ogle 1 1654, 1669, 1742 1626 UNITED STATES Continued. 1902. Rand, McNally & co cvl; 1079, cvl; 1447 1903. Freytag n 72 1903. Ogle 1 1518, 1543, 1724 1903. Rothert n 142 1904. Foster c 40; 1285 1904. Middlewest publishing co. . . 1 1529, 1541 1904. Ogle 1 1611, 1734, 2108, 2111, 2113 1904. Pcrthes n 136 1904. Vivien de Saint-Martin & Schra- der c72; 916 1905. Alden publishing co t2110 1905. Anderson & Goodwin co 1 1708 1905. Iowa publishing co 1 1563, 1694 1905. Rand, McNally & co cvl; 1106, tl!07 1906. Iowa publishing co. 1 1650, 1 1659, 1 1706 1906. Morrow t2407 1907. Anderson & Goodwin co 1 1690 1907. Collier tlllS 1907. Hammond 1 1123 1907. Iowa publishing co 1 1681 1907. Ogle t2089 1907. Rand, McNally & co cvl; 1126 1908. Anderson & Goodwin co 1 1695 1908. Huot c74-74a; 916 1908. Vivien de Saint-Martin & Sehra- der c75a; 916 1909. Gibb bros. Atlas * 1909. Rand, McNally & co. Atlas * See also Great Lakes. UPATA CAXTON. Venezuela. 1840. Codazzi. Repr c 16; 2775, c 80; 2777 UPOLU ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes c 21 ; 3246 UE, CHALDEA. Lenormant cno!2;31a URAL MOUNTAINS. 1837. Berghaus c 19; 3175 UEBANO, FOET. 17th century. Gibelli, Brunamonti & Danesi. Repr n 3056 UEBINO. 1783. Zatta c v3, no 21; 651 1791. Cassini cvl,no34;670 UBUGUAY. Atlases. General. 1891-96 2773-2774 Bibliography. 1896. Bollo n2774 1797. Gonzales. Coast c 15, 16; 2768 1830. Schlieben c25; 1178 1849. Mitchell n797 1850. Potel n802 1851. Mitchell c41;1179 1854. Black. Repr c9;2724 1856. Morse n817 1857. Hall n821 1858. Marmocchi n828 1860. Bartholomew c51;829 1860. Mitchell n 831, 846 1862. Johnson n 837 1863. Johnson n840 1863. Moussy c8; 2731 1865. Mitchell n301,847 1867. Bartholomew n 849 1879. Brown n 949 1887. PazSoldan t2733 1891. Sureda cl;2773 URUGUAY EIVEE. Jesuit missions, 1575-1768. Moussy. . C 6; 2731 1873. Moussy c 27, 28; 2731 USP ANAPA BIVEE. 1851. Murphy c 6; 2690 UTAH. Geological. 1876. Powell. Atlas 2590 1880. Button. Atlas 2591 1851. Mitchell c34; 1179 1854. Lange c!3; 1230 1856. Black cl8; 1385 1862. Johnson n837 1863. Dispatch atlas n 839 1863. Johnson n840 1864. Johnson n 843 1865. Mitchell n301, 847,848 1866. U. S. General land office c 18; 1388 1876. U. S. General land office c 10; 1396 1879. U. S. General land-office c 23; 1405 1880. Mitchell n892 1889. Brown n 949 UTAH BASIN. Geological. 1876. U. S. Engineer de- partment c4,9; 1280 UTICA,N. Y. 1838. Burr. Environs n 2207 1883. Hopkins. Atlas 2332 1896. Miller. Atlas 2333 UTTLA ISLAND, HONDUEAS GULF. 1855. France c v 2, no 40; 2711 UTLEY,HENETM. See Walling. Atlas of Michigan. 1873.. 1 1960 UTEECHT. 1757. Tirion n600 UVALDE, TEX. 1900. U. S. Geological sur- vey c64; 1283 Uz, G. F. Poland. Lithuania. 1788 c 14; 694 UZES. 1713. Gueudeville n558 V. VACIA. 1684. Rossi. View n497 VADIANUS, JOACHEM VON WATTE, known as. World. 1534. Repr. (Omitted) n257 Mappemonde. 1546. Repr c 53; 262 VADIUS, ANGELUS, editor. VAIGATS, STEAITS OF, ARCTIC OCEAN. 1689-92. Jacobsz, Doncker & Goos. cpt I,v3; 2832 1692. Jacobsz cptl, v3; 2834 See Ptolemseus. Geographia. 1475 1 351 VATL, HENRY HOBAET. Maps. 1874 n 153 VAILSBUEGH, N. J. 1904. Robinson. 1 2180, 2191, 2196, 2200 VALDES, JUAN. South America. 1776. Repr. c 29; 2779 VALDES, POET. 1835. Krusenstern c 13; 3242 VALDIVIA BIVEE, CHILE. 1797. Gonzales. clO; 2768 VALENCIA, BENITO. Intendencia de Puno. 1809. Repr c v 1 , no 28; 2767 VALENCIA, KINGDOM, SPAIN. 1584. Ortelius n389 1775. Zatta cvl, no 18; 651 1801. Cassini c v 2, no 8; 670 VALENCIA, CITY, SPAIN. 1792-1831. France. Minis&redela marine etdes colonies. c218; 2849 VALENCIENNES, FRANCE. 1760? LeRouge c20;2975 1801-03. Luflman n63 1627 VALETTA, MALTA. 1646? Avity c 92; 58 1882. Johnston n 905 VALINCOU GULF. 1796? Olivier. mss...c 110; 2807 VALK, GEEAKD. Editor "Nova tolius geographica telluris projectio ".....- n 551 Maps. 1695-1756? n 522 16%? n523 1706? n549 1709? n551 1747-57 n604 1748? n605 1756? n617 Notice of n 562 VALCK, LEONARD. Maps. 1748? n605 VALLADOLTD. 1652? Jansson. View * 1852. Coello de Portugal y Quesada c 3137 VALLANCE, JOHN, engraver. Boston. 1807 cl; 1341 Map of North Carolina. 1795 c 14; 1172 1809 c!5; 1173 Niagara falls. 1812 c2; 1346, c2; 1347 St. Domingue. 1796 n2717 VALLANCEY, CHARLES. Hobkirks hill, Battle of. 1781 c9; 1337 VALLEY co. 1904. Haskell. Atlas * VALLEY FORGE CAMP. 1777-78. Guizo c 15; 1338 1777-78. Carrington cp51; 1336 VALPARAISO, CHILE. 1797. Gonzales c 5, 8; 2768 1826-30. Duperrey c 41 bis; 2727 1882. Tessan n 909 VALPARAISO BAY. 1840. Du Petit Thouars c205 1790. Duperrey n 199 VALSEQUA, GABRIEL DE. 1439. Repr . . . c 54; 262 VALVASOR, Maps. 1734? n582 See also Kohler. VAN BUREN co. , IA. 1897. Northwest pub- lishing co. Atlas 1701 VAN DER DONCK, ADRIAEN. See Donck. VAN DlEMENS LAND. 1832. Arrowsmith cv3,no37;764 1842. Arrowsmith c 37; 789 VANNI, VIOLANTE, Maps. 1763 n 1167 Cayenne. 