UC-NRLF ,1,.., liiUiniiiMw.iiiK llll)))MUIII(il!l(l! IHldlilllUilM!' • lifllliillllHilll llHlliriil)ll!ll|l)i..MMr,M>M;>i... IllUiU KiUIIMilliilililUlllilKIl (llit)llJ ilUUIIIU ■■'■■DllllUi ,.,jniiU!itiiiiinuiiiiiHiiii{)ini iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiMiiiiauHr ■•' '■■•■■■fllil"" ,Jllli iffiii uu iini!ii>ni!iiiiiiiiiiniUii)Hiiuiii)iiHi!it If liiiiniiuiuiiJiniuuiiiniiiiiMMiiiHi) n uiM/!miijinMnj!niM(umt.inniuiiii Hi iKiuinnuuiiiUtuiitHintniniiiiKii) ni iiiiiiiDiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriKiiiniKdiiiiijMi '" !inii)iii!iiUjJH!Hiti;mmiM!iiiiiMiiii inH>IIII!ilJI)MliaillHlHi|lilllH((tltll iuifiiiiiiiiii!inn)iiiiiiii;)iii(iii(Jiim Hlilii!tUIUIilIII(Uii>MiUIIII!lllllllill ifiiiiiiiiiiiimuiiiii ni)iiiiimiiiiiu)i SiiniiiniiituiiiDiiH nilimiufuiiiiiiirm lllllllMllllllttDlilljl flllKllIllKlUlilllilinill ~_„.iiiuii(iiii(iimiiiiniiin .....lOMJl'illliMMIielinilHtllHUI iiiiiiiHiviitimiDDfiuiimiiHiuniiKuun liiiiiiiicuitiioiiiiMiiiiHiiiixiiiinin 1)1*1 )i*llilJllillilU)lll|l'^-^S^ 'UHI?EB.3IT7| 46 San Francisco Law Library. Dictionaries— Continued. Scott, H. L. Military dictionary. 1862. Sheridan, T. Dictionary. 2d ed. Lond., 1789. * Skeat, W. W. Concise etymological dictionary. 1882. Slang dictionary. New additions. Lend., 1874. Smart, B. H. Walker's pronouncing dictionary. Lond., 1874. Smith, P. Glossary of terms and phrases. 1883. Smyth, W. H. Dictionary of nautical terms. Lond., 1867. Soule, E. English synonymes. 1882. Stratman, T. H. Dictionary of the old English language. Lond., 1867. Taylor, W. English synonymes. Lend., 1871. Tolhausen and Gardissal. Technological dictionary. 3 vols. Paris, 1864. Walker, J. Pronouncing dictionary. 1831. Webster, N. Unabridged dictionary. 1880. Same, 1883. Wedgwood, H. English etymology. 2d ed. 1872. Wilheim, T. Military dictionary and gazetteer. 1881. Wright, T. Obsolete and provincial English. 2 vols. Lond., 1857. (b) Other Languages. Arabic. Catafap:o, J. English- Arabic and Arabic-English. Lond., 1873. Brazil. See Portuguese. CJialdaic. See Hebrew. Chinese. Doolittle, J. Chinese dictionary, romanized in the man- darin dialect. 2 vols. Foochow, 1872. Fielde's Swatow dialect. Shanghai, 1883. Chinook. Gibbs, G. Chinook jargon. 1863. Cornish. Williams, R. Lexicon Cornu-Britanicum. Llandvvery, 1865. Danish. Tauchnitz, K. English-Danish and Danish-English pocket dictionary. Leipsic, 1871. Catalogue of Text Books. 47,> Dictionaries— Continued. Dutch. Harrebomee, P. J. Spreekwoordenboek. 3 vols. Utrecht, 1858. French. Bescherelle, M. Dictionnaire national. 15th ed. 2 vols. Paris, 1873. Fleming and Tibbinp. English-French and French- English. 2 vols. Paris, 1872. Lafave, B. Synonymes de la laugue Fran^ais. 13th ed. Paris, 1869. Larchey, L. Dictionnaire de I'argot Parisien. 16th ed. Paris, 1872. Littre, E. Dictionnaire. 4 vols. Paris, 1863, McDevie's supplement. Paris, 1879. Yisschers, P. Flamand-Fran9ais and Frangais-Flamand dictionnaire. Louvain, 1837. German. Grieb, C. F. English-German and 'German-English dic- tionary. 2 vols. 9th Am. ed. 1874. Hilpert, J. L. Same. 4 vols. Carlsruhe, 1857. Lucas, N. J. Same. 2 vols. Bremen, 1854. Greek. Liddell, H. G., and Scott, K. Greek-English lexicon. Oxford, 1871. Stephan^us, H. Thesaurus Graecse linguae. 3d ed. 8 vols. Paris, 1831-1865. Yonge, C. D. English-Greek lexicon, edited by H. Drisler. 1870. Hawaiian* Andrews, L. Hawaiian-English and English-Hawaiian dictionary. Honolulu, 1865. Hebreiv. Gesenius, G. Hebrew and Chaldaic dictionary of the Old Testament. 2d ed. 3 vols, in 1. Leipsic, 1829- 1858. Hindustani. Forbes, D. Hindustani-English. Lond., 1848. 48 San Francisco Law Library. Dictionaries— Continued. Icelandic, Vigfusson, Gudbrand. Icelandic-English dictionary. Oxford, 1869. Irish, Foley, D. English-Irish dictionary. Dublin, 1855. Italian. Baretti. Italian-English and English-Italian dictionary, revised by Davenport and Comelati. 2 vols. Lond., 1873. Davenport, J., and Comelati, G. English-Italian and Italian-English. Founded on Baretti. 2 vols. Lond., 1873. Japanese, Hepburn, J. C. Japanese-English and English-Japanese dictionary. 2d ed. Shanghai, 1872. Latin. - Andrews, E. A. Latin-English lexicon. 1871. V Du Cange, C. D. Glossarium mediae et infirmse Latinis. 7 vols. Paris, 1840-1850. Facciolati, G., and Forcellini, E. Universal Latin lex- icon. New addition by J. Bailey. Lond., 1828. Lewis, C. T., and Short, C. Harper's Latin dictionary. 1879. Kiddle, J. E. Latin-English lexicon. 2d ed. Lor\d., 1851. Smith, W., and Hall, T. D. English-Latin lexicon. 1871. New Zealand, Williams, W. Dictionary and grammar. 2d ed. Lond., 1852. Portuguese, Diccionario Portuguez e Brazilano. Lisbon, 1795. Vieyra, A. Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese. New ed. Lond., 1805. Bussian. Tauchnitz, K. English-Kussian pocket dictionary. Leip- sic, 1871. ScottisJi, Jamieson, J. Dictionary, abridged by J. Johnston. New ed. by J. Longmuir. Edin., 1867. Catalogue of Text Books. 49 Dictionaries — Continued. S'panish. Caballero, D. Luis Marty. Yocabulario. Madrid, 1857. Diccionario de la lengua Castellana. 5th ed. 1817. Nuevo diccionario. Paris, 1869. Salva, V. Same. 7th ed. Paris, 1865. Frances-Espanol y Espaiiol-Frances. 2d ed. Paris, 1858. Velasquez, M. Pronouncing dictionary. 1872. Swedish. Tauchnitz, Karl. Pocket dictionary of English and Swedish languages. 1870. Turkish. Redhouse, J. W. Turkish-English dictionary. Lond., 1857. English-Turkish dictionary. Lond., 1861. Welsh. Walters, John. English and Welsh dictionary. 2 vols. Denbigh, 1828. Dilapidations. Gibbon, D. Dilapidations and nuisances. 2d ed. Lond., 1849. Yool, G. V. Essay on waste. Lond., 1863. Diplomacy. Albertini, L. E. Derecho diplomatico. Paris, 1866. Bernard, M. Lectures on diplomacy. Lond., 1868. Elliott, J. American diplomatic code. 2 vols. 1834. Home, T. H. Diplomacy. 78 Law Library. Joel, L. Consul's manual. Lond., 1879. Martens, Chas. de. Le guide diplomatique. 2 vols. Paris, 1851. Wicquefort. Ambassadors and public ministers. Trans- lated by Digby. 2d ed. Lond., 1740. Directories. Cowdery, J. F. Law encyclopedia. 3d ed. 1878. Hubbell, J. H. Legal directory, 12 vols. 1874-1887. Martindale, J. B. United States law directory. 2 vols. 1874, 1878. Story, F. C. Legal directory. 1886-7. 60 San Francisco Law Library. Directories — Continued. Ulman, H. C. Trow's legal directory. 1875. Lawyer's record. 1872. Withington, C. S. Handbook for business men. 1881. Discovery. See Equity. Hare, T. Discovery by bill and answer. 3d Am. ed. 1850. Kerr, W. W. Law of discovery. 1870. Sichel, W. S., and Chance, W. Interrogatories and dis- covery. Loud., 1883. Wigram, J. Points in the law of discovery. 1st Am. ed. 1842. Same. 13 Law Library. Distress. See Replevin. Bradley, J. Law of distress. 2d ed. 1833. Gilbert, J. Law and practice of distress and replevin. 4th ed. Lond., 1823. Morris, P.P. Eeplevin in the United States. 2ded. 1878. Wells, H. W. Same. 1880. District Courts. See Federal Practice; Pleading and Prac- tice, II, 4. District of Columbia. Dennis, W. H. Probate law. 1883. Revised statutes relating to. 1875. Divorce. See Marriage and Divorce. Dock Companies. See Corporations. Domesday Book. Domesday book of Warwickshire. Kelham, R. Domesday book illustrated. Lond., 1788. Liber censualis Wilhelmi Primi. 4 vols. 1783-1816. Domestic Relations. Browne, I. M. Domestic relations. 1883. Ewell, M. D. Cases on infancy, coverture, idiocy, etc. 1876. Reeve, T. Domestic relations. 3d ed. 1874. Schouler, J. Same. 3d ed. 1882. Also 1st and 2d eds. Smith, C. M. Master and servant. 75 Law Library. Tyler, R. H. Infancy and coverture. 1873. Catalogue of Text Books. 51 Domicile. See Conflict of Laws. Dicey, A. V. Law of domicil. Lond., 1879. Phillimore, E. Same. 57 Law Library. Wharton, F. Same. II Monographs. 1877. Dower. See Domestic Relations; Husband and Wife. Cameron, M. G. Law of. Toronto, 1882. Lambert, E. Dower. 1834. Park, J. J. Same. 33 Law Library. Scribner, C. H. Same. 2 vols. 1864-67. 2d ed., 1883. Tyler, K. H. Infancy, coverture, and dower. 2d ed. 1882. Same. 1st ed. Willard, J. Law of executors and practice in New York regarding dower. 1859. Drama. See Copyright Dutch Laws. See Holland. > Duties. See Customs. Drugs. See Medical Jurisprudence: Ordonaux. Easements. Cox, H. Law and science of ancient lights. 2d ed. Lond., 1871. Gale, C. J. Law of easements. 4th ed. 1868. and Whately, T. D. Same. 1840. Goddard, J. L. Same. Bennett's notes. 1880. Also 1st and 2d Eng. eds. Latham, F. L. Law of window lights. Lond., 1867. Oliphant, G. H. H. Law of pews. Lond., 1850. Tyler, E. H. Boundaries and fence. 1874. Washburn, E. Easements and servitudes. 4th ed. 1885. Also 2d and 3d eds. Woolrich. Ways. 1834. Party walls. Lond., 1845. Tool, G. V. Essay on waste, etc. Lond., 1863. Ecclesiastical Law. Ayliffe, Dr. J. Parergon juris canonici Anglicani. Lond., 1734. Boehmeri, J. H. Jus ecclesiasticum. 5 vols, and index. 1788-1794. BuUinbrooke, Ed. Ecclesiastical law. 2 vols. Dublin, 1770. Burns, E. Ecclesiastical law. 4 vols. Lond., 1797. 52 San Francisco Law Library. Ecclesiastical Law— Continued. Butler, C. Horae Juridicse Subseirae. Corpus juris canonici. Greg. XIII jussu editum, at Lan- cellotti institutionibus adauctum. 1696. Cox, K. Sabbath law. Edin., 1853. Dale, J. M. Legal ritual. Lond., 1871. Ferguson, W. D. Ecclesiastical code. Dublin, 1851. Fuller, M. J. Court of final appeal in ecclesiastical cases. 2 vols. Oxf. and Lond., 1865. Gibson, Edm. Codex juris ecclesiasfclci Anglicani. 2 vols. Oxford, 1761. Godolpbin, J. Kepertorium canoiiicum. Loud., 1857. Hale, W. H. Precedents in causes of office against cliurcli ward ens. Lond., 1841. Hargrave. Law tracts. Effect of judgments of ecclesi- astical courts when pleaded in temporal courts. Lond., 1787. Law, J. T. Ecclesiastical statutes. 5 vols. Lond., 1847. Maschat, P. R. Cursus juris canonici. 3 vols. Mat., 1865. Muugina, A. C. Institutiones juris canonici Mexico. 1851. Oliphant, G. H. H. Law of pews. Lond., 1853. Law of church ornaments. Lond., 1851, Oughton, T. Ordo judiciorum. Lond., 1738. Soglia institutiones juris privati ecc. 6th ed. Paris. Publici ecc. 6th ed. Paris. Tyler, R. H. American ecclesiastical law. 1866. Education. See Schools. Ejectment. See Pleading and Practice: Archibold, Tidd. Adams, J. Ejectment. 4th ed. 1854. Cole, W. R. Same. Lond., 1856. Tyler, D. H. Ejectment and adverse enjoyment. 1870. Elections. Brightly, F. C. Leading cases of. 1871. Bushby's manual of election law. 5th ed., by Hardcastle. Lond., 1880. Election petitions. 2d ed., by Hardcastle. Lond., 1880. Clarke and Hall. U. S. election cases. See i7ifra, this title. Clerk, J. M. Elections in the United Kingdom. Lond., 1855. Cox, E. W., and Grady. I. G. Registration and el^ptions. Lond., 1868. Catalogue of Text Books. 53 Elections— Continued. Ermatinger, C. O. Canadian franchise and election laws. Toronto, 1886. McCrary, G. W. Elections. 2d ed. 1880. Naar, M. D. Suffrage and elections. 1880. United States. Cases of contested elections in congress. 1789-1834. By Clarke and Hall. Same, 1834-1871. By D. W. Bartlett. 2 vols. Same. 1871-1876. B^ J. M. Smith. Same. 1876-1880. 1880-1882. By J. H. Ellsworth. Electricity. Cunyinghame, H. Law of electric lighting. Lond., 1883. Elementary Works. See Jurisprudence; Lectures; Questions and Ansivers. Anderson, C. H. Digest, with questions and answers. 2 vols in 1. Lond., 1867. Anthon, J. Guide to study of the law. 1850. Baird, W. K., and Babcock, F. S. Guide to law. 1883. Bishop, J. P. First book of the law. 1868. Brackenridge, H. H. Law miscellanies, first article. 1814. Broom, H. Commentaries on the common law. Am. ed. 1873. Fulbeck, W. Study of law. 2d ed. Lond., 1829. Hoffman, D. Course of legal study. 2 vols, in 1. 1836. Jones, S. Introduction to legal science. 1842. Moore, H. Practical suggestions to young solicitors and articled clerks. Lond., 1885. Reed, J. C. American law studies. 1883. Practical suggestions. 1876. Robinson, W. C. Elementary law. 1882. Sharswood, Geo. Law lectures. 1870. Student's manual. 1 New Law Library. Walker, T. Introduction to American law. 5th ed., 1869; 6th ed., 1874. Warren, S. Introduction to law studies. Scott's notes. 2 vols, in 1. Am. ed. from 3d Lond. ed. 1872. Same. By J. G. Thompson. Am. ed. 1870. Washburn, E. Lectures on the study of the law. 1871. Emancipation. See Slavery. Macon, N. Letters. Campbell's pamphlets. 54 San Francisco Law Library. Bminent Domain. Mills, H. E. Law of eminent domain. 1879. Parke, J, G. Decisions of U. S. Sup. Ct. as to navigable waters and eminent domain. 1882. Kedfield, I. F Law of railways. Part III of 1st vol. 5th ed. 1873. Employer and Employee. See Master and Servant. Encyclopedias. American. 16 vols. 1874-1876, and index. The annual cyclopedia 1861 to 1875, and index. The annual cyclopedia. New series. 1876 to 1882. Americana. 3 vols. 1883-1886. Britannica. 8th ed. 21 vols, and index. 9th ed. 19 vols. Chambers, Kev. Edw. 10 vols. 1872. Am. reprint of last Eng. ed. 15 vols. 1882. Diderot, M. Encyclopedie. 36 vols. Susanne, 1778. Plates. 3 vols. English. 11 vols, and index. Lond. Johnson's New. 4 vols, in 8 parts. 1877-1878. Library of universal knowledge. 15 vols. 1882. Metropolitana. 27 vols, and 3 vols, plates. Lond., 1849. Lardner, D. Cabinet cyclopedia. 17 vols. National. 12 vols, in 6 vols. Lond., 1847-1849. Supplement. 1859. Penny. 27 vols. Lond., 1833-1843. People's. 3 vols. Q> England, Laws of. See Abridgments; Common Laio; Constitu- tional Law, II. Entries. Clift, H. New book of entries. Lond., 1703. Coke, J. See his reports. Levinz, C. See 3d vol. of reports. Lond., 1722. Lilly, J. Modern entries. 2 vols. Lond., 1791. Monrd, C. Acta cancellariae. Lond., 1847. Eegistrum brevium. 1535. Wild, E. N. Journal entries under Ohio codes. 1st ed., 1876; 2d ed., 1883. Equity. See Actions; Pleading and Practice^ I, 2, i/, 2. Adams, J. Doctrine of equity. 7th Am. ed. 1881. Same. 5th Am. ed. 1868. Catalogue of Text Books. 55 Equity— Continued. Barton, C. Suit in equity. New eJ. 1877. Same. 1st ed. 1870. Bigelow, M. M. Elementary treatise on equity. Stu- dents' series. 1879. Bispham. G. T. Principles of equity. 2d ed. 1878. Same. Ist.ed. 1874 Calvert, F. Parties to suits in equity. 17 Law Library. Curtis, G. T. Equity precedents. 4tli ed. 1869. Daniell, E. 11. Chancery pleading and practice. 3 vols. 5th Am. ed. 1874. Also 3d and 4th Am. eds. Ellesmere. Observations on the office of lord chancellor. Lond., 1651. Farrens, O. Original bill in chancery, with form, 1866. Fonblanque, J. Equity. 3d Am. ed. 2 vols, in 1. 1831. Gilbert, Baron. History and practice of high court of chancery. 1758. Forum romanum. Tyler's ed. 1874. Guernsey, E. S. Key to Story's equity jurisprudence. Ques. and aus. 1876. Heard, F. F. Equity precedents. 1884. Principle of equity pleading. 1882. Hare, T. Discovery in equity. 3d Am. ed. 1850. Hayne, F. O. Outlines of equity. 98 Law Library. Hoffman, M. Chancery practice. 3 vols. 2d ed. 1843. Master's practice. 1824. Holcombe, J. P. Equity jurisprudence. 1846. Hughes, E. Equity draftsman. 4tli ed. 1861. Hunter, S. J. Elementary view of a suit in equity. 1860. Jeremy, G. Equity jurisdiction. 2d Am. ed. 1840. Kerr, W. W. Discovery. 1870. Lawson, J. D. Leading oases in equity. 1883. Leigh, J. H., and Dalzell, K. Equitable conversion. 5 Law Library. Maddock, L. Principles and practice of chancery. 2 vols. 4th Am. ed. 1832. Miller, S. Equitable mortgage. 47 Law Library. Pearson, E. M. Law lectures — doctrine of equity. 1879. Pomeroy, J. N. Equity. 3 vols. 1881-1883. Eawle, W. H. Equity in Pennsylvania. 1868. Eoberts, T. Principles of the high court of chancery. 2d ed. 1857. Same. 96 Law Library. Smith, J. S. Principle of equity. Lond., 1856. , J. TV". Manual of equitv jurisprudence. 1st Am. ed. 1871. 56 San Francisco Law Library. Equity — Continued. Snell, E. H. T. Principles of equity. 5tli ed. 1880. Principles of equity. 1st Am. ed. from 6th Eug. ed. 1884. Story, J. Commentaries on equity jurisprudence. 13tli ed. 2 vols. 1886. Also 3d, 6tli, 10th, 11th and 12 th eds. Watson, W. W. Compendium of equity. 2 vols. Lond., 1873. Wigram, J. Discovery. 1 Am. ed. 1842. Willard, J. Equity jurisprudence. 1863. Same, Potter's ed. 1880. White, E. Q. and Tudor, O. D. Leading cases in equity. 4th ed. 25 parts. 1876. Same. 65 Law Library. Same. Ed. of 1852. 3 vols. White, G. T. Supplement and review. Lond., 1843. Whitworth, J . Precedents in equity . 62 Law Library . Escheats. Martindale, J. B. Unclaimed money. 1884. Estoppel. Bigelow, M. M. Law of estoppel. 4th ed. 1886. Also 1st, 2d and 3d eds. Herman, H. M. Same. 1871. Estoppel and res adjudicata. 2 vols. 1886. Estrays. Thompson, A. W. Law of the farm. 1884. Ethics. See Jurisprudence. Piatt, W. H. Legal ethics. 1879. Pollock, F. Essays on ethics. Lond., 1882. Sharswood, Geo. Professional ethics. 3d ed. 1869. Lieber, F. Political ethics. 1838. Evidence. See Discovery; Blilitary Law: Ives. Abbott, A. Trial ev. in civil actions. 1880. Appleton, J. Eules of, discussed. 1860. Archibold, J. F. Pleading and ev. in civil actions. 1838. Bailey, W. H. Onus probandi. 1886. Bayard, S. Notes to Peake's evidence. 1810. Bell, J. S. Use and abase of expert testimony. 1879. Bentham, J. Judicial ev. 5 vols. Lond., 1827. Best, W. M. Principle of. Chamberlayne's Am. ed. 1883. Also Morgan's ed.. Wood's ed. and 5th Eng. ed. 1870. Same. 66 Law Librarv. Catalogue of Text Books. 57 Evidence — Continued. Best, W. M. Presumptions. Lond., 1844. Eight to begin and reply. Am. ed. 1880. Burrill, A. M. Circumstantial ev. 1868. Coppinger, W. A. Custody and production of title deeds. Lond., 1875. Coventry, T. Conveyancer's ev. Lond., 1832. Same. 26 Law Library. Drummond, W. V. Statute of evidence of. 1864. Mel- bourne, 1871. Ewell, J. J. Medical evidence. 4th ed. 1881. Examination of witness. I Monograph. Greenleaf, S. Law of evidence. 14th ed. 3 vols. 1883. Also 4th, 12th and 13th eds. Halstead, J. K. Evidence. 2 vols. 1859. Joy, H. H. Admissibility of confessions. 40 Law Library. Evidence of accomplices. 45 Law Library. Lawson, J. D. Expert evidence. 1883. Presumptive evidence. 1885. Matthews, J. H. Presumptions. Band's notes. 1830. Miller, N. D. Competency of witnesses in Penn. 1881. Morrill, W. W. Competency of witness under N. Y. code. 1886. Peake, T. Law of evidence. 1804. Phillips, S. M. Evidence. 1st Am. ed. 1816. Same. Cowen, Hill and Van Cott's notes. 3 vols. 1849. Same. Same editors. 2 vols. 1850. Same. Cowen, Hill and Edwards' notes. 3 vols. 1868. Famous cases circumstantial ev. 1874. and Amos. Evidence. 5th Am. ed. 2 vols. 1839. Pollock, F. Production of documents. 77 Law Library. Powell, E. Same. 4th ed. Lond., 1869. Same. 96 Law Library. Eam, J. On facts. 1873. Eeynolds, W. Law of ev. 1883. Boberts, Wm. Fraud. See chapter on extrinsic ev. Bogers, H. W. Law of expert testimony. 1883. Boscoe, H. Evidence on nisi prius. 1879. Same. 15th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1884. Criminal ev. 7th Am. ed. Sharswood's notes. 1874. -—Same. 6th Am. ed. 1866. Sichel, W. S., and Chance, W. Interrogatories, etc. Lond., 1883. Smith, J. G. Medical evidence. Lond. 1825. 58 San Francisco Law Library. Evidence — Continued. Starkie, T. Law of ev. 9th Am. ed. 10th Am. ed., 1876. Stephen, J. F. Law of ev. Keynolds' ed. 1879. Same, May's ed. 1877. Same. From 4th Eiig. ed.^ 1886. Tamlyn, J. Same. 51 Law Library. Taylor, J. P. Law of ev. 6th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1872. Same. 7th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1872. Weeks, A. P. Depositions. 1880. Wharton, F. Law of evidence in civil issues. 2 vols. 1877. Same in criminal issues. 8th ed., 1880; 9th ed., 1884. Disputed questions of evidence. I Monographs. Wills, W. Circumstantial evidence. 5th Am. ed. 1872. Same. 41 Law Library. Wigram, J. Extrinsic evidence. 2 N. L. L. Same. O'Hara's notes. 2d Am. ed. 1872. Wood, H. G. Practice evidence. 1886. Examination of Witnesses. See Evidence; Witnesses. Best, S. M. Evidence — chapter on elementary rules of examination. Examination of witnesses. I Monograph. Examination for Admission to the Bar. See Questions for Law Students. Exchequer. See Pleading and Practice^ II, 3. Maddox, T. History of the exchequer. 2d ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1769. Executions. See Exemptions; Liens. Foster, ^T. C. Scire facias. Lond., 1851. Freeman, A. C. Executions in civil cases. 1876. Yoid judicial sales. 1877. Herman, H. M. Sa7ne. 1875. Kiddle, D. S. Supplementary proceedings. 1876. Same. 2ded. 1882. Rorer, D. Judicial sales. 2d ed. 1878. Same. 1st ed. 1873. Executors and Administrators. See Probate Courts. Lomax, J. T. Law of executors and administrators. 2 vols. 1841. Matthews, R. Practical guide to. 20 Law Library. M'Clellan, R. H. Executors' guide. 3d ed. 1882. Ralf, G. W. Executors' guide in Ohio. 4th ed. 1866. Catalogue of Text Books. 59 Executors and Administrators— Continued. Kedfield, I. F. Wills. 3d vol. 1876-7. Schouler, J. Executors and administrators. 1883. Stanton, E. H. Executors' manual for Kentucky. 1862. Toller, S. Law of executors. 4tli Am. ed. 1834. Wentworth, T. Office and duty of. Am. ed., by E. D. Ingraham. 1832. Willard, J. Law of executors and administrators. 1859. Williams, E. I. Same. 6fch Am. ed. 3 vols. 1877. Same. 5th Am. ed. 2 vols. 1859. Woerner, J. G. Status of executors after final settlement. II Monographs. Exemptions. See Attachment; Execution. Smyth, J. H. Homestead and exemptions. 1876. Thompson, S. D. Same. 1878. Experts. See Evidence. Bell, J. S. Use and abuse of expert testimony. 1879. Lawson, J. D. Expert evidence. 1883. Eogers, H. W. Expert testimony. 1883. Extents. See Executions; Judgments. Extradition. See International Law. Clarke, E. Law of extradition. 2d ed. Lond., 1874. Hurd, F. H. On habeas corpus. 2d ed. 1876. Kirchner, F. J. L'Extradition. Lond., 1883. Koder, D. Inter-state law. 1879. Spear, S. T. Law of extradition. 1879. Same. 2d ed. 1884. Extrinsic Evidence. See Evidence; Fraud; Wills. Kedfield. Wigrara, J. Extrinsic evidence. 2 N. L. L. O'Hara's notes. 2d Am. ed. 1872. Factors. See Agency; Bailments; Brokers and Factors. Edwards, I. Brokers and factors. 1870. Russell, J. A. Factors and brokers. 48 Law Library. Thomas, G. H. Judicial factors. Edin., 1859. Facts. See Juries; Presumptions. Best, S. M. Presumption of law and fact. 1844. Same. 47 Law Library. Lond., 1844. Ram, J. Treatise on facts. 2d Am. ed. 1870. Wells, J. C. Questions of law and fact. 1876. 60 San Francisco Law Library. Farm. Austin, H. American farm law. 1886. Bennett, E. H. Farm law. 1879. Thompson, A. W. Law of the farm. 1876. Federal Practice. See Forms, I: Oliver; Pleading and Practice, II] 4; Removal of Causes. Abbott, B.V. U.S. practice. 3d ed. 1877. Also 1st and 2deds. Blatchford, S. A. Rules and statistics U. S. courts. 1884. Bump, O. F. Federal procedure. 1881. Bundy, Chas. S. U. S. court commissioner. 1883. Desty, R. Same. 2d ed., 1876; 6th ed., 1884. Du Ponceau, P. S. Jurisdiction of U. S. courts. 1824. Field, G. W. Federal courts; jurisdiction; pleading and practice. 1883. Field, G. W., and Miller, W. E. U. S. court commis- sioner. 1881. Jones, E. K. Rules of federal practice. 1884. Peeler, A. J. Law and equity in U. S. courts. 1883. Spear, 8. T. Federal judiciary. 1883. Thatcher, E. Practice in U. S. circuit courts. 1883. Same in U. S. district courts. 1884. Same in U. S; supreme court. 1882. Fees. Dowley, M. F. Law in a nutshell. 1878. Lowe, Jas. Fees in courts of justice. Lond., 1822. Final Judgment. See Judgments; Appeals. Fire Insurance. See Insurance. Firm Names. See D-ade 3Iarks. Fences. See Boundaries; Easements. Thompson, S. D. Law of the farm. 1876. Ferries. See Ways. Feudal Law. See Common Law. Fines and Recoveries. See Common Law. Fisheries. Chalmers, G. B. Colonial opinions. 1858. Paterson, J. Fishery laws. Lond., 1863. I Catalogue of Text Books. 61 Fixtures. Amos, A., and Ferrard, J. Law of fixtures. 1855. Brown, A. Same. 4th ed. Lond., 1881. Ewell, M. D. Same. 4tli ed. Lond., 1881. Ferrard, J. Treatise on. 1855. Gibbons, D. Manual of. 13 Law Library. Grady, S. G. Treatise on. 51 Law Library. Hill, J. W. Same. 1867. Tyler, K. H. Same. 1877. Forest. Manwood, J. Law of. 4:tli ed. Lond., 1717. Forms. See the various titles. 1. For Pleading and Practice. II. For Conveyancing, and generally. I. For Pleading and Practice. Abbott, A. New forms. 1877. Also 1881. Also 1887. 2 vols. Abbott, B. V. and A. Forms of practice and pleading. 2 vols. 1864. Bancroft, A. L. Forms and use of blanks. 3d ed., by Cowdery, J.F. 1881. Same. 2d ed., by Bates. 1877. Corbin, W. H. Forms under laws of New Jersey. 1882. Cowdery, J. F. Pacific law encyclopedia. Crocker, U. H. Notes on common forms. 2d ed. 1872. Crown circuit companion. 1816. Curtis, G. F. Equity precedents. 4tli ed. 1869. Estee, M. M. Pleading and forms. 3 vols. 3d ed. 1884. Also 1st and 2d eds. Fitz Herbert, A. Natura brevium. 9th ed. 1793. Hale, W. H. Precedents in causes of office against church wardens. Lond., 1841. Precedents in criminal causes. From 1475 to 1640. Lond., 1847. Heard, F. F. Equity precedents. 1884. Civil precedents. 1886. Jenkins, J. S. New clerk's assistant. 1846. Jones, J. Forms of procedure in Illinois. 3d ed. 1872. Lansing, W. Forms of civil procedure under the code. 2 vols. 1885. Lilly, J. Modern entries. 2 vols. Lond., 1791. Marriott, J. Formulare instrumentorum. 1802. Matthews, W. B. Pleading and conveyancing. 1873. 62 San Francisco Law Library. Forms— Continued. Oliver, B. L. Precedents for practice. 4tli ed. 1874. -Same. 3d ed. 1851. Forms for federal and state courts. 1842. Kegistrum omnium brevium. 1537. Sand, A. H. Practical forms. 1st and 2d series. 1872. Sayler, J. R. American form book. 1878. Sexton, H. W. Judgments, orders and decrees. 2 vols. 4th ed. 1877. Tidd, W. Forms. Appendix by Gaines. 1808. Tiffanv, J., k Smith, H. Form book for N. Y. practice. 1805. Van Heythusen, F . M. Equity draftsman. 4th Am. ed. 1861. Wharton, F . Precedents of indictments and pleas . 2 vols . 4th ed. 1881. Also 2d and 3d eds. Wild, E. N. Journal entries under Ohio codes. 1876. Whitworth, J. Precedents in equity. 62 Law Library. IL For Conveyancing, and generally. See Conveyancing. Abbott, B. A. and A. Clerk and conveyancer's assistant. 1870. Andrews, J. Precedents of cases. Lond., 1871. Baker, J. F. Forms for manufacturing corporations. 1876. Bythewood, W. M., and Jarman, T. Conveyancing. 11 vols. 1829-1836. Corbin, W. H. Forms under New Jersey laws. 1882. Crocker, U. H. Notes on common forms. 2d ed. 1872. Curtis, G.T. Conveyancer. 2d ed. 1871. Davidson, C. Conveyancer's precedents. 8th ed. Jjond., 1871. Frend, H. T., and Ware, T. H. R. R. precedents. 2d ed. Lond., 1866. Gibbs, M. Practical forms and precedents. 2d ed. 1854. Humphrey, C. Precedents. 2 vols. 1845. Jarman. See Bythewood, supra. Jenkins, J. S. Clerk's assistant. 1871. Jones, L. A. Forms in conveyancing. 1886. Martindale, W. B. Conveyancing. 1882. Matthews, W. B. Pleading and convevancing. 1873 McCall, H. S. Same. 2d ed. 1867. " Montefiore, J. Mercantile law. 1830. Oliver, B. L. Conveyancing 4th ed. 1881. Same. Enlarged ed. 1853. Catalogue of Text Books. 63 Forms— Continued. Prideaux, F. Precedents in conveyancing. 2 vols. 9th ed. Lend., 1879. Sand, A. H. Practical forms. 1st and 2d series. 1872. Sayler, J. B>. American form book. 1878. Sessions, H. C. Manual for county officers. 1873. Spalding, H. M. Law encyclopedia. 1877. Statute forms. 1883. Williamson, E. H. Book of deeds. 1881. France, Law of. See also division of this catalogue^ Statutes, Adolphe, C, and Glandaz, M. Traile' de procedure civile et commerciaie. 5tli ed. 2 vols. Paris, 1872. Argle, N. French mercantile law, Lond., 1882. Beaver, J. Trans, of history of French laws. Lond., 1724. Bedarride, J. Droit commerciaie, viz: Des achats et vents. 2d ed. Paris, 1879. Des bourse de commerce. 2d ed. Paris, 1883. De chemins de fer. 2 vols. Paris, 1879. De dol et de la fraude. 3d ed. 4 vols. Paris, 1880. Des faillites et banqueroutes. 5th ed. 3 vols. Paris, 1879. De riiypotheque maritime. Paris, 1879. De jurisdiction commerciaie 2d ed, Paris, 1880. De les lettre de change. 2 vols. 2d ed. Paris, 1879. Des cheques. Paris, 1879. Des commergants. 2d ed. Paris, 1880. Des commissioners. 2d ed. Paris, 1882. Des societies. 2d ed. 3 vols. Paris, 1879. Les brevets d'invention. 3 vols. Paris, 1879. Lois sur les societes. 2 vols. Paris, 1880. Lois du commerce maritime. 5 vols. 2d ed. Paris, 1876. Eillot, A. Traite de I'extradition. Paris, 1874. Brun, D. Le. Communaute entre Marie et femme. Paris, 1754. Caumont, A. Dictionnaire universel droit maritime. Paris, 1867. Chardon, M. Traite d'alluvion. Paris, 1840. Clerc, E. Manuel du notariat. Annotes par A. Dalloll et Ch. Verge. 6th ed. 2 vols. Paris, 1872. Traite de notariat. 4 vols. Paris, 1860. Dalloz, M. Jurisprudence gene'rale. 60 vols. 1825 a 1885. Paris. V. Y, Jurisprudence gea^rale. Collection refondue. 12 vols. Paris, 1827. 64 San Francisco Law Library. France, Law of^CoNTiNUED. Dalloz, M. D. Eepertoire de legislation. Organization maritime. Paris, 1870. Delaborde, J. Traites des avaries particulieres sur mar- chandises. 2d ed. Paris, 1838. Domat, De J. (Euvres de. Revue par M. Carre. 9 vols. Paris, 1822. Dupin, M. Profession d'avocat. 2 vols. Paris, 1832. Hessels, J. H., and Kern, H. Lex salica. Lond., 1880. JoDes, R. History of the Prench bar. 90 Law Library. Jonrdan, A. Le droit Frangais. Paris, 1875. Kelly, E. French law of marriage. Lond., 1385. Kirchner, F. J. Traite de Fextraditien. Lond., 1883. Iiaferriere, M. F. L'histoire de droit Frangaise. 2d ed. 2 vols. Paris, 1859. Ledru-Eollin. Journal du Palais. Repertoire gen^rale de la jurisprudence. Vols. 1 to 11. Paris, 1845. ■ Journal du palais. Recueil de la jurisprudence Fran- gais. 3d ed. 37 vols. Paris, 1830 d 1852. -Journal du palais. Paris, 1879. Lex salica, by Hessel and Kern. See supra. Masse, M. G. Le droit commerciale. 3d ed. 21 vols. Paris, 1874. Merlin, M. Recueil du questions de droit. 16 vols. Bruxelles, 1828. Repertoire de jurisprudence. 36 vols. Bruxelles, 1825. Morel, Aug. Encyclopedic commerciale maritime. 3 vols. Paris, 1856. Pardessus, J. M. Cours de droit commercial. 6th ed., by E. de Roziere. 4 vols. Paris. 1856. Coutumes de la mer, ou Louis Martines. 6 vols. Paris, 1847. Perpigna, A. French law of patents for inventions. 1834. Pothier, R. J. (Eluvres de. Traites de droit Frangais. Ed. par M. Dupin. Vols. 1 to 11. Paris. Contumes des Duche D'Orleans. Paris. 1870. Sibille, M. Jurisprudence et doctrine en matiere D'Abor- dage. Nantes, 1883. Thomas, L. Etudes sur la faillite. Paris. 1880. Toullier, C. B. M. Le droit civil Frangaise. 6th ed. 6 vols. Paris. Troplong, M. Le droit civil explique', viz: De la contrainte par corps. Paris, 1847. Du contrat de socie'te. 2 vols. Paris, 1843. Du cautionnement et des transactions. Paris, 1843. Du depot et de sequestre. Paris, 1845. Catalogue of Text Books. 65 France, Law of— Continued. De L'exchange et du louage. 3 vols. Paris, 1840. Du mandat. Paris, 1846. Du nantissement. Paris, 1847. De la prescription. M ed. Paris, 1835. Du privileges et hypotheques. 4 vols. Paris, 1846. De la vente. 4th ed. 2 vols. Paris, 1845. Du pret. Paris, 1845. Watteville. Legislation charitable. 2d ed. Paris, 1847. Franchises. See CoriDorations. Fraternities. See Corporations. Hirschl, A. J. Law of fraternities. 1883., French Bar. See France. French Laws. See France. Fraud. See Equity ; Fraudulent Conveyances; Statute of Frauds. Bigelow, M. M. Law of fraud. 1877. Carle, G. La failtie dans le droit internationale prive. Dubois' ed. Paris, 1875. Hovenden, J. E. Treatise on. 2 vols. 1825. Kerr, W. W. Fraud and mistake. 1872. Wood, H. G. Frauds. 1884. Fraudulent Conveyances. See Equity; Fraud; Blortgages: Jones, Pierce. Bump, O. F. Fraudulent conveyances. 3d ed. 1882. M'Adam, D. On the slillwell act. 1880. May, H. W. Fraudulent conveyances. 1871. Same. 2d ed. Lond., 1887. Koberts, W. Treatise on. 3d Am. ed. 1845. Wait, F. S. Same. 1884. Freedom and Bondage. See Slavery. Hurd, J. C. Freedom and bondage. 2 vols. 1858. Gaming. See Contracts. Oliphant, G. H. H. Horses. 58 Law Library. Gas Companies. Greenough, C. P. Digest of gas cases. 1883. Gavelkind. See Common Law. Kobinson, Thos. Common law of Kent and borough- English. Lond., 1741. Somner, W. Law of. Lond., 1726. 66 San Francisco Law Library. General Average. See Insurance Marine. Arnold, J. Marine insurance and average. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1870. Dixon, F. B. Adjustment of general average. 1867. Hopkins, W. Handbook of average. 3d ed. Lond., 1868. Marvin, W. System adopted by the International con- gress. 1866. Lowndes, K. General average. 3d ed. Lond., 1878. Parsons, T. Marine insurance and average. 2 vols. 1868. Stevens, R., and Benecke, W. Average and adjustment of losses. 1833. Geneva Award. Hackett, F. W. Geneva award acts. 1882. Georgia. See Criminal Law: Reed. Gifts. See Personal Property, Voluntary Conveyances. Schouler, J. Personal property. 2 vols. 1876. Glossaries. See Dictionaries. Good Will. See Trade marks: Browne. Government. See Canada; ConstiiiUional Laiv; Municipal Cor- 'porations. Grand Juries. See Juries. Thompson, S. D., and Merriam, E. G. On juries. 1882. Guaranty. See Suretyship. Baylies, E. Sureties and guarantors. 1881. Brandt, G. W. Suretyship and guaranty. 1878. Oolebrooke, W. Collateral securities. 1883. De Colyar, H. A. Guarantees. Morgan's notes. 1875. Fell, W. W. Same. 3d Am . ed. 1872. Guardian and Ward. See Domestic Relations: Prolate. Bingham, P. Infancy and coverture. 2d ed. 1882. Giauque, F. Manual for guardians and trustees in Ohio. 1881. McClellan, R. H. Manual exrs., admrs, and guardians; 2d ed. 1880. Reeves, T. Domestic relations. 3d ed. 1874. Schouler, J. Infancy and coverture. 3d ed. 1882. Also 1st and 2d eds. Tyler, R. H. Same. 2d ed., 1882; 1st ed., 1868. Catalogue of Text Books. 67 Habeas Corpus. Binney, H. Habeas corpus. 2d ed. 1862. Campbell's pamphlets. Articles by Taney, Binney, Jack- son, Montgomery, Wharton, Nicholas and Parker. Hurd, E. C. Habeas corpus. 2d ed. 1876. Church, W. S. Habeas corpus. 1884. Hebrews. See Mosaic Law. Benney, P. B. Criminal code of the Jews. Lond., 1880. Heirs. See Descent; Succession; Wills. Hereditaments. Dean, H. C. Law of corporeal hereditaments and con- veyancing. Am. ed. 1875. Highways Angell, J. K. Law of highways. 2d ed. 1868; 3d ed. 1886. Cook, K. D. Highway law of N. Y. 1884. Glen, A. Same. 2d ed. Lond., 1865. Holt, W. Kule of the road. Lgnd., 1867. Jenkins, T. A. Eoad at sea. 1869. Rogers, E. V. Law of the road. 1876. Thompson, S. D. Law of highways. 3d ed. 1881; 1st ed. 1868. Woolrych, H. W. Ways. 1834. Hiring. See Bailments; Landlord and Tenant; Master and Servant. History of the Law. See Common Law; Jurisprudence; Roman Laio. Crabb, G. History of English law. 1st Am. ed. 1831. Hale, M. Same of the common law. 2 vols. 5th ed. 1794. Eeeves, J. Saine of English law. 3 vols. 1867. Van der Linden, J. Same of Holland. Translated by Henry. Lond., 1828. Van der Keesel, J. D. Select thesis of the laws of Holland and Zeeland. Lond., 1868. Holland. Van der Linden, J. Institutes of the law of. Translated by Henry. Lond., 1828. Van der Keesel, D. G. Law of Holland. Trans, by C. A. Lorenz. 2d ed. Lond., 1868. Homesteads. Smyth, J. H. Homestead and exemptions. 1875. Thompson, S. D. Same. 1878. 68 San Francisco Law Library. Homicides. See Criminal Laio. Wharton, F. Law of homicide. 2d ed. 1875; 1st ed. 1855. Horses. Caveat Emptor. Gentleman in search of a horse. 1836. Hanover, M. D. Law of horses. 2d ed. 1875. Oliphant, G. H. H. Same. 3d ed. Lond., 1865. Same, 58 Law Library. Sayler, L. 0. Law of horse racing. Lond., 1877. House of Lords. See Pleading and Practice. 12, 3. Hale, M. Jurisdiction of. Lond., 1796. M'Queen, J. Practice of. Lond., 1842. Humor. See Legal 3IisceUany. Husband and Wife. See Adultery; 31arriage and Divorce; 3Jarried Women: Baron and feme. 3d ed. Lond., 1738. Bell, S. S. Property of husband and wife. 67 Law Li- brary. Bright, J. E. Husband and wife. 2 vols. 1850. Clancy, J. Contracts of married women. 2d Am. ed. 1837. Kelley, J. F. Contracts of married women. 1882. Macqueen, J. F. Eights and liabilities of. 59, 66 Law Library. Piatt, H. G. Law of married women. 1882. Keeve, T. Domestic relations. 3d ed. 1874. Koper, K. S. D. Treatise on. 31, 32 Law Library. Schouler, J. Domestic relations. 2d ed. 1874. HuslDand and wife. 1882. Stewart, D., and Carey, F. K. Dig. of Md. law of hus- band and wife. 1881. Stewart, D. Law of. 1885. Tyler, E. H. Infancy and coverture. 2d ed. 1882. Idiocy. See Insanity. Illinois. See — Forms; I: Jones. Justices of the Peace: Moore. Limitations: Wells. Officers: Hill. Pleading: Puterbaugh. Practice: Hill, Jones. Probate Courts: Hill, Horner, North. Railways: Gilbert. Catalogue of Text Books. 69 Impeachment. See Criminal Laio; Trials in Impeachment, Imports. See Bevenue. Indictments. Criminal Law; Suhdiv. Pleading and Practice. Stevens, J. G. Indictable offenses. Toronto, 1880. Incumbrances. See Liens; Mortgages. India. All, S. A. Personal law of the Mohammedan. Lond., 1880. Duncorabe, A. J. Law of the Turks. Lond., 1862. Halhed, N. B. Code of Gentoo laws. Lond., 1876. Morlev, W. H. Administration of justice in British India. Lond., 1858. Observations on the laws and constitution of India. Lond., 1825. Kichardson, D. The damathat, or the laws of Menoo. 16 vols, in 1. Meelmain, 1847. Shama Churun Sircar. Muhammedan law. Calcutta, 1875. Starling, W. H. Indian criminal law and procedure. 2d ed. Lond., 1870. Strange, Sir T. Elements of Hindoo law. 2 vols. Lond., 1825. Tupper, C. L. Punjab customary law. 3 vols. Calcutta, 1881. Indiana. See- Criminal Laio: Moore. Justices of tlie Peace: McDonald. Practice: Bicknell, Buskirk, AVork. Railways: McPherson. Infancy. See Domestic Relations; Guardian and Ward. Bingham, A. Infancy and coverture. 2d ed. Lond., 1849. Ewell, M. D. Leading cases on infancy and coverture. 1876. Macpherson, W. Treatise on. 41 Law Library. Tyler, R. H. Infancy and coverture. 2d ed. 1882. Infanticide. Mahon, P. H. O. Signs of murder in new-born infants. From the French, by C. Johnson. Lancaster, 1818. Informations. Cole, W. R. Criminal informations. 56, 67 Law Library. 70 San Francisco Law Library. Injunctions. Drewry, C. S. Injunctions. 36 Law Library, Supplement to same. 79 Law Library. Eden, R. H. Injunctions. Waterman's notes. 2 vols. 3d ed. 1852. Hilliard, F. Same. 3d ed. 1874. High, J. L. Same. 2d ed. 1880. Joyce, W. Same. 2 vols. Lond., 1872. Doctrines and principles of. Lond., 1877. Kerr, W. W. Same. 2d ed. 1880. Thompson, I. G. Provisional remedies. 1867. Innkeepers. See Bailments; Carriers: Redfield; Horses. Rogers, R. Y. Law of hotel life. 1879. Inns of Court. Duhigg, B. T. History of King's Inns. Dublin, 1806. Herbert, W. Antiquities of. Lond., 1804. Lane, T. Guide to Lincoln's Inn. 2d ed. Lond., 1805. Spilsbury, W. H. Lincoln's Inn. Lond., 1850. Insanity. See 3Iedical Jurisprudence. Aston, J. J. Pauper lunacy. Lond., 1849. Bridal, J. Non compos mentis. Lond., 1700. Browne, J. H. B. Medical jurisprudence of insanity. 1875. Buckham, T. R. Insanity and its medico-legal relations. 1883. Bucknill, J. C. Criminal lunacy. 92 Law Library. Buswell, H. F. On insanity. 1885. Collinson, G. D. Idiots and lunatics. 2 vols. Lond., 1812. Ellis, W. C. Nature and symptoms of insanity. Lond., 1838. Elwell, J. J. Law of insanity. 4th ed. 1881. Ewell, M. D. Leading cases on infancv, coverture, idiocy. 1876. Hammond, W . A. Opinion as to testamentary capacity in the Johnson case. 2d ed. 1867. Harrison, G. L. Legislation on insanity. 1884. Haslam, J. Med. jurisprudence of insanity. Lond., 1817. Lawson, J. D. Insanity as a defense to crime. 1884. Maudsley, H. Responsibility in mental disease. 1878. Ordoneaux, J. Judicial aspects of insanity. 1878. Pinel, P. Treatise on insanity. Translated by Davis. 1806. Prichard, J. C. Disorders affecting the mind. 1837. Ray, I. Medical jurisprudence of insanity. 5th ed. 1871. Catalogue of Text Books. 71 Insanity — Continued. Seguin, E. On idiocy. 1866. Shelford, L. Law concerning lunatics. Lond., 1833. Sheppard, E. On madness. Lond., 1873. Stock, J, S. Law of non compos mentis. 1838. Same. 25, 35 Law Library. Storer, H. B. Insanity in women. 1871. Taylor, J. A. Exonerative insanity. 1882. Tiihe, D. Insanity in ancient and modern life. Lond., 1878. Wharton, F. , and Stille', M. Medical j urisprudence. 3 vols. See 1st vol. as to m<3ntal unsoundness. 1873. Williams, S. E. Petitions in chancery and lunacy. 1880. Winslow, F. Plea of, in criminal cases. 42 Law Library. Insolvency. See Bankruptcy and Insolvency, Inspection of Documents. See Discovery. Institutes. See American Law: Qc^e) Common Law; Roman Law. Insurance. /. General Works. IL Fire. III. Life and Accident. IV. Marine. I. General Works. Barber, W. Law of insurance. 1882. Bonney, C. C. Summary of the law of insurance. 1865. Clarke, S. K. Law of insurance. Toronto, 1873. Emerigon, B. M. Treatise. Translated by Meredith. Lond., 1850. Hilne, C. C, and Nichols, W. S. New insurance digest, 1882. Hughes, D. Same. 1st Am. ed. 1883. Marshall, S. Law of insurance. Condy's notes. 2 vols. 1810. Park, J. A. Insurance. Lond., 1800. Phillips, W. Same. 2 vols. 5th ed. 1867. Ross, G. Leading cases on commercial law. See 3d vol. 1858. Sansum, O. B. Digest of insurance law. 1876. Walford, C. Insurance handbook. 2d ed. Lond., 1867. U. Fire. Angell, J. K. Fire and life insurance. 2d ed. 1855. Bennett, E. H. Fire insurance oases. 5 vols. 1872-76. 72 San Francisco Law Library. Insurance— Continued. Ellis, C. Fire and life insurance. 1834. Flanders, H. Fire insurance. 1st ed., 1871; 2d ed., 1874. Fox, F. T., Jr. Warranty in fire insurance contracts. 1883. Griswold, J. Fire underwriters' text-book. 1872. Hammond, E. Fire insurance and insurance on inland waters. 1840. Littleton, H. A., and Blatchley, J. S. Digest of fire insurance decisions in Great Britain and the United States. 3d ed., by Bates. 1873. May, J. AV. Insurance — other than marine. 2d ed. "Wood, H. G. Law of fire insurance. 1878. III. Life and Accident. Alexander, C. B. Notes on N. Y. law of. 1887. Angell, J. K. Fire and life insurance. 2d ed. 1855. Bigelow, M. M. Life and accident insurance cases. 5 vols. 1871-76. Bliss, G. Life insurance. 2d ed. 1874. Bunyon, C. J. ' Same. 2d ed. Lond., 1868. Same. 79 Law Library. Davies, G. Annuities. Lond. Eagle, P. A. Life assurance manual. Lond., 1851. Francis, J. Annals of life assurance. Lond., 1853. May, J. W. Insurance— not marine. 1873; 2d ed. 1882. Neison, F. G. P. Vital statistics. Lond., 1857. Queteler, M. A. Theory of probabilities. Translated by O. G. Downes. Lond., 1849. Eeynolds, D. Life insurance. 1853. -^ Sharpstein, J. R. Digest of life and accident insurance 1 cases. 1872. TV. Marine. See Bottomry. Arnould, J. Marine insurance and average. 4th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1872; 6th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1887. Same. 2d Am. ed. 2 vols. 1850. I Duer, J. Marine insurance. 2 vols. 1845-46. Hopkins, M. Manual of same. 1867. Jones, E. Salvage. Lond., 1870. Lees, J. Shipping and insurance. 10th ed. Lond., 1877. Marshall, S. Marine insurance. 5th ed. 1865. Newson, H. Shipping and marine insurance. Lond., 1879. Parsons, T. Marine insurance. 2 vols. 1868. Stevens, R., and Benecke, "VY. Average and adjustment of losses. 1833. I Catalogue of Text' Books. 73 Interest. See Usury. Internal Revenue. See Revenue. Inter-State Law. See International Law: Eorer. International Copyright. See Copyright. International Law. See Commerce; Conflict of Law; Di- plomacy; Expatriation; Extradition. Abdj, J. T. Kent's commentary on Int. law. 2d ed. Lon^., 1878. Bar L. Int. law, private and criminal. Trans, by Gil- lespie. 1883. Bernard, M. Grt. Britn.'s neutrality during the civil war. 1870. Bowyer, G. Universal public law. 84 Law Library. Gtli series. Bluntscbli, J. C. Int. law. Mexican trans. byCovarrubias. Mexico, 1871. Das moderne volkerrecht. Ed., 1878. Nordlingen. Burlamqui, J. J. Natural and political law. 2 vol. 1832. Bynkershoek, C. von. Law of war. Notes by du Pon- ceau. 1810. Cabinet Library. Vol. 1, on int. law. Edin., 1837. Calvo, Carlos. Derecho internacional. 2 vols. Paris. 1868. Le droit international. 3d ed. 4 vols. Paris, 1880. Castle, E. J. Commerce in time of war. Lond., 1870. Chitty, E. Law of nations. Lond., 1812. Cobbett, P. Leading cases on. Lond., 1885. CluDet, Ed. Kelations internationales avec U. S. Paris, 1880. Creasy, E. S. First platform of. Lond., 1876. Dahlgren, J. A. Maritime International law. Ed. by Chas. Cowley. 1877. Field, D. D. Outlines of int. code. 1st ed; 2d ed. 1876. Fiore, P. Droit penal international et de I'extradition. Antoine's ed. 2 parts. Paris. 1880. Foelix. Droit internatiooal. 4th ed., by C. Demangeat. 2 vols. Paris, 1866. Folleville, D. de. Traite de la naturalization. Paris, 1880. Foote, J. A. Private international jurisprudence. Lond., 1878. Gardner, D. International law as settled by U. S. Sup. Ct. 1860. Institutes on international law. 1844. Glasson, E. Marriage and divorce. 2d ed. Paris. 1880. 74 San Francisco Law Library. International Law— Continued. Grotius, H. Riglits of peace and war. Barbeyrac's notes. Lond., 1738. Gueronuierre, de la. Le droit public. 2 vols. Paris, 1876. Guthrie, W. Savigny priv. int. law. Edin., 1869. Hall, W. E. International law. Oxford, 1880. Eights and duties of neutrals. Lond., 1874. Halleck, H. W. Int. law and law of war. 1861. New ed. by S. Baker. 2 vols. Lond., 1878. Hinneccius, J. G. Law of nature and of nations. 2 vols. 1741. Home, T. H. Prize law. Lond., 1803. Institut of int. law. 1877-1883. 6 vols. Jacobsen, F. J. Law of the sea in peace and war. Prick's trans. 1878. Kent, J. Int. law. Abdy's 2d ed. Camb., 1878. Kirchner, P. J. L' extradition. Lond., 1883. Lacombe, P. L'ostablishment dun tribunal international, 2d of ''Prize Essays." Laurent, P. Droit civil international. 8 vols. Paris. 1880-81. Lawrence, W. B. Jurisdiction consulaire, et I'extradition. Leipzig, 1880. See, also, "Wheaton. Lewis, W. Das Deutsche sierecht. 2 vols. 1877. Mackintosh, J. Law of nature and nations. Pamphlets. Ed. 1835. Mallet, E. L'hypothetique maritime. Paris, 1877. Mancini, P. S. Dritto internazionale. Naples, 1873. Manning, W. O. Law of nations, by Amos. Lond., 1875. Marcoartu, Arturo de. Internationalism. See ** Prize essays." Martens, G. P. von. Law of nations. Translated by W. Cobbett. 1795. Martens, P. Das consularwesen. Skerst's ed. Berlin, 1874. Kiissian treaties. 5 vols., in 6 parts. St. Petersburg, 1874-1880. -G. P. von. Privateers, captures and re-captures. Home's trans. Lond., 1801. -Summary of law of nations. 1795. Nasmiths, D. Institutes of public law. Lond., 1873. Ortolan, Theo. Kegles internationales et diplomatie de la mer. 2 vols. Paris, 1864. Pando, J. M. de. Elementos del derecho international. 2d ed. Madrid, 1852. Phillimore, Rob. Int. law. 2d ed. 4 vols. Lond., 1871. Poison, A. Law of nations. 78 N. L. L. Catalogue of Text Books. 75 International Law— Continued. Pomeroy, J. N. InterDational law. 1886. Pratt, F. T. Contraband of war. Lond., 1861. Prize essays on a congress of nations. 1840. on international law. 1876. Puffendorff, S. International law. Carew's trans. Lond., 1729. De officio hominis et civis. 