NRLF B 2 SDb 1 M T. HANDBOOK OP BRITISH MOSSES. HANDBOOK BRITISH MOSSES; COMPRISING ALL THAT ARE KNOWN TO BE NATIVES OP jre Unfair Jslts. BY THE REV. M. J. BERKELEY, M.A., F.L.S, AUTHOR OP ' INTRODUCTION TO CRYPTOGAMIC BOTANY,' 'OUTLINES OF BBITISU JUNGOLOGY,' BTC. LONDON : LOVELL EEEVE & CO., HENRIETTA STEEET, COYENT GAEDEN. 1863. ! Univ. Libre rv "< "ofif., Santa Cni* POINTED BY JOHN EDWAED TAYLOE, LITTLE QUEEN STEEET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS. 6-43 TO THE MOST HONOURABLE MARY ANTOINETTA, MARCHIONESS OF HUNTLY, (Efjis ffiBJotfc ts EnsetibrtJ WITH EVEET FEELING OF ESTEEM AND EESPECT BY HEE OEATEFTJL AND HUMBLE 8EEVANT, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. THIS Work is to be regarded as one of a series of Manuals of different branches of Botany, and not as a separate publi- cation. It is by no means the wish or intention of the Au- thor or Publisher, to offer it to the public in any spirit of opposition to the excellent author of the ' Bryologia Britan- nica/ On the contrary, it is hoped that it may be the means of calling the attention of many to his volume, of which it is impossible to speak in too favourable terms, as the slight sketch here presented may excite a wish to apply to the foun- tain-head for fuller information. As regards the execution, I can only say that every species of which I could obtain specimens has been carefully reviewed under the microscope ; and as I had, through the kindness of Sir W. J. Hooker, unlimited access to the unrivalled col- lection in Kew, which, amidst a multitude of other authentic specimens, contains almost a complete series of those described by Mr. Wilson, there are very few species which I have been obliged to leave unexamined. I have quoted Mr. Wilson's Vlll PREFACE. book throughout as " Hooker and Wilson," since the name of Sir William still remains on the title-page, but it is to be understood distinctly that the whole was prepared by Mr. Wilson. The figures are from the pencil of Mr. Fitch, with the exception of the magnified leaves, and the details of fruc- tification, for which I am myself answerable. The Work does not lay any claim to originality, but T have spared no pains to make it accurate. My best thanks are due to Sir W. J. Hooker for the assistance he has afforded, without which the volume could not have appeared, and to other kind friends who have helped me with specimens and information during the course of its preparation. KING'S CLIFFE, May, 1863. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE I. Fig. 1. Prothallus of Sphagnum cuspidatum (after Hofmeister). Fig. 2. Archegonium of Phascum, showing the embryonic cell with its nucleus just after impregnation, magnified (after Hofmeister). Fig. 3. Antlii lidium and paraphyses of Mnium punctatum, magni- fied. The antheridium is ejecting the spermatozoids. Fig. 4. Antln ridiura of Sphagnum (after Hofmeister). Fig. 5. Perforated leaf-cells of Sphagnum, containing a spiral thread, and surrounded by narrow chlorophyllous cells, magnified. Fig. 6. Perforated cells of Leucobryum glaucum, enclosing chloro- phyllous cells. Fig. 7. Section of upper part of sporangium of Phascum cuspida- tuin, magnified (after Lautzius-Beninga). c. columella. *. spore- sac. a. walls of spore-sac. i. intermediate space. m. inner wall of intermediate space. k. outer wall of intermediate space. w. wall of sporangium. X EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Fig. 8. Section of upper part of sporangium of Bartramia fontana, magnified (after Lantzius-Beninga). c. columella. s. spore-sac. a. outer wall of spore-sac. *. intermediate space, traversed with threads. m. inner wall of intermediate space. k. outer wall of intermediate space. I. row of cells continued from m. g. row of cells continued from top of intermediate space. d. inner peristome, formed from the thickening of the outer wall of the cells in I and the inner wall of the cells in g. h. row of cells continued from outer wall of intermediate space. b. outer peristome, formed by the thickening of the outer wall of the cells in g and of the inner wall of the cells in h. PLATE II. 1. Sphagnum cymbifolium. . plant, nat. size. b. cells from stem, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium. 2. S. compactum. a. plant, nat. size. b. cells from stem, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium. 3. S. molluscum. a. plant, nat. size. b. cells from stem, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. XI 4. S. acutifolium. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium with remains of veil, magnified. d. lid, magnified. 5. S. squarrosum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium with remains of veil, magnified. 6. Andreaea alpiiia. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaves, magnified. c. portion of leaves, magnified. d. young sporangium, magnified. e. sporangium ruptured, magnified. 7. A. rupestris. a. plant, nat. size. b, c. leaves, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. PLATE III. 1. Fontinalis squamosa. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium with perichaetium, magnified. c. portion of outer and inner peristome, magnified. 2. F. antipyretica. a. leaf, magnified. b. leaf-cells, magnified. c. sporangium with perichaetium, magnified. d. veil, magnified. e. sporangium with peristome, magnified. 3. Cryphaea heteromalla. a. leaf, magnified. Xll EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. b. leaf-cells, magnified. c. sporangium with perichgetium, magnified. d. veil, magnified. 4. Daltonia splachnoides. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. 5. Hookeria lucens. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. 6. H. Isete-virens. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. PLATE IV. 1. Neckera complanata. a. leaves, magnified. b. leaf-cells, -magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. veil, magnified. 2. N. crispa. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. veil, magnified. 3. N. pumila. a. leaf magnified. b. sporangium magnified. c. part of peristome, magnified, seen from within. 4. N. pennata. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified, with perichaetium. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Xlll 5. Homalia trichomanoides. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peristome, magnified. 6. Hypnum nitens. a. rootlets, magnified. b. tip of one more highly magnified. c. leaves, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. PLATE V. 1. Hypnum albicans. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. lid, magnified. 2. H. lutescens. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. plumosum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 4. H. velutinum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, with peristome, magnified. c. sporangium, with lid, magnified. 5. H. rutabulum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. part of peristome, magnified. d. ring, magnified. 6. H. rivulare. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. XIV EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE VI. 1. Hypnum ruscifolium. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 2. H. murale. a. leaf, magnified. b. young veil, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. riparium. a. leaf magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. male inflorescence, magnified. d. antheridium, magnified. 4. H. polygamum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 5. H. chrysophyllum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 6. H. stellatum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. PLATE VII. 1. Hypnum palustre. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 2. H. molle. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. arcticum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. XV 4. H. stramineum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 5. H. trifarium. a. leaves, magnified. 6. H. cordifolium. a. leaves, magnified. b. young veil, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. PLATE VIII. 1. Hypnum cuspidatum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 2. H. Schreberi. a. leaves, from before and behind, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 3. II. .puruiii. . leaves, from before and behind, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 4. Thuidium tamariscinum. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 5. Hypnum Blandovii. a. leaf, magnified. b. leaf, seen from behind, with down-like paraphylla. c. sporangium, magnified. PLATE IX. 1. Hvjmum splendens. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. XVI EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 2. H. brevirostre. a. leaves, from before and behind, magnified. 6. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. triquetrum. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 4. H. loreum. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 5. H. flagellare. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. PLATE X. 1. Hypnum squarrosum (a procumbent form), a. leaf from behind, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 2. H. aduncum. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. fluitans. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 4. H. revolvens. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 5. H. commutatum. a. leaf from behind, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 6. H. filicinum. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. XV11 PLATE XI. 1. Hypnum uncinatum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 2. H. Crista-castrensis. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. molluscum (different from the usual habit). a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 4. H. cupressiforme. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 5. H. scorpioides. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. male inflorescence, magnified. 6. H. demissum. a. leaves from before and behind, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. PLATE XII. 1. Hypuum pulchellum. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 2. H. denticulatum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. elegans. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. XV111 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 4. H. undulatum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 5. Pylaisia polyantha. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peristome, magnified. 6. Homalothecium sericeum. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. PLATE XIII. 1. Thamnium alopecurum. a. leaf, magnified. b. veil, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 2. Climacium dendroides. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peristome, magnified. 3. Leucodon sciuroides. a. leaves, magnified. b. leaf-cells, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome with ring, magnified. 4. Antitrichia curtipendula. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peristome, magnified. d. portion of inner peristome, more highly magnified, 5. Leptodon Smithii. a. leaves, magnified. b. veil, magnified. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. XIX c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. 6. Anomodon viticulosum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peristome seen from within, magnified. PLATE XIV. 1. Anoectangiura compactum. a. sporangium, magnified. b. sporangium after lid has fallen. c. leaf, magnified. d. leaf-cells, magnified. 2. Fissidens adiantoides. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peristome, magnified. 3. F. taxoides. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 4. Schistostega osmundacea. a. plant, magnified. b. part more highly magnified. c. lid, magnified. 5. (Edipodium Griffithii. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 6. Dissodon splachnoides. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peristome, magnified. 7. Tayloria serrata. a. leaf, magnified. b 2 XX EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. b. young veil, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. sporangium, when dry. e. portion of peristome, magnified. PLATE XV. 1. Tetraplodon angustatus. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. sporangium with lid, magnified. e. sporangium without lid, magnified. 2. T. mnioides. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium with lid, magnified. d. sporangium without lid. e. portion of peristome, magnified. 3. Splachnum sphaericum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium with lid, magnified. d. sporangium without lid. 4. S. ampullaceum. a. plant, male and female, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 5. S. vasculosum. a. plant, male and female, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium with lid, magnified. d. sporangium without lid. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. XXI 6. Discelium nudum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. peristome with ring and spores, magnified. 7. Catoscopium nigritum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaves, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. 8. Conostomum boreale. a. plant, nat. size. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peristome, magnified. d. portion of one of the teeth, magnified. e. leaf, magnified. PLATE XVI. 1. Bartramia ithyphylla. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. 2. B. pomiformis. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. leaf-cells and margin, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of peristome, magnified. 3. B. (Ederi. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. XX11 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 4. B. calcarea. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of inner peristome of B.fontana, magnified. 5. Entosthodon Templetoni. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 6. Funaria hygrometrica. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of outer peristome, magnified. e. portion of inner peristome. 7. Meesia uliginosa. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. e. spore, magnified. PLATE XVII. 1. Cinclidium stygium. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. 2. Mnium afnne. a. female plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. male plant, nat. size. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. XX111 3. M. cuspidatum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 4. M. imdulatum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 5. M. rostratum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. . 6. M. punctatum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. 7. Amblyodon dealbatus. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. e. portion of inner peristome, more highly magnified. PLATE XVIII. 1. Zieria julacea. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. leaf-cells, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. 2. Bryum roseum. a. plant, nat. size. XXIV EXPLANATION OF THE PLA.TES. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of outer peristome, magnified. e. portion of inner peristome, magnified. 3. Leptobryum pyriforme. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 4. Orthodontium gracile. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of outer peristome, magnified. 5. Aulacomnion palustre. a. female plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. leaf-cells, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. gemmiferous plant, nat. size. /. gemmEe, magnified. g. gemmae, more magnified. 6. Polytrichum septentrionale. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 7. P. juniperinum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. peristome, magnified. e. portion highly magnified. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. XXV PLATE XIX. 1. Pogonatum nanum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaves, magnified. c. section of leaves, magnified. . d. section of one of the lamellae, magnified. e. young veil, magnified. /. sporangium, magnified. 2. P. abides. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaves, magnified. c. young veil, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. 3. P. hercynicum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 4. Atrichum undulatum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. sporangium, without lid. 5. Diphyscium foliosum. a. plants, nat. size. b. plants, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. veil, magnified e. peristome, magnified. /. leaf, magnified, with two perichaetial leaves. 6. Buxbaumia aphylla. a. plants, nat. size. b. sporangium, magnified. c. veil, magnified. XXVI EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. d. peristome, magnified. e. a portion of inner peristome, magnified. 7. Tetrodontium Brownianum. a. plant, nat. size. b. plant, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. d. perichsetial leaves, magnified. e. sporangium, magnified. f. peristome, magnified. 8. Tetraphis pellucida. a. plant, nat. size. b. gemmiferous plant, nat. size. c. leaf, magnified. d. gemmiferous apex, magnified. e. young veil, magnified. /. sporangium with lid, magnified. g. sporangium without lid. h. peristome, magnified (the transverse lines are too strongly marked). PLATE XX. 1. Zygodon conoideus. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. 2. Z. viridissimus. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. sporangium, after lid has fallen. 3. Z. lapponicus. a. plant, nat. size. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. XXV11 b. leaf, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. sporangium, after lid has fallen. 4. Orthotrichum. cupulatum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of peristome magnified. 5. 0. anomalum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. sporangium with lid, magnified. e. sporangium, without lid. 6. 0. diaphanum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaves, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of peristome, magnified. 7. 0. pulchellum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. young veil, magnified. d. sporangium with lid, magnified. e. sporangium without lid, magnified. 8. 0. leiocarpum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of peristome, magnified. XXV111 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE XXI. 1. Ptychomitrium polyphyllum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. .c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. 2. Glyphomitrium Daviesii. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. veil, magnified (generally plicate). d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of peristome, magnified. 3. Racomitrium aciculare. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaves, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. e. tip of tooth, more highly magnified. 4. E. heterostichum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. 5. Grimmia pulvinata. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, with ring, magnified. 6. Schistidium apocarpum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaves, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. e. columella, with lid attached, magnified. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 7. HedwHndmm imbexbe. c. 8. Hedwigia dKata. PLATE XXH. XXX EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. c. sporangium, magnified. d. peristome, magnified. e. part of peristome, more highly magnified. 5. Leptotrichum homomallum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. 6. Didymodon flexifolium. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 7. Distichium capillaceum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. e. ring, magnified. 8. Desmatodon nervosus. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. sporangium without lid, magnified. e. portion of peristome, magnified. PLATE XXIII. 1. Anacalypta lanceolata. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. sporangium without lid, magnified. e. portion of peristome, magnified. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. XXXI 2. Pottia crinita. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. young veil, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. follicle of P. cavifolia. 3. Pottia Heimii. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 4. Campy lopus flexuosus. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. part of peristome, margined. 5. Ceratodon purpureus. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. e. tip of tooth, more highly magnified. 6. Leucobryum glaucum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. tip of leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. part of peristome, magnified. 7. Dicranum scoparium. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. part of peristome, magnified. 8. Dicranella heteromalla. a. plant, nat. size. XXX11 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. 9. Cynodontium Bruntoni. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. 10. Arctoa fulvella. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. PLATE XXIV. 1. Blindia acuta. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. tip of leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. sporangium without lid. /. part of peristome, magnified. 2. Seligeria calcarea. a. plant, nat. size. b. plant, magnified. c. leaf, magnified (broader and more acute than usual). d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of peristome, magnified. 3. Brachyodon trichodes. a. plant, nat. size. b. plant, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. d. veil, magnified. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. XXX111 e. sporangium, magnified. /. lid, magnified. g. part of peristome, with ring, seen from within, magnified. 4. Campylostelium saxicola. a. plant, nat. size. b. plant, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. d. part of peristome, with ring, magnified. 5. Rhabdoweissia denticulata. . plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. 6. Weissia contro versa. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. 7. Hymenostomurn squarrosum. a. plant, nat. size. b. plant, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. mouth of sporangium, magnified. 8. Phascum bryoides. a. plant, nat. size. b. plant, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. 9. Physcomitrella patens. a. plant, nat. size. b. plant, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. XXXIV EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. 10. Archidium pliascoides. a. plant, nat. size. b. plant, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. XXXV ADDENDA. p. 70. Under Neclcera pumila, insert N. Philippeana, Br. $ Schimp. has been found in Scotland, but it is only a state of N. pumila. p. 104. Before H. molle, insert 43*. H. eugyrium, Schimp.; tufted ; stems short, much branched ; leaves crowded, thin, elongated, flexuoso-falcate, deflexed, nerveless, serrulate at the tip only ; sporangium shorter ; ring very broad. On wet rocks, Bangor, W. Wilson. Bearing fruit in summer. This is Hypnum palustre, var., Br. Brit. p. 108. After Hypnum cordifolium, insert 49*. H. giganteum, Schimp. ; dioicous ; stem elongated, stout, pinnate or subbipinnate, ramulose, slightly radiculose ; stem-leaves large, more solid, very concave, spreading, broadly cordato-ovate ; nerve reaching nearly to the tip; angles decurrent; branch-leaves elongated; terminal twisted, subulate; sporangium horizontal, oblongo-cylindrical, ringless ; lid mammillary. In bogs, Cheshire, W. Wilson. Bearing fruit in early summer. A magnificent species, at once distinguished from H. cordifolium by its in- florescence. p. 117. Under Hypnum aduncum, insert Hypnum adtincum, var. tenve, Bryol. Eur., is H. vernicosum, Lindberg, and H. pellucidum, Wils. MSS., and has been found at Wybunbury bog by Mr. Wilson. p. 145. After Myurella julacea, insert 2. M. apiculata, Schimp. ; stem soft, brittle ; leaves loosely imbricated or spreading, opaque, suddenly apiculate ; tip recurved ; teeth of peristome small, pale. On rocks amongst the Breadalbane mountains, Mr. Gardner. Bearing fruit on the Continent in summer. Bright glaucous-green. p. 169. Before Bartramia ithyphylla, insert 1*. Bartramia Stricta, Brid. ; tufted ; leaves erecto-patent, lanceolajo- subulate ; nerve excurrent ; sporangium erect, symmetrical ; peristome single. On the ground, Sussex, Mr. Mitten. Bearing fruit in early summer. The simple peristome and aristate nerve, in addition to the erect sporangium, readily distinguish this from B. ithyphylla. Mr. Wilson believes that he has found B. marchica in Shanklin Chine. XXXVI ADDENDA. p. 194. Under Bryum erythrocarpiim Mr. Wilson considers var. 7. murorum, Schimp., which is peculiar to mortared walls, and occurs at Bristol, and not unfrequently in North Wales, as a distinct species, under the name of B. murale, Wils. p. 197. Under Bryum pseudotriquetrum, insert var. S. cavifolilim, Schimp. (Bryum neodamense, Itzigsohn), has been found near Southport by Mr. Wilson. p. 198. After Bryum pallens, insert 23*. B. Duvalii, Voit; tufted, very soft, bright purple ; stems tall; leaves distant, spreading, very decurrent, broadly ovato-lanceolate, quite entire ; nerve vanishing below the tip ; sporangium equal, constricted below the mouth when dry. In bogs. Found by Mr. Wilson, but I do not know the exact locality. p. 254. Under T. oblvngifolia, insert Tortula oblongifolia has lately been found in Sussex? I am mistaken in say- ing it is not taken up by Schimper. A description will be found compiled from the ' Bryologia Britannica,' at p. 185 of the Synopsis. It is doubtful whether it really differs from T. Vdhliana. p. 286. Under Arctoa fulvella, insert (Plate 23, fig. 10.) HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES Introtiuctorg JHatter. CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. FEW words are taken with greater latitude in general accep- tation than the word Moss. The botanist assigns to it a defi- nite meaning, confining it to a peculiar division of plants, such members of which as are distributed through the British Isles it is proposed to illustrate in this volume. As used popularly, not only are Lichens and Liverworts included in the term, or even some of the more shrubby seaweeds, as for example Iceland Moss, almost the whole tribe of Jungermannice , and the Corsican Moss of our shops ; but many Phaenogams of a low tufted growth, such as some of the shorter Stone- crops, and other plants of a like habit, as, for example, Sedum acre, which is the Golden Moss of every cottager. Nor are the Greek or Latin words ffpvov and muscus used by ancient authors with more discrimination, not only Algae, Lichens, and true Mosses being included, but even some more perfect plants. The doubt perhaps is whether Mosses were ever in- B 2 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. eluded in the word ftpvov, though there is probability in its favour ; and therefore, while the term Muscologia has been objected to as a barbarous word, consisting partly of Latin and partly of Greek, Bryologia has scarcely fared better, though it appears unobjectionable except in the eyes of hypercriticism. The true Mosses, however, when accurately examined, are very distinctly separated by habit and character from other vegetable productions which are confounded with them, ap- proaching indeed nearer to the Liverworts than other plants, though distinguished even on a superficial view from the more conspicuous of these, as the cup-bearing Marchantia, which is so common on our shady walks in the garden, or which, to the gardener's annoyance, so often runs over the soil of his flowerpots, by the absence of everything like a scaly habit, and the definite leafy axis; while they are separated from the leafy species of Jungermannia, not only by their urn- shaped and almost universally entire sporangia, but by the very different character of the foliage, for the leaves very rarely assume anything approaching the eccentric outline which is common in the more moss-like Liverworts ; while if we de- scend to minuter points, there is the absence of all admixture amongst the spores of spiral threads, even in the few indi- viduals which have a sporangium split into four or more equal lobes, after the manner of Jungermannia. Another less obvi- ous character consists in the different nature of the cellular product of the germinating spores, which in Mosses consists of more or less branched threads, with the single exception of the genus Sphagnum, in which it is scaly, and resembles the type which prevails in the Liverworts (Plate 1, fig. 1). As regards general appearance, Mosses form either patches consisting of numerous distinct individuals, or variously- si zed tufts, with simple or branched stems varying from less than a PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. 3 line to many inches in length, mostly of a clear unsullied green, but sometimes, especially when exposed to the sun, variously shaded with golden brown or different tints of red and purple, in a few cases only being almost devoid of colour, or of a very pale glaucous green. The stems are either erect or more or less inclined, sometimes indeed quite prostrate and closely attached to the soil or substance on which they grow. They are clothed with leaves, or in those cases where, at first sight, they seem absent, as in Buxbaumia aphylla (Plate 19, fig. 6), with rudiments of leaves, which are for the most part symmetrical, and arranged round the axis in definite order, so as to present a more or less cylindrical appearance, or, in a few cases, so disposed as to make the stem or branches of the plants flattened or triangular. These leaves are usually without true stipules or the inflected lobes or sacs which are so common in Jungermannice, though in one or two genera, as Hypopterygium (Berk. Crypt. Bot. fig. 99 d), there are either true stipules, or certain of the leaves assume the form of sti- pules, while in some Homalice there is an approach to inflected lobes. The habit of Mosses is indeed so peculiar, that when their distinguishing features have been once mastered there is seldom the slightest difficulty in distinguishing them at the first glance, and determining whether a Moss or Liverwort is before us. In those cases where the stem is much flattened, and indeed in all doubtful cases, every difficulty is removed if a single fruit is present, except in the small osculant group of Andreaa, which in their sporangium and colouring approach nearer to Junyermanniae. Mosses are naturally divisible, according to their external characters, into two great classes, which have received the names of Acrocarpous and Pleurocarpous, because in the one case, the fruit terminates the stem, and in the latter, it is B 2 4 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. apparently lateral, though in reality seated at the extremity of a greatly reduced branch. In most cases this distinction is at once evident from the habit, even where fruit is not pre- sent. In a few genera, however, as Fissidens, we have the fruit- bearing branches more distinct. But these are considered by many as belonging to a separate division (Cladocarpi) , since the branch is more developed than in Pleurocarpi, though still very short. This division is not however adopted here.* A third division (Syncladei) comprises the Sphagna,\n. which the branches are produced in fascicles, and these have several other peculiarities, insomuch that some authors exclude them from Mosses altogether, while a fourth (Schistocarpi) includes the genera in which the sporangium is cleft longitudinally into four or more lobes of greater or less length. * In the Tasmanian Bartramia pusilla, "Wils., there is an approach to Cla- docarpous Inflorescence. CHAPTER II. NATURE OF MOSSES. MOSSES are for the most part aerial vegetables, attached by rootlets to the soil or substance on which they grow, and de- riving their nutriment partly from this matrix, but partly also from the moisture of the surrounding air, or, in aquatic species, from the water in which they are immersed. In dry weather they are often completely dormant, and assume a peculiar contracted, shrivelled appearance, as if they were dead, and very different from their condition in active growth. The first shower however revives them, and the functions of all their parts are as vigorous as ever. Some species are strictly aquatic, though very rarely bear- ing fruit when completely immersed. In several cases the base alone is constantly moist, but the upper part of the plant, though exposed to a burning sun, is kept moist by ca- pillarity. If however such species are accidentally dried up, they revive when the soil is again saturated with moisture. Others flourish only when exposed pretty constantly to the spray of waterfalls, or when entirely shaded from the sun, in caves, or under the shelter of rocks or in their crevices. Some, as species of the exotic genus Meteorium, hang down in loose locks from the branches of trees, giving the woods a dismal 6 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. appearance, like that produced by Alectoria jubata or the pre- valence of Usneoid Lichens, or the pendulous downy Tilland- sice. A small number of species seem to affect the dung of graminivorous or carnivorous animals, or other animal sub- stances, the species peculiar to the one seldom if ever occur- ring on the other. Mosses, like Phsenogams, are monoscious, dioecious, or poly- gamous, and in some rare cases syncecious, and for the most part definitely so, though a few instances occur in which the position of the male and female fructification is not constant. In monoecious or polygamous species the fruit is generally produced abundantly ; but in those which are strictly dioe- cious, especially where the male and female plants form dis- tinct and often distant patches, it is frequently extremely rare, from the difficulty arising to the impregnation of the young female fruit. In such cases multiplication depends entirely upon some subsidiary mode of reproduction, especially where a single sex only, as is often the case, exists in a given district. Mosses belong to that higher and more important division of Cryptogams which not only makes a near approach to Phsenogams in habit, but which differs essentially from the lower Cryptogams, as Fungals and Algse, in the more com- plicated nature of the fructification, and the various phases which the whole plant exhibits during the progress of evolu- tion. In Ferns and their allies the result of germination is the production of a cellular expansion of various forms, whether globose or scale-like or irregular, whether more or less diffe- rentiated and distinct from the spore itself or confluent with it externally or internally or both, on which or within the sub- stance of which, at least in the more normal cases, two organs are produced of different sexes, the one of which, called an NATURE OF MOSSES. 7 ' archegonium/ consists of a pitcher-shaped cyst, within which there is a single free cell at the base, which is destined, after impregnation, to produce first an embryo and then by con- tinued development a perfect plant like the parent, which either once only or annually through a shorter or longer suc- cession of years gives rise to fruit, consisting of a sporangium filled with spores, destined after germination to go through the same circle of phenomena. In some cases two different kinds of spores are produced, one of which gives rise to the male, the other to the female organs. In Mosses, on the contrary, and their allies, the object after germination is to form a more or less filamentous or scale-like stratum, resembling either a little green Lichen or one of the verdant thread-like Confervas, such as Lyngbya mu- ralis, which clothes damp trees or the soil at the base of walls on the northern side, or that which is least exposed to the direct rays of the sun, and, when this is perfected, nodules ap- pear, which by cell formation give rise to the proper plant, whether symmetrical or unsymmetrical, whose office is to pro- duce fruit. On this plant then, either in the same or in dis- tinct individuals, male and female organs are produced (Plate I. fig. 2, 3, 4), resembling more or less closely the antheridia and archegonia of Ferns. In the latter there is a cell at the base analogous to that in the archegouia of Ferns, which is destined to be fertilized by spermatozoids formed in the tissue of the antheridia. The result however of fertilization is totally different from that which obtains in Ferns. There a distinct plant was pro- duced from the fertilized cell, the result of germination being a prothallus, and the result of impregnation the true plant ; whereas in Mosses and Moss-allies the cell-division of the basal cell of the archegon is a sporangium, or, as it is fre- 8 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. quently called, a capsule or theca, which, with various modifi- cations, gives rise to the spores. In many cases life ceases in the parent plant after the for- mation of the sporangia, but in others a new growth is pro- duced, which in time gives rise to a new set of archegons and antheridia, and in some species this is repeated indefinitely. The whole process, then, from the formation of the spore to the fertilization of the embryonic cell in the Fern, answers to the same process in the Moss up to the fertilization of the rudiment of the sporangium in the archegon, but in the latter case there are two distinct stages, the one extending to the formation of the first cell of the young plant, the other to the fertilization of the cell in the archegon ; and it is well to dis- tinguish these as the prothalloid and thalloid stages respec- tively ; while in Ferns the first result of germination may more fitly be called the pro-embryonic stage. It is not right to give the same name to organisms which are by no means strictly analogous in the two cases. Having made these general remarks on the relations of Mosses and Ferns and their respective allies, I shall proceed in the next chapter to offer a few observations on the several parts, beginning with the germination of the spores, their primary development in the sporangia being reserved till I speak of the structure of the fruit. CHAPTER III. ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTUKE OF MOSSES. a. THE spores of Mosses, like those of most Fungi and of many other Cryptogams, consist of a grumous mass contain- ing occasionally minute oil-globules enclosed in a double mem- brane, the inner one of which is hyaline and perfectly even, and lines the outer one, which is more or less coloured and often minutely sculptured. When the spores are sufficiently moistened, either on their proper matrix or within the folds of compressed leaves, as in Fissidens, and the temperature is favourable, the outer mem- brane swells and ultimately bursts, giving egress to the inner membrane, which soon protrudes and forms a little obtuse tube. This elongates rapidly, and becomes septate and ulti- mately branched, so as to form, together with the threads pro- ceeding from other spores, a felt-like mass, which is often of a bright green, and in this stage is often mistaken for some species of Conferva. The joints are more or less filled with chlorophyll so long as the threads are in a healthy state. The threads proceed- ing from a single spore are capable of forming several fer- tile buds, but whether in many cases more than one of these comes to perfection depends upon the favourable or unfavour- 10 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. able circumstances under which they may be placed. Some- times the primary cell of the spore after the first septum is formed, becomes itself septate, and gives rise to a cellular nodule, and ultimately to a young plant, but more frequently the new plants appear on different parts of the threads, often towards the extremity of the branches or at their tips. Dr. Hicks, in the twenty- third volume of the ' Transactions of the Linnean Society/ has described wonderful changes which take place in these threads, and their conversion into several genera of Algse, besides the formation of zoospores; but as he does not identify the species to which the observed threads belonged, and the production of zoospores is a cir- cumstance so extremely anomalous, we find it difficult to be- lieve that he had really portions of some Moss before him, and not the threads of Algse accidentally intermixed. The reader can, however, refer to his paper and form his own con- clusions, if he has no opportunity of testing his observations by actual experiment. Some of Kiitzing's early papers may, however, previously suggest some necessary caution. The threads arising from the germination of the spores have received various names, as ' cotyledonoids/ ' protonemata/ ' proembryo/ ' prothallus/ The first of these is objectionable because they have no analogy with true cotyledons, and the third because an intermediate stage must take place before the cell capable of impregnation is produced in the archegon, the result of which, after all, is a sporangium and not an em- bryo. The production of the plant from the threads is rather gemmiparous than embryonic, and I therefore strongly object to the term ' proembryo/ which inevitably more or less directly leads to confusion. The second name at least is free from error, and if the Moss plant may be called a ' thallus/ the fourth name may be admitted. If new terms were not ob- ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURE OF MOSSES. 11 jectionable, I should prefer that of ' Drpphyton/ which simply indicates that it is the forerunner of the true plant. b. After a time, whatever privileged portion of the threads may give rise to a bud, fibrous rootlets strike downwards from the base, and the bud itself is gradually elongated upwards, according to the character of the plant, into the true axis, clothed with its proper foliage, and in time giving rise to the true fruit, whether male or female, on the same or different plants. These threads are sometimes persistent, as in Ephe- merum serratum and Ephemerella recurvifolia, but in general they vanish almost entirely long before the plant has arrived at maturity. In Sphagnum the course is not precisely the same. The first result of germination, instead of a thread as in the more typical Mosses, is a scale-like expansion (Plate 1, fig. 1) re- sembling closely the young state of a Jungermannia, and pro- ducing buds from the notches of the margin. The prothalloid stage of Mosses must riot be confounded with a growth of a very similar appearance, which takes place from the rootlets of some Mosses, as for example, in Pogona- tum aloides (Plate 19, fig. 2), which is produced after the death of the old plant, and forms a green velvety mass, which at first sight cannot be distinguished from a true prothallus. Conferva velutina of authors owes its origin to such a growth, and another supposed Conferva is due to a similar development in Schistostega osmundacea (Plate 14, fig. 4), the necklace- like ultimate joints of which refract light so strongly that it has been supposed to be phosphorescent. Rootlets, it has just been observed, are produced at the base of the fertile buds, and this at a very early stage of their development. They are for the most part more slender than the primary threads, more or less distinctly but obliquely ar- 12 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. ticulated, branched, and very irregular in outline, though with rare exceptions smooth and even. They are often hyaline at the tips, but below of a more or less decided brown, inclining sometimes to purple, red, tawny, etc., and, as the plant ad- vances in growth, multiply exceedingly (Plate 4, fig. 6) . They penetrate more or less deeply into the soil, or crumbling and decayed surface of rocks or bark, and sometimes on calcareous rocks absorb the portion immediately beneath them, so that each part, like the shields of Lecidea immersa, is sunk in a little cavity. They are, however, by no means confined to the base of the stem, but frequently, though by no means uni- versally, they clothe almost the whole surface more or less densely, between the intervals of the leaves, often forming, as in Aulacomnion palustre (Plate 18, fig. 5), a thick woolly mass. In some cases they are produced also from the base of their leaves, or even from their disk. Conferva castanea and Con- ferva muscicola, of English Botany, are undoubtedly develop- ments of this nature. But not only do these roots occa- sionally give rise to a mass resembling the true primary threads as mentioned above, but amongst certain Hypna they produce a little bud, quite different from the parent plant, which gives rise to the sexual organs which were necessary for the reproduction of the species constituting what is called the quasi- monoicous inflorescence. In Atrichum undulatum (Plate 19, fig. 4) they form a sort of rope, which frequently generates buds. The adventitious rootlets not only seem to fix the plant firmly, but they often act as a protection from severe cold, and in many cases either absorb nutriment directly from the matrix like the primary roots, or they imbibe and retain for a time the moisture which is necessary for the support of the plants. In some cases, where the branches are closely packed, ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURE OF MOSSES. 13 or the plants always more or less immersed in water, as in fyhuf/iium, they are altogether wanting:, or present only in an early stage of growth. c. The stem is sometimes merely rudimentary, the axis being reduced to a mere point, but it is sometimes much elongated, as in our common Poly trie hum, and occasionally, as in the exotic Polytrichum giganteum and P. dendroides, it becomes hard and almost woody, but as far as I have seen, does not present, as has been asserted, concentric lines of growth (Berk. Crypt. Bot. fig. 107). It consists more or less of elongated cells, some of which occasionally show a spiral structure, as in Dawsonia super ba (Crypt. Bot. fig. 108), and in a few instances faint scalariform markings (Crypt. Bot. fig. 107 c). The walls are generally thin, but occasionally considerably thickened. In S^haojium, the external cells of the stems, like those of the leaves, sometimes, as in S. cymbi* folium, contain one or more spirals (Plate 2, fig. 1), and in some species, as in S. molluscum, the apex projects and is per- forated (Plate 2, fig. 3). The stem may be either perfectly simple or variously branched, erect or decumbent, and in some cases pendulous. It often gives oft' shoots at the base, which creep along the matrix or are quite subterraneous, and then occasionally con- founded with the roots. After a time the tips of these creep- ing stolons rise above the surface and give rise to new plants. One mode of branching, by which the plant is renewed from year to year, is known under the name of innovations, and is very common amongst Acrocarpous Mosses, a new growth being produced year after year, just as the old stem is losing its active vitality and has matured its fruit, and frequently immediately beneath the fructification. Two branches are pretty generally produced at the same time, and thus the 14 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. branching in each tuft, when torn to pieces, appears dichoto- mous throughout, each fork representing a year's growth. Thus a tuft of Moss may be entirely dead below, though still fixed by the rootlets, while the circumference is perfectly green and luxuriant. In Pleurocarpous Mosses, on the contrary, true ramification constantly takes place, and the fruit is in fact terminal on a very short branch, whose leaves differ con- siderably from those of the main stem or branches. In Cla- docarpous Mosses the branch (p. 4) is merely a little more developed. The branches are sometimes irregularly disposed, sometimes decidedly pinnate or bipinnate, and sometimes fasciculate. The stem is occasionally quite unbranched below, as in Clima- cium dendroides (Plate 13, fig. 2) or Thamnium alopecurum (Plate 13, fig. 1), and the branches collected above, in which case they are called ' dendroid/ from the resemblance of the whole to little trees. The stem is in general cylindrical, but it is sometimes flat- tened or depressed, and in some cases is distinctly triquetrous. d. The stem and branches are partially or completely clothed with leaves, which are sometimes few and scattered below, though densely crowded above. In some cases, as in Buxbaumia (Plate 19, fig. 6) and Tetrodontium (Plate 19, fig. 7), they are more or less rudimentary, but such exceptions are not of frequent occurrence. They vary somewhat in structure. Sometimes they consist of a single stratum of cells, which usually contain chlorophyll throughout the whole lamina, but more frequently there is either a thickening at the base, which breaks up at times into two or three nerve-like divergent threads, or there is one central nerve of variable length and thickness, occasionally projecting far beyond the tip of the leaf, and forming a hair- like point. ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURE OF MOUSES. 15 This nerve often projects beyond the surface of the leaf and especially below, and is sometimes plaited beneath, as in Dicranum scoparium (Plate 23, fig. 7), sometimes furnished with close parallel laminae above, as in Pogonatum nanum (Plate 19, fig. 1 c, d), and not unfrequently rough or echinulate. The cells vary greatly in size and form, those at the basal angles being often larger than the rest and less filled with chlorophyll. They also vary greatly in thickness, the walls of two contiguous cells being sometimes so blended together that their distinction is not visible, but occasionally very ac- curately defined (Plate 18, fig. 5 c). The primary cell- wall is not always distinct, but in some genera it is well-defined and sometimes is very irregular in outline. The edge of the leaf is often serrated or crenulate through the whole or a part only of its course, the serratures consist- ing for the most part merely of cells projecting beyond their neighbours, so as to give a toothed outline. Sometimes, how- ever, the margin is distinctly thickened, and the serratures or inequalities, if present, may then consist of two or more cells. Indeed, this may be the case where there is no thickening. The cell-walls of the bordering cells are sometimes thicker than those of the rest. A portion of the surface of the leaf, especially towards the edge or tip, like the nerve, is sometimes rough with spine-like projections, arising from the protrusion of individual cells. In some genera the walls of the cells on either surface or on both are strongly granulated, but in such cases the granulations belong to the thickened walls of the cells (Plate 8, fig. 4). The leaves are generally symmetrical, but this is not always the case, especially where they are equitant, as in Fissidens (Plate 14, fig. 2, 3). In some genera, as Hedwigia (Plate 21, fig. 8), they are strongly fringed, and in others, as Sphag- 16 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. num, as frequently eroded, though they never assume the ex* centric outline which is so common amongst Jungermannia. An approach however is made in Homalia trichomanoides (Plate 4, fig. 5) and in Schistostega osmundacea (Plate 14, fig. 4). In several cases the lamina, beyond the nerve or between the nerve and the margin, consists of more than one stratum of cells, as for example in Leucobryum glaucum (Plate 1, fig. 6), where the green cells are imbedded between two strata of white cells, whose walls are perforated, while in Sphagnum (Plate 1, fig. 5) the large perforated cells which contain a spiral thread have uniformly a border of narrow distinct green cells. The border of the leaf is often revolute, and sometimes in- volute, and the base variously amplexicaul. The whole leaf is sometimes convolute. In every case the leaves are sessile, and they are never deciduous. In some instances, as in Fonti- nalis (Plate 3, fig. 2), they are so closely folded that they are strongly keeled, and eventually split along the keel, so that each leaf looks as if it were double, a circumstance which has occasionally led to error. Their direction is extremely variable. They are often crowded and imbricated, frequently however they are patent, not unfrequently secund, while many instances occur in which, either wholly or in part, they are remarkably squarrose. In the species with flattened branches they are for the most part really or apparently distichous. In a dry state their direction is often different and sometimes distinctly spiral, while their surface becomes crisped, folded, or undulate. They are always arranged round the axis in some definite order. Sometimes they are two-ranked with the stem still cylindrical or flattened, sometimes three-ranked, but more ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURE OF MOSSES. 17 frequently they are arranged in spirals of five or eight, and in some cases the disposition is still more complicated. In a very few instances they are unequal in size, or accompanied by stipules. Though, however, the stems are almost universally destitute of true stipules, their place is supplied in several Hypnei by multitudes of irregular appendages (paraphylla) scattered with- out order over the surface. These are sometimes foliaceous, though often very delicate and jagged, but occasionally they are so repeatedly dichotomous or irregularly divided, that they approach in appearance to radicles, though evidently from their nature and development more nearly related to leaves. They answer in all probability the same physiological purposes as the rootlets, protecting the stem from burning heat, and help- ing to retain moisture for its sustenance. The genus Thui- dium (Plate 8, fig. 4) affords excellent examples. In point of colour, the leaves vary from bright or glaucous green to various shades of brown red or purple. In some species, from defect of chlorophyll, the leaves are nearly white, an appearance which is sometimes due to the cells, like the su- perficial cells of the aerial roots of Orchids, at length containing air rather than moisture, in which case a slight green tinge is communicated from adjoining or imbedded more minute and slender cells containing chlorophyll. In most instances they revive perfectly on the application of water, though apparently quite dry and parched, and crumbling beneath the fingers ; but this is not always so strikingly the case where they are very membranous. Stomates do not occur, I believe, upon the leaves, though they are not uncommon on the surface of the sporangia, in which case they resemble very closely those of Phsenogams. In one or two Mosses, as Pottia cavifolia (Plate 23, fig. 'i e), there is a little bag on the upper surface *i Z , c 18 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. of the nerve, which ultimately splits longitudinally. The con- tents of this are probably reproductive, and I shall have to speak of other appendages of the nerve when I come to the consideration of the different modes of multiplication other than from the true fruit. I have now described the vegetative part of the plant, and proceed to state what is known of the fruit, which is of two kinds, male or female. e. Now, as regards the mgjeorgans, whether collected in flower-like disks (perigonia), as in Polytrichum, in little buds, as Hypnum (Plate 6, fig. 3), in heads with the tips of the leaves reflected, as in Splachnum (Plate 15, fig. 4), in disks bordered with large leaves, as in Mnium (Plate 17, fig. 2), or in catkin-like appendages, as in Sphagnum, or associated more immediately with the female organs, whether mixed with them as in Bryum, or placed beneath them as in Webera, the structure is essentially the same. The antheridiuni consists of an oblong sac, sessile or substipitate, filled with cellular tissue, each ultimate cell of which at length gives birth to a spermatozoid with a straight or curved thread-like body, surmounted by two long, extremely delicate, flagelliform, motile threads, by means of which it can move about rapidly in fluid. The antheridia are usually accompanied by thread- like paraphyses, always more or less distinctly articulated (Plate 1, fig. 3). In S^ha^num the antheridia are axillary, and resemble in their delicate stem and globose form those of Jungermannia. In some cases they are developed in especial buds springing from the radicular fibres. Their number varies extremely ; while in some Mosses they are indefinite, in others they seldom exceed some fixed number. The paraphyses which separate the antheridia from each other, and which, like the other parts of fructification, present ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURE OF MOSSES. 19 a strange analogy to similar organs in Balanophorce, vary somewhat in form. The resemblance however is more appa- rent than real, and is confined to certain species of Balano- phorce without extending to the whole group. In Bryum they are simply filiform ; in Mniam the upper cells are much larger, and so contracted at the commissures as to constitute a moni- liform thread; in Polytrichum they are spathulate and divided above, both transversely and vertically, by numerous cells. In Diphyscium they present a curious object under the micro- scope, the outer membrane of each constituent cell bursting in the midst, so that each commissure has a little cylindrical sheath attached to it, contracted in the middle, and open both above and below. /. The female organs are far more complicated in their structure, and are disposed in little special offsets from the stem, or at its tip. Two parts have been distinguished in the floral bud, if it may be so called, the ' perigynium/ which con- sists of leaves encircling the true bud, and the ' perigamium/ the portion which contains the fruit; but these distinctions are of little consequence. I shall have occasion to speak of what is called the ' perichsetium ' afterwards. In an early stage of growth, the female fruit, or ' archegon/ consists first of a single cell, then of an oblong cellular mass, closed above and without any central cavity. As, however, cell-division proceeds, the cells recede from the centre, and leave a linear channel, at the base of which, in a slijfnt dilata- tion, is seated a single cell fixed below and free above, which ultimately gives rise to the sporangium. The archegon, when fully formed, is flask-shaped and perfectly free above, with a long neck arid an evidently cellular structure, the central channel being visible through the walls (Plate 1, fig. 2). The cells at the top of the archegon become loose and detached c 2 20 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. from each other, so that some of them fall off, and an aperture is left for the admission of the sperm atozoids, which in moist weather soon find their way to the aperture, and travel down the channel to the basal cell, when ready for impregnation. After impregnation has taken place, cell division com- mences in this cell, and is continued till an oblong or subglo- bose cellular mass is formed within the archegon, and distinct from it, stretching its walls, and in most cases lifted upwards by the elongation of a distinct stalk, till the archegon splits at the base, or more rarely in the centre forming above a little hood or veil to the body called a ' calyptra/ or veil, and after dehiscence, leaving behind a little sheath, called the 'vaginula/ from the centre of which the fruitstalk grows, and which is in fact the foundation or extreme base of the archegon and con- fluent with the axis, as in the course of development, should the archegon have been at first lateral, it becomes terminal. According to the mode of dehiscence, the vaginula is more or less modified, and in many cases it is so incorporated with the axis, that the axis itself seems hollowed out, and the ex- ternal surface of the vaginula is rough with abortive arche- gons and paraphyses. In general only a single archegon in each group proceeds to perfection, though doubtless several may be impregnated, exactly as in a bunch of pear blossoms, though several may be impregnated and the ovules swell for a time, some one or more individuals will take the lead, abstract- ing the nourishment from the rest, so that their progress is ar- rested, and they ultimately become detached at the base of the peduncle. In some cases, as in Bryum roseum, several arche- gons are perfected. In Sphagnum the vaginula is lifted up on a cylindrical hyaline stalk, the sporangium itself being almost sessile, and the same structure obtains in Andreaa. The veil itself is more or less persistent, sometimes falling ON THE DEVELOPMENT AM) STRUCTURE OF MOSSES. 2 off at an early stage of growth, as in Mnium, but sometimes crowning the sporangium till it arrives at maturity, as in many Hypna. If it remains entire at the base, or is only split into several more or less symmetrical lobes, it is called mitriform ; but if the fissure is confined to one side only, it is termed cucullate (hood-shaped) or dimidiate. The base is sometimes fringed, as in Daltonia splachnoides (Plate 3, fig. 4), and some- times has little membranous appendages, as in several Enca- hjptce. These are at first inflected, being derived from the sur- face of a conical appendage to the vaginula within the veil, which ultimately forms an ocrea to it (Plate 22, fig. 1). The surface is sometimes even, sometimes granulated, scaly, or spiny, and sometimes grooved or costate. It is either quite naked or clothed with filaments, which are sometimes erect, sometimes dependent. In Polytrichum and Pogonatum they form a striking character, and arc so much developed that they entirely conceal the minute veil. The top of the veil is for the most part oblique, and is thicker than the base, and sometimes granulated when the rest of the surface is even. This in a young state was formerly regarded as a real stigma, but it is rather analogous to the elongated fimbriated coat of the ovule in Gnetum, impregnation being effected by imme- diate contact of the spermatozoids W 7 ith the embryonic cell, if so it may be called, where the result of impregnation is a sporangium and not a plant. Occasionally the veil swells towards the base long before the sporangium is large enough to force it out, as in Funaria (Plate 16, fig. 6) and Physcoinitrium, in which cases it has a peculiar vesicular appearance. The fruitstalk is sometimes curved at the base, within the vaginula, as occasionally in Encalijpta and Campylopm. It is often quite even, but not uufrequently the surface is distinctly 22 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. granulated. It is often perfectly straight above, but frequently decidedly curved, altering occasionally its direction as the sporangium swells. It is frequently twisted either to the right or left, and either enters abruptly into the sporangium, or gradually passes into it, forming with it or beneath it a little swelling or apophysis. Even in such cases as Splachnum luteum (Crypt. Bot. fig. 106 d), where the apophysis at length acquires such an enor- mous size and appears quite distinct, if we examine the stem and sporangium in an early stage of growth, we shall find that the apophysis belongs quite as much to the stem as the spo- rangium, though the external cells in some instances are rather those of the sporangium. In Sphagnum, the fruitstalk is re- duced to a little bulb. The base of the fruitstalk, especially in Pleurocarpous Mosses, and sometimes the whole fruit, is immersed in leaves very dif- ferent from the rest, even from those of the perigynium, which together are called the perichsetium. They are perfected at a later period than those of the perigynium, and require to be distinguished, because occasionally they afford good specific characters. The sporangium in most Mosses, when ready to develope the sgCvres, consists of a central columella continued to the apex, a surrounding spore-sac, the inner membrane of which adheres to the columella, or is separated from it by threads as in Polytri- chum, and the external wall, which may either be confluent with the outer wall of the spore-sac, as in Sphagnum, or free or connected by threads (Plate 1, fig. 7, 8) . In Archidium there is ultimately no columella, and in Sphagnum the spore- sac, instead of forming a little cylinder round the columella, consists of a hemispherical, or more correctly a meniscoid, cyst at the top. ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND ST11UCTURE OF MOSSES. ~ } 3 The walls of the spore-sac are generally even, but in Poly- trichum and some neighbouring genera they are strongly puckered. The spore-sac is at first filled with a nearly uni- form cellular mass. The component cells are at length diffe- rentiated, some remaining abortive, and others, by crucial cell- division, producing the spores within the cavity. In a few cases spores have been generated within the tissue of the colu- mella, but this is quite exceptional. In general they separate from each other, when mature retaining occasionally, as in Archidium, something of the angular form, produced by mu- tual pressure (Crypt. Bot. fig. 102), but sometimes they are perfectly globose. In an exotic Moss, Eucamptodon pericha- tialis, the cell-division is continued further, and the eight re- sultant spores are permanently retained in the mother-cell, so far as observations have hitherto been carried (Crypt. Bot. fig. 99 e). In Splachnum they radiate regularly from the columella. When the columella has performed its functions, which con- sist probably in supplying nutriment to the spore-sac, it dries up, and sometimes remains attached to the tissue at the apex, with which it is either continuous, or, as in Polytrichum and Sphagnum, perfectly distinct. In Polytrichum it forms a di- lated membrane, closing up the spore-sac above and prevent- ing the too hasty dispersion of the spores. The top of the sporangium or lid, except in a very few genera, where it remains permanently attached, and the spores escape only by the decay or irregular rupture of the walls, separates from the rest, just in a line with the top of the spore-sac, by a regular horizontal fissure, the fissure being either quite uniform or furnished with a rigid or elastic ring, consisting of a varia- ble number of cells, sometimes only a single row, which either separate immediately on the bursting of the lid, or remain permanently attached. One of the best examples is afforded 24 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. by Funaria hygrometrica, in which it is rather complicated, and springs off the moment the lid bursts, each portion twist- ing up spirally from within outwards. The lid itself varies in form, and is either extremely short and convex, with or with- out a central apiculus, or more or less elongated, being some- times as long as or longer than the capsule. In most cases it falls off entirely, but sometimes it is suspended at the top of the dry columella, as in some Splachnece. Sometimes when falling it carries with it a part or the whole of the columella, as in Pottia and Schistidium (Plate 21, fig, 6 e). The mouth of the sporangium thus exposed by the rupture of the lid, and without taking the annulus into account, is either entirely naked, closed more or less perfectly with a narrow membrane spreading over the spore-sac, or furnished with one or two rows of more or less convergent teeth, sepa- rate or connected at the base, sometimes indeed so intimately connected as to form a plicate membrane variously modified, according as the upper portion of the constituent teeth is more or less free. The teeth are either four in number, or consti- tute some multiple of four, in the less numerous cases being frequently divided by lines in accordance with the general rule. Sometimes though free at the base, they are connected by transverse bars above, so as to constitute a network, as in Fontinalis (Plate 3, fig. 2) ; and sometimes the very tips of the teeth are connected so as to form a little membrane, as in Funaria (Plate 16, fig. 6). The teeth vary slightly in their origin, being occasionally more or less confounded with the annulus, or anomalous as to their formation, as in Polytrichum, Buxbaumia, and Tetr aphis, but as a general rule, each individual of the outer row of teeth, or, as it is called, the outer peristome, arises partly from the thickening of the walls, especially towards their centre, of ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURE OF MOSSES. 25 the vertical row of cells (Plate 1, fig. 8 h), which is continued within the lid from the corresponding row (k) in the outer wall of the space intermediate between the wall of the sporan- gium and the spore-sac, and partly of the contiguous walls of the cells (g} which spring immediately from the apex of the intermediate space (i). The inner peristome is formed from the thickening of the opposite sides, more towards the interior of these last cells (g) and the contiguous cell- walls (/), which are continued from the cells of the inner wall of the inter- mediate space (/). In other words, if we suppose the outer and inner walls of the intermediate space, consisting each of a single layer of cells, to be continued above, but connected beyond its apex by a single layer of cells (g), the outer wall of the cells uniting the two walls continued upwards of the intermediate space, together with the inner wall of the conti- guous cells (h), will, when thickened, give rise to the outer peristome; while the inner wall of the uniting cells (ff) I and the outer wall of the cells continued from the inner wall of the intermediate space will yield the inner peristome. In some cases, where the whole wall is not thickened, but two or three thickenings take place in the same cell-wall, with intermediate free spaces, the number of teeth is deranged as in Tortula, but if two are formed, the fringe will still be symme- trical (Crypt. Bot. fig. 98 a). Sometimes the inner teeth arise at the angles of four contiguous cells, and if so, they will generally alternate with the teeth of the outer peristome. Sometimes, as in Tetraphis (Plate 19, fig. 8), the tissue within the lid splits up into four solid masses, which form the teeth, while in Polytrichum, the teeth, which are continuous with the membrane which closes up the ripe spore- sac, con- sist of several layers, which in the Antarctic Dawsonia, where there is no diaphragm, become distinct from each other and 26 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. form a short tuft of cottony threads. In Buocbaumiei the outer peristome appears to be derived from the outer strata of the walls of the sporangia, and not from the wall of the intermediate space, and traces of the same structure may be found in other Mosses, as Orthotrichum cupulatum (Plate 20, fig. 4). In the more normal peristomes, the teeth vary in form, length, sculpture, direction, connection, and many other points which it is needless to enumerate here, as they are indicated under each genus. These teeth, it may be observed, have not the slightest homology with the leaves, and therefore none with the petals of flowering-plants, being derived in a totally different way. They are not in fact modifications of leaves, but arise from the mere thickening of the walls of two contigu- ous strata of cells. They are not like the leaves, arranged spirally round the axis, but their bases are all in the same plane, and their symmetrical number is grounded on the same law which is so common amongst Cryptogams, even where or- ganisms are derived from the contents of cells, as for example, in the asci of Fungi and Lichens. Supposing the observation were correct, which describes the tip of the columella as oc- casionally producing leaves, this would be no confirmation of the doctrine that the teeth of the peristome are of similar origin, as they would be derived in a manner altogether differ- ent in the two cases. 27 CHAPTER IV. PROPAGATION OF MOSSES INDEPENDENT OF THE FRUCTIFICATION. IN all plants, besides the normal mode of fructification, there are subsidiary modes of multiplying individuals, in contra- distinction to species, and these are peculiarly abundant in Cryptogams. Without some provision of this kind, many dioecious Mosses, in which the plants of the two sexes rarely if ever occur in the same tuft, would of necessity die out. Provision has however been made in various ways to supply the defect, or to be accessory to the more normal rule. The true rootlets, together with those which are produced so abundantly on the stem, or occasionally on other parts, are themselves not unfrequently a means of multiplication. With- out adverting particularly to those cases in which they develope plants of a different sex from the parent, the lower roots espe- cially as in some Phasca and Polytricha, send up to the sur- face green threads, which can scarcely be distinguished from those which are due to the germination of the spores, and which, like them, generate buds, which in due time give rise to perfect plants. Conferva velutina (Eng. Bot. t. 1556) is a well-known example. Threads are also produced from the surface of the leaves, 28 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. which propagate the plant, as in various Orthotricha. Con- ferva muscicola (Eng. Bot. t. 1638) is a case in point. These differ in degree of development. Sometimes they are green and cylindrical or clavate ; sometimes they are scarcely distinguish- able from rootlets. In Andre&a, the filaments assume a dif- ferent type, and from the quadrifarious division of their en- dochrome, so closely resemble some of the Palmelloid Algse, that it is not easy to draw the line between them. In other cases propagating granules are produced on the midrib, as in Pottia cavifolia (Plate 23, fig. 2 e), or articu- lated clavate processes at the tip of the midrib, where it ter- minates below the apex, as in the exotic Calymperes Afzelii (Crypt. Bot. fig. 100 b], or at the very tip, as in Calymperes rigida. Similar bodies to these last are produced on distinct peduncles, as in Aulacomnion palustre and A. androgynwn (Plate 18, fig. 5 g), where there are sometimes vertical as well as transverse partitions, or in little rosettes, as in Tetraphis pellucida (Plate 19, fig. 8 b, d). Sometimes, again, buds are produced in the axils of the leaves, as in many Pleurocarpous Mosses. Even the leaves themselves occasionally throw out rootlets below, and may thus serve for propagation when broken off (Plate 8, fig. 5 b), while those of Leucobryum glaucum often produce new plants at their tips. The growth of Mosses from year to year by means of in- novations, may also be referred to the same category, or at least is closely analogous. But many annual, or at least ap- parently annual, species are propagated on the same spot year after year, not by innovations, but by radicular tubercles. 29 CHAPTER V. VARIATIONS OF MOSSES. SEXUALITY seems to be a necessary cause of variations. So long as plants are propagated by buds, or stolons, or gems, or by any other adventitious organ, there is some security for the produce being similar to the parent, though modifications even in these cases may be induced by varied climatic conditions, or other circumstances which may exercise a certain influence on the new plant. When we consider what wonderful modi- fications are effected in the evolution of the embryo in the animal world by mere change of position or a partial privation of atmospheric air during the development of the ovum, we may well be prepared for many curious phenomena amongst vegetables, whose germs may be placed under anomalous con- ditions. And if it is true that variations will take place when increase is due only to adventitious organs, what an immense source of change exists in growth by impregnation, where through countless ages cross-impregnation has taken place, spreading far and wide the peculiarities of individuals, in some modified form, if not in all their intensity, amongst succeed- ing generations. If the limits of species are often doubtful among Phseno- gams, they are no less so amongst Cryptogams ; and Mosses 30 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. form no exception to the rule. Races, species, subspecies, and varieties alike scarcely admit of accurate definition, and have different meanings according to the point of view from which they are regarded. While some Mosses admit at once of accu- rate separation from all others, without any intervening links, there are natural groups, especially amongst Hypnei, which admit of subdivision into others possessed of more or less predominant characters, but where it is almost impossible to say what is or is not a species. Take for example the com- mon Hypnum cupressiforme, and you will find some of its acknowledged varieties more palpably different from each other than some of the neighbouring species which are ad- mitted as distinct. Indeed this species may be pointed as ex- hibiting the greater part of the changes to which Mosses are subject. Besides difference of size, the stem with the leaves varies from compressed to nearly cylindrical, and in its mode of branching and length ; the leaves differ in size, form, and direction, in the presence or total suppression of the nerve, and in the condition of the margin ; the sporangium, in its inclination, length, and form, and the lid, in the degree of its development. All these, and other differences, occur in a single species. But differences occur also amongst Mosses in the areo- lation of the leaves, the length and curvature of the fruitstalk, the size of the apophysis, whether belonging to the peduncle or sporangium, the nature of the inflorescence, and, what is of the utmost importance as regards generic distinctions in the condition of the peristome, which in the same species, as in Encalypta vulgaris (Plate 22, fig. 1), may be present or entirely wanting; or, as in Orthotrichum anomalum (Plate 20, fig. 5), there may be rudiments of an inner peristome, while in other cases there may be none. Great differences may also exist in the condition of the outer teeth, whether as regards their VARIATIONS OF MOSSES. 31 more or less imperfect development, or the nature of their division, as in the Dicranei. From all these causes, the distinction of species requires great caution ; and, after all that has been done towards reduc- tion, it is still quite certain that much still remains to be accomplished, and that many supposed species owe their dis- tinctions merely to changes which arise from climatic condi- tions or differences of habitat. CHAPTER VI. HABITATS OF MOSSES. IN speaking of the nature of Mosses (p. 5) we have already mentioned the sorts of situations and conditions under which they occur. While many are almost indifferent to their place of growth, whether on rocks or branches of trees, or on the ground, others are confined to a peculiar matrix, as those Splachna which require for their nutriment either the dung of an herbivorous or carnivorous animal, or the Mosses which affect some especial kind of rock whether siliceous, as An- dreaece, or calcareous, as Seligeria calcarea (Plate 24, fig. 2) or Encalypta slreptocarpa for their nutriment or growth. Sand- Stone caves seem the peculiar requisite of Schistostega. A few Mosses seem to flourish peculiarly upon straw roofs, as Tortula ruralis (Plate 22, fig. 4), but they are by no means confined to such a situation. The decaying thatch merely supplies a richer nourishment than usual, exactly as it does to Agaricus furfur aceus and A. stipitarius, which are finer in such situations than elsewhere. Elevation however has no less influence on the occurrence of various species. While some are almost ubiquitous, we should in vain seek for Conostomum boreale (Plate 15, fig. 8), Polytrichum sexangulare, or Pogonatum alpinum, at low alti- IIAI'.ITATS OF MOSSES. 