1598? Repr c 57; 2776 VAN PETTEN. Paria, Gulf of. 1598. Repr c 58; 2776 VANCOUVER, GEORGE. Alaska boundary. 1798 c 4; 1261 America. 1798. N. W. Coast c 4-5; 1259, c 1-3; 1261 1845. Repr c v 2, no 45; 2767 Discoveries. Heather t713 Voyage. Kitchin & others 1 699, 709 VANCOUVER ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes c 80; 3246 1852. Tebienkov c 12; 1229 1859. Arrowsmith c 36; 1260 VANCOUVER ISLAND Continued. 1863. Dispatch atlas n 839 1867. Bartholomew n 849 VANDERBURGH co., IND. 1880. Grifflng. Atlas 1631 1899? Tillman & Fuller. Atlas 1632 VANUA LEVU. 1838-42. Wilkes c 102; 3246 VANUA VATU. 1838-42. Wilkes c 103; 3246 VAR, DEPARTMENT, OF. 1792. France. M in- istere de la marine et des colonies. Coast. c230; 2849 VARADIN. See Peterwardein. VARELA Y ULLOA, JOSEPH. Maps. 1789 n3133 VARELLA HARBOR. 1760. Dalrymple. cv2,no4; 543 VAREN, BERNHARD. See Atlas geographus. 1711-17 t557 VARINAS, PROVINCE. 1812. Humboldt c v 2, no 18; 2726 1815-16. Luflman n725 VARLE, P. C. Philadelphia. 1796. Repr n2538 St. Domingue. 1795 n2717 1809 c25; 1173 1809 c25; 1369 1818 n!373 VARNHAGEN, FRANCISCO ADOLPHO DE. Tab- ula terrae novae aus der Ptolemaeus. 1513. cpt!2,nol; 1136 VAS DOURADO, FERNAO. See Vaz Dourado. VASSALTEU, NICOLAY. Paris. 1609. Repr. c!4; 3011 VASSAVA. 1777. Harvey c v 1, no 150; 543 VASSEUR, GUILLAUME DE. See Beauplain, Guillaume Le Vasseur, sieur de. VATICAN CODEX. Gibelli, Brunamonti & Danesi Repr. n2058 VATICAN LIBRARY. Kare des Bartolomeo Olives von Mallorca 16th cent. . c pt 31, 32; 1136 VATOPEDI, MONASTERY. Ptolemseus t350 VATULELE ISLAND. 1838-42. Wilkes... c 103; 3246 VAUBAN, SEBASTIEN LEPRESTHE DE. See Fer. Les forces de 1'Europe. 1696- 97 t517a, 2780 Mortier. Les forces del'Europe, Asie, Afrique et Am<$rique. 1702? t 537, 2781a VAUCLUSE RIVER, FORK. 1805-34. Hum- boldt c v2, no 13; 2726 VAUDECLAYE, JACQUES DE. South America. 1579. Repr c 25; 2719 VAULT, FRANCOIS EUGENE DE. Me'moires militaires relatifs a la succession d'Espagne 1835-62 n3128 VAULTIER, Maps. 1703. SeeMortier n2823 Maps. 1717? n560 PaysBas. 1695 n 514 VAULX, JACQUES DE. Works. 1533. Repr c 71; 262 See Santarem. VAUX DE CLAYE, JACQUES DE. Brazil. 1579. Repr c!3; 1139 1628 VAVAO HAI.BOR. 1827-40. Champeaux & Duranty . . . c 14; 3244 1827-40. Durock c 14; 3244 VAVASSOR GIOVANNI ANDREA. World. 1530-50. Repr cv4,no7; 260 VAZ DE SAMPAYO LOPO n 96 See Aa. VAZ DOURADO, FERNAO. America. 1540? Repr c 8 bis xii ; 1137 1568. Repr 18a-b;2719 1571. Repr c22a; 2719 1580 cpt!8,nol; 1136 1580. Repr c26a; 2719 Mexico. 1564. Coast. Repr c 3; 2720 New Spain. 1570. Repr c 4; 2720 South America. 1571. Repr c 22b; 2719 1580. Repr c26b; 2719 VEER. GERRIT DE. Nova Zembla. 1598. Repr. . . ser 2, c 24; 3107 Russia. 1613 Text ser 2; c 3107 True description of three voyages by the North-East towards Cathays and Chi- na. Ed.byC.T.Beke. London, 1853. n 188 VELARDE, PIERRE MUEILLO. Maps. 1759-81 n622 1803. Laurie & Whittle n 700 Philippine islands. 1734 n 622 1744. cv2,no61; 543 VELHO, BARTHOLOMEW South America. 1561. Repr c 14; 2719 VELLY, See Zannoni. Atlas historique de la France. 1765 t2959 VELSERO, MARCO n 49 See Ortelius. Parergon, 1624. VENANGO, FORT, PA. 1760-63.. c v 2, no 591; 2439 VENDRfi, HARBOR. 1796? Olivier, mss. Cl3J,14; 2807 VENEZUELA. Boundaries. 1841. Schomburgk. Repr. C44-46; 2779 1884. Brazilian commission. Repr. c89; 2721 1897. Venezuela and British Guiana. Atlas 2776-2779a, c 1 ; 2776 1898. Venezuela and Great Britain, boundary claims. 1898 c pt 1, no 1 ; 2778 1897 . Venezuela and British Guiana, boundary c 2-4; 2776 Drainage basins. 1840. Codazzi. Repr. cpt 1, no 19; 2778 European occupation, 1597-1803. Ven- ezuela and British Guiana, boundary. Repr C5-15; 2776 Historical. Aa n 96 Before 1810 revolution. Codazzi. c 4; 2775 Physical and geological features. 1897. Revolutionary campaigns, 1812-23. 1840. Codazzi c 6-8; 2775 16thcent. anon. Repr c 2; 1137 1540? anon. Repr c 6; 1137 1601. Herrera y Tordesillas c 9; 1141 1622. Herrera y Tordesillas. c pt 1, no 9; 1144, C pt 1, no 9; 1145, cptl.no 9; 1146 1625. Laet Textcl5;1147 VENEZUELA Continued. 1630. Laet Text, c 10", 1147 c 9, 16; 1148 c 14; 1148 1633. Hondius n 445 1634. Hondius n 44V 1635. Blaeu n 448, c v 2, no 100; 448 1636. Mercator n 449 1639. Hondius n 452 1640. Laet Text, c 14; 1150, c 18; 1150 1644. Blaeu n 455 1646-49. Jansson n 459 1648-58. Blaeu n 460 1653. Jansson n 463 1664-65. Blaeu n 471 1666. Goos n473,474 1666. Jansson n 475 1666. Loon n 476 1667. Blaeu n 479 1675? Wit n485 1700? Voogt. Coast n 530 1706? Jansson n 549 1715. Renard n 559 1726. Herrera y Tordesillas c 9; 1156 1739. Renard n 592 1745. Renard n601 1758. Lopez c20; 1159 1763. Gazzettiere americano. c v 3, no 19; 1161 1775. Jefferys. Coast c23;2699 1777. A tlante dell' America c 34; 1167 1V78. Anville. Repr c 41; 2721, c71; 2776, c 29; 2779 1780. Bonne n652 1780. Bonne. Repr c 44; 2720 1781. Bonne. Repr c 46; 2720 1785. Bachine n657 1785. Bachiene. Repr c 52 bis; 2720 1787-88. Bonne & Desmarest n 666 1794. Jefferys. Coast c 24; 2703 1811. Pinkerton n724 1812. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 718 1815-16. Luffman n 725 1818. Pinkerton n733 1819. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 734 1820. Hall. Repr c 65; 2721 1823. Lucas n 742 1827. Restrepo c 4; 2760 1836. Tanner n774 1840. Codazzi c 4,5; 2775 1840. Codazzi. Repr c 77; 2721 1840. Codazzi. Atlas 2775 1842. Greenleaf n 784 1842-43. Tanner n788 1849. Mitchell n797 1851. Martin n804 1851. Mitchell c 38; 1179 1854. Kerhallet. Coast c 2710 1854? Pardner. Repr c 79; 2721 1856. Morse n817 1857. Hall n821 1858. Mannocchi n828 1860. Bartholomew c 49; 829 1860. Mitchell n831,846 1860. Swanston n 832 1862. Gamier .. n836 1629 V ENEZUELA Continued. 1862. Johnson n 837 1862. Royal illustrated atlas n838 1863. Johnson n 840 1865. Mitchell n301,847 1866. Brown... n 949 1867. Bartholomew n 849 1868. Andriveau-Goujon. Repr c 16; 2724 1875. Bru<. Repr c!8;2724 1878. Marmocchi n887 1894. Hoepli. Repr c23;2724 VENICE, PROVINCE. 1701. T'Sersteuens c!4;570 1704. Blaeu cl;3053 1708. Chatelain c3;548 1646? Avity c72;58 1729. Seutter n 593 1791. Cassini c vl, no 38-41; 670 1795. Zatta c v 3, no 2; 651 1808. Carey c31;714 VENICE. Bibliotek des Museo civico. Karte aus dem atlas eines anonymus des xvi jahrhunderts. Repr c pt 27, 30; 1136 Boundaries. 1794. Zatta c v 3, no 3; 651 Exposition geographique,- Collections of maps for n 259 Library. Fac-similes of maps in n249 Markusbibliothek zu Venedig. Aus dem atlas eines anonymus des XVI jahr- hunderts. Repr c pt 4, no 7; 1136 Codex. World. Repr. . c pt 3, no 13; 1136 Karte des Andreas Bianco von. 1436. Repr c pt 4, no 2; 1136 Karte aus dem griechen Georgio Sideri, genannt Callapoda. 1563. Repr c pt 22; 1136 Rialto, The. 1705. View. Fer n546 S.Marco. 1646. Avity p 484; 58 Wars. 1570-73. Camocio n 2815 1572. Porcacchi n 166 1646. Avity p 482; 58 1695-97. Coronelli n 5219 1729. DuSauzet c 33; 592a 1734? Seutter n 583 1739. DuSauzet c 33; 2779a 1838. Radefeld & Renner n 781 1844. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 794 1853. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 811 1863. Dispatch atlas n 839 VENICE, GULF OF. See Adriatic sea. VENINGUEBE BAY. 1782. Dalrymple. c v 1, no 54; 543 VENLOOS BAY, CEYLON. 1789. Dalrymple c v 1, no 183; 543 1802. Heywood c v 1, no 182; 543 VENT ISLANDS. 1830. Le Boucher c 13; 1340 VENTNOR, N. J. 1896. Kiser & Barthel t2172 1908. Lathrop & Kiser 1 2172a VENUS. 1700. Seller cv2, no x; 529 VENUS, VOYAGE OF THE. 1836-39. De Petit Thouars t 205, 2729 VERA CRUZ. 1709-20. Moll n554 1755. Le Rouge c 14; 1185 1763. Gazzettiere americano. c v 3, no 20; 1161 1768. Jefferys c 73; 11% 1771. Speer c 25; 2698 1777. Atlante dell 'America c 27; 1167 1788. Jefferys c31;2702 1816. Arrowsmith c 3; 1174 1830. Schlieben c 12; 1178 1882. Robiquet n 909 VERA CRUZ, HARBOR. 1740. Jefferys c31;2703 1802. Bellini n590 1804. Humboldt c 9; 2682 1809. Spain c pt 2, no 32; 1223 1812. Orta c 10; 2682 1818. Spain. Repr c pt 2, no 32; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 2, no 32; 1226 VERAGUA. 1620. Salto. mss c4;2691 1620. Salto. Repr c 4; 2759 1657. Sanson d'Abbeville. Repr c 8; 2759 1688. Oexmelin cll;2691 1688. Oexmelin. Repr cll;2759 1758. L6pez c 12; 1159 1785. Anville c 20; 2691 1785. Anville. Repr c20;2759 1792. Jefferys c21;2691 1792. Jefferys. Repr c21;2759 1890. Peralta cb; 2759, cb; 2691 VERAGUA, GULF OF. 1646-47. Dudley n457 VERA PAZ, GUATEMALA. 1758. Ldpez. c 10; 1159 VERCEIL. 1701-12. Pelet cv 4, no 2; 3128 VERDUN. 1760? Le Rouge c 33; 2975 VERDUN DE LA CRENNE, JEANE RENE AN- TOINE, marquis de. Atlantic ocean. 1775 n590 Saint Domingue. 1775 n 590 VERGUTN. See France. Minister e de la marine et des colonies. Collection of charts. 1792- 1831 1 2849 VERHOEVEN, PIETER WILHELM. See Aa. n96 VERMALE, Louisiana. 1717. Repr c 25; 1138 Mississippi. 1717. Repr c 25; 1138 VERMANDOIS. 1570. Surhonius n374 VERMILION co., ILL. 1907. Boudinot. Atlas 1573 VERMILION RIVER. 1833. U. S. War depart- ment c 26; 1377 VERMONT. Historical. Buchon c 19; 1176 Statistical. 1825. Buchon c 19; 1176 1794. Morse c C; 1361 1795. Doolittle c 4; 1172, c 4; 1362 1795. Russell c5;1363 1796. Carey c2;1364 1796. Doolittle c25;683 1796. Roberts c 7; 1366 1798. Faden n690 1630 VERMONT Continued. 1801. Carey c2;1367 1804. Arrowsmith & Lewis n702 1805. Arrowsmith c 37; 266 Carignano c 249 Florence. Repr c 1; 262 Gonneim. Repr c 14; 262 Higden c 255 Honorius of Autun. Repr c 14; 262 Hugeden. Repr c 7; 262 Hyggenden. Repr c pt 3, no 4; 1136 Leipzic. Repr C 14; 262 Pisa c 259 St. Denis. Repr c pt 3, no 9; 1136 Salluste. Florence. Repr c 1 ; 262 Sanuto. Repr C22; 262 Vienna. Repr c8; 262 William of Tripoli. Repr c 8; 262 14th-15th centuries. Lucerne. Repr. c 41; 262 Marcel t 254 1311. Visconte c 249 1314. Haldingham & Lafford c 251 1318. Vesconte c 249,251 1318. Vesconte. Repr c28-30;262, c pt 3, no 10; 1136 1321. Sanuto. Repr c 17, 25; 262 1339? Dulcert.... c 254 1650 WORLD Continued. 