) And Paul has told us, that
the kingdom of Antichrist would be " with all power,
and signs, and lying wonders." (q] But these piracies
(they say) are wrought, not by idols, or sorcerers, or false
prophets, but by saints. As if we were ignorant, that it is
a stratagem of Satan to " transform" himself " into an
angel of light." (r) At the tomb of Jeremiah, (s) who was
buried in Egypt, the Egyptians formerly offered sacri-
fices and other divine honours. Was not this abusing
God's holy prophet to the purposes of idolatry. Yet they
supposed this veneration of his sepulchre to be rewarded
with a cure for the bite of serpents. What shall we say,
but that it has been, and ever will be, the most righteous
vengeance of God to " send those who receive not the
love of the truth strong delusions, that they should believe
a lie?" (t) We are by no means without miracles, and
such as are certain, and not liable to cavils. But those
under which they shelter themselves are mere illusions
of Satan, seducing the people from the true worship of
God to vanity.
Another calumny is their charging us with opposition
to the fathers, I mean the writers of the earlier and purer
ages, as if those writers were abetters of their impiety;
whereas if the contest were to be terminated by this au-
(o) In Joan, tract. 13. (/>) Matt. xxiv. 24.
(?) 2 Thess. ii. 9. (r) 2 Cor. xi. 14.
(j) Hierom. in praef. Jerem. (t) 2 Thess. il. 10, 1!.
thority, the victory in most parts of the controversy, to
speak in the most modest terms, would be on our side.
But though the writings of those fathers contain many
wise and excellent things, yet in some respects they have
suffered the common fate of mankind; these very dutiful
children reverence only their errors and mistakes, but
their excellencies they either overlook, or conceal, or
corrupt; so that it may be truly said to be their only study
to collect dross from the midst of gold. Then they over-
whelm us with senseless clamours, as despisers and ene-
mies of the fathers. But we do not hold them in such con-
tempt, but that if it were consistent with my present
design, I could easily support by their suffrages most of
the sentiments that we now maintain. But while we make
use of their writings, we always remember that "all things
are ours," to serve us, not to have dominion over us, and
that " we are Christ's" (v) alone, and owe him universal
obedience. He who neglects this distinction will have
nothing decided in religion; since those holy men were
ignorant of many things, frequently at variance with each
other, and sometimes even inconsistent with themselves.
There is great reason, they say, for the admonition of
Solomon, " not to transgress or remove the ancient land-
marks, which our fathers have set." (w) But the same
rule is not applicable to the bounding of fields, and to the
obedience of faith, which ought to be ready to " forget
her own people and her father's house." (x) But if they
are so fond of allegorizing, why do they not explain the
apostles, rather than any others, to be those fathers, whose
appointed landmarks it is so unlawful to remove? For this
is the interpretation of Jerome, whose works they have
received into their canons. But if they insist on preserving
() 1 Cor. iii. 21, 2". CTC) Prov. xxii. 2K.
f >) Psalm M!V. 10.
the landmarks of those whom they understand to be in-
tended, why do they at pleasure so freely transgress them
themselves? There were two fathers (y), of whom one
said, that our God neither eats nor drinks, and therefore
needs neither cups nor dishes; the other, that sacred things
require no gold, and that gold is no recommendation of
that which is not purchased with gold. This landmark
therefore is transgressed by ihose who in sacred things
are so much delighted with gold, silver, ivory, jewels,
muslins, and silks, and suppose that God is not rightly
worshipped, unless all these things abound in exquisite
splendour, or rather extravagant profusion. There was a
father (z) who said he freely partook of flesh on a day
when others abstained from it, because he was a Christian.
They transgress the landmarks therefore when they curse
the soul that tastes flesh in Lent. There were two fathers
(), of whom one said, that a monk who labours not with
his hands is on a level with a cheat or a robber; and the
other, that it is unlawful for monks to live on what is not
their own, notwithstanding their assiduity in contempla-
tions, studies, and prayers: and they have transgressed
this landmark by placing the idle and distended carcases
of monks in cells and brothels, to be pampered on the
substance of others. There was a father (6) who said, that
to see a painted image of Christ, or of any saint, in the
temples of Christians, is a dreadful abomination. Nor was
this merely the sentence of an individual; it was also
decreed by an ecclesiastical council, that the object of
worship should not be painted on the walls. They are
far from confining themselves within these landmarks,
(;/) Acat. in lib. 2. cap. 16. Trip. Hist. Amb. lib. 2. de Off. c. 28.
(2) Spiridion. Trip. Hist. lib. 1. c. 10.
() Trip. Hist. lib. 8. c. 1. August, de Opere Mon. c. 17.
(6) Epiph. Epist. ab. Hier. verg. Con. Eliber. c. 36.
for every corner is filled with images. Another father (c)
has advised that after having discharged the office of hu-
manity towards the dead by the rites of sepulture, we
should leave them to their repose. They break through
these landmarks by inculcating a constant solicitude for
the dead. There was oue of the fathers (d) who asserted
that the substance of bread and wine in the eucharist
ceases not, but remains, just as the substance of the hu-
man nature remains in the Lord Christ united with the
divine. They transgress this landmark therefore by pre-
tending, that on the words of the Lord being recited, the
substance of bread and wine ceases, and is transubstan-
tiated into his body and blood. There were fathers (e)
who, while they exhibited to the universal Church only
one eucharist, and forbade all scandalous and immoral
persons to approach it, at the same time severely censured
all who when present did not partake of it. How far have
they removed these landmarks, when they fill not only
the churches, but even private houses with their masses,
admit all who choose to be spectators of them, and every
one the more readily in proportion to the magnitude of
his contribution, however chargeable with impurity and
wickedness; they invite none to faith in Christ and a
faithful participation of the sacraments; but rather for
purposes of gain bring forward their own work instead of
the grace and merit of Christ. There were two fathers,
(f) of whom one contended that the use of Christ's sacred
supper should be wholly forbidden to those who, content
with partaking of one kind, abstained from the other; the
other strenuously maintained that Christian people ought
(c) Amb. lib. de Abra. 1. c. 7.
((/) Gelas. Pap. in Cone. Rom.
(e} Chrys. in 1 cap. Ephes. Calix. Papa de Cons, ilist. 2.
(/) Geles. can. Comperimus de Cons. dist. 2. Cypr. Epist. 2. lib. 1. de
not to be refused the blood of their Lord, for the con-
fession of whom they are required to shed their own.
These landmarks also they have removed, in appointing,
by an inviolable law, that very thing which the former
punished with excommunication, and the latter gave a
powerful reason for disapproving. There was a father (g-)
who asserted the temerity of deciding on either side of
an obscure subject, without clear and evident testimonies
of Scripture. This landmark they forgot when they made
so many constitutions, canons, and judicial determinations,
without any authority from the word of God. There was
a father (h) who upbraided Montanus with having, among
other heresies, been the first imposer of laws for the ob-
servance of fasts. They have gone far beyond this land-
mark also, in establishing fasts by the strictest laws. There
was a father (i) who denied that marriage ought to be
forbidden to the ministers of the Church, and pronounced
cohabitation with a wife to be real chastity; and there
were fathers who assented to his judgment. They have
transgressed these landmarks by enjoining on their priests
the strictest celibacy. There was a father who thought
that attention should be paid to Christ only, of whom it
is said, " Hear ye him," and that no regard should be had
to what others before us have either said or done, only
to what has been commanded by Christ who is pre-
eminent over all. This landmark they neither prescribe
to themselves, nor permit to be observed by others, when
they set up over themselves and others any masters rather
than Christ. There was a father () who contended that
the Church ought not to take the precedence of Christ,
because his judgment is always according to truth, but
(,?) August, lib. 2. de Pec. Mer. cap. ult.
(/i) Apollon. de quo Eccl. Hist. lib. 5. cap. 11, 12.
(i) Paphnut. Trip. Hist. lib. 2. c. 14, 12. Cypr. Epist. 2. 1. 2-
(*) Aug. cap. 2- contr. Cresc. Grammatic.
ecclesiastical judges, like other men, may generally be
deceived. Breaking down this landmark also, they scru-
ple not to assert, that all the authority of the Scripture
depends on the decision of the Church. All the fathers
with one heart and voice have declared it execrable and
detestable for the holy word of God to be contaminated
with the subtleties of sophists, and perplexed by the
wrangles of logicians. Do they confine themselves within
these landmarks, when the whole business of their lives
is to involve the simplicity of the Scripture in endless
controversies, and worse than sophistical wrangles? So
that if the fathers were now restored to life, and heard
this act of wrangling, which they call speculative divinity,
they would not suspect the dispute to have the least re-
ference to God. But if I would enumerate all the instances
in which the authority of the fathers is insolently rejected
by those who would be thought their dutiful children,
my address would exceed all reasonable bounds. Months
and years would be insufficient for me. And yet such is
their consummate and incorrigible impudence, they dare
to censure us for presuming to transgress the ancient
Nor can they gain any advantage against us by their
argument from custom. For if we were compelled to
submit to custom, we should have to complain of the
greatest injustice. Indeed, if the judgments of men were
correct, custom should be sought among the good. But
the fact is often very different. 'What appears to be prac-
tised by many soon obtains the force of a custom. And
human affairs have scarcely ever been in so good a state
as for the majority to be pleased with things of real ex-
cellence.) From the private vices of multitudes, therefore,
has arisen public error, or rather a common agreement of
vices, which these good men would now have to be re-
ceived as law. It is evident to all who can see, that the
world is inundated with more than an ocean of evils, that
it is overrun with numerous destructive pests, that every
thing is fast verging to ruin, so that we must altogether
despair of human affairs, or vigorously and even violently
oppose such immense evils. And the remedy is rejected
for no other reason, but because we have been accus-
tomed to the evils so long. But let public error be tolera-
ted in human society; in the kingdom of God nothing but
his eternal truth should be heard and regarded, which
no succession of years, no custom, no confederacy, can
circumscribe. Thus Isaiah once taught the chosen people
of God: " Say ye not, A confederacy, to all to whom this
people shall say, A confederacy;" that is, that they should
not unite in the wicked consent of the people; " nor fear
their fear, nor be afraid," but rather u sanctify the Lord
of hosts," that he might " be their fear and their dread."
(/) Now therefore let them, if they please, object against
us past ages and present examples; if we " sanctify the
Lord of hosts," we shall not be much afraid. For,
whether many ages agree in similar impiety, he is mighty
to take vengeance on the third and fourth generation; or
whether the whole world combine in the same iniquity,
he has given an example of the fatal end of those who sin
with a multitude, by destroying all men with a deluge,
and preserving Noah and his small family, in order that
his individual faith might condemn the whole world.
Lastly, a corrupt custom is nothing but an epidemical
pestilence, which is equally fatal to its objects, though
they fall with a multitude. Besides, they ought to con-
sider a remark, somewhere made by Cyprian, (m) that
persons who sin through ignorance, though they cannot
(0 Isai. viii. 12, 13.
(m) Epist. 3. lib. 2. et in epist. ad Julian, de Hxret. baptiz.
be wholly exculpated, may yet be considered in some
degree excusable; but those who obstinately reject the
truth offered by the Divine goodness, are without any
excuse at all.
Nor are we so embarrassed by their dilemmas as to be
obliged to confess, either that the Church was for some
time extinct, or that we have now a controversy with the
Church. The Church of Christ has lived, and will con-
tinue to live, as long as Christ shall reign at the right
hand of the Father, by whose hand she is sustained, by
whose protection she is defended, by whose power she is
preserved in safety. For he will undoubtedly perform
what he once promised, to be with his people " even to
the end of the world." (n) We have no quarrel against
the Church, for with one consent we unite with all the
company of the faithful in worshipping and adoring the
one God and Christ the Lord, as he has been adored by
all the pious in all ages. But our opponents deviate
widely from the truth when they acknowledge no Church
but what is visible to the corporeal eye, and endeavour
to circumscribe it by those limits within which it is far
from being included. Our controversy turns on the two
following points: first, they contend that the form of
the Church is always apparent and visible; secondly,
they place that form in the see of the Roman Church and
her order of prelates. We assert, on the contrary, first,
that the Church may exist without any visible form;
secondly, that its form is not contained in that external
splendour which they foolishly admire, but is distinguish-
ed by a very different criterion, viz. the pure preaching of
God's word, and the legitimate administration of the
sacraments. They are not satisfied unless the Church can
(n) Matt, xxviii. CO
always be pointed out with the finger. But how often
among the Jewish people was it so disorganized, as to
have no visible form left? What splendid form do we
suppose could be seen, when Elias deplored his being
left alone? (o) How long, after the coming of Christ, did
it remain without any external form? How often, since
that time, have wars, seditions, and heresies, oppressed
and totally obscured it? If they had lived at that period,
would they have believed that any Church existed? Yet
Elias was informed that there were " left seven thousand"
who had " not bowed the knee to Baal." Nor should we
entertain any doubt of Christ's having always reigned
on earth ever since his ascension to heaven. But if the
p ious at such periods had sought for any form evident to
their senses, must not their hearts have been quite dis-
couraged? Indeed it was already considered by Hilary in
his day as a grievous error, that people were absorbed in
foolish admiration of the episcopal dignity, and did not
perceive the dreadful mischiefs concealed under that dis-
guise. For this is his language: (p) " One thing I advise
you, beware of Antichrist, for you have an improper at-
tachment to walls; your veneration for the Church of God
is misplaced on houses and buildings; you wrongly intro-
duce under them the name of peace. Is there any doubt that
they will be seats of Antichrist? I think mountains, woods,
and lakes, prisons and whirlpools, less dangerous, for these
were the scenes of retirement or banishment in which
the prophets prophesied." But what excites the venera-
tion of the multitude in the present day for their horned
bishops, but the supposition that those are the holy-
prelates of religion whom they see presiding over great
cities? Away then with such stupid admiration. Let us
rather leave this to the Lord, since he alone " knoweth
(o) I Kipgs xix. 14, 18. (p} Contr. Auxtnt.
them that arc his," (q] and sometimes removes from hu-
man observation all external knowledge of his Church. I
admit this to be a dreadful judgment of God on the earth,
but if it be deserved by the impiety of men, why do we
attempt to resist the righteous vengeance of God? Thus
the Lord punished the ingratitude of men in former ages;
for, in consequence of their resistance to his truth, and
extinction of the light he had given them, he permitted
them to be blinded by sense, deluded by absurd false-
hoods, and immerged in profound darkness, so that there
was no appearance of the true Church left; yet, at the
same time, in the midst of darkness and errors, he pre-
served his scattered and concealed people from total
destruction. Nor is this to be wondered at, for he knows
how to save in all the confusion of Babylon, and the
flame of the fiery furnace. But how dangerous it is to
estimate the form of the Church by I know not what
vain pomp, which they contend for; I shall rather briefly
suggest their state at large, lest I should protract this
discourse to an excessive length. The Pope, they say,
who holds the Apostolic see, and the bishops anointed
and consecrated by him, provided they are equipped with
mitres and crosiers, represent the Church, and ought to
be considered as the Church. Therefore they cannot err.
How is this? Because they are pastors of the Church,
and consecrated to the Lord. And did not the pastoral
character belong to Aaron, and the other rulers of Israel?
Yet Aaron and his sons, after their designation to the
priesthood, fell into error when they made the golden
calf, (r) According to this mode of reasoning, why should
not the four hundred prophets, who lied to Ahab, have
represented the Church? (s) But the Church remained
(/) 2 Tim. ii. 19. (r) Exod. xxxii. 4.
(*) 1 Kings xxii. 6, 1123.
on the side of Micaiah, solitary and despised as he was,
and out of his mouth proceeded the truth. Did not those
prophets exhibit both the name and appearance of the
Church, who with united violence rose up against Jere-
miah, and threatened and boasted, " the law shall not
perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor
the word from the prophet?" (t) Jeremiah is sent singly
against the whole multitude of prophets, with a denun-
ciation from the Lord, that the law shall perish from the
priest, counsel from the wise, and the word from the
prophet, (v) And was there not the like external respec-
tability in the council convened by the chief priests,
scribes, and pharisees, to consult about putting Christ to
death? (w ) Now let them go and adhere to the external
appearance, and thereby make Christ ancj.all the prophets
schismatics, and, on the other hand, make the ministers
of Satan instruments of the Holy Spirit. But if they
speak their real sentiments, let them answer me sincerely,
what nation or place they consider as the seat of the
Church, from the time when, by a decree of the council
of Basil, Eugenius was deposed and degraded from the
pontificate, and Amadeus substituted in his place. They
cannot deny that the council, as far as relates to external
forms, was a lawful one, and summoned not only by one
pope, but by two. There Eugenius was pronounced
guilty of schism, rebellion, and obstinacy, together with
all the host of cardinals and bishops, who had joined him
in attempting a dissolution of the council. Yet afterwards,
assisted by the favour of princes, he regained the quiet
possession of his former dignity. That election of Ama-
deus, though formally made by the authority of a general
and holy synod, vanished into smoke, and he was appeas-
ed with a cardinal's hat, like a barking dog with a morsel,
(0 Jer. xviii. 18. (o) Jer. iv. 9. (w) Matt. rxvi. 3, 4.
From the bosom of those heretics and rebels have pro-
ceeded all the popes, cardinals, bishops, abbots, and
priests, ever since. Here they must stop. For to which
party will they give the title of the Church? Will they
deny that this was a general council, which wanted
nothing to complete its external majesty, being solemnly
convened by two papal bulls, consecrated by a presiding
legate of the Roman see, and well regulated in every
point of order, and invariably preserving the same dig-
nity to the last? Will they acknowledge Eugenius to be
a schismatic, with all his adherents, by whom they have
all been consecrated? Either therefore let them give a
different definition of the form of the Church, or, what-
ever be their number, we shall account them all schis-
matics, as having been knowingly and voluntarily ordain-
ed by heretics. But if it had never been ascertained
before, that the Church is not confined to external pomps,
they would themselves afford us abundant proof of it,
who have so long superciliously exhibited themselves to
the world under the title of the Church, though they
were at the same time the deadly plagues of it. I speak
not of their morals, and those tragical exploits with
which all their lives abound, since they profess themselves
to be Pharisees, who are to be heard and not imitated.
I refer to the very doctrine itself, on which they found
their claim to be considered as the Church. If you devote
a portion of your leisure, Sire, to the perusal of our
writings, you will clearly discover that doctrine to be a
fatal pestilence of souls, the firebrand, ruin, and destruc-
tion of the Church.
Finally, they betray great want of candour, by invidi-
ously repeating what great commotions, tumults, and
contentions have attended the preaching of our doctrine,
and what effects it produces in many persons. For it is
unfair to charge it with those evils which ought to be
attributed to the malice of Satan* It is the native property
of the Divine word, never to make its appearance without
disturbing Satan, and rousing his opposition. This is the
most certain and unequivocal criterion by which it is dis-
tinguished from false doctrines, which are easily broached
when they are heard with general attention, and received
with applauses by the world. Thus in some ages, when
all things were immerged in profound darkness, the prince
of this world amused and diverted himself with the gene-
rality of mankind, and, like another Sardanapalus, gave
himself up to his ease and pleasures in perfect peace; for
what would he do but amuse and divert himself, in the
quiet and undisturbed possession of his kingdom? But
when the light shining from above dissipated a portion of
his darkness, when that Mighty One alarmed and assaulted
his kingdom, then he began to shake off his wonted torpor,
and to hurry on his armour. First, indeed, he stirred up
the power of men to suppress the truth by violence at
its first appearance, and when this proved ineffectual, he
had recourse to subtlety. He made the Catabaptists, and
other infamous characters, the instruments of exciting
dissentions and doctrinal controversies, with a view to
obscure and finally to extinguish it. And now he continues
to attack it in both ways; for he endeavours to root up
this genuine seed by means of human force, and at the
same time tries every effort to choke it with his tares,
that it may not grow and produce fruit. But all his at-
tempts will be vain, if we attend to the admonitions of
the Lord, who hath long ago made us acquainted with
his devices, that we might not be caught by him unawares,
and has armed us with sufficient means of defence against
all his assaults. But to charge the word of God with the
odium of seditions, excited against it by wicked and re-
bellious men, or of sects raised by impostors; is not this
extreme malignity? Yet it is not without example in for-
mer times. Elias was asked whether it was not he " that
troubled Israel." (or) Christ was represented by the Jews
as guilty of sedition, (y) The apostles were accused of
stirring up popular commotions, (z) Wherein does this
differ from the conduct of those, who at the present day
impute to us all the disturbances, tumults, and contentions
that break out against us? But the proper answer to such
accusations has been taught us by Elias, that the dissemi-
nation of errors and the raising of tumults is not charge-
able on us, but on those who are resisting the power of
God. But as this one reply is sufficient to repress their
temerity, so on the other hand we must meet the weak-
ness of some persons, who are frequently disturbed with
such offences, and become unsettled and wavering in their
minds. Now that they may not stumble and fall amidst
this agitation and perplexity, let them know that the apos-
tles in their day experienced the same things that now
befal us. There were " unlearned and unstable" men,
Peter says, who " wrested" the inspired writings of Paul
" to their own destruction." (a) There were despisers of
God, who when they heard that " where sin abounded
grace did much more abound," immediately concluded,
Let us " continue in sin, that grace may abound." When
they heard that the faithful were "not under the law,"
they immediately croaked, " we will sin, because we are
not under the law, but under grace." (I)) There were
some who accused him as an encourager of sin. Many
false apostles crept in, to destroy the churches he had
raised. " Some preached" the gospel " of envy and strife,
not in sincerity," maliciously " supposing to add affliction
to his bonds." (c) In some places the gospel was attended
with little benefit. " All were seeking their own, not the
(*) 1 Kings xviii. 17. (y) Luke xxiii. 2, 5. (z) Acts xvii. 6. xxiv. 5.
1'et.iii. 16. (t) Rom. v. 20. vi. 1, U, 15. (c) Phil. i. 15, 16.
things of Jesus Christ." (d) Others returned " like dogs
to their vomit, and like swine to their wallowing in the
mire." () Many perverted the liberty of the spirit into
the licentiousness of the flesh. Many insinuated them-
selves as brethren, who afterwards brought the pious into
dangers. Various contentions were excited among the
brethren themselves. What was to be done by the apostles
in such circumstances? Should they not have dissembled
for a time, or rather have rejected and deserted that Gos-
pel which appeared to be the nursery of so many disputes,
the cause of so many dangers, the occasion of so many
offences? But in such difficulties as these their minds
were relieved by this reflection, that Christ is the " stone
of stumbling and rock of offence," (f) " set for the fall
and rising again of many, and for a sign which shall be
spoken against;" (g] and armed with this confidence, they
proceeded boldly through all the dangers of tumults and
offences. The same consideration should support us, since
Paul declares it to be the perpetual character of the Gos-
pel, that it is " a savour of death unto death in them that
perish," (h) although it was rather given us to be the
" savour of life unto life," and " the power of God to"
the " salvation" of the faithful: (i) which we also should
certainly experience it to be, if we did not corrupt this
eminent gift of God by our ingratitude, and pervert to
our destruction what ought to be a principal instrument
of our salvation.
But I return to you, Sire. Let not your Majesty be at
all moved by those groundless accusations with which
our adversaries endeavour to terrify you; as that the sole
tendency and design of this new Gospel, for so they call
it, is to furnish a pretext for seditions, and to gain impunity
(d) Phil. ii. 21. () 2 Pet. ii. 22. (/) 1 Pet. ii. 8.
(0 Luke ii. 34. (A)' 2 Cor. ii. 15, m (/) Rom. i. 16.
for all crimes. " For God is not the author of confusion,
but of peace;" (k) nor is " the Son of God," who came
to " destroy the works of the devil, the minister of sin."
(/) And it is unjust to charge us with such motives and
designs, of which we have never given cause for the least
suspicion. Is it probable that we are meditating the sub-
version of kingdoms? We, who were never heard to utter
a factious word, whose lives were ever known to be peace-
able and honest while we lived under your government,
and who, even now in our exile, cease not to pray for all
prosperity to attend yourself and your kingdom! Is it pro-
bable that we are seeking an unlimited licence to commit
crimes with impunity? in whose conduct, though many
things may be blamed, yet there is nothing worthy of such
severe reproach! Nor have we, by Divine Grace, profited
so little in the Gospel, but that our life may be an example
to our detractors of chastity, liberality, mercy, temperance,
patience, modesty, and every other virtue. It is an undeni-
able fact, that we sincerely fear and worship God, whose
name we desire to be sanctified both by our life and by
our death; and envy itself is constrained to bear testimony
to the innocence and civil integrity of some of us, who
have suffered the punishment of death, for that very thing
which ought to be accounted their highest praise. But if
the Gospel be made a pretext for tumults, which has not
yet happened in your kingdom; if any persons make the
liberty of divine grace an excuse for the licentiousness of
their vices, of whom I have known many; there are laws
and legal penalties, by which they may be punished ac-
cording to their deserts: only let not the Gospel of God
be reproached for the crimes of wicked men. You have
now, Sire, the virulent iniquity of our calumniators laid
before you in a sufficient number of instances, that you
(*) 1 Cor. x\v. 33. (/) 1 John iii. 8. G:i!. ii. 17.
may not receive their accusations with too credulous an
ear. I fear I have gone too much into the detail, as this
preface already approaches the size of a full apology;
whereas I intended it not to contain our defence, but only
to prepare your mind to attend to the pleading of our
cause; for though you are now averse and alienated from
us, and even inflamed against us, we despair not of regain-
ing your favour, if you will only once read with calmness
and composure this our confession, which we intend as
our defence before your Majesty. But, on the contrary,
if your ears are so pre- occupied with the whispers of the
malevolent, as to leave no opportunity for the accused to
speak for themselves, and if those outrageous furies, with
your connivance, continue to persecute with imprison-
ments, scourges, tortures, confiscations, and flames, we
shall indeed, like sheep destined to the slaughter, be re-
duced to the greatest extremities. [Yet shall we in patience
possess our souls, and wait for the mighty hand of the
Lord, which undoubtedly will in time appear, and shew
itself armed for the deliverance of the poor from their
affliction, and for the punishment of their despisers, who
now exult in such perfect security.) May the Lord, the
King of kings, establish your throne with righteousness,
and your kingdom with equity.
Rasil, 1st jlugust, 1536.
I HE design of the Author in these Christian Institutes is
twofold, relating, First, to the knowledge of God, as the wat
to attain a blessed immortality; and, in connection with, and
subservience to this, Secondly, to the knowledge of jourselves.
In the prosecution of this design, he strictly follows the
method of the Apostles' Creed, as being most familiar to all
Christians. For as the Creed consists of four parts, the first
relating to God the Father, the second to the Son, the third
to the Holy Spirit, the fourth to the Church; so the Author
distributes the whole of this work into Four Books, correspond-
ing respectively to the four parts of the Creed; as will clearly
appear from the following detail.
I. The first article of the Creed relates to God the Father,
and to the creation, conservation, and government of all things,
which are included in his omnipotence.
So the first book is on the knowledge of God, considered as
the Creator, Preserver, and Governor of the universe at large,
and of every thing contained in it. It shews both the nature
and tendency of the true knowledge of the Creator That this
is not learned in the schools, but that every man from his birth
is self-taught it Yet that the depravity of men is so great as to
corrupt and extinguish this knowledge, partly by ignorance,
partly by wickedness; so that it neither leads him to glorify
God as he ought, nor conducts him to the attainment of happi-
ness And though this internal knowledge is assisted by all
the creatures around, which serve as a mirror to display the
Divine perfections, yet that man doe-s not profit by it There-
fore, that to those, whom it is God's will to bring to an intimate
and saving knowledge of himself, he gives his written word;
which intro \\\:< ~s obsc rvations on the sacred Scripture That
he has therein revealed himself; that not the Father only, but
the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, united, is the Creator of
heaven and earth; whom neither the knowledge innate by
nature, nor the very beautiful mirror displayed to us in the
world, can, in consequence of our depravity, teach us to know
so as to glorii'y him. This gives occasion for treating of the
revelation of God in the Scripture, of the unity of the Divine
Essence, and the trinity cf Persons. To prevent man from
attributing to God the blame of his own voluntary blindness,
the Author shews the state of man at his creation, and treats
of the image of God, free- v.- ill, and the primitive integrity of
nature. Having finished the subject of creation, he proceeds
to the cotii-iei vat-on and government of all things, concluding
the first bouk with a full discussion of the doctrine of divine
II. But since man is fallen by sin from the state in which
he was created, it is necessary to come to Christ. Therefore
it follows in the Creed, " And in Jesus Christ his only Son
our Lord," Jkc.
So in the second book of the Institutes our author treats of
the knowledge of God, as the Redeemer in Christ; and having
shewn the fall of man, leads him to Christ the Mediator. Here
he states the doctrine of original sin that man possesses no
inh rent strength to enable him to deliver himself from sin
and the impending curse, but that on the contrary nothing can
proceed from him, antecedently to reconciliation and renova-
tion, but \\hat is deserving of condemnation Therefore, that
man, being utterly lost in himself, and incapable of conceiving
even a good thought by which he may restore himself or per-
form actions acceptable to God, he must seek redemption out
ot himself in Christ That the law was given for this purpose,
not to confine its observers to itself, but to conduct them to
Christ; which gives occasion to introduce an exposition of
the Moral Law That he was known, as the Author of salva-
tion, to the Jews under the Law, but more fully under the
Gospel, in which he is manifested to the world. Hence fol-
lows the doctrine of the similarity and difference of the Old
and New Testaments, of the Law and Gospel. It is next
stated, that in order to the complete accomplishment of salva-
tion, it was necessary for the eternal Son of God to become
man, and that he actually assumed a real human nature: it
is also shewn how these two natures constitute one person-
That the office of Christ, appointed for the acquisition and ap-
plication of complete salvation by his merit and efficacy, is
sacerdotal, regal, and prophetical. Next follows the manner
in which Christ executed his office, or actually performed the
part of a Mediator, being an exposition of the Articles respect-
ing his death, resurrection, and ascension to heaven. Lastly,
the Author shews the truth and propriety of affirming, that
Christ merited the grace of God and salvation for us.
III. As long as Christ is separate from us, he profits us
nothing. Hence the necessity of our being ingrafted into him, as
branches into a vine. Therefore the doctrine concerning Christ
is followed, in the third part of the Creed, by this clause,
" I believe in the Holy Spirit," as being the bond of union
between us and Christ.
So in the third book our Author treats of the Holy Spirit,
who unites us to Christ and consequently of faith, by which,
we embrace Christ, with his twofold benefit, free righteousness,
which he imputes to vis, and regeneration, which he commences
within us, by bestowing repentance upon us And to shew
that we have not the least room to glory in such faith as is
unconnected with the pursuit of repentance, before proceeding
to the full discussion of justification, he treats at large of re-
pentance and the continual exercise of it, which Christ, appre-
hended by faith, produces in us by his Spirit. He next fully
discusses the first and chief benefit of Christ, when united to
us by the Holy Spirit, that is, justification and then treats
of prayer, which resembles the hand that actually receives
those blessings to be enjoyed, which faith knows, from the
word of promise, to be laid up with God for our use. But as
all men are not united to Christ, the sole Author of salvation,
by the Holy Spirit, who creates ;mcl preserves faith in us, he
treats of God's eternal election; which is the cause that we, in
whom he foresaw no good but what he intended freely to
bestow, have been favoured with the gift of Christ, and united
to God by the effectual call of the Gospel. Lastly, he treats
of complete regeneration, and the fruition of happiness; that
is, the final resurrection, towards which our eyes must be
directed, since in this world the felicity of the pious, in respect
of enjoyment, is only begun.
IV. But as the Holy Spirit does not unite all men to Christ,
or make them partakers of faith, and on those to whom he im-
parts it he does not ordinarily bestow it without means, but
employs for this purpose the preaching of the Gospel and the
use of the sacraments, with the administration of all discipline,
therefore it follows in the Creed, " I believe in the Holy
Catholic Church," whom, though involved in eternal death,
yet in pursuance of the gratuitous election, God has freely re-
conciled to himself in Christ, and made partakers of the Holy
Spirit, that, being ingrafted into Christ, they may have com-
munion with him as their head, whence flows a perpetual
remission of sins, and a full restoration to eternal life.
So in the fourth book our author treats of the Church
then of the means used by the Holy Spirit in effectually calling
from spiritual death, and preserving the Church the word
and sacraments baptism and the Lord's supper which are
as it were Christ's regal sceptre, by which he commences his
spiritual reign in the Church by the energy of his Spirit, and
carries it forwards from day to day during the present life, after
the close of which he perfects it without means.
And as political institutions are the asylums of the Church
in this life, though civil government is distinct from the spiritual
kingdom of Christ, our Author instructs us respecting it as a
signal blessing of God, which the Church ought to acknow-
ledge with gratitude of heart, till we are called out of this
transitory state to the heavenly inheritance, where God will
be all in all.
This is the plan of the Institutes, which may be comprised
in the following brief summary.
Man, created originally upright, being afterwards ruined,
not partially, but totally, finds salvation out of himself, wholly
in Christ; to whom being united by the Holy Spirit, freely
bestowed, without any regard of future works, he enjoys in
him a twofold benefit, the perfect imputation of righteousness,
which attends him to the grave, and the commencement of
sanctification, which he daily increases, till at length he com-
pletes it at the day of regeneration or resurrection of the body,
so that in eternal life and the heavenly inheritance his praises
are celebrated for such stupendous mercy.
CHAP. I. The Connection between the Knowledge of God
and the Knowledge of ourselves.
CHAP. II. The Nature and Tendency of the Knowledge of
CHAP. III. The Mind of Man naturally endued with the
Knowledge of God.
CHAP. IV. This Knowledge extinguished, or corrupted,
partly by Ignorance, partly by Wickedness.
CHAP. V. The Knowledge of God conspicuous in the Forma-
tion and continual Government of the World.
CHAP. VI. The Guidance and Teaching of the Scripture
necessary to lead to the knowledge of God the Creator.
CHAP. VII. The Testimony of the Spirit necessary to con-
firm the Scripture, in order to the complete Establishment
of its Authority. The suspension of its Authority on the
Judgment of the Church, an impious Fiction.
CHAP. VIII. Rational Proofs to establish the Belief of the
CHAP. IX. The Fanaticism which discards the Scripture,
under the pretence of resorting to immediate Revelations,
subversive of every Principle of Piety.
CHAP. X. All idolatrous Worship discountenanced in the
Scripture, by its exclusive Opposition of the true God to all
the fictitious Deities of the Heathens.
CHAP. XL Unlawfulness of ascribing to God a visible Form,
All Idolatry a Defection from the true God.
CHAP. XII. God contradistinguished from Idols, that he
may be solely and supremely worshipped.
CHAP. XIII. One Divine Essence containing Three Persons
taught in the Scriptures from the beginning.
CHAP. XIV. The true God distinguished in the Scripture
from all fictitious ones by the Creation of the World.
CHAP. XV. The State of Man at his Creation; the Faculties
of the Soul, the Divine Image, Frec-Will, and the original
Purity of his Nature.
CHAP. XVI. God's Preservation and Support of the World
by his Power, and his Government of every Part of it by his
CHAP. XVII. The proper Application of this Doctrine to
render it useful to us.
CHAP. XVIII. God uses the Agency of the Impious, and
inclines their Minds to execute his Judgments, yet without
the least Stain of his perfect Purity.
CHAP. I. The Fall and Defection of Adam the Cause of
the Curse inflicted on all Mankind, and of the Degeneracy
from their primitive Condition. The Doctrine of Original
GHAP. II. Man in his present State despoiled of Freedom
of Will, and subjected to a miserable Slavery.
CHAP. III. Every thing that proceeds from the corrupt
Nature of Man worthy of Condemnation.
CHAP. IV. The Operation of God in the Hearts of Men.
HAP. V. A Refutation of the Objections commonly urged
m the support of Free -Will.
CHAP. VI. Redemption for lost Man to be sought in
CHAP. VII. The Law given, not to confine the ancient
People to itself, but to encourage their Hope of Salvation
in Christ, till the time of his Coming.
CHAP. VIII. An Exposition of the Moral Law.
CHAP. IX. Christ, though known to the Jews under the
Law, yet clearly revealed only in the Gospel.
CHAP. X. The Similarity of the Old and New Testaments.
CHAP. XI. The Difference of the two Testaments.
CHAP. XII. The Necessity of Christ becoming Man in
order to fulfil the Office of Mediator.
CHAP. XIII. Christ's Assumption of real 'Humanity.
CHAP. XIV. The Union of the two Natures constituting the
Person of the Mediator.
CHAP. XV. The Consideration of Christ's three Offices.
Prophetical, Regal, and Sacerdotal, necessary to our knowing
the end of his Mission from the Father, and the Benefits
which he confers on us.
CHAP. XVI. Christ's Execution of the Office of a Redeemer
to procure our Salvation; his Death, Resurrection, and
Ascension to Heaven.
CHAP. XVII. Christ truly and properly said to have merited
the Grace of God and Salvation for us.
On the Knowledge of God the Creator.
1 HE first book treats of the knowledge of God the Creator; but
this being chiefly manifested in the creation of man, man also is
made the subject of discussion. Thus the principal topics of the
whole treatise are two: the knowledge of God, and the knowledge
of man. In the first chapter they are considered together, in the
following chapters separately; yet some things are introduced,
which may be referred to either or both. What respects the
Scripture and images may belong to the knowledge of God;
what respects the formation of the world, the holy angels and the
devils, to the knowledge of man; and what respects the manner
in which God governs the world, to both.
On the first of these topics, the knowledge of God, this book
First, What kind of knowledge God himself requires Chap. II.
Secondly, Where it must be sought Chap. Ill IX. as follows:
1. Not in man; because, though the human mind is na-
turally endued with it, yet it is extinguished, partly by
ignorance, partly by wickedness Chap. III. IV.
2. Nor in the structure of the world; because, though it
shines there with the brightest evidence, testimonies
of that kind, however plain, are, through our stupidity,
wholly useless to us Chap. V.
3. But in the Scripture Chap. VI IX.
Thirdly, What kind of a being God is Chap. X.
Fourthly, the impiety of ascribing to God a visible form, with
observations on the adoration and origin of images Chap. XI.
Fifthly, The reasonableness that God alone should be supremely
worshipped Chap. XII.
Lastly, The unity of the Divine Essence, and the distinction of
three Persons Chap. XIII.
On the other of these topics, the knowledge of man, it contains,
First, A dissertation on the creation of the world, and on the good
and evil angels, all which relate to man Chap. XIV.
Secondly, Proceeding to man himself, an examination of his nature
and powers Chap. XV.
But in order to a clearer illustration of the knowledge of God and
man, the three remaining chapters treat of the government of
all human actions and of the whole world, in opposition to for-
tune and fate, stating the pure doctrine, and shewing its use; and
conclude with proving that though God uses the agency of the
wicked, he is pure from all pollution, and chargeable with n
The Connexion between the Knowledge of God and the Knowledge
of ourselves.
1 RUE and substantial wisdom principally consists of two
parts, the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves.
But while these two branches of knowledge are so intimately
connected, which of them precedes and produces the other,
is not easy to discover. For, in the first place, no man can take
a survey of himself, but he must immediately turn to the con-
templation of God, in whom he " lives and moves:" (a) since it
is evident that the talents which we possess are not from our-
selves, and that our very existence is nothing but a subsistence
in God alone. These bounties, distilling to us by drops
from heaven, form, as it were, so many streams conducting us
to the fountain-head. Our poverty conduces to a clearer display
of the infinite fulness of God. Especially, the miserable ruin,
into which we have been plunged by the defection of the first
man, compels us to raise our eyes towards heaven, not only as
hungry and famished, to seek thence a supply for our wants,
but, aroused with fear, to learn humility. For since man is sub-
ject to a world of miseries, and has been spoiled of his divine
array, this melancholy exposure discovers an immense mass of
deformity: every one therefore must be so impressed with a con-
sciousness of his own infelicity, as to arrive at some knowledge
(a) Acts xvii. 28.
of God. Thus a sense of our ignorance, vanity, poverty, infir-
mity, depravity, and corruption, leads us to perceive and
acknowledge that in the Lord alone are to be found true
wisdom, solid strengdi, perfect goodness, and unspotted
righteousness; and so, by our imperfections, we are excited to
a consideration of the perfections of God. Nor can we really
aspire toward him, till we have begun to be displeased with
ourselves. For who would not gladly rest satisfied with him-
self? where is the man not actually absorbed in self-compla-
cency, while he remains unacquainted with his true situation,
or content with his own endowments^ and ignorant or forgetful
of his own misery? The knowledge of ourselves, therefore, is
not only an incitement to seek after God, but likewise a con-
siderable assistance towards finding him.
II. On the other hand, it is plain that no man can arrive at
the true knowledge of himself, without having first contem-
plated the divine character, and then descended to the consi-
deration of his own. For such is the native pride of us all, we
invariably esteem ourselves righteous, innocent, wise, and
holy, till we are convinced by clear proofs of our unrigh-
teousness, turpitude, folly, and impurity. But we are never
thus convinced, while we confine our attention to ourselves,
and regard not the Lord, who is the only standard by which
this judgment ought to be formed. Because, from our natural
proneness to hypocrisy, any vain appearance of righteous-
ness abundantly contents us instead of the reality; and, every
thing within and around us being exceedingly defiled, we are
delighted with what is least so, as extremely pure, while we
confine our reflections within the limits of human corruption.
Sc the eye, accustomed to see nothing but black, judges that
to be very white, which is but whitish, or perhaps brown,
indeed, the senses of our bodies may assist us in discovering
how grossly we err in estimating the powers of the soul. For
if at noon-day we look either on the ground, or at any sur-
rounding objects, we conclude our vision to be very strong
and piercing: but when we raise our eyes and steadily look
at the sun, they are at once dazzled and confounded with such a
blaze of brightness, and we are constrained to confess, that
our sight, so piercing in viewing terrestrial things, when
directed to the sup, is dimness itself. Thus also it happens in
the consideration of our spiritual endowments. For as long as
our views are bounded by the earth, perfectly content with
our own righteousness, wisdom, and strength, we fondly flatter
ourselves, and fancy we are little less than demigods. But if
we once elevate our thoughts to God, and consider his nature,
and the consummate perfection of his righteousness, wisdom,
and strength, to which we ought to be conformed: what
before charmed us in ourselves under the false pretext of
righteousness, will soon be loathed as the greatest iniquity;
what strangely deceived us under the title of wisdom, will be
despised as extreme folly; and what wore the appearance of
strength, will be proved to be most wretched impotence. So
very remote from the divine purity is what seems in us the
highest perfection.
III. Hence that horror and amazement, with which the
Scripture always represents the saints to have been impressed
and disturbed, on every discovery of the presence of God. For
when we see those, who before his appearance stood secure
and firm, so astonished and affrighted at the manifestation of
his glory, as to faint and almost expire through fear; we must
infer that man is never sufficiently affected with a knowledge
of his own meanness, till he has compared himself with the
Dirine Majesty. Of this consternation we have frequent
examples in the Judges and Prophets: so that it was a common
expression among the Lord's people " We shall die, because
we have seen God." () Therefore the history of Job, to humble
men with a consciousness of their pollution, impotence, and
folly, derives its principal argument from a description of the
Divine purity, power, and wisdom. And not without reason.
For we see how Abraham, the nearer he approached to be-
hold the glory of the Lord, the more fully acknowledged
himself to be but u dust and ashes;" (c) and how Elias (rf) could
not bear his approach without covering his face, his appear-
ance is so formidable. And what can man do, all vile and
corrupt, when fear constrains even the cherubim themselves
to veil their faces? This is what the prophet Isaiah speaks
(*) JudT- xiii. 22. (c) Gen. xviii. 27. (d} 1 Kings six. !J.
of; "the moon shall be confounded and the sun ashamed,
when the Lord of hosts shall reign:" (>) that is, when he shall
make a fuller and nearer exhibition of his splendour, it shall
eclipse the splendour of the brightest object besides. But
though the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves
be intimately connected, the proper order of instruction re-
quires us first to treat of the former, and then to proceed to the
discussion of the latter.
The Nature and Tendency of the Knorvledge of God.
JoY the knowledge of God, I intend not merely a no-
tion that there is such a Being, but also an acquaintance with
whatever we ought to know concerning Him, conducing to
his glory and our benefit. For we cannot with propriety say,
there is any knowledge of God, where there is no religion or
piety. I have no reference here to that species of knowledge,
by which men, lost and condemned in themselves, apprehend
God the Redeemer in Christ the mediator; but only to that
first and simple knowledge, to which the genuine order of
nature would lead us, if Adam had retained his innocence.
For though, in the present ruined state of human nature, no
man will ever perceive God to be a Father, or the Author of
salvation, or in any respect propitious but as pacified by the
mediation of Christ: yet it is one thing to understand, that
God our Maker supports us by his power, governs us by
his providence, nourishes us by his goodness, and follows us
with blessings of every kind, and another to embrace the grace
of reconciliation proposed to us in Christ. Therefore, since
God is first manifested, both in the structure of the world
and in the general tenor of Scripture, simply as the Creator,
and afterwards reveals himself in the person of Christ as a Re-
deemer; hence arises a twofold knowledge of him; of which the
former is first to be considered, and the other will follow in its
() Isaiah vi. 2. xxiv. 2".
proper place. For though our mind cannot conceive of God,
without ascribing some worship to him; it will not be suffi-
cient merely to apprehend, that he is the only proper object of
universal worship and adoration, unless we are also persuaded
that he is the fountain of all good, and seek for none but in him.
This I maintain, not only because he sustains the universe, as
he once made it, by his infinite power, governs it by his wisdom,
preserves it by his goodness, and especially reigns over the
human race in righteousness and judgment, exercising a mer-
ciful forbearance, and defending them by his protection; but
because there cannot be found the least particle of wisdom,
light, righteousness, power, rectitude, or sincere truth, which
does not proceed from him, and claim him for its author: we
should therefore learn to expect and supplicate all these things
from him, and thankfully to acknowledge what he gives us.
For this sense of the divine perfections is calculated to teach us
piety, which produces religion. By piety, I mean a reverence
and love of God, arising from a knowledge of his benefits. For
till men are sensible that they owe every thing to God, that
they are supported by his paternal care, that he is the Author
of all the blessings they enjoy, and that nothing should be
sought independently of him, they will never voluntarily sub-
mit to his authority: they will never truly and cordially devote
themselves to his service, unless they rely upon him alone
for true felicity.
II. Cold and frivolous, then, are the speculations of those \/
who employ themselves in disquisitions on the essence of God, v
when it would be more interesting to us to become acquainted
with his character, and to know what is agreeable to his nature.
For what end is answered by professing, with Epicurus, that
there is a God, who, discarding all concern about the world,
indulges himself in perpetual inactivity? What benefit arises
from the knowledge of a God, with whom we have no concern?
Our knowledge of God should rather tend, first, to teach us
fear and reverence; and, secondly, to instruct us to implore all
good at his hand, and to render him the praise of all that we
receive. For how can you entertain a thought of God, with-
out immediately reflecting, that, being a creature of his forma-
tion, you must, by right of creation, be subject to his authority?
that you are indebted to him for your life, and that all your
actions should be done with reference to him? If this be true,
it certainly follows that your life is miserably corrupt, unless
it be regulated by a desire of obeying him, since his will ought
to be the rule of our conduct. Nor can you have a clear view
of him, without discovering him to be the fountain and origin
of all good. This would produce a desire of union to him,
and confidence in him, if the human mind were not seduced by-
its own depravity from the right path of investigation. For, even
at the first, the pious mind dreams not of any imaginary deity,
but contemplates only the one true God: and, concerning
him, indulges not the fictions of fancy, but, content with be-
lieving him to be such as he reveals himself, uses the most
diligent and unremitting caution, lest it should fall into error
by a rash and presumptuous transgression of his will. He
who thus knows him, sensible that all things are subject to
his control, confides in him as his Guardian and Protector,
and unreservedly commits himself to his care. Assured that
he is the Author of all blessings, in distress or want, he im-
mediately flies to his protection, and expects his aid. Per-
suaded of his goodness and mercy, he relies on him with
unlimited confidence, nor doubts of finding in his clemency
a remedy provided for all his evils. Knowing him to be
his Lord and Father, he concludes that he ought to mark his
government in all things, revere his majesty, endeavour to pro-
mote his glory, and obey his commands. Perceiving him to
be a just Judge, armed with severity for the punishment of
crimes, he keeps his tribunal always in view, and is restrained
by fear from provoking his wrath. Yet he is not so terrified
at the apprehension of his justice, as to wish to evade it, even
if escape were possible; but loves him as much in punishing
the wicked as in blessing the pious, because he believes it as ne-
cessary to his glory to punish the impious and abandoned,
as to reward the righteous with eternal life. Besides, he
restrains himself from sin, not merely from a dread of ven-
geance, but because he loves and reveres God as his Father,
honours and worships him as his Lord, and, even though there
were no hell, would shudder at the thought of offending him.
See then the nature of pure and genuine religion. It consists
in faith, united with a serious fear of God, comprehending a
voluntary reverence, and, producing legitimate Worship agree-
able to the injunctions of the law. And this requires to be the
more carefully remarked, because men in general render to
God a formal worship, but very few truly reverence him;
while great ostentation in ceremonies is universally displayed,
but sincerity of heart is rarely to be found.
The human Mind naturally endued with the Kno\vledge of God.
WE lay it down as a position not to be controverted)
that the human mind, even by natural instinct, possesses some
sense of a Deity. For that no man might shelter himself
under the pretext of ignorance, God hath given to all some
apprehension of his existence, (y) the memory of which he
frequently and insensibly renews; so that as men universally
know that there is a God, and that he is their Maker, they
must be condemned by their own testimony, for not having
worshipped him and consecrated their lives to his service. If
we seek for ignorance of a Deity, it is no where more likely
to be found, than among tribes the most stupid and farthest
from civilization. But, as the celebrated Cicero observes,
there is no nation so barbarous, no race so savage, as not to
be firmly persuaded of the being of a God. (^-) Even those who
in other respects appear to differ but little from brutes, always
retain some sense of religion: so fully are the minds of men
possessed with this common principle, which is closely inter-
woven with their original composition. Now since there has
never been a country or family, from the beginning of the
world, totally destitute of religion; it is a tacit confession, that
some sense of the Divinity is inscribed on every heart. Of
this opinion, idolatry itself furnishes ample proof." For we
know how reluctantly man would degrade himself to exalt
other creatures above him. His preference of worshipping a
(/) Rom. i. 20.
(f ) Cicer. de Natur. Deor. lib. i. Lactant. Inst. lib. iii. cap. 1,0.
piece of wood or stone, to being thought to have no god,
evinces the impression of a Deity on the human mind to be
very strong, the obliteration of which is more difficult than a
total change of the natural disposition, and this is certainly
changed, whenever man leaves his natural pride, and volun-
tarily descends to such meannesses under the notion of wor-
shipping God.
II. It is most absurd then to pretend, as is asserted by some,
that religion was the contrivance of a few subtle and designing
men, a political machine to confine the simple multitude to
their duty, while those who inculcated the worship of God
on others were themselves far from believing that any god
existed. I confess indeed that artful men have introduced
many inventions into religion, to fill the vulgar with reverence
and strike them with terror, in order to obtain the greater com-
mand over their minds. But this they never could have
accomplished, if the minds of men had not previously been
possessed with a firm persuasion of the existence of God, from
which the propensity to religion proceeds. And that they who
cunningly imposed on the illiterate, under the pretext of reli-
gion, were themselves wholly destitute of any knowledge of
God, is quite incredible. For though there were some in ancient
times, and many arise in the present age, who deny the ex-
istence of God; yet, in spite of their reluctance, they are con-
tinually receiving proofs of what they desire to disbelieve.
We read of no one guilty of more audacious or unbridled
contempt of the Deity than Caligula; yet no man ever trembled
with greater distress at any instance of Divine wrath, so that
he was constrained to dread the Divinity whom he professed
to despise. This you may always see exemplified in persons
of similar character. For the most audacious contemners of
God are most alarmed even at the noise of a falling leaf.
Whence arises this, but from the vengeance of the Divine Ma-
jesty, smiting their consciences the more powerfully in propor-
tion to their efforts to fly from it. They try every refuge to
hide themselves from the Lord's presence, and to efface it from
their minds; but their attempts to elude it are all in vain.
Though it may seem to disappear for a moment, it presently
returns with increased violence; so that if they have any remis-
sion of the anguish of conscience, it resembles the sleep of per-
sons intoxicated, or subject to frenzy, who enjoy no placid rest
while sleeping, being continually harassed with horrible and
tremendous dreams. The impious themselves therefore ex-
emplify the observation, that the idea of a God is never lost in
the human mind.
III. It will always be evident to persons of correct judgment^
that the idea of a Deity impressed on the mind of man is
indelible. That all have by nature an innate persuasion of the
Divine existence, a persuasion inseparable from their very con-
stitution, we have abundant evidence in the contumacy of the
wicked, whose furious struggles to extricate themselves from the
fear of God are unavailing. Though Diagoras, and others
like him, turn to ridicule what all ages have believed of reli-
gion; (A) though Dionysius scoff at the judgment of heaven; it
is but a forced laughter, for the worm of a guilty conscience
torments them within, worse than if they were seared with hot
irons. I agree not with Cicero, that errors in process of time
become obsolete, and that religion is increased and ameliorated
daily. For the world, as will shortly be observed, uses its
utmost endeavours to banish all knowledge of God, and tries
every method of corrupting his worship. I only maintain,
that while the stupid insensibility which the wicked wish to
acquire, to promote their contempt of God, preys upon their
minds, yet the sense of a Deity, which they ardently desire to
extinguish, is still strong, and frequently discovers itself. Whence
we infer, that this is a doctrine, not first to be learned in the
schools, but which every man from his birth is self-taught, and
which, though many strain every nerve to banish it from them,
yet nature itself permits none to forget. Now if the end, for
which all men are born and live, be to know God, and unless
the knowledge of God have reached this point, it is uncertain
and vain; it is evident, that all who direct not every thought
and action of life to this end, are degenerated from the law
of their creation. Of this the heathen philosophers them-
selves were not ignorant. This was Plato's meaning, when
he taught that the chief good of the soul consists in simili-
(A) Cicer, de Nat. Deor.lib. 1 & 3. Valer. Maxim, lib. 1. cap. 1.
tude to God, when the soul, having a clear knowledge of him,
is wholly transformed into his likeness, (i) The reasoning also
of Gryllus in Plutarch is very accurate, when he affirms that
men entirely destitute of religion not only do not excel the
brutes, but are in many respects far more wretched, being ob-
noxious to evil under so many forms, and always dragging on
a tumultuous and restless life. The worship of God is there-
fore the only thing, which renders men superior to brutes, and
makes them aspire to immortality.
This Knowledge extinguished or corrupted, partly by Ignorance,
partly by Wickedness.
\\ HILE experience testifies that the seeds of religion are
sown by God in every heart, we scarcely find one man in
a hundred who cherishes what he has received, and not one
in whom they grow to maturity, much less bear fruit in due
season. Some perhaps grow vain in their own superstitions,
while others revolt from God with intentional wickedness, but
all degenerate from the true knowledge of him. The fact is,
that no genuine piety remains in the world. But in saying
that some fall into superstition through error, I would not
insinuate that their ignorance excuses them from guilt: because
their blindness is always connected with pride, vanity, and con-
tumacy. Pride and vanity are discovered, when miserable men,
in seeking after God, rise not, as they ought, above their own
leVel, but judge of him according to their carnal stupidity, and
leave the proper path of investigation in pursuit of speculations
as vain as they are curious. Their conceptions of him are
formed, not according to the representations he gives of him-
self, but by the inventions of their own presumptuous ima-
ginations. This gulf being opened, whatever course they
take, they must be rushing forwards to destruction. None of
their subsequent attempts for the worship or service of God
(i) InPhacd.&Theict.
can be considered as rendered to him; because they worship
not him, but a figment of their own brains in his stead. This
depravity Paul expressly remarks: " Professing themselves to
be wise, they became fools." () He had before said, " they
became vain in their imaginations." But lest any should excul-
pate them, he adds that they were deservedly blinded, because,
not content within the bounds of sobriety, but arrogating to
themselves more than was right, they wilfully darkened, and
even infatuated themselves with pride, vanity, and perverse-
ness. Whence it follows, that their folly is inexcusable, which
originates not only in a vain curiosity, but in false confidence,
and an immoderate desire to exceed the limits of human
II. David's assertion, that " the fool hath said in his heart,
there is no God," (/) is primarily, as we shall soon see in
another place, to be restricted to those who extinguish the light
of nature, and wilfully stupify themselves. For we see many,
become hardened by bold and habitual transgressions, striving
to banish all remembrance of God, which the instinct of
nature is still suggesting to their minds. To render their
madness more detestable, he introduces them as expressly
denying the existence of God, not that they deprive him of
his being, but because they rob him of his justice and pro-
vidence, shutting him up as an idler in heaven. Now as no-
thing would be more inconsistent with Deity, than to abandon
the government of the world, leave it to fortune, and connive
at the crimes of men, that they might wanton with impunity;
whoever extinguishes all fear of the heavenly judgment, and
indulges himself in security, denies that there is any God.
After the impious have wilfully shut their own eyes, it is the
righteous vengeance of God upon them, to darken their under-
standings, so that seeing, they may not perceive, (jri) David
is the best interpreter of his own meaning, in another place,
where he says, " the wicked have no fear of God before their
eyes;" (ji) and again, that they encourage themselves in their
iniquities with the flattering persuasion that God doth not
see them, (o) Though they are constrained to acknowledge
(fc) Rom. i. 22. (/) Psalm xiv. 1. (*n) Isaiah vi. 9.
(n) Psalm xxxvi. 1. (o) Psalm x. 11.
the existence of God, yet they rob him of his glory, by de-
tracting from his power. For as God, according to the testi-
mony of Paul, " cannot deny himself," (/>) because he per-
petually remains like himself; those who feign him to be a vain
and lifeless image, are truly said to deny God. It must also be
remarked that though they strive against their own natural
understanding, and desire not only to banish him thence, but
even to annihilate him in heaven, their insensibility can never
prevail, so as to prevent God from sometimes recalling them
to his tribunal. But as no dread restrains them from violent
opposition to the divine will, it is evident, as long as they
are carried away with such a blind impetuosity, that they are
governed by a brutish forgetfulness of God.
III. Thus is overthrown the vain excuse pleaded by many
for their superstition: for they satisfy themselves with any
attention to religion, however preposterous, not considering
that the Divine Will is the perpetual rule to which true religion
ought to be conformed; that God ever continues like himself;
that he is no spectre or phantasm, to be metamorphosed ac-
cording to the fancy of every individual. It is easy to see how
superstition mocks God with hypocritical services, while it
attempts to please him. For, embracing only those things
which he declares he disregards, it either contemptuously prac-
tises, or even openly rejects, what he prescribes and declares
to be pleasing in his sight. Persons who introduce newly in-
r vented methods of worshipping God, really worship and adore
the creature of their distempered imaginations; for they would
never have dared to trifle in such a manner with God, if they
had not first feigned a god conformable to their own false
and foolish notions. Wherefore the apostle pronounces a vague
and unsettled notion concerning the Deity to be ignorance of
God. " When ye knew not God (says he) ye did service unto
them which by nature were no gods." (y) And in another
place he speaks of the Ephesians as having been "without
God," (r) while they were strangers to a right knowledge of
the only true God. Nor, in this respect, is it of much im-
portance, whether you imagine to yourself one god or more,
for in either case you depart and revolt from the true God, and,
(/) 2 Tim. ii. 13. (9) Gal. Iv. 8. (r) Eph. ii. 12.
forsaking him, you have nothing left you but an execrable idol.
We must therefore decide, with Lactantius, that there is no i
legitimate religion unconnected with truth.
IV. Another sin is, that they never think of God but against
their inclinations, nor approach him till their reluctance is
overcome by constraint, and then they are influenced, not by a
voluntary fear, proceeding from reverence of the Divine Ma-
jesty, but by a servile and constrained fear, extorted by the
Divine judgment, which they dread because it is inevitable, at
the same time that they hate it. Now to impiety, and to this
species of it alone, is applicable that assertion of Statius, that
fear first made gods in the world, (s) They, whose minds are
alienated from the righteousness of God, earnestly desire the
subversion of that tribunal, which they know to be established
for the punishment of transgressions against it. With this dis-
position, they wage war against the Lord, who cannot be de-
prived of his judgment; but when they apprehend his irre-
sistible arm to be impending over their heads, unable to avert
or evade it, they tremble with fear. That they may not seem
altogether to despise him, whose majesty troubles them, they
practise some form of religion; at the same time not ceasing
to pollute themselves with vices of every kind, and to add
one flagitious act to another, till they have violated every part
of God's holy law, and evaporated all its righteousness. It is
certain, at least, that they are not prevented by that pretended
fear of God from enjoying pleasure and satisfaction in their
sins, practising self-adulation, and preferring the indulgence of
their own carnal intemperance, to the salutary restraints of the
Holy Spirit. But that being a false and vain shadow of re-
ligion, and scarcely worthy even to be called its shadow; it
is easy to infer the wide difference between such a confused
notion of God, and the piety which is instilled only into the "
minds of the faithful, and is the source of religion. Yet hypo-
crites, who are flying from God, resort to the artifices of
superstition, for the sake of appearing devoted to him. For
whereas the whole tenor of their life ought to be a perpetual
course of obedience to him, they make no scruple of rebelling
against him in almost all their actions, only endeavouring to
(*) Statii Thebaid. lib. 3.
appease him with a few paltry sacrifices. Whereas he ought
to be served with sanctity of life and integrity of heart, they
invent frivolous trifles and worthless observances, to conciliate
his favour. They abandon themselves to their impurities with
the greater licentiousness, because they confide in being able
to discharge all their duty to him by ridiculous expiations. In
a word, whereas their confidence ought to be placed on him,
they neglect him, and depend upon themselves, or on other
creatures. At length they involve themselves in such a vast
accumulation of errors, that those sparks which enabled them
to discover the glory of God are smothered, and at last extin-
guished by the criminal darkness of iniquity. That seed,
which it is impossible to eradicate, a sense of the existence of
a Deity, yet remains; but so corrupted as to produce only the
worst of fruits. Yet this is a farther proof of what I now con-
tend for, that an idea of God is naturally engraved on the
hearts x>f men, since necessity extorts a confession of it, even
from reprobates themselves. In the moment of tranquillity
they facetiously mock the Divine Being, and with loquacious
impertinence derogate from his power. But if any despair
oppress them, it stimulates them to seek him, and dictates
concise prayers, which prove that they were not altogether
ignorant of God, but that what ought to have appeared before
had been suppressed by obstinacy.
The Knorvledge of God conspicuous in the Formation and con-
tinual Government of the World.
AS the perfection of a happy life consists in the knowledge
of God, that no man might be precluded from attaining feli-
city, Qod hath not only sown in the minds of men the seed of
religion, already mentioned, but hath manifested himself in the
formation of every part of the world, and daily presents him-
self to public view, in such a manner, that they cannot open
their eyes without being constrained to behold him. His
Essence indeed is incomprehensible, so that his Majesty is not
to be perceived by the human senses: but on all his works he
hath inscribed his glory in characters so" clear, unequivocal,
and striking, that the most illiterate and stupid cannot excul-
pate themselves by the plea of ignorance. The Psalmist
therefore with great propriety exclaims, " He covereth himself
with light as with a garment:" (?) as if he had said, that his
first appearance in visible apparel was at the creation of the
world, when he displayed those glories which are still conspi-
cuous on every side. In the same place the Psalmist compares
the expanded heavens to a royal pavilion; he says that he
" layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters; maketh
the clouds his chariot, walketh upon the wings of the wind:"
and maketh the winds and the lightnings his swift messengers.
And because the glory of his power and wisdom is more re-
fulgently displayed above, heaven is generally called his palace.
And, in the first place, whithersoever you turn your eyes, there
is not an atom of the world in which you cannot behold some
brilliant sparks at least of his glory. But you cannot at one
view take a survey of this most ample and beautiful machine
in all its vast extent, without being completely overwhelmed
with its infinite splendour. Wherefore the author of the
epistle to the Hebrews elegantly represents the worlds as the
manifestation of invisible things: (v) for the exact symmetry
of the universe is a mirror, in which we may contemplate the
otherwise invisible God. For which reason the Psalmist (zv)
attributes to the celestial bodies a language universally known:
for they afford a testimony of the Deity, too evident to escape
the observation even of the most ignorant people in the world.
But the Apostle more distinctly asserts this manifestation to
men of what was useful to be known concerning God: " for
the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are
elearly seen, being understood by the things that are made,
even his eternal power and godhead." (^)
II..Of his wonderful wisdom, both heaven and earth contain
innumerable proofs: not only those more abstruse things, which
are the subjects of astronomy, medicine, and the whole science
(0 Psalm civ. 2. (v) Heb. xi. 3. (w) Psalm xix. 1, 3.
M Rom. i. 20.
of physics; but those things which force themselves on the
view of the most illiterate of mankind, so that they cannot open
their eyes without being constrained to witness them. Adepts
indeed in those liberal arts, or persons but just initiated into
them, are thereby enabled to proceed much farther in inves-
tigating the secrets of Divine Wisdom. Yet ignorance, of
those sciences prevents no man from such a survey of the
workmanship of God, as is more than sufficient to excite his
admiration of the Divine Architect. In disquisitions concern-
ing the motions of the stars, in fixing their situations, mea-
suring their distances, and distinguishing their peculiar pro-
perties, there is need of skill, exactness, and industry: and
the providence of God being more clearly revealed by these
discoveries, the mind ought to rise to a sublime elevation for
the contemplation of his glory. But since the meanest and
most illiterate of mankind, who are furnished with no other
assistance than their own eyes, cannot be ignorant of the ex-
cellence of the Divine skill, exhibiting itself in that endless yet
regular variety of the innumerable celestial host; it is evident,
that the Lord abundantly manifests his wisdom to every indi-
vidual on earth. Thus it belongs to a man of pre-eminent
ingenuity to examine, with the critical exactness of Galen, the
connection, the symmetry, the beauty, and the use of the va-
rious parts of the human body. But the composition of the
human body is universally acknowledged to be so ingenious,
as to render its Maker the object of admiration.
III. And therefore some of the philosophers (z/) of antiquity
have justly called man a microcosm, or world in miniature;
because he is an eminent specimen of the power, goodness,
and wisdom of God, and contains in him wonders enough to
occupy the attention of our minds, if we are not indisposed to
such a study. For this reason Paul, having remarked that the
blind "might feel after God and find him," immediately adds,
that " he is not far from every one of us;" (2) because every
man has undoubtedly an inward perception of the celestial
goodness, by which he is quickened. But if, to attain some
(#) Macrob. lib. 2. de Somn. Scip. c. 12. Boct. de Defin. Arist. lib. 1. de Hist.
(r) Acts xvii. 27.
ideas of God, it be not necessary for us to go beyond ourselves,
what an unpardonable indolence is it in those who will not de-
scend into themselves, that they may find him? For the same
reason, David, having briefly celebrated the wonderful name
and honour of God, which are universally conspicuous, imme-
diately exclaims, " What is man, that thou art mindful of
him?" (a) Again, " out of the mouths of babes and sucklings
thou hast ordained strength." Thus declaring not only that
the human race is a clear mirror of the works of God, but
that even infants at the breast have tongues so eloquent for
the publication of his glory, that there is no necessity for other
orators; whence he hesitates not to produce them as fully
capable of confuting the madness of those whose diabolical
pride would wish to extinguish the name of God. Hence
also what Paul quotes from Aratus, that " we are the offspring
of God;" () since his adorning us with such great excellence
has proved him to be our Father. So from the dictates of
common sense and experience, the heathen poets called him
the Father of men. Nor will any man freely devote himself
to the service of God, unless he have been allured to love and
reverence him, by first experiencing his paternal love.
IV. But herein appears the vile ingratitude of men; that,
while they ought to be proclaiming the praises of God for the
wonderful skill displayed in their formation, and the inestima-
ble bounties he bestows on them, they are only inflated with
the greater pride. They perceive how wonderfully God works
within them, and experience teaches them what a variety of
blessings they receive from his liberality. They are con-
strained to know, whether willingly or not, that these are
proofs of his divinity: yet they suppress this knowledge in
their hearts. Indeed, they need not go out of themselves, pro-
vided they do not, by arrogating to themselves what is given
from heaven, smother the light which illuminates their minds
to a clearer discovery of God. Even in the present day, there
are many men of monstrous dispositions, who hesitate not to
pervert all the seeds of divinity sown in the nature of man, in
order to bury in oblivion the name of God. How detestable
() and finally disposing all things according to the
dictates of the highest reason.
IX. We see that there is no need of any long or laborious
argumentation, to obtain and produce testimonies for illus-
trating and asserting the Divine Majesty: since, from the few
which we have selected and cursorily mentioned, it appears,
that they are every where so evident and obvious, as easily to
be distinguished by the eyes, and pointed out with the fingers.
And here it must again be observed, that we are invited to a \
knowledge of God; not such as, content with empty specu-
lation, merely floats in the brain, but such as will be solid and i
fruitful, if rightly received and rooted in our hearts. For the
Lord is manifested by his perfections: perceiving the influence,
and enjoying the benefits of which, we must necessarily be
more acutely impressed with such a knowledge, than if we
imagined a Deity, of whose influence we had no perception.
(A) Psalm cvii. 43. () Psalm cxtii. 7. (*) 1 Cor. xxxii. 19,
Whence we conclude this to be the right way, and the best
method of seeking God; not with presumptuous curiosity to
attempt an examination of his essence, which is rather to be
adored than too curiously investigated; but to contemplate
him in his works, in which he approaches and familiarizes, and
in some measure, communicates himself to us. To this the
Apostle referred, when he said, that he is not to be sought far
off, since, by his attribute of omnipresence, he dwells in every
one of us. (/) Therefore David, having before confessed his
ineffable greatness, after he descends to the mention of his
works, adds, that he will " declare this greatness." (m) Where-
fore it becomes us also to apply ourselves to such an investiga-
tion of God, as may fill our understanding with admiration,
and powerfully interest our feelings. And, as Augustine
somewhere teaches, being incapable of comprehending him,
and fainting, as it were, under his immensity, we must take a
view of his works, that we may be refreshed with his good-
ness, (n)
X. Now such a knowledge ought not only to excite us to
the worship of God, but likewise to awaken and arouse us to
the hope of a future life. For when we consider, that the
specimens given by the Lord, both of his clemency and of
his severity, are only begun and not completed; we certainly
should esteem these as preludes to greater things, of which
the manifestation and full exhibition is deferred to another
life. When we see that pious men are loaded with afflictions
by the impious, harassed with injuries, oppressed with ca-
lumnies, and vexed with contumelious and opprobrious treat-
ment; that the wicked, on the contrary, flourish, prosper, ob-
tain ease and dignity, and all with impunity; we should
immediately conclude, that there is another life, to which is
reserved the vengeance due to iniquity, and the reward of
righteousness. Moreover, when we observe the faithful fre-
quently chastised by the Lord's rod, we may conclude, with
great certainty, that the impious shall not always escape his
vengeance. For that is a wise observation of Augustine: " If
open punishment were now inflicted for every sin, it would be
(/) Acts xvii. 27. (m) Psalm cxlv. 6. (n) Aug. in Psal. cxliv.
supposed that nothing would be reserved till the last judg-
ment. Again, if God now did not openly punish any sin,
it would be presumed that there was no divine providence." (0)
It must therefore be confessed, that in each of the works of
God, but more especially in die whole considered together,
there is a bright exhibition of the divine perfections; by
which the whole human race is invited and allured to the
knowledge of God, and thence to true and complete felicity.
But though those perfections are most luminously pourtrayed
around us, we only discover their principal tendency, their
use, and the end of our contemplation of them, when we
descend into our own selves, and consider, by what means
God displays in us his life, wisdom, and power, and exercises
towards us his righteousness, goodness, and mercy. For though
David jusdy complains, that unbelievers are fools, because
they consider not the profound designs of God in the govern-
ment of mankind; (/>) yet there is much truth in what he says
in another place, that the wonders of Divine Wisdom in this
respect exceed in number the hairs of our head. () who, being asked, by Hiero the Tyrant, what
God was, requested a day to consider it. When the tyrant,
the next day, repeated the inquiry, he begged to be allowed
two days longer. And, having often doubled the number of
days, at length answered, "The longer I consider the subject,
the more obscure it appears to me." He prudently suspended
his opinion on a subject so obscure to him; yet this shews,
that men, who are taught only by nature, have no certain,
sound, or distinct knowledge, but are confined to confused
principles; so that they worship an unknown God.
XIII. Now it must also be maintained, that whoever adul-
terates the pure religion, (which must necessarily be the case
of all who are influenced by their own imagination,) he is
guilty of a departure from the one God. They will profess,
indeed, a different intention: but what they intend, or what
they persuade themselves, is of little importance; since the
Holy Spirit pronounces all to be apostates, who, in the dark-
ness of their minds, substitute demons in the place of God.
For this reason Paul declares the Ephesians to have been
** without God " (#) till they had learned from the Gospel
the worship of the true God. Nor should this be restricted
to one nation only, since, in another place, he asserts of men in
general, that they "became vain in their imaginations," (z/)
after the majesty of the Creator had been discovered to them
in the structure of the world. And therefore the Scripture,
to make room for the only true God, condemns, as false and
lying, whatever was formerly worshipped as divine among the
Gentiles; (2) and leaves no deity but in mount Sion, where
flourished the peculiar knowledge of God. Indeed, among the
Gentiles, the Samaritans, in the days of Christ, seemed to ap-
proach very nearly to true piety; yet we hear, from the mouth
of Christ, that they " worshipped they knew not what:" (a)
whence it follows, that they were under a vain and erroneous
(w) Cic. lib. 1. de Nat. Dcor. (or) Ephes. ii. 12.
fa) Rom. i. 21. (z) Heb. ii. 18, 20. (a) John iv. 22.
delusion. In fine, though they were not all the subjects of gross
vices, or open idolaters, there was no pure and approved re-
ligion, their notions being founded only in common sense. For
though there were a few uninfected with the madness of the
vulgar, this assertion of Paul remains unshaken, that " none
of the princes of this world knew the wisdom of God." ()
But if the most exalted have been involved in the darkness of
error, what must be said of the dregs of the people? Where-
fore it is not surprising if the Holy Spirit reject, as spurious,
eyery form of worship which is of human contrivance: be-
cause, in the mysteries of heaven, an opinion acquired by
human means, though it may not always produce an immense
mass of errors, yet always produces some. And though
no worse consequence follow, it is no trivial fault, to wor-
ship, at an uncertainty, an unknown god: of which, how-
ever, Christ pronounces all to be guilty, who have not been
taught by the law what god they ought to worship. And
indeed the best legislators have proceeded no farther than to
declare religion to be founded on common consent. And even
Socrates, in Xenophon, (c) praises the answer of Apollo, which
directed that every man should worship the gods according to
the rites of his country, and the custom of his own city. But
whence had mortals this right of determining, by their own
authority, what far exceeds all the world? or who could so
acquiesce in the decrees of the rulers or the ordinances of the
people, as without hesitation to receive a god delivered t6
him by the authority of man? Every man will rather abide
by his own judgment, than be subject to the will of another.
Since, then, the following of the custom of a city, or the con-
sent of antiquity, in divine worship, is too weak and frail a bond
of piety, it remains for God himself to give a revelation con-
cerning himself from heaven.
XIV. Vain, therefore, is the light afforded us in the forma-
tion of the world to illustrate the glory of its Author: which,
though its rays be diffused all around us, is insufficient to
conduct us into the right way. Some sparks indeed are
kindled, but smothered before they have emitted any great
(6) I Cor. ii. 8.
(c) Xenoph. de Diet et Fact. Socrat. lib. 1. Cic. de Legib. Ub. 2.
degree of light. Wherefore the Apostle, in the place before
cited, says, " By faith we understand that the worlds were
framed by the word of God;" () thus intimating, that the
invisible Deity was represented by such visible objects, yet
that we have no eyes to discern him, unless they be illuminated
through faith by an internal revelation of God. Nor does
Paul, where he observes that " that which may be known of
God is manifest" (e) in the creation of the world, design such a
manifestation as human sagacity may comprehend; but rather
shews, that its utmost extent is to render men inexcuseable.
The same writer also, though in one place (y) he denies that
God is to be traced as if he were at a great distance from us,
yet teaches, in another place, (g) the consequences of such a
proximity. God, says he, " in times past suffered all nations
to walk in their own ways. Nevertheless he left not himself
without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from
heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and
gladness." (A) Though the Lord, then, is not destitute of a testi-
mony concerning himself, while with various and most abun-
dant benignity he sweetly allures mankind to the knowledge of
him: yet they persist in following their own ways, their perni-
cious and fatal errors.
XV. But whatever deficiency of natural ability prevents
us from attaining the pure and clear knowledge of God: yet
since that deficiency arises from our own fault, we are left
without any excuse. Nor indeed can we set up any pretence
of ignorance, that will prevent our own consciences from
perpetually accusing us of indolence and ingratitude. Truly
it would be a defence worthy to be admitted, if a man should
plead that he wanted ears to hear the truth, for the publica-
tion of which even the mute creatures are supplied with most
melodious voices; if he should allege that his eyes are not
capable of seeing what is demonstrated by the creatures, with-
out the help of the eyes; if he should plead mental imbecility,
while all the irrational creatures instruct us. Wherefore we are
justly excluded from all excuse for our uncertain and extrava-
gant deviations, since alL things conspire to shew us the right
(d) Heb. xi. 3. (0 Rom. i. 19. (/) Rom. i. 20.
Cg-) Acts xvii. 27. (A)Acts xiv. 16, 17,
way. But however men are chargeable with sinfully corrupt-
ing the seeds of divine knowledge, which, by the wonderful
operation of nature, are sown in their hearts, so that they
produce no good and fair crop; yet it is beyond a doubt, that
the simple testimony magnificently borne by the creatures to
the glory of God, is very insufficient for our instruction. For
as soon as a survey of the world has just shewn us a deity,
neglecting the true God, we set up in his stead the dreams
and phantasms of our own brains; and confer on them, the
praise of righteousness, wisdom, goodness, and power, due to
him. We either obscure his daily acts, or pervert them by
an erroneous estimate; thereby depriving the acts themselves
of their glory, and their Author of his deserved praise.
The Guidance and Teaching' of the Scripture necessary to lead
to the Knowledge of God the Creator.
L HOUGH the light which presents itself to all eyes, both
in heaven and in earth, is more than sufficient to deprive the
ingratitude .of men of every excuse, since God, in order to
involve all mankind in the same guilt, sets before them all,
without exception, an exhibition of his majesty, delineated in
the creatures; yet we need another and better assistance, pro-
perly to direct us to the Creator of the world. Therefore he
hath not unnecessarily added the light of his word, to make
himself known unto salvation, and hath honoured with this
privilege those whom he intended to unite in a more close and
familiar connection with himself. For, seeing the minds of all
men to be agitated with unstable dispositions, when he had
chosen the Jews as his peculiar flock, he enclosed them as in
a fold, that they might not wander after the vanities of other
nations. And it is not without cause that he preserves us in
the pure knowledge of himself by the same means; for, other-
wise, they who seem comparatively to stand firm, would soon
fall. For as persons who are old, or whose eyes are by any
means become dim, if you shew them the most beautiful book,
though they perceive something written, but can scarcely read
two words together; yet, by the assistance of spectacles, will
begin to read distinctly: so the Scripture, collecting in our
minds the otherwise confused notions of deity, dispels the
darkness, and gives us a clear view of the true God. This,
then, is a singular favour, that, in the instruction of the Church,
God not only uses mute teachers, but even opens his own
sacred mouth: not only proclaims that some god ought to be
worshipped, but at the same time pronounces himself to be
the Being to whom this worship is due; and not only teaches
the elect to raise their view to a deity, but also exhibits
himself as the object of their contemplation. This method
he hath observed toward his Church from the beginning; be-
side those common lessons of instruction, to afford them also
his word; which furnishes a more correct and certain criterion
to distinguish him from all fictitious deities. And it was un-
doubtedly by this assistance that Adam, Noah, Abraham, and
the rest of the patriarchs, attained to that familiar knowledge
which distinguished them from unbelievers.il speak not yet
of the peculiar doctrine of faith, which illuminated them into
the hope of eternal life. For, to pass from death to life, they
must have known God, not only as the Creator, but also as
the Redeemer: 1 as they certainly obtained both from his word.
For that species of knowledge, which related to him as the
Creator and Governor of the world, in order, preceded the
other. To this was afterwards added the other internal know-
ledge, which alone vivifies dead souls, and apprehends God,
not only as the Creator of the world, and as the sole Author
and Arbiter of all events, but also as the Redeemer in the
person of the Mediator. But being not yet come to the fall of
man and the corruption of nature, I also forbear to treat of
the remedy. Let the Reader remember, therefore, that I am
not yet treating of that covenant by which God adopted the
children of Abraham; and of that point of doctrine by which
believers have always been particularly separated from the
profane nations; since that is founded on Christ: but am only
shewing how we ought to learn from the Scripture, that God,
who created the world, may be certainly distinguished from
the whole multitude of fictitious deities. The scries of sub-
jects will, in due time, lead us to redemption. But though we
shall adduce many testimonies from the New Testament, and
some also from the Law and the Prophets, in which Christ
is expressly mentioned; yet they will all tend to prove, that
the Scripture discovers God to us as the Creator of the world,
and declares what sentiments we should form of him, that we
may not be seeking after a deity in a labyrinth of uncer-
II. But, whether God revealed himself to the patriarchs by
oracles and visions, or suggested, by means of the ministry of
men, what should be handed down by tradition to their
posterity, it is beyond a doubt that their minds were impressed
with a firm assurance of the doctrine, so that they were per-
suaded and convinced that the information they had received
came from God. For God always secured to his word an
undoubted credit, superior to all human opinion. At length,
that the truth might remain in the world in a continual course
of instruction to all ages, he determined that the same oracles
which he had deposited with the patriarchs should be committed
to public records. With this design the Law was promulgated,
to which the Prophets were afterwards annexed, as its inter-
preters. For, though the uses of the law were many, as will
be better seen in the proper place; and particularly the inten-
tion of Moses, and of all the prophets, was to teach the mode of
reconciliation between God and man, (whence also Paul calls
Christ " the end of the law;") (A) yet I repeat again, that, be-
side the peculiar doctrine of faith and repentance, which pro-
poses Christ as the Mediator, the Scripture distinguishes the
only true God by certain characters and titles, as the Creator
and Governor of the world, that he may not be confounded
with the multitude of false gods. [Therefore, though every man
should seriously apply himself to a consideration of the works
of God, being placed in this very splendid theatre to be a
spectator of them; yet he ought principally to attend to the
word, that he may attain superior advantagesT] And, indeed,
it is not surprising, that they who are born in darkness grow
more and more hardened in their stupidity; since very few
(A) Rom. x. 4.
attend to the word of God with teachable dispositions, to re-
strain themselves within the limits which it prescribes, but
rather exult in their own vanity. This, then, must be con-
sidered as a fixed principle, that, in order to enjoy the light
of true religion, we ought to begin with the doctrine of
heaven; and that no man can have the least knowledge of true
and sound doctrine, without having been a disciple of the
Scripture. Hence originates all true wisdom, when we em-
brace with reverence the testimony which God hath been
pleased therein to deliver concerning himself. For obedience
is the source, not only of an absolutely perfect and complete
faith, but of all right knowledge of God. And truly, in this
instance, God hath, in his providence, particularly consulted
the true interest of mankind in all ages.
III. For, if we consider the mutability of the human mind,
how easy its lapse into forgetfulness of God, how great its
propensity to errors of every kind, how violent its rage for
the perpetual fabrication of new and false religions; it will be
easy to perceive the necessity of the heavenly doctrine being
thus committed to writing, that it might not be lost in obli-
vion, or evaporate in error, or be corrupted by the presumption
of men. Since it is evident, therefore, that God, foreseeing the
inefficacy of his manifestation of himself in the exquisite struc-
ture of the world, hath afforded the assistance of his word to all
those to whom he determined to make his instructions effectual;
if we seriously aspire to a sincere contemplation of God, it
is necessary for us to pursue this right way. We must come,
I say, to the word, which contains a just and lively description
of God as he appears in his works, when those works are
estimated, not according to our depraved judgment, but by
the rule of eternal truth. If we deviate from it, as I have just
observed, though we run with the utmost celerity, yet, being
out of the course, we shall never reach the goal. For it must
be concluded, that the_ light of the Divine countenance, which
even the Apostle says " no man can approach unto," () is like
an inexplicable labyrinth to us, unless we are directed by the
line of the word: so that it were better to halt in this way,
than to run with the greatest rapidity out of it. Therefore
David, inculcating the necessity of the removal of superstitions
out of the world, that pure religion may flourish, frequently
introduces God as "reigning:" (/) by the word "reigning,"
intending, not the power which he possesses, and which he
exercises in the universal government of nature, but the doc-
trine in which he asserts his legitimate sovereignty: because
errors cap never be eradicated from the human heart, till the
knowledge of God is implanted in it.
IV. Therefore the same Psalmist, having said, that " the
heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth
his handy-work. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night
unto night sheweth knowledge," (/) afterwards proceeds to the
mention of the word: "The law of the Lord is perfect,
converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making
wise the simple: the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing
the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlighten-
ing the eyes." For though he also comprehends other uses
of the law, yet he suggests in general, that since God's invita-
tion of all nations to him by the view of heaven and earth is
ineffectual, this is the peculiar school of the children of God.
The same is adverted to in the twenty-ninth Psalm, where
the Psalmist, having preached the terrors of the Divine voice,
which in thunders, in winds, in showers, in whirlwinds, and in
tempests, shakes the earth, makes the mountains tremble, and
breaks the cedars, adds, at length, towards the close, " in his
temple doth every one speak of his glory;" because unbelievers
are deaf to all the voices of God, which resound in the air. So,
in another Psalm, after describing the terrible waves of the
sea, he concludes thus: " Thy testimonies are very sure: holi-
ness becometh thine house, O Lord, for ever." (m) Hence
also proceeds the observation of Christ to the Samaritan
woman, that her nation and all others worshipped they knew
not what; and that the Jews were the only worshippers of the
true God. (ra) For since the human^mind is unable, through
its imbecility, to attain any knowledge of God without the
assistance of his sacred word, all mankind, except the Jews,
as they sought God without the word, must necessarily have
been wandering in vanity and error.
(k) Ps. xciii. 96, &c. (0 Ps. xix. 1, &c. (m) Ps. xciii. 5. (M) John ir. 22.
The Testimony of the Spirit necessary to confirm the Scripture,
in order to the complete Establishment of its Authority. The
Suspension of its Authority on the 'Judgment of the Church, an
impious Fiction.
BEFORE I proceed any farther, it is proper to introduce
some remarks on the authority of the Scripture, not only to
prepare the mind to regard it with due reverence, but also
to remove every doubt. For, when it is admitted to be a de-
claration of the word of God, no man can be so deplorably
presumptuous, unless he be also destitute of common sense
and of the common feelings of men, as to dare to derogate
from the credit due to the speaker. But since we are not
favoured with daily Oracles from heaven, and since it is only
in the Scriptures that the Lord hath been pleased to preserve
his truth in perpetual remembrance; it obtains the same com-
plete credit and authority with believers, when they are satis-
fied of its divine origin, as if they heard the very words pro-
nounced by God himself. The subject, indeed, merits a diffuse
discussion, and a most accurate examination. But the reader
will pardon me, if I attend rather to what the design of this;
work admits, than to what the extensive nature of the present
subject requires. But there has very generally prevailed a
most pernicious error, that the Scriptures have only so much
weight as is conceded to them by the suffrages of the Church:
as though the eternal and inviolable truth of God depended
on the arbitrary will of men. For thus, with great contempt
of the Holy Spirit, they inquire, Who can assure us that God
is the author of them? Who can with certainty affirm, that
they have been preserved safe and uncorrupted to the present
age? Who can persuade us, that this book ought to be
received with reverence, and that expunged from the sacred
number; unless all these things were regulated by the decisions
of the Church? It depends therefore (say they) on the deter-
mination of the Church, to decide both what reverence is due
to the Scripture, and what books are to be comprised in its
canon. Thus sacrilegious men, while they wish to introduce an
unlimited tyranny, under the name of the Church, are totally
unconcerned with what absurdities they embarrass themselves
and others, provided they can extort from the ignorant this
one admission, that the Church can do every thing. But, if
this be true, what will be the condition of those wretched con-
sciences, which are seeking a solid assurance of eternal life,
if all the promises extant concerning it rest only on the judg-
ment of men? Will the reception of such an answer cause
their fluctuations to subside, and their terrors to vanish?
Again, how will the impious ridicule our faith, and all men
call it in question, if it be understood to possess only a pre-
carious authority depending on the favour of men!
II. But such cavillers are completely refuted even by one
word of the Apostle. He testifies, that the Church is "built
upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets." (o) If
the doctrine of the prophets and apostles be the foundation
of the Church, it must have been certain, antecedently to
the existence of the Church. Nor is there any foundation for
this cavil, that though the Church derive its origin from the
Scriptures, yet it remains doubtful what writings are to be
ascribed to the prophets and apostles, unless it be determined
by the Church. For if the Christian Church has been from,
the beginning founded on the writings of the prophets and the
preaching of the apostles, wherever that doctrine is found,
the approbation of it has certainly preceded the formation of
the Church; since without it the Church itself had never
existed. It is a very false notion, therefore, that the power of
judging of the Scripture belongs to the Church, so as to make
the certainty of it dependent on the Church's will. Where-
fore, when the Church receives it, and seals it with her suffrage,
she does not authenticate a thing otherwise dubious or con-
trovertible; but, knowing it to be the truth of her God, per-
forms a duty of piety, treating it with immediate veneration.
But, with regard to the question, How shall we be persuaded
of its divine original, unless we have recourse to the decree
of the Church? this is just as if any one should inquire,
How shall we learn to distinguish light from darkness, white
from black, sweet from bitter? For the Scripture
(o) Eph. ii. 20.
as clear evidence of its truth, as white and black things jo_of
their colour, or sweet and bitter things of their taste.
III. I know, indeed, that they commonly cite the opinion
of Augustine, where he says, "that he would not believe the
Gospel, unless he were influenced by the authority of the
Church." (/>) But how falsely and unfairly this is cited in sup-
port of such a notion, it is easy to discover from the context.
He was in that contending with the Manichees, who wished to
be credited, without any controversy, when they affirmed the
truth to be on their side, but never proved it. Now, as they
made the authority of the Gospel a pretext in order to establish
the credit of their Manichaeus, he inquires what they would
do if they met with a man who did not believe the Gospel:
with what kind of persuasion they would convert him to their
opinion. He afterwards adds, " Indeed, I would not give
credit to the Gospel," &c. intending, that he himself, when an
alien from the faith, could not be prevailed on to embrace the
Gospel as the certain truth of God, till he was convinced by
the authority of the Church. And is r jt surprising that an}'
one, yet destitute of the knowledge of Christ, should pay_a
respect to men? Augustine, therefore, does not there main-
tain that the faith of the pious is founded on the authority of
the Church, nor does he mean that the certainty of the Gospel
depends on it: but, simply, that unbelievers would have no
assurance of the truth of the Gospel, that would win them to
Christ, unless they were influenced by the consent of the
Church. And a little before, he clearly confirms it in these
words; " When I shall have commended my own creed, and
derided yours, what judgment, think you, ought we to form,
what conduct ought we to pursue, but to forsake those who
invite us to acknowledge things that are certain, and after-
wards command us to believe things that are uncertain; and
to follow those who invite us first to believe what we cannot
yet clearly see, that, being strengthened by faith, we may
acquire an understanding of what we believe: our mind being
now internally strengthened and illuminated, not by men, but
by God himself?" These are the express words of Augustine;
() Contr. Epist. Fundam. cap. 5.
whence the inference is obvious to every one, that this holy
man did not design to suspend our faith in the Scriptures on
the arbitrary decision of the Church; but only to shew (what
we all confess to be true) that they who are yet unilluminated
by the Spirit of God, are, by a reverence for the Church,
brought to such a docility as to submit to learn the faith of
Christ from the Gospel: and that thus the authority of the
Churah is an introduction to prepare us for the faith of the
Gospel. For we see that he will have the certainty of the pious
to rest on a very different foundation. Otherwise I do not
deny his frequently urging on the Manichees the universal con-
sent of the Church, with a view to prove the truth of the
Scripture, which they rejected. Whence his rebuke of Faustus,
"for not submitting to the truth of the Gospel, so founded,
so established, so gloriously celebrated, and delivered through
certain successions from the apostolic age." But he no where
insinuates that the authority which we attribute to the Scrip-
tures depends on the definitions or decrees of men: he only
produces the universal judgment of the Church, which was
very useful to his argument, and gave him an advantage over
his adversaries. If any one desire a fuller proof of this, let
him read his treatise " Of the Advantage of Believing:" where
he will find, that he recommends no other facility of believing,
than such as may afford us an introduction, and be a proper
beginning of inquiry, as he expresses himself; yet that we
should not be satisfied with mere opinion, but rest upon certain
and solid truth.
IV. It must be maintained, as I have before asserted, that
we are not established in the belief of the doctrine till we are
indubitably persuaded that God is its Author. The principal
proof, therefore, of the Scriptures is every where derived from
the character of the Divine Speaker. The prophets and
apostles boast not of their own genius, or any of those talents
which conciliate the faith of the hearers; nor do they insist on
arguments from reason; but bring forward the sacred name
of God, to compel the submission of the whole world. We
must now see how it appears, not from probable supposition,
but from clear demonstration, that this use of the divine name
is neither rash nor fallacious. Now, if we wish to consult the
true interest of our consciences, tha they may not be unstable
and wavering, the subjects of perpetual doubt, that they may
not hesitate at the smallest scruples, this persuasion must be
sought from a higher source than human reasons, or judg-
ments, or conjectures, even from the secret testimony of the
Spirit. It is true, that if we were inclined to argue the point,
many things might be adduced which certainly evince, if there
be any God in heaven, that he is the Author of the Law, and
the Prophecies, and the Gospel. Even though men of learn-
ing and deep judgment rise up in opposition, and exert and
display all the powers of their minds in this dispute: yet, unless
they are wholly lost to all sense of shame, this confession will
be extorted from them, that the Scriptures exhibit the plainest
evidences that it is God who speaks in them, which manifest
its doctrine to be divine. And we shall soon see, that all the
books of the sacred Scripture very far excel all other writings.
If we read it with pure eyes and sound minds, we shall imme-
diately perceive the majesty of God, which will subdue our
audacious contradictions, and compel us to obey him. Yet
it is acting a preposterous part, to endeavour to produce sound
faith in the Scripture by disputations. Though indeed I am
far from excelling in peculiar dexterity or eloquence; yet if
I were to contend with the most subtle despisers of God, who
are ambitious to display their wit and their humour in weak-
ening the authority of Scripture, I trust I should be able,
without difficulty, to silence their obstreperous clamour. And,
if it were of any use to attempt a refutation of their cavils, I
would easily demolish the boasts which they mutter in secret
corners. But though any one vindicates the sacred word of
God from the aspersions of men, yet this will not fix in their
hearts that assurance which is essential to true piety. Religion
appearing, to profane men, to consist wholly in opinion, in
order that they may not believe any thing on foolish or slight
grounds, they wish and expect it to be proved by__rational
arguments, that Moses and the prophets spake by divine in-
spiration. But I reply, that ^he testimony of the Spirit is
superior to all reason. For as God alone is a sufficient witness
i ..
of himself in his own word, so also the word will never gain
credit in the hearts of men, till it be confirmed by the internal
testimony of the Spirit. It is necessary, therefore, that the
same Spirit, who spake by the mouths of the prophets, should
penetrate into our hearts, to convince us that they faithfully
delivered the oracles which were divinely entrusted to them.
And this connection is very suitably expressed in these words:
" My Spirit that is upon thee, and my word which I have
put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor
out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy
seed's seed, for ever." (jj) Some good men are troubled that
they are not always prepared with clear proof to oppose the
impious, when they murmur with impunity against the divine
word. As though the Spirit were not therefore denominated
a " seal," and u an earnest," for the confirmation of the faith
of the pious; because, till he illuminate their minds, they are
perpetually fluctuating amidst d multitude of doubts.
V. Let it be considered, then, as an undeniable truth, that
they who have been inwardly taught by the Spirit, feel an
entire acquiescence in the Scripture, and that it is self-authen-
ticated, carrying with it its own evidence, and ought not to
be made the subject of demonstration and arguments from
reason; but it obtains the credit which it deserves with us
by the testimony of the Spirit. For though it conciliate our
reverence by its internal majesty, it never seriously affects us
till it is confirmed by the Spirit in our hearts. Therefore,
being illuminated by him, we now believe the divine original
of the Scripture, not from our own judgment or that of others,
but we esteem the certainty, that we have received it from
God's own mouth by the ministry of men, to be superior to
that of any human judgment, and equal to that of an intuitive
perception of God himself in it. We seek not arguments or
probabilities to support our judgment, but submit our judg-
ments and understandings as to a thing, concerning which it
is impossible for us to judge. And that not like some persons,
who are in the habit of hastily embracing what they do not
understand, which displeases them as soon as they examine it;
but because Hve feel the firmest conviction that we hold an in-
vincible truth: nor like those unhappy men, who surrender
(?) Isaiah lix. 21.
their minds captives to superstitions; but because we perceive
in it the undoubted energies of the Divine powerjby which
we are attracted and inflamed to an understanding and volun-
tary obedience, but with a vigour and efficacy superior to
the power of any human will or knowledge. With the greatest
justice, therefore, God exclaims by Isaiah, (r) that the pro-
phets and all the people were his witnesses; because, being
taught by prophecies, they were certain that God had spoken
without the least fallacy or ambiguity. It is such a persuasion,
therefore, as requires no reasons: such a knowledge as is sup-
ported by the highest reason, in which indeed the mind rests
with greater security and constancy than in any reasons; it is,
finally, such a sentiment as cannot be produced but by a reve-
lation from heaven. I speak of nothing but what every be-
liever experiences in his heart, except that my language falls
far short of a just explication of the subject. I pass over
many things at present, because this subject will present itself
for discussion again in another place. Only let it be known
here, that that alone is true faith which the Spirit of God seals
in our hearts. And with this one reason every reader of mo-
desty and docility will be satisfied: Isaiah predicts that " all
the children" of the renovated Church " shall be taught of
God." (.v) Herein God deigns to confer a singular privilege
on his elect, whom he distinguishes from the rest of mankind.
For what is the beginning of true learning but a prompt ala-
crity to hear the voice of God? By the mouth of Moses
he demands our attention, in these terms: " Say not in thine
heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? or, Who shall descend
into the deep? the word is even in thy mouth." (V) If God
hath determined that this treasury of wisdom shall be reserved
for his children, it is neither surprising nor absurd, that we
see so much ignorance and stupidity among the vulgar herd
of mankind. By this appellation I designate even those of the
greatest talents and highest rank, till they are incorporated
into the Church. Moreover, Isaiah, observing that the pro-
phetical doctrine would be incredible, not only to aliens but
also to the Jews, who wished to be esteemed members of the
(r) Is.'iiah xliii. 10. (s) Isaiah liv. 13. (?) Dent. xxx. Rom. x.
family, adds, at the same time, the reason, Because the arm of
the Lord will not be revealed to all. (u) Whenever, therefore,
we- are disturbed at the paucity of believers, let us, on the
other hand, remember that none, but those to whom it is
have any apprehension of the mysteries of God.
Rational Proofs to establish the Belief of the Scripture.
V\ ITHOUT this certainty, better and stronger than any
human judgment, in vain will the authority of the Scripture be
either defended by arguments, or established by the consent of
the Church, or confirmed by any other supports; since, unless
this foundation be laid, it remains in perpetual suspense. Whilst,
on the contrary, when, regarding it in a different point of view
from common things, we have once religiously received it in a
manner worthy of its excellence, we shall then derive great
assistance from things which before were not sufficient to esta-
blish the certainty of it in our minds. For it is admirable to
observe how much it conduces to our confirmation, attentively
to study the order and disposition of the Divine Wisdom dis-
pensed in it, the heavenly nature of its doctrine, which never
savours of any thing terrestrial, die beautiful agreement of
all the parts with each other, and other similar characters
adapted to conciliate respect to any writings. But our hearts
are more strongly confirmed, when we reflect that we are con-
strained* to admire it more by the dignity of the subjects than
by the beauties of the language. For even this did not happen
without the particular providence of God, that the sublime
mysteries of the kingdom of heaven should be communicated,
for the most part, in a humble and contemptible style: lest
if they had been illustrated with more of the splendour of
eloquence, the impious might cavil that their triumph is only
the triumph of eloquence. Now, since that uncultivated and
(v) Isaiah liii. 1.
almost rude simplicity procures itself more reverence than all
the graces of rhetoric, what opinion can we form, but that the
force of truth in the sacred Scripture is too powerful to need the
assistance of verbal art? Justly, therefore, does the Apostle
argue that the faith of the Corinthians was founded, "not
in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God," because his
preaching among them was, " not with enticing words of
man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of
power." (#) For the truth is vindicated from every doubt,
when, unassisted by foreign aid, it is sufficient for its own sup-
port. But that this is the peculiar property of the Scripture,
appears from the insufficiency of any human compositions,
however artificially polished, to make an equal impression on
our minds. Read Demosthenes or Cicero; read Plato, Aristotle,
or any others of that class; I grant that you will be attracted,
delighted, moved, and enraptured by them in a surprising
manner: but if, after reading them, you turn to the perusal
of the sacred volume, whether you are willing or unwilling,
it will affect you so powerfully, it will so penetrate your heart,
and impress itself so strongly on your mind, that, compared
with its energetic influence, the beauties of rhetoricians and
philosophers will almost entirely disappear; so that it is easy
to perceive something divine in the sacred Scriptures, which
far surpass the highest attainments and ornaments of human
II. I grant, indeed, that the diction of some of the prophets
is neat and elegant, and even splendid; so that they are not
inferior in eloquence to the heathen writers. And by such
examples the Holy Spirit hath been pleased to shew, that he
was not deficient in eloquence, though elsewhere he hath used
a rude and homely style. But whether we read David, Isaiah,
and others that resemble them, who have a sweet and pleasant
flow of words, or Amos the herdsman, Jeremiah and Zecha-
riah, whose rougher language savours of rusticity; that ma-
jesty of the Spirit, which I have mentioned, is every where
conspicuous. I am not ignorant that Satan in many things
imitates God, in order that, by the fallacious resemblance, he
(.r) I Cor. ii. 4.
jnay more easily insinuate himself into the minds of the simple;
and has therefore craftily disseminated, in unpolished and even
barbarous language, the most impious errors, by which multi-
tudes have been miserably deceived, and has often used obso-
lete forms of speech as a mask to conceal his impostures. But
the vanity and fraud of such affectation are visible to all men
of moderate understanding. With respect to the sacred Scrip-
ture, though presumptuous men try to cavil at various passages,
yet it is evidently replete with sentences which are beyond the
powers of human conception. Let all the prophets be exa-
mined: not one will be found, who has not far surpassed the
ability of men; so that those to whom their doctrine is insipid
must be accounted utterly destitute of all true taste.
III. This argument has been copiously treated by other
writers: wherefore it may suffice at present merely to hint
at a few things which chiefly relate to the subject in a general
view. Beside what I have already treated on, the anticjuity of
the Scripture is of no small weight. For, notwithstanding the
fabulous accounts of the Greek writers concerning the Egyptian
theology, yet there remains no monument of any religion, but
what is much lower than the age of Moses. Nor does Moses
invent a new deity; he only makes a declaration of what the
Israelites had, through a long series of years, received by tradi-
tion from their forefathers concerning the eternal God. For
what does he aim at, but to recal them to the covenant made
with Abraham? If he had advanced a thing till then unheard of,
it would not have been received: but their liberation from the
servitude in which they were detained, must have been a thing
well known to them all; so that the mention of it immediately
excited universal attention. It is probable also that they had
been informed of the number of four hundred years. Now
we must consider, if Moses (who himself preceded all other
writers by such a long distance of time) derives the tradition of
his doctrine from so remote a beginning, how much the sacred
Scripture exceeds in antiquity all other books.
IV. Unless any would choose to credit the Egyptians, who /
extend their antiquity to six thousand years before the crca-
tion of the world. But since their garrulity has been ridiculed
even by all the profane writers, I need not trouble myself with
refuting it. Josephus, in his book against Appion, cites from
the most ancient writers testimonies worthy of being remem-
bered; whence we may gather, that the doctrine contained in
the law has, according to the consent of all nations, been re-
nowned from the remotest ages, although it was neither read
nor truly understood. Now, that the malicious might have no
room for suspicion, nor even the wicked any pretence for
cavilling, God hath provided the most excellent remedies for
both these dangers. When Moses relates what Jacob had,
almost three hundred yeafs before, by the spirit of inspiration,
pronounced concerning his posterity, how docs he disgrace his
own tribe? He even brands it, in the person of Levi, with
perpetual infamy. " Simeon (says he) and Levi, instruments
of cruelty are in their habitations. O my soul, come not thou
into their secret: unto their assembly, mine honour, be not
thou united." (z/) He certainly might have been silent on that
disgraceful circumstance, not only to spare his father, but also
to avoid aspersing himself, as well as all his family, with part
of the same ignominy. How can any suspicion be entertained
of him, who, voluntarily publishing, from the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit, that the first of the family from which he was
descended was guilty of detestable conduct, neither consults
his own personal honours, nor refuses to incur the resentment
of his relations, to whom this must undoubtedly have given
offence? When he mentions also the impious murmurings of
Aaron his brother, and Miriam his sister, (z) shall we say that
he spake according to the dictates of the flesh, or obeyed the
command of the Holy Spirit? Besides, as he enjoyed the
supreme authority, why did he not leave to his own sons, at
least, the office of the high-priesthood, but place them in the
lowest station? I only hint at a few things out of many. But
in the law itself many arguments will every where occur,
which challenge a full belief, that, without controversy, the
legation of Moi.es was truly divine.
V. Moreover, the miracles which he relates, and which are
so numerous and remarkable, are so many confirmations of the
law which he delivered, and of the doctrine which he pujj-
() Gen. xlix. 5. n1 Num. \\\. 1
lished. For that he was carried uf iftto the mountain in a
cloud; that he continued there forty days, deprived of all
human intercourse; that, in the act of proclaiming the law^
his face shown as with the rays of the sun; that lightnings
flashed all around; that thunders and various noises were
heard through the whole hemisphere; that a trumpet soundedj
but a trumpet not blown by human breath; that the entrance
of the tabernacle was concealed from the view of the people by
an intervening cloud; that his authority was so miraculously
vindicated by the horrible destruction of Korah, Dathan, and
Abiram, and all their impious faction; that a rock smitten
with a rod immediately emitted a river; that manna rained
from heaven at his request; (a) are not all these so many testi-
monies from heaven of his being a true prophet? If any
one object that I assume, as granted, things which are the
subjects of controversy, this cavil is easily answered* For as
Moses published all these things in an assembly of the people^
what room was there for fiction among those who had been
eye-witnesses of the events? Is it probable that he would make
his appearance in public, and, accusing the people of infidelity,
contumacy, ingratitude, and other crimes, boast that his doc-
trine had been confirmed in their sight by miracles which they
had never seen?
VI. For this also is worthy of being remarked, that all
his accounts of miracles are connected with such unpleasant
circumstances, as were calculated to stimulate all the people,
if there had been but the smallest occasion, to a public and
positive contradiction: whence it appears, that they were
induced to coincide with him only by the ample conviction
of their own experience. But since the matter was too evi-
dent for profane writers to take the liberty of denying the per-
formance of miracles by Moses, the father of lies has suggested
the calumny of ascribing them to magical arts. But by what
kind of conjecture can they pretend to charge him with having
been a magician, who had so great an abhorrence of that
superstition, as to command, that he who merely consulted
magicians and soothsayers should be stoned? () Certainly no
(a) Exdd. xxiv. 18. xxxiv. 29. xix. 16. xl. 34. Num. xvi. 24, &$. xx. 11. xi. 9.
6 Lev. xx. 6.
impostor practises such juggling tricks, who does not make it
his study, for the sake of acquiring fame, to astonish the minds
of the vulgar. But what is the practice of Moses? Openly
avowing that himself and his brother Aaron are nothing, (c) but
that they only execute the commands of God, he sufficiently
clears his character from every unfavourable aspersion. Now
if the events themselves be considered, what incantation could
cause manna to rain daily from heaven sufficient to support
the people; and, if any one laid up more than the proper
quantity, cause it to putrefy, as a punishment from God for his
unbelief? Add also the many serious examinations which
God permitted his servant to undergo, so that the clamour of
the wicked can now be of no avail. For as often as this holy
servant of God was in danger of being destroyed, at one time
by proud and petulant insurrections of all the people, at another
by the secret conspiracies of a few, how was it possible for
him to elude their inveterate rage by any arts of deception?
And the event evidently proves, that by these circumstances
his doctrine was confirmed to all succeeding ages.
VII. Moreover, who can deny that his assigning, in the
person of the patriarch Jacob, the supreme power to the tribe
of Judah proceeded from a spirit of prophecy; (ef) especially if
we consider the eventual accomplishment of this prediction?
Suppose Moses to have been the first author of it; yet after
he committed it to writing, there elapsed four hundred years in
which we have no mention of the sceptre in the tribe of
Judah. After the inauguration of Saul, the regal power seemed
to be fixed in the tribe of Benjamin. When Samuel anointed
David, what reason appeared for transferring it? Who would
have expected a king to arise out of the plebeian family of a
herdsman? And of seven brothers, who would have con-
jectured that such an honour was destined for the youngest?
And by what means did he attain a hope of the kingdom?
Who can assert that this unction was directed by human art,
or industry, or prudence, and was not rather a completion
of the prediction of heaven? And in like manner do not his
predictions, although obscure, concerning the admission of the
(c) Exod. xvi. 7 (rf) Gen. xlix. 10.
Gentiles into the covenant of God, which were accomplished
almost two thousand years after, clearly prove him to have
spoken under a divine inspiration? I omit other predictions,
which so strongly savour of a divine inspiration, that all who
have the use of their reason must perceive that it is God who
speaks. In short, one song of his is a clear mirror in which
God evidently appears, (i)
VIII. But in the other prophets this is yet far more con-
spicuous. I shall only select a few examples; for to collect all
would be too laborious. When, in the time of Isaiah, the
kingdom of Judah was in peace, and even when they thought
themselves safe in the alliance of the Chaldeans, Isaiah pub-
licly spake of the destruction of the city and the banishment
of the people. (/) Now, even if to predict long before things
which then seemed false, but have since appeared to be true,
were not a sufficiently clear proof of a divine inspiration;
to whom but God shall we ascribe the prophecies which he
uttered concerning their deliverance? He mentions the name
of Cyrus, by whom the Chaldeans were to be subdued, and
the people restored to liberty. (#) More than a century
elapsed after this prophecy before the birth of Cyrus; for he
was not born till about the hundredth year after the pro-
phet's death. No man could then divine, that there would
be one Cyrus, who would engage in a war with the Babylo-
nians, who would subjugate such a powerful monarchy, and
release the people of Israel from exile. Does not this bare
narration, without any ornaments of diction, plainly demon-
strate that Isaiah delivered the undoubted oracles of God,
and not the conjectures of men? Again, when Jeremiah, just be-
fore the people were carried away, limited the duration of their
captivity to seventy years, and predicted their liberation and
return, must not his tongue have been under the direction of
the Spirit of God? (A) What impudence must it be to deny
that the authority of the prophets has been confirmed by such
proofs, or that what they themselves assert, in order to vin-
dicate the credit due to their declarations, has been actually
fulfilled. "Behold, the former things are come to pass,
() Deut. xxxii. (/) Isaiah xxxix. 6.
( <0 Isai:ih xlv. 1. (A) Jer. xxv. 11, 12
and hew things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell
you of them." (/) I shall not speak of Jeremiah and Ezekiel,
who, living in distant countries, but prophesying at the same
time, so exactly accord in their declarations, as though they
had mutually dictated the words to each other. What shall
We say of Daniel? Has not he prophesied of the events of
nearly six hundred years in such a connected series, as if he
were composing a history of transactions already past and
universally known? If pious men properly consider these
things, they will be sufficiently prepared to curb the petulance
of the wicked; for the demonstration is too clear to be liable
to any cavils*
IX. I know what is objected by some clamorous men, who
would ostentatiously display the force of their understanding
in opposing divine truth. For they inquire, Who has assured
us that Moses and the prophets actually wrote those books
which bear their names. They even dare to question whether
such a man as Moses ever existed. But if any man should call
in question the existence of Plato, or Aristotle, or Cicero, who
would deny that such madness ought to receive corporal punish-
ment? The law of Moses has been wonderfully preserved",
rather by the providence of heaven than bv the endeavours of
men. And though, through the negligence of the priests, it
lay for a short time concealed, since it was found by the pious
king Josiah, it has continued in the hands of men through
every succeeding age. () Nor indeed did Josiah produce it
as a thing unknown or new, but as what had always been
public; and the memory of which was then famous. The pro-
tograph had been appointed to be kept in the temple, and a
transcript of it to be deposited in the royal archives;(/) only
the priests had discontinued their ancient custom of publishing
the law, and the people themselves had neglected their wonted
reading of it: yet there scarcely passed an age in which its
sanction was not confirmed and renewed. Were they, wh
had the writings of David, ignorant of Moses? l?ut, to speak
of all at once, it is certain, that their writings descended to
posterity only from hand to hand (so to speak) through a long
0') Isaiah xlii. 9, (1. N 'J Ki: . (l'\ Deul. xvii. 18.
series of years transmitted from the fathers, who partly had
heard them speak, and partly learned from others who heard
them, while it was fresh in their memory, that they had thus
X. With regard to what they object from the history of the
Maccabees to diminish the credit of the Scripture, nothing
could be conceived more adapted to establish it. But first let
us divest it of their artificial colouring, and then retort upon
them the weapon which they direct against us. When Antio-
chus, say they, commanded all the books to be burned, whence
proceeded the copies which we now have? I on the contrary
inquire, where they could so speedily be fabricated? For it is
evident, that as soon as the persecution subsided, they imme-
diately appeared, and were, without controversy, acknowledged
as the same by all pious men; who, having been educated in
their doctrine, had been familiarly acquainted with them.
Nay, even when all the impious, as if by a general conspiracy,
so wantonly insulted the Jews, no man ever dared to charge
them with forging their books. For, whatever be their opinion
of the Jewish religion, yet they confess that Moses was the
author of it. What, then, do these clamorous objectors, but
betray their own consummate impudence, when they slander,
as supposititious, books whose sacred antiquity is confirmed by
the consent of all histories? But, to waste no more useless
labour in refuting such stale calumnies, let us rather consider
how carefully the Lord preserved his own word, when, beyond
all hope, he rescued it from the fury of the most cruel of
tyrants, as from a devouring fire; that he endued the pious
priests and others with so much constancy, that they hesitated
not to redeem this treasure, if necessary, with their lives, to
transmit it to posterity; and that he frustrated the mast diligent
inquisition of so many governors and soldiers. Who is there
but must acknowledge it to have been an eminent and wonder-
ful work of God, that those sacred monuments, which the
impious had flattered themselves were utterly destroyed, were
soon public again, as it were, fully restored to mankind, and,
indeed, with far greater honour? For soon after followed the
Greek Translation, which published them throughout the
world. Nor was God's preserving the tables of his covenant
from the sanguinary edicts of Antiochus, the only instance of
his wonderful operation, but that, amidst such various miseries,
with which the Jewish nation was diminished and laid waste,
and at last nearly exterminated, these records still remained
entire. The Hebrew language lay not only despised, but
almost unknown: and surely, had not God consulted the in-
terest of religion, it had been totally lost. For how much the
Jews, after their return from captivity, departed from the ge-
nuine use of their native language, appears from the prophets of
that age: which it is therefore useful to observe, because this
comparison more clearly evinces the antiquity of the law and
the prophets. And by whom hath God preserved to us the
doctrine of salvation contained in the law and the prophets,
that Christ might be manifested in due time? By his most
inveterate enemies, the Jews: whom Augustine therefore justly
denominates the librarians of the Christian Church, because
they have furnished us with a book of which themselves make
no use.
XI. If we proceed to the New Testament, by what solid
foundations is its truth supported? Three Evangelists recite
their history in a low and mean style. Many proud men are
disgusted with that simplicity: because they attend not to the
principal points of doctrine; whence it were easy to infer, that
they treat of heavenly mysteries which are above human capa-
city. They who have a spark of ingenuous modesty will cer-
tainly be ashamed, if they peruse the first chapter of Luke.
Now the discourses of Christ, a concise summary of which is
comprised in these three Evangelists, easily exempt their
writings from contempt. But John, thundering from his
sublimity, more powerfully than any thunderbolt, levels to the
dust the obstinacy of those, whom he does not compel to the
obedience of faith. Let all those censorious critics, whose
supreme pleasure consists in banishing all reverence for the
Scripture out of their own hearts and the hearts of others,
come forth to public view. Let them read the Gospel of
John: whether they wish it or not, they will there find numer-
ous passages, which, at least, arouse their indolence: and which
will even imprint a horrible brand on their consciences to
restrain their ridicule. Similar is the method of Paul and of
Peter, in whose writings, though the greater part be obscure,
yet their heavenly majesty attracts universal attention. But
this one circumstance raises their doctrines sufficiently above
the world, that Matthew, who had before been confined to the
profit of his table, and Peter and John, who had been em-
ployed in fishing-boats, all plain unlettered men, had learned
nothing in any human school which they could communicate
to others. And Paul, from not only a professed, but a cruel
and sanguinary enemy, being converted to a new man, proves,
by his sudden and unhoped-for change, that he was constrained,
by a command from heaven, to vindicate that doctrine which
he had before opposed. Let these men deny that the Holy
Spirit descended on the Apostles; or, at least, let them dispute
the credibility of the history: yet the fact itself loudly pro-
claims, that they were taught by the Spirit, who, though before
despised as some of the meanest of the people, suddenly began
to discourse in such a magnificent manner on the mysteries oi
XII. Besides, there are also other very substantial reasons
why the consent of the Church should have its weight. For
it is not an unimportant consideration, that from the publica-
tion of the Scripture, so many generations of men should have
agreed in voluntarily obeying it; and that however Satan, to-
gether with the whole world, has endeavoured by strange
methods to suppress or destroy it, or utterly to erase and ob-
literate it from the memory of man; yet it has always, like a
palm-tree, risen superior to all opposition, and remained iu-
vincible. Indeed there has scarcely ever been a sophist or
orator of more than common abilities, who has not tried his
strength in opposing it: yet they have all availed nothing. All
the powers of the earth have armed themselves for its destruc-
tion; but their attempts have all evaporated into smoke. Hov,
could it have so firmly resisted attacks on every quarter, if it
had been supported only by human power? Indeed, an addi-
tional proof of its Divine origin arises from this very circum-
stance, that, notwithstanding all the strenuous resistance oi
men, it has, by its own power, risen superior to every danger.
Moreover, not one city, or one nation only, has conspired to
receive and embrace it; but, as far as the world extends, it has
obtained its authority by the holy consent of various nations,
who agreed in nothing besides. And as such an agreement oi
minds, so widely distant in place, and so completely dissimilar
in manners and opinions, ought to have great influence with
us, since it is plain that it was effected only by the power of
heaven; so it acquires no small weight from a consideration
of the piety of those who unite in this agreement; not indeed
of all, but of those, who, it hath pleased the Lord, should shine
as luminaries in his Church.
XIII. Now, with what unlimited confidence should we sub
mitto that doctrine, which we see confirmed and witnessed by
the blood of so many saints? Having once received it, they
hesitated not, with intrepid boldness, and even with great
alacrity, to die in its defence: transmitted to us with such a
pledge, how should not we receive it with a firm and un-
shaken conviction? It is therefore no small confirmation of
the Scripture, that it has been sealed with the blood of so many
martyrs: especially when we consider that they died to bear
testimony to their faith, not through intemperate fanaticism,
as is sometimes the case with men of erroneous minds: but
through a firm and constant, yet sober zeal for God. There
are other reasons, and those neither few nor weak, by which
the native dignity and authority of the Scripture are not only
maintained in the minds of the pious, but also completely vin-
dicated against the subtleties of calumniators: but such as
alone are not sufficient to produce firm faith in it, till the hea-
venly Father, discovering his own power therein, places its
authority beyond all controversy. Wherefore, the Scripture
will then only be effectual to produce the saving knowledge of
God, when the certainty of it shall be founded on the internal
persuasion of the Holy Spirit. Thus those human testimonies,
which contribute to its confirmation, will not be useless, if they
follow that first and principal proof, as secondary aids to our
imbecility. But those persons betray great lolly, who wish it
to be demonstrated to infidels that the Scripture is the word ol
God: which cannot be known without faith. Augustine there-
fore justly observes, (ni) that pietyjuid peace of mind ought to
(w) Lib. de Util. Credend.
precede, in order that a man may understand somewhat of
such great subjects.
The Fanaticism^ -which discards the Scripture^ under the
tence of resorting to immediate Revelations^ subversive of
every Principle of Piety.
1 ERSONS who, abandoning the Scripture, imagine to
themselves some other way of approaching to God, must bt
considered as not so much misled by error as actuated by
frenzy. For there have lately arisen some unsteady men, who,
haughtily pretending to be taught by the Spirit, reject all
reading themselves, and deride the simplicity of those, who still
attend to (what they style) the dead and killing letter. But I
would ask them, what spirit that is, by whose inspiration they
are elevated to such a sublimity, as to dare to despise the doc-
trine of the Scripture, as puerile and mean. For, if they an-
swer that it is the Spirit of Christ, how ridiculous is such an
assurance: for, that the apostles of Christ, and other believers
in the primitive Church, were illuminated by no other Spirit, I
think, they will concede. But not one of them learned, from
his teaching, to contemn the Divine word; they were rather
filled with higher reverence for it: as their writings abundantly
testify. This had been predicted by the mouth of Isaiah. For
where he says, " My Spirit that is upon thee, and my words
which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy
mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, for ever." (n) He does
not confine people under the old dispensation to the external
letter, as though they were children learning to read; but de-
clares, that it will be the true and complete felicity of .the. new
Church, under the reign of Christ, to be governed by the word
)t" God, as well as by his. Spirit. Whence we infer, that these
persons are guilty of detestable sacrilege, in disjoining these two
things which the Prophet has connected in an inviolable union.
(a) Isaiah lix. 21.
Again; Paul, after he had been caught up into the third
heaven, did not cease to study the doctrine of the law and the
prophets: as he also exhorted Timothy, a teacher of more
than common excellence, to " give attendance to reading." (o)
And worthy of remembrance is his eulogium on the Scripture,
that it " is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be
perfect." (/>) How diabolical then is that madness, which pret nds
that the use of the Scripture is only transient and temporary,
which guides the sons of God to the highest point of perfection!
I would also ask them another question: Whether they have
imbibed a different spirit from that which the Lord promised
to his disciples? Great as their infatuation is, I do not think
them fanatical enough to hazard such an avowal. But what
kind of spirit did he promise? One, truly, who should " not
speak of himself," (y) but suggest and instil into their minds
those things which he had orally delivered. iThe office of the
Spirit, then, which is promised to us, is not to feign new and
unheard-of revelations, or to coin a new system of doctrine,
which would seduce us from the received doctrine of the Gos-
pel; but to seal to our minds the same doctrine which the Gos-
pel delivers.!
II. Hence we readily understand that it is incumbent on
us diligently to read and attend to the Scripture, if we would
receive any advantage or satisfaction from the Spirit of God;
(thus also Peter (r) commends those who studiously attende) 2 Tim. iii. 16, 17,
(7) Joho xv\. 13, (r) 2 Peter i. 19.
of God, to whom all things ought to be subject, to be made sub-
ject to the Scripture. As though it were ignominious to the Holy
Spirit, to be every where equal and uniform, in all things in-
variably consistent with himself. If he were to be conformed,
to the rules of men, or of angels, or of any other beings, I
grant he might then be considered as degraded, or even re-
duced to a state of servitude; but while he is compared with
himself, and considered in himself, who will assert that he is
thereby injured? This is bringing him to the test of examina-
tion. I confess it is. But it is the way which he has chosen
for the confirmation of his majesty among us. We ought to
be satisfied, as soon as he communicates himself to us. But v
lest the spirit of Satan should insinuate himself under his name,
he chooses to be recognised by us from his image, which he hath
im pressed in the Scriptu.r.gs^ He is the Author of the Scriptures--
he cannot be mutable and inconsistent with himself. He must
therefore perpetually remain such as he has there discovered
himself to be. This is not disgraceful to him; unless we esteem
it honourable for him to alter and degenerate from himself.
III. But their cavilling objection, that we depend on " the
letter that killeth," shews, that they have not escaped the
punishment due to the despisers of the Scripture. For it is
sufficiently evident, that Paul is there contending against the
false apostles, (*) who, recommending the law to the exclusion
of Christ, were seducing the people from the blessings of the
New Covenant, in which the Lord engages to engrave his law
in the minds of believers, and to inscribe it on their hearts.
The letter therefore is dead, and the law of the Lord slays
the readers of it, where it is separated from the grace of Christ,
and only sounds in the ears without affecting the heart. But
if it be efficaciously impressed on our hearts by the Spirit; if it
exhibit Christ; it is the word of life, " converting the soul,
making wise the simple," &c. (?) But in the same place the
Apostle also calls his preaching " the ministration of the
Spirit'." (i>) doubtless intending, that the Holy Spirit so adheres
to his own truth, which he hath expressed in the Scriptures,
that he only displays ami exerts his powerwhere the word fo
() 2 Cor. &. 6. (f) Psalm six. 7. () 2 Cor. iii. 8.
received with due reverence and honour. Nor is this repug-
nant to what I before asserted, that the word itself has not
much certainty with us, unless when confirmed by the testi-
mony of the Spirit. ] For the Lord hath established a kind of
mutual connection between the certainty of his word and of his
Spirit: so that our minds are filled with a solid reverence for
the word, when by the light of the Spirit we are enabled therein
to behold the Divine countenance: and, on the other hand,
without the least fear of mistake, we gladly receive the Spirit,
when we recognise him in his image, that is, in the word. I
This is the true state of the case. God did not publish his
word to mankind for the sake of momentary ostentation, with
a design to destroy or annul it immediately on the advent ot
the Spirit; but he afterwards sent the same Spirit, by whose
agency he had dispensed his word, to complete his work
by an efficacious confirmation of that word. In this manner
Christ opened the understanding of his two disciples; (w)
not that, rejecting the Scriptures, they might be wise enough
of themselves; but that they might understand the Scrip-
tures. So when Paul exhorts the Thesaalonians to "quench
not the Spirit," (#) he does not lead them to empty specu-
lations independent of the word; for he immediately adds,
" despise not prophesyings:" clearly intimating, that the light
of the Spirit is extinguished, when prophecies fall into con-
tempt. What answer can be given to these things, by those
proud fanatics, who think themselves possessed of the only
valuable illumination, when, securely neglecting and forsaking
the Divine word, they, with equal confidence and temerity,
greedily embrace every reverie which their distempered imagi-
nations may have conceived. A very different sobriety becomes
the children of God; who, while they are sensible that, ex-
clusively of the Spirit of God, they are utterly destitute of the
light of truth, yet are not ignorant that the word is the instru-
ment, by which the Lord dispenses to believers the illumination
of his Spirit. For they know no other Spirit, than that who
dwelt in, and spake by the apostles; by whose oracles they are
continually called to the hearing of the word.
(o) Luke xjiiv. 27, &c. (.v) 1 Thess. v. 19.
All idolatrous Worship discountenanced in the Scripture, by its
exclusive Opposition of the true God to all the fictitious Deities
of the Heathens.
JjUT since we have shewn that the knowledge of God, which
is otherwise exhibited without obscurity in the structure of the
world, and in all the creatures, is yet more familiarly and clearly
unfolded in the word: it will be useful to examine, whether the
representation, which the Lord gives us of himself in the Scrip-
ture, agrees with the portraiture which he had before been pleased
to delineate in his works.] This is indeed an extensive subject;
if we intended to dwell on a particular discussion of it. But
I shall content myself with suggesting some hints, by which the
minds of the pious may learn what ought to be their principal
objects of investigation in Scripture concerning God, and may
be directed to a certain end in that inquiry. I do not yet allude
to the peculiar covenant which distinguished the descendants
of Abraham from the rest of the nations. For in receiving, by
gratuitous adoption, those who were his enemies into the num-
ber of his children, God even then manifested himself as a Re-
deemer: but we are still treating of that knowledge which re-
lates to the creation of the world, without ascending to Christ
the Mediator. But though it will be useful soon to cite some;
passages from the New Testament (since that also demonstrates
the power of God in the creation, and his providence in the
conservation of the world); yet, I wish the reader to be apprised
of the point now intended to be discussed, that he may not pass
the limits which the subject prescribes. At present, then, let it
suffice to understand how God, the former of heaven and earth,
governs the world which he hath made. Both his paternal good-
ness, and the beneficent inclinations of his will, are every where
celebrated: and examples are given of his severity, which disco-
ver him to be the righteous punisherof iniquities, especially where
his forbearance produces no salutary effcclj^QiOhe obstinate^
II. In some places, indeed, we are favoured with more ex-
plicit descriptions, which exhibit to our view an exact repre-
sentation oi" his genuine countenance. For Moses, in the
description which he gives of it, certainly appears to have in-
tended a brief comprehension of all that it was possible for men
to know concerning him. " The Lord, the Lord God, merciful
and gracious, long suffering, and abundant in goodness and
truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and
transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the
guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children,
and upon the children's children." (z/) Where we may observe,
first, the assertion of his eternity and self-existence, in that
magnificent name, which is twice repeated; and, secondly, the
celebration of his attributes, giving us a description, not of
what he is in himself, but of what he is to us: that our know-
ledge of him may consist rather in a lively perception, than in
vain and airy speculation. Here we find an enumeration of the
same perfections which, as we have remarked, are illustriously
displayed both iu heaven and on earth; clemency, goodness,
mercy, justice, judgment, and truth. For power is comprised
in the word Elohim, God. The prophets distinguish him by
the same epithets, when they intend a complete exhibition of
his holy name. But to avoid the necessity of quoting many-
passages, let us content ourselves at present with referring to
one Psalm; (2) which contains such an accurate summary of
all his perfections, that nothing seems to be omitted. And
yet it contains nothing but what may be known from a con-
templation of the creatures. Thus, by the teaching of ex-
perience, we perceive God to be just what he declares himself
in his word. In Jeremiah, where he announces in what
characters he will be known by us, he gives a description, not
so full, but to the same effect: " Let him that glorieth glory in
this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the
Lord, which exercise loving-kindness, judgment, and righteous-
ness, in the earth." (a) These three things it is certainly of
the highest importance for us to know; mercy, in which alone
consists all our salvation; judgment, which is executed on the
wicked ever}' day, and awaits them in a still heavier degree to
t-.ttrnal destruction; righteousness, by which the faithful art-
Kxocl. xxxiv. 6. (2) Psalm cxlv. (a) Jer. ix. 24.
preserved, and most graciously supported. When you under-
stand these things, the prophecy declares that you have
abundant reason for glorying in God. Nor is this representa-
tion chargeable with an omission of his truth, or his power,
or his holiness, or his goodness. For how could we have that
knowledge, which is here required, of his righteousness, mercy,
and judgment, unless it were supported by his inflexible vera-
city? And how could we believe that he governed the world
in judgment and justice, if we were ignorant of his power?
And whence proceeds his mercy, but from his goodness? If
all his ways, then, are mercy, judgment, and righteousness,
holiness also must be conspicuously displayed in them. {More-
over, the knowledge of God, which is afforded us in the 1
Scripture, is designed for the same end as that which we.
derive from the creatures: it invites us first to the fear of God,
and then to confidence in him: that we may learn to honour
him with perfect innocence of life and sincere obedience to his
will, and to place all our dependence on his goodness.
III. But here I intend to comprise a summary of the general
doctrine. And, first, let the reader observe, that the Scripture,
in order to direct us to the true God, expressly excludes
and rejects all the gods of the heathens; because in almost all
ages religion has been generally corrupted. It is true, indeed,
that the name of one supreme God has been universally known
and celebrated. For those who used to worship a multitude
of deities, whenever they spake according to the genuine sense
of nature, used simply the name of God in the singular num-
ber, as though they were contented with one God. And this
was wisely remarked by Justin Martyr, who for this purpose
wrote a book On the Monarchy of God, in which he demon-
strates, from numerous testimonies, that the unity of God
was a principle universally impressed on the hearts of men.
Tertullian also proves the same point from the common
phraseology. () But since all men, without exception, have
by their own vanity been drawn into erroneous notions, and
so their understandings have become vain, all their natural
perception of the Divine unity has only served to render them
O) Lib. lc Idolol. Vid. A.ug. Epist. 4.1 et 44.
inexcusable. For even the wisest of them evidently betray
the vagrant uncertainty of their minds, when they wish for
some god to assist them, and in their vows call upon unknown
and fabulous deities. Besides, in imagining the existence of
many natures in God, though they did not entertain such
absurd notions as the ignorant vulgar concerning Jupiter,
Mercury, Venus, Minerva, and the rest, they were themselves
by no means exempt from the delusions of Satan: and, as we
have already remarked, whatever subterfuges their ingenuity
has invented, none of the philosophers can exculpate them-
selves from the crime of revolting from God by the corruption
of his truth. For this reason Habakkuk, after condemning all
idols, bids us to seek " the Lord in his holy temple," (r) that
the faithful might acknowledge no other God than Jehovah,
who had revealed himself in his word.
Unlawfulness of ascribing to God a visible Form. All Idolatry
a Defection from the true God.
.NOW as the Scripture, in consideration of the ignorance
and dulness of the human understanding, generally speaks in
the plainest manner; where it intends to discriminate between
the true God and all false gods, it principally contrasts him
with idols: not that it may sanction the more ingenious and
plausible systems of the philosophers, but that it may better
detect the folly and even madness of the world in researches
concerning God, as long as every one adheres to his own
speculations. That exclusive definition, therefore, which every
where occurs, reduces to nothing whatever notions of the
Deity men may form in their own imaginations; since God
alone is the only sufficient witness concerning himself. In the
mean time, since the whole world has been seized with such
brutal stupidity, as to be desirous of visible representations of
(r) Hab. ii. SO.
Deity, and thus to fabricate gods of wood, stone, gold, silver,
and other inanimate and corruptible materials, we ought to
hold this as a certain principle, that whenever any image is
made as a representation of God, the Divine glory is corrupted
by an impious falsehood. Therefore God, in the law, after
having asserted the glory of Deity to belong exclusively to
himself, when he intends to shew what worship he approves
or rejects, immediately add&, " Thou shalt not make unto thee
any graven image, or any likeness." In these words he for-
bids us to attempt a representation of him in any visible figure;
and briefly enumerates all the forms by which superstition had
already begun to change his truth into a lie. For the Persians,
we know, worshipped the sun; and the foolish heathens made
for themselves as many gods as they saw stars in the heavens.
There was scarcely an animal, indeed, which the Egyptians
did not consider as an image of God. The Greeks appeared
wiser than the rest, because they worshipped the Deity under
a human form, (d) But God compares not idols Vith each
other, as though one were better or worse than another: but
rejects, without a single exception, all statues, pictures, and
other figures, in which idolaters imagined that he would be
near them.
II. This it is easy to infer from the reasons which he annexes
to the prohibition. First, in the writings of Moses: "Take
ye therefore good heed unto yourselves; for ye saw no manner
of similitude, on the day that the Lord spake unto you in
Horeb, out of the midst of the fire: ye heard the voice of the
words, but saw no similitude; lest ye corrupt yourselves, and
make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure," &c. (e)
We see how expressly God opposes his "voice" to every*
" manner of similitude," to shew, that whoever desires visible
representations of him, is guilty of departing from him. It wil)
be sufficient to refer to one of the Prophets, Isaiah, (y*) who
insists more than all the others on this argument, that the
Divine Majesty is dishonoured by mean and absurd fiction,
when he that is incorporeal is likened to a corporeal form; he
that is invisible, to a visible image; he that is a spirit, to
(cT) Maximus Tyrius, Plat. Serm. 38. (e) Deut- iv. 15
(/) Isaiah xl. 18. sli. 7, 2? xivi. 9, &c.
inanimate matter; and he that fills immensity, to a log of wood,
a small stone, or a lump of gold. Paul also reasons in the
same manner: " Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of
God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto
gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. "(5")
Whence it follows, that whatever statues are erected, or images
painted, to represent God, they are only displeasing to him,
as being so many insults to the Divine Majesty. And why
should we wonder at the Holy Spirit thundering forth
such oracles from heaven, since he compels the blind and
wretched idolaters to make a similar confession on earth? Well
known is the complaint of Seneca, which is cited by Augustine:
" They dedicate (says he) the vilest and meanest materials to
represent the sacred, immortal, and inviolable gods; and give
them some a human form, and some a brutal one, and some a
double sex, and different bodies: and they confer the name of
gods upon images which, if animated, would be accounted
monsters." Hence it farther appears that the pretence set up
by the advocates for idols, that they were forbidden to the Jews
because they were prone to superstition, is only a frivolous
eavil, to evade the force of the argument. As if truly that were
peculiarly applicable to one nation, which God deduces from
his eternal existence, and the invariable order of nature.
Besides, Paul was not addressing the Jews, but the Athenians,
when he refuted the error of making any similitude of God.
III. Sometimes indeed God hath discovered his presence
by certain signs, so that he was said to be seen " face to
face:" (A) but all the signs which he ever adopted, were well
calculated for the instruction of men, and afforded clear in-
timations of his incomprehensible essence. For " the cloud
and the smoke and the flame, "(z) though they were symbols
of celestial glory, nevertheless operated as a restraint on the
minds of all, to prevent their attempting to penetrate any
farther. Wherefore even Moses (to whom he manifested
himself more familiarly than to any other) obtained not by his
prayers a sight of the face of God, but received this answer,
"Thou canst not see my face; for there shall no man sec
() Acts xvii. 29. (A) Exod. xxxiii. 11. (0 Deut. iv. 11.
my face and live." (>) The Holy Spirit once appeared in the?
form of a dove; (/) but as he presently disappeared again, who
does not perceive that by this momentary symbol the faithful
are taught that they should believe the Spirit to be invisible?
that, being content with his virtue and grace, they might make
no external representation of him. The appearances of God
in the human form were preludes to his future manifestation in
Christ. Therefore the Jews were not permitted to make this
a pretext for erecting a symbol of the Deity in the figure of a
man. " The mercy-seat"(w) also, from which, under the law,
God displayed the presence of his power, was so constructed,
as to suggest that the best contemplation of the Divine Being
is, when the mind is transported beyond itself with admiration.
For " the cherubim" covered it with their extended wings; the
vail was spread before it; and the place itself was sufficiently
concealed by its secluded situation. It is manifestly unreason-
able therefore to endeavour to defend images of God and of
the saints, by the example of those cherubim. For, pray, what
was signified by those little images, but that images are not
calculated to represent the Divine mysteries? since they were
formed in such a manner as, by veiling the mercy-seat with
their wings, to prevent, not only the eyes, but all the humaw
senses from prying into God: and so to restrain all temerity.
Moreover, the Prophet describes the seraphim whom he saw in
a vision, as having "their faces covered:" (n) to signify, that
the splendour of the Divine glory is so great, that even the
angels themselves cannot steadfastly behold it: and the faint
sparks of it, which is in the angels, are concealed from our view.
The cherubim, however, of which we are now speaking, are
acknowledged by all persons of sound judgment, to have been
peculiar to the old state of tutelage, under the legal dispensation.
To adduce them, therefore, as examples for the imitation of
the present age, is quite absurd. For that puerile period, as
I may call it, for which such rudiments w r ere appointed, is now
past. And indeed it is a shameful consideration, that heathen
writers are more expert interpreters of the Divine law than the
papists. Juvenal reproaches and ridicules the Jews, for wor-
(*) Exod. xxxiii. 20. (/) Matt. iii. 16.
(TO) Exad. xxv. 17, 18, Sec. f) Tsat^i vl. 2:
shipping the white clouds and the Deity of heaven. This
language indeed is perverse and impious; but in denying that
there was any image of God among them, he speaks with more
truth than the papists, who idly pretend that there was some
visible figure of him. But as that nation frequently broke out
into idolatry, with great and sudden impetuosity, resembling
the violent ebullition of water from a large spring; hence let
us learn the strong propensity of the human mind to idolatry,
lest, imputing to the Jews a crime common to all, we should be
fascinated by the allurements of sin, and sleep the sleep of death.
IV. To the same purpose is that passage, " The idols of the
heathen are silver and gold, the work of men's hands;" (o) for
the Prophet concludes, from the very materials, that they are
no gods, whose images are made of gold or of silver: and
takes it for granted, that every conception we form of the
Deity, merely from our own understandings, is a foolish ima-
gination. He mentions gold and silver rather than clay or
stone, that the splendour or the value of the materials may
procure no reverence for the idols. But he concludes in general,
that nothing is more improbable, than that gods should be
manufactured from any inanimate matter. At- the same time
he insists equally on another point, that it is presumption and
madness in mortal mt?n, Avho are every moment in danger of
losing the fleeting breath which they draw, to dare to confer
upon idols the honour due to God. Man is constrained to
confess that he is a creature of a day, and yet he will have a
piece of metal to be worshipped as a god, of the deity of which
he is the author: for whence did idols originate, but in the
will of men? There is much propriety in that sarcasm of a
heathen poet, who represents one of their idols as saying,
" Formerly, I was the trunk of a wild fig-tree, an useless log;
when the artificer, after hesitating whether he would make
me a stool or a deity, at length determined that I should be a
A poor mortal, forsooth, who is, as it were, expiring almost
every moment, will, by his workmanship, transfer to a dead
stock the name and honour, of God. But as that Epicurean^
Cp) Psalm cxxxv. 15. V !!.>;. lib. 1. cup. 3.
in his satirical effusions, has paid no respect to any religion;
leaving this sarcasm, and others of the same kind, we should
be stung and penetrated by the rebuke which the Prophet (^)
has given to the extreme stupidity of these, who with the same
wood make a fire to warm themselves, heat an oven for baking
bread, roast or boil their meat, and fabricate a god, before
which they prostrate themselves, to address their humble sup-
plications. In another place, therefore, he not only pronounces
them transgressors of the law, but reproaches them for not
having learned from the foundations of the earth: (r) since in
reality there is nothing more unreasonable than the thought
of contracting the infinite and incomprehensible God within
the compass of five feet. And yet this monstrous abomination,
which is manifestly repugnant to the order of nature, experi-
ence demonstrates to be natural to man. It must be farther
observed, that idols are frequently stigmatized as being the
works of men's hands, unsanctioned by Divine authority; in
order to establish this principle, that all modes of worship,
which are merely of human invention, are detestable. The.
Psalmist aggravates this madness, forasmuch as men implore
the aid of dead and insensible things, who are endued with
understanding to know that all things are directed solely
by the power of God. But since the corruption of nature
carries all nations in general, and each individual in particular,
to such an excess of frenzy, the Spirit at length thunders out
this direful imprecation, " Let those that make them be like
unto them, and every one that trusteth in them." (s) Let it
be observed, that all similitudes are equally as much forbidden
as graven images: which refutes the foolish subterfuge of the-
Greeks; for they think themselves quite safe, if they make
no sculpture of Deity, while in pictures they indulge greater
.liberty than any other nations. But the Lord prohibits ever}
representation of him, whether made by the statuary, or by
any other artificer, because all similitudes are criminal and in-
sulting to the Divine Majesty.
V. I know that it is a very common observation, that image--,
are the books of the illiterate. Gregory s:tid so; but vf-ry
(?) Isaiuh sKv 920. fr) Isaiah xl. 21. (s) Psalm cxv 8
112 INSTITUTES OF THK [. B 6o K i.
afferent is the decision of the Spirit of God, in whose school
had Gregory been taught, he would never have made such an
assertion. For, since Jeremiah pronounces that " the stock
is a doctrine of vanities,"(f) since Hahakkuk represents "a
molten image" as "a teacher of lies;"(v) certainly the general
doctrine to be gathered from these passages is, that whatever
men learn respecting God from images is equally frivolous and
false. If any one object, that the Prophets only reprehended
those who abused images to the impious purposes of super-
stition; that indeed I grant: but affirm also, what is evident
to every one, that they utterly condemn what is assumed by
the papists as an indubitable axiom, that images are substi-
tutes for books. For they contrast images with the true God,
as contraries, which can never agree. This comparison, I say,
is laid down in those passages which I have just cited; that
since there is only one true God, whom the Jews worshipped,
there can be no visible figures made, to serve as representa-
tions of the Divine Being, without falsehood and crimi-
nality; and all who seek the knowledge of God from such
figures are under a miserable delusion. Were it not true, that
all knowledge of God, sought from images, is corrupt and
fallacious, it would not be so uniformly condemned by the
Prophets. This at least must be granted to us, that when we
maintain the vanity and fallaciousness of the attempts of men
to make visible representations of God, we do no other than
recite the express declarations of the Prophets.
VI. Read likewise what has been written on this subject by
JLactantius and Eusebius, who hesitate not to assume as a cer-
tainty, that alt those whose images are to be seen, were mortal
men. Augustine also confidently asserts the unlawfulness, not
only of worshipping images, but even of erecting any with
reference to God. Nor does he advance any thing different
from what had, many years before, been decreed by the Eliber-
tine council, the thirty-sixth chapter of which is as follows:
" it hath been decreed, that no pictures be had in the churches,
and that what is worshipped or adored be not painted on the
walls." But most remarkable, is what Augustine elsewherc-
(OJer.x. 8. O)Hab. ii. 18.
cites from Varro, and to the truth of which he subscribes,
" That they who first introduced images of the gods, removed
fear and added error." If this had been a mere assertion of
Varro alone, it might have perhaps but little authority; yet
it should justly fill us with shame, that a heathen, groping as
it were in the dark, attained so much light as to perceive that
corporeal representations were unworthy of the Divine Majesty,
being calculated to diminish the fear of God, and to increase
error among mankind. The fact itself demonstrates this to
have been spoken with equal truth and wisdom; but Augustine,
having borrowed it from Varro, advances it as his own opinion.
And first he observes, that the most ancient errors concerning
God, in which men were involved, did not originate from
images, but were increased by them, as by the superaddition of
new materials. He next explains that the fear of God is thereby
diminished and even destroyed; since the foolish, ridiculous,
and absurd fabrication of idols would easily bring his divinity
into contempt. Of the truth of this second remark, I sincerely
wish that we had not such proofs in our own experience. Who-
ever, therefore, desires to be rightly instructed, he must learn
from some other quarter than from images, what is to be known
concerning God.
VII. If the Papists have any shame, let them no longer use
this subterfuge, that images are the books of the illiterate: which
is so clearly refuted by numerous testimonies from Scripture.
Yet though I should concede this point to them, it would avail
them but little in defence of their idols. What monsters
they obtrude in the place of Deity, is well known. But what
they call the pictures or statues of their saints; what are
they, but examples of the most abandoned luxury and ob-
scenity? which if any one were desirous of imitating, he would ..
deserve corporal punishment. Even prostitutes in brothels are
to be seen in more chaste and modest att\re, than those images
in their temples, which they wish to be accounted images of
virgins. Nor do they clothe the martyrs in habits at all more
becoming. Let them adorn their idols, then, with some small
degree of modesty, that the pretence of their being books of
some holiness, if not less false, may be less impudent. But
even then, we will reply, that this is not the method to be
adopted, in sacred places, for the instruction of the faithful,
whom God will have taught a very different doctrine from any
that can be learned from such insignificant trifles. He hath
commanded one common doctrine to be there proposed to all,
in the preaching of his word, and in his sacred mysteries: to
which they betray great inattention of mind, who are carried
about by their eyes to the contemplation of idols. Whom, then,
do the papists call illiterate, whose ignorance will suffer them
to be taught only by images? Those truly, whom the Lord
acknowledges as his disciples; whom he honours with the
revelation of his heavenly philosophy; whom he will have
instructed in the healthful mysteries of his kingdom. I confess,
indeed, as things are now circumstanced, there are at pre-
sent not a few who cannot bear to be deprived of such books.
But whence avises this stupidity, but from being defrauded
of that teaching which alone is adapted to their instruction?
In fact, those who presided over the churches, resigned to idols
the office of teaching, for no other reason but because they
were themselves dumb. Paul testifies, that in the true preach-
ing of this Gospel, Christ is " evidently set forth," and, as it
were, "crucified before our eyes." (w) To what purpose,
then, was the erection of so many crosses of wood and stone,
silver and gold, every where in the temples, if it had been fully
and faithfully inculcated, that Christ died, that he might bear
our curse on the cross, expiate our sins by the sacrifice of his
body, cleanse us by his blood, and, in a word, reconcile us to
God the Father? From this simple declaration they might
learn more than from a thousand crosses of wood or stone;
for perhaps the avaricious fix their minds and their eyes more
tenaciously on the gold and silver crosses, than on any part of
the divine word.
VIII. Respecting the origin of idols, the generally received
opinion agrees with what is asserted in the book of Wisdom; (#)
namely, that the first authors of them were persons who paid
this honour to the dead, from a superstitious reverence for
their memory. I grant that this perverse custom was very
ancient, and deny not that it greatly contributed to increase
O) Gal. iii. 1, (*) Wisdom xiv. 15
the rage of mankind after idolatry; nevertheless, I cannot
concede that it was the first cause of that evil. For it appears
from Moses, that idols were in use long before the introduc-
tion of that ostentatious consecration of the images of the dead,
which is frequently mentioned by profane writers. When he
relates that Rachel stole her father's idols, (/) he speaks as of
a common corruption. Whence we may infer, that the mind
of man is, if I may be allowed the expression, a perpetual
manufactory of idols. After the deluge, there was, as it were,
a regeneration of the world: but not many years elapsed before
men fabricated gods according to their own fancy. And it
is probable, that while the holy patriarch was yet alive, his
posterity were addicted to idolatry, so that, with the bitterest
grief, he might, with his own eyes, behold the earth which
God had lately purged from its corruptions by such a dreadful
judgment, again polluted with idols. For Terah and Nachor,
before the birth of Abraham, were worshippers of false gods,
as is asserted by Joshua, (z) Since the posterity of Shem so
speedily degenerated, what opinion must we entertain of the
descendants of Ham, who had already been cursed in their
father? The true state of the case is, that the mind of man,
being full of pride and temerity, dares to conceive of God
according to its own standard; and, being sunk in stupidity,
and immersed in profound ignorance, imagines a vain and
ridiculous phantom instead of God. These evils are followed
by another: men attempt to express, in the work of their hands,
such a deity as they have imagined in their minds. The mind
then begets the idol, and the hand bringeth it forth. The
example of the Israelites proves this to have been the origin of
idolatry, namely, that men believe not God to be among
them, unless he exhibit some external signs of his presence.
" As for this Moses," they said, " we wot not what is become
of him: make us gods, which shall go before us." (a) They
knew indeed that there was a God, whose power they had
experienced in so many miracles; but they had no confidence
in his being present with them, unless they could see some
corporeal symbol of his countenance, as a testimony of their
(#) Gen. xxxi. 19. (z) Joshua xxiv. 2. (a) Exod. xxxii. 1.
Divine Guide. They wished therefore to understand, from
the image going before them, that God was the leader of their
march. Daily experience teaches, that the flesh is never satisfied,
till it has obtained some image, resembling itself, in which it
may be foolishly gratified, as an image of God. In almost all
ages from the creation of the world, in obedience to this stupid
propensity, men have erected visible representations, in which
they believed God to be presented to their carnal eyes.
IX. Such an invention is immediately attended with adora-
tion: for when men supposed that they saw God in images,
they also worshipped him in them. At length, both their eyes
and their minds being wholly confined to them, they began to
grow more stupid, and to admire them, as though they possessed
some inherent divinity. Now it is plain that men did not rush
into the worship of images, till they had imbibed some very
gross opinion respecting them; not indeed that they believed
them to be gods, but they imagined that something of divinity
resided in them. When you prostrate yourself, therefore, in
adoration of an image, whether you suppose it to represent
God, or a creature, you are already fascinated with supersti-
tion. For this reason the Lord hath prohibited, not only the
erection of statues made as representations of him, but also the
consecration of any inscriptions or monuments to stand as
objects of worship. For the same reason also, another point is
annexed to the precept in the law concerning adoration. For
as soon as men have made a visible figure of God, they attach
Divine power to it. Such is the stupidity of men, that they
confine God to any image which they make to represent him,
and therefore cannot but worship it. Nor is it of any import-
ance, whether they worship simply the idol, or God in the
idol; it is always idolatry, when divine honours are paid to an
idol, under any pretence whatsoever. And as God will not be
worshipped in a superstitious or idolatrous manner, whatever
is conferred on idols is taken from him. Let this be consi-
dered by those who seek such miserable pretexts for the defence
of that execrable idolatry, with which for many ages true reli-
gion had been overwhelmed and subverted. , The images, they
say, are not considered as gods. Neither were the Jews so
thoughtless as not to remember, that it was God by whose
hand they had been conducted out of Egypt, before they made
the calf. But when Aaron said that those were the gods by
whom they had been liberated from Egypt, they boldly assent-
ed; () signifying, doubtless, that they would keep in remem-
brance, that God himself was their deliverer, while they could
see him going before them in the calf. Nor can we believe
the heathens to have been so stupid, as to conceive that God
was no other than wood and stone. For they changed the
images at pleasure, but always retained in their minds the same
gods: and there were many images for one god, nor did they
imagine to themselves gods in proportion to the multitude of
images: besides, they daily consecrated new images, but with-
out supposing that they made new gods. Read the excuses,
which, Augustine says, (c) were alleged by the idolaters of the
age in which he lived. When they were charged with idolatry,
the vulgar replied, that they worshipped, not the visible figure,
but the divinity that invisibly dwelt in it. But they, whose
religion was, as he expresses himself, more refined, said, that
they worshipped neither the image, nor the spirit represented
by it; but that in the corporeal figure they beheld a sign of
that which they ought to worship. What is to be inferred
from this, but that all idolaters, whether Jewish or Gentile, have
been guided by the notion which I have mentioned? Not con-
tent with a spiritual knowledge of God, they thought that they
should receive more clear and familiar impressions of him by
means of images. After they had once pleased themselves
with such a preposterous representation of God, they ceased
not from being deluded with new fallacies, till they imagined
that God displayed his power in images. Nevertheless, the
Jews were persuaded that, under such images, they worshipped
the eternal God, the one true Lord of heaven and earth; and
the heathens, that they worshipped their false gods, whom they
pretended to be inhabitants of heaven.
X. Those who deny that this has been done in time past,
and even within our own remembrance, assert an impudent
falsehood. For why do they prostrate themselves before
(4) Exod. xxxiL 4 6. (c) In Psalm cxiil.
images? And when about to pray, why do they turn them-
selves towards them, as towards the ears of God? For it is true,
as Augustine says, (x /*Tg<* (worship of images).
For in this manner they express themselves, when they main-
tain, that the reverence which they call J**!/*, may be given
to statues or pictures, without injury to God. They consider
themselves, therefore, liable to no blame, while they are only
the servants of their idols, and not worshippers of them; as
though worship were not rather inferior to service. And yet,
while they seek to shelter themselves under a Greek term, they
contradict themselves in the most childish manner. For since
(J) In Psalm cxiii.
the Greek word ATgvr signifies nothing else but to worship;
what they say is equivalent to a confession that they adore
their images, but without adoration. Nor can they justly
object, that I am trying to ensnare them with words: they be-
tray their own ignorance in their endeavours to raise a mist
before the eyes of the simple. But, however eloquent they
may be, they will never be able, by their rhetoric, to prove one
and the same thing to be two different things. Let them point
out, I say, a difference in fact, that they may be accounted
different from ancient idolaters. For, as an adulterer, or homi-
cide, will not escape the imputation of guilt, by giving his
crime a new and arbitrary name; so it is absurd that these
persons should be exculpated by the subtle invention of a
name, if they really differ in no respect from those idolaters,
whom they themselves are constrained to condemn. But their
case is so, far from being different from that of former idolaters,
that the source of all the evil is a preposterous emulation,
with which they have rivalled them, by exercising their minds
in contriving, and their hands in forming, visible symbols of
the Deity.
XII. Nevertheless, I am not so scrupulous as to think that
no images ought ever to be permitted. But since sculpture
and painting are gifts of God, I wish for a pure and legiti-
mate use of both; lest those things, which the Lord hath
conferred on us for his glory and our benefit, be not only
corrupted by preposterous abuse, but even perverted to our
ruin. We think it unlawful to make any visible figure as a
representation of God, because he hath himself forbidden it,
and it cannot be done without detracting, in some measure,
from his glory. Let it not be supposed that we are singular
in this opinion; for that all sound writers have uniformly
reprobated the practice, must be evident to persons conversant
with their works. If, then, it be not lawful to make any cor-
poreal representation of God, much less will it be lawful to
worship it for God, or to worship God in it. We conclude,
therefore, that nothing should be painted and engraved but
objects visible to our eyes: the Divine Majesty, which is far
above the reach of human sight, ought not to be corrupted by
unseemly figures. The subjects of those arts consist partly of
histories and transactions, partly of images and corporeal forms,
without reference to any transactions. The former are of some
use in information or recollection; the latter, as far as I see,
can furnish nothing but amusement. And \ct it is evident, that
almost all the images, which have hitherto been set up in the
churches, have been of this latter description. Hence it may
be seen, that they were placed there, not with judgment and
discrimination, but from a foolish and inconsiderate passion
for them. I say nothing here of the impropriety and indecency
conspicuous in most of them, and the wanton licentiousness
displayed in them by the painters and statuaries, at which I
have before hinted: I only assert, that even if they were intrin-
sically faultless, still they would be altogether unavailing for
the purposes of instruction.
XIII. But passing over that difference also, let us consider,
as we proceed, whether it be expedient to have any images at all
in Christian temples, either descriptive of historical events, or re-
presentative of human forms. In the first place, if the authority of
the ancient Church have any influence with us, let us remember,
that for about .five hundred years, while religion continued in a
more prosperous state, and purer doctrine prevailed, the Chris-
tian churches were generally without images. They were then first
introduced, therefore, to ornament the churches, when the purity
of the ministry had begun to degenerate. I will not dispute
what was the reason which influenced the first authors of them;
but if you compare one age with another, you will see that
they were much declined from the integrity of those who had
no images. Who can suppose, that those holy fathers would
have permitted the Church to remain so long destitute of
what they judged useful and salutary for it? The fact was,
that instead of omitting them through ignorance or negligence,
they perceived them to be of little or no use, but, on the con-
trary, pregnant with much danger; and, therefore, intention-
ally and wisely rejected them. This is asserted in express
terms by Augustine: " When they are fixed," says he, " in
those places in an honourable elevation, to attract the attention
of those who are praying and sacrificing; though they are
destitute of sense and life, yet, by the very similitude of living
members and senses, they affect weak minds, so that they appear
to them to live and breathe," &c. (i) And in another place:
44 For that representation of members leads, and, as it were,
constrains, the mind, which animates a body, to suppose that
body to be endued with perception which it sees to be very
similar to its own," &c. And a little after: " Idols have more
influence to bow down an unhappy soul, because they have a
mouth, eyes, ears, and feet; than to correct it, because they
neither speak, nor see, nor hear, nor walk." This indeed ap-
pears to be the reason of John's exhortation to " keep our-
selves," not only from the worship of idols, but " from idols"
themselves. And we have found it too true, that, through the
horrible frenzy, which, almost to the total destruction of piety,
hath heretofore possessed the world, as soon as images are set
up in churches, there is, as it were, a standard of idolatry
erected; for the folly of mankind cannot refrain from imme-
diately falling into idolatrous worship. But even if the danger
were less, yet, when I consider the use for which temples
were designed,; it appears to me extremely unworthy of their
sanctity to receive any other images, than those natural and
expressive ones, which the Lord hath consecrated in his word:
I mean Baptism, and the Supper of the Lord, and the other
ceremonies, with which our eyes ought to be more attentively
engaged, and more sensibly affected, than to require any others
formed by human ingenuity.; Behold the incomparable advan-
tages of images! the loss of which, if you believe the papists,
nothing can compensate.
XIV. The remarks already made on this subject, I think,
would be sufficient, if it were not necessary to take some notice
of the Council of Nice; not that very celebrated one, which was
convened by Constantine the Great, but that which was held
about eight hundred years ago, by the command, and under
the auspices, of the Empress Irene. For that Council decreed,
not only that images should be had in churches, but also that
they should be worshipped. And, notwithstanding what I have
advanced, the authority of the Council would raise a strong
prejudice on the contrary side. Though, to confess the truth,
I am not much concerned at this, as I am to shew the reader
(<) Epist. 49. De Civ. Dei, lib. 4. cap. 31.
their extreme madness, whose fondness for images exceeded
any thing that was becoming in Christians. But let us dis-
patch this point first: the present advocates for the use of
images, allege the authority of that Nicene Council in their
defence. There is a book extant, written in refutation of this
practice, under the name of Charlemagne; which, from the
diction, we may conclude was composed at the same time. In
this work are recited the opinions of the bishops, who attended
the Council, and the arguments they used in the controversy.
John, the delegate of the Eastern churches, said, "God created
man in his own image:" and hence he inferred that we ought
to have images. The same prelate thought that images were
recommended to us by this sentence: " Shew me thy face, for
it is glorious." Another, to prove that they ought to be
placed on the altars, cited this testimony: " No man lighteth
a candle, and putteth it under a bushel." Another, to shew
the contemplation of these to be useful to us, adduced a verse
from a Psalm, " The light of thy countenance, O Lord, is
sealed upon us." Another pressed this comparison into his
service: "As the patriarchs used the sacrifices of the heathens,
so Christians ought to have the images of saints, instead of the
idols of the heathens." In the same manner they tortured
that expression, " Lord, I have loved the beauty of thy house."
But the most ingenious of all was their interpretation of this
passage: " As we have heard, so have we seen;" that therefore
God is known, not only by the hearing of his word, but by the
contemplation of images. Similar is the subtlety of bishop
Theodore: " God is glorious in his saints." And in another
place it is said, " In the saints that are in the earth:" there-
fore this ought to be referred to images. But their imperti-
nencies and absurdities are so disgusting, that I am quite
ashamed to repeat them.
XV. When they dispute concerning adoration, they bring
forward Jacob's worshipping of Pharaoh, and of the staff of
Joseph, and of the inscription erected by himself. Although,
in this last instance, they not only corrupt the sense of the
Scripture, but allege what is no where to be found. These
passages also, u Worship his footstool;" " Worship in his
holy hill;" and, " All the rich of the people shall supplicate
thy face:" they consider as apposite and conclusive proofs.
If any one wished to represent the advocates for images in a
ridiculous point of view, could he possibly ascribe to them
greater and grosser instances of folly? But, that no doubt of
this might remain, Theodosius, bishop of Mira, defends the
propriety of worshipping images from the dreams of his arch-
deacon, as seriously as if he had an immediate revelation from
heaven. Now let the advocates of images go and urge upon
us the decree of that Council; as though those venerable
fathers had not entirely destroyed all their credit by such
puerile treatment of the sacred Scriptures, or such impious
and shameful mutilation of them.
XVI. I come now to those prodigies of impiety, which it is
wonderful that they ever ventured to broach: and more won-
derful still, that they have not been opposed with universal
detestation. It is right to expose this flagitious madness, that
the worship of images may at least be deprived of the pretence
of antiquity, which the papists falsely urge in its favour. Theo-
dosius, bishop of Amorum, denounces an anathema against all
who are averse to the worship of images. Another imputes all
the calamities of Greece and the East to the crime of not
having worshipped them. What punishments, then, did the
Prophets, Apostles, and Martyrs deserve, in whose time images
were unknown? They add farther, If the image of the emperor
be met by processions with perfumes and incense; much more
is this honour due to the images of the saints. Constantius,
bishop of Constance, in Cyprus, professes his reverence for
images, and avows that he will pay them the same worship
and honour as is due to the Trinity, the source of all life; and
whoever refuses to do the same, he anathematizes and dismisses
with the Manichees and Marcionites. And, lest you should
suppose this to be the private opinion of an individual, they
all declare their assent to it. John, the delegate of the Eastern
churches, carried by the fervour of his zeal to still greater
lengths, asserts it to be better to admit all the brothels of the
world into one city, than to reject the worship of images. At
length it was unanimously decreed, that the Samaritans were
worse than all heretics, and that the adversaries of images were
worse than the Samaritans. But, that the farce might not
* *
want its usual plaudit, they add this clause: " Let them rejoice
and exult, who have the image of Christ, and offer sacrifice
to it." Where is now the distinction of >r(ff and 3jA<*,
with which they attempt to deceive both God and men? For
the Council gives the same honour, without any exception, to
images and to the living God.
God contradistinguished from Idols, that he may be solely and
supremely -worshipped.
\VE said at the beginning, that the knowledge of God_con-
sists not in frigid speculation, but is accompanied by the_jyor-
ship of him. We also cursorily touched on the right method
of worshipping him, which will be more fully explained in
other places. I now only repeat, in few words, that whenever
the Scripture asserts that there is but one God, it contends
not for the bare name, but also teaches, that whatever belongs
to the Deity, should not be transferred to another. This shews
how pure religion differs from idolatry. The Greek M r ord
tvffiGitcc certainly signifies right worship; since even blind
mortals, groping in the dark, have always perceived the neces-
sity of some certain rule, that the worship of God may not
be involved in disorder and confusion. The word religion,
although Cicero ingeniously and correctly derives it from a verb,
signifying " to read over again," or "to gather again;" yet the
reason he assigns for it, that good worshippers often recollect,
and diligently reconsider what is true, is forced and far-fetched.
I rather think the word is opposed to a liberty of wandering
without restraint; because the greater part of the world rashly
embrace whatever they meet with, and also ramble from one
thing to another; but piety, in order to walk with a steady
step, collects itself within its proper limits. The word supcr-
Ktition also appears to me to import a discontent with the
method and order prescribed, and an accumulation of a super-
fluous mass of vain things. But to leave the consideration of
words, it has been generally admitted, in all ages, that religion
is corrupted and perverted by errors and falsehoods; whence
we inter, that when we allow ourselves any thing from incon-
siderate zeal, the pretext alleged by the superstitious is alto-
gether frivolous. Although this confession is in the mouths ot
all, they betray, at the same time, a shameful ignorance, neither
adhering to the one true God, nor observing any discrimina-
tion in his worship, as we have before shewn. But God, to
assert his own right, proclaims that he is "jealous," and will
be a severe avenger, if men confound him with any fictitious
deity; and then, to retain mankind in obedience, he defines
his legitimate worship. He comprises both in his law, where
he first binds the faithful to himself, as their sole legislator; and
then prescribes a rule for the right worship of him according to
his will. Now of the law, since the uses and ends of it are vari-
ous, I shall treat in its proper place: at present, I only remark,
that it sets up a barrier to prevent men turning aside to corrupt
modes of worship. Let us remember, what I have already-
stated, that unless every thing belonging to Divinity remain in
God alone, he is spoiled of his honour, and his worship is
violated. And here it is necessary to animadvert more parti-
cularly on the subtle fallacies of superstition. For it revolts
not to strange gods, in such a manner as to appear to desert
the supreme God, or to degrade him to a level with others;
but, allowing him the highest place, it surrounds him with a
multitude of inferior deities, among whom it distributes his
honours: and thus, in a cunning and hypocritical manner,
the glory of Divinity is divided among many, instead of re- *
maining wholly in one. Thus the ancient idolaters, Jews as
well as Gentiles, imagined one God, the Father and Governor
of all, and subordinate to him a vast multitude of other deities;
to whom, in common with the supreme God, they attributed
the government of heaven and earth. Thus the saints, who
departed out of this life, some ages ago, are exalted to the
society of God, to be worshipped, and invoked, and celebrated
like him. We suppose, indeed, the glory of God not to be
sullied with this abomination; whereas it is, in a great measure,
suppressed and extinguished, except that we retain some faint
notion of his supreme power; but, at the same time, deceived
with such impostures, we are seduced to the worship of various
II. On this account was invented the distinction of Argi) Zech. xiv. 9.
services can be transferred to any other than God alone, with-
out committing sacrilege. At first, indeed, superstition ascribed
Divine honours, either to the sun, or to the other stars, or to
idols. Afterwards followed ambition; which, adorning men
with the spoils of God, dared to profane every thing that was
sacred. And although there remained a persuasion, that thev
ought to worship a supreme God, yet it became customary to
offer sacrifices promiscuously to genii, and inferior deities, and
deceased heroes. So steep is the descent to this vice, to com-
municate to a vast multitude that which God particularly
challenges to himself alone.
One Divine Essence, containing Three Persons, taught in the
Scriptures from the Beginning.
W HAT is taught in the Scriptures concerning the immensity
and spirituality of the essence of God, should serve not only
J - ~.~J!h *
to overthrow the foolish notions of the vulgar, but also to refute
the subtleties of profane philosophy. One of the ancients, (/)
in his own conception very shrewdly, said, that whatever we
see, and whatever we do not see, is God. But he imagined that
the Deity was diffused through every part of the world. But,
although God, to keep us within the bounds of sobriety, speaks
but rarely of his essence; yet, by those two attributes, which I
have mentioned, he supersedes all gross imaginations, and re-
presses the presumption of the human mind. For, surely, his im-
mensity ought to inspire us with awe, that we may not attempt
to measure him with our senses: and the spirituality of his nature
prohibits us from entertaining any earthly or carnal specula-
tions concerning him. For the same reason, he represents his
residence to be " in heaven:" for though, as he is incompre-
hensible, he filleth the earth also; yet, seeing that our minds,
from their dulness, are continually dwelling on the earth, in
(0 Seneca, Prxf. lib. 1. Qjixst. Nat.
order to shake off our sloth and inactivity, he properly raises
us above the world. And here is demolished the error of the
Manichees; who, by maintaining the existence of two original
principles, made the devil, as it were, equal to God. This
certainly was both dividing the unity of God, and limiting his
immensity. For their daring to abuse certain testimonies of
Scripture betrayed a shameful ignorance; as the error itself evi-
denced an execrable madness. The Anthropomorphites also,
who imagined God to be corporeal, because the Scripture fre-
quently ascribes to him a mouth, ears, eyes, hands, and feet, are
easily refuted. For who, even of the meanest capacity, under-
stands not, that God lisps, as it were, with us, just as nurses are
accustomed to speak to infants? Wherefore, such forms of
expression do not clearly explain the nature of God, but
accommodate the knowledge of him to our narrow capacity:
to accomplish which, the Scripture must necessarily descend
far below the height of his majesty.
II. But he also designates himself by another peculiar
character, by which he may be yet more clearly distinguished:
for, while he declares himself to be but One, he proposes him-
self to be distinctly considered in Three Persons, without appre-
hending which, we have only a bare and empty name of God
floating in our brains, without any idea of the true God. Now,
that no one may vainly dream of three gods, or suppose that
the simple essence of God is divided among the three Persons,
we must seek for a short and easy definition, which will pre-
serve us from all error. But since some violently abject to the
word Person, as of human invention, we must first examine
the reasonableness of this objection. When the Apostle de-
nominates the Son the express image of the hypostasis of the
Father, he undoubtedly ascribes to the Father some subsist-
ence, in which he differs from the Son. For, to understand
this word as synonimous with Essence, (as some interpreters
have done, as though Christ, like wax impressed with a seal,
represented in himself the substance of the Father,) were not
only harsh, but also absurd. For the essence of God being
simple and indivisible, he, who contains all in himself, not in
part, or by derivation, but in complete perfection, could not,
without impropriety, and even absurdity, be* called the exprss
image of it. But since the Father, although distinguished by
his own peculiar property, hath expressed himself entirely in
his Son, it is with the greatest reason asserted that he hath
made his hypostasis conspicuous in him; with which the other
appellation, given him in the same passage, of " the brightness
of his glory," exactly corresponds. From the words of the
Apostle, we certainly conclude, that there is in the Father a
proper hypostasis, which is conspicuous in the Son. And
thence also we easily infer the hypostasis of the Son, which
distinguishes him from the Father. The same reasoning is
applicable to the Holy Spirit: for we shall soon prove him
also to be God; and yet he must, of necessity, be considered
as distinct from the Father. But this is not a distinction of
the essence, which it is unlawful to represent as any other than
simple and undivided. It follows, therefore, if the testimony
of the Apostle be credited, that there are in God three hypos-
tases. And, as the Latins have expressed the same thing by
*7 ' the word person, it is too fastidious and obstinate to contend
about so clear a matter. If we wish to translate word for
word, we may call it subsistence. Many, in the same sense,
have called it substance. Nor has the word person been used
by the Latins only; but the Greeks also, for the sake of testi-
fying their consent to this doctrine, taught the existence of
three x^wuira. (persons) in God. But both Greeks and Latins,
notwithstanding any verbal difference, are in perfect harmon}
respecting the doctrine itself.
III. Now, though heretics rail at the word person, or some
morose and obstinate men clamorously refuse to admit a name
of human invention; since they cannot make us assert that
there are three, each of whom is entirely God, nor yet that
there are more gods than one, how very unreasonable is it
to reprobate words which express nothing but what is testified
and recorded in the Scriptures? It were better, say they, to
restrain, not only our thoughts, but our expressions also,
within the limits of the Scripture, than to introduce exotic
words, which may generate future dissensions and disputes:
for thus we weary ourselves with verbal controversies; thus
the truth is lost in altercation; thus charity expires in odious
contention. If they call every word exotic, which cannot be
found in the Scriptures in so many syllables, they impose on
us a law which is very unreasonable, and which condemns all
interpretation, but what is composed of detached- texts of
Scripture connected together. But if by exotic they mean
that which is curiously contrived, and superstitiously defended,
which tends to contention more than to edification, the use of
which is either unseasonable or unprofitable, which offends
pious ears with its harshness, and seduces persons from the
simplicity of the Divine word; I most cordially embrace their
modest opinion. For I think that we ought to speak of God
with the same religious caution, which should govern our
thoughts of him: since all the thoughts that we entertain
concerning him merely from ourselves, are foolish, and all
our expressions absurd. But there is a proper medium to be
observed: we should seek in the Scriptures a certain rule, both
for thinking, and for speaking; by which we may regulate all
the thoughts of our minds, and all the words of our mouths.
But what forbids our expressing, in plainer words, those things
which, in the Scriptures, are, to our understanding, intricate
and obscure, provided our expressions religiously and faith-
fully convey the true sense of the Scripture, and are used with
modest caution, and not without sufficient occasion? Of this,
examples sufficiently numerous are not wanting. But, when
it shall have been proved, that the Church was absolutely
necessitated to use the terms Trinity and Persons, if any one
then censures the novelty of the words, may he not be justly
considered as offended at the light of the truth? as having no
other cause of censure, but that the truth is explained and
IV. But such verbal novelty (if it must have this appellation)
is principally used, when the truth is to be asserted in opposi-
tion to malicious cavillers, who elude it by crafty evasions; of
which we have too much experience in the present day, who find
great difficulty in refuting the enemies of pure and sound
doctrine: possessed of serpentine lubricity, they escape by the
most artful expedients, unless they are vigorously pursued, and
held fast when once caught. Thus the ancients, pestered with
various controversies against erroneous dogmas, were con-
strained to express their sentiments with the utmost perspicuity,
that they might leave no subterfuges to the impious, who
availed themselves of obscure expressions, for the concealment
of their errors. Unable to resist the clear testimonies of the
Scriptures, Arius confessed Christ to be God, and the Son of
God: and, as though this were all that was necessary, he
pretended to agree with the Church at large. But, at the
same time, he continued to maintain, that Christ was created,
and had a beginning like other creatures. To draw the ver-
satile subtlety of this man from its concealment, the ancient
fathers proceeded farther, and declared Christ to be the eternal
Son of the Father, and consubstantial with the Father. Here
impiety openly discovered itself, when the Arians began inve-
terately to hate and execrate the name /** (consubstantial).
But if, in the first instance, they had sincerely and cordially
confessed Christ to be God, they would not have denied him
to be consubstantial with the Father. Who can dare to censure
those good men, as quarrelsome and contentious, for having
kindled such a flame of controversy, and disturbed the peace
of the Church on account of one little word? That little word
distinguished Christians, who held the pure faith, from sacri-
legious Arians. Afterwards arose Sabellius, who considered
the names of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as little more than
empty sounds; arguing, that they were not used on account of
any real distinction, but were different attributes of God, whose
attributes of this kind are numerous. If the point came to be
controverted, he confessed, that he believed the Father to be
God, the Son God, and the Holy Spirit God: but he would
readily evade all the force of this confession, by adding, that
he had said no other than if he had called God potent, and
just, and wise. And thus he came to another conclusion, that
the Father is the Son, and that the Holy Spirit is the Father,
without any order or distinction. The good doctors of that
age, who had the interest of religion at heart, in order to coun-
teract the wickedness of this man, maintained, on the contrary,
that they ought really to acknowledge three peculiar pro-
perties in one God. And, to defend themselves against his in-
tricate subtleties, by the plain and simple truth, they affirmed,
that they truly subsisted in the one God; or, what is the same,
that, in the unity of God, there subsisted a trinity of Perspns.
V. If, then, the words have not been rashly invented, we
should beware lest we be convicted of fastidious temerity in
rejecting them. I could wish them indeed to be buried in
oblivion, provided this faith were universally received, that the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are the one God: and that
nevertheless the Son is not the Father, nor the Spirit the Son,
but that they are distinguished from each other by some pecu-
liar property. I am not so rigidly precise as to be fond of
contending for mere words. For I observe, that the ancients,
who otherwise speak on these subjects with great piety, are not
consistent with each other, nor, in all cases, with themselves.
For what forms of expression, adopted by councils, does Hilary
excuse? To what extremes does Augustine sometimes pro-
ceed? How different are the Greeks from the Latins? But
of this variation, let one example suffice: when the Latins
would translate the word *) Here also the Jews object, and
invert the reading of the passage in this manner: " This is the
name by which the Mighty God, the Father of eternity, shall
call him," &c.j so that they would leave the Son only the title
of Prince of peace. But to what purpose would so many
epithets be accumulated in this passage on God the Father,
when the design of the Prophet is to distinguish Christ by such
eminent characters as may establish our faith in him? Where-
fore, there can be no doubt that he is there denominated the
Mighty God, just as, a little before, he is called Immanuel.
But nothing can be required plainer than a passage in Jere-
miah, that this should be the name whereby the Branch of
David shall be called, " Jehovah our righteousness." (w) For
since the Jews themselves teach, that all other names of God
are mere epithets, but that this alone, which they call ineffable,
is a proper name expressive of his Essence; we conclude, that
the Son is the one eternal God, who declares, in another
place, that he " will not give his glory to another." (.*) This
also they endeavour to evade, because Moses imposed this
name on an altar which he built, and Ezekiel on the city of
the new Jerusalem. But who does not perceive, that the altar
was erected as a monument of Moses having been exalted by
God, and that Jerusalem is honoured with the name of God,
only as a testimony of the Divine presence? For thus speaks
the Prophet: " The name of the city shall be, Jehovah is
(/) Exod. vii. 1. () Isaiah ix. 6.
(w) Jer. xziii. 6. (x) Isaiah xlii. 8.
there." (//) But Moses expresses himself thus: He " built an
altar, and called the name of it, Jehovah-nissi, (my exalta-
tion)." (2) But there is more contention about another
passage of Jeremiah, where the same title is given to Jerusa-
lem in these words: " This is the name wherewith she shall
be called, Jehovah our righteousness." (ft) But this testimony is
so far from opposing the truth, which we are defending, that
it rather confirms it. For, having before testified that Christ
is the true Jehovah, from whom righteousness proceeds, he
now pronounces that the Church will have such a clear appre-
hension of it, as to be able to glory in the same name. In the
former place, then, is shewn the original cause of righteous-
ness, in the latter the effect.
X. Now if these things do not satisfy the Jews, I see not
by what cavils they can evade the accounts of Jehovah having
so frequently appeared in the character of an angel. An angel
is said to have appeared to the holy fathers. He claims for
himself the name of the eternal God. If it be objected, that
this is spoken with regard to the character which he sustains,
this by no means removes the difficulty. For a servant would
never rob God of his honour, by permitting sacrifice to be
offered to himself. But the angel, refusing to eat bread, com-
mands a sacrifice to be offered to Jehovah. He afterwards
demonstrates that he is really Jehovah himself. Therefore
Manaoh and his wife conclude, from this evidence, that they
have seen, not a mere angel, but God himself. Hence he says,
<{t We shall surely die, because we have seen God." When
his wife replies, " If the Lord were pleased to kill us, he would
not have received" a sacrifice "at our hands;" (/-) she clearly
acknowledges him to lie God, who before is called an angel.
Moreover, the reply of the angel himself removes every doubt,
" Why askest thou after my name, seeing it is wonderful?"
So much the more detestable is the impiety of Servetus, in
asserting-, that God never appeared to Abraham and the other
patriarchs, but that they worshipped an angel in his stead.
But the orthodox doctors of the Church have truly and wisely
und( rstood and taught, that the same chief angel was the Word
' nr~inB _, n m* iV _ i" ^i^
( v) Kzek. xlviii. " >. (g) Exod. xvii. 15.
Jer. xxxlii. 16. (4) Judges xjii. 22, 23.
of God, who even then began to perform some services intro-
ductory to his execution of the office of Mediator. For though
he was not yet incarnate, he descended, as it were, in a media-
torial capacity, that he might approach the faithful with greater
familiarity. His familiar intercourse with men gave him the
name of an angel: yet he still retained what properly belonged
to him, and continued the ineffably glorious God. The same
truth is attested by Hosea, who, after relating the wrestling
of Jacob with an angel, says, " The Lord (Jehovah) God of
hosts; Jehovah is his memorial." (c) Servetus again cavils,
that God employed the person of an angel; as though the
Prophet did not confirm, what had been delivered by Moses,
" Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name?" And
the confession of the holy patriarch, when he says, " I have
seen God face to face," () sufficiently declares, that he was
not a created angel, but one in whom resided the fulness of
Deity. Hence also the representation of Paul, that Christ
was the conductor of the people in the wilderness; because,
though the time of his humiliation was not yet arrived, the
eternal Word then exhibited a type of the office, to which he
was appointed. Now if the second chapter of Zechariah be
strictly and coolly examined, the angel who sends another
angel is immediately pronounced the God of hosts, and su-
preme power is ascribed to him. I omit testimonies innumer-
able, on which our faith safely rests, although they have little
influence on the Jews. For when it is said in Isaiah, " Lo,
this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us:
this is Jehovah:" (e} all who have eyes may perceive that this
is God, who ariseth for the salvation of his people. And the
emphatical repetition of these pointed expressions forbids an
application of this passage to any other than to Christ. But
still more plain and decisive is a passage of Malachi, where he
prophesies, that "the Lord, who was then sought, should
come into his temple." (/) The temple was exclusively con-
secrated to the one most high God; yet the Prophet claims it
as belonging to Christ. Whence it follows, that he is the
same God, that was always worshipped among the Jews.
(c) Hosea xii. 5. (J) Gen. xxxii. 29, 30.
(e) Isaiah xxv- 9. (/) Mai. Hi. L
XI. The New Testament abounds with immtQrable__teaU r
monies. We must, therefore, endeavour briefly to select a
few, rather than to collect them all. Though the Apostles
spake of him, alter he had appeared in flesh as the Medi-
ator; yet all that I shall adduce will be adapted to prove
his eternal Deity. In the first place, it is worthy of particular
observation, that the Apostles represent those things, which
were predicted concerning the eternal God, as either already
exhibited in Christ, or to be accomplished in him at some
future period. The prediction of Isaiah, that the Lord of
hosts would be "for a stone of stumbling, and for a rock of
offence to both the houses of Israel," () Paul asserts to have
been fulfilled in Christ. (A) Therefore he declares, that Christ
is the Lord of hosts. There is a similar instance in another
place: " We shall all stand," says he, " before the judgment-
seat of Christ. For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord,
every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to
God." (z) Since God, in Isaiah, (/) declares this concerning-
himself, and Christ actually exhibits it in his own person, it
follows, that he is that very God, whose glory cannot be trans-
ferred to another. The Apostle's quotation from the Psalms
also, in his Epistle to the Ephesians, is evidently applicable to
none but God: " When he ascended up on high, he led cap-
tivity captive:" (/) understanding that ascension to have been
prefigured by the exertions of the Divine power in the signal
victories of David over the heathen nations, he signifies, that
the text was more fully accomplished in Christ. Thus John
attests, that it was the glory of the Son, which was revealed in
a vision to Isaiah; whereas the Prophet himself records that
he saw the majesty of God. (ni) And those praises which the
Apostle, in the Epistle to the Hebrews, ascribes to the Son,
beyond all doubt, most evidently belong to God: " Thou,
Lord, in the beginning, hast laid the foundation of the earth:
and the heavens are the works of thine hands," &c. Again,
u Let all the angels of God worship him." (rc) Nor is it any
misapplication of them, when he refers them to Christ: since
(f) Isaiah viii. 14. (A) Rom. ix. 33. (i) Rom. xiv. 10, 11.
(>) Isaiah xlv. 23. (/) Eph. iv. 8. Psalm Ixviii. 18.
w.) John xii. 41. Isaiah' vi. 1. () Heb. i. 10, 6.
all that is predicted in those Psalms has been accomplished
only by him. For it was He, who arose and had mercy upon
Zion; it was He, who claimed as his own the dominion over
all nations and islands. And why should John, after having
affirmed, at the commencement of his Gospel, (0) that the
Word was always God, have hesitated to attribute to Christ
the majesty of God? And why should Paul have been afraid
to place Christ on the tribunal of God, (/>) after having so
publicly preached his divinity, when he called him " God
blessed for ever?" (^) And, to shew how consistent he is with
himself on this subject, he says, also that " God was manifest
in the flesh." (r) If he is " God blessed for ever," he is the
same to whom this Apostle, in another place, affirms all glory
and honour to be due. And he conceals not, but openly pro-
claims, that, " being in the form of God," he " thought it not
robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputa-
tion." (i) And, lest the impious might object, that he is a sort
of artificial god, John goes farther, and affirms, that "This
is the true God, and eternal life." () Although we ought to be
fully satisfied by his being called God, especially by a witness
who expressly avers that there are no more gods than one;
I mean Paul, who says, " though there be that are called
Gods, whether in heaven or in earth: to us there is but one
God, of whom are all things." (*>) When we hear, from
the same mouth, that " God is manifested in the flesh," that
" God hath purchased the Church with his own blood;" why
do we imagine a second God, whom he by no means acknow-
ledges? And there is no doubt that all the pious were of the
same opinion. Thomas, likewise, by publicly confessing him to
be " his Lord and God," declares him to be the same true God
whom he had always worshipped, (w)
XII. If we judge of his divinity from the works, which
the Scriptures attribute to him, it will thence appear with in-
creasing evidence. For when he said, that he had, from the
beginning, continually co-operated with the Father, the Jews,
stupid as they were about his other declarations, yet perceived,
(o) John i. 1, 14. ( ) 2 Cor. v. 10. (9) Rom. is. 5[
(r) 1 Tim. iii. 16. (,) Philip, ii. 6. (f) 1 John v. 20.
(v) 1 Cor. via. 5, 6. ( w ) John xx. 28.
that he assumed to himself Divine power; and, therefore, as
John informs us, they "sought the more to kill him; because
he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God
was his Father, making himself equal with God." (;c) How
great, then, must be our stupidity, if we perceive not this
passage to be a plain assertion of his divinity? To preside over
the world, by his almighty providence, and to govern all
things by the nod of his own power (which the Apostle attri-
butes to him), (?/) belongs exclusively to the Creator. And he
participates with the Father, not only in the government of the
world, but also in all other offices, which cannot be communi-
cated to creatures. The Lord proclaims, by the Prophet, " I,
even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions, for mine
own sake." (2) According to this declaration, when the Jews
thought that Christ committed an injury against God, by un-
dertaking to forgive sins, (a) he not only asserted, in express
terms, that this power belonged to him, but proved it by a
miracle. We see, therefore, that he hath not the ministry,
but the power of remission of sins, which the Lord declares
shall never be transferred from himself to another. Is it not
the prerogative of God alone, to examine and penetrate the
secret thoughts of the heart? Yet Christ possessed that power;
which is a proof of his divinity.
XIII. But with what perspicuity of evidence does it appear
in his miracles? Though I grant that the Prophets and
Apostles performed miracles similar and equal to his, yet there
is a considerable difference in this respect, that they, in their
ministry, dispensed the favours of God, whereas his miracles
were performed by his exertions of his own power. He some-
times, indeed, used prayer, that he might glorify the Father:
but, in most instances, we perceive the manifest displays of his
own power. And how should not he be the true author of
miracles, who, by his own authority, committed the dispensa-
tion of them to others? For the Evangelists relate, that he
gave his Apostles power to raise the dead, to heal the leprous,
to cast out dev ils, Sec. () And they performed that ministry in
such a manner, as plainly to discover, that the power pro-
(r) John v. 18. (//) Heb. i. 3. (2) Isaiah xliii. 25.
-(a) Matt. ix. 6. (6) Matt. x. 8. Mark iii. 15.
ceeded solely from Christ. " In the name of Jesus Christ,"
ays Peter, " arise and walk."(c) It is no wonder therefore,
hat Christ should bring forward his miracles, (W) to convince-
t e incredulity of the Jews, since being performed by his own
power, they afforded most ample evidence of his divinity. Be-
sides, if out of God there be no salvation, no righteousness, no
life, but Christ contains all these things in himself, it certainly
demonstrates him to be God. Let it not be objected^ that life
;.iul salvation nye j"f"?fd fatft.hijTli>y, Qiftd'- fo, r he is not said.
to have received salvation, but to be .himself salvation. And if
no one be good but God alone, (e) how can he be a mere man
who is, I will not say good and righteous, but goodness and
righteousness itself? Even from the beginning of the creation,
according to the testimony of an Evangelist, " in him was life;
and the life" then existed as " the light of men." Supported
by such proofs therefore, we venture to repose our faith and
hope on him. Whereas we know that it is impious and sacri-
legious for any man to place his confidence in creatures; he
says, " Ye believe in God, believe also in me."(y) And in
this sense Paul interprets two passages of Isaiah; " Whoso-
ever believeth on him shall not be ashamed." Again, " There
shaH be a root of Jesse, that shall rise to reign over the Gen-
tiles; in him shall the Gentiles trust." (,f) And why should
we search for more testimonies from Scripture, when this de-
claration occurs so frequently: " He that believeth on me
hath everlasting life?"(A) The invocation, arising from faith, is
also directed to him; which nevertheless peculiarly belongr,,
if any thing peculiarly belongs, to the Divine majesty.
For a Prophet says, " Whosoever shall call on the name
of the Lord (Jehovah) shall be delivered."(.z) And Solomon,
" The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous
runneth into it, and is safe." (-) But the name of Christ is.
invoked for salvation: it follows, therefore, that he is Jehovah.
Moreover, we have an example of such invocation in Stephen,
when he says, " Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." (/) And
(c) Acts iii. G. () John v. 36. x. 37. (e) Matt. xix. 17.
(/) John xiv. 1. (#) Isaiah xxviii. 16. xi. 10. Rom. x. 11. xv. 12.
(A) John vi. 47. (i) Joel ii. 32. f.*) Prov. xviii. 10.
(0 Acts vii. 59.
afterwards in the whole Church, as Ananias testifies in the
same book; " Lord, I have heard by many of this man,
how much evil he hath done to thy saints that call on
thy name." (;) And to make it more clearly understood,
that u all the fulness of the Godhead dwelleth bodily in
Christ," the Apostle confesses that he had introduced among
the Corinthians no other doctrine than the knowledge of
him, and that this had been the only subject of his preach-
ing. (M) What a remarkable and important consideration is
it, that the name of the Son only is preached to us, where as
Hod commands us to glory in the -knowledge of himself
air -ne? (0) Who can dare to assert that he is a mere creature,
the knowledge of whom is our only glory? It must also be
remarked, that the salutations prefixed to the epistles of Paul
implore the same blessings from the Son as from the Father;
whence we learn, not only that those things, which our hea-
venly Father bestows, are obtained for us by his intercession,
but that the Son, by a communion of power, is himself the
author of them. This practical knowledge is unquestionably
more certain and solid than any idle speculation. For then
the pious mind has the nearest view of the Divine presence,
and almost touches it, when it experiences itself to be quicken-
ed, illuminated, saved, justified and sanctified.
XIV. Wherefore thcproot uf the Deity of the Spirit must
be derived principally from the same sources. There is no ob-
scurity in the testimony of Moses, in the history of the crea-
tion, that the Spirit of God was expanded on the abyss or
chaos;(/>) for it signifies, not only that the beautiful state ol
the world which we now behold owes its preservation to the
power of the Spiiit, but that previously to its being thus
adorned, the Spirit was engaged in brooding over the confus-
ed mass. The declaration of Isaiah bids defiance to all cavils;
" And now the Lord God, and his Spirit hath sent me."(^
For the Holy Spirit is united in the exercise of supreme
power in the mission of Prophets, which is a proof of 1m
Divine majesty. But the best confirmation, as I have re-
marked, we shull derive from familiar experience. For van::
(in) Acts ix. 13, 14. (?:) 1 Gor. ii. i2. (o) Jcr. is. 24
(/) Gen. i. 2- Isaiah xlviu. 16
the Scriptures ascribe to him a and what we ourselves learn by
the certain experience of piety, is not at all applicable to any
creature. For it is he who, being universally diffused,
sustains and animates all things in heaven and in earth.
And this very thing excludes him from the number of crea-
tures, that he |s_ cjrcurns cribed by no limits, but transfuses
through all his own vigorous influence, to inspire them with
being life and motion; this is clearly a work of Deity.
Again, if regeneration to an incorruptible life be more im-
portant and excellent than any present life, what must we
think of him from whose power it proceeds? But the Scrip-
ture teaches in various places, that he is the author of rege-
neration by a power not derived, but properly his own; and not
of regeneration only, but likewise of the future immortality.
Finally, to him, as well as to the Son, are applied all those
offices which are peculiar to Deity. For he " searcheth even
the deep things of God,"(r) who admits no creature to a share
in his councils. He bestows wisdom and the faculty of
speech: (&) whereas the Lord declares to Moses, that this can
only be done by himself, (f) So through him we attain to a
participation of God, to feel his vivifying energy upon us. Our
justification is his work. From him proceeds power, sanctifi-
cation, truth, grace, and every other blessing we can conceive:
since there is but one Spirit, from whom every kind of gifts
descends. For this passage of Paul is worthy of particular atten-
tion; " there are diversities of gifts, and there are differences of
administrations, but the same spirit:"(w) because it represents
him, not only as the principle and source of them, but also as
the author: which is yet more clearly expressed a little after
in these words; " All these worketh that only and the self-
same Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will." For
if he were not a subsistence in the Deity, judgment and volun-
tary determination would nev cribed to him. Paul,
therefore, very clearly attributes to the Spirit divine power,
and thereby demonstrates him to be an hypostasis or subsist-
ence in God.
XV. Nor does the Scripture, when it speaks of him, refrain
(r) 1 Cor. ii. 10, 16. (.?) 1 Cor. xii. 8.
Cf) Exotl. iv. 11. (w) 1 Cor. xii. 4, &c.
from giving him the appellation of God. For Paul concludes
that we are the temple of God, because his Spirit dwelleth in
us. (u) This must not be passed over without particular notice;
for the frequent promises of God that he will choose us for a
temple for himself receive no other accomplishment, than by
the inhabitation of his Spirit in us. Certainly, as Augustine
excellently observes, " If we were commanded to erect to the
Spirit a temple of wood and stone, forasmuch as God is the
sole object of worship, it would be a clear proof of his divinity;
how much clearer, then, is the proof, now that we are com-
manded, not to erect one, but to be ourselves his temples?"
And the Apostle calh us sometimes the temple of God, and
sometimes the temple of the Holy Spirit, both in the same
signification. Peter, reprehending Ananias for having " lied
to the Holy Ghost," told him, that he had " not lied unto
men, but unto God." (ru) And where Isaiah (.r) introduces the
Lord of hosts as the speaker, Paul (?/) informs us that it is
the Holy Spirit who speaks. Indeed, while the Prophets in-
variably declare that the words which they utter are those of
the Lord of hosts, Christ and the Apostles refer them to the
Holy Spirit; whence it follows, that he is the true Jehovah,
who is the primary author of the prophecies. Again, God
complains that his anger was provoked by the perverseness of
the people; Isaiah, in reference to the same conduct, says,
that " They vexed his Holy Spirit." (2) Lastly, if blasphemy
against the Spirit be not forgiven, either in this world or in
that which is to come, (a) whilst a man may obtain pardon who
has been guilty of blasphemy against the Sen, this is an open
declaration of his Divine majesty, to defame or degrade which is
an inexpiable crime. I intentionally pass over many testimo-
nies which were used by the fathers. To them there appeared
much plausibility in citing this passage from David, " By the
word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the host of
them by the breath of his mouth;" () to prove that the crea-
tion of the world was the work of the Holy Spirit, as well as
of the Son. But since a repetition of the same thing twice is
O) 1 Cor. iii. 16. vi. 19. 2 Cor. vi. 16. (w) Acts v. 3, 4.
(x) Isaiah vi. 9. (.v) Acts xxviii. 55. (r) Isaiah Ixiii. 10.
() Mattxii.31. Mark iii. 9. Luke xii. 10. !7<) I'sulrr. rixxHi. ('.
common in the Psalms, and in Isaiah "the Spirit of his
mouth" means the same as "his word," this is but a weak
argument. Therefore I have determined to confine myself
to a sober statement of those evidences on which pious minds
may satisfactorily rest.
XVI. As God afforded a clearer manifestation of him-
self at the advent of Christ, the three Persons also then
became better known. Among many testimonies let us be
satisfied with this one: Paul connects together these three,
Lord Faith and Baptism, (c) in such a manner as to reason
from one to another. Since there is but one faith, hence
he proves that there is but one Lord; since there is but
one baptism, he shews that there is also but one faith. There-
fore if we are initiated by baptism into the faith and re-
ligion of one God, we must necessarily suppose him to be
the true God into whose name we are baptized. Nor can it
be doubted but that in this solemn commission, " Baptize
them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Ghost," Christ intended to testify, that the perfect light
of faith was now exhibited. For this is equivalent to being
baptized into the name of the one God, who hath clearly ma-
nifested himself in the Father, Son, and Spirit: whence it
evidently appears, that in the Divine Essence there exist
three Persons, in whom is known the one God. And, truly,
since faith ought not to be looking about hither and thither,
or to be wandering through the varieties of inconstancy, but
to direct its views towards the one God, to be fixed on him,
and to adhere to him; it may easily be proved from these
premises, that if there be various kinds of faith, there must
also be a plurality of gods. Baptism being a sacrament of
faith, confirms to us the unity of God, because it is but
one. Hence also we conclude, that it is not lawful to be
baptized, except into the name of the one God; because we
embrace the faith of him, into whose name we are baptized.
What then was intended by Christ, when he commanded
baptism to be administered in the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and -of the Holy Spirit, but that one faith ought to
(c-) Ephes. iv. 5.
be exercised in the Father, Son, and Spirit? and what is that
but a clear testimony, that the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit, are the one God? Therefore, since it is an undeniable
truth, that there is one God, and only one, we conclude the
Word and Spirit to be no other than the very Essence of the
Deity. The greatest degree of folly was betrayed by the
Arians, who confessed the divinity of the Son, but denied him
to possess the substance of God. Nor were the Macedonians free
from a similar delusion, who would explain the term " spirit"
to mean only the gifts of grace conferred upon man. For as
wisdom, understanding, prudence, fortitude, and fear of the
Lord, proceed from him: so he alone is the Spirit of wisdom,
prudence, fortitude, and piety. Nor is he himself divided
according to the distribution of his graces: but, as the Apostle
declares, how variously soever they are divided, he always re-
mains one and the same. ()
XVII. On the other hand also we find in the Scriptures
a distinction between the Father and the Word, between the
Word and the Spirit: in the discussion of which the magni-
tude of the mystery reminds us that we ought to proceed
with the utmost reverence and sobriety. I am exceedingly
' pleased with this observation of Gregory Nazianzen; " I can-
not think of the one, but I am immediately surrounded with
the splendour of the three; nor can I clearly discover the
three, but I am suddenly carried back to the one." Wherefore
let us not imagine such a trinity of persons, as includes an idea of
separation, or does not immediately recal us to the unity. The
names of Father, Son, and Spirit, certainly imply a real
distinction; let no one suppose them to be mere epithets, by
which God is variously designated from his works: but it is a
distinction, not a division. The passages already cited shew,
that the Son has a property, by which he is distinguished from
the Father; because the Word had not been with God, or
had his glory with the Father, unless he had been distinct from
him. He likewise distinguishes the Father from himself, when
he says, " that there is another that beareth witness of him."(e)
And to the same effect is what is declared in another place,
() 1 Cor. xii. 11. () John v. 32. via. 16, 18.
that the Father created all things by the Word: which he
could not have done, unless he had been in some sense distinct
from him. Besides, the Father descended not to the earth,
but he who came forth from the Father. The Father neither
died nor rose again, but he who was sent by the Father. Nor
did this distinction commence at the incarnation, but it is
evident, that, before that period, he was the only begotten in
the bosom of the Father, (y) For who can undertake to assert,
that the Son first entered into the bosom of the Father, when
he descended from heaven to assume a human nature? He,
therefore was in the bosom of the Father before, and possessed
his glory with the Father. The distinction between the Holy
Spirit and the Father is announced by Christ, when he says,
that he "proceedeth from the Father." () But how often
does he represent him as another, distinct from himself? as
when he promises that " another Comforter" (A) should be
sent, and in many other places.
XVIII. I doubt the propriety of borrowing similitudes
from human things, to express the force of this distinction.
The fathers sometimes practise this method; but they like-
wise confess the great disproportion of all the similitudes
which they introduce. Wherefore I greatly dread, in this
instance, every degree of presumption; lest the introduction of
any thing unseasonable should afford an occasion of calumny
to the malicious, or of error to the ignorant. Yet it is not
right to be silent on the distinction which we find expressed in
the Scriptures; which is this: thatftp the Father is attributed
the principle of action, the fountain and source of all things;
to the Son, wisdom, counsel, and the arrangement of all
operations; and the power and efficacy of the action is assigned
to the Spirit. Moreover, though eternity belongs to the Father,
and to the Son and Spirit also, since God can never have
been destitute of his wisdom or his power, and in eternity
we must not inquire after any thing prior or posterior; yet the
observation of order is not vain or superfluous, while the Fa-
ther is mentioned as first; in the next place the Son, as from
him; and then the Spirit^ as from both. For the mind of
(/) John i. 18. (sO John xv, C6 (A) John xiv !
every man naturally inclines to the consideration, first, oi
God, secondly of the wisdom emanating from him, and
lastly of the power by which he executes the decrees of his
wisdom. For this reason the Son is said to be from the
Father, and the Spirit from both the Father and the SonTjand
that in various places, but no where more clearly than in the
eighth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans, where the same
Spirit is indifferently denominated " the Spirit of Christ," and
" the Spirit of him that raised up Christ from the dead," and
that without any impropriety. For Peter also testifies that it
was the Spirit of Christ by whom the Prophets prophesied; (z)
whereas the Scripture so frequently declares that it was the
Spirit of God the Father.
XIX. This distinction is so far from opposing the most
absolute simplicity and unity of the Divine Being, that it
affords a proof that the Son is one God with the Father,
because he has the same Spirit with him: and that the
Spirit is not a different substance from the Father and the
Son, because he is the Spirit of the Father and of the Son.
For the whole nature is in each hypostasis, and each has some-
thing peculiar to himself. The Father is entirely in the Son,
and the Son entirely in the Father, according to his own de-
claration, " I am in the Father, and the Father in me:" (/)
nor do ecclesiastical writers allow that one is divided from the
other by any difference of essence. " These distinctive ap-
pellations," says Augustine, "denote their reciprocal rela-
tions to each other, and not the substance itself, which is but
one." This explanation may serve to reconcile the opinions
of the fathers, which would otherwise appear totally repugnant
to each other. For sometimes they state that the Son origi-
nates from the Father, and at other times assert that he has
essential divinity from himself; and so is, together with the
Father, the one first cause of all. Augustine, in another place,
admirably and perspicuously explains the cause of this diver-
sity, in the following manner; " Christ, considered in him-
self, is called God; but with relation to the Father, he is
called the Son." And again, "The Father, considered in
CO 1 Pet, i. 11. (i) John xiv. 10, 11.
himself, is called God; but with relation to the Son, he is
called the Father. He who, with relation to the Son, is called
the Father, is not the Son: he who, with relation to the Fa-
ther, is called the Son, is not the Father: they who are
severally called the Father and the Son, are the same God."
Therefore, when we speak simply of the Son without refer-
ence to the Father T we truly and : properly Assert him to^be
self-existent, and therefore call him the, sole first cause: but,
/ h; :i \ve distinctly treat of the relation between him and Uu-
Father, we justly represent him as originating from the Father.
The first book of Augustine on the Trinity is entirely occupied
with the explication of this subject; and it is far more safe to
rest satisfied with that relation which he states, than by cu-
riously penetrating into the sublime mystery, to wander through
a multitude of vain speculations.
XX. Therefore, let such as love sobriety, and will be con-
tented with the measure of faith, briefly attend to what is
useful to be known: which is that when we profess to believe
in one God, the word God denotes a single and simple essence,
in which we comprehend three Persons, orhypostases: and that
therefore whenever the word God is used indefinitely, the Son
and Spirit are intended as much as the Father: but when the
Son is associated with the Father, that introduces the reciprocal
relation of one to the other; and thus we distinguish between
the Persons. But since the peculiar properties of the Persons
produce a certain order, so that the original cause is in the
Father; whenever the Father and the Son or Spirit are men-
tioned together, the name of God is peculiarly ascribed to th^
Father: by this method the unity of the essence is preserved,
and the order is retained; which however derogates nothing
from the Deity of the Son and Spirit. And indeed, as we
have already seen that the Apostles assert him to be the Son
of God, whom Moses and the Prophets have represented as
Jehovah, it is always necessary to recur to the unity of the
essence. Wherefore it would be a detestable sacrilege for us
to call the Son another God different from the Father: be-
cause the^ simple name of God admits of no relation; nor can
God, with respect to himself, be denominated either the one or
the other. Now, that the name " Jehovah" in an indefinite sense
is applicable to Christ, appears even from the words of Paul:
u For this thing I besought the Lord thrice;" (/) because, after
relating the answer of Christ, " My grace is sufficient for
thee," he immediately subjoins, " That the power of Christ
may rest upon me." For it is certain that the word " Lord''
is there used for rt Jehovah;" and to restrict it to the person of
the Mediator, would be frivolous and puerile, since it is an
absolute declaration, containing no comparison between the
Son and the Father. And we know that the Apostles, follow-
ing the custom of the Greek translators, invariably use the
word Kvpof (Lord}, instead of Jehovah. And, not to seek
far for an example of this, Paul prayed to the Lord in no
other sense than is intended in a passage of Joel, cited by
Peter; " Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall
be saved." (in) But for the peculiar ascription of this name to
the Son another reason will be given in its proper place:
suffice it at present to observe, that when Paul had prayed to
God absolutely, he immediately subjoins the name of Christ.
Thus also the whole Deity is by Christ himself denominated
u a Spirit." For nothing opposes the spirituality of the whole
Divine essence, in which are comprehended the Father, the
Son, and the Spirit: which is plain from the Scripture. For
as we there find God denominated a Spirit, so we find also the
Holy Spirit, forasmuch as he is an hypostasis of the whole-
essence, represented both as the Spirit of God, and as pro-
ceeding from God.
XXI. But since Satan, in order to subvert the very founda-
tions of our faith, has always been exciting great contentions,
concerning the Divine essence of the Son and Spirit, and the
distinction of the Persons; and in almost all ages has insti-
gated impious spirits to vex the orthodox teachers on this
account; and is also endeavouring, in the present day, with
the old embers, to kindle a new flame: it becomes necessary
to refute the perverse and fanciful notions which some
persons have imbibed. Hitherto it has been our principal
design to instruct the docile, and not to combat the obstinate
md contentious: but now having calmly explained and proved
->r. xii. S. n * 32. Acti i- 1621.
the truth, we must vindicate it from all the cavils of the wicked.
Although I shall make it my principal study, that those who
readily and implicitly attend to the Divine word, may have
stable ground on which they may confidently rest. On this
indeed, if on any of the secret mysteries of the Scripture, we
ought to philosophise with great sobriety and moderation; and
also with extreme caution, lest either our ideas or our lan-
guage should proceed beyond the limits of the Divine word. For
how can the infinite essence of God be defined by the narrow
capacity of the human mind, which could never yet certainly /
determine the nature of the body of the sun, though the object v
of our daily contemplation? How can the human mind, by
its own efforts, penetrate into an examination of the essence of
God, when it is totally ignorant of its own? Wherefore let
us freely leave to God the knowledge of himself. For "he
alone," as Hilary says, "is a competent witness for himself,
being only known by himself." And we shall certainly leave
it to him, if our conceptions of him correspond to the mani-
festations which he has given us of himself, and our inquiries
concerning him are confined to his word. There are extant
on this argument five homilies of Chrysostom against the Ano-
mcei; which however were not sufficient to restrain the pre-
sumptuous garrulity of those sophists. For they discovered
no greater modesty in this instance than in every other. The
very unhappy consequences of this temerity should warn us
to study this question with more docility than subtlety, and
not allow ourselves to investigate God any where but in his
sacred word, or to form any ideas of him but such as are
agreeable to his word, or to speak any thing concerning him
but what is derived from the same word.fSut if the distinc-
tion of Father Son and Spirit in the one Deity, as it is not
easy to be comprehended, occasions some understandings more
labour and trouble than is desirable, let them remember, that
the mind of man, when it indulges its curiosity, enters into a
labyrinth; and let them submit to be guided by the heavenly
oracles, however they may not comprehend the height of this
mystery. /
XXII. To compose a catalogue of the errors^ by which the
purity of the faith has been attacked on this point of doctrine,
would be too prolix and tedious without being profitable: and
most of the heretics so strenuously exerted themselves to
e fleet the total extinction of the Divine glory by their gross
reveries, that they thought it sufficient to unsettle and disturb
the inexperienced. From a few men there soon arose numer-
ous sects, of whom some would divide the Divine essence,
and others would confound the distinction which subsists be-
tween the Persons. But if we maintain, what has already
Ken sufficiently demonstrated from the Scripture, that the
essence of the one God, which pertains to the Father, to the
Son, and to the Spirit, is simple and undivided; and, on the
other hand, that the Father is, by some property, distinguished
from the Son, and likewise the Son from the Spirit, the gate
will be shut, not only against Anus and Sabellius, but also
against all the other ancient heresiarchs. But since our own
limes have witnessed some madmen, as Servetus and his
followers, who have involved every thing in new subtleties,
a brief exposure of their fallacies will not be unuseful. The
word Trinity was so odious and even detestable to Servetus,
that he asserted all Trinitarians, as he called them, to be
Atheists. I omit his impertinent and scurrilous language,
but this was the substance of his speculations: That it is re-
presenting God as consisting of three parts, when three Per-
sons are said to subsist in his essence, and that this triad is
merely imaginary, being repugnant to the Divine unity. At
the same time, he maintained the Persons to be certain exter-
nal ideas, which have no real subsistence in the Divine essence,
but give us a figurative representation of God under this or the
other form: and that in the beginning there was no distinction
in God, because the Word was once the same as the Spirit:
but that after Christ appeared God of God, there emanated
from him another God, even the Spirit. Though he some-
r'mvs glo: ; sf s over his impcrtinencics with allegories, as when
.:; that the eternal Word of God was the Spirit of Christ
with Gw of the Deity; yet he afterwards destroys the
Deity of both, asserting that according to the mode of dispen-
sation, there is a pnrt of God in both the Son and the Spirit;
..me Spirit, substantial! ;' in '- and even
in wood and stones, is a portion of the Deity. What he
broaches concerning the Person of the Mediator, we shall
examine in the proper place. But this monstrous fiction, that
a Divine Person is nothing but a visible appearance of the
glory of (iod, will not need a prolix refutation. For when
John pronounces that the Word (Ay) was God before the
creation of the world, he sufficiently discriminates him from
an ideal form. But if then also, and from the remotest
eternity, that Word (Ay) who was God, was with the
Father, and possessed his own glory with the Father, he cer-
tainly could not be an external or figurative splendour: but
it necessarily follows, that he was a real hypostasis, subsisting
in God himself. But although no mention is made of the
Spirit, but in the history of the creation of the world, yet he is
there introduced, not as a shadow, but as the essential power of
God, since Moses relates that the chaotic mass was supported
by him. (n) It then appeared therefore, that the eternal
Spirit had always existed in the Deity, since he cherished
and sustained the confused matter of the heaven and earth,
till it attained a state of beauty and order. He certainly could
not then be an image or representation of God, according to
the dreams of Servetus. But in other places he is constrained
to make a fuller disclosure of his impiety, saying that God, in
his eternal reason, decreeing for himself a visible Son, has
visibly exhibited himself in this manner: for if this be true,
there is no other divinity left to Christ, than as he has' been
appointed a Son by an eternal decree of God. Besides, he so
transforms those phantasms, which he substitutes instead of
the hypostases, that he hesitates not to imagine new accidents
or properties in God. |But the most execrable blasphemy of
all is his promiscuous confusion of the Son of God and the
Spirit with all the creatures. For he asserts that in the
Divine essence there are parts and divisions, every portion of
which is God: and especially, that the souls of the faithful arc
co-eternal and consubstantial with God: though in another
place he assigns substantial Deity, not only to the human soul,
'nit to all created thingsTT
(n) Geri. i. 2.