33 tudcs, except in high latitudes. Other things being equal, the zones of Mosses in a given locality, on a high mountain, are as capable of accurate definition as those of Phsenogams. In tropical climates a favourite situation of many delicate species is the thick coriaceous leaves which are so common there, and so persistent; and even in our own climate, a Moss may now and then occur on evergreen leaves, but then only by accident. The different nature of soil also, whether from its mechanical division or chemical composition, has a considerable influence on the production of species. The hard beaten sides of foot- paths, the loose crumbling matter at the base of rocks, the sand by the seashore, the rich moist banks of ditches, the grassy meadow, the naked clay, the deep recesses of woods, the peaty soil of heaths and moors, the damp margins of pools or swamps, and wet boggy ground, have their own ap- propriate species, not to mention the variety of Mosses which are more truly aguatic, whether in rapid streams or quiet waters. The mud-capped walls which are so frequent in oolitic districts produce always a multitude of species, some of them of rare occurrence elsewhere, while the little mounds made by ants are sometimes extremely productive. The Phasca seem to luxuriate especially in fallow fields where the soil is thin and not retentive of moisture, especially in cal- careous districts. Within a square yard half-a-dozen species may sometimes be found where these conditions exist. Though at a moderate distance from the sea a variety of species may occasionally be found in great perfection, there are very few which, like Schistidiwn maritimum, choose by preference situations constantly exposed to the spray of salt water. CHAPTER VII. ON THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF MOSSES. WE have already seen that the distribution of particular spe- cies of Mosses in a given area depends greatly upon soil and al- titude. When latitude is taken into consideration, conditions will be modified; but within reasonable limits, like circum- stances will encourage the growth of the same or similar Mosses. Comparing the Bryology of the British Isles with that of Europe taken as a whole, we find a very large propor- tion of Continental species diffused amongst them ; a very few genera only being unrepresented ; while notwithstanding the labours of British Bryologists, there are scarcely half-a-dozen of our Mosses which have not been found on the Continent.* The times of bearing fruit will differ in different localities ; but the characters agree wonderfully with those of the Conti- nental specimens, or where they differ, do not differ more than Continental specimens do from each other. * About 280 species out of 716, according to Schimper's emimeration, occur on the Continent which do not occur in the British Isles. The following Con- tinental genera do not occur in our Flora : Voitia, Sporledera, Uruchia, Tre- matodon, Angstrcemia, Conomitrium, Pkaromitrium, Eustichium, Braunia, Cos- cinodon, Pyramidula, Oreas, Psilopilum, Fabronia, Anacamptodon, Habrodon, Lescurcea, Anisodon, Platygyrmm^ Thedenia; most of which contain only a single species, and of which the seven last are Pleurocarpous, the rest Acrocarpous. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF MOSSES. 35 If we take analogous situations in the southern hemisphere we shall still find a certain proportion of species identical with those of the north, with the admixture however and pre- dominance of distinct forms. A few species are almost cosmopolitan, as Andreaa rupestris, JJ'cissia conlroversa, Ceratodon purpureus, Racomitriun lanu- ymosum, Funaria hygrometrica, Bryum argenteum, B. capillare, Polytrichum commune, and Hypnum cupressiforme. Other British species however occur in various parts of the world which cannot be considered as cosmopolitan. If we take New Zealand as a point of comparison, a country which is peculiarly rich in Cryptogams, we find that 249 species of Mosses are recorded, in Dr. Hooker's Flora, as occurring in its islands. Of these 41, including the species above- mentioned or about one-fifth, are British or at least European species. In 39 genera there is not a single New Zealand spe- cies which is European ; and in several of these, as Macro- iiiitrium, EacopilunijRhizogomum, Dawsonia, etc., there are no European representatives. Meanwhile Hookeria, Isothecium, Homalia, and some other European genera, obtain an import- ance which they scarcely possess in any European flora, and indeed Pleurocarpous Mosses are predominant in beauty and luxuriance. If, however, the New Zealand Mosses be compared with those of Tasmania, we shall find that while the latter, including cosmopolitan forms, comprise about a third of European species, the remainder agree wonderfully with those of New Zealand. Of the 158 recorded species, about 120 are the the same with those of New Zealand, without mentioning British forms common to both. It will be found, moreover, that many of these species of a southern type extend to the Auckland and Campbell's Isles, D 2 A 36 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. and to the southern parts of South America, besides spreading slightly northwards. At the same time tropical forms are few in number, not exceeding five, dispersed through Bourbon, Mauritius, Java, Tahiti, and the Indian continent. About 27 Tasmanian Mosses occur in South Africa, but not generally belonging to the southern types. More tropical forms indeed might have been expected, as there is no severe frost to destroy the young plants, should spores by any accident have been wafted into the country. A very remarkable deviation from general laws occurs in the centre of Germany. In some situations the great boulders with which the plain is scattered produce alpine species of Moss, as if brought during the glacial period from some dis- tant regions. It is at once obvious that such species as Andre&a, Rothii, Catoscopium nigritum, Grimmia trichophylla and G. leucophylla are not the natural produce of the plains of Germany, and these are not the only species which show similar anomalies in geographical distribution. The following orders of Mosses contain no European spe- cies, though they combine, for the most part, southern forms, together with others which may be considered Tropical or Subtropical, Syrrhopodontei, Hydropogonei, Octobkpharei, Leptostomei, Rhizogoniei, Phylloyoniei, Hypopterygii, Racopi- lacei. Fabronia has two European species amongst numerous exotics. With the exception of one or two Mosses in amber, we have no certain information as to their occurrence in what are com- monly called geological formations. CHAPTER VIII. ON THE CULTIVATION OF MOSSES. BUT little has been effected in this direction. A few exotic Mosses are occasionally introduced by accident into our stoves, and in rare cases establish themselves, while some of the more striking exotic forms, as Octoblepharum albidum, are imported intentionally with the more minute Ferns, and linger for a year or two in their new home without attracting much atten- tion, while here and there attempts are made to raise Mosses from their spores, more with the intention, however, of watching their mode of development than with a view to their cultivation as objects of ornament. Few plants, however, will better repay attention. Where British species only are desired, or at least those of temperate regions, a little conservatory with rock- work on either side, capable of being well ventilated, and never heated except in severe weather or to prevent damp, answers the purpose ad- mirably. A few of the smaller Ferns or alpine plants may be introduced with advantage, but nothing of too coarse or rampant a growth. If mixed with some of the more striking Liverworts, to the suppression however of too luxuriant a growth of the common Marchantice, which in small quantities will not be unacceptable, a most pleasing effect may be pro- 38 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. duced, and one which will be attractive to those who regard form more than brilliant colours. If proper soil were pre- pared, we have no doubt that the spores of such handsome Mosses as Splachnum rubrum and luteum, if imported carefully from their northern home, might be made to vegetate and pro- duce their lovely fruit. The subject is, at any rate, worth an effort; and now that there are so many summer visitors to the north of Europe, it may not be difficult to procure living specimens. The great drawback to the cultivation of Mosses is the appearance of the white mycelium of a parasitic Fungus (Nectria muscivora) upon the patches, and possibly of one or two other byssoid productions whose nature has not at present been ascertained. The only mode of dealing with these, as far as we know, is to remove them with a small brush as fast as they are generated, or otherwise unsightly arid blotches are formed which mar the general effect. A list of Mosses easy of cultivation in a cool frame, or shaded shelf of a greenhouse, is given in Stark' s ' History of British Mosses/ p. 44. The pots which contain aquatic species require to be placed in a pan of water. When the pots are removed in summer into the open air they require the protection, of a, net, as birds are very apt to pull up the Moss in search of insects. Mosses are not subject to many real parasites, though they form a welcome matrix to many fungi. One or two species, however, inhabit their sporangia or perigonia, while a minute Fusisporium sometimes infests the spore-sac, destroying the spores. 31) CHAPTER IX. ON THE USES OF MOSSES. I F we confine ourselves to the economical uses of Mosses, we may almost speak of them in the terms in which owls are spoken of in Horrebow's celebrated Chapter in the History .of Iceland. Sphagnum alone is sometimes ground up to eke out a scanty supply of meal, but without a notion as to its possessing any nutritive qualities. Indeed, scarcely any part of the vegetable kingdom seems to supply so little nutriment to the animal world, though the tufts of Mosses afford harbour to myriads of insects, as they do a warm clothing to the trunks of trees. Scarcely a single species can be mentioned which has any real pretensions to afford a useful medicine ; and their other economical uses consist in their supplying an admirable substance for packing or stuffing, or in their capa- bility of being converted into miserable brooms or cushions. One species affords a substitute for lampwicks to the Esqui- maux. The continued growth of some of the bog species has a considerable share in the formation of peat, which, after the lapse of ages, is available to man in the shape of fuel. In the economy of nature they are of immense importance, as they often constitute the first vegetation which appears on new soil, affording a nidus for the development of other 40 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. vegetables; and so, at length, in many instances, covering a naked surface with vegetable soil. The minute seeds of Khododendra for instance, where Mnium punctatum abounds, find a more genial place of growth in their tufts than in any other locality where those lovely plants seem to be really at home, as in the slate districts of Wales. This property, however, of clothing naked soils, or of intru- ding where their presence is not desired, makes them often extremely annoying in the garden, where it is desired to keep gravel-walks trim and unsullied, or in pastures, where they usurp the place of nutritive Grasses. In the former case boiling water impregnated with salt, gas-water, or a solution of some poisonous mineral, may be used with advantage ; in the latter the brush-harrow, followed by good manure, will be most likely to effect a cure. In an aesthetic point of view, it is scarcely possible to speak of Mosses too highly. In elegance and delicacy of colouring they are individually surpassed by few Cryptogams, especially amongst the finer and more attractive kinds ; and taken col- lectedly, they frequently give a tone to the colouring of rocks and foregrounds which the eye can at once appreciate. Even some of the smaller species, when in fruit and lighted up en masse by a partial sunbeam, are exquisitely beautiful from their red and olive tints. 41 CHAPTER X. COLLECTION AND PRESERVATION OF MOSSES. No plants are so easy to prepare for the herbarium as Mosses. They easily part with any moisture which they have imbibed, and if common care is used they are not liable to be spoiled by damp or seriously injured by the depredation of insects. Except in very wet weather, one or two changes of the drying- paper are quite sufficient. In collecting rare or delicate species, especially if they are in a good state of fruit, it is well to wrap the specimens at once, when gathered, in soft paper, which need not be opened till they are required for examination, when the calyptra or more fugitive parts will be preserved, which might otherwise be lost in the process of changing the drying-papers. Where specimens are abundant, it is always well to preserve some in their natural state, except the tufts are unmanageable. A portion however should be carefully disentangled, and thoroughly cleaned from any adherent soil, to show the mode of ramification. Where the fruit is easily destroyed by friction, it is well to keep some separate, in little capsules, gummed to the sheets in which the specimens are placed. It is in general convenient to glue the specimens from different localities on separate pieces of paper, which should either be of one fixed size or multiples of it ; and they can .* HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. then be pinned into the common sheet or sheets which belong to the particular species. It is an excellent plan, whenever a specimen is examined microscopically, to sketch what is seen on the paper to which it is fastened. This precludes the neces- sity of repeated examination, and where specimens are rare prevents their being seriously injured. The most convenient power perhaps for examining the leaves of Mosses is a one-third object-glass, while a one-fifth is quite sufficient for the examination of the peristome. Lower powers however will suffice for the determination of genera and species. CHAPTER XL SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT OF MOSSES. THE main divisions of Mosses depend upon the situation of the fruit, its nature, and the mode of branching; but, as in other branches of natural history, it is impossible in any natural arrangement to frame characters which shall be free from exceptions. They are divided by authors according to these principles into five groups. 1. Pleurocarpi. Fruit lateral, springing immediately from the stem. 2. Cladocarpi. Fruit terminal, on short lateral branches. 3. Acrocarpi. Fruit terminal. 4. Schistocarpi. Fruit splitting longitudinally into four or more valves, adhering above. 5. Syncladei. Branches fasciculate. Of these the second is not strictly natural, and the character is difficult of application, as Acrocarpous and Cladocarpous species occur in the same genus. It has been proposed moreover to divide the first three groups into Steyocarpi and Cleistocarpi, the former comprising those in which the spores escape on the separation of the lid, the latter, as in Phascum, by the decay or irregular rupture of the sporangium; but as it is probable that in a really 44 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. natural arrangement the Phascoid Mosses must be distributed amongst those which are Stegocarpous, the distribution is not tenable. Generic characters depend upon the structure and situation of the fruit; but though the differences of the peristome afford in many cases admirable characters, in others great latitude must be taken in their use. Where natural groups are sought for, the same genus will sometimes comprise species with a single or double peristome, or in which it is altogether wanting. The old genus Gymnostomum is now properly dis- tributed amongst widely distant groups. The calyptra occasionally affords good characters, but it is sometimes deceptive. The vaginula is often of great import- ance, but it is not so obvious a source of distinction as parts which are more exposed to view. The comparative length of the lid is often employed as a mark of distinction by Con- tinental authors, but seldom with much advantage. The male inflorescence rarely affords good generic charac- ters, though it sometimes comes in aid of others, as in Bryum and Mnium. The reticulation of the leaves is often indicative of natural affinity, and occasionally is available for generic distinctions ; but the refinements of Continental Bryologists, especially in the genus Hypnum, are not calculated for prac- tical purposes ; and though their groups are generally natural, it is often impossible to reconcile them with the proposed dis- tinctions. The arrangement of Dr. Montagne, in Orbigny's Diction- ary, as regards the Natural Orders into which the tribes are divisible, though laying no claim to originality, appears to be one of the most convenient, and was followed in the ' Intro- duction to Cryptogamic Botany/ and, with few exceptions, is the same with that adopted here. SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT OF MOSSES. 45 Where genera approach so near as Trichostomum, Tortula, and some others, different views will be taken by Bryologists. But in whatever way the several species may he grouped, difficulties \\ill arise as to the stability of characters ; and were those and some neighbouring genera again incorporated, there would still be difficulties as to the natural grouping of the species. On the whole, the state of Bryology must be considered as extremely imperfect. The entire subject clearly wants the revision of some master-mind. SYNOPSIS OF ORDERS AND GENERA. IT should be observed, that -the characters of the Orders and Genera, in the following synopsis, are drawn up with a view to the Mosses of the British Isles alone, and not to Mosses in general, the object being to facilitate the reference of British species to their proper genera. In the enumeration of species, on the con- trary, exotic genera and species have been constantly kept in view in the definitions. In scarcely any tribe of plants, however, is it so difficult to draw up precise characters, as the evident affinities of particular species militate more than usually against definite circumscriptions. Generic characters were originally con- fined to the parts of fructification ; but if natural groups are desired, it is absolutely necessary to comprehend also in our characteristic phrases particulars about the mode of branching, and the nature of the leaf-cells, where these admit of definition. In a very few cases I have been compelled to propose genera, where anomalous species did not admit readily of association with others, though I have done so with reluctance. SECTION L PLEUROCARPI. Fruit lateral, or at the tips of very short branches. OEDEE I. FONTINALEL Sporangia sessile or subsessile; peristome double; inner peristome conical, cancellate. Genus 1. Fontinalis. Sporangium sessile; veil mitriform. SYNOPSIS OF ORDERS AND GENERA. 47 Genus 2. Dic/tclyma. Sporangium sessile or subsessile ; veil cucullate. ORDER II. CEYPTOTHECIL Peristome single or double ; veil mitriform ; stems cylin- drical; leaves imbricated. Genus 3. Cryphcea. Sporangium immersed ; veil small ; peristome double. ORDER III. HOOKEEEI. Sporangium horizontally cernuous, succulent; peristome double ; veil mitriform ; stem mostly flattened ; leaf-cells mostly large. Genus 4. Daltonia. Sporangium suberect ; veil fringed ; leaves spreading, cells small. Genus 5. Hookeria. Sporangium cernuous; inner peri- stome divided halfway down into sixteen processes, without intermediate cilia; veil not fringed; leaves flattened, cells large. ORDER IV. NECKEEEI. Fruitstalk mostly short ; peristome double ; veil cucullate ; leaves mostly flattened ; stem more or less pinnate. Genus G. Neckera. Sporangium erect, immersed, or ex- serted; veil large; inner peristome divided almost to the base ; leaves mostly undulated. Genus 7. Homalia. Fruitstalk elongated ; inner peristome a membrane divided into sixteen keeled processes without in- termediate cilia ; leaves not undulated. ORDER V. HTPNEL Sporangium cernuous ; fruitstalk elongated ; veil cucullate ; 48 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. inner peristorae mostly with intermediate cilia ; stem mostly cylindrical. Genus 8. Hypnum. Cilia distinct; stem mostly without paraphylla; leaves even. Genus 9. Ptychodium. Cilia rudimentary ; paraphylla nu- merous. Genus 10. Heterocladium. Leaves of stem and branches heteromorphous ; paraphylla few ; upper reticulations narrow. Genus 11. Thuidium. Leaves of stem and branches hetero- morphous ; paraphylla numerous ; upper reticulations rounded. Genus 12. Pseudoleskea. Intermediate cilia present or ab- sent; paraphylla numerous ; reticulations oval-punctiform. ORDER VI. ISOTRECIL Sporangium erect ; fruitstalk elongated ; veil cucullate ; pc- ristome single or double ; leaf-cells minute. Genus 13. Isothecium. Cilia of inner peristome more or less imperfect; upper leaf-cells linear; secondary stems dendroid. Genus 14. Climacium. Cilia of inner peristome wanting; veil large ; lid adherent to the columella ; habit dendroid. Genus 35. Cylindrothecium. Peristome not hygrometric, inserted below the mouth of the sporangium ; inner peristome of sixteen narrow darker teeth ; stem decumbent. Genus 16. Pylaisia. Inner peristome divided almost to the base into sixteen teeth, bipartite or gaping at the keel ; intermediate cilia very short ; leaf-cells narrow ; stem creeping. Genus 17. Homalothecium. Intermediate cilia none ; teeth of outer peristome solid ; veil large, subpilose ; leaf-cells li- near ; stem partly creeping, partly assurgent. Genus 18. Orthothecium. Intermediate cilia short or want- ing ; teeth of peristome thin ; cells at base of leaves not quadrate. SYNOPSIS OF ORDERS AND CKNT.RA. 1 ( .) Genus 19- Myurella. Intermediate cilia binate ; stem cy- lindrical ; leaves closely imbricated, papillose ; leaf-cells mi- nute, chlorophyllous. Genus 20. Platydictya. Intermediate cilia present or ab- sent ; stem confervoid ; leaves loosely set ; leaf-cells large. Genus 21. Philoscia. Intermediate cilia wanting ; stem succulent ; leaves subbifarious ; leaf-cells narrow, elongated. Genus 22. Myrinia. Inner peristome solid, dark ; interme- diate cilia wanting ; leaves even ; leaf-cells large, rhomboid. Genus 23. Pterigynandrum. Inner peristome rudimentary; veil naked ; leaves papillose ; upper leaf-cells rhomboid ; male and female fruit axillary. Genus 24. Antitrichia. Fruitstalk short, curved ; inner peristome of sixteen perforated teeth adhering to the outer ; cilia wanting; leaf-cells minute ; stems procumbent, pinnate. Genus 25. Thamnium. Inner peristome with intermediate cilia; upper leaf-cells elliptic; stem naked below, branched above; branches more or less two-ranked. Genus 26. Leucodon. Peristome erect, single, or with very obscure traces of an inner membrane ; ring fragmentary ; leaf- cells punctiform. Genus 27. Anomodon. Peristome double; inner of sixteen short fugacious processes ; leaf-cells very minute, opaque. Genus 28. Pterogonium. Inner peristome membranous, half as long as the outer teeth, with rudimentary cilia ; veil pilose ; leaves papillose ; leaf-cells elliptic. Genus 29. Leskea. Peristome double, outer teeth staple- bent when dry; inner peristome with obscure intermediate cilia ; leaves papillose ; leaf-cells very minute, chlorophyllous. Genus 30. Leptodon. Peristome double; inner membra- nous, divided above into short irregular teeth; veil pilose; leaf-cells punctiform. 50 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. OEDEE VII. ANOECTANOIE1. Cladocarpous. Sporangium ovate or spherical; peristome none ; veil cucullate. Genus 31. Anoectangium. OEDER VIII. DREPANOPHYLLEI. Mostly cladocarpous. Stems flat; leaves equitant; peri- stome single, teeth bifid ; veil cucullate or conical. Genus 32. Fissidens. Sporangium often cernuous ; fruit- stalk elongated ; veil cucullate or conical ; teeth sixteen, bifid ; divisions slender, elongated ; vaginula distinct. ORDEE IX. MIELICHOFERIEI. Cladocarpous. Sporangium straight, with or without an apophysis ; peristome single or double ; vaginula distinct. Genus 33. Mielichoferia. Sporangium pyriform or clavate ; annulus large; peristome single, of sixteen teeth which are confluent below. SECTION II. ACROCARPI. OEDEE X. SCHISTOSTEOEL Sporangium subglobose ; spore- sac adnate with the walls ; peristome none ; leaves distichous. Genus 34. Schistostega. OEDEE XI. SPLACHNEL Sporangium apophysate ; spores radiating ; leaves diapha- nous, large-celled. Genus 35. (Edipodium. Sporangium clavate, confluent with the apophysis and fruitstalk ; peristome none. SY \OPSfS OF OKDI'KS AM) (JKN'KKA. .' 1 Genus 36. Dusodon. Apophysis tapering; columella ex- serted when dry; peristome of sixteen short double teeth incurved when dry. Genus 37. Tayloria. Apophysis clavate or subpyriform ; teeth sixteen or thirty-two, reflexed when dry. Genus 38. Tetraplodon. Apophysis clavate or ovate ; peri- stome of sixteen double teeth, at first approximated in fours, reflexed when dry. Genus 39. Splachnum. Apophysis large, spongy, distinct ; teeth sixteen, in pairs, reflexed when dry. ORDER XII. DISCELIEI. Sporangium subglobose, cernuous; ring large; teeth six- teen, cloven from the base ; veil twisted. Genus 40. Discelium. ORDER XIII. OREADEL Sporangium small, subglobose, cernuous; peristome single, or obscurely double ; veil cucullate. Genus 41. Catoscopium. Sporangium even, horizontal ; pe- ristome of sixteen short teeth, with traces of an inner peristome. ORDER XIV. BAETEAMIEI. Sporangium spherical, mostly striated; leaves rigid, keeled, toothed. Genus 42. Conostomum. Peristome of sixteen teeth, united at their tips and forming a cone. Genus 43. Bartramia. Sporangium oblique ; veil small, fugacious ; peristome double, single, or absent. Genus 44. Bartramidula. Sporangium even; mouth small; peristome none; spore-sac united above with the columella. E 2 52 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. ORDER XV. FUNAEIEL Sporangium pyriform ; veil inflated below, subulate above ; leaf-cells large. Genus 45. Physcomitrium. Veil 5-6-lobed, with a long, straight beak ; peristome none. Genus 46. Entosthodon. Veil eucullate ; peristome rudi- mentary, or of sixteen teeth. Genus 47. Funaria. Sporangium oblique ; apophysis taper- ing ; ring very large ; peristome double ; teeth of outer row joined at the tips and forming a cribrose disk. ORDER XVI. MEESIEL Sporangium tapering below, gibbous behind ; fruitstalk very long; peristome double, not hygroscopic. Genus 48. Amblyodon. Mouth of sporangium small, ob- lique; peristome double, outer of sixteen short teeth, inner longer, deeply divided; leaves loosely reticulated. Genus 49. Meesia. Mouth oblique ; peristome double, outer of sixteen short teeth, inner longer, deeply divided; leaf-cells small, crowded. Genus 50. Paludella. Sporangium cernuous or suberect ; ring large; peristome double, outer of sixteen lanceolate teeth, inner a membrane divided halfway down into sixteen processes, without intermediate cilia. ORDER XVIL BETEL Sporangium symmetrical, erect, or cernuous ; peristome double ; veil eucullate ; leaves mostly marginate. Genus 51. Cinclidium. Inner peristome dome-shaped, with sixteen perforations opposite to the outer teeth. Genus 52, Mnium. Sporangium ovate or oblong; peristome SYNOPSIS OF ORDERS AND GENERA. 53 double, inner with intermediate cilia; paraphyses of anthe- ridia clavate ; leaves large. Genus 53. Zieria. Sporangium gibbous behind; neck long ; inner peristome longer ; intermediate cilia rudimentary. Genus 54. Anomobryum. Sporangium symmetrical; peri- stome double ; leaf-cells very narrow above, vermiform to- wards the nerve. Genus 55. Bryum. Sporangium symmetrical, confluent with the narrow apophysis ; paraphyses of antheridia filiform, innovations from the apex ; leaf-cells rather large. Genus 56. Webera. Sporangium symmetrical, confluent with the narrow apophysis; innovations mostly from the base; stems mostly slender; leaves narrow; leaf-cells hexagonal, elongated. Genus 57. Leptobryum. Sporangium symmetrical, con- fluent with the narrow apophysis; innovations from the base; leaves very narrow; leaf-cells above hexagonal, elongated. Annual. Genus 58. Orthodontium. Sporangium symmetrical; spore- case small; peristome double; inner without intermediate cilia ; leaves very narrow. Genus 59. Aulacomnion. Sporangium furrowed, when dry; spores very small. Genus 60. Timmia. Sporangium symmetrical ; peristome double ; inner divided halfway into about sixty-four cilia, at first united above. ORDER XVIII. POLTTEICREL Sporangium often quadrate ; mouth mostly closed with a tympanoid membrane connected with the teeth or wall; veil mostly rough with dependent hairs. Genus 61. Polytrichum. Sporangium angular, with a dis- 54) HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. tiuct apophysis; spore-sac undulated; veil densely pilose; nerve of leaf covered with longitudinal plaits. Genus 62. Pogonatiim. Sporangium oval or oblong; veil densely pilose ; spore-sac undulated; leaves densely lamellate. Genus 63. Oligotrichum. Sporangium subcylindrical ; veil with scattered hairs or apical papillae ; spore-sac undulated. Genus 64. Atrichum. Sporangium subcylindrical; veil nearly naked, spinulose at the tip ; spore-sac adnate with the wall of the sporangium. ORDER XIX. BTTXBAUM1EL Sporangium oblique; peristome a conical membrane sur- rounded by layers of cellular tissue, divided into irregular teeth, or a rudimentary ring. Genus 65. Diphyscium. Sporangium subsessile ; peristome a twisted plicate membrane, surrounded by a narrow filmy ring. Genus 66. Buxbaumia. Sporangium large, flat above; peristome a conical plicate membrane surrounded by three or four layers of cellular tissue, divided into irregular teeth; leaves rudimentary. ORDER XX. TETEAPHIDEI. Sporangium straight; peristome confluent with the top of the columella, which is divided into four pyramidal teeth. Genus 67. Tetrodontium. Peristome of four short teeth; leaves minute, lineari-clavate. Genus 68. Tetr aphis. Veil torn at the base; peristome of four triangular-elongated teeth; leaves normal; leaf-cells large. SYNOPSIS OF ORDERS AND GKNERA. 55 ORDER XXI. ZYOODONTEI. Sporangium striated ; peristome 0, single or double ; veil cu- cullate, smooth. Genus 69. Zygodon. Sporangium apophysate; veil small, oblique ; peristome 0, single, or double. ORDER XXII. ORTHOTRICREI. Sporangium mostly striated ; veil mitriform, plicate, mostly pilose ; peristome variable. Genus 70. Orthotrichum. Sporangium striate; veil with a few keel-like folds ; leaves not curled when dry. Genus 71. U/ota. Sporangium striate; veil with macy folds ; leaves curled when dry. ORDER XXTII. PTYCHOMITRIEL Sporangium without a tapering apophysis; veil smooth, furrowed, subulate ; leaf-cells punctiform, even. Genus 72. PtychomUrium. Sporangium slightly tapering below ; veil deeply furrowed, laciniate ; peristome of sixteen deeply-divided teeth. Genus 73. Glyphomitrium. Sporangium roundish ; veil large, ventricose, plicate, laciniate ; peristome of sixteen teeth, disposed in pairs. ORDER XXIV. GEIMMIEL Sporangium equal ; veil mitriform ; leaves mostly with an excurrent nerve; upper leaf-cells punctiform. Genus 71. Racomitrium. Veil multifid below, subulate and papillose above ; ring large ; peristome of sixteen bi-trifid teeth, sometimes divided to the base; lower leaf-cells narrow. Genus 75. Grimmia. Veil mitriform or cucullate; peri- 56 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. stome of sixteen lanceolate externally trabeculate bi-trifid teeth, rarely wanting; columella not deciduous; lower leaf- cells larger and diaphanous. Genus 76. Schistidium. Columella adhering to the lid, and falling away with it. ORDER XXV. REDWIGIACEL Sporangium globose or oblong, immersed, or slightly ex- serted ; peristome none ; leaves nerveless. Genus 77. Hedwigidium. Sporangium more or less ex- serted ; veil cucullate, smooth. Genus 78. Hedwigia. Sporangium immersed ; veil conical; leaves diaphanous above. ORDER XXVI. ENCALYPTEL Sporangium straight, even, or striate; veil very large, cylin- drico-campanulate. Genus 79. Encalypta. Fruitstalk elongated; veil mostly appendiculate ; vaginula crowned with a conical spongy mass. ORDER XXVII. EIPAEIACEL Peristome of thirty- two teeth, connected together by anas- tomosing process, or an irregularly fissured or rudimentary membrane ; top of columella connected with the peristome. Genus 80. Cinclidotus. Veil smooth, conical, split on one side ; peristome simple, sometimes rudimentary, of thirty-two teeth, rising from a common membranous base, twisted above round the columella. ORDER XXVIII. TRICHOSTOMEL Veil cucullate; peristome of thirty-two filiform teeth, distinct or united below, frequently in pairs, and sometimes twisted. SYNOPSIS OF ORDERS AND GENERA. 57 Genus 81. Tortula. Veil with a long beak spirally fissured; pcristome of thirty-two twisted teeth, united by a tubular short or elongated basal membrane. Genus 82. Trichostomum. Veil cucullate, smooth ; peri- stome of thirty-two teeth, disposed in pairs, composed of a sin- gle series of elongated cells, sometimes united and perforated, connected below by a short membrane; leaf- cells punctiform above, minutely papillose. Genus 83. Leptotrichum. Peristome of thirty-two teeth, disposed in pairs, or sometimes reduced to sixteen ; leaf-cells narrow, elongated, not papillose. Genus 84. Didymodon. Veil cucullate, covering at least half the sporangium ; peristome rather short, of sixteen linear- lanceolate teeth, consisting of a double row of cells, tender and fugacious, entire, or perforated ; leaf-cells narrow. Genus 85. Distichium. Veil cucullate with a slender beak; peristome of sixteen teeth inserted below the mouth of the sporangium, transversely barred, entire, or perforated ; leaves more or less distichous ; upper leaf-cells minute. Genus 86. Desmatodon. Veil rather large, cucullate ; peri- stome of sixteen subulate teeth, united at the base by a short membrane, often split above, with the divisions free, or united by trabeculse ; upper leaf-cells elongated ; lower very large. OEDBE XXIX. POTTIEL Sporangium straight; peristome wanting, or of sixteen teeth; veil cucullate ; upper leaf- cells large, hexagonal, lower rectan- gular. Genus 87. Anacalypta. Peristome of sixteen teeth, united below by a common membrane, entire, or imperfectly divided, sometimes fragmentary. 58 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. Genus 88. Potha. Veil cucullate ; peristome none ; apex of columella falling away with the lid. OEDEK XXX. DICRANEL Sporangium even orstriate; peristome of sixteen bifid, often trans versely-striate teeth; veil cucullate, entire, or fringed. Genus 89. Campylopus. Sporangia mostly aggregate ; fruitstalk curved or geniculate ; veil fringed ; teeth lanceolate ; leaf-cells subquadrate. Genus 90. Dicranodontium. Sporangium even ; fruitstalk curved ; veil not fringed ; upper leaf-cells narrow. Genus 91. Ceratodon. Sporangium erect, furrowed ; peri- stome of sixteen deeply cloven teeth, connected below by trans- verse processes ; upper leaf-cells minute. Genus 92. Trichodon. Fruitstalk flexuous; sporangium even; peristome of sixteen teeth divided to the base; articu- lations nodose ; leaf-cells rectangular. Genus 93. Leucobryum. Sporangium striate ; peristome of sixteen bifid trabeculate teeth ; outer leaf-cells perforated. Genus 94. Dicranum. Sporangia aggregate or single in the same perichsetium ; teeth sixteen, striate and trabeculate ; upper leaf-cells linear. Genus 95. Dicranella. Sporangium mostly cernuous; veil slightly inflated ; peristome regular ; upper leaf-cells oblongo- hexagonal ; stems normally short. Genus 96. Dichodontium. Sporangium roundish, without any apophysis ; fruitstalk flexuous ; teeth bi-trifid ; articula- tions crowded, prominent ; upper leaf-cells very minute, quad- rate, papillose. Genus 97. Cynodontium. Sporangium oblique or sym- metrical; veil rather large; teeth lanceolate, dilated at the base, cloven, often irregular; upper leaf-cells minute; lower rectangular ; all chlorophyllous. SYNOPSIS OF ORDERS AM) GENERA. 59 Genus 98. Arctoa. Sporangium short, furrowed when dry; veil inflated ; teeth narrow, unequally cloven or perforated ; leaf- cells elongated. Genus 99. Elindia. Sporangium roundish, turbinate when dry ; veil at first angular below ; leaf-cells rectangular. Genus 100. Stylosteyium. Sporangium roundish, im- mersed; veil very short; peristome none; upper leaf-cells oblong. ORDER XXXI. WEISSIEL Sporangium erect, equal ; peristome 0, or of sixteen, mostly entire teeth, often united at the base ; leaf-cells mostly minute above or quadrate. Genus 101. Anodus. Sporangium straight, truncato-ovate ; columella at length exserted ; peristome none. Genusl02. Seligeria. Sporangium roundish, wide- mouthed ; teeth 16, obtuse. Genus 103. Brachyodm. Sporangium furrowed when dry ; ring broad ; teeth very short, truncate, partly confluent. Genus 104. Campy lostelium. Fruitstalk curved; veil five- cleft; ring double ; teeth long, connected below, cloven above. Genus 105. Rhabdoweissia. Sporangium erect, striate; teeth narrow; ring very narrow ; leaf-cells subquadrate above. Genus 106. IVdssia. Sporangium erect, even; teeth mostly free at the base without a medial line, entire, bifid, or perforated ; upper leaf-cells minute. Genus 107. Gymnostomum. Sporangium erect ; veil large, rostrate ; peristome none, or the rim of the orifice adheres to the top of the columella. Genus 108. Systegium. Fruitstalk short; lid persistent but separating easily when mature ; spores rather small, glo- bose. 60 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. ORDEB XXXII. PHASCEL Sporangium indehiscent ; peristome none. Genus 109. Pleuridium. Fruitstalk short; sporangium apiculate, lateral after innovation ; upper leaf-cells narrow. Genus 110. Phascum. Columella persistent; veil regularly cucullate; prothallus fugacious; upper leaf-cells rather lax. Genus 111. Bryella. Sporangium roundish, exserted; lid defined; ring adnate; veil cucullate, scabrous above; upper leaf-cells chlorophyllous. Genusll2. Cycnea. Sporangium globose; fruitstalk curved upper leaf-cells minute, subquadrate. Genus 113. Sph&rangium. Sporangium globose, erect, or pendulous; veil mitriform; spore-sac separable; leaf-cells large; prothallus fugacious. Genus 114. Microbryum. Sporangium subovate ; veil large, many-lobed ; leaf-cells small, rhomboid. Genus 115. Physcomitrella. Sporangium globose; colu- mella thick; veil campanulate, at first subvesicular ; leaf-cells large, hyaline. Genus 116. Ephemerella. Prothallus persistent; sporan- gium immersed; veil cucullate; spores large; upper leaf-cells subhexagonal. Genus 117. Ephemerum. Prothallus persistent ; spo- rangium immersed; veil mitriform; spores large; leaf-cells large, hyaline. Genus 118. Archidium. Sporangium globose; lid none; columella fugacious ; veil torn in the centre ; spores very large, few in number. SECTION III. SYNCLADEI. Branches fasciculate ; fruit at length cladocarpous ; recep- tacle elongated. SYNOPSIS OF ORDERS AND GENERA. 61 ORDER XXXIII. SPHAGNEI. Genus 119. Sphagnum. SECTION IV. SCHISTOCARPI. Sporangium quadrificl or raultifid ; receptacle elongated. ORDER XXXIV. ANDRE^EI. Genus 120. Andre&a. Sporangium quadrifid. 62 FAMILY I. PLEUROCARPI, Bridel. Sporangium lateral, springing from the axillary or subaxil- lary bud. A. EUPLEURO CARPI. Truly pleurocarpous ; vaginula, except in Anoectangium, more or less confluent with the perichatial branch. ORDER I. FONTINALE1, Br. et Sch. Mont. Aquatic, attached at the base, floating above. Sporangium nearly sessile, immersed amongst the perichsetial leaves. Perichsetial branchlets not rooting at the base. Peristome, when present, double ; inner cancellated. Allied evidently to Cryphaa, Climacium, and the splendid exotic genus Spiridens. 1. FONTINALIS, Dill. Dioicous. Sporangium immersed. Veil short, mitriform, toothed, or slightly torn at the base. Outer peristome of sixteen long, narrow teeth, articulated, trabeculate within ; inner of sixteen cilia, united by transverse processes into a conical network, and studded within with projecting points. Stem branched bifariously, branches sometimes fasciculate ; leaves nerveless, concave, or keeled, in three ranks. 1. F. antipyretica, L. ; stems with their leaves triquetrous ; leaves sharply keeled, the margin on one side reflected ; spo- rangium wholly immersed. Hook. Wils. t. xxii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 359 ; (Plate 3, fig. 2 ;) Moug. et Nest. n. 238. FONTINAI.KI. 03 On stones and wood in streams or in stagnant pools, in flat or mountainous countries. Common. Bearing fruit in summer, Stems triquetrous, from several inches to one or two feet in length, purplish, leafy above; leaves ovate, pointed, entire, or obscurely toothed, nerveless, strongly keeled and complicated, so as to be triquetrous, dark green when old ; occasionally there are two or three fine projecting filiform processes toward the tip instead of the obscure teeth; sporangia immersed amongst the obtuse perichsetial leaves, almost sessile; peristome bright red, presenting a beautiful object under the microscope. As the leaves are often split along the keel, care must be taken not to confound this with the following species. Two distinct varieties occur, the one with " more slender, fasciculate, not spreading branches, and less complicated leaves/' the other with " wide spreading, broad, flaccid, and transparent leaves." The plant derives its specific name from its being used in the North of Europe as a stuffing between the wooden walls of huts and the chimney, in consequence of its not being easily inflammable. It is also sometimes used in the same districts, boiled in small beer, as a foot-bath in some pectoral complaints. 