1349. Omar ben Mutfir ibn al Wardi. Repr cpt2,no3; 1136 1351 . Laurenzian-Gaddiano c 249 1364-72. St.Denls. Repr c21;262 13C7. Pizzlgani. Repr c31;262 1373. Pizigani c 249,251 1375. Catalanmss. Repr c31;262 1375. Charles v. Atlas Catalan c 259 1384-1400. anon. Repr c31;262 1384-1434. Pinelli library. Repr . c 34-36; 262 1385. Soleri c 254 15th century c 249 anon. Repr c!9; 262 Borgia Museum. Repr c23;262 Cosa c 251 Dati. Repr c40; 262 Geographical poem. Repr c 38; 262 1410. Ailly. Repr c 13; 262 1410. Borgia. Repr c pt 3, no 11 ; 1136 1413. Viladestes c 254 1417. Mela. Repr c2C;262 1424. Weimar. Repr c 42; 262 1426. Giraldi c 249 1436. Bianco c 249 1436. Bianco. Repr c38;262, C pt 3, no 12; 1136 1439. Valsequa. Repr c 54; 262 1447. Genoa. Repr c pt 3, no 5; 1136 1448. Bianco c 249 1448. Leardus. Repr c 49; 262 1448. Walsperger. Repr... opt 3, no 14; 1136 1450. anon C 249 1452. Leardo C 249 1455. Pareto. Repr cptS; 1136 1457. Mauro c249 1459. Mauro. Repr c43-48;262 c pt 3, no 15; 1136 1460. Mauro. Repr c39;262 1467. Benincasa. Repr c55;262 1471. Benincasa. Repr c 56-57; 262 1474. Toscannelli. Repr c pt 6, no 1 ; 1136 1475. Rudimentum nuvitiorum. Repr. CIS; 262 1489. British Museum. Repr c 50; 262 1491. Vivien de Saint-Martin. Repr n264 1492. Behaim c 251 1497. Freducci. Repr c59;262 16th century. Agnese. Repr n268 Cassettina all' Agemina c 251 Florianus. Repr n 257 Karte aus dem atlas eines anonym us. Repr cpt27; 1136 Lenox globe. Repr. (Omitted). .. n257 Nancy globe. Repr. (Omitted). . . n 258 Zurich. Schwetzerischeslandes-mu- seum, globe. Repr c5; 2764 1500. Cosa. Repr. (Omitted) n258 c 1,2719 1501-03. Cantino C249 1501-04. Portuguese map. Lelewel. Repr n252 1502. Nordenskiold. Repr n258 1502. Portuguese. Repr ell; 1138 1502-04. Cantino. Repr c 1; 1139 1502-04. Munich-Portuguese. Repr. c2; 1139 1503. Canerio. Repr c2,3; 1138 WORLD Continued. 1503-05. Ptlestrina. Repr c3; 1139 1507. Waldseemiiller n351 1507-08. Ruysch. Repr. (Omitted) n252 1508. Ruysch n 351 1508. Ruysch. Repr n 257 051,61; 262 1509. Mohhammed ebn-Aly c251 1510. Gloreanus. Repr. (Omitted).... n258 1511. Sylvani. Repr 0252,257 1512. Strobnicza. Repr n257 1513. Ptolemseus . Orbis typvs vniver- salls n 359 1513. Ptolemseus. Orbis typvs vnlver- salis. Repr n257 1513. Ptolemseus. Tabula terre nova... n 359 1514. Boulenger. Repr. (Omitted) n257 1514. Vinci. Repr. (Omitted) 0257 1515. Reich. Repr. (Omitted) n257 1516-20. Munich-Portuguese c 5; 1139 1518. Colon nl!35 1519. Maggiolo. Repr c4;1139 1520. Apianus. Repr n 257; c 52, 262 1520. Ptolemseus. Orbis typvs vniver- salis n360 1520. Ptolernaeus. Tabvla terre nova. . n 360 1520. Schoner. Repr n252 1522. Fries. Orbis typvs universalis. . . n 361 1522. Fries. Repr. (Omitted) n257 1522. Ptolemseus Tabvla terre nova n 361 1523. Brazil. Repr c2;2719 1523. Vespucci. Repr. (Omitted) n258 1523-25. Turin-spanish. Repr c 6; 1139 1524. Apianus. Repr. (Omitted) n257 1524-30. Rodrigues. Repr c 65-70; 262 1525-27. Salviati. Repr c 7; 1139 1525-30. Wolfenbiittel-Spanish. Repr. c 8; 1139 1526. Monachus. Repr c pt 18, no 2; 1136 1527. Maggiolo. Repr c 10; 1139 1527. Thorne. Repr n257 1527. Weiniar-spanish. Repr c 9; 1139 1528. Bordone n!62 1528. Bordone. Repr. (Omitted) n257 1528. Coppo. Repr c pt 14, no 5; 1136 1529. Ribero n 1135 1529. Ribero. Repr n258 C 64; 262 c 11; 1139 1529. Verrazano. Repr c!2;1139 1530. Apianus. Repr n258 1530-50. Vavassor. Repr c v 4, no 7; 260 1531. Finseus. Repr n257 1532. Grynseus. Repr n257 1532. Roselli. Repr c53;262 1533. Vaulx. Repr c71;262 1534. Bordone n 163 1534. Vadianus. Repr. (Omitted) n257 1536. Harleian c248 1538. Mercator. Repr n257 c 16; 2776 1539-50. Portolano de Charles-Quint. Repr n263 1540. Apianus. Repr n 252 1540. Ptolemseus. Repr n257 1540. Ptolemy-Munster. Typvs orbis vniversalis ... . . n 365 WORLD Continued. 1540? Repr. (Omitted) n257 1541. Desllens C250 1542. Henryii c251 1542. Honter. Repr n258 1542. Ptolemaeus-Munster. Typvs vni- versalis n367 1542. SantaCruz. Repr n258 1543. Desceliers c248 1543. Vopel. Repr n257 1544. Cabot c251 1544. Monster. Repr c53;262 1544? Gemma, Reinerus, Frisius n 60 1545. Ptolemaeus-Munster. Typvs vnl- versalis n 36 1546. Descelliers. Repr n258 1546. Gastald. Repr cv4,no8;260 1546. Honter. Repr n257 1546. Vadianus. Repr c53;262 1547. Bordone n!64 1548. Ptolemaeus. Carta marina unlver- sale n 369 1548. Ptolemaeus. Repr n 257, c pt 18, no 3; 1136 1548-66. Medina. Repr. (Omitted)., n 257 1550. Vivien de Saint-Martin. Repr n 264 1550. Desceliers c248 1551. Apianus. Repr n257, opt 19, no 2; 1136 