1682. Ramirez, Jose H. Codigo de los extranjeros. Mex., 1870. Reddie, J. Maritime int. law. 2 vols. Edin., 1844. Roberts, T. Admiralty and prize. 1869. Rohland, W. J. Das Internationale strafrecht. 1st ed. Leipzig, 1877. Rorer, D. Inter-state law. 1879. Savigny, F. C. v. Private int. law and conflict of laws. Guthrie. 1st ed. Edin. 1869. Same. 2d ed. Edin., 1880. Scarce and celebrated tracts. Vol. 1. Cabinet Library. Schulze, H. Grundriss zu borlesungen iiber volkerrecht. Heidelberg. Scott, E. G. Inter-state law of Penn. 1871. ^ Spear, S. T. Extradition, international and inter-state. 1879. Sprague & Lacombe's prize essays. Lond., 1876. Sprague, A. P. Codification of public law. First of the "Prize Essays." Twiss, T. Law of nations. New ed. Oxford, 1884. Upton, F. H. Law of nations during war. 3d ed. 1863. Vattel, E. Law of nations. Trans. Dublin, 1792. Same. Ingraham's notes. 1870. Le droit des gens. 3 vols. Paris, 1838. Vazelhis, E. Etude sui I'extradition. Paris, 1877. Ward, R. History of the law of nations. 2 vols. Lond., 1795. Westlake, John. Private int. law. Lond., 1858. Wharton, F. International law digest. 3 vols. 1886. Wheaton, H. Elements of int. law. 2d ed., by Lawrence. 1863. Same. 8th ed., by R. H. Dana. 1866. Same. Eng. ed., by A. C. Boyd. Lond., 1878. Same. Fr. ed., by Lawrence. 3 vols. Leipzig. 1868. Wildman, R. Institutes of int. law in peace and war. 2 vols. Lond., 1849. Search, capture and prize. 1854. Woolsey, T. D. Introduction to the study of int. law. 2ded. 1864. 76 San Francisco Law Library. International Law— Continued. Whewell, W. Translation of Grotius. 3 vols. Camb., 1853. Interrogatories. See Evidence; Discovery; Depositions. Sichel, W. S. and Chance, W. Interrogatories, produc- tion and inspection of documents. Lond., 1883. Intestacy. See Prolate; Succession; Wills. Inventions. See Patents. Howson, H. & C. American patent system. 1877. Intoxicating Liquors. See Liquors. Investments. See Laiv of Baihuays: Kedfield. Iowa. See Criminal Law: Davis. Justices of the Peace: Conklin &, Kussell. Officers: Field. Probate: Herrick & Doxsee, Kagy, Porter. Italy. Law of. Filangieri, G. La scienza della legislazione. 6 vols, in 3. Milan, 1822. Jews. See Eebreivs; Mosaic Lata. Joint Stock Companies. See PartnersJiip: Lindley; Ultra Vires: Brice. Cox, Ed. W. Joint stock companies. 7th ed. Lond., 1870. Root, J. P. Forms for organization of. 1872. Shelford, L. Law of joint stock companies. 2d ed. 1870. Stephen, C. H. Same. Toronto, 1880. Wordsworth, C. Same. 39, 40 Law Library. Judgments. See Liens; Supplementary Proceeding, Bingham, P. Law of judgments. 13 Law Library. Freeman, A. C. Law of judgments. 3d ed. 1881. Also 1st and 2d eds. Judgments against bankrupts. 1877. Hawkins, H. Warrants of atty. and orders for judgment. Lond., 1844. Herman, H. M. Estoppel and res judicata. 2 vols. 1886. Pigott, F. T. Foreign judgments. 2 pts. Lond., 1879, '81. Ram, J. Science of legal judgment. 1871. Seton, H. W. Forms of decrees in high courts of justice. 2 vols. 4th ed. Lond., 1877. Same. Am. ed., by F. F. Heard. 1884. Wells, J. C. Res adjudicata and stare decisis. 1878. Catalogue of Text Books. 77 Judicial Evidence. See Evidence: Bentham. Judicial Factors. See Factors: Thorns. Judicial Liability. Thorns, G. H. Judicial factors. 1859. Judicial Sales. See Executions. Freeman, A. C. Yoid judicial sales. I Monograph. Same, 2d ed. 1886. Borer, D. Law of judicial sales. 2d ed. 1878. Juries. Adam, W. Jury trial in the court of sessions. Edin., 1836. Bentham, J. Art of packing juries. Lond., 1821. Donovan, J. W. Modern jury trials and advocates. 1881. Trial practice. 1883. Edwards, 0. Juryman's guide. 1831. Forsyth, W. History of trial by jury. 1852. Hirsh, H. Juries, their powers, duties and uses. 1879. Joy, H. H. Confessions and challenge of jurors. Dublin, 1842. Proffatt, J. Jury trial. 1876. Bam, J. Facts as subjects of inquiry by jury. 2d Am. ed. 1870. Sackett, F. Instruction to juries. 1881. Starkie. Essay on trial by jury. 1883. Thompson, S. D. Charging the jury. 1880. and Merriam, E. G. Juries. 1882. Wells, J. C. Questions of law and fact. 1876. Worthington, G. Inquiry into the power of juries. 29 Law Library. Jurisdiction. See Constitutional Laio and Federal Practice; Justices of the Peace; Pleading and Practice, Ayckbourn, H. Jurisdiction of the supreme court of ju- dicature. Lond., 1874. Curtis, G. T. Jurisdiction of the U. S. courts. 1854. Du Ponceau, P. S. Dissertation on jurisdiction of the U. S. courts. 1824. Etting, T. M. Admiralty jurisdiction in America. 1879. Graham, D., Jun. Jurisdiction of courts of law and equity in New York. 1839. Hawes, H. Jurisdiction. 1886. Hale, M. Jurisdiction of the house of lords. Lond., 1796. Law, S. D. Jurisdiction and powers of U.S. courts. 1852. Wells, J. C. Jurisdiction of courts. 1880. 78 San Francisco Law Library. Jurisprudence. See Medical Jurisprudence; and see titles American Law; Common Laio; Roman Laiv. Abbott, B. V. Year book of. 1880. Amos, S. Science of. Lond., 1872. Austin, J. Lectures on. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1873. Clarke's commentary on. Camb., 1883. Bacon, F. Laws of England. 5tli ed. 1760. Bishop, J. P. First book of the law. 1868. Broom, H. Philosophy of the law. 1876. Burlamaqui, J. J. Principles of natural and political law. 2 vols. 1832. Cohn, M. M. Growth of the law. 1882. Crabb, G. History of English law. 1st Am. ed. 1831. Dawson, G. Origin of laws. Lond., 1694. Filangieri, G. La scienza della legislazione. 6 vols, in 3. Milan, 1822. Heineccius, J. G. Law of nature and of nations. 2 vols. 1741. Heron, D. C. Introduction to the history of jurispru- dence. Lond., 1860. Hoffman, D. Course of legal study. 2d ed^. 2 vols in 1. 1836. Holland, T. E. Elements of jurisprudence. 2d ed. Oxford, 1882. Ihrengs, E. von. Struggle for law. 1879. Johnson, W. F. Science of law. Dublin, 1870. Jones, S. Introduction to legal science. 1842. Lieber, F. Political ethics. 1838. Lindley, N. Introduction to jurisprudence. 1855. Same. 86 Law Library. Maine, H. S. Ancient law. 1st Am. ed. 1870. Early history of institutions. 1875. Village communities. 1876. Early law and custom. Lond., 1883. Markby, W. Elements of law. 2d ed. 1874. Montesquieu, M. de. Spirit of the laws. M. D'Alem- bert's analysis. 2 vols. 1873. North, E. The study of the laws. Lond., 1824. Pearson, E. M. Law lectures. 1879. Piatt, W. H. Unity of the law. 1879. Pomeroy, J. N. Municipal law. 2d ed. 1883. Eobinson, C. English institutions. Vol. 1. 1882. W. C. Elementary law. 1882. Sterling, J. H. The philosophy of the law. 1872. Story, J. Discourse on the history and prospects of the law. Edin., 1835. Pamphlets. Catalogue of Text Books. 79 Jurisprudence — Continued. Terry, H. T. Anglo-American law. 1884. Washburne, E. Lectures on the study and practice of the law. 1871. Jury Tria). See Juries, Justices of the Peace. Benedict, J. N.Y. civil and criminal justice. 5th ed. 1871. Bundy, C. S. Justice's manual. 1880. Burns' justice of the peace. 13th ed. 5 vols. Lond., 1869. Casey, J. J. Same. Melbourne, 1879. Conklin, C. H., and Eussell, J. B. Iowa justice of the peace. 2d ed. 1874. Cowen, E. Treatise on civil jurisdiction of justices of the peace. 5th ed. 2 vols. 1879. Same. 7th ed. 1883. Hayden, C. N. Y. justices of the peace. 1850. Lambarde, W. Eirenarcha. Lond., 1619. Langdon, C. W. Justices' jurisdiction in the Pacific states and territories. And supplement to same. 1870, 1875. McDonald, D. Indiana justices of the peace and consta- ble. 1860. Same. Davis' edition. 1871. Moore, I. M. Civil practice before Illinois justices. 1873. Sayles, J. Tex^s justice of the peace . 1867. Stanton, E. H. Kentucky same. 1867. Swan, J. E. Ohio same. 9th ed. 1871. Swan, J. E., and Plumb, P. B. Kansas same. 1872. Throop, M. H. Manual for New York justices. 1880. Tiffany, A. E. Michigan justice of the peace. 6th ed. 1875. Wait, W. Law and practice in justices' courts. 2 vols. 1871. Waterman, T. W. Justice of the peace under the code. 1849. Justinian. See Roman Law. Kansas See — Justices of the Peace: Swan and Plumb. Pleading: Nash. Kentucky. See- Executors and Administrators: Stanton. Justices of the Peace: Stanton. Officers: Allen. Pleading: Newman, 80 San Francisco Law Library. King's Bench. See Pleading and Practice, II, 3. Hale, M. King's beach and conamon pleas. See essay in Hargrave's law tracts. King's bench. Jurisdiction of in Wales. Harg. L. T. King's Inn. See Inns of Court Labels. See Trade-marhs. Land Laws. See Common Law; England; Real Property. Bergan, L. Swamp land laws. 1876. Copp, H. N. Public land laws. 2 vols. 1882. American settler's guide. 1880. Drake, E. B. Spanish grants. 1881. Donaldson, T. Public domain, its history, etc. 1884. Hobby, E. Land law of Texas. 1883. Huston, Chas. Land titles in Pennsylvania. 1849. Jones, J. Land office titles in Penn. 1850. Lester, W. W. Land laws and decision, 2 vols. 1860-70. Lewis, J. Y. Leading cases on public land laws. 1879. Public land laws. See revised statutes relating to. 1876. Eeport public land commission. Ex. doc. 46. 46th Cong. 1880. Spaulding, G. W. On public lands. 1884. Sullivan, J. Land titles in Massachusetts. 1801. U. S. land laws. Local and temporary. 2 vols. 1884. Same. 2 vols. 1881. Wheeler, A. Land titles in San Francisco. 1852. White, J. M. Collection of charters and local ordinances of G. B., Fr. and Spain. 2 vols. 1839. Zabriskie, J. C. Land laws of the U. S., and supplement to 1876. 1870-78. Landlord and Tenant. Covenants; Distress; Fixtures. Andrews, H. B. Precedents of leases with notes. Lond., 1871. Archibald, J. F. Landlord and tenant. 53 Law Library. Bingham, A., and Colvin, A. J. Kents, covenants and conditions. 1857. Bradby, J. Law of distresses. 2d ed. 1833. Comyn, B. B. Landlord and tenant. 6 Law Library. Fawcett, W. M. Landlord and tenant. Lond., 1871. M'Adam, D. Same, with forms. 1876. Newton, I. Tables for purchasing leases. 8th ed. Lond., 1808. Piatt, T. Law of leases, with forms. 2 vols. Lond., 1847. Sloane, C. W. Landlord and tenant in N. Y. 1884. Catalogue of Text Books. 81 Landlord and Tenant— Continued. Smith, H., and Soden, T. S. Landlord and tenant. Lond., 1871. Taylor, J. N. Same. 8th ed., 2 vols., 1887; 7tli ed., 1879; 5tli ed., 1869. Townshend, J. Same. 3d ed. 1873. Wood, A. Same. 1881. Woodfall, W. Same. 12th ed., with precedents. Lond., 1881. Law of Nations. See International Lam, Law of Nature. See International Law, Law Tracts. See Common Law; Elementary Law; Juris- risprudence. BacoD, F. Law tracts. 2d ed. Savoy, 1841. Blackstone, W. Same. 2 vols. Oxford, 1762. Hargrave, F. Tracts on the laws of England. Lond., 1787. Selden, J. Same. Lond., 1683. Law Reform. Tracts on law reform. 1849. Lawyer. See Attorney and Client. Leases. See Landlord and Tenant. Leading Cases. See — Admiralty and Maritime Law: Tudor. Agency: Ross' commercial law. 3d vol. Bankruptcy and Insolvency: Register reports. Bills and Notes: Ames, Bigelow, Redfield and Bigelow, Ross' com. lavr, vol. 1. Carriers: Thompson. Circumstantial Evidence: Phillips. Commercial Law: Holcombe, Ross, Tutlor. Common Law: Lawsou, Smith. Contracts: Langdell. Constitutional Laiv: Thomas. Corporations: American corporation cases. Am. and Eng. Corp. cases. Coverture: Ewell. Criminal Law; Am. Crim. Bpts. : Bennett & Heard, Green, Hawley, Horrigan & Thompson, Lawson, Wheeler. Damages: Sedgwick. Elections: Brightly, Hodgkins. Equity: Lawson, Tudor and White. jf^ OF TBGR '$^ 82 San Francisco Laav Library. Leading Oases — Continued. Equity Pleading: Langdell. Gas Companies: Greenough. Infancy: Ewell. Insanity: Ewell, Lawson. Insolvency Reports. Insurance: Bennett, Bigelow and Koss' commercial law, 3d vol. International Law: Cobbett. Land Laws: Lewis. Mining: Blanchard and Weeks, Morrison. Murder; See Supra Criminal Law, Negligence: Thompson. Officers: Thompson. Partnership: Ross, in 3rl vol. commercial law. Patents: Banning and Arden, Carpmeal, Daves, Fisher, Whitman. Pleading: Ames, Finlason, Langdell. Probate: Ladd, Read. Railiuays: Redfield; Railwaj'^ cases; Railway reports. Real Property: Sharswood and Budd. Sales: Langdell, Ross' commercial law, vol. 2. Self-defense: Horrigau and Thompson. Suretyship: Ross' commercial law, vol. 3. Telegraphs: Allen. Torts: Ames, Bigelow. Trade-marks: Cox; Price & Steuart. I'rusts: Zinn. Usages: Lawson. Wills: Redfield. Hare, J. C. and Wallace, H. B. American leading cases. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1857. 5th ed. 2 vols. 1871. Lawson, J. Leading cases simplified. 2 vols. Same. Common law. 1882. Same. Equity and constitutional law. 1883. Leading cases done into English. 3d ed. Lond., 1877. Smith, J. W. Leading cases. Notes by Hare, J. C, and Wallace, J. W. 5th Am. ed. 2 vols. 1855. ^ Same. 6th Am. ed. 2 vols. 3 parts. 1866. ' Same. 7th Am. ed. 2 vols. 3 parts. 1873. Same. 8th Am. ed. 2 vols. 4 parts. 1885. White, E. F., Tudor, O.D. Leading cases in equity. Notes by Hare, J. C, and Wallace, H. B. 4th Am. ed. 2 vols. 4 parts. 1876, 1877. Same. 2d Am. ed. 2 vols. 3 parts. 1852. Catalogue of Text Books. 83 Lectures. See Elementary Works-, Jurisprudence; Legal mis- cellanies; Questions and Answers. Long, G. Discourses. 60 Law Library. Pearson, K. M. Law lectures. 1879. Sharswoocl, G. Same. 1870. Washburn, E. Study of the law. 1871. Woodesson, E. Same. 38, 39 Law Library. Legacies. See Wills. Hayes, W. Limitations to heirs of the body. Lond., 1829. Preston, W. S. Law of legacies. 1827. Eoper, K. S. D. Law of legacies. 2d Am. ed. 2 vols. 1848. Ward, W. Treatise on. 18 Law Library. Legal Maxims. See Maxims. Legal Profession. See Legal Miscellanies. Legal Miscellany. See Elementary Worlcs; Jurisprudence; Questions and Ansiuers. Abbott, B. V. Judge and jury. 1880. American Bar Assn. repts. 9 vols. 1878-1886. Bay, W. V. N. Bench and bar of Missouri. 1878. Benton, T. H. Examination of the Dred Scott case. 1858. Binney, H. Leaders of the old bar of Philadelphia. 1866. Blackstone, W. Commentaries. See Blackstone. Browne, I. Law and lawyers in literature. 1883. Humorous phases of the law. 1876. Burke, O. J. Lord chancellors of Ireland from 1187 to 1874. Dublin, 1874. Campbell. Lives of chief justices of England. 4 vols. 1873. Lives of lord chancellors of England. 10 vols. And index to both series. 1874-1876. Choate, K. Brown's life of. 2 vols. 1862. Addresses and Orations. 1878. Court of session garland. Ediu., 1871. Croke, J. Greenbag. Lyrics of the law. 1884. Donovan, J. W. Modern jury trials. 1881. Tact in court. 3d ed. 1886. Trial practice. 1883. Field, G. W. Lawyers' briefs. 6 vols. 1884-1886. Flanders, H. Lives of chief justices of U. S. 2 vols. 1875. Forsyth, W. History of lawyers. 1875. Foss, E. Memories of Westminster Hall. 2 vols. 1874. Judges of England. 9 vols. Lond., 1848-1864. 84 San Francisco Law Library. Legal Miscellany— Continued. Francis, J. Annals and anecdotes of life insurance. Lend., 1853. Chronicles and characters of the stock exchange. Lond., 1840. Heard, F. F. Oddities of the law. 1881. Curiosities of the law reporters. 1876. Hildreth, E. Lives of atrocious judges. 1856. J. S. Pleader's guide (in verse). Lond., 1808. James, Croake. Curiosities of law and lawyers. Lond., 1882. Jeafferson, J. C. Book about lawyers. 2 vols in 1. 1875. Pleasantries of Eng. courts and lawyers. 1876. Jones, Robert. History of the French bar. Lond., 1855. Lane, T. Students' guide through Lincoln's Inn. 2d ed. Lond., 1805. Law and lawyers. 2 vols. Lond., 1840. Law quibbles. 4th ed. Lond., 1736. Life of a lawyer. Loud. , 1843. Lives of the lord chancellors et al., by an impartial Land. 2 vols. Lond., 1712. Lyndhurst, Lord. Life of, by T. Martin. Lond., 1883. Martm, J. H. Bench and bar of Pennsylvania. 1883. Miller, S. F. Bench and bar of Georgia. 2 vols. 1858. Morison, J. H. Life of Jeremiah Smith. 1845. Nicholls, Sir Geo. History of the Irish poor law. Lond., 1856. O'Flanagan, J. R. Lord chancellors of Ireland. 2 vols. Lond., 1870. Old Bailey experience. Lond., 1833. Omond, G. W. T. Lord advocates of Scotland. 2 vols. Edin., 1883. Paget, J. Judicial puzzles. 1876. Parsons, J. Essays on legal topics. 1876. Parsons, T. Memoirs of 0. J. Parsons. 1859. Pomeroy, J. N. Account of the work of S. J. Field. 1881. Prize essays on a congress of nations. Boston, 1840. Proctor, L. B. Lawyer and client. 1882. Bench and bar of New York. 1870. Lives of eminent N. Y. lawyers. 2 vols. 1872. Pulling, A. Order of the coif. Lond., 1884. Reed, P. M. C. Bench and bar of Wisconsin. 1882. Reports of the meetings of the American Bar Associatioi^. 9 vols. 1878-1886. Rogers, R. V. Drinks, drinkers and drinking. 1881. Rollins, Daniel. Englishman's right, trial by jury. 1883. Catalogue OF Text Books. 85 Legal Miscellany — Continued. Shell, E. L. Sketches of the Irish bar. 1854. Snyder, W. L. Great speeches by great lawyers. 1881. Great opinions by great lawyers. 1883. Stephens, Geo. Adventures of an attorney in search of practice. 1874. Stephens, J. F. Nuncomar and Impey. 2 vols. Lond., 1885. Street, A. B. Council of revision. 1859. Strictures on the lives of eminent lawyers. Lond., 1790. Townsend, W. C. Twelve eminent judges. 2 vols. Lond., 1846. Twiss, Horace. Law and lawyers. 2 vols. Lond., 1840. Updike, W. Memoirs of E. 1. bar. 1842. Yan Santvoord, G. Lives of the chief justices of the U. S. 2d ed. by W. Scott. 1882. Warren, D. Ten thousand a year, 2 vols, in 1. 1872. Experience of a barrister. 1880. Adventures of an attorney in search of practice. 1872. Williston, E. B. Eloquence of U. S. Senate. 5 vols. Welsby, W. N. Eminent English judges. Lond., 1846. Westminster Hall, or professional relics and anecdotes of the bar, bench and woolsack. 3 vols. Lond., 1825. Worthies of Westminster Hall. Portraits. Lond., 1823. Woolrych, H. W. Lives of eminent Serjeants at law. 2 vols. Lond., 1869. Young, A. Sketch of the French bar. Edin., 1869. Legislative Assemblies. See Parliamentary Law. Cushing, L. S. Law and practice of legislative assem- blies. 2ded. 1867. Manual of parliamentary law. Coode, G. Legislative expression. 60 Law Library. Filangieri, G. La scienza della legislazione. 6 vols, in 3. Milan, 1822. Eobert, H. M. Eules of order for deliberative assemblies. 1877. Smith, H. H. Eules of practice in House of Eepresent- atives. 6th ed. 1883. Letters. See Morgan's Law of Literature, Libel and Slander. Cooke, G. W. Defamation, with forms of pleading. 53 Law Library. Morgan, J. A. Law of literature. 2 vols. 1875. 86 San Francisco Law Library. Libel and Slander— Continued. Odgers, W. B. Libel and slander. Lond., 1881. Same, Bigelow's Am. ed. 1881. Shortt, J. Law of literature. 2 vols. 1871. Starkie, T. Libel and slander. Additions by Folkard. Same. Wood's notes. 1877. Townshend, J. Same. 3d ed. 1877. Also 1st and 2d eds. Licenses. . See Municipal Corporations. Liens. See Attaclimenis; Execution; Judgments; Mechanics^ Liens; Vendor and Vendee. Cross, J. Law of liens. 34 Law Library. Montagu, B. Law of lien. 1st Am. ed. 1822. Overton, D. Y. Same. 1883. Price, Eli K. Limitation of actions and liens against real estate in Pennsylvania. 1857. Trickett, W. Law of lien in Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 1882. Wliittaker, E. Law of lien. 1816. Life Estates. See Beat Property. Lights. See Easements. Limitations. See Adverse Possession. Angell, J. K. Law of limitations. 5tli ed., 1869; 6th ed., 1876. Ballantine, W. Treatise on the statute of limitations. 1829. Blanshard, W. Same. 1833. Darby, J. G. N., and Bosanquet, F. A. Same. Lond., 1867. Price, E. K. Limitation of actions against real estate in Pennsylvania. 1857. Walter, Jas. Manual of statute of. Lond., 1883. Wells, J. C. Same of Illinois. 1870. Wilkinson, J. J. Limitation of actions. 1833. Woods, H. G. Same. 1882. Liquor. Lawson, J. D. Damages for sale or gift of. I Monograph. Lis Pendens. Bennett, J. I. Law of lis pendens. 1887. Wade, W. P. Law of notice. 1878. Literature. See Copyright. Morgan, J. A. Law of literature. 2 vols. 1875. Shortt, J. Law of literature and art. 2 vols. Lond., 1871. Catalogue of Text Books. 87 London. Laws and customs of. Lond., 1765. Liber albus. Trans, by H. T. Eiley. Lond., 1861. Monumenta Gildliallae Londonensis. Liber albus. Liber costumarum. Edited by H. T. Riley. Lond. v. d. Lords. See Home of Lords. Lunacy. See Insanity, Madness. See Insanity, Magna Chart a. See Common Law; England; History of the Law, Blackstone, W. The great charter — in law tracts. 2 vols. Lond., 1762. Same. Lond., 1759. History and defense of. 1759. Sullivan, E. S. Lectures. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols. 1805. Thomson, R. Essay. Lond., 1829. Wells, J. C. Magna charta. 1880. Maine. See — Probate Courts: Luce. Taxation: Bolster. Maintenance. Tapp, W. J. Law of maintenance and champerty. Lond. 1861. Malicious Prosecution. Starkie, T. Slander and libel. 1877. Townshend, J. Same. 3d ed. 1877. Malpractice. See Medical Jurisprudence. Elwell, J. J. Malpractice. 3d ed., 1871; 4th ed., 1881. McClelland, M. A. Civil malpractice. 1877. Mandamus. Hayne, R. Y. New trial and appeal. 2 vols. 1883. High, J. L. Extraordinary legal remedies. 1874. 2d ed., 1884. Moses, H. H. Law of mandamus, with forms. 1867. Redfieid, I. E. Law of railways. See Part VII, Vol. 1. 5th ed. 1873. Tapping, T. Law and practice of. 76 Law Library. Wood, H. G. On mandamus and prohibition. 1880. Manors. See Common Law; Copyhold; Tenures. 88 San Francisco Law Library. Marine Courts. See Admiralty and Maritime Law; Federal Practice. McAdam, D. Marine court practice in N. Y. 3d ed. 1874. Maritime Loans. See Admiralty. Maritime War. See International Law. Marriage and Divorce. See Adultery; Conflict of Laws; Husband and Wife; Manned Women. Atlierly, E. G. Marriage settlements. 27 Law Library. Bishop, J. P. Marriage and divorce. 6th ed. 2 vols. 1881; also 4tli and 5th eds. Browne, W. H. Divorce and alimony. 1872. Glasson, E. Mariage et divorce. Paris, 1880. Kelly, E. French law of marriage. Lond., 1885. Morgan, H. D. Doctrine and law of marriage. 2 vols. Oxford, 1826. Poynter, S. Marriage and divorce. 13 Law Library. Shelford, L. Same. Lond., 1841. Stewart, D. Same. 1883. Woolsey, T. D. Divorce and divorce legislation. 1869. Marriage Settlements. See Marriage and Divorce: Atherly. Married Women. Aimy, C. Jr., and Fuller, H. W. Married women in Mass. 1878. Barrett-Lennard, T. Position in law of women. Lond., 1883. Bingham, P. Infancy and coverture. 2d Am. ed. Ben- nett's notes. 1849. Bishop, J. Law of married women. 2 vols. 1871. Bright, J. E. Husband and wife. 2 vols. 1850. Clancy, J. Same. 2d Am. ed. 1837. Cord, W. H. Eights of married women. 1861. Ewell, M. D. Select cases on coverture. 1876. Husband, C. M. Married women in Penn. 1878. Kelly, J. F. Contracts of married women. 1882. Lawrence, W. B. Disabilities of married women abroad. 1871. Piatt, H. G. Law of married women. 1885. Proffatt, J, Woman before the law. 1871. Eeeve, T. Domestic relations. 3d ed. 1874. Eoper, E.S. D. Law of husband and wife as to property. 2 vols. 1841. Schouler, J. Domestic relations. 3d ed. 1882; also 1st and 2d eds. Catalogue of Text Books. 89 Married Women— Continued. Tyler, E. H. Infancy and coverture. 2d ed. 1882. Same. 1st ed. 1873. Wells, J. C. Separate property of married women. 1878. Martial Law. See llilitary Law. Maryland. See- Apprentices: Hinkley, Husband and Wife: Stewart & Carey. Testamentary Law: Hinkley. Massachusetts. See- Bankruptcy and Insolvency: Cutler. Criminal Laiv: Heard, Lippett. Land Laws: Sullivan. Married Women: Almy and Fuller. Officers: Herrick. Probate Couit: Smith. Master and Servant. See Domestic Belations: Eeeve, Schou- ler. Fraser,P. Law of master and servant. 3d ed. Edin.,1882. Hinkley, E.O. Testamentary law and apprentices in Md. 1878. Eoberts, W. H., and Wallace, G. H. Liability of em- ployers. 2d ed. Lond., 1882. Smith, CM. Law of master and servant. 75 Law Library, Same, from 4th Eng. ed. 1886. Wood, H. G. Same. 1877. Master in Chancery. See Equity; Pleading and Practice. Bennett, W. H. Practice in master's office. 37 Law Library. Hoffman, W. Masters^ practice. 1824. Master of the Rolls. See Pleading and Practice. Office of. Lond., 1727. Maxims. See the Law Dictionaries. Broom, H. Selection of legal maxims. 7th ed. 1874; 8th ed. 1883. Same. 50 Law Library. Same. 1 New Law Library. Halkerston, P. Collection of Latin maxims. Edin., 1823. Jones, J. W. Translations of quotations in Blackstone. 1883. 90 San Francisco Law Library. Maxims — Continued. Morgan, J. A. Legal maxims. 1878. Noy, W. Same. 9th ed. Peloubet, S. S. Maxims in law and in equity. 1880. Wharton, G. F. Legal maxims. 1878. Mechanics' Liens. See Liens, Bachan, P. G. Treatise of law in Cal. 1868. Houck, L, Mechanics' lien law. 1868. Knelland, S. Same. 2d ed. 1882. Same. 1st ed. 1876. Nott, C. C. Mechanics' lien law of N. Y. 1856. Phillips, S. L. Mechanics' lien law. 2d ed. 1883. Same. 1st ed. 1874. Sergeant, H. J. Same of Pennsylvania. 2d ed. 1856. York and Clement. Mech. lien law in Cal. 1877. Medical Evidence. See Medical Jurisprudence: El well, Smith. Medical Jurisprudence. See Insanity: Bucknill, Haslam. Beck, T. B. andJ. B. Elements of medical jurisprudence. 12th ed. 2 vols. 1863. Browne, J. H. B. Medical jurisprudence of insanity. 1875. Brydall, J. Non compos mentis. Lond., 1700. Bucknill, J. C, andTuke, D. H. Pyschological medicine, 4th ed. 1879. Chitty, J. Medical jurisprudence, with plates. Part I. 1834. Dean, A. Principles of. 1866. Elwell, J. J. Malpractice and medical evidence. 4th ed. 1881. Forsyth, J. S. Synopsis of. Lond., 1829. Maudsley, H. Responsibility in mental diseases. (9 Int. S. S.) Mann, E. C. Pyschological medicine. 1883. McClelland, M. A. Civil malpractice; treatise on surgical jurisprudence. 1877. Medico-legal journal. 3 vols. 1883-1886. Medico-legal papers. 1st, 2d and 3d ser. 3 vols. 1874-1886. Ordonaux, J. Jurisprudence of medicine. 1869. Paris, J. A., and Fonblanque, J. S. M. Medical jurispru- dence. 3 vols. Loud., 1823. Ray, J. Same of insanity. 5th ed. 1871. Ryan, M. Manual. 2d ed. 1836. Sheppard, E. Lectures on madness. Lond., 1873. Catalogue of Text Books. 91 Medical Jurisprudence— Continued. Smith, J. C. Principles of forensic medicine. 2d ed. Lond., 1824. Medical evidence. 1825. Taylor, A. S. Manual of. 7th Am. ed. 1873. Same. Lond., 1865. Poisons. 2d Am. ed. 1875. Same. Lond., 1859. Traill, T. S. Lectures on. 1st Am. ed. 1841. Wharton, F., and Stille, M. Medical jurisprudence. 3d ed. 2 vols, in 3 parts. 4th ed. 1873. Woodman, W. B., and Tidy, C. M. Forensic medicine and toxicology. 1877. Mercantile Accounts. Pulling, A. Law of. 57 Law Library. Mercantile Guaranties. See Guaranty. Mercantile Law. See Commercial Law. Merchant Seamen. See Shipping. Merger. Mayhew, C. J. Merger of estates in land. Lond., 186L Preston, E. Law of. 42 Law Library. Mexico. Barcena, K. Koa. Derecho canonico. Mex., 1862. Practica civil forense. 2d ed. Mex., 1862. Practica criminal y medico-legal forensi. 2d ed. Mex,. 1869. Bronchorst, E. Titulos del digesto. Traducida y con- cordadas con el derecho Mexicana, per L. P. Ruano. Mex., 1868. Curia Filipica Mexicana. Obra completa de practica forense. Paris y Mexico, 1858. Dublau y Mendez. See Sala Mexicana. Enfer, E. L. Arancel de aduanas maritimas y frontieras. Vera Cruz, 1877. Febrero Mejicano. Liberia de jueces, abagados y escri- banos. E. de Tapia. 9 vols. Mex., 1834. Gutierrez, J. M. Practica forense criminal. 3 vols. Mex., 1851. Halleck, H. W. Mining law of Spain and Mexico. 1859. Hall, Fred. Mexican law. 1885. Hamilton, L. L. Mexican hand book. 1883. Jimenez, J. Manual de los ayuntamientos. Mex., 1875. 92 San Francisco Law Library. Mexico — Continued. Lares, T. Lecciones de derecho administrativo. Mex., 1852, Lozano, J. M. Lecciones sobre el derecho hipotecario comparado. Mex., 1873. Martinez, V. J. Ley de successiones festadas y intesta- das. Mex., 1861. Monteil y Duarte, I. Estudio sobre guarantias individu- ales. Mex., 1873. Murillo Yelarde, P. P. Practica de testamentos. 7th ed. Mex., 1852. Pena y Pena, M. de la. Lecciones j de practica forense. Yol. 2. Mex., 1836. Eockwell, J. A. Spanish and Mexican mining and land law. 1851. Eodriguez de San Miguel, J. Manual de providencias economico-politico. Mex., 1834. Sala, J. Sala Mexicana. Illustracion al derecho real de Espana. Vols. 1, 2 and 4. Mex., 1845. Same. Ed. corregida por M. Dublau y L. Mendez. 2 vols. Mex., 1870. Schmidt, G. Civil law of Spain and Mexico. 1851. Tapia. See Febrero Mexicana. Feriodicos: El Derecho. 4 vols. 1868 a 1870. Mex. Gaceta de los Tribunales. 1860 6, 1863. 4 vols. Mex. La Opinion de Sinaloa. 1850 6, 1864. 2 vols. Mex. Indice de Decretos en. 1867. Mex. Michigan. See- Justices of the Peace: Tiffany. Officers: Tibbitts. Frobate Courts: Cheever. Military Law. Benet, S. Y. Treatise on military law and practice of courts martial. 1864. Campbell's pamphlets. Essay on martial law. Jackson and Nicholas. • De Hart, W. C. Observations on military law. 1869. Finlason, W. F. Martial law in time of rebellion. Lond., 1866. Harwood, A. A. Naval court martial. 1867. Callan, J. F. Military laws of U, S. 1863. and Russell, A. W. Laws of the navy and marine corps. 1859. I Catalogue of Text Books. 93 Military Law — Continued. '' Hardesty, J. Militia law. Loud., 1718. Hogg, J. W. Laws relating to the navy. 1883. Hough, W. Military law. 1839. Ives, K. A. Same. 1879. McArthur, J. Courts martial. 2 vols. 2d ed. 1805. McComb, A. Practice of courts martial. 1841. O'Brien, J. American militarv laws. 1868. Poland, J. S. Digest of U. S" military law. ^ 1868. Tytler, A. F. Military law and courts martial. 2d ed. 1806. Whiting, W. War power of the president. 43d ed. 1871. Winthrop, C. W. Military law. 2 vols. 1886. Abridgment of military law. 1887. Mines and Mining. Arundell, W. Law of mines. 1862. Bainbridge, W. Law of mines and minerals. 1st Am. ed. 1871. Blanchard, G. A., and Weeks, E. P. Leading cases on mines, minerals and mining-water rights. 1877. Collier, E. P. Law of mines. 1853. Same. 6 series. 4 Law Library. Copp, H. N. U. S. mining laws and decisions. 1874. Handbook of mining law. 1877. U. S. mineral lands; forms, laws, etc. 1881. De Fooz, J. H. N. Mines. 1860. Gamboa, P. X. de. Mining ordinances of Spain. 2 vols. Lond., 1830. Halleck, H. W. Mining laws of Spain and Mexico. 1859. Hart, A. Mining statutes, with forms. 1877. Manlove, E. Ehymed chronicle, by Tapping. 2d ed. Lond., 1851. McSwinney, B. F. Law of mines, mining, etc. Lond., 1884. Morrison, E. S. Digest of mining and mineral law. 1878. Mining rights. 5th ed. 1882. Mining reports. 12 vols. 1883-1887. Eockwell, J. A. Spanish and Mexican law relative to. 1851. Eogers, A. Mines and minerals in Great Britain and Ireland. Lond., 1864. Sickels, D. K. U. S. mining laws and decisions. 1881. Skidmore, W. A. Mining statutes, U. S. 1875. Tapping, T. Manlove's rhymed chronicle. 2d ed. Lond., 1851. 94 San Francisco Law Library. Mines and Mining— Continued. Wade, TV. P. American mining laws. 1882. Weeks, E. P. Law and practice as to mines. Yale, 'G. Mining claims and water rights in Cal. 1867. Minnesota. See Prolate Courts: Gary. Miscellanies. See Legal Miscellanies. Misdemeanors. See Criminal Law, Misrepresentations. See Fraud. Mississippi. See Criminal Law: Morris. Missouri. See- Criminal Law: Kelley. Practice: Whittlesey. Probate: Kelley. Mistake. See Equity; Fraud. Kerr, W. W. Fraud and mistake. Bump's Am. ed. 1877. Mohammedans. See India. Syed Ameer Ali. Personal law of. Lond., 1880. Moot Court. Cox, W. S. Exercises for law students. 1877. Mortgages. Barron, J. A. Mortgage of chattels. Toronto, 1880. Boone, C. T. Law of mortgages. 1884. Colebrooke, Wm. Collateral securities. Toronto. 1883. Coote, K. H. Law of mortgages. 2 vols. 4th ed. Lond., 1880. Same. 18 Law Library. De Fremery, J. Essay on mortgages. 1860. Fisher, B. W. Law of mortgages and other securities. 2 vols. 2d ed. Lond., 1868." Same. 94 Law Library. Herman, H. M. Chattel mortgages. 1877. Mortgages of realty. 1 vol. 1879. Hilliard, F. Law of mortgages. 2 vols. 1872. Jones, L. A. Same. 2 vols. 3d ed. 1882. Also 1st and 2d eds. Chattel mortgages. 1881. Fraudulent mortgages of merchandise. II Mono- graphs. Miller, S. Equitable mortgages. 47 Law Library. Catalogue of Text Books. 95 Mortgages—CoNTiNXJED. Pierce, J. O. Mortgage of merchandise.- 1884. Powell, J. J. Law of mortgages. Am. ed., from 6th Eng. 3 vols. 1828. Thomas, A. C. Same, 1877. Mortmain. Shelford, L. Mortmain. 36 and 37 Law Library . Mosaic Law Bernard,'H.H. Creed and ethics of the Jews. Cambridge, 1832. Binney, P. B. Criminal code of the Jews. Lond., 1880. Townley, J. Eeasons of the laws of Moses. Lond., 1827. Municipal Bonds. See Bonds, Municipal Corporations. Dillon, J. F. Municipal corporations. 2 vols. 3d ed. 1881. Glover, W. Same. Lond., 1836. Knight. Annotated model by-laws of the local govern- ment board. 2ded. Lond., 1885. Madox, T. Firma burgi; an historical essay. Lond., 1726. Merewether, H. Y. S., and Stephens, A. J. Boroughs and municipal corporations of England. 3 vols. Lond., 1835. Walker, J. B. Municipal corporations in Ohio. 1871. Municipal Law. See Jurisprudence, Pomeroy, J. N. Municipal law. 2d ed. 1883. Murder. See Crimimxl Law, Music. See Copyright. Music Halls. See Theaters, National Banks. See Banks and Banking, Nations, Law of. See International Law. Naturalization. See Aliens, Nature, Law of. See International Law, Naval Courts Martial. See Military Law, Harwood, A. A. Law and practice of U. S. naval courts martial. 1867. 96 San Francisco Law Library. Navigable Waters. See Waters. Navigation. Desty, E. Commerce and navigation. 1880. Willcock, J. W., and Willcock, A. Eights and laws of navigation. 1863. Nebraska. Nash, S. Pleading and practice under the code. 3d ed. 1864. Same. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1874. Ne Exeat. See Arrest and Bail. Beames, J. Ne exeat regno. Lond., 1812. Same. 1st Am. ed. 1821. Negligence. Campbell, E. Law of negligence. 2d ed. Lond., 1881. Deering, J. H. Same. 1886. Hay, Wm. Liability for negligence. Edin., 1860. Saunders, T. W. Law of negligence. Am. ed. by Hooper. 1872. Shearman, T. A., and Eedfield, A. A. Same. 3d ed., with addenda. 1880. Also 2d and 3d eds. Smith, H. Same. Lond., 1880. Same, by Whittaker, 1886; and Am. reprint, 1887. Thompson, S. D. Same, with leading cases. 2 vols. 1880. Wharton, F. Same. 1st ed. 1874. Same. 2d ed. 1878. Negotiable Instruments. See Bill and Notes. Netherlands. See Holland. Neutrals. See International Law: Hall. New Jersey. See Forms, I: Corbin. New Trials. Hayne, E. Y. New trials and appeals. 2 vols. 1883. Hilliard, F. Law of new trials. 2d ed. 1872. Graham, D., and Waterman, T. W. Same. 3 vols. 1855. Newspapers. See Libel, Literature and Slander. New York. See— BanJcs and Banking: Paine. Bankruptcy and Insolvency: Bishop. Constables: McCall. Catalogue of Text Books. 97 New York— Continued. Costs: Parson. Criminal Law: Colby. Dower: Willarcl. Evidence: Morrill. Excise: Gorham and Lawes, Saxton. Forms, I: Abbott, Tiffany and Smith. Highiuays: Cook. Justice of the Peace: Benedict, Hayden, Throop, Wait, Waterman. Landlord and Tenant: Sloane. Mechanics' Liens: Nott. Pleading: Hoffman, Tiffany and Smith, Tillinghast and Shearman, Van Santvoord. Practice: Baylies, Crary, Graham, Holmes and Dis- brow, Langbein, McAdams, Monell, Paine and Duer, Tiffany and S., Turnbull, Wait, Whittaker, Tilling- hast and S. Probate Courts: Dayton, Howell, McClellan, Eedfield. Railways: Colby, McMasters. Real Proiperty: Gerard, Lalor, McCall. Revenue: Gorham and Lawes. Succession: Rem sen. Trustees: Livermore. Nisi Prius. Archibold, J. F. Introduction to law relative to. 49, 50 Law Library. Espinasse, I. Nisi prius. 3d ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1798. Selwyn, W. Abridgment of the law of nisi prius. 2 vols. 7th Am. and 13th Eng. eds. 1857-1869. Stephen, A. J. Law of nisi prius in civil actions. Shars- wood's notes. 3 vols. 1844. Non Compos Mentis. See Insanity, Notaries. See Commissioners. Lynch, W. R. Notary public. 1877. Montefiore, J. Mercantile law and notarial precedents. New ed. 1830. Notaries manual. 1877. Proffatt, J. Office and duties of notaries. 1877. Rex, B. F. Notaries manual. 1882. Notes and Bills. See Bills and Notes, 98 San Francisco Law Library. Notice. Tiffany, E. H. Kegistration of titles in Ontario. Toronto and Edin. 1881. Wade, W. O. Law of notice. 1878. Same, 2d ed. 1886. Nuisances. Gibbon, D. Dilapidations and nuisances. 2ded. Lond., 1849. Wood, H. G. Law of nuisances. 1875. Same. 2d ed. 1883. Tool, G. V. Waste. Lond., 1863. Nullities. Macnamara, H. Treatise on. 87 Law Library. Obligations. See Contracts, Roman Law, Pothier, E. J. Law of obligations. 2 vols. 3d ed. 1853. Savigny, T. C. v. Obligations on the Roman law. Trans- lated by Brown. Lond., 1872. Ofl&cers. Alien, W. B. Officers' guide for Kentucky. 1860. Cooley, T. M. Officers' neglect of duty. II Monograph. Field, G. W. Iowa county and township officers. 1875. Herrick, W. A. Massachusetts town officers. 2d ed. 1880. Hill, E. J. Illinois municipal officers. 1873. Murfree, W. L. Official bonds. 1885. Thom, G. H. Judicial factors. 1859. Thompson, S. D. Liability of officers of corporations. 1880. Tibbits, J. S. Mich, supervisors' manual. 1876. Sessions, H. C. Manual for county officers. 1881. Officers of Corporation. See Corporations. Official Bonds. See Officers: Murfree. Ohio. See- Assignment for Benefit of Creditors: Giauque. Costs: Parsons. Criminal Law: Warren. Executors and Adm.: Baff. Forms, I: Wild. Justice of the Peace: Swan. Pleading: Bates, Nash, Swan. Practice: Green. Railways: Wilcox. Guardian: Giauque. Catalogue of Text Books. 99 Orphans' Court. See Probate Court Overruled Cases. In the digests of many of the State reports will be found tables of cases overruled in the respective States. Some States also have tables of citations. >See division " Reports " of this catalogue. Bigelow, M. M. Overruled cases. 1873. Greenleaf, S. Same. 4:th ed. 1867. Parent and Child. See Domestic Relations; Infancy. Parliamentary Law. See — Legislative Assembly; Statutes: Dwarris, Potter. Bourinot, J. G. Parliamentary practice. Montreal, 1884. Bourke, R. Parliamentary precedents. 2d ed. Lond. , 1857. Burleigh, J. B. Legislative guide. Coode, G-. Legislative expression. 60 Law Library. Gushing, S. S. Practice of legislative assemblies. 2d ed. 1867. Manual of parliamentary law. Elsynge, H. Parliaments — manner of holding. Loud., 1768. Fawcett, J. H. Court of referees in parliament. Lond., 1866. Gneist, R. English parliament. Lond., 1886. Hardy, T. D. Modus tenendi parliamentum. Lond., 1846. Jelferson, T. Manual of parliamentary practice. 1874. Lex parliamentaria. 2d ed. Lond. May, T. E. Law, privileges aud proceedings of parlia- ment. 6th ed. Lond., 1868. McDonald, W. J. Constitution and rules of parliamentary practice. 1877. Same. 1871. Pettyt, W. Jus parliamentum. Lond., 1739. Roberts, H. M. Rules of order for deliberative assem- blies. 1877. Robinson, W. S. T7arrington's manual. Todd, A. Privileges and practice of parliament. To- ronto, 1840. Selden, J. Privillege of the baronage in parliament. Lond., 1642. Smith, H. H. Manual of practice in house of representa- tives. 1883. Todd, A, Privileges and practice of parliament. To- ronto. 1840. "Waples, R. Parliamentary practice. 1883. Warrington's manual of parliamentary law and prac. 1875. Wilson, O. M. Digest of parliamentary law. 2d ed. 1869. 100 San Francisco Law Library. Fartidas. Set Spain. Parties. See Actions; Pleading and Practice. Barbour, O. L. Parties at law and in equity. 1864. Same. 2d ed. 1884. Broom, H. Parties at law and in equity. ^Q Law Library. Calvert, F. Parties to suits in equity. 17 Law Library. Dicey, A. V. Parties to action. Truman's Am. notes. 1876. Same. 1882. Edwards, C. Parties in chancery. 1832. Hawes, H. 'Parties. 1884. Partition. See Beat Property. Allnatt, C. B. Treatise on. 5 Law Library. Freeman, A. C. Cotenancy and partition. 1874. Same. 2d ed. 1886. Partnership. Bates, Clement. Law of limited partnerships, 1886. Bisset, A. Law of. 1847. Cary, H. Treatise on. 5 Law Library. Coliyer, J. Partnership. 6th ed. Wood's notes. 1878. Also 1st Eng. and 4th and 5th Am. eds. Fox, C. Digest of law of partnership. 1872. Gow, N. Partnership. 3d ed. Ingraham's notes. 1845. Lindley, N. Same. Ewell's notes. 2 vols. 1881. Matthews, S. Same. 1864. Montagu, B. Same. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols. 1822. Parson, T. Same. 3d ed. 1878. Pollock, F. Same. Lond., 1877. St. Louis, 1878. Pothier, B. I. Same. 83 Law Library. Boss, G. Leading cases of commercial law. 3d vol. 1858. Same. 99 Law Library. Story, J. Partnership. 7th ed. 1881. Also 1st, 3d and 6th eds. Troubat, F. J. Limited partnerships. 1853. Party Walls. See Boundaries; Easements. ' Woolrych, H. W. Law of. Lond., 1845. Passengers. See Common Carriers. Patents. See Copyright. Banning and Arden. Patent cases from 1874, cir. ct. U. S. 5 vols. V. y. 1881 et seq. Bump, O. F. Patents, trademarks and copyrights. 1877. Sa7ne. 2d ed. 1884. CATALOGuiE OF TeXT BoOKS. 101 Patents— Continued. Carpmael, W. Patent cases. A. and E. Patent laws of the world. Lond., 1885. Corydon, J. Treatise on patents. 87 Law Library. Curtis, G. T. Patents. 4th ed. 1873. Davies, J. Patent cases. 1816. Decisions of commissioner of patents. 1869-71, 1872-74, 1875-76, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881. Fisher, W. H. Eeport of patent cases in U. S. courts from 1827-1851. 1873. S. S. Patent cases from 1853-1873. 5 vols. 1870-74. E. A. Dig. of Eng. cases, by Hooper. 1872. Hanbury, L. Judicial error in the law of patents. Lond,, 1868. Hindmarch, W. M. Patent privileges. 8 N. Law Library. Howson, H. and C. American patent system. 1877. Law, S. D. U. S. patent and copyright laws. 1780 to 1862. 6th ed. containing Canada laws. 1877. Lists of patents. 1790 to 1847. Leggett, M. D. Subject-matter index. 1790-1873. 3 vols. 1874. Macrory, E. Patent cases. Merwin, H. C. Patentability of inventions. 1883. Moore, J. G. Inventors' guide. 1855. Same. 1868. Copyright and patent law, with notes. 3d ed. 1870. Norman, J. P. Law and practice of patents. 4 Law Library. 6 series. Same. 1853. Official gazette. 37 vols. 1872 to 1886. And 14 indexes. Patent and copyright laws and forms. 3d ed. 1870. Patent office reports. 1847, 1848, 1849-50, 2 vols.; 1851, 2 vols.; 1851-2, agricultural; 1852-3, 2 vols.; 1853, 2 vols.; 1854, 3 vols.; 1855, 3 vols.; 1856, 4 vols.; 1857, 4 vols.; 1858, 4 vols.; 1859, 3 vols.; 1860, 3 vols.; 1861, agricultural; 1862, 2 vols.; 1864, 2 vols.; 1865, 3 vols.; 1866, 3 vols.; 1867, 4 vols.; 1868, 4 vols.; 1869, 3 vols. Perpigna, A. French law of inventions. 1834. Phillips, W. Patent laws. 1837. Preble, W. P. Patent cases index. 1880. —Same. 2d ed. 1884. Kice, D.H.andL.C. Digest of patent office decisions. 1880. Kobb, J. B. Patent cases, sup. and cir. cts. of U. S. 2 vols. 1854. 102 San Francisco Law Library. Patents — Continued. Simonds, W. E. Letters patent for inventions. 1880. Summary of the law of patents. 1883. Terrell, T. Letters patent for inventions. Lond., 1884. Walker, A. H. Patents. 1883. Wallace, K. B. Patents, designs and trademarks act. Lond., 1884. Webster, T. Eeports and notes on patent cases. 2 vols. in 1. Lond., 1885. Whitman, C. S. Patent cases decided by U. S. sup. ct. 2 vols. 1875-79. Patent laws and practice. 2d ed. 1875. Woodcroft, Bennet. Chronological table of patents. 1617 to 1852. 2 vols. Lond., 1854. Index of patentees, same period. Lond., 1854. Pauperism. See Poor Laws, Pawn. See Bailments, Payment. Muuger, G. G. Application of payments. 1879. Pennsylvania. See- Affidavits of Defense: Endlich. Costs: Brightly. Equity: Rawle. Evidence: Miller. Land Laws: Houston, Jones. Liens: Trickett, Price. Mechanics' Liens: Sergeant, Trickett. Legal Miscellany: Martin, Binney. Limitations: Price. Practice: Troubat and Haley. Probate Courts: Bhone, Scott. Beat Pi'operty: Houston. Pensions. Harmon, H. C. Manual of U. S. pension laws. 1867. Humphrey, C . Precedents. 2 vols. 1845. Walker, C. B. Laws and decisions. 1882. Perpetuities. Gray, J. C. Kule against perpetuities. 1886. Lewis, W. D. Law of. 52 Law Library. Supplement to same. 66 id. Piandell, H. Essay on law of. Lond. , 1822. Catalogue of Text Books. 103 Personal Actions. See Pleading and Practice. Personal Property. See Sales. Schouler, C. J. Personal property. 2 vols. 1873--'76. Same. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1884. Smith, J. W. Same. 89 Law Library, Williams, J. Beal and personal property. 61, 62 Law Library. Principles of law of personal property. 3d Am. ed. S. Wetherill's notes. 1866. Same. 4tli Am. ed. 1872. Pews. Oliphants, G. H. H. Law of. Lond., 1850. Plank Roads. See Higlnvays. Pleading and Practice. See Forms 1, Appeals, Neio Trials. I. Pleading. 1. Generally. 2. In Equity. 3. Under the code system. 4. In Criminal Cases: See Criminal Law, II. Practice. 1. Generally. 2. In Equity. 3. In Various English Courts, 4. In Federal Courts. 5. In the State Courts, I, Pleading: See Criminal Law. » 1. Generally. Abbott, B. V. Pleading and pr. in U. S. courts. 2 vols. 3ded. 1877. Also 1st and 2d eds. Ames, J. B. Select cases on pleading at com. law. 1875. Archbold, J. F. Pleading in civil actions. 1838. Bingham, A. Action and defenses respecting realty. 1880. Chitty, J. Pleading and parties to action. 16th Am. ed. 2 vols. 1876. Same. 14th Am. ed. 3 vols. 1869. Evans, H. D. Pleading in civil actions. 2d ed. 1879. Finlason, W. F. Leading cases on pleading and parties. Am. ed. 1847. Gould, J. Pleading in civil actions. 4th ed. 1879. Same. 5th ed. 1887. Greening, H. Declarations and pleadings. 2 New La^ Library. 104 San Francisco Law Library. Pleading and Practice— Continued. Heard, F. F. Pleading in civil actions. Students' se- ries. 1880. Jackson, C. Pleading in real actions. 1828. Lawes, E. Pleading in assumpsit. Story's notes. 1811. Lilly, Jno. Modern entries. 5tli ed. Lond., 1791. Puterbaugh, S. D. Common law, pi. and pr. in 111. 5tli ed. 1880. Same. 2d ed. 1867. Boscoe, H. Pleading the general issue. 1 New Law Library. Saunders, J. S. Pleading and evidence in civil actions. 5th Am. ed. 2 vols, in 3 parts. 1851. Sayles, J. Texas pleading. 1872. and Bassett, B. H. Texas pleading and pr. 3d ed. 1882. Stephens, H. J. Pleading in civil actions. Tyler's Am. ed. 1871. Troubat, F. J., and Haley, W. W. Pleading and pr. in Penn. courts. 5th ed. 2 vols. 1880. Wentworth, J. Complete system of pleading. 10 vols. Lond., 1799. Yates, J. V. tT. Pleading and precedents. 2d ed. ' 1837. 2. In Equity, Calvert, F. Parties to suit in equity. 17 Law Library. Cooper, G. Equity pi. Lond., 1809. Daniell, E. E, PI. and practice. 3 vols. 5th Am. ed. 1879. Also 3d and 4th eds. Same. New Law Library. 3-6. Edwards, C. Parties to bills and other pi. in chancery. 1832. Farren, G. Bills in chancery. Am. notes. 1866. Goldsmith, G. Proceedings in chancery. 6th ed. Lond., 1871. Heard, F. F. Equity pleading. 1882. Equity precedents. 1884. Langdell, C. C. Cases in equity pi. 1875. Summary of Same. 1877. Legal judicature in chancery. Lond., 1727. Lube, D. G. Equity pleadings. 1846. Ed. of 1882. Maddock, H. Chancery pleading and practice. 2 vols. 4th Am. ed. 1832. Mitford, J. PL in chancery. 6th Am. ed. 1849. and Tyler, L. PL and pr. in equity. 