TX UC-NRLF SB REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. ^Received LfTA^^-l^ , 180 7 Y Accessions Nn.wlfvOf . Class No. THE HANDBOOK OF HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY ; COMPILED AT THE REQUEST OF WITH AN APPENDIX OF RECIPES USED BY THE TEACHERS OF THK NATIONAL SCHOOL OF COOKERY BY W. B. TEGETMEIER AUTHOR OF i: A MANUAL OF DOMESTIC ECONOMY (JTWIVERSITY) H o n tr o n MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1894 The Right of Translation and Reproduction is Reserved RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND EUNGAY. First Edition printed 1876. Reprinted 1877, 1879, 1882, 1888, 1890, 1891, 1894. PREFACE. THE present work was written at the request of THE SCHOOL BOARD FOR LONDON. It was designed to supply a want which has:iong been felt by practical teachers ; that of a handbook on the general principles on which the processes of Cookery and the sanitary management of a home depend. No work on the subject at present exists which can be advantageously placed in the hands of the pupils in ordinary schools. A mere collection of recipes, however valuable in themselves, does not constitute a book fit for use in schools, where the pupils should be instructed in the first principles adapted to all cases, and not have the memory burdened by details applicable only to each indivi- dual case. The " Manual of Domestic Economy," * published by the Author for the use of students in female Training Colleges, is adapted for the instruc- tion of teachers, by whom it has been used with so 1 "A Manual of Domestic Economy," by W. B. Tegetmeier. Tenth Edition. Hamilton and Adams, 1877. PREFACE. much success that Her Majesty's Commissioners, appointed to Investigate the Education in Mining Districts, in their Report on the Industrial Schools founded by Messrs. Baird at the Iron Works at Gartsherrie, stated that "The girls, in three months, can be taught plain cooking, washing, and cleaning, enough to prepare them for service, or to make them useful to their mothers at home. They are all instructed in Tegetmeier's ' Domestic Economy ' at school, so that their minds have been directed to many useful principles. On going to service after such a course, a girl would probably get i/. more wages for the first half-year's service." The value of the present work has been greatly increased by an Appendix of upwards of 150 recipes prepared for the use of those teachers of the NATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL OF COOKERY, South Kensington, who inaugurated the teaching at the Cookery Centres, established by the SCHOOL BOARD FOR LONDON. For the permission to use these recipes the author has to express his sincere thanks, Finchley, N. CONTENTS. PART I. FOOD. CHAP. PAGH: I. THE NATURE AND USES OF FOOD .... II II. MEAT : ITS COMPOSITION ....... 15 III. MEAT : THE PROCESSES OF COOKERY . . . 2O IV. FISH : ITS VALUE AS FOOD, AND COOKERY . 34 V. EGGS : THEIR COMPOSITION, VALUE AS FOOD AND COOKERY 37 VI. MILK : ITS CONSTITUENTS AND PRODUCTS BUTTER AND CHEESE 41 VII. FLOUR : ITS CONSTITUENTS, STARCH, SUGAR BREAD-MAKINGPASTRY, ETC 47 VIII. PULSE, PEAS, BEANS, AND FRESH VEGE- TABLES AND FRUITS . 56 IX. CONDIMENTS : SALT, PEPPER, SPICES, ETC. . 60 X. BEVERAGES : TEA, COFFEE, COCOA, BEER., ETC 63 CONTENTS. PART II. HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT. CHAP. PAGE XL THE HOME : CONDITIONS NECESSARY TO HEALTH 66 XII. WATER SUPPLY : QUALITIES OF WATER, INFLUENCE ON HEALTH, WASHING, COOKING, ETC 72 XIII. AIR AND VENTILATION 76 XIV. FIRING: STOVES, RANGES, AND ECONOMI- CAL MANAGEMENT OF FUEL 80 XV. LIGHTING : CANDLES, PETROLEUM, BENZO- LINE, AND GAS LAMPS. THEIR MANAGE- MENT, ETC 85 XVI. CLEANING, WASHING, AND GENERAL HOUSE- WORK 91 XVII. CLOTHING 99 APPENDIX. LESS. PAGE J. LIGHTING A FIRE, MILK AND EGGS, CHIL- DREN'S FOOD 103 II. ROASTING, AND THE PUDDINGS EATEN WITH ROAST MEAT . ., 105 III. BOILING 106 IV. SOUPS AND BROTHS . , . IO8 V. STEWS ...... \ ....... 109 VI. BAKING . . . * . \ v , * ; . . . . IIO VII. FRYING , 112 VIII. BROILING , . . 113 IX. USING UP COLD MEAT ....... 114 X. AUSTRALIAN MEAT .....'.... 115 XL FISH 117 XII. VEGETABLES . Il8 XIII. PIES AND BAKED PUDDINGS . . . , . JJ9 APPENDIX. LESS. PAGE XIV. BOILED PUDDINGS I2O XV. BREAD AND CAKES 122 XVI. INVALID COOKERY 123 XVII. FARINACEOUS FOODS , . 125 XVIIL CHEAP SAUCES 126 XIX. CHEAPEST DISHES WITHOUT MEAT . . . 127 XX. CHEAPEST DISHES WITH MEAT . . . . 128 ^A/fyX OF THE Y \ UNIVERSITY) THE HANDBOOK OF HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. PART I. FOOD. CHAPTER I. THE NATURE AND USES OF FOOD 1. Milk is almost the only example of a substance which is to be regarded as a naturally prepared food ; other articles of diet serve other purposes. Seeds grow, plants and animals live ; but milk is expressly formed for food, and for food alone. 2. The young animal fed on milk grows or increases in weight daily. It forms or secretes several sub- stances, such as the saliva of the mouth, the bile of the liver, the tears from the eye, &c. ; it keeps itself warm, and exercises its strength in moving the limbs ; all of which it is enabled to accomplish only by means of materials derived from the milk which is its sole food 12 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. 3. Hence, as milk supplies every requisite for the body, and enables a young calf to grow into a heifer and a baby into a child, we may regard it as a model food ; it is, in fact, the most perfect food that exists in nature. 4. It is desirable, therefore, to examine milk and ascertain the materials of which it is composed. A very large proportion of milk consists of water, which is necessary to supply the fluids of the body. The cream which rises to the top when the milk is allowed to stand at rest consists of fat, which is chiefly consumed or burnt away in breathing, and maintains the warmth natural to the young animal, and, like the coal in a steam-engine, is the source of the force or strength that it exercises ; when more cream is taken than is required for immediate use it is stored up in the body in the form of fat. If milk is allowed to become sour the solid part separates in the form of curd. It is this portion which supplies the materials for the growth of the flesh, skin, hair, heart, lungs, &c., of the young animal, and for replacing the daily loss arising from the wearing out of the different parts of the body. The whey, or liquid left after the separation of the curd, contains dissolved in it salt and other saline bodies necessary for digestion, and the earthy materials of which the bones are formed. It also contains some sugar, which acts like the cream in keeping up the warmth and maintaining the strength of the body. 5. In preparing our food we must endeavour to imitate as far as possible the composition of milk ; for any one simple substance, such as starch, arrow- root, fat, gelatine, &c., which only fulfils one of the CHAP, i.] THE NATURE AND USES OF FOOD. 13 purposes required in our food will not alone support life; hence it is necessary we should arrange the articles of food according to their uses. 6. The substances that when eaten go to supply the materials of our bodies, and in this respect resemble the curd of the milk, are sometimes termed flesh- forming foods ; and, from containing nitrogen, are sometimes called nitrogenous ; but as they resemble white of egg (albumen) in many properties, they are better termed albumenoid, or albumen-like. The most important albumenoid articles of our food are the solid parts of the flesh of animals, the curd of milk, which when dried becomes cheese, the albumen of eggs, gelatine, the gluten of flour, and the curdy matter that forms a large portion of many seeds, as peas, beans, &c. 7. The foods that are used to keep up the warmth natural to the body, and by being consumed in the breathing are the source of the strength we exercise, are sometimes termed warmth-giving foods; as they contain a great amount of carbon or charcoal they have also been termed carbonaceous; and as they resemble oil in being combustible they are frequently termed oleaginous foods. The most important of these foods are fats, oils, starch, sugar, gum, and the softer and more digestible fibres of plants. 8. Many of the articles used as food do not con- tain a proper proportion of these two kinds of sub- stances, and in economical cooking it is desirable that the defects in one article of diet should be supplied by using it with some other which contains that which is wanting in the first. 14 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. _ ___ For example, rice and potatoes consist chiefly of starch, and of themselves are bad foods unless com- bined with fatty and albumenoid matters; therefore we endeavour to use rice in puddings with milk, eggs, and butter, which supply all that is wanting, and it thus becomes a valuable article of food. Potatoes are most useful and economical if eaten with milk, fat meats ; alone they are barely able to support life and cannot sustain health and strength. Beans, which are chiefly albumenoid, are eaten with bacon. Bread, which is wanting in fat, with butter or bacon, &c. &c. CHAPTER II. MEAT: ITS COMPOSITION. 9. Meat, or the flesh of animals used for food, consists of several very distinct substances, each of which possesses different qualities. Some of these substances are hardened, others softened by heat ; some dissolved, and others rendered tough by boiling water. It is therefore necessary to understand the nature of these different substances, in order to per- form the different operations of cooking in the best and most economical manner. 10. If we take some small shreds of lean meat and wash them repeatedly in clean water, rubbing them at the same time, we shall wash away all the soluble part, and at last there will remain nothing but some white threads which constitute the fibrous part of the flesh of the animal from which they were obtained. We could in this manner obtain about fifteen pounds from every hundred pounds of flesh. This substance of which these threads are composed is termed fibrin ; it is an albumenoid (6) article of food. Fibrin also exists dissolved in the blood of 1 6 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. living animals ; and when the fresh blood of a pig or other animal is stirred, as is done in making black puddings, the fibrin separates and adheres to the stick in long fibres. The action of heat on fibrin is very important. It is hardened and contracted by a heat as great as that of boiling water : this is easily shown by pouring some perfectly boiling water on the threads obtained by washing meat, or by cutting a thin shred of meat in the direction of the fibres, boiling it for a few minutes, and then noticing the alteration in its size and the hardening it has undergone. In water that is considerably less hot than boiling, the fibres of meat become soft, consequently any meat, even if old and tough, can be rendered useful for food by long continued stewing, at a heat much less than that of boiling water. ii. When meat is thoroughly washed to obtain the fibrin, a soluble substance, similar to the white of egg, passes away in the water; this is termed albumen. There are from three to five pounds of albumen in every hundred of meat; it also forms a very large proportion of the brain and of the blood. In cold or warm water it is easily dissolved, but if heated to near the boiling point of water it becomes solid. If a piece of fresh meat is suddenly plunged for a few minutes into water quite boiling, the albumen at the outside is hardened and becoming solid prevents the escape of the juices which form the gravy. Exposed to a heat greater than that of boiling water albumen becomes very horny and indigestible, but when pro- perly cooked it is one of the most valuable articles of diet. CHAP, ii.] ME A T: ITS COMPOSITION. i ^ 1 2. The tendinous or gristly parts of the flesh, such as cow's heel, the sinewy parts about the joints, also the skin and the nutritive parts of the bones, consist chiefly of a peculiar substance termed gelatin. This is a valuable album enoid article of food when used with other substances. Gelatin and gelatinous articles of food may be dissolved by boiling, and the solution becomes a jelly when cold. Gelatin is rendered hard and horny by a dry heat, and therefore the sinewy and tendinous parts of meat are better adapted for stewing or boiling, than for roasting, broiling, or frying. 