1551. Quln n!41 1552. Calopoda. Repr n258 1552. Demongenet. Repr n257 1552. Ptolemy-Munster. Typvs vniver- salis n 370 1553. Descelier. Crawford t248 1554. Agnese c 249, 10 a-b; 2719 1554. Gastaldi. Repr c260 1556. Girava. Repr n257 1559. Munster ni!42 1560. Berteli. Repr clO;260 1561. Honterus. Repr. (Omitted) n257 1561. Ptolemaeus. Repr n257 1561. Ptolemaeus. Carta marina tavola. n 371 1561. Ptolemaeus. Orbis descriptio n 371 1562. Gastaldi. Repr n 258 1562? Bordour n 165 1564. Ptolemseus. Carta marina nova tavola n 373 1565. Forlanl. Repr c v 4, no 9; 260 1566. Finaeus. Repr n257 c 17; 2776 1568. Homem C250 1569. Mercator c251,c253 1569. Mercator. Repr n252 1570. Ortelius n374 1570. Ortelius. Repr n257 1570-75. Ortelius. Repr c 20; 2719 1572. Ortelius t* 1572. Poracchl n 166 1572. Porcacchl. Repr n257 1573. Ortelius n 378 1574. Cesanis. Repr cpt28; 1136 1574. Favoli n391 1574. Heyns n385,387 1574. Ptolemseus. Carta marina nova tavola n380 1574. Ptolemaeus. Orbis descriptio.. n 380, 381 WORLD Continued. 1575. Belleforest. Repr c 24; 2719 1576. Apian. Repr c 5; 2720 1576. Porcacchi n 167 1578. Jode n383 1579. Ortelius n386 1579. Ortelius. Repr C20;2719 1581. Ortelius t* 1581. Ortelius. Repr c 20; 2719 1582. Martines. Repr c27;2719 1584. Ortelius n386 1584. Ortelius. Repr c 20; 2719, C v 2, no 3; 2767 1587. Mercator n422 1587. Mercator. Repr n 257, c 33; 2719 1587. Mercator. Orbis terrae compen- diosa descriptio n 434, 438, 441 1587. Ortelius n392, 400, 406, 407, 412, 419, 427, 430 1587. Ortelius. Repr n 264, c 31; 2719 1588. Ortelius nS93 1588. Sgnothenus. Repr c 7; 2720 1589. Ortelius n394 1590. Myritius. Repr n257 1592. Ortelius n396 1592. Ortelius. Repr c31;2719 1592. Plancius. Repr c 37; 2719 1593. Judaeis. Repr n257 1593. Ortelius n397 1593. Ortelius. Repr c 31; 2719 1593-1613. Jode n398 1594. Plancius. Repr c 37; 2719 1595. Mercator. Repr c 33; 2719 1595. Ortelius n402 1595. Ortelius. Repr c 31; 2719 1595? Brazil. Repr c8;2720 1596. Ortelius. Repr c31;2719 1596. Plancius. Repr c 37; 2719 1596. Ptolemaeus. Orbis terrae compen- diosa descriptio n403 1596. Ptolemaeus. Vniversi orbis de- scriptio n 403 1597. Hondius. Repr c43;2719 1597. Ptolemseus. Orbis terrse compen- diosa descriptio n 404 1597. Wytfliet c 1; 1140 1598. Apianus. Repr. (Omitted) n 258 1598. Ortelius n408 1598. Ortelius. Repr c 31; 2719 1598-1621. Ptolemy. Repr n258 1599. Hakluyt. Repr n 257, c 49; 2719 1599. Langenes. Typis orbis terrarum. n 410 1599. Plancius. Repr c37; 2719 1599. Ptolemasus. Carta marina nova tavola n409 1599. Ptolemaeus. Orbis descriptio n 409 1599. Ptolemaeus. Orbis terrae compen- diosa descriptio n 409 1599. Vrient, after Plancius. Repr. c 48; 2719 1600. Hoeius. Repr c260 1600. Neck. Repr c v 2, no 2; 260 1600. Quad. Typus orbis terrarum n411 1601. Ortelius n413, t* 1601. Ortelius. Repr c 31; 2719 1602. Botero t* 1602. Hondius n 414 1602. Hondius. Repr c51;2719 1652 WORLD Continued. 1602. Langenes n 415 1602. Mercator. Repr c 33; 2719 1602. Ortelius n 416, 417 1602. Ortelius. Repr c 31; 2719 1603. Ortelius. Repr c 31; 2719 1604. Porcacchl n 168 1604-1772. Japanese map c6; 1195 1605. Plancius. Repr c37;2719 1606. Mercator. Repr c 33; 2719 1606. Ortelius. Repr c 31; 2719 1607. Mercator n423 1607. Mercator. Repr c33;2719 1608. Ortelius. Repr c31;2719 1608. Quad. Repr n257 1609. Mercator n 425, n 426 1609. Ortelius. Repr c 31; 2719 1610. Mercator. Typisorbis terrarum.. n 429 1610. Plancius. Repr c 37; 2719 1610? Langenes n428 1610? Langenes. Typusorbis terrarum. n 428 1612. Ortelius. Repr c 31; 2719 1613. Mercator. Atlas * 1614. Plancius. Repr c37;2719 1618. Raleigh. Repr c 9-9 bis, 2720 1620. Porcacchl n 169 1621. Ptolemaeus. Orbis terraecompen- diosa descriptio n436 1621. Mercator. Typus orbis terrarum . n 435 1623. Plancius. Repr c 37; 2719 1624. Ortelius. Repr c31;2719 1626. Speed n 442 1628. Mercator. Typus orbis terrarum. n 437 1630. Eckebrecht. Repr c v 2, no 8; 260 1630. Hondius. Nova totius terrarum orbis n 444, 445, 447, 449 1630. Hondius. Repr c v 2, no 6; 260 1630. Langeren. Repr c61-61b; 2719 1630. Mercator. Typus orbis terrarum. n 439, 440 1632. Mercator n 443 1633. Hondius. Repr c 51, 63; 2719, c63; 2719 1634. Mercator n 446 1635. Blaeu. Atlas * 1635. Blaeu n 448, c v 1, no 1; 448 1636. Mercator. Typusorbis terrarum. n450 1637. Mercator n 451 1638. Plancius. Repr c 37; 2719 1639. Hondius. Nova totius terrarum orbis n 452 1639. Vischer. Repr c v 2, no 9; 260, c v 2, no 4; 2767 1640. Hoelus. Repr c260 1643. Hondius. Nova totius terrarum orbis n 453 1645. Plancius. Repr c37; 2719 1646? Avity. Nova totius terrarum orbis cl; 58, n 456 1646-49. Nova totius orbis. Jansson.... n469 1651. Mercator. Typus orbis terrarum . n461 1651. Speed n 488 1652. Sanson n 486 1652. Vlsscher n 506, 507 1652-53. Jansson. Atlas... * WORLD Continued . 