2. P. squamosa, Dill. ; branches fasciculate, naked at the base ; leaves more or less lanceolate, concave. Hook. Wils. tab. xxii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1861 ; (Plate 3, fig. 1 ;) Moug. et Nest, n. 430. In alpine rivulets often mixed with F. antipyretica. Not uncommon, but generally barren. When fertile, bearing fruit in summer. A smaller plant than the last, darker, and with shorter stems, whose branches are more inclined to be fasciculate. The leaves moreover are not keeled, nor is their margin bent back. It must not be confounded with specimens of the last, 64 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. in which the leaves are split in the direction of the keel. Tn both, the perichsetial leaves are serrated or eroded at the apex. Two other species of this genus occur in Europe. 2. DICHELYMA, Myrin. Dioicous. Sporangium exserted (or immersed). Veil hood- shaped, elongated. Peristome as in Fontinalis, but the inner less cancellated. Branches two-ranked (or irregular} ; leaves narrow, nerved. 1. D. capillaceum, Br. et Schimp. ; branches two-ranked; leaves scarcely falcate, ovato-lanceolate, extremely narrow towards the apex, and serrated ; nerve excurrent ; sporangium lateral; inner peristome cancellated above only. Hook. Wils. tab. xxii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2432. In alpine rivulets. Said to have been found by Dickson, but it has not been observed since his time, and it is con- jectured that foreign specimens were inadvertently substituted for his plant when communicated to bryologists. Blindia acuta, when growing in water, has sometimes been confounded with it, and this may possibly have been what Dickson really gathered. Three species are recorded as European, of which two only have been found in fruit. They resemble in habit such Hypna as H. aduncum or H. fluitans. The fruit grows laterally from the perichsetial branch, the leaves of which are convolute. In Dichelyma falcatum, which has never been supposed to be a native of this country, the sporangium is much exserted, springing terminally from the elongated perichsetial branch, and the inner peristome is more like that of Fontinalis. CRYPTOTIIECII. 65 ORDER II. CEYPTOTHECI1, Br. & Sch.Pilotrickei, Mull. Stem not flattened; leaves pointing in every direction; veil mitriform ; peristome wanting, single or double. 3. CRYPH^IA, Mohr. Monoicous; stem mostly more or less pinnate, springing from a creeping rhizoma; sporangium immersed; veil small, conico-mitriform, generally more or less rough, more or less incised at the base ; vaginula none ; peristome double ; outer of sixteen teeth, inner of sixteen processes, alternating with the teeth, united below by a short membrane. Arboreous or aquatic. 1. C. heteromalla; Bridel ; primary stem creeping, pinnate; fertile branches erect, slightly branched; leaves ovate, more or less acute, concave, with the nerve reaching to the centre ; margin reflexed; sporangium unilateral; peristome nearly white. Hook. % Wih. t. xxii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1180.; (Plate 3, fig. 3) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 732. On trunks of trees, in woods. Not uncommon, ft on stones, and at the base of trees in or near rivulets, as in Devonshire. Bearing fruit in early summer. About an inch long. Leaves spreading, broadly ovate, acute or acuminate ; sporangia on short perichsetial branches, apparently unilateral, and often crowded, oblong, with a short stalk, yellowish, becoming rufous when old; ring large, de- ciduous ; veil slightly rough ; lid conical, pointed, half as long as the sporangium, brighter-coloured. The aquatic form is stouter, and has more obtuse leaves whose margins are not reflexed, and is found at the base of trees on the water- side, or on stones, but does not differ in any essential characters. There are several exotic species, but only one European representative of the genus. 66 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. ORDER III. HOOKEEEI, Br. & Sch. Stem mostly flattened with bifarious large-celled leaves, creeping, irregularly branched, rarely cylindrical and suberect, with the leaves pointing in every direction ; sporangium hori- zontally cernuousj thick, on a succulent elongated stalk ; veil smooth, campanulate ; peristome double. 4. DALTONIA, Hook. % Tayl. Leaves pointing in every direction, with elongated cells; sporangium cernuous or suberect; lid large, rostrate; veil mitriform, fringed below with several rows of cilia; peri- stome double ; external of sixteen teeth, inner of sixteen cilia, of equal length, nearly distinct at the base. Small, tufted, mostly exotic Mosses. 1. D., Hook, fy Tayl. ; branches short, fasti- giate; leaves crowded, lineari-lanceolate, acute, somewhat keeled, the nerve vanishing below the tip; margin thickened; sporangium suberect, oval, oblong, with a distinct apophysis ; outer teeth generally perforated. Hook. Wils. t. xxii. ; Eng. Bot. n. 2564. ; (Plate 3, fig. 4.) On moist rocks and trees in one or two localities in Ireland, but not yet found on any part of the Continent. Bearing fruit in winter. About i of an inch high ; monoicous and bisexual ; branches tufted, suberect; leaves crowded, dark green; sporangium purple-brown, with a small but distinct swelling at the base ; fruitstalk minutely granulated; peristome large; outer of 16 yellow teeth, perforated in the centre ; inner of 16 keeled cilia, distinct at the base. There are several exotic species of this genus, which is ex- tremely rare in Europe, and indeed confined to Ireland. The HOOKEREI. G7 quaquaversal leaves approximate it to Cryphaa, while together with their different texture they distinguish it from other Hookerei, and in consequence a distinct division (Daltonei) is made for its reception, together with some allied exotic genera by Schimper. 5. HOOKEBIA, Smith. Stem irregularly branched or subpinnate; leaves flattened ; sporangium more or less cernuous; veil smooth, elongated, mitriform ; peristome double ; outer of sixteen teeth, inner a membrane divided halfway down into sixteen keeled processes, without intermediate cilia; mostly monoicous. Perennial Mosses growing in the shade, on the ground, or on trees. 1. H. lucens, Smith; stem irregularly branched; lower leaves narrow, subrotund, upper much larger, ovate, oblong, obtuse, nerveless. Hook Wils. t. xxvii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1902. ; (Plate 3, fig. 5) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 40. On moist banks in the southern counties ; rare, or entirely wanting in higher latitudes. Bearing fruit in winter. Monoicous. Stems 2 or 3 inches long ; branches flattened ; leaves flat, imbricated, of a beautiful pale green, shining, quite entire, very obtuse, nerveless; sporangium elliptic, rather small in proportion to the rest of the plant, horizontally cernuous, thick, and succulent ; lid long, with a straight beak ; veil large, thick, slightly split at the base ; outer teeth reddish- brown, with prominent trabeculse within ; inner with abortive cilia between the processes which are perforated along the medial line. Perhaps the most beautiful of British Mosses, and abundant in some counties. The cells of the leaves are remarkably large, and the loose chlorophyll contracts when dry. This and the closely allied American H. acutifolia, are separated F 2 68 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. by Bridel, under the name of Pterygophyllum, more on account of habit than essential character. Bridel also refers the next species to it, which is retained in Hookeria, by Schimper. If the genus is ultimately adopted, it will be one amongst many instances in which the species to which the generic name was first applied, has been excluded from its own genus. 2. H. Isete-virens, Hook, fy Tayl. ; stem procumbent, sub- pinnate; leaves suddenly acuminate, ovate or ovate-oblong, with a thickened margin, sharply toothed, binervate. Hook. % Wils. t. xxvii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2672. ; (Plate 3, fig. 6.) In shady places near rivulets and caves, in two or three localities in Ireland. It has also been found near Penzance by Mr. Ralfs. It is unknown on the Continent. Bearing fruit in winter. Monoicous ; forming loose, rather flattened tufts of a deep green, or occasionally yellowish. Stem an inch or more long ; leaves much smaller than in the last, with much smaller cells, somewhat waved when dry, opaque, not shining, margined, with two divergent nerves springing from the base, arid extending halfway up ; veil small, covering only the upper part of the lid ; sporangium small, drooping ; lid of the same length, with a straight beak ; outer teeth with two ridges on the back, in which respect the peristome is very different from that of the last, which approaches very near to that of Hypnum. ORDER IV. NECKEREI, Mout. Omaliea, Br. & Sch. Stem mostly compressed and pinnate; fruitstalk usually short, sometimes obsolete ; peristome double ; veil hood-shaped. 6. NECKERA, Hedw. Stem pinnate, flat ; leaves mostly undulated ; sporangium erect, symmetrical, immersed or exserted ; peristome double ; NMCKEREI. 69 outer of sixteen teeth, each with a medial line; inner of narrow, keeled processes, connected at the base. Perennial Mosses growing on trees or on stones. a. ATonoicous. 1. N. pennata, Hedw.; secondary stems pinnate, flat; leaves ovato-lanceolate acuminate, nearly entire, nerveless; sporangium ovato-oblong, immersed in the perichsetial leaves. Hook. $ mis. t. xxxiv.; Grev. Scott. Crypt. Fl. t. 109.; (Plate 4, fig. 4) ; Movg. % Nest. n. 146. On trunks of trees in subalpine districts. Found once only in Scotland, and once in Ireland. Bearing fruit in spring. Stems 2 inches or more long, creeping, branched; the branches erect, pinnate, sometimes simple, often much attenu- ated at the tip; leaves flat, the outer ones spreading, ovate or ovato-lanceolate, concave at the base, slightly undulated, of a pale green, shining, very minutely serrate towards the tip or quite entire, nerveless or occasionally with two faint nerves at the base ; cells elongated ; perichsetial leaves in which the sporangium is immersed more elongated; sporangium ovato- oblong ; lid shorter, oblique, rostrate ; veil whitish, hood- shaped ; peristome nearly colourless ; outer teeth lanceolate, inner filiform, extremely delicate, short, and fugacious, often more or less attached to the outer. Differs from the other British species in its monoicous in- florescence, and immersed sporangia. It is very widely diffused, and occurs in the southern as well as the northern hemisphere. The fruit is perfect in early spring. A closely allied species, N. oliyophylla, occurs in the north of Europe and Canada, which is distinguished by its minute, subglobose sporangia, shorter, less pinnate, often simple branches, very rugged, narrower, and suddenly acuminate, less crowded leaves, which 70 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. are decidedly serrate, as well as by its growing on rocks, not on trees. b. Dioicous. 2. N. pumila, Pledw. ; branches flat ; leaves ovate or ovate- oblong, often apiculate, minutely serrate above, nerveless or faintly two-nerved, slightly undulated, margin recurved ; spo- rangium oblongo-elliptic, exserted ; fruitstalk short ; lid equal, shortly rostrate. Hook. Wils. xxii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1443.; (Plate 4, fig. 3) ; Moug. et Nest. n. 429. On trunks of trees, or occasionally on rocks. Not common, though it occurs here and there, from Inverary to Hampshire. Bearing fruit in winter. It is abundant about the Lakes of Cumberland and Westmoreland, but mostly without fruit. On the Continent it generally grows on the trunks of Conifers. Stems 12 inches long, with short, flat, spreading branches, sometimes much attenuated at the tips (flagelliform) ; leaves ovate or ovate-oblong, concave, with the margins recurved, slightly serrate above, acuminate or suddenly apiculate, with a flexuous tip, mostly nerveless, but sometimes having two short divergent nerves at the base ; cells elongated ; sporangia on short fruitstalks, which surmount the perichsetial leaves, oblongo-elliptic, contracted above; lid about half as long, acuminate ; outer teeth of peristome reddish, inner which are attached to a short membrane, yellowish, filiform. This is a far smaller plant than N. crispa, from every variety of which it is easily known by the margin of the leaves being recurved, and the shorter fruitstalk. They are usually far less undulated, but they vary in this respect. The species occurs in North America. 3. N. crispa, Hedw. ; stems more or less pinnate ; leaves crowded, flattened, ovate-oblong, apiculate, deeply undulated NECKERET. 71 transversely, minutely toothed above, glossy, nerveless, or with one or two short, faint nerves at the base; fruitstalk elongated. Hook. % Wils. t. xxii.; Eng. Bot.t.617.', (Plate 4, fig. 2) ; Moug. fy Nest. n. 48. On rocks and stones, in alpine or subalpine, especially cal- careous districts, more rarely on the trunks of trees. Bearing fruit in winter and spring. Forming large, yellowish, bright green, or occasionally red- dish-brown, elastic tufts, several inches in breadth, more or less pinnate, sending down stolons below; leaves flattened, rather crowded, ovate-oblong or tongue-shaped, concave at the base, nerveless or with one or two short nerves, acuminate or suddenly apiculate, entire below, minutely serrate above, transversely and often concentrically undulated ; fruitstalk elongated ; sporangium ovate or globoso-ovate ; lid with a long, oblique beak ; veil smooth or slightly hairy, longer than the lid ; peristome pale. This is one of our finest Mosses, and very striking when it forms large patches on the debris of limestone rocks, as at Gwrwch Castle, in Denbighshire. Mr. Wilson speaks of a stunted variety, with nearly circinate stems, which occurs on the tops of mountains in Scotland and Ireland. The species is widely distributed throughout Europe. 4. N. complanata, Br. Sch. ; branches short, often flagelliform ; leaves flattened, oblong, not undulated, suddenly apiculate, minutely toothed at the tip ; sporangium oval, erect ; fruitstalk elongated; lid beaked. Hook, ty Wils. t. xxvi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1492. ; (Plate 4, fig. 1) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 328. On the trunks of trees, in woods, and occasionally on stones. AVidely distributed. Bearing fruit in winter. Forming little dense tufts from 1 to 6 inches long, or spread out flat, especially when growing on the trunks of trees; 72 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. stems pinnate, with short, often flagelliform, flattened,, simple or pinnate branches ; leaves oblong or tongue-shaped, abruptly apiculate, not undulated, nerveless or with two short nerves at the base, the apex, toothed ; leaf-cells narrow, elongated, showing the primordial vesicle very distinctly; fruitstalk projecting far beyond the perichsetial leaves; sporangium, elliptical, erect, symmetrical ; lid long, with an oblique beak ; veil with a long abrupt beak, smooth or slightly hairy, cover- ing the sporangium. This species has very much the habit of Homalia, differ- ing from Neckera in not having undulated leaves, but agreeing in the inner peristome being divided almost to the base. The cells of the leaves, though the structure is essentially the same, are also more crowded and narrower than in Homalia tricho- manoides, to which it has much external resemblance. It differs from that remarkably in being dioicous. It is found in North America. Though a common species, it rarely pro- duces fruit. 7. HOMALIA, Brid. Sporangium unsymmetrical ; fruitstalk elongated; veil hood-shaped, peristome double, outer of sixteen teeth trabe- culate within, inner a membrane divided above into sixteen processes, without intermediate cilia; leaves flat, not undulated. Schimper is inclined to place this genus in a distinct Order from its connection with some exotic forms, but the needless multiplication of Orders as well as genera is, we think, to be greatly deprecated. The name is derived from ojLtaXo?, plane, in allusion to the flattened leaves. 1. Homalia, Br. Schimp. ; irregularly pinnate ; leaves flat, at length curved down, oblongo-falciform, obtuse, minutely toothed above, with one often obscure nerve II YPN El. 73 reaching halfway up ; lid beaked. Hook. Wils. tab. xxiv. ; Eng. Dot. t. 1493. ; (Plate 4, fig. 5) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 139. On stones, rocks, trunks of trees, etc., in moist woods. A common species widely diffused through Europe, except in the drier parts. The fruit is ripe in autumn. Monoicous ; forming small, elastic tufts which are curved downwards when dry; irregularly pinnate; branches flat, of a bright shining green; leaves oblong, more or less sickle- shaped, obtuse, serrated about halfway; nerve reaching half- way up, often very faint, and sometimes scarcely at all trace- able ; cells not so elongated as in the foregoing species ; sporan- gium nearly erect, slightly unequal, on a long f ruitstalk ; lid with a long, oblique beak, almost as long as the capsule ; veil hood-shaped; outer teeth brownish, inner yellow, perforated. There is a closely allied species in North America. ORDER V. HYPNEI, Br. & Schimp., Mont. Stem mostly imbricated and cylindrical ; sporangium mostly unsymmetrical, cernuous; fruitstalk elongated; peristome double, inner with sixteen teeth and intermediate cilia; veil hood-shaped. 8. HYPNUM, Dill. Sporangium unsymmetrical; peristome double; outer of sixteen teeth trabeculated within, inner a membrane divided halfway down into sixteen keeled, often perforated processes, with intermediate cilia, either solitary or two or three toge- ther ; stem mostly without paraphylla. This large genus, like Agaricus amongst Fungi, is divisible into a number of distinct groups, which are regarded by au- thors according to their respective views as distinct genera or subgenera. I prefer greatly the latter course, and while I 74 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. adopt the divisions given in Schimper's last work, I retain the name of Hypnum as generic, a course which has also been followed in Wilson's ' Bryologia.' As regards species, I conceive that they have been multiplied far beyond the true requisitions of science. In a very few cases the branches are flattened, but an examination of the peristome will at once show their true affinities. I have as nearly as possible followed the arrangement of Wilson, which accords wonderfully as to its divisions with the generic sections of Schimper, a circumstance which is, to a certain extent, a proof that these are natural. In a few in- stances only I have followed Schimper in eliminating a few species, where the characters really seemed good, and in bring- ing back one or two species which seem to have been separated contrary to nature. As the genus Hypnum is retained in its integrity, I have followed very nearly the order prescribed by Wilson, though the last species in the genus are more nearly allied to the preceding genera than the first. If the contrary order were taken, we should have the inconvenience of giving first those species which depart most from the generic cha- racter, though perhaps the first in point of dignity. CONSPECTUS OF THE DIVISIONS OF THE GENUS HYPNUM. Sect. I. Leaves spreading in all directions, not decidedly complanate, secund or assurgent. A. Stem creeping, irregularly branched, or occasionally arched and pinnate. * Leaves acute ; nerve reaching at least halfway, except in two species, f Leaves plicate, sulcate, or decidedly striate. ft Leaves even, or only slightly striate. a. Fruitstalk scabrous. J Lid conical or acute. Jt Lid rostrate. b. Fruitstalk even, without any roughness, -i- Lid rostrate. 4--1- Lid conical or acute. ** Leaves acute, mostly squarrose, inostly short-nerved or nerveless II YPN El. 75 *** Leaves roundish, rather obtuse, entire, mostly two-nerved or nerveless. B. Stem erect, pinnate; fruitstalks from upper half of stem. * Leaves nerveless or two-nerved, entire. ** Leaves nerved halfway. C. Stem erect, simply, doubly, or triply pinnate, tomentose or rough with paraphylla ; fruitstalks from upper part of stem. * Leaves papillose. ** Leaves even, without papillae. Sect. II. Leaves decidedly secund. A. Stem more or less erect, pinnate ; leaves falcato-secund. * Leaves nearly entire, nerve reaching halfway or more. ** Leaves decidedly serrate, nerve reaching halfway or more. *** Leaves more or less striate, nerveless or two-nerved, toothed. B. Stem procumbent, more or less pinnate ; fruit near the base. C. Leaves turned upwards, assurgent. Sect. III. Leaves decidedly complanate ; stems procumbent ; fruit radical. Sect. I. Leaves spreading in all directions.* A. Stem creeping, irregularly branched, or occasionally arched and pinnate. * Leaves acute, nerve reaching at least lialfivay.^ t Leaves plicate. a. CAMPTOTIIECIUM, Schimper.$ 1 . H. lutescens, Dill., Huds. ; stem prostrate or ascending, variously branched ; branches erect or depressed ; leaves lan- ceolate, plicate, minutely toothed above, nerve reaching above the middle; sporangium cernuous; fruitstalk rough; lid co- nical, shortly beaked. Hook. Wils. t. xxv. ; Eng. Bot. /. 1301. ; (Plate 5, fig. 2) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 334. On calcareous rocks, on the borders of woods, in old stone- pits, and on sandy banks, especially near the sea. Common. Bearing fruit in spring. Monoicous; forming dense, yellow or tawny, shining tufts; * In Hypnum depressum the leaves are flattened, as in the last section, f Habit of Brachythecium, leaf-cells of Hypnum, Schimper. J In H. demissum and depressum the leaves are either nerveless or have two faint nerves. 76 HANDBOOK OP BRITISH MOSSES. stems prostrate or ascending, sometimes forked above, some- times irregularly branched or imperfectly pinnate; leaves lanceolate or ovato-lanceolate, plicate, straight, or rarely slightly secund when the branchlets are curved, minutely toothed above; nerve vanishing a little below the summit; cells very narrow and elongated ; fruit abundant ; fruitstalk cylindrical, elongated, granulated; sporangium oblique, ob- longo-cylindrical, cernuous, slightly curved when old; lid conical, decidedly rostrate. The decidedly plicate leaves, scabrous fruitstalk, and ros- trate lid are the distinguishing characters of this species. 2. H. nitens, Schreb. ; stems erect, tomentose, tufted ; leaves erecto-patent, lanceolate, acuminate, entire, plicate; nerve reaching more than halfway; sporangium cernuous, curved ; lid conical. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxv. ; Eny. Bot. t. 1646. ; (Plate 4, fig. 6) ; Moug. Neat. n. 517. In marshy, boggy ground, and peat bogs, rarely bearing fruit in England, though in some parts of the Continent it is abun- dant. Fruit ripe in summer. Dioicous; forming erect, yellow-green or tawny, shining tufts, H-3 inches high, irregularly pinnate; stems clothed with purplish, branched, articulated threads ; branches sharp- pointed ; leaves erecto-patent, lanceolate, strongly acuminate above, entire, deeply grooved, with a nerve reaching nearly to the summit ; margin even or slightly recurved ; cells very nar- row ; fruitstalk elongated, growing towards the top of the stems, even; sporangium strongly curved, cernuous, reddish-brown, or party-coloured ; lid conical, acute. Easily recognized from the last by its downy stem, and smooth fruitstalk. It has some resemblance in habit and in the form of the sporangium to Hypnvm cuspidatum. HYPNEI. 77 c ft. BEA.CHYTHECIUM, Schimp* 3. H. salebrosum, Hoffm. ; stem decumbent ; branches erect; leaves crowded, pointing in every direction, lanceolate, acuminate, plicate, toothed above; nerve reaching a little above the middle ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium cernuous ; lid acutely conical. Hook. % Wils. t. lv.; Eng. Bot. t. 2800.; Grev. Scot. Crypt. Ft. t. 184; (Moug. % Nest. n. 834.) On rocks, walls, or the roots of trees, on the ground in woods, and on grassy, sandy banks. Apparently rare, though found from Scotland to Sussex. Fruit ripe in autumn. Monoicous; forming dense, pale-green tufts, 23 inches long, decumbent with erect, somewhat pinnate branches, which are without any down; leaves ovato-lanceolate, elongated, strongly acuminate, grooved rather than plicate, serrated above, and indeed sometimes to the base ; nerve reaching more than halfway up ; cells narrow, hyaline ; margin slightly recurved ; fruitstalk about an inch long; sporangium arcuate, cernnous, witli a sharp conical lid. Many varieties are recorded by Schimper through which it approaches H. glareosum on one side and H. rutabulum on the other. The leaves, though strongly acuminate, are not twisted, as in H. glareosum, nor is the acumination so long ; besides which, they are more manifestly serrated. From H. albicans it differs in colour and the serrated tips of the leaves ; from H. lutescens, manifestly in its smooth fruitstalk. The specimens in Moug. and Nest., at least in my copy, approach very near to H. glareosum, the tips of the leaves being very slender and scarcely at all serrate. Their reticulation is, however, much closer. * Distinguished from the last by Schimper on account of the looser areolation and evident primordial cells. 78 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. 4. H. glareosum, Bruch, mss. ; stem procumbent or ascend- ing, irregularly divided; leaves crowded, pointing in every direction, ovate, with a very long, often twisted, nearly entire point, sulcate ; nerve slender, reaching above the middle ; sporangium curved, lid conical. Hook. Wils. t. xxxv. Iv. ; (Moug. % Nest. n. 1133.) On shaded, gravelly grassy banks. Occasionally from Lan- cashire to Yorkshire. Bearing fruit, but rarely, late in autumn or winter. Dioicous; forming depressed or csespitose, silky masses of a whitish green. Stems about 2 inches long, procumbent or ascending, loosely branched or occasionally slightly pin- nate; leaves ovate, erecto-patent, grooved, ovate or ovato- lanceolate, with a very acuminate, almost hair-like, often twisted point, which is more or less serrate above only, the nerve slender, and reaching more than halfway up ; leaf-cells narrow, but not so much so as in the last; margin slightly reflected towards the base ; sporangium oblong, curved, cer- nuous, reddish-brown, at length black ; lid conical, very acute; fruitstalk smooth, reddish, about an inch long. Closely allied to the last, but distinguished by its dioicous inflorescence, the looser texture of the more acuminate, less serrated leaves, the paler colour, etc. It will be seen from the two figures quoted above how much the serrature varies. In specimens from Cotteral, I find it just intermediate be- tween the two. 5. H. albicans, DHL, Neck. ; stem erect, loosely tufted, slightly branched ; leaves pointing every way, ovato-lauceolate, acuminate, entire, sulcate, nerve reaching beyond the middle ; sporangium ovate, cernuous, lid conical, acute. Hook. Wils. t. xxv.; Eng. Bot. t. 1300.; (Plate 5, fig. 1) ; Moug. $ Nest, n. 236. HYPNEI. 79 In dry grassy places, on thatched roofs, but more especially on sand-hills and sand-cliffs, etc. Not uncommon. Bearing fruit, though rarely in early spring. Dioicous; forming whitish, shining tufts; branches few, erect; leaves pointing every way, sulcate, ovate, strongly acuminate, entire, more spreading when moist, nerve reaching above halfway up ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium ovate, curved, dark brown ; lid conical, acute. This is closely allied to the last, especially in the smaller forms, but its habit is more delicate, the plant more erect, and the leaves, though acuminate, by no means piloso-acuminate. I find them quite entire, but they are sometimes minutely serrulate at the tip. ft Leaves even or only slightly striate. a. Fruitstalk roufjli. \ Lid conical or acute. 6. H. velutinum, Di7., L. ; decumbent, irregularly pinnate ; branches crowded, often curved at the tips ; leaves spreading, subsecund, ovato-lanceolate, acuminate, serrated ; nerve reach- ing halfway ; fruitstalk rough ; sporangium ovate, cernous ; lid conical, not very acute. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxvi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1568, 2421. ; (Plate 5, fig. 4) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 835. On the trunks of trees and occasionally on stones and on the ground. Common. Perfecting its fruit in winter or early spring. Monoicous ; forming flat tufts of a dark green when grow- ing in the shade, but tawny when exposed to the sun. Stem creeping ; branches crowded, irregularly pinnate ; leaves in- clined to be secund, ovato-lanceolate, acuminate, toothed, margin recurved at the very base, nerve not much exceeding the middle of the leaf, cells loose ; fruitstalk rough, half an 80 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. inch long ; sporangium ovate, cernuous, curved when dry ; lid conical, rather obtuse ; ring large, deciduous. This common and variable species differs from H. rutabulum in its smaller size, more creeping habit, and narrower sub- secund leaves. The branches are sometimes very slender, and vary in quantity ; the leaves are opaque or shining, and the colour green or inclining to tawny. 7. H. reflexum, Web. Mohr ; stem procumbent, arched at the end and rooting, irregularly pinnate; branches in- curved ; leaves erecto-patent, ovate, acuminate, serrated, nerved to the tip, lid conical, acute. Hook. Wils. t. xxiv. ; (Moug. % Nest. n. 424.) In subalpine countries, on the trunks of trees or on stones. Principally in Scotland. Perfecting fruit in late autumn and early spring. Monoicous. Stem slender, procumbent, arched at the ex- tremity, and rooting, light green, irregularly pinnate, the branches and branchlets curved at the tips; leaves erecto- patent or slightly subsecund, ovate, acuminate, toothed ; leaf- cells large, especially at the base ; nerve reaching to the tip ; fruitstalk rough, half an inch long ; sporangium ovato-globose ; lid conical, acute. Allied to the last, but the leaves are in general shorter, though sometimes quite as acuminate and not broader at the base, the nerve almost excurrent, and the tips of the branches and branchlets curved. The sporangia; also, are more globose. 8. H. rutabulum, L. ; stem creeping, branches and branch- lets erect, mostly attenuated upwards ; leaves spreading, ovate, acuminate, serrate ; nerve reaching a little above the middle ; fruitstalk rough ; sporangium ovate, cernuous ; lid conical, blunt, with a little point. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxvi.; Eng. Bot. t. J261, 1647. i (Plate 5, fig. 5) ; Moug. $ Nest. n. 143. IIYPNtl. 81 On stones, trunks of trees, shady ground, etc. Extremely common. Fruit perfect in winter and early spring. Monoicous ; robust, forming dark green or sometimes yel- lowish-green tufts. Stem procumbent, irregularly branched; branches erect ; leaves erccto-patent, ovate, acuminate, con- cave, narrowed at the base, serrated through their whole length, slightly striate when dry; nerve slender, reaching more than halfway up ; cells loose, especially at the base ; perichaetial leaves squarrose, with a long tip ; fruitstalk stout, 1 inch long, strongly granulated ; sporangium ovate and turgid or ovate- oblong, arcuate, cernuous ; lid large, conical, sharp-pointed. Like most common species, this is very variable, but it is distinguished by its rough fruitstalk, the absence of striae in the leaves when moist, and by the monoicous inflorescence from H. salebrosum, rivulare, ccespitosum, etc., which could possibly be confounded with it. The stems often become arched and take root at the extremity, and are frequently clothed beneath with short purple-brown rooting hairs. 9. H. rivulare, Bruch, mss. ; stems arched, irregularly branched ; branchlets curved ; leaves large, loosely set, patent, ovate or ovate-oblong, decurrent at the base, acuminate, ser- rate ; nerve reaching more than halfway ; fruitstalk rough ; sporangium ovate, incurved, cernuous ; lid conical, rather acute. Hook. $ Wils. t. Iv. ; (Plate 5, fig. 6) ; Moug. $ Nest, n. 1134 On the borders of streams, on stones and rocks, or in the beds of rivulets from Lancashire to Sussex. Not uncommon in Wales. Perfecting fruit in autumn. Dioicous ; forming bright or yellow-green tufts. Branches at first attenuated ; leaves not crowded, patent, ovate or ovate- oblong, acuminate, serrate, with a decurrent base ; cells loose, especially at the base ; nerve reaching more than halfway up ; G 82 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. fruitstalk about an inch high, granulated ; sporangium ovate or ovate-oblong, arcuate, cernuous ; lid conical, variable in length, acute, or sometimes acuminate. Allied to the last, but distinguished by its dioicous inflores- cence and decurrent leaves. These vary much in shape, and sometimes the branches are fasciculate, and the plant acquires a dendroid habit. 10. H. populeum, Swart z, Hedw. ; stem procumbent, ir- regularly branched ; leaves narrow, lanceolate, extremely acu- minate, serrated above ; nerve reaching to the tip ; lid large ; fruitstalk slightly scabrous ; sporangium cernuous, oval ; lid conical, very acute. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxiv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1584. ; (Moug. $ Nes',. n. 519.) On stones, trunks of trees, and rocks. Common. Bearing fruit in winter and early spring. Monoicous; forming depressed, green or sometimes reddish- brown patches. Stems creeping, bearing little tufts of root- lets, slightly branched ; branches often simple, attenuated up- wards ; leaves loose, lanceolate, very long and narrow, slightly serrated above; margin plane or recurved; cells narrow, but loose, much broader at the base ; nerve reaching to the tip; fruitstalk \ an inch high, minutely and distantly sca- brous above, but only under a high magnifying power, even below; perichsetial leaves squarrose, almost filiform above; sporangium subglobose, slightly cernuous ; lid conical, gra- dually attenuated, very acute, almost rostrate. A delicate species, varying however in size, and in conse- quence resembling sometimes H. velutinum or H. plumosum, from the latter of which it differs in its narrow, less acuminate leaves and larger sporangia ; from the former, in the leaves, less scabrous fruitstalk, and longer lid. 11. H. plumosum, Swart z ; stem creeping; branches ii v I'M: i. 83 erect , arcuate, generally simple ; leaves densely imbricated, erecto- patent, ovato-lanceolatc, acuminate, slightly serrate; nerve reaching above the middle ; fruitstalk even below ; spo- rangium ovate, ccrnuous ; lid conical, very acute. Hook, fy Wih. t. xxv. ; Eng. t. 1190, 2071.; (Plate 5, fig. 3) ; Moug. $ Nest. n. 520. On stones, rocks, and walls in damp, watery places, usually in subalpine districts. Bearing fruit in winter and spring. Monoicous ; forming dense bright, or occasionally yellow or rufous-green masses. Stems creeping, bearing short, thick, mostly simple branches ; leaves concave, ovato-lanceolate, shortly acuminate, generally subsecund, of a dense texture, very slightly serrate ; nerve reaching in general far above the middle, sometimes forked near the base ; fruitstalk 1 inch high, slightly granulated above only, even below ; sporangium ovate or subglobose, cernuous; lid very acute. The broader leaves, of a dense texture and far less acuminate, added to the large sporangium, distinguish this from the last. The subaquatic habit must also be taken into account. The leaves on the young branchlets, represented on our plate, from a Braemar specimen, are thinner, and more decidedly serrate, with a shorter nerve. Schimper says of the nerve, " vix ultra medium producta." Sometimes the leaves are slightly striate. y. SCLEROPODIUM, Schtmp* 12. H. csespitosum, Wils. ; stem creeping, with short, simple, curved branches : leaves ovate, concave, spreading, minutely toothed ; nerve reaching above halfway up ; sporan- gium oblong, curved, suberect; lid conical, acute. Wils. $ Hook. t. Iv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2878. * Tliis differs from Brachythecium in its narrower leaf-cells ; from Hypnum, Sohimp., only in its rough fruitstalk. The Greek word a/cArjpbs, however, does not signify rough in the sense of scabrous. G 2 84 HANDBOOK OP BRITISH MOSSES. On walls of red sandstone and roots of trees, especially where subject to inundation. Lancashire and Cheshire., also in Sussex aiid Yorkshire. Fruiting in winter and early spring. Dioicous ; forming low, dense tufts, with short, simple branches ; leaves loosely imbricated, inclined to be secund, ovate or ovato -lanceolate, pointed but not strongly acuminate, minutely serrate ; fruitstalk rough ; sporangium inclined to be erect, only slightly curved ; lid half as long as the spo- rangium. Of this I have seen no specimen. It has been found on the Continent by Spruce, in the Pyrenees. It is distinguished from H. rutabulum by its longer lid and less acuminate, more spreading, shining leaves, besides other points. 13. H. illecebrum, Schwceg.; stem procumbent, slightly pinnate; branches short, incurved; leaves crowded, erecto- patent, ovate, concave with a reflexed point, minutely serrated ; nerve strong, ending below the tip ; fruitstalk rough ; lid conical, obtuse, with a little terminal point. Wils. Hook, t. xxxv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2715. ; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 1219.) On grassy banks and rocky pasture-ground near the sea ; at present not found north of Holyhead. Bearing fruit in autumn and early winter. Dioicous ; pale green ; stem procumbent, sparingly pin- nate, tomentose beneath ; branchlets short, erect, thin, incurved, obtuse; leaves closely imbricated, very concave, erecto-patent, ovate with a recurved point, minutely serrated, especially above, shining ; nerve strong, vanishing below the tip, often forked, sometimes projecting from the back of the leaf " like the awn of a grass ;" fruitstalk scabrous ; sporangium elliptic- oblong, cernuous; lid conical, obtuse, with a little terminal point ; perichsetial leaves with the nerve reaching scarcely halfway up. HYPNEI. 85 This appears to be a southern Moss, and though scarcely more than an inch high in British specimens, attaining, iu the south of Europe, a much larger size. It resembles some- what Hypnum purum in its pale, inflated leaves, but differs notably in its rough fruitstalk. I find the leaves exactly as represented in Sowerby's figure, and not bristle-tipped. Oc- casionally they are striate, and the margin slightly reflexed, in Wilson's Welsh specimens. {; Lid rostrate. 8. EURHTNCHIUM, ScJiimp* 14. H. crassinervium, Tayl. ; stem creeping; branches short, erect, simple ; leaves spreading, ovate, concave, with a broadly reflected margin, suddenly acuminate, minutely ser- rate ; nerve strong below, reaching more than halfway ; fruit- stalk rough ; sporangium ovate, cernuous ; lid rostrate. Hook. Hils. t. Iv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2706. ; (Moug. Nest. n. 1227.) On limestone rocks in shady places. South of Ireland, Wales, and Yorkshire. Found also in southern Europe. Bearing fruit in early spring. Dioicous ; forming flat, silky, emerald-green tufts. Stem procumbent, with erect, simple, sometimes fasciculate, short branches ; leaves glossy when dry, imbricated, pointing every way, patent, very concave with a broad reflexed margin, ovate, suddenly acuminate, the tip sometimes recurved, minutely serrate, especially above ; nerve reaching scarcely more than halfway, strong below, much attenuated above; cells narrow; fruitstalk very rough ; sporangium ovate, cernuous, scarcely arcuate ; lid with a long, slender beak. * Distinguished from Brachythecium, as the name implies, by the beaked lid ; and from Rhyncostegiurn by the looser reticulations, in which the primor- dial cell is distinctly visible. 