XXIII. From the same corrupt source has proceeded
another heresy, equally monstrous. For some worthless men,
to escape the odium and disgrace which attended the impious
tenets of Servetus, have confessed indeed that* there are three
Persons, but with this explanation, that the Father, who alone
is truly and properly God, hath created the Son and Spirit,
and transfused his Deity into them. Nor do they refrain from
this dreadful manner of expressing themselves, that the Father
is distinguished from the Son and Spirit, as being the sole
possessor of the Divine essence. Their first plea in support of
this notion is, that Christ is commonly called the Son of God;
whence they conclude, that no other is properly God but the
Father. But they observe not, that although the name of
God is common also to the Son, yet that it is sometime*
ascribed to the Father (*T' c|exm) by way of eminence,
because he is the fountain and original of the Deity; and this
in order to denote the simple unity of the essence. They ob-
ject, that if he is truly the Son of God, it is absurd to account
him the Son of a Person. I reply, that both are true; that
he is the Son of God, because he is the Word begotten of the
Father before time began, for we are not yet speaking of the
Person of the Mediator; and to be explicit, we must notice
the Person, that the name of God may not be" understood
absolutely, but for the Father: for if we acknowledge no other
to be God than the Father, it will be a manifest degradation of
the dignity of the Son. Whenever mention is made of the
Deity, therefore, there must no opposition be admitted between
the Father and the Son, as though the name of the true God
belonged exclusively to the Father. For surely the God, who
appeared to Isaiah, was the only true God; (o) whom, never-
theless, John affirms to have been Christ. (/>) He likewise,
who by the mouth of Isaiah declared that he was to be a
rock of offence to the Jews, was the only true God; (y) whom
Paul pronounces to have been Christ. (;) He who proclaims
by Isaiah, " As I live, every knee shall bow to me," (*) is the
only true God; but Paul applies the same to Christ, (f) To
the same purpose are the testimonies recited by the Apostle,
(o) Isaiah vi. 1. (/>) John xii. 41. (?) Isaiah viii. 14.
r) Rom. ii. 33. (*) Isaiah xlv. 23. (r) Rom. xiv. 11.
" Thou, Lord, hast laid the foundation of the earth and the
heavens;" and, " Let all the angels of God worship him." (v)
These ascriptions belong only to the one true God; whereas
he contends that they are properly applied to Christ. Nor
is there any force in that cavil, that what is proper to God is
transferred to Christ, because he is the brightness of his
glory. For, since the name of Jehovah is used in each of these
passages, it follows that in respect of his Deity he is self-
existent. For, if he is Jehovah, he cannot be denied to be the
same God, who in another place proclaims by Isaiah, "I
am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no
God." (w) That passage in Jeremiah also deserves our atten-
tion; "The gods that have not made the heavens and the
earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under
these heavens:" (#) whilst on the contrary it must be acknow-
ledged that the Deity of the Son of God is frequently proved
by Isaiah from his creation of the world. But how shall the
Creator, who gfres existence to all, not be self-existent, but
derive his essence from another? For whoever asserts that
the Son owes his essence to the Father, denies him to be self-
existent. But this is contradicted by the Holy Spirit, who
gives him the name of Jehovah. Now if we admit the whole
essence to be solely in the Father, either it will be divisible, or
it will be taken away from the Son; and so being despoiled of
his essence, he will be only a titular god. The Divine essence,
according to these triflers, belongs solely to the Father, inas-
much as he alone possesses it, and is the author of the essence
of the Son. Thus the Divinity of the Son will be a kind oi
emanation from the essence of God, or a derivation of a part
from the whole. Now they must of necessity concede, from
their own premises, that the Spirit is the Spirit of the Father
only; because, if he be a derivation from the original essence,
which belongs exclusively to the Father, he cannot be accounted
the Spirit of the Son: which is refuted by the testimony oi
Paul, where he makes him common to Christ and the Father.
Besides, if the Person of the Father be expunged from the
Trinity, wherein will he differ from the Son and Spirit, but in
(*) Heb. i. 10, 6. Psalm cii. 25. xcvii. 7. (TO) Isaiah xliv. 6. (x) Jer. x. U.
being himself the sole Deity? They confess that Christ is
God, and yet differs from the Father. Some distinctive cha-
racter is necessary also to discriminate the Father from the
Son. They who place this in the essence, manifestly destroy
the true Deity of Christ, which cannot exist independently of
the essence, that is, of the entire essence. The Father cer-
tainly cannot differ from the Son, unless he have something
peculiar to himself, which is not common to the Son. What
will they find, by which to distinguish him? If the difference
be in the essence, let them tell us whether he has communi-
cated the same to the Son. But this could not be done par-
tially; for it would be an abomination to fabricate a demigod.
Besides, this would miserably dismember the Divine essence.
The necessary conclusion then is, that it is entirely and per-
fectly common to the Father and the Son. And if this be
true, there cannot, in respect of the essence, be any difference
between them. If it be objected, that the Father, notwith-
standing this communication of his essence, r&nains the "only
God, with whom the essence continues; then Christ must be a
figurative god, a god in appearance and name only, not in
reality; because nothing is more proper to God than TO BE,
according to that declaration, "I AM hath sent me unto
you." QO
XXIV. We might readily prove, from many passages, the
falsehood of their assumption, that whenever the name of God
is mentioned absolutely in the Scripture, it means only the
Father. And in those places which they cite in their own de-
fence, they shamefully betray their ignorance, since the Son is
there added; from which it appears, that the name of God is
used in a relative sense, and therefore is particularly restricted
to the Person of the Father. Their objection, that unless the
Father alone were the true God, he would himself be his own
Father, is answered in a word. For there is no absurdity in
the name of God, for the sake of dignity and order, being
peculiarly given to him, who not only hath begotten of him-
self his own wisdom, but is also the God of the Mediator, of
which I shall treat more at large in its proper place. For since
f v) Exoil. iii. 1-1.
Christ was manifested in the flesh, he is called the Son of
God, not only as he was the eternal Word begotten of the
Father before time began, but because he assumed the person
and office of a Mediator to unite us to God. And since they
so presumptuously exclude the Son from Divine honours, I
would wish to be informed, when he declares that there is none
good but the one God, (2) whether he deprives himself of all
goodness? I speak not of his human nature, lest they should
object, that whatever goodness it had, it was gratuitously con-
ferred on it: I demand, whether the eternal Word of God be
good, or not? If they answer in the negative, they are suffi-
ciently convicted of impiety: and if in the affirmative, they
cut the throat of their own system. But though, at the first
glance, Christ seems to deny himself the appellation of good,
he furnishes, notwithstanding, a further confirmation of our
opinion. For as that is a title which peculiarly belongs to the
one God, forasmuch as he had been saluted as good, merely
according to a common custom, by his rejection of false ho-
nour, he suggested that the goodness, which he possessed, was
divine. I demand also, when Paul affirms that God alone is
immortal, wise, and true, () whether he thereby degrades
Christ to the rank of those who are mortal, unwise, and
false? Shall not he then be immortal, who from the beginning
was life itself, and the giver of immortality to angels? Shall
not he be wise, who is the eternal Wisdom of God? Shall
not he be true, who is truth itself? I demand farther, whether
they think that Christ ought to be worshipped? For, if he
justly claims this as his right, that every knee should bow
before him, () it follows, that he is that God, who in the law
prohibited the worship of any one but himself? If they will
have this passage in Isaiah, u I am, and there is no God be-
sides me," to be understood solely of the Father, I retort this
testimony on themselves; since we see, that whatever belongs
to God, is attributed to Christ. Nor is there any room for
their cavil, that Christ was exalted in the humanity in which
he had been abased; and that, with regard to his humanity,
all power was given to him in heaven and in earth: because,,
(r) Mat',, xix. 17. ( on which the
faith of the Church might rest, without seeking after any
other God, than him whom Moses has represented as the
former and builder of the world. The first thing specified in
this history is the time, that by a continued series of years
the faithful might arrive at the first original of the human race,
and of all things. This knowledge is eminently useful, not
only to contradict the monstrous fables formerly received in
Egypt and other countries, but also to give us clearer views
of the eternity of God, and to fill us with greater admiration
of it. Nor ought we to be moved with that profane sneer, that
it is marvellous that God did not form the design of creating
heaven and earth at an earlier period, but suffered an immea-
surable duration to pass away unemployed, since he could have
made them many thousands of ages before: whereas the con-
tinuance of the world now advancing to its last end has not
yet reached six thousand years. For the reason why God de-
ferred it so long, it would be neither lawful nor expedient to
inquire; because, if the human mind strive to penetrate it,
it will fail a hundred times in the attempt: nor indeed could
there be any utility in the knowledge of that which God him-
self, in order to prove the modesty of our faith, hath pur-
(??0 Isaiah xl. 21.
posely concealed. [Great shrewdness was discovered by a '
certain pious old man, who, when some scoffer ludicrously
inquired what God had been doing before the creation of the
world, replied that he had been making hell for over-curious
menTjThis admonition, no less grave than severe, should
repress the wantonness which stimulates many, and impels
them to perverse and injurious speculations. Lastly, let us
remember, that God, who is invisible, and whose wisdom,
power, and justice, are incomprehensible, hath placed before
us the history of Moses, as a mirror which exhibits his lively
image. For as eyes, either dim through age, or dull through
any disease, see nothing distinctly without the assistance of
spectacles; so in our inquiries after God, such is our imbecility,
without the guidance of the Scripture, we immediately lose
our way. But those who indulge their presumption, since
they are now admonished in vain, will perceive too late, by
their horrible destruction, how much better it would have
been to look up to the secret counsels of God with reverential
awe, than to disgorge their blasphemies to darken the heaven.
Augustine iustly complains, that it is an offence against God,
i r " ~~^
to inquire for any cause of things superior to. his will. He
elsewhere prudently cautions us, that it is as absurd to dispute
concerning an infinite duration of time, as concerning an
infinite extent of place. However extensive the circuit of the
heavens, yet certainly it has some dimensions. Now if any
one should expostulate with God, that the vacuity of space f
a hundred times larger, would not such arrogance be detested
by all pious persons? The same madness is chargeable on those
who censure the inaction of God, for not having according to
their wishes created the world innumerable ages before. To
gratify their inordinate curiosity, they desire to pass beyond
the limits of the world; as though, in the very ample circum-
ference of heaven and earth, we were not surrounded by
numerous objects capable of absorbing all our senses in their
inestimable splendour; as though, in the course of six thou-
sand years, God had not given us lessons sufficient to exercise
our minds in assiduous meditation on them. Then let us
cheerfully remain within these barriers with which God hath
been pleased to circumscribe us, and as it were to confine our
minds, that they might not be wandering in the boundless re-
gions of uncertain conjecture.
II. To the same purpose is the narration of Moses, that the
work of God was completed, not in one moment, but in six
days. For by this circumstance also, we are called away from
all false deities to the only true God, who distributed his work
into six days, that it might not be tedious to us to occupy the
whole of life in the consideration of it. For though, whither-
soever we turn our eyes, they are constrained to behold the
works of God; yet we see how transient our attention is, and
if we are touched with any pious reflections, how soon they
leave us again. Here also human reason murmurs, as though
such progressive works were inconsistent with the power of
Deity; till subdued to the obedience of faith it learns to ob-
serve that rest, to which the sanctification of the seventh day
invites us. Now in the order of those things we must dili-
gently consider the paternal love of God towards the human
race, in not creating Adam, before he had enriched the earth
with an abundant supply of every thing conducive to his hap-
piness. For had h placed him in the earth while it remained
barren and vacant, had he given him life before there was any
light, he would have appeared not very attentive to his benefit.
Now when he has regulated the motions of the sun and the stars
for the service of man, replenished the earth, the air, and the
waters with living creatures, and caused the earth to produce
an abundance of all kinds of fruits sufficient for sustenance;
he acts the part cf a provident and sedulous father of a family,
and displays his wonderful goodness towards us. If the reader
will more attentively consider with himself these things, which
I only hint at as I proceed, he will be convinced that Moses was
an authentic witness and herald of the one God, the Creator
of the world. I pass over what I have already stated, that he
not only speaks of the mere essence of God, but also exhibits
to us his eternal Wisdom and his Spirit: in order that we may
not dream of any other God except him who will be known
in that express image.
III. But before I begin to enlarge on the nature of man,
something must be said concerning angels. Because, though
Moses in the history of the creation, accommodating himself
to the ignorance of the common people, mentions no other
works of God, than such as are visible to our eyes; yet when
he afterwards introduces angels as ministers of God, we may
easily conclude, that he is their Creator, whom they obey and
in whose service they are employed. Though Moses there-
fore, speaking in a popular manner, does not, in the beginning
of his writings, immediately enumerate the angels among the
creatures of God; yet nothing forbids our here making a plain
and explicit statement of those things, which the Scripture
teaches in other places: because, if we desire to know God
from his works, such an excellent and noble specimen should
by no means be omitted. Besides, this point of doctrine is very
necessary for the confutation of many errors. The excellence
of the angelic nature has so dazzled the minds of many, that they
have supposed them to be injured, if they were treated as mere
creatures, subject to the government of one God. Hence they
were falsely pretended to possess a kind of divinity. Manichaeus
has also arisen, with the sect which he founded, who imagined
to himself two original principles, God and the devil; and
attributed to God the origin of all good things, but referred
evil natures to the production of the devil. If our minds were
bewildered in this wild and incoherent system, we should not
leave God in full possession of his glory in the creation of the
world. For since nothing is more peculiar to God than eter-
nity and self-existence, does not the ascription of this to the
devil dignify him with a title of divinity? Now where is the
omnipotence of God, if such an empire be conceded to the
devil, as that he can execute whatever he pleases, notwith-
standing the aversion of the Divine will, or opposition of the
Divine power? [But the only foundation of the system of
Manichseus, that it is unlawful to ascribe to a good God the
creation of any evil thing, in no respect affects the orthodox
faith, which admits not that any thing in the universe is evil
in its nature: since neither the depravity and wickedness of
men and devils, nor the sins which proceed from that source,
are from mere nature, but from a corruption of natureTjfnor
if om the beginning has any thing existed, in which God has
not given a specimen both of his wisdom and of his justice.
To oppose these perverse notions, it is necessary to raise our
*^< ''
minds higher than our eyes can reach. And it is very pro-
bable that it was with this design, when, in the Nicene creed,
God is called the Creator of all things, that particular mention
is made of things invisible. Yet it shall be my study to observe
the limit which the rule of piety prescribes, lest, by indulging
an unprofitable degree of speculation, I should lead the reader
astray from the simplicity of the faith. And certainly, since
the Spirit invariably teaches us in a profitable manner, but
with regard to things of little importance to edification, either
is wholly silent, or but lightly and cursorily touches on them;
it is also our duty cheerfully to remain in ignorance of what
it is not for our advantage to know.
IV. Since angels are ministers of God appointed to execute
his commands, () that they are also his creatures, ought to be
admitted without controversy. And does it not betray obsti-
nacy rather than diligence, to raise any contention concerning
the time or the order in which they were created? Moses
narrates, that "the heavens and the earth were finished, and
all the host of them:" (0) to what purpose is it anxiously to
inquire, on what day, besides the stars and the planets, the
other more concealed host of heaven began to exist? Not to
be too prolix, let us remember on this point (as on the whole
doctrine of religion), to observe one rule of modesty and
sobriety; which is, not to speak, or think, or even desire to
know, concerning obscure subjects, any thing beyond the in-
formation given us in the divine word. Another rule to be
followed is, in reading the Scripture, continually to direct our
attention to investigate and meditate upon things conducive to
edification; not to indulge curiosity or the study of things
unprofitable. And since the Lord hath been pleased to in-
struct us, not in frivolous questions, but in solid piety, the fear
of his name, true confidence, and the duties of holiness, let us
content ourselves with that knowledge. Wherefore, if we wish
to be truly wise, we must forsake the vain imaginations pro-
pagated by triflers concerning the nature, orders, and multi-
tude of angels. I know that these things are embraced by
many persons with greater avidity, and dwelt upon with more
Psalm ciii. 20. (o) Gen. H. I.
pleasure, than such things as are in daily use. But if it be
not irksome to be the disciples of Christ, it should not be irk-
some to follow that method which he has prescribed. Then
the consequence will be, that content with his discipline, we
shall not only leave, but also abhor, those unprofitable specula-
tions from which he calls us away. No man can deny that
great subtlety and acuteness is discovered by Dionysius, who-
ever he was, in many parts of his treatise on the Celestial
Hierarchy: but if any one enters into a critical examination
of it, he will find the greatest part of it to be mere babbling.
But the duty of a theologian is, not to please the ear with
empty sounds, but to confirm the conscience by teaching things
which are true, certain, and profitable. A reader of that book
would suppose that the author was a man descended from
heaven, giving an account of things that he had not learned
from the information of others, but had seen with his own
eyes. But Paul, who was " caught up to the third heaven," (/>)
not only has told us no such things, but has even declared,
that it is not lawful for men to utter the secret things which
he had seen. Taking our leave, therefore, of this nugatory
wisdom, let us consider, from the simple doctrine of the Scrip-
ture, what the Lord hath been pleased for us to know con-
cerning his angels.
V. We are frequently informed in the Scripture, that
angels are celestial spirits, whose ministry and service God
uses for the execution of whatever he hath decreed: and hence
this name is given to them, because God employs them as
messengers to manifest himself to men. Other appellations
also, by which they are distinguished, are derived from a
similar cause. They are called Hosts, because as life-guards
they surround their prince, aggrandizing his majesty, and ren-
dering it conspicuous; and, like soldiers, are ever attentive to
the signal of their leader; and are so prepared for the per
formance of his commands, that he has no sooner signified his
will, than they are ready for the work, or rather are actuallv
engaged in it. Such a representation of the throne of God i?
exhibited in the magnificent descriptions of the Prophets, IMK
(/) 2 Cor. xii. 1,cc.
particularly of Daniel; where he says, when God had ascended
the judgment-seat, that " thousand thousands ministered unto
him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him."(y)
Since by their means the Lord wonderfully exerts and declares
the power and strength of his hand, thence they are denomi-
nated Powers, (r) Because by them he exercises and adminis-
ters his government in the world, therefore they are called
sometimes Principalities, sometimes Powers, sometimes Domi-
nions. Lastly, because the glory of God in some measure
resides in them, they have also, for this reason, the appellation
of Thrones. (s) Although on this last name I would affirm no-
thing: because a different interpretation is equally or even
more suitable. But, omitting this name, the Holy Spirit often
uses the former ones, to magnify the dignity of the angelic
ministry. Nor indeed is it right that no honour should be
paid to those instruments, by whom God particularly exhibits
the presence of his power. Moreover, they are more than
once called gods; because in their ministry, as in a mirror,
they give us an imperfect representation of divinity. Though I
am pleased with the interpretation of the old writers, on those
passages where the Scripture records the appearance of an
angel of God to Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and others, (#) that
Christ was that angel; yet frequently, where mention is made
of angels in general, this name is given to them. Nor should
this surprise us: for if that honour be given to princes and
governors, because, in the performance of their functions, they
are vicegerents of God the supreme King and Judge; (y) there
is far greater reason for its being paid to angels, in whom
the splendour of the divine glory is far more abundantly
VI. But the Scripture principally insists on what might con-
duce most to our consolation, and the confirmation of our faith;
that the angels are the dispensers and administrators of the
Divine beneficence towards us. And therefore it informs us,
that they guard our safety, undertake our defence, direct our
ways, and exercise a constant solicitude that no evil befal us.
(7) Daniel vii. 10. (r) Ephes. i. 21. (*) Col. i. 16.
(t) Gen. xviii. 2. xxxii. 1, 28. Josh. v. 13- Judges vi. 11. xiii. 3, 22.
(t>) Psalm Ixxxii. P.
The declarations are universal, belonging primarily to Christ
the head of the Church, and then to all the faithful. "He
shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in
all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest
thou dash thy foot against a stone." (w) Again, " The angel
of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and
delivereth them." (x) In these passages God shews that he
delegates to his angels the protection of those whom he hath
undertaken to preserve. Accordingly, the angel of the Lord
consoles the fugitive Hagar, and commands her to be recon-
ciled to her mistress, (y) Abraham promises his servant that
an angel should be the guide of his journey, (z) Jacob, in his
benediction of Ephraim and Manasseh, prays that the angel
of the Lord, by whom he had been redeemed from all evil,
would cause them to prosper, (a) Thus an angel was appointed
to protect the camp of the Israelites; () and whenever it
pleased God to deliver them from the hands of their enemies,
he raised up avengers by the ministry of angels, (c) And
finally, to supersede the necessity of adducing more examples,
angels ministered to Christ and attended him in all his diffi-
culties; they announced his resurrection to the women, and his
glorious advent to the disciples, (d} And thus in the discharge
of their office as our protectors, they contend against the devil
and all our enemies, and execute the vengeance of God on
those who molest us: as we read that an angel of God, to
deliver Jerusalem from a siege, slew a hundred and eighty-
five thousand men in the camp of the king of Assyria in one
night. 0)
VII. But whether each of the faithful has a particular angel
assigned him for his defence, I cannot venture certainly to affirm.
When Daniel introduces the angel of the Persians and the
angel of the Greeks, (y) he clearly signifies that certain angels
are appointed to preside over kingdoms and provinces. Christ
also, when he says that the angels of children always behold
() 1 Tim. V- 21.
far) Heb. i. 4. ii. 16. (.y) Heb. xji. 22, 23. Gen, xxiv. 7, 12, 27. 53.
teaches concerning devils, is that we may be careful to guard
against their insidious machinations, and may provide our-
selves with such weapons as are sufficiently firm and strong
to repel the most powerful enemies. For when Satan is called
the god and prince of this world, (z) the strong man armed, ()
the prince of the power of the air, (/) a roaring lion; (rn) these
descriptions only tend to make us more cautious and vigilant,
and better prepared to encounter him. This is sometimes
signified in express words. For Peter, after having said that
" the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he
may devour," immediately subjoins an exhortation to u resist
him steadfast in the faith. 1 ' And Paul, having suggested that
" we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against princi-
palities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of
this world, against spiritual wickedness," (n) immediately com-
mands us to put on suitable armour for so great and so peril-
ous a conflict. Wherefore having been previously warned that
we are perpetually threatened by an civ. my, and an enemy
desperately bold and extremely strong, skilled in every artifice,
indefatigable in diligence and celerity, abundantly provided with
all kinds of weapons, and most expert in the science of war,
let us make it the grand object of our attention, that we suffer
not ourselves to be oppressed with slothfulness and inactivity,
but on the contrary arousing and collecting all our courage,
be ready for a vigorous resistance: and as this warfare is ter-
minated only by death, let us encourage ourselves to per-
severance. But above all, conscious of weakness and ignorance,
let us implore the assistance of God, nor attempt any thin^
but in reliance on him: since he alone can supply us with wis-
dom, and strength., and courage, and armour.
XIV. But the more to excite and urge us to such conduct,
the Scripture announces that there are not one or two, or
a few enemies, but great armies who wage war against us.
For even Mary Magdalene is said to have been delivered from
seven demons by whom she was possessed; (o) and Christ de-
clares it to be a common case, that if you leave the place open
(i) 2 Cor. iv. 4. John xii. 31. (*) Mutt. xii. 29. Luke si. 21.
(/) Ephes. ii. 2. (w) 1 Peter v. 8, 9. (n) Ephes. vi. 12, &c.
00 Mark xvi. 9.
for the re -entrance of a daemon who has once been ejected, he
associates with himself seven spirits more wicked still, and
returns to his vacant possession. (j&) Indeed one man is said to
have been possessed by a whole legion. (^) By these passages
therefore, we are taught, that we have to contend with an in-
finite multitude of enemies; lest despising their paucity we
should be more remiss to encounter them, or expecting some-
times an intermission of hostility should indulge ourselves in
idleness. But when one Satan or devil is frequently mentioned
in the singular number, it denotes that principality of wicked-
ness which opposes the kingdom of righteousness. For as the
Church and society 7 of saints have Christ as their head; so the
faction of the impious, and impiety itself, are represented to us
with their prince wl^o exercises the supreme power amon,;;
them. Which is the meaning of that sentence, " Depart, ye
cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his
angels." (r)
XV. It also ought to stimulate us to a perpetual war with
the devil, that he is every where called God's adversary and
ours. For if we feel the concern which we ought to feel for
the glory of God, we shall exert all our power against him
who attempts the extinction of it. If we are animated by a
becoming zeal for defending the kingdom of Christ, we must
necessarily have an irreconcileable war with him who conspires
its ruin. On the other hand, if we are solicitous for our salva-
tion, we ought to make neither peace nor truce with him who
assiduously plots its destruction. Now such is the description
given of him in the third chapter of Genesis, where he seduces
man from the obedience owed by him to God, so that he at
once robs God of his just honour, and precipitates man into
ruin. Such also is he described in the Evangelists, where he
is called an enemy, and said to sow tares in order to corrupt
the seed of eternal life. (*) In short, the testimony of Christ
concerning him, that he was a murderer and a liar from the
beginning, (f) we find verified in all his actions. For he
opposes divine truth with lies; obscures the light with shades
of darkness; involves the minds of men in errors; stirs up
(/>) Matt. xii. 4345. (9) Luke viii. 30. (r) Matt. xxv. 41.
(*) Matt. xiii. 25, 28. (<) John viii. 44.
VOL. I. 2 A
animosities, and kindles contentions and wars: and all for the
purpose of subverting the kingdom of God, and plunging man-
kind with himself into eternal destruction. Whence it is evi-
dent, that he is naturally depraved, vicious, malignant, and
mischievous. For there must be extreme depravity in that
mind which is bent on opposing the glory of God and the
salvation of men. And this is suggested by John in his epistle,
when he says, that " he sinneth from the beginning." For he
intends, that he is the author, conductor, and principal con-
triver of all wickedness and iniquity.
XVI. But since the devil was created by God, we must
remark, that this wickedness which wx: attribute lu his nature
is not from creation, but from corruption. For whatever evil
quality he has, he has acquired by his defection and fall. And
of this the Scripture apprises us; lest believing him to have
come from God, just as he now is, we should ascribe to God
himself that which is in direct opposition to him. For this reason
Christ declares, that Satan, " when he speaketh a lie, speaketh
of his own; (t>) and adds the reason, " because he abode not
in the truth." When he says that he abode not in the truth,
he certainly implies that he had once been in it: and when he
calls him the father of a lie, he precludes his imputing to God
the depravity of his nature which originated wholly from him-
self. Though these things are delivered in a brief and rather
obscure manner, yet they are abundantly sufficient to vindicate
the majesty of God from eveiy calumny. And what does it
concern us to know, respecting devils, cither more particulars
or for any other purpose? Some persons are displeased that
the Scripture does not gives us in various places a distinct and
detailed account of their fall, with its cause, manner, time, and
nature. But these things being nothing to us, it was better for
them, if not to be passed over in total silence, yet certainly
to be touched on but lightly; because it would ill comport with
the dignity of the Holy Spirit to feed curiosity with vain and
unprofitable histories: and we perceive it to have been the
design of the Lord, to deliver nothing in his sacred oracles,
which we might not learn to our edification. That we ourselves
<>lm viii. 44
therefore may not dwell upon unprofitable subjects, let us be
content with this concise information respecting the nature of
devils; that at their creation they were originally angels ot
God, but by degenerating; have ruined themselves and become
' J . r -j O ...
the instruments of perdition to others. This being useful to be
known, it is clearly stated by Peter and Jude; "God," say
they, " spared not the angels that sinned, and kept not their
first estate, but left their own habitation." (jc 1 ) And Paul, men-
tioning the elect angels, (?/) without doubt tacitly implies that
there are reprobate ones.
XVII. The discord and contention, which we say Satan
maintains against God, ought to be understood in a manner con-
sistent with a firm persuasion, that he can do nothing without
God's will and consent. For we read in the history of Job, that
he presented himself before God to receive his commands, and
dared not to undertake any enterprise without having obtained
his permission. (2) Thus also when Ahab was to be deceived, he
undertook to be a lying spirit in the mouth of all the prophets;
and being commissioned by Gcjd, he performed it. (a) For this
reason he is also called the " evil spirit from the Lord," who
tormented Saul, () because he was employed as a scourge to
punish the sins of that impious monarch. And elsewhere it is
recorded, that the plagues were inflicted on the Egyptians by
the " evil angels." (c) According to these particular examples,
Paul declares generally, that the blinding of unbelievers is the
work of God, () whereas he has before called it the operation
of Satan. It appears then that Satan is subject to the power
of God, and so governed by his control, that he is com-
pelled to render obedience to him. Now when we say that
Satan resists God, and that his works are contrary to the
works of God, we at the same time assert, that this repugnance
and contention depend on the Divine permission, jL^sgeak,
now, not of the will or the endeavour, but only of the effect.
For the devil, being naturally wicked, has not the least inclina-
tion towards obedience to the Divine will, but is wholly bent
on insolence and rebellion. It therefore arises from himself
(x) 2 Peter ii. 4. Jude, ver. 6. (j>) 1 Tim. v. 21. (2) Job L 6. ii. 1.
(a) 1 Kings xxii. 30, &c. (6) 1 Sam. xvi. 14. xviii. 10.
(c) Psalm Ixxviii. 49. (d) 2 Thess. ii. 9, 11.
and his wickedness, that he opposes God with all his desires
and purposes. This depravity stimulates him to attempt those
things which he thinks the most opposed to God. But since
God holds him tied and bound with the bridle of his power,
he executes only those things which are divinely permitted:
and thus, whether he will or not, he obeys his Creator, being
constrained to fulfil any service to which he impels him.
XVIII. While God directs the courses of unclean spirits
hither and thither at his pleasure, he regulates this govern-
ment in such a manner, that they exercise the faithful with
fighting, attack them in ambuscades, harass them with incur-
sions, push them in battles, and frequently fatigue them, throw
them into confusion, terrify them, and sometimes wound them,
yet never conquer or overwhelm them; but subdue and lead
captive the impious, tyrannise over their souls and bodies, and
abuse them like slaves by employing them in the perpetration
of every enormity. The faithful, in consequence of being
harassed by such enemies, are addressed with the following,
and other similar exhortation^: " Give not place to the
devil." (e) " Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
vvalketh about, seeking whom he may devour? whom resist
steadfast in the faith." (y) Paul confesses that he himself was
not free from this kind of warfare, when he declares that as a
remedy to subdue pride, " the messenger of Satan was given
to him to buffet him." (#) This exercise then is common to
all the children of God. But as the promise respecting the
breaking of the head of Satan (A) belongs to Christ and all his
members in common, I therefore deny that the faithful can
eyjr be conquered or overwhelmed by him. They are fre-
quently filled with consternation, but recover themselves again;
they fall by the violence of his blows, but are raised up again;
they are wounded, but not mortally; finally, they labour
through their whole lives in such a manner, as at last to obtain
the victory. This however is not to be restricted to each
single action. For we know that, by the righteous vengeance
of God, David was for a time delivered to Satan, that by his
instigation he might number the people; (z) nor is it without
(0 Ephes, iv. 27. (./) 1 Peter v. 8. (,$) 2 Cor. xii. 7
(A) Gen. ii'i. 15. (i) 2 Sam. xxiv. 1. 1 Chron. xxi. 1.
reason that Paul admits a hope of pardon even for those who
may have been entangled in the snares of the devil. (^) There-
fore the same Apostle shews, in another place, that the promise
before cited is begun in this life, where we must engage in the
conflict; and that after the termination of the conflict it will
be completed. " And the God of peace," he says, " shall
bruise Satan under your feet shortly." (/) In our Head this
victory indeed has always been complete, because the prince of
this world had nothing in him; (?n) in us who are his mem-
bers, it yet appears only in part, but will be completed when we
shall have put off our flesh which makes us still subject to
infirmities, and shall be full of the power of the Holy Spirit.
In this manner, when the kingdom of Christ is erected, Satan
and his power must fall; as the Lord himself says, " I beheld
Satan as lightning fall from heaven." (n) For by this answer
he confirms what the Apostles had reported concerning the
power of his preaching. Again: u When a strong man armed
keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace; but when a stronger
than he shall come upon him, and overcome him," &c. (0) And
to this end Christ by his death overcame Satan who had the
power of death, and triumphed over all his forces, that they
might not be able to hurt the Church; for otherwise it would
be in hourly danger of destruction. For such is our imbe-
cility, and such the strength of his fury, how could we stand
even for a moment against his various and unceasing attacks,
without being supported by the victory of our Captain? There-
fore God permitteth not Satan to exercise any power over the
souls of the faithful, but abandons to his government only the
impious and unbelieving, whom he deigns not to number
among his own flock. For he is said to have the undisturbed
possession of this world, till he is expelled by Christ. (/>) He
is said also to blind all who believe not the Gospel, (^) and to
work in the children of disobedience; (r) and this justly, for all
the impious are vessels of wrath. (*) To whom therefore
should they be subjected, but to the minister of the Divine
vengeance? Finally, they are said to be of their father the
Tim. ii. 26. (/) Rom. xvi. 20. (m) John xiv. 30.
(n) Luke x. 18. (o) Luke xi. 21. (p) John xii. 31.
(7) 2 Cor. iv. 4. O) Eph. ii. 2. '*) Romans ix. 22.
V ft
devil; (/) because, as the faithful are known to be the childn i
of (iod Iroin their bearing his image, (u) so the impious, from
the image of Satan into which they have degenerated, are pro-
perly considered as his children.
XIX. But as we have already confuted that nugatory phi-
losophy concerning the holy angels, which teaches that they
are nothing but inspirations, or good motions, excited by God
in the minds of men; so in this place we must refute those
who pretend that devils are nothing but evil affections or per-
turbations, which our flesh obtrudes on our minds. But this
may be easily done, and that because the testimonies of Scrip-
ture on this subject are numerous and clear. First, when"thlEy
are called unclean spirits and apostate angels (w) who have
degenerated from their original condition, the very names
sufficiently express, not mental emotions or affections, but
rather in reality what are called minds, or spirits endued with
perception and intelligence. Likewise when the children of
God are compared with the children of the devil, both by
Christ and by John, (*) would not the comparison be absurd,
if nothing were intended by the word devil but evil inspira-
tions? And John adds something still plainer, that the devil
sinneth from the beginning. Likewise when Jude introduces
Michael the archangel contending with the devil, (?/) he cer-
tainly opposes to the good angel an evil and rebellious one.
To which agrees what is recorded in the history of Job, that
Satan appeared with the holy angels before God. (z) But the
clearest of all are those passages, which mention the punish-
ment which they begin to feel from the judgment of God, and
are to feel much more at the resurrection: " Thou Son of
God, art thou come hither to torment us before the time?" (a)
Also, " Depart, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for
the devil and his angels." () Again, " If God spared not the
angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered
them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment,"
&c. (c) How unmeaning were these expressions, that the
(0 John viii. 44. (*>) 1 Johniii. 10. (w) Matt. xii. 43. Jude 6,
(x) John viii. 44. 1 John iii. 10. (j<) Jude 9.
(z) Job i. 6. ii. 1. (n) Mutt. viii. 29- (6) Matt. xxv. 41.
(c)2 Peter ii. 4.
devils are appointed to eternal judgment; that fire is prepared
for them; that they are now tormented and vexed by the glory
of Christ, if there were no devils at all? But since this point
is not a subject of dispute with those who give credit to the
word of the Lord, but with those vain speculators who are
pleased with nothing but novelty, little good can be effected
by testimonies of Scripture. I consider myself as having done
what I intended, which was to fortify the pious mind against
such a species of errors, with which restless men disturb them-
selves and others that are more simple. But it was requisite to
touch on it, lest any persons involved in that error, under a
supposition that they have no adversary, should become more
slothful and incautious to resist him.
XX. Yet let us not disdain to receive a pious delight from
the works of God, which every where present themselves to
view in this very beautiful theatre of the world. For this, as
I have elsewhere observed, though not the principal, is yet in
the order of nature the first lesson of faith, to remember that
whithersoever we turn our eyes, afl the things which we behold
are the works of God; and at the same time to consider with
pious meditation, for what end God created them. Therefore
to apprehend, by a true faith, what it is for our benefit to know
concerning God, we must first of all understand the history of
the creation of the world, as it is briefly related by Moses, and
afterwards more copiously illustrated by holy men, particularly
by Basil and Ambrose. Thence we shall learn that God, by
the power of his Word and Spirit, created out of nothing the
heaven and the earth; that from them he produced all things,
animate and inanimate; distinguished by an admirable grada-
tion the innumerable variety of things; to every species gave its
proper nature, assigned its offices, and appointed its places
and stations; and since all things are subject to corruption,
hath nevertheless provided for the preservation of every species
till the last day: that he therefore nourishes some by methods
concealed from us, from time to time infusing, as it were, new
vigour into them; that on some he hath conferred the power
of propagation, in order that the whole species may not be
extinct at their death: that he hath thus wonderfully adorned
heaven and.earth with the utmost possible abundance, varietv.
and beauty, like a large and splendid mansion most exquisitrK
and copiously furnished: lastly, that by creating man, and
distinguishing him with such splendid beauty, and with such
numerous <.nd great privileges, he hath exhibited in him a
most excellent specimen of all his works. But since it is not my
design to treat at large of the creation of the world, let it suffice
to have again dropped these few hints by the way. For it is
better, as I have just advised the reader, to seek for fuller in-
formation on this subject from Moses, and others who have
Faithfully and diligently recorded the history of the world.
XXI. It is useless to enter into a prolix disputation respect-
ing ihe right tendency and legitimate design of a consideration
of the works of God: since this question has been, in a great
measure, determined in another place, and as much as concerns
our present purpose, may be dispatched in few words. Indeed,
if we wished to explain how the inestimable wisdom, power,
justice, and goodness of God are manifested in the formation
of the world, no splendour or ornament of diction will equal
the magnitude of so great a subject. And it is undoubtedly
the will of the Lord, that we should be continually employed
in this holy meditation: that while we contemplate in all the
creatures, as in so many mirrors, the infinite riches of his
wisdom, justice, goodness, and power, we might not only take
a transient and cursory view of them, but might long dwell on
the idea, seriously and faithfully revolve it in our minds, and
frequently recal it to our memory. But this being a didactic
treatise, we must omit those topics which require long decla-
mations. To be brief therefore, let the readers know, that
they have then truly apprehended by faith what is meant by
God being the Creator of heaven and earth, if they, in the first
place, follow this universal rule, not to pass over, with ungrate-
ful inattention or oblivion, those glorious perfections which
God manifests in his creatures; and, secondly, learn to make
such an application to themselves as thoroughly to affect their
hearts. The first point is exemplified, when we consider how
great must have been the Artist, who disposed that multitude
of stars which adorn the heaven, in such a regular order, that
it is impossible to imagine any thing more beautiful to behold;
who fixed some in their stations, so that they cannot be moved:
who granted to others a freer course, but so that they never
travel beyond their appointed limits; who so regulates the
motions of all, that they measure days and nights, months,
years, and seasons of the year; and also reduces the inequality
of days, which we constantly witness, to such a medium that
it occasions no confusion. So also when we observe his power
in sustaining so great a mass, in governing the rapid revolu-
tions of the celestial machine, and the like. For these few
examples sufficiently declare, what it is to recognise the per-
fections of God in the creation of the world. Otherwise were
I desirous of pursuing the subject to its full extent, there
would be no end; since there are as many miracles of Divine
power, as many monuments of Divine goodness, as many
proofs of Divine wisdom, as there are species of things in the
world, and even as there are individual things, either great or
XXII. There remains the other point, which approaches
more nearly to faith; that while we observe how God hath
appointed all things for our benefit and safety, and at the same
time perceive his power and grace in ourselves, and the great
benefits which he hath conferred on us, we may thence excite
ourselves to confide in him, to invoke him, to praise him, and
to love him. Now, as I have just before suggested, God him-
self hath demonstrated by the very order of creation, that he
made all things for the sake of man. For it was not with-
out reason that he distributed the making of the world into
six days; though it would have been no more difficult for
him to complete the whole work in all its parts at once in a
single moment, than to arrive at its completion by such pro-
gressive advances. But in this he hath been pleased to display
his providence and paternal solicitude towards us, since before
he would make man, he prepared every thing which he fore-
saw would be useful or beneficial to him. How great would
be now the ingratitude to doubt whether we are regarded by
this best of Fathers, whom we perceive to have been solicitous
on our account before we existed? How impious would it be
to tremble with diffidence, lest at any time his benignity
should desert us in our necessities, which we see was displayed
in the greatest affluence of all blessings provided for us while
VOL. I. 2 R
AVC were yet unborn? Besides, we are told by Moses, (aQ that
his liberality hath subjected to us all that is contained in the
whole world^ He certainly has not made this declaration in
order to tantalize us with the empty name of such a donation.
Therefore we never shall be destitute of any thing which will
conduce to our welfare. Finally, to conclude, whenever we
call God the Creator of heaven and earth, let us at the same
time reflect, that the dispensation of all those things which he
hath made is in his own power, and that we are his children,
whom he hath received into his charge and custody, to be sup-
ported and educated; so that we may expect every blessing
from him alone, and cherish a certain hope that he will never
suffer us to want those things which are necessary to our well-
being, that our hope may depend on no other; that, whatever
we need or desire, our prayers may be directed to him, and
that from whatever quarter we receive any advantage, we may
acknowledge it to be his benefit, and confess it with thanks-
giving; that being allured with such great sweetness of good-
ness and beneficence, we may study to love and worship him
with all our hearts.
The State. of Man at his Creation, the Faculties of the Soul,
the Divine Image, Free Will, and the Original Purity of his
\VE must now treat of the creation of man, not only be-
cause he exhibits the most noble and remarkable specimen
of the Divine justice, wisdom, and goodness among all the
works of God; but because, as we observed in the beginning,
we cannot attain to a clear and solid knowledge of God, with-
out a mutual acquaintance with ourselves. But though this is
twofold, the knowledge of the condition in which we were
. and of that into which, we entered after
ii. '< ?8. ix. 2
the fall of Adam (for indeed we should derive but little advan-
tage from a knowledge of our creation, unless in the lamentable
ruin which has befallen us we discovered the corruption and
deformity of our nature), yet we shall content ourselve's at pre-
sent with a description of human nature in its primitive inte-
grity. And indeed, before we proceed to the miserable condition
in which man is now involved, it is necessary to understand the
state in which he was first created. For we must beware lest
in precisely pointing out the natural evils of man, we seem to
refer them to the Author of nature; since impious men sup-
pose that this pretext affords them a sufficient defence, if they
can plead that whatever defect or fault they have, proceeds
m ""~~~~'~~imiiTB^ n mam^^~Baai ^n > nii iipniBrfr rnr~n r^rrMaJfuJiiiaMMmm M nu,
in some measure from God; nor do they hesi-.ate, if reproved,
to litigate with God himself, and transfer to him the crime of
which they are justly accused. And those who would be
thought to speak with more reverence concerning the Deity,
yet readily endeavour to excuse their depravity from nature,
not considering that they also, though in a more obscure
manner, are guilty of defaming the character of God: to
whose dishonour it would redound, if nature could be proved
to have had any innate depravity at its formation. Since AVC
see the flesh therefore eagerly catching at every subterfuge, by
which it supposes that the blame of its evils may by any means
be transferred from itself to any other, we must diligently
oppose this perverseness. The calamity of mankind must be
treated in such a manner as to preclude all tergiversation, and
to vindicate the Divine justice from every accusation. We
shall afterwards, in the proper place, see how far men are fallen
from that purity which was bestowed upon Adam. And first
let it be understood, that by his being made of earth and clay,
a restraint was laid upon pride; since nothing is more absurd
than for creatures to glory in their excellence, who not only
inhabit a cottage of clay, but who are themselves composed
partly of dust and ashes, (e) But as God not only deigned to
animate the earthen vessel, but chose to make it the residence
of an immortal spirit, Adam might justly glory in so great an
instance of the liberality of his Maker.
(0 Gen.ii.7.iii.l9, 23.
II. That man consists of soul and body, ought not to be
controverted. By the "soul" I understand an immortal yet
created(*essence, which is tin- nobler part of him. Sometimes
it is called a " spirit:" for though when these names are con-
nected they have a different signification, yet when " spirit"
is used separately > it means the same as " soul:" as when Solo-
mon, speaking of death, says that " then the spirit shall return
unto God, who gave it." (y) And Christ commending his
spirit to the Father, ( ,) and Stephen his to Christ, (A) intend
no other than that, when the soul is liberated from the prison of
the flesh, God is its perpetual keeper. Those who imagine
that the soul is called a spirit, because it is a breath or faculty
divinely infused into the body, but destitute of any essence, are
proved to be in a gross error by the thing itself, and by the
whole tenor of Scripture. It is true indeed that while men
are immoderately attached to the earth, they become stupid,
and being alienated from the Father of lights are immersed in
darkness, so that they consider not that they shall survive after
death: yet in the mean time the light is not so entirely extin-
guished by the darkness, but that they are affected with some
sense of their immortality. Surely the conscience, which dis-
cerning between good and evil answers to the judgment of
God, is an indubitable proof of an immortal spirit. For how
could an affection or emotion without any essence penetrate
to the tribunal of God, and inspire itself with terror on account
of its guilt? For the body is not affected by a fear of spiritual
punishment; that falls only on the soul: whence it follows,
that it is possessed of an essence. Now the very knowledge of
God sufficiently proves the immortality of the soul, which rises
^. ^ tfn fim r rffcwA^^aaru _J,LI i irt ^^* *j
above the world, since an evanescent breath or inspiration could
not arrive at the fountain of life. Lastly, the many noble
faculties with which the human mind is adorned, and which
loudly proclaim that something divine is inscribed 'ry are conspicuous in every part of the
world: whence it may be concluded, that where the image
of God is said to be in man, there is implied a tacit anti-
thesis, which exalts men above all the other creatures, and as
it were separates him from the vulgar herd. It is not to be
denied that angels were created in the similitude of God,
since our highest perfection will consist, according to Christ,
in being like them, (a) But it is not in vain that Moses cele-
brates the favour of God towards us by this peculiar title;
especially as he compares man only to visible creatures.
IV. No complete definition of this image, however, appears
yet to be given, unless it be more clearly specified in what
faculties man excels, and in what respects he ought to be
accounted a mirror of the Divine glory. But that cannot be
better known from any thing, than from the reparation of his
corrupted nature. There is no doubt that Adam, when he
fell from his dignity, was by this defection alienated from God.
Wherefore, although we allow that the Divine image was not
utterly annihilated and effaced in him, yet it was so cor-
rupted, that whatever remains is but horrible deformity. And
therefore the beginning of our recovery and salvation is the
restoration which we obtain through Christ, who on this
account is called the second Adam; because he restores us to
true and perfect integrity. For although Paul, opposing the
quickening spirit received by the faithful from Christ, to the
living soul in which Adam was created, () celebrates the de-
gree of grace displayed in regeneration as superior to that
manifested in creation; yet he contradicts not that other
capital point, that this is the end of regeneration, that Christ
may form us anew in the image of God. Therefore he else-
where informs us, that " the new man is renewed in know-
ledge after the image of him that created him." (c) With
which corresponds the following exhortation, " Put on the
new man, which after God is created in righteousness and
true holiness." () Now we may see what Paul comprehends
in this renovation. In the first place, he mentions knowledge,
and in the next place, sincere righteousness and holiness:
whence we infer, that in the beginning the image of God was
conspicuous in the light of the mind, in the rectitude of the
heart, and in the soundness of all the parts of our nature. For
though I grant that the forms of expression are synechdochi-
cal, signifying the whole by a part; yet this is an axiom which
(a) Matt. xxii. 30. (6) 1 Cor. xv. 45,
(c) Col. iii. 10. (rf.) Eph. iv. 24.
VOL. I. 2 C
cannot be overturned, that what holds the principal place in
the renovation of the Divine image, must also have held the
same place in the creation of it at first. To the same purpose
is another passage of the Apostle, that " we with open face
beholding the glory of Christ, are changed into the same
image." (e) We see now how Christ is the most perfect image
of God, to which being conformed, we are so restored that
we bear the Divine image in true piety, righteousness,
purity, and understanding. This position being established,
the imagination of Osiander, about the figure of the body,
immediately vanishes of itself. The passage where Paul calls
the man " the image and glory of God," (^) to the exclusion
of the woman from that degree of honour, appears from the
context to be confined to political subordination. But that
the image which has been mentioned comprehended whatever
relates to spiritual and eternal life, has now, I think, been
sufficiently proved. John confirms the same in other words,
by asserting that "the life" which was from the beginning
in the eternal Word of God, u was the light of men." (^-)
For as he intended to praise the singular favour of God which
exalts men above all the other animals; to separate him from
the common number, because he hath attained no vulgar life,
but a life connected with the light of intelligence and reason,
he at the same time shews how he was made after the image of
God. Therefore since the image of God is the uncorrupted
excellence of human nature, which shone in Adam before his
defection, but was afterwards so corrupted and almost obliter-
ated, that nothing remains from the ruin but what is confused,
mutilated, and defiled; it is now partly visible in the elect, in.
asmuch as they are regenerated by the Spirit, but it will ob-
tain its full glory in heaven. But that we may know the parts
of which it consists, it is necessary to treat of the faculties of
the soul. For that speculation of Augustine is far from being
solid, that the soul is a mirror of the Trinity, because it con-
tains understanding, will, and memory. Nor is there any
probability in the opinion which places the similitude of God
in the dominion committed to man; as though he resembled
(e) 2 Cor. tH. 18. (/) 1 Cor. xi. 7. (5-) John L 4.
God only in this character, that he was constituted heir and
possessor of all things, whereas it must properly be sought
in him, not -without him; it is an internal excellence of the
V. But before I proceed any farther, it is necessary to
combat the Manichsean error, which Servetus has attempted
to revive and propagate in the present age. Because God is
said to have breathed into man the breath of life, (/z) they
supposed that the soul was an emanation from the substance
of God; as though some portion of the infinite Deity had
been conveyed into man. But it may be easily and briefly
shewn how many shameful and gross absurdities are the ne-
cessary consequences of this diabolical error. For if the soul
of man be an emanation from the essence of God, it will follow
that the Divine nature is not only mutable and subject to
passions, but also to ignorance, depraved desires, and vices
of every kind. Nothing is more inconstant than man, because
his soul is agitated, and variously distracted by contrary mo-
tions; he frequently mistakes through ignorance; he is van-
quished by some of the smallest temptations; we know that
the soul is the receptacle of every kind of impurity: all which
we must ascribe to the Divine nature, if we believe the soul
to be a part of the essence of God, or a secret influx of the
Deity. Who would not dread such a monstrous tenet? It
is a certain truth, quoted by Paul from Aratus, that " we are
the offspring of God," but in quality, not in substance; foras-
much as he hath adorned us with Divine endowments. (2) But
to divide the essence of the Creator, that every creature may
possess a part of it, indicates extreme madness. It must there-
fore be concluded beyond all doubt, notwithstanding the Divine
image is impressed on the souls of men, that they were no
less created than the angels. And creation is not a transfusion,
hut an origination of existence from nothing. Nor because the
spirit is given by God, and returns to him on its departure
from the body, is it immediately to be asserted, that it was
plucked off like a branch from his essence. And on this
point ajso Osiander, while he is elated with his own illusions,
(A) Gen. ii. 7. fi) Acts xvii. 28..
has involved himself in an impious error, not acknowledging
the image of God in man without his essential righteousness,
as though God could not, by the inconceivable power of his
Spirit, render us conformable to himself, unless Christ were
to transfuse himself substantially into us. However some per-
sons may attempt to gloss over these delusions, they will never
so far blind the eyes of sensible readers, as to prevent their per-
ceiving that they savour of the error of the Manicheans. And
where Paul treats of the restoration of this image, we may
readily conclude from his words, that man was conformed to
God not by an influx of his substance, but by the grace and
power of his Spirit. For he says that by beholding the glory
Of Christ, we are transformed into the same image as by the
Spirit of the Lord: () who certainly operates in us not in
such a manner as to render us consubstantial with God.
VI. It would be folly to seek for a definition of the soul
from the heathen philosophers, of whom Plato is almost the
only one who has plainly asserted it to be an immortal sub-
stance. Others indeed, the disciples of Socrates, hint at it,
but with great doubts; no one clearly teaches that of which he
was not persuaded himself. The sentiment of Plato therefore
is more correct, because he considers the image of God as being
in the soul. The other sects so confine its powers and faculties
to the present life, that they leave it nothing beyond the body.
But we have before stated from the Scripture, that it is an
incorporeal substance; now we shall add, that although it is
not properly contained in any place, yet being put into the
body, it inhabits it as its dwelling, not only to animate all its
parts, and render the organs fit and useful for their respective
operations, but also to hold the supremacy in the government
of human life; and that not only in the concerns of the ter-
restrial life, but likewise to excite to the worship of God.
Though this last point is not so evident in the state of corrup-
tion, yet there remain some relics of it impressed even in our very
vices. For whence proceeds the great concern of men about
their reputation, but from shame? but whence proceeds shame,
unless from a respect for virtue? The principle and cause of
C-t) 2 Cor. iii. 18.
which is, that they understand themselves to have been born
for the cultivation of righteousness; and in which are included
the seeds of religion. But as without controversy man was
created to aspire to a heavenly life, &o it is certain that the
knowledge of it was impressed on his soul. And indeed man
would be deprived of the principal use of his understanding,
'if he were ignorant of his felicity, the perfection of which
consists in being united to God. Thus the chief operation of
the soul is to aspire after it, and therefore the more a man
studies to approach to God, the more he proves himself a
rational creature. Some maintain that in man there are more
souls than one, a sensitive and a rational one; but notwith-
standing some appearance of probability in what they adduce,
yet as there is nothing solid in their arguments, we must reject
them, unless we are fond of tormenting ourselves with frivo-
lous and useless things. They say that there is a great repug-
nancy between the organic motions and the rational part of
the soul. As though reason were not also at variance with
itself, and some of its counsels were not in opposition to others,
like hostile armies. But as this confusion proceeds from the
depravity of nature, it affords no ground for concluding that
there are two souls, because the faculties are not sufficiently
harmonious with each other. But all curious discussion re-
specting the faculties themselves I leave to the philosophers;
a simple definition will suffice us for the edification of piety.
I confess indeed that the things which they teach are true,
and not only entertaining to be known, but useful and well
digested by them: nor do I prohibit those who are desirous of
learning from the study of them. I admit then, in the first
place, that there are five senses, which Plato would rather call
organs, by which all objects are conveyed into a common sen-
sory, as into a general repository; that next follows the fancy
or imagination, which discerns the objects apprehended by
the common sensory; next, reason, to which belongs univer-
sal judgment; lastly, the understanding, which steadily and
quietly contemplates the objects revolved and considered by
reason. And thus to the understanding, reason, and imagina-
tion, the three intellectual faculties of the soul, correspond
also the three appetitive ones; the will, whose place it is to
choose those things which the understanding and reason pro-
pose to it; the irascible faculty, which embraces the things
offered to it by reason and imagination; and the concupiscible
faculty, which apprehends the objects presented by the imagi-
nation and sensation. Though these things are true, or at
least probable, yet since I fear that they will involve us in their
obscurity rather than assist us, I think they ought to be omitted.
If any one choose to make a different distribution of the
powers of the soul, so as to call one appetitive which, though
void of reason in itself, obeys reason, if it be under the guidance
of any other faculty; and to call another intellective, which is
itself a partaker of reason; I shall not much oppose it. Nor
have I any wish to combat the sentiment of Aristotle, that
there are three principles of action; sense, intellect, and ap-
petite. But let us rather choose a division placed within the
comprehension of all, and which certainly cannot be sought
in the philosophers. For when they wish to speak with the
greatest simplicity, they divide the soul into appetite and in-
tellect, and make both these twofold. The latter, they say,
is sometimes contemplative, being content merely with know-
ledge, and having no tendency to action; which Cicero thinks
is designated by the word ingemiim: and sometimes prac-
tical, variously influencing the will with the apprehension of
good or evil. This .division comprehends the science of living
in a just and virtuous manner. The latter, that is, appetite,
they divide into will and concupiscence; they call it " will,"
\vhenever appetite obeys reason; but when shaking off the yoke
of reason it runs into intemperance, they give it the name of
" concupiscence." Thus they imagine that man is always
possessed of reason sufficient for the proper government of
VII. We are constrained to depart a little from this mode
of instruction, because the philosophers, being ignorant of the
corruption of nature proceeding from the punishment of the
fall, improperly confound two very different states of mankind.
Let us therefore submit the following division: that the human
oul has two faculties which relate to our present design, the
understanding and the will. Now let it be the office of the
understanding to discriminate between objects, as they shall
respectively appear deserving of approbation or disapproba^
tion: but of the will, to choose and follow what the under-
standing shall have pronounced to be good; to abhor and
avoid what it shall have condemned. Here let us not stay
to discuss those subtleties of Aristotle, that the mind has no
motion of itself, but that it is moved by the choice, which he
also calls the appetitive intellect. Without perplexing our-
selves with unnecessary questions, it should be sufficient for
us to know that the understanding is as it were the guide and
governor of the soul; that the will always respects its authority,
and waits for its' judgment in its desires. For which reason
Aristotle himself truly observed, that avoidance and pursuit
in the appetite, bear a resemblance to affirmation and negation
in the mind. How certain the government of the understand-
ing is in the direction of the will, we shall see in another part
of this work. Here we only intend to shew that no power can
be found in the soul, which may not properly be referred to
one or the other of those two members. But in this manner
we comprehend the sense in the understanding, which some
distinguish thus; sense, they say, inclines to pleasure, whereas
the understanding follows what is good; that thence it happens
that the appetite of sense becomes concupiscence and lust, and
the affection of the understanding becomes will. But instead
of the word "appetite," which they prefer, I use the word
" will," which is more common.
VIII. [God hath furnished the soul of man therefore with
a mind capable of discerning good from evil, and just from
unjust; and of discovering, by the light of reason, what ought
to be pursued or avoided: -whence the philosophers called this
directing faculty nytpotixovj the principal or governing
part. To this he hath annexed the will, on which depends
the choice. The primitive condition of man was ennobled
. - " I I. ' "' """ ' l*"*"^* * M III
with those eminent faculties; he possessed reason, understand
ing, prudence and judgment, not only for the government of
his life on earth, but to enable him to ascend even to God and
eternal felicity. To these _was added choice, to direct the
appetites, and regulate all the organic motions; so that the
will was entirely conformed to the government of reason. Jn
this integrityinjm w^^ndjue^with free will, by which, if he
had chosen, he might have obtained eternal life. For here it
would be unreasonable to introduce the question respecting
the secret predestination of God, because we are not discussing
what might possibly have happened or not, but what was the
real nature of man. Adam therefore could have stood if hi;
would, since he fell merely by his own will; but because his
"will was flexible to either side, and he was not endued with
constancy to persevere, therefore he so easily fell. Yet his
choice of good and evil was free: and not only so, but his
"*^"*"**^^***" >) Though the\
subscribe to the assertion of Paul, that in God "we live and
move and have our being;" (^) yet they are very far from a
serious sense of his favour, celebrated by the Apostle; because
they have no apprehension of the special care of God, from
which alone his paternal favour is known.
II. For the clearer manifestation of this difference, it must
be observed, that the providence of God, as it is taught in the
fortuneand ~
since it has been the common persuasion in all ages, and is
also in the present day almost the universal opinion, that all
things happen fortuitously; it is certain that every correct
sentiment concerning providence is not only obscured, but
almost buried in oblivion by this erroneous notion. If any one
falls into the hands of robbers, or meets with wild beasts; if
by a sudden storm he is shipwrecked on the ocean; if he is
killed by the fall of a house or a tree; if another, wandering-
through deserts, finds relief for his penury, or after having been
tossed about by the waves, reaches the port, and escapes as it
were but a hair's-breadth from death; carnal reason will ascribe
all these occurrences, both prosperous and adverse, to fortune.
But whoever has been taught from the mouth of Christ, that
the hairs of his head are all numbered, (r) will seek farther for a
cause, and conclude that all events are governed by the secret
counsel of God. And respecting things inanimate, it must be
admitted, that though they are all naturally endued with their
peculiar properties, yet they exert not their power, any farther
than as they are directed by the present hand of God. They are
therefore no other than instruments, into which God infuses as
much efficacy as he pleases, bending and turning them to any
actions according to his will. There is no power among all the
creatures more wonderful and illustrious, than that of the sun.
For, beside his illumination of the whole world by his splendour,
how astonishing it is that he cherishes and enlivens all animals
with his heat! with his rays inspires fecundity into the earth;
(/>) Psalm civ. 27 30. (?) Acts xvii. 28. (r) Matt. x. 30.
from the seeds, genially warmed in her bosom, produces a green
herbage, which being supported by fresh nourishment, he
increases and strengthens till it rises into stalks; feeds them
with perpetual exhalations, till they grow into blossoms, and
from blossoms to fruit, which he then by his influences brings
to maturity* that trees likewise, and vines, by his genial warmth,
first put forth leaves, then blossoms, and from the blossoms
produce their fruit! But the Lord, to reserve the praise of all
these things entirely to himself, was pleased that the light
should exist, and the earth abound in every kind of herbs and
fruits, before he created the sun. A pious man therefore will
not make the sun either a principal or necessary cause of
those things which existed before the creation of the sun, but
only an instrument which God uses, because it is his pleasure
so to do: whereas he would find no more difficulty in acting by
himself without that luminary. Lastly, as we read that the sun re-
mained in one situation for two days at the prayer of Joshua,(s)
and that his shadow made a retrograde motion of ten degrees
for the sake of king Hezekiah, (?) God hath declared by these
two miracles, that the daily rising and setting of the sun is not
from a blind instinct of nature, but that he himself governs his
course, to renew the memory of his paternal favour towards
us. Nothing is more natural than the succession of spring to
winter, of summer to spring, and of autumn to summer. But
there is such great diversity and inequality discovered in this
series, that it is obvious that every year, month, and day is
governed by a new and particular providence of God.
III. And indeed God asserts his possession of omnipotence,
and claims our acknowledgment of this attribute; not such as
is imagined by sophists, vain, idle, and almost asleep, but vigi-
lant, efficacious, operative, and engaged in continual action;
not a mere general principle of confused motion, as if he
should command a river to flow through the channels once
made for it, but a power constantly exerted on every distinct
and particular movement. For he is accounted omnipotent,
not because he is able to act, yet sits down in idleness, or con-
"mues by a general instinct the order of nature originally
() Josh-ia v I?. (/) 2 Kings' xx. 1J.
appointed by him; but because he governs heaven and earth
by his providence, and regulates all things in such a manner
that nothing happens but according to his counsel. For when
it is said in the Psalms, that he doth whatsoever he pleaseth, (y)
it denotes his certain and deliberate will. For it would be quite
insipid to expound the words of the Prophet in the philoso-
phical manner, that God is the prime Agent, because he is
the principle and cause of all motion: whereas the faithful
.should rather encourage themselves in adversity with this con-
solation, that they suffer no affliction, but by the ordination
and command of God; because they are under his hand. But
if the government of God be thus extended to all his works,
it is a puerile cavil, to limit it to the influence and course of
nature. And they not only defraud God of his glory, but
themselves of a very useful doctrine, who confine the Divine
providence within such narrow bounds, as though he permitted
all things to proceed in an uncontrolled course according to a
perpetual law of nature: for nothing would exceed the misery
of man, if he were exposed to all the motions of the heaven,
air, earth, and waters. Besides, this notion would shamefully
diminish the singular goodness of God towards every individual.
David exclaims, that infants yet hanging on the breasts of their
mothers, are sufficiently eloquent to celebrate the glory of
God; (ty) because as soon as they are born, they find aliment
prepared for them by his heavenly care. This indeed is
generally true, yet it cannot escape the observation of our
eyes and senses, being evidently proved by experience, that
some mothers have breasts full and copious, but others almost
dry; as it pleases God to provide more liberally for one, but
more sparingly for another. But they who ascribe just praise
to the Divine omnipotence, received from this a double advan-
tage. In the first place, he must have ample ability to bless
them, who possesses heaven and earth, and whose will all the.
creatures regard so as to devote themselves to his service. And
secondly, they may securely repose in his protection, to whose
will are subject all those evils which can be feared from any
quarter; by whose power Satan is restrained with all his furies,
() Psalm cxv. 3- () Psalm viii. r.
and all his machinations; on whose will depends all that is
inimical to our safety: nor is there any thing else by which
those immoderate and superstitious feai's, which we frequently
feel on the sight of dangers, can be corrected or appeased.
We are superstitiously timid, I say, if, whenever creatures
menace or terrify us, we are frightened, _as_thowgh_ they_had
of themselves the power to hurt us, or could fortuitously injure
us; or as if against their injuries God were unable to afford
us sufficient aid. For example, the Prophet forbids the chil-
dren of God to fear the stars and the signs of heaven, (.r) as is
tht custom of unbelievers. He certainly condemns not every kind
of fear. But when infidels transfer the government of the world
from God to the stars, pretending that their happiness or misery
depends on the decrees and presages of the stars, and not on
the will of God, the consequence is, that their fear is withdrawn
from him, whom alone they ought to regard, and is placed on
stars and comets. Whoever then desires to avoid this infidelity,
let him constantly remember, that in the creatures there is no
erratic power, or action, or motion; but that they are so go-
verned by the secret counsel of God, that nothingjcan_Jiap-
pen but what is subject to his knowledge, and decree:d_by his
IV. First, then, let the reader know that what is called
providence describes God, not as idly beholding from heaven
the transactions which happen in the world, but as holding the
helm of the universe, and regulating all events. Thus it be-
longs no less to his hands than to his eyes. When Abraham
said to his son, " God will provide," (j/) he intended not only
to assert his prescience of a future event, but to leave the care
of a thing unknown to the will of him who frequently puts an
end to circumstances of perplexity and confusion. Whence it
follows, that providence consists in action; for it is ignorant
trifling to talk of mere prescience. Not quite so gross is the
error of those who attribute to God a government, as I have
observed, of a confused and promiscuous kind; acknowledging
that God revolves and impels the machine of the world, with
*1J its parts, by a general motion, without peculiarly directing
Ter. x. ( ;,-) Gen. xxii. 8.
the action of each individual creature. Yet even this error is
not to be tolerated. For they maintain that this providence,
which they call universal, is no impediment either to all the
creatures being actuated contingently, or to man turning him-
self hither or thither at the free choice of his own will. And
they make the following partition between God and man;
that God by his power inspires him with motions, enabling
him to act according to the tendency of the nature with which
he is endued; but that man governs his actions by his own volun-
tary choice. In short they conceive, that the world, human
affairs, and men themselves, are governed by the power of God,
but not by his appointment. I speak not of the Epicureans,
who have always infested the world, who dream of a God
absorbed in sloth and inactivity; and of others, no less erro-
neous, who formerly pretended that the dominion of God ex-
tended over the middle region of the air, but that he left
inferior things to Fortune; since the mute creatures them-
selves sufficiently exclaim against such evident stupidity. My
present design is to refute that opinion, which has almost
generally prevailed, which, conceding to God a sort of blind
and uncertain motion, deprives him of the principal thing,
which is his directing and disposing, by his incomprehensible
wisdom, all things to their proper end: and thus robbing God
of the government of the world, it makes him the ruler of it
in name only, and not in reality. For pray what is governing,
but presiding in such a manner, as to rule by fixed decrees
those over whom you preside? Yet I reject not altogether
what they assert concerning universal providence; provided
they on their part admit that God governs the world, not merely
because he preserves the order of nature fixed by himself, but
because he exercises a peculiar care over every one of his works.
It is true that all things are actuated by a secret instinct of nature,
as though they obeyed the eternal command of God, and that
what God hath once appointed, appears to proceed from volun-
tary inclination in the creatures. And to this may be referred the
declaration of Christ, that his Father and himself had always
been working, even from the beginning: (z) and the assertion of
(S John v. 17.
Paul, that " in him we live and move and have our being:" ()
and also what is observed by the author of the Epistle to the
Hebrews, with a design to prove the Divinity of Christ, that
all things are sustained by the word of his power. (6) But they
act very improperly in concealing and obscuring, by this pre-
text, the doctrine of a particular providence, which is asserted
in such plain and clear testimonies of Scripture, that it is sur-
prising how any one could entertain a doubt concerning it.
And certainly, they who conceal it with this veil which I have
mentioned, are obliged to correct themselves by adding, that
many things happen through the peculiar care of God: but
this they erroneously restrict to some particular acts. Where-
fore we have to prove, that God attends to the government of
particular events, and that they all proceed from his determi-
nate counsel, in such a manner that there can be no such thing
as fortuitous contingence.
V. If we grant that the principle of motion originates from
God, but that all things are spontaneously or accidentally carried
whither the bias of nature impels them, the mutual vicissitudes
of day and night, of winter and summer, will be the work of
God, inasmuch as he hath distributed to each its respective
parts, and prescribed to them a certain law: that is, this would
be the case if with even tenor they always observed the same
measure, days succeeding to nights, months to months, and
years to years. But sometimes excessive heats and drought
parch and burn the fruits of the earth; sometimes unseasonable
rains injure the crops of corn, and sudden calamities are occa-
sioned by showers of hail and storms: this will not be the
work of God; unless perhaps, as either clouds or serene wea-
ther, or cold or heat, derive their origin from the opposition
of the stars and other natural causes. But this representation
leaves no room for God to display or exercise his paternal
favour, or his judgments. If they say that God is sufficiently
beneficent to man, because he infuses into heaven and earth
an ordinary power, by which they supply him with food, it is
a very flimsy and profane notion; as though the fecundity of
one year were not the singular benediction of God, and as
(a) Acts xvii. 28. 0) Heb. i. 3.
though penury and famine were not his malediction and venge-
ance. But as it would be tedious to collect all the reasons for
rejecting this error, let us be content with the authority of God
himself. In the Law and in the Prophets he frequently declares,
that whenever he moistens the earth with dew or with rain, he
affords a testimony of his favour; and that on the contrary, when
at his command heaven becomes hard as iron, when the crops
of corn are blasted and otherwise destroyed, and when showers
of hail and storms molest the fields, he gives a proof of his
certain and special vengeance. If we believe these things, it is
certain that not a drop of rain falls but at the express com-
.onand of God. David indeed praises the general providence
of God, because " he giveth food to the young ravens which
cry:" (c) but when God himself threatens animals with famine,
does he not plainly declare, that he feeds all living creatures,
sometimes with a smaller allowance, sometimes with a larger,
as he pleases? It is puerile, as I have already observed, to
restrain this to particular acts; whereas Christ says, without
any exception, that not a sparrow of the least value falls to the
ground without the will of the Father. (^/) Certainly if the
flight of birds be directed by the unerring counsel of God,
we must be constrained to confess with the Prophet, that
though " he dwelleth on high," yet he " humbleth himself to
behold the things which are in heaven and in the earth." (e)
VI. But as we know that the world was made chiefly for
the sake of mankind, we must also observe this end in the
government of it. The Prophet Jeremiah exclaims, " I know
that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that
walketh to direct his steps." (y) And Solomon: " Man's
goings are of the Lord: how can a man then understand his
own way?"^) Now let them say, that man is actuated by God
according to the bias of his nature, but that he directs that in-
fluence according to his own pleasure. If this could be asserted
with truth, man would have the free choice of his own ways*
That perhaps they will deny, because he can do nothing
independently of the power of God. But since it is evident
that both the Prophet and Solomon ascribe to God choice and
(c) Psalm cxlvii. 9. () and drawn out; but the only thing
which could be ascribed to chance, he declares to belong to
himself. To the same purpose is another passage from Solo-
mon: " The rich and the poor meet together: the Lord en-
lighteneth the eyes of them both." (/) For although the poor
and the rich are blended together in the world, yet as their
respective conditions are assigned to them by Divine appoint-
ment, he suggests that God who enlightens all is not blind,
and thus exhorts the poor to patience; because those who are
discontented with their lot, are endeavouring to shake off the
burden imposed on them by God. Thus also another Prophet
rebukes profane persons, who attribute it to human industry,
or to fortune, that some men remain in obscurity, and others
rise to honours: "Promotion cometh neither from the east,
nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the Judge:
he putteth down one, and setteth up another." (/n) Since God
cannot divest himself of the office of a Judge; hence he reasons ;
(A) Prov. xvi. I. (0 Exod. xxi. IS.
(*) Prov. xvi. 33. (1) Prov. xxii. 2.
(w) Psalm Ixxv. 6, 7.
that it is from the secret counsel of God, that some rise to
promotion, and others remain in con empt.
VII. Moreover, particular events are in general proofs of
the special providence of God. God raised in the desert a
south wind to convey to the people a large flock of birdsv (n)
When he would have Jonah thrown into the sea, he sent forth
a wind to raise a tempest, (o) It will be said by them, who
suppose God not to hold the helm of world, that this was a
deviation from the common course of things. But the conclu-
sion which I deduce from it is, that no wind ever rises or blows
but by the special command of God. For otherwise it would
not be true that he maketh the winds his messengers, and a
flame of fire his ministers, that he maketh the clouds his chariot,
and rideth on the wings of the wind, ( p} unless he directed at his
pleasure the course both of the clouds and of the winds, and
displayed in them the singular presence of his power. Thus
also we are elsewhere taught, that whenever the sea is blown
into a tempest by the winds, those commotions prove the
special presence of God. " He commandeth and raiseth the
stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves" of the sea. " Then
he maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are
still;" (y) as in another place he proclaims, that he scourged
the people with parching winds, (r) Thus whilst men are
naturally endued with a power of generation, yet God witt
have it acknowledged as the effect of his special favour, that
he leaves some without any posterity, and bestows children on
others: for " the fruit of the womb is his reward." (s) Therefore
Jacob said to his wife, " Am I in God's stead, who hath with-
held from thee the fruit of the womb?" (f) But to conclude,
there is nothing more common in nature, than for us to be
nourished with bread. But the Spirit declares, not only that
the produce of the earth is the special gift of God, but that
men do not live by bread alone; (t>) because they are supported
not by the abundance of their food, but by the secret bene-
^diction of God: as, on the contrary, he threatens that he wjjl
(H) Exod. xvi. 13. Num. xi. 31. (o) Jonah i. 4.
(/;) Psalm civ. 3, 4. (?) Psalm cvii. 25, 29.
(r) Amos iv. 9. Haggai i. 611. (s) Psalm cxxvii. 3,
(f) Gen. XXX. 2. O) DeuJ. via. 3.
break " the stay of bread." (w) Nor indeed could we other-
wise seriously offer a prayer for daily bread, if God did not
supply us \vith food from his fatherly hand. The Prophet
therefore, to convince the faithful that in feeding them God
acts the part of an excellent father of a family, informs us,
that he " giveth food to all flesh." (#) Lastly, when we hear
on the one hand, that " the eyes of the Lord are upon the
righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry;" and on the
other, that " the face of the Lord is against them that do
evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth;" (y)
we may be assured that all creatures, above and below, are
ready for his service, that he may apply them to any use that
he pleases. Hence we conclude, not only that there is a
general providence of God over the creatures, to continue the
order of nature; but that by his wonderful counsel they are all
directed to some specific and proper end.
VIII. Those who wish to bring an odium on this doctrine,
calumniate it as the same with the opinion of the Stoics con-
cerning fate; with which Augustine also was formerly re-
proached. Though we are averse to all contentions about
words, yet we admit not the term fate: both because it is of
that novel and profane kind which Paul teaches us to avoid,
and because they endeavour to load the truth of God with the
odium attached to it. But that dogma is falsely and maliciously
charged upon us. For we do not, with the Stoics, imagine a
f J necessity arising from a perpetual concatenation and intricate
' 3 series of causes, contained i^n nature; but we make God the
Arbiter and Governor of all things^who in his own wisdom
hath from the remotest eternity decreed what he would do,
and now by his own power executes what he hath decreed.
Whence we assert, that not only the heaven and the earth and
inanimate creatures, but also the deliberations and volitions
of men, are so governed by his providence, as to be directed to
the end appointed by it. What then? you will say; does no-
thing happen fortuitously or contingently? I answer, that it
was truly observed by Basil the Great, that fortune and chance
are the words of heathens, with the signification of which the
(w) Isaiah Hi. 1. (r) Psalm cxxxvi. 25. (7) Psalm xxxiv. 15, 16,
minds of the pious ought not to be occupied. For if all success
be the benediction of God, and calamity and adversity his
malediction, there is no room left in human affairs for fortune
or chance. And we should attend to this declaration of Augus-
tine: " I am not pleased with myself," says he, " for having
in my Treatises against the Academics, so frequently men-
tioned fortune, although I have not intended by that word any
goddess, but a fortuitous occurrence of external things, either
good or evil. Hence also such words, the use of which no
religion prohibits, as perhaps, possibly, per ad-venture, which
nevertheless must be entirely referred to the Divine provi-
dence. And on this I have not been silent, remarking that
perhaps what is commonly termed fortune, is regulated by a
secret order, and that what we call chance is only that, with
the reason and cause of which we are not acquainted. Thus
indeed I have expressed myself, but I repent of having mentioned
fortune in this manner; since I see that men are habituated
to a very sinful custom: when they ought to say, 'This was
the will of God,* they say, * This was the will of Fortune.' ''
Finally, he every where maintains, that if any thing be left to
fortune, the world revolves at random. And though he else-
where decides, that all things are conducted partly by the free
vrill of man, partly by the providence of God, yet he just after
shews that men are subject to it and governed by it, assuming
as a principle that nothing could be more absurd than for any
thing to happen independently of the ordination of God; be-
cause it would happen at random. By this reasoning he ex-
cludes also any contingence dependant on the human will; and
immediately after more expressly asserts that we ought not to
inquire for any cause of the will of God. But in what sense
permission ought to be understood, whenever it is mentioned
by him, will appear from one passage; where he proves that
the will of God is the supreme and first cause of all things,
because nothing happens but by his command or permission.
He certainly does not suppose God to remain an idle specta-
tor, determining to permit any thing; there is an interven-
tion of actual volition, if I may be allowed the expression,
which otherwise could never be considered as a cause.
IX. Yet since the dulness of our minds is very much below
the sublimity of the Divine providence, let us endeavour to
assist them by a distinction. I say then, that notwithstanding
the ordination of all things by the certain purpose and direc-
tion of God, yet to us they are fortuitous: not that we sup-
pose fortune holds any dominion over the world and mankind,
and whirls about all things at random, for such folly ought to
be far from the breast of a Christian; but because the order,
reason, and necessity of events are chiefly concealed in the
purpose of Gcfd, and not comprehended by the mind of man,
those things are in some measure fortuitous, which must cer-
tainly happen according to the Divine will. For they present
no other appearance, whether they are considered in their own
nature, or are estimated according to our knowledge and judg-
ment. [Let us suppose, for example, that a merchant, having
entered" a wood in the company of honest men, imprudently
wanders from his companions, and pursuing a wrong course
falls into the hands of robbers, and is murdered. His death
was not only foreseen by God, but also decreed by him7|For it
is said, not that he hath foreseen to what limits the life of every
man would extend, but that he "hath appointed bounds
which he cannot pass." (z) Yet as far as our minds are capable
of comprehending, all these circumstances appear fortuitous.
What opinion shall a Christian form on this case? He will
consider all the circumstances of such a death as fortuitous;
yet he will not doubt that the providence of God presided,
and directed fortune to that end. The same reasoning
will apply to future contingencies. All future things being
uncertain to us, we hold them in suspense, as though they
might happen either one way or another. Yet this remains
a fixed principle in our hearts, that there will be no event
which God hath not ordained. In this sense the word chance is
frequently repeated in the book of Ecclesiastes; because on the
first view men penetrate not to the first cause, which lies deeply
concealed. Thus the Philistine sorcerers, though they fluctuated
in uncertainty, ascribed adverse accidents partly to God, partly
to fortune. " If the ark," say they, " goeth up by that way,
we shall know that God hath done us this great evil, but if not,
(3) Job xiv. 5.
it was a chance that happened to us." (a) They betrayed great
folly indeed, after having been deceived by divination, to have
recourse to fortune; yet at the same time we see them restrained,
so that they cannot dare to suppose, the affliction which had
befallen them was fortuitous. But how God, by the reins of his
providence, directs all events according to his own pleasure,
will appear by an eminent example. At the very same instant
of time when David had been overtaken in the wilderness of
Maon, behold the Philistines made an irruption into the land,
and Saul was compelled to depart. If God, consulting the
safety of his servant, laid this impediment in the way of Saul,
then surely though the Philistines might have taken up arms
suddenly and contrary to human expectation, yet we will not
say that this happened by chance; but what to us seems a
contingency, faith will acknowledge to have been a secret im-
. pulse of God. It is not always indeed that there appears a
similar reason, but it should be considered as indubitably
certain, that all the revolutions visible in the world proceed
from the secret exertion of the Divine power. ;What God
decrees, must necessarily come to pass; yet it is notlby absolute
or natural necessity. We find a familiar example in the bones
of Christ. Since he possessed a body like ours, no reasonable
man will deny that his bones were capable of being broken; yet
that they should be broken was impossible. Hence again we
perceive, that the distinctions of relative and absolute necessity,
as well as necessity of consequent and necessity of consequence,
were not without reason invented in the schools: since God
made the bones of his Son capable of being broken, which
however he had exempted from being actually broken, and
thus prevented by the necessity of his purpose what might
naturally have come to pass, j
() 1 Snm
The proper Application of this Doctrine to render It useful
to us.
the minds of men are prone to vain subtleties, there is
the greatest danger that those who know not the right use of
this doctrine will embarrass themselves with intricate per-
plexities. It will therefore be necessary to touch in a brief
manner on the end and design of the Scripture doctrine of the
Divine ordination of all things. And here let it be remarked,
in the first place, that the providence of God is to be con-
sidered as well in regard to futurity, as in reference to that
which is past; secondly, that it governs all things in such a
manner as to operate sometimes by the intervention of means,
sometimes without means, and sometimes in opposition to all
means; lastly, that it tends to shew the care of God for the
whole human race, and especially his vigilance in the govern-
ment of the Church, which he favours with more particular
attention. It must also be observed, that although the paternal
favour and beneficence of God, or the seventy of his justice, is
frequently conspicuous in the whole course of his 'providence;
yet sometimes the causes of events are concealed, so that a
suspicion intrudes itself, that the revolutions of human affairs
are conducted by the blind impetuosity of fortune; or the
flesh solicits us to murmur, as though God amused himself
with tossing men about like tennis-balls. It is true indeed, if
we were ready to learn with quiet and sober minds, that the
final issue sufficiently proves the counsels of God to be directed
by the best of reasons; that he designs either to teach his
people the exercise of patience, or to correct their corrupt affec-
tions and subdue the licentiousness of their appetites, or to con^
strain them to the practice of self-denial, or to arouse them from
their indolence; and on the other hand to abase the proud, to
disappoint the cunning of the wicked, and to confound their
machinations. Yet, however the causes may be concealed from
us, or escape our observation, we must admit it as a certain
truth, that they are hidden with him; and must therefor*
exclaim with David, " Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonder-
ful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to
us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I
would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be
numbered." () For though our miseries ought always to re-
mind us of our sins, that the punishment itself may urge us
to repentance; yet we see that Christ ascribes more sovereignty
J - . ., . . o .->
to the secret purpose of the Father in afflicting nn.ii, than to
require him to punish every individual according to his de-
merits. For concerning him who was born blind, he says,
" Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the
works of God should be made manifest in him." (c) For here
sense murmurs, when calamity precedes the very birth, as
though it were a detraction from the Divine clemency thus
to afflict the innocent. But Christ declares that the glory of
his Father is manifested in this instance, provided our eyes
are clear to behold it. But we must proceed with modesty,
Cautious that we call not God to an account at our tribunal;
but-that we entertain such reverence for his secret judgments,
as to esteem his will the most righteous cause of every thing
that he does. When thick clouds obscure the heaven, and a
violent tempest arises, because a gloomy mist is before our
eyes, and thunder strikes our ears, and terror stupefies all our
faculties, all things seem to us to be blended in confusion;
yet during the whole time the heavens remain in the same
quiet serenity. So it must be concluded, that while the turbu-
lent state of the world deprives us of our judgment, God by
the pure light of his own righteousness and wisdom, regulates
all those commotions in the most exact order, and directs them
to their proper end. And certainly the madness of many in
this respect is monstrous, who dare to arraign the works of
God, to scrutinize his secret counsels, and even to pass a pre-
cipitate sentence on things unknown, with greater freedom,
than on the actions of mortal men. For what is more pre-
posterous than towards our equals to observe such modesty,
as rather to suspend our judgment than to incur the imputation
of temerity; but impudently to insult the mysterious judgments
(6) Psalm si. 5. (c) John ix. 3.
VOL. I. 2 F
of God, which \\c ought to hold in admiration and rever-
II. None therefore will attain just and profitable views of
the providence of God, but he who considers that he lias to do
with his Maker and the Creator of the world, and submit:,
himself to fear and reverence with all becoming humility.
Hence it happens that so many worthless characters in the
present day virulently oppose this doctrine, because they will
admit nothing to be lawful for God, but what agrc' . :; with the
dictates of their own reason. They revile us with the utmost
possible impudence, because, not content with the precepts of
the law, which comprehend the will of God, we say that the
world is governed also by his secret counsels: as though
indeed what we assert were only an invention of our own
brain, and the Holy Spirit did not every where plainly an-
nounce the same, and repeat it in innumerable forms of ex-
pression. But as they are restrained by some degree of
shame from daring to discharge their blasphemies against
heaven, in order to indulge their extravagance with the
greater freedom, they pretend that they are contending with
us. But unless they admit, that whatever comes to pass in the
world is governed by the incomprehensible counsel of God,
let them answer, to what purpose is it said in the Scripture
that his "judgments are a great deep?" (*/) For since Moses
proclaims, that the will of God is not to be sought far off, in
the clouds or in the deep,(e) because it is familiarly explained
in the law, it follows that there is another secret will, which is
compared to a profound abyss: concerning Avhich Paul
says, "O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and
knowledge of God; how unsearchable are his judgments, and
his ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of
the Lord, or who hath been his counsellor?" (f^) It is true, that
the law and the Gospel contain mysteries which far transcend
our capacities; but .since God illuminates the minds of his
people with the spirit of understanding, to apprehend these
mysteries which he hath condescended to reveal in his word,
there we have now no abyss, but a way in which we may safely
() Ps:ilrn xxxvi. 6. !> xxviii. 21.
III. Those who have learned this modesty, will neither
murmur against God on account of past adversities, nor charge
him with the guilt of their crimes, like Agamemnon, in Homer,
who says, "The blame belongs not to me, but to Jupiter and
Fate." Nor will they, as if hurried away by the Fates, under
the influence of despair, put an end to their own lives, like the
young man whom Plautus introduces as saying, u The con-
dition of our affairs is inconstant, men are governed by the
caprice of the Fates; I will betake myself to a precipice, and
there destroy my life and every thing at once." Nor will they
excuse their flagitious actions by ascribing them to God, after
the example of another young man introduced by the same
poet, who says, " God was the cause: I believe it was the
Divine will. For had it not been so, I know it would not
have happened." But they will rather search the Scripture,
to learn what is pleasing to God, that by the guidance of the
Spirit they may strive to attain it; and at the same time being
prepared to follow God whithersoever he calls them, they will
exhibit proofs in their conduct that nothing is more useful
than a knowledge of this doctrine. Some profane men fool-
ishly raise such a tumult with their absurdities, as almost,
according to a common expression, to confound heaven and
earth together. They argue in this manner: If God has
fixed the moment of our death, we citnnot avoid it; therefore
all caution against it will be but lost labour. One man dares
not venture himself in a way which he hears is dangerous, lest
he should be assassinated by robbers; another sends for phy-
sicians, and wearies himself with medicines, to preserve his
life; another abstains from the grossftr kinds of food, lest he
should injure his valetudinary constitution; another dreads
to inhabit a ruinous house; and men in general exert all their
faculties in devising and executing methods by which they
may attain the object of their desires. Now either all these
things are vain remedies employed to correct the will of God,
or life and death, health and disease, peace and war, and
other things which according to their desires or aversions men
industriously study to obtain or to avoid, are not determined
by his certain decree. Moreover they conclude, that the
of the faithful are not only superfluous, but perverse,
which contain petitions that the Lord will provide for those
things which he hath already decreed from eternity. In short,
they supersede all deliberations respecting futurity, as opposed
to the providence of God, who, without consulting men, hath
decreed whatever he pleased. And what has already happened
they impute to the Divine providence in such a manner as to
overlook the person, who is known to have committed any par-
ticular act. Has an assassin murdered a worthy citizen? they
say he has executed the counsel of God. Has any one been
guilty of theft or fornication? because he has done what was
foreseen and ordained by the Lord, he is the minister of his
providence. Has a son, neglecting all remedies, carelessly
waited the death of his father? it was impossible for him to
resist God, who had decreed this event from eternity. Thus
by these persons all crimes are denominated virtues, because
they are subservient to the ordination of God.
IV. But in reference to future things, Solomon easily recon-
ciles the deliberations of men with the providence of God.
For as he ridicules the folly of those who presumptuously
undertake any thing without the Lord, as though they were
not subject to his government: so in another place he says,
" A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth
his steps;" () signifying that the eternal decrees of God form
no impediment to our providing for ourselves, and disposing
all our concerns in subservience to his will. The reason of
this is manifest. For he who Kith fixed the limits of our
life, hath also entrusted us with the care of it; hath furnished
us with means and supplies for its preservation; hath also made
us provident of dangers; and that they may not oppress us
unawares hath furnished us with cautions and remedies. Now
it is evident what is our duty. If God hath committed to us
the preservation of our life, we should preserve it; if he offers
supplies, we should use them; if he forewarns us of dangers,
we should not rashly run into them; if he furnishes remedies,
we ought not to neglect them. But it will be objected, no
danger can hurt, unless it has been ordained that it shall hurt
us, and then no remedies can avert it. But what if dangers
(*) Prov. xvi. 9.
are therefore not fatal because God hath assigned you rcm<
to repulse and overcome them? Examine whether your
soning agrees with the order of the Divine providence. You
conclude that it is unnecessary to guard against danger, be-
cause if it be not fatal, we shall escape it without caution: but
on the contrary the Lord enjoins you to use caution, because
he intends it not to be fatal to you. These madmen overlook
what is obvious to every observer, that the arts of deliberation
and caution in men proceed from the inspiration of God, and
that they subserve the designs of his providence in the pre-
servation of their own lives; as on the contrary by neglect
and slothfulness, they procure to themselves the evils which
he hath appointed for them. For how does it happen, that a
prudent man consulting his own welfare, averts from himself
impending evils, and a fool is ruined by his inconsiderate
temerity, unless folly and prudence are in both cases instru-
ments of the Divine dispensation? Therefore it hath pleased
God to conceal from us all future events, that we may meet
them as doubtful contingencies, and not cease to oppose to
them the remedies with which we are provided, till they shall
have been surmounted, or shall have overcome all our dili-
gence. Therefore I have before suggested, that the providence
of God ought not always to be contemplated abstractedly by
,- - . - - ' ^^*"** M ^*^"^^"^*^*^*"^irt^r*^M>^**^^^^wlL i -if
itself, but in connection with the means which he employs.
V. The same persons inconsiderately and erroneously ascribe
all past events to the absolute providence of God. For since
all things which came to pass are dependent upon it, there-
fore, say they, neither thefts, nor adulteries, nor homicides,
are perpetrated without the intervention of the Divine will.
Why therefore, they ask, shall a thief be punished for having
pillaged him whom it hath pleased the Lord to chastise with
poverty? Why shall a homicide be punished for having slain
him whose life the Lord had terminated? If all such characters
are subservient to the Divine will, why shall they be punished?
But I deny that they serve the will of God. For we cannot
say, that he who is influenced by a wicked heart, acts in obedi-
ence to the commands of God, while he is only gratifying his
own malignant passions. That man obeys God, who being
Instructed in his will, hastens whither God calls him. Where
can we learn his will, but in his word? Therefore in our
actions we ought to regard the will of God, which is declared
in his word. God only requires of us conformity to his pre-
cepts. If we do any thing contrary to them, it is not obedi-
ence, but contumacy and transgression. [But it is said, if he.
would not permit it, we should not do it. This I grant. But
do we perform evil actions with the design of pleasing him? He
gives us no such command. We precipitate ourselves into
them, not considering what is his will, but inflamed with the
violence of our passions, so that we deliberately strive to oppose
him. In this manner even by criminal actions we subserve his
righteous ordination; because in the infinite greatness of his wis-
dom, he well knows how to use evil instruments for the accom-
plishment of good purposes-JNow observe the absurdity of
their reasoning; they wish the authors of crimes to escape with
impunity, because crimes are not perpetrated but by the ordi-
nation of God. I admit more than this; even that thieves,
and homicides, and other malefactors, are instruments o!
Divine providence, whom the Lord uses for the execution of
ihe judgments which he hath appointed. But I deny that this
ought to afford any excuse for their crimes. For will they
cither implicate God in the same iniquity with themselves, or
cover their depravity with his righteousness? They can do
neither. They are prevented from exculpating themselves, by
the reproofs of their own consciences; and they can lay no
blame upon God, for they find in themselves nothing but evil,
and in him only a_ Jegitimate use of their wickedness. But it
is alleged that he operates by their means. And whence, I ask,
proceeds the fetid smell of a carcase, which has been putrefied
and disclosed by the heat of the sun? It is visible to all that
it is excited by the solar rays; yet no person on this account
attributes to those rays an offensive smell. So when the matter
and guilt of evil resides in a bad man, why should God be
supposed to contract any defilement, if he uses his service
according to his own pleasure? Let us dismiss this petulance
therefore, which may rail against the justice of God from a
distance, but can never reach that Divine attribute.
VI. But these cavils, or rather extravagancies of frenzy, will
easily be dispelled by the pious and holy contemplation of
providence, which the rule of piety dictates to us, so that we
may derive from it the greatest pleasure and advantage. The
mind of a Christian therefore, when it is certainly persuaded
that all things happen by the ordination of God, and that
there is nothing fortuitously contingent, will always direct its
views to him as the supreme cause of all things, and will also
consider inferior causes in their proper order. He will not
doubt that the particular providence of God is watchful for
his preservation, never permitting any event which it will not
overrule for his advantage and safety. But since he is con-
cerned in the first place with men, and in the next place with
the other creatures, he will assure himself as to both that the
providence of God reigns over all. With respect to men,
whether good or evil, he will acknowledge that their delibera-
tions, wills, endeavours, and powers, are under his control,
so that it is at his option to direct them whithersoever he
pleases, and to restrain them as often as he pleases. The
vigilance of the particular providence of God for the safety of
the faithful is attested by numerous and very remarkable pro-
mises: " Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain
thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. (/) He
that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide
under the shadow of the Almighty. (?) He that toucheth you,
toucheth the apple of his eye. We have a strong city: sal-
vation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks, (w) Though a
woman forget her sucking child, yet will I not forget thee." (5)
Moreover this is the principal scope of the Biblical histories, to
teach us that the Lord so sedulously defends the ways of the
saints, that they may not even " dash their foot against a
stone." (/) Therefore as we have a little before justly exploded
the opinion of those who hold a universal providence of God,
which descends not to the care of every creature in particular;
so it is principally necessary and useful to contemplate this
special care towards ourselves. For this reason, Christ, after
having asserted that not the vilest sparrow falls to the ground
without the will of the Father, (y) immediately makes the fol-
lowing application; that the more we exceed the value of
(0 Psalm lv. 22. 1 Peter v. 7. (m) Psalm xci. 1. (n) Zech. ii. 8.
. Isaiah xxvi. 1. xlix. 15. (/>) Psalm xci. 12. (?) Matt. x. 29, 30.
sparrows, the greater care we should consider God as exercis-
ing over us: and he carries this to such an extent, that we may
be confident that the hairs of our head are numbered. What
more can we desire for ourselves, if not a single hair can fall
from our heads, but according to his will? I speak not exclu-
sively of the human race; but since God hath chosen the
Church for his habitation, there is no doubt but he particularly
displays his paternal care in the government of it.
VII. The servant of God, encouraged by these promises
and examples, will add the testimonies, which inform us that
all men are subject to his power, either to conciliate their
minds in our favour, or to restrain their malice from being
injurious. For it is the Lord who gives us favour, not only
with our friends, but also in the eyes of the Egyptians; (o) a.jJ
he knows how to subdue by various methods the fury ot oar
enemies. Sometimes he deprives them of understanding, so
that they can form no sober or prudent plans: as he sent
Satan to fill the mouths of all the prophets with falsehood, in
order to deceive Ahab: (/>) he infatuated Rehoboam by the coun-
sel of the young men, that through his own folly he might be
spoiled of his kingdom, (y) Sometimes, when he grants thorn
understanding, he so terrifies and dispirits them, that they
can neither determine nor undertake what they have conceived.
Sometimes also, when he hath permitted them to att
what their rage and passion prompted, he opportunely bn _,ks
their impetuosity, not suffering them to proceed to the accom-
plishment of their designs. Thus he prematurely defeated
the counsel of Ahitophel, which would have been fatal to
David, (r) Thus also he takes care to govern all creatures for
the benefit and safety of his people, even the devil himself,
who we see dared not to attempt any thing against Job, without
his permission and command. (*) The necessary consequences
of this knowledge are, gratitude in prosperity, patience in ad-
versity, and a wonderful security respecting the future. Every
prosperous and pleasing event, therefore, the pious man will
ascribe entirely to God, whether his beneficence be received
through the ministry of men, or by the assistance of inanimate
(o) Exod. iii. 21. (/>) 1 Kings xxil 22. (?) 1 Kings xii. 1015.
(r) 2- Sam. xvii. 7. U M Job i. 12.
V f . I. 5> G
creatures. For this will be the reflection of his mind: " It is
certainly the Lord that hath inclined their hearts to favour
me, that hath united them to me to be the instruments of his
benignity towards me." In an abundance of the fruits of the
earth, he will consider, that it is the Lord who regards the
heaven, that the heaven may regard the earth, that the earth
also may regard its own productions: in other things he will
not doubt that it is the Divine benediction alone which is the
cause of all prosperity; nor will he bear to be ungrateful after
so many admonitions.
VIII. If any adversity befal him, in this case also he will
immediately lift up his heart to God, whose hand is most
capable of impressing us with patience and placid moderation
of mind. If Joseph had dwelt on a review of the perfidy of
his brethren, he never could have recovered his fraternal
affection for them. But as he turned his mind to the Lord,
he forgot their injuries, and was so inclined to mildness and
clemency, as even voluntarily to administer consolation to
them, saying, " It was not you that sent me hither, but God
did send me before you to save your lives. Ye thought evil
against me; but God meant it unto good." (?) If Job had
regarded the Chaldeans, by whom he was molested, he had been
inflamed to revenge; but recognising the event at the same time
as the work of the Lord, he consoled himself with this very
beautiful observation: "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath
taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." (u) Thus
David, when assailed by Sliimei with reproachful language
and with stones, if he had confined his views to man, would
have animated his soldiers to retaliate the injury: but under-
standing that it was not done without the instigation of the
Lord, he rather appeases them: " Let him curse," says he,
" because the Lord hath said unto him, Curse David." (tt>) In
another place he imposes the same restraint on the intemper-
ance of his grief: " I was dumb," says he, " I opened not
my mouth; because thou didst it." (.Y) If there be no more
efficacious remedy for anger and impatience, surely that man
lias made no small proficiency, who has learned in this case.
(0 Gen. xlv. 7, 8. I. 20. (r) Job i. 21.
(w) 2 Sam. xvi. 19. (x) Psalm xxxix. 9.
meditate on the Divine providence, that he may be able at
all times to recal his mind to this consideration: " It is the will
of the Lord, therefore it must be endured; not only because
resistance is unlawful and vain, but because he wills nothing
but what is both just and expedient." The conclusion of the
whole is this, that when we suffer injuries from tnen, forgetting
their malice, which would only exasperate our grief and insti-
gate our minds to revenge, we should remember to ascend to
God, and learn to account it a certain truth, that whatever
our enemies have criminally committed against us, has been
permitted and directed by his righteous dispensation. To re-
strain us from retaliating injuries, Paul prudently admonishes
us that our contention is not with flesh and blood, but with a
spiritual enemy the devil, (y) in order that we may prepare our-
selves for the contest. But this admonition is the most useful
in appeasing all the sallies of resentment, that God arms for
the conflict both the devil and all wicked men, and sits him-
self as the arbiter of the combat, to exercise our patience.
But if the calamities and miseries which oppress us happen
without the interposition of men, let us recollect the doctrine
of the, law, that every prosperous event proceeds from the
benediction of God, but that all adverse ones are his maledic-
tions: (2) and let us tremble at that awful denunciation: " If
ye will walk contrary unto me, then will I also walk contraiy
unto you:" (a) language which reproves our stupidity, while
according to the common apprehensions of the flesh, esteeming
every event, both prosperous and adverse, to be fortuitous, we
are neither animated to the worship of God by his benefits, nor
stimulated to repentance by his corrections. This is the rea-
son of the sharp expostulations of Jeremiah and of Amos, (b)
because the Jews supposed that both good and evil events
came to pass without any appointment of God. To the same
purpose is this passage of Isaiah: " I form the light, and
create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do
all these things." (c)
IX. Yet at the same time a pious man will not overlook
inferior causes. Nor because he accounts those from whom he
(jK)Eph. vi. 12. (2) Deut. xxviii. 1, Sic. (a) Lev. xxvi. 23, 24.
am. iii. 37, 38. Amos lit. 6. (c) Isaiah xlv. 7.
has received any benefit, the ministers of the Divine goodness,
will he therefore pass them by unnoticed > as though they de-
served no thanks for their kindness; but will feel, and readily
acknowledge his obligation to them, and gtudy to return it as
ability and opportunity may permit. Finally, he will reverence
and praise God as the principal author of benefits received,
but will honour men as his ministers; and will understand,
what indeed is the fact, that the will of God has laid him
under obligations to those persons by whose means the Lord
hath been pleased to communicate his benefits. If he suffer
any loss either through negligence or through imprudence, he
will conclude that it happened according to the Divine will,
but will also impute the blame of it to himself. If any one be
removed by disease, whom while it was his duty to take care
of him, he has treated with neglect; though he cannot be
ignorant that that person had reached those limits which it
was impossible for him to pass, yet he will not make this a
plea to extenuate his guilt; but because he has not faithfully
performed his duty towards him, will consider him as having
perished through his criminal negligence. Much less when
fraud and preconceived malice appear in the perpetration
either of murder or of theft, will he excuse those enormities
under the pretext of the Divine providence: in the same crime
he will distinctly contemplate the righteousness of God and
the iniquity of man, as they respectively discover themselves.
But it is principally in regard to things future that he will direct
his attention to inferior causes of this kind. For he will rank
it among the blessings of the Lord, not to be destitute of
human aids which he may use for his own safety; he will
neither be remiss therefore in taking the advice, nor negligent
in imploring the help, of those whom he perceives to be capa-
ble of affording him assistance; but considering all the crea-
tures, that can in any respect be serviceable to him, as so many-
gifts from the Lord, he will use them as the legitimate instru-
ments of the Divine providence. And as he is uncertain
respecting the issue of his undertakings, except that he
knows that the Lord will in all things provide for his good, he
studiously aims at what, according to the best judgment he
can form, will be for his advantage. Nor, in conducting his
deliberations will he be carried away by his own opinion, but
will recommend and resign himself to the wisdom of God, that
he may be directed by its guidance to the right end, But he
will not place his confidence in external helps to such a degree
as, if possessed of them, securely to rely on them, or if destitute
of them, to tremble with despair. For his mind will always
be fixed solely on the Divine providence, nor will he suffer
himself to be seduced from a steady contemplation of it, by
any consideration of present things. Thus Joab, though he
acknowledges the event of battle to depend on the will and
the power of God, yet surrenders not himself to inactivity,
but sedulously executes all the duties of his office, and leaves
the event to the Divine decision. " Let us play the men,"
says he, " for our people, and for the cities of our God: and
the Lord do that which seemeth him good." () This know-
ledge will divest us of temerity and false confidence, and excite
us to continual invocations of God; it will also support our
minds with a good hope, that without hesitation we may se-
curely and magnanimously despise all the dangers which sur-
round us.