13. If a quantity of lean meat be chopped up small, and placed in a closely-covered earthen pot, without water, and the pot be then put in a saucepan of water by the side of the fire so as to be very gradually heated, the juice of the flesh will escape. At first this will be of a red colour, being tinged with a little blood, but if heated to a greater degree it will become brown. The juice of the flesh contains many substances of the greatest value as food, and meat from which it is extracted is of very inferior value. All operations of cookery should be conducted so as to prevent as far as possible any loss of this valuable fluid. When meat is salted a large propor- tion of the juice of the flesh is extracted and forms the brine. This contains so much albumen as to become partly solid if heated. It is from the loss of this valuable juice that salted meats are so much less nutritious and wholesome than those that are used in a fresh state. What is termed extract of meat is merely the juice of the flesh from which the water has been evaporated so that it is nearly solid. 1 8 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. 14. Almost all flesh used for food contains a con- siderable proportion of fat, which when eaten main- tains the warmth of the body. Hence we have a much greater appetite for fat in cold seasons and climates than in those that are warm. Fat is one of the olea- ginous foods (7) which are the source of the force we exert ; it is also essential to the proper action of the digestive organs. When taken in too great a quantity it accumulates in the body, which thus be- comes fattened. 15. The quantity and quality of these different substances vary very much in the different kinds of meat. The flesh of very young animals is not nearly so nutritious as that of those which are of mature age. Lamb and veal contain much less solid food than mutton or beef, and are consequently not so econo- mical, even if purchased at the same cost per pound. Mutton, if in good condition, is one of the most easily digested of the ordinary flesh meats. Pork is not so easily digested as beef or mutton, consequently is unfitted for sick persons, and from the unwholesome manner in which pigs are often kept, is more subject to be diseased than the flesh of sheep or oxen. 1 6. Some of the internal parts of animals are ex- ceedingly useful as food. The stomach of the ox when cleaned and partially boiled is sold as tripe, an easily digestible and nutritious food. In the tongue the fibres of the flesh are very small and delicate, and if stewed slowly, become very soft and digestible ; but tongues are frequently much hardened by salting for a long time. The flesh of the heart of the ox and of the sheep is very firm and solid, and though nutri- tious, is not very easily digested. Kidney and liver, CHAP, ii.] MEAT: ITS COMPOSITION. 19 except in the case of those of young animals, are also hard and firm when cooked, and are not very digest- ible. The brain consists chiefly of albumen and water, and if properly prepared is a useful food. The blood contains a very large proportion of nutritive albu- menoid substances, but it is not a favourite food, and except in the form of " black puddings," which are made from the blood of the pig, is rarely used in this country. CHAPTER III. MEAT: THE PROCESSES OF COOKERY. 17. Roasting is a mode of cooking meat that is more common in this than in any other country. It is, however, not an economical or advantageous mode of cooking small joints, as they become dried up ; and it is exceedingly wasteful in the case of sinewy or tendinous pieces of meat, as it renders a very large proportion of them quite uneatable. Roasting is an advantageous mode of cooking only in cases where the joints are large and where the cost of a large fire is not of importance. Consequently it is not the best suited to the circumstances of the working classes. When a piece of meat is hung before a fire, part of the fat melts and forms the dripping which should be carefully and cleanly preserved, as it constitutes a valuable article of food. During the process some of the water of the juice of the flesh is dried up ; from these two causes the meat loses in weight. In some fat joints more than one quarter of the weight is lost, in others much less, as in the case of a leg of mutton which is covered by a skin, and has but little fat to melt away. Ctt. in.] MEAT : TtfE PROCESSES OF COOKERY. 21 To roast well the meat should be hung up before a brisk bright fire, the first effect of which is to harden the albumen in the outer parts and thus prevent the escape of the nutritious juices. The heat should then be continued until it has penetrated the inside. When it is heated the natural red colour of the flesh is changed, and from the hardening of the albumen the meat becomes firm and can be cut in thin slices. Underdone meat is not, as is generally supposed, more nutritious than that which is properly cooked. The heat of the fire causes the production of pecu- liar flavours and odours which distinguish one kind of meat from another. 1 8. In roasting it is important that the meat be put down before a bright, clear fire, sufficiently large to heat the whole of the joint at once. If possible, skewers and spits should not be thrust into the meat, as they make holes through which the gravy escapes. The time usually allowed for roasting is a quarter of an hour or twenty-minutes for every pound, but this depends on the thickness and also on the size of the joint. The usual plan of making gravy for roast meat is, to sprinkle a little salt on the joint after it is placed in the dish, and then pour some boiling water over it ; this washes off some of the brown and makes a coloured liquid in the dish. A much better plan is to collect the dripping in a flat pan, and when the meat is dished to leave as much as may be required for making the gravy ; and then to dredge in some flour and place the pan over the fire or stove until the flour is browned. A little cold water is next added, which is to be well mixed with the brown 22 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. flour so as to avoid leaving any lumps. Boiling water, or still better, broth made by stewing any scraps of bones from the joint, is then poured on in sufficient quantity, the whole being constantly stirred ; the whole is allowed to boil for a few minutes and poured over the joint. In this manner a large quantity of very good, rich, nutritious gravy is produced which is very economical, as it renders potatoes and other vegetables much more acceptable, especially to child- ren, and in this mode saves the consumption of meat. If a joint is to be eaten cold it is better that it should not be cut whilst warm, as the contraction of the fibres forces out the gravy; but if not cut until cold the gravy is retained and the meat is much more tasty and tender. 19. Baking is a more economical mode of cook- ing than roasting, especially in small families where economical stoves or ranges with side ovens are used, In baking there is less loss of weight than in roasting as the joint is less dried. Care should be taken that the floor of the oven is not too much heated or the fat may be burnt, which causes a bad flavour. A great advantage in baking is that it requires less attention than roasting, and that potatoes, or a batter or York- shire pudding, can be cooked under the meat. This latter may be made by taking four tablespoonfuls of flour, and rubbing them into a smooth batter with a pint of milk, which has previously had a well-beaten egg mixed with it. If eggs are abundant two or three may be employed with advantage, the quantity of flour being lessened. The milk and egg must be added gradually, the batter being rubbed until uni- formly smooth after each addition. CH. m.] ME AT: THE, PROCESSES OF COOKERY. 23 20. Broiling is the rapid cooking of a small piece of meat, as a chop or a steak, by exposing it to the heat of a fire ; in large kitchens the gridiron on which the meat is cooked is usually placed over a large, clear fire, but in smaller houses it is generally hung up before the fire. Broiling has very nearly the same effect on meat as roasting. The albumen of the outer portions is hardened, and forms a kind of skin retaining the juices. In order that this may be done most perfectly, the meat should be rapidly turned so as to prevent the juices escaping on the side furthest from the fire. A fork should not be thrust into the flesh, as it makes holes through which the juices escape. In large chop-houses, the chops are turned over very quickly with broiling-tongs. Broiling is a good mode of cooking thick fleshy chops and steaks, but is a wasteful method of pre- paring thin pieces such as are often purchased when cheap meat is required. Success in broiling depends on having a thick, fleshy piece of tender meat, a clear fire, a clean gridiron, and on the meat being turned repeatedly. Broiled meat should not be sprinkled with salt until after it is cooked, and it should never be cut into in order to ascertain whether it is done ; as if again put down to the fire the juice escapes from the cut, and the meat becomes dry and much less nutritious. 21. Frying is the cooking of meat in melted fat heated in a frying or stew-pan over a fire or stove. If the frying-pan is placed over an open fire, the fat is usually over-heated, and gives out a very disagree- able smell ; meat when placed in overheated fat ha. 24 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. its fibrin hardened and contracted, so that it becomes very tough ; therefore fried meat is usually regarded as inferior to such as is broiled. If, however, the fat is not over-heated, and there is sufficient to prevent burning, and to cover the piece to be cooked, meat may be fried of a very light brown colour without being hardened. 22. Boiling may be performed in various modes. If the joint is put in cold water and placed on the fire, and the heat very slowly raised to the boiling- point, after which the saucepan is pulled back from the fire so as to be kept hot without boiling until the joint is thoroughly done ; the meat will be tender in proportion to the length of time and slowness with which it has been cooked, but a considerable propor- tion of the gelatin and albumen will be dissolved in the water, and unless this be used for soup or broth will be wasted. This dissolved albumen coagulates or hardens as the water approaches the boiling-point, and forms the scum, which should be removed by skimming just before the water boils, or it is carried down by the boiling and discolours the meat. A different mode of boiling is sometimes adopted when the liquor is not required for soup. It is to place the joint in perfectly boiling water for a quarter of an hour ; this hardens the outside and prevents the escape of the nutritious juices ; the water is then cooled, either by adding a quantity of cold water or by drawing the vessel back from the fire, and the process continued at a low heat until the whole is thoroughly cooked. If the water is made to boil during the whole time CH. ill.