86 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. A fine species, distinguished from H. rutabulum not only by the beak, but by the reflected margin of the leaves, and more suddenly acuminate tip. 15. H. piliferum, Schreb. ; stem procumbent, slightly branched, more or less regularly pinnato-ramulose ; branches attenuated ; leaves erecto- patent, ovate, with an abrupt hair- like tip, entire ; nerve reaching halfway ; fruitstalk rough ; sporangium ovate-oblong, cernuous; lid awl-shaped. Hook. Wils. t. xxv.; Eng. Bot. t. 1516.; (Moug. % Nest. n. 6.24.) Shady banks and woods or on stones. Local ; often abun- dant where it occurs at all. Bearing fruit, but rarely, in late winter and early spring. Dioicous; forming loose, depressed, shining-green or when exposed to the sun yellowish tufts, often several inches long, especially when barren ; stem irregularly divided, the branches more or less pinnate; leaves loosely imbricated, ovate or on the branchlets ovate-oblong, very concave, decurrent, entire or only obscurely serrulate, with a sudden, long, hair-like point ; margin not reflected ; nerve reaching halfway up, faint above ; cells narrow; fruitstalk an inch and a half long, scabrous; sporangium ovate or ovate-oblong, often curved, cernuous ; lid large, as long as the sporangium, with a subulate, curved beak. 16. H. speciosum, Brid. ; stem creeping ; branches simple, erect ; leaves loosely set, patent, ovate, acute, serrated ; nerve reaching almost to the tip ; fruitstalk rough ; sporangium ovate, tapering at the base, cernuous ; lid rostrate. Hook, fy Wils. t. Iv. On stones, near springs and in watery places. Anglesea and Sussex. Bearing fruit in December. Male and female flowers growing together; forming low, often floating tufts. Stems creeping, giving off erect, simple 87 branches, with loosely set, ovate, acute, serrated leaves, of a bright shining green, acute rather than acuminate (in Sussex specimens) ; cells broader than in the two preceding species ; fruitstalk scabrous ; sporangium obovate or ovate- oblong, cer- nuous ; lid rostrate, shorter than the sporangium. This species has not at present been found on the Con- tinent. 16*. H. cirrhosum, Schwag. ; stem erect or procumbent, sparingly branched ; branches erect, cylindrical ; leaves im- bricated, elliptic-oblong, concave, shining, ending in a long, hair-like, serrated point ; cells rhomboid, broader at the base ; nerve simple or forked. Top of Ben Lawers, Dr. Arnott. Not yet found in fruit. Supposed by Schimper to be a Brachythecium. Possibly, according to Wilson, a variety of H.piliferum. Its immediate affinities, however, must be doubtful, in the absence of fruit. 17. H. prselongum, L. ; stem prostrate, elongated, loosely branched or subpinnate ; branches short, acute ; leaves loosely set, cordate, acuminate, serrated ; nerve reaching more than halfway up ; fruitstalk rough ; sporangium oblique ; lid strongly rostrate. Hook. Wils. t. xxv. ; Eng. Boi. t. 2035, 2im,/ 3. (Mouff. fyNest. n. 422.) On the ground, on decayed wood, etc. Common. Fruit matured in winter. Dioicous; forming flat patches, with long, arched, or prostrate stems, sometimes loosely branched, sometimes irregu- larly bipinnate ; branches short, more or less acute ; leaves not crowded, squarrose, cordate, acuminate, strongly serrate ; nerve reaching far above the centre ; cells narrow ; fruitstalk about half an inch high, rough ; sporangium ovate-oblong, set on obliquely, cernuous; lid with a very long, acute beak. A very variable species, differing occasionally greatly in 88 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. habit. H. Stokesii, originally observed in Ireland, but widely dispersed over Europe, which is still considered distinct by Schimper, has wider, more decurrent leaves, with numerous more or less lanceolate, serrate, finely-nerved paraphylla; but though certainly remarkable for its more erect densely cses- pitose habit, does not appear to be truly distinct. Hook, fy Wils. t. Iv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2036. ; (Maug. Nest. n. 1029.) Hypnum Swartzii, Turn. (Hook fy Wils. t. Iv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2034), has broadly ovate or cordate, acute, not acuminate leaves, seated loosely on short obtuse branches, and less flaccid when dry. The stem moreover is not pinnate, and the sporangium is said to be less oblique. The last character how- ever appears to be very doubtful, the degree of inclination varying in undoubted specimens of H. pralongum. I believe that Bridel is quite right in considering it a mere variety. 18. H. pumilum, Wils. ; stem creeping or procumbent, filiform, subpinnate ; branches very slender, rather flattened ; leaves very small, ovate, spreading, serrulate ; nerve reaching halfway ; fruitstalk rough ; sporangium roundish, ovate, cer- nuous; lid with a short beak. Hook, fy Wils. t. Iv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2942, /. 1. On hedgebanks, sandstone rocks, etc. Bearing fruit from November to spring. Dioicous; extremely delicate, creeping, with a few sub- pinnate branches; leaves distant, lanceolate, slightly serrate, not decurrent, nerved halfway up; sporangium minute, on a short, rough stalk, cernuous ; perichsetial leaves small ; lid with a short acute beak. This delicate species has the habit of H. serpens. It has been found in several places in England, and occurs here and there on the Continent. HYPNKI. 89 . HHYXCOSTEGIUM, Scliimp. 19. H. Teesdalii, Sm. ; stem creeping, filiform, slightly branched; branches short; leaves loosely set, lanceolate, obscurely serrate ; nerve reaching almost to the tip or excur- rent ; fruitstalk rough ; sporangium ovate, cernuous ; lid ros- trate. Hook. $ mis. t. Iv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 202, /. 2942, /. 2. On trunks of trees and rocks, especially near waterfalls. Bearing fruit in spring and early summer. Monoicous ; forming velvety dark-green patches with creeping stems, from which spring short, thread-shaped branches ; leaves loosely set, rigid, spreading, often two- ranked, lanceolate, with a thick nerve, which reaches nearly to the tip, or extends beyond it; perichsetial leaves scarcely covering the vaginula; fruitstalk not half an inch long, rough ; sporangium ovate, cernuous, with a rostrate lid nearly as long. A much more rigid plant than the last. It is found as far south as Teneriffe, and extends as far north as Scotland. b. Fruitstalk even. *- Lid rostrate. 8. EURUYNCHIUM, ScJiimp. 20. H. myosuroides, L. ; stem creeping, bearing many dendroid branches ; branches and branchlets curved, secund ; leaves ovato- acuminate, slightly serrated ; nerve reaching more than halfway up; perichsetial leaves squarrose; fruitstalk even; sporangium inclined, rarely erect ; lid rostrate. Hook. Wils. t. xxv.; Eng. Bot. t. 1567. (Moug. Nest. n. 330.) On stones, rocks, and trunks of trees. Common. Ma- turing the fruit in winter. Dioicous ; forming large, soft, pale-green tufts ; stems creeping, bearing erect, tree-like or fasciculate branches ; leaves spreading, ovato-lanceolate, acuminate, slightly serrate ; 90 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. nerve reaching more than halfway up ; fruitstalk even ; spo- rangium elliptic, oblong, somewhat cernuous, rarely erect or symmetrical ; lid rostrate, about half as long. . This species is placed by Wilson and others in Isothecium, but the sporangium is by no means constantly symmetrical, and the inner peristome has intermediate teeth, as in true Hypna. I think, therefore, that Schimper is quite justified in placing it in Eurhynchium. He says that it prefers sandy and granite formations ; but it certainly is by no means confined to them in England. Its close resemblance to Isothecium myurum has mainly contributed to its being placed in the same genus. 21. H. strigosum, Hoffm. ; stem creeping or decumbent, subpinnate ; branches suberect, attenuated ; leaves crowded, imbricated, spreading, widely cordato-ovate, concave, rather obtuse, serrated ; nerve reaching above halfway ; sporangium ovate, cernuous ; lid rostrate. Hook, fy Wils. t. Iv. On the roots of trees, banks, and dry rocks. Said to have been found in Cornwall by Mr. Tozer. Bearing fruit in autumn. Pseudomonoicous ; the male gemmae, derived from another plant, adhering by radicles to the female plant; forming loose, flat, or swollen, dense tufts ; stem creeping ; branches pin- nate, erect, or prostrate, attenuated or flagelliform ; leaves broad at the base, acute but scarcely acuminate, sharply serrated ; paraphylla numerous, roundish, or ovate ; fruit- stalk even ; sporangium cernuous, subhorizontal. 22. H. circinatum, Brid. ; stem suberect, arcuate, sub- pinnate ; branches subfasciculate, curved and drooping ; leaves narrowly ovato-acuminate, crowded, subsecund; nerve reaching almost to the tip ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium ovate, cernuous, curved; lid rostrate. Hook, ty Wils. t. Iv. HYPXEI. 91 On shady limestone rocks and walls, near the sea. In the west of England. Wales; from Anglesca southward. Bearing fruit, though very rarely, in spring. Dioicous ; forming more or less dense tufts of a deep green. Stem creeping, bearing slender, erect, arched branches, which are themselves branched above ; the branchlets curved or curled ; leaves crowded, ovato-lanceolate, with a slender nerve reaching almost to the tip, minutely serrate ; fruitstalk even, twisted in different directions above and below ; sporangium ovate, with a long beaked lid. Differing from the last in its circinate branchlets ; ovato- lanceolate leaves, with a thicker, longer nerve, shorter cells, and the inner perichsetial leaves being strongly nerved. 23. H. striatulum, Spruce; stem creeping, densely tufted; branches crowded, erect ; leaves erecto-patent, ovate, acumi- nate, somewhat striated, serrate ; nerve reaching above half- way ; fruitstalk even; sporangium oblong, cernuous; lid rostrate. Hook. % Wils. t. Iv. On calcareous rocks, walls, and mounds, and at the roots of trees. First discovered by Spruce in the Pyrenees, and found since in Ireland, Somersetshire, and Sussex. Fruit ripe from December to early spring. Dioicous ; forming loose wide tufts. Stems creeping ; branches erect, with fasciculate branchlets ; leaves spreading, ovato-lanceolate, acuminate, minutely serrate, nerve reaching beyond the middle, somewhat striate ; cells very narrow ; fruitstalk even, half an inch long; sporangium oblong, cer- nuous, with a long lid. Not half the size of the following, but larger than H. cir- cinatum. 2 i. H. striatum, Htdw. ; stem prostrate or arched, irregu- larly divided, throwing out fascicles of roots, densely imbri- 92 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. cated, with erect, attenuated, often drooping branches; leaves squarrose, cordate, strongly acuminate, striated, sharply toothed ; nerve reaching nearly to the tip ; fruitstalk long, even ; sporangium oblong, arched, lid rostrate. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxvi.; Eng. Bot. t. 1648.; (Moug. Nest. n. 142.) On the ground, in woods and orchards. Common. Bearing fruit in autumn and early spring. Pseudomonoicous. Stem partly prostrate, arched or ascend- ing, densely clothed with leaves, and sending down fascicles of rootlets, irregularly branched ; branches erect, often dendroid ; branchlets often two-ranked, attenuated at the extremities, curved; leaves widely spreading, or squarrose, broadly cordate, suddenly acuminated, strongly toothed, with a thick nerve reaching nearly to the summit, striated below; cells of the upper part of the leaves extremely narrow with the exception of the marginal cells which form the serratures; perichsetial leaves squarrose, nerveless ; vaginula hairy ; fruitstalk an inch long, even ; sporangium oblong, subcylindrical, curved, cer- nuous ; lid with a long, curved, slender, acute beak. A fine though common species, easily known from H. ruta- bulum by its rostrate lid, very acuminate, strongly striated leaves, and smooth stem. e. EHTNCOSTEQIUM, 25. H. ruscifolium, Neck. ; stern creeping, irregularly branched ; branchlets erect, arched ; leaves spreading, ovate, pointed, subsecund, rather rigid, serrate ; nerve reaching more than halfway up; fruitstalk even; sporangium ovate, slightly curved, cernuous; lid rostrate. Hook. Wils. t. xxvi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1275.; (Plate 6, fig. 1) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 427. On stones in rivulets, sluices, etc. Very common. Bearing fruit in winter and early spring. HYP XI. I. 93 Monoicous; forming dense tufts of a deep dull green, often spreading out into the water. Stem creeping, generally naked below, irregularly branched ; branchlets erect, often arched ; leaves imbricated, rather rigid, oval, acute, broad at the base, often slightly flattened so as to be subsecund, serrate; nerve' reaching far above the middle; fruitstalk even ; sporangium firm ovate, cernuous ; lid rostrate, acute, two-thirds as long as the sporangium. Schimper describes the leaves as decurrent at the base, but I find them as described by Wilson. It varies much, according to the locality, and sometimes has very concave leaves, which are not at all distichous. 26. H. murale, Neck.; stem creeping, irregularly branched; branchlets crowded, erect, obtuse ; leaves concave, subelliptic, with a short, abrupt point, entire or finely serrate; nerve reaching above halfway; fruitstalk even; sporangium ovate; lid rostrate. Hook. % Wils. t. xxiv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1038.; (Plate 6, fig. 2) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 145. On rocks and stones, especially those which are calcareous. Not uncommon. Fruiting in winter and early spring. Monoicous ; forming pale-green patches, or sometimes tinged with red ; stem creeping, loosely branched, with numerous shining, crowded, cylindrical, often obtuse branch- lets; leaves densely imbricated, or rather distant, concave, elliptic, shortly mucronate, nearly or quite entire; nerve reaching more than halfway up ; fruitstalk even, half an inch high; sporangium ovate, cernuous; lid with along beak. The leaves vary, in different forms, in being more or less concave, and having a more or less^ecided point; they are never however acuminate as in the next species. 27. H. confertum, Dicks.; stem creeping; branches sub- pinnate ; branchlets erect; leaves erecto-patent or complanate, 9!< HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. ovate, acuminate, serrulate ; nerve reaching more than half- way ; fruitstalk even; sporangium oval, cernuous; lid acutely rostrate. Hook. Wils. t. xxvi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2407. ; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 1316.) On stones, shady walls, trunks of trees, etc. Not uncom- mon. Bearing fruit in winter and early spring. Monoicous ; forming short, flattish, bright green patches ; stem creeping, slightly divided ; the branches more or less pin- nate ; leaves spreading or flattened, and somewhat secund, ovate, acuminate, slightly serrate, nerve reaching more than halfway ; fruitstalk even, not half an inch high ; sporangium small, ovate, cernuous ; lid with a slender awl-shaped beak as long as the sporangium. Eng. Bot. t. 2553 and t. 126:2 represent the complanate state of the plant which has occurred both in England and Scotland. 28. H. megapolitanum, Bland.; stem creeping; branchlets irregularly branched ; leaves broadly ovate, acuminate, more or less serrate, nerve reaching more than halfway ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium oblong, curved, cernuous ; lid rostrate. Hook, fy Wils. p. 356, under H. confertum. On sandy banks. Sussex. Mr. Mitten. Bearing fruit in spring. The loose, straggling, stouter habit, much larger size, more broadly ovate leaves, almost cordate at the base but more acuminate above, and oblong sporangium, seem to justify Schimper in keeping this species distinct, of which, however, I have seen no specimens. The areolation of the leaves is also said to be looser. 29. H. depression, Bruch ; stem prostrate, much depressed ; branches pinnate; leaves bifarious, ovate or ovato-oblong, slightly serrate, two-nerved at the base ; fruitstalk even ; HYPM.T. <).") sporangium ovate-oblong, cernuous ; lid rostrate. Hook. $ Wils. t. lix. On calcareous rocks and stones. From Scotland to Angle- sea. Ripening fruit, on the Continent, in spring. Dioicous ; forming very flat, soft, emerald-green or some- times yellowish patches. Stem repeatedly divided; branches more or less pinnate ; leaves flattened, crowded, ovate or ovate- oblong, with two short nerves at the base, pointed but scarcely acuminate, slightly serrate ; fruitstalk even, half an inch long; sporangium ovate-oblong, slightly curved, cernuous; lid ros- trate, shorter than the sporangium. This species, which is intermediate between H. confertum and the next, is readily distinguished by its much flattened branchlets and different nervation. It has not been found in fruit in this country. 30. H. demissum, Wih. ; stem prostrate, slightly and irregularly branched ; leaves somewhat flattened, subsecund above, ovato-lanceolate, narrowed at the base, entire, nerve- less, or with two faint nerves; margin recurved; fruitstalk even, very slender; sporangium elliptic-oblong, cernuous; lid with a very slender long beak. Hook, fy Wils. t. lix.; Eng. Bot. t. 2740.; (Plate 11, fig. 6) ; Moug. $ Nest. n. 1315. On quartzose rocks. Killarney and Beddgelert. Bearing fruit in summer and winter. Monoicous ; forming flat, bright, shining, yellow patches ; stems prostrate, more or less divided, scarcely interwoven ; branches few, short; leaves spreading below, rather secund above, oblong or elliptico-lanceolate, narrow and somewhat eared at the very base ; nerveless or with two faint nerves ; en- tire, slightly reflexed; fruitstalk one-third of an inch high, even, very slender ; sporangium oblongo-elliptic, small, cernuous, sometimes symmetrical ; lid with a very long slender beak. 90 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. This Moss occurs in North America with other allied spe- cies,, but is very rare in Europe. 31. H. tenellum, Dicks.; stem creeping; branches and branchlets erect, crowded ; leaves erecto- patent, narrow, lan- ceolate, entire ; nerve reaching nearly to the tip ; fruitstalk even; sporangium ovate; lid rostrate. Hook, Wils. t. xxiv. ; Eny. Bot. t. 1859. ; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 233.) On walls and rocks, especially those which are calcareous. Common. Bearing fruit in early spring. Monoicous ; forming silky emerald-green or yellowish tufts. Stem creeping, with erect, crowded branches or branchlets ; leaves crowded, very narrow, lanceolate, almost filiform above, entire ; nerve rather faint, reaching nearly to the tip ; fruitstalk even, a quarter of an inch long ; sporan- gium ovate, cernuous ; lid as long as the sporangium. A small, delicate species, easily distinguished from H. Teesdalii by its even fruitstalk, less prominent nerve, and lighter leaves. 4-4- Lid conical. . AMBLYSTEGIUM, Schimp* 32. H. serpens, L. / stem creeping, rooting ; branchlets erect, short, crowded, thread-shaped ; leaves spreading or sub- secund, ovato- lanceolate, acuminate, entire; nerve faint, reaching halfway up or nearly to the tip ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium oblong, curved, cernuous; lid conical, acute. Hook. $ Wils. t. Ixxiv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1037. ; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 332.) On walls, moist banks, trunks of trees, etc. Bearing fruit in spring and summer. Very common. Monoicous ; forming thin, yellow-green patches ; stem * Differing from Hypnum, Schimp., only in the looser texture of the leaves. II YPN El. 97 creeping, rooting through its whole length, more or less branched, the branches erect or suberect, slender, sometimes slightly pinnate; leaves spreading below, sometimes inclined to be secund above, entire, ovato-lanceolate, very acuminate, translucid ; nerve reaching to the apex or not more than half- way ; cells rather broad, angular ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium oblong, curved or obovatc ; lid conical, acute. A very common species, and therefore very variable as regards habit, the shape of the leaves, nervation, length of the footstalk, and form of the sporangium. The small size at once distinguishes it from its nearest allies, as does the co- nical lid from H. Teesdalii and tenellum. 33. H. radicale, Pal. Beauv. ; monoicous ; stem creeping, irregularly branched; branches rigid, suberect; leaves more or less spreading, cordato-ovate or ovato-lanceolate, from a cordate or deltoid base, acuminate ; nerve vanishing near the apex ; perichsetial leaves larger, wider, membranous, serrated, the nerve vanishing below the apex ; fruitstalk very long ; sporangium arcuate, oblong, ccrnuous ; lid conical, shortly and sharply rostellate. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxvi. On moist ground, amongst grass. Anglesea and South AY ales. Bearing fruit in spring. A rare species. The above is copied from Wilson's description, as I have seen no specimen. It occurs abundantly in North America. Rather more robust than the last, with larger and firmer leaves of a denser texture, wider and more cordate below ; the nerve also is more prominent. 34-. H. irriguum, Hook. Wils. ; monoicous ; stem rigid ; branches pinnate ; leaves secund, deltoideo-ovate, acuminate, slightly serrated, strongly nerved; sporangium oblong, curved, cernuous, strongly arcuate and contracted below the mouth when dry ; annulus subpersistent ; lid conical. Hook, fy JFi/s. H 98 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. t. xxv. ; (Moug. ty Nest. n. 625 ; a barren specimen mixed with the next.) On stones in rivulets, by mill-clams, etc. From Yorkshire to Sussex. Bearing fruit in spring. Of this, like the last, I have seen no fertile specimen. It is clearly allied to H. serpens, especially to the stronger-nerved form, but is distinguished by the larger size and opaque areolation. From the next it differs in being far more rigid, the pinnate branches, closer areolation, more 'slender nerve, shorter sporangium, broader leaves, which are deltoid at the base, and less acute lid. 35. H. fluviatile, Swart z ; stem prostrate, ascending above with more or less depressed branchlets ; leaves rather loosely set, erecto-patent, concave, ovato-lanceolate, acute, entire, with a very strong nerve ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium cy- lindrical, curved ; lid conical, acute. Hook. Wils. t. Iv. ; (Moug. Nest. n. 625, with a barren specimen of the last in my copy.) On stones in rivulets. Scotland and Wales. Bearing fruit in May and June. Monoicous ; forming large dark-green or reddish tufts. Stem prostrate, slightly branched, naked below with a few radicles; the branches and remote branchlets suberect, droop- ing or prostrate ; leaves loosely imbricated, incurved when dry, ovato-lanceolate, acute, concave, quite entire, with a very strong reddish nerve, which reaches almost or quite to the tip, and is often dilated above ; margin slightly recurved below ; leaf-cells rather short; fruitstalk even, an inch long; sporan- gium elongated, cylindrical, curved, especially when dry ; lid conical, with a sharp point. 36. H. riparium, L. ; stem prostrate, free above, irregularly and remotely branched ; leaves loosely set, spreading, ovato- ii v I'M: i. 69 lanceolate, entire ; nerve reaching more than halfway ; spo- rangium oblong, curved, cernuous ; lid conical. Hook, fy mis. t. xxiv.; Eng. Bot. t. 2060. ; (Plate 6, fig. 3.) On the banks of ponds, or on stones occasionally flooded ; sometimes more strictly aquatic. Common. Bearing fruit in summer. Monoicous ; forming loose, soft, green or yellowish tufts. Stem creeping, flaccid, irregularly divided, rarely subpinnate ; branches procumbent or suberect; leaves generally complanate, crowded or distant, rarely subsecund, ovato-lanceolate, acute, entire, slightly decurrent at the base; nerve reaching beyond the middle ; cells narrow ; fruitstalk even, about an inch high ; sporangium oblong, subcylindrical, curved ; lid conical, acute. Extremely variable, resembling sometimes H. fluitans and other aquatic species; Moug. & Nest. n. 1134 (at least in my copy) is some short-fruited rough-stalked Moss, with ovate, serrated leaves, and apparently H. rutabulum. When growing in the water, it assumes sometimes the habit of Fontinalis. Moug. & Nest. n. 1034 is apparently a state of H. aduncum. f}. HTPNUM, Schimp. 37. H. elodes, Spruce ; stem slender, elongated, procum- bent, subpinnate ; branches slender, acute, curved at the tips ; leaves loose, patent, subsecund above, lanceolate, acuminate, en- tire ; nerve reaching almost to the tip ; fruitstalk even ; sporan- gium cylindrical, curved ; lid conical. Hook, fy Wils. t. Ivi. In bogs and marshes, on the ground or on the root of trees. Bearing fruit in spring. From Liverpool to Anglesea. Dioicous; delicate; yellow or reddish-green. Stem slen- der, procumbent, slightly pinnate; branches procumbent or erect; leaves distant, spreading, lanceolate, much elongated, the younger curved and almost falcate, nearly entire; nerve H 2 100 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. strong, reaching to or nearly to the tip; cells narrow, except at the slightly reflexed base ; fruitstalk even, 1 \ inch high ; sporangium subcylindrical, curved, cernuous ; lid conical, acute. In the figure in ' Bryologia Britannica' the leaves are re- presented as strongly serrated above, which neither accords with the description nor with Spruce's specimens. Even be- low, the serratures are very obscure. ** ^Leaves acute, mostly squarrose, shortly nerved or nerveless (oc- casionally in certain leaves, as in H. chrysophyllum, there is a longer nerve ; in H. polygamum there is a long nerve). 38. H. Halleri, L.jun. ; stem creeping, pinnate; branches short, erect; leaves closely imbricated, spreading, squarrose, broadly ovate, acuminate, serrated, obscurely two-nerved at the base ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium oblong, curved, cer- nuous ; lid conical. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxxv. ; Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. t. 174. ; (Mouff. % Nest. n. 626.) On alpine rocks, as Ben Lawers; said also to be found in Herefordshire. Bearing fruit from autumn to spring. Monoicous ; forming circular patches, which are said to be of a glaucous hue when growing but of a golden-brown when dry, pinnate ; the branches erect, short, and nearly level ; leaves densely imbricated, their tips recurved, broadly ovate at the base, acuminate above, serrated, with two short obscure nerves or sometimes nerveless ; margin reflexed at the base ; cells narrow, but not vermiform ; fruitstalk even, about half an inch high ; sporangium cylindrical, curved, cernuous ; lid conical, with a central rather obtuse tip. A small but very pretty species, allied to H. polymorphum, but at once distinguished by the strongly recurved leaves. 39. H. polymorphum, Hedw. ; stem procumbent, scarcely II YPN El. 101 pinnate; branches simple, erect, slender; leaves crowded, spreading, subsqnarrose, subsccund, ovato-lanceolate, acumi- nate, entire, nerveless ; sporangium oblong, curved, cernuous; lid conical. Hook. $ Wils. t. Ivi. ; Eng. Bot. 1. 1709. ; (Moug. Nest. n. 1032.) On walls and banks in limestone districts, from Yorkshire to Wales. Bearing fruit in May. Monoicous; forming thin yellowish patches. Stems slen- der, more or less subpinnate ; leaves crowded, rather squar- rose, ovate with a sudden narrow acuminate tip, nerveless, en- tire ; cells loose ; fruitstalk even, inch high ; sporangium minute, oblong, curved, cernuous ; lid conical. A delicate species, smaller than the next, and with leaves not so wide at the base. It is H. Sommerfelti of Schimper's ' Synopsis/ 40. H. chrysophyllum, End. ; stem prostrate, with distant pinnae ; leaves crowded, subsquarrose, ovate or cordato-ovate, acuminate, entire, mostly nerved more than halfway ; sporan- gium subcylindrical, curved ; lid conical. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxvi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2671. ; (Plate 6, fig. 5) ; Moug. $ Nest. n. 731. In fallow-fields and marsh-lands occasionally from Cheshire to Sussex. Sometimes on walls. Bearing fruit in summer. Dioicous ; forming golden-green patches. Stems creeping or procumbent, distantly branched in a pinnate manner; pinnse short, suberect ; leaves crowded, spreading widely, squarrose, subsecund, ovate or cordate at the base, acuminate, entire, nerveless or more frequently furnished with a nerve reaching about halfway ; cells very narrow, not much enlarged, as in the next, at the base ; fruitstalk even, an inch or more long ; sporangium subcylindrical, curved, cernuous ; lid conical, rather acute. 102 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. Differs from the next in its prostrate pinnate habit, mostly nerved, less cordate leaves, and absence of loose tissue at the base. The prostrate form, however, of H. stellatum comes very near to it. 41. H. stellatum, Schreb. ; stem erect, tufted, loosely branched ; branches pointed ; leaves squarrose, entire, nerve- less, deltoideo- or cordato-ovate, acuminate ; cells at the base very loose ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium oblong, curved, cer- nuous; lid conical. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxvi.; Eng. Bot. t. 1302. ; (Plate 6, fig. 6) ; Moug. Nest. n. 234. In boggy ground. Not uncommon. Bearing fruit in summer. Dioicous ; forming loose or dense tufts. Stems 2 or 3 inches high, more or less erect, loosely branched, sometimes subpin- iiate ; branches cuspidate at the tips ; leaves crowded, de- cidedly squarrose, entire, cordato-ovate, acuminate or deltoid at the base, entire, quite nerveless or with two faint yellow lines ; cells very narrow, except at the base ; fruitstalk even, 1J inch long; sporangium oblong, curved, cernuous, -varying very much in size ; lid conical, rather acute. A much larger plant than the last, and, like that, of a more or less yellow tinge. 42. H. polygamum, Br. Schimp. ; stem procumbent, more or less pinnate ; leaves rather loosely set, spreading, scarcely squarrose, ovate or ovato-lanceolate, acuminate, en- tire ; nerve reaching more than halfway ; cells at the base large ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium oblong, cernuous, or hori- zontal; lid conical, acute. Hook, fy Wils. t. Ivi. ; (Plate 6, fig. 4.) In bogs and marshy, often sandy ground, from Dundee to Dublin. Bearing fruit in summer. Polygamous, bearing female or bisexual flowers clustered at ii v I'M: i. 103 the base of the perichsetial branches ; forming tawny patches. Leaves not much crowded, spreading, only slightly squar- rose, ovate or ovato-lanceolate, acuminate, far narrower below than the last, but with similar reticulation, entire; nerve reaching far above the middle; fruitstalk even, an inch or more long ; sporangium oblong, curved, subhorizontal ; lid acuminate. Similar in many respects to the last, but with narrow, less squarrose leaves, and a well-marked nerve. There is, however, a smaller variety, with shorter and more sqnarrose leaves. *** Leaves roundish, rather obtuse, entire, mostly two-nerved or nerveless. I.'). H. palustre, L. ; stem creeping, more or less branched ; branches and branchlets suberect or depressed ; leaves crowded, more or less secund, spreading, elliptic, concave, entire, with one short nerve; fruitstalk even; sporangium ovate, cernu- ous; lid conical. Hook. Wils. t. xxvi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1303, 1665, 2406.; (Plate 7, fig. 1); Moug.fyNest. n. 521. On stones, in rivulets in subalpine countries. Not uncom- mon. Bearing fruit in summer. Monoicous; forming broad tufts of a dingy or tawny green. Stem creeping, naked below, irregularly branched ; branches and branchlets ascending or depressed ; leaves crowded, often secund, more or less spreading, very concave, entire, ovate, rather abruptly attenuated above, with a nerve which scarcely reaches to the middle, sometimes forked above ; areolatiou narrow, with a few larger cells at the base; fruitstalk half an inch long, even ; sporangium ovate, curved, cernuous ; lid conical, pointed. A very variable species. The above description applies to the more normal form, but the leaves are .sometimes nerveless, HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. sometimes two-nerved, while occasionally the nerve is very long; sometimes they are not in the least secund, while on the other hand they are occasionally almost falcate. It also varies extremely in size and thickness. The leaves are appa- rently always very concave, and, as Wilson says, cannot be compressed without splitting. 44. H. molle, Dicks. ; stem procumbent ; branches simple, erect or procumbent, rather obtuse ; leaves widely spreading, subsecund above, very concave, roundish, apiculate, flaccid, slightly toothed, distinctly two-nerved halfway; sporangium ovate, cernuous, lid conical. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxiv. ; Eng. ot. t. 1992 ; Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. t. 283. ; (Plate 7, fig. 2) ; Moug. fy Nest. n. 730. On stones and rocks in mountain rivulets, Scotland. Bear- ing fruit in summer. Monoicous ; forming pale, reddish, or more frequently lurid, dark-green patches. Stem prostrate, naked below ; branches erect, or more or less procumbent, flaccid, cylindrical, obtusej leaves densely imbricated, spreading below, mostly subsecund above, very concave, roundish with generally an abrupt pointed apex, but sometimes merely shortly acuminate ; fruitstalk even, entire, two-nerved, scarcely an inch long; sporangium ovate, curved, cernuous ; lid conical, rather obtuse. A larger, stouter species than the last, from which it is dis- tinguished by its broader, more spreading leaves. Schimper believes that Hypnum alpestre, Swartz, is included by Wilson, but that species, which differs mainly in its more rigid, nar- rower, and less spreading leaves, looser cells, and longer spo- rangia, does not appear to have been found in this country. A figure of the leaves is given by Wilson, showing the reflexed tips very accurately. 45. H. arcticum, Somm. ; stem creeping ; irregularly HYPiNUl. 105 branched ; branches erect or procumbent, simple, obtuse; leaves spreading, roundish, blunt or shortly apicul ate, entire; nerve strong, reaching halfway up, composed of two combined nerves, which are sometimes distinct; fruitstalk even; sporangium ovate, cernuous ; lid conical. Hook, fy Wils. t. Ivi. ; Grev. Sc. Crypt. FL t. 282. ; (Plate 7, fig. 3.) On stones and rocks in rivulets in Scotland. Bearing fruit in summer. Monoicous; forming loose olive-green or blackish-green patches, sometimes tinged with red. Stem rigid, procumbent, irregularly branched ; branches simple, elongated, generally ob- tuse ; leaves spreading, but scarcely ever squarrose or secund, rigid, roundish, minutely apiculate or obtuse, with a strong nerve reaching halfway. up, generally quite entire, but occa- sionally the margin is slightly irregular; cells narrow, rather shorter than in some neighbouring species ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium oval or ovate, curved, slightly cernuous ; lid coni- cal, obtuse. More rigid than the last, with longer branches, smaller shorter leaves, and a different nerve. 46. H. stramineum, Dicks. ; stem erect, branched irregu- larly ; branches erect, elongated ; leaves imbricated, erecto- patent, oblong, obtuse, concave, entire, with a long nerve ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium oblong, curved, cernuous ; lid conical. Hook. ^ Wils. t. Ivi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2405.; (Plate 7, fig. 4) ; Moug. fy Nest. n. 516, with the next. In bogs amongst Sphagnum, occasionally in various parts of Great Britain and Ireland. Bearing fruit but rarely in early summer. Dioicous ; forming erect straw-coloured tufts. Stem erect, thread-shaped, irregularly branched, with a few short branch- lets ; branches elongated ; leaves imbricated, slightly spread- 106 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. ing, suberect, oblong or oblongo-ovate, obtuse, entire ; nerve reaching nearly to the apex ; reticulations at amplexicaul base loose ; perichsetial leaves much longer ; fruitstalk even, an inch long ; sporangium oblong, curved, cernuous ; lid conical. Much slenderer than the next, and of a different colour, and very different appearance. Occasionally the stem is less erect than in the normal form. 47. H. trifarium, Web. Mohr ; stem erect or procum- bent, irregularly and slightly branched ; branches elongated ; leaves densely imbricated, roundish, obtuse, very concave ; nerve reaching more than halfway, entire; sporangium ovato- oblong, cernuous ; lid conical. Hook, ty Wils. t. xxxiv. ; Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. t. 279. ; (Plate 7, fig. 5) ; Moug. % Nest, n. 516. In bogs and rills, principally in the water, occasionally found as far south as Whittlesea Mere, Huntingdonshire, which is now drained. Bearing fruit in summer, but always barren in this country. Dioicous ; forming erect or procumbent chocolate-brown patches. Stem slender, slightly and irregularly branched, the branches following the same direction ; leaves imbricated, often obviously trifarious, the axis being spirally twisted, roundish, obtuse, very concave, entire, with a nerve reaching above the middle ; cells not much dilated at base ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium ovato-oblong, curved, cernuous, springing from a distinct neck or apophysis ; lid conical. Very brittle when dry and with a very peculiar habit. 48. H. sarmentosum, Wahl. ; stem prostrate below, as- cending above, subpinnate; branchlets short, acute; leaves spreading, elliptic or oblong, obtuse or shortly apiculate, en- tire ; nerve reaching more than halfway up ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium ovato-oblong ; lid conical. Hook. Wils. t. Ivi. HYl'NLI. 107 On wet alpine rocks. Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. Bear- ing fruit, but very rarely, in summer. Dioicous ; forming reddish or purple patches. Stems pro- cumbent, ascending above or sometimes erect, branched in an irregularly pinnate manner; leaves oblong or ovato-oblong, obtuse or apiculate, slightly striated, the tip often cuculliform, entire; nerve red, reaching nearly to the tip; cells at the angles open ; sporangium ovato-oblong or subcylindrical,* slightly curved, cernuous; lid conical. Very different in habit from H. stramineum, to which it approaches in character, though externally more nearly re- sembling H. cordifolium. The young leaves only are green. 49. H. cordifolium, Hediv. ; stem suberect, elongated, ir- regularly divided ; leaves distant, cordato-ovate or ovato-ob- long, entire, blunt, decurrent ; nerve reaching above halfway ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium oblong, curved, cernuous ; lid conical. Hook. % Wils. t. Ivi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1447. ; (Plate 7, fig. 6) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 518. In marshes and ditches. Common. Bearing fruit in early summer. Monoicous; the male flowers situated near the female; forming loose, green tufts some inches long. Stem more or less pinnate ; branches short, often cuspidate ; leaves spread- ing, almost squarrose, cordate at the base or ovate, slightly attenuated above or blunt, but always obtuse, entire, concave ; nerve reaching nearly to the tip, large ; cells at base dilated ; fruitstalk even, mostly elongated ; sporangium oblong, hori- zontally cernuous ; lid conical. Differs from H. stramineum in the stouter habit and spread- ing, loosely set, more or less cordate leaves. The base of the tufts is generally dark-brown. The reticulation in this is looser than in most neighbouring species, and resembles 108 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. that of Schimper's genus Amblystegium. The sinuated pri- mordial sac of which he speaks is visible principally in the dilated rhomboidal cells at the base. I do not see any chloro- phyll-grains. B. Stem erect, pinnate ; fruitstalks from upper part of stem. Dioicous. * Leaves nerveless or two-nerved, entire. 