X. Herein is discovered the inestimable felicity of the pious
mind. Human life is beset by innumerable evils, and threat-
ened with a thousand deaths. Not to go beyond ourselves;
since our body is the receptacle of a thousand diseases, and
even -contains and fosters the causes of diseases, a man must
unavoidably carry about with him destruction in unnumbered
forms, and protract a life which is as it were involved in death.
For what else can you say of it, when neither cold nor heat in
any considerable degree can be endured without danger? Now
whithersoever you turn, all the objects around you are not
only unworthy of your confidence, but almost openly menace
you, and seem to threaten immediate death. Embark in a ship;
there is but a single step between you and death. Mount a
horse; the slipping of one foot endangers your life. Walk
through the streets of a city; you are liable to as many dangers
as there are tiles on the roofs. If there be a sharp weapon in
your hand, or that of your friend, the mischief is manifest. All
(d) 2 Sam. s. 12.
the ferocious animals you see are armed for your destruction.
If you endeavour to shut yourself in a garden surrounded with
a good fence, and exhibiting nothing but what is delightful,
even there sometimes lurks a serpent. Your house perpetually
liable to fire, menaces yo\i by day with poverty, and by night
with falling on your head. Your land, exposed to hail, frost,
drdught, and various tempests, threatens you with sterility, and
with its attendant, famine. I omit poison, treachery, robbery,
and open violence, which partly beset us at home, and partly
pursue us abroald. Amidst these difficulties, must not man be
most miserable, who is half dead while he lives, and is dispirited
and alarmed as though he had a sword perpetually applied to
his neck? You will say that these things happen seldom, or
certainly not always, nor to every man, but never all at once.
I grant it: but as we are admonished by the examples of others,
that it is possible for them to happen also to us, and that we
have no more claim to exemption from them than others, we
must unavoidably dread them as events that we may expect.
What can you imagine more calamitous than such a dread,?
Besides it is an insult to God to say that he hath exposed
man, the noblest of his creatures, to the blindness and temerity
of fortune. But here I intend to speak only of the misery
which man must feel, if he be subject to the dominion of
XI. On the contrary, when this light of Divine providence has
once shined on a pious man, he is relieved and delivered not
only from the extreme anxiety and dread with which he was
previously oppressed, but also from all care. For as he justly
dreads fortune, so he ventures securely to commit himself to
God. This, I Say, is his consolation, to apprehend that his
heavenly Father restrains all things by his power, governs all
things by his will, and regulates all things by his wisdom, in
such a manner, that nothing can happen but by his appoint-
ment: moreover, that God has taken him under his protection,
and committed him to the care of angels, so that he can sustain
no injury from water, or fire, or sword, any farther than the
Divine Governor may be pleased to permit. For thus sings
the Psalmist; " Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare
of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence, tie shall
) Acts iv. 28. (c) Acts ii. 23.
tions in another place, " Those things, which God before had
shewed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should
suffer, he hath so fulfilled." (r) Absalom, defiling his father's
bed with incest, perpetrated a detestable crime: yet God pro-
nounces that this was his work: for his words are, "Thou
didst it secretly: but I will do this thing before all Israel, and
before the sun." () Whatever cruelty the Chaldeans exercised
in Judea, Jeremiah pronounces to be the work of God. (e) For
which reason Nebuchadnezzar is called the servant of God.
God frequently proclaims, that the impious ar excited to war
by his hissing, by the sound of his trumpet, by his influence,
and by his command: he calls the Assyrian the rod of his
anger, and the staff which he moves with his hand. The
destruction of the holy city, and the ruin of the temple he calls
his own work, (y*) David, not murmuring against God, but
acknowledging him to be a righteous Judge, confesses the
maledictions of Shimei to proceed from his command. " The
Lord," says he, "hath said unto him, Curse." (^) It often
occurs in the Sacred History, that whatever comes to pass pro-
ceeds from the Lord; as the defection of the ten tribes, (/*) the
death of the sons of Eli, (z) and many events of a similar kind.
Those who are but moderately acquainted with the Scriptures
will perceive that, for the sake of brevity, out of a great number
of testimonies, I have produced only a few; which nevertheless
abundantly evince how nugatory and insipid it is, instead of
the providence of God, to substitute a bare permission: as
though God were sitting in a watch-tower, expecting fortuitous
events, and so his decisions were dependent on the will
of men.
II. With respect to his secret influences, the declaration of
Solomon concerning the heart of a king, that it is inclined
hither or thither, according to the divine will, (>) certainly ex-
tends to the whole human race, and is as much as though he
had said, that whatever conceptions we form in our minds, they
are directed by the secret inspiration of God. And certainly,
(c) Acts iii. 18. (d ) 2 Sam. xii. 12. xvi. 22-
(c) Jer. 1. 25. (/) Isaiah v. 26. x. 5. xix. 25
(g-) 2 Sam. xvi. 10. (A) 1 Kings xi. 31.
(i) 1 Sam. ii. 34- (h) Prov. xxi. 1.
if he did not operate internally on the human mind, there
would be no propriety in asserting, that he causeth "the
M'isdom of the wise to perish, and the understanding of the
prudent to be hid; that he poureth contempt upon princes,
and causeth them to wander in the wilderness, where there is
no way." (/) And to this alludes, what we frequently read, that
men are timorous, as their hearts are possessed with his fear, (m)
Thus David departed from the camp of Saul, without the
knowledge of any one; "because a deep sleep from the Lord
was fallen upon them all." (?z) But nothing can be desired more
explicit than his frequent declarations, that he blinds the minds
of men, strikes them with giddiness, inebriates them with the
spirit of slumber, fills them with infatuation, and hardens their
hearts. () These passages also many persons refer to permis-
sion, as though, in abandoning the reprobate, God permitted
them to be blinded by Satan. But that solution is too frivolous,
since the Holy Spirit expressly declares that their blindness
and infatuation are inflicted by the righteous judgment of
God. He is said to have caused the obduracy of Pharaoh's
heart, and also to have aggravated and confirmed it. Some-
elude the force of these expressions with a foolish cavil; that,
since Pharoah himself is elsewhere said to have hardened his
own heart, his own will is stated as the cause of his obduracy.
As though these two things were at all incompatible with each
other, that man should be actuated by God, and yet at tru
same time be active himself. But I retort on them their own
objection; for if hardening- denotes a bare permission, Pharoah
cannot properly be charged with being the cause of his own
obstinacy. Now how weak and insipid would be such an in-
terpretation, as though Pharoah only permitted himself to be
hardened. Besides the Scripture cuts off all occasion for such
cavils. God says, " I will harden his heart." (/>) So also Moses
says, concerning the inhabitants of Canaan, that they marched
forth to battle, because the Lord had hardened their hearts; (^)
which is likewise repeated by another Prophet; *' He turned
their hearts to hate his people." (r) Thus also, in Isaiah, he
(/) Isaiah xxix. 14. Psalm cvii. 40. Ezek. vii. 26. (m) Lev. xxvi. 36.
(n) 1 Sam. xxvi. 12- (o) Rom. i. 28. xi. 8. Exod. viii. 15.
(/) Exod. iv. 21. (?) Deut. ii. 30. Joshua xi. 20. (r) Psalm cv. 25.
declares that he will "send the Assyrians against an hypocri-
tical nation, and will give him a charge to take the spoil, and
to take the prey:" (*) not that he meant to teach impious and
refractory men a voluntary obedience, but because he would
incline them to execute his judgments, just as if they had his
commands engraven on their minds. Hence it appears that
they were impelled by the positive appointment of God. I grant
indeed, that God often actuates the reprobate by the interposi-
tion of Satan; but in such a manner that Satan himself acts
his part by the Divine impulse, and proceeds to the extent of
the Divine appointment. Saul was disturbed by an evil spirit;
but it is said to be "from the Lord;" () to teach us that Saul's
madness proceeded from the righteous vengeance of God.
Satan is also said to blind "the minds of them which believe
not;" (li) but the strength of the delusion proceeds from God
himself, " that they should believe a lie, who believe not the
truth." (t>) According to one view of the subject, it is said, tt If
the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, 1 the
Lord have deceived that prophet." (rr) But according to
another, God is said himself to " give men over to a repro-
bate mind," (x) and to the vilest lusts: because he is the prin-
cipal author of his own righteous vengeance, and Satan i^
only the dispenser of it. But as we must discuss this subject
again in the Second Book, where we shall treat of the free'dom
or slavery of the human will, I think I have now said in a
brief manner as much as the occasion required. The whole-
may be summed up thus; that as the will of God is said to In
the cause of all things, his providence is established as tin-
governor in all the counsels and works of men, so that it noi
only exerts its power in the elect, who are influenced by tin
Holy Spirit, but also compels the compliance of the re pro
III. But as I have hitherto only recited such things as air
delivered without any obscurity or ambiguity in the Scripture-,
let persons who hesitate not to brand with ignominy those
oracles of heaven, beware what kind of opposition the}- make.
For if they pretend ignorance, with a desire to be commended
(i-) Isauih x. 6. (t) 1 Sam. xvi. 14. () 2 Cor. i-. I,
() 2 Thess. Li. 1012. (u-) Ezck. xiv. 9. (a;) Ruin.
for their modesty, what greater instance of pride can be con-
ceived, than to oppose one little word to the authority of God;
as, " it appears otherwise to me," or, " I would rather not med-
dle with this subject." But if they openly censure, what will they
gain by their puny attempts against heaven? Their petulance
indeed is no novelty, for in all ages there have been impious
and profane men, who have virulently opposed this doctrine.
But they shall feel the truth of what the Spirit long ago de-
clared by the mouth of David, that God " is clear when he
judgeth."(z/) David obliquely hints at the madness of men
who display such excessive presumption amidst their insig-
nificance, as not only to dispute against God, but to arrogate
to themselves the power of condemning him. In the mean
time, he briefly suggests, that God is unaffected by all the
blasphemies which they discharge against heaven, but that he
dissipates the mists of calumny, and illustriously displays his
righteousness: our faith also, being founded oft the Divine
word, (2) and therefore superior to all the world, from its ex-
altation looks down with contempt upou those mists. For
their first objection, that if nothing happens but by the will of
God, he has in him two contrary wills, because he decrees in
his secret counsel what he liath publicly prohibited in his law,
is easily refuted. But before I reply, I wish the reader again
to be apprised, that this cavil is directed, not against me, but
against the Holy Spirit, who dictated to the pious Job this
confession, that what had befallen him had happened according
to the Divine will: when he had been plundered by banditti,
he acknowledged in their injuries the righteous scourge of
God. (a) What says the Scripture in another case? " They,"
the sons of Eli, " hearkened not unto the voice of their father,
because the Lord would slay them." (6) The Psalmist also
exclaims, that " God," who " is in the heavens, hath done
whatsoever he hath pleased." (r) And now I have sufficiently
proved, that God is called the Author of all those things,
which, according to the system of these censors, happen only
by his un'mfluential permission. He declares that he creates
light and darkness, that he forms good and evil: (W) and
00 Psalm li. 4. (2) 1 John v. 4. (a) Job i. 21.
(If) 1 Sam. ii. 25. (c) Psalm cxv. 3. (rf) Isaiah xlv. 7. Amos iii. :
VOL. I, 21
that no evil occurs, which lie hath not performed. Let them
say then, whether he exercise's his judgments voluntarily or
involuntarily. But as Moses suggests, that he who is killed
by the fortuitous fall of an axe, is delivered by God to the
stroke: (e) so, in the Acts, the whole Church asserts that Herod
and Pilate conspired to do what the hand and the counsel of
God had predetermined, (y*) And indeed, unless the cru-
cifixion of Christ was according to the will of God, what
becomes of our redemption? Yet the will of God is neither
repugnant to itself, nor subject to change, nor chargeable with
pretending to dislike what it approves: but whilst in him it is
uniform and simple, it wears to us the appearance of variety;
because the weakness of our understanding comprehends not
how the same thing may be in different respects both agreeable
to his will, and contrary to it. Paul, after having said that
the vocation of the Gentiles was a hidden mystery, adds, that
it contained a manifestation of the manifold wisdom of God. (,)
Now because, through the dulness of our capacity, the Divine
wisdom appears to us manifold (or multiform, as it has been
translated by an ancient interpreter), shall we therefore dream
of any vanity in God himself, as though his counsels were
mutable, or his thoughts contradictory to each other? Rather,
while we comprehend not how God intends that to be done,
the doing of which he forbids, let us remember our imbecility,
and at the same time consider, that the light which he inha-
bits, is justly called inaccessible, (A) because it is overspread
with impenetrable darkness. Therefore all pious and modest
men will easily acquiesce in this opinion of Augustine: " That
a man may sometimes choose with a good intention, that which
is not agreeable to the will of God; as, if a good son wishes
his father to live, whilst God determines that he shall die. It
is also possible for a man to will with a bad design, what God
wills with a good one; as, if a bad son wishes his father to die,
which is also the will of God. Now the former wishes what
is not agreeable, the latter what is agreeable, to the Divine will.
And yet the filial affection of the former is more consonant to
the righteous will of God, than the want of natural affection
(c) Deut. xix. 5. (/) Acts iv. 28.
(?) Ephes. iii. 9, 10. (/<) 1 Tim. vi. 16.
in the latter, though it accords with his secret design. So
great is the difference between what belongs to the human
will and what to the Divine, and between the ends to which
the will of every one is to be referred, for approbation or cen-
sure. For God fulfils his righteous will by the wicked wills of
wicked men." This writer had just before said, that the apostate
angels, and all the reprobate, in their defection, acted, as far as
respected themselves, in direct opposition to the Divine will;
but that this was not possible with respect to the Divine omni-
potence; because, while they are opposing the will of God, his
will is accomplished concerning them. Whence he exclaims,
" The works of the Lord are great, prepared according to all
his determinations:" (z) so that in a wonderful and ineffable
manner that is not done without his will, which yet is contrary
to his will; because it would not be done, if he did not permit
it: and this permission is not involuntary, but voluntary: nor
would his goodness permit the perpetration of any evil, unless
his omnipotence were able even from evil to educe good.
IV. In the same manner we answer, or rather annihilate
another objection, that if God not only uses the agency of the
impious, but governs their designs and affections, he is the
author of all crimes; and therefore men are undeservedly
condemned, if they execute what God hath decreed, because
they obey his will. For his will' is unproperly confounded
with his precept, between which" Innumerable examples evince
the difference to be very great. For although, when Absalom
defiled the wives of his father, it was the will of God by this
disgrace to punish the adultery of David; (^) he did not there-
fore command that abandoned son to commit incest, unless
perhaps with respect to David, as he speaks of the reproaches
of Shimei. (/) For when he confesses Shimei's maledictions to
proceed from the Divine command, he by no means commends
his obedience, as though that impudent and worthless man
were fulfilling a Divine precept; but acknowledging his tongue
as the scourge of God, he patiently submits to the chastise-
ment. Let it be remembered, that whilst God by means of
-- J
the impious fulfils his secret decrees, they are not excusable,
(0 Psalm cxi. 2. (*) 2 Sam. xvi. 22. (/) 2 Sam. xvi. 10.
252 fi INSTITUTES OF TIIK t' ! <"^ '-
~.l // -f fl 'fe *\A *- ""^^ f .* tf X^Sr * ^ ^>* L Tfc
h they were obedient to his precepts, which they wan-
tonly and intentionally violate. The direction of the perverse
actions of men, by the secret providence of God, is illustriously
exemplified in the election of Jeroboam to the regal dignity. (?n)
The temerity and infatuation of the people in this proceeding
are severely condemned, (n) because they perverted the order
established by God, and perfidiously revolted from the fam ily
of David: and yet we know that this event was agreeable
to the Divine will. Whence there is an appearance of con-
tradiction also in the language of Hosea; for in one place
God complains that the erection of that kingdom was without
his knowledge and against his will; but in another declares,
that he gave Jeroboam to be a king in his anger. () How can
these things be reconciled, that Jeroboam did not reign by the
will of God, and yet that God appointed him to be king? Why
thus: because neither could the people revolt from the family of
David, without shaking off the yoke which God had imposed on
them; nor yet was God deprived of the liberty of thus punishing
the ingratitude of Solomon. We see then how God, while he
hates perfidy, yet righteously and with a different design de-
crees the defection; Avhence also Jeroboam is, beyond all ex-
pectation, constrained by the holy unction to assume the regal
office. In the same manner, the Sacred History relates, that
God raised up an enemy, to deprive the son of Solomon of
part of the kingdom, (p) Let the reader diligently consider
both these things; because it had pleased God that the people
should be under the government of one king, their division
into two parts was contrary to his will; and yet from his will
the schism first originated. For certainly since a Prophet,
both by a prediction and by the ceremony of unction, excited
a hope of succeeding to the kingdom, in the mind of Jeroboam,
who before entertained not a thought of such an event, this
could not be done, either without the knowledge, or against
the will, of God who commanded it to be done: and yet the
rebellion of the people is justly condemned, because, in opposi-
tion to the Divine will, they revolted from the posterity of
David. Thus also it is afterwards subjoined, that " the cause"
(in) 1 King's xii. 20. (M) Hosea viii. 4.
(o) Hosea xiii. 11. (/) 1 Kings xi. 23.
of the haughty contempt of the people manifested by Rehoboam
" was of God, that the Lord might perform his word, which he
spake by the hand of Ahijah" his servant, (y) See how the
sacred union is divided, in opposition to the will of God, and
yet by his will the ten tribes are alienated from the son of Solo-
mon. Let us add another similar example, where with the
consent, and even by the assistance of the people, the sons of
Ahab are massacred, and all his posterity exterminated, (r)
Jehu indeed truly observed, that u there should fall into the
earth nothing of the word of the Lord," but that he had " done
that which he spake by his servant Elijah." And yet he justly
reprehends the citizens of Samaria for having lent their assist-
ance. " Are ye righteous?" says he; " behold, I conspired
against my master, and slew him: but who slew all these?" If
I am not deceived, I have now clearly explained how the same
act displays the criminality of men, and the justice of God.
And to modest minds this answer of Augustine will always be
sufficient: " Since God delivered Christ, and Christ delivered
his own body, and Judas delivered the Lord, why in this deli-
very is God righteous and man guilty? Because in the same
act they acted not from the same cause." But if any persons
find greater difficulty in what we now assert, that there is no
consent between God and man, in cases where man by his
righteous influence commits unlawful actions, let them remem-
ber what is advanced by Augustine in another place: " Who
can but tremble at those judgments, when God does even in
the hearts of the wicked whatsoever he pleases, and yet renders
to them according to their demerits?" And certainly it would
no more be right to attribute to God the blame of the perfidy
of Judas, because he decreed fhe delivery of his Son, and
actually delivered him to death; than to transfer to Judas the
praise of redemption. Therefore the same writer elsewhere
informs us, that in this scrutiny God inquires, not what men
could have done, nor what they have done, but what they
intended to do, that he may take cognizance of their design and
their will. Let those to whom there appears any harshness
in this procedure, consider a little how far their obstinacy is
(q) 1 Kings xii. 15. SChron.x. 15. (r) 2 Kings x. 7, 9, 10.
254 INSTITUTES, &c. [BOOK i.
tolerable, while they reject a truth which is attested by plain
testimonies of Scripture, because it exceeds their comprehen-
sion, and condemn the publication of those things which God,
unless he had known that the knowledge of them would be
useful, would never have commanded to be taught by his
Prophets and Apostles. For 9ur wisdom ought to consist^in
embracing with gentle docility, and without any exception, all
that is delivered in the sacred Scriptures. But those who oppose
this doctrine with less modesty and greater violence, since it is
evident that their opposition is against God, are unworthy of a
longer refutation.
On the Knowledge of God the Redeemer in Christy which
was revealed first to the Fathers under the /./aw, and
since to its in the Gospel.
L HE discussion of the first part of the Apostolic Creed, on the
knowledge of God the Creator, being finished, is followed by
another, on the knowledge of God the Redeemer in Christ,
which is the subject of this Second Book.
It treats, first, of the occasion of redemption, that is, the fall of
Adam; secondly, of the redemption itself. The former of these
subjects occupies the first five chapters; the remaining ones are
assigned to the latter.
On the occasion of redemption, it treats, not only of the fall in
general, but also of its effects in particular; that is, of original
sin, the slavery of the will, the universal corruption of human
nature, the operation of God in the hearts of men Chap. I IV.
to which is subjoined a refutation of the objections commonly
adduced in defence of free will Chap. V.
The discourse on redemption may be divided into five principal
parts. It shews,
1 . In whom salvation must be sought by lost man, that is in Christ-
Chap. VI.
2. How Christ has been manifested to the world: which has beei:
in two ways; first, under the law (which introduces an explana-
tion of the Decalogue, and a discussion of some other things re-
lative to the Law) Chap. VII. VIII.; secondly, under the Gospel,
which leads to a statement of the similarity and difference of the
two Testaments Chap. IX XI.
3. What kind of a being it was necessary for Christ to be, in order
to his fulfilment of the office of a Mediator; that is, God and
man in one person Chap. XII XIV.
4. The end of his mission from the Father into the world Chap. XV.
which explains his prophetical, regal, and sacerdotal offices.
5. The methods or steps by which he fulfilled the part of a Re-
deemer, to procure our salvation Chap. XVI. which discusses
the articles relating to his crucifixion, death, burial, descent into
hell, resurrection, ascension to heaven, session at the right hand
of the Father, and the benefits arising from this doctrine. Then
follows Chap. XVII. a solution of the question, Whether Christ
merited for us the grace of God and salvation?
The Fall and Defection of Adam the Cause of the Curse in-
flicted on all Mankind, and of their Degeneracy from their
primitive Condition. The Doctrine of Original Sin.
J. HERE is much reason in the old adage, which so strongly
recommends to man the knowledge of himself. For if it be
thought disgraceful to be ignorant of whatever relates to the
conduct of human life, ignorance of ourselves is much more
shameful, which causes us, in deliberating on subjects' of im-
portance, to grope our way in miserable obscurity, or even in
total darkness. But in proportion to the utility of this precept
ught to be our caution not to make a preposterous use of it;
as we see some philosophers have done. For while they exhort
man to the knowledge of himself, the end they propose is that
he may not remain ignorant of his own dignity and excellence:
nor do they wish him to contemplate in himself any thing but
what may swell him with vain confidence, and inflate him with
pride. But the knowledge of ourselves consists, first, in con-
sidering what was bestowad on us at our creation, and the
favours we continually receive from the Divine benignity, that
we may know how great the excellence of our nature would
have been, if it had retained its integrity; yet at the same
time, recollecting that we have nothing properly our own, may
VOL. I. 2 K
feel our precarious tenure of all that God hath conferred on
us, so as always to place our dependence upon him. SrcomlK ,
we should contemplate our miserable condition since the full oi
Adam, the sense of which tends to destroy all boasting and
confidence, to overwhelm us with shame, and to fill us with
real humility. For as God at the beginning formed us after
his own image, that he might elevate our minds both to the
practice of virtue, and to the contemplation of eternal life; so,
to prevent the great excellence of our species, which distin-
guishes us from the brutes, from being buried in sottish indo-
lence, it is worthy of observation, that the design of our being
endued with reason and intelligence is, that leading a holy and
virtuous life, we may aspire to the mark set before us of a
blessed immortality. But we cannot think upon that primeval
dignity, without having our attention immediately called to the
melancholy spectacle of our disgrace and ignominy, since in
the person of the first man we are fallen from our original condi-
tion. Hence arises disapprobation and abhorrence of ourselves,
and real humility; and we are inflamed with fresh ardour tu
seek after God, to recover in him those excellencies of which
we find ourselves utterly destitute.
II. This is what the truth of God directs us to seek in the
examination of ourselves: it requires a knowledge that will
abstract us from all confidence in our own ability, deprive
us of every cause of boasting, and reduce us to submission.
We must observe this rule, if we wish to reach the proper
point of knowledge and action. I am aware of the superior
plausibility of that opinion, which invites us rather to a consi-
deration of our goodness, than to a view of our miserable
poverty and ignominy, which ought to overwhelm us with
shame. For there is nothing more desired by the human
mind than soothing flatteries; and therefore, to hear its ex-
cellencies magnified, it listens with extreme credulity. Where-
fore it is the less wonderful that the majority of mankind have
fallen into such a pernicious error. For an immoderate self-
love being innate in all men, they readily persuade themselves
that there is nothing in them which justly deserves to be an
object of aversion. Thus without any extraneous support,
this very false opinion, that man has in himself sufficient
ability to ensure his own virtue and happiness, generally pre-
vails. But if some prefer more modest sentiments, though
they concede something to God, in order to avoid the appear -
anCe of arrogating every thing to themselves, yet they make
such a distribution, that the principal cause of boasting and
confidence always remains with them. If they hear any dis-
course that flatters the pride already operating spontaneously in
their hearts, nothing can gratify them more. Therefore every
one who in his preaching has kindly extolled the excellence of
human nature, has received great applause from almost all
ages. But such a commendation of human excellence as
teaches man to be satisfied with himself, only enamours him
of his own amiableness, and thus produces an illusion which
involves those who assent to it in most dreadful perdition. For
to what purpose is it for us, relying on all our vain confidence,
to deliberate, to determine, and to attempt things which we
think tend to our advantage; and in ovir first efforts, to find
ourselves destitute of sound understanding and true virtue;
yet securely to proceed, till we fall into destruction? But
this must be the fate of all who confide in the efficacy of their
own virtue. Whoever therefore attends to such teachers as
amuse us with a mere exhibition of our virtues, will make no
progress in the knowledge of himself, but will be absorbed in
the most pernicious ignorance.
III. Therefore, whilst the truth of God agrees in this point
with the common consent of all mankind, that the second
branch of wisdom consists in the knowledge of ourselves,
yet with respect to the knowledge itself there is no small dis-
n^reenient. For according to carnal apprehension, a man is
thought to be well acquainted with himself, when confiding
in his own understanding and integrity, he assumes a presump-
tuous boldness, incites himself to the duties of virtue, and de-
claring war against vice, uses his most strenuous endeavours to
adhere to what is fair and honourable. But he, who inspects
and examines himself by the rule of the Divine judgment, finds
nothing that can raise his mind to a genuine confidence; and
the more fully he has examined himself, the greater is his
dejection: till entirely discarding all confidence, he leaves him-
self no principle for the proper conduct of his life. Yet it is
not the will of God that we should forget the primitive dignity,
conferred by him on our father Adajn, which ought justly to
awaken us to the pursuit of righteousness and gobdness. For
we cannot reflect on our original condition, and on the end
of our creation, without being excited to meditate on immor-
tality, and to aspire after the kingdom of God. But this re-
flection is so far from elating us with pride, that it rather pro-
duces humility. For what is that original condition? That
from which we are fallen. What is that end of our creation?
That from which we are wholly departed; so that we should
lament the miseries of our present state, and in the midst of
our lamentation, aspire after the dignity which we have lost.
Now when we say that man should behold in himself nothing
that might elate him with pride, we mean that there is nothing
in him in the confidence of which he ought to be proud.
Wherefore we may divide the knowledge man ought to have
of himself into these two parts. First, he should consider the end
of his being created and endued with such estimable- gifts; a
reflection which may excite him to the consideration of divine
worship, and of a future life. Secondly, he should examine
his own ability, or rather his want of ability, the view of which
may confound and almost annihilate him. The former con-
sideration is adapted to acquaint him with his duty, the latter
with his power to perform it. We shall treat of them both in
regular order.
IV. But since it could not have been a trivial offence, but
must have been a detestable crime, that was so severely punished
by God, we must consider the nature of Adam's sin, which
kindled the dreadful flame of divine wrath against the whole
human race. The vulgar opinion concerning the intemperance
of gluttony is quite puerile. As though the sum and substance
of all virtues consisted in an abstinence from one particular
kind of fruit, when there were diffused on every side all the
delights which could possibly be desired, and the happy fecun-
dity of the earth afforded an abundance and variety of dainties.
We must therefore look farther, because the prohibition of
the tree of knowledge of good and evil was a test of obedience,
that Adam might prove his willing submission to the divine
government. And 4he name itself shews that the precept was
given for no other purpose than that he might be contented
with his condition, and not aim with criminal cupidity at any
higher. But the promise which authorised him to expect
external life, as long as he should eat of the tree of life, and on
the other hand, the dreadful denunciation of death, as soon as
he should taste of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, were
calculated for the probation and exercise of his faith. Hence
it is easy to infer, by what means Adam provoked the wrath
of God against him. Augustine indeed properly observes, that
pride was the firs^t of all evils: because if ambition had not elated
man beyond what was lawful and right, he might have continued
in his honourable situation. But we may obtain a more com-
plete definition from the nature of the temptation, as described
by Moses. For as the woman, by the subtlety of the serpent,
was seduced to discredit the word of God, it is evident that the
fall commenced in disobedience. This is also confirmed by Paul,
who states that all men were ruined by the disobedience of one. (*)
But it is also to be observed, that when the first man rebelled
against the government of God, he not only was ensnared by
the allurements of Satan, but despised the truth, and turned
aside to falsehood. And there certainly can be no reverence
oi God left, where his word is contemned; for we preserve a
sense of his majesty and the purity of his worship, no longer
than we implicity attend to his voice. Infidelity therefore
was the root of that defection. But hence sprang ambition,
pride, and ingratitude, since Adam, by coveting more than
was granted, offered an indignity to the Divine goodness,
which had so greatly enriched him. Now it was monstrous
impiety, that a son of the earth should not be satisfied with
being made after the similitude of God, unless he could also be
equal to him. If apostacy, which consists in revolting from
the government of the Creator, and petulantly rejecting his
authority, be a base and execrable crime, it is a vain attempt
to extenuate the sin of Adam. Though the transgression of
our first parents was not simple apostacy; they were also
guilty of vile reproaches against God, in consenting to the
calumnies of Satan, who accused God of falsehood, envy,
(a) Roro, v.l 9
malignity. Finally, infidelity opened the gate to ambition,
and ambition produced obstinacy, so that they cast off the fear
of God, and precipitated themselves whithersoever they were
led by their lawless desires. With propriety therefore, Ber-
nard teaches that the gate of salvation is open to us, when in
the present day we receive the Gospel with our ears, as death
was once admitted at the same doors when they lay open to
Satan. For Adam had never dared to resist the authority of
God, if he had not discredited his word. This was certainly
the best check for a due regulation of all the affections, that the
chief good consists in the practice of righteousness in obedi
ence to the commands of God; and that the ultimate end of
a happy life is to be beloved by him. Being sedueed there-
fore by the blasphemies of the devil, he did all that was in his
power towards a total annihilation of the glory of God.
V. As the spiritual life of Adam consisted in a union to his
Maker, so an alienation from him was the death of his soul.
Nor is it surprising that he ruintd his posterity by his defec-
tion, which has perverted the whole order of nature in heaven
and earth. " The creatures groan," says Paul, " being made
subject to vanity, not willingly." (?) If the cause be inquired,
il is undoubtedly that they sustain part of the punishment
due to the demerits of man, for whose use they were created.
And his guilt being the origin of that curse which extends
to every part of the world, it is reasonable to conclude its
propagation to all his offspring. Therefore when the Divine
image in him was obliterated, and he was punished with the
loss of wisdom, strength, sanctity, truth, and righteousness,
with which he had been adorned, but which were succeeded
by the dreadful pests of ignorance, impotence, impurity, vanity,
and iniquity, he suffered not nlone, but involved all his posterity
with him, and plunged them into the same miseries. This is
that hereditary corruption which the fathers called original
sin; meaning by sin, the depravation of a nature previously
good and pure. On which subject they had much contention,
nothing being more remote from common sense, than that all
should be criminated on account of the guilt of one, and thus
his sin become common. Which seems to have been the reason
(0 Rom. via. 20, 22.
why the most ancient doctors of the Church did but obscurely
glance at this point, or at least explained it with less perspi-
cuity than it required. Yet this timidity could not prevent
Pelagius from arising, who profanely pretended, that the sin
of Adam only ruined himself, and did not injure his descendants.
By concealing the disease with this delusion, Satan attempted
to render it incurable. But when it was evinced by the plain
testimony of the Scripture, that sin was communicated from
the first man to all his posterity, he sophistically urged,
that .it wa communicated by imitation, not by propagation.
Therefore good men, and beyond all others Augustine, have
laboured to demonstrate that we are not corrupted fey any
adventitious means, but that we derive an innate depravity
from our very birth. The denial of this was an instance of
consummate impudence. But the temerity of the Pelagians
and Celestians will not appear surprising to him who perceives
from the writings of Augustine, what a want of modesty they
discovered in every thing else. There is certainly no ambiguity
in the confession of David, that he was shapen in iniquity, and
in sin his mother conceived him. (u) He is not there exposing
the sins of his mother or of his father; but to enhance his
commendations of the Divine goodness towards him, he com-
mences the confession of his depravity from the time of his
conception. As it is evident that this was not peculiar to David,
it is fairly concluded, that his case exemplifies the common
condition of mankind. Every descendant therefore from the
impure source, is born infected with the contagion of sin; and
even before we behold the light of life, we are in the sight
of God defiled and polluted. For " who can bring a clean
thing out of an unclean?" The book of Job tells us, " Not
one." (tf)
VI. We have heard that the impurity of the parents is so
transmitted to the children, that all, without a single excep-
tion, are polluted as soon as they exist. But we shall not find
the origin of this pollution, unless we ascend to the first parent
of us all, as to the fountain which sends forth all the streams.
Thus it is certain that Adam was not only the progenitor, but
as it were the root of mankind, and therefore that all the rac>:
(?0 Psalm li. 5. ( w ) Job xiV. 4.
were necessarily vitiated in his corruption. The Apostle ex-
plains this by a comparison between him and Christ: " As,"
says he, u by one man sin entered into the world, and death
by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have
sinned:" (_v) so by the grace of Christ, righteousness and life
have been restored to us. What cavil will the Pelagians
raise here? That the sin of Adam was propagated by imita-
tion? Do we then receive no other advantage from the righ-
teousness of Christ, than the proposal of an example for our
imitation? Who can bear such blasphemy? But if it cannot
be controverted that the righteousness of Christ is ours by
communication, and life as its consequence; it is equally evi-
dent that both were lost in Adam, in the same manner in
which they were recovered in Christ, and that sin and death
were introduced by Adam, in the same manner in which they
are abolished by Christ. There is no obscurity in the declara-
tion, that many are made righteous by the obedience of
Christ, (jf) as they had been made sinners by the disobedience
of Adam. And therefore between these two persons there is
this relation, that the one ruined us by involving us in his
destruction, the other by his grace has restored us to salva-
tion. Any more prolix or tedious proof of a truth supported
by such clear evidence must, I think, be unnecessary. Thus
also in the first Epistle to the Corinthians, with a view to
confirm the pious in a confidence of the resurrection, he shew^.
that the life which had been lost in Adam, was recovered in
Christ. (2) He, who pronounces that we were all dead in
Adam, does also at the same time plainly declare, that \vt;
were implicated in the guilt of his sin. For no condemnation
could reach those who were perfectly clear from all charge ot
iniquity. But his meaning cannot be better understood than
from the relation of the other member of the sentence, where
he informs us that the hope of life is restored in Christ. But
that is well known to be accomplished, only when Christ, by
a wonderful communication, transfuses into us the virtue of
his righteousness: as it is elsewhere said, "The Spirit is life,
because of righteousness." (a) No other explanation therefore
(x) Rom. v. 12. O) Rom - v - 19 '
(3) 1 Cor. xv. 22. 00 R<> m - >'* 10 -
can be given of our being said to be dead in Adam, than that
his transgression not only procured misery and ruin for him-
self, but also precipitated our nature into similar destruction.
And that not by his personal guilt as an individual, which
pertains not to us, but because he infected all his descendants
with the corruption into which he had fallen. Otherwise there
would be no truth in the assertion of Paul, that all are by
nature children of wrath, () if they had not been already under
the curse even before their birth. Now it is easily inferred
that our nature is there characterised, not as it was created by
God, but as it was vitiated in Adam: because it would be
unreasonable to make God the author of death. Adam there-
fore corrunigd himself in such a manner, that the contagion
if i 111- rr* A i
IKIS been communicated from him to all his offspring. And
Christ himself, the heavenly Judge, declares, in the most un-
equivocal terms, that all are born in a state of pravity and
corruption, when he teaches, that " whatsoever is born of the
flesh is flesh," (c) and that therefore the gate of life is closed
against all who have not been regenerated.
VII. Nor, to enable us to understand this subject, have we any
need to enter on that tedious dispute, with which the Father ;
were not a little perplexed, whether the soul .of a son proceeds
by derivation or transmission from the soul of the father, be-
cause the soul is the principal seat of the pollution. We
ought to be satisfied with this, that the Lord deposited with
Adam the endowments he chose to confer on the human
nature; and therefore that when he lost the favours he had
received, he lost them not only for himself, but for us all.
Who will be solicitous about a transmission of the soul, when
he hears that Adam received the ornaments that he lost, no
less for us than for himself? that they were given, not to one
man only, but to the whole human nature? There is nothing
absurd therefore, if in consequence of his being spoiled of his
dignities, that nature be destitute and poor; if in consequence
of his being polluted with sin, the whole nature be infected
with the contagion. From a putrefied root therefore have
sprung putrid branches, which have transmitted their putre-
(6) Ephcs. ii. 3. (c) John iii. 5, 6.
VOL. I. 2 L
j>cence to remoter ramifications. For the children were so
vitiated in their parent, that triey became contagious to their
descendants: there was in Adam such a spring of corruption,
that it is transfused from parents to children in a perpetual
stream. But the cause of the contagion is not in the substance
of the body or of the soul; but because it was ordamed_by
God, that the gifts which he conferred on the first man should
_ + i O
by him be preserved or lost both for himself and for all his
posterity. But the cavil of the Pelagians, that it is improbable
that children should derive corruption from pious parents,
whereas they ought rather to be sanctified by their purity, is
easily refuted. For triey descend from their carnal generation,
not from their spiritual generation. Therefore, as Augustine
says, " Neither the guilty unbeliever, nor the justified believer,
generates innocent, but guilty children; because the generation
of both is from corrupted nature." If they in some measure
participate of the sanctity of their parents, that is the peculiar
benediction of the people of God, which supersedes not the
first and universal curse previously denounced on the human
nature. For their guilt is from nature, but their sanctification
from supernatural grace.
VIII. To remove all uncertainty and misunderstanding on
this subject, kt us define original sin. It is not my intention
to discuss all the definitions given by writers; I shall only
produce one which I think perfectly consistent with the truth.
[Original sin therefore appears to be an hereditary pravity and
corruption of our nature, diffused through all the parts of the
soul: rendering us obnoxious to the Divine wrath, and pro-
ducing in us those works which the Scripture calls " works of
the flesh^j^) And this is indeed what Paul frequently denomi-
nates sin. The works which proceed thence, such as adulteries,
fornications, thefts, hatreds, murders, revellings, he calls in the
same manner "fruits of sin;" although they are also called
"sins" in many passages of Scripture, and even by himself.
These two things therefore should be distinctly observed: first,
that our nature being so totally vitiated and depraved, we are
>n account of this very Corruption, considered as convicted and
r; a l. v. 19.
justly condemned in the sight of God, to whom nothing is
acceptable but righteousness, innocence, and purity. And this
liableness to punishment arises not from the delinquency of
another: for when it is said that the sin of Adam renders us
obnoxious to the Divine judgment, it is not to be understood
as if we, though innocent, were undeservedly loaded with the
guilt of his sin; but because we are all subject to a curse, in
consequence of his transgression, he is therefore said to have
involved us in guilt. Nevertheless we derive from him, nut
onlv the punishment, but also the pollution to which the
mi fntmm-f j^amfm^s^^m^zxa^^-. ! -^ TrTOTr)Mmfimrir ^L*^ ^E- >ytT ^^ tf ^ rrM ^ lMItrJ ^Bai
punishment is justly due. Wherefore Augustine, though he
Frequently calls it the sin of another, the more clearly to indicate
its transmission to us by propagation; yet at the same time
he also asserts it properly to belong to every individual. And
the Apostle himself expressly declares, that " death has there-
fore passed upon all men, for that all have sinned," (e} that is,
have been involved in original sin, and defiled with its ble-
mishes. /And therefore infants themselves, as they bring their
condemnation into the world with them, are rendered obnoxious
to punishment by their own sinfulness, not by the sinfulness
of another. For though they have not yet produced the fruits
of their iniquity, yet they have the seed of it within them;
even their whole nature is as it were a seed of sin, and there-
fore cannot but be odious and abominable to God. -Whence
it follows, that it is properly accounted sin in the sight of God,
because there could be no guilt without crime. The other
thing to be remarked is, that this depravity never ceases in us,
but is perpetually producing new fruits, those works of the
flesh, which we have before described, like the emission of
flame and sparks from a heated furnace; or like the streams of
water from a never-failing spring. Wherefore those who have
defined original sin as a privation of the original righteous-
ness, which we ought to possess, though they comprise the
whole of the subject, yet have not used language sufficiently
expressive of its operation and influence. For our nature is
not only destitute of all good, but is so fertile in all evils that
it cannot remain inactive. Those who have called it concn-
(f) Rom. v. 12.
pisccncc, have used an expression not improper, if it were only
added, which is far from being conceded by most persons, that
(.very thing in man, the understanding and will, the soul and
body, is polluted and engrossed by this concupiscence; or, to
express it more briefly, that man is of himself nothing else
but concupiscence.
IX. Wherefore I have asserted that sin has possessed all the
powers of the soul, since Adam departed from the fountain of
righteousness. For man has not only been ensnared by the
inferior appetites, but abominable impiety has seized the very
citadel of his mind, and pride has penetrated into the inmost
recesses of his heart. So that it is weak and foolish to restrict
the corruption which has proceeded thence, to what are called
the sensual affections, or to call it an incentive which allures,
excites, and attracts to sin, only what they style, the sensual
part. In which the grossest ignorance has been discovered by
Peter Lombard, who when investigating the seat of it, says,
that it is in the flesh, according to the testimony of Paul, (y)
not indeed exclusively, but because it principally appears in
the flesh. As though Paul designated only a part of the soul,
and not the whole of our nature, which is opposed to super-
natural grace. Now Paul removes every doubt by informing
us that the corruption resides not in one part only, but that
there is nothing pure and uncontaminated by its mortal infec-
tion. For when arguing respecting corrupt nature, he not
only condemns the inordinate motions of the appetites, but
principally insists on the blindness of the mind, and the de-
pravity of the heart: () and the third chapter of his Epistle
to the Romans is nothing but a description of original sin.
This appears more evident from our renovation. For "the
Spirit," which is opposed to " the old man" and " the flesh," not
only denotes the grace, which corrects the inferior or sensual
part of the soul, but comprehends a complete reformation of all
its powers. And therefore Paul not only enjoins us to mortify
our sensual appetites, but exhorts us to be renewed in the
spirit of our mind; (A) and in another place he directs us to
be transformed by the renewing of our mind, (z) Whence it
(/) Rom. vii. 18. ( g) Ephes. iv. 17, 18.
(A) Ephes. iv. 23. (i) Rom. xii. 2.
follows, that that part, which principally displays the excellence
and dignity of the soul, is not only wounded, but so corrupted,
that it requires not merely to be healed, but to receive a new-
nature. How far sin occupies both the mind and the heart,
we shall presently see. My intention here was only to hint, in
a brief way, that man is so totally overwhelmed, as with a de-
j r ^^*** Jug ^^*** r *' 3 *-* v **^* ll **^*****WW|^BiWWBB**MiiOM^^^W' .
luge, that no part is free^frpm sin; and therefore that whatever
proceeds from him is accounted sin: as Paul says that all the
affections or thoughts of the flesh, or the carnal mind, is enmity
against God, and therefore death. (>)
X. Now let us dismiss those, who dare to charge God with
their corruptions, because we say that men are naturally cor-
rupt. They err in seeking for the work of God in their own
pollution, whereas they should rather seek it in the nature of
Adam while yet innocent and_uncorruptcd. Our perdition
therefore proceeds from the sinfulness of our flesh, not from
God; it being only a consequence of our degenerating from
our primitive condition. And let no one murmur that God
might have made a better provision for our safety, by prevent-
ing the fall of Adam. For such an objection ought to be
abominated, as too presumptuously curious, by all pious minds,
and it also belongs to the mystery j)f predestination, which
shall afterwards be treated in its proper place. Wherefore let
us remember, that our fall must be imputed to a corruption of
nature, that we may not bring an accusation against God him-
self, the Author of nature. That this fatal wound is inherent
in our nature, is indeed a truth; but it is an important ques-
tion whether it was in it originally, or was derived from
any extraneous -cause. But it is evident that it was occasioned
by sin. We have therefore no reason to complain, but of our-
selves; which in the Scripture is distinctly remarked. For the
Preacher says, " This only have I found, that God hath made
men upright; but they have sought out many inventions." (/)
It is clear that the misery of man must be ascribed solely to
himself, since he was favoured with rectitude by the Divine
goodness, but has lapsed into vanity through his own folly.
XI. We say therefore that man is corrupted by a natural
(*) Rom. viii. 6, 7. (/) Eccles. vii. 29.
depravity, but which did not originate from nature. We deny
that it proceeded from nature, to signify that it is rather an
adventitious quality or accident, than a substantial property
originally innate. Yet we call it natural, that no one may
suppose it to be contracted by every individual from corrupt
habit, whereas it prevails over all by hereditary right. Nor
is this representation of ours without authority. For the same
reason the Apostle says, that we are all by nature the children
of wrath, (m) How could God, who is pleased with all his
meanest works, be angry with the noblest of all his creatures?
But he is angry rather with the corruption of his work, than
with his work itself. Therefore, if on account of the corrup-
tion of human nature, man be justly said to be naturally
abominable to God, he may also be truly said to be naturally
depraved and corrupt: as Augustine, in consequence of the
corruption of nature, hesitates not to call those sins natural,
which necessarily predominate in our flesh, where they are not
prevented by the grace of God. Thus vanishes the foolish
and nugatory system of the Manicheans, who, having imagined
in man a substantial wickedness, presumed to invent for him a
new creator, that they might not appear to assign the cause
and origin of evil to a righteous God.
Man in his present State despoiled of Freedom of Witt, and
subjected to a miserable Slavery.
SlNCE we have seen that the domination of sin, from the
time of its subjugation of the first man, not only extends over
the whole race, but also exclusively possesses ever}' soul; it
now remains to be more closely investigated, whether we_are
despoiled of all freedom, and, if any particle of it yet remain,
how far its power extends. But that we may the more easily
lisrover the truth of this question, I will first set up by the
(in} Ephes. ii. 5.
way a mark, by which our whole course must be regulated.
The best method of guarding against error is to consider the
dangers which threaten us on every side. For when man is
declared to be destitute of all rectitude, he immediately makes
it an occasion of slothfulness; and because he is said to have
no power of himself for the pursuit of righteousness, he totally
neglects it, as though it did not at all concern him. On the
other hand, he cannot arrogate any thing to himself, be it ever
so little, without God being robbed of his honour, and himself
being endangered by presumptuous temerity. Therefore to
avoid striking on either of these rocks, this will be the course
to be pursued; [That man being taught that he has nothing
good left in his possession, and being surrounded on every
side with the most miserable necessity, should nevertheless be
instructed to aspire to the good of which he is destitute, and to
the liberty of which he is deprived; and should be roused
from indolence with more earnestness, than if he were sup-
posed to be possessed of the greatest strengtRT/The necessity
of the latter is obvious to every one. The former, I perceive,
is doubted by more than it ought to be. For this being placed
beyond all controversy, that man must not be deprived of any
thing that properly belongs to him, it ought also to be mani-
fest how important it is that he should be prevented from
false boasting. For if he was not even then permitted to
glory in himself, when by the Divine beneficence he was de-
corated with the noblest ornaments, how much ought he now
to be humbled, when on account of his ingratitude he has been
hurled from the summit of glory to the abyss of ignominy?
At that time, I say, when he was exalted to the most honour-
able eminence, the Scripture attributes nothing to him, but
that he was created after the image of God; which certainly
implies that IMS happiness consisted not in any goodness of his
nw p fc but in a participation of God. What then remains for
him now, deprived of all glory, but that he acknowledge God,
to whose beneficence he could not be thankful, when hr
abounded in the riches of his favour? and that he now at least
by a confession of his poverty glorify him, whom he glorified
not by an acknowledgment of his blessings? It is also no less
conducive to our interest than to the Divine glory, that all
iht' praise of wisdom and strength be taken away from us; so
that they join sacrilege to our fall, who ascribe to us any thing
more than truly belongs to us. For Avhat else is the conse-
quence, when we are taught to contend in our own strength,
but that we are lifted into the air on a reed, which being soon
broken, we fall to the ground. Though our strength is placed
in too favourable a point of view, when it is compared to a reed.
For it is nothing but smoke, whatever vain men have imagined
and pretend concerning it. Wherefore it is not without rea-
son, that that remarkable sentence is so frequent!}- repeated by
Augustine, that free will is rather overthrown than established
even by its own advocates. It was necessary to premise these
things for the sake of some who, when they hear that humui:
power is . iy subverted in order tbnt the power of Got!
may i ishecl in man, inveteratclv hate this whole argu-
ment, as dangerous and unprofitable: which yet appears to be
highly useful to us, and essential to true religion.
II. As we have just before said that the faculties of the
soul consist in the mind and the heart, let us now consider the
ability of each. The philosophers indeed with general consent,
pretend, that in the mind presides Reason, which like a lamp
illuminates with its counsels, and like a queen governs the
will: for that it is so irradiated with Divine light as to be able
to give the best counsels, and endued with such vigour as to be
qualified to govern in the most excellent manner: that Sense,
on the contrary, is torpid and afflicted with weakness of sight,
so that it always creeps on the ground, and is absorbed in the
grossest objects, nor ever elevates itself to a view of the truth:
that Appetite, if it can submit to the obedience of reason, and
resist the attractions of sense, is inclined to the practice of
virtues, travels the path of rectitude, and is formed into will;
but that if it be devoted to the servitude of sense, it is thereby
so corrupted and depraved as to degenerate into lust. And
as according to their opinion there reside in the soul those
facultit-s which I have before mentioned, understanding, sense,
and appetite, or will, which appellation is now more commonly
used; they ass. rt that the understanding is endued with reason,
that most excellent guide to a good and a happy life, pro-
vided it only maintains itself in its own excellence, and exerts
its innate power. But that the inferior affection of the soul,
which is called sense, and by which it is seduced into error, is
of such a nature that it may be tamed and gradually con-
quered by the rod of reason. They place the will in the middle
station between reason and sense, as perfectly at liberty, whe-
ther it chooses to obey reason, or to submit to the violence of
III. Sometimes indeed, being convinced by the testimony of
experience, they admit how extremely difficult it is for a man
to establish within him the kingdom of reason; while he is
exposed at one time to the solicitations of alluring plea-
sures, at another to the delusions of pretended blessings,
and at others to the violent agitations of immoderate
passions, compared by Plato to so many cords dragging him
in various directions. For which reason Cicero says, that
the sparks kindled by nature are soon extinguished by corrupt
opinions and evil manners. But when such maladies have
once taken possession of the human mind, they acknowledge
their progress to be too violent to be easily restrained: nor do
they hesitate to compare them to fierce horses, who having
rejected reason, like horses that have thrown off the charioteer,
indulge themselves in every extravagance, without the least
restraint. But they consider it as beyond all controversy, that
virtue and vice are in our own power: for if it be at our elec-
tion, they say, to do this or that, therefore it must also be, to
abstain from doing it. And, on the other hand, if we are free-
to abstain from it, we must also be free to do it. But we ap-
pear freely and voluntarily to do those things which we do,
and to abstain from those things from which we abstain;
therefore if we do any good action, when we please we may
omit it; if we perpetrate any evil, that also we may avoid.
Moreover, some of them have advanced to such a degree of
presumption, as to boast, that we are indebted to the gods for
our life, but for a virtuous and religious one to ourselves:
whence also that assertion of Cicero, in the person of Cotta,
that, since every man acquires virtue for himself, none of the
wise men have ever thanked God for it. " For," says he, " we
are praised for virtue, and in virtue we glory; which would
not be the case, if it were a gift of God, and did not originate
VOL. I. 2 M
from ourselves." And a little after, "This is the judgment of
all men, that fortune must be asked of God, but that wisdom
must be derived from ourselves." This then is the substance
of the opinion of all the philosophers, that the reason of the
human understanding is sufficient for its proper government;
that the will, being subject to it, is indeed solicited by sense
to evil objects, but, as it has a free choice, there can be no
impediment to its following reason as its guide in all things.
IV. Among the ecclesiastical writers, though there has not
been one, who would not acknowledge both that human reason
is grievously wounded by sin, and that the will is very much
embarrassed by corrupt aifections, yet many of them have
followed the philosophers far beyond what is right. The early
Fathers appear to me to have thus extolled human power
from a fear lest if they openly confessed its impotence, they
might in the first place incur the derision of the philoso-
phers, with whom they were then contending; and in the
next place, might administer to the flesh, of itself naturally
too torpid to all that is good, a fresh occasion of slothfulness.
To avoid delivering any principle deemed absurd in the com-
mon opinion of mankind, they made it their study therefore to
compromise between the doctrine of the scripture and the
dogmas of the philosophers. Yet it appears from their language,
that they principally regarded the latter consideration; that
they might leave no room for slothfulness. Chrysostom says,
" Since God hath placed good and ev il things in our power,
he hath given us freedom of choice; and he constrains not the
unwilling, but embraces the willing." Again: " Oftentimes a
bad man, if he will, is changed into a good one; and a good one
falls into inactivity, and becomes bad: because God hath given
us naturally a free will; and imposes no necessity upon us, but
having provided suitable remedies, permits the event to depend
entirely on the mind of the patient." Again: " As without the
assistance of Divine grace we can never do any thing aright, so
unless we bring what is our own, we shall never be able to gain
the favour of heaven." He had before said, " That it ma}- not
be entirely of the Divine assistance, it behoves us also to bring
something." And this is an expression very familiar Avith
him: "Let us bring uh:n '^ >m v . Mod will supply the rest."
Agreeably to which Jerome says, " That it belongs to us to
begin, and to God to complete; that it is our's to offer what
we can, but his to supply our deficiencies." In these sen-
tences you see they certainly attributed to man .more than
could justly be attributed to him towards the pursuit of virtue;
because they supposed it impossible to awaken our innate
torpor, otherwise than by arguing that this alone constitutes
our guilt: but with what great dexterity they did it, we shall see
in the course of our work. That the passages which we have
recited are exceedingly erroneous, will shortly be proved. Al-
though the Greeks beyond all others, and among them parti-
cularly Chrysostom, have exceeded all bounds in extolling the
ability of the human will, yet such are the variations, fluctua-
tions, or obscurities of all the fathers, except Augustine, on this
' . - - } * <5 7
subject, that scarcely any thing certain can be concluded from
their writings. Therefore we shall not scrupulously enumerate
the particular opinions of them all, but shall at times select from
one and another so much as the explication of the argument
shall appear to require. Succeeding writers being every one
for himself ambitious of the praise of subtlety in the defence of
human nature, gradually and successively fell into opinions
more and more erroneous; till at length man was commonly
supposed to be corrupted only in his sensual part, but to have
his will in a great measure, and his reason entirely, unimpaired.
In the mean time, it was proclaimed by every tongue, that the
natural talents in men were corrupted, but the supernatural
taken away: an expression of Augustine, of the import of
which scarcely one man in a hundred had the slightest idea.
For myself, if I meant clearly to state wherein the corruption
of nature consists, I could easily content myself with this
language. But it is of great importance, to examine with
attention what ability is retained by man in his present:
state, corrupted in all the parts of his nature, and de-
prived of supernatural gifts. This subject therefore has
been treated in too philosophical a manner by those who
gloried in being the disciples of Christ. For the Latins
have always retained the term free-will, as though man still
remained in his primitive integrity. And the Greeks have not
been ashamed to use an expression much more arrogant; for
they called it xvTtlur,*,, denoting that man possesses sovereign
power over himself. Since all men therefore, even the vulgar,
ire tinctured with this principle, that man is endued with
free will, and some of those who would be thought intelli-
gent know not how far this freedom extends: let us first
examine the meaning of the term, and then let us describe,
according to the simplicity of the Scripture, the power which
man naturally possesses to do either good or evil. What free
tyzV/is, though the expression frequently occurs in all writers, few
have defined. /Vet Origen appears to have advanced a posi-
tion to which they all assented, when he calls it a power of
reason to discern good and evil, of ivill to choose either. Nor
does Augustine differ from him, when he teaches that it is a
power of reason and will, by which good is chosen when grace
assists; and evil, when grace is wanting.jBernard, while he
affects greater subtlety, has expressed himself with more ob-
scurity: he says, it is a consent on account of the liberty of
\vill, which cannot be lost, and the judgment of reason, which
cannot be avoided. The definition of Anselm is not suffi-
ciently plain, who states it to be a power of preserving recti-
tude for its own sake. Therefore Peter Lombard and the
schoolmen have rather adopted the definition of Augustine,
because it was more explicit, and did not exclude the grace
of God, without which they perceived that the will had no
power of itself. But they also make such additions of their
own, as they conceived to be either better, or conducive to
further explication. First, they agree that the word arbttrhim,
tvill or choice, should rather be referred to reason, whose office
It is to discern between good and evil; and that the epithet
free belongs properly to the faculty of the will, which is capable
of being inclined to either. Wherefore, since liberty belongs
properly to the will, Thomas Aquinas says, that it would
be a very good definition, if free will were called an elective
power, which being composed of understanding and appetite,
inclines rather to appetite. We see where they represent the
power of free will to be placed, that is, in the reason and will.
It now remains briefly to inquire how much they attribute
respectively to each.
V. Common and external things, which do not pertain to
the kingdom of God, they generally consider as subject to the
free determination of man; but true righteousness they refer
to the special grace of God and spiritual regeneration. With
a view to support this notion, the author of the treatise, " On
the Vocation of the Gentiles," enumerates three kinds of will;
the first a sensitive, the second an animal, and the third a
spiritual one: the two former of which he states to be freely
exercised by us, and the last to be the work of the Holy Spirit
in us. The truth or falsehood of this shall be discussed in
the proper place; for my design at present is briefly to recite
the opinions of others, not to refute them. Hence, when
writers treat of free will, their first inquiry respects not its
ability in civil or external actions, but its power to obey the
Divine law. Though I confess the latter to be the principal
question, yet I think the other ought not to be wholly ne-
glected; and for this opinion I hope to give a very good reason.
But a distinction has prevailed in the schools, which enumerates
three kinds of liberty; the first, freedom from necessity, the
second, freedom from sin, the third, freedom from misery:
of which the first is naturally inherent in man, so that nothing
can ever deprive him of it; the other two are lost by sin.
This distinction I readily admit, except that it improperly
confounds necessity with co-action. And the wide difference
between these thmgs, with the necessity of its being con-
sidered, will appear in another place.
VI. This being admitted will place it beyond all doubt,
that man is not possessed of free will for good works, unless
he be assisted by grace, and that special grace which is bestowed
on the elect alone in regeneration. For I stop not to notice
those fanatics, who pretend that grace is offered equally and
promiscuously to all. But it does not yet appear, whether he
is altogether deprived of power to do good, or whether he
yet possesses some power, though small and feeble; which of
itself can do nothing, but by the assistance of grace does also
perform its part. Lombard, in order to establish this notion,
informs us that two sorts of grace are necessary to qualify us
for the performance of good works. One he calls operative,
by which we efficaciously will what is good; the other co-opera-
tive, which attends as auxiliary to a good will. This division
t dislike, because, while he attributes an efficacious desire of
what is good to the grace of God, he insinuates that man has
of his own nature antecedent, though ineffectual, desires after
what is good: as Bernard asserts that a good will is the work
of God, but yet allows that man is self-impelled to desire such
a good will. But this is very remote from the moaning of
Augustine, from whom however Lombard would be thought
to have borrowed this division. The second part of it offends
me by its ambiguity, which has produced a very erroneous
interpretation. For they have supposed that we co-operate
with the second sort of Divine grace, because we have it in
our power either to frustrate the first sort by rejecting it, or
to confirm it by our obedience to it. The author of the trea-
tise " On the Vocation of the Gentiles" expresses it thus, that
those who have the use of reason and judgment are at liberty
to depart from grace, that they may be rewarded for not
having departed, and that what is impossible without the
co-operation of the Spirit, may be imputed to their merits, by
whose will it might have beCn prevented. These two things
I have thought proper to notice as I proceed, that the reader
may perceive how much I dissent from the sounder schoolmen.
For I differ considerable more from the later sophists, as they
have departed much farther from the judgment of antiquity.
However, we understand from this division, in what sense they
have ascribed free will to man. For Lombard at length pro-
nounces, that we are not therefore possessed of free will, be-
cause we have an equal power to do or to think either good or
evil, but only because we are free from constraint. And this
liberty is not diminished, although we are corrupt and the
slaves of sin, and capable of doing nothing but sin.
VII. Then mini v.'ill he sn.icl to possess free will in this s.
not that he has^^n equally free election of good and evil, but
because lie does evil voluntarily and not by constraint. That
indeed is very true; but what end could it answer to decorate
a thing so diminutive with a title so superb? Egregious libert)'
indeed, if man be not compelled to serve sin, but yet is such
a willing slave, that his will is held in bondage by the fetters
of sin. I really abominate contentions about words, which
disturb the Church without producing anv pood effect: but I
think that we ought religiously to avoid words which signify
any absurdity, particularly when they lead to a pernicious
error. How few are there, pray, who, when they hear free
will attributed to man, do not immediately conceive, that he
has the sovereignty over his own mind and will, and is able
by his innate power to incline himself to whatever he pleases?
But it will be said, all danger from these expressions will be
removed, if the people are carefully apprised of their significa-
tion. But on the contrary, the human mind is naturally so
prone to falsehood, that it will sooner imbibe error from one ^
single expression, than truth from a prolix oration: of which
we have a more certain experiment than could be wished in
this very word. For neglecting that explanation of the fathers,
almost all their successors have been drawn into a fatal self-
confidence, by adhering to the original and proper signification
of the word.
VIII. But if we regard the authority of the fathers: though
they have the term continually in their mouths, they at the
same time declare with what extent of signification they use
it. First of all, Augustine, who hesitates not to call the will a
slave. He expresses his displeasure in one place against those
who deny free will: but he declares the principal reason for
it, when he says, " Only let no man dare so to deny the free-
dom of the will, as to desire to excuse sin." Elsewhere he
plainly confesses, that the human will is not free without the
Spirit, since it is subject to its lusts by which it is conquered
and bound. Again, that when the will was overcome by the
sin into which it fell, nature began to be destitute of liberty.
Again, that man having made a wrong use of his free will, lost
both it and himself. Again, that free will is in a state of
captivity, so that it can do nothing towards righteousness.
Again, that the will cannot be free, which has not been
liberated by Divine grace. Again, that the Divine justice is
not fulfilled, while the law commands, and man acts from his
own strength, but when the Spirit assists, and the human will
obeys, not as being free, but as liberated by God. And he
briefly assigns the cause 01* all this, \v^en,*Tn~ano\Ker place, he
tells us, that man at his creation received great strength of free
will, but lost it by sin. Therefore, having shewn that free will
is the result of grace, he sharply inveighs against those who
arrogate it to themselves without grace. " How then," says
he, " do miserable men dare to be proud of free will, before
they are liberated, or of their own strength, if they have been
liberated?" Nor do they consider that the term free will sig-
nifies liberty. But " where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is
liberty." (n) If therefore they are the slaves of sin, why do they
boast of free will? " For of whom a man is overcome, of the
same is he brought in bondage." (0) But if they have been
liberated, why do they boast as of their own work? Are they
so much at liberty as to refuse to be the servants of him who
says, " Without me ye can do nothing?" (^) Besides, in
another place also, he seems to discountenance the use of that
expression, when he says that the will is free, but not liberated;
free from righteousness, enslaved to sin. This sentiment he
also repeats and applies in another place, where he maintains
that man is not free from righteousness but by the choice of
his will, and that he is not made free from sin, but by the
grace of the Saviour. He, who declares that human liberty
is nothing but an emancipation or manumission from righ-
teousness, evidently exposes it to ridicule as an unmeaning
term. Therefore if any man allows himself the use of this
term without any erroneous signification, he will not be troubled
by me on that account: but because I think that it cannot be
retained without great danger, and that on the contrary its
abolition would be very beneficial to the Church; I would
neither use it myself, nor wish it to be used by others who may
consult my opinion.
IX. Perhaps I may be thought to have raised a great pre-
judice against myself, by confessing that all the ecclesiastical
writers, except Augustine, have treated this subject with such
ambiguities or variations, that nothing certain can be learned
from their writings. For some will interpret this, as though I
intended to deprive them of the right of giving their suffrages,
because their opinions are all adverse to mine. But I have
had no other object in view than simply and faithfully to con-
sultthc benefit of pious minds, who, if they wait to discover the
. C'ir. iii. !-. (o) 2 Peter ii. 19. (/>) John xv. 5.
sentiments of the fathers on this subject, will fluctuate in per-
petual uncertainty. At one time they teach man, despoiled
of all strength of free will, to have recourse to grace alone;
at another, they either furnish, or appear to furnish him with
armour naturally his own. Yet that amidst all this ambiguity
of expression, esteeming the strength of man as little or nothing,
they have ascribed the praise of every thing that is good en-
tirely to the Holy Spirit, is not difficult to prove, if I intro-
duce some passages from them, in which this sentiment is
clearly maintained. For what is the meaning of that assertion
of Cyprian, so frequently celebrated by Augustine, " That |
we ought to glory in nothing, because we have nothing of
our own," unless man, completely impoverished in himself,
learns to depend entirely on God? What is the meaning
of that observation of Augustine and Eucherius, when they
represent Christ as the tree of life, to whom whosoever shall
have stretched forth his hand shall live; and free will as the
tree of knowledge of good and evil, and say that whosoever
forsakes the grace of God and tastes of it shall die? What is
the meaning of that assertion of Chrysostom, that every man
by nature is not only a sinner, but altogether sin? If we
have not one good quality, if from his head to his feet man
be entirely sin, if it be wrong even to try how far the power of
the will extends; how then can it be right to divide the praise
of a good work between God and man? I could introduce
many such passages from other fathers; but lest any one
should cavil, that I select only those things which favour my
own cause, but artfully omit those which oppose it, I refrain
from such a recital. I venture to affirm, however, that though
they sometimes too highly extol free will, yet their design was
to teach man to discard all reliance on his own power, and to
consider all his strength as residing in God alone. I now pro-
ceed to a simple explication of the truth in considering the
nature of man.
X. But I am obliged to repeat here, what I premised in
the beginning of this chapter, that he who feels the most con-
sternation, from a consciousness of his own calamity, poverty,
nakedness, and ignominy, has made the greatest proficiency in
the knowledge of himself. For there is no danger that maji
VOL. I. 2 N
will divest himself of too much, provided he learns that what
is wanting in him may be recovered in God. But he cannot
.'ssume to himself even the least particle beyond his just right,
without ruining himself with vain confidence, and incurring
the guilt of enormous sacrilege, by transferring to himself the
honour which belongs to God. And whenever our minds are
pestered with this cupidity, to desire to have something of our
own, which may reside in ourselves rather than in God, we may
know that this idea is suggested by the same counsellor, who
excited in our first parents the desire of resembling lt gods,
knowing good and evil." (y) If that term be diabolical, which
exalts man in his own opinion, let us not admit it, unless we
wish to take the counsel of an enemy. It is pleasant indeed to
have so much innate strength as to confide in and be satisfied
with ourselves. But from being allured into this vain confidence,
let us be deterred by the many awful sentences which severely
humble us to the dust. Such as, " Cursed be the man that
trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arms." (r) Again: " God
delighteth not in the strength of the horse: he taketh not
pleasure in the leg's of a man. The Lord taketh pleasure in
them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy." (s)
Again: " He giveth power to the faint; and to them that
have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall
faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly faU: but
they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." (?)
The tendency of all which is to prevent us from depending,
in the smallest degree, on our own strength, if we wish God
to be propitious to us, who " resisteth the proud, but giveth
.grace unto the humble." (v) Then let us remember these pro-
mises: " I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods
upon the dry ground." (rt) Again: " Ho! every one that
thirsteth, come ye to the waters." (.v) Which declare, that
none are admitted to a participation of the blessings of God,
but those who are famishing with a sense of their own poverty.
Nor should such promises as this of Isaiah be overlooked.;
" The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for
(?) Gen. iii. 5. (r) Jer. xvii. 5. ( s ) Psalm cxlvii. 10.
(0 Isaiah xl. 29 31. (t>) James iv. 6. (w) Isaiah xliv. ^
fx) Isaiah Iv. 1.
brightness shall the moon give light unto thee: but the Lord
shall be unto thee an everlasting light." (y) The Lord certainly
does not deprive his servants of the splendour of the sun or of
the moon; but because he will appear exclusively glorious in
them, he calls off their confidence to a great distance, even
from those things which in their opinion are the most excel-
XI. I have always indeed been exceedingly pleased with
this observation of Chrysostom, that humility is the foundation
of our philosophy; but still more with this of Augustine: " As
a rhetorician," says he, " on being interrogated what was the
first thing in the rules of eloquence, replied, ' Pronunciation;'
and on being separately interrogated what was the second,
and what was the third, gave the same reply; so should any
one interrogate me concerning the rules of the Christian reli-
gion, the first, second, and third, I would always reply, Humi-
lity." Now he does not consider it as humility, when a man, con-
scious to himself of some little power, abstains from pride and
haughtiness; but when he truly feels his condition to be such
that he has no refuge but in humility, as he elsewhere declares.
" Let no man," says he, " flatter himself: of himself he is a
devil: every blessing he enjoys is only from God. For what
have you that is your own, but sin? Remove from yourself
sin, which is yours; for righteousness belongs to God." Again:
" Why do men so presume on the possibility of nature? It is
wounded, maimed, distressed, and ruined. It needs a true
confession, not a false defence." Again: "When every one
knows, that in himself he is nothing, and that he cannot assist
himself: the arms are broken within him, and the contentions
are subsided." But it is necessary that all the weapons of im-
piety should be broken in pieces and consumed, that you may
remain unarmed, and have no help in yourself. The greater your
weakness is in yourself, so much the more the Lord assists you.
So in the seventieth Psalm he forbids us to remember our own
righteousness, that we may know the righteousness of God;
and shews, that God so recommends his grace to us, that we
may know that we are nothing, and are solely dependent on
C y) Isaiah Ix. 19.
the dirine mercy, being of ourselves altogether evil. Here
then let us not contend with God concerning our right, as
though what is attributed to him were deducted from us.
For as our humility is his exaltation; so the confession of our
humility has an immediate remedy in his commiseration. Now
I do not expect that a man unconvinced should voluntarily
submit, and, if he has any strength, withdraw his attention
from it to be reduced to true humility; but I require, that, dis-
carding the malady of self-love and love of victory, which blinds
him, and leads him to entertain too high an opinion of himself,
he should seriously contemplate himself in the faithful mirror
of the Scripture.
XII. And indeed I much approve of that common observa-
tion which has been borrowed from Augustine, that the natural
talents in man have been corrupted by sin, but that of the
supernatural ones he has been wholly deprived. For by the
latter are intended, both the light of faith and righteousness,
which would be sufficient for the attainment of a heavenly life
and eternal felicity. Therefore, when he revolted from the
divine government, he was at the same time deprived of those
supernatural endowments, which had been given him for the
hope of eternal salvation. Hence it follows, that he is exiled
from the kingdom of God, in such a manner, that all the
affections relating to the happy life of the soul, are also extin-
guished in him, till he recovers them by the grace of regenera-
tion. Such are faith, love to God, charity towards our neigh-
bours, and an attachment to holiness and righteousness. All these
things, being restored by Christ, are esteemed adventitious and
preternatural; and therefore we conclude that they had been
lost. Again, soundness of mind and rectitude of heart were
also destroyed; and this is the corruption of the natural talents.
For although we retain some portion of understanding and
judgment together with the will, yet we cannot say that our
mind is perfect and sound, which is oppressed with debility
and immersed in profound darkness; and the depravity of our
will is sufficiently known. Reason, therefore, by which man
distinguishes between good and evil, by which he understands
and judges, being a natural talent, it could not be totally de-
stroyed, but is partly debilitated, partly vitiated, so that it
exhibits nothing but deformity and ruin. In this sense John
says, that " the light" still " shineth in darkness," but that
" the darkness comprehends it not." (z) In this passage both
these ideas are clearly expressed; that some sparks continue
to shine in the nature of man, even in its corrupt and degene-
rate state, which prove him to be a rational creature, and
different from the brutes, because he is endued with under-
standing; and yet that this light is smothered by so much
ignorance, that it cannot act with any degree of efficacy. So
the will, being inseparable from the nature of man, is not
annihilated; but it is fettered by depraved and inordinate de-
sires, so that it cannot aspire after any thing that is good.
This indeed is a complete definition, but requires more
diffuse explication. Therefore, that the order of our discourse
may proceed according to the distinction we have stated, ia
which we divided the soul into understanding and will, let us
first examine the power of the understanding. To condemn it
to perpetual blindness, so as to leave it no intelligence in any
thing, is repugnant, not only to the Divine word, but also to
the experience of common sense. For we perceive in the mind
of man some desire of investigating truth, towards which he
would have no inclination, but from some relish of it previously
possessed. It therefore indicates some perspicuity in the
human understanding, that it is attracted with a love of truth;
the neglect of which in the brutes argues gross sense without
reason: although this desire, small as it is, faints even before
its entrance on its course; because it immediately terminates in
vanity. For the dulness of the human mind renders it incapable
of pursuing the right way of investigating the truth; it wanders
through a variety of errors, and groping, as it were, in the
shades of darkness, often stumbles, till at length it is lost in
its wanderings: thus in its search after truth, it betrays its
incapacity to seek and find it. It also labours under an-
other grievous malady, frequently not discerning what those
things are, the true knowledge of which it would be proper
to attain, and therefore torments itself with a ridiculous curi-
osity in fruitless and unimportant inquiries. To things most
(2) John i. 5.
necessary to be known it either never adverts, or contemptu-
ously and rarely digresses; but scarcely ever studies them with
serious application. This depravity being a common subject
of complaint with heathen writers, all men are clearly proved
to have been implicated in it. Wherefore Solomon, in his
Ecclesiastes, after having enumerated those pursuits in which
men consider themselves as displaying superior wisdom, con-
cludes with pronouncing them to be vain and frivolous.
XIII. Yet its attempts are not always so fruitless, but that
it makes some discoveries, particularly when it applies itself to
inferior things. Nor is it so stupid, as to be without some slender
notion also of superior ones, however negligently it attends to
the investigation of them; but it possesses not an equal ability
for both. For it is when it goes beyond the limits of the
present life, that it is chiefly convinced of its own imbecility.
Wherefore, that we may better perceive how far it pro-
ceeds in every case according to the degrees of its ability,
it will be useful for us to propose the following distinction:
that there is one understanding for terrestrial things, and
another for celestial ones. I call those things terrestrial
which do not pertain to God and his kingdom, to true righ-
teousness, or to the blessedness of a future life; but which relate
entirely to the present life, and are in some sense confined
within the limits of it. Celestial things are the pure know-
ledge of God, the method of true righteousness, and the
mysteries of the heavenly kingdom. In the first class are
included civil polity, domestic economy, all the mechanical
arts and liberal sciences. In the second, the knowledge of God
and of the Divine will, and the rule for conformity to it in our
lives. Now in regard to the first class, it must be confessed,
that as man is naturally a creature inclined to society, he has
also by nature an instinctive propensity to cherish and pre-
serve that society; and therefore we perceive in the minds of
all men general impressions of civil probity and order. Hence
it is that not a person can be found who does not understand,
that all associations of men ought to be governed by laws, or
who does not conceive in his mind the principles of those laws.
Hence that} perpetual consent of all nations, as well as all in-
dividuals, to the laws, because the seeds of them are innate in
all mankind, without any instructor or legislator. I regard not
the dissensions and contests which afterwards arise, while some
desire to invert all justice and propriety, to break down the
barriers of the laws, and to substitute mere cupidity in the room
of justice, as is the case with thieves and robbers. Others,
which is a fault more common, think that unjust which legis-
lators have sanctioned as just; and on the contrary pronounce
that to be laudable, which they have forbidden. For the former
of these hate not the laws from an ignorance that they are good
and sacred; but, inflamed with the violence of their passions,
manifestly contend against reason, and under the influence of
their lawless desires, execrate that which their judgments ap-
prove. The controversy of the latter of these is by no means
repugnant to that original idea of equity which we have men-
tioned; for when men dispute with each other on the com-
parative merits of different laws, it implies their consent to
some general rule of equity. This clearly argues the debility
of the human mind, which halts and staggers even when it
appears to follow the right way. Yet it is certainly true, that
some seeds of political order are sown in the minds of all.
And this is a powerful argument, that in the constitution oi
this life no man is destitute of the light of reason.
XIV. Next follow the arts, both liberal and manual; to learn-
ing which, as there is in all of us a certain aptitude, they also
discover the strength of human ingenuity. But though all men
are not capable of learning every art, yet it is a very sufficient
proof of the common energy, that scarcely an individual can
be found, whose sagacity does not exert itself in some parti-
cular art. Nor have they an energy and facility only in learning,
but also in inventing something new in every art, or in am-
plifying and improving what they have learned from their
predecessors. Though this excited Plato erroneously to assert
that such an apprehension is only a recollection of what the
soul knew in its pre-existent state before it came into the body,
it constrains us, by the most cogent reasons, to acknowledge
that the principle of it is innate in the human mind. These
instances therefore plainly prove, that men are endued with a
general apprehension of reason and understanding. Yet it is
such a universal blessing, that every one for himself ought to
acknowledge it as the peculiar favour of God. To this grati-
tude the Author of nature himself abundantly excites us, by his
creation of idiots, in whom he represents the state of the human
soul, without his illumination, which, though natural" to all, is
nevertheless a gratuitous gift of his beneficence towards every
individual. But the invention and methodical teaching of these
arts, and the more intimate and excellent knowledge of them,
which is peculiar to a few, is no solid argument of general
perspicacity; yet belonging to both the pious and the impious,
they are justly numbered among the natural talents.
XV. Whenever, therefore, we meet with heathen writers,
let us learn from that light of truth which is admirably dis-
played in their works, that the human mind, fallen as it is, and
corrupted from its integrity, is yet invested and adorned by
God with excellent talents. If we believe that the Spirit of
God is the only fountain of truth, we shall neither reject nor
despise the truth itself, wherever it shall appear, unless we
wish to insult the Spirit of God: for the gifts of the Spirit
cannot be undervalued without offering contempt and reproach
to the Spirit himself. Now shall we deny the light of truth
to the ancient lawyers, who have delivered such just principles
of civil order and polity? Shall we say that the philosophers
were blind in their exquisite contemplation and in their scien-
tific description of nature? Shall we say that those, who by the
art of logic have taught us to speak in a manner consistent
with reason, were destitute of understanding themselves?
Shall we accuse them of insanity, who by the study of medi-
cine have been exercising their industry for our advantage?
What shall we say of all the mathematics? Shall we esteem
them the delirious ravings of madmen? On the contrary,
we shall not be able even to read the writings of the ancients
on these subjects without great admiration; we shall admire
them, because we shall be constrained to acknowledge them
to be truly excellent. And shall we esteem any thing laud-
able or excellent, which we do not recognise as proceed-
ing from God? Let us then be ashamed of such great ingra-
titude, which was not to be charged on the heathen poets, who
confessed that philosophy and legislation, and all useful arts.
were the inventions of their gods. Therefore, since it appears
that those whom the Scripture styles "natural men,"
have discovered such acuteness and perspicacity in the investi-
gation of sublunary things, let us learn from such examples,
how man^^good qualities the Lord hath left to the nature
"i man, since it has been despoiled of what is truly^good. ,
XVI. Yet let us not forget that these are most excellent
gifts of the Divine Spirit, which for the common benefit o!
mankind he dispenses to whomsoever he pleases. For ii' it
was necessary that the Spirit of God should infuse into Beza-
leel and Aholiab the understanding and skill requisite foi
the construction of the tabernacle, (ci) we need not wonder it
the knowledge of those things, which are most excellent in
human life, are said to be communicated to us by the Spirit ol
God. Nor is there any reason for inquiring, What intercourse
with the Spirit is enjoyed by the impious who are entirely
alienated from God? For when the Spirit of God is said to
dwell only in the faithful, that is to be understood of the
Spirit of sanctification, by whom we are consecrated as temples
to God himself. Yet it is equally by the energy of the same
Spirit, that God replenishes, actuates, and quickens all crea-
tures, and that according to the property of each species whicli
he hath given it by the law of creation. Now if it has pleased
the Lord that we should be assisted in physics, logic, mathe-
matics, and other arts and sciences, by the labour and ministry
of the impious, let us make use of them; lest if we neglect
to use the blessings therein freely offered to us by God, we
suffer the just punishment of our negligence. But lest any
one should suppose a man to be truly happy, when he is ad-
mitted to possess such powerful energies for the discovery of
truth relating to the elements of this world; it must likewise
be added, that all that faculty of understanding, and the under-
standing which is the consequence of it, is, in the sight of God,
a fleeting and transitory thing, where there is not a solid foun-
dation of truth. For the sentiment of Augustine, with whom,
as we have observed, the Master of the Sentences and the
Schoolmen have been constrained to coincide, is strictly true;
that as the gratuitous or supernatural gifts were taken awav
() Psalm xxxvi. 9.
says, that " no man can say that Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy
Ghost." (/) And John the Baptist, perceiving the stupidity of
his disciples, exclaims, that u a mun can receive nothing,
except it be given him from above." (;n) That by " gift" he
intends a special illumination, not a common faculty of nature,
is evident from the complaint which he makes of the inefiicacy
of the many discourses in which he had recommended Christ
to his disciples. " I see that words are unavailing to instruct
the minds of men in divine things, unles.s God give them
understanding by his Spirit." And Moses also, when he re-
proaches the people for their forgetfulness, yet at the same
time remarks, that they cannot be wise in the mysteries of God
but by the divine favour. He says, " Thine eyes have seen
the signs and those great miracles: yet the Lord hath not
given you an heart to perceive, and eyes to see, and ears to
hear." (n) What more would he express, if he had called them
blockheads, destitute of all understanding in the consideration
of the works of God? Whence the Lord, by the Prophet,
promises, as an instance of peculiar grace, that he will give- the
Israelites " an heart to know" him: (0) plainly suggesting
that the mind of man has no spiritual wisdom, any farther than
as it is enlightened by him. Christ also hath clearly confirmed
this by his own declaration, that no man can come to him,
except the Father draw him. (/>) What? is he not himself
the lively image of the Father, representing to us all " the
brightness of his glory?" (y) Therefore he could not better
manifest the extent of our capacity for the knowledge of God,
than when he affirms that we have no eyes to behold his image
where it is so plainly exhibited. What? did he not descend to
the earth in order to discover to men the will of the Father?
And did he not faithfully fulfil the object of his mission? He
certainly did; but his preaching is not at all efficacious, unless
the way to the heart be laid open by the internal teaching
of the Spirit. Therefore noHC come to him but they who have
heard and learned of the Father. What is the nature of this
hearing and learning? It is when the Spirit, by a wonderful
ajid peculiar power, forms the ears to hear, and the mind to
(/) 1 Cor. xii. 3. (m) John iii. 27. (n) Deut xxix. 3, 4.
() Jer. MJV. 7. (/) John vi. 44. (?) Heb.
understand. And lest this should appear strange, he cites the
prophecy of Isaiah, where, predicting the restoration of the
Church, he says, that all those who shall be saved " shall he
taught of the Lord." If God there predicts something peculiar
concerning his elect, it is evident that he speaks not of that
kind of instruction which is common also to the impious and
profane. It must be concluded therefore, that there is no
admission into the kingdom of God, but for him whose mind
has beep, renewed by the illumination of the Holy Spirit. But
Paul expu sses himself more clearly than all the others. Having
professedly entered upon ihis argument, after he has condemned
all human wisdom as folly and vanity, and even reduced it to
nothing, he comes to this conclusion: "The natural man rc-
ceiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are
foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they
are spiritually discerned." (r) Whom does he call the natural
man? him who depends on the light of nature. He, I say, has
no apprehension of the mysteries of God. Why so? because
through slothfulness he neglects them? Even his utmost en-
deavours can avail nothing, " because they are spiritually dis-
cerned." This implies, that being entirely concealed from
human perspicacity, they are discovered only by the revelation
of the Spirit; so that where the illumination of the Spirit is
not enjoyed, they are deemed foolishness itself. He had before
extolled u the things which God hath prepared for them that
love him" (*) above the capacity of our eyes, our ears, and
our minds: he had even asserted that human wisdom was a
kind of veil, by which the mind is prevented from a discovery
of God. What do we want more? The Apostle pronounces
that " God hath made foolish the wisdom of this world;" (?)
and shall we ascribe to it such a degree of sagacity, as would
enable it to penetrate to God, and to the most secret re-
cesses of the heavenly kingdom? Far be from us such extreme
XXI. That which he here detracts from men, he in another
place ascribes exclusively to God. Praying for the Ephesians,
be says, " May God, the Father of glory, give unto you the
f rt 1 Cor. ii. 14. ' nor. ii. 9. (/) 1 Cor. i. 20.
Spirit of wisdom and revelation." (u) You hear now that all
wisdom and revelation is the gift of God. What follows?
K The eyes of your understanding being enlightened." If
they need a new revelation, they are certainly blind of them-
selves. It follows, " that ye may know what is the hope of his
calling," &c. He confesses, then, that the minds of men are
not naturally capable of this great knowledge. Nor let any
Pelagian here object, that God assists this stupidity or igno-
rance, when by the teaching of his word he directs the human
understanding to that which, without a guide, it never could
have attained. For David had the law in which all desirable
wisdom was comprised; yet not content with this, he requested
that his eyes might be opened to consider the mysteries of
that law. (w) By this expression he clearly signifies, that the
sun arises on the nations, where the word of God shines on
mankind; but that they derive little advantage from it, till he
himself either gives them eyes or opens them, who is therefore
called " the Father of lights;" (_Y) because wherever he shines
not by his Spirit, every thing is covered with darkness. Thus
also the Apostles were rightly and abundantly taught by the
best of all teachers: yet if they had not needed the Spirit of
truth (/) to instruct their minds in that very doctrine, which
they had previously heard, they would not have been com-
manded to expect him. If in imploring any favour of God
\ve confess our need, and if his promising it argues our po-
verty, let no man hesitate to acknowledge, that he is incapable
of understanding the mysteries of God, any farthe* than he
has been illuminated by divine grace. He who attributes to
himself more understanding, is so much the blinder, because
he does not perceive and acknowledge his blindness*
XXII. It remains for us to notice the third branch of
knowledge, relating to the rule for the proper regulation of
our life, which we truly denominate the knowledge of works
of righteousness; in which the human mind discovers some-
what more acuteness than in the two former particulars. For
the Apostle declares, that " when the Gentiles, which have not
the law, do by nature the things contained in the law,
() Eph. i. 17. ( w ) Psalm cxix. 18.
(x) James i. 17 f v) John xvi. &
having not the law, are a law unto themselves: which shew the
work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also
hearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing
or else excusing one another." (z) If the Gentiles have na-
turally the righteousness of the law engraven on their minds,
we certainly cannot say that they are altogether ignorant how
they ought to live. And no sentiment is more commonly ad-
mitted, than that man is sufficiently instructed in a right rule of
life by that natural law of which the Apostle there speaks.
But let us examine for what purpose this knowledge of the
law was given to men; and then it will appear how far it can
conduct them towards the mark of reason and truth. This is
evident also from the words of Paul, if we observe the con-
nection of the passage. He had just before said, " As many
as have sinned without law, shall also perish without law:
and as many as have sinned in the law, shall be judged by
the law." Because it might appear absurd that the Gentiles
should perish without any previous knowledge, he imme-
diately subjoins that their conscience supplies the place of a
Jaw to them, and is therefore sufficient for their just con-
demnation. The end of the law of nature therefore is, that
man may be rendered inexcusable. Nor will it be im-
properly defined in this manner, That it is a sentiment of
the conscience sufficiently discerning between good and evil,
to deprive men of the pretext of ignorance, while they are
convicted even by their own testimony. Such is the indul-
gence of man to himself, that in the perpetration of evil actions
he always gladly diverts his mind as much as he possibly can
from all sense of sin; which seems to have induced Plato to
suppose, that no sin is committed but through ignorance.
This remark of his would be correct, if the hypocrisy of men
could go so far in the concealment of their vices, as that the
mind would have no consciousness of its guilt before God.
But since the sinner, though he endeavours to evade the know-
ledge of good and evil imprinted on his mind, is frequently
brought back to it, and so is not permitted to shut his eyes, but
compelled, whether he will or not, sometimes to open them; there
is no truth in the assertion, that he sins only through ignorance.
(z) Rom. ir. H, 15.
XXIII. Themistius, another philosopher, with more truth,
teaches that the human understanding is very rarely deceived
in the universal definition, or in the essence of a thing; but
that it falls into error, when it proceeds farther, and descends
to the consideration of particular cases. There is no man
who, if he be interrogated in a general way, will not affirm
homicide to be criminal,' but he who conspires the death of
his enemy, deliberates on it as on a good action. The adul-
terer will condemn adultery in general; but will privately
flatter himself in his own. Here lies the ignorance; when a
man, proceeding to a particular case, forgets the rule which
he had just fixed as a general position. This subject is very
excellently treated by Augustine, in his exposition of the first
verse of the fifty-seventh Psalm. The observation of Themis-
tius, however, is not applicable to all cases; for sometimes the
turpitude of the crime so oppresses the conscience of the sinner,
that no longer imposing on himself under the false image of
virtue, he rushes into evil with the knowledge of his mind and
the consent of his will. This state of mind produced these ex-
pressions which we find in a heathen poet; " I see the better
path, and approve it; I pursue the worse." Wherefore the
distinction of Aristotle between incontinence and intemperance
appears to me to be highly judicious. Where incontinence
predominates, he says, that by the perturbation of the affections
or passions, the mind is deprived of particular knowledge, so
that in its own evil actions it observes not that criminality,
which it generally discovers in similar actions committed by
other persons; and that when the perturbation has subsided,
penitence immediately succeeds: that intemperance is not extin-
guished or broken by a sense of sin, but on the contrary obsti-
nately persists in the choice of evil which it has made.
XXIVJNow when you hear of a universal judgment in mani
to discriminate between good and evil, you must not imagine!
that it is every where sound and perfect.; For if the hearts of
men be furnished with a capacity of discriminating what is
just and unjust, only that they may not excuse them selves with
the plea of ignorance, it is not at all necessary for them to
discover the truth in every point: it is quite sufficient, if they
understand so much that they can avail themselves of no sub-
VOL. I. 2 P
terfuge, but being convicted by the testimony of their own
conscience even now begin to tremble at the tribunal of God.
And if we will examine our reason by the divine law, which is
the rule of perfect righteousness, we shall find in how many
respects it is blind. It certainly is far from reaching the
principal points in the first table; such as relate to trust in
God, ascribing to him the praise of goodness and righteous-
ness, the invocation of his name, and the true observation of
the sabbath. What mind, relying on its natural powers, ever
imagined that the legitimate w orship of God consisted in these
and similar things? For when profane men intend to worship
God, though they are recalled a hundred times from their
vain and nugatory fancies, yet they are always relapsing into
them again. They deny that sacrifices are pleasing to God,
unaccompanied with sincerity of heart; thereby testifying that
they have some ideas concerning the spiritual worship of God,
which nevertheless they immediately corrupt by their false
inventions. For it is impossible ever to persuade them that
every thing is true which the law prescribes concerning it.
Shall I say that the mind of man excels in discernment, which
can neither understand of itself, nor hearken to good instruc-
tions? Of the precepts of the second table it has a little clearer
understanding, since they are more intimately connected with
the preservation of civil society among men. Though even
here it is sometimes found to be deficient: for to every noble
mind it appears very absurd to submit to an unjust and impe-
rious despotism, if it be possible by any means to resist it.
An uniform decision of human reason is, that it is the mark
of a servile and abject disposition patiently to bear it, and of
an honest and ingenuous mind to shake it off. Nor is the re-
venging of injuries esteemed a vice among the philosophers.
But the Lord, condemning such excessive haughtiness of mind,
presci'ibes to his people that patience which is deemed disho-
nourable among men. But in the universal observation of the
law, the censure of concupiscence wholly escapes our notice.
For the natural man cannot be brought to acknowledge the
disprders of his inward affections. The light of nature is
smothered, befon it approaches the first entrance of this abyss.
For when the philosophers represent the inordinate affections
of the mind as vices, they intend those which appear and ma-
nifest themselves in the grosser external actions; but those
corrupt desires which mqre secretly stimulate the mind, they
consider as nothing.
XXV. Wherefore, as Plato has before been deservedly
censured for imputing all sins to ignorance, so also we must
reject the opinion of those who maintain that all sins proceed
from deliberate malice and pravity. For we too much expe-
rience, how frequently we fall into error even when our inten-
tion is good. Our reason is overwhelmed with deceptions in
so many forms, is obnoxious to so many errors, stumbles at so
many impediments, and is embarrassed in so many difficulties,
that it is very far from being a certain guide. Paul shews its
deficiency in the sight of the Lord in every part of our life,
when he denies " that we are sufficient of ourselves to think
any thing as of ourselves." (a) He does not speak of the will
or the affections, but he also divests us of every good thought,
that we may not suppose it possible for our minds to conceive
how any action may be rightly performed. Are all our in-
dustry, perspicacity, understanding, and care so depraved*
that we cannot conceive or meditate any thing that is right in
the sight of God? To us, who do not contentedly submit to
be stripped of the acuteness of our reason, which we esteem
our most valuable endowment, this appears too harsh; but in
the estimation of the Holy Spirit, who knows that all the
thoughts of the wisest of men are vain, () and who plainly
pronounces every imagination of the human heart to be only
evil, (c) such a representation is consistent with the strictest
truth. If whatever our mind conceives, agitates, undertakes,
and performs, be invariably evil, how can we entertain a
thought of undertaking any thing acceptable to God by whom
nothing is accepted but holiness and righteousness? Thus it
is evident that the reason of our mind, whithersoever it turns,
is unhappily obnoxious to vanity. David was conscious to
himself of this imbecility, when he prayed that understanding
might be given him, to enable him rightly to learn the com-
mandments of the Lord. () For his desire to obtain a new
(a) 2 Cor. Hi. 5. (6) Psalm xciv. 11.
(c) Gen. vi. 5. viii. 21. (rf) Psalm cxix. 34.
understanding implies the total insufficiency of his own. And
this he does, not once, but almost ten times in one Psalm he
repeats the same petition; a repetition indicating the great-
ness of the necessity which urges him thus to pray. What
David requests for himself alone, Paul frequently supplicates
for the churches at large. " We do not cease to pray for you,"
says he, " and to desire, that ye might be filled with the know-
ledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding:
that ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing." (e)
Whenever he represents that as a blessing of God, we should
remember that he thereby testifies it to be placed beyond the
ability of man. Augustine so far acknowledges this defect of
reason in understanding the things of God, that he thinks the
grace of illumination no less necessary to our minds than the
light of the sun to our eyes. And not content with this, he
subjoins the following correction, that we ourselves open our
eyes to behold the light, but that the eyes of our minds remain
shut, unless they are opened by the Lord. Nor does the Scrip-
ture teach us that our minds are illuminated only on one day,
so as to enable them to see afterwards without farther assistance;
for the passage just quoted from Paul (y) relates to continual
advances and improvements. And this is clearly expressed by
David in these words, " With my whole heart have I sought
thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments." For
after having been regenerated, and made a more than com-
mon progress in true piety, he still confesses his need of per-
petual direction every moment, lest he should decline from
that knowledge which he possesses. Therefore, in another
place, he prays for the renewal of a right spirit, which he had
lost by his sin; (g) because it belongs to the same God to
restore that which he originally bestowed, but of which we
have been for a time deprived.
XXVI. We must now proceed to the examination of the
will, to which principally belongs the liberty of choice; for we
have before seen that election belongs rather to the will than
to the understanding. In the first place, that the opinion ad-
vanced by philosophers, and received by general consent, that
(0 Col. i. 9. IHiil. i. 4 (/) Col. i. 9. ( j ) Psalm U- .
till things by a natural instinct desire what is good, may not
be supposed to prove the rectitude of the human will; let us
observe, that the power of free choice is not to be contem-
plated in that kind of appetite, which proceeds rather from
the inclination of the nature than from the deliberation of the
mind. For even the schoolmen confess that there is no action
of free choice, but when reason sees and considers the rival
objects presented to it; meaning that the object of appetite
must be such as is the subject of choice, and that deliberation
precedes and introduces choice. And in fact, if you examine
the desire of good which Js pjtfuraj tn r f>ai yy 1 W 'H finf l thai
he has it in common with the bruteg. For they also desire to
be happy, and pursue every agreeable appearance which
attracts their senses. But man neither rationally chooses as
the object of his pursuit that which is truly good for him,
according to the excellence of his immortal nature, nor takes
the advice of reason, nor duly exerts his understanding: but
without reason, without reflection, follows his natural in-
clination, like the herds of the field. It is therefore no argu-
ment for the liberty of the will, that man is led by natural
instinct to desire that which is good; but it is necessary that
he discern what is good according to right reason, that as
soon as he knows it, he choose it; and as soon as he has
chosen it, that he pursue it. To remove every difficulty, we
must advert to two instances of false argumentation. For
the desire here intended is not a proper motion, of the will.
but a natural inclination; jmd^ the good in question relates
not to virtue or righteousQesjh Jbut^o condition; as when
we say a man is well or in good health. Lastly, though
man has the strongest desire after what is good, yet he does
not pursue it. There is no man to whom eternal felicity is
unwelcome, yet no man aspires to it without the influence
of the Spirit. Since therefore the desire of happiness natural
to man furnishes no argument for the liberty of the will, any
more than a tendency in metals and stones towards the per-
fection of their nature argues liberty in them; let us consider
in some other particulars, whether the will be in every part
so entirely vitiated and depraved that it can produce nothing
but what is evil: or whether it retain any small part uninjured
which may be the source of good desires.
XXVII. Those who attribute it to the first grace of God,
that we are able to will effectually, seem on the contrary to
imply that the soul has a faculty of spontaneously aspiring to
what is pood, but that it is too weak to rise into a solid affec-
tion, or to excite any endeavour. And there is no doubt that
the Schoolmen have in general embraced this opinion, which
was borrowed from Origen and some of the fathers: since they
frequently consider man in things purely natural, as they ex-
press themselves, according to the description given by the
Apostle in these words: " The good that I would, I do not:
but the evil which I would not, that I do. To will is present
with me; but how to perform that which is good, I find not." (/*)
But this is a miserable and complete perversion of the argu-
ment which Paul is pursuing in that passage. For he is treat-
ing of the Christian conflict, which he more briefly hints at to
the Galatians; the conflict which the faithful perpetually ex-
perience within themselves in the contention between the flesh
and the spirit. Now the spirit is not from nature but feorn^ re-
generation. But that the Apostle speaks concerning the regene-
rate, is evident from his assertion, that in himself dwelt nothing
good, being immediately followed by an explanation that he
meant it of his flesh. And therefore he affirms that it is not
he that doeth evil, but sin that dwelleth in him. What is the
meaning of this correction, " in me, that is, in my flesh?"
Just as if he had expressed himself in the following manner:
No good resides in me originating from myself, for in my flesh
can be found nothing that is good. Hence follows that form
of exculpation: " I do not the evil, but sin that dwelleth in
me:" (z) which is inapplicable to any but the regenerate, who
with the prevailing bias of their souls aim at what is good.
Now the conclusion which is subjoined places all this in a clear
point of view: " I delight," says he, " in the law of God
after the inward man: but I see another law in my members,
warring against the law of my mind." (^) Who has such a
(fc) Rom. vii. 18, 19. (i) Rom. vji. 20. (*) Rom. vii. 22, 23.
dissention in himself, but he who, being regenerated by the
Divine Spirit, carries about with him the relics of his flesh?
Therefore Augustine, though he had at one time supposed
that discourse to relate to the natural state of man, retracted
his interpretation, as false and inconsistent. And indeed, if we
allow that men destitute of grace have some motions towards
true goodness, though ever so feeble, what answer shall we*
give to the Apostle, who denies that we are sufficient of our-
selves to entertain even a good thought? (/) What reply shall we
make to the Lord, who pronounces, by the mouth of Moses, that
every imagination of the human heart is only evil? (m) Since
they have stumbled on a false interpretation of one passage,
therefore, there is no reason why we should dwell on their
opinion. Rather let us receive this declaration of Christ,
" Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin." (n) We
are all sinners by nature; therefore we are all held under the
yoke of sin. Now if the whole man be subject to the dominion
of sin, the will, which is the principal seat of it, must neces-
sarily be bound with the firmest bonds. Nor would there
otherwise be any consistency in the assertion of Paul, that " it
is God that worketh in us to will," (o) if any will preceded the
grace of the Spirit. Farewell, then, all the idle observations of
many writers concerning preparation: for although the faith-
ful sometimes petition that their hearts may be conformed to
the divine law, as David does in many places; (/>) yet it should
be remarked that even this desire qf praying originates from
GpjL. This we may gather from the language of David; for
when he wishes a clean heart to be created within him, (^) he
certainly does not arrogate to himself the beginning of such a
creation. Let us rather therefore attend to this advice of
Augustine: " God will prevent you in all things: do you also
sometimes prevent his wrath." How? " Confess that you have
all those things from God: that whatever good you have, it is
from him: but whatever evil, from yourself." And a little
after: " Nothing is ours, but sin."
(/) 2 Cor. iii. 5. (w) Gen. viii. 21. (n) John viii. 34.
0) Phil. ii. 1". (/>) Psalm cxix, (9) Psalm li. 10.
Every thing that proceeds from the corrupt Nature of Man.
worthy of Condemnation.
BUT man cannot be better known in either faculty of his soul,
than when he is represented in those characters by which the
Scripture has distinguished him. If he be completely described
in these words of Christ, " That which is born of the flesh is
flesh," (r) as it is easy to prove, it is eviderit that he is a very
miserable creature. For according to the testimony of the
Apostle, " to be carnally-minded is death: because the carnal
mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of
God, neither indeed can be." (s) Is the flesh so perverse, that
with all its affections it entertains a secret hatred against God?
that it cannot consent to the righteousness of the Divine law?
in a word, that it can produce nothing but what tends to death?
Now grant, that in the nature of man there is nothing but
flesh, and elicit any thing good from it, if you can. But the
name of flesh, it will be said, pertains only to the sensual, and
not to the superior faculties of the soul. This is abundantly
refuted by the words of Christ and of the Apostle. For the
argument of our Lord is, that man must be born again, be-
cause he is flesh. He does not teach a new birth in regard to
the body. Now a new birth of the soul requires not a correc-
tion of some portion of it, but an entire renovation. And
this is confirmed by the antithesis in both places: for there
is such a comparison between the flesh and the spirit, that
there is no medium left. Therefore every thing in man that
is not spiritual, is, according to this mode of reasoning, deno-
minated carnal. But we have nothing of the Spirit, except
by regeneration. Whatever therefore we have from nature is
carnal. But if on that point there could otherwise be any
doubt, we have it removed by Paul; when, after a description
of the old man, which he had asserted to be " corrupt accord-
ing to the deceitful lusts," (f) he directs us to "be renewed
(r) John iii. 6. (*) Rom. viii. 6, 7. (*) Eph. ir. 22, 23.
in the spirit of our mind." You see that he places unlawful
and cojrapt^jaLffe^ sensitive pjart^ but also
^SJth w njyjj[Iteelf; and therefore requires a renovation of it.
And indeed he had just before drawn such a picture of human
nature, as shewed us to be in every part corrupted and depraved.
For his description of all the Gentiles, as " walking in the
vanity of their mind, having the understanding darkened, being
alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in
them, because of the blindness of their heart," (u) is undoubtedly
applicable to all those whom the Lord hath not yet renewed
to the rectitude of his wisdom and of his justice. This is
still more evident from the comparison soon after introduced,
where he reminds the faithful, that they " have not so learned
Christ." For from these words we conclude, that the grace of
Christ is the only remedy, by which we can be liberated from
that blindness, and from the evils consequent upon it. And
this is what Isaiah had prophesied concerning the kingdom of
Christ, when he predicted that the Lord would be " an ever-
lasting light" to his Church, whilst at the same time " dark-
ness covered the earth, and gross darkness the people." (zy)
When he declares, that the light of God will only arise upon
the Church, beyond the limits of the Church he certainly leaves
nothing but darkness and blindness. I will not particularly
recite all the passages which are to be found, especially in the
Psalms and in the Prophets, concerning the vanity of man,
It is a striking observation of David, that " to be laid in the
balance, they are altogether lighter than vanity." (x) It is a
severe condemnation of his understanding, when all the
thoughts which proceed from it are derided as foolish, fri-
volous, mad, and perverse.
II. Equally severe is the condemnation of the heart, when
it is called " deceitful above all things, and desperately
wicked." (y) But as I study brevity, I shall be content with
citing a single passage, which, however, will resemble a very
lucid mirror, in which we may behold at full length the image
of our nature. For the Apostle, when he wishes to demolish
the arrogance of mankind, does it by these testimonies: " There
you, and cause you to walk in my statutes." (/) Who will
assert that the infirmity of the human will is only strength-
ened by assistance, to enable it efficaciously to aspire to the
choice of that which is good; when it actually needs a total
transformation and renovation? If there be in a stone any
softness, which by some application being made more tender
would be flexible in every direction, then I will not deny the
flexibility of the human heart to the obedience of rectitude,
provided its imperfections are supplied by the grace of God.
But if by this similitude, the Lord intended to shew that no
good will ever be extracted from our hearts, unless they are
entirely renewed, let us not divide between him and us, what
he claims exclusively to himself. If, therefore, when God
converts us to the pursuit of rectitude, this change is like the
transformation of a stone into flesh, it follows, that whatever
belongs to our own will is removed, and what succeeds to it
is .entirely from God. The will, I say, is removed, not con-
sidered as the will; because in the conversion of man, the
properties of our original nature remain entire. I assert also,
that it is created anew, not that the will then begins to exist,
but that it is then converted from an evil into a good one.