} ME AT: THE PROCESSES OF COOKERY. 25 the meat is being cooked, the fibrin is rendered hard, and the meat becomes tough and stringy. To have meat tender it is important not to expose it to the heat of boiling water for any length of time. In what is termed a Norwegian kitchener the water in which the meat is placed is made to boil. Then the vessel is placed in a box thickly lined with layers of woollen felt ; this prevents the escape of the heat, and the largest joints will be perfectly and most tenderly cooked after having been taken away from the fire for three or four hours. In all cases of boiling it is desirable to avoid thrusting a large fork or skewers into the joint, as these, by passing into the interior where the albumen is not hardened, make holes through which the juice escapes, and the meat becomes dry and less nutritious. If necessary, it is better to tie the joint round with string than to employ skewers. Ham and the lean of bacon, which is usually hard and tough, may be cooked so as to be perfectly tender and without waste of fat, by not allowing the water to boil. At the large ham and beef shops in London, where the meat is always very tender, the hams are placed in large coppers of cold water, a small fire is lighted under the copper, and the water gradually raised to the boiling-point, when the fire is imme- diately raked out, the copper covered over, and the hams allowed to remain in the water until it is nearly cold. In this manner they are several hours in cook- ing, and are never heated to the boiling-point, conse- quently the flesh becomes exceedingly tender, and there is no loss of fat. 23. Stewing is a much more advantageous and 26 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AtfD COOKERY. economical mode of cooking than boiling : by its use the flesh of old animals, and tough, sinewy joints that would otherwise be wasted, can be used for food. Stewing consists in cooking meat in a small quantity of liquid, by a very moderate heat, which is continued for a very considerable time. By this long-continued action of a gentle heat the fibres are softened and the toughest joints become tender and eatable. In cook- ing meat by stewing it must be remembered that length of time is much more important than extra heat; and that the cooking of the food cannot be hastened by increasing the heat, which if raised to the boiling-point only hardens the fibres and renders the meat tough. In the houses of the working classes in England stewing is not so much employed as it should be. By its use small pieces of meat may be cooked with vegetables, and made into the most savoury and nourishing dishes, and the coarsest and cheapest joints may be made almost equal in flavour and quite as nutritious as the dearest. The stews best known in this country are stewed steak, haricot mutton, Irish stew, and jugged hare. The value of these is recognized, and it is only prejudice or ignorance which prevents the English housewife applying the same mode of cooking to other joints, and using the French plan of always having a stewing pipkin or pot-au-feu by the side of the fire. 24. As examples of different modes of stewing, the following recipes are given : Stewed Steak. Take a clean, well-tinned stew- pan, which is much better for the purpose than an CH. in.] MEAT: THE PROCESSES OF COOKERY. 27 ordinary saucepan, put in a little butter or dripping, and melt it; then place in the steak, cut into conve- niently sized pieces, and fry each of a very light brown, frying a sliced onion at the same time; when suffi- ciently fried, add the seasoning, such as pepper and salt. The salt must not be added at first, as it would draw out the gravy and prevent the meat browning. The meat should then be barely covered with cold water and allowed to stew slowly for four or five hours, the greatest care being taken that it does not boil. The vegetables, such as turnip, carrot, celery, &c., should be cut up and boiled in a separate saucepan of water until tender, and them added to the stewed meat. The object of cooking the vegetables separately is to prevent the necessity of boiling the meat, which would harden it. Half an hour before serving, add a little flour and water, mixed into a very thin paste, and let the stew just simmer so as to thicken the gravy. Haricot Mutton is made in precisely the same manner, using small cutlets from the neck of mutton instead of steak. Irish Stew is a popular dish ; it is usually made by placing in a stew-pan alternate layers of pieces of mutton and sliced potatoes and onions, with pepper and salt, barely covering them with water, and allow- ing the whole to stew for some hours. If a large quantity of potatoes are required, it is desirable to partially boil some small ones and place them on the top of the stew half an hour or more before serving, as they then become perfectly cooked and acquire the flavour of the stew. If too many potatoes are added at first, so much water is required to cover them that the stew is spoiled. 28 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. Jugged Hare is a very good example of the utility of stewing. If a hare is too old and tough to be eaten when roasted, it is cut up and placed in an earthenware vessel with a little bacon, onions, cloves, lemon peel, sweet herbs, pepper and salt, and a little water; the earthen jar is then to be very closely covered over and placed in a large sauce- pan of cold water, taking care the water is not sufficiently high to run into the jar. The saucepan is allowed to boil for four hours, or the jar may be placed in a very slow oven. Before serving, the gravy is thickened by adding a little flour and water. Stewed Rabbits. A very economical and useful mode of cooking rabbits is used in Spain. Alternate layers of pieces of rabbits and sliced onions are placed with a little seasoning and flour in a stew-pan without any water, the whole is closely covered down, and placed by the side of the fire for three or four hours. Vinegar is sometimes used in the preparation of stews, as directed in the following recipe, which, if strictly followed, produces a most excellent dish : " Take shin or leg of beef, cut it into slices or pieces of two or three ounces each ; dip it in good vinegar, and with or without onions, or any other flavouring or vegetable substances, put it in a stew- pan, and without water, let it stand on a stew-hearth, or by a slow fire for four or six hours, when it will be thoroughly done, will have yielded plenty of gravy, and be perfectly tender. Great care must be taken that the heat is sufficiently moderate. Leg or shin of beef makes the richest and most nutritious stew, and., may be had at a low price \ but any other meat CH. in.] MEAT: THE PROCESSES OF COOKERY. 29 or fish may be so dressed. A pound and a half of leg of beef, without bone, so dressed, and plenty of potatoes, will dine four people luxuriously." 25. The Stewing Pipkin or Pot-au-feu is the general mode of cooking amongst the working classes in France. Its use effects a great saving of fuel, trouble, and skill. Careme, one of the most celebrated French cooks, gives the following directions : "The good housewife puts her meat into an earthen pot, and pours cold water on it, in the pro- portion of two quarts to three pounds of the beef. She sets it at the side of the fire. " The pot grows gradually hot, and as the water heats it dilates the muscular fibres of the flesh by dissolving the gelatinous matter which covers them, and allows the albumen to detach itself easily, and rise to the surface of the water in light foam or scum, while the savoury juice of the meat, dissolving little by little, adds flavour to the broth. " By this simple proceeding of slow cooking, the housewife obtains a savoury and nourishing broth, and tender boiled meat, and with a good flavour. But by placing \hzpot-aii-feu on too hot a fire, it boils too soon the albumen coagulates and the fibre hardens ; the sad result is that you have only a hard piece of boiled meat, and a broth without flavour or goodness. A little fresh water poured into the pot at intervals helps the scum to rise more abundantly." Whatever vegetables are in season may be added to the ste wing-pot, as celery, onions, carrots, turnips, and salt, pepper, and sweet herbs. The broth may be poured over toasted bread, or rice or Scotch barley may be added so as to make it more nutritious. 30 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. The great precaution to be taken in stewing is not to allow the heat to rise too high. This is quite pre- vented in Captain Warren's cooking-pots. These consist of one saucepan within another, like a car- penter's glue-pot, the outer being filled with water. By this arrangement the inner cannot become over- heated to the boiling point ; consequently the meat is cooked slowly and without becoming hard. In Warren's cooking-pots, meat, fowls, ham, bacon, &c., can all be cooked perfectly without any water being placed in the inner vessel, so that the whole of- the gravy flowing from the meat is preserved in the richest form. 26. Soups and Broths are not so generally used among the working classes in this country as is desirable. They furnish, when properly prepared, very economical and nutritive articles of food. Pea Soup is that which is most generally used in England. It may be prepared either with or without meat ; the latter is hardly required, except for the flavour, as the peas are remarkably rich in albumenoid substances. The following directions may be fol- lowed. Soak a quart of split peas over night, place them in a stewpan with half a pound of lean bacon, or some bones from roast meat broken small, and three quarts of cold water, or the liquor in which some fresh meat has been boiled ; place on a very slow fire and add celery, onions, and sweet herbs, and simmer for two or three hours until the peas and vegetables are sufficiently soft to pass through a colander, when pepper and salt should be added and the whole reheated, and eaten with toasted bread cut into small square pieces. If no meat can be obtained CH. m.] MEAT: THE PROCESSES OF COOKERY. 31 the soup may be rendered much more savoury by frying the onions and celery in a little dripping before adding them to the soup ; and if dripping is plentiful, the bread may be fried instead of toasted. Scotch Broth is very generally used among the middle and working classes in Scotland. It is very economical, as both broth and meat are used. The following are the directions : Put into a pot three quarts of cold water, along with a cupful of Scotch barley, and let it boil. Add two pounds of neck of mutton. Allow it to stew gently for an hour, skim- ming occasionally. Then add turnips cut in squares, and onions sliced, and carrots and turnips uncut. The half of a small cabbage chopped in moderately sized pieces may be put in instead of all these vegetables, and leeks may be used instead of onions. Stew the whole for an hour longer. The broth is now ready. Season with salt, and serve in a tureen. The meat is served in a separate dish, with the uncut pieces of turnip and carrot, and a little of the broth as gravy. Any meat may be employed in the same way, which is not unlike that followed in preparing the French Pot au feu (25). 27. Salting Meat is in most cases a very waste- ful process ; salt when applied to fresh meat extracts a very large proportion of the nutritious juice of the flesh, and at the same time hardens the fibres and renders them much less easily digestible. The brine that runs from salted meat contains so much nutri- tious albumen that it becomes nearly solid on being heated, and as there is no means of extracting the salt, it is necessarily wasted. The salting of meat before cooking is an English 32 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. prejudice which is not followed in any other country, nor is there any good reason why beef and pork should be salted before boiling, and mutton and veal boiled without salting. The plan followed on the Continent of slowly stewing a joint of beef without first salting it, yields a much more nutritious, tender, and well flavoured food. In cases where it is necessary to preserve meat, as on shipboard, salting may be useful, but .health can- not be preserved for any length of time on meat from which the most valuable part, the nutritious juice> has been extracted by salting. In the case of very fat meats, as bacon, salting is not objectionable, as in them the most valuable con- stituent is the fat, which is not injured by the process. In the case of ham a peculiar flavour is produced during the process of salting which is highly esteemed) but it should be remembered that the value of the flesh of ham as food is very much less than that of the meat from which it is produced. 28. Preserved Meats. The meats imported in tins from Australia and South America are exceed- ingly valuable articles of diet ; and are at the present time much cheaper than fresh butcher's meat. The only drawback to their value is that they are rather overcooked in the process for preparing them, it is therefore more advantageous to use them cold than in any other manner. 29. Extract of Meat. The extracts of meat sold in small jars are merely the juice of the flesh eva- porated till it becomes nearly dry. It is useful as means of making beef tea or soup quickly, but is by no means an economical article of food. CH.III.] MEAT: THE PROCESSES OF COOKERY. 33 Beef-tea, which is so valuable in cases of illness, is usually made by boiling the meat in water ; this is a very bad plan, as the fibres are hardened, and the soluble portions less readily extracted. It should be made by pouring a pint of cold water on half-a-pound of finely-cut or chopped lean beef, and then placing it, in a covered earthenware vessel, by the side of the fire for an hour or two. By this means the whole of the soluble nutritious portions are extracted and the insoluble fibre alone remains. A small quantity of salt and two or three cloves greatly improve the flavour. TEG. CHAPTER IV. FISH: ITS VALUE AS FOOD, AND COOKERY. 30. Fish although of great importance as yielding a cheap supply of nutritious and easily digested animal food, is not equal in value to the same weight of meat, as it contains a much larger proportion of water and less solid material. Fish usually contain a very considerable proportion of oil, in some kinds, as herrings, sprats, pilchards, salmon, eels, mackerel, this is found in all parts of the body, whilst in others, which are usually termed white fish, the oil is contained in the liver, and the rest of the body is almost entirely free from it. Such is the case in cod, haddock, whiting, soles, plaice, flounders, &c. The fibre of the flesh of fish is very digestible, and the juice though more watery than that of meat is of considerable nutritive value. When boiled, a large proportion of this escapes into the water and is lost ; hence though so frequently practised, boiling is not the most economical or advantageous mode of cooking fish. CHAP. iv.J FISH : ITS VA&UE AS . 3C ^ 31. Salting, though often necessary to preserve fish when caught in large quantities, is not a desirable mode of preparing white fish. It extracts a very large proportion of the nourishment and hardens the fibrin ; and if the salt has to be extracted by soaking in water before cooking, as in the case of salt cod, very little nourishment remains. The fat of the oily fish, as hearings, &c., is not removed by salting ; hence they are very valuable as food when preserved in this manner. 32. The most advantageous modes of cooking fish are those that retain the whole of the nutritious por- tions. A plaice or" a sole placed on a buttered dish covered over with a few bread-crumbs and seasoning and baked retains the whole of the nutriment, and furnishes a much more savoury meal than if boiled. The following recipes give directions for the econo- mical and advantageous cooking of fish. Baked Fish. Almost any kind of fish, as mackerel, haddock, whiting, soles &c. may be cooked by being placed in a dish with bread crumbs, a little chopped parsley, and other seasoning, as pepper, salt, a few sliced onions, if desired, and baked in a side oven. The more oily fish, as herrings, pilchards, sprats, may be packed closed in a deep earthenware dish, seasoned with pepper and salt, covered with vinegar and cooked perfectly even by the side of the fire. Fish prepared in either of these modes, are very good to eat cold, and as they will keep good for some days furnish very useful and cheap articles of food. Broiling fish is an excellent mode of cooking them, there is no loss of nourishment and the flavour is much better than when they are boiled. A broiled mackerel, &c., is a much more substantial meal than one that has been B 2 36 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. cooked by boiling, and no sauce is required to be prepared. Frying is a useful mode of preparing fish, especially soles, whitings, plaice, cod, and other white fish. The chief precautions are to dry them thoroughly, either to flour or dip them in a thin batter made of flour and water, and fry in a deep pan with sufficient fat or dripping to cover them if possible, and to take care that the heat is not so great as to burn the fish, which should be of a light brown colour. Fish soups are largely used in some countries. In the Channel Islands a very good and nutritious soup is made of conger-eel according to the following directions : Cut up a moderate sized conger-eel in a stewpan with three or four quarts of water, and let it simmer two or three hours till it breaks to pieces. Rub it through a sieve, and pour back into the stewpan with a little butter. Throw in a small leek, the white heart of a cabbage cut up, some parsley chopped small, and a bunch of thyme. Mix two table- spoonfuls of flour in a pint of milk, and when the cabbage is done, throw it into the stewpan, stirring all the time, till it comes to a boil ; then let it boil ten minutes to take off the rawness of the flour. Before dishing up, season with a little salt, as the salt is apt to curdle the milk if added before. Have ready thin slices of bread in your tureen, and pour the soup over. CHAPTER V, EGGS: THEIR COMPOSITION, VALUE AS FOOD, AND COOKERY. 33- Eggs contain two distinct substances, the white and the yolk. The solid part of the white is almost entirely albumen which forms fifteen parts out of every 100, the remaining eighty -five parts being water. Albumen is a valuable flesh-forming food and gives its name, albumenoid, or albumen-like, to the class of foods to which it belongs. It possesses peculiar properties, it dissolves in cold or warm water, but in the white of egg it is in layers like those of an onion, and these require to be broken up by beating before the albumen can be dissolved. If the beating is long continued a glairy fluid is formed in which large quantities of air are contained in bubbles; when used in pastry in this state eggs add very much to the lightness or sponginess of the mass. Heated to a point many degrees below that of boil- ing water the albumen hardens, becoming solid and of an opaque white, hence its name from the Latin word, albus, white. When an egg is boiled very hard and allowed to 38 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. become cold, the solid albumen may be separated into the layers of which it consists. The yolk contains a considerable quantity of albumen, with nearly a third of its weight of oil, and a very large proportion of sulphur and other mineral matters. It is the sulphur which causes eggs to tarnish silver, and produces their exceedingly offensive smell when rotten. 34 The value of eggs as food is very great. Like milk, they contain all the materials required for the growth of the body. The entire of the young chick, its bones, down or feathers, skin, internal organs, and flesh are formed out of the materials contained in the egg, which must therefore contain every substance required for the support of the body. 35. The usefulness of eggs as food depends very greatly upon the mode of cooking. When boiled in the shell the outer portion of the white becomes much hardened, and is of so solid a character, being quite destitute of pores, that it is digested with ex- treme slowness, and hence is not fitted for children or persons of weak digestion. Eggs may be boiled so as to render them much less difficult of digestion by placing them in a saucepan of cold water, making it boil, and then allowing the eggs to remain a few minutes in the saucepan after it has been removed from the fire, the time they have to remain in the boiling water varies with that required to make the water boil. Poached eggs, if well prepared, are much less hardened. The usual plan is to break each egg sepa- rately into a tea-cup and pour it with the yolk un- broken into a frying-pan or shallow stewpan of boiling CHAP, v.] EGGS: THEIR COMPOSITION, c. 59 water ; where this cannot be had a very small quantity of soda may be used; and in order to soften the water as much as possible, it should be made to boil rapidly before the greens are put in ; it should also boil quickly during the whole time the green vegetables are cooking, or they will become brown. Turnips also contain about ninety per cent, of water; the solid part is very nutritious, easily digested, and wholesome. Turnips are used as fresh vegetables, and flavour soups, broths, &c. Boiled turnips pressed so as to get rid of the water, and mashed up with a little butter or dripping, pepper and salt, supply a very valuable article of food. Carrots and Parsnips are more nutritive than turnips ; they can be kept many months if the tops are cut out and they are placed in damp sand. Onions. Onions and leeks owe their flavour to a volatile pungent oil ; if eaten uncooked they are not easily digested, but when boiled or roasted, they are nutritious and wholesome they contain a large amount of albumenoid matter. They are also largely used for flavouring stews and soups. 59. Fresh Fruits, such as apples, gooseberries, oranges, pears, &c., are very important foods ; the health of children can hardly be preserved without their use, and they suffer greatly if deprived of them. Nuts and dried fruits, such as figs, raisins, &c., do not possess the beneficial action of fresh fruits, and nuts are very difficult of digestion. CHAPTER IX. CONDIMENTS: SALT, PEPPER, SPICES, &c. 60. THE most important condiments are salt, pep- per, and mustard of these salt alone is a necessary of life. The others are useful if used in small quantity to render food more palatable, but employed in large quantity they are injurious, and not required by the young, whose powers of digestion are good. 6 1. Salt is absolutely essential to health, and even to life. It is one of the most abundant of all minerals \ in many places it is found in the earth in great quantities. Sea water contains three parts in every hundred ; it is found in small amount in all soils, in spring and river water, and in all those vegetables which are used for the food of man and animals. Salt when taken in the food supplies two substances, an acid which helps to form the sour fluid of the stomach that digests our food, and soda, which is the bile, a fluid which must be added to the dissolved or softened food before the nourishment can be extracted from it. If persons are compelled to live without salt, or on such food as does not contain a sufficient quantity, they become ill. The quantity of salt each CH. ix.] CONDIMENTS: SALT, PEPPER, &c. 61 person requires is between a quarter to half an ounce daily. A large part of this is contained in the various articles of food and drink. Salt possesses the power of preserving meat and other substances. It acts by removing a large pro- portion of the liquid parts. The injurious effect of salted meat, when used for a lengthened period, has already been described (27). Salt is largely employed in some countries in pre- serving green vegetables for winter use. Thus French beans may be kept for many months by cutting them in slices, packing them in a jar with layers of salt, and pressing them down so that no part comes above the brine, which flows out. If tied over and placed in a cool situation they will keep a long time, and are ready for use as soon as the salt brine is washed away. In many countries cabbages and cucumbers and other vegetables are preserved in the same manner. Salt should always be taken with our meals, for a sufficient quantity does not exist in our food to supply the wants of the body. 62. Vinegar. Vinegar is an acid liquid, obtained in this country by allowing a kind of weak beer to become sour. It has the power of preventing substances putrefy- ing, and is used for this purpose in making pickles. If taken with our food in small quantity it helps us to digest many substances that are difficult of diges- tion ; in large quantity it is very injurious. It is employed in cookery to assist in softening the fibres of tough meat, 1 and to pickle fish, vegetables, &c. 1 See directions for making Brazilian Stew in Appendix, Fifth Lesson. 62 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. Pickled vegetables, as onions, cabbage, &c., are very difficult of digestion, and if taken in large quantity are decidedly injurious. 63. Mustard is one of the most common condi- ments. If used in small quantity it promotes the appetite and increases the digestive power, but taken too freely it irritates the stomach and is very injurious. As a medicine mustard is of very great use, spread on calico and applied to the skin it relieves internal inflammation, by drawing the blood to the surface, in this manner it often relieves the most violent pain, and may be safely used in the absence of medical aid. 64. Pepper is the spice most frequently employed in this country ; like other spices it is useful in sea- soning, but great care should be taken not to use it in large quantity, as it injures the stomach and renders the digestion of plain food difficult. Children should not be accustomed to highly spiced and seasoned dishes. CHAPTER X. BEVERAGES : TEA, COFFEE, COCOA, BEER, &c. 65. Tea is more used in this country than any other unintoxicating beverage. Taken in moderate quantity it is not injurious, but in large quantity it is hurtful, especially to persons who are not well fed. Tea is best made in an earthenware teapot, which should be kept dry, for if allowed to remain damp after use it acquires a musty flavour. The water should be boiling, and, if possible, soft; when hard water is used, it may be softened by being kept boiling for half-an-hour, when the lime which causes the hardness is partly thrown down, forming what is called fur or rock on the kettle ; or a very small quantity of carbonate of soda may also be used, or the tea may be allowed to remain soaking for half- an-hour by the fire-side, or be covered over with a woollen cover to prevent the escape of heat. As a general rule, the harder the water the longer the tea should be allowed to remain before use, care being taken to keep its temperature as near as practicable to that of the boiling point. 66. Coffee is more stimulating than tea. If taken immediately after a meal, it appears to assist the ^HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY* digestion. Like tea, if drunk strong, it produces wakefulness, which sometimes lasts for many hours. Coffee contains a bitter principle, but its flavour .mainly depends upon a volatile substance which is driven off by boiling ; to preserve its taste, it should therefore be made without boiling. The French coffee-pots, made of two Cylindrical vessels, the upper having a metal strainer on which the ground coffee is placed, and through which the clear infusion runs into the lower one, are the best. The flavour of coffee is also very greatly improved by the employment of hot boiled milk. Chicory is the root of a plant. When roasted it is used with ground coffee to give colour and flavour ; it is most advantageous to purchase it separately and mix it in the proportion of one part to three or four of coffee. 67. Cocoa. Cocoa and chocolate are prepared from the crusted seeds of an American plant. The kernels contain nearly half their weight of fat. Cocoa is much more nutritious than tea or coffee, but not so stimulating. Chocolate is made of the pure kernels ground in a mill with sugar. Cocoa should con- tain the ground kernels only, but the husks are ground up with the cheaper kinds, which also contain potato-starch, and earthy substances, as red ochre, &c. Soluble cocoa contains a large proportion of starch, which thickens when boiling water is poured upon it. Genuine ground cocoa unmixed with other substances cannot be sold under one shilling to fourteenpence per pound. Cocoa is a very wholesome and nutritious beverage, and does not produce those effects which render tea CH. x.] BEVERAGES: TEA, COFFEE, &c. 65 and coffee objectionable to some people; and is far better for working men and for children. 68. Beer and other intoxicating drinks are taken as luxuries. There is no doubt that they are not necessaries of life. To children all stimulants are particularly injurious ; and they are never taken willingly, unless the child has been trained to use them. If children are brought up without them their strength and health are much better than those of children who take them, and they can do more work and endure more fatigue. There is more support and strength to be obtained from a pint of milk than a gallon of beer. To old persons who have been accustomed to the use of spirits and beer for many years they often become necessary, but it is exceedingly wrong to teach children to use them. TEG. PART II. HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT, CHAPTER XI. THE HOME: CONDITIONS NECESSARY TO HEALTH. 69. Good health and the power of working so as to gain a comfortable living are impossible when persons dwell in unhealthy and overcrowded homes. Many circumstances render a house or dwelling unhealthy. The neighbourhood of an overcrowded churchyard, or a place where any unwholesome trade is carried on, is always injurious to health. If a house is in a narrow dark street, and the rooms face the north so as not to be warmed by the sunshine, or if they are closely shaded by trees, they always remain damp and cold, and the health of the persons inhabiting them suffers. Houses in low situations, where the ground is always damp, are never healthy, and fevers, rheuma- tism, colds, and other diseases, are much more frequent than in drier situations. CH. XL] THE HOME, 6*. 67 70. In London and other large towns where the houses are drained into the sewers, no house should ever be lived in which is built over or near a cess- pool, nor in which the drains allow an unpleasant smell to escape, as fever is certain to attack the inhabitants sooner or later. If cesspools are neces- sary, as is the case where there are no sewers, they should be placed at as great a distance as possible from the house. Earth closets are much more healthy than cesspools, as, if well managed, they do not give out any offensive smell ; the use of any patent apparatus is not neces- sary; any outdoor closet may be made into an earth closet by placing a stout well-pitched drawer or box beneath the seat, arranged so as to pull out behind when required to be emptied, and a box of dried earth, with a scoop in the inside, is all else that is necessary. Or the seat may be made to lift up, and a large galvanized iron pail placed below, which can be removed and emptied when necessary ; very little earth is required if no slops are thrown into the pail. Slops should not be thrown into an earth closet. 71. The homes of working men in London and other large towns are generally greatly overcrowded, and without proper sleeping-rooms. When a family is obliged to dwell in one or two rooms, it is impos- sible that they can live healthily or decently. Bed- rooms should be of good size, and each one should have a fire-place and chimney, which should never be closed by a board, as the current of air passing up the chimney helps to ventilate the room. It is not possible to state any exact size for bedrooms as the air in a small room properly ventilated may be purer than a large 68 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. one that is closed up. A room 12 feet square by 10 feet in height, would contain 1,440 cubic feet of air. In barracks this would only be regarded as space for two men, and in the best hospitals for one patient. In the country every cottage for a working man with a grown up family should have three bedrooms one for the husband and wife, one for the elder boys, and a third for the girls. One of these bedrooms at least should have a fire-place, to be used in case of illness ; and for the sake of ventilation, it is better that each one should be so provided. Every cottage should have a living-room not less than 12 feet square, and a small scullery or wash- house. A small pantry for food is necessary ; this should have a window able to be opened outside of the cottage into the air. A place for tools, and another for fuel, are desirable. Every house should have a back as well as a front door, so that by open- ing both in summer thorough ventilation may be effected. If the front door opens into the sitting-room, there is in cold weather a great loss of heat each time the door is opened, and the sudden change of temperature often gives rise to colds and coughs, tiie front door should always be made to open into a porch or lobby. 72. The following designs for a pair of cottages for agricultural labourers, show the smallest accomoda- tion that is necessary for health. 1 73. Furniture. Good well-made articles of furni- 1 They are from the publications of " The Society for Im- proving the Condition of the Labouring Classes." Exeter Hall, W.C. CH. XI.] THE HOME, 69 ture are much more lasting than those of inferior quality, and are really the cheapest. Therefore it is much better to purchase furniture of a durable kind, although the first cost is greater. Articles purchased at cheap shops are always made of bad materials and are very much the dearest. DOUBLE COTTAGES FOR THE COUNTRY. It is desirable in a working man's house not to use furniture which requires much time and trouble in cleaning; glass and earthenware are more readily cleaned than any other substances, and, for many purposes, are preferable to metal. Iron bedsteads are better than wooden ones, as they do not harbour insects, are easily cleaned, and very 70 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. durable. The laths may be prevented from becom- ing rusty by laying a piece of coarse canvas or old GROUND FLOOR PLAN. UPPER FLOOR PLAN. carpet over them ; waterproof materials should not be used under the mattress as they prevent the damp CH. XL] THE HOME, &c. 71 escaping, when the bedding decays quickly and the bed remains cold and damp. On getting up in the morning the bed-clothes should be thrown across the foot of the bed or on the backs of some chairs, and aired for two or three hours before the bed is made ; making the bed immediately on rising is a very bad plan, as the sheets are charged with the moisture of the perspiration which has passed out of the skin during the night. Mattresses are cheaper and more healthy to use than soft feather beds; and curtains which keep the foul air that has been breathed round the sleepers should not be used. 74. It is very undesirable to buy furniture or cloth- ing of the hawkers known as Tallymen, who call at working men's houses, and sell showy and inferior goods, to be paid for by small payments of sixpence or a shilling per week. The articles are generally purchased by the wife, often without the knowledge of the husband, who becomes liable for the debt. Should the payments not be kept up, the husband is summoned to the County Court, and ordered to pay so much a week or month ; after a judgment has been obtained, if only one of these instalments be left unpaid, the whole balance becomes instantly due, and everything the debtor has can be seized by the brokers and sold by auction immediately. CHAPTER XII. WATER SUPPLY: QUALITIES OF WATER, INFLUENCE ON HEALTH; WASHING, COOKING, &c. 75. THE goodness of the water used by us is of very great importance. Many more diseases are caused by bad water than even by bad food. Water forms three-quarters of our weight, and before any part of our food can be taken into our bodies it must be dissolved in the watery fluids of the stomach. All fresh vegetables contain a very large proportion of water. Thus potatoes consist of three-quarters, and turnips and cabbage of upwards of nine-tenths, of their weight of this liquid. Even the driest vegetable sub- stances contain a large proportion. Dry wheaten flour has fifteen pounds of water in every hundred ; this is driven off by the heat when it is baked in making infant's food ; 1 and bread contains one third of its weight of water. 76. Water has so great a power of dissolving other substances, that it is not found anywhere in a perfectly pure state, but has always in it mineral substances, sometimes decaying vegetable and even animal mate- rials derived from the soil or earth thrcugh which it flows, and gases and odours absorbed from the air. 1 See Appendix, First Lesson. OF THE CH. xii. ] WA TER SUPJ&y[g?&g$ *&$ 73 77. In large towns water is usually supplied by the water companies through pipes, having been obtained from rivers. The water is generally supplied only for a short time each day, and the quantity received has to be stored up in cisterns or water-butts. These should be very frequently cleaned out, as the impurities of the water settle at the bottom and are stirred up each time the fresh water comes in. Water-butts and cisterns should never be placed near any decaying matters, such as manure heaps, or in close underground cellars, or near cesspools or drains, as the water very quickly absorbs the gases and bad smells arising from such substances, and becomes unwholesome. Water standing for a night in a close or crowded room absorbs the impure air and becomes unpleasant to the taste and injurious to health. When the waste or overflow pipe from a cistern runs into a drain the foul air rises up the pipe and renders the water unwhole- some, and the same evil arises if the cistern supplies a water-closet. 78. River water varies very much in quality, that from some rivers contains a great amount of decaying matter from the sewers and drains that run into them ; such water should not be used if it is possible to avoid it, but if no other can be obtained, it should be filtered and boiled before being drunk, or used in preparing food. All river water contains a small proportion of chalk, or carbonate of lime, dissolved in it. If the quantity is large the water is said to be hard the greater the proportion of chalk the harder the water. The water of the river Thames, with which the greater part of London is supplied, contains fourteen grains of chalk 74 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. in each gallon. Very little chalk (only two grains in every gallon) can be dissolved by pure water. The large quantity found in river and spring water is dis- solved by means of a gas, called carbonic acid gas, which is always present. When the water is heated this gas is driven off in small bubbles, which may be seen just before the water reaches the boiling point ; the chalk is then thrown down in a solid form, rendering the water slightly cloudy or turbid, and afterwards it settles down on the sides and bottoms of boilers or kettles forming the rock or fur which is always found in old boilers. When green vegetables are boiled in hard water, the chalk causes them to be of a dull colour ; and when clothes are boiled in hard water, as is sometimes done in washing, the rock or fur settles on them, causing them to be of a bad colour, the dirt being fixed in the clothes. When hard water is used for cooking or washing it is best to boil it for a few minutes before using it, as then the fur is thrown down on the sides of the boiler, and not on the food or clothes. Hard water is not good for making tea, as the strength of the tea-leaves is very slowly extracted. The bad effects of hard water in cooking may be partly remedied by using a small quantity of carbonate of soda, or even common washing soda, this softens the water, but if much be added it gives a soapy, un- pleasant taste ; as much as would cover a sixpenny- piece may be added to a large saucepan of greens, and about a quarter as much to a large teapot of tea. 79. Spring or well water differs very much in purity, that which is collected in shallow wells should CH. xii.] WATER SUPPLY QUALITIES, &c. 75 never be used in places that are thickly populated or highly manured, for the water is rendered impure by the decaying animal and vegetable substances in the soil, and becomes very unwholesome. When shallow wells are situated near cesspools or drains, the water becomes quite poisonous, and gives rise to cholera, fevers, and other fatal diseases. The water of wells situated in large cities, or near grave- yards, is always to be avoided. 80. The water from deep wells is generally free from any decaying vegetable matter or drainage, and is wholesome as a beverage, but it most frequently is excessively hard from containing a large amount of chalk dissolved in it. 8 1. Rain water is very pure if collected in country districts where there is but little smoke, but in towns it is always blackened by soot It is very soft, being perfectly free from mineral substances, and if collected in proper tanks free from leaves of trees and other decaying substances is very well fitted for cooking, drinking and washing. CHAPTER XIII. AIR AND VENTILATION. 82. The Air we breathe is necessary to purify the blood and to support life. Air, though invisible, is a material substance, a quantity of it in a bladder or air- tight bag prevents the sides being pressed together ; it also possesses weight ; a box, each side of which is one foot square (or one cubic foot), contains one ounce and a quarter of air. The air in a room twelve feet square and ei & ht feet in height weighs ninety pounds. 83. Air is not a simple substance, but a mixture of several gases. The most important of these is oxy- gen, which forms one-fifth part of its bulk. It is the oxygen which purifies the blood when we breathe, and it also enables combustible substances to burn when set on fire. The remaining four-fifths of the air consist chiefly of nitrogen, which serves to dilute the oxygen and render it milder, otherwise both our breathing and the burning of fires would go on too rapidly. 84. The breathing of men and animals and the burning of fuel take away part of the oxygen of the air, and its place is supplied by a gas called carbonic CH. xiii.] AIR AND VENTILATION. 77 acid. This is very injurious if breathed. Air con- taining only one-thousandth part ( 10 1 00 ) of carbonic acid destroys health if breathed for any length of time. In crowded places, or in bed or sitting-rooms when the doors and windows have been kept closed for some time after they have been occupied, the air often contains two or three times as much of this poisonous gas, or from two to three parts in a thousand. If this air is breathed for any length of time it speedily causes headache, weariness, and loss of strength. Persons who spend great part of their lives in rooms filled with bad air become pale and sickly, and are liable to many more diseases than those living in pure air. 85. The air always contains a considerable quantity of moisture, which varies very much at different times of the year and in different places. When the quan- tity of moisture is so great that it settles upon objects and makes them damp, it is injurious to health ; and houses in which the walls and foundations are damp are always unhealthy. A large quantity of moisture passes away from the body in the air that is breathed out from the lungs, and a great amount is produced by the burning of gas and other lamps. 86. Not only is the air of close rooms and houses rendered injurious by the carbonic acid and water produced, but it is made still more poisonous by the decaying animal matter which passes off in our breath, and which is also given out by the walls and floors of unclean houses, by dirty clothes, and by that air which comes into the house through drains or passes over stinking dust-bins and heaps of decaying refuse. ^HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. Whenever a house smells close and fusty to a person coming in out of the open air, it is always unhealthy, and sooner or later will produce illness in those who live in it. The good health that persons who live in houses in open country places enjoy is entirely owing to the pure air they breathe. But even in country villages the air is often rendered unwholesome by cesspools or dung-heaps being kept close to the house, or by the filthy habit of throwing the house-slops and dirty water on the ground close to the door. 87. A full-grown person takes into his lungs about two-thirds (f ) of a pint of air every time he breathes, and when not breathing quickly, from running or hard work, he usually does so about eighteen times every minute ; this is equal to twelve cubic feet every hour. This quantity of air weighs nearly one pound, so that we actually take into our lungs nearly twenty- four pounds of air every day, a greater weight than our food and drink taken together. 88. The air that passes out of our lungs is quite unfit to support life if breathed again, even when mixed with ten times its bulk of pure air, therefore the air in our living and sleeping rooms must be con- stantly changed, or it would soon become poisonous. Persons have often been killed by being shut up in close rooms or in ships during storms. The burning of a candle renders the air nearly as impure as the breathing of a single person, and every gas burner consumes a very much larger quantity. 89. The impure air that passes off from our bodies and that produced by the burning of lamps and fires, is always, from being heated, lighter than before, it CH. xiii.] AIR AND VENTILATION. 79 therefore rises and at first collects in the upper part of the room, unless it is allowed to escape. In a room that has a fire-place a stream of air is usually passing up the chimney, fresh air coming in by the cracks round the doors and windows. No bed- room should be slept in without a fire-place unless ventilation is otherwise provided for ; even the quan- tity of air coming in round the window and door is not sufficient, it is therefore much better to sleep with the window open. This may be done without causing a draught, by placing a board three inches wide on its edge under the lower sash, which is thus raised, caus- ing a space between the two sashes in the centre of the window ; through this the air enters and being directed upwards does not cause a draught. 90. It is much more desirable to let the air come into a bedroom through the window than through the door, as the house being closed at night the air often comes through the drains or damp cellars, and is not as pure as that which comes from outside the house. Gas is not desirable in close sitting or bedrooms, its effect on the air being much more injurious than candles or lamps. CHAPTER XIV. FIRING: STOVES, RANGES, AND ECONOMICAL MANAGEMENT OF FUEL. 91. The fuel used for cooking our food and warming our dwellings is usually coal or coke ; in some parts wood or peat is employed, and occasionally coal gas. 92. The heat produced during the burning of fuel is given out when the carbon of the fuel unites with the oxygen of the air, and carbonic acid gas is pro- duced, as it is by the breathing of men and animals. This poisonous gas usually passes up the chimney with some unburned carbon which forms the smoke. When charcoal is burnt, the carbonic acid is pro- duced without smoke, and therefore it is often used in stoves without chimneys, and the carbonic acid escap- ing into rooms is frequently the cause of fatal accidents. All stoves without flues or chimneys to carry off the carbonic acid are dangerous, and many persons have been poisoned by their having been used. 93. The heat produced by the burning of any kind CH. xiv.] FIRING: STOVES, RANGES, &c. 81 of fuel makes the air in and around the fire much lighter, and it rises rapidly over the fire, usually passing up the chimney. More than nine-tenths ( T V) of the heat of a common grate passes up the chimney in this manner, and is wasted. If the grate is constructed of thick solid metal, this conducts away a large quantity of the heat so that it is impossible to keep in a very small fire in an iron range, whereas a mere handful of fuel can be kept alight in a grate lined with fire brick or fire-clay which does not cool the burning fuel in the same manner metal does. Part of the heat produced is thrown out by the fire, and passes into the room. In ordinary grates the amount of heat passing off in this manner is very much lessened by the thick bars which are frequently placed in the front of the grate. 94. Ordinary fire-grates are most extravagant modes of using fuel, and are not employed by the people of any other nation. Not only is a good deal of the heat carried away up the chimney, and by the con- ducting power of the iron, but the shape of the grate and the bars also prevents much being thrown out into the room. 95. An ordinary grate may^however, be made more economical. If it be lined with bricks, tiles, or fire- clay, and the open bars underneath be closed, either by fire-clay or a piece of tin plate, the air will have to enter in front where the fire will be brightest, and no heat will be thrown down into the ash pit. 96. Cooking ranges with an oven on one side are very useful in a small family. If well constructed they will bake bread, meat, and pies or puddings very perfectly. Even when there is a low fire the oven can be used 82 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. for stewing, and slow cooking can be done on the top much better than over a common fire. A boiler by the side is not so important as an oven. Boilers are liable to get filled with the deposit or rock from the water ; and if they are of cast iron, they are apt to crack. As an example of a good cheap open range, the following may be taken ; it has a fire-clay back to IftltHtHHtt prevent the heat passing away where it is not required, a good sized oven with the door to let down in front, and a boiler. Grates of this kind are now made by many manufacturers, and are sold at a low price. 97. Cooking stoves are much more convenient and economical in use than ranges. They are used by almost all persons in America, and are now very largely CH. xiv.] FIRING: STOVES, RANGES, &>f. employed in this country. A very good pattern is shown in the engraving. It has an open fire which can be used for broiling and toasting. This fire is quite under control, and can be raised or lowered in a few minutes by opening or closing the doors so as to cause a strong current of air to pass through the burning fuel or over it as required. The size shown will bake a joint as large as a leg of mutton, or two tins of bread admirably. The cooking vessels can be put down on the fire or placed on the hot iron top, and shifted so as to receive as much heat as required. The stove can also be used as a hot plate for 84 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY, preserving or stewing. The open fire is cheerful, and the stove is a good heating stove as well as cooking stove. Any large boiler placed on the top will furnish an unlimited supply of hot water. If placed in front of an open fire-place these stoves require about six feet of iron pipe to be placed up the chimney. Being perfectly movable they can be carried by the owner from one house to another and placed in front of any fire-place. They are sold by Smith and Welstood, Ludgate Circus. 98. Gas-stoves. Gas when employed as ordinary fuel is exceedingly expensive, being at least five or six times as dear as coal. When the gas is burned inside the oven in which meat is to be baked the vapour arising from the burnt gas renders the meat sodden and unpleasant, and quite different from the meat cooked in an ordinary oven or before the open fire. Gas can however be used as an occasional source of heat with great economy as it is instantly lighted and put out ; there is no waste of fuel or loss of time. The best small gas stoves are those that can be placed on a table and burn the gas mixed with air; when it produces a pale blue flame which does not smoke any vessel placed within it. These stoves are particu- larly useful in heating a kettle of water in the summer time, or when there are no fires in the house. CHAPTER XV. LIGHTING: CANDLES, PETROLEUM, BENZO- LINE, AND GAS LAMPS, THEIR MANAGE- MENT, ETC. 99. Flame, which gives the light employed in our houses during the absence of the light of the sun, is always produced by the burning or combustion of inflammable gas. When a candle is lit, the fat, wax, or other material of which it is formed, is melted, then drawn upwards into the flame by the attraction of the wick, it is there heated so strongly that it is converted into gas, which burns as fast as it is made, thus producing the flame. In oil lamps the same happens, and in gas burners the gas burns as it escapes. 100. The gas which is burnt to give us artificial light, whether obtained from coals and supplied through pipes, or produced in the burning of a lamp or candle, consists chiefly of two substances, namely, hydrogen, which is always a gas, and carbon, which when not united with hydrogen or any other substance is usually a black solid, like charcoal or soot. 86 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. i o i . Both these substances burn in the flame, uniting with the oxygen of the air. The hydrogen in burning forms water, a large quantity of which passes off from every flame in the form of vapour or steam. Many gas lights in a close room make the air very damp, and the moisture they produce may often be seen settling on the cold glass of the windows, or even run- ning down the walls. The carbon or charcoal when burnt forms carbonic acid, an invisible gas. When there are many gas lights in a badly ventilated room, or even one in a room that is not ventilated at all, the air becomes very unwholesome from the presence of carbonic acid gas. 102. If there is not enough air to enable both the carbon and the hydrogen to burn, the hydrogen burns first, and part of the carbon passes oft in the form of smoke. By putting any cold pieces of metal, glass, or earthenware into a flame, the carbon is prevented from burning and settles on the metal or glass, cover- ing it with black soot. 103. Candles, which were formerly very generally used, give out very little light and are the dearest mode of producing light. Much may be learned of the nature of flame by watching attentively that of a common candle ; at the bottom is a pale blue light which is caused by the fresh air rising against the flame and producing the perfect burning of both the carbon and the hydrogen ; in the interior of the flame is a dark centre which consists of the unburnt inflammable gas rising from the wick ; this cannot burn until it reaches the air outside. The outside of the flame is very bright it is there only the gas burns. CH, xv.] LIGHTING. 87 If a small slip of wood be held for a moment steadily across the centre of a flame, it will be seen that the part in the middle is not burnt, only that which was at the outside of. the flame. 104. The oil used in lamps is of two distinct kinds. The fat greasy oils, such as seal or whale oil from animals, and olive or colza oil from vegetables. To obtain a good light from these fat oils it is necessary to make the flame hollow, and admit air into the in- terior, as is done in what is termed an Argand burner. In order to cause a strong current of air through the flame of an Argand, a tall glass chimney is requisite. 105. The mineral oils, called paraffin or petro- leum oils, are the cheapest oils in use They contain a very great amount of carbon or charcoal, and if they are burned without a chimney this escapes into the air in dark clouds of black smoke. These oils, therefore, require to be burned in a properly constructed lamp, so that sufficient air shall be sent against the flame to consume all the carbon. The best paraffin lamps are those with a single flat wick, which is able to be turned to any required height above the wick tube A, by small toothed wheels turned by a handle, B. The large quantity of air required by the flame rises up through the cone or cap c, and is directed against the sides of the flame, producing a complete combustion of the carbon, and a very brilliant light. Paraffin or petroleum oils were formerly sold con- taining much volatile inflammable spirit. At the present time no mineral lamp oil must be sold which is dangerous. Petroleum lamps are perfectly free from danger if 88 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. properly used. The oil-holder should be of glass, as if made of metal, it is apt to become heated. The lamps should always be filled before dark, and never after being lighted. Any oil spilled on the outside should be carefully wiped off, or it will produce a disagreeable smell when DIETZ'S FLAT WICK BURNER. the lamp is used. To light a petroleum lamp the glass chimney should be removed, then the wick turned above the slit in the cone, and when lighted instantly turned down again ; the chimney should then be put on and the wick turned up so as to produce a large bright flame without smoke, but so as to produce the full flame, when the lamp burns without smell. -If the flame is turned down low, there is no saving of oil, CH. xv.] LIGHTING. as a large quantity is sent off in vapour and produces a most disagreeable smell. 