BERKELEY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE LEGISLATIVE LIBRARY OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO ON November 1, 1912 PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO TORONTO : Printed by L. K. CAMERON, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty 1913 Price, $1.50 library soaeeL Printed by WILLIAM BRIGGS 29-37 Richmond Street West TORONTO r GIFI T 'iBdO as PREFACE. This is a catalogue of the books in the Legislative Library at the date of the removal from the temporary quarters at No. 4 Queen's Park to the new building, which catalogue has been prepared in accordance with directions received from the late Hon. A. J. Matheson, Provincial Treasurer. It comprises about 58,000 volumes, and includes about 10,000 volumes saved from the fire of September, 1909, the great bulk of the books having been subsequently acquired either by purchase or donation. The catalogue is an author list, except in the three leading departments of Law, Economics and Reference, in which departments the works are also detailed under their principal subjects. Inasmuch as this catalogue is intended to be permanent in character, forming a new foundation for the Library, to be supplemented hereafter by accession lists issued at convenient intervals, it has been thought proper not to include about a thousand volumes of current fiction now in the Library. In the ordinary course these volumes, on becoming worn, will be handed over to the inmates of the various Government institutions, to be by them repaired as additions to their libraries. Consequently it is useless printing the names of such books in this catalogue. The Library has acquired since the fire a considerable number of pamphlets, but it has not been possible yet to overtake the task of cataloguing them. It is interesting to recall that this is the sixth occasion on which this Library, the lineal successor of the Parliamentary Libraries of Upper Canada and the Province of Canada, has needed to be born again. Its first experience of evil fortune was suffered on 27th April, 1813, when the Parliament Buildings of Upper Canada at York were destroyed by an invading American force. On 30th December, 1824, an overheated stovepipe caused the destruction of the second Parliament Buildings; also of the Library, then not a very large collection. On 25th April, 1849, the Parliament Build- ings of the Province of Canada at Montreal were destroyed by a mob during the excite- ment attending the passage of the Rebellion Losses Bill. The Library at this time was a very valuable one of about 15,000 volumes in the Assembly Library and half that number in the Library of the Council. Only 200 volumes were saved. The fourth occasion was on 1st February, 1854, when the Parliament Buildings at Quebec fell a prey to an accidental fire, and the Library lost about half of the 17,000 volumes acquired during the five years which had elapsed since the previous visitation. At Confederation, when the Parliamentary Library was moved to Ottawa, the number of volumes had increased to 65,000, in consideration of the value of which Ontario and Quebec were each allowed $100,000 in the. computation of the Provincial Assets, and in addition a number of the volumes which were duplicates were handed back to each library, forming the nucleus of a new collection. The latest and most disastrous fire took place on 1st September, 1909, when the criminal negligence of plumbers who were repairing the roof of the Parliament Buildings caused the destruction of more than 100,000 of the 110,000 volumes which the Library then contained. As the new north block of the Parliament Buildings in which the Library is now housed is of fireproof construction and the Library furnishings are almost wholly of steel, it may reasonably be hoped that, with ordinary care and luck, the Library will not be burned for a sixth time. AVERN PARDOE, Toronto, 1st February, 1913. S 702? VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. TABLE OF CONTENTS. DEPARTMENTS AND SERIES. PAGE Abbreviations 739 Accounting and Auditing 739, 747 Acts of tbe Privy Council 345 Africa „ 3 Agriculture 7 Allusions 739 Almanacs 739 American Commonwealth Series 864 American Economic Association .... 194 American History Leaflets 865 American History Series 866 American Men of Letters 17 American State Series 472 American Statesmen 17 Annals of Congress 876 Annuities 743 Anthropology 777 Antonyms 744 Aphorisms 744 Architecture 12 Arms and Armour 744 Art Works 324 Artists, Great 31 Asiatic General, not Including India, China, Japan 15 Astronomy > 778 Atlases 744 Australia 15 Balkan States 862 Bibles and Commentaries 845 Bibliographies, Congressional 698 Bibliography 745 Bibliotheque Canadienne 53 Bibliotheque Nationale / 571 Biographical Dictionaries. 746 Biography ? 17 Biology 779 Bonn's Antiquarian Library 625 Bohn's Classical Library 626 Bohn's Standard Library 631 [Under the heading "Bohn's Standard Library" are included Bohn's Libraries bearing the following names: Historical, Philosophical, Ecclesiastical, Theological, Illus- trated, Sports and Games, Col- legiate, Scientific, Economics and Finance, Reference, Novelists and Artists.] Bond Tables -. 746 Bookbinding 746 Bookkeeping . . v . 739, 747 Botany '. 780 Cambridge History of English Litera- ture 575 Cambridge Manuals of Science and Literature - 782 Cambridge Modern History 410 Camden Society's Publications 349 Oampaign Series, Special 656 PAGE Campaigns of the Civil War, U. S 873 Canada, General Matters 52 Canada, Historical 90 Canada, Topographical 132 Canadian Archives 140 Catholic Record Society 364 Census, Canada 57 Census, Great Britain 703 Census, U. S 747, 874 Central America 833 Chemistry 783 China ■ 183 Chronology 694 Church History 842, 850 Coins and Medals 183 Colonial 180 Colonial Conferences 96 Columbia University Studies in His- tory, Etc 206 Concordances 748 Congress, Annals of 876 Congressional Globe 876 Congressional Record 876 Constitutional Law and History.. 472, 502 Contemporary Science Series 783 Cramoisy Series 98 Crests ; 748 Curiosities 748 Dates 748 Dictionaries 749 Classical ... .\ 756 Classical Quotations 756 English 756 Foreign 756 Gaelic 757 Irish 757 Latin 766 Scotch 757 Slang 757 Digests, Englisih Law 558 Indian Law 559 Canadian Law 561 Directories 758, 769 Discount Tables 760 Dominions Department of Colonial Office 100 Drama 185 Economics and Finance, by Authors. 194 Economics and Finance, by Subjects. 263 Education 311 Educational Subjects, Special Re- ports on 317 Election Cases 490 Electricity 785 Encyclopedias 760 Engineering and Mechanics 321 English Citizen Series 215 English Men of Action 26 English Men of Letters 27 Entomology 785 TABLE OF CONTENTS. vn PAGE Epochs of Ancient History 410 Epochs of Church History 850 Epochs of Modern History 410 Ethnology 777 Everyday Help Series of Useful Hand- books 648 Facts and Fancies 762 Famous Sayings 702 Fine Airts 324 Flags 762 Forestry 791 France 337 Galerie Historique 63 Gazetteers 763 General Scientific Treatises 810 Geographical Science 813 Geological Survey of Canada Publi- cations 815-822, 823 Geology 813 Germany 344 Glossaries 763 Great Artists 31 Great Britain 344 Great Writers 32 Handbook of American Govern- ments 479 Harvard Economic Studies 221 Harvard Historical Studies 887 Heraldry 733, 764 Heroes of the Nations 34 Historical Manuscripts Commission.. 372 History, General 408 Hygienic .• 646 Ichthyology 826 Idioms 763, 764 Imperial Parliament Series 224 Indexes 764 India 418 Interest Tables 765 International Education Series 313 International Daw 515 International Scientific Series 827 Ireland 402 Italy 421 Japan 422 Johns Hopkins Reprints of Economic Tracts 225 Johns Hopkins Studies in Historical and Political Science 225 Journals of Lords and Commons 377 Labour, United States Commission- er's Reports 231 Labour Commission, British, Reports 236 Law Reports now taken in Library. . 924 Learned Societies 674 Legal, Canadian Law Reports 560 Legal, Canadian Provincial Law Re- ports 560 Legal, Constitutional Law and His- tory and Parliamentary Proced- ure 472 Legal, Digests, Canadian Law 561 Legal, Digests, English Law 558 PAGE Legal, Digests, Indian Law 559 Legal, Election Cases 490 Legal, Law Reports, English, before Judicature Act 537 Legal, Law Reports, English, Since Judicature Act 556 Legal, Statutes 527 Legal, Treaties 491 Legal, Trials 493 Legal, United States Law Reports . . . 562 Legal Publications 565 Legal Works, by Authors 423 Legal Works, by Subjects 499 Letter Writing 766 Lettering 766 Levis Documents 107 Literature 566 Lower Canada Assembly Journals ... 70 Lower Canada Council Journals 70 Lumber Tables 767 Lundy's Lane Historical Society 108 Magnetism and Electricity 785 Maxims 767 Mediaeval Towns Series 645 Medical and Hygienic 646 Mermaid Series of Old Dramatists. . . 186 Meteorology 830 Metric Systems 767 Mexico 833 Mines Branch, Ottawa 873 Modern Criminal Science Series 287 Money 767 Montreal Historical Society Ill Mottoes 768 Names 762, 768 National Monetary Commission, U. S. 242 Naval and Military 655 Navigation 657 Netherlands 658 New Zealand 658 Newspapers, Bound 679 Newspapers now taken in Reading- Room 926 Niagara Historical Society 112 Nicknames 769 North American Indians 659 Ontario Historical Society 113 Optics 783 Original Narratives of Early Ameri- can History 901 Ornithology 830 Parliamentary Debates, British 382 Parliamentary Debates, Canadian 60 Parliamentary Procedure. . 472, 519, 524 Peerages 770 Periodicals, bound sets 674 Periodicals, Current, now taken in Library 923 Periods of European History 414 Philology 311 Philosophy 680 Phrases 770 Physiology 779 Place Names 770 Poetry 683 Vlll TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Portugal 836 Progressive Science Series 831 Proverbs 771 Pseudonyms 772 Quebec Historical Documents 115 Quebec Literary and Historical So- ciety 116 Quotations 766, 772 Receipts 773 Reference 694-776 Rhyming Dictionaries 773 Rulers of India 44 Russia | 776 Sayings 773 Scandinavia 777 Science 777 Scotland 394 Scottish History Society 398 Shafespeare 187 Social Questions of the Day 252 Social Science Series 252 Societies' Publications 674 South America 833 South Sea Islands 836 Spain 836 Sparks' American Biographies 46 Special Campaign Series 656 Special Reports on Educational Sub- jects 317 Speeches 837 Sports 842 j fj PAGE State Papers, British 390 Statutes, Canadian 530 Statutes, English and British 527 Statutes, Indexes to 533 Statutes, India 534 Statutes, United States and Several States 534 Stories of the Nations 414 Synonyms 774 Tables 775 Theology 844 Translations and Reprints from Origi- nal Sources of European History. 417 Treaties 491 Trials 493 Turkey 862 Twelve English Statesmen 49 United States 862 United States Government Publica- tions, Indexes to 880 Upper Canada, Journals of Council and Assembly 87 Voyages 914 West Indies 833 Wisconsin University Publications. . . 261 Wit and Humour Series 593, 624 Writers, Great 32 Year Books 694 Zoology 831 CATALOGUE OF THE LEGISLATIVE LIBRARY OF ONTARIO ON NOVEMBER 1, 1912. AFRICA Africa and Its Explorations, as Told by Its Explorers, Mungo Park to Emin Pasha, etc. 2 vols. London, 1907. Amicis, Edmondo de. Morocco. Translated by Maria Hornor Lansdale. 2 vols. Edition de Luxe. New York, 1897. Baillie, Major F. D. Mafeking: a Diary of the Siege. Westminster, 1900. Bartlett, E. Ashmead. The Passing of the Shereefian Empire. New York, 1910. Blackburn, D. & Caddell, W. W. Secret Service in South Africa. London, 1911. Brackenbury, Maj.-Gen. Henry. The Eiver Column; a Narrative of the River Column of the Nile Expeditionary Force and Its Return down the Rapids. London, 1885. Brugsch-Bey, Heinrich. Egypt under the Pharaohs. History Derived Entirely from the Monuments. Condensed and Thoroughly Revised by Mr. Brodriek. Third Edition. London, 1902. Bryce, James. Impressions of South Africa. New York, 1897. Budge, E. A. Wallis. The Egyptian Sudan. Its History and Monuments. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1907. Budge, E. A. W. Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection. London, 1911. Burton, A. R. E. Cape Colony for the Settler. An Account of Its Urban and Rural Industries. Their Probable Future, Development and Extension. London, 1903. Cape of Good Hope Acts. Cape Town. 1909. Cappon, James. Britain's Title in South Africa; or the Story of Cape Colony, to the Days of the Great Trek. Second Edition. With a New Preface. London, 1902. Carter, Thomas Fortescue. Narrative of the Boer War : Its Causes and Results. London, 1900. Cecil, Evelyn. On the Eve of the War: a Narrative of Impressions during a Journey in South Africa, in 1899-1900. London, 190O. Churchill, W, S. Ian Hamilton's March: together with Extracts from the Diary of Lt. H. Frankland, a Prisoner of War at Pretoria. Toronto, 1900. Churchill, Winston Spencer. My African Journey. London, 1908. Churchill, Winston Spencer. The River War. An Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan. Edited by Col. F. Rhodes. 2 vols. London, 1899. [3] 1 o. AFRICA — Continued. Colonial Officer (A). 25 Years' Soldiering in South Africa. A Personal Narrative. London, 1909. Creswicke, Louis. South Africa and the Transvaal War. 6 vols, in 3. Edin- burgh, 1906. Cromer, The Earl of. Modern Egypt. 2 vols. London, 1908. Cunningham, J. P. Uganda and Its Peoples. With a Preface by Sir Harry Johnston. London, 1905. De Wet, Christian Rudolf. Three Years' War (Oct., 1899- June, 1902). West- minster, 1902. Dormer, F. J. Vengeance as a Policy: a Plea for a New Departure. London, 1901. D'Orsey, Rev. A. J. D. Portuguese Discoveries, Dependencies and Missions in Asia and Africa. London, 1893. Doyle, Sir A. -Oman. The Great Boer War. New York, 1900. Erasmus, Sarel. Prinsloo of Prinsloosdorp. A Tale of Transvaal Officialdom. Being Incidents in the Life of a Transvaal Official. London, 1899. Fitzpatrick, Sir Percy. The Transvaal from Within : a Private Record of Public Affairs. London, 1899. Fitzpatrick, Sir Percy. Jock of the Bushveld. London, 1903. Forrest, A. S. & Bensusan, A. L. Morocco. London, 1904. Fyfe, H. Hamilton. South Africa To-day. With an Account of Modern Rhodesia. London, 1911. Garrett, Edmund, and Edwards, E. J. Story of an "African Crisis : Being the Truth about the Jameson Raid. Westminster, 1897. German Official Account of the War in South Africa. Authorised Translation by Colonel W. H. H. Waters. With Maps and Illustrations. London, 1904. Gillmore, Parker. The Hunter's Arcadia. London, 1886. Graham, E. Maud. A Canadian Girl in South Africa. Toronto, 1905. Greswell, William Parr. Geography of Africa South of the Zambesi: with Notes on the Industries, Wealth and Social Progress of the States and Peoples. Oxford, 189®. Hall, R. N. Great Zimbabwe, Mashonaland, Rhodesia. An Account of Two Years' Examination Work, in 190)2-4, on behalf of the Government of Rhodesia. Introduction by Prof. Keane. London, 1905. Hamilton, Angus. Somaliland. London, 1911. Hart, J. J. Incidents in the South African Campaign. St. John, N.B., 1901. Hillegas, Howard C. Oom Paul's People: a Narrative of the British-Boer Troubles in South Africa : with a History of the Boers, the Country, and Its Institutions. New York, 1899. Jessett, M. G. The Key to South Africa. — Delagoa Bay. London, 1899. Johnston, Sir Harry. Britain across the Seas. — Africa; a History and Descrip- tion of the British Empire in Africa. London, 1910. Johnston, Sir Harry. George Grenfell and the Congo; a History and Descrip- tion of the Congo Independent State and Adjoining Districts of Congo- land, together with Some Account of the Native Peoples and Their Languages, the Fauna and Flora; and Similar Notes on the Cameroons and the Island of Fernando Po. 2 vols. London, 1908. Johnston, Sir Harry. Pioneers in West Africa. London, 1912. AFRICA — Continued. Landor, A. H. S. Across Widest Africa. An Account of the Country and People of Eastern, Central and Western Africa as Seen During a 12 Months' Journey from Djibuti to Cape Verde. 2 vols. London, 1907. Leyds, W. J. The First Annexation of the Transvaal. 2 vols. London, 1906. Lyne, R. N. Zanzibar in Contemporary Times; a Short History of the Southern East in the 19th Century. London, 1905. Mahan, Captain A. T. The War in South Africa. — A Narrative of the Anglo-Boer War from the Beginning of Hostilities to the Fall of Pretoria. With an Introduction by Sir John G. Bourinot. Oblong folio. New York, 1901. Marriott, Rt. Hon. Sir Wm. The War and Its Cost. — Who Should Pay? Letters from South Africa. London, 1901. Maspero, G. New Light on Ancient Egypt: Translated from the French by Elizabeth Lee. New York, 190>9. Maurice, Major- General Sir Frederick, K.C.B., with a Staff of Officers. History of the War in South Africa, 1899-1902: Compiled by Direction of His Majesty's Government. 4 vols, St. John, N.B., 1896. Howe, Hon. Joseph. Poems and Essays : Essays on Shakespeare ; Eloquence ; Moral Influence of Women; Address, Howe Festival; the Locksmith of Phila- delphia (a Tale) ; Address, Young Men's Christian Association, Ottawa, 1872. Montreal, 1874. Howe, Hon. Joseph. Speeches and Public Letters of. Edited by William Annand. 2 vols. Boston, 1858. Howe, Joseph. Speeches and Public Letters of (Based upon Mr. Annand's Edition of 1858). New and Complete Edition. Revised and Edited by Joseph Andrew Chisholm. 2 vols. Halifax, 1909. Howland, O. A. The New Empire : Reflections upon Its Origin and Constitution and Its Relation to the Great Republic. Toronto, 1891. Howley, Very Rev. M. F. Ecclesiastical History of Newfoundland. Boston, 1888. Huard, l'Abbe V. A. L'Apotre du Saguenay. (Mgr. Racine.) Quebec, 1895. CANADA, GENERAL— Continued. 67 Hudon, le P. L. Vie de la Mere Marie Catherine de Saint Augustin, Religieuse de PHotel Dieu du Precieux Sang, de Quebec, 1632-1668. Montreal, 1907. Hudson, Henry. His Time and His Voyages. By Edgar Mayhew Bacon: Illus- trated. New York and London, 1907. Husto'n, J. Legendes iCanadiennes. Paris, 1853. Huston, J. Repertoire National; ou Recueil de Litterature Canadienne. 4 vols. in 2. Montreal, 1848. * Hutchinson, Horace G. A Saga of the Sunbeam. London, 1911. Hydro-Electric Power Commission of the Province of Ontario: — ■Reports 1 to 5 on Water Powers, and Producer Gas Plants. And Pamphlets * Used by the Commisison. Toronto, 1906-10. 1st and 2nd Annual Reports. Toronto, 1910-11. Imperial Returns Relating to Canada. Vols. 1 to 105, with Index Volume. Folio. 1812 to present date. Independent Order of Oddfellows. Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the Pro- vince of Ontario, Canada. Toronto. Fifty-sixth Annual Session. Held at Toronto, August 10th and 11th, 1910. ' Index, General, to the Journals of the House of Assembly of the Late Province of Upper Canada, Commencing with the 1st Session of the 9th Parliament (1825) and Ending with the 5th Session of the 13th Parliament (1840.) By Alfred Todd. Montreal, 1848. Folio. Index, General, to the Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Canada in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Parliaments, 1841-51. By Alfred Todd. Montreal, 1855. Folio. Index, General, to the Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Canada in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Parliaments, 1852-1866. By Alfred Todd. Ottawa, 1867. Folio. Inde^, General, to the Journals of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada and of the Sessional Papers of Parliament, from 1867 to 1876 Inclusive. By W. C. Bowles. Ottawa, 1880. Index, General, to the Journals of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada and of the Sessional Papers of Parliament, from 1877 to 1890 Inclusive. By W. C. Bowles. Ottawa, 1891. Index, General, to the Journals of the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada and of the Sessional Papers of Parliament, from 1891 to 1903 Inclusive. By D. McGillicuddy. Ottawa, 1905. Index, to the Debates, and Speeches in the Ontario Legislative Assembly, 1867-8 to 1887, Extracted from the Press. By A. H. Sydere. Toronto, 1887. Index, General, to the Journals and Sessional Papers of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, 1867-8 to 1888. By A. H. Sydere. Toronto, 1888. Index, General, to the Journals and Sessional Papers of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, 1889 to 1900. By A. H. Sydere. Toronto, 1900. Index, General, to the Journals and Sessional Papers of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, 1901 to 1912. By A. H. Sydere. Toronto, 1912. Index and Dictionary of Canadian History. Edited by L. J. Burpee & A. G. Doughty. Indian Treaties and Surrenders, from 1680 to 1890. 2 vols, in 1. Ottawa, 1891. Industries of Canada. Toronto, 1886. 5 c. 68 CANADA, GENERAL— Continued. Inglis, Eev. Walter. African Missionary and Canadian Pastor. Memoirs and Re- mains of. By the Eev William Cochrane. Toronto, 1887. Institut Cana*dien de Quebec, Annuaire de 1'. Quebec Nos. 1 to 6. 1874-1879. Nos. 8 and 9. 1881-1882. Inteecolonial Railway Exploratory Survey; Report on: Made under Instruc- tions from the Canadian Government, in the Year 1864, by Sandford Fleming. Quebec, 1865. Intebnational Deep Waterways Association, Proceedings of the First Annual Convention of the, Cleveland, September 24, 25, 26, 1895. Toronto, 1895. International Navigation, Reports of the Commissioners of, Appointed by His Excellency Sir Peregrine Maitland, in Pursuance of an Act of the Pro- vincial Parliament of Upper Canada. Passed in the 2nd Year of His Majesty's Eeign, Entitled "An Act to Make Provision for the Improve- ment of the Internal Navigation of This Province." 4to. Kingston, 1826. Ieving, L. H. Officers of the British Forces in Canada, during the War of 1812-15. Toronto, 1908. Jebb, Richard-. Studies in Colonial Nationalism. London, 1905. Jephson, Lady. A 'Canadian Scrap Book. London, 1897/ Jodoin A. & Vincent, J. L. Histoire de Longueuil et de la Famille de Longueuil. Montreal, 1889. Jogues, P. Isaac (Le), de la Compagnie de Jesus, Premier Apotre des Iroquois, Par le R. P. F. Martin. Paris, 1888. Johnson,, George. Alphabet of First Things in Canada. Ottawa, 1897. Jobdan, J. A. The Grosse Isle Tragedy; and the Monument to Irish Fever Vic- tims, 1847. 4to. Quebec, 1909. Jukes, Mrs. M. H. The Earnest Christian : Memoirs. Letters, and Journals of Harriet Maria, Wife of the Late Rev. Mark R. Jukes. Compiled and Edited by Mrs. H. A. Gilbert. Second Edition. London, 1858. Kastneb, Frederic de. Heros de la Nouvelle France. Quebec, 1902. 3 series. Kennedy, George. Alphabetical Digest of Cases relating to Crown Lands and Cognate Matters. Toronto, 1891. Kennedy, Howard Angus. The French Canadians. London, 1902. Kent, F. M., H.R.H., The Duke of. Life. Illustrated by His Correspondence with the De Salaberry Family. Never Before Published. Extending from 1791 to 1814. By Dr. W. J. Anderson. Ottawa and Toronto, 1870. King's College University and Upper Canada College. Final Report of the Com- missioners of Inquiry into the Affairs of. Quebec, 1852. Kingsfobd, Wm. Canadian Archaeology; an Essay. Montreal, 1886. Kingsfobd, Wm. The' Canadian. Canals; Their History and Cost. With an In- quiry into the Policy Necessary to Advance the Well-being of the Pro- vince. Toronto, 1865. Labine, Gustave. Histoire des Premiers Travaux des Peres Recollets en la Nou- velle France; 1615-1629. Montreal, 1893. Lacombe., Tather, the Black-Robed Voyageur. By Katherine Hughes. New York, 1911. Lafontaine, J. L. Institut-Canadien, en 1855. Montreal, 1855.* Lafontaine, L. H., Sir Morin, A. N., l'Hon. Par L. O. David. Montreal, 1872. Lafontaine et Son Temps; Cartier et Son Temps. Par Alfred D. de Celles. 2 vols, in 1. Montreal, 1907. CANADA, GENERAL— Continued. 69 Lake, Major Gen. Sir P. H. N. Report upon the Best Method of Giving Effect to the Recommendations of Gen. Sir John French regarding the Canadian Militia. Ottawa, 1910. Langelier, PHon. Chs. Souvenirs Politiques, de 1878 a 1890. Recits, fitudes et Portraits. Quebec, 1909. Langtry, Rev. J. History of the Church in Eastern Canada and Newfoundland. London, 1892. Lareau, Edmond. Histoire de la Litterature Canadienne. Montreal, 1874. Lareau, Edmond. Melanges Historiques et Litteraires Montreal, 1877. Larose, Wilfrid. Varietes Canadiennes. Avec une Preface de M. Louis Frechette. Montreal, 1898. Laurier, Sir Wilfrid. Discours a l'fitranger et au Canada. Montreal, 1909. Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, Premier Minister du Canada. Par Henri Moreau. Trois- ieme Edition. Paris, 1902. • Laurier, et Son Temps. Par L. O. David. Montreal, 1905. Laurier, Wilfrid. On the Platform. 1871-1890. Collection of His Principal Speeches, Since His Entry into Active Politics in 1871. Compiled by Ulric Barthe. Quebec, 1890. Lawrence, J. W. The Judges of New Brunswick, and Their Times. From the MS. of the Late Joseph Wilson Lawrence. Edited and Annotated by Alfred A. Stockton. St. John, N. B., 1907. Lawson, W. R. Canada and the Empire. Edinburgh, 1911. Le Ber, Miss. Christian Heroine of Canada; or Life of. Translated from the French. Montreal, 1861. Legendre, Napoleon. Langue Franchise (La) au Canada. Quebec, 1890. Leonard, Hon. E. (Member of Legislative Council, 1863.) Autobiography. Lon- don, Ont., 1894. Leprohon, Madame. Antoinette de Mirecourt; or Secret Marrying and Secret Sorrowing. A Canadian Tale. Montreal, 1864. Leprohon, Madame. Manoir de Villerai. Roman Canadien. Montreal, 1884. Leprohon, Madame. Armand Durand; ou la Promesse Acco'mplie. Traduit de 1' Anglais, par J. A. Genand. Montreal, 1892. Lesperance, John. The Bastonnais. Tale of the American Invasion of Canada, in 1775-76. Toronto, 1877. Letellier de St. Just et son Temps. Par P. B. Casgrain. Quebec, 1885. Liberal Convention, Official Report of the, Held in Response to the Call of Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, Leader of the Liberal Party of the Dominion of Canada, Ottawa, 1893. Toronto, 1893. Lighthall, W. D. The False Chevalier; or the Lifeguard of Marie Antoinette. Montreal, 1898. Lighthall, W. D. The Young Seigneur; or Nation-Making. Montreal, 1888. Lindsey, Charles. Rome in Canada: the Ultramontane Struggle for Supremacy over the Civil Power. Toronto, 1889. Liquor License Act, 1883 (Dominion) ; with the Acts Amending the Same; also Enactments of the Imperial Parliament with Reference to Licenses in the Provinces Which Now Constitute the Dominion of Canada; also Pro- vincial Enactments on the Same Subject, Etc. 4to. Toronto, 1885. List of Upper Canadian Militia Who Have Been Granted "War Medals" for Actions in the War with the United States of America, of 1812-14. n.'p., n. d. 70 CANADA, GENERAL— Continued. Liquoe Prohibition Appeal, 1895. An Appeal from the Supreme Court of Canada to Her Majesty the Queen in Council. Cases of Ontario, Appellant; and of Canada, and the Distillers and Brewers Association of Ontario, Re- spondents. Appendices. Arguments and Judgments of the Privy Coun- cil, 9 May, 1896. London. Livee d'Or (Le) de la Noblesse Rurale Canadienne Francaise. Publie par le Com- ite des Anciennes Families. Quebec, 1909. Lizaes, Robina & K. M. Humours of '37, Grave, Gay and Grim. Rebellion Times in the Canadas. Toronto, 1897. Loan Companies. Building Societies, and Trust Companies Reports. Ottawa, 1887- 1892, 1893-1898/1899-1904, 1905-1910. Loan Portrait Exhibition under the Management of the Woman's Art Association of Canada. Open from 3rd to. 15th April, 1899, Temple Building, To- ronto: Catalogue. Toronto, 1899. Logan, Sir W, E., Knight, First Director of the Geological Survey of Canada. Life of. By B. J. Harrington. Montreal, 1883. Loie, Dr. Adrien. Canada et Canadiens. Paris, 1908. London, Ont. Proceedings of Municipal Council. Reports, etc. 1909, 1910, 1911. Long, J. Robert. Canadian Politics. With Speeches by the Leaders of Reform and Progress in Canadian Politics on Government. St. Catharines, 1903. Loene, Marquis of. Imperial Federation. London, 1885. Loene, Marquis of. Memories of Canada, Speeches and Verses. Montreal, 1884. Loene, Marquis of. Our Relations with Canada and Great Colonies. London, 1883. Loweb Canada Assembly Joubnals: — ■ AU the Volumes of the Reprint, Vols. 1 to 21, 1793 to 1817. Quarto. Journals, 1802, 2nd Sess., 3rd Parliament. Vol. 10. " 1803, 3rd and 4th Sess., 3rd Parliament. Vol. 11. 1818, 2nd Sess., 9th Parliament. Vol. 27. 1819, 3rd Sess., 9th Parliament. Vol. 28. " 1820 & 1820-1, 10 & 11th Parliaments. Vols. 29 and 30. * 1821-22, 2nd Sess., 11th Parliament. Vol. 31. " 1823, 3rd Sess., 11th Parliament. Vol. 32. " 1823-24, 4th Sess., 11th Parliament. Vol. 33. Appendix (1823-24, Vol. 33). " 1825, 1st Sess., 12th Parliament. Vol. 34. " 1826, 2nd Sess., 12th Parliament. Vol. 35. 1827, 3rd Sess., 12th Parliament. Vol. 36. " 1828-29, 2nd Sess., 13th Parliament. Vol. 88. Appendix A-Z (1828-29, Vol. 38). Appendix AA-MM (1828-29, Vol. 38). " 1830, 3rd Sess., 13th Parliament. Vol. 39. Appendix (1830, Vol. 39). " 1831, 1st Sess., 14th Parliament. Vol. 40. Appendix (1831, Vol. 40). " 1831-32, 2nd Sess., 14th Parliament. Vol. 41. Appendix (1831- 32, Vol. 41). Lower Canada, Joubnals of the Legislative Council of — Journals, 1792, 1st Parliament. " 1815, 1st Sess., 8th Parliament. " - 1816, 2nd Sess., 8th Parliament. « 1817, 1st Sess., 9th Parliament. CANADA, GENERAL— Continued. 71 Journals, 1818, 2nd Sess., 9th Parliament. " 1819, 3rd Sess., 9th Parliament. " 1823, 3rd Sess., 11th Parliament. " 1831, 1st Sess., 14th Parliament. " 1832-33, 3rd Sess., 14th Parliament. * 1834, 4th Sess., 14th Parliament. f 1832-33, 3rd Sess., 14th Parliament. Vol. 42. Appendix A-M (1832-33, Vol. 42). Appendix N-P (1832-33, Vol. 42). " 1834, 4th Sess., 14th Parliament. Vol. 43. Appendix (1834, Vol. 43). " 1835, 1st Sess., 15th Parliament. Vol. 44. " 1835-36, 2nd Sess., 15th Parliament. Vol. 45. Appendix A-EE (1835-36, Vol. 45). Appendix EE-KK (1835-36, Vol. 45). Ap- pendix LL-GGG (1835-36, Vol. 45). "■ 1836, 3rd Sess., 15th Parliament. Vol. 46. 1837, 4th Sess., 15th Parliament. Vol. 47. Lower Canada Watchman (Papers Collected from the Kingston Chronicle, and Signed T. L. C. W.). Kingston, 1829. Lumsden, James. The Skipper Parson on the Bays and Barrens of Newfound- land. London, 1905. Lusignan, Alphonse. Fautes a Corriger, nne Chaque Jour. Quebec, 1890. Lynch, Most Rev. John Joseph, 1st Archbishop of Toronto. Life and Labour of. By H. C. McKeown. Montreal, 1886. McAleer, George. A Study in the Etymology of the Indian Place Name Missis- quoi. Worcester, Mass., 1906. Macdonald, Hon. (Sir) John A. Address of, to the Electors of Kingston. With Extracts from Mr. Macdon aid's Speeches Delivered on Different Occasions, in the Years 1860 and 1861, Etc. n. p., n. d. Macdonald, Sir John A. Report of the Demonstration in Honour of the 40th Anniversary of the Entrance of, into Public Life. Proceedings at Toronto and Montreal. Complete List of Delegates Appointed to Attend Toronto Convention. Compiled by F. Nicholls & A. W. Wright. Toronto, 1885. Macdonald, Right Hon. Sir John, Biographies of, see "Biography." Macdonald, John Sandfield. First Prime Minister of Ontario. Proceedings at the Unveiling of the Statue- of; Queen's Park, Toronto, 1909. ' Macdonell, Hon. and Right Rev. Alexander, Reminiscences of the Late, First Catholic Bishop of Upper Canada: and (Incidentally) of Other Old Residents of the Province. Toronto, 1888. Macdonell, Hon. and Rt. Rev. Alexander, Captain of the Glengarry Fencible or British Highland Regiment, First Catholic Bishop of Upper Canada and a Member of the Legislative Council of the Province. Sketch of the Life of By J. A. Macdonell, of Greenfield, Alexandria, Ont., 1890. . McGee, Hon. Thos. D'Arcy. An Address Delivered before St. Patrick's Society, of Sherbrooke. By R. D. McGibbon. Mar. 17, 1884. Montreal. McGee, Hon. Thos. D'Arcy. A Sketch of His Life and Death. By Fennings Taylor. Montreal, 1868. McGee, Hon. Thos. D'Arcy. Catholic History of North America. Five Discourses. To Which Are Added Two Discourses on the Relations of Ireland and America. Boston, 1855. . * 72 CANADA, GENERAL— Continued. McGee, Hon. T. D. History of the Irish Settlers in North America, from the Earliest Period to the Census of 1850. Boston, 1851. McGee, Hon. T. D. The Irish Position in British and in Republican North America. A Letter to the Irish Press irrespective of Party. Montreal, 1866. McGee, Hon. Thos. D'Arcy. Sketch of His Life and Death. By Fennings Taylor. Montreal, 1868. McGee, Hon. Thomas D'Arcy. Speeches and Addresses. Chiefly on the Subject of British-American Union. London, 1865. McHabg, W. Hart. From Quebec to Pretoria with the Eoyal Canadian Regiment. Toronto, 1903. Machray, Robert, D.D., LL.D., D.C.L., Archbishop of Rupert's Land; Primate of All Canada, Prelate of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, Life of. By His Nephew Robert Machray. London, 1909. McKay, K. W: The Court Houses of a Century. A Brief Historical Sketch of the Court Houses of the London District, the County of Middlesex and County of Elgin. With Introduction by James H. Coyne. (Published by the Elgin Historical and Scientific Institute.) St. Thomas, 1901. Mackenzie, Hon. Alex. Speeches during His Recent Visit to. Scotland. With His Principal Speeches in Canada, since the Session of 1875. Accom- panied by a Portrait and Sketch of His Life and Public Services. To- ronto, 1876. Mackenzie, Sir Edward Mackenzie. Baronets of Nova Scotia: Their Country and Cognizance. (Reprint from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada; 1901.) Mackenzie, William Lyon. Sketches of Canada, and the United States. Lon- don, 1833. Mackenzie, William Lyon. Canadian Repealer's Almanac. Containing Statis- tics, Essays and Memoranda, &c. Toronto, 1856. In same volume, Alma- nac of Independence and Freedom. Containing a Plea of the Relief of the Inhabitants of Canada from a state of Colonial Vassalage or Irre- sponsible Rule, &c. Interleaved with Notes and Press Extracts, among them Notices of the Death and Funeral of Mackenzie in 1861. Toronto, 1860. Mackenzie, William Lyon. The Legislative Black List of Upper Canada: or Official Corruption and Hypocrisy Unmasked (Pamphlet). New York. 1828. MacLeod, Donald. Memoirs of the Life and Gallant Exploits of the Old High- lander, Serjeant Donald MacLeod, Who Having Returned, Wounded, with the Corpse of General Wolfe, from Quebec, Was Admitted an Out-Pen- sioner of Chelsea Hospital, in 1759; and Is Now in the 103rd Year of His Age. London, 1791. MacMurchy, Archibald. Handbook of Canadian Literature (English). Toronto, 1906. MacPhail, Andrew. Essays in Politics. London, 1909. Magkath, C. A. Canadafs Growth, and Some Problems Affecting It. Ottawa, 1910. Maisonneuve, Histoire de la Vie de M. Paul de Chomedey Sieur de, Fondateur et Premier Gouverneur de Villemarie; 1640-1676. Par P. Rosseau. Mont- real, n.d. CANADA, GENERAL— Continued. 73 Maisonneuve Monument. — Souvenir de la Ceremonie ^'Inauguration, n.p. 1895. Manitoba, Province of, Journals of the Assembly, 1872, 1875, 1877, 1876, 1879, 1884 to 1912; Sessional papers, same period; Statutes, same period. Manitoba School Question, Papers, Debates, Pamphlets and Scrapbooks, 14 vols. : — Vol. 1. Ottawa Papers. 1891-4. (1) Documents in reference to the Abolition of the French Language in Manitoba, 1890. (2) Documents in reference to the Abolition of Separate Schools in Manitoba, 1891. (3) Supplementary Documents in the Case of Barrett vs. City of Winni- peg, in reference to Abolition of Separate Schools in Manitoba, 1891. (4) Petitions, Memorials, Appeals, &c, since 15th March, 1892, relating to the Manitoba School Acts of 1890, and to Section 22 of the "Mani- toba Act" and Section 93 of the "British North American Act." 1893. (5) School Laws and Other Educational Matters in Assiniboia, Prince Edward Island, the North-west Territories and Manitoba; Includ- ing the Judgment of the Supreme Court respecting the Appeal from the Minority in Manitoba. 1894. Vol. 2. Ottawa Papers and Debates. 1895. (1) Judgment of the Lords of the Judicial 'Committee of the (Imperial) Privy Council ; together with the Imperial Order in Council ; and the Remedial Order in Council. 1895. (2) Papers in reference to the Manitoba School Case Presented to Parlia- ment, during the Session of 1895. (3) Debates in the House of Commons, Canada, during the Session April 22nd to July 18th. 1895. Vol. 3. Pamphlets. Woodstock, Toronto, Winnipeg, &c. 1893-95. (1) Mowat, Sir Oliver. Public Schools in the French Districts. 1889. (2) Pringle, Allen. Bibles and Religions OUT versus IN the Public Schools. 1891. (3) Ewart, John S. The Manitoba School Question. An Historical Account of the Red River Outbreak in 1869 and 1870. Its Causes, and Its Success as Shown in the Treaty — the Manitoba Act — and a Short Summary of Protestant Promises. 1894. (4) Addenda. Judgment of the Lords of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. (5) Ewart, John S. Lecture on the Manitoba School Question in Winni- peg. 1895. (6) Wade, F. C. The Manitoba School Question. 1895. (7) Ewart, John S: The Manitoba School Question. Reply to Mr. Wade. 1895. (8) Fisher, James. The Manitoba School Question. 4 Letters. 1895. (9) Is Manitoba Right? A Question of Ethics, Politics, Facts and Law. A Review of the Manitoba School Question Published by '"the .Winnipeg Tribune." * (10) Meek, Edward. Legal and Constitutional Aspects of the Manitoba School Question. 1895 . Vol. 3. Pamphlets (Cont'd.) (11) Anglin, Frank A. The Manitoba Question. Principal Grant's Letters Reviewed. 1895. 74 CANADA, GENERAL— Continued. (12) Kribs, Louis P. Manitoba School Question — Considered Legally, Historically and Controversially. 1895. (13) Mr. Pringle's Letter on Mr. Ewart's, Position— Feb. 11, 1893. (14) Principal Grant's Letters — Septr., 1895. Reply to Principal Grant from from Kingston— 14 Septr., 1895. (15) New Brunswick. Schools Act — 1871. (16) Mr. Joseph Martin's Letter re Principal Grant and the Schools — Septr., 1895. (17) Dr. King's View on the Question— Dec., 1895. (18) Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper's Letter. And Editorial— Oct., 1895. (19) Chicago Times-Herald Correspondence — Nov., 1895; Jany., 1896. Vol. 4. Mail Editorials and Extracts, 1895-6. With Table of Contents. Vol. 5. Globe Editorials and Extracts, 1895-6. With Table of Contents. Vol. "6. Globe Editorials and Extracts, Feb.-March, 1896. Vol. 7. Globe Editorials and Extracts, April-July, 1896. r Mail & Empire Editorials and Extracts, Feb.-June, 1896. ' <• Free Press, London, &c. Vol. 9. Debates in the House of Commons (Ottawa), Feb.-March, 1896. (Including Remedial Act (Manitoba.)) Vol. 10. Debates in the House of Commons (Ottawa), March-April, 1896. (Including Senator Power on Remedial Bill; &c. ; &c.) Vol. 11. Globe Editorials and Extracts, Aug. 5, 1896-Jan. 8, 1897. With Table of Contents. Vol. 12. Globe Editorials and Extracts, Jan. 8, 1897-Jan. 17, 1898. With Table of Contents. Vol. 13. Mail & Empire Editorials and Extracts, Aug. 6, 1896-Jan. 17, 1898. With Table of Contents. Vol. 14. Pamphlets and Debates. Montreal, Ottawa, &c. 1896-97. (1) David, L. 0. Le Clerge Canadien — Sa Mission, Son (Euvre. Mont- real, 1896. (2) David, L. 0. Le Clerge Canadien — Sa Mission, Son (Euvre. Trans- lated by Florence E. Sydere. Montreal, 1896. * (3) Sessional Paper No. 35, of 1897.— Copies of Petitions, &£, Not already Submitted to the House of Commons. (4) Resolution for Address to His Excellency the Governor-General in Answer to His Speech from the Throne, 1897. (5) Debates in the House of Commons, Canada, during the Session, March 25th to April 29th, 1897. (6) School Bill as Passed by the Manitoba Legislature, in Session of 1897. (7) Walsh, John, Archbishop. Some Things Which Catholics Do Not Believe; or Protestant Fictions and Catholic Facts. Toronto, 1897. Manitoba School Question. Speeches and Pamphlets. 1 vol. Winnipeg, Ottawa, &c, 1893-1896. (1) Senate Debate, 4 April, 1894. (2)' F. C. Wade's Pamphlet. 1895. (3) J. S. Ewart.— Reply to Mr. Wade. 1895. (4) J. S. Ewart. — Lecture in Cong. Church, Winnipeg. 1895. (5) E. Meek. — Legal and Constitutional Aspects of the Question. 1895. (6) L. P. Kribs. — The Question Considered Historically, Legally and Controversially. 1895. CANADA, GENERAL— Continued. 75 (7) Sir John Thompson's Toronto Address. 1893. (8) Hon. G. E. Foster. — Speech in House of Commons. 1896. (9) T. S. Sproule, M'.P. — Speech in House of Commons. 1896. (10) Hon. N. C Wallace. — Speech in House of Commons. 1896. (11) James Fisher, M.P.P.— 4 Letters. 1895-6. (12) Senator Power.— The Eemedial Bill. 1896. • (13) Eeport of the Commissioners Appointed to Eepresent Manitoba at the Conference with the Dominion. 1896. (14) A. E. McPhillips.— The True Side of the Case. 1896. (15) Eev. Father, Leduc. — Hostility Unmasked. School Ordinance of 1892 of the N,-W. Terr, and Its Disastrous Eesults. 1896. (16) Newspaper Clippings. Manseau, J. A. Dictionnaire des Locutions Vicieuses du Canada, avec leur Cor- rection. Suivi d'un Dictionnaire Canadien. Premiere Livraison: Lettre A. Quebec, 1881. " Maple Knot." Life and Adventures of Simon Seek ; or Canada in All Shapes. Montreal, 1858. Maple Leaf, The; or Canadian Annual. A Literary Souvenir for 1847. Thin 4to. Toronto, 1846. Also Ditto for 1848 and 1849. Thin 4to. Toronto, 1848-49. Marmette, Joseph. Francois de Bienville : Scenes de la Vie Canadienne, au XVIIe Siecle. Troisieme Edition. Montreal, 1907. Marny, Suzanne. Tales of Old Toronto. Toronto, 1909. Marquette, Father. By Eeuben Gold Thwaites. New York, 1902. Marquis, T. G. Canada's Sons on Kopje 'and Veldt. A Historical Account of the Canadian Contingents in the South African War. With Introduc- tion by G. M. Grant. Toronto, 1900. Marquis, T. G. (Editor). Builders of Canada, from Carrier to Laurier. By A. M. Machar, L. H. Frechette, J. C. Hopkins, D. Creighton, and Others. Phila. and Brantford, 1903. Marsden, Joshua. Narrative of a Mission to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Somer Islands, with a Tour to Lake Ontario. Second Edition. ■ London, 1827. Martin, Pere Felix. Jesuites Martyrs (Les) du Canada. Montreal, 1877. Mathews, Jehu. A Colonist on the Colonial Question. London, 1872. Maude, Aylmer. A Peculiar People. — The Doukhobors. London, 1905. Mavor, James. North- West of Canada Wheat Production. Eeport to the Board of Trade on the North- West of Canada, with Special Eeference to Wheat Production for Export, 1904. Folio. London, 1905. Maxwell, William. With the " Ophir " Eound the Empire. An Account of the Tour of the Prince and Princess of Wales; 1901. London, 1902. Mayerhoffer, Eev. V. P. Autobiography: 12 Years* a Eoman Catholic Priest; Late, Military Chaplain to the Austrian Army; and Grand Chaplain of the Orders of Freemasons and Orangemen in Canada; Monk of the Order of St. Francis; and Clergyman of the Church of England in Vaughan, Markham and Whitby. Toronto, 1861. Merchant, F. W. Eeport on the Condition of the English-French Schools in the Province of Ontario. Toronto, 1912. Mercier, Hon. Honore, Answer of the, to the Pamphlet of the Equal Eights Association. Quebec, 1890. 76 CANADA, GENERAL— Con/mwed. Merritt, Hon. W. H., of Lincoln, District of Niagara, Biography of : Including an Account of the Origin, Progress and Completion of Some of the Most Important Public Works in Canada. Compiled from the Original Diary and Correspondence, by J. P. Merritt. St. Catharines, 1875. Metcalfe, Charles, Lord, Life and Correspondence of, Late Governor-General of India, Governor of Jamaica, and Governor-General of Canada, from Un- published Letters and Journals Preserved by Himself, His Family, and His Friends. By J. W. Kaye. 2 vols. London, 1854. Metcalfe, Lord, Selections from the Papers of, Late Governor-General of India, Governor of Jamaica, and Governor-General of Canada. Edited by John William Kaye. London, 1855. Milk Commission, 1909. — Appointed to Enquire into the Production, Care and Distribution of Milk: Report, Toronto, 1910. Miller, Rev. J. 0. Brief Biographies, Supplementing Canadian History. Toronto, 1902. Miller, Senator. Incidents in the Political Career of the Late Sir John Thomp- son, Not Contained in Mr. J. Castell Hopkins' Book, n.p., n.d. Miller, Senator, and Confederation. Speeches before and after the Union. — Miller vs. Annand Libel Suit, n.p., 1892. Mines, Ontario Bureau of. Reports. 1891 to 1911. Mitchell, Rev. W. M., of Toronto, C.W. The Underground Railroad. London, 1860. Mockridge, Rev. C. H. The Bishops of the Church of England in Canada and Newfoundland. Toronto, 1896. Monk, Maria, Awful Exposures of the Atrocious Plot Formed by Certain Indi- viduals Against the Clergy and Nuns of Lower Canada, Through the Intervention of. With an Authentic Narrative of Her Life, from Her Birth to the Present Moment, and an Account of Her Impositions, &c. New York, 1836. Monro, Alexander. Statistics of British North America; Including a Description of Its Gold Fields. Halifax, 1862. Monro, Alexander. United States and the Dominion of Canada: Their Future. St. John, N.B., 1879. • ' Montagu, E. S. &.. Herbert, Bron. Canada and the Empire. With a Preface by Rt. Hon. the Earl of Rosebery, K.G. London, 1904. Montpetit, A. N.' Nos Hommes Forts. Quebec, 1884. Montreal Almanack; or Lower Canada Register. Montreal. 1831. Montreal, Annual Reports of the City of, for 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910. Moodie, Susanna. Roughing It in the Bush; or Life in Canada. 2 vols. New Morgan, Henry J. Canadian Men and Women of the Time, a Handbook of Cana- dian Biography. First Edition, Toronto, 1898. Second Edition, 1912. Morgan, Henry J. (Editor)'. Dominion Annual Register and Review. Toronto, 1878-1886. Morgan, Henry J. Sketches of Celebrated Canadians and Persons Connected with Canada, from the Earliest Period in the History of the Province down to the Present Time. Quebec, &c, 1862. Morgan, Henry J. Tour of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales through British America and the United States. By a British-Canadian. Montreal, 1860. Morgan, Henry James. Types of Canadian Women, and of Women Who Are or Have Been Connected with Canada. Vol. 1. Toronto, 1903. CANADA, GENERAL— 'Continued. 77 Morice, Le R. P. A. G. Dictionnaire Historique des Canadiens et des Metis Frangais de l'Ouest. Quebec, 1908. Morice, Eev. A. G. History of the Catholic Church in Western Canada, from Lake Superior to the Pacific (1659-1895). With Maps and Illustrations. 2 vols. Toronto, 1910. Morris, Hon. A. Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North- West Territories, Including the Negotiations on Which They Were Based and Other Information Relating Thereto. Toronto, 1880. Mountain, George Jehoshaphat, Late Bishop of Quebec, Memoir of. Compiled (at the Desire of that Diocese) by His Son, Armine W. Mountain. Mont- real, 1866. Mow at, Sir Oliver. A Biographical Sketch. By C. R. W. Biggar. 2 vols. To- ronto, 1905. Municipal Institutions of Ontario. First and Second Reports of the Commission appointed by the Government; 1887. Toronto, 1888. Municipal Loan Fund of the Province of Canada and Province of Ontario, Papers Relating to. Quebec and Toronto, 1864-1873. Murray, John Wilson. Memoirs of a Great Detective : Incidents in the Life of. Compiled by Victor Speer. Toronto, 1905. Myrand, Ernest. , Frontenac et ses Amis: fitude Historique. Quebec, 1902. Myrand, Ernest. Noels Anciens de la Nouvelle-France. Deuxieme fidition. Quebec, 1907. "No. O." Etudes Philologiques sur quelques Langues Sauvages de l'Amerique. Montreal, 1866. Nasmith, David. Memoirs of, His Labours and Travels in Great Britain, France, the United States and Canada. By John Campbell. London, 1844. Naval and Military Defence of the Empire : Imperial Conference with Representa- tives of the Self -Governing o Dominions, 1909. Ottawa, 1909. New Brunswick, Province of. Biographical Review. This Volume Contains Bio- graphical Sketches of Leading Citizens of the Province of New Bruns- wick. Under the Editorial Supervision of J. Allen Jack. 4to. Boston, 1910. New Brunswick, Province of. House of Assembly Debates; 1886-1909. 24 vols. Fredericton, Same Dates. 1890. Journals of Assembly, 1833-1912. Sessional Papers, Same Dates. Statutes, 1875-1912. Newfoundland, French Treaty Rights in. The Cause for the Colony Stated by the People's Delegates, Sir J. S. Winter, P. J. Scott, and A. B. Morine. London, 1890. North America, 34 Articles from the Edinburgh Review Relating to. Edinburgh, 1808-1846. (In 1 vol.) North Atlantic Coast Fisheries : Proceedings in the Arbitration before the Perma- nent Court of Arbitration at the Hague under the Provisions of the General Treaty of Arbitration of April 4, 1908; and the Special Agree- ment of Jan. 27, 1909, between the United States of America and Great Britain. In 12 vols. 61st Cong., 3rd Sess. Doc. 870, Senate -Docs. Vols. 71 et seq. Washington, 1912. ' North Atlantic Coast Fisheries: Text of Judgment of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague. Fo. The Hague, 1910. North British Society of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Annals of the, from Its Founda- tion in 1768, to Its Centenary Celebration, March 26, 1868. Compiled by James S. MacDonald. Halifax, 1868. 78 CANADA, GENERAL,— Continued. Notman, W. Portraits of British Americans. "With Biographical Sketches, by Fennings Taylor. 3 vols. Montreal, 1865. Nova Scotia Debates,' House of Assembly :— 1887, 1888, 1890, 1892, 1893, 1896, 1898, 1899, 1902 to 1906. Debates, Legislative Council:— 1885, 1888, 1890 to 1893, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1902, 1903, 1903-04, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1909. Journals of the House of Assembly :— 1853, 1863; 1865, 1866, 1880,. 1888, 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1901, 1907, 1908, 1909 (Parts 1 and 2), 1910, 1911, 1912. Journals of the Legislative Council:— 1870, 1873, 1875 (2 Copies), 1878, 1880, 1882, 1894, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1902, 1904, 1906. Nova Scotia First General Assembly. Addresses Delivered at the Unveiling of the Memorial Tablet to Commemorate the 150th Anniversary. Halifax, 1912. O'Brien, Mgr., Archeveque de l'Halifax. Memoirs sur les Missions de la Nouvelle ficosse du Cap Breton et de File du Prince Edouard, de 1760 a 1820. D'apres les Archives de l'Archeveche de Quebec et la Propagande de Rome. Quebec, 1895. O'Callaghan, E. B. Jesuit Eelations of Discoveries and Other Occurrences in Canada and the Northern and Western States of the Union; 1632-1672. New York, 1847. O'Hanly, J. L. P. The Political Standing of the Irish Catholics in Canada: a Critical Analysis of Its Causes, with Suggestions for Its Amelioration. Ottawa, 1872. Ontarian Families — Genealogies of United Empire Loyalist and Other Families of Upper Canada. By Edward. Marion Chadwick. Toronto, 1895-98. Vols. 1 and 2 (all Published). 4to. Ontarian Genealogist and Family Historian. Edited by Edward Marion Chad- wick. Toronto, 1899. Vol. 1. 8vo. Ontario, Province of, Legislative Assembly of: Bills Laid Before the House: 1868 to 1912. Ontario, Province of, Legislative Assembly of: Votes and Proceedings: Orders of the Day: 1871 to 1912. Ontario, Province of, Legislative Assembly of: Journals of Assembly, 1867-8-1912. Ontario, Province of, Legislative Assembly of: Sessional Papers, 1867-8-1912. Ontario, Province of, Legislative Assembly of: Gazette, 1868-1912, half-yearly volumes. Ontario, Province of, Legislative Assembly of : Statutes, 1867-8-1912. Ontario Sessional Papers (Bound in Sets) : — ■ Algonquin Park, 1893-95 ; Kirkwood's Papers and Reports on Forestry, 1893. Assessment Commission Reports, 1901-2. Bilingual Teaching, 1887-96. Borron's Reports on Northern Ontario, 1880-92. •Central Prison Commissions, 1878, 1886, 1891. Crown Lands Reports, 1867-76. 1877-86. 1887-96. 1897-1906. (Lands, Forests and Mines), 1906-12. (Crown Lands and Timber Limits— Miscellaneous) 1867-1909. CANADA, GENERAL— Continued. 79 Estimates, 1869-79. 1880-89. 1890-99. 1900-10. Fee System Commission Report, 1895. Fisheries Department Reports, 1899-1906. Forestry, Royal Commission on, 1898-9. Forestry Congress (Cincinnati and Montreal), 1882. Forestry Reports (Phipps), 1885-91; and Cincinnati Con- gress, 1882. * (South worth and Others), 1896-1908. Indians, 1873-1909. Industries, Bureau of 1882-1909 (in Annual Vols.). Legal Offices Reports, 1883-92. 1893-1902. 1903-09. Liquor Licenses, 1868-80. 1880-89. 1890-1900. 1901-10. Mineral Resources of Ontario — Commission Report, 1890. Municipal Institutions — Commissions Reports, 1888-9. Municipal Taxation — Commission Report, 1893. Northern Ontario Survey and Exploration, 1900. Ontario Railway and Municipal Board, 1906-9. Public Accounts, 1868-1910 (1867-1905, in 12 vols. ; Afterwards Annual Vols.) Public Accounts Committee, 1868-1902 (in 5 vols.). General Index at End of 1894; Afterwards Indexed Yearly. Public WoTks Reports, 1868-86. 1887-1904. 1905--9. Pulp Wood Agreements, 1900-3. Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park, 1884-1909. Registry Offices Reports, 1868-1909. Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway — Annual Reports and Statements of Expenditure, 1902-08. Text Book Commissions — Reports and Appendixes, 1897-1907. University of Toronto, 1868-89. 1890-99. 1900-9. University of Toronto — Royal Commission, 1906. Upper Canada College, 1868-99. "Vforkmen's Compensation for Injuries — Prof. Mavor's Report, 1900. Orange Incorporation, &c. Pamphlets. 1 vol. Toronto and Montreal, 1877-1884. (1) Orangeism, Catholicism, and Sir Francis Hineks. By J. A. Allan. (2) Orange Incorporation Bill. — Speech of the Hon. C. F. Fraser, Ont. Legis. Assembly, Feb. 25, 1878. (3) Orange Incorporation Bill. — Speech of the Hon. Edward Blake, House of Commons, Canada, March 17, 1884. (4) Orange Association Unmasked! Hon. Edw. Blake. (5) Orangeism and the 12th of July Riots in Montreal. By J. C. Fleming. 80 CANADA, GENERAL— Continued. O'Rell, Max. John Bull & Co. The Great Colonial Branches of the Firm: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. London, 1894. Orsonnens, Eraste d\ Une Apparition. Episode de Immigration Irlandaise au Canada. Montreal, 1860. ■ Pagnuelo, S. fitudes Historiques et Legales sur la Liberte Religieuse en Canada. Montreal, 1872. Papineau. 1786-1871. By Alfred D. de Celles. Montreal, 1905. Papineau, L. J., FHon. De Salaberry, C. M., le Col. Par L. 0. David. Mont- real, 1872. Paquet, Mgr. Louis Adolphe. (1) Droit Public de 1'figlise: Principes Generaux. Ouvrage Precede d'une Lettre de la Grandeur Mgr. Paul Eugene Eoy. (2) Droit Public de l'figlise: l'figlise et l'fiducation a la Lumiere de l'Histoire et des Principes Chretiens. Quebec, 1909. Parkin, George E. Imperial Federation. The Problem of National Unity. London, 1892. Parkin, George R. The Great Dominion: Studies of Canada. London, 1895. Pepper, Mary Sifton. Maids and Matrons of New France. 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(All Published.) Pollard, Eliza F. A Daughter of France. Edinburgh, 1900. Pontbriand, Yicomte du Breil de. Le Dernier fiveque du Canada Frangais, Mon- seigneur de Pontbriand; 1740-1760. Paris, 1910. Pope, Joseph. The Tour of Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of 'Cornwall and York Through the Dominion of Canada, in the Year 1901. Ottawa, 1903. - Powell, R. W, The Doctor in Canada: His Whereabouts and the Laws Which Govern Him. A Ready Book for Reference. Montreal, 1890. Prices, Comparative: Canada and the United States; 1906-1911. (Agricultural, Fisheries, Lumber and Mines Products.) Ottawa, 1911. Prince Edward Island, Province of: — Journals of Assembly, 1836, 1837, 1840, 1842, 1847-1850, 1852, 1853, 1856- 1860, 1862, 1864-1873, 1875, 1876 and Appendix to 1877, 1880-1886, 1888-1912. Council Journal, 1842, 1843, 1852-1854, 1856-1864, 1866-1872, 1874-1877, 1883, 1885-1891, 1893. 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The Story of the Search for and Discovery of the Route, and the Construction of the Nearly Completed Grand Trunk Pacific Railway from the Atlantic to the 86 CANADA, GENERAL— Continued. Pacific. With some Account of the Hardships and Stirring Adventures of Its Constructors in Unexplored Country. Toronto, 1912. Tanguay, l'Abbe Cyprien. a Travers les Registres. Montreal, 1886. Tanguay, l'Abbe Cyprien. Dictionnaire Genealogique des Families Canadiennes: depuis la Fondation de la Colonie jusqu'a nos Jours. 7' vols. Montreal, 1871-90. Vol. 1. 1608 to 1700. 'Vol. 2. A to Chapuy. Vol. 3. Charbonneau to Eziero. Vol. 4. Fabas to Jinines. Vol. 5. Joachim to Mercier. Vol. 6. Mercin to Eobidou. Vol. 7. Eobillard to Ziseuse. Tanguay, C. (l'Abbe.) Repertoire General du Clerge Canadian par Ordre Chro- nologique, depuis la Fondation de la Colonie jusqu'a nos Jours. Quebec, 1868. Tardivel, *J. P. Langue Franchise au Canada. Montreal, 1901. Tardivel, J. P. 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British Columbia Coast Names, 1592-1906; to Which Are Added a Few Names in Adjacent United States Territory : Their Origin and History. Ottawa, 1909. Wales, Edward, Prince of. Addresses Presented to H.R.H. during His State Visit to British North America Avith the Replies Thereto, July-Sept. 1860. Privately Printed by the Duke of Newcastle, 1860. Walker, J. The Narrative of a Commuted Pensioner. Montreal, 1838. Wallace, Sir Donald Mackenzie. The Web of Empire. A Diary of the Imperial Tour of Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York, in 1901. London, 1902. Watson, Joseph. The Queen's Wish. How It Was Fulfilled by the Imperial Tour of T.R.H. the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York. London, 1902. Weir, William. Sixty Years in Canada. Montreal, 1903. Willmott, Arthur B. The Mineral Wealth of Canada. A Guide for Students of Economic Geology. Toronto, 1897. Willox, D. With the British Bowlers in Canada, 1906. A History of a Famous Tour: with Descriptive Sketches of Many of the Players, and Most of the Towns Visited. Glasgow, n. d. Willson, Beckles. The Great Company: Being a History of the Honourable Company of Merchants Adventurers Trading into Hudson's Bay. With Introduction by Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal. Toronto, 1899. Wilson, F. A. & Richards, A. B. Britain Redeemed and Canada Preserved. London, 1850. Wolfe's (General) Instructions to Young Officers; also His Orders for a Battalion and an Army; Together with the Orders and Signals Used in Embarking CANADA, GENERAL.— Continued. 89 arid Debarking an Army by Flat-Bottom'd Boats, &c. ; and a Placart to the Canadians ; to Which is Prefixed the Resolution of the House of Com- mons for His Monument; and His Character; and the Dates of All His Commissions : also the Duty of an Adjutant and Quarter Master, &c. London, 1780. Wolley, Clive Phillips-, Canadian Naval Question. Toronto, 1910. Wood, William (Lt.-Col.) An Ursuline Epic. n. p., 1908. Woods, N. A. The Prince of Wales in Canada and the United States. London, 1861. Woodsworth, J. S. Strangers within Our Gates. . Coming Canadians. Toronto, 1909. Wright, Carroll D. The Canadian French in New England. Boston, 1882. Wurtele, A. G. G. The Non-Professional Notes of the Cadets' Tour of Instruc- tion to Montreal, Quebec, Halifax, and Minor Places : a Work Written for the Information of the Canadian Public, and Forming an Interest- ing Supplement to the Published Official Reports. Quebec, 1881. Yeigh, Frank. Five Thousand Facts About Canada. With Facts about the British Empire. Toronto, 1910, 1911, 1912. Yeigh, Frank. Ontario's Parliament Buildings; or a Century of Legislation, 1792-1892: a Historical Sketch. Illustrated. Toronto, 1893. York Almanac and Royal Calendar of Upper Canada for 1823. Interleaved with Notes by Matthew Teefy, of Richmond Hill. York, U. C. Contains also " A Sketch of the Present State of Canada Drawn up Expressly for This Work, by Charles Fothergill." Young, Egerton R. The Apostle of the North, Rev. James Evans. New York, 1899. Young, Egerton R. The Battle of the Bears. Boston, 1907. Young, Frederick. Imperial Federation of Great Britain and Her Colonies. London, 1876. Young, Sir Frederick. A Pioneer of Imperial Federation in Canada. London, 1902. Young, George R. British North American Colonies. Letters to the Right Hon. E. G. S. Stanley, M.P., upon the Existing Treaties with France and America, as regards Their " Rights of Fishery " upon the Coasts of Nova Scotia, Labrador, "and Newfoundland ; the Violations of These Treaties by the Subjects of Both Powers, and Their Effect Upon the Commerce, Equally of the Mother Country and the Colonies. With a General View of the Colonial Policy, Showing that the British Dependencies Are Now Prepared to Pay the Expenses of Their Local Governments, &c, &c. London, 1834. Young, Geo. R. On Colonial Literature, Science and Education. Written with a View of Improving the Literary, Educational and Public Institutions of British ]S"orth America. Halifax, 1842. Vol. 1 (All Published). Young, Hon. James. Public Men and Public Life in Canada. Being Recollections of Parliament and the Press; also Embracing a Succinct Account of the Stirring Events Which Led to the Confederation of British North Amer- ica. Toronto, 1902. Young, John. The Letters of Agricola on the Principles of Vegetation and Tillage. Written for Nova Scotia and Published First in the Acadian Recorder. Halifax, 1822. 90 CANADA, HISTORICAL. CANADA HISTORICAL (An) Abstract of Those Parts of the Customs of the Viscounty and Provostship of Paris Which Were Received and Practiced in the Province of Quebec in the Time of the French Government. Drawn up by a Select Committee of Canadian Gentlemen, Well Skilled in the Laws of France, and of that Province. By the Desire of the Honourable Guy Carleton, Esquire, Captain-General and Governour in Chief of the said Province. London, 1772. Also: — The Sequel of the Abstract of those Parts, etc. (as above). Contain- ing the Thirteen Latter Titles. London, 1773. Also : — An Abstract of the Criminal Laws that were in Force in the Province of Quebec in the Time of the French Government. London, 1773. Also: — An Abstract of the Several Royal Edicts and Declarations, and Pro- vincial Regulations and Ordinances that were in force in the Time of the French Government; and of the Commissions of the Several Governours-General and Intendants of the Said Province, during the Same Period. Faithfully .Collected, by Francis Joseph Cugnet, Esquire. By the Direction of the Honourable Guy Carleton. London, 1772. Also: — An Abstract of the Loix de Police; or Public Regulations for the Establishment of Peace and Good Order, that were of Force, etc. (as above). London, 1772. (Bound in 1 vol. Folio.) Adams, Amos. Songs of Viptory Directed by Human Compassion, and Qualified with Christian Benevolence; in a Sermon Delivered at Roxbury, October 25, 1759, on the General Thanksgiving, for the Success of His Majesty's Arms, '* More Particularly, in the Reduction of Quebec, the Capital of Canada." Boston, 1759. Adams, Capt. Israel. Narrative of the Life, Travels, and Adventures of Capt. Israel Adams, Who Lived at Liverpool, Onondaga Co., N.Y. The Man Who, during the last War, Surprised the British Boats Lying in the Bay of Quoenti ; Who took by Stratagem the Brig Toronto, and Took Her to Sackett's Harbor; and for Whom the British Offered a Reward of £100. Utica, 1847. Aitken, W. B. Dominion of Canada. A Study of Annexation. A Dissertation in Part Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Political Science, Columbia College, n.p., n.d. Akins, Thomas B. (Editor). Selections from the Public Documents of the Province of Nova Scotia. Published under a Resolution of the House of Assembly Passed March 15, 1865. Halifax, N.S., 1869. American Loyalists, Papers relating to. Thin Fo. London, 1821. (1) An Account of the Dates and Descriptions of All Communications that Have Taken Place between His Majesty's Government and Any of the Persons Styling Themselves American Loyalists, or Their Agents, since the 4th of April, 1812, to the Present Time; — together with Copies of Such of the Said Communications as Bear Date Respectively CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. 91 on or about the 5th April and 3rd December 1812, the 21st April, 6th and 10th July 1813; 26th May and 2nd September 1814; 31st January and 17th May 1815; 19th June 1817; 8th April 1819, and 1st May 1820. (2) Further Papers relating to American Loyalists: Copy of a Letter from Germain Lavie, Esq, to the Eight Honourable N. Vansittart, Dated 19th March 1816; — Copy of Remarks on the Note of the American Loyalists, Dated 31st January 1815; — and Copy of a Memorandum of Facts and Suggestions on the Claims of the American Loyalists. American War of 1812, History of the, from the Commencement until the Final Termination Thereof, on the Memorable 8th January, 1815, at New Orleans.. Philadelphia, 1816. Annals of Canada from 1492 to 1814. Ottawa, 1875. Armstrong, John. Notices of the War of 1812. 2 vols. New York, v 1836 and 1840. Atcheson, Nathaniel. American Encroachments on British Rights; or Observa- tions on the Importance of the British North American Colonies, and on the Late Treaties with the United States. With Remarks on Mr. Baring's Examination, and a Defence of the Shipping Interest from the Charge of Having Attempted to Impose on Parliament, and of Factious Conduct in Their Opposition to the American Intercourse Bill. London, 1808. Atherton, Wm. Narrative of the Suffering and Defeat of the North Western Army under General Winchester; Massacre of the Prisoners, etc. Frankfort, Ky., 1842. Auchinleck, G. History of the War between Great Britain and the United States of America, during the Years 1812, 1813, 1814. Toronto, 1855. Babeaux, M. J. B. Journal des Operations de l'Armee Americaine, lors de lTnvasion du Canada, en 1775-76. Montreal, 1871. Baine's History of the Late War, between the United States and Great Britain. With a Critical Appendix, etc., by Ebenezer Harlow Cummins. Balti- more, 1820. Barbarities of the Enemy, Exposed in a Report of the Committee of the House of Representatives of the United States Appointed to Enquire into the Spirit and Manner in Which the War Has Been Waged by the Enemy; and the Documents Accompanying Said Report. Worcester, Mass., 1814. Baring, Alex'r. An Enquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council and an Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain toward the Neutral Commerce of America. New York, 1808. Baudoncourt, Jacques de. Histoire Populaire du Canada, d'apres les Documents Frangaise et Americains. Paris, 1886. Baugy, le Chevalier de. Journal d'une Expedition contre les Iroquois, en 1687. Redige par le Chevalier de Baugy, Aide-de-Camp de M. le Marquis de Denonville. Lettres et Pieces Relatives au Fort Saint Louis des Illinois. Paris, 1883. Beall, John Yates, Memoir of. His Life; Trial; Correspondence; Diary; and Private MS. Found among His Papers, Including His Own Account of the Raid on Lake Erie. Montreal, 1865. 92 CANADA, HISTOKICAL— Continued. Beall, John Yates, Trial of, as a Spy and Guerillero, by Military Commission. In Volume "Memoir of John Yates Beall, His Life, Trial/' &c. New York, 1865. Bedard, T. P. Histoire de Cinquante Ans (1791-1841.) Annales Parlementaires et Politques du Bas Canada, depuis la Constitution jusqu a l'Union. Quebec, 1869. Behring Sea Arbitration. Eeport of the Proceedings of the Tribunal of Arbitra- tion, Convened at Paris, 1893. 2 Parts. Large Folio. Paris, 1893. Bernard, Henri. La Ligue de l'Enseignement. Histoire d'une Conspiration Maeonnique. Montreal, 1903. Bbyard, Col. 1ST. (Bayard.) Facsimile Eeprint of Bayard's Journal: Narrative of an Attempt Made by the French X)f Canada upon the Mohaque's Country. Eeproduced in Facsimile from the First Edition Printed by William Bradford; 1693. With an Introductory Note, by Adelaide B. Hasse. Thin Fo. New York, 1903. Contains Beyard (Col. N.) & Lodowick's (Lt. Col. Chas.) "Journal of the Late Actions of the French at Canada. With the Manner of Their Being Eepulsed by His Excellency, Benjamin Fletcher, Their Majesties Governour of New York, &c, &c." London, 1693. Beyard, Col. N. and Lodowick, Lt. Col. Charles. Journal of the Late. Actions of the French at Canada. Thin 4to. New York, 1868. Bibaud, Adele. Avant la Conquete* Episode de la Guerre, de 1757. Montreal, 1904. Bibaud, M. Histoire du Canada. Vol 1. Sous la Domination Frangaise. Deuxieme Edition. Montreal, 1813. (1534-1760.) (Supplement Bound ' up with this Volume.) Vol. 2. Sous la Domination Anglaise. Premiere Edition. Montreal, 1844. (1760-1830.) Vol. 3. Sous la Domination Anglaise. Public par J. G. Bibaud. Montreal, 1878 (1830-1841.) Bibaud, M. (Jeune.) Institutions de l'Histoire du Canada; ou Annales Can- adiennes jusqu'a l'An 1819, Suives d'un Precis jusqu'a Nos Jours, d'un Tableau Historique des Progres et Biographique des Hommes Illustres du Canada, et Accompagnees de Synchronismes de l'Histoire Generale de l'Amerique. Montreal, 1855. Bible, George P. Historical Sketch of the Acadians: Their Deportation and Wanderings: together with a Consideration of the Historical Basis for Longfellow's Poem, "Evangeline." Philadelphia, 1906. Biggar, H. P. The Early Trading Companies of New France; a Contribution to the History of Commerce and Discovery in North America. 4to. Toronto, 1901. Bolton, E. C. & Webber, H. H. The Confederation of British North America. ^London, 1866. Borthwick, J. Douglas. Eebellion de 1837-38: Jubile de Diamant: Role d'Honneur; ou Liste Complete des Patriotes Detenus dans les Prisons de Montreal en 1837, 1838, 1839. Montreal, 1898. Boucher, Pierre. Canada in the XVIIth Century. A Translation from the French, (with Preface by Edward Louis Montizambert, Montreal, 1883,) of a "True and Genuine Description of New France, Commonly Called Canada, and of the Manners and Customs and Productions of That Country. Paris, 1664." • CANADA, KISTOmC Alt— Continued. 93 Boulton, Major. Eeminiscences of the North- West Rebellions; with a Record of the Eaising of Her Majesty's 100th Eegiment in Canada; and a Chapter on Canadian Social and Political Life. Toronto, 1886. Bouquet, Colonel Henry, 60th Eoyal Americans; 1756-1765. A Biographical Sketch. By Lieut.-General Sir Edward Hutton, Colonel Commandant, the King's Eoyal Eifle Corps. (For Private Circulation only.) Be- printed by Permission from the "The King's Eoyal Eifle Corps Chronicle." Winchester, 1911. Bourinot, J. G. Canada during the Victorian Era. A Historical' Eeview. Ottawa, Etc., 1897. Bourinot, Sir John G. Canada under British Eule; 1760-1900. Cambridge, 1900. Bourinot, J. G. The Story of Canada, New York, 1896. Boyd, J. A. Summary of Canadian History, from the Time of Cartier's Dis- covery to the Present Day. Toronto, 1867. Brackenridge, H. M. History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain: Comprising a Minute Account of the Various Military and Naval Operations. Philadelphia, 1839. Bradley, A. G. Canada in the Twentieth Century. London, 1905. Bradley, A. G. The Fight with France for North America. Toronto, 1902. Bradley, Arthur Granville. History and Description of the British Empire in America. London, n.d. Bradley, A. G. The Making of Canada. London, 1908. Bradshaw, F. Self-Government in Canada, and how It Was Achieved. The Story of Lord Durham's Eeport. London, 1903. Brannan, John. Official Letters, of the Military and Naval Officers of the United States, during the War with Great Britain, in the Years 1812, 13, 14, & 15. With Some Additional Letters and Documents Elucidating the History of the Period. Washington, 1823. Brasseur de Bourbourg, l'Abbe. Histoire du Canada, de son figlise, et de ses Missions, depuis la Decouverte de l'Amerique jusqu'a nos Jours, ficrite Sur des Documents inedits Compulses dans les Archives de FArcheveche et de la Ville de Quebec, &c. Paris, 1852. British America. By Various Authors. London, 1900. British Parliamentary Papers relating to Orders in Council, and Petitions against : 1808-1812:— (1) Orders in Council, Presented to the House of Commons by Mis Majesty's Command. 1808. (2) Minutes of Evidence, upon Taking into Consideration Several Petitions, Presented to the House of Commons, respecting the Orders in Council. 1808. (3) Papers, Presented to the House of Commons, relating to the Corres- pondence with America, on Certain Orders in Council. 1809. (4) Papers, Presented, to the* House of Commons, by Mr. Secretary Canning, relating to America. 1809. (5) Further Papers, Presented to the House of Commons, by Mr. Secretary Canning, relating to America. 1809. (6) Papers, Presented to the House of Commons, relating to America (Nos. 1 & 2.) 1810. 94 CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. (7) Minutes of Evidence Taken before a Committee of the Whole House, to Whom Were Beferred the Petitions against the Orders in Council. And Appendix. 1812. Key to the Orders in Council on Front Page. London, 1812. (1 Fo. Vol.) Brock, Sir Isaac, Life and Times of. By D. B. Bead. Toronto, 1894. Brown, S. B. Authentic History of the Second War for Independence; Com- prising Details of the Military and Naval Operations, from the Com- mencement to the Close of the Becent War. 2 vols. Auburn, N. Y. 1815. Brown, Thomas Storrow. 1837; .My Connection with It. Quebec, 1898. Brunet, Ludovic. La Province du Canada: Histoire Politique de 1840 a 1867. Quebec, 1908. Bryce, George. Short History of the Canadian People. London, 1887. Bulletins of the Campaign, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816. 5 vols. 16 mo. ' Beprint. London, n.d. s Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario. Toronto, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1909. Butterfield, Consul Willshire. History of Brule's Discoveries and Explorations; 1610-1626. Being a Narrative of the Discovery, by Stephen Brule, of Lakes Huron, Ontario and Superior; and of His Explorations (the First Made by Civilized Man) of Pennsylvania and Western New York, also of the Province of Ontario, Canada. With a Biographical Notice of the Discoverer and Explorer, Who Was Killed and Eaten by Savages. Cleveland, 1898. Cabot, Jean et Sehastien, Leur Origine et leurs Voyages. Etude d'Histoire Critique; Suivie d'une Cartographie, d'une Bibliographic et d'une Chronologie des Voyages au Nord-Ouest, de 1497 a 1550. D'apres des Documents Inedits, par Henry Harrisse. Paris, 1882. Cabot, John & Sebastian. The Discovery of North America. By C. Baymond Beazley. London. 1898. Cabot, John & Sebastian. True Date of the English Discovery of the American Continent under. Letter Addressed by Bichard Henry Major, Esq., to C. S. Perceval, Esq, (1870.) Thin 4to. n.p., n.d. Calkin, John B. A History of the Dominion of Canada. Halifax, 1898. Callahan, Jas. Morton. Neutrality of the American Lakes and Anglo-American Belations. Baltimore, 1898. Campe, M. Decouverte de l'Amerique. Ouvrage Propre a l'Instruction et a l'Amusement de la Jeunesse. Traduit de l'Allemand. Quatrieme fidition. Paris, 1817. Canada. An Encyclopaedia of the Country. The Canadian Dominion Considered in its Historic Belations, its Natural Besources, its Material Progress, and its National Development: by a Corps of Eminent Writers and Specialists. Edited by J. Castell Hopkins. 6 vols, and Index. Toronto, 1898. Canadian Controversy (The.) Its Origin, Nature, and Merits. ~ London, 1838. Canniff, William. History of the Settlement of Upper Canada; with Special Beference to the Bay of Quinte. Toronto, 1869. Carrier, L. N. Les Evenemeirts de 1837-38: Esquisse Historique de l'lnsurrec- tion du Bas-Canada. Quebec, 1877. CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. 95 Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton, Journals of, During His Visit to Canada in 1776, as One of the Commissioners from Congress; with a Memoir and Notes. By Brantz Mayer. Baltimore, 1876. Cartier, Jacques. Bref Recit et Succincfe Narration de la Navigation faite, en 1535 et 1536, par le Capitaine Jacques Cartier aux lies de Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenay et autres. Reimpression Figuree de l'fidition Originale Barissime, de 1545; avec les Variantes des Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Imperiale. Precedee d'une Breve et Suecincte Introduction Historique, par M. d'Avezac. Paris, 1863. Cartier, Jacques, The Precursors of; 1497-1534. A Collection of Documents relating to the Early History of the Dominion of Canada. Edited by H. P. Biggar. Ottawa, 1911. Cartier, Jacques, Relation Originale du Voyage de, au Canada, en 1534. Docu- ments Inedits sur Jacques Cartier et le Canada (Nouvelle Serie.)* . Publies par M. Michelant et A. Rame. Paris, 1867. Cartier, Jacques. His Life and .Voyages. By Joseph Pope, n.p., n.d. Cartier, Jacques, Sieur de Limoilou. His Voyages to the St. Lawrence: a Bibliography and a Facsimile of the MSS. of 1534. With Annotations, etc., by James Phinney Baxter. New York, 1906. Casgrain, FAbbe H. R. Champlain, Sa Vie et son Caractere. Quebec, 1898. Casgrain, l'Abbe H. R. Guerre du Canada, 1756-1760: Montcalm et Levis. Quebec, 1891. Casgrain, P. B. Les Batailles des Plaines d' Abraham et de Saint Foye. Quebec, 1908. Casson & Galinee. Explorations of the Great Lakes; 1669-1670. Galinee's Narrative and Map, with an English Version, Including All the Map- Legends. Translator and Editor — James H. Coyne. Toronto, 1903. Cauchon, Hon. Joseph. Union of the Provinces of British North America. Translated by G. H. Macauley. Quebec, 1865. % Cavendish, Sir Henry. Debates of the House of Commons, in the Year 1774, on the Bill for Making More Effectual Provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec. Now First Published by J. WHght, with a Map of Canada. London, 1839. Centenaire de l'Assault de Quebec par les Americains, 31 Decembre, 1775. Quebec, 1876. Centennial of the Province of Upper Canada, 1792-1892. Proceedings at Niagara on the Lake, July 16, 1892; and also at the Meeting Held in Front of the New Parliament Buildings in Toronto, 17 Sep., 1892. Toronto, 1893. Centennial of the Settlement of Upper Canada by the United Empire Loyalists, 1784-1884. Celebrations at Adolphustown, Toronto and Niagara. With an Appendix Containing a Copy of the U. E. List, Preserved in the Crown Lands Department at Toronto. Toronto, 1885. Chabert, M. de. Voyage fait par Ordre du Roi, 1750 et 1751, dans l'Amerique Septentnonale, pour Rectifier les Cartes des Cotes de l'Acadie, de l'Isle Royale & de ITsle de Terreneuve ; et pour en Fixer les Principaux Points par des Observations Astronomiques. 4to. Paris, 1753. Champlain, (Euvres de. Publiees sous le Patronage de l'Universite Laval, par l'Abbe C. H. Laverdiere. 4 vols. 4to. Quebec, 1870. Champlain, Samuel de, Voyages of. Translated from the French by C. P. Otis. 96 CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. With Historical Illustrations, and a Memoir by th£ Rev. E. F. Slafter. Boston, 1878-82. (Publications of the Prince Society), Vol. 1, 1567 to 1635. Vol. 2, 1604 to 1610. Vol. 3, 1611 to 1618. Champlain, Samuel. Fondateur de la Nouvelle France, Vie de. 1567-1635. Paris, 1900. Champlain, Lake. Battle of Valcour on Lake Champlain ; October 11th, 1776. Plattsburgh, N.Y., 1876. Charlevoix, Rev. P. F. X. de. History and General Description of New France. Translated from the Original Edition, and Edited by Dr. John Gilmary Shea. With a New Memoir and Bibliography of the Translator by N. F. Morrison. 6 vols. New York, 1900. "The Chesapeake/' The Case of David Collins et el, Prisoners Arrested under 6 and 7 Vic. c. 76, on a Charge of Piracy, &c. With Decision of Justice Ritchie. St. John, N.B., 1864. Christie, Robert. Brief Review of the Political State of Lower Canada, since the Conquest of the Colony to the Present Day. To which are Added, Memoirs of the Administrations of the Colonial Government of Lower Canada, by Sir Gordon Drummond, and Sir John Coape Sherbrooke. New York, 1818. Christie, Robert. History of the Late Province of Lower Canada, Parliamentary and Political, from the Commencement to the Close of Its Existence as a Separate Province: Embracing a Period of 50 Years; That is to say, from the Erection of the Province, in 1791, to the Extinguishment Thereof, in 1841, and Its Reunion with Upper 'Canada, by Act of the Imperial Parliament. 6 vols. Quebec, 1848-54. " Citizen of Vermont." The Crisis : On the Origin and Consequences of Our Political Dissensions. To which is Annexed, the Late Treaty between the United States and Great Britain. Albany, 1815. Claim of the American Loyalists Reviewed and Maintained upon Incontrovertible Principles of Law and Justice. London, 1788. Clement, W. H. P. History of the Dominion of Canada. Toronto, 1898. Cockburn, A. P. Political Annals of Canada: a Condensed Record of Govern- ments from the Time of Champlain, 1608 to 1905 : with Appendices. Toronto, 1905. Coffin, Victor. The Province of Quebec and the Early American Revolution: a Study in English American Colonial History. Madison, Wis., 1896. Coffin, William F. 1812; the War, and Its Moral: a Canadian Chronicle. Montreal, 1864. Colbert et Canada, fitablissement de la Nouvelle-France. Paris, 1879. Collection de Manuscrits; Contenant Lettres, Memoires et Autres Documents Historiques Relatifs a la Nouvelle France, Recueillis aux Archives de la Province de Quebec, ou Copies a l'fitranger Mis en Ordre et fidites sous les Auspices de la Legislature de Quebec. Avec Table, etc. 4 vols. 4to. Quebec, 1883. Collins, J. E. Canada under the Administration of Lord Lome. Toronto, 1884. Colonial Conferences, Volume (Folio) Containing the Following: (1) Colonial Conference, 1897. Proceedings of a Conference between the Secretary of State for the Col- onies and the Premiers of the Self-Governing t Colonies at the Colonial Office, London, June and July, 1897. London, 1897. CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. 97 (2) Colonial Conference, 1902. * Papers relating to a Conference between the Secretary of State for the Colonies and the Prime Ministers of Self-Governing Colonies, June to August, 1902. London, 1902. (3) Correspondence relating to the Future Organization of Golonial Con- ferences. London, 1905. (4) Colonial Conference, 1907. Correspondence relating to a Proposed Colonial Conference in 1907. London, 1906. (5) Despatch from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, with Enclosures respecting the Agenda of the Colonial Conference, 1907. London, 1907. (6) Correspondence relating to the Colonial Conference, 1907. London, 1907. (7) Imperial Conference. Correspondence and Papers relating to a Conference with Representa- tives of the Self-Governing Dominions on the Naval and Military Defence of the Empire, 1909. London, 1909. (8) Dominions No. 1. , Note on a Visit to Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji, in 1909, by Sir Charles Lucas. London, 1910. (9) Dominions No. 2. Report of the Dominions Department of the Colonial Office, 1909-1910. London, 1910. (10) Dominions No. 3. Imperial Copyright Conference, 1910. Memorandum of. the Proceed- ings. London, 1910. (11) Dominions No. 4. Further Correspondence relating to the Imperial Conference. London, 1910. (12) Dominions No. 5. Correspondence relating to the Imperial Conference, 1911. London, 1911. Papers 1 to 12 bound in One Folio Volume. (13) Dominions No. 6. Report on the Dominions Department of the Colonial Office, for 1910-11: Copyright. Foreign Relations. Defence. Rules for Appeals to Privy Council. Legislation. (14) Imperial Conference. Comparative Analysis of the Company Laws of the United Kingdom, India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, with a Memorandum Prepared for the Imperial Conference, 1907, by the Direction of the Board of Trade. London, 1907. (15) Imperial Conference. Comparative Analysis of the Company Laws of the United Kingdom, India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, with a Memorandum Prepared for the Imperial Conference, 1911, by the Direction of the Board of Trade. London, 1911. Colonial Conferences: Ottawa Papers. Ottawa, 1849-1910. 98 CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. Colonial Policy of Great Britain, Considered with relation to Her North Ameri- can Provinces, and West India Possessions; Wherein the Dangerous Ten- dency of American Competition is Developed, and the Necessity of Ee- commencing a Colonial System on a Vigorous and Extensive Scale, Ex- hibited and Defended; with Plans for the Promotion of Emigration, and Strictures on the Treaty of Ghent. By a British Traveller. Phila- delphia, 1816. Condition and Prospects of Canada, in 1851, as Pourtrayed in the Despatches of the Et. Hon. Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, Governor-General of Canada, to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies. Quebec, 1855. Conduct of the French, with Eegard to Nova Scotia, from Its First Settlement to the Present Time. In which are Exposed the Falsehood and Absurd- ity of their Arguments made use of to Elude the Force of the Treaty of Utrecht, and Support their Unjust Proceedings. In a Letter to a Mem- ber of Parliament. London, 1754. Confederation Speeches: Confederation of the British North American Pro- vinces. Being Extracts from Speeches Eecently Delivered on This Sub- ject, in Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, by the Honourable Messrs. Archibald, Brown, Cartier, Carter, Fisher, Gait, Gray, McCully, Macdonald, McGee, Palmer, Boss, Shea, Tilley, and Tupper. Members . of the Confederation Conference Held at Quebec, on the 10th October, 1861. (British North American Association.) London, 1865. Also in Same Volume: "Speech on the Proposed Union of the British North American Provinces, Delivered at Sherbrooke, C. E., by the Hon. A. T. Gait, 23rd Nov., 1864." Cramoisy Series : — Eolation de ce qui s'est Passe de plus Eemarquable. aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, les annees 1673 a 1679. Par le E. P. Claude Dablor^ Eecteur du College de Quebec & Superieur des Missions de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, a la Nouvelle York, de la Presse Cramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea, 1860. La Vie de la B. Catherine Tegakouita, Dite a Present la Saincte Sauuagesse. Par le E. P. Claude Chauchetiere, Pretre Missionaire de la Compagnie de Jesus. Manate; de la Presse Cramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea, 1887. La Vie de E. P. Pierre Joseph Marie Chaumont, de la Compagnie de Jesus, Missionaire dans la Nouvelle France, Ecrite par Lui-meme par Ordre de son Superieur, l'An 1688. Nouvelle York, Isle de Manate, a la Presse Cramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea, 1858. • Suite de la Vie du E. P. Pierre Joseph Marie Chaumont, de la Compagnie de Jesus, par un Pere de la Meme Compagnie avec la Maniere d'Oraison du Venerable Pere, Ecrite par Lui-meme. , Nouvelle York, Isle de Man- ate, a la Presse Cramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea, 1858. Eegistres des Baptesmes et Sepultures qui se sont Faits au Fort Duquesne, pendant des Annees 1753, 1754, 1755 & 1756 : Nouvelle York, Isle de Manate, de la Presse Cramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea, 1859. Eelation de ce qui s'est Passe de plus Eemarquable aus Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, les Annees 1672 et 1673. Par le E. P. Claude Dablon, Eecteur du College de Quebec & Superieur des Missions de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France. A la Nouvelle York, de la Presse Cramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea, 1861. CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. 99 Relations Diverses sur la Bataille du Malangueule. Gagne ,par les Frangois sous M. de Beaujeu, Commandant du Fort du Quesne sur les Anglois sous M. Braddock, General en Chef des Troupes Angloises. Recueillies par Jean-Marie Shea, Nouvelle York, de la Presse Cramoisy, 1860. Extrait de la Relation des Aventures et Voyage de Mathieu Sagean. Nouvelle York: a la Presse Cramoisy de J. M. Shea," 1863. Relation de sa Captivite parmi les Onneiouts, en 1690-1. Par le R. P. Pierre Milet, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Nouvelle York: Presse Cramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea, 1861. Receuil de Pieces sur la Negociation entre la Nouvelle France et la Nouvelle Angleterre, es Annees 1648 et Suivantes. Nouvelle York: de la Presse Cramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea, 1866. Relation des Affaires du Canada, en 1696, et des Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus jusqu'en 1702. Nouvelle York: de la Presse Cra- moisy de Jean-Marie /Shea, 1865. Relation de la Mission Abnaquise de St. Frangois de Sales, l'Annee 1702. Par le Pere Jacques Bigot, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Nouvelle York: Presse Cramoisy de Jean-Marie Shea, 1865. 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The Administration of (Sir James Craig. A Chapter in Canadian History, n. p., 1908. Cruikshank, Capt. E. Documentary History of the Campaign on the Niagara Frontier; 1812-1814. 9 vols, in 8. Welland, 1899-1908. Cruikshank, Lieut.-Col. Inventory of the Military Documents in the Canadian Archives. Ottawa, 1910. Dainville, D. Beautes de l'Histoire du Canada; ou fipoques Remarquables, Traits Interessans, Mceurs, Usages, Coutumes des Habitans du Canada, tant Indigenees que Colons, depuis sa Decouverte jusqu'a ce Jour. Paris, 1821. Daniel, J. Precis Historique; ou Abrege de l'Histoire du Canada: avec Apergu sur les Principaux Personnages du Pays. Montreal, 1867. David, L. O. Deux Papineau (Les). Montreal, 1896. David, L. O. Histoire du Canada depuis la Confederation ; 1867-1887. Montreal, 1909. David, L. O. Les Patriotes, de 1837-1838. Montreal, 1884. 7 c. 100 CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. David, L. 0. Union (L') des Deux Canadas; 1841-1867. Montreal, 1898. Davis, Paris M. An Authentick History of the Late War Between the United States and Great Britain, with a full Account of Every Battle by Sea and Land; the Massacre at the River Raisin; the Destruction of the City of Washington; the Treaty of Peace in 1815. Ithaca, 1829. Dearborn, Captain Henry. Journals of, in the Quebec Expedition, 1775; and Journals,. 1776-1783. Cambridge, Mass., 1886-7. Dent, John Charles. The Last Forty Years; Canada since the Union of 1841. 2 vols. Toronto, 1881. Dent, John Charles. The Story of the Upper Canada Rebellion. 2 vols. Toronto, 1885. De Reinhard, Charles and McLellan, Archibald. Report of the Trial of, for Murder, at a Court of Oyer and Terminer Held at Quebec, May, 1818. Montreal, 1818. De Ricci, J. H. The Fisheries Dispute and Annexation of Canada. London, 1888. Dix, Edwin Asa. Champlain, Founder of New France. New York, 1903. Documents relating to the Seignorial Tenure in Canada, 1598-1854. Edited with an Historical Introduction and Explanatory Notes, by William Bennett Munro. Toronto, 1908. (Champlain Society Publications.) •' Dominions " Department of the Colonial Office Reports. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. (Papers 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12) are Entered under the Title a Colonial Conferences/' (1) Notes on a Visit to Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji, in 1909, by Sir Charles Lucas. London, 1910. (2) Report of the Dominions Department of the Colonial Offices, 1909-1910. London, 1910. (3) Imperial Copyright Conference, 1910. Memorandum of the Proceed- ings. London, 1910. (4) Further Correspondence relating to the Imperial Conference. London, 1910. (5) Correspondence relating to the Imperial Conference, 1911. London, 1911. (6) Report of the Dominions Department of the Colonial Office, 1910-1911. London, 1911. (6a) Imperial Conference, 1911: Precis of Proceedings. London, 1911. (7) Imperial Conference, 1911: Minutes of Proceedings. London, 1911. (8) Papers laid before the Conference. London, 1911. (9) Papers laid before the Conference. — Naval and Military Defence. London, 1911. (10) Report of a Conference on the Question of Reciprocity throughout the Empire in the Examination and Authorisation of Surveyors. London, 1911. (11) Papers relating to the Fnancial Relations in the British Self-governing Dominions between the Central and the Local Governments. London, 1911.. (12) Report, for 1911-12, relating to the Self-governing Dominions. London, 1912. Douglas, James. Canadian Independence; Annexation; and British Imperial Federation. New York, 1894. CANADA, -HISTORICAL— Continued. 101 Douglas, James. Old France in the New World. Quebec in the Seventeenth Century. Cleveland, 1905. Dugas, G. (L'Abbe). Histoire Veridique des Faits Qui Ont Prepare le Mouvement des Metis a la Riviere-Rouge, en 1869. Montreal, 1905. Dummeb, Jer. Letter to a Noble Lord concerning the Late Expedition to Canada. London, 1746. Duncan, David M. The Story of the Canadian People. Toronto, 1907. Dunlop, Dr. Recollections of the American War, 1812-14. With a Biographical Sketch of the Author, by A. H. TJ. Colquhoun. Toronto, 1905. Durham, Earl of. Her Majesty's High Commissioner and Governor-General of British North America, Report and Despatches of. London, 1839. Dueham, Lord. Report on the Affairs of British North America. Edited, with an Introduction, by Sir C. P. Lucas. 3 vols. Oxford, 1912. Dussieux, L. Canada (Le) sous la Domination Francaise. D'apres les Archives de la Marine et de la Guerre. Troisieme Edition. -Paris, 1883. Eaedley-Wilmot, John. Historical View of the Commission for Enquiring into the Losses, Services, and Claims of the American Loyalists, at the Close of the War between Great Britain and Her Colonies in 1783; with an Account of the Compensation Granted to Them by Parliament in 1785 and 1788. London, 1815. Eaton, A. W. The Church of England in Nova Scotia ; and the Tory_ Clergy of the Revolution. New York, 1891. Edgar, Pelham. The Struggle for a Continent. Edited from tihe Writings of Francis Parkman. London, 1902. Edits et Ordonnances. 2 vols. Vol. 1. Edits, Ordonnances Royaux, Declarations et Arrets du Conseil d'Etat du Roi, concernant le Canada; Mis par Ordre Chronologique, et Publies par ordre de Son Excellence Sir Robert Shore Milnes, Baronet, Lieutenant-Gouverneur de la Province du Bas-Cannda, en Consequence de Deux Differentes Adresses de la Chambre d'Assemble, en Date des 5e et 7e Mars, 1801. Quebec, 1803. Vol. 2. Ordonnances des Intendants et Arrets Portant Reglements du Con- seil Sup6rieur de Quebec, avec les Commissions de Gouverneurs et Indendants Agissant sous l'Autorite des Rois de France, et les Commissions des Autres Officiers Civils et de Justice en Canada; Divieses en Cinq Chapitres, et Ranges dans Ohaque Chapitre par Ordre Chronologique: le Tout Publie par Ordre de Son Excellence Sir Robert Shore Milnes, Baronet, Lieutenant-Gouverneur de la Province du Bas-Canada, en Consequence de Deux Differentes Adresses de la Chambre d'Assemblee, en Date des 5e et 7e Mars, 1801. Quebec, 1806. Edits et Ordonnances. 3 vols. Vol. 1. Edits, Ordonnances, Royaux Declarations et Arrets du Conseil d'Etat du Roi concernant le Canada. Quebec, 1854. Vol. 2. Arrets et Reglements du Conseil Superieur de Quebec, et Ordonnances et Jugements des Intendants du Canada. Quebec, 1855. Vol. 3. Complement des Ordonnances et Jugements des Gouverneurs et Intendants du Canada Precede des Commissions des Dits Gouver- neurs et Intendants et des Differents Officiers Civils et de Justice. Quebec, 1856. 102 CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. Edwards, J. P. Louisbourg; an Historical Sketch. Halifax, 1895. Elliott, Charles B. "United States and the Northwestern Fisheries. A History of the Fishery Question. Minneapolis, 1887. Faillon, l'Abbe. Histoire de la Colonie Franchise en Canada. 3 vols. Ville- marie. Fannings, Col. David. Narrative of His Exploits and Adventures as a Loyalist of North Carolina in the American Revolution; Supplying Important Omissions in the Copy Published in the United States. With an Intro- duction and Notes by A. W. Savary. Toronto, 1908. Fenian Invasion, Correspondence Relating to the; and the Rebellion of the Southern States. Ottawa, 1869. Fenian Invasion of Canada, and the American Civil War. Correspondence; 1869. Ottawa, 1869. Ferland, J. B. A. 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Interspersed with Interesting Geo- graphical Sketches of those Parts of the Country where the Principal Battles were Fought. Baltimore, 1817. CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. 103 Gravier, Gabriel. Decouverte de l'Amerique par les Normands, au Xe Siecle. Rouen, 1873. Gravier, Ga'briel. Decouvertes et fitablissements de Cavelier de la Salle de Rouen dans l'Amerique du Nord (Lacs Ontario, Erie, Huron, Michigan, Vallees de TOhio et du Mississippi et Texas). Paris, 1870. Gray, Hon. J. H. Confederation; or the Political and Parliamentary History of Canada, from the Conference at Quebec in October, 1864, to the Admis- sion of British Columbia in July, 1871. Toronto, 1872. Vol. 1 (All: Published.) Greswell, Rev. William Parr. History of the Dominion of Canada. Oxford, 1890. Grievances : Seventh Report from the Select Committee of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada on : to whom were Referred Lord Viscount Goderich's Despatch, &c, to His Excellency Sir John_ Colborne, of the 8th November, 1832 : to Which is Added the Report from the same Committee on the Petition of William Forsyth, Late Proprietor of the Niagara Palls Pavilion: W. L. Mackenzie, Esq., Chairman. Toronto, 1835. Guenin, Eugene. La Nouvelle France. 2 vols. Paris, 1896. (Histoire de la Colonisation Francaise.) Hadden's Journal and Orderly Books: a Journal Kept in Canada and upon. Burgoyne's Campaign in 1776 and 1777, by Lieut. James M. Hadden, R.A. Also Orders Kept by Him and Issued by Sir Guy Carleton, Lieut.- General John Burgoyne, and Major-General William Phillips, in 1776, 1777, and 1778. With an Explanatory Chapter and Notes, by Horatio Rogers. Albany, 1884. Haight, C. Before the Coming of the Loyalists (IT. E. Series No. 1). Toronto,: 1897. Haight, C. Coming of the Loyalists (U. E. Series No. 2). Toronto, 1899. Halifax Fisheries Commission, Records of the Proceedings of. Folio. Halifax, 1877. Halifax Fisheries Commission. — Documents and Pleadings Relating to the Ques- tions Decided by the Award of $5,500,000.00 Rendered at Halifax by. the Commissioners under the Treaty of Washington. Folio. Ottawa, 1877. Hannay, James. History of the War of 1812, between Great Britain and the United States of America. St. John, N.B., 1901^ Hannay, James. How Canada Was Held for the Empire, the Story of the War of 1812. London, 1905. Harrisse, Henry. Notes pour Servir a PHistoire, a la Bibliographie, et a, la Clartographie de la Nouvelle- France, et les Pays Adjacents, 1545-1700. Paris, 1872. Hart, G. E. The Fall of New France, 1755-1760. Montreal, 1888. :* I Hart, Gerald E. The Quebec Act, 1774. Montreal, 1891. Hatch, Col. W. S. A Chapter of the History of the War, of 1812, in the North- west; Embracing the Surrender of the North-western Army and Fort at Detroit, 16 Aug., 1812. 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Reprinted from the Second London Issue of 1698, with Facsimiles of Original Title-Pages, Maps, and Illustrations: and the Addition of Intro- duction, Notes, and Index, by Eeuben Gold Thwaites. 2 vols. Chicago, 1903. Henry, J. J. Account of Arnold's Campaign against Quebec and the Hardships and Sufferings of That Band of Heroes Who Traversed the Wilderness of Maine from Cambridge to the St. Lawrence in the Autumn of 1775. Albany, 1877. Heriot, George. History of Canada, From Its Discovery. Comprehending an Account of the Original Establishment of the Colony of Louisiana. Lon- don, 1804. Vol. 1 (All Published). Hervey, Hon. William, Journals of the, in North America and Europe, from 1755 to 1814, with Order Books at Montreal; 1760-1763. With Memoirs and Notes. Bury St. Edmunds, 1906. Historical Publications Relating to Canada, Review of. Edited by G. M. Wrong and H. H. Langton. Vols 1-15. 1896 to 1910. (Vols. 1-10, General Index Volume to: 1907.) History of the French in America. With Six Years of Life and Travel in the Province of Quebec. Salt Lake City, 1885. Hodgins, J. George. History of Canada, and of the Other British Provinces in North America. Montreal, 1866. Hodgins, Thomas. British and American Diplomacy Affecting Canada; 1782- 1899. A Chapter of Canadian History Toronto, 1900. Hopkins, J. Castell. The Story of the Dominion. — 400 Years in the Annals of a Continent. A History of Canada, from Its Early Discovery to the Present Time. Toronto, 1901. Huestis, Capt. Daniel D., Narrative of the Adventures and Sufferings of, and His Companions in Canada and Van Diemen's Land. With Travels in California, and Voyages at Sea. Boston, 1847. Huyshe, Capt. G. L. The Red River Expedition. London, 1871. Iberville, D', Sieur. The First Great Canadian. The Story of Pierre le Moyne Sieur D'Iberville. By Charles B. Reed. Chicago, 1910. Imperial Conference, Further Correspondence Relating to the; 1907. London, 1910. Imperial Conference, Minutes and Proceedings of the. Ottawa (1911). Important Debate on the Adoption of the Report of the Select Committee on the Differences between His Excellency and the Late Executive Council, in the House of Assembly, 18 April, 1836. Toronto. Incidents in the Early History of Canada. Niagara, n.d. (In Same Vol., "Battlefields of the Niagara Peninsula, in the War of 1812-15.") CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. 105 Ingersoll, Chas. J. Historical Sketch of the Second War between the United States of America and Great Britain, Declared by Act of Congress, the 18th of June, 1812, and Concluded by Peace, the 15th of February, 1815. Vols. 1 and 2. Philadelphia, 1845-49. Also Second Series, Vols. 1 and 2. J. F. N. D. ("Brother A."). Compendium of the History of Canada and of the Other British North American Provinces. For the Use of the Christian Brothers Schools. Montreal, 1874. Jacques Cartier and his Four Voyages to Canada : an Essay : with Historical, Explanatory and Philological. Notes. By H. B. Stephens. 4to. Mon- treal, 1890. James, C. C. Upper Canada Legislatures. Ottawa, 1902-03. (1). The First Legislators of Upper Canada. (2). The Second Legislature of Upper Canada; 1796-1800. Jebb, Richard. The Imperial Conference. A History and Study. 2 vols. London, 1911. Jeffers, J. Frith. History of Canada. 16mo. Toronto, 1878. Jesuits, Le Journal des, Publie cl'apres le Manuscrit Original Consere aux Archives du Seminaire de Quebec. Par MM. les Abbes Laverdiere et Casgrain. 4to. Quebec, 1871. Johnson, Rossiter. History of the French War, Ending in the Conquest of Canada. With a Preliminary Account of the Early Attempts at Coloniza- tion and Struggles for the Possession of the Continent. New York, 1882. Johnson, Sir William. By Augustus C. Buell. New York, 1903. Johnson, Sir William, Bart., Life and Times of. By William L. Stone. 2 vols. Albany, 1865. Johnson, Sir William. Calendar of the Sir William Johnson MSS. in the New York State Library. Compiled by Richard E. Day. Albany, 1909. Jones, Chas. Henry. History of the Campaign for the Conquest of Canada, in 1776, from the Death of Montgomery to the Retreat of the British Army under Sir Guy Carleton. Philadelphia, 1882. Joutei/s Journal of La Salle's Last Voyage; 1684-7. With a Frontispiece of Gudebrod's Statue of La Salle and the Map of the Original French Edition, Paris, 1713, in Facsimile. New Edition, with Historical and Biographical Introduction, Annotations and Index by H. R. Stiles. To which is Added a Bibliography of the Discovery of the Mississippi, by A. P. C. Griffin. Albany, 1906. Jugements et Deliberations du Conseil Souverain de la Nouvelle France, 1663- 1704. Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4. Quebec, 1885-1888. Jugements et Deliberations du Conseil Superieur de Quebec, 1705-1716. Volumes, 5, 6. Quebec, 1889-1891. * Junius." "A Letter to an Honourable Brigadier General, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's IForces in Canada." London, 1760. (Now 'First Ascribed to Junius.) To which is added, "A Refutation of the Letter, etc. By an Officer." With Incidental Notices of Lords Townshend and Sackville, Sir Philip Francis, and Others. Edited toy N. W. Simons. London, 1841. . Kidder, Frederic. Military Operations in Eastern Maine and Nova Scotia, dur- ing the Revolution. Chiefly Compiled from the Journals and Letters of Colonel John Allan. With Notes and a Memoir of Col. John Allan. Albany, 1867. 106 CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. King, John. The Other Side of the "Story." Being Some Eeviews of Mr. J. C. Dent's Vol. 1 of "The Story of the Upper Canadian Rebellion," and the Letters in the Mackenzie'-Rolph Controversy. Also a Critique, Hitherto Unpublished, on "The New Story." Toronto, 1886. Kingsford, Wm. History of Canada (1608-1841.) 10 vols. Toronto, 1887- 1898. Kirk, Henry. The First English Conquest of Canada : with Some Account of the Earliest Settlements in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. London, 1908. Knox, John, Captain. An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America, for the Years 1757, 1758, 1759, and 1760: Containing the Most Remarkable Occurrences of that Period; Particularly the Two Sieges of Quebec, &c. &c. ; the Orders of the Admirals and General Officers; Descriptions of the Countries where the Author Has Served, with Their Forts and Garrisons; their Climates, Soil, Produce; and a Regular Diary of the Weather. As also Several Manifestos, a Mandate of the Late Bishop" of Canada; the French Orders and Disposition for the Defence of the Colony, &c, &c, &c. 2 vols. London, 1769. Lahontan, Baron de. Dialogues de Monsieur le Baron de Lahontan et d'un Sauvage dans l'Amerique. Contenant une Description Esacte des Moeurs & des Couteumes de ce Peuples Sauvages, &c. Amsterdam, 1704. Lahontan, Baron de. New Voyages to North- America. Reprinted from the English Edition of 1703, with Facsimile of Original Title-Pages, Maps, and Illustrations, and the Addition of Introduction, Notes, and Index. By R. G. Thwaites. 2 vols. Chicago, 1905. Lahontan, Baron de. Un Outre-Mer au XVIIe Siecle. Voyage au Canada. Publiees, avec une Introduction et des Notes, par M. Francois de Nion. Paris, 1900. Larue, Hubert. Histoire Populaire du Canada; ou Entretiens de Madame Genest a ses Petits Enfants. Troisieme Edition. Quebec, 1875. LaSalle, Chevalier de, and His Companions. By J. S. C. Abbott. New York, 1875. Laterriere, De Sales. Political and Historical Account of Lower Canada. With Remarks on the Present Situation of the People, as regards their Man- ners, Character, Religion, &c. London, 1830. Laverdiere, C. H. Histoire du Canada. A l'Usage des Maisons d'Education. Quebec, 1869. Leblond de Brumath, A. Precis d'Histoire du Canada. A l'Usage des ficoles Primaires. Montreal, 1895. Leclaire, A. Notice Historique sur la Compagnie de Jesus au Canada. Mon- treal, 1889. Le Clercq, Father Chrestien. New Relation of Gaspesia, with the Customs and Religion of the Gaspesian Indians. Translated and Edited, with a Reprint of the Original, by .W. F. Ganong. (Champlain Society Publica- tions.) Lepine, Ambroise D. Despatches Regarding Commutation of Lepine's Sentence and- North West Amnesty. In Volume "Preliminary Investigation and Trial of Ambroise D. Lepine for the Murder of Thomas Scott," &c. Lepine, Ambroise D., Preliminary Investigation and Trial of, for the Murder of Thomas Scott. Being a Full Report of the Proceedings in this Case CANADA, HISTORICAL— Coniinwed. 107 before the Magistrates' Court and the Several Courts of Queen's Bench in the Province of Manitoba. Winnipeg, 1874. Lescarbot, Marc. History of New France. With an English Translation, Notes, and Appendices, by W. L Grant. And an Introduction by H. P. Biggar. Toronto, 1907 & 1911. Champlain Society Publications. Vol. 1, 2. Lettres fidifiantes et Curieuses, ficrites des Missions fitrangees. XXXIII Eecueil. Paris, 1738. Lettre du Pere Sebastien Rasles, Missionnaire de la Com- pagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle France a Monsieur Son Frere (1723). Levis, Chevalier de : — (1) Journal des Campagnes du Chevalier de Levis en Canada de 1756 a 1760. Montreal, 1889. (2) Lettres du Chevalier de Levis Concernant la Guerre du Canada (1756- 1760). Montreal, 1889. (3) Lettres de la Cour de Versailles au Baron de Dieskau, au Marquis de Montcalm et au Chevalier de Levis. Publiees sous la Direction de l'Abbe H. R. Casgrain. Quebec, 1890. (4) Lettres et Pieces Militaires Instructions. Ordres, Memoires, Plans de Campagnes et de Defense, 1756-1760. Publiees sous la Direction de l'Abbe H. E. Casgrain. Quebec, 1891. (5) Lettres de M. de Bourlamaque au Chevalier de Levis. Publiees sous la Direction de l'Abbe H. R. Casgrain. Quebec, 1891. (6) Lettres du Marquis de Montcalm au Chevalier de Levis. Publiees sous la Direction de l'Ahbe H. R. Casgrain. Quebec, 1894. (7) Journal du Marquis de Montcalm durant ses Campagnes en Canada de 1756 a 1759. Publiees sous la Direction de l'Abb6 H. R. Casgrain. Quebec, 1895. (8) Lettres du Marquis de Vaudreuil au Chevalier de Levis. Publiees sous la Direction de l'Abbe H. R. Casgrain. Quebec, 1895. (9) Lettres de FIntendant Bigot au Chevalier de Levis. Publiees sous la Direction de l'Abbe H. R. Casgrain. Quebec, 1895. (10) Lettres de Divers Particuliers au Chevalier de Levis. Publiees sous la Direction de l'Abbe H. R. Casgrain. Quebec, 1895. (11) Relations et Journaux de Differentes Expeditions faites durant les Annees 1755-56-57-58-59-60. Publiees sous la Direction de l'Abbe H. R. Casgrain. Quebec, 1895. (12) Table Analytique de la Collection des Manuscrits du Marechal de Levis. Quebec, 1895. Lighthall, W. D. Account of the Battle of Ohateauguay. Lecture Delivered at Ormstown, March, 1889. With Some Local and Personal Notes, by W. Patterson. Montreal, 1889. Lomax & Mitchell. History of the Late War, between the United States and Great Britain; Containing a Brief Recapitulation of the Events Which Led to the Declaration of War, its Progress, and an Account of the Various Brilliant Land and Naval Victories, Including the Battle of New Orleans. New York, 1830. Loyalists' Centennial Souvenir; 1783-1883. Saint John, N. B., 1887. Lucas, Sir C. P. The Canadian War of 1812. Oxford, 1906. Lucas, Sir C. P. A History of Canada; 1763-1812. Oxford, 1909. Lucas, Fred W. Appendiculae Historicae; or Shreds of History Hung on a Horn. London, 1891. 108 CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. Lucas, Bobert. Journal of the War of 1812, during the Campaign under General William Hull. Edited by John C. Parish. 4to. Iowa, 1906. Lundy's Lane Historical Society. Papers of: — 1. Niagara, 100 Years ago, the Ancient Capital and Its Vicinity. By Janet Carnochan. Welland, 1892. 2. A Centenary Study of Upper Canada. By Rev. E. J. Fessenden. 1892. 3. The Battle of Lundy's Lane. By Ernest Cruikshank. 1893. 4. Drummond's Winter Campaign; 1813. By Ernest Cruikshank. 1893. 5. Butler's Rangers, — the Revolutionary Period. By Ernest Cruikshank. 1893. 6. Lundy's Lane, — Memento of the Unveiling of the Monument ; July, 1895. By Wm. Kirby. 1895. 7. The Fight in the Beechwoods, — a study in Canadian History. By Ernest Cruikshank. 1895. 8. Annals of Niagara. By Wm. Kirby. 1896. 9. The Story of Laura Secord, a Heroine of 1813. By Mrs. S. A. Curzon. 1898. 10. The Battle of Queenston Heights. By Ernest Cruikshank. 1904. 11. The Siege of Fort Erie. By Ernest Cruikshank. 1905. 12. Memorial of the 100th Anniversary of the War of 1812-14. By R. W. Geary. 1912. McCord, Fred A. Errors in Canadian History. Culled from "Prize Answers." Montreal, 1880. McCord, Fred A. Hand-Book of Canadian Dates. Montreal, 1888. Macdonald, Capt. John A. Troublous Times in Canada. A History of the Fenian Raids, of 1866 and 1870. Toronto, 1910. Macdougall, Hon. Wm. The Red River Rebellion — 8 Letters to Hon. Joseph Howe, Secretary of State for the Provinces. In Reply to an Official Pamphlet. Toronto, 1870. McIlwraith, J. N. Canada. Toronto, 1899. Mackenzie, Wm. Lyon. Life and Times of. With an Account of the Canadian Rebellion of 1837 and the Subsequent Frontier Disturbances. Chiefly from Unpublished Documents. By Chas. Lindsey. 2 vols, in 1. Phila- delphia, 1862. MoLeod, Alex., Trial of, for the Murder of Amos Durfee, in Connection with the Burning of the Steamer Caroline. Being Volume 2 of Gould's Reporter. Washington, 1841. See End of Vol. for "Review of Judge Cowen's Opinions." — Pamphlet. M'Leod, D. (Major General, Patriot Army, Upper Canada). Brief Review of the Settlement of Upper Canada by the U. E. Loyalists and Scotch Highlanders, in 1783; and of the Grievances Which Compelled the Canadas to Have Recourse to Arms in Defence of Their Rights and Liberties, in the Years 1837 and 1838: Together with a Brief Sketch of the Campaigns of 1812, '13, '14: with an Account of the Military Executions, Burnings, and Sackings of Towns and Villages, by the British, in the Upper and Lower Provinces, during the Commotion of 1837 and '38. Cleveland, 1841. MacMullen, John. History of Canada, from Its First Discovery to the Present Time. Brockville, 1868. Also Third Edition, Revised and Greatly Enlarged. 2 vols. Brockville, 1892. CANADA, HI ST ORICAI/— Continued. 109 Malartic, le Comte de Maures de. Journal des Campagnes au Canada, de 1755 a 1760. Publiee par Son Arriere Petit-Neveu le Comte Gabriel de Maures de Malartic et par Paul Gaffarel. Paris, n.d. Margry, Pierre. Memoires et Documents pour Servir a l'Histoire des Origines Franchises des Pays d'Outre-Mer. Deeouvertes et fitablissements des Francais dans l'Ouest et dans le Sud de l'Amerique Septentrionale. Paris, 1879-1888. Tome Premier. Voyages des Frangais sur les Grands Lacs et Decouverte de l'Ohio et du Mississippi (1614-1684). Tome Deuxieme. Lettres de Cavelier de la Salle et Correspond ance relative a Ses Entreprises (1678-1685). Tome Troisieme. Recherche des Bouches du Mississippi et Voyage a travers le Continent, depuis les Cotes du Texas jusqu'a Quebec (1669-1698). Tome Quatrieme. Decouverte par Mer des Bouches du Mississippi et fitablissements de Lemoyne d'Iberville sur le Golfe du Mexique (1694-1703). Tome Cinquieme. Premiere Formation d'une Chaine de Postes entre le Fleuve Saint-Laurent ~ei la Golfe du Mexique (1683-1724). Tome Sixieme. Exploration des Affluents du Mississippi et Decouverte des Montagnes Rocheuses (1679-1754). Margry, Pierre. Navigations Frangaises et la Revolution Maritime du XlVe an* XVIe Siecle. D'Apres les Documents Inedits Tires de France, d'Angle- terre, d'Espagne, et d'ltalie. Paris, 1867. Margry, Pierre. Relations et Memoires Inedits pour Servir a l'Histoire de la France dans les Pays d'Outre Mer. Tires des Archives du Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies. Paris, 1867. Marshall, H. E. Our Empire Story: Canada, London, 1909. Marshall, J. G. A Brief History of Public Proceedings and Events Legal, Parliamentary and Miscellaneous in the Province of Nova Scotia, during the Earliest Years of the Present Century. Halifax, n.d. Martin, Archer. Hudson's Bay Company's Land Tenures and the Occupation of Assiniboia by Lord Selkirk's Settlers. With a List of Grantees under the Earl and the Company. London, 1898. Martin, R. M. History of Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, the Sable Islands, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, the Bermudas, Newfoundland, etc. London, 1837. Martin, R. Montgomery. History of Upper and Lower Canada. London, 1836. Maseres, Baron F. An Account of the Proceedings of the British, and Other Protestant Inhabitants, of the Province of Quebeck, in North America, in Order to Obtain an House of Assembly in That Province. London, 1775. (Endorsed Vol. 1). Additional Papers Concerning the Province of Quebeck : Being an Appendix to the Above Book. London, 1776. (Endorsed Vol. 2). Also Volume Containing Part of the "Additional Papers," pp. 125 to 510. Maseres, Francis. The Canadian Freeholder: in Two Dialogues between an Englishman and a Frenchman, Settled in Canada. Shewing the Senti- ments of the Bulk of the Freeholders of Canada Concerning the Late Quebeck-Act; with Some Remarks on the Boston-Charter Act; and an Attempt to Shew the Great Expediency of Immediately Repealing Both Those Acts of Parliament, and of Making Some Other Useful Regula- tions and Concessions to His Majesty's American Subjects, as a Ground for a Reconciliation with the United Colonies in America. 3 vols. London, 1777-9. 110 • CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. Maseres, Francis. A Collection of Several Commissions, and Other Public Instruments, Proceeding from His Majesty's Royal Authority, and Other Papers, Relating to the State of the Province in Quebec in North America, Since the Conquest of It by the British Arms in 1760. London, 1772. Maseres, Francis. Considerations on the Expediency of Admitting Representatives from the American Colonies into the British House of Commons. Lon- don, 1770. Maseres, Baron Francis. Occasional Essays on Various Subjects, Chiefly Political and Historical; Extracted Partly from the Public Newspapers, during the Present Reigns of Queen Elizabeth, King Charles I., King Charles II., and from Bishop Burnet's History of His Own Times. London, 1809. Masson, L. R. Bourgeois (Les) de la Compagnie du Nord-Ouest. Recits de Voyages, Lettres et Rapports Inedits Relatifs au Nord-Ouest Canadien. Publies avec une Esquisse Historique et des Annotations. 2 vols. Quebec, 1889-90. Meigs, Major Return J. Journal of the Expedition against Quebec, under Com- mand of Col. Benedict Arnold, in the Year 1775. With an Introduction and Notes, by Charles I. Bushnell. New York, 1864. Melvin, James. Journal of the Expedition to Quebec, in the Year 1775, under the Command of Colonel Benedict Arnold. Philadelphia, 1864. Memoirs des Commissaires du Roi et de Ceux de Sa Majeste Britannique, sur les Possessions & les Droits Respectifs des Deux Couronnes en Amerique; avec les Actes Publics & Pieces Justificatives. Tome Premier, Contenant les Memoires sur l'Acadie & sur l'Isle de Sainte-Lucie. Paris, 1755. Tome Second, Contenant les Traites & Actes Publics concernant 1' Amer- ique en General, & les Pieces Justificatives des Memoires sur les Limites de l'Acadie. Paris, 1755. Tome Troiseme, Contenant les Pieces Justi- ficatives concernant la Propriete de l'Isle de Sainte-Lucie. Paris, 1755. Tome Quatrieme, Contenant les Derniers Memoires sur l'Acadie, & un Memoire des Commissaires du Roi sur l'Isle de Tabago. Paris, 1757. Memorials of the English and French Commissaries concerning the Limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia. 4to. London, 1755. Memoires des Commis- saires Anglois et Francois ou Sujet des Limites de la Nouvelle Ecosse ou Acadie, #c. Vol. 1. Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting Letter from the Secretary of War, Accompanied with Sundry Documents, Requesting Such Information as May Tend to Explain the Causes of the Failure of the Arms of the United States on the Northern Frontier. 2 Parts in 1. Albany, 1814. Miles, Henry H. The Child's History of Canada— for the Use of the Elementary Schools, and of the Young Readers. Second Edition. 16mo. Montreal, 1876. Miles, H. H. History of Canada under French Regime, from 1535 to 1763. With Maps, Plans and Illustrative Notes. Montreal, 1881. Also Edition of Montreal, 1872. Mtssisquoi County Historical Society, First, Second, Third and Fourth Reports of the. With Papers and Items of Local Interest. St. Johns, Que., 1906-1909. Montcalm, Marquis de (1712-1759.) Par Thomas Chapais. Quebec, 1911. CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. Ill Montcalm, Le Marquis de, et les Dernieres Annees de la Colonie Frangaise au Canada; 1765-1760. Par le Rev. Pere P. Martin. Paris, 1898. Montcalm, en Canada; ou les Dernieres Annees de la Colonie Frangaise (1756- 1760.) Par un Ancien Missionnaire (Le R. P. Martin, de la Compagnie de Jesus.) Paris, 1867. Montreal Historical Society. Memoires et Documents Relatifs a l'Histoire du Canada. Publies par la Societe Historique de Montreal. Montreal. Premiere Livraison. De l'Esclavage en Canada. (1859). Seconde De la Famille des Lauson — Vice Rois et Lieutenants Generaux des Rois de France en Amerique (1859). Troisieme " Ordonnances de Paul de Chomedey, Sieur de Ma'ison- neuve, Premier Gouverneur de Montreal. Guerre de 1812 a 1815. Bataille Navale du Lac Champlain: par un Temoin Oculaire (1860). Quatrieme " Histoire du Montreal; 1640-1672. Ouvrage Attribue a M. Francois Dollier de Casson, Pretre de St. Sulpice de Paris et 3e Superieur du Seminaire de Montreal. Abrege de la Mission de Kente (1869). Cinquieme " Regne Militaire en Canada ; ou Administration Judici- aire de Ce Pays par les Anglais, du 8 Septembre 1760 au 10 Aout 1764. Manuscrits Recuellis et. Annotes par le Commandeur J. Viger. Pieces Officielles; ou Placards, Reglements, Ordon- nances, etc., Publiees par les Gouverneurs de Montreal durant le Regne Militaire, ou de 1760 a 1764. Documents Inedits. Extrait des Regis- tres de l'Epoque. Legislation du Gouvernement de Trois-Rivieres durant le Regne Militaire. Lettres et Placards Affiches dans le Gouvernement de Trois Rivieres, en 1760, 1761, 1762, 1763, 1764 (1870). Sixieme " Voyage de MM. Dollier et Galinee (1875) Septieme " Voyage de Kalm en Amerique. Analyse et Traduit par L. W. Marchand (1880) Huitieme " Voyage de Kalm en Amerique. Analyse et Traduit par L. W. Marchand (1880). Neuvieme Les Veritable Motifs de Messieurs et Dames de la Societe de Notre Dame de Montreal (1880) Dixieme " Campagne de 1755 (1900) Moreatj, l'Abbe S. A. Histoire de l'Acadie, Province de Quebec. Montreal, 1908. Mulvany, Chas. Pelham. History of the North West Rebellion of 1885. In- cluding a History of the Indian Tribes of North Western Canada. Tor- onto, 1885. Murdock, Beamish. History of Nova Scotia or Acadia. 3 vols. Halifax, 1865-7. Murray, Hugh. An Historical and Descriptive Account of British America; Comprehending Canada, Upper and Lower, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, the Bermudas and the Fur Coun- tries; Their History from the Earliest Settlement; Their Statistics, Topography, Commerce, Fisheries, &c, and Their Social and Political 112 CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. Conditions; as also an Account of the Manners and Present State of the Aboriginal Tribes. 2 Vols. New York, 1860. Myers, T. Bailey. The Tories or Loyalists in America : Being Slight Historical Tracings, from the Footprints of Sir John Johnson and His Contem- poraries in the Revolution. Albany, 1882. Myrand, Ernest. Sir William Phips devant Quebec. Histoire d'un Siege. Quebec, 1893. New Brunswick Historical Society, Collections of the. No. 1, 1894 to No. 8, 1909. St. John, N. B., Same Dates. Niagara Historical Society. — Papers. Welland & Niagara, 1897 — (3) Blockade of Fort George; 1813. By Ernest Cruikshank. (6) Niagara Library; 1800-1820. Early Schools of Niagara. By Janet Carnochan. (8) Family History. — The Servos Family, by Wm. Kirby. The Whitmore Family, by Wm. Kirby. The Jarvis Letters, by Miss M. A. Fitz- Gibbon. Robert Land, U. E. L., by John H. Land. (9) Campaigns of 1812-14. Contemporary Narratives of Captain W. H. Merritt, Colonel William Claus, Lieut.-Colonel Matthew Elliott and Captain John Norton. Edited by Lieut.-Colonel E. Cruikshank. (11) Eeminiscences of Niagara. — Andrew Kemp. Rev. John Oakley. Mrs. Elizabeth Quade, nee Henry. Rev. ' John McEwan. Daniel Field. Jas. A. Davidson. American Occupation of Niagara, from 27th May to 10th Dec. 1813. Early Books of Travel, Diaries, etc. Treasure at Fort Niagara. (12) Battle of Fort George. By Lieut.-Colonel Ernest Cruikshank. (13) A Wife's Devotion: a Canadian Heroine of 60 Years ago. An Historic House. Names Only. St. Vincent de Paul's Church, by Mrs. J. Greene. (14) Letters of Mrs. Wm. D'ummer Powell; 1807-1821. William Duff Miller. (15) Sir Isaac Brock. The Count de Puisaye. By Janet Carnochan. (16) Report of the Opening of Memorial Hall; June 4th, 1907. (17) 10 Years of the Colony of Niagara. By Lieut.-Colonel E. Cruikshank. (18) St. Mark's Early History, by Cyril de M. Rudolf. Reminiscent Papers No. 1 : John M. Clement, by Rev. J. C. Garrett. Soldier Pensioners, by Catherine M. Creed. Early Ship-Building in Niagara, by A. I. G. Gilkison. Robert Gourlay, by Janet Carnochan. (19) Inscriptions and Graves in the Niagara Peninsula. By Janet Carnochan. Second Edition. (20) Reminiscences of the Fenian Raid, 1866, by Chas. Hunter. Reminiscences of Niagara and St. Davids, by Mrs. J. G. Currie. Canadian Federa- tion in the Making with Some Glimpses at the Confederators, by Rev. A. F. MacGregor. Translation of Part of the Journal of Thos. de Boucherville. (21) Historic Buildings. — The Centennial— An Old Canadian Fort, by Dean Garrett. 2 Frontier Churches — Fort Mississauga — Navy Hall — Jail and Court House — French Count's House, by Janet Carnochan. Locust Grove (the Residence of Mrs. J. W. Ball,) by C. A. F. Ball. Catalogue of Articles in Memorial Hall, the Historical Building of the Niagara Historical Society Founded in 1895; Collected since May, 1896; Building Erected 1906; Formally Opened June 4th, 1907. CANADA, HIST ORICAL— Continued. 113 (22) Some Graves in Lundy's Lane. By Ernest Green. (23) Fort Niagara — Col. D. MacDougal, by Janet Carnochan. Letters of 1812 from Dominion Archives, by Col. Cruikshank. Steamer Chicora, Formerly Confederate Blockade Runner, by A. J. Clark. The Eider of the Plain, by T. A. Boys. North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Tribunal of Arbitration, Constituted under a Special Agreement, Signed at Washington, January 27, 1909, between the United States of America and Great Britain. June 1st — Sept. 7th, 1910. Folio. The Hague, 1910. Northeastern Boundary: Succinct Account of the Treaties and Negotiations between Great Britain and the United States of America, relating to the Boundary 'between the British Possessions of Lower Canada and New Brunswick, in North America, and the United States of America. London, n.d. Nova Scotia Archives. I. Selections from the Public Documents Published under a Resolution of the House of Assembly, Passed March 15, 1865. Edited by T. B. Akins. Halifax, 1869. II. A Calendar of Two Letter Books and One Commission Book in the Possession of the Government of Nova Scotia; 1713-1741. Edited by Arch. McMechan. Halifax, 1900. Nova Scotia Historical Society. — Reports and Collections. Halifax. Vols. 1-10. 1878 to 1898. Vol. 14. 1910. Vol. 15. 1911. Nursey, Walter R. The Story of Isaac Brock, Hero, Defender and Saviour of Upper Canada, 1812. Toronto, 1908. O'Connor, T. An Impartial and Correct History of the War between the United States of America and Great Britain, etc.: Comprising a Particular De- tail of the Naval and Military Operations, and a Faithful Record of the Events Produced during the Contest, etc., etc. New York, 1815. Ontario Historical Society. Toronto. Papers and Records: Vols. 1-9, 1899- 1909; Annual Reports: 1899 to 1907, 1909, 1910, 1911. O'Reilly, Isabel M. One of Philadelphia's Soldiers, in the War of 1912. Phila- delphia, 1901. Ouimet & Montigny. La Verite sur la Question Metisse au Nord-Ouest, par Adolphe Ouimet, Biographie et Recit de Gabriel Dumont sur les fivene- ments de 1885, par B. A. T. de Montigny. Montreal, 1889. Palmer, Peter S. History of Lake Ohamplain, from the First Exploration by the French in 1609 to the Close of the Year 1814. Albany, 1866. Panet & Viger. Siege de Quebec, en 1759. Quebec et Montreal, 1836 et 1866. Parkman, Francis. France and England in North America. Boston, 1910. Part 1. Pioneers of France in the New World. Part 2. Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century. Part 3. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West. Part 4. The Old Regime in Canada. Part 5. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. Part 6. A Half-Century of Conflict. 2 vols. Part 7. Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 vols. Parkman, Francis. The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the * Conquest of Canada. 2 vols. Boston, 1910. Parkman, Francis. The Oregon Trail. Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life. Boston, 1910. Parkman, Francis. Life of. By C. H. Farrfiam. Boston, 1910. 114 CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. Also Champlain Edition of 20 vols. Boston, 1897-1898. Also several copies of some volumes. Pedley, Rev. Charles. History of Newfoundland, from the Earliest Times to the Year 1860. London, 1863. Perkins, Samuel. History of the Political and Military Events of the late War between the United States and Great Britain. Newhaven, 1825. Perrault, J. F. Abrege de l'Histoire du Canada, a l'Usage des ficoles filement- aires. Deuxieme Edition. Quebec, 1832. First and Second Parts. Pichon, Thomas. Lettres et Memoires pour Servir a l'Histoire Naturelle, Civil et Politique du Cap Breton, depuis Son fitablissement jusqu' a la Beprise de Cette Isle per les Anglois en 1758, A la Have et a Londres, 1760. Poirer, Pascal. Pere Lefebvre et l'Acadie. Troisieme. Edition. Montreal, 1898. Pollard, James B. Historical Sketch of the Easstern Regions of New France, from the various dates of their Discoveries to the Surrender of Louisburg, 1758. Also Prince Edward Island, Military and Civil. Charlottetown, 1898. Poole, Edmund Duval. Annals of Yarmouth and Barrington (Nova Scotia) in the Revolutionary War. Compiled from Original MSS., etc., contained in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, State House, Bos- ton, Mass. Yarmouth, 1899. Poole, J. I. The Fight at Battle Hill. A Paper Read before the Middlesex His- torical Society, at London, Ontario, May 19, 1903. London, 1903. Pope, Joseph. Confederation: Being a Series of Hitherto Unpublished Documents Bearing on the British North America Act. Toronto, 1895. Pote, William. Journal of Captain William Pote, Jr., during His Captivity in the French and Indian War, from May, 1745, to August, 1747. (Also Morris's Map Published with the Pote Journal.) New York, 1896. Pouchot, M. Memoir upon the Late War in North America between the French and English, 1755-60 ; followed by Observations upon the Theatre of Actual War; and by New Details concerning the Manners and Customs of the Indians. With Topographical Maps. Translated and Edited by Franklin B. Hough. With Additional Notes and Illustrations. 2 vols. Folio. Roxbury, Mass., 1866. Poullin de Lumina. Histoire de la Guerre centre les Anglois. Geneva, 1759. Podtre, Felix, fichappe de la Potence. Souvenirs d'un Prisonnier d'fitat Cana- dien, en 1838. Montreal, 1869. Present State of the Canadas : Containing Practical and Statistical Information respecting the Climate, Soil, Produce, Agriculture, Trade, Currency, Banking, etc., of Upper and Lower Canada — Useful for the Emigrant, Merchant, and Tourist. London, 1833. Prevost, Sir George. Some Account of the Public Life of the Late Lieutenant- General Sir George Prevost, Bart. : Particularly of His Services in the Canadas, including a Reply to 'the Strictures on His Military Character. Contained in an Article in the Quarterly Review for October, 1822. Lon- don, 1823. Prieur, F. X. Notes d'un Condamne Politique, de 1838. Montreal, n.d. Provancher, l'Abbe L. Histoire du Canada. Le Premier Cours a l'Usage de la Jeunesse des ficoles. Quebec, 1884. Prowse, D. W. A History of Newfoundland, from the English, Colonial, and Foreign Records : with a Prefatory Note by Edmund Gosse ; with Thirty- CANADA, HISTORIC AL-^Continued. 115 four Collotypes, Over Three Hundred Text Illustrations, and Numerous Maps. London, 1895. Quatre Gloires Canadiennes. Jacques Cartier; Samuel de Ghamplain; RR. PP. Brebeuf et Lalemant. Montreal, n.d. Quatre-Vingt-Douze Resolutions, n.p., n,d. Quebec Historical Documents. Published by the Literary and Historial Society of Quebec. First Series:— Memoires sur le Canada, depuis 1749 jusqu'a 1760, en 3 Partes. Parte 1. L'Histoire du Canada durant la Guerre et sous la Govern- Anglois. (This also is a Separate Vol., "Memoires," etc.) Parte 2. Collection de Memoires et de la Relations sur l'Histoire Ancienne du Canada apres les Manuscrits Recemment Obtenus des Archives et Bureaux Publics de France. Memoire sur l'fitat Present (1667) du Canada. Attribue a M. Talon. Memoire sur le Canada (1736). Attribue a M. Hocquart. Considerations sur l'fitat Present du Canada (1758). Histoire du Canada (1713-1724). Par l'Abbe Belmont. Relation du Siege de Quebec, en 1759. Par une Religieuse de la Hos- pital General, a Quebec, 1765. Jugement Impartial sur les Operations Militaires de la Campagne en Canada, en 1759. Reflections Sommaires sur le Commerce Qui S'Est Fait en Canada. Histoire de l'Eau de Vie en Canada (1705). Parte 3. Voyages de Decouverte au Canada, entre les Annees 1534 et 1542, par Jacques Cartier, le Sieur de Roberval, Jean Alphonse de Xanctoigne, etc. Suivis de la Description de Quebec et de Ses Environs, en 1698, et de Divers Extraits relativement au Lieu d'Hivernment de Jacques Cartier, en 1535-36 (avec Gravures Facsimiles) Reimprimes sur d'Anciennes Relations (1545-1595). Parte 4. Memoire du Sieur de Ramezay, Commandant a Quebec, au Sujet de la Reddition de Cette Ville, le 18 Sep. 1759. Second Series: — MSS. relating to the Early History of Canada: 1. Col. Malcolm Eraser's (of Fraser's Highlanders) Journal of the Siege of Quebec, 1759. 2. Campaigns of Louisbourg, 1750-58. Attributed to the Chevalier John- stone. 3. Campaign, of 1760, in Canada. Attributed to Chevalier Johnstone. 4. Invasions of Canada, in 1775. Letter Supposed to have been Written by Lt.-Col. Caldwell to Gen. Murray. 5. Dialogues of the Dead (Montcalm and Wolfe). A Narrative of the Siege Operations before Quebec, in 1759. Attributed to Chevalier John- stone, Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Levi. 6. Journal of the Expedition up the River St. Lawrence, from the Time of Their Embarkation at Louisbourg till after the Surrender of Quebec. Republished from the New York Mercury of 31 Dec., 1759. Third Series: 1. Histoire du Montreal (1640-1672) ; et Abrege de la Mission de Kente. Ouvrage Attribute a M. Francois Dollier de Casson, Pretre. 8 c. 116 CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued, 2. Recueil de Ce Qui S'Est Passe en Canada au Sujet de la Guerre tant les Anglois que les Iroquois, depuis PAnnee, 1682. 3. Voyage d'Iberville — Journal du Voyage Paite par Deux Frigates du Roi, la Battine et le Matin, Commence dans PAnnee, 1698. 4. Journal of the Siege of Quebec, 1760. By Geo. Jas. Murray. 5. Journal des Operations de PArmee Americaine lors de PInvasion du Canada, en 1775-1776. Par M. J. B. Badeaux. Fourth Series: — 1. Journal of the Expedition up the Eiver St. Lawrence. 2. General Orders in Wolfe's Army, during the Expedition up the River St. Lawrence, in 1759. 3. Journal du Siege de Quebec, en 1759. Par Jean Claude Panet. N.P., Temoin Oculaire. 4. Journal of the Siege and Blockade of Quebec by the American Rebels, in Autumn of 1775 and Winter of 1776. (By Hugh Finlay.) Fifth Series : — Documents Relating to the War of 1812. Sixth Series: — Trade and Shipping; Port of Quebec; 1793. Seventh Series: — Blockade of Quebec, in 1775-76, by the American Revolu- tionists (Les Bastonnais). Published by the Society. And Edited by F. C. Wurtele. Quebec, 1905. Eighth Series: — This Is a Continuation of the Seventh Series (concerning the Blockade of Quebec by the American Revolutionists, in 1775- 6) ; and Contains Other Unpublished or out of Print Diaries of Officers Present in Quebec, during That Period. Quebec, 1906. Quebec Literary and Historical Society Transactions. Vol. 1. Old Series. 1824-29. Geology of Lake Superior. By Commander Bayfield. Colouring Materials Produced in Canada. By Wm. Green. Meteorological Phenomena Ohserved in Canada. By Capt. Bonnycastle. Notes on the Saguenay County. By A. Stuart. Observations on Rocks and Minerals of Upper Canada. By Captain Bonnycastle. Geology of a Portion of the Labrador Coast. By Lt. Baddeley. Geognosy of a Part of the Saguenay Country. The Ancient Etruscans, Tyrrhenians or Tuscans. By A. Stuart. Notes on the Country about the Falls of Montmorenci. By Wm. Green. Recent Shells Which Characterise Quebec and Its Environs. By Mrs. Sheppard of Woodfield. , Journey across the Continent of North America, by an Indian Chief, from Mr. Le Page du Pratz. By A. Stuart. , Observations on American Plants, Described by Charlevoix. By William Sheppard. Observations on the Myrtus Cerifera or Myrtle-Wax Shrub. Compiled by William Green. Catalogue of Remarkable Coincidences Inducing a Belief of the Asiatic Origin of the North American Indians. By Major Mercer, R.A. Observations on Crickets in Canada. By Hon. J. Hale. Catalogue of Canadian Plants. Presented by Countess of Dalhousie. Mineralogical Cabinet. Solar Spots. Plates. CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. 117 Vol. 2. Old Series. 1829-30. Coral Animals in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. By Capt. Bayfield. District Traversed by the Maurice Expedition, in 1829. Processes Used in Dyeing, among the Huron Indians. By W. Green. Sketches of the Tete de Boule Indians. By J. Adams. Notes on Some of the Plants of Lower Canada. By W. Sheppard. Length and Space. By Bev. D. Wilkie. Additional Notes on the Geognosy of St. Paul's Bay. By Lieut. Baddeley. Grammar of the Huron Language, by a Missionary of the Village of Huron Indians. Translated from the Latin by Mr. J. Wilkie. Sur le Canon de Bronze Trouve en 1826, sur un Banc de Sable, dans le Fleuve St. Laurent. Par Amable Berthelot. Remarks on the Country Lying between the Rivers St. Maurice and Saguenay. By Lieut. Ingall. Notes Upon the Dark Days of Canada. By Hon. Chief Justice Sewell. Topographical Notices of the Country Lying between the Mouth of the Rideau and Penetanguishene. By A. Shireff. Textile Substances in Use among the North American Indians. By W. Green. Autograph Letter of Cotton Mather on Witchcraft. Plan Raisonne d'Education Generale et Permanente. Par Joseph F. Perrault. Stoves Used in Russia for Warming Dwelling Houses. By Hon. Chief Justice Sewell. Localities of Metallic Minerals in the Canadas. Lieut. Baddeley. Letters on Minerals, Mineral Waters, &c, &c. Donations to Society. Catalogue of Library, and of Instruments and Apparatus. Maps. Address by Joseph Skey. Vol. 3. Old Series. 1832-1837. Temperature, Fogs and Mirages of the River St. Lawrence. By William Kelly, R.N. Abstract of the Meteorological Journal Kept at Cape Diamond, Quebec, from 1st Jan., 1824, to 31st Dec, 1831, with Some Remarks on the Climate of Lower Canada. By Wm. Kelly, R.N. Theory of Parallel Lines ; Being an Attempt to Demonstrate the Twelfth Axiom of Euclid. By Rev. D. Wilkie. Notes on some of the Plants of Canada. By Wm. Sheppard of Woodfield. Magdalen Islands ; Being the Substance of 4 Reports. By Lieut. Baddeley. Pigments of Canada. By W. Green. Medical Statistics of Lower Canada. By Wm. Kelly, R.N. Notes on Some of the Canadian Song Birds. By Mrs. Sheppard" of Woodfield. Inscription Found in the Heart of a Growing Tree. By Wm. Sheppard of Woodfield. Analysis of Mineral Water Sent from Gaspe. Ancient Document relating to Acadia. Descriptive Sketch of St. Paul's Island, at the Entrance of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 118 CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. On the Temperature of the Springs at Quebec. By Dr. Wm. Kelly, R.N. Travertine of Calcarnous Tufa, By H. D. Sewell. Canadian Entomologies. By Andrew Stuart. Geological Sketch of the Most South-Eastern Portion of Lower Canada. By Lieut. Baddeley. Abstract of a Meteorological Journal Kept on Lake Superior, in 1824. Abstract of a Meteorological Register Kept at Cape Diamond, Quebec, from Jan., 1832, to Dec, 1834. Also in 1835-36. .Notes on the Ancient English or Anglo-Saxon Language. By Dr. Fisher. Some Extraordinary Forms of Mirage. By Dr. Wm. Kelly, R.N. Notes upon the Country in the Vicinity of Quebec. By H. D. Sewell. Method for Preventing the Liquid Condensation of Smoke in Metallic Flues. By Wm. Sheppard of Woodfield. Effect of Clearing and Cultivation on Climate, and on the Situations Most Favorable to the Deposition of Hoar Frost and Dew. By Dr. Wm. Kelly, R.N. Temperature of the Surface of the Water over the Banks and near the Shores of the Gulf of the St. Lawrence. By Dr. Wm. Kelly, R.N. Prize Essay on the Hyperboreans. By Hon. A. W. Cochran. i Observations on the Habits of the Salmon Family. By Dr. Henry. Detached Thoughts upon the History of Civilization. By Andrew Stuart. Oration Delivered before the Society, at the Anniversary Prize Meeting, 3rd May, 1837. By Rev. D. Wilkie. Donations to Library and Museum of Society. Plates and Illustrations. Vol. 4. Old Series. 1837-1861. 1. Different Modes of Reducing the Apparent Distance between the Moon and the Sun, or a Star, in Lunar Observations, to the True Distance, for the Purpose of Ascertaining the Longtitude. By Hon. Justice Fletcher. 2. Observations on Judge Fletchers Paper. By V. Daintry. 3. The Importance of Aiming at the Establishment of Some General System of Education, in Canada, at This Time, 1841. By D. Wilkie. 4. Note on the Massasagua, a Species of Rattlesnake. By A. Sewell. 5. Notes on the Coast of Labrador. By S. Robertson. 6. Notes on the Menobranchus Lateralis. By W. Sheppard. 7. Natural History of the American Black Bear. By G. M. Douglas. 8. Analysis of Georgian Spring Water. By A. Hall. 9. Esquimaux Bay and the Surrounding Country. By W. H. A. Davies. 10. Tabular View of Minerals Which Decrepitate with Heat. By Capt. Baddeley. 11. Ungava Bay and Its Vicinity. By W. H. A. Davies. 12. The St. Paul's Bay Disease. By Hon. A. W. Cochran. 13. Twenty Years' Siege of Candia. By Edw. Taylor Fletcher. 14. Resources and Capabilities of the Island of Anticosti. By A. R. Roche. 15. Water Power of Quebec. By E. D. Ashe. 16. Plan of a Life Raft. By E. D. Ashe. 17. Mean Results of Meteorological Observations, Taken during the Winter of 1853-54. By Lieut. Noble. 18. View of Russian America in Connection with the Present War. By A. R. Roche. CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. 119 19. Social Condition of the Coast of Labrador. By N. H. BoWen. Appendix : The Late Eclipse. — Journal of a Voyage from New York to Labrador. By Lieut. E. D. Ashe, R.N. The Wild Flowers of Quebec. By S. Sturton. On Languages as Evincing Special Modes of Thought. By E. T.' Fletcher. Vol. 5. Old Series. 1862. 1. Notes of a Journey across the Andes, in Peru. By Lieut. E. D. Ashe, R. N. 2 An Important but Neglected Branch of Social Science. By E. A. Meredith. , 3. The Age of Timber Trees, and the Prospects of a Continuous Supply of Timber in Canada. By John Langton. 4. Documents sur Jacques Cartier. Appendice a la Geneabgie de Jacques Cartier, par M. C. Desmazieres de Sechelles. 5. Belief of the Ancient Egyptians respecting a Future State. By Rev. J. Douglas. No. 1. New Series. 1863. Address of President Langton. 1. Weights and Measures. By R. S. N. Bouchette. 2. A Lately Discovered MS. of Samuel Champlain. By Hon. T. D'Arcy McGee. 3. Some Emendations in the Text of Shakespeare. By E. A. Meredith. 4. Capabilities of the Harbour of Quebec. By C. M. Tate. 5. The Grain Trade. 6. Up the River Moisie. By Edward Cayley. 7. Danger Arising from the Substitution of Benzole for Turpentine in Paint. By S. Sturton. 8. Botanical Geography of Canada. By S. Sturton. Donations to the Museum. No. 2. New Series. 1863-4. 1. Address of President Langton. 2. Gold Fields of Nova Scotia. By Dr. Anderson. 3. Gold Fields of Canada. By Rev. J. Douglas. 4. Note on an Incident of Early Canadian History (Champlain's Expedi- tion, in 1615). By John Langton. 5. List of Co'leoptera and Diptera Taken at Quebec and Other Parts of Lower Canada. By Wm. Couper. 6. Motions of the Top, Teetotum and Gyroscope. By E. D. Ashe. 7. Census of 1861. By John Langton. 8. Common Gaols of Canada — Individual Separation (with Shortened Sentences), Recommended. By E. A. Meredith. 9. Orders, Sub-Orders and Genera of Insects. By Wm. Couper. 10. Result of Observations for the Determination of the Latitude of Quebec Observatory. By Lieut. E. D. Ashe, R.N. No. 5. New Series. 1864-5. 1. Address of President Langton. 2. List of Coleoptera Taken at Quebec and Other Parts of Lower Canada. By Wm. Couper. 120 CANADA, HIST ORICAL— Continued. 3. Copper Mining in Canada East. By Herbert Williams, M.E. 4. The Ancient Scandinavians. By Prof. Sinding. 5. Sleswick-Holstein Question. By Prof. Sinding. 6. Short School Time, with Military or Naval Drill. By E. A. Meredith. 7. Two Mummies from Thebes. By Rev. J. Douglas. 8. Lost Island of Atlantis. By E. T. Fletcher. 9. The Secular Change of Magnetic Declination in Canada, from 1790 to 1850. By E. T. Fletcher. 10. On Some Early Records of the Magnetic Declination in North America. By John Langton. No. 4. New Series. 1865-66. 1. Address of Vice-President Douglas. 2. The Coal-Like Substance, or "Altered Bitumen," Found in the Excava- tions at Fort No. 3, Point Levis, and the Presently Accepted Theories on the Origin of Coals, Bitumens, and Petroleum Springs, with an Account of the "Carboniferous System" of British North America. By W. J. Anderson. 3. History of Literature. By J. M. LeMoine. 4. History of Canada. By John Wilson Cook. 5. Canadian Literature. By Hector Fabre. 6. Some of the Fishes of the St. Lawrence. By F. W. G. Austin. 7. Birds of Canada. By J. M. LeMoine. 8. Measurement of Heads in Ethnological Investigations. By John Langton. Reports of Council, Librarian, Museum. Donations to Library and Museum. Treasurer's Statement. No. 5. New Series. 1866-67. 1. Solar Spots. By Commander Ashe, R.N. 2. Canadian History and Biography, and Passages in the Lives of a British Prince and a Canadian Seigneur. By W. J. Anderson. 3. Future Commercial Policy of British North America. By T. H. Grant. Report of Council. List of Papers Read before Society, and of Members. Treasurer's Statement. No. 6. New Series. 1867-68 and 1868-69. 1. Notes of a Journey through the Interior of the Saguenay Country. By E. T. Fletcher. 2. Account of the Attempt to Form a Settlement on the Mosquito Shore, in 1823. By James Douglas. 3. The Physical Constitution of the Sun. By Commander Ashe, R.N. 4. The Kalevala, or National Epos of the Finns. By E. T. Fletcher. Appendix, Reports, &c. No. 7. New Series. 1869-70. 1. Recent Spectroscropic Observations of the Sun, and the Total Eclipse of the 7th August, 1869. 2. "Evangeline" and "The Archives of Nova Scotia;" or the Poetry and Prose of History. 3. Literature of Queen Anne's Reign. By the Bishop of Quebec. 4. Military Operations at Quebec, from the Capitulation by De Ramezay, on the 18th September, 1759, to the Raising of the Siege by De Levis, between the Night of the 17th and the Morning of the 18th May, 1760. By Dr. W. J. Anderson. CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. 121 5. Canadian Eclipse Party, 1869. By Commander Ashe, R.N". Appendix, Reports, &c. No. 8. New Series. 1870-71. Address of President Anderson. Copper Deposits at Harvey Hill. By James Douglas, Jun. Canadian Archives. By H. H. Miles. Education, Practical and National. By Rev. J. H. Johnson. Red River Expedition, of 1870. By Lt. H. S. H. Riddell. Recreations in History. By the Lord Bishop of Quebec. Engineering and Engineers. By Lt. Col. B. H. Martindale. Histoire du Montreal, 1640-72. Attributed to Dollier de Casson. No. 9. New Series. 1871-72. Southern Africa and the Kaffirs. By R. E. Robertson. Artillery Retrospect of the Last Great War. By Col. Strange. Siege and Capture of Quebec. By Dr. Anderson. Geometry, Mensuration and Stereometrical Tableau. By C. Baillarge. Archives of Canada. By Dr. Anderson. Letter from Parkman. No. 10. New Series. 1872-73. Siege and Blockade of Quebec. Col. Coffin. Whaling Voyage to Spitzbergen. By J. Douglas, M.D. Historic Medals of Canada. By A. Sandham. Canadian Chorography and Topography. By H. H. Miles. No. 11. New Series. 1873-75. Sieges and Changes Produced by Modern Weapons. Col. Strange. Early French Settlements in America. By John Langton. Present State of Literature in Canada. By J. Douglas, Jun. Currency, with Reference to Card Money in Canada, during French Domination. By James Stevenson. Settlement of the Ohio Valley. By W. D. Howells. No. 12. New Series. 1876-77. Currency of Canada, after the Capitulation. By J. Stevenson. Presidential Elections in U. S. By W. D. Howells. The Sparrows: a Poem. By Wm. Kirby. No. 13. New Series. 1877-79. Histoire de la Societe. By L. P. Turcotte. Aborigines of Canada. W. Clint. Emerson. Geo. Stewart, Jun. Royal William Steamship. Wm. King. No. 14. New Series. 1879-80. Glimpses of Quebec; 1749-59. President LeMoine. Ostrich Farming. Com. Jephson. Cause and Commencement of War of 1812. By James Stevenson. No. 15. New Series. 1880-81. Origin of Aborigines in Canada. Prof. J. Campbell. The Scot in New France; 1535-1880. By President LeMoine. Thomas Carlyle. By Geo. Stewart, Jun. No. 16. New Series. 1881-82. Edinburgh, Rouen, York. By President LeMoine. Maritime Provinces. By J. Harper. Thoreau. By Geo. Stewart, Jun. 122 CANADA, HISTORICAL— Confirmed. No. 17. New Series. 1882-83. Great Explorers before Columbus. J. Reade. Origin and Development of the Greek Drama. J. Harper. Genius and Lifework of Longfellow. Geo. Stewart, Jun. No. 18. New Series. 1883-86. Histoire du Canada. L'Abbe de Belmont. No. 19. New Series. 1887-89. Nebular Hypothesis. By W. A. Ashe. Champlain's Tomb: By J. Harper. Histoire Abregee de Ffiglise Paroissiale de Quebec. Notes sur le Chateau St. Louis. No. 20. New Series. 1889-91, Boyal William Steamship. By A. Campbell. English Cathedral of Quebec. By F. C. Wurtele. Journal of the Voyage of the Brunswick Auxiliaries, from Wolfen- buttel to Quebec. By F. V. Melshemier, Chaplain. Index to Letters, Papers and Historical Documents Published by the Society. By F. C. Wurtele. No. 21. New Series. 1891-92. War of 1812. By J. Stevenson. No. 22. New Series. 1892-98. Proceedings of Sessions, of 1892-98. Histoire de la Conquete du Canada. MS. Inedit. Diary of the Weather Kept at Quebec, in the Year of the Siege by the Americans; 1776. Journal of Sergt. James Thompson; 1758-1830. Montgomery's Sword. Order of the Gateau. New Canadian Patriotism. Lecture by L. R. Gregor. No. 23. New Series. 1898-1900. Proceedings of Sessions, of 1898-1900. Plains of Abraham. No. 24. New Series. 1900-02. Trans-Canada Railway. By J. G. Scott. Canadian Forestry and Forests. Edw. Stuart. ~ No. 25. New Series. 1903-05. Education in Quebec, in the XVIIth Century. No. 26. New Series. 1905-06. Slavery in Old Canada, before and after the Conquest. By Col. H. Neilson. No. 27. New Series. 1906-07. Proceedings of Sessions, of 1906-07. Between the Times of War. By Dr. J. M. Harper. Racine, Louis Jos. Souvenirs Historiques du Canada, n.p., n.d. Rameau, E. La France aux Colonies : fitudes -sur le Developpement de la Race Francaise Hors de l'Europe. Les Frangais en Amerique, Acadiens et Canadiens. Paris, 1859. Rameau, E. Notes Historiques sur la Colonie Canadienne de Detroit. Lecture Prononcee par Mr. Rameau a Windsor sur le Detroit, Comte d'Essex, C. W.; le Lundi, ler Avril, 1861. Montreal, 1861. CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. 123 Eameau de Saint Pere. Une Colonie Feodale en Amerique: — L'Acadie (1604- 1881.) 2 vols. Paris, 1889. Rawlings, Thomas. The Confederation of the British North American Provinces : Their Past History and Future Prospects : Including also British Columbia and Hudson's Bay Territory : with a Map, and Suggestions in Eeference to the True and Only Practical Route from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. London, 1865. Raynal, Abbe. Philosophical and Political History of the British Settlements and Trade in North America. With an Introductory Preface, Not in the First Edition. To Which Is Annexed an Impartial History of the Present War in America. Edinburgh, 1779. Read, D. B. Canadian Rebellion of 1837. Toronto, 1896. Red River Insurrection — Hon. Wm. Macdougall's Conduct Reviewed. Montreal, 1870. Relations des Jesuits: Contenant Ce Qui C'Est Passe de Plus Remarquable dans les Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus dans la Nouvelle France. Ouvrage Publie sous les Auspices du Gouvernement Canadien. 3 vols. Quebec, 1858. Vol. 1, Embrassant les Annees 1614 et la Periode de 1632 a 1641. Vol. 2, Embrassant les Annees de 1642 a 1653. Vol. 3, Embrassant les Annees de 1656 a 1672: et une Table Analytique des Matieres Contenues dans Tout l'Ouvrage. Relations Inedites de la Nouvelle-France (1672-1679.) Pour Faire Suite aux Anciennes Relations (1615-1672.) Avec Deux Cartes Geographiques. 2 vols. Paris, 1861. Report of the Committee to Whom Was Referred so Much of the Message of the President of the United States, at the Commencement of the Session, as Relates to the Spirit and Manner in Which the War Has Been Waged by the Enemy; July 31, 1813. Resolution Agreed to and Forwarded to the President. Washington, 1813. Review of the Government and Grievances of the Province of Quebec Since the Conquest of It by the British Arms. To Which Is Added an Appendix Containing Extracts from Authentic Papers. London, 1788. Reynolds, James. Journal of an American Prisoner at Fort Maiden and Quebec, in the War of 1812. Edited by G. M. Fairchild, Jun. Thin 4to. Quebec, 1909. Richardson, Major. 8 Years in Canada ; Embracing a Review of the Administra- tions of Lords Durham and Sydenham, Sir Chas. Bagot, and Lord Metcalfe; and Including Numerous Interesting Letters from Lord Dur- ham, Mr. Chas Buller, and Other Well Known Public Characters. Mont- real, 1847. Richardson, Major. War of 1812: Containing a Full and Detailed Narrative of the Operations of the Right Division of the Canadian Army. First Series, n.p., 1842. Also Edition of Toronto, 1902; with Notes, and a Life of the Author, by A. C. Casselman. Riedesel, Major General, Memoirs, and Letters and Journals of, During His Residence in America. Translated from the Original German of Max Von Eelking by William L. Stone. • 2 vols. Albany, 1868. Riel, Louis, the Queen vs. ; Accused and Convicted of the Crime of High Treason : Report of Trial at Regina: Appeal to the Court of Queen's Bench, 124 CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. Manitoba: Appeal to the Privy Council, England: Petition for Medical Examination of the Convict: List of Petitions for Commutation of Sentence, Ottawa. Ottawa, 1886. Roberts, Charles G. D. History of Canada. Toronto, 1898. Robinson, Hon. John Beverley. Canada and the Canada Bill. Being an Examina- tion of the Proposed Measure for the Future Government of Canada. With an Introductory Chapter Containing Some General Views respect- ing the British Provinces of North America. London, 1840. Rochemonteix, le P. Camille de. Les Jesuites et la Nouvelle France, au XVIIe Siecle. D'Apres Beaucoup de Documents Inedits. 3 vols. Paris, 1895- 96. Roger, Charles. The Rise of Canada from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilization. Vol. 1. (All Published). Quebec, 1856. Rogers, Major Robert, Journals of. Containing an Account of the Several Excursions He Made under the Generals Who Commanded upon the Continent of North America, during the Late War; from Which May Be Collected the Most Material Circumstances of Every Campaign upon that Continent, from the Commencement to the Conclusion of the War. With an Introduction and Notes. And an Appendix, Containing Numerous Documents and Papers relating to the Doings of Major Rogers while Commanding at Michilimackinack, in 1767; and His Conduct in' the Early Part of the Revolutionary War. By Franklin B. Hough. Albany, 1883. Rolt, Richard. History of the British Dominions in North America, from the First Discovery of That Vast Continent by Sebastian Cabot in 1497, to Its Present Glorious Establishment as Confirmed by the Late Treaty of Peace in 1763. In 14 Books. (1 Vol.) 4to. London, 1783. Roy, J. History of Canada. For the Use of Schools and Families. Montreal, 1854. Royal, Joseph. Histoire du Canada; 1841-1867. Periode Comprise entre l'Union Legislative des Provinces du Haut et du Bas-Canada et la Confederation des Provinces Continentales de l'Amerique Britannique du Nord. Mont- real, 1909. Royal Letters, Charters, and Tracts, Relating to the Colonization of New Scot- land, and the Institution of the Order of Knight Baronets of Nova Scotia, 1621-1638. Edinburgh, 1867. Contents : — Preface, with Royal Letters, Acts of Privy Council, &c, 1621-1636. 1. Captain John Mason. 2. The King's Patent for the Plantation of New Scotland, 1621. 3. Sir William Alexander of Menstrie. 4. Sir Robert Gordon of Lochinvar. 5. John Burnett of Aberdeen, 1638. 6. Nova Scotia Papers Subsequent to 1640. 7. Roll of the Knights Baronets of Nova Scotia, from 1625 to 1638. Charters under the Great Seal of Scotland, &c, 1621-1638. 1. Carta Dom. Will. Alexander equitis Dominii et Baroniae Novae Scotiae in America, 10 Septr., 1621. 2. Carta Dom. Roberti Gordoun de Lochinvar Militis Baroniae de Galloway in Nova Scotia, 8 Nov., 1621. CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. 125 3. Carta Dom. Will. Alexander Militis Dominii Novae Scotiae, 12 July, 1625. 4. Carta Dom. Will. Alexander Militis de Dominio Canada?, &c., 2 ' Febr., 1628. Tracts. — 1. A Brief Discourse of the New-found-land. By Captain John Mason. Edinburgh, 1620. 2. Nova Scotia: the King's* Patent to Sir William Alexander, Knight, for the Plantation of New Scotland, in America ; and His Proceedings Therein. London, 1625. 3. An Encouragement to Colonies. By Sir William Alexander, Knight. London, 1624. Title-Page of the Same Tract Re-Issued as "the Mapp, and Descrip- tion of New England." London, 1630. 