This I affirm to be done entirely by God, because, according
to the testimony of the same Apostle, " We are not sufficient"
\-ven " to think." (^*) Therefore he elsewhere declares, not
merely that God assists the infirmity of our will, or corrects
its depravity, but that he " worketh in us to will." (A) Whence
it is easy to infer what I have already remarked, that what-
ever good is in the human will, is the work of pure grace.
In the same sense he elsewhere pronounces that it is " God
which worketh all in all." (z) For in that place he is not dis-
cussing the government of the universe, but asserting that the
praise of all the excellencies found in the faithful belongs
to God alone. And by using the word " all," he certainly
makes God the author of spiritual life from its commence-
ment even to its termination. This is the same as he had
before taught in other words, declaring that the faithful are
a of God in Christ;" () where he evidently intends the new
(/) Ezek. xxxvi. 26, 27- fe) 2 Gor. iii. 5. (A) Phil. ii. 13.
(01Cor.xii.fi. ft) 1 Cor. i. 30.
creation, by which what belonged to our common nature is
abolished. For we must here understand an implied contrast
ccn Adam and Christ, which he states more plainly in
another place, where he teaches that "we arc the workman-
>hi|> of God, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which
God hath bt:forc ordained that we should w r alk in them." (/)
I -'or by this argument he designs to prove that our salvation is
gratuitous, because the beginning of all good is from the second
creation which we obtain in Christ. Now if we possessed any
ability, though ever so small, we should also have some portion
of merit. But to annihilate all our pretensions, he argues that we
have merited nothing, because " we are created in Christ Jesus
unto good works, which God hath before ordained:" in which
expressions he again signifies that all the parts of good works,
even from the first inclination of the mind, are entirely from
God. For this reason the Psalmist, after having said that
" he (God) hath made us," that there may be no division of
the work, immediately subjoins, " and not we ourselves." (m)
That he speaks of regeneration, which is the commencement
of the spiritual life, is evident from the context, where it fol-
lows immediately after, that " we arc his people, and the sheep
of his pasture." We s:ee then, that not content with having*
simply attributed to God the praise of our salvation, he ex-
pressly excludes us from all fellowship with him; as though he
would say, that man lias not even ^he smallest particle j-emaih
ing in which he can glory, because all is of God.
VII. But there maybe some, who will concede that the will,
being of its own spontaneous inclination averse to what is good,
is converted solely by the power of the Lord: yet in such a
manner, that being previously prepared, it has also its own share
in the work: that .grace, as Augustine teaches, precedes every
good work, the will following grace, not leading it, being its
companion, not its guide. This unobjectionable observation
of that holy man, Peter Lombard preposterously wrests to an
erroneous meaning. Now I contend that both in the words ol
the Prophrt which I have cited, and in other passages, these
Uvo things are clearly signified, that the Lord corrects our
!'h. ij. 1f\ () Psalm c. '
depraved will, or rather removes it, and of himself introduces
a good one in its place. As it is preceded by grace, I allow you
to style it an attendant; but since its reformation is the work
of the Lord, it is wrong to attribute to man a
dience in foll^wjiig~^"^^ggTjI;iacg pf.jjrace. Therefore it is
not a proper expression of Chrysostom, that grace is able to
effect nothing without the will, nor the will without grace; as
if grace did not produce the will itself, as we have just seen
from Paul. Nor was it the intention of Augustine, when he
called the human will the companion of grace, to assign to it
any secondary office next to grace in the good work: but
with a view to refute the nefarious dogma broached by Pela-
gius, who made the prime cause of salvation to consist in
human merit, he contends, what was sufficient for his present
argument, that grace is prior to all merit; omitting, at this,
time, the other question concerning the perpetual efficiency of
grace, which is admirably treated by him on other occasions.
For when he frequently says, that the Lord precedes the un-
willing that he may will, and follows the willing that he may
not will in vain: he makes him the sole author of the good
work. His language on this subject is too explicit to require
much argument. u Men labour," says he, " to discover in
our will something that is our own, and not derived from God:
and how any such discovery can be made, I know not." In
his first book against Pelagius and Celestius, where he explains
that declaration of Christ, " Every man that hath heard of
the Father cometh unto me," () he says, that "the will is
assisted so as to enable it not only to know its duty, but what
it knows also to do." And thus when God teacheth not by the
letter of the law, but by the grace of the Spirit, he teacheth
in such a manner, that whatever each one has learned, he not
only sees in knowing it, but desires in willing, and performs
in doing.
VIII. And as we are now engaged on the principal point
of the argument, let us give the t reader a summary of the
doctrine, and prove it by a few very clear testimonies of Scrip-
ture: and then, that no one may accuse us of perverting thr
() John vi. 45.
Scripture, let us also shew that the truth which we assert toU
deduced from the Scripture is not destitute of the support ol
this holy man, I mean Augustine. For I conceive it is unne-
cessary to recite in regular order all the passages which might
be adduced from the Scriptures in confirmation of our opinion;
provided that the selection, which shall be made, prepares a
way to the understanding of all the rest, which are frequently
to be found. Nor do I think there will be any impropriety in
evincing my agreement with that man, to whose authority the
consent of the pious pays a great and merited deference. The
origin of all good clearly appears, from a plain and certain
reason, to be from no other than from God alone; for no
propensity of the will to any thing good can be found but in
the elert. But the cause of election must not be sought in
men. Whence we may conclude, that man has not a good
will from himself, but that it proceeds from the same decree by
which we were elected before the creation of the world. There
is also another reason, not dissimilar. For since good volitions
and good actions both arise from faith, we must see whence
faith itself originates. Now since the Scripture uniformly
proclaims it to be the gratuitous gift of God, it follows that
it 'is the effect of mere grace, when we, who are naturally
and completely prone to evil, begin to will any thing that is
good. Therefore the Lord, when he mentions these two things
in the conversion of his people, that he takes away from them
their stony heart, and gives them a heart of flesh, plainly de-
clares, that what originates from ourselves must be removed,
that we may be converted to righteousness; and that whatever
succeeds in its place proceeds from himself. Nor is it only in
one passage that he announces this: for he says in Jeremiah, " I
will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear me for
ever." (o) And a little after, " I will put my fear in their hearts,
that they shall not depart from me." Again in Ezekiel, " I will
give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you;
and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give
them an heart of flesh." (/>) He could not more evidently claim
to himself and take from us all that is good and upright in our
(o) Jer. xxxli. 5!>. (/>} Ezek. xi. ID.
will, than when he declares our conversion to be the creation
of a new spirit and of a new heart. For it always follows,
that nothing good proceeds from our will till it be renovated;
and that after its renovation, as far as it is good, it is from
God, and not from ourselves.
IX. And we find the saints have made this the subject of
i prayers. Solomon prayed, " May the Lord incline our
s unto him, to keep his commandments." (y) He shews
the stubbornness of our heart, which, unless a new bias be
given to it, naturally indulges itself in rebellion against the
Divine law. The same petition is offered by the Psalmist: " In-
cline my heart unto thy testimonies." (r) For we should
always remark the opposition between the perverse bias of the
heart, which inclines it to rebellion, and this correction which
constrains it to obedience. But when David, perceiving him-
self to be for a time deprived of the direction of grace, prays
that God would " create in" him " a clean heart, and renew
a right spirit within him;" (.9) does he not acknowledge that
all the parts of his heart are full of impurity, and his spirit
warped by the obliquity of corruption? and by calling the
purity which he earnestly implores, the creation of God, does
he not ascribe it entirely to him? If any one object, that the
petition itself is a proof of a pious and holy affection, the
answer is easy, that although David had already partly re-
pented, yet he compares his former state with that melan-
choly fall, which he had experienced. Assuming the cha-
racter therefore of a man alienated from God, he properly
requests for himself all those things which God confers on his
elect in regeneration. Resembling a dead man, therefore, he
prays to be created anew, that instead of being the slave of
Satan, he may become the instrument of the Holy Spirit.
Truly wonderful and monstrous is the extravagance of our
pride. God requires of us nothing more severe than that we
most religiously observe his sabbath, by resting from our own
works: but there is nothing which we find more difficult, or
to which we are more reluctant, than to bid farewell to our
own works in order to give the works of God their proper
(r,0 1 Kinps viii. 5fi. r>) Psalm cxi-x. 36. (s) Psalm li. 10.
place. II there were no obstacle arising from our folly, Christ
has given a testimony to his graces, sufficiently clear to pre-
vent them from being wickedly suppressed. u I am the vine,"
says he, "ye are the branches. My Father is the husbandman.
As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the
vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. For without
me ye can do nothing." (j) If we cannot bear fruit of our-
selves, any more than a branch can bud after it is torn up from
the ground and deprived of moisture; we must no longer
seek for any aptitude in our nature to that which is good.
There is no ambiguity in this conclusion, " Without me ye
can do nothing." He does not say that we are too weak to be
sufficient for ourselves, but reducing us to nothing, excludes
every idea of ability, however diminutive. If being ingrafted
into Christ, we bear fruit like a vine, which derives the energy
of vegetation from the moisture of the earth, from the dew of
heaven, and from the benign influences of the sun; I see no- %
thing of our own remaining in any good work, if we preserve
entire to God the honour which belongs to him. It is in vain
to urge that frivolous subtlety, that the branch already pos-
sesses sap, and a fructifying power, and that therefore it does
not derive all from the earth, or from the original root, because
it contributes something of its own. For the meaning of
Christ is clearly that we are as a dry and worthless log, when
separated from him; because independently of him we have
no ability to do good, as he says also in another place, " Even-
plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be
rooted up." (u) Wherefore the Apostle ascribes all the praise i<>
him in the place already cited. " It is God," says he, " which
worketh in you both to will and to do." (tt>) The first part of a
good work is a volition, the next an effectual endeavour to
perform it; God is the author of both. Therefore we rob the
Lord, if we arrogate any thing to ourselves either in volition
or in execution. If God were said to assist the infirmity of our
will, then there would be something left to us: but since he is
said to produce the will, all the good that is in it is placed
without us. And because the good will is still oppressed by
(0 John xv. 1, 4, 5. O) Matt. xv. 13. (w) Phil. ii. 13.
the burden of our flesh, so that it cannot extricate itself, he has
added, that in struggling with the difficulties of that conflict,
we .are supplied with constancy of exertion to carry our voli-
tions* into effect. For otherwise there would be no truth in
what he elsewhere teaches, that " it is the same God which
worketh all in all," (*') which we have before shewn compre-
hends the whole course of the spiritual life. For which reason
David, after having prayed that the way of God may be dis-
covered to him, that he may walk in his truth, immediately
adds, " Unite my heart to fear thy name." (z/) In these words
he intimates, that even good men are subject to so many dis-
tractions of rn^Jy that they soon wander and fall, unless they
are strengthened to persevere. For the same reason in another
passage, having prayed that his steps might be ordered in the
word of the Lord, he likewise implores strength for a warfare:
" Let not any iniquity have dominion over me." (z) In this
manner therefore the Lord both begins and completes the
good work in us: that it may be owing to him, that the will
conceives a love for what is right, that it is inclined to desire
it, and is excited and impelled to endeavour to attain it; and
then that the choice, desire, and endeavour do not fail, but
proceed even to the completion of the desired effect; lastly,
that a man proe-eeds with constancy in them, and perseveres
even to the end.
X. And he moves the will, not in such a manner that, ac-
cording to the system maintained and believed for many ages,
it would afterwards be at our option, either to obey the im-
pulse, or to resist it; but by an efficacious influence. The
observation, therefore, so frequently repeated by Chrysostom,
that " Whom God draws, he draws willing," we are obliged to
reject, being an insinuation that God only waits for us with his
hand extended, if we choose to accept his assistance. We grant
that such was the primitive condition of man during his state of
integrity, that he could incline to the one side or the other:
but since Adam has taught us by his own example how miser
able free will is, unless God give vis bot'i will and power.
what will become of us if he impart his grace to us in that
(x) 1 Cor.-i. 6. (j-) Psalm Ixxxvi. U, (c) Psalrti rxix. 133.
small proportion? But we obscure and diminish his grace by
our ingratitude. For the Apcfde does not teach that the grace
of a good will is offered to us for our acceptance; but that he
" worketh in us to will;" which is equivalent to saying, that
the Lord by his Spirit directs, inclines, and governs our heart,
and reigns in it as in his own possession. Nor docs he promise
by E/ekiel that he will give to the elect a new spirit, only that
they may be able to walk, but that they* may actually walk, in
his precepts, (a) Nor can the declaration of Christ, " Every-
man that hath heard of the Father cometh unto me," () be
understood in any other sense than as a proof of the positive
efficacy of divine grace; as Augustine also contends. This
grace the Lord deigns not to give to any persons promiscuously,
according to the observation commonly attributed, if I mistake
not, to Occam, that it is denied. to no man, who does what he
can. Men are to be taught indeed that the Divine- benignity
is_free_to__all Avho seek it, without any exception: but since
none begin to seek it, but those who have been inspired lr
heavenly grace, not even this diminutive portion ought to be-
taken from his praise. This is the privilege of the elect, that
being regenerated by the Spirit of God, they are led and go-
verned by his direction. Wherefore Augustine as justly ridi-
cules them who arrogate to themselves any part of a good
volition, as he reprehends others, who suppose that to be given
promiscuously to all which is the special testimony of gratuitous
election. " Nature," says he, " is common to all men, but
not grace." He calls it " a transparent subtlety, which shines
merely with vanity, when that is extended generally to all, which
God confers on whom he chooses." But elsewhere, " How
have you come? by believing. Be afraid, lest while you arro-
gate to yourself the discovery of the way of righteousness, you
perish from tile way of righteousness. I am come, do you say,
by free will, I am come through my own choice? Why are
you inflated with pride? Will you know that this also is given
to you? Hear him proclaiming, ' No man can come to me.
except the Father which hath sent me draw him.' (c) And it
incontrovtrtibly follows, from the words of John, that the
() Ezck. xi. 19, 20. x*xvi. ?7 John\i. 45. fc) John vi. 44.
hearts of the pious are divinely governed with such effect, that
they follow with an affection which nothing can alter. " Who-
soever is born of God," he says, " cannot sin: for his seed
remaineth in him." () For we see that the neutral ineffica-
cious impulse imagined by the sophists, which every one
would be at liberty to obey or resist, is evidently excluded,
where it is asserted that God gives a constancy that is effectual
to perseverance.
XI. Concerning perseverance there would have been no
doubt, that it ought to be esteemed the gratuitous gift of God,
had it not been for the prevalence of a pestilent error, that it
is dispensed according to the merit of men, in proportion to
the gratitude which each person has discovered for the grace
bestowed on him. But as that opinion arose from the suppo-
sition that it was at our own option to reject or accept the
offered grace of God, this notion being exploded, the other
falls of course. Though here is a double error: for beside
teaching that our gratitude for the grace first bestowed on us,
and our legitimate use of that grace, are remunerated by sub-
sequent blessings, they add also, that now grace does not
operate alone in us, but only co-operates with us. On the first
point, we must admit that the Lord, while he daily enriches
and loads his servants with new communications of his grace,
perceiving the work which he hath begun in them grateful and
acceptable, discovers something in them which he blesses with
still greater degrees of grace. And this is implied in the fol-
lowing declarations: " Unto every one that hath, shall be
given." And, " Well done, good and faithful servant; thou
hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over
many things." (i) But here two errors must be avoided; the
legitimate use of the grace first bestowed must not be said to
be rewarded Tgj&^ub^guent decrees of yace 1 tfapuffk mqp
by his own industry rendered the grace of God efficacious;
nor must it be accounted a remuneration in such a sense as to
cease to be esteemed the free favour of God. I grant, then,
that this divine benediction is to be expected by the faithful,
that the better they have used the former measures of grace.
(rf) 1 John iii. 9. (e) Matt. xxv. 23, 29. I,uke xir. 17, 26.
VOL. L 2 S
they shall aftrnvards be enriched with proportionably greater
degrees of it. But I assert that this use also is from the Lords
and that this remuneration proceeds from his gratuitous^ 1 >
volence. They are equally awkward and unhappy in their use
of the trite distinction of operating and co-operating grace.
Augustine has used it indeed, but softens it by a suitable de-
finition; that God in co-operating completes what in oper-
ating he begins, and that it is the same grace, but derives its
name from the different mode of its efficiency. Whence it
follows that he makes no partition of the work between God
and us, as though there were a mutual concurrence from the
respective exertions of each; but that he only designates the
multiplication of grace. To the same purpose is what he else-
where asserts, that the good will of man precedes many of the
gifts of God, but is itself one of their number. Whence it
follows, that he leaves nothing for it to arrogate to itself. This
is also particularly expressed by Paul. For having said that
" it is God which worketh in us both to will and to do, (/)
he immediately adds, that he does both " of his own good
pleasure," signifying by this expression that these are acts of
gratuitous benignity. Now to their wonted assertion, that
after we have admitted the first grace, our own endeavours
co-operate with the grace which follows, I reply, If they mean
that after having been once subdued by the divine power to
the obedience of righteousness, we voluntarily advance, and
are disposed to follow the guidance of grace, I make no ob-
jection. For it is very certain, that where the grace of God
reigns, there is such a promptitude of obedience. But whence
does this arise but from the Spirit of God, who, uniformly con-
sistent with himself, cherishes and strengthens to a constancy
of perseverance that disposition of obedience which he first
originated? But if they mean that man derives from himself
an ability to co-operate with the grace of God, they are involved
in a most pestilent error.
XII. And to this purpose they falsely and ignorantly per-
-vert that observation of the Apostle, " I laboured more abun-
dantly than they all; yet not I, but the grace of God which
(/) Phil. ii. 13.
was with me." () For they understand it in this manner;
that because his preference of himself to all others might ap-
pear rather too arrogant, he corrects it by referring the praiss
to the grace of God; but yet so as to denominate himself a
co-operator with grace. It is surprising that so many men,
not otherwise erroneous, have stumbled at this imaginary diffi-
culty. For the Apostle does not say that the grace of God
laboured with him, to make himself a partner in the labour;
but rather by that correction ascribes the whole pTaise of the
labour to grace alone. " It is not I," says he, " that have
laboured, but the grace of God which was with me." They
have been deceived by an ambiguity of expression: but still
more by a preposterous translation in which the force of the
Greek article is omitted. For if you translate it literally, he
says, not that grace was co-operative with him, but that
the grace which was with him was the author of all. And
the same is maintained by Augustine, though briefly yet with-
out obscurity, when he thus expresses himself: " The good
will of man precedes many of the gifts of God, but not all.
But of those which it precedes it is itself one." Then follows
this reason: because it is written, "The God of my mercy
shall prevent me." (/*) And, " Mercy shall follow me." (z) It
prevents the unwilling, that he may will; it follows the willing,
that he may not will in vain. With this agrees Bernard, who
introduces the Church saying, " Draw me unwilling, to make
me willing; draw me inactive, to make me run."
XIII. Now let us hear Augustine speak in his own words,
lest the sophists of the Sorbonne, those Pelagians of the present ,J
age, according to their usual custom, accuse us of opposing the
whole current of antiquity. In this they imitate their father
Pelagius, by whom Augustine was formerly obliged to enter
into the same field of controversy. In his treatise De Corr.
et Grat. addressed to Valentine, he treats very much at large
what I shall recite briefly, but in his own words: " That to
Adam was given the grace of persevering in good if he chose;
that grace is given to us to will, and by willing to overcome
concupiscence. That Adam therefore had the power if he had
(5-) 1 Cor. xv. 1Q. (A) Psalm Ibc. 10. () Pssdm xxiii. 6.
had the will, but not the will that he might have the power;
but that it is given to us to have both the will and the power.
That the primitive liberty was a power to abstain from sin, but
that ours is much greater, being an inability to commit sin. And
lest he should be supposed to speak of the perfection to be
enjoyed after the attainment of a state of immortality, as Lom-
bard misinterprets his meaning, he presently removes this diffi-
culty. For he says, the will of the saints is so inflamed by the
Holy Spirit, that they therefore have an ability, because they
have such a will; and that their having such a will proceeds
from the operations of God. For if, amidst such great weak-
ness which still requires " strength" to be " made perfect" (/)
for the repressing of pride, they were left to their own will, so
as to have ability, through the divine assistance, if they were
willing, and God did not operate in them to produce that will;
among so many temptations and infirmitie^ their will would
fail, and therefore they could not possibly persevere. The
infirmity of the human will then is succoured, that it may be
invariably and inseparably actuated by divine grace, and so,
notwithstanding all its weakness, may not fail. He afterwards
discusses more at large liow our hearts necessarily follow the
impulse of God; and he asserts that the Lord draws men with
their wills, but that those wills are such as he himself hath
formed. Now we have a testimony from the mouth of Augus-
tine to the point which we are principally endeavouring to
establish; that grace is not merely offered by the Lord to be
either received or rejected, according to the free choice of each
individual, but that it is grace which produces both the choice
and the will in the heart: so that every subsequent good work is
the fruit and effect of it, and that it is obeyed by no other
will but that which it has produced. For this is his language
also in another place, That it is grace alone which performs
every good work in us.
XIV. When he observes that the will is not taken away
by grace, but only changed from a bad one into a good
one, and when it is good, assisted; he only intends that man
is not drawn in such a manner as to be carried away
(>) 2 Cor. xii. 9.
by an external impulse, without any inclination of his mind;
but that he is internally so disposed as to obey from his
very heart. That grace is specially and gratuitously given
to the elect, he maintains in an epistle to Boniface, in the fol-
lowing language: " We know that the grace of God is not
given to all men: and that to them to whom it is given, it is
given neither according to the merits of works nor according
to the merits of will, but by gratuitous favour: and to those
to whom it is not given, we know that it is not given by the
righteous judgment of God." And in the same epistle he
strenuously combats that opinion, which supposes that sub-
sequent grace is given to the merits of men, because by not
rejecting the first grace they shewed themselves worthy of
it. For he wishes Pelagius to allow that grace is necessary
to us for every one of our actions, and is not a retribution
of our works, that it may be acknowledged to be pure grace.
But the subject cannot be comprised in a more concise sum-
mary than in the eighth chapter of his treatise addressed to Va-
lentine; where he teaches, that the human will obtains, not
grace by liberty, but liberty by grace: that being impressed by
the same grace with a disposition of delight, it is formed for
perpetuity; that it is strengthened with invincible fortitude;
that while grace reigns, it never falls, but, deserted by grace,
falls immediately; that by the gratuitous mercy of the Lord,
it is converted to what is good, and, being converted, perse-
veres in it; that the first direction of the human will to that
which is good, and its subsequent constancy, depends solely on
the will of God, and not on any merit of man. Thus there is
left to man such a free will, if we choose to give it that appella-
tion, as he describes in another place, that he can neither be
converted to God nor continue in God but by grace; and that
all the ability which he has is derived from grace.
/ he Operation of God in the Hearts of Men.
IT has now, I apprehend, been sufficiently proved, that rnan_
is so enslaved I)} sin, as to be of his own nature incapable of
an effort or even an aspiration towards that "wh1ch~Ts goo3.
We have also laid down a distinction between co-action and
necessity, from which it appears that while he sins necessarily,
he nevertheless sins voluntarily. But since, while he is devoted
to the servitude of the devil, he seems to be actuated by his
will, rather than by his own, it remains for us to explain the
nature of both kinds of influence. There is also this question
to be resolved, whether any thing is to be attributed to God in
evil actions, in which the Scripture intimates that some influ-
ence of his is concerned. Augustine somewhere compares
the human will to a horse, obedient to the direction of his
rider: and God and the devil he compares to riders. " If God
rides it, he, like a sober and skilful rider, manages it in a
graceful manner: stimulates its tardiness; restrains its immo-
derate celerity; represses its* wantonness and wildness; tames
its perverseness, and conducts it into the right way. But if
the devil has taken possession of it, he, like a foolish and
wanton rider, forces it through pathless places, hurries it into
ditches, drives it down over precipices, and excites it to ob-
stinacy and ferocity." With this similitude, as no better occurs,
we will at present be content. When the will of a natural man is
said to be subject to the power of the devil, so as to be directed
by it, the meaning is, not that it resists and is compelled to a
reluctant submission, as masters compel slaves to an unwilling
performance of their commands; but that being fascinated by
the fallacies of Satan, it necessarily submits itself to all his
directions. For those w hon i tin Lord does not favour with
the government of JlisJSpirit, he abandons in righteous judg-
ment to the i of Satan. Wherefore the Apostle says,
that "the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them
.which believe not," who are destined to destruction, "lest the
s. J
light of the gospel should shine unto them." (/) And in ano-
ther place, that he " worketh in the children of disobedi-
ence." (m) The blinding of the wicked, and all those enor-
mities which attend it, are called the works of Satan; the
cause of which must nevertheless be sought only in the human
will, from which proceeds the root of evil, and in which rests
the foundation of the kingdom of Satan, that is, sin.
II. Very different in such instances is the method of the
divine operation. And that we may have a clearer view of it,
let us take as an example the calamity which holy Job suffered
from the Chaldeans, (n) The Chaldeans massacred his shep-
herds, and committed hostile depredations on his flock. Now
the wickedness of their procedure is evident; yet in these
transactions Satan was not unconcerned; for with him the
history states the whole affair to have originated. But Job
himself recognises in it the work of the Lord, whom he asserts
to have taken from him .those things of which he had been
plundered by the Chaldeans. How can we refer the same
action to God, to Satan, and to man, as being each the author
of it, without either excusing Satan by associating him with
God, or making God the author of evil. Very easily, if we
examine, first, the end for which the action was designed, and
secondly, the manner in which it was effected. The design
the Lord is to exercise the patience of his servant by adversity;
Satan endeavours to drive him to despair: the Chaldeans, in
. *
defiance of law and justice, desire to enrich themselves by the
property of another. So great a diversity of design makes a
great distinction in the action. There is no less difference in
the manner. The Lord permits his servant to be afflicted by
Satan: the Chaldeans, whom he commissions to execute his
purpose, he permits and resigns to the impulses of Satan:
Satan, with his envenomed stings, instigates the minds of the
Chaldeans, otherwise very depraved, to perpetrate the crime:
they furiously rush into the act of injustice, and overwhelm
themselves in criminality. Satan therefore is properly said
to work in the reprobate, in whom he exercises his dominion;
tliat is, the kingdom of iniquity. God also is said to work in
(02Cor.lv. 4. (m)Eph.u,2. (n) Job i.
a way proper to himself, because Satan, being the instrument
of his wrath, turns himself hither and thither at his appoint-
ment and command, to execute his righteous judgments. Here
I allude not to the universal influence of God, by which all
creatures are sustained, and from which they derive an ability
to perform whatever they do. I speak only of that special in-
fluence which appears in every particular act. We see then
ff*4r--) Again:
" O Lord, why hast thou made us to err from thy ways, and
hardened our heart from thy fear?" (^) For these passages
rather indicate what God makes men by deserting them, than
shew how he performs his operations within them. But there
are other testimonies, which go farther; as those which relate
to the hardening of Pharaoh: " I will harden his (Pharaoh's)
heart, that he shall not let the people go." (r) Afterwards the
Lord says, " I have hardened his heart." (s) Did he harden
it by not mollifying it? That is true; but he did somewhat
more, for he delivered his heart to Satan to be confirmed
in obstinacy; whence he had before said, " I will harden
his heart." The people march out of Egypt; the inhabitants
of the country meet them in a hostile manner; by whom were
they excited? Moses expressly declared to the people, that it
was the Lord who had hardened their hearts, (f) The Psalmist
reciting the same history, says, " He turned their heart to
hate his people." (t>) Now it cannot be said that they fell in
consequence of being neglected by the counsel of God. For
if they are "hardened" and "turned," they are positively
(o) Deut. ii. 30.
(r) Exod. iv. 21.
(v) Psalm cv. 35.
(/>) Jobxii.20, 24.
(*) Exod. vii. 3.
((]) Isaiah Ixii'i. 1
(() Dent. ii. 30.
inclined to that point. Besides, whenever it hath pleased him
to punish the transgressions of his people, how hath he exe-
cuted his work By means of the reprobate? In such a manner
that any one may see, that the efficacy of the action proceeded
from him, and that they were only the ministers of his
will. Wherefore he threatened sometimes that he would call
them forth by hissing, (tu) sometimes that he would use them
as a net (A:) to entangle, sometimes as a hammer (y) to strike
the people of Israel. But he particularly declared himself to
be operative in them, when he called Sennacherib an axe (z)
which was both directed and driven by his hand. Augustine
somewhere makes the following correct distinction: "that they
sin, proceeds from themselves; that in sinning they perform
this or that particular action, is from the power of God, who
divideth the darkness according to his pleasure."
V. Now that the ministry of Satan is concerned in insti-
gating the reprobate, whenever the Lord directs them hither
or thither by his providence, may be sufficiently proved even
from one passage. For it is frequently asserted in Samuel that
an evil spirit from the Lord either agitated or quitted Saul, (a)
To refer this to the Holy Spirit were impious. An impure
spirit therefore is said to be from God, because it acts accord-
ing to his command and by his power, being rather an in-
strument in the performance of the action, than itself the
author of it. We must add also what is advanced by Paul,
that " God shall send strong delusion, that they who believed
not the truth should believe a lie." (b) Yet there is always a
wide difference, even in the same work, between the operation
of God and the attempts of Satan and wicked men. He
makes the evil instruments, which he has in his hand, and can
turn as he pleases, to be subservient to his justice. They,
as they are evil, produce the iniquity which the depravity of
their nature hath conceived. The other arguments, which
tend to vindicate the majesty of God from every calumny, and
to obviate the cavils of the impious, have already been ad-
(w) Isaiah v. 26. vii. 18. (x) Ezek. xii. 13. xvii. 29.
(j)Jer.l. 23 (a) Isaiah x. 15.
() 1 Sam. xvi. 14. xv'ni. 19. xix. 10. (b) 2 Thess. ii. 11, 12.
vanced in the chapter concerning Providence. For at present
I only intended briefly to shew how Satan reigns in the re-
probate man, and how the Lord operates in them both.
VI. But what liberty man possesses in those actions which
in themselves are neither righteous nor wicked,, and pertain
rather to the corporeal than to the spiritual life, although we
have before hinted, has not yet been explicitly stated. Some
have admitted him in such things to possess a free choice;
rather, as I suppose, from a reluctance to dispute on a subject
of no importance, than from an intention of positively assert-
ing that which they concede. Now though I grant that they
who believe themselves to be possessed of no power to justify
themselves, believe what is principally necessary to be known
in order to salvation; yet I think that this point also should
not be neglected, that we may know it to be owing to the spe-
cial favour of God, whenever our mind is disposed to choose
that which is advantageous for us, whenever our will in-
clines to it; and, on the other hand, whenever our mind and
understanding avoid what would otherwise hurt us. And the
power of the providence of God extends so far, as not only
to cause those events to succeed which he foresees will be
best, but also to incline the wills of men to the same objects.
Indeed if we view the administration of external things with
our own reason, we shall not doubt their subjection to the
human will; but if we listen to the numerous testimonies,
which proclaim that in these things also the hearts of men are
governed by the Lord, they will constrain us to submit the
will itself to the special influence of God. Who conciliated
the minds of the Egyptians towards the Israelites, (c) so as to
induce them to lend them the most valuable of their furniture?
They would never have been induced to do this of their own
accord. It follows, therefore, that their hearts were guided by
the Lord rather than by an inclination of their own. And
Jacob, if he had not been persuaded that God infuses various
dispositions into men according to his pleasure, would not
have said concerning his son Joseph, whom he thought to
be some profane Egyptian, " God Almighty give you mercy
(c) Exod. xi. 3.
before the man." (V/) As the whole Church confesses in the
Psalms, when God chose to compassionate them, he softened
the hearts of the cruel nations into clemency. (^) Again, when
Saul was so inflamed with rage, as to prepare himself for
war, it is expressly mentioned as the cause, that he was im-
pelled by the Spirit of God. (y) Who diverted the mind of
Absalom from adopting the counsel of Ahitophel, which used
to be esteemed as an oracle? () Who inclined Rehoboam
to be persuaded by the counsel of the young men? (A) Who
caused the nations, that before were very valiant, to feel terror
at the approach of the Israelites? Rahab the harlot confessed
that this was the work of God. Who, on the other hand,
dejected the minds of the Israelites with fear and terror, but
he who had threatened in the law that he would " send a faint-
ness into their hearts?" (z)
VII. Some one will object, that these are peculiar examples,
to the rule of which things ought by no means universally to
be reduced. But I maintain, that they are sufficient to prove
that for which I contend; that God, whenever he designs to
prepare the way for his providence, inclines and moves the
wills of men even in external things, and that their choice is
not so free, but that its liberty is subject to the will of God.
That your mind depends more on the influence of God, than
on the liberty of your own choice, you must be constrained to
conclude, whether you are willing or not, from this daily ex-
perience, that in affairs of no perplexity your judgment and
understanding frequently fail; that in undertakings not arduous
your spirits languish; on the other hand, in things the most
obscure, suitable advice is immediately offered; in things great
and perilous, your mind proves superior to every difficulty.
And thus I explain the observation of Solomon, " The hearing
ear, and the seeing eye, the Lord hath made even both of
them." () For he appears to me to speak not of their creation,
but of the peculiar favour of God displayed in their performing
their functions. When he says, that " the king's heart is in
the hand of the Lord; as the rivers of water, he turneth it
(d) Gen. xliii. 14. (e) Psalm cvi. 46. (/) 1 Sam. xi. 6.
(g-) 2 Sam. xvii. 14. (A) 1 Kings xii. 10. () Lev. xxvi. 36.
(*) Prov. xx. 12.
whithersoever he will;" (/) under one species he clearly com-
prehends the whole genus. For if the will of any man be
free from all subjection, that privilege belongs eminently to
the will of a king, which exercises a government in some
measure over the wills of others: but if the will of the king
be subject to the power of God, ours cannot be exempted
from the same authority. Augustine has a remarkable passage
on this subject: " The Scripture, if it be diligently examined,
shews, not only that the good wills of men, which he turns
from evil into good, and directs to good actions and to eternal
life, but also that those wills which relate to the present life, are
subject to the power of God, so that he by a most secret but
yet a most righteous judgment, causes them to be inclined
whither he pleases, and when he pleases, either for the com-
munication of benefits, or for the infliction of punishments.
VIII. Here let the reader remember, that the ability of the
human will is not to be estimated from the event of things, as
some ignorant men are preposterously accustomed to do. For
they conceive themselves fully and ingeniously to establish the
servitude of the human will, because even the most exalted
monarchs have not all their desires fulfilled. But this ability,
of which we speak, is to be considered within man, and not to
be measured by external success. For in the dispute concern-
ing free will the question is not, whether a man, notwithstand-
ing external impediments, can perform and execute whatever
he may have resolved in his mind, but whether in every case
his judgment exerts freedom of choice, and his will freedom of
inclination. If men possess both these, then Attilius Regulus,
when confined to the small extent of a cask stuck round with
nails, will possess as much free will as Augustus Caesar when
governing a great part of the world with his nod.
(0 Prov. x. 1.
A Refutation of the Objections commonly urged in Support of
Free Will.
ENOUGH might appear to have been already said on the
servitude of the human will, did not they, who endeavour to
overthrow it with a false notion of liberty, allege on the con-
trary certain reasons in opposition to our sentiments. First
they collect together some absurdities, in order to render it
odious, as if it were abhorrent to common sense; and then
they attack it with testimonies of Scripture. Both these wea-
pons we will repel in order. If sin, say they, be necessary, then
it ceases to be sin: if it be voluntary, then it may be avoided.
These were also the weapons used by Pelagius in his attacks of
Augustine; with whose authority however we wish not to
urge them, till we shall have given some satisfaction on the
subject itself. I deny then that sin is the less criminal because
it is necessary: I deny also the other consequence, which they
infer, that it is unavoidable because it is voluntary. For if
any one wish to dispute with God, and to escape his judgment
by the pretext of having been incapable of acting otherwise: he
is prepared with an answer, which we have elsewhere advanced,
that it arises not from creation, but from the corruption of
nature, that men being enslaved by sin can will nothing but
what is evil. For whence proceeded that impotence, of which
the ungodly would gladly avail themselves, but from Adam
voluntarily devoting himself to the tyranny of the devil? Hence
therefore the corruption, with which we are firmly bound; it
originated in the revolt of the first man from his Maker? If
all men are justly accounted guilty of this rebellion, let them
not suppose themselves excused by necessity, in which very
thing they have a most evident cause of their condemna-
tion. And this I have before clearly explained, and have
given an example in the devil himself, which shews, that
he who sins necessarily, sins no less voluntarily; and also in
the elect angels, whose will, though it cannot swerve from what
is good, ceases not to be a will. Bernard also judiciously
inculcates the same doctrine, that we are therefore the more
miserable because our necessity is voluntary; which yet con-
strains us to be so devoted to it, that we are, as we have already
observed, the slaves of sin The second branch of their argu-
ment is erroneous; because it makes an improper transition
from what is voluntary to what is free; but we have before
evinced, that a thing may be done voluntarily, which yet is
not the subject of free choice.
II. They add, that unless both virtues and vices proceed
from the free choice of the will, it is not reasonable either that
punishments should be inflicted, or that rewards should be
conferred on man. This argument, though first advanced by
Aristotle, yet I grant is used on some occasions by Chrysostom
and Jerome. That it was familiar to the Pelagians however,
Jerome himself does not dissemble, but even relates their own
words: " If the grace of God operates in us, then the crown
will be given to grace, not to us who labour." In regard to
punishments, I reply, that they are justly inflicted on us, from
whom the guilt of sin proceeds. For of what importance is it,
whether sin be committed with a judgment free or enslaved, so
it be committed with the voluntary bias of the passions: espe-
cially as man is proved to be a sinner, because he is subject
to the servitude of sin? With respect to rewards of righ-
teousness, where is the great absurdity, if we confess that they
depend rather on the divine benignity than on our own merits?
How often does this recur in Augustine, " That God crowns
not our merits, but his own gifts; and that they are called re-
wards, not as though they were due to our merits, but because
they are retributions to the graces already conferred on us?"
They discover great acuteness in this observation, that there
remains no room for merits, if they originate not from free will;
but in their opinion of the erroneousness of our sentiment they
are greatly mistaken. For Augustine hesitates not on all occa-
sions to inculcate as certain, what they think it impious to
acknowledge: as where he says, " What are the merits of any
man? When he comes not with a merited reward, but with
free grace, he alone being free and a deliverer from sins, finds
all men sinners." Again: " If you receive what is your due,
you must be punished. What then is done? God hath given
you not merited punishment, but unmerited grace. If you
wish to be excluded from grace, boast your merits." Again:
" You are nothing of yourself; sins are yours, merits belong
to God; you deserve punishment; and when you come to be
rewarded, he will crown his own gifts, not your merits." In the
same sense he elsewhere teaches that grace proceeds not from
merit, but merit from grace. And a little after he concludes,
that God with his gifts precedes all merits, that thence he may
elicit his other merits, and gives altogether freely, because he
discovers nothing as a cause of salvation. But what necessity is
there for further quotations, when his writings are full of
such passages? But the Apostle will even better deliver them
from this error, if they will hear from what origin he de-
duces the glory of the saints. " Whom he did predestinate,
them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justi-
fied: and whom he justified, them he also glorified." (rn) Why
then, according to the Apostle, are the faithful crowned? Be-
cause by the mercy of the Lord, and not by their own industry,
they are elected, and called, and justified. Farewell, then, this
vain fear, that there will be an end of all merits if free will be
overturned. For it is a proof of extreme folly, to be terrified
and to fly from that to which the Scripture calls us: " If,"
says he, " thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou
hadst not received it?" (ri) You see that he divests free will
of every thing with the express design of leaving no room for
merits. But yet, the beneficence and liberality of God being
inexhaustible and various, those graces which he confers on us,
because he makes them ours, he rewards, just as if they were
our own virtues.
III. They farther allege what may appear to be borrowed
from Chrysostom, that if our will has not this ability to choose
good or evil, the partakers of the same nature must be either
all evil or all good. And not very far from this is the writer,
whoever he was, of the treatise, On the calling of the Gentiles,
which is circulated under the name of Ambrose, when he
argues, that no man would ever recede from the faith, unless
the grace of God left us the condition of mutability. In which
(m) Rom. viii. 39. (n) 1 Cor. iv. 7.
it is surprising that such great men were so inconsistent with
themselves. For how did it not occur to Chrysostom, that it
is the election of God, which makes this difference between
men? We are not afraid to allow, what Paul very strenuously
asserts, that all, without exception, are depraved and addicted
to wickedness; but with him we add, that the mercy of God
does not permit all to remain in depravity. Therefore, since
we all naturally labour under the same disease, they alone
recover to whom the Lord hath been pleased to apply his
healing hand. The rest, whom he passeth by in righteous
judgment, putrefy in their corruption till they are entirely con-
sumed. And it is from the same cause, that some persevere to
the end, and others decline and fall in the midst of their course.
For perseverance itself also is a gift of God, which he bestows
not on all men promiscuously, but imparts to whom he pleases.
If we inquire the cause of the difference, why some persevere
with constancy, and others fail through instability, no other
can be found, but that God sustains the former by his power
that they perish not, and does not communicate the same
strength to the latter, that they may be examples of incon-
IV. They urge farther, that exhortations are given in vain,
that the use of admonitions is superfluous, and that reproofs
are ridiculous, if it be not in the power of the sinner to obey.
When similar objections were formerly made to Augustine, he
was obliged to write his treatise On Correction and Grace: in
which, though he copiously refutes them, he calls his adver-
saries to this conclusion: " O man, in the commandment learn
what is your duty; in correction learn, that through your own
fault you have it not; in prayer learn whence you may receive
what you wish to enjoy." There is nearly the same argument
in the treatise On the Spirit and Letter, in which he maintains
that God does not regulate the precepts of his law by the
ability of men, but when he hath commanded what is right,
freely gives to his elect ability to perform it. This is not a
subject that requires a prolix discussion. First, We are not
alone in this cause, but have the support of Christ and all the
apostles. Let our opponents consider how they can obtain the
superiority in a contest with such antagonists. Does Christ,
VOL. I. 2 U
who declares that without him we can do nothing, (o) on that
account the less reprehend and punish those who without him
do what is evil? Does he therefore relax in his exhortations to
every man to practise good works? How severely does Paul
censure the Corinthians for their neglect of charity! (/>) Yet
he earnestly prays that charity may be given them by the Lord.
In his Epistle to the Romans he declares that " it is not of him
that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth
mercy:" (y) yet afterwards he refrains not from the use of ad-
monition, exhortation, and reproof. Why do they not there-
fore remonstrate with the Lord, not to lose his labour in such a
manner, by requiring of men those things which he alone can
bestow, and punishing those things which are committed for
want of his grace? Why do they not admonish Paul to spare
those, who are unable to will or run without the previous mercy
of God, of which they are now destitute? As though truly the
Lord had not the best reason for his doctrine, which readily
presents itself to those who religiously seek it. Paul clearly
shews how far doctrine, exhortation, and reproof, can of them-
selves avail towards producing a change of heart, when he says
that "neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that
watereth; but" that the efficacy is solely from " God that
giveth the increase." (r) Thus we see that Moses severely
sanctions the precepts of the law, and the prophets earnestly
urge and threaten transgressors: whilst nevertheless they
acknowledge, that men never begin to be wise till a heart is
given them to understand; that it is the peculiar work of God
to circumcise the heart, and instead of a stony heart to give a
heart of flesh; to inscribe his law in men's minds; in a word,
to render his doctrine effectual by a renovation of the soul.
V. What then, it will be inquired, is the use of exhortations?
I reply; if the impious despise them with obstinate hearts,
they will serve for a testimony against them, when they shall
come to the tribunal of the Lord; and even in the present state
they wound their consciences; for however the most audacious
person may deride them, he cannot disapprove of them in
his heart. But it will be said, what can a miserable sinner do,
(o) John xv. 5. (/;) 1 Cor. iii. 3.
(7) Rom. ix. 16 (r) 1 Cor. iii. 7.
if the softness of heart, which is necessary to obedience, be
denied him? I ask, what excuse can he plead, seeing that he
cannot impute the hardness of his heart to any one but himself?
The impious therefore, who are ready if possible to ridicule the
Divine precepts and exhortations, are, in spite of their own in-
clinations, confounded by their power. But the principal
utility should be considered in regard to the faithful, in whom
as the Lord performs all things by his Spirit, so he neglects
not the instrumentality of his word, but uses it with great
efficacy. Let it be allowed then, as it ought to be, that all the
strength of the pious consists in the grace of God, according
to this expression of the prophet, " I will give them a new
heart, that they may walk in my statutes." (s) But you will
object, Why are they admonished of their duty, and not rather
left to the direction of the Spirit? Why are they importuned,
with exhortations, when they cannot make more haste than is
produced by the impulse of the Spirit? Why are they chas-
tised, if they have ever deviated from the right way, seeing that
they erred through the necessary infirmity of the flesh? I re-
ply, Who art thou, O man, that wouldest impose laws upon
God? If it be his will to prepare us by exhortation for the
reception of this grace, by which obedience to the exhortation
is produced, what have you to censure in this oeconomy? If
exhortations and reproofs were of no other advantage to the
pious, than to convince them of sin, they ought not on that
account to be esteemed wholly useless. Now since by the in-
ternal operation of the Spirit, they are most effectual to inflame
the heart with a love of righteousness, to shake off sloth, to
destroy the pleasure and poisonous sweetness of iniquity, and
on the contrary to render it hateful and burdensome; who can
dare to reject them as superfluous? If any one would desire
a plainer answer, let him take it thus: The operations of God
on his elect are twofold; internally by his Spirit, externally
by his word. By his Spirit illuminating their minds and form-
ing their hearts to the love and cultivation of righteousness,
he makes them new creatures. By his word he excites them
t desire, seek, and obtain the same renovation. In both he
0)Ezek.xi. 19, 29.
displays the efficacy of his power, according to the mode of
his dispensation. When he addresses the same word to the
reprobate, though it produces not their correction, yet he
makes it effectual for another purpose, that they may be con-
founded by the testimony of their consciences now, and be ren-
dered more inexcusable at the day of judgment. Thus Christ,
though he pronounces that " no man can come to him, except
the Father draw him," and that the elect come when they have
*' heard and learned of the Father;" (?) yet himself neglects
not the office of a teacher, but with his own mouth sedulously
invites those, who need the internal teachings of the Holy
Spirit to enable them to derive any benefit from his instruc-
tions. With respect to the reprobate, Paul suggests that
teaching is not useless, because it is to them " the savour of
death unto death," but " a sweet savour unto God." (t>)
VI. Our adversaries are very laborious in collecting testi-
monies of Scripture; and this with a view, since they cannot
refute us with their weight, to overwhelm us with their num-
ber. But as in battles, when armies come to close combat, the
weak multitude, whatever pomp and ostentation they may dis-
play, are soon defeated and routed; so it will be very easy for
us to vanquish them with all their multitude. For as all the pas-
sages, which they abuse in their opposition to us, when properly
classed and distributed, centre in a very few topics, one answer
will be sufficient for many of them; it will not be necessary to
dwell on a particular explication of each. Their principal argu-
ment they derive from the precepts; which they suppose to be
so proportioned to our ability, that whatever they can be proved
to require, it necessarily follows we are capable of performing.
They proceed therefore to a particular detail of them, and by
them measure the extent of our strength. Either, say they, God
mocks us, when he commands holiness, piety, obedience, chas-
tity, love, and meekness, and when he forbids impurity, idola-
try, unchastity, anger, robbery, pride, and the like: or he re-
quires only such things as we have power to perform. Now
almost all the precepts, which they collect, may be distributed
jnto three classes. Some require the first conversion to God}
(0 John vL 44, 45. (i>) 2 Cor. ii. 16.
others simply relate to the observation of the law; others en-
join perseverance in the grace of God already received. Let
us first speak of them all in general, and then proceed to the
particulars. To represent the ability of man as co-extensive
with the precepts of the Divine law, has indeed for a long time
not been unusual, and has some appearance of plausibility; but
it ha proceeded from the grossest ignorance of the law. For
those who think it an enormous crime to say that the ob-
servation of the law is impossible, insist on this very cogent
argument, that otherwise the law was given in vain. For they
argue just as if Paul had never said any thing concerning
the law. But pray what is the meaning of these expres-
sions: " The law was added because of transgressions;"
" by the law is the knowledge of sin;" " the law worketh
wrath;" " the law entered that the offence might abound?" (TV)
Do they imply a necessity of its being limited to our ability,
that it might not be given in vain? Do they not rather
shew that it was placed far beyond our ability, in order to
convince us of our impotence? According to the definition
of the same apostle, " the end of the commandment is cha-
rity." (#) But when he wishes the minds of the Thessalonians
to " abound in love," (z/) he plainly acknowledges that the law
sounds in our ears in vain, unless God inspire the principles
of it into our hearts.
VII. Indeed, if the Scripture taught only that the law is the
rule of life, to which our conduct ought to be conformed, I
would immediately accede to their opinion. But since it care-
fully and perspicuously states to us various uses of the law, it
will be best to consider the operation of the law in man accord-
ing to that exposition. As far as relates to the present argu-
ment, when it has prescribed any thing to be performed by us,
it teaches that the power of obedience proceeds from the good-
ness of God, and therefore invites us to pray that it may be
given us. If there were only a commandment, and no promise,
there would be a trial of the sufficiency of our strength to
obey the commandment; but since the commands are con-
nected with promises, which declare that we must derive not
(TO) Gal. iii. 19. Rom. in. 20. iv. 15. v. 20.
(x) 1 Tim. i. 5. ( v) 1 Thess. iii. 12.
only subsidiary power, but our whole strength from the assist-
ance of Divine grace, they furnish abundant evidence that we
are not only unequal to the observation of the law, but altogether
incapable of it. Wherefore let them no more urge the propor-
tion of our ability to the precepts of the law, as though the Lord
had regulated the standard of righteousness, which he designed
to give in the law, according to the measure of our imbecility.
It should rather be concluded from the promises, how unpre-
pared we are of ourselves, since we stand in such universal
need of his grace. But will it, say they, be credited by any,
that the Lord addressed his law to stocks and stones? I reply
that no one will attempt to inculcate such a notion. For
neither are the impious, stocks or stones, when they are taught
by the law the contrariety of their dispositions to God, and are
convicted of guilt by the testimony of their own minds; nor
the pious, when admonished of their own impotence, they have
recourse to the grace of God. To this purpose are the following
passages from Augustine: " God gives commands which we
cannot perform, that we may know what we ought to request
of him. The utility of the precepts is great, if only so much
be given to free will, that the grace of God may receive the
greater honour. Faith obtains what the law commands; and
the law therefore commands, that faith may obtain that which
is commanded by the law: moreover God requires faith itself
of us, and finds not what he requires, unless he has given what
he finds." Again, " Let God give what he enjoins, and let him
enjoin what he pleases."
VIII. This will more clearly appear in an examination of
the three kinds of precepts which we have already mentioned.
The Lord, both in the law and in the prophets, frequently
commands us to be converted to him; (2) but the prophet, on
the other hand, says, " Turn thou me, and I shall be turned."
" After that I was turned, I repented," &c. (a) He commands
us to circumcise our hearts; but he announces by Moses, that
this circumcision is the work of his own hand. () He fre-
quently requires newness of heart; but elsewhere declares that
this is his own gift, (c) " What God promises," as Augustine
(3) Joel ii. 12- (fl) Jer. xxxi. 18, 19.
(*) Deut. x. 16. and xxx. 6. (c) Jr.ir. 4. Ezck. xxxvi. 26.
aays, " we do not perform ourselves through free will or nature;
but he does it himself by his grace." And this is the observa-
tion to which he himself assigns the fifth place in his enumera-
tion of Ticonius's rules of Christian doctrine; that we should
make a proper distinction between the law and the promises,
or between the commandments and grace. This may suffice, in
answer to those who from the precepts infer an ability in man to
obey them, that they may destroy the grace of God, by which
those very precepts are fulfilled. The precepts of the second
class are simple, enjoining on us the worship of God, con-
stant submission to his will, observance of his commands, and
adherence to his doctrine. But there are innumerable passages,
which prove that the highest degree of righteousness, sanctity,
piety, and purity, capable of being attained, is his own gift.
Of the third class is that exhortation of Paul and Barnabas to
the faithful, mentioned by Luke, " to continue in the grace of
God."() But whence the grace of perseverance should be
sought, the same Apostle informs us, when he says: " Finally,
my brethren, be strong in the Lord." (e) In another place
he cautions us to *' grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby
ye are sealed unto the day of redemption." (y) But because
what he there requires could not be performed by men, he
prays for the Thessalonians, " that our God would count them
worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his
goodness, and the work of faith with power." (_) Thus als
in the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, treating of alms, he
frequently commends their benevolent and pious disposition; (//)
yet a little after he gives thanks to God for having inclined
the heart of Titus to " accept" or undertake " the exhorta-
tion." If Titus could not even use his own tongue to exhort
others without having been prompted by God, how should
others have been inclined to act, unless God himself had
directed their hearts?
IX. Our more subtle adversaries cavil at all these testimonies,
because there is no impediment, they say, that prevents our ex-
erting our own ability, and God assisting our weak efforts. They
adduce also passages from the prophets, where the accomplish-
(rf) Acts xiii. 43. (e) Eph. vi. 10. (/) Eph. iv. SO.
(g ) 2 Thess. i. 11 (A) 2 Cor. vni. I, &c.
ment of our conversion seems to be divided equally between
God and us. " Turn ye unto me, and I will turn unto you." (i)
What assistance we receive from the Lord, has already been
slu-wn, and needs not to be repeated here. I wish only this
single point to be conceded to me, that it is in vain to infer our
possession of ability to fulfil the law from God's command to
us to obey it: since it is evident, that for the performance of
all the Divine precepts, the grace of the Legislator is both
necessary for us, and promised to us; and hence it follows,
that at least more is required of us than we are capable of per-
forming. Nor is it possible for any cavils to explain away that
passage of Jeremiah, which assures us, that the covenant of
God, made with his ancient people, was frustrated because it
was merely a literal one; (/) and that it can" only be confirmed
by the influence of the Spirit, who forms the heart to obedi-
ence. Nor does their error derive any support from this
passage: " Turn ye unto me, and I will turn unto you." For
this denotes, not that turning of God in which he renovates
our hearts to repentance, but that in which he declares his
benevolence and kindness by external prosperity; as by adver-
sity he sometimes manifests his displeasure. When the people
of Israel therefore, after having been harassed with miseries
and calamities under various forms, complained that God was
departed from them, he replies that his benignity will not fail
them, if they return to rectitude of life, to himself who is the
standard of righteousness. The passage then is miserably per-
verted, when it is made to represent the work of conversion
as divided between God and men. We have observed the
greater brevity on these points, because it will be a more
suitable place for this argument when we treat of the Law.
X. The second description of arguments is nearly allied to
the first. They allege the promises, in which God covenants
with our will: such as, " Seek good, and not evil, that ye may
live." " If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of
the land: but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with
the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it." (/)
Again, " If thou wilt put away thine abominations out of my
(i) Zech. i. 3. (*) Jer. xxxi. 32. (/) Amos v. 14. Isaiah i. 19, 20.
sight, then shalt them not remove." " If thou shalt hearken
diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and
to do all his commandments which I command thee this day,
the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the
earth:" (in) and other similar passages. They consider it an ab-
surdity and mockery, that the benefits which the Lord offers
in the promises are referred to our will, unless it be in our
power either to confirm or to frustrate them. And truly it is
very easy to amplify this subject with eloquent complaints,
that we are cruelly mocked by the Lord, when he announces
that his benignity depends on our will, if that will be not in
our own power; that this would be egregious liberality in God,
to present his benefits to us in such a manner, that we should
have no power to enjoy them; and that there must be a strange
certainty in his promises, if they depend on a thing impossible,
so that they can never be fulfilled. Concerning promises of this
kind, to which a condition is annexed, we shall speak in another
place, and evince that there is no absurdity in the impossibility
of their completion. With respect to the present question, I
deny that God is cruel or insincere to us, when he invites us to
merit his favours, though he knows us to be altogether incapable
of doing this. For as the promises are offered equally to the
faithful and to the impious, they have their use with them
both. As by the precepts God disturbs the consciences of the
impious, that they may not enjoy too much pleasure in sin with-
out any recollection of his judgments; so in the promises he calls
them to attest how unworthy they are of his kindness. For
who can deny that it is most equitable and proper for the Lord
to bless those who worship him, and severely to punish the
despisers of his majesty? God acts therefore in a right and
orderly manner, when, addressing the impious who are bound
with the fetters of sin, he adds to the promises this condition,
that when they shall have departed from their wickedness, they
shall then, and not till then, enjoy his favours; even for this
sole reason, that they may know that they are deservedly ex-
cluded from those benefits M'hich belong to the worshippers
of the true God. On the other hand, since he designs by all
(TO) Jer. iv. 1. Deut. xxviii. 1.
VOL. I. 2 X
means to stimulate the faithful to implore his grace, it will not
be at all strange, if he does in his promises also, what we have
shewn he does with considerable effect in his precepts. Being
instructed by the precepts concerning the will of God, we are ap-
prized of our misery, in having our hearts so completely averse
to it; and are at the same time excited to invoke his Spirit,
that we may be directed by him into the right way. But be-
cause our sluggishness is not sufficiently roused by the precepts,
God adds his promises, to allure us by their sweetness to the
love of his commands. Now, in proportion to our increased
love of righteousness, will be the increase of our fervour in
seeking the grace of God. See how, in these addresses, " If ye
be willing," u If ye be obedient," the Lord neither attributes to
lis an unlimited power to will and to obey, nor yet mocks us on
account of our impotence.
XI. The third class of arguments also has a great affinity
with the preceding. For they produce passages in which
God reproaches an ungrateful people, that it was wholly owing
to their own fault that they did not receive blessings of all
kinds from his indulgent hand. Of this kind are the following
passages: " The Amalekites and the Canaanites are there be-
fore you, and ye shall fall by the sword: because ye are turned
away from the Lord." (n) " Because I called you, but ye an-
swered not; therefore will I do unto this house as I have done
to Shiloh." (o) Again, " This is a nation that obeyeth not
the voice of the Lord their God, nor receiveth correction:
the Lord hath rejected and forsaken the generation of his
wrath." (/>) Again, " They obeyed not thy voice, neither
walked in thy law; they have done nothing of all that thou
commandest them to do: therefore thou hast caused all this
evil to come upon them." (tj) How, say they, could such re-
proaches be applicable to those who might immediately reply,
It is true that we desired prosperity and dreaded adversity; but
our not obeying the Lord, or hearkening to his voice, in order
to obtain good and to avoid evil, has been owing to our want of
liberty, and subjection to the dominion of sin. It is in vain
therefore to reproach us with evils, which we had no power to
(n) Numb. xiv. 43. (o) Jer. vii. 13, 14.
( /) Jer. vii. 28, 29. (?) Jer. xxxij, 23.
avoid. In answer to this, leaving the pretext of necessity, which
is but a weak and futile plea, I ask whether they can exculpate
themselves from all guilt? For if they are convicted of any
fault, the Lord justly reproaches them with their perverseness,
as the cause of their not having experienced the advantage of
his clemency. Let them answer then, if they can deny that
their own perverse will was the cause of their obstinacy? If
they find the source of the evil within themselves, why do they
so earnestly inquire after extraneous causes, that they may not
appear to have been the authors of their own ruin? But
if it be true that sinners are deprived of the favours of God,
and chastised with his punishments, for their own sin, and only
for their own, there is great reason why they should hear those
reproaches from his mouth; that if they obstinately persist
in their crimes, they may learn in their calamities rather to
accuse and detest their iniquity, than to charge God with un-
righteous cruelty; that if they have not cast off all docility,
they may become weary of their sins, the demerits of which
they see to be misery and ruin, and may return into the good
way, acknowledging in a serious confession the very thing for
which the Lord rebukes them. And that those reproofs,
which are quoted from the prophets, have produced this bene-
ficial effect on the faithful, is evident from the solemn prayer
of Daniel, given us in his ninth chapter. Of the former use
of them we find an example in the Jews, to whom Jeremiah
is commanded to declare the cause of their miseries; though
nothing could befal them, otherwise than the Lord had fore-
told. "Thou shalt speak all these words unto them; but
they will not hearken to thee: thou shalt also call unto them;
but they will not answer thee." (r) For what purpose then,
it will be asked, did they speak to persons that were deaf? It
was in order that, in spite of their disinclination and aver-
sion, they might know what was declared to them to be true;
that it was an abominable sacrilege to transfer to God the guilt
of their crimes, which belonged solely to themselves. With
these few solutions, we may very easily dispatch the immense
multitude of testimonies, which the enemies of the grace of
(r) Jer. vii. 27.
God are accustomed to collect both from the precepts of the
law, and from the expostulations directed to transgressors of
it, in order to establish the idol of free-will. In one psalm the
Jews are stigmatised as "a stubborn and rebellious genera-
tion; a generation that set not their heart aright." () In
another, the psalmist exhorts the men of his age to " harden
not" their "hearts;" (?) which implies, that all the guilt of
rebellion lies in the perverseness of men. But it is absurd to
infer from this passage that the heart is equally flexible to either
side: whereas " the preparation" of it is " from the Lord." (u)
The psalmist says, " I have inclined my heart to perform thy
statutes:" (w) because he had devoted himself to the service of
God without any reluctance, but with a cheerful readiness of
mind. Yet he boasts not of being himself the author of this in-
clination, which in the same psalm he acknowledges to be the gift
of God. (x) We should remember therefore the admonition of
Paul, when he commands the faithful to " work out" their
" own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God which
worketh in" them " both to will and to do." (r/) He assigns
them a part to perform, that they may not indulge them-
selves in carnal negligence; but by inculcating " fear and
trembling," he humbles them, and reminds them that this very
thing, which they are commanded to do, is the peculiar work of
God. In this he plainly suggests that the faithful act, if I
may be allowed the expression, passively, inasmuch as they
are furnished with strength from heaven, that they may arro-
gate nothing at all to themselves. Wherefore, when Peter
exhorts us to " add to" our " faith, virtue," (2) he does not allot
Us another part to be performed, as though we could do any
thing separately, of ourselves; he only arouses the indolence of
the flesh, by which faith itself is frequently extinguished. To
the same purpose is the exhortation of Paul: " Quench not the
Spirit;" (a) for slothfulness gradually prevails over the faithful,
unless it be corrected. But if any one should infer from this,
that it is at his own option to cherish the light offered him, his
ignorance will easily be refuted; since this diligence which Paul
- (*) Psalm Ixxviii. 8. (/) Psalm xcv. 8. () Prov. xvi. 1.
(TO) Psalm cxix. 112. (x) Psalm cxix. 3340. (/) Phil. ii. 12.
(z) 2 Peter i. 5. (a) 1 Thess. v. 19.
requires, proceeds only from God. For we are also frequently
commanded to " cleanse ourselves from all filthiness," (6) whilst
the Spirit claims the office of sanctifying us exclusively to
himself. In short, that what properly belongs to God is, by
concession, transferred to us, is plain from the words of John:
" He that is begotten of God, keepeth himself." (c) The
preachers of free-will lay hold of this expression, as though
we were saved partly by the Divine power, partly by our own;
as though we did not receive from heaven this very preserva-
tion which the apostle mentions. Wherefore also Christ
prays that his Father would " keep" us " from evil;" (d) and
we know that the pious, in their warfare against Satan, obtain
the victory by no other arms than those which are furnished by
God. Therefore Peter, having enjoined us to "purify" our
" souls, in obeying the truth," immediately adds, as a correc-
tion, " through the Spirit." (i) Finally, the impotence of all
human strength in the spiritual conflict is briefly demonstrated
by John, when he says, '^Whosoever is born of God cannot
sin; for his seed remaineth in him:" (y) and in another place
he adds the reason, that " this is the victory that overcometh
the world, even our faith." ()
XII. There is also a testimony cited from the law of
Moses, which appears directly repugnant to our solution.
For, after having published the law, he makes the following
solemn declaration to the people: "This commandment,
which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee,
neither is it far off: it is not in heaven: but the word is
very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou
mayest do it." (A) If these expressions be understood merely
of the precepts, I grant that they have much weight in thr
present argument. For although we might easily elude their
force by saying that they ti-eat of the facility and promptitude,
not of observance, but of knowledge; yet still perhaps they
might leave some doubt. But the apostle, in whose exposi-
tions there is no ambiguity, removes all our doubts, by affirm-
ing that Moses here spake of the doctrine of the gospel, (z)
(6) 2 Cor. vii. 1. ( c ) 1 John v. 18. () John xvii. 15.
(e) 1 Peter i. 22. (/) 1 John Hi. 9. ( 1 John v. 4.
(h) Deut. xxx. 1114. () Rom. x. a
But if any one should obstinately contend, that Paul has
violently perverted the passage from its genuine meaning, by
applying it to the gospel; although his presumption could
not be acquitted of impiety, yet there is enough to refute him,
independently of the authority of the apostle. For, if Moses
spake only of the precepts, he was deceiving the people with
the vainest confidence. For would they not have precipitated
themselves into ruin, if they had attempted the observance of
the law in their own strength, as a thing of no difficulty?
What then becomes of the very obvious facility with which
the law may be observed, when there appears no access to it
but over a fatal precipice? Wherefore nothing is more cer-
tain, than that Moses in these words comprehended the cove-
nant of mercy, which he had promulgated together with the pre-
cepts of the law. For in a preceding verse he had taught that
our hearts must be circumcised by God, in order that we may
love him. (/) Therefore he placed this facility, of which he
afterwards speaks, not in the strength of man, but in the
assistance and protection of the Holy Spirit, who powerfully
accomplishes his work in our infirmity. However, the passage
is not to be understood simply of the precepts, but rather of
the promises of the Gospel, which are so far from maintaining
an ability in us to obtain righteousness, that they prove us
to be utterly destitute of it. Paul, considering the same,
proves by this testimony that salvation is proposed to us in the
Gospel, not under that hard, difficult, and impossible condition,
prescribed to us in the law, which pronounces it attainable
only by those who have fulfilled all the commandments, but
under a condition easily and readily to be performed. There-
fore this testimony contributes nothing to support the liberty of
the human will.
XIII. Some other passages also are frequently objected,
which shew that God sometimes tries men by withdrawing
the assistance of his grace, and waits to see what course they
will pursue; as in Hosea, " I will go and return to my place,
till they acknowledge their offence and seek my face." (/) It
would be ridiculous, they say, for the Lord to consider,
(>) Deut xxx. 6. (/) Hos. v. 15.
ther Israel would seek his face, unless their minds were flexible,
capable of inclining either way, according to their own pleasure.
As if it were not very common for God, in the prophets, to re-
present himself as despising and rejecting his people, till they
should amend their lives. But what will our adversaries infei
from such threats? If they maintain, that those who arc
deserted by God, are capable of converting themselves,
they oppose the uniform declarations of Scripture. If they
acknowledge that the grace of God is necessary to conver-
sion, what is their controversy with us? But they will re-
ply, that they concede its necessity in such a sense as to
maintain that man still retains some power. How do they
prove it? Certainly not from this or any similar passages.
For it is one thing to depart from a man, and to observe
what he will do when forsaken and left to himself, and
another to assist his little strength in proportion to his im-
becility. What then, it will be inquired, is implied in such
forms of expression? I reply, that the import of them is
just as if God had said, Since admonitions, exhortations, and
reproofs, produce no good effect on this rebellious people, I
will withdraw myself for a little while, and silently leave
them to affliction. I will see whether, at some future period
after a series of calamities, they will remember me, and seek
my face. The departure of the Lord, signifies the removal of
his word. His observing what men will do, signifies his con-
cealing himself in silence, and exercising them for a season
with various afflictions. He does both to humble us the more,'
for we should sooner be confounded than corrected with the
scourges of adversity, unless he rendered us docile by his
Spirit. Now when the Lord, offended, and, as it were,
wearied, by our extreme obstinacy, leaves us for a time, by
the removal of his word in which he is accustomed to manifest
his presence with us, and makes the experiment, what we
shall do in his absence; it is falsely inferred from this, thai
there is some power of free will, which he observes and provc;r.
since he acts in this manner with no other design than to
bring us to a sense and acknowledgment of our own no-
XIV. They argue also from the manner of expression which
is invariably observed, both in the Scriptures and in the com-
mon conversation of mankind. For good actions are called
our own, and we are said to perform what is holy and pleas-
ing to the Lord, as well as to commit sins. But if sins be
justly imputed to us, as proceeding from ourselves; certainly
some share ought to be, for the same reason, assigned to us
also in works of righteousness. For it would be absurd that
we should be said to do those things, to the performance of
which, being incapable of any exertion of our own, we were
impelled by God, as so many stones. Wherefore, though we
allow the grace of God the pre-eminence, yet these expres-
sions indicate that our own endeavours hold at least the
second place. If it were only alleged, that good works are
called our own; I would reply, that the bread, which we pray
to God to give us, is called ours. What will they prove by
this term, but that what otherwise by no means belongs to us,
becomes ours through the benignity and gratuitous munificence
of God? Therefore let them either ridicule the same absurdity
in the Lord's prayer; or no longer esteem it ridiculous, that
good works are denominated ours, in which we have no pro-
priety but from the liberality of God. But there is rather
more force in what follows; that the Scripture frequently
affirms that we ourselves worship God, work righteousness,
obey the law, and perform good works. These being the pro-
per offices of the understanding and will, how could they justly
be referred to the Spirit, and at the same time be attributed
to us, if there were not some union of our exertions with the
grace of God? We shall easily extricate ourselves from these
objections, if we properly consider the manner in which the
Spirit of the Lord operates in the saints. The similitude with
which they try to cast an odium on our sentiments, is quite
foreign to the subject; for who is so senseless as to suppose
that there is no difference between impelling a man, and
throwing a stone? Nor does any such consequence follow from
our doctrine. We rank among the natural powers of man,
approving, rejecting; willing, nilling; attempting, resisting;
that is, a power to approve vanity, and to reject true excel-
lence; to will what is evil, to refuse what is good; to attempt
iniquity, and to resist righteousness. What concern has the
Lord in this? If it be his will to use this depravity as an
instrument of his wrath, he directs and appoints it according
to his pleasure, in order to execute his good work by means
of a wicked hand. Shall we then compare a wicked man,
who is thus subservient to the Divine power, while he only
studies to gratify his own corrupt inclinations, to a stone which
is hurled by an extrinsic impulse, and driven along without
any motion, sense, or will of its own? We perceive what a
vast difference there is. But how does the Lord operate in
good men, to whom the question principally relates? When
he erects his kingdom within them, he by his Spirit restrains
their will, that it may not be hurried away by unsteady and
violent passions, according to the propensity of nature; that
it may be inclined to holiness and righteousness, he bends,
composes, forms, and directs it according to the rule of his
own righteousness; that it may not stagger or fall, he esta-
blishes and confirms it by the power of his Spirit. For which
reason Augustine says, "You will reply to me, Then we are
actuated, we do not act. Yes, you both act and are actuated;
and you act well, when you are actuated by that which is good.
The Spirit of God, who actuates you, assists those who act,
and calls himself a helper, because you also perform some-
thing." In the first clause he inculcates that the agency
of man is not destroyed by the influence of the Spirit, because
the Avill, which is guided to aspire to what is good, belongs
to his nature. But the inference which he immediately sub-
joins, from the term help, that we also perform something,
we should not understand in such a sense, as though he attri-
buted any thing to us independently: but in order to avoid
encouraging us in indolence, he reconciles the divine agency
with ours in this way; that to will is from nature, to will what
is good is from grace. Therefore he had just before said,
" Without the assistance of God, we shall be not only unable
to conquer, but even to contend."
XV. Hence it appears that the grace of God, in the sense
in which this word is used when we treat of regeneration,
is the rule of the Spirit for directing and governing the
human will. He cannot govern it, unless he correct, reform,
Vox.. I. 2 Y
and renovate it; whence we say that the commencement of
regeneration is an abolition of what is from ourselves: nor
unless he also excite, actuate, impel, support, and restrain
it; whence we truly assert, that all the actions which pro-
ceed from this are entirely of the Spirit. At the same time,
we fully admit the truth of what Augustine teaches, that the
will is not destroyed by grace, but rather repaired; for these
two things are perfectly consistent; that the human will may-
be said to be repaired, when, by the correction of its depra-
vity and perverseness, it is directed according to the true
standard of righteousness; and also that a new will may be
said to be created in man, because the natural will is so vitiated
and corrupted, that it needs to be formed entirely anew. Now
there is no reason why we may not justly be said to perform
that which the Spirit of God performs in us, although our own
will contributes nothing of itself independently of his grace.
And therefore we should remember what we have before
cited from Augustine, that many persons labour in vain to find
in the human will some good, properly its own. For whatever
mixture men study to add from the power of free-will to the
grace of God, is only a corruption of it; just as if any one
should dilute good wine with dirty or bitter water. But al-
though whatever good there is in the human will proceeds
wholly from the internal influence of the Spirit, yet because we
have a natural faculty of willing, we are, not without reason,
said to do those things, the praise of which God justly claims to
himself: first, because whatever God does in us, becomes ours
by his benignity, provided we do not apprehend it to originate
from ourselves; secondly, because the understanding is ours,
the will is ours, and the effort is ours, which are all directed by
him to that which is good.
XVI. The other testimonies, which they rake together from
every quarter, will not much embarrass even persons of mode-
rate capacities, who have well digested the answers already
given. They quote this passage from Genesis: "Unto thec
shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him;" (n) or as they
C) Gen. iv. 7
would translate the words, " Subject to thee shall be its appe-
tite, and thou shalt rule over it:" which they explain to relate
to sin, as though the Lord promised Cain, that the power of
sin should not obtain the dominion over his mind, if he would
labour to overcome it. But we say that it is more agreeable
to the tenor of the context, to understand it to be spoken con-
cerning Abel. For the design of God in it is to prove the
iniquity of that envy which Cain had conceived against his
brother. This he does by two reasons; first, that it was in vain
for him to meditate crimes in order to excel his brother in the
sight of God, with whom no honour is given but to righteous-
ness; secondly, that he was extremely ungrateful for the favours
God had already conferred on him, since he could not bear his
brother, even though subject to his authority. But that we
may not appear to adopt this explanation, merely because the
other is unfavourable to our tenets, let us admit that God spake
concerning sin. If it be so, then what the Lord there declares,
is either promised or commanded by him. If it be a command,
we have already demonstrated that it affords no proof of the
power of men: if it be a promise, where is the completion of
tfie promise, seeing that Cain fell under the dominion of sin,
over which he ought to have prevailed? They will say, that
the promise includes a tacit condition, as though it had been
declared to him that he should obtain the victory if he would
contend for it; but who can admit these subterfuges? For if
this dominion be referred to sin, the speech is doubtless a com-
mand, expressive, not of our ability, but of our duty, which
remains our duty even though it exceed our ability. But the
subject itself, and grammatical propriety require a comparison
to be made between Cain and Abel; in which the elder brother
would not have been placed below the younger, if he had not
degraded himself by his own wickedness.
XVII. They adduce also the testimony of the Apostle, who
says, that " it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that
runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy:" (o) whence they
conclude, that there is something in the will and endeavour,
which, though ineffectual of itself, is rendered successful by the
(o) Rom. ix. 16.
assistance of the Divine mercy. But if they would soberly
examine the subject there treated by Paul, they would not so
inconsiderately pervert this passage. I know that they can
allege the suffrages of Origen and Jerome in defence of their
exposition; and in opposition to them, I could produce that of
Augustine. But their opinions are of no importance to us, if
we can ascertain what was the meaning of Paul. He is there
teaching, that salvation is provided for them alone, whom the
Lord favours with his mercy; but that ruin and perdition await
all those whom he hath not chosen. He had shewn by the
example of Pharaoh, the condition of the reprobate; and had
confirmed the certainty of gratuitous election by the testimony
of Moses: " I wiU have mercy on whom I will have mercy."
His conclusion is, that " it is not of him that willcth, nor of
him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy." If this be
understood to imply that our will and endeavour are not suffi-
cient, because they are not equal to so great a work, Paul has
expressed himself with great impropriety. Away therefore with
these sophisms: " It is not of him that willeth, nor of him that
runneth," therefore there is some willing and some running. For
the meaning of Paul is more simple, It is neither our willing
nor our running, which procures for us a way of salvation, but
solely the mercy of God. For he expresses here the same
sentiment as he does to Titus, when he says, "that the kind-
ness and love of God towards man appeared, not by works of
righteousness which we have done, but according to his
mercy." (/>) The very persons, who argue that Paul, in deny-
ing that it is of him that willeth or of him that runneth, implies
that there is some willing and some running, would not allow
me to use the same mode of reasoning, that we have done some
good works, because Paul denies that we have obtained the
favour of God by any works which we have done. But if they
perceive a flaw in this argumentation, let them open their eyes,
and they will perceive a similar fallacy in their own. For the
argument on which Augustine rests the dispute is unanswer-
able: " If it be said, that it is not of him that willeth, nor of
him that runneth, merely because neither our willing nor our
(/5)Tit. iii. 4,5.
running is sufficient; it may on the contrary be retorted,
that it is not of the mercy of God, because that does not act
alone." (y) The latter position being absurd, Augustine justly
concludes the meaning of this passage to be, that there is no
good will in man, unless it be prepared by the Lord; not
that we ought not to will and to run, but because God worketh
in us both the one and the other. With similar want of judg-
ment, some pervert this declaration of Paul, " We are labourers
together with God;" (r) which without doubt is restricted
solely to ministers; who are denominated " workers with
him," not that they contribute any thing of themselves, but
because God makes use of their agency, after he has qualified
them and furnished them with the necessary talents.
XVIII. They produce a passage from Ecclesiasticus, which
is well known to be a book of doubtful authority. But though
we should not reject it, which nevertheless if we chose we might
justly do, what testimony does it afford in support of free-will?
The writer says, that man, as soon as he was created, was left in
the power of his own will; that precepts were given to him,
which if he kept, he should always be kept by them; that he had
life and death, good and evil, set before him; and that whatever
he desired, would be given him. (-s) Let it be granted, that
man at his creation was endowed with a power of choosing
life or death. What if we reply, that he has lost it? I certainly
do not intend to contradict Solomon, who asserts that " God
hath made man upright; but they have sought out many
inventions." (?) But man by his degeneracy having ship-
wrecked both himself and all his excellencies, whatever is
attributed to his primitive state, it does not immediately follow
that it belongs to his vitiated and degenerated nature. There-
fore I reply, not only to them, but also to Ecclesiasticus him-
self, whoever he be: If you design to teach man to seek within
himself a power to attain salvation, your authority is not so
great in our estimation as to obtain even the smallest degree
of credit, in opposition to the undoubted word of God. But
if you only aim to repress the malignity of the flesh, which
vainly attempts to vindicate itself by transferring its crimes to
(7) Epist. 107, ad Vital. (r) 1 Cor. iii. 9.
0) Ecclus. xv. 14. (r) Eccles. vii. 29.
God; and you therefore reply, that man was originally en-
dued with rectitude, from which it is evident that he was the
cause of his own ruin, I readily assent to it; provided we also
agree in this, that through his own guilt he is now despoiled
of those ornaments with which God invested him at the begin-
ning; and so unite in confessing, that in his present situation
he needs not an advocate, but a physician.
XIX. But there is nothing which our adversaries have
more frequently in their mouths, than the parable of Christ
concerning the traveller, who was left by robbers in the road
half dead, (u) I know it is the common opinion of almost all
writers, that the calamity of the human race is represented
under the type of this traveller. Hence they argue, that man
is not so mutilated by the violence of sin and the devil, but that
he still retains some reliques of his former excellencies, since
he is said to have been left only half dead; for what becomes
of the remaining portion of life, unless there remain some rec-
titude both of reason and will? In the first place, what could
they say, if I refuse to admit their allegory? For there is no
doubt but that this interpretation invented by the Fathers is
foreign to the genuine sense of our Lord's discourse. Allegories
ought to be extended no further than they are supported by the
authority of Scripture, for they are far from affording of them-
selves a sufficient foundation for any doctrines. Nor is there
any want of arguments by which, if I chose, I could com-
pletely confute this erroneous notion: for the ^ord of God
does not leave man in the possession of a portion of life, but
teaches, that as far as respects happiness of life, he is wholly dead.
Paul, when speaking of our redemption, says, not that we were
recovered when half dead, but that " even when we were dead,
we were raised up." He calls not on the half dead, but on
those who are in the grave, sleeping the sleep of death, to re-
ceive the illumination of Christ. (v) And the Lord himself speaks
in a similar manner, when he says, that "the hour is coming,
and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of
God; and they that hear shall live." (tt>) With what face can
they oppose this slight allusion against so many positive ex-
(u) Luke x. 30. (r) Eph. ii. 5. v. 14. (w) John v. 25.
pressions? Yet let this allegory even be admitted as a clear
testimony; what will it enable them to extort from us? Man,
they will say, is but half dead, therefore he has some faculty
remaining entire. I grant that he has a mind capable of under-
standing, though it attains not to heavenly and spiritual wis-
dom; he has some idea of virtue; he has some sense of the
Deity, though he acquires not the true knowledge of Goxl.
But what is to be concluded from all this. It certainly does
not disprove the assertion of Augustine, which has received the
general approbation of the schools:^That man since his fall
has been deprived of the gratuitous talents on which salvation
depends; that the natural ones are corrupted and polluted.
Let us hold this then as an undoubted truth which no opposi-
tion can ever shake; that the mind of man is so completely
alienated from the righteousness of God, that it conceives,
desires, and undertakes every thing that is impious, perverse,
base, impure, and flagitious: that his heart is so thoroughly
infected by the poison of sin, that it cannot produce any thing
but what is corrupt; and that if at any time men do any thing
apparently good, yet the mind always remains involved in
hypocrisy and fallacious obliquity, and the heart enslaved by
its inward perversenessrj
f~~ _ Redemption for lost Man to be sought in Christ.
( 1 HE whole human race having perished in the person of
T?Ldam, our original excellence and dignity, which we have
noticed, so far from being advantageous to us, only involves us
in greater ignominy, till God, who does not acknowledge the
pollution and corruption of man by sin to be his work, appears
as a Redeemer in the person of his only begotten Soruj There-
fore since we are fallen from life into death, a-11 that knowledge
of God as a Creator, of which \ve have l/Lcn treating, would
be useless, unless it were succeeded by faith exhibiting God to
4is as a Father in Christ. This indeed was the genuine- order r/t
nature, that the fabric of the world should be a school in which
i might k;un piety, and thence be conducted to eternal life
and perfect felicity. But since the fall, whithersoever we turn
our eyes, the curse of God meets us on every side, which, whilst
it seizes innocent creatures and involves them in our guilt, must
necessarily overwhelm our souls with despair. For though
God is pleased still to manifest his paternal kindness to us in
various ways, yet we cannot, from a contemplation of the world,
conclude that he is our Father, when our conscience disturbs
us within, and convinces us that our sins afford a just reason
why God should abandon us, and no longer esteem us as his
children. We are also chargeable with stupidity and ingrati-
tude; for our minds, being blinded, do not perceive the truth;
and all our senses being corrupted, we wickedly defraud God of
his glory. We must therefore subscribe to the declaration of
Paul: " For after that in the wisdom of God, the world by
wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of
preaching to save them that believe." (.x 1 ) What he denomi-
nates the wisdom of God, is this magnificent theatre of heaven
and earth, which is replete with innumerable miracles, and
from the contemplation of which we ought wisely tc acquire
the knowledge of God. But because we have made so little
improvement in this way, he recals us to the faith of Christ,
which is despised by unbelievers on account of its apparent
folly. Wherefore, though the preaching of the cross is not
agreeable to human reason, we ought nevertheless to embrace
it with all humility, if we desire to return to God our Creator,
from whom we have been alienated, and to have him to reas-
sume the character of our Father. Since the fall of the first
man, no knowledge of God, without the Mediator, has been
available to salvation. For Christ speaks not of his own time
only, but comprehends all ages, when he says that " this is lift-
eternal, to know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ,
whom thou hast sent." (*/) And this aggravates the stupidity of
those who set open the gate of heaven to all unbelievers and pro-
fane persons, without the grace of Christ, whom the Scripture
universally represents as the only door of entrance into salvation.
(x) 1 Cor. i. 21. (.v) John xvii, 3.
But if any man would restrict this declaration of Christ to the
period of the first promulgation of the Gospel, we are pre-
pared with a refutation. For it has been a common opinion
in all ages and nations, that those who are alienated from God,
and pronounced accursed and children- of wrath, cannot please
him without a reconciliation. Here add the answer of Christ
to the woman of Samaria: " Ye worship ye know not what:
we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews."(z) In
these words he at once condemns all the religions of the Gentiles
as false, and assigns a reason for it; because under the la\v the
Redeemer was promised only to the chosen people; whence it
follows that no worship has ever been acceptable to God, un-
less it had respect to Christ. Hence also Paul affirms, that all
the Gentiles were without God, and destitute of hope, (a) Now
as John teaches us that life was from the beginning in Christ,
and that the whole world are fallen from it, () it is necessary
to return to that fountain: and therefore Christ asserts himself
to be the life, as he is the author of the propitiation. And
indeed the celestial inheritance belongs exclusively to the
children of God. But it is very unreasonable that they should
be considered in the place and order of his children, who have
not been engrafted into the body of his only begotten Son.
And John plainly declares, that " they who believe in his name
become the sons of God." (c) But as it is not my design in
this place to treat professedly of faith in Christ, these cursory
hints shall at present suffice.
II. Therefore God never shewed himself propitious to his
ancient people, nor afforded them any hope of his favour, with-
out a Mediator. I forbear to speak of the legal sacrifices, by
which the faithful were plainly and publicly instructed that
salvation was to be sought solely in that expiation, which has
been accomplished by Christ alone. I only assert, that the
happiness of the Church has always been founded on the
person of Christ. For though God comprehended in his
covenant all the posterity of Abraham, yet Paul judiciously
reasons that Christ is in reality that Seed in whom all the
nations were to be blessed: () since we know that the natural
(z) John iv. 22. (a) Ephes. ii. 12. (b) John i. 4
(c) John i, 12. (/) Gal. iii. 16.
Vol. 5. 27
descendants of that patriarch were not reckoned as his seed.
For, to say nothing of Ishmucl and others, what was the cause,
that of the two sons of Isaac, the twin-brothers Esau and
Jacob, even when they were yet unborn, one should be chosen
and the other rejected? How came it to pass that the first-born
was rejected, and that the younger obtained his birthright?
How came the majority of the people to be disinherited? It
is evident therefore that the seed of Abraham is reckoned
principally in one person, and that the promised salvation was
not manifested till the coming of Christ, whose office it is to
collect what had been scattered abroad. The first adoption
therefore of the chosen people depended on the grace of the
Mediator: which though it is not so plainly expressed by
Moses, yet appears to have been generally well known to all
the pious. For before the appointment of any king in the
nation, Hannah, the mother of Samuel, speaking of the felicity
of the faithful, thus expressed herself in her song: "The Lord
shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his
anointed." (c) Her meaning in these words is, that God will
bless his Church. And to this agrees the oracle, which is soon
after introduced, " I will raise me up a faithful priest, and
he shall walk before mine anointed." And there is no doubt
that it was the design of the heavenly Father to exhibit in
David and his posterity a lively image of Christ. With a
design to exhort the pious therefore to the fear of God, he
enjoins them to " kiss the Son:" (y) which agrees with this de-
claration of the Gospel, " He that honoureth not the Son,
honoureth not the Father." () Therefore though the king-
dom was weakened by the revolt of the ten tribes, yet the cove-
nant, which God had made with David and his successors,
could not but stand, as he also declared by the prophets: " I
will not rend away all the kingdom; but will give one tribe to
thy son, for David my servant's sake, and for Jerusalem's sake
which I have chosen." (A) This is repeated again and again.
It is also expressly added, " I will for this afflict the seed of
David, but not for ever." (;') At a little distance of time it is
said, " For David's sake did the Lord his God give him a
0) 1 Sam. 11. 10. (/) Psalm ii. 12. (g ) John v. 24.
(A) 1 Kings xi. 13. (i) 1 Kings xi. 39
lamp in Jerusalem, to set up his son after him, and to establish
Jerusalem." (>) Even when the state was come to the verge
of ruin, it was again said, "The Lord would not destroy
Judah, for David his servant's sake, as he promised him to
give him alway a light, and to his children." (/) The sum of
the whole is this: that David alone was chosen, to the rejection
of all others, as the perpetual object of the Divine favour; as it
is said in another place, " He forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh;
he refused the tabernacle of Joseph, and chose not the tribe of
Ephraim: but chose the tribe of Judah, the mount Zion,
which he loved. He chose David also his servant, to feed
Jacob his people, and Israel his inheritance." (m) Finally, it
hath pleased God to preserve his church in such a way, that
its security and salvation should depend on that head. David
therefore exclaims, " The Lord is their strength, and he is
the saving strength of his anointed;" (rc) and immediately
adds this petition: " Save thy people, and bless thine inhe-
ritance:" signifying that the state of the Church is inseparably
connected with the government of Christ. In the same sense he
elsewhere says, "Save, Lord; let the king hear us when we
call." (0) In these words he clearly teaches us that the faith-
ful resort to God for assistance, with no other confidence than
because they are sheltered under the protection of the king.
This is to be inferred from another Psalm: " Save, O Lord!
blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord:" (/>) where
it is sufficiently evident that the faithful are invited to Christ,
that they may hope to be saved by the power of God. The same
thing is alluded to in another prayer, where the whole Church
implores the mercy of God: " Let thy hand be upon the man
of thy right hand, upon the Son of man whom thou madest
strong for thyself." (7) For though the author of the Psalm
deplores the dissipation of all the people, yet he ardently
prays for their restoration in their head alone. But when
Jeremiah, after the people were driven into exile, the land laid
waste, and all things apparently ruined, bewails the miseries of
the Church, he principally laments that by the subversion of
(*) 1 Kings xv. 4. (/) 2 Kings viii. 19. (m) Psalm lxxviii.60, 67, 68, 70, 71.
(n) Psalm xxviii. 8. (o) Psalm xx. 9. (/) Psalm cxviii. 25, 26.
(?) Psalm Ixxx. 17.
the kingdom, the hope of the faithful was cut off. " The breath
of our nostrils, the anointed of the Lord, was taken in their
pits, of whom we said, Under his shadow we shall live among
the heathen." (r) Hence it is sufficiently evident, that since
God cannot be propitious to mankind but through the Medi-
ator, Christ was always exhibited to the holy fathers under
the law, as the object to which they should direct their faith.
III. Now when consolation is promised in affliction, but
especially when the deliverance of the Church is described, the
standard of confidence and hope is erected in Christ alone:
" Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, even for
salvation with thine anointed," (*) says Habakkuk. And
whenever the prophets mention the restoration of the Church,
theyrecal the people to the promise given to David concerning
the perpetuity of his kingdom. Nor is this to be wondered at,
for otherwise there would be no stability in the covenant. To
this refers the memorable answer of Isaiah. For when he saw-
that his declaration concerning the raising of the siege, and
the present deliverance of Jerusalem, was rejected by that un-
believing king, Ahaz, he makes rather an abrupt transition to
the Messiah: " Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a
son:" (f) indirectly suggesting, that although the king and
the people in their perverseness rejected the promise which had
been given them, as though they would purposely labour to
invalidate the truth of God, yet that his covenant would not be
frustrated, but that the Redeemer should come at his appointed
time. Finally, all the prophets, in order to display the Divine
mercy, were constantly careful to exhibit to view that king-
dom of David, from which redemption and eternal salvation,
were to proceed. Thus Isaiah: "I will make an everlasting
covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David. Behold,
I have given him for a witness to the people." (u) Because
in desperate circumstances the faithful could have no hope,
any otherwise than by his interposition as a witness, that
God would be merciful to them. Thus also Jeremiah, to
comfort them who were in despair, says, " Behold, the days
come, saith the Lord, that I will raise unto David a righteous
(r) Lara. iv. 20. (*) Hab. iii. 13.
(0 Isaiah vii. 14. (w) Isaiah Iv. 3.
Branch. In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall
dwell safely." (w) And Ezekiel: " I will set up one Shepherd
over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David.
And I the Lord will be their God, and my servant David a
prince among them; and I will make with them a covenant of
peace." (x) Again, in another place, having treated of their
incredible renovation, he says, " David my servant shall be
king over them; and they all shall have one Shepherd.
Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall
be an everlasting covenant with them." (t/) I select a few
passages out of many, because I only wish to apprize the
reader, that the hope of the pious has never been placed any
where but in Christ. All the other prophets also uniformly
speak the same language. As Hosea: "Then shall the chil-
dren of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together,
and appoint themselves one head." (z) And in a subsequent
chapter he is still more explicit: " The children of Israel shall
return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their king." (a)
Micah also, discoursing on the return of the people, expressly
declares, " their king shall pass before them, and the Lord on
the head of them." () Thus Amos, intending to predict the
restoration of the people, says, " In that day I will raise up
the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches
thereof; and I will raise up his ruins." (c) This implies that
the only standard of salvation was the restoration of the regal
dignity in the family of David, which was accomplished in
Christ. Zechariah therefore, living nearer to the time of the
manifestation of Christ, more openly exclaims, " Rejoice
greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem:
behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having
salvation." (d) This corresponds with a passage from a Psalm,
already cited: " The Lord is the saving strength of his
anointed. Save thy people:" (i) where salvation is extended
from the head to the whole body.
IV. It was the will of God that the Jews should be instructed
by these prophecies, so that they might direct their eyes to
(IK) Jer. xsiii. 5, 6. (a:) Ezek. xxxiv. 2325. O) Ezek. xxxvii. 24, 2&
(z) Hos. i. 11. (n) Hos. Hi. 5. (6) Mic. ii. 13.
(r) Amos ix. 11 (ri) Zech. 5x. 9, (?) Psalm xxviii. 8,9.
Christ whenever they wanted deliverance. Nor indeed, not-
withstanding their shameful degeneracy, could the memory of
this general principle ever be obliterated; that God would be
the deliverer of the Church by the hand of Christ, according
to his promise to David; and that in this manner the gratui-
tous covenant, in which God had adopted his elect, would at
length be confirmed. Hence it came to pass, that when Christ,
a little before his death, entered into Jerusalem, that song was
heard from the mouths of children, " Hosanna to the Son of
David." (y*) For the subject of their song appears to have
been derived from a sentiment generally received and avowed
by the people, that there remained to them no other pledge of
the mercy of God, but in the advent of the Redeemer. For
this reason Christ commands his disciples to believe in him,
that they may distinctly and perfectly believe in God: "Ye
believe in God, believe also in me." (^ For though, strictly
speaking, faith ascends from Christ to the Father, yet he
suggests, that though it were even fixed on God, yet it would
gradually decline, unless he interposed, to preserve its stabi-
lity. The majesty of God is otherwise far above the reach of
mortals, who are like worms crawling upon the earth. Where-
fore, though I do not reject that common observation that God
is the object of faith, yet I consider it as requiring some cor-
rection. For it is not without reason that Christ is called
" the image of the invisible God;" (A) but by this appellation
we are reminded, that unless God reveal himself to us in
Christ, we cannot have that knowledge of him which is neces-
sary tojsalvation. For although among the Jews the scribes had
by false glosses obscured the declarations of the prophets con-
cerning the Redeemer, yet Christ assumed it for granted, as
if allowed by common consent, that there was no other remedy
for the confusion into which the Jews had fallen, nor any
other mode of deliverance for the Church, but the exhibition
of the Mediator. There was not indeed such a general know-
ledge as there ought to have been, of the principle taught by
Paul, that " Christ is the end of the law;" (t) but the truth
and certainty of this evidently appears both from the law itself 1
(/) Matt. xxi. 9. (g) John xiv. 1.
(*) Col. i. 15. (i) Rom. x. 4.
and from the prophets. I am not yet treating of faith; there
will be a more suitable place for that subject in another part of
the work. Only let this be well fixed in the mind of the
reader; that the first step to piety is to know that God is
our Father, to protect, govern, and support us till he gathers
us into the eternal inheritance of his kingdom: that hence it
is plain, as we have before asserted, that there can be no
saving knowledge of God without Christ; and consequently
l^hat from the beginning of the world he has always been
manifested to all the elect, that they might look to him, and
repose all their confidence in him. In this sense Irenams says
that the Father, who is infinite in himself, becomes finite in
the Son; because he has accommodated himself to our capa-
_ - r
city, that he may not overwhelm our minds with the infinity of
his glory. (/) And fanatics, not considering this, pervert a useful
observation into an impious reverie, as though there were in
Christ merely a portion of Deity, an emanation from the infinite
perfection: whereas the sole meaning of that writer is, that
God is apprehended in Christ, and in him alone. The asser-
tion of John has been verified in all ages, " Whosoever denieth
the Son, the same hath not the Father." (/) For though many
in ancient times gloried in being worshippers of the supreme
Deity, the Creator of heaven and earth; yet because they had
no Mediator, it was impossible for them to have any real
acquaintance with the mercy of God, or persuasion that he was
their Father. Therefore, as they did not hold the head, that
is, Christ, all their knowledge of God was obscure and un-
settled; whence it came to pass, that degenerating at length into
gross and vile superstitions, they betrayed their ignorance, like
the Turks in modern times; who, though they boast of having
the -Creator of heaven and earth for their God, yet only substi-
tute an idol instead of the true God as long as they remain
enemies to Christ.
(>) Lib. 4. c. 8. (0 1 John H. 2E.
The Law given, not to confine the ancient People to itself, but
to encourage their Hope of Salvation in Christy till the Time
of his Coming.
rROM the deduction we have made, it may easily be in-
ferred, that the law was superadded about four hundred years
after the death of Abraham, not to draw away the attention
of the chosen people from Christ, but rather to keep their
minds waiting for his advent, to inflame their desires and
confirm their expectations, that they might not be discouraged
by so long a delay. By the word law, I intend, not only the
decalogue, which prescribes the rule of a pious and righteous
iife, but the form of religion delivered from God by the hands
of Moses. For Moses was not made a legislator to abolish
the blessing promised to the seed of Abraham; on the con-
trary, we see him on every occasion reminding the Jews of
that gracious covenant made with their fathers, to which
they were heirs; as though the object of his mission had
been to renew it. It was very clearly manifested in the cere-
monies. For what could be more vain or frivolous than
for men to offer the fetid stench arising from the fat of
cattle, in order to reconcile themselves to God? or to resort
to any aspersion of water or of blood, to cleanse themselves
from pollution? In short, the whole legal worship, if it be
considered in itself, and contain no shadows and figures of
correspondent truths, will appear perfectly ridiculous. Where-
fore it is not without reason, that both in the sermon of Stephen
and in the Epistle to the Hebrews, that passage is so carefully
stated, in which God commands Moses to make all things per-
taining to the tabernacle " according to the pattern shewed to
him in the mount." (m) For unless there had been some
spiritual design, to which they were directed, the Jews would
have laboured to no purpose in these observances, as the
Gentiles did in their mummeries. Profane men, who have
(TO) Acts vii. 44. Heb. viii. 5. Ex. xxv. 40.
never seriously devoted themselves to the pursuit of piety, have
not patience to hear of such various rites: they not only won-
der, why God should weary his ancient people with such a
mass of ceremonies, but they even despise and deride them as
puerile and ludicrous. This arises from inattention to the end
of the legal figures, from which if those figures be separated,
they must be condemned as vain and useless. But the "pat-
tern," which is mentioned, shews that God commanded the
sacrifices, not with a design to occupy his worshippers in ter-
restrial exercises, but rather that he might elevate their minds
to sublimer objects. This may be likewise evinced by his
nature; for as he is a Spirit, he is pleased with none but
spiritual worship. Testimonies of this truth may be found
in the numerous passages of the prophets, in which they re-
prove the stupidity of the Jews for supposing that sacri-
fices possess any real value in the sight of God. Do they
mean to derogate from the law? Not at all; but being true
interpreters of it, they designed by this method to direct the
eyes of the people to that point, from which the multitude
were wandering. Now, from the grace offered to the Jews,
it is inferred as a certain truth, that the law was not irre-
spective of Christ: for Moses mentioned to them this end of
their adoption, that they might "be unto God a kingdom of
priests:" (n) which could not be attained without a greater
and more excellent reconciliation than could arise from the
blood of beasts. For what is more improbable than that
the sons of Adam, who by hereditary contagion are all born
the slaves of sin, should be exalted to regal dignity, and thus
become partakers of the glory of God, unless such an eminent
blessing should proceed from some other source than them-
selves? How also could the right of the priesthood remain
among them, the pollution of whose crimes rendered them
abominable to God, unless they had been consecrated in a
holy head? Wherefore Peter makes an elegant application
of this observation of Moses, suggesting that the plenitude
of that grace, of which the Jews enjoyed a taste under the
law, is exhibited in Christ. " Ye are," says he, *' a chosen
(n) Exod. x'x. 6.
VOL. I. 3 A
generation, a royal priesthood." (o) This application of the
words tends to shew, that they, to whom Christ has appeared
under the Gospel, have obtained more than their forefathers;
because they are all invested with sacerdotal and regal honours,
that in a dependence on their Mediator they may venture to
come boldly into the presence of God.
II. And here it must be remarked, by the way, that the
kingdom, which at length was erected in the family of David,
is a part of the law, and comprised under the ministry of
Moses: whence it follows, that both in the posterity of David
and in the whole Levitical tribe, as in a twofold mirror, Christ
was exhibited to the view of his ancient people. For, as I have
just observed, it was otherwise impossible that in the Divine
view they should be kings and priests, who were the slaves
of sin and death, and polluted by their own corruptions.
Hence appears the truth of the assertion of Paul, that the
Jews were subject as it were to the authority of a school-
master, till the advent of that Seed, for whose sake the promise
was given. (/>) For Christ being not yet familiarly discovered,
they were like children, whose imbecility could not yet bear the
full knowledge of heavenly things. But how they were led
to Christ by the ceremonies, has been already stated, and
may be better learned from the testimonies of the prophets.
For although they were obliged every day to approach God
with new sacrifices in order to appease him, yet Isaiah pro-
mises them the expiation of all their transgressions by a
single sacrifice: (y) which is confirmed by Daniel, (r) The
priests, chosen from the tribe of Levi, used to enter into the
sanctuary; but concerning that one priest it was once said, that
he was divinely chosen with an oath, to be " a priest for ever
after the order of Melchisedec." (s) There was then an unction
of visible oil; but Daniel from his vision foretels an unction of
a different kind. But not to insist on many proofs, the author
of the Epistle to the Hebrews, from the fourth chapter to the
eleventh, demonstrates in a manner sufficiently copious and
clear, that, irrespective of Christ, all the ceremonies of the law
are worthless and vain. And in regard to the decalogue, we
(o) 1 Peter ii. 9. (/>) Gal. iii. 24. (9) Isaiah liii. 5, &c
(r) Dan. is. 26, 8tc. (*) Psalm ex. 4.
should attend to the declaration of Paul, that " Christ is the
end of the law for righteousness to every one that be-
lieveth;" (<) and also that Christ is " the Spirit," who " giveth
life" to the otherwise dead letter, (u) For in the former passage
he signifies that righteousness is taught in vain by the precepts,
till Christ bestows it both by a gratuitous imputation, and by
the Spirit of regeneration. Wherefore he justly denominates
Christ the completion, or end of the law: for we should derive
no benefit from a knowledge of what God requires of us,
unless we were succoured by Christ when labouring and op-
pressed under its yoke and intolerable burden* In another
place, he states that "the law was added because of trans-
gressions," (ry) that is to humble men, by convicting them of
being the causes of their own condemnation. Now this being
the true and only preparation for seeking Christ, the various
declarations which he makes are in perfect unison with each
other. But as he was then engaged in a controversy with
erroneous teachers, who pretended that we merit righteousness
by the works of the law; in order to refute their error, he was
sometimes obliged to use the term law in a more restricted
sense, as merely preceptive, although it was otherwise connected
with the covenant of gratuitous adoption.
III. But it is worthy of a little inquiry, how we are rendered
more inexcusable by the instructions of the moral law, in order
that a sense of our guilt may excite us to supplicate for par-
don? If it be true that the law displays a perfection of righ-
teousness, it also follows that the complete observation of it
is in the sight of God a perfect righteousness, in which a
man would be esteemed and reputed righteous at the tribunal
of heaven. Wherefore Moses, when he had promulgated the
law, hesitated not to " call heaven and earth to record" (x)
that he had proposed to the Israelites life and death, good
and evil. Nor can we deny that the reward of eternal life
awaits a righteous obedience to die law, according to the Divine
promise. But on the other hand it is proper to examine
whether we perform that obedience, the merit of which can
warrant our confident expectation of that reward? For how
(t) Rom. x. 4. (v) 2 Cor. iii. 17.
(w) Gal. iii. 19. (.v) Deut. xxx. 15, 19
unimportant is it to discover that the reward of eternal life
depends on the observance of the law, unless we also ascer-
tain whether it be possible for us to arrive at eternal life in
that way! But in this point the weakness of the law is mani-
fest. For as none of us are found to observe the law, we
are excluded from the promises of life, and fall entirely under
the curse. I am now shewing, not only what does happen,
but what necessarily must happen. For the doctrine of the
law being far above human ability, man may view the pro-
mises indeed from a distance, but cannot gather any fruit from
them. It only remains for him, from their goodness to form
a truer estimate of his own misery, while he reflects that all
hope of salvation is cut off, and that he is in imminent danger
of death. On the other hand, we are urged with terrible
sanctions, which bind, not a few of us, but every individual of
mankind: they urge, I say, and pursue us with inexorable
rigour, so that in the law we see nothing but present death.