1876. Puterbaugh, S. D. Chancery pi. and pr. in 111. 1874; 2d ed. 1880. Catalogue of Text Books. 105 Pleading and Practice — Continued. Story, J. Equity pleading. 7th ed. 1865. 9th ed. 1879. Van Santvoord. Equity pleading under the N. Y. code. 2 vols. 2ded. 1860. Welf ord, R. G. Equity pleading . 6 New Law Library. 1846. White, G. T. Pleading by supplement and revivor. Lond,, 1843. 3. Under the Code . See Receivers: Edwards. Bates, C. PL, parties and forms. 2 vols. 1881. Bavlies, E. C. Trial practice under the C. C. P. 1884. Bliss, P. Code pleading. 1879. ^ Same. 2d ed. 1887. Boone, C. T. Code pleading. 2 vols. 1886, 1887. Burch, J. C. Code pleading in Cal. 1885. Derby, J. S., and Luques, J. S. Provisional remedies under the code. 1886. Estee, M. M. Pleading and practice with forms. 3d ed. 3 vols. 1884. Also 1st and 2d eds. Fitnam, J. C. Code summons. 1883. Green, T. A. PI. and pr. 1879. Hoffman, D. Provisional remedies under the N. T. code. 1862. Nash, S. Pleading and pr. under the Ohio code. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1874. Same. 3d ed. 1864. Newman, J. E. Pleading under the Ken. code. 1871. Pomeroy, J. N. Remedies and remedial rights. 1876. Same. 2d ed. 1883. Puterbaugh, S. D. Common law pleading and practice in 111. 1867. Same. 5th ed. 1880. Sayles, J. Pleading in civil actions in Texas. 1872. Sw.'in, J. R. Pleading under tlie Ohio code. 1861. Tiffany, J., and Smith, H. Pleading and pr. in N. T. courts of record. 2 vols. 1860. Tillinghast, J. L., and Shearman, T. G. Pleading and practice under N. Y. code. 2 vols. 1870. Van Santvoord, G. Pleading under N. Y. code. Moak's notes. 1873. Equity pleading under N. Y. code. 2 vols. 1860. IL Practice. 1. Generally. See Pleading: Puterbaugh. 106 San Francisco Law Library. Pleading and Practice — Continued. Anderson, C. H. Digest. Vol. 1. Lond., 1867. Bagley, W. At cliambers in civil actions. 15 Law Li- brary. Barton, E. T. Pr. at law in civil cases. 1877. Bigelow, M. M. History of procedure in England. 1880. Chitty, J. Pr. of the law in all its departments. 2d Am. ed. 4 vols. 1836. Caruthers, A. History of a law suit. 2d ed. 1872. Cox, W. S. Pr. at common law. 1877. Powell, T . W. Appellate proceedings. 1872. Kobinson, C. Pr. at common law. 7 vols. 1854-74. Spaulding, J. W. Pr. where common law prevails. 1881. Washburn e, E. Lectures on the study and practice of the law. 1871. 2. In Equity. See Hargrave's Law Tracts. Ayckbourn, H. Practice in the high court of chancery. 9th ed. 1870. Barbour, O. L. Chancery practice. 3 vols. 2d ed. 1874. Barton, C. History of a suit in equity. 1877. Bennett, W. H. Practice in master's office. 37 Law Library. Daniell, E. K. Chancery practice. 3 vols. 5thAm.ed. 1879. Same. New Law Library. 3-6. Gilbert, B. Forum Eomanum. Practice in high court of chancery. Lond., 1758. Same. 1st Am. ed. by S. Tyler. 1874. Goldsmith, G. Practice in high court of chancery. 6th ed. Lond., 1871. Gresley, C. A. Evidence in equity. 2d Am. ed. 1848. Hoffman, M. Chancery practice. 2d ed. 3 vols. 1843. Master's practice. 1824. Hinde, E. Practice in high court of chancery. Lond., 1786. Maddock, H. Same. 4th Am. ed. 2 vols. 1832. Newland, J. Same, with forms. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols. 1826. Puterbaugh, S. D. Chancery pleading and practice in Illinois. 1874. Smith, J. S. Chancery practice. 2d Am. ed. 2 vols. 1842. Van Santvoord, G. W. /S'ame, under the code of N. Y. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1860. Catalogue of Text Books. 107 Pleading and Practice — Continued. Williams, S. E. Practice relating to petitions in chancery^ with forms. Lond., 1880. 3. English Courts. Abbrevatio placitorum in domo capitulari westmonas- teriensi asservatorum. 1811. Archbold, J. F. Practice in Q. B., 0. P. and ex. div. of the high court of justice. 12th ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1866. Ayckbourn, H. Jurisdiction and practice of sup. ct. of judicature. 1874. Brown, A. Practice in the superior court under judicature acts. Lond., 1883. Burn. Justice of the peace. 13th ed. 5 vols. Lond., 1859. Gierke, Francis. Praxis adipiralitatis. Lond., 1829. Coote, H. C. Admiralty practice and practice of the privy council. 2d ed. 1869. Crompton, G. Practice in the K. B. and 0. P. 2 vols. 1783. Finlayson, W. F. Practice under the judicature acts. Lond., 1877. Floyer, P. Practice in ecclesiastical courts. 2d ed. Lond., 1746. Fowler, D. B. Equity practice in the exchequer complete solicitor. Lond., 1668. Fuller, M. J. Ct. of final appeal — appellate juris, of the crown in ecclesiastical causes. Ox. and Lond., 1865. Hale, M. Observations on K. B. and C. P. Harg. L.T. Howard, G. E. Pr. on equity side of exchequer in Ire- land. 2 vols. Dublin, 1760. Kitchin, J. Court, leet, baron, marshalsea, pye powder and ancient demesne. Lond., 1663. Lambarde, W. Archeion. Lond., 1735. Madox, T. History of the exchequer. 2d ed. 2 vols. Lond., 1769. Modus tenendi curiam baronis. Lond., 1533. Procedure in court of stannaries. 1876. Eolls, office of master of. Lond., 1727. Star chamber cases — showing what cases belong to the cognizance of that court. Lond., 1640. Tidd, W. Practice K. B. and C. P. 4th Am. ed. 2 vols. 1856. Williams, E. G., and Bruce, G. Practice in high court of admiralty. Lond., 1869. Wilson, A. Judicature acts. 4th ed. Lond., 1883. 108 San Francisco Law Library. Pleading and Practice — Continued. 4. In Federal Courts. See Admiralty and Maritime Laws; Federal Practice; Removal of Causes. Abbott, B. Y. Practice aud pleading in U. S. courts. 3d ed. 2 vols. 1877. Also 1st and 2d eds. Belt, S. K. Practice in U. S. admiralty courts. 1838. Benedict, E. C. Admiralty jurisdiction and practice. 2d ed. 1870. Boyce, A. A. Manual of circuit court practice. 1869. Bump, O. F. Federal procedure. 1881. Bundy, Chas. S. U. S. court commissioner. 1883. Cocke, W. A. Common and civil law practice in U. S. courts. 1871. Conkling, A. Practice in admiralty and maritime cases. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1857. Same. 1st ed. 1848. Organization, jurisdiction and practice in U. S. courts. 5th ed. 1870. Desty, E. Federal procedure. 2d ed. 1876. Dunlap, A. Practice in courts of admiralty. 2d ed. 1850. Du Ponceau, P. S. Nature and extent of jurisdiction, U. 5. courts. 1824. Field, G. W., and Miller, W. E. Federal practice. 1881. Federal Courts. 1883. Jones, F. K. Rules of federal practice. 1884. Laws, S. D. Practice and jurisdiction of U. S. courts. 1852. McAdam, D. Marine court practice in N. Y. 2d ed. 1874. Phillips, P. Jurisdiction and practice in U. S. supreme court. 1st ed., 1872; rev. ed., 1876. Eoe, E. T. Manual of practice in U. S. 1874. Sergeant, T. Practice and jurisdiction of U. S. courts. 2d ed. 1830. Smith, T. E. Summary of admiralty practice; for stu- dents. 1880. 5. In the State Courts. See Justice of the Peace. Bayless, E. Trial practice under the N. Y. C. C. P. 1884. Bicknell, G. A. Indiana civil practice. 1871. Broom, H. Practice in county courts. 2d ed. Lond., 1857. Burrill, A. M. New York supreme court practice. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1846. Appendix to same. 2d ed. 1846. Buskirk, S. H. India practice. 1876. Catalogue of Text Books. 109 Pleading and Practice — Continued. Chitty, J. General practice. 4 vols. 1836-39. Cowen, E. Civil jurisdiction of N. Y. justice of the peace. 7tli ed. 1883. Also 3d and 5tli eds. Crary, C. Special proceedings in N. Y. 2 vols. 3d ed., 1869; 5th ed., 1877. Estee, M. M. Pleading and practice in Oal. 3d ed. 3 vols. 1884. Also 1st and 2d eds. Fitnam, J. C. Code summons. 1883. Graham, D. N. Y. supreme court practice. 2d ed. 1836. Green, A. Ohio supreme court practice. 1877. S. M. New Com. law Prac. in Mich. 2 vols. 1876. Same. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1884. Harstons, E. F. B. Practice under Cal. code. 1877. Hill, E. J. 111. common law practice. 2 vols. 1872. Holmes, J., and Disbrow, W. F. N. Y. sup. court practice. 1859. Jones, J. Practice, 111. court. 3d ed. 1872. Langbein, G. F. and J. C. J. Practice in N. Y. district courts. 1872. Manual of practice in higher courts of Tenn. 1872. Mason, J. Practice in New England states. 1880. McAdam, D. Marine court practice in N. Y. 2d ed. 1874. Monell, C. L. N. Y. sup. court practice. 2 vols. 2d ed. 1853. Paine, E., and Duer, W. N. Y. practice. 2 vols. 1830. Puterbaugh, S. D. Pleading and practice at common law in Illinois. 2d ed. 1880. Same in chancery in Illinois. 2d ed. 1880. Sayles, J. Texas civil practice. 2d ed. 1873. New treatise. 1882. Tiffany, J., and Smith, H. Practice in special proceed- ings in N. Y. 2 vols. 1864. Tillinghast, J. L., and Shearman, T. G. Pleading and practice in N. Y. 2 vols. 2d ed. 1870. Troubat, F. J., and Haly, W. W. Penn. civil practice. 5th ed. 2 vols. 1880. Turnbull, S. H. N.Y. district court practice. 2ded. 1866. Wait, W. New York practice, with forms. 6 vols. 1875. Same. 5th ed. 3 vols. Whittaker, H. N. Y. practice and pleading. 2 vols. 3d ed. 1866. Whittelsey, C. Mo. practice in courts of record. 1870. Wild, E. N. Journal entries under Ohio codes. 1876. ——Same. 2d ed. 1883. Works, J. D. Indiana practice. 2 vols. 1882. 110 San Francisco Law Library. Plodge. See Boilments. Pleas of the Crown. See Criminal Law; Crown Law, Poisons. See Medical Jurisprudence. Taylor, A. S. Poisons in relation to medical jurispru- dence. 3d Am. ed. 1879. Same, 2d ed. Lond., 1859. Police. Colquhoun, P. Police of the metropolis. 7tli ed. 1806. Police Power. Tiedeman, 0. G. Limitations of. 1886. Policy. See Public Policy, Possession. See Perso-nal Property, bavigny, F. C. Von Warnkoenig's analysis of Savigny's treatise on the law of possession. Edin., 1839. (Pam- phlet.) Erskine Perry's translation. 6th ed. Lond., 1848. Poor Laws. Aston, J. J. Pauper lunacy. Lond., 1849. Niclioils, Sir Geo, His. of the Irish poor laws. Lond., 1856. His. of the Eng. poor law. Lond., 1854. His. of the Scotch poor law. Lond., 1856. Williams, T. W. Poor laws. 2 vols. Lond., 1817. Powers. Sugden, E. B. Powers. 2 vols. 3d Am. ed. 1856. Same. 15, 16 Law Library. Practice. See Pleading and Practice. Precedents. See Forms, Presumptions. See Evidence. Best, W. M. Presumptions. 1844. Same. 47 Law Library. Matthews, J. H. Same. Band's notes. 1830. "Wharton, F. Disputed questions of evidence. Mono- graphs. Principal and Agent. See Agency. Principal and Surety. See Suretyship. Catalogue of Text Books. 11] Private International Law. See Conflict of Laws; Interna- tional Law, Privy Council. See Pleading and Practice, II, 3. Prize. See Admiralty; Commerce; International Law. Chitty, J. Law of nations, containing letters on this subjecfc. Home, T. H. Prize law. 1803. Martens, G. F., von. Privateers, trans, by Home. Lond., 1803. Koberts, T. Admiralty and prize. 1869. Upton, F. H. Law of maritime warfare and prize. 1863. Practice in prize courts. 1863. Wildman, E. Search, capture and prize. Lond., 1854. Prize Fighting. See Pugilism, Probate Courts. American probate reports. 4 vols. 1881-1886. Belknap, D. P. California probate law and practice. 1858. Same. 3d ed. 1873. Cheever, N. W. Michigan probate law. 1876. Coote, H. C. Practice of the probate court. 6th ed. Lond., 1871. Dayton, I. Surrogates in N. T. 1846. Same. 2d ed. 1855. Dennis, W. H. D. C. probate law. 1883. Garrett, C. C. Texas probate law. 1877. Gary, G. Wisconsin and Minn, probate law. 1879. Hill, E. J. Illinois probate guide. 2d ed. 1875. Herrick, M. W., and Doxsee, J. W. Iowa and Dakota probate law and pr. 1884. Horner, H. C. Illinois probate law and practice. 1881. Howell, A. Surrogate court pr. Toronto, 1880. Kagv, A. H. Iowa probate guide. 1870. Kelley, H. S. Mo. probate guide. 1871. Ladd, W. W. American probate reports. 4 vols. 1881- 1886. Luce, E. T. Maine probate law and practice. 1872. McClellan, E. H. Practice in the surrogate's court. 2d ed. 1880. North, L. Probate pr. in 111. 1873. Porter, A. N. Iowa probate manual. 1873. Bead, G. W. Probate of wills. Eng. and Am. cases. 1846. 112 San Francisco Law Library. Probate Courts — Continued. Eedfield, A. A. Surrogate practice in N. Y. 2d ed. 1881. 3d ed. 1884. Khone, D. L. Practice and process in orphans' ct. of Penn. 2 vols. 1884. Sajles, J. Texas probate law. 1871. Scott, E. G. Intestate law of Penn. 1871. Smith, W. L. Mass. probate practice. 3d ed. 1876. Same. 4th ed. 1884. Williams, J. Keal assets; decedents' realty liable for debts. Lond., 1861. Produce Exchange. Bisbee, L. H., and Simonds, J. 0. Law of. 1884. Prohibition. See Mandamus. Promissory Notes. See Bills and Notes, Promoters of Corporations. See Coporaiiom: Watts. Property. See Domestic Relations; Husband and Wife; Per- sonal Property; Beat Property; Succession; Wills. Sugden, E. B. Law of property as administered by the house of lords. Lond,^ 1849. Provisional Remedies. See Attachment; Injunctions; Plead- ing and Practice: Crary. Holfman, M. Provisional remedies of the code of pro- cedure. 1862. Thompson, S. D. Law and practice of provisional reme- dies. 1867. Public Lands. See Land Laius, Beal Property. . Public Law. See International Law. Public Policy. Greenhood, E. Public policy in the law of contract. 1886. Public Securities. See Bonds. Public Works. See Waste: Yool. Pugilism. Brandt, F. F. Habet. Lond., 1857. Punishments. See Criminal Laiu. Purchase Deeds. See Conveyancing: Cornish; Z^eecfe; Vendor and Vendee. Catalogue of Text Books. 113 Queen's Bench. See King's Bench, Quarantine. Baker, G. S. Quarantine laws. Lond., 1879. Questions for Law Students. See Elementary Works. Blickensderfer. Law students' review. Baylies, E. Questions and answers for law students. 1873. Bradwell, M. Questions and answers for admission to the bar. 1873. Cox, W. T. Questions for students in Columbia college. 1877. Exercises for law students. 1877. Devereux, J. C. Q. and ans. to Blackstone's commenta- ries. 1859. Same to Kent's commentaries. 1860. Dowley, F. Law in a nutshell. 1878. Guernsey, R. S. Key to Storj's equity jurisprudence. 1876. Indermauer, J. Self-preparation for final examination. 3d ed. Lond., 1880. ^ Purkis, W. H. Questions to Williams' real property. 1882. Same to Williams' personal property. 1882. Questions of Law and Fact. See Juries. Quotations. See Maxims. Quo Warranto. See Municipal Corporations. Cole, W. R. Criminal information and q. w. ^^^ 57 Law Library. High, J. L. Extraordinary legal remedies. 1874. ——Same. 2d ed. 1884. W^ood, H. G. Mandamus, prohibition and q. w. 1880. Racing. See Horses: Railways. See Bonds. American railway cases. 2 vols. 1854-56. American and English railroad cases. 11 vols. American railway reports. 21 vols. 1873-1881. Anthony, E. Consolidation of railroad companies. 1865. Bonney, C. C. Carriage by railway. 1864. Browne, J. H. B., and Theobald, H. S. Kail way com- panies. Lond., 1881. Colby, J. H. N. Y. railway law. 1882. Freud, H. T., and Ware, T. H. Eailroad precedents. 2d ed. Lond., 1866. 114 San Francisco Law Library. Railways— Continued. Gilbert, F. Illinois railroad laws. 1873. H. T. The railroads and the courts. 1885. Godefroi, H., and Shortt, J. Eailway companies. Lond., 1869. Hodges, W. The railroads and the courts. 5th ed. 1869. Jones, S. A, Bailroad securities. 1879. Legal nature of rolling stock. II Monograph. Lacejs J. F. Digest of railway decisions. 1875. Same. Vol. 2. 1884. Marshall, W. Eailwavs as carriers. Lond., 1862. McMasters, E. B. Eailroad law of N. Y. 1872. McPherson, W. G. Law of Indian railroads. Calcutta. 1880. Pierce, E. L. Law of railroads. 1880. American railroad law. 1857. Eedfield, I. F. Law of railways. 5th ed. 2 vols. 1873. Also 3d and 4th eds. Leading Am. railway cases. 2 vols. 1872. Eorer, D. Law of railroads. 2 vols. 1884. Simons, H. A. Law of railway accidents. Lond., 1862. Smith, C, and Bates, S. W. Am. railway cases. 1854, Wliarton, F. Liability for remote fires. Monographs I and II. Wilcox, J. A. Ohio railroad laws. 1874. Wordsworth, C. Eailways and their abandonment. 6th ed. Lond., 1851. Wood, H.G. Law of railways. 3 vols. 1885. Real Actions. See Ejectment; Pleading and Practice. Bingham, A. Actions and defenses respecting realty. 1880. Jackson, C. Pleading and practice in real actions. Lond., 1828. Mrtlone, W. H. Eeal property trials. 1883. Sedgwick, A. G., and Wait, F. S. Trial of title to land. 1882. Sharswood, G., and Budd, H. Leading cases in Am. law of real property, 2 vols. 1883, 1885 Real Property. See Covenants; Descent; Hereditaments; Perpetuities; Real Actions. Bingham, A. Law of. 1868. Executory contracts for the sale of. 1872. Actions and defenses regarding. 1880. Bisett, A. Estates for life. 42 Law Library. 1843. Catalogue of Text Books. 115 Real Property— Continued. Boone, C. T. Eeal property. 1883. Blount, Thos. Tenures. New ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. Lond., 1874. Same. Lond., 1679. Burton, W. H. Compendium of law of. 23 Law Li- brary. Crabb, G. Law of, with notes. 54, 55 Law Library. Cruise, W. Digest of the law of real property, by S. Greenleaf. 2d ed. 7 parts in 3 vols. 1856. Digbv, K. E. Introduction to the history of law of. Oxford, 1875. 3d ed. 1884. Fearne, C. Contingent remainders. 4th Am. ed. 2 vols. 1845. Gerard, J. W. Title to realty in New York . 2d ed. 1873. Gray, J. C. Eestraints on alienation. 1883. Hilliard, F. American law of real property. 4th ed. 3 vols. 1869. Same. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1846. Huston, C. Land titles in Pennsylvania. 1849. Jickling, H. Analogy between legal and equitable es- tates. Lond., 1829. Jones, H. C. On the Torrens system. Toronto, 1886, Lalor, J. Law of real property in N. Y. 1860. Leake, S. M. Digest of law of real property. Lond., 1874. Littleton, T. Tenures. Lond., 1588. Lomax, J. T. Digest of real property. 3 vols. 2d ed. 1855. Malone, W. H. Eeal property trials. 1883. Eockwell, J. A. Spanish and Mexican laws relating to. 1851. Eoscoe, W. Actions relative to real property. 28, 29 Law Library. Sedgwick, A. G., and Wait, R S. Trial of title to land. 1882. Smith, J. W. Compendium of law of. 89 Law Library. Sugden, E. Law of. 8th Am. ed. 2 vols. 1873. Also 9th and 10th Eng. eds. 'E. B. Law of property. 64 Law Library. Taylor, T. W. Estates in fee simple. 2d ed. Toronto, 1873. Tideman, C. G. Law of real property. 1884. Tyler, E. H. Ejectment and adverse enjoyment. 1875. Washburn, E. Law of real property. 3 vols. 5th ed. 1887. Also 1st, 3d and 4th eds. f>^^ OF TH38 116 San Francisco Law Library. Real Property — Continued. * White, J. Laws of Mexico and Spain as to land titles in territory obtained from them. 2 vols. 1839. William, J. Essay on real assets. 1861. Principles of the law of real property. 5th Am ed. 1879. Also 4th ed. Same. 2 New Law Library. i Burke's student's guide to. 1882. I Wilhird, J. Real estate and conveyancing, with forms. 1861. Same. 2d ed. 1885. Wilson, G. Practical treatise of fines and recoveries. Lond., 1793. Wright, M. Tenures. 3d ed. 1768. Rebellion. See Criminal Law; Military Laio; Biot, Receivers. See Supplementary Proceedings. Beach, 0. F. Law of. 1887. Edwards, 0. Eeceivers in equity and under the code. 1857. High, J. S. Receivers. 1876. Same. 2d ed. 1886. Kerr, W. W. Same. 2d Am. ed. 1877. Same. 1st Am. ed. 1872. Thompson, I. G. Provisional remedies. 1867. Reconstruction. See International Law: Whiting. McPherson, E. Political history of the U. S. during pe- riod of. 1880. Recording. See Fraudulent Conveyance; Notice; Beat Prop- erty: Torrens System. Sewards, S.D. Registration of writings. 1872. Tiffany, E. H. Registration of titles. Ontario, 1880. Recoupment. See Set-off. Recoveries. See Common Law; Beal Property. Wilson, S. Treatise on. 4th ed. Dublin, 1792. Referees. Edwards, C. Law and practice of referees. 1860. Fawcett, J. H. Court of referees of parliament. Lond., 1866. Hoffman, D. Same. 1875. Registration. See Elections; Notice; Becording. Catalogue of Text Books. 117 Religious Societies. See Ecclesiastical Laio. Tyler, R. H. American ecclesiastical law. 1866. Remainders. See Real Property. Fearne, C. Contingent remainders. 2 vols. 4th Am. ed. 1845. Remedies. See Pleading and Practice; Provisional Remedies, and Various Subjects y Torts, etc. High, J. L. Extraordinary legal remedies, 1874. Same. 2ded. 1884. Pomeroy, J. N. Remedies and remedial rights. 1876. 2ded. 1883. Removal of Causes. Cooper. Removal of causes. II Monograph. Desty, R. Same. 1883. Dillon, J. F. Same. 3d ed. 1881. 2d ed. 1877. Reparation. See Damages. Rent. See Distress; Landlord and Tenant. Replevin. Gilbert, J. Distress and replevin. 4th ed. Lond., 1823. Morris, P. P. Replevin in the United States. 3d ed. 1878. Wells, H. W. Replevin. 1880. Wilkinson, J. J. Practice of. 6 Law Library. Reports. For catalogue of the Eeports generally, see post. Heard, F. F. Curiosities of the law reporters. 1871. Soule, C. C. Lawyer's reference manual. 1883. Wallace, J. W. The reporters. 4th ed. 1882. Res Judicata. See Judgments. Herman, H. M. Estoppel and res adjudicata. 2 vols. 1886. Wells, H. W. Res adjudicata and stare decisis. 1878. Respondentia. See Insurance — 3Iarine. Retroactive Laws. See Constitutional Law; Statutes. Wade, W. P. Retroactive laws. 1880. Revenue. See Taxation. Boutwell, G. S. Taxpayer's manual, federal acts. 1866. Bump, O. F. U. S. revenue laws. 1870. 118 San Francisco Law Library. Revenue — Continued. Burrouglis, W. H. Taxation. 1877. Davidge, J. B. F., and Kimball, J. G. Internal revenue laws. 1871. Graham, C. H., and Lane,-0. F. N. Y. excise law. 1883. Heyls, L. Duties on imports. 1872. U. S. statutes relating to. 1868. Internal revenue record. 32 vols. 1865-1886. Morgan, S. T. Manual of impost duties. 2d ed., 1871; 3d ed., 1872. Ogden, E. D. U. S. tariff act of 1869. 1869. Tariff compilation. Morrill's report to Senate. 1884. Williams, C. F. U. S. tariff laws. 1883. Revenue and Prize Causes. See Admiralty and 3Iaritime Law; Prize. Review. See Appeals; Certiorari, Revivor. See Equity. White, G. T. Supplement and revivor. Lond., 1843. Rivers. See Waters. Riots. See Criminal Law. Finlason, W. F. Martial law in time of. Lond., 1866. Cases on, and rebellion. Lond., 1868. Hastings, S. Law relating to. Lond., 1886. Riparian Rights. See Waters. Roads. See Common Carriers; Highways. Rolls. Office of master of. Lond., 1727. Roman Catholic Church. See Canon Law; Ecclesiastical Laiv. Roman Law. Abdy, J. T., and Walker, B. Commentaries of Gains and rules of Ulpian. New ed. Camb., 1876. Justinian, institutes of. Camb., 1876. Albertus, D., et al. Corpus juris civilis. 4th ed. 3 vols. Leipsic, 1848. Amos, S. Civil law ot Kome. Lond., 1883. Ayliffe, J. New pandect of the Koman civil law. Lond., 1734. Bowj^er, G. Commentaries on the modern civil law. Lond., 1848. Catalogue of Text Books. 119 Roman Law— Continued. Bowyer, G. Introduction to civil la^. Lond., 1847. Bracton, Hen de, and his relation to the Eoman law. By C. Giiterbock. 1866. Browne, A. Compendious view of civil and admiralty law. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols. 1840. Bruns, C. G. Fontes juris Eomani antiqui. 4th ed. Tubingen, 1879. Butler, Chas. Hor^e juridicse subseciviae. 2d ed. Lond., 1807. Campbells, G. Compendium of Roman law. Founded on the inst. of Justinian. Lond., 1878. Cathcart, E. Trans, of Savigny's Roman law during mid- dle ages. 1 vol. All pub. Edin., 1829. Clark, E. C. Early Roman law. The regal period. Lond., 1872. Codex Theodosianus, commentariis Jacobi Gothofredi. 6 vols, in 3. Lug., 1665. Ed. by Gustavus Haenel. 1842. Colquhoun, P. M'C. de. Summary of Roman civil law. 5 pts. in 3 vols, and index. Lond., 1849. Corpus juris civilis. 4th ed., by D. Albertus et al. 3 vols. Leipsic, 1848. Same. Cum D. Gothofredi et al., notis. Amster., 1663. Same. See Krueger, Otto, Schelling and Sentenis. Corpus juris Romani antejastiniani. 1841. Cumins, P. Manual of civil law. 2d ed. 1865. Cushing, L. S. Introduction to Roman law. 1854. Domat, J. Civil law. L. S. Cushing's ed. of Strahan's trans. 2 vols. 1861. Duck, A. Juris civilis Romanorum. Lond., 1553. Ferriere, C. J. History of the Roman law. By J. Beaver. Lond., 1724. Gains. Commentaries on the Roman law, translated by Tomkius and Lemon. Lond., 1869. Same. By Abdy and Walker. Camb., 1876. Same. Trans, into Spanish. Madrid, 1845. See also Cumins, Harris, Hunter, Huschke, Muir- head, Poste. Gneist, R. Syntagma institutionum et regularum juris Romani. Leipsic, 1880, Goudsmit, J. E. Pandects; Gould's trans. Lond,, 1873. Gothofred. See codex Theodosianus; corpus juris civilis. Grapel, W. Sources of the Roman law. Lond., 1857. Same. 94 Law Library. Institutes of Justinian. Lond., 1855. 120 San Francisco Law Library. Roman Law — Continued. Outlines of Koman law. 3d ed. Lond., Bonn. 1837. to the Eoman law. Greene, T. W, 1875. Gregorianus codex, by Haenel, G. Guterbock, C. Bracton's relation Trans, bj B. Coxe. 1866. Hadley, J. Introduction to Eoman law. 1873. Haenel, G. Codices Gregorianus, Hermogenianus, The- odosianus. v. d. Constitutiones Sirmondi. Bonn, 1844. Novelise constitutiones. Bonn, 1844. Harris, S. F. Elements of Koman law summarized. 1875. Hermogenianus codex. By G. Haenel. Bonn, 1837. Heumann, H. G. Hand lexikon. Ed. by Cb. A. Hesse. Jena, 1879. Holland, T. E. Institutes of Justinian. 2d ed. Oxford. 1881. — aud Shadwell, C. L. Select titles from the digest of Justinian. Oxford, 1881. Hunter, W. A. Introduction to Eoman law. Lond., 1880. Eoman law in the order of a code. Lond., 1876. Same. 2d ed. Huschke, Ph. Ed. Eomani antiqui. Gaius. 3d ed. 1478. Campbell, Colquhoun, Gneist, Grapel, Greene, Lond., 1885. Jurisprudentiae antejustinianae juris 4th ed. Leipsic, 1879. Leipsic, 1878. Ihering. Geist des Eomeschen rechts. 2 vols, in 3 pts. Vol. 1, pt. 1, 4th ed., 3878; pt. 2, 4th ed., 1880; pt. 3, 3d ed., 1877; vol. 2, 3d ed., 1875. Leipsic. Ihiie, W. History of the Eoman constitution. Lond., 1853. Institutes of Justinian. Yenice, Same. See Abdy and "Walker, Corpus juris civilis. Cumins, Harris, Holland, Ihering, Marezoll, Mears, Moyle, Ortolan, Pnchta, Euegg, Sandar, Tomkins. Irving, D. Introduction to civil law. 4th ed. Lond., 1837. Xrueger, P. Corpus juris civilis. Mommsen's ed. Vol. 1. Berlin, 1882. Leapingwell, G. Manual of Eoman civil law. Camb., 1859. Mackeldey, F. Modern civil law. Ed. by P. I. Kaufmann. Vol. 1. 1845. Same. M. A. Dropsie's trans. 2 vols, in 1. 1883. Mackenzie. Studies in Eoman law. 3d ed. Lond., 1870. Same. 5th ed. Lond., 1880. Marezoll, T. Lehrbuch der institutionem. Leipsic, 1881. Mears, T. L. Analysis of Ortolan's Justinian. Lond., 1876. Catalogue of Text Books. 121 Roman Law — Continued. Mommsen, Tlieo. Digest. BerliD, 1870. Ed. of Krueger's corpus juris civilis. Moyle, J. B. Institutes of Justinian. 2 vols. Oxford, 1883. Muirhead, J. Institutes of Gains and rules of Ulpian. Edin., 1880. Ortolan, J. Histoire de la legislation Eomaine. 9th ed. 3 vols. Paris, 1875. Institutes; analyzed by T. L. Mears. Lond., 1876. See Roman law by same. Otto, C. E., Schelling, B., and Sintenis, C. F. F. Corpus juris civilis. 7 vols. Leipsic, 1830-1834. Pandects of Justinian. See corpus juris civilis, Goudsmit, Holland and Sbadwell, Yoet, Windschied. Phillimore, J. G. Private law among the Romans. Lond., 1863. Introduction to Roman law. Lond., 1848. Poste, Ed. Institutes of Gains, 2d ed. Lond., 1875. Pothier, R. J. Pandects de Justinian. 24 vols. Paris, 1818-1823. Puchta, G. F. Cursus der institutionen. 9th ed., by P. Kriiger. 2 vols. Leipsic, 1881. Pandecten. 8th ed. Leipsic, 1856. Rattigan, W. H. Roman law of persons. Lond., 1873. Jural relations; a translation of 2d book of Savigny's system of modern Roman law. Lond., 1884. Rivier, A. Introduction historique au droit Romain. Brussels, 1881. Rudorff, A. F. Edicti perpetui quae reliqua sunt. Leip- sic, 1869. Ruegg, A. H. Student's auxilium to the institutes of Justinian. Lond., 1879. Sandar, T. C. Justinian. Am. ed., by Hammond. 1876. Savigny, F. C. v. Heutigen Romeschen rechts. 8 vols. Berlin, 1840-1849. Same. Translation of 2d book "Jural Relations" — see Rattigan; of 8th book — see Int. Law: Guthrie. Romeschen rechts un mittelalter. 6 vols. 2d ed. Heidelberg, 1831. Same. 1 vol. of trans., by Cathcart. 9 vols. Le droit des obligations. Fr. trans, bv G. Gerardin and P. Jozon. 2d ed. 2 vols. Paris, 1873. A. Brown's analysis of Savigny on obligations. Lond., 1872. Possession. Trans, by Erskine Perry. Lond., 1846. 122 San Francisco Law Library. Reman Lav/— Continued. Schoell, E. Legis duodecim tabularum reliquse. Leip- sic, 1866. Sala, D. Juan. El derecho civil Espanol, with references to Justinian code. 2 vols. Valladolid, 1868. Schomberg, A. 0. Yiew of Koman law. Oxford, 1785. Serna, P. G. de la. Spanish ed. of institutes of Justin- ian. 2 vols. Madrid, 1869. Summary of the Roman law. Lond., 1772. Taylor, J. Elements of the civil law. Lond., 1762. Terchmann, A. Programm. Basel, 1879. Terrason, A. Histoire de la jurisprudence Bomaine. Paris, 1750. Theodosian code. See codes Theodosianus. Tomkins, F. Institutes of Roman law. Pt. I. Lond., 1867. and Jencken, H. D. Compendium of modern Roman law. 1870. and Lemon, W. G. Translation of Gaius' commenta- ries on the Roman law. Lond., 1869. Vangerow, K. A. Lehrbuch de pandecten. 3 vols. Mar- burg, 1851. Voet, J. Commentarius ad pandectas. 2 vols. 6th ed. 1731. Windscheid, B. Pandektenrechts. 2 vols. 5th ed. Stutt- gart, 1879, 1880. Wood, T. Civil law. 4th ed. Lond., 1730. Warnkoenig, L. A. Juris Romani privati. 3 vols. Lond., 1825. Rules. Of patent office. See Patents. Of courts. See Practice. Of legislative bodies. See Parliamentary Law. Sabbath. See Sunday. Sacramento. See Directories. Devlin, R. T. Statutes relating to and ordinances in force. 1881. Sales. See Auciio'ns; Judicial Sales; Vendor and Vendee. Barron, J. A. Bill of sales and chattel mortgages. To- ronto, 1880. Beaumont, J. Bills of sale and sale of ships. 1860. Bell, G. J. Contract of sale. 3d series. 40 Law Li- brarv. BenjarQin, J. P. Sales. 3d Am. ed. 1881. 4th Am. ed., by Corbin. 1883. 4th Am. ed., by Burnett. 1883. Catalogue of Text Books. 123 Sales— Continued. Biddle, A. Warranties on sales of chattels. 1884. Blackburn, C. Contract of sale. 3d series. 47 Law Library. Same. 2d ed., by Graham. Lond., 1885. Campbell, E. Sales and commercial agency. Lond., 1881. Caveat Emptor. Adventures in search of a horse. Lond., 1836. Crump, F. O. English law of sale and pledge by factors. Lon'd., 1868. Hecker, G. W. Cases on warranty in sales. 1874. Hilliard, F. Sales of personalty. 3d ed. 1869. Landreth, L. S. Brief analysis. 1880. Langdell, C. C. Leading cases on sales. 1872. Pothier, K. J. The contract of sale. 1839. Ross, G. Same. 85 Law Library. Leading cases on commercial law. Vol. 2, 1855. Schouler, C. J. Personal property. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1884. Same. 1st ed. 2 vols. 1873, 1876. Story, W. W. Sales. 4th ed. 1871. Same. 1847. Salic Law. Hessels, J. H., and Kern, H. Lex salica. Lond., 1880. Salvage. Jones, E. Salvage. Lond., 1870. Marvin, W. Wrecks and salvage. 1858. San Francisco. Charters, etc. Corporation manual. 1853. Consolidation act and other acts relating to. 1866. Same. 1876. Same, by A. E. T. Worley. 1887. Freeholders' proposed charter. 1880. Same. 1883. Ordinances, etc. Proceedings of leg. assembly of S. F., from March, '49, to June, '49, and of the avuntamiento of Same, from August, '49, to May, '50. i860. Corporation manual. 1853. Ordinances and joint resolutions. 1854. General orders of board of supervisors. 1869. Same. 1878, 1880, 1881, 1884. Municipal reports. 1859-60, 1861-62 to 1885-86. 24 vols. I 124 San Francisco Law Library. San Francisco— Continued. Dwinelle, J. "VV. Colonial history. 1st ed. 1863. Same. 3d ed. 1866. Wheeler, A. Land titles. 1852. Directory, 1850, by Kimball. 1850. 1852-3, by Jas. M. Parker. 1852. 1852, by A. W. Morgan & Co. 1852. 1856, by Baggett, Joseph & Co. 1856. 1856, by Harris, Bogardus & Labatt. 1856. 1858, by H. G. Langley. 1858. 1859 tol887, by H. G. Langley. 24 vols. 1875 to 1879, by D. M. Bishop & Co. 5 vols. Scire Facias. See Executions. Scotland. Adams, Wm. Jury trial in the court of sessions. Edin., 1836. Bell, G. J. Commentaries on the law of. 2 vols. 7th ed. Lond., 1870. Brunton, G., and Haig, D. Senators of the college of justice. Edin., 1832. Erskine, J. Principles of the law of. 10th ed. 1816. Halkerstone, P. Technical terms used in Erskine. 2d ed. Edin., 1829. Hume, D. Criminal law of. 2 vols. 1797. Innes, Cosmo. Scotch legal antiquities. 1872. Smith, J. G. Law of reparation in. 1864. Stair, James. Institutions of laws of. 4th ed. With Geo. Brodie's sup. 4 books in 1 vol. Edin., 1826-27. Seals. Jus Sigili. Laws of four principal seals. Lond., 1673. Sea Laws. See Admiralty and Maritime Laws; Shippings- Waters. Jacobsen, F. J. Sea laws. 1818. Jenkins, T. A. Eoad at sea and on inland waters. 1869. Justice, A. Dominion and laws of the sea. Lond., 1705. Selclen, J. Mare clausum. Lond., 1663. Seamen. See Ships and Shipping. Search, See Prize: Wildman. Sea Shore. See Waters: Hall. Catalogue of Text Books. 125 Securities. See Bonds. Self-Defense. See Criminal Law: Horrigan & Thompson. Separation. See Husband and Wife; 31arriage and Divorce. Servant. See Master and Servant. Servitudes. See Easements. Settlements. See Marriage Settlements. Set Off. Babington, E. Law of set-off. 6 Law Library, Barbour, O. L. Same, with precedents. 1841. Montagu, B. Law of set-off. 1806. Waterman, T. W. Set-off, recoupment and counter claim. 2d ed. 1872. Shelley's Case. See Real Property. See Ear grave's Law Tracts. Sheriffs. See Constables; Justice of the Peace; Officers. Allen, O. Law of sheriffs. 1845. Atkinson, G. Same. 5th ed. 1869. Backus, J. Same. 2 vols. 1812. Crocker, J. G. Same. 2d ed. 1871. Gwynne, A. E. Same. 1849. Harlow, W. S. Duties of sheriffs and constables in Cal. 1884. Impey, J. Sheriff's practice. 6th ed. 1835. Murfree, W. L. Law of sheriffs. 1884. Sewell, E. C. Same. 46 Law Library. Smith, B. D. Sheriffs and coroners. 1883. Willcocks, J. W. Office of constable. 29 Law Library. Shipping. See Admiralty and Maritime Law; Salvage. Abbott, C. Merchant ships and seamen. 4th Am. ed. 1829. Same. 12th Eng. ed. Lond., 1881. Beaumont, J. Sale of ships. 1860. Curtis, G. T. Merchant seamen. 1841. Desty, E. Shipping and admiralty. 1879. Dixon, F. B. General average. 1867. Shipping. 1859. Emerigon, B. M. Bottomry, translated by Hall. 1811. Flanders, H. Law of shipping. 1853. Kav, J. Shipmasters and seamen. 2 vols. Lond., 1875. Lee, J. Shipping. 10th ed. Lond., 1877. 126 San Francisco Law Library. Shipping— Continued. Lewis, E. N. Law of shipping. Toronto, 1885. Lowndes, E. General average. 3d ed. Lond., 1878. Machachlan, D. Merchant shipping. 1862. Same. 3d ed. Lond., 1880. Marvin, N. Yf recks and salvage. 1858. Newson, H. Shipping and marine insurance. Lond., 1879. Oliver, W. A. Handbook of shipping. 3d ed. 1872. Parson, T. Shipping and admiralty. 2 vols. 1869. Stevens, K. W. Stowage. 1873. Tyler, E. H. Usury, pawns and maritime loans. 1873. Signs. See Trade Marks. Slander. See Libel and Slander. Slavery. BentoD, T. H. On the Dred Scott case. 1858. Cobb, T. E. E. On slavery in the U. S. 1858. Hurd, J. C. Freedom and bondage. 2 vols. 1858. Macon, N. On emancipation. Campbell pamphlet. Wheeler, J. D. Treatise on slavery. 1837. Solicitors. See Attorney and Client. Societies. See Corporations. Hirschl. Law of fraternities and secret societies. 1883. Sovereignty. See Constitutional Laiv; Government. Bliss, P. Of sovereignty. 1885. Spain. Abella, F. Legislacion de montes. Madrid, 1875. Alvarez, J. M. Derecho real de cast^lla y de las Indias. 3 vols. Madrid, 1826. Antequera, J. M. Historia de legislacion EsDaiiola. Madrid, 1874. Antunez y Acevado, E. Legislacion de Espana sobre el commercio en las Indias. Madrid, 1797. Avecilla, P. Diccionario de legislacion mercantil. Mad- rid, 1849. Azo and Manuel. Institutes of the law of Spain, trans. by Johnston. Lond., 1825. Azuni, D. A. Derecho maritimo de la Europa. Traducio del Frances por rade rodas. 2 vols. Madrid, 1803. Bilboa, M. N. y M. L. V. de. Ordenanzas de casa de contratacion. Paris, 1844. Catalogue of Text Books. 127 Spain— -Continued. Bolaiios, J. de H. Curia Filipica. Madrid, 1790. Same. Madrid, 1797. Colmeiro's derecho Espanol. 2 vols. Lima, 1850. Cavallario, D. Instituciones de derecho canonico tra- ducias del Latin por J. Tejada y Kamiro. 9 vols in 3. Madrid, 1846. De Gamboa, F. X. Mining ordinances of Spain, trans. by K. Heathfield. 2 vols. Lond., 1830. Diaz, A. El fuero real de Espana. 2 vols. Madrid, 1781. Donosa, J. Derecho canonico Americano. Neuva ed. 3 vols. Paris, 1854. Elizono, r. A. de. Practica universal forense de Espana y Indias. 8 vols. Madrid, 1783. Same. Adiciones. 2 vols. Madrid, 1793. Escosura y Hevia, A. de la. Juicio critico de feudalism© en Espana. Madrid, 1856. Escriche, J. Diccionario de legislacion y jurisprudencia. 3d ed. 2 vols. Madrid, 1847. Fando, J. M. L. Prontuario de testamentos y contratos, 2 vols. Madrid, 1799. Ferrer, E. P. F. Leyes fundamentales de monarquia, 2 vols. Barcelona, 1843. Febrero, J. Libreria de escribanos y instruccion juridica. 3d ed. 6 vols. Madrid, 1783. Febrero novisimamente redacto. E de Tapia. Vols. 1, 2, and 5 to 10. Madrid, 1845. Franquet y Betran, C. Historia de legislacion de las a^uas. 2 vols. Madrid, 1864. Galiano, A. A. Lecciones de derecho politico constitu- cional. Madrid, 1843. Grain, Wm. Ley hipotecaria of Spain. Lond., 1867. Golmayo, P. B. Derecho canonico. 4th ed. 2 vols. Madrid, 1874. Gutierrez-Fernandez, B. Estudios sobre el derecho civil Espaiiol. ed ed. 5 vols. Madrid, 1871. Halleck, H. W. Mining law of Spain and Mexico. 1859. Hoineccio, J. Elemento de derecho Koraano y legislacion Ramano Hispano. 3d ed. Paris, 1851. Huebra, P. G. Curso de derecho mercantil. 3d ed. Madrid, 1867. Jordan, J., and Eodriquez, M. Civil law of Spain, trans. by Johnston. Lond., 1825. Llamas y Molina, G. Leyes de toro. 3d ed., por J. Vin- cente y paravantas. 2 vols. Madrid, 1853. Mtidrazo, F. de. Manual de espropriacion forzosa. Mad- rid, 1861. 128 San Francisco Law Library. Spain— Continued. Manual de los juicios de testamentaria y abintestato. Madrid, 1874. Mariana, F. M. Historia de legislacion. 3d ed. Madrid. 1845. M. Theria de las Cortes. 3 vols. Madrid, 1843. Mas y Monzo, F. Lev hipotecaria reformada. Madrid, 1871. Molina Blanco, J. I. El derecho civil Espanol. Madrid, 1871. Morata, E. D. K. de. Derecho civil Espanol. 2 vols. Valladolid, 1868. O. D. J. de. Manual del abogado Americano. 2 vols. Paris, 1827. Ordenanzas de la amarda naval. 2 vols. Madrid, 1793. Ordenanzas militar. 2 vols. 1828. Ordenanzas de raineria. Neuva ed. Paris, 1875. Ordenanzas de tierras y aguas. 5th ed. Paris, 1856. Pantoja, J. M., y Floret, D. A. M. Kepertorio de la jurisprudencia administrativo. Madrid, 1869. Pastora y Nieto, J. de la. Diccionario de derecho canon- ico. Madrid, 1847. Eemusat, M. Del modo de enjuiciar por jurado tradu- cida por Don B. 2 vols, in 1. Paris, 1827. Eockwell, J. A. Spanish and Mexican mining and land law. 1851. Eodriguez, A. Tractatus de privilegiata possessione mixtae. Madrid, 1748. J. M. Derecho civil, penal y mercantil de Es- pana. 3 vols in 1. Madrid, 1861. de Fonseca, B. A. Digesto de los derechos co- mun, real y canonico. Vol. 18. Madrid, 1791. Euanova, F. de P. Lecciones de derecho civil. 2 vols. Puebla, 1871. Sagrador y Yitores. Historio del administracion de jus- ticia del pricipado de Asturias. Ovieda, 1866. Sala, J. Derecho real. Neuva ed. 2 vols. Paris, 1844. San Pedro, J. E. Legislacion ultramarine. Concorda y anotada. 16 vols. Madrid, 1865. Schmidt, G. Civil law of Spain and Mexico. 1851. Serna, P. G. de la. Derecho Eomano comparado con el Espanol. 4th ed. 2 vols. Madrid, 1869. Ley hipotecaria comentada. 2 vols. Madrid, 1862. P. G. 'de la., y Montalban, J. M. Dereche civil y penal. 11th ed. 3 vols. Madrid, 1874. Catalogue of Text Books. 129 Spain— Continued. Sogravo y Craibe, D. D. Drecho mercantil. Madrid, 1846. Suarez, M. G. Tratado legal de lettras de cambio. 2 vols. Madrid, 1788. Topia, E. d. Tratado de jurisprudence mercantil. Va- lencia, 1828. Same. Nueva ed. Paris, 1850. Manual de practica forense. 4th ed. Paris, 1833. See Febrero. Vallejo, J. M. Tratado de las aguas. Madrid, 1833. Vilanova y Manes, S. Materia criminal forense. 3 vols. Madrid, 1807. Vincente, J. M. D. Curia Filipica. Madrid, 1790. Vicente y Caravantes, J. Tratado de proceminientos en juzgados militares. Madrid, 1853. White, J. M. New collection of laws, etc. 2 vols. 1839. Zuniga, M. O. de. Jurisprudencia civil. 2 vols. Mad- rid, 1869. Beports. Actas de las Cortes de Castilla. 8 vols. Madrid, 1861. Jurisprudencia civil. Coleccion de sentencias en recursos y competencias. 44 vols. Madrid, 1860 i 1881. Spanish Grants. See Land Laios: White. De Gamboa, F. X. Mining ordinances of Spain; Heath- feld's trans. 2 vols. Loudon, 1830. Drake, E. B. Spanish grants. 1861. Rockwell, John A. Spanish and Mexican law relative to mines and titles to real estate. 1851. Schmidt, G. Civil law of Spain and Mexico. 1851. Wheeler, A. Land titles in San Francisco . 1852. Zabriskie, J. C. Land laws of the U. S. and sup. 1870-1878. Special Proceedings. Crary, C. Special proceedings in N.T. courts. 3d ed. 2 vols. 1877. Fiero, J. N. Same in N. Y. courts of record. 1887. Specific Performance. Batten, E. Specific performance. 67 Law Library. Fry, E. Specific performance of contracts. 2d ed. 1861. Same. 27 Law Library. 6th series. Same. 3d Am. ed. 1884. Pomeroy, J. N. Same. 1879. Waterman, T. W. Same. 1881. 130 San Francisco Law Library. Springing Uses. See Uses. Wilson, J. Treatise, on. 33 Law Library. Stamp Act. See Revenue. Edward, C . Stamp acts of '62 and '63. 1863. Stannaries, See Pleading and Practice: II, 3. Star Chamber. Star chamber cases, with preamble showing what causes belong to the cognizance of that court. Lond., 1641. Stare Decisis. See Judgments. AYells, J. C. Kes adjudicata and stare decisis. 1878. Statutes. Barrington, D. Ancient statutes. 4th ed. 1775. Bishop, J. P. Statutory crimes. 1873. Written laws. 1882. Dwarris, F. Statutes; Potter's notes. 1871. Same. 35 Law Library. Also 2d Lond. ed. 1848. Hardcastle, H. Statutory construction. Lond., 1879. Maxwell, P. B. On interpretation. 2d ed. Lond., 1880. Sedgwick, T. Statutory construction and constitutional law; Pomeroy's notes. 1874. Smith, E. F. Same and constitutional law. 1848. Stimson, F. J. American statute law. 1886. Statute of Frauds. See Fraud; SureiysJiip: De Colyar. Browne, 0. Statute of frauds. 4th ed. 1880. Eeed, H. Same. 3 vols. 1884. Eoberts, W. Treatise on. 1823. Throop, M. H. Validity of verbal agreements. 2 vols. 1870. 1 vol. all pub. Stiilwell Act. McAdam, D. Treatise. 1880. Stocks. See Bonds. Biddle, A. G. Law of stock brokers. 1882. Cook, W. W. Law of stock and stock brokers. 1886. Dos Passos, J. R. Stock brokers and stock exchanges. 1882. Lewis, T. A. Stocks and bond. 1881. Lowell, A. B. and F. C. Transfer of stock. 1884. Thompson, S. D. Liability of stockholders. 1879. Stoppage in Transitu. See Common Carriers. Houston, J. Stoppage in transitu. Lond., 1866. Whit taker, E. Lien and. 1816. Catalogue of Text Books. 131 Stowage. Stevens, E. W. Stowage. 5th ed. 1869. Study of the Law. See Elementary Works; Jurisprudence; Legal Miscellanies; Questions for Laio Students, Subrogation. See Suretyship, Dixon, S. F. Subrogation. 1862. Sheldon, H. N. Same, 1882. Succession. See Prolate Courts; Wills, Bingham, A. Law of descents. 1870. Hubback, J. Evidence of succession. 47, 48 Law Library. Eemsen, D. S. Intestate law of N. Y. 1886. Suffrage. See Elections. Nnar, M. D. Suffrage and election. 1880. Suicide. Guernsey, E. S. Penal laws relating to. 1883. Suits in Equity. See Action: Barton; Equity; Pleading and Practice, Summons. Fitnam, J. 0. Code summons. 1884. Sunday. Cox, E. Sabbath law. Edin., 1853. Supplement. See Equity; Revivor, Supervisors. See Officers. Supplementary Proceedings. See Judgments, Eiddle, D. S. Supplementary proceedings. 2d ed. 1882. 1st ed. 1876. 3d ed., by Eiddle & Bullard. 1886. Support. See Domestic Relations; Easements; Husband and Wife, Supreme Court, U. S. See Federal Practice; Pleading and Practice^ 11^ 4. Suretyship. Baylies, E. Sureties and guarantors. 1881. Brandt, G. TV. Suretyship and guaranty. 1878. Burge, W. Suretyship. 1849. Colebrooke, W. Collateral securities. 1883. De Colyar, H. A. Guarantees and suretyship. Morgan's notes. 1875. 132 San Francisco Law Library. Suretyship— Continued. Dixon, S. F. Subrogation. 1862. Fell, W. W. Guaranty and suretyship. 3d Am. ed. 1872. Pitman, E. D. Principal and surety. 40 Law Library. Same. 1883. Eoss, G. Leading cases on commercial law. Vol. 3. 1858. Same. 99 Law Library. ' Sheldon, H. N. Subrogation. 1882. Theobald, W. Suretyship. 1832. Surrenders. See Fraud: Koberts. Surrogates. See Probate Courts. Dayton, I. OfiSce of surrogate. 1846. Same. 2d ed. 1855. Howell, A. Law and practice. Toronto, 1880. Eedfield, A. A. Law and practice of surrogate's courts. 3d ed. 1884. Also 1st and 2d eds. Swamp Land. See Land Laws: Bergau. Tariff. See Bevenue; Taxation, Taxation. See Revenue. Blackwell, E. S. Tax titles. 4th ed. 1875. Also 2d and 3d eds. Bolster, W. W. Tax title and form book for Maine. 1871. Boutwell, G. S. Taxpayer's manual, federal acts. 1866. Burroughs, W. H. Taxation. 1877. Same. Supplement. 1883. Cooley, T. M. Same. 1876. 2d ed., 1886. Davidge, J. B. F., and Kimball, J. G. Internal revenue laws, with forms. 1871. Desty, E. Taxation. 2 vols. 1884. Hilliard, F. Sam,e. 1875. Morgan, S. T. Manual of impost duties. 3d ed. 1872. Welty, D. W. Law of assessments. 1886. Tax Titles. See Taxation. Telegraphs. See Common Carriers; Railways. Allen, C. Eng. and Am. telegraph cases. 1873. Grav, Morris. Communication by telegraph. 1885. Eedfield, I. F. Law of railways. Part IX. 2d vol. 1873. Scott, W. L., and Jaruagin, M. P. Law of telegraph. 1868. Tenant. See Landlord and Tenant. Tenants in Common. See Cotenancy. Tender. See Contracts; Debtor and Creditor; Payment. Catalogue of Text Books. 133 Tenures. See Real Property. Blount, Thos. Tenures. Hazlitt's ed. Lond., 1874. Fragmenta antiquitatis. Lond., 1679. Finlason, W. F. Law of, in Eng. and Ire. Lond., 1870. Littleton, T. Tenures. Lond., 1588. Wright, M. Introduction to law of tenures. 3d ed. 1768. Terms for Years. See Land; Real Property. Testament. See Wills. Texas. See — Criminal Law: Webb. Land Laws: Hobbs. Pleading: Sayles. Practice: Sayles. Probate Courts: Garrett, Sayles. Theatres. Geary, W. N. M. Law of theatres and music halls. Lond., 1885. Tide Waters. See Waters. Timber. See Nuisance; Waste: Yool. Tithes. Bohun, W. H. Law of. 3d ed. Lond., 1744. Titles. See Abstract of Titles; Conveyancing; Land Laws. Atkinson, S . Marketable titles. 20 Law Library. Coppinger, W. A. Title deeds. Lond., 1875. Dixon, E. Title deeds and other documents. 2 vols. 1826. Harper, S. Practical hints for abstracting. 3d ed. Lond., 1829. Sedgetield, S. W. Practice of the office of titles of Victo- ria. Melbourne, 1879. Sullivan, J. Land titles in Mass. 1801. Taylor, T. W. Investigation of titles. 2d ed. Toronto, 1873. Tolls. See Highways. Torrens System. Jones, H. C. On the Torrens system. Toronto, 1886. 134 • San Francisco Law Library. Torts. For special wrongs, See the various subjects. Addison, C. G. Wrongs and their remedies. 3d ed. Lond., 1870. Same. Wood's notes. 2 vols. 1881. Also Dudley & Baylies' ed. and tlie Student ed. > Ames, J. B. Select cases on. Bigelow, M. M. Leading cases on the law of torts. 1875. Cooley, T. M. Torts. 1879. Hastings, S. Same. Lond., 1885. Hilliard, F. Same. 4th ed. 2 vols. 1874. Same. 3d ed. 1866. Kemedy for torts. 2d ed. 1873. Same. 1st ed. 1867. Smith, J. G. Law of reparation in Scotland. 1864. Pollock, F. Law of. Lond., 1887. Underhill, A. Law of torts; Moak's notes. 1881. Tortures. Jardine, D. Torture prior to the commonwealth. Lond., 1837. Lea, H. 0. Superstition and force. 3d ed. 1878. Town Officers. See Officers. Towns. See Municipal Corporations; Officers. Trade Marks. See Patents: Whitman. Brown, W. H. Trade marks. 1873. Bump, O. F. Patents, trade marks and copyright. 1877. Coddington, C. E. Digest of law of trade marks, U. S., Gr. B., Ireland, Canada and France. 1877. Cox, K. American trade mark cases. 1871. Manual of trade mark cases. 1881. Fisher, E. A. Digest of English cases. 1872. Lloyd, E. Law of trade marks. 2d ed. Lond., 1865. Ludlow, H., and Jenkvns, H. Same, with supplement. Lond., 1873-1877. Mushet, K. S. Law relating to. Lond., 1885. Poland, H. B. Merchandise marks act. Lond., 1862. Sebastian, L. B. Digest of trade mark cases, bv Cox. 1881. Law of trade marks. Lond., 1878. Digest of cases. Lond., 1879. Upton, T. H. Law of trade marks. 1860. Y/allace, K. W. Patents, designs and trade mark act of 1883. Lond., 1884. Catalogue of Text Books. 1 35 Travelers. See Common Carriers. Kogers, E. V. Law of the road. 1876. Law of hotel life. 1879. Transfers. See Real Property; Sales; Vendee; Vendor. Treasury Department. Synopsis of decisions. 9 vols. 1868 to 1876. Treaties. See Diplomacy; International Laiv. English. General collection, from 1495 to 1712. Lond., 1713. Same, from 1648 to 1706. Lond., 1710. Same, from 1642 to 1713. Lond., 1732. Same, from 1715 to 1731. Lond., 1732. Laws and ordinances of the admiralty, with marine treat- ies. 2 vols. Lond., 1746. Eymer, T. Foedera. 3d ed. 10 vols. Lond., 1745. Rapin's acta regia, trans. 4 vols. Lond., 1726-1727. Extraits par Rapin. French. De Koch, C. G., and Schoell, M. S. F. Historie abr^gedee traites de pais. 1648 to 1815. 15 vols. Paris, 1817-1818. Evssia. Martens, F. de. Recueil des traites et convention conclus par la Russie avec les puissances estrangeres. 1762- 1808. 6 vols. St. Petersbourg. Spain. Cantillo, A. de. Tratados de paz y commercio. 1700 k 1843. Madrid, 1843. United States. Revised statutes, with public treaties in force, Dec. 1st ■ ^ 1873. 1875. ^B Trespass. See Nuisance; Waste. ^B, Waterman, T. W. Law of trespass. 2 vols. 1875. ^B Yool, G. V. Waste, nuisance and trespass. 1863. ^B Trial. See Jury; New Trial; Pleading and Practice, etc. H Abbott, A. Trial evidence. 1880. Best, W. M. Right to begin and reply. 1886. Donovan, J. W. Trial practice. Tact in court. 8d ed. 1886. Harris, R. Hints on advocacy. 3d ed. 1884. 136 San Francisco Law Library. Trial Evidence. See Evidence: Abbott. Trial by Ordeal. Lea, H. S. Superstition and force. 3d ed. 1878. Trial Practice. See Pleading and Practice; IHals. Trusts and Trustees. See Uses. Brown, W. Agency and trust to pay debts. Lond., 1868. Fletcher, C. Estates of trustees. 14 Law Library. Gray, J. C. Restraints on alienation. 1883. Hill, J. Law relating to trustees. 4th Am. ed. 1867. Lewin, T. Trustees! handbook. 5th ed. 1879. Same. 24 and 97 Law Library. Liver more, R. P. Same. 1881. Perry, J. W. Same. 3d ed. 2 vols. 1882. Also 1st and 2d eds. Randeil, H. Perpetuity and trusts of accumulation. Lond., 1822. Redfield, I. F. Law of wills. 2d and 3d vols. 1874. Sanders, F. W. Uses and trusts. 2 vols in 1. 1855. Thorns, G. H. Judicial factors. 1859. Tiffany, J., and Bullard, E. F. Law of trusts and trus- tees. 186kJ. Willis, J. W. Treatise on. 10 Law Library. Zinn, P. Leading cases on trusts. 1873. Trustee Process. See Attachment. Turnpikes. See Highways. Ultra Vires. See Corporations. Brice, S. Doctrine of ultra vires. 2d Am. ed. Green's notes. 1880. Field, G. W. Same. 1881. United States. See American Law. United States Courts. See Federal Practice; Jurisdiction; Pleading and Practice^ H 4. Unclaimed Money. Martindale, J. B. Law of. 1884. Usages and Customs. Browne, J. H. B. Usages and customs. 1881. Lawson, J. D. Same. 1881. I Catalogue of Text Books. 137 Uses. See CharitaUe Uses; Trusts. Bacon, F. See his law tracts. Jones, W. H. Law of uses. Lond., 1862. Sanders, F. W. Uses and trusts. 2 vols, in 1. 1855. Wilson, J. Springing uses. 33 Law Library. Usury. Blydenburgh, J. W. Law of usury. 1844. Comyn, E. B. Treatise on. 51 Law Library. Kelly, J. B. Same. 1853. Same. 75 Law Library. Murray, J. B. C. History and general principles of. 1866. Ord, M. Law of. 3d ed. 1809. Tyler, E. H. Law of usury, pawns and loans. 1873. Vendor and Vendee. See Fixtures; Liem; Real Property; Specific Performance ; Titles. Atkinson, S. Contract of sale. Lond., 1853. Marketable titles. 20 Law Library. Dart, J. H. Vendors and purchasers of real estate. 2 vols. 4th ed. Lond., 1871. Same. Am. ed. by Waterman. 1851. Herman, H. M. Mortgages and vendor's lien. 1879. Hilliard, F. Vendors and purchasers. 2d ed. 1868. Mitchell, E. C. Contracts for sale of land. 1877. Sugden, E. B. Vendors and purchasers. 8th Am. ed. Perkins' notes. 2 vols. 1873. Verbal Agreements. See Statute of Frauds, Verdicts. See Juries; New Trials. Venue. See Removal of Causes. Vice. Amos, S. Prohibition and licensing of. 1877. Virginia. See Limitations: Joynes. Voluntary Conveyances. See Assignments; Fraudulent Con- veyances; Gifts. Wagers. See Gaming. Wales. Probert, W. Ancient Welch laws. Lond., 1823. War. See International Law: van Bynkershoeck, Castle, Dahlgren, Grotius, Hall, Halleck, Home, Jacobsen, Pratt, Eoberts, Upton, Wildman. 138 San Francisco Law Library. Ward. See Guardian and Ward, Warehouseman. See Bailments, Warrant of Attorney. See Attorney and Client, Hawkins, H. Warrants of attorney, with forms. Lond., 1844. Warranty. See Covenants; Sales; Vendor and Vendee, Biddle, A. Warranties on sale of chattels. 1884. Heckers, G. W. Cases on warranty. 1874. Waste. Yool, G. V. Waste. Lond., 1863. Waters. Angell, J. K. Law of watercourses; Perkins' notes. 7th ed. 1877. Tidewaters. 2d ed. 1847. Blanchard, G. A., and Weeks, E. P. Mines and mining waters. 1877. Cameron, M. G. Ditches and watercourses of Ontario. Toronto, 1886. Coulson, J. W., and Forbes, U. A. Law of waters, sea, tidal and inland. Lond., 1880. Gould, J. M. Law of waters. 1883. Hall. On the seashore. 2d ed. by Loveland. Lond., 1875. Honck, L. Elvers, navigable. 1868. Parke, J. G. Laws of tl. S. as to bridging navigable waters. 1882. Decisions of sup. ct., U. S., as to waters. 1882. Phear, J. B. Treatise on. 100 Law Library. Shultes, H. Aquatic rights. 24 Law Library. Tyler, E. H. Boundaries; property rights on seashore. 1874. Webster, E. G. Law of rivers and canals. Lond., 1885. Willcock, J. W., and Willcocks, A. Ocean, river and shore. 18^3. Woolrych, H. W. Treatise on law of. 78 Law Library. Yale, G. Mining claims and water rights in California. 1867. Ways. See Easements; Highivays, Woolrych, H. W. Law of ways. Lond., 1834. Wills. See CJmritahle Uses; Insanity; Legacies; Probate Courts; Trusts; Uses* Dyer, J. Three learned readings. Lond., 1648. Catalogue of Text Books. 139 Wills— Continued. Hawkins, F.Y. Construction of wills; Sword's notes. 1872. Hinkley, E. O. Testamentary law in Md. 1878. Jarman, T. Wills; Eandolph & Talcot's notes. 5th Am. ed. 1880. Same. Bigelow's notes. Sth Am. ed. 1881. Lovelass, P. Disposal of estates. 25 Law Library. Parsons, A. Treatise on. 86 Law Library. Powell. Devises. Same. 21 and 22 Law Library. Proffatt, J. Curiosities of the law of wills. 1876. Kedfield, I. P. Law of wills. 4th ed. 3 vols. 1876. Leading cases on wills. 1874. Koberts, W. Treatise on. 1st Am. ed. 2 vols. 1832. Koper, E. S. D. Kevocation. 1800. Legacies. 2d Am. ed. 1848. Schouler, J. Law of. 1887. Swinburne, H. Wills. 7th ed. 3 vols. 1803. Tayler, T. Precedents of wills. 1843. Theobald, H. S. Construction of wills. 2d ed. 1881. Walkem, R. T. Law of wills. Toronto, 1873. Wigram, J. Extrinsic evidence to explain wills; O'Hara's notes. 2d Am. ed. 1872. Same. 2 New Law Library. Worthington, G. Precedents for wills. 60 Law Library. Window Lights. See Easements » Cox, H. Law of. Lond., 1871. Latham, F. L. Law of window lights. Lond., 1867. Tyler, R. H. Boundaries, etc. 1874. Witnesses. See Evidence: Miller, Morrill; Experts, V/isconsin. See Probate Courts: Gary. Women. See Coverture; Married Women, Barrett-Lennard, T. Position in law of women. Lond., 1883. Proffatt, Jno. Woman before the law. 1874. Rights of women in the chief countries of western civil- ization. Lond., 1875. Words. See Dictionaries. Brown, I. W. Interpretation of words. 1883, Lawson, J. D. Concordance. 1883. Winfield, C. H. Adjudged words and phrases. 1882. Wrecks. See Salvage; Shipping. 140 San Francisco Law Library Written Instruments. See Contracts; Fraudulent Convey- ances; Begistration; Statute of Frauds. Year Books. See, also, division "Reports," of this catalogue. Fletewood, W. Tables in tlie annals of Edw. V, Rich. Ill, Hen. VII and Hen. YIII. Lond., 1579. Horwood, A. J. Year books of Edw. L 3 vols. 1866. Years 20-21, 30-31, 32-33. Same. 21-22 Edw. I. Lond., 1873. Same. 33-35 Edw. I. 1879. Edn. for commissioners of 11 and 12, Edw. III. Lond., 1883. Les reports des cases. 11 parts in 10 vols. 1678, 1679. Pike, L. O. Edn. for commissioners of 12 and 13, Edw. III. Lond., 1885. AUTHORS' INDEX OF TEXT BOOKS. Abbott. Clerk's assistant. Dig. law of corporations. do. Supplement. Law dictionary. Merchant ships. National dig. New forms. New supplement. on shipping. Trial evidence. U. S. practice. U. S. digest. Year book of jurisprudence. Abdy and Walker. Gaius and Ulpian. Institutes of Justinian. Adams on ejectment. Equity. Glossary. Addison on contracts. on torts. Alden's science of government. Almy's law of married women. Ameer All's personal law of Mahom- medans. Allen. Kentucky officers' guide. on sheriffs. on the prerogative. Telegraph cases. American corporation cases. Criminal reports. Decisions. Leading cases. Probate reports. Railway cases. Eailway reports . Reports. and Eng. corp. cases. and Eng. E. R. cases. Ames' cases on bills and notes. do. on pleading. Select cases on torts. Amos . Civil law of Rome. English constitution. do. in reign of Chas. II. Prohibition, etc., of vice. Science of jurisprudence. and Ferard on fixtures. Anderson's digest. Andrews' precedents of leases. Angell on assignments. on adverse enjoyment. on fire and life insurance. on highways. on law of carriers. on tidewaters. on watercourses. and Ames on corporations. Anson's law of contracts. Anthon's law student. Anthony on consolidation of K. R. companies. Appleton on evidence. Archbold on awards. Criminal practice and pleading. Dig. of pleading and evidence. Landlord and tenant. Queen's bench practice. Argle's French mercantile law. Arnould on marine insurance. Arundell on mines. Ashe's tables of the year books. Ashley on attachment. Aston on pauper lunacy. Atherly on marriage settlements. Atkinson's marketable titles. Sheriff law. Austin on jurisprudence. Amer. game and farm laws. Avery and Hobb's bankrupt law. Ayckbourn's chancery practice. Juris, and practice. Azuni's maritime law. Babington on auctions. Bacon's abridgment. Elements of the common laws. Hist, and polit. discourse. Law tracts. Backus. Sheriffs, etc. Bainbridge on mines and minerals. 142 San Francisco Law Library. Baker on corporations, on quarantine. Vice admiralty of the coast. Baldwin's constitutional views. Ball on national banks. Ballantine on limitations. Bancroft's citizen's law book. Forms and uses of blanks. Barber on insurance. Barbour's chancery practice. Criminal law. Parties. Set-off. Baron and femme. Barr's international law. Barret-Lennard's woman in law. Barrington's ancient statutes. Barron on bills of sale. Barry. Benefit building societies. Barton's law practice. Suit in equity. Bassett's criminal pleadings. Bateman on auctions. Commercial law. Constitutional law . onus probandi. Batten on specific performance. Bayard's evidence. Bayley on bills. Sureties and guaranties . Trial practice. Beames. Ne exeat regno. on costs. Beach on contributory negligence. on receivers. Beaumont on bills of sale. Beawes. Lex mercatoria. Beccaria on crimes. Beck's medical jurisprudence. Belknap's probate law. Bell's commentaries law of Scotland. Contract of sale. Expert testimony . Husband and wife. Benet's military law. Benedict's admiralty. N. Y. civil and criminal justice. Benjamin on sales. Bennett's masters in chancery, and Heard's life ins. cases. Benny's crim. code of Jews. Bentham's judicial evidence. Bentham's "Packing juries." Benton's Dred Scott case. Bernard's lectures on diplomacy. Best on evidence. on presumptions. on right to reply. Betts' admiralty practice. Bickn ell's civil practice. Criminal practice. Biddle on stock brokers . on warranties in chattels. Bigelow. Elements of torts. History of procedure in England. Leading cases on torts. Life and accident ins. cases, on bills and notes, on equity, on estoppel. Overruled cases. Placita, Anglo-Norman. Billings on award. Bingham. Actions and defenses. Infancy. Judgments. Eeal estate. Keal property. and Colvin on rents, covenants, etc. Binmore's corporator's manual. Corporation cases. Binney's argument on habeas corpus. Bisbie on produce exchange. Bishop on contracts. Criminal law. Criminal procedure. Directions and forms. First book of the law. Insolvent debtors. Marriage and divorce. Married women. Statutory crimes. Written laws. Bispham's principles of equity. Bissett on partnership. Estates for life. Black's constitutional prohibition. Black book of admiralty. Blackburn on sales. Blackstone's Commentaries, ster. do. Broom and Hadley. do. Chitty. do. Chase. do. Cooley. do. Kerr's Students'. Brew- Authors' Index of Text Books. 143 Blackstone's Commentaxies. Leith. do. Sharswood. do. Tucker, do. Wendell. Law tracts. Blackwell on tax titles. Blanchard's leading cases of mines, on limitation. Blatchford's rules and stats, of U. S. courts. Bliss on code pleadings. on life insurance. * on sovereignty. Blount's tenures of land, etc. Blumensteil's bankruptcy. Blydenburgh on usury. Bohun on tithes. Bolster's tax collectors, etc. Bonney on insurance. do . on railway carriers. Boone. Code pleading. Law of mortgages. do. real property. Bourke's parliamentary proceedings. Bourmot's parliamentary procedure. Boimer's institute. Law dictionary. Bowker on copyright. Bowyer. Commentaries on modem civil law. Introduction to civil law. Public law . Boyce's manual. Brackenridge's miscellanies. Bracton. His relation to Boman law. De legibus anglaB. Bradby's law of distresses. Brad well's examination for the bar. Brandt on suretyship . Brice's ultra vires. Bright's husband and wife. Brightley's law of costs. Leading cases on elections. Britton. Pleas of crown . Broom's commentaries on com. law. Const, law. Legal maxims. Parties to actions. Philosophy of law. and Hadley's commentaries. Brown on agency and trusts. on fixtures . Practice of supreme court. Browne . Actions at law. Civil and admiralty law, Digest, divorce and alimony. Domestic relations. Judicial interpretation. Law dictionary. Legal recreations. Medical jurisprudence. National bank cases, on carriers, on trade marks. Kailway companies. Eesponsibility and disease. Statute of frauds. Usages and customs. Brunn's fontes juris Komani. Bryant and Stratton's commero'l law. Brydall's non compos mentis. Nobility and gentry. Buchan's mechanics' lien law. Bucknell's criminal lunacy. BuUingbrooke's international law. Bump's bankruptcy. Fraudulent conveyances. Internal revenue laws . Notes of constitutional decisions. Patent, trade mark, etc. Bundy's justice. U. S. commissioner. Bunyon on life insurance. Burch on code pleading. Burge on colonial and foreign laws. Suretyship. Burlamachi's natural and political law. Burleigh's legislative guide. Burnett's criminal law of Scotland. Burns. Ecclesiastical law. Justice of the peace. Law dictionary. Burrill on assignments. Circumstantial evidence. Law dictionary. Practice. Burroughs on public securities. on taxation. Supplement to same. Burton on real property. Bushby's practice of elections. Buskirk's practice. Buswell on insanity. Butler's horsB juridicae. Lawyer and client. Butterfield's treasury decisions. 144 San Francisco Law Library. Byles on bills. Bythewood's conveyancing. Caine's practice. Caldwell on arbitration. Calvert's parties in equity. Campbell. Compendium of Boman law. Law of negligence. Pampblets. Sale of goods, etc. Carey's forms and precedents. Letters on int. copyright. Partnership. Caruther's history of a law snit. Carver's carriage by sea. Casey's justice's manual. Castle's law of commerce, etc. "Caveat Emptors" search for a horse. Chalmer's bills of exchange. Colonial opinions. Chamberlain's commercial law. Stare decisis. Cheever's probate law. Chipman on government. Chitty. Criminal law. General practice. Law of nations. Medical jurisprudence. on bills. on contracts. on law of carriers. Pleadings. Clancy's rights of married women. Clark's colonial law. Early Eoman law. Manual of criminal law. Practical jurisprudence. Clarke on bills. on extradition. on insurance. Cleaveland's banking laws of N. Y. Clemens' corporate securities. Clement's fire insurance digest. Forms; parties, pleadings. Clerk on elections. Clerke's praxis curisD admiralitatis. Cobb on slavery. Cocke's common and civil law and practice. Codington's digest of trade marks. 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Kay's shipmaster's guide. on shipmasters and seamen. Kagy's Iowa probate guide. on conveyancing. on limitations. Keele. Provincial justice. Kelham. Britain. Domesday book. Norman law dictionary. Kelly's contract of married women. on procedure. on railroad securities. on salvage. on statutes. on statute of limitations. on uses. on usury. Translation of quotations. Kehoe. Choses in action. Kent's analysis, by Dickson. Commentaries. Devereux's Kinne's. International law. Kerr's action at law. Injunctions in equity. on discovery. on fraud and mistake. Receivers. Kitchin. Court leet, etc. Kneeland. Mechanics' lien. on attachment. Knight's by-laws. Knight's king's prerogative. Kyd on awards. on bills. on corporations. Lacey's digest of railway decisions, Lalor on real estate. Lambard's "Archaion." " Eirenarcha. " Lambert on dower. Langbein's district court practice . Langdell's cases in equity pleading. on contracts. Equity pleading. Law of contracts. on sales. Landreth's analysis of sale. Langdon's justices' treatise. Lane. Student's guide to Lincoln's inn. Lansing's forms of civil procedure. Latham on window lights. Law. Patent and copyright law. Quibbles. Reforms. Lawes on pleading. Lawrence. Disabilities of American women abroad. Lawson's concordance. Contracts of carriers. Criminal defenses. Leading cases done into English do. cases in equity, do. common law cases, do. criminal cases. Presumptive evidence. Leake on contracts, on real property. Leapingwell's Roman law. Lee's abstracts of title. Shipping and insurance. Legal judicature in chancery stated. Leggett on bills of lading. Leigh and Dalzell's equitable con- version. Lester's land laws. Leverson's copyright and patents. Levi's mercantile law. Lewin on trusts. Lewis' draft code of criminal law and procedure. Leading cases on pub. land laws. do. on law of stocks, bonds, etc. 150 San Francisco Law Library. Lewis' perpetuities, on shipping. Treatise on law and custom of Parliaments. U. S. criminal law. 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Moreau and Carleton's partidas. Morley. Administration of justice in India. on justice in British India. Morris on replevin. on state insolvent laws . Morrison's mining digest. Mining reports. Morse on banks and banking. on arbitration and award. on citizenship. Moses on mandamus. Moulder on school law. Munger on application of payments. Munsell on personal identity. Murfree's justices' practice. on oflfiicial bonds. on sheriffs . Murray on history of usury . Naar. Suffrage and election. Nash's pleading and practice. Nasmith's contributions to vital sta- tistics. Institutes of Eng. public law. Rowland's chancery. Treatise on contracts. Newman on practice and pleading. Newsom. Dig. of law of shipping. Newton. Tables. Nicholls' history of Eng. poor laws, do. of Irish poor law. do. of Scotch poor law. Nicholson's border law. Norman on patents. North . Probate practice . Study of the law. Nott's N. Y. lien law. Noy's maxims. O'Brien. Am . military law . Odgers on slander and libel . 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Pleading and evidence . Savigny on obligations . Possession . Roman law . Sayles' American form book. Law of racing . Probate law of Texas . Texas pleadings . do. practice. Treatise . and Bassett's pleading and prac . Schmidt's civil law of Spain and Mexico . Schouler's bailments, etc . Domestic relations. Executors . Husband and wife . Personal property. Wills. Schroder on bail . Scobell's acts and ordinances. Scott on inter-state law. on law of telegraphs . Scribner on dower . Sedgefield's practice of office of title. Sedgwick. Leading cases, etc . on measure of damages . and Waite on trial of title. Selden's dominion of the sea. Tracts. Sellon's Practice. Selwyn's nisi prisi. American notes. Serjeant's constitutional law. Mechanics' lien law. Seton on decrees . Seward on registration of instru- ments . Sharwood's legal ethics. and Budd. Real property cases. Shearman and Redfield on negligence Sheldon on subrogation. 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Tudor's leading cases . Tupper's Punjab customary law. TurnbuU's practice. Turner's contract of pawn. Twiss' law of nations . Tyler on American ecclesiastical law. on ejectment. on fixtures . on infancy and coverture. on law of boundaries . on usury, pawns and loans. Ty tier's military law. Underhill on torts. Ulpian. Eules of.byAbdy and Walker, do . by Muirhead . Upshur's the federal goot. Upton's trade marks. Maritime warfare. Usher's sales of personal property. Van Der Keessel's select thesis of laws of Holland and Zeeland. Van der Linden's laws of Holland. Vangerow's pandekten. Van Heythusen's equity draftsman. Van Santvoord's equity practice . Pleadings . Vattel. Law of nations. Verplanck on contracts. Viner's abridgment. Von Holts's constitutional his, U. S. Wade on Am. mining laws. on attachment. on notice. on retroactive laws. Wait's actions and defenses. General index to same . Law and practice . Practice . Wal ford's insurance guide. Walkem on wills . Walker's American law. Law of patents. Municipal law of Ohio . Treatise on banking law. Wallace's patent designs and trade- marks. Walter's manual of stats, of limita'n. Theory of commercial law. Waple's parliamentary practice. Proceedings in rem . Ward's law of nations. on legacies. Warren's duties of attorneys. Law studies. Ohio criminal law . 156 San Francisco Law Library. Warvelle on abstract of titles . Washburn on easements and servi- tudes. Law studies. Manual of criminal law. Real property. Waterman. Justice of the peace . on set-o£f . on specific performance. on trespass . Watson's compendium of equity. on arbitration and award. U. S. commissioner's manual. Watts on promoters . Webb's Texas criminal law. Wedgwood's gov. and laws of U. S. W«-eks on attorney . Damnum absque injuria . Depositions . Mineral lands. Wells on limitations. Magna charta. Questions of law and fact . Bes adjudicata . Replevin . Wentworth on executions. on pleading . Westlake's private international law . Wharton on agency . on conflict of laws . on contracts . on conveyancing . on criminal law. do. evidence. do. pleading and practice. Evidence . Homicide. International law. Law lexicon. Legal maxims. Negligence . Precedents of indictments and and Stilld's med. jurisprudence. Wheaton's international law. Wheeler's criminal cases. Land titles of San Francisco . Law of slavery . Whitaker's law of liens. White's new recopilacion . Supplement and revivor. and George's crim. law and prac. and Tudor's lead, cases in equity. Whiteway's hints to solicitors. Whiting's war powers under U.S. constitution . Whitman's elector's manual. Patent laws. Whittaker's practice and pleading. Whittlesey's Missouri practice. Whitworth's equity precedents. Wicquefort's rights of embassadors . Wigram on discovery. on wills. Wilcox's railroad law of Ohio. Wild's journal entries. Wildman's international law. Law of search . Wilkins on replevin. Willocks' office of constable. Willard. Equity jurisprudence. on executors . on real estate . Williams. Executors and admr. Law dictionary. Personal property. Petitions in chancery. Poor laws. Real assets . do. property. do. student's guide to same. Williamson's book of deeds. Willis on trustees. Wills on circumstantial evidence . Wilson's digest of parliamentary law. Judicature acts . Modern English law . Recovery . Springing uses. Wiltsie on foreclosure of mortgages. Winfield's adjudged words and phrases . Winsheid's lehrbuch des Pandekten rechts. Winslow's plea of insanity. Withrow's American corporation Wood's common law. Conveyancing. on frauds. on limitation of actions . on law of master and sei-vant. do. of nuisances. Railway law. Wooddesson's lectures on juris. Woodfall's landlord and tenant. Woolrych's commercial law . on party walls, etc . on waters . on ways. Authors' Index of Text Books. 15' "Woolsey on divorce. on international law . Wordsworth's joint stock companies. Law of railway, canal, etc. Work's Indiana practice. Worthington on juries. on wills. Wright's " court hand restored." Law of criminal conspiracies. Tenures. Wynne's "Eunomous," or dialogues. Yale's mining claims and water rights. Yates' pleadings. I'eaman's study of government . Yool on waste . York and Clement on lien law of Cal. Zabriskie's land laws of U. S . Zinn's leading cases on trust . U. S. public land statutes. UNITED STATES REPORTS. Supreme Court Reports. Dallas. 4 vols. Cranch. 9 vols. Wlieaton. 12 vols. Period. 1790-1800 1801-1815 1816-1827 Peters' condensed reports, embracing Dallas,' Crancli's and Wheaton's reports. Peters. 16 vols. Howard. 24 vols. Black. 2 vols. . Wallace. 23 vols. Otto. 17 vols. . Davis. 14 vols. .... New edition. Edited by Brightley. 28 vols. Miller. 1 vol. . Morrison transcript. 5 vols. Supreme court reporter. 7 vols. Digests See digest of all the reports post. Abbott's national digest. 8 vols. Same. 4 vols. ...... Brightly's digest of federal decisions. 23 vols. Curtis' U. S. sup. ct. dig. 1 vol. Danfortb's sup. ct. dig. 1 vol. . Desty's federal citations. 1 vol. Holcombe's U. S. sup. ct. dig. 1 vol. Indexed digest. Vol. 1. . Kinney's dig. sup. ct. decisions. 2 vols. Lauck and Clarke's table of cases. 1 vol. . Murray's table of cases. .... Myers' index U. S. sup. ct. 1 vol. Peters' dig. U. S. courts decisions. 2 vols. Phillips' manual of decisions. . . Rapalje's federal reference dig. 1 vol. Thatcher's dig. of stats., rules and dec's. 1 vol. Wheaton's dig. 1 vol. . . . • 1828-1842 1843-18G0 1861-1862 1863-1874 1875-1882 1882-1886 1790-1854 1881 1880-1882 1882-1887 1789 1789 1789 1789 1789 1789 1789 1789 1789 1789 1789- 1789 1880 -1884 1873 -1854 -1885 ■1878 -1847 -1886 ■1884 ■1880 1873 ■1878 1847 1789-1880 1882 1821-1829 Catalogue of United States Eeports. 159 Circuit Court Reports. Period. Brunner's collected cases. 1 vol. 1791-1860 First Circuit. Gallison. 2 vols. ... 1812-1815 Mason. 5 vols. . . . 1816-1830 Sumner. 3 vols 1830-1839 Stor}^ 3 vols. .... 1839-1845 Woodbury and Minot. 3 vols. 1845-1847 Curtis. 2 vols. . . . 1851-1856 Clifford. 4 vols. 1858-1878 Holmes. 1 vol. 1870-1875 Second Circuit. Paine. 2 vols. 1810-1840 Blatchford. 23 vols. 1845-1886 Digest of Blatchford's reports. See Baldwin's Conn, digest. Third Circuit. Wallace. 1vol. . . . . 1801 Peters. 1 vol 1803-1818 Washington. 4 vols. 1803-1827 Baldwin. 1 vol. .... 1828-1833 Wallace, Jr. 3 vols. .... 1842-1862 Cases in this circuit will be found also in 2, 3 and 4 Dallas; in 2 Browne, Pa.; in Brewster's Pa.; in Brightly's Pa.; in the Phila. reports; in the Pa. Law J. rep.; in the Pitts, rep.; the Legal Gaz. rep., and in 4 Conn. 333. See Brunner's col- lected cases. Fourth Circuit. Call's Va. reports. Yol. 6, pp. 241-376. Marshall's decisions, by Brockenbrough. 2 vols. Taney's decisions, by Campbell. 1 vol. Chase's decisions. 1 vol. .... Hughes. 5 vols. Wood. 4 vols. Bond. 2 vols. Flippen. 2 vols. McLean. 6 vols. Bissell. 11 vols. Fifth Circuit. Sixth Circuit. Seventh Circuit. 1793-1825 1802-1833 1836-1861 1865-1869 1792-1880 1870-1882 1855-1871 1859-1880 1829-1854 1851-1883 160 San Francisco Law Library. Circuit Court Reports — Continued. Eighth Circuit. Penod. Miller's decisions, by 'Woolworth. 1 vol. . 1863-1869 Dillon. 5 vols 1870-1879 McCrary. 5 vols. . . . . . 1877-1883 Ninth Circuit. Hempstead. 1 vol 1839-1856 McAllister. 1vol. . . . . . 1855-1859 Deady. 1 vol 1861-1869 Sawyer. 11 vols. . . . . . 1870-1886 District of Columbia. Cranch. 6 vols. 1801-1841 McArthur. 3 vols 1873-1879 McArthur and Mackey. 1vol. . . . 1879-1880 Mackey. 5 vols 1880-1887 Circuit and District Court Reports. Abbott. 2 vols 1863-1871 Federal reporter. 26 vols. . . . 1879-1886 Federal reporter dig. Yols. 1 to 30. 2 vols. Myers' federal decisions. 20 vols. . 1789-1884 Abbott, Bissell, Bond, Deady, Plippen, Hempstead, Peters, Paine and Sawyer, contain cases of the district court as well as of the circuit court. District Court Reports. Arkansas. Hempstead. Ivol 1820-1856 California and Oregon. Hoffman's land cases. 1vol. . . . 1853-1858 Deady. Ivol 1861-1869 Sawyer. 11 vols 1870-1886 Kansas. McCahon. Ivol 1858-1868 Maine. Ware. 3 vols. . . . . . . 1822-1865 Davies. Ivol 1839-1849 Fox's decision by Haskell. Ivol. . . 1866-1875 Yol. II. "Ware's reports, second edition, contains Davies's re- ports, with some additional cases. Catalogue of United States Reports. 161 District Court Reports — Continued. Michigan, Nobthern and Southern Ohio, Western Penn- sylvania, Western Illinois, Missouri and Eastern Louisiana. ■ p.^^^^^ Newberry's admiralty. 1 vol. . . . 1842-1857 Bond. 2 vols Brown's admiralty. 1 vol. .... Massachusetts. Sprague's decisions. Lowell's decisions. 2 vols. 2 vols. New York. Van Ness' prize cases. 1 vol. Blatchford and Howland. 1 vol. Olcott's admiralty. 1 vol. . Abbott's admiralty. 1 vol. Blatchford's prize cases. 1 vol. Benedict. 10 vols. PENNSYLVANLi. Hopkinson's admiralty. 1 vol. . Peters' admiralty. 2 vols. . Pennsylvania — Eastern. Gilpin. 1 vol. ..... Crabbe. 1 vol. .... Bee's admiralty. South Carolina. 1 vol. 1856- 1859- 1871 1874 1841-1864 1865-1877 1814 1827-18;-;7 1843-1850 1847-1850 1861-1865 1865-187y 1779-1788 1792-1807 1828-1886 1836-1846 1792-1805 Vermont. Reported in Vermont reports. Vols. 20 to 25. Digests. See digest of all the reports post. Murray's fed. cases cited, affirmed or overruled. 1 vol. 1873 Peters' digest of decisions in the fed. cts. 2 vols. 1789-1847 Wheaton's digest as continued. . . 1821-1829 Court of Claims. Devereux. 1 vol. Court of claims reports. 21 vols. Reports from the court of claims. Nott and Hopkins' digest. 1 vol. 2 vols. 1856 1863-1886 1855-1858 1863-1875 162 San Fkancisco Law Library. First Comptroller's Decisions. Six vols. Period. 1880-1885 Interior Department. Decisions of, relating to public land. 5 vols. 1881-1886 Opinions of the Attorneys-General. Two vols. 1791-1851 Sixteen vols 1791-1880 Digests. Andrews. Bentley. 1 vol. Cadwalader. 1856 1789-1881 1876 Opinions of Judge Advocate General. "VVinthrop's digest of. Same. 1 vol. 3d ed. 1 vol. Treasury Department. Synopsis of decisions of. 19 vols. Digest of same. 1 vol. State Reports. Alabama. Minor. 1 vol. . Stewart. 3 vols. Stewart and Porter. 5 vols. Porter. 9 vols. Saiith's condensed. 5 vols. Alabama select cases. Shepherd. 1 vol. Alabama. 81 vols. Digests Brickell. 2 vols. Clark's criminal. 1 vol. Ligon's chancery. 1 vol. Phillips. 2 vols, in 1. Reavis. 1st vol. all published. Shepherd. 1 vol. Arizona 1862-1868 1862-1880 1868-1886 1872-1882 Dann . 1 vol. 1820- 1827- 1831- 1834- 1820- 1861- 1840- -1826 1831 1834 1839 1839 1863 1886 1820-1869 1870-1879 1820-1847 1820-1848 1820-1847 1849-1857 1866-1884 Catalogue of United States Reports. 163 State Reports — Continued. Arkansas. Period. Arkansas. 47 vols. . 1837-1886 Digests, Brady's index. 1 vol. 1837-1877 Hopkins and Morgan. 2 vols. 1837-1885 Eose. 1 vol. . . . . , 1837-1867 California. California. 71 vols. 1850-1887 Labatt's district court. 2 vols. . 1857-1858 Myrick's probate. 1 vol. . 1872-1879 Scrap-book of sup. ct. decisions. 28 vols. . 1863-1888 Digests. Desty. 1 vol 1869-1873 Citations. 1 vol. 1850-1871 Citations, sup. 1 vol. 1872-1877 Gear's index-digest. 1 vol. 1850-1885 sup. to Rhodes. 1 vol. 1880-1884 Rhodes. 2 vols. .... 1850-1880 Parker. 2 vols. . . . , 1850-1869 Colorado Territory I, Colorado. 9 vols. 1864-1886 Digests, Morrison. ...... 1864-1883 Connecticut. Kirby. 1 vol. .... 1785-1788 Root. 2 vols 1789-1798 Day. 5 vols. .... 1802-1813 Connecticut. 54 vols. 1814-1887 Digests, Baldwin. 2 vols. 1785-1880 Sharswood's table of cases. 1 vol. 1878 Day. 1 vol. .... 1786-1738 Waterman. .... 1786-1858 Dakota Territory Dakota. 2 vols. . • . 1861-1881 164 San Francisco Law Library, State Reports — Continued. Delaware. Harrington. 5 vols. Houston. 5 vols. Criminal. 1 vol. Chancery. 4 vols. District of Columbia. See ante circuit court. Florida. Period. 1832-1855 1855-1879 1856-1879 1814-1873 Florida. 21 vols. Digests, 1846-1886 Galbraith's index. Vols. 1-11. 1 vol. Georgia. 1846-1866 Charlton, T. U. P. 1vol. . 1805-1810 R. M. 1 vol. . 1811-1837 Dudley. 1 vol. 1821-1833 Georgia decisions. iVol. 1842-1843 Lester's Sup. to vol. XXXIII. 1 vol. . 1864 Georgia. 74 vols. Digests, 1846-1885 Bacon. Vols. 1-40 2 vols. 1846-1872 New. 2 vols. . 1846-1870 Cobb and Lumpkin's index. 1 vol. 1811-1851 Harris. Vols. 41-50. 1 vol. 1870-1874 Index and digest. Vols. 41-61. . 1870-1878 Heyward's table of < 3ases. 1 vol. 1846-1879 Jackson's analytical index. Vols. 1-40. : I vol. 1846-1872 Miller. Vols. 10-20. 1vol. 1851-1856 Idaho Territory. Idaho. 1 vol. . . 1866-1867 Prickett. 1 vol. Illinois. 1866-1880 Breese. 1 vol. . 1819-1831 Scammon. 4 vols. 1832-1843 Gilman, 5 vols. . 1844-1848 Peck. 20 vols. 1849-1863 Freeman. 119 vols 1863-1887 Appellate court. 21 vols. . 1878-1886 Catalogue of United States Reports. 165 State Reports — Continued. Digests, Anthony and Rea. 2 vols. Hill. 5 vols. . . . Supplement to Wood and Long. 1 vol. Long's index^ digest. 1 vol. Myer's index. 2 vols. Wendling's index. 1 vol. . Wood and Long, let ed. 2 vols Same. 4 vols. Indiana Blackford. 8 vols. . Smith. 1 vol. Indiana. 110 vols. . Wilson's superior ct. 1 vol. . IvoL Abbott. 2 vols. - Buskirk's table of cases (Practice) Burn's new index. 1 vol. . Davis. 2 vols. new digest. 2 vols. Davidson's overruled cases. Perkins Eipley. 2 vols. Thompson's citations. 1 vol. Iowa. Morris. 1 vol. . Greene. 4 vols. Clarke. 8 vols. Withrow. 13 vols. Stiles. 16 vols. Bunnell. 19 vols. Hight. Vols. 57-58. 2 vols. Ebersole. Vols. 59-70. 12 vols Digests Binmore's citations. . Dillon. 1 vol. Hammond. 1 vol. Hunter and Myer's index. 1 vol Lacey. 1 vol. . . McLain. 2 vols. Stiles. 2 vols. Withrow and Stiles. 1 vol Period. 1819-1864 1819-1883 1873-1876 1819-1884 1819-1881 1873 1819-1863 1819-1881 1817-1847 1848-1849 1848-1886 1871-1872 1817-1871 1817-1875 1817-1881 1817-1868 1817-1874 1877 1817-1856 1817-1881 1884 1839-1845 1847-1852 1855-1861 1860-1867 1867-1873 1873-1881 1881-1882 1882-1886 1887 1839-1860 1859-1866 1839-1872 1866-1869 1839-1887 1872-1881 1839-1872 166 San Francisco Law Library, State Reports — Continued, Kansas. Kansas. 36 vols M'Calion. Terry rep. 1 vol. . Digests, Chaney's index digest. Dassler. .... Same. . , . Taylor's brief digest. 1 vol. Kentucky, Hughes. 1 vol. Practice decisions (Sneed). 1 vol. Hardin. 1 vol. . . Bibb. 4 vols. . . . - A. K. Marshall. 3 vols in 2. . Littell. 7 Select cases. J T. B. Monroe. 7 vols, in 3 J. J. Marshall. 7 vols, in 4 Dana. 9 vols, in 5 Ben Monroe. 18 vols Metcalf. 4 vols. Duval. 2 vols. Bush. 14 vols. Rodman. Vols. 78-81 Ken. E. 4 vols 6 vols, in 3. Digests. Barbour. 2 vols. Supplement. 1 vol. Cofer. 1 vol. . . Monroe and Harlan. 2 vols. Pirtle. 2 vols. Straton. 2 vols. Trimble. 1 vol. Period. 1862-1887 1858-1868 1882 1862-1874 1862-1879 1862-1885 1785-1801 1801-1805 1805-1808 1808-1817 1817-1821 1822-1824 1795-1821 1824-1828 1829-1832 1833-1810 1840-1858 1859-1863 1864-1866 1866-1878 1879-1884 1785-1878 1878-1884 1853-1867 1801-1853 1805-1831 1785-1877 1866-1876 Louisiana. Martin. 12 vols, in 6. Martin. New series. 8 vols, in 5. Louisiana reports. New ed. 19 vols in 10 Robinson's reports. 12 vols. Louisiana annual reports. 38 vols. McGloin. Court of appeals. 1vol. . 1809-1823 1823-1830 1830-1841 1841-1846 1846-1886 1880 Catalogue of United States Reports. 167 I State Reports— Continued. Digests, Period. Benjamin and Slidell. 1 vol. 1809-1839 Hennen. 2 vols. .... 1809-1860 Louque. 1 vol. .... 1860-1878 Walker. 1vol. .... 1860-1869 Maine. Greenleaf. 9 vols 1820-1832 Fairfield. 3 vols. . . 1833-1835 Maine reports. 77 vols. 1820-1885 Digests, Eastman. 1 vol. .... 1828-1847 Hopkins. Vols. 57-68. 1 vol. 1869-1878 Plaisted and Appleton. Vols. 1-68. 1 vol. 1820-1880 Virgin. Vols. 27-66. 2 vols. . 1847-1869 Maryt.and. Law, Harris and McHenry. 4 vols. 1658-1799 and Johnson. 7 vols. . 1800-1826 and Gill. 2 vols. . ... 1826-1829 Gill and Johnson. 12 vols. 1829-1843 Gill. 9 vols 1843-1851 Maryland. 66 vols. 1851-1887 Chancery, Bland. 3 vols. .... 1811-1832 Maryland. 4 vols. . . . . 1847-1854 Digests, Burgwyn. Vols. 21-45. 1 vol. 1864-1876 Cohen and Lee. 1 vol. . . . , 1856-1863 Norris, Brown and Brune. 1 vol. Raymond's chancery digest. 1 vol. 1700-1838 Stockett, Merrick and Miller. 1 vol. . 1847-1857 Massachusetts. Quincy. 1 vol. . . . . . 1764-1771 Massachusetts. Vols. 1-17. 17 vols. 1804-1822 Pickering. Vols. 18-41. 24 vols. 1822-1840 Metcalf. Vols. 42-54.) 13 vols. 1840-1847 Cashing. Vols. 55-66. 12 vols. 1848-1853 Gray. Vols. 67-82. 16 vols. 1854-1860 Allen. Vols. 83-96. 14 vols. . 1861-1867 Massachusetts. Vols. 97-144. . 1867-1887 Thatcher's criminal cases. 1 vol. 1823-1842 Cushing's contested election cases. 1 vol. 1780-1852 /v " 0^ xra"^^ 168 San Francisco Law Library. State Reports — Continued. Digests, BelFs index. Yols. 103-120. 1 vol. . Bennett, Gray and Swift. 3 vols. Same, Sup. to, by Kellen. 1 vol. Same, Sup. to, by Williams. 1 vol. Bennett and Heard. 2 vols. and Holland. 1 vol. Bigelow's supplement. 1 vol. Kellen's index digest. 1vol. Minot's supplement. 2 vols. Tliroop. 2 vols. "Williams' citations and supplement. 2 vols Douglass. 2 vols. Michigan. 59 vols. Brown's nisi prius cases. Harrington. 1 vol. AValker. 1 vol. Michigan. Law. 2 vols. Chancery. Digests, Chaney's supplement to Cooley. 1 vol. Coolev. 1st ed. 1 vol. . . . . 2d ed. 1 vol. Jacob's reference digest. . . . • Myer's index digest. ..... Talbot's cases cited. 1 vol. Minnesota. Minnesota. 35 vols. . . . • Digests, Alexander. 1 vol. ..... Eller. 2 vols ' . Ewell and Hamilton's index. Opinions of attorney general of Minn. 1 vol. Searles. 1 vol . ..... Walker. 1 vol. Howard. 7 vols. Smede and Marshall. Mississippi. Vols. 23- Mississippi. Law, 14 vols. -63. 41 vols. Period. 1877-1879 1804-1887 1879-1887 1879-1883 1804 1857 1857~1869 1823-1829 1761-1884 1804-1849 1804-1886 1761-1882 1843-1847 1847-1886 1869-1871 1837-1842 1842-1845 1871-1876 1837-1866 1837-1872 1838-1884 1837-1879 1837-1877 1851-1886 1879-1886 1851-1879 1851-1880 1858-1884 1851-1871 1818-1832 1834-1843 1843-1850 1851-1886 Catalogue of United States Reports. 169 State Reports— Continued. Chancery, Freeman. 1 vol. . • . . - . Smede and Marshall. 1 vol. Period. 1839-1843 1840-1843 Criminal, Morris' state cases. 2 vols. 1818-1872 Digests, Andrews. 1 vol. . . . . George. 1 vol. Smede. 1 vol. ... 1871-1879 1818-1870 1818-1847 Missouri. . Missouri. 91 vols. . . . . St. Louis court of appeals. 25 vols. , 1821-1887 1876-1887 Digests. Barclay. 2 vols. . . . . Hunter and Myers' index dig. Yols. 1-50. 1vol. Pattison. 3 vols. ..... Stark. 3 vols, 1821-1866 1821-1872 1821-1872 1872-1886 Montana Territory. Montana. 6 vols 1868-1887 Nebraska. Nebraska. 21 vols . 1855-1887 Digests, Brown's indei digest. 1 vol. Chaney. 1 vol. ..... Maxwell. 1 vol. ..... 1871-1884 1871-1886 1871-1877 Nevada. Nevada. 18 vols. ..... 1865-1884 * Digests, Hawley. 1 vol. ..... 1865-1877 New Hampshire. Foster. 11 vols. . . . New Hampshire. 63 vols. . ' . Smith. 1 vol. . . . . . ' . 1850-1855 1816-1885 1802-1816 170 San Francisco Law Library. State Reports— Continued. Digests. Period. Bell. Ivol 1842-1855 Gilchrist. 1 vol 1816-1842 Morrison. 1 vol. .... 1816-1866 New Jebsey. Law, Coxe. 1 vol 1790-1795 Pennington. 2 vols. 1806-1813 Southard. 2 vols. . . ... 1816-1820 Halstead. 7 vols. . . . , . 1821-1831 Green. 3 vols. . . . . 1831-1836 Harrison. 4 vols 1837-1842 Spence. 1 vol. .... 1842-1846 Zabriskie. 4 vols. . . . . 1847-1855 Dutcher. 5 vols. . . . . 1855-1862 Vroom. 19 vols. .... 1863-1886 Chancery. Saxton. 1 vol. .... 1830-1832 Green. 3 vols. . . . . . 1833-1845 Halstead. 4 vols 1845-1852 Stockton. 3 vols. . . . . . . 1852-1858 Beasley. 2 vols. .... 1858-1860 McCarter. 2 vols 1861-1862 Green, C. E. 12 vols. ... 1863-1876 Stewart. 15 vols 1877-1887 Digests. Halstead. 2 vols. . . . . 1790-1836 Hartshorne's index digest. 1 vol. 1790-1883 Stewart. 2 vols 1790-1876 Sup. 1 vol. 1876-1886 New Mexico. New Mexico. 2 vols. . . . . 1852-1883 New York. Supreme Court and Court of Ert 'ors. Caine's cases . 2 vols. . . . . 1796-1805 Johnson's cases. 3 vols. . . . 1799-1803 Caine. 3 vols. , 1803-1805 Johnson. 20 vols. 1806-1823 Cowen. 9 vols. . 1823-1829 Wendell. 26 vols. > . . 1828-1841 Hill. 7 vols. . 1841-1844 Denio. 5 vols. . 1845-1848 Lalor's supplement. 1 vol. . 1842-1844 Catalogue of United States Reports. 171 State Reports — Continued. Court of Appeals. period. Comstock. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols. . 1847-1851 Selden. Vols. 5-10. 6 vols. . 1851-1854 Kern an. Vols. 11-14. 4 vols. . 1854-1856 Smith. Vols. 15-27. 13 vols. . 1857-1863 Tiffany. Vols. 28-39 . 12 vols. . 1863-1868 Hand. Vols. 40-45. 6 vols. 1869-1872 Sickles. Vols. 46-105. 60 vols. 1871-1887 Howard. 1 vol. . 1847-1848 Abbott. 4 vols. 1850-1869 Keyes. 4 vols. . 1863-1868 Selden's notes. 1 vol. 1852-1854 Trans. App. 7 vols. ... 1867-1868 Condensed. 1 vol. Chancery, 1881-1882 Johnson. 7 vols. 1814-1823 Hopkins. 1 V9I. 1823-1826 Paige. 11 vols. . 1828-1845 Edwards. 4 vols. 1831-1850 Hoffman. 1 vol. 1839-1840 Clarke. 1 vol. .... 1839-1841 Sanford. 4 vols. . 1843-1847 Barbour. 3 vols. Supreme Court. 1845-1848 Barbour. 67 vols. 1847-1877 Lansing. 7 vols. ... 1869-1873 Hun. 44 vols. . 1873-1887 Thompson and Cook. 6 vols. .' 1873-1875 Superior Court— City of New Tc )rk. Hall. 2 vols. 1828-1829 Sandford. 5 vols. 1847-1852 Duer. 6 vols. . 1852-1857 Bosworth. 10 vols. 1857-1863 Robertson. 7 vols. 1863-1868 Sweeney. 2 vols. 1869-1870 Jones and Spencer. Vols. 33-53. 21 vols. . 1871-1886 Superior Court of Buffalo. Sheldon. 1 vol. Common Fleas. 1854-1875 Smith, E. D. 4 vols. • » • » 1850-1854 Hilton. 2 vols. 1855-1860 Daly. 13 vols. 1859-1886 172 San Francisco Law Library. State Reports — Continued, Practice and Code Reports. Coleman's cases. 1 vol. and Caine's cases. 1 vol. Howard's practice. 67 vols. Same. New series. 3 vols. New York code reports. 3 vols. code reporter. New series. 1 vol. Abbott's practice. 19 vols. Same. New series. 16 vols. New cases. 18 vols. . Civil procedure reports. 12 vols. Criminal. Wheeler's criminal cases. 3 vols. Eogers' city hall recorder. 6 vols. Parker. 6 vols. .... Cowen. 2 vols. .... New York criminal reports. 4 vols. . Surrogate. Bradford. 4 vols. . . Eedfield. 5 vols. . . . Tucker. 1 vol. . . . Demarest. 6 vols. .... 31iscella7ieotis, City hall recorder. 6 vols, in 3. Code reporter. 3 vols, in 2. . Same. New series. 1 vol. . Judicial opinions. 1 vol. Yates' select cases. 1 vol. Edmond's select cases. 1 vol.. Lockwood's revised cases. 1 vol. Anthon's nisi prius cases. 1 vol. Sickles' opinions of attorneys general of N.Y. New York state reporter. 10 vols. weekly digest. 26 vols. Digests. Abbott and supplements. 8 vols. Addenda. 1 vol. Annuals. 3 vols. Cases criticised. . New edition. 6 vols* Same, supplements. 2 vols. Period. 179^1800 1794-1805 1844-1884 1884-1880 1848-1851 1851-1852 1854r-1865 1865-1875 1876-1886 1881-1886 1776-1824 1816-1821 1839-1868 1860-1868 1881-1886 1849-1857 1857-1882 1864-1869 1882-1887 1816-1822 1848-1850 1851-1852 1802 1809 1834-1848 1799-1847 1807-1851 1vol. 1796-1871 1886-1887 1875-1887 1794-1869 1873-1876 1882-1885 1794-1887 1794-1873 1873-1882 Catalogue of United States Reports. 173 State Reports — Continued. Digests^ Continued, Barbour's digest of Barbour rep. 3 vols. Brightly. 3 vols. .... Browne's code index. 1 vol. Index digest. 1 vol. . Clinton's law and equity. 7 vols. Connoly's citations. 1 vol. Cornwell's court of appeal digest. 1 vol. Cowen's criminal digest. 1 vol. Danforth and Wickes' court of appeals dig. '. Gould's annual digest. 3 vols. . Haviland's table of cases. 2 vols. Hogan. 2 vols. Same. Eevised. 2 vols. . Eapalje's annual digest. 1 vol. Reference digest. 2 vols. Stone's analytical index. 1 vol. Stover's digest, Howard's rep. 2 vols. Tiffany's condensed. 1 vol. and Barbour's court of appeals. 3 vols Mills' supplement to Same. 1 vol. Wait's digest and supplements. 6 vols Citations. 2 vols. vol. Period. 1847-1877 1794-1884 1876-1885 1847-1884 1794-1872 1794-1882 1847-1858 1799-1869 1847-1884 1881-1883 1880-1887 1777-1848 1777-1850 1880 1794-1880 1848-1868 1844-1884 1847-1863 1847-1875 1875-1881 1860-1881 1794-1880 North Carolina. Laiq, Haywood. Vol. 1. 2 vols. Martin. ..... Haywood. Vol. 2. 2 vols, in 1. Taylor. 1 vol. .... Conference reports. 1 vol. Murphey. 3 vols. Carolina law repository. 2 vols. North Carolina term reports. 1 vol. Hawks. 4 vols. Devereux. 4 vols. and Battle. 4 vols. Iredell. 13 vols. Busbee. 1 vol. Jones. 8 vols. . Winston. 1 vol. Phillips. 1vol. North Carolina. Vols. 63-95. 1789-1798 1797-1806 1797-1806 1799-1802 1800-1804 1804^1819 1813-1816 1816-1818 1820-1826 1826-1834 1834-1839 1840-1852 1852-1853 1853-1862 1863-1864 1866-1868 1868-1886 174 San Francisco Law Library. State Reports— Continued. Equity. Devereux. 2 vols. and Battle. 2 vols. Iredell. 8 vols. Busbee. 1 vol. Jones. 6 vols. . Winston. 1 vol. Phillips. 1 vol. Digests. digest. 1 vol. Bailey's fifth N. C Battle. 4 vols. Busbee's criminal digest. . . Seymour's sixth N. G. digest Tourgee's cases cited. 1 vol. Period. 1828-1834 1834r-1840 1840-1852 1852-1853 1853-1863 1863-1864 1866-1868 1874-1878 1789-1834 1789-1879 1878-1884 1879 Ohio. 1vol. Tappan. (Common pleas.) Ohio reports. 20 vols. Ohio state reports. 44 vols. Wright's nisi prius. 1 vol. Handy's Cincinnati superior court. Disney's Cincinnati superior court. Cincinnati superior court reporter. 2 vols, in 1. 2 vols. 2 vols. 1816- ■■^21- 1852- 1831- 1854- 1854- 1870- ■1819 1851 ■1886 •1834 1855 ■1859 ■1872 Beebe and Lincoln. Chittenden. 1 vol. . Gholson and Okey. 1 vol. Hunter and Meyer. Index. McYey. 3 vols, Nash and Supp. 2 vols. Walker and Bates. 2d ed. Supplement. By Bates. Digests. Citations. 1 vol 1vol. 2 vols. 1 vol. Welch. Ohio index. 1 vol. Oregon. Oregon reports. 14 vols. Digests. Curtis. Vols. 1-9. 1 vol. 1816-1884 1852-1872 1821-1866 1816-1872 1821-1881 1823-1860 1821-1878 1875-1882 1886 1853-1887 1853-1882 Catalogue of United States Reports. 175 State Reports — Continued. Pennsylvania. Period. Dallas. 4 vols. .... 1754-1806 Addison. 1 vol. ■ 1791-1799 Yeates. 4 vols 1791-1808 Binney. 6 vols 1799-1814 Sergeant and Rawle. 17 vols. . . ' . 1814-1828 Eawle. 5 vols 1828-1835 Penrose and Watts. 3 vols. . . . 1829-1832 Watts. 10 vols 1832-1840 Wharton. 6 vols 1835-1841 Watts and Sergeant. 9 vols. . . . 1841-1845 Grant's cases. 3 vols 1852-1863 Pennsylvania state. 114 vols. . . . 1844-1886 Reports not in the Begular Series, Ashmead. 2 vols 1808-1841 Brewster. 4 vols 1856-1871 Brightly. Nisi prius. 1vol. . . . 1809-1851 Browne. 2 vols 1806-1814 Chester county. 1vol. . . . . 1879-1883 Clark. See Penn. L. J. Crnmrine. 3 vols 1853-1873 Delaware county. Ivol 1883-1886 Legal gazette. 1 vol 1869-1872 Luzerne legal register. Keprint. 2 vols. . 1882, 1884 Same. Original edition. 1 vol. . 1872-1873 Miles. City and county of Phila. 2 vols. 1825-1842 Parsons' select cases. 2 vols. . . . 1841-1851 Pearson's decisions. 2 vols. . . . 1850-1880 Perinypacker. Supreme court. 2 vols. . 1881-1882 Pennsylvania law journal reports. 5 vols. . 1842-1861 Philadelphia reps. Legal intellig'r cond. 15 vol. 1850-1882 Pittsburg reports. See Crumrine Vaux. Kecorder's decisions. 1 vols. . 1841-1845 Weekly notes of cases. 20 vols. . . 1874-1887 Digests. Bannard. Vol. 1 1886 Brewster. 1 vol 1861-1867 Brightly. 2 vols. . . . . . 1754-1877 Landis' index. 1 vol 1852-1871 Linn's anal, index. 1 vol. . . . . 1754-1856 Wharton and Supp. 3 vols. . . . 1754-1852 Wright's index. 2 vols 1754r-1877 Same. 2d ed. 2 vols. . . . 1754-1882 176 San Francisco Law Library. Ehode Island. State Reports— Continued. Khode Island. 14 yols. . Clapp. 1 vol. Digests, South Carolina. Law, Bay. 2 vols Brevard. 3 vols. . . . . Treadway's (S. C.) included in Brevard Mill's reports. Constitutional. 2 vols Nott and McCord. 2 vols in 1. McCord. 4 vols in 2. Harper. 1 vol. Bailey. 2 vols. Hill. 3 vols, in 2. . Kiley's law and equity. 1vol. Dudley. 1 vol, Kice. 1 vol. Cheves. 1 vol. McMullan. 2 vols, in 1. . Spears. 2 vols. Kichardson. Vols. 1-4. 4 vols Strobhart. 5 vols. Kichardson. Vols. 5-12. 8 vols. Eichardson. (13 law and 12 equity.) Eichardson. Vols. 14-15. 2 vols . Eichardson. New series. 10 vols. Shand. Vols. 12-20 S. C. reps. . 2 vols Ivol Chancery, Desaussure. 4 vols, in 2. Harper. 1 vol. McCord. 2 vols, in 1 Bailey. 1 vol. . Eichardson's cases. 1 vol. Hill. 2 vols. . Eiley. See law. 1 vol Dudley. 1 vol. . Eice. 1 vol. Cheves. 1 vol. McMullan. 1 vol. Period. 1828-1884 1828-1877 1783-1804 1793-1816 1812-1816 1817-1818 1817-1820 1821-1828 1823-1824 1828-1832 1833-1837 1836-1837 1837-1838 1838-1839 1839-1840 1840-1842 1842-1844 1844-1851 1846-1850 1851-1860 1860-1866 1866-1868 1868-1878 1877-1883 1784-1813 1824 1825-1827 1830-1831 1831-1832 1833-1836 1836-1837 1837-1838 1838-1839 1839-1840 1840-1842 Catalogue of United States Reports. 177 State Reports — Continued. Chancery— Continued. Period. Spear. 1 vol. . . 1842-1844 Eichardson. 2 vols. 1844-1846 Strobhart. 4 vols. . . 1846-1850 Richardson. 14 vols. 1850-1868 Digests, Chisholm and Hyde's index digest. 2 vols. 1783-1880 Conner. 1 vol. . . . , 1835-1854 Johnston's equity. 1 vol. . 1856-1868 McGrath's law. 1 vol. 1854-1868 Ravenel and McHugh. 1 vol. 1868-1879 Rice. 2 vols 1783-1838 Simonton and Conner's chancery digest . 1vol. 1780-1856 Thomas. 1 vol. .... 1877-1885 Tennessee. Overton. 2 vols. 1791-1817 Cooke. 1 vol. . .'..*. 1811-1814 Haywood. 3 vols. . . . , 1816-1818 Peck. 1 vol. . . . 1822-1824 Martin and Yerger. 1 vol. 1825-1828 Yerger. 10 vols. . . . 1832-1837 Meigs. 1 vol. ..... 1838-1839 Humphrey. 11 vols. 1839-1851 Swan. 2 vols. 1851-1853 Sneed. 5 vols. . . . 1853-1858 Head. 3 vols. 1858-1859 Coldwell. 7 vols. . '. 1868-1870 Heiskell. 12 vols 1870-1878 Baxter. 9 vols. 1872-1878 Lea. 16 vols. ..... 1878-1886 Thompson's unreported cases. 1 vol. 1847-1869 Chancery. Cooper. 3 vols. . . . . 1872-1878 Digests, King. 4 vols. . . . . ■ 1791-1869 Same. 2d ed. 3 vols. 1791-1880 Hunter and Myers' index digest. 1 vol I. . 1791-1872 Meig. 2d ed. 3 vols. 1791-1881 Quarles' criminal digest. 1874 178 San Francisco Law Library. State Reports — Continued. Texas. Eeports. 67 vols. . . Court of appeals. 2,3 vols. Same. Civil. 2 vols. Posey's unrep. cases., 1 vol. Digests, 1vol. Herron's citations. Myer. 2 vols. Paschal. 3 vols. Posey's criminal. 1 vol Sayle's notes. 1 vol. Eeports. 3 vols. N. Chipman. 1 vol. D. Cbipman. 2 vols. Tyler. 2 vols. Brayton. 1 vol. Alliens. 2 vols. Vermont. 59 vols. Utah. • . Vermont. Digests. Washburn. 1 vol. Washburn's supp. Boberts. 1 vol. 1vol. Virginia Jefferson. 1 vol. • . Wythe. Chancery. 1 vol. Washington. 2 vols. Cases. 2 vols, in 1. Call. 6 vols. Hening and Munford. 4 vols. Munford. 6 vols. Gilmer. 1 vol. Kandolph. 6 vols. Leigh. 12 vols. Eobinson. 2 vols. , Grattan. 33 vols. Matthews. 1 vol. Hansbrough. 6 vols. Patton, Jr., and Heath. Spec. ct. of app. 2 vols. Period. 1846-1887 1876-1887 1876-1885 1879-1880 1840-1881 1840-1880 1846-1871 1840-1886 1846-1869 1871-1884 1789-1791 1789-1825 1800-1803 1815-1819 1826-1827 1826-1887 1789-1843 1844-1850 1789-1877 1730-1772 1788-1799 1790-1796 1789-1826 1797-1825 1806-1809 1810-1820 1820-1821 1821-1828 1829-1841 1842-1844 1844-1880 1881-1882 1881-1886 1855-1857 Catalogue of United States Reports. 179 State Reports— -Continued. Digests. Converse's index. 1 vol. . Martin's index. 1 vol. Fatten and Heath's index. 1 vol. Kojall's dig. to Grattan's rep. 2 vols. Tate's index. 2 vols. ... Washington Territory. Washington territory. 1 vol. Same. New series. 2 vols. West Virginia. ' West Virginia. 28 vols. . Converse's index. Bedinger. 1 vol. Bent. 1 vol. 1vol. Digests. Wisconsin. Burnett. 1 vol. ..... Chandler. 4 vols. . . . . Pinney. 3 vols. . . . ' . Wisconsin. 67 vols. . . ' . Digests. Sheppard. 2 vols Simmons. 2 vols Starr's reference digest. 1vol. Wight's table of cases. 1 vol. Wyoming Territory. Wyoming. 2 vols. Digest of all the Reports. Waterman's American chancery digest. 3 vols. U. S. criminal digest. 1 vol. Kapalje and Lawrence's citations. 1 vol. Cockcrof t's table of cases. A to Biz. 1 vol Period. 1730-1881 1730-1880 1844-1855 1844-1872 1790-1845 1854-1864 1854-1885 1863-1886 1863-1880 1863-1882 1863-1887 1842-1843 1849-1852 1836-1853 1853-1887 1836-1883 1842-1874 1842-1882 1842-1875 1870-1882 Wheeler's American common law. United States. 29 vols. . Same. First series. 14 vols. Same. Table of cases. 1 vol. Same. Second series. Annuals. Same. Equity. 2 vols. 1851 1877 1881 1878 1878 1754-1869 1754-1869 1878 17 vols. 1870-1886 . Prior to 1847 180 San Francisco Law Library. Selected Cases from Various Reports. For leading cases, see subject index. Period. American decisions. 94 vols. . . . 1730-1868 Digests. 2 vols 1882,1885 Indexes. 2 vols 1880,1886 Keports. 58 vols 1868-1887 Digests. 3 vols 1870-1884 Index. Ivol 1868-1880 Railway cases. 2 vols. . . . - Same. Reports. 21 vols. . . . 1871-1879 and English corporation cases. 16 vols. 1883-1887 Same, Railroad cases. 29 vols. . . 1880-1887 Corporation cases. 10 vols. . . . 1868-1887 Criminal reports. 6 vols. ... , 1887 Probate reports. 5 vols. . . . 1881,1887 Fire insurance cases. Bennett. 2 vols. . 1729-1875 Life and accident ins. cases. Bigelow. 5 vols. 1852-1875 Mining reports. Morrison. 12 vols. . . 1883, 1887 National bank cases. 2 vols. . . . 1865-1879 National bankruptcy register. 18 vols. . 1867-1878 Patent Cases ^ viz: Robb. 2 vols. . . ... . 1789- Fisher. 6 vols. . . . ' . . 1848- Fisher. 1vol. . . . . . . 1821- Whiteman. 1vol. . . . . . 1861- Banning and Arden. 5 vols. . . . 1874- MacArthur. 1 vol. , . . . . 1841- Decisions commissioner of patents. 8 vols. 1869- 1850 1873 1851 -1865 ■1880 -1859 ■1881 ENGLISH REPORTS. Admiralty. Period. Marsden, 1 vol 1648-1840 Mario tt. 1 vol. 1776-1779 Kobinson, Sir C. 6 vols. . 1799-1808 Edwards. 1 vol. 1808-1810 Dodson. 2 vols. 1811-1822 Haggard. 3 vols. . . . 1822-1837 Eobinson, Dr. W. 3 vols. . 1838-1852 Notes of cases. 7 vols. 1841-1850 S pinks' eccl. and adm. 2 vols. . 1853-1855 Swabey. 1 vol. 1858-1859 Lushington. 1 vol. . 1860-1863 Browning and Lushington. 1 vol. 1864-1865 Crockford's maritime cases. 3 vols. 1860-1871 Holt's admiralty cases. Kule of the road. 1vol. 1863-1867 Spinks' prize cases. 1 vol. 2 parts all published . 1854-1856 Law reports. Admiralty and eccl. 4 vols. . 1865-1875 Probate division. 11 vols. . 1875-1886 Digests, Pritchard. 2 vols. . . • . • 1777-1865 3ded. 2 vols. . . 1887 Bail Court. Chitty. 2 vols. 1819-1820 Dowling. 9 vols. ..... 1830-1840 New series. 2 vols. 1841-1842 and Lowndes. 7 vols. 1841-1849 Saunders and Cole. 2 vols. 1842-1848 Lowndes, Maxwell and Pollock. 2 vols. 1850-1851 Wollarton and Maxwell. 1 vol. . 1852 Harrison and WoUaston. 2 vols. 1835-1836 T\^illmore, Wollaston and Davison. 1 vol. 1837 and Hodges. 2 vols. Arnold and Hodges. 1 vol. 1838-1839 1840 Wollaston. 1 vol. , 1840-1841 182 San Francisco Law Library. Bankruptcy. Kose. 2 vols. . Buck. 1 vol. Glyn and Jameson. 2 vols. Montagu and Macartliur. 1 vol. 1vol. and Bligh. 1 vol. Deacon and Chitty. 4 vols. Montagu and Ayrton. 4 vols. Deacon. 4 vols. . . . Montagu and Chitty. 1 vol. Deacon and DeGex. 3 vols. DeGex. 1 vol. Macnaghten and Gordon. 1 vol. and Jones. 1 vol. Fisher and Jones. 1 vol. Jones and Smith. 1 vol. Digests Chitty and Foster. 1 vol. Period. 1810-1816 1816-1820 1821-1828 1828-1830 1830-1832 1832-1833 1833-1835 1833-1838 1836-1839 1838-1840 1840-1844 1844-1848 1851-1855 1857-1859 1859-1861 1862-1865 1558-1840 Chancery. vol. Cary. 1 vol. Choice cases. 1 Tothill. 1 vol. Dickens. *2 vols. Keports. 1 vol. Nelson. 1 vol. Equity cases abridged Cases. 1vol. . Freeman. 1 vol. Finch, SirH. 1vol. Vernon. 2 vols. Finch's precedents. 1 vol. Peere Williams. 8 vols. Gilbert. 1vol. ^ . Select cases temp. king. Mosely. 1 vol. Kelynge, "W. 1 vol. . Talbot. Cases temp. 1 West. 1vol. . Atkyns. 3 vols. Ambler. 2 vols. Barnardiston. 1 vol. 2 vols. Ivol vol. 1557-1604 1557-1606 1559-1646 1559-1798 1615-1712 1626-1693 1660-1688 1660-1706 1673-1681 1681-1720 1689-1723 1695-1736 1705-1725 1724r-1734 1726-1731 1731-1736 1734-1738 1736-1739 1736-1755 1737-1784 1740-1741 Catalogue of English Reports. 183 Chancery — Continued. Ridgeway. Temp. Hardwicke. 1 vol. Vesey, sen., and Bell's supp. 3 vols. Eden. 2 vols. . Brown. By Eden. 4 vols. By Belt. 4 vols. Cox. 2 vols. Vesey, jun. Sumner's ed. 20 vols. and Beames. 3 vols. Cooper. 1 vol. Merivale. 3 vols. Swanston. 3 vols. Jacob and Walker. 2 vols. Jacob. 1 vol. Turner and Russell. 1 vol. Russell. 4 vols, and 2 parts, vol. 5. and Mylne. 2 vols. Mylne and Keen. 3 vols. . and Craig. 5 vols. Donnelly. 1 vol., and 1 part vol Craig and Phillips. 1 vol. Phillips. 2 vols. Macnaghten and Gordon. 3 vols DeGex, Macnaghten and Gordon. 8 vols and Jones. 4 vols. Fisher and Jones. 4 vols. Jones and Smith. 4 vols. Law reports. Appeal cases. 10 vols Chancery division. 35 vols. Equity cases. 20 vols. Collateral, Romilly's notes of cases. Part 1 of vol. 1. Wilson. 4 parts. 1 yol. Cooper. Temp. Brougham. 1 vol. Practice cases. 1 vol. Temp. Cottenham. 2 vols. . Hall and Twells. 2 vols. . Equity. 3 vols in 4. English chancery. American reprint 69 vols. Bridgman. 3 vols. Chitty. 3d ed. 3 vols. 4th ed. 5 vols. . Digests, Period. 1744-1746 1747-1756 1757-1767 1778-1794 1778-1794 1783-1796 1789-1816 1812-1814 1815 1815-1817 1810-1819 1819-1821 1821-1822 1822-1824 1826-1829 1829-1831 1833-1835 1836-1848 1836-1837 1841 1841-1849 1849-1851 1851-1857 JL857-1859 1859-1862 1862-1865 1865-1875 1875-1887 1865-1875 1787 1818-1819 1833-1834 1837-1838 1846-1847 1848-1850 1853-1856 1843-1874 1557-1821 1557-1853 1883-1887 184 San Francisco Law Library. Common Fleas. Benloe and Dalison. 1 vol. Anderson. 2 vols. Biownlow and Goldesborough. 1 vol. Saville. 1 vol. Hutton. 1vol. Bridgman, Sir J. 1 vol. Winch. 1 vol. Littleton. 1 vol. Hetley. 1 vol. Bridgman, Sir Orlando. 1 vol. Carter. 1 vol. Vaughan, 1 vol. Lutwyche. 2 vols. Translated by Nelson. 1 vol Cooke. 1 vol. Barnes. 1 vol. Willes. 1vol. Blackstone, H. 2 vols. Bosanquet and Puller. 5 vols. Taunton. 8 vols. Broderip and Bingham. 3 vols. Bingham. 10 vols. New cases. 6 vols. Manning and Granger. 7 vols. Common bench, with index. 19 vols New series. 20 vols. . Harrison and Hutherford. 1 vol. Law reports. Common pleas cases. 10 vols Common pleas division. 5 vols. . Collateral Marshall. 2 vols. Moore. 12 vols. and Payne. 5 vols. and Scott. 4 vols. Scott. 8 vols. New reports. 8 vols. Hodges. 3 vols. Arnold. 1 vol. Drinkwater. 1 vol. . Crown Cases. Kelyng, Sir J. Poster. 1 vol. 1vol. Period. 1486-1580 1534-1605 1569-1624 1580-1594 1612-1639 1613-1621 1621-1625 1626-1632 1627-1632 1660-1667 1664-1676 1665-1674 1682-1704 1706-1747 1732-1760 1737-1760 1788-1796 1796-1807 1808-1819 1819-1822 1822-1834 1834-1840 1840-1844 1845-1856 1856-1865 1866-1868 1865-1875 1875-1880 1814-1816 1817-1827 1828-1831 1831-1834 1834-1840 1840-1845 1835-1837 1838-1839 1840-1841 K. Chas. II 1743-1761 Catalogue of English Reports. 185 Crown Oases— Continued. Leach. 2 vols. . . « . Kussell and Ryan. 1 vol. . Lewin. 2 vols. Moody. 2 vols. Denison. 2 vols. Dearsly. 1 vol. Dearsly and Bell. 1 vol. . Bell. 1vol. Leigh and Cave. 1 vol. Cox's crim. law cases. 14 vols. Temple and Mew's crim. ap. cases. 1 vol. Crown cases reserved. 2 vols. . British. 6 vols. (Am. reprint.) Mew's criminal digest. Digests, 1vol. Ecclesiastical, Probate and Divorce. Lee. 2 vols. ...... Haggard. Consistory. 2 vols. . ' , Phillmore. 3 vols Addams. 3 vols., and part 1 of vol. 3. Haggard. 4 vols., and 2 parts of vol. 4. Curteis. 3 vols. . . * . Notes of cases in eccl. and mar. courts. 7 vols. Robertson. 2 vols, and 3 parts of vol. 2. Spinks' ecc. and adm. 2 vols. Deane. 1 vol. ...... and Swabey. 1 vol. .... Swabey and Tristram. 4 vols. . Searle and Smith. 1vol. Parts 1 and . 2. Phillimore. 1 vol. ..... English ecclesiastical. Am. reprint. 7 vols. Law reports. Admiralty and eccl. 4 vols. . Probate and divorce. 3 vols. Probate division. 11 vols. Waddilove. 1 vol. Glanville. 1 vol. Douglas. 4 vols Eraser. 2 vols. Philipps. 1 vol. Digests Election Cases. Period. 1730-1815 1799-1823 ] 822-1838 1824-1844 1844r-1852 1852-1856 1856-1858 1858-1860 1861-1865 1843-1882 1848-1851 1865-1875 1799-1851 1756-1883 1752-1758 1789-1821 1809-1821 1822-1826 1827-1833 1834-1844 1841-1850 1844-1851 1853-1855 1855-1857 1855-1857 1858-1865 1859-1860 1867-1875 1752-1844 1865-1875 1865-1875 1875-1886 1752-1848 1624 1774-1776 1776-1777 1782 186 San Fkancisco Law Library Election Oases— Continued. Luders. 3 vols. Peckwell. 2 vols. Corbett and Daniell. 1 vol. Cockburn and Kowe. 1 vol. Perry and Knapp. 1 vol. Knapp and Ombler, 1 vol. Falconer and Fitzherbert. 1 vol Barron and Austin. 1 vol. and Arnold. 1 vol. Power, Eodwell and Dew. 2 vols. Wolferstan and Dew. 1 vol. and Bristowe. 1 vol. O'Malley and Hardcastle. 3 v. and Prt. 1, of v. 4. Exchequer. Jenkins. 1 vol. Lane. 1 vol. Hardres. 1 vol. Bun bury. 1 vol. Parker. 1 vol. Anstruther. 3 vols. Forrest. 1 vol. Wightwick. 1 vol. Price. 13 vols. McOleland. 1 vol. and Younge. 1 vol. Tounge and Jervis. 3 vols. 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House of Lords. Shower. 1 vol. .... Colles. 1 vol. ..... Brown. By Tomlins. 8 vols. . Dow. 6 vols. ..... Bligh. 3 vols., and part 1, vol. 4. New series. 10 vols., pp. 526 of vol. Dow and Clark. 2 vols. Clark and Finnelly. 12 vols. Maclean and Kobinson. 1 vol. West. 1 vol. . . . . . Clark. 11 vols Law reports. Eng. and Irish ap. cases . 7 vols. Appeal cases. 11 vols. 11 King's or Queen's Bench. Placita Anglo-Normanica. 1 vol., 1879. Rotuli curiae regis. 2 vols., 1835-2. State trials, with index. 34 vols. Year books of Edward I. 5 vols. Edward III. 2 vols. . 11 vols. Bellewe. 1 vol. Keilway. 1 vol. Moore. 1 vol. Dyer. 3 vols. Brooke's new cases. \ March's translation of Brooke, j Benloe. 1 vol. Leonard. 1 vol. Plowden. 2 vols. Owen. 1 vol. . Noy. 1 vol. Coke. 6 vols. . Godbolt. 1 vol. Croke. 4 vols. Goldesborough. 1 vol. Ivol Period. 1817 1817-1819 1830-1832 1833-1841 1805-1810 1694r-1699 1697-1714 1702-1800 1812 1818 1819-1821 1827-1837 1827-1832 1831-1846 1839 1839-1841 1847-1866 1865-1875 1875-1886 1066-1195 1194-1199 1163-1820 1307-1537 1378-1400 1496-1531 1512-1621 1513-1682 1515-1558 1531-1628 1540-1615 1550-1580 1556-1615 1559-1649 1572-1616 1575-1638 1582-1641 1586-1602 188 San Francisco Law Library. King's or Queen's Bench--CoNTiNUED. Popham. 1 vol. Yelverton . 1vol. Hobart. 1. vol. Davies. Ireland. 1 v< Ley. 1 vol. Calthrop. 1 vol. Bulstrode . 1vol. EoUe. 2 vols. . Palmer. 1 vol. Jones, W. 1 vol. Latch. 1 vol. March. New cases. 1 Style. 1vol. . Alevn. 1 vol. . Siderfin. 2 vols. Baymond, SirT. 1vol. Levinz. 3 vols. Xeble. 3 vols. Kelyng, J . 1 vol. . Saunders. 3 vols. . Jones, T. 1 vol. Yentris. 1 vol. PoUexfen. 1 vol. Modern. 12 vols. Freeman. 1 vol. Shower. 2 vols. vol Skinner. 1 vol. Comberbach. 1 vol. Carthew. 1 vol. Holt. 1 vol. Salkeld. 3 vols. Eaymond, Lord. 3 vols. Fortescue. 1 vol. Comyns. 2 vols. Sessions cases. 2 vols. Gilbert's cases in law and equity. Strange. 2 vols. Barnardiston. 2 vols. Fitzgibbon. 1 vol. Kelynge, W. 1 vol. . Kidgeway, temp. Hardwicke. 1 vol Lee. Same. 1 vol. Cunningham. Same. 1 vol Andrews. 1 vol. Ivol Period. 1592-1627 1603-1613 1603-1625 1604-1612 1608-1629 1609-1618 1609-1639 1614-1625 1619-1629 1620-1641 1625-1628 1639-1653 1645-1646 1646-1649 1657-1670 1660-1684 1660-1697 1661-1679 1662-1669 1666-1673 1667-1685 1668-1691 1669-1685 1669-1732 1670-1704 1678-1695 1681-1698 1685-1699 1686-1701 1688-1711 1689-1712 1694-1734 1695-1738 1695-1741 1710-1748 1713-1715 1716-1749 1726-1735 1728-1733 1731-1736 1733-1737 1733-1738 1734-1736 1738-1740 Cataloc^ue of English Reports. 189 King's or Queen's Bench — Continued. Period. Wilson. 3 vols. Blackstone, W. 2 vols. Sayer. 1 vol. KeuyoD. 2 vols. Wilmot's notes and opinions. 1 vol. Burrow. 5 vols. Lofft. Ivol Cowper. 2 vols. Douglas. 4 vols. Durnforcl and East. 8 vols. East. 16 vols. Smith, J. P. 3 vols. Maule and Selwyn. 6 vols. Barnewall and Alderson. 5 vols. and Cress well. 10 vols. and Adolphus. 5 vols. Adolphus and Ellis. 12 vols. S. 18 V. Queen's bench. Adolphus and Ellis. N Ellis and Blackburn. 8 vols. Blackburn and Ellis. 1 vol. and Ellis. 3 vols. Best and Smith. 10 vols. . . Law reports. Queen's bench cases. 10 vols. Queen's bench division. 18 vols. Collateral, Dowling and Ryland. 9 vols. Manning and Ryland. 6 vols. Nevile and Manning. 6 vols. and Perry. 3 vols. Perry and Davison. 4 vols. Gale and Davison. 3 vols. Davison and Merivale. 1 vol. Harrison and Wollaston. 2 vols. Willmore, Wollaston and Davison. 1 vol. Wollaston and Hodges. 2 vols. . Arnold and Hodges. 1vol. Bittleston's chamber reports. 1 vol. Digests, Ashe's table to year books. 1 vol. Fleetwood. Same. 1 vol. 1742-1774 174G-1780 1751-1756 1753-1760 1757-1770 1757-1771 1772-1774 1774-1778 1778-1784 1785-1800 1801-1812 1803-1806 1813-1817 1817-1822 1822-1830 1830-1834 1834-1840 1841-1852 1852-1858 1858 1858-1860 1861-1870 1865-1885 1865-1887 1821-1827 1827-1830 1831-1836 1836-1838 1838-1841 1841-1843 1843-1844 1835-1836 1837 1838-1839 1840-1841 1883-1884 1307-1537 1484-1537 190 San Francisco Law Library. Magistrates' Cases. Period. Caldecott 1 vol 1776-7185 Nolan. Ivol 1791-1793 Dowling and Kyland. 4 vols. . . . 1822-1827 Manning and Eyland. 3 vols. . . 1827-1830 Carrow, Hamerton and Allen. New ses. cas. 4 vols. 1844-1851 Cox. 12 vols 1859-1882 Mercantile Cases. Dawson and Lloyd. 1 vol. . 1828-1829 Lloyd and Welsby. 1 vol. . 1829-1830 Nisi Prius. Peake. 2 vols. ' . . 1790-1812 Espinasse. 6 vols. 1793-1807 Campbell. 4 vols. 1808-1816 Holt. 1vol. 181.5-1817 Starkie. 2 vols, and part 1 of vol . 3. ! 1815-1822 Gow. 1 vol. 1818-1820 Dowling and Kyland. 1 part. 1822-1823 Evan and Moody. 1 vol. . 1823-1826 Carrington and Payne. 9 vols. 1823-1841 Moody and Malkin. 1 vol. 1827-1880 and Robinson. 2 vols. 1831-1844 Carrington and Marshman. 1 vol. 1840-1842 and Kirwan. 2 vols., and 2 parts of vol .3. 1843-1850 Foster and Finlason. 4 vols. 1858-1865 Clayton. 1 vol. . - . 1631-1650 Lilly. 1vol. ..... . 1688-1693 Patent Cases. Davies. 1 vol. . . . Carpmael. 2 vols. . . 1816 Webster. 2 vols. 1 part vol. 2. 1829-1855 Macrory. 1 vol. Only 2 parts published. . 1852-1856 Practice Reports. See bail court. Dowling. 9 vols. . . . . . 1830-1841 Bittleston. 1 vol 1875-1876 Privy Council. Acton. 2 vols. 1809-1811 Kaapp. 3 vols. . 1829-1846 Catalogue op English Reports. 191 Privy Council — Contintjed. Period. Moore. 15 vols 1836-1861 New series. 9 vols. . . . 1862-1872 East India appeals. 14 vols. . . 1836-1872 Appeals. 6 vols 1865-1875 10 vols. 1875-1885 Supplemental Indian appeals. 1 vol. . 1872-1873 Indian appeals. 11 vols. .... 1873-1884 Railway and Canal Cases. Nicholl, Hare, Carrow, Oliver, Bevan, Lefroy. 7 v. 1835-1855 Beavan and Walford. 1 vol. . . . 1846 Neville and Macnamara. R. and 0. traffic cases. 3 v. 1854-1881 Browne and Macnamara. Same. 1 vol. . 1881-1885 Registration Appeal Cases. Lntwyche. 2 vols. .... Keane and Grant. 1 vol. Hopwood and Philbrick. 1 vol. and Coltman. 2 vols. 1843-1853 1854-1862 1863-1867 1868-1878 Rolls Court. Tamlyn. 1 vol.. Keen. 2 vols. . Beavan. 36 vols. Equity cases. 20 vols. Chancery divisions. 30 vols. Cases of. 1 vol. . Sessions. 2 vols. Burrow. 1 vol. Caldecott. 1 vol. Settlement Cases 1829-1830 1836-1838 1838-1866 1865-1875 1875-1885 1710-1720 1710-1748 1732-1776 1776-7185 Eagle and Yonnge. Wood. 4 vols. Tithe Cases. 4 vols. 1204-1825 1650-1798 Vice Chancellor's Court. Maddock. 6 vols Simons and Stuart. 2 vols. 17 vols New series. 2 vols. 1815-1822 1822-1826 1826-1849 1850-1852 192 San Francisco Law Library. Vice Chancellor's Court— Continued. Drewry. 4 vols. and Smale. 2 vols. Tounge and CoUyer. 2 vols. CoUyer. 2 vols. DeGex and Smale. 5 vols. Smale and Giffard. 3 vols, Giffard. 5 vols. Hare. 11 vols. Kay. 1 vol. and Johnson. 4 vols. . Johnson. 1 vol. and Hemming, 2 vols. Hemming and Miller. 2 vols. Equity cases. 20 vols. Chancery division. 30 vols. Reports in Various Courts. Star chamber cases. 1 vol. Clayton. 1 vol. .... Lilly. 1 vol. ..... Conroy's custodiam reports. 1 vol. Kowe's parliam'y and military cases. 1 vol. Cripp's church and clergy cases. 1 vol. English common law and 3 indexes. 121 vols New reports. 6 vols. English law and equity. 40 vols. Legal Periodicals, Law journal and anal, digest. 10 vols. New series. 52 vols. . Jurist. 18 vols. New series. 12 vols. . 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Jacob's ed. 10 vols. . . . 1756-1883 Mew's ed. 7 vols 1756-1883 Supplements. 2 vols. . . . 1870-1880 Harrison and Supplements. 7 vols. . . 1756-1851 Law reports dig. 2 vols, in 3 parts . . 1866-1871 2ded. 4 vols 1865-1885 Tomlins' repertorium juridicum. 2 vols. . 1788 White's dig. of unreported cases. 1 vol. . 1866-1879 IRISH REPORTS. Appeals and Writs of Error. 7 vols. 1 vol. Eidgeway. 3 vols. . . : Law reports. English and Irish ap. ^Appeal cases. 11 vols. Chancery. Wallis, by Lyne. 1 vol. Schoales and Lefroy. 2 vols. Ball and Beatty. 2 vols. Beatty. 1 vol. .... MoUoy. Yol. 3, part 1. 2 vols. Lloyd and Goold, temp. Plunkett. Dniry and Walsh. 2 vols. . Connor and Lawson. 2 vols. Lloyd and Goold . / Drury and Warren. ) +^^^ oL^An,^^ Drury . . .i *®°^P* Sudgen Jones and Latouche v Drury 's select cases, temp. Napier. Irish reports. Equity. 11 vols. Law reports. Ireland. 18 vols. Circuit Cases. Crawford and Dix's abridged cases. 1 vol. 3 vols. . . Cases on the six circuits. 1 vol. Common Fleas. Smythe. 1 vol. .... Law reports . Ireland. 18 vols. Irish reports. Common law. 11 vols. Crown Cases. Jebb. 1 vol. Period. 1784^1796 1866-1875 1875-1886 1766-1791 1802-1806 1807-1814 1814-1830 1827-1829 1834-1839 1837-1840 1841-1843 1835 1841-1843 1843-1844 1844-1846 1858-1859 1867-1878 1878-1887 1837-1838 1839-1846 1841-1843 1839-1840 1878-1887 1867-1878 1822-1840 Catalogue of Irish Reports. 195 Ecclesiastical. Milward. 1 vol. Exchequer. Hayes. 1 vol Hayes and Jones. 1 vol. Jones. 2 vols Jones and Carey. 2 parts. Longfield and Townsend. 1 vol. Kings' Bench and Queen's Bench. Vernon and Scriven. 1 vol. Kidgeway, Lapp and Schoales. 1 vol. Fox and Smith. 2 vols. Smith and Batty. 1 vol. . Batty. 1 vol. .... Hudson and Brooke. 2 vols. Alcock and Napier. 1 vol. Cooke and Alcock. 1 part. Jebb and Symes. 2 vols. . Jebb and Bourke. 1 vol. , Nisi Prills. Armstrong, McCartney and Ogle. 1 vol. Blackham, Dundas and Osborne. 1 vol. Registry Cases. Alcock. Welsh. 1vol. 1vol. I Rolls Court. Hogan. 2 vols. .... Sausse and Scully. 1 vol. . Flanagan and Kelly. 1 vol. Reports in Various Courts, Davis, Sir J. 1 vol. . Law recorder, first series. 4 vols. Glasscock. 1 vol. . Law recorder, second series. 6 vols. Irish jurist. 7 vols. . jurist, new series. 11 vols. law, 13 vols. equity, 13 vols. 4 26 vols. Period. 1819-1843 1830-1832 1832-1834 1834-1838 1858-1839 1841-1842 1786-1788 1793-1795 1822-1824 1824-1825 1825-1826 1827-1831 1831-1833 1833-1834 1838-1841 1841-1842 1842 1846-1848 1832-1837 1832-1840 1816-1834 1837-1840 1840-1842 1604-1612 1827-1831 1831-1832 1833-1838 1849-1855 1855-1866 1838-1850 196 San Francisco Law Library. Reports in Various Courts— Continued. Period. Irish law, new series. 17 vols. . . . 1850-1866 chancery, new series. 17 vols. . . 1850-1866 Law reports. English and Irish ap. 7 vols. 1866-1875 Appeal cases. 11 vols. . . . 1875-1886 Law reports. Ireland. 18 vols. . . 1878-1887 Irish reports. Common law. 11 vols. . 1867-1878 Digests. Brunker's common law digest. 1 vol. . 1865 Gamble and Barlow's equity. 2 vols. . 1838-1867 Green. 1 vol 1867-1877 O'Donnell and Brady's index. 1vol. . . 1766-1838 I SCOTCH REPORTS. Consistorial Court. Period. Fergusson. 1 vol 1811-1817 Court of Session Cases. Sinclair. ...... 1540-1548 Maitland. 1550-1569 Colvil. . . . . 1570-1584 Haddington 1692-1624 Kerse 1610-1632 Nicolson. ..... 1610-1632 Auchinleck. . . . 1627-1635 Durie. 1 vol 1621-1642 English judges. 1 vol. 1655-1661 Gilmour. 1 vol. .... 1661-1666 Falconer. 1 vol. . . . . 1661-1685 Stair. 2 vols 1661-1681 Dirleton. 1 vol. 1665-1677 Fountainhall. 2 vols. 1678-1712 Harcarse. 1 vol. . . . . . 1681-1691 Dalrymple. 1 vol. . . 1698-1720 Forbes. 1 vol. 1705-1713 Bruce. 1 vol. ...... 1714-1715 Karnes (remarkable). 2 vols. 1716-1752 (Select). 1vol. ;. . . . 1752-1768 Edgar. Ivol " . 1724-1725 Elchies dictionary and notes. 2 vols. 1733-1754 Clerk Home. 1 vol. 1735-1744 Kilkerran. 1 vol. . . . , 1738-1752 Falconer. 2 vols, in 1. . . 1744-1751 Hailes. 2 vols. . . , • , 1766-1791 Bell. Ivol 1790-1792 Ivol. . . . 1794-1795 Hume. Ivol. . . . . . 1781-1822 Faculty of advocates. 14 vols. . 1852-1808 7 vols 1808-1825 ——14 vols 1825-1839 I 198 San Francisco Law Library. Court of Session Oases — Continued. Court of session cases. 16 vols. Second series. 24 vols. Third series. 11 vols. Fourth series. 10 vols. Deas and Anderson. 5 vols. Stuart, Milne and Peddie. 2 vols. Scottish jurist. 45 vols. Morrison's die. of dec, with syn. and indices. 22 v Brown's syn. of dec, inc. house of lord's ap. 4 v. supp., containing the unpublished dec. 5 vols Bell's dictionary of decisions. 2 vols. Court of Teinds. Shaw. 1 vol. Period. 1821-1838 1838-1862 1862-1873 1873-1883 1829-1833 1851-1853 1829-1873 1540-1808 1540-1827 ,1622-1794 1808-1833 1821-1831 House of Lords. Robertson. 1 vol Craigie, Stewart and Paton. 6 vols. . Shaw. 2 vols. .... Wilson and Shaw. 7 vols. Shaw and Maclean. 3 vols. Maclean and Robinson. 1 vol. . Robinson. 2 vols. .... Bell. 7 vols. ... Macqueen. 4 vols. . . The law reports. Scotch and div. ap. 2 vols appeal cases. 11 vols. . Murray. 5 Macfarlane. vols. 1vol. Shaw and Dunlop. Syme. 1 vol. , . Swinton. 2 vols. Broun. 2 vols. Arkley. 1 vol. Shaw. 1 vol. Irvine. 5 vols. Couper. 4 vols. Jury Court. Justiciary Cases. 1vol. 1707-1727 1726-1821 1821-1824 1825-1834 1835-1838 1839 1840-1841 1842-1850 1851-1865 1865-1875 1875-1886 1815-1830 1838-1839 1819-1831 1826-1830 1835-1841 1842-1845 1846-1848 1848-1852 1851-1867 1868-1882 Catalogue of Scotch Reports. 199 Reports in Various Courts. Period. Scottish law repeater. 18 vols. . . 1865-1881 Scottish jurist. 46 vols 1829-1873 Journal of jurisprudence. 29 vols. . . 1857-1885 Scottish law journal and sheriff ct. record. 3 vols. 1858-1861, Magazine and Same. 6 vols. . . 1861-1867 Digests. Shaw's supreme courts. 3 vols. . . 1800-1868 BRITISH COLONIAL REPORTS. DOMINION OF CANADA. Dominion Reports. Duval's Canada supreme court. 12 vols. Period. 1876-1886 Upper Canada — Now Ontario. [By order of the convocation, these reports axe in future to be printed in three series, to be called *' The Ontario Appeal Reports," *' The Ontario Reports," and '* The Ontario Practice Reports."] Appeal Cases. Grant. Error and appeal. 3 vols. . . 1846-1866 Ontario. 13 vols. ..... 1876-1887 Chancery. Grant. 29 vols. . Chancery chambers. Ontario. 12 vols. 4 vols. Common Fleas. Upper Canada. 32 vols. . Ontario. 12 vols. ... Election Cases. Patrick. 1 vol. Hodgin. 1 vol. 1849-1882 1858-1872 1882-1887 1850-1882 1882-1887 1824-1849 1871-1878 King's or Queen's Bench. Taylor's king's bench. 1vol. . . . 1824-1828 Draper's king's bench. 1vol. . . . 1829-1830 Upper Canada king's bench. Old series. 6 vols. 1830-1844 Upper Canada queen's bench. New series. 46 vols. 1844-1882 Ontario. 12 vols 1882-1887 Catalogue of British Colonial Reports. 201 Law Journals. Feriod. Upper Canada. 10 vols 1855-1864 Same. New series. 22 vols. . . 1865-1886 Canadian law times. 6 vols. . . . 1881-1886 Local courts and municipal gazette. 8 vols. 1865-1872 Digests, Cameron's queen's bench. 1 vol. . . 1830-1840 CasseFs supreme court. 1 vol. . . . 1875-1886 Cooper's equity. 1 vol. .... Eobinson and Joseph. 3 vols. . . . 1880, 1884 Smith and Joseph. 1 vol 1887 Bules of Procedure. Cassel's procedure in sup. and exchequer cts. of Canada .1877 Draper's rules of the court. . . . 1855 Taylor and Ewart's judicature act of Ontario. 1881 Lower Canada— Now Quebec. Seigniorial. In English. 2 vols. . . 1856 Lower Canada. 17 vols. . . . ' . 1851-1867 -Jurist. 30 vols 1857-1886 Journal. 4 vols. .... 1865-1868 Fyke. 1 vol 1810 Vice admiralty. 1 vol. . . . 1836-1874 Xa revue legale. ^ 7 vols 1869-1877 Critique de legislation et de jurisprudence du Canada. 3 vols. . . . 1871-1873 Legal news. ...... 'Montreal law reports. Superior ct. 2 vols. 1884-1886 Queen's Bench. 1 vol. . . . 1884-1885 ituart. Ivol 1810-1835 'Cook's admiralty. Ivol 1873-1884 Quebec law reports. 12 vols. . . . 1875-1886 Digests. iusignam's index. 1 vol. i . . 1863-1871 Robertson's index. 1 vol. • . . . 1863 ►tephen's Quebec law dig. 3 vols. . . 1810-1887 Municipal Court. Larrison and Hodgin. 1 vol. . . . 1845-1851 Practice Reports. [Chamber. 2 vols 1848-1853 Practice. 11 vols 1850-1886 202 San Francisco Law Library. MANITOBA. Period. Law reports. 2 vols. 1884 NEW BRUNSWICK. Kerr. 3 vols 1840-1848 Allen. 6 vols. 1848-1871 Hannay. 2 vols. 1867-1871 Pugsley. 3 vols. 1872-1876 and Burbridge. 5 vols. 1877-1882 and Trueman. 1 vol. 1882-1883 Berton. 1 vol. 1835-1839 Trueman. 1 vol. 1883-1885 Digests. Stevens. 1st and 2d eds. 2 vols. 1825-1879 NEWFOUNDLAND. Tucker's Select cases. . . . , 1817-1828 NOVA SCOTIA. Thomson's decisions 1 vol. 1834-1845 James. 1 vol. . 1853-1859 Thomson. 1 vol. 1856-1859 Cochran. 1 vol. 1859 Oldright. 2 vols. 1860-1866 Russell and Chesley. 3 vols. 1875-1879 and Geloert. 5 vols. 1879-1884 Russell's equity. 1 vol. 1873-1882 Stewart's vice-admiralty. 1 vol. 1803-1813 Young's admiralty. 1 vol. 1865-1880 HAWAIIAN I! 5LANDS • Hawaiian. 6 vols. 1847-1886 UNITED STATES STATUTES. statutes at large. 24 vols. 1789 to 1887. Compilations, Bevisions, Etc. Brightly's digest of laws. 3 vols. 1789 to 1869. Desty's federal constitution. 1879. Gordon's dig., including treaties. 4th ed. 1852. Hough's Am. constitutions. 2 vols. 1872. Ingersoll's abridgment of acts of congress in force. 1825. Paschal's annotated constitution of U. S. 1868. Poore, B. P. Federal and state constitutions. 2 vols. 1877. Revised statutes. 1st ed., 1875; 2d ed., 1878. Supplement to Same. 1881. Same, relating to Dis. of Col., post roads, and pub. treaties, 1875. Story's laws of U. S. 4 vols. 1789 to 1836. Synoptical index of laws from 1789 to 1851. Treaties with other countries. 1871. Miscellaneous Subjects. Brightly's annotated bankrupt law. 2d ed. 1871. Decisions concerning navigable waters. 1882. Laws relative to bridging nav. waters. 1805 to 1881. 1882. Loan acts. 1847 to 1868, and supplement to 1872. National bank act. 1864. Same, with decisions. 1870. Pension laws, decrees and rulings. 1882. U. S. consular regulations. 1870. Wolford's insurance statutes of the several states. 1870. And supplement. 1872. Tariff. ;Heyl, L. Import duties. 1872. \ Statutes of U. S. relating to revenue, commerce and navigation. 1868. [Internal revenue laws of U. S. in force. 1872, 1873. Morgan, S. T. Import duties. 1871. Ogden, E. D. Tariff. 1869. [street, A. B. Dig. of taxation in the states. 1863. llliams, C. F. Tariff laws of U. S. 1883. 204 San Francisco Law Library. Public Lands, Mines, Etc. Copp, H. N. Public land laws. 1869 to 1875. Decisions, opinions and instructions. Hart, A. Mining statutes of U. S., Cal., Nev. 1877. Laws, opinions of attorney-generals and instructions. 2 vols. 1838. of U. S. upon public lands, by the commission. 2 vols. 1881. Public domain, history and statistics. 1880. Mining decisions of commissioner gen. and sec. of int. 1874. U. S. mineral lands. 1881. American mining code. 1881. Eevised statutes relating to pub. lands. 1876. Segregation of mineral and agricultural lands. 1872. Skidmore, W. A. Revised statutes relating to mines. 1875. Van Arman's pub. lands in Cal. 1875. U. S. mining laws and regulations thereunder. 1872. Military Laws. Callan and Russell's compiled laws of navy and marine corps. 1775-1859. 1859. J. F. U. S. military laws. 1776-1863. 1863. Poland, J. S. Dig. U. S. military laws. 1860-1867. 1868. CONFEDERATE STATES. Statutes at large. 1861-1862 of provisional government. Constitution of confederate states and their treaties with Indian tribes. 1864. Same. 1 sess., 1 cong. 1862. Same. 2 sess., 1 cong. 1862. Same. 3 sess., 1 cong. 1863. Same. 4 sess., 1 cong. 1863-4. Same. 1 sess., 2 cong. 1864. Miscellaneous Works. General orders for confederate army. 1863 . Lester and Bromwell's digest of military and naval laws of confederate states. 1 sess., 1 cong.; 1 sess., 2 coDg. Regulations for confederate army. 1863. Catalogue of United States Statutes. 205 State Statutes. Alabama. Acts 1818, 1822, 1823, annually thereafter to and including 1832; extra 1832; annually thereafter, except acts for 1839, to and including 1845, 1847-8, 1849-50, 1851-2, 1853-4, 1855-6, 1857-8, 1859-60; called, 1861; second called, 1881; reg., 1861; called and reg., 1862, 1866-7, 1867-8, »Tuly, September and November sessions, 1868, and annually to and including 1876-7, 1878-9, 1880-1, 1882-3, 1884.-5. Bevisions, Digests, Etc, Aikins. Same. 2d ed. 1836. Meek's supplement to. 1841. Clay's digest of laws. 1843. Code. Ormond, Bagley and Goldthwaite. 1852. 1876. Constitution of 1867. Revised and amended. Revised Code. Walker. 1867. Toulmin's digest of laws. 1823. Abizona. Acts annual sessions, 1864 to 1868, inclusive, 1871, and biennial sessions thereafter to and including 1885. EevisionSj Digests, Etc, Bashford's compiled laws. 1864-1871. Compiled laws. 1877. Howell's code. 1864. Revised statutes. 1887. Arkansas. Acts 1840, 1842-3, 1844-5, 1846, 1848-9, 1850-1, 1852-3, 1854-5, 1856-7, 1858-9, 1860-1, 1864-5, 1866-7; April, 1868, 1868-9, 1871, 1873; special, 1874; 1874-5; adj., 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885. Bevisions, Digests, Etc. Code of practice, civil and criminal. 1869, Compiled laws. 1862. Constitution of . 1868. English's digest. 1848. Gould's Same. 1858. Gantt's digest of statutes. 1874. Mansf eld's Same. 1884. [Revised statutes. 1838. ^' iJ»I7BRSlTr osr 206 San Francisco Law Library. State Statutes — Continued. California. Acts annual sessions, 1850 to 1863, inclusive. 14 sessions. biennial sessions, 1863-4 to 1877-8, inclusive; 1880, 1881; extra, 1881; 1883; extra, 1884; 1885; extra, 1886; 1887. in Spanish, 1850-51, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1863, 1863-4, 1865-6,1867-8,1869-70,1875-6. Amendments to codes. 1873-4, 1875-6, 1877-8, 1880. BevisionSy Digests, Etc, Belknap's probate practice. 3d ed. 1873. Desty's Constitution of California. 1879. Garfield and Snyder's compiled laws. 1850-1853. Hart's California practice. 1853. Harston's practice. 1877. Hittel's general laws. 2 vols. 1850-1864. Parker's supplement to Same. 1864-1871. Labatt's practice act. 1856. Parker's practice act. 1868. Practice act. 1854. Statutes in force. 1873. Wood's digest. 1850-1857. Codes. Annotated codes. Haymond, Burch and McKune. 5 v. 1872. Code commissioners' report. 5 vols. 1781. examiners' Same. 1873. , parts of, in effect in 1872. Deering's annotated codes and statutes. 4 vols. 1885. Desty's penal code. 1883, 1885. Hart's civil code. 1880, 1881. Hittell's codes and statutes. Supplement. 3 vols. 1876, 1880. Newmark's code of civil procedure. 1881. Political code. 1883, 1885. Olney's code of civil procedure. 1874, 1876. Colorado. Acts 1861, 1862, 1864, 1870, 1874, 1876; 2d sess. of the state 1879; 1881, 1883. Revisiojis, Digests, Etc. Carpenter's mining code. 1st and 2d eds. 1879. Civil code. 1877. Constitution of 1876. Catalogue of United States Statutes. 207 State Statutes — Continued. BevisionSy Digests j Etc, — Continued. Frueauff 's section index to code of procedure. 1879. General laws. 1877. statutes. 1883. Morrison's mining right, 1874; 2d ed., 1875. Revised statutes. 1867. Connecticut. Acts and laws of general court of assembly. 1702. Same. 1702-1715. and laws, October, 1750; October, 1751; May and October, 1752; May, 1753; May and October, 1784, 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788; January, 1789; May and Octo- ber, 1789, 1796, 1797, 1798, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805; May, 1806; October, 1808; May and October, 1809, 1810, 1811, 1812; August, 1812; May and October, 1813, 1814; January, May and October, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818; May, 1819; pub. May, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1835; May and December, 1836; May, 1837; resolves, 1837; pub. and spec, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842; extra, October, 1842; pub. and spec, 1843, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1818, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853; pub., 1854, 1855; pub. and spec, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861; pub., October, 1861; pub. and spec, 1862; December, 1862; pub.. May, 1863; pub. and spec, November 1863; January and May, 1864; May, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869; pub., 1871, 1870, 1872; pub. and spec, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879', 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884. Private laws. 1789 to 1870. 6 vols. Revisions, Digests, Etc. Acts and laws printed by Green , 1715, Same. 1750. Same. 1784. - — Same. E. Babcock. 1786.^ Same. Hudson and Goodwin. 1805. Blue laws. 1833. Compilation. 1854. General statutes . 1866, 1875. Index of statutes. 1822-1829. Practice act. 1879. 208 San Francisco Law Library. State Statutes— Continued. Revisions, Digests, Etc. —Continued. Eevision. Swift, Whitman and Day. 1821. —Same. 2d ed. 1824. of Swift's digest. 2 vols. 1874. Treadwell, Brace and Perkins. 1805. Treadwell, Perkins and Day. 1808. Statutes. Published by Boswell. 1839. Dakota. General laws, 1882, 1862-3, 1883-4, 1864-5, 1865-6, 1866-7, 1867-8, 1868-9, 1870-1, 1872-3, 1874-5; 12th session in code of 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883. Revisions, Digests, Etc. Levisee's codes and supplement. 3 vols. 1883-1885. Eevised code of 1877. 2ded. 1880. Delaware. Laws from 1700 to 1813. 4 vols. 1797-1816. Sessions of 1813, and annually to and including 1827, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1835; special, 1835, special, 1836; 1837, 1839, 1841, 1843, 1845, 1847, 1849, 1851; adj., 1852; 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1861; special, 1861; 1863; adj., 1863; adj., January and October, 1864; 1865; adj., 1865; adj., 1866; 1867, 1869, 1871, 1873, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885. Revisions, Digests, Etc. Eevised law of 1829. Code of 1852. Same as amended. 1874. Florida. Acts territorial legislature, 1822, 1823, 1824-5, 1825, 1826-7, 1827-8, 1828, 1829, 1831, 1832. 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836. 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845. Acts and resolutions, general assembly of state, 1845; adj. sess., 1845; 1846-7, 1847, 1848-9, 1850-1, 1852-3, 1854; adj., 1855; 1856, 1858-9; adj., 1859; 1860-61, 1861; 12th assembly, 1st and 2d sess., 1862, 1863; 13th id., 1 sess., 1864; 14th id., 1st and 2d sess., 1865, 1866; 1868, 1869; extra, June, 1869; 1870; extra. May, 1870; 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885. Catalogue of United States Statutes. 209 State Statutes— Continued. BevisionSj Digests, Etc, Bush's digest of laws. 1872. Code of procedure. 1870. Duval's laws prior to 1840. Laws iu force. 1828. McCIellan's digest of laws. 1881. Thompson's digest. 1847. Georgia. Acts of 1821, 1822, 1823; extra, 1825; 1826, and annual sessions to 1843, inclusive; 1845, 1847, 1849-50, 1851-2, 1853-4, 1855-6, 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1862-3; 1863-4, called, 1863; called, 1864; 1865-6, 1866; called, 1868; 1869, 1870, 1871; January, July and August, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878-9, 1880-81, 1882-3. Revisions, Digests, Etc, Briscoe's digest of tax laws. 1859. Clayton's compilation. 1800-1810. Cobb's analysis of statutes in general use. 1846. new digest. 2 vols. 1851. Code. Clark, Cobb and Irwin. 1861. Kevised by Irwin. 1867. Same. Irwin, Lester and Hill. 1873. Same. Lester, Eowell and Hill. 1882. Foster's digest of laws in force 1820-1829. 1831. Hopkins' annotated penal laws. 1875. Hotchkiss' statute law. 1st ed., 1845; 2d ed., 1848. Lamar's compilation. 1811-1819. Marbury and Crawford's digest of laws. 1755-1800. Prince. Same, prior to 1820. Same, to 1837. Schley's English statutes in force. 1826. Idaho. Acts of 12 sessions, 1863-4 to 1882-3, 1885. Bevisions, Digests, Etc. General laws of 11th session, containing code of procedure. Eevised laws. 8th session. 1874-5. Statutes. 1887. 210 San Francisco Law Library. State Statutes— Continued. ' Illinois. Acts 1820-21; 3d assembly, 1st sess., 1822-3, 4tli id., 1st and 2d sess., 1824-5, 1826-7; 5th id., priv.; 6th id., 1828-9; 7th id., 1830-31; 8th id., priv., 1832-3; 9th id., 1st and 2d sess., 1834-5, 1835-6; 10th id., 1836-7, and spec, 1837; 11th id. pub., 1838; spec, sess., 1839-40, 1840-1, 1842-3, 1844-5; pub. and priv., 1846-7; pub. and priv., January, 1849; pub., October, 1849; priv., January, 1851; June, 1852; pub. and priv., 1853-4; pub. and priv., 1855, 1857, 1859 January, 1861; extra, April, 1861; pub., 1863; pub. and priv., 1865. pub. and priv., [1867; spec, sess., June, July, 1867; pub. and priv., 1869, pub., January, May, October and November, 1871 ; 1st and 2d adj. sess., 1873-4 ; pub., 1875; pub., 1877; pub., 1879; pub., 1881; 1882, 1883, 1885. BevisionSj Digests, Etc, Adams and Durham. Same. 2 vols. 1874. Purple's real estate statute. 1849. Cochran's annotated code. 1880. Gross' criminal Same, 1868. Index to laws. 1869. Eevised code. 1829-1827. Laws. 1833. statutes. Brayman. 1845. /S'ame. 1845. Same. Cothran. 1883. Same. Gross. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1872. Same. Kurd. 1874, 1877, 1880. Same. Starr and Curtis. 2 vols. 1885. Statutes. 1839. Statutes. Scates, Treat and Blackwell. 2 vols. 1858. Indiana. Territorial laws. 1801-1806. Eeprint 1886. Acts passed at regular sessions: 3d sess. to 53d sess., 1818- 1883, inclusive; called sess., 1858; spec, sess., 1861, 1865, 1869, 1872, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881. Local laws, 19th to 35th sess., inclusive, 1835-1851; spec. and local laws, 1852. Catalogue of United States Statutes. 211 State Statutes — Continued, Bevisions, Digests, Etc. Davis' revision of 1876. 2 vols. Revised laws of 1824-1831. statutes, 1838. 1843, 1852. statutes. 1881. Statutes. Gavin and Hord. 2d ed. 2 vols. 1870. Supplement to Same, Davis. 1870. Iowa. Territorial laws, 1838-9, 1839; extra, 1840; reg., 1840, 1841; local, 1842; 1843; extra, 1844; May and December, 1845. State acts and resolutions, 1846; reg. and extra, 1848, 1850, 1852, 1854; extra, 1856; reg., 1856, 1858, 1860; extra, 1861; reg. and extra, 1862, 1864, 1866, 1868, 1870; pub. and priv., 1872; adj., 1873; pub. and priv., 1874; acts and resolutions, 1876, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1884. Bevisions, Digests, Etc. Code of 1851; of 1860; of 1873. Davis' criminal Same. 1879. Laws. Revision of 1860. Miller's annotated code. 2 vols. 1880. McClain's annotated statutes. 1880. Supplement. 1884, Overton's Wisconsin and Iowa code of practice. 1875. Revised statutes, territorial. 1842-3. Stacy's code of procedure. 1878. Kansas. Territorial laws, gen. and priv., 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860; January, 1861. State laws, 1861, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867; spec, 1868; 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874; spec, 1874; 1875, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883; spec, 1884; 1885. Bevisions, Digests, Etc. Dassler's annotated statutes. 2 vols. 1876. Compiled laws. 1879, 1881, 1885. Compiled laws. 1862. General statutes. 1868. Shafer's index to Same. 1877. Statutes of territory. 1855. 212 San Francisco Law Library, State Statutes — Continued. Kentucky. Acts annual sess., 1819 to 1849; gen. and locallaws, 1850-51; pub. and priv. acts, 1851-2, 1853-4, 1855-6, 1857-8, 1859-60; called sess., January and May, 1881; gen. and local, September, 1861; November, 1861; February, 1862; August, 1862; January, 1863; pub. and priv., 1863-4; pub. and priv., adj., 1865, 1865-6; adj. sess., January, 1867; reg., 1867, 1868; adj., January, 1869; reg., 1869, 1870; adj., January, 1871; reg., 1871, 1872; adj., January, 1873; reg., 1873, 1875; pub. and priv., 1876, 1877-8; adj., 1878; pub. and priv., 1879-80, 1881-2, 1883-4. BevisionSy DiqestSy Etc. Bullitt's code. 1876. and Freeman's general statutes. 1883. General statutes. Bullock and Johnson. 1873. Johnson, Harlan and Stevenson's code, civil and crim. 1854. Littell's statutes. 5 vols. 1792-1816. and Swigert's digest. 2 vols. 1822. Loughborough's digest. 1842. Meyers' supplement to Stanton's revised statutes. 1866. Code. 1867. Criminal Same. Morehead and Brown's digest. 2 vols. 1834. Stanton's revised statutes. 