1 06. Sponge or spirit lamps are made for using the very inflammable spirit termed benzoline. They are rilled with sponge or cotton wool which is moistened with benzoline, the wick-holder is then screwed on and the wick turned up level to the top; when lighted a small flame, rather greater than that of a candle, is produced. As the benzoline is very inflammable these lamps should never be trimmed after dark, or near a fire, as the vapour may take light. If trimmed in the day-time, and only enough spirit poured in to moisten the cotton wool, they are quite safe, and are the cheap- est source of a small light. When used as night lights they should always be placed under a chimney as the vapour escapes and smells when they are turned down low. Coal gas is unquestionably the cheapest source of light, but its economy is not so great as is generally imagined ; the flame cannot always be brought where it is wanted, consequently a much greater amount of light is necessary than when movable lamps are employed. For small rooms, the two-hole, or fish-tail burner is best, being cheap, simple, and capable of causing a very perfect combustion of the gas. With this burner the flame is spread out into a thin, flat sheet, by the two currents of gas striking against one another. In a fish-tail burner the gas should always be turned on so as to cause a full-sized flame without flickering, as otherwise the gas is not perfectly burnt. A large-sized burner should not be used where a smaller one will answer. The flame gives a much brighter and steadier go HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. light when placed horizontally, with the flat sides turned up and down, than when burned upright in a glass globe, when the flame always flickers and is injurious to the eyes. An ordinary- si zed fish-tail con- sumes from three to four cubic feet of gas per hour, and gives the light of from six to nine candles. Where a great amount of light is required a circular or Argand burner is more economical than the fish-tail. In most burners the chimney is too high ; this causes too strong a current of air, and a great loss of light ensues. An Argand with a ring having fifteen holes, should not have a chimney more than seven inches high. Such a burner will consume about five cubic feet of gas in an hour, and give an amount of light equal to that of fifteen sperm candles. In all cases where gas is used, the room should be ventilated, or the air will become very unhealthy from the great amount of carbonic acid and vapour of water produced. Explosions sometimes occur when gas has escaped from a leaky pipe or a burner that has been left open. The explosion is generally caused by some person taking a lighted candle to discover the leakage, when the escaped gas takes fire instantaneously, and burns with a violent explosion. Whenever there is a strong smell of escaped gas, the maincock at the meter should be immediately turned, and the doors and windows opened to allow the gas to escape. No attempt should be made to search for the leak with a light, but notice should instantly be given to a gas-fitter. CHAPTER XVI. CLEANING, WASHING, AND GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 107. THE healthiness or unhealthiness of a house depends very greatly upon its degree of cleanliness; dirty, uncleaned houses are always more or less un- healthy. In country places, where the ground around a house is not paved with stone, care should be taken that no puddles of dirty water remain close to the house, as they not only render the air damp and unwholesome, but cause much dirt to be brought in on the feet. Slops of dirty water, tea-leaves, coffee-grounds, &c., should never be thrown out near the house, as they decay and are injurious. All decaying vegetable and animal matter near a house is injurious. Cabbage-leaves, potato and apple- parings, and other waste vegetables should never be thrown into the dust-bin, but should always be burnt ; which can always be done if they are first dried by throwing them at the back of the fire or in the ash-pit. The dust-bins of houses in town should only be 92 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. used for ashes ; instead of using dust-bins, it is a much better plan for the dust to be put into a galvanized iron pail and carried away each day, as is done in many towns. 1 08. The inside of the house not only becomes dirty by the dust carried in by the air and the dirt brought in by the feet, but from the odour or smell given out by our skin, and by the lungs with the breath. This smell or odour is absorbed by all porous substances, as the walls, floors, and ceilings ; it then decays, and gives rise to that close, sickening, un- wholesome smell, which is present in all dirty houses, especially such as are overcrowded. No house with such a smell can possibly be a healthy place to live in. This animal effluvium, or smell of decay- ing animal matter, is taken up by some substances much more readily than others. Walls that are covered with paper smell much more offensively than those that are painted. And in rooms where one paper has been pasted over another the whole thick- nesses of paper become very offensive and injurious to health. Painted or lime-washed walls are much to be preferred to papered walls for crowded dwellings and for all sleeping rooms. Woollen garments, carpets, and curtains absorb these smells freely, and give them out for a long time. Rough wooden floors also take them up, and consequently require frequent washing ; smoo thed waxed, or painted floors are much preferable to rough wooden ones. 109. The wholesomeriess of a dwelling is much increased by its being frequently white-washed. CH. xvi.] CLEANING, WASHING, &c. 93 White -wash is made by pouring water on cakes of whiting, and stirring until the liquid is like a thin cream, when a small quantity of warm size or dissolved glue is then added, to prevent the colour from rubbing off when dry. White- wash is applied with a broad, flat brush, working in a uniform direction up and down the wall. It is requisite first to remove the dirt and the old white-wash by washing it away with a brush and abundance of clean water. no. Lime-washing is a much more effectual mode of purification than white-washing, but is not so often used, as few persons know how to make lime-wash. If glue is used, it is destroyed by the lime, and the wash easily rubs off the walls when dry. This also happens if the lime be simply slaked in water and used without any fixing material. Lime-wash should be made by placing some freshly-burned quick-lime in a pail, and pouring on sufficient water to cover it; if the lime is fresh, great heat is given out; boiled oil (a preparation of linseed oil, sold by all oilmen) should then be added, one pint to each gallon of wash. For cheapness, any refuse fat, such as dripping, may be used instead of the boiled oil. The whole should then be thinned with water. The brush should not be left in the lime-wash or the bristles will be destroyed. Should coloured wash be required, one pound of green vitriol added to every two gallons of wash gives a very pleasing drab. Quick-lime slaked with skimmed milk, and after- wards thinned with water, makes an excellent wash for out-door walls, as it is not acted on by the weather. Lime- washing is strongly recommended as a means 94 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. of purification, more especially when any infectious disorders are prevalent. in. Floors should not be scrubbed so frequently as is often recommended ; once a- week is generally quite sufficient. In damp weather wet floors do not dry, and the house remains damp and cold for a consid- erable time ; it is better, in all cases, to defer the scrubbing even for a week, than to wet the floors on a rainy or foggy day. In cases of illness this is particularly important ; so injurious is damp air to invalids, that in some hospitals the floors are waxed, and dry rubbing used instead of scouring, with great advantage to the health of the patients. It should be a fixed rule that floors, particularly those of sleeping-rooms, are to be scrubbed only on dry days, and, where the health of the inmates is delicate, the drying should be quickened by lighting a fire in the room. Kneeling when scrubbing sometimes causes a pain- ful disease of the knee-joint called " Housemaid's Knee." In order to prevent, as much as possible, this complaint, a thick soft mat should always be used to kneel upon. In some parts the scrubbing is done by men with a heavy stiff brush fixed to a long handle, like house-brooms. 112. No dirty old lumber should ever be allowed to collect in the house ; bones, old shoes and boots, old dirty woollen clothes, and pieces of carpet, are often kept : these render the air of the house impure, and consequently unwholesome, are exceedingly apt to be- come mouldy, harbour vermin, serve as breeding-places for the clothes-moth, and retain most tenaciously any infection to which they may have been exposed. CH. xvi.j CLEANING, WASHING, &c. 95 Such things should always be got rid of; if not sold at once, if of any value, they had better be given away, or even burnt, rather than kept to render the air of the house impure and unwholesome. The Jews are remarkable for their good health and great freedom from infectious and contagious diseases : this is doubt- less in great part owing to the annual cleaning of the houses, when every part of the dwellings is thoroughly cleansed in the most perfect manner. 113. The washing of dirty clothes is usually done with the aid of soap, soda, and washing preparations ; chloride of lime being sometimes also used, Washing-soda softens the water; it also possesses great powers of cleansing, as it removes stains and dissolves dirt and grease, rendering less rubbing necessary. Soda must not be used with coloured clothes, as it changes many colours. If white clothes, after being washed with soda, are not perfectly freed from it by rinsing in pure water, they wilf turn very yellow when heated or ironed, or even in drying or airing before the fire. Once produced, this yellow colour is very difficult to get rid of. 114. Borax is much better than soda for fine, delicate things ; it is very much used by the French laundresses, as it saves soap, and does not injure the finest laces. It is used in the proportion of a hand- ful to ten gallons of water. 115. Soap is made of caustic soda and fat: the latter renders the soda less destructive, but does not take away its power of loosening dirt. The best soap is by far the cheapest to use, as the common kinds contain a great deal of water, which makes the soap very 96 HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT AND COOKERY. soft, and causes it to dissolve very quickly when used. It is most economical to buy soap in bars, and then cut it up into small pieces to dry before use. 1 1 6. Washing preparations and powders are very similar to soda in their action, some of them being very cleansing, and even corrosive in their properties. When used, the greatest care should be taken to rinse the clothes thoroughly after washing, so as to remove every portion, or the clothes will soon be weakened by their action. 117. Chloride of lime is often used to remove stains, but it must be employed with great caution, as it is corrosive, and destroys all the colours of almost all dyed fabrics. 1 1 8. The following practical directions on wash- ing were furnished by an experienced laundress : " Wash as often as convenient. Dirty clothes put by for weeks are more difficult to clean the longer they remain dirty; they acquire a permanent bad colour, and in damp places are apt to become mil- dewed and rotten. " Remove all stains as soon as possible ; leave nothing long enough to fix itself thoroughly to the cloth ; wash out grease, gravy, and fruit-stains, &c., before putting anything on one side. Fruit-stains yield readily to bleachi ng-powder, especially if, after being put on, it is moistened with a drop of some acid, as vinegar or lemon ; but neither acids nor bleaching-powder should be used to coloured things. Inkstains should never be put into soapy or soda water or lye, as they directly become iron-moulds ; but should be instantly wetted with clean water, and may be at once removed by the application of a little CH. xvi.] CLEANING, WASHING, s. f OF THE \ (UNIVERSITY) \v 9f S ^*^*^ -"-^**^ THE END. RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LIMITED, LONDON AND BUNGAY. YA 02177