1653. Boissevin n462 1653. Hondius. Nova totius terrarum orbis n 463 1653. Jansson c vl; 463 1656? Colom n464 1657. Rosaccio. Repr c 12; 2720 1657 Vlsscher. Repr cv 3, no 2; 260 1660. Dankerts. Repr c 74; 2719 1660. Quin n!41 1660. Wit cl; 468,472 1660. Wit. Repr c v 3, no 5; 260 1661. Blaeu n470 1661. Loon n470 1664-65. Blaeu n471 1666. Qoos n473 1666. Loon n476 1667. Blaeu n479 1667. Jollain n477 1667. Ortelius n478 1669. Colom n480 1669. Sanson n 486 1670. DuVal n481 1670. Goos n481a 1673. Caloiroe Oliva. Repr. cptl8.no 4; 1136 1674. Rossi n497 1674. Sanson n515 1675. Seller n 487 1675? Sanson n 484, n 486 1675? Wit n485 1679. Seller n 490 1680. Visscher n 3078 1680-82. Loon n2831 1682. Alphen c 1; 491 1683. Goos n493 1683. Mallet. Atlas * 1683. Robiju n 493 1684. DuVal n501 1684. Sanson n503, 516 1688. Morden n 498 1688. Rosaccio. Atlas * 1688? Wit n500 1689. Wit n502 1690. Seller c 4; 505 1690? Visscher n506, 507, 508 1691. Sanson. Repr c3;2Cl 1692. Muller n512 1692. Peeters,J n513 1692? Allard n 509 1692? Keulen n509 1692-96. Sanson n514 1693-1700. Neptune francois n517 1694. Cassini. Repr c2;261 1695. Jaillot n519 1695. Sanson n520 1695-97. Coronelli n521 1695-1756? Halley n522 1695-1756? Wit n522 1696. Sanson n524 1696? Allard n523 1697. Ortelius n525 1700. Delisle n533 1700. Delisle. Repr c 5; 261, C 87; 2719 1700. Halley 0641, 663 1653 WORLD Continued. 1700. Seller cvl, nol; 529, c v 1, no n; 529, c v 1, no 6; 529 1700. Wells n531 1700? Lea n527 1700? Voogt n530 1700-04. Fer n 532 1701. Moll n536 1702. Fer n532 1702. Scherer n 538a 1702-50. Homann n539 1703. Mortier n2823 1703? Allard n 541 1703? Danckerts n540, 541 1704? Bodenehr n 545 1705. Fer n 546 1705. Fer. Repr c4;261 1705-20. Ch&telain n 548 1706. LaFeuille n 2820 1706? Allard n 549 1706? Danckerts n 549 1706? Morden n 549 1708? Wit. Atlas * 1709. Moll n553 1709. Zttrner n 551 1709? Visscher n 552, 2827 1709-20. Moll n554 1710. Nordenskiold. Repr n258 1710? Danckerts. Atlas * 1710? Visscher. Atlas * 1710-30. Bodenehr cvl; 2814 1710-31. Homann n 556 1711. Schenk n 522 1711-17. Moll n557 1712. Homann. Atlas * 1712? Zurner n 542 1713. Cassini n 558 1713. Gueudeville n 558 1715. Renard n 559 1719. Moll n554 1719. Sanson n 534 1720? Valck n 562 1721. Senex n 563 1722. Wells n564 1722-74. Delisle cl; 565 1723. Compleat geographer n566 1724. Delisle. Repr c 6; 261 1724? Homann n567, 568,569 1724? Kohler n 567, 568, 569 1725. Senex C 2; 550 1728. Aa n96 1729. Cluver n573 1729. Moll n574 1730? Aa n55 1730-39. Delisle n576 1732? Homann n577 1732? Moll n578 1732-39. Chatelain n579 1733. Delisle n 580 1734. Keulen n 582, 584 1734? Homann n 582 1734? Seutter n 583 1734-38. Sanson n 584a 1737-72. Bellin n 587 1739. Halley n617 WORLD Continued. 1739. Renard n592 1740. Fer n561 1740? Seutter n593 1740-50. Delisle n594 1740-1817. Delisle n595 1741? Delisle n596 1742? Rousset de Missy n 597, 598 1743. Homann n292 1744. Bowen c 1; 614 1744. Euler n625 1744. Tirion n600 1744-69. Tirion n600 1745. Halley nGOl 1745. Renard nCOl 1745? Moll n602 1746. Hase n293 1746. Homann n586, C04 1746. Lowitz n615,622 1747. Bowen nC03 1748. Bellin c!72,cl;613 1748. LaHarpe n591 1748. LeRouge n607 1748. Moll nC06 1748. Robert de Vaugondy n 608 1748? Allard n605 * 1749. Rocque n612 1749? Schreiber n609,610,611 1752. Bowen c2;614 1752. Delisle n641 1753. Homannheirs. Atlas * 1753. Tirion n600 1754. Delisle n535 1754. Desnos & Nolin. Repr c 31; 2720 1754. Tirion n600 1755. Bellin n587 1755. Delisle n636 1756? Danckerts n616 1756? Zurneri n617 1756-59. LeRouge n618 1757-58. Robert de Vaugondy n 619 1759-81. Homann n622 1759-84. Homann n623,624 1760. Boullanger n641 1760. Euler nG25 1761. Anville cl; 571, C 12, 13; 599 1761. Dury n627 1762. Fer n546 1762. Homannheirs. Atlas * 1762. Janvier n629 1762. Rizzi-Zannoni n 633 1762? Lobeck n630,631,632 1763. Beaurain n80,637 1763? Dury n634 1763? Moll n635 1765. Bellin n590 1766. Bowen n639 1766. Brion de la Tour n640,645 1768. Vezou n614 1770. Colbeck n!04 1770? Dunn n643 1772. Gardiner n!07,2881 1774. Price. Repr c 15; 2720 1774. Zatta n 650, c v 1, no 7; 651 1774-1852. Langsdorfl c 7; 1261 1654 WOELD Continued. 1775. Faden cla; 1166 1776. Nouvel atlas des enlans n307 1776-84. Janvier n647 1776-84. Santini n647 1776-99. Cook n648 1777. Zatta c v 1, no 2; 651 1778. Robert de Vaugondy n649 1778-79. Cook's and Clerke's discoveries, n 722 1779. Zatta c v 1, no 1; 651, c vl; no 8-9; 651 1780. Bonne n652 1780. Dunn c 1-2; 653 1781. Bonne n288 1781. Laporte n654 1782. Bonne n288 1782. Janvier n646,664 1783. BuydeMornas n656 1784. Bellin n590 1784. Delisle & Buache n655 1784. Homann n623 1785. Delisle & Buache n671 1785-88. Laperouse n688, 693 1786. Anville c 1; 572, n694 1786. Barbi6du Bocage c 1; 572 1786. Brion n 658 1786. Clouet n661, 673* 1786. Jaillot 658 1786-89. Martin eg; 659 1787. Clouet n661 1787. Cook&others nC65 1787. Dunn n668 