THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS y (Photo, Watsonville Reghter-Pa'jaronian) Pajaro Valley, Looking Northeast STATE OF CALIFORNIA EARL WARREN GOVERNOR PUBLICATION OF STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD Bulletin No. 5 SANTA CRUZ- MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION August, 1953 Additional Copies of this publication may be purchased from Documents Section, Division of Printing 11th and Streets, Sacramento LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DAVIS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of California, Davis Libraries TABLE OF CONTENTS Pasre LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL, STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD _ 9 ACKNOWLEDGMENT 10 ORGANIZATION, STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD 11 ORGANIZATION, STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES 12 ORGANIZATION, COUNTIES OF MONTEREY AND SANTA CRUZ BOARDS OF SUPERVISORS- 13 CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION Page Authorization for Investigation 15 Related Investigations and Reports 16 Scope of Investigation and Report l(i Area Under Investigation 17 Drainage Basins 18 (Miniate 18 Geology 18 Soils 18 Present Development 1!' CHAPTER II. WATER SUPPLY Precipitation 21 Precipitation Stations and Records 21 Precipitation Characteristics 21 Quantity of Precipitation 23 Runoff __ 24 Stream Gaging Stations and Records 24 Runoff Characteristics 25 Quantity of Runoff 27 Underground Hydrology 29 Ground Water Zones in Pajaro Unit— 2!) Forebay Zone 31 Upper Pressure Zone 31 Valley Floor Pressure Zone 31 Ground Water Levels in Pajaro Unit— 32 Safe Ground Water Yield of Pajaro Unit 33 Sufficiency of Water Supply to Forebay Zone of Pajaro Unit 34 Impairment of Quality of Water 34 Ground Water Basins in North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units 37 Quality of Water 37 Standards of Quality for Water 38 Quality of Surface Water 39 Quality of Ground Water 40 Water in Confined Aquifers, Pajaro and Soquel Units 40 Water Overlying Confined Aquifers, Pajaro Unit 40 Degradation of Confined Ground Water, Pajaro Unit 40 CHAPTER III. WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Page Water Utilization 43 Present Water Supply Development 45 Water Service Agencies 45 Appropriation of Water 46 Dams Under State Supervision 46 Land Use 47 Present Land Use 47 Probable Ultimate Land Use 47 Unit Use of Water 50 Pajaro Unit 50 North Coastal. San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units 51 Present Water Utilization 53 Pajaro Unit 53 North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units 54" Probable Ultimate Water Utilization . 54 Demands for Water 54 Irrigation Efficiency 55 Monthly Demand for Water 55 Permissible Deficiencies in Application of Water 55 Nonconsumptive Water Demands.. 55 Flood Control 56 Fisli and Wildlife ____ 56 Supplemental Water Requirements ._ 56 Present Supplemental Requirement 56 Pajaro Unit 56 North Coastal. San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units 57 Probable Ultimate Supplemental Requirement 57 CHAPTER IV. PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT The California Water Plan 60 Feather River Project 60 San Lucas Project 60 Other Projects Under Consideration 60 Plans for Initial Local Development 60 North Coastal Unit 61 Alternative Plans Considered 61 Archibald Project 62 ( 5) TABLE OF CONTENTS-Continued CHAPTER IV. Plans for Water Development— Continued Page San Lorenzo Unit 64 Alternative Plans Considered 65 Zayante Project 65 Doyle Gulch Project 67 Soqnel Unit 69 Alternative Plans Considered 70 Glenwood Project 70 Upper Soquel Project 72 Page Pajaro Unit 7:} Alternative Plans Considered — 74 Watsonville Project 75 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions 81 Recommendations 83 APPENDIXES Page A. Agreements Between the State Water Re- sources Boa I'd, the Counties of Monterey and Santa Cruz, and the Department of Public Works 85 B. Geology of Santa Cruz-Monterey Area 91 C. Records of Monthly Precipitation in Santa Cruz-Monterey Area Not Previously Pub- lished -1 103 D. Records of Daily Runoff and Periodic Weir Measurements in Santa Cruz-Monterey Area Not Previously Published 111 E. Records of Depths to Ground Water at Measurement Wells in Santa Cruz-Monte- rey Area 127 F. Records of Partial Mineral Analyses of Ground Water in Santa Cruz-Monterey Area 147 Page G. Applications to Appropriate Water in Santa Cruz-Monterey Area 149 II. Records of Application of Ground Water to Representative Crops in Santa Cruz- Monterey Area 153 I . " Irrigation Practices and Consumptive Use of Water in Pajaro Valley, California," by Harry F. Blaney and Paul A. Ewing, Soil Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture, December, 1949 159 J. Yield Studies _ 191 K. Estimates of Cost 197 L. Alternative Plans Considered 213 TABLES Table No. Page 1. Mean, Maximum, and Minimum Seasonal Precipitation at Selected Stations in or Near Santa Cruz-Monterey Area _ 22 2. Recorded Seasonal Precipitation at Santa Cruz and Watsonville 23 3. Mean Monthly Distribution of Precipita- tion at Santa Crnz 23 4. Maximum 24-Hour Precipitation in Santa Cruz-Monterey Area 24 5. Estimated Total Quantity of Seasonal Pre- cipitation on Pajaro Unit 24 6. Stream Gaging Stations in or Near Santa Cruz-Monterey Area 25 7. Recorded and Estimated Seasonal Runoff of San Lorenzo River at I'>i<: Trees 27 8. Average Monthly Distribution of Recorded Runoff of San Lorenzo River at Big Trees 27 Table \<>. Page 9. Estimated Mean Seasonal Runoff From North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel 1 nits 28 10. Measured and Estimated Seasonal Sur- face Inflow to and Outflow From Valley Floor of Pajaro Unit ___ 2S 11. Measured Depth to Ground Water at Rep- resentative Wells in Pajaro Unit 33 12. Measured Depth to Free Ground Water Overlying Confined Aquifers in Valley Floor Pressure Zone of Pajaro I nit __ 33 13. Estimated Seasonal Ground Water Re- charge to Forebay Zone of Pajaro Unit 34 14. Estimated Seasonal Subsurface Outflow From Forebay Zone of Pajaro Unit 34 15. Complete Mineral Analyses of Representa- tive Surface Waters of Santa Cruz-Mon- terey Area 39 (0 ) TABLES-Continued able No. Page Table No. 16. Total Hardness of Representative Surface 35. Probable Ultimate Mean Seasonal Applica- Waters of Santa Crnz-Monterey Area 39 tion of Water in Units of Santa Cruz- 17. Complete Mineral Analyses of Confined Monterey Area Ground Waters in Santa Cruz-Monterey 36. Estimated Average Monthly Distribution Area 41 of Seasonal Demand for Water in Santa 18. Complete Mineral Analyses of Ground Cruz-Monterey Area Waters Overlying' Confined Aquifers in 37. Estimated Present Seasonal Supplemental Pajaro Unit 42 Water Requirement in Area Served by 19. Principal Water Service Agencies, Santa City of Santa Cruz Water Department Cruz-Monterey Area _. 46 38. Probable Ultimate Mean Seasonal Suppler 20. Dams Under State Supervision, Santa mental Water Requirement in Units of Crnz-Monterey Area 47 Santa Crnz-Monterey Area 21. Present Land Use in Pajaro Unit 48 39. Estimated Safe Seasonal Yield of Archi- 22. Present Land Use in North Coastal, San bald Reservoir, Based on Critical Dry Lorenzo, and Soquel Units 48 Period From 1923-24 Through 1930-31 — 23. Classification of Lands in Pajaro Unit 49 40. Areas and Capacities of Archibald Reser- 24. Probable Ultimate Land Use in Pajaro voir Unit 49 41. General Features of Archibald Project 25. Probable Ultimate Net Seasonal Irrigated 42. Estimated Safe Seasonal Yield of Zayante Area in Pajaro Unit 49 Reservoir, Based on Critical Dry Period 26. Probable Ultimate Land" Use "in"North -4. Geologic Map of Pajaro Unit Plates Listed Below Follow Appendix L Plate No. L-l. El Oso Dam on Wadded Creek L-2. Archibald No. 1 Dam on Scott Creek L-3. Archibald No. 2 Dam on Scott Creek ( Reservoir Storage Capacity of 20.00!) Acre-feet) L-4. Archibald No. 3 Dam on Scott Creek ( Reservoir Storage Capacity of 14.400 Acre-feet i L-5. Archibald No. •'! Dam on Scott '"reek (Reservoir Storage Cacapity of 43,200 Acre-feel I L-6. Archibald No. -I Dam on Scott ('reek L-7. Laguna ('reek Dam on Laguna Creek Plate No. L-S. Bald Mountain School Dam on Laguna Creek L-9. Waterman Switch Dam on San Lorenzo River L-10. Bear Creek Dam on Bear Creek L-ll. Jamison Damon Boulder Creek L-12. Newell Creek Dam on Newell Creek L-13. Doyle Gulch Dam in Doyle (iulch (Reservoir Storage Capacity of 14. 500 Acre-feet) L-14. Soquel ('reek Dam on Soquel Creek L-L"). Aptos Creek Dam on Aptos Creek L-16. Pinto Lake Dam L-17. Elkhorn Slough Dam on Elkhorn Slough ILLUSTRATIONS Pajaro Valley, Looking Northeast Frontispiece Swanton Natural Bridges Beach, North Coastal I'nit 20 Big Basil] Redwoods, San Lorenzo I'nit 26 Well Log Peg Model. Pajaro Valley 30 Page 44 Soquel Unit, Soquel at Right Pajaro I'nit. Looking North From Bluff Southeasl of Watsonville 52 Archibald Site <;:{ Watsonville Site 7(i i s I LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL EARL WARREN GOVERNOR STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING SACRAMENTO 5. CALIFORNIA C. A. GRIFFITH, Chairman, AZUSA B. A. ETCHEVERRY, VICE CHAIRMAN, BERKELEY HOWARD F. COZZENS, SALINAS CLAIR A. HILL, REDDING August 17, 1953 R. V. MEIKLE, TURLOCK ROYAL MILLER, SACRAMENTO PHIL D. SWING. SAN DIEGO D. EDMONSTON, STATE ENGINEER SECRETARY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE SECRETARY Honorable Earl Warren, Governor, and Members of the Legislature of the State of Cat if or it ia Gentlemen : I have the honor to transmit herewith Bulletin No. 5 of the State Water Resources Board, entitled "Santa Cruz-Monterey Counties Investigation", as authorized by Chapter 1514, Statutes of 1945, as amended. The Santa Cruz-Monterey Counties Investigation was conducted and Bulletin No. 5 was prepared by the Division of Water Resources of the Department of Public Works, under the direction of the State Water Resources Board. Bulletin No. 5 contains an inventory of the surface and underground water resources of Pajaro Valley in both Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties and of other areas in Santa Cruz County, estimates of present and probable ultimate water utilization, estimates of present and probable ultimate supplemental water require- ments, and preliminary plans and cost estimates for water development works. Very truly yours, ■&-*■ C. A. Griffith ( 'hail man (9) ACKNOWLEDGMENT Valuable assistance and data used in the investigation were contributed by agencies of the Federal Government, the State of California, cities, counties, public districts, and by private companies and individuals. This cooperation is gratefully acknowledged. Special mention is also made of the helpful cooperation of the Boards of Super- visors of the Counties of Monterey and Santa Cruz; Arnold M. Baldwin, County Surveyor of Santa Cruz County; H. F. Cozzens, County Surveyor of Monterey County ; Neal D. Smith, City Manager of City of Santa Cruz ; John C. Luthin, formerly Superintendent of City of Santa Cruz Water Department; R. E.Fowle, Manager of Watsonville City Water Works; and H. N. Ormsbee, Chairman of Santa Cruz County Water Conservation Committee. Valuable data were contrib- uted by the Coast Counties Gas and Electric Company, Soil Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, and Corps of Engineers of the United States Army. ( 10) ORGANIZATION STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD C. A. GRIFFITH, Chairman, Azusa H. F. COZZENS, Salinas R. V. MEIKLE, Turlock B. A. ETCHEVERRY, Berkeley ROYAL MILLER, Sacramento CLAIR A. HILL, Redding PHIL D. SWING, San Diego A. D. EDMONSTON, State Engineer Secretary and Engineer SAM R. LEEDOM, Administrative Assistant (11) ORGANIZATION STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES F. B. DURKEE Director of Public Works A. D. EDMONSTON State Engineer T. B. WADDELL _ Assistant State Engineer * * P. H. Van Etten, Assistant State Engineer, until June 15, 1951. This bulletin was prepared under the direction of W. L. BERRY Principal Hydraulic Engineer by J. M. HALEY Supervising Hydraulic Engineer and A. J. DOLCINI Senior Hydraulic Engineer H. A. HOWLETT ..... Senior Hydraulic Engineer C. A. McCULLOUGH Associate Hydraulic Engineer J. W. McPARTLAND Assistant Hydraulic Engineer Assistance was furnished by WAYNE MacROSTIE Supervising Hydraulic Engineer MEDILL THIEBAUD Supervising Hydraulic Engineer R. B. BOND Associate Hydraulic Engineer M. G. FAIRCHILD Associate Hydraulic Engineer J. H. LAWRENCE Associate Soil Technologist J. W. SHANNON Associate Soil Technologist W. W. PEAK _ Assistant Engineering Geologist CORTLAND LANNING Assistant Hydraulic Engineer R. W. MEFFLEY Assistant Hydraulic Engineer R. N. HALEY. Assistant Civil Engineer T. C. MACKEY Assistant Civil Engineer E. D. STETSON Assistant Civil Engineer G. D. WINKELBLACK Assistant Hydrographer H. E. ANDRUS Photogrammetrist II R. E. WHITING Junior Civil Engineer J. L. JAMES Senior Delineator LENORE CASE Senior Stenographer-Clerk Ground water phases of this bulletin were reviewed by a staff committee composed of G. B. GLEASON Supervising Hydraulic Engineer I. M. INGERSON Supervising Hydraulic Engineer E. C. MARLIAVE Supervising Engineering Geologist FRANK ADAMS and PAUL A. EWING, Editorial Consultants HENRY HOLSINGER, Principal Attorney T. R. MERRYWEATHER, Administrative Officer (12 ) ORGANIZATION COUNTIES OF MONTEREY AND SANTA CRUZ BOARDS OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF MONTEREY A. B. JACOBSEN, Chairman LORAN BUNTE FRED C. MOFFITT CHESTER DEAVER WILLIAM J. REDDING COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ ALVIN V. GREGORY, Chairman FRANK CLEMENT PHILIP H. ROWE C. B. HARTS GUS E. WAHLBERG (13) CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The area in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties un- der this investigation has recently experienced a sub- stantial increase in water utilization, in common with many other parts of California. As a result, it is con- fronted with a need for more complete conservation of its water resources. Diversion of surface water in Santa Cruz County has increased until in dry years insuffi- cient summer How exists in certain streams to meet peak water demands for urban and recreational re- quirements. Expanding irrigated acreage in Pajaro Valley together with trends toward more intensive agriculture have increased the ground water draft in that valley and have resulted in sea-water intrusion. Concern has been aroused as to the adequacy of sur- face and ground water resources, as presently devel- oped, to meet water demands. AUTHORIZATION FOR INVESTIGATION As a result of the general concern regarding water supply, the Secretary-Manager of the Watsonville Chamber of Commerce addressed a letter to the Board of Supervisors of Santa Cruz County on August 28, 1946, asking that the Board request the State Division of Water Resources to make a survey of surface and underground waters in Pajaro Valley. On September 10, 1946, the Board of Supervisors of Monterey County adopted a resolution requesting the State Water Re- sources Board to undertake, through the State Division of Water Resources, a survey of the underground Ava- ters of Pajaro Valley. On October 23, 1946, a similar resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Santa Cruz County. As a result of these resolutions the State Water Resources Board, on December 13, 1946, adopted a resolution authorizing a cooperative agreement between the State Water Resources Board, the Counties of Monterey and Santa Cruz, and the Department of Public Works. This agreement became effective on February 13, 1947, and provided that the Department of Public Works, acting through the agency of the State Engineer, would make an investi- gation and report on the ground water supply of Pajaro Valley in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties. Since the foregoing agreement provided only for an investigation of Pajaro Valley and did not include consideration of water problems in other areas in Santa Cruz County, the City of Santa Cruz, by resolution dated April 19, 1948, requested the State Water Re- sources Board to make a "preliminary study to determine the scope, extent and estimated cost of having a complete study made of the "round and surface water resources with recommendations as to the appropriate allocation of the waters in the San Lorenzo and Pajaro River basins and all intervening watersheds and to pre- pare a contract proposed to be entered into by the State and local agencies to have said study made." The Board of Supervisors of Santa Cruz County, by resolution adopted April 28, 1948, requested "the State Department of Public Works, Division of Water Resources, Sacramento, California, to in- clude the entire unincorporated area of the County of Santa Cruz in the preliminary survey being made by that agency of water sources within the State of California." At its June 3, 1948, meeting, the State Water Resources Board approved the new and enlarged investigation, subject to consummation of contracts with the local agencies. The resulting agreement between the State Water Resources Board, the Counties of Santa Cruz and Monterey, and the Department of Public Works was fully executed on October 8, 1948, but did not become effective until January 18, 1949, when funds became available. It provided that the work to be performed was to "consist of an investigation and report on the water supplies, surface and underground, of Pajaro Val- ley in the Counties of Monterey and Santa Cruz, and of the San Lorenzo River Basin, of Soquel Creek Basin, of Aptos Creek Basin, and of Corralitos Creek Basin, and of other streams within Santa Cruz County, including an inventory of the water re- sources, both surface and underground, of the areas involved ; a survey of the location, extent and type of use of water under present development in said areas ; an estimate of the future water requirements for all said areas; plans for securing additional water supplies to meet immediate demands and for ultimate development, utilizing both surface and underground storage ; estimates of cost of the various plans evolved ; and recommendations as to allotments of supply to the respective areas." Objectives of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Counties In- vestigation included investigation and study of the nature, occurrence, and amount of water resources, both surface and underground ; survey of the location, type and extent of water utilization under present development ; estimation of future water requirements for all beneficial uses ; evaluation of present and future water problems; development of preliminary plans for ( I.j ) Hi SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION securing supplemental water supplies to meet immedi- ate and ultimate needs; and estimates of cost. Total funds made available for the investigation, under terms of the two authorizing agreements, were $-!<;.()()(), contributed by the cooperating agencies as follows: State of California. $13,000; Monterey County. $4,000; and Santa Cruz County, $9,000. Of the amount contributed by Santa Cruz County, $1,400 was furnished by the City of Watsonville, and $2,600 by the City of Saiita Cruz. In addition to the fore- going, substantial funds were expended in the area by the State Water Resources Board in connection with its current State-wide Water Resources Investigation, certain results of which have been used in connection with the Santa Cruz-Monterey Counties Investigation. Copies of the two agreements between the State Water Resources Board, the Counties of Monterey and Santa Cruz, and the Department of Public Works are included as Appendix A. RELATED INVESTIGATIONS AND REPORTS Prior investigations and reports reviewed in con- nection with this investigation include the following: Allen. John Eliot. "Geology of the San Juan Bautista Quad- rangle, California." California State Division of Mines. Bulle- tin 133. March. 1!>4<>. Blaney, Harry F.. and Ewing, Paul A. "Irrigation Practices and Consumptive I'se of Water in Pa.jaro Valley, California." United States Department of Agriculture. Soil Conservation Service. December, 1940. California State Water Resources Board. "Water Resources of California." Bulletin No. 1. 1951. Hyde. C. G., and Sullivan. (I. L., Consulting Engineers. "Santa Cruz County Sewage Disposal Survey." June 30, T.I47. I.uthin. John ('.. Superintendent of the City of Santa Cruz Water Department. "Preliminary Survey of the Water Depart- ment's Current Needs and Development of Additional Sources of Water Supply." Memorandum to Citj of Santa Cruz Water Commission. 1!)4S. Seventy-eighth Congress, Second Session. "Preliminary Exam- ination and Survey of Pa.jaro River, California." House Docu- ment 505. December 13, ii>4."i. Storie. R, Earl. "'Natural Land Divisions of Santa Cruz County. California: Their Utilization and Adaptation." University of California. Agricultural Experiment Station. Bulletin .'His. July. 1!»40. Storie. R. Karl, el al. "Soil Survey- -Santa Cruz Area. Cali- fornia." United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils and Agricultural Engineering. Series 1935, No. 25, January. 1!»44. United States Army, Corps of Engineers, San Francisco District. Basic data collected in a flood control study of the San Lorenzo I: i\ rr Basin. United States Department of the Interior. Geological Survey. "Geologic Atlas of the United States, Santa Cruz Polio, Cali- fornia." Folio K'.::. L909. The Division of Water Resources is presently con- ducting surveys and studies for the State-wide Water Resources Investigation, authorized by Chapter 1541, Statutes of 1!I47. This investigation, under the direc- tion of tlie State Water Resources Board, has as its objective the formulation of The California Water Plan for full conservation, control, and utilization of the State's water resources to meet present and t'ntiire water needs for all beneficial purposes and uses in all parts of the State, insofar as practicable. Surveys and studies have also been conducted by the Division of Water Resources in connection with its Santa Clara Valley Investigation under a cooperative agreement between the State Water Resources Board, the County of Santa Clara, the City of San Jose, and the Depart- ment of Public Works acting through the agency of the State Engineer. This investigation, which is co- ordinated with the State-wide Water Resources In- vestigation, has as its objectives the investigation and study of the underground water supply of valley floor lands in Santa Clara County, including quality, replen- ishment, and utilization thereof, and, if possible, a method or methods of solving the water problems involved. Results of both of the foregoing investiga- tions will have direct bearing on solutions to the water problems of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, particu- larly as regards plans to meet supplemental water requirements of the area under ultimate conditions of development. SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT It has been stated that under provisions of the au- thorizing agreements the general objectives of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Counties Investigation included investigation and study of the water supplies, both surface and underground, of Pajaro Valley in the Counties of Monterey and Santa Cruz, and of other stream basins in Santa Cruz County. These studies included determinations of the utilization of water under present and ultimate development, and plans, with comparative costs, for securing supplemental water supplies to meet immediate and ultimate needs. Field work in the Pajaro Valley, as authorized by. the initial agreement, commenced in February, 1947, and continued until March, 1!)48. Field work in the expanded investigational area, as authorized by the second agreement, commenced in September, 1948, and witli the office studies continued into 1952. In the course of the investigation, available precipi- tation and runoff records were collected and compiled in order to evaluate water supplies available to the investigational area. Fight stream gaging stations were installed and maintained to develop additional hydro- graphic data. These stations were established on the Pajaro and San Lorenzo Rivers, and Corralitos, Green Valley, Zayante, Casserly, and Soquel Creeks. The effects of draft on and replenishment of the ground water basin of Pajaro Valley were determined by measurements of static ground water levels made at 330 wells during each spring and fall of the period of investigation. These wells were chosen to form a comprehensive measuring grid over the entire area. In addition, monthly measurements were made at 45 key wells to determine fluctuation of ground water levels under varying rates of ground water draft. INTRODUCTION- IT Similar measurements were made at a limited number of wells in Soquel Valley. Geologic investigations were made in the field, and logs of approximately 200 wells in the Pajaro and Soquel Units were collected and studied. Results of these geologic studies were utilized in conjunction with well measurements to determine the areal extent of confined and free ground water. Results of geologic studies are reported in Appendix B. Present land use in Pajaro Valley was determined from a detailed survey conducted in 194T. This land use survey was extended to the Soquel area in 1949 and to the coastal strip northwest of Santa Cruz in 1950. The total area surveyed in Pajaro Valley comprised about TO.000 acres. In addition, a survey of habitable areas was conducted in 1949 throughout the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area. Data from these surveys were used in conjunction with data obtained on unit water use to determine water utilization. In order to determine future water utilization in the investigational area, all lands in Pajaro Valley were classified as to their suitability for irrigated agricul- ture. Similarly, the survey of habitable areas was utilized for evaluation of lands relative to their suit- ability for urban, suburban, and recreational develop- ment. Current irrigation practices in Pajaro Valley were surveyed in order to determine unit application of water to important crops on lands of various soil types. During the 194T irrigation season, records of appli- cation of water were collected at 126 plots, and during 1949 at 63 plots. The data collected included records of pump discharge, acreage served, crops irrigated, number and period of irrigations, and amounts of water applied. Studies were made of the mineral quality of surface and ground waters in order to evaluate their suit- ability for irrigation and other uses, and to locate areas subject to sea-water intrusion. Data used in these studies included 119 partial and 132 complete mineral analyses of water samples collected during the course of the investigation. Field surveys, including geologic examinations, were made to locate and evaluate the suitability of possible dam and reservoir sites for conservation of surface runoff. Reconnaissance surveys were also made of possible routes for conveyance of water to certain areas of use. Results of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Counties In- vestigation are presented in this report in the four en- suing chapters. Chapter II, "Water Supply," contains evaluations of precipitation and of surface and sub- surface inflow and outflow. It also includes results of investigation and study of ground water basins, and contains data regarding mineral quality of surface and ground waters. Chapter III, "Water Utilization and Supplemental Requirements," includes data and estimates of present and probable ultimate land use and water utilization, and contains estimates of pres- ent and probable ultimate supplemental water re- quirements. It also includes available data on de- mands for water with respect to rates and times of delivery. Chapter IV, "Plans for Water Develop- ment," describes preliminary plans for conservation and utilization of available water supplies to meet sup- plemental water requirements, including results of yield studies, design considerations and criteria, and cost estimates. Chapter V, "Conclusions and Recom- mendations," comprises a summary statement of the conclusions resulting from the investigation and studies, together with recommendations for action re- lating to solution of water problems on the part of concerned local interests. AREA UNDER INVESTIGATION The area under investigation comprises nearly all of Santa Cruz County and that portion of Pajaro Valley lying in Monterey and San Benito Counties. The investigational area has been designated the "Santa Cruz-Monterey Area" and covers about 294,- 000 acres. The Santa Cruz-Monterey Area is situated adjacent to the Pacific Ocean and Monterey Bay. Its northern boundary lies about 40 miles south of San Francisco. The area extends southeastward from this boundary along the coastal slopes for approximately 40 miles, and varies in width from about 12 to 25 miles. Loca- tion of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area is indicated on Plate 1, entitled "Location of Santa Cruz-Monterey Area." In order to facilitate reference to its several parts, the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area was divided into four principal hydrographic units, based on geographical considerations and on respective types of water service and sources of water supply. These were designated "North Coastal Unit," "San Lorenzo Unit," "Soquel Unit," and "Pajaro Unit," and are shown on Plate 2, entitled "Hydrographic Units and Principal Organ- ized Water Agencies." The North Coastal Unit em- braces the area draining into the Pacific Ocean from about the San Mateo-Santa Cruz county line south, to and including the Meder Creek drainage area. The San Lorenzo Unit includes the watershed of the San Lorenzo River and the coastal drainage from the Meder Creek watershed easterly to, but not including, the Doyle Gulch drainage area. The Soquel Unit con- sists of the Doyle Gulch drainage area and the drain- age areas of all other streams to the southeast dis- charging into Monterey Bay to, but not including, the Pajaro River watershed. The Pajaro Unit comprises the drainage area of the Pajaro River below Pajaro (}ap. including the northern extremity of Monterey County, a small part of the northwestern corner of San Benito County, and the southern portion of Santa 18 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION Cruz County. Its southern boundary is the drainage divide between the Pajaro River and Elkhorn Slough. For purposes of hydrologic analyses, the Pajaro Unit was further divided into the valley floor, comprising the "Valley Floor Pressure Zone" and the "Upper Pressure Zone, ' ' and the tributary drainage area, com- prising the "Forebay Zone." These subdivisions are shown on Plate 11, "Ground Water Zones in Pajaro Unit." Drainage Basins The Santa Cruz-Monterey Area comprises chiefly mountainous terrain, with exception of the floor of Pajaro Valley, the Santa Cruz-Capitola area, and a narrow coastal strip flanking this area. The floor of Pajaro Valley slopes gently from an elevation of about 100 feet above sea level at the base of the Santa Cruz Mountains to the ocean about ten miles to the west. The remainder of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area is traversed by the Santa Cruz Mountains which reach a maximum elevation of 3,214 feet above sea level along the mountain crest on the county line between Santa Cruz and Santa Clara Counties. The investigational area is drained by two rivers and a number of creeks. From northwest to southeast the more important streams are Waddell, Scott, San Vicente, and Laguna Creeks in the North Coastal Unit ; San Lorenzo River and Branciforte Creek in the San Lorenzo Unit ; Soquel and Aptos Creeks in the Soquel Unit ; and Corralitos, Green Valley, and Casserly Creeks, Watsonville Slough, and Pajaro River in the Pajaro Unit. Four natural lakes north of Watsonville in the Pajaro Unit contain water throughout the year, and another, College Lake, is drained in the spring to permit growth of crops on its bed. The Pajaro River is the only stream that contributes substantial surface inflow to the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. Beside draining a portion of the east slope of the Santa Cruz Mountains through Uvas and Llagas Creeks, the Pajaro River receives runoff from Pacheco Creek and the San Benito River in San Benito County. The total drainage area of the Pajaro River above the Chittenden gaging station is 1,187 square miles. This river is the largest coastal stream between San Fran- cisco Bay and the Salinas River. The remainder of the streams in the Santa Cruz- Rlonterey Area head in the Santa Cruz Mountains, and almost entirely within the boundaries of the area. The tributary watersheds are in a zone of relatively heavy precipitation, and their aggregate mean seasonal natural runoff, for the 53-year period from 1894-!).") through 194(i-47, is estimated to be about 275,000 aere- IVct. The San Lorenzo River is the largest of these streams, and ranks second only to the Pajaro River in mean seasonal discharge. Boulder, Bear, and Zayante Creeks arc the principal tributaries of the San Lorenzo River. Climate The mild and equable climate of the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area is favorable to the productivity of its agricultural lands and to the establishment of home- sites and resorts. It is characterized by dry summer and wet winter seasons, with nearly 90 per cent of the seasonal precipitation occurring during the six months from November through April. The growing season is relatively long, and the average for Watson- ville, centrally located in the agricultural area, is 237 days between killing frosts. Temperatures at Watson- ville have ranged from 15° F. to 110° F., and the monthly average for the period from 1880 through 1947 ranged from 49.9° F. in January to 61.5° F. in July, with a seasonal average of 56.6° F. The average sea- sonal temperature at Santa Cruz is 57.2° F. Geology The geologic formations of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area include sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock types ranging in age from pre-Cretaeeous to Recent, The great bulk of the rocks consists of marine sediments, but some continental and tidal sediments are found on and immediately adjacent to major valley floors. Outcrops of deep-seated igneous rock occur only on the west sides of the San Andreas and Ben Lomond faults. The North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units consist primarily of rugged mountainous regions in the erosional stage of late youth. The principal ground water aquifers occur in the Pajaro Unit and are composed of continental and marine deposits of the late Quaternary period. These aquifers are overlain by blue clay layers, also of late Quaternary age, which act as confining strata causing the ground water below the strata to be under hydrostatic pressure. Thickness of the valley fill to a depth of 600 feet has been re- ported, although its average thickness is much less than this depth. Soils Soils of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area vary in their chemical and physical properties in accordance with differences in parent material, mode of formation, and age or degree of development since their deposition. The soils may be divided into five groups: (1) hilly and mountainous upland soils, (2) upland coastal plain soils, (3) wind modified coastal plain soils, (4) older valley and coastal terrace soils, and (5) alluvial fan and stream bottom soils. Hilly and mountainous upland soils have developed in place from underlying consolidated parent rocks. Since the general topography is steep where these soils occur, only small areas have agricultural value. Upland coastal plain soils have developed upon soft sandstone-like material and mixed sedimentary ma- terials. These soils occupy high rolling terraces that have Fairly steep slopes that erode severely, and have little agricultural value owing to their low fertility. INTRODUCTION 19 Wind modified coastal plain soils occupy gently undulating terraces bordering the coast line. These soils have developed upon old sand dunes and sandy beach material. They are low in organic matter and lacking in fertility. These soils, with proper fertiliza- tion and management, are used extensively for special- ized winter crops. Older valley and coastal terrace soils occupy ter- races lying along the coast and just above the recent alluvial soils of the stream valleys. Owing to leaching of their surface horizon, and to the fact that they over- lie very heavy textured and relatively impervious sub- soils, these soils are limited in their suitability for agricultural use. Alluvial fan and stream bottom soils have developed from mixed sedimentary materials and occur on smooth, gently sloping alluvial fans and flood plains along streams. Most of these soils have high agricultural value, are used for a wide range of crops, and are the most productive soils in the area. Preseni Development Development of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area began with the establishment of a Franciscan mission in Santa Cruz in 1791. Increase in population and expansion of agriculture were gradual during the early nineteenth century, but were stimulated in the 1850 's by migration of settlers from the mining counties of California. Development of homes, resorts, and irri- gated agriculture has been accelerated during the past three decades. The 1950 federal census showed that the population of Santa Cruz County was 66,534, a substantial increase over the 1940 population of 45,057. The principal urban centers, Santa Cruz and Watsonville, account for some 50 per cent of the total population of the area. The 1950 census enumerated 21,970 persons in Santa Cruz, while 11,572 were counted in Watsonville. Freedom and Capitola are the largest of a number of small communities, and the remainder of the popula- tion is distributed along stream canyons and through- out the agricultural areas. Agricultural development in the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area occurred as early as the 1790 's when wheat, corn, and barley, and a small fruit orchard were planted near Mission Santa Cruz. However, it was not until 1851 that the first settlers entered Pajaro Valley for the express purpose of farming. Shortly thereafter, a thousand acres of Salsipuedes Rancho were rented by an enterprising individual who planted 200 acres of potatoes and obtained a large yield. This so stimulated agricultural development that all alluvial bottom lands were soon planted to potatoes and grain. In recent years a gradual change to more intensive types of agriculture has taken place. This transition has continued to this time. A land use survey of Pajaro Valley conducted in 1947, and later extended to cover the entire Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, showed that irrigated lands in the area totaled about 21,400 acres, while approximately 23,200 acres were dry farmed or fallow. Most of these lands are situated within the Pajaro Unit. Principal irrigated crops, in order of acreages devoted to each crop, were lettuce, apples, sugar beets, tomatoes, and truck. Principal dry-farmed crops were orchard and grain. Industry in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area is sup- ported largely by agricultural production, and con- sists chiefly of the processing and packing of fruit, vegetables, meat, and dairy products. Several plants for dehydrating, freezing, and canning fruits and vegetables are located in the vicinity of Watsonville and Watsonville Junction. A tannery and important commercial fishing enterprises are located at Santa Cruz. Lumber mills are active in the central and north- west portion of Santa Cruz County. A portland cement plant is located at Davenport, sand quarries near Felton, and a granite rock quarry at Pajaro Gap. Exploratory drilling for oil and gas is under way in the area. (Photo, State Division of Beaches and Parks) Swanton Natural Bridges Beach, North Coastal Unit CHAPTER II WATER SUPPLY The major source of water supply of the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area is direct precipitation on lands within its boundaries. The only substantial portion of the water supply originating outside the area is the flow of the Pajaro River, which river traverses the floor of Pajaro Valley from east to west, discharging into Mon- terey Bay. The water supply of the area is considered and evaluated in this chapter under the general head- ings "Precipitation," "Runoff," "Underground Hy- drology," and "Quality of Water." The following terms are used as defined in connec- tion with the discussion of water supply in this report : Annual — This refers to the 12-month period from January 1st of a given year through December 31st of the same year, sometimes termed the "calendar year. ' ' Seasonal — This refers to any 12-month period other than the calendar year. Precipitation Season — The 12-month period from July 1st of a given year through June 30th of the follow- ing year. Runoff Season — The 12-month period from October 1st of a given year through September 30th of the following year. Investigational Seasons — The three runoff seasons of 1946-47, 1947-48, and 1948-49, during which most of the field work on the Santa Cruz-Monterey Counties Investigation was performed. Mean Period — A period chosen to represent conditions of water supply and climate over a long series of years. Mean — This is used in reference to arithmetical aver- ages relating to mean periods. Average — This is used in reference to arithmetical averages relating to periods other than mean periods. In studies for the current State-wide Water Re- sources Investigation, it was determined that the 50 years from 1897-98 to 1946-47, inclusive, constituted the most satisfactory period for estimating mean sea- sonal precipitation generally throughout California. Similarly, the 53-year period from 1894-95 to 1946-47, inclusive, was selected for determining mean seasonal runoff. In studies for the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, these periods were considered representative of mean conditions of water supply and climate. PRECIPITATION The Santa Cruz-Monterey Area lies within the path of storms which periodically sweep inland from the North Pacific during winter months. Rainfall result- ing from these storms ranges from moderate to heavy, and direct precipitation provides a substantial portion of the water supply of the area. Precipitation Stations and Records Twenty-three precipitation stations in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area have unbroken records of 10 years duration or longer. These stations are fairly well distributed areally and their records were sufficient to provide an adequate pattern of precipitation. Loca- tions of the stations are shown on Plate 3, entitled "Lines of Equal Mean Seasonal Precipitation." The stations with their map reference numbers are listed in Table 1, together with elevations of the stations, periods and sources of record, mean seasonal precipitation, and maximum and minimum seasonal precipitation. The map reference numbers for 12 of the stations correspond to those utilized in State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 1, "Water Resources of California." New map reference numbers were assigned to the remain- ing stations listed, and are so designated by the prefix "SCM. " Hitherto unpublished records of monthly precipitation at these 12 stations are presented in Appendix C. In those instances where it was neces- sary, precipitation records were extended to cover the 50-year mean period by comparison with records of nearby stations having records covering this period. Precipitation Characteristics The general precipitation pattern in the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area is irregular, as indicated on Plate 3, thus making it erroneous to consider any one station as representative of rainfall over the area. However, a comparison of records showed seasonal rainfall at Watsonville to be a suitable index of general precipita- tion over the Pajaro Unit. Similarly, seasonal precipi- tation at Santa Cruz was considered to be a representa- tive index of general precipitation over the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units. Records of precipitation at Santa Cruz and Watsonville are avail- able since 1878-79 and 1880-81, respectively. Recorded seasonal precipitation at these stations is presented in Table 2. Seasonal precipitation at Santa Cruz is shown graphically on Plate 4, entitled "Recorded Seasonal Precipitation at Santa Cruz." (21) 22 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1 MEAN, MAXIMUM, AND MINIMUM SEASONAL PRECIPITATION AT SELECTED STATIONS IN OR NEAR SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Map reference number Station Elevation, in feet Period of record Source of record Mean seasonal precipitation, in inches Maximum and minimum seasonal precipitation Season Inches 3-2 SCM-1 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-15 3-7 3-8___ _. SCM-2 SCM-3 3-16 SCM-4 SCM-5_._ BCM-6 3-9 SCM-7 . SCM-8 3-0126 . SCM-9. .. 3-17 BCM-10 SCM-1 1 * Broken record USWB— United Stal North Coastal Unit Big Creek No. 2__ Davenport _ San Lorenzo Unit Boulder Creek _. Brookdale, Booth. Ben Lomond Felton Santa Cruz Soquel Unit Laurel Soquel Creek Day Valencia Aptos Aptos-Beth Mar Nursery . Pajaro Unit Bean Hill. Eureka Canyon No. 1 - Selleck Ranch. Eureka Canyon No. 2. Mt. Madonna Arano.. Highland Hitching'* Itanch Watsonville McGrath Ranch Larkin Valley. 1,230 60 470 550 500 275 20 910 330 475 375 102 50 1,175 1,000 297 590 1,610 1,350 550 23 150 200 1897-1948 1910-1952 1888-1932 1924-1938 1899-1952* 1888-1938* 1878-1952 1891-1937 1929-1952 1935-1952* 1931-1952 1885-1915 1928-1952 1926-1941 1929-1942 1918-1948 1926-1941 1935-1952 1940-1952* 1935-1952 1880-1952 1928-1952* 1926-1941* USWB Private USWB Private USWB USWB USWB USWB Private Private Private USWB Private Private Private Private Private Private USWB Private Private Private Private 41.68 27.94 50.32 50.83 49.59 44.21 28.24 48.08 32.79 31.30 31.77 26.72 29.75 38.80 40.91 32.70 33.69 31.06 44.09 29.93 20.82 26.28 26.46 1940-41 1897-98 1940-41 1923-24 1889-90 1923-24 1937-38 1930-31 1940-41 1938-39 1889-90 1917-18 1940-41 1923-24 1913-14 1917-18 1940-41 1930-31 1940-41 1938-39 1940-41 1938-39 1889-90 1897-98 1940-41 1930-31 1940-41 1930-31 1940-41 1930-31 1940-41 1923-24 1940-41 1930-31 1950-51 1949-50 1950-51 1946-47 1940-41 1946-47 1889-90 1923-24 1940-41 1930-31 1940-41 1938-39 74.40 16.92 61.02 9.77 123.65 20.15 80.58 24.64 100.18 27.67 100.64 19.26 61.62 10.85 75.24 19.32 69.90 19.05 54 . 68 19.81 57.25 19.56 49.07 11.51 53.65 15.18 62 . 73 20.88 68.70 23.03 59.30 10.90 56.07 16.23 55.43 19.11 62 . 84 33.51 52 . 43 17.74 44.90 8.11 44.64 12.80 43.59 17.54 es Weather Bureau WATER SUPPLY 23 TABLE 2 ,• RECORDED SEASONAL PRECIPITATION AT SANTA CRUZ AND WATSONVILLE (In inches) Season Santa Cruz Watsonville Season Santa Cruz Watsonville Season Santa Cruz Watsonville 1878-79 22.11 18.22 30.64 22.83 19.62 30.68 16.50 32.75 17.17 22.91 23.35 54.68 19.21 24.43 34.89 29.90 39.91 21.90 28.77 12.49 25.04 28.43 26.27 29.35 26.70 28.40 18.62 15.26 13.82 21.20 12.73 27.00 12.85 15.13 14.97 44.90 20.03 17.18 27.64 20.50 37.29 23.97 23.74 12.48 23.45 19.88 24.95 21.35 18.54 18.31 1904-05 35.88 32.26 35.85 23.47 41.63 31.25 33.50 19.86 14.09 34.65 42.42 29.57 19.17 12.03 27.71 20.85 29.39 28.73 27.47 10.85 30.20 26.17 29.15 22.10 17.25 21.47 24.69 23.58 37.41 14.00 31.99 22.04 28.19 16.73 10.79 30.61 31.49 26.73 18.02 11.65 23.50 18.82 22.78 23.94 16.27 8.11 21.75 18.37 24.28 14.92 14.40 16.45 1930-31 13.15 27.45 21.65 18.25 29.52 32.91 34.57 42.71 20.02 44.75 61.62 42.15 39.57 27.39 33.19 30.11 19.21 24.57 29.90 31.22 38.67 28.04 28.24 11 02 05-06 31-32 24 50 1879-80 06-07 32-33 15 20 80-81 07-08 . 33-34 12.49 81-82 08-09 1909-10 1934-35 35-36 36-37 37-38 82-83-- 19.87 22.09 26.38 25 97 83-84 10-11 1884-85 11-12 12-13 85-86 38-39 14 71 86-87 13-14 1939-40 40-41 87-88 1914-15 24 14 88-89 36 . 59 1889-90 15-16 16-17 17-18 41-42 42-43 43-44 24.80 20 82 90-91 18.55 91-92 18-19 1944-45 92-93 1919-20 21.63 93-94 45-46 18.66 20-21 . . 46-47 47-48 13.28 1894-95 21-22 17.84 95-96 22-23 48-49 15.76 96-97 23-24 1949-50 97-98 25-26 19.36 98-99 50-51 Average for period of record Mean 23.62 1899-1900 26-27 00-01.- 27-28 20.91 01-02 28-29 02-03 1929-30 20.82 03-04.. I Precipitation in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area consists almost entirely of rainfall. The small amount of snowfall at higher elevations melts rapidly and has little effect in retarding runoff. Precipitation, which is lowest near the coast, increases rapidly with rise in elevation to a seasonal average of more than 50 inches along the crest of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Rainfall also varies along the coast, ranging from less than 20 inches seasonally south of Watsonville to more than 27 inches north of Santa Cruz. Precipitation varies over wide limits from season to season, ranging from less than 40 percent of the sea- sonal mean to more than 200 percent. Maximum re- corded seasonal precipitation at Santa Cruz occurred in 1940-41 when 61.62 inches of rain fell. Minimum recorded precipitation at this station occurred in 1923-24, with only 10.85 inches recorded. Long-term trends in precipitation in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area are indicated on Plate 5, entitled "Accumulated Departure From Mean Seasonal Precipitation at Santa Cruz." Nearly 90 percent of the mean seasonal precipitation in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area occurs during tin- six months from November through April, and sum- mers are dry. Mean monthly distribution of precipi- tation as recorded at Santa Cruz is presented in Table 3. The maximum recorded 24-hour precipitation for each month of the season at Ben Lomond, Santa Cruz, TABLE 3 MEAN MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF PRECIPITATION AT SANTA CRUZ Precipitation Month Precipitation Month In inches In percent of seasonal total In inches In percent of seasonal total July August . September October - . November December 0.03 0.03 0.49 1.41 2.69 5.35 0.1 0.1 1.7 5.0 9.5 18.9 January February March . __ April _- May June TOTALS 5.80 5 . 24 4.12 1.87 0.98 0.23 20.6 18.6 14.6 6.6 3.5 0.8 28.24 100.0 and Watsonville is presented in Table 4. It will be noted in this table that 11.66 inches of precipitation fell dur- ing a 24-hour period at Ben Lomond in February of 1945. Quantity of Precipitation Determination of seasonal quantity of precipitation in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area was limited to the Pajaro Unit. As is discussed later in this chapter, this was the onlv unit for which determinations of safe 24 SANTA CRUZ-MOXTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 4 MAXIMUM 24-HOUR PRECIPITATION IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA (In inches) TABLE 5 ESTIMATED TOTAL QUANTITY OF SEASONAL PRECIPITATION ON PAJARO UNIT Month Ben Lomond Santa Cruz Watson- ville Julv 0.27 (1913) . 53 (1936) 0.30 (1913) August.. _. 0.30 (1904) 0.69 (1935) 0.75 (1935) September . . 3.00 (1904) 3.20 (1918) 3.36 (1918) October ... 1 . 30 (1899) 3.15 (1899) 1 . 53 (1911) November . . 6.70 (1903) 5.06 (1942) 4.00 (1900) December _ _ _ _ 9.04 (1937) 4.56 (1942) 5.20 (1906) January 8.97 4.26 2.60 (1943) (1940) (1916) February . 1 1 . 66 (1945) 5.01 (1945) 3.49 (1927) March . _ . 7.02 (1904) 4.16 (1940) 2.96 (1899) April. - - - 5.75 (1941) 3.75 (1923) 2.14 (1901) May ._ 4.38 (1906) 1.90 (1925) 1.95 (1905) June . . 2.89 (1899) 0.98 (1934) 1.02 (1899) ground water yield and overdraft were made, both de- terminations requiring an estimate of the quantity of precipitation. The mean seasonal total quantity of pre- cipitation on the Pajaro Unit was estimated by plotting recorded or estimated mean seasonal depth of precipi- tation at stations in or near the Pajaro I nit on a map. Lines of equal mean seasonal precipitation, or isohyets, were then drawn, as shown on Plate 3. By multiplying the planimetered areas between these iso- hyets, in acres, by the average depths of precipitation between these isohyets. in feet, the total quantity of precipitation, in acre-feet, was determined. In order to determine seasonal quantities of precipi- tation during the investigational seasons, similar iso- liyetal maps depicting amounts of precipitation during these seasons were prepared and planimetered. The results of these estimates for the investigational seasons and mean period are presented in Table 5, which also presents tl stimated total quantities of precipitation on the valley floor and tributary drainage area subdi- visions of the Pajaro Unit. The precipitation index for each of the investigational seasons is also shown in Table 5. The term "precipitation index"' refers to the ratio of the amount of precipitation during a given season to the mean seasonal amount, and is expressed as a percentage. Precipita- tion index Quantity of precipitation, in acre -feet Season Valley floor Tributary drainage area Total 1946-47__- 69 81 74 100 42,000 52.000 48.000 68,000 75,000 86,000 78.000 102,000 117,000 1947-48 138,000 1948-49 Mean 126,000 170,000 RUNOFF The Pajaro River is the only stream contributing substantial surfaee inflow to the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. In terms of seasonal runoff, the Pajaro River is the largest of the several major streams in the area. However, under present development, it Hows through Pajaro Valley with limited contribution to "round water or surfaee diversions, and in large part wastes to Monterey Bay. The San Lorenzo River and its tribu- taries consitute the second largest stream system in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, draining almost the entire San Lorenzo Unit, and discharging into the Pacific Ocean at Santa Cruz. Other important streams are Waddell, Scott, San Vicente, and Laguna Creeks in the North Coastal Unit, and Soquel and Aptos Creeks in the Soquel Unit. These streams are to a large extent unregulated and undeveloped, and are a potential source of water to meet future requirements in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. Stream Gaging Stations and Records Records of stream flow for the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area are few in number and short in Length. The longest record is that for the San Lorenzo River at Big Trees, where a gaging station has been continuously main- tained by the United States Geological Survey since 1936-37. The only other continuous record of more than five years duration is that for the Pajaro Liver near Chittenden, which extends back to 1938-39. Records on the remaining streams are confined chiefly to measure- ments made by the Division of Water Resources during the investigational seasons. For periods during which records were not available, estimates of runoff were made by correlation witli How of Coyote and I'vas Creeks in Santa Clara County, and Arroyo Seco in Monterey County, which have stream How records of considerable length. Table (J lists those stream gaging stations pertinent to the hydrography of the Santa ( 'ru/- Monterey Area, together with their ma)) reference numbers, drainage areas above stations, and periods anil sources of records. These stations are also shown WATER SUPPLY 25 on Plate 3. The map reference numbers for eight of the stations listed correspond to those used in State Water Resources Board Bulletin No. 1, "Water Resources of California." New reference numbers with the prefix "SCM" were assigned to the remaining stations listed. Those records which have not been previously pub- lished by the United States Geological Survey are in- cluded in Appendix D. Periodic and intermittent measurements of the flow of Laguna, Reggiardo, Majors, Liddell, and Branci- t'orte Creeks, and several smaller streams and springs were made by the City of Santa Cruz during the 1921- 22 season. These measurements were compiled and pre- sented as basic data accompanying the "Third Report of the City Engineer on the Extension and Improve- ment of the City Water Supply," published by the City of Santa Cruz in 1922. Additional measurements of the flow of the five named creeks were made by the city during 1932, and with the exception of Liddell and Branciforte Creeks, again during 1941. The San Lorenzo Valley County Water District established measuring weirs on the San Lorenzo River at Water- man Switch and on Newell Creek near Ben Lomond in 1945, and has made periodic measurements at these stations to date. Additional weir measurements of the (low of Kings. Boulder, Pall, and Bear Creeks were made periodically by the district during the period from 1945 through 1948. The Santa Cruz Portland Cement Company has made intermittent measurements of the flow of San Vicente Creek during the period from 1946 to 1951. All of these measurements, with the exception of those published by the City of Santa Cruz for the 1921-22 season, are included in Appendix D. Runoff Characteristics Surface runoff from any watershed may be con- sidered under one of two general classifications — either "natural flow" or "impaired flow." The term "natu- ral flow" refers to the flow of a stream as it would be if unaltered by upstream diversion, storage, import, export, or change in consumptive use caused by modi- fication of land use. The term "impaired flow" refers to the actual flow of a stream witli any given sta»'e of upstream development. Runoff originating within the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area closely approaches natural flow. There exist a few small storage reservoirs in the area, but these have little effect on the total quantity of seasonal runoff. There are no importations or exports. Direct diversions of water from streams are generally small, and in the aggregate have little effect on the total seasonal runoff. However, they considerably reduce summer flow dur- ing dry seasons. TABLE 6 STREAM GAGING STATIONS IN OR NEAR SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Map reference number 3-3 . 2-18- _ SCM-1 SCM-2 3-1 3-2 SCM -3 3-4 3-.") 3-19__. SCM-4 SCM-5 3-18__. SCM-fi Str North Coastal Unit Seott Creek Laguna Creek San Lorenzo Unit San Lorenzo River Zayante Creek San Lorenzo River. Branciforte Creek _ Sequel VJnit Soquel Creek Soquel Creek Aptos Creek . Pajaro VJnit Corralitos Creek ( lasserly Creek Green Valley Creek Pajaro River Pajaro River Location near I >avenport at State Highway No. 1 at Waterman Switch at Sepz's House at Big Trees at Santa Cruz at junction with West Branch at Soquel at Aptos a t ( 'orralitos near Casserly Store at Connell Road near Chittenden at McGowan Ranch Drainage area, in square miles 30 17 111 17 32 39 10 19 6.5 4.0 1,187 1,279 Period of record 1936-37 1938-41 1936-37 1948-SO 1948-49 1937-52 1940-43 1948-50 1936-37 1949-50 1936-37 1936-37 I 9 46-50 1946-49 1948-49 1939-52 1946-48 Source of record uses USGS uses DWR DWR USGS USGS DWR USGS DWR uses USGS DWR DWR DWR USGS DWR VS(!S — United states Geological Survey. DWE-— Division of Water t;s;urces. (Photo, Stale Division of Beaches and Parks) Big Basin Redwoods, San Lorenzo Unit WATER SUPPLY 27 The flow of the Pajaro River as it enters the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area is substantially impaired. The present impairments above the gaging station near Chittenden include utilization of ground water, minor diversion of surface water, and regulation by small reservoirs. Based upon a comparison of stream flow records, the discharge of the San Lorenzo River at Big Trees was considered characteristic of runoff in other streams originating in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. The measured and estimated seasonal runoff at this station for the period from 1894-95 through 1950-51 is pre- sented in Table 7, and depicted graphically on Plate 6, entitled "Recorded and Estimated Seasonal Runoff of San Lorenzo River at Big Trees." The runoff index of each season is also presented in Table 7. The term "runoff index'' refers to the ratio of the amount of runoff during a given season to the mean seasonal amount, and is expressed as a percentage. TABLE 7 RECORDED AND ESTIMATED SEASONAL RUNOFF OF SAN LORENZO RIVER AT BIG TREES Season 1894-95 __ 95-96 _ . 96-97-- 97-98 -_ 98-99 . _ 1899-1900 00-01 . . 0102- 02-03 . _ 03-04 . . 1904-05., 05-06- 06-07 . 07-08. . 08-09. . 1909-10-- 10-11 _ _ 11-12__ 12-13. _ 13-14_ - 1914-15-. 15-16-- 16-17.. 17-18-. 18-19- 1919-20-- 20-21-- 21-22. . 22-23.. 23-24- Runoff Runoff, in index acre-feet 216 226,000 146 153,000 144 151,000 16 16,500 60 62,700 70 73,200 151 158,000 80 83,600 101 106,000 56 58,300 86 89.700 160 168.000 252 264,000 70 73,700 203 213,000 77 80,900 205 215,000 29 30,800 13 13,200 220 230,000 165 173,000 202 212,000 130 136,000 55 57,500 68 71,500 43 45,100 80 83,600 147 154,000 96 101,000 13 13,200 Season 1924-25. _. 25-26--. 26-27--- 27-28.._ 28-29-.. 1929-30-. 30-31-- 31-32...- 32-33 _ _ - 33-34... 1934-35--- 35-36--- 36-37. _ . 37-38--. 38-39--. 1939-40. __ 40-41-_. 41-42-.- 42-43--- 43-44 - - - 1944-45. __ 45-46 . . - 46-47--_ 47-48-_- 48-49 . . - 1949-50- __ 50-51 - - _ Mean Runoff index 43 107 122 59 39 43 10 108 20 55 72 95 73 176 22 165 253 151 114 46 83 61 28 30 58 53 126 100 Runoff, in acre -feet 45,100 112,000 128.000 01.600 40.700 45,100 11,000 113.000 20,400 57,200 75,400 99,200 76,200 184,000 23,000 173.000 265.000 158,000 119,000 48,600 87,200 63,500 29,200 31,800 61,100 55,900 131,900 104,700 NOTE: Kunoff estimated for seasons prior to 1937-38. Long-time trends of seasonal runoff considered typical of those for the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area are indicated on Plate 7, "Accumulated Departure From Mean Seasonal Runoff of San Lorenzo River at Big Trees." Average monthly distribution of runoff of the San Lorenzo River at Big Trees, based on the period of record from 1936-37 through 1950-51, is presented in Table 8. TABLE 8 AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF RECORDED RUNOFF OF SAN LORENZO RIVER AT BIG TREES (For period 1936-37 through 1950-51) Month October November December- January February March April May June July... August September. . . TOTALS 102,200 Runoff, in Percent of acre-feet seasonal total 1,400 1.4 2,100 2.1 7,500 7.3 16,500 16.1 28,400 27,8 21,400 20.9 12,900 12.6 5,000 4.9 2,800 2.7 1,800 1.8 1 ,300 1.3 1,100 1.1 100.0 The flow of streams in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, other than that of the Pajaro River, is flashy in nature, rising and falling rapidly during and im- mediately following a storm. This characteristic re- flects the intensity of rainfall, relatively small drain- age areas, and lack of works retarding flow. The flow of the Pajaro River near Chittenden, however, shows the effects of its large drainage area and upstream im- pairments, both of which tend to reduce peak flows and extend the duration of runoff. These runoff charac- teristics are indicated by hydrographs of the San Lorenzo River at Big Trees and of the Pajaro River near Chittenden for the flood of November 16-23, 1950. The two hydrographs, together with the simultaneous hourly precipitation record at Highland, appear on Plate 8, entitled "Runoff Characteristics of San Lorenzo and Pajaro Rivers as Related to Precipitation at Highland, Flood of November, 1950. " The precipita- tion station at Highland was utilized in this com- parison since it was the only station at which hourly records were available for this storm. Flow past each station has been expressed in second-feet per square mile of drainage area for comparative purposes. Quantity of Runoff Available records of stream flow, including those obtained from measurements made in connection with the investigation, were sufficient to permit estimates of the amount of runoff in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. However, the records are so short and the cover- age so limited that the estimates may be subject to some error, and should be considered tentative until confirmed by additional future records. For purposes of required hydrographic and hydro- logic analysis, the quantity of runoff in streams of the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units was considered separately from that in streams of the Pajaro Unit. As has been stated, a major portion of surface inflow to the Pajaro Unit originates from out- 28 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION side the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, there bein»' nearly 1,200 square miles of drainage area tributary to the I'a.jaro River near Chittenden. On the other hand, streams of the other units originate within the boundaries of the investigational area and discharge directly into the ocean. In general, mean seasonal runoff of streams of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area was estimated from avail- able records, and from correlation with runoff of nearby streams having records over longer periods. Estimates of mean seasonal runoff of the San Lorenzo River, Soquel Creek, and Braneiforte Creek were taken from State Water Resources Board Bulletin Xo. 1. These figures were computed by extending the periods of record back over the remaining seasons of the 53- year mean period by correlation with the recorded runoff of Coyote Creek near Madrone in Santa Clara County and Arroyo Seco near Soledad in Monterey County. Mean seasonal runoff of Seott Creek was esti- mated by correlation with the San Lorenzo River, while that of remaining streams in the North Coastal Unit was estimated by correlation with Scott Creek. Mean seasonal runoff of Aptos Creek was estimated by correlation with Uvas Creek near Morgan Hill in Santa Clara County. Mean seasonal runoff from unmeasured areas in the San Lorenzo and Soquel Units was esti- mated from studies of precipitation and consumptive use of vegetation on those areas. The results of the estimates for streams of the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units are presented in Table 9. Inflow to the valley floor of the Pajaro Unit was measured during the period of investigation from 1!)4(i-47 through l!»4S-4!l. .Mean seasonal runoff of the Pajaro River near Chittenden was estimated by ex- tending the period of record hack to 1894-95. This was done by correcting the seasonal full natural flow, as published in Bulletin No. 1, by the estimated seasonal impairment above Chittenden. Mean seasonal runoff of Corralitos, Casserly, and Green Valley Creeks was TABLE 9 ESTIMATED MEAN SEASONAL RUNOFF FROM NORTH COASTAL, SAN LORENZO, AND SOQUEL UNITS Stream Drainage area, in square miles Runoff, in acre-feet North Coastal Unit Waddell Creek, at mouth 22 30 12 8 39 17,200 23,400 San Vicente Creek, at mouth _ Laguna Creek, at State Highway No. 1 9,100 fi.100 29,900 Subtotals. . . ... San Lorenzo Unit 111 111 17 21 85,700 104.700 Braneiforte Creek, at Santa Cruz . Remainder of unit . - 15.400 5,000 Subtotals,. - _ - . - Soquel Unit Soquel Creek, at Soquel Aptos Creek, at Aptos - - 14!) 39 10 35 125,100 45,500 7,800 11,000 84 (.4,300 TOTAL- 275,100 estimated by correlation with the Arroyo Seco in Mon- terey County. Surface outflow from the Pajaro Unit was partially measured and partially estimated during the investiga- tional seasons. A station on Pajaro River four miles above its mouth was maintained during 1946-47 and D47-4S, but was abandoned after a flood control con- struction project changed the control of the station. It was necessary to estimate unmeasured outflow from the Watsonville Slough area north of the Pajaro River on the basis of intermittent observations during the investigation. Mean seasonal outflow from the Pajaro Unit was estimated bolli from records obtained during the investigation, and from hydrologic studies which are discussed later in this chapter. TABLE 10 MEASURED AND ESTIMATED SEASONAL SURFACE INFLOW TO AND OUTFLOW FROM VALLEY FLOOR OF PAJARO UNIT (In acre-feet) Stream i [aging station 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 Mean [nflow Corralitos ( 'ml ( 'asserly Creek near ( 'asserly Store at Connell Road iiciii ( Chittenden 1,250 290 21,500 2,310 220 400 7,300 1,790 660 1,400 2 1.100 9,500 2,400 1 .500 Pajaro River 1 50.000 TOTALS Outflow 23,540 13,800 19.00(1 10,230 12,700 16,000 30,950 30,000* 17,000 H.3,400 1(17.000 30,000 TOTAL8 32. SI III 28.700 47,000 197,000 I! I mi. id il WATER SUPPLY 29 Measured and estimated seasonal surface inflow to and outflow from the valley floor of the Pajaro Unit during' the investigational seasons, as well as the esti- mated mean seasonal values, are presented in Table 10. It will be noted that surface outflow from the valley floor exceeds inflow. This difference may be attributed in part to return flow from unconsumed applied irri- gation water and to precipitation on the valley floor. UNDERGROUND HYDROLOGY Detailed studies of underground hydrology in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area were limited to the Pajaro Unit which overlies the only ground water basin of major extent and yield. Preliminary examination and study revealed that the relatively small yield of ground water obtainable from Soquel Valley and other minor ground water basins along the coastal strip woidd be of little importance in meeting probable ultimate wa- ter requirements of those areas. For this reason the ensuing discussion of underground hydrology is largely limited to the Pajaro Unit, although certain small ground water basins in the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units are briefly described. The term "free ground water," as used in this bulletin, generally refers to a body of ground water not overlain by impervious materials, and moving un- der control of the water table slope. The term "con- fined ground water," as used herein, refers to a body of ground water overlain by material sufficiently im- pervious to sever free hydraulic connection with over- lying water, and moving under pressure caused by the difference in head between intake and discharge areas of the confined water body. In connection with con- fined ground water, a free ground water body usually serves as a "forebay" or "intake" to the confined water body and serves as its source of replenishment. In areas of free ground water, the ground water basin provides regulatory storage to smooth out fluctuations in available water supplies, and changes in ground water storage are indicated by changes in ground water levels. Studies hereinafter described indicate that the ground water basin underlying the Pajaro Unit in- cludes two more or less distinct confined ground water bodies, generally beneath the valley floor, together with a free ground water body, beneath the mountain and bench lands adjacent to the valley floor, that serves as a forebay to the confined ground water. Another free ground water body overlies the confined ground water under the floor of Pajaro Valley. It was found that the confined ground water bodies supply nearly all the water for irrigated lands in the unit and a sub- stantial portion of the water utilized by the City of "Watsonville for municipal purposes. The first step in investigation and study of the ground water hydrology of the Pajaro Unit was a determination of the nature and extent of the free and confined ground water bodies. The next step was a determination of fluctuations in ground water levels throughout the unit. This was necessary in order to evaluate behavior of the free and confined ground water bodies under various conditions of draft and replenishment. Since the forebay is the principal source of water for the economically important con- fined ground water, the adequacy of the water supply available to the forebay was next determined. This step included evaluation of change in ground water storage in the forebay under various conditions of water supply with present conditions of draft, Finally, it was necessary to determine the adequacy of the confined aquifers to convey water available in the forebay to wells in the valley floor. This final deter- mination permitted an evaluation of safe yield of the Pajaro Unit under stated hydrologic and economic conditions. Underground hydrology is discussed in this section under the following headings: "({round Water Zones in Pajaro Unit," "Ground Water Levels in Pajaro Unit," "Safe Ground Water Yield of Pajaro Unit," and "Ground Water Basins in North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units." Ground Water Zones in Pajaro Unit For purposes of hydrologic analysis it was necessary to divide the Pajaro Unit into forebay and pressure zones. This division of the alluvium into ground water zones was based on the results of a geologic survey and on observed ground water behavior. The geologic survey, which is reported in detail in Appendix B, included a determination of the contact of the alluvium of Pajaro Valley with the surrounding highlands, and study of water-bearing formations. The sediments that comprise the principal fill of Pajaro Valley were laid down late in the Quaternary period, and consist of both stream-laid and marine deposits. Important members of the late Quaternary fill are blue clay deposits which overlie and act as confining strata to the primary aquifers of the pressure zones in Pajaro Valley. A peg model showing locations of approximately 180 wells for which logs were available was constructed to a horizontal scale of one inch equals 1,320 feet and a vertical scale of one inch equals 60 feet, Thickness and elevation of bine clay strata, and elevations of the ground surface and the bottom of the well were depicted on each peg. It was noted from the peg model that the blue clay strata appear to be continuous under most of the valley floor, indicating confinement of aquifers lying below them. Photographs of the peg model are shown on the illustration entitled "Well Log Peg Model, Pajaro Valley." Water stage recorders were installed and maintained on the following 12 unused wells in the Pajai-o Unit to aid in the delineation of zones of confined and free ground water: 11S/1E-24R2, 11S/2E-25E3, 11S/2E- vmxmmmmi \ V - -FT Jfc l T t ' jL-'-i- •!» ' -J,. J Looking Northeast From Monterey Bay Looking Northwest From Bluff Southeast of Watsonville Well Log Peg Model, Pajaro Valley WATER SUPPLY 31 33B2, 11S/2E-33F2, 11S/2E-33K1, 12S/1E-25A3, 12S/1E-25H1, 12S/2E-9H1, 12S/2E-16A1, 12S/2E- 18J1, 12S/3E-5L1, 12S/3E-6L3. The resulting hydro- graphs, or graphical representations of the fluctuation of water levels over a period of time, served to indicate whether the wells tapped confined or free ground water. In wells tapping confined aquifers the water stands at the level of the piezometric surface, that is, at the level resulting from the pressure in the aquifers. A typical hydrograph from an unused well in a pres- sure area characteristically shows a sharp drop in water surface elevation, or pressure relief, immediately after a nearby pumping well starts operating. Simi- larly, a sharp recovery is observed immediately after the nearby pump is shut off. The daily cycle of such a hydrograph reflects the variation in local pumping draft throughout the day. Maximum recovery usually occurs early in the morning before irrigation pumps start operating, and maximum pressure relief usually occurs late in the afternoon just before irrigation pumping ceases for the day. The daily recovery of pressure head approaches the maximum reached the previous day. This pattern is illustrated on Plate 9, entitled "Fluctuation of Piezometric Surface of Con- fined Aquifers at Well 12S/1E-25A3. " Another distinguishing characteristic of pressure areas is that water levels rise abruptly after pumping ceases in the fad, with the result that levels measured at that time should be higher than those measured during the summer when pumping is heavy. In con- trast, water levels in free ground water areas are generally at their lowest levels in the fall. The map shown as Plate 10, entitled "Lines of Equal Change in Ground Water Elevations in Pajaro Unit, Summer of 1947 to Pall of 1947," indicates in which portions of the Pajaro Unit water levels receded from summer to fall, indicating free ground water conditions, and in which portions it rose, indicating pressure zones. Based on the foregoing analyses, the Pajaro Unit was divided into the three ground water zones shown on Plate 11, entitled "Ground Water Zones in Pajaro Unit. ' ' These zones were designated ( 1 ) Forebay Zone, (2) Upper Pressure Zone, and (3) Valley Floor Pres- sure Zone. Forebay Zone. Studies indicate that ground water recharge in the Pajaro Unit occurs on the mountain and bench lands west of the San Andreas fault, which lands roughly encircle the floor of Pajaro Valley and constitute a forebay to the confined aquifers underlying the valley floor. The greatest amount of recharge to the confined aquifers stems from the northern portion of the Forebay Zone which is drained on the surface by Corralitos, Brown, Green Valley, and Casserly Creeks. This area is generally underlain by Pliocene Purisima gravels and sands, most of which are suffi- ciently permeable to permit deep penetration of a high percentage of unconsumed precipitation. Data obtained from the small number of pumped wells tapping the Purisima and other formations of the Forebay Zone indicate that these formations possess free ground water characteristics. The slope of the Santa Cruz Mountains on the east- erly side of the Pajaro Unit and west of the San An- dreas fault, as well as the coalescing alluvial fans at the base of the mountains, comprises a second although less important part of the Forebay Zone. Precipitation is from moderate to heavy in this area and stream run- off is light, indicating substantial percolation of un- consumed precipitation. It is indicated that the San Andreas fault provides an effective barrier against ground water percolation from the higher mountain slopes. However, ground water rises along the fault, flows over the barrier, and contributes to the Forebay Zone lying to the west. The Aromas red sands formation which bounds Pajaro Valley on the south constitutes the remainder of the Forebay Zone. Because precipitation on this area is moderate, contribution to the Valley Floor Pressure Zone is probably relatively small. Areas of recharge in this formation lie west of Aromas and northwest of Springfield School. Studies indicate that ground water levels in the Forebay Zone are higher than the levels to which water rises in wells in the pressure zones. It is this differential in head which causes ground water replenishment from the Forebay Zone to the confined aquifers lying beneath the valley floor. Upper Pressure Zone. The Upper Pressure Zone is situated beneath the valley floor of the Pajaro Unit, lies generally along Corralitos Creek from Corralitos to a line about two miles north of Watsonville, and varies in width from about one to nearly four miles. It is characterized by pressure aquifers which are over- lain by unconfined ground water, and which are re- plenished from the Forebay Zone to the north. Presence of overlying unconfined ground water is indicated by the fact that the few shallow wells that do not pierce the confining blue clay strata have free ground water characteristics. The unconfined ground water body is apparently replenished by percolation of stream flow as well as from direct precipitation and unconsumed irrigation water. The free ground water table generally stands about 50 feet higher than the piezometric water levels in the confined aquifers. Yields from wells per- forated in the unconfined ground water are neither as large nor as reliable as from those in the pressure aquifers. Several wells are perforated in both the free and confined aquifers. Valley Floor Pressure Zone. The Valley Floor Pressure Zone is situated beneath the valley floor of the Pajaro Unit and extends from Monterey Bay on the west to approximately the base of the Santa Cruz Mountains on the east, and from the approximate 32 SANTA < Kl'Z-MOXTEREY COUNTIES [NVESTIGATION southern boundaries of the Upper Pressure Zone and Porebay Zone on the north to the edge of the bluffs bordering Pajaro Valley on the south. Nearly all of the water used on the floor of Pajaro Valley is pumped from one or possibly two underlying pressure aquifers. These aquifers are generally capped by impervious blue clay strata. Geologic studies indi- cate that the Recent alluvium constituting the northern two-thirds of the floor of Pajaro Valley is underlain by t he Purisima formation, and the southern one-third is underlain by the Aromas sands which are, in turn, underlain by the Purisima formation. Both the Puri- sima and Aromas formations are water-bearing. Max- imum depth of the valley fill is known to be as great as li()0 feet. The impervious clay strata capping the aquifers not only confine the water in the aquifers, but prevent percolation into the aquifers from either stream flow, precipitation, or unconsumed irrigation water on the valley floor. This condition has resulted in the existence of a free ground water body above the blue (day strata under a large portion of the Valley Floor Pressure Zone. However, wells of satisfactory yield have not been obtained from this body of free ground water, and it is of little importance as a source of supply to wells. It is important to crops where the water table is close enough to the "round surface to permit the capillary rise of water from the water table to reach tin- principal root /.one of the crops. Ground Water Levels in Pajaro Unit Lowering of ground water levels in the Pajaro I nit was indicated in the early 1940's by the pumping of water containing high concentrations of chlorides from wells near Monterey Pay. It was suspected that the source of the chlorides was sea-water intrusion. Infor- mation indicates that this condition has become more severe with recent trends toward more intensive irri- gation development. As water levels necessarily were the principal basis for evaluating the ground water hydrology of the Pajaro Unit, considerable time was devoted to the location and measurement of wells. Wells were located in the field and as much data as possible relative to their depth, purpose, size of pump, and quantity and quality of discharge, were compiled. Differentia] levels were run to the wells to establish the elevations of the ground surface and reference point. Locations of those wells utilized in the si tidies are shown on Plate 12, entitled "Well Locations." Wells were numbered by the system utilized by the United States Geological Survey, according to town- ship, range, and section. Under this system each section is divided into 40-acre plots which are lettered as fol- lows : D C B A E F G H M L K J N P Q R Wells are numbered within each of these 40-acre plots according to the order in which they are located. For example, a well having a number IL'S 1E-25A2 would be found in Township 12 South, Range 1 East, and in Section 25. It would be further identified as the second well located in the 40-acre plot lettered A. Series of measurements of depth to static ground water levels were made at approximately 330 wells in the Pajaro Unit in the spring and fall of each year during the period of investigation, beginning with the spring of 1!)47 and continuing through 1949. These spring and fall measurements were continued at about 180 wells through 1952. The measurement wells were chosen to form a comprehensive grid covering the en- tire valley floor. In addition, monthly measurements of depth to "round water were made at approximately 45 control wells during 1!»48-49. and a special series of midsummer measurements was made at all non- operating wells in 1946-47 and 1948-49. The purpose of these monthly and midsummer measurements was to observe ground water behavior under varying rates of ground water draft. Records of these measurements are included in Appendix E. Depths to confined ground water throughout the Pajaro Unit, measured in the fall of 1951, were plotted on a map and lines of equal depth drawn. These are shown on Plate 13, entitled "Lines of Equal Depth to Ground Water in Pajaro Unit, Fall of 1951." Plate 14, entitled "Lines of Equal Elevation of Ground Water in Pajaro Unit, Fall of 1951," was prepared from the data used for Plate 13, the depths to "round water being subtracted from ground surface elevations to obtain the elevations of the water in the wells. Table 11 shows depths from ground surface to the ground water level at selected wells in each zone of the Pajaro Lnit during the spring and fall of P>47. 1948, li)4!t, 1950, and 1951. The spring measurements were made after winter replenishment of the ground water, but before irrigation draft started, and the fall meas- urements were made following the summer period of irrigation pumping drafl and prior to replenishment from winter rains. The cumulative change in ground water levels from the fall of PUT to the fall of 1951 is shown on Plate 15. entitled "Lines of Equal Change in Ground Water Elevations in Pajaro Lnit. Fall of 1947 to Fall of 1951." WATER SUPPLY 33 TABLE 11 MEASURED DEPTH TO GROUND WATER AT REPRESENTATIVE WELLS IN PAJARO UNIT Well number Forebav Zone 11S/2E- 8L1_. 11S/2E-1SQ1 12S/3E- 9F1_. 12S/3E-16M2 Upper Pressure Zone 11S/1E-12Q1 11S/1E-13G1-- 11S/1E-24J1 11S/2E-19D1__ 11S/2E-30L1 Valley Floor Pressure Zone 11S/2E-21C1 11S/2E-28P1 11S/2E-31Q1 — US/2E-33B1... 11S/2E-35K1__ 11S/2E-36P2 12S/lE-24(;i 12S/2E- 1D3__ 12S/2E- 3.12 . .. 12S/2E- 7E1 12S/2E- 8K2 12S/2E- 9M1... 12S/2E-10J1 12S/2E-11L1 12S/2E-12E1____ 12S/2E-19M1 12S/2E-30E1 12S/2E-31E1... 12S/3E- 5D1 12S/3E- 6L2 12S/3E- 7J1 Depth, in feet 1947 Spring 168 50 19 94 94 32 21 161 68 45 65 40 44 15 28 8 62 16 11 15 17 24 11 81 27 130 37 39 Fall 170 95 51 21 1(15 101 35 28 20 172 72 51 65 46 52 3. 34 12 63 7 27 17 20 28 6 82 26 144 43 44 1948 Spring 170 89 51 21 112 102 34 28 23 170 70 51 65 44 49 4. 32 11 65 6 16 16 19 27 4 140 41 42 Fall 174 92 53 23 110 104 37 30 30 173 74 49 67 48 54 6. 36 14 11 16 20 22 29 8 93 20 143 45 Spring 171 82 50 110 106 35 20 24 171 70 66 48 50 2. 34 17 62 7 11 19 23 36 4 81 24 142 45 44 Fall 176 119 57 33 112 112 39 34 33 178 81 51 71 50 57 9. 38 16 66 14 20 23 25 32 16 84 27 148 48 50 ).0 1950 Spring 177 111 50 28 105 104 36 28 26 73 38 67 47 56 37 14 65 13 20 22 29 12 83 30 144 43 Fall 180 11 1 59 33 113 114 40 34 33 178 76 73 52 59 5. 39 17 66 22 22 26 33 9 82 29 150 49 50 1951 Spring 171 109 52 21 92 mi 34 17 174 79 36 70 51 49 5. 31 14 64 9 14 22 23 32 82 41 46 Fall 178 112 52 23 105 110 35 28 30 170 75 55 68 54 53 5. 35 14 68 11 15 22 22 29 8 84 25 144 44 45 The tabulation of wells in the Valley Floor Pressure Zone shown in Table 11 includes only those wells tap- ping confined aquifers. However, as mentioned previ- ously, there is a considerable area of the Valley Floor Pressure Zone in which a free ground water body over- lies the confining clays capping the aquifers. Depths to this overlying free ground water body were determined by the United States Soil Conservation Service in 1948, 1944, and l!)4(i by boring auger holes at intervals throughout the valley floor and measuring the depth to water. The locations of these auger holes are shown on Plate 12, and recorded depths are included in Ap- pendix B. Similar measurements were made by the Division of Water Resources in the fall of 1951. The locations of auger holes bored by the Division of Water Resources are also shown on Plate 12, and the recorded depths to water are presented in Table 12. Safe Ground Water Yield of Pajaro Unit The term "safe ground water yield" refers to the maximum rate of extraction of water from a ground water basin which, if continued over an indefinitelv TABLE 12 MEASURED DEPTH TO FREE GROUND WATER OVERLY- ING CONFINED AQUIFERS IN VALLEY FLOOR PRES- SURE ZONE OF PAJARO UNIT Auger dole number Depth below ground surface, in feet Date of measurement 1 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2 . 5 9.0 5.0 4.0 3 . 5 7.5 7.5 6,5 2.5 2.2 3.0 10.7 3 . 5 5 . 9 4.5 9 '25/51 2 3__ ._- . - 9/25/51 9/25/51 4 _______ 9/25/51 9/25/51 6 9/26/51 7 8 9 - 10 14 17 19 20 2F_ 22___ 23 9/26/51 9/26/51 9/26/51 9/28/51 10/ 4/51 9/27/51 9/27/51 9/27/51 9/27/51 10/ 5/51 9/26/51 24 9/27/51 25 10/ 3/51 -S1628 34 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION long- period of years, would result in the maintenance of certain desirable fixed conditions. Commonly, safe ground water yield is determined by one or more of the following- criteria : 1. Water levels are not so lowered as to imperil the economy of ground water users by excessive costs of pumping- from the ground water basin or by exclusion of users from a supply therefrom. 2. Mean seasonal extraction of water from the ground water basin does not exceed mean seasonal replenishment to the basin. 3. Water levels are not so lowered as to cause harm- ful impairment of the quality of the ground water by intrusion of other water of undesirable quality, or by accumulation and concentration of degradants or pollutants. Under the present pattern of water utilization, av- erage pumping- lifts in the pressure zones are nominal, varying- between 40 and 80 feet and rarely exceeding the latter figure. Insofar as could be determined during the investigation, there is little or no local concern regarding- the increasing- costs of pumping- from the confined aquifers. For these reasons it was considered that only the second and third of the foregoing- criteria were of significance in this instance. Sufficiency of Water Supply to Forebay Zone of Pajaro Unit. Estimates of ground water recharge to the Forebay Zone were made by subtracting esti- mated values of runoff and consumptive use of water from the estimated precipitation, the runoff consti- tuting- the surface outflow from that zone, and both consumptive use and precipitation being that on the entire area within the watershed upstream from the pressure zones, exclusive of Pajaro River drainage. Contribution to the ground water to the Forebay Zone from the river is difficult to evaluate but is believed to be comparatively small. Its omission from considera- tion is on the conservative side and is therefore justi- fied. Estimates of recharge for the three seasons of investigation, and for conditions of mean water supply and climate are presented in Table 13. The consumptive use values here utilized are derived in Chapter TIT, "Water Utilization and Supplemental Requirements. *' TABLE 13 ESTIMATED SEASONAL GROUND WATER RECHARGE TO FOREBAY ZONE OF PAJARO UNIT (In acre-feet) Item 194(5-17 1947-18 1948-19 Mean Precipitation Surface runoff ( !onsuirjptive use 75,000 -2,000 -58.000 86,000 3,000 59,000 78,000 —7,000 —59,000 102,000 13,000 61,000 RECHARGE 15,000 24.000 12,000 28,000 was considered to be equal to the sum of the pumpage of ground water in the pressure zones and subsurface outflow from the pressure zones to Monterey Bay, less subsurface inflow to the pressure zones from the bay. The amount of pumpage in the pressure zones was es- timated from use of water studies and from land use survey data, and is discussed in Chapter III. Values for subsurface outflow from the valley floor pressure zone to Monterey Bay, as well as for subsurface inflow from the bay, were estimated by a method described in some detail later in this section. Under present conditions of draft it is estimated that subsurface outflow from the Valley Floor Pressure Zone is approximately 2,000 acre-feet per season, and that subsurface inflow is about 1,000 acre-feet per season, resulting in an estimate of net subsurface outflow to Monterey Bay of approxi- mately 1,000 acre-feet per season. Table 14 presents estimates of subsurface outflow from the Forebay Zone based on the foregoing analysis. TABLE 14 ESTIMATED SEASONAL SUBSURFACE OUTFLOW FROM FOREBAY ZONE OF PAJARO UNIT (In acre-feet) Saason Item 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 3-year average Pumpage in pressure zones Net subsurface outflow from pressure zones to Monterey Bay 24,600 1,000 24,600 1,000 24,700 1.000 24,600 1,000 SUBSURFACE OUT- FLOW FROM FORE- BAY ZONE 25,600 25,600 25,700 25,600 Subsurface outflow from the Forebay Zone consti- tutes Ihe demand on the ground water of that zone. It Comparison of the derived value of recharge of 28,000 acre-feet per season under mean conditions of water supply and climate, as shown in Table 13, and 1948-49 conditions of pumping draft of 25,700 acre-feet per season, as shown in Table If, indicates that the supply to the ground water in the Forebay Zone exceeds the demand on it by some 2,300 acre-feet per season, in addition to an undetermined contribution from Pajaro River. Were the relation between recharge to the Forebay Zone and extractions from the pressure zones the controlling criterion, the estimated safe yield would be about 28,000 acre-feet per season. Impairment of Quality of Water. With regard to the third of the stated criteria for determination of safe yield, it was found that in the Pajaro Unit a rate of ground water extraction from the confined aquifers has been reached sufficient to induce sea-water intru- sion from Monterey Bay. This saline intrusion and its effects on the water supply of the Pajaro Unit are discussed in some detail in a later section entitled "Quality of Water." During periods of heavy pump- WATER SUPPLY 35 ing draft in summer months the elevation of the hy- draulic gradient in the confined aquifers is depressed below sea level near the coast, resulting in degradation of the water supply by sea-water intrusion. For this reason the third of the foregoing criteria was adopted for determination of safe ground water yield in the Pajaro Unit. The limit of safe ground water yield was defined as that maximum rate of pumping extraction from the Valley Floor and Upper Pressure Zones beyond which the hydraulic gradient in the confined aquifers would be depressed below mean sea level. Fluctuations in water levels in a free ground water body indicate changes in ground water storage, since these levels represent the true ground water surface. In contrast, fluctuations of water levels in a confined ground water body reflect only variations in the piezo- metric surface elevation, or pressure head, and do not indicate changes in ground water storage unless the water surface drops below the impervious strata over- lying the aquifers. In the Pajaro Unit the piezometric surface elevation remained above the confining clays in the Valley Floor and Upper Pressure Zones through- out the period of investigation. The yield of water-bearing formations in a confined ground water body is dependent both on the capacity of the aquifers to conduct water from the forebay, and on the hydraulic gradient from the forebay through the confined ground water body. The hydraulic gradient, in turn, is influenced by the areal extent, storage capac- ity, and seasonal recharge of the forebay, and draft from aquifers in the confined ground water body. It was observed during the investigational seasons that a trough condition, in which the elevation of the hydraulic grade line was depressed below sea level, occurred in the Valley Floor Pressure Zone of the Pajaro Unit during the summer months. The trough first appeared near the coast about April loth, moving slightly inland and deepening as the pumping season progressed. The trough receded as pumping draft de- creased in the fall, and finally disappeared about October 15th. In the 1948-49 season the trough was at its most inland position on July 17th, at which time its axis was about 1.5 miles inland from and parallel to the coast, and about 15 feet below mean sea level. A ground water map was prepared showing elevations of the pressure surface in the Pajaro Unit in July, 1947, at the time of the maximum trough condition. This map is included as Plate 16, entitled "Lines of Equal Elevation of Ground Water in Pajaro Unit, July of 1947." A typical trough condition in the Valley Floor Pressure Zone is illustrated on Plate 17, entitled "Diagrammatic Cross Section of Pajaro Unit," which shows the indicated relationships of the Forebay Zone and Monterey Bay to the confined aquifers of the pres- sure zones. Formation of the trough in the Valley Floor Pressure Zone indicates that the rate of pump- ing extraction from the confined aquifers, during the months of heavy irrigation draft, exceeded the rate at which the aquifers could convey water from the Fore- bay Zone under conditions of safe yield as previously defined. Also, marine intrusion in the confined aquifers during the summer pumping season is indicated by the hydraulic gradient from Monterey Bay inland to the trough. Since ground water flows in the direction of the hydraulic gradient, it is evident that pumping draft between the coast and the trough must be sup- plied by flow through the confined aquifers from the direction of Monterey Bay. Similarly, pumping draft on the inland side of the trough must be furnished by flow down the aquifers from the direction of the Fore- bay Zone. It will be noted that Plate 17 also illustrates a po- sition of the hydraulic grade line with a rate of pump- ing draft equal to or less than the safe yield of the confined aquifers. Under this condition, the elevation of the hydraulic grade line would never be depressed below the mean sea level, and the only source of flow in the confined aquifers would be from the Forebay Zone. It was observed in the Valley Floor Pressure Zone that a change in rate of pumping draft was followed by an appreciable period of changing position and configuration of the hydraulic grade line, until stabi- lization of the gradient was reached. This period has been termed the "effective lag." Evaluation of the effective lag was necessary for proper correlation of observed pumping draft and hydraulic gradient. The maximum rate of draft on the aquifers in the 1948-49 season was reached in mid-June and the resultant maximum depth of the trough occurred on July 17th. This indicates that the effective lag in the Valley Floor Pressure Zone of the Pajaro Unit is approximately 30 days. In light of the foregoing, the rate of safe ground water yield in the Pajaro Unit was derived by esti- mating the rate of flow through the confined aquifers immediately prior to or subsequent to existence of a trough, taking into consideration the effective lag. Since the Forebay Zone is the only source of ground water to the confined aquifers under conditions of safe yield, the rate of pumping draft from the aquifers under these conditions equals the flow in the aquifers. Rate of flow in the confined aquifers was evaluated by the application of the equation Q = TAS, based on fundamental hydraulic principles, where : Q = rate of flow in the confined aquifers, or continuous flow equivalent of the quantity of draft on the aquifers, dur- ing the period considered, in second-feet, T = average coefficient of transmissibility of the confined aqui- fers, under a hydraulic gradient of unity, in second-feet per square foot of cross-sectional area, A = effective cross-sectional area of the confined aquifers, in square feet, S = average slope of the hydraulic gradient of the confined aquifers. This was taken as the distance, in feet, through which flow in the aquifers was considered to occur, di- vided by the difference in elevation, in feet, of the hy- draulic gradient over the distance of flow. 36 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION In the use of this equation, the terms "T" and "A" were determined as a unit (TA), making it unneces- sary to evaluate independently the obscure factors comprising each term. This was possible since the cross-sectional area of flow in the aquifers remained unchanged at all times, being always under pressure, and transmissibility of an unchanged cross-sectional area is likewise constant. For this reason, derived values of (TA) were assumed to he constant within the observed range of draft on the confined aquifers. It was necessary to apply the equation independ- ently for conditions of draft and hydraulic gradient existing on the inland and the bayward sides of the ground water trough because of their different sources of water supply. This was accomplished by setting up an equation of draft on the inland side of the trough, Qi = ( TA ) jSj, and one for the bay side, Q„ = ( TA ) b S b . In these e(|uations Qj and Q b were taken to represent the continuous flow equivalent of monthly pumping draft on the inland and the bay sides of the trough, respectively. Estimates were made of values for Q s and Qi, for one position of the trough in 1 94(5-47 and for four positions in 1948-49. These estimates of draft were based on the results of studies of monthly appli- cation of water for irrigation on each side of the trough, which studies are described in some detail in Chapter III. Direct observations were made of values for S; and S,, by measuring depth to water in selected wells. Values of the unknowns (TA)j and (TA) t) were computed for each of the trough positions after giving consideration to the effective lag. The average value for (TA)j was thus determined to he about 140,000, and that for (TA),, about 10,000. In order to evaluate the flow in the aquifers under conditions of safe yield, the hydraulic gradient was de- termined from well measurements made at the times of appearance and disappearance of the trough in the 1948-49 season. The average slope at these times was 0.00042. Using the predetermined (TA); value of 140.- 0(10 and the average inland slope ( S 5 I of 0.00042, it was found by the equation Qi = (TA)iSj that the rate of yield of the aquifers underlying the valley floor of the Pajaro I nit, under conditions corresponding to those defined for safe yield, was about 60 second-feet. Based on the previously cited studies of application of irrigation water, ii was estimated that the rate of pumping draft at the peak of t he 1947 irrigation season was aboul 83 second-feet. This rate increased during the 1949 irrigation season to a maximum of aboul 98 second-feet. Rates of pumping draft in 194<>-47 and 19 t8- lf». therefore, were substanl hilly greater than the estimated safe yield of 60 second-feet. It is indicated that the portion of pumping draft in excess of safe yield comprised (low from Monterey Bay and the in- crease in (low from the Forebay Zone induced by the Steepening of the hydraulic gradient beyond that pre- vailing under conditions of safe yield. Based on the ob- served position of the trough and on the results of the application of water studies, it was estimated that the 98 second-foot maximum 1948-49 rate of draft was sup- plied from the following sources: S second-feet on the bay side of the trough, from Monterey Bay, and 90 second-feet on the inland side of the trough, from the Forebay Zone. It is apparent that the 90 second-feet from the Forebay Zone was composed of the safe ground water yield of HO second-feet and of 30 second- feet of flow induced by the steepened hydraulic gra- dient beyond the safe yield gradient. The relatively small (TA ) h value determined for the bay side of the trough indicates that ground water out- flow from the confined aquifers to the bay, or inflow from the bay to the aquifers, is restricted as compared to ground water flow through the aquifers on the in- land side of the trough. Under 1948-49 conditions of ground water draft in the Pajaro Unit, a trough ex- isted for about six months, from April 15th to October loth, during which time sea-water intrusion occurred. The hydraulic gradient was reversed during the re- maining six months of the season, and subsurface out- flow to the bay occurred. In the winters of both 1946-47 and 1948-49, the slope of the hydraulic gradient from the position of the preceding summer's trough to the shore line was estimated to be about 0.0005. The indi- cated winter rate of outflow through the aquifers to the ocean, using the (TA) b value of 10.000, was about five second-feet. The estimated rate of flow through the aquifers from Monterey Pay inland ranged from zero early in the irrigation season to a maximum of about eight second-feet. Studies indicate that the rate of pumping draft at the peak of the irrigation season exceeded that for safe yield by a maximum of 23 second-feet in 1946-47, and 38 second-feet in 1948-49. In terms of quantity, and based on these rates, it is estimated that total draft ex- ceeded safe yield by about 3,600 acre-feet in 1946-47, and about 3,700 acre-feet in 194S-49. Of these values. it is indicated that approximately 1.000 acre-feet con- stituted sea-water intrusion each season. If is further indicated that the remainders of 2,600 and 2,700 acre- feet in 194C-47 and 1948-49, respectively, were fur- nished by increased inflow down the aquifers from the Forebay Zone induced by the steepened hydraulic gra- dient beyond the safe yield gradient. As derived in Chapter III on the basis of studies of application of irrigation water, estimated total pump- age from the confined aquifers was about 24,600 acre- feet in 194(i-47. and about 24,700 acre-feel in 1948-49. Based on derived rates of flow in the confined aquifers, pumping draft exceeded safe ground wafer yield by an estimated 3,600 acre-feet in 194(i-47 and 3,700 acre-feel in 1948-49. Therefore, under the present pattern of irrigation draft, safe ground water yield of the con- fined aquifers serving the Valley Floor and Upper Pressure Zones is estimated to be about 21,000 acre-feef per season. AVATER SUPPLY 37 Ground Water Basins in North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units Several small ground water basins are located along the coastal strip in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area northwest of the Pajaro Unit. These minor basins sup- port wells of small draft for local domestic and irriga- tion use. Total yield of the basins is probably small, ami will be of little importance in meeting the ultimate water requirements of the coastal strip. For these rea- sons, study of the underground hydrology of most of these basins was not attempted. An exception was made in the case of the Soquel Valley ground water basin in the Soquel Unit. Limited study was given this basin because it is probably the largest of the minor basins, and because of the possibility of its development as an emergency municipal supply. "Water-bearing formations underlie the floor of So- quel Valley and terraces along the coast of the Soquel Unit. The principal pumping area is adjacent to Soquel Creek, extending from north of Soquel to Monterey Pay. The area! extent of the pumping zone is approxi- mately five square miles. Geologic studies indicate that the floor of Soquel Val- ley is a thin fill comoosed chiefly of stream-laid silts, sands, and gravels. Marine sediments of the Pliocene Purisima formation underlie the valley floor at a shal- low depth. Rocks of this formation are locally per- meable, witli exception of occasional thin strata of well- cemented "hard shell" fossiliferous sandstone. The latter beds, despite their thinness, occur persistently over large areas, and form a capping which confines ground water in the underlying aquifer. The confined aquifer consists of a black to gray uncemented sand member of the Purisima formation, described by well drillers as "black sand" or "blue sand." Well logs in- dicate that this aquifer is probably not more than 60 feet thick, although similar water-bearing strata may be found at greater depths. A body of free ground water occurs above the confining strata of the pressure aquifer, and receives direct recharge from percolation of rainfall and stream flow. The forebay of the con- fined aquifer probably includes most of the watershed tributary to the floor of Soquel Valley. Information obtained during the investigation, although not detailed, indicates that overdraft on ground water in Soquel Valley does not exist at the present time. Ground water levels rose about 0.6 foot during the period from the fall of 1948 to the fall of 1950. This rise in water levels indicates that inflow to the forebay of the confined aquifer, during tins period of relatively low rainfall, exceeded the sum of pumping draft and outflow from the aquifer. Under these conditions, it appears that draft on the aquifer could be increased from the present estimated rate of about 600 acre-feet per season, derivation of which is dismissed in Chapter III, without exceeding mean seasonal replenishment. The amount of this possible increase in draft was not estimated. QUALITY OF WATER The principal objectives of the water quality investi- gation of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area were deter- mination of: (1) quality of the surface and ground waters with respect to their suitability for irrigation use ; (2) the extent to which ground waters are affected by excessive concentrations of chlorides; and (3) the source or sources of excessive chlorides. It is desirable to define certain terms commonly used in connection with discussion of quality of water: Qiinlifj) of Water — This refers to those characteristics of water affecting its suitability for beneficial uses Mineral A nab/sis — This refers to the quantitative de- termination of inorganic impurities or dissolved mineral constituents in water. Degradation — This refers to any impairment in the quality of water due to causes other than disposal of sewage and industrial wastes. Contamination — This refers to impairment of the qual- ity of water by sewage or industrial waste to a degree which creates a hazard to public health through poisoning or spread of disease. Pollution — This refers to impairment of the quality of water by sewage or industrial waste to a degree which does not create a hazard to public health, but which adversely and unreasonably affects such water for beneficial uses. Hardness — This refers to a characteristic of water which causes curdling of soap, increased consump- tion of soap, deposition of scale on boilers, injurious effects in some industrial processes, and sometimes objectionable taste, and which is due in large part to the presence of salts of calcium, iron, and mag- nesium. Complete mineral analysis included a determination of four cations, consisting of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium; five anions, consisting of car- bonate, bicarbonate, chloride, sulphate, and nitrate; total soluble salts; boron; and computation of percent sodium. Partial analysis included determination of chlorides and total mineral solubles only. With the exception of boron, the concentrations of cations and anions have been expressed in terms of "equivalents per million." This was done because ions combined with each other on an equivalent basis, rather than on the basis of weight, and a chemical equivalent unit of measurement provides a better and more con- venient expression id' concentration. This is especially true when it is desired to compare the composition of waters having variable concentrations of mineral solu- bles. In the case of boron, concentrations are expressed on a weight basis of "parts per million" of water. In order to convert equivalents per million to parts per million, the concentration, expressed in equivalents per million, should be multiplied by the equivalent weight of the cation or the anion in question. Equivalent 38 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION weights of the common cations and anions are pre- sented in the following tabulation : Equivalent Equivalent Cation weight Anion weight Calcium (Ca) 20.0 Carbonate (C0 3 ) 30.0 Magnesium (Mg)__12.2 Bicarbonate (HCO 3 ).61.0 Sodium (Na) 23.0 Chloride (CI) 35.5 Potassium (K) 39.1 Sulphate (S0 4 ) 48.0 Nitrate (N0 3 ) 62.0 Data utilized in the determination of quality of wa- ter included 17 complete mineral analyses of surface water samples, 83 complete mineral analyses of water samples from the confined aquifers in the Pajaro and Soquel Units, 19 complete mineral analyses of ground water in the zone overlying the confined aquifers in the Pajaro Unit, and 132 partial analyses of water col- lected from 105 wells in the Pajaro Unit. The water samples analyzed were collected from 1947 through 1951. An additional and more detailed investigation of the quality of the water resources of Pajaro Valley is in progress under the provisions of Section 229 of the Water Code. This work is being conducted by the Di- vision of Water Resources in connection with its assigned responsibilities for a state-wide survey of quality of surface and ground waters, the results of which will be published in subsequent bulletins. Standards of Quality for Water Investigation and study of the quality of surface and ground waters of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area were largely limited to consideration of mineral constit- uents of the waters, with particular reference to their suitability for irrigation use. However, it may be noted that, within the mineral analyses herein reported, a water which is determined to be suitable for irrigation may also be considered as being either generally suitable for municipal and domestic use, or susceptible to such treatment as will render it suitable for that purpose. The criteria which were used as a guide to judgment in determining suitability of water for irrigation use comprised the following: (1) chloride concentration, (2) total soluble salts, (3) boron concentration, and (4) percent sodium. 1. The chloride anion is usually the most trouble- some element in most irrigation waters. It is not con- sidered essential to plant growth, and excessive con- centrations will inhibit growth. 2. Total soluble salts furnishes an approximate indi- cation of the over-all mineral quality of water. It may be approximated by multiplying specific electrical con- ductance (Ec X 10 8 at 25° C.) by 0.7. The presence of excessive amounts of dissolved salts in irrigation water will result in reduced crop yields. 3. Crops are sensitive to boron concentration, but require a small amount (less than 0.1 pari per million) For growth. They usually will not tolerate more than 0.5 to 2 parts per million, depending on the crop in question. 4. Percent sodium reported in the analyses is the proportion of the sodium cation to the sum of all cations, and is obtained by dividing sodium by the sum of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, all ex- pressed in equivalents per million, and multiplying by 100. Water containing a high percent sodium has an adverse effect upon the physical structure of the soil by dispersing the soil colloids, making the soil ' ' tight, ' ' thus retarding movement of water through the soil, retarding the leaching of salts, and making the soil difficult to work. The following excerpts from a paper by Dr. L. D. Doneen of the Division of Irrigation of the University of California at Davis may assist in interpreting water analyses from the standpoint of their suitability for irrigation. "Because of diverse elimatologieal conditions, crops, and soils in California, it has not been possible to establish rigid limits for all conditions involved. Instead, irrigation waters are divided into three broad classes based upon work done at the University of California, and at the Rubidoux, and Regional Salinity labora- tories of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. "Class 1. Excellent to Good — Regarded as safe and suitable for most plants under any condition of soil or climate. "Class 2. Good to Injurious — Regarded as possibly harmful for certain crops under certain conditions of soil or climate, par- ticularly in the higher ranges of this class. "Class 3. Injurious to Unsatisfactory — Regarded as probably harmful to most crops and unsatisfactory for all but the most tolerant. "Tentative standards for irrigation waters have taken into ac- count four factors or constituents, as listed below. Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Excellent Good to Injurious to to good injurious unsatisfactory Factor Conductance ( Ec X 10" at 25° C.) Less than 1000 1000-3000 More than 3000 Boron, ppm Less than 0.5 0.5-2.0 More than 2.0 Percent sodium Less than 00 (50-75 More than 75 Chloride, epm Less than 5 5-10 More than 10 ( End of quotation I Hardness of water is caused principally by com- pounds of calcium and magnesium, although other mineral constituents such as iron, manganese, alumi- num, barium, silica, and strontium, may contribute to the hardness. In this bulletin total hardness is expressed in parts per million in terms of calcium carbonate hard- ness. It was computed by adding calcium and mag- nesium, expressed in equivalents per million, and mul- tiplying this sum by 50. Water having a total hardness of less than 50 parts per million is rated as soft water for nearly all purposes except the most exacting of industrial uses, and seldom requires treatment for re- duction or elimination of hardness. Water having a range of total hardness up to 150 parts per million is suitable for most household uses. However, in the case of such water, reduction of hardness by softening proc- esses would reduce soap consumption and deposits of scale in plumbing systems, thus enhancing the suit- ability of the water for laundries and other industrial WATER SUPPLY 39 TABLE 15 COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSES OF REPRESENTATIVE SURFACE WATERS OF SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Source of sample Date of sample Conduct- ance (Ec x 10 6 at25°C.) Boron, in ppm Percent sodium Mineral constituents in equivalents per million Ca Mg Na* HC0 3 + COj CI SO, NO a North Coastal Unit Waddell Creek, 1 mile upstream from ocean Scott Creek, 1.5 miles upstream from ocean San Lorenzo Unit San Lorenzo River, at Santa Cruz Soquel Unit Soquel Creek at junction with West Branch Soquel Creek at high bridge above junction with West Branch Pajaro Unit Corralitos Creek near Grizzly Flat Corralitos Creek at Corralitos Corralitos Creek at Corralitos Corralitos Creek near Corralitos Brown Valley Creek near Corralitos Green Valley Creek at Three Corners College Lake Pajaro River near Chittenden Pajaro River near Pajaro Gap Pajaro River, 0.5 mile east of Watson ville Pajaro River at mouth Watsonville Slough, 4 miles west of Watsonville on Beach Road 3/30/49 3/16/49 3/30/49 3/15/49 3/15/49 3/17/49 3/17/49 2/25/47 5/28/48 5/28/48 2/25/47 4/28/47 3/29/49 2/25/47 7/21/47 9/26/51 9/25/51 177 133 309 392 361 200 311 499 498 508 534 496 556 816 1,050 31,700 6,680 0.02 0.3 0.08 0.05 0.08 0.19 0.16 0.30 0.28 0.36 2.95 1.45 36 0.68 0.52 1.79 2.40 2.27 1.34 2.01 3.6 2.84 2.80 3.1 2.8 2.28 3.7 5.1 14.1 4.09 0.50 0.37 0.77 1.23 1.15 0.65 1.10 0.9 1.48 1.40 1.0 1.0 2.48 3.0 4.1 13.9 0.64 0.44 0.76 0.85 0.80 0.64 0.75 0.8 1.09 1.34 1.4 1.3 1.42 2.1 2.7 292.9 52.8 0.83 0.71 1.69 2.07 2.05 1.72 2.31 3.5 3.72 3.96 3.4 2.9 3.38 4.8 8.7 6.4 14.8 0.43 0.39 0.43 0.43 0.21 0.20 0.31 0.5 0.39 0.54 1.2 1.0 0.93 1.4 1.5 335.6 46.8 0.55 0.32 1.13 1.99 1.80 0.45 1.02 1.3 1.27 1.00 0.9 1.2 2.06 2.6 1.7 34.8 8.8 trace trace trace trace trace trace trace 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.32 0.04 Includes potassium. purposes. Where total hardness in water exceeds from 150 to 200 parts per million, water softening processes are usually resorted to in order to render the water more acceptable for domestic, municipal, and industrial uses. However, objections to hardness in water may depend on local opinion, and a water considered too hard in certain localities might be considered satisfac- tory in others. Quality of Surface Water Analyses of surface water samples collected during the investigational seasons and in 1951 indicate that the waters of the major streams of the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area were of good mineral quality and well suited for irrigation use and other beneficial purposes. The waters were moderately low in total mineral sol- ubles, chlorides, boron, and percent sodium. This was especially characteristic of waters collected from Wad- dell Creek, Scott Creek, San Lorenzo River, Soquel Creek, Corralitos Creek, and from Pajaro River near Chittenden. The analysis of a sample collected from College Lake indicates that its waters contained mod- erately low concentrations of mineral solubles and were within the limits for Class 1 irrigation water. Results of complete mineral analyses of samples of surface waters collected in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area are presented in Table 15. Results of determination of total hardness in water samples collected from representative streams of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area during the month of March, 1949, are presented in Table 16. This table indicates that at that time the waters of Waddell, Scott, and Boulder Creeks had considerably less total hardness than did waters of the other streams sampled. The values of total hardness determined indicate that sof- TABLE 16 TOTAL HARDNESS OF REPRESENTATIVE SURFACE WATERS OF SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA (Waters sampled in March, 1949) Source of sample North Coastal Unit Waddell Creek, 1 mile upstream from ocean Scott Creek, 1 .5 miles upstream from ocean San Lorenzo Unit Boulder Creek, 1.2 miles above Jamison dam site San Lorenzo at Waterman Switch San Lorenzo River at Santa Cruz Kings Creek. 1.5 miles above San Lorenzo River Bear Creek, 2.5 miles above San Lorenzo River Newell Creek, 1 mile above San Lorenzo River Zayante Creek, 0.75 mile above San Lorenzo River Soquel Unit Soquel Creek at junction with West Branch Soquel Creek at high bridge above junction with West Branch Pajaro Unit Corralitos Creek near Grizzly Flat Corralitos Creek at Corralitos Pajaro River near Chittenden Total hardness, in parts per million 59 44 70 136 128 185 152 180 135 181 171 99 155 238 40 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION tcning treatment might be desirable for water from streams other than Waddell, Scott, and Boulder ( 'reeks. particularly if such waters are used for domestic, mu- nicipal, and some industrial purposes. All surface waters used for domestic and municipal purposes should be treated and purified to meet sanitary require- ments for such use. Quality of Ground Water The survey of mineral quality of the ground waters of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area was limited to the valley floor of the Pajaro Unit and to Soquel Valley in the Soquel Unit, since ground water is not of major significance in other portions of the area. Water in Confined Jquifers, Pajaro and Soquel Units. The water quality survey in the Pajaro Unit indicated the existence of from good to excellent quality water throughout the confined aquifers underlying the valley floor, except near Monterey Bay where several wells produced water having comparatively high con- centrations of chlorides. "With the exception of water from these wells, water from the confined aquifers had low to moderate concentrations of total mineral sol- ubles, chlorides, and boron, and low percent sodium, and would be classed as well within the limits of Class 1 irrigation water. Calcium and magnesium were the predominant cations, and bicarbonate the predominant anion in these waters. The survey in Soquel Valley indicated that the con- fined "round waters were moderately low in mineral content, and that they were generally well suited for irrigation and other uses. However, although not indi- cated in the analyses, many of the wells in Soquel Valley produced water which contained significant amounts of iron and manganese. These mineral con- stituents render the water undesirable for general domestic and some industrial uses unless removed by appropriate treatment. Results of complete mineral analyses of samples of confined ground water obtained from wells in the Pa- jaro and Soquel Units are presented in Table 17. Results of partial mineral analyses of confined ground wafers obtained from wells in the Pajaro Unit are included in Appendix I* 1 . Water Overlying Confined Aquifers, Pajaro Unit. Ground wafer overlying the confined aquifers in Pajaro Valley was sampled during 195] af 1!) different loca- tions in order to determine its quality. Samples were obtained from auger holes dug to depths of from 5 to 18 feet. The local ion of these holes is shown on Plate 12. and the results of complete mineral analyses of the samples are presented in Table 18. It is indicated that the mineral quality of the overlying ground water was markedly inferior to that of water from the con- fined aquifers. Water samples numbered 1 and 19 were obtained from auger holes located in the vicinity of Monterey Bay and contained waters characterized by high concentrations of chlorides. It is probable that "round water overlying confined aquifers and situated adjacent to Monterey Bay derives its high chloride content in part from ocean water, inasmuch as the area involved borders sloughs subject to tidal action. Degradation of Confined Ground Water, Pajaro Unit. Several irrigation wells located in the Pajaro Unit near Monterey Bay yielded ground water from the confined aquifers containing relatively high con- centrations of chlorides. Water from AVell No. 12S/1E- 25B1, located about one-half mile east of the shore line of the bay, showed a marked increase in chloride con- centration during the 1946-47 pumping season. Anal- yses presented in Table 17 indicate that between the months of April and -Inly, 1 J>47, chloride concentration increased from 9.6 to 14.1 equivalents per million. In July, 1 9-19, water from this well contained 19.6 equivalents per million of chlorides. Water from Well No. 12S 2E-30E3, located about one mile east of the shore line of Monterey Bay, also showed an increase in chloride concentration during the 1948-49 pumping season. Between April and duly of 1949, chloride concentration increased from 58.5 to 72.2 equivalents per million. Certain other wells located near Monterey Bay also yielded waters of high chloride concentra- tion. It is indicated that the area affected by high concentration of chlorides in the underlying confined ground water is approximately 1,0(10 acres of agricul- tural land adjacent to Monterey Bay. It is indicated that the principal source of this degradation of the confined ground water is sea water drawn into the confined aquifers from Monterey Bay. However, it is possible that the degradation may have been due in part to interchange with poorer quality "•round water overlying the confined aquifers through defective or abandoned wells. Conditions favorable to intrusion of sea water into the confined aquifers pre- vailed during a port ion id' each pumping season during the period id' investigation. This is evidenced by meas- urements of depth to ground water showing that the hydraulic gradient was lowered below sea level. In July, 1947, when Well No. 12S 1E-25B1 yielded water of high chloride concentration, the elevation of the water surface in the well was 15 feet below sea Level. WATER SUPPLY 41 TABLE 17 COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSES OF CONFINED GROUND WATERS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Well number Date of sample Conduct- ance Ec x 10« at 25° C. Boron, in ppm Percent sodium Mineral constituents, in equivalents per million Ca Mi Na CO 3 I ICO., CI so. N0 3 Pajaro Unit 11S/1E-24J1.. 11S/1E-25R1- 11S/1E-36L1.. 11S/2E-21CU 11S/2E-25N4. 11S/2E-31J1-. 11S/2E-31P2.. 11S/2E-32K1. 12S/1E-12Q1. 12S/1E-13R1- 12S/1E-23R1* 12S/1E-24G1. 12S/1E-24J2.. 12S/1E-24L1.. 12S/1E-24M1. 12S/1E-24R1. 12S/1E-24R2. 12S/1E-25A3* 12S/1E-2SB1* 12S/1E-25B1* 12S/1E-25B1* 12S/1E-25B1* 12S/1E-25B2* 12S/1E-25Q1* 12S/1E-25Q1*. 12S/2E- 1G1- 12S/2E- 2H1. 12S/2E- 5DU 12S/2E- 6L1. 12S/2E- 6P1_. 12S/2E- 7B1_ 12S/2E- 7H1_ 12S/2E- 7K1- 12S/2E- 8C1_ 12S/2E- 8E1. 12S/2E- 8F1_. 12S/2E- 8F3. 12S/2E- 8G1. 12S/2E- 8G2. 12S/2E- 8K1_ 12S/2E- 8K2_ 12S/2E- 8L3_ 12S/2E- 8N1. 12S/2E- 8P1. 12S/2E- 8QK 12S/2E- 9C1. 12S/2E- 9C1. 12S/2E-11K1. 12S/2E-12E1_ 12S/2E-16N1_ 12S/2E-17D2- 12S/2E-17K1. 12S/2E-17L1. 12S/2E-17Q1. 12S/2E-17R1. 12S/2E-18A1, 12S/2E-18D1. 12S/2E-18G1. 12S/2E-18G2. 12S/2E-18LC 10/18/51 10/18/51 10/18/51 6/23/50 6/23/50 10/17/51 10/17/51 5/28/48 10/19/51 10/18/51 9/14/51 10/18/51 10/17/51 9/14/51 9/14/51 10/16/51 12/ 4/51 9/13/51 4/21/47 7/15/47 7/29/49 10/ 2/51 9/13/51 9/15/47 9/14/51 9/26/51 7/30/49 10/17/51 10/16/51 10/16/51 10/17/51 9/27/51 10/17/51 10/18/51 10/16/51 10/17/51 10/18/51 10/ 2/51 9/27/51 4/21/47 10/16/51 11/ 5/51 10/16/51 10/16/51 10/17/51 5/28/48 10/17/51 6/23/50 7/15/47 10/17/51 10/ 2/51 4/21/47 10/18/51 6/23/50 4/28/47 10/ 2/51 10/ 5/51 10/18/51 10/ 2/51 10/18/51 428 437 463 470 680 480 520 644 303 518 548 545 620 610 548 642 673 2,170 1 ,570 2,100 2,470 1,260 459 714 677 877 1,177 607 485 538 522 508 492 935 524 512 441 604 554 614 620 667 558 945 1,480 719 535 1,080 1,260 933 664 739 696 770 739 588 422 440 453 466 0.08 0.06 0.0 0.02 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.10 0.03 0.91 0.13 0.0 0.71 0.91 0.15 0.14 0.22 0.18 0.16 0.17 0.29 0.88 0.13 0.33 0.13 0.13 0.18 0.08 0.08 0.14 0.16 0.20 0.03 0.17 0.15 0.11 0.13 0.21 0.19 0.29 0.22 0.20 0.21 0.35 0.05 0.35 0.44 0.47 0.20 0.12 0.13 0.20 0.20 0.32 0.16 0.11 0.20 0.04 22 20 25 22 26 23 20 18 30 21 35 20 20 21 35 18 19 12 16 12 16 48 40 62 53 15 18 18 21 19 17 19 16 16 16 17 20 20 21 20 20 19 18 22 20 22 19 20 20 26 19 18 20 22 26 19 21 22 22 22 2.24 2.04 1.44 2.65 4 . 55 2.30 2.40 2.99 0.79 2.15 1 . 05 1.85 2.79 2.69 1.05 3 . 09 3.04 9.23 8.30 10.9 11.30 6.29 1.10 1.7 1 . 55 5.24 7.55 2.54 2.15 2.69 2.69 2.69 2.45 4.59 2.89 2.59 2.29 2.79 2.59 3.7 3.34 2.89 2.94 4.54 3.29 3.84 2.54 4.50 11.2 3.29 3.34 4.5 3.09 3.75 3.7 3.04 1.49 1.45 2.04 1.70 1.31 1.80 2.22 1.83 2.46 1.64 2.22 2.38 1.48 2.38 2.55 2.71 2.80 2.80 2.55 2.71 2.96 10.36 5.10 7.2 1 1 . 53 0.26 1.89 0.7 1.56 3.29 4.51 2.96 1.97 1.97 2.06 1.73 2.06 3.62 1.97 2.14 1.48 2.47 2.14 1.6 2.14 2.30 2.06 3 . 95 10.61 2.38 2.22 6.10 0.3 4.69 2.63 2.4 3.21 3.39 1.7 2.22 2.05 2.30 1.64 2.30 1.00 0.95 1.26 1.32 1.65 1.22 1.17 1.19 1.00 1.22 2.09 1.13 1.43 1.48 2.09 1.30 1.39 2.74 2.20 2.4 4.06 6.17 2.04 3.7 3.65 1.52 2.67 1.21 1.13 1.09 0.96 1.04 0.87 1.57 0.96 0.96 0.95 1.35 1.30 1.3 1.35 1.20 1.13 2.44 3.57 1.77 1.13 2.66 2.7 2.78 1.39 1.5 1.57 2.07 1.9 1.26 0.96 1.08 1.04 1.13 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 . 05 0.08 0.31 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.31 . 06 0.06 0.10 0.19 0.05 0.08 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.04 0.08 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.53 0.0 0.0 0.80 0.53 0.0 0.0 0.67 0.0 0.80 0.40 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.21 3.80 3.74 4.00 5 . 70 3.83 4.59 3.84 2.09 4.36 3.67 4.49 5.08 4.72 3.67 5.41 5.15 4.33 4.50 4.7 4.60 6.16 2.79 2.7 2.69 7.54 10.59 4.98 3.90 4.23 4.03 4.41 4.16 4.36 4.59 4 . 56 3.80 4.92 4.59 4.9 5.15 4.79 4.72 7.60 8.82 5.56 4.00 9.8 9.6 8.26 5.57 6.3 5.70 7.15 4.6 4.98 3.49 3.57 3.62 3.87 0.62 0.39 0.79 0.45 0.70 0.48 0.51 0.73 0.27 0.62 0.85 . 59 0.56 0.73 0.85 1.17 1.07 15.23 9.60 14.1 19.62 6.46 0.39 1.8 1.69 0.85 1.00 1.13 0.62 0.85 0.71 0.45 0.48 3.50 0.45 0.56 0.45 0.79 0.65 0.8 0.87 0.71 0.75 1 . 58 1.47 0.85 0.65 1.7 2.2 1.21 0.73 0.9 0.96 1.0 1.0 0.62 0.45 0.33 0.39 0.42 0.66 0.52 0.35 0.99 1 . 26 0.68 0.58 1.52 0.59 0.73 1.08 0.71 1.21 0.85 1.08 0.62 1.17 1.79 1 . 50 1.7 2.10 0.12 1.04 1.6 1.60 1.15 2.60 0.40 0.62 0.60 0.85 0.71 0.75 1.10 0.77 0.56 0.50 0.73 0.75 0.9 0.73 1.00 0.62 1.73 3.62 1.21 0.98 1.47 2.4 1.21 0.94 1.2 1.17 0.91 1.1 0.83 0.60 0.83 0.75 0.77 0.01 0.01 0.0 0.09 0.59 0.06 0.0 0.47 0.30 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.0 0.0 0.56 0.47 0.14 0.02 0.01 0.0 0.06 0.05 0.02 0.37 0.01 0.0 0.01 0.04 0.01 0.09 0.01 0.01 0.01 3.29 0.37 0.08 0.05 0.07 0.03 0.0 trace 0.0 0.01 0.01 0.0 0.01 42 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 17-Continued COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSES OF CONFINED GROUND WATERS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Well number 12S/2E-19A1. 12S/2E-20A1_ 12S/2E-20L1 . 12S/2E-25Q1- 12S/2E-29H1_ 12S/2E-30F1. 12S/2E-30F2* 12S/2E-30F2* 12S/2E-30R2_ 12S/2E-31E1_ 12S/2E-32K1. 12S/3E-17M3. 12S/3E-18B1. 13S/1E- 1A1* 13S/1E- 1A1* 13S/2E- 7B1* 13S/2E- 7B1* 13S/2E- 7B2* Soquel Unit 10S/1W-26E1. LOS/1 W-34A1. 11S/1W-15E1 11S/1W-21I11 11S/1W-21K1 Date cf sample 10/16/51 9/26/51 10/10/51 9/15/47 10/17/51 9/14/51 4/14/49 7/29/49 10/19/51 9/14/51 11/ 9/51 9/26/51 6/23/50 7/29/49 9/14/51 7/29/49 9/14/51 9/14/51 10/ 2/51 1/24/50 10/ 3/51 1/23/50 10/ 3/51 Conduct- ance Ec x 10 6 at 25° C. 612 862 665 714 597 519 6,400 7.300 644 699 483 875 1,110 1,240 1,460 1,390 1.190 1.800 1,080 465 744 578 651 Boron, in ppm 0.26 0.38 0.21 0.13 0.22 0.25 0.09 0.13 0.34 0.0 0.10 0.32 0.23 0.26 0.27 0.24 0.28 1.30 0.10 0.04 0.12 0.10 Percent sodium 20 22 24 61 29 25 22 24 20 39 43 20 21 35 34 34 27 33 16 14 30 29 Ca 3.09 3.49 2.89 1.7 2.30 1.70 22.2 27.13 2.20 1.70 1.15 2.94 3.9 4 . 25 4.54 4.32 4.14 5.24 2.64 2.65 4.84 2.90 2.99 Mineral constituents, in equivalents per million Mil Na 2.38 4.11 2.80 0.7 2.22 2.63 29.0 37.35 3.45 2.47 1.40 4.69 6.89 4.89 5.26 5.78 4.36 6.99 1.97 2.47 2.06 2.21 1.64 1.39 2.13 1.87 3.7 1.91 1.48 15.7 20.40 1.39 2.74 1.96 1.91 2.84 6.44 1.00 1.17 2.12 1.96 0.08 0.04 0.08 0.09 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.08 0.04 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.09 0.12 C0 3 HCOj CI 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.67 0.0 0.47 0.0 0.0 0.67 0.47 0.93 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.21 7.34 5.97 2.4 4.72 3.46 3.4 2.95 4.33 2.20 1.90 5.38 9.1 3.43 3.08 5.21 3.10 3.00 2.60 2.52 0.56 1.24 0.65 1.8 1.02 0.42 58.5 72.20 1.69 2.26 2.14 1.47 1.6 6.95 8.04 9.41 7.19 1 1 . 85 2.40 0.7 0.93 1.70 1.64 SO. 1.02 1.10 0.73 1.6 0.65 1.29 5.0 6.60 1.04 1.77 0.27 1.37 1.74 2.44 2.50 1.40 1.39 1.64 3 . 73 1.94 4.18 2.43 2.52 NOs 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.06 0.01 0.09 0.0 0.50 0.11 1.13 0.66 0.43 0.52 0.10 0.39 0.05 0.01 0.04 0.0 0.04 0.0 * Wells located near Monterey Buy. TABLE 18 COMPLETE MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATERS OVERLYING CONFINED AQUIFERS IN PAJARO UNIT I Iole number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 in 14 17 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 Date of sample 9/25/51 9/25/51 9/25/51 9/25/51 9/25/51 9/26/51 9/26/51 9/26/51 9/26/5 1 9/28/51 10/ 4/51 9/27/51 9/27/51 9/27/5 1 9/27/5 1 10/ 5/51 9/26/51 9/27/51 10/ 3/51 Conduct- ance, Ec x 10« at 25° C. 32,400 1,580 1,720 2,400 950 1,540 1,630 1,520 2,240 830 1,760 820 3,750 2,500 2,900 530 1.290 1.000 1 ,090 Boron, in ppm 6.3 0.47 0.59 1.5 0.5 0.66 0.81 0.53 1.29 0.29 0.38 0.21 1.68 0.83 0.62 0.12 0.42 0.31 0.35 Percent sodium 80 50 21 52 24 20 18 19 69 22 14 11 89 50 7 38 19 16 20 Mineral constituents, in equivalents per million Ca 13.72 2.79 5.99 2.20 4.29 (i.34 22 . 1 1 1.85 3.79 1.74 4.99 Ms 54.28 5 . 67 10.44 12.41 3.95 8.80 11.10 8.55 5.51 3.95 11.27 2.71 2.96 7.73 16.86 1.56 8.22 5.18 4.93 Na 300.47 8.91 4.52 15.65 2.70 3.61 3.65 3.48 17.83 2.13 2.87 0.96 31 . 79 14.35 4.76 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.16 0.04 0.02 0.24 0.03 0.07 0.08 0.14 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03 HCOs 17.21 7.60 7.67 14.52 5.97 8.62 10.16 10.42 11.80 7.08 9 . 83 2 . 95 17.80 16.95 0.21 2 . 56 8.10 9.18 5 . 90 CI 310.24 1 .83 1 . 64 3.24 1.47 1 . 97 1 . 55 1 .69 2.96 0.96 2.14 1.30 18.19 8.04 1.41 0.85 1.27 0.76 0.76 8Cm 47 . 26 5.18 8.20 11.72 2.91 4.27 6.58 4.64 6.35 39 . 97 1 .83 3 . 50 1.64 3 . 54 NO, 2.55 1.56 1.32 4.71 0.01 4.03 1 . 68 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.23 1.71 0.06 1.97 CHAPTER III WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS The nature and extent of water utilization and of requirements for supplemental water in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, both at the present time and under probable conditions of ultimate development, are considered in this chapter. In connection with the discussion, the following terms are used as defined: Water Utilisation — This term is used in a broad sense to include any employments of water by nature or man, either consumptive or nonconsumptive, as well as those irrecoverable losses of water inciden- tal to such employment, and is synonymous with the term "water use." Demands for Water — Those factors pertaining- to spe- cific rates, times, and places of delivery of water, losses of water, quality of water, etc., imposed by the control, development, and use of the water for beneficial purposes. Water Requirement — The amount of water needed to provide for all beneficial uses and for irrecoverable losses incidental to such uses. Supplemental Water Requirement — The water re- quirement over and above the sum of safe "round water yield and safe surface water yield. Consumptive Use of Water — This refers to water con- sumed by vegetative growth in transpiration and building" of plant tissue, and to water evaporated from adjacent soil, from water surfaces, and from foliage. It also refers to water similarly consumed and evaporated by urban and nonvegetative types of culture. Applied Water — The water delivered to a farmer's headgate in the case of irrigation use, or to an indi- vidual's meter in the case of urban use, or its equiv- alent, and does not include direct precipitation. Ultimate — This refers to an unspecified but long pe- riod of years into the future when development will be essentially stabilized. (It is realized that any present forecasts of the nature and extent of such ultimate development, and resultant water utilization, are inherently subject to possible large errors in detail and appreciable error in the aggre- gate. However, such forecasts, when based upon best available data and present judgment, are of value in establishing long-range objectives for de- velopment of water resources. They are so used herein, with full knowledge that their re-evaluation after the experience of a period of years may result in considerable revision.) Present water utilization in the Santa Cruz-Monte- rey Area was estimated by the application of appro- priate factors of unit water use to the present land use pattern as determined from survey data. Probable ultimate water utilization was similarly estimated, by the use of an ultimate pattern of land use projected from the present pattern on the basis of land classi- fication data, the assumptions being made that under ultimate conditions all irrigable lands would be irri- gated and all potential urban and recreational lands would be developed. As indicated by the foregoing defi- nition, supplemental requirements for water were esti- mated as the differences between derived values of safe yield of the local water supply, as presently de- veloped, and water requirements under both present and ultimate conditions of development. Certain possible nonconsumptive requirements for water, such as those for flood control, conservation of fish and wildlife, etc., will be of varying significance in the design of works to meet supplemental consumptive requirements for water in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. In most instances the magnitudes of such noncon- sumptive requirements are relatively indeterminate, and dependent upon allocations made in design after consideration of factors of economics. For these reasons, water requirements for flood control and conservation of fish and wildlife are discussed in general terms in this chapter, but are not specifically evaluated. Water utilization is considered and evaluated in this chapter under the general headings "Present Water Supply Development," "Land Use," "Unit Use of Water," "Present Water Utilization," "Probable Ultimate Water Utilization," "Demands for Water," and "Nonconsumptive Water Demands." Supplemen- tal water requirements are similarly treated under the two general headings "Present Supplemental Require- ment ' ' and ' ' Probable Ultimate Supplemental Require- ment. ' ' WATER UTILIZATION Of the total amount of water presently served for beneficial use in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, ap- proximately 73 percent is utilized in the production of irrigated crops, while the remainder is utilized for urban and recreational purposes. Of the total of about 290,000 acres in the area, it is indicated that approxi- mately 96,000 acres ultimately will require water service. The remainder of approximately 194,000 acres comprises mountainous forest, brush, and grass lands. In general, water utilization on these lands was not studied in the present investigation, since their water requirements have been and will continue to be met from rainfall, regardless of present or future water (43) Soquel Unit, Soquel at Right (Photo, State Division of Highways) WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 45 development works. However, water utilization on the tributary watershed of the Pajaro Unit was evaluated, insofar as it concerned the hydrology of the Forebay Zone of that unit. Lands of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area developed at the present time and those forecast to be developed under ultimate conditions are generally limited to the valley floor and bench lands of the Pajaro Unit, and to the coastal strip, small valleys near high- ways, stream canyons, and areas topographically suit- able for development at higher elevations in the re- mainder of the area. Present Water Supply Development Approximately three-fourths of all water developed and used in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area is presently supplied by water pumped from underlying ground water basins. Lands utilizing ground water are gen- erally served by individually owned wells and pumps. Because of these facts the amount of water developed for use by individuals is larger than by organizations. In 1949 there were about 600 wells and pumping plants of heavy draft. A number of additional wells of light draft supplied limited amounts of water for noncom- mercial gardens and orchards, and for domestic pur- poses. Lands served principally with ground water comprise the Pajaro Unit and the coastal strip north- west of the Pajaro Unit. Surface diversions are made from numerous streams rising in the Santa Cruz Mountains, principally for urban and recreational uses. Water Service Agencies. Water for urban, indus- trial, and recreational use in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area is furnished by numerous water service agencies which obtain their water supply principally by surface diversion from numerous streams in the area. The North Coastal Unit is supplied largely from surface water sources, with the exception of a small area near the westerly boundary of the City of Santa Cruz for which water is pumped from wells. The Santa Cruz Portland Cement Company at Davenport diverts surface flow from San Vicente Creek and from one of its small tributaries. The water is used by the cement company, the town of Davenport, and the Southern Pacific Company. The largest water service agency in the San Lorenzo Unit is the Water Department of the City of Santa Cruz which diverts surface water from Liddell, Laguna, and Majors Creeks in the North Coastal Unit, and from the San Lorenzo River. The diverted water from the North Coastal Unit is conveyed by means of two pipe lines of 10-inch and 14-inch diameter, respectively, to a distributing reservoir in Santa Cruz. These three creeks furnish most of the water required by Santa Cruz dur- ing the winter, but only a minor portion during the summer. The summer flow available from this source in the drier years is only about one-half of the 3,000,000 gallon per day capacity of the pipe lines. The summer deficiency in water supply is made up by pumping surface and subsurface flow of the San Lorenzo River from a point near the northern city limits of Santa Cruz and conveying it to the distributing reservoir. The capacity of the system diverting from the San Lorenzo River is about 9,000,000 gallons per day. The city's water from the San Lorenzo River is treated with activated carbon, and is pressure filtered and chlorinated, while treatment of that from the North Coastal Unit streams is limited to chlorination. In addition to its incorporated area, the City of Santa Cruz provides water service to a considerable area outside its limits, and in 1949 had about 10,100 service connections. The coastal strip westerly from Santa Cruz to a point approximately one-half mile west of Laguna Creek is served by the city. The south- ern portion of Graham Hill and a strip along Branci- forte Creek north of Santa Cruz are also served from the city system, as is an area to the east of Santa Cruz extending to within about one mile of Soquel. The portion of the San Lorenzo Unit lying north of Felton is served with domestic water by two public utilities and by 22 small private or mutual water com- panies. Their principal sources of water supply are direct surface diversions from the San Lorenzo River or its tributaries. In many instances the diversions are made at elevations permitting gravity distribution, while others are accomplished by pumping from the local streams. The San Lorenzo Valley County Water District, organized in 1941, includes most of the area served from the San Lorenzo River north of Felton. The district has purchased two dam and reservoir sites and plans additional water developments, but does not serve water at this time. Scott Valley and vicinity, situated in the San Lo- renzo Unit, is served by several small water supply agencies which divert from a tributary of Branciforte Creek. Water for domestic purposes is obtained by a number of the residents from individually owned wells drilled in the small local ground water basin. In the Soquel Unit, the coastal strip between Santa Cruz and La Selva Beach is served by five water service agencies which obtain their supply from ground water. Of these, the three principal agencies are the Monterey Bay Water Company serving Capitola, Soquel, Aptos, and La Selva Beach, the Beltz Water Company serving a small area between Santa Cruz and the service area of the Monterey Bay Water Company, and the Seacliff Water Company serving several subdivisions west of Aptos. The Pajaro Unit is served with domestic and munic- ipal water by three water service agencies, the prin- cipal of which is the Watsonville Municipal Water Department which had about 5,200 service connec- tions in 1949. Of this total, about 1,800 connections were outside the city limits of Watsonville. Water is diverted by the department from Corralitos Creek by means of a small diversion structure about one mile above the town of Corralitos. The diverted water passes 46 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION through a short tunnel, and is conveyed in a steel pipe line to a treatment plant located at Corralitos. A minor diversion is also made from Browns Valley Creek and this water is also conveyed to the Corralitos treatment plant. After treatment, the water is conveyed by means of two steel pipe lines to a storage reservoir located between Freedom and Watsonville, and is distributed from this reservoir to areas of use. Four wells, pump- ing from ground water, provide supplemental water to the city as required. Table 19 lists the principal water service agencies of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, together with nota- tions on their source of water supply and number of services in 1949. Areas included within the boundaries of those agencies having more than 100 services are shown on Plate 2. Appropriation of Water. Since the effective date of the Water Commission Act on December 19, 1914, 56 applications to appropriate water of streams of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area have been filed with the Division of Water Resources or its predecessors. These applications are listed in Appendix G, together with pertinent information on the proposed diversions and uses of water and present status of the applications. The applications listed in Appendix G should not be construed as comprising a complete or even partial statement of water rights in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. They do not include appropriative rights initi- ated prior to December 19, 1914, riparian rights, cor- relative rights of overlying owners in ground water basins, nor prescriptive rights which may have been established on either surface streams or ground water basins, none of which are of record with the Division of Water Resources. In general, water rights may only be firmly established by court decree. Dams Under State Supervision. The Department of Public Works, acting through the agency of the State Engineer, supervises the construction, enlarge- ment, alteration, repair, maintenance, operation, and removal of dams, for the protection of life and prop- erty within California. All dams in the State, excepting those under federal jurisdiction, are under the juris- TABLE 19 PRINCIPAL WATER SERVICE AGENCIES, SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Agency Source of water supply Number of services in 1949 Agency Source of water supply Number of services in 1949 North Coastal Unit Davenport San Lorenzo Unit Assemblies of God (mutual). Bauer Water Company Ben Lomond Redwood Park Water Company Beulah Park Mutual Water Company Big Basin Water Company Big Redwood Park Mutual Water Company Bracken Brae Corporation California Conference of the Free Methodist Church Cathedral Woods Mutual Water Company Citizens Utilities Company of California City of Santa Cruz Felton Water Company. Forest Lakes Mutual Water Company Forest Springs Mutual Water Company Gold Gulch Mutual Water Company Hacienda Mutual Water Com- pany Larita Woods Mutual Water Company i r,iii|,ir,, Cooperative Water Association Lorcnio Water Works _ Love Creek Heights Mutual Water Company San Vicente Creek. Carbonero Creek, tributary to Branciforte Creek Gold Gulch, tributary to San Lorenzo River Springs Carbonero Creek, tributary to San Lorenzo River Springs Bean Creek Springs Ground water Soquel Creek Pee Vine, Forman, Clear, Mar- shall, and Thaler Creeks, all tributary to San Lorenzo River Liddell, Laguna, Majors Creeks, San Lorenzo River Fall, Bull, Bennett Creeks, all tributary to San Lorenzo River Gold Gulch, tributary to San Lorenzo River Springs. Ground water. Carbonero Creek, tributary to Branciforte Creek Citizens Utilities Company of California Lompico Creek, and springs Springs — Springs 75 15* 30 107 17 45 24 25 6* 4 1,938 10,100 620 150 108 27 22 24 171 130 25 Manana Woods Mutual Water Company Mission Springs Water Com- pany Monterey Bay Water Com- pany (Zayante) Mountain Springs Water Com- pany Mt. Hermon Association Olympia Mutual Water Com- pany Paradise Park Water Company Riverside Grove Water Com- pany, Inc. Ramona Woods Mutual Water Company San Lorenzo River Park Mu- tual Water Company San Lorenzo Woods Mutual Water Company San Lorenzo Valley County Water District Soquel Unit Beltz Water Company Forest Glen Water Company . Monterey Bay Water Com- pany (La Selva Beach) Monterey Bay Water Com- pany (Soquel, Aptos, Capi- tola) Seacliff Water Works Valencia Water Works Ground water Spring, and ground water. Zayante Creek Marshall Creek, tributary to San Lorenzo River Springs Springs Eagle Creek, tributary to San Lorenzo River Big Basin Water Company San Lorenzo River. San Lorenzo River- San Lorenzo River _ Ground water- Ground water. Ground water- Ground water. Ground water. Pajaro Unit Highland Park Water Service.. New Freedom Mutual Water System Watsonville Municipal Water Department Corralitos Creek. Ground water Corralitos Creek, Browns Valley Creek, tributary to Corralitos Creek, and ground water 100* 167 11 400 27 355 108 21 60 45 635 41 144 1,909 280 18 12 85 .,200 • Greatly Increased during summer months. WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 47 TABLE 20 DAMS UNDER STATE SUPERVISION, SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Item Mill Creek Dam Sempervirens Dam Cowell Dam Owner St ream Location Type Use Date of completion Height above stream bed, in feet Elevation of crest, in feet Storage capacity, in acre-feet Santa Cruz Land and Water Devel opment Association Mill Creek___. SE. ii, Sec. 29, T. 9 S., R. 3 W„ M D. B. & M. Timber and rockfill Recreation 1889 50 1,360 223 Division of Beaches and Parks, State Department of Natural Resources Sempervirens Sec. 32, T. 8 S., R. 3 W., M. D. B. & M. Earthfill Domestic 1951 44 1,233 52 City of Santa Cruz Sec. 11, T. 11 S., R. 2 W., M. D. B. M. Earthfill Not used (dam breached) 1890 51 430 175 diction of the Department. "Dam" means any artifi- cial barrier, together with appurtenant works, if any, across a stream, watercourse, or natural drainage area, which does or may impound or divert water, and which either (a) is or will be 25 feet or more in height from natural stream bed to crest of spillway, or (b) has or will have an impounding capacity of 50 acre-feet or more. Any such barrier, which is or will be not in ex- cess of six feet in height, regardless of storage capacity, or which has or will have a storage capacity not in ex- cess of 15 acre-feet, regardless of height, is not con- sidered a dam. Three dams in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area are presently under state supervision. Pertinent data relating to these dams are presented in Table 20. Land Use As a first step in estimating the amount of water uti- lization in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area during the investigational seasons, determinations were made of the nature and extent of land use prevailing during the seasons. Similarly, the probable nature and extent of ultimate land use, as related to water utilization, was forecast on the basis of data obtained from a land classification survey and from a survey of habitable areas. The land classification survey segregated lands of the area in accordance with their suitability for irri- gated agriculture, while the survey of habitable areas segregated lands in accordance with their suitability for urban and recreational development. Present Land Use. A comprehensive land use survey was made in the Pajaro Unit in the season of 1946-47 as a part of the current investigation. This survey was extended in 1949-50 to include irrigated lands in the remainder of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. Inhabited and potentially habitable lands in the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units were surveyed relative to general types of land use in 1948-49. Data obtained from these surveys were con- sidered representative of "present" conditions of land use and development in the area, and are so referred to in subsequent discussion. Areas classified as agricultural are largely confined to the valley floor of the Pajaro Unit, and to the rela- tively narrow coastal strip and numerous small and widely scattered areas in the North Coastal, San Lo- renzo, and Soquel Units. Principal irrigated crops in the Pajaro Unit consist of lettuce, orchards, sugar beets, and tomatoes, while dry farming is limited mostly to field crops and orchards. Irrigated lands in other units of the area are devoted almost entirely to truck crops, while orchard and grain crops predominate on the dry-farmed lands. The largest and most important areas classified as urban and suburban are those in and around the Cities of Santa Cruz and Watsonville. Smaller urban areas include Davenport, Boulder Creek, Ben Lomond, Fel- ton, Soquel, Aptos, La Selva Beach, Corralitos, Free- dom, and Watsonville Junction. Areas classified as recreational are largely confined to canyons along major and minor streams in the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units that support only seasonal habitation. A considerable area along the San Lorenzo River was classified as urban and subur- ban rather than recreational, due to its permanent year-around habitation and commercial enterprise, even though it is supported largely by recreational de- velopment. Ordinary considerations governing the se- lection of homesites elsewhere do not necessarily apply to the areas classified as recreational in the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area. Recreational habitations may be found along any continuously flowing stream wherever access is possible. Such homes and cabins are sometimes built on slopes as steep as 45 degrees, and in locations which can be reached only by narrow and steep one-way roads. Many of these dwellings are inhabited through- out the summer, and usually all are crowded during weekends. Results of the land use survey of 1946-47 in the Pa- jaro Unit are presented in Table 21. Summaries of the results of the habitable area survey made in the re- mainder of the area in 1948-49, and the extended sur- vey of irrigated lands in 1949-50, are shown in Table 22. Present land use in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area is shown on Plate 18, entitled "Present and Probable Ultimate Water Service Areas. ' ' Probable Ultimate Land Use. The forecast of the probable ultimate land use in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area was based on the results of survevs conducted to 48 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 21 PRESENT LAND USE IN PAJARO UNIT (In acres) Valley Floor and 1 "pper Pressure Zones Forebay Zone Totals 1 Class and type of land use i Valley Floor and Upper Pressure Zones Forebay Zone Class and type of land use Bench lands Tributary watershed Bench lands Tributary watershed Totals Irrigated lands Alfalfa 180 560 840 380 3,300 200 3,960 550 3,110 630 130 1,450 1,230 830 10 180 560 850 710 3,300 200 3,960 630 3,190 Native vegetation Native grass.. . . 3,260 910 180 90 20 3.710 1,270 2,000 20 30 5,040 90 4,550 12,010 2,270 10 330 6,730 110 9,320 9,370 4,460 240 210 1,790 890 620 1,120 7,030 19,000 30,490 60 70 30 10 00 10 140 240 1,450 1,310 870 10 Roads and railroads Town and farm lots Waste land Water surface ... County and farm roads Subtotals TOTALS,. 10 70 220 70 40 10 1,860 Truck 890 10 440 230 630 1,790 Subtotals Dry-farmed lands 17,360 3,610 350 2,950 10 420 620 1,990 40 4,010 40 1,700 10 460 18,020 7,300 400 ! 7,420 10 470 110 4,870 530 230 5,630 34,030 14,380 21,440 69,850 Orchard (old) 50 110 Holly Subtotals 7.340 6,200 2,170 15,710 TABLE 22 PRESENT LAND USE IN NORTH COASTAL, SAN LORENZO, AND SOQUEL UNITS (In acres) Class of land use North Coastal Unit San Lorenzo Unit Soquel Unit Totals 100 6,900 6.20(1 460 1.100 700 900 8,100 6,900 Irrigated lands 2,01(1 3,400 Subtotals Mountain lands and other undeveloped areas 2.140 460 68.700 13. 560 640 80.800 2,700 6,400 44,800 18,400 7,500 1 94 .300 TOTALS 71,300 95,000 53,900 220.200 determine suitability of the lands for the several pre- vailing classes of land use involving water utilization. A land classification survey was conducted in the Pa- jaro I'nit in the season of 1950-51, segregating lands in accordance with their suitability for irrigated agri- culture. This survey was limited to the Pajaro Unit, since most of the agricultural lands in the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area are in this unit. Furthermore, little or no future increase in irrigated acreage is anticipated in the remainder of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, because of the present and indicated future trend to- ward predominantly urban and recreational develop- ment. Lands in the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units were classified relative to their suitability for urban, suburban, recreational, and minor irrigation development, during a survey conducted in 1948-49. The classification was generalized and limited to the classes indicated, without further subdivision into types of land use. During the land classification survey of 1050-51, lands in the Pajaro I'nit were segregated into the fol- lowing four classes : Unsegregated Irrigable. This classification combined nil lands with smooth lying alluvial soils having more or less similar crop adaptabilities. These soils are considered desirable for continuous irrigated agriculture. No attempt was made to delineate various classes id' irrigable valley floor lands. These lands are easily leveled and are well-suited to basin and furrow irrigation prac- tices. Class 4 ( '1 1 . These lands have less desirable topographic fea- tures than the Unsegregated Irrigable class, yet are suitable for the production of climatically adapted crops irrigated by sprinkler or other special methods. Class 4 ( ."> I . These lands, in general, have steeper or more rolling topography and shallower soil depths than Class 4(2), yet are suitable for the production of climatically adapted crops. Because of their less favorable topography these lands are more susceptible to erosion, and greater care must be taken in irrigat- ing and in maintaining a cover crop. Class (i. This class comprises all valley Hour and bench lands thai do not meet the minimum requirements of suitability for irrigal ion use. About 950 acres of land in "Watson ville were classi- fied as urban, as were an additional 850 acres of land comprising small scattered communities and farm lots, WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 4!) or a total of 1,800 acres. Mountain forest lands which cover some 19,600 acres of the tributary watershed in the Pajaro Unit were considered to be nonirrigable. A summary of the results of the land classification made for the Pajaro Unit in the season of 1950-51 is pre- sented in Table 23. TABLE 23 CLASSIFICATION OF LANDS IN PAJARO UNIT Land class Area, in acres Irrigable Unsegregated 4(2) . . _ . 17,450 10.140 4(3) ......... 7,810 Subtotal Nonirrigable 6 . 35,400 13,000 19,600 32, GOO 1,800 TOTAL 09,800 It was assumed that under an increasing pressure of demand for agricultural products all irrigable lands in the Pajaro Unit, except those lands which will be absorbed by urban development, will ultimately be irrigated. Based on independent forecasts of popula- tion and density, it was estimated that urban develop- ment in the Pajaro Unit will increase to about 4,800 acres under ultimate conditions of development. The projected ultimate pattern of land use in the Pajaro Unit, summarized by general classes of such use, is presented in Table 24. The location and extent of prob- able ultimate water service in the Pajaro Unit are shown on Plate 18. TABLE 24 PROBABLE ULTIMATE LAND USE IN PAJARO UNIT Class of land use Area, in acres 32,400 Sloughs, lakes, stream beds, airports, etc._ 13,000 19,600 4,800 TOTAL 69,800 The estimate of 32,400 acres of irrigated lands in the Pajaro Unit under probable ultimate development, as shown in Table 24, represents gross area. However, the more significant area, as it relates to water utiliza- tion, is that area which will be irrigated during any one season. It was estimated that this net seasonal irri- gated area in the Pajaro Unit under probable ultimate development will be about 26,900 acres. This estimate was based on the assumption that about one-half of the approximately 3,000 acres expected to be absorbed by future urban development will consist of presently irrigated lands, while the remainder will consist of presently dry-farmed but irrigable lands. The estimate was also based on the assumptions that about 85 per- cent of the present gross irrigated area will be irrigated in any one season under ultimate development, and that about 80 percent of the gross area of the presently dry-farmed lands that will be irrigated under ultimate development will be irrigated in any one season, which assumptions were predicated on information resulting from the land classification survey. The derivation of the ultimate net seasonal irrigated acreage is presented in Table 25. It should be noted that the figure of 18,000 acres shown in Table 21 for presently irrigated lands represents net acreage, and that, based on survey information, it constitutes about 85 percent of the gross irrigated acreage, estimated to be about 21,200 acres. TABLE 25 PROBABLE ULTIMATE NET SEASONAL IRRIGATED AREA IN PAJARO UNIT (In acres) Item Presently irrigated lands Presently dry-farmed irrigable lands Totals 21,200 1 ,500 14,200 1,500 35,400 Less ultimate increase in urban area 3,000 Ultimate gross irrigated area. Percent irrigated in any one season- 19,700 0.85 12.700 0.80 32,400 Estimated ultimate area irrigated in any one season 16,740 10,160 26,900 In the survey of inhabited and habitable areas in the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units, conducted in 1948-49, lands were segregated into the following five classes on the basis of their suitability for various types of use under ultimate development : 1. Urban 2. Recreational 3. Suburban and rural 4. Irrigated 5. Undeveloped mountainous. The lands classified as potentially urban are those which probably will have a moderate to dense popula- tion, and are situated chiefly along the coast from Santa Cruz to Aptos and along the San Lorenzo River. The potential recreational areas are mainly in the mountains along major highways and along stream canyons accessible by permanent roads. Several narrow strips of beach were also classified as recreational. Lands classified as potentially suburban and rural include those lands which arc suitable for low density urban development. Although some of these lands are 50 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION irrigable, it was indicated that suburban and rural development will predominate. Little or none of the lands included in this class are developed to suburban and rural use at the present time. Lands classified as irrigated under ultimate development are scattered throughout the three units, and comprise very little increase over the lands presently irrigated. The lands classified as undeveloped mountainous were considered as not likely to be developed because of unfavorable characteristics of slope, elevation, accessibility, loca- tion, and vegetative cover. The probable ultimate pattern of land use in the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units, based on the 1948-49 survey information, is presented in Table 26. The location and extent of probable ultimate water service areas in these units are shown on Plate 18. TABLE 26 PROBABLE ULTIMATE LAND USE IN NORTH COASTAL, SAN LORENZO, AND SOQUEL UNITS (In acres) Class of land use North Coastal Unit San Lorenzo Unit Soquel Unit Totals 1,500 200 10.300 3.900 15,400 6,100 5.200 100 6,000 1,100 8,100 900 22,900 Recreational Suburban and rural Irrigated . . 7,400 23,600 4,900 Subtotals Undeveloped mountainous 1.5,900 55,400 26.800 68,200 16,100 37,800 58.800 161.400 TOTALS 71,300 95,000 53,900 220,200 A comparison of Table 22 and Table 26 indicates that lands classified as recreational will show little areal increase from present to probable ultimate de- velopment. However, the density of this class of devel- opment is sparse at present, and a large increase in density was anticipated under conditions of ultimate development. An increase in the density of develop- ment of urban areas, as well as of their areal extent, was also anticipated. Unit Use of Water The second step in the evaluation of water utiliza- tion involved the determination of unit values of water use appropriate for the several units of the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area. Since the method used in the deter- mination of such unit values of water utilization for the Pajaro Unit differed from that used for the other units, the methods are discussed separately hereinafter. Pajaro Unit. Although consumptive use of water is a correct measure of water utilization in the Porebay Zone, it is not significant in the Valley Floor and Upper Pressure Zones. In the pressure zones nearly all water utilized is pumped from confined aquifers and the unconsumed portion constitutes an irrecoverable loss. For this reason, the amount of ground water pumped, or the applied water, is the significant measure of water utilization in the pressiire zones. During the investigation, measurements were made of the amount of water applied for irrigation of selected plots of principal crops grown on various soil types in the Pajaro Unit. Records of such application of water pumped from wells were obtained for 126 plots irri- gated from 43 wells during 1947, and for 63 plots irri- gated from 23 wells during 1949. For each well the pump discharge, acreage of each type of crop irrigated, number of irrigations, periods of irrigation, and amounts of water applied in each irrigation were re- corded. From these data, supplemented by additional information collected by the United States Soil Con- servation Service, monthly and total seasonal applica- tions of water to each crop were determined. Results of these studies, which may be considered representa- tive of prevailing irrigation practices in the Pajaro Unit, are summarized in Table 27. Detailed results of the plot studies are presented in Appendix H, and location of the plots is indicated on Plate 18. TABLE 27 MEASURED AVERAGE SEASONAL APPLICATION OF IRRI- GATION WATER ON REPRESENTATIVE PLOTS OF PRINCIPAL CROPS IN PAJARO UNIT Crop Alfalfa ... Artichokes Beans Berries (Bush) Hops Lettuce and truck. Lettuce 2-crop Lettuce 3-crop Orchard Pasture Strawberries Sugar Beets Tomatoes Truck Vetch Number of plots 1947 3 3 10 7 37 9 14 3 4 8 5 11 4 11 1 2 3 4 10 Total 4 16 13 1 16 44 9 25 4 6 11 9 21 4 Applied water, in feet of depth 1947 1.65 1.12 0.99 1.09 1.83 1.78 3.08 0.68 1.60 1 .91 1.08 1.03 1.07 0.31 1949 2.57 1.62 0.84 2.00 2.90 1.91 1.66 0.56 0.88 1.99 1.73 0.42 1.34 Weighted average for the two seasons 2.10 1.31 0.93 1.42 2.90 1.86 1.77 3.08 0.63 1.15 0.77 1.18 0.31 The present weighted average unit application of water to irrigated lands in the Pajaro Unit was esti- mated to be 1.33 feet of depth per season, based on records of 1946-47 land use and on records of unit ap- plication of water obtained during the 1947 and 1949 irrigation seasons. Estimates of probable ultimate unit application of water to irrigated lands were based on the assumptions that presently irrigated lands will maintain their present crop pattern, that about one- half of the increase in irrigated acreage will have a crop pattern similar to the present, and that the WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 51 remainder of the increase in irrigated acreage will be devoted to irrigated pasture and strawberries. Based on these assumptions it was estimated that the ultimate weighted average unit application of water to irrigated lands will be about 1.46 feet of depth per season. Present unit urban water utilization in the Pajaro Unit was derived from 1948-49 records and estimates obtained from local water service agencies. The average unit urban water use factor was estimated to be 0.15 acre-foot per capita per season, which is equivalent to a unit use of 1.5 feet of depth in the present urban area. Estimates of probable ultimate urban water utilization were based on the average per capita consumption in 1948-49, adjusted in accordance with an indicated trend of increasing per capita use, and on a forecast of ultimate urban population and density. It was esti- mated that under ultimate conditions of development, unit urban per capita water use will average about 0.17 acre-foot per season, and that the equivalent unit use of water will be about 1.8 feet of depth per season in the urban area, approximately the same as the pres- ent use in the City of Watsonville. Unit values of consumptive use of water were deter- mined for the Valley Floor and Upper Pressure Zones of the Pajaro Unit in order to derive irrigation effi- ciency, and were determined for the Forebay Zone in order to evaluate ground water recharge to that zone. Seasonal unit consumptive use values for land use types existing in the Pajaro Unit were obtained generally from a report published by the Soil Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture in December, 1949, and prepared in cooperation with the Division of Water Resources. This report, entitled "Irrigation Practices and Consumptive Use of Water in Pajaro Valley, California, ' ' by Harry F. Blaney and Paul A. Ewing, is included in this bulletin as Appendix I. Unit values of consumptive use for irrigated crops, dry-farm crops, and miscellaneous land use in the Pajaro Unit were assumed not to have varied for the three seasons of the investigation. This assumption was based on the facts that growing season temperatures during each season varied only slightly from the mean, and that precipitation during each winter season was more than sufficient to furnish the winter consumptive use of these classes of land use. However, estimates of unit seasonal values of consumptive use by chaparral and forest were varied, depending upon the amount of available rainfall during the investigational seasons as related to the amount that would occur under mean conditions of water supply and climate. Estimated mean seasonal unit values of consumptive use of water in the Pajaro Unit, including consumption of precipitation, are presented in Table 28. North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units. In these units of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, applied water is the appropriate measure of water requirement, since the unconsumed portion of water applied for the several uses largely wastes to the ocean. Unit values of TABLE 28 ESTIMATED UNIT VALUES OF MEAN SEASONAL CON- SUMPTIVE USE OF WATER IN PAJARO UNIT Growing season Consumptive use, in feet of depth Class and type of land use Ap- plied water Pre- cipi- tation Total Irrigated lands Alfalfa 4/1 to 10/31 5/20 to 10/15... 5/15 to 9/1.-- 6/18 to 10/1 4/1 to 10/31 2/1 to 10/31 2/1 to 9/1 2/1 to 10/31 4/1 to 10/31 4/1 to 10/31... 1.73 0.71 0.75 0.90 0.55 0.86 0.52 0.71 0.35 1.52 0.70 0.92 0.87 0.91 0.50 1.42 1.00 0.75 0.70 0.95 0.93 0.98 1.00 1.29 1.23 0.90 0.87 0.92 0.75 1.00 3 15 1 71 1 50 Beans with spring lettuce 1.60 1 50 1 79 1 50 1 71 1 64 2 75 1.60 4/15 to 10/1 5/15 to 9/15 6/15 to 10/31 . 1.79 1.79 Truck 1 66 1 50 Dry-farmed lands 1.30 Fallow. _. 0.70 1.40 1.30 Holly 1.50 Native vegetation 1.30 1.30 2.80 4.80 4.50 1.42 2.00 Miscellaneous 0.60 2.00 0.60 3.60 1 With winter cover crop. 8 In rainfall zones of over 20 inches seasonally, consumptive use is estimated to in- crease 0.84 inch for eacli 4-inch increase in precipitation up to seasonal consump- tion of 1.85 feet. '■' In rainfall zones of over 32 inches seasonally, consumptive use is estimated to in- crease 2.0 inches per 4-inch increase in precipitation, up to seasonal consumption of 2.66 feet. present seasonal application of water in the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units were deter- mined for the most part from records obtained from local water service agencies. These agencies were can- vassed and data and estimates relative to quantity of water delivered, number of services, and extent of service area, were obtained where available. Unit values of water deliveries per acre were derived from these data and estimates, and were assigned to similar areas for which insufficient data were available. Estimated unit values of present seasonal application of water by classes of land use for the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units are presented in Table 29. It should be noted that the value for unit urban application of water in the North Coastal Unit, shown in the table, reflects the relatively high use in Daven- port by industry. Pajaro Unit, Looking North From Bluff Southeast of Watsonville WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 53 TABLE 29 ESTIMATED UNIT VALUES OF PRESENT SEASONAL APPLI- CATION OF WATER IN NORTH COASTAL, SAN LO- RENZO, AND SOQUEL UNITS (In feet of depth) Class of land use North Coastal Unit San Lorenzo Unit Soquel Unit Urban _ Recreational Irrigated 8.0 0.0 0.7 0.7 0.05 0.9 1.3 0.14 1.0 Values of probable ultimate unit seasonal application of water in the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units were estimated from the present unit values, modified in accordance with anticipated increase in densities of development. These estimates are presented in Table 30. TABLE 30 ESTIMATED UNIT VALUES OF PROBABLE ULTIMATE SEASONAL APPLICATION OF WATER IN NORTH COASTAL, SAN LORENZO, AND SOQUEL UNITS (In feet of depth) Class of land use North Coastal Unit San Lorenzo Unit Soquel Unit Urban.. Suburban and rural Recreational . 2.0 0.2 0.5 0.7 1 .1 0.2 0.5 0.9 1.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 under mean conditions of water supply and climate, was estimated by multiplying crop acreages for 1946-47 by the weighted average unit values of applied water shown in Table 27. Water presently used for urban purposes was esti- mated by multiplying the acreage devoted to urban development in 1946-47 by the average unit values of urban application of water determined for 1948-49. The estimates of seasonal water utilization in the Pajaro Unit, as measured by applied water, during the investi- gational seasons, and for present development under mean conditions of water supply and climate, are pre- sented in Table 31. TABLE 31 ESTIMATED SEASONAL APPLICATION OF WATER IN PAJARO UNIT (In acre-feet) Class of land use 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 With present land use under mean condi- tions of water supply and climate Irrigated lands, served by ground water 23.800 800 1,800 23,800 800 1.800 23,900 800 1,800 23,900 Urban lands Served by ground water Served by surface water 800 1.800 Subtotals, urban lands . 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 TOTALS 26,10(1 26,400 26,500 26,500 Present Water Utilization The total amount of water utilized in the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area was estimated by multiplying the area of each type of land use by its appropriate unit value of water utilization. The determinations of seasonal water use in the Pajaro Unit and in the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units, are discussed sepa- rately hereinafter. Pajaro Unit. Water requirement in the Pajaro Unit comprises agricultural and urban uses, and is measured as the total amount of applied water. Water applied for irrigation is exclusively served from wells pumping from the underlying confined aquifers, whereas that served for urban use is partially pumped from the confined ground water and partially diverted from surface sources. In order to estimate the amount of water applied for irrigation in 1946-47 and in 1948-49, crop acreages as mapped in the land use survey of 1946-47 were multiplied by 1947 and 1949 unit seasonal values of depth of applied water for the several crops as listed in Table 27. Water applied to irrigated crops in 1948 was considered equal to that estimated for 1947 be- cause of the similarity in prevailing conditions of water supply and climate during the two seasons. Pres- ent seasonal application of water to irrigated crops, Estimates of the amount of seasonal consumptive use of water in the Pajaro Unit were necessary in order to permit determination of irrigation efficiency, and in order to evaluate ground water recharge to the Forebay Zone as discussed in Chapter II. These esti- mates, which include consumptive use of both precipi- tation and applied water, were made by multiplying the area of each type of land use by its value of unit seasonal consumptive use of water, and the results are presented in Tables 32 and 33. Table 32 segregates the estimates of consumptive use by general classes of TABLE 32 ESTIMATED SEASONAL CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER BY LAND USE CLASSES IN PAJARO UNIT (In acre-feet) With present land use under Class of land use in acres 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 tions of water supply and climate Irrigated lands 18,020 31,000 31,000 31.000 31.000 Dry-farmed lands 1.5,710 18,000 18,000 18.000 18,000 Native vegetation 30,490 54,000 57,000 56,000 59.000 Miscellaneous 5,630 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 TOTALS 69,850 1 1 1 ,000 114,000 113,000 116,000 54 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION use, while in Table 33 the segregation is by zones of the Pajaro Unit. Both tables present estimates for consumptive use during the three investigational sea- sons, and with present development under mean con- ditions of water supply and climate. TABLE 33 ESTIMATED SEASONAL CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER IN ZONES OF PAJARO UNIT (In acre-feet) With present land use under Zone Area, in acres 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 mean condi- tions of water supply and climate Valley Floor and Up- per Pressure Zones . 34,030 53.000 55,000 54,000 55.000 Forebay Zones Bench lands 14,380 19,000 20,000 20.000 22,000 Tributary watershed 21.440 39,000 39,000 39,000 39,000 Subtotal, Forebay Zone 35,820 69.850 58,000 59,000 59,000 61,000 TOTALS 111,000 114,000 113,000 116,000 Consumptive use of water by irrigated lands, as shown in Table 32, is comprised of two components: consumptive use of applied water and consumptive use of precipitation. In order to estimate irrigation efficiency, which is discussed in a subsequent section, an estimate of the amount of consumptive use of applied irrigation water was required. This estimate was made by multiplying unit values of consumptive use of applied irrigation water, presented in Table 28, by the areas of the irrigated crops included in the present land use pattern. On this basis it was estimated that with present development and under mean con- ditions of water supply and climate, consumptive use of applied irrigation water in the Pajaro Unit totals about 11,800 acre-feet per season. North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units. Water requirement in the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units is primarily by urban areas. How- ever, there are significant agricultural and minor recreational uses. Water requirement was measured as the total amount of applied water. Present seasonal application of water in the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units was estimated by multiplying areas of the present land use pattern by appropriate unit values of seasonal application of water, presented in Table 30. Table 34 presents these estimates for present development under mean condi- tions of water supply and climate, segregated by the predominant classes of land use. Probable Ultimate Water Utilization The total seasonal amount of water requirement in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area was estimated as it TABLE 34 ESTIMATED MEAN SEASONAL APPLICATION OF WATER IN NORTH COASTAL, SAN LORENZO, AND SOQUEL UNITS, WITH PRESENT LAND USE (In acre-feet) Class of land use Unit Irrigation Urban Recrea- tional Total North Coastal 1.300 400 900 800 4,700 1,400 300 100 2.100 San Lorenzo Soquel 5,400 2.400 TOTALS 2,600 6,900 400 9,900 would be with probable ultimate conditions of land use and under mean conditions of water supply and cli- mate. This was accomplished by multiplying acreages of each type of land use derived in the forecast of the ultimate land Lise pattern by corresponding aver- age unit seasonal values of applied water. Applied water was considered to be the significant measure of ultimate water requirement. This was based on the fact that only a very small portion of the unconsumed applied water probably will be available for re-use. The estimate of probable ultimate application of water is summarized in Table 35 by general types of land use and by the four units of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. TABLE 35 PROBABLE ULTIMATE MEAN SEASONAL APPLICATION OF WATER IN UNITS OF SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA (In acre-feet) Class of land use North < 'oast:d Unit San Lorenzo Unit Soquel Unit Pajaro Unit Totals Urban - Suburban and rural . .- 3,000 2,100 100 2,700 17,000 1,000 3,000 100 6,600 1,600 500 900 8,800 39,300 35,400 4,700 3,600 Irrigated .. 43,000 TOTALS. 7,900 21,100 9,600 48,100 86.700 Demands for Water As earlier defined, the term "demands for water" refers to those factors pertaining to rates, times, and places of delivery of water, losses of water, quality of water, etc., imposed by the control, development, and use of the water for beneficial purposes. Irrigation prac- tice in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, as determined by irrigation efficiency, monthly demands, and permis- sible deficiencies in applications of water, must be given consideration in preliminary design of works to meet supplemental water requirements. Similar considera- tion must lie given to monthly demands and permissible deficiencies in urban and recreational water supply WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 55 development. Furthermore, consideration must be given to the preservation and enhancement of fish and wildlife values. These demand factors, which were not measured or considered in the foregoing- estimates of water utilization, are discussed in the following sec- tions. Irrigation Efficiency. Studies were made to deter- mine approximate irrigation efficiency realized from the application of ground water in the Pajaro Unit. "Irrigation efficiency" is defined as the ratio of con- sumptive use of applied water to the total amount of applied water, and is commonly expressed as a per- centage. It has been estimated that the mean seasonal con- sumptive use of applied irrigation water in the Pajaro Unit is about 11,800 acre-feet, based upon the present pattern of land use. It has also been estimated that the total amount of applied irrigation water under like conditions is about 23,900 acre-feet per season. It is indicated that the irrigation efficiency realized from application of ground water in the Pajaro unit is about 49 percent. Monthly Demand for Water. Irrigation demands for water in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area are sea- sonal in nature, being confined chiefly to the period from April through September. The maximum rate of demand occurs during the months of June and July, when nearly one-half of the total seasonal demand oc- curs. Although little information is available on the subject, it is indicated that monthly demands for water for recreational use are similar to those for irrigation, with the greater part of the seasonal total occurring in the summer months. On the other hand, the demand pattern for urban water is continuous throughout the season, with a relatively small variation between the maximum and minimum monthly rates. Estimated monthly irrigation and urban demands for water in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, in per- centages of the seasonal totals, are presented in Table 36. The values for monthly irrigation demands were based on the previously discussed application of water studies, made in 1947 and 1949. Values for urban monthly demands were based on the averages of four seasons of records of the City of Santa Cruz and three seasons of records of Watsonville. Permissible Deficiencies in Application of Water. Studies to determine deficiencies in the supply of irri- gation water that may be endured without permanent injury to perennial crops were not made in connection with the Santa Cruz-Monterey Counties Investigation. However, the results of past investigation and study of endurable deficiencies in the Sacramento River Basin may be of interest insofar as they may relate to the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. In this respect the follow- ing is quoted from Division of Water Resources Bulle- tin No. 26, "Sacramento River Basin," 1931. "* * * A full irrigation supply furnishes water not only for the consumptive use of the plant hut also for evaporation from the surface during application and from the moist ground sur- face, and for water which is lost through percolation to depths beyond the reach of the plant roots. Less water can be used in years of deficiency in supply by careful application and by more thorough cultivation to conserve the ground moisture. In these ways the plant can be furnished its full consumptive use with much smaller amounts of water than those ordinarily applied and the yield will not be decreased. If the supply is too deficient to provide the full consumptive use, the plant can sustain life on smaller amounts but the crop yield will probably be less than normal. "It is believed from a study of such data as are available that a maximum deficiency of 35 percent of the full seasonal require- ment can be endured, if the deficiency occurs only at relatively long intervals. It is also believed that small deficiencies occurring at relatively frequent intervals can be endured. * * *" The average seasonal urban demand for water in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, which is largely obtained from surface diversions, is considerably less than the total seasonal water supply presently available. How- ever, in many of the water systems supplying urban and recreational service the peak demand rates roughly coincide with and may exceed minimum flows in the streams. As an example, if the draft by the City of Santa Cruz on the San Lorenzo River during 1947 had followed the average pattern into September, the city would have been required to ration water. In design of works to meet urban water demands it is common prac- tice to provide for a full water supply without defi- ciency at any time. However, it has been the experience of many communities in California that substantial deficiencies may be endured for extended periods of time by rationing the limited water supplies at hand. No information is available regarding the economic ef- fects of such rationing of urban water. TABLE 36 ESTIMATED AVERAGE MONTHLY DISTRIBUTION OF SEA- SONAL DEMAND FOR WATER IN SANTA CRUZ-MON- TEREY AREA (In percent of seasonal total) Irrigation demand Urban Month 1946-47 1948-49 Average demand 2 1 11 16 20 21 20 9 2 1 11 15 24 22 17 8 2 1 11 15 22 24 17 8 11 November — - - 8 5 5 5 5 6 Mav -- -- - - 5 10 July 13 13 14 TOTALS 100 100 100 100 Nonconsumptive Water Demands As has been stated, certain nonconsumptive require- ments for water, such as those for flood control, and conservation of fish and wildlife, will be of significance in the design of works to meet consumptive require- 56 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION merits for water in the Santa Crnz-Monterey Area. In most instances the magnitudes of the nonconsumptive requirements are relatively indeterminate, and are dependent upon allocations made during design of the works and after consideration of economic factors. Water requirements for flood control and conservation of fish and wildlife are discussed in general terms in this section, but not specifically evaluated. Flood Control. Results of the State-wide Water Resources Investigation to date indicate that if Cali- fornia is to attain growth and development commen- surate with her manifold resources, nearly all of the potential reservoir storage capacity of the State must be constructed and dedicated to operation for water conservation purposes. This in itself will result in a substantial increase in downstream flood protection. However, any portion of the available reservoir storage capacity that is operated wholly or partially for flood control purposes will correspondingly reduce the ca- pacity available for conservation. Damages from floods in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area occur periodically on Hatbands adjacent to the lower reaches of the San Lorenzo and Pajaro Rivers. However, the construction of levees on the lower reaches of the Pajaro River and channel clearing there- in provide substantial flood protection to the adjacent flatlands and the City of Watsonville. Flood control surveys and studies are presently in progress on the San Lorenzo River by the Corps of Engineers, United States Army. In preliminary design of works to meet the present and probable ultimate supplemental water require- ments of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, no consid- eration was given to additional provisions for flood control and protection, although such might be desir- able in certain instances. The provision of reservoir storage space in such new works, operation of the reser- voirs for flood control, and channel improvement for Hood protection purposes were considered to be outside the scope of the current investigation. Fish and Wildlife. Of considerable importance among the employments of water for recreational pur- poses are those associated with the preservation and propagation of fish and wildlife. So far as is known, no artificial lakes in watersheds of the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area are utilized exclusively for fish life, such use being incidental to the primary purposes for which the reservoirs were constructed. It is considered probable, however, that in the future reservoir storage space will be allocated to this purpose, and in some in- stances reservoirs will be constructed exclusively to augment natural low summer and fall stream flows in the interests of fish life. Water released down a stream to maintain the min- imum flow required for fish life does not constitute a consumptive use of the water. The demands of fish life, however, are frequently incompatible with diversion and use of the water lor other beneficial purposes. Nev- ertheless, it is believed that an improved and adequate stream fishery can be developed and maintained by the construction of upstream storage to improve low stream flow conditions. In addition, reservoirs constructed to regulate stream flow for other purposes will provide a greatly increased lake fishery. In connection with reservoir yield studies made for the Santa Cruz-Monterey Counties Investigation, a portion of the safe yield was allocated to the interests of fish and wildlife. Releases of such water would pro- vide downstream flows during critical summer months in excess of historical flows during those months. SUPPLEMENTAL WATER REQUIREMENTS The previously presented data, estimates, and discus- sion regarding water supply, utilization, and require- ment in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area indicate that water problems of the area concern both ground water and surface water supplies, and that their effects relate to both irrigated agriculture and urban development. With respect to irrigated agriculture the principal problem is the limited capacity of the confined aquifers in the Pajaro Unit to convey the available water supply to points of use, together with resultant degradation of the ground water by intrusion of sea water. With respect to urban culture, water problems are caused by the inadequacy of surface supplies as presently de- veloped to meet peak summer water demands. It is in- dicated that water problems of the area may be elimi- nated or prevented if adequate supplemental water supplies are developed and utilized. The estimated present and probable ultimate require- ments for supplemental water in the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area are discussed and evaluated in the fol- lowing sections. As previously defined, requirement for supplemental water refers to the requirement over and above the sum of safe ground water yield and safe surface water yield. Present Supplemental Requirement The present requirement for supplemental water in the Pajaro Unit was evaluated as the difference be- tween safe yield and present application of ground water. In the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units the present requirement for supplemental water was evaluated as the difference between safe monthly yield of the surface water sources and corresponding monthly demands. Present supplemental water re- quirements are discussed and derived separately for the Pajaro Unit and for the North Coastal, San Lo- renzo, and Soquel Units. Pajaro Unit. The safe yield of the Pajaro Unit, as defined in Chapter II, is limited by the maximum pate of pumping draft which can be sustained during the height of the irrigation season without inducing sea-water intrusion into confined aquifers underlying the Valley Floor Pressure Zone. On this basis the sea- WATER UTILIZATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIREMENTS 57 sonal safe yield was estimated to be about 21,000 acre- feet, with the monthly pumping demand pattern that existed during the 1949 irrigation season. Present mean seasonal application of ground water, or pump- age from the confined aquifers, was estimated to be about 24,700 acre-feet. Under the stated conditions, therefore, safe ground water yield is not adequate to meet present pumpage from the confined aquifers. The estimated present seasonal requirement for supple- mental water in the Pajaro Unit is the difference be- tween safe yield and application of ground water, and amounts to about 3,700 acre-feet per season. North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units. Safe yield of the ground water basin in Soquel Valley appears to be somewhat greater than the estimated present draft, and no present requirement for supple- mental water is indicated. At the present time sig- nificant requirements for supplemental water in the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units are lim- ited to Santa Cruz and neighboring suburbs served by the City of Santa Cruz Water Department. The pres- ent water problem is not due to a shortage of total seasonal supply, but rather to lack of facilities for regulating that supply. Peak demands occur at times of minimum stream flow, although a large amount of run- off wastes to the ocean at other times. The amount of summer flow in streams of the Santa Cruz Mountains is a function of the amount of precipi- tation during the spring months. A severe deficiency in spring rains probably would necessitate water ra- tioning by the City of Santa Cruz Water Department under its present monthly demand pattern. Such deficiencies in spring rains have occurred in five sea- sons since 1894-95. An estimate of the present de- ficiency, or present supplemental water requirement, of the City of Santa Cruz was made by comparing present monthly water demands with available monthly stream flow during an extremely dry season. Recorded monthly demands during 1949 were considered repre- sentative of present conditions, and 1931 was chosen to represent critical stream flow conditions since it was the driest year during the mean period. Although runoff records of the San Lorenzo River and the North Coastal 1 nit streams, from which Santa Cruz diverts its water supply, were not available for 1931, estimates were made by correlation with flow of Uvas Creek in Santa Clara County. The derivation of the present seasonal deficiency, or supplemental water require- ment, of the City of Santa Cruz Water Department, estimated to be about 600 acre-feet, is presented in Table 37. Probable Ultimate Supplemental Requirement The probable ultimate requirement for supplemental water in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area was evaluated as the difference between present and probable ultimate water requirement, plus the present requirement for supplemental water. Development and utilization of a supplemental water supply in the amount of this TABLE 37 ESTIMATED PRESENT SEASONAL SUPPLEMENTAL WATER REQUIREMENT IN AREA SERVED BY CITY OF SANTA CRUZ WATER DEPARTMENT (In acre-feet) Month Demand in 1949 Available runoff in 1931 Waste to ocean Supple- mental water require- ment January _ _ . February 280 220 250 520 570 630 670 700 730 520 350 320 3,770 1,610 2,060 1 , 1 50 910 630 610 510 460 460 950 28.160 3,490 1 ,390 1,810 630 340 600 27,840 o March . . _ April o May o June - .. _ _ . July 60 190 270 60 November I December TOTALS- _ 5,760 41,280 36.100 580 forecast would assure an adequate supply of water for lands presently irrigated in the area, as well as for those irrigable lands not presently served with water, and for all lands considered susceptible of urban or recreational development. Furthermore, present prob- lems resulting from sea-water intrusion in the Pajaro Unit and from deficiencies in late summer stream flow in the North Coastal and San Lorenzo Units would be eliminated. Estimates of present and probable ultimate water requirement in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, as measured by application of water under mean condi- tions of water supply and climate, were presented in Tables 35 and 36, respectively, and a corresponding estimate of the present requirement for supplemental water was developed in the preceding section. Utiliz- ing these estimates, the forecast of probable ultimate seasonal requirement for supplemental water in the several units of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, under mean conditions of water supply and climate, is pre- sented in Table 38. TABLE 38 PROBABLE ULTIMATE MEAN SEASONAL SUPPLEMENTAL WATER REQUIREMENT IN UNITS OF SANTA CRUZ- MONTEREY AREA (In acre-feet) Unit Present water rci |iiiic- ment Prob- able ulti- mate water require- ment Prob- able increase in water require- ment Present supple- mental water requirement Probable ultimate supple- mental water requirement North Coastal San Lorenzo _ Soquel Pajaro - 2,100 5,300 2,400 26,500 7,900 21,100 9,600 48,100 5,800 15,800 7,200 21,600 600 3,700 5,800 16.400 7,200 25,300 TOTALS... 36,300 86,700 50,400 4,300 54,700 CHAPTER IV PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT It has been shown heretofore that the present basic water problems in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area are sea-water intrusion in confined aquifers underlying' the Pajaro Unit, resulting from increasing ground water draft to support an expanding irrigated acreage, and insufficient summer stream flow in the North Coastal and San Lorenzo Units during dry years to meet peak water demands for urban purposes. Elimination of these problems, prevention of their recurrence in the future, and the provision of water for lands not pres- ently served will require further conservation develop- ment of available water supplies. In the preceding chapter, estimates were presented as to the amount of supplemental water required for these purposes both at the present time and under probable ultimate con- ditions of development. It has been shown that relatively large surplus flows of water are presently available to the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area from many local streams, and from the Pajaro River which rises outside of the area. This sur- face water is available during the winter and spring months of nearly every season, and in all but very dry seasons flows sufficient to meet present supplemental requirements of the area are available into the summer months. Studies which are described in this chapter indicate that the surplus flows, if properly controlled and regulated, would more than meet the probable ulti- mate water requirements of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. As was stated in Chapter I, the Division of Water Resources is presently conducting surveys and studies for the State-wide Water Resources Investigation, under the direction of the State Water Resources Board. This investigation has as its objective the formulation of The California Water Plan, for full conservation, control, and utilization of the State's water resources, to meet present and future water needs for all beneficial purposes and uses in all parts of the State, insofar as practicable. Although this in- vestigation is still in progress, it is sufficiently ad- vanced to permit tentative description of certain pro- posed major features of The California Water Plan that could provide supplemental water to meet the probable ultimate water requirements of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. These projects would also provide supplemental water supplies for many other seriously water-deficient areas of California. In addition, bene- fits from the projects would include hydroelectric power, flood and salinity control, mining debris storage, and benefits in the interests of recreation and the preservation of fish and wildlife. In general, the major proposed features of The Cali- fornia Water Plan which were mentioned in the pre- ceding paragraph would be large multipurpose proj- ects requiring relatively great capital expenditures. Their scope, with regard to both location of the works and benefits derived from their operation, would not be limited to any one local area, but would embrace considerable portions of California. Much additional study will be required to estimate costs and to deter- mine possible means of financing these large projects. In the light of these facts, and in view of relatively large undeveloped local water supply, numerous sur- veys and studies were made in order to estimate costs of supplemental water supplies for the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area under more localized plans, that might be suitable for current financing, construction, and operation by appropriate local public agencies. These plans for initial development generally are such that the works could be integrated into future major proj- ects. Their purposes are largely limited to conserva- tion of new water supplies sufficient to meet the present requirements of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area and to provide for limited future growth in water demands of the area. Major features of The California Water Plan that might be pertinent to solution of the ultimate water problems of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area are de- scribed in general terms in this chapter under the heading "The California Water Plan." These projects will be more specifically described in future reports of the State Water Resources Board. The several plans for possible local development of supplemental water supplies which were given consideration in connection with the Santa Cruz-Monterey Counties Investigation are described in this chapter under the heading ' ' Plans for Initial Local Development, ' ' and locations of their principal features are shown on Plate 19, entitled "Ex- isting Water Conservation Works and Works Con- sidered for Future Development. ' ' Those of the plans that were found to be the most favorable for initial development are presented in some detail in this chap- ter, together with estimates of capital and annual costs and unit costs of the developed supplemental water supplies. The fact that these plans were designated "most favorable for initial construction" does not constitute a determination of their financial feasibility, and should not be construed as a recommendation for their immediate construction. Alternative plans con- sidered, but found to be less favorable for initial con- struction, are described only briefly in this chapter and in more detail in Appendix L. All plans considered would be subject to vested rights. (59) 60 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION THE CALIFORNIA WATER PLAN The Feather River Project, a feature of The Cali- fornia Water Plan, could provide supplemental water to meet the probable ultimate requirement of the Pajaro Unit. The San Lucas Project, involving multi- purpose water resources development on the Salinas River, is another project that could provide supple- mental water to meet the probable ultimate require- ment of the Pajaro Unit. Possible conservation works on the Pajaro River drainage system outside of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area are also briefly described. Feather River Project The probable ultimate supplemental water require- ment of the Pajaro Unit could be met under a plan which would provide regulatory storage on the Feather River near Oroville in the Sacramento Valley, and conveyance of a portion of the regulated supply across the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, over Altamont Pass, through Livermore and Santa Clara Valleys and to the Pajaro River, from winch it could be diverted for use in the Pajaro Unit. Such storage and convey- ance facilities would be made available by construction of works which are described in detail in a publication of the Stat" Water Resources Board entitled "Report on Feasibility of Feather River Project and Sacra- mento-San Joaquin Delta Diversion Projects Proposed as Features of The California Water Plan," dated May, 1951. These projects were authorized and adopted by the 1951 Legislature, in an act which authorized their construction, operation, and maintenance by the Water Project Authority of the State of California. Son Luca<; Project The probable ultimate supplemental water require- ment in the Pajaro Unit could be met under a plan which would provide regulatory storage on the Salinas River in Monterey County to the southeast of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. Such storage would be made available by construction of San Lucas Dam and Reservoir, with a capacity of about 375,000 acre-feet, on the Salinas River at a point about seven miles up- stream from King City and three miles downstream from the town of San Lucas. The San Lucas Project is described in a publication of the State Water Resources Hoard, entitled "San Lucas Project in Salinas River Basin, Monterey County, 'Mated November, 1950. This project was adopted by the 1951 Legislature, in an act which authorized a plan for construction of the San Lucas Dam and Reservoir by the Monterey County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, in cooperation with the State of Calif ornia and the United Stales, For purposes of flood control and water conser- vation. The act also authorized the expenditure of state funds in the amount of $2,500,000 for the project to meet the costs of lands, easements, rights of way, and all necessarv utilities, highway, and railway relo- cations. Such financial participation by the State is in accordance with the policy set forth in the State Water Resources Act of 1945, as amended. A tentative plan, resulting from studies now in prog- ress for the State-wide Water Resources Investigation, indicates that it would lie feasible from the engineering standpoint to convey releases of water from San Lucas Reservoir to the Pajaro Unit, as well as to service areas in Salinas Valley. Briefly, the conveyance system under consideration would include a concrete-lined canal ex- tending northwesterly along the westerly side of the Salinas Valley for a distance of about 25 miles from the dam, at which point the water would cross the valley in a siphon and continue northwesterly along the easterly side of the valley, thence through San Miguel Canyon to serve the Moss Landing- Watsonville area. A terminal reservoir site is preliminarily located about one mile southeast of Watsonville. Further studies on features of the San Lucas Project are being made by the Corps of Engineers, United States Army, and by the Division of Water Resources. Other Projects Under Consideration Surveys and studies in connection with the Santa Clara Valley Investigation, which are reported in de- tail in Bulletin No. 7 of the State Water Resources Board, indicate that substantial yield of new water could be effected by construction of dams and reser- voirs on Uvas and Llagas Creeks in South Santa Clara Valley. Tt is apparent that such yield could be made available to the Pajaro Unit by releases down these tributaries of the Pajaro River. However, plans pres- ently under consideration contemplate that the new yield that may be developed on Uvas and Llagas Creeks will be utilized on lands in Santa Clara Valley requir- ing supplemental water. Reconnaissance engineering and geologic investiga- tion of possible dam and reservoir sites on the San Benito County tributaries of the Pajaro River has been made by the Division of Water Resources in connection with the State-wide Water Resources Investigation. Additional investigation and study of the possibilities of conserving waters of these streams will be made and reported in a subseipienl bulletin of the State Water Resouri es Board. PLANS FOR INITIAL LOCAL DEVELOPMENT Surveys and studies in connection with the Santa Cruz-Monterey Counties Investigation indicate that it would be feasible from the engineering standpoint to so regulate and conserve the How of streams of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area as to yield firm new water- supplies in excess of the probable ultimate supplemental requirements of the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, So- quel, and Pajaro Units. Although some 36 possible dam and reservoir sites in the area were given prelim- PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 61 inary reconnaissance and study, only 20 of the most favorable were chosen for more detailed survey, design, and cost estimating. Locations of these 20 sites are shown on Plate 19. Possible plans for initial local development of sup- plemental water supplies for the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, together with cost estimates, are described in this section and in Appendix L. Design of features of the plans was necessarily of a preliminary nature and primarily for cost estimating purposes. More de- tailed investigation, which would be required in order to prepare plans and specifications, might result in designs differing in detail from those presented in this bulletin. However, it is believed that such changes would not be significant. In general, the conservation works considered would be located in or closely adjacent to their probable water service areas, and extensive conduits to convey the water to the service areas would not be required. For this reason, the plans were compared on the basis of cost of dams and reservoirs in most instances, and designs and cost estimates of conveyance conduits were prepared only for those plans involving off-stream storage wherein the conduits would be necessary for operation of the conservation works. Capital costs of dams, reservoirs, diversion works, conduits, pumping plants, and appurtenances, in- cluded in the considered plans, were estimated from preliminary designs based largely on data from surveys made during the current investigation. Approximate construction quantities were estimated from these pre- liminary designs. 1 nit prices of construction items were determined from recent bid data on projects similar to those in question, or from manufacturers' cost lists, and are considered representative of prices prevailing in the fall of 1952. The estimates of capital cost included costs of rights of way and construction, and interest during one-half of the estimated con- struction period at 3 percent per annum, plus 10 per- cent and 15 percent of construction costs for engineer- ing and contingencies, respectively. Estimates of annual costs included interest on the capital invest- ment at 3 percent, repayment over a 50-year period on a •'! percent sinking fund basis, replacement, oper- ation, and maintenance costs, and costs of electrical energy for pumping. Because of geographical considerations, and respec- tive types of water service and water supplies in the several units of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, pos- sible plans for initial water development are presented in this section separately for the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, Soquel, and Pajaro Units. North Coastal Unit It was shown in Chapter III that there is no present requirement for supplemental water in the North Coastal Unit, but that the probable ultimate supple- mental water requirement will be about 5,800 acre- feet per season. In the design of projects for initial local development, it was considered desirable to pro- vide a water supply in the amount of about one-half the estimated ultimate supplemental requirement. This initial water supply was estimated to be about 2,800 acre-feet per season, giving consideration to the prob- able expansion and intensification of urban, suburban and rural, recreational, and irrigated agricultural de- velopment, and to the available sources of water supply as determined by engineering and economic limitations on size of the proposed works. Nine possible alternative plans of works, for initial construction to provide supplemental water to the North Coastal Unit were considered. These plans in- volved seven dam and reservoir sites as shown on Plate 19. For reasons hereinafter mentioned, one of these plans, designated the "Archibald Project," on Scott Creek, was chosen as the most favorable for initial construction, and is described in some detail later in this section. The remaining eight plans were given no further present consideration for initial con- struction, but may warrant future study. They are described briefly in this section and in more detail in Appendix L. Alternative Plans Considered. The first of the nine alternative plans considered for initial construc- tion, shown on Plate 19, consisted of conservation of runoff of Waddell Creek by construction of a dam and reservoir at the El Oso site, about three miles upstream from the mouth of the creek. Studies indicated that this plan would provide somewhat in excess of the probable ultimate supplemental water requirement of the North Coastal Unit, but that the unit cost of the conserved water would be substantially greater than for the Archibald Project, described later in this sec- tion. For these reasons the plan was given no further present consideration. The second and third plans consisted of conserva- tion of runoff of Laguna Creek by construction of dams and reservoirs at the Laguna and Bald Mountain School sites, about five miles and two miles, respec- tively, upstream from the mouth of the creek. Studies indicated that neither of these reservoirs would pro- vide the desired initial yield of 2,800 acre-feet per sea- son, and that in both instances the unit cost of the con- served water would be greater than that of the Archi- bald Project. For these reasons the plans were given no further present consideration. The six remaining alternative plans considered for initial construction in the North Coastal Unit consisted of runoff of Scott Creek by construction of dams and reservoirs at four alternative sites, designated Archi- bald Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, and located about 1.5 miles, 1.9 miles, 2.0 miles, and 2.1 miles, respectively, upstream from the mouth of the creek. Alternative sizes of reservoirs were studied at two of the sites. Studies indicated that construction and operation of 62 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION any one of five of these six plans would provide con- siderably more water than the desired initial yield of 2,800 acre-feet per season. It was further indicated that the greater capital costs of these five plans could not be justified since the full amount of the yield could not be put to beneficial use for many years in the future. For these reasons, five of the six plans for initial devel- opment of Scott Creek were given no further present consideration. The plan chosen as the most favorable for initial con- struction in the North Coastal Unit was the Archibald Project, which would provide the desired initial yield of 2,800 acre-feet per season. Furthermore, the esti- mated capital cost of this project is less than the capi- tal cost of any other plan considered for the North Coastal Unit. Water conserved by construction and operation of the Archibald Project would serve the probable future supplemental water requirement in the "Archibald Service Area" shown on Plate 20, entitled "Possible Water Conservation Works and Service Areas Under Initial Development." This service area includes some 3,300 acres of land along the coast not presently served with water, as well as certain land now receiving a water supply but requiring supplemental water in the future. Archibald Project. The Archibald Project would consist of a dam and reservoir on Scott Creek, about 1.9 miles upstream from its mouth and about four miles northwest of the town of Davenport, at the Number 2 site, as shown on Plate 20. The proposed Archibald Dam, principal features of which are shown on Plate 21, entitled "Archibald Dam on Scott Creek," would be an earthfill structure with a clmte spillway. It would be located in the southeast quarter of Section 18, Town- ship 10 South, Range 3 West, M. D. B. & M. Stream bed elevation at this site is 30 feet. The conserved water would be released from the reservoir through a steel pipe beneath the dam and directly into a main distribu- tion conduit. For reasons heretofore mentioned, the distribution system was not included in design and cost estimates for the Archibald Project. As a first step in determination of the size of the project, estimates were made of yield of the proposed works for various reservoir storage capacities. It was estimated that mean seasonal runoff of Scott Creek, from the approximately 28 square miles of watershed above the dam site, is about 21,600 acre-feet. Based upon estimates of runoff during the critical dry period which occurred in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area from 1923-24 through 1930-31, yield studies were made for four sizes of reservoir at the Archibald site. Since the probable use of most of the conserved water would be for urban, suburban and rural, and irrigation pur- poses, it was assumed that demands on the reservoirs would be met without deficiency. Monthly demands on flic reservoir were assumed to be proportional to the estimated distribution of urban demands iii the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, as presented in Table 36. A sum- mary of the results of the yield studies is presented in Tabic 39. TABLE 39 ESTIMATED SAFE SEASONAL YIELD OF ARCHIBALD RESERVOIR, BASED ON CRITICAL DRY PERIOD FROM 1923-24 THROUGH 1930-31 (In acre-feet) Reservoir storage capacity Safe seasonal yield 3,150 10,000 20,000 40.000 2,800 6,600 10,000 14,500 After consideration of the results of the yield studies, geologic conditions, topography of the dam site, and cost analyses hereinafter discussed, a reservoir of 3,150 acre-foot capacity, including 230 acre-feet of dead stor- age, with estimated safe seasonal yield of 2,800 acre- feet, was chosen for cost estimating purposes. The yield study for this size of reservoir is included in Appen- dix J. A topographic map of the Archibald dam and reser- voir sites, at a scale of one inch to 200 feet, with con- tour interval of 20 feet, was made by the Division of Water Resources in 1951, using photogrammetric sur- vey methods. Topography of the dam and reservoir sites was shown on the map up to an elevation of 320 feet. Storage capacities of Archibald Reservoir at var- ious stages of water surface elevation are given in Table 40. TABLE 40 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF ARCHIBALD RESERVOIR Depth of water at dam, in feet Water surface elevation, USGS datum, in feet Water surface area, in acres Storage capacity, in acre-feet 10 30 40 60 80 88 100 120 122 140 152 160 180 194 5 50 106 134 180 260 268 342 394 428 537 601 51 30 600 50 2,160 3,150 58- 70 90 92 110. _ 5,020 9,420 10,000 15,400 122 __ 20,000 130_ . 23,200 150..- 164. _ 32,800 40,000 Based upon preliminary geological reconnaissance, the Archibald dam site is considered suitable for an earthfill dam of any height up to at least 145 feet. The site lies in the Monterey formation of Miocene age. The strata consist of tan siliceous and diatomaccous shales, bedded in thin layers, which arc badly distorted and finely jointed, especially where exposed to weath- ering. Shears are present in great numbers, but are of k • y *■■" * *.»*«,■ v-**^ ''T^ ; *r>'^ £.» J ■yTr^S^H»^ * '«. ■ %» Archibald Site (14 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES LNVESTIGAIIO: small scale and not easily differentiated from joints. The bedrock is probably not appreciably stronger at depth than in the weathered zone. A cutoff trench back- filled with earth would probably be advisable, as would groul ing. Stripping under the impervious section of the dam would be necessary on both abutments for removal of about three feet of overburden and humus, and eight feet of fragmental bedrock normal to the surface. Strip- ping from the channel section would include about eight feet of silt and gravel, and about eight feet of bedrock. A large quantity of mixed soils, silts, and sands, probably suitable for use in the impervious section of an earthfill dam, can be obtained from flats either within the reservoir area or a short distance down- stream from the site. Material for riprap is available from the massive sandstone cliffs high on the right abutment. It is doubtful that any use could be made of the Monterey shale which would be excavated during stripping of the site. The dam for the 3,150 acre-foot Archibald Reservoir would be an earth- and rockfill structure, 58 feet in height from stream lied to spillway lip, 71 feet in height from stream bed to crest, and would have a crest ele- vation of 101 feet. It would have a crest length of about 440 feet, a crest width of 30 feet, and 3: 1 upstream and 2 : 1 downstream slopes. The impervious core would have a top width of 15 feet, and 3 : 1 upstream and 1 : 1 downstream slopes. The pervious zone of the dam would consist of materials obtained from a nearby quarry. The upstream slope of the dam would be faced with a 3-foot layer of riprap. The dam would have an esti- mated volume of fill of 163,600 cubic yards. The concrete-lined spillway would be of the ogee weir type, located across the left abutment of the dam, and discharging through a chute into Scott Creek about 200 feet below the dam. It woidd have a capacity of l!).(i()() second-feet required for an estimated maximum discharge of about 700 second-feet per square mile of drainage area. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be nine feet, and an additional four feel of freeboard would be provided. Outlet works would consist of a 24-inch diameter steel pipe, placed in a trench excavated beneath the dam. and encased in concrete. Releases from the reservoir would be con- trolled at the upstream end by a hydraulically operated gate, located at a submerged inlet structure upstream from the dam on the left abutment, and operated by hydraulic controls from the crest of the dam. The reservoir area is covered by brush and trees which would have to lie removed. Portions of the bot- tom land are presently planted in truck crops and pas- ture. Improvements in the reservoir area consist of a School house and other buildings. Public utilities which would require relocation consist of about five miles of county road, power lines, and telephone lines. Possible silting of the reservoir mighl present a problem. How ever, the dead storage space would provide silt storage for a number of years in the future. Pertinent data with respect to general features of the Archibald Project, as designed for cost estimating purposes, are presented in Table 41. TABLE 41 GENERAL FEATURES OF ARCHIBALD PROJECT Earthfill Dam Crest elevation — 101 feet Crest length— 440 feet Crest width— 30 feet Height, spillway lip above stream bed — 58 feet Side slopes — 3:1 upstream 2:1 downstream Freeboard, above spillway lip — 13 feet Elevation of stream bed — 30 feet Volume of fill — 163,600 cubic yards Reservoir Surface area at spillway lip — 134 acres Capacity at spillway lip — 3,150 acre-feet Drainage area — 28 square miles Estimated mean seasonal runoff — 21,600 acre-feet Estimated safe seasonal yield — 2,800 aere-feet Type of spillway — Ogee weir, concrete-lined chute Spillway capacity — 19,600 second-feet Type of outlet — 24-inch diameter steel pipe beneath abutment The capital cost of the Archibald Project, based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1952, was estimated to lie about $679,000. Corresponding annual costs of the project were estimated to be about .$29,400. The re- sultant estimated average unit cost of the 2.S00 acre- feet of water per season conserved by the Archibald Reservoir is, therefore, about $10.50 per acre-foot at the dam. The foregoing costs do not include the cost of distributing the conserved water in areas of use. Detailed cost estimates of the Archibald Project are presented in Appendix K. San Lorenzo Unit It was shown in Chapter III that the estimated pres- ent requirement for supplemental water in the San Lorenzo Unit is about (i()0 acre-feet per season, and that the ultimate seasonal supplemental requirement probably will be about 1(5,400 acre-feet. Expansion and intensification of urban and suburban development has occurred at a rapid rate during the past few years, and it is indicated that such rapid growth will continue for some time into the future. In the design of projects for initial local development it was considered desirable to provide capacity in the amount of about 60 percenl of the estimated ultimate supplemental requirement. This initial capacity was estimated to be about 10,000 aere-feet per season, giving consideration to the present supplemental requirement, to the cited growth factor. and to the available sources of water supply as deter- mi I by engineering and economic limitations on size of the proposed conservation works. Of the desired new yield of 10.000 acre-feet per season, about 3,900 acre- led would be served to communities and recreational areas in the San Lorenzo River basin north of Santa PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 65 }ruz, and about 6,100 acre-feet would be served to he City of Santa Cruz and adjoining urban areas. Miese service areas are shown on Plate 20 as the Zay- nte and Doyle Gulch Service Areas, respectively. Seven possible plans of works for initial construction o provide supplemental water to the San Lorenzo Unit vere considered. These plans involve six dam and eservoir sites as shown on Plate 19. For reasons here- nafter mentioned, two of the plans were chosen as the lost favorable for initial construction and are de- eribed in some detail later in this section. One of hese, designated the "Zayante Project," could pro- ide supplemental water to the service area in the San >orenzo River basin north of Santa Cruz, while the ther, designated the "Doyle Gulch Project," could rovide supplemental water to the service area in and djacent to the City of Santa Cruz. The remaining five lans were given no further present consideration, but lay warrant future study. They are described briefly a this section and in more detail in Appendix L. Alternative Plans Considered. The first of the even alternative plans considered for initial construc- ion in the San Lorenzo Unit consisted of the onservation of runoff of the San Lorenzo River by onstruction of a dam and reservoir on the river at he Waterman Switch site, about six miles upstream rom the town of Boulder Creek. The second plan onsisted of conservation of runoff of Boulder Creek iy construction of a dam and reservoir on the creek at he Jamison site, about two miles above the town of ioulder Creek. Similarly, the third plan consisted of onservation of runoff of Newell Creek by construction f a dam and reservoir on the creek at the Newell site, t a point 1.1 miles above its junction with the San jorenzo River. Studies indicated that none of these dans would provide the desired initial yield for the ervice area in the San Lorenzo River basin north of >anta Cruz, and that unit cost of the conserved water n all cases would be greater than that of the Zayante 'roject. For these reasons the three plans were given o further present consideration. The fourth of the plans considered for inital con- truction in the San Lorenzo Unit consisted of conser- ation of runoff of Bear Creek by construction of a lam and reservoir on the creek at the Bear site, about our miles upstream from its junction with San jorenzo River. Studies indicated that this plan would >rovide new water in an amount somewhat larger than lie desired initial yield for the service area in the >m\ Lorenzo River basin north of Santa Cruz, but hat unit cost of the conserved water would be sub- tantially greater than that of the Zayante Project, ^or this reason the plan was given no further present onsideration. The fifth plan in the San Lorenzo Unit was the Sayante Project, and consisted of conservation of run- >ff of Zayante Creek by construction of a dam and ■eservoir on the creek at the Zayante site, about five miles northeast of Felton. Studies indicated that this plan would provide new water in the amount of the desired initial yield for the service area in the San Lorenzo River basin north of Santa Cruz. Further- more, the project would conserve water at an esti- mated lower unit cost than would any of the other plans considered for this service area. It should be noted that the project could provide supplemental water to the City of Santa Cruz. However, the Zayante Project was chosen as the most favorable for initial construction to serve the area of the San Lorenzo River basin north of Santa Cruz, since, as is hereinafter shown, other new water is available to the City of Santa Cruz at comparable costs. The sixth of the plans considered for initial con struction in the San Lorenzo Unit consisted of diver- sion of water from the San Lorenzo River at Santa Cruz during the winter months, and its conveyance to a proposed reservoir of 14,500 acre-foot capacity in Doyle Gulch, about two miles northeast of Santa Cruz, for off-stream storage and later release for use during the summer months. Studies indicated that this plan would provide new water in an amount considerably greater than the desired initial amount for the service area in and adjacent to Santa Cruz. It was further indicated that the capital costs of the plan probably could not be justified at this time since the full amount of the yield could not be put to beneficial use for many years in the future. For these reasons the plan was given no further present consideration. The seventh plan in the San Lorenzo Unit was the Doyle Gulch Project, and consisted of diversion of water from the San Lorenzo River at Santa Cruz dur- ing the winter months, and its conveyance to a pro- posed reservoir' of 5,600 acre-foot capacity in Doyle Gulch, for off-stream storage and later release during the summer months. Studies indicated that this plan would provide new water in the amount of the desired initial supplemental supply for the service area in and adjacent to the City of Santa Cruz. The project would conserve water at an estimated unit cost ap- proximately as low as that of any other plan considered for the San Lorenzo Unit. Furthermore, estimated capital costs of the project probably could be borne at this time. For these reasons the Doyle Gulch Project was chosen as the most favorable for initial construc- tion to serve the area in the San Lorenzo Unit in and adjacent to the City of Santa Cruz. Zayante P^oje^t. The Zayante Project would con- sist of a dam and reservoir on Zayante Creek, about five miles upstream from its confluence with the San Lorenzo River, as shown on Plates 19 and 20. The pro- posed Zayante Dam, principal features of which are shown on Plat? 22, entitled "Zayante Creek Dam on Zayante Creek," would be an earthfill structure with a chute spillway. It would be located in the southeast quarter of Section 36, Township 9 South, Range 2 West, M. D. B. & M. Stream bed elevation at this site s i e, 2 s 66 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION is about 476 feet. The conserved water would be re- leased from the reservoir through a steel pipe under the dam and into the channel of Zayante Creek, where it would be available downstream for diversion and use. For reasons heretofore mentioned, a distribution system was not included in design and cost estimates for the Zayante Project. As a first step in determination of the size of the project, estimates were made of yield of the proposed works for three reservoir storage capacities. It was estimated that mean seasonal runoff of Zayante Creek, from the approximately 9.5 square miles of watershed above the dam site, is about 9,000 acre-feet. The estimated yields of Zayante Reservoir with three capacities were based upon estimates of runoff during the critical dry period that occurred in the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area from 102:5-24 through 1930-31. Since most of the probable use of the conserved water would be for suburban, rural, and recreational purposes, it was assumed that demands on the reservoir would he met without deficiency. Monthly demands on the res- ervoir were assumed to be proportional to the estimated distribution of urban demands in the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area, as presented in Table 36. A summary of the results of the yield studies is presented in Table 42. TABLE 42 ESTIMATED SAFE SEASONAL YIELD OF ZAYANTE RESERVOIR, BASED ON CRITICAL DRY PERIOD FROM 1923-24 THROUGH 1930-31 TABLE 43 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF ZAYANTE RESERVOIR (In acre-feet) Reservoir storage capacity Safe seasonal yield ('.,(100 15,000 25.000 3,900 5,600 6,450 After consideration of the results of the yield studies, geologic reconnaissance, topography of the dam site, and cost analyses hereinafter discussed, a reservoir of 6,900 acre-foot capacity, including 100 acre-feet of dead storage, with estimated safe seasonal yield of 3,900 acre-feet, was chosen for cost estimating purposes. The yield study for this size of reservoir is included in Appendix J. A plane table topographic survey of the Zayante ('reck dam site was made by the Division of Water Resources in 1951, at a scale of one inch to 200 feet, wiih 10-foot contour interval. Reservoir topography was obtained in 1!'.">1 by using photogrammetric survey methods, at a scale of one inch to .")()() Feet, with 20-l'oot contour interval. Topographic maps of the dam and reservoir sites were prepared from these survey data. Storage capacities of Zayante Reservoir at various staves of water surface elevat ion arc given in Table 43. Depth of water Water surface Water surface Storage at dam. elevation, USGS a rca , capacity, in feet datum, in feet in aeres in acre-feet 476 4 480 1 5 24 500 8 100 44 520 21 390 6* 540 40 990 84 560 70 2.090 104 580 108 3.880 124 600 146 6.430 127 603 153 6,900 144 620 1"1 9,800 164 640 238 14.100 168 644 217 1 5.000 184 660 678 680 292 345 350 19,400 192 25.000 204 25,800 224 700 413 33,400 Based upon preliminary geological reconnaissance, the Zayante dam site is considered suitable for an earthfill dam of any height up to at least 224 feet. The site lies in the Vaqueros formation of Miocene age. The strata consist of fine-grained sandstones and siltstones with intercalated layers of tan shales having a thick- ness of as much as eight inches. Shale layers comprise about 20 percent of the formation. The sandstone is moderately to well compacted. Sandstone exposed on the channel edge is moist and shows a strong tendency to spall. A moderately well consolidated cobble and pebble conglomerate occurs high on the left abutment. This is apparently the basal member of the Vaqueros sandstone formation, borne out by the presence of occasional subangular blocks of partially decomposed granitic rock within the lower horizons of the con- glomerate. There are many tight shears throughout the area. Joints are numerous near the surface, but. probably tighter and more widely spaced with depth. Attitudes of the bedding are generally consistent, with the strike parallel to the stream course and the dip into the right abutment. Stripping for the foundation of an earthfill type of dam at this site should not exceed six feet of overburden and four feet of fractured rock for the right abutment, and five feet of overburden and two feet of rock for the left abutment. The stated depths are estimated normal to the surface. Stripping in the channel section would consist of about four feet of mixed sand and gravel. It may he, however, that the possible presence of concealed landslide detritus would materially in- crease the stripping estimate. Moderate grouting of joints and bedding planes would probably he required. Large supplies of material suitable for concrete aggregate are available about three miles southwest of the site. An estimated 1,500,000 cubic yards of earth suitable for use in an impervious embankment is located near Olympia, about two miles downstream from the site. Material suitable for riprap would have to he hauled from a distance of at least four miles. PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 67 The dam for the 6,900 acre-foot Zayante Reservoir would be an earth- and roekfill structure 127 feet in height from stream bed to spillway lip, 140 feet in height from stream bed to crest, and would have a crest elevation of 616 feet. It would have a crest length of about 470 feet, a crest width of 28 feet, and 2.5 : 1 upstream and downstream slopes. The central imper- vious core would have a top width of 10 feet and 0.8 : 1 slopes. The outer pervious zones of the dam would consist of materials salvaged from stripping and exca- vation, and materials from a nearby quarry. The up- stream slope of the dam would be faced with a three- foot layer of riprap. The dam would have an estimated volume of fill of 433,800 cubic yards. The concrete-lined spillway would be of the ogee weir type, located across the right abutment of the dam, and discharging through a chute into Zayante Creek about 400 feet bekw the dam. It would have a capacity of 8,900 second-feet required for an estimated maxi- mum discharge of about 950 second-feet per square mile of drainage area. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be eight feet, and an additional five feet of freeboard would be provided. The outlet works would consist of a 36-inch diameter steed pipe, placed in a trench excavated beneath the dam, and encased in concrete. Releases from the reser- voir would be controlled by means of hydraulic-ally operated gates in an inclined inlet structure on the slope of the left abutment upstream from the dam. This structure would consist of a 48-inch diameter steel pipe encased in concrete, and would be provided with four 18-inch gate valves, hydraulically operated from a control house on the top of the structure. The reservoir area is generally rugged, and is cov- ered by small brush with some second-growth redwood, and oak and madrone, which would have to be removed. The land has little agricultural value. Improvements in the reservoir area consist of five cottages with garages and water systems that are occupied through- out the year, and 14 summer residences and weekend cabins. Public utilities which would require relocation consist of about three miles of county roads, power lines, and telephone lines. Pertinent data with respect to general features of the Zayante Project, as designed for cost estimating pur- poses, are presented in Table 44. The capital cost of the Zayante Project, based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1952, was estimated to be about $1,299,000. The corresponding annual cost of the project was estimated to be about $53,900. The resultant estimated average unit cost of the 3,900 acre- feet of water per season conserved by Zayante Reser- voir is, therefore, about $13.80 per acre-foot at the dam. The foregoing costs do not include the cost of dis- tributing the conserved water in areas of use. Detailed cost estimates of the Zayante Project are presented in Appendix K. TABLE 44 GENERAL FEATURES OF ZAYANTE PROJECT Earthfill Dam Crest elevation — 616 feet Crest length — 470 feet Crest width— 28 feet Height, spillway lip above stream bed — 127 feet Side slopes — 2.5:1 Freeboard, above spillway lip — 13 feet Elevation of stream bed — 476 feet Volume of fill— 433,800 cubic yards Reservoir Surface area at spillway lip — 153 acres Capacity at spillway lip — 6,900 acre-feet Drainage area — 9.5 square miles Estimated mean seasonal runoff — 9,000 acre-feet Estimated safe seasonal yield — 3,900 acre-feet Type of spillway — Ogee weir, concrete-lined chute Spillway capacity — 8,900 second-feet Type of outlet — 36-inch diameter steel pipe beneath dam Doyle Gulch Project. The Doyle Gulch Project would include a dam and reservoir on Doyle Gulch, at a site about one mile north of State Highway No. 1 and two miles northeast of Santa Cruz. A pumping plant on the San Lorenzo River, at the site of the exist- ing diversion works of the City of Santa Cruz Water Department, would divert surplus winter flow 7 of the river through a pipe line some five miles in length to a point below the dam. At this point, a second pumping plant would lift the water into the reservoir for tem- porary storage and later release to the service area in and adjacent to the City of Santa Cruz. The locations of the dam, reservoir, and pipe line, are shown on Plates 19 and 20. The proposed Doyle Gulch Dam, principal features of which are shown on Plate 23, entitled ' ' Doyle Gulch Dam in Doyle Gulch," would be an earthfill struc- ture with a chute spillway. It would be located in the southeast quarter of Section 4, Township 11 South, Range 1 West, M. D. B. & M. Stream bed elevation at this site is about 110 feet. The elevation of the water surface at the proposed point of diversion on the San Lorenzo River is about 20 feet, and the minimum water surface elevation in Doyle Gulch Reservoir would be about 140 feet. For purposes of design it was assumed that water would be diverted from the San Lorenzo River and pumped to the reservoir during the period from No- vember through May, and that the conduit would serve as a conveyance line to deliver water released from the reservoir to the service area during the summer months. The diverted water would require treatment as does most raw water used for municipal purposes. Since distribution of the water would largely be accom- plished by the distribution system of the City of Santa Cruz Water Department, design and cost estimates for distribution were not included in the Doyle Gulch Project. Design and cost estimates for treatment also w r ere not included. Since the Doyle Gulch Project would involve an off- stream storage reservoir supplied by winter diversion 68 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION of water from the San Lorenzo River, the yield of the project would be governed both by size of the reservoir and capacity of the diversion works and conduit. Therefore, the first step in determining the most feasible size of project involved estimates of yield for various sizes of reservoir and various capacities of diversion works and conduit. It was estimated that mean seasonal runoff of the San Lorenzo River from the approximately 118 square miles of watershed above the diversion point is about 109,700 acre-feet. The watershed above the Doyle Gulch Dam is only about 1.8 square miles, and in the yield studies no account was taken of minor runoff from this drainage area. Yield studies were made for two sizes of reservoir at the Doyle Gulch site and for three capacities of di- version works and conduit, based upon estimates of runoff during the critical dry period that occurred in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area from 1923-24 through 1930-31. It was assumed that water would be diverted from the San Lorenzo River only when the flow is greater than 10 second-feet. Since most of the prob- able use of the conserved water would be for urban purposes, it was assumed that demands on the reservoir would be met without deficiency. Monthly demands on the reservoir were assumed to be proportional to the estimated distribution of urban demands in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, as presented in Table 36. A sum- mary of the results of the yield studies is presented in Tabic 4."). TABLE 45 ESTIMATED SAFE SEASONAL YIELD OF DOYLE GULCH PROJECT, BASED ON CRITICAL DRY PERIOD FROM 1923-24 THROUGH 1930-31 Diversion and conduit capacity, in second-feet Reservoir storage capacity, in acre-feet Safe seasonal yield, in acre-feet 20 50 100 5,600 14,500 14,500 6,500 13,200 14,200 After consideration of the results of the yield studies, geologic reconnaissance, topography of the dam site. and cost analyses hereinafter diseiissed, a diversion works and conduit of 20 second-foot capacity and a reservoir of 5,600 acre-foot capacity, with estimated safe seasonal yield of 6,500 acre-feet, were chosen for cost estimating purposes. The yield study for this size of project is included in Appendix .J. The diversion works on the San Lorenzo River would employ the diversion weir presently used by tin 1 City of Santa Cruz Water Department. This is a concrete gravity structure about SO feet in Length and about 2 feet in height above st ream lied, with a crest elevation of about 20 feet, and surmounted by temporary dash- boards aboul IS inches in height. A 48-inch diameter steel inlet pipe would lead from the pool behind the weir to a reinforced-concrete silt trap located on the right bank above the flood plain. The silt trap would be about 40 feet long, 20 feet wide, and 20 feet deep, and would be compartmented by two baffle plates. The trap would be provided with three 2-foot square sluice gates. Water would be pumped from the silt trap by a battery of four electrically driven, horizontal, cen- trifugal pumping units, two of which would have a capacity of 5 second-feet each, and two of which would have a capacity of 10 second-feet each. This installed pumping capacity would include 10 second-feet of capacity for standby purposes. Each unit having a capacity of 5 second-feet would be driven by a 125- horsepower motor, and each unit of 10 second-foot capacity would be driven by a 250-horsepower motor. The pumps would operate at a uniform static head of about 120 feet, and the friction head would vary from 10 to 40 feet depending on the rate of pumping. The pumps would be located in a reinforced-concrete pump house, and would discharge through a manifold into the 30-inch diameter, dipped and wrapped, welded steel pipe conveyance conduit. A 12-inch diameter check valve would be installed in the discharge line of each pump. The conveyance conduit would cross to the left bank beneath the San Lorenzo River at a point up- stream from the pumping plant and diversion weir. The proposed route of the conduit, as shown on Plate 19, would be for the most part along city streets. It would lead generally in an easterly direction for a distance of about 4.5 miles to Doyle (iuleh, and would then swing in a northerly direction for about 0.5 mile, to the pump- ing plant located on the right bank at the base of the Doyle Gulch Dam. The design of the pumping plant at the dam was essentially the same as that for the plant at the river, except that it would operate against a variable head depending on the reservoir stage. The plant would include four electrically driven, horizontal, centrif- ugal pumping units, two of which would have a capacity of 5 second-feet each, and two of which would have a capacity of 10 second-feet each. This installed pumping capacity would include 10 second-feet of capacity for standby purposes. The pumps would operate against a static head varying from 20 to 120 feet. They would be located in a reinforced-concrete pump house, and would discharge through a manifold into a 48-inch diameter steel pipe beneath the dam, and into the reser- voir through the Olltlel structure, hereinafter described. A 12-inch diameter check valve would be installed in the discharge line of each pump. A topographic map of the Doyle Gulch dam and reservoir sites, at a scale of one inch to 500 feet, with a contour interval of 20 feet, was made by the Division of Water Resources in 1952, using photogrammetric survey methods. Topography was shown on the map up to an elevation of 320 feet. Storage capacities of PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 69 Doyle Gul eh Reservoir at various stages of water sur- face elevation are given in Table 46. TABLE 46 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF DOYLE GULCH RESERVOIR Depth of water at dam, in feet Water surface elevation, USGS datum, in feet Water surface area, in acres Storage capacity, in acre-feet 10 30 - 110 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 257 260 280 300 314 2 7 14 27 42 61 86 112 116 149 189 220 20 100 50 70 90 110 317 720 1,410 2,440 130 3,900 147 5,600 150 . 5,900 170 8,600 190 12,000 204_ 14,500 Based on preliminary geological reconnaissance, the Doyle Gulch dam site is considered suitable for an earthfill dam of any height up to at least 204 feet. Foundation rock at the site is massive, medium-grained, moderately cemented, light buff sandstone, probably of the lower Miocene Vaqueros formation. Outcrops are limited, but in those inspected no joints were noted. Jointing was observed, however, in this formation in other areas. Regionally, this formation dips gently to the south, and strikes east-west. The tops of the ridges on either side of the dam site are very flat and are capped by thin Quaternary terrace gravels. It is probable that stripping requirements under the impervious section of an earthfill dam at the Doyle Gulch site would be moderate. Stripping of about three feet of overburden and three feet of soft, partly weath- ered and jointed bedrock, would be necessary on the abutments. The channel section would require strip- ping of about 25 feet of alluvial fill and 3 feet of sandstone bedrock. Soil in the flats of the reservoir area appears to be adequate in quantity and satis- factory in quality for the impervious core. The firm sandstone in the canyon walls could be quarried in any desired amount for use in the pervious, section, after stripping about three feet of covering soil. The dam for the 5,600 acre-foot Doyle Gulch Reser- voir would be a combination earth- and rockfill struc- ture 147 feet in height from stream bed to spillway lip, 156 feet in height from stream bed to crest, and with a crest elevation of 266 feet. It would have a crest length of about 670 feet, a crest width of 30 feet, and 2.5 : 1 upstream and downstream slopes. The central impervious core would have a top width of 20 feet and 1 : 1 slopes. The outer pervious zones of the dam would consist of sandstone quarried from the canyon walls. The volume of fill of the dam would be an estimated 671,000 cubic yards. The concrete-lined spillway would be of the ogee weir type, cut through a saddle upstream from the left abutment, and discharging into a tributary of Doyle Gulch. It would have a capacity of 2,700 second- feet required for the small drainage area of 1.8 square miles above the dam. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be five feet, and an addi- tional four feet of freeboard would be provided. The outlet works would consist of a 30-inch diameter steel pipe, placed in a trench excavated beneath the dam, and encased in concrete. Releases from the reservoir would be controlled at the upstream end of the outlet by means of hydraulically operated <:ates in an in- clined inlet structure on the slope of the right abut- ment upstream from the dam. This structure would consist of a 48-inch diameter steel pipe encased in concrete, and would be provided with four 18-inch and one 24-inch gate valves hydraulically operated from a control house on top of the structure. The outlet works would also serve as inlet works during the winter period when San Lorenzo River water would be conveyed to the reservoir. Most of the forest and brush has been removed from the Doyle Gulch reservoir area except in the stream channel. Improvements in the area consist of about a dozen farmhouses and associated buildings, and several orchards. Public utilities which would require relocation consist of about one mile of paved county road, power lines, and telephone lines. Pertinent data with respect to general features of the Doyle Gulch Project, as designed for cost estimat- ing purposes, are presented in Table 47. The capital cost of the Doyle Gulch Project, based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1952, was estimated to be about $1,889,000. The corresponding annual cost of the project was estimated to be about $92,900. The estimated average unit cost of the 6,500 acre-feet of water per season conserved by the Doyle Gulch Project is, therefore, about $14.30 per acre-foot. The foregoing costs do not include cost of distributing the conserved water in areas of use nor its treatment. Detailed cost estimates of the Doyle Gulch Project are presented in Appendix K. Soquel Unit It was shown in Chapter III that there is no present requirement for supplemental water in the Soquel Unit, but that the probable ultimate supplemental water requirement will be about 7,200 acre-feet per season. In the design of projects for initial local de- velopment, it was considered desirable to provide capacity in the amount of about 60 percent of the estimated ultimate supplemental requirement. This initial capacity was estimated to be about 4,100 acre- feet per season in the Soquel Unit, giving consideration to the probable expansion and intensification of urban, suburban and rural, and recreational development, and to the available sources of water supply as deter- 70 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 47 GENERAL FEATURES OF DOYLE GULCH PROJECT Conveyance Conduit Type — Welded steel pipe, dipped and wrapped Length — 5 miles Diameter — 30-ineh Capacity — 20 second-feet Earthfill Dam Crest elevation — 266 feet Crest length — 670 feet Crest width— 30 feet Height, spillway lip above stream bed — 147 feet Side slopes — 2.5:1 Freeboard, above spillway lip — 9 feet Elevation of stream bed — 110 feet Volume of fill — 671,000 cubic yards Reservoir Surface area at spillway lip — 112 acres Capacity at spillway lip — 5,600 acre-feet Drainage area, San Lorenzo River at point of diversion — 118 square miles Drainage area above dam — 1.8 square miles Estimated mean seasonal diversion from San Lorenzo River — 6,700 acre-feet Estimated safe seasonal yield — 6,500 acre-feet Type of spillway — Ogee weir, concrete-lined chute Spillway capacity — 2,700 second-feet Type of outlet — 30-inch diameter steel pipe beneath dam Diversion Works San Lorenzo River — Existing concrete gravity weir; 48-inch diameter pipe leading from weir pool to concrete silt trap, 40x20x20 feet, with baffle plates and sluice gates, located on right bank Pumping Plants (two similar plants, one at diversion point, and one at Doyle Gulch Dam) Pumps (each plant) — Horizontal, centrifugal type, 2 each of 5 second-foot capacity and 2 each of 10 second-foot capacity Estimated minimum water surface elevation in San Lorenzo River — 20 feet Discharge elevation — 140 feet, reservoir empty; 257 feet, reservoir full Estimated maximum pumping head — 280 feet Installed pumping capacity — 30 second-feet Maximum demand — 20 second-feet Motors (each plant) — 2 each, 125 horsepower; 2 each, 250 horsepower mined by engineering and economic limitations on size of the proposed conservation works. Fonr possible alternative plans of works for initial construction to provide supplemental water to the Soquel Unit, as shown on Plate 19, were considered. For reasons hereinafter mentioned, two of these plans, designated the "Glenwood Project" on the West Branch of Soquel Creek, and the "Upper Soquel Project" on Soquel Creek, were chosen as the most favorable for initial construction, and are described in some detail later in this section. The remaining two plans were feet. Water would he released from the reservoir through a steel pipe under the dam and into the stream channel, where it would be available down- stream for diversion and use. For reasons heretofore mentioned, a distribution system was not included in design and cost estimates for the Upper Soquel Project. As a first step in determination of the size of the project, estimates were made of yield of the proposed works for three reservoir storage capacities. It was estimated thai mean seasonal runoff of Soquel Creek, from the approximately 13.7 square miles of watershed above the dam site, is about 15,900 acre-feet. The estimated yields of Upper Soquel Reservoir with three capacities were based on estimates of runoff dur- ing the critical dry period that occurred in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area from 1923-24 through 1930-31. Since most of the probable use of the conserved water would be for urban, suburban and rural, and recrea- tional purposes, it was assumed that demands on the reservoir would be met without deficiency. Monthly demands were assumed to be proportional to the esti- mated distribution of urban demands in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, as presented in Table 36. A sum- mary of the results of the yield studies is presented in Table 51. TABLE 51 ESTIMATED SAFE SEASONAL YIELD ON UPPER SOQUEL RESERVOIR, BASED ON CRITICAL DRY PERIOD FROM 1923-24 THROUGH 1930-31 (In acre-feet) Reservoir storage capacity Safe seasonal yield 1,000 1,700 4,600 1,400 2.100 3.900 After consideration of the results of the yield studies, geologic reconnaissance, topography of the dam site, and cost analyses hereinafter discussed, a reservoir of 1,700 acre-foot capacity, including 100 acre-feet of dead storage, with estimated safe seasonal yield of 2,100 acre-feet, was chosen for cost estimating pur- poses. The yield study for this size of reservoir is in- cluded in Appendix J. The Upper Soquel dam and reservoir sites were sur- veyed in 1952, utilizing photogrammetric methods, and a topographic map of the sites was prepared to a scale of one inch to 500 feet, with 20-foot contour interval. Topography of the dam and reservoir sites was shown on the map up to elevations of 700 and 620 feet, respec- tively. Storage capacities of Upper Soquel Reservoir at various stages of water surface elevation are given in Table 52. Pased upon preliminary geologic reconnaissance, the Upper Soquel dam site is considered suitable for an earthfill dam of any height up to at least 154 feet. The rock exposed at the site is a soft, slightly cemented, massive, friable sandstone, which is probably of Plio- cene age. There is no apparent bedding at the site. Some vertically dipping joints were observed striking ap- proximately east-west. Leakage is to be expected under any structure huilt at this site. Grouting probably would not prove feasible, and a solid cutoff wall would he required. PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 73 TABLE 52 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF UPPER SOQUEL RESERVOIR Depth of water Water surface Water surface Storage at dam, elevation, USGS area, capacity, in feet datum, in feet in acres in acre-feet 441) 14 460 1.6 11 34 480 5.8 85 54 500 13 272 74 520 23 635 85 531 34 1,000 94 540 42 1,390 99 545 560 580 590 600 48 62 80 91 100 1,700 114 2,440 134 . 3,650 144. _ 4.600 154 5.680 Stripping under the impervious section of the dam would require the removal of about four feet of soil and two feet of weathered sandstone on the right abut- ment. Stripping on the left abutment would require the removal of about three feet of soil and four feet of weathered bedrock. Stripping from the channel section would require the removal of about five feet of fine gravel and cobbles, and about two feet of weathered bedrock. Limited amounts of soil, probably satisfactory for the impervious section of the dam, are found in a flat on Soquel Creek above the mouth of Amaya Creek. The haul distance of this soil to the dam site would average about one mile by road. About 1,000, 000 cubic yards of soil material is available. Decomposed granite is available at a quarry situated on the east slope of Sugarloaf Mountain, about two miles downstream from the dam site. About 100,000 cubic yards of gravel could be recovered from the stream channel above the site. Riprap material could be imported from the quarry. The dam for the 1,700 acre-foot Upper Soquel Reser- voir would be an earth- and rockfill structure 99 feet in height from stream bed to spillway lip, 109 feet in height from stream bed to crest, and would have a crest elevation of 555 feet. It would have a crest length of 425 feet, a crest width of 30 feet, and 3 : 1 upstream and 2.5 : 1 downstream slopes. The impervious up- stream section would have a top width of 10 feet, and 3:1 upstream and 1:1 downstream slopes. The per- vious section would have a top width of 10 feet, an upstream slope of 1 : 1, and a downstream slope of 2.5 : 1. The upstream slope of the impervious section would be faced with a 3-foot layer of riprap. The dam would have an estimated volume of fill of 341,500 cubic yards. The concrete-lined spillway would be of the side channel type, located at the left abutment of the dam, discharging through a chute into Soquel Creek about 200 feet below the dam. It would have a capacity of 11,500 second-feet required for an estimated maximum discharge of 850 second-feet per square mile of drain- age area. The maximum depth of water above the spill- way lip would be six feet, and an additional four feet of freeboard would be provided. The outlet works would consist of a 24-inch diameter steel pipe, placed in a trench excavated beneath the dam, and encased in concrete. Releases from the reservoir would be con- trolled at the upstream end of the outlet pipe by means of hydraulically operated gates in an inclined inlet structure on the slope of the right abutment upstream from the dam. This structure would consist of a 48- inch diameter steel pipe encased in concrete, and would be provided with three 18-inch gate valves, hydrau- lically operated from a control house on the top of the structure. The land in the reservoir area is covered by native vegetation, consisting of oak, brush, and second-growth redwood. The only improvement in the area which would be flooded is an access road maintained for fire protection by the United States Forest Service. Pertinent data with respect to general features of the Upper Soquel Project, as designed for cost esti- mating purposes, are presented in Table 53. TABLE 53 GENERAL FEATURES OF UPPER SOQUEL PROJECT Earthfill Dam Crest elevation — 555 feet Crest length— 425 feet Crest width— 30 feet Height, spillway lip above stream lied —99 feet Side slopes — 3:1 upstream 2.5:1 downstream Freeboard, above spillway lip — 10 feet Elevation of stream bed — 446 feet Volume of fill — 341,500 cubic yards Reservoir Surface area at spillway lip — 48 acres Capacity at spillway lip — 1.700 acre-feet Drainage area — 13.7 square miles Estimated mean seasonal runoff — 15,900 acre-feet Estimated safe seasonal yield — 2,100 acre-feet Type of spillway — Ogee weir, concrete-lined chute Spillway capacity — 11,500 second-feet Type of outlet — 24-inch diameter steel pipe beneath dam The capital cost of the Upper Soquel Project, based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1952, was estimated to be about +70!), 000. The corresponding annual cost of the project was estimated to be about $30,600. The estimated average unit cost of the 2,100 acre-feet of water per season conserved by the Upper Soquel Reservoir is, therefore, about $14.50 per acre-foot at the dam. The foregoing costs do not include the cost of distributing the conserved water in areas of use. De- tailed cost estimates of the Upper Soquel Project are presented in Appendix K. Pajaro Unit It was shown in Chapter III that the estimated present requirement for supplemental water in the Pajaro Unit is about 3,700 acre-feet per season, and 74 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION that the ultimate seasonal supplemental requirement probably will be about 25,300 acre-feet. Expansion and intensification of urban and agricultural development has occurred during the past few years, and it is indi- cated that such growth will continue for some time into the future. In the design of projects for initial local development it was considered desirable to provide a water supply in the amount of about 40 percent of the estimated ultimate supplemental requirement. This initial water supply was estimated to be about 9,700 acre-feet per season, giving consideration to the present supplemental requirement, to the cited growth factor, and to the available sources of water supply as deter- mined by engineering and economic limitations on size of the proposed conservation works. Of the desired new yield of 9,700 acre-feet per season, about 3,700 acre-feet, the amount of the present supplemental re- quirement, would be served to an area of some 2,800 acres of irrigated valley floor lands between Watson- ville and Monterey Bay, presently being served by ground water. The remainder of the new yield, in the amount of about 6,000 acre-feet per season, would permit water service to about 4,100 acres of irrigable but presently nonirrigated lands in the Pajaro Unit. A possible service area for the desired new yield is shown on Plate 20. Four possible alternative plans of works for initial construction to provide supplemental water to the Pajaro Unit, three of which are shown on Plate 1!), were considered. For reasons hereinafter mentioned, one of these plans, designated the "Watsonville Project," was chosen as the most favorable for initial construc- tion and is described in some detail later in this section. The remaining three plans were given no further pres- ent consideration, but may warrant future study. They are described briefly in this section, and in more detail in Appendix L. Alternative Plans Considered. The first of the alternative plans considered for initial construction consisted of shifting the center of heavy pumping draft on confined ground water in the Pajaro Unit from its present position near the Monterey Bay shore to a more inland site, with maintenance of the present rate of draft. This would probably induce increased subsur- face inflow to the confined aquifers from the Forebay Zone, with corresponding increase in safe ground wa- ter yield. Safe seasonal ground water yield under the present pattern of wells and pumping draft is about 21.000 acre-feet. If the hydraulic gradient of the ground water that occurred in the 1948-49 season around the upper perimeter of the pressure zones could he increased sufficiently, safe seasonal ground water yield might he increased to a maximum of about 26,000 acre-feet, the difference between mean seasonal re- charge in the Forebay Zone and subsurface outflow from the confined aquifers to Monterey Bay. Under such circumstances this plan would largely solve the problem of sea-water encroachmenl into the confined aquifers. However, the hydraulic effects of shifting the center of heavy pumping draft inland cannot be predicted ac- curately with the data available. The implementation of such a plan would necessitate a major modification in methods of water service prevailing in Pajaro Val- ley and would involve difficult legal and economic problems. Furthermore, the plan would not provide the desired amount of new yield for the Pajaro Unit. For these reasons the plan was given no further pres- ent consideration. The second plan consisted of conservation of runoff of Corralitos Creek by its off-stream storage in an en- larged Pinto Lake. This would be accomplished by di- version of water from the creek at a point about 3.5 miles northwest of Watsonville, and its conveyance by gravity in a canal about 10,700 feet in length to Pinto Lake. Storage capacity of Pinto Lake would be in- creased from the present 1,600 acre-feet to 4,800 acre- feet by construction of an earthfill dam. Studies indi- cated that safe seasonal yield developed under this plan would be only about 1,100 acre-feet, which is sub- stantially less than the present supplemental water re- quirement and only a small portion of the desired initial supplemental yield for the Pajaro Unit. Fur- thermore, the estimated unit cost of the conserved wa- ter would be considerably greater than that of the Watsonville Project. For these reasons the plan was given no further present consideration. The third of the alternative plans considered for initial construction consisted of conservation of runoff of the Pajaro River by its off-stream storage in a reser- voir to be constructed on Elkhorn Slough. This would be accomplished by construction of a weir on the Pa- jaro River approximately 3.5 miles upstream from Watsonville to permit diversion of winter flow of the stream. A canal some 9,200 feet in length would convey the diverted water to a pumping plant on the south side of the valley about two miles west of Aromas. From the plant the water would be lifted to Elkhorn Reservoir which would be created by a dam located about three miles southeast of Watsonville on the slough. Releases from the reservoir during the irriga- tion season would return through the canal to the orig- inal point of diversion on the Pajaro River, for down- stream diversion and use. Studies indicated that yield from this plan would be more than sufficient to meet the probable ultimate supplemental water requirement of the Pajaro Unit. However, estimated capital cost of this plan and unit cost of the conserved water would be greater than comparable costs for the Watsonville Project. For this reason the plan was given no further present consideration. The plan chosen as the most favorable for initial construction in the Pajaro Unit, the Watsonville Proj- ect, likewise consisted of conservation of runoff of the Pajaro River by off-stream storage. This would be ac- complished by diversion of water from the river dur- ing 1 he winter months, and its conveyance by canal and PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 75 a pumping lift to a proposed reservoir in Corn Cob Canyon, for later release during the irrigation season. Studies indicated that this plan would provide new water in the amount of the desired initial supplemental supply for the Pajaro Unit. In addition, the project would conserve water at an estimated lower unit cost than any of the other alternative plans considered. For these reasons the Watsonville Project was chosen as the most favorable for initial construction in the Pa- jaro Unit. Watsonville Project. The Watsonville Project, as shown on Plates 19 and 20, would include a reservoir in Corn Cob Canyon, with a dam at a site about two miles southeast of Watsonville and one mile east of State Highway No. 1. Six small auxiliary dams would be required around the northerly rim of the reservoir. Surplus winter flow of the Pajaro River would be di- verted at a point on that stream about four miles east of Watsonville, and conveyed in an unlined canal about one mile in length to a pumping plant on the south side of the valley about 3.5 miles southeast of Watsonville. From this plant the water would be lifted into the up- stream end of Watsonville Reservoir, for temporary storage and later release to the service area between Watsonville and Monterey Bay. The proposed Watsonville Dam, principal features of which are shown on Plate 26, entitled "Watsonville Dam in Corn Cob Canyon," would be an earthfill structure with a chute spillway. It would be located in the southwest quarter of Section 14, Township 12 South, Range 2 East, M. D. B. & M. Stream bed eleva- tion at this site is about 53 feet. The elevation of the water surface at the proposed point of diversion on the Pajaro River is about 40 feet, and the minimum water surface elevation in Watsonville Reservoir would be about 80 feet. For purposes of design it was assumed that water would be diverted from the Pajaro River and pumped to the reservoir during the period from November through May, and that the stored water would be re- leased from the reservoir and back to the Pajaro River through the conveyance canal during the irrigation season. The released water would be available in the Pajaro River for diversion and distribution. Design and cost estimates for required rediversion and distri- bution facilities were not included in the Watsonville Project. Since the Watsonville Project would involve an off- stream storage reservoir supplied by winter diversion of water from the Pajaro River, the yield of the project would be governed both by size of the reservoir and capacity of the diversion works and canal. Therefore, the first step in determining the most feasible size of project involved estimates of yield for several combina- tions of sizes of reservoir and capacities of diversion works and canal. It was estimated that mean seasonal runoff of the Pajaro River from the approximately 1,200 square miles of watershed above the diversion point is about 150,000 acre-feet. The watershed above the Watsonville Dam is only about two square miles and in the yield studies no account was taken of minor runoff from this drainage area. Yield studies were made for three sizes of reservoir at the Watsonville site and for three capacities of di- version works and canal, based upon records and esti- mates of runoff during the critical dry periods which occurred in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area from 1923- 24 through 1930-31, and from 1947-48 through 1949-50. The yield studies indicated that the latter period was the more critical of the two. It was assumed that water would be diverted from the Pajaro River only when the flow is greater than 10 second-feet, and that releases from the reservoir would be made in accordance with the monthly irrigation demand schedule presented in Table 36. Studies indicated that winter flows of the Pa- jaro River in the estimated mean seasonal amounts of 17,200 acre-feet, 27,000 acre-feet, and 35,000 acre-feet would be available for diversion to Watsonville Reser- voir, with diversion and canal capacities of 100 second- feet, 200 second-feet, and 300 second-feet, respectively. These estimates were based on present impairment of Pajaro River stream flow. Any future development and use of either surface or subsurface water upstream from the proposed point of diversion will tend to de- crease the estimated yield of the project. Geologic in- vestigation indicates that the Watsonville Reservoir area is quite permeable and that the reservoir prob- ably would be subject to appreciable leakage. For pur- poses of the yield studies it was assumed that such losses would amount to about 1,000 acre-feet per sea- son. It is probable that a substantial portion of the assumed reservoir leakage would percolate to and aug- ment the supply of the confined aquifers in the Pajaro Unit. However, no credit was taken for this probable augmentation of the ground water supply. In the yield studies it was assumed that demands on the reservoir would be made without deficiency. A summary of the results of the yield studies, based on the critical dry period from 1947-48 through 1949-50, is presented in Table 54. TABLE .54 ESTIMATED SAFE SEASONAL YIELD OF WATSONVILLE PROJECT, BASED ON CRITICAL DRY PERIOD FROM 1947-48 THROUGH 1949-50 Diversion and Reservoir Safe seasonal yield, in acre-feet conduit storage capacity, in capacity, in second -feet acre-feet ton 12,000 6,000 200 12,000 7.000 100 1.5,000 6,700 200 15,000 8,300 100 21,000 8,200 200 21,000 9,700 300 21.000 10.500 Watsonville Site PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 77 After consideration of the results of the yield studies, geologic reconnaissance, topography of the dam site, and cost analyses hereinafter discussed, a diver- sion works and canal of 200 second-foot capacity and a reservoir of 21,000 acre-foot capacity, with estimated safe seasonal yield of 9,700 acre-feet, were chosen for cost estimating purposes. The yield study for this size of project is included in Appendix J. The diversion works on the Pajaro River would in- clude a concrete gravity weir structure located in the southwest quarter of Section 7, Township 12 South, Range 3 East, M. D. B. & M. The structure would in- clude a fixed ogee overflow weir section with length of 60 feet, and two weir sections controlled by bascule gates, each with a length of 40 feet. The top of the weir structure would be at an elevation of 55 feet. Elevation of the crest of the fixed section of the weir would be 41 feet, and elevation of the crest of the gated sections with the gates lowered would be 35 feet, With the gates lowered the weir would safely pass a flood with peak flow of about 19,000 second-feet, This is the capacity utilized by the Corps of Engineers of the United States Army in design of levees recently constructed along the Pajaro River in this vicinity. Waters of the Pajaro River would be diverted at the left abutment of the weir structure through two 5-foot square slide headgates in a reinforced-concrete headwall into a reinforced-concrete sand trap. The sand trap would be 20 feet by 20 feet in horizontal di- mensions, and would be compartmented by two vertical baffle walls. The bottom elevation of the trap would be 32 feet, and the headwall elevation 55 feet. Three 2-foot square slide sluice gates would be provided, one for each compartment of the sand trap. From the sand trap the diverted water would enter an unlined canal with capacity of 200 second-feet. The canal, which would be capable both of conveying water to and returning water from the Watsonville Reser- voir, would have a flat grade. It would be of trapezoidal section, with bottom width of 10 feet, depth of water of 6 feet, and with side slopes of 1.5: 1. The canal would be constructed all in cut, would be approximately one mile long, would run in a southwesterly direction from the sand trap to the bottom of the bluff bounding Pajaro Valley on the south, and would terminate in the northeast quarter of Section 13. Township 12 South, Range 2 East, M. D. B. & M. At the terminus of the canal a pumping plant would lift the water through a 72-inch diameter steel pipe line, about 1,500 feet in length, to Watsonville Reser- voir. The pipe line would pass beneath the most east- erly of the auxiliary dams on the north rim of the reservoir, and would be entrenched in the dam foun- dation and encased in concrete. At its reservoir end the pipe line would divide into two 54-inch diameter pipe outlets, each of which would contain a 48-inch diameter butterfly valve, hydraulically controlled from the top of the auxiliary dam. In order to permit flexibility of operation, the pump- ing plant would consist of a battery of six pumps, two with capacities of approximately IS second-feet, three with capacities of approximately 31 second-feet, and one of about 100 second-foot capacity.* A check valve would be provided on the discharge line of each pump. The pumps would be housed in a reinforced-concrete pump house. The maximum flow line in Watsonville Reservoir would be at an elevation of about 205 feet, and elevation of the water surface at the intake of the pumping plant would be about 40 feet. The maximum static head against which the water would be pumped would be approximately 165 feet, and it was estimated that friction losses in the pipe line would not exceed one foot. The minimum static head would be about 40 feet, and the plant was designed for an average pumping head of approximately 150 feet. Cross-sections of the diversion dam site on the Pa- jaro River and of the conveyance canal were deter- mined from a stadia survey made by the Division of Water Resources in 1952. A field check was also made of the approximate location of the maximum water line which woidd occur above the diversion dam. At the same time, topography of the Watsonville Reservoir and dam sites was determined from plane table surveys. The reservoir area was mapped to a scale of one inch to 400 feet, with 20-foot contour interval, and the main dam site was mapped to a scale of one inch to 200 feet, with 10-foot contour interval. Storage capacities of Watsonville Reservoir at various stages of water surface elevation are given in Table 55. TABLE 55 AREAS AND CAPACITIES OF WATSONVILLE RESERVOIR Di pth of water Water surface Water surface Storage at (lain, elevation, USGS area, capacity, in feet datum, in feet in acres in acre-feet 0__ 53 7_- 60 17 85 27-- 80 37 630 47-- 100 69 1,700 67- 120 107 3,450 87-. 140 152 6.050 107. _ 160 197 9,550 118. 171 180 224 246 12.000 127- _ 14,000 131 184 200 205 220 256 297 310 350 15,000 147-- 19,500 1 52 21,000 167- . 26,000 Based upon preliminary geological reconnaissance, the Watsonville dam site is considered suitable for an earthfill dam of any height up to at least 155 feet, Foundation rock at the site consists of the Aromas formation which is made up almost entirely of a red- brown, nearly pure quartz sand. It is medium-grained, readily friable and clean, and often shows signs of cross-bedding. The soft sandstone generally grades 78 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION upward into a residual tan soil. Roots penetrate as easily into the unconsolidated sediments as they do into the soil. In places, concretions have been noted beginning to set up within the sands, and a few one- inch thick limonite-eentered beds have been observed. The site is easily eroded where exposed without pro- tective cover of vegetation. The dam site is some dis- tance from the San Andreas and Vergeles faults, which are the dominant faults in the area. Small-scale joint- ing and shearing are not visible in the soft rocks of the Aromas formation. The Aromas formation is highly permeable and prob- ably serves in part as an intake to the confined aquifers underlying Pajaro Valley. The bedding of the forma- tion is essentially horizontal. Leakage at the dam site and from the reservoir area might be appreciable, although such would not be a threat to the safety of the dam. Consideration should be given to the possibility of lining the reservoir with some suitable material which would reduce water losses through leakage. Works may be required along the bottom of the bluff north of the proposed reservoir to prevent a possible drainage problem. Stripping for the foundation of an earthnll dam at this site should not exceed three feet of residual soil and three feet of underlying sandstone for both the right and left abutments, and six feet of soil and three feet of underlying sandstone for the channel section. These estimates apply only under the im- pervious section of an earthnll dam. Only the over- burden would have to be stripped from under the pervious sections of such a dam. Large quantities of earth could be obtained from Elkhorn Slough which would be suitable for use in an impervious section. A portion of the material required for the impervious section would be obtained from excavation for the conveyance canal. Ample material, both residual and alluvial, suitable for the pervious sections of the dam, is available in the vicinity of the site, but its sandy texture might preclude its use for construction of the impervious section. It is possible that a blend of this material with the soil lying on the floor of Pajaro Valley might prove suitable for im- pervious fill. Sand for aggregate could probably be recovered from the Aromas formation in virtually un- limited quantities. The Logan quarry located near Pajaro Cap could supply large quantities of granitic rock for use as rockfill, riprap, or gravel. The dam for the 21,000 acre-foot Watsonville Reser- voir would he an earthfill structure 152 feet in height from stream bed to spillway lip, 158 feet in height from stream bed to crest, and with a crest elevation of 211 feet. The dam would have a crest length of about 1,300 feet, crest width of 30 feet, and 3 : 1 upstream and 2.5 : 1 downstream slopes. The central impervious section would have a top width of 10 feet, and 1:1 slopes. The outer pervious sections of the dam would consist of material excavated from the abutments and from borrow pits near the dam. The upstream slope of the dam would be faced with a 3-foot layer of riprap. The volume of fill for the dam would be an estimated 1,880,- 000 cubic yards. The concrete-lined spillway would be of the ogee weir type, located across the left abutment of the dam, and discharging through a chute into Corn Cob Canyon about 400 feet below the dam. It would have a capacity of 750 second-feet required for an estimated discharge of about 500 second-feet per square mile of drainage area. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be two feet, and an additional four feet of freeboard would be provided. The outlet works would consist of the inlet facilities heretofore described, sup- plemented by a trash rack at the reservoir end of the pipe line, and by a short 72-inch diameter steel pipe to bypass the pumping plant and convey the released TABLE 56 GENERAL FEATURES OF WATSONVILLE PROJECT Diversion Works Pajaro River — Concrete gravity weir, with ogee overpour section 60 feet in length, and two 40-foot bascule gated sections; diver- sion box with two 5-foot square slide headgates in con- crete head wall; and 20x20-foot concrete sand trap with two baffle walls and three 2-foot square slide sluice gates Conveyance Conduit Type — Trapezoidal unlined canal; bottom width, 10 feet; depth of water, 0.0 feet; side slopes, 1.5:1 Length — 1 mile Capacity — 200 second-feet Pumping Plant Pumps — Two 8.000 gpm units, three 14,000 gpm units, and one 45,000 gpm unit; double suction, single stage, horizontally split cas- ing, centrifugal pumps Motors — All-weather type; two 350 horsepower, three 700 horsepower, and one 2,600 horsepower Estimated minimum water surface in canal at inlet — 40 feet Discharge elevation — 80 feet, reservoir empty; 205 feet, reservoir full Estimated maximum pumping head — 165 feet Design pumping head — 150 feet Installed pumping capacity — 229 second-feet Maximum demand — 200 second-feet Earthnll Dam Crest elevation — 211 feet Crest length— 1,300 feet Crest width— 30 feet Height, spillway lip above stream bed — 152 feet Side slopes — 3:1 upstream 2.5:1 downstream Freeboard, above spillway lip — 6 feet Elevation of stream bed — 53 feet Volume of fill— 1 .880,000 cubic yards Auxiliary Dams (six) Crest elevation — 2 1 1 feet Total crest length (six dams)- Crest width— 20 feet Side slopes — 2.5:1 Total volume of fill (six dams; 1.600 feet 407,000 cubic yards Reservoir Surface area at spillway lip — 310 acres Capacity at spillway lip 21,000 acre-feet Drainage area, Pajaro River at point of diversion — 1,200 square miles Drainage area, above dam 1.6 square miles Estimated mean seasonal runoff available for diversion from Pajaro Hi —27,000 acre-feet Estimated safe seasonal yield 9.700 acre-feet Type of spillway — Ogee weir, concrete-lined chute Spillway capacity 750 second-feet Type of outlet 72-inch diameter steel pipe beneath auxiliary clam PLANS FOR WATER DEVELOPMENT 79 water to the canal. The bypass line would contain a 60-inch Howell-Bunger valve. The released water would be returned to the Pajaro River through the canal and would be available for downstream diversion and use. As has been stated, six small auxiliary dams would be required along the edge of the bluff overlooking Pajaro Valley around the northerly rim of the reser- voir. The auxiliary dams would consist of rolled earth sections, with 20-foot crest widths and 2.5 : 1 side slopes. Total crest length of the six dams would be about 1,600 feet and the maximum height of fill would be about 70 feet. The slopes of the auxiliary dams facing the reservoir would be protected with three feet of rock riprap, while their outside slopes would be protected with two feet of the same material. It was estimated that about three feet of residual soil and three feet of underlying sandstone would have to be stripped under the auxiliary dams. The total volume of fill of the six dams would be an estimated 407,000 cubic yards. Improvements within the reservoir area include about 40 residences. The lands in the reservoir area are generally uncultivated and used only for grazing purposes. A light growth of brush and trees occurs throughout, and would have to be removed prior to use of the reservoir. Only minor relocation of roads and utilities would be required. Pertinent data with respect to the general features of the Watsonville Project, as designed for cost esti- mating purposes, are presented in Table 56. The capital cost of the Watsonville Project, based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1952, was estimated to be about $3,970,000. The corresponding annual cost of the project was estimated to be about $192,900. The estimated average unit cost of the 9,700 acre-feet of water per season conserved by the Watsonville Project is. therefore, about $19.90 per acre-foot. Detailed cost estimates of the Watsonville Project are presented in Appendix K. CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS As a result of field investigation, and study and analyses of available data on the water resources and water problems of tbe Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, the following' conclusions and recommendations are made. CONCLUSIONS It is concluded that : 1. Due to geographic and water service considera- tions, the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area is naturally divided into four principal units. These have been designated the "North Coastal Unit," "San Lorenzo Unit," "Soquel Unit," and "Pajaro Unit," and are shown on Plate 2. 2. There are two present basic water problems in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. One of these consists of sea-water intrusion into the confined aquifers under- lying the Pajaro Unit, which results from a rate of ground water draft for irrigation during summer months in excess of safe yield of the aquifers. The other problem consists of insufficient summer stream flow during dry years to meet peak demands for surface water used in the San Lorenzo Unit for urban and recreational purposes. 3. Precipitation in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area ranges from moderate in valley areas and near the coast to heavy in the mountains. Tn the Pajaro Unit, the only unit for which it was evaluated quantitatively, the mean seasonal depth of precipitation is about 29 inches, and precipitation contributes water to the unit in a mean seasonal amount of about 170, 000 acre-feet. 4. The highly productive watersheds of the Santa Cruz Mountains constitute sources of water supply available to all units of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. In addition, the Pajaro Unit receives flow in the Pajaro River that rises in watersheds outside the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area. Mean seasonal runoff from local streams in the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units is about 85,700 acre-feet. 12."), 100 acre-feet, and 64,300 acre-feet, respectively. Mean seasonal surface inflow to the valley floor of the Pajaro Unit, including that in the Pajaro River, is about 163,400 acre-feet. Mean seasonal outflow from the valley floor of the Pajaro Unit is about 197,000 acre-feet, 5. The principal ground water basin in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, and the only one of major extent and yield, is that which underlies the Pajaro Unit. The Pajaro ground water basin includes a forebay zone, or area of ground water recharge, which is lim- ited principally to the mountains and bench lands west of the San Andreas fault, and two pressure zones, or areas with confined aquifer's, that comprise nearly the entire valley floor of the Pajaro Unit. The confined aquifers are capped by impervious blue clay strata, and are supplied with water from the Forebay Zone. A free ground water body exists above the blue clay under a large part of the valley floor. a. Pumpage from the confined aquifers in the pres- sure zones supplies nearly all water for lands irri- gated in the Pajaro Unit. The free ground water above the confining blue clay strata is of little or no importance as a source of supply to wells, but is of some importance in maturing crops where the water table is sufficiently close to the ground surface to supply water in the root zone of the crops. b. Mean seasonal recharge to ground water in the Forebay Zone is about 28,000 acre-feet. During the investigational seasons of 1946-47 through 19-1 8-49, the average seasonal decrement in ground water storage in the Forebay Zone was about 9,000 acre-feet, However, the investigational seasons were relatively dry, and under mean conditions of water supply and climate, with 1949 conditions of ground water development and use which are considered representative of present conditions, ground water storage in the Forebay Zone would probably have increased at a rate of about 2,000 acre-feet per season. c. (iross extraction of ground water from the pres- sure zones during 1948-49 was about 25,000 acre- feet, or some 3,000 acre-feet less than mean sea- sonal recharge to the Forebay Zone. However, during the irrigation season the rate of ground water extraction from the confined aquifers was such that the elevation of the hydraulic gradient in these aquifers was depressed below sea level near Monterey Bay. This resulted in a trough with a landward gradient on the bay side and caused sea-water intrusion into the aquifers. d. Safe yield of the confined aquifers, or the max- imum rate of yield without sea-water intrusion, is a rate of about 60 second-feet. The maximum rate of pumping draft from these aquifers in 1946-47 and 1948-49 was substantially greater than the safe yield, and during the 1949 irrigation season was about 98 second-feet. Of this maximum 1948-49 pumping draft, about 8 second-feet was ( M ) 82 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION supplied on the bay side of the trough from Mon- terey Bay, 60 second-feet was the safe ground water yield supply from the Forebay Zone, and 30 second-feet was the increased flow from the Forebay Zone. This increased flow was induced on the landward side of the trough by the steep- ened hydraulic gradient beyond that which would have prevailed under safe yield conditions. e. In terms of seasonal quantity, under the present monthly pattern of draft on the confined aquifers, safe seasonal ground water yield is about 21,000 acre-feet. Ground water draft in 1948-49 exceeded this safe yield by about 4,000 acre-feet. Of this excess draft, about 1,000 acre-feet constituted sea- water intrusion, and 3,000 acre-feet constituted increased flow in the confined aquifers from the forebay. This increased flow was induced by the steepened hydraulic gradient beyond that which would have prevailed under safe yield conditions. 6. Minor ground water basins in the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, and Soquel Units support wells of small draft for local domestic and irrigation use, but the ag- gregate yield of the basins is small and will be of little importance in meeting the ultimate water requirements within these units. The most significant of the minor ground water basins in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area is that which underlies Soquel Valley in the Soquel Unit. 7. The Soquel ground water basin consists of a fore- bay zone, a pressure zone, and a body of free ground water above the confined aquifer in the pressure zone. The pressure zone, which comprises the floor of Soquel Valley, has an areal extent of approximately five square miles, and the ground water is confined by a thin stratum of well-cemented "hard shell" fossil- iferous sandstone. The forebay zone probably includes most of the watershed tributary to the pressure zone. There is no overdraft on the Soquel ground water basin at the present time, and draft on the basin probably could be increased somewhat over the present rate of about 600 acre-feet per season without exceeding pos- sible replenishment to the basin. 8. The surface and ground water supplies of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area generally range from ex- cellent to good in mineral quality. The following arc the principal exceptions: a. Ground water in confined aquifers underlying Lower portions of the valley door of the Pajaro Unit adjacent to Monterey Bay contains excessive concentrations of chlorides, and a few wells tap- ping this confined ground water have been aban- doned for tins reason. The high concentrations of chlorides in these aquifers probably result from intrusion of sea water. b. Free ground water overlying the confined aquifers adjacent to Monterey Bay in the Pajaro Unit also contains excessive concentrations of chlorides. c. Confined ground waters in Soquel Valley con- tain substantial amounts of iron and manganese which render the water undesirable for general domestic and some industrial uses. d. Waters of many surface streams of the area range from moderate to excessive in total hardness, and their usefulness for domestic, municipal, and cer- tain industrial purposes is thereby impaired. 9. At the present time there are approximately 21,400 acres of irrigated land in the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area, distributed among the several units as follows: North Coastal Unit, 2,000 acres; San Lorenzo Unit, 500 acres ; Soquel Unit, 900 acres ; and Pajaro Unit, 18,000 acres. The probable ultimate land use in the area will include about 31,800 acres of irri- gated land, distributed as follows : North Coastal Unit, 3,900 acres; San Lorenzo Unit, 100 acres; Soquel Unit, 900 acres ; and Pajaro Unit, 26,900 acres. 10. At the present time there are approximately 16,900 acres of land in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area devoted to urban and recreational types of land use, distributed among the several units as follows: North Coastal Unit, 100 acres; San Lorenzo Unit, 13,100 acres; Soquel Unit, 1,800 acres; and Pajaro Unit, 1,900 acres. The probable ultimate pattern of land use in the area will include about 56,900 acres of urban, suburban, rural, and recreational lands, distributed as follows: North Coastal Unit, 12,000 acres; San Lorenzo Unit, 26,700 acres; Soquel Unit, 15,200 acres; and Pajaro Unit, 3,000 acres. 11. Of the total amount of water, excluding rainfall, presently utilized in the Santa Cruz-Monterey area, approximately 73 percent is used in the production of irrigated crops, while urban and recreational areas use the remaining 27 percent. At the present time the mean seasonal utilization of water, measured as applied water and excluding rainfall, is about 36,400 acre-feet, distributed among the several units as follows: North Coastal Unit, 2,100 acre-feet ; San Lorenzo Unit, 5,400 acre-feet; Soquel Unit, 2,400 acre-feet; and Pajaro Unit, 26,500 acre-feet. 12. Under probable conditions of ultimate develop- ment in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area the mean sea- sonal utilization of water, measured as applied water and excluding rainfall, will increase to about 86,700 acre-feet, distributed among the several units as fol- lows: North Coastal Unit, 7,900 acre-feet ; San Lorenzo Unit, 21,100 acre-feet; Soquel Unit, 9.600 acre-feet; and Pajaro Unit, 48,100 acre-feet. 13. The present requirement for supplemental water in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area is about -1.300 acre- C< >XCLUKI <>XS A X I ) K K< '( ).M M lv\ I )AT I ( >XS 83 feel per season, and is limited to the San Lorenzo and Pajaro Units. About 600 acre-feet of supplemental water per season is presently required by the Water Department of the City of Santa Cruz for its service area in the San Lorenzo Unit to prevent a deficiency in supply in late summer months of dry years. An additional supplemental water supply of about 3,700 acre-feet per season is presently required in the Pajaro Unit to prevent sea-water intrusion into confined aqui- fers near the Monterey bay shore and resultant deg- radation in mineral quality of the ground water. 14. Under probable conditions of ultimate develop- ment in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area the require- ment for supplemental water, including the present supplemental requirement, will increase to about 54,700 acre-feet per season, distributed among the several units as follows: North Coastal Unit, 5,800 acre-feet; San Lorenzo Unit, 16,400 acre-feet ; Soquel Unit, 7,200 acre-feet; and Pajaro I nit, 25,300 acre-feet. 15. Major features of The California Water Plan, which is presently being formulated under the direc- tion of the State Water Kesources Board, could pro- vide supplemental water to meet all or a portion of the probable ultimate requirements of the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area. The Feather River Project and the Santa Clara-Alameda Diversion of the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta Diversion Projects, adopted fea- tures of The California Water Plan, or the San Lucas Project on the Salinas River could provide water to meet the probable ultimate supplemental requirement of the Pajaro Unit. However, it is feasible from an en- gineer in »■ standpoint locally to regulate and conserve the relatively large flows of Waddell Creek, Scott Creek, San Lorenzo River, Soquel Creek, and Pajaro River, so as to yield firm water supplies in excess of the probable ultimate supplemental water require- ments of the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, Soquel, and Pajaro Units. 16. New water sufficient to provide for growth in the water requirement of the North Coastal Unit for a number of years in the future could be furnished by construction of a dam and reservoir on Scott Creek, designated the Archibald Project. Cost estimates indi- cate that the average unit cost of the water developed would be about $10.50 per acre-foot at the dam. 17. New water sufficient to meet the present supple- mental requirement of the San Lorenzo Unit, together with additional water for growth in water demand for a number of years in the future, could be furnished by construction of a dam and reservoir on Zayante Creek, designated the Zayante Project, and by construction of facilities for pumping water from the San Lorenzo River during winter months to a reservoir that would be created by construction of a dam on Doyle Gulch, designated the Doyle Gulch Project. Cost estimates in- dicate that the average unit cost of Avater developed by the Zayante Project would be about $13.80 per acre- foot at the dam, and that the average unit cost of water developed by the Doyle Gulch Project would be about $14.30 per acre-foot. 18. New water sufficient to provide for growth in the water requirement of the Soquel Unit for a number of years in the future could be furnished by construction of a dam and reservoir on the West Branch of Soquel Creek, designated the Glenwood Project, and a dam and reservoir on Soquel Creek, designated the Upper Soquel Project. The estimated average unit cost of the water developed would be about $14.00 and $14.50 per acre-foot at the respective dams. 1!». New water sufficient to meet the present supple- mental water requirement of the Pajaro Unit, together with additional water for growth in water demand for a number of years in the future, could be furnished by construction of facilities for diverting and pumping water during winter months from the Pajaro River to a reservoir that would be created by construction of a dam on Corn Cob Canyon, and for conveyance of the stored water during the irrigation season from the res- ervoir back to the point of diversion on the Pajaro River. This plan was designated the Watsonville Proj- ect. Cost estimates indicate that the average unit cost of water developed by the Watsonville Project would be about $20.00 per acre-foot when redelivered to the Pajaro River. 20. The unit costs of water as given for the fore- going local projects are based on current prices of con- struction and operation, with interest on the capital investment at 3 percent, and are illustrative of the cost of new water for the several units of the Santa Cruz- Monterey Area developed locally by works exclusively for water conservation purposes. The costs exceed those for both surface and ground waters presently served in the area. 21. The foregoing local projects, which are probably the most favorable for initial construction in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, are in accordance with the ob- jectives of The California Water Plan. RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that : 1. Public districts endowed with appropriate powers be created as required for the purposes of proceeding with further study of the local water problems of the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, and with financing, con- struction, and operation of projects if found finan- cially feasible. 2. Local development of water resources be accom- plished by an orderly progression of phases of devel- 84 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION opment and in accordance with The California Water Plan. Successive steps in proposed plans shonld first develop those projects with indicated lowest capital cost and unit cost of water, and then proceed in order of expense to phases of greater unit cost as needs be- come manifest. 3. Additional engineering investigation and study be made as required for design, financing, and con- struction of the more favorable of the local projects for initial development, when the financial feasibility of these projects has been determined. 4. Stream gaging stations be constructed and con- tinuous records of stream flow be obtained at strategic points on those streams for which future construction of water conservation works is probable, in order to permit more reliable determination of yield of the proj- ects and their most economic design and construction. 5. Regular periodic observations of ground water levels and sampling of ground water for quality deter- minations in Pajaro Valley be made, and records main- tained, in order to permit more reliable determination of safe ground water yield and future ground water conditions. 6. Periodic surveys be made of land use and water application as they relate to water utilization, in order 1o permit evaluation of future water demands and orderly development of water conservation works. 7. A program be initiated for the acquisition of lands, easements, and rights of way necessary for con- struction of required local water conservation works. APPENDIX A AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, THE COUNTIES OF MONTEREY AND SANTA CRUZ, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS (85) TABLE OF CONTENTS AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, THE COUNTIES OF MONTEREY AND SANTA CRUZ, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Page Agreement between the State Water Resources Board, the Counties of Monterey and Santa Cruz, and the Department of Public Works, provid- ing for an investigation of the ground water supply of Pajaro Valley, February 13, 1947 87 Agreement between the State Water Resources Board, the Counties of Santa Cruz and Monterey, and the Department of Public Works, providing for an investigation and report on all water supplies, both surface and under- ground, in the County of Santa Cruz, and that portion of Monterey County situated in Pajaro Valley, October 8, 1948 89 ( 86 ) APPENDIX A 87 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, THE COUNTIES OF MONTEREY AND SANTA CRUZ, AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS This Agreement, executed in quintuplicate, entered into by the State Water Resources Board, hereinafter referred to as the "Board"; the Comities of Monterey and Santa Cruz, hereinafter referred to as the "Coun- ties"; and the Department of Public Works, acting through the agency of the State Engineer, hereinafter referred to as the "State Engineer." WITNESSETH: Whereas, by Chapter 1514, Statutes of 1945, the Board is authorized to make investigations, studies, surveys, hold hearings, prepare plans and estimates, and make recommendations to the Legislature in re- gard to water development projects, including flood control plans and projects, when requested in writing to do so by a county, city, State agency or public district ; and Whereas, by Chapter 1514, Statutes of 1945, the State Engineer is authorized to cooperate with any county, city, State agency or public district on flood control and other water problems and when requested by any thereof may enter into a cooperative agree- ment to expend money in behalf of any thereof to accomplish the purposes of said act ; and Whereas, each of the Counties by written applica- tion has requested the Board to make an investigation and report on the underground water supply of Pa- jaro Valley, in the Counties of Monterey and Santa Cruz, including quality, replenishment and utiliza- tion thereof; and Whereas, the Board hereby requests the State En- gineer to cooperate in making an investigation and report on the underground water supply of said Pajaro Valley, including quality, replenishment and utiliza- tion thereof ; Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises and of the several promises to be faithfully performed by each as hereinafter set forth, the Board, the Coun- ties, and the State Engineer do hereby mutually agree as follows : ARTICLE I— WORK TO BE PERFORMED: The work to be performed under this agreement shall consist of investigation and report on the underground water supply of Pajaro Valley in the Counties of Mon- terey and Santa Cruz, including quality, replenish- ment and utilization thereof. The Board by this agreement authorizes and directs the State Engineer to cooperate by making said in- vestigation and report and by otherwise advising and assisting in making an evaluation of present and ulti- mate underground water problems in said Pajaro Vallev. During the progress of said investigation and report all maps, plans, information, data and records pertain- ing thereto which are in the possession of any party hereto shall be made fully available to any other party for the due and proper accomplishment of the purposes and objects hereof. The work under this agreement shall be diligently prosecuted with the objective of completion of the in- vestigation and report on or before December 31, 1948, or as nearly thereafter as possible. ARTICLE II— FUNDS: Each of the Counties, upon execution by it of this agreement, shall transmit to the State Engineer the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) for deposit, subject to the approval of the Director of Finance, into the Water Resources Fund (also known as the Water Resources Revolving Fund) in the State Treasury, for the expenditure by the State Engineer in perform- ance of the work provided for in this agreement. Also, upon execution of this agreement by the Board, the Director of Finance is requested to approve the trans- fer of the sum of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,0(10) from funds appropriated by Chapter 1487, Statutes of 1945, to said Water Resources Fund for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement and the State Controller is requested to make such transfer. If the Director of Finance, within thirty (30) days after receipt by the State Engineer of said sums from the Counties, shall not have approved the deposit thereof into said Water Resources Fund, together with the transfer of said sum of Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000) from funds appropriated by Chapter 1487, Statutes of 1945, into said Water Resources Fund for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement, said sums con- tributed by said Counties shall be returned thereto by the State Engineer. The Board and the State Engineer shall under no circumstances be obligated to expend for or on account of the work provided for under this agreement any amount in excess of the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars ( $8,000) as made available hereunder and if funds are exhausted before completion of the work provided for in this agreement, the Board and the State Engineer may discontinue said work and shall not be liable or responsible for the completion thereof. Upon completion of and final payment for the work provided for in this agreement, the State Engineer shall furnish the Board and each of the Counties a SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION statement of all expenditures made under this agree- ment. One-half of the total amount of all said expendi- tures shall be deducted from the sum advanced from funds appropriated by Chapter 1487, Statutes of 1945, and one-fourth of the total amount of all said expendi- tures shall be deducted respectively, from the sum advanced by each of the Counties and any balances winch may remain shall be returned to the funds ap- propriated by Chapter 1487, Statutes of 1945, and to the Counties, respectively. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereunto have affixed their signatures, the County of Monterey on the 1st day of February, 1947, the County of Santa Cruz on the 23rd day of January, 1947, the Board on the 13th day of February, 1947, and the State Engi- neer on the 13th day of February, 1947. Approved : /s/ C. H. Purcell Director of Public Works Approval Recommended : /s/ Henry Holsinger Associate Attorney Division of Water Resources Approved as to Form : /s/ Anthony Brazil District Attorney County of Monterey /s/ Stephen Wyckope District Attorney County of Santa Cruz Approved : /s/ James S. Dean Director of Finance Approved as to Legality : /s/ C. C. Carleton Chief Attorney Department of Public Works COUNTY OF MONTEREY By /s/ A. B. Jacobsen Chairman, Board of Supervisors /s/ Emmet G. McMenamin ( Jerk, Board of Supervisors COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ By /s/ F. L. Clement Chairman, Board of Supervisors /s/ II. E. Miller Clerk, Board of Supervisors STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD By /s/ Royal Miller Chairman DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE OF CALIFORNIA By /s/ A. D. Edmonston Asst. State Engineer APPENDIX A 89 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD, THE COUNTIES OF SANTA CRUZ AND MONTEREY AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS This Agreement, executed in quintuplicate, entered into by the State Water Resources Board, hereinafter referred to as the "Board"; the Counties of Santa Cruz and Monterey, hereinafter referred to as the "Counties" and the Department of Public Works, acting through the agency of the State Engineer, here- inafter referred to as the "State Engineer": WITNESSETH: Whereas, by the State Water Resources Act of 1945 as amended, the Board is authorized to make investi- gations, studies, surveys, hold hearings, prepare plans and estimates and make recommendations to the legis- lature in regard to water development projects includ- ing Hood control plans and projects; and Whereas, by said act the State Engineer is author- ized to cooperate with any county, city, state agency or public district on flood control and other water problems and when requested by any thereof may enter into a cooperative agreement to expend money in behalf of any thereof to accomplish the purposes of said act : and AViiereas, the counties desire and hereby request the Board to enter into a cooperative agreement for the making of an investigation and report on all water supplies, surface and underground, as more particu- larly set forth hereinafter in Article I ; and Whereas, the Board hereby requests the State Engineer to cooperate in making said investigation and report ; Now Therefore, in consideration of the premises and the several promises to be faithfully performed by each as hereinafter set forth, the Board, the Counties and the State Engineer do hereby mutually agree as follows : ARTICLE I— WORK TO BE PERFORMED: The work to be performed under this agreement shall consist of an investigation and report on the water supplies, surface and underground, of Pajaro Valley in the Counties of Monterey and Santa Cruz, and of the San Lorenzo River Basin, of Soquel Creek Basin, of Aptos Creek Basin, and of Corralitos Creek Basin, and of other streams within Santa Cruz County, including an inventory of the water resources, both surface and underground, of the areas involved ; a survey of the location, extent and type of use of water under present development in said areas ; an estimate of the future water requirements for all said areas; plans for securing additional water supplies to meet immediate demands and for ultimate development, utilizing both surface and underground storage ; esti- mates of cost of the various plans evolved ; and recom- mendations as to allotments of supply to the respective areas. The Board by this agreement authorizes and directs the State Engineer to cooperate by making said in- vestigation and report and by otherwise advising and assisting in making an evaluation of the present and ultimate water problems, surface and underground, in said area, and in formulating a solution or solutions of said water problems. During the progress of said investigation and report all maps, plans, information, data and records pertaining thereto which are in the possession of any party hereto shall be made fully available to any other party for the due and proper accomplishment of the purposes and objectives hereof. The work under this agreement shall be diligently prosecuted with the objective of completion of the investigation and report on July 1, 1950, or at an earlier date if possible. ARTICLE II— FUNDS: The County of Santa Cruz shall transmit the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000), and the County of Monterey the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) to the State Engineer, upon execution by said respec- tive counties of this agreement, which sums shall be deposited, subject to the approval of the Director of Finance, into the Water Resources Revolving Fund in the State Treasury for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement. It is the understanding that the Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000) to be transmitted by the County of Santa Cruz will be in part contributed to said county by the City of Santa Cruz in amount of Two Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($2,600) and by the City of Watsonville in amount of One Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($1,400). Also, upon execution of this agreement by the Board, the Director of Finance will be requested to approve the transfer of the sum of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000) from funds appro- priated to the Board by Item 335 of the Budget Act of 1948 for expenditure by the State Engineer in the performance of the work provided for in this agree- ment, and the State Controller will be requested to make such transfer. If the Director of Finance within thirty days after receipt by the State Engineer of said sums from the counties shall not have approved the deposit thereof into said Water Resources Revolving Fund, together with the transfer of the sum of Nine Thousand Dol- lars ($9,000) from funds appropriated to the Board by Item 335 of the Budget Act of 1948 for expenditure by the State Engineer in performance of the work provided for in this agreement, said respective sums 90 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION contributed by said counties shall be returned thereto, respectively, by the State Engineer. The Board and the State Engineer shall under no circumstances be obligated to expend for or on account of the -work provided for in this agreement any amount in excess of the sum of Eighteen Thousand Dollars ($18,000) as made available hereunder and if funds are exhausted before completion of the work provided for in this agreement the Board and the State Engi- neer may discontinue said work and shall not be liable or responsible for the completion thereof. Upon completion of and final payment for the work provided for in this agreement, the State Engineer shall furnish to the Board and to each of the counties a statement of all expenditures made under this agree- ment. One-half of the total amount of all said expen- ditures shall be deducted from the sum advanced from funds appropriated to the Board and seven-eighteenths and two-eighteenths, respectively, of said total amount of all said expenditures shall be deducted from the sums advanced by the County of Santa Cruz and by the County of Monterey, respectively, and any bal- ance which may remain shall be returned to the Board, to the County of Santa Cruz, and to the County of Monterey, on the basis of one-half to the Board, seven- eighteenths to the County of Santa Cruz, and two- eighteenths to the County of Monterey. ARTICLE III— EFFECTIVE DATE: This agreement shall become effective immediately upon its execution by all of the parties hereto. In Witness Whereof the parties hereunto have affixed their signatures, the County of Santa Cruz on the 7th day of September 1948, the County of Mon- terey on the 27th day of September 1948, the Board on the 8th day of October 1948, and the State Engineer on the 7th day of October 1948. SEAL Approved as to form: /s/ June D. Borina District Attorney County of Santa Cruz /s/ Anthony Brazil District Attorney County of Monterey Approval Recommended : /s/ Spencer Burroughs Principal Attorney Division of Water Resources Approved as to Legality : /s/ C. C. Carleton Chief Attorney, Department of Public Works Approved : Director of Finance COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ By /s/ F. L. Clement Chairman, Board of Supervisors /s/ H. E. Miller Clerk, Board of Supervisors COUNTY OF MONTEREY By /s/ A. B. Jacobsen Chairman, Board of Supervisors /s/ Emmet G. McMenamin Clerk, Board of Supervisors STATE WATER RESOURCES BOARD By /s/ C. A. Griffith Vice Chairman U.S. Form J. \Y. M. Budget Value Descript. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE APPROVED Oct 20 1948 James S. Dean, Director ( (riginal signed By A. Earl Washburn Deputy DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE OF CALIFORNIA By /s/ C. II. Purcell Director of Public Works /s / Edward Hyatt Suite Engineer APPENDIX B GEOLOGY OF SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA (91) TABLE OF CONTENTS GEOLOGY OF SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Page Introduction 93 Previous Work and Acknowledgments 93 Scope of Investigation 93 Physiography 93 North Coastal Unit 93 San Lorenzo Unit 93 Soquel Unit 94 Pajaro Unit 94 Geologic Formations 94 Nonwater-bearing Group 95 Santa Lucia Quartz Diorite 95 Pre-Franciscan Metamorphics 95 Butano Formation 95 San Lorenzo Group 95 Vaqueros Formation 96 Monterey Group 96 Water-bearing Group 96 Santa Margarita Formation 96 Purisima Group 97 Aromas Red Sands 97 Terrace Gravels 98 Sand Dunes 98 Landslides _ 98 Late Quaternary Fill 98 Ground Water Geology 99 Pajaro Valley 99 Forebay Zone 99 Pressure Zones 100 Upper Pressure Zone 101 Vallev Floor Pressure Zone 101 Soquel Valley . 102 PLATES Plate B-l. Correlation Chart following page 102 B-2. Geologic Cross Sections of Pajaro Unit — following page 102 B-3. Well Log Cross Sections of Pajaro Unit _. —following page 102 B-4. Geologic Map of Pajaro Unit following page 102 , !l'J , APPENDIX B 93 GEOLOGY OF SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA INTRODUCTION The area encompassed by the Santa Cruz-Monterey Counties Investigation has been divided into four units, the North Coastal, San Lorenzo, Soquel, and Pajaro Units. The North Coastal Unit includes all coastal land draining to the ocean and lying northwest of Santa Cruz and west of the San Lorenzo River Basin, extend- ing approximately from the mouth of Meder Creek to the northern boundary of Santa Cruz County. The San Lorenzo Unit includes all of the San Lorenzo River drainage plus minor coastal drainage between the mouth of Meder Creek and the drainage divide between Arana and Doyle Gulches. The Soquel Unit lies south- east of this drainage divide and of the San Lorenzo drainage basin, and extends to the western boundary of the Pajaro River drainage basin. The Pajaro Unit includes portions of Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San Benito Counties, and comprises all of the lands tribu- tary to Pajaro River except the tributary watershed east of Pajaro Gap. Boundaries of the Pajaro Unit are the drainage divide between Pajaro River and Aptos Creek on the west ; the crest of the Santa Cruz Mountains and Pajaro Gap on the north and east ; the drainage divide between Pajaro River and Elkhorn Slough on the south ; and Monterey Bay on the southwest. Previous Work and Acknowledgments Northwest Santa Cruz County has been geologically mapped and described by Branner, Newsom, and Arnold in the United States Geological Survey Santa Cruz folio of 1909. The San Juan Bautista quadrangle, which includes a portion of the Pajaro Unit, has been mapped by J. E. Allen and published by the Cali- fornia State Division of Mines in 1946. A compilation of unpublished work by various geologists was used to complete the mapping of the Pajaro Unit. The resultant map was then field-checked and some modifications were made. Approximately ISO well logs were collected from local drillers, whose assistance is hereby grate- fully acknowledged. These logs were utilized in con- struction of the peg model shown on the illustration entitled "Well Log Peg Model, Pajaro Valley." The peg model greatly facilitated study of the subsurface strata of Pajaro Valley. Scope of Investigation The geologic investigation for the present report has included some study of geologic formations throughout the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area and more detailed in- vestigation of the water-bearing sediments of Pajaro and Soquel Valleys and the nonwater-bearing rocks immediatelv surrounding them. The contact of the water-bearing formations of Pajaro Valley with the rocks of the surrounding highlands was mapped. Obser- vations of the lithology and permeability of the water- bearing sediments were made, in order to describe and interpret the occurrence and direction of movement of ground water. PHYSIOGRAPHY The Santa Cruz-Monterey Area lies in the southern ( 'oast Ranges geomorphic province, which is character- ized by folded and faulted sedimentary rocks on a pre-Cretaceous basement. The regional trend is gener- ally to the northwest, parallel to the San Andreas fault, although Pajaro River cuts across this trend through Pajaro Valley. North Coastal Unit The North Coastal Unit consists of a rugged moun- tainous region in the erosional stage of late youth. The mountains extend to the west to the seacoast, although a sloping marine terrace averaging one-half mile in width is located between the mountains and the sea south of Scott Creek. The latest land subsidence in the area is illustrated by the occurrence of sea cliffs over 50 feet in height. A number of streams, at least two of which are perennial, drain the unit directly into the ocean. These streams include Waddell, Scott, San Vicente, Laguna, and Majors Creeks. Dendritic drainage pat- terns exist on mixed igneous, metamorphic, and sedi- mentary rock types. Occasional prominent cliffs occur at the valley edges, especially in the areas of pre- Monterey sediments. This unit has been upthrown along the Ben Lomond fault on the east. Ben Lomond Mountain, which has a sharp escarpment produced by the fault on the east and a relatively gentle slope to the west, was formed as a result of this movement. San Lorenzo Unit The San Lorenzo Unit is also generally mountainous and possesses a rugged topography. Primary drainage here is by the San Lorenzo River, which flows south and slightly east to enter Monterey Bay at the City of Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz harbor is a minor indentation in the much larger Monterey Bay at the mouth of the San Lorenzo River. The San Lorenzo River has nearly reached grade in the vicinity of Felton, owing to erosion in an area of relatively soft sediments. Rincon Gorge, just downstream from the flats in the vicinity of Felton, has been cut into a much more resistant granitic rock. Uplift along the Ben Lomond and associated faults, with subsequent erosion, has resulted in the exposure of the granitic basement in this area. The lines of the Ben Lomond and other major faults are marked by more or less continuous valleys. Butano and Castle 94 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION Hock ridges have been formed by the anticlinal folding of sedimentary rocks. Soqusl Unit The Soqnel Unit is drained by two primary streams — Soqnel and Aptos Creeks. Rugged mountains occur in the northern half of the unit, but rolling hills are found to the south adjacent to the marine terrace at the edge of the ocean. Tins terrace is generally well developed, sloping, and abruptly terminated at the beach line by high sea cliffs. The drainage pattern is dendritic throughout the unit, which is underlain chiefly by relatively soft sedimentary rocks. The Soquel Creek headwaters flow in a subsequent valley along the San Andreas fault for a distance of several miles. Pajaro Unit The Pajaro Unit is composed of the Pajaro Valley and surrounding highlands within the Pajaro River watershed. The Pajaro Valley, from a point northeast of Watsonville to Monterey Bay, is essentially an even- floored valley sloping very gently to the southwest and drained by Watsonville Slough and the Pajaro River. The area north and west of Watsonville is occupied by a number of relatively flat, slightly elevated ter- races, dissected by actively cutting streams and capped by terrace gravels for the most part. Near the coast, south of La Selva Beach, sand dunes are found over an extensive area, and these continue in diminishing abundance to the southeast along the edge of the bay. The south side of Pajaro Valley is bounded by low rolling hills which present a gently undulating surface interrupted only by the broad valley of Elkhorn Slough. The latter valley was a Pleistocene channel of the San Benito River. The valley floor east and north- east of Watsonville gradually slopes into a series of coalescing alluvial fans at the base of the Santa Cruz Mountains. These mountains form a topographically rough, northwest-trending range which is transected by the San Andreas fault along its western slopes. The break in slope produced by the fault may be seen and traced laterally from several points near the base of the mountain range. A number of shallow lakes northeast of Watsonville have been formed by addi- tional faulting which dammed several small streams draining these mountains. The Pajaro River flows westward from the wide Santa Clara Valley, through the relatively narrow Pajaro Gap between the Santa Cruz Mountains and the Gabilan Range, into Monterey Bay. The river formerly meandered freely across the wide Pajaro Valley bul is presently contained in a definite channel by artificial levees. The Pajaro River and a number of small streams which now down the Steep western slopes of the Santa Cruz Range are offset laterally to the northwest as they cross the San Andreas fault. Ac- cording to Allen, the average recent displacement of streams in this area along the fault is on the order of 3,800 feet. Extensive Pliocene and Quaternary movements in the mountainous and faulted areas, with resultant periods of deposition and erosion, have obliterated many of the older physiographic features. However, evidences of at least two cycles of erosion still remain, with an erosion surface older than that presently devel- oping being recognizable in many places. The earlier erosional cycle was developed during the lower and middle Pleistocene and resulted in the depo- sit ion of the lagoonal and sand dune sediments of the Aromas formation. The uplift which marked the end of this period of deposition introduced the second recognizable and present cycle of erosion. This uplift resulted in the rejuvenation of the streams in the area, followed by an intensified period of erosion which has proceeded until the region is now in a stage of late youth. The Pajaro River captured the San Benito River in the vicinity of Chittenden as a direct result of vertical movement on the San Andreas fault during this uplift. Important lateral movement along the fault may have occurred also at this time. During the period of intermittent uplift, the higher terraces were dissected, and several low terraces were formed at different levels. The series of lakes northeast of Watsonville were dammed by a low escarpment re- sulting from uplift on the west side of a distributive branch of the San Andreas fault. This branch is prob- ably a continuation of the Vergeles fault of Allen. Other indications of the presence of such a fault are considered later in this report. The fault apparently has considerable significance with regard to the local supply and movement of ground water. The last land movement of note in the general region has been one of settling on the magnitude of 100 feet or slightly more, with subsequent alluviation of the Pajaro River and its principal tributaries. Incision of the main streams into their flood plains is now taking place. Vegetation throughout the area of the investigation varies from dense redwood forests north and east of Pajaro Valley to barren grasslands on the lower moun- tain slopes and in the valleys near sea level. The red- wood forest growth is particularly characteristic of regions of high rainfall regardless of elevation. Most of the land of the principal valley floors is presently under cultivation. GEOLOGIC FORMATIONS The age of the geologic formations of the area ranges from pre-Cretaceous to Recent. Sedimentary, igneous, and nietaniorphic rock types, in decreasing order of importance, are all present. The great bulk of the rocks consists of marine sediments, but some con- tinental and tidal sediments are found on, and immedi- APPENDIX B 95 ately adjacent to, the major valley floors. Deep-seated they probably have been primary sources of sediments igneous rock outcrops only on the west sides of the in the building up of the major alluvial fills of the area. San Andreas and Hen Lomond faults. Relationship Santa Lucia Quartz Diorite. This rock is exposed and occurrence of the formations within the various a i ong the west s j de of the g an Andreas fault in the units is shown on the Correlation Chart, Plate B-l. A Gabilan Range and west of the Ben Lomond fault on listing, in stratigraphic sequence, of all formations out- Ben Lomond Mountain. Smaller outcrops also occur cropping within the area of this report follows. adjacent to lesser faults in the Soquel Unit. All that \,, r Formation xs known of the age of the intrusivcs is that they are Recent Landslides pre-Franciscan, the Franciscan group itself being Sand dunes Jurassic in age. Ht'cciit-l pper Pleistocene Late Quaternary fill mi • j ^ ■ ■ , Pleistocene— _ Terrace gravels ^ ne intrusive rock varies in composition between a Anmias red sands (piartz diorite and a gabbro, with the former type pre- £ liocen * - __Purisima group dominant. The various outcrops are lithologically sim- I pper Miocene Santa Margarita a , , . .., Middle Miocene ...Monterey group ilar and undoubtedly all are a part or the same meat Lower Miocene Vaqueros batholithic mass which underlies this portion of the Oiigo«»e» --San i^renz,, group ( (( R The rock is generally strongly weathered l pper Eocene Butano ' ° J ° ' pre-Cretaceous_ Santa Lucia granite and therefore is not given to producing topographic pie-Franciscan metamorphics features of sharp relief. Both the fresh and decomposed The geologic formations may be divided into two 1 uartz diorite are q uarried in several P la ces for use groups for purposes of ground water study. These m local construction. The largest such operation is the are (1) the pervious formations which constitute the < :. , ' a,,lt ''. Rock Company s aggregate plant at Logan ground water reservoirs and (2) the less pervious Siding in Pajaro Gap. formations which bound the ground water reservoirs. Pre-Franciscan Metamorphics. These metamor- They are herein classed, respectively, as water-bearing phics consist essentially of micaceous schists and inter- and nonwater-bearing formations. The classification bedded crystalline white to gray limestones. The rocks is arbitrary in that all formations near the surface lie in scattered patches atop the granitic mass which of the earth carry some water and the water-holding forms the core of Ben Lomond Mountain. The exact ami water-yielding characteristics of none are uniform age of the metamorphics is undetermined although throughout their mass. In general the nonwater-bearing the underlying pre-Franciscan igneous rock is ob- formations are those which transmit and yield water viously younger than either the schist or the limestone, very slowly and in small amount. The metamorphics are much disturbed, this being partly due to the granitic intrusion from beneath. It Nonwater-bearing Group seems probable that at least some of the metamorphism In the area covered by this investigation the non- was of a contact type, produced at the time of intrusion, water-bearing group comprises Santa Lucia granite, Schist outcrops are commonly severely weathered, pre-Franciscan metamorphics, Butano formation, the and fresh hand specimens are not easily obtained. The San Lorenzo group, Vaqueros formation, and the Mon- rock is fine-grained and compact with cleavage evident terey group. along planes of schist osity, especially where weathered. The Santa Lucia granite and pre-Franciscan meta- Tll(> limestone varies from small impure layers to morphics contain minor quantities of ground water. masses of white and gray crystalline marble. Springs occasionally emerge from joint cracks in the Butano Formation, This formation is composed rocks, but the flow from any one of these is small, essentially of a marine sandstone with a few associated although the total supply from all may be appreciable. beds of pebble conglomerate and some intercalated Isolated instances of shallow domestic wells with low shale. It outcrops on, and southeast of, Butano Ridge, yields are known in areas where these formations which lies north of Big Basin State Park. The rocks are comprise the only known source of water. Such wells nonfossiliferous, so the exact age of the formation is are probably tapping water moving principally along not known. However, since it lies conformably just rock fractures. beneath the San Lorenzo formation of the Oligocene, Sedimentary rocks of the Butano, San Lorenzo. its age is thought to be either upper Eocene or lower Vaqueros, and Monterey formations similarly carry Oligocene. The primary member of the formation is a water chiefly along rock fractures. Even the well sorted medium- to coarse-grained tan sandstone occurring in sandstones and conglomerates of these formations are massive beds. Maximum thickness of the formation is well cemented and have low permeability. Domestic in excess of 2,000 feet. wells tap the strata in many places but only small San Lorenzo Group. This group consists of vari- yields are obtained. The San Lorenzo and Monterey able sedimentary types including sandstones and fine- groups have added hydrologic significance, however, grained arenaceous shales. The rocks outcrop in several in that their present positions of outcrop indicate that northwest-trending belts north of Santa Cruz and also 96 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION in a similar belt near the head of Corralitos Creek. In the latter locality, the group now outcrops as a result of erosion of overlying sediments subsequent to raising' of the block on which the exposure occurs. This uplift has been brought about by vertical movement on the San Andreas fault and a branch thereof. The group has also been highly disturbed by much internal fault- ing of lesser intensity. Near the headwaters of Newell Creek and on the San Lorenzo River, Kings Creek, and Bear Creek, the shale predominates over the sandstone. This represents the more typical development of the series. Elsewhere, fine-grained, soft sandstones with minor amounts of intercalated shales occur. Bedding is not readily appar- ent in the sandstones, and weathering in the relatively soft series is deep. Therefore, few good exposures are to be found, and detailed mapping of rock structures is rarely possible. The age of the group has been deter- mined as Oligocene by study of fossil content and by correlation of stratigraphic relationships with adjacent formations. Vaqueros Formation. Rocks of the Vaqueros for- mation outcrop in the area north of Santa Cruz in a northwest-southeast-trending zonal pattern. Their dis- tribution is quite extensive in this area. A single smaller area of outcrop occurs near the head of Elk- horn Slough, southeast of Aromas. A maximum thick- ness of 2,700 feet has been measured in the vicinity of Castle Rock Ridge. By fossil study and by com- parison with beds of known age the Vaqueros lias been determined to be of lower Miocene age. Principal rocks of the formation are sandstones which vary from fine-grained to conglomeratic but are chiefly medium-grained. Hardness of the rocks varies considerably although the beds are generally quite massive. Even where relatively nonindurated these beds are more resistant to erosion than are the underly- ing formations. Erosion consequently produces a rug- ged topography with deep and narrow ravines pre- vailing along stream courses. The contact with the overlying Monterey formation is indefinite, possibly conformable, and may even be gradational in places. Monterey Group. The Monterey group of marine sediments is one of the most widespread geologic for- mations in the Coast Ranges of California. In the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area the group generally consists of a thick series of arkosic sandstones associated with much shale and grading upward into typical diatomaceous and siliceous shale. The rocks outcrop extensively along the coast line between Santa Cruz and the northern boundary of Santa Cruz County. Other locations of lesser importance exist north and east of the town of Boulder Creek where several northwest-trending zones of Monterey shale occur. Much of the Santa Cruz Range northeast of Pajaro Valley is also underlain by this formation, and here the sediments occur chiefly on the east side of the San Andreas fault, as shown on Plate B-2 entitled "Geologic Cross Sections of Pajaro Unit." In general, the shales of the formation are by far the most prominent rock type. The varieties of dia- tomaceous shale range from almost pure diatomite to shales containing only a very few diatom skeletons. Many of the fine- to medium-grained sandstones are impure and occasionally are moderately bituminous. Some occurrences of petroleum have been reported in sediments of the Monterey group. All of the rocks of the group are highly fractured and often severely crushed. Multiple small faults occur and fine-scale jointing is common. The latter occurs especially where the shale has been exposed to weathering over a long period of time and produces a weak rock made up of small angular fragments in situ. Water-bearing Group The formations here included in the water-bearing group are the Santa Margarita formation, Purisima group, Aromas red sands, terrace gravels, sand dunes, landslides, and late Quaternary fill. Santa Margarita Formation. This formation is composed almost entirely of coarse-grained, white, unconsolidated, clean sands, and outcrops principally in the region between Santa Cruz and Ben Lomond. It does not appear outside the San Lorenzo Lint. The most significant occurrences are along lower Zayante Creek, and it is here that two large aggregate plants are operating, quarrying the materials for use in con- struction work locally and throughout much of the San Francisco Bay Area. The presence of small out- crops of Santa Margarita sand near the northeast end of Ben Lomond Mountain and again just east of the town of Boulder Creek indicates that the formation once covered a much larger area than that described above. The softness of the rocks northwest of Uelton has allowed rapid erosion, and streams have removed all of the sediments, including those of the Santa Margarita formation, from their position overlying the plutonic igneous mass of the lien Lomond fault block. These sediments have then been redeposited on the present sea floor. The base of the Santa Margarita includes some beds of conglomerate, and the top 100 feet of the formation is often very shaly. Maximum measured thickness in the region is 300 feet. The sands which comprise the major part of the formation are generally very quartz- ose and often slightly conglomeratic. Rock fractures are extremely difficult to locate and to trace through the soft sediments of the Santa Margarita formation. Permeability of the Santa Margarita formation is moderately high. The sands are clean, uneemented, and comparatively well sorted. Many domestic wells are to he round within the areas underlain by the white sands, especially along Zayante and Bean ( 'reeks. Some irrigation of small fields is possible from these wells. APPENDIX B 97 Water is chiefly contained interstitially in the Santa Margarita sediments, rather than along rock fractures. Purisima Group. This formation includes a thick series of highly variable sediments ranging from ma- rine fossiliferous rocks near the base of the formation to continental deposits in its upper portions. The sedi- ments are chiefly poorly indurated "ravels, sands, silts, and silty clays. They rest uncomformably on the older rocks of the area, and are in turn overlain locally by alluvium and to the south of Pajaro Valley by the Pleistocene Aromas red sands. Hydrologieally, the most important occurrences are north and east of Pajaro Valley within the Pajaro River drainage basin. Much of the upper reaches of Corralitos and Green Valley Creeks, of Harkins Slough, and of Larkin Val- ley is underlain by Purisima sediments. The lower slopes of the Santa Cruz Mountains west of the San Andreas fault and nearly all of the drainage basins of Soquel, Aptos, and Branciforte Creeks, as well as the northern half of the alluvial fill of Pajaro Valley, are also underlain by rocks of the Purisima. The total thickness of Purisima sediments repre- sented locally is probably on the order of 10,000 feet. Lithology of the formation is so varied as to virtually prohibit a generalized description. In places it appears to be so shaly that it has been confused with the older Monterey shale. Basal gravels or lightly cemented con- glomerates, often hundreds of feet in thickness, gen- erally lie at the bottom of the stratigraphic section, and these are significantly composed of pebbles, cob- bles, and boulders of the immediately underlying strata. This indicates a relatively short distance of transportation for the material prior to deposition. However, sandstones and sandy conglomerates, for the most part slightly indurated and friable, comprise the great bulk of the sediments of the Purisima formation. Attitude of the beds varies widely from horizontal to vertical due to the intense folding and tilting which has occurred in the area since deposition. Strata out- cropping on the west side of the Santa Cruz Moun- tains apparently have a moderate regional dip to the southwest. Similar generalized attitudes appear in the vicinity of Soquel and Aptos Creeks. The Purisima formation is almost uniformly fossil- iferous throughout. A few fresh-water fossils have been found in its upper portions, thus indicating a probable continental origin for at least those upper horizons. Other indications of this continental nature include the presence of gypsum veinlets and of con- siderable well-developed cross-bedding. Fossils found in the rocks of the Purisima during the course of this investigation include echinoids, pectens, and oysters. These are all relatively shallow marine dwellers. Sev- eral strata in the vicinity of Pajaro Cap yielded especially good specimens of echinoids, genus Den- draster. Correlation of similar fossils collected in this area bv others has established the ajre of the Purisima as including both the middle and upper Pliocene. Hard fossiliferous "shell beds" up to two feet thick have been noted in Pajaro Gap, Soquel Valley, and else- where. A few wells of heavy draft are known to be pumping from the Purisima formation in the Green Valley Creek area, and there are many domestic and stock wells, which show small but steady yields, drilled in the formation throughout the area of investigation. More than half the Porebay Area of Pajaro Valley is directly underlain by Purisima sediments, and it is largely through these rocks that water percolates and eventually migrates into the valley fill. Some of the deeper wells on the north side of Pajaro Valley may be pumping partially from rocks of the Purisima which directly underlie the northern part of the Qua- ternary fill. Soquel Valley, the other principal ground water basin of the region, is almost completely bounded by gravels and sands of the Purisima formation, except in the upper headwaters area of Soquel Creek. These sediments are sufficiently permeable, in general, to allow for appreciable deep penetration of precipitation. Surface runoff is not great, although this is one of the highest rainfall zones in the area. The pressure aquifer of Soquel Valley consists of a stratum of black sand of the Purisima which is persistent beneath the entire valley floor. Much of the runoff -water eventu- ally finds its way into this aquifer, which lies con- fined beneath thin layers of "hard shell rock." Pro- duction of 250 to 500 gallons per minute has been obtained from several irrigation wells locally. Aromas Red Sands. The Aromas red sands con- sist of friable, quartzose, brown to red sands, except for a thin basal breccia member which is present in some places. The hills on the south side of Pajaro Valley are underlain by Aromas sands, and this zone of outcrop extends from the sea almost to the San Andreas fault on the east. The southern part of the late Quaternary fill of Pajaro Valley is also probably directly underlain by the Aromas. The formation un- conformably overlies all older formations with which it is in contact. Maximum thickness of the sands is about 1,000 feet, No fossils have been found in the Aromas, but cross- bedding is quite common. The sediments were appar- ently deposited in a lagoonal or shore-line environment on a relatively flat pre-existing surface. Their deposi- tion was probably the result of action by both wind and waves during the Pleistocene epoch. The sands are generally medium-grained in texture and owe their red color to the presence of iron oxide as a weak ce- menting agent. In some outcrops the sand is composed almost entirely of pure quartz grains. Due to the ex- tremely friable nature of the sands they tend to erode easily upon denudation of overburden. This locally produces badlands topography on steep embankments. -1 — Sl(i2S 98 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION Bedding planes are not well developed, and conse- quently it is difficult to determine attitudes of the sand Layers. Dips are generally on the order of five degrees or less where determined, however, and direction of the dip is to the west. This is significantly in accord with the direction of dip of the blue clay stratum in the alluvium between Watsonville and Aromas. Permeability of the sands of the Aromas formation is generally greater than that of the Purisima sedi- ments. The Aromas sands are well sorted and not tightly cemented. Domestic and irrigation wells drilled almost entirely within the Aromas formation and having comparatively heavy yields exist north and northeast of Springfield School. Smaller yields are obtained from a number of domestic wells penetrating the red sands elsewhere. Studies of ground water maps indicate that much of the water contained within the Aromas sediments eventually moves north into the Pa.jaro Valley pressure aquifer, chiefly adjacent to the barrier of the Vergeles fault east of Watsonville Junc- tion, and in the area west and north of Springfield School. Terrace Gravels. The upper Pleistocene was marked by the deposition of the sands and gravels which are now the terrace deposits north and northeast of Pajaro Valley and east of the month of Pajaro River. These deposits are typically poorly sorted and are composed of granitic and pre-Franciscan meta- morphic material for the most part, although locally they are derived from older adjacent or underlying sedimentary rocks. In many places, especially at the base of the Santa Cruz Mountains, the terraces grade into alluvial fans of a slightly later age. The gravels have been dissected by Recent streams and are usually mantled by several feet of residuum which has a com- position directly reflecting the nature of the underly- ing material. During the same period, marine terraces were being cut and sediments deposited thereon along the seacoast from the northern boundary of Santa Cruz County to the northwest corner of Pajaro Valley. Sands are the must abundant of these deposits, although some clays and gravels are also represented locally. Maximum thickness of the marine terrace deposits does not exceed 50 feet, and generally only a few feet are to he found. The remnants of the various terrace deposits arc in- dicative of alternating elevation and depression of the land surface with respect to sea level during Quater- nary time. In Pajaro Valley, the upper Pleistocene deposits underlie Recent alluvium beneath the valley floor, and will be considered grouped with the alluvium under the section on late Quaternary fill. Wells of high yield occur in many places where terrace gravels comprise the surface formation. Some of these wells pierce through the gravels and may obtain their water supply partially from underlying formations. The terrace deposits serve as aquifers principally in the areas east of College and Kelly Lakes, north of Pinto Lake, and in Aromas Valley. Yields of more than 500 gallons per minute have been reported in these areas. The gravels underlie much of the Forebay Zone and apparently absorb an appreci- able share of the total quantity of water which eventu- ally enters the Pajaro Valley pressure aquifer. This is especially true in the area along the base of the Santa Cruz Mountains where deep percolation of runoff from many small streams occurs. The marine terrace deposits are too thin to be of hydrologic importance. Sand Dunes. Winds blowing along the seacoast northwest of Pajaro Valley have produced a series of dunes extending from the edge of Pajaro Valley north to the upper end of Larkin Valley. Only low scrub brush grows on the dunes, which are composed of well- sorted, medium-grained, quartzose sand. Depth of the aeolian sand is not known but should not be great. However, a well drilled south of La Selva Beach is reported to have penetrated nearly -400 feet of sand without appreciable change in lithology. Yield of this well is not known, but if such a depth of sand actually does exist, it seems likely that the formation could contain considerable quantities of water interstitially. Landslides. Movement along the San Andreas and associated faults has been the cause of many of the major landslides on the west slope of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Both Miocene and Pliocene rocks have been affected. The slides cover areas as much as one-half mile in length from apex scarp to pressure ridge. The hydrologic significance of these landslides is negligible. Late Quaternary Fill. The post-Aromas sediments composing the principal fill of Pajaro Valley were laid down late in the Quaternary period, presumably in upper Pleistocene and Recent time. This fill con- sists of both continental streamlaid and marine de- posits. Sediments represented include gravels, sands, silts, and clays. The marine strata are commonly con- tinuous over large areas, whereas the stream deposits usually occur as lenticular and interfingering layers. The uppermost sediments and their residuum com- prise the soil of the valley floors, which is generally classed as a silty loam. The blue clay layers of the late Quaternary fill act as confining strata overlying the primary aquifers of the two pressure zones in the Pajaro Unit. The blue clays are generally fine-grained in texture and vary from blue to gray in color, grading into yellow where weathered and oxidized. It is likely that the main valley floor has been under the sea during much of Quaternary time. This is indicated by the marine ter- races previously described. Deposits laid down upon a comparatively irregular surface on the floor of the ocean initially fill in the low hollows in the existing terrain and eventually cover the entire area in a great sheet. Smoothing and grad- ing of the upper surface of such a shallow marine sediment, especially one which is relatively fine- APPENDIX B 99 grained, is a continuing process produced by wave and tidal action on the sea floor. Therefore, although the bottom of the stratum would be very irregular, the top would present a comparatively flat surface. Well log cross section C-C of Pajaro Valley, location of which is shown on Plate 12 and depicted on Plate B-3, illustrates this contrast between the top and bottom of the blue clay stratum very clearly. Subsequent up- lift and erosion of the sediments permit the formation of some newer topographic expressions, such as the broad valley incised in the top of the blue clay in the vicinity of the Pajaro River. A study of the peg model revealed that between Watsonville and Monterey Bay the blue clay lies nearly horizontal in one or possibly two horizons. How- ever, tilting of parts of the Quaternary fill since depo- sition has apparently occurred in at least two direc- tions. The blue clay dips nearly a degree to the south between Corralitos and Watsonville and about one-half degree to the west between Aromas and Watsonville. These generalized attitudes have been further com- plicated by some faulting and subsequent disturbance of large blocks of the fill. A thickness of more than 600 feet of fill has been reported from a well in lower Pajaro Valley, although the average thickness is much less than this. Deposits underlying the Pajaro Valley floor arc generally well sorted and stratified. The clay, sand, and gravel deposits of the alluvial fans on the northeast side of the valley are seldom pure, however, and are usually torrentially bedded. The Quaternary fill of Soquel Valley is relatively thin and consists essentially of alluvial silts, sands, and gravels. The Quaternary fill is not a primary aquifer in Soquel Valley as it is in Pajaro Valley. In the latter area the movement of water into and through the coarser sediments occurs in great quantities. This is evidenced by the high annual yield of the valley floor wells, most of which obtain their supply entirely from late Quaternary sediments. GROUND WATER GEOLOGY Two of the four units in the Santa Cruz-Monterey Area contain ground water basins of significant size : the Pajaro Unit and the Soquel Unit. The North Coastal Unit and the San Lorenzo Unit are generally moun- tainous, and contain no ground water basins large enough to merit detailed geologic study. Pajaro Valley contains two independent pressure zones and one large forebay zone. Almost the whole of Soquel Valley con- sists of a pressure zone in which the pressure aquifer is a member of the Purisima group of marine sedi- ments. Pajaro Valley The Upper Pressure Zone in Pajaro Valley lies in the slightly elevated area south of Corralitos and west of College Lake. The Vallev Floor Pressure Zone in- cludes all of the main valley floor plus some of the hilly area north of Watsonville Slough. Although the sediments of the two pressure zones are probably the same, an area of free ground water representing a break in the continuity of the confining stratum of blue clay occurs between the zones, as shown on Plate 11. This narrow belt has therefore been included in the Forebay Zone. The latter lies chiefly outside the area of heavy pumping and includes practically none of the main valley floor. The most extensive part of the Forebay Zone lies to the north of the valley in a region underlain chiefly by sediments of the moderately permeable Purisima group. The Aromas sands under- lying a part of the Forebay Zone on the south edge of the valley also contribute appreciably to the ground water supply. Direct percolation into the confined aquifers from streams in the pressure zones does not occur, although a direct contribution is made to the shallow water aquifers. Especially rapid rates of per- colation have been noted in Corralitos Valley where shallow wells respond directly and almost immediately to fluctuations in volume of stream flow. Forebay Zone. A large part of the Pajaro drain- age basin acts as a forebay for the pressure aquifers of the two pressure zones. Certain portions of the drain- age area which are excluded from the forebay are noted below. The greatest recharge apparently stems from the northern part of the unit, which is surficially drained by Corralitos, Green Valley, and Casserly Creeks. Much of this area is heavily forested. It is generally underlain by Pliocene Purisima gravels and sands. These sediments are permeable and permit heavy and deep penetration of rainfall. Attitudes of the Purisima here are varying, but the strata generally dip moder- ately to the southwest. A similar direction of dip in the alluvium between Corralitos and Watsonville indi- cates that some of the south component of the bedrock dip has been attained quite recently. Many faults and some minor folding have further complicated the struc- tural pattern. No set pattern of paths of flow exists, ap- parently, other than the general slow movement of free ground water downward and laterally into the pressure zones to the south and southwest. Wells deriving water from the Purisima and other formations of the Forebay Zone have free ground water characteristics. The section of the Santa Cruz Mountains east of Pajaro Valley but west of the San Andreas fault zone, as well as much of the area of coalescing alluvial fans at the base of the range, comprises a secondary part of the Forebay Zone. Precipitation in this area is not <>'reat, and stream runoff is slight. The nearly vertical zone of the great San Andreas fault provides an effec- tive ground water barrier which limits subsurface movement from the higher mountain slopes directly to the valley. Location of the fault zone is shown on the Geologic Map of Pajaro Unit, Plate B-4. Rising water behind the fault is evidenced by seasonal springs and sa ; Qt Qal B.'/.'/'/P/.-'oY? •'■a.- : :o .'.".■„• .'. - 3000 B 1- u u. - 2000 z - 1000 Z o - SEA LEVEL H < > uj - -1000 _) UJ L-2000 LE 3000 2000 1000 (-" ^ Qal - SEA LEVEL ' -1000 -2000 i!) UJ _i UJ O a. UJ > a. u > o a. < < UJ <*i- 0_J ZD ^ m s'-.v. iJsi^i: ^J7>0C o>bcgd ■••° O O O ■■« o ...n ■ O O O- -O O O ....0---0' -O o. .'.( ••° o o — o o ■••<> o.-.o o... tr Id > or o a: < -> 2 z o r- o z D -> u _) _) > z o to I LEGEND Qal ^Qt° Qa — . . ..Q . . =Tmd = ■xT» ms- ErTsi- :oc>;x;ood o, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., M.D.B.&M. Record obtained from: United States Soil Conservation Service ( In inches I Seaso 1931-32. 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1940-41 1941-42 1942-43 1943-44 1944-45 1945-46 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June Total 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.04 0.12 0.00 0.15 0.23 0.00 trace 0.00 0.10 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.93 0.50 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.60 0.00 0.71 0.00 2.27 0.60 1.87 0.79 0.75 2.39 0.65 2.13 0.86 1.50 1.35 1.45 2.28 0.10 5.99 1.17 0.00 2.22 2.53 3.87 0.52 1.20 5.10 0.69 0.03 2.46 1.55 0.35 0.98 1.91 4.85 1.00 6.57 2.37 8.03 1.61 0.86 2.35 14.30 4.81 15.00 4.55 7.95 4.20 3.49 7.01 8.86 1.55 0.80 11.25 12.33 4.92 4.22 3.09 10.50 2.85 1.85 7.50 4.78 9.01 12.35 4.48 10.47 1.08 8.25 7.00 6.85 6.71 4.31 16.37 13.66 5.69 0.97 1.24 3.27 11.30 5.35 13.41 7.10 1.70 5.94 0.45 13.55 8.16 11.34 3.04 10.07 11.84 3.17 3.48 10.62 7.95 3.50 3.32 3.13 4.33 4.99 4.08 3.24 1.35 3.90 0.00 6.15 1.69 9.40 8.46 5.02 4.20 5.10 5.68 8.82 2.76 6.29 4.83 0.95 0.25 0.31 4.62 1.30 0.82 1.96 0.55 0.55 6.84 6.44 2.00 2.41 0.50 0.37 0.25 6.83 0.00 2.10 1.70 1.28 0.71 1.93 0.30 0.00 1.41 0.17 0.00 1.36 0.98 1.69 2.75 0.00 0.97 1.42 2.39 1.15 2.62 0.68 1.44 0.05 0.00 0.10 1.65 0.00 0.69 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.10 0.49 0.15 0.10 0.46 0.25 0.68 0.00 0.00 1.50 34.17 23.45 20.78 29.53 32.29 33.84 40.54 19.56 37.32 57.25 37.04 33.20 26.88 27.45 27.24 22.23 29.20 26.73 30.19 44.40 RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT APTOS-BETH MAR NURSERY County : Santa Cruz Date established : 1928 Elevation : 50 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Station number on Plate 3 : SCM-4 Location : SE J, Sec. IS. T. 11 S., R. 1 E.. M.D.B.&M. Record obtained from : Beth Mar Nursery ( In inches) 1928-29 1929-30 1930-31 1931-32 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1935-36. 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1940-41 1941-42 1942-43 1943-44 1944-45 1945-46 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 July 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Aug. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 00 0.00 Sept. 0.00 0.03 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.07 1.25 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.08 0.67 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 Oct. 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.62 0.13 2.44 1.20 1.87 0.75 0.61 2.86 0.88 1.65 1 .09 1.22 1.50 2.76 2.46 0.22 4.87 1.02 0.00 0.00 1 .14 Nov. 3.81 0.00 2.81 3.72 0.49 0.08 5.41 0.65 0.00 2.74 1.52 0.35 1.02 1.53 4.69 0.78 6.47 3.39 6.09 1.04 0.76 1.85 10.68 3.78 Dec. 4.87 5.39 0.72 14.65 3.43 6.93 4.37 3.38 6.43 6.24 0.98 0.99 11.42 9.82 5.01 2.55 2.91 10.00 2.40 2.20 8.43 4.54 7 . 53 13.05 Jan. 1.75 5.40 5.44 4.32 9.32 1.09 6.47 5.43 6.96 6.76 3.77 15.16 11.61 6.41 8.54 6.63 1 .14 1.38 0.87 0.98 2.71 9.50 3.68 11.44 Feb. 2.28 5.71 1.38 5.61 1.21 6.09 0.52 13.91 7.35 10.92 3.10 9.65 12.45 5.96 3.04 10.48 7.01 3.16 2.73 1 . 79 4.04 5.43 2 . 85 4.25 March 1.76 3.98 2.48 1.22 3.65 0.00 5 . 77 1.64 8.53 27 01 13 97 89 44 1.28 5.37 3.37 4.26 5.20 7.81 3.13 5.27 April 1.72 1.44 0.63 0.84 0.30 0.53 4.72 1.65 0.82 1.83 0.41 . 53 6.28 6.34 1.97 2.19 0.53 0.00 0.22 5.76 0.00 1 . 52 1.23 May 0.00 0.33 1.11 0.94 1.97 0.54 0.00 1.65 0.20 0.00 0.53 0.93 1.63 1 .73 0.00 1.38 1.26 1.38 0.39 1.65 0.38 0.77 0.36 June 1.99 0.00 0.45 0.15 0.10 2.04 0.00 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 0.00 0.02 0.10 0.18 0.10 0.37 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.73 Total 18.18 22.36 15.18 32.07 20 . 65 19.97 29.86 30.79 31.53 36.37 17.26 35.29 53.65 35 . 77 31.93 26.91 27.63 25.24 17.62 23 . 57 25.15 30.16 41.71 APPENDIX C RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT BEAN HILL 107 County : Santa Cruz Date established : 1026 Elevation : 1,175 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Station number on Plate 3 : SCM-5 Location : SE -], Sec. 27, T. 10 S., R. 1 E., M.D.B.&M. Record obtained from : United States Soil Conservation Service (In inches) Season 1926-27 _ 1927-28. 1928-29. 1 929-30 _ 1930-31. 1931-32. 1932-33. 1933-34. 1934-35. 1935-36. 1936-37. 1937-38. 1938-39. 1939-40. 1940-41. 1941-42. July 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 Aug. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.00 Sept. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.07 0.30 0.00 Oct. 2.15 1.95 0.00 0.00 0.12 1.67 0.00 3.81 2.07 2.25 0.90 0.45 3.20 0.83 2.39 0.78 Nov. 8.87 6.27 4.47 0.00 4.13 4.81 0.74 0.00 6.63 0.85 0.00 4.67 1.76 0.35 1.36 2.64 Dec. 1.38 4.98 5.44 10.17 0.65 23.00 4.63 10.36 5.39 4.44 7.84 13.59 1.22 1.99 12.99 14.70 Jan. 5.97 1.56 1.56 7.80 6.54 5.79 11.33 1.39 9.72 11.41 6.06 6.29 4.75 20.60 13.08 Feb. 12.10 4.43 4.19 6.19 1.04 7.08 1.21 7.17 0.78 16.15 12.33 12.55 3.71 14.37 13.73 March 2.25 13.86 2.60 4.75 2.79 1.97 5.10 0.00 6.92 1.75 10.13 11.39 4.93 8.70 9.20 April 5.64 1.94 2.12 1.66 1.27 1.07 0.19 0.65 6.84 2.22 0.88 2.02 0.62 0.67 7.46 May 0.56 0.21 0.00 0.30 1.74 1 .16 2.00 1.26 0.00 1.69 0.00 0.14 2.05 1.45 1.53 June 0.38 0.00 1.97 0.00 0.91 0.06 0.00 2.28 0.00 1.05 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 Total 39.30 35.20 22.35 30.87 20.88 46.61 25.20 26.92 38.81 41.81 39.00 51.10 22.24 50.03 62 . 73 RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT EUREKA CANYON No. 1 County : Santa Cruz Date established : 1929 Elevation : 1,000 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Station number on Plate 3 : SCM-6 Location : SW J, Sec. 25. T. 10 S.. R. 1 E., M.D.B.&M. Record obtained from : United States Soil Conservation Service ( In inches ) Season 1920-30 1930-31 1931-32 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1940-41 1941-42 1942-43 July 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.00 Aug. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 Sept, 0.00 1.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.94 0.17 0.00 0.00 Oct, 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 4.32 1.95 3.05 1.13 0.79 3.25 1.06 3.61 1.22 1.02 Nov. 0.00 4.41 4.87 0.63 0.00 8.71 0.84 0.00 4.00 1.90 0.37 1.43 2.53 Dec. 10.59 0.00 11.87 2.48 9.58 3.72 4.32 8.61 16.79 1.46 2.09 13.11 18.19 Jan. Feb. 0.00 1.15 7.60 1.00 0.63 18.70 12.49 16.06 4.13 15.77 15.01 6.26 March 4.54 2.95 2.15 4.94 5.54 1.13 11.20 13.07 5.44 9.40 10.36 5.14 April 2.25 1.69 0.51 1.73 7.37 2.46 1.45 2.94 0.63 0.64 9.10 8.52 May 0.00 0.00 0.98 1.57 0.74 0.00 0.78 0.10 0.00 2.79 1.23 1.67 3.30 June 0.00 0.64 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.08 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.00 Total 26.92 23.03 35.59 23.97 37.39 46.77 44 . 53 60.22 25.98 55.87 68.70 54.19 RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT EUREKA CANYON No. 2 County: Santa Cruz Date established : 1926 Elevation : 590 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Station number < Location : SW ] Record obtained n Plate 3: SCM-7 , Sec. 1, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., M.D.B.&M. from: United States Soil Conservation Service ( In inches ) Season 1926-27 1927-28 1928-29 1929-30 1930-31 1931-32 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1940-41 1941-42 July 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Aug. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sept, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.84 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.28 1.03 0.57 0.00 Oct, 2.02 1.16 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.00 3.43 1.67 2.00 0.85 0.50 2.79 0.74 2.84 1.11 Nov. 7.40 3.49 3.43 0.00 3.39 4.94 0.44 0.00 6.35 0.90 0.00 3.26 1.51 0.41 0.95 1.92 Dec. 1.68 4.39 5.72 7.54 0.00 20.15 5.05 10.70 1.40 1.31 11.02 14.53 Jan. 5.71 1.81 1.52 7.49 5.91 5.10 9.59 1.25 6.93 8.88 6.54 6.08 4.80 17.55 12.88 Feb. 10.57 3.38 2.94 5.16 1.22 5.97 1.28 6.13 0.92 16.54 7.11 12.13 3.40 12.76 13.13 March 62 05 48 01 67 19 69 0.00 6.82 1.97 0.14 9.94 4.79 6.34 6.12 April 2.52 1.63 1.86 4.42 1.29 0.75 0.16 0.83 5.95 1.98 1.13 2.13 0.41 0.64 6.74 May 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.13 1.30 1.03 2.43 0.65 0.00 1.21 0.00 0.00 1.99 0.49 1.36 June 0.61 0.00 2.05 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 1.97 0.00 0.70 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.46 Total 34.13 27.22 20.00 28.75 16.23 39.13 22.64 21.66 33.84 38.48 34.71 44.74 21.37 41.27 56.07 10- SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT MT. MADONNA-ARANO Comity : Santa ( Ilara Date established : 1935 Elevation : 1,610 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Station number on Plate 3 : SCM-8 Location : SW }, See. 1, T. 11 S., R. 2 E., M.D.B.&M. Record obtained from: 1'nited States Soil Conservation Service ( In inches ) Season July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dee. Jan. Feb. March A | > r i 1 May .Tune Total 1935-30 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1940-41 1941-42 1942-43 1943-44 1944-45 1945-46 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49. 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .19 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.21 0.16 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.11 0.05 0.00 0.12 1.48 0.00 2.01 1 .70 . 55 3.15 1 .02 1.72 1 . 35 0.98 0.98 2.48 .'.7(1 0.35 5.61 0.51 0.00 2.90 1.68 0.75 0.00 3.18 1.40 0.35 1.05 1 . 54 7.01 7.11 5.91 3.06 9.05 1.08 0.85 2.02 17.87 3.22 6.00 3.80 5.26 15.45 8.57 6.22 8.17 4.73 1.67 1.14 0.70 0.88 2.21 5.85 3.84 10.89 9.97 10.49 2.86 11.40 11.32 4.36 2.53 9.22 9.58 9.30 3.64 5.76 8.21 3.17 8.76 1.54 1.61 0.75 0.80 5.92 6.11 2.36 2 . 66 0.73 0.15 0.40 7.19 0.00 1.56 1.34 1.76 0.13 0.28 1.55 1.37 0.98 2.98 0.00 0.84 2.05 1.12 0.59 0.46 1.44 1.10 0.49 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.19 0.87 0.07 0.10 0.69 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.44 37 . 08 38.09 19.91 37.95 47.08 34.69 33.38 31.89 29.55 21.97 23.48 21.92 19.11 39.96 34.09 RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT HITCHING'S RANCH County: Santa Cruz Date established : 1935 Elevation : 550 feet. U.S.G.S. datum Station number on Plate .'!: SCM-9 Location : NE J, Sec. 8, T. 11 S., R. 2 E., M.D.B.&M. Record obtained from: United States Soil Conservation Service f In inches) Season July Aug. Sept. Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June Total 1935-36.. 1936-37... 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1940-41... 1941-42. _. 1942-43 1943-44 1944-45. _. 1945-46 1946-47.. 1947-48... 1948-49 1919-50 1950-51... 1951-52 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.42 . 03 1.60 1.05 0.20 2.75 0.65 1.70 1 . 05 1.00 0.84 2.74 2.05 0.11 4.81 0.38 0.05 1.87 1.46 0.70 0.00 2.55 2.30 0.40 0.50 1.35 5.00 0.47 5.49 2.49 6.75 1.02 0.82 2.12 9.98 3.15 2.80 7 . 65 9.80 1.35 1.35 10.10 12.30 1.50 2 . 79 2.30 9.62 2.56 1.63 5.80 3.99 Hi si 8.15 6.40 6.50 4.75 15.90 10.50 5 . 35 7.60 4.92 0.62 1 . 35 0.72 0.75 2.31 7.64 3.35 10.31 12.85 8.95 11.70 2.78 11.80 11.35 5.80 2.12 9.61 7.47 2.25 10.30 7 . 35 4.30 6.55 9.50 3.90 6.08 1.37 5.02 2.35 3.49 3.94 2.99 3.78 1.95 0.75 1.75 0.50 0.50 7.30 6 . 50 1.75 2.62 0.00 0.27 5.66 0.00 0.98 1.39 1.07 0.95 0.20 0.00 1.20 0.40 0.85 2.20 0.03 0.78 0.83 0.83 0.37 1.37 0.27 0.79 0.45 0.27 0.90 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.07 . 35 0.10 0.04 0.28 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 . 35 32 . 80 35.85 39 . 85 20 . 08 37.80 52.43 38 . 45 28.15 23 . 75 21.36 17.74 22.28 19.85 22.27 29.36 35.71 APPENDIX (' 109 RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT McGRATH RANCH ( Jounty : Santa Cruz Date established: 1928 Elevation : 150 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Station uumber on Plate 3: SCM-10 Location : SW J, See. 15, T. 11 S., R. 2 E., M.D.B.&M. Record obtained from: United States Soil Conservation Service I In inches ) Si ■Usui] 1928-29 1930-31 1931-32 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1939-10 1940-41 1941-42 1942-43 1943-44 1944-45 1945-40 1916-47 1947-48 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 July 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 0.00 Au K . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sept. . 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 0.10 0.20 0.04 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00 Oct. 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00 3.00 1.25 0.70 0.00 0.32 2.55 0.47 1.15 0.92 0.79 0.77 2.20 1.77 0.22 4.70 0.40 0.05 1 . 50 Nov. 4.00 3.00 2.75 0.50 0.25 3.25 0.00 0.00 2.45 1.30 0.36 0.75 1.11 4.20 0.55 6.08 2.90 7.00 1.05 0.85 2.0") 5.25 Dec. 4.25 1.00 15.00 2.25 6.25 7.50 7.75 0.00 8.85 1.08 1.30 8.43 9.20 3.60 3.15 8.00 Jan. 1.25 4.00 4.00 7.50 0.66 5.00 6.70 5 . 50 7.00 3.77 14.05 8.90 4.55 6.95 4.64 0.46 0.65 2.35 5.90 10.80 Feb. 3.25 0.80 4.50 1.00 2.50 0.15 10.55 5.65 10.20 2.40 9.85 10.90 4.70 2.08 9.75 6.29 2.50 2.95 .70 March 0.25 1.00 0.50 0.75 5.50 1 .85 7.80 6.90 3.28 4.35 8.10 2.67 7.05 0.45 5.10 4.65 4.95 1.70 4.25 April 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.00 3.40 1.70 1.10 1.30 0.32 0.52 5.35 4.98 2.10 2.59 .50 3.30 0.00 1.25 1.15 May 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.25 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 1 .34 0.70 0.56 1.58 0.00 0.92 0.65 0.30 . 65 0.20 June 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.07 0.28 0.05 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.30 Total 16.00 12.80 27.75 14.25 26.05 29.55 20.05 37.02 16.16 31.70 44.64 29.77 26.84 22.50 23 . 73 17.10 18.85 35 . 25 RECORD OF MONTHLY PRECIPITATION AT LARKIN VALLEY County : Santa Cruz Dale established : 1!)2<> Elevation: 2(10 feet, C.S.G.S. datum Station number on Plate 3 : SCM-11 Location : XE \, See. 26, T. 11 S.. R. 1 E., M.D.B.&M. Record obtained from : United States Soil Conservation Service ( In inches ) Season 1926-27 1927-28 1 928-29 1 929-30 1930-31 1931-32 1 932-33 1933-34 1934-35 1935-36 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1940-41 1941-42 July 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Aug. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sept. 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.27 0.30 0.00 Oct. 1 .85 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 2.85 2.21 0.94 0.36 2.51 0.74 1.42 1.08 Nov. 5.03 3.05 3.55 0.00 2 . 70 3.70 . 65 0.00 0.51 0.00 2.29 1.35 0.36 0.32 1.16 Dec. 2 . 25 3.95 4 . 90 4.95 0.60 15.05 3.45 3.90 2.75 5.19 6.92 1 .14 1.03 8.61 9.94 Jan. 4 . 35 1.60 1.05 4.95 5.05 4.15 8.40 5.60 4.84 6.15 4.40 12.89 8.75 Feb. 10.30 3.35 2.95 5.30 1.50 5.90 1.00 10.50 6.54 8.75 2.21 8.67 10.97 March 2.77 7.10 2.05 2.80 1.25 1.00 3.70 1.80 8.81 6.63 4.06 5.04 5.68 April 3.65 1.65 1.35 1.70 0.55 0.75 0.10 1.61 0.87 1.38 0.54 0.50 6.07 May 0.10 0.20 0.00 0.40 1.10 0.40 1.75 0.91 0.14 0.19 1.09 0.60 1.17 June 0.45 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.20 0.55 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 Total 30 . 75 22.70 17.55 20.10 13.25 31.35 19.35 26.44 27.95 32.67 17.54 30.10 43.59 APPENDIX D RECORDS OF DAILY RUNOFF AND PERIODIC WEIR MEASUREMENTS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA NOT PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED (Hi) TABLE OF CONTENTS RECORDS OF DAILY RUNOFF AND PERIODIC WEIR MEASUREMENTS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA NOT PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED Table Page 1 Records of Daily Runoff in Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources San Lorenzo River at Waterman Switch, 1948-49 113 San Lorenzo River at Waterman Switch, 1949-50 113 Zayante Creek at Sepz's House, 1948-49 114 Soquel Creek at Soquel, 1949-50 114 Soquel Creek at Junction With West Branch, 1948-49 _. 115 Soquel Creek at Junction With West Branch. 1949-50 ._ 115 Corralitos Creek at Corralitos, 194(i-47 116 Corralitos Creek at Corralitos, 1947-48 116 Corralitos Creek at Corralitos, l!l4*-4!) 117 Corralitos Creek at Corralitos, 1949-50 ._ 117 Casserly Creek Near Casserly Store, 11)46-47 US Casserlv Creek Xear Casserlv Store, 1947-4S 118 Casserlv Creek Xear Casserlv Store 1948-49 _ 11!) Green Valley Creek at Council Road, 11)46-47 119 Green Vallcv Creek at Connell Road. 1947-48 120 Green Valley Creek at Connell Road. 1948-49 _ . 120 Pajaro River at McGowan Ranch, 1046-47 121 Pajaro River at McGowan Ranch, 1947-48 ___ 121 2 Records of Periodic Weir Measurements in Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. Measurements Made by City of Santa Cruz Water Department Branciforte Creek Near Happy Valley School 122 Laguna Creek al Diversion Dam 122 Lidded Creek at Diversion Dam . . 122 Majors Creek at Diversion Dam 123 Reggiardo Creek at Diversion Dam 123 '.) Records of Periodic Weir Measurements in Santa Cruz-Monterey Area, Measurements Made by San Lorenzo Valley County Water District San Lorenzo River at Waterman Switch 124 Newell Creek Near Ben Lomond 124 Kings Creek Near Town of Boulder Creek 125 Boulder Creek at China Grade 125 Fall Creek Near Felton . 125 Dear Creek Near Town of Boulder Creek 125 4 Records of I nterinittcnt Measurements in Santa Cruz-Monterey Area. Measurements Made by Santa Cruz Portland Cement Company San Vicente Creek at Santa Cruz Portland Cement Company Dam . 126 ( 112 ) APPENDIX D 113 TABLE 1 Station number on Plate .'•! : SAN LORENZO RIVER AT WATERMAN SWITCH, 1948-49 SCM-1 Location : NE J Sec. 25, T. 8 S., R. 3 W., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean flow, in second-feet Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1 2 3 4 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 1.1 2.4 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.6 1 .4 1.2 1 .2 1 .1 1 .1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 .1 1 .1 1.1 1 .2 1.2 1.2 1 .4 1.4 1.4 1.7 1.9 2.9 2.9 2.2 2.2 2.2 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.9 3.5 2.4 2.6 5.0 3.2 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.2 1 .9 2.4 17 9.4 3.5 1 .9 1.7 1 .6 1 .6 1 .4 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 . 9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.9 1.9 1.4 1.7 2.4 1 .9 1.7 1.6 1 .4 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.9 1.9 4.0 3.8 10 3.8 2.4 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1 . 1 1.1 1.1 1.1 2.6 3.2 3.2 4.7 4.0 3.5 74 68 26 15 10 8.0 6.2 5.8 211 356 122 42 28 21 20 17 15 62 34 26 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 12 10 9.4 9.0 8.0 7.6 7.1 6.6 6.2 5.8 5.8 5.4 5.4 5.0 5.0 4.7 4.7 4.7 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.7 4.7 4.4 4.0 3.8 3.5 3.2 3.2 2.9 2.9 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 1.9 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.9 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.6 1 .4 1.2 1 .2 1 .1 1 .1 1.1 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 0.7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 0.7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 0.7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 7 6 7 8 9 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 . .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 7 17... 18 19 20.. 21. 22 23 24. 25 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 7 26 27 28 29. . 30 31 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 Average. ... 0.7 1.2 3.1 1.3 2.4 44.1 5.1 1.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 Runoff in acre-feet _ 4fi 69 190 79 133 2,710 304 120 46 43 43 42 TA3L" 1— Continued St-Uio'i number on Plate SAN LORENZO RIVER AT WATERMAN SWITCH, 1949-50 SCM-1 Location : NE ] Sec. 25, T. 8 S.. R. :; W., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean flow, in second-fcct Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1 0.5 . 5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 0.5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 . 5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 . 5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 0.5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .4 .4 .2 .2 .2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.4 0.6 2.6 1.5 0.4 0.3 30 3.9 2.4 55 5.1 2.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.5 12 4.1 2.8 2.0 1.8 1.5 1 .4 115 61 98 20 10 7.5 6.3 4.9 4.2 3.5 3.3 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.1 6.8 4.9 3.5 3.3 2.7 2.4 2.2 2.1 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.6 1 .5 1.6 2.4 2.9 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.2 2.2 2.1 1.9 1.9 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q tf O O w « o z Q O o H « O z Q pj o u H Pi o z Q o o H o z Q K O O 18 w 19 B3 20 21 22 Q Pi o Q W oi o z O z 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0.5 0.5 0.5 4.6 13.2 2.0 2.0 31 30 28 282 731 124 65 114 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued Station number on Plate 3 : SCM-2 ZAYANTE CREEK AT SEPZ'S HOUSE, 1948-49 Location : SE J. Sec. 1~>, T. 10 S., R. 2 W., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean flow, in second-feet Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1 - -- 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.3 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.9 1.2 1.9 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.2 3.7 3.7 6.3 4.5 2.8 2.5 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.5 3.0 4.1 3.4 4.8 14 5.0 3.4 3.2 3.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.8 91 23 11 7.0 6.6 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 4.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.7 4.1 4.1 4.0 4.0 3.7 3.7 17 13 9.8 12 11 9.4 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.3 8.3 8.0 7.6 7.3 11 11 16 31 61 24 14 14 16 13 12 11 11 9.0 8.0 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.3 17 15 18 18 15 15 84 132 100 64 60 50 38 35 214 311 311 150 86 54 47 40 36 94 80 72 70 42 39 34 30 29 27 24 22 22 21 20 18 18 17 16 15 14 14 13 12 12 11 11 11 10 9.8 9.8 9.4 9.1 9.1 8.7 8.7 8.4 8.4 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.3 7.3 7.3 7.0 6.7 6.7 6.3 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 1.8 4.8 4.5 4.2 4.2 4.0 3.7 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2 ..- --- 3.0 3 3.0 4 3.0 5 3.0 6 . 3.0 7 3.0 8 9 3.0 3.0 10 3.0 11 3.0 12 3.0 13 3.0 14. _. 3.0 15 3.0 16 3.0 17 3.0 18 3.0 19 3.0 20 .. 3.0 21 3.0 22 3.0 23 . 3.0 24 3.0 25 3.0 26 3.0 27 .. 3.0 28--- 3.0 29 3.0 30 3.0 31 2.4 2.2 7.7 6.6 14.5 77.9 11.8 5.6 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 Runoff in acre-feet „ 147 134 473 405 808 4.784 683 346 211 185 184 178 TABLE 1— Continued Station number on Plate 3 : 3-4 SOQUEL CREEK AT SOQUEL, 1949-50 Location : SE \, See. 10, T. 11 S., R. 1 W., M.D.B.&M. Daily mean flow, in second-feet Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1.. •1.5 •1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 4.5 1.5 1.5 "1 .5 1 .5 1 .5 1 .5 =1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 .5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 .5 1.5 1 ,5 1 .5 1.5 1.5 •1.5 •1.5 •1.5 •1.5 •1.5 "1.5 •1.5 "2.0 "2.0 "2.0 "2.0 "2.0 "2.0 "2.0 "2.0 "2.0 "2.0 "2.0 "2.0 "2.0 • 3 . •3 . "3.0 •3 . •3 . •3.0 •3.0 "3.0 "3.0 "3.0 "5.0 "5.0 "5.0 "5.0 "5.0 "5.0 "5.0 7.0 6.0 5.4 4.5 4.0 4.0 5.1 26 22 33 48 51 24 13 13 11 10 9.8 8.9 8.5 7.8 7.8 7.8 8.0 4.0 4.2 5,1 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 22 26 22 90 "36 "47 "785 "74 "64 "775 •158 "64 "42 "30 "26 27 20 23 21 43 292 1 10 46 38 59 52 47 "1,640 "2,009 "2.370 460 265 177 196 138 107 85 68 57 50 45 42 37 35 32 29 28 26 25 24 22 21 21 21 21 20 20 19 18 18 18 18 17 17 16 16 15 15 15 15 16 15 16 16 16 129 56 29 25 23 21 20 19 19 19 18 17 17 19 19 150 85 45 "33 "26 "26 "22 "21 "19 "19 18 18 17 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 2 3 4.-. 5 6-_ 7 8-_ 9 . - . - - - 10 n I2_- 13 11 Q a o Q H « o z Q « O o w X o z Q o o a o Z Q 16 O o 17 18 « o z 19 20 . . 21 22 _ a o u w M O Z 23 24 25 26 27 28... 29 30 31 l 6 2.2 12.3 83 8 291 .0 23.3 26.1 12.0 2 132 755 5,860 16,200 1,430 1 ,560 285 Estimated APPENDIX D 115 TABLE 1— Continued Station number on Hate .'! SOQUEL CREEK AT JUNCTION WITH WEST BRANCH, 1948-49 SCM-3 Location : SW \, Sec. 23, T. 10 S., R. 1 W., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean How, in second-feet Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jane July Aug. Sep. 1.. 2.. 3_- 4. 5_. 6. 7.. 8.. 9_. 10- 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30- 31. Average. Runoff in acre-feet _ «1.5 '1.5 ■1.5 '1.5 •1.5 •1.5 •1.5 •1.5 •1.5 •1.5 •1.5 =1.5 •1.5 •1.5 •1.5 •1.5 •1.5 1.7 1 .5 1.3 1.1 1 .1 1.1 1 .1 0.9 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 0.9 1.3 92 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.5 86 4.1 3.8 3.8 3.5 3.5 6.5 9.4 8.4 11.8 726 3.3 3.5 3.3 3.5 3.3 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.5 12 16 9.9 26 18 13 9.9 7.9 7.4 6.5 6.0 5.7 5.2 6.8 5.2 4.9 9.9 7.5 63 66 273 57 21 20 27 20 17 14 13 9.9 8.4 7.4 6.9 6.5 29.3 1.640 21 147 377 256 74 143 74 53 53 485 817 708 205 182 141 178 140 112 256 173 140 135 120 104 94 82 73 69 63 62 59 180.7 11,100 54 49 43 41 39 35 32 31 29 29 28 26 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 20 19 17 17 16 15 15 15 14 14 13 25.7 1,530 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.4 9.4 9.0 9.0 8.7 8.7 8.3 8.0 7.7 11.3 693 6.3 6.3 6.0 6.0 5.6 5.6 5.3 5.3 5.0 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.4 4.4 7.0 415 5 5 3 3 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.8 "2.8 '2.8 "2.7 "2.7 "2.7 '2.6 '2.6 "2.6 "2.6 "2.6 "2.5 "2.5 «2 . 5 '2.5 '2.5 "2.5 "2.5 "2.5 '2.5 2.9 179 '2.3 '2.3 '2.3 '2.3 '1.9 "1.9 "1.8 "1.8 '1.8 '1.8 "1.8 '1.8 2.1 130 "1.7 "1 .7 "1.6 "1.6 "1 .6 "1.6 '1.6 '1.6 '1.6 "1 .5 "1.5 97 ' Estimated. TABLE 1— Continued Station number on Plate 3 : SOQUEL CREEK AT JUNCTION WITH WEST BRANCH, 1949-50 SCM-3 Location : SW J, See. 23. T. 10 S., R. 1 W., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean flow , in second-feet Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1 _ •1.5 •1.5 •1.5 •1.5 •1.5 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 "1.5 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 "1.5 '1.5 '1.5 "1.5 "1.5 "1.5 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 '1.5 "1.5 '1.5 '1.5 •1.5 "1.5 '1.5 "1.5 "1.5 "1.5 1.5 G X o o X o z '4.2 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.5 3.5 3,2 C X o o a X o Z Q X 2° H X 5.5 5.8 3.6 2.9 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.9 7.4 5.5 9.0 33 30 13 9.6 9.8 8.6 7.9 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 6.8 6.4 5.8 5.2 5.2 "4.4 '4.2 '4.2 '5.8 "30 '15 22 50 22 16 600 53 41 653 84 36 24 17 15 12 "11 '9.8 "8.1 '13 138 40 23 13 12 11 965 1,072 4,757 298 150 100 100 82 64 57 38 33 30 28 26 25 24 24 22 21 21 19 19 17 17 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 10 10 9.8 10 9.6 11 9.0 "8.1 '7.4 '6.8 '53 "32 '22 "16 "12 "12 "11 "10 "10 "9 "8 7.4 6.8 9.0 11 76 43 29 22 19 16 15 14 13 12 10 9.6 9.0 8.4 7.9 7.4 7.4 7.4 6.7 6.7 6.4 6.2 6.2 5.8 5.8 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 2 3 4 5 6 7 -. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14... Q X O o a X o z Q X O o a X o z Q X o o a X o z 15.. Q 16 . X 17 o o 18 H 19 Q X O o H X o z X 20 o 21-. z 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Average 1.5 2.6 8.5 63.5 287 13.9 13.9 5.4 Runoff in acre-feet . 92 72 420 3,910 16,000 855 830 130 Estimated. 11 ti SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued Stat ion number on Plate 3 : 3-19 CORRALITOS CREEK AT CORRALITOS, 1946-47 Location : SE J, Sec. 12, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean flow, in second-feet Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1 0.2 O fa fa O z 0.9 3.8 1.3 43 21 8.4 1.2 7.2 9.2 6.5 4.8 4.2 3.7 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.1 1.8 1.5 2.1 8.8 26 50 49 18 14 13 13 97 16 18 17 17 15 12 11 9.5 8.8 7.3 6.7 5.6 5 . 3 5 . 5.0 6.8 6.8 8.8 7.0 12 9.2 8.4 7.8 7.8 7.2 7.0 6.0 5.7 5.4 5.0 5.0 4.5 6.2 3.7 3.7 3.2 3.2 2.9 2.2 2.1 2 3 4 . S 6 . 7 . 8 O -i fa o z c fa o z 9 10 11 12 13 14 o fa fa o z o fa fa o z O fa o z O fa fa o z O J fa o z is o fa fa o z O 15 16 fa 17 o 18 z 19 20 . 21 . 22 - C o o fa X O z 23 . 24 0.2 1 .7 0.9 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 25 26 27 0.2 0.8 0.2 28 29 30 31 0.4 1.7 15.5 5.2 8.9 2.8 260 955 196 TABLE 1 —Continued Station number on Plate 3: 3-19 CORRALITOS CREEK AT CORRALITOS, 1947-48 Location : SE J, Sec. 12. T. 11 S.. R. 1 E., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean flow, in second-feet Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1 2.4 2.0 1.7 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.6 2.1 4.2 2.5 2 . 5 2.0 1.8 1 .8 1 .3 1 .1 1.0 0.9 0.7 1.1 1.0 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.2 1.0 7.0 6.7 5.2 4.2 2.9 3.2 2.8 2.5 5.0 0.3 5.9 7.2 18 14 21 19 17 17 49 50 30 21 17 14 12 11 9 . 2 7.8 7.0 6.1 5 . 1 13 8.5 5.0 3.5 2.7 2.4 5.1 38 U 26 22 19 15 14 12 2__ 3 4.. O ►J fa o z 3.7 9.2 6.6 8.3 8.3 7.2 8.3 6.6 5.1 4.3 7.0 65 26 16 it 10 8.9 7.2 6.6 Q X O o w X c z is o fa O z 6... 7 8_- 9.. 10 11. 12 13 Q o o fa X o z iS O J o z •s o fa fa c z is o fa fa c z 14 15 i- 16 o 17 2.1 1 .1 1 .1 1.1 1 .4 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 1 ,2 7.3 2.9 0.8 0.8 0.3 2.1 4.8 3.2 2.0 1.6 l . l 1 .0 0.4 . 5 0.3 C fa o z fa 18... o 19 z 20 21 is O fa ■— o z 22 is o - fa o z 23 24 25 26 27 28 3.7 1 .4 29 30 31 l ,9 0.3 0.7 0.8 1 .6 7.4 15.9 18.0 56 21 13 52 90 453 951, 214 TABLE 1 -Continued Station number on Plate.'? : 3-10 APPENDIX D CORRALITOS CREEK AT CORRALITOS, 1948-49 117 Location : SE }. Sec. 12, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean flow, in second-feet Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.0 3.2 0.4 5.2 1.0 °4 14 23 7.0 2.5 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 is o ►J fa o Z 0.4 0.4 3.2 5.1 32 14 126 73 15 13 14 12 8.0 7.4 7.0 4.4 3.6 3.2 2.7 2.1 2.1 0.8 0.8 3.6 6.4 7.4 9.0 8.4 7.4 40 126 118 74 54 40 34 30 74 167 190 100 67 50 48 46 31 67 52 46 46 39 36 30 27 24 21 20 19 17 15 14 12 11 11 10 10 8.0 7.4 7.4 5.9 5.2 5.2 5.2 4.8 4.0 4.0 3.6 3.6 3.2 3.2 2.8 2.5 2.1 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.0 0.8 0.6 6 0.1 .1 .1 2 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 6 6 5 3 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . 11 12 is o >J fa o z O fa o z is o ►J fa O z is o fa o z is o -1 fa o z 13 iS 14 15... O 16 . fa 17 o 18 z 19 . 7 .5 10 3.6 7.5 7.5 4.0 3.2 2.5 1.3 1.0 0.2 0.1 0.4 20 21 ._ . 22 . 23 . 24 25 26 _ . 27 . 28 29 30 31._ 2.0 1.7 13.8 56.2 5.4 0.3 0.1 1.4 120 104 763 3.450 333 21 0.6 TABLE 1— Continued Station number on Plate 3 : 3-10 CORRALITOS CREEK AT CORRALITOS, 1949-50 Location : SE £, See. 12. T. 11 S., R. 1 E., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean How, in second-feet Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1 !§ fa 12 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 0.5 3.5 3.5 2.1 0.8 0.2 is o fa O Z 0.6 6.2 5.8 4.1 1.9 61 1.9 19 88 34 18 13 12 12 11 8.6 7.8 5.5 7.0 45 24 16 13 10 9.5 8.2 83 76 105 47 30 20 20 20 15 16 11 10 8.6 7.8 7.0 6.2 5.8 5.8 4.8 4.4 3.8 3.5 3.2 3.5 3.0 2.7 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.7 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.6 1.7 1.1 0.6 0.8 0.6 25 19 10 9.5 8.2 7.0 5.5 4.8 4.4 3.8 3.2 3.0 2.7 3.5 4.4 34 20 15 17 16 16 15 15 13 12 12 11 11 10 9.1 8.2 7.4 7.4 7.0 7.0 6.6 6.6 6.2 6.2 5.8 5.5 4.8 3.8 3.2 3.0 2.4 2.2 1.7 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 O hJ fa o z is o fa o z O fa o z O -) fa o z is o fa o z ■s o fa o z 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 is o fa o z 23 24 25 26 27 fa 28 - 29 30 31 1.9 17.3 19.6 4.2 10.3 2.3 118 824 1.090 257 612 86 118 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUXTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued Station number on Plate 3 : SCM-4 CASSERLY CREEK NEAR CASSERLY STORE, 1946-47 Location : SW J, Sec. 15, T. 11 S., R. 2 E., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean flow ', in second-feet Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1 0.1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .5 .2 .2 .2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.8 14 14 17 3.8 1.8 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.8 3.7 1.4 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 13 7.9 5.4 3.8 3.5 5.9 5.7 4.8 3.0 1.5 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.3 .2 .2 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 2 3 4 5 6 O J fa o z 7 8 9 10 11 _ o fa o z O fa o z 12 O J fa o Z O _: fa O z is o o z O J o z 13__ O -J 14 . . 15 16 fa 17-- o 18 z 19 20. . 21 22 0.2 0.2 0.4 1.1 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 O o z 23.. . 24.. 25 26.. 27.. 28... 29 . 30 . 31 0.4 0.2 2.2 2.2 0.1 7.7 12 125 136 4.9 TABLE 1— Continued Station number on Plate 3 : SCM-4 CASSERLY CREEK NEAR CASSERLY STORE, 1947-48 Location : SW {, Sec. 15, T. 11 S„ R. 2 E., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean flow, in second-feet Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1.. . 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .1 0.1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 _ 2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . 1 . 1 .1 .1 0.1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .3 .3 .2 .2 . 1 .1 .1 .1 0.1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 2 2 .3 .3 .4 .4 .2 .1 .2 .8 .8 .8 .9 .8 .8 .9 .9 0.8 0.6 0.6 4.3 14 14 14 15 8.8 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 0.9 . 3 0.3 0.3 0.1 2.. 3 . 4 . 5__ 6 . 7 8 9.. i* O -1 fa o z 10.. 11.. 12... o -J fa o z O fa o z i* O fa o z O fa o z 13.. O 14... 15... 16... fa 17 o 18 z 19 20 21 O O z 22.. 23 24 25 26 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 27 28 29 :«) 31 1 0.1 1 0.1 0.2 0.3 4.6 Kuril. IT in sen fi i i 1 4.8 8 7 7 9 9 . 9 22 165 APPENDIX D 119 TABLE 1— Continued Station number on Plate 3 : SCM 4 CASSERLY CREEK NEAR CASSERLY STORE, 1948-49 Location : SW |. Sec. 15, T. 11 S., R. 2 E., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean tio\ •, in seeond-feet Oct, Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.6 1.3 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.6 1.8 1.2 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 .0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 .1 1.2 2.0 2.7 5.4 2.7 2.0 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.(1 1 .1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.2 10 25 11 9.3 4.3 3.5 3.0 3.0 9.3 25 31 9.3 8.6 8.0 6.6 5.4 4.6 13 6.2 6.2 6.8 3.2 3.2 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 .4 .4 .3 .3 .3 .2 .2 .2 .1 .1 .1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 11 12 13 O fa o z O fa fa O z O fa fa o z O ►J fa o z 5s o J fa o z o fa 14 15 16 17__ 18 19 O -J fa o z fa o z 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29.. 30 31 I 0.4 0.6 1.3 7.6 1.0 0.3 23 38 73 468 56 6 TABLE 1— Continued Station number on Plate 3 : SCM-.") GREEN VALLEY CREEK AT CONNELL ROAD, 1946-47 Location : SE I, Sec. 17, T. 11 S., R. 2 E., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean flow, in second-feet Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1-. - 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 £ O fa fa o z 0.7 7.9 2.3 25 11 3.8 2.8 2.3 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.6 6.4 6.7 4.9 3.1 2.7 2.5 2.3 43 18 8.8 5.5 4.2 3.4 2.9 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.9 2.3 2.0 2.3 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 1.8 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 £ O -1 fa o z 2 3__ 4.. 5 6 O fa o z 7 8 9 10 11 O fa fa o z O J fa o z o ►J fa o z o fa o z O ►J fa o z O fa fa o z 12 O fa 13 14 15 ••$■ O -1 fa o z fa 16 o 17 z 18 19 20. . 21.. 22 0.3 0.5 1.4 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 23 24 . 25 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 26 27 28 29.. 30 . 31 0.4 0.3 2.5 4.9 0.9 Runoff in acre-feet 8.7 5.3 138 298 52 120 TA3LE 1— Continued Station number on Plate 3: SCM-5 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION GREEN VALLEY CREEK AT CONNELL ROAD, 1947-48 Location : SK j, S.>c. 17. T. 11 S., R. 2 E., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean flow, in second-feet Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1 0.2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 2 .1 .2 2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .4 .4 .4 .5 .6 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 0.4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .3 .3 .3 .3 .3 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .3 .4 .4 .4 .4 0.4 .4 .4 .5 .8 .7 .6 .6 .4 .3 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .6 .4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.7 1 .2 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 9.7 3.7 1.6 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 1.4 1.8 3.8 3.1 2.1 2.0 4.2 11 ."> . .j 3.7 2.8 2.4 2.1 1.9 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1 .4 1.3 2.3 16 22 9.7 5.7 4.4 3.6 3.1 2.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 O J fa o Z 8 g 10 n 12 13 14 15... O -J o z Q Pi o o H « o Z o fa o Z is o -J fa o z is o fa o z is O 16 fa 17 o 18 z 19 20 0.1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0.3 0.4 0.4 1.1 3.5 4.8 2.3 19 24 26 64 209 57 TABLE 1 -Continued Station number on Plate 3 GREEN VALLEY CREEK AT CONNELL ROAD, 1948-49 SC.M-5 Location : SE \. See. 17, T. 11 S.. R. 2 E., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean flow •, in second-feet Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1 0.3 3.2 8.8 17 5.0 2.7 1.7 2.3 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 1 .0 1 .2 1.4 1 .7 1 .4 1.4 37 63 34 24 9.6 8.0 7.4 7.7 26 39 120 39 19 14 10 8.0 7.4 34 18 12 13 10 8.6 7.0 5.6 5.0 4.4 3.8 3.4 3.2 2.7 2.3 2.1 1.7 1.6 1.4 1 .2 1.2 1.2 1 .1 1.0 1 .0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 '0.4 •0.4 "0.4 '0.3 •0.3 '0.3 =0.3 =0.2 =0.2 ■0.2 =0.2 "0.1 "0.1 =0.1 =0.1 0.1 2 3 1 5 6 is o -1 fa o z 7 8 9 10 11 12 is O fa fa o z is o fa o Z is o fa o z is o fa o z is O fa fa o z is o fa fa o z 13 11 :s o ►J l."> Ill fa 17 o IS is o fa fa o z z 19.. 2.0 1.7 1.0 2.5 1.4 0.9 0.7 ().;, 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 (1 2 20... 21 22 23 21 25 26.. 0. 1 1 .4 0.1 27 28 29 30 31 0.3 1.0 2.0 19.4 1.0 0.1 3 . 2 24 11 1 1 . 1 95 57 3.8 i - In iti i APPENDIX D 121 TABLE 1— Continued Station number on Plate 3: SCM-6 PAJARO RIVER AT McGOWAN RANCH, 1946-47 Location : SE \, Sec. 17, T. 12 S., R. 2 E., M.D.B.&M. Date Daily mean flow, in second-feet Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. 1 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 14 15 16 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 15 27 34 57 357 267 80 56 53 46 40 34 30 26 23 22 21 20 19 18 18 19 30 120 300 110 75 58 51 90 435 222 136 104 86 73 67 61 55 48 44 41 39 35 32 31 29 30 31 33 35 38 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 25 26 25 24 23 22 22 21 20 19 18 18 17 16 15 15 14 13 12 12 12 11 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q PS O O a o z 8 9 10 11 12 Q PS O o B as o Z Q a o o H PS o z Q OS O O a « o Z Q a o o a PS o Z P 00 feet northeast of Bay Street, 0.2 mile south- east of turn in Porter Road. 11/22/48, 15.0; 4/12/49. 13.1 ; 11/10/49. 15.0; 3/30/51, 11.7; 12/5/51, 13.2; 4/(5/52. 10.2. 11S/1W-1EE1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 86.6 feet. 0.15 mile west of 41st Street. 0.2 mile north of Lower Soquel Road. 12/23/48, 71.8; 4/12/49, 00.1; 11/10/49, 63.2; 11/13/50, 72.1 ; 3/30/51. 69.3; 12/4/51, 63.9. 11S/1W-15F1 — Reference point — top of 6" x 0" cross brace, ele- vation 95.1 feet on southwest corner of intersection of Rodeo Street and 40th Avenue. 12/22/4S, 79.4; 4/12/49, 70.3; 11/10/49. 73.4; 3/23/50, 70.5; 11/13/50, 75.3; 3/30/51, S4.2 ; 12/4/51, 76.0. 11S/1 W-15H 1 — Reference point — edge of concrete base, elevation 92.2 feet. 150 feet west of Monterey Avenue, 0.2 mile northeast of junction of Monterey Avenue and Bay Street. 12/21/48, 43.1; 3/23/50. 50.9; 3/30/51, 45.3; 12/5/51, 41.8; 4/(5/52. 45.0. 11S/1 W-15L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70.1 feet. 0.15 mile west of 41st Street, 0.10 mile south of Lower Soquel Road. 12/22/48, 51.0; 1/15/49, 50.8; 2/1(5/49. 50.4; 4/5/49. 51.0; 7/1/49. 95.0 (oper.) ; 9/2/49, 57.7; 11/10/49, 55.8; 3/23/50, 00.9; 11/13/50, 58.7; 12/4/51, 56.5. 11S/1W-15N1 — Reference point — top of steel support (take up floor boards) , elevation 02.9 feet. 150 feet west of 41st Avenue, 900 feet north of Southern Pacific Railroad. 12/23/4S. 42.8; 4/2/49. 42.5; 11/10/49, 42.8; 3/23/50, 45.2; 3/30/51, 41.8; 12/5/51. 41.5; 4/(5/52, 40.2. 11S/1W-15P1 — Reference point — '.-inch hole in pump base, ele- vation 79.2 feet. 100 feet north of Garnet Street. 0.1 mile west of 49th Avenue. 12/23/4S, 71.3; 4/12/49, 58.8; 3/30/51. 66.9; 12/5/51. S2.2. 11S/1W-16R1- Reference point — top of casing, elevation 5S.0 feet. 100 feet south of Bulb Avenue, 0.13 mile east of Thomp- son Avenue. 12/23/48, 38.6; 4/12/49, 38.0; 11/10/49. 38.7; 3/23/50, 30.3; 11/13/50, 39.1; 12/5/51, 37.2; 4/6/52, 37.0. 11S/1W-21B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 55.6 feet. ()00 feet east of Houghton Avenue, 0.15 mile north of Capitola Drive. 12/24/48, 39.8; 1/15/49, 38.7; 2/1(5/49. 39.4; 4/12/49, 3S.S; 11/9/49. 39.4; 3/30/51, 42.0; 12/5/51, 38.0; 4/6/52, 35.5. 11S/1W-21H1 — Reference point — top of flange on base of pump, elevation 39.3 feet. 0.1 mile west of 38th Avenue, 400 feet north of Capitola Drive. 12/27/48, 20.9; 4/12/49, 21.4; 5/5/49, 21 .0 : 0/3/49, 20.5 ; 7/1 /49, 20.9 ; S/3/49, 20.5 ; 9/2/49, 20.(5; 11/10/49, 20.5; 3/23/50, 19.7; 11/13/50, 19.9; 3/30/51, 1S.0; 12/5/51. 19.1; 4/0/52, 17.1. 11S/1W-21K1 — Reference point — top of blocks in pit, elevation S.2 feet. 150 feet east of Houghton Avenue, 0.17 mile south of Capitola Drive. 12/24/4S, 1.2; 11/9/49. 3.8; 3/30/51, 3.9; 12/5/51. 2.S. 11S/1E-12M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 400 feet. 0.00 mile west of intersection of Happy Valley and West Corralitos Roads. 12/4/47, 52.5 ; 3/12/4S. 52.5 ; 12/6/48, 52.2 ; 4/8/49. 54.7; 11/4/49, 52.2. 5 — 81628 130 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 11S/1E-12Q1 — Reference point— hole in pump base, elevation 260.4 feet. On west side of West Corralitos Road, 0.20 mile south of Happy Valley Road. 3/25/47, 93.8; 8/7/47, 102.7; 11/18/47, 105.4; 3/11/48, 112.0; 12/6/48, 110.0; 4/8/49, 110.2; 11/4/4!!. 112.0; 3/21/50, 105.2; 11/12/50, 113.4; 3/28/51. 91.5; 11/19/51, 105.1; 4/6/52, 82.9. 11S 1E-12R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 260 feet. West side of East Corralitos Road, 1.12 miles north of Varni Road. 7/2!)/47. 86.8; 11/18/47, 91.3; 2/25/48, 91.3; 12 6/48, 9.-,.7; 1/15/49, 96.3; 3/25/49, 27.3; 11/3/49, 95.4. 11S 1E-13A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 241.8 feet. On east side of West Corralitos Road, 0.42 mile south of Happy Valley Road. 3/25/49, 110.2; 7/21/49. 114.0; 11/3/49. 113.6; 11/12/50, 115.5. 11S/1E-13C1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 325.0 feet. 0.63 mile west of West Corralitos Road, 0.35 mile south of Happy Valley Road. 12/4/47, 4N.!» ; 3/2/48, 59.0; 4/8/49, 07.0; 11/4/49, 79.4. 11S/1E-13G1 — Reference point — ton of casing, elevation 237 feet. 0.10 mile west of West Corralitos Road. 3/25/47, 94.1 : 8/7/47, 98.9 ; 11/18/47, 101.4 ; 3/12/48, 102.5 ; 12/6/48. 104.2 ; 4/8 19. 105.8; 11/4/49, 112.0; 3/21/50, 1(14.2; 11/12/50. 114.2; 3 2S/.-.1, 103.9; 11/19/51. 109.8; 4/6/52, 86.8. 11S/1E-13H1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 240.2 feet. 0.10 mile east of West Corralitos Road, 0.68 mile south of Happy Valley Road. 11/3/49. 77.7. 11S 1E-13J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 224..". feet. On west side of West Corralitos Road, 0.68 mile north of Varni Road. 7/29/47. 5S.1 ; 11/18/47, 57.3; 3/12/48, 58.5; 12/2/48, 63.9. 11S/1E-13J2 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 22S.7 feet. 0.0S mile east of West Corralitos Road. 0.00 mile north of Varni Road. 3/21/47, 61.7; 8/7/47, 04.0; 11/18/47, 05.1 ; 3/11/4S, 67.0; 12/2/48, 68.5; 3/25/49, 04.0 ; 7/21/49, 09.7; 11/9/49. 69.0; 3/22/50, 70.8; 11/12/50, 73.8; 4/3/51, 53.2; 11/19/51. 68.0; 4/7/52. 55.9. 11S/1E-24F1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 195.0 feet. 0.00 mile west of Freedom Boulevard, 0.15 mile north- west of West Corralitos Road. 10/2/47, 14.9; 12/4/47. 15.9; 12/5/47. 19.9; 3/12/48, 19.0. 11S/1E-24H1 — Reference point — base of pump, elevation 19S feet. 0.19 mile east of West Corralitos Road, 0.25 mile south of Varni Road. 7/29/47. 47.9; 12/4/47, 43.0; 12/2/4S, 45.9; 3/25/49. 43.N. 11S/1E-24H2- Reference poinl — hole in top of casing, elevation 185.7 feet. 0.09 mile northeast of Freedom Boulevard, 0.28 mile southeast of West Corralitos Road. 3/21/47. 34.0 ; 0/20/47, 50.0; 7/29/47. 45.5; 12/2/47. 37.7; 1/25/4S. 37.8; 2/1(1 48, 37.7; 12/2/48, 40.0; 1/15/49. 39.8; 2/17/49, 39.5; 3/25/49. 37.9; 11/3/49. 41.7; 3/22/50, 38.8; 11/12/50, 42.1. 11S/1E-24J1 — Reference point — plug in pipe, elevation 181 feet. On southwest side of Freedom Boulevard, 0.34 mile south- east of West Corralitos Road. 3/20/47, 32.1; 8/7/47, 37.6; 12/2/47. 35.1; 1/28/4S. 3,4.3; 2/16/48, 3.4.7; 12/2/48, 37.0; l I.", Hi. 36.9; 2/17/49, 36.5; 4/8/49, 35.0; 5/3/49, 39.9; 2/49, 40.4; 0/29/49. 92.0 (oper.) ; 8/3/49, 44.5; 9/2/49, 30,1; 11/4/4!), 38.8; 3/21/50, 3.0.4; 11/12/50, 39.7; 3/28/51, 3.1.2; 111!) 51. 3,1.7; 4/6/52, 31.2. 1 1 S 1E-24J2 Reference point — to]) of casing, elevation 177.5 feet. ()n southwest side of Freedom I'.oiilevard, 0.49 mile south- east of West Corralitos Road. 7/29/47, 23.0; 12/2/47, 10.9; 3/12/48, 17.1; 12 2 is, 19.2; 4/8/49, 12.1; 11/4/49, 15.7. 11S 1E-24P1 Reference point top of casing, elevation 300 feet On southwest side of Calabasas Road, 2.15 miles northwest of Freedom Boulevard. 7/29/47, 45.1 ; 12/4/47, 71.0. 11S/1E-24P2 Reference point — top of casing, elevation 280 feet. On nerthensl side of Calabasas Road, 2.15 miles northwest of Freedom Boulevard. 7/29/47, 157.8; 12/4/47, 150.0; 12 5/47, 158.0; 1/28/48, 154.4; 2/17/48, 159.0; 12/14/48, 161.4; 4/8/49, 165.2. 11S/1E-24Q1 — Reference point — base of pump, elevation 181.7 feet. 0.1 mile northeast of Calabasas Road, 0.25 mile northwest of intersection of Calabasas and West Corralitos Roads. 8/20/47. 42.4; 12/4/47, 37.3; 3/12/48. 39.0; 12/2/48, 39.0; 4/8/49, 38.2; 11/4/49. 41.1 ; 3/21/50, 40.1 ; 11/19/51, 39.5. 11S 1E-24R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 173.0 feet. 0.25 mile southwest of Freedom Boulevard. 0.00 mile southeast of West Corralitos Road. 3/25/47, 26.0; 5/15/47, 30.2; 7/29/47. 34.9; 12/2/47, 30.3; 3/12/48, 33.0; 12/2/48, 36.1 ; 4/8/49, 34.7 ; 11/4/49, 42.5. 11S/1E-24R2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 175.6 feet. 0.05 mile southwest of Freedom Boulevard, 0.55 mile southeast of West Corralitos Road. 3/25/47, 27.9; 4/25/47. 28.9 ; 5/2/47, 28.4 ; 5/9/47, 34.9 ; 5/15/47, 32.1 '; 5/22/47. 32.9; 5/28/47. 33.0; 0/4/47. 32.3; 6/9/47, 32.0; 6/11/47, 31.3; 6/18/47, 42.7; 6/25/47. 50.2; 7/2/47, 47.1; 7/10/47. 40.4; 7/10/47. 30.3; 7/23/47. 40.4; 7/30/47. 35.8; 8/6/47, 34.4; 8/13/47, 38.6; 8/20/47. 37.7; 8/27/47, 32.0; 9/3/47, 32.3; 9/10/47, 32.0; 9/17/47. 32.3; 9/23/47. 32.4; 9/30/47. 32.4; 10/7/47. 32.2; 10/14/47. 31.7; 10/22/47. 31.5; 10/28/47. 31.4 ; 11/4/47. 31.3 ; 11/12/47, 31.2 ; 11/18/47. 31 2 ; 12/2/47. 30.9; 3/12/48, 31.0; 12/2/48, 33.0; 4/8/49. 31.4; 6/13/49. 41.5; 6/20/49. 50.2; 11/9/49, 44.8; 3/21/50, 42.5; 11/12/50, 35.1; 3/21/51, 31.3; 11/19/51, 15.5; 4/0/52, 31.8. 11S/1E-25A1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 230 feet. 500 feet northeast of Calabasas Road, 0.2 mile south- east of Calabasas School. 10/2/47, 75.0; 12/2/47, 74.0; 3/12/48, 73.7; 12/2/4S. 75.!); 4/N/49. 77.3; 11/4/49, 78.0. 11S/1E-25G1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 205 feet. 0.25 mile southwest of Calabasas Road. 0.40 mile southeast of West Corralitos Road. 10/30/47, 09.9; 12/4/47, 69.4; 3/8/48, 69.0; 12/2/48, 71.1; 1/15/49, 71.0; 2/17/4!), 70.7 ; 4/8/49, 73.5 ; 11/4/49, 73.0. 11S/1E-24H1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 202 feet. On southwest side of Calabasas Road, 0.3.2 mile southeast of West Corralitos Road. 3/12/48, 03.5; 12/2/48, 06.2; 4/8/49, 01.1 ; 11/4/49, 74.2. 11S/1E-25R1 — Reference point — hide in pump base, elevation 750 feet. On south side of Buena Vista Drive, 0.90 mile west of Calabasas Road. 3/25/47, 107.8; 7/29/47, 170.2; 12/23/47, 168.0; 3/12/48, 168.2; 12/14/48, 169.0; 4/8/49, 173.2; 11/3/49, 188.7. 11S 1E-36J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 230 feet. 0.12 mile north of State Highway No. 1. 0.52 mile east of Buena Vista Drive. 2/27/47. 79.5; 7/16/47, 115.0; 8/4/47, 131.7; 12/15/47. 131.1; 12/22/47, 129.8; 3/13/48, 130.0; 12/15/48, 127.0; 11/4/49, 130.0. 11S/1E-36P1 — Reference point-top of casing, elevation 175 feet. On east side of Ruena Vista Drive, 0.40 mile south of State Highway Xo. 1. 2/20/47. 172.4; 7/10/47. 174.4; 12 22 47. 173.5; 3/13/48, 170.4; 11/19/48, 170.4; 12/16/48, 1.S4.1 ; 3/30/49, 173.0. 11S/2E-8D1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation ."..".."..0 feet. 0.3 mile west of Green Valley Road. 1.5 miles north of Murphy Road. 3/22/47. 222.3: 0/20/47, 212.0; 7/27/47, 209.2; 11/5/47, 211.8; 1/25/48, 213.0; 2/17/48, 210.0; 12 8 48, 213.3; 9/2/49, 215.3; 11/2 49. 222.0; 11/12 50. 224.0; 4/4/51, 219.1 ; 11/20/51, 224.!). 11S 2E-8F1 Reference point — top of casing, elevation 200.0 feet. 200 feet east of Green Valley Koad. 1.1 miles north of Murphy Road. 3/22/47, 36.6; 8 20 17. 3S.7 : 11/14/47, 38.8 J •". 10/48, 41.0; 4/6/49, 38.3; 11/12/49, 30.2. 11S/2E-8F2 Reference point— hole in base, elevation 200.0 feet. 200 feet west of Green Valley Road. 1.0 mile north of Murphy Road. 5 8 17. L84.6; 6/26 17. 186.5; 8/7 47, 185.9; 11/14 17, 186.3; 2/17/48, 186.0; 12/8/48, 188.9; 5/3/49, 191.5; 0/2/49, 189.9; 9/2/49, 193.8; 11/2/49, 193.8. APPENDIX E 131 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 11S/2E-8L1 — Reference point — hole in easing, elevation 240.0 feet. 100 feet west of Green Valley Road. 0.7 mile north of Murphy Road. 3/22/47. 168.8; N/7/47, 171.1; 11/5/47. 170.2; 1/25/48, 170.0; 2/17/48, 170.0; 3/10/48, 170.0; 12/8/48, 173.9; 4/6/49. 174.2; 4/14/49, 174.3; 5/3/49, 174.8; 7/1/49, 180.3; 8/3/49, 17*5.4 ; 9/2/49, 176.6; 11/2/49, 176.4; 3/22/50, 176.7; 11/12/50, 179.5; 4/4/51, 170.6; 11/20/51, 178.3; 4/7/52, 173.8. 11S/2E-8P1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 225.0 feet. 200 feet west of Green Valley Road, 0.4 mile north of Murphy Road. 7/27/47. 166.2; 11/14/47, 166.1; 3/10/48, 168.0. 11S/2E-14P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 285.0 feet. 1.1 miles east of Hazel Dell Road, 0.2 mile north of Mt. Madonna Road. 3/12/47, 243.0; 7/27/47, 244.1; 11/16/47. 246.5; 3/10/48, 244.2; 12/9/48, 245.9; 11/1/49, 269.0. 11S/2E-15F1 — Reference point — hole in top of casing, elevation 165.0 feet. 250 feet west of Hazel Dell Road, 0.2 mile north of Connell Road. 3/14/47, 68.2; 8/6/47, 67.4; 11/16/47, 60.4; 12/9/48, 66.2; 4/6/49, 65.6; 11/1/49, 66.0. 11S/2E-15L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 141.5 feet. 150 feet east of Hazel Dell Road. 0.3 mile south of Con- nell Road. 7/27/47, 61.3; 3/10/48, 52.0; 12/17/48, 55.0; 11/9/49, 51.7. 11S/2E-15M1 — Reference point — hole in pump hase, elevation 111.5 feet. 50 feet south of Connell Road, 0.35 mile west of Hazel Dell Road. 5/15/47, 57.2; 8/20/47, 74.4; 11/14/47, 49.8; 12/23/47, 40.9; 1/21/48, 37.5; 3/10/48, 45.0: 4/6/49, 39.3; 7/1/49, 68.4; 11/9/49, 80.0; 4/3/51, 81.9. 11S/2E-15M2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 108.0 feet. 0.1 mile south of Connell Road, 0.2 mile west of Hazel Dell Road. 4/6/49, 47.6. 11S/2E-15Q1 — Reference point — hole in pump hase, elevation 151.7 feet. 200 feet east of Hazel Dell Road, 0.35 mile south of Connell Road. 3/14/47, 85.2; 7/27/47. 120.0; 11/16/47, 95.0; 3/10/48, 88.8 ; 12/9/48, 92.0 ; 3/24/49, 82.1 ; 7/5/49, 124.1 ; 7/11/49, 122.2; 11/9/49, 118.7; 3/22/50, 111.1; 11/12/50, 113.5; 4/3/51. 109.1; 11/20/51, 111.7; 4/4/52, 102.5. 11S/2E-15Q2 — Reference point — slot in concrete hase, elevation 136.3 feet. 50 feet east of Hazel Dell Road. 0.6 mile south of Connell Road. 3/14/47, 37.2; 7/27/47, 53.5; 10/11/47. 45.6; 11/5/47, 44.8; 11/16/47, 44.7; 1/25/48. 45.8; 2/16/48. 45.0; 12/9/48, 47.0; 1/15/49, 46.5; 2/17/49, 45.9; 3/24/49. 42.1; 11/1/49, 46.8; 3/22/50, 50.5; 11/11/50. 53.7; 11/20/51, 49.0; 4/4/52, 39.5. 11S/2E-16M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 180.0 feet. 0.1 mile north of Connell Road, 0.1 mile east of Murphy Road. 3/22/47, 21.4; 7/27/47, 23.1; 11/16/47, 22.9; 3/10/48, 22.0; 12/9/48, 20.2; 4/6/49. 14.2; 11/1/49, 17.7. 11S/2E-16N1 -Reference point — air gage hole, elevation 131.1 feet. 0.15 mile south of Connell Road, 0.2 mile east of Murphy Road. 3/14/47, 47.0; 7/27/47, 65.1; 11/16/47, 55.8; 3/10/48, 52.0; 12/9/48, 54.3; 3/24/49, 46.2: 11/2/49, 74.5; 3/22/50. 56.9 ; 4/3/51, 57.8 ; 11/20/51. 86.6 ; 4/4/52, 73.6. 11S/2E-16P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 123.0 feet. 0.15 mile south of Connell Road, 0.25 mile east of Murphy Road. 3/14/47, 55.0; 11/16/47. 55.7. 11S/2E-17A1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 230.0 feet. 150 feet east of Murphy Road, 0.5 mile north of Green Valley Road. 6/18/47. 19.3; 6/23/47. 20.4; 6/25/47, 21.0; 7/2/47, 20.8 ; 7/7/47. 20.2. 11S/2E-17E1 — Reference point — opening between 1" blocks under pump base, elevation 195 feet. 0.20 mile west of Green Valley Road, 0.15 mile south of Murphy Road. 11/16/47, 149.4 ; 3/10/48, 149.0 ; 12/9/48, 151.1 ; 4/6/49, 150.5 ; 11/2/49. 156.3 ; 3/22/50, 154.0: 11/12/50, 155.6; 4/3/51, 132.1; 11/20/51, 164.6 ; 4/7/52, 154.8. 11S/2E-17F1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 202.0 feet. 150 feet west of junction of Green Valley and Mur- phy Roads. 3/22/47. 143.2; 7/27/47, 160.3; 11/14/47, 159.6; 3/10/48, 157.0; 11/2/49, 169.1. 11S/2E-17K1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 195.0 feet. 150 feet east of Green Valley Road, 0.25 mile north of Varni Road. 3/22/47, 142.7; 5/8/47, 135.3; 12/5/47, 135.5; 1/25/48, 135.1 ; 3/10/48. 185.0. 11S/2E-17R1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 150.9 feet. On west side of Connell Road, 0.15 mile south of Murphy Road. 3/14/47, 59.2 ; 8/7/47, 117.0 ; 11/5/47. 119.7 ; 1/25/48, 115.8; 2/17/48, 117.2; 12/9/48, 120.2; 3/24/49, 118.3 ; 4/14/49. 120.5 : 6/2/49. 159.0 ; 7/1/49, 145.0 ; 8/3/49, 131.0; 11/1/49. 128.1; 3/22/50. 125.3; 11/12/50, 126.8; 4/3/51, 129.4; 11/20/51, 140.0; 4/4/52, 129.9. 11S/2E-19B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 220.0 feet. 0.2 mile east of East Corralitos Road, 0.5 mile south of Varni Road. 3/15/47, 75.8; 7/27/47, 88.7; 12/2/47, 90.0; 12/5/47, 70.6; 2/25/48, 70.4; 12/9/48, 75.0; 3/25/49, 70.8; 11/9/49, 78.3. 11S/2E-19C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 250 feet. 2(M( feet west of East Corralitos Road, 0.2 mile south of Varni Road. 3/15/47, 130.2; 7/27/47, 134.3; 11/10/47, 134.9; 2/25/48, 135.5; 3/25/49, 84.9; 11/3/49, 100.7. 11S/2E-19D1 — Reference point — top of easing, elevation 190.0 feet. 0.1 mile north of Varni Road, 0.4 mile east of West Cor- ralitos Road. 8/20/47, 27.7; 12/4/47, 27.8; 2/25/48, 28.1; 12/7/48. 30.0; 3/25/49, 20.2; 11/3/49, 33.6; 3/22/50, 27.6; 11/12/50, 33.8 ; 4/3/51, 17.3 ; 11/20/51, 28.1 ; 4/7/52, 15.6. 11S/2E-19H1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 175.0 feet. 0.2 mile east of East Corralitos Road, 1.5 miles north of junction of East Corralitos and Green Valley Roads. 7/27/47. 1.9; 12/1/48, 1.2. 11S/2E-19N1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 172.4 feet. 50 feet west of State Highway No. 56A, 1.4 miles north of junction of Larkin Valley Road and Highway 56A. 3/25/47, 26.1; 7/29/47, 35.0; 12/2/47. 29.2; 3/12/48, 28.8 12/1/48, 31.1; 1/15/49, 30.8; 2/17/49. 30.4; 4/12/49, 30.5 3/2/50, 27.7; 11/12/50, 33.2; 3/28/51, 28.5; 11/20/51, 29.6 4/6/52, 25.3. 11S/2E-19Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 170.0 feet. 0.2 mile west of East Corralitos Road, 1.4 miles north of junction of Green Valley and East Corralitos Roads. 3/15/47, 23.1; 7/27/47. 29.8; 12/4/47. 26.2; 3/10/48, 26.5; 12/1/48, 28.3; 3/25/49, 26.6. 11S/2E-20A1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 196.3 feet. 0.1 mile west of Green Valley Road. 0.2 mile south of Connell Road. 3/15/47, 85.2 ; 7/27/47, 88.1 ; 11/16/47, 94.8 ; 3/10/48. 94.5; 12/7/48. 98.7; 1/15/49, 98.4; 2/17/49, 97.9; 3/24/49, 97.6; 11/2/49. 122.7. 11S/2E-21C1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 201.1 feet. 0.3 mile south of Connell Road, 0.3 mile east of Murphy Road. 3/14/47. 160.9 ; 7/27/47, 178.0 ; 11/5/47. 171.8 ; 1/25/48, 171.5 ; 2/17/4S, 170.2 ; 12/7/48, 173.4 ; 3/24/49, 171.2 ; 6/7/48, 206.8 (oper.) ; 7/1/49. 208.0 (oper.) : 9/2/49, 207.0 (oper.) ; 11/3/49, 207.3; 11/12/50. 177.8; 4/4/51, 174.0; 4/4/52, 169.6. 11S/2E-21G1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 155.0 feet. 0.5 mile east of junction of Connell Road and Murphy Road, 0.(5 mile south on farm road. 3/14/47. 119.5; 6/26/47, 149.0; 7/27/47. 149.7; 11/5/47. 144.2; 1/25/48. 143.8; 2/17/48. 140.8; 12/7/48, 144.6; 3/24/49, 141.7; 11/3/49, 161.0. 11S/2E-21M1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 135.3 feet. 0.2 mile east of Green Valley Road, 0.7 mile south of Connell Road. 12/1/47, 110.9; 3/10/48. 91.0; 12/7/48, 98.1; 3/24/49. 110.5; 11/3/49. 117.0; 11/12/50, 110.0; 4/3/51, 108.2; 11/20/51, 108.2. 132 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 1 1 S 2E-21N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 131.0 feet. 0.2 mile east of Green Valley Road, 0.9 mile south of Con- nell Road. 3/14/47, 88.3; 7/27/47. 104.5; 12/1/47, 100.7: 3 10 48, 99.5; 12/7 48, 104.0; 3/24/40. 100.7; 11/8/40, 107.8. 1 1 S 2E-21P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 65.0 feet. 0.35 mile east of Green Valley Road, 1.0 mile south of Connell Road. 12/1/47, 50.8; 3/8/48, 45.0; 12/7/48, 58.2; 3 24 40. 50.1 ; 11/8/40. 60.7. 11S/2E-21P2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 121.8 feet. 0.45 mile east of Green Valley Road. 1.0 mile south of Connell Road. 7/11/47. 104.7; 7/27/47, 100.0; 12/1/47, 04.7; 3/S/4S, 03.0; 12/7/48, 100.0; 4/6/4!). 98.5; 11/3 40. 105.1 ; 3/22/50, 100.1 ; 11/12/50. 108.4; 4/3/51, 101.4; 4/7/52. 07.0. 11S2E-21Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 110.0 feet. 0.5 mile east of Green Valley Road. 1.0 mile south of Connell Road. 3/1:5/47. 85.1; 8 4s 47. 07.3; 12/1/47, 89.2; 3/8/48, 88.0; 12/3/48, 91.1; 1/24/40, 88.1; 11/4/40. 07.2. 1 1 S 2E-22K1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 147.2 feet. 0.4 mile west of Casserly Road, 0.5 mile north of (Jreen Valley Road. 3/12/47. 77.7 ;' 7/27/47. 71.5; 11/16/47, 79.9; 3/10/48, 70.O; 12/3/48, 80.9; 1/15/40, 80.4; 2/17/49, 80.0; 3/23/40, 70.S; 11/1/49, 82.3; 3/22/50, 81.0; 11/11/50, 85.3; 4/3/51, 86.0; 11/30/51, 86.4; 4/4/52, S4.7. 1 1 S 2E-22L1 — Reference point — too of casing, elevation 70.0 feet. 0.6 mile west of Casserly Road, 0.6 mile north of San Jose Road. 9/16/47. 57.4; 11/16/47, •">! .2 ; 3/10/48, 40.0. 11S/2E-22R2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 116.9 feet. 0.15 mile north of San Jose Road, 0.25 mile south of Casserly Road. 3/12/47. 56.3; 8/7/47, 88.4; 12/5/47. 00.0; 3/23/49, 89.0. 1 1 S 2E-23D1 — Reference point — pipe in concrete base, elevation 207.0 feet. 50 feet south of Webb Road, 0.4 mile east of Cas- serly Road. 8/12/47, 133.8; 7/27/47. 140.4; 11/16/47, 130.2; 3/10/48, 140.0; 12/9/48, 13s..-,; 8/23/40. 130.:',; 11/1/40. 142.8; 3/22/50. 140.0; 4/4/51, 140.0; 11/30/51, 130.0; 4/4/52, 180.0. 11S 2E-23E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 174.6 feet. 0.1 mile northeast of intersection of Casserly and Paulsen Roads. 11/16/47. 2S.5 ; 3/10/4S. SS.O ; 12/9/4S, 01.8,; 1/15/49, 00,7; 2/17/40. 00.2; 3/23/40, 88.5; 7/11/40, 04.2; 7/18/49, 05.S; 11/1/40. 81.1. 11S 2E-23G1 — Reference point — pipe in concrete floor, elevation 230.0 feet. 0.1 mile north of San Jose Road, 0.5 mile east of San Jose Road. 11/16/47. 60.4; 3/8/48, 07.0; 12/9/48, 67.1; 3/25/40, 70.5; 11/1/40, 0S.S. 11S/2E-23G2 — Reference point- top of casing, elevation 255.0 feet. 0.1 mile north of San Jose Road. 0.0 mile east of Cas- serlv Road. 9/15/47, 12.9; 11/16/47, 12.7; 3/8/48, 10.0; 12/0/4S, 4O.0; 8/25/40, 21.6; 11/3/4!), 70.:'.; 3/22/50, 8.1.2; 11/11/50. 40.2; 4/3/51, 11.2; 11/30/51, 43.0. 11S 2E-23K1 Reference point— hole in casing, elevation 185.0 feet. 0.1 mile south of San Jose Road. 0.3 mile east of Casserlv Road. 12/24/4S, 45.0; 11/16/49, 04.0. 11S 2E-23M1 — Reference point -top of casing, elevation 165.0 feet. 0.1 mile southwest of junction of Paulsen and Casserlv Roads. 4/14/49, 100.5; 5/3/40, 0S.S ; 6/2/49, 07.0; 7/1/49, 121..!; 8 2 49, 120.2; 11/1/49, 07.5; 3/22/50, 00.0; 11/11 50, 101.8. if casing, elevatioi I, 0.1 mile east of C 01 130.0 iserly 11S 2E-23N1— Reference point— top fret. 0.1 mill' north of San Jose Roa Road. 11/16/47, os.s; :; mi is, 56.3. 11S/2E-25E3 Reference point 0.7 foot above top of casing for register, elevation 186.5 feet, o.l mile north on Peckham Road from junction of Carlton and Peckham Roads. 6/25/47, 170.6; 7/24 17. 178. 5; 11 19/47, 167.8; 3/4/48, 101.2; L2/9 is, L80.2; is |!». 166.6; 3/2] 50, L69.5 ; 11 11 50, 170.7; 8 20 51, 107.8; 11 :;o ol. 171..-.; I 8 52, L69.2. 11S 2E-25F1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 147.5 feet. 0.45 mile north on Peckham Road from junction of Carlton and Peckham Roads. 3/11/47, 153.5 ■ 7/24/47 164.1; 11/10/47, 160.8; 3/4/48, 157.3; 12/17/4S. 161.2- 11/14/49, 165.7; 3/21/50. 160.5 11/11/50, 167.6; 4/4/51 158.0; 11/30/51. 162.5. 11S 2E-25K1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 170.0 feet. 0.85 mile south of Peckham Road, 0.45 mile east of Carl- ton Road. 3/6/47. 61.7; 7/24/47, 141.1 (oper.) ; 11/19/47 66.3; 3/4/48, 04.2; 12/9/48, 73.0; 1/14/40, 72 0' 2/17/4!)' 70..-.; 4/9/49, 70.7; 11/4/49, 71.0. 11S 2E-25M1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 147. 8 feet. 50 feet south of Peckham Road. 0.25 mile east of Carlton Road. 3/11/47. 123.2; 8/6/47, 137.6; 11/10/47 130 2- 3/4/48, 128.0; 12/17/4S, 18,0.4; 11/14/49, 141.2. 11S 2E-25N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 135.9 feel. 250 feet south of Carlton Road, 0.15 mile south of Peck- ham Road. 3/6/47. 112.7; 3/24/47, 127.6; 11/10/47 117 S- 3/4/4S, 115.0; 12/16/48, 118.6; 4/9/49, 116.8; 11/14/4!)' 128.2; 3/21/50, 119.9; 11/28/51, 119.5; 4/3/52, 113.0. 11S/2E-25N2 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 12S.S feet. 50 feet south of Carlton Road, 0.2 mile south of Peckham Road. 3/6/47, 104.2; 7/24/47, 120.1; 11/1S/47 110.9; 3/4/4.S. 10S.2; 12/16/4S, 111.4; 4/9/4!) 113 2- 11/14/49, 113.9. 11S/2E-25N4 — Reference point — to], of casing, elevation 120.5 feet. 50 feet south of Carlton Road, 0.35 mile west of Peckham Road. 3/0/47, 101.7; 8/6/47, 117.0; 11/19/47, 102.8- 3/4/48 105.0; 12/16/48, 100.4; 4/0/4!). 110.7; 11/9/4!), 113.9. 11S/2E-25P1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 138.2 feet. 0.45 mile south of junction of Carlton and Peckham Roads. S/-/47, 118.0 : 8/24/47, 123.2 ; 11/19/47, 115.1 ■ 3/4/48 110.5; 12/16/48, 115.5; 4/9/49, 112.8; 11/0/49 120 S- 3/21/50, 115.8; 11/11/50, 121.7; 4/4/51, 118.1; 11/2S.-.1. 110.5. 11S/2E-26F1 — Reference point — hole in 0" x 0" timber under pump base, elevation 107.0 feet. 0.4 mile south of San Jose Road, 0.3 mile southwest of Carlton Road. 3/11/47, 87.8; 5/16/47,89.0; 11/5/47,84.6; 1/25/48,84.0; 2/16/4S, 85.0; 1/14/49, so.4. 11S/2E-26G1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 141.5 feet. 150 feet northeast of Carlton Road, 0.0 mile south- east of San Jose Road. 5/11/47, 117. S; 11/18/47 1242- 3/4/4S, 121.8; 12/9/48, 125.0; 11/14/4!), 120.0. 11S/2E-26G2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 140.0 feet. 50 feet northeast of Carlton Road, 0.6 mile southeast of San Jose Road. 3/11/47, 117.2; 7/24/47, 134.0; 11/18/47, 123.4; 3/4/48, 120.4; 12/9/48, 124.1; 11/14/49, 128.4; 3/20/51, 124.3; 11/28/51, 128.0; 4/8/52, 118.0. 11S 2E-26J3 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 145.2 feet. 50 feet southwest of Carlton Road. 250 feet northwest of San Jose Road. 3/6/47, 121.8; 8/6/47, 136.5; 11/19/47. 126.6; 3/4/4S. 122.2; 12/17/48, 122.4; 4/9/49, 1309: 11/14/49, 181.5. 11S2E-26R1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 18.5.0 feet. 0.35 mile southeast Lakeview Road, 0.30 mile southwest of Carlton Road. 3/0/47. 110.5; 7/24/47. 12.",. 0; 8/6/47,129.0; 11/19/47,123.5; 3/4/48,122.5; 12/17/48, L24.3; 10 4!), 120.4; 11/14/40. 124.0; 11/11/50, 125.8; 3/20/51, 125.8; 11/28/51, 124.0; 4/3/52, 128.2. 11S 2E-28C1 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 102.0 feel. L.5 miles northwest of San Jose Road. 0.) mile north of Ilolohan Road. 3/13 47. S0.0; S 7 47. 90.0; 12 23 47. 90.3; .". 24/49, 91.3; 11 2 10, 92.8. 11S 2E-28E1 Reference point-slot in casing, elevation 103.4 feet, o.l mile southeast of Green Valley Road. 0.0 mile from junction of Green Valley and Ilolohan Roads. 12 7 Is, 56.5; I I.", i!», .->7..->; 3 21 19, 54.6; II 2 49, .".!).(); 3, 22 .",0. 63.2; II 12 50, 58.1. APPENDIX E 133 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 11S/2E-28K1— Reference point— top of easing, elevation 90.0 feet. 0.55 mile north of Holohan Road, 0.05 mile east of Green Valley Road. 3/13/47, 60.8; 8/7/47, 69.6; 12/1/47, 61.3; 3/10/48,61.2; 12/3/48,63.0; 3/23/49,58.2; 11/2/49,67.1. 11S/2E-28K2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 105.0 feet. 0.33 mile north of Holohan Road, 0.7 mile northwest of East Lake Avenue. 3/13/47, 44.S ; 7/25/47, 59.0; 12/1/47, 45.1 ; 12/3/48, 47.9. 11S/2E-28M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 98.0 feet. 0.3 mile east of Green Valley Road. 0.4 mile north of Holohan Road. 3/13/47, 82.8; 7/25/47, 89.3; 12/1/47, 81.3; 3/10/48, 80.7: 12/3/4S, 83.0; 3/24/49, 80.3. 11S/2E-28N1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 99.8 feet. 0.3 mile east of Green Valley Road, 0.15 mile north of Holohan Road. 3/13/47. 81.0; 7/25/47, 89.4; 12/1/47, S2.1 ; 3/S/4S, S2.0; 12/3/48,84.3; 3/23/49,80.7; 11/2/49, S7.9; 3/22/50, 83.0; 11/12/50, 00.9; 4/3/51, 95.4. 11S/2E-28P1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 89.1 feet. 0.2 mile north of Holohan Road, 0.6 mile east of Green Valley Road. 3/13/47, 67.8; 5/8/47, 74.4; 6/26/47, S2.1 ; 8/7/47.70.4: 12/1/47,71.1; 1/25/48,72.2; 2/17/48, 70.0; 12/3/4S. 73.7; 1/15/49,71.8; 2/17/49,70.9; 3/23/49, 70.2; 4/14/40, 75.7; 5/3/49, 77.4; 6/2/40, 77.4; 7/1/40, 110.6; 7/21/49,84.2; 8/2/49,84.3; 0/2/40,80.6; 3/22/50, 72.0; 11/12/50,77.5; 4/3/51,78.8; 11/28/51,74.8; 4/7/52, 79.6. 11S/2E-28Q1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 105.0 feet. 0.3 mile north of Holohan Road, 0.7 mile west of junction with San Jose Road. 12/1/47. 44.3; 3/10/48, 4(5.0; 12/3/4S, 47.9 ; 4/6/49, 47.8. 11S/2E-29E1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 130.0 feet. 0.3 mile south of East Corralitos Road, 0.4 mile west of Green Valley Road. 7/27/47. 110.5; 12/1/47, 93.6; 3/10/48,93.0; 12/6/48,97.8; 3/25/40, 1OS.0 ; 11/3/40.56.4; 3/22/50. 106.8; 11/12/50, 120.6; 4/3/51, 86.5; 11/28/51, 123.0. 11S/2E-29L1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 120.0 feet. 0.3 mile south of East Corralitos Road, 0.4 mile northeast of Green Valley Road. 12/1/47, 57.0 ; 3/10/48, 44.4 ; 12/6/48, 42.3; 4/6/40, 41.8; 11/3/40. 46.5. 11S/2E-29N1 — Reference point — groove in concrete floor, eleva- tion 133.7 feet. 50 feet north of Freedom Boulevard, 70 feet northeast of Green Valley Road. 3/21/47, 112.5; 8/15/47, 123.3; 12/4/47. 115.2; 12/6/48, 117.0; 7/21/40, 110.6. 11S/2E-30C1 — Reference point — top of casing under door of pumphouse. elevation 130.0 feet. 0.1 mile north of Freedom Boulevard, 1.6 miles northwest of Green Valley Road. 3/21/47, 5.3; 7/29/47.0.5; 12/2/47,7.6; 3/11/48,7.2; 12/1/48,8.4; 3/25/49, 7.1. 11S/2E-30L1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 157.3 feet. 0.30 mile south of Freedom Boulevard, 1.5 miles northwest of Green Valley Road. 3/23/47. 20.9 ; 7/29/47, 40.1; 12/2/47.29.6; 3/12/48,23.3; 12/1/48,30.0; 1/15/49, 26.9; 2/17/49,25.0; 4/8/40.23.7; 11/3/40.32.7; 3/21/50, 25.8; 11/12/50, 32.8; 11/28/51, 20.6; 4/6/52, 20.0. 11S/2E-30N1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 1S0.0 feet. 50 feet north of Larkin Valley Road. 0.7 mile east of Calabasas Road. 5/8/47, 169.6; 7/20/47, 104.0; 10/2/47, 104.0. 11S/2E-31J1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 128.0 feet. 0.S mile south of Freedom Boulevard, 0.2 mile north- west of Green Valley Road. 3/12/47, 112.7; 7/17/47, 114.S ; 12/15/47.115.1; 3/12/48,113.0; 12/15/48.116.1; 4/1/49, 115.0; 11/4/49, 118.5. 11S/2E-31K1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 127.0 feet. 1.0 mile southwest of Freedom Boulevard, 0.4 mile northwest of Green Valley Road. 3/11/47, 46.5; 7/10/47. 46.2; 12/15/47, 45.2; 3/12/48, 45.2; 11/22/48, 45.1; 1/13/49, 46.1; 2/15/49, 45.3; 4/1/40, 45.4; 11/4/49, 68.8. 11S/2E-31P1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 133.0 feet. 1.3 miles southwest of Freedom Boulevard, 0.4 mil.' northwest of Green Valley Road. 3/12/47, 122.0; 7/16/47,130.0; 12/15/47,122.2; 3/12/48,121.0; 12/10/48, 121.0; 4/1/49, 126.S; 11/4/49,135.0. 11S/2E-31P2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 130.0 feet. 1.35 miles southwest of Freedom Boulevard, 0.4 mile northwest of Green Valley Road. 3/12/47, 119.2; 7/16/47, 123.7; 12/15/47. 122.S; 3/12/48, 123.0; 12/11/48, 122.0; 9/1/49,120.2; 11/4/49,124.6. 11S/2E-31Q1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 124.0 feet. 1.0 mile southwest of Freedom Boulevard, 0.4 mile northwest of Green Valley Road. 3/12/47, 45.4 ; 7/16/47, 62.4; 12/15/47, 50.8; 3/12/48, 51.0; 11/22/48, 49.0; 11/4/40.50.0; 3/18/50,38.0; 3/27/51,36.4; 11/28/51,54.7; 4/2/52. 31.2. 11S/2E-32E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 90.0 feet. 0.3 mile southwest of Freedom Boulevard, 0.15 mile north- west of Green Valley Road. 8/4/47, 80.0; 12/15/47, 75.1. 11S/2E-32P1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 50.0 feet. 0.5 mile southwest of Freedom Boulevard, 0.3 mile south- east of Green Valley Road. 3/12/47. 31.0; 7/17/47, 32.7; 12/15/47, 2S.7 ; 3/12/48, 27.3 ; 11/19/48, 33.5 ; 4/1/49, 27.3 ; 11/4/40, 36.6; 11/12/50, 36.8; 3/27/51, 20.1; 11/28/51, 34.6; 4/2/52, 2S.0. 11S/2E-33A1 — Reference point — pipe in concrete base, elevation 78.0 feet. 0.4 mile northwest of San Jose Road, 100 feet south of Holohan Road. 3/13/47. 51.9; 7/25/47. 07.0; 12/1/47, 56.1 ; 3/8/48, 56.0 ; 12/3/48, 58.3 ; 3/23/49, 54.9 ; 11/2/49, 62.S. 11S/2E-33B1 — Reference point- slot in concrete base, elevation S4.7 feet. 250 feet north of Holohan Road, 0.7 mile west of San Jose Road. 3/13/47, 64.0; 3/8/4S, 05.0 ; 12/3/48, 07.1 ; 3/22/50, 67.1 ; 11/12/50, 72.8 4/7/52, 60.S. 7/25/47, 75.0; 12/1/47, 64.8; 3/23/49, 66.0 ; 11/2/49, 71.3 ; 4/3/51, 70.0 ; 11/28/51, 68.1 ; 11S/2E-33B2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 75.4 feet. 50 feet south of Holohan Road, 0.5 mile west of San Jose Road. 7/17/47, 26.2 ; 12/1/47,50.3; 8/15/47,57.0; 8/10/47. 57.0 ; 8/27/47, 57.0 ; 9/3/47. 56.0 ; 0/10/47, 54.7 ; 11/16/49, 50.2. 11S/2E-33F1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 78.0 feet. 0.3 mile south of Holohan Road, 0.75 mile west of San Jose Road. 12/1/47, 30.5; 11/16/40, 57.0. 11S/2E-33F2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 77.0 feet. 0.3 mile south of Holohan Road, 0.75 mile west of junc- tion of Holohan and San Jose Roads. 3/11/47, 26.7; 7/17/47, 72.0; 8/13/47,71.1; 9/10/47,70.1; 9/17/47,69.6; 9/23/47, 70.0 ; 9/30/47. 69.3 ; 10/7/47. 68.4 ; 10/14/47, 67.5 ; 12/1 /47, 62.6; 3/4/48,61,8; 11/30/48,63.2; 4/12/49,64.6; 11/16/49, 68.0. 11S/2E-33K1 — Reference point — hole in base, elevation 80.8 feet. 0.5 mile west of San Jose Road, 0.5 mile south of Holohan Road. 5/10/47, 52.6 ; 5/13/47. 52.5 ; 5/15/47, 52.8 ; 5/22/47, 53.2; 5/28/47, ."2.4; 0/4/47. 52.7; 6/0/47. 53.2; 6/11/47. 53.0; 6/18/47,55.:;; 6/25/47,57.5; 7/21/47,58.4; 8/0 47. 57.6; 8/17/47,57.0; 12/1/47,52.4; 3/4/48,53.2; 12/1/48, 58.2; 4/7/49,56.4; 4/16/49,63.0; 3/20/50. 4S.4 ; 11/11/50, 62.2; 3/28/51,55.1; 11/28/51,40.5; 4/3/52,35.2. 11S/2E-33N1 — Reference point — hole in base, elevation 68.5 feet. 0.1 mile northeast of Freedom Boulevard, 0.9 mile southwest of Green Valley Road. 8/6/47, 59.7; 12/2/47. 52.7; 12/17/48, 56.0 ; 4/8/49, 44.5 ; 11/16/49, 54.5. 134 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1 -Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 11S 2E-33N2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70.0 feet. 0.15 mile northeast of Freedom Boulevard, 0.95 mile southwest of Green Valley Road. 12/2/47, 23.2 ; 3/4/48, 51.1; 12/4/4S. 54.5; 4/8/49, 52.5; 7 21/40, 01.8; 8/2/40. 83.0 ; 9/2/40. 03.6; 11/16 40. 61.5; 11/11/50, 59.1; 3/28/51, 52.7; 11/28/51, 56.5 ; 4/3/52, 54.4. 11S/2E-33R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 72.1 feet. 0.2 mile east of San Jose Road, 0.6 mile south of junction of Holohan and San Jose Roads. 5/11/47. 50.1 ; 8/13/47. 05.1 ; 12/1/47, 53.4; 1/25/48. 54.2; 2/16/48, 52.0; 3/4/48, 53.2; 12/17/48, 54.8; 1/14/40. 53.7; 4/7/40. 55.3; 11/16/40, 32..'.; 3/20/50. 36.6; 11/11/50. 64.2 ; 3/28/51, 54.6; 11/28/51. 56.5; 4/3/52. 54.0. 11S/2E-34D2 — Reference point — hole in base, elevation 72.0 feet. 50 feet north of Holohan Road, 0.2 mile east of junction of Holohan and San Jose Roads. 7/25/47, 73.5; 12/1/47, 50.5; 12/3/48, 53.1; 3/23/40, 64.7; 11/2/40, 57.8; 3/22/50, 52.0; 11/12/50, 57.6; 4/3/51. 54.5; 11/28/51. 54.3; 4/7/52. 50.8. 11S/2E-35H1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 102.0 feet. 0.6 mile southeast of Lakeview Road, 0.4 mile northeast of Carlton Road. 7/24/47, 98.0; 11/25/47. 80.7. 11S/2E-35K1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 64..S feet. 0.25 mile northwest of Coward Road, 0.8 mile northwest of Carlton Road. 3/6/47. 4(1.1 ; 7/23/47. 58.0; 11/25/47, 45.6; 3/2/48, 43.6; 11/30/48, 47.5; 4/0/40. 47.S ; 11/16/40. 50.4; 3/21/50, 47.2; 11/11/50, 51.6; 3/20/51. 50.6; 11/28/51. 53.5. 11S/2E-35P1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 48.0 feet. 0.35 mile west of Coward Road. 0.5 mile north of Chittenden Road. 3/0/47. 28J ; 8/6/47, 46.0; 11/25/47. 32.0; 3/2/48. 31.3; 11/16/40, 28.8. 11S/2E-36B1 — Reference point — hole in side of base, elevation 114.7 feet. 100 feet northeast of Thompson Road. 0..'! mile southeast of Coward Road. 3/6/47. 00.2; 7/24/47. 104.7; 11/10/47, 98.6; 3/4/48, 94.3; 11/30/48, 99.5; 4/0/40. 94.0; 11/9/40, 104.0; 11/11/50, 104.0; 4/2/51. 02.7; 11/28/51, 99.1; 4/3/52, 89.2. 11S/2E-36B2— Reference point — top of casing, elevation 122. S feet. 100 feet northeast of Thompson Road, 0.25 mile south- east of Coward Road. 3/6/47. 07.7; 7/24/47, 111.0; 11/19/47. 105.1; 3/4/48, 101.7; 12/16/48, 105.3; 4/19/40, 104.2; 11/0/40. 111.1; 3/21/50, 105.8. 11S/2E-36B3 — Reference point — ground level under pump base, elevation 120.0 feet. 100 feet northeast of Thompson Road, 0.15 mile southeast of Coward Road. 3/6/47, 104.2; 7/24/47. 110.0; 11/19/47, 111.0; 3/4/48, 108.1 ; 4/0/40, 108.5; 11/0 10. 117.8. 11S/2E-36C1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 121.0 feet. 100 feet southeast of Coward Road, 0.15 mile south of Thompson Road. 3/6/47. 06.0; 8/6/47, 113.5; 11/1K/47, 103.9; 3/4/48, 101.2; 11/30/48, 104.5; 4/0/40. 110.:',; 11/0/40. 111.1; 3/21/50, 104.7; 11/11/50, 110.7; 3/29/51, 00.6; 11/28/51, 105.5; 4/3/52, 05.0. 11S/2E-36C2 — Reference point— to]' of casing, elevation ios.1 feet. 100 feet northwest <>f Coward Road. 0.25 mile southwest of Thompson Road. 3/6/47, 74.2; 7/24/47. 101.5; 11/25/47, 0(1.2; 3/4/48, 89.0; 11/30/48, 02.4; 4/0/40. 00.4; 11 40. 00.2. 11S/2E-36E1 Reference point — hole in plate at top of casing, elevation 86.7 feet. .".(Ml feel northwest of Coward Road, 0.5 mile southwest of Carlton Road. 3/6/47, 61.1; 8/6/47, 87.3; 11 25 47. 07.2; 3/2 48, 65.2; 11 30/48, 58.2; 1 II 10. 07.3 ; 2/17/40, 67.1; 4/0/40, 00.0 ; 1 1 0.40. 76.0. 11S/2E-36G1— Reference point hole in side of pump, elevation 02.1 feet. 100 feel soul beast of Thompson R,, ad. 0.45 mile northeast of junction of Chittenden and Thompson Roads. ■". 5 17. 66.7; 7/24/47. 82.0; 11 21 17. 73.3; 3 I Is. 71.5; 11/30/48, 75.4; 1/14/49, 73.7; 2/17/40. 71.8; 4/0/40, 71.0; 11/0/40, 80.0; 3/20/50. 80.2; 11/10/50, 83.5; 4/2/51, 70.0; 11/28/51. 79.8 ; 4/3/52, 70.5. 1 1 S 2E-36G2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 94.1 feet. 500 feet southeast of Thompson Road, 0.5 mile north- west of Chittenden Road. 3/5/47, 68.3; 7/24/47. 83.9; 11/24/47. 75.4; 11/30/48, 77.4; 4/0,40. 72.4; 11/9/40, 81.4. 11S/2E-36J1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 66.2 feet. 0.4 mile southeast of Thompson Road. 0.4 mile south- west of Chittenden Road. 3/5/37. 37.8; 8/13/47, 82.8; 11/24/47, 47.0; 3/5/4S. 48.3; 11/30/48, 51.6; 4/12/40, 40.5; 11/14/4!!, 40.5. 11S/2E-36M1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 7S.0 feet. 0.1 mile southeast of Coward Road, 0.55 mile northeast of junction of Carlton and Coward Roads. 11/30/48, 62.2; 4/9/40. 60.7 ; 11/9/49, 05.7. 11S/2E-36M2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 75.2 feet. 2.15 miles southeast of Thompson Road. 0.0 mile northeast of Carlton Road. 3/6/47, 60.2; 7/23/47. 70.2; 11/25/47, 56.5; 3/2/48, 54.5; 11/30/48. 58.7; 4/0/40, 50.7; 11/0 40. 02.3; 3/21/50. 62.6; 11/11/50. 68.0; 11/28/51. 5S.0. 1 1 S '2E-36M3 — Reference point — side of pump base, elevation 71.0 feet. 100 feet northwest of Thompson Road, 0.6 mile northeast of Carlton Road. 3/6/47, 47.4 ; 7/23/47, 68.1 ; 11/25/47, 57.2; 3/2/48, 52.4; 11/30/4S. 55.2; 4/12/49, 56.1; 11/16/49, 59.0. 11S/2E-36N1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 00.0 feet. 250 feet southeast of Thompson Road. 0.75 mile southwest of Carlton Road. 3/6/47, 37.8; 7/23/47. 55.7; 11/25/47, 43.8; 3/2/48, 41.8; 11/30/48, 46.0. 11S/2E-36P1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 74.4 feet. 0.15 mile southeast of Chittenden Road, 250 feet south- west of Thompson Road. 3/0/47, 40.0 ; 7/23/47, 66.0 ; 11/25/47, 55.1; 3/4/48, 53.3; 11/30/48, 57.3; 4/9/49, 54.8; 11/9/49, 61.7. 11S/2E-36P2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 70.5 feet. 100 feet east of intersection of Chittenden and Thompson Roads. 3/5/47, 44.1 ; 7/23/47, 62.8 ; 11/24/47. 51.5 ; 3/7/48, 49.3; 11/30/48, 53.7: 1/14/40. 51.6; 2/17/49, 50.1; 4/0/40, 50.7; 11/0/40. 57.2; 3/20/50. 56.0; 11/10/50, 59.0; 3/20/51, 40.0; 11/28/51. 52.9; 4/3/52. 45.0. 11S 2E-36P3 — Reference point — slot under base of pump, ele- vation 67.6 feet. 250 feet due south of junction of Chittenden and Thompson Roads. 8/13/47. 5S.0 ; 11/25/47, 48.7; 3/4/48. 47.2; 11/29/48, 50.7; 4/9/40. 47.0; 11/16/49, 55.0. 11S/2E-36P4 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 01.:; feet. 200 feet southeast of Chittenden Road, 0.2 mile southwest of Thompson Road. 3/2/47, 35.0; 8/13/47, 51.7; 11/25/47, 42.1; 3/4/48, 40.0; 11 20 48, 44.2; 4/0/40, 41.7; 11/16/4!), 47.0. 11S/2E-36Q1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 67.0 feet. 0.1 mill' northeast of Chittenden Road, 0.1 mile south- west of junction of Chittenden and Thompson Roads. 3/5/47, 41.4; 7/23/47, 58.5; 8/6/47, 59.5; 11/24/47, 48.1; 3/5/48, 40.:; : 11/29/48, 50.4; 4/9/49, 51.0; 11 14 49, 53.4. 1 1 S 3E-31M1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 58.0 feet. 0.55 mile southwest of Chittenden Road. 0.6 mile southeast of junction of Thompson and Chittenden Roads. 3/5/47, 32.7; 8/6/47, 40.3; 11/24/47. 39.5; 3/5/4S, 36.6; 11/30 4S. 41.7; 4/12/49, 41.0; 11/10 5(1. 47.S; 4/2/51, 41.6; 11S/3E-31P1 — Reference point 58.(1 feet. 0.5 mib' nort beast southeast of Thompson Rond 11/14/4!). 54.7; 3/20/50. 30.8; 11 28/51, 40.8. hole in side of pump, elevation if Chittenden Road. 0.85 mile 3/5/47. 40.0; S 21 47. 50.0; 11/24/47, 47.:'.; :: 5 is. 45.0; 11/29/48, 49.8; 4/12/40, 50.7; 11/14/49, 52.5. APPENDIX E 135 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 1.8; 2.7; 11S/3E-31Q1 — Reference point — hole in base, elevation 58.8 feet. 0.6 mile northeast of Chittenden Road. 0.15 mile northwest of junction of Silliman and Chittenden Roads. 3/5/47, 32.3 ; 7/24/47, 47.0; 11/24/47. 40.8; 3/5/48, 38.0; 11/30/48, 41.0; 11/14/4!!. 45.0. 11S/3E-31G3 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 68.0 feet. 0.55 mile northeast of Chittenden Road. 200 feet northwest of junction of Silliman and Chittenden Roads. 3/5/47. 40.5; 8/13/47, 55.9; 11/24/47. 47.4; 3/5/4S, 44.S ; 11/30/48, 49.7; 4/9/49, 47.2; 11/14/4!). 42.8; 3/20/50. 47.7; 11/10/50, 55.2; 4/2/51, 45.9; 11/28/51, 48.7; 4/3/52, 44.4. 11S/3E-31R1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 124.4 feet. 0.25 mile northeast of Silliman Road, 0.2 mile southeast of junction of Silliman Road and farm road. 3/5/47. 96.5; 7/24/47, 109.8; 11/24/47, 103.8; 3/5/48, 100.0; 12/16/48, 105.0; 4/9/49, 101.8; 11/14/4!). 109.2. 12S/1E-1A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 23.0 feet. 0.45 mile east of Hill Road, 0.45 mile south of Harkins Slough Road. 11/3/4!), 0.3. 12S/1E-1C1 — Reference point — hole in side of casing, elevation 150.0 feet. 350 feet due west of Hill Road, 0.6 mile north of Harkins Slough Road. 2/26/47, 24.."i ; 5/10/47. 27.5; 7/10/47, 29.1 ; 12/22/47, 28.1 ; 2/17/48, 27.7; 11/19/48, 30.2; 1/13/4!), 28.0; 2/15/4!), 28.8; 3/30/49, 27.9; 11/4/49, 31.4. 12S/1E-1H1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 23.0 feet. 0.3 mile northeast of Harkins Slough Road. 0.35 mile southeast of Hill Road. 2/20/47. 1.0; 7/16/47, 4.0; 12/1.1/47. 2.4; 3/13/48, 2.0; 11/19/48, 3.7; 3/30/49. 11/4/4!), 6.2; 3/18/50, 3.2; 11/9/50, 5.9; 3/27/51, 11/28/51, 4.8; 4/2/52, 2.0. 12S/1E-1R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 18.0 feet. 300 feet south of Harkins Slough Road, 0.75 mile southwest of Hill Road. 2/25/47. 22.5; 8/4/47. 16.5; 12/16/47, 13.7; 3/5/48, 13.4; 11/19/48, 14.8; 3/30/49, 14.1; 11/4/49, 12.4; 3/18/50, 14.7; 3/27/51, 13.9; 11/28/51, 20.0. 12S/1E-2L1 — Reference point — pipe in concrete base, elevation 245.0 feet. 0.1 mile east of San Andreas Road, 0.3 mile south- east of Harkins Slough Road. 2/27/47, 200.5; 4/16/47, 221.3; 12/23/47, 235.0 ; 3/5/48, 223.0 ; 11/15/49, 192.0. 12S/1E-13A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 13.0 feet. 0.5 mile east of San Andreas Road, 2.4 miles southeast of Harkins Slough Road. 2/27/47, 1.7; 8/14/47, 7.8. 12S/1E-24A1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 10.0 feet. 100 feet northwest of Reach Road, 0.4 mile southwest of San Andreas Road. 3/25/4!), 0.5 ; 6/26/49, 14.6 ; 8/14/49. 18.8 ; 11/2/4!), 7.7. 12S/1 E-24G1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 9.4 feet. 100 feet northwest of Beach Road, 0.75 mile southwest of San Andreas Road. 2/22/47, 1.4; 5/13/47. 14.6; 6/9/47, 11.0; 7/31/47, 24.6; 12/16/47. 3.4; 1/28/48, 3.4; 2/16/48, 2.0; 3/1/48, 4.6; 11/12/48, 6.8; 1/13/49, 2.9; 2/15/49, 2.6; 3/22/49, 2.1; 11/2/4!). !).(); 11/9/50, 5.2; 3/27/51, 5.0; 11/14/51. 5.2; 4/1/52, 5.0. 12S/1E-24J1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, eleva- tion 12.4 feet. 0.4 mile southeast of Beach Road, 0.5 mile northeast of Rodgers Road. 7/8/47. 21.0; 12/16/47. 0.7; 3/1/48. 11.0; 11/12/4S, 7.5; 3/25/49, 3.7; 11/2/49, 13.1; 3/17/50, 11.7; 11/9/50, 11.0; 3/27/51, 8.3; 11/14/51, 7.7; 4/1/52, 7.9. 12S/1E-24R1 — Reference point — breather pipe in concrete base. elevation 10.5 feet. 0.5 mile southeast of Beach Road. 0.25 mile northeast of Rodgers Road. 2/22/47, 2.7; 12/17/47, 4.4; 2/26/48, 11.5; 11/12/48. 5.0; 3/22/49, 1.3; 5/1/49. 13.5; 6/1/49, 11.8; 6/26/49, 14.5; 7/17/49, 17.7; N/14/49, 19.1; 11/2/49, 11.7. 12S/1E-25A1 — Reference point — base of pump under 2" domestic line, elevation 10.7 feet. 0.8 mile southeast of Beach Road. 0.2 mile northeast of Rodgers Road. 2/22/47, 3.3; 12/17/47. 6.0; 2/26/48, 6.6; 11/10/48, 6.7; 3/22/49. 4.6; 11/15/49, 5.5. 12S/1E-25A2— Reference point— 0.8 mile southeast of Beach Rodgers Road 5/2S/47. 10.8; 6/18/47, 18.9; 7/2/47. 16.1; 7/30/47, 20.2; 5/9/47, 11.8; 6/4/47. 9.8; 6/20/47, 19.3; 7/9/47, 14.0; 8/6/47, 13.7; 8/27/47, 1S.1 ; 9/3/47. 12.7; 9/25/47, 11.0; 9/30/47, 14.5 10/22/47. 0.5; 11/18/47, 5.2; 2/26/4S, 0.5; 3/17/50. 14.2; 10/26/47, 6.1 11/25/47, 5.2 11/12/4S. 5.S; 11/8/50, 5.5. hole in base, elevation 9.3 feet. Road, 200 feet northeast of 5/15/47. 14.3; 5/22/47. 9.4 ; 6/9/47, 11.!); 0/11/47. 16.4; 0/25/47. 10.4; 12/17/47. 5.5; 7/10/47, 17.1 ; 7/23/47. 10.0; 8/13/47, 19.3; 8/19/47, 17.0; 9/10/47. 12.9; 9/17/47. 15.2; 10/8/47, 9.9; 10/15/47, 7.3; 11/4/47. 5.7; 11/12/47, 5.6; ; 12/2/47, 5.7; 12/7/47. 5.0; 3/25/4!), 3.6; 11/15/4!), 4.0; 12S/1E-25B1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 7.0 feet. 0.7 mile northeast of Beach Road, 0.1 mile southwest of Rodgers Road. 5/14/47, 12.0; 6/9/47, 23.7; 8/1/47, 18.2; 12/17/47, 1.9; 1/28/48, 1.1; 2/16/48, 0.5; 2/26/48, 6.0; 11/10/48, 3.2; 1/13/49, 0.0; 2/15/49, 0.2; 3/25/49, 0.4; 4/14/49. 9.S; 5/1/49. 7.7; 5/31/4!). 8.6; 0/26/49, 9.7; 7/17/4!), 11.4; S/14/49, 12.3; 9/1/4!). 23.7; 11/15/49, 2.3; 3/17/50, 5.2; 11/8/50, 4.7; 3/27/51, 0.3; 11/14/51. 3.4. 12S/1E-25Q1 — Reference point — fop of casing, elevation 9.5 feet. 2.0 miles due south of Beach Road. 0.5 mile southwest of San Andreas Road. 3/24/47. 4.6; 7/31/47. 9.0; 12/19/47. 5.7; 2/25/4S, 4.!); 12/10/48, 0.3; 3/18/49, 4.5; 0/20/4!), 7.8; X/14/49, 9.3; 11/8/49, 8.0; 3/17/50, 5.3; 11/9/50. 7.3; 3/26/51, 5.2; 11/14/51, 6.2; 4/1/52. 4.5; 4/17/52, 4.3. 12S/1E-36A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 35.5 feet. 2.25 miles due south of Beach Road. 0.3 mile southwest of San Andreas Road. 5/24/47, 30.7; 0/14/47, 33.1 ; 7/15/47, 33.7; 12/19/47, 32.0; 1/27/4S, 30.9; 2/16/48, 30.!); 3/1/48, .•',1.0; 11/9/48, 32.7; 3/1S/49, 30.4; 4/11/49, 31.1; 5/2/49, 31.0; 6/1/4!). 32.8; 8/2/49, 37.4; 9/1/49, 38.0; 11/8/4!), 33.5. 12S 2E-1A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 55. S feet. 250 feet southeast of Chittenden Road, 0.4 mile northwest of junction of Silliman and Chittenden Roads. 3/5/47. 29.8; 7/24/47, 40.1 ; 11/24/47, 30.2; 3/5/48, 33.6; 11/29/48, 38.0; 4/9/4!), 37.4; 11/14/49, 41.0. 12S/2E-1B1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 56.5 feet. 100 feet northwest of Chittenden Road, 0.55 mile southeast of Silliman Road. 3/2/47, 30.0; 5/14/47. 42.0; 7/23/47. 50.4; 11/24/47, 30.0; 2/10/4S. 33.0; 11/29/4S. 38.4; 1/14/4!), 37.4; 2/17/4!), 35.7; 4/8/49, 37.5; 6/1/4!), 42.2; 8/2/49, 53.0; 11/14/49, 40.9; 3/20/50, 36.8; 11/10/50, 42.2. 12S 2E-1D1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 49.0 feet. 0.1 mile southeast of Chittenden Road, 0.5 mile south- west of junction of Thompson and Chittenden Roads. 3/2/47, 19.3; 7/23/47, 45.!); 11/25/47. 29.7; 3/5/4S, 28.3; 11/29/48, 30.3 4/9/49, 31.6. 12S/2E-1D3 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 51.2 feet. 350 feet southeast of Chittenden Road, 0.25 mile south- west of junction of Thompson and Chittenden Roads. 3/2/47, 27.5; 7/23/47. 44.3; 11/25/47. 33.5; 3/4/48, 31.6; 11/29 48, 35.0; 4/9/49, 33.8; 11/10/49. 38.0; 3/20/50, 36.9; 11/10/50. 39.4; 3/29/51. 31.3; 11/27/51. 34.8. 12S/2E-1G1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 50.0 feet. 0.35 mile southwest of Chittenden Road. 0.65 mile southeast of Thompson Road. 3/2/47. 20.7: 8/13/47. 40.6; 11/24/47, 29.2; 3/5/48, 27.4; 11/29/4S. 31.5; 4/9/49. 31.8; 11/14/4!), 34.1. 12S/2E-2G1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 45.2 feet. 250 feet northwest of Chittenden Road, 1.5 miles north- east of Coward Road. 3/0/47. 22.2; 8/6/47, 45.7; 11/25/47. 27.2; 3/5/48, 20.4; 11/29/48. 29.2; 4/9/49, 34.2; 11/16/49, 31.6; 3/20/50, 30.4; 11/10/50. 35.2; 3/29/51, 34.9; 11/27/51, 34.2. 12S/2E-2H1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 45.0 feet. 100 feet southeast of Chittenden Road. 0.3 mile northeast of Coward Road. 3/2/47. 20.5; 11/25/47. 25.9; 3/5/48, 24.7; 11/29/48, 28.0; 4/9/49, 30.7; 11/10/4!), 31.0. 136 SANTA CRUZ-MONT KREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 12S 2E-2H2 — Reference point— hole in top of casing by air gauge, elevation 44.9 feet. 0.1 mile southeast of Chittenden Road. 0.3 mile northeast of Coward Road. 3/2/47, 21..",; 8 13/47, 41.0; 11/25/47. 26.6; 3/4/48. 25.0; 11/20/48. 2N.4 ; 4 4!i. 29.3; 11/16/4!), 2S.5 ; 3/20/50, 27.0; 11/10/50, 30.6; 4/4/51, 27.0; 11/27/51, 27.1. 12S 2E-2K1 — Reference point — slot in concrete base, elevation 4:-!. 4 feet. 0.30 mile south of Chittenden Road at Coward Road. 3/2/47. 2(1.5; 8/6/47, 42.7; 11/25/47. 25.0. 1/25/48, 24.1; 2/16/4S. 23.0; 3/2/48, 23.0; 11/29/48, 25.'.); 1/14/4'.). 26.7; 4/9/49, 32.8; 6/1/40. 35.6; 7/1/40. 46.3; 014'.). 40.9; 11 16 40, 30.0; 3/20/50, 26.3; 11/10/50. 31.6; 4/27/51. 2S.2 ; 4/3/52, 29.6. 12S/2E-3A1 — Reference point — hole in concrete base, elevation 40. S feet. 250 feet east of Lakeview Road, 0.5 mile north of Chittenden Road. 7/23/47. 44.1 ; 11/24/47, 32.3; 3/2/48. 31.2; 11/30 /4S, 34.2; 1/15/40, 32.5; 2/17/40, 31.0; 4/7/49, 34.5; 5/3/40. 30.1; 6/2/40. 40.4; 0/1/40, 45.4; 11/16/49, 37.3; 11/10/50, 37.5; 3/29/51, 33.6; 11/27/51, 33.6. 12S/2E-3E1 — Reference point — hole in base, elevation 38.5 feet. 0.25 mile southeast of East Lake Avenue, 1.1 miles south of Holohan Road. 3/11/47, 18.8; 8/4/47, 35.0; 12/1/47, 21.9; 3/2/4S, 21.7; 11/30/48, 24.4: 4/7/40, 25.S ; 11/16/40. 26.8; 3/20/50, 25.0; 11/10/50, 27.7; 3/28/51, 23.6; 11/27/51. 23.4. 12S/2E-3J1 — Reference point — hole in base, elevation 39.6 feet. 250 feet south of Chittenden Road, 0.15 mile east of East Lake Avenue. 3/6/47, 18.9; 7/23/47, 30.2; 11/24/47, 23.2; 3/2/4S, 22.4 ; 1 1 /30/48, 25.1 ; 4/0/40, 28.6 ; 11/16/49, 27.0. 12S/2E-3J2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 27.5 feet. 0.15 mile north of Chittenden Road. 250 feet east of Lakeview Road. .S/2/47. 7.6; 7/23/47, 26.0; 11/24/47, 11.8; 3/2/48. 11.3; 11/29/48, 13.7; 4/0/40, 16.7; 11/16/40. 15.6; 3/20/50, 13.8; 11/10/50, 16.9; 6/5/52. 25.0; 4/2/51. 13.6; 11/27/51. 13.5; 4/3/52, 11.2. 12S/2E-3K1 — Reference point — hole in concrete base, elevation 37.4 feet. 100 feet northwest of Chittenden Road. 0.15 mile southwest of junction of Lakeview and Chittenden Roads. 3/11/47, 20.2; 7/23/47, 35.2; 11/24/47, 27.1; 3/2/4S, 21.5; 11/29/48, 2:5.7; 1/14/40. 22.S ; 2/17/40, 21.1; 4/0/40, 26.2; 11/16/40, 26.0; 3/1/50, 24.0; 11/10/50, 28.4; 11/27/51, 23.7; 4/3/52, 23.9. 12S/2E-3K3— Reference point— hole in base, elevation 38.2 feet. 100 feet northwest of Chittenden Road, 350 feet southwest of Lakeview Road. 3/11/47. Is.:!; 7/23/47, 36.5; 11/24/47. 22.5; 3/2/4S, 21.6; 11/20/4S, 24.5; 4/0/40, 27.4; 11/16/49, 26.5. 12S/2E-3M1 — Reference point — bole in base, elevation 34.1 feet. o.l mile north of Chittenden Road, 0.85 mile southwest of Lake- view Road. 3/11/47. 14.4; 7/17/47. 25.3; 12/1/47, 18.5; 3/2/48, 18.6; 11/29/48, 2:5.7; 1/14/40. 18.8; 2/17/49, 17.5; 4/7/40. 20.2; 7/17/40. 33.6; 11/16/40, 23.6; 3/20/50, 23.4. 12S/2E-4B1 — Reference point — hole under pump base, elevation 50.0 feet. 0.4 mile dne wesl of East Lake Avenue, 0.S5 mile south of Holohan Road. 8/15/47, 50.1 ; 12/2/47,40.1. 12S 2E-4D1 Reference point — ton of casing, elevation 68.0 feet. 0.2 mile dne east of Freedom Boulevard, 0.9 mile southeast of Green Valley Road. 7/17/47. 57.7 ; 12/1/47, 4S.5 ; ::/4/40. 47.6 ; 12 II l\ 49.8; 1/14/40, 4S.3 ; 2/15/40, 47.5; 4/8/49, 47.S ; 5 :: 10. 56.4 ; 6/2 10. 55.1 ; 7 1 '49, 50.1. 12S/2E-5C1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 60.0 feet. 0.55 mile sonthwesi of Freedom Boulevard, 0.7 mile southeast of Green Valley Road. 3/12/47, 40.6; 8 1 47, 44.4; 12 15/47, 33.2; :5/12/4s. 33.8; 11/19/48, 25.8; 4/1/40, 33.6. 12S 2E-5D1 Reference point top of curb, elevation 2:5.0 feel, o.o mile sonthwesi of Freedom Boulevard, 0.5 mile southeast of Green Vallej Road. 3 12 47, 6.6 ; 7/17/47, 13.8; 12 15 17. 8.2 ; 12 16 is. 9.2; 4/1/49, 7.1 ; 11/15 I'.l. 12.0; 11 50. 12.6. 12S 2E-6D1 Reference point hole in casing, elevation 105.0 feci. On west side of State Highway 1.0.7 mile north of inter- section of Harkins Slough and Lee Roads. 2 26 17. 105.0; 8/4/47, 111.1: 12/15/47, 108.0; 3/12/48, 106.0; 12/16/48, 106.3; 4/1/40, 106.0; 11/4/49, 111.7; 3/1S/50, 100.0; 11/!) 50, 111.!); 3/27/51, 108.2; 11/28/51, 111.2; 4/2/52. 107.0. 12S 2E-6E1 — Reference point — hole in base, elevation 110.0 feet. 0.1S mile southwest of State Highway 1. 2.0 miles northwest of Watsonville city limits. 2/26/47, 106.0 ; 7/16/47, 110.5; 12/15/47. 107.7; 3/12/48, 105.0; 12/16/48, 00.0; 4/1/49, 106.8; 11/1/49, 111.0. 12S 2E-6K1 Reference point — top of casing, elevation 25 feet. On north side of Harkins Slough Road, 0.25 mile east of Lee Road. 8/15/47, 10.7 ; 12/15/47. 4.2 ; 3/8/48. 4.0 ; 3/1S/4K, 5.1 ; 3/20/40. 3.0; 11/3/4!), 7.!); 3/18/50, 2.!); 11/10/50, 8.3; 3/28/51, 3.8 ; 11/20/51, 6.5 ; 4/2/52. 3.4. 12S/2E-6L1 — Reference point — hole in base, elevation 100.0 feet. 0.15 mile north of intersection of Lee and Harkins Slough Roads. 7/16/47, 8!)..",; 12/15/47. 85.2; 3/5/4S, S4.5 ; 11/1S/4S, 86.9 ; 3/30/40, 85.2 ; 11/5/40. 88.0. 12S 2E-6P1 — Reference point— hole in base, elevation 28.0 feet. 0.10 mile west of Lee Road. 0.2S mile south of Harkins Slough Road. 11/18/48, 11.8; :i/30/40. 0.8; 11/15/40, 13.0. 12S 2E-7B1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 2S.0 feet. On west side of Lee Road, 0.52 mile south id' Harkins Slough Road. 2/25/47, 8.9 ; 12/16/47, 7.1 ; 3/5/4S. 7.0 ; 11/18/48, 8.6 ; 11/3/49, 15.0. 12S 2E-7E1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 60.0 feet. 0.75 mile south of Harkins Slough Road, 0.60 mile west of Lee Road. 2/25/47. 02.4 ; 6/2/47, 66.0; 8/15/47, 69.2; 12/16/47, 62.9; 1/28/48, 62.5; 2/16/48, 62.:',; 4/10/4S, 65.0; 1/13/49, 63.0; 2/15/40. 63.4; 3/30/49, 62.0; 11/3/40, 66.:!; 3/18/50, 65.2; 11/0/50, 66.0; 3/27/51. 63.6; 11/28/51, 68.1. 12S/2E-8A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 15.3 feet. 0.15 mile southeast of Beach Road. 0.20 mile northeast of Harkins Slough Road. 2/25/47, 1.6; 7/14/47, 16.!); 12/16/47, 4.1 ; 3/1/48, 5.5; 11/18/48, 7.0; 3/29/49, 2.7; 8/14/49, 20.0; 11/3/40, 12.4. 12S 2E-8B1 —Reference point — top of 4" x 6" pump support, ele- vation 21. S feet. 0.21 mile south of Harkins Slough Road, 0.60 mile northwest of Reach Road. 2/25/47, 0.0; 7/14/47, 17.5; 12/16/47, 11.1 ; 2/27/48, 12.0; 11/19/48, 13.6; 3/20/40, 10.0; 7/17/4'.). 19.7; 11/3/40, 15.3; 3/18/50, 13.6; 11/10/50, 16.7; 3/28/51, 12.0; 11/28/51, 13.8; 4/2/52, 9.8. 12S2E-8C1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 24.8 feet. 0.30 mile northwest of Beach Road, 0.60 mile northwest of Lee Road. 2/25/47. 13.!); 7/14/47, 19.8; 12/16/47. 15.5; 2/27/48, 15.3; 11/18/48, 17.4; 3/29/49, 13.2; 7/17/40, 21.5; 11/3/40, 20.0; 4/12/52. 14.S. 12S/2E-8D1— Reference point— wood curb top. elevation 20.0 feet. 0.60 mile east of Lee Road. 0.39 mile south of Harkins Slough Read. 7/15/47, 5.0: 11 2:: 4S, 0.5; 11/15/49, 2.0. 12S 2E-8E1 Reference point— lop of casing, elevation 11..", feet. 0.00 mile Ih of bend in Lee Road. 0.41 mile northwest of Beach Road. 7/15/47. 8.5; 12/16/47, 0.1; 2/27/48, 1.2; 11/18/48, 2.0; 7/17/4!), 0.0; 11/3/49, 5.5; 3/18/50, 2.6; 11/9/50, 4.:: ; 3/27/51, 1.1 : 11/29/51, 2.8. 12S 2E-8F2 Reference point hole in pump base, elevation 15.6 feet. o.4o mile northeast of Lee Road, 0.28 mile northwest of Beach Road. 2/25/47, 2.1; 7/14/47, 1:5.2; 12/16/47, 3.1; 2/27/4S, o.o; 11 '18/48, 5.!); 3/29/49, 1.0: 11/15/49, 7.0. 12S 2E - 8 F3 — Reference point cement curb lop. elevation 20.0 feel. 0.30 mile uorlheast of Lee Road. 0.33 mile northeast of Beach Road. 2/25/47, 11.6; 8/14/47, 25.4; 12/16/47, 13.5; 2/27/48, 15.7; 11/18/48, 15.4; 3/29/49, 11.9; 11/3/49, 18.8. 12S 2E-8G1 Reference point top of casing, elevation 15.1 feel. ( tn north side of Beach Road. 0.50 mile northeast of .lucid Road. 2/24/47, 1.6; 7/31 17. 10.6; 12 10 47. 3.8; 2/27/48, 8.5; 12 15 is. 5.1 ; :; 20 10. 2.4; II 16 I'd. 8.0. APPENDIX E 137 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 12S/2E-8G2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 17.0 feet. On southeast side of Beach Road, 0.35 mile southwest of Pine Street. 2/24/47, 2.8; 7/14/47. 21.0; 12/16/47, 7.4; 11/18/48, 10.3; 3/29/49, 5.5; 6/26/49, 20.6; 7/17/49, 22..".; 11/1/4!), 13.8; 3/18/50, 11.7; 11/9/50, 14.6; 3/26/51, 8.8; 11/14/51, 11.7; 4/1/52, 7.5. 12S/2E-8K1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 16.!) feet. On south side of Beach Road, 0.86 mile southwest of Pine Street. 2/24/47. 2.9 ; "5/13/47, 2.5; 6/9/47, 3.9; 7/14/47. :'».4 ; 12/16/47, 3.8; 1/27/48, 3.7; 2/10/48, 3.1; 2/27/4S, 2.8; 11/18/48, 4.2; 1/13/49, 2.S; 2/15/4!), 2.0; 3/29/49, 2.1; 11/1/49, 13.0. 12S/2E-8K2 — Reference point— ton of casing, elevation 18.8 feet. 0.10 mile southeast of Beach Road, 0.51 mile northeast of Judd Road. 2/24/47, 15.6 ; 5/15/47, 16.1 ; 6/9/47, 13.0 ; 12/16/47, 7.4 ; 1/27/48, 8.3 ; 2/16/48. 6.3 ; 2/27/48, 12.7 ; 11/18/48, 10.8 ; 1/13/4!). 7.9; 2/15/4!), 6.7; 3/29/49, 6.6; 4/14/4!). 15.4; 5/2/4!), 14.8; 5/31/4!), 16.6; 6/26/49, 22.9; 7/17/4!), 23.3; 8/2/4!), 21.7; 0/1/4!), 39.7; 11/2/4!), 14.1; 3/18/50, 12.9; 3/20/51, 0.2; 11/14/51, 11.0; 3/1/52, 10.8. 12S/2E-8L1- -Reference point — hole in side of pump base, eleva- tion 16.2 feet. On northwest side of Southern Pacific Railroad, 0.25 mile northeast of Lee Road. 2/24/47, 3.0; 8/14/47, 19.0; 12/16/47, 4.8; 3/1/48, 5.4; 11/18/48, 7.5; 3/29/49, 3.5; 11/3/49, 11.0; 3/18/50, 9.2; 11/9/50, 9.9; 3/27/51, 6.0; 11/14/51, 8.3. 12S/2E-8L2 — Reference point — top of 6" x 6" pump support, ele- vation 16.5 feet. On northwest side of Beach Road. 0.21 mile northeast of Lee Road. 9/26/47, 13.3; 12/16/47, 5.3; 3/1/48, 6.2; 11/18/48,8.0; 3/29/49,3.9; 11/1/49,11.1. 12S/2E-8N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 14.4 feet. On northwest corner of Beach and Lee Roads. 2/24/47, 1.8; 7/10/47. 2.7; 12/16/47, 3.7; 2/27/4S, 2.7; 11/18/48, 4.4; 3/29/49,1.9; 11/2/49,3.0. 12S/2E-8P1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 16.5 feet. On northwest side of Beach Road, 0.11 mile northeast of Lee Road. 2/24/47, 3.0; 8/14/47. 21.2; 12/16/47, 5.4; 2/27/48, 10.6; 11/18/48, 8.0; 3/20/4!), 4.0; 6/26/40, 18.3; 7/17/49,22.9; 8/14/49,21.6; 11/1/49,11.0. 12S/2E-9F1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 25.2 feet. On south corner of First and Locust Streets. 12/16/47, 13.4; 3/1/48,15.0; 11/18/48,16.7; 3/29/49, 12.7 ; 11/3/4!), 20.6. 12S/2E-9M1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 24.8 feet. 0.10 mile southeast of First Street, 0.31 mile south- west of Locust Street. 2/24/47. 10.7 ; 12/17/47, 27.1 ; 2/26/48, 15.7; 11/18/48,15.9; 3/29/49.11.0; 11/3/49,20.0; 11/9/50, 21.6; 3/26/51, 14.3; 11/14/51, 14.8; 4/1/52, 12.0. 12S/2E-9M2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 24.0 feet. 0.25 mile southeast of First Street. 0.32 mile southwest of Locust Street. 2/24/47, 10.7; 7/14/47, 28.1; 10/5/47. 19.5; 10/15/47, 16.3; 10/22/47, 15.0; 10/28/47, 14.3; 11/4/47. 13.8; 11/12/47. 13.1; 11/18/47, 12.9; 11/25/47. 12.5; 12/2/47, 12.2; 12/7/47, 12.0; 12/12/47. 12.3; 12/17/47, 12.3; 12/24/47, 11.8; 12/31/47. 11.6; 2/26/4S, 15.3; 11/18/48,15.3; 3/29/49,11.4; 11/3/40,21.2. 12S/2E-9N1 — Reference point — base of pump, elevation 27.5 feet. 0.S6 mile northeast of Judd Road. 0.24 mile southeast of First Street. 2/24/47. 13.! 18.1 : 22.7: 15.1 : 23.4 : 30.1 : 5/9/47. 21.6; 6/4/47. 23.0; 6/20/47. 10.S; 7/10/47. 25.5; 12/16/47, 17.5 4/22/47,18.8; 4/24/47, 1S.2; 5/2/47, 5/15/47,21.5; 5/22/47,22.3; 5/28/47. 6/0/47, 10.5; 6/11/47, 17.9; 6/18/47, 0/25/47. 17.5; 7/2/47, 21.5; 7/9/47, 7/23/47,27.3; 7/30/47,28.2; 8/11/47, ; 2/26/48, 15.0. 12S/2E-9N2 — Reference point — slot in top of casing, elevation 27.0 feet. 0.82 mile northeast of Judd Road. 0.29 mile south- east of First Street. 11/18/48, 14.S ; :;/2!)/4!), 12.3; 11/2/49, 13.1. 12S/2E-1CA3 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 13.0 feet. On south side of Pajaro River, 0.40 mile east of Lewis Road. 3/1/47, 13.0; 7/21/47, 35.6; 4/3/47, 20.1; 3/2/48,20.7; 11/23/4S, 22.5 ; 4/0/4!). 22.0 ; 11/15/49,26.8; 3/20/50, 24.7; 11/10/50, 26.7; 3/20/51, 25.2; 11/20/51, 22.0 ; 4/2/52, 19.3. 12S/2E-10B1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 33.0 feet. 0.20 mile north of intersection of Lewis and San Juan Roads. 8/21/47, 33.4; 12/4/47, 19.8. 12S/2E-10C2 — Reference point— hole in casing, elevation 33.0 feet. 0.20 mile north of San Juan Road, 0.23 mile west of Lewis Road. 3/1/47, 15.5; 7/17/47, 36.0; 12/3/47, 18.7; 3/2/48,18.6; 11/22/48,21.2; 4/12/40,23.8; 7/17/49.34.0; 11/15/40, 23.5; 11/10/50, 21.7; 3/29/51, 18.5; 11/29/51, 18.6. 12S/2E-10E1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, eleva- tion 31.8 feet. 0.18 mile north of San Juan Road, 0.40 mile east of bridge on Pajaro River. 3/1/47. 15.4; 8/4/47, 35.3; 12/3/47,18.0; 3/1/4.S. ls.5; 11/23/48,20.5; 11/15/49,23.3. 12S/2E-10E? — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, eleva- tion 30.2 feet. On north side of San Juan Road, 0.25 mile east of bridge on Pajaro River. 3/1/47, 12.7; 7/17/47, 26.6; 12/3/47,14.5; 3/2/48, 14.4; 11/23/48,15.5; 1/13/49,13.3; 2/15/49, 12.5; 4/7/4!). 13.0; 7/17/40, 27.1; 11/15/40, 17.4; 3/20/50,13.9; 11/10/50,15.7; 4/4/51,15.0; 11/21/51,20.4; 4/2/52, 9.3. 12S 2E-10E4 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 20.5 feet. On south side of San Juan Road, 0.31 mile east of bridge on Pajaro River. 3/1/47. 7.0; 8/4/47, 9.5; 12/3/47, 8.5; 3/2/48,8.0; 11/23/48.8.9; 4/2/49,5.4; 11/15/49,8.6. 12S/2E-10E5 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 20.4 feet. On south side of San Juan Road, 0.46 mile east of bridge on Pajaro River. 3/1/47, 11.8; 7/17/47, 33.4; 12/3/47,15.6; 11/23/48,18.2; 4/7/4!), 19.5 ; 11/15/49,19.2. 125 2E-10F1 — Reference point — hole in concrete base, elevation 31.3 feet. On south side of San Juan Road, 0.2!) mile west of Lewis Road. 7/1/47. 14.3; 12/3/47, 17.4; 3/2/48. 16.9; 11/23/48,19.8; 4/12/49.22.2; 11/15/49.22.1. 12S/2E-10J1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation :'>1. 4 feet. On west side of Storm Road, 0.20 mile south of San Juan Road. 3/1/47. 14.8 ; 12/3/47, 16.8 ; 3/2/48, 15.7 ; 11/26/48,19.6; 4/6/49,19.1; 11/7/4!), 22.7 ; 3/20/50,20.3; 11/12/50,22.2; 3/20/51.21.5; 11/28/51,21.7; 4/2/52,16.3. 12S/2E-1CJ2 — Reference point — slot in concrete base, elevation 32.6 feet. On west side of Storm Road, 0.28 mile south of San Juan Road. 3/1/47, 14.5; 7/22/47, 34.4; 12/3/47. 17.8; 3/2/48. 17.0; 11/26/48, 20.4; 4/0/4!), 20.2; 11/7/4!), 23.0. 12S 2E-10K1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 31.0 feet. 0.10 mile east of Allison Road, 0.25 mile south of San Juan Road. 3/1/47, 14.4; 8/4/47. 36.2 ; 12/3/47, 17.9; 3/2/48,17.0; 11/23/48.20.:!; 4/6/40,20.3; 11/7/49, 23.1. 12S 2E-10N3 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 20.1 feet. 0.00 mile north of Railroad Avenue, 0.33 mile west of Allison Road. 3/1/47, 13.!); 7/25/47. 35.0; 12/3/47. 18.0; 3/1/48.16.3; 11/23/48.18.8; 4/6/49,18.3; 11/15/49,12.0; 3/20/50.10.2; 11/10/50.22.1; 4/2/51,22.7; 11/28/51,19.6. 12S2E-10Q1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 26.3 feet. 0.05 mile west of Allison Road, 0.12 mile south of Rail- road Avenue. 2/28/47, 11.3; 7/18/47. 20.0; 12/3/47, 13.2; 2/27/48, 18.6; 11/22/48, 15.7. 12S 2E-10Q2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 27.5 feet. On east side of Allison Road. 0.08 mile south of Rail- road Avenue. 2/28/47, 11.:'. ; 7/18/47. 2!).:!; 12/3/47. 13.4; 2/27/48.18.0; 11/22/48,16.2; 4/6/40.15.4; 11/7/40.18.7. i:5S SAXTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 12S 2E-10R1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 34.0 feet. On west side of Storm Road, o.4.~> mile south of San Juan Road. 2/28 47. 16.0; 7/22/47, 38.6; 12/3/47, 111.4; 3/1/48,18.6; 11/22/48,17.5; 4/11/40,17.0; 7/17/49, 33.0; 11 4 49, 24.8. 12S 2E-11C1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 40.0 feet. 0.41 mile north of San Juan Road, 0.40 mile east of Storm Road. 3/1/47. 19.1; 12/2/47. 22.5; 3 2/48, 21.6; 11/2(5/48, 24.7; 4/7/49,26.3; 11/15/49,27.8; 3/20/50,26.4; 11/10/50, 29.0; 11/29/51, 24.(5; 4/3/52, 24.7. 12S 2E-11E2 — Reference point- -between pump blocks under dis- charge, elevation 35.6 feet. 0.11 mile north of San Juan Road. 0.17 mile east of Storm Road. 3/1/47, 17.2; 8/4/47, 38.1; 12 ■3/47. 20.0; 1/27/48,23.3; 2/16/48,18.0; 3/2/48,19.0; 11 26/48,23.0; 1/13/40.21.7: 2/15/49,19.5; 4/(5/40.22.6; 6/1/40. 32.0; 8/2/40. 3<5.N ; 0/1/40. 42.2; 11/7/40. 26.8. 12S/2E-11F1 — Reference point — hole in side of oump base, ele- vation 35. 7 feet. On south side of San Juan Road, 032 mile east of Storm Road. 3/1/47, 16.3; 7/22/47, 3S.1 ; 12/3/47. 19.9; 3/25/48.18.5; 11/26/48,22.2; 4/(5/40.22.:'.; 11/7/40, 25.0; 3/20/50, 22.2; 11/10/50, 25..".; 3/20/51. 23.5; 11/28 51, 22.0; 3/4/52, 19.8. 12S/2E-11H1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 41.4 feet. On north side of San Juan Road. 0.81 mile east of Storm Road. 3/1/47, 20.6; 12/3/47, 23.0; 3/2/48, 22.6; 4/12/49. 20.2. 12S 2E-11H2 — Reference point— bole in nump bn u e, elevation 44.3 feet. On north side of San Juan Road, 0.89 mile east of Storm Road. 3/1/47, 23.2 ; 7/22/47. 43.3; 12/3/47. 27.0; 3/2/48,26.0; 11/26/48,29.0; 11/9/49,32.1; 11/10/50,34.4; 11 28/51,31.5; 4/3/52,29.3. 12S/2E-11K1 — Reference point— hole in pump h^se. elevation 42.0 feet. < >n south side of San Juan Road, 0.77 mile east of Storm Road. 3/1/47. 19.1; 12/3/47. 24.2; 3/2/4S. 12.3; 11/26/48, 13.0; 4/7 40. 14.0; 11/9/49, 16.9. 12S 2E-11L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 35. S feet. 0.0(5 mile north of Southern Pacific Railroad, 0.43 mile east of Storm Road. 3/1/47, 16.5; 7/22/47, 34.S ; 12/3/47. 20.1; 3/2/48,18.6; 11/26/48,22.0; 4/7/49,22.8; 11/14/40, 25.0; 3/20/50, 22.0: 11/10/50, 25.5; 3/29/51, 22.0; 11/28/51, 22.1; 4/3/52. 18.0. 12S/2E-11M' 1 — Reference point— hole iii side of pump base, ele- vation 32.6 feet. On east side of Storm Road. 0.10 mile south of San Juan Road. 3/1/47. 14.4; 7/22/47. 34.(5; 12/3/47. 18.1; 3/2/48, 17.0; 11/26/48, 20.8; 4/(5/40, 19.9; 11/7/40, 23.0. 12S/2E-11P1 — Reference point — ton of casing, elevation 3,7.0 feet. 0.30 mile east of Storm Road. 0.47 mile south of San Juan Road. 2/28/47, 18.5; 12/3/47, 21.(5; 3/1/48, 20.(5; 11 2(!/4S, 23.5; 1/14/40. 22.4; 2/15/40, 30.5; 4 1/49, 20.0; 11 10/50, 27.1; 4/2/51, 27.5; 11/16/51, 25.0; 4/3/52, 21.0. 12S 2E-12C1 -Reference poinl -hole in pump base, elevation 40.0 feet. 0.44 mile north of San Juan Road. 0.80 mile west of San Miguel Canvon Road. 3/1/47, 21.3; 7/22/47, 38.8; 12 3 47, 25.5; 3/2/48, 24..".; 11/26/48, 27.8; 11/15/40. 3,0.2. 12S 2E-12E1— Reference point hole in casing, elevation is. 7 feet. 0.07 mile north of San Juan Road. 0.86 mile west of San Miguel Canvon Road. .",147. 23.9; 7 22 47, 40.4; 12 3 47. 27. s ; 3/2 18, 27.0; 11/26/48, 20.7; 4/7/40, 36.4; 11 15 10. 31.7; 3, 20/50, 28.8; 11 lo 50, 33.4; 3/20/51, 32.0; 11 '28 51, 28.8. 12S 2E-12F1 Reference point hole in side of pump, elevation 51.0 feet. 0.19 mile north of San Juan Road, 0.S4 mile west of San Miguel Canvon Road. 3/1/47, 23.8; 7/22/47, 47.4; 12 3/47, 28.1; 3/2/48, 27.0; 12/16/48, 20.:.; 1 12 19, 38.0; 11 '15 49, 35.0. 12S 2E-12F2 Reference point hole in side of pump base, ele ration 51.0 feet. 0.25 mile 'th of San Juan Road, 0.70 mile wesl of San Miguel Canyon Road. 3/1 17. 23.8; 12 3 17. 28.8; 1/27 48, 29.7; 2 16 4s. 28.0; 3/2/48, 27.6; 11/26/48, 30.0; 4/12/49, 41.(5; 11/15/49, 33.7. 12S 2E-12H1 — Reference point — hole in side of casing, elevation 52.0 feet. 0.30 mile north of San Juan Road, 0.19 mile west of San Miguel Canyon Road. 3/1/47, 33.0; 12/3/47. 33.8; 3/2/4S. 33.6; 11/26/48, 37.0; 4/7/40. 43.0; 11/15/49, 38.4. 12S/2E-12J1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 57.3 feet. On north side of San Juan Road, 0.23 mile west of San Miguel Canvon Road. 3/1/47, 30.1 ; 7/22/47. 46.4; 12/3./47. 34.3; 3/2/48, 33.7; 11/26/48, 36.8; 11/0/40, 30.0; 3/20/50. 35.1 ; 10/10/50, 41.2; 3/20/51. 38.3; 11/28/51, 39 0; 4/3/52, 34.3. 12S/2E-12K1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation .">.">.."> feet. ( >n south side of San Juan Road, 0.31 mile west of San Miguel Canyon Road. 3/1/47. 27.2; 7/22/47, 45.3,; 12/3 47 32.7 ; 3/2/48, 32.1 ; 11/26/48, 35.2 ; 4/7/40. 43.0 ; 11/0/49, 37.7. 12S/2E-12L1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation .".4.1 feet. On south side of San Juan Road. 0.(50 mile wesl of San Miguel Canyon Road. 3/1/47, 28.6; 7/22/47, 44 2; 12/3/47, 32.0; 3/2/48. 32.0; 11/26/48, 35.2; 1/14/40, 35.1; 2/15/40. 32.5; 4/12/49, 42.0; 5/3/49, 48.1; 6/2/40. 44.4; 7/1/49, 52.0; 0/1/49, 4(5.1; 11/0/40, 37.4; 3/20/50. 33.7; 11/10/50, 38.2; 11/28/51, 3,4.4; 4/3/52, 34.0. 12S/2E-13A1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 55.0 feet. 0.27 mile west of San Miguel Canyon Road, 0.35 mile south of San Juan Road. 3/1/47, 27.0; 7/22/47,44.1 ; 11/26/47, 31.0; 3/2/4S. 31.0; 11/20/48. 33.5; 4/7/40. 38.5; 11/15/40, 3.",. 7 ; 12S 2E- 1 4D1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 35.0 feet. 0.11 mile east of Storm Road, 0.73 mile south of San Juan Road. 2/2S/47. 21.0; 11/22/48, 24.0; 4/1/49, 23.1; 11/7/40, 2S.0. 12S 2E-15A1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 33. S feet. On northwest corner of Ilavs and Storm Roads. 2/28/47, 1(5.3,; 7/22/47, 33.4; 12/3/47,' 10.0 ; 3/1/48, 10.1 ; 11/22/48, 22.2; 4/1/40. 18.3; 11/7/40. 24.0. 12S ■■2E-15A2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation .",2.7 feet. On north side of Hays Road. 0.11 mile west of Storm Road. 7/22/47, 32.4; 12/3/47, 18.8; 3/1/48, 19.2; 11/22 48, 19.2; 4/1/40. 17.2; 11/7/40, 23.S. 12S/2E-15A3 — Reference point— -hole in pump base, elevation 35.0 feet. On west side of Storm Road. 0.00 mile south of Hays Road. 2/28/47, 18.8; 7/22/47, 38.8; 12/3/47, 22.0; 3/1/48, 21.7; 11/22/48, 24.(5; 1/13/49, 24.4; 2/15/49, 20.(5; 4/1/40, 20..",; 5/3/49, 30.(1; 6/1/49, 30.4; 7/1/40. 38.8; 7/17/40. 34.3; 8/2/49, 30.0; 9/1/49, 32.0; 11/7/49, 2(5.3; 3. 20/50. 24.7; 11/10/50, 24.7; 4/2 .".1. 25.9; 11 10 51. 25.2; 4/2/52, 2(>.2. 12S/2E-15B1— Reference point— too of casing, elevation 25.8 feel. On west side of All ison Ilavs Road. 2 2S 47, 0.7 : 7 is 47, 20.S; 12/3/47, 12.8; 2/27 48, 17.2; 11/22/48, 15.2; 4/1/49, 11.3; 11/7/40, 17.8; 3/18/50, 19.9; 11/10/50, 1S.4; 4/2/51. is. 4; 4/2/52, 10.9. 12S/2E-15C2 — Reference point top of casing, elevation 25.7 feel. 0.20 mile west of Allison Road, 0.19 mile south of Rail- road Avenue. 2/2S/47. 10.7; 7/18/47, 2S.3 ; 12/3/47, 13.2; 2/27/4S. is. 7; 1 1 2l"4s. 15.6; 4/6/49, 14.0; 11 15 10. 18.0. 12S 2E-15D1 -Reference poinl pressure tank pipe at base of pump, elevation 25.3 feet. 0.17 mile south of Railroad Avenue, 0.20 mile easl of Salinas Walsonville Highway. 2/28/47, 11.1 ; 7/18/47, 31.5; 12/3 47. 13.9; 2 27 48, 10.4; 11 '22/48, 1(5.5; I 6 10. 1 1.2; 11 1.". 10. 10.7. 12S 2E-15D2 Reference poinl lop of casing, elevation 2.".. 7 feel. 0.10 mile south of Railroad Avenue. 0.17 mile easl of Salinas-Walsonv ille lliylivvav. 2/28 17. 0.0; 7 IS/47, 10.7; I o 40. 8.3. APPENDIX E 139 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 12S 2E-15D3 — Reference point — top of casing under pump base, elevation 24.0 feet. 0.25 mile south of Railroad Avenue, 0.18 mile east of Salinas-Watsonville Highway. 2/28/47, 9.4; 5/13/47, 23.2; 7/18/47, 27.9; 12/8/47. 12.3; 1/27/48. 11.7; 2/10/48, 10.6; 11/22/48. 14.7; 1/13/49, 12.0; 2/15/49, 11.0; 4/1/49. 10.3; 7/17/4!!. 28.0; 11/15/4!). 17.0; 3/18/50, 18.9; 11/10/50, 17.8; 4/2/51, 18.8; 11/1(1/51. 1(5.0; 4/2/52. 11.0. 12S/2E-15G1 — Reference point — top of casing under pump, ele- ad, E Allison R 7/18/47, 29.2 4/1/49, 13.7 i if casing, 0.14 mile 0.15 mile south 12/3/47. 15.8; 7/17/49, 30.1; elevation 2(1.4 south of Hays ; 12/3/47. 16.6; 3/1/48, 11/7/4!), 3/20/50, 11/16/51, 20.S; 4/2/52, vation 28.5 feet. On east side < of Hays Road. 2/27/47. 12.3: 2/27/48, 19.4; 11/22/48, 17.7 11/7/49. 20.1. 12S/2E-15G2— Reference point— tot. feet. On west side of Allison Road Road. 2/2S/47. 10.7; 7/18/47, 28.6; 11/7/49, 19.2. 12S/2E-15G5 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele vation 29.5 feet. 0.13 mile east of Allison Road. 0.32 mill south of Hays Road. 2/27/47. 13.3 1(5.1; 11/22/48, 19.0; 4/1/49, 14.S 19.5; 11/10/50, 23.3; 4/2/51, 21.!); 13.1. 12S/2E-15H1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 30.2 feet. 0.25 mile south of Hays Road. 0.24 mile east of Allison Road. 2/27/47. 13.9; 7/22/47. 30.0; 12/3/47, 17.0; 3/1/48, 10.4; 11/22/48. 19.3; 4/1/4!). 15.1 ; 11/7/4!). 22.0. 12S/2E-15H2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 33.0 feet. 0.04 mile west of Storm Road. 0.18 mile south of Havs Road. 2/2S/47, 16.0; 7/22/47. 32.1; 12/3/47, 1 !).."> ; 3/1/48, 18.8; 11/23/48. 19.3; 4/1/4!), 17.8; 11/7/49, 24.1. 12S/2E-15L1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 24.0 feet. 0.10 mile west of Allison Road. 0.56 mile south of Hays Road. 2/27/47, !).7 ; 7/18/47, 25.8; 12/3/47. 12.7; 2/27/48, 16.4; 11/22/48. 14.2; 4/1/49, 10.6; 11/7/49. 17.7; 3/18/50, 19.6; 11/10/50, 19.6; 4/2/51, 1S.1 ; 11/16/51, 17.5; 4/2/52, 11.0. 12S/2E-15M1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 21.8 feet. 0.14 mile east of intersection of Trafton and Salinas- Watsonville Roads. 7/1S/47. 24.9; 12/3/47. 10.2; 1/27/48, 10.1; 2/16/4S, 8.6; 2/27/48, 14.1; 11/22 ,'4S. 12.3; 1/13/49, 9.4. 12S/2E - 16 A1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 25.2 feet. 0.12 mile west of intersection of Railroad Avenue and Salinas-Watsonville Road. 7/14/47. 31.9; 8/11/47. 34.0; 8/18/47, 28.0; 8/25/47. 29.4 ; il/2/47. 26.8; 0/10/47, 23.6; 9/17/47. 26.5; 9/23/47. 22.!); 12/1K/47, 13.0; 2/26/48, 15.9; 11/23/48. 15.5; 3/25/49, 11.0; 7/17/4!), 32.4; 8/14/49, 27.4; 11/3/49, 19.8; 3/18/50, 20.0; 11/9/50. 1S.0; 3/26/51, 10.2; 11/16/51, 17.1. 12S/2E-16C1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 27.9 feet. 0.13 mile east of Pajaro River, 0.71 mile north of Trafton Road. 7/14/47, 32.7; 11/10/48, 17.2; 3/25/49, 13.3; 7/17/4!), 23.4; 8/14/49, 22.2. 12S/2E-16H2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 21.0 feet. 0.00 mile west of Salinas-Watsonville Road, 0.18 mile north of Trafton Road. 2/21/47. 7.0; 12/1S/47, 4.7; 2/26/48, 4.3; 11/10/48, 13.9; 3/22/49, 5.!); 5/2/49. 3.1; 5/31/4!). 2.7; 6/26/49, 22.0; 11/3/4!). 16.6. 12S/2E-16J1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 21.3 feet. On southwest corner of Trafton Road and Salinas- Watsonville Road. 2/20/47, 7.3; 7/31/47. 24.4; 12/10/47, 10.4; 2/20/4S, 14.5; 11/10/48, 13.7; 4/1/4!). S.4 ; 6/26/49, 23.1; 7/17/4!). 20.1; 8/14/4!). 24.2; 9/1/49, 22.5; 11/3/49, 16.1 ; 11/8/50, 15.4 ; 3/20/51, 12.7 ; 11 /14/51, 14.1 ; 4/2/52. 9.5. 12S/2E-16L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 20.7 feet. 0.11 mile north of Trafton Road. 0.02 mile west of Salinas- Watsonville Road. 2/20/47, 8.0; 0/23/47. 23.8; 7/31/47. 25.2; 12/18/47, 8.5; 1/27/4S. 9.8; 2/16/48, 7.8; 3/1/48, 9.1 ; 11/10/48, 12.2; 1/13/4!), 9.5; 2/15/49. 8.5; 3/22/4!), 7.4; 5/1/49, 19.7; 5/31/4!), 18.8; 7/17/49, 20.4; 8/14/49. 24.!); 9/1/49, 22.4; 11/8/49. 15.0; 3/17/50. 17.5; 11/8/50, 14.3; 3/20/51, 11.7; 11/14/51, 14.0; 4/2/52, 12.3. 12S/2E-16R1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 22.1 feet. On west side of Salinas-Watsonville Road. 0.30 mile south of Trafton Road. 2/27/47. 9.4; 5/13/47. 10.0; 12/3/47, 12.2; 1/27/48, 12.9; 2/10/4S. 10.3; 2/27/48, 12. 8; 11/22/48. 14.0; 1/13/49, 11.9; 2/15/49. 11.0; 4/1/4!). 11.0; 11/7/49, 16.2; 3/18/50, 14.2; 11/10/50, 10.5; 4/2/51, 14.2; 11/16/51, 14.3; 4/2/52. 10.1. 12S/2E-17D1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 17.5 feet. 0.07 mile southeast of Reach Road, 0.13 mile south- west of Judd Road. 2/23/47, 5.0 ; 12/10/47. O.'.l ; 2/27/48, 10.0 ; 11/18/48. 9.3; 3/23/49, 5.3; 11/2/49. 12.1. 12S/2E-17D2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 17.2 feet. 0.08 mile southeast of Reach Road, 0.1!) mile south- west of Judd Road. 2/23/47. 5.0 ; 12/16/47. 7.0 ; 2/27/48. 10.7 ; 11/18/48, 9.2; 3/23/49, 5.5; 11/2/49, 12.2. 12S 2E-17E1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 10.0 feet. 0.26 mile southwest of Judd Road, 0.03 mile south- east of Beach Road. 2/23/47. 4.2 ; 7/10/47. 25.!) ; 12/16/47, 6.2 ; 2/26/48, 10.3; 11/18/48, 8.2; 3/23/49. 4.7: 4/14/49, 17.6; 11/2/4!), 11.7; 3/18/50, 12.3; 11/9/50, 10.8; 3/26/51, 9.6: 11/14/51, 9.7. 12S/2E-17G1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 22.3 feet. 0.20 mile southeast of First Street. 0.32 mile north- east of Judd Road. 2/24/47. N.7 : 12/10/47. 11.6; 2/26/48, 15.1; 11/18/4S, 14.1 ; 3/24/49, 10.0; 11/2/49. 17.5; 11/9/50, 10.4; 11/14/51. 14.1. 12S/2E-17K1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 22.4 feet. 0.25 mile southeast of First Street, 0.15 mile northeast of Judd Street. 2/24/47. 10.4; 12/1(5/47, 11.2; 2/26/48, 14.7; 11/1N/4X. 13.(5; 3/24/49, 11.6; 11/2/4!), 17.5. 12S/2E-17L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 17.0 feet. On north side of Pajaro River, 0.13 mile southwest of Judd Road. 3/25/4!), 0.0; 11/2/49. 12.0. 12S/2E-17M2— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 1(5.1 feet. On north side of Pajaro River. 0.42 mile southwest of Judd Road. 2/23/47, 4.7; 7/10/47. 2S.4 ; 12/10/47. 0.!); 2/26/48, 11.0; 11/18/48, 9.2; 3/23/4!). 5.4; 11/2/4!). 12.7; 11/9/50. 11.2; 3/2(5/51. !(.!); 11/14/51, 10.7; 4/1/52. 11.0. 12S/2E-17N1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 2.0 feet. 0.41 mile north of Trafton Road. 0.51 mile east of McGowan Road. 3/18/4!). 7.1 ; 11/3/4!), 9.2. 12S/2E-17R1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 20.2 feet. On Trafton Road, 1.00 mile west of Salinas-Watson- ville Road. 2/20/47, 7.2; 5/13/47, 21.2; 12/17/47. 10.1; 2/16/48, 8.8; 3/1/48, 10.1; 11/10/48, 13.!); 1/13/4!), 9.7; 2/15/49, 9.1; 3/24/49, 8.2; 5/1/49, 20.6; 5/31/4!). 21.3; 6/26/49, 20.1; 7/17/49. 28.1; 8/2/49, 24.4; 8/14/49, 25.9; 9/1/4!), 22.5; 11/3/4!). 15.4; 11/8/50, 14.8; 3/26/51, 12.7; 11/14/51. 13.2; 4/2/52. 11.0. 12S/2E-18A1 — Reference point — top of casing through slot in pump base, elevation 13.4 feet. On northwest side of Reach Road. 0.27 mile southwest of Judd Road. 2/23/47. 1.6 ; 7/10/47, 22.5; 12/15/47, .-..0; 2/27/48, 6.3; 11/18/48, 5.7; 3/23/49, 2.1 ; (5/29/4!). 20.7 ; 7/17/49, 22.3 ; 8/14/4!). 20.4 ; 11/2/49. 8.7. 12S 2E-18A2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 13.6 feet. 0.0(5 mile northwest of Beach Road, 0.40 mile south- west of Judd Road. 2/23 47. 1.5; 7/31 /47. 19.3; 12/16/47, 3..-,; 2/2(5/48, 7.2; 11/18/4S. 5.5; 3/23/49. 2.0; 11/2/4!). 8.2; 3/18/50, 8.1; 11/9/50. 7.(5; 11/14/51. 0.(5; 4/1/52. 2.7. 12S/2E-18A3 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 14.0 feet. On northwest side of Reach Road, 0.54 mile south- west of Judd Road. 2/23/47. 2.1 ; 7/8/47, 16.2; 12/10/47. 4.0; 2/26/48, 8.5; 11/18/48, 6.1; 3/25/49, 2.(5; (5/2(5/4!), 19.5; N/14/49, 18.!); 11/2/49. 9.0. 140 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 12S 2E-18A4 — Reference point — top of concrete base, elevation 14.1 feet. 0.06 mile southeast of Beach Road. 0.45 mile south of Judd Road. 7 8 47. 17.0; 12/16/47. 4.6; 2/26/48, 8.3; 11/18/48, 6.7; 3/25/49, 3.1; 11/2/49, 0.7. 12S/2E-18C1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 14.0 feet. 0.38 mile northwest of Beach Road. 0.7."i mile south- west of Lee Road. 2/27/48, 1.0; 11/18/48, 1.2; 11/15/49, 2.0. 12S/2E-18E1 — Reference point — hole in concrete base, elevation 1O.0 feet. 0.20 mile northeast of San Andreas Road. 0.27 mile northwest of Beach Road. 7/31/47, 18.9; 12/16/47, 1.3; 2/27/4S, 0.2; 11/12/48, 3.1 ; 11/1/49, 6.0. 12S 2E-18H1 — Reference point— pipe in concrete base, elevation 13.7 feet. 0.08 mile southeast of Reach Road. 0.58 mile south- west of Judd Road. 2/23/47, 2.4; 7/8/47, 16.6; 12/16/47, 4.3; 2/26/4S, 7.r>; 11/18/48. 6.4; 3/25/49, 2.9; 11/1/49, 9.5. 12S/2E-18J1 — Reference point, register 0.8 foot above top of cas- ing, elevation 15.7 feet. 0.05 mile north of Pajaro River. 0.(!9 mile northeast of McGowan Road. 7/8/47, l!).l ; 7/14 47. 25.8; 7/21/47, 20.0; 12/16/47, 5.8; 3/1/4S, 8.0; 3/23/49, 5.8. 12S/2E-18L1 — Reference point — plugged hole in pump base, ele- vation l(i.4 feet. On northwest side of Beach Street, 0.47 mile northeast of San Andreas Road. 12/16/47, 1.5; 1/27/4S. 1.5; 2/16/48, 0.5; 2/26/48, 7.7; 11/12/48, 3.3; 1/13/49, 1.2; 2/15/4!). 0.0; 3/25/40. 0.0; 0/20/40. 22.0; 7/17/49, 20.4: 8/14/4!), 18.2; 11/2/4!). 7.0; 1/18/50, 8.7; 11/9/50. 6.5; 3/27/51, 3.!); 11/14/51. 4.5; 4/1/52, 4.5. 12S 2E-18N1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 9.6 feet. On southwest side of San Andreas Road, 0.10 mile northwest of Beach Road. 7/31/47. 20.0; 12/31/47, 1.9; 3/1/48, 4.2; 12/15/48, 1.8; 3/25/4!), 0.1; 6/26/49. 16.6; 7/17/49. 21.4; 8/14/49. 21.9; 11/2/4!). 6.5; 3/17/50. 7.9; 11/9/50, 7.0; 3/7/51, 8.9; 11/14/51, 10.2; 4/1/52, 4.1. 12S/2E-18N2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 10 feet. 0.00 mile southeast of Beach Road, 0.36 mile southwest of McGowan Road. 2/22/47. 4.2; 7/8/47, 17.0. 12S/2E-18P1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 13.0 feet. On west side of McGowan Road, 0.27 mile south of Beach Road. 2/23/47. I.:'.; 7/8/47, 18.9; 12/6/47, 3.2; 3/1/48, 6.3 ; 11/12/48, 7.5 ; 3/25/4!), 3.0 ; 8/14/4!). 20.3 ; 11/2/49, 10.1. 12S/2E-18P2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 13.2 feet. On northwest corner of intersection of Pajaro River and McGowan Road. 2/23/47, 3.3; 7/8/47, 0.6; 12/10/47. 5.3; 3/1/48, 8.0; 11/23/48. 7.4; 3/25/49, 3.3; 11/2/4!), 8.7. 12S/2E-19A1 — Reference point — hole in side of casing, elevation 15.2 feet. 0.38 mile northeast of McGowan Road, 0.72 mile southeast of Beach Road. 2/21/47, 8.1 ; 12/17/47, 5.7 ; 1/27/48, 0.2; 2/16/48, 4.3; 3/1/48, 0.7; 11/10/48, 8.0; 1/13/49, 5.:;; 2/15/49, 4.5 ; 3/18/49, 4.0 ; 5/1/49, 17.7 ; 7/17/49, 13.1 ; 9/1/49, 18.2; 11/3/49, 0.7; 3/17/50, 13.3; 11/8/50, 0.6; 3/26/51, 8.0; 4/2/52. 7.::. 12S/2E-19B1 Reference point — hole in casing under pump, ele- vation 13.0 feet. 0.23 mile northeast of McGowan Road. 0.38 mile northwest of Trafton Road. 2/21/47, 2.0; 7/14/47, 25.4; 12/17/47, 5.0; 1/27/48, 3.7 ; 2/16/48, 3.7 ; 3/1/48, 0.N ; 11/10/48, 7.0; 1/13/49, 4.2; 2/15/49, 3.6; 3/18/49, 3.1 : o-jo 10. 22.0; 9/1/49, 16.5; 11/3/40, 10.2; 3/17/50, 10.9; 3 26 51, 7.8; 11 II 51, 8.6; 4/2/52, 5.2. 12S/2E-19C2 -Reference point -lop of casing, elevation 12.7 feel. On Pajaro River. 0.0!) mile southwest of McGowan Road. 12/23/44, 2.2; 7/8/47, 19.5; 12/10/47, 4.1; 3/1/48, 7.0; 11 12 is. 0.7; :; 25 19, 3.2; 11/2/4!). 10.7. 12S/2E-19E1 Reference poinl hole in base of pump, elevation 12.1 feel. 0.0S mile norlhwesl of I'ajaro River, 0.40 mile south- wesl of McGowan Road. 2/22 17.2.0; 12 L6/47, 4.8 ; 2/26/48, 11.5; 11 12 is, 6.4; 3/25/49, 3.0; 11/2/49, 12.7; .". 17 50. 12.3; II '.i 50, 7.8; 3/27/51, 7.2; 11/14/51. s.o. 2/25/48. 12.7; 7/18/47, 28.0 ; 12/16/47, 3/25/4!), 2.1 ; 7/17/4!), 21.1 ; 12S 2E-19E2 Reference point I 1 1 I feet. < )n wesl side of Pajan ile ill base of pump, elev River, 0.58 mile soul hwi ll loll si of McGowan Road. 2/22/47. 1.8; 12/16/47, 4.4: 11/12/48, 5.8; 3/25/4!), 3.1; 11/2/49, 11.8. 12S 2E-19E3 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 11.8 feet. On west side of Pajaro River. 0.61 mile southwest of McGowan Road. 2/22/47, 2.4 ; 2/26/48. 13.4; 11/12/48, 6.7; 8/14/49, 22.7 ; 11/2/49, 13.0. 12S/2E-19L2 — Reference point — bottom of plank under pump base, elevation 12.6 feet. 0.33 mile northwest of Trafton Road, 0.27 mile southwest of McGowan Road. 2/21/47. 0.4 ; 7/14/47 25.0; 12/3/47. 4.7; 2/26/48. 0.6; 11/9/48, 7.6; 3/18/49, 3.5; 5/2/4!). 10.3; 5/31/49. 18.1; 6/26/49, 19.0; 7/17/4!), 23.4; 8/3/49, 21.0; 8/14/4!), 21.8; 9/1/49, 16.8; 11/3/49, 10.4; 3/17/50, 11.2; 11/8/50, 8.7; 3/26/51, 8.3; 11/14/51, 8.0; 4/2/52. 6.4. 12S/2E-19M1 — Reference point — pipe in casing, elevation 12.3 feet. 0.03 mile southeast of I'ajaro River, 0.54 mile southwest of McGowan Road. 4/11/47. 11.0; 7/31/47. 27. 8 ; 12/17/47, 5.S; 2/10/4S, 4.2; 11/9/48, 8.0; 1/13/40, 5.2; 2/15/4!), 11.7; 3/18/49, 4.2; 7/17/49, 23.5; 9/1/49, 19.2; 11/3/40, 10.0; 3/17/50, 12.3; 11/8/50, 9.0; 11/14/51, 7.0; 4/2/52, 7.4. 12S/2E-20A1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 19.4 feet. On south side of Trafton Road, 1.40 miles east of Mc- Gowan Road. 2/20/47, 10.4; 7/14/47, 2!). 7 ; 12/17/47, 9.2; 12/10/48, 24.1. 12S/2E-20C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 17.2 feet. 0.23 mile north of Trafton Road, 1.05 miles northeast of McGowan Road. 2/21/47. 4.2; 5/13/47, 16.4; 7/31/47, 23.3; 12/17/47, 6.1; 1/27/48, 6.5; 2/10/48, 4.5; 3/1/48, 6.1; 11/10/48, 8.3; 1/13/49, 5.8; 2/15/49, 5.0; 3/22/49, 3.3; 5/1/4!), 16.4; 5/3/49. 18.3; 6/26/4!), 25.5; 7/17/4!), 24.0; s 14/49, 22.3; 9/1/49, 17.3; 11/3/49, 10.7; 3/17/50, 13.0; 11/8/50, 11.1. 12S/2E-20K1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 172.5 feet. 0.2 mile northwest of Salinas- Watsonville Road, 1.2 miles north of Trafton Road. 9/24/51, 173.5; 11/30/51, 175.1 ; 4/8/52, 103.6. 12S/2E-20K2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 177.7 feet. 100 feet northwest of Salinas-Watsoiiville Road, 1.2 miles north of Trafton Road. 10/23/51, 180.6; 11/30/51 170.8; 4/8/52, 172.0. 12S '2E-20L1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 170.4 feet. 0.2 mile northwest of Salinas-Watsonville Road, 1.1 miles north of Trafton Road. 10/25/51, 171.!); 11/30/51, 174.1 ; 4/8/52, 150.5. 12S/2E-20N1— Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 169.5 feet. 0.4 mile west of Salinas-Watsonville Road. 1.1 miles north of Trafton Road. 9/18/51, 83.0; 11/30/51, 83.9; 4/8/52, 86.0. 12S/2E-29A1 — Reference point — top of wood block, elevation 135.0 feet. 0.42 mile east of Salinas-Watsonville Road, 0.73 mile north of Jensen Road. 7/17/40. 50.0. 12S2E-29B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 169.0 feet. 0.00 mile west of Salinas-Watsonville Road, 0.72 mile north of Jensen Road. 7/17/49, 50.3; 7/19/49, 50.5; 7/25/4!), 56.5 ; 11/19/49, 58.5. 12S/2E-29C1 Reference point -hole in base of pump, elevation 174.0 feel. 0.10 mile west of Salinas-Watsonville Road, 0.8 mile north of Trafton Road. 9/18/51, 177.5; 4/8/52, 107.6. 12S 2E-29E -Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 100.!) feet. 0.40 mile west of Salinas-Watsonville Road. 0.00 mile north of Trafton Road. 0/18/51, 7:5.0; 11/30/51 99 4; 4/8/52, 94.0, 12S 2E-29H1 Reference poinl hole in casing feet. 0.40 mile east of Salinas- Walson\ die north of Trafton Road. 0/12/51. 07.0. 12S 2E-29J2 Reference poinl hole in casing, elev: feei. o.lo mib' east of Salinas- Watsonville Road, north of Trafton Road. 9/17/51, 112.0; 11 30 51, i: elevation 170.0 0.30 mile Ri ition 170.4 0.30 mile '.0. APPENDIX E 141 TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT V/ELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 12S 2E-29L3 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 1S4.4 feet, o.l mile west of Salinas-Watsonville Road, 0.3 mile north of Trafton Road. 11/30/51, 124.0; 4/8/52, 177.0. 12S 2E-2SM2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 175 feet. 0.3 mile west of Salinas-Watsonville Road. 0.3 mile north of Trafton Road. 4/8/52, 135.5. 12S/2E-30C1 — Reference point — bottom of base of drain pump, elevation 15.0 feet. On east side of Trafton Road, 0.20 mile north of Bluff Road. 12/19/47, 22.1 ; 11/9/48, 11.5 ; 11/14/4!), 11.0. 12S/2E-3CE1 — Reference point — ton of casing, elevation 87.4 feet. On northwest side of Bluff Road, 0.20 mile southwest of Trafton Road. 2/21/47. 80.8; 7/14/47. 90.0; 12/19/47, 82.0; 3/1/48, 82.3; 11/9/48, 93.0; 3/18/49, 81.0; 6/26/49, 8N.4 ; 7/17/4!), 88.9; 8/14/49, 89.6; 11/14/4!). 83.6; 3/17/50, 83.0; 11/8/50, 82.4; 3/26/51, S2.2 ; 11/14/51, 83.7; 4/3/52, 81.6. 12S/2E-30E2 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, eleva- tion 10S.7 feet. On north side of Bluff Road. 0.10 mile west of Trafton Road. 5/24/47, 07.0; 7/14/47, 97.6; 7/31/47, 115.0; 12/10/47. 103.3; 2/26/48, 103.5; 12/10/48, 100.8; 3/18/49, 102.S; 11/14/4!). 110.0; 3/17/50, 98.6; 11/14/51, 106.0; 4/1/52, 100.8. 12S/2E-30M1— Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 71.0 feet. 0.2!) mile south of Bluff Road. 0.10 mile west of Trafton Road. 3/24/47. 05.4; 8/12/47, 80.6; 8/14/47, 69.1; 12/19/47, 67.8; 2/26/48, 00.7 ; 12/10/48, 68.8; 3/18/49, 00.7: 11/14/4!). 70.0. 12S/2E-30N1 — Reference point- hole in side of pump base, eleva- tion 54.2 feet. 0.2!) mile northwest of Jensen Road, 0.57 mile southwest of Bluff Road. 3/24/47, 48.3; 12/19/47, 50.3; 2/25/4S. 49.0; 11/9/48, 51.7; 3/18/49, 49.6; 11/14/4!), 53.0. 12S/2E-3GP1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 72.5 feet. 0.23 mile northwest of Jensen Road. 0.45 mile southwest of Bluff Road. 3/24/47. 66.5; 7/15/47. 69.0; 12/10/47. 68.6; 2/25/48, 67.3; 11/9/48, 70.2: 3/18/49, 07.0; 0/20/40, 68.6; 7/17/49,69.4; 8/14/49, 70.5; 11/14/4!). 75.0. 12S/2E-30R2 — Reference point — groove in wooden block under pump base, elevation 140.7 feet. On south side of Jensen Road. 0.05 mile east of Bluff Road. 3/24/47, 108.0; 8/12/47, 147.0; 12/18/47. 143.0; 2/24/48, 141.0; 12/10/48, 143.7: 3/17/4!), 141.8; 6/26/49, 147.1; 7/17/4!), 148.5; 8/14/49, 147.3; 11/8/49; 14S.5; 3/17/50, 143.6; 11/0/50, 14(i.:'.; 3/26/51, 142.7; 11/15/51, 145.S. 12S/2E-31A1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 124.1 feet. 0.1S mile south of intersection of Bluff and Jensen Roads. 7/15/47. 120.0; 12/18/47. 120.0: 2/25/48, 118.0; 11/9/48, 11S.1 ; 3/17/40. 110.5; 11/8/49, 130.0. 12S/2E-31B1 — Reference point — pipe in pump base, elevation 124.5 feet. 0.12 mile south of Jensen Road. 0.15 mile west of Bluff Road. 7/15/47. 118.7; 12/10/47. 119.0; 2/24/48, 118.0; 11/9/48, 120.:', ; 3/17/4!). 118.2 ; 7/17/40, 120.7 ; 11/8/40, 122.0. 12S2E-31C1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 57.5 feet. 0.15 mile northwest of Jensen Road. 0.52 mile south- west of Bluff Road. 3/24/47. 51.4; 5/14/47. 53.1; 7/31/47, 55.7; 12/10/47. 53.6; 1/25/4S. 53.5; 2/16/48, 52.0; 3/1/48, 52.5 ; 11/9/48, 50.2 ; 3/18/40, 52.4 ; 5/2/40. 52.5 ; 6/1/40, 55.1 ; 7/17/4!), 55.S; 8/2/49, 55.8; 8/14/49, 55.8; 9/1/49, 62.5. 12S/2E-31C2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 02.4 feet. 0.10 mile northwest of Jensen Road. 0.5S mile southwest of Bluff Road. 3/24/47, 56.7; 12/17/47. 5S.4 ; 2/25/4S. 5S.0 ; 12/10/48, 5S.2; 3/1S/40, 56.0; 11/14/4!). 61.0; 3/17/50. 60.6; 11/0/50. 62.9; 3/26/51, 58.1 ; 11/14/51. 61.2; 4/1/52. 54. S. 12S/2E -31 E1 — Reference point — groove in concrete base, eleva- tion 28.8 feet. < >n south side of Jensen Road, 1.00 mile west of Bluff Road. 3/24/47. 27.2; 7/31/47. 26.0; 12/10/47. 25.6; 2/25/4S. 25.:',; 11/9/48, 20.2; 3/18/40, 24.0; 8/14/49, 22.0; 11/8/40. 27.0; 3/17/50, 29.8; 11/9/50, 28.0; 11/14/51. 25.0; 4/1/52, 22.2. 12S/2E-31G1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 125 feet. 1.0 mile west of Salinas-Watsonville Road. 0.25 mile south of Jensen Road. 4/8/52, 60.4. 12S/2E-31G2— Reference point—top of casing, elevation 120 feet. 1.0 mile west of Salinas-Watsonville Road, 0.30 mile south of Jensen Road. 11/30/51, 71.2; 4/S/52. 62.5. 12S/2E-31K1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 30.0 feet. 0.54 mile south of Jensen Road, 1.0 mile west of Salinas- Watsonville Road. :',/24/47. 24.2; 5/14/47. 2S.0 ; 7/1/47. 27.7; 8/13/47, 30.0; 12/17/47, 25.8; 2/16/48, 25.2; 12/10/4S, 20.7; 3/17/49, 24.6; 4/11/4!). 24.S ; 0/1/40. 28.1; 7/1/4!). 31.4; 8/2/49, 40.5; 0/1/40, 45.5; 11/8/49, 20.5 ; 3/17/50, 25.:',; 11/0/50, 29.6; 3/26/51, 25.2; 11/14/51. 27.6; 4/1/52. 23.4. 12S/2E-31L1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 10.3 feet. 0.30 mile south of Jensen Road, 0.05 mile west of Bluff Read. 3/24/47, 4.3 ; 7/15/47. 8.8 ; 12/10/47, 6.9 ; 2/24/48, 6.3 ; 12/10/48, 7.0; 3/18/49, 5.8; 0/20/40, 8.2; 8/14/49, 0.0: 11/14/4!), 9.0. 12S/2E-32B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 125 feet. 1,000 feet east of Springfield School. 100 feet south of Beach Road. 4/8/52, 157.0. 12S/2E-32B2 — Reference point — bottom of hole in casing, eleva- tion 172.2 feet. 500 feet east of Salinas-Watsonville Road, 0.4 mile north of Springfield School. 0/12/51, 171.4; 10/2:', 51, 17S.2; 11/30/51, 1S2.0 ; 4/8/52, 107.0. 12S/2E-32N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 125 feet. 0.3 mile west of Salinas-Watsonville Road. 0.2 mile north of Beach Road. 11/30/51, 136.1; 4/8/52, 131.4. 12S/2E-32P1 — Reference point — top of drum acting as casing, elevation 07.5 feet. 300 feet west of Salinas-Watsonville Road, 200 feet north of Beach Road. 300 feet west of Springfield School. 9/18/51, 3.0. 12S/3E-5D1— Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 104.3 feet. On northwest side of Silliman Road. 1.1 miles from inter- section of Silliman and Chittenden Roads. 3/5/47, 130.0; 5/14/47, 134.0; 8/5/47, 15.",.7 ; 11/5/47. 144.2; 1/27/48, 142.0; 2/16/48, 140.5; 3/5/48, 140.0; 12/14/48, 14.",. 4 ; 4/14/40.141.6; 6/1/49,143.0; 7/1/49,147.3; 8/2/49; 100.0; 0/1/40. 148.0; 3/20/50, 143.0 ; 11/10/50. 150.2; 11/28/51, 144.1 ; 4/3/52. 141.0. 12S/3E-5E1 — Reference point— hole in pump base, elevation 147.0 feet. On east side of Silliman Road. 1.0 mile from inter- section of Silliman and Chittenden Roads. 3/5/47, 118.3; 8/5/47, 131.3; 11/24/47. 120.2; 3/5/48, 123.0; 12/14/48, 127.2; 4 0/40, 128.0 ; 11/14/4!). 131.5. 12S/3E-5L1 — Reference point — ton of casing, elevation 65 feet. 0.12 mile north of Chittenden Road, 1.10 mile east of Silliman Road. 8/29/47, 86.5 ; 11/24/47,84.0; 0/10/47.86.8; 0/17/47. 86.9; 9/24/47,97.0; 9/30/47,87.0; 10/7/47,87.1; 3/5/48. 80.5; 11/30/48,92.6; 4/8/49,92.8; 11/15/40,00.3. 12S/3E-6B1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 95 feet. On north side of Silliman Road by jog, 0.45 mile north of Chittenden Road. . - ',/5/47, 33.5; 8/20/47. 18.0; 11/24/47, 20.7; 3/5/48.20.0; 11/30/48,24.6; 4/0/40. 27.3 ; 11/14/49, 20.2. 12S/3E-6B2 — Reference point — slot in concrete base, elevation 04.0 feet. On east side of Silliman Road. 0.39 mile north of Chittenden Road. 3/5/47, 38.3; 7/24/47. 53.9; 11/24/47. 45.1; 3/5/48,45.5; 11/30/48.47.8; 4/0/40.45.1; 11/14/4!). 50.4. 12S 3E-6C1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70.0 feet. On west side of Silliman Road. 0.41 mile north of Chittenden Road. 3/5/47. 38.6; 7/24/47.55.0; 11/24/47.45.4; 3/5/48, 44.0; 11/30/48.47.8; 4/9/49,46.5; 10/14/40,30.4; 3/20 50, 45.4 ; 4/3/52, 39.2. 12S/3E-6D1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 58.0 feet. 0.10 mile north of Chittenden Road, 0.20 mile west of Silli- man Road. 3/5/47, 33.9. 142 SAXTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 12S 3E-6E1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation •">!>. feet. On ninth side of Chittenden Road. 0.08 mile west of Silliman Road. 8/13/47, 52.0; 11/24/47. 41.4. 12S 3E-6E2 — Reference point — slot in concrete base, elevation 02.7 feet. 0.00 mile southwest of intersection of Silliman and Chittenden Roads. 8/13/47, 52.3 ; 11/24/47, 41.6; 3/5/48, 38.5; 11/26/48, 44.0; 4 12/49, 40.2 ; 11/14/4!). 4C..4 ; 3/20/50,42.0; 11/10/50,47.9; 4/2/51,48.3; 11/28/51,42.2; 4/3/52, 38.8. 12S/3E-6J1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 71.5 feet. On north side of Chittenden Road at intersection with Murphy Road. 3/5/47, 42.0; 7/24/47. .".4.0; 11/24/47. 48.0; 1/27/48,46.4; 2/0/48.45.2; 3/5/48,45.2; 12/14/48,50.3; 1/14/4'.). 4!).2 ■ 2/17/40, 47.5 ; 4/S/40, 40.4. 12S/3E-6K1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 71.7 feet. On north side of Chittenden Road, 0.16 mile west of Murphy Road. 3/5/47, 42.1; 8/3/47, 56.9; 11/24/47. 40.2; 3/5/4S. 40.0; 11/26/48,51.6; 4/8/49,57.4; 11/16/49,54.7; 3/20/50, 48.2; 11/10/50. 56.3 ; 4/2/51, 40.2 ; 11/28/51, 50.6; 4/3/52, 41.3. 12S/3E-6K2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 71.5 feet. On south side of Chittenden Road, 0.24 mile west of Murphy Road. 3/5/47, 42.2 ; 7/24/47.51.0; 11/24/47.49.0; 3/5/48,46.1; 11/26/48,51.4; 4/8/49,47.7; 11/16/40,54.4. 12S/3E-6K3 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70.0 feet. On south side of Chittenden Road, 0.17 mile west of Murphy Road. 3/5/47, 42.2; 8/5/47, 58.0; 11/24/47, 48.0; 3/5/48, 45.0. 12S/3E-6L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 61.0 feet. 0.05 mile south of Chittenden Road, 0.18 mile west of Crown Road. 3/2/47, 36.9 ; 7/24/47,53.7; 11/24/47.43.4; 3/5/48, 41.0; 11/26/4S, 45.7; 4/8/49, 48.0; 11/14/40, 40.0. 12S/3E-6L2 — Reference point — hide in pump base, elevation 64.9 feet. On southeast corner of intersection of Chittenden and Crown Roads. 3/2/47, 37.2; 11/24/47, 43.3 ; 3/5/48, 40.0; 11/20/4S, 4r..:: ; 4/11/40, 44.7; 11/14/40, 48.2; 3/20/50, 4.",..-); 11/10/50,49.2; 4/2/51,40.6; 11/28/51,44.1; 4/3/52, 37.4. 12S/3E-6L3 — Reference point — 1.5 feet above tori of casing, ele- vation 05.!) feet. Oti north side of Chittenden Road at inter- section with Crown Road. 11/24/47. 43.3; 7/21/47, 52.8; 7/30/47,52.4: 8/6/47,53.8; 8/13/47,52.7; 8/20/47,53.0; N/27/47, 52.8; 9/3/47, 52.4; 3/5/48, 40.6; 11/20/4S, 47.0; 4/8/49, 45.1 ; 11/14/49, 50.5. 12S/3E-6N2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 51.0 feet. 0.00 mile west of Crown Road, 0.4.'! mile south of Chittenden Road. 3/2/47, 28.4 ; 3/24/47,4:5.3; 11/24/47,35.3; 3/5/48, 33.0; 11/26/48, 37.4; 4/8/49, 36.3; 11/16/49, 39.7. 12S/3E-6R1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 74.5 feet. On east side of Murphy Road, 0.17 mile south id' Chittenden Road. 3/2/47, 42.3 ; 7/24/47, .",4.4 ; 11/24/47,49.6; 3/5/48, 46.0; 11/26/48,51.9; 4 /N/49, 47..", ; 11/15/49,54.5. 12S/3E-7A1 — Reference point -bole in pump base, elevation 65.0 feet. 0.00 mile west of Murphy Road. 0.22 mile south of Chit tenden Road. 3/2/47, 25.0; 7/24/47,42.1; 11/24/47,41.2; 3/5 is. ::."..."> ; 11 26/48,39.4; 4/8/49,35.3; 11/15/49,42.0; 52, 29.0. 12S/3E-7B1 — Reference point -hole in pump base, elevation .",7.0 feel. 0.10 mile west of .Murphy Road, 0.24 mile south of Chit- tenden Road. 3/2/47, 2. ",.."> ; 7/24/17. 38.5; 11/24/47, 31.5; :; 5 48, 29.0; II 20 48, 34.7; 4/8/49, 31.1 ; 11/15/49, .".0.7; 3/20/50,31.2; 11 10/50,38.4; 4/2/51,28.8; 11 28/51,33.3; 1 :; 52. 23.5. 12S 3E-7G1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 48.0 feet. 0.31 mile west of Murphy Road. 0.4!) mile south of Chit- tenden Road. 8/13/47, 39.8; 11/24/47, 31.8; 3/5/48, 30.5; 11/20/4N. .",4.0; 1V14/49, 38.0. 12S/3E-7H1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 73.8 feet. On east side of Murphy Road. 0.70 mile south of Chit- tenden Road. 3/5/47, 40.0; 7/21/47, 63.8; 12/1/47. 48.6; 3/8/48, 49.2; 12/10/48, 52.5; 4/7/4!). 51.4; 11/7/49. 57.8. 12S/3E-7J1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 72.3 feet. On west side of Murphy Road, 0.30 mile north of San Juan Road. 3/5/47, 38.7; 5/14/47, 55.3; 12/1/47, 44.4; 12/24/47,42.7; 1/27/48,43.5; 2/16/48,41.7; 1/4/49,46.0; 2/15/49, 43.8; 4/7/49, 49.8; N/2/4!). 62.0; 11/7/49, 4!>.9; 11/3/50,49.9; 3/29/51,46.4; 11/29/51,44.8; 4/4/52,37.0. 12S/3E-7J2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 72.1 feet. On east side of Murphy Road, 0.35 mile north of San Juan Road. 3/5/47. 38.7; 7/21/47, 58.3; 12/1/47, 44.1; 3/8/48, 44.4; 12/2/48,47.9; 4/7/4!). 40.2 ; 11/7/49,52.1. 12S/3E-7K1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 68.3 feet. 0.20 mile west of Murphy Road, 0.3O mile north of San Juan Road. 12/23/47, 40.2; 3/8/48,42.3; 12/2/4N, 44.0 ; 11/13/50, 49.4; 11/29/51.42.7; 4/4/52,40.2. 12S3E-7K2— Reference point — top of casing, elevation 00.4 feet. 0.16 mile west of Murphy Road. 0.35 mile north of San Juan Road. 12/2/48, 46.0; 4/7/49, 4!). 1 ; 11/7/49,49.9. 12S/3E-7M1— Reference point— top of casing, elevation (it).!) feet. 0.23 mile north of San Juan Road, 0.75 mile west of Murphy Road. 3/5/47, 25.9 ; 7/22/47,28.6; 11/20/47,30.5; 3/8/48, 2N.0; 12/2/48,32.6; 4/7/49.27.9; 11/7/4!). 42.0 ; 3/21/50, 40.8; ll/13/50.42..">; 3/29/51.41.2; 11/29/51,38.3. 12S/3E-7Q1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump, elevation 63.4 feet. On south side of San Juan Road. 0.40 mile west of Murphy Road. 3/4/47, 34.2; 7/22/47. 54.9; 11/26/47, 37.4; 12/2/48. 40.0. 12S/3E-7Q2 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 02.0 feet. On north side of San Juan Road. 0.29 mile west of Murphy Road. 3/5/47, 33.7; 11/26/47. 36.6; 3/8/4N, 3N.2 ; 12/2/48, 40.7; 11/7/49, 46.6. 12S/3E-8C1 — Reference point— hole in side of casing, elevation 58.8 feet. 0.37 mile east of Murphy Road. 0.42 mile south of Chittenden Road. 7/21/47. 33.7; 11/20/47. 20.2; 3/8/48, 25.0; 12/2/48, 32.0; 4/7/40. 20.2; 11/7/4!). 38.2; 11/13/50, 35.8; 4/2/51, 24.5; 11/29/51, 2N.4 ; 4/4/52. 18.7. 12S 3E-8C2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 64.1 feet. 0.38 mile west of Murphy Road, 0.47 mile south of Chittenden Road. 3 '4/47, 32.8; 7/21/47, 40.5; 11/20/47. 33.2; 3/8/48, 31.0; 12/2/48, 39.4; 4/7/4!), 33.0; 11/3/49, 43.0. 12S/3E-8L1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 70.0 feet. 0.83 mile south of Chittenden Road. 0.48 mile east of Murphy Road. 3/4/47. 33.2; 7/21/47, 42.0; 11/26/47, 44.2; 3/8/48, 44.5; 12/2/48, 47.2; 4/7/4!). 45.3; 11 7/49, 51.0; 3/21/50, 45.8; 11/13/50, 4!).(); 4/2/51. 45.2; 11/20/51. 44.!); 4/4 52. 39.6. 12S 3E-7C1 Reference point bob- in sub ISO feet. 0.00 mile west of Murphy Roa Chittenden Road. 5 21 47. 27.1 ; 7/24/47 11 10 19, 22.0. ,f easing, eleval inn 0.27 mile sout h of !5.l ; 4 8 49, 33.6; 12S 10 of 51 51 50 11 11 12S 10 of 12 11 3E-9F1 -Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation ",.0 feel. 0.13 mile south of Chittenden Road. 0.60 mile west Carpenteria Road. 3/5/47, 50.3; 5/14/47, 51.1; 0/12/47, 1 ; 7 21/47, 51.7; 11/20/47. 51.4; 1/27/48, 50.8; 2/16/48, .".; 12/3/48, 53.2; 1/14/40. 51.5; 2/17/49, 51.2; 4/7/49, 0; 5/3/4!), 53.3; 6/1/49, 51.0; 8/2 49, 51.2; 9/1/49, 55.8; 1 19, 57.1 ; 3 20 50, 50.2; 11 1.". 50. 50.0; 4/2/51, 51.7; 2!) 51, 51.!); 4 1 52, 48.5. 3E-9P1 Reference point hole in pump base, elevation i.O feet, 0.40 mile west of Carpenteria Road, 0.80 mile north Vrnmas Road. 3 4 47. 57.0; 8 13 47. 75.1 ; 1 I 25 17. 59.4 J ■". Is. 01 2; 11 7 I!). 68.0; •" 22 50. 01.1; 11 13 50. 00.7; 2!) 51. 00.7. APPENDIX E 143 TABLE 1 -Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 12S/3E-9P2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 103.0 feet. 0.38 mile west of Carpenteria Road, 0.69 mile north of Aromas Road. 3/4/47, .",5.6; 8/3/47, 69.7; 11/26/47, 58.1; 12/3/48, 60.5; 11/7/49, 69.2. 12S/3E-9Q1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, eleva- tion 102.0 feet. 0.09 mile west of Carpenteria Road, 0.72 mile north of Aromas Road. 3/5/47. 31.2 ; 7/21/47, 43.0 ; 11/25/47, 42.3; 3/5/4S, 42.0; 12/3/4S, 43.2; 4/13/49, 41.4; 11/4/49, 40.5. 12S/3E-9Q2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 102.0 feet. 0.09 mile west of Carpenteria Road, 0.81 mile north of Aromas Road. 3/5/47, 45.1; 7/21/47, 46.4; 11/26/47, 45.7; 3/5/48, 45.5; 12/3/48, 46.5; 1/14/49, 45.2; 2/17/49, 45.2; 4/7/49, 45.2; 11/4/49, 47.S ; 3/22/50, 48.7; 11/13/50, 51.3; 4/2/51, 43.S; 11/29/51, 45.3; 4/4/52, 42.2. 12S/3E-10N1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 115.0 feet. 0.4S mile east of Carpenteria Road, 0.82 mile north of Carr Road. 3/4/47. 49.2 ; 8/5/47, 50.9 ; 12/24/47. 49.1 ; 3/5/4S. 49.5; 12/3/48, 55.9; 12/16/4S, 50.9; 4/13/49, 51.1 ; 11/4/49, 54.0. 12S/3E-10N2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 115.0 feet. 0.4S mile east of Carpenteria Road, 0.78 mile north of Carr Road. 3/4/47, 47.9; 7/21/47. 55.7; 12/24/47, 4S.2 ; 3/5/4S, 4S.7; 12/16/48, 50.6; 4/13/49, 50.2. 12S/3E-16A1 — Reference point — slot between plank base, eleva- tion 95.0 feet. 0.32 mile east of Carpenteria Road, 0.67 mile north of Carr Road. 3/4/47. 26.5; 7/21/47. 30.0; 11/26/47. 27.6 ; 3/5/48, 27.0 ; 12/3/48, 28.5 ; 4/7/49. 26.6 ; 11/4/49, 31.5 ; 3/22/50, 30.1; 11/13/50, 34.2; 4/2/51. 27.5; 11/29/51, 27.7; 4/4/52, 24.9. 12S/3E-16A2— Reference point— top of casing, elevation 105.0 feet. 0.33 mile east of Carpenteria Road. 0.40 mile north of Carr Road. 3/4/47. 41.8; 7/21/47. 45.9; 11/26/47. 43.2 ; 12/24/47, 43.0; 3/8/48, 43.2; 12/3/4S, 44.0; 4/7/40, 42.3; 11/4/49, 46.1; 3/22/50. 44.3; 11/29/51, 43.2. 12S/3E-16B1 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 85.0 feet. On east side of Carpenteria Road, 0.53 mile north of Aromas Road. 3/5/47. 26.6; 7/21/47. 28.7; 11/26/47. 27.7; 3/5/48. 27.6; 12/2/48, 28.2 ; 4/7/49, 26.5 ; 11/4/49. 31.0. 12S/3E-16C1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 105.0 feet. 0.15 mile west of Carpenteria Road. 0.42 mile north of Aromas Road. 7/21/47, 25.5 ; 11/25/47, 20.3 ; 12/3/48, 22.S ; 4/7/49, 20.5; 11/7/49, 25.5. 12S/3E-16G1 — Reference point— top of casing, elevation 9S.0 feet. 0.12 mile west of Carpenteria Road. 0.13 mile north of Aromas Road. 3/4/47. 15.0; 7/21/47. 23.1; 11/26/47, 18.5; 3/8/48, 18.0; 12/3/4S. 21.0; 4/7/49, IS. 7 ; 11/7/49, 24.2; 3/22/50, 24.S; 4/2/51. 20.1 ; 11/29/51, 22.3. 12S/3E-16H1 — Reference point — hole in pump base, elevation 102.0 feet. 0.26 mile east of Carpenteria Road. 0.34 mile north of Carr Road. 8/20/47, 45.8. 12S/3E-16H2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 98.0 feet. 0.12 mile east of Carpenteria Road, 0.34 mile north of Carr Road. 8/21/47. 43.4; 12/24/47, 40.1. 12S/3E-16M2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 105.0 feet. 0.05 mile north of Aromas Road. 0.3S mile west of Car- penteria Road. 3/4/47. 1S.7 : 6/12/47, 20.6 ; 7/21/47, 30.4; 11/25/47, 20.S; 1/27/4S. 2S.3 ; 2/16/4S. 27.2; 3/8/48, 21.0; 12/3/4S. 22.S; 1/14/49. 21.5; 2/17/49. 21.5; 5/3/49, 24.0; 6/1/40, 21.6; 7/1/49, 35.0; 9/1/49. 33.0; 3/22/50. 28.0; 11/13/50. 33.0; 4/2/51, 21.4; 11/29/51, 22.9; 4/4/52. 12.2. 12S/3E-1731 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 72.0 feet. 0.80 mile east of intersection of San Juan and Murphy Roads. 3/4/47, 28.2; 7/21/47, 22.0; 11/26/47. 20.5; 3/S/4S, 31.0. 12S/3E-17C1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 66.9 feet. 0.40 mile east of intersection of San Juan and Murphy Roads. 3/4/47, 40.0; 8/27/47, 45.1; 11/26/47, 37.0; 3/8/48, 38.0; 12/2/48, 37.3; 4/13/49, 43.1; 11/7/49. 42.0; 3/21 50. 46.5; 11/13/50. 41.2; 4/2/51, 34.5; 4/4/52. 30.5. 12S/3E-17D1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 03.0 feet. On west side of San Juan Road, 0.25 mile south of Murphy Road. 3/4/47, 30.8; 11/2(5/47, 34.0; 3/8/48, 38.0; 12/2/48, 36.3; 3/21/50. 30.8; 11/29/51, 35.5; 4/4/52, 22.7. 12S/3E-17E1 Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 64. ,N feet. 0.10 mile west of San Juan Road, 0.25 mile south of Murphy Road. 3/4/47, 28.8; 11/26/47, 31.4; 3/8/48, 34.3; 12/2/48, 32.5. 12S/3E-17K1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 74. feet. 0.11 mile east of San Juan Road, 0.S3 mile south of Murphy Road. 3/4/47. 27.6; 8/26/47, 36.3; 11/26/47, 2S.4 ; 1/27/4S, 28.6 ; 2/16/4S, 27.0 ; 12/3/48, 30.0. 12S/3E-17M1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 62.2 feet. 0.30 mile southwest of San Juan Road, 0.40 mile southeast of Murphy Road. 3/4/47, 20.4 ; 7/21/47, 22.4; 11/26/47, 26.6; 3/8/48, 24.7; 12/2/4S, 27.S ; 4/7/49, 24.8; 11/7/49. 27.1; 3/21/50, 24.6; 3/29/51, 23.5; 11/29/51, 26.8; 4/4/52, is.::. 12S/3E-17IVI3 — Reference point — hole in top of casing, elevation 61.9 feet. 0.21 mile southwest of San Juan Road, 0.70 mile southeast of Murphy Road. 3/4/47. 36.2; 8/15/47, 51.1; 11/26/47, 32.1; 3/8/48, 37.0; 12/2/4S, 33.9; 4/7/49, 40.0; 11/7/49, 3S.0; 3/21/50. 33.S ; 11/13/50, 36.7; 3/29/51, 40.2; 11/29/51, 34.0; 4/4/52. 29.6. 12S/3E-18B1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 61.8 feet. On south side of San Juan Road, 0.20 mile west of Murphy Road. 3/4/47, 30.3; 7/21/47, 43.3; 11/26/47, 33.5; 3/S/4S, 33.7; 12/2/4S. 34.4; 11/7/49. 39.0; 3/21/50, 35.4; 11/13/50. 35.9; 3/29/51, 32.2; 4/4/52, 2S.0. 12S/3E-18C1 — Reference point — hole in side of pump base, ele- vation 61.3 feet. On south side of Southern Pacific Railroad, 0.75 mile west of intersection of railroad and San Juan Road. 3/4/47, 31.S; 7/22/47, 49.3; 11/20/47. 36.2; 3/S/4S. 37.4; 12/2/4S, 3S.7; 4/7/49, 45.6; 11/7/49, 43.0; 3/21/50, 40.1; 11/13/50, 45.2; 3/29/51, 42.9; 11/20/51. 38.4; 4/4/52, 37.9. 12S/3E-18D3 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 67.0 feet. On west side of San Miguel Canyon Road, 0.41 mile south of San Juan Road. 11/20/47, 31.4. 12S 3E-18D4 — Reference point — top of casing under pump base, elevation 6S.0 feet. 0.16 mile east of San Miguel Canyon Road, 0.35 mile south of San Juan Road. 3/4/47, 27.9; 7/2/47. 45.1; 11/26/47, 31.9; 3/8/48, 33.0; 12/2/4S, 34.3; 4/7/49, 40.0; 11/7/49,40.0. 12S, 3E-18E1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 49.1 feet. On east side of San Miguel Canyon Road, 0.54 mile south of San Juan Road. 3/4/47. 29.0 ; 7/22/47, 38.9 ; 11/26/47, 32.5; 3/S/4S, 32.7; 12/2/4S. 34.7; 4/7/49, 34.7; 11/7/49, 36.7; 3/21/50, 35.2; 11/13/50. 36.8; 3/29/51, 34.s ; 11/29/51, 34.4. 12S/3E-18E2 — Reference point — slot in concrete base, elevation 69.0 feet. On east side of San Miguel Canyon Road. 0.46 mile south of San Juan Road. 3/4/47, 27.7; 11/20/47. 31.6; 3/8/48, 31. (i; 4/7/49, 37.(5. 12S/3E-18E3 — Reference point — hole in casing, elevation 55.0 feet. <)n west side of San Miguel Canyon Road, 0.4S mile south of San Juan Road. 3/1/47, 27.8; 7/22/47. 46.8; 11/26/47, 31.0; 3/2/48, 32.0; 12/2/48, 33.6; 1/14/49, 32.S ; 2/15/49, 31.3; 4/7/49, 37.4; 11/9/49, 35.2. 12S 3E-18P1 — Reference point — pipe in concrete base, elevation 70.0 feet. On west side of San Miguel Canyon Road, 0.0S mile north of Lewis Road. 3/4/47, 28.8; 5/14/47. 29.4; 7/22/47, 29.6; 11/26/47, 30.9; 1/27/48, 30.0; 2/16/48, 30.5; 12/2/48. 32.3; 1/14/49. 32.3; 2/15/49, 37.8; 4/7/49, 31.3; 11/7/49, 33.0; 3/21/50. 31.2; 11/13/50, 33.9; 3/29/51, 31.8; 11/29/51, 32.0; 4/4/52, 29.4. 144 SANTA ('IjrZ-.MOXTER.EY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 1— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT MEASUREMENT WELLS IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Measurements Made by Division of Water Resources (Depths to water in feet measured from reference point) 13S 1E-1A1 — Reference point — hole in 1ims<> of pump, elevation 5.3 feet. At west end of Giberson Road. 8 12 47. 4.0 ; 12 19 47, 1.8; 2 24 48, 1.5; 12 10 4s. 1.6; 3/18/49, 0.4; 8 14/49, 4.3; 11/8/49, 4.0; 3/17/50, 0.4; 11/9/50, 3.1; 3/26/51, 1.0; 11/29/51,; 4/1/52, 0.0. 13S 2E-4E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 91.1 feet. 0.5 mile f.-ist of Salinas-Watsonville Road, 0.3 mile south of Springfield School. 9/17/51, 103.0; 10/23/51, 92.1; 4/8 52, 53. 4. 13S 2E-4K1 — Reference point — bottom of hole in casing, eleva- tion 103.8. 1 mile cast of Salinas-Watsonville Road. 0.7 mile south of Beach Road. 10/23/51, 105.4; 11/30/51, 111.2; 4 s 52, 100.7. 13S 2E-5B1 — Reference point — bottom of hide in casing, eleva tion 141.0 feet. 0.2 mile east of Springfield School, 100 feet south of Beach Road. 9/17/51,; 11/30/51. 138.5; 4 8 52, 84.0. 13S 2E-5D2 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 100 feet. ().:•! mile west of Salinas-Watsonville Road. 0.1 mile south of Beach Road. 9/18/51, 23.0; 11/30/51. 44.0; 4/8/52. 40.9. 13S 2E-5E1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 17.3 feet. 0.07 mile north of Struve Road. 0.33 mile west of Salinas- Watsonville Road. 8/28/47, 15.9. 13S 2E-5E3 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 25 feet. 0.3 mile west of Salinas-Watsonville Road. 0.3 mile south of Beach Road. 9/18/51, 5.0; 11/30/51, 3.8; 4/8/52, 1.9. 13S/2E-5E4 — Reference point — top of pump base, elevation 25 feet. 200 feet southeast of well no. 13S/2E-5E3. 11/30/51. 4.4 ; 4 8 52. 2.2. 13S 2E-5G1 Reference point — top of concrete base, elevation 120.:; feet. 0.5 mile south of Beach Road. 0.2 mile east of Sa- linas-Watsonville Road. 9/17/51, 127.5; 10/23/51, 121.2; 11/30/ri, llo.l : 4/8/52, 82.0. 13S/2E-5L1— Reference point — top of casing, elevation 15.6 feet. On west side of Salinas-Watsonville Road. 0.15 mile south of Struve Road. 7/15/47, 13.4; 12/23/47, 12.:',; 2/25/48, 11.1. 13S 2E-EL2 -Reference point — top of casing, elevation feet. On east side of Salinas-Watsonville Road. 0.17 mile south of Struve Read. 7/15/47. 12.7; 10/3/47, 15.1; 11/4/47, 15.1; 12/23/47, 11.8; 2/25/4S, 10.4. 13S 2E-5L3 Reference point- ton of casing, elevation 13.9 feet. 0.0(1 mile east of Salinas-Watsonville Road, 0.20 mile south of Struve Road. 11/0 IS. 8.3. 13S 2E-5M1 —Reference point — top of casing in pit. elevation 10.2 feet. 0.25 mile west of Salinas- Watsonville Road. 0.15 mile south of Struve Road. 7/15/47. 10.1; 12/23/47, 6.9; :: 1/48, 6.6; 11/0/4S, 19.9; 3/18/49, 6/26/49, 22.0; 8 1 I 40. 24.1 ; 11/8/49, 22.0. 13S/2E-6B1 Reference point- -hole in base of pump, elevation I 1.5 fret. On northeast side of McClusky Slough, 0.88 mile south of Jensen Road. 7 15/47. 14.4; 12/10/47. 10.2; 2/25/4S. 10.1 ; II is. 12.3; .". is 10. s.: 1 ,; 7/17/49, 14.5; 8 14 40. 14.1; 11/8/49, 13.0. 13S/2E-6C1 Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 26.0 feet. On north side of Giberson Road, 1.37 miles west id' r'tiuve Road. 12/10/47. 22.3; 2/24/48, 22.3; 11/9/48, 2S.0 ; :i is to. 21.2; 11/8/49, 25.0. 13S 2E-6E1 Reference point hide in base of pump, elevation 28.6 feet, mile west of Giberson Road. 1.23 miles west of Struve 7 15 17. 27.5; 12/10/47. 25.6; 3/1 48, 25.0: 11 9 is. 26.8 ; 3/17/40, 24.1 ; 1 1 s 40. 27.0. 13S/2E-6E2— Reference point — top of casing, elevation 27.S feet. 0.07 mile west of Giberson Road. 1.25 miles west of Salinas- Watsonville Highway. 7/31/47. 26.4; 12/10/47, 24.2; 2/24/48, 24.2; 12/10/48, 25.0; 3/18/49, 22.7; 11/8/49, 26.5. 13S/2E-6E3 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 31.4 feet. 0.22 mile west of Giberson Road. 1.07 miles west of Struve Road. 8/21/47, 24.7: 12/10/47. 20.0; 2/24/48, 26.8; 12/10/48,; 3/18/49, 25.4; ll/S/40, 20.0. 13S/2E-6F1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 22. 5 feet. 0.06 mil" east of Giberson Read, 1.25 miles west of Struve Road. 8/12/47, 23.5; 12/10/47. 18.8; 2/24/4S, 18.7; 11/9/48, 22.7; 3/17/40. 17.5; 6/26/49, 21.4; 7/17/40, 21.4; S/14/40, 22.2; ll/S/40, 21.0. 13S/2E-6F2 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 4S.4 feet. 0.07 mile east of Giberson Road, 1.08 miles west of Struve Road. 7/31/47. 4S.7 ; 12/10/47, 43.3; 2/24/4S, 43.7; 12/10/4S. 44.3: 3/1S/40, 42.1; 7/17/40, 4<>.S ; 8/14/40, 46.8; ll/S/40. 4S.0; 3/17/50, 42.5; 11/0/50, 4S.0 ; 3/26/51, 42.5; 11/27/51, 44.S; 4/1/52, 13S/2E-6J1 — Reference point — top of casing, elevation 20.4 feet. 0.15 mile west of Struve Road. 0.2(1 mile north of Giberson Road. 7/15/47. 10.(i; 12/10/47, 16.3; 2/25/48, 17.0; 12/10/48, 17.S ; 3/1S/40. 14.4; 6/26/49, 10.5; 7/17/49, 20.2; S/14/40, 21.4; ll/S/40. 21.0. 13S/2E-6J2— Reference point — top of casing, elevation 22.9 feet. ( )n west side of Struve Road. 0.10 mile north of Giberson Road. 8/21/47, 25.3; 12/10/47. 10.3; 3/1/48, 18.8; 12/10/4S,; 3/18/49, 17.4: 11/8/49, 24.0. 13S 2E-8M1 — Reference point — bottom of pump base, elevation 20.4 feet. 0.21 mile west of Giberson Road. 0.05 mile west of junction of Struve Road and Salinas-Watsonville Highway. 7/15/47. 04.4: 8/31/47, 42.0; 11/9/48, 37.9; 3/18/49, 35.2 fi/2(>/49, 37.2; 7/17/40, 38.1 0/1/40, 38.8; ll/S/40. 38.0; 3/2(1/51, 35.4 ; 11/27/51, 37.3 ; 4/1 '52. 33.8. 13S 2E-6M2 — Reference point — bole in base of pump, elevation 22.7 feet. 0.15 mile west of Giberson Road, 0.00 mile west of junction of Struve Road and Salinas-Watsonville Highway. 7/15/47, 20.3; 12/10/47. 10.0; 2/24/48, 10.4; 11/0/4S, 21.0; 3/18/49, ls.S; 11/18/49, 22.0. 13S/2E-6R1 — Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 2<>.4 feet. « > 1 1 southwest corner of Struve and Giberson Roads. 8 21 '47, 26.5; 12/10/47. 22.3; 2/24/4S. 23.7; 11/9/48, 25.8; 3/17/40, 20.4; 8/14/49, 27.1; 11/8/49, 26.0; 3/17/50. 23.8; 11/9/50, 25.0; :; 26 51. 22.4; 11/27 51,; 4/1/52. 21.0. 13S 2E-7B1 Reference point — hole in base of pump, elevation 10.0 feet. 0.20 mile west of Salinas-Watsonville Road. 0.20 mile southwest of Struve Road. 8/21/47, 20.6; 12/19/47, 3/1/48, 15.3; 11/7/40. 10.5. 13S/2E-7B2 — Reference point hole in base of pump, elevation 12. 5 feet. 0.15 mile west of Salinas-Watsonville Road, 0.21 mile southwesl of Struve Road, s 21 47. 13.5; 12 10/47. S.4 : 3/1/4S. S.5; 12/10/4S, 0.5; 3/17 40. 7.5; 20 40. 12.0; 7 17 40. 12.5: 8/14/49, 13.1 ; 11 8 49, 12.0; 3/17/50, 0.0. 13S 2E-9D1 Reference point top of inside casing, elevation 5 feet. On private road 1 mile south of Springfield School, 0.6 mile southwest id' 60 degree turn in Salinas-Watsonville Road. 17/51, 4.6: 4/S/52, 2.5. 12/10/47. 30.2 2/24 48, 3(1.2 ; 5/2/49, 36.0; 5/31/40, 36.2 ; 8 2 40. 3S.2; S/14/40. 38.6 : 3/17/50. 36.5 ; 11/0/50, 40.4 : APPENDIX E 145 TABLE 2 DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT AUGER HOLES IN PAJARO UNIT Measurements Made by United States Soil Conservation Service Date of measurement 1/ 1/43 1/16/43 1/30/43 2/13/43 3/ 1/43 3/16/43 4/ 1/43 4/16/43 5/ 3/43 5/18/43 6/ 1/43 6/19/43 7/ 1/43 7/17/43 1/ 1/43 1/16/43 1/80/43 2/13/43 3/ 1/43 3/16/43 4/ 1/43 4/16/43 5/ 3/43 5/18/43 6/ 1/43 6/19/43 7/ 1/43 7/17/43 1/ 1/43 1/16/43 1/30/43 2/13/43 3/ 1/43 3/16/43 4/ 1/43 4/16/43 5/ 3/43 5/18/43 6/ 1/43 6/19/13 7/ 1/43 7/17/43 1/ 1/13 1/16/13 1/30/13 2/13/13 3/ 1/13 3/16/13 4/ 1/13 4/16/43 5/ 3/13 5/18/13 6/ 1/13 6/19/43 3/ 1/13 1/ 1/43 1/16/43 1/30/43 2/13/13 3/ 1/43 3/16/43 4/ 1/43 4/16/43 5/ 3/43 5/18/13 6/ 1/13 6/19/43 7/ 1/43 7/17/43 Depth to water from ground surface, in feet 9 7.3 7.3 6.3 6.2 6.3 4.8 4.8 5.2 5.2 5.4 5.8 6.2 6.4 6.6 2.8 3.8 1 .7 2.6 2.6 2.0 2.6 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.3 1.2 2.0 0.7 1.3 0.9 0.7 1.4 2.0 1 .5 2.0 1.7 1.6 2.7 2.9 3.2 1.5 2.5 2.4 1 .6 2.2 2.3 2.6 2.2 2.7 2.7 2.9 2.3 Date of measurement 8/ 3/43. 8/17/43. 9/ 4/43. 9/18/43. 10/ 4/43. 10/19/43. 11/18/43. 11/18/43. 12/17/43. 1/ 3/44. 1/15/44. 2/ 7/14. 2/17/14. 3/ 1/44. 8/ 3/43. 8/17/43. 9/ 4/13. 9/18/43. 10/ 4/43. 10/19/43. 11/18/43. 12/17/43. 1/ 3/44. 1/15/44. 2/ 7/44. 2/17/44- 3/ 1/44. 8/ 3/13. 8/17/43. 9/ 4/43. 9/18/43. 10/ 4/43. 10/19/43. 11/18/43. 12/17/43- 1/ 3/44 _ 1/15/44- 2/ 7/44- 2/17/44- 3/ 1/44- 7/17/43- 8/ 3/43. 8/17/43. 9/ 4/43. 9/18/4?. 10/ 4/43. 10/19/43. 11/18/43. 12/17/43. 1/ 3/44. 1/15/44. 2/ 7/44- 3/ 1/44. 8/ 3/43- 8/17/43- 9/ 4/43. 9/18/43- 10/ 4/43 _ 10/19/43- 11/18/43. 12/17/43. 1/ 3/44. 1/15/44. 2/ 7/44. 3/ 1/44. 7/19/46. Depth to water from ground surface, in feet I 4.4 5.7 5.2 5.6 5.5 5.0 5.4 5.7 6.0 4.7 5.0 2.3 6.6 6.7 7.0 7.0 7.2 7.3 7.5 7.9 7.7 7.8 7.3 6.8 3.9 3.8 3.1 3.4 3.5 3.9 3.9 4.8 4.5 2.9 3.0 2.1 2.5 1.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.5 2.7 2.9 3.2 3.5 0.8 1.2 0.8 0.5 3.0 2.9 3.4 3.5 1.7 3.1 3.5 4.0 3.0 2.7 1.9 0.5 2.9 Hole number 10 Date of measurement V 1/43. 1/16/43. 1/30/43. 2/13/43. 3/ 1/43. 3/16/43. 4/ 1/43. 4/16/43. 5/ 3/43. 5/18/43. 6/ 1/43. 6/19/43. 7/ 1/43. 7/17/43. V 1/43. 1/16/43. 1/30/43- 2/13/43- 3/ 1/43. 3/16/43. 4/ 1/43. 4/16/43. 5/ 3/43. 5/18/43. 6/ 1/43. 6/19/43. 7/ 1/43- 7/17/43- 1/ 1/43. 1/16/43. 1/30/43. 2/13/43 3/ 1/43. 3/13/43. 4/ 1/43. 4/16/43 5/ 3/43. 5/18/13. 6/ 1/43. 6/19/43. 7/ 1/43. 1/ 1/43. 1/16/43. 1/30/43. 2/13/43. 3/ 1/43. 3/16/43- 4/ 1/43. 4/16/43. 5/ 3/43. 5/18/43. 6/ 1/43. 6/19/43. 7/ 1/43. 7/17/43. 1/ 1/43. 1/16/43. 1/30/43. 2/13/43. 3/ 1/43. 3/16/43. 4/ 1/43. 4/16/43. 5/ 3/43. 5/18/43. 6/ 1/43. 6/19/43. 7/ 1/43. 7/17/43. Depth to water from ground surface, in feet 2.8 4.0 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2.9 2.9 3.4 2.7 2.0 2.6 3.2 2.4 2.6 1.8 2.3 2.2 1 .9 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.3 2.7 3.3 3.4 2.2 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3. 3.9 3.6 3.9 2.9 3.6 0.6 2.0 Date of measurement 8/ 3/43 8/17/43 9/ 4/43 9/18/43 10/ 4/43 10/19/43 11/18/43 12/17/43 1/ 3/44 1/15/44 2/ 7/44 3/ 1/44 7/19/46 8/ 3/43 8/17/43 9/ 4/43 9/18/43 10/ 4/43 10/19/43 11/18/43 12/17/43 1/ 3/44 1/15/11 2/ 7/44 7/15/46 7/17/43 8 /3/43 8/17/43 9/11/43 9/18/43 10/ 4/43 10/19/43 11/18/43 12/17/43 1/ 3/44 1/15/41 2/ 7/44 7/19/46 8/ 3/43 8/17/43 9/ 4/43 9/18/43 10/ 4/43 10/19/43 11/18/43 12/17/43 1/ 3/44 1/15/44 2/ 7/44 7/19/46 8/ 3/43 8/17/43 9/11/43 9/18/43 10/ 4/43 10/19/43 11/18/43 12/17/43 1/ 3/44 1/15/44 2/ 7/44 3/ 1/44 7/19/46 Depth to water from ground surface, in feet 3.3 4.0 2 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 1.9 0.3 2.0 2.7 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.9 4.2 4.2 4.3 2.6 3.6 2.1 4.7 3.0 2.4 2.8 3.0 3.1 3.1 2.6 2.9 1.7 1.1 3.0 3.2 3.6 3.3 3.8 3.4 3.3 3.4 2.4 2.2 2.3 2.1 3.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.9 2.9 .1 .6 .7 .7 .3 .7 3. 4. 4. 3. 3. 1. 0.6 3.4 146 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 2— Continued DEPTHS TO GROUND WATER AT AUGER HOLES IN PAJARO UNIT Measurements Made by United States Soil Conservation Service Hole number Date of measurement Di-ptli to water from ground surface, in feet Date of measurement Depth to water from ground surface, in feet Hole number Date of measurement Depth to water from ground surface, in feet Date of measurement Depth to water from ground surface, in feet 12 14 1/ 1/43 1/16/43 1/30/43 2/13/43 3/ 1/43 3/16/43 4/ 1/43 4/16/43 5/ 3/43 5/18/43 6/ 1/43 6/19/43 7/ 1/43 1/ 1/43 1/16/43 1/30/43 2/13/43 3/ 1/43 3/16/43 4/ 1/43 4/16/43 5/ 3/43 5/18/43 6/ 1/43 6/19/43 7/ 1/43 7/17/43 1/ 1/43 1/16/43 1/30/43 2/13/43 3/ 1/43 3/16/43 4/ 1/43 4/16/43 5/ 3/43 5/18/43 6/ 1/43. 6/19/43 7/ 7/43 1/ 1/43 1/16/43 1 /30/43 2/13/43 3/ 1/13 3/16/13 4/ 1/43 4/16/43 5/ 3/13 5/18/43 11/ 1/43 6/19/43 7/ 1/43 3.1 3.8 1.5 3.2 3.0 2.1 3.2 2.4 2.1 3.6 3.9 4.0 4.7 5.4 5.8 4.2 5 . 5 5.3 4.6 5.4 5.6 5.3 5.6 5.7 5.5 5.7 5.6 1.9 3.0 0.7 1.6 1.1 0.6 1.8 2.6 2.0 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.8 2.3 3.7 0.6 1.8 1.2 0.9 1.8 2.8 2.1 2.1 3.0 2.0 3.5 7/17/43. 8/ 3/43. 8/1 7/43 _ 9/ 4/43. 9/18/43. 10/ 4/43. 10/19/43, 12/17/43. 1/ 3/44. 1/15/44. 2/ 7/44. 7/19/46. 8/ 3/43.. 8/17/43. 9/ 4/43.. 9/18/43. - 10/ 4/43.- 10/19/43-- 11/18/43.- 12/17/43.- 1/ 3/44. . 1/15/44.- 2/ 9/44.. 3/ 1/44. . 7/19/46. . 7/17/43.- 8/ 3/43.- 8/17/43.. 9/ 4/43- 9/18/43- - 10/ 4/43.- 10/19/43. . 11/18/43- 12/17/43.- 1/ 3/44.- 1/15/44.- 2/ 7/44.. 3/ 1/44- 7/12/43. - 8/ 3/43_- 8/17/43- - 9/ 4/43.- 9/18/43 10/ 4/43.- 10/19/43 11/18/43. 12/17/43.- 1/ 3/44.- 1/15/44 2/ 7/44.- 7/19/46- 4.1 4.2 4.6 3.0 4.6 4.8 4.9 5.1 4.7 4.6 2.6 3.8 5.7 5.8 5.8 5.6 5.8 5.9 5.4 5.6 4.8 1.6 5 . 5 2.9 3.1 3.2 2.9 2.6 3.0 2.8 3.2 4.4 2.0 2.2 0.6 0.4 3.5 3.7 3.9 15 1 .0 4.3 16 17 20 1/ 1/43. 1/16/43. 1/30/43. 2/13/43. 3/ 1/43. 3/16/43. 4/ 1/43. 4/16/43. 5/ 3/43. 5/18/43. 6/ 1/43. 6/19/43. 7/ 1/43. 7/17/43. 1/ 1/43. 1/16/43. 1/30/43. 2/13/43. 3/ 1/43. 3/16/43. 4/ 1/43. 4/16/43. 5/ 3/43. 1/ 1/43. 1/30/43. 3/16/43. 4/ 1/43. 4/16/43. 5/ 3/46. 1/ 1/43. 1/16/43. 1/30/43. 2/13/43. 3/ 1/43. 3/16/43. 4/ 1/43. 4/16/43. 5/ 3/43. 5/18/43. 6/ 1/43. 6/19/43. 7/ 1/43- 1/30/43- 3/16/43- 4/ 1/43- 5/ 3/43. 5/18/43. 1/ 1/43. 1 /Hi/43- 1/30/43- 2/13/43. 3/ 1/43- 3/16/43. 4/ 1/43- 4/16/43- 5/ 3/43 5/18/43. 4.7 5.2 1.4 3.2 3.4 1.3 2.1 2.8 2.5 2.7 3.0 2.9 3.3 3.4 7.7 8.9 3.1 5.7 6.2 2.1 3.7 6.2 6.6 7.1 3.0 4.0 0.5 2.3 1.7 1.0 1.7 4.2 5.1 5.1 4.6 5.4 8.3 8.1 4.7 5.7 5.2 1.8 2.9 4.1 4.3 4.8 8/ 3/43 8/17/43 9/ 4/43 9/18/43 10/ 4/43 10/19/43 11/18/43 12/17/43 1/ 3/44 1/14/44 2/ 7/44 3/ 1/44 7/19/46 5/18/43 6/ 1/43 6/19/43 7/ 1/43 7/17/43 8/ 3/43 8/17/43 9/ 4/43 3/ 1/44 5/18/43 6/ 1/43 6/19/43 1/ 3/44 2/ 7/44 3/ 1/44 7/17/43 8/ 3/43 8/17/43 9/ 4/43 9/18/43 10/ 4/43 10/19/43 11/18/43 12/17/43 1/ 3/44 1/15/44 2/ 7/44 7/19/46 2/ 7/44 3/ 1/44 7/19/46 6/ 1/43 6/19/43 7/ 1/43 7/16/43 8/ 3/43 8/17/43 9/ 4/43 9/18/43 10/ 4/43 2/ 7/44 3/ 1/44 7/19/46 4.0 3.6 4.4 4.4 4.9 5.5 6.0 6.3 5.9 5.6 4.2 0.6 4.5 4.8 5.9 6.5 8.5 7.8 7.5 7.7 7.6 1.3 5.7 6.1 6.6 6.2 6.6 0.5 2.6 3.8 2.4 3.7 3.9 5.1 4.7 5.8 6.5 5 . 5 5.9 1.4 3.8 4.9 4.1 4.0 5.0 5.3 5.7 6.3 6.8 6.8 7.5 7.6 7.9 7.3 0.9 6 . APPENDIX F RECORDS OF PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA ( 147 ) 148 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION RECORDS OF PARTIAL MINERAL ANALYSES OF GROUND WATER IN SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY AREA Well number Date sampled Chlorides, in ppm Total solid in ppm Well number Date sampled Chlorides, in ppm 11S/1E-13A1. 11S/1E-13H1. US/1E-13J1-. 11S/1E-24F1.. 11S/1E-24JK. 11S/1E-25R1. 11S/2E- 8F2_. 11S/2E- 8LK. 11S/2E-15M1 1 IS/2E-15M1. 11S/2E-17H1 11S/2E-17R1_ 11S/2E-19DK 11S/2E-19R1_ 11S/2E-19R1_ 11S/2E-20E1_. 11S/2E-21N1- 11S/2E-21QU. 11S/2E-22LU- US/2E-23G2_. 11S/2E-23N1_ 11S/2E-25F1 11S/2E-26G1.. 11S/2E-26G1.. 11S/2E-26R1.. 11S/2E-28N1_ 11S/2E-30K1- I1S/2E-31Q1- L1S/2E-33R1.. 11S/2E-33RU- 11S/2E-34D2_. US/2E-35B1- 11S/2E-36B2 ._ 11S/2E-36C1-. 11S/2E-36C1.. 11S/2E-36J1__ 11S/2E-36J1-- 11S/2E-36M2. US/3E-31R1.. 12S/1E-1R1.._ I2S/1E-1R1.. 12S/1E-12QK. 12S/1E-24G1 12S/1E-25B1.- 12S/1E-25Q1- 12S/1E-25Q1-- 12S/1E-36A1.- 12S/1E-36A1.. 12S/1E-36A1- 12S/2E- 2H1_. 12S/2E- 12S/2E- 12S/2E- 12S/2E- L2S/2E- 12S/2E- [2S/2E- 7K1 12S/2E- 8G2 12S/2E- 8H1 12S/2E- 8L1. 12S/2H- 8L3 L2S/2E- 8M1 L2S/2E-10F] 12S/2E-10K1 12S '2E-10N3 12S 2E-11A1 2H1 2H1_ 3K1 3K3_ 6L1_ 6P1_ 5/23/49 7/ 7/49 7/ 5/49 9/14/49 7/ 5/49 7/ 5/49 5/23/49 7/ 7/49 7/ 5/49 9/14/49 5/25/49 7/ 5/49 7/ 5/49 5/23/49 7/ 5/49 9/14/49 7/ 5/49 9/14/49 7/ 6/49 7/ 8/49 7/19/49 7/ 7/49 5/24/49 7/ 5/49 9/14/49 7/ 6/49 7/ 5/49 7/ 7/49 7/ 6/49 9/14/49 7/ 5/49 7/ 7/49 5/24/49 7/ 8/49 9/14/49 5/24/49 7/ 6/49 5/24/49 7/ 7/49 5/23/49 7/ 6/49 7/ 6/49 7/ 6/49 9/13/49 7/ 7/49 9/12/49 5/24/49 7/ 7/49 9/12/49 5/24/49 7/ 6/49 9/14/49 5/24/49 7/ 8/49 9/13/49 7/ 6/49 9/14/19 7/ 6/49 9/13/49 5/23/49 7/ 6/49 9/13/49 9/13/49 7/ 8/49 5/24/49 9/13/49 10 30 30 30 30 20 20 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 30 10 20 10 40 40 10 30 40 40 30 30 20 50 30 20 50 50 20 30 20 30 10 30 50 20 20 30 30 740 60 40 40 60 70 30 50 60 30 30 10 30 20 30 10 20 30 20 50 50 40 60 290 370 300 280 265 330 142 230 485 390 300 350 350 300 330 280 370 290 430 330 320 325 520 .•,40 240 430 330 390 375 310 485 370 380 480 420 420 485 630 630 300 330 280 375 1 ,500 455 350 420 420 350 840 990 680 520 535 330 340 300 425 330 350 460 300 430 650 480 580 12S/2E-11C1- 12S/2E-11C1 12S/2E-1 1 111 12S/2E-11H1- 12S/2E-11H2_ 12S/2E-12J1__ 12S/2E-13A1- 12S/2E-14E1_. 12S/2E-15A2- 12S/2E-15D3- 12S/2E-16A1-- 12S/2E-16L1.. 12S/2E-16J1-. 12S/2E-16P2__ 12S/2E-16R1.. 12S/2E-17A1- 12S/2E-17D1._ 12S/2E-17D1- 12S/2E-17K1.. I2S/2E-17N1.. 12S/2E-17N1 . . 12S/2E-18A3_. 12S/2E-18D1 . 12S/2E-18L1.. 12S/2E-18L1- 12S/2E-18N1-. 12S/2E-19A1._ 12S/2E-19C1- 12S/2E-19C1- 12S/2E-19E1. . 12S/2E-19L1... 12S/2E-19L1.. 12S/2E-19M1. 12S/2E-20A1-.. 12S/2E-25Q1... 12S/2E-29B2 12S/2E-30E2--. 12S/2E-30F1... 12S/2E-30F2__. 12S/2E-30M1 . . 12S/2E-30P1__ 12S/2E-31B1 - 12S/2E-31C2... 12S/2E-31K1_. 12S/3E- 6E2— 12S/3E- 7C1„. I2S/3E- 7C1__. 12S/3E- 12S/3E- 12S/3E- 12S/3E- 12S/3E-10N1_ 12S/3E-16A2. 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Normal Monthly Temperature and Precipitation, Percent of Daytime Hours and Calculated Consumptive I'se Factor, Watson- ville, Pajaro Valley, California 178 7. Miscellaneous Precipitation Records at Several Stations in Pajaro Basin 179 8. Observed Monthly Evaporation From Weather Bureau Pan, 1942 to 1947, Inclusive, Newark, California 179 9. Mean Monthly Temperatures, 1942 to 1947. Inclusive. Newark. California ISO 10. Estimated Normal Evaporation for Pajaro Valley, Based on Evaporation and Temperature Observations at Newark, California ISO 11. Estimated Normal Consumptive Use of Water by Swamp Areas in Pajaro Valley, Based on Observed Consumptive I'se by Tides in San Luis Rey Valley, California 181 12. Estimated Normal Consumptive I'se of Water by Dense Native Vegetation in Pajaro Valley, P.ased on Observed Consumptive I'se in San Luis Rey Valley, California 184 13. Estimated Normal Annual Consumptive Use of Water by Trees-Brush-Grass in Pajaro Valley With Water Table at Various Depths, Based on Observed Consumptive I'se in San Luis Rey Valley, California 1S4 14. Estimated Normal Unit Consumptive Use by Native Vegetation, Pajaro Area, California 185 15. Computed Normal Unit Consumptive Use of Water by Alfalfa, Pajaro Valley, California 186 10. Estimated Normal Rate of Consumptive Use of Water by Lettuce and Cover Crops in Pajaro Valley. California 187 17. Summary of Tentative Estimates of Normal Unit Consumptive Use of Water for Irrigated Crops in the Lower Pajaro Valley, California 188 is. Estimated Normal Unit Consumptive I'se for Dry-Farmed and Miscellaneous Lands in Pajaro Area, California 188 6 — Slti28 f 161 ) APPENDIX 1 163 NTRODUCTION Tli is progress report is a contribution to an investi- gation initiated by the Division of Water Resources, California State Department of Public Works, involv- ing the whole subject of the utilization of the water supply of lower Pajaro Valley. Because of experience accumulated by the Division of Irrigation and Water Conservation (of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service), in similar circumstances, especially those encountered in neighboring Salinas Valley, its entry into the investigation was brought about under the provisions of a formal agreement of long standing between the two agencies. By this ar- rangement, the Division of Irrigation and Water Con- servation undertook to ascertain the amounts of water artificially applied to irrigated crops in Pajaro Valley under current practices and to calculate the amounts consumptively used by those crops and by the native or natural vegetation. In the study of irrigation practices and in an asso- ciated examination of the soils of the valley, the Divi- sion of Irrigation and Water Conservation had the assistance of field personnel of the Operations Division, Soil Conservation Service, through a party headed by Clyde M. Seibert, District Conservationist,'* and op- erating under the general direction of John Barnes, State Conservationist for California. This party, al- ready familiar with general farming methods in the Valley, obtained water information from operators of 44 farms, selection of which was intended to reflect the different soil conditions as well as the irrigation prac- tices applying to the principal crops. The interviews thus produced data indicative of the growing season, the number of irrigations and the irrigation season, amounts of water applied (measured or estimated) and other pertinent information. Since the surveyed area included portions of two Soil Conservation Districts, Pajaro and Elkhorn (fig- ures 1 and 2) , to which Mr. Seibert and his staff provide technical assistance, the support of the boards of direc- tors was requested and freely given, to the effect of suggesting those farmers best capable of supplying the needed information and informing the farmers gen- erally as to the objectives of the work. This assistance proved to be helpful in expediting the field work, and was greatly appreciated by those heading the investi- gation. Also valued was information obtained from Santa Cruz County Farm Advisor Henry Washburn, Monterey County Farm Advisor A. A. Tavernetti, and the Division of Irrigation Investigations and Practice of the College of Agriculture, University of California. Responsibility for the irrigation-practice study was assigned to Paul A. Ewing, Senior Irrigation Econ- omist, while Harry F. Blaney, Senior Irrigation Engi- neer, was placed in charge of the consumptive-use de- terminations. * Assisting Mr. Seibert were Irving F. Pearce, Lew Hanks, George Watt, Everett Richards and A. E. Bode, Soil Conservation Service technicians working with the Pajaro and Elkhorn Soil Conservation districts. Gordon E. Shipman, Soil Scientist, pre- pared the chapter on Soils. THE LOCALE DEFINED Pajaro River and its tributaries drain approximately 1 300 square miles of land on the west side of the Coast Range, the area itself lying east of Monterey Bay into which the river flows. That portion of the watershed west of Pajaro Gap embraces about 110 square miles. Pajaro Gap, on the San Andreas Fault, is at the eastern edge of the alluvial fill of Pajaro Valley, which is sep- arated from South Santa Clara Valley and San Benito Valley respectively by the Santa Cruz Mountains and the Gabilan Range. The principal tributary of Pajaro River within Pajaro Valley is Corralitos Creek, which enters it from the North. The valley floor comprises about 59 square miles, of which about 81 percent is irrigable. The major portion of the area with which the investigation was concerned lies in Santa Cruz County. A smaller portion is in Monterey County, while a fragmentary portion of San Benito County is also in- cluded. The important urban center of Pajaro Valley is the City of Watsonville, which has a (1950) population of 11,516. Several agricultural processing industries are located along the railroad at Watsonville Junction. General Geology The Santa Cruz Mountains are characterized by ma- rine sediments and metamorphic-rock formations, in- cluding sandstones, limestones, cherts and serpentines. There are granitic rocks, including granite, quartz and diorite in the Gabilan Range. Granite outcropping ap- pears at the northerly toe of the Gabilan Range near Pajaro Gap. The San Andreas Fault runs parallel to the crest of the Santa Cruz Mountains along a line a short distance west of the crest. The basement on the eastern side of the fault in this area is of the Franciscan type and that on the bay side is granitic. The heavy vertical displace- ment along the fault line makes it probable that Pajaro Valley watershed west of the fault is a definite sub- basin. Well logs collected in this area indicate that ground water in the pumping zone within almost the whole valley floor is confined in a pressure or semi-pressure area ; the area in which wells flow a portion of the year is small. Valley Fill A limited number of logs of wells fairly well scat- tered over the valley floor, obtained from the Pajaro Soil Conservation District, show water-bearing sands, and gravels as deep as 400 feet below ground surface.. Most of the wells between Watsonville and the bay shore have been drilled to depths of 180 to 190 feet. The existence of a wide range in specific capacities of wells, some of which will not support irrigation draft in the pressure area, indicates that the water-bearing gravels occur in tongues rather than broad strata. 164 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION LOCATION MAP Figure 1 PAJARO SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT SANTA CRUZ a MONTEREY COUNTIES, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 1946 12 3 SCALE IN MILES *C«'CUlTu»( -POW LAND. 0«CG PAJARO S.C D. CAL 7- L- 1051 1 APPENDIX I 165 U S DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE , SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE PACIFIC REGION Figure 2 AGRICULTURE -PORTLANO. OREGON ELKHORN S.C.D.CAL. 7-L-I3068 166 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION AGRICULTURAL HISTORY In November 1851 the first settlers entered Pajaro Valley for the purpose of farming. Although several houses were already in the valley, they were used only by herdsmen on the cattle ranchos. The soil of the Valley was exceedingly fertile, so that in 1853, when the exodus from the mining communities to the so- called "cow counties" began, difficulty arose with squatters on the rancho grants in the Valley. The coming of the railroad into the Pajaro Valley in 1870 stimulated agriculture because of the increased market it made available. Commercial fruit growing became important about 1880, most of the previous plantings having been for home use. A beet-sugar fac- tory built near Watsonville in 1886 was later aban- doned, and sugar beets from Pajaro Valley were shipped to Salinas on a narrow-gage railroad. In recent years a gradual change to the more in- tensive types of agriculture has taken place. During the early period agriculture consisted of growing grain, grain hay, and potatoes, but apples mid sugar beets soon replaced grain on the valley soils. The acre- age of most of the field crops, such as corn and oats, lias diminshed since 1900, chiefly because of the in- creased production of lettuce and other vegetables. The type of farming in the mountain districts has changed very little, except that possibly the acreage of tree fruits has been slightly reduced as the trees deteri- orated from age. Present Development About half (48 percent) of the irrigable land is irri- gated. There is a series of five lakes on the valley floor between Corralitos Creek and the Western base of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Some water is pumped from Pinto Lake for irrigation and a portion of the munic- ipal water supply for Watsonville is obtained from Corralitos and Brown Creeks. A few pumps lift water from the creeks, but all other irrigation requirements are supplied from the ground. The principal irrigated crops are lettuce, sugar beets, artichokes, tomatoes, beans, peas, berries, and young orchards. Many of the old orchards receive no irrigation. Pressure on developed water supplies which gave rise to the investigation now reported has been greatly increased in recent years. While no previous survey lias been made along the present lines, an analysis of statistics resulting from the 1940 Federal Irrigation Census indicates that the area irrigated in 19)59 in lower Pajaro Valley (that is, the portion mainly in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties, was some 5,000 acres Less than the acreage irrigated in 1947. Statistics obtained in 1940 were tabulated in the Census reports by drainage basins and by counties. The drainage basin groupings did not segregate San Benito River from Pajaro River, so that the published figures are inclusive of both. However, by subtracting the Salinas Basin figures from those for Monterey County, and adding the Santa Cruz County figures, approximate totals are obtained.* Table 1 shows the results of the breakdown. TABLE 1 APPROXIMATE AREA, COST AND EQUIPMENT OF IRRI- GATION ENTERPRISES IN LOWER PAJARO VALLEY, CALIFORNIA, AS REPORTED IN FEDERAL IRRIGATION CENSUS OF 1940 Irrigation enterprises, 1940, number Area irrigated in 1939, acres Area works were capable of supplying with water in 1940, acres Capital invested in irrigation enterprises, 1940, dollars Per acre irrigated in 1939, dollars Per acre suppliable in 1940, dollars Average reported cost of operation and maintenance in 1939, per acre (not including capital costs), dollars.. Average reported delivery of water to irrigators in 1939, acre- feet per acre Average cost of operation and maintenance per acre-foot of water delivered in 1939 (not including capital costs), dollars.. Main canals and laterals — Total length, miles Pipelines — Total length, miles Pumped wells, number Average yield, g.p.m Pumping plants, number Average capacity of pumps, g.p.m Area served per pump, 1939, acres Area served per pumped well, 1939, acres 369 12,394 15,052 781.955 63.09 51.95 6.25 1.57 3.98 24.6 140.3 340 419.9 434 345.6 28.3 36.5 Pump capacities in Pajaro Valley average only about one-third those of neighboring Salinas Valley and acreage served per pump is in even smaller proportion (28 acres, Pajaro; 80 acres, Salinas). However, the preferred practice in both basins is to irrigate only during daytime, except at the height of the season, when night irrigation is also resorted to ; hence the average pump capacity of a little less than 14 g.p.m. per irrigated acre in Pajaro Basin corresponds to the Salinas Valley average (13 g.p.m.), so that substan- tially larger acreages could be served by many of the pumps, even with present rates of application, if Longer day schedules were adopted, provided the wells could stand the consequent increase in draft. (Some- what amplifying the significance of the foregoing sta- tistical description is the fact that an undetermined but considerable number of Pajaro Valley pumping plants, notably some installed in orchards, receive little use because of the ability of the apple trees to produce without irrigation when rainfall is normal.) * This manipulation necessarily ignores the fact thai a small por- tion of San lienito ( 'ounty is in Lower Pajaro Basin, while some Irrigation Is practiced in several unidentified areas of Santa Cruz County not in or tributary to Lower Pajaro Basin. APPENDIX I 167 CLIMATE The climate of Pajaro Valley is characterized by two seasons : the dry or summer season which extends from May to October, and the wet or winter season comprising the other months. More than half the rain falls during December, January, and February. The amount varies widely from place to place, being lowest along the coast and increasing toward the mountains. (For further discussion see chapter on Consumptive Use of Water.) During the rainy season the prevailing winds blow from either north or south, causing alternate rainy and clear weather ; but during the summer they gener- ally blow from the west or northwest, rising in the fore- noon and subsiding in the evening. The moisture they gather from the ocean forms fogs at night in Pajaro Valley that usually disappear about next midday but frequently continue longer. They are of great benefit to farmers, as they retard evaporation of soil moisture and transpiration of such plants as lettuce, artichokes and brussels sprouts. During the rainy winter season the fogs are infrequent. Killing frosts may occur from November to March, but have occurred as late as May 26 and as early as September 25 at Watsonville, where the average frost- free season is 237 days. Temperatures are too severe for the commercial growing of subtropical or the more sensitive fruits, but in a few well-protected spots in the mountains a few lemons are grown for home use. Table 2 shows the normal monthly, seasonal, and an- nual temperature and precipitation at Watsonville. TABLE 2 MONTHLY, SEASONAL, AND ANNUAL TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION AT WATSONVILLE, SANTA CRUZ COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FROM 1880-81 THROUGH 1945 (Elevation, 23 feet) Temperature Precipitation Month Mean Absolute maximum Absolute minimum Mean Total n mount for the driest year (1917) Total amount for the wettest year (1909) °F. 50.2 49.9 51.8 °F. 82 82 84 °F. 15 20 23 Inch >s 4.49 4.18 3.74 Inches 0.32 1.65 5.22 Inches 10.41 14.10 7.39 50.6 53.9 55.9 58.6 84 95 90 99 15 24 22 26 12.41 3.35 1.30 0.62 7.19 .87 .28 .10 31.90 4.12 .00 May -- .00 56.1 60.9 61.5 61.6 99 110 105 95 22 31 32 30 5.27 0.12 0.01 0.02 1.25 .00 .00 .00 4.12 .10 July .00 .00 61.3 60.9 58.4 54.3 110 105 104 90 30 32 22 23 0.15 0.27 93 1.94 .00 .00 .00 .84 .10 .44 .79 1.80 Fall 57.9 105 22 3.14 .84 3.03 56.5 110 15 20.97 9.28 39.15 168 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION SOILS* The soils in the irrigated section of the Pajaro Valley occur in three general areas; i.e., first, the well-drained bottom land alluvial soils ; second, the bottom land soils with restricted drainage; and third, the bench and low rolling hill soils.** The largest of these areas is the bottom land alluvial soils that were formed by the fans of the Pajaro River and the Corralitos Creek. They are deep soils and generally very fertile. These soils are nsed mainly for orchard and vegetable pro- duction. Near the mouth of the Pajaro River, the soils are heavy-textured and drainage is restricted. This area is second in size and is nsed mainly for vegetable production. The remaining irrigated lands are located above the bottom lands in scattered sections of the valley. There are two general types of land in this section. One is the fairly Hat bench or terrace land which has soils with restricted subsoils. Shallow-rooted crops are the best to use on this type of land. The other irrigated upland areas are located on sandy, rolling hills. They are used mainly for winter-vegetable pro- duction. The suitability of other soils for irrigation and their adaptability for crops are dependent upon several factors. Some of these are soil texture, soil type and depth, root feeding zone, drainage condition, slope of the land, past erosion, and the erodibility of the soil. Detailed information on these factors may be found in the Soil Conservation Service report on the "Physical Land Conditions in the Pajaro Soil Conservation Dis- trict" and the "Physical Land Conditions in the Elk- horn Soil Conservation District." Combinations of these factors as found in the field have been covered in a Land Class in the above publications. Most of the irrigated land is in Class I, II. or III. Class I land is the best land, with little or no limitations in its use. Classes II and III have one or more of the above lac- tors that are detrimental and limit their use in sonic way. The land classes are explained in detail in the above-mentioned reports. The bottom land soils of the Pajaro River and Cor- ralitos Creek fans arc deep and have good textures. t They are mainly Class I lands, with some ( 'lass 1 1 lands along the stream channels. The soils along the Pajaro River have heavier textures than those along the Cor- ralitos ('reck. This uives them a better water-holding capacity and greater fertility. These bottom lands are al present about 40 percent orchard, with the rest in irrigated vegetables. They are highly valued and have a wide range of use. There is little chance for deterio- ration from erosion. With good farming methods such as crop rotation, growing of green-manure crops, crop- * This discussion was prepared by Gordon E, Shipman, S'ii] Scien- tist, Soil Conservation Service. "* Land division areas are further broken down and defined in "Natural Land Divisions of Santa Cruz County, California: Their Utilization and Adaptation," by R. Earl Storie, (1Z) ■ Series names and textures were taken from tin- "Soil Survej of Ih. Santa Cruz Ana" by R. Earl Storie anil others. | tS I residue utilization, manuring and fertilization, and proper use of irrigation water, they should continue to produce high yields. The principal soil series in these bottom lands are the Soquel, Corralitos, Metz, Pajaro, Bottela and Salinas. The textures vary from sandy loams to silty clays, depending on the location. This area covers about 65 percent of the irrigated area of the valley. The areas of imperfectly drained soils are located near the mouth of the Pajaro River. They cover most of the bottom land area from Watsonville to the coast, and make up about 20 percent of the irrigated lands. These soils were poorly drained in their natural state. Drainage ditches were installed and it is necessary to maintain them to continue crop production. Proper application of water is highly important in this area, as over-irrigation intensifies the drainage problem. Other practices necessary are crop rotations, growing of green-manure crops, crop-residue utilization and use of soil amendments to maintain these soils in good production. These areas are heavy-textured and are mainly Class II and III because of the drainage problem. They are used entirely for vegetable production and are highly valued for that use. They are not suited for orchard use, owing to restricted drainage. The irrigated land above the bottom lands is in two main forms. The largest and most scattered of these upland areas are to the north, east and west of Watsonville along the fringes of the Corralitos Creek and Pajaro River. These soils are restricted in depth and therefore are used primarily for irrigated vegetable crops. Their fertility and production from them are lower than is the case with the bottom land soils. Irrigation problems are much greater, owing to unevenness of slope, and limited soil depth. The soils occurring on these benches are mainly Pinto, Pinto (compact subsoil phase), Watsonville, and McClusky series. Textures are mostly medium (loams). The other irrigated sections in the upland areas are the sand hills in the Springfield area. These soils are on gently roll- ing hills and are very sandy, a combination which results in irrigation by sprinklers. The crops are mainly winter vegetables, such as brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, etc. Use of sprinklers helps control erosion that would occur with the furrow type of irrigation. This upland irrigated area occupies about 15 percent of the irrigated lands in the valley, which are mainly Classes II and III owing to slope, soil depth or coarse textures. On sloping land in these upland areas, certain conservation practices are necessary to maintain the soil. Some of these practices involve crop rotations, winter cover crops, crop-residue utilization, fertiliza- tion, contour or cross-slope operations, and proper irrigation. These practices become more important as slopes increase. APPENDIX I 169 WATER-CONSUMING CROPS Alfalfa This crop is unimportant in the present agricultural set-up of Pajaro Valley, its acreage being limited to a few small fields. Because its use is mainly for pasture and much of it is grown in areas of high water table, irrigation requirements are low as compared with those of many other areas. Artichokes Commercial plantings of artichokes are limited to areas that are nearly if not entirely frost-free in the winter and cool and foggy in the summer. The globe artichoke is adaptable to a fairly wide range of soil conditions. The plant is deep-rooted and does best on the deeper soils, although considerable acreages devoted to this crop in neighboring environ- ments have soils with elaypan subsoils at depths of 18 to 30 inches. In many places it is necessary to sacri- fice the best soil conditions to obtain the right climatic circumstances. Both brussels sprouts and artichokes appear to do well on Watsonville sandy loam, Wat- sonville loam, and Lockwood loam. The yield of arti- chokes ranges from 100 to 150 boxes an acre on the soils of the terraces. Soquel loam produces somewhat better yields, but the crop must be harvested before December, as the danger of frost is great in the bottom lands after that time. At any rate, the Pajaro Valley crop is concentrated in the bottom areas south and west of Watsonville. Fertilizer applications ranging from 5 to 10 tons of manure per acre every other year have given good results. The leaves and stems of the plant are usually returned to the soil after harvest. Some growers apply from 300 to 400 pounds of nitrogenous inorganic fertilizer to the acre before the buds begin to form, this usually being nitrate of soda or ammonium sulfate. In Pajaro Valley, irrigation is done by a method somewhat peculiar to this crop, involving considerable labor. A single furrow is opened down each row of plants. Short runs arc made from rather frequent cross ditches. A head is turned in and permitted to reach the lower end of one run. When it has reached the lower end of the run, an irrigator begins cutting in the sides of the furrow so that water is flooded from the ditch to the plants on either side. This flood- ing and filling in of the ditch are carried on up the row to the entrance of the water from the cross ditch, where it is then cut into the furrows in the next row. After an irrigation, the entire surface is wet. This method is thorough but not efficient because of the labor expended in applying the water. Estimates made by the University of California as to time required to irrigate artichokes by this method were about 8 man- hours per acre. Beans Pajaro Valley beans are mostly small whites (some snap beans for seed), grown on sites of restricted possibilities; that is, while the acreage of beans on top-grade lettuce land is not large, it would probably be advantageous for them to appear more prominently in the areas of better land because of their soil-drying effect. In fact, the crop represents a possibility for re- duced use of water, although facing the hazard of early rains if planted following a lettuce harvest. Desirable maximum seasonal application is about 10 to 12 inches. Beans are planted in 26-inch rows or even closer (two 24-inch and a 28-inch), and are so cultivated that two rows are on either side of one bed. Thus irrigation is by furrows. Bush Berries Although the acreage in bush berries, such as Boysen- berries, Young dewberries (Youngberries), Logan blackberries (Logan berries), other blackberries, and raspberries, has varied widely, this enterprise is im- portant. The plantings of bush berries are scattered principally in the Freedom district, where local con- ditions seem well suited to their culture. They do well on a wide range of soils. The soils of the terraces give good results, owing to the air drainage and the smooth surface, which is easily irrigated. Some plantings are grown without irrigation, but the common practice is to irrigate. Irrigation of both bushberries and straw- berries is liberal and more or less continuous during the irrigation season. However, Loganberries are grown on the deep sandy soils of the San Andreas section without irrigation. Lettuce As measured by income, lettuce is now the most important crop. Usually two crops are grown on the same land each season, in various combinations — spring and siuinner, summer and fall, or late spring and early fall. Sometimes three crops are raised — spring, summer and fall. Lettuce can be successfully matured during any time of the year except the rainy season, maturity being attained in from 75 to 150 days, de- pending on the season. Lettuce acreage has apparently experienced a marked expansion in recent years. For the portion of Pajaro Valley lying in Monterey County no compari- son is possible, but the Agricultural Commissioner of Santa Cruz County is authority for the following fig- ures, which may be understood to apply almost entirely 170 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION to the Santa Cruz County portion of the Pajaro area, as insignificant acreages of lettuce are grown else- where in the county. 1940 J<> 'id* Spring lettuce, acres 1350 2700 Summer lettuce, acres 1846 2400 Fall lettuce, acres 1458 2770 The Federal Census of 1940 reported 1808 acres of lettuce in Santa Cruz County in 1939. Thus, although much if not most of the acreage now in lettuce had previously supported other irrigated crops,** the use of water has been greatly increased, since lettuce is irrigated more liberally than any other major crop. Lettuce is grown on the soils of the bottom lands, ranging from fine sandy loams to silty clays of the Salinas, Botella, Metz, and Soquel series. The heavier textured soils produce liberally, but they cannot be managed so easily as the lighter soils during rainy weather. The medium-textured soils of the bottom lands that are high in organic matter produce the largest yields as well as the best quality of lettuce. Large quan- tities of barnyard manure are used for lettuce, and application of 8 to 12 tons an acre have materially increased or maintained the yields. Green-manure crops, preferably legumes (usually purple vetch) are used by some growers to maintain the organic content of the soil. Readily available nitrogen, in the form of sodium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, calcium nitrate, or ammonia, is often added to produce a good growth and color before the heading period. Since two or three crops of lettuce are produced on the same land in a year, it becomes necessary to maintain the soil fertility by the use of crop rotation, manures, cover crops, and inorganic fertilizers. Lettuce requires moisture throughout the growing season, and this is supplied by the furrow type of irri- gation. The frequency of irrigation depends on soil conditions and the season. Although over-irrigation is common practice, it is not so extreme as in some other lettuce-growing sections. Since the lettuce plant is shallow-rooted, the presence of a water table as near the ground surface as five feet in much of the lettuce area has little effect on irrigation practice. Irrigation applications to first-crop lettuce average only two, however, and the amount applied totals only eight inches, as this crop is given a good start by the rain- fall. Second crop irrigations average four, and the total amount about 15 inches; while third crop irriga- tions arc around three and the amount about 12 inches. Lettuce yields between 150 and 250 crates an acre for each crop. Much of the lettuce is grown by large operators who Lease the land for that purpose. ♦ The 1946 acreages are in reasonable harmony with the results of tin- Ui 1 7 survey of lower Pajaro Valley, which show 3556 acres in L-crop lettuce, 321)6 acres in 2-crop lettuce, hut only 200 acres in 3-crop lettuce. See table 4. '* As evidenced by beans, acreage of which in Santa Cruz County declined li"iii 1 so I to Tim acres, and sugar beets, which de- clined from 1834 to L'lr, acres. .Sugar beets are now grown to sc. OH- extent In rotation with lettuce. Labor for producing and harvesting the crop is contracted for. While irrigation practice in the growing of lettuce differs from that of Salinas Valley in the amounts of water applied, the following descriptions abstracted from a recent publication (8) are generally in point: Unpublished reports of experiments on lettuce ir- rigation requirements, conducted in Salinas Valley by the College of Agriculture of the University of California, note that while the measurements of wa- ter applied to commercial lettuce fields are not exten- sive, the experimenters believe that 4 to 6 inches is usually applied to germinate the seed.t It is noted also, however, that Excessive amount of water to germinate seed in most instances is due to use of high beds — those 6 inches or more. High beds are necessary on land not properly leveled, as water must be kept in fur- rows until soil around the seed is moistened and the greater the distance the longer the time required to wet the soil. In a few tests where low beds were used, about one-half as much water was used in flood- ing as for the high beds. A bed need not be any higher than necessary to compensate for unevenness of the land and prevent the beds from being flooded. While lettuce can be raised by flooding the entire surface, crusting of the soil surface may interfere with seed emergence and leaching may occur. Commercial plantings in Salinas Valley are made on raised beds in which two rows of lettuce are grown. Reds are commonly about 6 to 8 inches high and spaced 42 inches apart from center to center, the rows on each bed being 14 inches apart. Irriga- tion is accomplished by running water down each furrow between the beds. A small stream running many hours is the general practice. When water is applied to germinate the seed, it is held in the furrow until it soaks into the beds. Irrigation runs may vary from a few hundred feet to more than 1000 feet, depending on slope, soil type and individual prefer- ences. In general, irrigations are more frequent on light sandy soils than on heavy soils, and the sandy soils are given more water than on the heavier soils. As many as 6 to 8 irrigations have been made on one crop. In other cases, as few as 2 or 3 irrigations have been made on crops not receiving moisture from rainfall. A fairly common practice is to irrigate a crop lightly after a first cutting has been made and when two to three more cuttings are ant icipated. Usual tillage practices previous to planting are plowing, disking, and listing. Sled-type implements with planters attached are then used to shape the beds. Cultivation often begins shortly after the plants have two true leaves. A more common prac- > Access to these reports and permission to quote from them were given by Dr. P. .1. Veihmeyer, Professor of irrigation, College of Agriculture, University of California, who directed the ex- periments. Full details of the study and conclusions drawn from it have been published in a bulletin of the California Agricul- tural Experiment Station. (18) APPENDIX I 171 tice is to make the first cultivation shortly before the plants are thinned. The first cultivation is gen- erally shallow and is done with side and top knives together with shovels. The blades of the knives are set so they will cut weeds between the two rows and on the sides of each bed. Two- and four-bed tractor- powered cultivators are most common. Following this cultivation the beds frequently are chiseled ; that is, two chisel-like blades are drawn through the soil to a depth of four to 6 inches between the two rows of each bed. After thinning, when the plants become larger, 2 to 6 cultivations are often made. These later practices may stir the soil from one to 3 inches deep. The primary purpose of cultivation is to destroy weeds, but other reasons are often given for tillage. Recent experiments (18) show that the primary purpose of cultivation after the crop is planted is to control weeds, and cultivation of lettuce in the absence of weeds is wasted effort. Crusting of the soil before the seedling emerges is believed to be detrimental to good plants. Some growers irrigate before thinning because this practice seems to be facilitated when the soil is moist ; others irrigate after thinning because they believe that irrigation helps the plants to recover from the disturbance of the soil caused by thinning. The let- tuce growers thus are not in complete agreement in their reasons for irrigation or cultivation practices, even when climates and soil conditions are com- parable. Many growers believe that water applied to the soil when the heads are maturing is apt to make them soft and loose ; they also think that when the moisture supply is plentiful the leaves are crisp and a lighter green than when the soil is dry. Pre- mature production of seed stalks is believed to be due to unfavorable soil moisture conditions. Veihmeyer and Holland (18) make the following comments based on their lettuce experiments in the Monterey Bay area : The results indicate that there are no marked differences which can be attributed to the differences in irrigation treatments. Tests of quality were made by tasting in all ex- periments. This failed to show any marked differ- ences. The belief that lettuce requires an irrigation close to harvest time to produce firm heads is without foun- dation since our experiments do not show any dif- ference in moisture content of the heads from the various treatments, nor in firmness, as measured by hand pressure, visual condition, and packing house inspection. * * * irrigation is not the causal factor for bolting and tipburn (under the climatic and soil conditions prevalent in the Monterey Bay region). Comments by Monterey County Agent A. A. Taver- netti in a mimeographed "Guide to Irrigation of Let- tuce in the Salinas Valley" (14) are, by inference, dis- closive of current irrigation practice affecting this crop. Paragraphs from this guide that appear to be especially pertinent are quoted below : The first use of irrigation water in the production of crops was solely for the purpose of replenishing moisture in the root zone. Irrigation systems as well as most practices in the use of irrigation water are based on this use alone. While this purpose of water is still the most important, yet as more and more in- formation has been learned in the production of crops, the use of water for other purposes than merely replenishing moisture has become a general practice. It is estimated that almost one-half of the water ap- plied to lettuce is for purposes incidental to supply- ing moisture to the plant. These extra water applications can seldom be timed with the need for moisture replenishment. As a result, soils on which lettuce is grown are subjected to amounts of water far in excess of that needed for plant growth. * * * The duty of water has little relation to its efficiency of water use. It merely rep- resents the amount used in general practices regard- less of whether such practices be good or bad. Mr. Tavernetti considers that lettuce irrigation is more efficient in Pajaro Valley than in Salinas Valley by perhaps 20 percent, an opinion that is supported in other pages of this report. At no place in the Pajaro study were the exceptionally high applications noted that were cited by the College of Agriculture and Mr. Tavernetti in their Salinas Valley investigations. One reason for the difference, as mentioned by Mr. Taver- netti, is the use of lower hills by Pajaro growers. Other contributing reasons are (1) less wind effect, (2) gen- erally shorter runs, (3) smaller pump deliveries. While other truck crops are rotated with lettuce in Pajaro Valley, the preferred plan of the lettuce growers calls for lettuce following lettuce, two crops of lettuce being harvested annually, or, infrequently, three. As in other lettuce-growing areas, the heaviest irrigation is that given for germination of the second crop, the spring crop usually being germinated without irriga- tion. On the other hand, the growing period of spring lettuce is longer than that of the summer crop. A varia- tion of usual practice, encouraged by high prices, is to give an extra irrigation after completion of nominally final picking, to induce enough extra production to justify a repicking. A new variety, Great Lakes, appears to take longer to mature than the Iceberg, and is assumed to require another irrigation. One grower reported applications to Great Lakes no greater than to other lettuce ; another applied two more irrigations. Land best adapted to lettuce is now all in lettuce, and variations in the rotation away from lettuce are typi- 171' SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION cally on land above the bottoms. Where other crops are rotated with lettuce, sugar beets are favored, but there are also small patches of celery, carrots, and cauli- flower; and on land best suited to a spring crop of let- tuce some beans or tomatoes are grown. Some of this tomato-bean land is fairly steep and hard to irrigate, but the water demands of both tomatoes and beans are not exorbitant. The acreage growing truck independently of lettuce is limited, but there are occasional fields of cabbage and brussels sprouts in sandy land not suited to lettuce. Strawberries Strawberries and bush berries constitute another im- portant crop. In the early days the acreage in straw- berries was confined chiefly to the alluvial soils of the Salinas, Botella, Soquel, and Pajaro series in Pajaro A T alley. Within recent .years the search for new straw- berry land has led to the use of Watsonville loam and Pinto loam on the terraces in the Freedom district. Strawberries are produced for three to four years, after which the plants die. In setting out strawberry plants, care must be used to select them from beds free of wilt and to select land not previously cropped with wilt-affected plants. Tomatoes are known to be respon- sible for the spread of the wilt fungus, and strawberries must not be planted on land previously cropped to to- matoes. Medium-textured soils are the easiest to manage for strawberries, owing to the frequency of irrigation dur- ing the summer. Claypan soils, such as Pinto loam, seem to be well adapted to strawberries, although they have to be fertilized more heavily than the alluvial soils of more recent deposition. Strawberries seem to do better on acid soils than on neutral or alkaline soils. Where the claypan is close to the surface, these soils are not so desirable, because the surface soil becomes saturated after an irrigation. Soils of the Pinto and Watsonville series that are developed on the older terraces need to be fertilized with barnyard manure, chicken manure, and green manures along with a top dressing of com- mercial fertilizer carrying a high content of available nitrogen. An acre of berries in full bearing produces from 75 to 125 crates per season. Sugar Beets The growing of sugar beets was an important enter- prise on the alluvial soils while the beet-sugar factory in Watsonville was in operation. Until lettuce was in- troduced, a considerable acreage was planted annually to sugar beets in the Salinas soils in the lower part of the Valley, which was too near the coast for the success- ful culture of apples. At present, beets are grown ill a few fields of the Salinas, Met/., and Botella soils. The beets are shipped to the sugar factory in Salinas Valley. yields range from 10 to 30 tons an acre. The soils of the terraces and uplands are not adapted to the culture Of SUgar heets. Partly because of the long-continued position of this crop in the agriculture of Pajaro Valley, most of the land on which beets are grown has been properly graded, permitting even distribution of irrigation water without flooding. The land is usually prepared by plowing in the fall or when the soil is dry, in order to condition it. Subsoiling frequently follows the plow- ing, and land planes are used to remove irregularities of the surface. Deep chiseling in two directions further conditions the soil. The chisels are followed by harrows or ring rollers to break clods and compact the surface soil in the interest of soil moisture control. The beets are grown on beds formed by ridges thrown up by lister shovels, rows in the beds being 12 to 14 inches apart, with 26 to 28 inches separating the beds. Distribution of water is by furrows, flow to them from the lateral ditches being controlled by portable metal dams with gates adjustable to permit maintenance of uniform heads accurately gaged. In early-season irri- gation, tubes, pipes and flues through the ditch banks, siphons over them, or surface pipe with adjustable gates are useful. Sometimes the seed is planted on dry soil, immediately after which the field is irrigated to supply the moisture for germination. Following cul- tivation, thinning and hoeing, the sides of the beds are reshaped, and the irrigation furrows are reformed. After the first irrigation they are again reformed to permit adequate subsequent irrigation. Commercial fertilizer is applied following thinning, and water is applied as soon as possible after fertilization and hoeing. Beets grown in the lettuce rotation are irrigated liberally, but if grown independently they get only about three applications totaling, say, 12 inches, as such plantings get the benefit of the soil moisture re- sulting from winter rains. Truck (including tomatoes) Miscellaneous vegetables, in wide variety including tomatoes, peas, potatoes, beans, sweet corn, sugar beets, spinach, celery, onions, garlic, cauliflower, carrots, and squash, are grown on both irrigated and nonirrigated land. Green peas are occasionally used in crop rota- tions on the bottom lands. In fact, nearly all the com- mercial plantings of these crops are on the alluvial soils of the bottoms. Muck and peat soils are especially adapted to the production of vegetables. There is a considerable acreage of cauliflower, sprouts, broccoli, etc., on coastal sandy soils in the Springfield area (south of the valley proper). Irrigation in the Springfield area is by sprinkling. Since much of the area with which this report is concerned can produce more than one crop a year, several other crops are grown on the lettuce land, either independently of or in rotation with lettuce. As stated by Knott and Tavernetti (!)), The »rower can work out a rotation with lettuce planted for harvesting in spring, summer or fall. APPENDIX I 173 To counteract the combined effect of irrigation and cultural and harvesting operations on the compac- tion of the soil during the growth of lettuce, it is well to rotate this crop with one that receives less working of the soil while wet. One can grow the following crops for spring har- vest and still allow sufficient time to mature a crop of lettuce during the summer and fall: Lettuce, garden peas, carrots, spinach, sugar beets, garlic, vetch seed, and certain other seed crops. Possibilities for fall harvest after lettuce include lettuce, green peas, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, spinach, celery, broccoli, and cabbage. Green-manure crops are almost indispensable if lettuce is to be grown on the same soil over a period of years. More than two crops of lettuce should not be grown without at least one of green manure inter- vening, particularly if animal manure is not avail- able. . . . An August seeding of vetch for plowing under in November or December fits well into plant- ing operations. Purple vetch, when seeded alone, is usually at the rate of 40 to 60 or more pounds per acre. First the seed is either drilled into the soil or broadcast, then ridges and furrows are made that cover the seed. The soil is irrigated to aid germination. Many growers prepare the soil and beds and drill the vetch in close-spaced rows and in the furrows. The data so far collected suggest a relatively liberal irrigation for cauliflower and celery raised after a spring crop of lettuce, but applications to the other truck crops do not appear to be exorbitant. Deciduous Orchards Up to the time that farmers in Pajaro Valley began to grow lettuce, production of apples was the largest enterprise, and the Valley still ranks as the largest apple-growing section in the State. Probably about 50 acres were devoted to apple trees in 1860, about 250 acres in 1870, and about 500 acres in 1880; and there was a rapid increase in acreage between 1880 and 1890. The peak acreage of apple trees was reached about 1910, after which the figure remained fairly constant until about 1928. Since then the acreage has been re- duced by the expansion of lettuce on the alhwial soils. Apple yields of 600 to 1,600 boxes an acre are ob- tained on the soils of the bottom lands. The largest yields are obtained on the loams, fine sandy loams, silt loams, clay loams, and silty clay loams of these series. Apples on the soils of the terraces and uplands do not produce so heavily. The soils of the Watsonville series are not well adapted to the production of apples, and although apples have been planted on these soils, yields are low and the loss of trees has been considerable. The Yellow Newton seems to do better on the shallower soils than the Yellow Bellflower. In general, the Yellow Newton is considered to have more promise than other varieties, partly because of its good shipping and keep- ing qualities. ( >nly within recent years has orchard irrigation been practiced, and most of the trees are still not irrigated. Investigations by the University of California have shown that the need for irrigation on the deeper alluvial soils is slight, although possibly in years of low rain- fall irrigations will materially increase the yield as well as make the trees hardier. Field tests show that the largest increases in yield after an irrigation are from the shallower soils and those of heavy textures. During the early years of the apple industry many orchards were interplanted with strawberries or sugar beets, and as such crops require irrigation, the trees shared in the water application. Cultural practices in general consist of fairly shal- low cultivation on the shallow soils and deeper culti- vation on the deeper soils. Many of the orchardists grow a cover crop of purple vetch or grain.* While the growers on the recent and young alluvial soils have not used fertilizers in their orchards to a great extent, the application of nitrates has increased the size of apples and, in some orchards, the yields. Probably fertiliza- tion would give greater increases in yields on the soils of the terraces and the sandier soils of the uplands. Some growers in the valley apply barnyard manure. Apricots do not do well (dose to the coast ; they are therefore planted on the more sheltered, better-drained soils on the eastern side of Pajaro Valley. Most of the apricot orchards are not irrigated. Cultural practices are the same as those followed in other sections of California, and very little fertilizer is used. Districts close to the coast are not well suited to plums and prunes because of the fogs and high humid- ity, but some plantings have been made east of Watson- ville in the same districts that produce apricots. Pears also are grown chiefly in the mountainous districts and in small valleys away from the influence of coastal fogs. Other deciduous orchards are of re- stricted commercial importance in Pajaro Valley. Cultural methods are about the same as for apples. Pasture Although some of the alfalfa fields are pastured, most of the pasture acreage in Pajaro A T alley is ladino clover grown on dairy farms. These are typically hill- land lay-outs, and irrigation is by flooding controlled with portable pipe, or by sprinklers. While irrigation is frequent, total applications run only about 2-4 inches per annum, an amount substantially less than that typifying ladino irrigations in most other sections of California where it is grown. A clay pan at 18-inch * A recent study bv the Giannini Foundation, involving 42 unirri- gated apple" orchards, showed that 21 had seeded cover crops, as follows: vetch alone, '.< ; vetch and oats, 4 ; barley alone, 2 ; oats alone, peas alone, vetch-wheat, vetch-barley, vetch-peas, and vetch-barley-oats, 1 each. Volunteer cover was found in 17 orchards : volunteer-seeded in 4. 174 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION depth is perhaps a partial explanation of this low total use; climatic conditions are also contributing factors. However, it is possible that more liberal irrigation, say at 2-week intervals through a 6-month season, would be profitable. The ladino acreage is being expanded on slopes where no other crop can be raised, and ladino will eventually represent an increased irrigation use whether unit applications are increased or not. Grain Hay and oats are grown in scattered areas on a wide variety of soils in the uplands and on the terraces. The soils of the bottom lands are too valuable for other crops to be used for grain. Very little barley is grown. Oats are sown in the fall. At present a mixture of vetch and grain — oats, wheat, or barley — is used as a cover crop in orchards (see "Deciduous Orchards"), but crops raised for grain are not irrigated. The acreage of grain and hay is gradually diminishing. As a general rule, barley is produced on the heavy-textured soils, and oats on the sandy soils near the coast, but some oats and vetch are grown for grain and seed or for hay in the Springfield and San Andreas sections. Summary Irrigation practices for the different crops have been discussed in the preceding paragraphs. On the basis of this discussion and the canvass conducted by the Soil Conservation Service, table 3 has been set up to sum- marize the normal practice in Pajaro Valley. Tables 4 and 5 show the results of the cultural survey made by the California State Division of Water Resources. TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF AVAILABLE INFORMATION ON IRRIGA- TION OF VARIOUS CROPS IN PAJARO VALLEY, USED TO ESTIMATE CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS Growing season Irrigation Crop First Last Number Total depth applied (season) Dates Dates Dates Inches Alfalfa 1/ 1-12/31 5/20-10/15 5/15- 9/ 1 6/18-10/ 1 4/ 1-10/31 2/ 1- 5/15 6/ 1- 9/ 1 9/15-10/31 4/15-10/ 1 5/31-10/31 5/15- 9/15 6/15-10/31 8/ 1-12/31 7/15-10/31 6/15-10/31 4/ 1-10/31 4/ 1-10/31 1/ 1-12/31 5/ 1 5/21 6/ 4 6/18 4/13 6/15 8/ 5 5/ 1 4/15 5/20 5/13 6/ 1 7/17 7/15 6/19 6/15 6/15 6/ 1 6/ 1 9/30 10/ 8 8/ 1 8/ 1 5/18 8/20 10/24 10/ 1 7/20 9/30 8/13 9/ 1 9/17 9/10 9/30 8/15 8/15 10/15 10/ 1 4 4 2 2 3 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 2 3 5 2 2 5 4 24 17 12 10 Berries (bush) Lettuce (1st) Lettuce (2d) Lettuce (3d) - Strawberries Sugar beets.. Sugar beets' 11 8 15 12 24 12 24 15 Truck . Cauliflower Cauliflower' Celery' Orchard (old) Orchard (young) Pasture Miscellaneous. 16 8 15 25 8 6 24 12 Grown after crop of spring lettuce. APPENDIX I 175 < h 2 5 > -D D % JZ <3& >, 3 S3 o iiiiCDpi'iiCO''»0'''COi = r^ i CD i i CM- 5,039 88 9,316 4,555 ao as OS oo* ! i ! ! CO CM CM -r CM '3 c ^ cu u CCS ;3 > < a c o S3 QO -r ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 ! ! ! ! ! 1 1 ! ! ! ! ! CO I CO ' : i i : : CO CO I I I X N > I i i iCON i i CM — «o — ** OS i ! CM i OO ' 1 ! ! 1 ! CM 00 i i i ifl «5 ' ' I i I N CO I I cm_ in CM* o QO CM* CO CO CM o CO ! ! i 1 ! i : : : ; os ! CO : : : : \ as CO t»- i i r- -f i • -V i . 00 CO ' i CM -*"_ T -m" OO as : : : : : o CM CM O CO to CM CO ;:::::::: ' ec ' t . CM ' > OS QO -r cd i > r- cm i i ~r i cm cm i i •o OS o_ OS OS CM CO CO co" CO CO ' 1 i U5 i i O cm i as t— co i i OC "" o o o o CO* ; : ; : : as CM OS CM CO o CO OC CM CM i i i i co eo ' > iO ' ' ' co ' i i i i Mil ill i o CM t^. CO >o I I QO i I - ' CO I 1 o o_ ~f , OS CM — i ' r~ . co — as i • -+•_ CO »c CO* CO O W3 O •o CO CO * o o *~~s o i . 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CM CO i i CD i CO CM CO -f CO CD o O o > O o ^D-iC-MI'CCXNWODI'CO^OXNWfl N « « x ift oi oi « - -t-rt-ctw-rwcN HUjnM iO CM — MiflOS'-'0®'-i;NM co co" i-T i-T — * — «5 co_ CM CM co o CO — 0C X CM N CM N X CD CM CO CO -r CO *e"i 3 < J bo C c ' — i X i UJ CO- i I CO ' I-- I ' i .CO ' *C i ' CO OS . . CO ' ' . . CO ' ' -r- ;- 40 o OS oo CM -r CM OSCONMOiN-rWNlOlOMN- — OS — -T CO QO co" r- o OS ^H ■ o as ' co X f i o CO CO CO as «5 -r i 'X N- ' i i . -*• — CO • i CO OS iOhNN i IO CO O CO o as -*> US CO CO CO eo- CM O OS ' -f O i M CD !D M 1 M Ol N i CO cH i -*• 00 O ITS ,0— ' i - N t in p- CM OO Nf 'WOO — -^ CD_tO ^H^--t- CMtM COCOr-" CM as -r" O CO •o r- CO i 00 UO CM «5- t O — — CO CO OO CO cm" i . OO i CM i ' ■ ■ os i ii CM o o CO CO O CO CO T CO T CO OO OO CM — CO o CO CM CM CM* ao. OS O CM O GOCO-^CO 'I— CO CO 'OOOO > • i N N t O! f ifj CO f 'OOCOO i 1" IT) • t i CO CO CO CD •— " m CO «0 i— ' CO-T"^-CO CO •o" OO U5 1^ CM as --. — t- 1 1 1 CO 1 1 1 q »- i — CM i O i CO i CO • OS ' OS CO CO ' — as oo as CD as oo CM CO as o* Area Other Than That of High Water Table, Valley Floor (acres) Ss COCO — OOCOOilOO — -T"l--C0C003tracD00OCD nocicc) ■-■ujwioi'OJOt-TCCioiaiw N h. M T ■**< *r O — IT) CO — — OICO CO o 1^" OO — "T. CO CO — CM — ' -f r- oo ' — — OS_ CO co" — " U5> CM_ as* iHCONOS i i i I- — 00 i i -*• o QO »o CO O — CO CM CO U0 CO -T" O CM 0_ CO CO co U5 CO CO CO Os" 3 ll O '5 5 S3 CM CO OO CM . i ICO i-h icM i icOCM i— ' ' <-ft-- iii . i iir-.iOiO'i( OO 1- — 'CIK5 > — i X i U5 -*• CO "0 1 "CO I t— I I i . CO i >Q ' i CO OS . i CD ' ' l . 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W i . i i r- CO ' — i ' co i "*r i i &}•<& 'OCM-T i Wt ' I 'CO i i 'COCM 'COOO o "O «3 oo o 1— OS | | | U5 . i ' O o o_^ CO* . — CO ' «3 < i i CM ' '' co ..Oil CO CO CM CM 3 E- £ & o o bob w >> "o *1 -5 .A ""3 51 coco-rco io -i x co a - •— i w«cm ojn a OUS-H-r- i CO T N M CO W 1" i lO CO CO 1" t X — CO — — C» -— CM O -T CM_ CM- CO CM* — CO CD (M o" CO -* i IO X CM iC i OC' CD — O OS — "5 co_ i i — i — i CO »o CM CO 1 HXU5X i CO CM f — — t- CO CO «o CM »o_ CM* CO CD b> *3 "a ■< P"! .o o *~"i o ° J S3 *< OO CM CM CO i CN f ■ S N CD N ifl t» Ol 'CM i C31 Oi — Oi CO 'CO— ' Oi Oi CN CN O - CO 'OO > — iO CI iM N — f — — o o CM_ CM" as co ' OO OS i CO ' T CM HO CO CM i CO • ■** ' ' o ■ - N -r »o ' ' N CO CO CM OS CO as CO CM O CM en 'OOi i co ic: co t co co cm i coi* icoi— o >0 U5 CM i 05 cO T •- O) -" t- 't--CO ' O (N ifl »0 «5 -f CM CO — -' -r o_ -r" CM OO ' OS OS CM CM CO CM i . OS i ii CO OS ' O CM CO "T ' t ~r ao CO' — CO CM o CO OS CM CD* O CM O X COCM l 'CN f CO 'OO- i i i — co-roo iC CO l i-rOGO i-t-CM i i i— CO O CO co cm_ -r — -r — — CM o_ CO O as cm ' OC ' S . i -f i «0 'CO i i O 'CO 'OS CM CO CM ' — os oo as 'CM OS OS CO CO o as «5 OS »o" a (-5 ;;;;;; T3 ; CO ' c3 • 1 i i i i i i i i 3-g i :1„ : ; : i : O ! o, a £. o> 2 1 i SP ! ■q i ,ooo^!w^,— "2 5 - : ' ; ; i^^^-^-oo^so : % ^ \ : « ■ £ ; :«Nto = = i° m i ' 'E "S w ; "w ' *o 'J— Q*aTcJcL>cu^"2 "2 a '--^ ! -^ =: = C i'5-s-^^^ s ja c-c^» S « c « £3 cci E: H5^^4>7,S o g o w 2 ^S 3 <c-H "pi o "5 ■o i : : : : : <5 !!!£!! ' u. ! ! ! 3 ! ["a -S? ^7 J 3 g J2 ^ J t l^ o 2 i: 3 l c O | J J | [ J J "53 r I J l J » ! 0) a? i W ' ; _c ' « g > w -c o i ai bo j£ 10 2 2 •& -:* tj 5 .£ c* .c = ■ .. o . ij gig-g || | S5 t» ^ fe O £ OQ *rt "o o CO : • i : "f : 2 l « o ; ; g ' C i ~ C i i & , — ''! s 'S ' ■3 ; - JS : g -a ; jg -« ^ s -1 " >> : < « H ?= S O o 00 < o e-3 co -i — — ** ^* c © '3 -C Q ^ S£8?£ M cq S U3 S ;» O 33 CQ fc fe fe CO . 176 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 5 SUMMARY, LAND-USE SHOWN IN SURVEY OF LOWER PAJARO VALLEY, ADJACENT FOOTHILL AND TRIBUTARY WATERSHED AREAS Acreage w thin zones of average rainfal per year* Total Land use 0-20 20-24 24-28 28-32 32-36 36-40 40-44 44-48 acreage Valley Floor 5,432 3,171 316 1,196 4.921 2,426 300 2,224 6,813 4,459 496 1,365 189 546 93 77 17,355 Irritable drv farmed Native vegetation 10,602 1,205 4,862 10,115 109 870 43 44 9,871 252 2,299 971 108 13,133 163 1,838 1,185 110 905 101 4.218 964 231 679 166 36 ---- .... ---- 34,024 Foothill Belt 625 3,904 3,329 529 Subtotal. Tributary Watershed 1.066 3,630 3,296 40 1,007 4,446 150 5,514 70 3,004 29 881 489 3,095 29 391 3,198 20 182 2,840 6 33 2,415 1 14,387 40 Drv farmed - - Mountain watershed . 2,172 18,998 235 Subtotal 5,282 4,041 359 1,499 5.173 4,725 1,271 2,332 5,643 7,016 6,297 1,007 6.127 1,625 3,103 290 4,747 70 4,061 337 3,613 679 489 3.261 65 3,609 391 3,198 20 3,028 182 2,840 6 2,449 33 2,415 1 21,445 Summary Irrigated crops Irrigable drv farmed. . — _ 18,020 20,506 2,172 Native vegetation Miscellaneous __ . _ - - - .. 23,532 5,626 Grand total- - 11,181 13,501 22.072 9,522 4,494 3,609 3,028 2,449 69,856 Rainfall zones Normal precipita- tion °F. Percent Inches January February March. _.. . 49.9 51.8 53.9 55.9 58.6 60.9 61.5 61.6 60.9 58.4 54.3 50.2 6.93 6.82 8.35 8.87 9.87 9.89 10.05 9.44 8.37 7.82 6.87 6.72 3.46 3.53 4.50 4.96 5.78 6.02 6.18 5.82 5.10 4.57 3.73 3.37 4.18 3.74 3.35 1.30 May 0.62 0.12 July August September October _ November December. . 0.01 0.02 0.27 0.93 1.94 4.49 56.5 100.00 20.97 t = Mean monthly temperature. p = Percent of daytime hours of year for month. t X P f = — — — monthly consumptive use factor. 100 Miscellaneous precipitation records for areas above Watsonville are shown in table 7. EVAPORATION FROM WATER SURFACE No evaporation measurements have been made in Pa- jaro Valley. Monthly evaporation and temperature measurements made for six years at Newark in the San Francisco Bay area northeast of Watsonville are avail- able. Climatic conditions in this area are somewhat similar to those in Pajaro Valley. The average annual temperature at Newark is 56.5 degrees Fahrenheit for the period of record as compared with a normal annual temperature at Watsonville of 56.5 degrees Fahr- enheit ; hence the observations at Newark are used to compute the evaporation in Pajaro Valley. Table 8 shows the observed monthly evaporation and table 9 the temperatures at Newark. Table 10 shows the estimated normal monthly evap- oration for Pajaro Valley, based on evaporation and temperature observations at Newark. The coefficients were determined by dividing the monthly evaporation at Newark by the consumptive use factor. Evaporation in Pajaro Valley was computed by multiplying the con- sumptive use factors for Watsonville by these coeffi- cients, as indicated in the tabulation. APPENDIX I 179 TABLE 7 MISCELLANEOUS PRECIPITATION RECORDS AT SEVERAL STATIONS IN PAJARO BASIN Station number and location Season No. 2 Brown's Valley No. 6 Cusack Ranch No. 8 Evans Ranch No. 12 Oakdale School No. 17 Enos Ranch Watsonville Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches 1925-26 28.81 29.32 25.56 16.79 23.24 16.43 38.85 21.12 18.16 30.14 29.95 38.91 47.65 21.43 43.56 59 . 70 42.39 29.40 28.64 29.49 24.10 28.75 25.28 34.13 27.22 20.00 28.75 16.23 39.13 22.64 21.66 33.84 38.48 34.71 44.74 21.37 41.27 56.07 26.92 23 . 03 35.59 23.97 23 . 20 37.39 46.77 44.53 60.22 25.98 55 . 87 68 . 70 54.19 33.31 33.81 38.55 19.81 38.46 54.68 37.93 32.65 27.29 30.24 24.28 23.52 30.47 33.17 38.35 18.40 35.72 53 . 53 36.05 18.37 1926-27 24.28 1927-28 14.92 1928-29 14.46 1929-30 16.45 1930-31. 11.02 1931-32 1932-33 24.50 15.12 1933-34 12.46 1934-35 1935-36 19.87 21.04 1936-37 .... 26.38 1937-38 25.97 1938-39 14.71 1939-40.. 24.14 1940-41... 36.59 1941-42 24.80 1942-43 20.82 1943-44 . 18.55 1944-45.. . ___ _ 21.63 1945-46 ...... 18.66 1946-47. 13.28 1947-48 16.02 1948-49 15.12 TABLE 8 OBSERVED MONTHLY EVAPORATION FROM WEATHER BUREAU PAN, 1942 TO 1947, INCLUSIVE, NEWARK, CALIFORNIA Month 1942 Evaporation, inches 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 Average January February March April May June July August September.. October November- December.. Annual 1.27 2.28 3.91 4.10 6.82 9.00 9.33 7.78 .-> . 88 4.22 2.07 1.09 1.44 1.88 2.62 4.44 8.35 8.22 8.77 8.05 6.76 4.43 2.16 1.85 1.29 2.24 4.34 4.75 7.65 7.08 8.38 7.85 6.24 3.81 2.23 0.80 0.88 2.06 2.94 6.07 6.50 8.69 8.80 7.44 6.93 3.66 1.65 1.24 1.64 1.46 3.37 5.16 6.75 8.51 8.63 7.76 7.19 5.33 2.52 1.01 0.99 1.42 3.14 5.45 8.06 8.58 8.99 8.04 7.08 4.46 2.50 1.51 1.25 1.89 3.39 5.00 7.36 8.35 8.82 7.82 6.68 4.32 2.19 1.25 57.75 58.97 56.66 56.86 59 . 33 60.22 58.32 180 SAXTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 9 MEAN MONTHLY TEMPERATURES, 1942 TO 1947, INCLUSIVE, NEWARK, CALIFORNIA Month 1942 Temperature, degrees Fahrenheit 1943 194 1 1945 1946 1947 Average January. February--. March April May June July. August September.. October November December _ . Annual 50.5 51.0 53 . 1 54.2 57.2 61.4 64.6 64.3 62.2 59.8 52.2 48.1 47.8 52 . 2 54.2 56.0 61 .2 62.0 65.1 64.8 66.0 60.4 54.7 49.8 48.0 48.4 52.4 52.7 59.7 61.5 63.6 63.4 64.6 60.4 51.6 49.4 44.9 50.2 48.6 53.8 57.3 63.8 65.2 62.9 64.6 60.7 52.9 49.4 46.0 46.2 50.2 54.0 57.8 61.4 64.8 63.8 63.9 57.9 51.0 48.1 42.8 50.8 54.6 57.2 61. 65. 63. 64. 63. 61. 49.6 47.2 46.7 49.8 52.2 54.6 59.0 62.6 64.5 63.9 64.1 60.1 52.0 48.6 56.6 57.8 56.3 56.2 55 . 4 56 . 8 56.5 TABLE 10 ESTIMATED NORMAL EVAPORATION FOR PAJARO VALLEY, BASED ON EVAPORATION AND TEMPERATURE OBSERVATIONS AT NEWARK, CALIFORNIA Month November December January February March Subtotal April May June July . August September October Subtotal Annual- Newark, California Evaporation W. B. pan (e)> Inches 2.19 1.25 1.25 1.89 3.39 9.97 5.00 7.36 8.35 8.82 7.82 6.68 4.32 48.35 58.32 Consumptive use factor (f) 3.56 3.25 3.22 3.39 4.35 17.77 4.85 5.84 6.21 6.90 6 . 04 5.37 4.69 39 . 90 57.67 Coefficient 0.62 0.38 0.39 0.56 0.80 0.56 1.03 1.26 1.34 1 .28 1 .29 1 .24 0.92 1.21 1.01 Watsonville, California Consumptive use factor (f) 3 3.73 3.37 3.46 3.53 4.50 18.59 4.96 5.78 6.02 6.18 5.82 5.10 4 . 57 38.43 57.02 Computed evaporation \V. B. pan* Inches 2.31 1.28 1.35 1.98 3.60 10.52 5.11 7.28 8.07 7.91 7.51 6.32 4.20 46.40 56.92 Lake surface 5 Inches 1 .92 1.06 1.12 1.64 2.99 8.73 3.83 5.46 6.05 5.93 5.63 4.74 3.15 34 . 79 43 . 52 Feet 0.160 0.088 0.093 0.137 0.249 0.727 0.319 0.455 . 504 0.494 0.469 0.395 0.262 2.898 3 . 625 1 Average of observed evaporation, 1942 to 1947. inclusive. e - k = — = coefficient. f 3 Prom table 6. 1 Computed evaporation c = kf. ■'■ Lake surface evaporation = pan evaporation X 0.83 for winter months and pan evaporation x 0.75 for summer months APPENDIX I 181 NATIVE VEGETATION ON THE VALLEY FLOOR For some 20 years the Division of Irrigation, in co- operation with the California Division of Water Re- sources, has investigated the consumptive use of water by native vegetation (3) (4) (10) (17). Some of the results for California and other western states have been summarized in one report (17), according to which, the relation of plant communities to moisture supply is one of the outstanding characteristics of the growth of natural vegetation. While individual species are largely restricted to favorable physical environ- ments, the principal condition that governs the distri- bution of vegetative groups is the amount of available moisture. Each species responds to individual water conditions for its most favorable growth and its widest distribution. Natural vegetation grows under moisture conditions that are always changing. Plants that do not subsist on ground water but depend upon moisture held by the soil particles may have an abundant supply at one time and suffer a scarcity at another. Ground water fluc- tuates and roots in contact with it are alternately wet and dry. Soil moisture is dependent upon precipitation, but evaporation, transpiration, percolation, and runoff cause its uneven distribution in the soil. In arid areas moisture is retained in the upper soil horizon, and the vegetation is confined to those species which are adapted to extreme economy of water. In areas of greater precipitation, deeper penetration re- sults in plant roots drawing upon a greater volume of soil moisture. In low places a concentration of moisture takes place and ground-water areas support those plants which use more water than dry-land plants. Finally the water-loving plants, living with their roots in water, are large consumers of it. No measurements have been made of evapo-transpi- ration by native vegetation in Pajaro Valley. However, climatic conditions in the lower San Luis Rev Valley near Oceanside, California, are somewhat similar to those in Pajaro Valley. Therefore, the results of evapo- transpiration studies in San Luis Rev Valley (10) made by the Division of Irrigation and Water Conser- vation in cooperation with the Division of Water Re- sources are used to estimate consumptive use of water in Pajaro Valley by the method previously described. Native vegetation on the floor of Pajaro Valley was mapped by the Division of Water Resources as sparse brush-grass, medium brush-trees-grass, dense trees- brush-grass, chaparral, and swamp. (See table 4.) Swamp Areas The results of observations in San Luis Rey Valley on consumptive use of water by tules growing in a tank (six feet in diameter and six feet deep, located in a swamp) are shown in table 11, together with computed monthly consumptive-use factors and coefficients. By applying these coefficients to the consumptive-use fac- tors at Watsonville, estimates have been made of monthly consumptive use of water by swamp vegeta- tion, as shown in table 11. table n ESTIMATED NORMAL CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER BY SWAMP AREAS IN PAJARO VALLEY, BASED ON OBSERVED CONSUMPTIVE USE BY TULES IN SAN LUIS REY VALLEY, CALIFORNIA San Luis Rey Valley (observed) Pajaro Valley (computed) Month Consumptive use (u)i Consumptive use factor (f) Coefficient (k) = Consumptive use factor (f) Consumptive use (u) 3 Inches Inches Inches Feet 3.18 1.92 1.82 1.90 3.09 4.02 3.74 3.91 3.81 4.79 0.79 .51 .47 .50 .65 3.73 3.37 3.46 3.53 4.50 2.95 1.72 1.63 1.76 2.93 0.25 .14 .41 .15 .24 Subtotal -. -- 11.91 4.56 7.07 7.46 8.70 7.76 6.41 5 . 07 20.27 5.12 6.22 6.44 6.89 6.68 5.51 5.03 0.59 0.89 1.14 1.16 1.26 1.16 1.16 1.01 18.59 4.96 5.78 6.02 6.18 5.82 5.10 4.57 10.99 4.41 6.59 6.98 7.79 6.75 5.92 4.62 0.92 0.37 .55 .58 .65 .56 .49 .39 April., - -. May . _ _ July September. . . Subtotal.- - -. - 47.03 41.89 1.12 38.43 43.06 3.59 58.94 62.16 0.95 57.02 54.05 4.51 1 Average observed consumptive use by tales, San Luis Rey Valley. 1940, 1941 and 1943. ii observed consumptive use 2 k = = monthly coefficient. kf consumptive use factor computed consumptive use at Watsonville. 182 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION Trees-Brush-Grass With High Water Table Some areas in Pajaro Valley are covered with growths consisting of native trees intermingled with grasses and brush of varying density, the variation being governed by the available water supply. In those Micas underlain by a high water table the growths are dense, and as the terrain rises toward the hills and distance to the water table increases, vegetation be- comes less dense and changes to a species having roots developed for obtaining water from greater depths. This arrangement results in zones of vegetation that are irregular according to the ability of the roots to obtain moisture. Exceptions occur in some places as a result of soil types. In the valley, there are areas where ground water is near enough to the ground surface to support luxuriant growths of vegetation, but, owing to lack of fertility in the soil, the vegetation is sparse. These areas consist in general of sandy or gravelly soils which have been deposited by recent flood flows. In mapping areas of trees intermingled with grasses and underbrush the growths were classified as dense, medium, or sparse. In some cases there was no distinct dividing line between the classifications, and one graded more or less gradually into another. In places where there was abrupt change in topography, soils, or other features, the dividing line was rather definite. "Willows, cottonwoods, and baccharis were the pre- dominating type of tree, and although they drop their leaves and become dormant for about three months during the winter, consumptive use continues in the areas they occupy, owing to growths of grasses, weeds, and underbrush. The lands may be considered as hav- ing a double crop with the trees using water during the summer periods and the grasses and underbrush using it during the winter. There was, of course, much over- la pping of the two crops. To estimate the consumptive use of intermingled na- tive trees, brush and grass, data obtained from studies in Bonsall Basin, San Luis Rey Valley, were employed. In San Luis Rey Valley an intermingled growth of cottonwood, willow trees and grasses (similar to growth in Pajaro Valley) was grown in a tank located in natu- ral environment (10). The water table in the tank was held for two years at three feet below the ground surface and for another two years at four feet below tlie ground surface. On the basis of the information presented, the annual use of water by native vegeta- tion with water table at three and four feet averages 92.7 and 62.5 inches, respectively. Plotting tlie observed data results in two points des- ignated "A" and "B" on figure 3. In order to com- plete tlie curve it was necessary to estimate a third point. This third point, "('," was determined on the assumption that valley vegetation draws little if any water from the ground water when the water-table is at a depth of 1 2 feel or more. Where the water-table depth is more than 12 feet, the vegetation depends wholly or very largely on rainfall which has been stored in the soil. Previous investigations in Santa Ana Val- ley (3) indicated that in soil consisting of sand of variable texture to a depth of 12 feet or more, the major root activity of native vegetation existed in the zone from ground surface to a depth of 11 feet. The consumptive use consisted entirely of rainfall and amounted to as much as 14 inches in one year without penetration below the root zone. Point " C " on figure 3 was therefore set at 14 inches of consumptive use with a water-table at 12 feet. The consumptive use for areas with water-tables at greater depths than 12 feet would be the same and consist entirely of rainfall. In years of excessive precipitation there would be contri- bution to the ground water, and in years of low pre- cipitation the consumptive use could not exceed the rainfall. The curve does not necessarily apply where the water-table depth is less than three feet, for the reason that the type of vegetation changes to swampy growths and there is more or less direct evaporation from the soil by capillary action. Another point on the curve may be obtained from the data secured at the abandoned well in Bonsall Basin where a water level recorder was maintained and the consumptive use computed from the diurnal fluctua- tions of the water-table. The use of water as determined by this method was 45.40 inches depth per year with an average distance to ground-water table of 4.7 feet. This point is shown on figure 3 as "D. " Table 12 shows the results of observed monthly con- sumptive use of water by intermingled growth of trees and grasses in a tank with the water table at four feet below the ground surface in natural environment in San Luis Rey Valley, and computed monthly coeffi- cients. These data are considered applicable to areas in Pajaro Valley where dense growth occurs along the streams and the depth to water table ranges from three to five feet with an average depth of four feet. An esti- mate of monthly consumptive use of water by dense growth of trees-brush-grass in the Pajaro Valley, based on the San Luis Rey Valley studies (10) and tempera- ture records, is also shown in table 12, From the curve (figure 3), the annual use of water in San Luis Rey Valley by medium brush-trees-grass (in areas with depth to water-table ranging from four to seven feet) is taken as 36 inches, and use by sparse brush-grass (in areas with depth to water-table rang- ing from six to 10 feet) is shown as 21 inches. These values for medium and sparse vegetation are transposed to Pajaro Valley by means of the ratio of the consumptive use factors at Watsonville to those at San Luis Hey. In estimating the seasonal consumptive use for sparse vegetation, considerat ion was given to the amount of moisture available from precipitation during the winter and summer periods. APPENDIX I 183 l \r\ ^T CO < ^^ u> o o o 00 o 10 o o 04 H -p < < c9 U. O 5 o UJ P o > ^ L. 3 _l to UJ < o C > O 3 O 1- O 1- ,. < >~ 9 uj oo g s > ^ CJ i? co ^ -O |5 -p UJ . UJ (O <•♦- o >D b> l- -J 10 -p °- z a 3 ^) (/) z M o o o J^^A J2>cJ S2)qou[ ui zsn TJAiq-duunsuoO 184 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 12 ESTIMATED NORMAL CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER BY DENSE NATIVE VEGETATION IN PAJARO VALLEY, BASED ON OBSERVED CONSUMPTIVE USE IN SAN LUIS REY VALLEY, CALIFORNIA San Luis Rey Valley Pajaro VaUey Month Consumptive Use (u)' ( 'onsumptive use factor (f) Coefficient (k)* Consumptive use factor (f) Consumptive use (u)* Inches Inches 2.00 1 .24 l . :,3 1.89 3.21 4.01 3.66 3.91 3.80 4.72 0.50 .34 .39 .50 .68 3.73 3 . 37 3 . 46 3.53 4.50 1.86 1.15 January . . __ — 1.37 1.76 March 3.06 Subtotal 9.87 .V 19 7 . :>8 8.09 10.27 9 . 0.5 7.91 3.65 20.10 4.93 6.10 6.36 6.90 i ;.:>-> 5.46 5.01 .49 1.11 1.24 1.27 1.49 1.48 1.45 .73 18.59 4.96 5.78 6.02 6.18 5.82 5.10 4 . 57 9.20 5 . 51 May.. . . . 7.17 7.65 July.. . 9.21 8.61 7.40 October _ . 3.34 Subtotal -_ ... _ -_ . _ 52.64 41.28 1.28 38.43 48.89 62.51 61.38 1.02 57.02 58.09 1 Average observed consumptive use. S;in Luis Key Valley. 1 !>41 -42 anil 1942-43. ii observed consumptive use 2 k = ■ — = ■ = monthly coefficient. f consumptive use factor 3 u = kf = computed consumptive use. Estimates of normal annual consumptive use of water by t rees-brush-grass growing in Pajaro Valley based on the San Luis Rey Valley data, in areas with the water- table ;it various depths, are given in table 13. TABLE 13 ESTIMATED NORMAL ANNUAL CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER BY TREES-BRUSH-GRASS IN PAJARO VALLEY WITH WATER TABLE AT VARIOUS DEPTHS, BASED ON OBSERVED CONSUMPTIVE USE IN SAN LUIS REY VAL- LEY, CALIFORNIA Type <>f vegetation Depth to water-table Consumptive use Range Average San Luis Rey Pajaro Feet Feet I r ic- 1 n ~ Inches Feet Dense : Medium : Brush-trees-grass Sparse: Brush-grass 3 to 5 4 to 7 6 to 10 4.0 5 . 5 8.0 62 . 5 36.0 21.0 58 . 1 33 . 5 19.5 4.84 2 . 79 1 .63 Chaparral and Brush Without a High Water Table Tin 1 results of three years of study near San Ber- nardino, California, indicated thai a seasonal rainfall of less than 1!) inches under normal conditions is con- sumed by brush cover in areas without a high water table (3). With a seasonal rainfall varying from about 13 to 32 inches, the evapo-transpiration by chaparral- brush on the valley floor ranged from 13 to 27 inches with an average use of about 19 inches. Practically all this use occurred prior to July 1. The consumptive use factor (F) for the growing season (of brush) at Wat- sonville is about 90 percent of that of San Bernardino. On this basis it is estimated that the annual consump- tive use by chaparral-brush growing in areas without a high water table in Pajaro Valley at Watsonville is 17 inches, or 1.42 feet. In the "Foothill Belt" and "Tributary Watershed" where the precipitation ranges from 24 to 48 inches, consumptive use will be greater than 17 inches. NATIVE VEGETATION IN TRIBUTARY WATERSHED Surveys by the United States Forest Service indicate that the vegetative cover of the Pajaro Watershed con- sists of grassland, sagebrush, chamise, chaparral, wood- land-grass, woodland, oak, miscellaneous conifers and •riant sequoia. The results of a four-year study of woodland chapar- ral by Howe (11) of the California Forest and Range Experiment Station, during 1934-38 at North Fork in central California may be indicative of consumptive use by woodland chaparral in the Pajaro watershed. The total annual consumptive use (including intercep- tion loss) ranged from 16.89 to 21.37 inches with an average of 19.06 indies. About 85 percent of the use APPENDIX I 185 occurred from January 1 to July 1. The consumptive- use factor (F ) for this six-month period at North Fork was about the same as at Watsonville. A study by Troxell and Stafford (16) of natural water losses in the mountain drainage areas of the southern California coastal plain shows mean seasonal natural water losses (consumptive use) ranging from 14.1 inches at Murrieta Creek (Elev. 1,700 ft.) width a mean annual precipitation of 14.9 inches, to 27.5 inches at Lytic Creek (Elev. 5,400 ft.) with a mean seasonal precipitation of 39.2 inches. This study indicates that in some areas of high precipitation, ground water from winter precipitation is available throughout the sum- mer months for use by chaparral and trees. The California State Division of Water Resources has requested an estimate of consumptive use by chaparral and forest areas in the Pajaro watershed for the purpose of estimating rainfall penetration below the root zone. Therefore, it is estimated that the mean annual consumptive use by chaparral in the Pajaro watershed ranges from 18 inches to 24 inches while the use in the denser forest areas may be as much as 30 inches, depending upon the availability of ground water to supply moisture to the trees during the sum- mer months. SUMMARY: UNIT CONSUMPTIVE USE BY NATIVE VEGETATION Estimated normal unit consumptive use values for winter, summer and annual periods for native vegeta- tion growing on "Valley Floor," "Foothill," and ' ' Tributary Watershed ' ' are summarized in table 14. IRRIGATED CROPS Investigations of use of water by irrigated crops have been conducted in California for many years by the Division of Irrigation and Water Conservation in co- operation with the State Division of Water Resources or the California Agricultural Experiment Station. The experimental work has not been limited to use- yield investigations and the ascertainment of the amounts of water applied, but has included determina- tion of evapo-transpiration by soil moisture or tank studies in some areas. However, there are no specific data available as to the consumptive use of water by agricultural crops in Pajaro Valley. As heretofore indicated, unit consumptive use may be estimated by analyses of irrigation data, climato- logical records, or a combination of both. Careful con- sideration should be given to temperature, length of growing season, distribution and amount of precipita- tion, kind of crop, number of irrigations, depth of water applied, efficiency of irrigation, and evaporation after rainfall and irrigation. In areas of high water table, deep rooted crops such as alfalfa may secure moisture from "round water. Irrigation and other data TABLE 14 ESTIMATED NORMAL UNIT CONSUMPTIVE USE BY NA- TIVE VEGETATION, ON VALLEY FLOOR, PAJARO AREA, CALIFORNIA Normal consumptive use Classification Nov. 1 to Mar. 31 April 1 to Oct. 31 Annual Feet Feet Feet With high water table Grass . . Sparse brush-grass Medium brush-grass . Dense trees'-grass.- . Swamp (tules) Without high water table (irass . . Sparse brush-grass _ Medium brush Chaparral . _ 0.70 .7.5 .80 .80 .90 0.70 .70 .70 .80 0.80 .90 2.00 4.00 3.60 0.60 .60 .70 .70 3 1.50 1.65 2.80 4.80 4.50 1.30 1.30 1.40 2 1.50 1 Cotton, willows and other water-loving trees with water table 3 to 5 feet below ground surface. - In areas of higher rainfall, where soil moisture is available during the summer months as result of slow seepage from winter rainfall, the normal water consump- tion may reach 1.7 feet per year. 3 For rainfall zone of 2(1-24 inches. In "Foothill Belt" and "Tributary Watershed" areas, where moisture is available in the root zone during summer months from slow movement of ground water from previous rainfall, it is estimated that the rate of consumptive use will increase 0.1 foot per four inches of increase in pre- cipitation. In areas of denser forest and higher precipitation the use of water will probably reach 30 inches, provided ground water stored during the rainy season is available to the trees during the summer months. in Pajaro Valley have been collected and tabulated by the Soil Conservation Service, as previously described. The irrigated areas have been mapped by staff members of the State Division of Water Resources and the acre- ages determined under the following classifications: alfalfa, artichokes, beans, berries, lettuce, miscel- laneous, orchard, pasture, strawberries, sugar beets, tomatoes and truck. The annual consumptive use has been divided into two periods: "winter," November 1 to March 31, the season when most of the precipitation occurs; and "summer," April 1 to October 31, which is the usual irrigation season. Precipitation is a large factor in winter consumptive use. Studies in southern California (3) indicate that during the winter months evaporation after each rain- storm is about 0.5 inch and evapo-transpiration by grass, grain, or cover crops is approximately 2 inches per month with normal distribution of precipitation. At Watsonville normal precipitation for the winter period (November 1 to March 31 ) is 17.70 inches and for the year 20.97 inches. On most of the irrigated lands, crops or cover crops grow throughout the year. Some moisture from fall irrigation may be carried over for winter use, and some precipitation during the winter months which is not used by winter crops may be available for use during the summer period. Measurements in southern 186 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION California (3) indicate that evaporation after each irrigation usually ranges from 0.5 to 1.0 inch, depend- ing upon soil, percentage of surface soil that is wet, length of time of irrigation, and temperature. If all the water delivered to a farm could be absorbed by the roots of the crop and transpired by the foliage, an efficiency of irrigation of 100 percent would be reached, but in actual practice some is lost by evap- oration and some may be wasted by deep percolation below the root zone or by surface runoff. Studies in California (6) indicate that with the best equipment for distributing water and its most skilful application in moistening the soil, it is seldom practicable to utilize more than 75 percent. With poor equipment and less skilful irrigators, the efficiency may drop to 30 percent. Irrigation practices for different crops in Pajaro Valley, which may influence the amount of consump- tive use, have been previously discussed. (See table 3.) The following preliminary estimates of unit values of consumptive use are based on normal conditions. Alfalfa and Pasture Under the present agricultural program of Pajaro Valley, alfalfa acreage is limited to a few fields. Few irrigation data are available for this crop as grown in the A T alley. Sufficient rainfall occurs during the winter period to satisfy its transpiration requirements. Dur- ing the irrigation season alfalfa receives some moisture from rainfall and ground water as well as from irri- gation. Therefore, estimates of consumptive use of water for alfalfa will be computed from consumptive use factors for Pajaro Valley (f) and coefficients (k) determined by experiments in other areas (6). As here- tofore indicated, there is a definite relationship between monthly consumptive use factor (f ) and monthly con- sumptive use of water (u), and this is expressed mathe- matically by the formula u = kf. From data now available, it is estimated that the monthly coefficient (k) for alfalfa in Pajaro Valley ranges from 0.40 in January to 0.80 in July. Table 15 shows the computed normal unit monthly consumptive use of water by al- falfa for Pajaro Valley. Although some of the alfalfa fields are pastured, most of the pasture acreage in Pajaro Valley is ladino clover. These pastures are located on hill lands where there is no high water table. The fields are irrigated by portable pipe with controlled flooding or by sprin- kling. While irrigation is frequent, total applications usually do not exceed 24 inches per year. This amount is substantially less than that applied in the San Joaquin Valley and some other areas of California. The normal unit consumptive use for pasture during the winter period (November 1 to March 31) is estimated to be about the same as for alfalfa, or 9 inches. During the irrigation season (April 1 to October 31) the normal consumptive use is estimated to be 24 inches, based on the assumption that three inches of moisture is stored in the soil from winter rains and 75 percent of the irrigation water applied to the yjasture i s con- sumed. Then the normal annual unit consumptive use would be 33 inches, or 2.75 feet. TABLE 15 COMPUTED NORMAL UNIT CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER BY ALFALFA, PAJARO VALLEY, CALIFORNIA Month Mean monthly temperature (t) Percent daytime hours (P) Consumptive use factor (f) Coefficient 1 (k) Consumptive use (u) °F. Percent Inches Feet November 54.3 50.2 49.9 51.8 53.9 6.87 6.72 6.93 6.82 8.35 3.73 3.37 3.46 3.53 4 . 50 0.6 .4 .4 .5 .5 2.24 1.35 1.38 1.77 2.25 0.19 December . . 11 January .11 February, _ .15 March .19 Subtotal 52.0 55.9 58.6 60.9 61.5 61.6 60.9 58.4 35.69 8.87 9.87 9.89 10.05 9.44 8.37 7.82 18.59 4.96 5.78 6.02 CIS 5.82 5.10 4 . 57 R 8.99 2.98 4 . 05 4.82 1.94 4.66 4.08 3.20 0.75 April 24 May 7 8 8 8 8 7 34 40 July 41 August 39 September October .34 .27 Subtotal 59.7 64.31 38.43 -- 28.73 2 39 Vnnual 56 :, 100.00 57.02 37.72 3.15 i. tlmated from San Fernando Vallej data. i|> urn ii kf APPENDIX I 187 TABLE 16 ESTIMATED NORAAAL RATE OF CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER BY LETTUCE AND COVER CROPS IN PAJARO VALLEY, CALIFORNIA ( i rowing season Winter 1 Irrigation season ! Classification and crop ( lonsumptive use Number of irrigations Depth of water applied Efficiency of irrigation 3 Transpiration Evaporation Consumptive use Inches Inches Percent Inches Inches Inches 2/ 1- 5/15 6/ 1- 9/ 1 9/15-10/31 11/ 1- 1/15 3.0 5.0 2 4 3 8.0 15.0 12.0 30 30 30 2.4 4.5 3.6 1.0 2.0 1.5 3.4 6.5 5.1 Annual consumptive use, 2 crops lettuce and cover crop : Annual consumptive use, 3 crops lettuce = 20.5 inches. 17.9 inches. 1 November 1 to March 31. 2 April 1 to October 31. 3 Efficiency of Irrigation is defined as the percentage of water applied that can be accounted for as soil moisture increase in the soil occupied by the principal rooting system of the crop. Lettuce In Pajaro Valley lettuce is grown in the early spring, summer and fall. When only one crop is grown it is usually followed by a crop of vegetables or sugar beets. Two crops of lettuce or other crops are usually followed by a winter cover crop. During the winter period these crops depend for moisture almost entirely on precipi- tation. Experiments in southern California (3) indi- cate that a cover crop will use about two inches of water per month if the moisture is available. During the irri- gation season, two crops of lettuce or one crop of lettuce and one truck crop may be grown, followed by a winter cover crop. Irrigation experiments made by Veihmeyer and Holland (19) of the California Agricultural Experi- ment Station in 1938-39 indicate that evapo-transpira- tion by lettuce in Pajaro Valley may not exceed four inches per crop during the actual growing season. This figure does not include evaporation losses from soil after pre-irrigation and from free water surface during irrigation. In estimating total consumptive use these two losses should be considered. The use of water by lettuce in Pajaro Valley should be approximately equal to that in Salinas Valley since the normal annual tem- peratures in both valleys are the same and the consump- tive factors are 57.02 and 57.03, respectively. However, the normal annual precipitation at Watsonville is 6.3 inches greater than that at Salinas. Thus the early spring crops in Pajaro Valley do not require as much irrigation as in the Salinas Valley. The Veihmeyer- Holland studies indicate that only about 30 percent of the irrigation -water applied is transpired in plant growth. Table 16 shows estimates of normal unit consumptive use for lettuce lands based on irrigation and other data. Other Crops No experimental data on consumptive use are avail- able for other crops in the valley. Estimates of con- sumptive use are based on general irrigation practice, precipitation, temperature and length of growing sea- son for winter and summer crops. The procedure is somewhat similar to that employed for lettuce. Unit Values of Consumptive Use Summaries of estimated normal unit values of con- sumptive use of water by irrigated crops for winter, summer and annual periods in the main floor of Pajaro Valley are shown in table 17. These are subject to revision as more data become available. These rates of use are applicable to the valley floor acreage lying within zones of rainfall of 15 to 20 inches and 20 to 25 inches per year. Acreages in these two zones should be combined when total consumptive use in acre-feet is being computed ; the acreages for zones of rainfall of 25 to 30 inches and 30 to 35 inches per year should also be combined. For preliminary estimates of total water consumption, the tentative rates set up in table 16 may be used for these higher zones of precipitation until more information is available on irrigation and temperatures in these areas. OTHER CLASSIFICATIONS Other water-using areas which have not heretofore been discussed include areas mapped as "irrigable dry-farm," which includes dry farmed crops, fallow land, grassland-pasture, holly trees, old orchard and young orchard ; and ' ' miscellaneous ' ' which includes roads-railroads, town-farm lots, waste land and water surfaces. Irrigable Dry-farm Most of the dry farm and grass areas in Pajaro Valley are on the hillsides and benches where no under- ground water is available for plant growth. The use of water by these areas is dependent upon the amount and distribution of rainfall. These crops have their IS* SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION TABLE 17 SUMMARY OF TENTATIVE ESTIMATES OF NORMAL UNIT CONSUMPTIVE USE OF WATER FOR IRRIGATED CROPS IN THE LOWER PAJARO VALLEY, CALIFORNIA Crop November 1 to March 31 Irrigation season April 1 to October 31 Annual Inches Feet Inches Feet Inches Feet Irrigated Alfalfa - ._ __- _. 9.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 5.5 8.0 10.0 5.0 10.0 8.0 9.0 5.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 0.75 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .67 .46 .67 .83 .42 .83 .67 .75 .42 .83 .67 .83 .83 28.7 12.5 10.0 11.2 10.0 13.4 9.9 15.0 10.0 14.0 14.0 11.0 16.0 24.0 14.1 11.5 19.2 11.5 10.0 2.40 1.04 0.83 .93 .83 1.12 .83 1.25 .83 1.17 1.17 .92 1.33 2.00 1.18 .95 1.60 .96 .83 37.7 20.5 18.0 19.2 18.0 21.4 17.9 20.5 18.0 24.0 19.0 21.0 24.0 33.0 19.1 21.5 27.2 21.5 20.0 3.15 Artichokes . - . „ _ _ _ _ 1.71 1.50 1.60 1.50 Lettuce-truck 2 Lettnce-2 crops 2 . _ _ Lettuce-3 crops 3 ^ 1.79 1.50 1.71 1.50 Orchard (old) 2 Orchard (old) 4 Orchard (young) 2 . Orchard (voung) 1 _ . . Pasture Strawberries 2.00 1.59 1.75 2.00 2.75 1.60 1.79 2.27 1.79 Truck 1.66 1 With sprint; lettuce crop. - Witli winter cover crop. 3 Without cover crop. 1 Clean cultivated. greatest growing period during the winter and spring months. Considering information from studies in southern California (3) and the distribution of rainfall in Pajaro Valley, the normal annual unit consumptive use of irrigable dry farm and grassland-pasture is estimated to be 1.3 feet. The rate of use on fallow land is estimated at one inch per month for eight months of the year, or 0.70 foot per year. Unit consumptive use of water by deciduous orchards and holly trees may vary, depending upon cultural practices, distribution of rainfall, and growth of cover crops. It is estimated that the annual normal rate of use for these trees will not exceed 1.5 feet. Miscellaneous Areas Roads-railroads. All improved roads and railroad rights-of-way are included under this classification. The loss of water from these areas is primarily by evaporation after rains. An annual unit consumptive use of 0.60 foot is assigned to these areas. Town-farm lots. Areas mapped as "town and farm lots" arc assigned an annual unit consumptive use of 2.0 feet. This allows for an actual use of 1.5 feet with 0.5 tool lost by evaporation after rains. It is estimated that 'Jo percent of the use occurs during the five-month winter period and 75 percent during the period April 1 to October 31. Waste hind. Areas placed under "waste land" are hare and consist of sandy or rocky soils. In some cases they -.[ye subject to overflow from the river or tributary Streams during periods of high water. The normal annual unit consumptive use is estimated to be 0.75 foot. Although no acreages for river channel are shown by the State survey, some of the waste land may include river channels that are subject to alternately wet and dry periods or intermittent streamflow. At narrow, constricted places, the water-table is held closer to the ground surface and consequently surface water here appears earlier in the winter and lasts longer in the spring. At a few places, flowing water may occur the year around. The normal annual unit TABLE 18 ESTIMATED NORMAL UNIT CONSUMPTIVE USE FOR DRY- FARMED AND MISCELLANEOUS LANDS IN PAJARO AREA, CALIFORNIA Consumptive use of water Classification Nov. 1 to Mar. 31 April 1 to Oct. 31 Annual Feet Feet Feet 0.70 .40 .50 . 50 . 60 0.40 . 50 .40 . 50 .70 0.60 .30 .90 .80 . 90 0.20 1.50 .20 1.30 2 . 90 1.30 Fallow land- _„__ - Orchard (old)' Orchard (young) ' .70 1.40 1.30 1 . 50 Roads, railroads Town, farm lots \\ aste lam! . ... River channels Water surface 0.60 2.00 .60 1.80 3.60 1 Clean cultivated. APPENDIX I 189 consumptive use of river channel is estimated to be 1.80 feet. Water surface. These areas include lakes, reser- voirs and lagoons. The normal animal loss of water by evaporation from free water surfaces is estimated at 3.60 feet. (See table 10 for monthly evaporation.) Summary of Estimated Unit Consumptive Use Estimated normal unit consumptive-use values for winter, summer and annual periods for dry farmed crops and miscellaneous land are summarized in table 18. REFERENCES (1) Blaney, Harry F. : Ewing, P. A. ; Israelsen, O. W. ; Rohwer. C, and Scobey, F. C. "Water Utilization, Upper Rio Grande Basin." National Resources Committee, Part III. Feb. 1938. (i) Blaney, Harry F. ; Ewing, Paul A.; Morin, Karl V., and Criddle, Wayne D. "Consumptive Water Use and Re- quirements, Report of the Participating Agencies, Pecos River Joint Investigation." National Resources Plan- ning Board. .Tune 1942. (.}) Blaney, Harry F. ; Taylor. C. A., and Young, A. A. "Rain- fall Penetration and Consumptive Use of Water in Santa Ana River Valley and Coastal Plain." Calif. State Dept. Public Works. Div. Water Resources Bulletin 33. 1930. ( .}) Blaney, Harry F. ; Taylor C. A. ; Nickle, II. G., and Young, A. A. "Water Losses Under Natural Conditions from AVet Areas in Southern California." Calif. State Dept. Public Works. Div. Water Resources Bulletin 44. 1933. (5) Blaney, Harry F. and Morin. Karl V. "Evaporation and Consumptive Use of Water Empirical Formulas." Sec- tion of Hydrology, American Geophysical Union, Part 1. 1!>42 Transactions. (6) Blaney, Harry F. "Methods of Determining Consumptive Use of Water." Revista de la Sociedad Cubana de Ingenieros. IV Congreso Nacional de Ingenieria, Cuba. 1942. (7) Blaney, Harry F. and Criddle, Wayne D. "A Method of Estimating Water Requirements in Irrigated Areas from Climatological Data." Dec. 1947. (8) Blaney, Harry F. and Ewing, Paul A. "Irrigation Prac- tices and Consumptive Use of Water in Salinas Valley. California." June 1946. (9) Knott, J. E. and Tavernetti, A. A. "Production of Head Lettuce in California." Agri. Ext. Ser. Circ. 128. Univ. of Calif. Sept. 1944. (10) Muckel, Dean C. and Blaney, Harry F. "Utilization of the Waters of the Lower San Luis Rey Valley, San Diego County, California." Div. of Irrig., Soil Cons. Sei-vice, U. S. Dept. of Agri. April 1945. (//) Rowe, P. B. "Influence of Woodland Chaparral on Water and Soil in Central California." California State Dept. of Natural Resources. June 1948, (12) Storie, R. Earl. "Natural Land Divisions of Santa Cruz County, California. Their Utilization and Adaptation." Calif. Agri. Exp. Sta. Bui. 638. July 1940. (1.5) Storie, R. Earl and others. "Soil Survey of the Santa Cruz Area." Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils and Agri. Engr. Series 1935, No. 2."i. Issued Jan. 1944. ( /.} ) Tavernetti. A. A. "Guide to Irrigation of Lettuce in the Salinas Valley." (Mimeographed.) ( /J) Tavernetti, A. A. "Production of the Globe Artichoke in California." Calif. Agri. Ext. Circ. 76. Oct. 1!)47. [1(>) Troxell. Harold C. and Stafford. Harlowe M. "Natural Water Losses in Mountain Drainage Areas of Southern California." Vol. 30. No. 5, Trans. Amer. Geo. Union. Oct. HMD. ((i pages illustrations.) (17) Young, Arthur A. and Blaney, Harry F. "Use of Water by Native Vegetation." Div. of Water Resources, Dept. of Public Works, State of California. Bulletin 50, 1!)42. (18) Veihmeyer, F. J. and Holland. A. II. "Irrigation and Cultivation of Lettuce — Monterey Bay Region Experi- ments." Calif. Agri. Exp. Sta. Bui. 711. April 1948. APPENDIX J YIELD STUDIES ( 191 I TABLE OF CONTENTS YIELD STUDIES Page Yield Study, Archibald Reservoir on Scott Creek 1!):? Yield Study, Zayante Creek Reservoir on Zayante Creek 193 Yield Study, Doyle Gulch Reservoir With '20 Second-Foot Diversion Prom San Lorenzo River 194 Yield Study, Glenwood Reservoir on West Branch of Soquel Creek 1!>4 Yield Study, Upper Soquel Reservoir on Sequel Creek 195 Yield Study, Watsonville Reservoir With 200 Second-Foot Diversion From Pajaro River 190 ( 192 i APPENDIX J 193 Storage capacity : 3,150 acre-feet YIELD STUDY ARCHIBALD RESERVOIR ON SCOTT CREEK (In acre-feet) Seasonal yield : 2.800 acre-feet Season 1924-25 25-26 26-27 27-28 28-29 1929-30 30-31 31-32 32-33 33-34 November-May Runoff 36,000 20,900 2,730 8,790 26,300 29,800 12,300 8,480 7,690 2,010 21,700 3,210 12,700 15,200 Demand, 40% of seasonal demand 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 1,120 Storage, end of May 3,150 3,150 2,860 3,150 3,150 3,150 3.150 3,150 3,150 2,140 3,150 3,150 3,150 3,150 June-October Demand, 60% of seasonal demand 1.680 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,680 Apparent storage, end of October 1.470 1.470 1,180 1.470 1.470 1,470 1,470 1,470 1,470 460 1,470 1,470 1,470 1,470 Average summer storage 2.300 2.300 2,000 2.300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 1,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 Evapora- tion 220 220 200 220 220 220 220 220 220 150 220 220 220 220 Storage, end of October 1.250 1,250 980 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 Spill, end of May 31.730 17,880 1,250 5,500 1,250 23,280 1,250 26,780 1,250 9,280 1,250 5,460 1,250 4,670 310 17,740 190 9,680 12,180 Storage capacity : (5,000 acre-feet YIELD STUDY ZAYANTE CREEK RESERVOIR ON ZAYANTE CREEK (In acre-feet) Seasonal yield : 3,000 acre-feet November-May June-October Storage, end of October Season Runoff Demand, 40% of seasonal demand Storage, end of May Demand, 60% of seasonal demand Apparent storage, end of October Average summer storage Evapora- tion Spill, end of May 1921-22 22-23 13,200 8,640 1,130 3,860 9,590 10,900 5,270 3,490 3,860 940 9,670 1,750 4,890 6,450 1,560 1,560 1,560 1,560 1.560 1,560 1,560 1,560 1,560 1,560 1,560 1,560 1,560 1,560 6,900 6,900 3,860 3,650 6,900 6,900 6,900 6,220 5,930 2,730 6,900 4,480 5,280 6,900 2,340 2,340 2,340 2,340 2,340 2.340 2,340 2,340 2,340 2,340 2,340 2,340 2,340 2,340 4,560 4,560 1,520 1.310 4,560 4,560 4,560 3,880 3,590 390 4,560 2,140 2,940 4,560 5,700 5,700 2,700 2,500 5,700 5,700 5.700 5,000 4,800 1,600 5,700 3.300 4,100 5,700 270 270 170 160 270 270 270 250 240 120 270 190 220 270 4,290 4,290 1,350 1,150 4,290 4,290 4,290 3,630 3,350 270 4,290 1,950 2,720 4,290 4,740 4,470 23-24 1924-25 _ 25-26. 2,280 26-27 6,730 27-28. 1,100 28-29 . 1929-30 30-31 . 31-32 1,480 32-33 _. 33-3 1 „ 1934-35 710 7—81628 194 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION YIELD STUDY DOYLE GULCH RESERVOIR WITH 20 SECOND-FOOT DIVERSION FROM SAN LORENZO RIVER Storage capacity : 5,600 acre-feet Seasonal yield: 6,500 acre-feet (In acre-feet ) November-May June-October Storage, end of October Season Available runoff with 20 second-foot diversion capacity Demand, 40% of seasonal demand Storage, end of May Demand, 60% of seasonal demand Apparent storage, end of October Average summer storage Evapora- tion Waste, end of May 1921-22 7,350 7,350 6.000 7,350 7,350 7,350 7,350 7,350 7,350 5,170 7,350 6,800 7,350 7,350 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 4,750 5,460 4,800 5.510 5,600 5,600 5.600 5.600 5,600 4,100 4.840 5.000 5,600 5.600 3,900 3,900 3,900 3.900 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 3,900 3.900 3.900 3,900 3,900 3,900 850 1,560 900 1,610 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 200 940 1,100 1,700 1,700 2,800 3,500 2,800 3.600 3,700 3,700 3,700 3,700 3.700 2.200 2.900 3,000 3,700 3,700 140 160 140 160 170 170 170 170 170 110 140 140 170 170 710 1,400 760 1.450 1.530 1,530 1,530 1,530 1,530 90 800 960 1,530 1 .530 22-23 23-24 1924-25 25-26 26-27 600 680 27-28 680 28-29 1 929-30 680 680 30-31 31-32 32-33 33-34 _ 110 1934-35 680 YIELD STUDY GLENWOOD RESERVOIR ON WEST BRANCH OF SOQUEL CREEK Storage capacity : 2,480 acre-feet Seasonal yiell (In acre-feet) ,000 acre-feet November-May June-October Storage, end of October Season Runoff Demand, 40% of seasonal demand Storage, end of May Demand, 60% of seasonal demand Apparent storage, end of ( letober A verage .summer storage Evapora- tion Spill, end of May 1921-22 22-23 . 13,100 8,680 1,320 4,060 9,560 1 1 ,000 5,380 3,660 4,060 1,100 9,650 1,940 5,000 6,560 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 2,480 2,480 1.710 2,480 2,480 2,480 2,480 2,480 2,480 1,490 2,480 2,330 2,480 2,480 1.200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,280 1,280 510 1.280 1.280 1.280 1,280 1,280 1,280 290 1,280 1,130 1,280 1,280 1,900 1,900 1,100 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 900 1,900 1,700 1,900 1,900 90 90 60 90 90 90 90 90 90 50 90 80 90 90 1,190 1,190 450 1,190 1,190 1,190 1,190 1,190 1,190 240 1,190 1 ,050 1,190 1,190 9,820 6 590 23-24. __ . . _ 1924-25 1 230 25-26 7 170 26-27 8 9 1 27-28 3 290 28-29 . _ 1 570 1929-30 30-31 1 .970 32-33 6,610 33-34 2 7711 193 1-35 4 470 APPENDIX J 195 Storage capacity : 1,700 acre-feet YIELD STUDY UPPER SOQUEL RESERVOIR ON SOQUEL CREEK (In acre-feet) Seasonal yield : 2,100 acre-feet November-May June-October Storage, end of October Season Runoff Demand. 40% of seasonal demand Storage, end of May Demand, 60% of seasonal demand Apparent storage, end of October Average summer storage Evapora- tion Spill, end of May 1921-22 22-23 22,900 15,200 2,310 7,090 16,700 19,200 9,400 6,390 7,090 1,920 16,900 3,390 8,730 11,500 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,450 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,260 1 ,260 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 440 190 440 440 440 440 1.100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 800 1.100 1,100 1,100 1.100 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 50 70 70 70 70 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 140 370 370 370 370 20,360 13,030 23-24 _ -. 140 1924-25 25-26 26-27 4,920 14,530 17,030 27-28 7,230 28-29 1929-30 4,220 4,920 30-31 31-32 14,500 32-33 1,220 33-34 6,560 1934-35 9,330 196 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION YIELD STUDY WATSONVILLE RESERVOIR WITH 200 SECOND-FOOT DIVERSION FROM PAJARO RIVER Storage capacity : 21,000 acre-feet (In acre-feet) Seasonal yield : 9,700 acre-feet Season 1921-22. 22-23. 23-24. 24-25. 1925-26. 26-27. 27-28. 28-29- 29-30- 1930-31- 31-32- 32-33- 33-34- 34-35- 1935-36 36-37 37-38 38-39 39-40 1940-41- 41-42- 42-43- 43-44. 44-45. 1945-46. 46-47. 47-48. 48-49. 49-50. 1950-51. November-May Available runoff with 200 second- foot diver- sion capacity 49,000 36,000 1,100 12,900 42,000 39,000 21,000 12,000 11,700 2,100 42,900 7,800 17,300 27,800 34,700 42,000 55,000 6,800 41,100 61,000 55,300 43,800 24,400 27,600 22,700 14,900 3,000 10,800 7,800 42,800 Demand, 30% of seasonal demand 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2.900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2.900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 Storage, end of May 21,000 21,000 10,570 12,300 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21.000 11,570 21.000 17,270 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 16,270 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 12,470 12.040 8,620 21,000 June-October Demand, 70% of seasonal demand 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6.800 6.800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 6,800 0,800 6.800 6,800 0.800 Percolation 1.000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1.000 1,000 1,000 Apparent storage end of October 13,200 13,200 2,770 4,500 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 3,770 13,200 9,470 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 8,470 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 13,200 4,670 4,240 820 13,200 Average summer storage 17,100 17,100 6,670 8,400 17.100 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 7,670 17.100 13,370 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 12,370 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 17,100 8,570 8,140 4,720 17,100 Evaporation 830 830 470 540 830 830 830 830 830 510 830 710 830 830 830 830 830 690 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 530 520 380 830 Storage, end of October 12,370 Waste, end of May 12,370 25,100 12,370 24,470 2,300 3,960 12,370 22,060 12,370 27,470 12.370 9,470 12.370 470 12,370 170 3,260 12,370 22,260 8,760 12,370 2,160 12,370 16,270 12,370 23,170 12,370 30,470 12.370 43,470 7.780 12.370 24,980 12,370 49,470 12,370 43,770 12,370 32,270 12.370 12,870 12,370 16,070 12,370 11,170 12,370 3,370 4,140 3,720 440 APPENDIX K ESTIMATES OF COST (197) TABLE OF CONTENTS ESTIMATES OF COST Page Estimated Cost of Archibald Dam and Reservoir 199 Estimated Cost of Zayante Creek Dam and Reservoir 199 Estimated Cost of Doyle Gulch Dam, Reservoir, and San Lorenzo River Diversion 200 Estimated Cost of Glenwood Dam and Reservoir 201 Estimated Cost of Upper Soquel Dam and Reservoir 201 Estimated Cost of Watsonville Dam, Reservoir, and Pajaro River Diversion 202 Estimated Cost of El Oso Dam and Reservoir 203 Estimated Cost of Archibald No. 1 Dam and Reservoir 203 Estimated Cost of Archibald No. 2 Dam and Reservoir to Provide 20,000 Acre-Feet of Reservoir Storage Capacity 204 Estimated Cost of Archibald No. 3 Dam and Reservoir to Provide 14,400 Acre-Feet of Reservoir Storage Capacity 204 Estimated Cost of Archibald No. 3 Dam and Reservoir to Provide 43,200 Acre-Feet of Reservoir Storage Capacity 205 Estimated Cost of Archibald No. 4 Dam and Reservoir 205 Estimated Cost of Laguna Creek Dam and Reservoir 206 Estimated Cost of Bald Mountain School Dam and Reservoir 206 Estimated Cost of Waterman Switch Dam and Reservoir 207 Estimated Cost of Bear Creek Dam and Reservoir 207 Estimated Cost of Jamison Dam and Reservoir 208 Estimated Cost of Newell Creek Dam and Reservoir 208 Estimated Cost of Doyle Gulch Dam, Reservoir, and San Lorenzo River Diversion to Provide 14,500 Acre-Feet of Reservoir Storage Capacity 209 Estimated Cost of Soquel Creek Dam and Reservoir 210 Estimated Cost of Aptos Creek Dam and Reservoir__ _ 210 Estimated Cost of Pinto Lake Dam, Reservoir, and Corralitos Creek Diver- sion 211 Estimated Cost of Elkhorn Slough Dam, Reservoir, and Pajaro River Diversion 212 ( 198 ) APPENDIX K ESTIMATED COST OF ARCHIBALD DAM AND RESERVOIR 199 (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam: 101 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest : 3,150 acre-feet Elevation of spillway crest : 88 feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard: 19,600 second-feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 58 feet Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price ( ',,-t Capital Costs Dam Diversion and care of stream Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation . _ Excavation for em- bankment Embankment Impervious Pervious Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting Riprap Spillway Excavation Concrete Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Excavation Backfill Concrete Inlet structure Pipe encasement Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 24-inch di- ameter Gate valve, 24-inch di- ameter, and actuator 31,900 cu.yd. 135,000 cu.yd. 117,400 cu.yd. 38,400 cu.vd. 1,760 lin.ft. 1,160 cu.ft. 7,800 cu.yd. 54,400 cu.yd. 1,325 cu.vd. 100,000 lbs. 1,000 cu.yd. 268 cu.yd. 40 cu.yd. 383 cu.yd. 55,800 lbs. 41,200 lbs. 1 each lump sum $1.00 0.40 0.25 0.30 3.00 4.00 2.50 1.00 35.00 0.15 3.00 1.50 60.00 30.00 0.15 0.25 4,000 35,000 31,900 54,000 29,400 11,500 5,300 4,600 19,500 54,400 46,400 15,000 3,000 400 2,400 11,500 8,400 10,300 4,000 Howell-Bunger valve, 20-inch diameter Control house Reservoir Landandimprovements Public utilities Clearing 100 acres lump sum lump sum lump sum lump sum $500.00 $4,200 2,000 $46,200 70,000 100,000 50,000 220.000 Subtotal $161,200 115.800 Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, none . TOTAL. Annual Costs Interest, 3% Repayment, 0.887%. _ Replacement, 0.07% Operation and mainte- nance TOTAL. $543,200 $54,300 81.500 $679,000 $20,400 6.000 500 2.500 .$29,400 ESTIMATED COST OF ZAYANTE CREEK DAM AND RESERVOIR (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : (>1(> feet, U.S.G.S. datum Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest : 6,900 acre-feet Elevation of spillway crest : 603 feet Capacity of spillway with 5-foot freeboard : 8,900 second feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 127 feet Item Quantity Unit price Cost Capital Costs Dam Diversion and care of lump sum $10,000 Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation 76,600 cu.yd. $1.00 76,600 Excavation for embank- ment 147,400 cu.vd. 0.65 95,800 212,250 cu.vd. 0.60 127,400 Embankment 128,200 cu.yd. 212,250 cu.yd. 81,850 cu.yd. . 25 32,100 0.20 42,500 Pervious, salvage 0.30 24,500 Drilling grout holes 2,580 lin. ft. 3.00 7,700 Pressure grouting. 1,720 cu. ft. 4.00 6,900 Riprap 11,500 cu.yd. 3.00 34,500 $458,000 Spillway Excavation 86,300 cu.vd. 1.50 129,500 Concrete . 1,430 cu.yd. 35.00 50,000 Reinforcing steel . 107,250 lbs. 0.15 16,100 195,600 Outlet Works Excavation 1,500 cu.yd. 4.00 6,000 Concrete, pipe encase- ment 902 cu.yd. 30.00 27,100 Reinforcing steel 90,200 lbs. 0.15 13,500 Steel pipe, 36-inch and 48-inch diameter.. 115,900 lbs. 0.25 29,000 Gate valve, 18-inch di- ameter, and actuators 4 each 2,500 10,000 Item Quantity Unit price ( \>st Gate valve, 30-inch di- ameter, manual con trol.. llowell-Bunger valve 24-inch diameter Control house Reservoir Land and improve- ments Public utilities Clearing. Subtotal Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, none TOTAL. _ Annual Costs Interest, 3% Repayment, 0.887% Replacement, 0.07% Operation and mainte- nance TOTAL 1 each 168 acres $3,000 lump sum lump sum lump sum lump sum 500.00 $3,000 5,400 2,000 $96,000 77,500 128,400 84,000 289.900 $1,039,500 $103,900 156,000 $1,299,400 $39,000 1 1 ,500 900 2,500 $53,900 200 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION ESTIMATED COST OF DOYLE GULCH DAM, RESERVOIR, AND SAN LORENZO RIVER DIVERSION (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : L'lili feet. U.S.G.S. datum Elevation of spillway crest : 2o7 feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 147 feet Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest : 5,600 acre-feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard : 12.700 second-feet Item Capital Costs Dam Unwatering dam site. Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation .. Excavation for embank- ment Impervious Pervious Embankment I mpervious Impervious, salvage- Pervious Pervious, salvage Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting Spillway Exca vat ion Concrete Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Excavation Concrete, pipe encase- ment Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 30-inch and 48-inch diameter Gate valve, and actua- tors 18-inch diameter 24-inch diameter Howell - Bunger valve, 24-inch diameter Reservoir Land Improvements Public utilities Clearing Subtotal, dam and reservoir. Diversion Works Inlet structure Excavation Backfill.-. Concrete Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 48-inch di- ameter Sluice gate, 2' x 2' Conduit Excavation Backfill Quantity 60,800 cu.yd. 3.50,000 cu.yd. 313,900 cu.yd. 306,100 cu.yd. 21,000 cu.yd. 313,900 cu.yd. 30.000 cu.yd. 4,020 lin.ft. 2,680 cu.ft. 38,080 cu.yd. 24 cu.yd. 2,400 lbs. 1,730 cu.vd. 720 cu.yd. 72.000 lbs. 101.400 lbs 4 each 1 each 120 acres 120 acres 790 cu.yd. 290 cu.yd. 124 cu.yd. 12,400 lbs. 5,600 lbs. 3 each 26.900 cu.yd. 22.200 cu.yd. Unit price lump sum $1.00 0.45 0.60 0.25 0.30 0.20 0.25 3.00 4.00 1.75 35.00 0.15 4.00 30.00 0.15 0.25 2,000 5,400 lump sum 300.00 lump Mini Lump sum 100.00 lump sum 4.00 0.50 75.00 0.15 0.25 1 ,000 0.50 0.50 Cost $2,000 60.800 157,500 188,300 76,500 6,300 62,800 7,500 12,100 10,700 $584,500 06,600 800 400 67,800 6,900 21,600 10,800 25,400 8,000 5.400 5,400 1,000 3,200 Kit) 9,300 1,900 1.400 3,000 13,500 11,100 S3,. ',()() 36.000 110,000 103.000 12,000 261,000 $996,800 $19,900 Item Steel pipe, 30-inch di- ameter, in place Stream crossing Road crossing Remove and replace pavement Right of way Pumping Plant No. 1 Pump, motor, and elec- trical equipment 2,200 g.p.m. units 4,500 g. p.m. units Check valve 8-inch diameter 12-inch diameter Structure Pumping Plant No. 2 Pump, motor, and elec- trical equipment 2,200 g.p.m. units 4,500 g.p.m. units Check valve 8-inch diameter 12-inch diameter Gate valve for bypass, 24-inch diameter, manual control Structure Subtotal, diversion system Total, dam and res- ervoir, and diver- sion system Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion TOTAL.. Annual Costs Interest, 3%_. Repayment, 0.887%.. Replacement Dam and reservoir, 0.07%... Diversion system, 0.5%. Electrical energy Operation and mainte- nance TOTAL Quantity 26,400 lin.ft. 3 each 5 each 6.5 acres 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each 2 each Unit price $11.30 1,500 2,000 lump sum 5,000 5,350 9,450 600.00 1,500 3,750 7.500 600.00 1,500 lump sum lump sum Cost $298,300 4,500 10,000 8,500 32,500 $378,400 10,700 18,900 1,200 3.000 15,000 48,800 7,500 15.000 1,200 3,000 3,500 15,000 45,200 $492,300 $1,489,100 $148,900 223,400 27,900 $1,889,300 $56,700 16,800 900 3,100 10,400 5,000 $92,900 APPENDIX K ESTIMATED COST OF GLENWOOD DAM AND RESERVOIR 201 (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : 511 feet. U.S.G.S. datum Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest : 2,480 acre-feet Elevation of spillway crest : 500 feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard : 8.100 second-feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 100 feet Item Capital Costs Dam Diversion and care of stream Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation _ . Excavation forembank- ment Impervious Pervious Embankment Impervious Pervious, salvage Pervious Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting Riprap Spillway Excavation Concrete Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Excavation Backfill Concrete, pipe encase- ment Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 30-inch and 48-inch diameter Quantity 14,500 cu.yd. 12fi,000 cu.yd. 9,200 cu.yd. 109,500 cu.yd. 29,000 cu.yd. 9,200 cu.yd. 1,500 lin.ft, 1,000 cu.ft. 5,100 cu.yd. 22.300 cu.yd. 220 cu.yd. 16,500 lbs. 1.700 cu.yd. 600 cu.yd. 700 cu.yd. 70.000 lbs. 83,000 lbs. Unit price lump sum SI. 00 0.45 0.60 0.25 0.30 0.20 3.00 4.00 3.00 1.50 35.00 0.15 4.00 1.50 30.00 0.15 0.25 Cost $3,000 14,500 56,700 5.500 27,400 8,700 1,800 4,500 4,000 15,300 $141,400 33.500 7,700 2,500 43,700 6,800 900 21.000 10,5(10 20,800 Item Gate valve, 18-inch di- ameter, and actuators Howell - Bunger valve, 24-inch diameter Control house Reservoir Land and improvements Public utilities Clearing Subtotal Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, none TOTAL.. Annual Costs Interest, 3% Repayment, 0.887%. _ Replacement, 0.07% __ Operation and mainte- nance TOTAL Quantity 3 each 75 acres Unit price .$2,000 lump sum lump sum lump sum lump sum 700.00 Cost $6,000 5,400 2,000 $73,400 184,500 10,000 52,500 247,000 $505,500 $50,600 75,800 $631,900 $19,000 5,600 400 2,500 $2.',500 ESTIMATED COST OF UPPER SOQUEL DAM AND RESERVOIR (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : 555 feet, O.S.G.S. datum Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest : 1,700 acre-feet Elevation of spillway crest : 545 feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard: 11,500 second-feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 99 feet Item Capital Costs Dam Diversion and care of stream Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation Excavation forembank- ment Impervious Embankment Impervious Pervious, salvage Riprap Spillway Excavation Concrete Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Excavation Concrete, pipe encase- ment Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 24-inch and 48-inch diameter Gate valve, 18-inch di- ameter, and actuator: Quantity 45,900 cu.yd. 281,800 cu.yd. 245,000 cu.yd. 91,500 cu.yd. 10,000 cu.yd. 59.400 cu.yd. 1,450 cu.yd. 108,800 lbs. 3.120 cu.yd. 680 cu.yd. 56,000 lbs. 105,200 lbs. 3 each Unit price lump sum $1.00 . 45 . 25 0.20 3.00 1.50 35.00 0.15 3.00 30.00 0.15 0.25 2.000 Cost $2,000 45,900 126,800 61,300 18,300 30,000 89,100 50,800 16,300 9.40(1 20.400 8.400 20.300 6,000 $284,300 156,200 Item Howell-Bunger valve 20-inch diameter Control house Reservoir Land Clearing Subtotal.. Administration and en gineering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, none TOTAL Annual Costs Interest, 3% Repayment, . 887 % _ _ . Replacement, 0.07%_._ Operation and mainte nance TOTAL Quantity 50 acres 50 acres Unit price lump sum lump sum $300.00 700.00 Cost $4,200 2,000 1 5.000 35,000 $76,700 50.000 $567,200 $56,700 85,000 $708,900 $21,300 6,300 500 2,500 $30,600 8—81628 202 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION ESTIMATED COST OF WATSONVILLE DAM, RESERVOIR, AND PAJARO RIVER DIVERSION (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : 211 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest : 21,000 acre-feet Elevation of spillway crest : 205 feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard : 750 second-feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed: 152 feet Item Capital Costs Dam Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation. _ Excavation for em- bankment Impervious Pervious Embankment Impervious Pervious Pervious, salvage Riprap Auxiliary Dams Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation _ . Excavation for em- bankment Impervious Embankment Impervious Impervious, salvage- Riprap Spillway Excavation Concrete Reinforcing steeL Outlet-Inlet Works Excavation Concrete Structure Pipe encasement Reinforcing steel Structural steel Steal pipe, 72-inch di- ameter Transition wye Butterfly valve, 48- inch diameter Howell-Bunger valve, 60-inch diameter Quantity Reservoir Land and improve- ments Public utilities.. Clearing Subt ital, dam and res -rvoir Diversion Dam Unwatering dam site Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation Concrete Weir, aprons, piers Control house. . Reinforcing steel Bascule gate, 6' x 40', and actuators 123,500 eu.vd. 756,200 cu.yd. 471.800 cu.yd. 657,600 cu.yd. 471.800 cu.yd. 700.000 cu.yd. 49,000 cu.yd. 59.700 cu.yd. 324,800 cu.yd. 282,400 cu.yd. 100,000 cu.yd. 24,500 cu.yd. 9.000 cu.yd. 550 cu.yd. 40.000 lbs. 613,100 cu.yd. 40 cu.yd. 1,130 cu.yd. 117.000 lbs. 11,400 lbs. 452.000 lbs. 2 each "0 acres 5,500 cu.yd. 2,025 cu.yd. 25 cu.yd. 71.000 lbs. 2 each Unit price so no 0.55 0.40 0.25 0.20 0.25 3.00 . 60 0.55 0.25 0.25 3.00 1.00 35.00 0.15 0.50 90.00 30.00 0.15 0.25 0.25 lump sum lump sum lump sum lump sum lump sum 50.00 lump sum $1.00 25.00 100.00 0.15 17,600 Cost $74,100 415.900 188,700 164,400 94,400 175,000 147.000 $1,259,500 35,803 179,000 70,600 25,000 73,500 9,000 19,300 6,000 383,900 34,300 306,600 3,600 33.900 17.500 2,900 113,000 4,000 30,000 21,000 532,500 248,700 83,800 17,500 350,000 $2,560,200 5.500 50,600 2,500 10.600 35,200 $101,900 Item Sand Trap Excavation Concrete Headgate, 5' x 5'. Sluice gate, 2' x 2' Trash rack Diversion Conduit Excavation Railroad crossing . Highway crossing. Right of way Fencing Quantity Pumping Plant Pump, motor, and starter 8,000 g.p.m. units.. 14,000 g.p.m. units.. 45.000 g.p.m. units.. Check valve 18-inch diameter 20 -inch diameter 36-inch diameter Structure Subtotal, diversion system Total, dam and reservoir, and di- version system ., Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15%. _. Interest during construc- tion - TOTAL.. Annual Costs Interest, 3%_. Repayment, 0.887% Replacement Dam, reservoir, and di- version works, 0.07% Pumping plants, 1.2% . Operation and mainte- nance Licet ncal energy TOTAL... 265 cu.yd. 40 cu.yd. 2 each 3 each 1.700 lbs. 128.700 cu.yd. 60 lin.ft, 100 lin.ft. 10 acres 1 .6 miles 2 each 3 each 1 each 2 each 3 each 1 each Unit price $1.50 100.00 2.000 1,000 0.30 0.50 100.00 100.00 3,000 1.500 17,000 30,000 100.000 2,000 3,400 10,800 lump sum Cost $400 4,000 4,000 3,000 500 64.300 6,000 10.000 30,000 2,400 34,000 90,000 100.000 $11,900 112,700 4,000 10,200 10,800 90,000 339,000 $568,500 $3,128,700 $312,900 469,300 58,700 $3,969,600 $119,100 35.200 2,500 5,200 17,900 13,000 $192,900 APPENDIX K ESTIMATED COST OF EL OSO DAM AND RESERVOIR 203 (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest "f dam : 265 feet. U.S.G.S. datum < Japacity of reservoir to spillway crest : 21,000 acre-feet Elevation of spillway crest : 250 feet Capacity of spillway with 0-foot freeboard-: 16,000 second-feel Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 188 feet Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost Capital Costs Dam Diversion and care of stream Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation __ Excavation for embank- ment Impervious Pervious Embankment Impervious Pervious Pervious, salvage. - Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting Riprap Spillway Excavation Concrete Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Excavation Concrete, pipe encase- ment Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 36-inch and 48-inch diameter 2.59,400 cu.yd. 665,000 cu.yd. 932,500 cu.yd 578,900 cu.yd. 932,500 cu.yd. 2.56,000 cu.yd. 4,500 lin.ft, 3,000 cu.ft. 29,300 cu.yd. 81,600 cu.yd. 1,500 cu.yd. 150,000 lbs. 3,000 cu.yd. 996 cu.yd. 99,600 lbs. 144,000 lbs. lump sum 81 . 00 0.80 1.00 0.2.5 0.20 0.30 3.00 4.00 2.50 1.00 35.00 0.15 4.00 30.00 0.15 s;,, iioii 259.400 532,000 932,500 144,700 186,500 76,800 13.500 12.000 73,300 $2,235,700 81.600 52,500 22,500 156,600 . 25 12,000 29.900 14,900 36,000 Gate valve, 18-inch di- ameter, and actua- tors Howell - Bunger valve, 30-inch diameter Reservoir Land and improve- ments Clearing Subtotal Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 1.5% Interest during construc- tion TOTAL Annual Costs Int. -rest, 3%__ Repayment, 0.887% Replacement, 0.07% Operation and mainte- nance TOTAL 5 each 280 acres 82,000 lump sum lump sum 500.00 810,000 7,200 SI 10.000 16,300 140,000 156,300 82,658,600 8265,900 398,800 99,700 83,423,000 8102.700 30,400 2,400 4,200 $139,700 ESTIMATED COST OF ARCHIBALD NO. 1 DAM AND RESERVOIR (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : 22S feet, U.S.G.S. datum Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest : 60,400 acre-feet Elevation of spillway crest : 215 feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard: 10,600 second-feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 190 feet Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost Capital Costs Dam Diversion and care of stream Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation . Excavation for embank- ment Impervious Pervious Embankment Impervious Pervious Pervious Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting Spillway Excavation Concrete Reinforcing steel Outlets Works Excavation Concrete, pipe encase- ment Reinforcing steel Steel pipe. 48-inch di- ameter (!ate valve, 24-inch di- ameter, and actua- tors Howell - Bunger valve, 42-inch diameter 337,000 cu.yd. 1.681,000 cu.yd. 1,552,000 cu.yd. 1,462,000 cu.yd. 1.552.000 cu.yd. 226.000 cu.yd. 8,280 lin.ft. 5,510 cu.ft. 90,000 cu.yd. 2,634 cu.yd. 197,000 lbs. 3,285 cu.yd. 2,220 cu.yd. 222,000 lbs. 189,600 lbs. 7 each lump sum $1.00 0.35 0.50 0.25 0.20 0.30 3.00 4.00 1.00 35 . 00 0.15 3.00 30.00 0.15 0.25 3.000 lump sum 85,000 337.000 588.400 776,000 365.500 310,400 67,800 24,800 22,000 $2,496,900 90,000 92.200 29,500 211.700 9,900 66,600 33,300 47,400 21,000 12,300 190,500 Reservoir Land and improve- ments Public utilities ( Hearing Subtotal Administration and engi neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion TOTAL. _ Annual Costs Interest, 3%_. Repayment, 0.887% __ Replacement. 0.07% _ Operation and mainte- nance TOTAL 778 acres lump sum lump sum $500.00 $192,700 213,800 389,000 $795,500 S3.694.600 8369,500 554,200 110,800 84,729,100 $141,900 41.900 3,300 8,500 $195,600 204 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION ESTIMATED COST OF ARCHIBALD NO. 2 DAM AND RESERVOIR TO PROVIDE 20,000 ACRE-FEET OF RESERVOIR STORAGE CAPACITY (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : 1C>4 feet, U.S.G.S. (latum Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest: 20.000 acre-feet Elevation of spillway crest : 152 feel Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard: 10.600 second-feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 122 feet [tern Capital Costs Dam Diversion and care of stream Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation _ _ Excavation for embank- ment Impervious Pervious Embankment Impervious Pervious Pervious Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting Quantity Spillway Excavation Concrete Reinforcing steel. ( lutlrt Works Excavation Concrete, pipe encase- ment Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 42-inch and 48-inch diameter ( (ate valve, 18-inch di- ameter, and actua- tors 112,000 cu.yd. 425,300 cu.yd. 217.000 cu.yd. 369,800 cu.yd. 217.000 cu.yd. 220,000 cu.yd. 5,200 lin.ft. 3,500 cu.ft. 169,400 cu.yd. 2.500 cu.yd. 187,500 lbs. 3,200 cu.yd. 580 cu.yd. 43,500 lbs. 162.700 lbs. 4 each Unit price Lump sum 1.00 0.40 0.60 0.25 Cost .20 .30 3 .00 4 00 1 00 35 00 15 3 00 30 00 15 25 2,000 $5,000 112,000 170,100 130,200 92,500 43,400 66,000 15,600 14,000 169,400 87,500 28,100 9.60(1 17,400 6,500 40,700 8,000 $648,800 285,000 Item Howell - Bunger valve, 36-inch diameter Control house Reservoir Land, improvements, and public utilities Clearing Subtotal. Quantity 430 acres Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion TOTAL. Annual Costs Interest, 3% Repayment, 0.887%__ Replacement, 0.07% Operation and mainte- nance TOTAL. Unit price lump sum lump sum lump sum 500.00 Cost $9,600 2,000 $93,800 338,300 215,000 553,300 $1,580,900 $158,100 237,100 29.600 S2.OO5.700 $60,200 17,800 1,400 4,000 $83,400 ESTIMATED COST OF ARCHIBALD NO. 3 DAM AND RESERVOIR TO PROVIDE 14,400 ACRE-FEET OF RESERVOIR STORAGE CAPACITY (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : 152 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Capacity of reservoir t<> spillway crest : 14.400 acre-feet Elevation oi spillway crest : 138 feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard: 19,600 second-feel Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 105 feet Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit puce Cost Capital Costs Dam Diversion and care of stream Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation ExCaVatiOn fOr embank- llirllt Impervious Embankment Impervious Pen ions Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting Riprap Spill wa] I 08 ii "'" Concrete I!, niton in" -tori Outlet Woil Excavation ( loncrete pipe encase- oi Reinforcing tee! el pi] 16 inch and is i, I, diametei i late • ah e, 1 8 inch di- :i let. and actua- i .i 150.000 cu.yd. 672, 000 cu.yd. 585,000 cu.yd. 113,200 cu.yd. 6,300 lin.ft, 1,200 cu.ft. 2 1.000 cu.yd. 99.70(1 cu yd 1.900 cu.yd. i 12,500 lb 2,9(10 .u yd, 600 cu.yd. 60,000 lbs. 86,200 His. I each lump sum $1.00 0.40 0.25 0.30 3.00 1. 00 2.50 1.00 35.00 0.15 3.00 30.00 II. 15 0.25 ■ nun s5. I 150.000 269,000 146,300 34,000 18,900 16,800 60,000 99,700 66,500 21, Kill 8,700 is. 9,000 21,600 SI II II I sTIIllllllll 1ST, 61 II I Howell - Bunger valve 30-inch diameter Control house Reservoir Land and improve Hunts Public utilities ( Hearing Subtotal Administration and engi- neering, 10% . < lontingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, none TOTAL Annual Costs Interest, 3% Repayment, 0.887% __ Replacement, 0.07% • tperation and mainte- nance TOTAL 485 acres lump sum lump sum lump sum lump sum 500 . 00 $7,200 2,000 174,500 103,000 200,000 242,500 545,500 $1,507,600 SI 50.800 226,200 $1,884,600 $56,500 16,700 1 ,300 2.500 (77,000 APPENDIX K 205 ESTIMATED COST OF ARCHIBALD NO. 3 DAM AND RESERVOIR TO PROVIDE 43,200 ACRE-FEET OF RESERVOIR STORAGE CAPACITY (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest <»f dam: 2ir> feet. F.S.G.S. datum Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest: 43,200 acre-feet Elevation of spillway crest : 200 feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard: 19,600 second-feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : lfiT feet Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost Capital Costs Dam Diversion and care of stream Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation .. Excavation for embank- ment Impervious Pervious Embankment Impervious Pervious Pervious Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting Spillway Excavation Concrete Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Excavation Concrete, pipe encase- ment Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 48-inch and 54-inch diameter Gate valve, 18-inch di- ameter, and actua- tors 208,900 cu.yd. 1,031,000 cu.yd. 949,900 cu.yd. 896,000 cu.yd. 949,900 cu.yd. 200,000 cu.yd. 8,500 lin.ft. 5,660 cu.ft. 125,400 cu.yd. 2,430 cu.yd. 182,250 lbs. 3,140 cu.yd. 1,250 cu.yd. 125,000 lbs. 176,000 lbs. 8 each lump sum SI. 00 0.35 0.50 0.25 0.20 0.30 3.00 4.00 1.00 35.00 0.15 3.00 30 . 00 0.15 0.25 2.000 Howell - Bunger valve, 42-inch diameter Control house $5,000 208,900 360,900 475,000 224,000 19,000 60,000 25,500 22,600 SI, 571,900 125,400 85,100 27,300 237,800 9,400 37,500 18,800 44,000 Reservoir Land, improvements, and public utilities-. Clearing Subtotal . Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion TOTAL, I. '.000 Annual Costs Interest, 3%.. Repayment, 0.887% __ Replacement, 0.07% Operation and mainte- nance TOTAL, 688 acres lump sum lump sum lump sum $500.00 $12,300 2,000 $136,000 345.000 344,000 689,000 $2,634,700 $263,500 395,200 79,000 $3,372,400 $101,200 29.900 2,500 7,000 $140,600 ESTIMATED COST OF ARCHIBALD NO. 4 DAM AND RESERVOIR (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : 132 feet. U.S.G.S. datum Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest : 8,000 acre-feet Elevation of spillway crest : 117 feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard: 10.000 second-feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : S2 feet Item Capital Costs Dam Diversion and care of stream Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation __ Excavation for embank- ment Impervious Embankment Impervious Pervious Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting Riprap Spillway Excavation Concrete Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Excavation Concrete, pipe encase- ment Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 27-inch and 48-inch diameter Gate valve, 18-inch di- ameter, and actua- tors Quantity 118,700 cu.yd. 443,000 cu.yd. 384,800 cu.yd. 76,900 cu.yd. 2,000 lin.ft. 1,400 cu.ft. 15.200 cu.yd. 42,500 cu.yd. 2,160 cu.yd. 162.000 lbs. 1,760 cu.yd. 500 cu.yd. 45,100 lbs. 70,700 lbs. 3 each Unit price lump sum 1.00 0.40 0.25 0.30 3.00 4.00 2.50 1.00 35.00 .15 4.00 30.00 0.15 0.25 2,000 Cost $5,000 118,700 177,200 96,200 23.100 6,000 5,600 38,000 $469,800 42,500 75,600 24,300 142,400 7,000 15,000 6,800 17,700 6,000 Item Howell - Bunger valve 24-inch diameter Control house Reservoir Land and improve- ments Public utilities Clearing Subtotal Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, none TOTAL Annual Costs Interest, 3% Repayment, 0.887% Replacement, 0.07%. _ Operation and mainte- nance TOTAL Quantity 330 acres Unit price lump sum lump sum lump sum lump sum $500.00 Co20 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Elevation of spillway crest : 510 feet Height of dam to spillway crest, .above stream bed : 163 feel Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest : 7.200 acre-feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard : 8,500 second-feet Item Quantity Unit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost Capital Costs Dam Diversion and care of stream Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation Excavation forembank- ment [mpervious Pervious Embankment [mpervious Per', il Pen ious, salt age I 'rilling grout holes Pressure grouting Riprap Spillwaj Excavation ( 'ore i etc Reinforcing steel Outlet Works I ■ iv at ion ( 'oncrete. pipe I r in ill Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 2 I inch and IS inch diameter 98,000 cu.yd. 423.000 cu.yd. 803.000 cu.yd. 357,800 cu.yd. 803,000 cu.yd. 98,500 cu.yd. 5,400 lin.ft. 3.60(1 cu.ft. 33,400 cu.yd. 22,900 cu.yd. 1,710 cu.yd. 128,300 Mis. 3 000 cu.yd. SIMI cu yd 60 000 lbs. i 16 inn n, lump sum $1.00 0.75 0.75 0.2.', 0.20 0.30 3.00 1.00 3.00 I .50 35.00 . 1 5 t mi : () I.", 0.30 $5,000 98,000 317.301) 602,200 89,400 1 60,1100 29,600 16,20(1 I 1,1(11) 1011,201) SI 132, IKK) 34,400 59,900 19,200 113.500 12.000 24.000 9,000 10.900 Gate valve, 18-inch di- ameter, and actua tors Howell - Bunger valve 20-inch diameter Reservoir Land .__. . Clearing . Subtotal Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15%__ Interest during construc- tion TOTAL Annual Costs Interest. 3%. Kepayment, O.KS7 r ; Replacement, 0.07%- . Operation and mainte nance TOTAL 1 each 200 acres 145 acres S2.000 lump sum 100,00 500.00 $8,000 4.200 S98.100 20,000 72.500 92,500 $1,737,000 $173,700 260,600 32,600 S2.203.900 $66,100 19,500 1 .500 2,500 889,600 APPENDIX K 209 ESTIMATED COST OF DOYLE GULCH DAM, RESERVOIR, AND SAN LORENZO RIVER DIVERSION TO PROVIDE 14,500 ACRE-FEET OF RESERVOIR STORAGE CAPACITY (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : .320 feet, I'.S.O.S. datum Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest : 14,500 acre-feet Elevation of spillway crest : 314 feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard : 2,700 second-feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 204 feet Item Quantity Capital Costs Dam Unwatering dam site Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation Excavation for embank- ment Impervious Pervious Embankment Impervious Impervious, salvage _. Pervious Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting . Spillway Excavation Concrete . . Reinforcing steel _ Outlet Works Excavation Backfill Concrete, pipe encase- ment Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 42-inch and 48-inch diameter Gate valve, and actua- tors 18-inch diameter 36-inch diameter Howell - Bunger valve, 30-inch diameter Reservoir Land Improvements- Public utilities. Clearing Subtotal, dam and reservoir Diversion Works Inlet structure Excavation Backfill Concrete Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 60-inch di- ameter Sluice gate, 2' x 2' Diversion Conduit Excavation Backfill Steel pipe, 42-inch di- ameter, in place Unit price 80,600 cu.yd. 587.000 cu.yd. 1,150,000 cu.yd. 511,500 cu.yd. 38.500 cu.yd. 1,150,000 cu.yd. 5,100 lin.ft, 3,400 cu.ft. 3.700 cu.yd. 35 cu.yd. 3,500 lbs. 2,700 cu.yd. 1,300 cu.yd. 1,000 cu.yd. 10,000 lbs. 129,900 lbs. 6 each 400 acres 400 acres 860 cu.yd. 370 cu.yd. 125 cu.yd. 12,500 lbs. 9,000 lbs. 4 each 35,000 cu.yd. 25,600 cu.yd. 26,400 lin.ft. lump sum $1 .00 0.45 0.60 0.25 0.30 0.20 3.00 4.00 3.00 35.00 0.15 4.00 1 . 50 30.00 0.15 0.25 2,000 lump sum lump sum 300.00 lump sum lump sum 100.00 lump sum 4.00 0.50 75.00 0.15 0.25 1,000 0.50 0.50 19.33 Cost $2,000 80,000 264.100 690,000 127,900 11,500 230,000 15,300 13,600 $1,435,000 10.100 1,200 500 11,800 1 0,800 2,000 30,000 1,500 32.500 12,000 12,000 Item 7,200 108, 120,000 120,000 128,700 40,000 408,700 $1,963,500 $1,000 3,400 200 9,400 1,900 2.200 4,000 17,500 12,800 510,300 $22,100 Stream crossing Road crossing Remove and replace pavement Right of way Pumping Plant No. 1 Pump, motor, and elec- trical equipment 2,200 g.p.m. unit-__ 4,500 g.p.m. unit 6,700 g.p.m. unit Check valve 8-inch diameter 12-inch diameter Structure Pumping Plant No. 2 Pump, motor, and elec- trical equipment 2,200 g.p.m. unit 4,500 g.p.m. unit 6,700 g.p.m. unit Check valve 8-inch diameter 12-inch diameter Gate valve for bypass, 36-inch diameter, manual control Structure Quantity Subtotal, diversion system Total, dam and reservoir, and diversion system Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion TOTAL - Annual Costs Interest, 3%-_ Repayment, 0.887% __ Replacement Dam and reservoir, 0.07% Diversion works, 0.5% „ Electrical energy Operation and mainte- nance TOTAL _ 3 each 5 each 6 . 5 acres 2 each 1 each 3 each 2 each 4 each 2 each 1 each 3 each 2 each 4 each Unit price Cost $1,500 2,000 lump sum 5,000 5,350 9.500 13,400 600.00 1,500 lump sum 5.350 9.500 13.400 600.00 1,500 lump sum lump sum $4,500 10.000 9,700 32,500 $597,300 10,700 9,500 40,200 1,200 6,000 20,000 87,600 10,700 9,500 40,200 1,200 6,000 8.800 20,000 96,400 $803,400 $2,766,900 $276,700 415,000 51,900 S3, 5 10. 500 $105,300 31.100 1,700 5,200 24,300 8,900 $176,500 210 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION ESTIMATED COST OF SOQUEL CREEK DAM AND RESERVOIR (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : 402 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest : .'51,000 acre-feet Elevation of spillway crest : 390 feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard: 21,600 second-feet Height <>t" dam to spillway crest, above stream bed: 195 feet Item Capitil Costs Dam Diversion and care of stream Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation . Excavation for em 1 >a n k - mcnt Impervious Pervious Embankment Impervious Pervious Pervious, salvage — Drilling grout hole- Pressure grouting Riprap Spillway Excavation Concrete Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Excavation Backfill. .. Concrete, pipe encase- ment Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 48-inch di- ameter Quantity 513,200 cu.yd. 1.517.400 cu.yd. 2.912,600 cu.yd. 1,319.400 cu.yd. 2,912.600 cu.yd. 271,500 cu.yd. 11.100 lin.ft. 7,400 eu.ft. 126.200 cu.yd. 158.800 cu.yd. 2, 054 cu.yd. 205,400 lbs. 4.130 cu.yd. 1.900 cu.yd. 1,440 cu.vd. 143,700 lbs. 211.000 lbs. Unit price lump sum $1.00 0.65 0.60 0.25 0.20 0.30 3.00 4.00 2.50 1.50 35.00 0.15 4.00 30.00 0.15 0.25 ( lost $20,000 513,200 986,000 1,747,600 329,900 582.500 81.400 33.300 29,600 315,500 .$4,639,000 238,200 71,900 30,800 340,900 16.500 2.800 43.200 21.600 52,800 Item Gate valve, 18-inch di- ameter, and actua- tors Howell - Bunger valve 40-inch diameter . Reservoir Land and improve ments Public utilities Clearing Subtotal Administration and engi neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construe tion TOTAL... Annual Costs Interest, 3% Repayment, 0.887% Replacement, 0.07% Operation and mainte nance TOTAL Quantity 6 each 470 acres Unit price $2,000 lump sum lump sum lump sum 500.00 Cost 512,000 11,500 $160,400 1,592,700 639,400 235,000 2,467,100 $7,607,400 $760,700 1,141,100 285,300 $9,794,500 $293,800 86.900 6,900 5,600 $393,200 ESTIMATED COST OF APTOS CREEK DAM AND RESERVOIR (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : 170 feet, assumed datum * Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest : 4,100 acre-feet Elevation of spillway crest : 104 feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard : 9,600 second-feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 120 feet Item Quantity L T nit price Cost Item Quantity Unit price Cost Capital Costs Dam Diversion and care of stream Strit ping and prepara- tion of foundation Excavation for embank- ment Embankment 102,500 cu.yd. 218,000 cu.yd. 329,100 cu.yd. 185,500 cu.yd. 329,400 cu.yd. 75,000 cu.yd. 6,000 lin.ft. 1.000 e lit. 11,000 cu.yd. 26,100 cu.yd. 1,100 cu.yd. 110,000 lbs. 2,700 cu.yd. 1.300 cu.yd. 130, bs 176 100 lbs. lump sum $1.00 0.40 0.60 . 25 0.20 0.30 3.00 4.00 3.00 1 . 50 35.00 . 1 5 4 . 00 30.00 . 1 5 0.25 $5,000 102.500 87,200 197,600 46,400 05,900 22,500 18,000 16,000 33,000 $594,100 39,1(10 49,000 21,000 109,100 10.800 39.0011 19,500 11.000 Gate valve, 18-inch di- ameter, and actua- tors _ _ Howell - Bunger valve, 24-inch diameter Reservoir Land and improve- ments Clearing reservoir lands Subtotal. Administration and engi- neering, 10% 3 each 135 acres $2,000 Lump sum lump sum lump sum 500.00 $6,000 5,400 $124,700 100,000 129,200 67,500 296,700 $1,124,600 .$112,500 Pervious Pel \ ion-, salvage Drilling grout holes Pressure grouting Riprap Spillway K\ca\ atioti Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, none TOTAL. Annual Costs Interest, 3%. . 168.700 $1,405,800 Reinforcing Bteel Outlet Works $42,200 1 \i-al all. ill 1 oncrete, pipe i nca i mint Reinforcing Bteel Steel pipe, 30 inch and 18 inch dii ster Repayment, 0.887% . Replacement, 0.07% . Operation and mainte- nance TOTAL 12,500 1.000 2,500 $58,200 Bubtracl 8 feel to convert to (J S S. datum APPENDIX K ESTIMATED COST OF PINTO LAKE DAM, RESERVOIR, AND CORRALITOS CREEK DIVERSION 211 (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : 137 feet, IT.S.G.S. datum Elevation of spillway crest : 130 feet Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream lied : 27 feet Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest: 4,800 acre-feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard : 1,500 second-feet Item Capital Costs Dam Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation Excavation forembank- ment Impervious Gravel Embankment Impervious Gravel Spillway Excavation Concrete Reinforcing steel Outlet Works Excavation Concrete Outlet structure and stilling basin Pipe encasement Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 18-inch di- ameter Gate valve, 12-inch di- ameter, manual con- trol Reservoir Land Improvements Clearing Subtotal, dam and reservoir Diversion Works Excavation Concrete, structural Quantity I 14,000 cu.yd. 95,400 cu.yd. 19.200 cu.yd. 82,900 cu.yd. 19,200 cu.yd. 3,850 cu.yd. 260 cu.yd. 26,000 lbs. 150 cu.yd. 116 cu.yd. 12,600 lbs. 13,200 lbs. 1 each 275 acres 222 acres 350 cu.yd. 110 cu.yd. Unit price $1.00 0.65 0.65 0.25 0.30 1.50 35.00 0.15 4.00 lump sum 30.00 0.15 0.25 1,500 600.00 lump sum 100.00 4.00 70.00 Cost $14,000 62,000 12,500 20,700 5,800 $115,000 5,800 9,100 3,900 18,800 600 1,000 3,500 1,900 3,300 1,500 11,800 165,000 23,300 22,200 210,500 $356,100 1,400 7,700 Item Reinforcing steel Slide gate, 4' x 4' Sluice gate, 1 ' x 1 ' Stop logs and hoist: Canal Excavation Private road crossing. _ County road crossing. _ Right of way Flume Compacted fill Fence Clearing Subtotal, diversion system Total, dam and reservoir, and diversion system Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion, none TOTAL Annual Costs Interest, 3% Repayment, 0.887% Replacement, 0.07% Operation and mainte- nance TOTAL 11,240 lbs. 2 each 3 each 39,000 cu.yd. 4 each 1 each 12 acres 250 feet 39,000 cu.yd. 3.42 miles 12 acres LInit price $0.15 300.00 100.00 lump sum 0.60 1,000 2,000 ',800 25.00 0.35 1,500 300.00 Cost $1,700 600 300 500 23,400 4.000 2,000 21,600 6,200 13,600 5,100 3,600 $12,200 79,500 $91,700 $447,800 $44,800 67,200 $559,800 $16,800 5,000 400 1,500 $23,700 212 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION ESTIMATED COST OF ELKHORN SLOUGH DAM, RESERVOIR, AND PAJARO RIVER DIVERSION (Based on prices prevailing in fall, 1952) Elevation of crest of dam : 158 feet, U.S.G.S. datum Capacity of reservoir to spillway crest : 117,000 acre-feet Elevation of spillway crest : 1.~>0 fee( Height of dam to spillway crest, above stream bed : 140 feet Capacity of spillway with 4-foot freeboard: 4,000 second-feet Item Capital Costs Dam Unwatering dam site.- Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation. _ Excavation for embank- ment Impervious Embankment Impervious Random, salvage Riprap Auxiliary Dam Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation Embankment Impervious, salvage Riprap Spillway Excavation Concrete Reinforcing steel--- - - Outlet-Inlet Works Excavation Backfill ( Concrete Structural Pipe encasement Reinforcing steel Steel pipe, 72-inch di- ameter Trash rack, steel Butterfly valve, 48- inch diameter Howell- Iiunger valve, 60-inch diameter Reservoir Land and improve- ments Public utilities Subtotal, dam and reservoir. 1 >i\ ersion Dam Unwatering dam site. . Stripping and prepara- tion of foundation Con c i etc i n w ei r , aprons, pins < Concrete control house Reinforcing steel Bascule irate, r>' x 40', and actuators Quantity 607,300 cu.yd. 4.098,700 cu.yd. 3,480,700 cu.yd. 1,446,000 cu.yd. 123.270 cu.yd. 18,100 cu.yd. 70,300 cu.yd. 6,000 cu.yd. 33.100 cu.yd. 1.860 cu.yd. 140.000 lbs. 905,000 cu.yd. 30,000 cu.yd. 40 cu.yd. 2,000 cu.yd. 204. 000 lbs. 192,000 lbs. 7,800 lbs. 2 each ."...".00 cu.yd. 2,025 cu.yd. 2") cu.yd. 71.000 lbs. 2 each Unit price lump sum $0.50 0.35 0.20 0.25 3.00 0.50 0.35 3.00 1.00 35.00 0.15 0.50 1.50 100.00 30.00 0.15 0.25 0.25 15,000 lump sum lump sum lump sum lump sum 1.00 25.00 100.00 0.15 17,600 ( lost $2,000 303,000 1,434,500 696,100 361,500 309,800 $3,167,500 9,000 24,600 18,000 51,600 33,100 65.100 21.000 119.200 452,500 45,000 4,000 60.000 30.600 48,000 2,000 30,000 21,000 4,008.000 1,103,000 693,100 ,111.000 $9,142,400 500 5,500 50.600 2.500 10,600 35.200 101,900 Item Sand Trap Excavation Concrete Headgate, 5' x 5' Sluice gate, 2' x 2' Trash rack Diversion Conduit Excavation Railroad crossing Highway crossing Right of way Fencing Pumping Plant Pump, motor, starter 12.000 g.p.m. unit .. 25,000 g.p.m. unit .. 50,000 g.p.m. unit .. Check valve 18-inch diameter 24-inch diameter 36-inch diameter Structure Subtotal, diversion system Total, dam and reservoir, and diversion system Administration and engi- neering, 10% Contingencies, 15% Interest during construc- tion TOTAL Annual Costs Interest. 3%„ Repayment, 0.887% __ Replacement Dam, reservoir, and di- version works, 0.07% Pumping plant. 1.2% _. Operation and mainte- nance Electrical energy TOTAL.. Quantity 265 cu.yd. 40 cu.yd. 2 each 3 each 1.700 lbs. 570.000 cu.yd. 32 acres 3.5 miles 2 units 2 units 1 unit 2 each 2 each 1 each Unit price $1.50 100.00 2,000 1,000 0.30 0.35 lump sum lump sum 3,000 1,500 17,150 25,600 45,000 3,500 4.800 10,900 lump sum Cost $400 4,000 4,000 3,000 500 199,500 6,000 10,000 96,000 5,300 SI 1,900 316,800 34,300 51.200 45,000 7.000 9.600 10,900 50,000 208.000 $641,600 $9,784,000 978,400 1,467,600 366,900 12,596.900 $377,900 111.700 8,000 3,100 23,300 17.200 $541,800 APPENDIX L ALTERNATIVE PLANS CONSIDERED ( 213 ) TABLE OF CONTENTS ALTERNATIVE PLANS CONSIDERED Pago North Coastal Unit El Oso Dam and Reservoir 215 Archibald No. 1 Dam and Reservoir 215 Archibald No. 2 Dam and Reservoir (20,000 Acre-Foot Reservoir Storage Capacities) - 216 Archibald No. 3 Dam and Reservoir (14,400 and 43,200 Acre-Foot Reservoir Storage Capacities) 217 Archibald No. 4 Dam and Reservoir 218 Laguua Creek Dam and Reservoir 219 Bald Mountain School Dam and Reservoir 220 San Lorenzo Unit Waterman Switch Dam and Reservoir 221 Bear Creek Dam and Reservoir 222 Jamison Dam and Reservoir 222 Newell Creek Dam and Reservoir 223 Doyle Gulch Dam, Reservoir, and San Lorenzo River Diversion (14,500 Acre-Foot Reservoir Storage Capacity) 224 Soquel Unit Soqnel Creek Dam and Reservoir 225 Aptos Creek Dam and Reservoir 226 Pajaro Unit Pinto Lake Dam, Reservoir, and Corralitos Creek Diversion 227 Elkhorn Slough Dam, Reservoir, and Pajaro River Diversion 228 ( 214 ) APPENDIX L 215 ALTERNATIVE PLANS CONSIDERED NORTH COASTAL UNIT The dam for the El Oso site, as designed for cost . estimating- purposes, would consist of a rolled earthfill El Oso Dam and Reservoir st ructure with a crest length of about 750 feet, a crest This dam site is located on Waddell Creek about 3 width of 28 feet > and upstream and downstream slopes miles upstream from its mouth, in the southeast quar- of 2.5 : 1. The impervious core would have a top width ter of Section 23, Township 9 South, Range 4 West, of 10 feet and °- 8 : 1 slopes, and the upstream slope M. D. B. & M., where the stream bed elevation is about of the dam would be faced with a 3-foot layer of riprap. 62 feet. The construction of a dam at the site to an ele- The (lam would have an estimated volume of fill of vation of 265 feet, with spillway crest at elevation of 1,797,000 cubic yards. 250 feet, would create a reservoir having a storage The concrete-lined spillway would be of the ogee capacity of about 21,000 acre-feet, including 500 acre- weir tyP e > located across the right abutment of the feet of dead storage. Estimated mean seasonal runoff dam > and discharging through a chute into Waddell from the drainage area of about 21.5 square miles Creek about 2()0 feet below the dam. It would have above the dam site is about 16,600 acre-feet. The esti- a capacity of 16,000 second-feet required for an esti- mated safe seasonal yield of the reservoir would be mated discharge of about 750 second-feet per square about 8,800 acre-feet, Principal features of the El Oso mile of drainage area. The maximum depth of water Dam are shown on Plate L-l, entitled "El Oso Dam above the spillway lip would be 10 feet, and an addi- on Waddell Creek." tional 5 feet of freeboard would be provided. Water A topographic map of the El Oso dam and reservoir would be released from the reservoir through a 36-inch sites, at a scale of 1 inch to 500 feet, with contour inter- diameter steel pipe encased in concrete and placed val of 20 feet, was made by the Division of Water Re- in a trench excavated beneath the dam. Releases would sources in 1951, using photogrammetrie survey meth- be controlled by gates in an inclined inlet structure ods. Areas and capacities of the reservoir at various on the slo P e of the left abutment upstream from the stages of water surface elevation are given in the fol- dam - This structure would consist of a 48-inch diameter lowin°' tabulation • s * ee l PiP e ene ased in concrete, and would be provided with five 18-inch gate valves hydraulically operated Water surface f rom a control house at the top of the structure. deration. Area, in Capacity, mu 11-^.1 • -1 i j> in feet acres in acre-feet The lands m the reservoir area are used only for (52 pasture, and there are no improvements or utilities 80 10 ~~> that would require relocation. "*-- r- 1 -;Y: The capital cost of the El Oso Dam and Reservoir, 1 20 51 1,.hM> A 140 81 2,880 based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1952, was 160 — 112 4.S20 estimated to be about +3,423,000. Corresponding an- JJJ- }^ 10500 mial ( ' osts were estimated to be about $139,700. The 220 _ 203 14,200 resultant estimated average unit cost of the 8,800 acre- 240 236 18,600 feet of water per season conserved by the reservoir was 2gQ " 271 "'3 700 about $15.90 per acre-foot, at the dam. Detailed cost 2so __ . 311 29,500 estimates of the El Oso Dam and Reservoir are pre- 300 351 3.0.100 sented in Appendix K. 320 392 43,000 ll j^- 4 | 6 61,100 Archibald No. 7 Dam and Reservoir This dam site is located on Scott Creek about 1.5 The El Oso dam site lies in an area of the Monterey miles upstream from its mouth, in the southeast quar- forniation of Miocene age. The strata consist primarily ter of Section 18, Township 10 South, Range 3 West, of shales and mudstones. Bedrock is in very poor con- M. D. B. & M., where the stream bed elevation is about dition, especially where weathered, and much of the 25 feet. The construction of a dam at the site to an heavy overburden on both abutments consists of land- elevation of 228 feet, with spillway crest at an eleva- slide detritus. Soil creep is prominent at this site. The tion of 215 feet, would create a reservoir having a site is suitable only for an earthen type of dam. Strip- storage capacity of about 60,400 acre-feet, including ping under the impervious section would approximate 460 acre-feet of dead storage. Estimated mean seasonal 20 feet normal to the surface on the abutments, and runoff from the drainage area of about 28 square miles slightly more than 20 feet in the channel section. An above the dam site is about 21,600 acre-feet. The esti- even greater amount of stripping would be necessary mated safe seasonal yield of the reservoir would be if, as seems possible, a major fault were to be uncov- 15,600 acre-feet. Principal features of the Archibald ered in the channel section. Materials for the embank- No. 1 dam are shown on Plate L-2 entitled "Archibald ment might be obtained from granitic deposits located No. 1 Dam on Scott Creek." northeast of the site on the ridge between Scott and A topographic map of the Archibald No. 1 dam and Boulder Creeks. reservoir sites, at a scale of 1 inch to 500 feet, with 216 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION contour interval of 20 feet, was made by the Division of about 600 feet below the dam. It would have a capacity Water Resources in 1951, using- photogrammetric of 19,600 second-feet required for an estimated dis- survey methods. The dam site topography was field- charge of about 700 second-feet per square mile of checked by a plane table survey. Areas and capacities drainage area. The maximum depth of water above the of the reservoir at various stages of water surface spillway lip would be 9 feet and an additional 4 feet elevation are given in the following tabulation: of freeboard would be provided. Water would be re- Water surface leased from the reservoir through a 48-inch diameter elevation, Area, in Capacity, steel pipe encased in concrete and placed in a trench ex- '"^" acres '" acr *-f eei cavated beneath the dam. Releases would be controlled ^q" 15 ]r , : . by gates in an inclined inlet structure on the slope of 60 66 971 the right abutment upstream from the dam. This struc- sn J2S 2,910 tul . (J wou id consist of a 48-inch diameter steel pipe 12o" 291 11^200 encased in concrete, and would be provided with seven 1-40-. 376 17.900 24-inch gate valves hydraulically operated from a con- J<> -- ^66 3«u\ tro1 house at the t0 P of tne structure. 2(io 686 49.4(H) Bottom land in the reservoir is used for truck crops ™~ I~| r^'inri anc ^ pasture, an( l surrounding lands in the reservoir 240]^ 872 80^600 area are covered by brush and second-growth redwood. 260__ 966 98,900 Improvements consist of the Scott Valley School House, ^- Ytto ill* nil! cottages and outbuildings, a ranchhouse with barns 32oII '. L290 166,100 and outbuildings, and the village of Swanton. Public utilities that would require relocation consist of about Archibald No. 1 dam site lies in an area of the Mon- 5 miles of county road, and power and telephone lines, terey formation of Miocene age. The strata consist of a The capital cost of the Archibald No. 1 Dam and series of shales that are badly distorted, sheared, and Reservoir, based on prices prevailing in the fall of finely jointed, especially where weathered. However, 195 2 > was estimated to be about $4,729,000. Corre- the foundation rock at depth is not appreciably sponding annual costs were estimated to be about $195,- stronger than that of the weathered zone. The rock is 60 o. The resultant estimated average unit cost of the adaptable for the foundation of an earthen dam and 15,600 acre-feet of water per season conserved by the a structure of moderate height could undoubtedly be reservoir was about $12.50 per acre-foot, at the dam. constructed at the site. Stripping normal to the surface Detailed cost estimates of the Archibald No. 1 Dam and under the impervious section of an earthfill dam and Reservoir are presented in Appendix K. would include about 3 feet of overburden from the right abutment, 8 feet of overburden from the left Archibald No. 2 Dam and Reservoir abutment, and 8 feet of underlying bedrock from both (20,000 Acre-Foot Reservoir Storage Capacity) abutments. About 10 feet of stripping of silt and gravel in the channel section is indicated, in addition This dam site is located on Scott Creek about 1.9 to a cutoff trench up to 25 feet deep which would prob- miles upstream from its mouth, in the southeast quar- ably also be required. A very large quantity of mixed t pr of Section 18, Township 10 South, Range 3 West, soils, silts, and sands, probably suitable for use in the M. D. B. & M., where the stream bed elevation is about. impervious section of an carthrill dam, can be obtained 30 feet. This is the same site as that for the Archibald from flats within the reservoir area or from flats a very Project described in some detail in Chapter IV. The short distance downstream from the site. Material for construction of a dam at the site to an elevation of 164 riprap is available from the massive sandstone cliffs feet, with spillway crest at elevation of 152 feet, would high on the righl abutment. It is doubtful that any use create a reservoir having a storage capacity of about could be made of the Monterey shales excavated dur- 20,000 acre-feet, including 230 acre-feet of dead stor- ing stripping of the site, age. Estimated mean seasonal runoff from the drain- The dam \'>>\- the Archibald No. 1 site, as designed age area of aboul 28 square miles above the dam site is for cost estimating purposes, would consist of a rolled about 21,600 acre-feet. The estimated safe seasonal earthfill structure with a crest length of about 1,350 yield of the reservoir would be about 10,000 acre-feet, feet, a crest width of 30 feet, and upstream and down- Principal features of the Archibald Xo. 2 Dam to pro- stream slopes of 2.5: 1. The impervious core would have vide 20,000 acre-feet of storage capacity are shown on a top width of 20 feet and 1 : 1 slopes. The dam would Plate L-3 entitled "Archibald Xo. 2 Dam on Scott have an estimated volume of fill of 3,240,000 cubic Creek (Reservoir Storage Capacity of 20,000 Acre- .\ ards. Feet)." The concrete-lined spillway would be of the ogee Areas and capacities of the reservoir at various stages weir t.\ pe, Located across the left abutment of the dam, of water surface elevation, a description of the reser- and discharging through a chute into Scott Creek voir area, and a discussion of the geology of the Archi- APPENDIX L 217 bald No. 2 dam site are presented in the section on the Archibald Project in Chapter IV of this bulletin. The dam for the Archibald No. 2 site to provide 20,- 000 acre-feet of reservoir storage capacity, as designed for cost estimating purposes, would consist of a rolled earthfill structure with a crest length of about 870 feet, a crest width of 30 feet, and upstream and downstream slopes of 2.5: 1. The impervious core would have a top width of 10 feet and 1 : 1 slopes. The dam would have an estimated volume of fill of 807,000 cubic yards. The concrete-lined spillway would be of the ogee weir type, located across the left abutment of the dam. and discharging through a chute into Scott Creek about 300 feet below the dam. It would have a capacity of 19,600 second-feet required for an estimated discharge of about 700 second-feet per square mile of drainage area. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be 8 feet and an additional 4 feet of freeboard would be provided. The water would be released from the repei'voir through a 42-inch diameter steel pipe en- cased in concrete and placed in a trench excavated be- neath the dam. Releases would be controlled by gates in an inclined inlet structure on the slope of the left abutment upstream from the dam. This structure would consist of a 48-inch diameter steel pipe incased in con- crete, and would be provided with four 18-inch gate valves hydraulically operated from a control house at the top of the structure. The capital cost of the Archibald No. 2 Dam and Reservoir to provide 20,000 acre-feet of reservoir stor- age capacity, based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1952, was estimated to be about $2,006,000. Corre- sponding' annual costs were estimated to be about $83,400. The resultant estimated average unit cost of the 10,000 acre-feet of water per season conserved by the reservoir was about $8.30 per acre-foot at the dam. Detailed cost estimates of the Archibald No. 2 Dam and Reservoir to provide 20,000 acre-feet of reservoir storage capacity are presented in Appendix K. Archibald No. 3 Dam and Reservoir (14,400 and 43,200 Acre-Foot Reservoir Storage Capacities) This dam site is located on Scott Creek about 2.0 miles upstream from its mouth, in the southeast quarter of Section 18, Township 10 South, Range 3 West, M. D. B. & M., where the stream bed elevation is about 33 feet. Two capacities of reservoir were studied at the site. The construction of the dam to an elevation of 152 feet, with spillway crest at an elevation of 138 feet, would create a reservoir having a storage capacity of about 14,400 acre-feet, including 200 acre-feet of dead storage. Construction of a dam to an elevation of 215 feet, with spillway crest at an elevation of 200 feet, would create a reservoir having a storage capacity of about 43,200 acre-feet, including 200 acre-feet of dead storage. Estimated mean seasonal runoff from the drainage area of about 28 square miles above the dam site is about 21,600 acre-feet. The estimated safe seasonal yield of the reservoir with 14,400 acre-feet of storage capacity would be about 8,400 acre-feet, while with the 43,200 acre-foot reservoir the estimated safe sea- sonal yield would be about 14,200 acre-feet. Principal features of the dams studied for the Archibald No. 'A site are shown on Plate L-4 entitled "Archibald No. 3 Dam on Scott Creek (Reservoir Storage Capacity of 14,400 Acre-Feet)," and Plate L-5 entitled "Archi- bald No. 3 Dam on Scott Creek (Reservoir Storage Capacity of 43,200 Acre-Feet)." A topographic map of the Archibald No. 3 dam and reservoir sites, at a scale of 1 inch to 500 feet, with contour interval of 20 feet, was made by the Division of Water Resources in 1951, using photogrammetric survey methods. Areas and capacities of the reservoir at various stages of water surface elevation are given in the following tabulation. Water surface elevation, Area, in Capacity, in feet acres in acre-feet 33 (I (I 40 4 35 (iO 40 535 80 101 2.000 100 172 4,740 120 251 8.070 138 324 14.400 140 332 14.SOO 1(50 417 22.300 180 524 31.700 200 623 43,200 The Archibald No. 3 dam site lies in the Monterey formation of Miocene age. The strata consist of tan siliceous and diatomaceous shales, bedded in thin layers, which are badly distorted and finely jointed, especiallv where exposed to weathering. Shears are present in great numbers but are of small scale and not easily differentiated from joints. The bedrock is probably not appreciably stronger at depth than in the weathered zone. A cutoff trench, back-filled with earth, would probably be advisable, as would some grouting. Strip- ping normal to the surface from both abutments under the impervious section of an earthfill dam would be about 3 feet of overburden and humus and about 8 feet of fragmental bedrock. Stripping from the channel section would include about 8 feet of silt and gravel and about 8 feet of bedrock. A large quantity of mixed soils, silts, and sands, probably suitable for use in the impervious section of an earthfill dam, can be obtained from Hat-; either within the reservoir area or a short distance downstream from the site. Material for riprap is available from the massive sandstone cliffs high on the right abutment. It is doubtful that any use could be made of the Monterey shale excavated during strip- ping of the site. As designed for cost estimating purposes, the dam for the Archibald No. 3 site to provide 14.400 acre-feet 218 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION of reservoir storage capacity would consist of a rolled costs were estimated to be about $77,000. The resultant earthfill structure with a crest length of about 1,060 estimated average unit cost of the 8,400 acre-feet of feet, a crest width of 30 feet, and 3: 1 upstream and water per season conserved by the reservoir was about 2:1 downstream slopes. The upstream impervious $9.20per acre-foot at the dam. section of the dam would have a top width of 20 feet The capital cost of the Archibald No. 3 Dam and and 3 : 1 upstream and 1 : 1 downstream slopes. The Reservoir to provide 43,200 acre-feet of storage capac- upstream slope of the dam would be faced with a 3- ity. based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1952, was foot layer of riprap. The dam would have an estimated estimated to be about $3,372,000. Corresponding annual volume of fill of 722,000 cubic yards. costs were estimated to be about $140,600. The resultant As designed for cost estimating purposes, the dam for estimated average unit cost of the 14,200 acre-feet of the Archibald No. 3 site to provide 43,200 acre-feet of water per season conserved by the reservoir was about reservoir storage capacity would consist of a rolled $9.90 per acre-foot at the dam. earthfill structure with a crest length of about 1.470 Detailed cost estimates of the two dams and reser- t'eet. a crest width of 30 feet, and 2.5 : 1 upstream and voirs studies at the Archibald No. 3 site are presented in downstream slopes. The impervious core would have Appendix K. a top width of 10 feet and 1 : 1 slopes. The dam would . .. . . . have an estimated volume of fill of 2,046,000 cubic Archtbald No. 4 Dam and Reservotr yards. This dam site is located on Scott Creek about 2.1 The concrete-lined spillway for both dams would be miles upstream from its mouth, in the southeast quarter of the ogee weir type, located across the left abutment of of Section 18, Township 10 South, Range 3 "West, the dams, and discharging through a chute into Scott M. D. B. & M., where the stream bed elevation is about Creek below the dams. In each case the spillway would 35 feet. The construction of a dam at the site to an ele- liave a capacity of 19,600 second-feet required for an vation of 132 feet, with spillway crest at an elevation of estimated discharge of about 700 second-feet per square 117 feet, would create a reservoir having a storage mile of drainage area. In the case of the smaller reser- capacity of about 8,000 acre-feet, including 150 acre- voir the maximum depth of water above the spillway lip feet of dead storage. Estimated mean seasonal runoff would be 10 feet and an additional 4 feet of freeboard from the drainage area of about 28 square miles above would be provided. In the case of the larger reservoir the dam site is about 21,600 acre-feet. The estimated the maximum depth of water above the spillway lip safe seasonal yield of the reservoir would be about 5,800 would be 1 1 feet and an additional 4 feet of freeboard acre-feet. Principal features of the Archibald No. 4 would be provided. Dam are shown on Plate L-6 entitled "Archibald No. Water would be released from both sizes of reservoir 4 Dam on Scott Creek." through a steel pipe encased in concrete and placed in a A topographic map of the Archibald No. 4 dam and trench excavated beneath the dam. Tn the case of the reservoir sites at a scale of 1 inch to 500 feet, with con- smaller reservoir the pipe would be 36 inches in diam- tour interval of 20 feet, was made by the Division of eter, and in the case of the larger reservoir 48 inches in Water Resources in 1951, using photogrammetric sur- diameter. Releases would be controlled by gates in an vey methods. Areas and capacities of the reservoir at inclined inlet structure on the slope of the right abut- various stages of water surface elevation are given in ment upstream from the dam. For the smaller reservoir the following tabulation. this structure would consist of a 48-inch diameter steel Water surface pipe encased in concrete, and would be provided with elevation, Area,in Capacity, , 1Q . , , , , , i-n i e in feet acres in acre-feet tour 18-mch gate valves hydraulically operated from a « r () n control house at the top of the structure. For the larger 40 __ 2 18 reservoir the manifold pipe would he 54 inches in diam- fi0 — 44 . 4 ~ 4 eter. and six 18-inch gate valves would be provided. too 168 4530 Portions of the bottom lands in the reservoir area 117 232 8,000 are being used for truck crops and pasture, but much r!^ ( ! 144'° of the area is covered by brush and second-growth red- wood. [Improvements consist of the Scott Valley School Geology of the Archibald No. 4 dam site is essen- llonsc. cottages and outbuildings, a ranchhouse with tially 1 he same as that already described for Archibald barns and outbuildings, and the village of Swanton. No. 3 dam site. Public utilities thai would require relocation consist of The dam for the Archibald No. 4 site, as designed aboul 5 miles of county road, and power and telephone for cost estimating purposes, would consist of a rolled lines. earthfill structure with a crest length of about 800 feet. The capital cost of the Archibald No. 3 Dam and a crest width of 30 feet, and 3:1 upstream and 2:1 Reservoir to provide 14,400 acre-feet of storage capac downstream slopes. The upstream impervious section ity, based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1952, was id' the dam would have a top width of 20 feet and 3: 1 estimated to be about $1,885,000. Corresponding annual upstream and 1:1 downstream slopes. The upstream APPENDIX L 219 slope of the dam would be faced with a 3-foot layer of riprap, and the dam would have an estimated volume of fill of 477,000 cubic yards. The concrete-lined spillway would be of the ogee weir type, located across the left abutment of the dam, and discharging through a chute into Scott Creek about 200 feet below the dam. It would have a capacity of 19,600 second-feet required for an estimated discharge of about 700 second-feet per square mile of drainage area. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be 11 feet and an additional 4 feet of freeboard would be provided. "Water would be released from the reservoir through a 28-inch diameter steel pipe encased in concrete and placed in a trench excavated beneath the dam. Releases would be controlled by gates in an inclined inlet structure on the slope of the right abut- ment upstream from the dam. This structure would consist of a 48-inch diameter steel pipe encased in con- crete, and would be provided with three 18-inch gate valves hydraulically operated from a control house at the top of the structure. Portions of the bottom lands in the reservoir area are being used for truck crops and pasture, but much of the area is covered by brush and second-growth redwood. Improvements consist of the Scott Valley School House, cottages and outbuildings, a ranchhouse with barns and outbuildings, and the village of Swanton. Public utili- ties that would require relocation consist of about 5 miles of county road, and power and telephone lines. The capital cost of the Archibald No. 4 Dam and Reservoir, based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1952, was estimated to be about .$1,355,000. Corresponding annual costs were estimated to be about $56,100. The resultant estimated average unit cost of the 5,800 acre- feet of water per season conserved by the reservoir was about $9.70 per acre-foot at the dam. Detailed cost esti- mates of the Archibald No. 4 Dam and Reservoir are presented in Appendix K. Laguna Creek Dam and Reservoir This dam site is located on Laguna Creek about 5 miles upstream from its mouth, in the southwest quar- ter of Section 19, Township 10 South, Range 2 West, M. D. B. & M., where the stream bed elevation is about 1,160 feet. The construction of a dam at the site to an elevation of 1,319 feet, with spillway crest at an eleva- tion of 1,309 feet, would create a reservoir having a storage capacity of about 1,500 acre-feet, including 200 acre-feet of dead storage. The estimated mean seasonal runoff from the drainage area of about 3 square miles above the dam site is about 2,300 acre-feet, The esti- mated safe seasonal yield of the reservoir would be about 900 acre-feet. Principal features of the Laguna Dam are shown on Plate L-7 entitled "Laguna Creek Dam on Laguna Creek." Topography of the Laguna Creek dam and reservoir sites was obtained from a map provided by Mr. A. M. Baldwin, County Surveyor of Santa Cruz County, and prepared by him in 1921, at which time he was a member of the staff of the Water Department of the City of Santa Cruz. The scale of the map is 1 inch to 100 feet, with contour interval of 25 feet. Topography of the dam site was extended by comparison with that shown on the Ben Lomond quadrangle of the United States Geo- logical Survey. Areas and capacities of the reservoir at various stages of water surface elevation are given in the following tabulation. Water surface elevation, Area, in Capacity, in feet acres in acre-feet 1,100 () 1,180 1 10 1.200 3 40 1,220 5 130 1,240 270 1.200 14 510 1.2SO 19 840 1,300 25 1,300 1,309 28 1,500 1,320 33 1,700 The Laguna Creek dam site lies in an area of granitic rock of pre-Franciscan age. The bedrock is a granitic material which is relatively hard where fresh. It is coarse-grained and contains some flow structures. Shears or faults were not observed, but the rock is strongly block-jointed to a considerable depth. Wide separation along the joints was noted and even large trees were observed wedging into these cracks. Strip- ping under the impervious section of an earthfill dam would include about 3 feet of overburden and 3 feet of broken rock from both abutments, and addi- tional stripping of 3 feet of sand and gravel in the channel section. There is a possibility that some water would be lost from the reservoir through percolation into limestone formations which exist in the area. Ma- terials suitable for an impervious section could be obtained from a decomposed granite source along the Empire Grade. Rock for pervious sections or for riprap could be quarried at the site. The dam for the Laguna Creek site, as designed for cost estimating purposes, would consist of a rolled earthfill structure with a crest length of about 380 feet, crest width of 28 feet, and upstream and downstream slopes of 2.5 : 1. The impervious core would have a top width of 10 feet and 0.8 : 1 slopes, and the upstream slope of the dam would be faced with a 3-foot layer of riprap. The dam would have an estimated volume of fill of 478,000 cubic yards. The concrete-lined spillway would be of the ogee weir type, located across the left abutment of the dam, and discharging through a chute into Laguna Creek about 200 feet below the dam. It would have a capacity of 3,800 second-feet required for an estimated discharge of about 1,300 second-feet per square mile of drainage area. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be 6 feet and an additional 4 feet of free- board would be provided. Water would be released from the reservoir through a 24-inch diameter steel pipe 220 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION encased in concrete and placed in a trench excavated beneath the dam. Releases would be controlled by gates in an inclined inlet structure on the slope of the right abutment upstream from the dam. This structure would consist of a 48-inch diameter steel pipe encased in con- crete, and would be provided with four 18-inch gate valves hydraulically operated from a control house at the top of the structure. There are little or no improvements in the reservoir area, and it is generally covered by brush, oak, and second-growth redwood. The capital cost of the Laguna Creek Dam and Reservoir, based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1952, was estimated to be about $971,000. Corresponding annual costs were estimated to be about $40,900. The resultant estimated average unit cost of the 900 acre- feet of water per season conserved by the reservoir was about $45.40 per acre-foot at the dam. Detailed cost estimates of the Laguna Creek Dam and Reservoir are presented in Appendix K. Bald Mountain School Dam and Reservoir This dam site is located on Laguna Creek near the Bald Mountain School, in the southwest quarter of Section 31, Township 10 South, Range 2 West, M. D. B. & M., where the stream bed elevation is about 490 feet. The construction of a dam at the site to an eleva- tion of 630 feet, with spillway crest at an elevation of 622 feet, would create a reservoir having a storage capacity of about 2,800 acre-feet, including 140 acre- feet of dead storage. The estimated mean seasonal run- off from the drainage area of about 5.8 square miles above the dam site is about 4,500 acre-feet. The esti- mated safe seasonal yield of the reservoir would be about 1,800 acre-feet. Principal features of the Bald Mountain School Dam are shown on Plate L-8 entitled "Bald Mountain School Dam on Laguna Creek." Topography of the Bald Mountain School dam and reservoir sites was obtained by the Division of Water Resources by reconnaissance plane table surveys made in 1952. The dam site was surveyed to a scale of 1 inch to 200 feet, with 20-foot contour interval, and the reser- voir site to a scale of 1 inch to 400 feet, with 40-foot contour interval. Areas and capacities of the reservoir at various stages of water surface elevation are given in the following tabulation. Water surface ill ration. Ann, in Capacity, in frit acres in acre-feet 490 s <» 8 100 lip would be 6 feet and an additional 4 feet of freeboard 9 q 8 | would be provided. Water would be released from the 44o 41 1,600 reservoir through a 24-inch diameter steel pipe encased 4(!0 -jj ; 2,530 \ n concrete and placed in a trench excavated beneath 500~ y>-> 5900 khe dam. Releases would be controlled by gates in an ~>l<> — 145 7.200 inclined inlet structure on the slope of the right abut- -i\\~~ }yf'l 12Q00 ment upstream from the dam. This structure would consist of a 48-inch diameter steel pipe encased in con- The Newell Creek dam site lies in an area underlain cre te, and would be provided with four 18-inch gate by the Monterey formation of Miocene age. The strata valves hydraulically operated from a control house at consist of shales and finely bedded siltstones, with t ne f () p f t] ie structure. intercalated layers of fine-grained tan sandstone up to Th( , „, stM . V()il . area is un j mprovod , and there are no eight teet in thickness. All of the rock, with the excep- roads or uti i ities that wou i d require n q ot . a tion. The turn ot the more massive sandstone, is finely jointed. nafiv(1 vegetation consists of dense growth of brush, oak although this jointing probably occurs chiefly near and see ond-growth redwood. weathered surfaces. -Joints should not persist with rm ., . „ , , XT ., „ . _. , „ , ,, T1 ., , .„ . , , 1 lie capital cost ot the Newell ( reek Dam and Keser- deptli. V olds are not apparent and, if present, exist onlv . , ' . ... ,. „ .. e - n - n [, », , , ,, n , i voir, based on prices prevailing in the tall ot 1952, was in the nature ot broad and 30 320 205 7,060 340 278 12,800 360 347 10.000 380 430 26,800 390 470 31,000 400 400 36,000 The area surrounding the Soquel Creek dam site is underlain by a thick series of marine sediments of Pliocene age (Purisima formation). These are capped in many places by Quaternary terrace gravels and on the valley floor of Soquel Valley are covered by a thin mantle of Recent alluvium. Granitic Coast Range base- ment complex rock is exposed nearby in isolated out- crops. The rock at the site consists primarily of soft and only slightly consolidated fine-grained sandstones and siltstones. These are thickly bedded and inter- 226 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION ealated with occasional layers of thin shales and pebble conglomerates. Large numbers of Pliocene marine shell casts and fragments were noted in some horizons of the sandstone series. Well-defined terrace gravel deposits up to 15 feet in depth cap these sediments in several places on both abutments. The sandstones have been disturbed to some extent both by folding and by minor shearing. Folds are in the nature of gentle warps, however, and do not materially affect the genera] attitude of the beds which dip downstream and slightly into the left abutment. Shears as noted were generally tight and no gouge was found. Jointing is also developed to a minor extent in these rocks, but separation is slight and moderate "routing should pre- vent excessive leakage along the joints. The area is one of considerable seismic activity. The granitic out- crop two miles north of the site is apparently an up- thrown block between two intersecting faults of major importance. The San Andreas fault zone passes six miles to the north of the site and activity along this fault locally in recent geologic times seems probable. It is estimated that stripping requirements under the impervious section of an earthfill dam would in- clude about 8 feet of soil and loose rock and 3 feet of soft sandstone bedrock from the left abutment, about 5 feet of sand and gravel and 2 feet of soft sandstone bedrock from the channel section, and about 6 feet of soil, loose rock, and humus, and 3 feet of soft sand- stone and associated bedrock from the right abutment. The only material salvageable from these stripping op- erations would be a small quantity of alluvium, usable as impervious fill, located on the flats of the lower left abutment. Other potential sources of impervious fill materia] exist from one-half to two miles downstream on the floor of the valley. Large supplies of earthfill material are also available from terraces along both edges of the valley. Quantities of granitic rock suitable for use in the impervious section (where decomposed ) and for riprap exist at a quarry on the east slope of Sugarloaf Mountain, about two miles upstream from the site. The dam for the Soque] Creek site, as designed for cost estimating purposes, would consist of a rolled earthfill structure with a crest length of about 1,850 feet, a crest width of 30 feet, 3: 1 upstream slope, and 2..") : 1 downstream slope. The impervious core would have a top width of 10 feet and 1 : 1 slopes, and the up- stream slope of the dam would be faced with a 3-foot layer of riprap. The dam would have an estimated volume of (ill of 4,630,000 cubic yards. The concrete-lined spillway would be of the ogee weir type. Located across the left abutment of the dam, and discharging through a chute into Soque] Creek aboul 800 feel below the dam. It would have a capacity of 21,600 second-feet required for an estimated dis- charge of aboul 680 second-feet pei' square mile of drainage area. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be 8 feet, and an additional 4 feet of freeboard would be provided. Water would be released from the reservoir through a 48-inch diameter steel pipe encased in concrete and placed in a trench excavated beneath the dam. Releases would be con- trolled by gates in an inclined inlet structure on the slope of the right abutment upstream from the dam. This structure would consist of a 48-inch diameter steel pipe encased in concrete, and would be provided with six 18-inch gate valves hydraulically operated from a control house at the top of the structure. The reservoir area is largely covered by brush, oak, and second-growth redwood. Improvements consist of about 40 permanent residences and more than 100 cot- tages and cabins occupied during summer months and on weekends. Construction of a reservoir at this site would necessitate the relocation of about 11 miles of county roads, and electric power lines and telephone lines. The capital cost of the Soquel Creek Dam and Reser- voir, based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1952, was estimated to be about $9,794,000. Corresponding an- nual costs were estimated to be about $393,200. The resultant estimated average unit cost of the 18,300 acre- feet of water per season conserved by the reservoir was about $21.50 per acre-feet at the dam. Detailed cost estimates of the Soquel Creek Dam and Reservoir are presented in Appendix K. Aptos Creek Dam and Reservoir This dam site is located on Aptos Creek about 1 mile north of the Town of Aptos, in the northwest quarter of Section 7, Township 11 South, Range 1 East, M. D. B. & M., where the stream bed elevation is about 44 feet. The construction of a dam at the site to an elevation of 176 feet, with spillway crest at an eleva- tion of 164 feet, would create a reservoir having a stor- age capacity of about 4,100 acre-feet, including 160 acre-feet of dead storage. The estimated mean seasonal runoff from the drainage area of about 10.7 square miles above the dam site is about 7,800 acre-feet. The estimated safe seasonal yield of the reservoir would be about 2,300 acre-feet. Principal features of the Aptos Creek Dam are shown on Plate L-15 entitled "Aptos Creek Dam on Aptos Creek." Topography of the Aptos Creek dam and reservoir sites was obtained from reconnaissance plane table surveys made by the Division of Water Resources in 1952. A topographic map of the dam site was prepared at a scale of 1 inch to 200 feet, with contour interval of 20 feet, and one of the reservoir site was prepared to a scale of 1 inch to 400 feet, with contour interval of 20 feet. An assumed datum was utilized in the prepara- tion of the maps, and a correction of l> feet should be subtracted from the elevations shown, to convert to CJ. S. (!. S. datum. Areas and capacities of the reser- APPEXDLX L 227 voir at various stages of water surface elevation are given iu the following tabulation : Water surface elevation, Area, in Capacity, in feet * acres in acre-feet 44 ii (I SO 4 40 100 16 244 120 33 720 140 ti!) 1,750 160 114 3,580 164 122 4.100 180 159 6,320 200 210 10,100 * To obtain elevations on U.S.G.S. datum, subtract fi feet from elevations shown. The bedrock at the Aptos Creek dam site is a massive gray-colored sandstone which is harder than the typ- ical Purisima sandstone found elsewhere in the region. No joints or shears of major importance were found in the rock. Bedding is almost nonexistent at the site, although quite prominent at other places nearby where the Purisima outcrops. This material should prove sat- isfactory for the foundation of an earthfill type of dam. Average stripping under the impervious section of the dam would consist of about 4 feet of over- burden and 2 feet of weathered sandstone on both abut- ments. In the channel stripping would consist of about 4 feet of gravels along the narrowest section and 10 feet of gravels and silt elsewhere. Only the overburden need be removed from beneath the pervious dam sec- tions on the abutments. The typical soil of this region is rich in humus and black in color. It has been deeply penetrated by the roots of myriads of trees and plants which form a tangled mass for several feet immediately beneath the ground surface. However, there is a good possibility that a small amount of this material, rela- tively free of organic matter and suitable for use in a minimum impervious section, can be found within a mile of the site. The Purisima sandstone might be usable to a limited extent in the pervious sections of the dam. This rock could readily be quarried in the imme- diate vicinity of the site. The dam for the Aptos Creek site, as designed for cost estimating purposes, would consist of a rolled earthfill structure with a crest length of about 1,020 feet, a crest width of 28 feet, and upstream and down- stream slopes of 2.5 : 1. The impervious core would have a top width of 10 feet and 1 : 1 slopes, and the upstream slope of the dam would be faced with a 3-foot layer of riprap. The dam would have an estimated volume of fill of 601,000 cubic yards. The concrete-lined spillway would be of the ogee weir type, located across the left abutment of the dam, and discharging through a chute into Aptos Creek about 400 feet below the dam. It would have a capacity of 9,600 second-feet required for an estimated discharge of about 900 second-feet per square mile of drainage area. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be 8 feet and an additional 4 feet of freeboard would be provided. Water would be released from the reservoir through a 30-inch diameter steel pipe encased in concrete and placed in a trench excavated beneath the dam. Releases would be controlled by gates in an inclined inlet structure on the slope of the right abut- ment upstream from the dam. This structure would consist of a 48-inch diameter steel pipe encased in con- crete, and would be provided with three 18-inch gate valves hydraulically operated from a control house at the top of the structure. The land in the reservoir area is covered by oak, brush, and second-growth redwood. Improvements con- sist of a few cottages with outbuildings and several small cabins. About 2 miles of county fire road and 6,000 feet of telephone cable would require relocation. The capital cost of the Aptos Creek Dam and Reser- voir, based on prices prevailing in the fall of 1952, was estimated to be about $1,406,000. Corresponding an- nual costs were estimated to be about $58,200. The resultant estimated average unit cost of the 2,300 acre- feet of water per season conserved was about $25.30 per acre-foot at the dam. Detailed cost estimates of the Aptos Creek Dam and Reservoir are presented in Ap- pendix K. PAJARO UNIT Pinto Lake Dam, Reservoir, and Corralitos Creek Diversion This project contemplates the diversion of winter flow of Corralitos Creek, conveyance of the water to off- stream storage in a reservoir created by enlarging Pinto Lake, and later release of the water for use during the irrigation season. The diversion site is located about 3.5 miles northwest of Watsonville, in the southwest quarter of Section 19, Township 11 South, Range 2 East, M. D. B. & M., where the stream bed elevation is about 135 feet. An unlined earth canal would convey the diverted water a distance of about 2 miles to Pinto Lake. The dam site at Pinto Lake is located about 2.5 miles north of Watsonville, in the northeast quarter of Section 29, Township 11 South, Range 2 East, M. D. B. & M., where the stream bed elevation is about 103 feet. The construction of a dam at the site to an eleva- tion of 137 feet, with spillway crest at an elevation of 130 feet, would create a reservoir having a storage capacity of about 4,800 acre-feet, including 1,600 acre- feet of dead storage. Estimated mean seasonal runoff from the approximately 23 square miles of drainage area above the diversion point on Corralitos Creek is about 9,500 acre-feet. The estimated safe seasonal yield of the reservoir and diversion would be about 1,100 acre-feet. Runoff from the 2.4 square miles of drainage area above the Pinto Lake dam site is small and was not taken into account in the yield studies. Principal features of the Pinto Lake Dam are shown on Plate L-16 entitled "Pinto Lake Dam." Locations of diver- sion point and conduit are shown on Plate 19. 228 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION The diversion works on Corralitos Creek would in- vicinity. The valley alluvium either upstream or im- elude a 30-foot wide reinforced-eonerete open weir mediately downstream from the lake could be used as structure across the creek, divided by 2-foot wide eon- impervious fill. The Purisima sediments or terrace Crete piers into four 6-foot openings. The openings gravels on either side of the lake might be usable in would he provided with removable flashboards. The the pervious sections. top of the weir structure would be at an elevation of The dam at the Pinto Lake site, as designed for cost 146 feet, and the elevation of the weir crest with flash- estimating purposes, would consist of a rolled earthfill hoards removed would be about 135 feet. Waters of impervious structure with a crest length of about 1,750 Corralitos Creek would be diverted at the left abut- feet, a crest width of 10 feet, upstream slope of 3:1, ment of the weir structure through two 4-foot square and downstream slope of 2.5 : 1. The upstream slope of slide gates in a reinforced-eonerete headwall and into the dam would be faced with a 3-foot layer of riprap a reinforced-eonerete sand trap. The sand trap would and the downstream slope with a 2-foot layer of the be about 24 feet by 16 feet, and would be compart- same material. The dam would have an estimated vol- mented by two vertical baffle walls. Three 1-foot square U me of fill of 102,000 cubic yards. slide sluice gates would be provided, one for each The concre te-iined spillway would be of the ogee compartment of the sand trap. From the sand trap we i r type% located across the right abutment of the the diverted water would enter an unlined canal with ( iam, .,,„) discharging through a chute and wasteway eapacity of 130 second-feet. The canal would be of into Corralitos Creek about a mile below the dam. trapezoidal section, with bottom width of 12 feet, depth Estimates of cost of the wasteway were not made. It of water of 4 feet, freeboard of 1 foot, side slopes of ^ (m \d have a capacity of 1,500 second-feet required for 1.5: 1. and a slope of 1 foot per mile. The canal would .,„ estimated discharge of about 880 second-feet per be approximately 10,700 feet in length, leading in a square mile of drainage area above the dam. The maxi- southeasteily direction from the sand trap to a terminus mum depth of water , lbove the sp ill wa y lip would be near the right abutment of Pinto Lake Dam. Water 3 feet aml an additional 4 feet of freeboard would surface elevation at the terminus of the canal would be be provided. Water would be released from the reser- approximately 138 feet. From this point a short semi- vo j r through an 18-inch diameter steel pipe encased circular metal flume would carry the water into Pinto ; n concrete and placed in a trench excavated beneath Lake Reservoir. the dam. Releases would be controlled by a 12-inch A topographic map of the Pinto Lake dam and square slide gate, manually operated by a steel rod reservoir sites and the conduit route, at a scale of 1 supported on concrete footings upstream from the right inch to 500 feet, with contour interval of 20 feet, was abutment of the dam. made by the Division of Water Resources in 1950, The reservoir area includes the existing lake which based on a plane table survey. Areas and capacities of has a surface area of about 120 acres and a storage the reservoir at various stages of water surface eleva- capacity of 1,600 acre-feet. The remainder of the inser- tion are given in the following tabulation. voir area is covered by water-loving vegetation and Water surface brush. Several diversion works and boat landings exist elevation, Area,in Gapacii //. around the edge of the present reservoir, and lands '"' U ' r ' acre * iriacre-feet n] t , )p wegt gide f ^ ^ . nv uged • • 10!) 121 1,600 , 110 125 1,720 grounds. 120 153 3,110 The capital cost of the Pinto Lake Dam, Reservoir, 130 189 4,820 1 n 1-4. n i tv u a , )(l .,.,., 6 930 an Corralitos Creek Diversion, based on prices pre- vailing in the fall of 1952, was estimated to be about Bluffs are situated on either side of Pinto Lake to $560,000. Corresponding annual costs were estimated a heighl of about 25 feet above the present water sur- to he about $23,700. The resultant estimated average face of the lake. These bluffs appear to be composed unit cost of the 1,100 acre-feet of water conserved by of sediments of the Pliocene Purisima formation and the reservoir was about $21.50 per acre-foot at the dam. are capped by a thin Quaternary terrace deposit. The Detailed cost estimates of the Pinto Lake Dam. Reser- valley in which the lake lies is filled with Quaternary voir, and Corralitos Creek Diversion are presented in alluvium. The Purisima formation in this vicinity con- Appendix K. sists chiefly of conglomerates interbedded with mas- ._., , _. . _ _. . , , ,' , ,11 u elkhorn blouqn Dam, Reservoir, and sive sandstones. Large amounts ol Leakage may be ex- ** .' pected through this formation should the Level of the Pa t aro R,ver Dtversion lake be raised. The alluvium on the valley floor is Elkhorn Slough Dam and Reservoir would be located probably 40 or 50 feel thick and is underlain by on Elkhorn Slough, at a site about four miles south- Purisima sediments. About four feel of stripping from east of Watsonville. A small auxiliary dam would be both the channel section and the abutments would be required on the northerly rim of the reservoir. Surplus required. Construction materials are plentiful in the winter flow of the Pajaro River would be diverted at APPENDIX k 229 a point on that stream about 4.5 miles east of Watson- ville, and conveyed in an unlined canal about 1.7 miles in length to a pumping plant on the south side of the valley, about 3.5 miles southeast of Watsonville. Prom this pumping plant the water would be lifted into the upstream end of Elkhorn Slough Reservoir, for tem- porary storage and later release to Pajaro Valley. The released water would return to the Pajaro River through the canal to the original point of diversion, on the Pajaro River, for downstream diversion and use. Principal features of the Elkhorn Slough Dam are shown on Plate L-17 entitled "Elkhorn Slough Dam on Elkhorn Slough." The dam site would be located in the southeast quarter of Section 28, Township 12 South, Range 2 East, M. D. B. & M., where the stream bed elevation is about 10 feet. The elevation of the water surface at the point of diversion on the Pajaro River is about 46 feet and the minimum water surface elevation in Elkhorn Slough Reservoir would be about 45 feet. Locations of the diversion weir, canal, and pumping plant are shown on Plate 1!). The construction of a dam at the Elkhorn Slough site to an elevation of 158 feet, with spillway crest at an elevation of 150 feet, would create a reservoir having a storage capacity of about 117,000 acre-feet, including 3,500 acre-feet of dead storage. Estimated mean seasonal impaired runoff of the Pajaro River from the approximately 1,200 square miles of drainage area above the point of diversion is about 150,000 acre- feet. The estimated safe seasonal yield of the reservoir would be about 26,500 acre-feet. The diversion works on the Pajaro River would include a concrete gravity weir structure located in the southeast quarter of Section 7, Township 12 South, Range 3 East, M. D. B. & M. The structure would in- clude a fixed ogee overflow weir section with length of 60 feet, and two weir sections controlled by bascule gates, each with a length of 40 feet. The top of the weir structure would be at an elevation of 60 feet, Elevation of the crest of the fixed section of the weir would be 46 feet, and elevation of the crest of the gated sections with the gates lowered would be 40 feet, Waters of the Pajaro River would be diverted at the left abutment of the weir structure through two 5-foot square slide gates in a reinforced-concrete head- wall and into a reinforced-concrete sand trap. The sand trap would be 20 feet by 20 feet and would be compartmented by two vertical baffle walls. Three 2-foot square slide sluice gates would be provided, one for each compartment of the sand trap. From the sand trap the diverted water would enter an unlined canal with capacity of 200 second-feet. The canal would be of trapezoidal section, with bottom width of 10 feet, depth of water of 6 feet, side slopes of 1.5 : 1, and would have a flat grade. The canal would be approximately 9,200 feet in length, leading in a southerly direction from the sand trap to the bottom of the bluff bounding Pajaro Valley on the south, and terminating in the northwest quarter of Section 19, Township 12 South, Range 3 East. M. D. B. & M. At the terminus of the canal a pumping plant would lift the water through a 72-inch diameter steel pipe to Elkhorn Slough Reservoir. The pipe line would pass beneath the auxiliary dam on the northern rim of Elk- horn Slough Reservoir, and would be entrenched in the dam foundation and encased in concrete. At its reservoir end the pipe line would divide into two 54-inch diameter pipe outlets, each of which would contain a 48-inch diameter butterfly valve, hydraulic- ally controlled from the top of the auxiliary dam. The pumping plant would consist of a battery of five pumps, two with capacities of approximately 27 second- feet, two with capacities of approximately 55 second- feet, and one of about 110 second-foot capacity. A check valve would he installed in the discharge line of each pump. The maximum flow line in Elkhorn Slough Reservoir would be at an elevation of about 1 54 feet, and elevation of the water surface at the intake of the pumping plant would be about 44 feet. The plant was designed for an average pumping head of approx- imately 90 feet. Water would be released from the reservoir through the 72-inch diameter steel pipe pass- ing beneath the auxiliary dam and would by-pass the pumping plant and be returned to the canal. Topography of the Elkhorn Slough dam site was determined from a plane table survey made by the Division of Water Resources in 1952. The dam site was mapped to a scale of one inch to 200 feet, with 10-foot contour interval. Topography of Elkhorn Slough Reservoir was determined from the U. S. G. S. San Juan Bautista Quadrangle, scale 1 : 62,500, with 25-foot contour interval. Areas and capacities of the reservoir at various stages of water surface elevation are given in the following tabulation : Water surface elevation, Area, in Capacity, in feet nires in acre-feet 10 O 25 31 75 50 355 4,890 75 668 17,900 Kin 1,060 39,700 125 1.470 72,000 150 _ 2,030 117,000 175_ 2,550 10S.500 The Elkhorn Slough dam site lies in an area under- lain by the Aromas formation of Pleistocene age. The formation outcrops on both abutments at the site, hut is overlain by about 60 feet of Quaternary till across the bottom of the channel section. A few thin layers of sandy clay are intercalated with the thick sand beds generally comprising the Aromas. The formation, being composed chiefly of sand with little cementation, has a tendency to slide or "run" when saturated. Well logs from the valley floor of Elkhorn Slough indicate that most of the Quaternary till lying beneath the top soil and above the top of the Aromas formation con- sists of a blue clay. It seems likely that an earthfill dam 230 SANTA CRUZ-MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION could be founded on this clay, which is about .">() feet thick, but a backfilled cutoff trench would probably have in be provided under the entire impervious section of the dam. Grouting of the channel or abutment foun- dation materials would not be possible. Stripping under the impervious section across the channel section would consist of about 15 feet of soil and clay. Stripping under the pervious sections would include about 5 feet of soil. About 8 feet of soil and sand would have to be stripped from the abutments. since the Aromas sediments would not improve appre- ciably beneath that depth. Large quantities of earth could be obtained from flats of the reservoir area which would be suitable for use in an impervious section. Rock suitable for use as rockfill or riprap is not locally available. Amide ma- terial, both residual and alluvial, suitable for the per- vious sections of the dam, is available in the immediate vicinity of the site. Riprap would probably have to be imported from the granite quarry at Pajaro Gap. The dam for the Elkhorn Slough site, as designed for cost estimating purposes, would consist of a rolled earthfill structure with a crest length of about 4,000 feet, a crest width of .'?() feet, and upstream slope of :{ : 1 and downstream slope of 2.5:1. The impervious section would have a top width of 20 feet, and :> : 1 upstream and 1 : 1 downstream slopes, and the up- stream slope of the dam would be faced with a 3-foot layer of riprap. The dam would have an estimated fill of 5,050,000 cubic yards. The concrete-lined spillway would be of the ogee weir type, located in a saddle about 1,500 feet north of the right abutment of the dam, and discharging through a chute into Elkhorn Slough below the dam. It would have a capacity of 4.000 second-feet required for an estimated discharge of about 135 second-feet per square mile of drainage area. The maximum depth of water above the spillway lip would be 4 feet, and an additional 4 feet of freeboard would be provided. The outlet works would consist of the inlet facilities already described, supplemented by a trash rack at the reservoir, and by a short 72-inch diameter steel pipe to by-pass the pumping plaid and convey the released water to the canal. The by-pass line would contain a 60-inch diameter Howell-Bunger valve. The auxiliary dam on the northern rim of Elkhorn Slough Reservoir would consist of a rolled earth sec- tion, with 20-foot crest width and 2:1 side slopes. Total crest length of the dam would be about 700 feet, and its maximum height of fill would be about 70 feet. The slopes of the auxiliary dam facing the reservoir would be protected with three feet of riprap. The total volume of fill of the auxiliary dam would be an esti- mated 76,000 cubic yards. Improvements within the reservoir area include about 200 cottages and cabins, and a number of ranch- houses. The lands in the reservoir area are nearly all cultivated, with about 55 per cent devoted to cultivated field crops and pasture. The remainder of the culti- vated area is devoted mostly to irrigated orchards and truck crops. Public utilities that would require reloca- tion include about 1.5 miles of state highway, 9 mile-; of county roads, 5 miles of power transmission lines. and 8 miles of telephone lines. The capital cost of the Elkhorn Slough Dam, Reser- voir, and Pajaro River Diversion, based on prices pre- vailing in the fall of 1952, was estimated to be about $12,597,000. Corresponding annual costs were esti- mated to be about .+541,800. The resultant estimated average unit cost of the 26,500 acre-feet of water per season conserved by the reservoir was about +20.40 per acre-foot. Detailed cost estimates of the Elkhorn Slough Dam. Reservoir, and Pajaro River Diversion are presented in Appendix K. £ 3 GENERAL PLAN SPILLWAY V. zso' CREST ELEV 265 - _i ,'' V> ^^^ / / ~" V N ^s. / ' /V itural Ground — "\ // / v__ — • / -- 900 1000 W.S. ELEV. S50 CREST ELEV. 365' -j h '"' PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM SECTION OF DAM SCALE OF FEET EL OSO DAM ON WADDELL CREEK PLATE L-2 250 \ CREST ELEV 228' SPILLWAY 21 = V 200 3 5 150 / «i 100 ^i- ^ — Excovotion Line 3 50 I — Natural Ground ~\r\^_^ ^- rr ^ r ~ \~~ -J .-,'"[ 200 400 i aoo LENGTH IN FEET PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 W-S. ELEV 215 -i r^ CREST ELEV. 226' ^^mmmmmm myz®^^ SECTION OF DAM 5CALE OF FEET ARCHIBALD NO. I DAM ON SCOTT CREEK PLATE L-3 200 "-! 150 Z 100 Is 50 CREST ELEV, 64' SPILLWAY r— r= T=f=^ f_ ^1 Ss~^^ yff — Natural Ground \ 1 ~-\~ 1- -f l 100 200 300 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 LENGTH IN FEET PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM W. S. ELEV. 152' ~*i h -10 ' CREST ELEV 164' SECTION OF DAM SCALE OF FEET DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARCHIBALD N0.2 DAM ON SCOTT CREEK RESERVOIR STORAGE CAPACITY OF 20.000 ACRE- FEET PLATE L-4 GENERAL PLAN 200 1- u!| 150 \ CREST ELEV 152' SPILLWAY /" CREST ELEV. I3aj/ {*T*~ -i z 100 °« J» 50 _1 f^' ^ **>v X s?< ^— Mature. ^—Ltcavat Ground ^r^r PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM IS. ELEV 138 CREST ELEV. 152' SECTION OF DAM ARCHIBALD NO. 3 DAM ON SCOTT CREEK RESERVOIR STORAGE CAPACITY OF 14,400 ACRE-FEET PLATE L-5 GENERAL PLAN SCALE OF FEET 200 400 PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM 250 SPILLWAY / v CREST ELEV ZOO' / _^ CREST ELEV 215' \ ti I 200 k. = 2< 150 Z °» bo ioo ui 50 a r 1 w«J lio. ~ Matura! Ground ~ T^-r'' W S. ELEV. 200' CREST ELEV 215 1600 2000 w//mmm/w ^/MM///^^^ - - /^ /^m///^mm^^ SECTION OF DAM SCALE OF FEET 100 200 ARCHIBALD NO. 3 DAM SCOTT CREEK RESERVOIR STORAGE CAPACITY OF 43,200 ACRE-FEET PLATE L-6 GENERAL PLAN SCALE OF FEET CREST ELEV 132 , ""V-. CREST ELEV. 117' ,-' *C> **" — * H" 50 ""-, ^r tic Excavation Line ■T -*'' —- Natural Gf/t nri -f-|-4- 4-4 1 1 500 600 700 LENGTH IN FEET PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM 1100 1200 SECTION OF DAM DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ARCHIBALD NO.4 DAM ON SCOTT CREEK PLATE L-7 1350 H 1300 z\ l25 ° z On 1200 % y=> 1150 UJ 1100 K SPILLWAY CREST ELEV. 1319' 131 V /' B* m Lin*-^ "- \> -Natural Ground PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM CREST ELEV 1319' 500 600 SECTION OF DAM SCALE OF FECT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATFR RESOURCES LAGUNA CREEK DAM ON LAGUNA CREEK GENERAL PLAN SCALE OF FEET 750 700 I- UJ uij 650 zS ~° 600 Z Oa 5° 550 u 500 450 / s* CREST ELEV. / ^^ 022' r r CREST ELEV 630 n I 7 W ,(r \ jr* Natural Ground ~-E*cava/lon Line " t" 1 W.S. ELEV. 622 300 400 LENGTH IN FEET PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM CREST ELEV- 630' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SECTION OF DAM SCALE OF FEET 200 ^Ws_ BALD MOUNTAIN SCHOOL DAM ON LAGUNA CREEK PLATE L-9 CONTROL HOUSE GENERAL PLAN CREST ELEV 830' SPILLWAY V CREST ELEV 820 <*f ^ 1 ^Sxcovoti'on Line *^~~-Na+uro/ Ground PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM W.S ELEV. 820' H h-»' ~*1t"~'° CREST ELEV. 630' SECTION OF DAM ?^ SCALE OF FEET WATERMAN SWITCH DAM ON SAN LORENZO RIVER PLATE L-IO ft 650 Z t - g 800 CONTROL SOX SPILL* \ CREST E \ «8I AY LEV CREST ELE.V. S7o' ,<^~\ %>^ ^' - ' ^^T^*-^ **** *< Naturol Gro ind Exc ntft n Lir e y\ ^v ^ ^ >*rf*^ 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 r LENGTH IN FEET PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM SECTION OF DAM SCALE Of FEET BEAR CREEK DAM ON BEAR CREEK PLATE L-ll >IPE IN 6 TUNNEL GENERAL PLAN SCALE OF FEET I -S 800 z Po 750 < ui > n . iu 7 °0 SPILLWAY P-X CREST ELEV. — ^N 840' CREST ELEV 851' * frcasa/io S?'' **^ Si ^~ Mature \ "T* 100 200 300 400 500 600 LENGTH IN FEET PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM WS ELEV. 840' ~ "1 l*~ 3 °,' ~""1 h*~ "' CREST ELEV. 851' MPERVIOUS ^ ,.„.„„.« 3 RIPRAP^ PERVIOUS SECTION OF DAM SCALE OF FEET 100 200 JAMISON DAM ON BOULDER CREEK PLATE L-12 CONTROL BO GENERAL PLAN SCALE OF FEET o* 4 °° SPILLWAY \ CREST ELEV. 520' 310^ / ^ CA ^ ^ v^ ??>y- ) '--^> | ~ Natu | PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM SECTION OF DAM NEWELL CREEK DAM ON NEWELL CREEK PLATE L-13 200 ISO 200 400 600 800 LENGTH IN FEET PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM CREST ELEV 320' ^ "^ '%■ ~T\ /' A/ vtura / Ground — ' // f*cava(>on One- 1 1 -*~-- ' 1000 1200 CREST ELEV 320' SECTION OF DAM SCALE OF FEET DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES DOYLE GULCH DAM DOYLE GULCH RESERVOIR STORAGE CAPACITY OF 14,500 ACRE-FEET PLATE L-14 400 CREST ELEV 402' SPILLWAY uj 350 Z5 300 z O „ 250 uj b 200 ■^^ ^ \ F^ Line ^~ rrrr? """ Na tural Ground. PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM W S. ELEV 390 -1 1^°' CREST ELEV. 402' > y~ : : — — ? , , . . _ SECTION OF DAM SOQUEL CREEK DAM ON SOQUEL CREEK PLATE L-15 GENERAL PLAN H 200 150 100 50 < V CREST ELEV. 176' SPILLWAY :RE5T ELEV ^-^ Z ^^> *= T**-,^ ^ Z O fwJ/»/> t» 7^ \/ -Natural Ground > 20 4( 6C LE •iCTH IN BOO FEET 1000 1200 140 PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM W.S. ELEV. 164 ~H K 10 ' CREST ELEV. 176' SCALE OF FEET NOTE: TO OBTAIN ELEVATIONS ON U.S.G.5. DATUM SUBTRACT SIX FEET FROM ELEVATIONS SHOWN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES APTOS CREEK DAM ON APTOS CREEK PLATE L-16 Pinto Lake 8 STEEL PIPE. CONCRETE ENCASED GENERAL PLAN SPILLWAY REST ELEV. 130' CREST ELEV 137' =F=t~-r— 7 — + — f- 200 40 ° 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 LENGTH IN FEET PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM CREST ELEV 137' WS ELEV 130 ^5^?^^^^ .' ■ — -, — SECTION OF DAM SCALE OF FEET PINTO LAKE DAM PLATE L-17 GENERAL PLAN SPILLWAY CREST ELEV ^ l50 V „_ CREST ELEV. 158' ^ 150 ^i 100 Z 50 >~ ^ Excavation Line J <^- ^*- Natural Ground $4 _J 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 LENGTH 3000 3500 4000 4 500 5000 5500 PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM CREST ELEV 158' -' ■•" ■■■.'•'• - '.'•■ .■■■■■ -■•-■■ ■■ ^_i_ — , -' '■" ■* 7 ' ■ ••- ' ■' J SECTION OF DAM ELKHORN SLOUGH DAM ON ELKHORN SLOUGH PLATE I L , f ?7T| SANTA CRUZ -MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION AjU/x^i | LOCATION OF SANTA CRUZ -MONTEREY AREA HYDROGRAPHIC UNITS AND PRINCIPAL ORGANIZED WATER AGENCIES PLATE 4 UJ X u z 65 60 55 50 ± 45 40 35 30 25 < 20 I- O K 15 10 MEAN SEASONAL PRECIPITATION 28.24 INCHES O i0 o m o m o CO CO o> 01 o q> i o i 0) •* 0) •* ■tf 0> r- (0 CO o> 0) o o cu (0 (0 CO O) O) 0) o CVJ I m O m o m o C\J (0 CO * ^ m •* 0> ■* O * o> CM CM en CO * ^ O) 0> en 0) o> CD RECORDED SEASONAL PRECIPITATION AT SANTA CRUZ PLATE 5 < Ld z a. w z 5 ~ o a. -100 -150 •200 -250 a I- < a -300 -350 -400 -450 \ 7 fc o in o >o o m o CD 1 00 I 0> 1 a> o o i i O) ^ 01 •* ^ o> N 00 CO a> 0^ o o (O 00 CO CO o> a> o> — — CO m o in O o ■* ■+ <*> •* ^ Ol a> o> Ol 0) o> o» o> o« ACCUMULATED DEPARTURE FROM MEAN SEASONAL PRECIPITATION AT SANTA CRUZ PLATE 6 PLATE 7 550 1- Z O 500 :::::/r a. Ul i a 450 —J \ z !fc dOO p o ^ uu z 350 -4-L 1 _) < Z o i0 300 ...Ij 1 th < LlI <0 -ll- < uJ 2 / ^ 1 1 20 ° if _ h J 1 ^ 1 I 1 I I I I o) ■* a> ■* 9* "* o> o — — cm w O* 0> o> 0* O) o> >n o ■* ID i i ACCUMULATED DEPARTURE FROM MEAN SEASONAL RUNOFF OF SAN LORENZO RIVER AT BIG TREES 100 id 80 Id a. < Z o 60 u. a. L- Ld O 0. |h ^ 40 Q Z o u u - ? I. ■ * kiJ hi k- IX D NOV.I 5. 1950 1 7 18 19 20 21 22 H d L. Ld Lu • 0C li. Q < oz3 Z O o D O io tr u (f) «¥> J^ X -50 LEGEND LINES OF EQUAL DEPTH TO GROUND WATER IN FEET ***».*■» BOUNDARY OF PAJARO UNIT •i, <>,, i APPROXIMATE 500-FOOT CONTOUR */|||P'#* SANTA GRUZ -MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION LINES OF EQUAL DEPTH TO GROUND WATER IN PAJARO UNIT FALL OF I95I SCALE OF MILES i o* SANT A,, SANTA ^P^ vCp 'V/l\f''/0 LEGEND LINES OF EQUAL ELEVATION OF GROUND WATER IN FEET BOUNDARY OF PAJARO UNIT APPROXIMATE 500-FOOT CONTOUR V DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ,HK« II > DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SANTA CRUZ - MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION LINES OF EQUAL ELEVATION OF GROUND WATER PAJARO UNIT FALL OF I95I SCALE OF MILES I LEGEND LINES OF EQUAL CHANGE IN GROUND " 2 WATER ELEVATIONS IN FEET ''7111V %# BOUNDARY OF PAJARO UNIT APPROXIMATE 500-FOOT CONTOUR OF PUBLIC WORKS OF WATER RESOURCES SANTA CRUZ -MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION LINES OF EQUAL CHANGE IN GROUND WATER ELEVATIONS IN PAJARO UNIT FALL OF 1947 TO FALL OF 1951 SCALE OF MILES PLATE 16 ^W'-7//||\* LEGEND LINES OF EQUAL ELEVATION OF GROUND WATER IN FEET BOUNDARY OF PAJARO UNIT APPROXIMATE 500-FOOT CONTOUR SANTA CRUZ -MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION LINES OF EQUAL ELEVATION OF GROUND WATER IN PAJARO UNIT JULY OF 1947 SCALE OF MILES PLATE 17 -GROUND SURFACE HYDRAULIC GRADIENT FOR MAXIMUM DRAFT UNDER CONDITIONS OF SAFE YIELD ■HYDRAULIC GRADIENT UNDER CONDITIONS OF OVERDRAFT -GROUND WATER TROUGH FREE GROUND WATER TABLE -Shore Line Mean Sea Level L WELL PERFORATED IN CONFINED AQUIFER DIAGRAMMATIC CROSS SECTION OF PAJARO UNIT HYDRAULIC GRADIENTS OF CONFINED AQUIFERS UNDER CONDITIONS OF SAFE YIELD AND OVERDRAFT % ?s/**^K rft9 ^ w b ^ * rf? # H.: fl^fl c^: 4 p : > o ^3 W -V V ■$13 ii«^ ^ i V » >?° *#g O : -^r4 |f ^r*n#'# » \\ \ V JV n>) & Vs /%m >Y ^•fe >- W< ;r>; •=,«■* fcW ^ c 7 ^ / LEGEND ~TJNfc POTENTIAL DAM AND RESERVOIR POTENTIAL CONDUIT ^3^7 EXISTING DAM AND RESERVOIR — — — EXISTING CONDUIT ""■■ — ' BOUNDARY OF SANTA CRUZ - MONTEREY AREA ■"■■— • BOUNDARY OF UNIT "'"l[f''V\\$ APPROXIMATE 500-FOOT CONTOUR OCEAN ^ > ^a DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SANTA CRUZ - MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION EXISTING WATER CONSERVATION WORKS WORKS CONSIDERED FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT V V }?%« op :.*-?' V ^ >* rgS^vf??" i» \ '< .' \,'' \ O. V £^~" t w rffc « «o \V V VjtUe^J^ G>' >l SjP*^* ^ JR. f i **C o ;*^ w iW 1J T>? \T W< ► v ;\ >V' V 7& r /f. X,^ ^ /> .^^ %3 %/a ^ \ ^ ^o' «f\ % %H#\ X *^ c* 1 > vV ^ A^ j- ^ f" \ i4,x! \b ^ %"ji*« v '/if'l. ^, ^ ^ Si ua %m^ : . i>{ «# £:■ LEGEND ARCHIBALD SERVICE AREA ^^^^ GLENWOOD SERVICE AREA J ZAYANTE SERVICE AREA ] UPPER SOQUEL SERVICE AREA DOYLE GULCH SERVICE AREA \ / \ WATSONVILLE SERVICE AREA PROPOSED CONDUIT "*>** PROPOSED DAM AND RESERVOIR ^SST"* BOUNDARY OF SANTA CRUZ -MONTEREY AREA — «. m ^ t ^ BOUNDARY OF UNIT V "//ll* ""#' APPROXIMATE 500-FOOT CONTOUR ^ ^ / c C E A N DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES SANTA CRUZ - MONTEREY COUNTIES INVESTIGATION POSSIBLE WATER CONSERVATION WORKS AND SERVICE AREAS UNDER INITIAL DEVELOPMENT GENERAL PLAN SCALE OF FEET CREST ELEV IOl' SPILLWAY CREST ELEV as r~ N, ^- Excavation Line *— Natural Ground 400 IN FEET 300 LENGTH PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM W.S ELEV 68 15'— | |— CRES T ELEV. IOl' impervious *; Excavation Line -p SECTION OF DAM scale of feet ARCHIBALD DAM ON SCOTT CREEK PLATE 22 GENERAL PLAN SCALE OF FEET 650 UJ SPILLWAY \CREST ELEV 603' CREST ELEV. 616' "- | 600 Z £ Z 550 O „j $•) 500 _l \ /? ^>v ^' -^ 5* n Lint > ^> f ^^C^V^ *^-— Natural Ground i i 300 LENGTH PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM W.S ELEV. 603' ■ijit - "' ~1 P~ 10 CREST ELEV. 616' Excavation , SECTION OF DAM SCALE OF FEET DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES ZAYANTE CREEK DAM ON ZAYANTE CREEK GENERAL PLAN SCALE OF FEET 300 r- 250 Id ZS 200 0„- 150 u z> 100 50 \ CREST ELEV 266' l V ^\ ^f^» atural Ground "^ V, cavat on Ufi e 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 LENGTH IN FEET PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM WS ELEV 257' CREST ELEV 266' SECTION OF DAM SCALE OF FEET DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES DOYLE GULCH DAM IN DOYLE GULCH CONTROL BOX GENERAL PLAN E 550 D ?•< 500 °">450 !j = 400 350 CREST ELEV. 511' ^CB SPILLWAY - \ ><*3 1,L,„. ^~/v atura/ Groan d. 200 300 400 LENGTH IN FEET PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM 500 600 W, S ELEV. 500' CREST ELEV SI l' SECTION OF DAM DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES GLENWOOD DAM WEST BRANCH SOQUEL CREEK GENERAL PLAN SCALE OF FEET CREST ELEV. 555' SPILLWAY , / CREST ELEV. 545i / Nw ^/' ***** ***^ J ~*~ l - £ xcavotion Line ^^rNotural Ground 200 300 400 LENGTH IN FEET PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM _w.s_elev 54 5 1 t~'°' CREST ELEV 555' SECTION OF DAM SCALE OF FEET DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES UPPER SOQUEL DAM ON SOQUEL CREEK GENERAL PLAN x CREST ELEV 211 ' SPILLWAY / -= :rest ELEV./ 200 ISO 100 ^r ^ £ 1 ^ | ". Natural Ground I 50 tCOisation Una — pX 200 400 600 800 1000 LENGTH IN FEET PROFILE OF DAM LOOKING UPSTREAM 1200 i400 W S ELEV. 205 — *\ [^—30' CREST ELEV 211 ' SECTION OF DAM SCALE OF FEET 100 200 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WATSONVILLE DAM IN CORN COB CANYON ^ ( RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY University of California Richmond Field Station, ^9^00 1301 South 46th Street, Richmond, CA 94804 4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS To re new or recharge your ^J*^ contact NRLF 4 days prior to AjedateaU&iujo DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JJJL561 Calif. Statfe wat sources boar d, Cs./ PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY 111564 TD201 _C_2 no. 5 .