p i J 7 ' COLLOID CHEMISTRY AN INTRODUCTION, WITH SOME PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS BY JEROME ALEXANDER, M.Sc., Chairman, Special Committee on Colloids, Division of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, National Research Council Member Amer. Institute Chemical Engineers ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK D. VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY 25 PARK PLACE 1919 J>> COPYRIGHT, .1919, BY D, VAN NOSTRAND COMPANY Stanbope F. H. GILSON COMPANY BOSTON, U.S.A. PREFACE THIS little book is the result of an attempt to compress within a very limited space, the most important general properties of colloids, and some of the practical applications of col- loid chemistry. Its object will be accomplished if it is helpful in extending the sphere of in- terest in this fascinating twilight zone between physics and chemistry. J. A. NEW YORK, Nov. 1, 1918. 415477 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTEB PAGE I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. CLASSIFICATION OF COLLOIDS 10 III. CONSEQUENCES OF SUBDIVISION 14 IV. THE ULTRAMICBOSCOPE 17 V. GENERAL PROPERTIES OF COLLOIDS 24 VI. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS OF COLLOID CHEMISTRY . 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY 85 AUTHOR INDEX 87 SUBJECT INDEX 89 COLLOID CHEMISTEY CHAPTER I Introduction Although many facts and principles con- cerning colloids have from time immemorial been known and utilized empirically, the scientific foundation of modern colloid chemis- try was laid by an Englishman, Thomas Gra- ham, F.R.S., Master of the Mint. In two basic papers on this subject, the first entitled "Liquid Diffusion Applied to Analysis," read before the Royal Society of London, June 13, 1861, the second entitled "On the Properties of Colloidal Silicic Acid and other Analogous Colloidal Substances," published in the Pro- ceedings of the Royal Society, June 16, 1864, Graham pointed out the essential facts regard- ing colloids and the colloidal condition, and established much of the nomenclature in use at the present day. In the first of these i 2 \ COLLOID CHEMISTRY papers Graham says: "The property of vola- tility, possessed in various degrees by so many substances, affords invaluable means of separa- tion, as is seen in the ever-recurring processes of evaporation and distillation. So similar in character to volatility is the diffusive power possessed by all liquid substances, that we may fairly reckon upon a class of analogous analytical resources to arise from it. The range also in the degree of diffusive mobility exhibited by different substances appears to be as wide as the scale of vapor tensions. Thus hydrate of potash may be said to possess double the velocity of diffusion of sulphate of potash, and sulphate jti potash again double the velocity of sugar, alcohol and sulphate of magnesia. But the substances named belong all, as regards diffusion, to the more "vola- tile " class. The comparatively "fixed " class, as regards diffusion, is represented by a differ- ent order of chemical substances, marked out by the absence of the power to crystallize, which are slow in the extreme. Among the latter are hydrated silicic acid, hydrated alu- mina and other metallic peroxids of the aluminous class, when they exist in the soluble INTRODUCTION 3 form; with starch, dextrin and the gums, caramel, tannin, albumen, gelatin, vegetable and animal extractive matters. Low diffusi- bility is noj^the only property which the bodies last enumerated possess in common. They are distinguished by the gelatinous character of their hydrates. Although often largely soluble in water, they are held in solution by a most feeble force. They appear singularly inert in the capacity of acids and bases, and in all the ordinary chemical relations. But, on the other hand, their peculiar physical aggregation with the chemical indifference referred to appears to be required in substances that can intervene in the organic processes of life. The plastic elements of the animal body are found in this class. As gelatin appears to be its type, it is proposed to designate -substances of this class as colloids, and to speak of their peculiar form of aggregation as the colloidal condition of matter. Opposed to the colloidal is the crys- talline condition. Substances affecting the latter form will be classed as crystalloids. The distinction is no doubt one of intimate molec- ular constitution. " Although chemically inert in the ordinary 4 COLLOID CHEMISTRY sense, colloids possess a compensating activity of their own, arising out of their physical properties. While the rigidity of the crystal- line structure shuts out external impressions, the softness of the gelatinous colloid partakes of fluidity, and enables the colloid to become a medium for liquid diffusion, like water itself. The same penetrability appears to take the form of cementation in such colloids as can exist at high temperature. Hence a wide sensibility on the part of colloids to external agents. Another and eminently character- istic quality of colloids is their mutability. Their existence is a continued metastasis. A