IV. Therefore if we direct our views exclusively to the la\v,
the effects upon our minds will only be despondency, confu-
sion, and despair, since it condemns and curses us all, and
keeps us far from that blessedness which it proposes to them
who observe it. Does the Lord then, you will say, in this
case do nothing but mock us? For how little does it differ
from mockery, to exhibit a hope of felicity, to invite and
exhort to it, to declare that it is ready for our reception,
whilst the way to it is closed and inaccessible? I reply, al-
though the promises of the law, being conditional, depend on
a perfect obedience to the law, which can no where be found;
yet they have not been given in vain. For when we have
learned that they will be vain and inefficacious to us, unless
God embrace us with his gratuitous goodness, without any
regard to crur works, and unless we have also embraced by
faith that goodness, as exhibited to us in the Gospel; then
these promises are not without their use, even with the con-
dition annexed to them. For then he gratuitously conf&rs
every thing upon us, so that he adds this also to the number
of his favours, that not rejecting our imperfect obedience, but
pardoning its deficiencies, he gives us to enjoy the benefit of
the legal promises, just as if we had fulfilled the condition our-
selves. But as we shall more fully discuss this question when
we treat of the justification of faith, we shall pursue it no fur-
ther at present.
V. Our assertibn, respecting the impossibility of observing
the law, must be briefly explained and proved; for it is generally
esteemed a very absurd sentiment, so that Jerome has not
scrupled to denounce it as accursed. What was the opinion
of Jerome, I regard not; let us inquire what is truth. I shall
not here enter into a long discussion of the various species of
possibility: I call that impossible which has never happened
yet, and which is prevented by the ordination and decree
of God from ever happening in future. If we inquire from
the remotest period of antiquity, I assert that there never has
existed a saint, who, surrounded with a body of death, could
attain to such a degree of love, as to love God with all his heart,
with all his soul, and with all his mind: and, moreover, that
there never has been one, who was not the subject of some
inordinate desire. Who can deny this? I know indeed what
sort of saints the folly of superstition imagines to itself, such
as almost excel even the angels of heaven in purity; but such
an imagination is repugnant both to Scripture and to the dic-
tates of experience. I assert also that no man, who shall
exist in future, will reach the standard of true perfection,
unless released from the burden of the body. This is established
by clear testimonies of Scripture: Solomon says, " There is
not a just man upon earth, that doeth good and sinneth
not." (z/) David; " In thy sight shall no man living be justi-
fied." (2) Job in many passages affirms the same thing, (a)
But Paul most plainly of all, that " the flesh lusteth against
the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh." () Nor does he
prove, that "as many as are of the works of the law are under
the curse," by any other reason but because " it is written,
Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are
written in the book of the law to do them:" (c) evidently-
suggesting, and even taking it for granted, that no one
can continue in them. Now whatever is predicted in the
(7) Eccles. vii. 20. (2) Psalm cxliii. 2.
(a) Job iv. 17. ix. '2. xv. 14. xxv. 4. (6) Gal. v. 1".
(c) Gal. iii. 10.
Scriptures, must be considered as perpetual, and even a<=
necessary. With a similar fallacy Augustine used to be teased
by the Pelagians, who maintained that it is an injury to God,
to say that he commands more than the faithful through his
grace are able to perform. To avoid their cavil, he admitted
that the Lord might, if he chose, exalt a mortal man to the
purity of angels; but that he neither had ever done it, nor
would ever do it, because he had declared otherwise in the
Scriptures. () This I do not deny; but I add that it is
absurd to dispute concerning the power of God, in opposition
to his veracity; and that therefore it affords no room for
cavilling, when any one maintains that to be impossible, which
the Scriptures declare will never happen. But if the dispute
be about the term, the Lord, in reply to an inquiry of his
disciples, " Who then can be saved?" says, " With men this
is impossible; but with God all things are possible." (e) Au-
gustine contends, with a very powerful argument, that in this
flesh we never render to God the legitimate love which we owe
to him. " Love," says he, " is an effect of knowledge, so that
no man can perfectly love God, who has not first a complete
knowledge of his goodness. During our pilgrimage in this
world we see through an obscure medium: the consequence
of this then is, that our love is imperfect." It ought therefore
to be admitted without controversy, that it is impossible in
this carnal state to fulfil the law, if we consider the impo-
tence of our nature, as will elsewhere be proved also from
Paul. (/)
VI. But for the better elucidation of the subject, let us
state, in a compendious order, the office and use of what is
called the moral law. It is contained, as far as I understand it,
in these three points. The first is, that while it discovers the
righteousness of God, that is, the only righteousness which is
acceptable to God, it warns every one of his own unrighteous-
ness, places it beyond all doubt, convicts, and condemns him.
For it is necessary, that man, blinded and inebriated with self-
love, should thus be driven into a knowledge of himself, and a
confession of his own imbecility and impurity. Since, unless
() Again, " Thy word is a lamp
unto my feet, and a light unto my path," (y) and many others,
which he introduces in every part of this Psalm. Nor arc these
(/O Psalm six. 7, 6. ) rsalm cxix. 105.
assertions repugnant to those of Paul, in which he shews, nut
what service the law renders to the regenerate, but what it can
bestow upon man merely of itself; whereas the Psalmist in these
passages celebrates the great advantage derived, through the
Divine teaching, from the reading of the law, by those whom
God inspires with an inward promptitude to obedience. And
he adverts not only to the precepts but to the promise of grace
annexed to their performance, which alone causes that which
is bitter to become sweet. For what would be less amiable
than the law, if by accusations and threats it only distressed
the mind with fear, and harassed it with terror? But David
particularly shews, that in the law he discovered the Mediator,
without whom there is nothing pleasant or delightful.
XIII. Some unskilful men, being unable to discern this
distinction, rashly explode Moses altogether, and discard the
two tables of the law; because they consider it improper for
Christians to adhere to a doctrine which contains the adminis-
tration of death. Far from us be this profane opinion, for
Moses hath abundantly taught us, that the law, which in
sinners can only produce death, ought to have a better and
more excellent use in the saints. For just before his death he
thus addressed the people: " Set your hearts unto all the
words which I testify among you this day, which ye shall
command your children to observe to do, all the words of this
iaw. For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your
life." (r) But if no one can deny that the law exhibits a per-
fect model of righteousness, either we ought to have no rule
for an upright and just life, or it is criminal for us to deviate
from it. For there are not many rules of life, but one, which
is perpetually and immutably the same. Wherefore, when
David represents the life of a righteous man as spent in con-
tinual meditations on the law, (s) we must not refer it to
one period of time only, because it is very suitable for all ages,
even to the end of the world. Let us neither be deterred
therefore, nor fly from its instructions, because it prescribes a
holiness far more complete than we shall attain, as long as we
remain in the prison of the body. For it no longer exercise<-
(r) Ueut. xxxii. 46, 47
towards us the part of a rigorous exactor, only to be satisfied by
the perfect performance of every injunction; but in this per-
tection, to which it exhorts us, it shews us a goal, to aim at
which during the whole of our lives, would be equally condu-
cive to our interest and consistent with our duty: in which
attempt it is happy for us if we fail not. For the whole of
this life is a course, which when we have completed, the Lord
will grant us to reach that goal, towards which at so great a
distance our efforts are now vigorously directed.
XIV. Now because the law in regard to the faithful has
the force of an exhortation, not to bind their consciences with
a curse, but by its frequent admonitions to arouse their indo-
lence, and reprove their imperfection; many persons, when
they design to express this liberation from its curse, say that
the law (I still speak of the moral law) is abrogated to the
faithful; not that it no longer enjoins upon them that which
is right, but only that it ceases to be to them what it was before,
no longer terrifying and confounding their consciences, con-
demning and destroying them. And such an abrogation of the
law is clearly taught by Paul. It appears also to have been
preached by our Lord, since he would not have refuted the
opinion concerning his abolishing the law, unless it had pre-
vailed among the Jews. Now as this opinion could not prevail
without any pretext, it is probable that it proceeded from a
false interpretation of his doctrine; in the same manner as
almost all errors have usually taken some colour from the
truth. But lest we ourselves fall into the same error, let
us accurately distinguish what is abrogated in the law, and
what still remains in force. When the Lord declares that he
came " not to destroy the law, but to fulfil it;" and that " till
heaven and earth shall pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no
wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled," (;) he sufficiently
proves that his advent will detract nothing from the observance
of the law. And with sufficient reason, since the express end of
his advent was to heal its transgressions. The doctrine of the
law remains therefore inviolable; which by tuition, admonition,
CO Matt. Y. 17, 18.
reproof, and correction, forms and prepares us for every good
XV. The assertions of Paul respecting the curse evidently
relate, not to the instruction itself, but to the power of binding
the conscience. For the law not only teaches, but autho-
ritatively requires, obedience to its commands. If this obe-
dience be not yielded, and even if there be any partial defi-
ciency of duty, it hurls the thunderbolt of its curse. For this
reason the apostle says, that " as many as are of the works of
the law are under the curse; for it is written, Cursed is every
one that continueth not in all things." (u) Now he affirms
them to be " of the works of the law," who place not their
righteousness in the remission of sins by which we are released
from the rigour of the law. He teaches us therefore that we
must be released from the bondage of the law, unless we would
perish in misery under it. But what bondage? the bondage
of that austere and rigid exaction, which remits nothing from
its strictest requirements, and permits no transgression to pass
with impunity: from this curse, I say, Christ, in order to re-
deem us, was "made a curse for us. For it is written,
Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree." (TO) In the fol-
lowing chapter indeed he tells us, that Christ was " made
under the law, to redeem them that were under the law:" but
in the same sense; for he immediately adds, " that we might
receive the adoption of sons." (*v) What is this? that we
might not be oppressed with a perpetual servitude, which
would keep our consciences in continual distress with the dread
of death. At the same time this truth remains for ever un-
shaken, that the law has sustained no diminution of its autho-
rity, but ought always to receive from us the same veneration
and obedience.
XVI. The case of ceremonies, which have been abrogated,
not as to their effect, but only as to their use, is very different.
Their having been abolished by the advent of Christ, is so far
from derogating from their sanctity, that it rather recommends
and renders it more illustrious. For as they must have
Gal. iii. 10. fv.-) Gal. iii. 13. (x) GaL iv. 4, 5.
exhibited to the people in ancient times a vain spectacle, un-
less they had discovered the virtue of the death and resurrec-
tion of Christ: so, if they had not ceased, we should in the
present age have been unable to discern for what purpose they
were instituted. To prove therefore that the observance of
them is not only needless, but even injurious, Paul teaches us
that they were shadows, the body of which we have in Christ, (j/)
We see then, that the truth shines with greater splendour in
their abolition, than if they still continued to give a distant
and obscure representation of Christ, who hath openly ap-
peared. For this reason, at the death of Christ, " the veil of
the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom:" (z)
because, according to the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews,
the living and express image of the heavenly blessings, which
before had been only sketched in obscure lineaments, was now
clearly revealed. The same truth is conveyed in the declara-
tion of Christ, that " the law and the prophets were until
John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached." (a)
Not that the holy fathers had been destitute of that preaching,
which contains the hope of salvation, and of eternal life; but
because they saw only at a distance and under shadows, what
we now contemplate in open day. But the reason, why it
was necessary for the Church of God to ascend from those
rudiments to sublimer heights, is explained by John the Bap-
tist; " the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came
by Jesus Christ." () For although expiation of sin was truly
promised in the ancient sacrifices, and the ark of the covenant
was a certain pledge *f the paternal favour of God: all these
would have been mere shadows, if they had not been founded
in the grace of Christ, where alone we may find true and eter-
nal stability. Let us firmly maintain then that though the
legal rights have ceased to be observed, yet their very discon-
tinuance gives us a better knowledge of their great utility be-
fore the advent of Christ, who, abolishing the fc.'servance of
them, confirmed their virtue and efficacy in his death.
XVII. The reasoning of Paul is attended with more diffi-
culty: " And you, being dead in your sins, and the uncircum-
(y) Col. ii. 17. 0) Matt, xxvii. 51. i
(a) Luke xvi. 16. (4) John i. 17.
VOL. I. 3 C
cision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him,
having forgiven you all trespasses; blotting out the hand-
writing of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary
to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross," &c. (c)
For it seems to extend the abolition of the law somewhat fur-
ther, as though we had now no concern with its " ordinances."
For they are in an error, who understand it simply of the
moral law, the abolition of which they nevertheless explain to
relate to its inexorable severity, rather than to its precepts.
Others, more acutely and carefully considering the words of
Paul, perceive that they belong particularly to the ceremonial
law: and prove that the word " ordinances" is more than once
used by Paul in that signification. For he thus expresses him-
self to the Ephesians: " He is our peace, who hath made
both one; having abolished the law of commandments con-
tained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one
new man." (J) That he there speaks of the ceremonies, is very
evident: for he calls the law " the middle wall of partition," by
which the Jews were separated from the Gentiles. Where-
fore I allow that the former commentators are justly censured
by these: but even these do not appear to me clearly to ex-
plain the meaning of the apostle. For to compare these two
passages as in all respects similar, is what I by no means ap-
prove. When he designs to assure the Ephesians of their
admission into fellowship with the Israelites, he informs them,
that the impediment which formerly prevented it was now
removed. That consisted in ceremonies. For the rites of
ablutions and sacrifices, by which the Je\s were consecrated to
the Lord, caused a separation between them and the Gentiles.
But in the Epistle to the Colossians he treats of a sublimer
mystery. The controversy there relates to the Mosaic observ-
ances, to which the false apostles were strenuously attempting
to subject the Christians. But as in the Epistle to the Gala-
tians he goes to the depth of that controversy, and reduces it to
its source; so also in this place. For if in the rites you con-
template nothing but the necessity of performing them, to what
purpose were they called a " hand- writing that was against
(c) Col. ii. 13, 14. (J) Ephes. ii. 14, 15.
us?" and almost the whole of our redemption made to consist
in its being " blotted out?" Wherefore it is evident, that here
is something to be considered beside the external ceremonies.
And I am persuaded that I have discovered the genuine mean-
ing, at least if that be conceded to me as a truth, which Augus-
tine somewhere very truly asserts, and which he has even bor-
rowed from the positive expressions of an apostle, (e) that in
the Jewish ceremonies there was rather a confession of sins
than an expiation of them. For what did they do in offering
sacrifices, but confess themselves worthy of death, since they
substituted victims to be slain in their stead? What were their
purifications, but confessions that they were themselves impure?
Thus the hand-writing both of their sin and of their impurity
was frequently renewed by them: but that confession afforded
no deliverance. For which reason the apostle says that the
death of Christ effected " the redemption of the transgressions
that were under the first testament." (f) The apostle there-
fore justly denominates the ceremonies "a hand-writing against
those who observe them:" because by them they publicly
attested their condemnation and impurity. Nor does any ob-
jection arise from their having been also partakers of the same
grace with us. For this they obtained in Christ, not in the
ceremonies, which the apostle there distinguishes from Christ,
for being practised at that time after the introduction of the
Gospel, they obscured the glory of Christ. We find then that
the ceremonies, considered by themselves, are elegantly and
appositely called a " hand-writing that was against" the : al-
vation of men; because they were solemn instruments testifying
their guilt. When the false apostles wished to bring the
Church back to the observance of them, the apostle deeply in-
vestigated their signification, and very justly admonished the
Colossians into what circumstances they would relapse, if they
should suffer themselves to be thus inslaved by them. For
they would at the same time be deprived of the benefit of
Christ: since by the eternal expiation that he has effected,
he has abolished those daily observances, which could only
attest their sins, but could never cancel them.
(0 Heb. x. 314. (/) Heb. ix. 15.
An Exposition of the Moral Law.
XlERE I think it will not be foreign to our subject to
introduce the' ten precepts of the law, with a brief exposition
of them. For this will more clearly evince what I have
suggested, that the service which God hath once prescribed
always remains in full force; and will also furnish us with a
confirmation of the second remark, that the Jews not only
learned from it the nature of true piety, but when they saw
their inability to observe it, were led by the fear of its sentence,
though not without reluctance, to the Mediator. Now in
giving a summary of those things which are requisite to the
true knowledge of God, we have shewn that we can form no
conceptions of his greatness, but his majesty immediately dis-
covers itself to us, to constrain us to worship him. In the
knowledge of ourselves we have laid down this as a principal
article, that being divested of all opinion of our own strength,
and confidence in our own righteousness, and on the other
hand discouraged and depressed by a consciousness of our po-
verty, we should learn true humility and self-dejection. The
Lord accomplishes both these things in the law, where, in the
first place, claiming to himself the legitimate authority to com-
mand, he calls us to revere his Divinity, and prescribes the
parts of which this reverence consists: and in the next place,
promulgating the rule of his righteousness (the rectitude of
which, our nature, being depraved and perverted, perpetually
opposes; and from the perfection of which, our ability, through
its indolence and imbecility towards that which is good, is at
a great distance) he convicts us both of impotence and of un-
righteousness. Moreover, the internal law, which has before
been said to be inscribed and as it were engraven on the hearts
of all men, suggests to us in some measure the same things
which are to be learned from the two tables. For our con-
science does not permit us to sleep in perpetual insensibility,
but is an internal witness and monitor of the duties we owe
to God, shews us the difference between good and evil, and so
accuses us when we deviate from our duty. But man, involved
as he is in a cloud of errors, scarcely obtains from this law of
nature the smallest idea of what worship is accepted by God;
but is certainly at an immense distance from a right under-
standing of it. Besides, he is so elated with arrogance and
ambition, and so blinded by self-love, that he cannot yet take
a view of himself, and as it were retire within, that he may
learn to submit and humble himself, and to confess his misery.
Since it was necessary therefore both for our dulness and ob-
stinacy, the Lord gave us a written law: to declare with
greater certainty what in the law of nature was too obscure,
and by arousing our indolence, to make a deeper impression
on our understanding and memory.
II. Now it is easy to perceive, what we are to learn from
the law: namely, that God, as he is our Creator, justly sus-
tains towards us the character of a Father and of a Lord; and
that on this account we owe to him glory and reverence, love
and fear. Moreover, that we are not at liberty to follow every
thing to which the violence of our passions may incite us; but
that we ought to be attentive to his will, and to practise no-
thing but what is pleasing to him. In the next place, that
righteousness and rectitude are agreeable, but iniquity an
abomination to him; and that therefore, unless we will with
impious ingratitude rebel against our Maker, we must neces-
sarily spend our whole lives in the practice of righteousness.
For if we manifest a becoming reverence for him, only when
we prefer his will to our own; it follows that there is no other
legitimate worship of him, but the observance of righteous-
ness, sanctity, and purity. Nor can we pretend to excuse our-
selves by a want of ability, like insolvent debtors. For it is
improper for us to measure the glory of God by our ability;
for whatever may be our characters, he ever remains like him-
self, the friend of righteousness, the enemy of iniquity. What-
ever he requires of us, since he can require nothing but what
is right, we are under a natural obligation to obey; but our
inability is our own fault. For if we are bound by our own
passions, which are under the government of sin, so that we
are not at liberty to obey our father, there is no reason why we
should plead this necessity in our defence, the criminality of
which is within ourselves, and must be imputed to us.
III. When we have made such a proficiency as this by
means of the instruction of the law, we ought, under the same
teacher, to retire within ourselves; from which we may learn
two things: First, by comparing our life with the righteous-
ness of the law, we shall find, that we are very far from acting
agreeably to the will of God, and are therefore unworthy to
retain a place among his creatures, much less to be numbered
among his children: Secondly, by examining our strength,
we shall see, that it is not only unequal to the observance of
the law, but a mere nullity. The necessary consequence of
this will be a diffidence in our own strength, and an anxiety
and trepidation of mind. For the conscience cannot sustain
the load of iniquity, without an immediate discovery of the
Divine judgment. And the Divine judgment cannot be per-
ceived, without inspiring a dread of death. Compelled also
by proofs of its impotence, it cannot avoid falling into an ab-
solute despair of its own strength. Both these dispositions
produce humility and dejection. The result of all this is, that
the man terrified with the apprehension of eternal death, which
he sees justly impending over him for his unrighteousness, be-
takes himself entirely to the Divine mercy, as to the only port
of salvation: and perceiving his inability to fulfil the com-
mands of the law, and feeling nothing but despair in himself, he
implores and expects assistance from another quarter.
IV. But not contented with having conciliated a reverence
for his righteousness, the Lord hath also subjoined promises
and threatenings, in order that our hearts might imbibe a love
for him, and at the same time a hatred to iniquity. For since
the eyes of our mind are too dim to be attracted with the mere
beauty of virtue, our most merciful Father hath been graciously
pleased to allure us to the love and worship of himself by the
sweetness of his rewards. He announces therefore that he has
reserved rewards for virtue, and that the person who obeys his
commandments shall not labour in vain. He proclaims, on
the contrary, not only that unrighteousness is execrable in his
sight, but also that it shall not escape with impunity; but that
he will avenge himself on all the despisers of his majesty. And
to urge us by all possible motives, he promises also the bless-
ings of the present life, as well as eternal felicity, to the
obedience of those who keep his commandments, the trans-
gressors of which he threatens not only with present calamities,
but with the torments of eternal death. For that promise,
" these if a man do, he shall live in them," (,) and this cor-
respondent threatening, "the soul that sinneth, it shall die," (A)
undoubtedly relate to a future and endless immortality or death.
Wherever we read of the Divine benevolence or wrath, the
former comprehends eternal life, the latter eternal destruction.
Now of present blessings and curses, the law contains a long
catalogue. The penal sanctions display the consummate
purity of God, which cannot tolerate iniquity; while the pro-
mises not only manifest his perfect love of righteousness, which
he cannot defraud of its reward, but likewise illustrate his
wonderful goodness. For since we, with all that belongs to us,
are indebted to his majesty, whatever he requires of us, he
most justly demands as the payment of a debt; but the pay-
ment of a debt is not entitled to remuneration. Therefore he
recedes from the strictness of his claims, when he proposes a
reward to our obedience, which is not performed spontaneously
as if it were not a duty. But the effect of those promises on
us has partly been mentioned already, and will hereafter more
clearly appear in its proper place. Suffice it at present, if we
remember and consider that the legal promises contain no mean
recommendation of righteousness, to make it more evident
how much God is pleased with the observance of it; and that
the penal sanctions are annexed, to render unrighteousness
more execrable, lest the sinner, amidst the fascinations of
sin, should forget that the judgment of the Legislator awaits
V. Now since the Lord, when about to deliver a rule of
perfect righteousness, referred all the parts of it to his own
will, this shews that nothing is more acceptable to him than
obedience. This is worthy of the most diligent observation,
since the licentiousness of the human mind is so inclined to
(g) Lev. xviii. 5. (A) Ezek. xviii. 4.
the frequent invention of various services in order to merit
his favour. For this irreligious affectation of religion, which
is a principle innate in the human mind, has betrayed itself in
all ages, and betrays itself even in the present day; for men
always take a pleasure in contriving some way of attaining
righteousness, which is not agreeable to the Divine word.
Hence, among those which are commonly esteemed good
works, the precepts of the law hold a very contracted station,
the numberless multitude of human inventions occupying
almpst the whole space. But what was the design of Moses,
unless it was to repress such an unwarrantable licence, when,
after the promulgation of the law, he addressed the people in
the following manner? " Observe and hear all these words
which I command thee, that it may go well with thee, and
with thy children after thee for ever, when thou doest that
which is good and right in the sight of the Lord thy God.
What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou
shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it." (z) And before,
when he had declared that this was their wisdom and their
understanding in the sight of other nations, that they had re-
ceived statutes and judgments and ceremonies from the Lord,
he had added, " Take heed to thyself: and keep thy soul dili-
gently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen,
and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life." (/)
Foreseeing that the Israelites would not rest, but, even after
the reception of the law, would labour to produce new species
of righteousness foreign from what the law requires, unless
they should be rigorously restrained, God pronounces that
his word comprehends the perfection of righteousness; and yet,
though this ought most effectually to have prevented them,
they were guilty of that very presumption which was so ex-
pressly forbidden. But what is this to us? We are certainly
bound by the same declaration; for the claims of the Lord
on behalf of his law, that it contains the doctrine of perfect
righteousness, beyond all doubt remain perpetually the same;
yet not contented with it, we are wonderfully laborious in in-
venting and performing other good works, one after another.
() Deut. xii. 28, 32 (*) Deut. ir. 5, 6, 9-
The best remedy for this fault will be a constant attention to
this reflection; that the law was given to us from heaven to
teach us a perfect righteousness; that in it no righteousness is
taught, but that which is conformable to the decrees of the
Divine will; that it is therefore vain to attempt new species of
works in order to merit the favour of God, whose legitimate
worship consists solely in obedience, but that any pursuit of
good works deviating from the law of God is an intolerable
profanation of the Divine and real righteousness. There is
much truth also in the observation of Augustine, who calls obe-
dience to God sometimes the parent and guardian, and some-
times the origin of all virtues.
VI. But when we have given an exposition of the Divine
law, we shall then more suitably and profitably confirm what
has been already advanced concerning its office and use. Be-
fore we enter however on the discussion of each article sepa-
rately, it will be useful to premise some things which may
contribute to a general knowledge of it. First, let it be under-
stood, that the law inculcates a conformity of life, not only to
external probity, but also to internal and spiritual righteous-
ness. Now though none can deny this, yet very few persons
pay proper attention to it. This arises from their not con-
sidering the Legislator, by whose nature we ought to estimate
also the nature of the law. If a king prohibit, by an edict,
adultery, murder, or theft, no man, I confess, will be liable
to the penalty of such a law, who has only conceived in his
mind a desire to commit adultery, murder, or theft, but has
not perpetrated either of them. Because the superintendence
of a mortal legislator extends only to the external conduct,
and his prohibitions are not violated unless the crimes be
actually committed. But God, whose eye nothing escapes, and
who esteems not so much the external appearance as the purity
of the heart, in the prohibition of adultery, murder, and theft,
comprises a prohibition of lust, wrath, hatred, coveting what
belongs to another, fraud, and every similar vice. For, being
a spiritual Legislator, he addresses himself to the soul as much
as to the body. Now the murder of the soul is wrath and
hatred; the theft of the soul is evil concupiscence and avarice;
the adultery of the soul is lust. But it will be said, that human
VOL. I. 3D
laws also relate to designs and intentions, and not to fortuitous
rvrnts. This I grant; but they relate to such designs and
intentions as have been manifested in outward actions. They
examine and consider with what intention every act has been
performed; but do not scrutinize the secret thoughts. Human
laws therefore are satisfied, when a man abstains from external
transgression. But on the contrary, the Divine law being
i;iven to our minds, the proper regulation of them is the prin-
cipal requisite to a righteous observance of it. But men in
general, even while they resolutely dissemble their contempt
of the law, dispose their eyes, their feet, their hands, and all
the parts of their body, to some kind of observance of it; while
at the same time their hearts are entirely alienated from all
obedience to it, and they suppose that they have discharged
their duty, if they have concealed from man what they practise
in the sight of God. They hear the commands, Thou shah
not kill, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal.
They draw not the sword to commit murder; they never
associate with harlots; they lay no violent hands on the pro-
perty of others. All these things thus far are well; but in their
whole souls they breathe after murders, they kindle into lust,
they look with dishonest eyes on the property of others, and
in their cupidity they devour it. Now then they are destitute
o.f the principal requisite of the law. Whence arises such
gross stupidity, but from discarding the legislator, and accom-
modating a righteousness to our own inclination? These
persons Paul strongly opposes, when he affirms that " the law
is spiritual:" (/) signifying that it requires not only the ob^li-
cnce of the soul, the understanding, and the will, but even an
ungelic purity, which being cleansed from all the pollution of
the flesh, may savour entirely of the Spirit.
VII. When we say that this is the sense of the law, we
are not introducing a novel interpretation of our own, but
following Christ, who is the best interpreter of it. For the
peope having imbibed from the Pharisees the corrupt opinion,
that he, who has perpetrated no external act of disobedience
to the law, is an observer of the law; he confutes this very
(7) Rom. vii. 14.
dangerous error, and pronounces an unchaste look at a woman
to be adultery: he declares them to be murderers, who hate a
brother: he makes them u in danger of the judgment," who
have only conceived resentment in their hearts; them " in
danger of the council," who in murmuring or quarrelling have
discovered any sign of an angry mind; and them " in danger
of hell fire," who with opprobrious and slanderous language
have broken forth into open rage, (m) Persons who have
not perceived these things, have pretended that Christ was
another Moses, the giver of an evangelical law, which sup-
plied the deficiencies of the law of Moses. Whence that
common maxim, concerning the perfection of the evangelical
law, that it is far superior to the old law; a maxim in many
respects very pernicious. For when we introduce a summary
of the commandments, it will appear from Moses himself what
an indignity this fixes on the Divine law. It certainly in-
sinuates that all the sanctity of the fathers under the Old
Testament, was not very remote from hypocrisy, and draws
us aside from that one perpetual rule of righteousness. But
there is not the least difficulty in the confutation of this error;
for they have supposed that Christ made additions to the law,
whereas he only restored it to its genuine purity, by clearing it
from the obscurities and blemishes which it had contracted from
the falsehoods and the leaven of the Pharisees.
VIII. It must be observed, in the second place, that the
commands and prohibitions always imply more than the words
express: but this must be so restricted, that we may not make
it a Lesbian rule, by the assistance of which the Scripture
may be licentiously perverted, and any sense be extorted at
pleasure from any passage. For some people, by this immo-
derate and excursive liberty, cause one person to despise the
authority of the law, and another to despair of understanding-
it. Therefore, if it be possible, we must find some way that
may lead us by a straight and steady course to the will of
God. We must inquire, I say, how far our interpretation
ought to exceed the limits of the expressions; that it may
evidently appear, not to be an appendix of human glosses
(m) Matt. v. 28, 22.
annexed to the Divine law, but a faithful explanation of the
pure and genuine sense of the legislator. Indeed, in all the
commandments, the figure synecdoche, by which a part is ex-
pressed instead of the whole, is so conspicuous, that he may
justly be the object of ridicule, who would restrict the sense
of the law within the narrow limits of the words. It is plain
then that a sober exposition of the law goes beyond the words
of it; but how far, remains doubtful, unless some rule be laid
down. The best rule, then, I conceive will be, that the expo-
sition be directed to the design of the precept; that in regard
to every precept it should be considered for what end it was
given. For example, every precept is either imperative or
prohibitory. The true meaning of both these kinds of pre-
cepts will immediately occur to us, if we consider the design
or the end of them. As the end of the fifth commandment is,
that honour may be given to them to whom God assigns it.
The substance of this precept then is, that it is right, and
pleasing to God, that we should honour those on whom he
hath conferred any excellence, and that contemptuous and
contumacious conduct towards them is an abomination to him.
The design of the first commandment is, that God alone may
be worshipped. The substance of this precept then will be,
that true piety, that is, the worship of his majesty, is pleas-
ing to God, and that he abominates impiety. Thus in every
commandment we should first examine the subject of it; in the
next place we should inquire the end of it, till we discover
what the legislator really declares in it to be either pleasing or
displeasing to him. Lastly, we must draw an argument from
this commandment to the opposite of it, in this manner: If
this please God, the contrary must displease him: if this dis-
please him, the contrary must please him; if he enjoin this,
he forbids the contrary; if he forbid this, he enjoins the
IX. What we now rather obscurely hint at, will be fully and
practically elucidated in our exposition of the commandments.
Wherefore it is sufficient to have suggested it; only the last
position, which otherwise might not be understood, or, if under-
stood, might seem unreasonable, requires to be briefly established
by suitable proof. It needs no proof, that an injunction of any
thing good is a prohibition of the opposite evil: for every man
will concede it. And common sense will easily admit, that a pro-
hibition of crimes is a command to practise the contrary duties.
It is commonly considered as a commendation of virtues, when
censure is passed on the opposite vices. But we require some-
what more than is commonly intended by those forms of ex-
pression. For men generally understand the virtue which is
opposite to any vice to be an abstinence from that vice: but
we affirm that it goes farther, even to the actual performance
of the opposite duty. Therefore, in this precept, "Thou shall
not kill," the common sense of mankind will perceive nothing
more than that we ought to abstain from all acts of injury to
others, and from all desire to commit any such acts. I main-
tain that it also implies, that we should do every thing that we
possibly can towards the preservation of the life of our neigh-
bour. And not to speak without reason, I prove it in the
following manner: God forbids us to injure the safety of our
brother, because he wishes his life to be dear and precious to
us: he therefore at the same time requires of us all those offices
of love which may contribute to the preservation of it. Thus
we perceive, that the end of the precept will always discover to
us whatever it enjoins or forbids us to do.
X Many reasons are frequently given, why God hath,
as it were in incomplete precepts^ rather partially intimated
his will than positively expressed it; but the reason which
affords me more satisfaction than all others is the following. Be-
cause the flesh always endeavours to extenuate, and by specious
pretexts to conceal the turpitude of sin, unless it be exceed-
ingly palpable, he hath proposed by way of example in every
kind of transgression that which is most atrocious and detestable,
and the mention of which inspires us with horror, in order
that our minds might be impressed with the greater detestation
of every sin. This often deceives us in forming opinion of
vices; if they be private, we extenuate them. The Lord
destroys these subterfuges, when he accustoms us to refer the
whole multitude of vices to these general heads, which best
represent the abominable nature of every species of transgres-
sions. For example; anger and hatred are not supposed to
be such execrable crimes when thev are mentioned under their
own proper appellations; but when they are forbidden to us
under the name of murder, we have a clearer perception how
abominable they are in the view of God, by whose word they
are classed under such a flagitious and horrible species of
crimes: and being influenced by his judgment, we accustom
ourselves more seriously to consider the atrociousness of those
offences which we previously accounted trivial.
XI. In the third place, let it be considered, what is intended
by the division of the Divine law into two tables; the frequent
and solemn mention of which all wise men will judge not to be
without some particular " design. And we have a reason at
hand, which removes all ambiguity on this subject. For God
has thus divided his law into two parts, which comprise the
perfection of righteousness, that we might assign the first part
to the duties o* religion, which peculiarly belong to the wor-
ship of his majesty, and the second to those duties of charity,
which respect men. The first foundation of righteousness is
certainly the worship of God; and if this be destroyed, all the
other branches of righteousness, like the parts of a disjointed
and falling edifice, are torn asunder and scattered. For what
kind of righteousness will you pretend to, because you refrain
from harassing men by acts of theft and rapine, if at the same
time you atrociously and sacrilegiously defraud the majesty of
God of the glory which is due to him? because you do not
pollute your body with fornication, if you blasphemously pro-
fane the sacred name of God? because you murder no- man,
if you strive to destroy and extinguish all memory of God?
It is in vain therefore to boast of righteousness without reli-
gion; as well might the trunk of a body be exhibited as a
beautiful object, after the head has been cutoff. Nor is religion
only the head of righteousness, but the very soul of it, consti-
tuting all its life and vigour; for without the fear of God, men
preserve no equity and love among each other. We therefore
call the worship of God the principle and foundation of right-
eousness, because if that be wanting, whatever equity, conti-
nence, and temperance men may practise among themselves,
it is all vain and frivolous in the sight of God. We assert also
that it is the source and soul of righteousness; because men
are taught by it to live temperatelv and justly with each other,
if they venerate God as the Judge of right and wrong. In the
first table therefore he instructs us in piety and the proper
duties of religion, in which his majesty is to be worshipped;
in the second he prescribes the duties which the fear of his
name should excite us to practise in society. For this reason
our Lord, as the evangelists inform us, (n) summarily com-
prised the whole law in two principal points; that we love
God with all our heart, with all our,,, soul, and with all our
strength; and that we love our neighbour as ourselves. Of
the two parts in which he comprehends the whole law, we
see how he directs one towards God, and assigns the other
to men.
XII. But, although the whole law is contained in these two
principal points, yet our God, in order to remove every pre-
text of excuse, hath been pleased in the ten commandments
more diffusely and explicitly to declare, as well those things
which relate to our honour, love, and fear of him, as those
which pertain to that charity, which he commands us for his
sake to exercise towards men. Nor is it a useless study to
examine into the division of the commandments; provided
you remember it is a subject of such a nature, that every
man ought to be at liberty to judge of it, and that we ought
not contentiously to oppose any who may differ from us re-
specting it. But we are under a necessity of touching on this
topic, lest the reader should despise or wonder at the division
that we shall adopt, as a novel invention. That the law is
divided into ten precepts, is beyond all controversy, being fre-
quently established by the authority of God himself. The
question therefore is not concerning the number of the pre-
cepts, but concerning the manner of dividing them. Those
who divide them, so as to assign three precepts to the first
table, and leave the remaining seven to the second, expunge
from the number the precept concerning images, or at least
conceal it under the first: whereas it is undoubtedly delivered
by the Lord as a distinct commandment. But the tenth,
against coveting the property of our neighbour, they incon-
siderately divide into two. It may also be remarked, that
(n) Matt. xxii. 3740. Luke x. 27.
such a method of division was unknown in purer ages. Others
reckon with us four articles in the first table; but the first
commandment they consider as a simple promise without a
precept. Now I understand the "ten words" mentioned by
Moses to be ten precepts, and I think I see that number disposed
in the most beautiful order. And therefore, unless I am con-
vinced by clear argument, leaving them in possession of their
opinion, I shall follow what appears to me to be preferable;
that is, that what they make the first precept is a preface to the
whole law; that it is followed by the precepts, four belonging
to the first table and six to the second, in the order in which
they will now be recited. Origen has mentioned this division
as if it were universally received in his time without am
controversy. Augustine also coincides with us; for in enu-
merating them to Boniface, he observes this order: That God
alone be religiously worshipped; that no adoration be paid to
an idol; that the name of the Lord be not taken in vain. He
had before spoken separately of the shadowy precept of the
sabbath. It is true, that in another passage he expresses his
approbation of the former division, but for a most trivial rea-
son; namely, that if the first table be digested into three pre-
cepts, the trinal number will be a more conspicuous exhibition
of the mystery of the trinity. In the same place, however, he
does not conceal that in other respects he prefers our division.
Beside these writers, the author of the unfinished treatise on
Matthew is of the same opinion with us. Josephus, doubtless
according to the common opinion of his time, assigns five
precepts to each table. This is repugnant to reason, because
it confounds the distinction between religion and charity: and
is also refuted by the authority of our Lord, who in Matthew
places the precept concerning honour to parents in the second
table. Now let us hear God himself speaking in his own
XIII. Whether you make the first sentence a part of the
first commandment, or read it separately, is a matter of indiffer-
ence to me, provided you allow it to be a preface to the whole
law. The first object of attention in making laws is to guard
against their being abrogated by contempt. Therefore God
in the first place provides, that the majesty of the law, which he
is about to deliver, may never fall into contempt: and to sanc-
tion it he uses a threefold argument. He asserts his authority
and right of giving commands, and thereby lays his chosen
people under a necessity of obeying them. He exhibits a promise
of grace, to allure them by its charms to the pursuit of holiness.
He reminds the Israelites of his favour, to convict them of in-
gratitude if they do not conduct themselves in a manner cor-
respondent to his goodness. The name LORD, or JEHOVAH,
designates his authority and legitimate dominion. For if all
things be of him, and if in him all things consist, it is reason-
able that all things be referred 'to him; agreeably to the ob-
servation of Paul. (0) Therefore by this word alone we are
brought into complete subjection to the power of the Divine
majesty, for it would be monstrous for us to desire to rje^
move ourselves from his jurisdiction, out of whom we cannot
XIV. After having shewn that he hath a right to com-
mand, and that obedience is his just due; that he may not
appear^to constrain us by necessity alone, he sweetly allures
us by pronouncing himself the God of the Church. For the
expression implies the mutual relation, which is contained in
that promise, " I will be their God, and they shall be my
people." (/>) Whence Christ proves the immortality of Abra-
ham, Isaac, and Jacob, from the declaration of the Lord, that
he is their God. (y) Wherefore it is the same as if he had
said, I have chosen you as my people, not only to bless you
in the present life, but to bestow upon you abundant felicity
in the life to come. The design of this favour is remarked
in various places in the law; for when the Lord in mercy con-
descends to number us among the society of his people, " He
chooseth us," says Moses, " to be a peculiar people unto him-
self, a holy people, to keep his commandments." (r) Hence
(o) Rom. xi. 36. (/>) Jer. xxxi. 33.
(7) Matt. JO.ii. 32. (r) Deut. vii- 6. xiv. 2. xxvi. 18.
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that exhortation, " Ye shall be holy, for I am holy." (s) Now
from these two considerations is derived the remonstrance of
the Lord by the prophet; " A son honoureth his father, and
a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine ho-
nour? and if I be a master, where is my fear?" (t)
XV. Next follows a recital of his kindness, which ought
to produce a most powerful effect upon our minds, in propor-
tion to the detestable guilt of ingratitude, even among men.
He reminded the Israelites indeed of a favour which they had
recently experienced, but which on account of its magnitude
and concomitant miracles being worthy of everlasting remem-
brance, might also have an influence on succeeding genera-
tions. Besides, it was particularly suitable to the present occa-
sion, when the law was about to be published; for the Lord
suggests that they were liberated from a miserable slavery in
order that they might serve the author of their liberty with a
promptitude of reverence and obedience. To retain us in the
true and exclusive worship of himself, he generally distin-
guishes himself by certain epithets, by which he discriminates
his sacred name from all idols and fictitious deities. For, as I
have before observed, such is our proneness to vanity and pre-
sumption, that as soon as God is mentioned, our mind is un-
able to guard itself from falling into some vain imagination.
Therefore when God intends to apply a remedy to this evil, he
adorns his majesty with certain titles, and thus circumscribes
us with barriers, that we may not run into various follies, and
presumptuously invent to ourselves some new deity, discard-
ing the living God, and setting up an idol in his stead. For
this reason the prophets, whenever they intend a proper de-
signation of him, invest him, and as it were surround him,
with those characters under which he had manifested himself to
the people of Israel. Yet, when he is called " the God of Abra-
ham," or " the God of Israel," when he is said to reside " be-
tween the cherubim" "in the temple," "at Jerusalem," (v) these
and similar forms of expression do not confine him to one place,
or to one nation: they are only used, to fix the thoughts of
(.s) Lev. xi. 44. (/) Mai. i. 6.
(v) Exod. iii. 6. Amos i. 2. Hab. ii. 20. Psalm Ixxx. 1. xcix. 1. Isa'rah
xxxvii. 16.
the pious on that God, who in the covenant, which he hath
made with Israel, hath given such a representation of himself,
that it is not proper to deviate in the smallest instance from
such a model. Nevertheless let it be concluded, that the de-
liverance of the Jews is mentioned to induce them to devote
themselves with more alacrity to the service of God, who
justly claims a right to their obedience. But, that we may not
suppose this to have no relation to us, it behoves us to con-
sider, that the servitude of Israel in Egypt was a type of the
spiritual captivity, in which we are all detained, till our celes-
tial deliverer extricates us by the power of his arm, and intro-
duces us into the kingdom of liberty. As formerly therefore
when he designed to restore the dispersed Israelites to the
worship of his name, he rescued them from the intolerable
tyranny of Pharaoh by which they were oppressed; so now he
delivers all those, whose God he declares himself to be, from
the fatal dominion of Satan which was represented by that
corporeal captivity. Wherefore there is no one, whose mind
ought not to be excited to listen to the law, which he is in-
formed came from the King of kings; from whom as all crea-
tures derive their origin, so it is reasonable that they should
regard him as their end in all things. Every man, I say,
ought to welcome the legislator; to observe whose com-
mands he is taught that he is particularly chosen; from whose
benignity he expects an abundance of temporal blessings and a
life of immortality and glory; by whose wonderful power and
mercy he knows himself to be delivered from the jaws of
XVI. Having firmly established the authority of his law,
he publishes the first commandment, " That we should have no
other gods before him." The end of this precept is, that God
chooses to have the sole pre-eminence, and to enjoy undiminish-
ed his authority among his people. To produce this end, he en-
joins us to keep at a distance from all impiety and superstition,
by which we should either diminish or obscure the glory of
his name; and for the same reason he directs us to worship
and adore him in the exercise of true piety. The simplicity of
the language almost expresses this; for we cannot "have"
God, without at the same time comprising all that belongs to
him. Therefore when he forbids us to "have" any other
gods, he implies, that we must not transfer to another what
belongs to him. For although the duties we owe to God are
innumerable, yet they may not improperly be classed under
four general heads: Adoration, a necessary branch of which
is the spiritual obedience of the conscience; Trust; Invoca-
tion; and Thanksgiving. By adoration I mean the reverence
and worship which he receives from every one of us, who has
submitted to his majesty. Wherefore it is not without reason
that I make it partly to consist in a subjection of our con-
sciences to his law; for it is a spiritual homage which is ren-
dered to him, as to a sovereign King possessed of all power over
our souls. Trust is a secure dependence on him, arising from
a knowledge of his perfections; when ascribing to him all
wisdom, righteousness, power, truth, and goodness, we esteem
ourselves happy only in communications from him. Invoca-
tion is the application of our minds, under every pressure of
necessity, resorting to his fidelity, faithfulness, and assistance,
as its only defence. Thanksgiving is gratitude, which ascribes
to him the praise of all blessings. As the Lord permits no
portion of these duties to be transferred to another, so he com-
mands them to be wholly given to himself. Nor will it be
sufficient for you to refrain from worshipping any other god,
unless you also refrain from imitating certain nefarious
despisers, who take the compendious method of treating all
religions with contempt. But the observance of this precept
must be preceded by true religion, leading our minds to the
living God; that being endued with^the knowledge of him
they may aspire to contemplate, fear, and worship his majesty,
to receive his communication of blessings, to request his aid
upon all occasions, to acknowledge and celebrate the magnifi-
cence of his works, as the sole end in all the actions of our
lives. We must also beware of corrupt superstition, by which
those whose minds are diverted from the true God, are car-
ried about after various deities. Therefore, if we be contented
with one God, let us remember what has before been observed,
that all fictitious deities must be driven far away, and that we
must not divide that worship which he claims exclusively to
himself. For it is criminal to detract even the smallest portion
from his glory; he must be left in possession of all that belongs
to him. The following clause " before me" aggravates the
atrociousness of the offence; for God is provoked to jealousy
whenever we substitute the figments of our own minds instead
of him: just as an immodest woman, by openly introducing
an adulterer into the presence of her husband, would inflame
his mind with the greater resentment. When God therefore,
by the presence of his power and grace, gave a proof of his
regard to the people whom he had chosen; in order the more
forcibly to deter them from the crime of rebellion against him,
he warns them of the impossibility of introducing new deities
without his being a witness and spectator of the sacrilege.
For this presumption rises to the highest degree of impiety,
when man imagines that he can elude the observation of God
in his acts of rebellion. God on the contrary proclaims, that
whatever we devise, whatever we attempt, whatever we perform,
is present to his view. Our conscience must therefore be pure
even from the most latent thoughts of apostacy, if we wish our
religion to obtain the approbation of the Lord. For he re-
quires from us the glory due to his name undiminished and
uncorrupted, not only in external confession, but in his own
eyes, which penetrate the inmost recesses of our hearts.
XVII. As in the preceding commandment the Lord hath
declared himself to be the one God, beside whom no other
deities ought to be imagined or worshipped; so in this he more
clearly reveals his nature, and the kind of worship with which
he ought to be honoured, that we may not dare to form any
carnal conceptions of him. The end therefore of this precept
is, that he will not have his legitimate worship profaned with
superstitious rites. Wherefore in a word he calls us off, and
wholly abstracts us from carnal observances, which our foolish
minds are accustomed to devise, when they conceive of God
according to the grossness of their own apprehensions: and
therefore he calls us to the service which rightfully belongs to
him, that is, the spiritual worship which he hath instituted. He
marks what is the grossest transgression of this kind, that is,
external idolatry. And this precept consists of two parts: the
first restrains us from licentiously daring to make God, who is
incomprehensible, the subject of our senses, or to represent him
under any visible form. The second prohibits us from paying
religious adoration to any images. He likewise briefly enu-
merates all the forms, in which he used to be represented by
profane and superstitious nations. By those things which are
in heaven, he means the sun, the moon, and the other stars,
and perhaps birds: as when he explains his meaning in the
fourth chapter of Deuteronomy, he mentions birds as well as
the stars, (w) This I should not have remarked, had I not
known some persons injudiciously refer this clause to angels.
I omit the other particulars, as needing no explanation. And
in the first book (oi) we have already sufficiently proved that
whatever visible representations of God are invented by man
are diametrically opposite to his nature; and that therefore as
soon as ever idols are introduced, true religion is immediately
corrupted and adulterated.
XVIII. The penal sanction which is annexed ought to
have no small influence in arousing us from our lethargy. He
thus threatens:
This is equivalent to a declaration that it is to him alone that
we ought to adhere. And to urge its to it, he announces his
power, which he permits none with impunity to despise or
undervalue. For the Hebrew word El, which is here used for
God, is expressive of strength. In the second place, he calls
Denit. iv. 17. (x) Cap. xi. 12.
himself " a jealous God,'* who can bear no equal. Thirdly,
he declares that he will avenge his majesty and glory on those
who transfer it to creatures or to graven images; and that not
with the transient punishment of the original transgressors
only, but of their posterity to the third and fourth generation,
that is, of those who shall imitate the impiety of their fathers:
as he also permanently displays his mercy and goodness,
through a long line of posterity, to those who love him and
keep his law. It is very common for God to assume the cha-
racter of a husband to us: for the union, in which he connects
us with himself, when he receives us into the bosom of his
Church, bears a resemblance to the sacred conjugal relation
which requires to be supported by mutual fidelity. As he
performs towards us all the duties of a true and faithful hus-
band, so he demands from us the reciprocal duties of con-
jugal love and chastity; that is, that we do not prostitute our
souls to Satan, to lust, and to the impurity of the carnal appe-
tites. Wherefore, when he reproves the apostacy of the Jews,
he complains that they had discarded chastity, and were pol-
luted with adulteries, (t/) Therefore as a husband in proportion
to the superiority of his purity and chastity is the more
grievously incensed, if he perceive the affection of his wife
inclining to a rival; so the Lord, who hath in truth espoused
us to himself, declares that he feels the most ardent jealousy,
whenever we neglect the sacred purity of his conjugal rela-
tion to us, and defile ourselves with criminal lusts, but especially
when we transfer to any other, or adulterate with any super-
stition, the worship of his majesty, which ought to be preserved
in the most consummate perfection. Since by such conduct we
not only violate the faith pledged in our nuptials, but even
pollute our souls with spiritual adultery.
XIX. Let us inquire .what he intends by his threatening to
"visit the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third
and fourth generation?" For besides that it is inconsistent
with the equity of the Divine justice, to inflict upon an inno-
cent person the punishment due to the offences of another,
God himself declares that "the son shall not bear the iniquity
(v) Jcr. ill. 1, 2. Hoe. ii. 2.
of the father." (2) But this expression is repeated more than
once, concerning a deferring to future generations of tht
punishments of crimes committed by their ancestors. For
Moses frequently speaks of " the Lord visiting the iniquity of
the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth ge-
neration." () In like manner Jeremiah; " Thou shewest
loving-kindness unto thousands, and recompensest the iniquity
of the fathers into the bosom of their children after them." ()
Some, who labour very hard to solve this difficulty, are of
opinion that its meaning is to be confined to temporal punish-
ments; which if children sustain through the sins of their
parents, there is nothing absurd in it; because they frequently
conduce to the salvation of those on whom they are inflicted.
This is certainly true. For Isaiah denounced to Hezekiah,
that on account of the sin which he had committed, his sons
should be despoiled of the kingdom and carried away into
exile, (c) The families of Pharaoh and Abimelech are afflicted
on account of the injury sustained by Abraham. () But when
this is adduced as a solution of this question, it is rather an
evasion of it, than a proper explanation. For in this and in
similar places the Lord threatens a punishment too great to be
terminated by the limits of the present life. It must therefore
be understood as a declaration that the curse of the Lord
righteously rests not only on the person of an impious man, but
also on his whole family. Where it has rested, what can be
expected, but that the father being destitute of the Spirit of
God will lead a most flagitious life; and that the son, expe-
riencing, in consequence of the iniquity of his father, a similar
dereliction by the Lord, will pursue the same path to perdi-
tion; and that the grandson and the great grandson, the
execrable posterity of detestable men, will run headlong after
them down the same precipice of destruction?
XX. First let us inquire, whether such punishment be in-
consistent with the Divine justice. If the whole nature of
man be worthy of condemnation, we know that destruction
awaits those who are not favoured by the Lord with the com-
munication of his grace. Nevertheless they perish through
(3) Ezek. xviii. 20. (a) Numb. xiv. 18. (ft) Jer. xxxii. 1?.
(r) Isaiah xxxix: ". () Gen. xii. 17- sx ".
their own iniquity, and not through the unjust hatred of God.
Nor is there any room left for expostulation, why they are "not
assisted by Divine grace to obtain salvation as well as others.
Since it is a punishment therefore inflicted on the impious and
flagitious, in consequence of their transgressions, that their
families remain destitute of Divine grace for many generations;
who can bring any accusation against God for this most
righteous instance of his vengeance? But it will be said, the
Lord declares, on the contrary, that the punishment of the sin
of the father shall not be transferred to the son. Observe the
subject that is treated of in that place. The Israelites, after
they had been long harassed by numerous and unceasing
calamities, began to use this proverb, "The fathers have
eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge:" (e)
by which they insinuated, that sins had been committed by
their parents, the punishment of which was inflicted on them
who were otherwise righteous and innocent, more through the
implacable wrath of God, than through a just severity. The pro-
phet announces to them that this is not the case, but that they
are punished for their own transgressions, and that it is incom-
patible with the Divine justice to punish a righteous son for
the iniquity of a wicked father. Nor is this to be found in the
penal sanction now under consideration. For if the visitation,
of which we are treating, be fulfilled, when God removes from
the family of the impious his grace, the light of his truth, and
the other means of salvation; the very circumstance of children
blinded and abandoned by him being found treading in the
footsteps of their fathers, is an instance of their bearing the
curse in consequence of the crimes of their parents. But their
being the subjects of temporal miseries, and at length of eter-
nal perdition, are punishments from the righteous judgment
^)f God, not for the sins of others, but on account of their own
XXI. On the other hand, God gives a promise to extend
his mercy to a thousand generations; which also frequently
occurs in the Scripture, and is inserted in the solemn covenant
with the Church: "I will be a God unto thee, and to thy
(e) Ezek. xviii. 2.
VOL. I. 3 F
seed after thee." (/) In allusion to this, Solomon says, thai
" the children of the just man are blessed after him;" () not
only as the effect of a religious education, which is of no small
importance, but also in consequence of the blessing promised in
the covenant, that the grace of God shall perpetually remain
in the families of the pious. This is a source of peculiar con-
solation to the faithful, but to the impious of great terror:
for if even after death the memory of righteousness and ini-
quity has so much influence with God, that the curse of the
one and the blessing of the other will redound to posterity,
much more will it remain on the persons of the actors them-
selves. Now it is no objection to our argument, that the de-
scendants of the impious sometimes grow better, while those
of the faithful degenerate; since the Legislator never intended
to establish in this case such an invariable rule, as would dero-
gate from his own free choice. For it is sufficient for the con-
solation of the righteous and the terror of the sinner, that the
denunciation is not vain or inefficacious, although it be not
always executed. For as the temporal punishments inflicted
on a few wicked men are testimonies of the Divine wrath
against sin, and of the judgment that will hereafter be pro-
nounced on all sinners, though many escape with impunity
even to the end of their lives: so when the Lord exhibits one
example of this blessing, in manifesting his mercy and good-
ness to the son for the sake of his father, he affords a proof of
his constant and perpetual favour to his worshippers; and
when in any one instance he pursues the iniquity of the father
in the son, he shews what a judgment awaits all the reprobate
on account of their own transgressions: the certainty of which
was what he principally designed in this passage. He also gives
us a cursory intimation of the greatness of his mercy, which he
extends to a thousand generations, while he has assigned only
four generations to his vengeance.
(/) Gen. xvii. 7. ($) Prov. xx. T.
XXII. The end of this precept is, that the Lord will have
the majesty of his nam^ to be held inviolably sacred by us.
The substance of the command therefore is, that we ought not
to profane that name by a contemptuous or irreverent use of
it. This prohibition necessarily implies an injunction, that
we studiously and carefully treat it with religious veneration.
Therefore it becomes us to regulate our thoughts and words in
such a manner that we may not think or speak any thing con-
cerning God and his mysteries, but with the greatest sobriety
and reverence: that in meditating on his works we may form
no opinion that is dishonourable to him. These three things,
I say, we ought most carefully to observe: first, that whatever
we think, and whatever we say of him, should savour of his
excellence, correspond to the sacred sublimity of his name,
and tend to the exaltation of his magnificence. Secondly,
we should not rashly and preposterously abuse his holy
word and adorable mysteries to the purposes of ambition, of
avarice, or of amusement; but as they bear an impression of
the dignity of his name, they should always receive from us
the honour and esteem which belong to them. Lastly, We
should not injure his works by obloquy or detraction, as some
miserable mortals are accustomed to do; but whenever we
mention any thing done by him, we should celebrate it with
encomiums of wisdom, justice, and goodness. This is "sanc-
tifying" the name of God. In every other case, it is violated
by a vain and criminal abuse, because it is carried beyond the
limits of that legitimate use, to which alone it is consecrated;
and though no other consequence ensue, it is deprived of its
dignity, and by degrees rendered contemptible. But if it be
so criminal thus rashly and unseasonably to introduce the name
of God on every occasion, much more so must it be to apply
it to such nefarious uses as they do, who make it subservient
to the superstitions of necromancy, to horrible imprecations,
to unlawful exorcisms, and to other impious incantations. But
an oath is the thing principally contemplated in the command,
as the most detestable instance of the perverse abuse of the
Divine name; and this is done to inspire us with the greater
horror of every species of profanation of it. That this precept
relates to the worship of God and the reverence of his name,
and ndt to the equity that ought to be observed among man-
kind, appears from this; that the subsequent condemnation,
in the second table, of perjury and false witness by which so-
ciety is injured, would be a needless repetition, if the present pre-
cept related to a civil duty. Besides, the division of the law
requires this; for as we have already observed, it is not in vain
that God has distributed the law into two tables. Whence we
conclude, that in this command he vindicates his just claims
and guards the sanctity of his name, but does not teach the
duties which men owe to each other.
XXIII. In the first place we have to explain what an oath is.
It consists in calling upon God as a witness, to confirm the truth
of any declaration that we make. For execrations, which con-
tain manifest reproaches against God, are not worthy to be
mentioned among oaths. That such an attestation, when
rightly performed, is a species of Divine worship, is evident
from many places of Scripture. As when Isaiah prophesies of
the vocation of the Assyrians and Egyptians to participate
in the covenant of Israel: " They shall speak," says he, " the
language of Canaan, and swear to the Lord of hosts." (/t) By
" swearing to the Lord" here is intended making a profession of
religion. Again, when he speaks' of the extension of his king-
dom: " He who blesseth himself in the earth shall bless him-
self in the God of truth; and he that sweareth in the earth
shall swear by the God of truth." (?) Jeremiah says, " If they
will diligently learn the ways of my people, to swear by my
name, The Lord liveth; as they taught my people to swear by
Baal; then shall they be built in the midst of my people." (/)
And we are justly said to profess our religion to the Lord,
when we invoke his name to bear witness to us. For thereby
we confess that he is truth itself, eternal and immutable; whom
we call not only as a witness of the truth, excelling all others,
but also as the only defender of it who is able to bring to light
things which are concealed, and in a word, as the searcher of
all hearts. For where hum an testimonies are wanting, we
resort for refuge to the testimony of God; and particularly
when any thing is to be affirmed, which is hidden in 'the con-
(h) Isaiah six. 18. () Isaiah Ixv. 16. (>) Jer. xii. 16.
science. For which reason the Lord is extremely angry with
them, who swear by strange gods, and interprets that species
of swearing as a proof of manifest defection from him. " Thy
children have forsaken me, and sworn by them that are no
gods." (/) And he declares the atrociousness of this crime by
his denunciation of punishment: " I will eut off them that
swear by the Lord, and that swear by Malcham." (m)
XXIV. Now since we understand it to be the will of the
Lord, that we should reverence his name in our oaths, we
ought to use so much the more caution, lest instead of re-
verence they betray dishonour or contempt of it. It is no
trifling insult to him, when perjury is committed in his name;
and therefore the law calls it a profanation, (n) But what re-
mains to the Lord, when he is despoiled of his truth? he will
then cease to be God. But he is Certainly despoiled of it, when
he is made an abettor and approver of a falsehood. Where-
fore when Joshua would induce Achan to a confession of the
truth, he says, " My son, give, I pray thee, glory to the Lord
God of Israel:" (o) implying in this that the Lord is grievously
dishonoured, if perjury be committed in his name. Nor is this
strange; for in such case we do all that is in our power to brand
his sacred name with a falsehood. And that this form of ex-
pression was customary among the Jews, whenever any man
was called to take an oath, appears from a similar adjuration
used by the Pharisees in the Gospel of John. (/>) To this cau-
tion we are accustomed by the forms of oaths which are used
in the Scriptures: " The Lord liveth:" (y) " God do so and
more also to me:"(r) " I call God for a record upon my soul:"(*)
which imply, that we cannot invoke God to be a witness to our
declarations, without imprecating his vengeance upon us if we
be guilty of perjury.
XXV. The name of God is rendered vile and contemptible,
when it is used in unnecessarily swearing even to what is true;
for in this instance also it is taken in vain. Wherefore it will
not be sufficient to abstain from perjury; unless we also remem-
ber, that swearing is permitted and appointed, not for the sake
(/) Jer. v. 7. (m) Zeph. i. 4, 5. (n) Lev. xix. 12.
(o) Joshua vii. 19. (/>) John ix. 24. (y) 1 Sam. xiv. 45.
'') 2 Kings vi. 31. (.?) 2 Cor. i. 23.
of our pleasure or caprice, but from necessity; and that the
lawful use of it therefore is transgressed by those who apply it
to cases where it is not necessary. Now no other necessity
can be pretended, but when we want to serve either religion
or charity. This crime in the present day is carried to a very
great extent, and it is so much the more intolerable, since by
its frequency it has ceased to be considered as a crime, though
before the Divine tribunal it is deemed no trivial offence.
For the name of God is universally profaned without concern
in trifling conversations; and it is not considered as sinful, be-
cause this presumptuous wickedness has been so long practised
with impunity. But the Divine command remains valid;
the sanction remains firm; and a future day will witness the
completion of that part of it which denounces a particular
punishment against those who take his name in vain. This
precept is violated also in another way. If in our oaths we sub-
stitute the servants of God in the place of God himself, we are
guilty of manifest impiety; because we thereby transfer te
them the glory due to the Deity. Nor is it without reason,
that God by a special command enjoins us to swear by his
name, (?) and by a special prohibition interdicts us from swear-
ing by any strange gods, (u) And the Apostle evidently attests
the same, when he says, that "men swear by the greater, but
that God, because he could swear by no greater, sware by
himself." (w)
XXVI. The Anabaptists, not satisfied with this limitation
of oaths, condemn all oaths without exception; because the
prohibition of Christ is general: " I say unto you, Swear not
at all. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay:
for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil." (^) But by
this mode of interpretation they set Christ in opposition to
the Father, as though he descended into this world to abrogate
the Father's decrees. For in the law the eternal God not
only permits an oath, as a lawful thing, which would be suffi-
cient to justify the use of it, but in cases of necessity com-
mands it. (*/) Now Christ asserts, that " he and his Father are
one," that " he acts only according to the commands of the
(<) Deut. vi. 13. (v ) Exocl. xxiii. 13. (w) Heb. vi. 13, 16.
(x) Matt. V. 34. ( v) Exod. xxii. 11.
Father," that " his doctrine is not of himself," &c. (2) What
then? will they make God contradict himself, by prohibiting
and condemning in our conduct that which he hath before ap-
proved and enjoined? But as the words of Christ involve
some difficulty, let us enter on a brief examination of them.
Here we shall never arrive at the truth, unless we attend to the
design of Christ, and advert to the subject of which he is there
treating. His design is not to relax or to restrict the law, but to
reduce it to its true and genuine meaning, which had been
very much corrupted by the false comments of the scribes and
Pharisees. If we bear this in our minds, we shall not be of
opinion that Christ condemned all oaths, but only those which
transgress the rule of the law. It appears to have been the
custom of the people at that time to avoid nothing but per-
juries; whereas the law forbids not only perjuries, but likewise
all vain and superfluous oaths. Our Lord therefore, that
infallible expositor of the law, apprizes them that it is sinful,
not only to perjure themselves, but even to swear. To swear
in what manner? In vain. But the oaths which are sanctioned
in the law he leaves without any objection. They consider
themselves as urging a very powerful argument, when they
violently insist on the particle at all; which nevertheless refers
not to the word sivear, but to the forms of oaths that are
there subjoined. For the error there condemned consisted,
partly, in a supposition that in swearing by heaven and earth,
there was no interference with the name of God. Therefore,
after the principal instance of transgression, the Lord goes on
to destroy all their subterfuges, that they may not imagine
themselves to have escaped by suppressing the name of God,,
and calling heaven and earth to witness for them. For here,
by the way, it must be remained, that men indirectly swear by-
God, though his name is not expressed; as when they sweat-
by the light of life, by the bread which they eat, by their
baptism, or by any other blessings which they have received
from the Divine munificence. Nor does Christ in that place
prohibit them from swearing by heaven, and earth, and Jeru-
salem, in order to correct superstition, as some falsely imagine;
(:) John x. 30. 18. vii. 16.
but rather to confute the sophistical subtlety of persons who
thought there was no crime in the foolish use of indirect oaths,
as though they were not chargeable with profaning the sacred
name of God, which is engraven however on all his benefits.
But the case is different, where any mortal man, or one that
is dead, or an angel, is substituted in the place of God; as
among idolatrous nations adulation invented that odious form of
swearing by the life or genius of the king: because in such cases
the deification of a creature obscures and diminishes the glory
of the only true God. But when we mean nothing but to derive
a confirmation to our assertions from the sacred name of God,
although it be done in an indirect manner, yet all such fri-
volous oaths are offensive to his majesty. Christ deprives this
licentious practice of every vain excuse, by his prohibition of
swearing at all. James also aims at the same point, (a) where
he uses the language of Christ, which I have cited: because this
presumption has always been prevalent in the world, notwith-
standing it is a profanation of the name of God. For if you
refer the particle at all to the substance of swearing, as
though every oath without exception were unlawful, what
means the explanation which is immediately annexed, " Neither
by heaven, neither by the earth," &c. language evidently used
in refutation of those cavils, which the Jews considered as fur-
nishing an excuse for their sin.
XXVII. It can no longer be doubtful therefore to persons
of sound judgment, that the Lord, in that passage, only con-
demns those oaths which had been forbidden by the law. For
even he, who exhibited in his life an example of the perfection
which he inculcated, hesitated not to make use of oaths when-
ever occasion required; and his disciples who, we doubt not,
were obedient to their master in all things, followed the same
example. Who can dare to assert, that Paul would have
sworn, if all oaths had been prohibited? But when the occasion
requires it, he swears without any scruple, and sometimes even
adds an imprecation. The question however is not yet de-
cided: for it is the opinion of some persons, that public oaths
are the only exceptions from this prohibition: such as wo t;il-n
(a) James v. 12.
when required by a magistrate; such also as princes are accus-
tomed to use in ratifying treaties; or subjects, when they swear
allegiance to their prince; or soldiers, as a military test; and
others of a similar kind. To this class also they justly refer those
oaths which we find used by Paul in assertion of the dignity of
the gospel; because the apostles in the exercise of their functions
were not private persons, but public ministers of God. And in-
deed I will not deny that these are the safest oaths; because they
are sanctioned by the strongest testimonies of Scripture. A ma-
gistrate is directed in a dubious case to put a witness to his
oath, and the witness on the other hand is required to answer
on his oath; and the apostle says, that human controversies are
adjusted by this expedient. () In this precept both parties
are furnished with a complete justification of their conduct.
Moreover we may observe that among the ancient heathens a
public and solemn oath was held in great reverence; but that
common ones, which they used in their ordinary intercourse,
were not esteemed of any, or of equal importance, because they
imagined that these were not regarded by the Divine majesty.
But it would be too dangerous to condemn private oaths, which
are taken in cases of necessity with sobriety, integrity, and
reverence, since they are supported both by reason and by
scriptural examples. For if it be lawful for private persons
in an important and serious affair to appeal to God as a judge
between them, much more must it be allowable to invoke him
as a witness. Your brother will accuse you of perfidy, you
endeavour to exculpate yourself, he will not permit himself by
any means to be satisfied. If your reputation be endangered
by his obstinate malignity, you may without any offence appeal
to the judgment of God, that in his own time he will manifest
your innocence. If the words be strictly examined, it is a
less thing to appeal to him as a witness than as a judge. I
see not therefore why we should assert such an appeal to him
to be unlawful. There are not wanting numerous examples
of it. If the oath of Abraham and Isaac with Abimelech be
alleged to have been taken in a public capacity, yet certainly
Jacob and Laban were private persons, and vet they confirmed
(6) Heb. vi. 16.
VOL. I. 3 G
the coveaant between them by a mutual oath, (c) Boaz was a
private person, who confirmed in the same manner his promise
of marriage to Ruth. (W) Obadiah was a private person, a
righteous man, and one that feared the Lord, who declared
with an oath the fact of which he wished to convince Elijah, (e)
I can find therefore no better rule, than that we regulate our
oaths in such a manner, that they be not rash or inconsiderate,
wanton or frivolous, but used in cases of real necessity, as for
vindicating the glory of the Lord, or promoting the edifica-
tion of our brother; which is the end of this commandment of
the law.
XXVIII. The end of this precept is, that being dead to our
own affections and works, we should meditate on the kingdom
of God, and be exercised in that meditation in the observance
of his institutions. But, as it has an aspect peculiar and dis-
tinct from the others, it requires a little different kind of expo-
sition. The fathers frequently call it a shadowy command-
ment, because it contains the external observance of the day,
which was abolished with the rest of the figures at the advent
of Christ. And there is much truth in their observation, but
it reaches only half of the subject. Wherefore it is necessary
to seek farther for an exposition, and to consider three causes,
on which I think I have discovered this commandment to rest.
For it was the design of the heavenly Lawgiver, under the
rest of the seventh day, to give the people of Israel a figure oi
the spiritual rest, by which the faithful ought to refrain from
their own works, in order to leave God to work within them.
His design was, secondly, that there should be a stated day,
on which they might assemble together to hear the law and
perform the ceremonies, or at least which they might especially
(c) Gen. xxi. 24. xxvi. 31. xxxi. 53. (rf) Kutli iii. 13. (e) 1 Kings xviii. 10.
devote to meditations on his works; that by this recollection
they might be led to the exercise of piety. Thirdly, he
thought it right that servants, and persons living under the
jurisdiction of others, should be indulged with a day of rest,
that they might enjoy some remission from their labour.
XXIX. Yet we are taught in many places that this adum-
bration of the spiritual rest was the principal design of the
sabbath. For the Lord is hardly so strict in his requisitions
of obedience to any other precept, (y) When he means to
intimate, in the prophets, that religion is totally subverted, he
complains that his sabbaths are polluted, violated, neglected,
and profaned: () as though, in case of that duty being ne-
glected, there remained no other way in which he could be
honoured. On the other hand, he notices the observance of
it with singular encomiums. Wherefore also, among the other
Divine communications, the faithful used very highly to esteem
the revelation of the sabbath. For this is the language of the
Levites in a solemn assembly, recorded by Nehemiah: " Thou
madest known unto our fathers thy holy sabbath, and com-
mandedst them precepts, statutes, and laws, by the hand of
Moses." (A) We see the singular estimation in which it is
held among all the commandments of the law. All these
things tend to display the dignity of the mystery, which is
beautifully expressed by Moses and Ezekiel. In Exodus we
read as follows: " Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is
a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that
ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you. Ye
shall keep the sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you. The
children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath
throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is
a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever." (z)
This is more fully expressed by Ezekiel, but the substance of
what he says is, that the sabbath was a sign from which the
Israelites might know that God was their sanctifier. (4) If
our sanctification consists properly in a mortification of our
will, there is a very natural analogy between the external sign
(/) Numb. xiii. 22. Ezek. xx. 12. xxii. 8. xxiii. 38.
(g) Jer. xvii. 21, 22, 27. Isaiah Ivi. 2. (A) Neh. ix. 14.
Ci) Exod. xxxi. 13, 14, 16, 17. (*) Ezek. xt. 1C
and the internal thing which it represents. We must rest
altogether, that God may operate within us; we must recede
from our own will, resign our own heart, and renounce our
carnal affections; in short, we must cease from all the efforts
of our own understanding, that having God operating within
us, we may enjoy rest in him, as w are also taught by the
apostle. (/)
XXX. This perpetual cessation was represented to the
Jews by the observance of one day in seven, which the Lord,
in order that it might be the more religiously kept, recom-
mended by his own example. For it is no small stimulus to
any action, for a man to know that he is imitating his Creator.
If any one inquire after a hidden signification in the septenary
number; it is probable, that because in the Scripture it is
the number of perfection, it is here selected to denote perpetual
duration. This is confirmed also by the circumstance, that
Moses, with that day in which he narrates that the Lord rested
from his works, concludes his description of the succession of
days and nights. We may also adduce another probable conjec-
ture respecting this number; that the Lord intended to signify-
that the sabbath would never be completed till the arrival of
the last day. For in it we begin that blessed rest, in which
we make new advances from day to day. But because we are
still engaged in a perpetual warfare with the flesh, it will not
be consummated before the completion of that prediction of
Isaiah, u It shall come to pass, that from one new moon to
another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come
to worship before me, saith the Lord;" (m) that is, when God
shall be " all in all." (n) The Lord may be considered there-
fore as having delineated to his people, in the seventh day, the
future perfection of his sabbath in the last day, that, by a con-
tinual meditation on the sabbath during their whole life, they
might be aspiring towards this perfection.
XXXI. If any one disapprove of this observation on the
number, as too curious, I object not to its being understood in
a more simple manner; that the Lord ordained a certain day,
that the people under the discipline of the law might be exer-
(/) Heb. iv. 9. (m) Isaiah Ixvi. 23. (n) 1 Cor. xv. 28.
cised in continual meditations on the spiritual rest; that he
appointed the seventh day, either because he foresaw it would
be sufficient, or in order that the proposal of a resemblance to
his own example might operate as a stronger stimulus to the
people, or at least to apprize them that the only end of the
sabbath was to promote their conformity to their Creator.
For this is ot little importance, provided we retain the mystery,
which is principally exhibited, of a perpetual rest from our
own works. To the contemplation of this, the prophets used
frequently to recal the Jews, that they might not suppose
themselves to have discharged their duty merely by a cessation
from manual labours. Beside the passages already cited, we
have the following in Isaiah: " If thou turn away thy foot from
the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call
the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and
shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine
own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: then shalt thou
delight thyself in the Lord," &c. (0) But all that it contained
of a ceremonial nature was without doubt abolished by the
advent of the Lord Christ. For he is the truth, at whose
presence all figures disappear; the body, on the prospect of
which all the shadows are relinquished. He, I say, is the
true fulfilment of the sabbath. Having been " buried with
him by baptism, we have been planted together in the likeness
of his death, that being partakers of his resurrection, we may
walk in newness of life." (/?) Therefore the apostle says in
another place, that " the sabbath was a shadow of things to
come; but the body is of Christ:" (y) that is the real substance
of the truth, which he has beautifully explained in that passage.
This is contained not in one day but in the whole course of our
life, till being wholly dead to ourselves, we be filled with the
life of God. Christians therefore ought to depart from all
superstitious observance of days.
XXXII. As the two latter causes however ought not to be
numbered among the ancient shadows, but are equally suitable
to all ages; though the sabbath is abrogated, yet it is still
customary among us, to assemble on stated days for hearing
(0) Isaiah Iviw. 13, 14. (/) Rom. vi. 4, &c, (?) Col. ii. 16, 17.
the word, for breaking the mystic bread, and for public
prayers; and also to allow servants and labourers a remission
from their labour. That in commanding the sabbath, the Lord
had regard to both these things, cannot be doubted. The first
is abundantly confirmed even by the practice of the Jews.
The second is proved by Moses, in Deuteronomy, in these
words, " that thy man-servant and thy maid-servant may rest
as well as thou. And remember that thou wast a servant in
the land of Egypt." (r) Also, in Exodus: " that thine ox and
thine ass may rest, and the son of thy hand-maid, and the
stranger may be refreshed." (s) Who can deny that both
these things are as proper for us as for the Jews? Assemblies
of the Church are enjoined in the Divine word, and the ne-
cessity of them is sufficiently known even from the experience
of life. Unless there be stated days appointed for them, how
can they be held? According to the direction of the apostle,
u all things" are to " be done decently and in order" among
us. (?) But so far is it from being possible to preserve order
and decorum without this regulation, that if it were abolished
the Church would be in imminent danger of immediate convul-
sion and ruin. But if we feel the same necessity, to relieve
which the Lord enjoined the sabbath upon the Jews, let no
one plead that it does not belong to us. For our most provi-
dent and indulgent Father hath been no less attentive to pro-
vide for our necessity than for that of the Jews. But why, it may
be asked, do we not rather assemble on every day, that so all
distinction of days may be removed? I sincerely wish that
this were practised; and truly spiritual wisdom would be well
worthy of some portion of time being daily allotted to it: but
if the infirmity of many persons will not admit of daily assem-
blies, and charity does not permit us to require more of them;
why should we not obey the rule, which we have imposed upon
us by the will of God?
XXXIII. I am obliged to be rather more diffuse on this
point, because in the present age some unquiet spirits have
been raising noisy contentions respecting the Lord's day. They
complain that Christians are tinctured with Judaism, because
(r) Dcut. v. 14, 15. (s) Exod. xxiii. 12. (0 1 COP. xiv. 40.
they retain any observance of days. But I reply, that the
Lord's day is not observed by us upon the principles of Ju-
daism; because in this respect the difference between us and
the Jews is very great. For we celebrate it not with scrupu-
lous rigour as a ceremony which we conceive to be a figure of
some spiritual mystery; but only use it as a remedy necessary
to the preservation of order in the Church. But they say, Paul
teaches that those who observe it are not to be accounted
Christians, because it is a shadow of something future, (v)
Therefore he is " afraid lest" he has " bestowed" on the Ga-
latians " labour in vain," because they continued to " ob-
serve days." (zt>) And in the Epistle to the Romans, he asserts
him to be " weak in the faith," who " esteemeth one day above
another." (#) But who, these furious zealots only excepted,
does not see what observance the apostle intends? For they
did not observe them for the sake of political and ecclesiastical
order; but because they retained them as shadows of spiritual
things, they were guilty of obscuring the glory of Christ and
the light of the Gospel. They did not therefore rest from their
manual labours, as from employments which would divert them
from sacred studies and meditations; but from a principle of
superstition, imagining their cessation from labour to be still
an expression of reverence for the mysteries formerly repre-
sented by it. This preposterous distinction of days theapostle
strenuously opposes; and not that legitimate difference vrhich
promotes the peace of the Christian Church. For in the
churches which he founded, the sabbath was retained for this
purpose. He prescribes the same day to the Corinthians, for
making collections for the relief of the brethren at Jerusalem.
If superstition be an object of fear, there was more danger in
the feasts of the Jews, than in the Lord's days now observed
by Christians. Now whereas it was expedient for the destruc-
tion of superstition, the day which the Jews kept holy was
abolished; and it being necessary for the preservation of de-
corum, order, and peace in the Christian Church, another day
was appointed for the same use.
XXXIV. However, the ancients have not without sufficient
GO CoLii. 16, IT. O) Gal. iy. 10, II. CO Rom. xiv. 5
reason substituted what we call the Lord's day in the room of
the sabbath. For since the resurrection of the Lord is the
end and consummation of that true rest, which was adumbrated
by the ancient sabbath; the same day, which put an end to
the shadows, admonishes Christians not to adhere to a shadowy
ceremony. Yet I do not lay so much stress on the septenary
number, that I would oblige the Church to an invariable ad-
herence to it; nor will I condemn those churches, which have
other solemn days for their assemblies, provided they keep at
a distance from superstition. And this will be the case, if they
be only designed for the observance of discipline and well re-
gulated order. Let us sum up the whole in the following
manner. As the truth was delivered to the Jews under a figure,
so it is given to us without any shadows; first, in order that
during our whole life we should meditate on a perpetual rest
from our own works, that the Lord may operate within us by
his Spirit; secondly, that every man, whenever he has leisure,
should diligently exercise himself in private in pious reflections
on the works of God, and also that we should at the same time
observe the legitimate order of the Church, appointed for the
hearing of the word, for the administration of the sacraments,
and for public prayer; thirdly, that we should not unkindly
oppress those who are subject to us. Thus vanish all the
dreams of false prophets, who in past ages have infected the
people with a Jewish notion, affirming that nothing but the
ceremonial part of this commandment, which according to
them is the appointment of the seventh day, has been abro-
gated, but that the moral part of it, that is the observance of
one day in seven, still remains. But this is only changing the
day in contempt of the Jews, while they retain the same
opinion of the holiness of a day; for on this principle the same
mysterious signification would still be attributed to particular
days, which they formerly obtained among the Jews. And
indeed we see what advantages have arisen from such a senti-
ment. For those who adhere to it, far exc,eed the Jews in a
gross, carnal, and superstitious observance of the sabbath; so
that the reproofs, which we find in Isaiah, are equally as appli-
cable to them in the present age, as to those whom the pro-
phet reproved in his time. But the principal thing to be
remembered is the general doctrine; that, lest religion decay or
languish among us, sacred assemblies ought diligently to be
held, and that we ought to use those external means which are
adapted to support the worship of God.
XXXV. The end of this precept is, that since the Lord
God desires the preservation of the order he has appointed,
the degrees of pre-eminence fixed by him ought to be in-
violably preserved. The sum of it therefore will be, that we
should reverence them, whom God hath exalted to any autho-
rity over us, and should render them honour, obedience, and
gratitude. Whence follows a prohibition to derogate from
their dignity by contempt, obstinacy, or ingratitude. For in
the Scripture the word "honour" has an extensive significa-
tion; as when the apostle directs that "the elders who rule
well be counted worthy of double honour," (*/) he means not
only that they are entitled to reverence; but likewise such a
remuneration as their ministry deserves. But as this precept
which enjoins subjection to superiors is exceedingly repugnant
to the depravity of human nature, whose ardent desire of ex-
altation will scarcely admit of obedience, it has therefore pro-
posed as an example that kind of superiority which is naturally
most amiable and least invidious; because that might the more
easily mollify and incline our minds to a habit of submission.
By that subjection therefore which is most easy to be borne
the Lord accustoms us by degrees to every kind of legitimate
subjection; because the reason of all is the same. For to those,
to whom he gives any pre-eminence, he communicates his
own authority, as far as is necessary for the preservation of
that pre-eminence. The titles of Father, God, and Lord,
are so eminently applicable to him, that whenever we hear
either of them mentioned, our minds cannot but be strongly
(jOlTim.v. 17.
VOL. I. 3 H
affected with a sense of his majesty. Those therefore on whom
he bestows these titles, he illuminates with a ray of his splen-
dour, to render them all honourable in their respective stations.
Thus in a father we ought to recognise something divine;
for it is not without reason that he bears one of the titles of
the Deity. Our Prince, or our Lord, enjoys an honour some-
what similar to that which is given to God.
XXXVI. Wherefore it ought not to be doubted that God
here lays down a universal rule for our conduct; namely,
that to every one, whom we know to be placed in authority
over us by his appointment, we should render reverence, obe-
dience, gratitude, and all the other services in our power. Nor
does it make any difference, whether they are worthy of this
honour, or not. For whatever be their characters, yet it is
not without the appointment of the Divine providence, that
they have attained that station, on account of which the
supreme Legislator has commanded them to be honoured. He
has particularly enjoined reverence to our parents, who have-
brought us into this life; which nature itself ought to teach us.
For those who violate the parental authority by contempt or
rebellion, are not men but monsters. Therefore the Lord com-
mands all those, who are disobedient to their parents, to be
put to death, as having rendered themselves unworthy to en-
joy the light, by their disregard of those by whose means they
were introduced to it. And various appendices to the law
evince the truth of our observation, that the honour here in-
tended consists in reverence, obedience, and gratitude. The
first the Lord confirms, when he commands him to be slain
who has cursed his father or mother; (2) for in that case he
punishes contempt. He confirms the second, when he de-
nounces the punishment of death against disobedient and re-
bellious children, (a) The third is supported by Christ, who
says, " God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and
mother:" and, " He that curseth father or mother, let him die
the death. But ye say, Whosoever shall say to his father or his
mother, It is a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by
me; and honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free.
(:") Exod. xxi. 1~. () Deut. xxj. 1821.
Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect
by your tradition." () And whenever Paul mentions this
commandment, he explains it as a requisition of obedience, (c)
XXXVII. In order to recommend it, a promise is annexed,
which is a further intimation how acceptable to God that
submission is which is here enjoined. Paul uses the same
stimulus to arouse our inattention, when he says, "This is
the first commandment with promise." For the preceding
promise, in the first table, was not particularly confined to one
commandment, but extended to the whole law. Now the true
explanation of this promise is, that the Lord spake particularly
to the Israelites concerning the land which he had promised
them as an inheritance. If the possession of that land therefore
was a pledge of the Divine goodness, we need not wonder,
if it was the Lord's will to manifest his favour by bestowing
length of life, in order to prolong the enjoyment of the blessing
conferred by him. The meaning of it therefore is, Honour
thy father and thy mother, that through the space of a long
life thou mayest enjoy the possession of the land, which will
be to thee a testimony of my favour. But, as the whole earth
is blessed to the faithful, we justly place the present life among
the blessings we receive from God. Wherefore this promise
belongs likewise to us, inasmuch as the continuance of the
present life affords us a proof of the Divine benevolence. For
neither is it promised to us, nor was it promised to the Jews,
as though it contained any blessedness in itself; but because to
the pious it is generally a token of the Divine favour. There-
fore if a son, that is obedient to his parents, happen to be
removed out of life before the age of maturity, which is a case
of frequent occurrence, the Lord nevertheless perseveres with
as much punctuality in the completion of his promise, as if he
were to reward a person with a hundred acres of land to
whom he had only promised one. The whole consists in this:
We should consider that long life is promised to us so far as
it is the blessing of God; but that it is a blessing, only as it
is a proof of the favour of God, which he infinitely more richly
(6) Matt. xv. 46. (c) Eph. vi. 1. Col. iii. 20.
and substantially testifies and actually demonstrates to his ser-
vants in their death.
XXXVIII. Moreover, when the Lord promises the blessing
of the present life to those children who honour their parents
with proper reverence, he at the same time implies that a cer-
tain curse impends over all those who are disobedient and per-
verse. And that it might not fail of being executed, he pro-
nounces them in his law to be liable to the sentence of death,
and commands that punishment to be inflicted on them. If
they escape that, he punishes them himself in some other way.
For we see what great numbers of persons of this character
fall in battles and in private quarrels; others are tormented in
unusual ways; and almost all of them are proofs of the truth
of this threatening. But if any arrive at an extreme age, being
deprived of the Divine blessing, they only languish in misery
in this life, and are reserved to greater punishments hereafter;
and consequently they are far from participating the blessing
promised to dutiful children. But it must be remarked by the
way, that we are commanded to obey them only " in the Lord;"
and this is evident from the foundation before laid; for they
preside in that station to which the Lord hath exalted them
by communicating to them a portion of his honour. Where-
fore the submission exercised towards them ought to be a step
towards honouring the supreme Father. Therefore if they
instigate us to any transgression of the law, we may justly con-
sider them not as parents but as strangers, who attempt to
seduce us from obedience to our real Father. The same ob-
servation is applicable to princes, lords, and superiors of every
description. For it is infamous and absurd, that their eminence
should avail to depreciate the pre-eminence of God, upon
which it depends, and to which it ought to conduct us.
XXXIX. The end of this precept is, that since God hath
connected mankind together in a kind of unity, every man
ought to consider himself as charged with the safety of all. In
short then, all violence and injustice, and every kind of mis-
chief, which may injure the body of our neighbour, are for-
bidden to us. And therefore we are enjoined, if it be in our
power, to assist in protecting the lives of our neighbours, to
exert ourselves with fidelity for this purpose; to procure those
things which conduce to their tranquillity; to be vigilant in
shielding them from injuries; and in cases of danger to afford
them our assistance. If we remember that this is the language of
the Divine Legislator, we t should consider at the same time that
he intends this rule to govern the soul. For it were ridiculous,
that he who beholds the thoughts of the heart, and principally
insists on them, should content himself with forming the body
to true righteousness. Mental homicide therefore is likewise
prohibited, and an internal disposition to preserve the life of
our brother is commanded in this law. The hand indeed
accomplishes the homicide, but it is conceived by the mind
under the influence of anger and hatred. Examine whether
you can be angry with your brother, without being inflamed
with a desire of doing him some injury. If you cannot be
angry with him, then you cannot hate him, for hatred is no-
thing more than inveterate anger. However you may dis-
semble and endeavour to extricate yourself by vain subter-
fuges, whenever there is either anger or hatred, there is also a
disposition to do injury. If you persist in your evasions, it is
already pronounced by the Holy Spirit, that " Whosoever
hateth his brother is a murderer." () It is declared by the
Lord Christ, " that whosoever is angry with his brother with-
out a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whoso-
ever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the
council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger
of hell fire." (i)
XL. Now the Scripture states two reasons on which this
precept is founded; the first, that man is the image of God;
the second, that he is our own flesh. Wherefore unless we
would violate the image of God, we ought to hold the personal
safety of our neighbour inviolably sacred; and unless we would
divest ourselves of humanity, we ought to cherish our own
John iii. 15. (e) Matt v. 22.
flesh. The motives which are derived from the redemption
and grace of Christ will be treated in another place. These
two characters which are inseparable from the nature of man,
God requires us to consider as motives to our exertions for his
security; so that we may reverence his image impressed on him,
and shew an affectionate regard for our own flesh. That person
therefore is not innocent of the crime of murder, who has merely
restrained himself from the effusion of blood. If you per-
petrate, if you attempt, if you only conceive in your mind any
thing inimical to the safety of another, you stand guilty of
murder. Unless you also endeavour to defend it to the utmost
of your ability and opportunity, you are guilty of the same in-
human transgression of the law. But if so much concern be
discovered for the safety of the body, we may conclude, how
much care and attention should be devoted to the safety of the
soul, which in the sight of God is of infinitely superior value.
XLI. The end of this precept is, that because God loves
chastity and purity, we ought to depart from all uncleanness.
The sum of it therefore is, that we ought not to be polluted by
any carnal impurity, or libidinous intemperance. To this pro-
hibition corresponds the affirmative injunction, that every part
of our lives ought to be regulated by chastity and continence.
But he expressly forbids adultery, to which all incontinence
tends; in order that by the turpitude of that which is very
gross and palpable, being an infamous pollution of the body,
he may lead us to abominate every unlawful passion. Since
man was created in such a state as not to live a solitary life,
but to be united to a help-meet; and moreover since the curse
of sin has increased this necessity, the Lord hath afforded us
ample assistance in this case by the institution of marriage;
a connection, which he huth not only originated by his autho-
rity, but also sanctified by his blessing. Whence it appears,
that every other union, but that of marriage, is cursed in his
sight; and that the conjugal union itself is appointed as a re-
medy for our necessity, that we may not break out into unre-
strained licentiousness. Let us not flatter ourselves, therefore,
when we hear that there can be no union of male and female,
except in marriage, without the curse of God.
XLII. Now since the original constitution of human nature,
and the violence of the passions consequent upon the fall, have
rendered a union of the sexes doubly necessary, except to
those whom God hath exempted from that necessity by pe-
culiar grace, let every one carefully examine what is given
to him. Virginity, I acknowledge, is a virtue not to be
despised. But as this is denied to some, and to others is
granted only for a season, let those who are troubled with
incontinence, and cannot succeed in resisting it, avail them-
selves of the help of marriage, that they may preserve their
chastity according to the degree of their calling. For persons
who "cannot receive this saying," (y) if they do not assist
their frailty by the remedy offered and granted to them, oppose
God and resist his ordinance. Here let no one object, as
many do in the present day, that with the help of God he can
do all things. For the assistance of God is granted only to
them who walk in his ways, that is, in their calling; which is
deserted by all those who neglect the means which God hath
afforded them, and strive to overcome their necessities by vain
presumption. That continence is a peculiar gift of God, and
of that kind which is not imparted promiscuously, or to the
whole body of the Church, but only conferred on a few of its
members, is affirmed by our Lord. For he mentions a cer-
tain class of men who "have made themselves eunuchs for
the kingdom of heaven's sake," () that is, that they might
be mofe at liberty to devote their attention to the affairs of
the kingdom of heaven. But that no one might suppose this
to be in the power of man, he had already declared that ' ;J1
men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given."
And he concludes, " He that is able to receive it, let him re-
ceive it." Paul is still more explicit, when he says, that " every
man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and
another after that." (A)
XLIIL Since we are so expressly apprised that it is not
C/) Man. six. 11. (*) Matt. xix. 15, (/) 1 Cor. vii. 7.
in the power of every one to preserve chastity in celibacy,
even with the most strenuous efforts for that purpose, and
that it is a peculiar grace, which the Lord confers only on
particular persons; do we not resist God, and strive against the
nature instituted by him, unless we accommodate our manner
of life to the measure of our ability? In this commandment
the Lord prohibits adultery: therefore he requires of us purity
and chastity. The only way of preserving this is, that every
one should measure himself by his own capacity. Let no one
rashly despise marriage as a thing useless or unnecessary to
him; let no one prefer celibacy, unless he can be happy with-
out a wife. And in that state let him not consult his carnal
tranquillity or advantage, but only that, being exempted from
this restraint, he may be the more prompt and ready for all
the duties of piety. Moreover, as this benefit is conferred upon
many persons only for a season, let even- one refrain from
marriage as long as he shall be capable of supporting a life of
celibacy. When his strength fails to overcome his passions,
let him consider that the Lord has laid him under a necessity
of marrying. This is evident from the direction of the apostle:
" To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and
let every woman have her own husband." Again, " If they
cannot contain, let them marry." (z) Here, in the first place,
he signifies that the majority of men are subject to the vice of
incontinence; in the next place, of those who are subject to
it, he makes no exception, but enjoins them all to have re-
course to that sole remedy which obviates unchastity. Those
who are incontinent therefore, if they neglect this method of
curing their infirmity, are guilty of sin, in not obeying this
injunction of the apostle. And let not him who refrains from
actual fornication, flatter himself, as though he could not be
charged with unchastity, while his heai't at the same time is
inflamed with libidinous desire. For Paul defines chastity to
consist in sanctity of mind connected with purity of body.
"The unmarried woman," he says, "careth for the things of
the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit." (>)
Therefore when he gives a reason to confirm the preceding
() 1 Cor. vii. 2, 9. (*) 1 Cor. vii. 34.
injunction, he does not content himself with saying that it is
better for a man to marry than to pollute himself with the
society of a harlot, but affirms that " it is better to marry than
to burn." (/)
XLIV. Now if married persons are satisfied that their
society is attended with the blessing of the Lord, they are
thereby admonished that it must not be contaminated by libi-
dinous and dissolute intemperance. For if the honour of mar-
riage conceals the shame of incontinence, it ought not on that
account to be made an incitement to it. Wherefore let it not
be supposed by married persons that all things are lawful to
them. Every man should observe sobriety towards his wife,
and every wife reciprocally towards her husband; conducting
themselves in such a manner as to do nothing unbecoming the
decorum and temperance of marriage. For thus ought mar-
riage contracted in the Lord to be regulated by moderation
and modesty, and not to break out into the vilest lasciviousness.
Such sensuality has been stigmatised by Ambrose with a severe
but not unmerited censure, when he calls those who in their
conjugal intercourse have no regard to modesty or decorum,
the adulterers of their own wives. Lastly, let us consider who
the Legislator is by whom adultery is here condemned. It is
no other than he who ought to have the entire possession of
us, and justly requires the whole of our spirit, soul and body.
Therefore when he prohibits us from committing adultery, he
at the same time forbids us, either by lasciviously ornamenting
our persons, or by obscene gesticulations, or by impure expres-
sions, insidiously to attack the chastity of others. For there
is much reason in the address of Archelaus to a young man
clothed in an immoderately effeminate and delicate manner,
that it was immaterial in what part he was immodest, with
respect to God who abominates all contamination, in whatever
part it may discover itself, either of soul or of body. And that
there may be no doubt on the subject, let us remember that
God here recommends chastity. If the Lord requires chastity
of us, he condemns every thing contrary to it. Wherefore, if
we aspire to obedience, neither let our mind internally burn
'0 * Cor. vii. 9-
VOL. I. 3 I
with depravd concupiscence, nor let our eyes wanton into
corrupt affections, nor let our body be adorned for purposes of
seduction, nor let our tongue with impure speeches allure our
mind to similar thoughts, nor let us inflame ourselves with
inebriety or intemperance. For all these vices are stains, by
which the purity of chastity is defiled.
XLV. The end of this precept is, that, as injustice is an
abomination to God, every man may possess what belongs to
him. The sum of it then is, that we are forbidden to covet
the property of others, and are therefore enjoined faithfully to
use our endeavours to preserve to every man what justly be-
longs to him. For we ought to consider, that what a man
possesses has fallen to his lot, not by a fortuitous contingency,
but by the distribution of the supreme Lord of all; and that
therefore no man can be deprived of his possessions by crimi-
nal methods, without an injury being done to the Divine dis-
penser of them. But the species of theft are numerous. One
consists in violence; when the property of any person is plun-
dered by force and predatory license. Another consists in
malicious imposture; when it is taken away in a fraudulent
Bjanner. Another consists in more secret cunning; where any
one is deprived of his property under the mask of justice.
Another consists in flatteries; where we are cheated under the
pretence of a donation. But not to dwell too long on the
recital of the different species of theft, let us remember, that all
artifices by which the possessions and wealth of our neighbours
are transferred to us, whenever they deviate from sincere love
into a desire of deceiving, or doing any kind of injury, are to
be esteemed acts of theft. This is the only view in which
God considers them, even though the property may be gained
by a suit at law. For he sees the tedious manoeuvres with
which the designing man begins to decoy his more simple
neighbour, till at length he entangles him in his snares. He
sees the cruel and inhuman laws, by which the more powerful
man oppresses and ruins him that is weaker. He sees the baits
with which the more crafty trepan the imprudent. All which
things are concealed from the judgment of man, nor ever come
to his knowledge. And this kind of injury relates not only to
money, or to goods, or to lands, but to whatever each indivi-
dual is justly entitled to; for we defraud our neighbours of
their property, if we deny them those kind offices, which it is
our duty to perform to them. If an idle agent or steward de-
vour the substance of his master, and be inattentive to the
care of his domestic affairs, if he either improperly waste or
squander with a luxurious profusion the property intrusted to
him; if a servant deride his master, if he divulge his secrets,
if by any means he betray either his life or his property; and
if on the other hand a master inhumanly oppress his family,
God holds him guilty of theft. For the property of others is
withheld and misapplied by him, who does not perform to-
wards them those offices which the duty of his situation requires
of him.
XLVI. We shall rightly obey this commandment therefore,
if, contented with our own lot, we seek no gain but in an honest
and lawful way; if we neither desire to enrich ourselves by
injustice, nor attempt to ruin the fortune of our neighbour, in
order to increase our own; if we do not labour to accumulate
wealth by cruelty and at the expense of the blood of others;
if we do not greedily scrape together from every quarter, re-
gardless of right or wrong, whatever may conduce to satiate
our avarice or support our prodigality: on the contrary, it
should be our constant aim, as far as possible, faithfully to assist
all by our advice and our property in preserving what belongs
to them; but if we are concerned with perfidious and fallacious
men, let us be prepared rather to recede a little from our just
right than to contend with them. Moreover, let us communi-
cate to the necessities, and according to our ability alleviate the
poverty of those, whom we perceive to be pressed by any em-
barrassment of their circumstances. Lastly, let every man
examine what obligations his duty lays him under to others,
and let him faithfully discharge the duties which he owes them.
For this reason the people should honour their governors, pa-
tiently submit to their authority, obey their laws and mandates,
and resist nothing, to which they can submit consistently with
the Divine will. On the other hand, let governors take care
of their people, preserve the public peace, protect the good,
punish the wicked, and administer all things in such a manner,
as though they were just about to render an account of their
office to God the supreme Judge. Let the ministers of
Churches faithfully devote themselves to the ministry of the
word, and let them never adulterate the doctrine of salvation,
but deliver it pure and uncontaminated to the people of God.
Let them teach, not only by their doctrine, but by the example
of their lives; in a word, let them preside as good shepherds
over the sheep. Let the people on their part receive them as
the messengers and apostles of God, render to them that honour
to which the supreme Master hath exalted them, and furnish
them with the necessaries of life. Let parents undertake the
support, government, and instruction of their children, as
committed by God to their care; nor let them exasperate their
minds and alienate their affections from them by cruelty, but
cherish and embrace them with the lenity and indulgence be-
coming their character. And that obedience is due to them
from their children has been before observed. Let juniors re-
vere old age, since the Lord hath designed that age to be
honourable. Let old men by their prudence and superior
experience guide the imbecility of youth; not teasing them
with sharp and clamorous invectives, but tempering severity
with mildness and affability. Let servants shew themselves
obedient and diligent in the service of their masters; and that
not only in appearance, but from the heart, as serving God
himself. Neither let masters behave morosely and perversely
to their servants, harassing them with excessive asperity, or
treating them with contempt; but rather acknowledge them
as their brethren and companions in the service of the heavenly
Master, entitled to be regarded with mutual affection, and to
receive kind treatment. In this manner, I say, let every man
consider what duties he owes to his neighbours, according to
the relations he sustains, and those duties let him discharge.
Moreover, our attention should always be directed to the Le-
gislator; to remind us that this law is ordained for our hearts
as much as for our hands, in order that men may study both to
protect the property and to promote the interests of others.
XLVII. The end of this precept is, that, because God, who
is truth itself, execrates a lie, we ought to preserve the truth
without the least disguise. The sum of it therefore is, that
we neither violate the character of any man either by calum-
nies or by false accusations, nor distress him in his property
by a falsehood, nor injure him by detraction or impertinence.
This prohibition is connected with an injunction to do all
the service we can to every man, by affirming the truth for
the protection of his reputation and his property. The Lord
seems to have intended the following words as an exposition
of this command: " Thou shalt not raise a false report: put
not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.'*
Again, " Keep thee far from a false matter." (m) In another
place also he not only forbids us to practise backbiting and
tale-bearing among the people, but prohibits every man from
deceiving his brother; (n) for he cautions us against both in
distinct commandments. Indeed there is no doubt, but that,
as in the preceding precepts he hath prohibited cruelty, im-
purity, and avarice, so in this he forbids falsehood; of which
there are two branches, as we have before observed. For
either we transgress against the reputation of our neighbours
by malignity and perverse detraction; or by falsehood and
sometimes by obloquy we injure their interests. It is imma-
terial, whether we suppose the testimony here designed to be
solemn and judicial, or a common one, which is delivered in
private conversation. For we must always recur to this maxim,
that of each of the separate kinds of vices one species is pro-
posed as an example, to which the rest may be referred; and
that in general, the species selected is that in which the turpi-
tude of the vice is most conspicuous. It is proper however to
extend it more generally to calumnies and detraction, by
which our neighbours are unjustly harassed; because false-
hood in a forensic testimony is always attended with perjury.
(m) Exod. xxiii. 1, 7. () Lev. six. 16. 13.
But perjury, being a profanation and violation of the name of
God, has already been sufficiently condemned in the third com-
mandment. Wherefore the legitimate observance of this pre-
cept is, that our tongue, by asserting the truth, ought to serve
both the reputation and the profit of our neighbours. The
equity of this is self-evident. For if a good name be more
precious than any treasures whatever, a man sustains as great
an injury when he is deprived of the integrity of his character,
as when he is despoiled of his wealth. And in plundering his
substance, there is sometimes as much effected by false testi-
mony, as by the hands of violence.
XLVIII. Nevertheless it is wonderful with what supine se-
curity this precept is generally transgressed, so that few persons
can be found, who are not notoriously subject to this malady:
we are so fascinated with the malignant pleasure of examining
and detecting the faults of others. Nor should we suppose it to
be a sufficient excuse, that in many cases we cannot be charged
with falsehood. For he who forbids the character of our bro-
ther to be bespattered with falsehood, wills also that as far as
the truth will permit, it be preserved immaculate. For although
he only guards it against falsehood, he thereby suggests that it
is committed to his charge. But this should be sufficient to
induce us to defend the fair character of our neighbours; that
God concerns himself in its protection. Wherefore detractioit
is without doubt universally condemned. Now by detraction
we ^nean, not reproof, which is given from a motive of correc-
tion; not accusation or judicial denunciation, by which re-
compense is demanded for an injury; nor public reprehension,
which tends to strike terror into other offenders; not a
discovery to them whose safety depends on their being pre-
viously warned, that they may not be endangered through
ignorance; but odious and impertinent crimination, which
arises from malice, and a violent propensity to detraction.
This commandment also extends so far as to forbid us to affect
a pleasantry tinctured with scurrilous and bitter sarcasms,
severely lashing the faults of others under the appearance of
sport; which is the practice of some who aim at the praise of
raillery to the prejudice of the modesty and feelings of others:
for such wantonness sometimes fixes a lasting stigma on the
characters of our brethren. Now if we turn our eyes to the
Legislator, whose proper right it is to rule our ears and our
minds, as much as our tongues; it will certainly appear that
an avidity of hearing detraction, and an unreasonable propen-
sity to unfavourable opinions respecting others, are equally pro-
hibited. For it would be ridiculous for any one to suppose that
God hates slander in the tongue, and does not reprobate ma-
lice in the heart. Wherefore if we possess the true fear
and love of God, let us make it our study, that as far as is
practicable and expedient, and consistent with charity, we de-
vote neither our tongues nor our ears to opprobrious and ma-
licious raillery, nor inadvertently attend to unfavourable sus-
picions; but that, putting fair constructions on every mart's
words and actions, we regulate our hearts, our ears, and our
tongues with a view to preserve the reputation of all around us.
XLIX. The end of this precept is, that since it is the will
of God that our whole soul should be under the influence of
love, every desire inconsistent with charity ought to be expelled
from our minds. The sum then will be, that no thought
should obtrude itself upon us, which would excite in our
minds any desire that is noxious and tends to the detriment
of another. To which corresponds the affirmative precept,
that all our conceptions, deliberations, resolutions, and under-
takings ought to be consistent with the benefit and advantage
of our neighbours. But here we meet with what appears to be
a great and perplexing difficulty. For if our previous asser-
tions be true, that the terms adultery and theft comprehend
the licentious desire, and the injurious and criminal intention;
this may be thought to have superseded the necessity of a
separate command being afterwards introduced, forbidding
us to covet the possessions of others. But we shall easily
solve this difficulty by a distinction between intention and con-
cupiscence. For an intention, as we have before observed in
explaining the former commandments, is a deliberate consent
of the will, when the mind has been enslaved by any unlawful
desire. Concupiscence may exist without such deliberation or
consent, when the mind is only attracted and stimulated by
vain and corrupt objects. As the Lord therefore hath hitherto
commanded our wills, efforts, and actions to be subject to the
law of love, so now he directs that the conceptions of our
minds be subject to the same regulation, lest any of them be
corrupt and perverted, and give our hearts an improper im-
pulse. As he hath forbidden our minds to be inclined and
persuaded to anger, hatred, adultery, rapine, and falsehood,
so now he prohibits them from being instigated to these vices.
L. Nor is it without cause that he requires such con-
summate rectitude. For who can deny that it is reasonable
for all the powers of our souls to be under the influence of
love? But if any one deviate from the path of love, who can
deny that that soul is in an unhealthy state? Now whence is
it, that your mind conceives desires prejudicial to your neigh-
bour, but that, neglecting his interest, you consult nothing
but your own? For if your heart were full of love, there
would be no part of it exposed to such imaginations. It must
therefore be destitute of love, so far as it is the seat of concu-
piscence. Some one will object, that it is unreasonable, that
imaginations, which without reflection flutter about in the
mind, and then vanish away, should be condemned as symp-
toms of concupiscence, which has its seat in the heart. I reply,
that the present question relates to that kind of imaginations,
which when they are presented to our understandings, at the
same time strike our hearts, and inflame them with cupidity;
since the mind never entertains a wish for any thing after
which the heart is not excited to pant. Therefore God en-
joins a wonderful ardour of love, which he will not allow to be
interrupted even by the smallest degree of concupiscence. He
requires a heart admirably well regulated, which he permits
not to be disturbed with the least emotion contrary to the law
of love. Do not imagine that this doctrine is unsupported by
any great authority; for I derived the first idea of it from
Augustine. Now though the design of the Lord was to pro-
hibit us from all corrupt desires, yet he hath exhibited, as
examples, those objects which most generally deceive us with
a fallacious appearance of pleasure; that he might not leave
any thing to concupiscence, after having driven it from those
objects towards which it is most violently inclined. Behold
then the second table of the law, which sufficiently instructs
us in the duties we owe to men for the sake of God, on the re-
gard to whom the whole rule of love depends. The duties
taught in this second table therefore we will inculcate in vain,
unless our instruction be founded on the fear and reverence
of God. To divide the prohibition of concupiscence into t.vo
precepts, the discerning reader, without any comment of mine,
will pronounce to be a corrupt and violent separation of what
is but one. Nor is the repetition of this phrase, " Thou shalt
not covet," any objection against us; because having mentioned
the house or family, God enumerates the different parts of it,
beginning with the wife. Hence it clearly appears that it
ought to be read, as it is correctly read by the Hebrews, in
one continued connection; and in short that God commands,
that all that every man possesses remain safe and entire, not
only from any actual injury or fraudulent intention, but even
from the least emotion of cupidity that can solicit our hearts.
LI. But what is the tendency of the whole law, will not
now be difficult to judge: it is, to a perfection of righteousness,
that it may form the life of man after the example of the
Divine purity. For God hath so delineated his own character
in it, that the man who exemplifies in his actions the precepts
it contains, will exhibit in his life, as it were, an image of God.
Wherefore when Moses would recal the substance of it to the
remembrance of the Israelites, he said, " And now, Israel,
what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the
Lord thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and
to serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy
soul, to keep the commandments of the Lord?" (o) Nor did
he cease to reiterate the same things to them, whenever he
intended to point out the end of the law. The pendency of the
(o) Deut. x. 12, 13.
VOL. I. 3 K
doctrine of the law is to connect man with his God, and, as
Moses elsewhere expresses it, to make him cleave to the Lord
in sanctity of life. (/>) Now the perfection of this sanctity con-
sists in two principal points already recited, " that we love
the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our soul,
and with all our strength, and with all our mind; and our
neighbour as ourselves." (y) And the first is, that our souls
be completely filled with the love of God. From this the love
of our neighbour will naturally follow: as the apostle signifies,
when he says, that " the end of the commandment is charity
out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith
unfeigned." (r) Here we find a good conscience and faith
unfeigned, that is, in a word, true piety, stated to be the grand
source from which charity is derived. He is deceived, there-
fore, who supposes that the law teaches nothing but certain
rudiments and first principles of righteousness, by which men
are introduced to the commencement, but are not directed to
the true goal of good works. Beyond the former sentence of
Moses and the latter of Paul, nothing farther can be wanted
to the highest perfection. For how far will he wish to proceed,
who will not be content with this instruction, by which man
is directed to the fear of God, to the spiritual worship of him,
to the observance of his commands, to persevering rectitude in
the way of the Lord, to purity of conscience, and sincere faith
and love? Hence we derive a confirmation of the foregoing
exposition of the law, which traces and finds in its precepts all
the duties of piety and love. For they who attend merely to
dry and barren elements, as though it taught them but half of
the Divine will, are declared by the apostle to have no know-
ledge of its end.
LII. But because Christ and his apostles, in reciting the
substance of the law, sometimes omit the first table, (*) many
persons are deceived in this point, who wish to extend their
expressions to both tables. In the Gospel of Matthew, Christ
(alls judgment, mercy, and faith, " the weightier matters of the
law." By the word faith it is evident to me that he intends
truth or fidelity towards men. Some however, in order to
(/>) Deut. xi. 22. () Luke x. 27.
') 1 Tim. i.5. .'.-.) Matt, xxiii. ?,v
extend the passage to the whole law, take the word faith to mean
religion towards God. But for this there is no foundation;
for Christ is treating of those works, by which a man ought
to prove himself to be righteous. If we attend to this ob-
servation, we shall cease also to wonder, why in another
place, to the inquiry of a young man, what those command-
ments are by the observance of which we enter into life, he
only returns the following answer: " Thou shalt do no mur-
der, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal,
Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and
thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neigbour as thyself." (?)
For obedience to the first table consisted chiefly either in
the disposition of the heart, or in ceremonies. The dispo-
sition of the heart was not visible, and the ceremonies were
diligently performed by hypocrites; but the works of charity
are such as enable us to give a certain evidence of righteousness.
But the same occurs in the prophets so frequently, that it must
be familiar to the reader who is but tolerably conversant with
them. For in almost all cases when they exhort to repentance,
they omit the first table, and insist on faith, judgment, mercy,
and equity. Nor do they by this method neglect the fear of
God, but require substantial proof of it from those marks. It
is well known that when they treat of the observation of the
law, they generally insist on the second table; because it is in
it that the love of righteousness and integrity is principally
discovered. It is unnecessary to quote the passages, as every
person will of himself easily remark what I have stated.
LIU. Is it then, it will be asked, of more importance to-
wards the attainment of righteousness, to live innocently with
men, than piously towards God? By no means. But because
no man fulfils all the duties of charity, unless he really fear
God, we derive from those duties a proof of his piety. Besides,
the Lord, well knowing that he can receive no benefit from
us, which he also declares by the psalmist, (t>) requires not our
services for himself, but employs us in good works towards our
neighbour. It is not without reason then that the apostle
makes all the perfection of the saints to consist in love; (w)
(f) Matt. xix. 18, 19. () Psalm xvi. 2. (w) Ephes. iii. 17.
which in another place he very justly styles "the fulfilling of
the law." adding, that " he that loveth another hath fulfilled
the law." (.v) Again; that " all the law is fulfilled in one
word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (//)
For he teaches nothing different from what is taught by Christ
himself, when he says, " All things whatsoever ye would that
men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the
law and the prophets." (2) It is certain that in the law and
the prophets, faith, and all that pertains to the legitimate wor-
ship of God, hold the principal place, and that love occupies an
inferior station; but our Lord intends that the observance of
justice and equity among men is only prescribed to us in the
law, that our pious fear of him, if we really possess any, may
be proved by our actions.
LIV. Here then we must rest, that our life will then be go-
verned according to the will of God, and the prescriptions of
his law, when it is in all respects most beneficial to our bre-
thren. But we do not find in the whole law one syllable, that
lays down any rule for a man respecting those things, which
he should practise or omit for his carnal convenience. And
surely, since men are born in such a state, that they are en-
tirely governed by an immoderate self-love, a passion which,
how great soever their departure from the truth, they always
retain; there was no need of a law which would inflame
that love, already of itself too violent. Whence it plainly
appears, that the observance of the commandments consists
not in the love of ourselves, but in the love of God and of our
neighbour; that his is the best and most holy life, who lives
as little as possible to himself; and that no man leads a worse
or more iniquitous life, than he who lives exclusively to himself,
and makes his own interest the sole object of his thoughts
and pursuits. Moreover, the Lord, in order to give us the
best expression of the strength of that love which we ought
to exercise towards our neighbours, has regulated it by the
standard of our self-love, because there was no stronger or
more vehement affection. And the force of the expression
must be carefully examined; for he does not, according to the
(a;) Rom. xiii. 8. (y) Gal. V. 14. (z) Matt. vii. 12.
foolish dreams of some sophists, concede the first place to
self-love, and assign the second to the love of our neighbour;
but rather transfers to others that affection of love which we
naturally restrict to ourselves. Whence the apostle asserts that
" charity seeketh not her own." (a) Nor is their argument,
that every thing regulated by any standard is inferior to the
standard by which it is regulated, worthy of the least attention.
For God does not appoint our self-love as the rule, to which
our love to others should be subordinate; but whereas, through
our natural depravity, our love used to terminate in ourselves,
he shews that it ought now to be diffused abroad; that we
may be ready to do any service to our neighbour with as much
alacrity, ardour, and solicitude, as to ourselves.
LV. Now since Christ hath demonstrated in the parable of
the Samaritan, that the word " neighbour" comprehends every
man, even the greatest stranger, we have no reason to limit
the commandment of love to our own relations or friends. I
do not deny, that the more closely any person is united to us,
the greater claim he has to the assistance of our kind offices.
For the condition of humanity requires, that men should per-
form more acts of kindness to each other, in proportion to the
closeness of the bonds by which they are connected, whether
of relationship, or acquaintance, or vicinity; and this with-
out any offence to God, by whose providence we are con-
strained to it. But I assert, that the whole human race, with-
out any exception, should be comprehended in the same affec-
tion of love, and that in this respect there is no difference be-
tween the barbarian and the grecian, the worthy and unworthy,
the friend and the foe; for they are to be considered in God,
and not in themselves, and whenever we deviate from this
view of the subject, it is no wonder if we fall into many errors.
Wherefore if we wish to adhere to the true law of love, our
eyes must chiefly be directed, not to man the prospect of whom
would impress us with hatred more frequently than with love,
but to God who commands that our love to him be diffused
among all mankind; so that this must always be a fundamental
(a) 1 Cor. xiii. S.
maxim with us, that whatever be the character of a man, yet
we ought to love him because we love God.
LVI. Wherefore the schoolmen have discovered either their
ignorance or their wickedness in a most pestilent manner,
when, treating of the precepts prohibiting the desire of re-
venge, and enjoining the love of our enemies, which were
anciently delivered to all the Jews, and afterwards equally to
all Christians, they have made them to be counsels which
we are at liberty to obey or not to obey, and have confined
the necessary observance of them to the monks, who on ac-
count of this very circumstance would be more righteous than
plain Christians, because they voluntarily bound themselves to
observe these counsels. The reason which they assign for not
receiving them as laws, is, that they appear too burdensome
and grievous, especially to Christians who are under the law
of grace. Do they presume in this manner to disannul the
eternal law of God respecting the love of our neighbour?
Is such a distinction to be found in any page of the law? On
the contrary, does it not abound with commandments most
strictly enjoining the love of our enemies? For what is the
meaning of the injunction to feed our neighbour when he is
hungry? () to direct into the right way his oxen or his asses
when they are going astray, and to help them when sinking
under a burden? (c) Shall we do good to his cattle for his
sake, and feel no benevolence to his person? What! is not
the word of the Lord eternal? " Vengeance is mine, I will
repay." (^) Which is expressed in another passage still more
explicitly: " Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge
against the children of thy people." (e) Let them either ob-
literate these passages from the law, or acknowledge that the
Lord was a legislator, and no longer falsely pretend that he
was only a counsellor.
LVI I. And what is the meaning of the following expressions
which they have presumed to abuse by the absurdity of their
comment? " Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do
good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despite-
(i) Prov. xxv. 21. (c) Exod. xxiii. 4, 5.
(cf) Rom. xii. 19, 0) Lev. six. 18.
fully use you, and persecute you; that ye may be the children
of your Father which is in heaven." (/) Here, who would
not argue with Chrysostom, that the allegation of such a ne-
cessary cause clearly proves these to be, not exhortations, but
commandments? What have we left us, after being expunged
from the number of the children of God? But according to
them, the monks will be the only sons of the heavenly Father;
they alone will venture to invoke God as their Father. What
will now become of the Church? Upon the same principle
it will be confined to heathens and publicans. For Christ
says, " If ye love them which love you, what reward have
ye? do not even the publicans the same?" (_") Shall not
we be in a happy situation, if they leave us the title of Chris-
tians, but deprive us of the inheritance of the kindom of
heaven? The argument of Augustine is equally strong. When
the Lord, says he, prohibits adultery, he forbids you to
violate the wife of your enemy no less than of your friend:
when he prohibits theft, he permits you not to steal from any
one, whether he be a friend or an enemy. Now Paul reduces
these two prohibitions of theft and adultery to the rule of love,
and even teaches that they are " briefly comprehended in this
saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (A)
Either then Paul must have been an erroneous expositor of the
law, or it necessarily follows from this, that we are commanded
to love, not only our friends, but also our enemies. Those
therefore, who so licentiously shake off the yoke of the children
of God, evidently betray themselves to be the sons of Satan.
It is doubtful whether they have discovered greater stupidity
or impudence in the publication of this dogma. For all the
Fathers decidedly pronounce that these are pure precepts. That
no doubt was entertained on the subject in the time of Gregory
appears from his positive assertions, for he treats them as pre-
cepts, as though it had never been controverted. And how
foolishly do they argue? They would be a burden, say they,
too grievous for Christians. As though truly any thing could
be conceived more difficult, than to love God with all our
heart, with all our soul, and with all our strength. Compared
(/) Matt. v. 44, 45. ( g) Matt. v. 46 (/,) Rom. xiii. 9.
with this law every thing must be accounted easy, whether it
be to love an enemy, or to banish from the mind all desire of
revenge. To our imbecility, indeed, every thing is arduous
and difficult, even the smallest point in the law. It is the
Lord in whom we find strength: let him give what he com-
mands, and let him command what he pleases. The state of
Christians under the law of grace consists not in unbounded
license uncontrolled by any law, but in being ingrafted into
Christ, by whose grace they are delivered from the curse of the
law, and by whose Spirit they have the law inscribed on their
hearts. This grace Paul has figuratively denominated a law,
in allusion to the law of God, to which he was comparing and
contrasting it. Their dispute concerning the word law is a dis-
pute about nothing.
LVIII. Of the same nature is what they have called venial
sin; a term which they apply to secret impiety which is a
breach of the first table, and to the direct transgression of the
last commandment. For this is their definition, that " it is evil
desire without any deliberate assent, and without any long
continuance in the heart." Now I assert that evil desire cannot
enter the heart, except through a deficiency of those things
which the law requires. We are forbidden to have any strange
gods. When the mind, assaulted by mistrust, looks around
to some other quarter, when it is stimulated by a sudden de-
sire of transferring its happiness from God to some other
being; whence proceed these emotions, however transient, but
from the existence of some vacuum in the soul to receive
such temptations? And not to protract this argument to
greater length, we are commanded to love God with all our
heart, with all our mind, and with all our soul: therefore unless
all the powers our soul be intensely engaged in the love
of God, we have already departed from the obedience required
by the law: for that the dominion of God is not well esta-
blished in our conscience, is evident, from the enemies that
there rebel against his government, and interrupt the execu-
tion of his commands. That the last commandment properly
belongs to this point, has been already demonstrated. Have
we felt any evil desire in our heart? we are already guilty of
concupiscence, and are become at once transgressors of the law;
because the Lord forbids us, not only to plan and attempt any
thing that would prove detrimental to another, but even to be
stimulated and agitated with concupiscence. Now the curse
of God always rests on the transgression of the law. We
have no reason therefore to exempt even the most trivial emo-
tions of concupiscence from the sentence of death. " In de-
termining the nature of different sins," says Augustine, "let
us not use deceitful balances, to weigh what we please and
how we please, according to our own humour, saying, This is
heavy, This is light: but let us borrow the divine balance
from the holy Scriptures, as from the treasury of the Lord,
and therein weigh what is heavy; or rather let us weigh no-
thing ourselves, but acknowledge the weight already deter-
mined by the Lord." And what says the Scripture? The
assertion of Paul, that " the wages of sin is death," (z) sufficiently
demonstrates this groundless distinction to have been unknown
to him. As we have already too strong a propensity to hypo-
crisy, this opiate ought byj[no means to have been added to lull
our consciences into greater insensibility.
LIX. I wish these persons would consider the meaning of
this declaration of Christ: "Whosoever shall break one of
these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall
be called the least in the kingdom of heaven." (/$) Are not
they of this number, who thus presume to extenuate the trans-
gression of the law, as though it were not worthy of death?
But they ought to consider, not merely what is commanded,
but who it is that gives the commands; because the smallest
transgression of the law, which he has given, is a derogation
from his authority. Is the violation of the Divine majesty in
any case a trivial thing in their estimation? Lastly, if God
has declared his will in the law, whatever is contrary to the
law displeases him. Will they pretend that the wrath of God
is so debilitated and disarmed, that the punishment of death
cannot immediately follow? He hath unequivocally declared,
if they could induce themselves to listen to his voice, rather
than obscure the plain truth with their frivolous subtleties: " The
soul that sinneth, it shall die:" (/) and, which I have before
(*) Rom. vi. 23. (*) Matt. v. 19. (/) Ezek. xviii. 20.
VOL. I. 3 L
cited, "The wages of sin is death." (m) They acknowledge
it to be sin, because it is impossible to deny it, yet they con-
tend that it is not mortal sin. But, as they have hitherto too
much resigned themselves to infatuation, they should at length
learn to return to the exercise of their reason. If they perse-
vere in their dreams, we will take our leave of them. Let the
children of God know that all sin is mortal; because it is a
rebellion against the will of God, which necessarily provokes
his wrtith; because it is a transgression of the law, against
which the Divine judgment is universally denounced: and
that the offences of the saints are venial, not of their own
nature, but because they obtain pardon through the mercy
of God.
www/v -
Christ, though known to the Jews under the Law, yet clearly
revealed only in the Gospel.
As it was not without reason, or without effect, that God
was pleased in ancient times to manifest himself as a Father
by means of expiations and sacrifices, and consecrated to him-
self a chosen people; there is no doubt that he was known
even then in the same image in which he now appears to us
with meridian splendour. Therefore Malachi, after having
enjoined the Jews to attend to the law of Moses, and to per-
severe in the observance of it (because after his death there was
to be an interruption of the prophetical office) immediately
announces, that " the Sun of rigktcousness shall arise." (n)
In this language he suggests, that the law tended to excite in
the pious an expectation of the Messiah that was to come,
and that at his advent there was reason to hope for a much
greater degree of light. For this reason Peter says that " the
prophets have inquired and searched diligently concerning the
salvation" which is now manifested in the Gospel; and that
l it was revealed to them, that not unto themselves, but unto
' (ni) Rom. vi. 23. (;i) Mai. iv. 2.
us, they did minister the things which are now reported unto
you by them that have preached the Gospel unto you." (o)
Not that their instructions were useless to the ancient people,
or unprofitable to themselves, but because they did not enjoy
the treasure, which God through their hands hath transmitted
to us. For in the present day, the grace, which was the sub-
ject of their testimony, is familiarly exhibited before our eyes;
and whereas they had but a small taste, we have offered to us
a more copious fruition of it. Therefore Christ, who asserts
that " Moses wrote of him," (/>) nevertheless extols that mea-
sure of grace in which we excel the Jews. Addressing his
disciples he says, " Blessed are your eyes, for they see; and
your ears, for they hear." (^) " For I tell you, that many
prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye
see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which
ye hear, and have not heard them." (r) This is no small re-
commendation of the evangelical revelation, that God has pre-
ferred us to those holy fathers who were eminent for singular
piety. To this declaration that other passage is not at all re-
pugnant, where Christ says, " Abraham saw my day, and was
glad." (s) For though his prospect of a thing so very remote
was attended with much obscurity, yet there was nothing
wanting to the certainty of a well-founded hope; and hence
that joy which accompanied the holy patriarch even to his
death. Neither does this assertion of John the Baptist, " No
man hath seen God at any time; the only-begotten Son, which
is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him," (?) ex-
clude the pious, who had died before his time, from a partici-
pation of the understanding and light which shine in the per-
son of Christ, but comparing their condition with ours, teaches
us that we^ have a clear manifestation of those mysteries^ of
which_they had only an obscure prospect through the medium
of shadows; as the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews more
copiously and excellently shews, that " God, who at sundry
times, and in divers manners, spake in time past unto the fathers
by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by his
(o) 1 Peter i. 1012. (/) John v. 46.
(7) Matt. xiii. 16. (r) Luke x. 24.
(?) John viii. 56. (r) John i. 18.
Son." (V) Therefore that only-begotten Son, who is now to
us " the brightness of the glory, and the express image of the
person" (w) of God the Father, was formerly known to the
Jews, as we have elsewhere shewn by a quotation from Paul,
that he was the leader of their ancient deliverance from Egypt;
yet this also is a truth, which is asserted by the same Paul in
another place, that " God, who commanded the light to shine
out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light
of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus
Christ." (#) For when he appeared in this his image, he made
himself visible, as it were, in comparison with the obscure and
shadowy representation of him which had been given before.
This renders the ingratitude and obstinacy of them, who shut
their eyes amid this meridian blaze, so much the more vile
and detestable. And therefore Paul says that Satan, "the god
of this world, hath blinded their minds, lest the light of the glo-
rious gospel of Christ should shine unto them." (z/)
II. Now I understand the Gospel to be a clear manifestation
of the mystery of Christ. I grant indeed, since Paul styles the
gospel, the doctrine of faith , (z) that whatever promises we
find in the law concerning remission of sins, by which God
reconciles men to himself, are accounted parts of it. For he
opposes faith to those terrors, which would torment and harass
the conscience, if salvation were to be sought by works.
Whence it follows, that taking the word gospel in a large
sense, it comprehends all those testimonies, which God formerly
gave to the fathers, of his mercy and paternal favour; but it is
more eminently applicable to the promulgation of the grace
exhibited in Christ. This acceptation is not only sanctioned
by common use, but supported by the authority of Christ and
the apostles. Whence it is properly said of him, that he
" preached the gospel of the kingdom." (a) And Mark intro-
duces himself with this preface: " The beginning of the gospel
of Jesus Christ." But it is needless to collect more passages
to prove a thing sufficiently known. Christ then, by his ad-
vent, "hath brought life and immortality to light through the
(v) Heb. i. 1, 2. ( 7t -) Heb. i. 3.
(j-) 2 Cor. iv. 6. ( y ) 2 Cor. iv. 4.
() 1 Tim. iv. 6 (a) Matt. ix. 35.
gospel." () By these expressions Paul means, not that the
fathers were immerged in the shades of death, till the Son of
God became incarnate; but claiming for the gospel this ho-
nourable prerogative, he teaches that it is a new and unusual
kind of legation, in which God hath performed those things
that he had promised, that the truth of the promises might ap-
pear in the person of his Son. For though the faithful have
always experienced the truth of an assertion of Paul, that " all
the promises of God in him are Yea, and in him Amen;" (c) be-
cause they have been sealed in their hearts: yet since he has
completed in his body all the parts of our salvation, the lively
exhibition of those things has justly obtained new and singular
praise. Hence this declaration of Christ: " Hereafter ye shall
see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descend-
ing upon the Son of man." (d} For though he seems to allude
to the ladder which the patriarch Jacob saw in a vision, yet he
displays the superior excellence of his advent by this character,
that he has opened the gate of heaven to give us free admittance
into it.
III. Nevertheless we must beware of the diabolical imagina-
tion of Servetus, who while he designs to extol the magnitude
of the grace of Christ, or at least professes such a design, to-
tally abolishes all the promises, as though they were terminated
together with the law. He pretends, that by faith in the
gospel we receive the completion of all the promises; as
though there were no distinction between us and Christ. I
have just observed, that Christ left nothing incomplete of all
that was essential to our salvation: but it is not a fair infer-
ence, that we already enjoy the benefits procured by him; for
this would contradict the declaration of Paul, that " hope is
laid up for us." (i) I grant indeed, that when we believe in
Christ, we at the same time pass from death to life; but we
should also remember the observation of John, that though " we
are now the sons of God, it doth not yet appear what we shall
be; but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like
him; for we shall see him as he is." (^) Though Christ there-
fore offers us in the Gospel a present plenitude of spiritual
(6) 2 Tim. i. 10. (c) 2 Cor. i. 20. (rf) John i. 51.
(/) Col. i. 5. {/) 1 John Hi. 2.
blessings, yet the fruition of them is concealed under the pro-
tection of hope, till we are divested of our corruptible body,
and transfigured into the glory of him who has gone before
us. In the mean time, the Holy Spirit commands us to rely
on the promises, and his authority we ought to consider suffi-
cient to silence all the clamours of Servetus. For according
to the testimony of Paul, " godliness hath promise of the
life that now is, and of that which is to come:" QJ-) and there-
fore he boasts of being an apostle of Christ, " according to
the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus." (A) In another
place he apprizes us that we have the same promises which
were given to the saints in former times, (z) Finally, he re-
presents it as the summit of felicity, that we are sealed with the
Holy Spirit of promise. () Nor indeed have we otherwise
any enjoyment of Christ, any farther than as we embrace him
invested with his promises. Hence it is, that he dwells in our
hearts, and yet we live like pilgrims at a distance from him;
because " we walk by faith and not by sight." Nor is there any
contrariety in these two positions, that we possess in Christ all
that belongs to the perfection of the life of heaven, and yet
that faith is a vision of invisible blessings. Only there is a
difference to be observed in the nature or quality of the pro-
mises; because the gospel affords a clear discovery of that
which the law has represented in shadows and types.
IV. This likewise evinces the error of those who never make
any other comparison between the Law and the Gospel, than
between the merit of works and the gratuitous imputation of
righteousness. This antithesis, I grant, is by no means to be
rejected; because Paul by the word law frequently intends
the rule of a righteous life, in which God requires of us what
we owe to him, affording us no hope of life, unless we fulfil
every part of it, and on the contrary annexing a curse if we
are guilty of the smallest transgression. This is the sense in
which he uses it in those passages, where he argues that we are
accepted by God through grace, and are accounted righteous
through his pardon of our sins, because the observance of the
law, to which the reward is promised, is not to be found in any
(.) 1 Tim. 5 v. 8. (A) 2 Tim. i. 1.
(/) 2 Cor. vii. 1. (fr) Ephes. i. 13.
man. Paul therefore justly represents the righteousness of
the law and that of the gospel as opposed to each other. But
the gospel has not succeeded the whole law so as to intro-
duce a different way of salvation; but rather to confirm and
ratify the promises of the law, and to connect the body with
the shadows. For when Christ says that "the law and the
prophets were until John," he does not abandon the fathers to
the curse which the slaves of the law cannot escape; he rather
implies that they were only initiated in the rudiments of reli-
gion, so that they remained far below the sublimity of the
evangelical doctrine. Wherefore when Paul calls the gospel
" the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth, 57
he afterwards adds that it is " witnessed by the law and the
prophets." (/) But at the end of the same epistle, although
he asserts that the preaching of Jesus Christ is " the revelation
of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began,"
he qualifies this sentiment with the following explication: that
it " is now made manifest, and by the Scriptures of the pro-
phets made known to all nations." (m) Hence we conclude,
that when mention_ is jnade of tfie^jwlioie^law^jfo^ gospel
differs from it only with respect to a clear manifestation: but
on account of the inestimable plenitude of grace, which has
been displayed to us in Christ, the celestial kingdom of God
is justly said to have been erected in the earth at his advent.
V. Now John was placed between the Law and the Gospel,
holding an intermediate office connected with both. For though
in calling Christ "the Lamb of God" and "the victim for the
expiation of sins," (71) he preached the substance of the Gospel;
yet because he did not clearly express that incomparable power
and glory, which afterwards appeared in his resurrection,
Christ affirms that he is not equal to the apostles. This is his
meaning in the following words: "Among them that are born
of women, there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist:
notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven i.^
greater than he." (o) For he is not there commending the
persons of men, but after having preferred John to all the
prophets, he allots the highest degi-ee of honour to the preaching
(.') Rom. i. 16. lit. 21. (w) Rom. xv'-. 25, 2ft
(n)Johni. 29. (A Matfxi. 11.
of the Gospel, which we have elsewhere seen is signified by " the
kingdom of heaven." When John himself said that he was only
a " voice," (/>) as though he were inferior to the prophets, this
declaration proceeded not from a pretended humility; he
meant to signify that he was not intrusted with a proper em-
bassy, but acted merely in the capacity of a herald, according
to the prediction of Malachi: " Behold, I will send you Elijah
the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day
of the Lord." (7) Nor indeed, through the whole course of
his ministry, did he aim at any thing but procuring disciples
for Christ, which he also proves from Isaiah to have been the
commission given him by God. In this sense he was called
by Christ " a burning and a shining light," (r) because the
full day had not yet arrived. Yet this is no reason why he
should not be numbered among the preachers of the gospel,
as he used the same baptism which was afterwards delivered to
the apostles. But it was not till after Christ was received into
the celestial glory, that the more free and rapid progress of the
apostles completed what John had begun.
The Similiarity of the Old and Neiv Testaments.
X 1 ROM the preceding observations it may now be evident,
that all those persons, from the beginning of the world, whom
God hath adopted into the society of his people, have been
federally connected with him by the same law and the same
doctrine which are in force among us: but because it is of no
small importance that this point be established, I shall shew,
by way of appendix, since the fathers were partakers with
us of the same inheritance, and hoped for the same salvation
through the grace of our common Mediator, how far their
condition in this connection was different from ours. For
though the testimonies we have collected from the law and the
( />) John i. 23. (y) Mai. iv. 5. (r) John v. 35.
jprophets in proof of this, render it sufficiently evident that the
people of God have never had any other rule of religion and
piety; yet because some writers have raised many disputes,
concerning the difference of the Old and New Testaments,
which may occasion doubts in the mind of an undisceming
reader, we shall assign a particular chapter for the better and
more accurate discussion of this subject. Moreover, what would
otherwise have been very useful, has now been rendered neces-
sary for us by Servetus and some madmen of the sect of the
Anabaptists, who entertain no other ideas of the Israelitish na-
tion, than of a herd of swine, whom they pretend to have been
pampered by the Lord in this world, without the least hope of
a future immortality in heaven. To defend the pious mind
therefore from this pestilent error, and at the same time to re-
move all difficulties which may arise from the mention of a
diversity between the Old and New Testaments; let us, as we
proceed, examine what similarity there is between them, and what
difference; what covenant the Lord made with the Israelites in
ancient times before the advent of Christ, and what he hatii
entered into with us since his manifestation in the flesh.
II. And indeed both these topics may be dispatched in one
word. The covenant of all the fathers is so far from differing
substantially from ours, that it is the very same; it only varies
in the administration. But as such extreme brevity would not
convey to any man a clear understanding of the subject, it is*
necessary, if we would do any good, to proceed to a more?
diffuse explication of it. But in shewing their similarity, or
rather unity, it will be needless to recapitulate all the particu-
lars which have already been mentioned, and unseasonably to
introduce those things which remain to be discussed in some
other place. We must here insist chiefly on three principal
points. We have to maintain, First, that carnal opulence and
felicity were not proposed to the Jews as the mark towards
which they should ultimately aspire, but that they were adopted
to the hope of immortality, and that the truth of this adoption
was certified to them by oracles, by the law, and by the pro-
phets. Secondly, that the covenant, by which they were united
to the Lord, was founded, not on any merits of theirs, but on
the mere mercy of God who called them. Thirdly, that they
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both possessed and knew Christ as the Mediator, by whom
they were united to God, and become partakers of his pro-
mises. The second of these points, as perhaps it is not yet
sufficiently known, shall be demonstrated at large in its proper
place. For we shall prove by numerous and explicit testi-
monies of the prophets, that whatever blessing the Lord ever
gave or promised to his people, proceeded from his indulgent
goodness. The third point has been clearly demonstrated in
several places. And we have not wholly neglected the first.
III. In discussing the first point therefore, because it prin-
cipally belongs to the present argument, and is the grand sub-
ject of their controversy against us, we will use the more dili-
gent application; yet in such a manner, that if any thing be
wanting to the explication of the Others, it may be supplied as
we proceed, or added afterwards in a suitable place. Indeed,
the apostle removes every doubt respecting all these points
when he says, that God the Father " promised afore by his
prophets in the holy Scriptures, the gospel concerning his
Son," (.v) which he promulgated in the appointed time. Again,
that the righteousness of faith, which is revealed in the gospel,
is "witnessed by the law and the prophets." (?) For the
gospel does not detain men in the joy of the present life, but
elevates them to the hope of immortality; does not fasten them
to terrestrial delights, but announcing to them a hope reserved
in heaven, does as it were transport them thither. For this is
the description which he gives in another place; " In whom
also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that Holy
Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until
the redemption of the purchased possession." (u) Again: " We
heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love which ye
have to all the saints, for the hope which is laid up for you in
heaven, whereof ye heard before in the word of the truth of the
gospel." (w) Again: " He called you by our gospel, to the
obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ." (A-) Whence
it is called " the word of salvation," and " the power of God to
the salvation of believers," and "the kingdom of heaven." Now
it" the doctrine of the gospel be spiritual, and open a way to the
(*) Rom. i. 13. (0 Rom. ill. 21. (v) Ephes. i. 13, 14.
Col.i. !, 5. (Y-) 2Thess. ii. 14.
possession of an immortal life, let us not suppose that they, to
whom it was promised and announced, were totally negligent
and careless of their souls, and stupefied in the pursuit of cor-
poreal pleasures. Nor let any one here cavil, that the pro-
mises which are recorded in the law and the prophets respect-
ing the gospel, were not designed for the Jews. For just after
having spoken of the gospel being promised in the law, he
adds, " that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them
who* are under the law." (t/) This was in another argument,
I grant; but when he said that whatever the law inculcates
truly belonged to the Jews, he was not so forgetful as not to
remember what he had affirmed, a few verses before, concerning
the gospel promised in the law. By declaring that the Old
Testament contained evangelical promises, therefore, the
apostle most clearly demonstrates that it principally related to
a future life.
IV. For the same reason it follows, that it was founded on
the free mercy of God, and confirmed by the mediation of
Christ. For even the preaching of the gospel only announces,
that sinners are justified by the paternal goodness of God, in-
dependently of any merit of their own; and the whole sub-
stance of it terminates in Christ. Who then dares to represent
the Jews as destitute of Christ, them with whom we are in-
formed the evangelical covenant was made, of which Christ is
the sole foundation? Who dares to represent them as strangers
to the benefit of a free salvation, to whom we are informed the
doctrine of the righteousness of faith was communicated? But
not to be prolix in disputing on a clear point, we have a re-
markable expression of the Lord: " Abraham rejoiced to see
my day: and he saw it, and was glad." (z) And what Christ
there declares concerning Abraham, the apostle shews to have
been universal among the faithful, when he says that Christ re-
mains " the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever." (a) For
he there speaks, not only of the eternal divinity of Christ, but
of his power, which has been perpetually manifested to the
faithful. Wherefore both the blessed Virgin and Zachariah
declare in their songs, that the salvation revealed in Christ is a
(y) Rom. iii. 19. (r) John viii. 56. ()
Now the Lord sealed the truth, and, as it were, promised the
completion of this promise, when he called himself the God of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, long after they were dead. (^) For
what is implied in it? Would it not have been a ridiculous
appellation, if they had perished? It would have been just as
if he had said, I am the God of them who have no existence.
Wherefore the evangelists relate, that with this single argu-
ment the Sadducees were so embarrassed by Christ, (r) as to be
unable to deny that Moses had given a testimony in favour of
the resurrection of the dead: for they had learned from Moses
himself, that " all his saints are in his hand." (*) Whence it
was easy to infer, that death had not annihilated those, whom
he who is the arbiter of life and death had received into his
guardianship and protection.
X. Now, to come to the principal point on which this con-
troversy turns, let us examine, whether the faithful themselves
were not so instructed by the Lord, as to be sensible that
they had a better life in another world, and to meditate on that
to the neglect of the present. In the first place, the course of
(o) Gen. xvii. 7. (/>) Exod. xx. 6. (?) Exod. iii. 6.
(r) Matt. xxii. 32 34. Luke xx. 3740. (*) Deut. xxxiii. S-
life which was divinely enjoined them was a perpetual exercise,
by which they were reminded that they were the most miser-
able of all mankind, if they had no happiness but in the present
life. Adam, rendered most unhappy by the mere remembrance
pf his lost felicity, finds great difficulty in supplying his wants
by anxious toils, (o) Nor does the Divine malediction confine
itself to his manual labours; he experiences the bitterest sorrow
from that which was his only remaining consolation. Of his
two sons, he .is deprived of one by the parricidal hands of his
brother; the survivor is deservedly the object of his detestation
and abhorrence, (w) Abel, cruelly assassinated in the flower
of his age, exhibits an example of human calamity. Naah,
while the whole world securely abandons itself to sensual de-
lights, consumes a valuable part of his life with excessive
fatigue in building the ark. (.*) His escape from death was
attended with greater distress than if he had died a hundred
times. For besides that the ark was, as it were, a sepulchre to
him for ten months, (z/) nothing could be more disagreeable
than to be detained for so long a period almost immersed ior
the ordure of animals. After having escaped from such great
difficulties, he meets with a fresh occasion of grief. He sees
himself ridiculed by his own son, and is constrained to pro-
nounce a curse with his own mouth upon him, whom by the?
great goodness of God he had received safe from the deluge. (2)
XI. Abraham is one that ought to be deemed equal to a
host, if we consider his faith, which is proposed to us as the
best standard of believing, so that we must be numbered in his
family, in order to be the children of God. Now what would
be more absurd, than that Abraham should be the father of all
the faithful, and not possess even the lowest place among them?
But he cannot be excluded from the number, nor even from
the most honourable station, without the destruction of the
whole Church. Now with respect to the circumstances of his
life; when he is first called, he is torn by the Divine command
from his country, his parents, and his friends, the enjoyment of
whom is supposed to give life its principal relish; as though
() Gen. iii. 17 19. (w) Gen. iv. 8, 14. (.v) Gen. vi. 1421.
(jO Gen. vii. 11. via. 13. (z) Gen. ix. 24, 25.
VOL. I. 3 N
God positively intended to deprive him of all the pleasures oi
life, (t/) As soon as he has entered the land in which he is
commanded to reside, he is driven from it by a famine. He
removes in search of relief to a place where, for the preserva-
tion of his own safety, he finds it necessary to disown his wife,
which would probably be more afflictive to him than many
deaths. () After having returned to the country of his resi-
dence, he is again expelled from it by famine. What kind of
felicity is it to dwell in such a country, where he must so fre-
quently experience hunger, and even perish for want of suste-
nance, unless he leaves it? In the country of Abimelech, he is
again driven to the same necessity of purchasing his own per-
sonal safety with the loss of his wife, (c) While he wanders
hither and thither for many years in an unsettled state, he is
compelled, by the continual quarrels of his servants, to send
away his nephew, whom he regarded as a son. (^) There is no
doubt that he bore this separation just as he would the ampu-
tation of one of his limbs. Soon after he is informed that
enemies have carried him away captive, (ji) Whithersoever he
directs his course, he finds himself surrounded by savage bar-
barians, who will not even permit him to drink the water of
wells which with immense labour he has himself digged. For he
could not recover the use of them from the king of Gerar, if
it had not been previously prohibited, (y) When he arrives
to old age beyond the time of having children, he experiences
the most disagreeable and painful circumstance with which that
age is attended. (,-) He sees himself destitute of posterity, till,
beyond all expectation, he begets Ishmael; whose birth he
purchases at a dear rate, while he is wearied with the reproaches
of Sarah, just as if he encouraged the contumacy of his maid-
servant, and so were himself the cause of the domestic disturb-
ance. (A) At length Isaac is born, but his birth is attended
with this condition, that Ishmael the first-born must be ba-
nished from the family, and abandoned like an enemy, (z)
When Isaac is left alone to solace the good man in his declining
(a) Gen. xii. 1. (6) Gen. zll 1015. (c) Gen. xx. 1, 2.
( d) Gen. xiii. 71 1. (e) Gen. xiv. 12, 13. (/) Gen. xxi. 2530.
(g ) G.en. xv. 2. (/) Gen. xvi. 115. (/) Gen. xxi. 2, 3, 1014-
years, he is soon after commanded to sacrifice him. () What
can the human mind imagine more calamitous, than for a
father to become the executioner of his own son? If he had
been taken away by sickness, every one would have thought
the aged parent unhappy in the extreme, as having had a son
given him in mockery, at the loss of whom, his former grief on
account of his being destitute of children would certainly be
redoubled. If he had been massacred by some stranger, the
calamity would have been greatly increased by the horrible
nature of his end: but to be slain by his father's own hand
exceeds all the other instances of distress. In short, through
the whole course of his life Abraham was so driven about and
afflicted, that if any one wished to give an example of a life
full of calamity, he could not find one more suitable. Nor let
it be objected, that he was not entirely miserable, because he
had at length a prosperous deliverance from such numerous
and extreme dangers. For we cannot pronounce his to be a
happy life, who for a long period struggles through an infinity
of difficulties; but his, who is exempted from afflictions and
favoured with the peaceful enjoyment of present blessings.
XII. Isaac, who is afflicted with fewer calamities, yet scarcely
ever enjoys the smallest taste of pleasure. He also experiences
those vexations, which permit not a man to be happy in the
world. Famine drives him from the land of Canaan; his wife
is in danger of being torn from his bosom; his neighbours fre-
quently harass him, and take every method of distressing him,
so that he also is constrained to contend with them about
water. (/) In his own family he suffers much uneasiness from
Esau's wives; (m) he is distressed by the discord of his sons,
and unable to remedy that great evil, but by the exile of him
to whom he had given the blessing, (n) With respect to Jacob,
he is an eminent example of nothing but extreme infelicity.
He passes his childhood at home amidst the menaces and
terrors of his elder brother, from which he is at length con-
strained to depart, (o) A fugitive from his parents and his
native soil, in addition to the bitterness of exile, he is treated
with unkindness by his uncle Laban. It is not sufficient for
(*) Gen. xxii. 2. (/) Gen. xxvi. 1, 7, 20, 21. (m) Gen. xxvi. 34, 35.
(n) Gen. xxviii. 5. (o) Gen. xxvii. 41 45.
him to endure a most hard and severe servitude of seven years,
but he is fraudulently deceived in a wife. (/>) For the sake of
another wife he must enter on a new servitude, (y) in which,
as he himself complains, he is broiled all the day by the fervid
rays of the sun, and through the wakeful night benumbed by
the icy cold, (r) During twenty years, which he spends in
such extreme hardships, he is daily afflicted with fresh injuries
from his father-in-law. Nor does he enjoy tranquillity in his own
family, which he sees distracted and almost torn asunder by the
animosities, contentions, and rivalship of his wives, (.v) When
he is commanded to return to his own country, he is obliged
to depart in a manner resembling an ignominious flight. Nor
even then can he escape the iniquity of his father-in-law, but is
harassed with his reproaches and insults in the midst of his
journey, (t) Immediately after, he falls into a much greater
difficulty. For as he advances towards his brother, he has
death befor his eyes in as many forms a$ a cruel and inveterate
enemy can possibly contrive. He is exceedingly tormented
and distracted with dreadful terrors, while he is expecting the
approach of his brother; when he sees him, he falls at his feet
like a person half dead, till he finds him more reconciled than
he could have ventured to hope. (t>) Moreover on his first
entrance into the land, he is deprived of Rachel his dearly be-
loved wife, (ry) Afterwards he hears that the son whom he had
by her, and whom therefore he loved above the rest, is torn
asunder by wild beasts. The severity of his grief on account
of his death is expressed by himself, when after many days of
mourning he obstinately refuses all consolation, saying, " I will
go down into the grave unto my son mourning." (x) Besides,
the rape and violation of his daughter, and the rashness of
his sons in revenging it, which not only made him an object
of abhorrence to all the inhabitants of the country, but put
him in immediate danger of being massacred; what abundant
sources were these of anxiety, grief, and vexation? (z/) Then
follows the horrible crime of Reuben, his first-born, than which
no greater affliction could bcfal him. For if the pollution of
f />) Gen. xxix. 20, 23, 25. (?) Gen. xxix. 27. (r) Gen, xxxi. 40, 41.
(i')Cen. xxx. 1. (*) Gen. xxxi. 25, 36. () Gen. xxxii. xxxiii.
*'.i) Gen. xxxv. 19. (*) Gen. xxxvii. 3235. (j) Gen. xxxiv.
a man's wife be numbered among the greatest miseries, what
shall we say of it, when the crime is perpetrated by his own
son? (z) Not long after, his family is contaminated with in-
cest; (a) so that such a number of disgraceful occurrences may
be expected to break a heart, otherwise very firm and unbroken
by calamities. Towards the end of life, when he is seeking sus-
tenance for himself and family in a season of famine, his ears
are wounded by the report of a new calamity, which informs
him that one of his sons is detained in prison; in order to re-
cover whom he is obliged to entrust his darling Benjamin to
the care of the rest. () Who can suppose that in such an accu-
mulation of distresses he had a single moment of respite?
He himself, who is best able to give a testimony respecting
himself, declares to Pharaoh, that his days on the earth have
been few and evil, (c) By affirming that he has lived in continual
miseries, he denies that he has enjoyed that prosperity which
the Lord had promised him. Therefore, either Jacob formed
an improper and ungrateful estimate of the favour of God, or
he spake the truth in asserting that he had been miserable on
the earth. If his affirmation was true, it follows that his hope
was not fixed on terrestrial things.
XIII. If these holy fathers expected, as undoubtedly they
did expect, a life of happiness from the hand of God, they both
knew and contemplated a different kind of blessedness from
that of this terrestrial life. This the apostle very beautifully
shews, when he says, " By faith Abraham sojourned in the
land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in taber-
nacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same
promise: for he looked for a city which hath foundations,
whose ^builder and maker is God. These all died in faith, not
having received the promises, but having seen, them afar off,
and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and con-
fessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For
they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a
country. And "truly if they had been mindful of that country
from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity
to have returned. But now they desire a better country, that
(2) Gen. xxxv. 22. (a) Gen. xxxviii. 13 18.
(b) Gen. xlii. (c) Gen. xlvii. 9-
is, an heavenly; wherefore God is not ashamed to be called
their God: for he hath prepared for them a city." () For
they would have been stupid beyond all comparison, so steadily
to follow promises, of which there appeared no hope on earth,
unless they had expected the completion of them in another
world. But the apostle with great force principally insists on
this; that they called the present life a pilgrimage, as is also
stated by Moses, (e} For if they were strangers and sojourners
in the land of Canaan, what became of the Divine promise, by
which they had been appointed heirs of it? This manifestly
implies therefore that the promise, which the Lord had given
them concerning the possession of it, related to something
more remote. Wherefore they never purchased a foot of land
in Canaan, except for a sepulchre; by which they testified that
they had no hope of enjoying the benefit of the promise till
after death. And this is the reason why Jacob thought it so
exceedingly desirable to be buried there, that he made his son
Joseph promise it to him by oath; (y) and why Joseph com-
manded that his bones should be removed thither, even several
ages after his death, when they would have been long reduced
to ashes. ()
XIV. In short, it evidently appears, that in all the pursuits
of life they kept in view the blessedness of the future state.
For why should Jacob have so eagerly desired, and exposed
himself to such danger in endeavouring to obtain, the primo-
geniture, which would occasion his exile and almost his rejec-
tion from his family, but from which he could derive no possi-
ble benefit, unless he had his views fixed on a nobler blessing?
And that such was his view he declared in these words,
which he uttered with his expiring breath; " I have waited
for thy salvation, O Lord." (A) What salvation could he
expect, when he felt himself about to expire, unless he had
seen in death the commencement of a new life? But why
do we dispute concerning the saints and children of God,
when even one, who in other respects endeavoured to oppose
the truth, was not entirely destitute of such a knowledge?
Tor what was the meaning of Balaam, when he said, " Let
(d) Heb. xi. 9, &c. (e) Gen. xlvii. 9. (/) Gen. xlvii. 30.
(?) Gen. 1. 2? (A) Gen. xlix. 18.
me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like
his," (z) but the same which David afterwards expressed in the
following words: " Precious in the sight of the Lord is the
death of his saints." (^) " Evil shall slay the wicked." (/) If
death were the ultimate bound of human existence, no differ-
ence could be observed in it between the righteous and the
impious; the distinction between them consists in the different
destinies which await them after death.
XV. We have not yet proceeded beyond Moses; whose
only office, our opponents allege, was to persuade a carnal
people to the worship of God by the fertility of the land, and
an abundance of all things: and yet, unless any one wilfully
rejects the evidence presented to him, we already discover a
clear declaration of a spiritual covenant. But if we proceed
to the prophets, there we have the fullest revelation both of
eternal life and of the kingdom of Christ. In the first place,
David, who as he was prior to the rest in order of time, so
according to the method of the Divine dispensation, he express-
ed the heavenly mysteries with more obscurity than they did,
yet with what great perspicuity and certainty he directs all
his writings to this end? What estimate he formed of his
terrestrial habitation, the following passage declares: " I am
a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were.
Verily, every man at his best estate is altogether vanity.
Surely every man walketh in a vain show. And now, Lord,
what wait I for? my hope is in thee." (m) He who, after
having confessed that there is nothing substantial or perma-
nent on earth, still retains the constancy of his hope in God,
certainly contemplates the felicity reserved for him in another
world. To this contemplation he frequently recals the faithful.,
whenever he wishes to afford them true consolation. For in
another place, after having spoken of the brevity and the tran-
sitory nature of human life, he adds, " But the mercy of the
Lord is,from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear
him." (n) Similar to which is the following: "Of old hast
thou laid the foundations of the earth: and the heavens are
the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt
(i) Numb, xxiii. 10. (fc) Psalm cxvi. 15. (/) Psalm xxxiv. 21.
(m) Psalm xxxix. 12. 5, 6, 7. (;) Psalm ciii. IT.
endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a
vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed:
but thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. The
children of thy servants shall continue, and their seed shall
be established before thee." () If, notwithstanding the destruc-
tion of heaven and earth, the pious cease not to be established
before the Lord, it follows that their salvation is connected
with his eternity. But this hope cannot be at all supported,
unless it rest on the promise which we find in Isaiah; " The
heaven," saith the Lord, " shall vanish away like smoke, and
the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell
therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be
for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished:" (/>)
where perpetuity is ascribed to righteousness and salvation,
considered not as resident in God, but as experienced by
XVI. Nor can what he frequently says concerning the
prosperity of the faithful be understood in any other sense than
as referring to the manifestation of the^glory of heaven. Such
are the following passages: " The Lord preserveth the souls
of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.
Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright
in heart." (y) Again: " The righteousness of the righteous
endureth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honour. The
desire of the wicked shall perish." (r) Again: " Surely the
righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall
dwell in thy presence." (*) Again: "The righteous shall be
had in everlasting remembrance." () Again: " The Lord
redeemeth the soul of his servants." () For the Lord fre-
quently leaves his servants to the rage of the impious, not
only to be harassed, but to be torn asunder and ruined; he
suffers good men to languish in obscurity and meanness,
while the impious are almost as glorious as the stars; nor
does he exhilarate the faithful with the light of his countenance,
so that they can enjoy any lasting pleasure. Wherefore David
does not dissemble that, if the faithful fix their eyes on the present
(o) Psalm cii. 2528. (/>) Isaiah li. 6. (?) Psalm xcvii. 10, 11.
(r) Psalm cxii. 9, 10. (*) Psalm cxl. 13. (0 Psalm cxii. 6.
(t>) Psalm xxxiv. 2?.
state of things, they will be most grievously tempted with au
apprehension lest innocence should obtain from God neither
favour nor reward. Thus does impiety in most cases prosper and
flourish, while the pious are oppressed with ignominy, poverty,
contempt, and distress of every kind. " My feet," says he,
** were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped. For I
was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the
wicked." (rii) At length he concludes his account of them;
" When I thought to know this, it was too painful for me;
until I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I
their end." (.r)
XVII. We may learn then, even from this confession of
David, that the holy fathers under the Old Testament were
not ignorant, that God rarely or never in this world gives his
servants those things which he promises them, and that there-
fore they elevated their minds to the sanctuary of God, where
they had a treasure in reserve which is not visible in the
present life. This sanctuary was the last judgment, which, not
being discernible by their eyes, they were contented to appre-
hend by faith. Relying on this confidence, whatever events
might bcfal them in the world, they nevertheless had no doubt
that there would come a time when the Divine promises would
be fulfilled. This is evident from the following passages: " I
will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when
I awake, with thy likeness." (z/) Again: " I am like a green
olive-tree in the house of God." (z) Again: " The righteous
shall flourish like the palm-tree: he shall grow like a cedar
in Lebanon. Those that be planted in the house of the Lord
shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring
forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing."
He had just before said, " O Lord, how great are thy works!
and thy thoughts are very deep. When the wicked spring as
the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish;
it is that they shall be destroyed for ever." (a) Where can this
beauty and gracefulness of the faithful be found, but where
the appearance of this world has been reversed by the mani-
festation of the kingdom of God? When they could turn their
(TO) Psalm Ixxiii. 2. (.r) Psalm Ixxiii. 16, 17. (y) Psalm xvii. 15.
(:) Psalm lii. 8. (a) Psalm xcii. 13-14. 5, 7.
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eyes towards that eternity, despising the momentary rigour of
present calamities, they securely broke forth into the following
expressions: " The Lord shall never suffer the righteous to
be moved. But thou, O God, shalt bring them" (wicked men)
" down into the pit of destruction." (6) Where, in this world,
is the pit of destruction to absorb the wicked, as an instance
of whose felicity it is mentioned in another place, that without
languishing for any long time " they go down to the grave
in a moment?" (c) Where is that great stability of the saints,
whom David himself, in the language of complaint, frequently
represents as not only troubled but oppressed and consumed?
He certainly had in view, not any thing that results from the
agitations of the world, which are even more tumultuous than
those of the sea, but what will be accomplished by the Lord,
when he shall one day sit in judgment to fix the everlasting
destiny of heaven and earth. This appears from another
Psalm in which he gives the following elegant description:
" They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the
multitude of their riches; none of them can by any means re-
deem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him. For he
seeth that wise men die, likewise the fool and the brutish per-
son perish, and leave their wealth to others. Their inward
thought is, that their houses shall continue for ever, and their
dwelling-places to all generations: they call their lands after
their own names. Nevertheless man being in honour abideth
not: he is like the beasts that perish. This their way is their
folly: yet their posterity approve their sayings. Like sheep
they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them; and the
upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and
their beauty shall consume in the grave from their dwelling." (d)
In the first place, this derision of fools, for placing their de-
pendence on the mutable and transitory blessings of the world,
shews that the wise ought to seek a very different felicity. But
he more evidently discloses the mystery of the resurrection,
when he establishes the reign of the pious amidst the ruin and
destruction of the wicked. For what shall we understand by
" the morning" which he mentions, but the revelation of a
new life commencing after the conclusion ot the present?
(6) Psalm lv. 22, 23- (c) Job xxi. 13. ()
XXII. It would be absurd, however, to attempt to reduce
every passage to such a canon of interpretation. For there
are some places, which shew without any disguise the future
immortality which awaits the faithful in the kingdom of God.
Such are some that we have recited, and such are many others,
but particularly these two: one in Isaiah: " As the new
heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain
before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name
remain. And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon
to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh
come to worship before me, saith the Lord. And they shall
go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have
transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither
shall their fire be quenched." (y) And another in Daniel:
" At that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which
standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a
time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation
even to that s?.me time: and at that time thy people shall be
delivered, every one that shall be found written In the book.
And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall
awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and ever-
lasting contempt." (r)
XXIII. Now the two remaining points, that the fathers
ty) Isaiah xxvi. 1921. (?) Isaiah Ixvi. 2224. (r) Dan. xii. 1, 2.
had Christ as the pledge of their covenant, and that they re-
posed in him all their confidence of the blessing, being less
controvertible and more plain, I shall take no pains to prove
them. We may safely conclude therefore, what all the machina-
tions of the devil can never subvert, that the Old Testament,
or covenant which the Lord made with the Israelitish nation,
was not limited to terrestrial things, but contained a promise
of spiritual and eternal life; the expectation of which must
have been impressed on the minds of all who truly consented
to the covenant. Then let us drive far away from us this
absurd and pernicious notion, either that the Lord proposed
nothing else to the Jews, or that the Jews sought nothing
else, but an abundance of food, carnal delights, flourishing
wealth, external power, a numerous offspring, and whatever
is esteemed valuable by a natural man. For under the pre-
sent dispensation Christ promises to his people no other king-
dom of heaven, than where they may sit down with Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob; (s) and Peter asserted the Jews in his time
to be heirs of the grace of the gospel, when he said that " they
were the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which
God made with their fathers." (#) And that this might not
only be testified in words, the Lord also proved it by a matter
of fact. For on the day in which he rose from the dead he
honoured many of the saints with a participation of his resur-
rection, and caused them to appear in the city; (t>) thus fur-
nishing a certain assurance that whatever he did and suffered
for the acquisition of eternal salvation, belonged to the faithful
of the Old Testament as much as to us. For, as Peter de-
clares, they also were endued with the same Spirit, who is the
author of our regeneration to life, (w) When we are informed
that the same Spirit, which is as it were a spark of immor-
tality in us, and is therefore called in one place "the earnest
of our inheritance," (#) dwelt in a similar manner in them,
how can we dare to deprive them of the inheritance of eternal
life? It is therefore the more surprising, that the Sadducees
formerly fell into such stupidity as to deny the resurrection,
and the immortality of the soul, since they had proofs of these
(*) Matt. viii. 11. (*) Acts iii. 25. () Matt, xxvii. 52.
(w) Acts xv. 8. (r) Eph. i. 14.
points from such clear testimonies of Scripture. And the folly
of the whole nation of the Jews in the present age, in expect-
ing an earthly kingdom of the Messiah, would be equally as
extraordinary, had not the Scriptures long before predicted
that they would thus be punished for their rejection of the
gospel. For it was consistent with the righteous judgment
of God to strike with blindness the minds of those, who, re-
jecting the light of heaven when presented to them, kept
themselves in voluntary darkness. Therefore they read Moses,
and assiduously turn over his pages, but are prevented by an
interposing veil from perceiving the light which beams in his
countenance; (z/) and thus it will remain covered and concealed
to them, till they are converted to Christ, from whom they
now endeavour as much as they can to withdraw and divert it.
The Difference of the Two Testaments.
W HAT then, it will be said, will there be no difference
left between the Old Testament and the New? and what be-
comes of all those passages of Scripture, where they are com-
pared together as things that are different? I readily admit
the differences which are mentioned in the Scripture, but I
maintain that they derogate nothing from the unity already
established; as will be seen when we have discussed them in
proper order. But the principal differences, as far as my ob-
servation or memory extends, are four in number. To which if
any one choose to add a fifth, I shall not make the least objection.
I assert, and engage to demonstrate, that all these are such as
pertain rather to the mode of administration, than to the
substance. In this view, they will not prevent the promises of
the Old and New Testament from remaining the same, and
the promises of both testaments from having in Christ the same
foundation. Now the first difference is, that although it was
( v) 2 Cor. ill. 1416.
always the will of the Lord that the minds of his people should
be directed, and their hearts elevated, towards the celestial in-
heritance; yet in order that they might be the better encou-
raged to hope for it, he anciently exhibited it for their con-
templation and partial enjoyment under the figures of terrestrial
blessings. Now having by the Gospel more clearly and expli-
citly revealed the grace of the future life, he leaves the inferior
mode of instruction which he used with the Israelites, and
directs our minds to the immediate contemplation of it. Those
who overlook this design of God, suppose that the ancients
ascended no higher than the corporeal blessings which were
promised to them. They so frequently hear the land of Canaan
mentioned as the eminent, and indeed the only, reward for the
observers of the Divine law. They hear that God threatens
the transgressors of this law with nothing more severe than
being expelled from the possession of that country, and dis-
persed into foreign lands. They see this to be nearly the whole
substance of all the blessings and of all the curses pronounced
by Moses. Hence they confidently conclude, that the Jews
were separated from other nations, not for their own sakes,
but for ours, that the Christian Church might have an image,
in whose external form they could discern examples of spiritual
things. But since the Scripture frequently shews, that God
himself appointed the terrestrial advantages with which he
favoured them for the express purpose of leading them to the
hope of celestial blessings; it argued extreme inexperience, not
to say stupidity, not to consider such a dispensation. The point
of controversy between us and these persons, is this: they
maintain that the possession of the land of Canaan was accounted
by the Israelites their supreme and ultimate blessedness, but
that to us since the revelation of Christ it is a figure of the
heavenly inheritance. We on the contrary contend, that in
the earthly possession which they enjoyed they contemplated,
as in a mirror, the future inheritance which they believed to be
prepared for them in heaven.
II. This will more fully appear from the similitude, which
Paul has used in his Epistle to the Galatians. (z) He compare?
(3) Gal. iv,
VOL. I. 3 P
the Jewish nation to a young heir, who being yet incapable of
governing himself, follows the dictates of a tutor or governor,
to whose charge he has been committed. His application of
this similitude chiefly to the ceremonies, is no objection against
the propriety of its application to our present purpose. The
same inheritance was destined for them as for us; but they
were not of a sufficient age to be capable of entering on the
possession and management of it. The Church among them
was the same as among us; but it was yet in a state of child-
hood. Therefore the Lord kept them under this tuition, that
he might give them the spiritual promises, not open and uncon-
cealed, but veiled under terrestrial figures. Therefore when
he admitted Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, with their posterity,
to the hope of immortality, he promised them the land of
Canaan as their inheritance: not that their hopes might ter-
minate in that land, but that in the prospect of it they might
exercise and confirm themselves in the hope of that true inhe-
ritance which was not yet visible. And that they might not be
deceived, a superior promise was given them, which proved
that country not to be the highest blessing which God would
bestow. Thus Abraham is not permitted to grow indolent
after having received a promise of the land, but a greater pro-
mise elevates his mind to the Lord. For he hears him saying,
" Abram, I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward." (a)
Here we see that the Lord proposes himself to Abraham as
his ultimate reward, that he may not seek an uncertain and
transitory one in the elements of this world, but may consi-
der that which can never fade away. God afterwards annexes a
promise of the land, merely as a symbol of his benevolence,
and a type of the heavenly inheritance. And that this was
the opinion of the saints, is plain from their own language.
Thus David rises from temporary blessings to that consummate
and ultimate felicity. u My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth
for the courts of the Lord." () " God is my portion for
ever." (o) Again: "The Lord is the portion of mine inhe-
ritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot." () Again:
"I cried unto thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my refuge
(a) Gen. xv. 1. (6) Psalm Ixxxiv. 2.
(c) Psalm Ixxiii. 26 (d) Psalm xvi. 5
and my portion in the land of the living." (e) Persons who
venture to express themselves thus, certainly profess that in
their hopes they rise above the world and all present blessings.
Nevertheless the prophets frequently describe this blessedness
of the future world under the type which the Lord had given
them. In this sense we must understand the following passages:
a The righteous shall inherit the. land:" (/") " But the wicked
shall be cut off from the earth:" (_-) And various predictions
of Isaiah, which foretel the future prosperity of Jerusalem, and
the abundance that will be enjoyed in Zion. We see that all
these things are inapplicable to the land of our pilgrimage, or
to the earthly Jerusalem, but that they belong to the true coun-
try of the faithful and to that celestial city, where " the Lord
commanded the blessing, even life for evermore." (A)
III. This is the reason why the saints, under the Old Testa-
ment, are represented as holding this mortal life with its bless-
ings in higher estimation than becomes us now. For although
they well knew that they ought not to rest in it as the end of
their course; yet when they recollected what characters of his
grace the Lord had impressed on it, in order to instruct them
in a manner suitable to their tender state, they felt a greater
degree of pleasure in it than if they had considered it merely
in itself. But as the Lord, in declaring his benevolence to
the faithful by present blessings, gave them, under these types
and symbols, a figurative exhibition of spiritual felicity; so on
the other hand in corporeal punishments he exemplified his
judgment against the reprobate. Therefore as the favours of
God were more conspicuous in earthly things, so also were his
punishments. Injudicious persons, not considering this analogy
and harmony (so to speak) between the punishments and re-
wards, wonder at so great a variety in God, that in ancient
times he was ready to avenge all the transgressions of men by
the immediate infliction of severe and dreadful punishments,
but now, as if he had laid aside his ancient wrath, punishes
with far less severity and frequency; and on this account they
almost adopt the notion of the Manicheans, that the God of
the Old Testament is a different being from the God of the
(e) Psalm cxlii. 5. (/) Psalm xxxvii. 29.
( g-) Prov. ii. 22. (&) Psalm cxxxiii. 3.
New. But we shall easily get rid of such difficulties, if \vc
direct our attention to that dispensation of God, which I have
observed; namely, that during that period, in which he gave
the Israelites his covenant involved in some degree of obscu-
rity, he intended to signify and prefigure the grace of future
and eternal felicity by terrestrial blessings, and the grievousness
pf spiritual death by corporeal punishments.
IV. Another difference between the Old Testament and the
New consists in figures, because the former, in the absence of
the truth, displayed merely an image and shadow instead of the
body: but the latter exhibits the present truth of the substan-
tial body, (z) And this is generally mentioned wherever the
New Testament is opposed to the Old, but is treated more at
large in the Epistle to the Hebrews than in any other place. (>&)
The apostle is there disputing against those who supposed that
the observance of the Mosaic law could not be abolished, with-
out being followed by the total ruin of religion. To refute
this error, he adduces the prediction of the prophet concerning
the priesthood of Christ; (/) for since he has an eternal priest-
hood committed to him, we may argue the certain abolition of
that priesthood in which new priests daily succeeded each
other, (m) But he proves the superiority of the appointment
of this new Priest, because it is confirmed with an oath, (n)
He afterwards adds that this transfer of the priesthood implies
also a change of the covenant, (o) And he proves that this
change was necessary, because such was the imbecility of the
law, that it could bring nothing to perfection. (/>) Then he
proceeds to state the nature of this imbecility; namely, that
the law prescribed external righteousnesses consisting in carnal
ordinances, which could not make the observers of them " per-
fect as pertaining to the conscience," that by animal victims it
could neither expiate sins nor procure true holiness, (y) He
concludes therefore, that it contained " a shadow of good
things to come, but not the very image of the things;" (r) and
that consequently it had no other office, but to serve as anintro-
(i) Col. ii. 17. (/t) Heb. x. 1, &c.
(/) Heb. vii. 17. Psalm ex. 4. () Heb. vii. 23, 24.
(n) Heb. vii. 20, 21. (o) Heb. vii. 12. (/>) Heb. vii. 19.
(7) Heb. ix. 13, 14. x. 4. (r) Heb. x. 1.
duction to " a better hope" (*) which is exhibited in the gos-
pel. Here we have to inquire in what respect the Legal
covenant is compared with the Evangelical, the ministry of
Christ with the ministry of Moses. For if the comparison
related to the substance of the promises, there would be a great
discordance between the two testaments; but as the state of
the question leads us to a different point, we must attend to the
scope of the apostle, in order to discover the truth. Let us
then bring forward the covenant, which God hath once made,
which is eternal, and never to be abolished. The accomplish-
ment, whence it derives its establishment and satisfaction, is
Christ. While such a confirmation was waited for, the Lord
by Moses prescribed ceremonies, to serve as solemn symbolj|
of the confirmation. It came to be a subject of contention,
whether the ceremonies ordained in the law ought to cease and
give place to Christ. Now though these ceremonies were
only accidents or concomitants of the covenant, yet being the
instruments of its administration, they bear the name of the
covenant; as it is common to give to other sacraments the
names of the things they represent. In a word, therefore,
what is here called the Old Testament, is a solemn method of
confirming the covenant, consisting of ceremonies and sacri-
fices. Since it contains nothing perfect, if we proceed no
further; the apostle contends that it ought to be repealed and
abrogated, in order to make way for Christ, the Surety and
Mediator of a better testament, (f) by whom eternal sanctifi cation
has been at once procured for the elect, and those transgressions
obliterated, which remained under the law. Or if you prefer
it, take the following statement of it; that the Old Testament
of the Lord was that which was delivered to the Jews, involved
in a shadowy and inefficacious observance of ceremonies, and
that it was therefore temporary, because it remained as it
were in suspense, till it was supported by a firm and substan-
tial confirmation; but that it was made new and eternal, when
it was consecrated and established by the blood of Christ.
Whence Christ calls the cup which he gives to his disciples in
the supper, " the cup of the New Testament in his blood;" (y)
(.?) Heb. vii. 19. (0 Heb. vii. 22. l Matt. xxvi. 28.
to signify that when the testament of God is sealed with his
blood, the truth of it is then accomplished, and thus it is made
new and eternal.
V. Hence it appears in what sense the apostle said, that the
Jews were conducted to Christ by the tuition of the law, be-
fore he was manifested in the flesh, (w} He confesses also
that they were children and heirs of God, but such as on
account of their age required to be kept under the care of a
tutor. (#) For it was reasonable that before the Sun of righte-
ousness was risen, there should be neither such a full blaze of
revelation, nor such great clearness of understanding. There-
fore the Lord dispensed the light of his word to them in such
a manner, that they had yet only a distant and obscure
prospect of it. Paul describes this slenderness of understand-
ing as a state of childhood, which it was the Lord's will to
exercise in the elements of this world and in external observ-
ances, as rules of puerile discipline, till the manifestation of
Christ, by whom the knowledge of the faithful was to grow
to maturity. Christ himself alluded to this distinction, when
he said, " The law and the prophets were until John: since
that time the kingdom of God is preached." (y) What dis-
coveries did Moses and the prophets make to their contem-
poraries? they afforded them some taste of that wisdom which
was in after times to be clearly manifested, and gave them a
distant prospect of its future splendor. But when Christ
could be plainly pointed out, the kingdom of God was revealed.
For in him are discovered " all the treasures of wisdom and
knowledge," (2) by which we penetrate almost into the farthest
recesses of heaven.
VI. Nor is it any objection to our argument, that scarcely a
person can be found in the Christian Church, who is to be com-
pared with Abraham in the excellency of his faith; or that the
prophets were distinguished by such energy of the Spirit as,
even at this day, is sufficient to illuminate the whole world. For
our present inquiry is, not what grace the Lord hath conferred
on a few, but what is the ordinary method which he hath pur-
sued in the instruction of his people: such as is found even
(*) Gal. iii. 24. (x) Gal. iv. 1, &c
(/) Luke xvi. 16 (z) Col. ii. 3.
among the prophets themselves, who were endued with pecu-
liar knowledge above others. For their preaching is obscure,
as relating to things very distant, and is comprehended in
types. Besides, notwithstanding their wonderful eminence in
knowledge, yet because they were under a necessity of sub-
mitting to the same tuition as the rest of the people, they are
considered as sustaining the character of children as well as
others. Finally, none of them possessed knowledge so clear
as not to partake more or less of the obscurity of the age-
Whence this observation of Christ: " Many prophets and
kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and
have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear,
and have not heard them." (a) " Blessed are your eyes, for
they see; and your ears, for they hear." () And indeed it is
reasonable that the presence of Christ should be distinguished
by the prerogative of introducing a clearer revelation of the
mysteries of heaven. To the same purpose also is the passage,
which we have before cited from the First Epistle of Peter,
that it was revealed to them, that the principal advantage of
their labours would be experienced in our times, (c)
VII. I come now to the third difference, which is taken
from Jeremiah, whose words are these: " Behold, the days
come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with
the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: not accord-
ing to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day
that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of
Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an
husband to them, saith the Lord: but this shall be the cove-
nant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those
days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts t
and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they
shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every mat:
his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the
Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them
unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive
their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." (a?)
From this passage the apostle took occasion to institute the
(a) Luke x. 24. (6) Matt. xiii. 16.
00 1 Peter i. 12. (^) Jer. x*xi. 31, Sec
following comparison between the law and the gospel: he calls
the former a literal, the latter a spiritual doctrine; the former
he says was engraven on tables of stone, but the latter is in-
scribed on the heart; (e) the former was the preaching of
death, but the latter of life; the former was the ministration
of condemnation, but the latter of righteousness; the former
is abolished, but the latter remains. As the design of the
apostle was to express the sense of the prophet, it will be
sufficient for us to consider the language of one of them, in
order to discover the meaning of both. There is however some
difference between them. For the apostle speaks of the law
in less honourable terms than the prophet does; and that not
simply with respect to the law itself, but because there were
some disturbers, who were full of improper zeal for the law,
and by their perverse attachment to the ceremonies obscured
the glory of the gospel, he disputes concerning the nature of
the law with reference to their error and foolish affection for
it. This peculiarity in Paul therefore will be worthy of our
observation. Both of them, as they contrast the Old and New
Testaments with each other, consider nothing in the law, but
what properly belongs to it. For example, the law contains
frequent promises of mercy; but as they are borrowed from
another dispensation, they are not considered as part of the
law, when the mere nature of the law is the subject of dis-
cussion. All that they attribute to it is, that it enjoins what
is right and prohibits crimes; that it proclaims a reward for
the followers of righteousness, and denounces punishments
against transgressors; but that it neither changes nor corrects
the depravity of heart which is natural to all men.
VIII. Now let us explain the comparison of the apostle in
all its branches. In the first place, the Old Testament is
literal, because it was promulgated without the efficacy of the
Spirit; the New is spiritual, because the Lord hath engraven
it in a spiritual manner on the hearts of men. The second
contrast therefore serves as an elucidation of the first. The
Old Testament is the revelation of death, because it can only
involve all mankind in a curse; the New is the instrument of
life, because it delivers us from the curse, and restores us to
() 2 Cor. iii. 6, &c.
favour with God. The former is the ministry of condemnation,
because it convicts all the children of Adam of unrighteous-
ness; the latter is the ministry of righteousness, because it
reveals the mercy of God, by which we are made right-
eous. The last contrast must be referred to the legal cere-
monies. The law having an image of things that were at a
distance, it was necessary that in time it should be abolished
and disappear. The gospel, exhibiting the body itself, retains
a firm and perpetual stability. Jeremiah calls even the moral
law a weak and frail covenant, but for another reason; namely,
because it was soon broken by the sudden defection of an un-
grateful people. But as such a violation arises from the fault
of the people,, it cannot be properly attributed to the Testa-
ment. The ceremonies, however, which at the advent of
Christ were abolished by their own weakness, contained in
themselves the cause of their abrogation. Now this difference
between the " letter" and the " spirit" is not to be understood,
as if the Lord had given his law to the Jews without any bene-
ficial result, without one of them being converted to him: but
it is used in a way of comparison, to display the plenitude of
grace, with which the same Legislator, assuming as it were a
new character, hath honoured the preaching of the gospel. For
if we survey the multitude of those, from among all nations,
whom by the influence of his Spirit in the preaching of the
gospel the Lord hath regenerated and gathered into communion
with his Church, we shall say that those of the ancient Israel-
ites who cordially and sincerely embraced the covenant of the
Lord were extremely few; though, if estimated by themselves
without any comparison, they amounted to a considerable
IX. The fourth difference arises out of the third. For the
Scripture calls the Old Testament a covenant of bondage, be-
cause it produces fear in the mind; but the New it describes
as a covenant of liberty, because it leads the heart to confidence
and security. Thus Paul, in the eighth chapter of his Epistle
to the Romans, says, "Ye have not received the spirit of bon-
dage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption,
whereby we cry, Abba, Father." (y) To the same purpose is
(/) Rom. viii. 15.
VOL. I. 3 Q
that passage in the Epistle to the Hebrews, that the faithful
now " are not come unto the mount that might be touched,
and that burned with fire k nor unto blackness, and darkness,
and tempest," where nothing can be either heard or seen,
but what must strike terror into the mind; so that even Moses
himself is exceedingly afraid at the sound of the terrible voice,
which they all pray that they may hear no more; but that now
the faithful " are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of
the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem," (,) &c. What Paul
briefly touches in the passage, which we have adduced from the
Epistle to the Romans, he explains more at large in his Epistle
to the Galatians, when he allegorises the two sons of Abraham
in the following manner: that Agar, the bond-woman, is a type
of mount Sinai, where the people of Israel received the law;
that Sarah, the free-woman, is a figure of the celestial Jerusa-
lem, whence proceeds the gospel. That as the son of Agar
is born in bondage, and can never attain to the inheritance,
and the son of Sarah is born free and has a right to the in-
heritance; (A) so by the law we are devoted to slavery, but
by the gospel alone are regenerated to liberty. Now the
whole may be summed up thus, that the Old Testament filled
men's consciences with fear and trembling; but that by the
benefit of the New Testament, they are delivered and enabled
to rejoice. The former kept their consciences under a yoke
of severe bondage; but by the liberality of the latter they are
emancipated and admitted to liberty. If any one object to us
the case of the holy fathers of the Israelitish people? that as
they were clearly possessed of the same spirit of faith as we
are, they must consequently have been partakers of the same
liberty and joy; we reply, that neither of these originated from
the law; but that when they felt themselves by means of the
law oppressed with their servile condition, and wearied with
disquietude of conscience, they fled for refuge to the gospel:
ana that therefore it was a peculiar advantage of the New
Testament, that they enjoyed an exception from the common
law of the Old Testament, and were exempted from those
evils. Besides we shall deny that they were favoured with the
(f ) Heb. xii. 18, &c. (A) Gal. iv. 22, &c.
spirit of liberty and security, to such a degree as not to experi-
ence from the law some measure both of fear and of servitude.
For notwithstanding their enjoyment of that privilege, which
they obtained by the grace of the gospel, yet they were subject
to the same observances and burdens as the people in general.
As they were obliged therefore to a diligent observance of
those ceremonies which were emblems of the state of pupilage
similar to bondage, and the hand-writing, by which they con-
fessed themselves guilty of sin, did not release them from the
obligation; they may justly be said, in comparison with us, to
have been under a testament of bondage and fear, when we
consider the common mode of procedure which the Lord then
pursued with the Israelitish nation.
X. The three last comparisons which we have mentioned
are between the law and the gospel. In these therefore " the
Old Testament" denotes the law; and "the New Testament,"
the gospel. The first comparison extends further, for it com-
prehends also the promises, which were given before the law.
When Augustine denied that they ought to be considered as
part of the Old Testament, he gave a very proper opinion,
and intended the same as we now teach: for he had in view
those passages of Jeremiah and Paul, in which the Old Testa-
ment is distinguished from the word of grace and mercy.
He very judiciously adds also in the same place, that the chil-
dren of the promise, from the beginning of the world, who
have been regenerated by God, and under the influence of
faith working by love have obeyed his commands, belong to the
New Testament; and that in hope, not of carnal, terrestrial, and
temporal things, but of spiritual, celestial, and eternal blessings;
especially believing in the Mediator, by whom they doubted not
that the Spirit was dispensed to them to enable them to do their
duty, and that whenever they sinned they were pardoned. For
this is the very same thing, which I meant to assert: That all the
saints, whom from the beginning of the world the Scripture men-
tions as having been peculiarly chosen by God, have been par-
takers of the same blessing with us to eternal salvation. Between
our distinction and that of Augustine there is this difference; that
ours (according to this declaration of Christ, " the law and the
prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God
is preached") (z) distinguishes between the glory of the gospel
and the more obscure dispensation of the word which preceded
it; whilst the other merely discriminates the weakness of the
law from the stability of the gospel. Here it must also be
remarked concerning the holy fathers, that though they lived
under the Old Testament, they did not rest satisfied with it,
but always aspired after the New, and thus enjoyed a certain
participation of it. For all those who contented themselves
with present shadows, and did not extend their views to
Christ, are condemned by the apostle as blind and under the
curse. To say nothing on other points, what greater ignorance
can be imagined than to hope for an expiation of sin by the
sacrifice of an animal? than to seek for the purification of
the soul by an external ablution with water? than to wish
to appease God with frigid ceremonies, as though they afforded
him great pleasure? For all these absurdities are chargeable on
those who adhere to the observances of the law without any
reference to Christ.
XI. The fifth difference, which we may add, consists in
this, that till the advent of Christ, the Lord selected one na-
tion, to which he would limit the covenant of his grace. Moses
says, " When the Most High divided to the nations their in-
heritance, when he separated the sons of Adam; the Lord's
portion is his people: Jacob is the lot of his inheritance." (>)
In another place he thus addresses the people: " Behold, the
heaven, and the heaven of heavens is the Lord's thy God, the
earth also, with all that therein is. Only the Lord had a de-
light in thy fathers to love them, and he chose their seed after
them, even you above all people." (/) Therefore he favoured
that people with the exclusive knowledge of his name, as
though they alone of all mankind belonged to him; he de-
posited his covenant as it were in their bosom; to them he
manifested the presence of his power; he honoured them with
every privilege. But to omit the rest of his benefits, the only
one that relates to our present argument is, that he united them
to himself by the communication of his word, in order that he
might be denominated and esteemed their God. In the mean
(0 Luke xvi. 16. (*) Djeut. xxxii. 8, 9. (/) Deut. x. 14.
time he suffered other nations, as though they had no business
or intercourse with him, to walk in vanity; (m) nor did he em-
ploy means to prevent their destruction by sending them the
only remedy, the preaching of his word. The Israelitish nation
therefore were then his darling sons, others were strangers?
they were known to him and received under his faithful pro-
tection, others were left to their own darkness; they were
sanctified by God, others were profane; they were honoured
with the Divine presence, others were excluded from approach-
ing it. But when the fulness of the time was come, (n) ap-
pointed for the restoration of all things, (o) and the Reconciler
of God and man was manifested; (/>) the barrier was demo-
lished, which had so long confined the Divine mercy within
the limits of the Jewish church, and peace was announced to
them who were at a distance, and to them who were near,
that being both reconciled to God they might coalesce into
one people. Wherefore " there is neither Greek nor Jew,
circumcision nor uncircuracision, but Christ is all and in
all;" (y) " to whom the heathen are given for his inheritance,
and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession:" (r)
that he may have a universal " dominion from sea to sea, and
from the river unto the ends of the earth." (*)
XII. The vocation of the Gentiles, therefore, is an eminent
illustration of the superior excellence of the New Testament
above the Old. It had indeed before been most explicitly
announced in numerous predictions of the prophets; but so as
that the completion of it was deferred to the kingdom of the
Messiah. And even Christ himself made no advances towards
it at the first commencement of his preaching, but deferred it
till he should have completed all the parts of our redemption,
finished the time of his humiliation, and received from the Fa-
ther " a name which is above every name, before which even
knee should bow." (f) Wherefore when this season was not yet
arrived, he said to a Canaanitish woman, " I am not sent but
unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel:" (t>) nor did he
permit the apostles in his first mission of them to exceed these
(w) Acts xiv. 16. (n) Gal. iv. 4. (o) Matt. xvii. 11.
( />) Eph. ii. 14. (7) Col. iii. 11. (r) Psalm ii. 8.
(*) Psalm Ixxii. 8. () PhiL ii. 9, 10. (r) Matt. xv. 24.
limits. M Go not," says he, " into the way of the Gentiles,
and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: but go
rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (w) And
though this calling or the Gentiles was announced by so many
testimonies, yet when the apostles were about to enter upon it,
it appeared to them so novel and strange, that mey dreaued it,
as it it had been a prodigy: indeed it was with trepidation
and reluctance that they at length engaged in it. Nor is this
surprising; ior it seemed not at all reasonable, that the Lord,
who for so many ages had separated the Israelites from the
rest of the nations, should as it were suddenly change his
design, and annihilate this distinction. It had indeed been
predicted in the prophecies; bat they could not pay such
great attention to the prophecies, as to be wholly unmoved
with the novelty of the circumstance, which forced itself on
their observation. Nor were the specimens, which the Lord
had formerly given, of the future vocation of the Gentiles,
sufficient $o influence them. For beside his having called only
very few of them, he had even incorporated them into the
family of Abraham, that they might be added to his people;
but by that public vocation, the Gentiles were not only raised
to an equality with the Jews, but appeared to succeed to their
places as though they had been dead. Besides, of all the
strangers whom God had before incorporated into the Church,
none of them were ever placed on an equality with the Jews.
Therefore it is not with reason that Paul so celebrates this
" mystery which was hidden from ages and from genera-
tions," (#) and which he represents as an object of admiration
even to angels, (z/)
XIII. In these four or five points, I think I have given a
correct and faithful statement of the whole of the difference
between the Old and the New Testament, as far as is sufficient
for a simple system of doctrine. But because some persons
represent this variety in the government of the Church, these
different modes of instruction, and such a considerable altera-
tion of rites and ceremonies, as a great absurdity; we must
reply to them, before we proceed to other subjects. And this
( c c i v e d from us he offered up as a sacrifice, in order
ip expiate and obliterate our guilt, and appease, the just wrath
ol' the Father.
IV. The person who considers these things, with the diligent
attention which they deserve, will easily disregard vague spe-
culations which attract minds that are inconstant and fond of
novelty. Such is the notion, that Christ would have become
man, even though the human race had needed no redemption.
I grant, indeed, that at the original creation, and in the state
of integrity, he was exalted as head over angels and men;
for which reason Paul calls him "the first-born of every
creature:" (y) but since the whole Scripture proclaims, that
he was clothed in flesh in order to become a Redeemer, it
argues excessive temerity to imagine another cause or another
end for it. The end for which Christ was promised from the
beginning, is sufficiently known; it was to restore a fallen world,
and to succour ruined men. Therefore under the law his
image was exhibited in sacrifices, to inspire the faithful with a
hope that God would be propitious to them, after he should be
reconciled by the expiation of their sins. And as in all ages,
even before the promulgation of the law, the Mediator was
never promised without blood, we conclude that he was
destined by the eternal decree of God to purify the pollution of
men; because the effusion of blood is an emblem of expiation.
The prophets proclaimed and foretold him, as the future recon-
ciler of God and men*. As a sufficient specimen of all, we
(/) Col. i. 15.
refer to that very celebrated testimony of Isaiah, where he pre-
dicts, that he should be smitten of God for the transgressions
of the people, that the chastisement of their peace might be
upon him; and that he should be a priest to offer up him-
self as a victim; that by his stripes others should be healed;
and that because all men had gone astray, and been dispersed
like sheep, it would please the Lord to afflict him, and to lay
on him the iniquities of all. (5-) As we are informed that Christ
is particularly appointed by God for the relief of miserable
sinners, all who pass these bounds are guilty of indulging a
foolish curiosity. When he himself appeared in the world,
he declared the design of his advent to be, to appease God
and restore us from death to life. The apostles testified the
same. Thus John, before he informs us that the Word was
made flesh, mentions the defection of men. (A) But our prin-
cipal attention is due to Christ himself speaking of his own
office. He says, " God so loved the world, that he gave his
only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not
perish, but have everlasting life." (z) Again: " The hour is
coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the
Son of God: and they that hear shall live." (/) " I am the
resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he
were dead, yet shall he live." (/) Again: " The Son of man
is come to save that which was lost." (in) Again: " They
that be whole need not a physician." (n) There would be no
end, if I meant to quote all the passages. The apostles with
one consent call us back to this principle; for certainly, if he
had not come to reconcile God, the honour of his priesthood
would have been lost, for a priest is appointed as a Mediator to
intercede between God and man:(o) he could not have been our
righteousness, because he was made a sacrifice for v.s, that God
might not impute sins to us. (/>) Finally, he would have been
spoiled of all the noble characters under which he is celebrated
in the Scripture. This assertion of Paul would have no foun-
dation: "What the law could not do, God, sending his own
Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin
fc) Isaiah liii. 4, &c. (/;) John i. 9, &c. (*') Joltp iii. 16.
(fr) John v. 25. (/) John xi. 25. (m) M. tt. xt'iii. 11.
[) Matt. ix. 12. (o) Heb-. v. 1. (/>) 2 Cor. v. 19.
in the flesh." (y) Nor would there be any truth in what he
teaches in another place, that u the kindness and love of God
our Saviour toward man appeared" (r) in the gift of Christ
as a Redeemer. To conclude, the. Scripture no where assigns
my other end, for which the Son of God, should choose to be-
come incarnate, and should also receive this command from the
Father, than that he might be made a sacrifice to appease the
Father on our account. " Thus it is written, and thus it be-
hoved Christ to suffer; and that repentance should be preached
in his name." (s) " Therefore doth my Father love me, be-
cause I lay down my life. This commandment have I received
of my Father." (?) " As Moses lifted up the serpent in the
wilderness, even so must the Son of. man be lifted up." (i)
Again: u Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause
came I unto this hour." (t,-) " Father, glorify thy Son." (#)
Where he clearly assigns, as the end of his assumption of human
nature, that it was to be an expiatory sacrifice for the abolition
of sins. F'or the same reason, Zacharias pronounces that he is
come, according to the promise given to the fathers, u to give
light to them that sit in the shadow of death." (j/) Let us
remember that all these things are spoken of the Son of God,
41 in whom," according to the testimony of Paul, " are hidden
all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge," (z) and beside
whom he glories in knowing nothing, (a)
V. If any one object, that it is not evinced by any of these
things, that the same Christ, who hath redeemed men from
condemnation, could not have testified his love to them by
assuming their nature, if they had remained in a state of in-
tegrity and safety; we briefly reply, that since the Spirit de-
clares these two things, Christ's becoming our Redeemer, and
his participation of the same nature, to have been connected
by the eternal decree of God, it is not right to make any fur-
ther inquiry. For he who feels an eager desire to know some-
thing more, not being content with the immutable appoint-
ment of God, shews himself also not to be contented with this
(7) Rom. viii. D. (r) Titus Hi. 4. (*) Luke xxiv. 46, 47
(0 John x. 17, 18. () Jli" iii. 14. (w) John xii. 27.
(or) John xvii. 1. ( >) Luke i. 72, 79. (z) Col. ii. "
(a) 1 Cor. ii. 2.
Christ, who has been given to us as the price of our redemp-
tion. Paul not only tells us the end of his mission, but ascend-
ing to the sublime mystery of predestination, very properly
represses all the licentiousness and prurience of the human
mind, by declaring, that " the Father hath chosen us in Christ
before the foundation of the world, and predestinated us to the
adoption of children according to the good pleasure of his will,
and made us accepted in his beloved Son, in whom we have
redemption through his blood." (6) Here the fall of Adam is
certainly not presupposed, as of anterior date; but we have a
discovery of what was decreed by God before all ages, when he
determined to remedy the misery of mankind. If any adver-
sary object again, that this design of God depended on the
fall of man, which he foresaw: it is abundantly sufficient for
me, that every man is proceeding with impious presumption
to imagine to himself a new Christ, whoever he be that per-
mits himself to inquire, or wishes to know, concerning Christ,
any more than God hath predestinated in his secret decree.
And justly does Paul, after having been thus treating of the
peculiar office of Christ, implore on behalf of the Ephesians
the spirit of understanding, " that they may be able to compre-
hend what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height";
and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge:" (c)
as though he would labour to surround our minds with barriers,
that wherever mention is made of Christ, they may not decline
in the smallest degree from the grace of reconciliation. Where-
fore since " this is" testified by Paul to be " a faithful saying-,
that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners," () I
gladly acquiesce in it. And since the same apostle in another
place informs us, that " the grace, which is now made manifest
by the gospel, was given us in Christ Jesus before the world
began:" (e) I conclude that I ought to persevere in the same
doctrine with constancy to the end. This modesty is unrea-
sonably censured by Osiander, who in the present age has un-
happily agitated this question, which a few persons had slightly
touched before. He alleges a charge of presumption again r
those who deny that the Son of God would have appeared in
(A) Eph. i. 4, &c. (c) Eph. Hi. 18, f?-
(cf) 1 Tim. i. 15 0) 2 Tim. i. V.
the flesh, if Adam had never fallen; because this tenet is con-
tradicted by no testimony of Scripture. As if Paul laid no
restraint on such perverse curiosity, when, after having spoken
of the accomplishment of our redemption by Christ, he imme-
diately adds this injunction: "Avoid foolish questions." (f)
The frenzy of some, that have been desirous of appearing pro-
digiously acute, has proceeded to such a length as to question,
whether the Son of God could assume the nature of an ass.
This monstrous supposition, which all pious persons justly
abhor and detest, Osiander excuses under this pretext, that it
is no where in Scripture expressly condemned. As if, when
Paul esteems nothing valuable or worthy of being known but
Christ crucified, he would receive an ass as the author of
salvation. Therefore he \vho in another place declares that
Christ was appointed by the eternal decree of the Father as
"the head over all," (g) would never acknowledge any other
who had not been appointed to the office of a Redeemer.
VI. But the principle which he boasts, is altogether frivo
lous. He maintains that man was created in the image of
God, because he was formed in the similitude of the future
Messiah, that he might resemble him whom the Father had
already decreed to clothe with flesh. Whence he concludes,
that if Adam had never fallen from his primitive integrity,
Christ would nevertheless have become man. How nugatory
and forced this is, all who possess a sound judgment readily
perceive: but he supposes that he has been the first to discover
wherein the Divine image consisted; namely, that the glory of
God not only shone in those eminent talents with which man
was endued, but that God himself essentially resided in him.
Now though I admit that Adam bore the Divine image, inas-
much as he was united to God, which is true dignity and
consummate perfection; yet I contend that the similitude of
God is to be sought only in those characters of excellence,
with which God distinguished Adam above the other creatures-
And that Christ was even then the image of God, is universally
allowed; and therefore whatever excellence was impressed on
Adam proceeded from this circumstance, that he approached
(/) Titus iii. 9. () Eph. i. 22.
to the glory of his Maker by means of his only-begotten Son.
Man therefore was made in the image of God, and was designed
to be a mirror to display the glory of his Creator. He was
exalted to this degree of honour by the favour of the only-
begotten Son, but I add, that this Son was a common head to
angels as well as to men: so that the angels also were entitled
to the same dignity which was conferred on man. And when
we hear them called the " children of God," (A) it would be un-
reasonable to deny that they have some resemblance to their
Father. But if he designed his glory to be represented in
angels as well as in men, and to be equally conspicuous in the
angelic as in the human nature, Osiander betrays his ignorance
and folly in saying that men were preferred to angels, because
the latter did not bear the image of Christ. For unless they
were like him, they could not constantly enjoy the present
contemplation of God: and Paul teaches us that men are no
otherwise renewed after the image of God than that, if they be
associated with angels, they may be united together under one
head, (z) Finally, if we give credit to Christ, our ultimate feli-
city, when we shall be received into heaven, will consist in being
conformed to the angels. But if Osiander may infer, that the
primary exemplar of the Divine image was taken from the
human nature of Christ, with the same justice may any other
person contend, that Christ must have been made a par-
taker of the nature of angels, because they likewise possess
the image of God. -
VII. Osiander then has no reason to fear, that God could
possibly be proved a liar, unless the decree concerning the
Incarnation of his Son had been previously and immutably
fixed in his mind. Because though Adam had not fallen from
his integrity, yet he wotild have resembled God just as the
angels do; and yet it would not have been necessary on that
account for the Son of God to become either a man or an
angel. Nor has he any cause to fear this absurdity, if God
had not immutably decreed, before the creation of man, that
Christ should be born, not as a Redeemer, but as the first man,
that he might not lose his prerogative: whereas now he would
(A) Psalm Ixxjii. 6. () Col. ii. 10.
VOL. I. 3 S
not have become incarnate but for an accidental cause, that is
to restore mankind from ruin; so that he might thence infer,
that Christ was created after the image of Adam. For why
should he dread, what the Scripture so plainly teaches, that
he was made like us in all things, sin excepted? () whence also
Luke hesitates not in his genealogy to call him " the son of
Adam." (/) I would wish to know why Paul styles Christ " the
second Adam," (m) but because he was destined to become man,
in order to extricate the posterity of Adam from ruin. If he
sustained that capacity before the creation, he ought to have
been called " the first Adam." O'siander boldly affirms, that
because Christ was already foreknown as man in the Divine
mind, therefore men were formed in his likeness. But Paul, by
denominating him " the second Adam," places the fall, whence
arises the necessity of restoring our nature to its primitive con-
dition, in an intermediate point between the first original of
mankind and the restitution which we obtain through Christ:
whence it follows that the fall was the cause of the incarnation
of the Son of God. Now Osiander argues unreasonably and
impertinently, that while Adam retained his integrity, he
would he the image of himself, and not of Christ. On the
contrary, I reply, that although the Son of God had never been
incarnate, both the body and the soul of man would equally
have displayed the image of God; in whose radiance it always
appeared, that Christ was truly the head, possessing the supre-
macy over all. And thus we destroy that futile subtilty raised
by Osiander, that the angels would have been destitute of this
head, unless God had decreed to clothe his Son with flesh, even
without any transgression of Adam. For he too inconsiderately
takes for granted, what no wise man will concede, that Christ
has no supremacy over angels, and that he is not their Prince,
except in his human nature. But we may easily conclude from
the language of Paul, that, as the eternal Word of God, he i*
" the first-born of every creature;" (n) not that he was created,
or ought to be numbered among creatures: but because the
holy state of the world, adorned as it was at the beginning with
consummate beauty, had no other author; and that afterwards,
(Jt) Heb. iv. 15. (/) Luke iii. 38.
O) 1 Cor. xv. 45, 47. (71) Col. i. IS,
as man, he was " the first-begotten from the dead." For in one
short passage he proposes to our consideration both these
points: that all things were created by the Son, that he might
have dominion over angels; and that he was made man, that
he might become our Redeemer, (o) Another proof of Osi-
ander's ignorance is his assertion, that men would not have
had Christ for their King, if he had not been incarnate. As
though the kingdom of God could not subsist, if the eternal Son
of God, without being invested with humanity, uniting angels
and men in the participation of his glorious life, had himself
held the supreme dominion. But he is always deceived, or
rather bewilders himself in this false principle, that the Church
would have been destitute of a head, if Christ had not been
manifested in the flesh. As if, while he was head over angels,
he could not likewise by his Divine power preside over men,
and by the secret energy of his Spirit animate and support
them, like his own body, till they should be exalted to heaven,
and enjoy the life of angels. These impertinencies, which I
have thus far refuted, Osiander esteems as incontrovertible
oracles. Inebriated by the charms of his own speculations, he
is accustomed to express himself in the language of ridiculous
triumph, without any sufficient cause. But he quotes one
passage more, which he asserts to be conclusive beyond all the
rest; that is, the prophecy of Adam, who when he saw his wife,
said, " This is now bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh." (f)
But how does he prove this to be a prophecy? because Christ,
according to Matthew, attributes the same language to God.
As though every thing that God hath spoken by men con-
tained some prophecy. Then Osiander may seek for prophecies
in each of the precepts of the law, of which it is evident God
was the author. Besides, Christ would have been a low and
grovelling expositor, if he had confined himself to the literal
sense. Because he is treating, not of the mystical union, with
which he hath honoured his Church, but only of conjugal
fidelity; he informs us, that God had pronounced a husband
and wife to be one flesh, that no one might attempt by a divorce
to violate that indissoluble bond. If Osiander be displeased
Co) Col. 5. 16, 18. < Gen. ii. 23.
with this simplicity, let him censure Christ, because he did
not conduct his disciples to a mystery, by a more subtile inter-
pretation of the language of the Father. Nor does his de-
Jirious imagination obtain any support from Paul, who after
having said that "we are members of Christ's flesh," imme-
diately adds, " this is a great mystery." (?) For the apostle's
design was, pot to explain tht sense in which Adam spake, but,
under the figure and similitude of marriage, to display the
sacred union which makes us one with Christ. And this is
implied in his very words; for when he apprizes us that he is
speaking of Christ and the Church, he introduces a kind of
correction to distinguish between the law of marriage and the
spiritual union of Christ and the Church. Wherefore this
futile notion appears destitute of any solid foundation. Nor
do I think there will be any necessity for me to discuss similar
subtileties; since the vanity of them all will be discovered from
the foregoing very brief refutation. But this sober declaration
will be amply sufficient for the solid satisfaction of the children of
God; that " when the fulness of the time was come, God sent
forth his Son, matde of a woman, made under the law, to redeem
them that were under the law." (r)
Christ's Assumption of real Humanity.
JL HE arguments for the divinity of Christ, which kas already
been proved by clear and irrefragable testimonies, it would, I
conceive, be unnecessary to reiterate. It remains then for us,
to examine, how, after having been invested with our flesh, he_
has performed the office of a Mediator. Now the reality ojf
his humanity was anciently opposed by the Manichseans and
by the Marcionites. Of whom the latter imagined to them-
selves a visionary phantom instead of the body of Christ; and
the former dreamed that he had a celestial body. But both
(?) Eph. v. 30, 32. (r) Gal. iv..4.
these notions are contrary to numerous and powerful testi-
monies of Scripture. For the blessing is promised, neither in
a heavenly seed, nor in a phantom of a man, but in the seed of
Abraham and Jacob: nor is the eternal throne promised to an
aerial man, but to the Son of David and the fruit cf his loins, (s)
Wherefore on his manifestation in the flesh, he is called the
Son of David and of Abraham, not because he was merely
born of the virgin after having been formed of some aerial
substance; but because, according to Paul, he was " made of
the seed of David according to the flesh;" as the same apostle
in another place informs us, that " according to the flesh" he
descended from the Jews. (?) Wherefore the Lord himself,
not content with the appellation of man^ frequently calls him-
self also the Son of man, a term which he intended as a more
express declaration of his real humanity. As the Holy Spirit
hath on so many occasions, by so many instruments, and with
such great diligence and simplicity, declared a fact by no
means abstruse in itself, who could have supposed that any
mortals would have such consummate impudence as to dare to
obscure it with subtileties? But more testimonies offer them-
selves, if we wished to multiply them; such as this of Paul, that
" God sent forth his Son made of a woman;" (v) and innu-
merable others, from which he appears to have been liable to
hunger, thirst, cold, and other infirmities of our nature. But
from the multitude we must chiefly select those, which may
conduce to the edification of our minds in true faith: as
when it is said, that " he took not on him the nature of
angels; but he took on him the seed of Abraham;" that he
took flesh and blood, " that through death he might destroy
him that had the power of death:" for which cause he is not
ashamed to call them brethren: (hat " in all things it behoved
him to be made like unto his brethren; that he might be a
merciful and faithful high-priest:" that " we have not an
high-priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our
infirmities:" (x) and .the like. To the same purpose is what
we have just befoie mentioned, that it was necessary forjthc
(*) Gen. xii. 3. xviii. 18. xxii. I. xxvi. 4. Acts iii. 25. ii. 30. Psalm
cxxxii. 11. Matt. i. 1. (t) Rom. i. 3. ix. 5. (?) Gal. iv. 4.
(x) Heb. ii. 14, 16, 17. iv. 15,
sins of the world to be expiated in our flesh; which is clearly
asserted by Paul, (y) And certainly all that the Father hath con-
ferred on Christ, belongs to us, because he " is the head, from
whom the whole body is fitly joined together, and compacted
by that which every joint supplieth." (z) There will otherwise be
no propriety in the declaration, " that God giveth the Spirit
not by measure unto him, that we may all receive of his ful-
ness:" (a) since nothing would be more absurd, than that God
should be enriched in his essence by any adventitious gift. For
this reason also Christ himself says in another place, " For
their sakes I sanctify myself." ()
II. The passages which they adduce in confirmation of this
error, they most foolishly pervert; nor do their frivolous
subtileties at all avail them in their endeavours to obviate the
arguments which I have advanced in defence of our sentiments.
Marcion imagines that Christ invested himself with a phantom
instead of a real body: because he is said to have been " made
in the likeness of men," and to have been " found in fashion as
a man." (c) But in drawing this conclusion, he totally overlooks
the scope of Paul in that passage. For his design is, not to
describe the nature of the body which Christ assumed, but to
assert that whilst he might have displayed his divinity, he
manifested himself in the condition of an abject and despised
man. For to exhort us to humility by the example of Christ,
he shews, that being God, he might have instantaneously made
a conspicuous exhibition of his glory to the world; yet that
he receded from his right, and voluntarily debased himself,
for that he assumed the form of a servant, and, content with
that humble station, suffered his divinity to be hidden behind
the veil of humanity. The subject of this statement, without
doubt, is not the nature of Christ, but his conduct. From the
whole context also it is easy to infer, that Christ humbled him-
self by the assumption of a real human nature. For what is the
meaning of this clause, " that he was found in fashion as a
man:" but that for a time his Divine glory was invisible, and
nothing appeared but the human form, in a mean and abject
condition? For otherwise there would be no foundation for
om. viii.3. (z~) Eph. iv. 15, 16. () John iii. 34. i. 1ft
John xvii. 19. (c) Phil. ii. 7, 8.
this assertion of Peter, that he was " put to death in the flesh,
but quickened by the Spirit:" () if the Son of God had not
been subject to the infirmities of human nature. This is more
plainly expressed by Paul, when he says, that " he was cru-
cified through weakness." (e) The same is confirmed by his
exaltation, because he is positively asserted to have obtained a
new glory after his humiliation; which could only be applicable
to a real man composed of body and soul. Manichseus fabri-
cates for Christ an aerial jxxly; because he is called "the
second Adam, the Lord from heaven." (f) But the apostle in
that place is not speaking of a celestial corporeal essence, but
of a spiritual energy, which being diffused from Christ raises
us into life. That energy we have already seen, that Peter and
Paul distinguish from his body. The orthodox doctrine there-
fore, concerning the body of Christ, is firmly established by this
very passage. For unless Christ had the same corporeal
nature with us, there would be no force in the argument
which Paul so vehemently urges, that if Christ be risen from
the dead, then we also shall rise; that if we rise not, neither is
Christ risen. (^ Of whatever cavils either the ancient Mani-
chjeans, or their modern disciples, endeavour to avail them-
selves, they cannot succeed. Their nugatory pretence that
Christ is called " the Son of man," because he was promised to
men, is a vain subterfuge: for it is evident that in the Hebrew
idiom, the Son of man is a phrase expressive of a real man.
And Christ undoubtedly retained the phraseology of his own
language. There is no room for disputing what is meant by
the sons of Adam. And not to go any farther, it will be fully
sufficient to quote a passage in the eighth Psalm, which the
apostles apply to Christ: " What is man, that thou art mindful
of him, or the Son of man, that thou visitesthim?" This phrase
expresses the true humanity of Christ; because, though he was
not immediately begotten by a mortal father, yet his descent
was derived from Adam. Nor would there otherwise be any
truth in what we have just quoted, that Christ became a par-
taker of flesh and blood, that he might bring many sons to
glory: language whkh clearly styles him to be a partaker of
(<0 1 Peter Hi. 18. () And if the testimony of Moses be duly
considered, where he says that the Seed of the woman shall
bruise the head of the serpent, (/) it will decide the whole con-
troversy. For that prediction relates not to Christ alone, but
to the whole human race. Because the victory was to be gained
(fc) Heb. ii. 10, 11, U. (i) Rom. via. 29.
f k) Hcb. ii. 16. (/) Gen. iii. 15.
for us by Christ, God pronounces in general, that the poste-
rity of the woman shall be superior to the devil. Whence it
follows, that Christ descended from the human race; because
the design of God, in that promise to Eve, was to comfort her
with a good hope, that she might not be overcome with
III. Those passages, where Christ is called "the seed of
Abraham," and " the fruit of the body of David," they with
equal folly and wickedness involve in allegories. For if the
word seed had been used in an allegorical sense, Paul certainly
would not have been silent respecting it, where without any
figure he explicitly affirms, that there are not many sons of
Abraham who are redeemers, but Christ alone, (jn) Equally
unfounded is their notion, that Christ is called the Son of
David in no other sense, but because he had been promised,
and was at length manifested in due time. For after Paul has
declared him to have been " made of the seed of David," the
immediate addition of this phrase, " according to the flesh," (n)
is certainly a designation of nature. Thus also in another
place he calls him " God blessed for ever," and distinctly states
that he descended from the Jews " as concerning the flesh." (o)
Now if he was not really begotten of the seed of David, what
is the meaning of this expression: " the fruit of his loins?" (/)
What becomes of this promise: "Of the 'fruit of thy body
will I set upon thy throne." (eft They likewise trifle in a
sophistical manner with the genealogy of Christ, as it is given
by Matthew. For though he mentions the parents of Joseph
and not of Mary; yet as he was treating of a thing then ge-
nerally known, he thought it sufficient to shew that Joseph
descended from the seed of David, while there could be no
doubt that Mary was of the same family. But Luke goes
farther, with a view to signify, that the salvation procured by
Christ is common to all mankind; since Christ the author of
salvation is descended from Adam the common parent of all.
I grant indeed, that from the genealogy it cannot be inferred
that Christ is the Son of David, any otherwise than as he was
(TO) Gal. iii. 16. () Rom. i. 3. (o) Rom. ix. 5.
(/>) Acts ii. 30. (7) Psalm cxxxii. 11.
VOL. I. 3 T
born of the Virgin. But the modern Marcionites, to give a
plausibility to their error, that Christ derived his body from
nothing, contend that women have no generative semen; and
thus they subvert the elements of nature. But as this is
not a theological question, and the arguments which they ad-
duce are so futile that there will be no difficulty in repelling
them, I shall not meddle with points belonging to philosophy
and the medical art. It will be sufficient for me to obviate the
objection which they allege from the Scripture, namely, that
Aaron and Jehoiada married wives of the tribe of Judah, and
that thus, if women contain generative semen, the distinction of
tribes was confounded. But it is sufficiently known, that, for
the purposes of political regulation, the posterity is always
reckoned from the father; yet that the superiority of the male
sex forms no objection to the co-operation of the female semen
in the process of generation. This solution extends to all the
genealogies. Frequently, when the Scripture exhibits a cata-
logue of names, it mentions none but men; is it therefore to
be concluded that women are nothing? Even children them-
selves know that women are comprehended under their hus-
bands. For this reason women are said to bear children to
their husbands, because the name of the family always remains
with the males. Now as it is a privilege conceded to the supe-
riority of the male sex, that children should be accounted
noble or ignoble, according to the condition of their fathers;
so on the other hand, it is held by the lawyers, that in a state of
slavery the offspring follows the condition of the mother.
Whence we may infer, that the offspring is produced partly
from the seed of the mother: and the common language of
all nations implies that mothers have some share in the genera-
tion of children. This is in harmony with the Divine law,
which otherwise would have no ground for the prohibition of
the marriage of an uncle with his sister's daughter; because in
that case there would be no consanguinity. It would also be
lawful for a man to marry his uterine sister, provided she were
begotten by another father. But while I grant that a passive
power is ascribed to women, I also maintain that the same that
is affirmed of men is indiscriminately predicated of them. Nor
is Christ himself said to be " made" by a woman, but " of a
woman." (r) Some of these persons, casting off all modesty,
impudently inquire, whether we choose to say that Christ was
procreated from the menstrual seed of the Virgin. I will
inquire on the other hand, whether he was not nourished in
the blood of his mother; and this they must be constrained to
confess. It is properly inferred therefore from the language of
Matthew, that inasmuch as Christ was begotten of Mary, (*)
he was procreated from her seed; as when Booz is said to have
been begotten of Rahab, (*) it denotes a similar generation.
Nor is it the design of Matthew here to describe the Virgin as
a tube through which Christ passed, but to discriminate this
miraculous conception from ordinary generation, in that Jesus
Christ was generated of the seed of David by means of a
Virgin. In the same sense, and for the same reason that Isaac
is said to have been begotten of Abraham, Solomon of David,
and Joseph of Jacob, so Christ is said to have been begotten of
his mother. For the evangelist has written the whole of his
account upon this principle; and to prove that Christ de-
scended from David, he has contented himself with this one
fact, that he was begotten of Mary. Whence it follows, that
he took for granted the consanguinity of Mary and Joseph.
IV. The absurdities, with which these opponents wish to
press us, are replete with puerile cavils. They esteem it mean
and dishonourable to Christ, that he should derive his descent
from men; because he could not be exempt from the universal
law, which concludes all the posterity of Adam, without excep-
tion, under sin. (t?) But the antithesis, which we find in Paul,
easily solves this difficulty: " As by one man sin entered into
the world, and death by sin, even so by the righteousness of
one the grace of God hath abounded." (tu) To this the fol-
lowing passage corresponds: "The first man is of the earth,
earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven." (#) There-
fore the same apostle in another place, by teaching us that
Christ was " sent in the likeness of sinful flesh" (y) to satisfy the
(r) Gal. iv. 4. (s~) Matt. i. 16. E? f t-ymtfrt Ivervs,
(f) Matt. i. o. SctAjuwv Si rymwrt lot Boot e* 7f P^aC.
(T>) Gal. iii. 22. (70) Rom. v. 12, 15, 1 8.
(*) 1 Cor. xv. 47. (7) Rom. via. 3.
law, expressly distinguishes him from the common condition
of mankind; so that he is a real man, and yet free from alt
fault and corruption. They betray their ignorance in arguing
that, if Christ be perfectly immaculate, and was begotten of
the seed of Mary, by the secret operation of the Spirit, then
it follows that there is no impurity in the seed of women,
but only in that of men. For we do not represent Christ
as perfectly immaculate, merely because be was born of the
seed of a woman unconnected with any man, but because
he was sanctTfie^Tby tjieJSpirit, so that his generation was pure
and holy, such as it would have been before the fall of Adam.
And it is a fixed maxim with us, that whenever the Scripture
mentions the purity of Christ, it relates to a real humanity;
because to assert the purity of Deity would be quite unneces-
sary. The sanctification also, of which he speaks in the
seventeenth chapter of John,(z) could have no reference to the
Divine nature. Nor do we, as they pretend, imagine two
kinds of seed in Adam, notwithstanding Christ was free from
all contagion. For the generation of man is not naturally and
originally impure and corrupt, but only accidentally so, in con-
sequence of the fall. Therefore we need not wonder, that
Christ, who was to restore our integrity, was exempted from
the general corruption. But what they urge on us as an ab-
surdity, that if the Word of God was clothed with flesh, it
was therefore confined within the narrow prison of an earthly
body, is mere impudence; because although the infinite essence
of the Word is united in one person with the nature of man,
yet we have no idea of its incarceration or confinement. For
the Son of God miraculously descended from heaven, yet in
such a manner that he never left heaven; he chose to be mira-
culously conceived in the womb of the Virgin, to live on the
earth, and to be suspended on the cross; and yet he never
ceased to fill the universe, in the same manner as from the be-
(c) John xvii. 19.
The Union of the Two Natures constituting- the Person of the
\V HEN it is said that "the Word was made flesh," (a) this
is not tp be understood as if the word were transmuted into
flesh, or blended with flesh. Choosing from the womb of the
Virgin a temple for his residence, he who was the son of God,
became also the Son of man, not by a confusion of substance,
but by a unity of person. For we assert such a connection and
union of the divinity with the humanity, that each nature
retains its properties entire^ and yet both together constitute
one Christ. If any thing among men can be found to resemble
so great a mystery, man himself appears to furnish the most
apposite similitude; being evidently composed of two sub-
stances, of which however neither is so confounded with the
other, as not to retain its distinct nature. For the soul is
not the body, nor is the body the soul. Wherefore that is
predicated separately of the soul, which cannot be at all ap-
plied to the body. On the contrary, that is predicated of the
body, which is totally incompatible with the soul. And that
is predicated of the whole man, which cannot with propriety be
understood either of the soul or of the body alone. Lastly,
the properties of the soul are transferred to the body, and the
properties of the body to the soul; yet he that is composed of
these two parts is no more than one man. Such forms of
expression signify that there is in man one person composed
Af two distinct parts; and that there are two different natures
united in him to constitute that one person. The Scriptures
speak in a similar manner respecting Christ. They attri-
bute to him, sometimes those things which are applicable
merely to his humanity; sometimes those things which belong
peculiarly to his divinity; and not unfrequently those things
which comprehend both his natures, but are incompatible with
either of them alone. And this union of the two natures in
(a) John i. 14.
Christ they so carefully maintain, that they sometimes attribute
to one what belongs to the other; a mode of expression which
the ancient writers called a communication of properties.
II. These things might be liable to objection, if the Scrip-
ture did not abound with passages, which prove that none of
them is of human invention. What Christ asserted concerning
himself, " Before Abraham was, I am," (a) was very inappli-
cable to his humanity. I am aware of the cavil with which
erroneous spirits would corrupt this passage, that he was be-
fore all ages, because he was even then foreknown as the
Redeemer, as well in the decree of the Father, as in the minds
of the faithful. But as he clearly distinguishes the day of his
manifestation from his eternal essence, and professedly urges
his antiquity, in proof of his possessing an authority in which
he excels Abraham, there is no doubt that he challenges to
himself what is peculiar to the Deity. Paul asserts him to be
*' the first-born of every creature, that he is before all things,
and that by him all things consist:" () he declares himself,
that he " had a glory with the Father before the world was," (c)
and that he co-operates with the Father. (J) These things are
equally incompatible with humanity. It is certain that these,
and such as these, are peculiar attributes of divinity. But when
he is called the " servant" of the Father, (f) when it is stated that
he " increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God
and man;" (y) that he seeks not his own glory; that he knows
not the lust day; that he speaks not of himself; that he does
not his own will; that he was seen and handled; (A) all this
belongs solely to his humanity. For as he is God, he is inca-
pable of any augmentation whatever, he does all things for his
own glory, and there is nothing concealed from him; he does
all things according to the decision of his own will, and is
invisible and intangible. And yet these things are ascribed
not to his human nature separately, but to himself, as though
they belonged to the person of the Mediator. But the com-
munication of the properties is exemplified in the assertion of
^^ III | l J|| _^ rT | . _ _ IOT-| *- *- *
Paul taut " God purchased the Church with his own
(a) John viii. 58. (/>) Col. i. 15. (c) John xvii. 5.
() John v. 17. (<;) Isaiah xlii. 1. (/) Luke ii. 52.
(A) John viii. 50. Mark xiii. 32. John xiv. 10. vi. 38. Luke xxiv. 39.
blood," (z) and that " the Lord of glory" was " crucified." ()
Also in what John says, that they had " handled the Word of
life." (/) God has no blood, he is not capable of suffering, or
of being touched with hands; but since he, who was at once
the true God and the man Christ Jesus, was crucified and shed
his blood for us, those things which were performed in his
human ^nature are improperly, yet not without reason, trans-
ferred to the divinity. There is a similar example of this,"
where John teaches us, that " God laid down his life for us." (m)
There also the property of the humanity is transferred to the
other nature. Again, when Christ, while he still lived on the
earth, said, " No man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that
came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in
heaven:" (n) as man, and in the body which he had assumed,
he certainly was not at that time in heaven, but because he was
both God and man, on account of the union of both natures, he
attributed to one what belonged to the other.
III. But the clearest of all the passages declarative of the
true substance of Christ are those which comprehend both the
natures together; such as abound in the Gospel of John.
For it is not with exclusive reference to the Deity or the hu-
manity, but respecting the complex person composed of both,
that we find it there stated; that he hath received of the Fa-
ther power to forgive sins, to raise up whom he will, to
bestow righteousness, holiness, and salvation; that he is ap-
pointed to be the Judge of the living and the dead, that he,
naay receive the same honour as the Father; (o) finally, that he
is " the light of the world," " the good shepherd," " the on?y
door," " the true vine." (/>) For with such prerogatives was thc
Son of God invested at his manifestation in the flesh; which
although he enjoyed with the Father before the creation of
the world, yet not in the same manner or on the same account;
and which could not be conferred on a mere man. In the saw
sense also it is reasonable to understand the declaration of"
Paul, that after the last judgment Christ " shall deliver up the
kingdom to God, even the Father." (q) Now the kingdom oi
(0 Acts xx. 28. (fr) 1 Cor. ii. 8. (?) 1 John i. 1.
(m) I John iii. 16. (n) John iii. 13. () John i. 29. v. 2123.
( p) John ix. 5. x. 9, 11 . xy. 1. (7) I Cor. xv. 24.
the Son of God, which had no beginning, will never have any
end. But as he concealed himself under the meanness of the
flesh, and humbled himself by assuming the form of a servant,
and laid aside his external majesty in obedience to the Fa-
ther, (r) and after having undergone this humiliation was at
length crowned with glory and honour, and exalted to supreme
dominion, (s") that before him " every knee should bow;" (f)
so he shall then surrender to the Father that name and crown
of glory, and all that he has received from the Father, " that
God may be all in all." (P) For why has power and dominion
been given to him, but that the Father may rule us by his
hand? In this sense he is also said to sit at the right hand of
the Father. But this is only temporary, till we can enjoy
the immediate contemplation of the Deity. And here it is
impossible to excuse the error of the ancients, who, for want of
sufficient attention to the person of the Mediator, obscure the
genuine sense of almost all the doctrine which we have in the
Gospel of John, and involve themselves in many difficulties.
Let this maxim, then, serve us as a key to the true sense; that
those things which relate to the office of the Mediator, are
not spoken simply of his divine or of his human nature. Christ
therefore, will reign, till he comes to judge the world, foras-
much as he connects us with the Father as far as is compatible
with our infirmity. But when we shall participate the glory
of heaven, and see God as he is, then having fulfilled the office
of Mediator, he will cease to be the ambassador of the Father,
and will be content with that glory which he enjoyed before the
creation of the world. Nor is the title of Lord peculiarly ap-
plied to the person of Christ in any other respect, than as it
marks an intermediate station between God and us. This is
the meaning of that expression of Paul, " One God, of whom
are ail things; and one Lord, by whom are all things:" (rv)
namely, to whom the Father hath committed a temporary do-
minion, till we shall be admitted to the immediate presence of
his Divine majesty; which will be so far from sustaining any
diminution by his surrender of the kingdom to the Father,
that it will exhibit itself in far superior splendour. For then
(r) Phil. ii. 8. (s) Heb. ii. 7. CO Phil- " 10.
(t) 1 Cor. xv. 28. (w) 1 Cor. viii. 6.
also God will cease to be the head of Christ, because the Deity
of Christ himself, which is still covered with a veil, will shine
forth in all its native effulgence.
IV. And this observation, if the reader make a judicious
application of it, will be of great use towards the solution of
many difficulties. For it is surprising how muqh ignorant per-
sons, and even some who are not altogether destitute of learn-
ing, are perplexed by such forms of expression, as they find
attributed to Christ, which are not exactly appropriate either
to his divinity or to his humanity. This is for want of con-
sidering that they are applicable to his complex person, con-
sisting of God and man, and to his office of Mediator. And
indeed we may see the most beautiful coherence between all
these things, if we have only a sober expositor, that examines
such great mysteries with becoming reverence. But these
furious and frantic spirits throw every thing into confusion.
! They lay hold of the properties of his humanity, to destroy his
divinity; on the other hand, they catch at the attributes of his
divinity, to destroy his humanity; and by what is spoken of
both natures united, but is applicable separately to neither,
they attempt to destroy both.|Now what is this but to contend
that Christ is not man, because he is God; that he is not God,
because he is man; and that he is neither man nor God be-
cause he is at once both man and God? We conclude there-
fore, that Christ, as he is God and man, composed of these
two natures united, yet not confounded, is our Lord and the
true Son of God, even in his humanity; though not on account
of his humanity. For we ought carefully to avoid the error
of Nestorius, who, attempting rather to divide than to dis-
tinguish the two natures, thereby imagined a double Christ.
This we find clearly contradicted by the Scripture, where the
appellation of " the Son of God" is given to him who was
born of the Virgin, and the Virgin herself is called " the
mother of our Lord." (*) We must also beware of the error
of Eutyches, lest, while we aim to establish {he unity of
Christ's person, we destroy the distinction of his two natures.
For we have already cited so many testimonies, where his
(a-) Luke i. 35. 43.
VOL. I. 3 U
divinity is distinguished from his humanity, and the Scripture
abounds with so many others, that they may silence even the
most contentious. I shall shortly subjoin some, in order to a
more complete refutation of that notion. At present one passage
shall suffice us: for Christ would not have styled his body
" a temple," (z/) if it had not been the residence of the Divi-
'nity, and at the same time distinct from it. Wherefore as Nes-
torius was justly condemned in the council of Ephesus, so also
was Eutyches afterwards in the councils of Constantinople and
Chalcedon; for to confound the two natures in Christ, and to
separate them, are equally wrong.
V. But in our time also there has arisen a heretic
equally pestilent, Michael Servetus, who in the place of the
Son of God has substituted an imaginary being, composed of
the essence of God, spirit, flesh, and three uncreated elements.
In the first place, he denies Christ to be the Son of God, in any
other respect than as he was begotten by the Holy Spirit in
the womb of the Virgin. But his subtilty tends to subvert the
distinction of the two natures, and thereby to represent Christ
as something composed of God and man, and yet neither God
nor man. For this is the principal point which he constantly
endeavours to establish, that before Christ was manifested in
the flesh, there were in God only some shadowy figures; the
truth or effect of which had no real existence till the Word,
who had been destined to this honour, actually began to be the
Son of God. Now we confess that the Mediator, who was
born of the Virgin, is properly the Son of God. Nor indeed
could the man Christ be a mirror of the inestimable grace of
God, if this dignity had not been conferred on him, to be,
and to be called, " the only-begotten Son of God." The doc-
trine of the Church, however, remains unshaken, that he is
accounted the Son of God, because being the Word begotten
by the Father before all ages, he assumed the human nature in
a hypostatical union. By the " hypostatical union" the an-
cients expressed the combination of two natures constituting
one person. It was invented to refute the error of Nestorius,
who imagined the Son of God to have dwelt in flesh in such a
(y) John ii. 19.
manner as, notwithstanding that, to have had no real humanity.
Servetus falsely accuses us of making two Sons of God, when
we say that the eternal Word was the Son of God, before he
was clothed with flesh; as though we affirmed any other than
that he was manifested in the flesh. For if he was God before
he became man, it is not to be inferred that he began to be a
new God. There is no more absurdity in affirming that the
Son of God appeared in the flesh, who nevertheless was
always the Son of God by eternal generation. This is implied
in the words of the angel to Mary: " That holy thing which
shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God:" (z)
as though he had said, that the name of the Son, which had
been in obscurity under the law, was about to be celebrated
and universally known. Consistent with this is the representa-
tion of Paul; that through Christ we are the sons of God,
and may freely and confidently cry, Abba, Father, (a) But
were not the holy patriarchs in ancient times numbered among
the children of God? Yes, and depending on this claim, they
invoked God as their Father. But because, since the introduc-
tion of the only-begotten Son of God into the world, the
celestial paternity has been more clearly revealed, Paul men-
tions this as the privilege of the kingdom of Christ. It
must, however, be steadily maintained, that God never was a
Father, either to angels or to men, but with reference to his
only-begotten Son: and especially that men, whom their own
iniquity renders odious to God, are his sons by gratuitous
adoption, because Christ is his Son by nature. Nor is there
any force in the cavil of Servetus, that this depends on the
filiation which God had decreed in himself; because we are
not here treating of figures, as expiation was represented by the
blood of the sacrifices: but as they could not be the sons of God
in reality, unless their adoption were founded on this head, it
is unreasonable to detract from the head, that which is common
to all the members. I go farther: since the Scripture calls
angels " the children of God," (6) whose enjoyment of such high
dignity depended not on the future redemption; yet it is ne-
cessary that Christ should precede them in order, seeing it is
(2) Luke i. 35. (a) Rom. via. 15. Gal. iv. 5, 6. (A) Psalm Ixxxii. 6.
by him that they are connected with the Father. I will briefly
repeat this observation, and apply the same to the human race.
Since angels and men were originally created in such a condi-
tion, that God was the common Father of both, if there be any
truth in the assertion of Paul, "that Christ was before all
things, the head of the body, and the first-born of every crea-
ture, that in all things he might have the pre-eminence," (c) I
conceive I am right in concluding, that he was also the Son of
God before the creation of the world,
^~~fl" * '"" ""' '" " ' '
VI. But if his filiation (so to speak) commenced at the time
of his manifestation in the flesh, it will follow that he was the
Son also in respect of his human nature. Servetus and other
heretics maintain that Christ, who appeared in the flesh, was
the Son of God; because out of the flesh he could not be en-
titled to this appellation. Now let them answer me, whether
he be the Son according to both natures, and in respect of
both. So indeed they idly pretend; but Paul teaches us very
differently. We confess that Christ is called " the Son" in his
human nature, not as the faithful are, merely by adoption and
grace, but the true and natural, and therefore the only Son;
that by this character he may be distinguished from all others.
For we", who are regenerated to a new life, are honoured by
God with the title of sons, but the appellation of " his true and
only-begotten Son" he gives to Christ alone. But among such
a multitude of brethren, how can he be the only Son, unless
he possess by nature what we have received as a gift? And
We extend this honour to the whole person of the Mediator,
that he who was born of the Virgin, and offered himself on
the cross as a victim to the Father, is truly and properly the
Son of God; but nevertheless with respect to his Deity, as
Paul suggests, when he says that he was " separated unto the
gospel of God, which he had promised afore, concerning his
Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of
David according to the flesh, and declared to be the Son of
God with power." (rf) When he distinctly denominates him
the Son of David according to the flesh, why should he parti-
cularly say that he was declared to be the Son of God with
(c) Col. i. 1518. (d ) Rom. i. 14.
power, unless he intended to suggest that this dignity depended
not on that flesh, but on something else? For in the same sense
in which he says in another place that "he was crucified
through weakness, yet that he liveth by the power of God," so
in this passage he introduces the difference between the two
natures. They certainly must be constrained to admit, that as
he hath received of his mother that which causes him to be called
the Son of David, so he hath from his Father that which con-
stitutes him the Son of God, and that this is something distinct
and different from his humanity. The Scripture distinguishes
him by two names, calling him, sometimes " the Son of God,"
sometimes " the Son of man." With respect to the latter, it
cannot be disputed that he is styled the " Son of man," in con-
formity to the common idiom of the Hebrew language, because
he is one of the posterity of Adam. I contend on the other
hand, that he is denominated " the Son of God" on account of
his Deity and eternal existence: because it is equally reason-
able that the appellation of u Son of God" should be referred
to the divine nature, as that of " Son of man" should be
referred to the human nature. In short, in the passage which
I have cited, " that he, who was made of the seed of David
according to the flesh, was declared to be the Son of God with
power," Paul intends the same as he teaches us in another place,
that " Christ, who as concerning the flesh came of the Jews, is
God blessed for ever." But if the distinction of the two natures
be expressed in both these passages, by what authority will
they deny that he is the Son of God in respect of his Divine
nature, who according to the flesh is likewise the Son of man?
VII. They clamorously urge in support of their error, that
God is said " not to have spared his own Son," (e) and that the
angel directed that the very same who was to be born of the
Virgin, should be called " the Son of the Highest." (/) But to
prevent their glorying in so futile an objection, let them accom-
pany us in a brief examination of the validity of their reason-
ing. For if it be rightly concluded, that he began to be the
Son of God at his conception, because he that is conceived is
called his Son; it will follow that he began to be the Word at
(*) Rom. viii. 3?. (/) Luke i. 32.
his manifestation in the flesh, because John tells us that " he
declares that, which his hands have handled, of the Word of
life." () So when they read the following address of the
prophet, "Thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little
among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come
forth unto me that is to be Ruler in Israel: whose goings forth
have been from of old, from everlasting, or from the days of eter-
nity:" (A) what interpretation will they be obliged to adopt, if
they determine to pursue such a mode of argumentation? For
I have declared that we by no means coincide with Nestorius,
who imagined two Christs. According to our doctrine, Christ
hath made us the sons of God, together with himself, by the
privilege of a fraternal union, because he is, in our nature
which he assumed, the only-begotten Son of God. And
Augustine judiciously apprises us, "that it is an illustrious
mirror of the wonderful and singular grace of God, that Jesus
Christ, considered as man, obtained honour which he could
not merit." From his very birth, therefore, was Christ adorned
even in his human nature with the dignity of being the Son of
God. Yet in the unity of person we must not imagine such a
confusion, as to destroy that which is peculiar to Deity. For
it is no more unreasonable, that the eternal Word of God and
the man Christ Jesus, the two natures being united into one
person, should be called the Son of God in different senses,
than that he should be styled in various respects sometimes the
Son of God, sometimes the Son of man. Nor are we any
more embarrassed with the other cavil of Servetus, that before
Christ appeared in the flesh, he is no where called the Son of
God, but in a figurative sense. For though the description of
him then was rather obscure, yet since it has now been clearly
proved, that he was the eternal God no otherwise than as he
was the Word eternally begotten of the Father, and that this
name is applicable to him in the character of Mediator
which he has assumed, only because he is God manifested in
the flesh: and that God the Father would not have been thus
denominated from the beginning, unless there had even then
been a mutual relation to the Son, who is the source of all
(^)ljohni. !. (A)Micahv.2.
kindred or paternity in heaven and in earth: (z) the inference
is clear, that even under the law and the prophets he was the
Son of God, before this name was commonly used in the
Church. If the contention be merely about the word, Solomon,
in speaking of the infinite sublimity of God, affirms his Son to
be incomprehensible as well as himself: " What is his name,'*
says he, " and what is his Son's name, if thou canst tell?" (/)
I am aware that this testimony will not have sufficient weight
with contentious persons, nor indeed do I lay much stress on
it, only that it fixes the charge of a malicious cavil on those
who deny that Christ is the Son of God, any otherwise than
because he has become man. It must also be remarked that
all the most ancient writers have with one accord so un-
equivocally asserted the same doctrine, that it argues impudence
equally ridiculous and detestable in those who dare to represent
us as opposing Irenseus and Tertullian, who both acknowledge
that Jesus Christ, who at length made a visible appearance, was
always the invisible Son of God.
VIII. But although Servetus has accumulated many horrible
and monstrous notions, which some of his brethren perhaps would
refuse to subscribe; yet whoever they are that acknowledge not
Christ to be the Son of God, except in the human nature,
if we press them closely, we shall find that this title is ad-
mitted by them on no other ground than because he was con-
ceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin: as tihe
Manichaeans formerly pretended that man received his soul by
emanation from God, because it is said that God breathed
into Adam the breath of life. (/) For they lay such stress on
the name of Son, that they leave no difference between the
two natures, but tell us, in a confused manner, that Christ
is the Son of God, considered as man, because his human
nature was begotten by God. Thus the etenial generation oi
Wisdom, of which Solomon speaks, (w) is destroyed, and no
notice is taken of the Deity in the Mediator, or a phantom
is substituted instead of his humanity. It might indeed be
useful to refute the grosser fallacies of Servetus, with which
he has fascinated himself and others, that the pious reader,
(/) Eph. iii. 15. (fr) Prov. xxx. 4.
(/) Gen. ii. 7. () Prov. viii. 22, &c.
admonished by this example, may preserve himself within the
bounds of sobriety and modesty: yet I conceive this will be
unnecessary here, as I have already done it in a separate
treatise. The substance of them all is, that the Son of God
was from the beginning an ideal existence, and that even then
he was predestinated to be a man who was to be the essential
image of God. Nor does he acknowledge any other word
of God than what consists in an external splendour. His
generation he explains thus; that there existed in God from
the beginning a will to beget a Son, which was carried into
effect by his actual formation. He likewise confounds the
Spirit with the Word, by asserting that God distributed the
invisible Word and Spirit into body and soul. In short,
he puts the prefiguration of Christ in the place of his genera-
tion; and affirms that he who was then in external appear-
ance a shadowy Son, was at length begotten by the Word, to
which he attributes the properties of seed. Whence it will
follow, that the meanest animals are equally the children of
God, because they were created of the original seed of the
Word of God. For though he compounds Christ of three
uncreated elements, to countenance the assertion that he is be-
gotten of the essence of God; yet he pretends him to have
been the first-born among creatures in such a sense, that even
inanimate substances, according to their rank, possess the same
essential divinity. And that he may not seem to despoil Christ
of his Deity, he asserts that his flesh is co-essential with God,
and that the Word was made flesh by a conversion of the
humanity into Deity. Thus while he cannot conceive Christ to
be the Son of God, unless his flesh proceeded from the essence
of God, and were reconverted into Deity, he annihilates the
eternal hypostasis of the Word, and deprives us of the Son of
David, the promised Redeemer. He frequently indeed repeats
this, that the Son was begotten of God by knowledge and pre-
destination, but that at length he was made man of those ma-
terials, which in the beginning appeared with God in the three
elements, and which afterwards appeared in the first light of
the world, in the cloud, and in the pillar of fire. Now how
shamefully he contradicts himself, it would be too tedious to
relate. From this summary the judicious reader will conclude,
that by the subtle fallacies of this heretic, the hope of salvation
is completely extinguished. For if the body were the Deity
itself, it would no longer be the temple of it. Now we can
have no Redeemer, except him, who became man, by being
really begotten of the seed of Abraham and David according
to the flesh. Servetus makes a very improper use of the lan-
guage of John, that "the word was made flesh:" for while it
opposes the error of Nestorius, it is as far from affording the
least countenance to this impious notion which originated with
Eutyches. The sole design of the evangelist was, to assert the
union of the two natures in one person.
The Consideration of Christ* 's three Offices, Prophetical, Regal,
and Sacerdotal, necessary to our knorving the End of his
Mission from the Father, and the Benejits which he confers
on us.
IT is a just observation of Augustine, that although heretics
profess the name of Christ, yet he is not a foundation to them,
in common with the pious, but remains exclusively the founda-
tion of the Church: because, on a diligent consideration of
what belongs to Christ, Christ will be found among them
only in aame, not in reality. Thus the Papists in the pre-
sent age, although the name of the Son of God, the Re-
deemer of the world, be frequently in their mouths, yet since
they are contented with the mere name, and despoil him of
his power and dignity, these words of Paul, "not holding the
head," (n) are truly applicable them. Therefore, that faith
may find in Christ a solid ground of salvation, and so may
rely on him, it is proper for us to establish this principle, that
the office which was assigned to him by the Father consists of
three parts. For he was given as a Prophet, a King, and a
Priest; though we should derive but little benefit from an
()Col. ii.I9-
VOL. I. 3 X
acquaintance with these names, unaccompanied with a know-
ledge of their end and use. For they are likewise pronounced
among the Papists, but in a frigid and unprofitable manner,
while they are ignorant of what is included in each of these
titles. We have before observed, that although God sent
prophets one after another in a continual succession, and never
left his people destitute of useful instruction, such as was suffi-
cient for salvation; yet the minds of the pious were always per-
suaded, that the full light of understanding was not to be ex-
pected till the advent of the Messiah. And that this opinion
had even reached the Samaritans, notwithstanding they had
never been acquainted with the true religion, appears from the
speech of the woman, " When Messias is come, he will tell
us all things." (o) Nor had the Jews entertained this sentiment
without sufficient ground, but believed as they had been taught
by infallible oracles. One of the most remarkable is this passage
of Isaiah: " Behold, I have given him for a witness to the
people, a leader and commander to the people:" (/) just as
he had before styled him " the Wonderful Counsellor." (^)
In the same manner the apostle, with a view to display the per-
fection of the evangelical doctrine, after having said, that
" God at sundry times and in divers manners spake unto the
fathers by the prophets," adds, that he " hath in these last
days spoken unto us by his Son." (r) But because it was the
office of all the prophets to keep the Church in a state of
suspense and expectation, and also to support it till the advent
of the Mediator, we therefore find the faithful complaining, in
their dispersion, that they were deprived of this ordinary
blessing: " We see not our signs: there is no more any pro-
phet: neither is there among us any that knoweth how long." (*)
At length when Christ was at no great distance, a time was
prefixed for Daniel to seal up the vision and prophecy, not
only to authenticate the prediction it contained, but in order
that the faithful might patiently bear for a time the want of
prophets, because the plenitude and conclusion of all revela-
tions was near at hand, (i)
II. Now it is to be observed, that the appellation of" Christ"
Co) John iv. 25. (/>) Isaiah Iv. 4. (9) Isaiah ix. 6.
(r} Heb. i. 1, 2. (*) Psalm Ixxiv. 9. t >an. ix. 24-
b^l^ngstothese three ^)ffices. JFor we_know that under the
law not only priests and kings, but prophets also, were ;mointed
with holy oil. Hence the celebrated title of " Messiah" was
given to the promised Mediator. But though I confess that he
was called the Messiah with particular reference to his kingdom,
as I have already shewn, yet the prophetical and sacerdotal
unctions have their respective places, and must not be neglected
by us. The former is expressly mentioned by Isaiah in these
words: "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because
the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the
meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to pro-
claim liberty to the captives, to proclaim the acceptable year
of the Lord." (u) We see that he was anointed by the Spirit,
to be a preacher and witness of the grace of the Father; and
that not in a common manner; for he is distinguished fi-onl
other teachers, who held a similar office. And here again it
must be remarked, that he received this unction, not only for
himself that he might perform the office of a teacher, but for
his whole body, that the preaching of the gospel might conti-
nually be attended with the power of the Spirit. But it remains
beyond all doubt, that by this perfection of doctrine which he \
has introduced, he has put an end to all prophecies; so that |
they who, not contented with the gospel make any extraneous '
addition to it, are guilty of derogating from his authority. For I
that voice, which thundered from heaven, "This is my beloved
Son; hear ye him," (u) has exalted him by a peculiar privilege
above all others. From the head this unction is afterwards
diffused over the members, according to the prediction of Joel:
suited to our carnal desires, but that it is peculiar to the heav< nl\
state. As in the world the prosperous and desirable state of a
nation consists, partly in domestic peace, and an abundance of
all blessings, and every good, and partly in strong bulwarks to
secure it from external violence: so Christ enriches his people
with every thing necessary to the eternal salvation of their
souls, and arms them with strength to enable them to stand
invincible against all the assaults of their spiritual foes.
Whence we infer that he i\ ;gns rather for us than for himself,
and that both internally and externally; that being replenished,
as far as God knows to be necessary for us, with the gifts of
the Spirit, of which we are naturally destitute, we may per-
ceive from these first-fruits that we are truly united to God,
in order to our perfect happiness; and in the next place, that
depending on the power of the same Spirit, we may not doubt
of being always victorious over the devil, the world, and every
kind of evil. This is implied in the answer of Christ to the
Pharisees, that as " the kingdom of God is within" us, it
"cometh not with observation." (/) For it is probable, that
in consequence of his having professed himself to be that King,
under whom the highest blessing of God was to be expected,
they ludicrously desired him to display the insignia of his
dignity. But to prevent them, who had otherwise too great a
propensity to the world, from directing all their attention to
external pomp, he commands them to enter into their own
consciences, u for the kingdom of God is righteousness, peace,
and joy in the Holy Ghost." () Here we are briefly taught
what advantage results to us from the kingdom of Christ. For
since it is not terrestrial or carnal, so as to be liable to corrup-
tion, but spiritual, it elevates us even to eternal life, that we
may patiently pass through this life in afflictions, hunger, cold,
contempt, reproaches, and other disagreeable circumstances;
contented with this single assurance, that our King will never
desert us, but will assist our necessities, till haying, completed tin-
term of our warfare, we shall be called to the triumph: for the
rule of his government is to communicate to us whatever he
has received of the Father. Now since he furnishes and arms
(/) Luke xvii. 20, 21. Or) Rom. xivt 17.
us with his power, adorns us with his beauty and magnificence,
and enriches us with his wealth: hence we derive most abun-
dant cause for glorying, and even confidence, to enable us to
contend with intrepidity against the devil, sin, and death. In
the last place, since we are clothed with his righteousness, we
may boldly rise superior to all the reproaches of the world; and
as he liberally replenishes us with his favours, so we ought on
our part to bring forth fruit to his glory.
V. His regal unction, therefore, is not represented to us
as composed of oil and aromatic perfumes, but he is called
" the Christ of God," (A) because u the Spirit of wisdom and
understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of
knowledge and of the fear of the Lord," (z) rested upon him.
This is "the oil of gladness," with which the Psalmist declares
him to have been " anointed above" his " fellows:" (^) be-
cause, if he were not possessed of such excellence, we should be
all oppressed with poverty and famine. And, as we have ob-
served, he was not enriched on his own private account, but
that he might communicate his abundance to them who are
hungry and thirsty. For as it is said that the Father " giveth
not the Spirit by measure unto him," (/) so another passage
expresses the reason: " that of his fulness we might all receive,
and grace for grace." (m) From this source proceeds the mu-
nificence mentioned by Paul, by which grace is variously dis-
tributed to the faithful, " according to the measure of the gift
of Christ." () These passages abundantly confirm what I
have said, that the kingdom of Christ consists in the Spirit,
not in terrestrial pleasures or pomps; and that therefore, in
order to be partakers of it, we must renounce the world. A
visible emblem of this unction was displayed at the baptism of
Christ, when the Holy Spirit rested on him in the form of a
dove. That the Holy Spirit and his gifts are designated by
the word unction^ ought not to be esteemed either novel or
absurd, because we have no other support even for our animal
life; but especially, as it respects the heavenly life, we have not
a particle of vigour in us, but what we have received from the
Holy Spirit, who hath chosen his residence in Christ, that those
(h) Luke ix. 20. (/) Isaiah si. 2. (fc) Psalm xlv. 7.
(0 Jolin iii. 34. (m) John i. 16. () Eph. iv. 7.
heavenly riches, which we so greatly need, may from him be
copiously distributed to us. Now as the faithful stand invin-
cible in the strength of their King, and are enriched with his
spiritual blessings, they are justly denominated Christians. But
to this eternity, of which we have spoken, there is nothing re-
pugnant in these expressions of Paul: " Then he shall deliver
up the kingdom to God, even the Father:" and " Then shall
the Son himself be subject, that God maybe all in all." (0) He
only intends, that in that perfect glory the administration of the
kingdom will not be the same as it is at present. For the
Father hath given all power to the Son, that he may guide,
nourish, and sustain us by his hand, may guard us by his pro-
tection, and aid us in all our necessities. Thus during the
period of our pilgrimage, while we are absent from God, Christ
interposes between us, to bring us by degrees to a perfect union
with him. His being said to sit at the right hand of the Father,
is equivalent to his being called the Father's vicegerent, en-
trusted with all the power of the government: because it is the
will of God, to govern and defend his Church through the
mediation of his Son. This is the explanation given by Paul
to the Ephesians, that he was " set at the right hand of the
Father, to be the head over all things to the Church, which is
his body." (/>) To the same purpose is what he states in
another place, that there has been " given him a name which
is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee
should bow: and that every tongue should confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (7) For even in
these words he displays the order in the kingdom of Christ
necessary for our present infirmity. Thus Paul rightly con-
cludes, that God alone will then be the only head of the
Church, because the functions of Christ in the preservation
and salvation of the Church will be fully discharged. For the
same reason the Scripture often styles him Lord, because the
Father hath given him authority over us, that he may exercise
his own dominion by the agency of his Son. u For though
there be" many authorities celebrated in the world, "to us
there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and
(o) 1 Cor. xv. 24, 2& (/>) Eph. i. 20, 22, 23. (y) Phil. ii. 911.
we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things,
and we by him," (r) says Paul. Whence it may justly be
concluded, that he is the same God, who by the mouth of
Jsaiah hath asserted himself to be the King and Lawgiver of
his Church, (s) For though he every where ascribes all the
authority he possesses to the free gift of the Father, yet he
only signifies that he reigns in the majesty and power of
God: because he assumed the character of Mediator, in order
to approach to us by descending from the bosom and incom-
prehensible glory of his Father. Wherefore it is the more
reasonable that we should all with one consent be ready to
obey him, and with the greatest alacrity conform all our ser-
vices to his will. For as he combines the offices of a King and a
Shepherd towards the faithful who yield a voluntary obedience;
so on the contrary we are informed, that he bears " a rod of
iron" to "break" all^the stubborn and rebellious, and to
" dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." (f) It is like-
wise predicted that "he shall judge among the heathen, he
shall fill the places with the dead bodies: he shall wound
the heads over many countries." (u) Of this there are some
instances to be seen in the present state, but the complete
accomplishment of it will be at the last judgment, which
may also with propriety be considered as the last act of his
VI. Concerning his priesthood, we have briefly to remark,
that the end and use of it is, that he may be a Mediator pure
from every stain, and by his holiness may render us acceptable
to God. But because the righteous curse prevents our access
to him, and God in his character of Judge is offended with
us; in order that our Priest may appease the wrath of God,
and procure his favour for us, there is a necessity for the inter-
vention of an atonement. Wherefore, that Christ might per-
form this office, it was necessary for him to appear with a
sacrifice. For even under the law the priest was not permitted
to enter the sanctuary without blood; that the faithful might
know, that notwithstanding the interposition of the Priest as
an intercessor, yet it was impossible for God to be propitiated
(r) 1 Cor. viii. 5, 6. (s) Isaiah xxxiii. 22.
(r) Psalm ii. 9 (r) Pssrfra ex. 6.
VOL. I. 3 Y
without the expiation of sins. This subject the apostle dis-
cusses at large in the Epistle to the Hebrews, from the seventh
chapter almost to the end of the tenth. But the sum of the
whole is this; that the sacerdotal dignity belongs exclusively
to Christ, because by the sacrifice of his death he has abolished
our guilt, and made satisfaction for our sins. The vast im-
portance of this we are taught by that solemn oath which "the
Lord hath sworn, and will not repent; Thou art a priest for
ever, after the order of Melchisedec." () For there is no
doubt that God intended to establish that capital point; which
he knew to be the principal hinge on which our salvation turns.
And as we have observed, there is no access to God, either
for ourselves or our prayers, unless our priest sanctify us by-
taking away our sins, and obtain for us that grace from which
we are excluded by the pollution of our vices and crimes.
Thus we see, it is necessary to begin with the death of Christ,
in order to experience the efficacy and utility of his priest-
hood. Hence it follows, that he is an eternal intercessor, and
that it is by his intervention we obtain favour with God.
Hence proceeds not only confidence in prayer, but also tran-
quillity to the consciences of the faithful; while they recline in
safety on the paternal indulgence of God, and are certainly
persuaded, that he is pleased with whatever is consecrated to
him through the Mediator. Now, as under the law God
commanded victims to be offered to him from the flock and
the herd, a new and different method has been adopted in
the case of Christ, that the sacrifice should be the same with
the priest: because it was impossible to find any other adequate
satisfaction for sins, or any one worthy of so great an honour
as to offer to God his only-begotten Son. Besides, Christ
sustains the character of a Priest, not only to render the Father
favourable and propitious to us by an eternal law of reconci-
liation, but also to associate us with himself in so great an
honour. For we, who are polluted in ourselves, being " made
priests" (if) in him, offer ourselves and all our services to God,
and enter boldly into the heavenly sanctuary, so that the sacrifices
of prayers and praise, which proceed from us, are "acceptable,"
Psalm ex, 4. Rev. i. 6.
and " a sweet-smelling savour" (#) in the Divine presence.
This is included in the declaration of Christ: " For their
sakes I sanctify myself:" (j/) for being arrayed in his holiness,
he having dedicated us, together with himself, to the Father,
we, who are otherwise offensive in his sight, become accept-
able to him, as pure, unpolluted, and holy. This is the
meaning of the " anointing of the Most Holy," (2) which is
mentioned in Daniel. For we must observe the contrast between
this unction and that shadowy unction which was then in use;
as though the angel had said, that the shadows would be dissi-
pated, and that there would be a real priesthood in the person
of Christ. So much the more detestable is the invention of
those, who, not content with the priesthood of Christ, have
presumed to take upon themselves the office of sacrificing him;
which is daily attempted among the Papists, where the mass is
considered as an immolation of Christ.
Christ' 's Execution of the Office of a Redeemer to procure our
Salvation; his Death, Resurrection^ and Ascension to Heaven.
ALL that we have hitherto advanced concern' 1 r.g Christ is
to be referred to this point, that being condemned, dead, and
ruined in ourselves, we should seek righteousness, deliverance,
life, and salvation in him: as we are taught by this remarkable
declaration of Peter, that " there is none other name under
heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (a)
The name of JESUS was given him, not rashly or by a for-
tuitous accident, or by the will of men, but was brought from
heaven by the angel, the herald of the supreme decree, and
also with this reason annexed to it; " for he shall save his
people from their sins:" () in which words may be remarked,
what we have before hinted, that the office of a Releemer \vas
assigned to him in order that he might be our Saviour. Never-
(x)Eph. v. 2. (/) John xvii. 19. (vr) Dan. ix. 24.
(a) Acts iv. 12. (6) Matt. i. 21.
theless, the redemption would be incomplete, if he did not by
continual advances carry us forward to the ultimate end of
salvation. Therefore, as soon as we dcs hite from him, though
but in the smallest degree, we gradually lose sight of salvation,
which resides entirely in him; so that those who are not satis-
fied with him, voluntarily deprive themselves of all grace. And
the following observation of Bernard is worthy of recital:
" that the name of Jesus is not only light, but also food: that
it is likewise oil, without which all the food of the soul is dry:
that it is salt, unseasoned by which, whatever is presented to
us is insipid; finally, that it is honey in the mouth, melody in
the ear, joy in the heart, and medicine to the soul; and that
there are no charms in any discourse where this name is not
heard." But here we ought diligently to examine how he has
procured salvation for us; that we may not only know him to
be the author of it, but, embracing those things which are
sufficient for the establishment of our faith, may reject every
thing capable of drawing us aside to the right hand or to the
left. For since no man can descend into himself and seriously
consider his own character, without perceiving that God is
angry with him and hostile to him, and consequently he must
fmd himself under a necessity of anxiously seeking some way
to appease him, which can never be done without a satisfac-
tion; this is a case in which the strongest assurance is required.
For sinners, till they be delivered from guilt, are always sub-
ject to the wrath and malediction of God, who, being a righteous
Judge, never suffers his law to be violated with impunity, but
stands prepared to avenge it.
II. Before we proceed any further, let us examine by the
way how it could be consistent, that God, who prevents us with
his mercy, should be pur enemy, till he was reconciled to us
by Christ. For how could he have given us a special pledge
of his love in his only-begotten Son, if he had not previously
embraced us in his gratuitous favour? As there is some appear-
ance of contradiction, therefore, in this representation, I shall
solve the difficulty. The Spirit speaks in the Scriptures nearly in
this manner, That God was an enemy to men, till by the death
of Christ they were restored to his favour; () that they were
^A) Rom. v, 10
under the curse till their iniquity was expiated by his sacrifice;(c)
that they \vere separated from God, till they were restored to
union with him by the body of Christ. () Such modes of ex-
pression are accommodated to our capacity, that we may better
understand, how miserable and calamitous our condition is,
out of Christ. For if it were not clearly expressed, that we
are obnoxious to the wrath and vengeance of God and to eter-
nal death, we should not so fully discover how miserable we
must be without the Divine mercy, nor should we so highly
estimate the blessing of deliverance. For example: let any
man be addressed in the following manner: " If while you
remained a sinner, God had hated you and rejected you
according to your demerits, horrible destruction would have
befallen you; but because he hath voluntarily, and of his own
gratuitous kindness, retained you in his favour, and not per-
mitted you to be alienated from him, he has thus delivered
you from that danger:" he will be afflicted, and will in some
measure perceive how much he is indebted to the Divine
mercy. But if on the contrary he be told, what the Scripture
teaches, " that he was alienated from God by sin, an heir ot
wrath, obnoxious to the punishment of eternal death, excluded
from all hope of salvation, a total stranger to the Divine bles-
sing, a slave to Satan, a captive under the yoke of sin, and, in
a word, condemned to, and already involved in, a horrible-
destruction: that in this situation, Christ interposed as an in-
tercessor; that he has received and suffered in his own person
the punishment, which by the righteous judgment of God im-
pended over all sinners; that by his blood he has expiated those
crimes which rendered them odious to God; that by this ex-
piation God the Father has been satisfied and duly atoned;
that by this intercessor his wrath has been appeased; that this
is the foundation of peace between God and men; that this is
the bond of his benevolence towards them:" will he not be
the more affected by these things in proportion to the more
correct and lively representation of the depth of calamity from
which he has been delivered? In short, since it is impossible
for the life which is presented by the mercy of God, to be
<>) Gal. iii. 1013. (rf) Col. i. 21, 22.
embraced by our hearts with sufficient ardour, or received with
becoming gratitude, unless we have been previously terrified
and distressed with the fear of the Divine wrath, and the horror
of eternal death; we are instructed by the sacred doctrine,
that irrespective of Christ we may contemplate God as in-
censed against us, and his hand armed for our destruction, and
that we may embrace his benevolence and paternal love only
in Christ.
III. Now though this is expressed according to the weak-
ness of our capacity, yet it is strictly true. For God, who is
the perfection of righteousness, cannot love iniquity, which he
beholds in us all. We all therefore have in us that which de-
serves God's hatred. Wherefore in respect of our corrupt
nature and the succeeding depravity of our lives, we are all
really offensive to God, guilty in his sight, and bj>m__to__the
damnation of hell. But because the Lord will not lose in us
that which is his own, he yet discovers something that his
goodness, .may love. For notwithstanding we are sinners
through our own fault, yet we are still his creatures; not-
withstanding we have brought death upon ourselves, yet he
had created us for life. Thus by a pure and gratuitous love
towards us, he is excited to receive us into favour. But if
there is a perpetual and irreconcileable opposition between
righteousness and iniquity, he cannot receive us entirely, as
long as we remain sinners. Therefore, to remove all occasion
of enmity, and to reconcile us completely to himself, he abo-
lishes all our guilt, by the expiation exhibited in the death of
Christ, that we, who before were polluted and impure, may ap-
pear righteous and holy in his sight. The love of God the
Father therefore precedes our reconciliation in Christ; or
rather it is because he first loves, that he afterwards recon-
ciles us to himself. () But because, till Christ relieves us
by his death, we are not freed from that iniquity which de-
serves the indignation of God, and is accursed and condemned
in his sight; we have not a complete and solid union with
God, before we are united to him by Christ. And therefore, if
*) Paul in another place
declares, that we are "justified freely by his grace, through the
redemption that is in Christ Jesus: whom God hath set forth
to be a propitiation through faith in his blood." (y) Also,
that we are "justified by his blood," and " reconciled by his
death." (r) Again: " He hath made him to be sin for us, who
knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God
in him." (s*) I shall not proceed with all the proofs, because
the catalogue would be immense, and many of them must here-
after be cited in their proper order. Wherefore, in what is
called the Apostles' Creed, there is very properly an immediate
transition from the birth of Christ to his death and resurrec-
tion, in which the sum of perfect salvation consists. Yet there
is no exclusion of the rest of the obedience which he performed
in his life: as Paul comprehends the whole of it, from the be-
ginning to the end, when he says, that " he made himself of
no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and
(fc) Rom. v. 19.
(n) Matt. xx. 28.
(<;) Rom. iii. 24, 25.
(/) Gal. iv. 4, 5.
(o) 1 Cor. xv. 3.
(r) Rom. v. 9, 10.
(m) Matt. iii. 15.
(/>) John i. 29.
0)2 Cor. v. 21-
) /
became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." (?)
And indeed his voluntary submission is the principal circum-
stance even in his death; because the sacrifice, unless freely
offered, would have been unavailable to the acquisition of
righteousness. Therefore our Lord, after having declared, " I
lay down my life for the sheep," expressly adds, " No man
taketh it from me." (t?) In which sense Isaiah says, " As a
sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his
mouth." (w) And the evangelical history relates, that he went
forth to meet the soldiers,^) and that before Pilate he neglected
making any defence, and waited to submit to the sentence, (y)
Nor was this without inward conflict; but because he had
taken our infirmities, and it was necessary to give this proof
of his obedience to his Father. And it was no mean specimen
of his incomparable love to us, to contend with horrible fear,
and amid those dreadful torments to neglect all care of him-
self, that he might promote our benefit. Indeed we must admit,
that it was impossible for God to be truly appeased in any
other way, than by Christ renouncing all concern for himself,
and submitting and devoting himself entirely to his will. On
this subject the apostle appositely cites the testimony of the
Psalmist: " Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the
book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O my God:
yea, thy law is within my heart." (2) But since terrified con-
sciences find no rest but in a sacrifice and ablution to expiate
their sins; we are properly directed thither, and the death of
Christ is exhibited to us as the source of life. Now because
our guilt rendered us liable to a curse at the heavenly tribunal
of God, the condemnation of Christ before Pontius Pilate the
governor of Judea is stated in the first place, that we may know
that on__this righteous person was inflicted the punishment
which belonged to us. We could not escape the terrible
judgment of God; to deliver us from it, Christ submitted to
be condemned even before a wicked and profane mortal. For
the name of the governor is mentioned, not only to establish
the credit of the history, but that we may learn, what is taught
by Isaiah, that " the chastisement of our peace was upon him;
(0 Phil. u. 7, 8. (T/) John x. 15, 18. (w) Isaiah liii. 7.
(or) John -xviii. 4. ( y) Matt, xxvii. 12, 14. (z) Psalm xl. 7, 8.
VOL. I. 3 Z
and with his stripes we are healed." (a) For to supersede our
condemnation it was not sufficient for him to suffer any kind
of death: but, to accomplish our redemption, that kind of death
was to be chosen, by which, both sustaining our condemnation
and receiving our guilt, he might deliver us from both. Had
he been assassinated by robbers, or murdered in a popular
tumult, in such a death there would have been no appearance
of satisfaction. But when he is placed as a criminal before the
tribunal, when he is accused and overpowered by the testimony
of witnesses, and by the mouth of the judge is condemned to
die; we understand from these circumstances, that he sustained
the character of a malefactor. And we shall remark two things
which were foretold in the predictions of the prophets, and
afford peculiar consolation and confirmation to our faith. For
when we are told, that Christ was sent from the presence of
the judge to the place of execution, and suspended between
two thieves, we see the completion of that prophecy, which is
cited by the Evangelist, " He was numbered with the trans-
gressors." (&) For what reason? to sustain the character of a
sinner, not of a righteous or innocent person; for he died
not for his innocence, but on account of sin. On the contrary,
when we hear him absolved by the same mouth by which he
was condemned (for Pilate was constrained repeatedly to give
a public testimony of his innocence) (c) let it remind us of
what we read in another prophet: " I restored that which I
took not away." (i/) Thus we shall behold Christ sustaining
the character of a sinner and malefactor, while from the lustre
of his innocence it will at the same time evidently appear, that
he was loaded with the guilt of others, but had none of his own.
He suffered, then, under Pontius Pilate, after having been con-
demned as a criminal by the solemn sentence of the governor:
yet not in such a manner, but that he was at the same time
pronounced to be righteous, by the declaration of the same
judge, that he found in him no cause of accusation. This is
our absolution, that the guilt, which made us obnoxious to
punishment, is transferred to the person of the Son of God.
For we ought particularly to remember this satisfaction, thai
(a) Isaiah liii. 5. (b) Isaiah liii. 12. Mark xv. 26.
(c) Matt, xxvii. 18, 23, 24. John xviii. 38. (d ) 'Psalm Ixix. 4
we may not spend our whole lives in terror and anxiety, as
though we were pursued by the righteous vengeance of God,
which the Son of God has transferred to himself.
VI. Moreover, the species of cteath which he suffered, is
fraught with a peculiar mystery. The cross was accursed, not
only in the opinion of men, but by the decree of the Divine
law. Therefore when Christ is lifted up upon it, he renders
himself obnoxious to the curse. And this was necessary to be
done, that by this transfer we might be delivered from every
curse, which awaited us, or rather was already inflicted upon
us, on account of our iniquities. This was also prefigured in
the law. For the victims and expiations offered for sins were
called JlD3t#fc{, a word which properly signifies sin itself. By
this appellation the Spirit intended to suggest that they were
vicarious sacrifices to receive and sustain the curse due to sin.
But that which was figuratively represented in the Mosaic
sacrifices, is actually exhibited in Christ the archetype of the
figures. Wherefore, in order to effect a complete expiation,
he gave his soul D{#J$, tnat ls i an atoning sacrifice for sin, (f)
as the prophet says; so that our guilt and punishment being
as it were transferred to him, they must cease to be imputed
to us. The apostle more explicitly testifies the same, when he
says, "He hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin;
that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." Q*-)
For the Son of God, though perfectly free from all sin, never-
theless assumed the disgrace and ignominy of our iniquities,
and on the other hand arrayed us in his purity. He appears to
have intended the same, when he says concerning sin, that it
it was " condemned in the flesh," (A) that is, in Christ. For the
Father destroyed the power of sin, when the curse of it was
transferred to the body of Christ. This expression therefore
indicates, that Christ at his death was offered to the Father as
an expiatory sacrifice, in order that a complete atonement
being made by his oblation, we may no longer dread the
Divine wrath. Now it is evident what the prophet meant, when
he said, " The Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all;" (i)
namely, that when he was about to expiate our sins they were
(/) Isaiah liii. 10. (g) 2 Cor. v. 21.
(/<) Rom. viii. 3. ' i) Isaiah liii. 6.
transferred to him by Imputation. The cross, to which he was
fixed, was a symbol of this, as the apostle informs us: " Christ
hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a
curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth
on a tree: that the blessing of Abraham might come on the
Gentiles through Jesus Christ." () Peter alluded to the same,
where he said, " He bare our sins in his own body on the
tree:" (/) because from the visible symbol of the curse, we
more clearly apprehend, that the burden, with which we were
oppressed, was imposed on him. Nor must we conceive that
he submitted to a curse which overwhelmed him, but on the
contrary that by sustaining it, he depressed, broke, and de-
stroyed all its power. Wherefore faith apprehends an abso-
lution in the condemnation of Christ, and a benediction in his
curse. It is not without reason therefore that Paul magnifi-
cently proclaims the triumph, which Christ gained for himself
on the cross; as though the cross, which was full of ignominy,
had been converted into a triumphal chariot. For he says,
that " he nailed to his cross the hand- writing, which was con-
trary to us, and having spoiled principalities and powers, he
made a shew of them openly." (m) Nor should this surprise
us; for, according to the testimony of another apostle, u Christ
offered himself through the eternal Spirit." (n) Hence arose
that change of the nature of things. But that these things may
be deeply rooted and firmly fixed in our hearts, let us always
remember his sacrifice and ablution. For we certainly could
have no confidence that Christ was our (*7roAtiTgao-<$, () x
T) KOCI ) 1 Tim. ii. 6.
(,y) Rom. iii. 25,
stituted himself in our room to pay the price of our redemp-
tion. Death held us in bondage under his yoke; Christ, to
deliver us from it, surrendered himself to his power in our
stead. This is the meaning of the apostle, when he says, that
" he tasted death for every man." (r) For by his death he
prevented us from dying, or, which comes to the same thing >
by his death recovered life for us. But in this respect he
differed from us; he surrendered himself to death to be as it
were overcome by it, not that he might be absorbed in its
abysses, but rather that he might swallow that, by which we
should have been at length devoured; he surrendered himself
to death to be subdued, not that he might be overwhelmed by
its power, but rather that he might overthrow that which
threatened us, which indeed had already overcome us, and
was triumphing over us. Lastly, he died, " that he might de-
stroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and
deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime
subject to bondage." (s) This is the first benefit we have re-
ceived from his death. The second is, that, by a communication
of himself, he " mortifies" our " members which are upon the
earth," (f) that they may no longer perform their own actions;
and slays our old man, that it may not flourish and bear fruit
any more. The burial of Christ has the same tendency,
namely, that being made partakers of it, we may be buried to
sin. For when the apostle teaches us that " we have been
planted in the likeness of the death of Christ, and buried
with him" (y) to the death of sin; that " by his cross the world
is crucified" unto us, and we " unto the world;" (to) and that
we " are dead" with him; (#) he not only exhorts us to imitate
the example of his death; but declares that it contains such an
efficacy, as ought to be conspicuous in all Christians, unless
they wish to render that death ineffectual and useless. In the
death and burial of Christ therefore we have a twofold benefit
proposed to our enjoyment; deliverance from the thraldom of
death, and the mortification of our flesh.
VIII. But it is not right to omit his "descent into hell,"
which is of no small importance towards the accomplishment
(r) Heb. ii. 9. 0) Heb. ii. 14, 15. (0 Col. ill. 5.
(t>) Rom. vi. 4, 5. (w) Gal. vi. 14. (x) Col. iii. 3.
of redemption. For though it appears from the writings of
the ancients, that this article of the Creed was not always in
common use in the churches; yet in discussing a system of
doctrine, it is necessary to introduce it, as containing a
mystery highly useful and by no means to be despised. Indeed
there are some of the ancients who do not omit it. Hence
we may conjecture, that it was inserted a little after the days
of the apostles, and was not immediately but gradually received
in the churches. This at least cannot be controverted, that
it was agreeable to the general opinion of all the faithful; since
there is not one of the Fathers, who does not mention in his
writings the descent of Christ into hell, though they explain it
in different senses. But by whom, or at what period it was
first inserted, is of little consequence; it is of more importance
that the Creed should present us a full and complete summary
of faith, hito which nothing should be inserted, but what is
taken from God's most holy word. Yet if any morosely refuse
to admit it into the Creed, it shall presently be proved to be so
necessary to the perfection of our redemption, that the omission
of it considerably lessens the benefit of the death of Christ.
Some again are of opinion, that this clause contains nothing
new, but is only a repetition, in other words, of what had be-
fore been said respecting his burial; because the word here
rendered " hell" is frequently used in the Scriptures to signify
the grave. I admit the truth of their observation respect-
ing the signification of this word, that it is frequently to be
understood of the " grave;" but their opinion is opposed by
two reasons, which easily induce me to dissent from them.
For what extreme carelessness it would betray, after a plain
fact had been stated in the most explicit and familiar manner,
to assert it a second time in an obscure combination of
words, calculated rather to perplex than to elucidate it! For
when two phrases expressive of the same thing are connected
together, the latter ought to be an explanation of the former.
But what an explanation would this be, if one were to express
it thus: "When Christ is said to have been buried, the mean-
ing is, that he descended into hell?" Besides it is not probable,
that such a superfluous tautology could have found its way into
this compendium, in which the principal articles of faith are
summarily expressed with the utmost possible brevity. And
I doubt not, that all who have considered this point with any
attention will easily assent to what I have advanced.
IX. Others give a different interpretation; that Christ de-
scended to the souls of the Fathers who had died under the
law, for the purpose of announcing the accomplishment of re-
demption, and liberating them from the prison in which they
were confined. To this purpose they pervert a passage in the
Psalms, that " he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the
bars of iron in sunder:" (z/) and another in Zechariah, " I
have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no
water." (z) But since the Psalmist celebrates the liberation of
those who are suffering captivity and imprisonment in distant
countries; and Zechariah compares the destruction in which
the people had been overwhelmed in Babylon, to a dry pit
or abyss; and at the same time suggests, that the salvation of
the whole Church is a deliverance from the abysses of hell: I
know not how it came to pass, that posterity should imagine
a subterraneous cavern to which they have given the name of
LJmbus. But this fable, although it is maintained by great
authors, and even in the present age is by many seriously de-
fended as a truth, is after all nothing but a fable. For to con-
fine the souls of the dead in a prison, is quite puerile: but
what necessity was there for Christ to descend thither in order
to liberate them? I freely confess indeed that Christ illumi-
nated them by the power of his Spirit; that they might know
that the grace, which they had only tasted by hope, was then
exhibited to the world. And probably to this we may accom-
modate that passage of Peter, where he says, that Christ " went
and preached unto the spirits who were keeping watch as in a
tower." (a) This is generally rendered " the spirits in prison,"
but I conceive improperly. The context also gives us to un-
derstand, that the faithful who had died before that time, were
partakers of the same grace with us. For the apostle amplifies
the efficacy of the death of Christ from this consideration, that
it penetrated even to the dead; when the souls of the faithful
enjoyed the present view of that visitation which they had been
(y) Pfalm cvii. 16 ( 2 ) Zech. ix. 11. (> 1 Peter iii. IP.
anxiously expecting; whilst on the contrary it was more
clearly discovered to the reprobate, that they were excluded
from all hope. But since Peter has not spoken in this distinct
manner oi* the pious and the impious, we must not understand
him as confounding them all together without any discrimina-
tion. He only designs to inform us, that the knowledge of the
death of Christ was common to them both.
X. But laying aside all consideration of the Creed, we have
to seek for a more certain explanation of the descent of Christ
into hell, and we find one in the Divine word, not only holy
and pious, but likewise replete with singular consolation. If
Christ had merely died a corporeal death, no end would have
*, . - -- '
been accomplished by it; it was requisite also, that he should
feel the severity of the Divine vengeance, in order to appease
the wrath of God, and satisfy his justice. Hence it was necessary
for him to contend with the powers of hell and the horror of
eternal death. We have already stated from the prophet, that
" the chastisement of our peace was upon him," that " he was
wounded for our transgressions, and bruised for our iniqui-
ties;" () the meaning of which is, that he was made a substitute
and surety for transgressors, and even treated as a criminal him-
self, to sustain all the punishments, which would have been in-
flicted on them: only with this exception, that " it was not possi-
ble that he should be holden of the pains of death." (c) There-
fore it is no wonder, if he be said to have descended into hell,
since he suffered that death, which the wrath of God inflicts
on transgressors. It is a very frivolous and even ridiculous ob-
jection, to say that by this explanation the order of things is
perverted, because it is absurd to make that subsequent to his
burial, which really preceded it. For the relation of those
sufferings of Christ, which were visible to men, is very properly
followed by that invisible and incomprehensible vengeance
which he suffered from the hand of God; in order to assure
us that not only the body of Christ was given as the price of
our redemption; but that there was another greater and more
excellent ransom, since he suffered in his soul the dreadful tor*
ments of a person condemned and irretrievably lost.
(/>) Isaiah liii. 5. CO Acts ii. 24.
XI. In this sense Peter says, that " God raised him up,
having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible
that he should be holden of it." (a) He does not say singly
" death;" but tells us that the Son of God was involved in
" the pains of death," which proceed from the Divine wrath
and malediction, which is the origin of death. For what a
little thing it would have been, for Christ to appear in order
to suffer death, without any distress or perplexity, and even
with pleasure! But this was a true specimen of his infinite
mercy, not to evade that death, which he so much dreaded*
Nor can it be doubted, but the apostle means to suggest the
same in the Epistle to the Hebrews, when he says, that Christ
u was heard in that he feared." (6) Some, instead of fear,
translate it reverence, or piety; but how improperly, is evident
from the subject itself, and also from the form of expression.
Christ, therefore, " when he offered up prayers with strong
crying and tears, was heard in that he feared;" not that he
might obtain an exemption from death, but that he might not
be swallowed up by it as a sinner: for he was then sustaining
our . character. And it is certainly impossible to imagine
any more formidable abyss, than to perceive ourselves forsaken
and abandoned by God, and not to be heard when we call
upon him, as though he had conspired to destroy us. Now
we see Christ was so deeply dejected, that in the urgency of
distress, he was constrained to exclaim, " My God, my God,
why hast thou forsaken me?" (c) For the idea of some, that
he spoke rather according to the opinion of others than from
his own feelings, is utterly improbable: since he evidently
appears to have spoken from the anguish of his inmost soul.
We do not admit that God was ever hostile to him, or angry
with him. For how could he be angry with his beloved Son,
" in whom his soul delighted?" () or how could Christ, by
his intercession, appease the Father for others, if the Father
were incensed against him? But we affirm, that he sustained
the weight of the Divine severity; since, being " smitten and
afflicted of God," (e} he experienced from God all the tokens
of wrath and vengeance. Wherefore, Hilary argues, that by this
(a) Acts ii. 24. (6) Heb. v. 7. (c) Matt, xxvii. 46.
(t/) Isaiah xV.i. 1. (e) Isaiah liii. 4.
VOL. I. 4 A
descent we have obtained the destruction of death. And in
other places he accords with our opinion; as when he says,
" The cross, death, and hell, are our life." Again, in another
place, " The Son of God is in hell, but man is raised to
heaven." But why do I cite the testimony of a private
person, when the apostle asserts the same thing, mentioning,
as the reward of Christ's victory, the deliverance of them
" who, through fear of death, were all their life-time subject
to bondage?" (/") It was necessary, therefore, that he should
overcome that fear, which naturally and incessantly harasses
all men; which he could not do, without contending with it.
Now, that his was not a common or trivial fear, will soon
be more clearly evinced. Thus, by contending with the
power of the devil, with the dread of death, and with the
pains of hell, he obtained the victory, and triumphed over
them, that in death we may no longer dread those things
which our prince hath destroyed.
XII. Here some contentious, though illiterate men, im-
pelled rather by malice than by ignorance, exclaim against
me, that I am guilty of an atrocious injury to Christ; because
it is utterly unreasonable that he should have any fear con-
cerning the salvation of his soul. And then they aggravate the
cavil, by pretending that I attribute despair to the Son of
God, which is contrary to faith. In the first place, it is
presumptuous in them to raise a controversy concerning the
fear and consternation of Christ, which is so expressly as-
serted by the evangelists. For, before the approach of his
death, he experienced a perturbation of spirit, and depression
of mind; but, in the actual struggle with it, he began to feel
a greater degree of consternation. If they say that this was
only pretence, it ts a most paltry subterfuge. We ought,
therefore, as Ambrose justly advises, fearlessly to acknow-
ledge the sorrow of Christ, unless we are ashamed of his cross.
And, indeed, if his soul had experienced no punishment, he
would have been only :i Redeemer for the bod}-. It was
necessary for him to combat, in order to raise up those who
h-.y prostrate on the earth; and his heavenly glory is so far from
(/) Heb. ii. is.
being diminished by this, that his goodness, which is never
sufficiently celebrated, is conspicuous in his voluntary and unrc-
luctant assumption of our infirmities. Hence that consolation
which the apostle offers us under our anxieties and sorrows,
that this Mediator has experienced our infirmities, in order
that he might be the more ready to succour the wretched. (-)
They pretend, that what is intrinsically bad cannot be justly
attributed to Christ. As though they were wiser than the
Spirit of God, who connects these two things together, that
Christ " was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without
sin." We have no reason, therefore, to be alarmed by the
infirmity of Christ, to which he was not compelled by vio-
lence or necessity, but induced merely by his mercy and love
for us, voluntarily to submit himself. But none of his volun-
tary sufferings for us have been any diminution of his power.
These captious objectors, however, are deceived in one point;
they do not perceive that this infirmity in Christ was per-
fectly free from every stain of guilt, because he always kept
himself within the limits of obedience. For, because no
moderation can be discovered in the corruption of our nature,
where all our passions transgress all bounds with impetuous
violence, they erroneously measure the Son of God by this
standard. But he being innocent, and free from every defect,
all his affections were governed by a moderation which ad-
mitted of no excess. Whence it was very possible for him to
resemble us in sorrow, fear, and dread, and yet, in this re-
spect, to be very different from us. Refuted here, they pro-
ceed to another cavil; that, although Christ was afraid of
death, yet he was not afraid of the malediction and wrath of
God, from which he knew himself to be safe. But let the
pious reader consider how much honour it reflects on Christ,
that he was more delicate and timorous than the generality of
mankind. Robbers and other malefactors obstinately rush
forward to death; many men heartily despise it; others
calmly submit to it. But what constancy or magnanimity
would the Son of God have discovered, in being astonished
and almost struck dead with the fear of it? For it is related
(*) Malt. Xxvi. 39. () Acts ii. 24. (* ) Matt, xxvii. 46.
For notwithstanding his extreme agony, yet he continues to call
God his God, even when he complains that he is forsaken by
him. Now this serves to refute the error of Apollinaris, and
also of those who were called Monothelites. Apollinaris pre-
tended that the eternal Spirit supplied the place of a soul in
Christ, so that he was but half a man. As though he could
expiate our sins, without obedience to the Father. But where
was the disposition or will, requisite to obedience, but in his
soul? which we know was "troubled," (/) in order to dissipate
all our fears, and obtain peace and rest for ours. Moreover,
in opposition to the Monothelites, we see, that what was con-
trary to his will as man, was agreeable to his will as God. I
say nothing of his overcoming the fear of which we have
spoken, by a contrary disposition. For there is a manifest
appearance of contrariety when he says, " Father, save me
from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.
Father, glorify thy name." (???) Yet, in this perplexity, there
is no such want of moderation as is evident in us, even
while we are exerting our most strenuous endeavours to con-
quer ourselves.
XIII. Next follows his resurrection from the^dead, without
which all that we have said would be incomplete. For, since
there appears nothing but infirmity in the cross, death, and
burial of Christ, faith must proceed beyond all these things,
to be furnished with sufficient strength. Wherefore, although
our salvation is perfectly accomplished by his death, because
by that we are reconciled to God, a satisfaction is given to his
righteous vengeance, the curse is removed, and the punish-
ment sustained; yet we are said to have been " begotten again
to a lively hope," not by his death, but " by his resurrection
from the dead." (n) For as at his resurrection he appeared the
conqueror of death, so it is on his resurrection that our faith
principally rests. This is better expressed in the words of
Paul, when he says, that Christ " was delivered for our
offences, and was raised again for our justification:" (o) as
though he had said, that sin was removed by his death, and
righteousness renewed and restored by his resurrection. For
(/) John xii. 27. (m) John xii. 27, 28.
() 1 Peter i. 3. (o) Rom. iv. 25.
how was it possible for him by dying to liberate us from death,
if he had himself remained under its power? how could he
have obtained the victory for us, if he had been vanquished in
the contest? Wherefore we ascribe our salvation partly to
the death of Christ, and partly to his resurrection; we be-
lieve that sin was abolished, and death destroyed, by the
former; that righteousness was restored, and life established, by
the latter; yet so that the former discovers its power and efficacy
in us by means of the latter. Therefore Paul asserts that he
was " declared to be the Son of God, by the resurrection from
the dead;" (/) because he then displayed his heavenly power,
which is both a lucid mirror of his Divinity, and a firm sup-
port of our faith. So, in another place, he says, that " he
was crucified through weakness, yet he liveth by the power of
God." (7) In the same sense, in another place, treating of
perfection, he says, " that I may know him, and the power of
his resurrection." (r) Yet, immediately after, he adds, " the
fellowship of his sufferings, and conformity to his death."
In perfect harmony with this, is the following declaration of
Peter: " God raised him up from the dead, and gave him
glory; that your faith and hope might be in God:" (s) not
that faith totters when it rests on his death; but because " the
power of God," which " keeps us through faith," (j) chiefly
discovers itself in his resurrection. Let us remember, there-
fore, that whenever mention is made of his death alone, it
comprehends also what strictly belongs to his resurrection;
and that the same figure of speech is applied to the word
resurrection, whenever it is used without any mention of his
death, so that it connects with it what is peculiarly applicable
to his death. But since it was by rising from the dead that
he obtained the palm of victory, to become the resurrection
and the life; Paul justly contends, that, "if Christ be not
risen, then is" the "preaching" of the gospel "vain, and"
our " faith is also vain." (u) Therefore, in another place,
after having gloried in the death of Christ, in opposition to
all the fears of condemnation, he adds, by way of amplifica-
tion, " Yea, rather, that is risen again, who is even at tht
(/)) Rom. i. 4. () 2 Cor. xiii.4. (r) Phil. iu. 10.
() 1 Peter i. 21. (l) 1 Peter i. 5. (t>) 1 Cor. xv. 14, 17.
right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us." (w)
Besides, as we have before stated, that the mortification of our
flesh depends on communion with his cross; so it must also be
understood, that we obtain another benefit, corresponding to
that, from his resurrection. The apostle says, " If we have
been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be
also in the likeness of his resurrection: even so we also should
walk in newness of life." (*) Therefore in another place, as,
from our being dead with Christ, he deduces an argument for
the mortification of our members which are upon the earth; (z/)
so also, because we are risen with Christ, he thence infers that
we should seek those things which are above, and not those
which are on the earth. (2) By which expressions we are not
only invited to walk in newness of life, after the example of
Christ raised from the dead, but are taught that our regenera-
tion to righteousness is effected by his power. We derive
also a third benefit from his resurrection, having received,
as it were, a pledge to assure us of our own resurrection, of
which his clearly affords the most solid foundation and evidence.
This subject the apostle discusses more at large in the first
Epistle to the Corinthians, (a) But it must be remarked by
the way, that when he is "said to have " risen from the dead,"
this phrase expresses the reality both of his death and of his
resurrection: as though it were said, that he died the same
death as other men naturally die, and received immortality in
1>m ^*^'*^*&^+a**i^^^*^*fl&**6t*tol***i^H6**t^&e^lti^+^&&*B^0*BgtBtB&4UH0^BBHtltB&9l&H^ttHB&tiltBlB&
the same body which he had assumed in a mortal state.
XIV. His resurrection is properly followed in the Creed by
his ascension to heaven. For though Christ began to make a
more illustrious display of his glory and power at his resur-
rection, having now laid aside the abject and ignoble condition
of this mortal life, and the ignominy of the cross; yet his ascen-
sion into heaven was the real commencement of his reign. This
the apostle shews, when he informs us, that he " ascended, that
he might fill all things." () Here, in an apparent contradic-
tion, he suggests to us that there is a beautiful harmony, because
Christ departed from us, that his departure might be more use-
ful to us than that presence, which, during his continuance on
(w) Rom. viii. 34. (,r) Rom. vi. 4, 5. (/) Col. iii. 5.
(55) Col. Hi. 1, 2. (a)l Cor. xv. (6) Eph. iv. 10.
earth, confined itself withjnjthe humble mansion of his body.
Therefore John, after having related that remarkable invitation,
" If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink," sub-
joins, that u the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that
Jesus was not yet glorified." (c) This the Lord himself also
declared to his disciples: " It is expedient for you that I go
away: for if I go not avray, the Comforter vrill not come unto
you." () Now he proposes a consolation for his corporeal ab-
sence, that he " will not leave them comfortless, or orphans,
but will come again to them," in a manner, invisible indeed,
but more desirable: because they were then taught by a more
certain experience that the authority which he enjoys, and the
power which he exercises, is sufficient for the faithful, not only
to procure them a blessed life, but to ensure them a happy
death. And indeed we see how largely he then increased the
effusions of his Spirit, how greatly he advanced the magnifi-
cence of his feign, and what superior power he exerted both
in assisting his friends, and in defeating his enemies. Being
received up into heaven, therefore, he removed his corporeal
presence from our view; not that he might no longer be pre-
sent with the faithful who were still in a state of pilgrimage on
earth, but that he might govern both heaven and earth by a
more efficacious energy. Moreover, his promise, that- he
would be with us till the end of the world, he has performed
by this his ascension; by which, as his body was elevated
above all heavens, so his power and energy have been diffused
and extended beyond all the limits of heaven and earth. In
representing this, I would prefer the language of Augustine to
my own. " Christ," says he, " was about to go by death to
the right hand of the Father, whence he will hereafter come
to judge the living and the dead; and this by a corporeal pre-
sence, according to the rule of faith and sound doctrine. For
in his spiritual presence with them, he was to come soon after
his ascension." And elsewhere he treats this subject in a
manner still more diffuse and explicit. By his ineffable and
invisible grace, Christ has fulfilled his declaration, " Lo, I am
with you alway, even unto the end of the world." (i) But
(c) John vii. 37, 39. (d.) John xvi. 7. (e) Matt, xxviii. 20.
with respect to the body which the Word assumed, which was
born of the Virgin, which was apprehended by the Jews, which
was fixed to the cross, which was taken down from the cross,
which was folded in linen, which was laid in the sepulchre,
which was manifested at the resurrection, there has been an
accomplishment of this prediction: " Ye shall not have me
always with you." Why? Because in his corporeal presence
he conversed with his disciples for forty days, and while they
were attending him, seen but not followed by them, he ascended
into heaven; and he is not here, for he sits there at the right
hand of the Father; and yet he is here, for he has not with-
drawn the presence of his majesty. In the presence of his
majesty, therefore, wi: have Christ always with us; but with
respect to his corporeal presence, he said with truth to. his
disciples, " Me ye have not always." For the Church enjoyed
his corporeal presence for a few days, now she enjoys him by
faith, and does not behold him with her eyes.
XV. Wherefore it is immediately added, that he is seated
at the right hand of the Father: which is a similitude borrowed
from princes, who have their assistants, to whom they depute
the exercise of the government. So Christ, in whom the
Father determines to be exalted, and by whose medium he
chooses to reign, is said to have been received to his right
hand; as though it were said, that he had been inaugurated m
the government of heaven and earth, and had solemnly entered
on the actual administration of the power committed to him;
and not only that he has entered on it, but that he continues
in it, till he descends to judgment. For so the apostle explains
it, in the following words: " The Father hath set him at his
own right hand, far above all principality, and power, and
might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only
in this world, but also in that which is to come: and hath put
all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over
all things to the Church," &c. (,) We see the end of this
session; it is, that all creatures, both celestial and terrestrial,
may admire his majesty, be governed by his hand, obey his
will, and be subject to his power. And the only design of the
(g-) Eph. i. 20-22.
VOL. I. 4 B
apostle* in their frequent mention of it, is to teach us that all
things are committed to his government. Wherefore they
who suppose that nothing but blessedness is signified in this
article, are not right in that opinion. It affects not our argu-
ment, that Stephen declares that he sees Christ " standing," (A)
because the present question relates, not to the posture of his
body, but to the majesty of his dominion; so that sitting'
signifies no other than presiding at the tribunal of heaven.
XVI. Hence faith receives many advantage^. For it per-
ceives, that by his ascension the Lord has opened the way to
the kingdom of heaven, which had been stopped by Adam.
For since he entered there in our nature, and as it were in our
names, it follows that, as the apostle expresses it, we now " sit
together" with him " in heavenly places," (z) because we not
only hope for heaven, but already possess in in our Head. Be-
sides, faith knows that his residence with his Father conduces
greatly to our advantage. For being entered into a sanctuary,
which is not of human erection, (/) he continually appears in the
presence of the Father as our advocate and intercessor; (7) he
' * | !! _|_a | _l_|___jliu_jj |__ __ ___^1_^,^^ ^ '
attracts the eyes of the Father to his righteousness, so as to
avert them from our sins; he reconciles him to us, so as t*
procure for us, by his intercession, a way of access to his
hrone, which he replenishes with grace and mercy, but which
;her\vise would be pregnant with horror to miserable sin-
ners, (m) In the third place, faith has an apprehension of his
power, in which consists our strength, our fortitude, our wealth,
and our triumph over hell. For " when he ascended up on
high, he led captivity captive," (>/) spoiled his enemies, and
enriched his people, and daily loads them with spiritual fa-
vours. He sits therefore on high, that from thence he may
shed forth his power upon us, that he may animate us with
spiritual life, that he may sanctify us by his Spirit, that he
may adorn his Church with a variety of graces, and defend it
by his protection from every calamity, that by the strength of
his hand he may restrain the ferocious enemies of his cross
and of our salvation; finally, that he may retain all power in
heaven and in earth: till he shall have overthrown all his
(A) Acts vii. 55, 56. (i) Eph. ii. 6. (4) Heb. ix. 24.
(/) Rom. viii. 34 (m) Heb. iv. 16. () Eph. iv. 8.
enemies, who are also ours, and completed the edification of
his Church. And this is the true state of his kingdom, this
the power which the Father hath conferred on him, till he
completes the last act by coming to judge tlu living and the
XVII. Christ gives his servants unequivocal tokens of the
presence of his power: but because on earth his kingdom is
in some measure concealed under the meanness of the flesh,
faith is for a very good reason called to meditate on that visible
presence which he will manifest at the last day; For he will
descend from heaven in a visible form, in the same manner in
which he was seen to ascend; (A) and will appear to all with
the ineffable majesty of his kingdom, with the splendour of
immortality, with the infinite power of Deity, and with a
host of angels. (z) From thence therefore we are commanded
to expect him as our Redeemer at the last day, when he will
separate the sheep from the goats, the elect from the reprobate;
and there will not be an individual of either the living or the
dead, that can escape his judgment. For from the most re-
mote corners of the world they will hear the sound of the trum-
pet, with which all mankind will be summoned to his tribunal,
both those whom that day shall find alive, and thpse whom
death shall previously have removed from the society of
living. There are some who understand the words quic
living, and dead, in a different sense. And indeed we find that
some of the Fathers hesitated respecting the exposition of this
clause: but the sense we have given, being plain and clear, is
far more consistent with the design of the Creed, which appears
to have been composed for the common people. Nor is this
repugnant to the assertion of the apostle, that " it is appointed
unto men once to die." () For although they who shall sur-
vive in this mortal life till the last judgment, shall not die in a
natural manner and order; yet that change, which they shall
experience, since it will resemble death, may without impro-
priety be designated by that appellation. It is certain in-
deed that " all shall not sleep, but all shall be changed." (/)
What is that? In one moment their mortal life will be extin-
(A) Acts i. 11. (0 Matt. Xxiv. 30. xxv. 31. 1 Thtfss. iv. 16, 17.
O) Heb. ix. 27. (/) 1 Co*, xv. 5l.
guishcd and absorbed, and will be transformed into a nature
entirely new. This extinction of the flesh no man can deny to
be death. Nevertheless it remains a truth, that the living and
the dead will be summoned to judgment; for u the dead in
Christ shall rise first: then they which are alive and remain
shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet
the Lord in the air." (/) And it is very probable that this
article was taken from the sermon of Peter, (n) and from the
solemn charge of Paul to Timothy, (o)
XVIII. It is a source of peculiar consolation to hear that
he will preside at the judgment, who has already destined us
to participate with himself the honour of sitting in judgment
with him, so far will he be from ascending the tribunal to con-
demn us. For how could a most merciful prince "destroy his
own people? how could a head scatter his own members? how
could an advocate condemn his own clients? For if the apostle
ventures to exclaim, that no one can condemn us while Christ
intercedes for us; (/>) it is much more certain that Christ him-
self, our intercessor, will not condemn those whose cause he
has undertaken, and whom he has engaged to support. Indeed,
it is no -inconsiderable security, that we shall stand before no
other tribunal than that of our Redeemer, from whom we are
to expect salvation; and that he, who by the gospel now pro-
anises eternal life, will at the judgment ratify and perform the
promise which he has given. The design of the Father in
honouring the Son by " committing all judgment to him," (q)
was, that he might relieve the consciences of his people from
all fear concerning the judgment. Thus far I have followed
the order of trief Apostles' CfeecT: because while it comprizes
in a few words the principal points of redemption, it may
serve to give us a distinct and separate view of those particu-
lars respecting Christ which merit our attention. I style it
the Apostles' Creed, but am not at all solicitous to know
who was the composer of it. The ancient writers agree in
ascribing it to the apostles; either from a belief that it was
written and published by their common concurrence, or from
an opinion that this compendium, being faithfully collected from
(m) 1 Thess. iv. 16, 17. (") Acts x. 42. (o) 2 Tim. iv. I.
(/>) Rom. viii.34. () John v. 22.
the doctrine delivered by them, was worthy of being sanctioned
by such a title. And whoever was the author of it, I have no
doubt that it has been publicly and universally received as a
confession of faith from the first origin of the Church, and
even from the days of the apostles. Nor is it probable that it
was composed by any private individual, since from time imme-
morial it has evidently been esteemed as of sacred authority by
all the pious. But what we ought principally to regard, is be-
yond all controversy; that it comprehends a complete account
of our faith in a concise and distinct order, and that every thing
it contains is confirmed by decisive testimonies of Scripture.
This being ascertained, it is of no use anxiously to inquire,
or to contend with any one, respecting its author, unless it be
not sufficient for any one to have the unerring truth of the
Holy Spirit, without knowing either by whose mouth it was
uttered, or by whose hand it was written.
XIX. Since we see that the whole of our salvation, and all
the branches of it, are comprehended in Christ, we must be
cautious not to alienate from him the least possible portion of
it. If we seek salvation, we are taught by the name of JESUS,
that it is in him; if we seek any other gifts of the Spirit, they
will be found in his unction; strength, in his dominion; purity,
in his conception; indulgence discovers itself in his nativi
by which he was made to resemble us in all things, that
might learn to condole with us; if we seek redemption, it wi
be found in his passion; absolution, in his condemnation; re-
mission of the curse, in his cross; satisfaction, in his sacrifice;
purification, in his blood; reconciliation, in his descent into
hell; mortification of the flesh, in his sepulchre; newness of
life and immortality, in his resurrection; the inheritance of
the celestial kingdom, in his entrance into heaven; protection,
security, abundance, and enjoyment of all blessings, in his
kingdom; a fearless expectation of the judgment, in the judi-
cial authority committed to him. Finally, blessings of every
kind are deposited in him, let us draw from his treasury, and
from no other source, till our desires are satisfied. For they
who, not content with him alone, are carried hither and thither
into a variety of hopes, although they fix their eyes principally
on him, nevertheless deviate from the right way in the diver-
sion of any part of their attention to another quarter. This
distrust however cannot intrude, where the plenitude of his
blessings hath once been truly known.
Christ truly and properly said to have merited the Grace of God
and Salvation for us.
W E must devote an additional Chapter to the solution of
this question. For there are some men, more subtle than or-
thodox, who though they confessed that Christ obtained salva-
tion for us, yet cannot bear the word merit, by which they
suppose the grace of God is obscured. So they maintain that
Christ is only the instrument or minister, not as he is called by
Peter, the Author, or Leader, and " Prince of life." (r) I grant,
indeed, if any man would oppose Christ simply and alone to
the judgment of God, there would be no room for merit; be-
cause it is impossible to find in man any excellence which can
merit the favour of God: nay, as Augustine most truly ob-
es, "The brightest illustration of predestination and grace
Saviour himself, the man Christ Jesus, who hath
acquired this character in his human nature, without any pre-
vious merit either of works or of faith." Let any one tell me,
how that man merited the honour of being assumed into one
person with the Word, who is co-eternal with the Father, and
so becoming the only-begotten Son of God? Thus the foun-
tain of grace appears in our Head, and from him diffuses its
streams through all his members according to their respective
capacities. Every one from the commencement of his faith is
made a Christian, by the same grace, by which this man from
the commencement of his existence was made the Christ.
Again, in another treatise, Augustine says, u There is not a
more illustrious example of predestination than the Mediator
himself. For he who made of the seed of David this righteous
(q) Acti iii. 15.
man, so that he never could be unrighteous, without any pre-
vious merit of his will, he converts unrighteous persons into
righteous ones, and makes them members of that Head," &c.
When we speak of the merit of Christ therefore, we do not
consider him as the origin of it, but we ascend to the ordina-
tion of God, which is the first cause; because it was of his mere
good pleasure, that God appointed him Mediator to procure
salvation for us. And thus it betrays ignorance, to oppose the
merit of Christ to the mercy of God. For it is a common
maxim, that between two things, of which one succeeds or is
-subordinate to the other, there can be no opposition. There
is no reason therefore why the justification of men should not
be gratuitous from the mere mercy of God, and why at the
same time the merit of Christ should not intervene, which is
subservient to the mercy of God. But to our works are directly
and equally opposed the gratuitous favour of God and the
obedience of Christ, each in its respective place. For Christ
could merit nothing^cxcept^by the good pkjg"rco, ^ ot !i by
which he had been predestinated to appease the Divine v.-rath
by his sacrifice, and to abqlkh our tran v-. ':. :
dience. To conclude, since the merit of Christ depends solely .
on the grace of God, which appointed this method of salvatic
for us, therefore his merit and that grace are with equal
priety opposed to all the righteousnesses of men.
II. This distinction is gathered from numerous
Scripture. " God so loved the world, that he gav
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not
perish." (r) We see, that the love of God holds the first place,
as the supreme and original cause, and that faith in Christ fol-
lows, as the second and proximate cause. If it be objected,
that Christ is only the formal cause, this diminishes his merit
more than the words now quoted will bear. For if we obtain
righteousness by a faith which relies on him, it is in him we
are to seek the cause of our salvation. This is evident from
many passages. " Not that we loved God, but that he loved 1
us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins." (s)
These words clearly demonstrate, that to remove every ob-
(r) John iii. 16. (*) 1 John iv. 10
stacle in the way of his love towards us, God appointed a
method of reconciliation in Christ. And there is much con-
tained in the word " propitiation;" for God, in a certain in-
effable manner, at the same time that he loved us, was never-
theless angry with us, till he was reconciled in Christ. This
is implied in the following passages: " He is the propitiation
for our sins." (i) Again: " It pleased the Father, having made
peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all
things unto himself." (t>) Again: " God was in Christ, recon-
ciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses
unto them." (w) Again: " He hath made us accepted in the
Beloved." (*) Again: " That he might reconcile both unto
God in one body by the cross." (z/) The reason of this mystery
may be learned from the first chapter of the Epistle to the
Ephesians, where Paul, having taught that we are chosen in
Christ, adds at the same time, that we are accepted in him.
How did God begin to favour those whom he had loved before
the creation of the world, but by the manifestation which he-
made of his love when he was reconciled by the blood of Christ?
For since God is the fountain of all righteousness, he must
necessarily be the enemy and judge of every sinner. Where-
e the beginning of his love is the righteousness described b\
" He hath made him to be sin for us, who knew nol |
sin; that we may be made the righteousness of God in him."(z)| |
For his meaning is, that by the sacrifice of Christ we obtain
gratuitoiS righteousness so as to be acceptable to God, though
by nature we are the children of wrath, and alienated from him
by sin. This distinction is indicated also wherever the grace
of Christ is connected with the love of God; whence it follows
that our Saviour bestows on us what he has purchased; for
otherwise it would be inconsistent to ascribe this praise to
him distinctly from the Father, that grace is his, and proceeds
from him.
III. Now that Christ by his obedience has really procured
and merited grace from the Father for us, is certainly and
justly concluded from various passages of Scripture. For I
assume this as granted: If Chris.t has satisfied for our sins; if
(0 1 John ii. 2. (f ) Col. i. 19, 20. (w) 2 Cor. v. 19.
(*) Eph. i. 6. (i/) Eph. ii. 16. (r) 2 Cor. v. 21.
he has sustained the punishment due to us; if he has appeased
God by his obedience; in a word, if he has suffered the just
for the unjust; then salvation has been obtained for us by his
righteousness, which is the same as being merited. But
according to the testimony of Paul, " We were reconciled by
his death, by whom we have received the atonement," or re-
conciliation. () Now there is no room for reconciliation with-
out a previous offence. The sense therefore is, that God, to
whom our sins had rendered us odious, has been appeased by
the death of his Son, so as to be propitious to us. And the
antithesis, which follows just after, is worthy of careful ob-
servation: " As by one man's disobedience many were made
sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made right-
eous." () For the meaning is, that as by the sin of Adam we
were alienated from God and devoted to destruction, so by the
obedience of Christ we are received into favour, as righteous
persons. Nor does the future tense of the verb exclude
present righteousness; as appears from the context. For he
had before said, " The free gift is of many offences unto justi-
fication." (c)
IV. But when we say that grace is procured for us by
merit of Christ, we intend, that we have been purified
blood, and that his death was an expiation for sin
blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin."] W) "This
blood is shed for the remission of sins." (e} If t]M|
tation of our sins to us be the effect of the blofl
shed, it follows that this was the price of satisflEronto
justice of God. This is confirmed by the declaration of t'
Baptist: " Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the
sin of the world." (/) For he opposes Christ to all the
sacrifices of the law, to shew that v hat they prefigured was
accomplished in him alone. Now we know what Moses fre-
quently says, that an atonement shall be made for sin, and it
shall be forgiven. In short, the ancient figures give us a fine
exhi'nitio . of the power and efficacy of the death of Christ.
And the apostle copiously discusses this subject in the Epistle
to the Hebrews, judiciously assuming this as a fundamental
(a) Rom. v. 10, 11. (J) Rom. v. 19. (c) Rom. v. 16.
(rf) 1 John i. 7. (e) Matt. xxvi. 28. (/) John i. 29.
VOL. I. 4 C
principle, that " without shedding of blood there is no remis-
sion." Whence he infers, that Christ hath " once ap 'reared
to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself:" and that " he
was offered to bear the sins of many." (i) He had already
said, that " Not by the blood of goats and calves, but by his
own blood; he entered once into the holy place, having ob-
tained eternal redemption." () Now when he argues in this
manner; " If the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes
of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purify-
ing of the flesh; how much more shall the blood of Christ
purge your conscience from dead works?" (/) it evidently ap-
pears that we too much undervalue the grace of Christ, unless
we attribute to his sacrifice an expiatory, placatory, and satis-
factory efficacy. Therefore it is immediately added; " He is
the Mediator of the New Testament, that by means of death,
for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the
first testament, they which are called might receive the pro-
mise of eternal inheritance." (m) But we ought particularly
to consider the relation described by Paul, that he was u made
a curse for us." (n) For it would be unnecessary, and con-
uently absurd, for Christ to be loaded with a curse, except
to discharge the debts due from others, and thereby
righteousness for them. The testimony of Isaiah
Sjclear, that " the chastisement of our peace was
: m; and with his stripes we are healed." (o) For if
Bt made a satisfaction for our sins, he could not
said to mPe appeased God by suffering the punishment to
lich we were exposed. This is confirmed by a subsequent
clause: " For the transgression of my people was he stricken."(/)
Let us add the interpretation of Peter, which will remove all
difficulty, that " he bare our sins in his own body on the tree;"(y)
which imports that the burden of condemnation, from which
we have been relieved, was laid upon Christ.
V. The apostles explicitly declare, that he paid a price to
redeem us from the sentence of death. " Being justified freely
(j) Hcb. ix. 22, 26, 28. (*) Heb. ix. 12.
(0 Heb. ix. 13, 14. (?) Heb. ix. 15.
(n) Gal. iii. 13. (o) Isaiah liii. 5.
(/>) Isaiah liii. 8 (9) 1 Peter ii. 24.
by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
whor God hath set forth to be a propitiation, through faith
in his blood." (r) Here Paul celebrates the grace of God, be-
cause he has given the price of our redemption in the death of
Christ: and then enjoins us to betake ourselves to his blood,
that we may obtain righteousness, and may stand secure before
the judgment of God. Peter confirms the same when he says,
" Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver
and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb
without blemish and without spot." (*) For there would be no
propriety in the comparison, unless this blood had been the
price of satisfaction for sin: for which reason Paul says, " Ye
are bought with a price." (t) Nor would there be any truth
in his other assertion, that " there is one Mediator, who gave
himself a ransom," (t) unless the punishment due to our de-
merits had been transferred to him. Therefore the same
apostle defines " redemption through his blood" to be " the
forgiveness of sins:" (TU) as though he had said, We are
justified or acquitted before God, because that blood is a com-
plete satisfaction for us. Which is consonant with the follov
ing passage, that " he blotted out the hand-writing,_wriich
contrary to us, nailing it to his cross." (#) For
signify the payment or compensation which
guilt. There is great weight also in these Jt<
" If righteousness come by the law, then Cj
vain." (z/) For hence we conclude, that we T
Christ what the law would confer upon any onfl
it: or, which is the same, that we obtain by^^^gr^^J
Christ what God promised in the law to our works: kl \
commandments "if a man do, he shall live in them." (z
the apostle confirms with equal perspicuity in his sermol
Antioch, asserting that "by Christ all that believe are ju
fied from all things, from which they could not be justified
the law of Moses." (a) For if righteousness consist in an o
servance of the law, who can deny that Christ merited favour
for us, when by bearing this burden himself he reconciles us
(r) Rom. iii. 24, 25. (s) 1 Peter i. 18, 19. (0 1 Cor. vi. 20.
() 1 Tim. ii. 5, 6. ( w ) Col. i. 14. (x) Col. ii. 14.
(y) Gal. ii. 21. (2) Lev. xviii. 5. Cn) Acts xiit. 39.
to God, just as though we were complete observers of the law
ourselves. The same rdea is conveyed in what he afterwards
writes to the Galatians, that " God sent forth his Son, made
under the law, to redeem them that were under the law>" (/>)
For what was the design of that subjection to the law, but to
procure a righteousness for us, by undertaking to perform that
which we were not able to do. Hence that imputation of
righteousness without works, of which Paul treats; (c) because
that righteousness which is found in Christ alone is accepted
as ours. Nor indeed is the "flesh" of Christ called our
" food" () for any other reason but because we find in it the
substance of life. Now this virtue proceeds solely from the
crucifixion of the Son of God, as the price of our righteous-
ness. Thus Paul says, " Christ hath given himself for us an
offering and a sacrifice to God fora sweet-smelling savour."()
And in another place, " He was delivered for our offences,
and was raised again for our justification." (jf ) Hence it is
inferred, not only that salvation is given us through Christ,
but that the Father is now propitious to us for his sake. For
cannot be doubted, but this, which God declares in a figu-
wayjjy Isaiah, is perfectly fulfilled in him; u I will"
ne own sake, and for my servant David's sake."(^-)
tie is a sufficient witness, when he says, " Your
you for his name's sake." (A) For although
rist is not expressed, yet John in his usual
cs him by the pronoun VT?, he. In this sense
ares, "As I live by the Father; so he that
he shall live by me." (z) With whic'h cor-
following declaration of Paul: " Unto you it is
for the love of Christ (wi$ #?T) not only to believe
, but also to suffer for his sake." (/t)
VI. But the inquiry made by Lombard and the schoolmen,
ether Christ merited for himself, discovers as much foolish
uriosity, as the assertion doc x s presumption when they affirm
it. For what necessity was there for the only-begotten Son
of God to descend, in order to make any new acquisition for
(/-) Gal. iv. 4, 5. (c) Rom. iv. 5. () John vi. 55.
(<) Eph. v. 2. ( /) Rom. iv. 25. (^) Isaiah xxxvii. 35.
(A) 1 John ii. IP. (i) John vi. 57. (A-) Phil. i. 29.
himself? And God by the publication of his own counsel re-
moves every doubt. For it is said, not that the Father con-
sulted the benefit of the Son in his merits, but that he "de-
livered him to death, and spared him not," (/) " because he
loved the world." (m) And the language of the prophets is
worthy of observation: " Unto us a Child is born." (n) Again:
" Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; behold thy King
cometh unto thee." (o) There would otherwise be no force in
that confirmation of his love, which Paul celebrates, that he
" died for us, while we were enemies." (/?) For we infer from
this, that he had no regard to himself: and that he clearly
affirms himself, when he says, " For their sakes I sanctify
myself." (y) For by transferring the benefit of his sanctity to
others, he declares that he makes no acquisition for himself.
And it is highly worthy of our observation, that in order to
devote himself wholly to our salvation, Christ in a manner for-
got himself. To support this notion of theirs, the schoolmen
preposterously pervert the following passage of Paul: "
fore also God hath highly exalted him, and given
which is above every name." (r) For, considered
what merits could he obtain such dignity as to bej
the world and the Head of angels, to enjoy the sj
nion of God, and to be the residence of
thousandth part of which can never be approa^^^^Hftl :7'
abilities of men and of angels? But the soluB
complete, that Paul in that passage is not treafl
of the exaltation of Christ, but only shewing t^H
of it, that he might be an example to us; nor didTJ
other than what is declared in another place, that^B
ought to have suffered, and to enter into his glory." (*),
(0 Rom. viii. 32. (m) John iii. 16. (n) Isaiah ix.
(o) Zech. ix. 9- (/) Rom. v. 8, 10. (7) John xvii. 19
(r) Phil. ii. 9. () Luke xxiv. 26.
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