1787. Laporte n662 1787. Philippe de Pr6tot & others n 663 1787? Brandis n 660 1787-88. Bonne & Desmarest n666 1788. Bonne n680 1788 Cassini n670 1788-1800. Atlante geografico n669 1789. Bonne n680 1789. Dunn cl;659 1789. Roberts n694 1789-96. Kitchin & others n 685 1790. Cassini n670 1791. Clouet n673 1791. St. Petersburg. School of mines. . n 679 1792. Elwe n674,675 1792. Gibson 676 1792. Lopez n677 1793? Robert de Vaugondy n678 1794. Dunn cl; 684 1794. Kitchin & others n682 1794. Laurie & Whittle n700, 716 1794. Morse c25; 1361 1794-98. Palairet & others n681 1795. Zatta c vl, no 6; 651 1796. Anville c 1; 686 1796. Carey cl,2; 683 1796. Martin c g; 684 1797. Kitchin n687 1797. Mentelle & Chanlaire n712 1797. Walker n689 1798. Faden n690 1799. CruttweU n692 1799. Dunn n 699, 709 1800. Cordier c 5; 3212 1800. Kitchin & others ..n699 WORLD Continued . 1800. Laurie & Whittle n700 1800. Wilkinson n696 1800. Zatta n695 1801. Cassini o v 1, no 1-18; 670 1802. Guthrie n698 1803. Heather n713 1803. Norie o 1; p 1080 1804. Arrowsmith & Lewis n702 1804. Atlante tascabile n703 1804. Mentelle & Malte-Brun n705 1804. Patteson n 707 1804-05. Mentelle n706 1805. Arrowsmith & Lewis n708 1805. Kitchin & others n 709 1806. Boiste n7lO 1806. Cyclopaedia, The n711 1807? Mentelle & Chanlaire n712 1808. Gary c 1, 2, 3; 714 1808. CruttweU n 715 1808. Smith n 729 1809. Luflhnan n 725 1811. Lattr6 n 741 1811. Quin n!41 1812. Arrowsmith & Lewis n718 1812. Luflman n725 1812. Robert de Vaugondy n 614 1812. Whittle & Laurie n720 1813-14. Dunn n720 1814. Carey ,. n722, 1372 1814. Thomson n731 1816. Bru<5 n726 1816. Delamarche n727 1816. Maverick n728 1817. Arrowsmith n730 1817. Cummings n274 1818. Carey n732, 1373 1818. Pinkerton n733 1819. Arrowsmith & Lewis n 734 1819. Borghi n735 1819. Gary n736 1819-20. Robert de Vaugondy n737 1820. Arrowsmith n738 1820. Cummings n275 1820-21. Rossi n739 1821. Lavoisne n!32 1821. Woodbridge n335,337 1821? Cummings n740 1822. Strucchi n748 1823. LasCases n!26 1823. Lucas n742 1823. Tanner cl; 1374 1824. Arrowsmith n743 1824. Bossi n743 1824. Cary n745 1824. Lapie n744 1825. Morse n746 1825-33. Tanner n 1376 1826. Blake n747 1826. Willard n334 1827. Thomson n750 1828. Arrowsmith t98 1828. Bru<5 n758 1828. Delisle & Buache n759 1828. Hart c 1; 290 1828. Morse n 305 1828. Ptolemaeus. Atlas * 1655 WOKLD Continued. 1829. Finley n752 1829. Hall n756 1829. Lapie 1 123 1829. Olney n 308 1830. Brue" n6, 758 1830. Finley n755 1830. Hart n 757 1830-32. Brae" t6 1830-32. Laplace c 1; 3174 1831. Lapie n765 1831? Lizars n 761 1832. Carey& Lea n 762 1832. Lapie n 765 1833. Griffon n289 1833. Huntington n 295 1833. Tanner n 774 1834. Carey & Lea n 767 1834. Riedig n 766 1834. Vivien de Saint-Martin n 767a 1835. Radefeld & Rennet n781 1835. Smith c 1, 12; 318 1836. Bylaudt Palstercamp n 347 1836. Radefeld & Renner n781 1837. DuVal n344 1838. Soulier & Andriveau-Goujon n 324 1838-42. Wilkes cl; 3245, cl; 3246 1839. Hawaiianmap c 1; 3259 1839. Smith. cl; 319, 320, n320 1840. Codazzi cl;2775 1840. Hall n777 1840? Aa t97 1841. Hall n779 1841 . Lapie 1 123a 1841? Mudie n 780 1842. Lapie n 787 1842? Lizars n 782 1842? Tardieu n 786 1843. Andriveau-Goujon n 791 1843. Anville n808 1843. Tanner n 788 1844. Arrowsmith c 2; 789 1844. Hall, Hughes & others n 793 1844. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 794 1844-47. Olney n 309 1846. Quin n 141 1847. Levasseur n 3000 1847. Simpson c 33; 1260 1848. Teesdale n 796 1849. Mitchell n 797 1850. Milner & Petermann n 231 1850. Potel n802 1850. Sharpe n803 1851. Martin n804 1851. Mitchell c 1; 1179 1851-53. Bromine n218 1852. Wyld n808 1853. Johnston n 296 1853. Philip&Son n 810 1853. Smith n 323 1853. Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge n 811 1854. Smith. Atlas * 1855. Kiepert n815 35799 VOL 209 29 WORLD Continued. 1856. Morse n817 1856. Vuillemin n 3003 1857. Hall n821 1857. Spain. Admiralty c 18; 1259 1857. Ward n825 1858. Bartholomew n826 1859. McCulloch n 76 1860. Bartholomew c 1-2; 829 1860. Mitchell n 831, 846 1860. Swanston n 832 1860-61. Dufour n833 1861. Johnston n835 1862. Royal illustrated atlas n 838 1863. Berghaus & Stulpnagel c 21; 1259 1863. Dispatch atlas n 839 1863. Johnson n840 1863. Leutemann n841 1863. Union n 330 1864. Johnson n 843 1864. Kuyper n844 1865. Mitchell n 301 1867. Bartholomew n849 1867. Foy n 222, 282 1867. Naymiller & Allodi n851 1868. Dufour n852 1868. Johnston n 853 1868. Mendes de Almeida c 1; 2749 1870. Huberts n857 1870. Mentelle & Chanlaire. Atlas * 1870. Mitchell n859 1871. Butler n861 1872. Asher& Adams 1 1270, 1329 1873. Asher& Adams 1 1272 1873. Gray 1 1390 1874. Asher & Adams 1 1273 1874? Kiepert, Graf & Bruhns n 871 1875. Guigoni n874 1876. Gray t2227 1877. Desjardins c 101 1879. Gray n9*9 1879. Hayes 1 1976, 1987 1880. Hayes 1 1992 1881. Dufour n894 1881. Hayes 1 1969 1882. Philip n907 1882. Robiquet n909 1884. Gillen&Davy 1 1729 1888. Haynes 1 2037 1888. Werner n90 1892. Gardiner n 107, 2881 1894. Cookingham 1 1998 1894. Rand, McNally & Co c v 1; 1439 1896. Ogle t 1636, 1989 1897. Ogle t!996 1898. Ogle 1 1740, 2026, 2067 1898. Rand, McNally & co c v 1, 1446 1899. Miller n 1037 1899. Ogle t2085,20SS 1900. Ogle 1 1991, 1993, 2019, 2116 1901. Ogle t!515, 1562 1901-02. Ogle t2640 1902. Atlas de ge"ographie militaire n 176 1902. Huebinger surveying and map publishing co 1 1696 1902. Lavallee n 2973a 1902. Ogle 1 1654, 1669, 1742 1656 WORLD Continued. 