50. H. cuspidatum, L. ; stem suberect ; branches bifarious, pinnate, cuspidate; leaves crowded, erecto-patent, ovato-ob- long, attenuated, rather obtuse, entire, nerveless; fruitstalk even ; sporangium oblong, curved, cernuous, tapering below ; lid conical. Hook. $ Wils. t. xxvi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1425.; (Plate 8, fig. 1) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 227. Iii moist meadows and marshes. Common. Bearing fruit in early su aimer. Dioicous; forming tall, yellowish-green or reddish-brown tufts. Stem rather rigid, erect with a few bifarious pinnate branches, which are cuspidate from the convolution of the upper leaves ; leaves imbricated, erecto-patent, ovato-oblong, attenuated but rather obtuse, concave, nerveless; reticula- tion narrow, except at the clasping base; perichsetial leaves large-celled, deeply plaited, acuminate, with two short nerves according to Schimper; fruitstalk even, elongated ; sporan- gium oblong, slightly curved, cernuous, much attenuated at the base, variegated; lid conical, pointed. Easily known from neighbouring species by its nerveless leaves. 51. H. Schreberi, Willd. ; stem rigid, erect, irregularly divided; branches pinnate; leaves crowded, imbricated, sub- erect, ovato-oblong, concave, obtuse, entire, faintly two-nerved at the base ; sporangium ovato-oblong, curved, cernuous ; lid II YPN El. 109 conical. Hook. % Wils. t. xxiv. ; Emj. Bot. t. 1G2L; (Plate 8, fig. 2) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 43. On heaths, banks, in woods, moors, etc. Common. Fruit ripe in autumn, but rare. Dioicous ; forming tall, rather rigid tufts of a yellowish- green or tawny. Stem erect, divided irregularly, the branches pinnate, quite devoid of rootlets, sometimes obtuse, but some- times pointed, drooping and taking root; leaves imbricated, erecto-patent, obtuse, entire, elliptic or ovato-oblong, blunt, shortly two-nerved or with the base merely slightly thickened ; margin slightly reflexed at the base ; fruitstalk even, an inch or more long, twisted different ways above and below ; spo- rangium small, oblong, curved, cernuous; lid convex. This beautiful, shining, red-stemmed Moss is distinguished from H. purum by the absence of the apiculus in the leav< >, which are almost nerveless, and the oblong not ovate sporan- gium. ** Leaves nerved halfway. 52. H. purum, L. stem erect, forked ; branches simply pinnate ; leaves closely imbricated, concave, turgid, elliptic with a reflexed apiculus, narrow at the base ; nerve reaching halfway ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium elliptic, regular, hori- zontal ; lid conical. Hook. Wils. t. xxiv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1599, 2189, /. 2. ; (Plate 8, fig. 3) ; Moug. $ Nest. n. 44. On shady banks. Very common. Bearing fruit, though not commonly, in autumn. Dioicous ; forming soft tufts of a very pale green. Branches pinnate, obtuse ; leaves broadly elliptic, narrow at the base, where the cells are larger, entire, glossy, membranous ; nerve reaching about halfway; margin recurved at the base; fruit- stalk even, an inch long, brittle ; sporangium ovate, horizon- tal, cernuous; lid conical. 110 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. Used by anglers to scour worms. The teetli of the peri- stome are narrower than in the last, broadly lamellate, and other differences will be found on comparison. C. Stem simply, doubly, or triply pinnate, erect, tomentose or rough with paraphylla ; fruit from the upper part of the stem. * Leaves papillose. 53. H. Blandovii, Web. fy Mohr ; stem bi-tripartite, clothed with laciniate down-like paraphylla, branchlets distichous, crowded; stem-leaves cordate, acuminate, plicate; branch- leaves ovate, all more or less papillose behind, sharply toothed ; margin recurved, nerve reaching almost to the tip ; sporan- gium subcylindrical, curved, cernuous; lid conical. Hook, fy mis. t. xxv.; Eng. Bot. t. 4 ^760.; (Plate 8, f. 5); Tlmidium Blandovii, Schimp. In bogs. Bare. Bearing fruit in early summer. Monoicous ; forming tall, dense, pale-green tufts. Stems erect, divided, divisions pinnate ; branches crowded, spreading, the lower drooping, flagelliform and rooting at the tips, clothed with jagged, much-branched, down-like paraphylla; leaves subcordate on the stem, narrow on the branches, acute or acuminate, imbricated, spreading, glossy, papillose beneath, sharply keeled, more or less sulcate ; margin recurved, often ciliated below ; fruitstalk 2 inches long, reddish, even ; spo- rangium oblong, subcylindrical, curved, cernuous ; lid conical, pointed. The rhomboid reticulations separate this from the species referred to the genus Thuidium, with which it agrees in habit and in the papillose leaves. ** Leaves even. 6. HTLOCOMIUM, Schreb* 54. H v sjrto,lns, Sibth., Hedw. ; stem suberect, inter- * Pinnate, bipinnate, etc. ; leaves shining, scarious ; upper leaf- cells very narrow. HVl'NKI. 11] ruptedly bi-tripinnate, villous ; leaves imbricated, ovate or elliptic, concave, pointed, serrated, two-nerved at the base, where the margin is reflected ; sporangium ovate, cernuous ; lid rostrate. Hook. $ Wils. t. xxv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1424.; (Plate 9, fig. 1) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 42. On the ground, in woods, etc. Common. Bearing fruit, but rarely, in April. Dioicous ; forming loose tufts several inches in length. Stems with frequent and often repeated innovations, which are bi-tripinnate ; leaves glossy, elliptic, smooth, those of the stem with a long point, those of the branchlets pointed but blunt, serrated, two-nerved at the base, where the margin is reflected; fruitstalks generally two or three together, even, about an inch long ; sporangium ovate, cernuous ; lid large, rostrate. A noble species, sometimes attaining the Iqngth of a foot, but bearing fruit rarely in the southern counties. In the south of Europe it is alpine and subalpine, but proceeding northwards it descends to the plains. 55. H. umbratum, Ehr. ; stem suberect, irregularly bipin- nate, clothed with branched paraphylla; leaves cordate or ovate, acuminate, sharply toothed, more or less plicate ; nerve often forked ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium ovate, cernuous ; lid conical, acute. Hook, fy Wils. t, Ivii. ; (Moug. fy Nest. n. 329.) In alpine woods, rare. Scotland. Bearing fruit in winter. Dioicous ; forming loose yellowish tufts. Stems more or less regularly bi pinnate, producing innovations as in the last, clothed with numerous, branched paraphylla, the ultimate divisions very acute ; leaves rather distant, spreading} smooth, glossy, those of the stem broadly cordate, deeply plicate, those of the branches ovate or ovate-oblong, striate, sharply ser- 112 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. rated with two or occasionally three nerves, often more or less combined, and reaching halfway up ; cells narrow; perichsetial leaves large, serrate, their tips spreading ; fruitstalk even, twisted when dry ; sporangium ovate, turgid, cernuous ; lid conical, with an acute apex. Allied to the last, but distinguished by the conical lid, pli- cate leaves, and less regular and frequent divisions. 56. H. Oakesii, Sull. ; stem arched, distantly pinnato- ramulose, clothed with branched, down-like paraphylla; leaves subelliptic or ovato-oblong, concave, slightly plicate, with the margin strongly reflexed, apiculate ; more or less serrate above ; furnished with two nerves at the base, which are often more or less combined ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium ovate, cer- nuous; lid conical, with a short beak. Hook, fy IVils. t. Ivii. Found at present only on Hen Lawers. Bearing fruit in autumn and early spring. Dioicous; forming green tufts. Stem red, with frequent arched innovations, which are distantly pinnate, clothed with repeatedly-branched down-like paraphylla ; leaves moderately crowded, concave, roundish-elliptic, with an abrupt apex, or ovate and more acuminate, more or less striate, minutely ser- rate above; perichsetial leaves squarrose ; fruitstalk 1 inch long, even ; sporangium short, ovate, cernuous ; lid conical, with a short, straight, or curved beak. Of a brighter green than the last, and less divided ; the margin of the leaves much reflected, and the lid longer. The degree in which the leaves are serrated seems to vary much. Schimper says they are more deeply serrated than in the last ; Wilson figures them as coarsely serrated, though not so strongly ; while in authentic specimens from Sommerfelt, I find the serratures minute. The paraphylla are far more deeply and intricately divided. HYPNEI. 113 57. H. brevirostre, Ehr. ; stern erect, arched, clothed with branched paraphylla, bipinnato-ramulose ; stem-leaves widely spreading, subsquarrose, suddenly acuminate, plicato-striate ; branch-leaves spreading, ovate, acuminate ; all toothed and two-nerved ; sporangium ovate, ceruuous ; lid conical, subros- trate. Hook. $ Wils. t. Ivii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2865. ; (Plate 9, fig. 2) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 423. In mountainous woods. Scotland, England, Ireland, and Wales. Bearing fruit in winter. Dioicous; forming green, loose tufts, several inches in length. Stem erect, arched, proliferous ; innovations irregularly bipinnate, often rooting at the tips, clothed with branched paraphylla, whose extreme divisions are very acute; stem- leaves squarrose or occasionally secund, cordate or even del- toid at the base, with distinct auricles, strongly toothed, abruptly acuminate, two-nerved, the nerves generally united for some distance ; stem-leaves more ovate and less abruptly acuminate ; cells narrow, not sensibly enlarged below ; fruit- stalk even, about an inch long ; sporangia solitary or aggre- gate, ovate, turgid, thin, somewhat translucid, horizontally cernuous ; lid conical, with a short, oblique, cylindrical beak, which has a little distinct point at the tip. Far more robust than H. umbratum, and very distinct in the leaves and subrostrate lid. D. Stem more or less erect, pinnate, without paraphylla, bearing fruit in the upper part ; leaves more or less squarrose. 58. H. squarrosum, L.; stem slender, mostly erect, slightly divided, with a few scattered branchlets ; stem-leaves crowded, concave, broadly ovate below and erect, attenuated upwards and reflected, slightly serrated, substriate and two-nerved at the base ; branch-leaves smaller, less squarrose ; fruitstalk i 114 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. even; sporangium ovate, turgid,, cernnous; lid conical. Hook. Sf Wils. t. xxvi. ; Eng. Bot. 1. 1953. ; (Plate 10, fig. 1) ; Moug. Nest. n. 233. Pastures, woods, etc. Extremely common. Bearing fruit, but rarely, in winter. Dioicous ; forming green, soft tufts, about 2 inches high. Stem generally erect, but sometimes arched or slightly pro- cumbent, sparingly divided with a few distant branchlets which sometimes root at the extremity ; stem-leaves densely crowded, broadly ovate below and erect, strongly acuminate above, and suddenly curved back, slightly serrate, substriate, two-nerved at the base, or more rarely nerveless ; cells narrow, with a few larger at the base; branch-leaves narrower, less squarrose, the terminal leaves being patent ; perichsetial leaves recurved ; fruitstalk about an inch long, even ; sporangium ovate or roundish-ovate, cernuous ; lid conical, acute. Distinguished from H. loreum by its scarcely striated, squar- rose, and by no means secund leaves, and from H. triquetrum by its slender stems, smaller size, less cordate and less striated leaves. 59. H. triquetrum, L. ; stem ascending, simple, or with fas- ciculate somewhat pinnate branches; stem-leaves squarrose, sulcate ; branch-leaves spreading ; all more or less deltoid or cordate below, acuminate, serrate two-nerved; fruitstalk even ; sporangium ovate, cernuous. Hook. Wils. t. xxvi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1622.; (Plate 9, fig. 3) ; Moug. ty Nest. n. 235. In woods, on banks, etc. Very common. Bearing fruit in winter and early spring. Dioicous; forming tall, stiff, shining tufts, several inches long, of a yellowish-green. Stems red, ascending, arched, nearly simple or branched, principally by means of innovations, in a fastigiate manner, smooth ; stem-leaves squarrose, deeply HYPXET. 1 1") sulcate; brancli-leaves narrow, spreading ; all more or less del- toid and amplcxicaul at the two-nerved base, attenuated up- wards, and finely serrate; fruitstalk even, about 1 inch high; sporangia short, mostly aggregate, roundish-ovate ; lid conical, rather acute. In this, as also in H. squarrosum and H. loreum, the spo- rangium when dry is frequently slightly ribbed. The species is much used for packing on account of its elasticity. 60. H. loreum, L. ; stem ascending, arched, simple or di- chotomous; branches irregularly pinnate; brauchlets elon- gated, often rooting at the end ; leaves crowded, variously directed, ovato-lanceolate, acuminate, minutely toothed, faintly two-nerved, and sulcate at the base; fruitstalk even; sporan- gium roundish-ovate, horizontal; lid conical, apiculate. Hook. $ Wih. t. xxvi. ; Er.g. Bot. t. 2072. ; (Plate 9, fig. 4) ; Moug. Nest. n. 232. In mountainous woods. Bearing fruit, but rarely, in winter and early spring. Dioicous ; forming soft, green or olivaceous tufts, some inches long. Stem more or less erect, or at least ascending, the branches more or less pinnate ; branchlets often rooting at the tips; leaves squarrose, subsecund or even falcate above, ovato-lanceolate, strongly acuminate, slightly serrate, sometimes auriculate, deeply grooved, sometimes nerveless, but generally with two faint veins at the base ; cells narrow throughout ; fruitstalk twisted, an inch or more long, even ; sporangium subglobose, sulcate when dry, horizontal; lid large, conical, with an acute apex. i. HTOCOMIUM, ScJiimp* 61. H. flagellare, Dicks.; stem arched, proliferous; branches * Separated by Schimper from Eurynchium, on account of its conical, not rostrate beak, and slight differences in the reticulation of the leaves. i 2 116 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. pinnate ; stem-leaves squarrose, broadly cordate, acuminate ; sharply toothed, two-nerved, subplicate ; branch-leaves spread- ing, subsecund, ovato-lanceolate, sometimes nerveless ; para- phylla lanceolate, toothed ; fruitstalk rough ; sporangium oval, cernuous ; lid convex, apiculate. Hook, fy Wils. t. Ivii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2565. ; (Plate 9, fig. 5) ; Moug. 8f Nest. n. 1225. On rocks in mountainous districts, principally near water- falls, Lancashire, Ireland and Wales. Bearing fruit, but rarely, in early winter. Dioicous ; forming soft green or at length yellowish-green tufts or patches. Stems short (at least in the fertile plant), as- cending, arched, proliferous, slightly divided; branches pinnate; branchlets often curved, elongated and rooting at the tips ; stem-leaves broadly cordate, acuminate, serrated, more or less plicate, two-nerved at the base where the cells are large ; para- phylla lanceolate, sharply toothed ; branch-leaves narrow, less squarrose, and acuminate, often nerveless; perichsetial leaves with a long rough hair-like tip ; fruitstalks very rough, 1 inch long, red; sporangium elliptic, swollen, curved, cernuous; lid convex, with a distinct acute apiculus. The fertile plant is always shorter than the sterile, which is often much elongated, especially when growing in water. Wilson does not mention the paraphylla, but I find them in specimens gathered by himself at Aber. Sect. II. Leaves seeund. A. Stem pinnate, more or less erect, fructification near the middle; leaves falcato-secund. * Leaves nearly entire ; nerve reaching lialfway or more, rj. HYPNUM, ScMmp. 62. H. Kneiffii, Schimp.; dioicous ; stem ascending ; branch- lets subpinnnate; leaves distant, subsecund, cordato-lanceo- HYPNEI. 117 late, acuminate, entire ; nerve reaching halfway ; perichsetial leaves deeply sulcate ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium subcylin- drical, curved, cernuous; lid conical. Hook, fy Wils. t. Iviii. In swamps, from Lancashire to Sussex. Bearing fruit in June. Forming soft, loose tufts. Stem-leaves broadly cordato- lanceolate, much attenuated, entire, with a nerve reaching more than halfway up ; branch-leaves narrower ; cells narrow, larger at the base; fruitstalk 2 inches long; sporangium subcylindrical, curved, with a long neck below the spore-sac. Distinguished from H. fluitans by its being dioicous, and in its leaves being broader and shorter, with looser reticulations at the base, and from H. aduncum in the more distant, less truly secund, broader leaves, and shorter and more slender nerve. 63. H. aduncum, L. ; dioicous ; stem erect, slightly divided, phmato-ramulose ; branchlets short, uncinate, widely spread- ing; leaves crowded, circinate or falcato-secund, lanceolate, acuminate, striated ; nerve thick, reaching nearly to the tip ; fruitstalk even ; sporangium oblong, curved, cernuous ; lid conical. Hook. $ Wils. t. xxvi.; (Plate 10, fig. 2) ; Moug. $ Nest. n. 1321. In marshes. In several places in England. Bearing fruit from April to June. Forming loose, fastigiate, yellowish-green or tawny tufts, 2 inches or more long. Stem slightly divided ; branches pin- nate ; branchlets short, curved ; leaves crowded, falcato-secund or circinate, narrow, lanceolate, acuminate, entire or obscurely serrate below, more or less striate ; nerve strong, reaching nearly to the tip ; reticulations narrow, loose towards the base, broad at the angles ; fruitstalk an inch long, even ; sporangium cylindrical, slightly curved, cernuous ; lid conical, pointed. 118 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. 64. H., Neck. ; dioicous ; stem suberect, slightly divided ; branches subpinnate ; branchlets curved at the tip ; leaves crowded, falcato-secund, ovato-lanceolate, strongly acuminate, entire, soft and membranous ; nerve reach- ing almost to the tip ; sporangium oblong, cernuous ; lid conical. Hook. Nest. n. 114, 809.) On mud walls, in fallow fields, etc. Bearing fruit in early spring. Monoicous ; annual or perennial. Stem short or elongated ; nerve more or less excurrent ; lid falling off with a portion of the columella. The oblique rostrate beak distinguishes the smaller forms from the preceding species. The smaller form is represented in Eng. Bot. at t. 2676, /. 2, by way of compa- rison. 4. P. Wilsoni, Br. Schimp. ; somewhat tufted, simple ; leaves crowded, erecto-patent, oblong, spathulate, rounded at the apex, hair-pointed from the excurrent nerve ; lid obliquely rostrate ; veil rough at the tip ; sporangium elliptico-oblong ; spores small. Hook. Wils. t. xli. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2710. On sandy ground. Bearing fruit in February. Leaves octofarious, densely chlorophyllous in the upper part, in which character it departs from the generic character, though the cells when cleared out are not very small ; male DICRAXEI. 271 flowers not gemmiform as in the last, but consisting of naked axillary antheridia, accompanied by parapbyses. 5. P. crinita, Wih. ; densely tufted ; leaves oblong and elongato-spathulate, rounded above, rigidly hair-pointed from the excurrent nerve ; sporangium elliptic, scarcely contracted at the mouth, lid obliquely rostrate. Hook, fy Wils. t. xli. ; -(Plate 23, fig. 2.) On moist banks on the seacoast. Scotland, south of Eng- land and Channel Islands. Bearing fruit in February. Nearly allied to the last, and differing in its more densely tufted mode of growth, its more obovate and obtuse leaves, and stronger nerve. Leaf-cells larger and less filled with chlorophyll ; veil even ; antheridia, as in that, naked and axillary. Not yet found on the Continent. 6. P. Heimii, Br. Schimp. ; tufted ; leaves spreading, elongate-lanceolate, toothed above; margin plane; nerve ceasing at or below the apex ; sporangium obovate or oblong, truncate ; lid obliquely rostrate, adhering to the columella. Hook. 8f Wils. t. vii. ; E. Bot. t. 1407, 1951. ; (Plate 23, fig. 3.) On moist banks, principally near the sea. Polygamous ; varying in size and in the leaves. Distin- guished from the small variety of P. truncata by the stouter habit ; the longer, softer leaves, which are toothed above ; the nerve not excurrent; the polygamous inflorescence; the lid lifted up by the columella when the sporangium is ripe, and in its place of growth. It occurs at the Cape of Good Hope, and in several places of the Northern Hemisphere. ORDER XXX. DICRANEI, Mont. Sporangium even or striated ; peristome single, consisting of sixteen teeth, split halfway down ; veil cucullate, naked at the base or fringed. 272 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. 1. Fruit-stalk arched or geniculate (Campy lopodei). 89. CAMPYLOPUS, Brid. Sporangia mostly aggregate, but with separate perichsetia ; fruitstalks arcuate or geniculate and deflexed ; ring large ; veil cucullate, fringed at the base ; peristome single, of six- teen narrow-lanceolate, deeply bifid teeth ; leaf-cells sub- quadrate or rhomboid at the base, and narrow and elongated above. 1. C. densus, Br. ty Schimp. ; densely tufted; stems radi- culose ; leaves crowded, erecto-patent, rather rigid, lanceolate, subulate ; nerve broad, thin, occupying the greater portion of the leaf; leaf-cells at the base lax. Hook. Wils. t. xl. On sandstone rocks and on turfy sandy ground. Ireland and England. Bearing fruit in winter. Dioicous, forming yellow-green patches. Stem erect, di- chotomous, radiculose, sometimes with axillary deciduous branches ; fruitstalk arched from the middle ; sporangium oval, furrowed when dry; lid rostrate. This species has a looser reticulation, and leaves more gradually narrowed above than in C. torfaceus. 2. C. torfaceus, Br. Schimp. ; csespitose, slender, rooting at the base only ; leaves loosely set, spreading, setiform, from an ovato-lanceolate base; nerve moderately broad; sporan- gium small ; fruitstalk short. Hook, fy Wils. t. xl. On peaty soil. Bearing fruit great part of the year. Differs from the last in its longer, less crowded, setaceous leaves, with a narrower and thinner nerve and broader ring. 3. C. setifolius, Wils. ; stem slender, elongated, dichoto- mous ; leaves distant, spreading, setaceous, from a lanceolate base, serrulate. Hook, fy Wils. t. xl. Rocky mountainous places. Ireland. D1CRAXEI. 273 Of this species, which has not yet been found in fruit, 1 have seen no specimen, and therefore copy Mr. Wilson's character. 4. C. flexuosus, Brid. ; tufted ; stem radiculose, branched ; leaves crowded, spreading or secund, laiiceolato-subulate, rather rigid, obsoletely furrowed at the back ; nerve broad ; sporangium oblong, wide-mouthed ; teeth slightly spreading when dry. Hook. % Wils. t. xvi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1491. ; (Plate 23, fig. 4.) On the ground and on rocks, mostly in subalpine countries. Bearing fruit in November. Forming olive-green patches, reddish below. Leaves broader and longer, not deciduous as in C. fragilis ; leaf-cells small, distinct, subquadrate or elliptico-oblong above, rectan- gular and more lax below. Moug. & Nest. n. 123 appears to be C. densus, and has very different leaf-cells from this, being narrow and elongated. 5. C. longipilus, Brid. ; csespitose; stem elongated, rigid, dichotomous ; leaves erecto-patent, lanceolato-subulate, con- volute, suddenly ending in a white bristly point; nerve very broad. Hook. % Wils. t. xl. On wet rocks and in marshy places in mountainous districts. Forming black-green hoary tufts. Leaf-cells oblong and narrow, enlarged at the base. Perfect fruit unknown. 6. C., D. Not. ; loosely tufted ; stem stout, elongated, slightly branched, naked below, slightly radiculose ; leaves erect, broadly lanceolate-acuminate, channelled, shortly hair-pointed, and slightly toothed above ; nerve stout, broad, subexcurrent, deeply sulcate behind, sublamellate. In dry pastures. Penzance. Fruit unknown. Bright-green above, rufous below. Leaves much broader. The above is taken from the Syllabus of De Notaris, as I have seen no specimens. T 274 HANDBOOK OP BRITISH MOSSES. 7. C. brevipilus, Br. fy Schimp. ; csespitose, elongated, cli- chotomous; leaves lanceolate, acuminate; margin recurved; nerve narrow. Hook, fy Wils. t. xl. In woods on a sandy soil. Northumberland. Fruit un- known. Forming yellowish tufts. Leaves much shorter than in the last, with a narrower nerve, which is not sulcate at the back. 90. DICBANODONTIUM, Br. ty Schimp. Fruitstalk arched, veil cucullate, entire at the base ; spo- rangium without striae ; ring obscure or wanting ; peristome single, of sixteen linear-lanceolate distantly trabeculate teeth, very deeply cloven into two unequal divisions ; leaf-cells nar- row above, rectangular at the base. 1. D. longirostre. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxxix. ; (Moug. &; Nest. n. 411.) In mountainous woods, on rocks, wood, or turf. Near Kil- larney, Dr. Taylor. Bearing fruit on the Continent in au- tumn. Dioicous ; forming broad yellowish silky patches ; leaves erecto-patent or secund, setaceous from a lanceolate base, with a broad predominant rib. II. Fruitstalk straight or slightly flexuose (Dicranei). 91. CERATODON, Brid. Fruitstalk long, subflexuous ; sporangium widely furrowed, with a short strumous neck ; veil cucullate ; ring broad ; pe- ristome single, of sixteen lanceolate very deeply cloven teeth, connected below by transverse,, internally prominent articula- tions; leaf-cells small, subpunctiform above, elongated and pellucid below. DICRANEI. 275 1. C. purpureus, Brid.; csespitose, dichotoraous; leaves elongate-lanceolate, keeled; margin entire, reflexed ; nerve slightly excurreut ; sporangium oblong or oval, erect or sub- cernuous, with a short neck, furrowed when dry ; lid conical ; teeth united below by a basal membrane, bordered with a pale margin. Hook. % Wils. t. xx. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2262, 2294, 2533.; (Plate 23, fig. 5) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 24. On banks, pastures, etc., common. Bearing fruit in spring. Dioicous ; forming extensive dull-green patches. Stems vary- ing in length, sometimes very short ; fruitstalk red ; lid conical, acute; teeth when dry spirally incurved. Found in most parts of the world. Leaf- cells distinct, quadrate, or subrotund above, about twice as long, and rectangular at the base ; nerve strong. 92. TRICHODON, Schimp. Fruitstalk long, flexuous ; veil cucullate ; sporangium erect, cylindrical, without striae ; ring broad ; peristome of sixteen teeth split to the base, the divisions nearly equal, nodose, in- curved, or hamate when dry ; leaf-cells rectangular. 1. T. cylindricus, Br. fy Schimp. Hook. Wils. t. xxxix. On sandy banks. Ireland ; north of England and Essex. Bearing fruit in spring. Forming pale yellow-green patches. Stems \-\ inch high ; leaves delicate, flexuous, squamose, subulate, from a sheathing base; nerve excurrent, predominant; leaf-cells rectangular, narrower below ; sporangium quite even when dry ; lid co- nical. Very different in habit from Ceratodon purpureus, and very properly separated by Schimper. 93. LEUCOBRYUM, Hampe. Veil cucullate ; sporangium striate, furrowed when dry, T 2 276 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. strumous at the base ; ring none ; peristome single, of sixteen bifid internally trabeculate teeth; leaves formed of two or more strata of rectangular pellucid cells, communicating with each other by circular pores, with narrow greener cells im- bedded amongst them ; marginal cells narrow. 1. L. glaucum, Hampe ; densely csespitose, dichotomous, fragile; leaves spreading or subsecund, lanceolato-subulate from an oval-oblong base, rather obtuse, apiculate ; sporangium cernuous, strumous, furrowed when dry ; lid rostrate. Hook. $ Wils. t. xvi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2166. ; (Plate 23, fig. 6) ; Moug. $ Nest. n. 23. In turbaries, damp places in woods, etc. Bearing fruit, but rarely, in spring. Dioicous ; forming large white tufts, with the appearance of Sphagnum. Fruitstalks often two in the same perichsetium. The young male plants nestle in a mass of fibres produced from the upper leaves or the abortive female flowers, and are ultimately developed into a little branchlet. 94. DICRANUM, Hedw. Sporangia aggregate or single in the same perichsetium ; veil cucullate; peristome single, of sixteen bifid trabeculate striated teeth ; leaf-cells linear, generally very narrow, dilated and rectangular at the angles. Handsome tall Mosses. 1. D. Starkii, Web. fy Mohr. ; monoicous; dichotomous ; leaves subulate from a lanceolate base, irregularly falcate ; sporangium oblong or cylindrical, arcuate, gibbous, strumous at the base, striate ; ring double ; male flower at the base of the female. Hook. $ Wils. t. xvii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2227. On alpine rocks. Bearing fruit in summer. Forming large green tufts. Leaves entire ; leaf-cells above narrow, rather flexuous, gradually broader, and more hyaline DICRANEI. 277 at the base, those at 'the angles subquadrate and rather in- flated ; lid obliquely rostrate. 2. D. falcatum, Hedw. ; densely tufted ; leaves strongly falcato-secund, lanceolato-subulate ; fruitstalk rather short and thick ; sporangium cernuous, short, obovate, struraous at the base ; lid rostrate. Hook, fy Wils. t. xvii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1989. On rocks and the earth in alpine districts. Bearing fruit in autumn. Forming dense dark-green tufts. Stem decumbent at the base, naked below ; leaves strongly falcate, channelled above ; tip serrulate; leaf- cells as in the last; sporangium without striae, swollen ; lid large ; peristome larger than in the last. 3. D. Blyttii, Br. ty Schimp. ; soft, tufted ; stems much branched, brittle; leaves spreading or subsecund from an erect base, lanceolato-subulate, entire; sporangium cernuous, curved, without striae ; ring narrow ; teeth narrow, inflexed when dry. Hook. $ Wils. t. xxxix. On alpine and subalpine rocks. Scotland and Wales. Bear- ing fruit in August. Monoicous ; forming dull brownish-green patches. Leaves shorter than in the two last, more delicate, not so inclined to be falcate; sporangium free from striae, even when dry; male flower not seated beneath the female, but at the base of an innovation ; ring simple. 4. D. Scottianum, Turn. ; densely tufted ; stem radiculose ; leaves spreading and subsecund, twisted above when dry, lan- ceolato-subulate, concave, entire; nerve strong, prominent behind, subexcurrent ; sporangium elongated, slightly curved, tapering below ; peristome short, teeth cloven once or twice at the tip only. Hook. $ Wils. t. xviii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1391, 1977. On mountainous rocks. Bearing fruit in summer. 278 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. Dioicous; forming green and at length brownish tufts. Leaves glossy ; leaf-cells distinct, short, subpunctiform, gra- dually larger downwards much as in Ceratodon purpureus ; teeth sometimes entire ; lid obliquely rostrate, long and slen- der. This is followed in the ' Bryologia' by a doubtful species, not yet found in fruit, D. circinatum, Wils., characterized by its circinate, secund, subulato-setaceous leaves from a suddenly dilated and loosely reticulated base, serrulate at the apex, with a thick and prominent nerve. The figure of D. longifolium, t. xvi., is apparently from a foreign specimen. 5. D. fuscescens, Smith; stems elongated, tufted, radicu- lose; leaves crisped when dry, lanceolate- subulate, canalicu- late, toothed above ; nerve ex current ; veil large, white ; spo- rangium cernuous, incurved, swollen, ovate, furrowed when dry ; neck swollen ; lid strongly rostrate. Hook, fy Wils. t. xviii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1597.; (Moug. Sf Nest. n. 821.) On alpine and subalpine rocks, sometimes on wood. Bear- ing fruit in early autumn. Dioicous ; forming dull-yellowish tufts. Sporangium short, striate ; leaves flexuous above, opaque, not serrate at the back ; beak of lid pale, not red as in the next ; leaf-cells above dis- tinct, subquadrate, but soon becoming elongated, then very narrow, rectangular at the basal angles. 6. D. scoparium, Hedw. ; dioicous ; loosely tufted, radicu- lose; leaves secund or falcato-secund, lanceolate-subulate, carinato-concave, sharply serrated at the tip ; margin inflexed ; nerve with projecting ridges behind, toothed above ; sporan- gium cylindrical, slightly curved; ring none, beak long. Hook. % Wils. t. xviii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 354. ; (Plate 23, fig. 7) ; Moug. Nest. n. 120. Woods, banks, etc. Very common. Fruit in summer. D1CRANEI. 279 Forming yellowish tufts. Nerve of leaves with pluriseriate teeth ; sporangia more or less cylindrical. The leaf-cells are much more elongated than in the last. 7. D. majus, Turn. ; tufted, stems incoherent ; leaves very long, falcato-secund, subulate, from a lanceolate base ; fruit- stalks pale, aggregate ; sporangia cernuous or horizontal, sub- arcuate ; beak long. Hook, fy Wils. /. xviii. ; Eng. Bat. t. 1409.; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 1014.) In woods. Bearing fruit in summer. Forming deep-green patches. Leaves in every state falcato- secund, by which character, as well as the aggregate fruitstalks and olive-brown sporangia, it is distinguished from the last ; tips of leaves and nerve toothed as in the last, but the latter has more numerous ridges. 8. D. palustre, Lapyl. ; tufted, radiculose ; leaves spread- ing, glossy above, somewhat undulated, transversely linear, from a lanceolate base ; toothed above ; nerve slender ; fruit- stalk solitary ; sporangium cernuous, curved, obovate-oblong, turgid ; neck substrumous ; ring none. Hook. Wils. t. xviii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2260 in part. In marshy places in woods, etc. Bearing fruit in autumn. Monoicous or synoicous ; forming large yellowish patches. Differs from the last two in the lower basal reticulations, more slender nerve without ridges, subflexuous stem, etc. The leaf-cells are altogether large ; the undulations are at once visible to the naked eye ; upper leaves forming a cuspidate point. 9. D. Schraderi, Schivceg. ; densely tufted ; stems elon- gated ; leaves crowded, erecto-patent or subsecund, lingulate, lanceolate, rather obtuse, waved, sharply channelled, toothed ; sporangium cernuous, oval oblong ; lid rostrate. Hook, fy mis. t. xxxix. ; (Moug. % Nest. n. 317.) 280 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. In bogs. Cheshire and Lancashire. Bearing fruit in au- tumn. Forming shining green patches. Stems sometimes a foot long, radiculose ; leaves when dry curled above, toothed above as well as the margin ; nerve not reaching the tip. I do not find either in English or foreign specimens the tips of the leaves subpapillose, nor is the character mentioned by Schim- per. Leaf-cells nearly as in the last, but the upper ones rather more distinct. 10. D. spurium, Hedw. ; loosely tufted, radiculose ; leaves ovato-lanceolate, concave, suddenly linear-lanceolate, much undulated, toothed, papillose behind ; nerve ceasing below the tip; sporangium cernuous, arcuate, subcylindrical, slightly strumous, striated. Hook, fy Wils. i. xvii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2167 in part ; (Moug. fy Nest. n. 319.) On heaths and bogs. Yorkshire and Scotland. Bearing fruit in June. Synoicous ; forming large patches. Stems stout, rigid, di- chotomous ; leaves crowded, spreading, more or less imbri- cated when dry, and somewhat crisped ; lid with a long beak ; leaf-cells subpunctiform more than halfway down; papillae distant. Habit peculiar. Dicranum robustum, Blytt, is said by Schimper to have been found in a barren state near Warririgton. 95. DICRANELLA, Schimp. Veil cucullate, rather large, slightly inflated ; sporangium mostly cernuous ; peristome large, regular ; teeth bifurcate ; leaf-cells above oblongo-hexagonal, rectangular at the base ; stems normally short. 1. D. crispa, Schimp. ; monoicous ; leaves subulate from a sheathing base, toothed at the tip, spreading and flexuous DICRANEI. 281 crisped when dry; sporangium erect, striate, without any apophysis; lid long, beaked from a conical base; ring very narrow. Hook, fy Wils. t. xvii.; Eng. Bot. t. 1151. On moist sandy soil. Bearing fruit late in autumn. Forming little pale-green patches. Stems not i an inch high; sporangium symmetrical; leaf-cells nearly uniform. 2. D. Grevilleiana, Schimp. ; monoicous, densely tufted ; leaves suddenly lanceolato-subulate from a wide sheathing base, somewhat undulated, spreading; perichsetial leaves sheathing; sporangium cernuous, ovate, somewhat striate, obsoletely strumous ; lid shortly subulate. Hook. Wils. t. xxxiii.; Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. t. 116. On clayey soil. Scotland. Very rare. Bearing fruit in autumn. Forming dense yellowish patches. Differs from D. Schreberi in the longer narrower leaves, broader nerve, monoicous inflo- rescence, subulate lid, etc. Leaf-cells broader and more co- lourless than in D. crispa, slightly narrower than in D. Schre- beri, but more pellucid. 3. D. Schreberi, Schimp. ; dioicous, gregarious ; leaves keeled, narrowly lanceolate from a half-sheathing base, toothed towards the tip ; perichsetial leaves shortly sheathing ; sporan- gium cernuous, without striae ; ring none ; lid shortly rostrate. Hook. % Wils. t. xxxix. ; (Moug. % Nest. n. 719.) On clayey or sandy soil. Scotland and north of England. Bearing fruit in autumn. Forming yellow patches. Leaves spreading, perichsetial leaves larger than the rest ; base of sporangium scarcely stru- mous. 4. D. squarrosa, Schimp. ; dioicous, tufted ; stems elon- gated, dichotomous, radiculose ; leaves oblongo-lanceolate from a sheathing base, quite entire, blunt ; nerve narrow, ceasing 282 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. below the tip ; sporangium cernuous, ovato-oblong ; lid shortly rostrate. Hook, fy Wils. t. xvii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2004. ; (Moug. $ Neat. n. 320.) In wet rocky places near rivulets. Bearing fruit, though rarely, in autumn. Forming dense, soft, yellow-green or brownish tufts. Stem 13 inches long ; leaves glossy, even, scarcely changed in ap- pearance when dry ; margin plane ; ring none. Leaf-cells much larger than in the other species, and more strictly hexagonal, by which small dwarf specimens of D. Schreberi may be known, though that species approaches the present in the type of reti- culation. 5. D. cerviculata, Schimp. ; tufted; leaves concave, quite entire, glossy, lanceolato-subulate from a half-sheathing base, spreading or secund ; nerve depressed, dilated at the base, ex- current ; sporangium cernuous, ovate, strumous below, without strise ; ring narrow ; lid subulate. Hook. Wils. t. xvi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1661, 2261, 2491. ; (Moug. fy Nest, n. 615.) On turfy or sandy soil. Bearing fruit in summer. Dioicous; forming rather dense, broad, pale-yellowish patches ; sporangium roundish, distinctly strumous at the base. 6. D. varia, Schimp. ; gregarious ; stems short ; leaves spreading or subsecund, lanceolato-subulate from an oblong but not sheathing base, quite entire or obscurely toothed ; nerve slightly excurrent ; perichsetial leaves half sheathing ; sporangium ovate, oblong, cernuous, somewhat incurved when dry, contracted below the mouth ; teeth large. Hook. fy Wils. t. xvii.; Eng. Bot. t. 1215, 1273, 1439. ; (Moug. fy Nest. n. 412, 718.) On the ground, moist banks, etc. Common. Bearing fruit in autumn. Forming broad, loose, rufous-green patches. Stems about D1CKANEI. 283 i an inch long ; lid shortly rostrate ; teeth of peristome con- verging. A very variable species. 7. D. rufescens, Schimp. ; gregarious ; leaves lax, subfal- cato-secund, linear-lanceolate, remotely toothed ; nerve ceasing at the apex ; leaf- cells large ; sporangium erect, ovate, minute ; lid conical, apiculate ; ring none ; peristome large. Hook, fy Wils. t. xvii. On the ground, especially in a sandy soil. Bearing fruit in early winter. Forming pale-reddish patches. Stems bright red; leaves more pellucid than in neighbouring species; margin plane; teeth of peristome closely barred ; leaf-cells large for the size of the plant. 8. D. subulata, Schimp. ; loosely tufted ; stems elongated ; leaves secund, more or less falcate, subulato-setaceous from an elliptic or lanceolate base, entire ; sporangium cernuous, ovate, gibbous, striate when dry ; lid with a long beak. Hook, fy Wils. t. xviii. On the ground, in alpine or subalpine districts. Bearing fruit in autumn. Dioicous ; forming irregular, silky, green patches. Stems slender, \-\ inch high ; fruitstalk red ; sporangium striate ; leaf-cells narrow. 9. D. heteromalla, Schimp. ; densely tufted ; leaves seta- ceous from* a lanceolate base, canaliculate, quite entire, glossy; sporangium ceruuous or suberect, obovate, gibbous, obliquely plicate when dry; lid with a long beak. Hook, fy Wils. t. xviii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1272, 2508. ; (Plate 23, fig. 8) ; Moug. fy Nest. n. 121. On banks. Common. Bearing fruit in winter. Forming broad, silky, green patches. Fruitstalk yellowish ; sporangium rufous, elongated. 284 HANDBOOK OP BRITISH MOSSES. 96. DICHODONTIUM, Schimp. Veil large, cucullate ; ring none ; sporangium roundish, on a flexuous fruitstalk, without any apophysis ; peristome large, of sixteen teeth, bi-trifid ; articulations crowded, prominent within; leaf-cells papillose on either side, very small above, and quadrate, those of the margin quadrate, of the base rec- tangular, all chlorophyllous. 1 . D. pellucidum, Schimp. ; stem flexuous, slightly branched; leaves squamose, linear-lanceolate from a somewhat sheathing oblong base; margin plane; nerve narrow, serrate or crenu- late above and on the back ; sporangium ovate, subcernuous ; lid rostrate. Hook, fy Wils. t. xvii. ; Eng. Bot. 1. 1346, 2263. ; (Moug. Nest. n. 122.) On moist stones, or on the ground near rivulets. Bearing fruit late in autumn. Dioicous; forming bright green patches. Leaves crisped when dry ; sporangium roundish or ovate. Varies as to the shape of the sporangium, thickness of the beak, serrature and length of the leaves, and length of the -branches. The struc- ture of the leaves is very different from that of Dicranum proper. 97. CYNODONTIUM, Br. $ Schimp. Sporangium oblique or symmetrical ; veil rather large cu- cullate ; ring simple ; peristome single, often irregular, of six- teen lanceolate teeth dilated at the base and often deeply cloven, free or connected by bars; leaf-cells above minute, chlorophyllous, quadrate, hexagono-oblong below and pellucid. a. Teeth very irregular, articulations without regular strive. 1. C. Bruntoni, Br. fy Schimp.; csespitose or pulvinate ; leaves linear-lanceolate, keeled, concave; margin recurved, DICRANEI. 285 slightly toothed above; nerve vanishing at the tip; sporan- gium oval, sometimes elongated, even, not sulcate when dry ; teeth of pcristome small, divided to the base. Hook. Wils. t. xxxiv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2356, 2509 ; Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. t. 193. ; (Plate 23, fig. 9) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 406. In crevices of alpine rocks. Bearing fruit in early summer. Monoicous ; forming soft pale-green tnfts or cushions, re- sembling Weissia cirrata. Distinguished at once from the next by its even sporangium. I. Teeth striate. 2. C. polycarpum, Br. Schimp. ; stern radiculose; leaves crowded, spreading or subsecund, linear-lanceolate from an oblong base, crisped when dry, toothed above, obscurely papil- lose ; sporangium oblong, equal, deeply furrowed when dry ; teeth rather irregular. Hook, fy Wils. t. xviii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1977, 2269, 2279. ; (Moug. % Nest. n. 414.) On alpine rocks. Bearing fruit in early summer. Scotland, Wales, and north of England. Mouoicous ; forming green tufts. Leaves bent, twisted when dry, but less so than in the last species ; sporangium symme- trical, more or less strumous at the base ; teeth deeply cloven or perforated, striated like those of true Dicranum ; the leaf- cells are just those of the last species. 3. C. virens, Schimp. ; csespitose; stems elongated, dicho- tomous ; leaves lanceolato-subulate from an oblong base ; mar- gin recurved; sporangium oblong, curved, cernuous, even, distinctly strumous; lid rostrate. Hook, fy Wils. t. xvii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1462.; (Moug. % Nest. n. 1115.) On moist alpine rocks. Bearing fruit in summer. Forming loose tufts. Stems 1-3 inches high, ascending ; slightly radiculose; leaves not crisped when dry; nerve thick, 286 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. subexcurrent ; leaf-cells as in the last ; teeth large, bright red, more finely striated than in C. polycarpum. 98. ABCTOA, Br. $ Schimp. Sporangium short, somewhat turbinate, on a short fruitstalk, deeply furrowed when dry ; ring simple ; veil cucullate, in- flated ; peristome single, of sixteen equidistant narrow teeth, unequally cloven or perforated, with numerous transverse bars ; leaf-cells elongated, rectangular at the base. 1. A. fulveUa, Br. Schimp. Hook. Wils. t. xxxiii.; Eng. Bot. t. 1952, 2268 ; Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. t. 188. Fissures of alpine rocks. Scotland and Wales. Bearing fruit in summer. Monoicous ; forming dense dull-green tufts. Leaves crowded, subulate, almost falcate, not crisped when dry, toothed above; nerve strong; lid obliquely rostrate; teeth striated like those of Dicranum. 99. BLINDIA, Br. % Schimp. Sporangium roundish, turbinate when dry ; veil at first 4-6- gonal at the base, then cucullate ; ring none ; peristome sin- gle, of sixteen equidistant entire or cribrose teeth, sometimes cloven above, slightly trabeculate ; leaf-cells minute above, rectangular, gradually larger downwards, those at the angles hyaline, very much dilated, with a distinct primordial mem- brane. 1. B. acuta, Br. Schimp. Hook, fy Wils. t. xv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1644, 2552. ; (Plate 24, fig. 1) ; Moug. $ Nest. n. 610. On moist alpine or subalpine rocks. Bearing fruit in sum- mer. WEISSIEI. 287 Dioicous; forming dark tufts. Stems varying much in length ; leaves subsecund, glossy, lanceolato-subulate ; nerve reaching to the tip, which is minutely toothed or excurrent ; teeth red, not striate as in Dicranum ; lid obliquely rostrate. 100. STYLOSTEGIUM, Br. Sf Schimp. Sporangium roundish, immersed; veil short, cucullate, scarcely covering the lid ; coluinella thick, falling away with the lid; peristome none; leaf-cells oblong, enlarged down- wards. 1. S. caespiticium, Br. fy Schimp. Hook. Wils. t. xxxviii.; Eng. Bot. t. 2778. In the crevices of alpine rocks. Ben Lawers. Rare. Bear- ing fruit in autumn. Monoicous ; forming dense tufts. Leaves somewhat falcate and secund, subulate or acuminate from an ovato- lanceolate base ; nerve thick, excurrent ; fruitstalk very short ; lid ros- trate ; sporangium not striate. OBDER XXX. WEISSIEI, Mont. Sporangium erect, equal ; veil cucullate ; neristome want- ing or consisting of sixteen teeth, often united at the base ; leaf-cells in general minute above and quadrate, elongated and rectangular below. 101. ANODUS, Br. fy Schimp. Sporangium symmetrical, straight, truncato-ovate, colu- mella inserted after the fall of the lid ; peristome none ; veil cucullate. 1. A. Doniamis, Br. fy Schimp. Hook, fy Wils. t. vii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1582. 288 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. On rocks and stones, especially those winch are arenaceous. Not common. Scotland and north of England. Bearing fruit in autumn. Monoicous ; extremely small, gregarious. Leaves lanceo- lato-subulate, minutely toothed ; leaf-cells oblong, hexagonal, rather lax, nearly uniform, very different from those of Seli- geria ; sporangium symmetrical, truncate, ovate; ring none; lid conical ; columella exserted when dry. 102. SELIG-ERIA, Br. 8f Schimp. Sporangium roundish, wide-mouthed ; ring none ; veil small, cucullate ; peristome single, of sixteen equidistant, lanceolate, obtuse, entire teeth, sometimes perforated ; without any medial line. Minute, nearly stemless, monoicous Mosses. 1. S. pusilla, Br. fy Schimp. ; leaves lanceolate, subulate, somewhat toothed in the middle; fruitstalk straight; teeth remotely barred. Hook, fy Wils. t. xv. ; (Moug. fy Nest. n. 1005.) ' On nearly vertical rocks, especially those which are calca- reous. Ireland and north of England. Bearing fruit in spring. Gregarious, bright green. Leaves with a broad, excurrent, predominant nerve ; leaf-cells oblong, rectangular, often con- fined to the margin, all the rest being occupied by the nerve. 2. S. calcarea, Br. Schimp.; leaves rather short, lanceolate from an oblong base, blunt (or subacute) ; nerve thick ; fruit- stalk rather thick; lid short; teeth densely barred. Hook. mis. t. xv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 191. ; (Plate 24, fig. 2.) On the steep sides of chalk pits. Bearing fruit in spring. Distinguished from the last by its broader leaves, thicker nerve, thicker fruitstalk, shorter beak, and broader, more closely articulated teeth. Leaf-cells much as in the last. WEISSIEI. 289 3. S. tristicha, Br. Schimp. ; densely tufted ; leaves tristichous, crowded, rigid, narrowly lanceolate, blunt, whitish at the base ; sporangium subspherical ; neck swollen, truncate when the rostrate lid has fallen ; teeth narrow. Bryol. Eur* t. iii. On calcareous rocks. Blair Athol. The exactly tristichous arrangement of the leaves is cha- racteristic of this species. 4. S. recurvata, Br. fy Schimp. ; tufted ; stems very short ; leaves lanceolate-subulate from an oval or oblong base ; veil rather large; sporangium drooping on a curved fruitstalk, oval or oblong ; lid convex, ending in a short straight beak ; teeth often bifid. Hook. % Wils. t. xv.; Eng. Bot. t. 1489, 2551. On rocks, especially sandstone. Bearing fruit in spring. Leaves somewhat waved ; sporangium erect when dry, rather loosely cellular ; lid straighter, veil larger. Mr. Mitten has another species, S. calcicola, which I have not seen, and which by some is supposed to be the true Weissia pusilla of Bridel, though Schimper thinks otherwise. 103. BRACHYODUS, Nees % Hornsch. Sporangium erect, on a straight fruitstalk, small, furrowed when dry ; ring broad ; veil conical, subcucullate ; peristome single, of sixteen very short, truncate, equidistant, partly con- fluent teeth. 1. B. trichodes, Nees fy Hornsch. Hook. Sf Wils. t. xv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2563. ; (Plate 24, fig. 3) ; Moug. 8f Nest. n. 711. On moist sandstone or granite rocks. Generally in sub- alpine countries. Bearing fruit in spring or late in the au- tumn. Monoicous; very small. Leaves lanceolate-subulate, nerve rounded, ex cur rent ; veil five-lobed at the base, one fissure u 290 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. extending nearly to the apex ; lid shortly rostrate ; ring very broad,, compound, persistent ; teeth rather broad, confluent at the base, hyaline, slightly pierced ; lid crenulate at the base, edged with red; leaf-cells distinct, oblong, subrectangular, those at the basal wings hexagonal and sienna-brown ; teeth scarcely rising beyond the ring. 104. CAMPYLOSTELIUM, Br. S chimp. Sporangium pendulous, on a curved fruitstalk, even; veil conico-subulate, five-cleft, covering the lid ; ring double ; peri- stome single, of sixteen lanceolate, long, trabeculate teeth, con- nected at the base, cloven above. 1. C. saxicola, Br. fy Schimp. Hook, fy Wils. t. xiii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2627. ; (Plate 24, fig. 4.) On sandstone rocks. Dublin and England. Rare. Bear- ing fruit in autumn. Monoicous; very short. -Leaves linear, concave, from an oval base, keeled, reddish, twisted when dry; nerve thick, scarcely reaching the apex ; sporangium on a rather long fruit- stalk, elliptico-oblong ; teeth erect when moist, forming a cone, incurved when dry, red, more or less regularly cloven ; leaf- cells very distinct, quadrate above, with thick walls, rectangu- lar below. 105. BHABDOWEISSIA, Br. Sf Schimp. Sporangium erect, striate, furrowed when dry ; veil cucul- late ; peristome single, of sixteen narrow teeth, closely articu- lated, without a medial line ; ring very narrow ; leaf-cells sub- quadrate above, rectangular and pellucid below. This is now reduced by Schimper to a subgenus of Weissia. 1. R. fugax, Br. fy Schimp.; pulvinato-csespitose ; leaves linear-lanceolate, keeled ; margin plane; fruitstalk very short; WEISSIEI. 291 sporangium very small, roundish ; lid rostrate. Hook, fy Wils. t. xv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1988. ; (Moug. fy Nest. n. 407.) In crevices of rocks, especially such as are arenaceous or granitic, and on moist banks in subalpine districts. Bearing fruit in summer. Monoicous ; forming irregular, yellowish cushions. Leaves long, flexuous, recurved, crisped when dry, entire or slightly toothed ; nerve large, vanishing below the tip ; leaf-cells dis- tinct, with thick walls, subquadrate, rectangular and hyaline below ; teeth almost filiform above, from a lanceolate base, fugacious. 2. B. denticulata, Br. fy Schimp. ; tufted ; leaves linear- lanceolate or lingulate, strongly toothed above, keeled ; spo- rangium apophysate. Hook. $ Wils. t. xv. ; (Plate 24, fig. 5.) In crevices of alpine and subalpine rocks. Bearing fruit in summer. Monoicous ; forming irregular, green patches. Steins stouter than in the last ; leaves crisped when dry, far less attenuated, often strictly lingulate, strongly toothed above ; leaf-cells as in the last, but larger and not so full of chlorophyll, so that the leaves are more transparent, especially below ; sporangium larger, subglobose, with a more distinct apophysis, less deeply sulcate when dry ; lid subulate ; teeth narrow, from a lanceo- late base, persistent. 106. WEISSIA, Hedw. Sporangium without striae, on a long straight fruitstalk; ring persistent ; peristome single, of sixteen equidistant, nar- row teeth, mostly free at the base, transversely barred, without a medial line, entire, bifid or perforated ; leaf-cells very minute above. 1. W. contro versa, Hediu.; csespitose; leaves linear-lan- u 2 292 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. ceolate; margin more or less involute; nerve slightly excur- rent ; sporangium oval or ovato- oblong ; lid rostrate; ring narrow. Hook. $ Wils. t. xv.; Eng. Eot. t. 1367.; (Plate 24, fig. 6) ; Moug. Nest. n. 16. In pastures, fallow fields, etc. Bearing fruit in spring. Monoicous ; more or less tufted. Extremely variable, but known by the more or less involute margin. Distinguished from Gymnostomum microstomuni by the presence of a peri- stome, which is, however, sometimes almost rudimentary ; leaf- cells extremely minute and crowded above, then more distant and quadrate ; rectangular and pellucid at the base. 2. W. mucronata, Br. fy Schimp. ; leaves lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, concave above, with a plane margin ; nerve excurrent ; sporangium oblong, obscurely striate ; teeth short, truncated, cloven or perforated, fugacious. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxxviii. In clay fallow fields. Bearing fruit in spring. Distinguished from the last by the nearly plane margin of the leaves, the more excurrent nerve, rather wider leaves, longer, slightly striate sporangium, more fugacious peristome, and larger spores. 3. W. cirrhata, Hedw. ; pulvinate ; stems much branched ; leaves spreading, linear-lanceolate from an oblong, concave base, channeled above, crisped when dry ; margin reflexed ; sporangium oblong, subcylindrical ; ring compound ; lid ros- trate. Hook, fy Wils. t. xv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1420. ; (Moug. fy Nest. n. 907.) On the tops of gateposts, rails, etc. ; sometimes on rocks. Bearing fruit in early spring. Monoicous ; forming soft, green cushions. Leaves spread- ing, assurgent from the middle ; margin reflexed ; sporangium brownish, with a rosy orifice ; teeth linear from a lanceolate WLISSIEI. 293 base, red, entire ; leaf-cells above minute, but distinct, sub- quadrate, gradually larger downwards, elongated, and more hyaline at the base. 4. W. crispula, Hedw. ; tufted, branched ; leaves spreading or secund, lanceolato-subulate from a broad concave base, crisped when dry ; margin plane ; sporangium oval or oblongo- ovate ; ring none; lid rostrate. Hook, fy Wils. t. xv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2203. ; (Moug. fy Nest. n. 812.) In crevices of alpine rocks. Bearing fruit in summer. Monoicous ; csespitose or pulvinate. Distinguished by the plane margin of the leaves, which are longer and narrower above, the less cylindrical sporangium, etc. Leaf-cells as in the last. 5. W. verticillata, Brid. ; stems fastigiate; leaves narrow, linear-lanceolate, toothed below; margin plane, granulated above; nerve strong, slightly excurrent; teeth oblique; lid rostrate. Hook, fy Wils. t. xv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1258. ; (Moug fy Nest. n. 507.) On dripping calcareous rocks and stones. Bearing fruit in summer. Dioicous ; forming dense tufts, often incrusted with a calca- reous deposit. Leaves glaucous, scarcely crisped when dry ; leaf-cells quadrate above, distinct, rectangular below ; sporan- gium ovate ; teeth inclined to the right-hand, deciduous. This constitutes the genus Eucladium, Br. & Schimp., but I think Wilson has done right in retaining it in Weissia. 107. GYMNOSTOMTJM, Hedw. Sporangium erect, on a straight fruitstalk ; veil large, cu- cullate, rostrate ; peristome none, but sometimes the ring of the sporangium remains attached to the top of the columella. 294 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. * Dioicous ; leaves nearly straight- wlien dry. 1. G. temie, Schrad. ; tufted ; leaves elongated, linear, acuminate above; perichEetial leaves sheathing beyond the middle ; sporangium oblong ; lid shortly rostrate ; ring rather broad. Hook, fy Wils. t. vii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2506.; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 810.) On sandstone rocks, etc. Glasgow and Cheshire. Bearing fruit in summer. Forming broad, pale-green patches. Stems very short ; leaves somewhat translucent, suberect; nerve ceasing below the apex ; margin granulated ; leaf- cells minute above, quad- rate or subrotund, gradually more elongated downwards ; mouth of sporangium red, slightly contracted. 2. G. rupestre, Schwag.; tufted, subpulvinate; stems dicho- tomous; leaves spreading, assurgent, linear-lanceolate, obtuse or slightly acute ; nerve thick, ceasing below the tip ; sporan- gium oval ; lid conical, with a short beak. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxxii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2200. ; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 1102.) Crevices of wet. alpine or subalpine rocks. Bearing fruit late in summer. Forming more or less dense brownish-green cushions. Leaves rather rigid ; sporangium thin, truncated when the lid has fallen ; leaf-cells subquadrate, slightly larger at the base and hyaline ; those of the margin granulated. 3. G. curvirostrum, Hedw. ; tufted ; leaves spreading, nearly straight or variously curved, linear-lanceolate, acute, concave below ; margin even, recurved ; sporangium broadly ovate ; lid obliquely rostrate, longer than the sporangium and adhering to the columella. Hook, fy Wils. t. vi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2202, 2214. ; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 905.) Moist alpine and subalpine rocks. Bearing fruit towards the end of summer. WE1SSIEI. 295 Forming brownish -green patches. Stems elongated ; leaves slightly incurved when dry, scarcely twisted, more acute than in the last ; leaf-cells distinct, subquadrate, gradually elon- gated downwards ; the marginal cells above slightly granu- lose ; lid very long ; sporangium with a red shining orifice. ** JUonoicous ; leaves crisped wJi en dry; margin incurved or plane, a. Spore-sac united to the top of the columella. 4. S. squarrosum, Nees fy Hornsch. ; loosely tufted ; leaves squarrose, linear-lanceolate, mucronate from the excurrent nerve, crisped when dry ; margin plane ; sporangium elliptic or ovate, exserted ; fruitstalk rather short ; lid acutely beaked. Hook. mis. t. xxxviii. ; (Plate 24, fig. 7) ; Moug. % Nest, n. 906. In clayey fields and on banks. Lancashire and Cheshire. Bearing fruit in autumn and winter. Forming deep-green patches. Stems forming innovations from the procumbent plant of last year ; spores opaque, brown ; leaf-cells compact, minute above, gradually larger below. Distinguished from G. microstomum by the plane margin and excurrent nerve. 5. G-. microstomum, Hedw. ; densely tufted; leaves elon- gato-lanceolate, crisped when dry ; nerve excurrent ; margin incurved ; sporangium exserted, elliptic ; mouth contracted ; lid rostrate. Hook. $ Wils. t. vii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2215. ; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 608.) On clayey or sandy soil. Bearing fruit in spring. Forming dull-green patches. Stems short, fastigiate ; leaves spreading, recurved below, incurved above ; lid conical or rostrate ; leaf-cells as in the last. Varying in size, length of leaves, form of sporangium, and inclination. 296 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. 6. G-. rostellatum, Schimp. ; leaves linear-lanceolate, erecto- patent and curved, mucronate from the excurrent nerve, minutely papillose, crisped when dry ; sporangium immersed, elliptic; lid very persistent, at length deciduous, obliquely rostrate. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxxviii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2831. ; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 903.) On dried beds of pools. North and south of England. Bearing fruit in autumn and early spring. Slightly caespitose. Leaf-cells as in G. squarrosum, from which it differs principally in its immersed fruitstalk. b. Spore-sac not adherent. 7. G. tortile, Schwag. ; tufted, branches fastigiate ; leaves crowded, slightly crisped when dry, oblongo-lanceolate, obtuse, apiculate ; margin incurved ; nerve strong ; sporangium ellip- tic; lid rostrate. Hook. Wils. t. xxxviii.; (Moug. fy Nest. n. 1003.) On calcareous rocks. Derbyshire, Sussex, Cornwall. Bear- ing fruit in spring. Forming irregular, dense tufts. Nerve of leaves strong, reddish. Differs from the last in its stouter habit, wider leaves, thicker nerve, thicker sporangium, wider mouth, beneath which it is slightly constricted. Leaf-cells as in the last. 108. SYSTEGIUM, Schimp. Sporangium immersed or subimmersed on a very short fruitstalk, symmetrical ; lid persistent, but separating easily from the ripe sporangium ; spores globose, rather small. 1. S. crispum, 8 chimp. ; stem short, subdivided; leaves linear-lanceolate, mucronate from the excurrent nerve, crisped and curled when dry ; margin involute, minutely papillose WEISSIEI. 297 behind. Hook. % Wils. t. v. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1680.; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 703.) In calcareous fields. Bearing fruit in spring. Monoicous ; forming yellowish-green patches. Stem more or less divided ; sporangium elliptic or subglobose, generally immersed, but sometimes exserted on the same plant ; leaf-cells and spores exactly as in G. squarrosum. 2. S. multicapsulare, Schimp. ; stems elongated, loosely tufted ; leaves distant, widely spreading, slightly crisped when dry, lanceolate, apiculate ; margin plane ; perichaetial leaves erect ; sporangia roundish, immersed, often in pairs ; lid somewhat obliquely rostrate. Hook. Wils. t. xxxvii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 618. In fields. Bedfordshire, Yorkshire, and Cheshire. Bear- ing fruit in early spring. Monoicous ; forming dull-green patches. Stem more or less branched, elongated, \ an inch or more long ; perichsetial leaves wider, not crisped when dry and not suddenly acumi- nate; sporangia sometimes in pairs; veil large; leaf-cells large and less opaque. 3. S. Mittenii, Schimp. ; stems elongated ; leaves linear- lanceolate, scarcely crisped when dry ; perichsetial leaves small, spreading; sporangia solitary, somewhat exserted, ovate; lid minute, rostrate ; spores larger. On clay banks. Hurstpierpoint, Sussex. Bearing fruit in spring. The larger spores, more solid leaves, smaller spreading pe- richsetial leaves, seem to indicate a distinct species. The longer fruitstalk, solitary sporangia, and situation of the male flowers at the base of the fertile innovation are perhaps cha- racters of less value. 298 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. ORDER XXXII. PHASCEI, Mont. Sporangium sessile or shortly pedunculate, with or without a columella, indehiscerit without any trace of peristome ; lid confluent with the walls of the sporangium ; veil mitriform or cucullate. 109. PLEURIDIUM, Brid. Sporangium on a short fruitstalk, lateral after innovation, shortly apiculate ; veil cucullate ; leaf-cells above narrow- linear, below oblong. 1. P. nitidum, Br. fy Schimp.; stem delicate; leaves lan- ceolate or linear-lanceolate, erecto-patent, obscurely toothed above ; nerve rounded, vanishing below the apex ; sporangium oval. Hook. Wils. t. v. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1030, 2093. ; Moug. % Nest. n. 605.) In moist fields and soil of dried-up pools. Bearing fruit in autumn and spring. Monoicous ; male flowers produced in the axils of the peri- chsetial leaves, minute. Stems 1-6 lines long, producing in- novations frequently below the fruit, and thus bearing two or three crops of fruit in the same year ; leaf-cells quite different from those of the last genus ; spores nearly of the same size and colour, but not so globose. Varying with a shorter stem, narrower leaves, and roundish sporangium. 2. P. subulatum, Schimp. ; leaves lanceolate, erecto-patent or subsecund ; perichsetial leaves lanceolato-subulate ; nerve rather broad, ceasing near the tip; sporangium immersed, roundish, ovate. Hook. $ Wils. t. v. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2177. ; (Moug. % Nest. n. 112.) On the ground, in fields, etc. Common. Bearing fruit in spring. Monoicous ; yellow or dull-green, mostly simple. Nerve FHASCE1. 299 predominating ; fruitstalk very short, straight ; leaf-cells as in the last ; spores larger. 3. P. alternifolium, Br. fy Schimp. ; stem-leaves distant, lanceolato-acuminate ; perichsetial leaves subulato-setaceous, both from a dilated base ; nerve thick, excurrent ; sporangium ovate, immersed; male flowers gemmiform. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxxvii. ; (Moug. ty Nest. n. 707.) In fallow fields, etc. Scotland, with the north and south of England. Bearing fruit in spring. Monoicous ; forming little brownish tufts. The plant of the first year short, that of the second an inch long from innova- tions ; leaves minutely toothed above. Differs from the last in the wider base of the leaves, the more predominant nerve, the gemmiform male flowers, and the larger ovate sporangium ; leaf-cells shorter than in the two last. The two-years-old plant with its flagelliform innovations has a very different ap- pearance from that of the first year. 110. PHASCUM, Linn. Sporangium produced into an obtuse beak or apiculus ; columella persistent, veil regularly cucullate ; male flowers axillary ; antheridia naked, sometimes gemmiform ; prothallus not permanent ; leaf-cells subrectangular or minute and sub- quadrate, more elongated towards the base. 1. P. cuspidatum, Schreh. ; stem radiculose, simple or CV branched ; leaves ovato-lanceolate or lanceolate and cuspidate, * erect, keeled, concave, hair-pointed from the excurrent nerve ; sporangium roundish on a short fruitstalk, immersed. Hook. A k # Wils. t. v. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2025, 2026, 2259. ; (Moug. % Nest. n. 307.) On the ground, especially in a sandy soil. Common. Bear- ing fruit in early spring. 300 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. Monoicous ; light-green, short or branched. Leaves some- what papillose on either side ; margin reflexed ; sporangium obscurely beaked ; veil conico-campanulate or cucullate ; leaf- cells rather lax, subrectangular, longer at the base. Varying immensely in the length of the stem, the length, direction, and form of the leaves, the curvature and length of the fruit- stalk, the form of the sporangium, etc. ; spores strongly echi- nulate. 2. P. bryoides, Dicks. ; simple or branched ; upper leaves erecto-patent or connivent, ovato-lanceolate, concave ; margin reflexed ; nerve excurrent, forming a long mucro ; sporangium elliptic, exserted, obliquely apiculate. Hook, fy Wils. t. v. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1180. ; (Plate 24, fig. 8) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 705. Open fields ; generally rare, but very common in some parts of Northamptonshire in company with other Phasca. Bear- ing fruit in spring. Monoicous; forming little green or brownish-green tufts. Lid of sporangium variable in length ; leaf-cells as in the last. 111. BBYELLA, Berk. Sporangium roundish, exserted ; lid distinctly defined, though scarcely dehiscent, with an adnate ring of thirty-two cells ; veil cucullate, scabrous above ; leaf-cells crowded above and chlorophyllose. The definite lid and evident ring seem to require the sepa- ration of this from Phascum,> if the genus is to be divided. In the leaf-cells it approaches nearer to the old P. curmcollum, in which however the characters of the lid are different. 1. B. recta, Berk. Hook. % Wils. t. v. ; Eng. Bot. t. 330. ; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 804.) Banks, fields, etc., especially near the sea, affecting more southern latitudes. Bearing fruit in winter or early spring. FIIASCEI. 301 Monoicous. Stem very short ; leaves spreading, elliptic, lanceolate, with an excurrent nerve, distinctly papillose at the back; margin recur, ed; sporangia on straight elongated fruitstalks, often aggregate, chestnut-brown; leaf-cells less translucent than in Pliascum ; spores small, pale, echinulate. 112. CYCNEA, Berk. Sporangium on a curved fruitstalk, globose, confluent with the lid ; veil dimidiate, even ; spores even, translucent ; leaf- cells minute above and crowded, subquadrate, elongated be- low ; anthcridia axillary, naked. The translucent, smooth spores, indicated by Hedwig, are extremely different from the globose, strongly echinulate spores of Phascum cuspulatum y which, together with the curved fruitstalk, different inflorescence and reticulation, in- dicate a distinct genus. 1. C. curvicolla, Berk. Hook. $ Wils. t. v.; Eng. Bot. t. 905. ; (Mouff. % Nest. n. 606.) In open fields, on tops of walls, etc. Bearing fruit in spring. Monoicous ; densely gregarious, reddish. Stem very short ; leaves crowded, erec to- patent, elongato-lanceolate ; nerve strongly excurrent ; margin reflexed ; sporangia sometimes ag- gregate; spores yellowish. Hedwig figures them with a short peduncle, like that in Bovista, which I have not seen, and Greville figures a similar structure in Leptotrichum glaucescens. 113. SPELffiRANGIUM, Schimp. Sporangium spherical, erect, on a very short fruitstalk or pendulous; veil erect, mitriform, fugacious ; columella rather thick ; spore-sac separable ; spores large, subglobose, minutely granulated; leaf-cells large; leaves hyaline; prothallus not permanent ; male flowers rooting. 302 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. 1. S. muticum, Schimp. ; stem very short; leaves widely ovato-acuminate, concave, connivent ; nerve rarely excurrent ; sporangium erect, immersed. Hook. Wils. t. v. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2027. ; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 1204.) In fallow fields, etc. Bearing fruit in autumn and spring. Dioicous ; gregarious, dull-green or brownish. Leaves very broad and concave, forming a little ovate, pointed, bulb-like mass, toothed or entire above ; margin plane ; perichsetial leaves convolute ; spores pale, globose ; leaf-cells smaller than in the next species. 2. S. triquetrum, Schimp. ; stem very short ; leaves tristi- chous, connivent, obovate, boat-shaped, strongly keeled ; margin reflexed ; nerve excurrent, the tip recurved ; sporan- gium horizontal on a long, slender, curved fruitstalk, im- mersed. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxxvii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2901. ; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 802.) On the ground, at the top of cliffs, near the sea. Sussex. Bearing fruit in spring. Monoicous ; gregarious at first, pale-green, then reddish. Leaves very concave, closely embracing the sporangium and forming a subglobose bulb-like mass; the subdimidiate veil soon parts from the sporangium, and often adheres by the en- tire side to the vaginula ; leaf-cells and spores larger. 114. MICROBBYUM, Schimp. Sporangium immersed, roundish-ovate on a very short fruit- stalk, with a blunt beak or apiculus; veil large, many-lobed, erect ; leaf-cells small, rhomboid. 1. M. Floerkeanum, Schimp. Hook. Wils. t. xxxvii.; Eng. Bot. t. 2887. In fields. Durham, Yorkshire, and Sussex. Bearing fruit late in autumn. PHASCEI. 303 Monoicous; gregarious or slightly tufted, brownish. Leaves crowded, erecto-patent, ovato-acuminate, minutely papillose at the back ; margin rcflcxed ; nerve excurrent ; spores small, pale ; antheridia naked, axillary ; leaf-cells much smaller than in Sphcerangium and shorter ; spores small, pale. 115. PHYSCOMITRELLA, Schimp. Sporangium globose, minutely apiculate ; columella thick; veil campanulate, subvesicular when young ; leaf-cells large, hyaline. 1. P. patens, Schimp. Hook, fy Wils. t. v.; Eng. Bot. t. 1279. ; (Plate 24, fig. 9) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 704. Fields, banks, and dricd-up pools. Bearing fruit in the autumn. Monoicous; gregarious, pale-green. Stem 1-3 lines high; leaves spreading, lower scattered, upper crowded, concave, broader above ; nerve slight, ceasing below the tip ; sporangium spherical with a minute point ; spores rather larger, echinu- late ; leaves crumpled when dry ; leaf-cells large. 116. EPHEMERELLA, Schimp. Prothallus persistent ; sporangium immersed, confluent with the lid ; veil regularly cucullate ; spores large ; leaf-cells sub- hexagonal above, more rectangular below. 1. E. recurvifolia, Schimp. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxxvii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2932 ; Grev. Sc. Crypt. Fl. t. 353. ; (Moug. fy Nest. n. 902.) In fallow fields, heaths, etc. Durham, Northamptonshire, Surrey, and Sussex. Bearing fruit in winter. Gregarious, dark-green. Leaves lingulate or linear-lanceo- late, recurved or erect, toothed above ; nerve excurrent ; spo- rangium ovate, subsessile, thick- walled. 304 HANDBOOK OP BRITISH MOSSES. 117. EPHEMERUM, Hampe. Prothallus persistent ; sporangium immersed, confluent with the lid ; veil mitriform ; spores large ; leaf-cells large, hyaline, rhomboido-hexagonal. 1. E. serratum, Mull. ; leaves lanceolate, toothed; nerve less connivent ; sporangium subsessile, subglobose. Hook, fy Wils. t. v. ; Eng. Bot. t. 460, 2106. ; (Moug. fy Nest. n. 803.) On the naked soil, whether sandy or argillaceous. Bearing fruit in winter and early spring. Mpnoicous ; prothallus dense. Stem scarcely any ; leaves suberect, sharply toothed or almost spinulose, sometimes linear- lanceolate and obscurely toothed, hyaline ; spores yellow ; leaf-cells much elongated. 2. E. cohserens, Mull. ; leaves ovato-lanceolate, erect, keeled; nerve reaching to the tip; sporangium immersed, subsessile. Hook, fy Wils. t. xxxvii. On the ground. Hurstpierpoint, Sussex, Mr. Mitten, Bearing fruit in winter. Prothallus abundant. Leaves sometimes nerveless, toothed above, the lower ones nearly nerveless ; sporangium subsphe- rical, pale ; veil mitriform, covering a third part of the spo- rangium. 3. E. sessile, Br. Schimp. ; leaves rather rigid, suberect or subsecund, linear-lanceolate, narrow, mostly toothed above ; nerve excurrent ; sporangium sessile, immersed, small, round- ish. Hook. % Wils. t. xxxvii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2829. On clayey or chalky soil. Sussex and Cheshire. Bearing fruit in autumn and winter. Monoicous; prothallus abundant. Nerve predominant above; leaf-cells not so elongated as in E. serratum and smaller; veil mitriform. SPHAGNEI. 305 118. ARCHIDIUM, Bridel. Sporangium globose, sessile on the short tumid vaginula, without any lid ; coiumella fugacious ; spores very large, few in number ; veil irregular, torn in the middle. 1. A. phascoides, Brid.Hook. fy Wils. t. v. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2107. ; (Plate 24, fig. 10) ; Moug. $ Nest. n. 904. In heaths and fields. Bearing fruit in spring. Monoicous. Stem at first short, sending off innovations for one or two years from the base of the female flowers ; sterile shoots flagelliform with scattered, minute, shorter leaves ; fertile stem stouter ; leaves lanceolate, entire ; nerve ceasing below the minutely toothed tip; perichaetial leaves larger, toothed above ; spores from eight to sixteen in each sporangium, subgloboso-tetrahedric, with one convex and three or four flat sides ; veil membranous ; leaf-cells lax, subhexa- gonal, elongated, nearly uniform. FAMILY III. SYNCLADEI. Branches fasciculate ; fruit cladocarpous. OBDER XXXIII. SPHAGNEI, Mont. 119. SPHAGNUM, Dill Sporangium globose ; receptacle elongated, fleshy ; peri- stome none ; veil ruptured near the middle ; leaf-cells of two kinds, the one large, containing a spiral thread, the walls perforated between the spirals ; the other linear, surrounding the first ; prothallus scale-like. * Leaves obtuse. 1 . S. cymbifolium, Ehr. ; stem robust, mostly bipartite ; 306 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. branchlets turgid, obtuse, spreading, two or three together, flagelliform, pendulous and more or less adpressed to the stem ; stalk-leaves lingulate, rounded at the tip ; branch- leaves broadly ovate ; margin incurved above ; tip scabrous ; utricles of branches lined with spiral fibres. Hook, fy Wils. t. iv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1405. ; (Plate 2, fig. 1) ; Moug. Nest. n. 113. Peat-mosses. Bearing fruit in summer. Dioicous. Stem often much elongated ; branches obtuse ; leaves mostly white, sometimes reddish ; utricles of stem and branches lined with spiral lines, perforated or imperforate. 2. S. compaction, Brid. ; stems densely tufted ; branches crowded, short, mostly in pairs ; leaves ovate, attenuated up- wards, eroded at the tip and toothed ; utricles of stem without spiral threads. Hook. $ Wils. t. Ixi. ; (Plate 22, fig. 2) ; Moug. Nest. n. 805. Wet moors. Bearing fruit in late summer. Known by its densely tufted habit, short branches, longer eroded leaves, and especially by the want of all trace of spiral threads in the utricles of the stem. Pores of cells smaller than in the last. 3. S. molluscum, Bruch ; stem soft ; leaves roundish- oval ; utricles of stem recurved above ; sporangium small, thin. Hook, ty Wils. t. Ix. ; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 808.) Wet boggy spots. Bearing fruit in early summer. Forming short pale-yellow tufts. Branches mostly three to- gether, spreading or deflexed ; the tips of the external utricles, which are without spiral threads, free above and recurved, with a terminal pore ; tip of leaves slightly eroded and toothed ; sporangium small ; spores yellow. 4. S. rubellum, Wils. ; dioicous ; branches short, attenu- ated, deflexed ; leaves elliptic, obtuse ; fruitstalk short. Hook. & Wils. t. Ix. SPHAGNEI. 307 In peat-mosses with other species. Distinguished from /S. acutifolium by its smaller size, ob- tuse elliptic leaves, dioicous inflorescence, and deep-red peri- gonia. ** Leave* acuminate. 5. S. acutifolium, Ehr. ; branches slender, attenuated, spreading; stem-leaves ovate, erect; branch-leaves ovato- lanceolate, tapering, eroded, erecto-patent ; sporangium on a long stalk. Hook. % Wils. t. iv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1406. ; (Plate 2, fig. 4) ; Moug. % Nest. n.ll. In swamps. Bearing fruit in summer. Monoicous. Leaves often lilac ; stalk of sporangium very long ; spores ferruginous. A very variable species, from a few inches to a foot in length. Male flowers purple, perichaetial leaves thin, convo- lute, without pores or fibres, acute. 6. S. fimbriatum, Wils. ; stem much elongated ; branches very slender, pendulous ; stem-leaves large, close-pressed, ob- ovate, laciniate; branch-leaves ovato-lanceolate ; perichsetial leaves large, obovate, obtuse; sporangium on a short stalk. Hook. Sr Wils. t. Ix. In swamps. Bearing fruit abundantly in summer. Monoicous. Leaves never red ; stem-leaves without pores and fibres ; perichsetial leaves solid. 7. S. cuspidatum, Ehr. ; stem elongated ; branches fasci- culate, attenuated, some deflexed, closely adpressed ; stem- leaves ovate, acute, spreading ; branch-leaves lanceolate, taper- ing ; margin undulated when dry. Hook. Wils. t. Ixi. ; Eng. Bot. t. 2092. ; (Moug. % Nest. n. 405, 1306.) In deep peat-mosses. Distinguished from the two last by its longer, more loosely imbricated leaves, which are undulated when dry, changing x 2 308 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. rather to ferruginous than purple. Extremely variable; in the plumose variety the leaves are very narrow and much elongated (Hook, fy Wils. t. iv.). 8. S. recurvum, P. Beauv. ; stem elongated, branchlets spreading with short, oblongo-Tanceolate, erecto-patent, plane leaves, recurved when dry ; margin undulated. S. Mougeotii, Moug. & Nest. n. 1306. Growing intermixed with S. cuspidatum, W. Wilson. Bear- ing fruit in summer. 9. S. contortum, Schultz ; stem dark, with a simple layer of cortical cells ; branches recurved ; stem-leaves broadly ovate, branch-leaves acuminate, ovato-lanceolate, often subse- cund ; cells crowded ; pores biseriate, minute, numerous. Hook. Wils. t. Ix. ; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 806, 807.) In peat-mosses. Bearing fruit in July. Monoicous, often slightly fawn-coloured, variable, but dis- tinguished by the brownish colour of the main stem, the simple layer of cortical cells, and the biseriate minute pores. The spiral threads often become reticulate. The branches are sometimes but not always contorted, and in the variety obesum they are swollen as in S. cymbifolium. In Spruce's variety S laricinum, however, there is more than one cortical layer, but there are still the same minute pores. Wilson however suspects that this may prove eventually dis- tinct. 10. S. squarrosum, P. ; stems elongated ; cortical stratum double, not porous ; branchlets horizontal and deflexed ; cor- tical cells slightly prominent above; leaves ovate, acuminate, recurved, squarrose ; pores large. Hook. Wils. t. iv. ; Eng. Bot. t. 98. ; (Plate 2, fig. 5) ; Moug. % Nest. n. 209. In bogs. Bearing fruit in summer. Monoicous ; grass-green above ; easily known by its squar- ANDRE.EI. 309 rose, ovato-acuminate leaves. The squarrose varieties of H. cymbifolium and cuspidatum may be known by their leaves. FAMILY IV. SCHISTOCARPI. Sporangium quadrifid or multifid ; receptacle elongated. ORDER XXXIV. ANDEE^EI, Lindl. 120. ANDREW A, Ehr. Fruit acrocarpous ; receptacle elongated ; sporangium sessile, four-cleft or four-valved, united above by the persistent lid ; veil mitriform ; leaf-cells punctiform. * Leaves nerveless. 1. A. alpina, Dill. ; stem ' elongated ; branches fastigiate; leaves crowded, erecto- patent, even, obovate, acuminate, con- tracted in the middle, mostly entire above, toothed below ; inner perichsetial leaves convolute. Hook. Wils. t. viii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1278. ; (Plate 2, fig. 6.) On alpine rocks. Bearing fruit in early summer. Monoicous; bearing the antheridia on slender innovations; forming dense tufts 2 or 3 inches high. Leaves often contracted below so as to be somewhat Ungulate or panduriform, even, reddish or purplish, abruptly pointed ; leaf-cells punctiform above, elongated and vermiform below ; walls very thick ; spo- rangium apophysate when young ; valves reaching to the apo- physis ; perichsetial leaves large ; the inner ones convolute. 2. A. petrophila, Ehr. ; stem short ; leaves patent or sub- secund, ovate, acuminate, but rather obtuse, papillose behind ; perichsetial leaves large, convolute. Hook, fy Wils. t. viii. ; Eng. Bot. t. 1277.; (Moug. $ Nest. n. 115.) 310 HANDBOOK OF BRITISH MOSSES. On subalpine rocks. Bearing fruit in early summer. Extremely variable in habit, the size and direction of the leaves, etc., but always distinguishable from the last by its rufous, opaque, papillose leaves, which are frequently more or less secund, even in plants where many are spreading. Found in all parts of the world. ** Leaves nerved. 3. A. Rothii, Web. fy Mohr ; monoicous ; stems short, fastigiate ; leaves spreading, curved or falcate at the tip, ovate below, subulate above, even, opaque; nerve reaching to the apex; perichsetial leaves rather short, elliptic, convolute. Hook. % mis. t. viii.; Eng. Bot. t. 2162. ; (Plate 2, fig. 7) ; Moug. Nest. n.llQ. On alpine and subalpine rocks. Bearing fruit in early summer. Varying like the last in the direction of the leaves, which exhibit different shades of brown, sometimes so dark as to be almost black; nerve predominant towards the apex; leaf- cells of the disk larger than those towards the margin. Schimper considers this to be the true Jungermannia ru- pestris of Linnaeus ; others think that it is A. petrophila. 4. A. nivalis, Hook. ; dioicous ; stems elongated, fastigiate, falcate above ; leaves falcato -secund, papillose, opaque ; leaf- cells quadrate ; perichsetial leaves resembling the cauline; veil very small. Hook, ty Wils. t. viii.; Eng. Bot. t. 2334. On high alpine rocks. Scotland and Wales. Bearing fruit, but rarely, in summer. The dioicous inflorescence, the conformity of the periehsetial leaves to those of the stem, the laxer reticulations, which are quadrate to the very base, and other points abundantly dis- tinguish this from the last. There are frequently more than four valves to the sporangium. 311 GLOSSARY. Acicular, shaped like a bodkin. Acrocarpous, bearing fruit at the tip of the stem or branches. Annulus, a little ring, which is often elastic, at the rim of the mouth of the sporangium. Antheridia, oblong or globular cel- lular bodies, containing the sper- matozoids. Apophysis, a swelling of greater or less size at the base of the spo- rangium or tip of the fruitstalk, sometimes belonging more or less to both. Apophysate, fumished with an apo- physis. Appendiculate, fringed with little fragmentary bodies. Archegonium, the young flask-shaped female fruit, in the cavity of which the embryonic cell is generated. Areolate, divided into little areae, a term applied to the cellular tissue of the leaves. Bifarious, two-ranked, a term ap- plied to the leaves. Bigeminate, a term applied to the teeth of the peristome when com- bined in two pairs. Catyptra, the membranous cap of the sporangium, derived from the wall of the areheponium, which splits below and is earned up by the swollen sporangium as the fruitstalk elongates. Cancellated, like lattice- work. Cgjpsule, a name usually applied to the sporangium, but rejected here because it is manifestly incorrect. Cernuous, drooping : spoken of the sporangium. Chlorophyllous, spoken of the leaf- cells when they manifestly contain a green grumous mass, or little pellets of chlorophyll. Cilia, processes which sometimes alternate with the teeth of the in- ner peristome. Cladocarpous, used when the spo- rangia iuv produced on extremely short branchlets. C SR SnnvlpflpT"! ^4< Spores 9 23 Polytricha, 27. Polytrichum, 13, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. commune, 35. dendroides, 13. giganteum, 13. Spore-sac, 22. Stark, 38. Stegocarpi, 43. Stem, 13. Stolons, 13. Stomates, 17. Pottia, 24. - - rnvifnlin 1 *7 ^R Syrrhopodontei, 36. TppfVi 94, Proembryo, 10. Prophy ton 1 1 Tetraphis, 24, 25. nollnpifln fi Prothallus, 10. Protonemata, 10. Psilopilum, 34. Pyramidula, 34. Kacomitrium lanuginosum, 35. Tetrodontium, 14, Thallus, 10. Thamnium alopecuruui, 14. Theca, 7. Thuidium, 17. INDEX TO INTRODUCTION. 319 Tillandsia?, 6. Tortula, 25, 45. ruralis, 32. Trematodon, 34. Trichostomum, 45. Vaginula, '20. \ . . i. :;i. Webera, 18. Weissia controversa, 35. 320 INDEX TO GENERA AND SPECIES. Acrocarpi, 50, 161. Amblyodon, 52, 178. dealbatus, 179. Amblystegium, 96. Amphoridium, 219. Anacalypta, 57, 268. csespitosa, 268. lanceolata, 268. latifolia, 269. Starkeana, 268. Andreaea, 61, 309. alpina, 309. nivalis, 310. petrophila, 309. petrophila, 310, Eothii, 310. Anodus, 59, 287. Donianus, 287. Anoectanglei, 50, 155. Anoectangium, 50, 155. compactum, 155. Hornschucliianum, 156. Anomobryum, 53, 188. julaceum, 188. Anomodon, 49, 151. longifolius, 152. viticulosus, 151. Antitrichia, 49, 148. curtipendula, 148. Archidium, 60, 305. phascoides, 305. Arctoa, 59, 286. fulvella, 286. Atrichum, 54, 212. angustatum, 213. tenellum, 213. undulatum, 212. Aulacomnion, 53, 205. aridrogynum, 205. palustre, 206. Barbula, 253. Bartramia, 51, 169. arcuata, 173. calcarea, 172. crispa, 170. fontana, 172. Halieriana, 170. ithyphylla, 169. ithyphylla, xxxv. marchica, xxxv. CEderi, 171. pomiformis, 170. pulverulenta, 264. rigida, 171. stricta, xxxv. Bartraraiei, 51, 168. Bartramidula, 51, 173. Wilsoni, 173. Blindia, 59, 286. acuta, 286. Brachyodus, 59, 289. tricliodes, 289. Brachythecium, 77. Breutelia, 173. Bryei, 52, 181. Bryella, 60, 300. recta, 300. Bryum, 53, 189. aJpmum, 194. avgentcum, 195. atropiirp i ireum, 194. bimum, 192. caespiticium, 195. calophyllura, 191. Brynxn continued. canariense, 197. capillare, 195. cavifolium, xxxvi. Donianum, 196. Duvalii, xxxri. erythrocarpum, 193. inclinatum, 190. intermedium, 192. lacustre, 191. Marratii, 191. Muhlenbeckii, 194. murale, xxxvi. murorum, xxxv. neodamense, xxxvi. obcom'cum, 196. pallens, 198. pendulum, 189. pseudotriquetrum, 197. radiculosum, 194. roseum, 198. rubens, 194. stellatum, 255. torquescens, 193. turbinatum, 198. uliginosum, 189. Buxbaumia, 54, 214. aphyUa, 215. Buxbaumiei, 54, 214. Gamptotheciuna, 75. Campylopodii, 272. Campylopus, 58, 272. brevipilus, 274. densus, 272. flexuosus, 273. polytriclioides, 273. setifolius, 272. INDEX TO GENERA AND SPECIES. 321 Campylopus con- Dicranodontium, 58, fniued. 2.1 {. torfaceus, 272. longirostre, 274. Campylostelium, 29, Dicranum, 58, 276. 290. Blyttii, 277. saxicola, 290. circinatum, 278. Catoscopium, .">] . 168. falcatum, 277. nigritum, 1G8. fuscescens, 278. Ceratodon, 58, 274. majus, 279. purpureus, 275. palustre, 279. Cinclidium, 52, 181. robustum, 280. si v^ium, 181. Schraderi, 279. Cinclidotus, 56, 218. scoparium, 278. fontinaloides, 249. Scottianum, 277. riparius, 248. spurium, 280. Cladocarpi, 156. Starkii, 276. Climacium, 48, 140. Didymodon, 57, 264. deudroides, 140. cylindricus, 265. Conostomum, 51, 168. flexifolius, 265. boreale, 169. luridus, 265. Cryphsea, 47, 65. recurvifolius, 266. lu-UTomalla, 65. rubellus, 264. Cryptothecii, 47, 65. Diphyscium, 54, 214. Cycnea, 60, 301. foliosum, 214. curvicolla, 301. Disceliei, 51, 167. Cylindrothecium, 48, Discelium, 51, 167. 141. nudum, 167. Moiitagnei, 141. Dissodon, 51, 163. Cynodontiura, 58, 284. Froelichiauus, 163. Eruntoni, 284. splachnoides, 163. polycarpiim, 285. Distichium, 57, 266. virens, 285. capillaceum, 266. inclinatum, 267. Daltonia, 47, 66. Drepanophyllei, 50, splaclmoides, 66. 156. Desmatodon, 57, 267. latifolius, 267. Encalypta, 56, 246. nrrrosus, 262. ciliata, 247. Dichelyma, 47, 64. commutata, 246. capillaceum, 64. rhabdocarpa, 248. falcatum, 64. streptocarpa, 248. Dichodontium, 58, 284. vulgaris, 246. pellucidum, 284. Encalyptei, 56, 245. Dicranei, 58, 271. Entosthodon, 52, 175. Dicranella, 58, 280. ericetoruiii, 175. covviculata, 282. fasciculare, 175. crispa, 280. Templetoni, 176. Grevilleana, 281. Ephemerella, 60, 303. heteromalla, 283. recurvifolia, 303. rufescens, 283. Ejgthemerum, 60, 304. Schreberi, 281. coliaM-i-ns, 30k squarrosa, 281. ^iTutum, 304. subulata, 283. MBsTlc, 304. varia, 282. Eupleurocarpi, 62. Eurhynchium, 85, 89. Pisaidens, 50, 156. adiantoides, 156. asplenioideSy 158. bryoides, 159. ex'ilis, 162. incurvus, 160. incur mis, 158. osmundioides, 158. polyphyllus, 158. m-rrultituti, 158. tamarindifblius, 158. taxifolius, 157. viridulus, 159. Fontinalis, 46, 62. antipyretica, 62. antipyretica, 63. squamosa, 63. Funaria, 52, 176. calcarea, 177. hibernica, 177. hygrometrica, 177. Punariei, 52, 174. Glyphomitrium, 55, 232. Daviesii, 232. Grimmia, 55, 237. atrata, 237. Donniana, 239. Hartmannii, 240. leucophcea, 238. orbicularis, 241. ovata, 239. pulvinata, 241. Schultzii, 240. spiralis, 241. torta, 241. trichophylla, 240. unicolor, 238. Gymnostomum, 59, 293. curvirostrum, 294. microstomum, 295. microstomum, 292,295. rostellatum, 296. rupestre, 294. equarrosum, 295. squarrosum, 296, 297. tenue, 294. tortile, 206. Hedwigia, 5G, 245. 322 INDEX TO GENERA AND SPECIES. Hedwigia continued. Hypnum continued. ciliata, 245. fluitans, 118. Hedwigiacei, 56, 244. fluviatile, 98. Hedwigidium, 56,244. giganteum, xxxv* iraberbe, 244. glareosum, 78. Heterocladium, 48, HaUeri, 100. 134. hamulosum, 124. dimorphum, 134. illecebrum, 84. heteropterum, 134. incurvatum, 127. Homalia, 47, 72. irriguum, 95. trichomanoides, 72. Kneiffii, 116. Homalothecium, 48, loreum, 115. 142. lutescens, 75. sericeum, 142. lycopodioides, 118. Hookeria, 47, 67. xnegapolitanum, 94. acutifolia, 67. micans, 132. Iffite-virens, 67. micranthum, 124. lucens, 67. molle, 104. Hookeriei, 47, 66. molluscum, 123. Hylocomium, 110. Miihlenbeckii, 129. Hyocomium, 115. murale, 93. Hypnei, 47, 73. myosuroides, 89. Hypaum, 48, 73, 116. xiitens, 76. aduncum, 117. Oakesii, 112. aduncum, XXXY, ochraceutn, 126. albioans, 78. palustre, 103. alpestre, 104. palustre, xxxv. arcticum, 104. pellucidum, xxxv. Blandovii, 110. piliferum, 86. brevirostre, 113. plumosum, 82. C-Bspitosum, 83. polygamum, 102. callichroum, 135. polymorphum, 100. chrysophyllum, 101. populeum, 82. circmatum, 90. praelongum, 87. cirrhosum, 87. pratense, 125. commutatura, 121. pulchellum, 128. confertum, 93. pumilum, 88. cordifolium, 107. purum, 109. cordifolium, xxxv. radicale, 97. crassinervium, 85. resupinatum, 125. Crista-castrensis, 123. reflexum, 80. cupressiforme, 125. revolvens, 119. cuspidatum, 108. riparium, 98. demissura, 95. rivulare, 81. demissum, 75. rugosum, 122. denticulatum, 130. ruscifolium, 92. depressum, 74. rutabulum, 80. depressum, 75. salebrosum, 77. elegans, 131. sarmentosum, 106. elodes, 90. Schreberi, 108. eugyrium, xxxv. scorpioides, 127. exannulatum, 120. serpens, 96. filicinum, 121. silesiacum, 129. flageUare, 115. Sommerfelti, 101. Hypnum continued. speciosum, 86. splendens, 110. squarrosum, 113. stellatum, 102. Stokesii, 88. striatulum, 91. striatum, 91. strigosum, 90. Swartzii, 88. sylvaticum, 131. Teesdalii, 89. teneUum, 96. trifarium, 106. triquetrum, 114. umbratum, 111. uncinatum, 119. undulatum, 132. velutirium, 79. vernicosum, xxxv. Isothecii, 48, 139. Isothecium, 48, 139. myosuroides, 140. myurum, 139. Jungermannia rwpestris, 310. Lampurus, 151. Leptobryum, 53, 204. pyriforme, 204. Leptodon, 49, 154. Smithii, 154. Leptotrichum, 57, 262. flcxicaule, 262. glaucescens, 263. homomallum, 263. subulatum, 263. tortile, 262. Leskea, 49, 153. polycarpa, 153. Leucobryum, 58, 275. glaucum, 276. Leucodon, 49, 150. lagurus, 150. soiuroides, 150. Meesia, 52, 179. longiseta, 180. uliginosa, 179. Meesiei, 52, 178. Microbryum, 60, 302. Floerkeanum, 302. Mielichoferia, 50, 161. , 161. INDEX TO GENERA AND SPECIES. 323 Mielichoferia conti- Orthotrichum conti- nued. nued. obtusifolium, 221. Lyellii, 227. pallens, 224. pulchellum, 226. nit Ida, 161. pumilum, 222. Mielichoferiei,50,161. rivulare, 225. Myrinia, 49, 146. rupestre, 223. pulvinata, 146. speciosum, 223. Myurella, 49, 144. Sprucei, 225. julacea, 144. stramineura, 224. apiculata, xxxv. ttriatum, 227. Mnium, 52, 182. tenellum, 222. ailine, 182. cinclidioides, 186. Paludella, 52, 180. cuspidatum, 183. squarrosa, 180. hornum, 184. Phascei, 60, 298. insigne, 183. Phascum, 60, 299. ortkorhynclium, 185. bryoides, 300. puuctatum, 186. cuspidatum, 299. rostratum, 184. Philoscia, 49, 146. serratum, 181. latebricola, 146. stellare, 185. Physcomitrella, 60, subglobosum, 187. 303. Mtjurium, 151. patens, 303. Neckera, 47, 68. Physcomitrium, 52, complanala, 71. 174. crispa, 70. pyriforme, 174. oligophylla,) 69. sphrericum, 174. pennata, 69. Plagiothecium, 128. Philippeana, xxxv. Platydictya, 49, 145. pumila, 70. Sprucei, 145. pumila, xxxv. Pleuridium, 60, 298. alternifolium, 299. Neckerei, 47, 68. nitidura, 298. subulaturn, 298. OJdipodium, 53, 162. Pleurocarpi, 46, 62. Griffitliianum, 162. Pogonatum, 54, 210. Oligotrichum, 54, 212. aloides, 210. hercynicum, 212. alpinum, 211. Oreadei, 51, 168. nanum, 210. Orthodontium, 53, 205. urnigerum, 211. gracile, 205. Polytrichiei, 53, 207. Orthothecium, 48, 143. Polytrichum, 53, 207. rufescens, 143. commune, 209. intricatum, 143. formosum, 208. Orthotrichiei, 55, 219. gracile, 208. Orthotrichum, 55, 220. juuiperinum, 209. affine, 222. piliferum, 208. anomalum, 220. sexangulare, 207. cupulatum, 220. strictum, 209. diaplianum, 226. Pottia, 58, 269. fallax, 221. cavifolia, 269. fastigiatum, 223. crinita, 271. leiocarputn, 227. Heimii, 271. Pottia con fin ued. ininutula, 270. truucata, 270. Wilsoni, 270. Pottiei, 57, 267. Pseudoleskea,48,137. atrovirens, 138. catenulata, 138. Pterig-ynandrum, 49, 147. filiforme, 147. Pteroe:onium, 49, 152. irnicile, 152. Ptychodium, 48, 133. plicatum, 133. Ptychomitriei, 55,231. Ptychomitrium, 55, 231. polyphyllum, 231. Pylaisia, 48, 141. polyantha, 142. Racomitrium, 55, 232. aciculare, 236. canescens, 233. eUipticum, 236. fasciculare, 234. heterostichum, 234. lanuginosum, 233. microcarpum, 234. patens, 236. protensum, 235. sudeticum, 235. Rhabdoweissia, 59, 290. deuticulata, 291. fugax, 290. Rhyncostee^um,89,92. Ripariacei, 56, 248. Schistidium, 56, 242. apocarjDum, 2i3. confertum, 243. maritiinum, 243. Schistocarpi, 61, 309. Schistostega, 50, 161. osmundacea, 161. Schistostep:ei, 50, 161. Scleropodium, 83. Seligeria, 59, 288. calcarea, 288. calcicola, 289. pusilla, 288. reciirvata, 289. 324 INDEX TO GENERA AND SPECIES. Seligeria continued. tristicha, 289. Sphagnei, 61, 305. Sphagnum, 61, 305. acutifolium, 307. acutifolium, 307. compaction, 306. contortum, 308. cuspidatum, 307. cuspidatum, 308, 309. cymbifolium, 308. cymbifolium, 308, 309. fimbriatum 307. laricinum, 308. molluscum, 306. obesum, 308. recurvum, 308. rubellum, 306. squarrosum, 308. Splachnei, 50, 162. Splachnum, 51, 165. ampullaceum, 166. . sphsericum, 165. Turnerianum, 166. vasculosum, 166. Spirt dens, 62. Stylostegium, 59, 287. csespiticium, 287. Syncladei, 60, 305. Syntrichia, 250. Systegium, 59, 296. crispum, 296. Mittenii, 297. multicapsulare, 297. Tayloria, 51, 164. serrata, 164. tenuis, 164. Tetraphidei, 54, 215. Tetraphis, 54, 216. peUucida, 216. Tetraplodon, 51, 164. angustatus, 164. mnioides, 165. Tetrodontium, 54, 215. Brownianum, 216. Thamnium, 49, 149. alopecurum, 149. Thuidium, 48, 135. abietinum, 137. Blandovii, 110. delicatulum, 136. tamariscinum, 135. Timmia, 53, 206. austriaca, 206. megapolitana, 207. Tortula, 57, 250. aloides, 259. . ambigua, 259. canescens, 253. \ convoluta, 255. cuneifolia, 254. fallax, 257. ffracilis, 257. Hornschuchiana, 256. intermedia, 251. Isevipila, 252. latifolia, 251. marginata, 253. Mulleri, 250. muralis, 253. oblongifblia, 254, xxxv. papillosa, 250. recurvifolia, 258. revoluta, 256. rigida, 259. ruralis, 250. squarrosa, 255. stellata, 255. subulata, 252. tortuosa, 255. unguiculata, 258. Yakliana, xxxvi. vinealis, 257. Trematodon, 157. Trichodon, 58, 275. cylindricus, 275. Trichostomei, 56, 249. Trichostomum, 57, 260. conrolutum, 261. crispulum, 261- mutabile, 261. Trichostomum conti- nued. rigidulum, 260. tophaceum, 260. Ulota, 55, 228. Bruchii, 229. crispa, 229. crispula, 230. Drummondii, 228. Hutchinsia), 229. Ludwigii, 230. phyllantha, 230. Webera, 53, 200. acuminata, 200. albicans, 203. annotina, 202. carnea, 202. cruda, 202. elongata, 201. Ludwigii, 203. nutans, 201. polymorpha, 200. Tozeri, 204. "Weissia, 59, 291. cirrhata, 292. controversa, 291. crispula, 293. mucronata, 292. pusilla, 289. verticillata, 293. "Weissiei, 59, 287. Zieria, 53, 187. demissa, 188. julacea, 187. Zygodon, 55, 217. conoideus, 217. Fosteri, 217. gracilis, 219. lapponicus, 219. Mougeotii, 218. viridissimus, 218. Zygodontei, 55, 217. PLATE I. Fig. 1. Prothallus of Sphagnum cuspidatum (after Hofmeister). Fig. 2. Archegonium of Phascum, showing the embryonic cell with its nucleus just after impregnation, magnified (after Hofmeis^elT. Fig. 3. Antheridium and garaphyses of Mnium punctatum, magni- fied. The antheridium is ejecting the spermatozoids. Fig. 4. Antheridium of Sphagnum (after Hofmeister). Fig. 5. Perforated leaf-cells of Sphagnum, containing a spiral thread, and surrounded by narrow chlorophyllous cells, magnified. Fig. 6. Perforated cells of Leucobryum glaucum, enclosing chloro- phyllous cells. Fig. 7. Section of upper part of sporangium of Phascum cuspida- tum, magnified (after Lantzius-Beninga). c. columella. s. spore-sac, a. walls of spore-sac. *. intermediate space. m. inner wall of intermediate space. k. outer wall of intermediate space. w. wall of sporangium. Fig. 8. Section of upper part of spOTangjum of Bartramia fontana, magnified (after Lantzius-Beninga) . c. columella. *. spore-sac. a. outer wall of spore-sac. i. intermediate space, traversed with threads. m. inner wall of intermediate space. k. outer wall of intermediate space. I. row of cells continued from m. g. row of cells continued from top of intermediate space. d. inner peristome, formed from the thickening of the outer wall of the cells in I and the inner wall of the cells in g. k. row of cells continued from outer wall of intermediate space. b. outer peristome, formed by the thickening of the outer wall of the cells in g and of the inner wall of the cells in h. k. m a 'lucent Brooks ,hnp PLATE II. 1. Sphagnum cymbifolium. a. plant, nat. size. b. cells from stem, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium. 2. S. compactum. a. plant, nat. size. b. cells from stem, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium. 3. S. molluscum. a. plant, nat. size. b. cells from stem, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. 4. S. acutifolium. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium with remains of veil, magnified. d. lid, magnified. W J3 2"$ 5. S. squaiTosum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium with remains of veil, magnified. 6. Andreaea alpina. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaves, magnified. c. portion of leaves, magnified. d. young sporangium, magnified. e. sporangium ruptured, magnified. 7. A. rupestris. a. plant, nat. size. 6, c. leaves, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. ./-^T ***$& I. *" ^Tr-cent Brooks Imp PLATE III. 1. Fontinalis squamosa. a. leaf, mngnified. b. sporangium with perichsetium, magnified. c. portion of outer and inner peristome, magnified. 2. F. antipyretica. a. leaf, magnified. b. leaf-cells, magnified. c. sporangium with perichsetium, magnified. d. ygil, magnified. e. sporangium with peristome, magnified. 3. Cryphasa heteromalla. a. leaf, magnified. b. leaf-cells, magnified. c. sporangium with perichsetium, magnified. d. veil, magnified. 4. Daltonia splachnoides. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. 5. Hookeria lucens. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. 6. H. laete-virens. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. Plate 3. ritcn,dcLet PLATE IV. 1. Neckera complanata. a. leaves, magnified. b. leaf-cells, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. veil, magnified. 2. N. crispa. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. veilj magnified. 3. N. pumila. a. leaf magnified. b. sporangium magnified. c. part of peristome, magnified, seen from within. 4. N. pennata. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified, with perichsetium. B. Homalia trichomanoides. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peristome, magnified. 6. Hypnum nitens. a. rootlets, magnified. b. tip of one more highly magnified. c. leaves, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. Plate 4- "Vincent Brooks, Imp. PLATE V. 1. Hypnum albicans. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. lid, magnified. \j U ; ^ ^ 2. H. lutescens. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. plumosum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 4. H. velutinum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, with peristome, magnified. c. sporangium, with lid, magnified. 5. H. rotabulum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. t. part of peristome, magnified. d. ring, magnified. 6. H. rivulare. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. Plate 5 PLATE VI. 1. Hypnum ruscifolium. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 2. H. murale. a. leaf, magnified. b. young veil, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. riparium. a. leaf magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. male inflorescence, magnified. d. antheridium, magnified. 4. H. polygamum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 5. H. chrysophyllum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 6. H. stellatum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. Plat6. Vincent Brooks fern. PLATE VII. 1. Hypnum palustre. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 2. H. molle. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. arcticum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 4. H. stramineum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 5. H. trifarium. a. leaves, magnified. 6. H. cordifolium. a. leaves, magnified. b. young veil, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. PlsuLe ' PLATE VIII. 1. Hypnum cuspidatum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 2. H. Schreberi. a. leaves, from before and behind, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. purum. a. leaves, from before and behind, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 4. Thuidium tamariscinum. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 5. Hypnum Blandovii. a. leaf, magnified. . b. leaf, seen from behind, with down-like paraphylh c. sporangium, magnified. PLATE IX. 1. Hypnum splendens. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 2. H. brevirostre. a. leaves, from before and behind, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. triquetrum. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 4. H. loreum. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 5. H. flagellare. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 1 PLATE X. 1. Hypnum squarrosum (a procumbent form) a. leaf from behind, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 2. H. aduncum. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. fluitans. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 4. H. revolveiis. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 5. H. commutatum. a. leaf from behind, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 6. H. filicinum. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. Plate 10. Brooks. Imp PLATE XI. 1. Hypnum uncinatum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 2. H. Crista-castrensis. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. molluscum (different from the usual habit). a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 4. H. cupressiforme. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 5. H. scorpioides. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. male inflorescence, magnified. 6. H. demissum. a. leaves from before and behind, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. Plate 11 t Brooks. Imjp PLATE XII. 1. Hypiium pulchellum. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 2. H. denticulatum. a. leaf, magnified. 6. sporangium, magnified. 3. H. elegans. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 4. H. undulatum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 5. Pylaisia polyantha. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peristome, magnified. 6. Homalothecium sericeum. a. leaves, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. Plate 12. V! etlith. Vincent Broolcq, Imp . PLATE XIII. 1. Thamnium alopecurum. a. leaf, magnified. b. veil, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 2^ Climacium dendroides. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peristome, magnified. 3. Leucodon sciuroides. a. leaves, magnified. b. leaf-cells, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome with ring, magnified. 4. Antitrichia curtipendula. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peristome, magnified. d. portion of inner peristome, more highly magnified. 5. Leptodon Smithii. a. leaves, magnified. b. veil, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. 6. Anomodon viticulosum. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peristome seen from within, magnified. Plate 13. "Vincent Brocks. Imp PLATE XIV. 1. Ancectangiura compactum. a. sporangium, magnified. b. sporangium after lid has fallen. c. leaf, magnified. d. leaf-cells, magnified. 2. Fissidens adiantoides. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peris tome, magnified. 3. F. taxoides. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 4. Schistostega osmundacea. a. plant, magnified. b. part more highly magnified. c. lid, magnified. 5. (Edipodmm Griffithii. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. 6. Dissodon splachnoides. a. leaf, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. c. portion of peristome, magnified. 7. Tayloria serrata. a. leaf, magnified. b. young veil, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. sporangium, when dry. e. portion of peristome, magnified. Vincent Brooks, Imp. PLATE XV. 1. Tetraplodon angustatus. a. plant, nat. size. c. veil, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium with lid, magnified. e. sporangium without lid, magnified. 2. T. mnioides. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium with lid, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium without lid. e. portion of peristome, magnified. 3. Splachnum sphaericum. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium with lid, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium without lid. 4. S. ampul! aceum. a. plant, male and female, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 5. S. vasculosum. a. plant, male and female, nat. size. c. sporangium with lid, mag. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium without lid. 6. Discelium nudum. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. peristome with ring and spores, mag. 7. Catoscopium nigritum. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. b. leaves, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. 8. Conostomum boreale. a. plant, nat. size. c. portion of peristome, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of one of the teeth, mag. e. leaf, magnified. rWenl Brook?, imp. PLATE XVI. 1. Bartramia ithyphylla. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. 2. B. pomiformis. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. leaf-cells and margin, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of peristome, magnified. 3. B. (Ederi. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 4. B. calcarea. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of inner peristome of B. fontana, magnified. 5. Entosthodon Templetoni. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 6. Funaria hygrometrica. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of outer peristome, magnified. e. portion of inner peristome. 7. Meesia uliginosa. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. e. spore, magnified. Plate 16. tcK,cici."t, i itli ftneent Brook PLATE XVII. 1. Cinclidium stygium. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. 2. Mnium affine. ~MMM4Bk a. female plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. male plant, nat. size. 3. M. cuspidatum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 4. M. midulatum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 5. M. rostratum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 6. M. punctatum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. 7. Amblyodon dealbatus. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. v e. portion of inner peristome, more highly magnified. Plate 17 PLATE XVIII. 1. Zieria julacea. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. leaf-cells, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. 2. Bryum roseum. """a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of outer peristome, magnified. e. portion of inner peristome, magnified. 3. Leptobryum pyriforme. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 4. Orthodontium gracile. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of outer peristome, magnified. 5. Aulacomnion palustre. a. female plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. leaf-cells, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. gemmiferous plant, nat. size. f. gemmae, magnified. ff. gemmae, more magnified. G. Polytrichum septentrionale. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 7. P. juniperinum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. peristome, magnified. e. portion highly magnified. Rate 18. PLATE XIX. 1. Pogonatum nanum. a. plant, nat. size. d. section of one of the lamellae, mag. b. leaves, magnified. e. young veil, magnified. c. section of leaves, mag. /. sporangium, magnified. 2. P. abides. a. plant, nat. size. c. young veil, magnified. b. leaves, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. 3. P. hercynicum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 4. Atrichum undulatum. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, without lid. 5. Diphyscium foliosum. a. plants, nat. size. d. veil, magnified. b. plants, magnified. e. peristome, magnified. c. sporangium, mag. /. leaf, mag., with two perichaetial leaves. 6. Buxbaumia aphylla. a. plants, nat. size. c. yeil, magnified. b. sporangium, magnified. d. peristome, magnified. e. a portion of inner peristome, magnified, 7. Tetrodontium Brownianum. a. plant, nat. size. d. perichsetial leaves, magnified. b. plant, magnified. e. sporangium, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. f. peristome, magnified. 8. Tetraphis pellucida. a. plant, nat. size. b. gemmiferous plant, nat. size. c. leaf, magnified. d. gemmiferous apex, magnified. e. young veil, magnified. /. sporangium with lid, magnified. g. sporangium without lid. h. peristome, magnified (the transverse lines are too strongly marked). Vincent Erodes Imp. PLATE XX. 1. Zygodon conoideus. a. plant, nat. size. c. veil, magnified. 6. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. 2. Z. viridissimus. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, after lid has fallen. 3. Z. lapponicus. a. plant, nat. size. c. veil, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. sporangium, after lid has fallen. 4. Orthotrichum cupulatum. a. plant, nat. size. c. veil, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of peristome magnified. 5. O. anomalum. a. plant, nat. size. c. veil, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium with lid, magnified. e. sporangium, without lid. 6. O. diaphanum. a. plant, nat. size. c. veil, magnified. b. leaves, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of peristome, magnified. 7. 0. pulchellum. a. plant, nat. size. c. young veil, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium with lid, magnified. e. sporangium without lid, magnified. 8. 0. leiocarpum. . plant, nat. size. c. veil, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of peristome, magnified. Plate 20. ncent Brooks. Imp PLATE XXL 1. Ptycliomitrium polyphyllum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. 2. Glyphomitrium Daviesii. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. veil, magnified (generally plicate). d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of peristome, magnified. 3. Racomitrium aciculare. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaves, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. e. tip of tooth, more highly magnified. 4. R. heterostichum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. 5. Grimmia pulvinata. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, with ring, magnified. 6. Schistidium apocarpum. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaves, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. d. portion of peristome, magnified. e. columella, with lid attached, magnified. 7. Hedwigidium imberbe. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 8. Hedwigia ciliata. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaves, magnified. c. tip of leaves, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. Vincent Brooks, Imp PLATE XXII. 1. Encalypta vulgaris. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. tip of axis, with archegonia, paraphyses, and vaginula, magnified. 2. Cinclidotus fontinaloides. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. veil, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of peristome and tip of columella, round which the tips of some of the teeth are wound, magnified. 3. Tortula muralis. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium and veil, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium with lid, magnified. 4. T. ruralis. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. peristome, magnified. e. part of peristome, more highly magnified. 5. Leptotrichum homomallum. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. 6. Didymodon flexifolium. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 7. Distichium capillaceum. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. e. ring, magnified. 8. Desmatodon nervosus. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium without lid, magnified. e. portion of peristome, magnified. Plate 22. "Vincent BroOKsJuip. PLATE XXIII. 1. Anacalypta lanceolata. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. 6. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium without lid, magnified. e. portion of peristome, magnified. 2. Pottia crinita. a. plant, nat. size. c. young veil, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. follicle of P. cavifolia. 3. Pottia Heimii. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. sporangium, magnified. 4. Campy lopus flexuosus. a. plant, nat. size. c. veil, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. part of peristome, margined. 5. Ceratodon purpureus. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. e. tip of tooth, more highly magnified. 6. Leucobryum glaucum. a. plant, nat. size. c. tip of leaf, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. part of peristome, magnified. 7. Dicranum scoparium. a. plant, nat. size. b. leaf, magnified. c. part of peristome, magnified. 8. Dicranella heteromalla. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. 9. Cynodontium Bruntoni. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. 10. Arctoa fulvella. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. Plate 23 Brocks, hnp. PLATE XXIV. 1. Blindia acuta. a. plant, nat. size. d. sporangium, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. e. sporangium without lid. c. tip of leaf, magnified. /. part of peristome, magnified. 2. Seligeria calcarea. a. plant, nat. size. b. plant, magnified. c. leaf, magnified (broader and more acute than usual). d. sporangium, magnified. e. portion of peristome, magnified. 3. Brachyodon trichodes. a. plant, nat. size. e. sporangium, magnified. b. plant, magnified. /. lid, magnified. c. leaf, magnified. g. part of peristome, with ring, d. veil, magnified. seen from within, magnified. 4. Campy lostelium saxicola. a. plant, nat. size. c. leaf, magnified. b. plant, magnified. d. part of peristome, with ring, mag. 5. Khabdoweissia denticulata. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. 6. Weissia controversa. a. plant, nat. size. c. sporangium, magnified. b. leaf, magnified. d. part of peristome, magnified. 7. Hymenostomum squarrosum. a. plant, nat. size. c. leaf, magnified. b. plant, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. e. mouth of sporangium, magnified. 8. Phascum bryoides. a. plant, nat. size. c. leaf, magnified. b. plant, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified: 9. Physcomitrella patens. a. plant, nat. size. c. leaf, magnified. b. plant, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. 10. Archidium phascoides. a. plant, nat. size. c. leaf, magnified. b. plant, magnified. d. sporangium, magnified. * Vincent, Brooks, imp British Seaweeds ; an Introduction to the Study of the Marine ALG.E of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands. By S. 0. GBA.Y. Crown 8vo, 16 Coloured Plates, 10s. Qd. BOTANY. The Natural History of Plants. By H. BAILLON, President of the Linnsean Society of Paris, Professor of Medical Natural History and Director of the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris. Super-royal 8vo. Vols I. to V., with 2300 Wood Engravings, 25s. each. Handbook of the British Flora; a Description of the Flowering Plants and Ferns indigenous to, or naturalized in, the British Isles. For the use of Beginners and Amateurs. 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