colloid may be compared in this respect to water, while existing liquid at a temperature under its usual freezing-point, or to a super- saturated saline solution. Fluid colloids ap- pear to have always a pectous modification; and they often pass under the slightest influences from the first to the second condi- tion. The solution of hydrated silicic acid, for instance, is easily obtained in a state of purity, but it cannot be preserved. It may remain fluid for days or weeks in a sealed tube, but is sure to gelatinize and become insoluble INTRODUCTION 5 at last. Nor does the change of this colloid appear to stop at that point. For the mineral forms of silicic acid deposited from water, such as flint, are often found to have passed, during the geological ages of their existence, from the vitreous or colloidal into the crystalline con- dition. (H. Rose.) The colloidal is, in fact, a dynamical state of matter, the crystalloidal being the statical condition. The colloid possesses Energia. It may be looked upon as the probable primary source of the force appearing in the phenomena of vitality. To the gradual manner in which colloidal changes take place (for they always demand time as an element) may the characteristic protraction of chemico-organic changes also be referred. . . . "It may perhaps be allowed to me to apply the convenient term dialysis to the method of separation by diffusion through a septum of gelatinous matter. The most suitable of all substances for the dialytic septum appears to be the commercial material known as vegetable parchment, or parchment-paper. . . ." At the beginning of the second paper above referred to, Graham states: "The prevalent notions respecting solubility have been de- 6 COLLOID CHEMISTRY rived chiefly from observations on crystalline salts, and are very imperfectly applicable to the class of colloidal solutions." From this it may be seen that Graham appreciated the fact that all the laws of crystalloidal solutions could not be applied to colloidal solutions. In the case of crystalloidal solutions the dis- solved substance is present in a state of molec- ular subdivision, and, according to the ioniza- tion theory, is in many cases dissociated into ions. With colloidal solutions, on the other hand, we have a lesser degree of subdivision, and the particles in solution are larger and more cumbersome. As Graham remarked, "The inquiry suggests itself whether the colloid molecule may not be constituted by the grouping together of a number of smaller crystalloid molecules, and whether the basis of colloidality may not really be this composite character of the molecule." This is to-day the idea generally accepted. COLLOID CHEMISTRY DEFINED Colloid chemistry deals with the behavior and properties of matter in the colloidal con- dition, which, as we now know, means a certain INTRODUCTION 7 very fine state of subdivision. While there are no sharp limitations to the size particles in colloidal solutions, it may in a general way be stated that their sphere begins with dimensions somewhat smaller than a wave length of light, and extends downward well into dimensions which theory ascribes to the molecules of crystalloids. (See Table II, p. 12.) SUSPENSION vs. SOLUTION With the aid of the ultramicroscope, which renders visible particles approaching in mi- nuteness molecular dimensions, Zsigmondy has shown that there is no sharp line of demarca- tion between suspensions and solutions, but that with increasing fineness in the subdivision of the dissolved substance, there is a progres- sive change in the properties of the resulting fluids, the influence of gravity gradually yielding to that of the electric charge of particles, of surface tension and of other forms of energy. Thus in the case of metallic gold, subdivisions whose particles are 1 M and over act as real suspensions and deposit their gold, whereas much finer subdivisions (60 AM and under) exhibit all the properties of metal 8 COLLOID CHEMISTRY hydrosols or colloidal solutions. In the ultra- microscope the coarser subdivisions show the well-known Brownian movement, which greatly increases as the particles become- smaller, until at the present limit of ultra- microscopic visibility (about 5 MM) it becomes enormous both in speed and amplitude. On the other hand, there is no sharp dis- tinction between colloids and crystalloids, but as the particles in solution become smaller and smaller, the optical heterogeneity decreases correspondingly, finally vanishing as molec- ular dimensions are approached.