1902. Rand, McNally & co cv2;1447 1902. Vivien .de SaintrMartin & Schro- der c3; 916 1903. Ogle 1 1518, 1643, 1724 1904. Middle- west publishing co . . 1 1529, 1541 1904. Ogle 1 1611, 1734, 2108, 2111, 2113 1904? Zerola. .Atlas * 1905. Alden publishing co 12110 1905. Anderson & Goodwin co 1 1708 1905. Iowa publishing co 1 1563, 1694 1906. Iowa publishing co 1 1650, 1659, 1706 1907. Anderson & Goodwin co 1 1690 1907. Iowa publishing co 1 1681 1907. Ogle t2089 1908. Anderson & Goodwin co 1 1695 1908. Hammond. Atlas * 1908. Elton * 1908. Hannak & Umlauft c2;2789a 1908. Johnston. Atlas * 1908. Rand, McNally & Co. Atlas * 1909. Hammond. Atlas * 1909. Stieler. Atlas * WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. White . . 1 979 WORONEZ. 1796. Cassini c v 2, no 64; 670 WRAGG, JAMES GRAY. Andaman. 1771. Coast c v 1, no 223, 543 Negrais. 1779 c v 1, no 212; 543 WRENTHAM, MASS. 1905. Mass. Harbor and land commission 1 1841 WRENTHAM CAMP. 1781. Rochambeau. mss c53; 1335 WRIGHT, Cassiar district, Alaska. 1876. c29b; 1260 WRIGHT, BENJAMIN. Maps. 1599 n 410 - 1602 n415 - 1620 n3061 New France. 1608. Repr n3601 Nova Californae delineatio. 1616 n 3061 Sancta Helena. 1610? n 428 WRIGHT, EDWARD. Projection c 2; 1155, c 3; 1157, c3; 1158, c 3; 1160, c 23-24; 1162, c3; 1163, c3; 1164, c2; 1168, c 3; 1171 WRIGHT co., MINN. 1894. Central publishing co. Atlas 2048 1901. Northwest publishing co. Atlas.. 2049 WURTEMBERG. 1558. Ortelius n374 1570. Aventinus n 374 1759-84. Majer n 623 1826-51. Wiirtemberg. K. ttat. topo- graphisches bureau. Atlas 3048 WURZBURG. 1741. Seutter n623 1841. Radefeld & Renner n 781 WUSSTN, I. Arabian sea. 1787 c 43; 694 Caspian sea. 1787 c 42; 694 Hungary. 1790 c 9; 694 Maps. 1786-1800 n694 WYANDOTTE, MICH. 1905. Bauer t2002 WYANDOTTE co., KAN. 1887. Hopkins. Atlas 1744 WYLD, JAMES. Ste. Lucie island. 1778 c 14; 1337 South America. 1829. Repr. cpt 1, no 16; 2778 WYOMING. 1871. Mitchell n 302 1876. Mitchell n880 1876. U. S. General land office c 8; 1396 1879. Mitchell n890 1879. U. 8. General land office c 19; 1405 1882. Mitchell n906 1889. Brown n949 WYOMING CO., N. Y. 1802-1902. Century map co n2265 1902. Century map co. Atlas 2265 WYOMING co., PA. Forts. 1896. c v 1, no 418; 2439 WYSPANYCAMP. 1781. Rochambeau. mss. c33; 1335 WYTFLJET, CORNELIUS. America. 1597. Repr n 257 - 1597, 1598, 1603, 1607, 1611. Repr. c42; 2719 Descriptionis Ptolemaic avgmentvm, Editions of n 1140 Fondura. 1597 c 1; 2691 lucatana et Fondura. 1597. Repr. .. c 1 ; 2759 Peruani regni descriptio. 1597. Repr. c V 2, no 6; 2767 World. 1597. Repr c pt 19, no 6; 1136 Yucatan. 1597 c 1; 2691 X. XAGUABAY. 1768. Cell c 83; 1196 XANTUNG. 1690? Hacke. mss c 71; 3162 XAVIA HARBOR. 1792-1831. France. Minis- tire de la marine et des colonies c 217; 2849 XERME ELCOEMATA, PORTO. 1784. Keulen. c v 1, no 114; 543 XULLA. 1690? Hacke. mss c 89; 3162 XULLABESSI. 1690? Hacke. mss c 90; 3162 XUM DAY PORT, INDO-CHINA. 1800. Dal- rymple c v 3, no 34e; 543 Y. YAGUANEQUE HARBOR. 1809. Spain c pt 3, no 12; 1223 1818. Spain cpt3,no!2; 1224 1825. Spain c pt 3, no 12; 1226 YAKUTAT BAY. 1852. Tebienkov c 8; 1229 YAMBO HARBOR. 1779. Dalrymple. c v 1, no 112; 543 YANG-TSE-KIANG. 1899. Chevalier. Atlas.. 3196 YAPURA RIVER DELTA. 1805-34. Hum- boldt c v 2, no 13; 2726 YARMOUTH. 1766. Rocque & Bellin c3; 2878 1778. Bowen, Kitchin, HELM. Maps. 1737 n 586 1753 n3035 1759-81 n622 1762 n61 ZOLLMANN, JOHANN WILHELM. Thuringia. 1747 n623 ZOLNOK. 1685? Rossi. View n 497 ZONES. 1700? Lea n527 ZUCAEELLO. 1666. Ruggiero. mss n 3065, c2; 3065 ZOBICH. Historical diagram. Voegelin & Meyer von Knonau n3154 Schweizerisches landes museum. Globe. America. 16th century. Repr. c 5 bis; 2764 16th century. Repr c 5; 2764 1906. Koch... .. n2783 1659 ZUBNEB, ADAM FKEEDEICH. America. 1709? n551 1712? n542 1735. Repr c v 2, no 20; 2767 Europe. 1712? n542 Maps. 1702-50 n 539 1709? n551 1756? n617 World. 1709? n551 1712? n542 1756?.... .. n617 ZUUA, COLOMBIA. 1827. Restrepo c 3; 2760 1830. Schlieben c 15; 1178 ZUTPHEN, NETHERLANDS. 1646? Avity c 69; 58 1700. Seller cvl,no29; 529 ZUTPHEN ISLAND. 1764. Dalrymple. cv2,no302; 543 ZUTDEE SEE. 1664. Doncker c 3; 472 1682. Colom c5; 491 o UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A 001 222 599 1