2 vols. 1857. New ed. 2 vols. 1867. Louisiana. Acts 1st and 2d sess., territory of Orleans, 1804, 1805; acts two sess. 1st to 3d legislatures of Orleans, 1807 to 1811, inclusive; acts 1st, 2d, 3d leg. La., 1812 to 1814, in- clusive; acts two sessions each, 2d to 9th assembly, in- clusive; 1814-15 to 1830, inclusive; 1st and extra sess. of 10th assembly, 1831-1832; 1st and 2d sess., 11th to 16th assembly, 1833 to 1844; 1st sess. of 17th assembly, 1845; 1st and extra sess. of 1st and 2d leg. 1846, 1847, 1848; sess. of 1850, 1852, 1853, at Baton Eouge; 1st and 2d sess. at Baton Eouge, of 2d to 5th leg., 1854 to 1861, inclusive; 1st sess. 6th leg., 1861-1862; 1st, 2d and extra sess., 1st gen. ass., 1864, 1865; 1st and 2d sess. 2d gen. ass., 1866, 1867; 1st, 2d, 3d sess., 1868, 1869, 1870; extra sess., March, 1870; 1st and 2d sess. 2d and 3d leg., 1871 to 1874, inclusive; reg., 1875; extra sess., April, 1875; reg., 1876; 1st and extra, 1877; reg. and extra, 1878; 1st sess., 1879; reg., 1880; extra, Dec, 1881: reg., 1882, 1884, 1886. Catalogue of United States Statutes. 213 State Statutes—CoNTiNUED. EevisionSf Digests, Etc. Berlin's index of successions. 1849. Civil code. Edited by Voorliies. 1875. Same, Fuqua. 1867. Same. Morgan. French and English. 1853. Same. Eevised. 1870. Same. Wheelock, Upton and Jennings. 2 vols. 1838. Code of practice. See Livingston criminal code. Same. Euqna. 1867, 1870. Same. Greiner. 1839. -Same. Morgan. 1853. Same. Eevised. Edited by Yoorhies. 1875. Same. Voorhies. 1871. Livingston's criminal code. 1833. Eevised statutes* Phillips. 1856. Same. Pierce, Taylor and King. 1852. Same. Voorhies. 2 vols. 1876. Same of 1870, and Eay's edition of Same. 2 vols. Eobinson's penal law. 1841. Voorhies' criminal jurisprudence. 2 vols, in 1. 1860. Maine. Public laws, 1820, 1821 in revision of 1821, 1822; pub. and spec, 1823, 1824; pub., 1825, 1826; pub. and spec, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837, 1838, 1839; acts and resolves, 1840-1852, inclusive, annual sess. ; pub. laws, 1853 to 1856, inclu- sive; acts and resolves, 1857 to 1872, inclusive, annual sess.; priv. laws, 1872, pub., 1873; acts and resolves, 1874 to 1880, inclusive, annual sess.; 1881, 1883, 1885. Revisions, Digests, Etc. Eevised laws. 2 vols. 1821 . Sam£. Smith. 2 vols. 1834. Statutes. Eastman and Everett. 1841. •Same. Smith, Vinton and Cowan. 1857. Same. 1871. Same. 1883. Webb's railroad law. 1875. Maryland. Laws, 1811; extra sess., 1812, 1812-13; extra, 1813, 1813-14, 1814-15, 1815, 1819 to 1830-40, inclusive; annual sess., 1841-2, 1843-4, 1845-6. 1847-8, 1849-50, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1856, 1858, 1860, 1861-2, and spec, 1861, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868-1884, inclusive, biennial sess. 214 San Francisco Law Library. State Statutes— Continued. RevisionSj Digests, Etc, Alexander's British statutes in force. 1870. Bacon's revision. 1765. Marcy's Same. 3 vols. 1811. Baltimore Code. 1869. Maryland Same. 2 vols. 1860. Supplements to Same. 1861-1867, 1868, 1870. Ee vised Same. 1878. Herty's digest of laws in force, 1799. Index to laws and resolutions. 1800-1813. Same. 1832-1837. Laws. 1838-1845. Kilty's index. 1819-1825. Statutes of England appropriate to Maryland. 1811. Laws. Dorsey. 3 vols. 1692-1839. Hanson. 1765-1784, 1787. Kilty. 2 vols. 1692-1799. Kilty, Harris and Watkins. 5 vols., with appendix. 1800-1818. Ordinance of Baltimore. 1850. Massachusetts. Acts and laws 1783, 1784; Jan., May, Oct., 1785; Feb.; May and Sept., 1786; Jan., May and Oct., 1787; Feb., May, Oct. and Dec, 1788; May, 1789; Jan. and May, 1790; Jan. and May, 1791; Jan. and May, 1792; Id., 1793, 1794, 1795; Jan., May and Nov., 1796; Jan. and May, 1797; Jan. and May, 1798; Jan. and May, 1799; Jan. and May, 1800; Jan. and May, 1801; Jan. and Mav, 1802; Jan. and May, 1803; Jan., May and Nov., 1804; Jan. and May, 1805; Jan. and May, 1806; Jan. and May, 1807; Jan., May, and Nov. 1808; Jan. and May, 1809; Jan. and May, 1810; Jan. and May, 1811; Jan., May and Oct., 1812; Jan. and May, 1813; Jan. May and Oct., 1814; Jan. and May, 1815; Jan., May and Nov. 1816; May, 1817; Jan. and May, 1818; Jan. and May, 1819; Jan. and May, 1820; Jan., April and May, 1821; Jan. and May, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831; Jan., 1832, 1833, 1834; Jan. and Sept., 1835; Jan., 1836, 1837, 1838. and resolves, annual sess. 1838 to 1887 inclusive, and spec. sess. 1881. Eesolves, 1799 to 1838. Special laws. 12 vols. 1780 to 1870. Catalogue of United States Statutes. 215 State Statutes— Continued. BevisionSf DiqestSy Etc. Acts and resolves, province Mass. Bay. 2 vols. 1692-1741, 1869. and laws of Same. 1692-1741. Folio, 1742. Same. 1692 to 1761. Folio 1769. Same. 1742 to 1749. ■Same. Folio, 3 vols, in 1. 1780 to 1783. Ancient charters of Mass. Bay. 1814. Buell's questions on the statutes. 1876. Commissioner's report on revision of stats. 1835, id., 1858. Crocker's notes on the general statutes. 1869. General laws. 4 vols. 1780 to 1816. Statutes. 1860. Ordinances of Boston. 1864, 1869, 1870-74. Perpetual laws. 8vo. 1vol. 1780-1788. Same. Folio. 1780-1789. Same. 8vo. 1780 to 1807. Public statutes. 1882. Eesolves of the general court. 1780 to 1803. Revised statutes. 1886. Stearns, Shaw and Metcalf's gen. laws. 2 vols. 1823. Supplement to general statutes. 1836 to 1869. to Same. 1860-1876. White's dig. of laws. 2 vols. 1809. William's index to cases on the laws. 1860-1877. Michigan. Territorial laws, 1st, 2d and 3d leg., 1806 to 1811; reprint, 1884. Laws of 1832; 1834; extra and 2 sess., 6th council, 1835, 1835-6, 1st and extra sess.; annual sess., 1837 to 1851, inclusive; extra, 1861; reg., 1853, 1855, 1857; extra, 1858; reg. and extra, 1861; extra, 1862; reg., 1863; extra, 1864; reg., 1865, 1867, 1869; extra, 1870; reg., 1871; extra, 1872; reg., 1873; pub. and local, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1883, 1885. BevisionSj Digests, Etc. Compiled laws. 2 vols. 1871. Crawford's marginal notes. 1877. Howell's annotated statutes. 1882. Laws of Michigan, Compiled. 1827. Same. 1833. Bevised statutes. 1837-8. Same. 1846. Territorial laws. Compiled. 1805 to 1835. 216 San Francisco Law Library. State Statutes—CoNTiNUED. Minnesota. Territorial sess. laws, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857. Gen. sess. of state, 1858, 1859-60; gen. and spec, sess., 1861-62, 1862; extra, 1862; 1863, 1864, and annual sess., to 1879, inclusive; gen., spec, and extra sess., 1881; gen. and spec, sess., 1883, 1885. Revisions, Digests, Etc, Bissell's statutes at large. 2 vols. 1873. Edgerton's railroad laws, land grants, etc. 1872. Haines' township law. 1869. Kevised statutes. 1851. Same. 1849-1858. Same, 1866. Shaw's index. 1849-1875. Statutes. 1878. Supplement. 1879-1881. Mississippi. Laws of reg. sess., 1827, 1829, 1834, 1836, 1838; adj., 1839; reg., 1840; adj., 1841; reg., 1842; called, 1843; reg., 1844; 1846, 1848, 1850, 1852; called, 1852; reg., 1854, 1856; adj., 1856-7; reg., 1857; called, 1858; reg., 1861; called, 1861; reg., 1865; called, 1867; reg., 1870; 1872; 1873; called, 1873; reg., 1874, called, 1874; reg. and called, 1875; reg., 1876, 1877, 1878, 1880, 1882, 1884. Revisions, Digests, Etc. Alden and Van Hoesen's digest. 1839. Code. Hutchinson. 1798-1848. Compiled statutes. Mississippi territory. 1816. Compilation of public acts. 1824 to 1838. Howard and Hutchinson's compilation. 1840. Kevised codes. 1823, 1857 and 1871. Same. Campbell. 1880. Missouri. Laws of 1838, 1840, 1842; local and priv., 1844, 1846, 1848, 1850; 1852; local and priv. adj. sess., 1855; laws, 1856, and adj. sess., 1857; 1858, adj. sess., 1859; reg., 1860; reg., 1862; adj., 1863; reg., 1864; adj., 1865; reg., 1867; adj., 1868: reg., 1869; adj., 1870; reg., 1871;adj., 1871. reg., 1873; adj., 1874; reg., 1875; 1877; 1879, 1881; extra, 1882; reg., 1883, 1885. Catalogue op United States Statutes. 217 State Statutes— Continued. Revisions, Compilations, Digests, Etc. Annotated code of procedure. 1879. Garland's index to /S'aTTze.. 1868. General statutes. Denny, commissioner. 1865. Geyer's digest. 1818. Laws for government of district of Louisiana. 1804. of territory of Missouri. 1825-1836. Same for territory of La. 1808. Public and general laws of district and territory of La. and territory of Missouri. 1824. Eevision. 1825. Eevised ordinances of St. Louis. 1871. Statutes. 2d ed. 1835. Same. State ed. 1845. Same. Hardin, commissioner. 1855. Territorial laws to 1824. 2 vols. 1842. "Wagner's compiled statutes. 2 vols. 1870. Same. 3d ed. 2 vols. 1872. Winslow's revised statutes. Pocket ed. 1879. Montana. Laws, Istsess., 1864-5; 3d sess., 1866, 1867; extra, 1867; 1868-9, 1869-70, 1871-2; extra, 1873; reg., 1874, 1876, 1877; extra, 1879; reg., 1881, 1883. Revisions, Digests, Etc. Codified statutes. 1871-2. Revised Same. 1881. Nebeaska. Territorial laws, 1855, 1855-6, 1857, 1857-8, 1858, 1859-60, 1860-61, 1861-2, 1864, 1865, 1867; state laws, 1867, 1869, 1871; adj., 1872; 1873, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, extra, 1882, 1883, 1885. Revisions, Digests, Etc. Compiled statutes. 1881. General Same. 1873. Revised Same 1866. Nevada. 'Laws territorial leg., 1861, 1862, 1864. Sameoi state, 1864-5, 1866, 1867, and biennially to 1887 inclusive. 218 San Francisco Law Library. State Statutes — Continued. BevisionSf Digests, Etc. Compiled laws. Bonnifield and Healy. 2 vols. 1861 to 1873. General statutes. Baily and Hammond. 1885. New Hampshire. Laws: annual, June sess., from 1792 to 1879; June sess., 1881, 1883, 1885. November sess., 1792, 1797, 1800, 1803, 1804, 1808, 1812, 1816, 1820, 1824, 1828, 1832, 1836, 1840, 1842. 1844, 1848, 1852. December sess., 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1798, 1805. October sess., 1813. August sess., 1864. Revisions, CompilationSj Digests Etc. Compilation. 1699 to 1759, inclusive. 1761. -—1696 to 1771, inclusive. 1771. 1776 to 1780, inclusive. 1780. 1776 to 1787, inclusive. 1789. 1785 to 1791, inclusive. 1792. -1797. Compiled statutes. 1853. General Same and commissioners' report. 1867. Same, and revisers' report. 1877. Laws in force. 1805. Same. 1815. Same. 1830. Bevised statutes. 1842. Same. Eevisers' report on. 1842. New Jersey. Laws, October, 1779; October, 1780; October, 1781; Octo- ber, 1795; October, 1796; October, 1797; January, 1798; October, 1798; January, 1799; October, 1799; Octo- ber, 1800; October, 1801; annual sess., 1824 to 1839, inclusive; 1841, 1843, 1843-4, 1845, and annually to 1853, inclusive; 1855, and annually to 1861, inclusive; 1863, and annually to 1884, inclusive. Revisions, Digests, Etc. General acts. 1776. Honeyman's abridged pub. laws. Learning and Spicer's grants and laws. 1664 to 1702, Catalogue of United States Statutes. 219 State Statutes — Continued. Revisions, Digests, Etc\ — Continued. Nixon's digest. 1709 to 1868. 4th ed. 1868. Bevised statutes. 1877. Laws. 1703 to 1799, inclusive. 1800. Same, 1703 to 1820, inclusive. 1821. New Mexico. Laws containing Kearney's code, 1st and 2d sess. of 1st leg., June and December, 1851; December, 1854; 1857-8, Spanish; 1858-9, Eng. and Sp.; 1859-60, En^. and Sp.; 1860-61, Eng. and Sp.; 1862-3, Eng. and Sp.; 1863-4, Eng. and Sp.; 1865-6, Eng. and Sp.; 1866-7, Eng. and Sp.; 1867-8, Eog. and Sp.; 1868-9, Eng. and Sp.; 1869-70, Eng. and Sp.; 1871-2, En^. and Sp.; 1873-4, Eng. ; 1875-6 Eng., and Sp. ; 1878, Eng. and Sp. ; 1880, Eng. and Sp.; 1882, Eng. and Sp.; 1884, Eng. and Sp. Revisions, Digests, Etc, Compiled laws. 1884. Prince's compilation of general laws. 1880. Revised statutes and laws in force. 1865. New Toek. Laws, 30th sess., 1807, 1808; priv., 32 sess., 1808; pub., 1810; laws, 1811, 1812; 36th sess., 1812; 37th, Jan., 1814; 38th, Sept., 1814 (Webster and Skinner); 39fch, Jan., 1816; 40th, Nov., 1816; 41st, Jan., 1818 (Gould's ed.); 42d, Jan., 1819; 43d, Jan., 1820; 44th, Nov., 1820 (Gould's ed.); 45th, Jan., 1822; 46th, Jan., 1823; 47th, Jan., 1824 (Gould's ed.); Jan., 1825; 1826, 1827; Jan. and Sept., 1828; Jan., 1829, 1830 and annual sessions thereafter, to and including 1887; also special session, 1851. Revisions, Compilations, Etc, Birdseye's chronological index. 1777-1887. 2 vols. 1887. Cook's highway laws. 1st and 2d eds. 1870, 1875. Duke's laws. Beprint. 1811. Fay's digest of the laws. 3 vols. 1876. Guide to changes in the laws. 1873. General index to laws. 1777-1850. Greenleaf's revision. 2 vols. 1792. Highway laws. 1860. Hough's annotated constitution of 1846. 220 San Francisco Law Library. State Statutes— Continued. Revisions^ Compilations, Etc. — Continued. Jones and Varick's compilation. 2 vols. 1789. Laws relating to city of New York. 1862. Revised statutes. 1st ed., 1829; 2d ed.. 1836; 3d ed., 1846; 4th ed., 1852; 5tli ed., 1859; 6tli'ed., 1875; 7th ed., 1881. Same. Commissioners' first draft, part III, chap. 1 to 21. 2 vols. 1875. Shaw's banker's code. 1875. Statutes at large. Edmonds and Field. 9 vols. 1869- 1875. Thompson's assessor's manual. 2d and 5th eds. 1870, 1876. Supervisor's manual. 2d and 4th eds. 1867, 1875. Van Ness and Woodworth's compilation. 2 vols. 1813. Webster and Skinner's revision. 4 vols. 1802, 1804, 1806. Codes. Bank's annotated code. 1883. Code. 1870. Bliss' N. Y. annotated code. 1877. Same. 2 vols. Chaps. 1 to 22. 1880. Code of criminal procedure. 1881. Howard's N. Y. code. 1862. Parson's pocket code. 1876. Penal code. 1881. The code of 1849. The codes as reported. Field's ed. 9 vols. v. y. Throop's code of civil procedure. 1877, 1880, 1882. Code of remedial justice. 1876. Voorhies annotated code of procedure. 4th ed., 1855; 10th ed., 1870. Wait's code of civil procedure. 1871, 1877. North Carolina. Laws enacted at sessions 1817, 1818, 1820, 1822, and annually thereafter, to and including 1836; 1838-9, and biennially thereafter, beginning with the even years to and including 1860-61; pub. and priv., 1st extra sess., 1861; Same, 2d extra, 1861; Same, reg., 1862-3; Sayne, adj. sess., Feb., 1863; Same, called sess., 1863; ordin- ances of state convention, 1st to 4th sess. inclusive, 1861 to 1862; pub. and priv. laws adj. sess., Dec, 1863; Same of adj. sess., 1864; pub. reg. sess., 1864-^, I> Catalogue of United States Statutes. 221 State Statutes — Continued. NoBTH GAROLmA— Continued. and of adj. sess. 1865; ordinance convention, 1st sess., 1865; pub. laws rag., 1865; pub. and priv., 1866; pub. laws of 1861-62-63-64 and one in '59, printed in 1866; ordinances state convention, 1865-6; pub., 1866-7; 1868-9; convention of 1868, 1869-70; pub. and priv., 1870-1; 1871-2, 1873-4, 1874-5, 1876-7; 1879; spec, sess., 1880, 1881, 1883, 1885. Revisions, Digests^ Etc, Battle's revisal. 1873. Code of civil procedure. 1868. Code of 1883. 2 vols. Haywood's manual. 3d ed., 1814; 4tli ed., 1819. Iredell's digested manual. 1838 to 1846, 1847. ■ Same. 1838 to 1850, 1851. Eevised code. Moore and Biggs. 1854. Revised laws. Potter, Taylor and Yancy. 2 vols. 1821. Statutes. Nash, Iredell and Battle. 1 vol. 1837. Laws, Taylor. 1821 to 1825, 1827. Tourgee's code. 1878. Ohio. Acts 1st gen. assembly, 1803; id. 2d, 1803-4; 1804; 1805, and annually thereafter, to and including 1818; gen. and local laws, 1819; acts, 1820; gen. and local, 1821; acts, 20th assembly, 1822; gen., 23d assembly, 1824; gen. and local, 1825, 1826; gen., 1827; gen. and local, 1828, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1834, and thereafter annual sess. to and including 1850; gen. laws, January, 1852; gen. and local, November, 1852; local, 1854; gen. and local, 1856, 2d sess., 1857, 1858, and 2d sess., 1859; 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863,1864, 1865, 1866; adj. sess., 1867, 1868; adj., 1868; reg., 1870; adj., 1871; reg., 1872; adj., 1873; reg., 1874; 2d sess., December, 1874; 1876; adj., 1877; reg., 1878; adj., 1879; 1st, 1880; adj., 1881; 1st, 1882; adj., 1883; reg., 1884. Revisions J Digests, Etc. Chase's statutes. 3 vols. 1833. CoggeshalFs index to laws. 1845 to 1857. 1858. Curwen's statutes at large. 3 vols. 1833 to 1853. Revising index. 1849. General ordinances of Cincinnati. 1878. 222 San Francisco Law Library. State Statutes— Continued. BevisionSf Digests^ Elc. ^Continued, Land laws of Ohio. 1825. Peck's municipal laws of Ohio. 1875. Kevision of 1816. Eevised laws, 1823-4; Same, 1831. Statutes. 2 vols. 1880. Supplement of 1884. Swan's Same. 1841. Kevised Same. 1854. and Critchfield's Same. 1860; 1870. ' and Sayler's supplement. 1868. Sayler's statutes. 4 vols. 1876. Warren's Ohio criminal law. 1857. Codes. Codes of practice. 1853. Morzan's annotated code of procedure. 1874. Seney's code of Same. 1860. Same J annotated. 1874. Oregon. Laws from 1843 to 1849; July, 1849; May, 1850; gen., 2d sess., 1850-51; 3d sess., gen. and local, 1851-2; 4th sess., gen. and spec, 1852-3; 7th, 1855-6; 8th, 1856-7; 9th, 1857-8; 10th, 1858-9; 1 extra, 1859; 1st reg. sess. State, 1860; gen., 2d sess., 1862; 3d sess., gen., 1864; spec, sess., 1865; 4th sess., 1866, and reg. biennial sess. thereafter to and including 1882; 1885, 1887. Revisions, Digests, Etc, Deady's statutes. 1845 to 1864. 1866. and Lane's general statutes. 1843 to 1872. Code. 1863. Statutes in force. 1853. 1845. Pennsylvania. Laws of annual sess. from 1801-2 to 1838-9, both inclusive, and from 1840 to 1879, both inclusive; 1881, 1883, 1885. Revisions, Digests, Etc. Brightly's Prudon's digests. 9th ed. 1700-1870. SamQ. 10th ed. 1700-1872. 2 vols. 1873. Annual. 1873 to 1878. Dallas' compiled laws. 1700 to 1801. 4 vols. 1797-1801. — ^Laws of the commonwealth. 1700 to 1810. 4 vols. 1810. 5th vol., 1812. Catalogue of United States Statutes. 223 State Statutes— Continued. Revisions^ Digests, Etc, — Continued. Dunlop's Same. 1700 to 1862. 1853. Expired, altered or repealed acts relating to property. 1775. Freedly's general corporation laws. 1882 . Laws relating to commissioners of deeds. 1861. in force, 1742. Samey 1782. Ordinances of Philadelphia in force. 1868. Koberts' British statutes in force. 2d ed. 1847. Shield's penal code. 1883. Ehode Island. Public laws, 1814-17; 1817-19; 1819-21; 1822-25; 1825-27 1827-29; 1829-31; 1831-33; 1833-35; 1835-37; 1837-39 1839-40; 1840-42; 1844-46; 1846-47; 1848-51; 1851-53 1857-67; 1867-69; 1869-71; 1873-78. Acts and resolves, August, May and October, 1850; May, June, and October, 1851; January, May, June and October, 1852; January, May, June, September and October, 1853; January, 1854; January and May, 1855; January and May, 1857; January, 1859; May, 1860; April, May and August, 1861; May, 1862; January, 1864; January, 1865; May, 1867; January, 1869; May, 1870; January, 1871; January and May, 1872; January, and May, 1873; January and May, 1874; January and May, 1^5; January and May, 1876; January and May, 1877; acts and resolves and pub. laws, January, 1878; acts and resolves, May, 1878; pub. laws and acts and resolves, January and May, 1879; Same, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886. Revisions, Digests, Etc. General statutes. Sheffield, Payne and Hayes. 1872. Public laws, 1857; Same, 1844; Same, 1822. Statutes. Tobey, Addeman and Carpentier. 1882. Revised Same. 1857. South Cabolina. Acts of 1838 to 1849; 1850 to 1860; 1861 to 1866; 1868 to 1871; 1871-2 to 1873-4; 1875-6 to 1878; reg. sess., 1879; extra sess., 1880; reg., 1881-2. extra, 1882; reg., 1882; extra, 1882; 1883, 1884. 224 San Francisco Law Library. State Statutes— Continued. Bevisions, CompilationSy Etc. Acts of general assembly. 1791 to 1804. 2 vols. 1808. Brevard's digest of statute law. 3 vols. 1814. Code of procedure. 1870. Flagg's digested index. 1837 to 1857. 1858. General statutes. 1882. Grimke's public laws. 1694 to 1790. 1790. Eice's digested index to 1836. 1838. Eevised statutes. 1873. Statutes at large. Cooper and McCord. 1682 to 1838. 10 vols. 1836-1839. Tennessee. Pub. and priv. laws, 1820, and annually to and including 1827; 1829; pub., 1831; 1835-6; acts, 1837-8 and bi- ennially to and including 1859-60; pub. and priv., extra sess., 1861; pub., 1865; 1865-6; extra, 1866; 1866-7 extra, 1868; 1868-9; November, 1869; May, 1870; 1871 called sess., 1872; 1873; January, 1875; January, 1877 January, 1879; 1881; 1st extra, December, 1881; 2d extra, April, 1882; January, 1883; January, 1885. Revisions, Digests^ Etc, Code. Miliken and Yen tress. 1884. 1858. Shankland's supplement. 1871. Compilation of the statutes. Thompson and Stegler. 3 vols. 1871. Statute laws. Haywood and Cobbs. 2 vols. 1831. - — Same. Caruthers and Nicholson. 1836. Same, Supplement by Nicholson. 1848. Texas. Laws, 1836, 1837, 1838-9, 1839-40; 1841-2; spec, sess., 1842^ 1842-3; 1843-4; state, gen. and spec, 1846; gen., 1848; gen. and spec, 1849-50; extra sess., August and November, 1850; gen. and spec, 1851-2; gen. extra sess., 1853; gen., 1853-4; gen., 1855; gen. adj. sess. 1856; gen. and spec, 1857-8, gen. and spec, 1859-60 gen. and extra sess., 1861; laws, 1861-2; extra sess. 1863; reg., 3863; called sess., 1864; 2d extra, 1864 reg., 1866; gen. and spec called sess., 1870; 1871; adj sess. 1871; 1873, 1874; 2d sess.. 14th leg., 1875; 1876 gen. and spec, 1881; called, 1882; gen. and spec, 1883 spec, sess., 1884; gen. and spec, 1885. Catalogue of United States Statutes. 225 State Statutes— Continued. Bevisioiis, Digests, Mo. Alphabetical index laws of republic of Texas. 4 vols. Colonizatiou laws of Tamaulipas. 1826. Digest of laws. Dallam. 1845. Same. Hartley. 1850. Laws and decrees of Coahuila and Texas. 1824-1835. Ordinances of convention of 1866. of constitutional Same. 1870. and decrees of provisional government. 1836. Paschal's laws. 2d ed. 1870. Eevised statutes. 1879. Sayles' annotated constitution. 1884. Utah. Acts, 1855-6, 1856-7, 1858-9, 1859-60, 1861-2, 1862-3, acts and res., 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1872, 1874, 1878j laws, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1886. Revisions, Digests, Etc. Compiled laws. 1850 to 1855. 1855. Same. 1851 to 1870. 1870. Same. 1876. Vermont. Statutes, 1787; acts of 1788 to and including October sess., 1791, in revision of 1791; October, 1792; October, 1793, 1794, 1795, 1796, 1798, 1799. Annual sess. laws. 1800 to 1869 inclusive. Biennial sess. 1870 to 1884 inclusive. Eevisions, Digests, Etc. Compiled laws of 1808; Same of 1816; Same of 1824; Same of 1834; Same of 1850. General statutes, 1862, and appendix, 1870. Laws. 1779 to 1786, in Vermont state papers. 1823. Revised laws. 1880. Statutes of 1791; Same of 1797; Same oi 1839. Virginia. Laws of annual sess. from 1807 to 1859-60 inclusive, and extra sess. of May, 1813, and of June, 1837; acts of 1861; extra, 1861; 1861-2; extra, 1862; called sess. of 1862 and 1863; reg., 1863-4; -adj., 1863; reg., 1865-6; 1869-70, and annually to and including 1877-8; 1879-80; reg. and extra, 1881-2; 1883-4; extra, 1884. 226 San Francisco Law Library. State Statutes— Continued. Bevisions, Compilations , Etc. Acts in force. 1769. Same from 1768-1783. Same ed. of 1794. Code, 2d ed. 1860. Eevised, 1803; Same 1808; Same 1812; Same 1814. Laws of Virginia and revised code. 2 vols. 1819. Same. Supplement. 1833. Matthew's crim. dig., 2d ed., 1871; Same 1878. Ordinances, secret sess., April and May, 1861; of conven- tion, June and November, 1861; constitution of March, 1861; new constitution and bill of rights of 1850-1, as amended in 1860-1; ordinances and constitution of con- vention of 1864. Statutes at large. Henning. 13 vols. 1619-1792. Same. Shepherd. New series. 3 vols. 1792-1808. Washington Territory. Laws, February sess., 1854; December, 1854, and annual sess. thereafter to and including 1867; biennial sess. in odd years thereafter to and including 1885-6. BevisionSy Digests^ Etc. Washington code. 1881. West Virginia. Acts of July sess., 1861; December, 1861-2; May, 1862; December, 1862-3, and 1863; annually to and including 1872; 1872-3; 1875, and biennially to and including 1885. BevisionSy DigestSy Etc. Code of 1868. Kelly's revised statutes. 2 vols. 1878. Wisconsin. Laws, territorial, 1836; 1837-8; 1838 and adj. sess., 1839; 1839-40; August, 1840; reg., 1840-41; 1841-2; March, 1843; 1843-4; 1845-6; 1846, 1847; spec, sess., October, 1847; February, 1848. State laws, 1848; act4 and resolves, 1849 and annually to and including 1883, 1885, with extra sess. of 1862. BevisionSy DigestSy Etc. ' Overton's Wisconsin and Iowa code of practice. 1875. Revised statutes. 1849. Same. Supplement. 1852. Sam£. 1858. Sam^. Taylor. 2 vols. 1871. Same. 1878. Catalogue of United States Statutes. 227 State Statutes— Continued. Wyoming. Laws, 1869; 1871; 1873; 4th sess., See compiled laws, 1877, 1879; 1882; 1884. Bevisions, Digests, Etc, Compiled laws. 1876. District of Columbia. Acts of reg. sess., 1871; 1st and 2d spec, sess., 1872; reg. sess., 1872; reg. sess., 1873. Bevisions, Digests, Etc. Hall's index. 1823. Hewitt's digest. 1818. Thompson's digest of laws, 1855, 1863. ^ Webster's digest of laws of corporation of Washington. 1868. See Kilty's laws of Maryland and the revised statutes. 1875. FOREIGN STATUTES. Argentine Republic. Codigo civil. 1870. Austria. Civil code. 1811. —Procedure. 1882. Commercial code. 1877. Criminal Same, 1877. . Procedure. 1873. Fueros. 1865. Basque Provinces. Belgium. Civil code. Procedure. Commercial code. Criminal Same, Procedure. Bound in 1 vol. 1881-2. Canada. PllOVINCE OF. Alphabetical index. G. W. Wicksteed. 1792-1856. Chronological index. Same. 1792-1856. Consolidated statutes. 1859. Parliamentary debates on the confederation. 1865. Provincial statutes. 6 vols. 1841 to 1851. Seigniorial documents. 3 vols. 1851. Statutes from 1852 to 1872. 10 vols. Dominion of. Annual sess., 1873; 1874; 1875; 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1880-81, 1882, 1883, 1864, 1884-5, 1886, 1887. Catalogue of Foreign Statutes. 229 Canada — Continued. BevisimWf Digests, Etc. Constitution. J. Doutre. 1880. Clarke, S. R. Insolvent act of 1875. 1877. Edgar, J. D. Insolvent act of 1869. and Chrysler's Same. 1875. Ewarts, J. S. Index of the statutes. 1874. Macmahon's insolvent act. 1875. O'Sullivan, D. A. Manual of government. 1879. Revised statutes. 2 vols. 1886. Teschereau, H. E. Criminal acts of 1869. 1874. Wotherspoon's insolvent act. 1875. Upper Canada or Province of Ontario. Session laws of 1868; 1868-9; 1869; 1870-71; 1871-2; 1873; 1874; 1877; 1878; 1879; 1880; 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887. Bevisions, Digests, Etc, Consolidated statutes. 1859. Lewis' index to Same. 1884. Revised statutes. 2 vols. 1877. Leith's real property statutes. 1869. Municipal manual. Harrison, R. A. 3d ed. 1874. Lower Canada or Province of Quebec. Session laws, 1868, 1869, 1870, 2 vols., 3d and 4th sess., Ist part; 1871, 1872, 1881, 1282, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887. Revisions, Digests, Etc. Civil code. McCord, T. 2d ed. 1873. Code of civil procedure. Foran, T. P. 1st ed., 1879; 2d ed., 1886. Manual of procedure. Wortherspoon, I. 1870. Parliamentary Practice. Laperierre, Aug. Speaker's decisions. 1841-1872. British Columbia. Revised statutes. 1881. Session laws, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881; 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885. Denmark. .^^ *F2.>j.^^'=55!^ Criminal code. 1880. ^^ow^^^ fuHri7ERSITr] V^^.•fil^Vt 230 San Francisco Law Library. England. Statutes at large from Magna Charta to 1806. Pickering. 46 vols. Lond., 1762-1807. Same. Continued from 1807 to 1865. Vol. 47 to 105. Lond., 1808-1865. Law reports series. 1866 to 1884-5. 24 vols. Lend., 1866-1887. Revisions, Digests, Etc, Bazalgette and Humphrey's statutes relating to local and municipal government. Lond., 1885. Chronological table and index . 4th ed. 1235 to 1877. Lond., 1878. Same. 7th ed. 1235 to 1880. Lond., 1881. Index to statutes, pub. and priv. 2 vols. 1801 to 1865. Public statutes. 1823 to 1871. 19 vols. Lond., 1823-1871. Easlatt's collection of statutes from Magna Charta to 1579. Lond., 1579. Miscellaneous, Acts. 27 Henry VIII. Lond., 1562. Ancient laws and institutes of England, pub. by the com- missioners. 1840. Calendar of state papers. Domestic. 1547-1580. Lond., 1856. Same. Spanish. 1485-1509. Lond., 1862. First and second report of ecclesiastical commissioners in 1845, 1847. Lond., 1848. General collection treaties, manifestos and other public papers. 4 vols. From 1495 to 1731. Lond., 1713-1732. Laws, ordinances, etc., of the admiralty. 2 vols. Lond., 1746. Keports from select committee on the public records. 1801. of commissioners of public record, and appendix. 2 vols. 1819. of Lords' committee on public records. Lond. 1729. Kymer's Foedera. 3d ed. 10 vols, folio. 1745. Extracts par Rapier Thoyras. Hardy's syllabus to Same. 2 vols. Lond., 1869, 1873. Statutes of Henry VII. Rae's fac simile of Caxton's ed. of 1489. Lond., 1869. France. Becueil Generale des Lois et des Arrets, Dilleneuve et Gilbert. 4 vols. Paris. 1791-1850. et Carrette. 1 ser., vol. 5, 1815-1818; vol. 8, 1825- 1827; 2 ser., 1839; 2 ser., 1843. Catalogue of Foreign Statutes. 231 France— Continued. Becueil Generale des Lois et des Arrets — Continued. Table Deceunale. 1851-60. Carrette et Gilbert. 5 ser., 1861-65; 6 ser., 1866-70. Dilleneuve, Carrette et Gilbert. 2 ser., 1860, and annually to 1870, inclusive. Table Dec6nnale. De Couder. 1861-70. Dilleneuve, Carrette et Gilbert. 2 ser., 1871-1872. Carrette et De Couder. 1873. Annually, to and including 1880. Recueil Generale. 2d series. 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884. Codes Francaise, Les six codes. Paris, 1828. Code Frangaise, contenant les six codes. Limoges. Paillet, M. Les six codes, avec des Notes. 2d ed. Paris, 1813. Roger, A. et Sorel, A. Codes et lois uselles. dth ed. Paris, 1870. Sirey. Codes annotes. Ed. de P. Gilbert. 4 vols. Paris, 1875. Codes de Commerce, Goiraud, L. Translation with notes. Lond., 1880. Horson, M. Question sur le code de commerce. 2 vols. Paris, 1829. Locre, M. le Baron. Esprit de code du commerce. 2d ed. 4 vols. Paris, 1829. Hodman, Jno. French and English ed. Translation and annotation. N. Y., 1814. Mathieu, 0. L. Code des mines et minieres. Paris, 1810. Codes Napoleon. Official edition of 1804. Trans, by a barrister (Richards). Lond., 1825. Barrett, B. Trans, from French. 2 vols. Lond., 1811. Delahaye, M. Etudes du. 2 vols. Paris, 1810. Marcade, V. Explication du. 5th ed. 6 vols. Paris, 1855. Explication du titres sur la prescription. Paris, 1854. Pont, Paul. Explication du titres sur privileges et hypothe- ques. 1 vol. en 3 parties. Paris, 1856. Mourlon, Fr. Vol. 1, 7th ed., 1864; vols. 2 and 3, 6th ed., Paris, 1863. Fleurigeon, M. Code de la voirie. Paris, 1822. 232 San Francisco Law Library. France — Continued. Commewtaire sur lea Codes, Discussion due project de code civil en conseil d'etat. Paris, 1803. Duranton, M. Cours de droit Fran9aise suivant le code civil. 4tli ed. 22 vols. Paris, 1844. Mailher de Chassat, M. A. Commentaire approfondi. 2 vols, in 1. Paris, 1832. Malville, Jacques de. Analyse Eaissonnee du code civil. 2ded. 4 vol. 1807. Boulay-Patj, P. S. Cours de droit commercial maritime apres le code de commerce. 4 vols. Kennes. 1821. Germany. Civil code. 8 vols, in 6. 1876-1881. Procedure. 1883. Commercial code. 1878. Criminal Same. 1882. Procedure. 1877. Greece. The Greek codes. 4 vols. 1875. Hawaiian Islands. Civil code. 1859. Constitution and laws established in the reign of Kame- hameha III. 1842. Laws, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1855, 1856, 1858-9, 1860, 1862, 1864-5, 1866-7, 1868, 1870-71, 1872-3, 1874-5, 1876. Statute laws of 1845, 1846, 1847. 2 vols. Penal code. 1869. Treaties with foreign countries. See Civil Code. Holland. Civil code. 1837. Procedure. 1838. Commercial code. 1881. Same. Translated into English. 1880. Criminal Same. 1881. Procedure. 1837. Hungary. Commercial code. 1876-1880. Criminal Same. 1876-1880. Catalogue of Foreign Statutes. 233 Italy. Civil code. 1865. Procedure. 1865. Commercial code. 1882. Criminal Same. 1859. Procedure. 1866. Ireland. Ancient laws of. Commissioners' ed. 4 vols. Lond., 1865-1879. Loan societies' act. Dublin, 1843. Statutes at large, from 1310 to 1800, with index. 21 vols. Dublin, 1786-1804. Manitoba. Statutes, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887. Mexico. Leyes y Becretos. Eivera, M. G. Nueva coleccion de leyes y decretos. Desde. 1680. 2 vols. Mex., 1853. Coleccion de decretos de Espaiia que se reputan vigentes en la republica Mexicana. 1811 a 1821. Mex., 1829. Decretos del rey D. Pernando VII. Hasta. 1812. Mex. Coleccion de decretos de la provisional gubernativa y de congresso de la nacion Mexicana. 2d ed. 1821 a 1837. 8 vols, in 6. Mex. Colleccion de leyes fundamentales del republica. 1821 6. 1856. Mex. Arillaga, B. J. Coleccion de leyes y decretos de la repub- lica Mexicana. 1828 a 1863. 48 vols. Mex. Coleccion de leyes y decretos de la gobierno supremo de la republica. 1863 a 1867. 3 vols. Mex. Zalvidar, L, G. Diccionario de la legislacion Mexicano. 1863 a 1868. Mex., 1868. Coleccion de leyes del imperio. 8 vols, in 3. Mex., 1865. El bolotin de las leyes imperio Mexicano. 1865-6. Mex. Eecopilacion de leyes y decretos de los poderes legislative y ejecutivo de la union. Manuel Azpiroz. 5 vols. . Diario official. Vols. 1 to 21, inclusive, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36. 1867 a 1881. 36 vols. Mex. 'Coleccion de leyes y decretos, con notas. Edicion de *' el foro." 1876 a 1880. 9 vols. Mex. 234 San Francisco Law Libraky. Mexico — Continued. Constitiiciones, Coleccion de constitutiones de los estados unidos Mexi- canos. 2 vols. Mex., 1828. Constitucion federal de los estados unidos de 1857. Max., 1875. Constitucion federal de 1857, y coleccion de constituciones de los estados que forman la confederacion. Toluca, 1870. Historia del congreso constituyente de 1856-7. 2 vols. Mex., 1857. Codigos. Codigo civil. Guerra, K. Mex., 1873. Lozano, J. M. Mex., 1872. Proyecto de. Sierra, J. Mex., 1861. Penal, in forma de diccionario. Barrierro, J. M. D. Mex., 1873. de reforma. Gutierrez, B. J. 2 vols, in 3. Mex., 1868. de restauracion. Segura, J. S. 5 vols. Mex., 1864. Las siete partidas. J. N. Kodriquez de San Miguel. Nueva ed. 3 vols. Mex., 1852. Leyes Pariiculares. Administracion del gobierno general. Keglamentos del. En libro de folletos. Aduana maritimas. Ordenanza de. En libro de fol- letos. Castigar de delitos. Ley para. En libro de folletos. Juzga a las ladrones, homicidias. Ley para. En libro de folletos. Matrimonio. Leyes sobre. En libro de folletos. Municipalidades. Ley de. En libro de folletos. Ordenanzas militar. 2 vols. Mex., 1828. Renta de papel seilado. Ley que arregla. En libro de folletos. Procedimientos judiciales. Ley de. En libro de folletos. Sacesiones. Lev de. En libro de folletos. Timbre. Ley del. Mex., 1876. City of Mexico. Ordenanzas de cindad de Mexico. Mex., 1863. ( Catalogue of Foreign Statutes. 235 Mexico — Continued. Lower Californl\. Codigo civil de Baja California. Mex., 1872. de procedimientos civiles in Baja California. Mex., 1880. Exposicion de motives de reformas en el codigo de procedi- mientos civil. Mex., 1880. Codigo de procedimientos penales de Baja California. Mex., 1880. Mazatlan. El ayuntamiento de. En libro de foUetos. SiNALOA. Constitucion del estado de. 1861. Boletin official. Mazatlan, 1869. Eeglamentos del estado. En libro de folletos. Eeglamentos de administracion de justicia. de la guara nacional. New Brunswick. Acts of 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878-9, 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887. Consolidated statutes, 1 vol. 1877. Eevised Same, 3 vols. 1854. Newfoundland. Statutes 1884, 1885, 1886. New Zealand. Ordinances. 2 vols. 1841 to 1860. Statutes. 1861-62-63-64-65-66 and annually to 1878-80- 81-82. Norway. Commercial code. 1B78. Criminal Same. 1883. North West Territory. Acts. 1884, 1885. Nova Scotia. Laws. 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885. 1886. Kevised statutes. Fourth series, 1873; 5th series, 1884. 236 San Francisco Law Library. Peru. Codigo civil Peru. Lima, 1852. Portugal. Civil code. 1879. procedure. 1881. Commercial code. 1879. Criminal Same. 1882. Prince Edward's Island. Acts. 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887. Laws. 2 vols. 1773 to 1862. Private and local laws. 1773-1862. Queensland. Statutes. 1862, 1863. 1864. Russia. Civil procedure. 1882. Commercial code. 1851. Criminal Same, 1882. procedure. 1882. Scotland. Acts of parliament. 1624 to 1707, with index. 12 vols. 1844-1875. Calendar of state papers. 1506 to 1603. 2 vols. Lond., 1858. Public general acts affecting Scotland. 1847 to 1870. 14 vols. Edin., 1848-1870. Laws of acts of James I and liis successors. 1424 to 1707. 3 vols. Edin., 1682-1707. Spain. Leyes y Decretos. Novissima recopilacion de leyes del reino de Navarra. 1512- 1716. 2 vols. Pamplona, 1735. Becopilacion de leyes del reino de Phillipe Quinto. 5 vols. Madrid, 1723. Las leyes de recopilacion. 9 vols in 2. Mad., 1772. Aulos acordados. 4 vols. Madrid, 1777. Nueva recopiiacion de las leyes. 7 vols. Madrid, 1777. Eeal ordenanzas par les intendentes en neuva Espana. Madrid, 1786. Teatro de legislacion. Perez y Lopez. 28 vols. Madrid, 1791. Catalogue of Foreign Statutes. 237 Spain — Continued. Leyes y Decretos — Continued. Novisima recopilacion. Hasta, 1804. 12 vols in 4. Mad- rid, 1805. Diccionarios del fueros del reino de Navarra. Yanguas y Maranda. San Sebastian. 1828. Eecopilacion de leyes de Navarra xue ban quedado vigentes. J. Alphonse. 2 vols. Madrid, 1848. Guia legislativa. Indice de las leyes, 6> 1849. Caso, J. S. Madrid, 1859. Ley de enjuiciamiento civil. Manresa y Navarro. 4 vols. Madrid, 1856. Same. Ed. official. Madrid, 1881. Ley de enjuiciamiento criminal. Ed. official. Madrid, 1882. Leyes del Provincia de Guypuzcoa. Nneva recopilacion. Tolosa, 1696. Leyes del Indias. Eecopilacion de las leyes. 3d ed. 4 vols. Madrid, 1774. Eecopilacion de leyes de los reynos. 3 vols. Madrid, 1791. Const ituciones . Analysis comparitivo de constitucions de Navarra, Forales, Aragon, Cataluna y Valencia. Olave y Diez. Madrid. Codigos. Fuero juzgo. En Latin y Castellano. Madrid, 1815. Los codigos Espanoles. Concordados y annotados. 2d ed. 12 vols. Madrid, 1872. Codigo civil. Cardenas, F. de. Madrid, 1852. Same. Cardenas, F. de. Defectos en el proyecto de. Madrid, 1852. Goyena, G. F. Concordada y annotada. 4 vols. Madrid, 1852. Herrero, S. Yalladolid. 1872. de commercio. Decretado, May 30, 1829. Ed. official. Madrid, 1839. Serna y reus. Concordada y annotada. 4tli ed. Mad- rid, 1863. Same. 5tli ed. Madrid, 1869. Penal. En forma diccionario. Madrid, 1848. Las siete partidas. Alfonso el Sabio. Glossado por Gre- gorio Lopez. 4 vols. Valencia, 1767. Same. Translated by Moreau, L., and Carleton, H. 2 vols. New Orleans, 1820. 238 San Francisco Law Library. Sweden. Civil code. 1882. Procedure. 1882. Commercial code. 1882. Criminal Same, 1882. Procedure. 1882. Grundlagar. 1883. Switzerland. General Laws. Civil stand. 1874. Strafprocess. 1882 . Canton laws of Aargan. 1867-9. Same. Appensell. Same, Basle: Town, 1862-81. County, 1867-73. Same. Berne. 1881. Same. Fribourg. 1838-75. Same. Glarus. 1878. Same. Grisons. 1862-78. Same. Geneva. 1849-74. Same, Lucern. 1861-79. Same. Neuchatel. 1872-83. Same. Scliaffhausen. 1879. Same. Soleure. 1855-74. Obligationsrecbt. 1883. Strufrecht. 1853. Thurgan. 1850-68. Valais. 1854-80. Yaud. 1867-76. Zug. 1861-76. Zurich. 1856-70. Turkey. Civil code. Procedure. Commercial code. Criminal Same. 1883. Procedure. Legislation Ottomane. 6 vols. 1873-78. Victoria. Atkins, J. Mining statutes of 1865. 1871. Imperial laws and statutes in force. Webb, T. P. 1874. Wales. xVncient laws and institutes of. Folio, 1841. r LEGAL PERIODICALS. I — American. Ill— Irish. II— English. IY — Scotch. Y — Canadian. I— American. Albany law journal. 36 vols. 1870-87. Index and digest to vols. 1-20. Same, to vols. 21-34. American civil law journal. New York. Yol. 1. 1873. Insolvency reports. Yol. 1. 1883. Jurist. 28 vols. 1829-43. Law journals. Old series. Yols. 2 to 6, inclusive. 1808-16. Same. 2d series. 1 vol. 1821. Same, New series, 1, 3, 4. 3 vols. 1848-52. Same. Ohio. 2 vols. 1884-85. Law magazine. 6 vols. 1843-46. Law record. 15 vols. 1872-86. Law register. Old series. 9 vols. 1852-61. Same. New series. 26 vols. 1861-87. Same. Digest to old series and to first 14 vols. N. S. Law review. 21 vols. 1866-87. —Same. Index to vols. I-XIII. 1879. Law times reports. Old series. 4 vols. 1868-71. Same. New series. Yols. 2, 3, 4. 1874-77. Law times. Old series. Yol. IY. Same. New series. Yols. 2, 3, 4. Atlantic reporter. 10 vols. 1885-87. Bankrupt register. 4 vols, and the supplement. 1867-71. Bankruptcy register reports. See National Bankruptcy Register. California law journal. 2 vols. 1862-3. California legal record. Continuation of San Francisco law journal. 2 vols. 1878-9. Carolina law repository. 2 vols. 1814-15. 240 San Fkancisco Law Library. American— Continued. Central law journal. 25 vols. 1874-87. Same. Index digest of 10 vols. Keporter. 8 vols. 1886. Chicago legal news. 19 vols. 1868-87. Colorado law reporter. 4 vols. 1880-84. Columbia jurist. 2 vols. 1885-6. Copp's land owner. 13 vols. 1874-86. Same. Indexes to vols. 1 to 6 and to vols. 7, 8, 9. Criminal law magazine. 8 vols. 1880-86. Denver law journal. Vol. 1 and 20 numbers vol. 2. 1883. Federal reporter. 32 vols. 1879-87. Same. Digest. Vols. 1 to 20. 1885. Same. Digest. Vols. 21 to 30. 1887. Forum, the. 3 vols. Vol. 3 in 2 parts. 1874-75. Georgia law reporter. Vol.1. 1886. Griffiths' law register. Vols. 3 and 4. 1822-23. Harvard law review. 1 vol. 1887-88. Index reporter. 2 vols. 1882-83. Insurance law journal. 16 vols. 1871-87. Internal revenue record. 33 vols. 1865-87. Journal of law. Vol. 1 . 1830. Kansas law journal. 3 vols. 8 parts vol. 4. 1885-87. Kentucky law journal. 2 vols. 1881-82. Law reporter. 8 vols. 1880-86. Law bulletin. San Francisco. 4 numbers vol. 1. 1870-71. and equity reporter. 4 vols. 1876-77. Same. New series, called *'the reporter." Vols. 5 to 24. 1878-87. Same. Digest of 1874-84. Intelligencer. 3 vols. 1829-31. Keporter. Old series. 10 vols. 1839-47. Same. New series. 16 vols. 1849-64. Legal intelligencer. Vols. 26 to 44, inclusive. 1869-87. Same. Vols. 7 to 25, condensed in 7 vols. Livingston law magazine. 2 vols, in 4 parts. 1853-54. Luzerne legal register. Vol. 1. 1872. Medico-legal papers. 1st, 2d and 3d series. 1874-86. Legal journal. 3 vols. 1884-86. Memphis law journal. 2 vols. 1878-79. Michigan lawyer. Vol. 2. 1877. Monthly law bulletin. 5 vols, in 3. 1879-82. Jurist. 2 vols. 1877-78 and 1878-79, being the 4th and 5th vols, monthlv western jurist. Western jurist. Vols. 1, 3. 1874-75 to 1876-77. Catalogue of Legal Periodicals. 241 American — Continued. Morrison's transcript. 5 vols. 1880-82. National bankruptcy register. 18 vols. 1873-79. Bankruptcy digest. Vols. 1-10. 1873. New England reporter. 3 vols. 1885-87. New Jersey law journal. 4 vols. 1878-81. New York daily transcript. 6 vols. 1870-72. Legal observer. 12 vols. 1842-54. Weekly digest. 26 vols. 1876-87. Northeastern reporter. 13 vols. 1885-87. Northwestern reporter. 34 vols. 1879-87. Index digest. Vols. 1 to 9. 1882. Digest. Vols. 1 to 20. 1886. Same. Vols. 21-30. 1887. Notary's journal. 2 vols. 1877-78. Pacific coast law journal. 12 vols. Law magazine. Vol. 1. 1867. Law reporter. 15 vols. 1870-78. Reporter. 14 vols. 1884-87. Reporter digest. Vols. 1 to 10. 1886. Pittsburgh legal journal. Old series. Crumrine's reprint. 20 vols, in 3. Same. New serie^!. 17 vols. 1853-69. Pennsylvania law journal. Eeprint by Clark. 5 vols, in 3. 1842-61. Philadelphia legal gazette. Same by Campbell. 3 vols, in 1. Quarterly law journal. 4 vols. 1856-59. Law journal review. Vol. 1 and part 1 of vol. 2. 1860. San Francisco law journal. Vol. 1. 1877. Continued in California legal record. Saratoga chancery sentinel. 6 vols, in 1. 1841-47. Schmidt's law journal. Louisiana. Vol.1. 1841. Southern law journal and reporter. Vol. 1. 1879-80. Law review. Old series. 2 vols. 1872-3. New se- ries. 8 vols. 1875-83. Combined with American law review. Vol. 17, Law times. 1 vol. 1885. Supreme court reporter. 7 vols. 1882-87. The s:^llabi. Vol. 1. 1876-77. The reporter. Old series. Law and equity reports. 4 vols. 1876-77. New series. Vols. 5 to 24. 1878-87. Digest. 1874-1884. 1886. Texas law reporter. Vol. 2 and 9 numbers vol. 3. 1884-85. Law review. 5 vols, and 640 pages vol. 6. 1883-86. Court reporter. 1 vol. 1886. 242 San Francisco Law Library. American— Continued. United States jurist. 3 vols. 1871-73. Law magazine. 3 vols. 1850-51. Law intelligencer. 3 vols. 1829-31. Virginia law journal. 11 vols. 1877-87. Washington law reporter. 15 vols. 1874-87. Weekly law bulletin and Ohio law journal. Vols. 13, 14, 15, 16. 1885-86. Law review. San Francisco. 3 parts of vol. 1. 1855. Notes of cases. 19 vols. 1875-87. Western jurist. 17 vols. 1867-83. Law journal. 10 vols. 1842-52. Law monthly. 5 vols. 1859-63. Eeporter. 11 vols. 1885-87. West coast reporter. 9 vols, and 305 pages vol. 10. 1884-86. II— English. Jurist. 18 vols. 1837-54. New series. 12 vols. 1855-67. The. Quarterly journal of legislation. 3 vols. 1827-32. Justice of the peace. Vols. 1-31. 1837-70. Law journal. 9 vols. 1822-31. J ournal digest. 1vol. 1831. Same. New series. 52 vols. 1832-83. Digest. 9 vols. 1831-75. Times. 82 vols, 1843-87. Times reports. Th^ reporter. ^Qt vols. 1859-87. Magazine, b^ vols. 1829-56. Smne. New series. Vols. 1 and 2. Same. 4th series. 11 vols. 1876-86. Quarterly review. 3 vols. 1885-87. Legal observer. Weekly. 20 vols. 1830-40. Same. Monthly. 2 vols. 1831-32. Same. Digest. Vols. 1-11. 3 vols. 1830-41. Magazine and review. 31 vols. 1856-71. Monthly law magazine. 10 vols. 1838-41. Solicitors' journal. 31 vols. 1857-87. Weekly notes. 21 vols. 1865-87. Eeporter. 35 vols. 1852-87. Ill— Irish. Irish Jurist. Old series, 7 vols. New series, 11 vols. In all 18 vols. Catalogue of Legal Periodicals. 243 IV— Scotch. Journal of Jurisprudence. 31 vols. 1857-87. Scottish jurist. 46 vols. 1829-73. Law reporter. 18 vols. 1865-81. Law journal and sheriff's court record. 3 vols. 1859-61. Law magazine and Same. New series. 6 vols. 1862-67. V— Canadian. Law times. 7 vols, 1881-87. Legal news. Montreal. 10 vols. 1878-87. Lower Canada jurist. 30 vols. 1856-86. — — Law journal. 4 vols. 1865-68. Municipal gazette. 7 vols. 1865-72. R«^vue critique. 1vol. 1871. Legale. 4 vols. 1869-72. de legislation. 3 vols. 1846-8. Quebec law reports. 12 vols. 1875-81. Upper Canada law journal . Old series. 10 vols Same. New series. 22 vols. 1887. 1855-64. TRIALS. Part I— Name Index. Part II — Subject Index. Part I — Name Index. Abbott, lieutenant Joel. Naval court martial. 1822. Achilli V. Newman. Libel. Queen's bench. Eng., 1852. Adultery, trials for. 7 vols. Lond., 1779-80. Alexandra, case of. 4 vols. 1863-4. Allegiance, book of. South Carolina. 1834. Alley's case. Murder. 1875. American pirate's own book. 1847. Anderson and Richard's case. Murder. 1858. Andre, major. J. H. Smith's narrative. Lond., 1808. Andrews, S. M., case of. Murder. 1868. Anglesey ads. Craig. Legitimacy. Anthony, S. B., case of. Illegal voting. 1874. Arnim, Harry, comte de. Misfeasance in office. Paris, 1875. Arnot, H. Criminal trials in Scotland. 1785. Ashby V. White. Election. Lond., 1807-37. Atherton, bishop, case of. Uncleanness. 1710. Attorney general v. Sillem. See Alexandra. Auchterarder case. Against presbytery. 2 vols. 1838. Avery, E. K. Murder. Babcock, general. Crooked whisky trials. Scrap book. Barker, J., et al. Conspiracy. 1827. Barnard, judge G. G. Impeachment. 3 vols. 1874. Barstow ads. Bashford. Quo warranto. Bartlett, Adelaide. Murder. Lond., 1886. Bashford v. Barstow. Quo warranto. 1856. Bay view distillery case. Crooked whisky trials. Beacon trials. Edin., 1822. Beale, S. T., case of. Eape. 1855. Beall, J. Y. Military commission. Spy. 1865. Beecher ads. Tilton. Crim. con. Belcher v. Belcher. Judgment in case. Lond., 1835. Catalogue of Trials. 245 Name Index — Continued. Belknap, W. M., trial of. Impeachment. 1876. Bible in schools, case of. Minor v. Board of Education. Bingham, Eobt., case of. Threatening letter. Arson. Black, H. C. Murder. 1871. Board of Education v. Minor. Bible in schools. Boom. Murder. 1873. Boddington, Benj. Adultery. 1797. Booth and Wirz. Murder. Braintree church rate case. 2d ed. Veley v. Burder. Bran dreth etal., case of. High treason. 2 vols. 1817. Brown, J., trial of. Conspiracy, treason, murder. and Stewart. Trial for poisoning. Brownez, G. Lathom. Narrative of state trials, 19th century. Vol. 1. Brymer ads. Eiddle. Legitimacy. Buckingham, J. T. Libel. 1822. Burch V. Burch. Divorce. Burdell, Harvey, trial of. Murder. Burder ads. Yeley. Braintree church rate case. Burke's celebrated trials of aristocracy. 2 vols. Lond., 1849-51. — — Same of the upper classes. Lond., 1851. Burgen's petition. Habeas corpus cases. Burns, Anthony. Boston slave riot case. Burr, Aaron, trials of. Treason and misdemeanor. 2 vols. 1808. Burton, J. H. Criminal trials in Scotland. 2 vols. Lond., 1852. Cadiere v. Girard. Seduction. Lond., 1732. Canadian prisoners' case. Habeas corpus. Lond., 1839. Kebellion cases. State trials. 2 vols. 1839. Carawan, Geo. W. Murder. Criminal trial. Vol. 1. Caravantes, Y. y. Causas celebres. 5 vols. 3d ed. Mad- rid, 1866. Cardigan, earl of. Trial of. Felony. Carew v. lord Egremont's executors. Claim against estate. Cook's report. Lond., 1840. Carlton, A. B. On homicide. Being the Wilkinson case. Caroline, queen. Adultery. Kelly's ed. 2 vols. 1821. Cato street conspiracy case. Causes amusantes. 2 vols. Berlin, 1769. Celebrated claimants. Various cases. Trials and remarkable cases of criminal jurisprudence. 6 vols. Lond., 1825. — — Same, to 1815. 246 San Francisco Law Library. Name Index— Continued. Chandler, P. W. American criminal trials. 2 vols. T., trial of. Perjury. Lond., 1751. Charnock, King and Keyes. Conspiracy. Lond., 1696. Chase, Samuel. Impeachment. Smith and Lloyd's rep. 1805. Same. Charles Evans' report. 1 vol. Same. Supplement containing Chase's answers and pleas. Clark ads. Dew. Judgment in will case. Clerk and Macdonald, trial of. Murder. Edin., 1831. Cobbett, Wm. Seditious libel. 1831. Cochrane, lord, et al., trial. Conspiracy. Lond., 1814. Cole, G. W. Murder. Col ton V. Stanford. Argument of Hall McAllister. Consolidated Virginia mining company ads. Kinney. 1884. Cooper ads. Hodges. Malpractice. Coote, sir Eyre, case of. Plain statement of facts. Lond., 1816. County fire office v. Thurtell. Defrauding ins. company. Lond. Craig V. Anglesey. Legitimacy. Lond., 1744. Crawford v. Crawford. Divorce. Lond., 1886. Criminal trials in the old Bailey. Yol. 1. Edin., 1803. Crooked whisky trials. 4 vols. Scrap book. Cuevas, Bonilla, et al. Usurpation. Mexico, 1861. Curtis, G. M. Impeachment. 1874. L. Two crooked whisky trials. Da Costa and C. Da Costa. Villa real. Marriage con- tract. 1734. Dalton divorce case. Arguments of R. H. Dana. Dartmouth college case. Farrar's report. 1819. Same. J. M. Shirley. 1879. Day V. Dav. Huntingdonshire legitimacy case. Lond., 1823. " Decow V. Shotwell. The Trenton society of friends' case. 1834. Delvalle, Luis. Breach of neutrality laws. 1854. Despard, trial of. High treason. Lond., 1803. Dew V. Clark. Will. Judgments. Lond., 1826. D'Hautville case. Habeas corpus. 1840. Donellan, John. Murder. Lond., 1781. Donnelly, J. P. Murder trials. Doru, Robt. C. Impeachment. 1868. Dorr, T. W. Treason. 1844. Catalogue of Trials. 247 Name Index — Continued. Douglas ads. duke of Hamilton. Speeches in cause. Edin., 1768. Dramas judiciales. Causas celebres. Madrid, 1849. Dumollard, M. Murder trials. Dunphy and Cummins. Kemarkable trials of all countries. 1867. Same. 1878. Eberle, F., et al. Lutheran church conspiracy. 1817. Emlyn's state trials. 9 vols. Lond., 1742-66. English causes celebres. Geo. S. Clark. Lond., 1844. Eyre ads. Queen. Justice Blackburu's charge. Eiot. Fair, L. D. Murder. Marsh and Osbourne's report. 1871. Ferguson. Adultery. Ferrers ads. Smith. Breach of promise. Fenning, Eliz. Watkins' facts discovered since her execu- tion. Lond., 1815. Fen wick, trial of. High treason. Lond., 1698. Feurbach's German criminal trials. Lady Duff Gordon. Field, judge. Charge to the jury on treason and rebellion. 1863. Fitch, A. F., et al. Eailroad conspiracy case. Forbes et al. Conspiracy to create a riot. 1823. Forrest v. Forrest. Divorce. Herald's ed. 1 crim. tr. Same. 2 vols. Forrest. 1863. Fouquier, A. Causes celebr^es. 7 vols. Paris, 1858-67. Fox, John, trial of. Murder. New Brunswick, 1856. V. Tooke. Debt. New. ed. Lond., 1819. Freemont, J. C, trial. Court martial. 1848. French, trial of. Conspiracy. Lond., 1789. Frost, John. High treason. Lond., 1840. Friends, society of. See Decow v. Shotwell. —Trial of. Ohio v. Hile. 1829. Fuller, H. W. Impostors and adventurers. 1882. Galley murder case. 1749. Garfield's murder. See Guiteau trial. Gibson v. Stevenson. Libel. Beacon trials. Gilmerton case. Murder. Girard, J. B. Seduction. Lond., 1732. Girard will case. Argument for defendant and judgment, 1844. Glasgow bank directors' trial. Couper's report. Edin., 1879, Same. Another ed. Edin., 1879. Goodwin, K. M. Manslaughter. 1820. Gordon, trial of. Libel. Lond., 1767. 248 San Francisco Law Library. Name Index — Continued. Gouverneur ads. Le Guen. Factors. 1797. Green. Trials for treason. 3 vols. Lond., 1825. Greene v. Briggs. Maine liquor law case. 1853. Guiteau, C. J. Murder. Official ed. 3 vols. 1882. Gurney et als., case. Fraud. Finlason's ed. 1870. Guthrie v. Sterne. Phillips' speech. See Eoddington's case. Hamilton v. Stevenson. Libel. Beacon trials. 1822. Harden, J. S. Murder trials. Hardy, judge. Impeachment. Sumner and Cutter's ed. 1862. Trial of. Treason. 3 vols. Lond., 1795. Harper's ferry insurrection. John Brown's case. Hargrave. State trials. 10 vols, in 6. Harris, Mary. Murder. 1865. Hastings, Warren. Debates and evidence. 1797. Hawes will case. Insanity. Wills. 1872. Hawkins et al. Robberies committed by them. 2d ed. Lond. Hay, John M., trial. Edin., 1822. Headfort ads. Massy. Crim. con. Heart of Mid Lothian. Criminal trials, illustrative of. Edin., 1818. Hendrickson ads. Shotwell. Foster's report. Hersey, G. C. Murder. 1862. Hicks, A. W., trial. Piracy and robbery. 1 crim. tr. Same. Murder trials. Hilles ads. Ohio. Friend's trial. 1829. Hodge, Arthur. Murder. 1812. Hodges V. Cooper. Malpractice. 1859. Hodgson et al. Conspiracy. Lond., 1831. Hogan's state trials. Hopkinson and Nicholsen. Hone, W. Three trials. Libel. Lond., 1818. Hopkinson, F. Impeachment. Hogan's state trials. Howell, T. B. State trials. 21 vols. Lond., 1816. " Continuation of Same. 12 vols. Lond., 1817-26. General index to the above. 1 vol, 1828. In all 34 vols. Howison, R. H. Criminal trials in Virginia courts. 1851. Hughes, J. W. Murder. 1866. Hull, brigadier general. Court martial. 1814. Huntingdonshire legitimacy case. Day v. Day. Huntington case. Forgery. 1857. Humphreys, Alexander. Forgery. Edin., 1839. Catalogue of Trials. 249 Name Index— Continued. Indiana trials. O. H. Smith. 1858. ^ Irving, Rev. Ed. A century of criticism. Lond., 1823; and 2d ed., 1831, of Pilkington's unknown tongues. Jackson, Albert. Impeachment. 1859. Wm. High treason. Lond., 1795. Jamaica case. History of. Finlason, W. F. Lond., 1869. Jardine, David. Criminal trials. 2 vols. Lond. Jarvis v. Jarvis. Divorce. 2d ed. 1839. Jeflferes, Chas. M. Murder. 3 vols. 1868. Johnson, Andrew. Impeachment. 1859. Jones' case. Ecclesiastical cause. 1813. Miss Elizabeth. Murder. Jost's case. Two crooked whisky trials. The first trial. Kalloch, I. M. Murder. Scrap book. 1. S. Adultery. 1857. Keenau, Michael. Administering unlawful oath. Dub., 1822. Kendall, trial of. Lond., 1818. Kent murder. Stapleton great crime of 1860. Kerr's petition. Habeas corpus cases. Kingston, duchess of. Bigamy. Lond., 1776. King, Keyes and Charnock. Conspiracy. Kinnear et al. Same, Lond., 1819. Kyteler, dame Alice. Sorcery. Lond., 1843. Kinney V. Consolidated Virginia mining company. 1877. Lee, Charles, general. Treason. G. H. Moore. 1860. Major general. Court martial. 1864. Le Guen v. Gouverneur and Kemble. Factors. 1797. Limantour ads. United States. Lincoln, Abraham. Trial of murderers of. Containing suppressed evidence. Same. Barclay and Co.'s ed. See Booth and Wirz trial; Surratt's trial. Lindsay, Owen. Murder. 1875. Lino et al. The christian Indians. MSS. 1812. Lowenstein, E. Murder. 1874. Lowell, J. M. Same. 1875. Luddites outbreak. Criminal trial. Lushington ads. Tichborne. Ejectment. Luther v. Borden. Hallett's argument. See Dorr's case. Lutheran church conspiracy. Eberle's case. Mackenzie, A. S. Naval commander. 1844. Maine liquor law case. Greene v. Briggs. Malefactor's register. 5 vols. Lond. 250 San Francisco Law Library. Name Index — Continued. Martens, LeB. C. de. Causes celebres. Droit de gens. Massy v. Headfort. Crim. con. Lond., 1804. Matthias. Murder trials. McCunn, J. H. Impeachment. 1844. McFarland, D. Murder. McKee, Wm. Crooked whisky trials. Scrap book. McLachlan, Mrs. Murder. Glasgow, 1862. McLeod, Alex. Same. 1841. Murder trials. Comment on judge Cowen's decision. Medland and "Weobly. Criminal trials. Vol. 1. 1803. Merritt, H. W. Impeachment. 1840. Military and naval causes. Commodore Porter's trial. Minor v. Board of Education. Bible in schools. Michell, J. Assault to murder. Eavillac redivivus. Lond., 1678. Moore's petition. Habeas corpus cases. Mordaunt divorce case. Authorized ed. Lond. Mortimer, Chas. Murder. 1873. Mount Hope case. Conspiracy, false imprisonment. 1866. Mumford ads. Murray. 1823. Murray v. Mumford. Partnership trust. 1823. ads. Rouch. Official misconduct. Nairne ads. Eamsay. Defamation. Newgate calender. Knapp and Baldwin. 4 vols. Lond. Newman ads. Achilli. Libel. Eng., 1852. Nicholson, J. Impeachment. Hogan's state trials. No-Popery riot cases. Lond., 1780. Northwestern confederacy. Indiana treason cases. Nullification. Book of allegiance. South Carolina. 1834. O'Connell, trial of. Conspiracy. Dublin, 1844. Ohio V. Hilles. Friend's trial. 1829. Old Bailey criminal trials. Vol. 1. Edin., 1803. Oldcastle, sir J. Heresy and treason. 1 celebrated trials. Onderdonk, bishop, case. Improper conduct. Opdyke V. Weed. Libel. 1865. Palmer, W. Poisoning. Lond., 1856. Parker, Theo. Misdemeanor. 1855. Peck, judge J. H. Impeachment. 1833. Pelham's chronicles of crime. 2 vols. Lond., 1886. Peltier, John. Libel. Lond., 1803. Peters ads. Wheaton. Copyright. Phillips, S. M. Cases on circumstantial evidence. 1873. State trials. 2 vols. Lond., 1826. Catalogue of Trials. 251 Name Index — Continued. Pierce, A. F. Murder. 1871. Piracy trial. Pedro Gibert et al. 1834. Pitaval, Gayot de. Causes celebres. 22 vols. Pitcarn, E. Ancient criminal trials of Scotland. 3 vols. in 7 parts. Edin., 1833. Plant, John. Stealing. Lond. Pomeroy, S. C. Bribery, impeachment. 1873. Popish, trials. Lond., 1690. Porter, captain D. Court martial. Official. 1825. Same. Robert Beal's edition. V. Eiel. Treason. 1886. Prindle, judge H. G. Impeachment. 2 vols. 1874. Probst, Anton. Murder. 1866. Queen v. Gurney. Fraud. Lond., 1870. V. Eyre. Justice Blackburn's charge. Eiot. V. Eiel. Treason. 1886. Eachel, madame. Obtaining money by false pretenses. Lond. Eailroad conspiracy case. Fitch's case. Tax cases. Arguments and decisions. Eamsay ads, Nairne. Defamation. Edin., 1833. Eemarkable trials. 2 vols. Lond., 1725. Eesurrection. Trial of witnesses. 9th ed. Lond., 1738; and sequel, 1749. Same. New trial of the witnesses. Lond., 1823. Ehode Island causes. Dorr's case. 1844. Eiddle v. Brymer. Legitimacy. Eiel ads. Queen. Treason. 1886. Eoad murder. Stapleton. Lond., 1861. Eobertson's state trials. 1793-4. Eobinson, Jon., et al. Impeachment. 1862. Henrietta. Murder. D. Wilson's ed. 1855. Eose will case. T. W. Dwight's argument. 1863. Eouch V. Murray. Misfeasance in office. Lond., 1825. Eowan, A. H. Libel. Dub., 1794. Eubenstein, P. N. Murder. 1876. Eowell ads. people. Manslaughter. Saint-Edme, de B. Causes celebres. 1st series, 4 vols. ; 2d series, 5 vols. ; 3d series, 4 vols. ; and 2 supplementary vols. Paris, 1834-5. Salmon's abstract of state trials. Lond., 1738. Santa Clara county v. S. P. E. E. Eailroad taxes. Briefs. Saurin v. Starr. Coleridge's speech. Lond., 1869. Savannah's officers. Piracy. 1862. 252 San Francisco Law Library. Name Index — Continued. Selfridge, T. O. Murder. 1807. Sellers, Footner and Jones. Murder. New series. Lond. Seys, Eev. J. Assault and battery. 1847. Sharon v. Sharon. Divorce. General Barnes' argument. Shotwell V. Hendrickson. Foster's report. Sickles, D. E., trial of. Murder. Special report. See 1 criminal trials. Simpson, Mrs. Same. Haight's report. 1851, Smith, judge G. W. Impeachment. 1866. Madeline. Poisoning. Edin., 1857. Same, See Palmer. O. H. Early Indiana trials. and Ogden. Misdemeanors. 1807. and Ferrers. Breach of promise. Lond., 1846. Somerset, earl of. Poisoning. Lond., 1846. South Carolina. Book of allegiance. St. Albans raid extradition. L. N. Benjamin's ed. Mon- treal, 1860. Star route trial. 2d trial. 4 vols. 1883. Same. 1st trial. 3 vols. 1882. Starr ads. Saurin. Coleridge's speech. St. Clement's church case . 1871 . Sterne ads. Guthene. Phillips' speech. See Boddington's case. Stewart, house of. Conspiracies. Lond., 1747. Strang, J. Murder trials. Stuart, J . Murder . Beacon trials . 1822 . Jas. Same. Edin., 1822. Surratt, John H . Same . 2 vols . Official ed . 1867 . Terry, D. S. Assault, etc. Vigilance committee trial. 1856. The King v. Westwood . Wycombe corporation case . Thomas, J., earl of Cardigan, trial of. Felony. Thurtell ads. County fire office. Lond. Tichborne trial . The summing up . Lond., 1874. Same. The criminal trial. 4 vols. Lond., 1876. Saine v. Lushington. Ejectment. Tilton V. Beecher. Official report . Abbott. 2 vols. 1875; id. McDevitt, Campbell & Co. 3 vols. ed. complete. Same. Crim. con. 3 vols. Official stenographer's eds. 1875 . Tooke ads. Fox. Debt. Trial. 2 vols. Lond., 1795. Townsend, W. C. Modern state trials. 2 vols. Lond., 1850. Catalogue of Trials. 253 Name Index — Continued. Traupman, J. B . Murder . 1869. Trenton case. Decow v. Shotwell . Turner, judge. Impeachment. Proceedings, 1851. Same Documents . Ellen. Wakefield's trial for abduction. Twitcbell, Geo. S. Murder. 1869. Tyng, Eev. S. H. Ecclesiastical trial. W, B. and D. _ed. 1868. United States. Wharton's state trials. V. Limantour . 4 vols . Criminal calendar . 1846 . Vallandingham, C. L. Habeas corpus. 1863, Veley v. Burder. The Braintree church rate case. Vigilantes. See Terry's trial. Wakefield's conspiracy and abduction. Lond., 1827. Ward, Matt. F. Murder. 1854. Watson, James. High treason. 2 vols. Lond., 1817. Webster, John W. Murder. Geo. Beim's ed. 1850. Same. J. W. Stone, phonographer. Weed ads. Opdyke. Libel. 1865. Weir, Thos. Adultery, etc. Kavillac redivivus. Lond., 1678. Wells V. Election Commissioners. 1873. Westwood ads. the King. Wycombe corporation case. Wharton, F. United States trials. 1849. Wheaton V. Peters. Copyright. 1834. Whipple, Mrs., and Strang. Murder. Whisky trials. See crooked whisky trials. Whitelocke, lieutenant general. Court martial. Lond., 1808. White ads. Ashby. Election. Lond., 1837. Wilkinson, Jno., trial of. Murder. Carlton on homicide. Williams et al. /S'ame on the high seas . 1819. Willis-Bund, J. W. Selection from state trials. 2 vols. 3 parts. Cambridge, 1882. Winthrop, lieutenant colonel. Court martial. 1832. Wirz, Henry. Treason. Official ed. 1867. ~ — and Booth. Murder. W^ycombe corporation case. Lond., 1830. Yelveiton marriage case. See Palmer. York, duke of. Charges against. Young, lieutenant B. H. Extradition. St. Alban's raid. Zulueta, Pedro de. Slave trading. Lond., 1844. 254 San Francisco Law Library. Part II. Subject Index. Abduction. Wakefield's trial. Adultery. Boddington's case. Ferguson's case. Queen Caroline's case. Gutherie v. Sterns. See Boddington's case. 1. S. Kalloch's trial. Ravillac redivivus. See Weir's trial. — — Trials for. 7 vols. Arson. Bingham's case. Assault, etc. Terry's trial. — — and battery. Kev. J. Sey's trial. to murder. Ravillac redivivus. See Weir's trial. Aristocracy. Burke's trials. Battle. Kendall's trial by. Bestiality. Ravillac redivivus. Bible in schools. Minor v. Board of Education. Bigamy. Duchess of Kingston's trial. Breach of promise of marriage. Smith v. Ferrers. Bribery. Pomeroy investigation. Burke, P. Trials of the aristocracy. Lond., 1849. Same. Upper classes. Lond., 1851. Burton's criminal trials. 2 vols. Lond., 1852. Capital cases, trials in. 2 vols. 2d ed. Lond., 1725. Causas celebres. Spanish caravantes. Same, Dramas judiciales. Madrid, 1849. — — Same. A. Fouquier. 7 vols. Paris, 1858-67. Same. Gayot de Pitaval. 22 vols. 1737-45. Same. De B., Saint-Edme. Christian Indians. Lino et al. Murder. MSS. Church. See ecclesiastical causes . Circumstancial evidence. Phillips' famous cases. Claimants. Celebrated claimants. Conspiracy. Barker et al. John Brown's case. Cato street case. Charnock, King and Keyes' trial. Cochrane et als. case. Eberle et als. case. Fitch's case. Forbes et al. case. French's trial. Hodgson et al. case. House of Stewart. Lond., 1747. Catalogue of Trials. 255 Subject Index— Continued. Conspiracy. Kinnear et als. trial. The murder of Abraham Lincoln. B. P. Poore's ed. 3 vols.^ 1865. The Lincoln murder. O'Connell's trial. State trials. Forbes et al. Mount Hope case. Copyright. Wheaton v. Peters. Corporations. Wycombe case. Court martial cases. See military and naval causes. Criminal cases. Gallick's report. Lond., 1737. Crim. con. Massy v. Headfort. Tilton V, Beecher. Criminal information. Libel. Achilli v. Newman. Trials, Illustrative of '* Heart of Mid Lothian." Edin. Same. In Virginia. Howison. Same. The Luddites outbreak, etc. Debt. Fox V. Tooke. Defamation. Ramsay v. Nairne. Divorce. Belcher's case. Burch's case. Crawford's case. Dana's arguments in Dalton's case. The Forrest case. The Jarvis case. Mordaunt's case. Sharon v. Sharon. Ecclesiastical causes. ^S^ee also ''friends." Same. Auchterarder presbytery case. Same. St. Clement's church trial. Rev. Cave Jones' case. Same. Bishop Onderdonk's case . Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr. 's case. Saurin v. Starr. Coleridge's speech. Action of as- sault against the mother superior. Ejectment. Tichborne v. Lushington. Elections. Wells v. Commissioners. Ashby V. White. Lond., 1705-1837. Laws. Anthony's case. Extradition. St. Albans' raid. Factors. Le Guen v. Gouverneur. False imprisonment. Mount Hope case. Felony. Earl of Cardigan's case. Forgery. Huntington's case. 256 San Francisco Law Library. Subject Index— Continued. Forgery. Humplirey's trial. Fraud . Queen v. Gurnej. French trials. See causes celebres. Fuller's impostors and adventurers. Revolution trials. 2d ed. Lond., 1793. German criminal trials. A. R. von Feuerbach; by lady Duff Gordon. Lond., 1846. Habeas corpus. Canadian prisoners' case. D'Hautville's case. Comment on judge Cowen's decision in the McLeod's trial. Moore's petition, Kerr's Same^ Burgen's Same. Vallandingham's trial. High treason. See treason. Same, Despard's trial. Same, Frost's case. Same, Fenv^ick's trial. Same, Wm. Jackson's trial. Same, J. H. Tooke's case. Same. Trials for. Same. James Watson's trial. Impeachment. Barnard, judge. Belknap's case. Judge Chase's case. G. M. Curtis' case. Dorn's case. Judge Hardy's case. Warren Hastings' case. ■Hogan's state trials. -Judge Jackson's case. President Johnson's case. Judge J. H. McCunn. Merritt's trial. Judge Peck's case. S. C. Pomeroy. Investigation. Robinson, Robinson and Hillyer. Judge Smith's trial. -Judge Turner's case. Documents in. Imposters and adventurers. Fuller, H. W. Insanity. Horace Hawes' will case. Henrietta Robinson's trial. McFarland trial. Sickles trial. Catalogue of Trials. 257 Subject Index— Continued. Insurance companies. Stratagems to defraud . Lewis and Bombaugh. 1878. Same. ThurtelFs trial. International law. Delvalle's case. Same. Marten's causes celebres. 2d ed. 5 vols. Leipzig, 1858. Ireland. State trials. E. W. Greene. Legitimacy. Craig v. Anglesey. Day V. Day. Douglas case. Eiddle v. Brymer. Libel. Achilli v. Newman. See Beacon trials. Hamilton v. Stevenson. Gibson v. Stevenson. Cobbett's case. Buckingham's case. Gordon trial. Hone's case. Opdyke v. Weed. John Peltier's trial. Kamsay v. Nairne. -Kowan's trial. Liquor laws. Maine. Greene v. Briggs. Malpractice. Hodges v. Cooper. Manslaughter. Goodwin's case. Marriage. Yelverton case. See Palmer. • Contract. See the De Costa case. Miscellaneous cases. See celebrated cases, causes celebres, criminal trials, remarkable trials, select trials, state trials. Military and naval cause. See court martial. Law. Abbott's case. Naval court martial. Commission. See Beall's case. and naval causes. Coote's cases. Same. The Fremont case. Same. Brigadier general Hull's trial. Same. Indiana treason cases. Same. General Lee's case. ■ Same. A. S. Mackenzie's trial. Navy. Cooper's ed. Same. Yallandingham's trial. Same. Lieutenant general Whitelocke. Same. Lieutenant colonel Winthrop's case. Same. Duke of York's case. Misdemeanor. Theo. Parker's trial. 258 San Francisco Law Library. Subject Index— Continued. Misdemeanor. Smith and Ogden. Burr's case. Misfeasance. Cornet d'Arnim's case. Murders, outrages and sketches. 1850. Alley's case. Anderson aud Kichard's case. Andrew's case. — — Avery's case. Bartlett, Adelaide, case. H. C. Black's case. Booth and Wirz case. John Brown's case. Boorn's trial. Burdell's case. Carawan's case. 1 criminal trial. Cato street conspiracy case. Clerk and Macdonald's case. Geo. W. Cole's trial. J. Donellan's trial. Donnelly, Dumolland, Harden, Hicks, Matthias, Mc- Leod, Strang. Laura D. Fair's case. Fox's case. Galley's murder. Goodwin's case. 1 criminal trial. Guiteau trial. Mary Harris' case. G. C. Hersey's case. Hodge's case. Hughes' trial. C. M. Jefferd's trial. 1. M. Kalloch's trial. Kendall's trial. Case of the christian Indians. Lino et al. Lincoln's assassination. See conspiracy. J. M. Lowell's trial. E. Lowenstein's trial. O. Lindsay's trial. D. McFarland's trial. Mrs. McLaclilan's trial. McLeod's trial. Chas. Mortimer's trial. Pierce's case. Anton Probst's trial. Catalogue of Trials. 259 Subject Index— Continued. Murders. Henrietta Eobinson's trial. Eubenstein's trial. ' T. O. Selfridge's trial. Sellers, Fortner and Jones' trial. D. E. Sickles' trial. Shapleton's great crime of 1860. Stuart, J., cases of. See Beacon trials. Jas. Stuart's trial. John H. Surratt's trial. J. B. Traupman's trial. Matt. F. Ward's trial. J. W. Webster's trial. Mrs. Whipple and Straug. Wilkinson's case. See Carlton on homicide. on high seas. Williams et al. 1819. Naval court martial. See Abbott's case. See also Military and Naval Causes. Oath administering unlawful. McKeenan's trial. Obtaining money by false pretenses. Madame Eachel's trial. Perjury. Chandler's case. Piracy. Hick's case. 1 criminal trial. American pirate's own book. 1847. Lives and exploits of pirates. 1846. Privateer Savannah. 1862. Poisoning. Brown and Stewart's trials for. Palmer's trial. Mrs. Simpson's trial. Madeline Smith's trial. Miss Smith's trial. See Palmer. Earl of Somerset's trial. Quo warranto. Bashford v. Barstow. Remarkable trials. 2 vols. Lond., 1725. Railroad tax cases. Brief. Rape. Beale's case. Religion. Auchterarder presbytery case. See ecclesiastical causes. Restitution of conjugal rights. Belcher v. Belcher. Riot. Anthony Burns' case. Eyre ads. Queen. Judge Blackburn's charge. Forbes et al. case. Same. Trial. State trials. No-Popery trial. 1780. Robbery. Hawkins et al. Scotland. Pitcairn's ancient criminal trials in. 'uirxVBRs: 260 San Francisco Law Library. Subject Index — Continued. Select trials at the sessions-house in the old Bailev, from 1720 to 1742. 4 vols. Dublin. Slander. Eamsay v. Nairne. Slave riot case. See Anthony Burns' case. Trade. Papers relative to. See Duchess of Kingston's case in appendix. Zuleteta. Case of. Sorcery. Dame Alice Kyteler's trial. Spanish causas celebres. Caravantes. Spy. See Beale's case. Star route trial. Second trial. 4 vols. 1883. State trials. 6 vols. Svo. Lond., 1720. Same, Canada rebellion cases. Same, Emlyn. Same. Hargrave. 10 vols, in 6. Same. T. B. Howell. 34 vols. Lond., 1816-28. Same. Phillips, S. M. Same. Kobertson's ed. 1793-4. Same. Salmon's abridgment. Taxation. Railroad tax cases. Threatening letter. Bingham's case. Treason. Green's trials for. Brandreth et al., case of. John Brown's case. Burr's case. Cato street conspiracy case. • Hardy's trial. Indiana cases. 1865. General Lee's trial. Kiel's case. Ehode Island causes. See Dorr's case. Trials for. 2 vols. Lond., 1716. Willis-Bund's selections from the state trials. Henry Wirz trial. and rebellion. Judge Field's charge to jury. Trials in capital cases. 2 vols. 2d ed. Lond., 1725. High Treason. 2 vols. Lond., 1716. Trusts. Murray v. Mumford. Uncleanness. Bishop Atherton's case. Usurpation. Cuevas, Bonilla et al. Mexico, 1861. Voting. See election. "Wager of Battle. See Kendall's trial by battle. Wills. Girard case. Defendant's argument and judgment. Will cases. Broderick, Horace Hawes, Johnston, Parish, Eose. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS. Fob Legal Miscellany see that Title undee the * ' Subject Index of Text Books" in this Catalogue. I— General Miscellany. II— Goyernmental Publications. I— General Miscellany. Adams, C. F. Chapters of Erie. John . "Works of. 10 vols. Defense of constitutional gov. of U. S. 3 vols. J. Q. Seward's life of. Saml. Life and public services of. 3 vols. W. D. Dictionary of English literature. Addison. Works of. 6 vols. ^schylus. Dramas of. Africa. Heart of. Schweinfurth. 2 vols. Ruined cities in. Davis. Travels in northern and central. Du Barth. 3 vols. Ainsworth. Travels. 2 vols. Travels in the track of the 10,000. Alabama claims. Beaman. Alaska and its resources. Dall. ,— — Jackson, S. Whymper's travels in and on the Yukon. Allegres' historia de la compania de Jesus. 3 vols. Allen. Construction of dock walls. AUibone. Dictionary of authors. 3 vols. Allison. Essays. Almanack de Gotha. 1877. America's appeal to the impartial world. 1775. Discovery of, by the Northmen. N. L. Beamish, Lond., 1841. People's history of. 1874. History of. Eussell, W. 2 vols. Lond., 1778.^ and her commentators. Tuckerman, H. T. 1864. Almanac. 1886-87. Antiquities. Bradford, A. W. 1841. 262 San Francisco Law Library. General Misce)lany— Continued. American Archives. Fourth series. 6 vols. Same. Fifth series. 3 vols. Eloquence. 2 vols. State papers. 21 vols'. Amerigo Yespucci. Verhagen. Amos. Science of law. Same of politics. Andre, Major. , Benson's vindication of captors of. Life and career of. Annuaire du commerce, etc., de Paris. 1874. Anson. Voyage. Anthon. Dictionary of Greek and Eoman antiquities. Aracanians, the. Smith. Argyll. Eeign of law. Arnold. Griselda. K. A. History of the cotton famine. T. History of Kome. Arnot's elements of physics. Arizona. Handbook of. Hinton. Picturesque. Arminian and English grammar. Aucher. Art. Ancient. Muller. Biographical history of. Spooner. 2 vols. Early drawiog. Birch. Ecclesiastical, in Germany. Liibke. Elementary history of. D'Anver. -In middle ages. Lacroix. Ashton, Komances of chivalry. Assyrian discoveries. G. Smith. Astronomy, popular. Mitchel. Athens. Eise and fall of. Bulwer. 2 vols. Athenian letters. 2 vols. Dublin, 1791. Atlas, hand. Andrus. Australia. Gold diggings of. Mrs. Clacy. Avesta. Spiegle and Black. Babbage. Table of logarithms. Bacon, Francis. Works of. 15 vols. O. N. History of Natick. Bagehot. English constitution. Bain. Logic. Education as a science. Baird. Annual record of science and industry. 8 vols. 1871-1878. H. M. Eise of the Huguenots. Baker, "W. S. American engravers. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 263 General Miscellany— Continued. Baker, S. W. Albert Nyanza. 2 vols. History of the civil service. Ismailia. Balcli. Galloway's examination. Baldwin. Flush times in Alabama. Ballhorn. Grammatography. Baltimore. Chronicles of. T. G. Scharf. Bancroft, Geo. History of constitution of United States. 2 vols. History of United States. 10 vols. H. H. Native races of the Pacific states. 5 vols. History of the Pacific states. Vols. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 32. Banks of New York and clearing house. Barddas. Wm. Ab Ithel. 2 vols. Bardley. English surnames. Barnes, W. H. History^of the 39th congress. 1868. Barth. Travels in North and Central Africa. 3 vols. Bartlett. New Mexico, Texas, California, Sonora, Chihau. hau. 2 vols. 1854. Bastiat. Essays on political economy. Baxley. What I saw on west coast of America. Bayles. Historical dictionary. 5 vols. Beadle, J. H. Undeveloped west. 1873. Beamish's discovery of America by Northmen. Beaufort. * Karamania. Beaumont and Fletcher. Works. 10 vols. Beckwourth. Bonner's life and adventures of. Beauregard. Roman's life of . 2 vols. Bede's ecc. his. of England and Anglo-Saxon chronicle. Beecher. Sermons. 2 vols. Belcher. Last of the Arctic voyages. 2 vols. Bell. The hand. Beloe. Anecdotes of literature. 6 vols. Benaduci. Historia general de la America Sept. Ben tham, Jeremy. Works of . 11 vols. Benton, T. H. Thirty years in the United States Senate. 2 vols. 1854. Abridgment of the debates in Congress. 14 vols. 1724-1836. Bernard. Theory of English constitution. Bernstein. Five senses of man. Bible. Lond., 1871. Apocryphal new testament. 264 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany — Continued. Bible. Cyclopedia of Biblical literature. Dr. Kitto. English hexapla. ^Smith's dictionary of the. 3 vols. Where the old and new versions differ. Biographie generale. 46 vols, in 23. Birch. Utrecht psalter. Bird. A lady's life in the Koeky mountains. Six months in Sandwich Islands. Unbeaten tracks in Japan. 2 vols. Bismark. Hezekiel. Blackbourne. Life of. Blackie. Self-culture. Blaine. Twenty years in Congress. 2 vols. Political discussions. Blair. Chronology. Enlarged. ^^Lectures on rhetoric. 3 vols. Blake. Production of precious metals. Blakesley. Archaeology. Blanqui. History of political economy. Blaserno. The sun. Bliss. One hundred years. Boeckh. Philologischen wissenschaften. Public economy of Athenians. Bogy, Lewis Y. Addresses on life and character of. Benger. Memoirs of Queen of Bohemia. 2 vols. BoUes. Financial history of United States. 2 vols. Political economy. Bolinbroke, lord. Works of. 4 vols. Bonanza mines. Borneo and Celebes. Brooke, 2 vols. Boston massacre. F. Kidder. 1870. Botta, Chas. War of the independence; by G. A. Otis. 7th ed. 2 vols. 1837. Boutell. Monumental brasses of England. Bowditch. American procedure. Navigator. Bowdoin college. Cleaveland and Packard. History of. Bowen. Coal. American political economy. Bowring, sir John. KecoUections of. Servian popular poetry. Boynton, C.R. History of the navy. 2 vols. Brace. Dangerous classes of New York. Races of the old world. Bradford, A. W. American antiquities. 1841. History of federal government. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 265 General Miscellany— Continued. Brady, J. T. A Christmas dream. Brand. Popular antiquities. 2 vols. Brande and Cox. Dictionary of literature, science, etc. 3 vols. Brant. Stone's life of. 2 vols. Brassey, T. Work and wages. Mrs. Around the world in the yacht "Sunbeam." Brazil. History of. Southey. 3 vols. Brewer. Dictionary of phrase and fable. Bridgewater treatises. 12 vols. Bright, John. Smith's life of. 2 vols. British almanac. 1872. Columbia. Macfie. Drama. Ancient and modern. 8 vols. Essayists. 40 vols in 20. Poets. American ed. 128 vols. Brockett. Our western empire. Brodie. British empire. 4 vols. Brougham, lord. Works of. 11 vols. Brown, D. P. Forensic speeches. Forum. 2 vols. T. Philosophy of the mind. 4 vols. Browne, J. R. Apache country. Crusoe's island, Cal., and Washoe. Eesources of the Pacific slope. Bryant, Wm. C. Godwin's life of. 2 vols. Jacob. Mythology. 3 vols. and Stratton. Interest tables. Buchanan. Curtis' life of. 2 vols. Buckalew. Proportional representation. Buckingham, Wm. A. Memorial addresses on. Buckle. Civilization in England. 2 vols. Essays. Miscellaneous and posthumous works. 3 vols. Bulfinch. Age of chivalry. Age of fables. Legends of Charlemagne. Buffum. Six months in gold mines. Bunnell. Discovery of the Yosemite. Burgoyne's expedition. Supplement to. Burgoyne. De Barrante's Histoire des dues de. 10 vols in 5. Burke, Ed. Works of. 12 vols. B. Landed gentry. 2 vols. J. The patrician. 6 vols. J . and J. B. Royal families of England. 2 vols. 266 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany — Continued. Burnet. History of the reformation. 4 vols. Same of his own times. 6 vols. Same of reign of James II. Burnside, Ambrose E. Memorial addresses on. Burr, Aaron. Davis' memoirs of . 2 vols. Davis' journal of. 2 vols. Burton. Anatomy of melancholy. 3 vols. Bush. Keindeer, dogs and snowshoes. Bustamente. Maiianas de la Alameda. 2 vols. Butler, J. B. Home. B. F. In New Orleans. Parton. Byles. Sophism of free trade. Byron, lord. Moore's life of. 6 vols. Stowe controversy. ^Vindicated by Manfred. "Works of. 10 vols. Caesar, Julius. A sketch. Fronde. Napoleon's history of. 2 vols. Cairne. Essays in method of political economy. Logical Same. California Pilgrim. Benton. Borthwick, J. D. Browne, Eoss. Resources of Pacific slope. Bryant. What I saw in. Bunnell, L. H. Discovery of the Yosemite. Burnett. Eecollections of an old pioneer. Clavigero. Historia de. Cooke. Conquest of New Mexico and. Cronin, H. Natural wealth of. County histories, to wit: Contra Costa, Marin, Mendo- cino, Napa and Lake, Solano, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma, Tuolumne. De Maufras. California, Oregon, etc. 2 vols. — — De Quille. Big bonanza. Evans, A. S. A la California. Fisher. The Californians. Freemont. Memoir upon upper California. Gleeson. Catholic church in California. 2 vols. 1873. Ha^gin, J. B. Desert lands of. 1877. Hallev, W". Centennial book of Alameda county. Hitteil, T. H. History of. 2 vols. Hitteil, J. S. Eesources of. 6th ed. Same. History of San Francisco. Hutchings. Scenes of wonder in. Same. Heart of the Sierras. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 267 General Miscellany— Continued. California. Letts, J. M. California illustrated. McClellan. The golden state. 1875. Men and memories of spring of '50. Menefee, C. A. Napa, Sonoma, Lake and Mendocino. 1873. • Nordhoff, C. Northern California. Same. A book for travelers. Palou. Noticias de la neuva California. 4 vols. Eevere. Tour duty of. Eyan, W. E. Upper and lower. 2 vols. 1850. Schuck, O. T. California anthology. Same Eepresentative men of the Pacific. Same. Scrap book. Thomas, P. J. Centennial memoir; founding of the missions. 1877. Truman, B. C. Semi-tropical California. Tuthill, F. History of California. Venegas. Noticia de la California. 3 vols. Same. Translated. 2 vols. Lond., 1759. Williams. Pioneer pastorate and times. Calhoun, J. C. Life of. Works of. 6 vols. Cambridge. Dyer. 2 vols. Campbell. Beattie's life and letters of. 3 vols. History of. Bell. 2 vols. Pioneers of France in new world. Parkman. Same. Old regime in. ■ History. Smith. 2 vols. Canada. Constitutional history of. Watson. Powers of parliament. Same. History of. Bell. 2 vols. Canadian Bed river. Hind. 2 vols. Canning. Political life of. Stapleton. 3 vols. Select speeches of. Carey. Miscellaneous works. 2 vols. Principles of social science. 3 vols. Unity of law. Carlyle. Works. 28 vols in 18. Correspondence with Emerson. 2 vols. Carson, Kit. Life and adventures. Carter. Medals of the British army. Carthjige and her remains. Davis. Carver, Travels. Caswall. Prophet of ninteenth century. 268 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany— Continued. Catlin. North American Indians. 2 vols. Cellini, Benevenuto. Life of. 2 vols. Celtic researches. Davies. Central America. Squier. Central route to the Pacific. Cesnola. Cyprus. Ceylon and the Cingalese. Sirr. 2 vols. Chambers' cyclopedia of English literature. 2 vols. Book of days. 2 vols. Charlemagne. James. Charles I. Court and time of. De Gamache. 2 vols. Chase, S. P. Schucker's life of. Chastelleux. Travels in North America. 2 vols. Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Kevolutions. Chemistry. Atfield. Brande and Taylor. Encyclopedia of. 2 vols. Muspratt. Legal. Naquet. Dictionary of. Watt. Supplement to Same, Watt. Chile. Exposicion international de, in 1875. History of. Molina. 2 vols. Historia de. Valdes. Jour. 1. China. Barrows. Travels in. Same. Cochin. Bohn's. Duhalde. History of. 4 vols. Hope. In quest of coolies. Martin. The Chinese. Meadows. Chinese and their rebellions. Oliphant. China and Japan. 2 vols. Seward. Chinese immigration. Twelve years in. Choate, Eufus. Addresses of. — — Life and writings. Brown. 2 vols. Chronicle. History of San Francisco. Cicero. De officiis. Forsyth's life of. 2 vols. Melmoth's letters of. 3 vols. Nature of the gods. On old age. Trollope's life of. 2 vols. • Tusculan disputation. (t Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 269 General Miscellany — Continued. Cist. See civil war. Civil war. Allan, W. Jackson's valley campaign, 1861-2. Ammen. The Atlantic coast. Bernard, M, Neutrality of Great Britain during. Lond., 1870. Coffin, C. C. Four years of figliting. 1866. Confederate reports of battles. Official. Cooke, J. E. Wearing of the gray. 1867. Cooper, J. F. History of the navy. 2 vols. Paris, 1839. Dean, H. C. Crimes of the. Draper, J. W . Civil war in America. 3 vols. Forest, general N. B. Campaigns. Foster, J. Y. New Jersey and the rebellion. Gould, J. M. Hist. 1st, 10th and 29th Maine regiments. — — Greeley, H. American conflict. 2 vols. Helper. Impending crisis. Johnston, J. E. Narrative of the. Jordan, T., and Prior, J. P. Forest's campaign. Lossing, B. J. Pictorial history of. 3 vols. Lunt, Geo. Origin of the late war. Mahan. The gulf and inland waters. Maine regiments. History of 1st, 10th and 29th. McPherson's political history of the rebellion. Official record. 20 vols. • Paris, comte de. History of. 3 vols. Patterson. Campaign in Shenandoah valley. Pollard, E. A. The lost cause. • Porter, D. D. Naval history of the war. Eebellion record. 12 vols. Eussell. My diarv, north and south. Schalk, E. Campaigns of 1861-2. ^ ^ . Schumucker, S. M. History of the civil war. Semmes, E. Memoirs of service afloat. Sherman's historic raid. Soley. The blockade and the cruisers. Stephens, A. H. War between the states. 2 vols. Tomes, E. History of the civil war. 3 vols. Tomes and Smith. Same, 3 vols. Yan Home, T. B. History of the army of the Cum- berland. 2 vols. Campaigns of: Cist, H. M. Army of the Cumberland. Cox, J. D. Atlanta. Same, The march to the sea. 270 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany— Continued. Doubleday, A. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Force, N. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth. Greene, F. V. The Mississippi. Humphreys, A. A. Virginia campaign. 1864-65. -Nicolay, J. G. Outbreak of the rebellion. Palfrey, F. W. Antietam and Fredericksburg. Phisterer, F. Statistical record. Pond, G. E. The Shenandoah valley. Kopes, J. C. Army under Pope. Webb, A. S. The Peninsula. Clarendon. Correspondence. 2 vols. History of the rebellion. 7 vols. Clarke, J. F. Ten great religions. 2 vols. and Hall. Documentary history of United States banks. Classical works. ^ Greek classics, printed by Didot, 54 vols. ; Latin classics — the Delphin classics; Translations, Bohn's ed. of Aristophanes, 2 vols; Aristotle, 4 vols.; Euripides, Justin, Cornelius Nepos and Eutropius by Watson, Suetonius, Sallust, Florus and V. Peterculus by Watson, Xenophon, Livy and Quintillian. Clavigero. History of Mexico. 2 vols. Clay, H. Col ton's last years of. Life and speeches of. 2 vols. Cleaveland. Whittlesey. Early history of. Cloud. Monopolies and the people. Cluskey. Political text book. Cobden. Political writings. 2 vols. Cockbourn. Memoirs of his own times. Coffin's four years of fighting. Collecion de documentos. 25 vols. des memoirs. 63 vols. Collier. Ecclesiastical history of Great Britain. 9 vols. Historical dictionary. 2 vols. Colorado. Hayes' new. Hollister. Mines of. Biver. Ives. Beport upon the. Columbus, Christopher. De Belloy. Comes. L'exploration des mines. 3 vols. Comstock, A. Frauds exposed. Comte. Positive philosophy. Confucianism. Douglas. Ab Ithel. Congress. See governmental publications. Annals of. 30 vols. 1789-1817. Journals of. 13 vols. 1774-1788. Begister of debates in. 14 vols. 1724-1836. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 271 General Miscellany— Continued. Congreve. Works. 2 vols. Connecticut. Colonial records of. J. H. Trumbull, 3 vols; C. J. Hoadley, 6 vols. Hollister, G. H. History of. Phelps, E. H. Newgate of. Coode, John. Memorial addresses. Cook. Voyage. First, second and third. 8 vols. Cooke. Curiosities of occult literature. J. P. The new chemistry. and Berkeley. Fungi. Cooper's history of the navy. 2 vols. Cowley. Works of. 3 vols . Cox. See civil war: campaigns. Columbia river. 2 vols. S. S. Eight years in congress. Coxe. Kussian discoveries. Arts and manufactures. Memoirs of the house of Austria. 3 vols. Same. Duke of Marlborough. 3 vols. Same, Kings of Spain. 3 vols. Same. Pelham ministry. 2 vols. Same. Lord Walpole. Same. Eobert "Walpole. 3 vols. Correspondence of duke of Shrewsbury. View of the United States. Crabb. Technological directory. 2 vols. Creasy. English constitution. Memoirs of eminent Etonians. Crisis. The. Cromwell. Life of. Lamartine. Guizot's history of. 2 vols. Crose. Ancient armor. Cruden. Complete concordance. Cuba. ^ Turbull. Curiosities of politics. Curran. Phillips' recollections of. Speeches of. Curtis, G. T. Constitution of the United States. 2 vols. 1861. B. K. Life and writings of. 2 vols. Cushing, Caleb. The treaty of Washington. Wm. Initials and pseudonyms. Curwen. Journals and letters. Cyclopedia of commerce. 272 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany— Continued. Cyprus. Cesnola. Dameron. Spiritism. Dampier. Voyages. 3 vols. Dana. Corals. Dance of Life. Darwin. Animals under domestication. 2 vols. Formation of animal mould. Darwiniana. Gray. Davies. Celtic researches. Historical tracts. Davis, Garret. Memorial addresses on. Jefferson. Life of. Pollard. D'Arblay, Madam. Diary and letters of. 7 vols. D'Aubigne. Story of the reformation. Dean. Interest and equation exponents. DeCoulange. Ancient city. DeKoch. Histoire abregee des traites des paix. 15 vols. Del Mar. History of precious metal. Democratic electoral handbook. DeQuille, D. Big bonanza. DeQuincy. Works of . 21 vols. Descharel. Natural philosophy. DeTocqueville. Democracy in America. DeYere, Scheie. Americanisms. DeWicker. Ocular therapeutics. DeWitt. Political maxims. Dickens, Chas. Letters of. 2 vols. Forster's life of. 3 vols. Works of. 25 vols. Disraeli, I. Curiosities of literature. 6 vols. Sketches of English literature. 2 vols. Dix, J. A. Memoirs of. Morgan Dix. 2 vols. Dixon. Voyages. W. H. White conquest. 2 vols. Lond., 1876. Dodds. Epigrammatist. Doran. Memoirs of our great towns. Dove. Law of storms. Doyle. Romance of Plymouth church. Drake, S. G. Witchcraft and delusion in New Eng. 3 vols. World encompassed. F. S. Dictionary of American biography. J. W. Conflict between religion and science. Intellectual development of Europe. DiciDer. Civil war in America. 3 vols. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 273 General Miscellany— Continued. Dugdale. Baronage. — — Chronica jurdicalia, abridgment of. Lond., 1739. Origines. Duyckinck. Cyclopedia of American literature. Dutcher. Minority representation. D wight. History of the Hartford convention. Dyer, D. Albany penitentiary. 1867. Edwards. Free town libraries in Britain, France, etc. Education. Kiddle and Schem's cyclopedia of. Egerton papers. Egypt, ancient. Kenricks. 2 vols. Hawks. And its monuments. Eldon, lord. Twiss' life of. 2 vols. Elliott. Old court life in France. 2 vol. Jonathan. Debates on the federal constitution. 5 vols. Ellis, W. Polynesian researches. 2 vols. Geo. Specimen of early English poets. 3 vols. Emory. Notes of a military reconnoissance. Eutick. History of late war. 5 vols. Engineering. Cresey. Encyclopedia of. Greenwell. Treatise on mine. — — Spon. Dictionary of. England. Bagehot, Wm. Constitution of. Beckett. Comic history of. 2 vols. Bede's ecc. history of, and Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Ellis. Letters on history of. 3 vols. Elton. Origins of history of. Fischel. Constitution of. Froude. History of. 12 vols. ' Granger's biographical history of. 6 vols. Green. History of English people. 3 vols. Guizot. History of. 6 vols. Hansard. Parliamentary debates. Hume. History of. 6 vols. Lecky. England in the eighteenth century. 6 vols. — — London in the Jacobite times. 2 vols. Macauley. History of. Nobles. Biographical history of. 3 vols. ■ Palgrave. Normandy and England. 4 vols. — — Smollett. History of. 4 vols. • Yonge. Constitutional history of. Ephesus. Wood's discoveries at. Erskine, Lord. Speeches. 2 vols. Ethiopia. Highlands of. Harris. 3 vols. 274 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany — Continued. Etruria. Cities and cemeteries of. Dennis. 2 vols. Europe. Alison. History of. 8 vols, and index. — — Koch. Same. Draper's intellectual development of. Prisons of. Alboize and Maquet. 8 vols. Eussell's Europe after the peace of Utrecht. 2 vols. Evers. Navigation. Falconer. Marine dictionary. Fawcett. Free trade and protection. Federalist. Dawson's ed. J. C. Hamilton's ed. Fenn. On the funds. Ferry, Orrin S. Memorial addresses on. Fernandez, Fr. Alonzo. Historia ecclesiastica. Field. History of the Atlantic telegraph. S. J. Pomeroy's legislative and judicial work of. of Mars. 2 vols. J. T. Biographical notes and sketches. Fielding. Works. 10 vols. Poems. Figueroa's manifesto. Figuier. Reptiles and birds. Fischel. English constitution. Fisher, S. G. Trial of the constitution. 1862. Fitch, John. Wescott's life of. Fitzgerald. Romance of the English stage. 2 vols. lord. Memoirs of. 2 vols. Florida. Gidding. Exiles of. Historia de la. Irving, T. Conquest of. Foote. Bench and bar of the South. Force. See civil war. Forney. Anecdotes of public men. Forrest, Edwin. Rees. Life of. Forsyth. Novels of the 18th century. Foster. Pre-historic races of the U. S. Fowler. Salem witchcraft. Sectional controversy. Fox, C. J. Lord Russell's memoirs of. 2 vols. France. Boerbstadt and Dwyer. Franco-Prussian war. Oassell. Same. 2 vols. Croker. Essay on revolution. Guizot. Memoirs relatif a 1' history de. 29 vols. Same. Introduction and general table. 2 vols. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 275 General Miscellany — Continued. France. Same. History of. 6 vols. Martin. Same. 6 vols. McCabe. "War between Frauce and Germany. Memoirs relatif a 1' bistorie de. 1st series. 52 vols. Same. Second series. 78 vols. Van Laun. Frencb revolutionary epoch. 2 vols. Stephens' lecture on history of. 2 vols. Wright. History of. 3 vols. Francis. Annals and anecdotes of life insurance. History of the bank of England. Stock exchange. 1. Bacon's life in times of. 2 vols. Franklin, Ben. Bigelow's life of. 3 vols. Works and life of. Sparks. 10 vols. Same. Bigelow. 5 vols. ■Ins. Co. Fifty years old. Frederick II. Lord Dover's life of. 2 vols. Free love and its votaries. Freeman, E. A. Growth of the English constitution. Historical geography of Europe. 2 vols. Norman conquest. 6 vols. Ottoman power in Europe. Eise of William Eufus. 2 vols. Fremont, J. C. Bigelow's memoirs of. Memoirs of my life. Yol. 1. First and second expedition. Froissart's chronicles. Froude. Short studies on great subjects. 2 vols. Oceana. History of England. 12 vols. Fry, J, B. Brevets in armies of G. B. and U. S. 1877. Furber. Twelve months volunteer. Gallardo. Rentas de la Corona. 7 vols. Gardner. Faiths of the world. 2 vols. Garfield. Hinsdale's work of. 2 vols. Gazetteer of the world. 6 vols. George, H. Progress and poverty. III. Belsham's memoirs of. 2 vols. Buckingham's Same. 2 vols. George lY. Same. 2 vols. Gerund, Friar. History of. 2 vols. Gibbon. Lives of pious women. 2 vols. E. Decline and fall of Roman empire. Gibbons. United States debt. 276 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany — Continued. Gibson. Life among tlie convicts. 2 vols. Gilbart. Treatise on banking. Gilchrist. Life of William Blake. 2 vols. Gillet. Democracy in the U. S. Federal government. Gilray. Wright and Evans' caricatures. 2 vols. Gladstone. The Vatican decrees. Glaisher. Travels in the air. Gneist. English constitution. 2 vols. Godwin. History of the commonwealth. 4 vols. Goguet. Origin of laws. 3 vols. Goodell, W. American slave code. 2d ed. 1853. Goss. Melrose memorial. Gould. John Doe and Kichard Eoe. Grammont. Memoirs of. 3 vols. Grange movement. History of. Grant, U. S. Deming's life of. Grattan. Life of. 4 vols. Great Britain. Speed's history of. Greece. Curtin's history of. 5 vols. — —Grote's Same. 12 vols. Greeley, H. Parton's life of. Political economy. Eecollections of a busy life. A. W. Three years of arctic service. 2 vols. Greene. Kussian campaigns. 1877-8. Nathaniel. Simms' life of. Greenleaf. Testimony of the evangelists. Greville. Grimke. Nature of free institutions. Griswold. Handbook of adjustments. Grosvenor. Does protection protect ? Grote. Aristotle. 2 vols. Guatemala. Montgomery's journey to. Guibourt. Courso completo de mineralogia. Guistinian's despatches. 2 vols. Guizot. /S'ee France. History of Oliver Cromwell. 2 vols. Halburton. Eule and misrule of the English in America. Halkett and Laing. Dictionary of anonymous literature. 3 vols. Hall. Ketrospect of a long life. Hallam. Works. 10 vols. Halliwell. Letters of kings of England. 2 vols. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 277 General Miscellany — Continued. Halstead. National political conventions. Hamilton, A. Manual training. The federalist. 1866. ^Works of. Lodge. 10 vols. Life of. Lodge. A. H. A. Quarter sessions. J. C. The republic. 7 vols. Hampson. Debates, charters and customs. 2 vols. Hannibal. Whitaker's course of, over the Alps. 2 vols. Hansard. Parliamentary debates. Harper, E.. G. Speech. Harris. Voyages and travels. 2 vols. Harrison, general W. H. Montgomery's life of. Hart. German universities. Treatise on oblique arches. Harvard university. Quincy's history of. 2 vols. Havens. Archselogy of the United States. Hawaiian Islands. Jarves' history of. Sandwich Island notes. Hawkins. Voyages. Hayden. Dictionary of dates. Hayes, A. A., jr. New Colorado and Santa Fe trail. Hazlett's Biographical collections. Collection and notes. — — Elizabethan literature. Handbook of popular literature. R. B. Howard's life of. Head. Art of wheedling. Headley. Great riots of New York. Helper, H. R. Impending crisis of the south. Help, A. Thoughts on government. Henry, Patrick. Wirt's life of. Herodotus. Eawliuson. 4 vols. Egypt of. — — Eennell's geography of. 2 vols. Hill. Album of biography and art. Liberty and law. Hillebrand. German thought. Historical dictionary. See Bayles, Collier. Histoire des avanturiers filibustiers. 4 vols. History. See the various subjects. Universal. Ancient, 21 vols.; modern. 44 vols. ^^ vols. Lond., 1747-66. Clare, I. S. Illustrated universal. 1881. 278 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany — Continued. Holbrook. Ten years among the mailbags. Holland and its people. De Amicis. Holmes. System of surgery. 5 vols. Homan. Bankers' almanac. 1878. Homes of American statesmen. Hone. Ancient mysteries. Hopkinson . Essays. 3 vols. Horton. Silver and gold. House of lords. Fifty years of. Hughes. Currency question. Huidekoper. Judaism at Eome. Hull, general. Campbell's life of. Humboldt. Works. 13 vols. Hume. Essay. 2 vols. Hurd. Theory of our national existence. Hurlburt. Human right. Hutchings. In the heart of the Sierras. Huxley. The cray fish. Illinois. Breese, S. Early history of. Ford, T. India. Bohn. Barcia. Historia Indias. 3 vols. De Alcedo. Diccionario Georg'o historic de las Indias occidentales. 5 vols. De la Puente. History of . Elliott. Memoirs of races of N. W. 2 vols. Herrera. Decadas de Indias. 5 vols. Immigration in. Indians. History of tribes. Mcintosh. Origin of North American. Penhallow, S. AVars of New England. 1859. Indian tribes. Schoolcraft. 5 vols. Internal revenue. Secrets of. International scientific series. 41 vols. Interference. Theory of government. Irrepressible conflict. Ireland. O'Flanagan. Lord chancellors of. 2 vols. Orators of. 7 vols. Plowden . History of. 3 vols. Iroquois. Morgan, L. H. League of the. 1857. Irving, W. Life and letters of. 3 vols. Life of. Warner. Works. 22 vols. Isseus. Jones. Speeches of. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 279 General Miscellany— Continued. Italy. Galiffe. 2 vols. Guicciardini. 10 vols. Jackson, Andrew. Eaton's life of. Parton's life of. 3 vols. Constitutions of several states. Sumner's life of. Stonewall. Dabney's life of. Jalapa. Kivera. Histoire de. 5 vols. James I. Aikins' life of. 2 vols. — — Court and times of. 2 vols. James, Edwin. Expedition to the Kooky mountains. 3 vols. TV. Military occurrences. Eevolution. 2 vols. Lond., 1818. Japan. Black's young. 2 vols. Bird. Unbeaten tracks in. Le Gendre. Progressive. Eein. Travels and researches in. Titsingli. Annals des empereur du. Jay, John. Life and writings of. 2 vols. Jeafferson. Book about the table. Brides and bridals. 2 vols. Jeanne D'Arc. Wallon. Jeannette. Perry's. Yoyage of the. 2 vols. Jefferson, Thos. Works. 9 vols. Morse's life of. Eandall's life of. 3 vols. Jeffrey, lord. Cockburn's life of. 2 vols. Jenkins' works. Jennings' anecdotal history of British parliament. Eighty years of republican government. Jerusalem. Recovery of. Jesse. Court of England. 3 vols. Jevons. Methods of social reform Jewitt. Narrative. Jews. Milman. History of. Madden. Jewish coinage. Johnson, Andrew. Memorial addresses on. Sam. Works. 12 vols. Boswell's life of. Oriental religions. Sir Wm. Stones' life of. 2 vols. Johnston, A. S. W. P. Johnson's life of. Joli, Guy. Memoirs of, and others. 3 vols. 280 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany— Continued. Jones, Paul. Sherburne's life of. Sir Wm. Teign mouth's life of. K. W. Money is power. Jonson, Ben. Works of. Jordan river and Dead sea. Lynch. Josephus. Whiston. Journalism. Hudson. History of, in America. Gralit. Newspaper press. 3 vols. Hubbard. Newspaper and bank directory. 2 vols. Junius. Handwriting of. Woodfall. Graham's memoirs of Tooke. Karnes, lord. History of man. 2 vols. Memoirs of. 2 vols. Kane. Exploration. 1st and 2d voyages. 2 vols. Kansas and Nebraska.. Hale, E. E. Holloway, J. N. Phillips, W. Conquest of. Kay. Free trade in land. Kearney, Phil. History of. Kelley. Speeches and addresses. Kiddie and Schem. Cyclopedia of education. King. The great south. — — Wm. E. Obituary addresses on. Kinglake. Invasion of the Crimea. 6 vols. Kingsmill prison and prisoners. Kirk. Charles the Bold. 3 vols. Knights of Pythias' manual. Koran. Sala. Kossuth. Memoirs of my exile. Lacroix. Science and literature of the middle ages. Arts in the middle ages. La Fayette. Mack's life of. Lamartine. Celebrated characters. 3 vols. — — History of the restoration. 4 vols. Cromwell. Lamb, Chas. Works. 6 vols. Lamfrey. History of Napoleon. 4 vols. Lane . Lincoln's inn. La Perouse. Voyage in search of. Larco. His. del congress extraor'o constituyente. 2 vols. Lardner. Cabinet cyclopedia. 20 vols. Larwood. Story of the London parks. Lathbury. History of convocation. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 281 General Miscellany — Continued. Lathrop. Union league of Philadelpliia. Lavalle. Physical, etc., geography. Lawson. History of banking. Lawyers. Portrait gallery of eminent. Lea. Superstition and force. Sacerdotal celibacy. Le Brun. Traite de la communante entre mari et femme. Lecky. Eationalism in Europe. 2 vols. History of European morals. Same. England in eighteenth century. 6 vols. Le Conte. Religion and science. Lee, Henry. Memoirs of the war. 2 vols. E. E. Cooke's life of. Same. Long's life of. Jones' personal reminiscences of. F. G. Glossary of liturgical terms. Leeds' treatise on ventilation, Leighton. Works. 2 vols. Lenormant. Chaldean magic. Leo 10th. Eoscoe's life of. 2 vols. Lettres edifiantes. 26 vols. Levinski. Bible. 3 vols. Lewes. History of philosophy. 2 vols. Lewirr. History of savings banks. Lewis. Stratagems to defraud life insurance companies. Dio. Prohibition a failure. and Clark. Travels. 3 vols. Library of famous fiction. Liberal League. Eeport of organization of. Lieber. Civil liberty. Perry's life and letters of. Lincoln, Abraham. Bancroft, Geo. Memorial address on. Carpenter's six months with. Eaymond's life of. Lindley and Moore. Treasury of botany. 2 vols. Livingston. Zambesi and its tributaries. Last journals. Locke. Works. 10 vols. Lommel. Nature of light. London. Doran. In the Jacobite times. # vols. Knight. 6 vols. Long. Decline of the Eoman republic. 5 vols. Longfellow. Poets and poetry of Europe. Longinus. On the sublime. 282 San Francisco Law Libeary. General Misce)lany-- Continued. Lopez. Yida, por Losa. Loyal songs against the rump parliament. 2 vols. Louisiana and Florida. French, B. F. 1st and 2d series. Gayarre, C. Spanish domination. 2d ed. -Martin, F. X. Same. 2 vols. Lubbock, sir J. Origin of civilization. Ants, wasps and bees. Ludlow. Popular epics of the middle ages. Lusiad. Mickle. Lycia. Fellows' coins of ancient. Lyell. Antiquity of man. Principles of geology. 2 vols. Lyndhurst. Martin's life of. Macaulay, T. B. England. Miscellaneous works. 5 vols. Machiavelli. Works. 2 vols. Mackay. Memoirs of popular delusions. Mackenzie's voyages. Macleod, Norman. Memoirs by Dan. Macleod. 2 vols. Macready. Eeminiscences and diaries. Madden. United Lishmen. 1st and 4th series. 4 vols. F. W. Jewish coinage. Madison, James. Life and times of. 3 vols. Writings of. 4 vols. Papers. 3 vols. Madox. Firma burgi. Magna charta. History and defense of. Thomson's historical essay on. Magyars, the. Patterson. 2 vols. Maimonides. Creed of the Jews. 2 vols. Mahaffy. History of classical Greek literature. Malacca, etc. Thomson. Mallett. Life of lord Bacon. Malone. Authenticity of miscellaneous papers. Malthus on population. Mann . Paper money. Manx grammar. Kelly. Marcy. Army life on the border. Animal mechanism. Mariposa estate. Marmontel. Les Incas. 2 vols. Marryatt. Diary in America. Marsh. Bank bookkeeping, etc. Marshall. Naval biography and supplements. 8 vols. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 283 General Miscellany— Continued. Martin. Life of the Prince Consort. 5 vols. Equation tables. Money of nations. Martinean, Harriet. Autobiography. 2 vols. Maryland. Alsop G. — — Bozman, J. L. Massachusetts. Body of liberties. His. col. Vol. VIII. Minot, G. E. History of Massachusetts bay. 2 vols, in 1. Washburne, E. Judicial history of. 1840. Mason, Jeremiah. Memoirs of. Masonry. California digest of Masonic law. General history of Free Masonry. — — Mackey. Encyclopedia of Same. Same. Masonic jurisprudence. Same. Book of the chapter. Proceedings of grand lodge of California. Vols. 1 to 15, inclusive. 15 vols. Maunder' s treasury of history. Same of natural history. Scientific and literary treasury. Biographical treasury. May. Democracy in Europe. 2 vols. Constitutional history of Eogland. Mayhew. London labor and London poor. 3 vols. Criminal prisons of London. McCarthy. History of our own times. 4 vols. McClellan, E. G. Eepublicanism in America. 1607-1869. 10th ed. 1879. Army of the Potomac. McClintock. Narrative. McCuilough. Commercial dictionary. McKean. Practical life tables. McPherson. History of reconstruction. Handbooks of politics. 1872-84. 7 vols. McQueen. Orator's touchstone. Mears' voyages. Mechanics. Appleton. Cyclopedia of applied. 2 vols. Mechanical dictionary. Knight. 3 vols. Melito, de. Memoirs of. 2 vols. Memorial addresses on. Eice, J. B; Crocker, A.; Hersey, S. F.; Hooper, S. Melvin, J. Journal of the expedition to Quebec. 1864. Metallurgy. Phillips. Elements of. Metternich, prince. Memoirs of. 4 aols. 284 San Francisco Law Library, General Miscellany— Continued. Mexico. A barrister's trip to. Brocklehurst. Mexico to-day. Cavo. Los tres sigilos de. Chevalier. 2 vols. Cincinnatus. Travels in. Cordilleras. Coleccion de constitucones Mexicanos. 2 vols. Costello. True history of conquests of. 2 vols. Covarrubas. Instrucion pub'a en. El gobinete Mexicano. 2 vols. Furber, G. C. Twelvemonths' volunteer. The war with. 1848. Hardy. Travels in the interior of. History de la revolution de Mexico de 1853-55. Kingsborough. Mexican antiquities. 9 vols. Latrobe. Kambles in. Lorenzana. Provincial councils in city of.T 2^vols. Lyon. 2 vols. Notes on. Ober. Travels in. ' Euxton. Adventures in. de Solis. Conquest of. 2 vols. Same. Historia de. Tarate. Papeles relativos a la intervention Francesa en. Thompson. Recollection of. Ward. 2 vols. Meyer. The organs of speech. Michelena y royas exploracion. Official. Michelet. History de France. Miscellaneous historical works. 6 vols. History of the revolution. 7 vols. Michigan. Sheldon, E. M. Early history of. Mickle. Lusiad. 2 vols. Might and right, by a Ehode Islander. Mill, J. S. Autobiography. Considerations on representative government. Dissertation and discussions. 5 vols. Liberty. Logic. Principles of political economy. 2 vols. ' Sir Wm. Hamilton's philosophy. Three essays on religion. Miller, J. Ship in the desert. Milman. History of Christianity. 3 vols. Same of Jews. 3 vols. Same of Latin Christianity. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 285 General Miscellany— Continued. Milton. Prose work. 5 yoIs. Viscount. San Juan water boundary. Mines. Callon. Cour professes a I'ecole des. 2 vols. Cours a I'ecole des; text and atlases. 4 vols. Minnesota and its resources. Bond, J. W. Minstrelsy of Scottish border. 3 vols. Mirabeau. Letters de cachet. 2 vols. Miranda. Expedition. Missionary voyages. 1796-8. Missouri. Barns, C. E. Commonwealth of. Mohammed. Life and religion of. Moliere. Dramatic works of . Van Laun. 5 vols. Mollhauseu. Journey. Monmouth. Boberts' life of. 2 vols. Monroe. The people the sovereigns. Doctrine. Tuckerman. — — Oilman's life of. Montague, M. W. Works and letters. 2 vols. Montaigne. Hazlett's works of. Moore, F. Bebellion record. 12 vols. Morris, Gouverneur. Spark's life of. 3 vols. Morse, S. B. Prinn's life of. Morselii. Suicide. Morton, O. P. Memorial addresses on. Mosheim. Church history. Motley. Eise of the Dutch republic. 3 vols. John of Barnveldt. 2 vols. O. W. Holmes' memoirs of. Mulford. The nation. Muller, Max. Science of language. Wilhelm. Political history of recent times. Munoz. El libro del pueblo . Murdoch. The stage. Murray. Travels in North America. 2 vols. Myer. Tactics. Napier. Peninsular war. 6 vols. Napoleon. D'Abrantes' memoirs of. 2 vols. Lanfrey. History of Napoleon I. 5 vols. Id exile. O'Meara. 2 vols. Ill in exile. Posthumous works of. The prisoner of Ham. _ Naquet. Legal chemistry. ^.rf^'^^a^^S^^^^Sk. Nash. Crime and the family. .^^r^^V^r^^J^^ Natick. Bacon. History of. 11^^. ^' ™^ ^ UHI7ERSIT7] 286 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany— Continued. National portrait gallery. 4 vols. Navy. Boynton. History of the. 2 vols. Naval dry docks of the United States. Neander. Christian church. 2 vols. Christian life. Nebraska. Curley, E. A. Its advantages and drawbacks. Newcombe. Financial policy. New Granada. Holton. New Hampshire. Barstow, G. 2d ed. New Jersey. Mulford, J. 8. History of. 1851. Whitehead, W. A. Under the proprietors. New Mexico. Davis, W. W. H. El Gringo, or. New South Wales. Industrial progress of. Newton, Isaac. Brewster's memoirs of. 2 vols. New York. Denton, D. In 1670. Furman's ed. Hough. Indian titles in. 2 vols. Documentary history of. 4 vols. — — Historical collection. New series. Yol. I. Living authors at the bar. Miller, J. In 1695. Shea's ed. Niagara falls bridge and other jDapers. Lond., 1856. Nicholas. Conservative essays. Nicholson. Science of exchanges. Nicolas. Orders of knighthood. 4 vols. Nicolay. See civil war : Campaigns. Niebuhr's lectures on ancient history. 3 vols. Nordenskiold. Voyage of the '"Yega." Nordhoff, C. California, Oregon and the Hawaiian Islands, Normandy and England. Palgrave. 4 vols. North, Eoger. Lives of the Norths. 3 vols. North America. Trollope, A. 2 vols. Lond., 1862. North Carolina. Jones. Defense of. Hawks. History of. 2 vols. Northington. Lord Henley's life of. Northcote and Brownlow. Koma solterranea. 2 vols. Nott and Glidden. Indigenous races. Novara. Yoyage of the. 3 vols. Norwalk. Hall, E. Nuremberg. Beformacion der stadt. Nystrom. Elements of mechanics. O'Callaghan. History of the Irish brigade. Oraquill. Madame Jane Junk and Joe. Oregon. Barrows. Dunn. The territory of. Gra-y, W. H. History of. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 287 General Miscellany — Continued. Oregon and California. Greenhow. Twiss, Dr. Oregon question. and Washington. Victor. Ormond, duke of. Life of James. 2 vols. Life of and letters. 3 vols. Oswald. Summerland sketches. Overall, Dictionary of chronology. Packard, Mrs. E. P. W. Modern persecution. 2 vols. Paley. Works. 8 vols. Palfrey. See civil war. Panama. Otis. Isthmus of. Pandora. Young. Voyages of. Parker, Theo. Frothingham's life of. Parkman. Old regime in Canada. -Pioneers of France in the new world. Parry. Parliaments of England. Parsons, T. Memoirs of. Partenoplex de Blois. Pascal's letters. Pascoe. Dramatic list. Patterson, K. Campaigns in the Shenandoah valley. 1861. Science of finance. Paulus Hook. Farrier, G. H. Centennial celebration battle. Penhallow. New England wars with Indians. Penn, Wm. Janney's life of. and Logan correspondence. 2 vols. Pepy. Diary. 4 vols. Percy. Eeliques. Perkins, F. B. The best reading. Perry. Elements of political economy. Persia. Watson. History of. Peru. Markham. Travels in. Squire. Petit. Leges Atticse. Lond., 1742. Pettigrew. Animal locomotion. Philadelphia. Leaders of the old bar of. Marten's bench and bar of. Philip. Alf von Dulmen's history of. 2 vols. Phillip II. Prescott's life of. 3 vols. Phillipines. Jager. Travels in. Phillips, L. B. Autograph album. Fundamental laws and constitutions. Henry. History of American paper currency. 2 vols. Pickering, Timothy. Upham's life of. 4 vols. 288 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany — Continued. Pike. Expedition. Pilkington. Dictionary of painters. 2 vols. Pindar. Works. 5 vols. Pinker ton. Molly Maguires. John. Yoyages. 17 vols. Pio Sexto. Breve apostolico de. Madrid, 1781. Pitt. Stanhope's life of. 4 vols. Speeches. 4 vols. Planche. Extravaganzas. 5 vols. Plato. Bohn's ed. 6 vols. Pleader's guide. A didactic poem. Pollard. The lost cause. Polonius. A collection of wise saws. Polynesia. Turner. Nineteen years in. Pompeii. Dyer. Poor. Morey. Its laws and history. Porcher. Southern fields and forests. Porter. Journal. 2 vols. D. D. Naval history of the war. Portlock's voyages. Portugal. Kinsey. Seyner. History de Levantamiento de. Pothier. (Euvres. 11 vols. Pandectes. 24 vols. Coutumes d'Orleans. Prentice. Wit and humor. Prentiss, S. S. Memoirs of. 2 vols. Shield's life and times of. Prescott. Works. 12 vols. Prichard. Natural history of man. 2 vols. Proctor, B. W. Memoirs of. Proudhon. Crimes des rois de France. Crimes des reins de France. Prout, Father. Keliques. Prussia. Tuttle's history of. Pumpelly. Across America. Putnam, general. Cutter's life of. Hints for home reading. World's progress. Quincy, Josiah, jr. Life of. Speeches of. History of Harvard university. Jr. Memoirs of. Life of. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 289 General Miscellany — Continued. Kabelais. Works of. 4 vols. Kailroad. Flint. Of the United States. Poor's manual of railroads of United States. Yose, Densmore and Co. Eailway supplies. Kalston, W. C. Memorial of. Kamiro. Collecion de canons de la Inglesia. 6 vols. Eandolph, E. Yindication. John. Life of. Adams' life of. Eapins. Acta regia. 4 vols. and Tindale. History of England. 33 vols. Eawlinson. Five great monarchies. 3 vols. History of Herodotus. 4 vols. Oriental monarchy. — • — Seventh Same. Bead, Geo. Life and correspondence. Eebellion. See civil war. Eecord. Moore. 12 vols. Eeclus. The earth and its inhabitants. 5 vols. Eeed. Bench and bar of Wisconsin. Lives of the Eoman emperors. 5 vols. Eeformation. Burnet. History of the. 4 vols. Eeif, English-Eussian grammar. Eemusat, de, madame. Memoirs of. 2 vols. Eemy and Brenchley's Salt Lake City. 2 vols. Eepublican court, the. Eevolution. Moore, F. Diary of the American. 2 vols. 1860. Niles, H. Principles and acts of the revolution. 1876. Saffell, W. T. E. Eecords of the revolutionary war. 1858. Eibot. Diseases of memory. Eicard. Mining journey. Eichardsou. Beyond the Mississippi. Field, dungeon and escape . — ; — Public debt of United Srates. Eiesdel, madame. Memoirs of. Eittenhouse. Barton's memoirs of. Eobertson. Scrap boo.i: on law and politics. Eobinson, Henrietta. Diary. 3 vols. Eoger of Wendover's chronicles. 2 vols. Eollin. Ancient history. 8 vols. Eomanes. Animal intelligence. 290 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany — Continued. Kome. Arnold. History of. Crevier. History of Koman emperors. 10 vols. — — Fuss. Roman antiquities. Gibbon. Decline and fall of Roman empire. 8 vols. Hooke. Roman history. 6 vols. History of Roman constitution. Ihne. History of. 5 vols. Livy. History of. 4 vols. Long's decline of the Roman republic. 5 vols. Merivale. Romans under the empire. 8 vols. Mommsen. History of. 4 vols. — — Niebuhr. Same. 3 vols. Rood. Modern chromatics. Romilly. Memoirs . 3 vols. Ropes. See civil war, campaigns. Roosevelt, T. Naval war of 1812. 1882. Roscher. Political economy. 2 vols. Rosenthal. Muscles and nerves. Ross. Second voyage. — — Exposures in fire insurance cases. Rovings in the Pacific. Rushworth's historical collections. 8 vols. Russell, earl. Recollections and suggestions. Europe after the peace of Utecht. 2 vols. , Wm., lord. Life of. 2 vols. History of America. 2 vols. Russia. Chamber. History of Russian war. 1854-56. Fowler. Lives of sovereigns of. 2 vols. Greene. Russian campaigns in Italy. Rambaud. History of. 3 vols. Sabine. Notes on duels. Saffells. Records of revolutionary war. Salt Lake city. Remy and Brenchley . 2 vols . Saints, city of the. Burton. Sampson . History of advertising. Sanderson. Signers of declaration of independence . San Francisco. Chronica de la provincia de. Dwinelle's colonial history. Hittell, J. S. History of. Lloyd, B. E . Light and shades in. Miscellany . Representative men of. Soule, Gihon and Nisbet. Annals of. San Jose. Hall, F . History of . Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 291 General Miscellany— Continued. San Mateo county. Same. Santa Clara county. Same. Savannah. Siege of. Scammon. Marine mamalia. Schlieman. lios . Mycenae. Schlosser's 18th century . 8 vols . Schmidt. Descent and Darwinism, Schoolcraft's Indian tribes . 5 vols . Sources of the Mississippi river. Schutzenberger. Ferment action. Scotland . Ty tier's history of . 9 vols . Scott, general. Mansfield's life of. Military dictionary . Walter . Poetical works . 12 vols . Prose Same . 28 vols . Waverly novels . 48 vols . Lockhart's life of . 10 vols . Stirling. Declaration of the nobilitie of Scotland. 1582 Seaman. American system of government. Semmes. Memoirs of service afloat. Semper. Animal life. Serra, fra Junipero. Vida, porPalou. Seward, W. H. Travels around the world. Life of J. Q. Adams. Shakespeare. Arnold's index. As a lawyer. Bartlett's phrase book. Clark's concordance . Craik's English of. Davis. The law in. Dowden's mind and art of. Furness. Variorum. 5 vols. Gervinus . Commentaries. Halliwell. 16 vols. Hazlett's S. library. 6 vols. Holmes' authorship of. Plays. 2 vols. Same. Dyce's ed. 9 vols. Same. Hudson's ed. Same. Knight's ed. 8 vols. Same. Collier's ed. Same. White's Eiverside ed. 6 vols. Quarto reprint . 29 vols . 292 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany — Continued. Shakespeare. Eeprint of first folio . Blount . Schmidt's lexicon . Swinburne. A study of . Wivell . Portraits of and supplement . 2 vols . Shaw's wine, the vine and the cellar. Shelley, P. B. Smith's biography of. Shelvocke . Voyage . Sherman, W. T. Memoirs of . 2 vols. Sherman's historic raid . John. Speeches on finance. Sheridan, K. B . Speeches. 5 vols. Works . 2 vols . Shippers' guide . 1879 . Sicard. Theorie des signes. 2 vols. Simpson. Discoveries in America. Skinner. Issues of American politics . Slaughter, P. Virginian history of the African colonization. Slave code. Goodell, W. American. 2d ed. 1853. Slavery. Suppressed book about. 1864. Smith, Gerrit. Life. Frothingham. Chas. J . Historical and literary curiosities . Adam. Moral sentiments . 2 vols . Edward. Food. Jeremiah. Morrison's ^ life of. Wealth of nations . Percy. Glossary of terms and phrases. Svdney . Wit and wisdom of . Same. Works. 3 vols. W, H. Dictionary of nautical terms . Smollett. Works. 8 vols. History of England. 4 vols. Smyth, Piazzi. Inheritance in the great pyramid. Social science. Transactions of national association for pro- motion of . 1857 to 1874 . 18 vols . Sonora . Nye . Soto, de, Ferdinand. Wilmer's life of. South America . Bigg . History of . — —Coulter . 2 vols . South Carolina. Simms. History of . Southern historical society papers . 11 vols . Spain. Antequera. Historia de la legislacion Espana. Antunez . Memorias Espanoles . Cavaniles . Historia de Espana . 5 vols . Coleccion de documentos para la historia de Espaiia. 58 vols . Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 293 General Miscellany— Continued. Spain. Conde. Los Arabes en Espana . Conde's Arabs in Spain. 3 vols. Galbiano . Historia de Espana . 7 vols . — — Eicoy Amat. Histor pol. de Espana. 3 vols. Saligun. His. de la neuva Espana. 3 vols. Sangrador y Yitores . Biblotheca historia Asturiana . Tapia. Civilizacion Espanol. 4 vols, in 2. Sparks' diplomatic correspondence. 12 vols. Speke . The sources of the Nile . Spence. The American union . Spencer, Herbert . Ceremonial institutions . Discussions in science . Education . Essays, morals, etc. -First principles . Illustrations of universal progress. Political institutions . Principles of biology . 2 vols . Same of psychology . Same oi sociology. Study of sociology. Social statics . Spofford . Library of choice literature . 8 vols . Spooner. Biographical history of fine arts. 2 vols. St. Augustine . Of the city of God . St. Domingo. History of. Stallo. Modern physics. Stanger. Justification of physician. Stanley . How I found Livingston . Congo. 2 vols. Through the dark continent. 2 vols. Stansbury . Expedition to Great Salt Lake . Stephens, A. H. In public and private. Cleveland. Liberty, equality and fraternity . J. F . Adventures of an attorney, etc . -Story of Nuncomar and Impey. 2 vols. Leslie. History of English thought. 2 vols.' J. L. Travels in Yucatan . 2 vols. Central America. 2 vols. Sterling . Advance tables . Sterne, Simon. Kepresentative government. Lawrence . Works . 4 vols . Stewart, Dugald Works of. 11 vols. Balfour. Conservatien of energy. Andrew. Speeches on the tariff. 294 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany — Continued. Stickney . A true republic . 1879 . Stone . Life of Brandt and border wars . 2 vols . Story, J . Constitution of U. S . Familiar exposition Life and letters of . 2 vols . Miscellaneous writings . Stow, Mrs. J. W. Probate conviscations . Strickland. Queens of England. 6 vols. Stuart . Boundary treaties . Styff . Iron and steel . Sullivan. Public men of the revolution. Sully . Memoirs . 5 vols . James. Illusions. Sumner, Chas . Memorial addresses on . Prophetic voices . Works . 1 5 vols . Sutton . New York tombs . Swedish intelligencer . Swett . History of the public system. Swift . Life and works . 19 vols . J. F. Going to Jericho. Symonds. Renaissance in Italy. Taine . History of English literature . 4 vols . Italy, Rome and Naples . The pncient regime. Talleyrand. Correspondence of, and Louis XYIII. Taylor. Construction and reconstruction. • Bayard . Travels . 5 vols . • Jeremy. Works. 15 vols. W. B. S. Dublin University, history of. Temple, sir W. Works. 4 vols. Tenney. Geneology of family of . Texan emigrant. Thackeray's works. 24 vols. Thearl . Naval architecture . Thiers . French revolution . 4 vols . History de la revolution . 10 vols . ■ L. A. LeGoff's. • Simon. Government of . 2 vols. Thiery. Conquete de I'Angelterre. 4 vols. • Plates and atlas to Same . 2 vols . Dixs ans d'etude . Thom. Upper ten thousand. Thoreau. Sanborn's life of. Thucydides . Peloponnesian war . 2 vols . Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 295 General Miscellany— Continued. Thurston. Friction. Growth of the steam engine. Ticknor. History of Spanish literature. 3 vols. Life of. 2 vols. Tilden and Hendricks. Cook's life of. Tolhausen and Gardissa . Dictionnaire technologique . 3 vols. Toomes . Chronological record . Toronto of old. Scadding. Torquemada. Monarchia Indiana. Torrente. Revolucion Hispano-American. 3 vols. Townsend. Lives of eminent judges. 2 vols. Trent. Bungener. History of council of . Trollope. North America. 2 vols. Lond., 1862. Trousseau. Clinique de I'hotel-dieu. 3 vols. Trumbull, J. Stuart's life of . Tuckerman . America and her commentators . The Monroe doctrine. and Doran . The collector . Turkistan. Schuyler. History of. 2 vols. Turkey . Lamartine . History of . 3 vols . Turner. Sacred history. 3 vols. Tuscany. Browning. History of. 4 vols. Tyler . History of American literature . 2 vols . Tylor. Primitive culture. 2 vols. Tyndall . Belfast addresses . Fragments of science. Forms of water. United States . See America . Bancroft, Geo. Formation of constitution of. 2 vols. 1882. Same. History of. 10 vols. Benton's thirty years in the Senate. 2 vols. Bliss, Frank C. Our country for 100 years. 1876. Bolles. Industrial history of. Same. Financial history of. Boltas . History of . 2 vols . Bradford, Alden . History of the federal government, from 1789 to 1839. 1840. Bryant's popular history of . 4 vols. Coxe, J. View of the. 1794. Fisher . Trial of the constitution . • Foster, J . W . Prehistoric races of the . 2d ed . 1873 . Frothingham, E. Eise of the republic of. 1872. 296 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany — Continued. United States. Gillett, E. H . Federal government; its officers and their duties. 1872. Graham. History of. 4 vols. Great industries of the. Haliburton's rule and misrule of English in America. Hildreth. History of . 3 vols. — — Same.. History of. New series. 3 vols. Hinton. History of the . James. Military occurrences. 2 vols . Lamphere, G. N. U. S. government. A history of the departments. 1880. Lester. History. 2 vols. McClellan. Kepublicanism in America. McMaster. History of the people of . 2 vols. Kise of the republic of the . Koosevelt. Naval war of 1812. Schouler . History of the . 2 vols . Spence, J. The American union . Lond., 1861. Stickney, A . True republic . 1879 . Von Hoist. Constitutional history of . 5 vols. Wise. Seven decades of the union . Ure. Dictionary of arts, manufactures and mines. 3 vols. Utah. Mineral resources of. Eemy and Brenchley's Salt Lake city. 2 vols. Vancouver . Voyages . 6 vols . Van Laun . History of French literature. 3 vols. French revolutionary epoch. 2 vols. Van Santvoord's lives of the chief justices of the U. S. Valpereau. Dictionnario des contemporanin. Verne. Exploration of the world. 2 vols. Venise, historie de . 12 vols, in 6 . Vestiges of natural history of creation. Veterinary science . Fleming . Manual of . 2 vols . Vitalis. Ecclesiastical history of England and Normandy. 4 vols. Vignoli. Myth v. science. Virginia . Campbell . History of . Cooke . Same. Grigsby's Virginia convention. Howison. History of . 2 vols. Jefferson . Notes on . Visconti. Iconographie Komane. 4 vols. Same. Grecque. 3 vols. Vogel. Chemistry of light and photography. Catalogue op Miscellaneous Works. 297 General Miscellany — Continued. Voltaire . Works . 24 vols . Vogages of the Nemesis . 2 vols . Collection of. Lond., 1789. Wakeman . Log of an ancient mariner. Walpole, Horace. Letters of. 9 vols. — — Keigu of George II . 3 vols . Same. George III. Doran. 3 vols. Same . Le Marchant . 4 vols . Anecdotes of painting . 3 vols . Walsh. American appeal. Lond., 1819. Ward . English poets . 4 vols . Warren . Adventures of an attorney, etc . Experiences of a barrister . Ten thousand a year. Works. 5 vols. Waring. Draining of houses and towns. Warton . History of English poetry . 4 vols. Washington, George. Crawford letters. Engraved portraits of. Glass' life of, in Latin prose . Griswold and Lossing. Illustrated life of . 10 parts. Official letters. 2 vols. Williams, J. S. Invasion and capture of city of. 1857. Watson . Men and times of the revolution . Webb . See civil war; campaigns . Webster, Daniel. Curtis' life of. 2 vols. Harvey's reminiscences of . Lodge's life of. Obituary addresses on . -Private correspondence of . 2 vols. Tefft's masterpieces of. Works . 6 vols . Noah. Scudder's life of Weeden. Morality of prohibition laws. Wellington. Dispatches and index. 13 vols. Yonge's life of . 2 vols . Welsby.'* English judges. Wesley. Southey's life of . 2 vols. Westminster hall. Professional relics of . 3 vols. Worthies of . Wheeler. Dictionary of noted names . Whewell . Astronomy . White, E. G. Every day English . Words. Their use and abuse . 298 San Francisco Law Library. General Miscellany— Continued. Whitesides . Sketches of eminent persons . "Whitney, J. D. Metallic wealth of United States. W. I). Life and growth of language. Whittlesey. Fugitive essays . Whymper . Yoyages . Wilberf orce . Life of . 5 vols. Wilke. Narrative of U. S. exploring expedition. 6 vols. Wilkes. Exploring expedition . 1858. Wilkins. Political ballads. Wilkinson, I. G. Ancient Egyptians. 3 vols. ■ J. Memoirs of my own times. 3 vols. Williams, Kob. Eminent Welshman. J. S. Invasion and capture of Washington. Wilson . Diagrams of battles . Treatise on punctuation . Winthrop. Addresses and speeches. 2 vols. Wirt, Wm. Kennedy's memoirs of. 2 vols. Woolrych. Lives of eminent sergeants at law. 2 vols. Worcester, marquis of. Dirck's life of. World's great and eccentric characters. Wraxall. Memoirs of, 2 vols. Wright, Thos. Domestic manners and sentiments. Essays on middle ages . 2 vols . Silas . Hammond's life of . Wurtz. Atomic theory. Wyoming, Pa. Stone. History of . 3ded. 1864. Yedo and Pekin . Fortune. Yosemite. Bunnell's discovery of. Hutchings' heart of the Sierras. Young. The sun. Zimmerman. History of Germany. 4 vols. Zoology of voyage of H. M. ship '* Herald." II.— Governmental Publications. Agriculture. Bureau of reports for 1863, and annually to and including 1869, 1871, 1873, 1876, 1883. Alaska. Harbors in. 1869. Directory for Behring's Sea and. Andrews' colonial and lake trade. 1852. Maps accompanying Same. Animal industry. First annual report. 1884. Army register. 1884. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 299 Governmental Publications — Continued. Art of war in Europe. Delafield's report. 1854-5-6. Astronomical observatory. Washington report. 1862. Expedition to southern hemisphere. 6 vols. 1853-55. Atmospheric temperature of United States. Schott. 1876. Attoruey general's annual report. 1880 to 1884^ inclusive. Behring's sea and Alaska. Directory for. Blunt's way to avoid centers of storms. Burchard's gold and silver in the United States. 1881. Vols. 1, 2. 1883. Catalogue, descriptive, of government publications. 1774- 1881. Census. United States. 7th census. Statistics, 2 vols, and compendium. 1850. 8th census. Statistics, 4 vols, and compendium. 1860. 9th census. Statistics, 4 vols. Tables I- VIII. Com- pendium. 1870. 10th census. Statistics, vols. 1 to 16 inclusive, 18, 20, and compendium. 2 vols. Chilian coast, etc. 1859. Chinese immigration. Special committee report. 1876. Civil service commission. 3d annual report. 1886. Coast survey. United States. For 1851 and annual to 1857, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1864, 1866, 1869, 1871, 1872. Same and geodetic survey. Catalogue of charts. 1880. Coast pilot. Alaska, Washington territory, Oregon and California. 2 parts. 1869. Coffin's winds of the globe. 1876. Colorado river of the west. Ives' report. 1857-58. Commercial relations reports. 1861-62, vol. 4; 1862-63, 1863, 1864-65, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1873, 1880-81, 1882-83. Commerce and navigation. Keports concerning. 1851, and annual to 1858, 1860, and annually to 1868, 1872, 1876, part 2, 1877, 1881, 1882, 1883. Compasses, ship. Jenkins. 1869. Comptroller of the currency reports. 1885, 1886. Congressional globe. Eecord. Cotton goods trade of the world. 1881. Credit Mobilier. Eeport of Wilson and Poland com- mittee. Danville massacre report. 1884. Diseases of cattle in United States. of swine. 1878, 1879, 1880, 1881. Deep sea soundings in upper Pacific. 1874. 300 San Francisco Law Library. Governmental Publications— Continued. Diplomatic correspondence. 1862-63, 1863-64, 2 vols.; 1864-65, 4 parts. Entomological commission. 3d report. 1880-82. Education in Japan. 1885. Buildings for the children in the south. 1884. Commissioner of, report. 1872, 1874, 1875, 1880, 1881. National education association proceedings. 1886. Physical training in American colleges. 1885. Electoral commission. Count and proceedings. 1877. Evans' imports and duties. 1867-1883. Finance reports. 1849-50, and annuallv to and including 1861, 1864-65, 1866, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1878, 1880, 1883, 1884. Fish commissioners' report. Bulletin. Vol. 4. 1884. Same. Food fishes. 1881. Sea fishing south coast of New England. 1871-72. Flags of maritime nations. 1876, 1882. Foreign relations. Eeports. 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885. Forestry reports. Hough. 1877, 1882. Vol 3. Geneva arbitration. British case. 2 vols. British coun- ter case. 1 vol. Geographical survey west of 100th meridian. Wheeler. Vols. 2, 3, 4. Geological report. Powell. 2d, 3d and 4th annual. 1880-81, 1881-82, 1882-83. Survey of California. Geology, I; ornithology, I; paleontology, I, II. Government contracts. Keports on. Vol. 1. 1861. Harbors in Alaska. 1869. Hay den's geological survey of the territories. Vols. 1, 5, 6. Survey of Colorado. 1873. Same of Wyoming, Idaho. 1877, 1878. 2 vols, and map. Home for disabled soldiers. Investigating committee's report. 1885. Imports and duties. Evans. 1867-1883. Indian affairs. Commissioner's report. 1859, 1860, 1861. Interior. Secretary of. Eeports. 1863-64, vols. 2, 3; 1864-65. International money conference. 1878. Iron, steel and other metals. Report of board for testing. Vol. 2. 1881. Jefferson, T. Proceeding on presentation of desk of to United States. 1882. Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 301 Governmental Publications— Continued. Journals. U. S. House of representatives. 1851-52,1854-55, 1862-63, 1863-64, 1864-65, 1873-74, 1875-76, 1876-77, 1877, 1878-79, 1879, 1879-80, 1880-81. Senate. 1849-50, 1850-51, 1851-52, 1852-53, 1853- 54, 1854-55, 1855-56, 1856-57, 1857-58, 1861, 1862-63, 1863-64, 1864-65, 1873-74, 1875-76, 1876-77, 1877, 1877-78, 1878-79, 1879, 1879-80, 1880-81. Cal. Senate and Assembly and appendices, from 1st to '26th sess. inclusive. Kansas troubles. Reports of special committees. Ku-Klux committee reports. 13 vols. Labor and capital. Senate committee's report. 5 vols. 1885. Labor in Europe. 1885. La Plata, rio de la. No. 61 report. Land office. 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1871. Lights of the British isles. List of. 1879, 1880. Light-house board reports. 1852, 1872. Lower California and Mexico. Dewey on. 1856. Magnetism of ships and deviation of compass. Medical statistics provost marshal bureau. 2 vols. 1875. Messages and documents. 1849-50, part 2. 1850-51. 1851-52, parts 1 and 2. 1854-55, parts 1 and 2. 1855- m. 1857-58, parts 1, 2, 3. 1858-59, abridgment. 1861- 62, abridgment. 1864^65, abridgment, state depart- ment, parts 1, 2, 3, 4; navy. 1865-66, state, parts 1, 2, 3, 4; war, 1, 2, 3, 4; navy reports and documents. 1866- 67, state, 1, 2, 3; interior; navy and post office; war. 1867-68, abridgment, state, 1, 2; interior, 1, 2; war, 1, 2, 1869-70. abridgment, navy and post office; war, 2. 1870-71, abridgment, interior, part 1; navy and post office; state; war. 1871-72, abridgment, interior, 1; navy and post ofSce; state; war, 1, 2. 1872-73, abridgment, interior, 1, 2; navy; post office; state, parts 1, parts 2, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; war, parts 1, 2. 1873-74, abridgment, interior, 1, 2; navy; postmaster general and attorney general, state, 1, 2, 5; war, parts 1, 2, 3. 1874-75, abridg- ment, state. 1875-76, abridgment, state, 1, 2; war, 1, 3. 1876-77, abridgment, interior, parts 1, 2; navy; post office; state; war, vol. 2, parts 1, 2, 3, 4. 1877-78, abridgment, navy; post office; state, and appendix; war, vol. 1, vol. 2, parts 1, 2, 3, and vols. 3, 4. 1878-79, abridgment, state. 1880-81, abridgment, in- terior, vol. 3, parts 1, 2; post office; navy; war, vols. 1, 2, parts 1, 2, 3, vols. 3, 4. 1881-82, abridgment, 302 San Francisco Law Library. Governmental Publications— Continued. Messages and documents — Continued. interior, 1, 2, 4; navy; war, vols. 1, 2, parts 1, 2, 3, 4. 1882-83, abridgment, navy, vols. 1, 2, 3; post office; state; war, vols. 1, 2, parts 1, 2, 3; vols. 3, 4, part 1. 1883-84, abridgment, post office; navy, 1, 2; war, vols. 1, 2, parts 1, 2, 3, vols. 3, 4. 1884-85, post office. Meteorological record. 1855. Mexican claims. Select committee's report. 1854. Military commission. Mordecai's report. 1855-56. Same. McClellan's report. Mississippi election of 1875. Eeport. 2 vols. Music in public schools. No. 1. 1886. National academy of sciences. Reports. 1883, 1884. Naval officers' register to January 15, 1884. 1884. Same to January 1, 1883. Navigation. Report of commissioner of. 1885. Navy. Report of secretary of. See messages and docs. Pacific ocean. General exploration of. No. 71. Navigation of. No. 58. Dangers in north of equator. No. 71, part 1, corrected to 1879. Same in south. No. 41, a. Paraguayan investigation. 1870. Paris. Universal exposition of 1867. U. S. commissioner's report. 3 vols. Same of 1878. 5 vols. Peace convention report. 1861. Porter, Fitz John. President's message and papers. 1885. Red river. Marcy's exploration of and maps. 1854. Retrenchment report. 1870. Railroad from the Mississippi to Pacific coast. Explora- tions. 12 vols. Ship canal at Darien. Selfridge's report. 1874. Same at Tehauntepec. Shufeldt's report. 1872. Signal service. Officer's report. 1879, 1880, 1881, 1882. Papers by Finley. No. 4. Sioux and Crows. Condition of. Sorghum sugar industry. 1882. Smithsonian institute reports. 1854, 1857, 1859, 1860, and annually to 1884, inclusive. List of foreign correspondents. 1882, 1883. ' Schott's atmospheric temperature of U. S. 1876. Bureau of ethnology. Powell's report. 1880-1. Statistical abstract. 1881, 1883, Catalogue of Miscellaneous Works. 303 Governmental Publications — Continued. Sutro tunnel. Loan. 1872. Tariff compilation. 1884. Transportation route to the seaboard. 2 vols. 1874. Treasury. Eeports of secretary of. See messages and docs. Upper Columbia river. JSymons' examination. 1882. Utah basin. Explorations across. 1857. Vienna exhibition. U. S. commissioner's report. 4 vols. 1873. War. Art of in Europe. Delafield's report. 1854-5-6. Secretary of, reports. See messages and documents. Same. Eeports on the conduct of the war. Vol. 2, part 1; vol. 3, part 2; vol. 4, part 3, 1862-3, and parts 1, 2, 3, 1863-4. Same. Simpson's report. 1850. General orders, war department. 2 vols. 1861-2, 1863. Wines' report international congress for suppression of crime. 1872. Wool and woolen yarn. Secretary of treasury's letter ou undervaluation. 1884. Yellowstone park. Exploration of Yellowstone river. 1868. Jones' report on, W. Wyoming including. 1875. Eeynolds' exploration of. 1866. Yorktown monument commissioner's report. 1883. III. — Periodicals. Annual register. 128 volumes. 1758-1886. of scientific discovery. 21 vols. 1850-1871. record of science and industry. 8 vols. 1871-1878. Anti-Jacobin. 2 vols. 1799. Berkeley quarterly. 2 vols. 1880-81. Blackwood's magazine. 138 vols. 1817-1887. Californian. 6 vols. 1880-82. Canadian monthly and national review. 3 vols. 1872-74. Contemporary review. Vols. 48, 49, 50. Critic. 5 vols. 1884-1886. Edinburgh review. 165 vols. 1802-1887. Expressman's monthly. 6 vols. 1876-1881. Fortnightly. Vols. 38, 40 (n. s.) Harper's magazine. 71 vols. 1850-1885. Hunt's merchants' magazine. 63 vols. 1840-1870. Journal of the united service institution. 24 vols. 1857-1881. Magazine of American history. 15 vols. 1877-1886. 304 San Francisco Law Library. Periodicals — Continued. Niles' register. 75 vols. 1811-1849. Nineteenth century. 20 vols. 1877-1886. North American review. 144 vols. 1815-1887. North British review. 53 vols. 1844-1871. Notes and queries. 62 vols. ; 4 indexes. 1849-1880. Overland monthly. 12 vols. 1868-1874. Same. Second series. 8 vols. 1883-1887. Popular science monthly. 30 vols, and index. 1872-1887. review. 15 vols. 1862-1876. Same (n. s.) 5 vols. 1877-1881. Quarterly review. 144 vols. 1809-1887. Koyal society proceedings. 19 vols. 1832-1871. Southern historical society papers. 11 vols. 1876-1883. Social science. Transactions of national association for promotion of. 18 vols. 1857-1874. St. Bartholomew's hospital reports. 13 vols. 1865-1877. St. George's hospital reports. 6 vols. 1866-1872. United service. 13 vols. 1879-1885. ^^ 0? 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