* That even crystalloid solutions are not in a strict sense homogeneous, is indicated by an experiment of van Calcar and Lobry de Bruyn (Rec. Trav. * In an article entitled "Pedetic Motion in Relation to Colloidal Solutions " published in Chemical News, 1892, Vol. 65, p. 90, William Ramsay, Ph.D., F.R.S, (afterward Sir William Ramsay), clearly expressed this view in the fol- lowing words: "I am disposed to conclude that solution is nothing but subdivision and admixture, owing to attrac- tions between solvent and dissolved substance accompanied by pedetic motion; that the true osmotic pressure has, probably, never been measured; and that a continuous pas- sage can be traced between visible particles in suspension and matter in solution; that, in the words of the old adage, Natura nihil Jti per sattum." INTRODUCTION 9 chim. Pays-Bas, 1904, 23, 218), who caused the crystallization of a considerable part of saturated crystalloid solutions at the periph- ery of a rapidly rotating centrifuge. CHAPTER II Classification of Colloids The broadest classification of colloids is that of Wolfgang Ostwald (Koll. Zeitschr., Vol. 1, page 291), who grouped them according to the physical state (gaseous, liquid or solid) of the subdivided substance (dispersed phase), and of the medium in which the particles of the subdivided substance are distributed (disper- sion medium).* Table I (page 11) shows the nine resulting groups and gives some instances of each. Ostwald's classification, however, is more theoretical than practical, for the properties of colloids are dependent mainly upon the specific nature of the dispersed substance and its degree of subdivision. Following Hardy, Zsigmondy divided colloids into two classes, the reversible and irreversible; the former redissolve after * G. Bredig proposed to call colloids "microheterogeneous systems." W. Ostwald called them "dispersed heterogeneous systems," which expression was contracted by P. P. von Weimarn into the term "dispersoids." 10 CLASSIFICATION OF COLLOIDS 11 desiccation at ordinary temperatures, whereas the latter do not. TABLE I Dispersed phase. Dispersion medium. Example. Gas Gas No example, since gases are miscible in all proportions. Gas Liquid Fine foam, gas in beer. Gas Solid Gaseous inclusions in minerals (meer- schaum, pumice), hydrogen in iron, oxy- gen in silver. Liquid Gas Atmospheric fog, clouds, gases at critical state. Liauid Liquid Emulsions of oil in water, cream, colloidal .LJ114 UJ.U. . ...... water in chloroform. Liquid Solid Mercury in ointments, water in paraffin wax, liquid inclusions in minerals. Solid Gas Cosmic dust, smoke, condensing vapors, (ammonium chlorid). Solid Liquid Colloidal gold, colloidal sodium chlorid, col- loidal ice in chloroform. Solid Solid Solid solutions, colloidal gold in ruby glass, coloring matter in gems. Table II, taken from Zsigmondy,* illustrates this classification, and shows how colloids hav- ing the same particle size or degree of sub- division may nevertheless act quite differently because of specific differences in the nature of the dispersed substances. * Colloids and the Ultramicroscope, J. Wiley & Son, Inc. (Translation by J. Alexander.) 12 COLLOID CHEMISTRY With the reversible colloids (gelatin, gum arabic, albumen), there is a more intimate union between the two phases; in fact it is probable that with them we have really a mixture of (1) a dispersed phase of water sub- divided in the solid, with (2) a dispersing phase of the solid finely subdivided in water. The former are therefore called emulsoids and the latter suspensoids. Colloids of the rever- sible type are also said to be hydrophile or lyophile, while the irreversible colloids are hydrophobe or lyophobe. No sharp line is to be drawn, however, for besides intermediate or transition cases be- tween the two classes, there may be recognized two groups of irreversible colloids, roughly defined by their behavior upon concentration: First: The completely irreversible , which coagulate while still quite dilute and separate sharply from the solvent with the formation of a pulverulent precipitate rather than a gel (i.e., pure colloidal metals). Chemical or electrical energy is needed to bring them back again into colloidal solution. Second: The incompletely reversible which, when quite concentrated, form a gel that may CLASSIFICATION OF COLLOIDS 13 be easily redissolved or peptisized by com- paratively small amounts of reagents, unless the evaporation has proceeded too far (i.e., colloidal stannic acid). CHAPTER III Consequences of Subdivision As the subdivision of a substance proceeds, the area of its effective surface increases enor- mously, as maybe seen from the following Table III adapted from Ostwald. Consequently sur- face forces, such as adsorption, capillarity and surface tension, become enormously magnified and of primary importance. Furthermore, the so-called radius of molecular attraction (p = 50 MM) is well within the colloidal field, so that the specific attractive forces of the particles also enter as a controlling factor. In fact, before substances can unite chemically their particles must be first brought into proper subdivision and proximity,* by solution, fusion, ionization or even by mere pressure, as was demonstrated by W. Spring, who caused fine * It is a striking fact that absolutely dry sodium is not attacked by absolutely dry chlorin. M. Raffo and A. Pieroni observed that colloidal- suphur reduced silver salts energeti- cally, whereas even fine precipitated sulphur did not form silver sulphid in the cold, and did so only partially upon boiling. 14 CONSEQUENCES OF SUBDIVISION 15 d .* .3 g .. C S * 8 1 S % s - 8 2 8 - - -' = - II II II M U.LJ f 9 J^..NiM?'*.iP> MAR 26 1942 f MAY 1 9 1942 ) Wn\/ oo *r\ * NUV z3 1944 r-n A 1 Q47 fEB ^ 66653 X UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY