UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE 2MILIE GRIOSBY COLIJ2C1 ION PART I OBJECTS OF ART THE ANDERSON GALLERIES NEW YORK THE COLLECTION OF MISS EMILIE GRIGSBY OF NEW YORK CITY ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE Art and Literary Collections OF Miss Emilie Grigsby OF NEW YORK CITY Part I -OBJECTS OF ART Paintings, Sculptures, Jades, Snuff Bottles, Chinese Porcelains, Silver, Miniatures, Fans, Jewelry, Rugs, Tapestries, Embroideries, Artistic Carved Furniture, and China ON EXHIBITION IN THE ANDERSON GALLERIES AND TO BE SOLD BY UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC AUCTION DURING THE WEEK BEGINNING JANUARY 22, 1912 BY The Anderson Auction Company Conditions of Sale 1. All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer's expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Auction Company will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition two or more days before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Auction Company will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. But upon receiving before the date of sale expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Auction Company will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. TERMS CASH. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Auction Company shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Auction Company to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such resale. The Anderson Auction Company will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. THE ANDERSON AUCTION COMPANY MADISON AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE 7990 BRYANT Order of Sales PART I OBJECTS OF ART AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS, JANUARY 22o, TO SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 27TH, 1912, BEGINNING AT 2:30 AND 8:15 O'CLOCK Monday Afternoon, January 22d Lots, 1-161. Arms and Armor, Indian Weapons, Deer Head, Draperies and Portieres, Rosaries, Woodcarvings, Marbles, and Bronzes. Monday Evening, January 22d Lots, 162-295. Chinese and Japanese Porcelains, Embroideries, Ivories, Jades, Snuff Bottles, Rock Crystal, and Cabinet Pieces. Tuesday Afternoon, January 23d Lots, 296-442. Coins, Dining Room Furniture Upholstered in Antique Flemish Tapestry, Flemish Wall Tapestries, Ecclesiastical Embroideries, Draperies, and Hangings. Tuesday Evening, January 23d Lots, 443- 604A. Cabinet Objects, Fans, Miniatures, Assyrian Glass, Tanagras, Gold Boxes, Jewelry, Cathedral Hanging Lamps, and Sculptures. Wednesday Afternoon, January 24th Lots, 605-763. Decorated Porcelain Groups and Figures; Meissen, Sevres and Solon Vases; Old Eng- lish, Dutch, and German Silver Tankards, Cups, Chalices, etc. Wednesday Evening, January 24th Lots, 764-927. Musical Instruments, Antique Watches, Bronzes, Ecclesiastical Silver, European Ivories Cathedral Lamps, Limoges Enamel, and Objects of Art. Thursday Afternoon, January 25th Lots, 928-1079. Table Silver and Glass; Exhibition Plates by Solon, Boullemier, and Labas; Tea Sets of Sevres, Dresden, and Royal Vienna; Spode, Coalport, etc. Thursday Evening, January 25th Lots, 1080-1175. Paintings by Modern French Artists, examples of Italian, French, and Dutch Schools, Engravings and Carbon Prints. Friday Afternoon, January 26th Lots, 1176-1283. Carved and Gilded French Walnut Furniture, Louis XVth Suites, Furniture of the Empire Period, upholstered in Aubusson Tapestry, a Carved and Gilded Piano, etc. Friday Evening, January 26th Lots, 1284-1390. Oriental Rugs, the Furniture and Decoration of Miss Grigsby's Room, Lace, and Objects of Art. Saturday Afternoon, January 27th Lots, 1391-1510. Florentine and Venetian-carved Furniture Upholstered, in Old Church Embroideries, an /Eolian Orchestrelle, a Weber Grand Piano, etc. 198486 INDEX OF PAINTINGS ARTISTS REPRESENTED Achenbach (Oswald) 1 126 Van de Velde (Adrian) 1160 Albertinelli (Francia Luigio) .... 1168 Wissing (William) 1175 Beers (Jan van) 1133, 1139 Wouverman (Philips) 1158 Belloni (Giorgio) 1116, 1120 Benlliure (Jose) 1141 Zorn (Anders) 1149, 1153 Berchem (Nicholas) 1156 Boudin (Eugene) 1148 Photographs Constant-Benjamin (Jean J.) .... 1117, 1136 Albani (Francesco) 1080 Corot (J. B. C.) [attributed] . 1145 Botticelli 1088 Dei Rossa (Francesco) 1174 Brescia (Morette da) 1089 Dupre (Jules) 1143 Hais (Franz) 1093 Deventer (W. A. van) 1124 Diaz (N.) 1146 Le Brim (Viglee Madame) 1084 Filosa (G.) 1123, 1125 Murillo 1091 Funk (Wilhelm) 1115, 1127, 1131, 1157 Raphael 1092 Goyen (Jan van) 1164, 1166 Rembrandt van Rhyn 1081, 1086 Greuze (Jean Baptiste) 1165 Rubens 1082 Ruysdael 1087, 1090 Herter (Albert) 1114, 1147 Hoppner (John) [attributed] ... 1170 Titian 1083 Jacque (Ch.Emile) [attributed]. 1144 Van Dyck 1085 Jettel (Eugene) 1135, 1138, 1140 Engravings and Etchings Klinkenberg (Johannes C. K.) . . . 1122, 1132 Kunz (L. Adam) 1129 Audran (Jean) 1105 Bonheur (Rosa) 1097 Lamb (A. C.) 1119 Le Ducq (Jan) 1163 Chapman (F. A.) 1103 Color Prints 1095 Mignard (Pierre) '. 1137 Monet (Claude) 1154 De Longhi 1102 Morrice (J. W.) 1152 Etchings 1108, 1109 Nattier (Jean Marc) T 1171 Eyck (Jan van) 1107 Newman (R. L.) 1128 Flameng (Leopold and Francois) 1111 Pissarro (Camille) 1150 Giudetti (N.) 1098 Potter (Paul) [attributed] 1162 Pourbous (Franz, the Younger) Haig (Axel) 1113 1167, 1169, 1173 Harding (S.) 1106 Herter (Albert) 1101 Quast (Peter) 1159 Hogarth (William) 1104 Schmidt (Edward Allan) 1118 Koepping (Charles) 1112 Serra-y-Porson (Jose) 1121, 1130 Sisley (Alfred) 1151 Lefort (Henri) 1110 Sogliani (Giovanni Antonio) 1172 Morghen (Raphael) 1099 Stevens (Alfred) 1142 Muller (W.) 1100 Teniers (David) [attributed] .... 1155 Perez (D. A.) 1096 Unknown Artist 1134, 1161 Scientists' Portraits 1094 The Collection of Miss Emilie Grigsby PART I. OBJECTS OF ART FIRST SESSION 1. Blue Porcelain Vase. Floral relief decoration with figure of a Gallant in relief standing on the bowl. Height, 21 inches. 2. Aztec Pottery Jug. (Grotesque.) Toby Jug. Stoneware, signed. Height of each, 8 inches. (2 pieces.) 3. Wide-Mouthed Glass Flower Holder. Two Cameo Glass Toilet Bottles. Glass Tray in Nickel Holder. Pair of Soap Trays of Nickel. (6 pieces.) 4. Antique Mexican Cut Leather Money Box. Iron mounts 6x4x4 inches. Pair Spanish Castanets. Washington Souvenir, wood from Mt. Vernon. Wagner Bronze Medal, by Wiener. Maltese Cross of Filigree Silver. Pair of Buttons Enameled with Egyptian {Figures. Two Pairs Dumb-bells. (11 pieces.) 5. Choisy Umbrella Stand. Green Pottery. Height, 23 inches. 6. Ormolu Jewel Box. Octagonal in form, set with rose decorated porcelain panels. Two Cut Glass Toilet Bottles with Original Stoppers. 7. French Bronze and Enamel Statuette. Bust of Cleopatra rising from a cluster of lotus leaves of blue, green and brown enamel which form a stem resting on a marble base. She wears an Egyptian head dress of blue, green and brown enamel. Signed Henri Godet. Height, 6 inches. 8. Pair Flower Vases. Clear glass with applied gold decoration. Height, 22 inches. 9. Pair Flower Vases. Green fluted glass. Height, 16 inches. 10. Pair Flower Vases. Clear glass beaker shape. Height, 21 inches. 1 1 . Pair Flower Vases. Clear glass, flaring mouth. Height, 20 inches. 12. Two Glass Flower Vases. Clear glass and green glass, each with gold decoration. Height, 16 inches. 13. Flower Vases and Bowl. Clear glass, fluted bowl, tall vase and three single flower vases. (5 pieces.) 14. Wide-Mouthed Glass Flower Vases. Clear glass. (3 pieces.) Height, 11 inches. 15. Pair Low Brass Candlesticks. 16. Pair Low Brass Candlesticks. 17. Ivory Paper Cutter with Sterling Silver Handle. Monogrammed twice. Silver Paper Weight set with semi-precious stones. Magnifying Glass mounted in sterling silver. (3 pieces.) 18. Three Edward Vllth Doulton Coronation Cups. One with inscribed silver rim. 19. Silver Bonbon or Sugar Bowl. Two handles, monogram. Silver Gilt Wheelbarrow. Gilt Bracelet set with five painted porcelain medallions. (3 pieces.) 20. Carved Repousse Silver Ash Tray. Venetian Jewel Casket, covered with illuminated and carved leather. Empire Jewel Casket of blue velvet and silver in the form of a small chest. (3 pieces.) 21. Rosary. Mother of Pearl and Crucifix, silver mounted. 22. Two Rosaries of Wood and Silver with Emblems. One with silver and one with ivory Crucifix. 23. Rosary of Crystal Beads, Silver Crucifix and Rosary of Blue Beads with silver and pearl Crucifix. (2 pieces.) 24. Small Silver Crucifix set with Four Garnets. Miniature Silver Traveling Shrine with tiny figure of the Virgin. Ivory Cross with head of cherubim. (3 pieces.) 25. Tall Green Glass Flower Holder. Opalescent glass, flaring rim. Height, 48 inches. 26. Glass Flower Holder. Long necked, gourd shape. Height, 28 inches. 27. Austrian Glass Flower Holder. Favrile Glass Flower Basket with Handle. Small Green Pottery Jar. (3 pieces.) 28. Pair Green and Gold Glass Vases. Height, 15 inches. 29. Pair Single Flower Gold-Tipped Etched Glass Vases. 30. Solid Silver Gilt Pen Tray. Two angels' heads in repousse. Marked with monogram. Silver Letter Opener. 3 Pens of silver, crystal and tortoise shell and a Bookmark with silver and enamel shield (from the Royal School of Art Needlework at South Kensington). (6 pieces.) 31. Small Blue Oval Onyx Tray. Made from stone found in the Black Forest. Two Silver, Cloisonne and Carnelian, Bonbon Boxes. (5 pieces.) fin 32. Sevres Dish Ormolu Mounts with Handles. Painted group of Amorini and garlands, signed "Luce." On four low legs. Ivory Back Toilet Set. Cut Glass Sachet Jar and Pair Cut Glass Toilet Bottles with Silver Tops. (3 pieces.) 33. Small Enamel Pin Tray, Nickel Watch. Small Square Embroidered Tray Glass Bottom. Desk silver (two pens, box, seal, pencil, scales), Stereoscope and slides made by Richard. (11 Pieces.) 34. Pair of Blue Silk Plush Short Portieres. Length, 65 inches. 35. Two Pairs of Blue Silk Brocade Curtains. Lined. Finished with silk fringe and silk loops. 36. Three Pairs of Blue Silk Brocade Portieres. To match the above. 37. Three Pairs of Yellow Velvet Portieres. Finished with green figured silk band. 38. Three Pairs of Yellow Velvet Curtains. To match the above. With silk loops. 39. Pair of Crimson Velour Curtains. Finished with cord braid, cord loops. 40. Six Pairs of Crimson Velour Portieres. To match the above. 41. Pair of Renaissance Lace Curtains. Wide borders on net ground. 42. Three Pairs of Grey Blue Silk Velour Curtains. Lined and finished with silk braid and silk loops. 43. Two Pairs of Grey Blue Silk Velour Portieres. To match the above. [12] 44. Three Pairs of Silk and Lace Curtains. Ivory silk curtains with wide borders of Torchon Lace in a special design. 45. Three Pairs of Silk and Lace Curtains. To match the above. 46. Pair of Embroidered Muslin and Lace Curtains. Eyelet and dot embroidery muslin curtains. In the lower part are let four rows of wide Torchon lace on either side of three lace squares of figure design. The lower edges bordered with wide Torchon lace ending in tassels at intervals. Never used. Width, 58 inches; length, 95 inches. 47. Pair of Embroidered Muslin and Lace Curtains. To match the above. 48. Two Pairs of Embroidered Muslin and Lace Curtains. To match the above. 49. Three Pairs of Embroidered Muslin and Lace Curtains. To match the above. 50. Letter Box or Photograph Case. Covered with flowered silk brocade. 14 x 18 inches. Thermometer Mounted on Old Brocade with Silk and Ribbon Roses. (2 pieces.) The box encloses 162 photographs of distinguished rulers of Euro- pean Courts, Royalty, Artists, Litterateurs, etc. Arms and Armor 51. Turkish Gun. With ornamented brass mountings. 52. Norman Helmet. Ornamented in low relief, with chain guard and narrow nose guard. 53. Sword with Ivory Scabbard. Carved in relief with heads and architectural designs. [13] 54. Incised Turkish Blade. Studded handle, leather sheath. 55. Poniard. Ivory handle, wood scabbard, ivory tip. 56. Short Sword Leather Scabbard. Bronze handle formed as head of a grotesque animal. 57. Old Norman Sword and Scabbard. 58. Short Sword. Spiral ebony handle, incised blade. 59. Old Pistol. Long barrel with bronze mounts elaborately carved. "G. Rossi" cut on hammer. 60. Curved Short Sword. With handle set with four ivory panels. 61. Turkish Gun. Mounted in brass elaborately wrought. 62. East India Dagger. Bronze handle and scabbard intricately wrought. 63. Short Sword. Wood handle, leather scabbard, brass mounts. 64. Long Pistol. Elaborately ornamented, brass mountings. 65. Dress Sword. Wood hilt, brass mounts. 66. Japanese Short Sword (Kanto) with Kodzuka. The scabbard mounted with lacquer and ornamented with a silver lobster. 67. Persian Powder Flask. Studded with gems on a filigree ground. [14] 68. Pair Mexican Spurs. Another pair, smaller. (4 pieces.) 69. Deer Head. Spreading horns, twelve prongs. Mounted. 70. Skeleton Buckhorn's Head. Spread of horns, 55 inches. Mounted. 71. Deer Head. Five-pronged horns. Killed in Montana by Mr. Andrew L. Green with coin carved at the time attached to mount. 72. Moose Head. Spread of antlers, 67 inches. A superb specimen, one of the largest known. 73. Ute Indian Squaw Dress. Mountain-sheep's skin, decorated with various painted designs and trimmed with strings of blue beads, sides and bottom fringed. 74. Indian Buckskin Jacket. Embroidered with colored quills. 75. Ute Indian Buckskin Vest. Entirely covered with white beads on which is worked a pattern in red and blue beads. 76. Ute Indian Pappoose Pouch. Buckskin entirely covered with white beads on which is worked a pattern in red and blue beads. Bannock Indian Child's Jacket. Buckskin covered with pink and blue beads and with bead ornament. (2 pieces.) 77. Two Bead Bands of an Indian Chief. Embroidered on buckskin. Length about 69 inches. Indian Bead Scarf. Beaded on both sides, fringed zephyr ends (beaded section 32 inches long). (3 pieces.) [15] 78. Pair Beaded Moccasins, Bow and 3 Arrows, Quill Collar, Two Necklaces of Beads, 2 Ornaments of horse-hair, beads and feathers. Knife Sheath of bead and buckskin. (10 pieces.) 79. Three Indian Pouches. Arapahoe circular pouch of buckskin and two of bead and buck- skin. (3 pieces.) 80. Indian Weapons. Stone-headed War-Club inlaid with lead. Tomahawk. Pair of Stone Head Clubs. Pipe. With red stone bowl and spindle carved stem. Length, 22 inches. (5 pieces.) 81. Navajo Indian Blanket. Small diamond pattern in white on a blue and black striped ground, medallion- centre. In perfect condition. Very fine and old, used by Chief Manuelito. 82. Navajo Indian Blanket. Red, white and green diamond pattern with medallion centre. Fine specimen. 83. Navajo Indian Blanket. White and black mottled pattern, blue and red centre medallion, red and blue striped ends. 84. Navajo Indian Blanket. Wide black and ivory stripes, red crosses at intervals. 85. Antique Mexican Sombrero. White felt, eight-inch brim, embroidered under the brim in flowers and birds in gold and colors (crown moth-eaten). A very old specimen. Two Sombreros. Of brown and grey beaver trimmed with gold and silver braid. (3 pieces.) 86. Military Scarf of Crimson Knitted Silk. With gold tassels. Length, 72 1-2 inches. [16] 87. American Flag. Length, 38 feet. 88. American Flag. Length, 23 feet, 4 inches. 89. American Naval Flag. Length, 9 feet, 2 inches. 90. American Naval Flag. Length, 14 feet, 7 inches. 91. White Satin Panel Embroidered in Silver. Conventional Lotos Blossoms and stems in heavy silver thread on a white satin ground. Trimmed with silver lace. 52 x 20 inches. 92. Shield with Coat of Arms in Applique. Rampant lion on a blue velvet field, the shield surmounted with a crown, the whole ornamented in gilt thread embroidery. 93. Pair of Shields with Coats of Arms in Applique. Similar to above but on cloth of gold ground. 94. Two Pairs of Green Silk Velour Portieres. Finished with green figured silk braid, lined. 95. Pair of Green Silk Velour Curtains. To match the above. With silk cord loops. 96. Two Pairs of Torchon Lace and Net Curtains. 97. Two Pairs of Torchon Lace and Net Curtains. 98. Two Pairs of Green Silk Brocade Portieres. Trimmed with gold fringe, the border finished with a French head- ing, interlined and lined with silk. 99. Two Pairs of Green Silk Brocade Portieres. To match the above. 100. Three Pairs of Green Silk Brocade Curtains. To match the above. 101. Two Pairs of Torchon Lace Curtains. Silk foundation, for the above. 102. Two Renaissance Lace Table Scarfs. 40x18 inches. [17] 103. Three Pairs of Plum-Colored Silk Velour Portieres. Finished with fringed braid tassels and loops. Lined. 104. Three Pairs of Curtains to Match. Silk loops to match. 105. Three Pairs of Net and Lace Curtains. 106. Two Pairs of Hall Portieres. Moss green velvet, ornamented with bands of applique. 107. Two Pairs of Hall Door Portieres. Moss green velvet with bands of applique to match the above, and lined with rose-colored velvet. Carved Wood 108. Venetian Carved Wood Fire Bellows with Cupid. Perfect condition. 109. Pair of Italian Carved and Gilt Wood Lanterns. Favrile glass panels, fitted for electric lights. Height, 33 1-2 inches. 110. Carved Rosewood Crucifix. Upheld by kneeling bronze angels on metal base. Height, 29 inches. 111. Italian Carved Wood Standard. Heads of three cherubim. Fitted for electric lights. 112. Spanish Wall Shrine, Carved Wood. The Triumph of the Virgin. Height, 35 inches. 113. Italian Carved Wood Madonna Shrine. With photograph of Virgin and Child with apple attended by two Saints. Height, 30 inches. 114. Pair of Antique Cathedral Candleholders of Carved and Gilded Wood. Italian, Sixteenth Century. Height, 5 feet, 10 inches. [18] 115. Ebony Crucifix. With ivory figure of the Saviour. Height, 14 inches. 116. Carved Wood Column. Supported by two standing lions holding an Italian Ducal Coat of Arms. Height, Ifl inches. 1 17. Figure of the Virgin. Plaster, delicately colored (30 inches), and An Angel. In white porcelain. Height, 10 inches. (2 pieces.) 118. Roman Mosaic. A Coronation Scene outside St. Peter's, Rome, with thousands of figures kneeling in the square, fountains playing, soldiers, citizens on horseback and in carriages. By F. Barzotti & R. S. Petri. Signed. 19 x 11 inches. 119. Two Roman Mosaics. The Fencer. By R. F. S. Petri. Signed. Poultry Vendor. Countryman bringing a fowl to old woman seated in the kitchen. In inlaid frame. Sizes, 8 x 12 inches and 9 x 12 inches. Marbles, Bronzes, Etc. 120. Pair of Rococo Urn-Shaped Finials. Italian Terra Cotta. Height, 13 inches. 121. Bronze Table Electrolier. Empire shape, two lights, yellow silk shade. Height, 30 inches. 122. Bronze Table Electrolier. Two candelabra lights, ecru silk shade and silk ball fringe. 123. Louis XVth Electric Toilet Fixture. Bracket from which is suspended a standard holding a large ball of cut crystal beads, globe finished in gold. [19] 124. Brass Empire Table Electrolier. Four candle lights, ivory silk shade, tray base. 125. Red Velvet Covered Column Pedestal. Square base and top. Height, 40 1-2 inches, 126. Low Italian Marble Pedestal. Shell and Cupid decoration. Height, 14 inches. 127. Pair of Red Marble Jewel Vases. On veined marble blocks, and a Pair of Small Urns. (6 pieces.) 128. Pair of Alabaster Urns, Original Covers. With ram's head handles and floral garlands. Height, 11 1-2 inches. 129. Pair of Empire Brass Candlesticks. Ivory silk shades with fringe. Adapted for electricity. 130. Early Italian Jardiniere of Pink Marble. Two grotesque lion handles on decorated stone pedestal, with four lambs resting on the base. Height, 47 inches. 131. Verd Antique Marble Pedestal. Revolving top, fluted column on hexagonal base. Height, 42 1-2 inches. 132. Pair of Twisted Stone Columns. . Height, 50 inches. 133. Verd Antique Revolving Marble Column. Ornamented with garlands in relief (repaired). Height, 49 inches. 134. Young Peasant Girl. Small bronze head mounted on a yellow marble base. By Ruth Miller. Height, 6 1-2 inches. 135. Bronze Bust of Madame Recamier. After David. Height, 23 1-2 inches. 136. Louis XVth Bronze Table Electrolier. Three lights, gold silk shade. [20] 137. Hanging Crystal Bead Electrolier Brass Mounts. Urn shaped with three lights, suspended by chains springing from the heads of cherubim. Height, 14 inches. 138. Hanging Crystal Bead Electrolier. Similar to above but smaller. Height, 11 inches. 139. Pair Louis XVIth Brass Candlesticks. Two lights each, silk shades, gilt edges bqbeches. Fitted for electricity. 140. Bronze Bust. Life size, enriched with gems "a cire perdue." Head of a woman, turban head-dress in which a gem is set, and the drapery around the shoulders held together by a jeweled clasp. 141. Pair of Tall Italian Twisted Marble Columns. Resting on crouching lions, surmounted by brass oil cups, hol- lowed for torches. 142. Antique Greek Marble Urn. With shell handles enclosing human head. Lower part restored. Height, 29 inches. 143. Marble Column. For the same. Height, 43 inches. 144. Pair of Large Porphyry Urns. Fluted bowl, shell handles, fluted porphyry covers. Height, 25 inches. 145. Pair Onyx Vases on Marble Bases. Height, 7 inches. 146. Pair of Wide Shallow Bloodstone Vases on Onyx Stands. Height, 11 1-2 inches; diameter, 12 inches. 147. Pair of Italian Twisted Marble Columns. Surmounted by marble urns. The columns of green veined marble, the capitals of white marble and the urns of malachite. Height, 94 inches. 148. Marble Bust of The Comtesse Du Barri. By F. Pajou. Height, 22 inches. 121] 149. Fruehlings Steurme. Bronze statuette. Partly draped female figure mounted on a sphere resting on a marble base. Prize piece of the Berlin Ex- position of 1903. By H. Dammann. Height, 32 inches. 150. Barbedienne Bronze Andirons. Elaborately wrought, scroll and acanthus leaf design. Height, 4% inches. 151. Pair of Louis XVth Gold Bronze Mantel Candelabra. Five lights, ivory silk shades. The lights rise from scroll brass work of the best description, made by special order to match the Barbedienne brass andirons. Adapted for electricity. Height, 48 inches. 152. Large Green-Toned Favrile Glass Shade. For three lights, irregular leaded ovals, with fringe of small wooden balls. Diameter, 23 1-2 inches. From the Tiffany Studios. 153. Pair of Louis XVth Candelabra. Figures holding branches of roses from which spring five-stemmed lights, resting on a rough antique marble base ornamented with garlands of brass. Fitted for electricity. Height, 48 inches. 154. Pair of Bronze Candelabra. Empire Period, bronze figure on a pedestal upholding a seven- branched light; the branches formed of hunting horns with relief decoration of grapes, ormolu mountings. Crystal bead shades. Adapted for electricity. Height, 48 inches. 155. Triumph of Brunhilde. By P. A. Birot, Contemporary French Sculptor. Marble group in high relief with applied color, having the motifs of Siegfried, Brunhilde, the Dragon, and the Rhine Maidens. A special design made for Miss Grigsby symbolic of Wagner's love for his great Trilogy and the central figure of Brunhilde, by the sculptor recommended by Rodin. Height, 32 inches; length, 33 inches. 156. Stone Panel. Madonna and Child in low relief, Italian, XVth Century. Height, 29 inches; width, 23 inches. [23] 157. Marble and Bronze Bust, St. Michael. Life size, wearing a helmet. The drapery around his shoulders carved from lapis lazuli and alabaster. 158. Small Marble Pedestal. For the above. 159. Large Marble Statue. By A. Rossetti, Rome. The Temptation of a Vestal Virgin. The Virgin stands by the Altar guarding the Sacred Fire. Cupid alighting at her shoulder leans over and whispers in her ear. Signed. Height, 63 inches. 160. Marble Pedestal. For the same. 161. Madonna, in Marble, after Murillo. By E. Gazzeri, Contem- porary Sculptor, Rome. "The Immaculate Conception" after Murillo on an Italian marble base, executed by the artist especially for Miss Grigsby. Signed. Nearly life size. [24] SECOND SESSION Japanese Ivories 162. Japanese Carving. Group of Mice. Old Ivory Netsuke. Grotesque head with articulated jaw. Date, about 1800. (2 pieces.) 163. Japanese Ivory Carving. Umbrella maker giving finishing touches to his work. 164. Old Japanese Ivory Carving. Grotesque figures of long-armed and {long-legged men comparing lengths. Illustrating an old Japanese legend. 165. Old Ivory Carving. Representing long-legged man carrying a long-armed man. Illus- trating old Japanese legend. Height, 8 inches. 166. Japanese Ivory Carving and Silver Stand. Monkey holding a frog, standing on a base of peaches with solid silver stand in form of fan used by a wrestler, on four low legs. 167. Old Japanese Ivory Carving. Group of figures. Seiwobo in the centre and two attendants. Very rare carving of the XVIIIth Century. Height, 8 inches. 168. Japanese Ivory Carving and Teakwood Stand. Fisherman with whistle in his hand and trained birds, giving signal ready to catch fish. By Tosei. Height, 9 1-2 inches. 169. Japanese Ivory Carving and Teakwood Stand. Eagle killing a fox. By Kodo. Height, 7 1-2 inches. 170. Japanese Ivory Carving and Teakwood Stand. Figure of Kwannon, standing erect on a dragon's back carved in exquisite detail. By Riumin. Height, 9 1-2 inches. [25] 171. Japanese Ivory Carving and Teak wood Stand. Flower Vendor trying to carry his boy in the other side of the basket and scared by the unbalanced weight. By Kio Kumei. Height, 8 inches. 111. Japanese Ivory Carving. By Seimin. One of the Disciples of Buddha, surrounded by the evils he is trying to dissipate. The details finely executed. 173. Japanese Ivory Carving and Teakwood Stand. By Shunmei. An old man sitting, holding his brush ready for work, with his old spectacles hanging from his ear. The expres- sion of his face, the strength of his arm holding half his weight are beautifully executed to show the strength of muscle. Height, 61-2 inches. This carving was executed by Shunmei, one of the foremost artists in Japan who is now the Imperial Artist and carves only for the Royal Family and whose work no longer comes upon the market. The above carving was exhibited at the Government Sculpture Society in Tokio in the 28th Year Meiji (about 1890) by Toyama in whose name the accompanying copper prize medal was given. (See Illustration.) 174. Japanese Ivory Carving and Teakwood Stand. By Shunmei. Figure of Gama Seinin, spirit of a frog scared by a snake. Height, 71-2 inches. 175. Japanese Ivory Carving on Teakwood Stand. By Shunmei. A woman diver with a few shell fish she has gath- ered in her net. Beautifully carved. Height, 71-2 inches. (See Illustration.) 176. Japanese Ivory Carving and Teakwood Stand. By Shunmei. Court Lady seated, writing poetry. Height, 5 inches. (See Illustration.) 177. Old Chinese Ivory Perfume Box. Cylindrical shape, with birds and flowers carved on a reticulated ground. Height, 41-4 inches. [27] 178. Chinese Ivory Carving. Old Mandarin Boat, with the Mandarin and family on a pleasure trip. Beautiful specimen of XVIIIth Century carving. Height, 81-2 inches; length, 91-2 inches. Japanese and Chinese Embroideries 179. Pair Small Down Head Cushions. Each ornamented with a panel of dark blue Chinese embroidery cut from an old Mandarin Coat. 180. Square Sofa Cushion of Japanese Cut Velvet. Decoration of a peacock standing on the branch of a blossoming cherry tree, on a grey ground. The reverse side of grey-green silk velour. 181. Square Sofa Cushion of Japanese Cut Velvet. Decoration of a crow in a rice-field on a grey ground typifying early morning. The reverse side of grey-green silk velour. 182. Japanese Embroidered Temple Hanging. Black satin ground with a decoration of drooping wistaria embroidered in shaded lilac, white and green, showing remarkable workmanship. The wistaria blossoms almost touch a winding stream with wild flowers growing in the grassy banks. Lined with dark purple satin, edged with silk braid, and tassels at the corners. 183. Japanese Embroidered Temple Hanging. Decoration, of two peacocks beautifully embroidered in white and gold resting in a large tree over which grows a wistaria vine in blossom. The entire ground is covered with circle embroidery in grey representing atmosphere. Bordered with old Japanese brocade. Length, 98 inches; ividth 74 inches. 184. Japanese Embroidered Temple Hanging. Decoration of drooping wistaria beautifully embroidered in shaded lilac, white and green on a ground of gold circle embroidery representing morning, over a garden of red and yellow thistles growing in the grass by a winding stream, all exquisitely carried out in the embroidery. One of the finest pieces of needle work of leda of Kioto. Length, 105 inches; width, 76 inches. [28] 185. Japanese Embroidered Temple Hanging. Decorated with groups of storks embroidered in white and black on a background of old rose circle embroidery representing the rising sun shining through a pine tree, embroidered in gold thread, emblem of longevity. The color scheme is beautifully carried out. Bordered with old Japanese brocade. Length, 91 inches; width, 66 inches. 186. Old Embroidered Japanese Banner. Used on the occasion of Temple Festivals. Black ground with decoration of cloud and water dragons meeting in mid-air, beautifully embroidered in gold thread within a gold bamboo border. The edges outside the border are decorated with embroid- ery of detached birds and flowers placed alternately. Length, 135 inches; width, 4? inches. 187. Pair of Japanese Embroidered Hangings. Typifying spring and summer. Clouds of single and double cherry blossoms, with birds embroidered on tan linen in exquisite colors, drooping over masses of peonies and butterflies which are embroidered on the lower part of the hanging. Lined with pale green figured silk. Length of each, 130 inches; width of each, 46 inches. 188. Pair of Japanese Embroidered Hangings. Representing summer and autumn. Black satin ground embroid- ered in drooping cherry blossoms and autumn leaves with birds exquisitely embroidered in shaded reds, greens and pink. The lower part of the hanging decorated with pale yellow peonies, the petals embroidered in raised work repeating nature and butter- flies in various colors. Lined with pale green figured silk. Length of each, 130 inches; width of each, 46 inches. 189. Embroidered Satin Obi. Obi of plum-colored satin embroidered on both sides in a decora- tion of clusters of wistaria blossoms and golden wheels artisti- cally arranged. Length, 124 inches; width, 12 inches. [29] Chinese and Japanese Cabinet Pieces Silver, Rose Quartz, and Sat sum a 190. Sat sum a Cabinet Vase. By Meizan. Decoration of landscapes executed under a magni- fying glass. Signed. 191. Satsuma Incense Box with Cover. By Kin Kozan. Decoration of a Musical Party on a circular panel. 192. Small Satsuma Jar with Original Cover. By Meizan. Decoration of a Daimio's Procession executed under a magnifying glass. Signed. 193. Old Japanese Satsuma Incense Burner, Silver Cover. Decoration of Birds of Paradise in panels. The entire jar is covered with a key pattern in gold. The silver cover carved and pierced to match the jar. 194. Old Japanese Satsuma Incense Burner, Silver Cover. Decoration of peonies in -panels and the entire surface covered with key pattern in gold. The silver cover carved and pierced to match the jar. 195. Chinese Porcelain Bottle Vase and Wood Stand. Coiled dragon on the neck, and on the body of gold are dragon and cloud articulated. Height, 8 inches. 196. Solid Silver Figure and Crystal Stand. The figure representing Kwannon Goddess of Mercy. The robes wonderfully executed in artistic workmanship. Cube stand carved out of a solid piece of rock crystal. 197. Silver Vase with Two Dragon Handles. Decoration of Oni in panel and profusely inlaid with Mother of Pearl, coral and tortoise shell, on either side a panel representing a garden party, cherry blossoms, etc., inlaid with same material, the neck and base decorated in medallion and cloisonne enamel. Height, 8 inches. [30] 198. Solid Silver Urn, with Original Cover. Medallion decoration of chrysanthemums and crests inlaid with cloisonne enamel. On the top of cover Birds of Paradise resting. Side handles of lizards to match in mythological subjects. 199. Gold Lacquer Bottle Shaped Vase and Wood Stand. Decoration of dragon in cloud on gold Togidashi lacquer. 200. Small Carved Teakwood Stand. Supported on four legs, with delicate carving of rings, etc., in pierced work over ivory. 201. Small Chinese Rose Quartz Dishes. Joined by a handle representing two wrestlers. With ivory stand representing a bamboo bench. 202. Chinese Rose Quartz Miniature Jar and Cover. 203. Chinese Rose Quartz Vase and Original Cover. Representing a rock covered with fungas carved out on the surface, with ivory stand. The fungas is mostly used as a Bud- dhistic symbol. Height, 81-2 inches. 204. Chinese Agate and Carnelian Writer's Water Dish. With wood stand. Carved out from the natural form of white and rose agate. The figures, etc., ingeniously carved, using every color in its proper place. 205. Chinese Tortoise-shell Cardcase. Garden parties elaborately carved on the surface. Date, about 1800. Chinese Snuff Bottles 206. Chinese Blue and White Snuff Bottle. With ivory top. Decoration of farm scene. 207. Chinese Blue and White Snuff Bottle, Jade Top. Square shape decorated with figures in circular panels. [31] 208. Chinese Porcelain Snuff Bottle with Original Stopper. Representing Fu Chow Lacquer. Decoration of Dogfoos in pierced work carved on the surface. Seal mark of the Chia Ching Period, 1522-1566. 209. Chinese Porcelain Snuff Bottle. With green jade stopper. Summer scene of boating on a lotus pond, carved on the surface in enamel colors. Chia Ching Period, 1522-1566. 210. Chinese Crystal Snuff Bottle, Green Jade Top. Hexagonal shape. 211. Chinese Camphor Crystal Snuff Bottle. With original stopper. Decoration of pine trees carved on the surface. 212. Chinese Rock Crystal Snuff Bottle, Amethyst Stopper. Decoration of vines carved out on the surface showing different minerals found in the crystal. 213. Chinese Rock Crystal Snuff Bottle. With green jade stopper. Pine trees carved on the surface. 214. Chinese Moss Crystal Snuff Bottle. Green top. 215. Chinese Glass Snuff Bottle. With green stopper. Decorations of dragons carved out in red. 216. Chinese Glass Snuff Bottle. With rose quartz stopper. Square shape. 217. Chinese Glass Snuff Bottle. With red ivory stopper. Decoration of lotus carved in amber color. 218. Chinese Glass Snuff Bottle. With jade stopper. Mottled pink surface. [32] 219. Chinese Glass Snuff Bottle. With red glass stopper. Decoration of bronze incense burners carved in red. 220. Chinese Glaze Snuff Bottle. With red ivory top. The entire surface finished like smooth red velvet. 221. Chinese Glass Snuff Bottle. Pink stopper. Decoration of lotus and fishes carved on the surface in several colors. 222. Chinese Amethyst Snuff Bottle. With green jade stopper. Decoration of Seiwobo and tame animals carved on the surface. 223. Old Chinese Amber Snuff Bottle. With green glass top. Decoration of peaches and tame animals carved on the surface. The bottle is very fine with the color produced by age. 224. Chinese Lapis Lazuli Snuff Bottle. Original stopper, mounted in old gilt. 225. Chinese Agate Snuff Bottle. With green jade stopper. Pair of horses carved out on the sur- face. Very fine piece. Chinese Blue and White Porcelains 226. Blue and White Temple Jar, Original Cover. With Hawthorn decoration in ascending and descending branches of flowers on opaque blue ground. Teakwood stand. Rang hsi Period, 1662-1722. Height, 15 1-2 inches. 227. Hawthorn Ginger Jar, Original Cover. Decoration of buds and blossoms on fine blue ground representing cracking ice. Rang hsi Period, 1662-1722. Height, 9 1-2 inches. [33] No. 232 KIEN LUNG PERIOD, 1736-1795 228. Tall Cylindrical Vase. Decoration of Shoki and his trained animals in a garden. Teak- wood stand. Ming Wang Lih Period, 1573-1620. Height, 17 inches. 229. Pair Powder Blue Ginger Jars with Original Covers. Decoration of boating scene in panels on a powder blue ground, ornamental teakwood stands. Height, 9 inches. 230. Pair of Blue and White Temple Jars, Original Covers. Decoration of pine trees and mythological animals in blue and white. Carved teakwood stands. Rang hsi Period, 1662-1722. Height, 16 inches. 231. Beaker Vase. Decoration of pine tree and mythological animals to match the pair preceding. Carved teakwood stand. Rang hsi Period, 1662-1722. Height, 17 inches. Chinese and Japanese Porcelains 232. Double Chinese Porcelain Vase and Teakwood Stand. Decoration of peaches and pomegranates, emblems of longevity carved out on the surface of grey crackle. Very rare specimen. Kien Lung Period, 1736-1795. Height, 10 inches. (See Illustration) 233. Chinese Enamel Stand on Three Legs and Low Teakwood Stand. Regular trefoil-shaped top, enamel decoration representing fungas, etc., of famille vert on Imperial yellow. VERY FINE AND BARE. Green Hawthorn Family. Rang hsi Period, 1662-1722. 234. Small Chinese Enamel Stand. Hexagonal shape, decoration of Chinese sage carrying peaches, emblems of longevity and entirely finished in famille vert enamel belonging to the Green Hawthorn Family. VERY FINE AND RARE. Rang hsi Period, 1662-1722. 235. Bottle Shape Temple Vase. Black Hawthorn Family with decoration of Dog-foo carved on the surface on black enamel ground, and various flowers in five-color enamel. Kien Lung Period, 1736-1795. Height, 23 inches. [35] 236. Japanese Vase Royal Kaga Ware. Decoration of "A Thousand Poets" in gold and colors. From the Charles F. Phillips collection. Height, 13 inches. 237. Pair of Rose Du Barri Jars, Original Covers. Enamel decoration of figures in panels on rose ground after old Chinese porcelain. Made by Samson of Paris. 238. Celadon Vase with Original Cover. Large crackle on surface and carved with exceptionally thick Celadon glaze. Ming Period, 1368-1647. Height, 15 inches. 239. Cochin China Jar and Teakwood Cover. With teakwood stand. Soft green glaze. Chieng Lung Period, 1736-1795. Height with stand, 9 inches. 240. Chinese Dish. Monochrome finish of Lung Yuo green glaze, incised decoration with eight Buddhistic symbols. Six marks of the Yung Chieng Period, 1723-1735. 241. Rice Grain Dish. Decoration of dragon in translucent glaze. Hall mark Chieng Lung Period, 1736-1795. Diameter, 61-2 inches. 242. Rice Grain Bowl with Original Cover. Decoration of conventional asters filled in translucent glaze. Very rare porcelain. Six marks of the Chieng Lung Period, 1736-1795. 243. Chinese Porcelain Dish. Decoration of dragons in green and purple on Imperial yellow ground. Six marks of Chieng Lung Period, 1736-1795. 244. Ginger Jar Teakwood Cover and Stand. Decoration of peaches representing longevity and happiness on a celadon ground. A medallion of jade in centre of teakwood cover. Rang hsi Period, 1662-1722. Height, 9 inches. 245. Pair of Temple Vases, Teakwood Covers. Gold decoration of dragon on a monochrome mirror black ground. Rang hsi Period, 1662-1722. Height, 9 inches. [36] 246. Pair of Bottle-shaped Vases. Monochrome glaze of mottled nile green. Six marks of the Too Kwang Period, 1797-1821. Height, 11 1-2 inches. 247. Cabinet Vase. Verdigris invested with sang de boeuf after old Chinese porcelain. Made by Takemoto, Japan. Height, 9 inches. 248. Pair of Low Teakwood Stands. Inlaid with silver wire. Diameter, 5 inches. 249. Tall Cylindrical Vase. Monochrome glaze of starch blue on giant crackle ground, with decoration in relief of hawthorn branches and flowers at the neck. (Lip repaired.) Suen-teh Period, 1426-1436. Height, 17 1-2 inches. 250. Pair of Chinese Tall Vases. Dragon and fish carved in high relief on a giant crackle ground. Too Kwang Period, 1797-1821. Height, 24 inches. 251. Tall Powder Blue Beaker-shaped Vase. Monochrome shade with traces of the original gilt decoration still remaining on the surface. Teakwood stand. (Chipped place on edge of cover and neck repaired.) Rang hsi Period, 1662-1722. Height, 17 1-2 inches. 252. Large Bronze Temple Vase. Decoration of weeping willow and storks carved and inlaid with silver and gold. The quality of the bronze is Sentoki. Made by the famous artist Kanamori Sohechi. World's Fair Exhibition Piece representing the Deluge. From the Charles F. Phillips collection. Height, 30 inches. 253. Brass Incense Burner with Cover. Pierced brass exterior set with a panel decorated with a dragon in cloisonne. Bronze Sword Ornament. Inlaid with gold and silver, utilized as a medal. (2 pieces.) 254. Carved Circular Teakwood Pedestal. Four legs and shelf. Height, 33 inches; diameter, 15 inches. [38] 255. Large Bronze Temple Vase. Made in Ocaka, Japan, for the Universal Exposition. Decora- tion of Griffins, Dog-foo and grotesques. Height, 48 inches. 256. Small Carved Teakwood Pedestal. One shelf, four legs ending in claw and ball feet. Height, 32 inches; width, 12 inches; length, 16 1-2 inches. 257. Large Japanese Temple Hanging Lantern. Bronze, hexagonal shape, mythological subjects carved on the surface of gold bronze, six dragons perched on the edges. With Shogun's crest. The Shogun's crest mark shows that the lantern was given to the Temple by that family. Fitted for electricity, red silk shades. 258. Chinese Fu Chow Lacquer Box. In the shape of fungas representing Buddha's hand. The entire surface carved in a geometrical pattern. From the Charles F. Phillips collection. Length, 5 1-2 inches. 259. Japanese Brush Holder, Old Wood Carving. Three masques carved out of a solid piece of wood. 260. Two Square Teakwood Stands. Height, 12 inches. Low Teakwood Stand. (3 pieces.) 261. Teakwood Stands. Medium sizes, round and square. (5 pieces.) 262. Circular Chinese Teakwood Pedestal. Height, 23 inches; diameter, 20 inches. 263. Pair of Chinese Teakwood High Pedestals. Carved columns. Height, 36 inches. Jade and Crystal 264. Rock Crystal Figure of Chinese Sage. Standing on a sacred deer. Height, 8 inches. [39] 265. Rock Crystal Vase. Mounted in silver. Height, 12 inches. 266. Pair of Amber Crystal Vases. First Empire style, with ormolu mountings. Height, 12 1-2 inches. 267. Japanese Rock Crystal Beads. Ending in a pair of crystal balls and silk tassels. Used by the Priest during ceremonies. 268. Jade Image and Teakwood Stand. Representing the Chinese Sage, Mo mo Sennin carrying peaches, emblems of longevity, on his shoulder. Teakwood stand carved in form of lotus. 269. Jade Snuff Bottle with Fei Tsui Cover. Carved Japanese boxwood stand in form of wine jar surrounded by Shojio. 270. Jade Snuff Bottle and Teakwood Stand. With coral top, representing fruit. 271. Jade Bowl and Stand. Eight Buddhists' Symbols carved and pierced through Eggshell Jade (Imperfect, small hole). Ming Period. 272. Jade Vase with Original Cover and Teakwood Stand. Pilgrim bottle form with side handles of rings carved put from a solid piece of jade. Six marks of Kien Lung Period. Height, 16 1-4 inches. 273. Pair of Jade Vases with Original Covers and Stands and Extra Ivory Base. Fei Tsui Jade showing different marks of green on white. Kien Lung Period. Height, 6 3-4 inches. 274. Pair of Incense Boxes. In the form of a dove, called the agent of the Temple, carrying a garland of fungas in its beak representing the Sceptre. Each on double stands of teakwood, one inlaid with ivory. (See Illustration.) [40] 275. Large Jade Vase and Teakwood Stand. Coiled dragon ascending on the edge of the vase with waves. Stand inlaid with ivory. Height of vase, 9 1-2 inches. 276. European Jade Urn with Original Cover and Side Handles. The vase is entirely studded with precious stones in gold flowers and vines. One of the finest modern pieces. 277. Jade Sceptre. In form of fungas, the same design carried out in the carving on the surface. An unusually large and important piece. Kien Lung Period. Length, 16 1-2 inches. 278. Jade Beads and Pendant. Fei Tsui quality, 107 beads and pendant of Porkfat Jade, carved and pierced, with buds and symbols of longevity. 279. Jade Incense Burner with Original Cover and Ivory Stand. Fei Tsui green jade, decoration of peonies incised on the surface. Vase with side handles and knob of cover carved from one solid piece. Stand of old ivory representing a bamboo bench. 280. Cabinet Piece, Green European Jade, Egg-shape Urn with Hinged Cover. Mounted in French gold enclosing a Miniature Tea Set Carved from Jade. In the same quality of translucent green jade supposed to have been made as a toy for a Royal child. The clasp is studded with minute diamonds. Made by Forbagere of St. Petersburg. (20 pieces.) 281. Old Tombstone Bowl with Teakwood Stand. Fine smooth texture "Camphor" quality. 282. Jade Snuff Bottle and Stand with Fei Tsui Jade Top. Flowers of the four seasons carved on the surface. 283. Pair of Jade Ornaments. Fei Tsui finish. Peaches, emblems of longevity, carved and pierced on surface. 284. Small Chinese Teakwood Stand Inlaid with Silver Wire. [42] 285. White Jade Bowl. Eggshell texture with silver rim to protect the bowl. Ming Period. 286. Bronze Stand. Group of three storks suitable for bowl. 287. Jade Teapot and Bronze Stand with Original Cover. Form of lotus flowers and buds. The stand represents three children holding incense burners made of fine Sentoki bronze. Ming Period. 288. Five Jade Wine Cups and Tray. Suitable to go with teapot described. The centre of the tray is made of panels of jade, beautifully carved with landscapes and the border carved with lacquer. Ming Period. 289. Pair Jade Bowls and Teakwood Stands. Of the Pork Fat family. Ming Period. 290. Pair of Jade Vases with Original Covers and Teakwood Stands. Fei Tsui jade delicate shade of green mixed on pork fat white. 291. Chinese Jade Writer's Water Dish. Teakwood stand. The dish made of old tombstone jade carved in the form of a lotus. 292. Eggshell Jade Bowl Set with Cabochon Rubies. Decoration of chrysanthemums carved inside and out, six side handles in form of peonies, carved out in relief, and the handles studded with Cabochon Rubies. 293. Gold Lacquer Shrine Stand. Chrysanthemums carved on the edge of the stand. 4 x 8 inches. 294. Tall Jade Incense Burner with Original Cover and Ivory Stand. In the form of old Han bronze, decoration of grotesque face carved on the surface. Stand of old Chinese ivory carved out of one solid piece. Height of vase, 8 inches. 295. Pair of Jade Vases and Teakwood Stands. Dark green of Nihilit type, old Han bronze shape, generally used in Temples. Ming Period. Height, 10 inches. (See Illustration.) [43] No. 295. JADE VASES 296. Pair Old Rose Buddhistic Priest Temple Cords. With tassels. 297. Five Pairs of Silk Cords and Tassels. For curtain loops, with an extra cord and four red silk tassels with green tops. 298. Turkish Cotton Embroidery. Various sizes and designs, for couch or cushion covers. (11 pieces.) 299. Persian Embroidery. On magenta silk, set with spangles. Length, 140 inches; width, 28 inches. 300. Pair of Persian Brocaded Hangings. Yellow figured stripes of Eastern design on a green ground. Length, 110 inches; width of one, 48 inches, one 24 inches. 301. Pair of Cut Leather Cushions. Ornamented with a panel of gold applique. Fashioned from the boot tops of a Spanish Toreador. 302. Pair of Crimson Velvet Portieres. Wide borders of Turkish embroidery, set with spangles. Lined and padded. 303. Pair of Crimson Velvet Portieres. To match the above. 304. Pair of Crimson Velvet Portieres. To match the above. 305. Down Sofa Pillow, Spanish Bead Embroidery. Heavy bead embroidery in a pattern of white roses on a rose- colored satin ground, with the letters "M. E." in gold embroidery. 306. Pair of Dining Room Portieres. Old purple velvet ornamented with heavy bands of tapestry. [45] 307. Three Pairs of Dining Room Velvet Curtains. Old purple velvet with tapestry to match the above. 308. Three Pairs of Dining Room Lace Curtains. A special order executed in France; silk foundation with deep border of Renaissance lace in grapes and leaves. 309. Pair of Yellow Velvet Brocade Drawing Room Portieres. Lattice pattern of roses and leaves of white velour on a yellow silk ground, lined. Finished with silk gimp and ball fringe. Silk cord pulls. Never used. 310. Six Pairs of Drawing Room Curtains. Yellow velvet brocade to match the above. With double silk loops. Never used. 311. Pair of Heavy Green Velvet Portieres. Striped green velvet and satin, lined with green damask, padded and fitted with rings. Silk cords for the same. Never used. 312. Pair of Bronze Curtain Rod Supporters. For the same. Never used. 313. Pair of Heavy Velvet Green Portieres. Companion to the above. Silk cords for the same. Never used. 314. Pair of Bronze Curtain Rod Supporters. For the same. Never used. 315. Pair of Heavy Rose-colored Moire Silk Portieres. Trimmed with silk fringe, lined with rose-colored damask, padded and fitted with rings. Silk cords for the same. Never used. 316. Pair of Bronze Curtain Rod Supporters. For the same. Never used. Six Pineapple Finials of Bronze. Screw ends. 317. Seven Pairs of Louis XVth Bronze Curtain Hooks. 318. Two Large Square Cushions. Red velvet and pale green brocade, set with panels of old embroid- ery, and Coat of Arms. [46] 319. Heart-shaped Silk Cushion. Old brocade, trimmed with gold lace. 320. Cushion of Dark Green Velvet. With Coat of Arms in applique of gold embroidery. 321. Small Embroidered Satin Cushion. 322. Two Pairs of Library Curtains. Crimson silk brocade, edged with silk fringe; silk tasseled loops. Lined. 323. Four Pairs of Library Curtains. To match the above. 324. Pair of Library Portieres. To match the above. 325. Two Pairs Renaissance Lace Curtains. On ivory silk foundation, deep lace border of special design and execution. Made in Paris. 326. Four Pairs of Renaissance Lace Curtains. To match the above. 327. Three Long Cushions. Red cut Genoese velvet. 328. Two Dark Red Striped Velvet Cushions. Ecclesiastical Silver and Bronze 329. Old Moorish Silver Temple Bowl. Hammered silver with designs of groups of figures on the sides and in the bottom the Church with open door. Diameter, 7 inches. 330. Pair Silver Gilt Church Candleholders. Twisted columns. Height, 19 inches. [47] 331. Silver Inkstand. In form of a pile of seven books, Bible, and Others, surmounted by a small silver cross. Small ebony stand on four ball feet, at each corner, the four symbols of the Apocalypse. On a silver plate set in the stand runs: "Testimonial from friends in the American Church to Thomas Ramsey, Esq., late Editor of the N. Y. Churchman, Easter, 1858. In acknowledgment of his services in the cause of Catholic truth." 332. Cardinal's Brass Traveling Set. A leather traveling case containing the vessels necessary for the celebration of Mass, censer, crozier, missal rest, incense boxes, helmet jug, basin, ewer, mortar, pestle, bell, candlestick and several trays, all in heavy brass marked with coat of arms. From the collection of Cardinal Mertel, Rome. The candle has been fitted for electricity with candelabra and ivory silk shade, and the incense cup fitted as an inkstand. (Together 18 pieces.) 333. Pair of Spanish Silver Altar Candlesticks. With crystal bead covers and old rose tasseled shades. Wired for electricity. Height, 42 inches. 334. Small Silver Triptych. Central panel and two] hinged wings. The former contains modeled in very high relief the figure of a Saint adoring a Crucifix and receiving the blessing of the Almighty who appears in the clouds above. In the wings are the figures of the Four Evangelists. The exterior of the triptych is decorated with a deposition from the Cross surrounded by a scroll border, the figures of Saints in niches, a Saint and a shield-shaped cartouche with the Emblems of the Passion. North German, Early XVIIth Century. 31-2x5 inches. 335. Wafer Holder. Decorated with "The Descent from the Cross" in Limoges enamel. Stem and circular base. [49] 336. Limoges Enamel Triptych. Triptych of ebony with elaborate strapwork clasps of hand- wrought brass. Inside framework in niello in a Florentine pat- tern enclosing six panels in Limoges enamel in rich colors. The larger of the panels representing scenes in the life of St. Anne, bordered with smaller panels showing heads and arabesques in enamel. School of Pierre Penicaud. Extreme height, 21 1-2 inches; width (open), 22 inches. 337. French Walnut Carved and Gilded Vitrine. Exhibition table with sloping top for the above described Triptych, of Gothic design, carved in relief, the ornament gilded; designed by Miss Grigsby for the exhibition of the foregoing Limoges enamel. 338. Triptych of Carved Ivory and Bone. Showing eight scenes hi the Passion of Christ set in intricate Tabernacle Work, surrounded by Gothic Carvings. At the top are eight portraits enclosed in quatrefoils, surmounted by Angels supporting a crest. Spanish workmanship. XlVth Century. Height, 21 1-2 inches; width, 22 inches. 339. French Walnut Carved and Gilded Vitrine. For the foregoing. Similar to companion, No. 337. Coins 340. Coins. Roman consular or silver family coins, of the Julia, Furia, Plautia and many other families, all of about B. C. 100 to A. D. 50. Good and very good. A few holed. No duplicates. (72 pieces.) 341. Coins. A good collection of Oriental coins including China, Japan, India, Ceylon, British East Africa, etc. 25 in silver. Very good to fine condition. (84 pieces.) 342. Coins. Modern copper and nickel coins of Europe and South America. Many in fine and uncirculated condition. (384 pieces.) [50] 343. Medals. A collection of United States and foreign medals and tokens, bronze and silver, including some of Washington and Bonaparte. Also some current foreign silver coins. Very good and fine con- dition. (102 pieces.) Ecclesiastical and Other Embroideries 344. Bishop's Traveling Writing Case. Portfolio with the arms of J. F. P. Le Fevre de Caumartin, Bishop of Blois, covered with old red velvet. The Bishop's crest embroid- ered in colors and gold on a white satin panel. At each corner is a hammered silver ornament of God the Father with Angels in Glory. Two inner pockets lined with rose silk. 345. Archbishop's Morse. Cope clasp of brocade embroidered in gold and silver. Eight Strips of Crimson Velvet and Applique Embroidery. Taken from Church vestments. Floral patterns outlined with gold leaf on Genoese velvet. Collar Piece of Crimson Velvet. Decorated with a medallion en applique. (10 pieces.) 22 inches long; 2 pieces, 14 inches; 3 pieces, 8 inches. 346. Two Halves of Chasuble. Green brocaded satin, with pillar of crimson Genoese velvet, embroidered with a Venetian design in applique of yellow satin (worn). Italian, XVIth Century. 347. Crimson Satin Chasuble. Embroidered in a pattern of roses, carnations, leaves and arabesques on a ground of cerise satin. Bordered with a dog-tooth pattern of embroidery (restored at the neck). Italian. 348. Half of a Chasuble. Old rose brocade. Pattern of roses, leaves, flowers, fruit and arabesques on a ground of silver and old rose. Trimmed with gold braid. Converted into a stand cover. [51] 349. White Satin Chasuble. Embroidered with a pattern of vine, leaves and flowers on a ground of ivory satin. Front soiled and worn. Spanish, XVIth Century. 350. Half of a Chasuble. Embroidered in a floral pattern on a brocaded silver and rose- colored ground. The pillar of crimson Genoese velvet orna- mented with three figure medallions of the Madonna and Saints, surrounded and connected by embroidery of gold and silver bullion. Bordered with gold gimp. Italian, XVIth Century. 351. Canopy Cover. Embroidered in gold, silver and colors in intricate pattern of leaves, flowers, fruits and animals on a red cloth ground. Oval medallion of gray-green velour, bordered with gold braid. The canopy fringed with gold bullion. From the Charles F. Phillips collection. Portuguese, XVIth Century. Length, 80 inches; width, 56 inches. 352. Silk Canopy Covering. Brilliant brocade of shaded pink and yellow clusters of chrysan- themums and leaves on an ivory silk ground. The ground figured with a gold floral pattern. The flowers and leaves also veined and shaded with gold. Bordered with a fringe of gold bullion. Spanish, XVIth Century. Length, 112 inches; width, 75 inches. 353. Chasuble. Brocade in a pattern of bouquets of flowers and leaves, tied with ribbon on a ground of white silk. Trimmed with gold brocade. Italian. 354. Orphrey. Embroidered with three figure panels in applique on cloth of gold ground. A round medallion at the top showing a Madonna and Child. (Worn.) Spanish, XVIth Century. 355. Bannerette. Old rose velvet, with device of a chalice of gold brocade en applique. Bordered on both sides with an arabesque pattern in gold embroidery. Italian. [52] 356. Vide Poche. Covered with flowered brocade and trimmed with gold lace. Double covers ornamented with medallion enclosing a print. Bordered with gold spangles. 357. Three Chalice Covers. Flowered silk brocade, bordered with silk and gold braid. 358. Hanging of Striped Brocade. Salmon and white silk stripes ornamented with floral pattern, trimmed with silk braid. Length, 78 inches; width, 39 inches. 359. Chasuble. Silk brocade. Flower and ribbon pattern on a white ground, striped with green; trimmed with gold braid. French. 360. Dalmatic. Salmon and white striped and flowered brocade. French. 361. Stole and Maniple. Crimson Genoese velvet, ornamented with floral design in applique and trimmed with gold bullion fringe. Italian. 362. Stole and Maniple. Similar set. Italian. 363. Antependium of Silk Brocade. Intricate floral pattern of green and pink on a mauve ground. Bordered with gold braid. Italian, XVIth Century. Length, 104 inches; width, 36 inches. 364. Orphrey. Containing three panels of figures of Saints in applique on figured gold background with architectural settings, bordered by con- ventional scroll pattern in gold. Italian, XVIth Century. Length, 55 inches; width, 10 inches. 365. Orphrey. Containing three panels of Saints in applique on figured gold background with architectural settings, bordered by conventional scroll pattern in gold. Italian, XVIth Century. Length, 55 inches; width, 10 inches. [53] 366. Embroidered Band. Containing 16 panels (joined), each showing figure of a Saint in applique embroidered on cloth of gold, and cloth of silver, bordered with gold gimp. Italian, XVIth Century. Length, 128 inches; width, 18 inches. 367. Two Halves of a Chasuble. Richly embroidered pattern of leaves and arabesques in color and gold on cloth of silver ground. Bordered with conventional floral pattern, lined with crimson silk. Spanish, XVIth Century. ' 368. Four Mural Panels. Crimson Genoese velvet the greater part of each formed of medallions exquisitely embroidered of Biblical figures in applique and surrounded by ornamental setting in conventional pattern in gold. The upper part finished in decorative panel in gold surrounding a medallion enclosing a monogram. Italian, XVIth Century. Height, 56 inches; width, 21 inches. 369. Two Orphreys. (Joined End to End.) Crimson Genoese velvet, embroidered with gold hi Venetian pattern, each showing three medallions, one of Saints and two of conventional floral decoration. Italian, XVIth Century. Length, 110 inches; width, 10 1-2 inches. 370. Archbishop's Mitre. Embroidered in gold in flowers and arabesques on ivory silk ground. 371. Chasuble (Half). Richly embroidered with a pattern of poppies, passion flowers and leaves in color on cloth of gold. Bordered with conventional floral pattern, lined with crimson silk. Spanish, XVIth Century. 372. Chasuble. Crimson Genoa Velvet with pillar of green velour embroidered in a Venetian pattern in yellow satin applique. Finished with gold braid. Italian, XVIth Century. [54] 373. Chasuble. Richly embroidered in a pattern of pomegranates, birds and gold applique on cloth of gold. Bordered with gold braid and lined with crimson silk. Italian, XVIth Century. 374. Embroidered Strip. Composed of four squares, alternating with four bands, each con- taining figure of a Saint in applique on a ground of crimson velvet, figured with gold surrounded by applique borders in color out- lined with gold. Italian, XVIth Century. Length, 112 inches; width, 19 inches. 375. Two Orphreys (Joined End to End). Bordered with conventional designs in gold embroidery. Three panels of Biblical scenes, embroidered in gold (with very little color). Italian, XVIth Century. Extreme length, 96 inches; width, Winches. 376. Embroidered Band. One long and two square panels, joined end to end. Embroidered in a pattern of poppies in rich colors on cloth of gold ground. Joined and bordered with gold band, finished with gold fringe, lined with crimson silk. Italian. Length, 110 inches; width, 20 inches. 377. Embroidered Band. Another to match. 378. Antique Wall Panel. Embroidered with a floral pattern in applique on an ivory ground with three conventional floral borders. The centre showing a large urn of flowers under a floral archway about a plain central panel. Edged with green fringe and lined. Spanish. Length, 72 inches; width, 47 inches. 379. Antique Wall Panel. Embroidered in applique in a conventional floral pattern in old reds and blues on an ivory ground. The centre shows conven- tional floral pattern surrounding crimson velvet central panel. Edged with green fringe and lined. Spanish. Length, 72 inches; width, Jf.8 inches. [55] HALL, SECOND FLOOR 380. Chasuble. Old rose brocade with pillar of white silk embroidered in applique with two medallions enclosing the Heads of Saints wrought in gold. 381 . Square of Embroidery. Framed in cloth of gold. Picture representing kneeling figures. Italian, XVIth Century. Length, 18 inches; width, 22 inches. 382. Archbishop's Mitre. Embroidered in gold showing a Heron on her nest, backed by a glory and surrounded by conventional rococo border on ivory silk ground. 383. Pair of Orphreys (Joined End to End). Of crimson velvet embroidered with gold, each containing three medallions, showing figures of Saints in applique, bordered with gold braid. Italian, XVIth Century. Length, 112 inches; width, 8 inches. 384. Chasuble. Embroidered with flowers and scrolls in color and gold on a white satin ground. (Worn.) Italian. 385. Chasuble (Cut in Halves). Embroidered in a pattern of pomegranates and gold on cloth of gold ground. Lined with crimson silk. Spanish, XVIth Century. 386. Chasuble. Embroidered in a pattern of pomegranates, leaves and arabesques in colors and gold on cloth of silver ground. Bordered with conventional floral pattern. Lined with crimson silk. Spanish, XVIth Century. 387. Cope. Italian Brocade. Gold and pink on a blue ground. Gold bullion fringe. 388. Altar Cloth, Italian Brocade. Floral and scroll pattern in gold and pink on a blue ground edged with gold gimp. Length, 85 inches; width, 28 inches. [57] 389. Altar Cloth, Italian Brocade. Another to match. 390. Orphrey. Showing three panels of embroidery framed in gold in architectural designs, bordered with gold gimp. With Coat of Arms. Length, 55 inches; width, 91-2 inches. 391. Orphrey in the Form of a Cross. With four upright and two side panels of Biblical subjects in applique embroidery. Framed in architectural settings, bordered with gold gimp. Italian, XVIth Century. Length, 55 inches; width of arms, 22 inches. 392. Orphrey. Conventional pattern in applique embroidered on crimson velvet ground. Italian, XVIth Century. Length, 54 inches; width, 8 1-2 inches. 393. Chasuble. With white brocade pillar showing five panels of figures of Saints in applique embroidered on a crimson velvet ground threaded with gold. Bordered with gold gimp. Italian, XVIth Century. 394. Four Embroidered Squares. Conventional floral pattern in colors on cloth of gold ground. Height, 18 inches; width, 22 inches. 395. Embroidered Square. Square of applique embroidery edged with fringe. Italian. 21 x 24 inches. 396. Embroidered Square. Framed in cloth of gold. Figure panel of Virgin and Child. Bordered with cloth of gold. Italian. 397. Turkish Bannerette. Antique embroidery showing sun, crescent, surrounded by floral devices on a (worn) silk ground edged with gold braid and fringed. [58] 398. Embroidery on Leather. Embroidered leather Corselet for a small boy. Intricately embroid- ered with figures, grotesques and arabesques on a gold ground. Said to have been brought from Spain by Cortez to the son of Montezuma. Bought from an old Monastery near Mexico City where the nuns used it at Christmas on an ivory figure of Christ. The prevailing colors are browns and Gobelin blue, the figure of child being repeated seven times. Spanish work. 399. Six Italian Wall Tapestry Embroideries in Silk. Of classical and Biblical subjects, in what is known as "point d'aiguille." This work differs from the work of the Beauvais or Flemish Tapestries, which were woven. From the Pallavicini Palace, Rome. Brought from Italy by the Princess Christian and sold through her Royal School of Art Needlework, South Kensington, London. Height, 81 inches; width of four, 1$ inches; one, 48 inches; and one, 49 inches. 400. Six Lambrequins to Match. Height, 20 inches; length, 60 inches. 401. Silver Incense Boat. Oval shape with pointed ends and double hinged cover. The body is fluted and the lids are repousse in a design of Acanthus scrolls. The stem is vase shaped, the base circular. Italian, XVIIIth Century. Height, 5 inches. 402. Silver Gilt Ostensorium. The oval base is repousse in an Acanthus leaf and scroll design, the vase-shaped stem supporting a hinged Monstrance sur- rounded by gilt rays. On either side are twisted columns of rock crystal supporting an oval canopy of repousse silver surmounted by an Orb and Cross. Italian, XV Ith Century. Height, 18 inches. 403. Brass Reliquary. Cast and wrought work. Hexagonal lantern shaped with pierced sides, filled with crystal panels and surmounted by a crocketed fleche. The angles have flying buttresses as supports. The stem is hexagonal in plan with a turned knop and the lower portion surrounded by flying buttresses. The base is hexalobed and engraved with a pattern of floral scrolls and architectural sub- jects. The holder for the relics is supported on carved brackets. French, XVIIth Century. Height, 18 inches. [59] 404. Bronze Processional Benitier. Of cast and chased brass. Hexagonal shape with swinging handle, and decorated with emblematic designs in low relief. Two of the sides are inlaid with circular disks of silver ornamented in colored enamels with the inscription "Ave Maria, Gratia plena" and the Arms of two Cardinals. French, XVIIth Century. Height, 61-2 inches. 405. Gilt and Silver Chef. Reliquary in the form of the bust of a Bishop in mitre and cape. The movable head is of silver, bearded and surmounted by a Bishop's mitre. The cape is of base-metal, gilded, and repousse with a pattern simulating embroidery. The reliquary is in the form of a Pastoral Jewel with a silver rim and a glass covering. On red velvet pedestal. German, XVIth Century. Height, 11 inches. 406. Gilt and Silver Chef. Similar to the foregoing. 407. Silver Reliquary. Of cast and gilded metal formed in the shape of a Gothic Chapel with flying buttresses and arched pendentives at the angles, pointed arched windows at the ends, an arched clerestory and a high-pitched roof surmounted by a fleche. The stem is hexagonal in section and has a knop in which are set four circular rock crystals engraved in intaglio. The sides of the reliquary are of six panels of rock crystal with Biblical subjects engraved in intaglio and gilt. Flemish, XVIIth Century. Height, 24 inches. 408. Parcel Silver Gilt Ostensorium. The oval base is repousse with a design of cartouche-shaped panels containing subjects in relief of the Nativity, the Magdalene at the feet of Jesus, the Miraculous feeding of the Multitude and the Crucifixion. The stem is formed as the three Marys who support the Monstrance, the upper part of which is surmounted by Cherubim, the lower portion being repousse with a design of the Twelve Apostles seated at the Last Supper Table. The Monstrance is crowned with a Canopy, supported by two Angels, from which the Paschal Dove descends. On either side are Cornucopias containing the Eucharistic emblems of Grapes and Wheat-ears. The sub-base is decorated with a pattern of flat- chased work. Spanish, XVIIIth Century. Height, 33 inches. [60] 409. Painted and Silver Chef. In the form of the bust of a female Saint. The head is surmounted by a coronet of plaited hair and the face is painted in natural colors and is removable giving access to a circular receptacle for the sanctified Wafer or for relics. The lower portion is of silver quatrefoil shaped and repousse in a bold design of Gothic foliage. The base is of a pierced design with an openwork cresting. Italian, XVIth Century. Height, 12 1-2 inches. 410. Gilt Reliquary. Formed in the shape of a Gothic Lantern of hexagonal shape and surmounted with gable and a pointed pinnacle. The sides are decorated in colored enamels with figures of Saints, and the reliquary is set with semi-precious stones cut cabochon fashion. The stem is interrupted by a knop of Gothic tracery. The hexa- lobed base is engraved in Gothic characters "Domingo de Montaya ma fata" (Domingo of Montaya made me). Spanish. Height, 16 inches. 411. Parcel Silver Gilt Ostensorium. Decorated with a repousse design and with an applique ornamen- tation of kneeling figures of Faith and Hope. The Monstrance is surrounded by gilt rays ornamented with amethysts, malachite, carbuncles, aquamarines and chrysoprases, in raised settings. Above the Monstrance is applied a repousse representation of God the Father, and below it one of the Pelican feeding her young with her own blood, while the base is ornamented with repousse panels containing the figures of Saints Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, surrounded by a repousse decoration of the symbolic Grapes and ears of Wheat. Spanish, XVIIIth Century. Height, 28 inches. Silver Gilt Reliquary. Of cast and wrought work. Formed as a Gothic Chapel enclosing a cylindrical relic-holder. The sides are finished with a pierced Gothic cresting, and the ends are closed with crocketed arches filled with a tinfoiled tracery. The roof has an engraved pattern of imbrications and is surmounted by a Gothic fleche and a figure of the Virgin. The base is quatrefoil in shape. Flemish, XVIth Century. Height, 13 inches. [61] 413. Silver Gilt Ciborium. Plain bowl set in a Calyx repousse with Cherubim and with oval- scrolled panels containing the Eucharistic emblems of Grapes and Corn. The large knop is decorated with figures in relief of three Angels carrying the emblems of the Passion. The hexalobed base is decorated with figures repousse in high relief of three Cherubim whose upstretched wings form triangular panels filled with subjects in relief of the Crucifixion, St. John and the Blessed Virgin. The domed cover is decorated with a band of conven- tional Cloud forms around the lower rim and with repousse bands of decoration of Cherubim and of Angels playing musical instru- ments. It is surmounted by a ball and cross. Maker's Mark P. V. in monogram. (Paul van Vianen 1610.} Utrecht, XVIIth Century. Height, 20 inches. 414. Louis XVth French Clock. Chiseled brass and inlaid tortoise-shell case, brass dial. From the Charles F. Phillips collection. Bathazar, Paris, Maker. Height, 37 inches. Wall and Furniture Tapestries 415. Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panel. Showing Coat of Arms on a blue ground. Height, 55 inches; width, 70 inches. 416. Pair of Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panels. Showing landscape and figure panels, with borders of figures, fruits and foliage (cut from larger piece). Height, 55 inches; width, 81 inches. 417. Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panel. Of similar design and cut from larger piece. Height, 55 inches; undth, 84 inches. 418. Pair of Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panels. Another pair similar with fruits, flowers and arabesques. Height, 55 inches; width, 38 inches. [62] 419. Pair of Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panels. Showing mythological figures, fruits, flowers and arabesques; cut from larger piece. Height, 55 inches; width, 54 inches. 420. Pair of Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panels. Similar to above and similar design but smaller. Height, 55 inches; width, 21 inches. 421. Four Antique Flemish Tapestry Panels. With designs of foliage, fruits and arabesques; cut from larger piece. Height, 27 inches; width, 12 inches. 422. Four Antique Flemish Tapestry Panels. Similar to above and similar design. Height, 22 inches; width, 12 inches. 423. Four Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panels. Similar to above and similar design. Height, 22 inches; width, 9 inches. 424. Four Antique Flemish Tapestry Wall Panels. Similar to above and similar design. Height, 22 inches; width, 9 inches. 425. Four High Back Oak Arm Dining Chairs Upholstered in Old Flemish Tapestry. Elaborately carved tops ending in escutcheon showing stag in relief. Upholstered in antique Flemish tapestry panels with mythological figures of Juno, Mercury, and a Macedonian King, designs of baskets of fruits, flowers and arabesques. Height of back, 64 inches. 426. Twelve Side Chairs Upholstered in Old Flemish Tapestry. To match the foregoing. 427. Four Large Carved Antique Oak Arm Chairs. High backs, seat and back panel upholstered in dull blue tapestry. Height of back, 60 inches. 428. Three-Fold Carved Oak Screen. To match dining room chairs (sold without the tapestry). Height, 73 inches; width of each panel, 32 inches. [63] 429. Three Antique Flemish Tapestry Screen Panels. From the foregoing. With decoration of mythological figures. The lower panels of fruits and flowers. (The upper part of each panel above the figures shows skilful restoration.) Height of each, 71 inches; ' width of each, 27 inches. 430. Wrought Iron and Smoked Brass Andirons with Log Rest. Crown surmounted by silvered stag's head supported by rampant crowned bronze lions. Height, 86 inches. 431. Carved Oak Square Extension Dining Table. The pedestal and legs ornamented with relief carving picked out in red. 60 x 60 inches. Four extension leaves, 60 x 15 inches. 432. Large Carved Oak Cabinet, Dated 1679. On low ball feet, four doors of leaded glass between carved pilas- ters, ends of lower part carved. The date 1679 carved across the top. Measurements of lower part: Height, 49 inches; depth, 27 1-2 inches; length, 63 inches. Upper part: Height, 44 inches; depth, 16 inches; length, 49 inches. Cathedral Hanging Lamps 433. Hanging Cathedral Lamp. Acorn form decorated with three escutcheons alternating with three cherubim from which rise the supporting chains. Large crystal bead globe. Fitted for electricity. 434. Pair of Antique Silver Bronze Shrine Hanging Lamps. With three mermaid figure handles, chains and ruby globes. 435. Brass Hanging Sanctuary Lamp. Decorated with escutcheons in relief. Three handles. Ruby cup. Fitted for oil. 436. Persian Incised Brass Mosque Hanging Lamp. 437. Small Hanging Cathedral Lamp. Pierced circular bowl. Three brackets as cupids holding torches. Crystal bead globe. Fitted for electricity. [64] 438. Pair of Antique Cathedral Hanging Lamps. Urn shaped with three handles. Large crystal bead globe. Fitted for electricity. Four lights. 439. Pair of Antique Hanging Cathedral Lamps. Acorn form with three oak leaf handles. Single crystal bead globe. Fitted for electricity. 440. Antique Cathedral Hanging Lamp. Spherical bowl. Three bracket arms, ornamental chains. Single crystal globe. Fitted for electricity. 441. Bronze Hanging Cathedral Lamp. Circular in form, pierced and chased pattern showing coats of arms supported by Cherubim. Single crystal bead globe. Fitted for electricity. 442. Pair of Pierced Bronze Hanging Sanctuary Lamps. Pierced in acanthus leaf design. Each having three handles formed as female figures holding chains. Rupy cup. [65] Xo. 48S No. 481 No. 471 No. 475 No. 457 No. 45* FOURTH SESSION Miniatures 443. Napoleon I. Medallion mezzotint portrait in gilt frame. 444. Madame Le Brun. Circular miniature on fine canvas. White tulle head-dress with roses, white dress, yellow scarf across arms. Signed Charles Demoret. 445. Two Children. Miniature on ivory of two little girls, half length, dressed in white, in a landscape. Gold and enamel frame. 446. Roi De Rome. Son of Napoleon I. Oval miniature on ivory, ormolu and brocade frame. Signed "Parent." 447. Double Miniature on Ivory. Two young girls with their hair dressed with pearls. Signed Dun. 448. Round Miniature on Ivory. A lady writing, cupid leaning over her shoulder. Signed A. P. (Cracked.) 449. Empress Alexandra. Square portrait miniature on ivory of Empress Alexandra of Russia [in Court Costume with crown and veil. In ormolu frame surmounted by the Russian Eagle, on small gilt wood easel. Signed Pierre Livachoy. 450. Queen Elizabeth. Square miniature portrait on ivory of Queen Elizabeth in Royal Robes. Signed Soli. Height, 5 inches; on ebony easel. 451. Empress Eugenie. Oval miniature portrait on porcelain. In old-fashioned gutta percha frame. [67] 452. The Duchess of Grammont. Oval miniature on ivory gold frame. Brown hair and eyes, hair trimmed with pearls, low white dress caught on shoulder with blue ribbon. By Dumont. (See Illustration.) 453. Henry VIII and His Wives. After Holbein. A set of seven miniatures on ivory of Henry VIII, Ann of Cleves, Anne Boleyn, Catherine of Aragon, Catherine Parr, Catherine Howard and Jane Seymour, two of which are signed V. O. YVerff. Each in ormolu frame with easel mount. 454. Miniature Portrait on Ivory. A lady in white with low corsage, hair dressed in side curls. Ebony frame with ormolu mounts. Attributed to Isabey. 455. King Ludwig II. (1740-1786). Portrait miniature on ivory; in Court Costume with cocked hat. In antique leather case ornamented with a crown. 456. Marie Louise and the King of Rome. Square miniature on ivory of Marie Louise and the young King of Rome after the full length portrait by Guerin. (Cracked.) Height, 6 inches; on wood easel. 457. Miniature on Ivory. Bust portrait of a man, 18th Century dress, white stock, dark blue coat, powdered short hair. In red leather frame. (See Illustration.) 458. Miniature on Ivory. Portrait of a lady, snood on her hair, blue gown held on shoulders by jeweled straps, an ermine-trimmed robe slips off one arm. 459. Portrait of a Lady. Oval on ivory. Small hat with feather, dress with high lace collar at the back, cut low in front. Signed "Naglebourg" on the reverse. 460. Portrait Medallion in Profile. . Gilt frame set in red velvet. Tableted J. B. C. Rameau. [68] 461. Madame De Pompadour. Oval miniature portrait on ivory of Mme. De Pompadour dressed in blue, wearing a white hat, seated on a sofa holding a book lettered "Louis XV, King of France and Navarre." In ormolu frame, on gilt wood easel. 462. Madame Roland. Square miniature on ivory of Madame Roland (1754-1795), in ormolu frame with gilt wood easel. Signed Mdme. Guyard 1789. 463. Mrs. Siddons. Oval portrait miniature on ivory, profile, dressed in blue with white ruff. In ormolu frame mounted on an ebony plaque. Signed Wares. 464. Double Miniature on Ivory Set in Silver. Shah Jahan, the Great Mogul Emperor of India and his wife, Mumtas Mahal, mounted in an elaborately wrought silver frame of Eastern workmanship. On a small gilt wood easel. The Taj Mahal, the most beautiful building in the world was built by Shah Jahan at Agra as a mausoleum for his wife Mumtas Mahal. 465. Oval Miniature on Ivory Backed with Silver. Taj Mahal, the mausoleum built by Shah Jahan as a mausoleum for his wife. 466. Oval Miniature on Ivory Backed with Silver. Palace gate at Delhi. 467. Pair of Oval Miniatures Silver Backs. Two Temples at Delhi. 468. Small Ivory Miniature Silver Back. Oval view of an Eastern Temple. 469. French Portrait Miniature. Oval portrait miniature on ivory of a young woman in a blue gown, and blue lace-trimmed cap. In ormolu frame, gilt wood easel. Signed Eullard. [69] 470. Oval Miniature on Ivory. Portrait of a woman in a low-cut violet gown, a veil from the back of her head across her shoulders. In black wood frame inlaid with pearl. 471. Small Miniature on Ivory. Woman in blue dress, dark eyes and black hair parted in the middle. Signed R. Aubry. (See Illustration.) 472. Solid Gold Miniature Frame. Elaborately hand wrought with clusters of roses, daisies, morning- glories and asters in an individual design of exquisite workman- ship. Mounted on a grey velvet plaque. 473. Oval Miniature on Ivory. Young girl in a poke bonnet and red mantle. 474. The Madonna. At the Descent from the Cross. Oval picture on porcelain. Italian carved frame with birds, animals and flowers in high relief. 475. Miniature of Three Women. Miniature on ivory of three ladies in white gowns, without hats, half length. Inscribed on the reverse "The Fair Stepmother. Ladies of the Loft Family." Signed R. C. Cosway. 4x51-2 inches. (See Illustration.) 476. Miniature on Copper. Square miniature portrait of Mdme , Prima Donna. 477. Miniature on Copper. Square miniature portrait of Mdme , Prima Donna. 478. Set of Four Miniatures on Parchment. French Court Beauties of the Eighteenth Century, representing the seasons, finely executed. In square ormolu frames. 479. Miniature Set in Tortoise-shell Box Cover. On ivory. Miniature of a lady, blonde hair, lilac ribbons, white dress slips off one shoulder, lilac sash. [70] 480. Lady Brooks. Small oval miniature on ivory. Low white dress, string of pearls, high rose-trimmed powdered white coiffure. Signed Cosway. 481. Miniature of Young Woman. Oval miniature portrait by Cosway, on ivory, of a young woman with blonde curls and a low-cut white bodice. In ormolu mount on a grey velvet plaque. By Cosway. (See Illustration.) 482. Miniature by Sauvage. Goat and Amorini at play done by the unusual process of coloring the background only leaving the animal and the children in the color of the ivory. Signed. 483. Miniature on Wood. Circular. Lady with hair dressed high, lace cap, in a blue lace- trimmed gown sits holding a book, one arm resting on the table. Signed H. Bol. This Flemish painter in the latter part of his life devoted himself to miniature painting in which he was very successful. (See Illustration.) 484. Tanagra Seated Figure. Draped figure of a woman holding a dish (damaged). Height, 8 inches. 485. Tanagra Standing Figure. Semi-draped woman braiding her hair. Height, 11 inches. 486. Tanagra Seated Figure. A fully draped woman holding an apple. Height, 9 inches. 487. Tanagra Figurine. Young woman partially draped, seated, holding a bough of weeping willow. Height, 61-2 inches. [71] Fans The wing of a bird is said to have suggested a fan to the ancients and their use has been known from the earliest times. Terence refers to the fan two hundred years before Christ and the manu- scripts of the mediaeval times are embellished with drawings of the fans then in use. Catherine de Medici introduced them into France and Queen Elizabeth into England and since then "Mar- riage Fans," "Church Fans," "Flirtation Fans," and "Fans a Lorgnette" have served their purpose for the use and adornment of women. The following collection will be found to contain several important examples of the various styles of fans of exquisite workmanship. 488. French Marriage Fan. Boucher panels of the "Chariot of Venus," painted on silk; the reverse side of ivory silk being painted with garlands of roses in gold, by G. Neite. Exquisitely carved pearl and gold sticks, the fan separated into "lorgnette windows," by scrolls of pearl and gold carving. The handle set with brilliants. Signed G. Neite. 489. Ivory Fan with Silver Inlays. Exquisitely carved, inlaid with two rows of floral paillettes. 490. Ivory Jeweled Fan. Ivory fan, one guard thickly inlaid with turquoises. 491. Ivory Fan. Finely carved pierced sticks set with four irregular oval panels of rose du barri satin. 492. Lilliputian Carved and Pierced Ivory Fan. Sticks carved in relief with classical landscape, and gilt; the outer sticks gilt filigree over gold. 493. Silk and Carved and Gilded Wood Fan. Painted with garlands of roses and violets, gilded wood sticks elaborately carved and pierced in scroll and floral decoration. [72] 494. Old Spanish "Flirtation" Fan. Painted on paper with nymphs dancing, a landscape and flowers on the reverse; carved and pierced pearl sticks with gold decora- tion set with "flirtation windows;" gilt and enameled ring, the guards ornamented with a mirror set in enamel on one and a topaz on the other. 495. Spanish Wedding Fan. A copy of Fortuny's "Signing the Marriage Contract," painted on black silk. Smoke pearl sticks set with translucent iridescent panels and chased ornamentation gilded. From the collection of Madame de Rothschild and painted on the occasion of her wedding. 496. French Fan. Groups of figures on both sides painted on parchment. One of the finest of these groups representing the Court at Versailles is signed Andre. Pierced pearl sticks inlaid in gold and silver set with groups in gold relief on a background of translucent Mother- of-Pearl. With gold, silver and green tassel. 497. Old Chinese Fan. Decoration on both sides of a Court Gathering with figures in applique, the faces of applied ivory carving. The sticks are made of lacquer and painted with a separate subject on each. Kien Lung Period, 1736-1795. 498. Carved Wood Fan. Vernis Martin decoration of classical subjects. The handle studded with gems. Bought from Tiffany. 499. Carved and Pierced Fan of Sandal wood. 500. Louis XVIth Fan. The sticks of pierced ivory inlaid with gold and silver. The fan of net with applique of vegetable lace of delicate ivory color and the exquisite texture of " Point de Venise." A museum piece, almost unknown to collectors. 501. Gauze and Rosewood Fan. Rosewood sticks, inlaid with gold metal, semi -precious green stones in the ring. The fan of green silk gauze very finely pailletted with gold. [73] 502. Louis XVIth Gold Theatre Fan. . With a magnifying glass set in the handle for the purpose of reading the program; shell sticks ending in silk and net thickly spangled with gold and silver paillettes. 503. Amber Shell and Net Fan. Carved and pierced shell sticks inlaid with gold and silver. The fan in silk and gold net embroidered in different shades of gold paillettes and applied gold leaves. 504. Large Tortoise-shell and Chantilly Lace Fan. Very fine black chantilly lace fan with tortoise-shell sticks. 505. Amber Shell and Lace Fan. Pierced and carved shell sticks, inlaid in gold. Tambour lace fan in a design of water lilies ornamented with paillettes of pearl. 506. Amber Shell and Gauze Fan. Amber shell sticks inlaid with gold and silver metal rosettes, the fan of green gauze pailletted in silver and gold in a design of daisies and scrolls, green stones in the ring. 507. Flirtation Fan or " Fan a Lorgnette." Carved ivory sticks inlaid in gold and silver ending in silk and net embroidered in paillettes in gold and colors. Each panel inlaid with "flirtation windows" of net. 508. Lilliputian Horn Fan. Painted with a panel of hunting scenes, decorated with gold stars and strung on a white silk ribbon. 509. Pocket Horn Fan. Pierced in a delicate lace pattern. 510. Pocket Horn Fan. Pierced^ in a similar pattern, but even more delicate. 511. Tortoise-shell Fan. Set with silver gilt, the guards studded with gems. [741 512. Fan of Empire Style. Amber shell sticks inlaid with gold; the fan of green gauze and silk on which is painted a cartouche of Madame Recamier after David's portrait, by Vanoni. On either side the fan is ornamented with paillettes in the form of garlands and flowers. Signed by Vanoni. Made by E. Fleed. 513. Antique " Church " Fan. Carved ivory sticks, the fan entirely covered with a painting of Biblical scenes. Signed F. Waler. 514. Old French Fan. Pierced and carved ivory sticks, silver ring. The fan painted on paper in three classic medallions. (One of the sticks broken.) 515. French Marriage Fan. Elaborately carved pearl sticks set with translucent iridescent panels on which are groups of Amorini carrying garlands carved in relief. Fan of swanskin painted by Charles Labarre with an Al Fresco entertainment showing groups of lovers in the manner of Boucher. Signed Labarre. 516. French Pearl and Silk Fan. Three cartouches of pastoral scenes painted on silk, bordered with paillettes and with bird and floral decoration. Pierced pearl sticks inlaid with gold. 517. French Point de Venise and Swanskin Fan. Exquisitely painted with Watteau scenes in rococo panels on swanskin. Pearl sticks ornamented w r ith gold and silver. Signed J. Dousel, fits. 518. French Pearl and Swanskin Fan. Swanskin fan painted with Watteau groups and flowers; on the reverse a landscape exquisitely painted toning into turquoise. Pierced pearl sticks inlaid with silver in medallions and floral garlands. Blue silk and silver tassel. 519. Conder Fan. Painted on silk. A bather standing in a pool beckons to her companion on the shore; two floral cartouches at either side. Signed "Conder 1 ' unmounted, framed. 175] 520. Conder Fan. Painted on pale yellow silk. Centre figure cartouche, with groups of beauties on either side. Signed "Conder, 1904," unmounted, framed. 521. Fan Case of Old Brocade and Gold Applique. Fan shape, with French plate beveled-glass top. Divided into compartments to hold a dozen or more fans. Lined with rose silk, and flat top panel covered with rose silk on which can be placed the fan selected for exhibition. Length, 23 inches; width, 13 1-2 inches; height, 4 1-2 inches. Cabinet Objets d'Art 522. Pearl Monster. Grotesque figure of silver enamel with baroque pearl body and head-dress and jeweled girdle, standing on one foot on an enameled pedestal studded with turquoise. 523. Enameled Macaw. Holding a pearl, perched on a branch which rises from a red base set in silver gilt. 524. Silver Camel. On an agate oval base, the harness richly studded with emeralds and rubies. 525. Carved Pink Coral and Ivory Jeweled Seal. Bust of an oriental woman, studded with gems, set in gold, with a small pearl at her throat. 526. Coral Figure. Hunchback holding a skull. 527. Coral Figure. Bust of a faun. 528. Pair of Small Bronze Animal Figures. A stag and a greyhound, signed F. J. Mene. Plush-covered pedestals. [76] 529. Pair of Buttons Belonging to George IV. Painted porcelain buttons with landscapes from the coat of George IVth of England. Given by him when Prince of Wales to Jack Johnston, to whose daughter the Prince stood Godfather. This child, Georgina Johnston became the wife of James Wallack, and mother of Lester Wallack. From Lester Wallack, who gave their history as above. (2 pieces.) 530. Greek Amulet with Porcelain Smelling Bottle. Acorn shape with Venus and Cupid on a black ground. 531. Jewel Cup. Silver gilt, enameled inside and out with classical subjects. 532. Pair of Small Bronze Statuettes. Representing knights in armor, on plush pedestals. 533. Seal Covered with Flowers in Enamel. Turquoise seal mounted in silver gilt, the handle set with Lapis Lazuli. 534. Seal with Lapis Lazuli Handle Mounted in Silver Gilt. A fine scarab as seal. 535. Gold Fob with Jade Seal. Form of serpents twisted in a ring, another above, elaborately engraved, with emeralds and rubies as eyes. 536. Carnelian Perfume Bottle. Set in silver filigree studded with turquoise and gems. 537. Jewel Cup of Porphyry. Stem and base having surfaces engraved with arabesques and landscapes; cup and base rimmed with silver, a lion rampant forming the handle. Bought from Bourgeois. Height, 7 inches. 538. Pendant or Brooch Jeweled Filigree Silver. Filigree silver set with seed pearls and gems containing miniature on ivory of a Court Beauty. Mounted on a crimson velvet plaque. [77] 539. Cupid Statuette of Silver Holding a Miniature. Cupid holds a standard containing a miniature on ivory of a French queen. Height, 8 inches. 540. Silver Statuette. "Cire Perdue" casting in silver very carefully cisele of a recum- bent classic figure. She reclines at full length supporting herself on her right hand and has by her side a sphere. The left hand is uplifted and formerly held a mirror which is missing. Attached to a modern plush-covered box. Italian of the XVIth Century. Length, 31-4 inches. Gold and Jeweled Boxes 541. Four Bonbon Boxes. One of carved Irish bog-oak from Killarney; one of blue and white enamel; two of silver decorated en repousse (one snail-shell shaped, and one containing 9 unset gems). 542. Battersea Enamel Box. With hinged cover and decorative inside lid. 543. Two Small Battersea Enamel Boxes. Floral and figure panels on blue ground, hinged covers. 544. Two Small Sevres Boxes and Covers. Marie Antoinette pattern, bronze mounts. Turquoise blue lattice work with roses, bronze mounts. 545. Frankenthal Porcelain Bonbon Box. Turquoise blue with figure panel and gold decoration. Date, 1761-98, mark of Carl Theodore. 546. Small Ivory Card Case. Inlaid with gold pierced in the letters "Souvenir d'Amitie," on one side a medallion of the Vestal Virgins guarding the Sacred Fire. Initials "R. F." Formerly in the possession of Lester Wallack. 547. Three Dresden Bonbon Boxes. Panel decoration on gold ground, brass lined, one with raised decoration of forget-me-nots. Another horse-shoe shape with landscape. [79] 548. Silver Card Case. Chased and enameled with figure composition on the face, and arabesques on the obverse side. 549. Silver Snuff Box. Set with a mosaic medallion showing Seraph's head encircled with stars. 550. Box with Miniature. A marvelously wrought box of straw held together by a band of gold, a miniature of a court beauty set in the cover. 551. Amber Shell Box Inlaid with Gold and Mother-of -Pearl. In lattice and scroll design. 552. Ivory and Tortoise-shell Box with Miniature in Cover. Tortoise-shell box covered with ivory held by bands of gold, miniature by A. Kuntz set in the cover. 553. Ivory and Tortoise-shell Box with Miniatures in Cover. Ivory box lined with tortoise shell, two miniature portraits of women and two gold medallions set in the cover. 554. Japanese Incense Box. Coral mounts. 555. Gold Box Set with Pearls. Gold box, enameled with Bleu-de-Roi, a miniature set in the cover surrounded by 58 Oriental pearls. 556. Gold and Jeweled Box. Small gold box, a large moonstone set in the top surrounded by 4 turquoises and 12 rubies. 557. Gold Box Set with Pearls. Enameled with landscape on the cover surrounded by 98 pearls. 558. Jeweled Box. With emeralds and aquamarines mounted in gold, but showing the least possible amount of metal to hold the jewels together. A large topaz forms the bottom of the box. Made by Lalique of Paris, one of the most distinguished craftsman of modern times. [80] 559. Gold Box Set with Diamonds. Gold box covered with Royal Blue enamel etched in gold; an inscription in Persian on the cover set with diamonds and four large diamonds in the corners. 560. Solid Gold Box with Singing Bird. Small gold box, the bottom and sides carved and chased in elabo- rate strapwork. The top carved, chased and repousse, set with an oval painted medallion of a Watteau scene surrounded by a delicately carved wreath; two smaller floral medallions on either side. On winding up and touching a spring the medallion on the cover opens, a miniature bird appears, sings, flutters his wings, and turns his head from side to side, disappearing when the song is finished and the medallion closes. This tiny bird is made of feathers in the most ingenious fashion. Early XVIIIth Century workmanship, with key. 561. Solid Gold Box with Singing Bird. The surface carved in lattice and dot design, with bands of tiny laurel leaves. A medallion in the centre of the top surrounded by a similar wreath opens, when the box is wound up, and a tiny bird appears and sings, with fluttering wings, as above. Late XVIIth Century workmanship, with key. Assyrian Glass 562. Oil Jug with One Handle (Mouthpiece Damaged). Height, 8 inches. 563. Drinking Cup with Thread Glass Decoration. Height, ^ 1-2 inches. 564. Drinking Cup. Height, $ 1-4 inches. 565. Shallow Bowl. Height, 2 inches. 566. Square Cup with Indented Sides. Height, 41-2 inches. 567. Wide-mouthed Oil Jug with One Handle. Height, 4 inches. [81] 568. Urn-shaped Perfume Bottle with Thread Glass Applied Orna- mentation. Height, 5 inches. 569. Flat Bowl. Diameter, 2 inches. 570. Small Bowl. Diameter, 2 3-4 inches. 571. Flat Dish. Diameter, 8 inches. 572. Small Vase. Filigree glass-blown decoration around the neck. Height, 3 inches. 573. Pair of Perfume Bottles. Candlestick shape. Height, 6 1-2 inches. 574. Pair of Perfume Bottles. Similar to the above. Height, 8 inches. Jewelry 575. Gold Bracelet of Indian Workmanship. Heavy relief carving, tubular shape. Set with twenty-nine turquoise, emeralds and rubies. 22 carat gold. 576. Necklace of Gold Beads. Indian workmanship, composed of 27 gold beads of graduated sizes. 22 carats fine. 577. Thibetan Gold Amulet. In eight hinged sections, each decorated en repousse, with figures of Deities. Width, 11-4 inches. 578. Old Persian Filigree Girdle. Ten rosettes set on chains ending with larger ones as buckles. Encrusted with fine filigree work and set w r ith gems. 579. Carved Ivory Smelling Bottle and Gold Chain. One side and cover encrusted with enamel and gold. Venus and head of Medusa carved in the ivory. [82J 580. Carnelian and Old Paste Bracelet. Eighteen stones set in gold, nine carnelians and nine stones of old paste. 581. Gold and Silver Charm. Heart-shaped, pierced silver frame enclosing a lion. 582. Man's Topaz Ring. Large topaz set with two pearls and four diamonds, alternating with eighteen small diamonds. 583. Gold Fob and Chain. Onyx seal, six-link chains. 584. Old Norman Necklace Wrought of Gold. Five Lover's knots of graduated sizes, set between pierced medal- lions, some with pendants, ending in three strands of fine gold chains, gold clasp. All wrought and set with points of aquamarines inserted with great artistic effect to produce scintillation. 585. Old Norman Wrought Gold Brooch. To match the above. 586. Necklace of Medallions, Pearls and Gold Chains. A circular medallion miniature of a Beauty, set with gold and sur- rounded with pearls, supports a pendant oblong medallion with similar setting of pearls and gold. On each side spring four chains holding another oval medallion set in pearls and gold; then three longer chains ending in two small medallions, in the side of one of which fits the clasp supported by three chains. The medallions are of the most exquisite workmanship in brown or ivory tints on oval background of delicate rose color, these in turn being on a black background ornamented with tiny rose and ribbon garlands. Each medallion set with pearls so skilfully that the pearls are visible both front and back. The reverse setting of the medallions is plain gold. [83] 587. Painted Crystal Brooch or Button. Jockey on horseback painted on a gold ground under crystal. Mounted as a brooch. From the sale of Lord Anglesey and a portrait of his favorite horse and jockey. 588. Necklace of Pendant Cabochon Emeralds Thirty-three stones cut in pear-shape, of graduated sizes on a cord formed of gold wires to which they are attached by rings set with tiny diamonds. A remarkable piece of Eastern workman- ship, formerly in the possession of Ismail Pasha, Khedive of Egypt. 589. Turban Pin of Cabochon Emeralds. To match the above, a heart-shaped emerald set in tiny diamonds supports one of pear-shape as a pendant. Formerly the property of Ismail Pasha. 590. Mother-of-Pearl and Gold Parasol Handle. Monogrammed. 591. Necklace of Baroque Pearls and Pale Green Enamel. Necklace fashioned by the expert jeweler Colonna, for which he was recompensed at the Paris Exposition of 1900; made of pale green enamel set with 24 baroque pearls, graded sizes. Colonna was one of the founders of UArt Nonveau, preceding Lalique. 592. Corsage Ornament. Shoulder straps of leaves in enamel colors and gold with a cluster of jasmine blossoms on each end carved from moonstones. Made by Lalique, Paris. 593. Pendeloque. A pendant with ten diamond leaves, cluster of jasmine blossoms carved from moonstones with pale green enamel stems. Made by Lalique, Paris. 594. Ring for a Young Girl. Tiny butterflies in enamel of exquisite workmanship form the setting of the ring. Made by Lalique, Paris. [84] 595. Collar Clasp. A buckle of white enamel feathers with diamond quills. Made by Lalique and one of his earliest pieces of jewelry. 596. Jeweled Watch. The back of dark grey enamel showing bats, set with 11 moon- stones typifying night; the front inlaid with opalescent butterflies typifying day; the ring a gold serpent, emblem of Eternity. Made by Lalique, Paris. 597. Watch. Of pale green gold. The front and back covered with finely chiseled faces, all different, typifying every stage of man from the crying infant to the grey -bearded Father Time. Made by Lalique, Paris. 598. Two Hat Pins. Cluster of jasmine blossoms carved from moonstone, set in gold, drooping from the top of a gold pin. Made by Lalique, Paris. 599. Marie Antoinette's Parasol Handle. A parasol handle of coral and ivory said to have belonged to Queen Marie Antoinette. The lower part of ivory inlaid with coral, a rare form of inlay and the upper part a very large and elaborately carved piece of coral as a Cupid and Griffin's head in garlands of flowers. A museum piece. 600. Old Paste and Silver Cross Set in Silver. Eleven large and sixteen small stones of old paste very finely cut, with ring at the top containing three small stones. 601. Pair of Old Paste Earrings Set in Silver. Pair of old-fashioned pendant earrings formed of four large and finely cut stones with a rosette of smaller stones above, of the best workmanship. Statuary 602. Silver Bust of Mars. With helmet, one shoulder draped in skin, from which the claws hang in front held by a clasp in the form of a head. On low marble pedestal. Artist, Ascagno. Italian, XVIIIth Century. Height, 26 inches. [85] 603. Parian Marble Figure. "Sacred Music." Motif of organ pipes, book and incense burner from which rises a figure partly draped holding a scroll with music. Half life size. By Oscar Spalmach, Rome, 1897. (See Illustration.) 603a. Fluted Marble Column. For the above. No. 603 No. 604 604. Parian Marble Figure. "Profane Music." Motif of birds and flowers from which rises the nude figure of a nymph with flute. Companion to the above. Half life size. By Oscar Spalmach, Rome, 1897. (See Illustration.) 604a. Fluted Marble Column. For the above. [86] FIFTH SESSION Decorated Porcelain Groups, Figures and Vases In Dresden, Sevres, Davenport and Capo di Monte 605. Crown Derby Powder Box and Bottle. Gold relief decoration on matt gold ground. 606. Royal Worcester Jewel Cup. Silver gilt mounting. Small Vase of the Same. White soft paste floral decoration. 607. Three Wedgwood Urns. Raised gold decoration. 608. Ivory Dresser Set with Miniatures. Hand glass, puff and two powder boxes with miniatures by Petit and Jenny Savy inserted in covers (one being a portrait of Marie Antoinette). (4 pieces.) 609. Royal Copenhagen Vase, Four Handles. Lily decoration. Height, 13 inches. Copenhagen Bell. Shaped as a girl. (2 pieces.) 610. Royal Copenhagen Cabinet Objects. Deer reclining, pair of puppy lovers, cow reclining, dove and pair of monkeys. (5 pieces.) 611. Delft Ware Garniture. Two houses, table, sofa, and man milking cow (garlanded with flowers), the three last marked. (5 pieces.) 612. Decorated Old Chelsea Figure. Girl with a bird cage attended by a dog. Height, 9 inches. [87] 613. Large Kronenburg Porcelain Jewel Box. Irregular oval hinged cover, brass mounts, satin lined, with Watteau figures and gold decoration. With Ludwigsburg (Ger- man) mark (1758-1824), but "France" painted on as well. Gen- erally called Kronenburg porcelain from the crown that sur- mounts the cipher. 614. Royal Vienna Porcelain Box in Blue and Gold. Irregular shape, with painted panels of musical children at play. 615. Worcester Square Jar, Shaped Bottle and Stopper. Decorated with panels of birds on blue ground, showing Chinese influence. Height, 11 inches. 616. Pair of Small Davenport Porcelain Urns and Covers. Each with four grotesque handles, square base decorated with floral pattern in red and gold. 617. Pair of Sevres Vases with Covers. Bleu-de-Roi, with ormolu applied ornament. Date, 1765. (One cover chipped and repaired.) Height, 10 inches. 618. Pair of Tall Urn-Shaped Revolving Bleu-de-Roi Sevres Vases. Ormolu base and handles. \Vith panels of directoire figures and landscapes on Bleu-de-Roi ground. Signed "Ch. Fnchs." Height, 24 inches. 619. Sevres Jewel Tray. Set on a stem, silver base and rim, decorated with strap work of turquoise blue interspersed with roses, festoons of roses on the outside. Decorator's mark "3 feathers." Date mark, 1754- Diameter, 8 inches. 620. Sevres Undecorated Ware. Table flower garniture of seven pieces. A tall urn surrounded by children with garlands, two single urns held by Amorini, and four smaller urns. Date letter, 1754. (7 pieces.) 621. Pair of Sevres Urns with Covers. Figure panels on a turquoise blue ground, ormolu base and mounts. Height, 14 inches. [88] 622. Pair of Large Revolving Sevres Urns, Original Covers. Ormolu base, lion head handles with rings. Oval panel decorations on a turquoise blue ground of "Les Enfants de France," and "Les Princesses de France," landscapes on the reverse. The paintings signed E. Melpane. Decorator's mark "X." Date before 1753. Height, 20 inches. 623. Minton Mantel Garniture Painted by L. Solon. Composed of three vases with handles, Greek shape, a pair of large vases and a smaller one, each on carved wood and gilded circular stand. On the larger pair the pate-sur-pate decorations are a Nymph as a beggar imploring Love's favors, Cupid dis- pensing his treasures on the reverse; on the other vase is shown the Nymph as the conqueror of all hearts with obverse decoration of Cupid forging chains to bind more victims for her. The smaller vase which has three flat handles and the original cover has a decoration of three Nymphs each bearing a standing Cupid in her outstretched hands. Height of pair, 23 1-2 inches; height of centre vase, 17 inches (including stands). VERY FINE SIGNED PIECES BY SOLON. The body color of peacock blue, the handles, neck and base richly ornamented with gilding. The set was made for the World's Fair, Chicago. (See Illustration.) 624. Capo Di Monte Covered Tankard. The Festival of Bacchus. 625. Capo Di Monte Group. Faun drinking by an old tree. 626. Modern French Pottery. Tall four-handled jar of purple pottery. Signed Auguste Delaherche. Height, 29 1-2 inches. [90] 1 Dresden Figure Pieces 627. Small Urn-shape Vase. Figure handles. Gold and white decoration on pink ground. Small Rose Jar. Ormolu mounts, panels on a Rose-du-Barri ground. Small Austrian Urn. Panels on pink ground. (3 pieces.) 628. Three Cabinet Pieces. Candlestick and flower holder, ormolu mounts, and white and gold urn with ram's head handles. (3 pieces.) 629. Figure of Juno Seated with Peacock. 630. Decorated Figure. Huntsman on horseback. Height, 31-4 inches. 631. Three Cabinet Pieces. Trumpet, violin and harp, each twined with raised decoration of forget-me-nots. (3 pieces.) 632. Decorated Figure. Cricket player with bat. Period, 1721-31. Height, 7 inches. 633. Pair of Decorated Figures. Huntsman with dog and Cupid on skates. Period, 1721-31 and one 1774-1814- Height, 5 inches. 634. Pair of Decorated Figures. Shepherdess and gallant. Period, 1721-31; one 1806-18. Height, 6 inches. 635. Decorated Figure. Man seated playing a lute. Period, 1721-31. Height, 5 inches. 636. Pair of Decorated Figures. Girl playing triangle and Cavalier offering a rose. Period, 1721-31. [91] 637. Pair of Decorated Figures. Children and a flower girl and a milkmaid. Period, 1774-1814. Height, 6 inches. 638. Decorated Figure. A piper with dog and sheep. No marks. Height, 5 1-2 inches. 639. Pair of Decorated Figures. A girl playing a violincello and a girl with a basket of fruit. No marks. Height, 5 inches. '640. Decorated Figure. Youth in Chinese costume with a tea tray. No marks. Height, 6 inches. 641. Decorated Figure. A shepherdess with sheep. Period, 1731. Height, 51-2 inches. 642. Decorated Group. Two children, a boy crowning a girl with flowers. No marks. Height, 6 inches. 643. Decorated Figure. Of a traveling tinker at work. No marks. Height, 7 inches. 644. Decorated Figure. Moses attended by a winged figure. Period about 1750. Height, 9 inches. 645. Pair of Decorated Figures. Two branched candelabra. Shepherd and dog, shepherdess and lamb seated in a bank of flowers, flanked by candleholders on each side. No marks. Height, 10 1-2 inches. 646. Decorated Figure. Masked woman with doll and basket of fruit. Height, 7 inches. 647. Decorated Figure. Court Beauty, Watteau gown. No marks. Height, 7 1-4 inches. 648. Decorated China Clock. Figures grouped around the base, the clock surrounded by a cluster of flowers. Period, 1721- 31. Height, 15 inches. [92] 649. Bleu-dc-Roi Porcelain Urn with Cover. Mottled blue powdered with gold. Ormolu handles ending in Chinese heads, pineapple finials. No marks. Height, 18 inches. 650. Large Group. Chariot of Apollo. Length, 11 inches. 651. Large Jewel Case. Hinged cover and brass rims, decorated with classical scenes in relief. Date prior to 1733. 11 1-2 x 6 1-2 inches. 652. Decorated Group. Dairy maid, boy and dog. The boy lifting a dish of food for the dog from the table. Height, 8 1-2 inches; length, 9 1-2 inches. 653. Pair of Decorated Figures, Buffalo and Dogs in Combat. Ormolu mounts. Height, 71-2 inches; length, 11 1-2 inches. 654. Large Urn Vase and Cover. Wreathed with forget-me-nots in relief surrounding painted figured panels, loop handles wreathed in forget-me-nots. The cover surmounted by a bouquet of flowers (5 inches in height), in perfect condition. Period, 1731-'37. Height, 14 inches. 655. Large Decorated Figure. Wine cask surmounted by hussar in yellow uniform with lilac cape. Triangular base on three low legs on each of which is seated a cherub, panels of figures between showing Chinese influence. The body of the cask is mauve color with gilt bands decorated with panels of landscape and figures on white ground, brass faucet set in cask with spigot. Height, 16 inches. 656. Augustus Rex Decorated Figure, Gallant and His Dog. Date mark 1731-1763 under Kandler, a sculptor, whose figure pieces are particularly admired. Height, 10 1-2 inches. [93] 657. Pair of Augustus Rex Vases. Ovoid shape, with groups of Chinese figures in quatrefoil medal- lions, surrounded by elaborate gilt scroll work on white ground, on a lilac-colored body. (Neck repaired on one and slight chip in rim of the other.) Monogram A. R. Date circa 1720-1731. Height, 12 inches. A MAGNIFICENT PAIR OF VASES made under the direction of Georg Haroldt whose models were often prepared by Augustus II. himself during the period when the Dresden factory was under Chinese influence. Procured from Bourgeois of Cologne. (See Illustration.) Old English, Dutch and German Silver Tankards, Cups, Chalices, Etc. 658. Silver Tea Set Made by Elkington & Co., London. Tray of oval shape with border of acanthus leaf design, with monogram. The two handles formed as running stags. Teapot, bell, sugar bowl, sugar tongs, cream pitcher, milk jug and hot water jug, all with scroll and floral repousse decorations; the covers terminating in modeled figures of stags. London and Birmingham Hall marks. Length of tray, 22 inches. 659. Silver Hot Water Kettle and Coffee Pot. To match the above. Alcohol lamp with kettle. 660. Silver-mounted Nancy Glass Salad Bowl. The bowl is formed of green and white cameo glass cut in a floral design. Mounted with silver rim and foot. Signed "Daum." Diameter, 91-4 inches; height, 4 1-2 inches. 661. Six Sterling Silver Teaspoons. German, XVIIIth Century. 662. Bourbon Whiskey Demijohn. Silver mounts and padlock. Monogram. 663. Three Oval Silver Salt Cellars and Spoons. Repousse decoration, glass lining. [94] Silver Card Tray. The wide border is pierced and repousse. The center is entirely occupied with a gilt monogram E. B. G. Diameter, 9 inches. Silver Bonbon Spoon. Cast, pierced and chased work. The bowl has an Amorino holding a garland surrounded by scroll work; the handle is of scroll pattern ending in a female term holding a scrolled ring-piece in uplifted arms. German, XlXth Century. Length, 8 inches. 666. Genoese Filigree Silver Oval Basket and Handle. Decoration of rosettes and a dove on the handle. Length, 81-4 inches. 667. Two Silver Mustard Spoons. One with finial as bust of Shakespeare, the other with bowl made of a 10-soldi piece, 1867. 668. Silver Gilt Cigar Lighter. Shaped in form of a stag standing on an earl's coronet and fitted with a wick and detachable lighter. London Hall mark. Height, 10 inches. 669. Solid Silver and Gold Pint Flask. Repousse work. Marked with monogram. 670. Silver Bonbon Spoon. Bowl cast and chased in a pierced design of a Dutch peasant girl with a basket of fish surrounded by a rococo pattern of scrolls and hunting trophies. The handle of floral and scrolled design. Dutch, XlXth Century. Length, 7 3-4 inches. 671. Dozen Silver Oyster Forks. Delicately carved handles ending in a relief of Diana and her hounds. From Tiffany & Co. 672. Six Silver Teaspoons and Sugar Tongs. Pierced floral handles, name engraved under the bowl of each. (7 pieces.) 673. Cocoanut Cup Mounted in Silver Gilt. The bowl is formed of a cocoanut. The mountings are of silver gilt, repousse, chased and engraved. No marks. Height, 91-2 inches. [95] 674. Ostrich Egg-cup and Cover, Silver Mounted. The silver mounting is wrought and engraved in an acanthus leaf design. The finial of the cover is formed as a pineapple. The interior is gilt. London Hall mark, 1847. Height, 11 inches. 675. Pair of Silver Gilt Bowls. Acanthus scroll borders, fluted bodies. Whiting Company's mark. Diameter, 10 inches. 676. Pair of Silver Vases. Urn-shaped fluted body. Engraved monogram E. B. G. Black, Starr & Frost, N. Y. Height, 8 1-4 inches. 677. Silver Bowl. Decorated with elaborate repousse design on matted, scaled and checkered ground. Raised and gilt monogram. Elkington & Co. English Hall mark. Diameter, 7 inches. 678. Silver Bowl and Ladle. A similar bowl and gravy ladle. (2 pieces.) Diameter, 6 inches. 679. Pair of Silver-Plated Cake Trays. Oval shape, with pierced border and handles formed as acanthus scrolls ending in rams' heads. Length, 13 inches. 680. Silver Gilt Two-Handled Cup and Cover. The body is repousse in an acanthus leaf and floral design enclos- ing a panel having an engraved coat of arms. The cover ter- minates in a pineapple finial. Plain loop handles. London Hall mark, 1894- Height, 11 3-4 inches. 681. Cut Glass Potpourri Jar. Pear-shaped body with a wide neck cut in a hobnail pattern. Mushroom-shaped silver stopper with monogram E. B. G. Height, 12 inches. 682. Pair of Silver Candelabra with Branches. Repousse, chased and engraved ornamentation with raised monogram E. B. G. English Hall mark. Height, 15 inches. 683. Pair of Silver Table Ornaments. Shaped as very finely-modeled figures of stags, cast and elabo- rately cisele. The bodies are hollow and the heads removable. No mark, English. Height, 20 inches; length, 15 inches. 684. Silver Bonbon or Almond Dish with Handle. Bowl pierced with design of lyre, lattice and floral scrolls, handle garlanded with roses, set with a medallion head in relief. Mono- gram. The Gorham Co. Length, 12 inches. 685. Pair of Silver Fruit Baskets with Handles. Ornamented with an elaborately repousse design of a pierced and chased pattern enclosing figures of Amorini singing and playing musical instruments. The handles are repousse and chased with similar designs. Glass linings. French, XlXth Century. Height, 15 1-2 inches. 686. Four Parcel Silver Gilt Fruit Dishes. Octofoil shape, very elaborately chased and repousse with rococo designs of acanthus scrolls, kneeling cupids, cherubim and floral panels on matted ground. Elkington & Co. English Hall mark. Length, 6 3-4 inches; width, 5 1-2 inches. 687. Silver Tray. Oval shape, having a bold scrolled border, and with the surface almost entirely covered with a flat chased pattern of scroll work on an imbricated ground. Handles formed as antlered stags' heads. Monogram E. B. G. Birmingham Hall mark. Length, 17 inches. 688. Silver Spoon. Plain bowl, handle of cast and chased work surmounted by the figure of a fish. Monogram on bottom. Maker's mark, I. K. Amsterdam, XVIIIth Century. Length, 7 inches. 689. Small Silver Punch Ladle with Whalebone Handle. Bowl repousse in a design of grapes and vine leaves, with a coin, 1711, bearing the effigy of Queen Anne inserted in the bottom of the bowl. Handle of twisted whalebone tipped with a silver finial in acanthus leaf pattern. Length, 14 inches. [97] 690. Leather or "Black-jack" Tankard, Silver Mounted. Cylindrical body of leather with riveted leather handles. Mounted with silver rim, lining and base. The rim is engraved "The Protector, Oliver Cromwell 1656" and on a silver shield attached to the body is engraved a device of two crossed bottles. Height, 71-2 inches. 691. Large Silver Salad Fork and Spoon. The bowl of the spoon is repousse with a pattern of scroll work enclosing a shield having Armorial bearings. The handles are formed as a figure of David carrying the head of Goliath sur- mounted with the modeled and chased figures of storks. The fork has an ornamentation of two Amorini holding garlands. Engraved monogram on back. Dutch mark, late XVIIIih Century. Length, 14 1-2 inches. 692. Ostrich Egg-cup and Cover Parcel Silver Gilt Mounted. The silver mounting to bowl is wrought and engraved. The stem is formed as a draped classic female figure supporting the bowl with uplifted arms. The base is of a repousse floral design and the cover is surmounted with a finial in the form of an ostrich . Maker's mark, W. C. Breslau, XVIIIih Century. Height, 16 inches. 693. Silver Gilt Tankard. Hinged lid. The body is decorated with a flat chased pattern of scrolls, on a matted ground, forming panels occupied with masks and floral subjects. The lid terminates in a turned finial. The thumb piece originally formed as the bust of a female figure (now partly missing), and the handle as a grotesque Term terminating in a Satyr's foot and mask. Marks indistinct. German, XVIIth Century. Height, 5 inches. 694. Silver Tea Service and Tray. Consists of teapot, cream pitcher, sugar and waste bowls, and tray, all elaborately repousse and chased with a Renaissance design of scrolls, dolphins and foliage enclosing medallion portraits of Emperors' heads. The handles are formed as winged dragons, the spout of teapot as a dolphin's head, and the lid is surmounted by a figure of an Amorino playing on a pipe. The two-handled tray is elaborately chased and engraved with an arabesque pat- tern of scroll, flowers and masks on a matted ground and with circular medallions consisting of repousse and engraved land- scapes. Maker's mark, C. 0. T. Augsburg, XlXth Century. Length of tray, 19 inches. [981 695. Parcel Silver Gilt Fruit Dish. Of an elongated quatre-foiled shape standing on four ball feet. The rim is of a twisted ribbon design interrupted by wrought and chased acanthus scrolls. The interior is repousse and chased in a design of fruits and foliage. Nuremberg, XVIIth Century. Length, 17 inches. 696. Silver Fruit Dish. Of quatre-foil shape, repousse in high relief with a pattern of fruits and foliage on an imbricated and matted ground. The two handles are formed as grotesque figures. Christoph Lindenberger. Nuremberg, XVIth Century. Diameter, 11 inches. 697. Porcelain Bottle with Silver Gilt Mounts. A bottle-shaped vase with two loop handles and fluted body of old Chinese celadon porcelain. The stopper, shaped as a frog, and the foot are of silver gilt. Mounts Konigsberg; XVIIIth Century. Height, 6 1-2 inches. 698. Nautilus Shell, Silver Gilt Mounting. The silver mounting is in the style of the XVIth Century, and is decorated with a chased and engraved design surmounted by a finial in the form of a Court Jester. German, XVIIth Century. Height, 10 1-2 inches. 699. Nautilus Shell, Silver Gilt Mounting. The silver mounting is in the style of the XVIth Century, with scrolled handles, and is surmounted by the figure of an Amorino hurling his spear at a frog. German, XVIIth Century. Height, 8 inches. 700. Silver Beaker. Cone-shaped body, having an engraved decoration of scroll sur- rounded panels containing figures of Faith, Hope and Charity. The body is surrounded by a projecting band of bead and rope design, and the foot is decorated with a diamond pattern chased in low relief. No marks. Dutch, XVIIth Century. Height, 7 inches. 701. Silver Tea Caddy. Repousse in high relief with "Ale House" scenes in the manner of Teniers and supported on four claw feet. The cover has a turned finial. Engraved monogram E. B. G. Holland mark, XVIIIth Century. Height, 7 inches. [100] 702. Pair of Silver Wager Cups. The bases are formed as stags' heads with antlers, and the bodies are chased with a repousse pattern on matted ground. The interiors are gilt. Maker's mark, H. German, XVIIIth Century. Height, 71-4 inches. 703. Silver Gilt Mounted Cup and Cover. The bowl of the cup is formed of a cocoanut shell carved with a representation of the Nativity and other religious subjects. The stem is of silver, repousse with a design of panels containing symbolic figures of Faith, Hope and Charity. The base is bell shaped and elaborately repousse. The cover is of silver gilt surmounted by a small crucifix. Height, 12 3-4 inches. 704. Silver Gilt Biscuit Box with Hinged Cover. Of oval form, standing on four bracket feet. The body is decorated with two horizontal bands of acanthus ornamentation repousse and chased on a matted ground. The lid has a band of similar ornamentation with a centre repousse and engraved medallion of acanthus leaf pattern. London Hall mark, 1809 (decoration of later date) . Height, 51-2 inches; length, 71-4 inches; width, 6 3-4 inches. 705. Silver Trophy Cup. Helmet shape with handle of draped female figure. The body is elaborately repousse with a design of classical subjects. Foot formed as a coronet with the figure of a stag. English Hall mark. Height, 17 inches. 706. Florentine Silver Trophy Cup. The hexaf oil-shaped bowl has a decoration of six panels of classical figure subjects in low relief. The stem is decorated with three rams' heads in relief, and has three dolphins at its junction with the trefoil-shaped base. The base is ornamented with three cherubim in relief and with an engraved border of a scrolled design. Florentine. Height, 8 inches. 707. Silver Beaker. The body is decorated with an elaborately repousse pattern of strapwork, with fruits and flowers, all on a matted ground. Maker's mark, C. 0. T. Augsburg, XlXth Century. Height,- 9 1-2 inches. [ion 708. Parcel Silver Gilt Tankard. Hinged lid. The body is decorated with applique design of acanthus leaves, surrounding three oval portrait medallions. The lid is decorated with repousse acanthus leaves and a pierced design of a similar character. It has a spherical finial scrolled thumb piece, and a plain loop handle with shield ornament. Maker's mark, J. P. S. in monogram. (John Paul Schmidt, Master, 1683.) Leipzig, XVlIth Century. Height, 6 1-2 inches. 709. Silver Gilt Goblet. The bowl, elaborately repousse with Renaissance design of scrolls, festoons and fruit on a matted ground, is connected with the stem by three detached bracketed scrolls. The stem is repousse and engraved on a matted ground. Augsburg, XVIIth Century. Height, 7 1-2 inches. 710. Silver Gilt Tankard. Hinged lid. The body is decorated with a repousse design of strap work and festoons. The lid is surmounted by the figure of a lion rampant holding a shield with engraved coat of arms. The thumb piece and loop handle are scrolled. Maker (Rosenberg No. 269). Augsburg, XVIIth Century. Height, 71-2 inches. 711. Silver Gilt Tankard. Hinged lid. The body is decorated with a repousse rococo design of scrolls and cherubim. The finial of the lid is in the form of a dancing bacchante. The thumb piece is scrolled, and the handle is plain. Maker's mark, E. R. in monogram. Augsburg, XVIIth Century. Height, 71-2 inches. (See Illustration.) 712. Silver Gilt Tankard. Hinged lid. The body is elaborately repousse with a rococo pattern of cherubim. The lid has a turned finial, the thumb piece is scrolled and the carved handle is beaded and scrolled. The initials 1. 1. L. and a coat of arms are engraved on the bottom. Maker's mark, I. D. Augsburg, XVIIth Centura. Height, 7 -5-HE.VM< CHARLES EMILE JACQUE (ATTRIBUTED) 1813-1894 1144. In the Sheep Stable. Gathered in the dimly lighted stable are a number of sheep feeding at the hay-rack. Some stand apart and one is lying down. A broad patch of sunlight falls across the wall lighting the straw- strewn floor. Panel. Signed. Height, 8 inches; width, 12 inches. J. B. C. COROT (ATTRIBUTED) 1796-1875 1145. Landscape. Through a meadow runs a stream bordered with sedgy grass in which two cows wander. A mass of trees rise at the left and beyond are seen barns and a tall poplar tree. The sky is streaked with the yellow light of waning day. Canvas. Signed. Height, 10 1-2 inches; width, 15 inches. 1146. Diaz' Traveling Easel and Palettes. Marked in Diaz' handwriting "Baite de Campagne. N. Diaz," underneath is the guaranty of his son: "Cette boite a appartient a mon pere. Eug. Diaz." This contains color box, 7 brushes, a pencil, pencil holder, rule and triangle, with two palettes. The latter might almost be framed as paintings by Diaz, so representative in color are they of all of his paintings. ALBERT HERTER Contemporary American Artist 1 147. The Garden of Dreams. Through a garden of lilies and azaleas backed by a wall of greenery, a tall and willowy young woman in floating gray drapery walks as in a dream. Her head is raised as in ecstasy. Her floating drapery is held at shoulders and breast by blue jewels. The exquisite composition is enhanced in decorative effect by its Japanese mounting in old brocade. Bought from the Artist. Water color. Signed. Height, 27 inches; width, 14 inches. (See Illustration.) [166] EUGENE BOUDIN 1824-1898 1148. Port of Bordeaux. In the blue waters of the busy harbor are seen ships from many lands. Beyond stretches the city rising from the sea. The whole scene is handled with the breadth and knowledge which charac- terized the work of this greatest of French marine painters. Bought of Durand Ruel. Canvas. Signed and dated 187. .J. Height, 16 inches; iridth. 25 inche*. (See Illustration.) ANDERS ZORN Born at Mora, Sweden, 1860 1149. A Bather. Through a leafy covert in midsummer a nude woman advances toward the spectator. She holds back the branches as she turns to look back over her right shoulder. The sunlight breaking- through the trees mottles the nude flesh with patches of light and the whole scene speaks the idyllic atmosphere of summer. Bought from the artist. Canvas. Signed and dated. Height, 38 1-2 inches; uridth, 26 inches. (See Illustration.) CAMILLE PISSARRO 1830- 1150. Environs d'Evagny. From a slight elevation the spectator views a wide-stretching landscape broken by clumps of trees in summer dress. In the foreground below the hill stretch the tile roofs of a French village and at the right rises a group of tall trees. The whole forms a brilliant color scheme the result of Pissarro's custom of always painting in the open air. Bought of Durand Ruel. Canvas. Signed and dated 1884 . Height, 21 1-2 inches; width, 25 1-2 inches. (See Illustration.) [ ifisl No. 1149. ANDERS ZORN. A BATHER ALFRED SISLEY 1840-1908 1151. Landscape at Veneux. From a hill in the foreground over which are scattered a few gnarled trees, reaches a wide stretching landscape, with a village in the distance. Above arches a deep blue sky with floating, white, summer clouds. Bought of Durand Ruel. Canvas. Signed. Height, 21 inches; undth, 28 inches. (See Illustration.) J. W. MORRICE 1152. Scene Along the Quai, Paris. The season is early autumn and the slender trees wear a red and yellow dress. Beneath their branches a little marionette theatre still caters to the well-dressed idlers who loiter on the leaf-strewn walks or sit in the chairs. Over all is the pensive note of autumn set forth with exquisite art. Canvas. Signed. Height, 19 inches; width, 23 1-2 inches. (See Illustration.) ANDERS ZORN Swedish Painter B. 1860 1153. The Bather. In a quiet inlet walled in by high rocks, a blonde nude woman just stepping out of her white skirt is seen in the sunlit fore- ground. With her left hand she steadies herself against the rocky wall rising at the left. Beyond, her companion, dressed in red, cautiously steps along the rocks. Bought from the artist. Canvas. Signed and dated '92. Height, 38 inches; undth, 26 1-2 inches. (See Illustration.) CLAUDE MONET 1840- 1154. Highlands on the French Coast. In the centre rises a huge chalk cliff yellow in the sunlight, its back clothed with patches of green, the ruffled sea at its base broken by many colored reflections. A sky of deepest blue stretches above the whole showing Monet's effort to render Nature as brilliant as he found it. Bought of Durand Ruel. Canvas. Signed and dated '84- Height, 23 1-2 inches; width, 28 1-2 inches. (See Illustration.) [170] DAVID TENIERS (ATTRIBUTED) 1610-1694 1155. Temptation of St. Anthony. The Saint is seen in a cave seated before a table with a skull and book. An old woman leans over his shoulder while grotesque shapes surround him. On copper. Height, 6 inches; width, 8 1-2 inches. NICHOLAS BERCHEM Dutch School 1620-1683 1156. A Country Scene. A woman bringing home her goats and cattle at evening stops on a slight elevation to speak to an old man who sits at the roadside. At the right is a mass of rocks beyond which rises a hill crowned by a castle. The evening sky shows cumulus clouds on a blue ground. Panel. Height, 9 inches; width, 12 inches. WILHELM FUNK Contemporary Austrian Painter 1 157. Portrait of Himself. Bust portrait of a young man with blond mustache and imperial and wearing a soft black hat looks directly at the observer. Canvas. Signed and dated 1900. Height, 21 inches; width, 17 inches. PHILIPS WOUVERMAN Dutch 1619-1668 1 158. The Marshal of the Country. At a wayside smithy are gathered some horses and men among which is seen the gaily dressed marshal watching his white horse being shod. Other horses and men approach from over the slight hill. Engravings of this work are in existence. Described in Smith's Catalogue, Vol. I., p. 268, No. 240. In the Holderness Collection 1802. Collection of Earl Breadalbane. Bought from the Collection of G. Preyer, Imperial Chancelor, Vienna. Lately in the Collection of Charles T. Yerkes. Panel. Signed "Ph. W." Height, 12 1-2 inches; width, 14 1-2 inches. [172] PETER QUAST Dutch School 1605-1647 1159. The Doctor's Shop. The doctor gaily dressed in red jacket with slashed sleeves, buff breeches slashed with red and a broad-brimmed hat with red feather is treating the tooth of a man, an old woman standing by. His assistant binds the head of a man who has taken part in a street fight. The details of the surroundings are painted with characteristic Dutch fidelity. From the Collection of Charles T. Yerkes. On copper. Height, 9 1-2 inches; width, 13 1-2 inches. ADRIAN VAN DE VELDE 1639-1672 1160. Cattle at the Fountain. Under the shade of tall trees a group of cattle and sheep are resting near an old memorial fountain from the basin of which a cow is drinking. A man and woman with a dog and some cattle are seen on the left at the base of a hill crowned with a group of houses. The landscape ends in a range of blue hills. Formerly in the Hopp Collection. From the C. T. Yerkes Collection. Canvas. Signed "A. V. Velde 1661." Height, 21 inches; ividth, 26 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST 1161. Bust Portrait of a Man. With blonde mustache and pointed beard and wearing a brown costume with a ruff and a wide red sash, a man of sixty is seen in almost profile view gazing intently. From the Collection of Charles T. Yerkes. Canvas. Height, 23 inches; width, 19 inches. PAUL POTTER (ATTRIBUTED) 1625-1654 1162. Sunset in Holland. At a door of a house on the left stands a woman holding a child while some pigs are feeding at her feet. Beyond a cow is seen against the light. At the right a group of cattle is being driven by the herdsman, behind which rise some lopped trees. Canvas. Height, 17 inches; width, 21 inches. F1741 JAN LE DUCQ Dutch School 1636-1685 1163. The Toilet. Dressed in white satin with a cape about her bare shoulders, a woman sits at a dressing table across which falls heavy rose- colored silk drapery, putting the finishing touches to her toilet. At the right stands a violoncello with books, music and a violin on the floor. The light falls through a high double window. Canvas. Height, 19 inches; width, 18 inches. JAN VAN GO YEN 1596-1666 1164. Dutch Fishing Boats Entering Port. This spirited scene by one of the earliest of the Dutch landscape or marine painters shows a number of boats in full sail making across the choppy sea for the harbor beyond. Masses of storm clouds fill the sky adding to the spirit of the scene. Panel. Signed in monogram on the boat at the right. Height, 19 inches; width, 28 inches. JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE 1725-1805 1165. Said to Be a Portrait of Marquis de Lafayette. In dark uniform with red velvet collar trimmed with gold braid and wearing gold epaulettes, the sitter looks directly at the spectator. Oval. Canvas. Signed above the left shoulder. Height, 25 inches; width, 20 inches. JAN VAN GO YEN Dutch School 1596-1656 1166. Village on the Banks of the Meuse. Stretched along the low river bank at the right are a group of low-roofed houses shaded by trees. Some sailboats and hay barges are drawn up to the shore and others appear on the river horizon. The sky is filled with moving clouds. From the C. T. Yerkes Collection. Panel. Signed in monogram on the boat in the foreground and dated 1652. Height, 21 1-2 inches; width, 39 inches. [176] No. 115:!. ANDKKS /OKN. THK BATHKH FRANZ POURBUS, THE YOUNGER 1570-1622 1167. Portrait of a Court Lady. Seen at half length she wears a black costume with puffed sleeves trimmed with gold braid, and a wide triple ruff edged with lace. Across her breast is a double strand of pearls from which hangs at one side a pendant of emeralds and pearls. Above her red hair rests a cap richly ornamented with pearls. Panel. Height, 25 1-2 inches; width, 20 1-2 inches. FRANCIA LUIGIO ALBERTINELLI Florentine School, Sixteenth Century 1168. Virgin and Child. The young mother wearing a red dress and blue mantle bows lier head which is covered with a veil toward the nude child who sits in her lap. He holds a rose in the right hand and raises the left toward the mother's face. An Umbrian landscape fills the background. The frame with band of Mazarine blue is of the period. Bought in Florence. Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 27 inches. FRANZ POURBUS, THE YOUNGER (ATTRIBUTED) 1570-1622 1169. Infanta Isabella. Seen at half length, she wears a richly ornamented dress of yel- low and black and a wide ruff edged with lace. About her neck is a double strand of pearls held together on her breast by a bow of white ribbon. In her red hair which is rolled back from her forehead are jeweled ornaments and clustered jewels hang from her ear. Her right hand, raised to her breast, fingers the strands of pearls. Panel. Height, 23 1-2 inches; iridth, 19 1-2 inches. JOHN HOPPNER (ATTRIBUTED) 1758-1810 1170. Lady Elizabeth Whitbread. Dressed in a black velvet low-cut gown, she leans her head on her right hand with the elbow on a table at her side, over which is thrown a cover of deep red on which rests a book. With her left hand she holds a white scarf which falls from her right shoulder. The crimson curtain which forms a background is looped up disclosing a landscape through the open window. Canvas. Height, 36 inches; width, 27 inches. [178] JEAN MARC NATTIER 1685-1766 1171. La Marquise de Marigny de Menars. Dressed in white with a flowing blue mantle the sister-in-law of Madame de Pompadour is seen at three-quarters length seated with her arms folded resting on a fountain from which flows a stream of water. The background is the sky with floating clouds against which a cluster of reeds is seen at the right. Canvas. Height, 37 inches; width, 31 inches. GIOVANNI ANTONIO SOGLIANI Florence, 1492-1544 1172. Madonna, Child and St. John. The mother dressed in the conventional red and blue wears a scarf on her head, looking down at the nude boy on her lap who leans across her left arm to take a cross from the Infant St. John, standing at her side. Landscape with rocky hills fills the back- ground. A pupil of Lorenzo di Credi, Sogliani worked in con- junction with Andrea del Sarto and Sodoma on the high altar in the Duomo at Pisa. In Sixteenth Century Carved Wood Frame. Bought in Florence. Panel. Height, 33 inches; width, 26 inches. FRANZ POURBUS, THE YOUNGER 1570-1622 1 1 73. Elizabeth de Vos. Wearing a Court costume of black richly braided with gold and a large ruff, the handsome young woman is seated in a high back red chair against a red curtain, which is drawn aside sufficiently to show a view of a town on the bank of a river. About her neck below the ruff she wears a double string of large pearls from which hangs a jeweled cross and three strings of pearls. From the Van den Hoop Collection, Amsterdam. Canvas. Height, 4% inches; icidth, 34 inches. (See Illustration.) [180] No. 117:?. FRANZ POURBUS, THE YOUNGER. KLI/ABKTH DK VOS FRANCESCO DEI ROSSI (CALLED SALVIATI) 1510-1563 1174. Madonna and Child with St. John and an Angel. The fair-haired mother in a pink dress with her blue mantle across her knees is seated, the nude boy in her lap. Her head is seen in profile as she turns to an angel seen at her back. The Child turns away from her to take a reed cross from the young St. John at his side. Salviati who took his name from his patron Cardinal Salviati, was a friend of Vasari while both were pupils of Andrea del Sarto and later of Bandinelli. The frame is Italian carved wood of XVI Century. Bought from Prince Panciatici's Palace in Florence where it was said to have hung for three hundred years. Canvas. Height, 50 inches; width, 37 1-2 inches. WILLIAM WISSING 1655-1687 1175. Mary, Princess of Orange, Afterward Queen Consort of William III. Dressed in a robe of white satin with a mantle of red velvet trimmed with ermine held by jeweled clasps, the Princess is seen at full length seated against a brown brocaded curtain which is half drawn revealing a view of Hampton Court. In her right hand she holds a spray of narcissus, while her left holds her mantle to her breast. For some time Wissing was assistant to Sir Peter Lely after whose death he became a favorite with English patrons. He painted all the Royal Family. Although he soon found a rival in Sir Godfrey Kneller, he was still extensively employed and after the death of Charles II was appointed principal painter to his successor by whom he was sent to Holland to take the por- traits of William and Mary. Other portraits of Queen Mary by him are at Hampton Court and in the National Portrait Gallery, London. This painting was formerly ascribed to Sir Godfrey Kneller. Canvas. Height, 60 inches; undth, 1$ inches. [182] NINTH SESSION Braun- Clement Carbon Prints Many of which are mounted on linen and i handsomely framed . COROT 1176. Bohemians Under the Trees. Landscape. Lake of Garde. WATTEAU 1177. Group of Men and Women on a Terrace. Fete Galante. (2 pieces.) VAN DYCK 1178. Portrait of a Woman. REMBRANDT VAN RHYN 1179. Portrait of a Man With Lace Collar. Oval. Dated 1633. RAPHAEL 1180. The Madonna of the Chair. Ornamental carved gilt frame. Diameter, 28 inches. RUYSDAEL 1181. The Oak Forest. REMBRANDT VAN RHYN 1182. Portrait in Polish Costume (known as " Sobieski"). Flemish oak frame. RAPHAEL 1183. The Grand-ducal Madonna. Oak frame, 36 x 22 inches. HANS HOLBEIN 1184. Portrait of Erasmus. Portrait of R. Cheseman, 1535. (2 pieces.) [183] REMBRANT VAN RHYN 1185. Portrait of Himself, Flat Velvet Cap. Wood frame, applied gilt ornament. 1186. Italian Carved Wood. Photograph frame, in the form of a shrine. Edelweis Souvenir of the Tyrol. Rococo Porcelain Wall Pocket and Photograph Frame. (4 pieces,) 1187. Eight Brass Photograph Easels and One of Wood. (9 pieces.) 1188. Blue Glass Perfume Bottle. Ormolu base and top, set with four porcelain cameos and gilt filigree. 1189. Jade Colored Glass Violet Vase. Small Green Crackle Vase. Small Embroidered Silk Tray, Glass Bottom. (3 pieces.) 1190. Cylindrical Wicker and Wood Waste Basket. Height, 33 inches. 1191. Small Opalescent Green Glass Flower Holder. Mounted in silver filigree. 1192. Ormolu Cabinet Photograph Holder. With silk brocade mat, easel rest. 1193. Ormolu Easel Frame for Photograph. Height, 15 inches; width, 11 inches. 1 194. Silver Venetian Cigar Lighter. 1195. Renaissance Lace Bureau Scarf. 40 x 22 inches. 1196. Set of Three Beveled Glass Jewel Boxes. Satin lined, brass rims. Three Small Cut Glass Scent Bottles. Silver mounts. (6 pieces.) I 184 1 1197. Two Renaissance Lace Table Scarfs. 43 x 19 inches. Three Lace Squares. 18 x 18 inches. (5 pieces.) 1198. Traveling Flower Garden. Miniature porcelain flower pots with flowers in bloom. (15 pieces.) 1199. Portable French Desk Clock. In ormolu case. A. B. Rodanet, Paris, Maker. 1200. Folding Book Rack. Engagement Book to Match. Each covered with silk, embroidered with garlands of roses enclosing portraits painted on silk. 1201. Small French Curio Vitrine. Heart shaped, carved and gilded. Lined with a piece of old silk brocade. Height, 28 inches. 1202. Spanish Military and Other Orders. Enameled, set with gems, etc. These orders were presented to Miss Grigsby by Spanish officers, in Cuba. (6 pieces.) 1203. Three Gold Colored Silk Plush Table Covers. Two, 36 x 18 1-2 inches; and one, 12 inches square. 1204. Circular Down Cushion. Silk and embroidery cover in gray, blue and rose. 1205. Toreador's Suit Complete. Toreador's sword, and scabbard, the hilt wrapped with the red braid used. Crimson velvet coat, heavily embroidered in gold bullion, the epaulets and sleeves trimmed with blue and gold-tasseled fringe. Knee-breeches and waistcoat to match. White satin cape, trimmed with rows of gold braid and faced with red satin. Toreador's black hat. The above suit was actually used in the Bull-ring in Mexico. 1206. Pair of Louis XVth Side Chairs. Carved and gilded, cane seat and back panel. [185] 1207. Four Louis XVth Oval Footstools. Carved and gilded, upholstered in Aubusson tapestry. 1208. Louis XVth Circular Light Stand. Carved and gilded with white marble top. 1209. Louis XVth Circular Light Stand. To match the above. 1210. Louis XVth Gilt Boudoir Chair. Gilded cane seat and back. 1211. Two Louis XVth Gilt Boudoir Chairs. To match the foregoing. 1212. Silk Down Pillow. Applique with floral panels, bordered with gold embroidery studded with pearls. From the Royal School of Art Needle- work, South Kensington. 1213. Footstool Carved and Gilded. Upholstered in embroidery of a pair of birds on white satin. The satin worn but the embroidery could be used as an applique. From the Royal School of Art Needlework, South Kensington. 1214. Round Gold Night Stand. Two drawers and marble top. 1215. Pair of Carved French Walnut Arm Chairs. Gilt cane seat and back. 1216. Yellow Silk Down Cushion. With lace applique. 1217. Heart-shaped Silk Down Cushion. Trimmed with gold lace. 1218. Small Side Spindle Chair. Three slats, decorated rush bottom seat. [186] 1219. Louis XV. Lady's Sewing Table. Latticed inlays, marble top, brass rail and feet, two drawers and shelf. 1220. Louis XVth Round Stand. Verms-Martin decoration, three drawers, brass rim and pulls, brass feet. 1221. Louis XVth Square Rosewood Table. Marble top with brass rim and ormolu mounts, curved legs, curved straps ending in pierced ormolu basket. 1222. White and Gold Empire Night Stand. One drawer and bottom cupboard. 1223. Pair of Empire Bronze Torch Mantel Urns. With ormolu mountings. Height, 30 inches. 1224. Brass Empire Mantel Garniture. Clock with two side urns; the clock showing Minerva's chariot, whose wheel forms the dial. Height .of dock, 22 inches; width, 21 inches. 1225. Pair of Empire Bronze and Gold Andirons. Surmounted by busts of Minerva. 1226. Louis XVth Centre Table. French walnut, carved and gilded. 1227. Small Louis XVth Centre Table. French walnut, carved and gilded. 1228. Louis XVth Sedan Chair. Converted into a cabinet, original decoration in leather, glass shelf. Lining of old French brocade. 1229. Louis XVth Chaise Longue. Elaborately carved and gilded. Surmounted by a pair of doves, upholstered in green cut velvet, six legs. 1230. Drawing Room Gold Table. Elaborately carved and gilded, red marble top. Four carved straps ending in vase and flowers. [187] 1231. Pair of Louis XVth Bergeres. Elaborately carved and gilded, surmounted by a pair of doves, upholstered in green cut velvet, with loose cushions. 1232. Gold Dressing Table. Triplex folding mirror, with carved top, double curved strap, five drawers and carved legs. 1233. Gilt Canopy Bed. White and gold canopy bed ; carved head with gilded cane panel surmounted by carved cluster of flowers and torches; mattress and springs. 1234. Superb Renaissance Lace and Ivory Satin Cover for the Same. 1235. Canopy Covering of Renaissance Lace and Satin for the Same. 1236. Roll for Same Covered with Renaissance Lace. 1237. Six Pairs of Lace Curtains. Of ivory satin with wide borders of Renaissance lace. To match the bed hangings. 1238. Two Pairs of Ivory Moire Silk Portieres. With wide floral bands of silk brocade. 1239. Louis XVth Table. From a triangular base rises a pedestal supported by three curv- ing feet on each of which is perched a Cupid holding garlands. The pedestal is encircled with wreaths of leaves and grapes in brass, circular top with fourteen painted floral porcelain panels, and twenty-eight miniature portraits of court beauties around a sunken porcelain panel decorated with a procession of gods and goddesses encircled by a garland of flowers. (Center panel cracked.) Inscription engraved on the rim: "a Madame la Marquise de Montebello par son Amie T. de L. P. le 7 Mai, 1861." Height, 38 inches; diameter, 43 inches. I 1891 1240. Empire Mahogany Arm Chair. With gilt feet and arm pieces, ormolu mountings, upholstered in green brocade. 1241. White and Gold Dressing Table. Beveled mirror, two drawers, lyre-shaped supports and bottom shelf. 1242. White Empire Dressing Table. Elaborately carved and gilded, with three long drawers, bronze mountings, claw feet. 1243. White and Gold Empire Three-Quarter Bed. Elaborately carved and gilded. With mattress and springs. 1244. Green Silk Brocade Canopy Top and Hangings. For the same. 1245. Pair of Roll Pillows. For the same, upholstered in green brocade. 1246. Low Empire Sofa, Carved and Gilded. Upholstered in green silk brocade, with roll pillow, five legs. Length, 66 inches. 1247. Pair of Empire Arm Chairs. Ivory white with applied gilded carved wood, upholstered in green silk velour embroidered in gold, and "N" circled with a laurel wreath on the back. The arms of ivory tusks ending in acanthus leaf and gilded carving. 1248. Louis XVIth Round Back Low Chair. Carved and gilded, upholstered in green striped brocade (includ- ing back). 1249. Revolving Top Mahogany Writing Desk. With secretary top, ormolu mountings, Verms-Martin panels. Height, 59 inches; length, 30 1-2 inches; icidth, 20 inches (with shelf extended 28 inches) . 1250. Spanish Carved Church Lectern. Ornamented with cherubim head, shells and arabesques. On the feet are mythological figures from the Apocalypse and a cornucopia of fruit all richly gilded. Height, 5 feet, 6 inches. [190] 1251. Madame Recamier Table. Small drawing room metal table with red marble top, legs of blue enamel entwined with garlands of ormolu, and edge of blue interlaced garlands on blue enamel ground, four curved straps, brass feet. Top, 17 x 24 inches. 1252. Louis XlVth Boulle Cabinet. Ebony with tortoise shell and brass inlays, chiseled bronze mounts, glass panel. Black marble top. Height, 44 inches; length, 23 inches. 1253. Louis XVth Suite of French Walnut. Carved and gilded. Sofa, two arm and three side-chairs uphol- stered in pink silk brocade. Length of sofa, 54 inches. (6 pieces.) 1254-. Couch. Upholstered in rose velvet. Length, 8.6 feet; width, 3.3 feet. 1255. Rococo Cabinet, Louis XVth Period. French walnut, carved and gilded, lined with rose velour, with three glass shelves, glass door bowed, glass panel. Height, 72 inches; width, 26 1-2 inches; depth, 13 inches. 1256. Two Pairs of Old Rose Silk Velour Portieres. Lined, finished with silk plush fringe. 1257. Four Pairs of Old Rose Silk Velour Curtains. To match the above. With silk cord and loops. 1258. Two Pairs of Lace and Net Curtains. Borders in lace, rococo design. 1259. Four Pairs of Lace and Net Curtains. To match the above. 1260. Louis XVIth Gold Exhibition Cabinet. Elaborately carved. Four glass sides, mirror base, and three glass shelves. On four legs. Height, ()6 inches; width, 42 inches; depth, 24 inches. 1261. Throne Chair of the House of Savoy. Side chair, encrusted with carved ivory classical and mythologi- cal figures and coats-of-arms on a background of ivory shell work, seat and back panel upholstered in ancient silver brocade. On a low platform covered with fawn-colored velvet. The House of Savoy is the present reigning House of Italy. Height, 52 inches. 1262. Louis XVth Bergere. Decorated with carved cupids, garlands and grotesques gilded; upholstered in Aubusson tapestry showing floral panels on an ivory ground. Height, 36 inches; width, 40 inches. 1263. Louis XVth Bergere. Decorated with cupids, garlands and grotesques gilded; uphol- stered with Aubusson tapestry showing floral panels on ivory ground. Height, 36 inches; width, 40 inches. 1264. Louis XVth Oval Vitrine. Elaborately carved and gilded. Length, 28 inches; width, 21 inches. 1265. Half Round Louis XVth Vitrine. Elaborately carved and gilded. 1266. Round Table. Carved and gilded with glass tray top. Diameter, 40 inches. 1267. Six Large Louis XVth Arm Chairs. Elaborately carved and gilded, upholstered in Aubusson Tapes- try, floral design on ivory ground. 1268. Louis XVth Cabinet. On a table base, elaborately carved and gilded, crowned by two Cupids resting on a mass of flowers, holding a helmet. Bowed glass panels, two glass shelves, lined with antique brocade of French make showing Chinese influence. Height, 110 inches; length, 37 inches; depth, 26 inches. 1269. Louis XVth Wall Cabinet. Resting on four legs elaborately carved and gilded, mirror back and base, three glass shelves, bowed glass panels overhung with garlands, antique brocade lining of French make showing Chin- ese influence. Height, 77 inches; width, 35 inches; depth, 18 inches. 1270. Louis XVth Wall Cabinet. Similar to the foregoing. 1271. Louis XVth Console Table. Intricately carved and gilded with shells, garlands and gro- tesques, Italian marble top. Height, 40 inches; length, 87 inches; depth, 27 inches. 1272. Pair of Ivory Silk Drawing Room Curtains. Silk curtains with applique border, Louis XVth style cameo and gold wrought with an intricate rococo pattern in gold braid, and edged with gilt and gilt-tasseled fringe. With silk cord loops and tassels to match. Lined and padded. A special order made in Paris. Length, 137 inches; width, 50 inches. 1273. Pair of Ivory Silk Drawing Room Curtains. To match the above. 1274. Two Pairs of Ivory Silk Drawing Room Curtains. To match the above. 1275. Two Pairs of Ivory Silk Drawing Room Curtains. To match the above. 1276. Pair of Ivory Silk Portieres to Match. Length, 137 inches; width, 75 inches. 1277. Two Pairs of Renaissance Lace Drawing Room Curtains. Elaborate rococo pattern on a net foundation. A special order made in Paris. 1278. Two Pairs of Renaissance Lace Drawing Room Curtains. To match the foregoing. 1279. Two Pairs of Renaissance Lace Curtains. To match the foregoing. 1280. Detached Cushion in Aubusson Tapestry. (Colors ivory and pink.) Belonging to the sofa following. 1281. Louis XVth Gilt Canape Longue. The back of gilded-cane work broken by elaborate scroll of carved wood enclosing figures of monkeys in court costume. [193] 1282. Drawing Room Grand Piano, Size C. Elaborately carved gold case resting on five cabriole legs, the latter joined by curved straps carved in high relief with arabesques and flowers. The case intricately carved showing garlands of roses and arabesques, the legs and lyre carved inside and out with a border of interlaced design and in the centre, musical instruments, score and laurel branches. The rack of rococo design showing arabesques, shell work and dragons' heads. The instrument was made to order for Miss Grigsby. A remarkable piece of workmanship. No. 94390 Steinway Co. 1283. Louis XVth Piano Bench. Carved, gilded and upholstered in Aubusson Tapestry. [194 TENTH SESSION Braun-Clement Carbon Prints Many of which are mounted on linen and handsomely framed MELOZZO DA FORLI 1284. An Angel with a Mandolin. Framed in carved and gilt wood. GUIDO RENI 1285. Aurora. Large folio. JAN VAN EYCK 1286. Singing Angels. Round top in plain gilt frame. RUBENS 1287. The Infant Christ, St. John and Angels. Oval, in carved gilt frame. VAN DYCK 1288. Portrait of Henrietta Maria. Oval carved gilt frame. ANDREA DEL SARTO 1289. The Holy Family. Large folio, wide Flemish oak frame. LEONARDO DA VINCI 1290. Mona Lisa. Head of St. Anne. (2 pieces.) RUYSDAEL 1291. The Mill. Large folio. REMBRANDT VAN RHYN 1292. Portrait of Elizabeth Bas. RUBENS 1293. Portrait of Elizabeth de France. [195] Rugs, Skins and Carpets The rugs are exquisitely woven in colors softened and enriched by age. They show the individuality of Oriental work and cannot fail to appeal to rug lovers of artistic discrimination. Aside from their merits as works of art, they are by reason of their rarity rapidly increasing in value. The inscriptions have been translated; they are proverbs and quotations from the odes of Hafiz, the Gulistan of Saa'di and from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. 1 294. Anatolian Mat. 3 x 1.11 feet. 1295. Anatolian Mat. Blue centre and mulberry border. 1296. Anatolian Mat. 1297. Shirvan Rug. Small design on a yellow ground. Length, 5 feet; width, 3.6 feet. 1298. Antique Silk Prayer Rug. Ivory ground, Mihrab and pendants in rose and gold; border of old Fereghan rose color with rosacese. An exquisite soft-toned small rug. Size, 4 x 2.7 feet. 1299. Antique Silk Mat. Magnificent old red ground, with rare green border, conven- tionalized floral pattern (slightly repaired). Size, 2.4 x 1.7 feet. 1300. Antique Persian Silk Rug. Blue ground, deep red border of Ispahan design. The centre well covered with floral pattern. Size, 6x4 fat. 1301. Giordez Prayer Rug. Ivory ground, light blue Mihrab in graceful floral design, sup- ported by two columns. The upper and lower panels are also in light blue. The main border is conventionalized lotus on mul- berry ground. Inner and outer border formed of three borders in conventionalized lotus. The inside border a soft I*Gle green. An unusual decoration on the lower part of the panel is of urns with conventional flowers. The design is very fine. Size, 5.2 x 4.1. [196] 1302. Persian Silk Kashan Rug. Conventional floral border in deep mulberry; ivory ground with medallion of conventionalized flowers. The ground of the rug turquoise blue with flowers of heliotrope, deep rose and other colors. Size, 6.10 x 4-2 feet. 1303. Persian Silk Prayer Rug. Gold ground, light blue border, Seventeenth Century Giordez design, floral pattern. The prevailing color red. Size, 4-4 x 5.3 feet. 1304. Antique Persian Silk Prayer Rug. Gold ground, Mihrab of light blue and pink with hanging mosque lamp ornamented with flowers. Turquoise blue border, with lotus pattern. Size, 2.5 x 3.11 feet. 1305. Antique Persian Silk Rug. Soft ivory ground with delicate tracery of lotus in bud, blossom and seed. The borders of soft red. The dominating color of the rug a soft red. Size, 5.10 x 4.6 feet. 1306. Old Persian Silk Rug. Unusual ground of plain verdure green, old ivory medallion and borders. Corner pieces of deep rose of floral pattern. A most interesting piece. Size, 5.11 x 4-2 feet. 1307. Antique Persian Silk Prayer Rug. Rose ground, ivory Mihrab supported by highly ornate columns from which is suspended a hanging lamp. The borders are of the best Giordez pattern. Size, 5.6 x 4 feet. 1308. Polonaise Rug of the Seventeenth Century. Gold ground, lotus border, gold and silver embellishments. Soft coloring. Unusual in character, although the rug is worn (square in centre repaired). Size, 4-11 x 5.6 feet. 1309. Antique Giordez Prayer Rug. Soft plain Nile green centre, Mihrab of ivory, the upper and lower panels of dark blue with maroon border. Outer border light blue of Giordez pattern. An unusual rug, the plain Nile green rarely found. Size, 4-5 x 6 feet. [197] 1310. Antique Persian Silk Rug. Red ground with cream medallion and corners. Seventeenth Century floral pattern. The principal border of cream color with very unusual floral treatment. Size, 11.10 x 8.10 feet. 1311. Antique Turkestan Rug. Gold ground with silver border. The prevailing colors of the border are light blue and shaded green. The field is of gold woven with conventional flowers in dark blue, orange and shades of green. A very interesting and most unusual carpet. Size, 11. 2x6.10 feet. 1312. Old Persian Silk Rug. Lustrous gold ground, border of lotus leaf and bud on a gold ground. The centre contains a large urn from which springs a lotus plant, most delicately drawn with buds, leaves and full-blown flowers and with butterflies, emblem of Eternity. Simple but unique treatment of border; altogether a most unusual rug. Size, 6.8 x 4 feet. 1313. Antique Persian Silk Carpet. Ivory ground with border of Ispahan lotus pattern showing traces of Chinese influence. The colors are soft heliotrope and rose. Four lotus flowers in full bloom form the central medal- lion. These are outlined in old red. The entire ground is covered with a graceful floral pattern combined with figures of boars, cows and other animals. Unusually heavy quality. Size, 11.2x84 feet. 1314. Magnificent Persian Silk Carpet. Rich Pompeian red ground with cream medallion and border. Floral design of lotus, flowers and buds, and the Tree of Life forming a splendid example of Persian art. Size, 15.2 x 11.11 feet. 1315. Magnificent Silk Persian Carpet. Rich Pompeian red ground. The centre medallion represents the Assassination of a Shah on an ivory ground; border and Mihrab are of light rose, the latter containing lions and other wild animals. The field is well covered by a floral pattern. Size, 12.6 x 9.9 feet. [198] 1316. Antique Persian Silk Carpet. A panel of ivory ground contains an ornamental vase from which spring flowering trees. The corners are blue with flowering branches. At the base are three portrait panels containing groups of figures, evidently portraits of important personages splendidly executed in various colors. The prevailing tone of the rug is blue. Above the main panel is one of ivory in fanciful design on each side of which is a hanging lamp with pendants. A very unique and rare rug. Size, 12 x 8.8 feet. 1317. Antique Ispahan Fragment. Panel ground with blue ornamentation. A very rare piece. Size, 2.2 x 5.2 feet. 1318. Antique Persian Silk Rug. Ivory ground, Ardebil medallion, gracefully drawn flowers in blue tind shaded reds. Corner piece a replica of the centre in contrasting colors. The border of soft iridescent old rose. With cartouches of old ivory having inscriptions in dark blue. Quota- tion from Hafiz, mostly in praise of wine, in cartouches around the border, beginning with "Made by special order:" "I care not if I sell my coat for wine, hoping that the Gods will send me a fair maiden in whose blushes I can see the beauty of wine. Why should I burn with desire far distant from wine and a beautiful maiden. Let us drink the cup in season for without wine and music we have no pleasure." Says Hafiz, "If we do not enjoy them we are like the larks quiet in the season of roses." Size, 6 x 4- 1319. Antique Persian Silk Picture Rug. Light blue ground, dark blue border: The base of the rug con- tains a design of a palace, on each side of the entrance to which are rampant lions resting one paw on columns. A cypress tree stands to left and right of the house. Above is a rock over- hanging the water and on the rock is a large bear engaged in combat with an alligator rising from the water. Seated in the branches of a tree springing from the rock are three grotesque figures engaged in eating fruit. Above a leopard and an orange- colored tiger prepare to spring on a Bird of Paradise ready to take flight. Size, 8.6 x 5.10 feet. [199] 1320. Royal Ispahan Rug, Sixteenth Century. Three borders enclose life-like animals in attitudes of flight, pursuit and combat, typifying the strife towards Eternal Life. The field of the rug is formed of panels with a variety of patterns of birds, animals and fish, conventionalized on a ruby ground of uncommon shade, the whole design being one of mythological significance, showing Chinese influence. The general motif of beasts and birds of prey with their victims suggests the struggle between right and wrong, light and dark- ness, the chief motif being the lotus, emblem of Eternity. The prevailing tone of the rug is old ruby color, the narrow outer border being of rose color, the inner border of old pink; both decorated with birds and animals. The principal border is of old Persian blue with trees, flowers, birds and animals. A Museum Piece. Size, 13.5 x 11.9 feet. (See Illustration.) 1321. Fine Antique Persian Silk Rug. Ten borders, the chief one of ox-blood red, the secondary border of turquoise blue. The ground of the rug a dull ivory contain- ing six panels. Each of these panels is a rug design in itself; the two upper are of fanciful floral decoration, another contains the Tree of Life, another a coat-of-arms and royal emblems, another a rug with medallion and another a prayer rug. Blue columns support a rich red Mihrab from the centre of which is suspended a lamp. Size, 6.2 x Jf.5 feet. 1322. Superb Persian Fish Pattern Silk Rug. Rich red ground. The ground of the main border and centre medallion is a very dark blue, with alternating lotus blossom and head-dress designs surrounded by elephants' heads and fishes. Running from the centre medallion are two highly ornamental columns with a decoration of heads, on each side of which are beautifully modeled peacocks from which run the old Persian leaf on which are ornamental gold fishes. The leaves springing from the centre medallion also contain fishes in blue. From the base of the columns spring branches to which cling apes in conflict with mythical animals. The various branches terminate in the heads of dragons, fish, birds, wild boar and other animals. Size, 10 x 6.3 feet. [200] No. 1320. XVIth CENTURY, ROYAL ISPAHAN RUG 1323. Antique Persian Silk Hunting Carpet. Representing a conflict between the Powers of Light and Darkness or Good and Evil. Figures of cows attacked by tigers, and other similar designs, symbolizing domesticity in conflict with evil. The wide border of magnificent red contains large car- touches of ivory with inscriptions, flanked by two borders of deep ivory of conventional floral pattern. The inner border has red ground with cartouches of gold color with inscriptions. The centre a deep ivory ground in harmonious colors of soft red, turquoise blue and gold. The inscriptions in Arabic and Persian are quotations from Saa'di in praise of the King, includ- ing: " May the state of my people be as great as that of King Solomon, and spread as widely as did the branches of King David," said the Caliph Mansour, the glory of his house. (Mansour was second Caliph of the House of Habbas.) " The dancer of the party is like a servant, who does menial offices." " A friend who arrives last may be more welcome than he who comes first (or than he who invites himself") [Repeated.] "God knows how I enjoy your presence, for your coming is as news of the coming of the spring (or the coming of the roses)." [Repeated .] Size, 14.6 x 10.8 feet. 1324. Old Persian Silk Rug. Dull red ground, soft blue border, floral medallion on cream ground. The ground well covered with floral decoration. Size, 5.11 x 4-6 feet. 1325. Antique Persian Silk Kashan Rug. Ivory ground, turquoise blue Ispahan border with floral helio- trope decoration. The field with animal design. A very unusual piece, the design being of the Shah Habbas Period (towards the end of the XVIth Century) done in only a few colors, the prevailing tone being heliotrope, showing a distinct Chinese influence, with inscriptions which show this to be a "gift rug." The main legend reads: " / hope you will enjoy this rug as you enjoy the buds of the springtime (or the time of roses). May you, your family and yet unborn children enjoy it. Milardi." (Prob- ably a gift at a birth, the final word reading "a birth-gift.") Size, 7.1 x 4.3 feet. 1326. Antique Persian Silk Rug. Ivory ground medallion; pendant and corner pieces of helio- trope. Border rich ivory, the heliotrope decorations outlined with black. Floral design. 6.3 x 4 feet. [202] 1327. Antique Persian Silk Kashan Tomb Rug. Deep ivory ground, seal brown border with coventional lotus pattern in heliotrope. The inner and outer borders fawn color. The field ornamented with a large Urn from which spring two flowering trees bearing also ripe pomegranates. On either side of the Urn are two trees with broken trunks, symbolical of the lives prematurely ended. The Mihrab of heliotrope. The prevailing colors heliotrope and soft sage green. An interesting feature is the introduction of large orchids of heliotrope color into the design. Size, 10 x 5 feet. 1328. Antique Persian Silk Carpet, Sehna-Kurdestan Weave. Five borders of alternate colors in Khorassan design. Inside is an ivory border four inches wide, containing inscriptions all around. The centre of the rug is dark blue covered with Persian floral pattern in rose, turquoise blue and ivory. The weave of this rug is very rare. The proverbs repeated around the border are: "A bad friend will be unable to answer the questions put to him in Eternity" " The Speech of Yusuf is sweeter than the sayings of Religion." "Your presence is as dear to my heart, as was the presence of Aiyaz to Sultan Mahmoud." (Repeated.) Size, 11 4 x 8.6 feet. 1329. Antique Persian Silk Carpet. From the center of the rug on a light rose ground range a series of light blue cartouches with inscriptions, intersected by two similar bands across the width of the rug, thus dividing it into six sections. Each of these sections contain four panels of highly artistic design showing cartouches and floral patterns. The border is dark rose with light blue cartouches with inscriptions and floral patterns. The inscriptions are as follows : Centrelines: "What says the lark to the rose in the garden?" He said: "That you with your rosy cheeks should bloom. Why weary of life when everything around you is beautiful ? " (The small lozenges repeat : "May you enjoy it," meaning the rug.) Cross line: "I love your presence, therefore you are welcome. May a thousand lives be sacrificed at your every step!" (Repeated twice.) Border: "What says the rose to the lark? " He says: "He whose deeds are as open as the day has no anxieties." (Repeated.) Lozenges: " The man whose hat is of silk both inside and out can take it off, he is honest, and has nothing to conceal." Size, 12.2 x 9 feet. 1330. Small Wolf Skin. Mounted with head. Length, 53 inches. [203] 1331. Chetah Skin. Mounted with head. Length, 90 inches. 1332. Heavy White Fur Rug. 54 x 30 inches. 1333. Heavy White Fur Rug. 60 x 30 inches. 1334. Heavy White Fur Rug. 64 x 32 inches. 1335. Superb Bengal Tiger Skin. Mounted with head and claws. Length, 112 inches. 1336. Bengal Tiger Skin. Mounted with head. Length, 82 inches. 133T. Chetah Skin. Mounted with head. Length, 90 inches. 1338. Great White Bear Skin. Mounted with head and claws. Length, 125 inches; width, 90 inches. 1339. Korean Leopard Skin. Mounted with head. From the Joseph W. Sprague Collec- tion. Length, 64 inches. 1340. Brussels Lace Handkerchief. Said to have belonged to Princess Hortense Beauharnais. With "I. H." (Imperatrice Hortense) embroidered in the corner. Framed. 1341. Brussels Lace Handkerchief. Also the property of Princess Hortense. No initials. Framed. 1342. Pair of Silver Gilt Flower Vases. Vase-shaped and fluted bodies, boldly curved rims and standing on three curved legs ending in lion's paws decorated with twisted ribbons and ending in female heads. Body and rim elaborately repousse and chased in designs of scrolls, flowers, and musical and horticultural trophies. Maker's mark, S. R. Dutch, XVIlIth Century. Height, 10 1-2 inches. [204] 1343. Silk Cushion Panels. Pair of changeable tan rep silk cushion panels, with silk and velvet shield in applique and raised monogram. Length, 25 inches; width, 12 inches. 1344. Small Wall Carving of Painted and Gilded Wood. Holy Water Font, mounted on carving in high relief of the Baptism of John, surmounted by angels in glory and a dove. Height, 16 inches. 1345. Pair of Wall Mirrors in Italian Carved Wood and Gilded Frames. Irregular oval shape framed in pierced and gilded floral scrolls. Painted in silver on each mirror is a classical figure with wreath. Height, 27 inches; width, 14 inches. 1346. Pair of Embroidered Coats-of-Arms. In gold and colors (red and green), surmounted by a crown. Length, 24 inches. 1347. Italian Wood Carving. Annunciation of the Virgin. Carved and painted seated figure of the Virgin on a carved and gilded scroll base. Height, 29 inches. 1348. Box Pedestal of Gilded Wood and Embroidery. From the Royal School of Art Needlework at South Kensing- ton, London. A low wall pedestal with five-sided front; top formed of panels of embroidery set in gilt wood frames. On four low gilt feet. Length, 18 inches; height, 11 inches; width, 10 inches. 1349. Pair of Italian Carved Hall Chairs. Round carved seat, back and front support ending in dolphins, with carved medallions of monks and lions. 1350. Pair of Italian Carved Wood Footstools. Upholstered in striped purple velvet, and ornamented with coat-of-anns in applique. 1351. Cushion of Spanish Embroidery on White Satin. Heavy gold applique of an urn with roses and other flowers. This and the two following are worn, although the applique can be easily transferred. [f06] 1352. Cloth of Gold Cushion Spanish Embroidery. Heavy applique of a pelican on her nest feeding her young, surrounded by rays. 1353. Cushion of Spanish Embroidery on Ivory Silk. Basket in gold applique holding embroidered flowers. 1354. Narrow Cushion of Silk. With applique embroidery. 1355. Small Oval Table of Carved Italian Walnut. The top is formed as a tray with handles, elaborately carved, supported by winged Griffins on the backs of lions; relief carving, joined by scroll work. 1356. Small Table of Carved Italian Walnut. Irregular oval top, carved in relief resting on four winged Griffins supported by lions resting on scroll feet; one shelf. 1357. Antique Carved, Gilded and Painted Column. On triangular claw base. Height, 1^3 inches. 1358. Low Box Pedestal Covered with Purple Velvet. With three coats-of-arms in applique in gold and colored em- broidery on striped purple velvet ground. Height, 21 inches; width, 20 x 20 inches, 1359. Mirror with Silver Frame by Rinaldini. Oval plate glass mirror set in a silver frame, exquisitely wrought in a design typifying the allegory of "The First Kiss," showing Cupid and Psyche surrounded by flowers of Spring, merging into roses allegorical of Summer, wheat the emblem of Autumn, and Ivy showing Winter, the design leaving one side of the mirror unfinished showing that Love never ends. A beaded silver oval surrounds the mirror. Mounted on hexagonal satin-wood panel. The work of one of the finest modern Italian artists, Paolo Rinaldini of Florence. Size of mirror, 14 1-2 x 11 1-2 inches. 1360. Ivory Silk Cushion. Embroidered in an individual pattern of ribbons and floral garlands in delicate rose; the reverse side of plain rose silk. I 207 I 1361. Pair of Down Cushions. Grey silk centres, quatrefoil shape, surrounded by applique gilt floral embroidery on grey velvet. Both sides alike. A special design made to order for Miss Grigsby. (2 pieces.) 1362. Renaissance Lace Bureau Covers. Three pieces, various widths. 1363. Large Couch Rug of Old Gold Brocade. In a pattern of feathers and flowers in gold and colors on old ivory ground. Lined with rose satin and trimmed with sable tails and wide Duchess lace flounce. 1364. Hand-made Banquet Cloth of Lace, Linen and Embroidery. Squares of ivory filet lace in the form of hearts, set in linen corners embroidered "a 1'Anglaise, " with inserted medallions of Point de Venise. These squares are put together with wide gold thread lace em- broidered in chenille and ribbon flowers in pastel shades. The cloth is bordered in wide gold thread lace embroidered in flowers in a like manner and fringed with separate blossoms. Made in Paris. Length, 138 inches; vridth, 78 inches. 1365. Spanish Gold Thread Embroidery. Table scarf of gold thread drawn work. 35 x 19 inches. 1366. Pair of Spanish Gold Embroidered Squares. Two squares of gold thread drawn work. 20 x 20~inches. 1367. Pair of Spanish Gold Embroidered Squares. The same as the above. 1368. Pair of Spanish Gold Embroidered Squares. The same as the above. 1369. Spanish Gold Thread Embroidery. Twelve doyleys embroidered in gold thread. 1370. Mexican Drawn Linen Table Cloth. Wide hemstitched edge, deep elaborate corner designs, one wide and two narrow rows of Mexican drawn work around the entire cloth. 120 x 70 inches. [208] 1371. Pair of Antique Italian Bronze Andirons. Bronze Cupids fifteen inches in height, standing on triangular base ornamented with medallions of women's heads flanked by fauns. Upheld by Amorini and scroll work. Height, 42 inches. 1372. Large Italian Carved Walnut Side Chair. Irregular oval back and seat upholstered in purple cut velvet. 1373. Four Italian Carved Side Chairs. Upholstered in purple cut velvet; oval panels of the same in the backs and on the reverse. 1374. Italian Carved Prie Dieu of Antique Walnut. Elaborately carved in the style of the Italian Renaissance in high relief with a group of Knights, the Virgin and Child above, upholstered in purple cut velvet. Height of back, 51 inches. 1375. Italian Oak Library Table. Elaborately carved, two drawers (cracked.) Width, 34 inches; length, 53 inches. 1376. Dresser with Mirror of Carved Italian Walnut. Cabinet bottom, one long drawer, marble top, with mirror framed in elaborate carving of winged female forms, flanked by two small drawers. Carved and twisted columns at the corners; oval panels of Cupids in relief on the cabinet doors. The whole elaborately carved. Height, 106 inches; width, 57 inches; depth, 25 1-2 inches. 1377. Dresser of Carved Italian Walnut with Oval Mirror. Smaller, but matches the foregoing. Under the mirror is a narrow marble shelf running the length of the dresser. Height, 90 inches; width, 54 inches; depth, 26 1-2 inches. 1378. Carved Italian Walnut Hexagonal Table. Carved top, six curved and vine-wreathed legs resting on a solid hexagonal carved base about ten inches in height. [210] 1379. Italian Carved Walnut Night Stand and Jewel Safe Com- bined. Elaborately carved cabinet bottom containing the safe, one drawer, marble top, carved back with dolphin panel in high relief surmounted by Amorino on a scroll. The jewel safe measures 21^ inches high x 14 }< inches wide x 12 inches deep; the body of the safe ^/ inch thick of best steel plates, the door ^2 mcn thick; the lock securely fastened to the door by a steel strap. The inside of the safe lined with wood shelves on a bookcase rack with three covered with maroon velvet. Height back, 64 inches; height cabinet, 36 1-2 inches; width, 23 1-2 inches; depth, 17 inches. 1380. Pier-glass in Italian Carved Walnut Stand. Twisted vine- wreathed pillars rest on four dolphins. The top of the mirror ornamented with the busts of women upholding a shield. Height, 79 inches. 1381. Carved Mahogany Sofa or Canape Longue. Three-quarter back, five legs, upholstered front and back in cut purple velvet. 1382. Italian Carved Arm Chair of Old Walnut. Elaborately carved, curved arms ending in winged heads; the base ending in lions' heads. Height of back, 50 1-2 inches. 1383. Italian Carved Wood Lady's Desk. Cabinet bottom, carved door with bronze hinges, flanked by carved and twisted columns on lions' heads in relief. One long drawer, sloping cover closing over small drawers and pigeon- holes; two small drawers above and elaborately carved over- hanging top; bronze mounts carved in high relief. Height, 60 inches; width, 39 inches; depth, 20 inches. 1384. Italian Carved Double Bed and Canopy. At the foot are twisted columns wreathed in vine leaves, an Amorino perched on the top of each. The base and headboard are elaborately carved in high relief with groups of Amorini, Dolphins and Scrolls. Carved Cupids upholding shields sur- mount the canopy of purple brocade lined with lace over lilac silk. A tufted damask dais around three sides. [211] 1385. Purple Satin and Lace-covered Roll for the Same. 1386. Lace Spread for the Same. 1387. Bed Hangings of Violet Silk Brocade. For the foregoing. Lined and fringed. Silk loops. Canopy of violet velvet. Three coats-of-arms in applique with gold fringe. Lining of two pairs of lace curtains. 1388. Italian Carved Antique Walnut Chariot Chair. The chair in shape of a low curved chariot resting on the Winged Lion of St. Mark at the back, supported in front by wheels. The curved back ends in the figure of a woman forming the arms; claw feet. Upholstered in striped purple velvet. 1389. Italian Carved Hall Chest. On six low legs. Length, 10 feet; width, 2,2 feet; height, 2.7 feet. 1390. Antique Italian Carved Wall Cabinet. Table support, front legs as women, their bodies terminating in scrolls and claws, shield back with relief carving in panels, and one drawer. Upper part with one drawer cabinet top with two doors from the centre of each of which appears a Cupid; the corners of Cupids terminating in scrolls; carved top ending in a winged grotesque. From the Collection of Charles F. Phillips. Height, 72 inches; width, 42 inches; depth, 21 inches. 212 ELEVENTH SESSION Braun-Clement Carbon Prints Many of which are mounted on linen and handsomely framed REMBRANDT 1391. Portrait of a Man. Portrait of a Woman. Pair in square frames. (2 pieces.) MICHELANGELO 1392. The Lybian and Delphic Sybils from the Sistine Chapel. Large photographs in oak frames. FRA ANGELICO 1393. Frieze of Twelve Angels. Set in a panel. MURILLO 1394. The Infant Jesus and St. John. In very elaborate carved gilt frame. TITIAN 1395. Lavinia (daughter of the Painter). Large folio. RUYSDAEL 1396. Landscape. Large folio. MICHELANGELO 1397. Figures from the Tomb of the Medici. GEORGE ROMNEY 1398. Lady Hamilton as a Bacchante. The Parson's Daughter. Gilt frames. FRANZ HALS 1399. Portrait of a Woman. Portrait of a Man. 4to. [2131 (2 pieces.) (2 pieces.) (2 pieces.) WATTEAU 1400. The Departure for Cythera. Small folio. 1401. Pair of Green Velvet Hair Cushions. For hall chests. Upholstered on both sides and tufted. 1402. Small Carved Mahogany Folding Chair. Ending in claw feet; four carved slats, seven slats make seat. Height of back, 33 inches. 1403. Pair of Footstools. Upholstered in crimson velvet, with crest embroidered in silver. 1404. Pair Square Sofa Pillows. Covered with old gold satin, applique embroidery of birds. 1405. Pair Square Sofa Pillows. Similar to the foregoing. 1406. Pair Square Sofa Pillows. Similar to the foregoing* 1407. Wrought Iron Reading Desk. Height, 49 inches. 1408. Venetian Low Carved Arm Chair. With narrow seat upholstered in striped purple velvet. Height of back, 36 1-2 inches. 1409. Swiss Musical Carved Wood Chair. Inlay decoration, playing four airs, from Faust, Aida, Don Juan, and the Barber of Seville. 1410. Inlaid Music Cabinet. One drawer and cupboard. Height, 31 1-2 inches; width, 14 1-2 inches; length, 21 inches. 1411. Pair of Circular Oak Footstools. Upholstered in tapestry. [215] 1412. Pair of XVth Century Spanish Carved Wood Figures of the Madonna and St. Catherine. Drapery gilded, one holding a chalice and one the sword and broken wheel. From a monastery in Nuremberg. Height, 27 inches. 1413. Italian Stand. Elaborate ivory inlay decoration, one drawer. 1414. Gorham Silver Toilet Set. Cloth, hat and military brushes with silver backs, combs, etc. (7 pieces.) 1415. Three Large Down Sofa Pillows. Heavy rose-colored rep silk, with centre and corner pieces of gold applique. 1416. Three Large Down Sofa Pillows. Covered in rose silk velour. 1417. Antique Hall Chair. Inlaid with ivory. 1418. Two Carved Gilt Mahogany Footstools. Upholstered in gold and silver embroidery on red velvet. From the Royal School of Art Needlework, South Kensington. 1419. Small Italian Hall Chair. Inlaid ivory decorations. 1420. Round Antique Oak Lamp Table. Elaborately carved. Diameter, 32 inches. 1421. Antique French Mantel Clock. Classic design, Alabaster columns, metal dial. 1422. Ebony Night Stand. With one drawer, cabinet bottom. Ebony Light Stand; Ebony Book Rest. Length, 30 inches. (3 pieces.) 1423. Circular Rose Wood Table. Marquetry inlay, marble top, with brass rim and one drawer. [216] 1424. Carved Red Wood Flower Stand. Marble top. Height, 36 inches. 1425. Pair Antique Andirons. With log rest Cupids holding garlands on a triangular base, above three fauns in relief support Cupids (15 inches high). Height, 40 inches. 1426. Pair Tall Brass Andirons. Baronial shapes with lion head medallions at base. 142T. Footstool. Upholstered in royal purple velvet, monogram of Edward VII. gold embroidery. Used at the Coronation Services of Edward VII. Secured from the Princess Christian when in charge of the Royal School of Art Needlework, South Kensington. 1428. Miniature Portrait of a Lady on Ivory. Set in a silver frame, studded with brilliants. 1429. Miniature. Bust of a lady, powdered hair dressed high with wreath of flowers. In ornamental circular silver frame. Signed Saintet. 1430. Carved Wood Miniature Frame. With miniature of a Court Beauty. 1431. Oval Miniature on Ivory Persian Girl. Native dress in blue enamel frame. 1432. Miniature Portrait of Napoleon. On porcelain wood frame inlaid with Mother-of -Pearl. 1433. Miniature on Porcelain. Group of classical figures, in gilt frame. 1434. Miniature Locket Brooch. Containing French miniature portrait, on porcelain, of a young man. Costume of XVIIth Century. 1435. Oval Miniature on Ivory. Court Beauty, XVIIIth Century, hair dressed high with feathers. In ormolu frame. Signed Mirilier. [217] 1436. Medallion Painted on Paper. Child with lamb mounted in silver gilt-headed frame. r 1437. Two Small Miniatures. X. Girls' heads on ivory. Signed Petit. 1438. Book Wheel. Carved mahogany exhibition bookcase having four revolving compartments with hinged glass covers, 33 x 1% inches, set at angles for the exhibition of books. Height, -50 inches. 1439. Large Venetian Carved Arm Chair. Seat and inside arms inlaid, carved back. Width, ,11 inches. 1440. Venetian Carved Arm Chair. Of walnut, seat upholstered in red damask. Height back, 63 inches. 1441. Pair Massive Bronze Andirons. With four wood rests. Lions uphold a crest flanked on either side by flower wreathed caryatides, who support a shield en- closing silvered classical medallions. Winged lyre with Cupid in relief above holding silvered coils surmounted by a crown. From the library of Francois Coppee, famous French poet. (See Illustration.) Height, 56 inches. 1442. Antique Spanish Oak Arm Chair. Elaborately carved, eagles resting on balls form the front, the sides and rails are elaborately carved. Upholstered in fine old ecclesiastical embroidery on velvet. The original from which the four copies in the collection were made. See the following numbers. 1443. Pair Arm Chairs. Copied from the original in this collection from a Spanish Cathe- dral, each upholstered in old Church embroideries in gold and silver on crimson velvet. Height of back, 50 inches. 1444. Pair Arm Chairs. Companions to the above. [218] No. 1441. FRANCOIS COPPEE. ANDIRONS 1445. Venetian Cabinet Secretary. Ebony inlaid with ivory, two glass doors, four small and two larger drawers. Height, 86 inches; length, 55 inches. 1446. Louis XVth Large Hall Chair. Old mahogany carved and gilt, the arms ending in crouching lions, pineapple finials. Upholstered in old Church embroidery in gold on crimson velvet, with coat-of-arms. Height of back, 58 inches; width, 27 inches. 1447. Louis XVIth Large Hall Chair. Companion to the above. 1448. Flemish Carved Oak Library Table. Made from Miss Grigsby's design, with four deep sliding shelves at each end, for folios and large books; three drawers on each side, the centre ones with bronze ring handles, irregular carved top. Length, 7 feet; width 4 feet. 1449. Small Oak Library Table. To match the preceding, containing sixteen drawers, four on each side and four on each end. Height, 31 inches; width, 36 inches; length, 54 inches. 1450. Library Table of Antique Oak. Carved in relief ornament and gilded. Length, 52 inches; width, 29 inches. 1451. Two Large Arm Chairs and Sofa. Upholstered in red silk velour, five large pillows belonging to the set. 1452. Small Sofa of Antique Oak. Carved in relief and gilded, upholstered in red velvet, the back panel upholstered in applique embroidery. The sofa was made for the purpose of using the panel of embroidery, as seen. 1453. Mahogany Book Case. Brass inlays, four shelves, two doors with silk curtains. Height, 56 inches; width, 48 inches. [220] 1454. Mahogany Washington Desk. Colonial shape, top fatted with two shelves at each end; one long drawer and six small drawers on either side, brass pull. 54 1-2 x 32 inches. 1455. Six Queen Anne Mahogany Side Chairs. Cane seats. 1456. Carved Antique Oak Library Table. 52 x 39 inches. 1457. Antique Oak Writing Desk. Two side cupboards fitted with shelves, glass doors, lined with gold-figured silk, two small drawers on either side of a niche, below which are extension writing shelf and one long drawer underneath. Height, 64 inches; width, 37 inches; depth, 25 inches (with extension) 33 inches. 1458. Pair of Ebony Side Chairs. Cane seats. 1459. Antique Oak Chairs, Suite of Five Pieces. One large arm, two smaller arms, and two side chairs of Antique Oak, carved backs, upholstered in ivory colored tapestry with monogram in applique". 1460. Twin Beds, Antique Oak Canopy Top. Canopied with a valance of figured tapestry on three sides, extending to the headboard, carved posts. Mattress and springs. 1461. Pair Gold Satin Coverlets. With applique embroidery and monogram for the same. 1462. Pair Gold Satin Roll Pillows. For the same. 1463. Three Pairs of Tapestry Curtains. Of foliage pattern, lined, finished with fringe and loops. 1464. Three Pairs of Tapestry Portieres. To match the above. [221] 1465. Tall Antique Oak Walnut Cabinet. With six large drawers, brass knobs, and cupboard top with three shelves and leaded bull's-eye glass doors. Height, 98 1-2 inches; length, 50 inches; depth, 19 1-2 inches. 1466. Louis XVth Boulle Cabinet. Inlaid ebony, glass front, elaborate mountings of masques, flowers, and classic mouldings in finely chased gilt bronze. One shelf, black marble top. Height, 48 1-2 inches; width, 40 inches; depth, 17 inches. This and the following Boulle Cabinet are from the Charles F. Phillips collection. 1467. Louis XVth Boulle Cabinet. To match the above, but a little smaller. Two shelves. Height, 44 inches; length, 25 1-2 inches; width, 14 1-3 inches. 1468. Antique Oak Library Table. Elaborately carved, with drawer, solid ends, and one shelf. 34 x 54 inches. 1469. Ladies' Dressing Table and Mirror. Draped with lace and net; colors, blue and white. (Blue faded, but lace in good condition.) 1470. Patent Easy Rocker. Upholstered in blue silk brocade with wash cover. 1471. Antique Four-post Bed of Tulip Wood. With mattress and springs; canopy top and hangings of blue silk brocade for the same. 1472. Blue Brocaded Satin Bed Spread. For the same. 1473. Antique Walnut Highboy. Resting on six carved legs, with three large and five small drawers, old brass pulls and mounts, open base, four front legs, two curved back, plain straps. 1474. Walnut Dressing Table. Six legs, three small drawers. Made to match Highboy de- scribed. [222] Suite of Dutch Marquetry Furniture 1475. Twin Beds. High roll top and low footboard. With springs and mattresses. 1476. Yellow Silk and Lace Spreads. For the same. 1477. Pair of Lace-covered Yellow Silk Rolls. For the same. 1478. Lady's Dutch Marquetry Dressing Table. With three drawers and oval mirror. 1479. Hinged Leaf Stand of Dutch Marquetry. One small drawer and two shelves and hinged leaves. 1480. Pair of Marquetry Side Chairs. Upholstered in cut velvet. 1481. Arm Chair of Dutch Marquetry. Upholstered in cut velvet. (Repaired.) 1482. Work Table of Dutch Marquetry. With two shelves. 1483. Highboy of Dutch Marquetry. With six long drawers. 1484. Old Fashioned Desk of Dutch Marquetry. Flat top, curved front, one top drawer, four small drawers either side. 1485. Small Marquetry Cabinet. One drawer and cupboard bottom. 1486. Small Marquetry Work Table. Two small drawers and one shelf. [224] 1487. Linen Chest or Wardrobe of Dutch Marquetry. Three deep long drawers and two small drawers, large cupboard top with two doors. A very old and fine piece of marquetry from the Lord George Hamilton Collection. Length, 66 inches; height, 96 inches. 1488. Dutch Marquetry Hall Clock. Marquetry decorated case. Brass and silver dial with months and days and lunar phases. Peter Klock, Amsterdam, Maker. 1489. Dutch Marquetry Secretary. Swelled front, three large drawers, ornamented ormolu mounts, enclosing shelf and roll cover over nine small drawers, two secret drawers and pigeon-holes. From the Lord George Hamilton Collection. 1490. Pair of Carved Gothic Hall Chairs of Antique Oak. Upholstered with green velvet, gold embroidery en applique. 1491. Venetian Carved Hall Chair. Knight's coat-of-arms carved on the back, flanked by winged lions. Height, 47 inches. 1492. Pair of Italian Palace Chairs. Rococo Period, upholstered in green brocade. Height back, 65 inches. 1493. High Back Venetian Hall Bench. Elaborately carved, box seat, back upholstered in green Vene- tian brocade, tufted seat cushion of the same. Height back, 64 inches; length, 64 inches. 1494. Italian Screen Three-fold Carved Gilt Wood. Three panels enclosing oil paintings on canvas, classical subjects. The side panels have oval tops. Central panel (painting 56 x 47 ^j inches); Frame 77 x 52 inches: Side Panels (Paintings 55 x 38 inches) ; Frames 77 x 38 x 7 inches. (Slight damage) [2251 1495. Antique Oak Prie-Dieu. German Fifteenth Century with bronze Crucifix. Panel carved in relief with figure of St. Paul. Height, 5 feet 9 inches. 1496. Pair of Italian Twisted Carved Wood Columns. Overlaid with applied carving of grapes and leaves in gold and colors. Height, 75 inches. 1497. Pair of Carved Antique Oak Side Tables. Each having one long drawer and plate rail. 39 x 18 incites. 1498. XVIth Century Venetian Ebony Table. Inlaid with ivory. Height, 33 inches; width, 32 inches; length, 51 inches. 1499. Louis XlVth Ebony Cabinet by Boulle. Relief medallion of Moliere framed in a laurel wreath of chiseled brass, ormolu chasings at each corner of medallions, scrolls and foliage, key plates and borders of the same. Black marble top. Height, 47 inches; length, 60 inches; width, 17 inches. 1500. Ebony Enclosed Tea Table, Louis XVth Style. With folding movable top fitted with coffee and liqueur service : three cut glass bottles with stoppers, 3 liqueur glasses (3 missing), half a dozen coalport cups and saucers, gold-lined silver coffee pot and sugar bowl, tongs and half a dozen coffee spoons; the coffee service on a glass bottom tray with handles; the liqueur set in compartments; underneath are compartments for cigars. Height, 29 inches; top unfolds to 29 x 33 inches. 1501. Aeolian Orchestrelle. Style "V, " Old English Oak, pipe front, with bench for the same. A very fine instrument, good workmanship, and made in the best manner of the Aeolian Company; the original price was $2,000. 1502. Aeolian Music. Fifty -seven rolls, including airs from the Operas and some of the best modern composers. [226] 1503. Weber Grand Piano. Case in Verms-Martin decoration. In perfect condition. 1504. Revolving Piano Stool. Shell seat, Vernis-Martin decoration. 1504a. Silk Cushion Panels. Four pairs changeable tan rep silk cushion panels with silk and velvet shield in applique and raised monogram on four pieces (four pieces, plain). 21 x 9 inches. 1504b. Silk Cushion Panels. Three similar pairs (three pieces, plain). 21 x 9 inches. 1504c. Silk Cushion Panels. Five changeable silk tan rep silk cushion panels with silk and velvet shield in appliqu6 and raised monogram on four pieces, 21 x 9 inches, and 6 pieces of plain silk, 26 x 27 inches. (11 pieces.) 1504d. Silk Cushion Panels. Two larger panels with shield and monogram as above, 25 x 12 inches, and five plain pieces, 30 x 33 inches. (7 pieces.) [227] Mural Paintings by Albert Herter Six mural paintings : five wall panels and a ceiling decoration; represent- ing the Niebelungen Legends, painted on canvas in oil colors. 1505. Siegfried and the Rhine Maidens. Height, 80 inches; width, 42 inches. 1506. The Valkyrie. Height, 80 inches; width, 53 inches. 1507. The Three Fates Weaving the Thread of Life. Height, 80 inches; width, 46 inches. 1508. Siegmund in Flight. Height, 80 inches; width, 42 inches. 1509. Siegfried Awakening Brunhilde. Height, 80 inches; width, 60 inches. 1510. The Gods Retreating into Valhalla. This ceiling shows the Rhine Maidens guarding the ring in the depths of the sea; on earth rises the Tree of Yggdrasyl the Tree of the Universe, with Freya's apples from which the ravens of Siegfried are flying towards the Gods in Valhalla, thus connecting the forces of the waters, earth and heavens. Length, 25 feet; width, 15 feet. These paintings (lots 1505 to 1510) can be seen at the residence of Miss Grigsby, No. 660 Park Avenue, and will be sold as they are, to be removed by the purchaser. They will be first offered as one lot, and if not so disposed of, will be sold separately. 228 NOTE Miss Grigsby's interesting and valuable Collection of Books and Carbon Prints will - . - m be sold on Monday , afternoon and on the afternoons and evenings of Tuesday and Wednesday, January 29, 30, and 31. See Part II of the Catalogue. The handsome city residence of Miss Grigsby at 660 Park Avenue is also offered for sale or rent. For particulars apply at the office of this Company. THE EMILIE QRIGSBY COLLECTION PART II BOOKS AND CARBON PRINTS THE ANDERSON GALLERIES NEW YORK THE COLLECTION OF MISS EMILIE GRIGSBY OF NEW YORK CITY KEATS. ENDTMION. FIRST EDITION ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE Art and Literary Collections OF Miss Emilie Grigsby OF NEW YORK CITY Part II -BOOKS AND CARBON PRINTS Fine Sets of First Editions of English Authors, Association Books, Complete Sets of Book Club Publications, Autographs and Manuscripts ON EXHIBITION IN THE ANNEX OF THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, No. 16 EAST FORTIETH STREET. THE BOOKS AND CAR- BON PRINTS WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE ANDERSON GAL- LERIES DURING THE FIRST HALF OF THE WEEK BEGINNING JANUARY 29, 1912 BY The Anderson Auction Company MADISON AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET NEW YORK CITY Conditions of Sale 1. All bids to be per Lot as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of nil claims and his decision shall be final. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on accounts as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. 4. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so removed they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges, and this Company will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, 5. TERMS CASH. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each Sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Company reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unsettled accounts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum. 6. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good second- hand condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Magazines and other periodicals and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels are sold as they are without recourse. , 7. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authenticate and cor- rectly describe items of this character, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. 8. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers. We use all bids competitively and buy at the lowest price permitted by other bids. THE ANDERSON AUCTION COMPANY MADISON AVENUE AT FORTIETH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE 7990 BRYANT Order of Sales Monday Afternoon, January 29 . . Lots, 1-302 Tuesday Afternoon, January 30 . . Lots, 303-592 Tuesday Evening, January 30 ... Lots, 593-900 Wednesday Afternoon, January 31 . Lots, 901-1186 Wednesday Evening, January 31 . . Lots, 1187-1459 The Collection of Miss Emilie Grigsby PART II BOOKS AND CARBON PRINTS Miss Grigsby's bookplate designed by Lalique of Paris will be found in every volume in her Library FIRST SESSION 1. ABOUT (EDMOND). Le Roi des Montagues. ** Illustrations by G. Dore. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1861 2. ABOUT (EDMOND). Trente et Quarante. Frontis- piece, proof on India paper, and numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, calf gilt, gilt top. Paris, 1891 3. ADELINE (JULES). La Peinture a 1'eau: aquarelle, lavis, gouache, miniature. 5 plates in colors and 145 text illus- trations. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, Quantin, n. d. 4. J^SOP. Fables of ^Esop and other eminent mythologists; with morals and reflexions by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Portrait engraved by Vander Gucht after Kneller and frontispiece. 8vo, old panelled calf. Lond. 1724 5. ALBUM OF CARICATURES. Album de la guerre, caricature d'actualites par Cham, Daumier, Darjou, Hadol, Stop et Vernier, Paris [ca. 1865]; Les Tatonnements de Jean Bidoux dans la carriere mititaire par Cham, Paris, n. d.; Le Secret de Polichinel par Girin, Paris, n. d. 3 pieces in one vol. Royal 4to, half levant morocco gilt, gilt top, by Ruban. 6. ALDRICH (THOMAS BAILEY). Works. Portrait, proof on India paper. 8 vols. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt floral backs, gilt tops, uncut. Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1897 * LARGE PAPER, limited to 250 copies, with the author's autograph signature in Vol. I. Laid in is an A. L. S. by the author addressed to Mr. Mosher complimenting him on his edition of "In Praise of Omar," by John Hay. 1 p. 16mo, dated May 5, 1898. 7. ALLEN (CHARLES D.). American Book-Plates, with a Bibliography by E. N. Hewins. Numerous reproductions of rare and interesting book-plates. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top. N. Y. 1894 8. ALLEN (JAMES LANE). A Kentucky Cardinal : After- math ; Flute and Violin (2 copies) ; The Reign of Law. FIRST EDITION. Grahame's Pagan Papers .and The Golden Age. Some illustrated. Together, 7 vols. 12mo and 16mo, cloth. N. Y. v. d. 9. ALMANACK des Dames pour 1812. Engraved portraits and plates. 16mo, old French red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Paris, [1811] 10. ALZOG (JOHN). Manual of Universal Church History, translated with additions by F. J. Pabisch and T. S. Byrne. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Cinn. 1899 11. AMERICAN AUTHORS. Hawthorne's Mosses from an Old Manse, Twice Told Tales, Scarlet Letter, etc. ; Longfellow's Kavanagh and Hyperion, and others. Together 10 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. 12. AMERICAN AUTHORS [LETTERS OF]. A. L. S. of F. H. Day, Annie Fields, Margaret Crosby, E. C. Bolles, and others. 13 pieces. 13. AMERICAN AUTHORS AND ILLUSTRATORS [LETTERS OF]. A. L. S. of P. T. Barnum, Clinton Scollard, J. E. Spingarn, Louis Rhead, and others. 16 pieces. 14. AMERICAN MEN OF LETTERS. Edited by C. D. Warner: William Cullen Bryant by Bigelow; George Ripley by Frothingham, Washington Irving by Warner; Noah Webster by Scudder; Ralph Waldo Emerson by Holmes; Henry D. Thoreau by Sanborn; Edgar Allan Poe by Woodberry; etc. Portraits. 13 vols. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1890-95 15. AMERICAN POETS. Longfellow's Tales of a Wayside Inn (1863); Three Books of Song (1872); New England Trage- dies (1868), FIRST EDITIONS. Courtship of Miles Standish (1859); Whittier's Among the Hills, and Other Poems (1869), FIRST EDITION. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1859-72 16. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH POETS. The Cam- bridge Book of Poetry and Song. Selected from American and English Authors by C. F. Bates, 2 vols.; Complete Poetical Works of Dante G. Rossetti; Poetical Works of William Cowper, 3 vols. in 2. Illustrations. 5 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt tops. (Binding not quite uniform.) N. Y. & Bost. n. d. [1896] [10] 17. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH POETS. Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich; Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell; Longfellow's Poetical Works; Poetical Works of Tennyson. Portraits and illustrations. 4 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt, gilt top (not uniform). Bost. n. d. 18. AMERICAN STATESMEN. Edited by J. T. Morse: Thomas Jefferson by Morse; Lewis Cass by McLaughlin; Benjamin Franklin by Morse; Andrew Jackson by Sumner; John Marshall by Magruder, etc. Portraits. 27 vols. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1895, etc. The Writings of William Loring Andrews Some Presentation Copies and some on Japan Paper 19. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). Roger Payne and his Art : a short account of his life and work as a binder. Por- trait after an old print, and reproductions of bindings. 12mo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1892 * Limited to 120 copies printed on Holland paper. 20. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). Jean Grolier de Servier Viscount d'Aguisy: Some account of his Life and of his famous Library. Reproductions of bindings, etc. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1892 * Limited to 140 copies. 21. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). The Bradford Map. The City of New York at the time of the granting of the Montgomerie Charter to accompany a facsimile of an actual survey made by James Lyne. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1893 * Limited to 142 copies. Presentation copy with autograph in- scription from Mr. Andrews. 22. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). The Old Book- sellers of New York and other Papers. 3 plates of views engraved byE. D. French and a facsimile. 12mo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1895 * Limited to 142 copies. Presentation copy from the author with autograph inscription to Miss Grigsby. 23. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). An Essay on the Portraiture of the American Revolutionary War, being an account of a number of the engraved portraits connected therewith, remarkable for their rarity or otherwise interesting. To which is added an appendix. 18 facsimiles of portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1896 * Limited to 185 copies. fill 24. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York: a chronologically-arranged account of engraved views of the city from the first picture published in 1651 until the year 1800. 36 full page plates, one in colors, and 15 vignettes engraved by E. D. French. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1897 * Limited to 170 copies on American hand-made paper. 25. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). A Prospect of the Colledges in Cambridge in New England ... engraved by William Burgis in 1726. 6 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1897 * One of 25 copies on Imperial Japan paper. Presentation copy from the author, with autograph inscription to Miss Grigsby. 26. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). Fragments of American History, illustrated solely by the works of those of our own engravers who flourished in the 18th Century. 18 reproductions of rare engravings, 4 of which in colors. 12mo, half calf, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : Privately printed, 1898 * Limited to 80 copies on hand-made paper. Presentation copj' from the author to Miss Grigsby, with autograph inscription. 27. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). A Trio of Eigh- teenth Century French Engravers of Portraits in Miniature: Ficquet, Savart, Grateloup. Numerous reproductions of old engravings, including one in colors. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. N. Y. 1899 *Limited to 161 copies on Imperial Japan paper. Laid in are a poem by A. Lang and a verse of 4 lines by Mr. Andrews, all in the autograph of the latter and written expressly for Miss Grigsby. 28. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). Sextodecimos and Infra. Numerous facsimiles of title-pages, frontispieces, portraits and bindings, some in colors. 12mo, gilt wrappers, uncut. N. Y. 1899 * Limited to 140 copies. 29. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). James Lyne's Survey or, as it is more commonly known, the Bradford Map. An appendix to an account of the same. 3 facsimile maps. 12mo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1900 * Limited to 170 copies. Presentation copy from the author with autograph inscription to Miss Grigsby. [12] 30. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). Gossip about Book-Collecting. 12 illustrations of which 6 are in colors. 2 vols. 12mo, original illuminated wrappers in imitation of a Seventeenth Century English binding, uncut. N. Y. 1900 * One of 32 copies on Imperial Japan paper. On the first fly-leaf is a verse of a poem by Eugene Field written by Mr. Andrews at the request of Miss Grigsby. 31. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). Paul Revere and his engraving. Engraved title by E. D. French, 17 full-page plates of which one is in colors, and 15 illustrations. 8vo, boards, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1901 * One of 35 copies on Japan paper. 32. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). The Iconography of the Battery and Castle Garden. 20 illustrations, 3 of which are in colors. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1901 * One of 32 copies on extra quality Japan paper. 33. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORING). Bibliopegy in the United States, and kindred subjects. Engraved frontispiece and title, plates, facsimiles, etc. 8vo, boards, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1902 * One of 36 copies on Imperial Japan paper. 34. ANGLO-SAXON REVIEW, a quarterly miscellany, edited by Lady Randolph Spencer Churchill. Illustrated. 10 vols. 4to, calf gilt in imitation of ancient historical bindings. Lond. 1899-1901 * Complete set, now becoming scarce. 35. APPLETON'S SCIENTIFIC SERIES. Darwin's Origin of Species, 2 vols.; Darwin's Animal and Plants Under Domestication, 2 vols.; Darwin's Journal of Researches; Dar- win's Insectivorous Plants; Darwin's Life and Letters, 2 vols.; Haeckel's Evolution of Man, 2 vols.; Spencer's Principles of Biology, 2 vols.; Spencer's Principles of Psychology, 3 vols.; Spencer's Principles of Ethics, 2 vols.; Spencer's Principles of Sociology, 5 vols.; etc., together, 60 vols. 12mo, half leather. N. Y. 1898 * Fine collection. 36. ARABIAN NIGHTS. The Thousand Nights and One Night, now first completely done into English Prose and Verse, [13] from the original Arabic, by John Payne, 9 vols., 1882-84; Tales from the Arabic of the Breslau and Calcutta (1814-18) editions of the book of The Thousand Nights and One Night, not occurring in the other printed texts of the work, now first done into English by John Payne, 3 vols., 1884; Alaeddin and the Enchanted Lamp, Zein Ul Asnam and the King of the Jinn, done into English from the recently discovered Arabic Text by John Payne, 1889. 13 vols. 8vo, vellum gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond.: for the Villon Society, 1882-89 * Limited to 500 sets printed by private subscription and for pri- vate circulation only. 37. ARCHITECTURE AND PAINTING. History of Architecture (Hamlin); History of Painting (Van Dyke); The Philosophy of the Beautiful, 2 vols. (Knight); Adventure in Photography (Octave Thanet); and others. Together, 9 vols. 12mo, and smaller, cloth and boards. v.p., v.d. 38. ARMY AND NAVY of the United States, with Appen- dix. Plates beautifully printed in colors and numerous text illustrations on Japan paper. 12 parts folio, cloth portfolios (last part in wrappers). Phila. : G. Barrie, 1896 * EDITION DE LUXE, limited issue. 39. ARNOLD (MATTHEW). Essays in Criticism, First and Second Series; Poems, 3 vols.; Literature and Dogma; Discourses in America; God and the Bible; etc. 14 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. & N. Y. 1895-96 40. ARNOLD (MATTHEW). Empedocles on Etna, a Dramatic Poem. Woodcuts and initials. 8vo wrappers and boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1900 * One of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum. 41. ARNOLD (THOMAS). Miscellaneous Works, collected and republished, 1845; History of the Late Roman Common- wealth, 2 vols., 1845; History of Rome, 3 vols., 1848-50. 6 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in polished calf gilt, marbled edges. LIBRARY EDITION. Lond. 1845-50 42. ART. Art Life and Theories (Wagner), 1889; Shakes- peare in Art (Hartmann), 1901; The Madonna in Art (Hurll), 1897; The Fine Arts (Brown), 1896, and others. 7 vols., 12mo and smaller, cloth, etc. v. p., v. d. [14] 43. ART (The) of 1897 and 1898. Illustrated. 2 vols., Lond. and N. Y., 1897-98; Children's Books and Their Illustra- tors, by Gleeson White (Special Winter Number of the Studio) . Illustrated. 1897-98. Together, 3 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth and boards. 44. ART SALES. Catalogue des Objets d'Art composant la collection Bourgeois Freres a Cologne. October 19-27, 1904. Numerous photogravure illustrations of antique gold and silver plate, jewels, furniture, brass and bronze, glass, etc. 2 vols. 4to, wrappers. Cologne, 1904 45. ASHBEE (C. R.). A Few Chapters in Workshop Re- Construction and Citizenship. Illustrated. 4to, parchment boards, uncut. Lond. 1894 * One of 75 signed copies published by The Guild of Handicraft. 46. AUSTEN (JANE). Works, as follows: Pride and Prejudice, 2 vols.; Emma, 2 vols.; Sense and Sensibility, 2 vols.; Mansfield Park, 2 vols.; Persuasion; Northanger Abbey; Lady Susan and the Watsons; Letters. Etchings on Japan paper. 12 vols. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt floral backs, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. 1892 * Limited to 250 sets. 47. AUTOGRAPHS OF FAMOUS MEN. An Autograph Album containing the autograph signatures of 200 notable men, including Garrett Davis, J. A. Garfield, Schuyler Colfax, Geo. Bliss, and others, mostly Western Congressmen, of the middle of the Nineteenth Century. 12mo, brown levant morocco gilt, gilt edges. 48. T)ACON (FRANCIS). Works. Portrait. 10 vols. 8vo, *-* half calf, marbled edges. Lond. 1824 49. BAEDEKER'S GUIDES. Paris, London, Switzerland, The Rhine, Southern Italy, Holland, Germany, Austria, etc. Maps. 24 vols. (some duplicates) 12mo, cloth. Lond. v. d. 50. BAJOT (EDOUARD). Du Choix et de la Disposition des ameublements de Style. 60 plates. Imp. 8vo, cloth. Paris: Rouveyre, n. d. 51. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Old Goriot, A Woman of Thirty, The Wild Ass's Skin. Turgenev's Rudin, Dream Tales, Virgin Soil, and On the Eve. Some illustrated. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops. Lond. and N. Y. 1894-97 [15] 52. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Novels, now for the first time completely translated into English. Numerous etchings in two states, proofs ivith artists' remarks on Japanese paper, and proofs on India paper, by Jeannin, Gery-Bichard, De Billy, Gaujean, De Los Rios, Le Sueur, Dubouchet, etc., after Busswre, Cain, Fournier, Robaudi, Vidal, Vagrez, and others. 53 vols. 8vo, dark red levant morocco, doublure of red morocco, mosaic- flower borders, morocco linings, gilt edges. Phila. : G. Barrie, n. d. * Limited Edition printed on Japan paper. ^ 53. BARING-GOULD (S Editor). A Book of Nursery Songs and Rhymes. Illustrations by members of the Birmingham Art School. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1895 54. BASHKIRTSEFF (MARIE). Journal translated, with an introduction, by Mathilde Blind. 2 portraits. 12mo, half morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1890 55. BATE (P. H.). The English Pre-Raphaelite Painters; Their Associates and Successors. 91 illustrations. 4to, cloth. Lond. 1899 56. BEARDSLEY (AUBREY). The Pierrot of the Minute : A Dramatic Phantasy in one act, written by Ernest Dowson. Frontispiece, initial letter, vignette and tail-piece by A. Beardsley. Small 4to, cloth. Lond. 1897 57. BEARDSLEY (AUBREY). Ben Jonson.His Volpone; or the Foxe; a new edition with a critical essay on the author by V. O'Sullivan. Frontispiece, and 5 initial letters designed by A. Beardsley. 4to, vellum, the front cover gilt after Beardsley design, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1898 * One of 100 copies on Imperial Japan paper. 58. BEARDSLEY (AUBREY). A Second Book of Fifty Drawings. Illustrations. 4to, cloth. Limited edition. N. Y. 1899 59. BEARDSLEY (AUBREY). The Early Work of Aubrey Beardsley, with a Prefatory Note by H. C. Marillier. Portraits and numerous illustrations. 4to, cloth gilt, gilt top. Lond. and N. Y. 1899 * One of 120 copies on Japan paper. [161 60. BEARDSLE 1 Y (AUBREY) . The Later Work of Aubrey Beardsley. Portraits and numerous illustrations. 4to, cloth gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1901 * One of 120 copies on Japan paper. 61. BEDDOES (T. L.). Poetical Works eolited, with a memoir, by Edmund Gosse. Etchings by H. Railton. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1890 * LARGE PAPER, limited to 125 copies for sale in England and America. 62. BEECHER (MRS. HENRY WARD). About 27 pp. Manu'script, (not signed) 8vo, upon several subjects, in which she claims to have embodied the ideas of her husband. Written probably for publication. 63. BELL (MRS. ARTHUR G.). Nuremberg. Painted by Arthur G. Bell. Colored illustrations. 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut.' Lond. [1905] 64. BERALDI (HENRI). La Reliure du XIXe siecle. Part IV. Numerous reproductions of bindings. Imp. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1897 65. BERCHOUX (J. DE). La Gastronomic, poeme. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Very limited edition. Paris, Jouaust, 1876 66. BIBLE. The Holy Bible, containing the entire canoni- cal Scriptures, according to the Decree of the Council of Trent, translated from the Latin Vulgate. Beautifully illustrated with numerous steel plates, and colored and other illustrations. Thick 4to, padded morocco, gilt edges. Balto. : [1884] 67. BIBLIOGRAPHICA. A Magazine of Bibliography, with contributions by A. Lang, A. W. Pollard, R. Garnett, Paul Kristeller, Gordon Duff, William Morris, etc. Colored plates and other facsimiles. 12 parts, imperial 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1895-97 * Complete set. 68. BIBLIOPHILIST'S LIBRARY. Decameron of Boc- caccio now first completely done into English prose and verse by John Payne, 2 vols. ; the Heptameron by Magaret of Navarre translated by Arthur Machen, 2 vols.; Persian Letters of Mon- tesquieu translated by J. Davidson, 2 vols.; the Confessions of [171 Rousseau translated by M. C. Mallory, 2 vols.; Rabelais' Gar- gantua and Pantagruel, 2 vols. Etchings in two states. 10 vols. 8vo, red levant morocco, doublure of green and red levant gilt in the Persian manner, gilt tops, uncut. Phila. : G. Barrie, n. d. * Japan paper, limited issue. Pine set. 69. BIBLIOPHILIST'S LIBRARY. Don Quixote trans- lated by H. E. Watts, 4 vols. ; Gil Bias of Santillana translated by Henri Van -Latin, 3 vols.; Romances of Voltaire translated by William Walton, 3 vols. Etchings in two states. 10 vols. 8vo, green levant morocco, silk linings, gilt edges. Phila. : G. Barrie, n. d. * Japan paper, limited edition. 70. BICKNELL (ANNA L.). Life in the Tuilleries under the Second Empire. Portraits and other illustrations. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. N. Y. 1895 71. BIDDULPH (LADY). Charles Philip Yorke, Fourth Earl of Hardwicke. Portraits. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1910 * Presentation copy, with autograph "Hardwicke." 72. BIDPAY. Les Fables de Pilpay Philosophe Indien; ou la Conduite des grands et des petits. 12mo, vellum. Rare. A Paris, et se vend a Bruxelles, 1698 Specimens of Fine Binding Keats' Endymion bound by Cobden-Sanderson, Specimens of Silver Bindings, Embroidered Bindings, Etc. 73. BINDING. Luther (Martin). Der kleine Catechis- mus (in German and in French). Engraved title. Narrow 12mo, contemporary German binding in calf, ornamental borders of chased silver, and silver clasps, gilt edges. Nuremberg, 1701 74. BINDING. Geistliche Lebens-Quelle, vollGottl. Er- quickung. 24mo, contemporary German binding in velvet, floral borders and centre pieces of engraved and pierced silver, engraved and pierced silver clasps, gilt edges. Leipzig, 1702 * A pretty and genuine specimen of silver binding of the period. 75. BINDING. Das Gantze Neue testament unsers Herren Jesu Christi. Engraved title. 12mo, contemporary German binding in sealskin, ornamental frames of pierced and chased silver gilt, with one clasp missing. Zurich, 1709 [18] 76. BINDING. Anleitung zu rechtschaffener Buss-Beicht und Communion Andacht. Copper-plates. Narrow 12mo, contemporary German binding in sealskin, silver gilt frames and clasps, gilt edges. Nordlingen, 1731 77. BINDING. Andachtiges Mayntzer Gebett-Buch, al- ien und jeden Christglaubigen zu Ehren Gottes, seiner werthen Mutter, und alien Heiligen. Engraved title. 12mo, contem- porary German binding in red velvet, ornamental corner pieces and clasps in stamped silver, gilt edges. Mayntz, 1739 78. BINDING. Montalto (Agostino). Theologica Dis- ceptatio. 4to, contemporary, Italian silk binding, embroidered borders of gold thread on the sides, in the centre the arms of an abbott embroidered in colored silks and gold thread, silk ties, gilt edges. Bononiae, 1753 79. BINDING. Seelen erquickendes Harpffen-Spiel, oder neu aufgelegtes Gesang-Buch. 12mo, con- temporary German binding in velvet (worn, the linen cloth tissue only remaining) frames and clasps of pierced and repousse silver, gilt edges. Schweinfurth, 1754 80. BINDING. Missale Romanum decreto Sacrosancti. Concilii tridentini restitutum. Copper engravings. Folio, con- temporary Italian binding in red velvet, embroidered orna- mental borders of gold thread on the sides, with the arms of a bishop embroidered in colored silks and gold thread in the centre of both covers, gilt edges. Neapoli, 1793 81. BINDING. Missale Romano-Seraphicurn. Folio, con- temporary Italian binding in red velvet, the sides entirely embroidered to a beautiful ornamental design of gold thread, gilt edges. Venetiis, 1794 * An interesting piece of Italian embroidery of the period. 82. BINDING. Missale Romano-Seraphicum. Folio, con- temporary Italian binding in red velvet, the sides with a border of grapes and grape leaves embroidered in gold thread, in the centre of the front cover a figure of the Holy Ghost in gold and silver thread, and in that of the back cover the Heart of the Virgin, gilt edges. Venetiis, ca. 1792 83. BINDING. Byron (George Gordon). Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, a Romaunt. Canto I and II. FIRST EDITION. 4to, blue straight grain morocco, richly tooled and gilt in com- [19] partments, corner and centre pieces of green morocco, brass inside borders, watered silk linings, gilt edges, probably by KALTHOEBER. Lond. 1812 * A very fine specimen of English binding of the period, in perfect condition. 84. BINDING. Keats (John). Endymion: A Poetic Ro- mance. FIRST ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION. 8vo, blue levant morocco, the sides covered with curving sprays of conventionalized laurel arranged in a formal composition, the open spaces dotted with small stars, a crescent in the centre, and four hearts in the larger circular spaces, all heavily tooled in gold. The back richly gold-tooled, with the lettering evenly distributed through the six panels and closely surrounded by flowers and small stars, decorated inside borders, edges richly gauffred and gilt over blue, by Cobden- Sanderson. London: Printed for Taylor and Hessey, 1818 * An early and fine specimen of Cobden-Sanderson's binding signed 18C-S87. With the " Printed by T. Miller, Noble street, Cheapside ' ' on verso of the half-title. Half title to book 3 repaired and 2 corrections in ink in the text. (See Frontispiece.) 85. BINDING. Missale Romanum. Copper plates. 4to, old pierced and repousse silver, both sides being worked in a beautiful and elegant floral design, in the centre of the front cover a coat of arms surmounted by a prince's crown, accom- panied by the initials A. T., and on that of the back cover the figure of Faith. Silver back, gilt edges. Napoli, 1820 * An uncommon example of silver binding. 86. BINDING. Gesangbuch fur die Evangelische Kirche in Wiirttemberg. 8vo, contemporary German binding in stamped leather, pierced and chased silver corner and centre pieces, and clasps, gilt edges (one clasp missing). Stuttgart, 1843 .87. BINDING. Gesangbuch fur die Evangelische Kirche in Wiirttemberg. Frontispiece. 12mo, contemporary binding in stamped seal-skin, frames, centre pieces and clasps of pierced and chased silver, gilt edges. Stuttgart, 1843 88. BINDING. Holbein (Hans). L'Alphabet de la Mort, public d'apres les manuscrits par Anatole de Montaiglon. Wood- cut borders and initials representing subjects from the Dance of Death. 8vo, light brown morocco, the front cover beautifully worked in a design in bas-relief representing an allegorical subject [20] ROSSETTI. A SHADOW OF DANTE Binding by Miss Prideaux No. 89 of Death, on the back cover a medallion, also in bas-relief, representing a fight between Love and Death, by A. S. M. dated 1900. Paris, 1856 89. BINDING. Rossetti (Maria Francesca). A Shadow of Dante; Being an Essay towards studying himself, his World, and his Pilgrimage. Portrait and other illustrations. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, green levant morocco, the back tooled and gilt in a conventional heart design, the covers in a con- ventional tulip design, gilt edges, by Miss Prideaux, signed "S. T. P. 1900." Lond. 1871 (See Reproduction.) 90. BINDING. Hafiz. Ghazels from the Divan of Hafiz done into English by Justin Huntly McCarthy. 12mo, green levant morocco tooled in a conventional floral design, gilt, borders stamped with passages from the text, gilt over rough edges, by Miss Prideaux. Signed "S. T. P. 1900." Lond. 1893 (See Reproduction.) 91. BINDING. Parry (C. Hubert). The Art of Music. Illustration. 8vo, dark blue levant morocco, gilt and mosaic floriated design on back with numerous small-tooled dots, the same design enlarged and repeated on the sides, doublure of similar morocco with wide border of dots, mosaic flowers and vine, gilt edges, by Watson. Lond. 1893 92. BINDING. The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche. By Lucius Apuleius, translated by William Adlington, 1566. 6 illustrations designed and engraved on wood by C. Ricketts. 8vo, dark red levant morocco, gilt panelled sides, with rich orna- mental borders, silk linings, gilt top, by Zaehnsdorf. Lond.: Vale Press, 1897 * Limited to 210 copies. 93. BINDING. Penn (William). Some Fruits of Solitude in Reflections and Maxims, relating to the conduct of Human Life. Cut on title by T. S. Moore. 16mo, calf, both covers worked in a floral design in gilt relief, doublure of calf worked in the same manner and having in the centre paintings on translucent vellum, silk linings, gilt top, uncut, by Cedric Chivers. Lond. : Essex House Press, 1901 * Limited to 250 copies. [23] 94. BINDING. Ruskin (John). Sesame and Lilies, three Lectures. 12mo, silk, the front and back cover embroidered in an elegant floral design of colored silks, outlined with gold thread, gilt top, uncut, in a celluloid case. Lond. 1901 95. BINDING. Venice: Its History, Art, Industries and modern life by Charles Yriarte, translated by F. J. Sitwell. Illustrated. 12mo, in compartments formed by interlaced bands of wood, gilt and hand-painted, the ground formed by painted mother of pearl, leather back, in imitation of a Venetian Sixteenth Century binding in the Civic Museum at Venice. Phila., Coates & Co. n. d. 96. BINDING. A Blank Book, royal 8vo, bound in vellum; on the front cover is inlaid a large panel of needlework in colored silks and gold thread, nearly the size of the volume, representing the Virgin and Child, of very good execution, gilt edges. * Said to have been executed by Princess Helena Augusta Victoria , sister of King Edward VII, and afterward Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein, and exhibited at the Royal School of Needlework in London, as proved by the label on the inside of the front cover. (See Reproduction.) 97. BINDING. A blank book in the shape of a Cross, bound in boards covered with perforated and gilt paper, and embroid- ered with colored silks, gilt edges. 98. BINGLEY (W.). Animal Biography, or, Popular Zoo- logy, illustrated by Authentic Anecdotes. Plates (foxed). 4 vols. 12mo, half calf. Lond. 1824 99. BIRRELL (AUGUSTINE). Obiter Dicta, First and Second Series; Stephen's Studies of a Biographer, 2 vols.; Dobson's Eighteenth Century Vignettes, First and Third Series, Portraits. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1895-98 100. BLACK (WILLIAM). Works: Madcap Violet; The Three Feathers; Judith Shakespeare; Strange Adventures of a House Boat; A Princess of Thule; Wise Women of Inverness; Shandon Bells; White Heather; Macleod of Dare; A Daughter of Heth; White Wings, etc. 12 vols. 12mo, cloth. X. Y. : International Book Co., n. d. 101. BLACKBURN (VERNpN). The Fringe of an Art. Appreciations in Music. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1898 HAFIZ. GHAZELS FHOM THE DIVAN OF HAFIZ Binding by Miss Prideaux No. 90 102. BLAKE (WILLIAM). XVII Designs to Thornton's Virgil reproduced from the original woodcuts. Royal 8vo, boards. Portland, Me. : Mosher, 1899 * The original manuscript used by Mr. Mosher for the publication of the volume, with proof impressions of the reproduction. A Pre- sentation Copy from him to Miss Grigsby with autograph inscription. 103. BLAKE (WILLIAM). XVII Designs to Thornton's Virgil, reproduced from the original woodcuts. 8vo, wrappers and boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1899 * No. 1 of 25 copies printed on Japan vellum. 104. BLUNT (W. S.). Esther, a Young Man's Tragedy, together with the Love Sonnets of Proteus. Borders and initials designed byB.G. Goodhue. 12mo, boards, uncut. Bost. : University Press, 1895 * Limited to 500 copies. 105. BLUNT (W. S.). Satan Absolved, a Victorian Mystery. Frontispiece after G. F. Walts. FIRST EDITION. Square, 12mo, buckram, uncut. Lond. 1899 106. BOOKBINDING. International Bookbinding Exhi- bition by the Chief Craftsmen from all parts of the world, at the Caxton Head, 232, High Holborn. 75 photographic repro- ductions of bindings. 4to, boards, cloth back. Lond. : Privately printed, 1894 107. BOOKBINDING. Du Bois (Henri Pene). American Bookbindings in the Library of Henry William Poor. Auto- graphed portrait of Mr. Poor, and 39 full-page plates in gold and colors by Edward Bierstadt. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y.: Marion Press, 1903 * Limited Edition. Presentation copy from H. W. Poor to Miss Grigsby, with autograph inscription on fly-leaf. 108. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Power (John). A Handy- Book about Books, for Book-Lovers, Book-Buyers, and Book- Sellers. Facsimiles. 8vo, decorative boards, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1870 109. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS, edited by A. W. Pollard: Books in Manuscript by F. Madan, 1893; Earlv Printed Books by E. G. Duff, 1893; The Great Book-Collectors, by Mr. and Mrs. Elton, 1893; Book-Plates by W r . J. Hardy, 1893; The [271 Binding of Books by H. P. Home, 1894. Illustrated. 5 vols. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt mosaic backs, gilt tops. Lond. 1893-94 110. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Crazy Book-Collecting or Bibliomania. By Bellioud-Mermet. 12mo, flexible cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1894 111. BOOKS ABOUT BOOKS. Slater (J. H.). Early Editions. A Bibliographical Survey of the Works of some Pop- ular Modern Authors. 8vo, three quarter polished green morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1894 112. BOSSUET (J. B.). Oraisons Funebres publiees avec une introduction et des notes historiques et bibliographiques par A. Gaste. 16mo, half levant morocco. Paris, 1883 113. BOSTON, MASS. Snow (C. H.). A Geography of Boston, County of Suffolk, and the Adjacent Towns, with Historical Notes. For the Younger Class of Readers. Engraved frontispiece and map (torn) by A. Bowen, and numerous wood- cuts. 16mo, boards, morocco back (rubbed). Bost. 1830 114. BOSTON IMPRINT. Moodey (Samuel). Judas the Traitor Hung up in Chains, to give Warning to Professors, that they beware of Worldlymindedness, and Hypocrisy. 18mo, old calf (rubbed, edges stained). Bost.: B. Green, 1714 115. BOSWELL (JAMES). Life of Samuel Johnson, com- prehending an account of his studies and numerous works, in chronological order, a series of his epistolary correspondence, and conversations with many eminent persons, the Journal of his Tour to the Hebrides, etc., edited by Henry Morley. Por- traits. 5 vols. 8vo, half leather, gilt tops. Lond. 1891 116. BOUCHOT (HENRI). The Book: Its Printers, Illus- trators, and Binders, from Gutenberg to the present time. With a treatise on the art of collecting and describing early printed books, and a Latin English and English Latin Topographical Index of the Earliest Printing Places. 172 facsimiles. Imp. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1890 * LARGE PAPER, 100 copies printed. 117. BOURGEOIS (EMILE). France under Louis XIV. (le grand Siecle) : its Arts, its Ideas. From the French by Mrs. Cashel Hoey. Numerous portraits and other illustrations. 4to, cloth gilt, gilt edges. N. Y. 1897 128} EMBROIDERED BINDING SAID TO HAVE BEEN EXECUTED BY PRINCESS HELENA AUGUSTA VICTORIA No 96 118. BOYDELL'S GALLERY of Illustrations for Shakes- peare's Dramatic Works, reduced and re-engraved by the Heliotype process, with selections from the text, edited by J. P. Norris. Royal 4to, red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Phila. 1874 119. BRERETON (AUSTON). Henry Irving, a Biographi- cal Sketch. 17 full-page portraits. Royal 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1883 120. BRIDGES (ROBERT). The Shorter Poems. 16mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1890 * First collected edition, with the exception of the poems of Book IV, which are here printed for the first time. 121. BRIDGES (ROBERT). The Growth of Love. Small 4to wrappers and boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1894 * Laid in are an A. L. S. and an A. C. S. by the author, both ad- dressed to Mr. Mosher. 122. BRIDGES (ROBERT). Purcell Ode and Other Poems. 16mo, boards. Chicago, 1896 * Limited to 200 copies on Van Gelder paper. See also under Daniel Press, Nos. 2o and 260. 123. BRITISH ESSAYISTS (The), with Prefaces, Bio- graphical, Historical and Critical, by James Ferguson. 40 vols. 16mo, scored calf gilt. Lond. 1823 124. BRITISH POETS. Akenside; Ballads, 8 vols.; Beat- tie; Burns, 3 vols.; Butler, 2 vols.; Byron, 10 vols.; Campbell; Chatterton, 2 vols.; Chaucer, 3 vols.; Churchill, 3 vols.; Col- lins; Cowper, 3 vols.; Donne, Dry den, 5 vols.; Falconer; Gay, 2 vols.; Goldsmith; Gray; Herbert; Herrick, 2 vols.; Hood, 5 vols.; Howard; Keats; Mar veil; Milton, 3 vols.; Mont- gomery, 5 vols.; Moore, 6 vols.; Parnell; Pope, 3 vols; Prior, 2 vols.; Scott, 9 vols.; Shakespeare and Jonson; Shelley, 3 vols.; Skelton, 3 vols.; Southey, 10 vols.; Spencer, 5 vols.; Swift, 3 vols.; Thomson, 2 vols.; Vaughan; Watts; White; Wordsworth, 7 vols.; Wyatt; Young, 2 vols. 132 vols. 16mo, half new calf, gilt backs, gilt tops. FINE SET. Bost. v. d. 125. BRONTE (CHARLOTTE AND ANNE). Shirley, 2 vols.; The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 2 vols.; Jane Eyre, 2 vols. Illustrated. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, uniform cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1893 [31] 1*6. BROWN (C. B.). Edgar Huntly; Jane Talbot; Wie- land or the Transformation; Ormond and Clara Howard; Arthur Mervyn, 2 vols. 6 vols. 8vo, half vellum, gilt tops, uncut. Phila. 1887 * Limited to 500 sets. 1*7. BROWN (HATTIE). Catoninetales, a Domestic Epic. 8vo, vellum. Lond. 1891 * Japan paper, only 35 copies printed. 128. BROWN COUNTY CONVENT. Fifly Years in Brown County, by a member of the Community. Illustrated. Square 8vo, polished calf gilt, gilt edges. Cinn. 1895 * Presentation copy from the nuns of the Convent to Miss Grigsby. 129. BROWNELL (W. C.). French Art Classic and Con- temporary: Painting and Sculpture. 48 illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1901 Elizabeth and Robert Browning Poetical Works, large paper. The Pied Piper, on vellum, and a let- ter of Robert Browning about "The Ring and the Book," etc. 130. BROWNING (E. B.). Sonnets from the Portuguese. Ornamental initials by B. G. Goodhue. 12mo, green levant morocco, gilt tooled broad floral borders, on pointille ground, tools of flowers in the panels, gilt top by Riviere. Bost.: University Press, 1896 * Limited to 750 copies. Laid in is an A. L. S. by Jno. Barrett, father of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 2 pp. 12mo, n. d. A very rare autograph. 131. BROW r NING (E. B.). Sonnets from the Portuguese. Floral borders and initials by H. M. O'Kane. 4to, half vellum, uncut. New Rochelle, Elston Press, 1900 132. BROWNING (ROBERT). Poetical Works. 4 por- traits and a frontispiece. 17 vols. 8vo, buckram, uncut. London, 1888 * LARGE PAPER, limited to 250 copies printed on handmade paper. 133. BROWNING (ROBERT). The Pied Piper of Hamelin. Illustrations and decorations by Harry Quilter, the ornamental text written by Mary, his wife. Royal 4to, calf richly gilt, with [32] two stamped floral silver pieces inserted in the front cover, gilt top. Edinb. and Lond. 1898 * EDITION DE LUXE PRINTED ON VELLUM and limited to 100 copies, with two illustrations in colors, one printed on satin by Lemercier in Paris. 134. BROWNING (ROBERT) . The Pied Piper of Hamelin, A Child's Story. Illustrations and decorations by Harry Quilter and the ornamental text written by Mary, his wife. 16mo, cloth gilt. Edinb. and Lond. 1898 * Printed on vellum, very limited issue. 135. BROWNING (ROBERT). The Statue and the Bust. Illustrations by Philip Connard. 16mo, cloth. Lond. 1900 136. BROWNING (ROBERT). Rabbi Ben Ezra. 2 copies, 1 on Japan paper, and 1 on Van Gelder paper. 2 vols. 16mo, wrappers. Portland, Me. : Mosher, 1909 137. BROWNING (ROBERT). Poetical Works. 9 vols. 12mo, half new calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1894 138. BROWNING (ROBERT). A. L. S. 3pp. 12mo. Lond. Feb. 14, 1869. A fine letter referring to his "Ring and the Book," etc. "I have just received a note to inform me that a fire has consumed vols. 2 and 3, and nearly all the poor man's substance, including the pattern of the 1st volume." etc. 139. BROWNING (ELIZABETH AND ROBERT). Son- nets from the Portuguese. One of 100 copies on Japan vellum, autographed by the publisher; the same, smaller edition, on Japan vellum, autographed by the publisher; Pippa Passes. No. 1 of 100 copies on Japan vellum. 3 vols. 12mo, and 16mo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1899, etc. 140. BROWNSON (O. A.). Works collected and arranged by H. F. Brownson. 20 vols. 8vo, cloth. Detroit, 1898 141. BRUECK (HEINRICH). History of the Catholic Church for use in Seminaries and Colleges, with additions from the Writings of Card. Hergenrother, translated by E. Pruente. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. [1884] 142. BRYANT (W. C.). Poems collected and arranged by the Author. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth (ink stains and slightly worn). N. Y. 1855 [33] 143. BRYANT (W. C.). The Wide-Awake Gift for 1855 (Contained poems by Bryant, Emerson, Holmes, etc.). 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1855 144. BUCHANAN (ROBERT). The Fleshly School of Poetry, and other Phenomena of the Day. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1872 145. BUCHANAN (ROBERT). The Story of David Gray. Portrait. Title in red and black, and initials in red. Square 12mo, vellum, with ties. Portland, Me. : Mosher, 1900 * No. 1 of 4 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. 146. BUCHANAN (ROBERT). The Story of David Gray. Portrait, title in red and black. Square 12mo, wrappers and boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1900 * No. 1 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum. 147. BULWER LYTTON (EDWARD). Novels: Paul Clifford, Eugene Aram, What will he do with it? Pompeii, Harold, Pelham, Lucretia, Rienzi, Caxtons, The Coming Race, Last of the Barons, Pausanias, Alice, A Strange Story, Zanoni, etc. Illustrated. 13 vols. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops. N. Y.:U. S. Book Co., n. d. * A. L. S. by the authur, 1 p. 12mo, dated July 29, 1871, laid in. 148. BULWER LYTTON (EDWARD). A. L. S., 3pp. 12mo, Jan. 19, 1832. Regarding an article. 149. BUNDLE OF MYRRH (Neihardt) ; Mezzotints (Bark- er); Elaine (Tennyson), and others. Cloth and boards. Main- ly Press issues. 6 vols. v. p., v. d. 150. BUNYAN (JOHN). The Pilgrim's Progress from this world to that which is to come, with a Preface by Charles Kingsley. 118 illustrations by C. H. Bennett. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top. Lond. 1897 151. BURKE (EDMUND). W T orks. Portrait. 12 vols. 12mo, half new polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops. Bost. 1894 152. BURNE-JONES (E.). Memorials of Edward Burne- Jones by G. B. J. Portraits and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1904 [34] 153. BURTON (R. F.). The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam. Portrait. Royal 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1898 154. BURTON (ROBERT). The Anatomy of Melancholy. The eleventh edition corrected, to which is now prefixed an account of the author. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. A few pages slightly worn at top of inner margin. Lond. 1813 155. BURY (RICHARD DE). The Philobiblion of Rich- ard de Bury. Edited and Translated by Ernest C. Thomas. Frontispiece. 12mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Rains. Lond.: Chiswick Press, 1888 156. BURY (RICHARD DE). Philobiblion: a treatise on the Love of Books, translated by J. B. Inglis. 8vo, boards. N. Y. 1899 * Limited to 500 copies. 157. BUSCH (MORITZ). Bismarck, some secret pages on his History, being a Diary during twenty-five years' official and private intercourse with the great Chancellor. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops. N. Y. 1898 158. BUSSEY (G. M.). History of Napoleon. Illustrations by Horace Vernet. % vols. royal 8vo, calf (somewhat rubbed). A few leaves somewhat stained. Lond. 1840 159. BUTLER (ALBAN). Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other principal Saints, compiled from original monuments and authentic records. Frontispieces and vignette titles. 12 vols. 12mo, half calf (slightly rubbed). Dublin, 1868, '66 160. BYRON (LORD). Poems and Dramas reprinted from the original editions, with explanatory notes. Illustrated* 2 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt tops. N. Y., n. d. 161. BYRON (LORD). Works. Portrait and frontispieces engraved byE.Finden. 6 vols. 16mo, calf gilt. Lond. 1831 162. CABLE (GEORGE W.). Bonaventure; Dr. Sevier; Strange True Stories of Louisiana, Illustrated, (2 copies) ; Old Creole Days. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, uniform cloth. N. Y. 1893-97. [35] 163. CABLE (GEORGE W.). Old Creole Days. Illus- trations by Albert Herter. 8vo, vellum gilt, gilt top, uncut and unopened. N. Y. 1897 * One of 204 copies on Japan paper. With autograph inscriptions by the author and illustrator. 164. CABLE (GEORGE W.). The Grandissimes. Illustra- tions by Albert Herter. 8vo, vellum gilt, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1899 * One of 204 copies on Japan paper. With autograph inscriptions by author and illustrator. 165. CABINET CYCLOPEDIA. The Cabinet Cyclopedia, conducted by the Rev. Dionysius Lardner, etc. Engraved titles and other illustrations. ORIGINAL ISSUE. 133 vols. (lacks several volumes) 12mo, half calf gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1829-41 * Among the works included in the Cyclopedia are Sir Walter Scott's History of Scotland (first edition), Moore's History of Ireland, Southey's British Admirals, Swainson's works on Natural History, De Morgan's Essay on Probabilities, and a number of biographical collections. 166. CABINET CYCLOPEDIA. Thorwall's History of Greece, 8 vols. ; Scott's History of Scotland. 2 vols. ; Swainson's Animals in Menageries; and other works; several odd vols. Illustrated. Together, 28 vols. 12mo, half calf (not uniform). Lond. v. d. 167. CAFFIN (CHARLES H.). American Masters of paint- ing. Illustrated with examples of their work. 8vo. cloth, gilt top. N. Y. 1902 168. CAHU (THEODORE). Theo-Crit a Saumur. Illustra- tions par Job, Vallet, Bombled, et autres. 8vo. half leather, gilt top, original covers bound in. Paris, 1889 169. CALIDASA. Sacountala. Drame en Sept Actes. Traduit par Abel Bergaigne et Paul Lehugeur. 12mo, half green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut and unopened. Paris, 1884 170. CAMERA WORK. Camera Work: An Illustrated Quarterly Magazine devoted to Photography. Edited by Alfred Stieglitz. Many plates. Number XXIX, January,1910, to Number XXXIV-XXXV, April-July, 1911. 6 pieces, 4to, original wrappers, uncut and partially unopened. N. Y. 1910-1911 * The plates represent some of the best work of modern photog- raphers. [36] 171. CAMOENS (LUIS DE). Love Poems from the Portu- guese of Luis de Camoens, by Lord Viscount Strangford. Square 8vo, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. Privately Printed, 1886 * One of 100 copies only, Whatman paper example. 172. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Works. Illustrated. 20 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bost. 1884 * One of 35 copies on Japan paper. Edition de luxe. 173. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Sartor Resartus. Illustrated by Edmund J. Sullivan. 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1898 * One of 150 copies on Japan vellum, printed at the Chiswick Press, and containing an illustration not in the ordinary edition. Laid in is an A. L. S. from Carlyle to John P. Knight acknowledging the receipt of an invitation. 2pp. 12mo, dated April, 1856. Bliss Carman Autographed Copies of His Writings, Original Manuscripts, Etc. 174. CARMAN (BLISS). Low Tide on Grand Pre, a Book of Lyrics. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Bost. 1895 * Written on the half title, in Carman's autograph, is "The glad indomitable sea, The strong white sun. Bliss Carman." 175. CARMAN (BLISS). Behind the Arras: A Book of the Unseen. Designs by T. B. Meteyard. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, boards, uncut and partially unopened. Bost. 1895 * On the half-title is written, "There are dimensions still Beyond thought's reach, though not beyond love's will, For Soul to fill. Bliss Carman." 176. CARMAN (BLISS). Ballads of Lost Haven, a Book of the Sea. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Bost. 1897 * With the author's signature on the half-title. [37] 177. CARMAN (BLISS). A Vision of Sappho. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, blue-gray paper wrappers, uncut. [Bost. 1903] * SCARCE. Only 60 copies were privately printed. Laid in is AN ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT POEM by Bliss Carman of 15 lines, entitled "The New Moon," written on 2pp. 4to and signed. (Poem published in "Everybody's Magazine.") The new moon through the firs Shines like a silver lamp, Tranquil and bright. The purple mountain wall And the dark-shadowed gorge Glimmer and pale. &c., &c. 178. CARMAN (BLISS). Pipes of Pan; and, The Rough Rider, and other Poems. Portrait. . FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut; and 16mo, limp calf, uncut. Bost. & N. Y. 1906-9 179. CARMAN (BLISS). ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT of the FIRST DRAFT of an Essay, "The Music of Life," WRITTEN THROUGHOUT IN THE HANDWRITING OF BLISS CARMAN AND SIGNED. Contains 26 pp. 4to. Dated January, 1907. 180. CARMAN (BLISS). The Making of Personality. Front- ispiece. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, gilt top. Bost. 1908 * Presentation copy, inscribed "M. K. from B.C., March, 1908." 181. CARMAN (BLISS). The Gate of Peace. 8vo, blue- gray wrappers. New Canaan [Conn.] 1909 * SCARCE. The First Edition of 112 copies was almost entirely destroyed by fire. The present edition consists of only 60 copies, with a Prologue and Epilogue added. Laid in is AN ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT POEM by Bliss Carman entitled, "A Bystander," written on 5pp. 4to. Signed and dated April, 1904. What mortal ever Laid hold upon life So lightly as I? I behold the wind In the purple grass By the river marge. &c., &c. 182. CARMAN (BLISS) AND HOVEY (RICHARD). Songs from Vagabondia. 12mo, boards, uncut and unopened. Bost. 1895 * On the half-title are written two lines of verse, "Make me over, Mother April, When the sap begins to stir." (Signed) Bliss Carman. [38] 183. CARMAN (BLISS) AND HOVEY (RICHARD). More Songs from Vagabondia. Designs by Tom B. Meteyard. 12mo, boards, uncut. Bost. 1896 * On the half-title is written, " There is something in the Autumn that is Native to my blood. Bliss Carman." 184. CARMAN (BLISS) AND HOVEY (RICHARD). More Songs from Vagabondia. Designs by Tom B. Meteyard. 12mo, boards, uncut, in a burnt leather wrapper with monogram "EBG." Bost. 1896 185. CASSELL'S UNIVERSAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. Reproductions of photographs, with facsimile autographs. 8vo, half green levant morocco gilt, gilt top. Lond. 1895 186. CASTLE (EGERTON). English Book-Plates. An Illustrated Handbook for Students of Ex-Libris. Many repro- ductions. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1892. * One of 65 numbered copies on Japan vellum. 187. CATALOGUE. Catalogue des Tableaux Anciens et Modernes composant la Collection Bourgeois Freres. Many reproductions. 4to, vellum wrappers, uncut. Cologne, 1904 188. CATALOGUE of the "V. A. B." [lacque.] Collection in the library of Henry W. Poor. Illustrated. 1903; From the Eastern Sea (Noguchi), 1910; Yzdra (Louis V. Ledoux). 1907. Together, 3 vols. 8vo, wrappers. v. p., v. d. * All autographed presentation copies. 189. CATALOGUE ILLUSTRE, Salon de 1889, Peinture et Sculpture. Many reproductions. 8vo, half red calf gilt, gilt top. Paris, [1889] 190. CATALOGUE ILLUSTRfi des Ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture, et Gravure. Societe Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Exposition de 1896. Many photogravures. 8vo, half red calf gilt, gilt top. Paris, [1896] 191. CATHEDRALS. Cathedrals, Abbeys, and Churches of England and Wales. Edited by T. G. Bonney. Many illus- trations. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. Lond. 1896 [39] 192. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Shea (John Gilmary). The Catholic Church in Colonial Days. The Thirteen Colonies, Ottawa and Illinois Country, Louisiana, Florida, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Portraits, views, maps and facsimiles. 4 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1886 * Fine copy. 193. CENTURY DICTIONARY. The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia. Illustrated. 6 vols. Royal 4to, half morocco (rubbed). N. Y. 1889 194. CENTURY DICTIONARY. The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia. Illustrated. 6 vols. 1889-91; The Century Cyclopedia of Names, 1897. Together, 7 vols. Royal 4to, half morocco. N. Y. 1889-97 195. CENTURY GUILD. The Century Guild Hobby Horse. Illustrated. No. 1, April, 1884 (All issued at this time). No. 1, January, 1886, to No. 28, October, 1892; Nos. 1, 2, and 3, New Series, 1893-94. Together, 32 pieces, 4to, original wrappers, uncut and mainly unopened. Lond. 1884-94 * A COMPLETE SET OF THE DIFFERENT ISSUES OF THE HOBBY HORSE. The illustrations include examples of the work of Dante Rossetti, William Strong, Burne-Jones, Leighton, Ford Madox Brown, Watts, and others. Austin Dobson, J. H. Shorthouse, John Adding- ton Symonds, Christina Rossetti, and Selwyn Image are among the contributors of prose and verse. The publication was printed at the Chiswick Press, on specially made paper, and is a beautiful example of the printer's art. The first part is scarce; complete sets, in such condition as this, are extremely rare. 196. CERFBERR (ANATOLE) AND CHRISTOPHE (JULES). Repertoire de la Comedie Humaine de H. de Balzac. Avec une introduction de Paul Bourget. 8vo, half brown levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Ruban. Paris, 1888 196*. Another copy, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Ruban. 197. CERVANTES-SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL DE). Don Quixote. Tranlated by P. Motteux. Illustrated with etchings by Lalauze. 4 vols. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. Lond. 1892 * Limited to 800 copies for America, signed by the publishers. [40] 198. CERVANTES-SAAVEDRA (MIGUEL DE). The History of Don Quixote. Illustrated by Gustav Dore. 4to, red morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Blackwell. Lond. n. d. 199. CHAFFERS (WILLIAM). Marks and Monograms on European and Oriental Pottery and Porcelain, with Historical Notices of each Manufactory. Upwards of 3000 potter's marks and illustrations. 8vo, half brown levant morocco, gilt top, by Rains. Lond. 1891 200. CHAMBERLAIN (HOUSTON STEWART). Richard Wagner. Translated from the German by G. A. Hight. Many illustrations. 4to, half green levant morocco gilt, gilt top, by Rains. Lond. 1897 201. CHAMBERS (JULIUS). The Mississippi River and its Wonderful Valley. Maps and Illustrations. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. N. Y. 1910 * Presentation copy, signed by the author. 202. CHAMISSO (ADELBERT4DE). Pierre Schlemihl, ou I'Homme qui a perdu son Ombre. Dessins de Myrbach. 4to, half brown levant morocco gilt, gilt top, by Ruban. Paris, 1887 203. CHAPMAN (GEORGE). The Comedies and Trage- dies, now First Collected. With Illustrative Notes and a Mem- oir of the Author. 3 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt, gilt tops, (several covers slightly rubbed). Lond. 1873 204. CHARLES I. Disraeli (Isaac). Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles the First, King of England. New Edition, Edited by his Son. 2 vols. 8vo., tree calf gilt. Lond. 1851 205. CHATEAUBRIAND. Atala. Translated by James S. Harry. Illustrated by Gustav Dore. 4to, green polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by Blackwell. N.Y. [1884] 206. CHEIRO. Cheiro's Language of the Hand. Illustrations 4to, cloth. Chic. 1901 * Presentation copy, with autograph inscription signed "Cheiro." 207. CHERVILLE (G. DE) . Les Chiens et les Chats d'Eu- gene Lambert. Illustre de 6 eaux-fortes et 145 dessins par Eugene Lambert. Royal 4to, half maroon levant morocco gilt, silk sides, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Stikeman. Paris, 1888 [41] 208. CHESTERFIELD (PHILIP DORMER STANHOPE, LORD). The Letters of Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield. Edited by John Bradshaw. Frontispieces. 3 vols. 8 vo, half calf. N. Y. 1892 209. CHESTERTON (GILBERT K.). George Bernard Shaw. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1909 210. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Brisbane (Arthur). Mary Baker G. Eddy. Illustrated. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, boards, gilt edges. Bost. 1908 211. CHURCHILL (WINSTON). The Celebrity. An Epi- sode. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1898 * With the author's signature on a fly-leaf. 212. CIBBER (COLLEY). The Tryal of Colley Gibber, Comedian, 1740; An Apology for the life of Mr. T. C- , Comedian, being a Proper Sequel to the Apology for the Life of Mr. Colley Gibber, Comedian. 1740; Another Occasional Letter from Mr. Gibber to Mr. Pope, 1744; The Egotist, or Col- ley upon Gibber, 1742; The Buskin and Sock, 1743; 5 pieces in one vol. 12mo, half red morocco (one title damaged, and several without names). Lond. 1740-44 * An interesting collection of pamphlets in relation to the dramatic quarrels of the time. 213. CIBBER (COLLEY). Dramatic Works. Portrait. 4 vols. 12mo, calf gilt. Lond. 1760 214. CIVIL WAR. The War of the Rebellion: A compila- tion of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Prepared under the direction of the Secretary of War. A complete set from series I, vol. I, to series II, vol. 2, with the exception of series I, vol. 45, part I, also Atlas to accompany the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, published under the direction of the Hons. Redfield Proctor, Stephen B. Elkins, and Daniel S. Lament. Plates 1 to 175, inclusive, in 3 vols. folio, half red morocco. Together, 116 vols., the text bound in 113 vols., 8vo, uniform half blue morocco, gilt, and 3 in half red morocco. Washington, 1880-1897 215. CLAIRVILLE,SIRAUDINANDKONING. LaFille de Madame Angot. Colored and other illustrations by Gr'evin. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1875 [42] 216. CLEMENS (SAMUEL LANGHORNE). What is Man ? 8vo, boards, uncut. N. Y. DeVinne Press, 1906 * Only 250 copies privately printed for distribution among his friends. The author in his foreword says : " . . The studies for these papers were begun twenty-five years ago. Every thought in them has been thought (and accepted as unassailable truth) by millions upon millions of men and concealed, kept private. Why did they not speak out? Because they dreaded (and could not bear) the dis- approval of people around them. Why have I not published? The same reason has restrained me, I think. I 'can find no other." This copy was presented by the Author to a friend who gave it to Miss Grigsby. Accompanying the volume is a one-page autograph letter by Clemens, written from Elmira, N. Y., September 19, 1903, mention- ing "those two sittings," and signed "S. L. Clemens." 217. CLEMENS (SAMUEL LANGHORNE). What is Man ? 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1910 * The very rare English Pirated Edition, rigidly suppressed, and supposed to be the first copy offered for public sale in America. 218. CLEMENS (SAMUEL LANGHORNE). The Inno- cents Abroad, 1897; A Tramp Abroad, 1894; Personal Rec- ollections of Joan of Arc, 1897; Life On the Mississippi, n. d.; Tom Sawyer Abroad, Tom Sawyer Detective, n. d.; The American Claimant, 1897; The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, n. d.; The Prince and the Pauper, 1896; A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, n. d. All illustrated. 9 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. 219. CLIFFORD (MRS. W. K.). A Flash of Summer; Woodside Farm; The Likeness of the Night; Sir George's Objection. Together, 4 vols. 12mo, etc., cloth. Lond. v. d. * All presentation copies, with inscriptions by the author. 220. CLODD (EDWARD). Concerning a Pilgrimage to the Grave of Edward Fitzgerald. Portrait and view, title in red and black. Square 12mo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Privately printed (Mosher), 1902 * No. 1 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum, autographed by the publisher. 221. CLOUSTON(K. WARREN). The Chippendale Period in English Furniture. Many illustrations. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1897 [43] [COLBATCH.] An Account of the Court of Portugal, under the Reign of the present King, Dom Pedro II. 12mo, old panelled calf, in green roan cover. Lond. 1700 * Robert Southey's copy, with his signature, dated "Bristol, 1801," written in a fine hand between the lines of the title border, and a note on the inner front cover: "This is an excellent book full, accurate and dispassionate written with the most upright feelings and with a thorough knowledge of the subject." "Southey, 1801," is also written on the cover. The first signature noted is remarkable for its fineness and legibility. With Southey's bookplate, designed by T. Bewick. 223. COLEMAN (CARYL) . Symbolism in Religious Art : a Lecture, etc. Illustrations in color. 8vo, boards, uncut. N. Y. 1899 224..COLLINS (WILKIE). English' Novelist. A.L.S.,4pp. 12mo, to L. Metcalf regarding contribution. Dated London: Portman Square, W., 14th September, 1887 225. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER). Lettere Autografe di Cristofore Colombo, Nuovamente Stampate. Portrait. 12mo, half green morocco. Milan, 1863 226. COMBE (WILLIAM). The Tour of Doctor Syntax in Search of the Picturesque. 9th edition. The Second Tour of Doctor Syntax, in Search of Consolation; The Third Tour of Doctor Syntax, in Search of a Wife. All illustrated with colored plates by Rowlandson. 3 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in red morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges. Lond. n. d. * A fine set of the three tours. 227. CONINGTON (JOHN). Miscellaneous Writings. Edited by J. A. Symonds, with a Memoir by H. J. S. Smith. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1872 228. COOPER (JAMES FENIMORE). Works. Illustra- tions byF. 0. C. Darley. 32 vols. 8vo, half calf. N. Y. 1883 229. COPPEE (FRANCOIS). Poesies, 1864-1887. 300 des- sins par Myrbach. Royal 8vo, decorative cloth, gilt edges. Paris, n. d. 230. CRANE (STEPHEN). War is Kind. Drawings by Witt Bradley. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, boards, uncut. N. Y. 1899 231. CRANE (WALTER). Renascence, a Book of Verse. Designs by the author. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1891 * One of 40 copies on Japan vellum, signed by the author. [44] 232. CRANE (WALTER) . Of the Decorative Illustration of Books, Old and New. Many illustrations. 8vo, original wrap- pers, uncut. Lond. 1896 * Printed at the Chiswick Press. One of 130 copies only on tall Japan vellum. 233. CUNNINGHAM (ALLAN). TheLives of theMostEmi- nent British Painters and Sculptors. Frontispieces. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. 3 vols, 16mo, half red morocco gilt, gilt tops, by Blackwell. (slightly foxed). N. Y. 1833 234. CUNNINGHAM (PETER). The story of Nell Gwyn and the Sayings of Charles the Second. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. n. d. 235. CURIOUS MEDICAL BOOKS. My Water Cure (Kneipp). The Fasting Cure (Sinclair), Medical Chaos and Crime (Barnesby), Meditations on Gout (Ellwanger), and others. 7 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. v. p. v. d. 236. CURTIS (GEORGE WILLIAM). Prueandl .Illustra- tions by Albert Sterner. 12mo, blue levant morocco, gilt tooled, gilt edges, silk doublure, by Roach. N. Y. 1896 237. CYCLOPEDIA .of Music and Musicians. Edited by John D. Champlin, Jr. 1000 illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1893 238. CYCLOPEDIA of Painters and Painting. Edited by John D. Champlin, Jr. 2000 illustrations. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1892 Publications of the Daniel Press 239. DANIEL PRESS. Theocritus. Sixe Idillia, that is Sixe small or petty Poems or Aeglogus, chosen out of the right famous Sicilian Poet Theocritus and translated into English Verse. Etched frontispiece [by Alfred Parsons]. 4to, original vellum boards, uncut (rubbed). Oxford, 1883 * One of 100 copies reprinted. 240. DANIEL PRESS. Patmore (Henry). Poems. Biograph- ical Memoir by Gertrude Patmore, and a Poem by Edmund Gosse. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Oxford. 1884 * One of 125 copies printed. [45] 241. DANIEL PRESS. Bridges (Robert). Poems. Small 4to, half vellum and boards, uncut. Oxford, 1884 * One of 150 copies printed. 242. DANIEL PRESS. Webster (John). Love's Graduate. A Comedy. Essay by Edmund Gosse. Small 4to, half vellum and boards, uncut. Oxford, 1885 * One of 150 copies printed. The original title of the above was: "A Cure for a Cuckold." 243. DANIEL PRESS. Dixon (R. W.). The Story of Eudocia and her Brothers. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1888 * One of only 50 copies printed. 244. DANIEL PRESS. Bridges (Robert). The Feast of Bacchus. 4to, half vellum and boards, uncut. Oxford, 1889 * One of 105 copies printed. 245. DANIEL PRESS. Bourdillon (F.W.). Ailes D'Alovette. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1890 * One of 100 copies printed. 246. DANIEL PRESS. Herrick his Flowers. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1891 * One of 100 copies printed. 247. DANIEL PRESS. Blake; his Songs of Innocence. 12mo, original wrappers uncut and unopened. Oxford, 1893 248. DANIEL PRESS. Bridges (Robert) Shorter Poems Complete in Five Books. Printed in Black Letter. 5 vols. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. Oxford, 1894 * One of 150 copies printed. 249. DANIEL PRESS. Milton (John) Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity. Square 16mo, original wrappers, uncut, and unopened. Oxford, 1894 * One of 200 copies printed. 250. DANIEL PRESS. Pater (Walter). An Imaginary Por- trait; the Child in the House. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut, and unopened. Oxford, 1894 * One of 250 copies printed. [46] 251. DANIEL PRESS. Binyon (Lawrence). Poems. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. Oxford, 1895 * One of 200 copies printed. 252. DANIEL PRESS. Keats (John). Odes, Sonnets, and Lyrics of Keats. Portrait by Joseph Severn. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1895 * One of 250 copies printed. ^ 253. DANIEL PRESS. Woods (Margaret L.). Songs. Square 16mo, original wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1896 * One of 200 copies printed. 254. DANIEL PRESS [Miss M. E. Coleridge]. Fancy's Following. By Anodos. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. Oxford, 1896 * One of 125 copies printed. 255. DANIEL PRESS. Warren (Herbert). By Severn Sea, and other Poems. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. Oxford, 1897 * One of 130 copies printed. 256. DANIEL PRESS. Filippi (Rosina Mrs. Rowson). Three Japanese Plays for Children. Illustrated by Alfred Parsons. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1897 * One of 125 copies printed. 257. DANIEL PRESS. [Stebbing (W.)]. Outlines. [Four Essays]. 12mo, vellum wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1899 * One of 150 copies printed. 258. DANIEL PRESS. Field (Michael). Noontide Branches. A Small Sylvan Drama, &c. 4to, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. Oxford, 1899 * One of 150 copies printed. 259. DANIEL PRESS. Bridges (Robert). Hymns from the Yattendon Hymnal, with Notices of the Tunes for which they were written. 4to, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. Oxford, 1899 * One of 150 copies printed. 260. DANIEL PRESS. [Bridges (Robert).] A Royal Guest, Christmas, 1900. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1900 * One of 110 copies printed. [47] 261. DANIEL PRESS. Jones (Robert). The Muses Gardin for Delights; or the First Booke of Ayres, onely for the Lute, the Base-vyoll and the Voice. Introduction by W. B. Squire. 4to, paper wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1901 * One of 130 copies printed. 262. DANIEL PRESS. Buckton (A.). Through Human Eyes. Introductory Poem by Robert Bridges. 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1901 263. DANIEL PRESS. [Wedgwood (Mrs. Josiah).] Wind Along the Waste. [Poems], 4to, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. Oxford, 1902 * One of 130 copies printed. 264. DANTE. The Purgatory of Dante Alighieri. An Ex- periment in Literal Verse Translation. By Charles L. Shad- well. Introductions by Walter Pater and John Earle. 2 vols. 8vo, vellum boards and cloth gilt, uncut (1 vol. somewhat rubbed). Lond. 1892-99 265. DAUDET (ALPHONSE). Works of Daudet. Trans- lated by Henry Frirth, and others. Numerous illustrations. 8 vols. 12mo, half polished calf gilt, gilt tops. Lond. 1889-92 * This set comprises : Tartarin on the Alps; Tartarin of Tarascon; Recollections of a Literary Man; Robert Helmont; Thirty Years of Paris; Sappho; Kings in Exile; Artists' Wives. 266. DAUDET (ALPHONSE). Works of Daudet. Trans- lated by Charles De Kay, C. B. Ives, and others. Colored frontispieces, and other illustrations. 24 vols. 8vo, three quarter red levant morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut. Bost. 1899-1900 * No. 5 of The Edition De Luxe limited to 100 copies. 267. DAVIDSON (JOHN). Smith; a Tragedy. FIRST EDITION. 16mo, original vellum wrappers, uncut. Glasgow, 1888 268. DAVIDSON (JOHN). Plays by Davidson; An Un- historical Pastoral; A Romantic Farce; Bruce; &c. Frontispiece by Beardsley. FIRST COLLECTED EDITION. Square. 8vo, buckram, uncut. Lond. & Chicago, 1894 269. DAVIS (RICHARD HARDING). The Cuban and Porto Rican Campaigns. Numerous Illustrations. 8vo, three quarter blue polished morocco gilt, gilt top. N. Y. 1898 [48] 270. DEFOE (DANIEL). The Life and Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Etchings and engravings on India Paper after Stothard, Flameng, and Mouilleron. % vols. 8vo, half purple crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Phila. 1891 271. DE FREVAL (J. B.). The History of the Heavens. Translated from the French of the Abbe Pluche. Curious engravings. 2 vols. 12mo, half green calf, gilt edges (one margin torn). Lond. 1743 272. DE LA MORE PRESS. Rossetti (Helen M. Madox). Ford Madox Brown. Illustrations. 12mo, boards. Lond. 1902 273. DENON (VIVANT). Point de Lendemain. Conte; suivi de La Nuit Marveilleuse. Frontispiece by Paul Avril. and characteristic plate [by F. Hops]. 24 mo, three quarter morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut (ink stain on cover). Paris, 1867 * Limited edition. 274. DE QUINCEY (THOMAS). The Writings of De Quincey. 22 vols. 12mo, half polished brown morocco, gilt backs and tops. Bost. 1871-2 275. DE QUINCEY (THOMAS). The Uncollected Writ- ings of De Quincey. With Preface and Annotations by James Hogg. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, half polished calf gilt, gilt tops. N. Y. 1890 276. DEROULEDE (PAUL). Chants du Soldat. Dessins et aquarelles de De Neuville, Baugnies, &c. gravure de Guill- aumeFreres. 8vo,half alligator-calf , gilt top, uncut, with original covers bound in. Paris, 1888 277. DESBEAUX (EMILE). Le Secret de Mademoiselle Marthe. 100 illustrations after Bogaert, Gelibert, and others. 4to, decorative cloth, gilt edges. Paris, 1887 278. DEUCHAR (DAVID). A Collection of Etchings after the Most Eminent Masters of the Dutch and Flemish Schools and a few Original Designs by Deuchar. Japan Paper. Folio, half morocco and boards, gilt tops. Edinb. n. d. 279. DIBDIN (THOMAS FROGNALL). Bibliomania; or, Book-Madness. A Bibliographical Romance. Illustrated with cuts. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1876 [49] 280. DICKENS (CHARLES). The Works of Dickens. Illustrations by George Cruikshank, Seymour, "Phiz." &c. 30 vols. Life of Dickens. By John Forster. Illustrations. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 1872-4; Life and Letters of Dickens. Edited by his Sister-in-Law, &c. 3 vols. Together, 36 vols., uniformly bound in half red polished morocco, gilt backs and tops, uncut, by Tout. Lond. n. d. and 1872-80 * HANDSOME SET OF THE CHAPMAN AND HALL EDITION PRINTED IN LARGE TYPE, AND WITH ALL THE ILLUSTRATIONS Laid in is a 1-page A. L. S. from Dickens, written from Gad's Hill Place, August 3rd, 1863, regarding an Orphan Working School. Accompanied by addressed envelope. 281 . DISRAELI (BENJAMIN) . Works of Lord Beacons- field. 10 vols. 12mo, half calf. Lond. 1868 * This set comprises: Coningsby, Venetia, Vivian Grey, Alroy, Ixion, Henrietta Temple, Young Duke, Sybil, Contarini Fleming, Tancred. 282. DISRAELI (BENJAMIN). Coningsby; Vivian Grey; Henrietta Temple; Alroy; Venetia; Sybil; The Young Duke. 7 vols. 12mo, uniform cloth. Lond. 1890-92 283. DIVERSITEZ GALANTES. Les Diversitez Galan- tes. Frontispiece. 16mo, old green morocco, gilt edges (fron- tispiece trimmed). Paris, 1665 284. DOBSON (AUSTIN). The Story of Rosina, and other Verses. FIRST EDITION. Illustrations by Hugh Thom- son. 12mo, half grey levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1895 285. DORAT (JOSEPH). The Kisses. (LesBaisers). Pre- ceded by the Month of May. Translated by H. G. Keene. Copperplate engravings after the designs of C. Eisen and Marillier. 8vo, silk-cloth, uncut. Lond. n. d. * Limited edition. 286. DOUCE (FRANCIS). The Dance of Death exhibited in elegant Engravings on Wood with a Dissertation on the several Representations of that Subject, but more particularly on those ascribed to Macaber and Hans Holbein. Engravings on wood. 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, by Rains. Lond.: Pickering, 1833 * EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of a set of plates by Schel- lenberg. [501 287. DOUGLAS (ALFRED). The City of the Soul. 16mo, half vellum boards, uncut. Lond. 1899 * Presentation copy, signed by the author, with MS. verses on a flyleaf. Laid in is a very interesting EIGHT-PAGE A. L. S. by Lady Alfred Douglas. 288. DOVES PRESS. Tacitus. De Vita et Moribus Julii Agricolae. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, Doves Press, 1900 * SCARCE. The first book printed by this Press. Only 125 copies printed. 289. DOVES PRESS. Mackail (William). William Mor- ris. An Address, delivered November 11, 1900, at the Kelm- scott House, 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. (Back slightly damaged.) Hammersmith, Doves Press, 1901 * Only 800 copies^ printed. 290. DOVES PRESS. Tennyson (Alfred, Lord). Seven Poems and Two Translations. 8vo, limp vellum, partly uncut. Hammersmith, Doves Press, 1902 * Only 300 copies printed. 291. DOWSON (ERNEST). Verses by Dowson. 12mo, vellum boards, uncut. Lond. 1896 * Limited Edition. Presentation copy from T. B. Mosher, with autograph inscription on flyleaf. Laid in is an A. L. S. of William Theodore Peters with envelope, referring to a Dowson MS. 292. DOWSON (ERNEST). Decorations; in Verse and Prose. 12mo, vellum boards, uncut. Lond. 1899 * Presentation copy from T. B. Mosher, with autograph inscription on flyleaf. 293. DOWSON (ERNEST). The Poems of Ernest Dowson. Square 12mo, sheets, unstitched, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1902 * No. 1 of 4 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. Laid in is an autograph poem of three seven-line stanzas, signed by Ernest Dowson, and addressed to "William Theodore Peters: Upon his Renaissance Cloak." 294. The same, No. 1 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum autographed by the publisher. [51] 295. DOYLE (A. CONAN). The White Company, Micah Clarke, The Sign of the Four; My Friend the Murderer; The Firm of Girdlestone. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., n. d. 296. DRAKE (NATHAN). Literary Hours; or, Sketches Critical and Narrative. Second Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf gilt. Sudbury [Eng.] 1800 297. DRAMA. Inchbald (Mrs.). The British Theatre; or a Collection of Plays which are Acted at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden and Haymarket, with Biographical and Critical Remarks. Numerous engraved plates, mostly scenes from the plays. 25 vols. 12mo, scored calf gilt, gilt side borders. (Some vols. slightly rubbed). Lond. 1808-9 * Complete set of this well-known work. 298. DRAMA. Inchbald (Mrs.). A Collection of Farces and other Afterpieces, which are Acted at the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane, Covent Garden and Haymarket. Selected by Mrs. Inchbald. 7 vols. 12mo, tree calf gilt. (Slightly rubbed and spotted). Lond. 1809 299. DRAMA. Inchbald (Mrs.). The Modern Theatre; a Collection of Successful Modern Plays, as Acted at the Thea- tres Royal, London. Printed from the Prompt Books under the Authority of the Managers. 10 vols. 12mo, full polished calf gilt. Lond. 1811 * From the Library of John Mair, with bookplate. 300. DU BOIS (HENRI PENE). Four Private Libraries of New York. A Contribution to the History of Bibliophilism in America. Preface by Octave Uzanne. Illustrations of bind- ings, &c. Some Colored. 8vo, silk cloth, uncut. (Sides stained). N. Y. 1892 * Limited Edition. 301. DU BOIS (HENRI PENE). French Folly in Maxims; Art, Letters, Philosophy, the Stage. Translated and Edited by H. P. Du Bois. 4 vols. 24mo, half calf, gilt tops. N. Y. [1894] 302. DU BOIS (HENRI PENE, Compiler). Princesses in Love. A Compilation. Etched portraits. 12mo. half blue morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. [1895] [52] SECOND SESSION 303. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). Celebrated Crimes Translated by I. G. Burnham. Illustrations after De Los Rios, Prudhomme, Wagrez, &c. 8 vols. small 4to., brown levant morocco, doublure of same with centre panels of red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Phila. : Barrie, 1895 * Limited Edition on large Japan paper, with a duplicate set of the plates. 304. DUMAS (ALEXANDRE). The Works of Dumas. Illustrated. 15 vols. 8vo, cloth, paper labels, gilt tops. (Several pages loose). N. Y. 1895 * Edition de Louvre. Set comprises: Chevalier de Maison Rouge; Beau Tancrede; Monte Cristo, 2 vols.; Man in Iron Mask; Andree de Taverny; Queen's Necklace; Bragelonne; Louise de La Valliere; Joseph Balsamo; Memoirs of a Physician; Three Guardsmen; Twenty Years After; Countess du Charny; Ten Years Later. 305. DU MAURIER (GEORGE). Trilby. The Origi- nal Chapters extracted from Harper's Magazine, 1894; bound together with "Trilbyana, the Rise and Progress of a Popular Novel, by J. B. and L. Gilder, N. Y., 1895; Sherard's Auto- biographic Interview from McClure's Magazine, April 1895; Schonberg's Trilby Glossary; and numerous illustrations, facsimiles, &c. Royal 8vo., full dark brown crushed levant morocco gilt, doublure similar with centre panels and end papers of ooze calf, gilt top, uncut (one side stained). * With the caricature portrait of Whistler, that in all later issues, in book-form was suppressed. 306. DU MAURIER (GEORGE). English Society. Sketched by Du Maurier. [Introduction by W. D. Ho wells]. Many illustrations. Oblong 4to, buckram. N. Y. 1897 307. DUNCAN (ISADORA). The dance of the Future. Portrait and illustrations. Small folio, boards. [Privately Printed]. 308. tpCHEGARAY (JOSE). The Great Galeotp ; Folly *--' or Saintliness : two Plays done into English prose by Hannah Lynch. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1895 * Limited to 400 copies. [53] 309. EDWARD VI and the Book of Common Prayer (Gasquet & Bishop), 1891; The Martyrdom of an Empress, 1899; The First Divorce of Henry VIII (Hope), 1894; Queen Mary (Kinloch-Cooke) . 4 vols. 8vo and smaller, cloth, v. p. 310. ELIOT (GEORGE). Works. With Life of George Eliot, by Cross. Illustrated. 24 vols. 8vo, half green moroc- co, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. 1894 * Limited edition. 311. ELIZABETHAN SONGS in Honour of Love and Beauty. Collected and Illustrated by Edmund H. Garrett. With Introduction by Andrew Lang. 8vo, blue polished moroc- co, doublure similar with gilt borders, and centre panels of watered silk, silk end-papers, gilt back, gilt edges, by W. Roach. In silk-covered and silk-lined wooden case. Bost. 1895 * HANDSOME COPY. 312. ELIOT (FRANCES). Old Court Life in France. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y., n. d. 313. ELLIOTT (REV. WALTER). The Life of Father Hecker. Portrait. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1894 314. ELLIS (MRS. HAVELOCK). My Cornish Neigh- bors 1906; Voices of Doubt and Trust, selected by Volney Streamer, 1897. Together, 2 vols. 12mo cloth. Lond. & N. Y., v. d. * Autographed presentation copies, with A. N. S. laid in "My Cornish Neighbors." 315. ELOGE DE L'ENFER. Ouvrage Critique, His- torique, et Moral. Plates by Sibelius. 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops. La Haye, 1759 316. EMERSON (RALPH WALDO). Works. Portraits. Riverside Edition. 12 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt, marbled edges. Bost. 1894-5 317. EMERSON (RALPH WALDO). Tantalus. With a note by F. B. Sanborn. 12mo, brown levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by The Adams Bindery. Canton, Pa. The Kirgate Press, 1903 * One of 10 copies on Japan paper. [54] 318. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The Encyclo- paedia Britannica. A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Gen- eral Literature. Illustrated. NINTH EDITION. 24 vols. 1878; American Supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica (Ninth Edition). Illustrated. 4 vols. Index to the Ninth Edition, 1889. Together, 29 vols. 4to, finely bound in half red moroc- co. N. Y., v. d. .319. ENGLAND and the English (Collier); England's Ideal (Carpenter); English Pharisees and French Crocodiles (Max O'Rell); and others. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. 320. ENGLISH AUTHORS, ETC. [LETTERS OF]. A. L. S, and A. L. of A. B. Grosart, (in regard to one of his reprints), Maurice Forman, (2), Herbert E.Clarke, (2), Lewis Hind, W. J. Ibbett. The Countess of Jersey (3d person), H. C. Mac- dowall, Neil Munro, Frank Murray, Alexander T. de Mattos, and C. Whaley. Swedish Royal D. S. Together, 15 pieces, various sizes. 321. ENGLISH AUTHORS, ETC. A. L. S. of Wm. Rose, bibliographer, Adelaide Anne Proctor (to Mrs. Howitt), John Stuart Mill, Sir Edwin Landseer, Samuel Smiles, Eliz- abeth Robins, a card signed "C.D. S.," and a D. S. of J. Doyle, Lieut-Governor of Guernsey, 1807. Together, 8 pieces various sizes. 322. ENGLISH POETRY. Complete Poetical Works of Wordsworth, introduction by John Morley; Poems by Matthew Arnold; The Poems of Goethe, translated in the original Metres by Thomas Carlyle, &c.; Poetical Works of E. B. Browning; Complete Works of Robert Burns. Illus- trations. 5 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt, gilt tops (2 shades of binding). N. Y., n. d. ^ 323. ENGLISH POETRY. Aquamarine's (Nora Chesson) Songs of the Morning (Nora Hopper); When Birds go North Again (Higginson); Heartsease; A Shropshire Lad (House- man). Together, 5 vols. 12mo, half vellum boards, &c. v. p., v. d. 324. ENGLISH POETRY. Eros and Psyche (Bridges); Potiphar's Wife and other Poems (Edwin Arnold) ; The Jaco- bean Poets (Gosse); Bruce: a Drama (John Davidson); and others. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, and 16mo, cloth, and boards. v. p., v. d. [551 325. ENGLISH POETRY. Love and Laughter (J. G. Burnett) ; Abelard and Heloise (Ridgely Torrence) ; In Titian's Garden (Harriet P. Spofford); Children of the Night (E. A. Robinson); and others. Together, 17 vols. 12mo, and smaller, cloth. v. p., v. d. 326. ENGLISH POETRY. Songs from the Silent Land (Ledoux) ; Cathedral and other Poems (Dickinson) ; A Doric Reed (Cocke) ; Songs of Exile (Bates) ; and others. Together, 12 vols. 12mo, and smaller, cloth, &c. v. p., v. d. 327. ENGLISH POETRY. The Alhambra (Coutts); Poems (T. G. Hake); Cuckoo Songs (Hinkson); The Death Wake (Stoddart); and others. Together, 9 vols. 12mo, cloth and boards. v. p., v. d. 328;. ENGLISH POETRY. Poetical Works of S. T. Coleridge; Spenser's Poetical Works; Dante's Vision, trans- lated by H. F. Gary; Jean Ingelow's Poems; Poetical Works of Mrs. Hemans. 5 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt, gilt tops. N. Y., n. d. 329. ENGLISH POETRY. Poetical Works of Owen Meredith; Poems of Robert Southey; Poetical Works of Chau- cer; Poems of Shelley. Edited by E. Dowden. Illustrations. 4 vols. half calf gilt, gilt tops. N. Y., n. d. 330. ENGLISH POETRY. Poetical Works of Keats; Complete Poetical Works of Walter Scott, Introduction by Charles E. Norton; Poetical Works of Milton, Introductions by David Nassen; Poems of Adelaide Procter, Introduction by Charles Dickens. 2 copies. Portraits and illustrations. 5 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt, gilt tops. N. Y., n. d. Publications of the Eragny Press 331. ERAGNY PRESS. Rust (Margaret). The Queen of the Fishes: An Adaptation in English of a Fairy Tale of Valois. Colored woodcuts by Pissarro. Small 8vo, printed on one side of the paper only, vellum, gilt top. Lond. 1894 332. ERAGNY PRESS. [Bible.] The Book of Ruth and the Book of Esther. 5 illustrations designed and cut on wood by L. Pissarro. 24mo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1896 * Only 155 copies printed. [56] 333. ERAGNY PRESS. Laforgue (Jules). Moralites Legendaires. Frontispieces, borders and ornamental initials designed by Lucian Pissarro and engraved on wood by him and Esther Pissarro. 2 vols. 8vo, original boards. Lond. 1897 * Limited to 220 copies. 334. ERAGNY PRESS. Perrault (Charles). La Belle au Bois Dormant et le Petit Chaperon Rouge. Wood- cuts, borders and initials by L. Pissarro. 12mo, original boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1899 * Limited to 224 copies. 335. ERAGNY PRESS. Flaubert (Gustave) . LaLegende de Saint. Julien 1'Hospitalier. Frontispiece by Pissarro. 12mo, boards, uncut. Lond., Eragny Press,1900 336. ERAGNY PRESS. Villon (Francois). Ballade des Dames du Temps Jadis. Frontispiece and designs by Pissarro. Small 8vo, boards, uncut and mainly unopened. Lond. 1900 * Limited to 226 copies. 337. ERAGNY PRESS. Flaubert (Gustave). Herodias. Woodcut frontispiece by Pissarro. Small 8vo, boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1901 * One of 226 copies. . 338. ERAGNY PRESS. Verhaeren (Emile). Les Petits Vieux. Colored frontispiece by Pissarro. Oblong 12mo, printed on one side of the paper only, boards, gilt top. Lond. 1901 * 230 copies only printed. 339. ERAGNY PRESS. Perrault (Charles). Historic de Peau d'Ane. Illustrations by Pissarro and T. Sturge Moore. 8vo, boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1902 * Limited to 230 copies. 340. ERAGNY PRESS. Ronsard (P. de). Choix de Son- nets. Woodcut frontispiece by Lucien and Esther Pissarro. 8vo, boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1902 * Limited to 226 copies. 341. ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN. Histoire d'un Consent de 1813. Portrait. 12mo, half red morocco gilt. (Some margins discolored.) Paris, n. d. [57] 342. ESSAYS. Degeneration (Nordau), Apologia Diffi- dentis (Leith) ; An Onlooker's Note-Book, Realities and Ideals (Harrison); The Intellectual Life (Hamerton); and others. 8 vols. 8vo, cloth, etc. v. p., v. d. Publications of the Essex House Press 343. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Ashbee (C. R.). From Whitechapel to Camelot. Illustrated by M-or-N. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1892 344. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Cellini (Benvenuto). The Treatises on Goldsmithing and Sculpture. Illustrated. 4to, cloth, uncut and mainly unopened. Lond. 1898 * One of 600 copies. 345. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Bunyan (John). The Pil- grim's Progress from this world to that which is to come. Frontispiece, 12mo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1899 * One of 750 copies. 346. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Shakespeare (William). Poems. Edited, according to the Text of the Original Copies, by F. S. Ellis. 8vo, vellum, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1 899 * One of 450 copies. 347. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Burkitt (F. Crawford). The Hymn of Bardaisan, rendered into English. Small 8vo, boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1899 * One of 300 copies. 348. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Keats (John). The Eve of St. Agnes. Frontispiece by Reginald Savage. 12mo, vellum. Lond. 1900 * One of 125 copies on vellum, with the initials done by hand in colors. 349. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Castilio (Baldessar). The Courtyer of Count Baldessar Castilio, divided into foure Bookes, very Necessary and Profitable for yonge Gentilmen & Gentilwomen abiding in Court, Palaice or Place, done into English by Thomas Hoby. 8vo, vellum, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1900 * One of 200 copies. [58] 350. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Gray (Thomas). Elegy written in a Country Churchyard. Frontispiece in colors by George Thomson. 12mo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1900 * One of 125 copies, all on vellum. 351. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Whitman (Walt). When Lilacs last in the Dooryard bloomed. Frontispiece and initials by C. R. Ashbee. 12mo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1900 * One of 135 copies, printed on vellum. 352. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Penn (William). Some Fruits of Solitude. 12mo, vellum, uncut, in a morocco case. Lond. 1901 * One of 250 copies. 353. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Woolman (John). A Journal of the Life and Travels of John Woolman in the Service of the Gospel. 12mo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1901 * One of 250 copies. 354. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Spenser (Edmund). The Epithalamion. Colored frontispiece by Reginald Savage. 12mo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1901 * One of 150 copies on vellum, in black, red and blue. 355. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Erasmus of Roterdam. The Praise of Folie, Englished by Sir Thomas Chaloner. Engraved title and plate by W. Strang. 4to, decorated vellum, uncut. Lond. 1901 * One of 250 copies. 356. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. An Endeavour towards the Teaching of John Ruskin and William Morris. Woodcut. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1901 * One of 350 copies. 357. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Shelley (P. B.). A Letter to T. Peacock, July, 1796. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1901 * One of 50 copies. 358. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Strang (William). The Doings of Death. 12 plates on wood by William Strang. Large folio, buckram portfolio. Lond. 1901 * Limited Edition. [59] 359. ESSEX'HOUSE PRESS. Ashbee (C. R.). American Sheaves and English Seed-Corn. 8vo, vellum, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1901 * One of 300 copies. 360. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. The Psalter, or Psalms of David, from the Bible of Archbishop Cranmer. Woodcut initials. 4to, green vellum, uncut. Lond. 1902 * One of 250 copies. 361. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. The Snow Lay on the Ground. Illustration. Words and music. 4 pages, 4to. Christmas, 1902 362. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Ashbee (C. R.). The Masque of the Edwards of England. Illustrations in color by Edith Harwood, touched in part by hand. Oblong folio, cloth. Lond. 1902 * One of 300 copies on paper. 363. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Burns (Robert). Tarn O'Shanter. Frontispiece by William Strong, and colored and illuminated initials. 12mo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1902 * One of 150 copies, printed on vellum. 364. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Chaucer (Geoffrey). The Flower and the Leaf. Colored illustrations, and initials colored by Edith Harwood. 12mo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1902 * One of 165 copies, printed on vellum. 365. ESSEX HOUSE PRESS. Transactions of the Guild & School of Handicraft. Illustrated. Vol. I, 1890; Proofs on hand-made Japan Vellum of the Transactions, Vol. I; The Trinity Hospital in Mile End: An Object Lesson in National History, by C. R. Ashbee. Illustrated, 1896; The Old Palace of Bromly-by-Bow, Illustrated, 1901 ; Manual of the Guild and School of Handicraft, Illustrated, 1892; and about 30 leaflets, reports, speeches, etc., relating to the Guild, mostly issued from the Essex House Press. About 35 pieces. 4to and smaller, wrappers and unbound. Lond., v. d. 366. EUROPEAN ARCHITECTURE. Third edition, yols. I to VI. Many photographic reproductions. 6 vols. 4to, limp morocco. Chicago, 1892-98 [60] 367. EVE (G. W.). Decorative Heraldry; a Practical Handbook of its Artistic Treatment. Profusely illustrated. 8vo, paper covers, uncut. Lond. 1897 * One of 130 copies printed on large Japan paper. 368. EXPOSITION of Christian Doctrine, Moral and Worship, 2 vols., 1899-1900; Wear and Tear by S. W. Mitchell, 1891; Journal of Countess Krasinska, 1895; An Agnostic's Apology by L. Stephen, 1893; and others. 28 vols. 8vo and smaller, cloth, etc. 369. FANCY'S FOLLOWING. By Anodos. Title in red, green and black. 12mo, colored wrappers, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1900 * No. 1 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum. 370. .The same. Printed on the finest vellum, No. 1 of 4 copies, autographed by the publisher. 371. FENOLLOSA (ERNEST FRANCISCO). The Mas- ters of Ukioye. A Complete Historical Description of Japanese Paintings and Color Prints of the Genre School, etc. 8vo, boards. N. Y. 1896 372. FICTION. Fiction (Selections from "Short Stories"). Nos. I to IV, and VII and VIII. Illustrated. Together, 6 vols. 8vo, half red polished, calf gilt. N. Y. 1895 * Contains numerous stories by Kipling, Stockton, Daudet, Barrie, Jacobs, and others. 373. FICTION. A Tragic Idyl (Bourget); Evelyn Innes (Moore) ; The Martian (Du Maurier) ; Sunrise Stories (Riordan) ; etc. 30 vols., 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. 374. FICTION. Life of my Heart (Cross), 1905; Cagliostro and Company (Brentano), 1902; Babs the Impossible (Grand), 1901; The Royal End (Harland), 1909; and others. Together, 23 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. 375. FICTION. Whom God hath Joined (Bennett); The Cost of her Pride (Alexander); Margery Moore (Sergent); The Country House (Galsworthy) ; and others. 25 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. [61] 376. FICTION. Knitters in the Sun (Thanet); The Choir Invisible (Allen); Rhoda Fleming (Meredith); Pembroke (Wilkins); and others. 46 vols, various sizes and bindings. v. p., v. d. 377. FICTION. The Strength to Yield (Bogue), 1909; Kentuckians (Fox), 1898; Simon Dale (Hope); Jerome (Wil- kins), 1898; and others. 25 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. 378. FICTION. The Lady Paramount (Harland); Court- ship of Morrice Buckler (Mason); Hilary Thornton (Wales); Comedies and Errors (Harland); and others. Together, 25 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. 379. FICTION. Comedies and Errors (Harland); The Girl at Cobhurst (Stockton); The Yoke (Miller); The Jessamy Bride (Moore); The Reflections of Ambrosine (Glyn); and others. Together, 25 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. 380. FICTION. Blown Away (Mansfield); Folks from Dixie (Dunbar); As it was Written (Harland); The Green Carnation (Hichens); and others. Together, 40 vols. 12mo, and smaller, cloth. v. p., v. d. 381. FICTION, ETC. "Hell for Sartain" and Other Stories (Fox); A Fool of Nature (Hawthorne); Phyllis in Bohemia (Bickford and Powell); A Bride from the Desert (Allen) ; Pursuit of Houseboat (Bangs) ; and others. Together, 40 vols. Various sizes and bindings. v. p., v. d. * Laid in are 2 L. S., by John Kendrick Bangs. 382. FIELD (EUGENE). The Holy Cross and Other Tales. 8vo, original vellum gilt, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge and Chicago, 1893 * ONE OF TWENTY COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER. With the book- plates of Eugene Field and Leigh Lynch, and inscribed: "To Eugene Field Lynch, with Eugene Field's love, Chicago, May 28, 1894." Laid in are two letters from Field to Lynch, one an invitation to lunch, and the other, of some length, telling of his wife's illness, and referring to "little Eugene," to whom the book is inscribed. Only 5 copies of the Japan paper edition were put on sale. 383. FIELD (EUGENE). A Little Book of Profitable Tales; A Little Book of Western Verse; Second Book of Verse. To- gether, 3 vols. 12mo, uniformly bound in half calf, gilt top. N. Y. 1893 [62] 384. FIELD (EUGENE). The House. An Episode in the Lives of Reuben Baker, Astronomer, and of his Wife Alice. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1896 385. FIELD (EUGENE). The Love Affairs of a Biblio- maniac. Field arms as frontispiece. 12mo, half vellum, gilt top, uncut, in a cloth wrapper. N. Y. 1896 * One of 150 copies on Holland paper. 386. [FIELD (EUGENE).] Stone (Herbert S.). First Editions of American Authors. A Manual for Booklovers. Intro- duction by Eugene Field. Small 4to, three quarter olive-green levant morocco gilt, gilt top, partly uncut. Cambridge, Mass., 1893 * Large Paper Edition; only 50 copies printed. Laid in is a very interesting 3 pp. A. L. S. from the author (Herbert S. Stone), to T. B. Mosher, regarding the above work. 387. [FIELD (EUGENE).] Wilson (Francis). The Eugene Field I Knew. Portrait and other illustrations. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1898 388. FIELD (EUGENE AND ROSWELL MARTIN). Echoes from the Sabine Farm. Vignettes. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1895 389. FIELD (MICHAEL). Long Ago, and Underneath the Bough, 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Both printed on Japan vellum, autographed by the publisher, 100 copies of each issued. Portland, Me., Mosher, v. d. * Laid in are 3 A. L. S. of the author to Mr. Mosher, referring to the appearance of the Mosher publications, copyright questions, changes in text, and other similar matters. 390. FIELD (MICHAEL). Preface to "Underneath the Bough." American Edition. In the autograph of and signed by Field. 1 p. 4to. Sept. 8, 1898. 391. FIELD (MICHAEL). Autograph Poems, Index and Corrections to be made in an American Edition of "Under- neath the Bough." 16 pieces. 392. FIELD (MICHAEL). Autograph Poem, unsigned, 14 lines. 1 p. 4to. 393. FIELD (MICHAEL). 5 A. L. S. concerning the pub- lication of American Editions of his works. 12mo. [63] 394. FIELD (MICHAEL). Two autograph letters, one without signature, both referring to various details in the prepa- ration of the American edition of the "Bough," Together, pages, 8vo. 1895 395. FIELD (MICHAEL). 3 A. L. S. relating to his pub- lications. 396. FIELDING (HENRY). Works: Tom Jones, 2 vols., Joseph Andrews, Jonathan Wild, Amelia. Illustrated. 5 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt tops. Lond. & N. Y., v. d. 397. FISKE (JOHN). Essays Historical and Literary. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. N. Y. 1902 398. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Letters and Literary Remains. Edited by William Aldis Wright. Frontispieces. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. small 8vo, cloth, uncut and un- opened. Lond. 1889 399. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, rendered into English Verse. Decorated by W. B. MacDougall. 4to, silk cloth gilt, uncut. Lond. and N. Y. 1898 400. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Drawings by Florence Lundborg. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. N. Y. [1900]. * Printed on one side of the paper only. 401. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). Polonius; A Collection of Wise Saws and Modern Instances. Square 12mo. sheets, unstitched, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, .1901 * No. 1 of 4 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. 402. FITZGERALD (EDWARD) Polonius; A Collection of Wise Saws and Modern Instances. Square 12mo wrappers and boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1901 * No. 1 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum. 403. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). An Aftermath, by Francis Hindes Groome. With miscellanies in verse and prose. Portrait and views. Square 12mo, wrapper and boards, uncut. Portland, Me.; Mosher, 1902 * No. 1 of 60 copies printed on Japan vellum. [64] 404. FITZGERALD (EDWARD). A. L. in French signed "E. FG. " addressed to Mr. Loder, 2 pp. 12mo, with envelope, and dated Marine Terrace, 21 March, 1875. * Asking for 6 vols. of his Blackwood, and mentioning his call at Woodbridge. Together with the letter are sold an A. L. S. of Mr. Loder to Mr. Mosher, accompanying the letter of Fitzgerald, and six other letters by distinguished people referring to Fitzgerald. 405. FLAUBERT (GUSTAVE). La Tentation de Saint Antoine. 8vo, half morocco (worn). Paris, 1874 406. FLECHIER (VALENTIN ESPRIT). Mademoiselle de Combes, nouvelle tiree des memoires sur les grands-jours d'Auvergne. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Very limited edition. Paris: Jouaust, 1885 407. FLETCHER (BANISTER AND BANISTER F.). A History of Architecture on the Comparative Method. About 2,000 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Lond. 1905 408. FORE-EDGE PAINTING. The Works of Shakes- peare. Globe Edition. Edited by W. G. Clarke and W. A. Wright. 12mo, brown levant morocco, gilt and mosaic back, sides tooled in gilt and mosaic design of intertwining leaf -sprays and flowers, surrounding several spears and masks, wide inside leaf border, gilt edges, by Fazakerley. Lond. 1887 * On the fore-edge under the gilt is a FINELY EXECUTED WATER-COLOR of a scene from the " Merchant of Venice," representing Portia, Shy- lock, and others. 409. FORTUNATUS. Les Aventures Merveilleuses de For- tunatus, avec une preface par Henry Fouquier. Cent vingt dessins par De Beaumont. 4to, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in, by Ruban. Paris, 1887 * Limited Edition. 410. FOSTER (VERE.) Editor. The Two Duchesses: Georgiana Duchess of Devonshire, Elizabeth Duchess of Devonshire. Family Correspondence etc. Portraits. 8vo, half red levant morocco gilt, gilt top, by Rains (corners of portraits somewhat stained). Lond. 1898 411. FOTHERGILL (JESSIE). The First Violin. Illus- trations byG. W. Brenneman. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue calf, gilt tops. N. Y., n. d. [65] 412. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Works, containing sev- eral Political and Historical Tracts not included in any former Edition, and many Letters not hitherto published. With Notes and a Life of the Author by Jared Sparks. Frontispieces. 10 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1882 413. FRENCH ART. Salon des Aquarellistes Francais. Texte de Eugene Montrosier. Premiere Annee. Hundreds of illustrations, some on India Paper, by Boilvin, Francois Flameng, Maurice Leloir, Charles Meissonier, Adrian Moreau, and others. Folio, cloth, uncut. Paris, 1887 * Limited Edition. 414. FROUDE (JAMES ANTHONY). Short Studies on Great Subjects. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops. N. Y. 1897 415. QACHONS (JACQUES DES). A. L. S. in French, A. L. S. in English, leaflet containing poem, "Inscription for a Fireplace," 2 proof engravings, original pen and ink drawing, original water color drawing, D. S. Together, 8 pieces, 8vo, etc. 416. GALE (NORMAN). A Country Muse. 12mo, cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1894 * Contains six poems which did not appear in the First Edition. 417. GARDEN IN VENICE (Eden); Paris of To-Day (Kaufmann); Venice, (Allen), 2 vols.; Account of China, 3 vols.; and others. 13 vols., various sizes and bindings. v. p., v. d. 418. GARDENS AND FRIENDSHIP (Francis Bacon); In the Garden of Peace, and, Outside the Garden (Helen Mil- man); The Solitary Summer [Von Huttonj. 4 vols., 16mo, and 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. 419. GARRICK (DAVID). The Dramatic Works of David Garrick. To which is Prefixed a Life of the Author. 3 vols. small 8vo, hah* polished calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : A. Miller, 1798 420. GASQUET (FRANCIS A.). Henry VIII and the English Monasteries. A Revised Popular Edition. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, partly uncut. Lond. 1899 [66] 421. GAUTIER (THEOPHILE). Emaux et Camees. Edition ornee de cent dix aquarelles par Henri Caruchet, repro- duites en COULEURS. 12mo, dark blue levant morocco, with a side and top panel of light and dark brown morocco mosaic vine and flower design, gilt and mosaic leaf design on back, wide inside gilt borders, gilt edges, with the original covers bound in. (A few pages water-stained.) Paris: Charpentier, 1895 4-22. GELL (WILLIAM) and GANDY (J. P.). Pompeii; its Destruction and Re-discovery, with Engravings and Descrip- tions of the Art and Architecture of its Inhabitants. Numerous illustrations. Imperial 8vo, decorative cloth, gilt edges. (Back loose.) N. Y. [Lond. printed] n. d. 423. GENLIS (MME. DE). Mademoiselle de Clermont, avec une notice par M. de Lescure. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Very limited edition. Paris: Jouaust, 1880 424. GERIN (GABRIEL). Le Louvetier de Venissieux. Illustr'e de 20 eaux-fortes par C. Meunier. 16mo, original wrap- pers, uncut. Lyon, 1893 * No. 2 of only 40 copies on Japan paper. 425. GERRING (CHARLES). Notes on Printers and Booksellers, with a Chapter on Chap Books. Portraits, fac- similes, &c. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1900 426. GIBBON (EDWARD). The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Portrait and map. 12 vols. 8vo, sheep (somewhat-rubbed) . Lond. 1815 427. GIBBON (EDWARD). The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. With Notes by Dean Milman. A New Edition. 5 vols. 12mo, half polished morocco. Chi. & N. Y., n. d. 428. GIBBON (EDWARD). The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Notes by the Rev. H. H. Milman. A New Edition. 6 vols. 12mo, half polished calf gilt, gilt edges. N. Y., n. d. 429. GIBSON (CHARLES DANA). Drawings. Oblong folio, boards, linen back. N. Y. 1896 [67] 430. GIBSON (CHARLES DANA). Pictures of People. Oblong folio, boards, linen back. N. Y. 1896 431. GIBSON (CHARLES DANA). London as seen by C. D. Gibson. Oblong folio, boards, linen back. N. Y. 1897 432. GIBSON (CHARLES DANA). Sketches and Car- toons. Oblong folio, boards, linen back. N. Y. 1898 433. GLADSTONE (WILLIAM EWART). The Story of Gladstone's Life. By Justin McCarthy. Portrait and illus- trations. Royal 8vo, three-quarter blue polished morocco gilt, gilt top. N. Y. 1898 434. GLADSTONE (WILLIAM EWART). The Life of Gladstone. By John Morley. Portrait and illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, buckram, uncut. Lond. 1903 * First Edition. 435. GOETHE (WOLFGANG VON). Faust. A Tragedy. Translated in the original metres, by Bayard Taylor. Engraved plates by Champollion, in 2 states, before and after letters, inserted. 2 vols. royal 8vo, maroon, levant morocco gilt, sides gilt- tooled in panels with corner ornaments, doublure of green morocco with a semis of small red mosaic flowers, embroidered silk end-papers, gilt tops. Bost. 1873 * FINE COPY. 436. GOETHE (WOLFGANG VON). The Works of Goethe. Translated by Sir W T alter Scott, E. A. Bowring, Anna Swanwick, and others. Portraits. 12 vols. 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt tops. Lond. : Bell & Sons, 1880-2 * This set comprises: Dramatic Works; Travels in Italy; Conver- sations; Wilhelm Meister's Travels; Poems; Meister's Apprentice- ship; Early Letters; Faust; Miscellaneous Travels; Autobiography, 2 vols.; Novels and Tales. 437. GOLDEN WINGS (Morris); Barrack-Room Ballads (Kipling, published by the Doxey Press); The Echo Club (Bayard Taylor), and others, cloth and leather. 7 vols. v. p., v. d. 438. GOLDSMITH (OLIVER). The Works of Gold- smith. Edited by Peter Cunningham. Engraved titles and frontispiece. 4 vols. 8vo, tree calf, gilt. Lond. 1854 * SCARCE. Fine copy of John Murray's Best Edition. [68] 439. GOWER (LORD RONALD). My Reminiscences. Etched portrait. Thick 16mo, flexible vellum boards, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1885 440. GRAND (SARAH). A. L. S. 3 pp. 12mo. Tun- bridge Wells, July 11, 1902. 441. [GRANT (U. S.)] A petition to General Grant, dated Washington, March 20, 1868, and signed Roscoe Conkling, O. P. Morton, Charles Sumner, and others. 442. GRASS OF PARNASSUS (Lang), 1892; Coleridge (Lang), 1898; Andromeda and other Poems (Kingsley), 1858; Shelley (Thompson), 1909. 4 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p. 443. GREAT ARTISTS. Illustrated Biographies of the Great Artists. Edited by Austin Dobson, Cosmo Monkhouse, J. Paul Richter, Joseph Cundall, and others. Numerous illus- trations, facsimiles, &c. Together, 39 vols. 12mo, flexible cloth, two styles. Lond. 1882-92 444. GREAT MASTERS in the Louvre Gallery. Numer- ous beautiful plates, some finely colored and mounted on mats, the others proofs on India paper, and numerous text illustrations, all reproduced in photogravure by Goupil of Paris. 12 parts large folio, wrappers, enclosed in 2 marbled calf gilt portfolios. (Cover damaged.) N. Y. and Paris, 1898-1900 * Edition de Grand Luxe, with English text, limited to 200 copies, the best reproductions of the Great Masterpieces of the Louvre. 445. GREEN (JOHN RICHARD). A Short History of the English People. Edited by Mrs. J. R. Green and Miss Kate Norgate. Hundreds of illustrations. 4 vols., Royal 8vo, half polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y.; Harpers, 1895 * FINE COPY of this Beautifully Illustrated Edition. Contains up- wards of 1400 illustrations including portraits, views, maps, &c., some of which are richly illuminated in GOLD AND COLORS. 446. GRIBBLE (FRANCIS) . George Sand and Her Lovers. Rousseau and the Women he Loved. Photogravure portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1908 447. GRIGSBY (HUGH BLAIR). The Virginia Conven- tion of 1776. A Discourse delivered in the Chapel of Williams and Mary College, Williamsburg, July 3, 1855. 8vo, original cloth (rubbed; and several margins stained). Richmond, Va., 1855 [691 Publications of the Grolier Club Including the Hawthorne and Lowell Medallions 448. GROLIER CLUB. A Decree of Star Chamber con- cerning Printing, date July 11, 1637. Illuminated vignette- title, headings, initials, &c. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. N. Y.; Grolier Club, 1884 * FINE COPY. VERT SCARCE. THE FIRST BOOK PUBLISHED BT THE GROLIER CLUB. Only 150 copies printed. 449. GROLIER CLUB. Transactions of the Grolier Club from its Foundation, January, 1884, to July, 1885; Part I. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. N. Y.; Grolier Club, 1885 450. GROLIER CLUB. Irving (Washington). A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty, &c. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. 2 frontis- pieces in three states etched by H. C. Enos and F. Raubicheck, and illustrations by G. H. Boughton, W , H. Drake and Howard Pyle. 2 vols. 8vo, orange boards, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club, 1886 * SCARCE. One of 175 copies on Holland paper, with the proper title for Vol. I at end of Vol. II. 451. GROLIER CLUB. De Vinne (Theodore L.). Historic Printing Types. A Lecture. Facsimiles. 4to, half cloth and boards, uncut. N. Y.: Grolier Club, 1886 * One of 200 copies on handmade paper. 452. GROLIER CLUB. Hoe (Robert). A Lecture on Book- binding as a Fine Art. 63 reproductions of ancient and modern bindings. 4to, half cloth and boards, uncut. N. Y.: Grolier Club, 1886 * One of 200 copies on Holland paper. 453. GROLIER CLUB. Reade (Charles). Peg Woffington. 2 vols. 12mo, white cloth, gilt extra, uncut. N. Y.; Grolier Club, 1887 * One of 250 copies on Holland paper. 454. GROLIER CLUB. De Vinne (Theodore L.). Chris- topher Plantin and the Plantin-Moretus Museum at Antwerp. Illustrations. Royal 8vo, wrappers uncut. N. Y.: Grolier Club, 1888 * One of 300 copies printed. Laid in are 2 A. L. S. from the author, one giving the publishing price of the Grolier "Rubaiyat." [70] 455. GROLIER CLUB. Matthews (William). Modern Bookbinding practically Considered. A Lecture. 8 reproduc- tions. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut (one side slightly stained). N. Y.: GrolierClub, 1889 * One of 300 copies on handmade paper. 456. GROLIERCLUB. Bury (Richard De). The Philo- biblon. Edited from the best Manuscripts and translated into English, with Introduction and Notes, by A. F. West. Colored initials, illustrations and facsimiles. 3 vols. square 8vo, original vellum, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club, 1889 * ONE OF THE RAREST OF THE CLUB'S PUBLICATIONS. Only 297 copies printed. 457. GROLIER CLUB. Milton (John). Areopagitica. A Speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing, to the Parliament of England. With an Introduction by James Russell Lowell. Proof portrait of Milton. 16mo, boards, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club, 1890 * Limited Edition on Holland paper. 458. GROLIER CLUB. Curtis (George William). Wash- ington Irving. A Sketch. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, full red morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club, 1891 * One of 344 copies on handmade paper. 459. GROLIER CLUB. Effigies of the most famous English Writers from Chaucer to Johnson. 12mo, full red levant floriated gilt-tooled sides, gilt-paneled back, doublure of red morocco tooled in geometrical design, gilt over uncut edges, with the original wrappers bound in, by [Petit-Simier]. N. Y.: GrolierClub, 1891 460. GROLIER CLUB. Effigies of the most Famous English Writers from Chaucer to Johnson. Portrait of Johnson. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club; 1891 * Large paper copy; one of 200 printed. 461. GROLIER CLUB. Conway (Moncure D.). Barons of the Potomac and Rappahannock. Portraits, illustrations and facsimiles. 8vo, original boards, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club, 1892 * One of 300 copies on Italian handmade paper. [71] 462. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Illuminated and Painted Manuscripts, together with a few Early Printed Books and Illuminations. Also, some Examples of Persian Manuscripts. 22 facsimiles in photogravure. Square 8vo, original cloth, uncut. N. Y.: Grolier Club, 1892 * Limited Edition on Holland paper. 463. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of Original and Early Editions of some of the Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers from Langland to Wither, with Collations and Notes. 87 facsimiles of title-pages and frontispieces. Royal 8vo, cloth, morocco back, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club, 1893 * Limited Edition on Holland paper. 464. GROLIER CLUB. Allen (Charles Dexter). A Classi- fied List of Early American Bookplates, with a brief description of the Principal Styles. Numerous facsimiles. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club, 1894 * Large paper copy; limited edition. Letter signed by the author laid in. 465. GROLIER CLUB. Facsimile of the Laws and Acts of the General Assembly for their Majesties Province of New York, &c., at New York. Printed and sold by William Bradford, 1694. With Historical Introduction, Notes on the Laws, &c., by Robert L. Fowler. Small folio, vellum, uncut. N. Y.: Grolier Club, 1894 * One of 312 copies on handmade paper. 466. GROLIER CLUB. Transactions of the Grolier Club; Part II. From July, 1885, to February, 1894. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club, 1894 * Limited Edition. 467. GROLIER CLUB. Fitzgerald (Edward). Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, the Astronomer-Poet of Persia, rendered into English Verse by Edward Fitzgerald. Headings and initials in GOLD AND COLORS. 8vo, original decorative wrappers, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club, 1885 * One of 150 copies on Japan paper. SCARCE. Laid in is an A. L. S. by Theo. L. De Vinne, printer of the above volume, to Mr. Mosher. 468. GROLIER CLUB. A Description of the Early Printed Books owned by the Grolier Club, with a Brief Account [72] of their Printers and the History of Typography in the XVth Century. Facsimiles. Small folio, half calf, uncut. N. Y.: GrolierClub, 1895 * One of 400 copies on handmade paper. 469. GROLIER CLUB. Donne (John). The Poems of John Donne, from the text of the edition of 1633. Revised by James Russell Lowell. Introduction and Notes by C. E. Nor- ton. 2 etched portraits by Ferris. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club, 1895 * Limited Edition on handmade paper. 470. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of the Engraved Work of Asher B. Durand. Portrait and plates. 8vo, original wrap- pers, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club, 1895 * Large paper copy; limited edition. 471. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of Books . . . with Arms or Devices upon the Bindings. Illustrations. 8vo, three-quarter olive morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. N, Y. : Grolier Club, 1895 * Limited Edition on Holland paper. 472. .Another Copy, original cloth. 473. GROLIER CLUB. Warren (Arthur). The Charles Whittinghams, Printers. Portraits and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, half green morocco, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club, 1896 * One of 385 copies on handmade paper. Laid in is an A. L. S. from Charles Whittingham & Co., Apr. 7, 1891. 474. GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition Illus- trative of a Centenary of Artistic Lithography, 1796-1896. Numerous facsimiles. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. N. Y.: GrolierClub, 1896 * Large paper copy; Limited Edition. 475. GROLIER CLUB. Koehler (S. R.). A Chronological Catalogue of the Engravings, Drypoints and Etchings of Albert Durer, as Exhibited at the Grolier Club. Plates. Small folio, cloth, uncut. N. Y.: Grolier Club, 1897 * One of 400 copies printed. 476. GROLIER CLUB. Carlyle (Thomas). Two Note Books of Thomas Carlyle from 23d March, 1822, to 16th May, 1832. Edited by C. E. Norton. 2 portraits and facsimiles. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club, 1898 * One of 387 copies printed. [73] 477. GROLIER CLUB. Pichon (Jerome). The Life of Charles Henry, Count Hoym, Ambassador from Saxony-Poland to France, &c. With Sketch of the Life of the late Baron Pichon. 2 engraved portraits, binding facsimiles., and illustra- tions. Royal 8vo, original brocade silk binding, morocco back, uncut. N. Y.: Grolier Club, 1899 * One of 303 copies printed. 478. GROLIER CLUB. Boccaccio (Giovanni). A Transla- tion of Boccaccio's Life of Dante. With an Introduction and a Note on the Portraits of Dante by G. R. Carpenter. Portrait of Dante, and a folding view of Florence reproduced from an original about 1490. Square 8vo, original pigskin, stamped with allegorical designs, uncut. N. Y. : Grolier Club, 1900 * One of 300 copies on Italian handmade paper. 479. GROLIER CLUB. Exhibition Catalogues. Engraved Portraits of Women Writers; Alchemy and Chemistry; Zilcken Etchings; Early Printed Books; American Bookplates; Faithorne Portraits; etc. 11 pieces, 12mo, wrappers. N. Y., v. d. 480. GROLIER CLUB. Lowell (James Russell). Bronze Medallion Portrait in bas-relieif issued by the Grolier Club. 481. GROLIER CLUB. Hawthorne (Nathaniel). Bronze Medallion Portrait in bas-relief issued by the Grolier Club. 482. GUERBER (H. A.). Stories of Famous Operas; and, Stories of the Wagner Opera. Illustrations. 2 vols. 12mo, half polished morocco, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1897 483. [GUEULETTE (THOMAS S.).] The Thousand and One Quarters of an Hour. (Tartarian Tales). Edited by Leonard Smithers. 8vo, cloth, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1893 * Limited Edition. 484. GUIDE BOOKS, SOCIAL REGISTER, ETC. About 75 vols. various sizes and bindings. v. p., v. d. 485. GUIZOT (F. P. G.). A Popular History of France, from the Earliest Times. Translated by Robert Black. Illus- trated. 6 vols. in 4, thick 8vo, cloth. (Top of one back broken). Bost, n. d. [741 486. GUIZOT (F. P. G.). A Popular History of England, from the Earliest Times to the Accession of Victoria. Trans- lated by M. M. Ripley. Illustrated. 5 vols., in 3, thick 8vo, cloth. (Top of one back broken). Bost., n. d. 487. HALL (JOHN R.). The Bourbon Restoration. Front- ispiece. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1909 488. HALLER (GUSTAVE). Le Bleuet. Preface de George Sand. 8vo, half cloth, uncut, original covers bound in. Paris, 1875 * With presentation inscription from the author. 489. HALPIN (PATRICK A.). The Sacred Heart, the Teacher of Mankind; Precepts of Literature. Together, 2 vols. 8vo, cloth and wrappers. N. Y. v. d. * Autographed presentation copies. 490. HAMERTON (PHILIP GILBERT). The Intellec- tual Life; Muller's Auld Lang Syne; Lubbock's Use of Life; Wilson's Through Silence to Realization; The Curse of Intel- lect; and others. Together, 14 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. 491. HANDY BOOK OF LITERARY CURIOSITIES (Walsh) ; Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men (Bent) ; Great Words from Great Americans; Mooted Questions of History (Desmond); and others, 12 vols., various sizes and bindings. v. p., v. d. The Writings of Thomas Hardy Mainly First Editions in Original Cloth 492. HARDY (THOMAS). Desperate Remedies: A Novel. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth (poor copy). Lond. 1871 * Hardy's first novel, and, as only 50 copies were printed, the most difficult to obtain. 493. HARDY (THOMAS). Under the Greenwood Tree; A Rural Painting of the Dutch School. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut (worn, loose and soiled). Lond. 1872 494. HARDY (THOMAS). Far from the Madding Crowd. 12 illustrations. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut (worn). . Lond. 1874 [75] 495. HARDY (THOMAS). A Pair of Blue Eyes: A Novel. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth (poor copy). Lond. 1873 496. HARDY (THOMAS). The Hand of Ethelberta. 11 illustrations by Du Maurier. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, partially uncut. (Library labels removed from covers, and bindings loose.) Lond. 1876 497. HARDY (THOMAS). The Return of the Native. Map. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth (library labels removed from covers; loose). Lond. 1878 498. HARDY (THOMAS). The Trumpet Major: a Tale. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth (worn and loose). Lond. 1880 499. HARDY (THOMAS). A Laodicean; or, The Castle of the De Stancys. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth (library labels removed; one vol. loose). Lond. 1881 500. HARDY (THOMAS). Two on a Tower. FIRST EDI- TION. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth (worn and shaken). Lond. 1882 501. HARDY (THOMAS). The Mayor of Casterbridge : The Life and Death of a Man of Character. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth (loose, worn and slightly foxed). Lond. 1886 502. HARDY (THOMAS). The Woodlanders. FIRST EDI- TION. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. (Loose and slightly stained.) Lond. 1887. 503. HARDY (THOMAS). Wessex Tales: Strange, Lively, Commonplace. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1888 504. HARDY (THOMAS). Three Notable Stories, respec- tively by The Marquis of Lome, Mrs. Alexander, and Thomas Hardy. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth (slightly worn). Lond. 1890 * Contains "The Melancholy Hussar." 505. HARDY (THOMAS). Tess of the D'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, partially uncut (circulating library labels removed from covers). Lond. 1891 [76] 506. HARDY (THOMAS). A Group of Noble Dames. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. (Worn.) Lond. 1891 507. HARDY (THOMAS). Life's Little Ironies: a Set of Tales with some Colloquial Sketches entitled : a Few Crusted Characters. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth (worn and loose). Lond. 1894 508. HARDY (THOMAS). Jude the Obscure. Etching by Macbeth- Raeburn, and map of Wessex. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut, fresh copy. Lond. 1896 509. HARDY (THOMAS). The Well-Beloved. Etching by Macbeth- Raeburn, and map of Wessex. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut (loose, and binding soiled). Lond. 1897 510. HARDY (THOMAS). The Trumpet Major; The Return of the Native; Tess of the D'Urbervilles; The Hand of Ethelberta; Jude the Obscure; The Well-Beloved; Desperate Remedies; The Mayor of Casterbridge; The Laodicean; Far from the Madding Crowd; A Pair of Blue Eyes; Under the Greenwood Tree; Two on a Tower; The Woodlanders. Front- ispiece. Together, 14 vols. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1895-97 * Harper's Uniform Edition. 511. HARDY (THOMAS). The Art of Thomas Hardy. By Lionel Johnson. Bibliography by John Lane. Signed por- trait by William Strung on Japan paper. Square 12mo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1894 * One of 150 copies printed. 512. HARDY (THOMAS). The Art of Thomas Hardy. By Lionel Johnson. Engraved portrait by William Strang. Bibliography by John Lane. 12mo, buckram, uncut. Lond. 1895 * Presentation Copy from John Lane, with inscription on fly-leaf. 513. HARE (AUGUSTUS J. C.). Memorials of a Quiet Life, 2 vols., 1874; Days near Rome, 2 vols. in one, 1875; Cities of Northern and Central Italy, 3 vols. 1876; Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily, 1883; North-Eastern France, 1890; South- Western France, 1890; South-Eastern France, 1890; Studies in Russia, 1896; Walks in London; Holland and Scan- dinavia; Florence; Days near Paris; Walks in Paris. Maps and illustrations. Together, 16 vols. Small 8vo, 2 vols. calf, and 14 vols. cloth. Lond., etc., v. d. [77] 514. HARLAND (HENRY). The Lady Paramount. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1902 * Autographed presentation copy from the author. 515. HARPER'S New Monthly Magazine. Illustrated. Vol. I, 1850, to Vol. C, 1900, inclusive. With the index vol., 1892. Together, 101 vols. large 8vo, uniformly bound in half morocco gilt, marbled edges. N. Y. 1850-1900 * An unusually long run of this periodical, in good condition, and well bound. 516. HAWKINS (THOMAS). The Origin of the English Drama, illustrated in its various Species, by Specimens from our earliest Writers. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, calf. Oxford, 1773 517. HARPER'S POCKET EDITIONS. Criticism and Fiction (Howells) ; Studies of the Stage (Matthews) ; American- isms and Briticisms (Matthews); As We Go (Warner); As We Were Saying (Warner) ; Concerning All of Us (Higginson) ; Other Essays from the Easy Chair (Curtis) ; and others. Front- ispieces. Together, 13 vols. 16mo, uniform decorative cloth. N. Y. 1893 518. HARRIS (FRANK). The Man Shakespeare and His Tragic Life Story; Brown's Critical Confessions; Davidson's The Man Forbid; Bridges' Suppressed Chapters; and others. Together, 11 vols. 8vo and 12mo, various bindings, v. p., v. d. 519. HARTE (FRANCIS BRET). Works. Portrait. 6 vols only. 8vo, half red calf gilt, gilt tops, some uncut, by Blackwell. Bost. 1894-97 * Comprises Poems, Gabriel Conroy, Condensed Novels, Frontier Stories, Tales of the Argonauts, The Luck of Roaring Camp, and other tales. 520. HARTSHORNE (ALBERT). Old English Glasses. An Account of Glass Drinking Vessels in England, from Early Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century. Colored frontis- piece and many other illustrations. Folio, half vellum, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1897 * This important work is now entirely out of print and becoming scarce. 521. HASKINS (DAVID GREENE). Ralph Waldo Emer- son : His Maternal Ancestors, with some Reminiscences of him. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth and boards, uncut. Bost. 1887 * Edition de luxe, on large paper. [78] 522. HASTINGS (GILBERT). Siena; its Architecture and Art. Illustrations. Small 4to, boards, cloth back, uncut. Lond. : De La More Press, 1902 523. HAVARD (HENRY). L'Art dans la Maison: Gram- maire de rAmeublement. Illustrations de Corroyer, David, Peignot, etc. 4to, half red morocco gilt, gilt top. Paris, n. d. 524. HAVARD (HENRY). Dictionnaire de I'Ameublement et de la Decoration, depuis le Xllle siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Many illustrations, some colored. 4 vols. 4to, boards, uncut. Paris, n. d. ca. 1880 525. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Blithedale Romance. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, green levant morocco, gilt top, partially uncut, by Affolter. Bost. 1852 526. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). The Marble Faun; or, The Romance of Monte Beni. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth. Bost. 1860 * Second issue of the FIRST EDITION. 527. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). Works. Illustrated. 13 vols. 12mo, half blue morocco gilt, gilt tops, by Blackwell. Bost. 1897 * Laid in is an A. L. by Rose Hawthorne Lathrop, signed Sister Mary Alphonsa Lathrop, and an A. L. S. by Frank Scott, President of the Century. 528. HAWTHORNE (NATHANIEL). A. L. S., 2pp. 8vo, from Hawthorne to George McLaughlin, Cinn., O. With the addressed portion of Envelope. Dated Concord, Dec. 11, 1863 Dear Sir: On receiving your note of 30th Nov., requesting autographs for the Sanitary Fair of Cincinnati, I .... find only three which I should be justified in giving away .... I regret to make so poor a contribution, but have really nothing else that I could lend; for I set but little value on autographs, and generally give away immediately such as contain nothing private and personal. Very respectfully yours, NATH'L HAWTHORNE. 529. HAY (JOHN). In Praise of Omar. An Address. Square 16mo. wrappers, uncut. Portland, Me., Mosher, 1898 * No. 1 of 4 copies printed on vellum, autographed by the publisher. 530. HELPS (ARTHUR). The Spanish Conquest in America. Vols. I-III. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1855-57 [79] 531. HENLEY (WILLIAM ERNEST). A Book of Verses. Vignette on title. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1888 * With bookplate of Walter Hamilton, author of the famous collec- tion of "Parodies." 532. HENLEY (WILLIAM ERNEST). Hawthorn and Lavender, with Other Verses. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, lavender levant morocco, inlaid and tooled with a floral design in gold, white, red and green, by Toof and Co. Lond. 1901 533. HERALDRY. America Heraldica. A Compilation of Coats of Arms, Crests, and Mottoes of Prominent American Families settled in this Country before 1800. Edited by E. de V. Vermont. Colored plates. Folio, Russia gilt, gilt inside borders, gilt top, uncut, by R. W. Smith (slightly worn). N. Y. ca. 1886 534. HERVIEU (PAUL). Flirt. Illustr'e par Madame Madeleine Lemaire. 4to, half green levant morocco, the back inlaid with a floral design, gilt top, uncut, by David. Paris, 1890 535. HESPERUS. Richter. 4 vols.; Bacon's Essays; Coleridge's Works, 2 vols. only; and others, 10 vols., 8vo and 12mo, cloth and calf. v. p., v. d. 536. HEWLETT (MAURICE). Pan and the Young Shepherd. A Pastoral in Two Acts. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut, fine copy. Lond. & N. Y. 1898 537. HEWLETT (MAURICE). Letters to Sanchia upon Things as they are. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1910 538. HILL (GEORGE BIRKBECK). Talks about Auto- graphs. Portraits and facsimiles. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, calf, gilt top. Bost. 1896 539. HISTORICAL PAPERS. Edited by John Morris and Sydnev F. Smith. Illustrations. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1892-98 540. HISTORY. Growth of the French Nation (Adams) 1896; The Awakening of Japan (Kakuzo), 1905; Evolution of Empire Series (Parmele), 4 vols.; History of England, 2 copies. Together, 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. [80] 541. HODDER (EDWIN). Cities of the World: Their Origin, Progress, and Present Aspect. Illustrated. 4 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth (one vol. loose). Lond. n. d. 542. HOGARTH (GEORGE). Memoirs of the Musical Drama. Frontispiece portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops. (Slightly foxed). Lond. 1838 543. HOGARTH (WILLIAM). The Rake's Progress, engraved by T. Cook. 7 plates, (lacks plate 3.) Small Folio, loose in a portfolio (a few spots on margins). Lond. 1806 544. HOLBEIN (HANS). The Dance of Death by Holbein. Introductory Note by Austin Dobson. Numerous reproduc- tions. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1892 * Limited Edition on Japan paper. 545. HOLME (CHARLES). Modern British Domestic Architecture and Decoration; Modern Design in Jewellery and Fans (special Summer and Winter Nos. of the Studio). Illus- trated. 2 vols. Royal 8vo, wrappers. Lond. & N. Y. 1901-02 546. HOLMES (EDMOND). The Silence of Love. Square 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. & N. Y. 1899 547. HOLMES (EDMOND). WTiat is Poetry? Square 8vo, cloth, uncut and mainly unopened. Lond. & N. Y. 1900 548. HOLMES (EDMOND). Walt Whitman's Poetry; A Study and a Selection. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. & N. Y. 1902 549. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). Works. Riverside Edition. 10 vols. (should be 13), 12mo, cloth, gilt tops. Bost. 1894-95 550. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). Four Lines of Verse in the Handwriting of Holmes, signed and dated. Oblong 12mo. O Caroline, Caroline, child of the sun, There are battles with fate that can never be won; The star-flowering banner must never be furled, For its blossoms of light are the hope of the world. Oliver Wendell Holmes. New York City, April 18, 1883. [81] 551. HOLT (ROSA BELLE). Rugs; Oriental and Occi- dental, Ancient and Modern. Illustrations, some in colors. 4to cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chic. 1901 552. HOMER. Homeri llias, cum Brevi Annotatione, curante C. G. Heyne. 2 vols. 8vo, old calf (slightly rubbed). Oxonii, 1834 553. HOMMEL (ADOLF). Sammlung Dr. Adolf Hommel, Zurich. Kunstgegenstande und Antiquitaten; Gemalde Alterer Meister. Many photographic reproductions. 2 parts, 4to, wrappers. Koln, 1909 554. HOOK (THEODORE EDITOR). The French Stage and the French People as illustrated in the Memoirs of M. Fleury. 2 vols. small 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops (one title slightly repaired). Lond. 1841. 555. HOOLE (JOHN TRANSLATOR). Orlando Furioso. With notes. Engravings by Bartollozzi, CaldweU, etc. 5 vols. 8vo, red straight grain morocco, gilt inside borders, gilt edges, by J. Froding. Lond. 1799 556. HOUSMAN (LAURENCE). Green Arras. Woodcuts. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. & Chic. 1896 557. HOUSMAN (LAURENCE). Stories from the Arabian Nights, Retold. Colored illustrations by Edmund Dulac. Royal 8vo, cloth (several leaves loose). Lond. 1907 558. HOVEY (RICHARD). The Quest of Merlin: The Marriage of Guenevere: The Birth of Galahad. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, uniformly bound in half vellum gilt. Bost. 1898-99 559. HOWELLS (WILLIAM DEAN). Venetian Life. Illustrations from original water colors. 2 vols. 12mo, tree calf gilt, gilt edges, by Blackwell. Bost. 1892 560. HOWELLS (WILLIAM DEAN). Venetian Life. Illus- trations from original water colors. 2 vols. 12mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt tops, by Blackwell. Bost. 1896 * Signature " W. D. Howells, March 22, 1898," on fly-leaf of Vol. I. [82] 561. HOWELLS (WILLIAM DEAN). The Rise of Silas Lapham; Criticism and Fiction; Five O'Clock Tea; A Hazard of New Fortunes, 2 vols.; The Minister's Charge; A Modern Instance; The Mouse-Trap and Other Farces; A Chance Acquaintance; The Sleeping Car and Other Farces; The Lady of the Aroostook; The Landlord at Lion's Head; The Day of their Wedding; April Hopes. Illustrations. Together, 14 vols. 12mo and 16mo, cloth. Bost. and N. Y. v. d. 562. HUBBARD (ELBERT). Little Journeys. Eminent Painters: Good Men and Great; American Authors; American Statesmen; Famous Women. Portraits. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, uniformly bound in half green morocco, gilt tops. N. Y., n. d. 563. HUC (ABBE). Christianity in China, Tartary, and Thibet. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf (rubbed). Lond. 1857 564. HUGO (VICTOR). Extraits. Portrait and facsimile. 12mo, half blue morocco, gilt top, original covers bound in. Paris 1885 565. HUGO (VICTOR). Novels and Tales. Illustrated. CABINET EDITION. 28 vols. 12mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Phila. n. d. * Limited Edition. 566. HUGO (VICTOR). La Legende des Siecles, 2 vols., Bruxelles, 1859; Les Chansons des Rues et des Bois, Paris, 1866; Torquemada, Paris, 1882; L'Ane, Paris, 1880. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco, original covers bound in. v. p., v. d. 567. HUGO (VICTOR). Works. Illustrated. EDITION DE BIBLIOPHILE. 41 vols. (lacking album of plates). 8vo, light gray morocco, the back inlaid with a floral design, the front cover tooled in a monogram, "EBG," gilt edges. Phila. n. d. * Limited to 250 copies. Printed on Japan vellum, with many of the plates in two printings, black and bistre. The set contains, including the duplicate plates, over a thousand etchings. Laid in is A. L. S. of Hugo, 2 pp. 8vo, n. p., n. d. 568. HUME (DAVID) AND SMOLLETT (TOBIAS). The History of England from the Invasion of Caesar to the Revolu- tion in 1688, 6 vols.; The History of England from the Revo- lution to the Death of George II. 4 vols. Frontispieces. To- gether, 10 vols. 8vo, polished calf, marbled edges, (several vols. slightly cracked). Lond. 1848 [83] 569. HUMPHREYS (ARTHUR L.). The Private Library. Square 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt top. N. Y. 1897 570. HUMPHREYS' CLASSICS. Marcus Aurelius Anton- inus. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Lond. : Arthur L. Humphreys, 1896 * The above and the 8 following lots are all printed in large black- faced type, woodcut initials and titles in black and red. They are all in the ORIGINAL WRAPPERS, UNCUT. THE EARLY VOLUMES ARE SCARCE. 571. - A'Kempis (Thomas). Imitation of Christ. Small 4to. Lond. 1897 572. Discourses of Epictetus, Vol. II only, small 4to. Lond. 1897 573.- - Republic of Plato. 2 vols. small 4to. Lond. 1898 574. Emerson (R. W.) Essays. 2 vols. small 4to. Lond. 1899 575. Bacon (Francis). Essays. Small 4to. Lond. 1900 576. Macaulay (T. B.). Two Essays on Chatham. Small 4to. Lond. 1901 577.- - Cicero, De Officiis. Small 4to. Lond. 1904 578. Aristotle, the Ethics, revised from the translation by D. P. Chase. 2 vols. Small 4to, 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1902 579. - Sappho, Life and Work. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1910 580. Beaconsfield (Lord). Maxims. 16mo, wrappers. Limited. Lond. 1905 581. HUMPHREYS (H. NOEL). Specimens of Illuminated Manuscripts of the Middle Ages from the Sixth to the Six- teenth Century. A series of 12 colored plates, after originals. Small 8vo, red morocco, floral design in yellow and green, doublure of two shades of red morocco, same floral design, gilt edges. Lond. 1853 [84] 582. ILLUMINATION. The Penitential Psalms. Each page in facsimile of an illuminated manuscript, some with small miniatures. 12mo, polished calf, gilt edges, some fore edges stained. n. p., n. d. [London, ca. 1860] 583. ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. Record of the Glorious Reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1901, the Life and Accession of King Edward Vllth and the Life of Queen Alex- andra. 14 India proofs and other photogravures. Folio, illus- trated wrappers. Lond. 1901 584. IN GELOW (JEAN English Poetess). A.L.S. 8pp., 12mo, to a Mr. Strahan, regarding certain items published by William Niles for her account. n. p., n. d. 585. IN PRAISE OF GARDENS (Scott); The Book of Cupid (Introduction by Henry Newbold); Because I Love You (Mack); and others. Cloth and boards, 10 vols. 12mo. v. p., v. d. 586. INDIANS. History of the Delaware^ and Iroquois Indians, formerly inhabiting the Middle States, with Various Anecdotes illustrating their Manners and Customs. Woodcuts. 16mo, boards (worn, somewhat spotted, and a few margins torn). Phila. 1832 587. INTERNATIONAL STUDIO, an Illustrated Maga- zine of Fine and Applied Art. Vols. I-XIV (and vols. 10, 11 and 12 in duplicate). 17 vols. Royal 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1897-1901 588. IRVING (HENRY). In England and America (Fred- eric Daly); Sir Henry Irving (Percy Fitzgerald); Irving's Macbeth, Faust, &c. (Edwin Drew); As Actor and Manager (William Archer); Life of S. Angela Merici. Translated from the French. Together, 5 vols., cloth and wrappers, v. p., v. d. 589. IRVING (WASHINGTON). Chronicle of the Con- quest of Granada. Printed throughout within an ornamental colored border. Illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges. N. Y. : Putnams, 1893 * The handsome Agapida Edition, limited. Laid in is an A. L. S., 2pp. l(imo, signed with initials only to Mr. Bradish requesting delivery of certain books, n. p., n. d. [ 83 1 590. IRVING (WASHINGTON). The Works of Irving. Illustrated. 27 vols. 8vo, half polished calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. : Putnams, n. d. * Fine Set of the Hudson Edition. Laid in is a page of Manuscript, apparently from one of Irving's historical works, formed of 2pp. 12 mo, pasted together endwise. 591. IRVING (WASHINGTON). A. L. S., 2pp. 8vo, with envelope and stamp, to Robert Balmanno. Sunnyside, May 29, 1853. My dear Sir: I feel properly sensible of the honor and kindness done me by the Shakespeare Society in electing me an honorary member; and will take occasion, as you suggest, to attend and inscribe my name on the Record Book. I must forewarn you, however, that I am likely to prove a very delinquent member, as I am growing more and more recluse in my habits and slow to respond to the claims of society. All kinds of public and society dinners I avoid. I am no longer clubable. Quiet life in the country has been the ruin of me. With this premonition I subscribe myself, with great regard, Yours faithfully, WASHINGTON IKVING. 592. ITALIAN VIGNETTES (Arms). Notes on the Span- ish-American War (Office of Naval Intelligence) ; Some Strange Corners of Our Country (Lummis), and others. Some illus- trated. Cloth, etc., 8vo and smaller, 11 vols. [86] THIRD SESSION The Writings of Henry James Some First Editions 593. JAMES (HENRY). The Portrait of a Lady. First English Edition. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth (binding poor). Lond. 1881 594. JAMES (HENRY). The Soft Side (1900) ; The Sacred Fount (1901); The Spoils of Poynton (1897); Terminations (1895). Together, 4 vols. 12mo, all original cloth, not uniform. 595. JAMES (HENRY). Confidence, 2 vols. (1880); FIRST EDITION; The Better Sort (1903) ; The Princess Casamassima (1887); The Wheel of Time (1893). Together, 5 vols. 12mo, cloth (several bindings rubbed and stained). 596. JAMES (HENRY). William Wetmore Story and his Friends, 2 vols. (1903); The Golden Bowl, 2 vols. (1904); Theatricals (1894); The Sacred Fount, (1901). Together, 6 vols. 8vo and 12mo, all original cloth, not uniform. 597. JAMES (HENRY). The Ambassadors (1903); The Sacred Fount (1901; A Little Tour in France. Illustrations by J. Pennell (1901); The Wings of the Dove (1902); Theatricals, Second Series (1895). Together, 5 vols, 8vo and 12mo, cloth and boards. 598. JAMES (HENRY). Embarrassments (1896); The Two Magics (1898); The Spoils of Poynton (1897). What Masie Knew (1898). Together, 4 vols. 12mo, cloth (several vols. rubbed). 599. JAMES (HENRY). The Tragic Muse, 3 vols. (1890); The Two Magics (1898) ; Essays in London (1893) ; A London Life, 2 vols. (1889). ALL FIRST EDITIONS. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, all original cloth (bindings shabby). 600. JAMES (HENRY). The Lesson of the Master, &c. (1892); Partial Portraits (1888); The Awkward Age (1899); Tales of Three Cities (1884). ALL FIRST EDITIONS. Together, 4 vols. 12mo, cloth (bindings of 3 vols. shabby). [87] 601. JAMES (HENRY). The Bostonians, 3 vols. (1886); The Madonna of the Future, 2 vols. (1879); Washington Square, &c., 2 vols. (1881). ALL FIRST EDITIONS. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, cloth (bindings considerably rubbed). 002. JAMES (W. P.). Romantic Professions, and other Papers. Woodcut title. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, buckram, uncut. Lond. 1894 * Limited Edition. 603. JAMESON (MRS. ANNA). Visits and Sketches, at Home and Abroad, with Tales and Miscellanies and a new Edition of the Diary of an Ennuyee. Engraved plates. 4 vols. 12mo, polished calf gilt. Lond. 1834 * Fine Copy. 604. JAMESON (MRS. ANNA). Sacred and Legendary Art, 2 vols.; Legends of the Madonna; Early Italian Painters; Legends of the Monastic Orders. Edited by Estelle Hurl. Numerous illustrations. 5 vols. 8vo, blue polished morocco, gilt backs and edges, by Black well. Bost.: Riverside Press, 1896-7 * Handsome Set. 605. JOHNSTON (CHARLES). 5 A. L. S., 8vo, dealing with arrangements for the sale in America of his book, "From the Upanishads." 606. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets, with Critical Observations on their Works. THE RARE FIRST EDITION. 4 vols. 8vo, sheep (backs cracked, covers loose, name on titles). Lond.: Printed for C. Bathurst, &c., 1781 607. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Works of Samuel Johnson. NEW EDITION. With an Essay on his Life and Genius by Arthur Murphy. Portrait engraved by Fry after Sir Joshua Reynolds. 12 vols. 8vo, scored calf, gilt backs. Lond. 1823 608. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Lives of the Poets. Edited with Notes by Mrs. Alexander Napier. Introduction by J. W. Hales. 3 vols. 12mo, half polished calf, gilt tops. Lond. 1890 609. JOHNSON (SAMUEL). Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia. Frontispiece, head-and-tail pieces. 12mo, half green polished morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. & Lond., n. d. F881 610. JUSSERAND (J. J.). The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare. Translated from the French by Elizabeth Lee. New Edition. Illustrations and facsimiles. Square 12mo, three-quarter red polished morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1895 611. TREATS (JOHN). Poems. Portrait. 18mo, limp ^ vellum, gilt top, with ties. One of 60 copies on Japan paper. Lond. 1900 * Laid in is an A. L. S. by H. Buxton Forman, editor of Keats' poems, referring to the Keats Memorial Fund, 2pp. 12mo, dated Isle of Wight, 22 July, 1879. See under Binding, for a beautiful copy of Keats' Endymion, bound by Cobden-Sanderson. The Publications of the Kelmscott Press With Presentation Copies from William Morris 612. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Story of the Glittering Plain. Which has been also called The Land of Living Men or the Acre of the Undying. Golden type. Small 4to, stiff vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1891 * One of 200 copies. The first book printed at the Kelmscott Press. 613. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). Poems by the Way. Golden type, in black and red. Small 4to, stiff vel- lum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1891 * One of 300 copies. The first book printed at the Kelmscott Press in two colors. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. 614. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Caxton (William). The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troy. By Raoul Lefevre. Trans- lated by William Caxton. Edited by R. Halliday Sparling. Troy type, with table of chapters and glossary in Chaucer type, in red and black. Woodcut title. 2 vols., large 4to, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1892 * One of 300 copies. The first book in which the Troy and Chaucer type appears. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. * 615. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). News from Nowhere; or, An Epoch of Rest, being some Chapters from a Utopian Romance. Woodcut engraved by W. H. Hooper from a design by C. M. Gere. Golden type in black and red. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1892 * One of 300 copies. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. [89] 616. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Ruskin (John). The Nature of Gothic. A Chapter of the Stones of Venice. With a Preface by William Morris. Diagrams in text. Golden type. Small 4to, stiff vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, [1892] * One of 500 copies. 617. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Blunt (W. S.). The Love- Lyrics & Songs of Proteus. With the Love-Sonnets of Proteus by the same Author now reprinted in their full text with many Sonnets omitted from the earlier editions. Golden type in black and red. Small 4to, stiff vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1892 * One of 300 copies. The only Kelmscott book in which the initials are printed in red. 618. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). A Dream of John Ball and a King's Lesson. Woodcut by E. Burne-Jones. Golden type, in black and red. Small 4to, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1892 * One of 300 copies. 619. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Voragine (Jacobus de). The Golden Legend. Translated by William Caxton. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Woodcut title and 2 woodcuts designed by E. Burne- Jones. Golden type. 3 vols., 4to, half holland, with paper labels, uncut. Hammersmith, 1892 * One of 500 copies. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. 620. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Caxton (William). The His- tory of Reynard the Foxe. Edited by H. Halliday Sparling. Woodcut title. Troy and Chaucer type in black and red. Large 4to, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1892 * One of 300 copies. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. 621. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Defence of Guenevere, and other Poems. Golden type in black and red. Small 4to, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1892 * One of 300 copies, the first Kelmscott book bound in limp vellum. 622. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Mackail (J. W.). Biblialnno- centium: Being the Story of God's Chosen People Before the Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ upon Earth, written anew for children. Golden type. 8vo, vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1892 * One of 200 copies. [90] 623. KELMSCOTT PRESS. History of Godefrey of Boloyne and of the Conquest of Iherusalem. Reprinted from Caxton's edition of 1481. Edited by H. Halliday Sparling. Woodcut title. Troy type in black and red. Large 4to, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1893 * One of 300 copies. Presentation copy from William Morris. The first book published and sold at the Kelmscott Press. 624. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Shakespeare (William). The Poems printed after the original copies of Venus and Adonis, 1593; The Rape of Lucrece, 1594; Sonnets, 1609; The Lover's Complaint. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Golden type, in black and red. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1893 * One of 500 copies. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. One of the scarcest books of the Kelmscott press. 625. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Rossetti (D. G.). Ballads and Narrative Poems. Woodcut title. Golden type in black and red. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1893 * One of 310 copies. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. 626. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Tennyson (Alfred, Lord). Maud, A Monodrama. Golden type in black and red. Woodcut title. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1893 * One of 500 copies. The first of the 8vo books with a woodcut title. 627. KELMSCOTT PRESS. More (Thomas). Utopia. A reprint of the 2nd edition of Ralph Robinson's Translation, with a Foreword by William Morris. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Chaucer type, with title in Troy type, in black and red. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1893 * One of 300 copies. 628. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Meinhold (William). Sidonia the Sorceress, translated by Francesca Speranza, Lady Wilde. Golden type in black and red. Large 4to, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1893 * One of 300 copies. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. 629. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Cavendish (George). The Life of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal Archbishop of York. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Golden type. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1893 * One of 250 copies. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. [91] 630. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Tale of King Florus and the Fair Jehane. Translated by William Morris from the French of the 13th Century. Woodcut title. Chaucer type in black and red. 16mo, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1893 * One of 350 copies. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. 631. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). Gothic Architecture. A Lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. Golden type in red and black. 16mo, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1893 * One of a limited edition. The first Kelrascott book printed in 16mo. 632. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Order of Chivalry. Trans- lated from the French by William Caxton and reprinted from his edition of 1484. Edited by F. S. Ellis; and L'Ordene de Che valeric, with translation by William Morris. Woodcut designed by Edward Burne-Jones. Chaucer type, in black and red. Small 4to, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1893 * One of 225 copies. The last book printed in small 4 to, and the first book printed in Chaucer type. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. 633. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Swinburne (A. C.). Atalanta in Calydon : A Tragedy. Woodcut title. Troy and Chaucer type, in black and red. Large 4to, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1894 * One of 250 copies. 634. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Rossetti (D. G.). Sonnets and Lyrical Poems. Woodcut title. Golden type in black and red. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1894 * One of 310 copies. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. 635. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Keats (John). Poems. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Woodcut title. Golden type in black and red. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1894 * One of 300 copies. This is the most sought after of all the smaller Kelmscott books. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. 636. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Psalmi Penitentiales. An English rhymed version of the Seven Penitential Psalms. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Chaucer type in black and red. 8vo, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1894 * One of 300 copies. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. 637. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Hieronymo da Ferrara [Savon- arola]. Epistola de Contemptu Mundi. Chaucer type. Wood- cut on title. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1894 * Limited Edition. Presentation copy from the Editor. 638. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Story of the Glittering Plain which has been also called The Land of Living Men or The Acre of the Undying. Woodcut title. Bor- ders designed by Walter Crane, engraved by A. Leverett. Troy type in black and red. Large 4to, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1894 * One of 250 copies. The borders used in this book appear in no other. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. 639. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Wood beyond the World. Frontispiece designed by E. Burne-Jones. Chaucer type in black and red. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1894 * One of 350 copies. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. 640. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Tale of the Emperor Coustans and of Over Sea. Done out of ancient French by William Morris. 2 woodcut titles. Chaucer type in black and red. 16mo, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1894 * One of 525 copies. 641. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Of the Friendship of Amis and Amile. Done out of the ancient French by William Morris. Woodcut title. Chaucer type in black and red. 16mo, half hol- land, uncut. Hammersmith, 1894 * One of 500 copies. 642. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Book of Wisdom and Lies. A book of Traditional Stories from Georgia in Asia. Translated by Oliver Wardrop from the original of Sulkan- Saba Orbeliani. Woodcut title. Golden type, in black and red. 8vo, limp vellum, ties, uncut. Hammersmith, 1894 * One of 250 copies. The arms of Georgi, representing the Holy Coat, appear in the woodcut title. 643. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Shelley (P. B.). Poetical Works. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Golden type. 3 vols. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1894-95 * One of 250 copies. [93] 644. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Life and Death of Jason. A Poem. 2 woodcuts designed by E. Burne-Jones and engraved by W. Spielmeyer. Troy type in black and red. Large 4to, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1895 * One of 200 copies. 645. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Herrick (Robert). Poems Chosen out of the Works of Robert Herrick. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Woodcut title. Golden type in black and red. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1895 * One of 250 copies. 646. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Tale of Beowulf. Done out of the Old English tongue by William Morris and A. J. Wyatt. Woodcut title. Troy and Chaucer type in black and red. Large 4to, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1895 * One of 300 copies. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. 647. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. Woodcut title. Chaucer type in black and red. 2 vols. 16mo, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1895 * One of 600 copies. 648. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Rossetti (D. G.). Hand and Soul. Reprinted from the German. Golden type in black and red. 16mo, vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1895 * One of 525 copies. 649. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Syr Perecyvelle of Gales. Overseen by F. S. Ellis, after the edition edited by J. O. Halli- well from the Thornton MS. Woodcut by E. Burne-Jones. Chaucer type in black and red. 8vo, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1895 * One of 350 copies. Autograph presentation copy from William Morris. 650. KELMSCOTT PRESS. The Floure and the Leafe, & the Boke of Cupide, God of Love, or the Cuckow and the Nightingale. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Troy type in black and red. 4to, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1896 * One of 300 copies. [94] 651. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Well at the World's End. 4 woodcuts by E. Burne-Jones. Chaucer type in black and red. Double columns. Large 4to, limp vel- lum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1896 * One of 350 copies. The eight borders and 6 different ornaments between the columns appear here for the first time. 652. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Coleridge (S. T.). Poems Chosen out of the Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Woodcut title. Golden type in black and red. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1896 * One of 300 copies. 653. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Spenser (Edmund). The Shepheardes Calender: Conteyning Twelve Aeglogues, Pro- portionable to the Twelve Monethes. Edited by F. S. Ellis. 12 illustrations by A. J. Gaskin. Golden type, in black and red. 4to, half holland. Hammersmith, 1896 * One of 225 copies. 654. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Laudes Beatae Mariae Vir- ginis. Latin Poems taken from a Psalter written in England about A. D. 1220. Edited by S. C. Cockerell. Troy type, in black, red and blue. 4to, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1896 * One of 250 copies. The first book printed at the Kelmscott Press in 3 colors. 655. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Chaucer (Geoffrey). The Works. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Woodcut title and 87 woodcut illustrations designed by E. Burne-Jones, 14 large borders, 18 different frames around the illustrations, and 26 large initial words designed by William Morris. Chaucer type, with headings in Troy type, in black and red. Folio, half holland, uncut. In morocco case. Hammersmith, 1896 * One of 425 copies. The most important achievement of the Kelmscott Press. 656. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Earthly Paradise. Woodcut titles. Golden type in black and red. 8 vols. sq. 8vo, limp vellum, uncut, ties. Hammersmith, 1896-7 * One of 225 copies. First book printed on the paper with the apple watermark. None of the 10 borders appear in any other book. [95] 657. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William) . The Water of the Wondrous Isles. Chaucer type in black and red. Large 4to, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1897 * One of 2.50 copies. 658. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Syr Ysambrace. Edited by F. S. Ellis after the edition printed by J. O. Halliwell, with some corrections. Chaucer type in black and red. Woodcut. 8vo, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1897 * One of 350 copies. 659 KELMSCOTT PRESS. Sire Degrevaunt. Edited by F. S. Ellis after the edition printed by J. O. Halliwell. Wood- cut designed by E. Burne-Jones. Chaucer type in black and red. 8vo, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1897 * One of 350 copies. 660. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Cockerell (S. C.). Some German Woodcuts of the Fifteenth Century. Being 35 repro- ductions from books that were in the library of the late William Morris. Edited with a list of the principal woodcut blocks in that library. Golden type in black and red. 4to, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1897 * One of 225 copies. 2!) of these reproductions were chosen by Mr. Morris to illustrate a projected catalogue of his library. 661. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). Love is Enough, or the Freeing of Pharamond: A Morality. 2 Wood- cuts by E. Burne-Jones. Troy and Chaucer type in black, red and blue. Large 4to, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1897 * One of 300 copies. The second book printed in 3 colors at the Kelmscott Press. 662. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Two Trial-Pages of the Pro- jected Edition of Lord Berners' Translation of Froissart's Chronicles. Woodcut border. Chaucer and Troy type in black and red. Folio, in cloth covers. Hammersmith, 1897 * ONE OF 160 COPIES ox VELLUM, none on paper. Slip pasted in at the back, on which William Morris has written his name and address. 663. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs. 2 designs by Sir E. Burne-Jones. Chaucer type in black and red. Small folio, limp vellum, uncut. Hammersmith, 1898 * One of 160 copies. [96] 664. KELMSCOTT PRESS. Morris (William). The Sundering Flood. Overseen for the press by May Morris. Chaucer type in black and red. 8vo, half holland, uncut. Hammersmith, 1898 * One of 300 copies. The last romance written by William Morris. 665. KELMSCOTT PRESS. A Note by William Morris on his Aims in Founding the Kelmscott Press. With a short Description of the Press by S. C. Cockerell, and an Annotated List of the Books printed thereat. Woodcut by E. Burne-Jones. Golden, Troy and Chaucer type, in black and red. 8vo, half hol- land, uncut. Hammersmith, 1898 * One of 525 copies. The last book printed at the Kelmscott Press. 666. KEMPIS (THOMAS A). Les Quatre Livres de Limitation de Jesus-Christ. Traduction de Michel de Marillac. Preface par M. E. Caro. Engravings. Royal 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Paris, Librairie des Bibliophiles, 1875 * Limited Edition. 667. KEMPIS (THOMAS A). Of the Imitation of Christ. Translated by W. H. Hutchings. 12mo, lavender levant moroc- co, gilt, doublures of citron levant, with end-papers of the same, by Blackwell. Lond. 1889 668. KING (MOSES). Notable New Yorkers of 1896-1899. Over 2000 portraits. 8vo, half polished morocco, gilt top. N. Y. [1899] 669. KINGLAKE( ALEXANDER WILLIAM). The Inva- sion of the Crimea: Its Origin and an Account of its Progress down to the Death of Lord Raglan. Numerous folding maps, charts and plates, some colored. 8 vols. 8vo, half blue calf (not quite uniform and slightly rubbed). Edinburgh, 1862-87 670. KINGSLEY (CHARLES). Westward Ho! 2 vols.; Hereward the Wake, 2 vols.; Two Years Ago, 2 vols.; Alton Locke, 2 vols. ; Yeast. Portrait. Together, 9 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops. Lond. 1893 * Laid in one vol. is an A. L. S., 4pp. lmo, from the author con- taining an order for some books he wishes forwarded. Dated Bide- ford, N. Devon, Oct. 14, 1854. [97] 671. KIPLING (RUDYARD). Writings in Prose and Verse. Portrait and illustrations. Vols. I-XVIII. 18 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1897-1900 * Outward Bound Edition. 672. KIPLING (RUDYARD). An Almanac of Twelve Sports, Illustrated, 1898; The Recessional, 1898; Collec- tana, 1898; Sharp's Romantic Ballads; Levetus' Verse Fan- cies; Sheridan's Rivals; and others. Together, 12 vols., vari- ous sizes and bindings. v. p., v. d. 673. KNIGHT (CHARLES). The Popular History of Eng- land. Profusely illustrated. 9 vols., royal 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. Lond. n. d. 674. KUMS (M. EDOUARD). Catalogue des Tableaux des Maitres, Anciens et Modernes des Ecoles Flamande, Francaise, Hollandaise, etc. et des Tapisseries, etc. composant le musee forme a Anvers par M. E. Kums. Numerous photogravure reproductions. 4to, wrappers, uncut. [Paris], 1898 * Limited Edition. 675. T A BOETIE(ETIENNEDE). La Servitude Volon- taire ou le Contr'un. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Paris: Jouaust, 1872 676. LABOUCHERE (NORMA). Ladies' Book-plates: an illustrated handbook for collectors and book-lovers. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1895 677. LACROIX (PAUL). Iconographie Molieresque. Frontispiece. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1876 * Limited to 500 copies on Holland paper. [98] 678. LACROIX (PAUL). L'Ancienne France. L'Armee depuis le Moyen Age jusqu'a la Revolution etude illustree d'apres les ouvrages de P. Lacroix. Frontispiece in colors and 165 illustrations. 8vo, cloth, morocco back, gilt edges. Paris, 1886 679. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). The Fables trans- lated into English Verse by Walter Thornbury. Illustrations by G. Dore. Royal 4to, red morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Black- well. Lond. : Cassell & Co., n. d. 680. LALLEMAND (CHARLES). La Tunisie, Pays de Protectorat Francais. Water colors by the author. 4to, cloth gilt, gilt edges. Paris, 1892 681. LAMB (CHARLES). Life. Letters and Writings, edited by Percy Fitzgerald. The Temple Edition. Portraits. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1895 * One of 135 copies printed with proofs of the portraits on Japanese- paper. This edition is said to contain copies of every known portrait of Lamb. 682. LAMBERT (A.) AND STAHL (E.). Das Mobel, ein Musterbuch Stilvoller Mobel aus alien Landern. 100 plates. Folio, half cloth. Stuttgart: J. Hoffmann, n. d. 683. LAMENNAIS (F. DE). Paroles d'un Croyant. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Very limited edition. Paris: Jouaust, 1890 684. LANDOR (W. S.). Imaginary Conversations, with bibliographical and explanatory notes by Charles G. Crump. Frontispieces, including portraits. 6 vols. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1891 [99] 685. LANDOR (W. S.) Imaginary Conversations, with bibliographical and explanatory notes by C. G. Crump, 6 vols. 1891; the Longer Prose Works edited with notes and Index by C. G. Crump, 2 vols. 1892; Poems, Dialogues in verse and Epigrams edited by C. G. Crump, 2 vols. 1892. Frontispieces, including portraits, proofs on India paper. 10 vols. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1891-92 * LARGE PAPER, limited to 150 copies. 686. LANE (E. W.). The Thousand and One Nights, commonly called, in England, the Arabian Nights' Entertain- ments. A new translation from the Arabic, with copious notes. Illustrated by many hundred engravings on wood from original designs by William Harvey. 3 vols. royal 8vo, vellum richly gilt, with inlays in brown morocco, gauffred gilt edges. Lond. 1841 687. LANG] (ANDREW). Grass of Parnassus, Rhymes Old and New. FIRST EDITION. 16mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1888 * Laid in are two cards signed and an A. L. S. of EdwardClodd, one referring to Lang's Ballads and Songs. 688. LANG (ANDREW). Aucassin & Nicolete. Fron- tispiece. 12mo, brown levant morocco. The sides tooled and gilt in a graceful floral design, doublure of red morocco with gilt floral borders, green morocco linings, gilt top. Portland: Mosher, 1895 * Japan paper, limited to 100 copies. Laid in are two A. L. S. from Edmund C. Stedman relating to this publication. 689. LANG (ANDREW). Notes and Names in Books. 12mo, boards, uncut. Chicago, 1900 * Limited to 100 copies printed for private circulation. 690. LANG (ANDREW) Aucassin and Nicolete, 2 copies; Ballads and Lyrics of Old France, and Helen of Troy. All printed on Japan vellum, limited to 100 copies, autographed by the publisher. Together, 4 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, v. d. * Laid in is a 2pp. A. L. S. by E. C. Stedman relating to " Ballads and Lyrics of Old France." 691. LANG-MOSHER CONTROVERSY. A Complete Resume of the Andre W T Lang and Thomas B. Mosher Contro- versy, in which Mr. Lang accused Mr. Mosher of Piracy in [100] publishing his translation of "Aucassin and Nicolete." The list includes autograph letters from Lang, Mosher, and David Nutt (Lang's publisher), the reviews and comments published by "The Critic," the original autograph manuscripts of Mr. Mosher's side of the question, and the A. L. S. of Mr. Hatch (who published a criticism of the Mosher publication). About 20 pieces. 692. LARCHER (CLAUDE). La Vie Parisienne; from August, 1888, to August, 1889. Contains the First Appearance of Claude Larcher's " Physiologic de L'Amour Moderne; ou, Meditations de Philosophic Parisienne, &c." Ouvrage Pos- thume. Recueilli et Public par Paul B T Numerous il- lustrations. Bound in portfolio, half dark blue levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1888-9 693. LARCHEY (LORfiDAN). Dictionnaire historique, etymologique et anecdotique de 1'Argot Parisien. Illustra- tions by F'erat and Ryckebush. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1872 694. LARK (THE). Nos. 1-24, May, 1895, to April, 1897. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. San Francisco, 1896-97 * Laid in is an A. L. S. from Porter Garnett giving permission to reprint a poem of his which was published in "The Lark." 695. LARNED (J. N.) History for Ready Reference, from the best historians, biographers, and specialists. Maps. 5 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Springfield, 1895 696. LATHROP (GEORGE PARSONS). The Casket of Opals. Title in red and black, with woodcut border to page one. 8vo, vellum, with ties, uncut, Kelmscott style. * No. 12 of 15 copies printed on pure vellum, signed by the publisher. 697. LATIMER (ELIZABETH W.). France in the Nineteenth Century, 1830-1890; Europe in Africa in the Nineteenth Century; England in the Nineteenth Century; Italy in the Nineteenth Century, and the making of Austria- Hungary and Germany; Russia and Turkey in the Nineteenth Century. Portraits. 5 vols. 12 mo, half morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops. Chicago, 1896-97 [101] 698. LATIMER (ELIZABETH W.). My Scrap-Book of the French Revolution. Portraits. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top. Chicago, 1898 699. LATTRE (PH. ALBERT). Campagnes des Fran- ais a Saint-Dominique, et Refutation des reproches faits an Capitaine-General Rochambeau. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1805 700. LAUJON (A. P. M.). Precis historique de la derniere expedition de Saint-Dominque. 8vo, half calf (upper back damaged). Paris [1805] 701. LAUREL CROWNED LETTERS. The best Let- ters of Mad. de Sevigne (2 copies). Charles Lamb y Lord Chesterfield, William Cowper, Horace Walpole, Percy B. Shelley and Lady Montagu. 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. Chicago, 1890-93 702. LAUREL CROWNED TALES. Paul and Virginia by Saint Pierre. The Vicar of Wakefield by Goldsmith; An Iceland Fisherman by Loti ; Picciola by Saintine ; Raphael by Lamartine; The Epicurean by Moore; Rasselas by Johnson; Abdallah bv Laboulaye. 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. Chicago, 1891-97 703. LAW r . Woolsey's International Law; Robinson's Elementary Law; Cooley's Constitutional Law; Benjamin's Contracts; Russell's Outline Study; Biddle's Law of Stock- Brokers. Together, 6 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth and sheep. v. p., v.d. Richard Le Gallienne Books, Some With Autograph Letters Laid In, Original Manuscript of Omar Repentant, Etc. 704. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). Volumes in Folio. Square 12mo, boards, uncut. (Slightly foxed). Lond. 1889 705. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). George Meredith, some characteristics; with a Bibliography by John Lane. Portrait. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, buckram, uncut. Lond. 1890 [102] 706. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). The Poems of Arthur Henry Hallam, together with his Essay on the Lyrical Poems of Alfred Tennyson. Edited with an Introduction, by Richard Le Gallienne. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, boards, uncut. Lond. & N. Y. 1893 707. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). Prose Fancies. Portrait. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1895 * Laid in is an autograph card signed by the author addressed to Mr. Mosher. 708. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). Robert Louis Stev- enson: an Elegy and other Poems. 12mo, boards, uncut. Bost. 1895 * One of 30 copies on handmade paper. Laid in is an A. L. S. by Richard Le Gallienne and one by Jeannette L. Gilder, both addressed to Mr. Mosher, the first dated Dec. 12, 1895. 709. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). The Religion of a Literary Man. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt top. N. Y. 1895 710. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). Prose Fancies, Sec- ond Series. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chic. 1897 * With the author's autograph signature beneath the dedicatory 711. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: a Paraphrase from several literal translations. 8vo, boards. N. Y. 1897 * Japanese paper, only 50 copies printed, each with the author's autograph signature. 712. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). Rudyard Kipling, a Criticism; with a Bibliography by John Lane. FIRST EDITION. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1900 * Presentation copy from John Lane to Miss Grigsby. 713. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). George Meredith, some Characteristics; with a Bibliography by John Lane. Portrait. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1900 * Presentation copy from John Lane to Miss Grigsby. Laid in is an A. L. S. by the author addressed to Mr. Mosher referring to the publication of one of his poems, 2pp. 16mo, Sept. 25, 1896 [ 103 ] 714. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). The Hidden Land. 8vo, brown paper wrappers, uncut. N. P. [1908] * Only 50 copies Privately Printed, Christmas, 1908. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOH. 715. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). Omar Repentant. ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT, written on 19 12mo sheets of paper, on both sides, and signed in full "Richard Le Gallienhe." Square 12mo blue levant morocco, richly gold tooled on sides, doublure of white watered silk, silk end papers, gilt edges, by Zaehnsdorf. 716. LE GALLIENNE (RICHARD). The Worshipper of the Image; Retrospective Reviews, 2 vols.; The Quest of the Golden Girl; October Vagabonds; Orestes, a Tragedy; The Romance of Zion Chapel. Some Illustrated. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, cloth and boards. N. Y., v. d. * Two are First Editions. 717. LEGOUVfi (G. M. J. B.). Le Merite des femmes et autres poesies. Vignette title and 5 plates engraved after Des- enne. 16mo, marbled calf, gilt edges. Paris: L. Janet [c. 1818] 718. LELOIR (MAURICE). Une femme de Qualite au Siecle Passe. WATER COLORS BY LELOIR BEAUTIFULLY REPRODUCED BY BOUSSOD AND MANZi OF PARIS on drawing paper and mounted, with Japan paper cover on each. 10 parts folio, wrappers in 2 white levant morocco portfolios richly gilt, silk linings, silk ties. Paris: Boussod, Manzi & Joyant, n. d. * Limited Publication. 719. LE SAGE (A. R.). Le Diable Boiteux; or, the Devil upon two sticks, translated from the last Paris edition. Cop- perplates. 2 vols. 12mo, contemporary calf (slightly rubbed.) Lond., J. Tonson, 1729 720. LE SAGE (A. R.). The Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane translated by B. H. Malkin. Plates engraved by N eagle, Parker, Warren, etc., after R. Smirke, (somewhat foxed). 4 vols. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1809 * Large paper copy. [104] 721. LIBRARY of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern, Charles Dudley Warner, editor. CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER EDITION. Numerous portraits and other illustrations, several on Japan paper, and text illustrations. 45 vols. royal 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Limited issue. N. Y.: The International Society [1896-98] 722. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). The First Published Life of Lincoln, written in the year 1860 by John Locke Scripps. Reprinted in the year 1900 by The Cranbrook Press. Por- trait of Scripps, on Japan Paper. 4to, half vellum and boards, uncut. Detroit, Mich.: Cranbrook Press, 1900 * Limited Edition. 723. LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). Abraham Lincoln, and the Downfall of American Slavery, by Noah Brooks. Illus- trated. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1901 724. LISZT (FRANZ Musical Composer). A. L. S., 2pp. 8vo, in French (with English translation) to Made- moiselle Fanny Lewald regarding a rehearsal of Lohengrin, "that I could not get out of ... and which will not be finished till about half past two. I send these lines by Bulow, &c." No place [probably Weimar]. n. d. 725. LITCHFIELD (FREDERICK). Pottery and Porce- lain: a Guide to Collectors. 150 illustrations, 7 colored plates, marks and monograms. Royal 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1900 726. LOCKE (JOHN). Works. 9 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt backs. Lond. 1824 727. LOCKER (FREDERICK). London Lyrics. Etched portrait, and vignettes. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y.: For the Book Fellow's Club, 1883 * One of 94 copies on Holland paper. 728. LOCKHART (J.G.). History of Napoleon Buona- parte. Copper-plates. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. 2 vols. 16mo, half morocco gilt, gilt tops; by Blackwell. N. Y. 1830 729. LONDON. Views of some of the most celebrated by-gone Pleasure Gardens of London, with some contem- porary descriptions thereof (chiefly poetical) collected from various sources. Engraved views and text illustrations. 4to, sheets, uncut, in a half vellum portfolio, silk ties. Lond. 1896 * Japanese paper, 100 copies printed. [105] 730. LONGFELLOW (H. W.). Divine Tragedy. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, orange levant morocco, gilt top, by Taffin- Lefort. Bost. 1871 * Laid in is a 4pp. A. L. S. by Longfellow, Jan. 8, 1850, written from Cambridge. A fine letter written to Mrs. Jameson, author of "Sacred and Legendary Art," etc. "Having many friends who are your friends and admirers, and none more so than my own wife, I venture to smuggle myself in among them," etc., with mention of her "Sacred and Legendary Art." 731. LONGFELLOW (H. W.). The Song of Hiawatha. Illustrations by F. Remington. Small 4to, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Blackwell. Some leaves slightly water- stained in the lower margin. Bost. 1891 732. LONGUS. Daphnis and Chloe, a most sweet and pleasant pastoral Romance for young ladies, done into Eng- lish by Geo. Thornley Gent. Numerous illustrations designed and engraved on wood by C. Ricketts and C. Shannon. 4to, cloth, uncut. Lond.: Ballantyne Press, 1893 * Limited to 210 copies. 733. LONGUS. Daphnis and Chloe from the Greek of Longus, with an Introduction by Jules Claretie. Illustra- tions by R. Colin. Royal 8vo, polished calf gilt, gilt edges, by Blackwell. Bost., n. d. * EDITION DE LUXE, limited to 500 copies. 734. LOVE AND ALL ABOUT IT. (Richardson), 1908; Love Affairs of Some Famous Men, 1897; An Author's Love, 1892; Love in Letters; Friendship and Love (Emerson); lolaus (Carpenter), 1906. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth, etc. v. p., v. d. 735. LOVE LETTERS of a Worldly Woman (Clifford); Love in a Life (Monkhouse) ; Six Women (Cross); and others. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth and half morocco. v. p., v. d. 736. LOVE SONGS of France from the originals of De Musset, Gautier, Hugo, Girardin, Baudelaire, etc. Frontis- piece in colors and other illustrations. 12mo, calf gilt, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1896 737. LOVE SONGS of Scotland. Jewels of the tender passion selected from the writings of Burns, Tannahill, Scott, Ramsay, etc., with a Glossary by R. W. Douglas. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth gilt, gilt top. N. Y. 1901 [106] 738. LOWELL (J. R.). Writings. Riverside Edition. Portraits. 12 vols. 12mo, half polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops. Bost. 1893-95 * Vols. 11 and 12 contain the "Latest Literary Essays and Addresses," 1895, and "The Old English Dramatists," 1892, this last being First Edition. 739. LUBBOCK (SIR JOHN). English Naturalist. Two autograph letters signed, both dated High Elms, Kent, one Sept. 10, [1870] and the other Febr. 27, 1887, this last dealing with ants. 740. LUBKE (WILHELM). History of Sculpture, from the earliest ages to the present time, translated by F. E. Bunnett. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, green levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Mansell. Lond. 1872 741. LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. La Passion de notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ. 14 engravings printed from the original copper-plates in the Plantin-Moretus Museum at Antwerp. Square 8vo, antique calf. Antwerp, n. d. * One of 30 copies printed on Holland paper. 742. MABIE (HAMILTON WRIGHT). Under the Trees and Elsewhere. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1899 * Autograph presentation copy from the author. EXTRA ILLUSTRAT- ED by the insertion of numerous photographs, original pen-and-ink drawings and water colors, with an autograph note from the illus- trator. 743. MCCARTHY (JUSTIN). A History of Our Own Times from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 1880. With Introduction, &c., by G. M. A. Adam. Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt tops. N. Y. 1895 * Fine set. 744. MACAULAY (THOMAS BABINGTON). The His- tory of England from the Accession of James the Second. 5 vols. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, by Morrell. Lond. 1850 * LARGE TYPE EDITION. 745. MACAULAY (THOMAS BABINGTON). Miscel- laneous Works of Lord Macaulay. Edited by his sister, Lady Trevelyan. 5 vols. 8vo, half maroon calf gilt. N. Y. ; Harpers, n. d. [107] 746. McCULLOCH (HUGH). The Quest of Heracles and other Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, limp vellum, uncut. Chicago, 1894 * Large paper edition, only 60 printed. 747. MAETERLINCK (MAURICE). The Plays of Mae- terlinck. Translated by Richard Hovey. First and Second Series. 2 vols. 12mo, pictorial cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1895-6 748. MAGAZINES, PAPER NOVELS, ETC. About 200 pieces. 749. MAISTRE (XAVIER DE). Voyage autour de ma Chambre. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Very limited edition. Paris: Jouaust, 1872 750. MALORY (SIR THOMAS). Le Morte d' Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory, reprinted from Caxton's edition of 1485, pointed and spelt in conformity with modern usage, with an introduction by Prof. Rhys. 300 illustrations by A. Beardsley, including two frontispieces and 46 full-page plates. 2 vols. square 8vo, exquisitely bound in translucent vellum, the front covers with original designs in colors by the artist, enclosed in floral borders in gold and colors, ornamental backs, gilt tops. Edinburgh, 1893-94 * Limited to 300 copies in Dutch hand-made paper. [See Reproduction] 751. MALORY (SIR THOMAS). Le Morte d' Arthur, Frontispieces, 4 vols. The Warner Classics, 4 vols. Together, 8 vols. 12mo, cloth and leather. Lond. n. d., N. Y., v. d. 752. MANGIN (ARTHUR). L'Air et Le Monde Aerien. Numerous illustrations. Large 8vo, cloth, morocco back, gilt, gilt edges (part of back split). Tours, 1865 753. MANUEL. Histoire aussi interessante qu'invrai- semblable de 1'intrepide Capitaine Castagnette neveu de rhomme a la tte de bois. 43 illustrations by G. Dor'e. 4to, half levant morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1862 Manuscripts Including a Finely Illuminated Choral Book, with 54 Large Miniatures, Etc. 754. MANUSCRIPT. Orationes Beatse Maria; Virginis, qui dicuntur per ebdomadam, Litaniae Sanctorum, etc. [108] MALORY. LE MORTE d' Bound in Translucent Vellum No. 750 Manuscript on vellum, written in bold Gothic characters in red and black, executed in the fifteenth century. Embellished with numerous large and small illuminated initials. 8vo, vel- lum. Fragment of 17 leaves from a book of Hours. Ssec. XV 755. MANUSCRIPT. Chorale. A MS. choral book on vellum, written in large and well formed Gothic characters in red and black, with music noted on 4 lines, executed in South Germany, probably at Salzburg, in the sixteenth century. Em- bellished with 54 LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL INITIALS, 3 OF WHICH OF VERY LARGE SIZE, ILLUMINATED IN GOLD AND COLORS, and nearly all historiated, representing scenes from the life of Christ and the Virgin, Saints, etc.; 4 pretty borders of flowers and leaves, 2 of which, with coats of arms, and hundreds of ornamen- tal initials painted in blue and red, or burnished gold. Very large folio, contemporary binding in wooden boards covered with leather, brass borders, corner and centre-pieces with studs, and clasps. Ssec. XVI * An interesting specimen, well preserved, and with an appropriate lectern in carved wood. The Litany invokes Edmund, Malachias, Wilhelmus, and Rupert (first bishop of Salzburg). 756. MANUSCRIPT. Antiphonarium. Latin MS. on paper, written in large Gothic characters in red and black, with noted music, executed in Italy in the second part of the Sixteenth Century. 109 leaves (75 of which are by later hands) . Historiated initials painted in various colors, and numerous others in red and blue. Folio, old vellum, clasps. Ssec. XVI-XVIII 757. MANUSCRIPT. Official Document Signed of Em- peror Ferdinand III. Manuscript on vellum, written in elegant German characters, with flourishing initials, a coat of arms, painted in colors, and the Emperor's autograph signature at end. 12 leaves. Folio, contemporary red velvet, with the imperial large seal, well preserved, enclosed in a wooden box, and docu- ment and seal, enclosed in a contemporary tin case. Regenspurg, 8 Apr., 1(554 758. MANUSCRIPT. Official Document Signed of Em- peror Leopold I. Manuscript on vellum, elegantly written in German characters, with flourishing initials, a full-page coat of arms, painted in gold and colors, the Emperor's autograph run signature at end, and with large wax seal attached (damaged). 10 leaves. Folio, contemporary red velvet. Vienna, 12 Dec. 1682 759. MARQUAND COLLECTION (THE). Illustrated Catalogue of the Art and Literary Property collected by the Late Henry G. Marquand, sold by the American Art Asso- ciation, 1903. Numerous reproductions, some colored, with portrait of the owner. Imperial 4to, boards and vellum covers, uncut. [N. Y.] 1902 * One of 250 copies printed for subscribers. 760. MARRYAT (FREDERICK author of "Peter Sim- ple" etc.) A. L. S. 3 pp. 4to, undated, (but 1835), to his wife, who was then in Belgium. A most interesting letter, with mention of one of his most famous works, "Peter Simple." Small portion of one margin cut away. 761. MARTIN (HENRI). A Popular History of France, from the First Revolution to the Present Time. Trans- lated by Mary L. Booth and A. L. Alger. Numerous illus- trations. 3 vols. 8vo, half roan. Bost. [1877] 762. MASTERS and their Music (Matthews); The Stan- dard Operaglass (Annesley) ; Studies in the Wagnerian Drama (Krehbiel); and others. 7 vols. 12mo, cloth and boards. v. p., v. d. 763. MATHEWS (ALBERT). Ruminations; The Ideal American Lady, and other Essays. By [Paul Siegvolk]. Second Edition. Head-and-tail pieces Square 12mo, three quarter calf gilt, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1894 764. MATTHEWS (BRANDER). Ballads of Books, chosen by Matthews. Frontispiece. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, boards, uncut. N. Y. 1887 765. MATTHEWS (BRANDER). Bookbindings Old and New. With an Account of the Grolier Club of New York. Numerous reproductions. Square 12mo, three quarter blue polished morocco gi't, gilt top. N. Y. 1895 766. MAU (AUGUST). Pompeii; its Life and Art. Translated into English by Francis W. Kelsey. Numerous illustrations from original drawings, and photographs. 8vo, half unfinished calf gilt, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1899 [112] The Writings of George Meredith Mainly First Editions in Original Cloth, Including the Very Rare Poems, London (1851). 767. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Poems. THE RARE FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. John W. Parker and Son [1851] * FIRST EDITION OF MEREDITH'S FIRST PUBLISHED VOLUME. Contains both the half-title, and the slip of "Errata." 768. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Shaving of Shagpat. An Arabian Entertainment. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, name on half-title, and back slightly damaged. Lond. 1856 769. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Farina; A Legend of Cologne. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut, slightly soiled, and lacks an end-paper. Lond. 1857 770. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. A History of Father and Son. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, some pages loose, and labels removed from covers. Lond. 1859 771. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Evan Harrington. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut, (erasures, probably "second edition," from titles), some pages loose. Lond. 1861 772. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Modern Love, and Poems of the English Roadside, with Poems and Ballads. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1862 * Accompanying the volume is a very interesting 3-page autograph letter, signed in full "George Meredith," to T. B. Mosher, the Ameri- can publisher, regarding his (Mosher's) edition of "Modern Love." Written March 24th, 1892, the writer says: . . "I have received the copy of Modern Love, & my previous letter has come to your hands, I may suppose. Your edition of the work is most creditable. In England the sumptuous edition is devoted only to very favourite writers. I cannot say it is generally an example of refinement. One has to look to France for an equal to your production; & there seems a probability that Americans will rival the French in the issues of books that honour their stands." The letter is in original envelope, addressed in Meredith's autograph. 773. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Emilia in England. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, ex-library copy, labels removed, and some pages loose. Lond. 1864 [113] 774. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Rhoda Fleming, a Novel. FIRST EDITION. 12mo cloth, ex-library copy, in poor con- dition. Lond. 1865 775. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Vittoria. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols 12mo, cloth, uncut, ex-library copy, with labels, loose in covers. Lond. 1867 776. MEREDITH (GEORGE) . The Adventures of Harry Richmond. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth. Lond. 1871 777. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Beauchamp's Career. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut, labels skillfully removed, and binding loose. Lond. 1876 778. MEREDITH (GEORGE) . The Egoist, a Comedy in Narrative. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, labels removed, and binding worn. Lond. 1879 779. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Tragic Comedians. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1880 * Presentation inscription (not Meredith's) on each half-title. With the exception that several pages are soiled, a good copy, not ex-library, which is unusual. 780. MEREDITH (GEORGE). One of Our Conquerors. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, original cloth, ex-library copy, with labels. Lond. 1881 * Laid in is a telegram from Meredith (printed, not in his autograph) "Hope see Riette next month. Meredith." 781. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut, slightly soiled. Lond. 1883 782. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Diana of the Cross ways, a Novel. Considerably enlarged from "The Fortnightly Review." FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, much worn, and stamped, not returnable. Lond. 1885 783. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Diana of the Crossways, a Novel. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, not original. Lond. 1885 784. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Ballads and Poems of Tragic Life. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1887 [114] 785. MEREDITH (GEORGE). A Reading of Earth. FIRST EDITION. '12mo, cloth, uncut, and mainly unopened. ' Lond. 1888 786. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Modern Love. With Foreword by E. Cavazza. Small 4to, boards, uncut. Portland, Me. Mosher, 1891 * Large paper edition, one of ten copies on Japan vellum, auto- graphed by the publisher. Accompanying the volume is a two-page autograph letter from George Meredith to T. B. Mosher, regarding this edition of Modern Love. Written March 3rd, 1892, the writer says: . . . "A hand- some pirate is always half pardoned, and in this case he has broken only the upper laws. I shall receive with pleasure the copy of ' Modern Love' which you propose to send. I have it much at heart that works of mine should be read by Americans. Very truly yours, George Meredith." The letter is in the original envelope, addressed in Meredith's hand. 787. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Poems, The Empty Purse, with Odes to the Comic Spirit, etc. FIRST COLLECTED EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1892 788. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Modern Love. A re- print, to which is added The Sage Enamoured and the Honest Lady. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1892 * Laid in are orders for books signed by Augustin Daly, Ellen Terry, (initials only) and a telegram signed "Terry," most of which refer to this edition of "Modern Love." 789. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Jump to Glory Jane. Edited and arranged by Harry Quilter. FIRST EDITION. Illustrated by Lawrence Housman. 12mo, vellum, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1892 * Presentation copy with inscription "With the Author's Compts. October 12th, 1892," on fly-leaf. One of 100 copies on Van Gelder paper. 790. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Tale of Chloe. The House on the Beach, etc. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1894 791. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Tale of Chloe; and other Stories. Portrait and view. 8vo, half vellum and boards, uncut. Lond. 1894 * FIRST EDITION ON LARGE PAPER. One of 250 copies printed. 792. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Lord Ormont and his Aminta, a Novel. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, labels removed from covers. Lond. 1894 [115] 793. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Amazing Marriage. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut, soiled, ex-library copy. Lond. 1895 794. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Selected Poems. Por- trait. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. IN. Y.: Scribners Sons, 1897 795. MEREDITH (GEORGE). An Essay on Comedy, and the Uses of the Comic Spirit. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1897 * This Essay was first published in "The New Quarterly Maga- zine," April, 1877. 796. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Works of Mere- dith. 32 vols. 8vo, cloth, linen backs, gilt tops, uncut. Westminster, 1898 * CONSTABLE'S FINE COLLECTED EDITION OF WHICH ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER OF SETS WERE PRINTED. NOW OUT OF PRINT AND BECOMING SCARCE. 797. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Lord Ormont and His Aminta, a Novel. FIRST ONE VOLUME EDITION. Lond. 1895; Diana of the Crossways revised edition. Frontispiece, N. Y. 1898; The Egoist, revised edition. Frontispiece, N. Y. 1899. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, cloth. 798. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Works of Meredith. 15 vols. 16mo, flexible red morocco, gilt edges. Westminster, 1902 * Constable's Fine Thin Paper Edition, comprising: Diana of the Crossways; One of Our Conquerors; Beauchamps Career; The Egoist; Evan Harrington; Harry Richmond; Sandra Belloni; Lord Ormont and his Aminta; Tragic Comedians; Vittoria; Rhoda Flem- ing; Shaving of Shagpat; Ordeal of Richard Feverel; Tale of Chloe; Amazing Marriage. 799. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Lady Duff Gordon's Letters from Egypt. Revised edition, with Memoir by her daughter, Janet Ross. New Introduction by George Meredith. Illustrated. Second impression. Post 8vo cloth, uncut. Lond. 1902 800. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Poems. 2 vols. 12mo, half vellum, gilt edges. Lond. 1902 * Laid in are some pressed flowers, WITH THE NOTE ACCOMPANYING THE SAME. ON WHICH MEREDITH HAS WRITTEN: "A breath of the heart of Box Hill" (the home of Meredith). [1161 801. MEREDITH (GEORGE). Lady Duff Gordon's Letters from Egypt. Revised edition, with Memoir by her daughter Janet Ross. New Introduction by George Mere- dith. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut, small label re- moved from cover. Lond. 1902 802. MEREDITH (GEORGE). A Literary Garland, consisting of, Special Water-color Design by Joseph Simpson; Photograph of Meredith from the picture by Joseph Simpson (mounted); Hundreds of Clippings from Newspapers and Magazines (mounted), including appreciative articles by Gilbert Chesterton, J. M. Barrie, Haldane McFall; and others; the Original Manuscript in the handwriting of Richard Le- Gallienne, with signature, of 14pp. folio (on one side of paper), entitled "George Meredith's 'Celt and Saxon.'" The whole enclosed in a large folio half morocco slip case. 803. MEREDITH (GEORGE). The Tale of Chloe, Modern Love. Both printed on Japan paper, limited to 100 copies, autographed by the publisher, also An Idyl of First Love, on Van Gelder paper. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, and 16mo, boards, and wrappers. Portland, Me. : Mosher, v. d. 804. MERIMEE (PROSPER). An Author's Love; being the Unpublished Letters of Prosper Merimee's "Inconnue." 12mo, polished blue calf, gilt edges, by Blackwell. N. Y. 1892 805. MERRYWEATHER (F. S.). Bibliomania in the Middle Ages. With an Introduction by Charles Orr. 8vo, boards, gilt top, uncut. N. Y., 1900 * Limited Edition. 806. ME YNELL (ALICE). Works as follows : The Chil- dren; The Spirit of Place; The Colour of Life; The Rhythm of Life; Poems. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1893-1900 807. ME YNELL (ALICE). A series of 4 A. L. S., 3 with addressed envelopes; Moulton (Louise Chandler). A. C. S. Together, 5 pieces. 808. MEYNELL (WILFRID). Benjamin Disraeli. An Unconventional Biography. 40 illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, buckram, gilt top, lower edges uncut. Lond. 1903 [117] 809. MICHELL (LEWIS). The Life and Times of Cecil John Rhodes, 1853-1902. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt tops. N. Y. 1910 810. MILLER (JOAQUIN). Songs of the Soul. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, brown padded morocco, gilt top, uncut. * San Fran. 1896 *Author's Presentation Copy with inscription, "With love to you (tnd yours, Joaqnhi Miller, S. F., Cal. June 2\9G " on fly-leaf. 811. MILMAN (HENRY HART). History of Latin Christianity, 8 vols. in 4: History of the Jews, 3 vols. in 2; The History of Christianity, 3 vols. in 2. Together, 8 vols. thick 12mo, half calf gilt. X. Y. 1881 812. MILTON (JOHN). The Paradise Lost of Milton. With illustrations designed and engraved by John Martin. 2 vols. royal 8vo, full morocco, gilt, gilt edges. Lond. : Septimus Prowett, 1827 *Presentation gilt initials on sides. 813. MILTON (JOHN). The Minor Poems of Milton. Illustrated and decorated by A. Garth Jones. 8vo, buckram, uncut. Lond. 1898 *One of 100 copies on Japan Paper. 814. MINIATURE BOOKS. A Set of 15, size 3^ x 2 inches, illustrated, including Scott's Lady of the Lake, Story of Robert Burns, Story of Prince Charlie and others. Bound in Scotch plaid boards, glazed, gilt edges. Also, a Set of 7, size 3J/2 x 234 inches, including Gleanings from Wordsworth, Hood's Poems, Goldsmith's Deserted Village, and others. Bound in ivory boards, gilt cover designs, gilt edges. To- gether, 22 vols. on neat polished oak stand. Glasgow, n. d. 815. MITCHELL (DONALD G.). American Lands and Letters. The Mayflower to Rip-Van-Winkle. Portraits, fac- similes, and other illustrations. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, hah* light blue polished morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1897 * Laid in is an A. N. S. of the author, "I think boys who celebrate properly the birth-day of Abraham Lincoln, are cultivating, ipso facto, as good a patriotic sentiment as they can find anywhere." 816. MITCHELL (DONALD G.). English Lands, Let- ters and Kings; (1). From Celt to Tudor; (2). From Eliz- [118] abeth to Anne; (3). Queen Anne and the Georges; (4) Later Georges to Victoria. FIRST EDITION. 4 vols. half maroon calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y.: Scribners, 1897 817. MITFORD (WILLIAM). The History of Greece. 10 vols. 8vo; old polished calf gilt (rubbed). Lond. 1814-20. 818. MODERN DAUGHTERS. (Black), 1899; A Young Woman's Problems (Halpin), 1905 ; Studies in Wives (Lowndes), 1910; The Journal of a Neglected Wife (Urner), 1909. 4 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. v. p. 819. MOLIERE (J. B. POQUELIN DE). The Dramatic Works of Moliere. Translated into English Prose. With Short Introductions and Explanatory Notes by Charles H. Wall. Portrait. 3 vols. 12mo, half polished calf gilt (some- what rubbed). Lond. 1876 820. MOLIERE (J. B. POQUELIN DE). The Works of Moliere. Numerous etched plates by Louis and Maurice Leloir, Jacques Leman, and Edmond Hedouin. 32 parts in 11 vols. 4to, original wrappers enclosed in dark-blue morocco covers, uncut. Paris and Phila., n. d. * EDITION POQUELIN. One of 200 copies printed on Imperial Japan Paper for subscribers only. This copy printed for Emilie B. Grigsby. 821. MONAHAN (MICHAEL). Palms of Papyrus. Be- ing Forthright Studies of Men and Books; with some Pages from a Man's Inner Life. 8vo, silk-cloth, gilt top, uncut. East Orange, N. J., 1909 822. MOORE (F. FRANKFORT). The Jessamy Bride. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Chic. 1900 * Author's autograph edition, signed by him on the nner cover. 823. MOORE (THOMAS). A. L. S., lp. 12mo, from Moore to a gentleman relative to a Song, left with him by an anonymous young lady. Dated Nov. 24, 1826. 824. MOORHOUSE (E. H.). Nelson's Lady Hamilton. 51 portraits. 8vo, cloth, gilt. Lond. 1909 [119] 825. MORRIS (GEORGE P.). Poems with a Memoir of the Author. 16mo, cloth, gilt edges. N. Y., n. d. * Autographed presentation copy, with interesting inscription. Laid in is A. L. S. 2pp., to Horatio Seymour, Governor of the State of New York, from the author, who writes on behalf of a young soldier whose promotion he, Morris, very much desires. Dated New York, March 20, 1863. 826. MORRIS (WILLIAM) . Child Christopher and Gold- ilind the Fair. Title in red and black. 8vo, wrappers and boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1900 * No. 1. of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum, autographed by the publisher. 827. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Pilgrims of Hope, a Poem in XII Books. Square 8vo, sheets, unstitched, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1901 * No. 1 of 4 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. 828. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Pilgrims of Hope A Poem in XIII Books. Square 8vo, wrappers and boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1901 * No. 1 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum. MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Hollow Land; The Two Sides of the River; Bertha's Lovers; Golden Wings; The Story of the Unknown Church; The Churches of North France; William Morris, an Address by J. W. Mackail. All printed on Japan vellum, limited to 25 copies, with the ex- ception of the last, which is limited to 50 copies. Also, A Dream of John Ball and The Defence of Guenevere, printed on Japan vellum, limited to 100 copies, autographed by the publisher. Together, 9 vols. 12mo, and 16mo, boards and wrappers, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, v. d. 830. MOSHER'S BIBELOT SERIES. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam (Fitzgerald's translation); Old World Lyrics; Songs of Adieu; Felise (selections from Swinburne). All printed on Japan vellum, limited to 25 copies, autographed by the publisher. Together, 4 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut, in fancy box. Portland, Me.: Mosher, v. d. 831. MOSHER'S BROCADE SERIES. Amis and Amile (Morris); The Pageant of Summer (Jefferies); The Child in the House (Pater); Cupid and Psyche (Pater); The Centaur [120] and the Bacchante (De Guerin); The Story without an End (Carove). Together, 6 vols. 16mo, wrappers, in fancy board boxes. All printed on Japan paper, autographed by the publisher. Portland, Me., Mosher, v. d. * Laid in are 2 A. L. S. by Walter Besant, one of which refers to "The Pageant of Summer" by Jefferies, and L. S. by the same, all addressed to Mr. Mosher. 832. MOSHER'S BROCADE SERIES. Marjorie Flem- ing (Brown) ; Will o' the Mill (Stevenson) ; Emerald Uthwart (Pater); The History of Over Sea (Morris); King Coustans (Morris) ; Hours of Spring and Wild Flowers (Jefferies) . To- gether, 6 vols. 16mo. All printed on Japan vellum, limited issues, autographed by the publisher, in fancy box. Portland, Me.: Mosher, v. d. * Laid in "Hours of Spring" are a letter from Mrs. Jefferes, and an "In Memoriam" card of Jefferies' parents, both with envelopes. 833. MOSHER'S BROCADE SERIES. Quattrocentisteria (Hewlett) ; King Florus (Morris) ; Duke Carl (Pater) ; Sebas- tian Van Storck (Pater); Denys L'Auxerrois (Pater); Prince of Court Painters (Pater). Together, 6 vols. 16mo, wrappers, uncut. All printed on Japan vellum, in fancy board box. Portland, Me. : Mosher, v. d. 834. MOSHER'S BROCADE SERIES. The Unknown Church (Morris); Immensee (Storm); By Sundown Shores (Sharp); Nature and Eternity (Jefferies); Olden Wings (Morris) ; Bertha's Lovers (Morris) ; Together, 6 vols. 16mo, wrappers. All printed on Japan paper, in fancy box. Portland, Me.: Mosher, v. d. 835. MOSHER'S EDITIONS OF CLASSICS. The Gepr- gics of Virgil, 2 vols. and Eclogues of Virgil, done into English prose by J. W. Mackail. 3 vols. 16mo, wrappers, uncut, in fancy box. Printed on Japan vellum, limited to 50 copies each, autographed by the publisher. Portland, Me. : Mosher, v. d. *Laid in is A. L. S. 3 pp. 12mo, from J.W.Mackail to T. B. Mosher, Portland, Maine, acknowledging the receipt of a copy of "The Bibelot." Dated London Sept. 14, 1896. (With Envelope). 836. MOSHER PUBLICATIONS. The Bibelot. A re- print of Poetry and Prose for Book Lovers, chosen in part [1211 from scarce editions and sources not generally known. Vols. I- VIII. 8 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1895-1902 * Printed on Japan vellum, only 12 copies of each issued. Laid in are A. L. S. from H. F. Brown, Ellen Terry, and T. B. Mosher; a bill to Miss Terry from Mosher: and Envelope. Various places and dates. 837. MOSHER PUBLICATIONS. 57 issues of the same, all the ordinary copies from vols. 4 to 16, also a number of catalogues of the publications of Mr. Mosher. As a lot. 838. MOSHER PUBLICATIONS. A Branch of May (Reese); The Kasidah (Burton), 2 copies, Japan vellum, 50 and 100 copies of each; From the Upanishads (Johnston), Japan vellum, 50 printed; Homeward Songs by the Way (A. E.), Japan vellum, 50 printed; Shakespeare's Sonnets, Japan vellum, No. 1 of 100 printed; The Death of Marlowe (Home), Japan vellum, No. 1 of 25 printed. Together, 7 vols. 16mo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, v. d. * Accompanying the collection is a 2 pp. A. L. S. from Otto Zahn, the binder, regarding his work. 839. MOSHER PUBLICATIONS. The Letters of a Portuguese Nun (Prestage translator), No. 1 of 100 printed on Japan vellum; Sylvie (Gerard), 79 of 100 printed on Japan vellum; An Italian Garden (Robinson), No. 60 of 100 printed on Japan vellum; A Song to David (Smart), No. 1 of 50 printed on Japan vellum; For John O'Mahony's Friends (Tynan), Sesame and Lilies (Ruskin), No. 1 of 100 printed on Japan vellum. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, and 16mo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, v. d. 840. MOSHER PUBLICATIONS. The Story of my Heart (Jefferies), No. 25 of 100 printed on Japan vellum; The Story of Ida, No. 20 of 100 printed on Japan vellum; Tares (Watson), No. 1 of 25 printed on Japan vellum; My Sister Henrietta (Renan), No. 1 of 100 printed on Japan vellum; In Memoriam (Tennyson), No. 1 of 100 printed on Japan vellum. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, and 16mo, boards and wrappers, uncut. Portland, Me., Mosher, v. d. 841. MOTLEY (JOHN LOTHROP). Works as follows: United Netherlands, 4 vols.; Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3 vols.; John of Barneveld, 2 vols. Portraits and plans. Together, 9 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in half dark green polished morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. : Harpers, [1883, etc.] [122] 843. MUHLBACH (LOUISA). Novels of Miss Miihl- bach. Illustrations. 18 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt. N. Y.: Appletons, 1897 843. MULFORD (PRENTICE). Your Forces and how to use them. Vols. I-III, and V-VI. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1903 844. MUSIC. Beethoven's Sonatas (Bulow & Lebert), 3 vols.; Chopin's Oeuvres Completes (Klindworth), 3 vols.; Schumann's Works, 5 vols.; Schubert Album. Together, 12 vols. folio, paper. (Peters', Schirmer's and other Editions.) 845. MUSIC Richard Wagner's Opera Scores arranged for the Pianoforte, as follows: Parsifal; Die Walkure; Die Meistersinger; Gotterdammerung; Siegfried; Das Rheingold; Tannhauser, 2 copies; Lohengrin; Rienzi. Together, 10 vols. folio and royal 8vo, paper wrappers. (Schott, Breitkopf & Hartel, and other Editions.) 846. MUSIC. Opera Scores arranged for the Pianoforte, as follows: Martha (Flotow); Fidelie (Beethoven); Figaro (Mozart); Prophet (Meyerbeer); Rigoletto (Verdi); and others. Together, 26 pieces. Folio, royal 8vo, paper wrappers. (Peters', Schirmer's and other Editions.) 847. MUSIC. Instrumental; as follows: Mendelssohn's Works, 4 vols.; Grieg's Works, 25 Dances, Suites, &c.; Schir- mer's Musical Classics, 16 vols. Together, 45 pieces. Folio, paper wrappers. (Peters' and other Editions.). 848. MUSIC. Popular Songs, Pianoforte Pieces, Banjo Methods, &c. About 150 pieces. Folio, royal 8vo, &c., paper wrappers. 849. MUSIC. Music-Study in Germany (Fay), 1896; The Philharmonic Society of New York (Krehbiel), 1892; How to Listen to Music (Krehbiel) 1897; What is Good in Music (Henderson) 1898; and others. 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. 850. MUSIC OF THE MODERN WORLD. Edited by Anton Seidl, H. E. Krehbiel, and others. Illustrated in the Lives and Works of the Greatest Modern Musicians, and in [123] Reproductions of their Work, Famous Paintings, &c. 2 vols. Large folio, red flexible morocco gilt, gilt edges. N. Y. : Appletons [1895] * FINE COLLECTION. Many of the illustrations are COLORED ind MOUNTED. The musical selections are representative of the best in modern music. 851. XTAPOLEON. The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, -^ by William Hazlitt, 6 vols. ; Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte, by Louis A. F. de Bourrienne, 4 vols.; Memoirs of Madame Junot (Duchesse d'Abrantes), 6 vols. All illustrated. Together, 16 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Paris and Boston, 1895 * Edition Nationale, limited to 500 copies with the plates on Japan paper. 852. NASH (JOSEPH). The Mansions of England in the Olden Time. 104 lithographs by Stanesby and the Han- harts. 4 vols. folio, cloth, gilt tops, (one vol. loose). Lond. 1869-72 853. NEAL (JOHN). Battle of Niagara, A Poem, with- out Notes; and Goldau, or The Maniac Harper. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, half green levant morocco gilt, gilt top, UNCUT, by Hathaway. Baltimore, 1818 * SCARCE. Bound in is a letter from Neal to H. Winslow Bryant, reading, " You having rescued the only copy I know of, not from the fire only, but from Oblivion I trust you will continue to preserve it. until it covers itself with mould or asbestos. Yours truly, John Neal. Portland, Me. Nov. 28/70." 854. NEWMAN (JOHN HENRY, CARDINAL). Works: 37 vols. Letters and Correspondence, 2 vols.; Characteris- tics from the Writings of John Henry Newman, selected by W. S. Lilly; Cardinal Newman, by R. H. Hutton; Some with portraits. Together, 41 vols. small 8vo, half blue levant morocco, gilt tops. Lond. and N. Y. 1890, etc. * An unusually long series of Newman's works, made up of Long- mans Green and Go's and other English editions of various dates, and attractively bound. 855. NODIER (CHARLES). Histoire du Roi de Boheme et de ses sept Chateaux. Woodcuts after Tony Johannot. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, half blue morocco, uncut, original wrappers bound in, by Carayon. Paris, 1830 [1241 856. NORTHCOTE (JAMES). One Hundred Fables, Original and Selected, Portraits and 280 wood engravings. SECOND EDITION, 1829; Fables, Original and Selected, Second Series. 280 engravings on wood. FIRST EDITION. 1833. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, half green levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, by Mansell (title of second series mended, and title and frontispiece of first series slightly stained). Lond. 1829-33 857. NORTON (CAROLINE ELIZABETH). The Sor- rows of Rosalie, a Tale; with Other Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, boards, uncut and mainly unopened. (Library stamps of Wm. Borlase on both sides of title page.) Lond. 1829 858. NORTON (CAROLINE ELIZABETH). Poems. Portrait after Landseer. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1856 859. NOGUCHI(YONE). The Pilgrimage. Colored fron- tispiece. 2 vols. 12mo, wrappers, sewn, enclosed in a cloth case. Kamakura and Yokohama, 1909 * Printed on China paper. 860. Q'CONNOR (J. F. X.). Facts about Bookworms, ^^ their history in literature and work in libraries. Illustrated. 12mo, brown levant morocco, semis of gilt roses and bees on the sides, gilt top, by Roach. * Limited edition. Presentation copy from the author with auto- graph inscription. 861. OLD SPANISH ROMANCES. Don Quixote trans- lated by Motteux, 4 vols.; Gil Bias of Santillane translated by Smollett, 3 vols.; Guzman d'Alfarache translated by Roscoe, 2 vols.; Bachelor of Salamanca translated by Townsend; Vanillo Gonzales; the Devil upon Two Sticks translated by Townsend. Etchings by R. de Los Rios. 12 vols. 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt tops. Lond. Nimmo & Bain, n. d. * Edition de luxe, limited to 250 sets. 862. OLD WORLD IDYLLS and At the Sign of the Lyre (Austin Dobson), 2 vols. half blue calf; In Memoriam (Tenny- son), half green calf, gilt. 3 vols. 16mo. Lond. v. d. 863. OLDCASTLE (JOHN). Catholic Life and Letters of Cardinal Newman. Portraits. 4to, half vellum, uncut, (binding soiled). Lond. & N. Y., n. d. * With autograph presentation inscription from the author. [1251 864. OLDMEADOW (ERNEST). Susan; Aunt Maud; The Scoundrel. Colored frontispieces. Together 3> vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1907-08 * All presentation copies. 865. OLIPHANT (Mrs.). Royal Edinburgh, 1891; The Makers of Florence, 1892; Jerusalem, 1892; The Makers of Venice, 1893; The Maker of Modern Rome, 1896. Illustrations. 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. & N. Y. 1891-96 Editions of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam 866. OMAR KHAYYAM. The Quatrains, now first com- pletely done into English verse from the Persian, in accordance with the original forms, with a biographical and critical intro- duction, by John Payne. Royal 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Lond.: for the Villon Society, 1898 * LARGE PAPER, only a few copies printed by private subscription and for private circulation only. Laid in s a postcard signed by Bernard Quaritch, in reference to the first publication of the Rubaiyat. 867. OMAR KHAYYAM. The Rubaiyat, being a fac- simile of the Manuscript in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, with a transcript into modern Persian characters, translated, with an introduction and notes, and a Bibliography, and some side lights upon Edward Fitzgerald's poem by Edward Heron- Allen. 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt top. Bost. 1898 * Laid in are 2 A. L. S. from Edward Heron-Allen regarding the above publication. 868. OMAR KHAYYAM. Rubaiyat. English, French, German, Italian, and Danish Translations comparatively Arranged in Accordance with the text of Edward Fitzgerald's Version. Edited by Nathan H. Dole. Portrait and illustra- tions on Japan Paper. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. 1898 * Laid in is an A. L. S. by Nathan H. Dole, the editor, to Mr. Mosher. 869. OMAR KHAYYAM. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khay- yam. Rendered into English verse by Edward Fitzgerald, being the text of his fourth edition, including the minor variants of the fifth and final editions. Square 8vo, vellum, uncut, with ties. Portland, Me.: Privately printed, (Mosher) 1899 * Xo. 2 of 10 copies printed on vellum. Laid in is an L. S. of Daniel Frohman, regarding the above. [126] 870. OMAR KHAYYAM. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khay- yam. Translated into English verse by Edward Fitzgerald. First printed by Bernard Quaritch, London, 1859, and now reproduced by photo-lithographic process in exact facsimile. Frontispiece, title in red and black. Square 8vo, wrappers and boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1902 * No. 1 of 40 copies printed on Japan vellum, autographed by the publisher, with A. L. S. by Hayden Carruth, to Mr. Mosher, mentio- ning the Bibelot "Omar." 871 .The same printed on the finest vellum, with the frontispiece in two states, THE FIRST OF TEN COPIES ISSUED, autographed by the publisher. Numbers 1-5 inclusive have an etched frontispiece on India paper by Edwin Edwards inserted. * Autographed portrait of Mr. Mosher inserted. Laid in is a L. S. of John Hay, in regard to th s edition of Omar. 872. OMAR KHAYYAM. In Praise of Omar, an Address by John Hay, 2 copies; Omar Khayyam, Fitzgerald's transla- tion, 6 copies; 16mo, wrappers, and another issue in limp leather. Together, 9 vols. wrappers, etc. Portland, Me. : Mosher, v. d. * Laid in is an A. L. S. from John Hay relating to Mosher's publi- cation of his ".Address," 3 pp.; and an A. N. S. from E.G. Stedman on the same subject. 873. OMAR KHAYYAM. Rubaiyat. Three editions of Fitzgerald's translation, and an edition of McCarthy's trans- lation. Together, 4 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. All printed on Japan vellum, limited to 100 copies, autographed by the publisher. Portland, Me.: Mosher, v. d. * Laid in is an A. L. S. by C. E. Norton, 3 pp. 16mo, addressed to Mr. Mosher and referring to the publication of the above edition, dated Cambridge, Apr. 21, 1897. 874. "OUIDA." (LOUISE DE LA RAMEE). Under Two Flags, a novel. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops. Phila. 1896 875. OUR LADY'S TUMBLER. A Twelfth Century Leg- end done out of old French into English by Ph. H. Wicksteed. 8vo, vellum, silk ties, uncut. Portland: Mosher, 1900 * ONE OF FOUR COPIES PRINTED ON VELLUM. [127] 876. OAGE (THOMAS NELSON). Social Life in Old Virginia before the War; Elsket and Other Stories; Befo' de War; In Ole Virginia; The Burial of the Guns. Illustrations. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., v. d. 877. PARKMAN (FRANCIS). Works. Maps and Por- traits. 12 vols. 8vo, half brown morocco gilt, gilt tops. Bost. 1894-96 * Laid in is A. L. S., 2 pp. 12mo, to a correspondent,- "50 Chest- nut St., Boston [n d.] Dear Sir: Thanks for the two articles on Woman Suffrage, which I have read with much interest. I quite agree with you that the mingling of women in American Politics would be a nuisance and a great danger. Very Truly Yours, F. Parkman." 878. PARIS. Paris a 1'Eau-Forte: Actualite Curiosite- Fantasie. Many etchings. Troisieme Volume, Decembre 1873 a Mars 1874. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut and unopened. Paris, 1873-74 879. PARIS. W'alton (William). Paris, Known and Un- known. Hundreds of illustrations, many in colors, after French artists of various periods. 10 parts, folio, unbound, in half blue morocco (two shades) portfolios. . Phila. 1899 * Japan paper edition. A magnificent book on the city of Paris, treating it historically from the Roman period to the present day. One of the most complete works of the sort ever published 880. PARSONS (REUBEN). Studies in Church History. SECOND EDITION. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1901 881. PARQUIN (DENNIS CHARLES). Recits de Guerre. Souvenirs du Capitaine Parquin, 1803-1814. Introduction par Frederic Masson. Desins par De Myrbach, Dupray, and others. Imperial 4to, half polished red morocco, gilt tops, un- cut. Paris: Boussod, Valadon & Cie., n.d. PASCAL (BLAISE). Pensees de Pascal. (Edition de 1670). Precedees d'un Avant-Propos, et suivies de Notes et de Variantes. Portrait grave a Veau-forte par Gaucherel, 8vo, half black morocco gilt, gilt tops. Paris, 1874 * Limited Edition. 883. PASTOR (LUDWIG). The History of the Popes, from the Close of the Middle Ages. Edited by Frederick I. Antrobus. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1899 [128] The Writings of Walter Pater 884. PATER (WALTER). Studies in the History of the Renaissance. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, partly uncut (rubbed). Lond. 1873 885. PATER (WALTER). The Renaissance; Studies in Art and Poetry. SECOND EDITION. Title-vignette after Da Vinci. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1877 886. PATER (WALTER). Marius the Epicurean, his Sensations and Ideas. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1885 * Laid in is a note from the author reserving a date for a lecture. 887. PATER (WALTER). Imaginary Portraits. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1887 888. PATER (WALTER). Appreciations. With an Essay on Style. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut (label removed from cover; rubbed). Lond. 1889 889. PATER (WALTER). Plato and Platonism; A Series of Lectures. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1893 890. PATER (WALTER). Imaginary Portraits; Plato and Platonism; Gaston de Latour; Greek Studies; Appreciations; The Renaissance; Miscellaneous Studies; Marius the Epicurean. 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1894-7 * Laid in is a L. S. by H. W. Mabie referring to Pater's " Child in the House." 891. PATER (WALTER). Miscellaneous Studies. A Se- ries of Essays. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1895 * Laid in are three L. S. and an A. L. S. from Clement Shorter relating to Pater's Essays. 892. PATER (WALTER). Greek Studies. A Series of Essays. Portrait. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1895 5. PATER (WALTER). Gaston de Latour. An Un- finished Romance. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1896 [129] 894. PATER (WALTER). Essays from the "Guardian." 12mo, boards, paper label, uncut. Lond. : Chiswick Press, 1896 * First Collected Edition, privately printed; one of only 100 copies issued. 895. PATER (WALTER). Essays from the "Guardian." Portrait of the author, and title in red and black. Hmo, wrappers, uncut. Portland, Me. : Mosher, 1897 * No. 11 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellnm. 896. PATER (WALTER). Essays from the "Guardian." Portrait. 16mo, brown levant morocco, doublure of green levant with filleted gilt design, green leather end-papers, gilt top, uncut. (Stained). Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1898 * One of 50 copies on Japan paper. 897. PATER (WALTER). Marius the Epicurean; His Sensations and Ideas. Portrait of the author, and initials in red. 2 vols. square 8vo, sheets, unstitched, uncut. Portland, Me. : Mosher, 1900 * No. 1 of 4 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. 898. PATER (WALTER). Marius the Epicurean; His Sensations and Ideas. Portrait of the author, title in red and black, and with initials in red. 2 vols. square 8vo, wrappers uncut. Portland, Me. : Mosher, 1900 * No. 1 of 35 copies printed on Japan vellum, autographed by the publisher. 899. PATER (WALTER). The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry. Portrait of the author, and another plate, and initials and title in red. Square 8vo, sheets, unstitched, uncut. Portland, Me. : Mosher, 1902 * No. 1 of 4 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. 900. PATER (WALTER). The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry. Portrait of the author, and another plate, initials and title in red. Square 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Portland, Me., Mosher, 1902 * No. 1 of 35 copies printed on Japan vellum ' autographed by the publisher. [ISO] FOURTH SESSION 901. PATHELIN. La Farce de Maitre Pathelin. Come- die du Moyen Age, arrangee en Vers Modernes, par Georges Gassies des Brulies. Seize compositions en taille-douce, hors texte, par Boutet de Monvel. Royal 8vo, original decorative wrappers, uncut. Paris, n. d. 902. PAYNE (JOHN). The Decameron of Giovanni Boc- caccio, now first completely done into English Prose and Verse. 3 vols. small 8vo, vellum, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1886 * Limited edition, printed by the Villon Society for private circu- lation. Laid in is an A. L. S. from A. H. Bullen relating to the above publication. 903. PAYNE (JOHN.) The Novels of Matteo Bandello, Bishop of Agen, now first done into English Prose and Verse. 6 vols. small 8vo, vellum, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1890 * Limited edition, printed by the Villon Society for private circu- lation. 904. PAYNE (JOHN). The Poems of Shemseddin Mo- hammed Hafiz of Shiraz, now first completely done into English Verse, etc. 3 vols. 8vo, vellum, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1901 * Limited edition, printed by the Villon Society for private circu- lation. 905. PAYNE (JOHN). Poetical Works: Narrative Poems, London City Poems, Sonnets, Lyrics and Translations. De- finitive edition. 2 vols. 8vo, vellum, gilt tops, uncut. Lond.: for the Villon Society, 1902 * Very limited edition printed by private subscription and for private circulation only. 906. PEER (FRANK S.). The Hunting Field with Horse and Hound in America, the British Isles and France. Illus- trated from Paintings by Julian I. Chamberlain, and from photo- graphs. Royal 8vo. decorative cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1910 [131] 907. PENN (WILLIAM). Some Fruits of Solitude in Reflexions and Maxims. With an Introduction by Edmund Gosse. Etched portrait. Small 4to, flexible cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1901 908. PEPYS (SAMUEL). The Diary of Pepys, transcribed by Mynors Bright, with Lord Braybrooke's Notes. Edited, with Additions, by Henry B. Wheatley. Portraits and illus- trations. 8 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1896 909. PHILLIPS (STEPHEN). Primavera; Poems by Four Authors. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1890 * With the half-title, often lacking. 910. PHILLIPS (STEPHEN). Poems. 12mo, boards, un- cut. Lond. 1898 * The First Edition to include the poem, " Christ in Hades." 911. PHILLIPS (STEPHEN and others). Primavera; Poems by Four Authors. Title in red, green and black. 12mo, colored wrappers, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1900 * No. 1 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum. The Preface is by John Addington Symonds. 912. PHILLIPS (STEPHEN). Primavera. Poems by Four Authors. 12mo, green vellum, with ties, uncut, Kelmscott style. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1900 * One of 4 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. The Preface is by John Addington Symonds. 913. The same on Kelmscott hand-made paper, limited issue. 12mo, boards, uncut. 914. PHILLIPS (STEPHEN). Ulysses. A Drama in a Prologue and Three Acts. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1902 * Presentation inscription on fly-leaf, not the author's. 915. PHILLIPS (STEPHEN). Endymion. FIRST EDI- TION. 8vo, original boards and folded grey wrappers, uncut and unopened. Printed on one side of leaf only. Lond. n. d. * No. 5 of 30 copies Privately Printed. Ornamental Initials in [132] Red. Laid in is a 4 pp. folio manuscript of Phillips, signed, of an UNPUBLISHED POEM, "Semele," a portion of which follows: " Semele, lying in the arms of Jove, In madness of too curious womanhood, Or in a woman's perilous vanity, Looked up into his face, and murmured thus "Thou visitest me secret from the sky, But as an earthly lover; yet I know Thou art a god descending in deep night Down from the flashing silence of the stars, Immortal for the touch of mortal lips. As thou art god, beloved, swear to me One thing that I shall ask thee to fulfill." Then answered glorious Jove, in human guise, &c. 916. PHILLIPS (STEPHEN). Paolo & Franceses A Tragedy in Four Acts. SECOND EDITION. Lond. 1900; Another copy of the above (different edition), frontispiece, Lond. 1902. 2 copies, 12mo, cloth, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. 917. PLATO. Opera translatione Marsilii Ficini. Folio, old calf. Waterstains and several leaves mended. Not returnable. Basileae: H. Frobenius & N. Episcopius, 1551 918. PLATT (C. A.). Italian Gardens. Colored frontis- piece and other illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1894 * Presentation copy, with autograph inscription by the author. 919. PLUTARCH. Clough (A. H.). Plutarch's Lives. The Translation called Dry den's. Corrected from the Greek and Revised. 5 vols. 8vo, half red polished morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. 1895 920. POE (EDGAR ALLAN). Tales and Poems. With Biographical Essay by John H. Ingram. Portrait, photogra- vures and etchings. 6 vols. 8vo, light green levant morocco, doublure of green and citron levant morocco, gilt borders, gilt tops, uncut. Also a Facsimile of the MS. of Murders in the Rue Morgue, folio, half dark green levant morocco, gilt edges, (slightly rubbed). Together, 7 vols. folio and 8vo. Phila. n. d. * Large Japan paper library edition, limited to 250 copies, with the plates in two states. 921. POETRY. Overheard in Arcady by R. Bridges; Poems by G. E. Woodberry, 1903; Music by H. Van Dyke, 1908; Songs of the Soil by F. L. Stanton, 1895; and others. 9 vols. 12mo, cloth. 922. POETRY. The Town down the River by E. A. Robin- son, 1910; After the Ball by Nora Perry, 1890; the Soul's Pro- gress by L. V. Ledoux, 1906; the Man with the Hoe by E. Markham, 1899; Cornell Verse by H. A. Lyon (1897) ; and others 14 vols. 12mo, cloth. 923. POETRY. Robert Browning's Poetical Works, 1901; Owen Meredith's Poetical Works, n. d.; Poetical Works of D. G. Rossetti, 1895; Poetical Works of Mrs. Hemans, n. d.; and others. 10 vols. 12mo, cloth. 924. POETRY. Poems of Henry Timrod, 1901; Poems by Richard Realf, 1898; Ben King's Verse, 1898; Poems by Jose- phine Daskam, 1903; Poems by A. Smith, 1853; and others. 11 vols. 12mo, cloth. 925. POETRY. Poems by Paul H. Hayne, 1882; Fables for the Frivolous by G. W.Carryl, N. Y. 1898; Early Poems by J. R. Lowell; Collected Poems by S. Weir Mitchell, 1896; and others. 8 vols. 8vo, and smaller, cloth. 926. POETRY. Praise and Blame of Love, 1882; Italian Lyrists of to-day, 1893; A Pomander of Verse by E. Nesbit, 1895; Lyrics and Ballads by M. L. Woods, 1889; A Lost Epic by W. Canton, 1887; and others. 17 vols. 12mo, and smaller, cloth, etc. 927. POETRY. Poems of Robert Browning. 2 vols. N. Y., n. d.; Poems by F. Thompson, 1894; L'Allegro by Milton, Phila., n. d.; Poems by L. Johnson, 1895; Poems of William Watson, 1893, and others. 10 vols. 12mo, and smaller, cloth. 928. POINSINET DE SIVRY (L.). Le Cercle, ou la Soiree a la mode, Comedie. 12mo, half levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Very limited edition. Paris: Jouaust, 1887 929. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Poetical Works of Pope. To which is Prefixed the Life of the Author. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, dark blue straight-grain morocco, gilt backs, gilt sides and edges. Lond. 1821 * One of 100 copies on large paper. 930. POPE (ALEXANDER). The Works of Pope. With Notes and Illustrations by Himself and Others. To which are added a New Life of the Author, Occasional Remarks, &c. by William Roscoe. Portrait, 8 vols. 8vo, full polished calf gilt. Lond. 1847 [134] 931. PRESCOTT (WILLIAM HICKLING). The Con- quest of Mexico, 3 vols. 1859; History of the Reign of Ferdi- nand and Isabella, 3 vols., 1858; The History of the Reign of the Emperor Charles the Fifth. FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 1857; History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain, 3 vols. 1859; Miscellanies, 1858. Portraits and other illustra- tions. Together, 13 vols. 8vo, uniformly bound in half calf (some vols. foxed). Bost. v. d. * Laid in is an A. L. S. by J. Foster Kirk, Historian and Bibliographer, and editor of Prescott's works. 932. PRIDEAUX (S. T.). A Catalogue of Books bound by Miss Prideaux from 1890 to 1900. 26 plates. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. [1900] * 200 copies. Specimens of Miss Prideaux's work are catalogued in this collection under Binding. 933. PSYCHICAL RESEARCH. Phantasms of the Living. By E. Gurney, F. W. H. Myers and Frank Podmore. Dia- grams. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue polished calf, gilt backs and tops. Lond. 1886 934. RABELAIS (FRANCOIS). Tout ce qui existe de ses Oeuvres. Edited by Louis Moland. Portrait. 12mo, half red morocco gilt. Paris, n. d. * Laid in is an A. L. S. of A. H. Bullen, in regard to the Rabelais published by the Villon Society. 935. RACINET (A.). Le Costume Historique. 500 plates, 300 in colors and gold and silver. 6 vols. square 8vo, half red morocco gilt, gilt tops. Paris, 1888 * Fine set. 936. RAMBAUD (ALFRED). History of Russia from the Earliest Times to 1880. Translated by L. B. Lang, edited and enlarged by Nathan Haskell Dole. Illustrations. 3 vols. in 2, 8vo, half roan. Bost. n. d. 937. RAPHAEL. The School of Raphael, or the Students' Guide to Expression in Historical Painting, etc., by Benjamin Ralph. Many plates. 4to, old tree calf rebacked (foxed and 2 first leaves inserted from a shorter copy). Lond.: Hoydell, n. d. [ca. 1800] 938. RAWLINSON (GEORGE). The Seven Great Mon- archies of the Ancient Eastern World. Maps and illustrations. 3 vols. 12mo, half calf gilt, gilt tops. N. Y. n. d [1351 939. RAYNOUARD (F. J.M.). Histoire du Droit Municipal en France. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco (binding faded, and pages foxed). Paris, 1829 * Book plate of Andrew D. White. 940. READE (CHARLES). Works. Illustrated. 16 vols. in 8, 12mo, cloth. Bost. n. d. 941. REISET (LE COMTE DE). Modes et Usages au Temps de Marie-Antoinette. Photogravures, colored plates, and many other illustrations. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half red moroc- co, gilt tops, (rubbed). Paris: Didot, 1885 942. RELIGIOUS BIOGRAPHY, ETC. St. Peter and the First Years of Christianity (Fouard), 1901; The Faith of Our Fathers (Gibbons), 1900; Modern Guides in Matters of Faith (Hutton), 1891; Christian Philosophy (Driscoll), 1898; and others. 13 vols. 8vo and 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. 943. REMBRANDT. The Complete Work of Rembrandt. History, Description, and Heliographical Reproduction of all the Master's Pictures, with a Study of his Life and Art. The Text by William Bode, assisted by C. Hofstede de Groot; From the German by Florence Simmonds. Over 500 reproduc- tions. 8 vols. folio, wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1897-1906 * Limited edition, printed on Holland paper. With the prospectus containing specimen plates. 944. REMINISCENCES. My Recollections (Countess of Cardigan), 1909; Diary of a Looker-On (Hind), 1908; My Solitary Summer, 1901; Reminiscences of William Wetmore Story, 1897; Cheerful Yesterdays (Higginson), 1898; Merimee's Letters to an Incognita, 1894. 6 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, cloth. v. p. 945. REPPLIER (AGNES). Essays in Miniature; Books and Men; In the Dozy Hours; Essays in Idleness; Points of View. 5 vols. 12mo, uniform cloth, gilt tops. Bost. 1895-96 946. RHYS (ERNEST). A London Rose and Other Rhymes. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1894 * Limited issue. 947. RICHARDSON (JAMES D.). A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. Portraits, facsimiles and views. 10 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt tops. Published by Authority of Congress, [Wash.] 1899 f 136] 948. RILEY (JAMES WHITCOMB). Rhymes of Child- hood; Green Fields and Running Brooks; Armazindy; After- whiles; Neighborly Poems; Pipes o' Pan at Zekesbury. Some with portraits. Together 6 vols. 12mo, cloth (2 colors) gilt tops, uncut. Indianapolis, 1895 * Laid in is A. L. S. 2 pp. 16mo, from Riley in which he refers to his article "Dialect in Literature" sent to Mr. Page with the hope that it will be accepted and stating "I am as poor a logician as the most gifted of poets in the world could be; nor am I any sort of a shot on earth with prose weapons." Dated Denison House, Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 11, 1892. ^ 949. RIVERSIDE PRESS. Buonarotti (Michelangelo). Sonnets and Madrigals, rendered into English Verse by Wil- liam Wells Newell. 12mo, cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. Cambridge, 1900 * One of 300 copies. 950. RIVERSIDE PRESS. Obermann. Selections from Letters to a Friend, by Etienne Pi vert de Senancour. 2 vols. small 8vo, boards, uncut and unopened (slightly spotted). Cambridge, 1901 * One of 300 copies. 951. RIVERSIDE PRESS. Lowell (James Russell). Dem- ocracy, An Address. 12mo, boards, uncut. Cambridge, 1902 * One of 500 copies. 952. ROBIDA (A.). Les Vielles Villes de Suisse, Notes et Souvenirs. 105 dessins a la plume par A. Robida. Royal 8vo, half maroon levant morocco, the back tooled and inlaid, gilt top, by Ruban. Paris, 1879 953. ROBIDA (A.). Les Vielles Villes d'Espagne, Notes et Souvenirs. 125 dessins a la plume par A. Robida. Royal 8vo, half maroon levant morocco, the back tooled and inlaid, gilt top, by Ruban. Paris, 1880 954. ROBINSON (A. MARY F.). Lyrics. Portrait. 12mo, half vellum, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1891 955. ROMAN CONTEMPORAIN. The Realists. Zola's A Page of Love, 2 vols.; Dumas' The Lady of the Camelias; Halevy's The Cardinal Family; Edmond and Jules De Gon- court's Germinie Lacerteux; Daudet's Sappho; Flaubert's Madame Bovary, 2 vols.; Gautier's Mademoiselle de Maupin, [ 137 ] 2 vols. Many etchings. Together, 10 vols. 8vo, citron levant morocco, doublures of panelled citron and green levant morocco, end-papers of citron levant, gilt tops, uncut. Phila., n. d. * Japan paper edition, with the plates in two states, limited issue. 956. ROMAN CONTEMPORAIN. The Romanticists. Murger's Bohemian Life; Aicard's King of Camargue; Clare- tie's His Excellency the Minister; de Bernard's Gerfaut; Lam- artine's Raphael; de Musset's The Confession of a Child of the Century; Feuillet's Monsieur de Camors; Sand's The Devil's Pool. Gautier's Militona; de Musset's Nouvelles. Illustra- tions. 10 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Phila., n. d. * Limited edition, on Japan paper, with the etchings in two states. 957. ROMANTIC TALES. By William Black, Thomas Hardy, Wilkie Collins, Charles Reade, etc. 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. N. Y., n. d. 958. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). Advance Proofs from Africa. 4to, in a board portfolio. N. Y. [1909] * A collection of parodies on various New York periodicals, some with illustrations, printed as a souvenir of a breakfast given to Ex- President Roosevelt before his sailing for Africa. Laid in is a L. S. "T. Roosevelt," Oyster Bay, Oct. 5, 1898. 959. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). L. S. "Theodore Roose- velt." N. Y., Oct. 12th, 1898. * Includes 9 words written in his autograph, the balance type- written. 960. ROOSEVELT (THEODORE). L. S. "T. Roose- velt. " Montauk, Sept. 3, 1898 961. ROSCOE (THOMAS). The History of Painting in Italy. Translated from the Italian of Abate Luigi Lanzi. Frontispiece. 3 vols. 12mo, half brown morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1847 Writings of Christina and DanteJGabriel Rossetti j 962. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Ballads and Son- nets. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1881 * Inserted is an A. L. S. from the author with addressed envelope, giving David Main permission to use two of the sonnets. [138] 963. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). The Blessed Dam- ozel. 12mo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me. : Mosher, 1895 * No. 22 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum, autographed by the publisher. Laid in is A. L. S. by Rossetti to a Mr. Ralston regarding corrections adopted, 2 pp. 12mo, dated 16 Cheyne Walk, 17 Nov. 1860. 964. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). The Pageant. Edited by C. Hazelwood Shannon and J. W. Gleeson White. Illustrated. Z vols. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1896-97 * Besides the work of Rossetti, the volumes contain verse and prose by Edmund Gosse, Ernest Dowson, Maeterlinck, and others, and illustrations by Burne-Jones, Watts, Walter Crane, Charles Ricketts, William Strang, Lucien Pissarro, etc. 965. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL), and others. The Germ: Thoughts Towards Nature in Poetry, Literature and Art, Facsimiles. 8vo, sheets, unstitched, uncut. Portland, Me. : Mosher, 1898 * No. 1 of 4 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. Laid in is A. L. S. by Augustin Daly, theatrical manager, 8vo, dated New York, Dec. 3, 1898, to Rossetti acknowledging the receipt of "The Germ," &c. The first book on vellum printed in Maine. 966. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). The Germ: Thoughts Toward Nature in Poetry, Literature, and Art. Facsimiles. 8vo, boards, uncut and unopened. Portland, Me. : Mosher, 1898 * One of 25 copies on Japan vellum, signed by the publisher. Laid in is a 4 pp. A. L. S. from Wm. M. Rossetti, discussing the matter of writing a preface for the above edition; and a 2 pp. A. L. S. from W. T. DevereU, giving a short sketch of his father. 967. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL) Jenny. Ornate ini- tials, one in colors. 12mo, boards, uncut. Wausau, Wis., The Philosopher Press, 1899 * One of 600 copies on hand-made paper. 968. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Pictures and Poems, arranged by FitzRoy Carrington. Reproductions of Rossetti's paintings. 4to, cloth, silver top. N. Y. 1899 969. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). The Blessed Dam- ozel. Frontispiece, text printed in black and red. Square 12mo, vellum, uncut, with silk ties. Portland, Me. : Mosher, 1901 * No. 1 of 10 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. Laid in is an A. L. S. by Kenyon Cox to Mr. Mosher. referring to the publication of the "Germ." f 1391 970. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). The Germ: Thoughts Toward Nature in Poetry, Literature and Art. 1850. Facsimile reprint, with introduction by W. M. Rossetti. 5 parts, 8vo, wrappers, in a case. Lond. 1901 * Limited edition. 971. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Poems. Portrait of the author, after the original by G. F. Watts, and title in red and black. Square 8vo, wrappers and boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1902 * No. 1 of 25 copies printed on Japan vellum, autographed by the publisher. 972. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL). Poems. Portrait of the author, after the original by G. F. Watts, and title in red and black. Square 8vo, sheets, unstitched, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1902 * No. 1 of 4 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. 973. ROSSETTI (DANTE GABRIEL AND CHRISTINA). The New Life of Dante; Monna Innominata; The House of Life; Hand and Soul; The Blessed Damozel. All printed on Japan vellum, limited to 100 copies each, autographed by the publisher, with the exception of the last named, which is printed on Kelmscott hand-made paper. Together 5 vols. 12mo, boards. Portland, Me.: Mosher, v. d. * Laid in is an A. L. S. by C. E. Norton addressed to Mr. Mosher, and complimenting him on the publication of Rossetti's New Life of Dante; 2 pp. 16mo, dated Cambridge, Dec. 3, 1896. 974. ROSSETTI (WILLIAM MICHAEL). Ruskin: Ros- setti: Preraphaelitism. Papers 1854 to 1862. Illustrations. 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1899 * Limited to 250 copies, printed on hand-made paper. 975. ROTHENSTEIN (WILL). English Portraits. A Ser- ies of Lithographs. Folio, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1898 * Limited edition. 976. ROUMANIAN FOLK-SONGS. The Bard of the Dimbovitza: Roumanian Folk-Songs collected from the Pea- sants by Helene Vacaresco, translated by Carmen Sylva and Alma Strettell. 12mo. cloth (soiled), uncut. Lond. 1891 [140] 977. ROYCROFT PRESS. The Philistine: A Periodical of Protest. Vols. I to XV. 6 vols. cloth and boards, 9 vols. ooze calf and boards, various colors, original covers bound in, uncut, together 15 vols. 16mo. East Aurora, 1895-1902 978. ROYCROFT PRESS. Hubbard (Elbert). Little Journeys made to the Homes of Ruskin and Turner. Photo- gravures and illumined initials. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. East Aurora, 1896 * Limited to 473 copies, signed by the author. 979. ROYCROFT PRESS. The Rubaiyat of Omar Khay- yam, ooze calf, 1898; Sermons from a Philistine Pulpit, 1898; The Roycroft Quarterly, No. 1, May, 1896; and 5 numbers of The Philistine. Together, 8 vols. various sizes and bindings. East Aurora, v. d. 980. RUSKIN (JOHN). Works. Illustrated. 26 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. N. Y. 1894 * Limited edition. Laid in is A. L. S. 1 p. 12mo, from Ruskin to a lady who had sent him some Sketches with which he was greatly pleased and advises her to become "a great paintress the feminine termination does not exist there never having been such a being yet as a lady who could paint. N. p. n. d. 981. RUSKIN (JOHN). Sesame and Lilies. Illuminated initials and marginal decorations. 12mo, red levant morocco gilt, the sides in a floral design, gilt top, uncut, by Blackwell (the flyleaves slightly damaged by water). East Aurora, 1897 * One of 40 copies hand illumined, with signature of Elbert Hubbard. 982. RUSSELL (GEORGE W. author of "Homeward Songs by the Way") 12 Autograph Letters, of personal details with MS. poems used in printing an American Edition of "Homeward Songs." Also an A. L. S. from Edmund Clar- ence Stedman concerning these poems. 983. [RUSSELL (GEORGE W.).] Homeward Songs by the Way, by A. E. 12mo, paper wrappers, uncut. Dublin, 1894 * FIRST EDITION. Laid in is a manuscript poem of three stanzas. 984. ST. HELIER (LADY-MARY JEUNE). Memories of Fifty Years. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth gilt, uncut. Lond. 1909 f 1411 985. SAINT-AMAND (IMBERT DE). Writings, includ- ing Marie Antoinette; Citizeness Buonaparte; Women of the Valois Court; The Wife of the First Consul, and others. Fron- tispieces. 20 vols. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1891, etc. 986. SAINT PIERRE (BERNARDIN DE). Paul et Virginie. Engraved frontispiece, full-page plates, and text illus- trations, by Maurice Leloir. Royal 8vo, maroon levant morocco, gilt back, the front cover with a gilt design of bamboo around a palm-tree inlaid in brown and several shades of green, wide inside gilt borders, uncut, by Vauthrin. Paris, 1887 * HANDSOME COPT of this French Classic; limited edition on papier velin; with the original covers preserved. 987. SALA (GEORGE A.). Things I have Seen and People I have Known. Portrait. FIKST EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, half light-blue calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1894 988. SAND (GEORGE). Francois le Champi. Dessins et aquarelles de Eugene Bernand, gravure de Guillaume freres. 8vo, half alligator leather, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1888 * Limited Edition. Laid in is a one page A. L. S. of the author. 989. SAND (GEORGE). The Masterpieces of George Sand. Numerous illustrations after Cortazzo, Graff, and others, in two states, on India paper and Japan paper, those used as frontispieces being finely colored. 20 vols. 8vo, cloth, unopened. Phila.: G. Barrie [1900-1902] * Japan paper, limited edition. 990. SARGENT (JOHN S.). The Works of John S. Sar- gent, R. A. With an Introductory Note by Mrs. Meynell. 62 full page plates in direct reproduction from the original paint- ings. Folio, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1908 * WlTH TWO EXTRA 8ET8 OF THE PLATES, ONE ON JAPAN VELLUM, AND THE OTHER ON INDIA PAPER, THE LATTER LIMITED TO 50 SETS AND BOTH IN CLOTH PORTFOLIOS. 991. SCHILLER (FREDERICK). Works of Schiller. Translated from the German. Portraits and illustrations. 8 vols. 12mo, half morocco. Bost. 1884 * Historical Dramas, 2 vols.; Early Dramas, 2 vols.; Revolt of the Netherlands; Essays; Poems; Thirty Years War. 992. SCHOOLBOOKS. Histories, Rhetorics, French Books, etc. 31 vols. 8vo, etc., various bindings. v. p., v. d. [142] 993. SCHWOB (MARCEL). Mimes. With a Prologue and Epilogue. Done into English by A. Lenalie. Portrait of the author, title in red and black, and initials in red. 8vo, illuminated wrappers, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1901 * No. 1 of 6 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. 994. SCHWOB (MARCEL). Mimes. With a Prologue and Epilogue. Done into English by A. Lenalie. Portrait of the author, title in red and black, and initials in red. 8vo. wrappers, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1901 * One of 500 copies printed on Van Gelder paper. 995 .The same, printed on Japan vellum. No. 1 of 50 copies, autographed by the publisher. 996. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). Prose Works. Steel por- traits, frontispieces and vignette title engraved after Turner (slightly foxed). 28 vols. 16mo, morocco gilt, gilt edges (slightly worn). Edinb. 1834-36 997. SCOTT (SIR WALTER). Waverley Novels. Fron- tispieces and vignette titles engraved on steel, and numerous wood engravings in the text. 48 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops. Edinb. 1877-79 998. SCOTT (TEMPLE). The Pleasure of Reading; Young's Authors' Readings; Johnston's Lectures on Literature; De Bury's French Literature of To-Day; Raleigh's The English Novel; Tredwell's Plea for Bibliomania; Moulton's Four Years of Novel Reading. Together 7 vols. 8vo, and 12mo, various bindings. v. p. ,v. d. 999. SCRIBNER'S POPULAR HISTORY of the United States. By W. C. Bryant, S. H. Gay, and Noah Brooks. Profusely illustrated. 5 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. N. Y. 1896 1000. SECRET AND HISTORIC COURT MEMOIRS. Portraits from famous originals. 36 vols. 8vo. HANDSOMELY BOUND IN DARK BLUE LEVANT MOROCCO, DOUBLURE OF THE SAME WITH A GILT BORDER OF VINE AND FLOWERS SURROUND- [143] ING CENTRE PANELS OF LILAC WATERED SILK, WITH END PAPERS OF THE SAME, GILT EDGES, BY BLACKWELL. Lond.: H. S. Nichols & Co., 1895-6 * LIMITED EDITION ON JAPAN PAPER. Embracing Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family of France, 2 vols.; Courts of Sweden and Den- mark, 2 vols.; Of Berlin, 2 vols.; Of St. Cloud, 2 vols.; Of Marie An- toinette, 2 vols.; Of Empress Josephine, 2 vols.; Of Europe, 2 vols.; Of Austria, 2 vols.; Of Louis XIV.; Of St. Petersburg; Memoirs of Tallyrand, 2 vols.; Madame de Montespan, 2 vols.; Marmontel, 2 vols.; Joseph Fouche, 2 vols.; Madame Du Barri, 4 vols.; Empress Josephine; Louis XV.; History of Henry IV.; Memoirs of Cardinal De Retz; Marguerite De Valois. 1001. SECRET COURT MEMOIRS. Louis XIV; Em- press Josephine, 3 vols.; Louis XV and XVI, 2 vols., Court of St. Cloud, 2 vols. ; Court of Berlin, 2 vols. Titles and illus- trations on Japan vellum. 10 vols. 8vo, half green morocco, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Edition de Grande Luxe, limited and numbered issue. N. Y., The Grolier Society, n. d. 1002. SECRET MEMOIRS of the Courts of Europe from the 16th to the 19th Century. Illustrated. 14 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Phila. n. d. * One of a limited edition on Japan paper, with the plates in two states, and some colored. 1003. SECRET MEMOIRS of the Courts of Europe from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century: Marie Antoinette, 2 vols.; Madame de Montespan, 2 vols.; Marguerite De Valois ; Court of St. Petersburg; Courts of Sweden and Denmark, 2 vols.; Courts of Europe, 2 vols. Portraits and illustrations in two states on India paper, and on Japan paper. 10 vols. 8vo, blue levant morocco, gilt inside borders, silk linings, gilt edges. Phila. : G. Barrie & Son, n. d. * Japan paper Edition. 1004. SEWARD (WILLIAM). Anecdotes of Distin- guished Persons, chiefly of the last and two preceding centuries. Portraits and engravings. 4 vols. 8vo, old calf. Lond. 1804 1005. SEX. The Intermediate Sex (Carpenter), 1909; The Alternate Sex (Leland), 1904; Love's Coming-of-age (Car- penter); A Young Woman's Problems (Halpin). 4 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p. [144] Editions of the Writings of Shakespeare 1006. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Plays with the cor- rections and illustrations of various commentators to which are added notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens. The Fourth Edition revised and augmented (with a glossarial index) by the editor of Dodsley's collection of Old Plays. 15 vols. 8vo, Russia, by Kalthoeber (somewhat rubbed and joints weak, one or two cracking). Lond. 1793 1007. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Dramatic Works; with a Life of the Author, and a Selection of Notes, Critical, Historical, and Explanatory. By the Rev. W. Harness. To which are added the Author's Poems. Portraits engraved by Scriven. 8 vols. 8vo, brown morocco gilt, gilt edges (several plates slightly stained; several bindings somewhat rubbed). Lond. : Printed and Sold by J. F. Dove,1830 1008. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Pictorial Edi- tion of the Works of Shakespeare, edited by Charles Knight. Numerous illustrations engraved on wood after Harvey, R. W. Buss, Pyne, Creswick, etc. 8 vols, royal 8vo, polished tree calf, gilt tops (light scratch on a cover). Lond. [ea. 1843] 1009. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The Stratford Shakes- peare. Edited by Charles Knight. 6 vols. 12mo, polished calf, gilt. N. Y. Appleton, 1868 1010. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Works in reduced facsimile of the first folio edition of 1623. Introduction by J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1876 1011. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Works edited by Howard Staunton. Illustrations by Sir John Gilbert, proofs on India paper. 15 vols. royal 8vo, red levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond. 1881 * Limited Edition de luxe. 1012. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Works of Shakes- peare; the Text carefully restored according to the First Edi- tions, with introductions, and a Life of the Poet. By the Rev. H. N. Hudson. Illustrations on Japan Paper. 12 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops. [Bost. 1881] [145] 1013. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Comedies, Histories and Tragedies of Mr. William Shakespeare, as presented at the Globe and Blackfriars Theatres, c. 1591-1623. Being the text furnished the Players, in parallel pages with the first revised folio text, with Critical Introductions. The Bankside Shakes- peare edited by Appleton Morgan. 20 vols. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1888-92 1014. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Souvenir of Shakes- peare's "King Richard II," produced by Mr. Tree at His Majesty's Theatre, September 10, 1903. A long sheet of drawing paper reproducing a pageant printed in colors, with a facsimile of Richard II's privy seal attached. Lond. 1903 1015. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Plays, edited and annotated by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke. Illustrations by H. C. Selous. 3 vols. 4to, half levant morocco, gilt edges. Lond.: Cassett, etc., n. d. 1016. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Works edited by W. G. Clark and W. A. Wright. 171 engravings on steel after the Boy dell illustrations, and 50 photogravures, all proofs on India paper. 7 vols. in 14 parts, 8vo, blue levant morocco, doublure of green levant, gilt panelled blue levant linings, gilt tops, uncut. Phila. : G. Barrie, n. d. * Limited to 150 copies printed on Holland handmade paper. 1017. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). Galerie des Femmes de Shakespeare. Frontispiece (foxed) and 45 plates engraved by the best English artists. 8vo, morocco gilt, gilt edges (rubbed). Paris: H. Delloye, n. d. 1018. SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM). The National Shakespeare: A Facsimile of the Text of the First Folio of 1623. Illustrations by J. N. Paton. 3 vols. Folio, gilt embossed green morocco, gilt tops, uncut (slightly rubbed). Lond. : W. Mackenzie, n. d. 1019. [SHARP (WILLIAM).] The Silence of Amor; Prose Rhymes. By Fiona Macleod. Title in red and black, and initials in red. 8vo, wrappers, and boards, uncut. Portland, Me. : Mosher, 1902 * No. 1 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum, autographed by the publisher. Laid in is a 4 pp. A. L. S. from the author concerning the publication of a Greek Anthology. [146] 1020. [SHARP (WILLIAM).] From the Hills of Dream. Mountain Songs and Island Runes. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, n. d. * Laid is an A. L. S. relating to a work by Matthew Arnold. 1021. [SHARP (WILLIAM).] From the Hills of Dream, 1 of 100 copies on Japan vellum; Celtic, a study, 1 of 50 copies privately printed. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me. : Mosher, v. d. 1022. SHAW (GEORGE BERNARD). Cashel Byron's Profession. A Novel. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original blue wrappers. SCARCE. Lond. 1886 1023. SHAW (GEORGE BERNARD). The Quintessence of Ibsenism; The Perfect Wagnerite; John Bull's Other Island and Major Barbara; Three Plays by Brieux. Together, 4 vols. 12mo, cloth, some uncut. N. Y., v. d. 1024. [SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE).] Original Poetry. By Victor and Cazire. Edited by Richard Garnett. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1898 1025. SHERIDAN (RICHARD BRINSLEY). The School for Scandal. A Comedy. Illustrated by Frank M. Gregory. Sev- eral plates COLORED. 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt edges. N. Y. 1892 1026. SHERMAN (FRANCIS). 3 A. L. S. 8vo, MS. Sonnet, "On the Death of Marlowe," dated 1897, and proof sheet, con- taining four sonnets, signed "Francis Sherman." Together, 5 pieces, various sizes. 1027. SICHEL (WALTER). Emma Lady Hamilton. From New and Original Sources and Documents. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1905 1028. SIENKIEWICZ (HENRYK). "Quo Vadis." A Narrative of the Time of Nero. Translated from the Polish by Jeremiah Curtin. New Edition. Maps of Rome, and illustra- tions after Howard Pyle, and others. 2 vols. 8vo, vellum boards gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Bost. 1897 * Limited Edition on handmade paper, with an extra series of the illustrations on handmade paper. [147] 1029. SIMON (ANDRE L.) . The History of the Wine Trade in England. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth (not quite uniform), gilt tops. Lond. 1906-09 1030. SMITH (F. HOPKINSON). Caleb West, Master Diver. Illustrated, 1898; Sinclair's Love's Pilgrimage, Advance Copy, 1911. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth and boards. N. Y., v. d. * Caleb West has the author's pencilled autograph on a flyleaf. 1031. SMITH (JOHN JAY, Editor). American Historical and Literary Curiosities. Second series. Facsimiles of plates relating to Columbus, and original documents of the Revolution, colored plates, etc. 4to, red polished morocco, gilt top, bv Roach. N. Y. 1860 1032. SMITH (SYDNEY). Sydney Smith, His Wit and Wisdom. Portrait. 16mo, vellum, silk ties. Lond. 1900 * One of 60 copies printed on vellum, in The Bibelot Series. 1033. SMOLLETT (TOBIAS). Works: Peregrine Pickle, 2 vols.; Count Fathom; Launcelot Greaves; Roderick Ran- dom; Humphrey Clinker. Portraits and illustrations. 6 vols. 8vo, half calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond.: 1892-94 1034. SOUTHEY (ROBERT). The Life of Nelson. Por- trait and facsimile. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 12mo, original boards (joints weak), paper labels (slightly torn), uncut. Lond.: Murray, 1813 * Extra illustrated by the insertion of 2 portraits and a 2 pp. A. L. S. from Robert Southey, dated Dec. 22, 1821. In a morocco slip case. 1035. SOUTHEY (ROBERT). The Life of Nelson. En- graved portrait. 16mo, half morocco gilt, gilt top, bv Blackwell. * N. Y. 1830 1036. SPEARS (JOHN R.). Our Navy in the War with Spain. Over 1000 illustrations. 8vo, three-quarter polished blue morocco gilt, gilt top. N. Y. 1898 1037. SPENCER'S Essays, Scientific, Political, and Specu- lative, 3 vols., 1896; The Law of Psychic Phenomena (Hudson), 1908; Civilization in Europe (Guizot); Mill on Liberty, 1892, 6 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p. [148] 1038. SPENSER (EDMUND). The Faerie Queene. Pic- tured and decorated by Louis Fairfax-Muckley. 2 vols. 4to, cloth, gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond.: Dent, 1897 * Limited edition. ^ 1039. SPOONER (S.). Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors and Architects and Curiosities of Art. Numerous illustrations. Thick 12mo, half polished calf gilt, gilt top. N. Y., n. d. 1040. STEDMAN (EDMUND CLARENCE). Poets of America. 12mo, three-quarter polished green morocco gilt, gilt top. uncut. Bost. 1890 * Laid in is an A. L. S. from the author making an appointment. 1041. STEDMAN (EDMUND CLARENCE). Victorian Poets, and Poetical Works. Portrait. % vols. 12mo, half polished green morocco, gilt tops. Bost. : 1891-n. d. * Laid in are an A. L. S. by Stedman to Mr. Mosher, 3 pp. 16mo. N.Y. Sept. 15, 1895, and a L. S. to the same, 2 pp. 12mo, March 4, 1897. 1042. STEDMAN (EDMUND CLARENCE). A. L. S. to Mr. Mosher. 4pp. 12mo, N. Y. Febr. 5, 1893. * Unusually interesting letter to Mr. Mosher, regarding his publi- cations. 1043. STEDMAN (EDMUND CLARENCE). Auto- graph Card signed and autograph order form addressed to Mr. Mosher, and a letter written by the secretary in his name ad- dressed to the same. 3 pieces. 1044. STEPHEN (LESLIE). Hours in a Library. 3 vols. 12mo, half green morocco, white and red mosaics in backs, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1894 1045. STEPHEN (LESLIE). Hours in a Library. New Edition. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1899 1046. [STERNE (LAURENCE)]. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy. By Mr. Yorick. 2 vols., 16mo, green levant morocco, gilt panelled backs, floriated design in panels on sides, doublure of brown levant with wide gilt border, silk-brocade end papers, gilt edges, by Chambolle-Duru. Lond. : T. Beckett, 1768 * HANDSOME COPY OF THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITIOX, WITH THE HALF TITLES AND LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. (See Reproductions.) [ Hi) ] 1047. STERNE (LAURENCE). Sermons, Portrait, 6 vols.; A Sentimental Journey, 2 vols.; Tristram Shandy, illustrated, 6 vols.; Letters, Portrait of Lydia Sterne, 3 vols. Together, 17 vols. 12mo, uniformly bound in old tree calf. Lond. 1775-77 * Laid in are a full length portrait of the author engraved by Birrell after T. Stothard: part of a title-page of "Tristram Shandy," on which is the autograph, L. Sterne; and the following notation, "Given by a Lady to whose ancestors Sterne himself gave a copy of Tristram Shandy and wrote his name in each volume." All mounted on a sheet 12 x 9 inches. 1048. STEVENSON (ROBERT LOUIS). The New Am- phion. Being the Book of the Edinburgh University Union Fancy Fair. 18mo, vellum, ties, (back broken). Edinburgh, 1886 * Contains the first appearance of "Some College Memories" by Stevenson. 1049. STEVENSON (ROBERT LOUIS). The Novels and Tales of Robert Louis Stevenson. Illustrations on Japan vel- lum. 22 (should be 26) vols. 8vo, three quarter green levant morocco, gilt tooled backs, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. Scribner's Sons, 1897-98 1050. STEVENSON (ROBERT LOUIS). Underwoods; A Child's Garden of Verses, both printed on Japan vellum, 100 of each printed autographed by the publisher; Father Damien, 2 copies, 1 of 25, and 1 of 50 copies, both on Japan vellum; Acs Triplex. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, and 24mo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, v. d. 1051. STEVENSON (ROBERT LOUIS). A. L. S. to Richard Le Gallienne 3J^ pages 12mo, dated Vailima, Samoa, Dec. 28, 1893. With addressed envelope. A very fine speci- men signed in full "Robert Louis Stevenson." * "I have received some time ago through our friend, Miss Taylor, a book of yours. But that was by no means my first introduction to your name. The same book had stood already on my shelves; I had read articles of yours in the Academy; and by a piece of constructive criticism (which I trust was sound) had arrived at the conclusion that you were a good writer. Since then I have seen your beautiful verses to your wife . . . . I had and I have to thank you for the intimate loyalty you have shown to myself; for the eager welcome that you give to what is good .... You are still young and you may live to do much. The little artificial popularity of style in England tends, I think, to die out; the British pig returns to his vomit to his true love, the love of the styleless, of the shapeless . . . ." [150] U I I rt H Z h Q Z O a W l-J Q tr h -a -z x o fij S i 2 H 2 C U i-ri 1052. STIRLING-MAXWELL (SIR WILLIAM). Works- including Annals of the Artists of Spain, 4 vols.; Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles V.; Miscellaneous Essays and Addresses. Portraits and illustrations. 6 vols., square 8vo, half dark- green levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1891 1053. STONEWALL JACKSON and the American Civil War, by G. F. R. Henderson, Vol. 2, 1903; From the Easy Chair by G. W. Curtis, Series 1st and 3d. 3 vols. 12mo, and 24mo, cloth. 1054. STONYHURST PHILOSOPHICAL SERIES. Rick- aby's Metaphysics; Boedder's Natural Theology; Rickaby's First Principles; Devas' Political Economy; Clarke's Logic; Maher's Psychology. Together, 6 vols. 12mo, uniform cloth. Lond. 1899-1901 1055. STRAHAN (EDWARD). Art treasures of America, being the choicest works of art in the public and private col- lections of North America. Plates, proofs on India paper, and numerous text illustrations. 3 vols. folio, citron levant moroc- co, doublure of rose levant, gilt dentelle borders, with the mono- gram of Miss Grigsby in the centre, linings of cut velvet in a floral design, gilt tops. Phila. : G. Barrie [1880] * Limited edition de luxe. 1056. STRANG (WILLIAM). The Earth Fiend: a Ballad made and etched by William Strang. Title and 10 etchings, all proofs signed by the author, and with mat. Folio, half morocco. Lond. 1892 * Only 55 copies printed, each signed by the author. RARE. 1057. STREET-BALLADS. A Collection of 20 Broadside Street-Ballads, including The Waterman, Lord Marlborough, The Scolding Wife, Sweet Betsy, and The Sheffield Prentice. Woodcuts. Loosely inserted in a small blank-book made for the purpose, and lettered " Chapbooks." 12mo, half red levant morocco, gilt edges (most of the ballads have been cut in two). York, etc., ca. 1800 1058. SUE (EUGENE). The Mysteries of Paris. Illus- trations after H. Valentin and others. 3 vols., royal 8vo, half morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1845 * Chapman and Hall's Best Edition translated from the French. [153] 1059. SWIFT (JONATHAN). Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Swift, in a Series of Letters from John Earl of Orrery to his Son. Portrait. 8vo, old English red morocco, with wide dentelle borders on sides, gilt back and edges (ink stain on title). Lond.: A. Millar, 1752 1060. SWIFT (JONATHAN). Travels into Several Re- mote Regions of the World. By Lemuel Gulliver. Preface by Henry Craik. . 100 illustrations by Brock. 12mo, cloth, gilt extra, gilt edges. Lond. 1894 A Remarkable Collection of the Writings of Algernon Charles Swinburne, Mainly First Editions in Original Cloth or Wrappers 1061. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Dead Love. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, brick-red wrappers, with title-page reproduced on front cover. Lond. 1864 * This story has never been reprinted. Fine copy of a very rare and interesting Swinburne item. 1062. SWINBURNE (A. C.). The Children of the Chapel, a Tale. By the author of "Mark Dennis." FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth (writing on title, the upper blank part of the title cut off and later repaired). Lond. 1864 * SCARCE. The interludes in verse were by Swinburne: the tale was by his cousin, Miss Gordon. 1063. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Atalanta in Calydon. A Tragedy. FIRST EDITION. Small 4to, original white cloth gilt, uncut. Lond. 1865 * SCARCE. The gilt designs on the front cover are by D. G. Rossetti. It is stated that only 100 copies of the FIRST EDITION were printed. 1064. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Chastelard; A Tragedy. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1865 1065. [SWINBURNE (A. C.).]. Rossetti (W. M.). Swin- burne's Poems and Ballads. A Criticism. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, gray levant morocco gilt, gilt-toqled design on sides, doublure of similar morocco around borders, gilt top, uncut, (slight water stains on sides and edges). Lond. 1866 [154] 1066. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Cleopatra. FIRST EDITION. Square 12mo, original wrappers. Lond. 1866 * RARE. This poem has been entirely dropped by its author, and is not included in any of his collected volumes. 1067. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Notes on Poems and Reviews FIRST EDITION. 8vo, stitched, as issued, (slightly stained). Lond. 1866 1068. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Poems and Ballads. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond.: Hotten, 1866 * FIRST EDITION with Hotten's Title-page. 1069. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Laus Veneris, THE EX- TREMELY RARE FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original sheets, uncut and unstitched. Lond. 1866. * A very few copies were printed and circulated privately among friends of the author. In the 1866 edition of "Poems and Ballads," this work was included. Mr. Thomas J. Wise, Swinburne's best bibliographer, possesses the original manuscript of "Laus Veneris." There is no copy of this work in the British Museum. 1070. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Unpublished Verses. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, 2pp. leaflet, as issued. Lond. [1866] 1071. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Dolores. FIRST SEPARATE EDITION. 12mo, original printed wrappers. Lond. : Hotten, 1867 * VERY SCARCE. Reserved for private circulation only. The poem had previously appeared in "Poems and Ballads," Lond. 1866. 1072. SWINBURNE (A. C.). A Song of Italy. 16mo, wrappers (name on cover; Bookseller's stamp on title). Bost. 1867 1073. SWINBURNE (A. C.). A Song of Italy. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. (Library copy, with stamp). Lond. 1867 1074. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Notes on the Royal Acade- my Exhibition, 1868. Part I. by W. M. Rossetti. Part II. by Algernon Charles Swinburne. 8vo, original wrappers. Lond. [1868] 1075. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Siena. FIRST EDITION IN PAMPHLET FORM. 16mo, original glazed paper covers (slightly [155] spotted on front cover with name thereon, and the lower margins of pages 11 to 16 cut away). Phila. 1868 * Exceedingly rare, and apparently the FIRST EDITION of the poem. This pamphlet is not mentioned in Wise's Bibliography. The earliest issue there described is one printed in London, by Hotten, in the same year, of which Wise says: "Siena first appeared in Lip- pincotts Magazine, for June 1868, pp. 622-629, and was reprinted in pamphlet form simply in order to secure the English copyright. Mr. Swinburne has Informed me that only six copies were printed, one of which was sold, and the others distributed privately. Of these six copies four only can now be traced. The pamphlet, therefore is one of the rarest of the first editions of Mr. Swinburne's writings." The Preface of the present pamphlet is, however, dated "Philadel- phia, June 1st, 1868," and its appearance was therefore probably almost simultaneous with that of the June Lippincott. It would therefore take precedence of the London pamphlet which was reprinted from that issue of the magazine. 1076. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Siena. 12mo, orange col- ored wrappers. Lond. 1868 * Probably one of the first published (second or spurious) editions. It was issued by J. Camden Hotten, who purchased the only copy of the genuine first issue that was sold, the other five (only six were issued) having been presented to the author's friends. 1077. SWINBURNE (A. C.). William Blake. A Critical Essay. Illustrations from Blake's Designs in facsimile, Colored and Plain. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, light blue cloth gilt, uncut. Lond. 1868 1078. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Ode on the Proclamation of the French Republic, September 4, 1870. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, printed wrappers, as issued, uncut. Lond. 1870 * This outspoken utterance of Swinburne's was included in the FIRST EDITION of "Songs of Two Nations" published in 1875. It has never been reprinted in separate form. 1079. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Songs before Sunrise. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, handsomely bound in dark blue levant morocco, gilt panelled back of leaves and stars, sides tooled in a semis of small stars surrounded with fillets and leaves with gilt crescents in corners, wide inside cover borders, gilt over uncut edges, by The DOVES BINDERY, signed "The Doves Bindery, 18c.-s.99." Lond. 1871 (See Reproduction.) 1080. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Pleasure: a Holiday Book of Prose and Verse. Contains contributions from Tom Hood, Charles Kingsley, &c. ; and the First Appearance of "Tris- tram and Iseult," by A. C. Swinburne. Illustrations. 12mo, decorative boards, gilt edges (rubbed). Lond. 1871 [ 156 ] SWINBURNE. SONGS BEFORE SUNRISE. Bound at the Doves Bindery. No. 1079 1081. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Songs before Sunrise. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1871 1082. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Under the Microscope. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original printed wrappers as issued, uncut. Lond. 1872 * Contains the Rare Leaf of Errata at the end. 1083. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Le Tombeau de Theo- phile Gautier. Etched portrait. Small 4to, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1873 * Contains verses upon the death of Gautier by Hugo, Jules Claretie, John Payne, Swinburne, and others. 1084. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Bothwell; A Tragedy. FIRST EDITION. Thick, 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1874 1085. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Auguste Vacquerie. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original wrappers, uncut. Paris, 1875 * VERY SCARCE. Originally published in the "Examiner," but never separately printed in England. Issued in brick-red paper wrappers, with the title page reproduced on front cover. 1086. SWINBURNE (A. C.). George Chapman. A Crit- ical Essay. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1875 1087. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Songs of Two Nations. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut (somewhat rub- bed). Lond. 1875 1088. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Bothwell. A Tragedy. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1875 * Copies of Bothwell in two volumes as above are exceedingly un- common. They are made up of the sheets of the original one volume edition issued in 1874, and are considered by collectors generally much more valuable than the actual FIRST EDITION. Contains the eight preliminary pages including the Sonnet to Victor Hugo in French. 1089. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Essays and Studies. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. (Circulating Libra- ry Copy; somewhat rubbed and blistered). Lond. 1875 1090. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Joseph and his Brethren; A Dramatic Poem. By Charles Wells. Introduction by A. C. Swinburne. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1876 f 1591 1091. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Note of an English Repub- lican on the Muscovite Crusade. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, blue-grey wrappers. Lond. 1876 1092. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Erechtheus. A Tragedy. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1876 * With bookplate of Seward Brice. 1093. [SWINBURNE (A. C.).]. The Tatler, Vol. II. August 25th, to December 29th, 1877. Contains "A Year's Letters," by Mrs. Horace Manners [A. C. S.]. A Novel in Thirty Chapters, told in the form of Letters. The whole preceded by a prefatory letter "To the Author." Bound in 1 vol. 4to, boards morocco back, uncut. * Buried in Chapter XX. (page 326 of The Tatler) is a set of 6 verses by Swinburne, not printed elsewhere, the first verse of which follows, Fair face, fair head, and goodly gentle brows, Sweet beyond speech and bitter beyond measure: A thing to make all vile things virtuous, Fill fear with force and pain's heart's blood with pleasure; Unto thy love my love takes flight, and flying Between thy lips alights and falls to sighing. 1094. SWINBURNE (A. C.). A Note on Charlotte Bronte. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, "Reckett's Blue" cloth, uncut. Lond. 1877 * Fine Copy of the Genuine FIRST EDITION, First Issue. 1095. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Poems and Ballads. Second Series. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1878 1096. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Studies in Song. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1880 1097. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Specimens of Modern Poets. The Heptalogia of the Seven against Sense. A Cap with Seven Bells. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1880 * VERY SCARCE. This work was published anonymously and is now difficult to procure. The authorship was acknowledged by Swinburne at a comparatively recent date. 1098. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Songs of the Springtides. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1880 [1601 1099. SWINBURNE (A. C.). A Study of Shakespeare. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1880 1100. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Mary Stuart. A Tragedy. FIRST EDITION. (With the Advertisements). 12mo, origi- nal cloth, uncut. Lond. 1881 1101. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Tristram of Lyonesse, and other Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1882 * With the armorial bookplate of Alfred Cock of the Middle Temple. 1102. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Les Cenci. Drame de Shelley. Traduction de Tola Dorian. Avec Preface de Alger- non Charles Swinburne. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original light-green wrappers, uncut (several corners missing; library label on cover). Paris; Lemerre, 1883 1103. SWINBURNE (A. C.). [Shepherd (R. H.)]. The Bibliography of Swinburne; a Bibliographical List, arranged in chronological order, of the Published Writings in Prose and Verse, of A. C. Swinburne, 1857-1883. 12mo, flexible calf, gilt tops, original wrappers bound in. [Lond. 1883] * One of 250 copies printed for Private Circulation, with interleaves, on which are written numerous additions. With the name of Thomas B. Mosher and date on fly-leaf. 1104. SWINBURNE (A. C.). In the Album of Adah Menken. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, 2pp. leaflet. [Privately Printed; Lond. 1883]. * Contains two verses in French entitled "Dolorida," written for the actress Adah Menken, in her autograph album. Only a few copies privately printed. 1105. SWINBURNE (A. C.). A Century of Rondels. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1883 1106. SWINBURNE (A. .C.). A Midsummer Holiday; and other Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1884 1107. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Marino Faliero. A Tragedy. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1885 1108. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Miscellanies. [Short Notes on English Poets]. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1886 [161] 1109. SWINBURNE (A. C.). A Study of Victor Hugo. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1886 1110. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Selections from the Poetical Works of A. C. Swinburne. 12mo, cloth gilt, uncut. Lond. 1887 1111. SWINBURNE (A. C.). The Question. MDCCCL- XXXVII. A Poem. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, pale green paper wrappers. Lond. 1887 * Only 25 copies said to have been printed. It is not included in any of the author's collected writings. Contains some bitter verses upon W. E. Gladstone. 1112. SWINBURNE (A. C.). A Word for the Navy. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, blue gray paper wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1887 * One of only 250 copies printed. 1113. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Locrine. A Tragedy. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1887 1114. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Poems and Ballads. Third Series. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1889 1115. SWINBURNE (A. C.). A Study of Ben Jonson. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. *Lond. 1889 1116. SWINBURNE (A. C.). The Sisters. A Tragedy. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1892 1117. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Grace Darling. FIRST EDI- TION. Small 4to, vellum boards, uncut. Lond.: Printed for Private Circulation, 1893 * One of only 30 copies printed for Mr. T. J. Wise on handmade paper. SCARCE. 1118. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Studies in Prose and Poetry. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1894 1119. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Astrophel; and other Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1894 1120. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Poems and Ballads. First, Second, and Third Series. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1895-7 [162] 1121. SWINBURNE (A. C.). The Tale of Balen. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1896 * With the bookplate of Alfred Cock, of the Middle Temple. 1122. SWINBURNE (A. C.). A Bibliographical List of the Scarcer Works and Uncollected Writings of Algernon Charles Swinburne. By Thomas J. Wise. Facsimiles. 12mo, origi- nal cloth, uncut. Lond. 1897 * SCARCE. One of 50 copies printed for Subscribers. 1123. SWINBURNE (A. C.). The Heptalogia. Title in red and black. Square 8vo, wrappers and boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1898 * No. 1 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum. 1124. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Laus Veneris; Poems and Ballads. Portrait of the author, after the original by D. G. Ros- setti, facsimiles of Surinburne's manuscript, etc. Square 8vo, vellum, uncut, with ties, Kelmscott style. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1899 * No. 1 of 4 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. Laid in is a 2 pp. A. L. S. from Edgar Saltus to T. B. Mosher regarding the above and other books. 1125. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Laus Veneris. Poems and Ballads. Portrait of the author, after the original by D. .G Ros- setti, facsimiles of Swinburne's manuscript, etc. Square 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1899 * No. 1 of 25 copies printed on Japan vellum, autographed by the publisher. 1126. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Under the Microscope. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1899 * No. 1 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum. 1127. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Rosamund, Queen of the Lombards. A Tragedy. FIRST EDITION. (With the Adver- tisements). 12mo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1899 1128. SWINBURNE (A. C.). A Year's Letters. Title hi red and black. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1901 * No. 1 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum. [ Ifi3 ] 1129. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Songs before Sunrise. Por- trait of the author after G.F. Watts, and title in red and black. Square 8vo, sheets, unstitched, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1901 * No. 1 of 4 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. 1130. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Songs before Sunrise. Por- trait of the author, after the original by G. F. Watts, title in red and black. Square 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1901 * No. 1 of 25 copies printed on Japan vellum, autographed by the publisher. 1131. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Poems and Ballads; Second and Third Series. Title in red and black. Square 8vo, sheets, unstitched, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1902 * No. 1 of 4 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. 1132. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Poems and Ballads. Second and Third Series. Title in, red and black. Square 8vo, wrappers uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1902 * No. 1 of 25 copies printed on Japan vellum, autographed by the publisher. 1133. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Love's Cross-Currents. A Year's Letters. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, buckram, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1905 1134. SWINBURNE (A. C.). Atalanta in Calydon and Dead Love. Both printed on Japan vellum, the first 1 of 100 copies, the second 1 of 35 copies. 2 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me. : Mosher, v.d. 1135. SWINBURNE (A. C.). The Light Green. A Sup- erior and High Class Periodical. Supported only by Well- known and Popular Writers. Contains a Poem on the "Octo- pus" by Algernon Charles Sin-burn. 8vo, original green wrappers, uncut. (Name on cover). Cambridge, n. d. 1136. SYDNEY (WILLIAM C.). England and the Eng- lish in the Eighteenth Century. Chapters in the Social History of the Times. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, gilt tops. N. Y. 1891 164 John Addington Symonds. Unusually Long and Choice Collection of His Writings, Mainly First Editions. 1137. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Escorial. A Prize Poem, recited in the Theatre, Oxford, June 20, 1860. 12mo, wrappers (re-issue). Oxford, 1860 * Symonds' first publication. Laid in is a letter, from Davos Platz, where he was living with Stevenson, Sept. 6, 1883, to an unnamed correspondent, reading: "In reply to yours of 29 last month I enclose a list of works by me so far as I can remember them. I think a Mr. Nichol was going to publish a complete list in a Bio- graphical Dictionary. But whether this has appeared, I cannot now be sure. I am yours faithfully, J. A. Symonds." 1138. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Renais- sance. An Essay read in the Theatre, Oxford, June 17, 1863. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original printed wrappers. Oxford, 1863 * Inscribed on the upper right hand corner, in Symonds' autograph, "from the author." VERY SCARCE. 1139. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Renais- sance. An Essay read in the Theatre, Oxford, June 17, 1863. 8vo, boards, uncut, (reprint). Oxford, 1863 [1898] * 25 copies only of this were printed, in 1898. 1140. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Miscellanies, by John Addington Symonds, M. D., selected and edited, with an Introductory Memoir, by his son [John Addington Symonds]. Diagrams. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth (name on half-title). Lond. 1871 1141. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Verses by John Addington Symonds, M. D., &c., FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, original blue cloth. Lond. 1871 * The above volume of verse written by his Father was edited, with a preface and dedicatory verses, by John Addington Symonds, and privately printed by him. Very rare. 1142. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). An Introduc- tion to the Study of Dante. Frontispiece. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1872 * Laid in is an A. L. S. by Horatio F. Brown, friend and biographer of Symonds dated Venice, 30 May, 1896. [165] 1143. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Studies of the Greek Poets. First and Second Series. FIRST EDITIONS OF BOTH. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth (different colors, as issued). Lond. 1873-76 * Scarce. Fine copies. 1144. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Sketches in Italy and Greece. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1874 1145. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Renaissance in Italy, comprising: The Age of the Despots, 1875; The Fine Arts, 1877; The Revival of Learning, 1877; Italian Literature, Portrait, 2 vols. 1881; The Catholic Reaction, 2 vols. 1886; Together, 7 vols. 8vo, original cloth. Lond. : Smith Elder, 1875-86 COMPLETE SET OF FIBST EDITIONS OF THE DIFFERENT WORKS. Very rare, especially in such good condition as is the above. Laid in are 4 pp. lmo, of notes in the hand- writing of Symonds, referring to passages of Greek and Latin classics. 1146. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Shelley. English Men of Letters Series. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth. Lond. 1878 * Laid hi is an A. L. S. from Horatio F. Brown, the biographer of Symonds. 1147. [SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON)]. Rhaetica. 8vo, wrappers, (back slightly frayed). n. p., 1878 * Published anonymously. This volume contains the first ap- pearance of many of Symonds' poems. Scarce. 1148. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Sonnets of Michael Angelo Buonarotti and Tommaso Campanella, now for the first time translated into rhymed English. FIRST EDI- TION. 12mo, original cloth, top edge uncut. Lond. 1878 * A. L. S. by Horatio F. Brown, friend and biographer of Symonds, dated Venice April 3, 1898, regarding the Mosher edition of the above work, laid in. 1149. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Many Moods; A Volume of Verse. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, top edge uncut. Lond. 1878 1150. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Sketches and Studies in Italy. Frontispiece. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original blue cloth. Lond. 1879 [166] 1151. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Renaissance in Italy: The Age of the Despots. SECOND EDITION. 8vo, original cloth. Lond. 1880 1152. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). New and Old: A Volume of Verse. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original blue cloth. Lond. 1880 1153 .Another Copy 1154. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Thirteen at Dinner and what came of it. Arrowsmith's Christmas Annual 1881. Illustrated. 8vo, wrappers. Lond. 1881 * Contains "The Story of Ginevra Degli Almieri," by Symonds, an eight page poem. 1155. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Best Plays of Webster and Tourneur, with an Introduction and Notes by John Addington Symonds. Frontispiece. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Lond.: Vizetelly, 1881 1156. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Animi Figura. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth, top and fore edges uncut. Lond. 1882 1157. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Italian By- ways. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth. Lond. 1883 * SYMONDS' COPY, WITH " J. A. Symonds, Am Hof Davos Platz. March 3, 1883, 7.15 p. m." in pencil on the half-title, AND MARGINAL NOTES AND EMENDATIONS IN PENCIL IN A NUMBER OF PLACES. 1158. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Wine, Wo- men and Song. Mediaeval Latin Students' Songs now first translated into English- Verse, with an Essay. 4to, original boards, uncut (worn). Lon. 1884 * LARGE PAPER ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION, limited to 50 copies. Laid in is an A. L. S. from Horatio F. Brown, the Biographer of Sy- monds, regarding Mosher's edition of the above. 1159. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Shakespeare's Predecessors in the English Drama. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original cloth. Lond. 1884 1160. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Vagabunduli Libellus. FIRST EDITION. Small 8vo, original cloth, uncut and mainly unopened. Lond. 1884 [167] 1161. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Ben Jon- son. English Worthies Series. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, ori- ginal cloth, (embossed stamp on title). Lond. 1886 1162. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Drama- tic Works of Ben Jonson [Selected]. With an Essay, Bio- graphical and Critical, by John Addington Symonds. FIRST EDITION. 16mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1886 1163. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici, Urn Burial, Christian Morals, and other essays. Edited with an Introduction by John Adding- ton Symonds. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1886 1164. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Life of Benvenuto Cellini. Portrait, etchings, and other illustra- tions. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1888 * One of 100 copies on Super-royal paper, with etchings on India paper. 1165. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The best Plays of Thomas Haywood, edited by A. Wilson Verity, with an introduction by J. Addington Symonds. Frontispiece. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Lond.: Vizetelly, 1888 1166. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Life of Benvenuto Cellini. Newly translated into English. Por- trait, eight etchings, and other illustrations. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, half leather, gilt tops, uncut (covers slightly stained). Lond. 1888 1167. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Best Plays of Christopher Marlowe, edited by Havelock Ellis, with a general Introduction by J. A. Symonds. Etched front- ispiece. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut and un-opened. Lond. : Vizetelly, 1887 1168. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Essays Spec- ulative and Suggestive. Vol. I. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1890 1169. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Memoirs of Count Carlo Gozzi. Translated into English by John Addington Symonds, with Essays on Italian Impromptu Comedy, Gozzi's Life, the Dramatic Fables, and Pietro [ 168 ] Longhi. Portrait, six etchings by Lalauze, and 11 copper- plates, hand ^colored, after Maurice Sand. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, half leather, gilt tops, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1890 * Fine copy, except for slight rubbing at top of binding. 1170. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Sun Artists. Photographic plates. Number 7, April, 1891. Folio, original printed wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1891 * Contains Symonds' essay on Mrs. F. W. H. Myers. 1171. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Our Life in the Swiss Highlands. Frontispiece portrait of Symonds in his library. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original cloth. Lond. 1892 1172. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Life of Michael Angelo Buonarotti, based on studies in the Archives of the Buonarotti Family at Florence. Portrait and 50 repro- ductions, including a large folding plate of the Sistine ceiling. SECOND EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1893 * Laid in is A. L. S., 2 pp. 12mo, from Horatio F. Brown to [T B. Mosher] acknowledging the receipt of one of his editions of a work of John A. Symonds. Dated [Venice, Oct. 1896). 1173. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Walt Whit- man, A Study. Portrait and 4 other illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut and mainly unopened. Lond. 1893 * Large paper edition, limited to 208 copies, on unbleached hand- made paper. 1174. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Michelangelo Buonarotti (1474-1564). Conferenza di John Addington Symonds. (Estratto da La Vita Italiana nel Cinquecento). 12mo, wrappers. Milan, [ca. 18931 * Published shortly after Symonds' death. A translation by Ida Falorsi of an English article written by Symonds during his last weeks. 1175. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). In the Key of Blue and other Prose Essays. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1893 1176. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). A Short His- tory of the Renaissance in Italy. Taken from the Work of John Addington Symonds by Lieut-Colonel Alfred Pearson. Portrait. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth, uncut (name on half title). Lond. 1893 1177. SYMOXDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Blank Verse. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1895 * Laid in is a 3 pp. A. L. S. from H. F. Brown, the biographer of Symonds, with mention of Symonds Sonnets, and other matters. 1178. SYMOXDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Giovanni Boccaccio as Man and Author. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1895 * Fine copy. 1179. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). A Problem in Modern Ethics, being an Inquiry into the Phenomenon of Sexual Inversion, addressed especially to Medical Psycholo- gists and Jurists. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1896 * Privately printed and limited to 100 copies. Inserted is the leaflet announcing the work. 1180. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Wine, Wom- en and Song. Mediaeval Latin Students' Songs. Now first translated into English verse, with an Essay by J. A. Symonds. Title in red and black. Square 12mo, vellum, uncut, with ties, Kelmscott style. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1899 * No. 1 of 4 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. Laid in is an A. L. S. from Horatio F. Brown relating to the above. 1181. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Wine, Women and Song. Mediaeval Latin Student's Songs. Now first translated into English verse, with an Essay by J. A. Symonds. Title in red and black. Square 12mo, wrappers uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1899 * No. 1 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum. 1182. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). A Problem in Greek Ethics: Being an Inquiry into the Phenomenon of Sexual Inversion, addressed especially to Medical Psycholo- gists and Jurists. 8vo, original wrappers. Lond.: Privately printed, 1901 * One of 100 copies only. 1183. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). Fragilia Lab- ilia. Title in red, green and black. 12mo, sheets, unstitched, uncut. Portland, Me. : Mosher, 1902 * No. 1 of 5 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. [170] 1184. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON and others). The Garland of Rachel. By Divers kindly Hands. 8vo, boards, uncut, with ties. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1902 * No. 1 of 50 copies printed on. Japan vellum, autographed by the publisher. Contributed to by Symonds, Le Gallienne, Austin Dob- son, Lang, Henley and others. 1185. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). The Sonnets of Michael Angelo, 2 copies (1) the issue of 50 copies on Japan vellum, and (2) the issue of 100 copies on Japan vellum; Fragilia Labilia, No. 1 of 50 copies on Japan vellum. To- gether, 3 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, v. d. 1186. SYMONDS (JOHN ADDINGTON). John Ad- dington Symonds. A Biography compiled from his Papers and Correspondence. By Horatio F. Brown. Portraits and other illustrations. FIRST EDITION. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut and mainly unopened. Lond. 1895 * Laid in is an A. L. S. by Horatio F. Brown, the author of the biography, 2 pp. 12mo, dated Venice, 29 Nov., 1896. 171 FIFTH SESSION 1187. SYMONS (ARTHUR). London Nights. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1895 * Limited Edition. Presentation Copy from T. B. Mosher, with inscription o fly-leaf. 1188. SYMONS (ARTHUR). London Nights (1896); Silhouettes, 2 copies (1896). 3 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1896 * Several are Presentation Copies from T. B. Mosher, with inscrip- tion on fly-leaf. 1189. SYMONS (ARTHUR Editor). The Savoy. An Illustrated Quarterly. With characteristic designs by Aubrey Beard sley, James McXeill Whistler, and others. Vols. I III, all issued. 3 vols. 4to, decorated cloth gilt, uncut. Lond. 1896 * Contains original contributions by the Editor, W. B. Yeats, Max Beerbohm, Bernard Shaw, and others. 1190. SYMONS (ARTHUR). Amoris Victima. FIRST ED- ITION. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1897 * Limited Edition. Presentation copy from T. B. Mosher, with inscription on fly-leaf. 1191. SYMONS (ARTHUR). Images of Good and Evil. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, cloth uncut. Lond. 1899 * Presentation copy from T. B. Mosher, with inscription on fly-leaf. 1192. SYMONS (ARTHUR). London: A Book of As- pects. FIRST EDITION. 8vo, boards, uncut. Lond. 1909 * Privately printed, at the Chiswick Press. 1193. TAINE (H. A.). History of English Literature. Translated by H. Van Laun. Portraits. 4 vols. Sq. 12mo, half brown polished morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Phila. 1895 1194. TALES FROM FOREIGN LANDS. Phillis (Gas- kell); Memories (Muller); Marie (Pushkin); Graziella (LaMari- tne); Karine (Jensen); Madeleine (Sandeau); Marianela (Galdos). Together, 7 vols. 12mo, uniform cloth, gilt tops. Chic. 1893-97 [172] TENNYSON POEMS Binding probably by Fazskerley, with three water colors on the fore-edge No. 1196 1195. TELGRAPHIC CODE. The A. B. C. Universal Commercial Electric Telegraphic Code. By W. Clauson- Thue. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1883 1196. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Poems. Illus- trations by Millais, Rossetti, Hunt, and others. Sq. 8vo, brown levant morocco, gilt, doublures of vellum, with gilt floral sprays, vellum end-papers, gilt and gauffred edges, and three water-color paintings on the fore-edge, said to be by Fazakerley. Lond.: Moxon, 1857 * Fine copy of the FIRST EDITION of the Pre-Raphaelite Tennyson, now scarce. Tennyson and Moxon projected this edition, and it is believed to have been at the poet's suggestion that the artists were chosen. The illustrations include the Lady of Shalott, by Hunt and Rossetti; The Palace of Art (2), by Rossetti; Mariana in the South, and Sir Galahad by the same; Holman Hunt contributed Oriana (2), Lady Godiva, The Beggar Maid, and two others; Millais drew the pictures for Mariana, Dream of Fair Women, Dora, and several other*. [See Reproduction.] 1197. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Idylls of the King. Illustrated by Gustave Dore. Thick Folio, green morocco, mosaic name plate, gilt edges. Lond.: Moxon, 1868 1198. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Poems by Two Brothers. 12mo, light blue levant morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Canape. Lond. 1893 * With a new preface by Tennyson. 1199. TENNYSON (ALFRED, LORD). Alfred Lord Tennyson, A Memoir by his Son. Niimerous photogravure portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, green polished morocco, gilt, doublures and end-papers of red calf, gilt edges. N. Y. 1897 1200. TERRY (ELLEN). A. L. S. 2pp. oblong 12mo, to Thomas Mosher, Portland, Maine, referring to one or two of his editions. Dated New York, 14 May [1900]. (With Envelope) . [175] ' 1201. TERRY (ELLEN). A. L. S. (with Initials) to T. B. Mosher, Portland, Maine. 4pp. 12mo. Dated Hotel Ven- dome, Boston, Thursday, 23d April [n. d.]. Dear Mr. Mosher: Won't you come to the play to-morrow? And afterwards come to my room and let me see you? You'll like "Waterloo," be interested in Lawrence Irving's "Godefroi and Yolande," and you'll LOVK "Don Quixote." My Star is tired out and I fear will never dance again. " Heaven take my soul and England keep my bones." Perhaps gentle England will patch me up again. It is so difficult to get dead. Some are born fools. Upon reflection Portland is hours and hours away from this place but surely you said something once about coming to Boston when we were there. I think I'll telegraph to Portland, Maine, and perhaps then find out you are in Boston." Yours, E. T. 1202. THOMSON (JAMES). The Original Manuscript of "The Fire that Filled my Heart of Old." (1864). 20 lines. 8vo. Also a collection of letters referring to Thomson's work, especially "The City of Dreadful Night," and some proofs of the Mosher edition. The collection includes 21 letters and 5 cards from Bertram Dobell, Dobell's bill for com- piling the bibliography, a MS. poem by Dobell. 20 letters from Elizabeth Cavazza, who wrote the introduction, a letter to her from R. H. Stoddard, referring to Thomson, 2 letters from Louise Chandler Moulton, 4 from Oliver Leigh, who owned the MS. of "The City of Dreadful Night," and who was a friend of Thomson's, 2 letters from Forrest Morgan, a poem of Oliver Leigh's, 3 letters and a card from Henry S. Salt, Thom- son's biographer, and several other items. Together, about 75 pieces. A REMARKABLE AND INTERESTING LOT. 1203. TICKNOR (GEORGE). History of Spanish Lit- erature. 3 vols. 8vo, old sheep. N. Y. 1854 1204. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). Works. Numerous illustrations by the author. 24 vols. 8vo, half polished calf gilt tops, uncut, by Riviere. Lond. 1869-86 * A very handsome set of the best edition, including the 2 vols. issued in 1886. 1205. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). A Collection of Letters of Thackeray. 1847-1855. Portraits, facsimiles and illustrations. Royal 8vo, half blue polished morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1887 [176] 1206. THACKERAY (WILLIAM MAKEPEACE). The Four Georges; Ferris' Leo Tolstoy; Lee's Life of Jean Paul Friedrich Richter; Cundall's Hans Holbein; and others. To- gether, 13 vols. 8vo and 12mo, various bindings. v. p., v. d. 1207. THEO-CRITT. Journal d'un Officier Malgre Lui. Illustre par P. Kauffmann. Square 16rao, half purple levant morocco, gilt top, uncut (lower corners stained), original covers bound in. . Paris, 1887 1208. THEURIET (ANDRE). Reine des Bois. Illus- trated by H. Laurent-Desrousseaux. 4to, green levant morocco, mosaic panels of brown on sides, gilt, figured silk linings and end-papers, gilt top, uncut, by H. Philippe. Paris, 1890 1209. THEURIET (ANDRE). The Abbe Daniel. Trans- lated by Helen B. Dole. Illustrated. 12mo, tree calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Blackwell. N. Y. 1894 1210. THIERS (LOUIS ADOLPHE). History of the Con- sulate and the Empire of France under Napoleon. Translated by D. F. Campbell and John Stebbing. 36 plates. 12 vols. 8vo, polished calf, gilt tops. Lond. 1893-4 * Handsome set of the library edition. 1211. THOMPSON (MAURICE). Lincoln's Grave. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, limp vellum, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1894 * One of 450 copies. 1212. THOREAU (HENRY DAVID). Writings. With Bibliographical Introductions, and the Familiar Letters. Portraits. 11 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Blackwei:. Bost. 1896 * Riverside Edition. 1213. TOLSTOI (LYOF N.). Novels and other Works. Portrait and illustrations on Japan paper. Vols. 1-22. 22 vols. 8vo, half green polished morocco, (2 shades) gilt tops, uncut. N. Y.: Scribner, 1899-1900 1214. THOMPSON (VANCE). French Portraits. Being Appreciations of the Writers of Young France. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bost. 1900 [177] 1215. TRASK (KATRINA). Sonnets and Lyrics. 12mo, blue calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Blackwell. N. Y., n. d. * Presentation copy from the author. 1216. TRIMALCHIO'S Diver, by Petronius, translated by H. T. Peck, 1898; The Treasure of the Humble by M. Maeter- linck, 1898; Wisdom and Destiny by M. Maeterlinck, 1898; Roses of Paestum by E. McCurdy, 1900; and others. 11 vols. 12mo, cloth. 1217. TROWBRIDGE (W. R. H.). Seven Splendid Sin- ners. Numerous illustrations, 1909; A Beau Sabreur, Maurice de Saxe, Marshal of France, his Loves, Laurels, and Times. Numerous illustrations, 1910. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. N, Y. 1909-10 1218. UPTON (GEORGE P.). The Standard Cantatas; The Standard Symphonies; The Standard Oratorios. Together, 3 vols. 12mo, uniform cloth. Chic. 1896-97 1219. UZANNE (OCTAVE). Fashion in Paris, the various phases of feminine taste and aesthetics from 1797 to 1897. Translated by Lady Mary Loyd. 100 hand colored plates and 250 text illustrations by Courboin. 4to, half levant morocco, gilt top. Lond. 1898 1220. VACHON (MARIUS). La Femme dans 1'art. Les protectrices des arts; les Femmes artistes. 400 illustrations. 4to, cloth, gilt top. Paris, 1893 Publications of the Vale Press. 1221. VALE PRESS. The Dial for 1889, 1892, 1893 (2 copies), 1896 (2 copies), 1897 (2 copies). Illustrations by C. Ricketts, C. H. Shannon, R. Savage and L. Pissarro. 8 parts 4to, wrappers, uncut. Lond. 1889-97 * Limited to 300 copies. 1222. VALE PRESS. Marlowe (Christopher) and Chap- man (George). Hero and Leander. Border and illustrations designed and engraved on wood by C. Ricketts} and C. Shannon. 12mo, original vellum gilt, uncut. Lond. 1893-94 * Limited to 220 copies. [1781 1223. VALE PRESS. Milton (John). The Early Poems. Reprinted from the Edition of 1645, edited by Charles Sturt. Frontispiece border and initials designed and engraved by Charles Ricketts. 4to, original cloth, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1895 * Limited to 310 copies. 1224. VALE PRESS. Dray ton (Michael). The Nymphi- dia and the Muses Elizium. Edited by John Gray. Frontis- piece, border and initials designed and cut on wood by Charles Ricketts. 8vo, original boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1896 * Limited to 210 copies. ^ 1225. VALE PRESS. Gray (John). Spiritual Poems. Frontispiece and border designed and cut on wood by C. Ricketts. 12mo, original boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1896 * Limited to 210 copies. 1226. VALE PRESS. Arnold (Matthew). Empedocles on Etna. A Dramatic Poem. Border designed and engraved by C. Ricketts. 12mo, original boards. Lond. 1896 * Limited to 210 copies. 1227. VALE PRESS. Campion (Thomas). Fifty Songs. Edited by John Gray. Border of violets and ornamental initials designed and engraved by C. Ricketts. 8vo, original boards, un- cut. Lond. 1896 * Limited to 210 copies. 1228. VALE PRESS. Suckling (John). The Poems. Bor- der of honeysuckle designed and engraved by C. Ricketts. 8vo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1896 * Limited to 310 copies. 1229. VALE PRESS. The Passionate Pilgrim and the Songs in Shakespeare's Plays. Edited by T. S. More. Half border and wood-cut designed and engraved by Charles Ricketts. 12mo, original boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1896 * Limited to 310 copies. 1230. VALE PRESS. Landor (W. S.). Epicurus, Leon- tion and Ternissa. Border printed in red, designed and engraved by C. Ricketts. 12mo, original boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1896 * Limited to 210 copies. [179] 1231. VALE PRESS. Apuleius. The Marriage of Cupide and Psyches by Lucius Apuleius translated by William Adling- ton, 1566. 6 illustrations designed and engraved on wood by C. Ricketts. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1897 * Limited to 210 copies. VALE PRESS. Vaughan (Henry). Sacred Poems. Frontispiece, border and initials designed and engraved by C. Ricketts. 12mo, original boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1897 * Limited to 210 copies. ^ 1233. VALE PRESS. Constable (Henry). Poems and Sonnets. Edited from early editions and manuscripts, by John Gray. Border of wild hop designed and engraved by C. Ricketts. 8vo, original boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1897 * Limited to 210 copies. 1234. VALE PRESS. Field (Michael). Fair Rosamund. A play reissued with revisions by the author. Border of roses designed and engraved on wood by C. Ricketts. 8vo, original boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1897 * Limited to 210 copies. 1235. VALE PRESS. Blake (William). The Book of Thel. Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. Woodcut borders, frontispiece and initials desigml and engravei by C. Ricketts. 12mo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1897 * Limited to 210 copies. 1236. VALE PRESS. Browning (E. B.). Sonnets from the Portuguese. 16mo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1897 * Limited to 300 copies. 1237. VALE PRESS. Field (Michael). The World Auc- tion. A Play. Border, initials and decorations designed and engraved on wood by C. Ricketts. 8vo, original boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1898 * Limited to 210 copies. 1238. VALE PRESS. Keats (John). Poems. Edited by C. J. Holmes. Borders and initials designed and engraved on wood by C. Ricketts, and title page engraved by B. Sleigh. 2 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1898 * Limited to 217 copies. [180] 1239. VALE PRESS. Rossetti (D. G.). The Blessed Damozel. Decorative initials by C. Ricketts. Obi. 16mo, orig- inal boards. Lond. 1898 * Limited to 310 copies. 1240. VALE PRESS. Shelley (P. B.). Lyrical Poems. Large decorative initial. 16mo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1898 * Limited to 210 copies. 1241. VALE PRESS. Shelley (P. B.). Lyrical Poems. Large decorative initial. 16mo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1898 * Limited to 210 copies. 1242. VALE PRESS. Sidney (Philip). Sonnets. Border and initials designed and engraved by C. Ricketts. 8vo, original boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1898 * Limited to 210 copies. This book contains all the sonnets known to have been written by Sir Philip Sidney. 1243. VALE PRESS. Chatterton (Thomas). The Row- ley Poems. Edited by R. Steele. Borders of wild briony and initials designed and engraved by C. Ricketts. 2 vols. 8vo, ori- ginal boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1898 * Limited to 210 copies. 1244. VALE PRESS. Ricketts (C.) and Pissarro (L.). De la typographic et de Pharmonie de la page imprime. Wil- liam Morris et son influence sur les arts et metiers. 12mo, original boards, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1898 * Limited to 256 copies. With the slip of errata laid in. 1245. VALE PRESS. Ricketts (Charles). A Defence of the Revival of Printing. Woodcut and border designed and engraved by the author. 12mo, original boards, uncut and un- opened. Lond. 1899 * Limited to 250 copies. 1246. VALE PRESS. Coleridge (S. T.). The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Border and initials designed and engraved by C. Ricketts. 12mo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1899 * Limited to 210 copies. [1811 1247. VALE PRESS. Rossetti (D. G.). Hand and Soul. Vine border designed and engraved by C. Ricketts. 16mo, origi- nal boards, unopened. Lond. 1899 * Limited to 210 copies. 1248. VALE PRESS. Shakespeare's Sonnets reprinted from the edition of 1609. Edited by T. S. Moore. Border and initials designed and engraved on wood by C. Ricketts. 8vo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1899 * Limited to 210 copies. 1249. VALE PRESS. Browning (Robert). Dramatic Ro- mances and Lyrics. Border and initials designed and cut on wood by C. Ricketts. 8vo, original cloth, unopened. Lond. 1899 * Limited to 210 copies. 1250. VALE PRESS. Blake (William). Poetical Sketches. Border, frontispiece and initials designed and engraved on wood by C. Ricketts. 12mo, original boards, uncut. Lond. 1899 * Limited to 210 copies. 1251. VALE PRESS. Moore (T. S.). The Centaur. The Bacchante. Translated from the French of Maurice de Guerin. 5 original wood cuts by T. S. Moore. 8vo, original cloth, un- opened. Lond. 1899 * Only 150 copies printed. 1252. VALE PRESS. Tennyson (Alfred, Lord). In Me- moriam. Border of willow designed by C. Ricketts and en- graved by C. Keats. 8vo, original cloth, unopened. Lond. 1900 * Limited to 320 copies. 1253. VALE PRESS. Tennyson (Alfred, Lord). Poem. Border of willow designed by C. Ricketts and engraved on wood by C. Keats. 8vo, original cloth, unopened. Lond. 1900 * Limited to 320 copies. 1254. VALE PRESS. Cellini (Benvenuto). The Life of Benvenuto Cellini translated by J. A. Symonds. Border and initials designed by C. Ricketts and engraved by C. Keats. 2 vols. imp. 8vo, original boards, cloth back, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1900 * Limited to 300 copies. [182] ^ 1255. VALE PRESS. Shakespeare (William). Tragedies, Comedies, Histories and Poems. Edited by T. S. Moore. Borders and initials cut on brass after the designs of C. Ricketts and half borders designed and engraved on wood by the same. 39 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lond. 1900-1903 * Limited to 310 sets. 1256. VALE PRESS. Field (Michael). The Race of Leaves. A Play. Border designed and engraved on wood by Charles Ricketts. 8vo, original boards uncut and unopened. Lond. 1901 * Limited to 208 copies. 1257. VALE PRESS. Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat, trans- lated by Edward Fitzgerald. Frontispiece designed and engraved by C. Keats, and borders of vine by C. Keats. 8vo, original boards, cloth back, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1901 * Limited to 310 copies. 1258. VALE PRESS. Apuleius De Cupidinis et Psyches amoribus, fabula anilis. From the metamorphoses of Lucius Apuleius. The Latin text edited by C. J. Holmes. Border, initials and 5 illustrations designed and engraved by C. Ricketts. Imp. 8vo, original boards and half cloth, uncut. Lond. 1901 * Limited to 310 copies. 1259. VALE PRESS. Shelley (P. B.). The Poems. Bor- ders of pansies and initials designed and engraved by C. Ricketts. 3 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1901-2 * Limited to 310 copies. 1260. VALE PRESS. Browne (Thomas). Religio Medici, Urn Burial, Christian Morals, and other Essays. Woodcut border of vine leaves designed by C. Ricketts and engraved on wood by C. Keats. Small folio, original boards, cloth back, uncut and unopened. Lond. 1J)(h> * Limited to 310 copies. 1261. VALE PRESS. Wordsworth (William). Poems. Edited by T. S. Moore. 6 illustrations designed and engraved on wood by the editor. 8vo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. Ix>nd. 1902 * Limited to 310 copies. f 183 I 1262. VALE PRESS. Ecclesiastes; or the Preacher, and the Song of Solomon. Imp. 8vo, original boards, cloth back, uncut. Lond. 1902 * Limited to 300 copies. 1263. VALLANCE (AYMER). The Art of William Mor- ris, a Record with reproductions from designs and fabrics printed in the colours of the originals, examples'of the type and ornaments used at the Kelmscott Press, and many other illus- trations, also a classified Bibliography by Temple Scott. Royal 4to, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond.: Chiswick Press, 1897 * Limited to 220 copies. 1264. VAN DYKE (J. C.), editor. Modern French Masters : A Series of Biographical Reviews by American Artists. 37 wood engravings and 28 half-tone illustrations. Imp. 8vo, red levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Blackwell. N. Y. 1896 1265. VARNEY (G. J.). A Brief History of Maine. Illus- trated. 8vo, green levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. Portland, 1888 * Extra-illustrated by the insertion of numerous portraits, and views, etc. 1266. VASILI (PAUL). La Societe de Paris. Vol. I. Le Grand Monde. 8vo, half cloth. Paris, 1887 1267. VAUX (BARON DE). Ecuyers et ficuyeres: his- toire des cirques d' Europe (1680-1891); avec une etude sur 1'equitation savante par Maxime Gaussen. Numerous illus- trations. 8vo, hah* morocco, gilt top. Paris, 1893 1268. VECELLIO (CESARE). Costumes anciens et mod- ernes (in French and Italian). 513 illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Paris: Firmin Didot, 1860 1269. VERHAEREN (EMILE). Poems selected and ren- dered into English by Alma Strettell. 12mo, boards. Lond. 1899 1270. VERLAINE (PAUL). Poems translated by Gertrude Hall. Illustrated by H. McCarter. 12mo, cloth. Chicago: 1895 * JAP AX PAPER; one of only 15 copies with the illustrations in two states, one proof on India paper. [184] 1271. VERNE (JULES French Author). A. L. S., 2pp. 16mo, mounted on thick paper. Dated Amiens, August 12; no year. 1272. VICTOR (BENJAMIN). History of the theatres of London. and Dublin, from 1730 to the present time. To which is added an annual register of all the plays, &c., performed at the Theatres-Royal in London, from 1712, with occasional notes and anecdotes. 3 vols. 12mo, old calf (rubbed). Lond. 1761-71 1273. VILLARS (P.). L'Angleterre, 1'Ecosse et 1'Irlande. 600 illustrations and 4 colored maps. 4to, cloth, morocco back, gilt edges-. Paris, Quantin [n. d.j 1274. VILLON (FRANgOIS). Poems, now first done into English verse, in the original forms, by John Payne. Frontis- piece. 12mo, original vellum gilt, gilt top, uncut. Lond.: for the Villon Society, 1878 * FIRST ENGLISH EDITION: only 157 copies printed for private dis- tribution. 1275. VILLON (FRANCOIS). Poems now first done into English verse, in the original forms, with a biographical and critical introduction, by John Payne. Royal 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Lond. : for the Villon Society, 1892 * LARGE PAPER, only a few copies printed by private subscription, and for private circulation. 1276. VILLON (FRANgOIS). Poems of Villon. Done into English verse, in the original forms, with a biographical and critical Introduction by John Payne. Facsimiles, title in red and black. Square 12mo, vellum, uncut, with ties, Kelmscott style. Portland, Me.; Mosher, 1900 * No. 1 of 4 copies printed on the finest vellum, autographed by the publisher. 1277 . The same, printed on Japan vellum, No. 1 of 50 copies, autographed by the publisher. 1278. VILLON SOCIETY. Chap-Books and Folk-Lore tracts. Edited by G. L. Gomme and H. B. Wheatley: History of Thomas Hickathrift; History of the Seven Wise Masters of Rome; Mother Bunch's Closet Newly Broke Open, etc.; History of Patient Grisel; History of Sir Richard Whittington. 5 vols. 12mo, vellum, gilt top, uncut. Lond. 1885 [1851 1279. VOLTAIRE (F. M. AROUET DE). Philosophical Dictionary. Portrait. 6 vols. 12mo, half polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops. Name on titles. Lond. 1824 1280. WAGNER (RICHARD) . Richard Wagner to Mathilde W T esendonck, translated, prefaced, etc., by William A. Ellis. Portraits and facsimile. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1905 1281. WAGNER (RICHARD). The Flying Dutchman, Tannhauser, Tristan and Isolda, Lohengrin, the Rhine-Gold; The Walkyrie, Siegfried, The Dusk of the Gods, the Master- Singers of Nuremberg. With music. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. N. Y., n. d. 1282. WALPOLE (HORACE). Letters edited Hby Peter Cunningham, now first chronologically arranged. Portraits. 9 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops. Lond. 1877 1283. WALPOLE (HORACE). Anecdotes of Painting in England; with some account of the principal artists. With additions by James Dallaway, and Vertue's Catalogue of Engravers who have been born or resided in England. Por- traits. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Lond.: Bickers & Son, n. d. 1284. WALTON (IZAAK) AND COTTON (CHARLES). The Compleat Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation, with an Introduction by J. R. Lowell. Etched frontispieces and vignettes on titles, and numerous wood engravings in the text. 2 vols. 12mo, half calf, gilt tops. Bost. 1892 1285. WALTON (IZAAK) AND COTTON (CHARLES). The Compleat Angler, edited with an Introduction by Richard Le Gallienne. Portraits and illustrations. Square 8vo, buck- ram. Lond. 1897 1286. WARD (WILFRID). William George Ward and the Oxford Movement. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1890 1287. WARD (WILFRID). Life and Times of Cardinal Wiseman. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo, half morocco, gilt tops. Lond. 1897 1288. WARREN (J. L. LorddeTabley.). Poems. Dram- atic and Lyrical. FIRST COLLECTED EDITION. Illustrations by C. 8. Ricketts. 8vo, vellum gilt, uncut. Lond. 1893 * Japan paper, only 100 copies printed. [186] 1289. WARTON (JOSEPH). An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope. 2 portraits. % vols. 8vo, calf gilt, gilt edges. Lond. 1806 ^1290. WASHINGTON (GEORGE). Writings, being his Correspondence, Addresses, Messages, and other Papers, Offi- cial and Private, selected and published from the original manuscripts; with a Life of the author, notes and illustrations by Jared Sparks. Portraits and maps. 12 vols. 8vo, half moroc- co, gilt tops, by Blackwell. Bost. 1855 1291. WATSON (ROSAMUND M.). A Summer Night, Lond. 1895; Vespertilia and other Verses, Lond. 1895. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth. Limited issues. ' 1292. WATSON (WILLIAM). The Eloping Angels, a Caprice. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, vellum, uncut. Lond. 1893 * Japan, paper, only 75 copies printed. 1293. WATSON (WILLIAM). The Year of Shame, with an Introduction by the Bishop of Hereford. 12mo, buckram, uncut. Lond. 1897 * LARGE PAPER, only 75 copies printed. 1294. WATSON (WILLIAM). The Hope of the World, and other Poems. FIRST EDITION. 12mo, original buckram, uncut. Lond. 1898 * LARGE PAPER, only 125 copies printed. 1295. WATSON (WILLIAM). Collected Poems. Por- trait. Square 8vo, cloth, uncut. Lond. 1899 * LARGE PAPER, only 120 copies printed. 1296. WATSON (WILLIAM). The Purple East, Chicago, 1896; The Hope of the World, N. Y., 1898; Two Sonnets, and an Epigram, N. Y., 1901; 3 pieces, 16mo, boards, cloth and wrappers. 1297. WATTS-DUNTON (THEODORE). The Coming of Love and other Poems. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond. & N. Y.. 1898 1298. WEBSTER'S International Dictionary of the English language. Portrait and illustrated. Thick 4to, sheep. Springfield, 1895 f!87] 1299. WEBSTER (NOAH Lexicographer) . A. L. S., 2pp. 4to, with Leaf of Address to Daniel Webster, Boston. Dated New Haven, May 18, 1831. * An interesting letter regarding copyright law. 1300. WEININGER (OTTO). Sex and Character: author- ized translation from the Sixth German Edition. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1906 1301. WENZELL (A. B.). In Vanity Fair, drawings. Obi. folio, cloth. N. Y. 1896 1302. WHARTON (ANNE H.). Heirlooms in Miniatures, with a Chapter on Miniature Painting by Emily D. Taylor. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, blue levant morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Blackwell. Phila. 1898 1303. WHARTON (EDITH) AND CODMAN (O.). The Decoration of Houses. Numerous illustrations. Square 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top. N. Y. 1897 1304. WHARTON (THOMAS). History of the English Poetry, from the close of the eleventh century to the commence- ment of the eighteenth century, from the edition of 1824, now further improved by corrections and additions. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, marbled edges. Lond. 1840 1305. WHEELER (JOSEPH). The Santiago Campaign, 1898. Portrait and maps. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top. Bost. 1898 1306. WHISTLER (J. McN.). The Gentle Art of Making Enemies. Royal 8vo, original boards, cloth back, uncut. Lond. : W. Heinemann, 1890 * FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. Large paper. Only 250 copies printed, each signed with the butterfly. 1307. WHISTLER (J. McN.). The Gentle Art of Making Enemies. FIRST AUTHORIZED EDITION. 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 1890 1308. WTIISTLER (J. McN.). Eden versus Whistler; the Baronet and the Butterflv; a Valentine with a Verdict. Royal 8vo, half cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1899 * LARGE PAPER, limited to 250 copies. Each signed with the butter- fly. f 1881 1309. WHISTLER (J. McN.). James McNeill Whistler, the man and his work, by W. G. Bowdoin. Portrait. 8vo, cloth - Lond. 1902 1310. WHITE (GILBERT). The Natural History of Selborne. Edited with notes by Grant Allen. Portrait and illustrations by E. H. New. Square 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1900 1311. WHITE (GLEESON). Christmas Cards and their chief designers. Numerous illustrations. Imp. 8vo, boards, cloth back. Lond. 1895 ^ 1312. WHITMAN (WALT). Leaves of Grass. Including Sands at Seventy; 1st Annex, Good-Bye my Fancy; 2d Annex, a Backward Glance o'er Travel'd Roads, and Portrait from Life. 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Phila. : McKay [1891] 1313. WHITTIER (J. G.). Writings. Riverside Edition. 5 portraits. 7 vols. 12mo, half blue levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops. Bost. 1894-95 * Riverside Edition. 1314. WICKSTEED (PHILIP H. translator). Our Lady's Tumbler. A Twelfth Century Legend, done out of old French into English. 8vo, wrappers and boards, uncut. Portland, Me.: Mosher, 1900 * No. 1 of 50 copies printed on Japan vellum. 1315. WILCOX (ELLA WHEELER). Works as follows: Maurine and other Poems, 2 copies; Three Women; Poems of Pleasure; Poems of Passion; An Erring Woman's Love; How Salvator Won. Together, 7 vols. 12mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. 1316. WILDE (OSCAR). The Sphinx. Printed in small capitals, with large initials in green and running title in carmine, 8 full page and a half -page illustrations by Charles Ricketts, printed in carmine. Square 8vo, original vellum, with gilt pictorial designs on both covers, uncut and unopened. Lond.: E. Mathews and J. Lane, 1894 * THE SCARCE FIRST EDITION, which was "limited for England to 200 copies." [1891 1317. WILDE (OSCAR). Salome, a tragedy in one act. Illustrations by Aubrey Beardsley. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. 8vo, original buckram, uncut. Lond. 1894 * Limited issue. Laid in is an A. L. S. by Oscar Wilde to Edgar Saltus, with envelope, 4 pp. 12mo, n. pi., n. d. "Have just returned from Scotland and found your strange book so pessimistic, so poisonous, and so perfect. You have given me that 'nouveau frisson,' I am always looking for " 1318. WILDE (OSCAR). The Picture of Dorian Gray. 8vo, original boards, vellum back, uncut and unopened. Lond.: Ward, Lock & Bowden [1894] 1319. [WILDE (OSCAR)?]. The Priest and the Acolyte. FIRST EDITION. Square 8vo, original wrappers. Privately printed for presentation only [Lond. 1894] * Limited to 100 copies. 1320. [WILDE (OSCAR)]. The Ballad of Reading Gaol by C. 3. 3. FIRST AMERICAN EDITION. 12mo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1899 1321. WILDE (OSCAR). De Profundis (with a Preface by Robert Ross). FIRST ENGLISH EDITION. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. Lond.: Methuen & Co., [1905] 1322. WILDE (OSCAR). The Duchess of Padua, and Salome. 12mo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1906 1323. WILDE (OSCAR). De Profundis, edited, with a prefatory Dedication by Robert Ross. SECOND EDITION, with additional matter. Portrait. 12mo, boards, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1909 * Laid in is a 2 pp. A. L. S. from G. H. F. Nuttall, Baltimore, re- garding "Pen, Pencil and Prison," by Wilde, and other matters. 1324. WILLARD (A. R.). History of Modern Italian Art. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco. " N. Y. 1898 1325. WILLIAMSON (G. C.). Portrait miniatures from the time of Holbein 1531 to that of Sir William Ross, 1860. A Handbook for Collectors. Numerous reproductions. 2 vols. Imp. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. Lond. 1897 * LARGE PAPER. Only 150 copies printed. [190] 1326. WILLIAMS (H. N.). Madame Recamier and her friends. Numerous portraits. 4to, half undressed calf, gilt to P- Lond. 1901 * Limited to 600 copies. 1327. WILLIS (N. P.). Autograph Poems, Signed "N. P. W." "The Ivi-Portrait." 3pp. 4to, (torn at one fold). 1328. WILLOUGHBY (LADY). So much of the Diary of Lady Willoughby, as relates to her Domestic History, and to the Eventful Period of the Reign of Charles I; some further portion of the same diary. 2 vols. 12mo, gilt boards. Lond. 1845-48 1329. WILSON (JOSEPH). French and English Diction- ary. In 2 vols. royal 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1833 1330. WIND-FALLS. Two Hundred and Odd, wrappers, n. p., n. d.; The Rhymer's Club, N. Y. 1859. Together, 2 vols. 12mo, cloth and wrappers. v. p., v. d. * Both presentation copies. "Wind-Falls" is inscribed "[William] [Bell] Scott from his friend the Editor, 1881." 1331. WINTER (WILLIAM). 4 autograph Letters signed, all addressed to Mr. Mosher, referring to the publications of the latter, and dated May 22, 1896; Febr. 4, 1897; June 21, 1898; Jan. 4, 1900. 1332. WINTHROP (JOHN AND MARGARET). Some Old Puritan Love Letters. Edited by J. H. Twichell. Por- trait and facsimile. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1894 1333. WOLFE (THEO. F.). Literary Shrines: the Haunts of some famous American Authors. Illustrated. 12mo, red levant morocco gilt, silk linings, gilt edges, in a cloth case. Phila. 1897 1334. WOMAN AND WOMANHOOD (SALESBY), 1911; The Woman Beautiful (Fletcher), 1900; Famous American Belles of the Nineteenth Century (Peacock), 1901. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. Phila. & N. Y. 1335. WOMEN OF HOMER (PERRY), 1898; A Young Woman's Problems (Halpin), 1905; A Society Woman on Two Continents (Mackin), 1897; and others. 11 vols. 12mo, and 16mo, cloth. v. p., v. d. [191] 1386. WOOD (ESTHER). Dante Rossetti and the Pre- Raphaelite Movement. Numerous illustrations. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. N. Y. 1894 1337. WOOD (ESTHER). Modern Bookbindings and their designers. British trade Bookbindings and their designers. Plates in gold and colors and numerous other illustrations. (Spe- cial Winter-Number of the Studio, 1899-1900). Imp. 8vo, boards. N. Y. & Lond. 1899 1338. WOODHOUSELEE (LORD). Universal History, 6 vols. Lond. 1834; History of the British Empire in India by G. R. Gleig, 4 vols. 1830-35; History of the Jews. Lond. 1829. 13 vols. 16mo, half calf (rubbed). i 1339. WORCESTER (D. C.). The Philippine Islands and their People. Numerous illustrations and map. 8vo, half levant morocco, gilt top. N. Y. 1899 1340. WORLD (THE) IN PICTURES. A Ramble round France, Peeps into China, All the Russias, the Eastern Wonder- land, the Land of Temples, the Isles of the Pacific, the Land of the Pyramids, Germany, Africa, Glimpses of South America. Illustrated. 10 vols. 12mo, cloth. Lond.: Cassell & Co., n. d. 1341. WYSS. Le Robinson Suisse traduit par Elise Voiart, precede d'une introduction de Charles Nodier. Plates, proofs on India paper, and text illustrations engraved on wood after Lemerder. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1841 * From the library of Eugene Paillet, with his autograph. 1342. YEATS (W. B.). Collected Works in Verse and Prose. Portrait by J. S. Sargent. 8 vols. 8vo, half vellum, gilt tops, uncut. Stratford-on-Avon : Shakespeare Head Press, 1908 * Volume 8 contains a complete bibliography. 1343. YEATS (W. B.). The Countess Kathleen; Bost. The Poems of William Blake, edited by Yeats, Lond. 1893, FIRST EDITION; The Land of Heart's Desire, Chicago, 1894 (misprinted 1814), FIRST EDITION. 3 vols. 12mo, cloth and boards, uncut. Lond. etc. v. d. [1921 1344. YELLOW BOOK (THE). An Illustrated Quarterly. Vols. I-XIII, April 1894 to April 1897. Numerous illustra- tions, several of which are by A ubrey Beardsley. Vol . I in duplicate, one of the copies being third edition. 14 vols. Square 8vo, pictorial cloth, some of the covers being designed by Beardsley. Lond. 1894-97 * Complete set. 1345. YERKES COLLECTION. Catalogue of Paintings from the Collection of Charles T. Yerkes. Portrait and numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, padded morocco, gilt edges (worn). Chicago, 1893 1346. YERKES COLLECTION. Catalogue of Paintings and Sculpture in the Collection of Charles T. Yerkes. Portrait of numerous plates, proofs on India paper, reproducing the paintings of this collection. 2 vols. folio, green levant morocco, gilt panelled sides, fleurons in the corners, silk linings, gilt tops, uncut. N. Y. 1904 * No. 2 of 250 copies, privately printed. 1347. YERKES COLLECTION. Catalogue-de-luxe of the ancient rugs, sculptures, tapestries, costly furniture and other objects belonging to the estate of the late Charles T., Yerkes. Numerous reproductions, several in colors. Imp. 4to cloth. N. Y. 1910 * Limited to 150 copies on Japan paper. 1348. YERKES COLLECTION. Catalogue-de-luxe of ancient and modern paintings belonging to the estate of the late Charles T. Yerkes. Numerous reproductions. Imp. 4to, cloth. N. Y. 1910 * Limited to 250 copies on Japan paper. 1349. YOUNG (HENRY DE MERRITT American ar- tist). A. L. S. 2pp. 4to. Auburndale, Mass. 1898, biographical notice, etc. 4 pieces. 1350. YRIARTE (CHARLES). Paris Salon: Chefs d'Oeuvres. 25 plates. Folio, cloth portfolio. [Paris, n.d.] 1351. ZIMMERMAN (J. G.). Solitude, to which are added the Life of the Author, Notes historical and explanatory, and a copious index. Portrait, vignette title and plates engraved by Ridley. 2 vols. 8vo, old marbled calf. Lond. 1799 1352. ZOLA (EMILE). A. L. S. 1 jw Hvo, June 6, 1807. Braun-Clement Carbon Prints Reproductions of Famous Paintings, Many of Which are Mounted on Linen and Handsomely Framed 1353. BELLINI, CORREGGIO AND OTHERS. St. Catherine, Visit of the Virgin to Elizabeth, St. Sebastian and the Virgin. (4 pieces.) 1354. BOTH (JAN). Sunset. 1355. BOTTICELLI (SANDRO). Crowning of the Vir- gin. 1356. BOUCHER (FRANCOIS). Toilet of Venus. Re- produced in carmine tints. 1357. CARLO DOLCI. Saint Cecilia. Hexagonal shape frame. 1358. COROT AND OTHERS. "Paysage" by Corot and four small landscapes. (5 pieces.) 1359. CORREGGIO AND BATTONI. The Reading Magdalen after each. A Pair. 1360. DAVID (JACQUES LOUIS). Madame Recamier. 1361. DAUBIGNY AND WATERLOO. River Landscape by Daubigny. In the Forest by Waterloo. (2 pieces.) 1362. DEL SARTO AND OTHERS. Sacrifice of Isaac; Portrait of a Man; Head of a Man. (3 pieces). 1363. DETAILLE (EDOUARD). The Retreat, and two other carbon prints. (3 pieces.) 1364. DOW (GERARD). Woman and Two Men; School- master Mending Pen; Girl with Lighted Candle. (3 pieces.) 1365. DttRER (ALBRECHT). H. Holzchuler; Com- panion to the same. 1366. DUTCH AND FLEMISH SCHOOLS. Travellers Resting by Ostade; The Dishwasher by Havicksz; The School- master; The Studio; Man at Table. (5 pieces.) [194] 1367. FEATHER PICTURE. Fight between Gamecocks at three stages. Ingeniously made of colored feathers. 1368. FIVE PHOTOGRAPHS BY VARIOUS ARTISTS. Old Woman, Old Man, Woman half length, and two others. (5 pieces.) 1369. FRAMES. Pair oval gilt Frames. With glass. Height, 24 inches; width, 21 inches. 1370. Two GILT AND WOOD FRAMES. 12 x 11 inches, and 13 1-2 x 11 1-2 inches. 1371. Two GILT AND WOOD FRAMES. 20 x 13 1-2 inches, and 24 x 14 inches. 1372. FREDERICK (E.). Rough Riders in Action at Santiago. Pen and Ink. After Sketch by G. A. Coffin. Height, 12 inches; width, 14 inches. 1373. GERARD (FRANCOIS). Madame Recamier. 1374. - CUPID AND PSYCHE. 1375. GEROME (JEAN LEON). Pygmalion and Gala- tea; Bust of Himself. (2 pieces.) 1376. DIANA; THE WHISPER OF LOVE. (2 pieces.) 1377. THE PENITENT; Two WOMEN. (2 pieces.) 1378. GIOTTO AND OTHERS. Heads of Two Apostles; St. John; Heads of two Cherubs; Madonna, Elizabeth and St. John. (4 pieces.) 1379. GOYA Y LUCIENTES (FR.). Goya's Mistress Reclining, and three other figure panels. (4 pieces.) 1380. GREUZE (JEAN BAPTISTE). Portrait of Napoleon. 1381. THE BROKEN PITCHER. 1382. - THE SURPRISE. 1383. - HEAD OF A YOUNG GIRL. 1384. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. f 195] 1385. GUIDO RENI. Head of Christ; Magdalen. (2 pieces.) 1386. HALS (FRANS). St. Joris Shooting Company. 1387. MAN WITH RUFF. 1388. - HEADS OF Two MEN. 1389. HOBBEMA (M.). The Avenue, Middleharnais ; Landscape. Companion to above. (2 pieces.) 1390. LANDSCAPE. 1391. HOLBEIN (HANS). The Ambassadors. 1392. LANCRET (NICOLAS). La Musique; Inno- cence. A Pair. Irregular oval frames. 1393. LANDSCAPES. Four small landscapes. (4 pieces.) 1394. THREE LANDSCAPES. 4to. (3 pieces.) 1395. THREE LANDSCAPES. A TOWER, SUNSET, ETC. (3 pieces.) 1396. LATOUR (M. Q. DE). Madame de Pompadour. 1397. LE BRUN (MADAME). Madame Le Brun and her Daughter; Peace Bringing Plenty. (2 pieces.) 1398. MARATTI (CARLO). Head of Christ. 1399. MARINE IN OILS. Open sea with row boat and sail boat. Small Panel. Height, 6 inches; uridth, 5 inches. 1400. MARINE LANDSCAPES. (2 pieces.) 1401. MICHELANGELO. A Man's Head (detail). 1402. MIGNARD (PIERRE). Portrait of Moliere. Bust, flowing hair. 1403. MORE (ANTONIO) AND OTHERS. Woman, half length; Family Group. (2 pieces.) [1961 1404. MURILLO. St. Anthony and the Infant Christ. 1405. THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. 1406. DETAIL OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. / 1407.- THE HOLY FAMILY. 1408. - SAINT ANTHONY AND THE INFANT CHRIST. 1409. - SAINT JOHN WITH THE LAMB. 1410. NATTIER (JEAN MARC). Madame Louise. In oval frame. 1411. NETSCHER (GASPARD). Woman and Hare. 1412. PALMA VECCHIO AND OTHERS. St. John the Baptist; Woman after Titian; Groups (2). (4 pieces.) 1413. PERUGINO. The Virgin with Angels. Oval. 1414. - ST. MICHAEL AND TOBIAS (Pair of Panels). 1415. PORTRAITS OF MEN. Oval. (2 pieces.) 1416. MAN HOLDING A BOOK, and two others. (3 pieces.) 1417. POTTER (PAUL). The Young Bull. 1418. RAPHAEL. St. Michael. 1419. WORSHIP OF THE GOLDEN CALF. 1420. THE SISTINE MADONNA. In ormolu frame. 1421. - MADONNA: LA BELLE JARDINIERE. 1422. REMBRANDT VAN RHYN. Portrait of a Man. 1423. - THE NIGHT WATCH. 1424. - A MAN IN FUR CAP ENTERING A HOUSE. 1425. REMBRANDT AND RUBENS. Pair of oval portraits. (* pieces.) [197] 1426. REMBRANDT AND SASKIA. 4to. 1427. RUBENS (PETER PAUL). The Descent from the Cross; Madonna. (2 pieces.) 1428. - JOSEPH PRESENTING His FATHER TO PHARAOH. 1429. MAN WITH A WHITE RUFF; WOMAN; Group. (3 pieces.) 1430. ROMNEY (GEORGE). Diana. Oval photograph in gilt frame. 1431. - GROUP (ROYAL FAMILY) and another. (2 pieces.) 1432. RUYSDAEL (JACOB VAN). A Summer Day. 1433. LA CHASSE. LANDSCAPE. 1434. SASSOFERRATO. Madonna. 1435. SCHALKEN (GODFREY). A Girl with a Lighted Candle; The Music Lesson. (2 pieces.) 1436. STANFIELD (CLARKSON). 1793-1867. A Dutch Harbor. Some Dutch freighters are drawn up at a quai above which stretches a broken line of houses ending in a far off tower. Pencil Drawing on gray paper. Height, 6 3-4 inches; width, 9 inches. 1437. TENIERS (DAVID). Temptation of St. Anthony. 1438. - SHEPHERD AND SHEEP. 1439. THE ALCHEMIST. 1440. THE MAN IN BLACK. 1441. TITIAN AND GIORGIONE. Venus Reclining; Venus Sleeping. (2). 1442. TITIAN. La Bella. 1443. LAURA DE DIANTI. 1444. MAN WITH GLOVE. [1981 1445. POPE JULIUS. 1446. - PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF. 1447. DAUGHTER OF ROBERT STROZZI. 1448. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. 1449. UNKNOWN ARTIST. Countess Potocka. 1450. VAN BEERS AND OTHERS. Woman and Sol- diers; Group with Lighted Candle; Group of Men; Woman and Dog; Group; Comedy. (6 pieces.) 1451. VAN DER HEYDEN (JAN.). Market Day in Rotterdam. 1452. VAN DER NEER (AART). Dutch Channel by Moonlight; Twilight. (2 pieces.) 1453. VAN DYCK (A.). Baby Stuart. 1454. - CHILDREN OF CHARLES I. 1455. WOMAN WITH RUFF. 1456. MAN WITH A HAT AND LACE COLLAR. Oval. 1457. VAN EYCK (JAN). Man with the Pink. 1458. VELASQUEZ (DIEGO RODRIGUEZ). Philip IV, and the Portraits of Three Men. (4 pieces.) 1459. WATTE AU (ANTOINE). La Fumette. L'ln- different, (2 pieces.) 19J] 7307 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 305 De Neve Drive - Parking Lot 17 Box 951388 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90095-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. UCLAYRL1L DUE: NOV 6 2005 UOA ACCESS SERVIC InterltorarvLoan 11 630 University Res* arch Box 951 575 Los Angeles, CA 900 CT Library 5-1 575 Foi SUP ft. I-; UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA LOS LIBRARY