4. Encouragement for New Galloway, in America. By Sir Robert Gordon of Lochinvar. Edinburgh, 1625. Russell, J. History of the War between the United States and Great Britain, Which Commenced in June, 1812, and Closed in February, 1815 : Con- taining the Correspondence Which Passed between the Two Governments), Immediately Preceding, and Since Hostilities Commenced; the Declara- tion of War; and the Official Reports of Land and Naval Engagements. Compiled Chiefly from Documents. With an Appendix, Containing the Peace Correspondence and the Treaty of Peace. Second Edition. Hart- ford, 1815. Ryerson, Egerton. The Loyalists of America and Their Times, from 1620 to 1818. 2 vols. Toronto, 1880. St. Alban's Raid. — Investigation by the Police Committee of the City Council of Montreal into the Charges Preferred by Councillor P. Devlin against Guillaume Lamothe, Esq., Chief of Police; and the Proceedings of the Council in reference thereto. Montreal, 1862. St. Alban's Raid, The; or Investigation into the Charges against Lt. Bennett H. Young and His Command for Their Acts at St. Alban's, Vt., on 19 Oct., 1864: Being a Complete and Authentic Report of All the Proceedings on the Demand of the United States for Their Extradition under the Ashburton Treaty Before Judge Coursol and Hon. Justice Smith. Compiled by L. N. Benjamin. Montreal, 1865. Saint-Eustache, La Rebellion de 1837 a. Precede d'un Expose de la Situation Politique du Bas-Canada depuis la Cession. Second Title-Page. Journal Historique des "Gvenemens Arrives a Saint-Eustache, pendant la Rebellion du Comte du Lac des Deux-Montagnes. Depuis les Soulevements Com- mences a la Fin de Novembre, jusqu'au Moment ou la Tranquillite Fut Parfaitement Retablie. Par un Temoin Oculaire (C. A. M. Globensky). Quebec, 1883. Saint-Pierre, T. The Americans and Canada, in 1837-38. Authentic Docu- ments. Montreal, 1897. Sabine, Lorenzo. The American Loyalists ; or Biographical Sketches of Adherents to the British Crown in the War of the Revolution. Alphabetically Arranged, with a Preliminary Historical Essay. Boston, 1847. Sagard, F. Gabriel Sagard Theodat. Histoire du Canada et Voyages que les Freres Mineurs Recollects y Ont Faicts pour la Conuersion des Infidelles. 126 CANADA, HISTORICAL— Continued. Diuisez en Quatre Livres. Ou Est Amplement Traicte Hes Choses Principales Arriuees dans le Pays depuis l'An 1615 iusques a la Prise Qui en a Este Faicte les Anglois. Des Biens & Commoditiez qu'on en Peut Esperer. — Des Moeurs, Ceremonies, Creance, Loix & Costumes Merueilleuses de Ses Habitans. — De la Conuersion & Baptesme de Plusieurs, & des Moyens Necessaires pour les Amener a la Cognoissance de Dieu. L'Entretien Ordinaire de Nos Mariners, & Autres Particularitez Qui Se Bemarquent en la Suite de FHistoire. Fait et Compose Par le F. Gabriel Sagard Theodat, Mineur Eecollect de la Prouince de Paris. 4 vols. Paris, 1636. Saloxe, Emile. 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To Which Is Annexed, a Curious Account of the Cataracts of Niagara, by Mr. Peter Kalm, a Swedish Gentleman Who Travelled. London, 1751. (Reprint, Rochester, 1895.) CANADA, TOPOGRAPHICAL.— Continued. 136 Bealby, J. T. Canada. With Twelve Full-Page Illustrations in Colour, by T. Mower Martin, R. C. A., C. M. Mauly, Hy. Sandham, Allan Stewart, W. Cotman Eade, & Mortimer Menpes. Toronto, 1909. Bealby, J. T. Fruit Ranching in British Columbia. London, 1909. Bealby, J. T. How to Make an Orchard in British Columbia. London, 1912. Bealby, J. T. Peeps at Many Lands : — Canada. London, 1909. Beaubien, Charles P., (Cure.) Le Sault au Recollet. Ses Rapports, avec les Premiers Temps de la Colonic Mission-Paroisse. Montreal, 1898. Bechard, A. Histoire de l'He-aux-Grues et des lies Voisines. Arthabaskavilk, 1902. Begg, Alexander. Creation of Manitoba ; or a History of the Red River Troubles. Toronto, 1871. Begg, Alexander. "Dot It Down." A Story of Life in the North-West. Toronto, 1871. 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Explorations in the Great Bear Lake Region. London, 1901. Bell, Robert. On the Commercial Importance of Hudson's Bay. With Remarks on Recent Surveys and Investigations. London, 1881. Bell, Robert. A Survey in Baffinland. With a Short Description of the Country. London, 1901. Bender, P. Old and New Canada; 1753-1844. Historic Scenes and Social Pic- tures; or the Life of Joseph Francis Perrault. Montreal, 1882. Bentzon, Therese, (Blanc, Marie Therese.) Au Canada — L'fiducation et la So- ciety : Les Femmes du Canada Francais : Etablissements de Charite. n.p., n.d. Berry, C. B. The Other Side. How It Struck Us. London, 1880. Bezanson, A. M. Peace River Trail. Alberta, 1907" . Biart, Lucien. My Rambles in the New World. Translated by Mary de Haute- ville. London, 1877. Bigsby, John J. The Shoe and Canoe ; or Pictures of Travel in the Canadas, Illus- trative of Their Scenery and of Colonial Life; with Facts and Opinions on Emigration, State Policy, and Other Points of Public Interest. With Numerous Plates and Maps. 2 vols. London, 1850. 136 CANADA, TOPOGBAPHICAL.— Continued. Bingley, Eev. William. Travels in North America. From Modern Writers. With Eemarks and Observations; Exhibiting a Connected View of the Geography and Present State of That Quarter of the Globe. London, 1821. Bird, Isabella. The Englishwoman in America. London, 1856. Bishop, N. H. Voyage of the Paper Canoe; a Geographical Journal of 2500 Miles, from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico, in 1874-5. Boston, 1878. Bonnefons, J. C. Voyage au Canada, dans le Nord de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Fait depuis l'An 1751 a 1761. Quebec, 1887. Bonnycastle, Sir Richard H. Canada and the Canadians, in 1846. 2 vols. London, 1846. Bonnycastle, Sir B. H. Canada as It was, Is and May Be. With Considerable Additions and an account of Eecent Transactions, by Sir. J. E. Alexander. 2 vols. London, 1852. Bonnycastle, Sir Eichard H. The Canadas, in 1841. 2 vols. London, 1841. Bonnycastle, Sir' Eichard Henry. Newfoundland, in 1842. A Sequel to "The Canadas, in 1841." 2 vols. London, 1842. Borrett, Geo. Tuthill. Out West. A Series of Letters from Canada and the United States. London, 1866. Borron, E. B. Eeports of Explorations in Northern and Western Ontario Made by E. B. Borron, Stipendiary Magistrate. Eeports Dated 1880 to 1891. Borthwick, Eev. J. Douglas. History of Montreal; Including the Streets of Montreal, Their Origin and History. Illustrated. Montreal, 1897. Borthwick, Eev. J. D. History of Montreal Prison, from 1784 to 1886; Con- taining a Complete Eecord of the Troubles, of 1837-38; Burning of the Parliament Buildings, in 1849; St. Alban's Eaiders; Fenian Eaids, of 1866 and 1870, Etc. Montreal, 1886. Borthwick, Eev. J. Douglas. History of the Diocese of Montreal; 1850-1910. Montreal, 1910. Bosworth, N. Hochelaga Depicta: the Early History and Present State of the City and Island of Montreal. Montreal, 1839. Eeprint. Toronto, 1891. Bouchette, Joseph. The British Dominions in North America; or a Topograph- ical and Statistical Description of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, the Islands of Newfoundland, Prince Edward, and Cape Breton; Including Considerations on Land- Granting and Emigration; and a Topographical Dictionary of Lower Canada ; to Which Are Annexed, the Statistical Tables, and Tables of Distances, Etc. 2 vols. (Quarto.) London, 1831. Boundaries, United States and Canada and of the Several States and Territories ; With an Outline of All Important Changes of Territory. By Henry Gannett. Washington, 1899. Survey of the Northwestern Boundary of the United States; 1857-1861. By Marcus Baker. Washington, 1900. Survey of Idaho and Montana Boundary Line. By E. U. Goode. Wash- ington, 1900. Boundary between United States and the Possessions of Great Britain. Eeports upon the Survey of, from the Lake of the Woods to the summit of the Eocky Mountains. Authorized by an Act of Congress Approved Mar. 19, 1872. 4to. Washington, 1878. CANADA, TOPOGRAPHICAL.— Continued. 137 Boundary, North-eastern, of United States. President Tyler's Message Trans- mitting to Senate the Ashburton Treaty, Etc. Washington, 1842. Boundary, North Eastern of, United States. Report and Resolves in relation to the : March, 1838. n.p. Boundary, Northwestern, of the United States. Survey 1857-1861. By Marcus Baker. Washington, 1900. Boundary Question, United States. Article from Quarterly Review; March, 1840. London, 1841. Boundary, United States. Boundary between the United States and Upper Can- ada as Settled by the Commission under the Sixth Article of the Treaty of Ghent; a Series of Maps in 29 Sheets Issued by the Lighthouse Board of the United States. Oblong Folio. Washington, 1891. Boundary, United States. Notes upon the Southwestern Boundary Line of the British Provinces of Lower Canada and New Brunswick, and the United States of America. Montreal, 1839. Boundary, United States. Remarks upon the Disputed Points of Boundary under the Fifth Article of the Treaty of Ghent. Principally Compiled from the Statements Laid by the Government of Great Britain before the King of the Netherlands, as Arbiter. Saint John, N. B., 1838. Boundary Case. Report of T. K. Ramsay, Esq., K.C., on the Northern and West- ern Limits of Ontario. Confidential. Ottawa, 1873. Boundary Case. Appendix of the Province of Manitoba. 4to. Ottawa, 1884. Boundary Case. Memorandum on the Case of the Dominion of Canada relative to the Western and Northern Boundaries of the Province of Ontario, and in Reply to the Arguments in Support of the Claims of the Province in reference Thereto. By the Hon. John O'Connor, K.C. Ottawa, 1883. Boundary Case. Report on the Boundaries of the Province of Ontario Containing in Part the Substance of a Report Prepared for the Government of the Province, in 1872, by David Mills, Esq., M.P., and afterwards Revised and Considerably Enlarged by the Author for the Purposes of the Arbi- tration between the Dominion of Canada and the Province of Ontario. Toronto, 1877. : Boundary Case. Documents and Papers Bearing on the Discussion respecting the Northern and Western Boundaries of the Province of Ontario, Including the Principal Evidence Supposed to be either for or against the Claims of the Province. Compiled by the Direction of the Government of Ontario. With Explanatory Notes. Toronto, 1878. Boundaey Case. Volume Containing (1) David Mills' Revised Report, 1877; (2) Statutes, Documents and Papers Bearing on the Question. Compiled by Ontario Government, 1878; (3) Northwestern Ontario; Its Boundaries, Resources and Communications. Toronto, 1879. Boundary Case, Ontario — Privy Council Case — Joint Appendix of Documents (Endorsed Brief No. 1). 4to. London, 1884. Boundary Case, Ontario— Privy Council Case— Book of Arbitration Documents Mentioned in the Agreement between the Provinces of Ontario and Mani- toba and Referred to in the Special Case as Showing in Part What Mater- ials were before the Arbitrators (Endorsed Brief No. 2). 4to. London, 1884. 138 CANADA, TOPOGRAPHICAL.— Continued. Boundary Case, Ontario — Privy Council Case — Shorthand Writers' Notes of the Argument (Mss.) and the Order of the Privy Council. Folio. London, 1884. Boubinot, J. G. Historical and Descriptive Account of the Island of Cape Breton; and of Its Memorials of the French Regime. With Biblio- graphical, Historical, and Critical Notes. Folio. Montreal, 1892. Boyle, Sir Cavendish. Newfoundland the Ancient Colony. London, 1904. Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. A City with a Great Future: Where Ambition Will Succeed. Brandon, Man., n.d. British Colonist in North America: a Guide for Intending Emigrants. Lon- don, 1890. British Columbia, Fisheries of. (Bulletin 20 of Bureau of Provincial Informa- tion). Victoria, B.C., 1910. British Columbia, Year Book of, and Manual of Provincial Information. By R. E. Gosnell. Victoria, 1911, (Coronation Edition.) British Columbia Bureau of Information Bulletins. Victoria, 1909. Agri- -culture in British Columbia (Bulletin No. 10). New British Columbia (Bulletin No. 22). British Columbia. Information for Emigrants (Issued by the Agent General for the Province.) London, Eng., 1875. Brittain, Harry. Canada : There and Back. London, 1908. Brown, George S. Yarmouth, N.S. ; a Sequel to Campbell's History. Boston, 1888. Brown, James B. Views of Canada and the Colonists, Edinburgh, 1851. Brown, John E. Canada. A Handy Guide for the Farmer and Labourer. Edinburgh, 1870. Brown, Richard. History of the Island of Cape Breton. With Some Account of the Discovery and Settlement of Canada, Nova Scotia and Newfound- land. London, 1869. Brown, William. America. A Four Years' Residence in the United States and Canada; Giving a Full and Fair Description of the Country, as It Really Is, with the Manners, Customs, and Character of the Inhabitants; Anecdotes of Persons and Institutions, Prices of Land and Produce, State of Agriculture and Manufactures. Leeds, 1849. Browne, George Waldo. The St. Lawrence River, Historical, Legendary, Pic- turesque. New York, 1905. Browne, Rev. P. W. Where the Fishers Go. The Story of Labrador. Toronto, 1909. Brumath, A. Leblond de. Histoire Populaire de Montreal, depuis Son Origine jusqu'a Nos Jours. Montreal, 1890. Bryce, Professor (Rev.) Manitoba: Its Infancy, Growth, and Present Condition. London, 1882. Bryce, George. The Remarkable History of the Hudson's Bay Company. In- cluding That of the French Traders of North- Western Canada and of the North- West, XY, and Astor Fur Companies. Third Edition. Lon- don, 1910. Bryoe, Dr. George. The Romantic Settlement of Lord Selkirk's Colonists (the Pioneers of Manitoba.) Toronto, 1909. Buchanan, A. C. Emigration Practically Considered; with Detailed Directions to Emigrants Proceeding to British North America, Particularly to CANADA, TOPOGRAPHICAL.— Continued. 139 the Canadas; — in a Letter to the Right Hon. R. Wilmot Horton. London, 1828. Buckingham, Jas. S. Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Other British Provinces in North America. With a Plan of National Coloniza- tion. London, 1843. Buies, Arthur. Le Chemin de Fer du Lac Saint-Jean. Quebec, 1895. Buies, Arthur. Chroniques Canadiennes, Humeurs et Caprices. Edition Nouvelle. Vol. 1. Montreal, 1884. Chroniques Voyages, etc. Edition Nouvelle. Vol. 2. Quebec, 1875. Buies, Arthur. L'Outaouais Superieur. Quebec, 1889. Buies, Arthur. La Province de Quebec. Quebec, 1900. Burlet, Lucien de. Au Canada. De Paris a Vancouver. Notes d'Hier et d'Aujourd'hui. Deuxieme Edition. Paris, n.d. Burns, Jabez. Notes of a Tour in the United States and Canada, in the Summer and Autumn of 1847. Burpee, L. J. The Search for the Western Sea: the Story of the Exploration of Northwestern America. London, 1908. Burry, B. Pullen. From Halifax to Vancouver. London, 1912. Butler, (Samuel. Emigrant's Handbook df Facts, concerning .Canada,. New Zealand, Australia, Cape of Good Hope, &c. : with the Relative Advant- ages Each of the Colonies Offers for Emigration; and Practical Advice to Intending Emigrants. Glasgow, 1843. Butler, Lieut.-General Sir William Francis. The Great Lone Land. A Tale of Travel and Adventure in the North-West of America. Toronto, 1910. Butler, Gen. Sir William Francis, K.C.B. The Wild Northland: Being the Story of a Journey, with Dogs, Across Northern North America: with a Route Map. New York, 1903. Butterfield, C. W. History of the Discovery of the Northwest by John Nicolet, in 1634; with a Sketch of His Life. Cincinnati, 1881. Cabot, William B. In Northern Labrador. Boston, 1912. Caied, James. Prairie Farming in America. With Notes by the Way on Canada and the United States. London, 1859. Calnek and Savary. History of the County of Annapolis, Including Old Port Royal and Acadia, with Memoirs of Its Representatives in the Provincial Parliament, 'and Biographical and Genealogical Sketches of Its Early English Settlers and Their Families. Toronto, 1897. Cameron, Agnes Deans. The New North: Being Some Account of a Woman's Journey Through Canada to the Arctic. With Many Illustrations from Photographs by the Author. New York, 1910. Campbell, Duncan. History of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown, 1875. Campbell, Duncan. Nova Scotia, in Its Historical, Mercantile and Industrial Relations. Montreal, 1873. Campbell > John Francis. A Short American Tramp, in the Fall of 1864. Edinburgh, 1865. Campbell, Rev. J. R. History of the County of Yarmouth, N.S. St. John, N.B., 1876. Campbell, Rev. Robert. History of the Scotch Church, St. Gabriel Street, Montreal. Montreal, 1887. Campbell, Roderick. The Father of St. Kilda. Twenty Years in Isolation in the Sub-Arctic Territory of the Hudson's Bay Company. London, 1901. 140 CANADA, TOPOGRAPHICAL.— Continued. Campbell, Wilfred. The Beauty, History, Romance and Mystery of the Cana- dian Lake Region. Toronto, 1910. Campbell, Wilfred. Canada. Painted by T. Mower Martin. London, 1907. Canada. Published by Authority of Hon. Clifford Sifton, Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. Ottawa, n.d. Canada Company, A Statement of the Satisfactory Results Which Have Attended Emigration to Upper Canada from the Establishment of the, to the Present Period, etc. Compiled for the Guidance of Emigrants. London, 1841. Canada Company. British Magazine(Nov. 1, 1832) Article. London. Canada To-Day; Its Progress, Prosperity and Opportunities. London. 2nd Year— 1912. Folio. Canada's Fertile Northland. A Glimpse of the Enormous Resources of Part of the Unexplored Regions of the Dominion. Evidence Heard before a Select Committee of the Senate of Canada, during the Parliamentary Session of 1906-7, and the Report Based Thereon. Edited by Captain Ernest J. Chambers. Ottawa, 1907. Maps Accompanying, in Separate Volume. "A Canadian." John Bull's Land (Through a Telescope) from a Canadian Point of View. By a Canadian. London, n.d. Canadian Archives, 1885-1896 (18 vols.) Ottawa, 1885-1906. i885-1891 (7 vols.) 1892-1893 (1 vol.) 1894 (1 vol.) 1895-1896, 1897-1898 (2 vols.) 1899 (1 vol.) 1900-1901, 1902-1903 (2 vols.) 1904 (1 vol.) 1905 (2 vols.) 1906 (1 vol.) Canadian Archives, Publications of the, (Continuation of the Above). No. 1. Index to Reports of Canadian Archives from 1872 to 1908, Ottawa, 1909. No. 2. Inventory of the Military Documents in the Canadian Archives, Pre- pared by Lieut.-Col. Cruikshank, Ottawa, 1910. No. 3. Journal of Laroque, from the Assiniboine to the Yellowstone, 1805. Edited with Notes, by L. J. Burpee. Ottawa, 1910. No. 4. Journal of the Yukon 1847-1848 (2 copies) by A. H. Murray. Edited with Notes by L. J. Burpee. Ottawa, 1910. No. 5. Precursors (The) of Jacques Cartier, 1497-1534. A Collection of Documents Relating to the Early History of the Dominion of Canada. Edited by H. P. Biggar. Ottawa, 1911. No. 6. Catalogue of Pamphlets, Journals and Reports in the Dominion Archives, 1611-1867, with Index. Ottawa, 1911. Report of the Work, 1910. Ottawa, 1911. Carlile, Lieut., R. A. & Martindale, Lieut-Colonel. Recollections of Canada: Quebec. London, 1873. Carnochan, Janet. Centennial of St. Andrews, Niagara; 1794-1894. Toronto, 1895. CANADA, TOPOGRAPHICAL.— Contained. 141 Carrel, Frank. Canada's "West, and Farther West. Latest Book on the Land of Golden Opportunities. Toronto, 1911. Carruthers, J. Retrospect of Thirty-Six Years' Residence in Canada West: Being a Christian Journal and Narrative. Hamilton, 1861. Carter, J. Smyth. Story of Dundas; Being a History of the County of Dundas, from 1784 to 1904. Iroquois, 1905. Cartwright, George. Journal of Transactions and Events, during a Residence of Nearly Sixteen Years on the Coast of Labrador; Containing Many Interesting Particulars, both of the Country and Its Inhabitants, not Hitherto Known. Illustrated with Proper Charts. 3 vols. Newark, 1792. Cartwright, Captain, and His Labrador Journal. Edited by C. W. Townsend. With an Introduction by Dr. W. T. Grenfell. Boston, 1911. Casgrain, l'Abbe H. R. Histoire de l'Hotel-Dieu de Quebec. Quebec, 1878. Casgrain, l'Abbe" H. R. TJne Seconde Acadie. — L'lle Saint Jean (He du Prince Edouard) sur le Regime Franchise. Quefbec, 1894. Cazes, Paul de. Notes sur le Canada. Nouvelle Edition. Quebec, 1880. Chambers, Ernest J. Book of Montreal. A Souvenir of Canada's Commercial Metropolis. Fo. Montreal, 1903. Chambebs, Wm. Things as They Are in America. Edinburgh, 1854. Chapman, W. Gold Mines" of Beauce. Levis, 1881. Chappell, Lieut. Edward, R. N. Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay in His Majesty's Ship Rosamond: Containing Some Account of the North- Eastern Coast of America and of the Tribes Inhabiting That Remote Region; also Voyage in Same Ship to Newfoundland. 2 vols, in 1. London, 1817 & 1818. Chavigny, Count de Bouthillier. Our Land of Promise: a Run through the Canadian Northwest. Montreal, 1893. Chesshyre, Henry T. Newton. Canada in 1866. A Handbook for Settlers. London, 1864. Chimmo, W. R. N. A Visit to the Northeast Coast of Labrador, during the Autumn of 1867, by H. M. S. "Gannet." London, 1868. Chisholm's Panorama of the River St. Lawrence, n.p., n.d. Chouinard, Reverend E. P. Histoire de la Paroisse de Saint- Joseph de Carleton, (Baie des Chaleurs), 1755-1906. Rimouski, Que., 1906. Christmas, Rev. Henry, (Editor.) The Emigrant Churchman in Canada. By a Pioneer of the Wilderness. 2 vols. London, 1849. Church, A. J. Making a Start in Canada; Letters from Two Young Emigrants. London, 1889. Oilley, J. P. Bowdoin Boys in Labrador: an Account of the Bowdoin College Scientific Expedition to Labrador, Led by Prof. Leslie A. Lee, of the Biological Department. Rockland, Me., n.d. Clark, G. Binnie. A Summer on the Canadian Prairie. London, 1910. Clarke, John M. Sketches of Gaspe. Albany, 1908. Clay, John, Jun. New World Notes: Being an Account of Journeyings and Sojournings in America and Canada. Kelso, 1875. Coke, E. T. A Subaltern's Furlough: Descriptive of Scenes in Various Parts of the United States, Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. 2 vols. New York, 1833. Coleman, A. P. Canadian Rockies. New and Old Trails. London, 1911. 142 CANADA, TOPOGRAPHICAL.— Continued. Coleman, J. T. History of the Early Settlement of Bowman ville and Vicinity. Bowmanville, 1875. Collie, J. Norman. Explorations in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. London, 1901. Comeau, Napoleon A. Life and Sport on the North Shore of the Lower St. Lawrence and Gulf; Containing Chapters on Salmon Fishing, Trapping, the Folk-Lore of the Montagnais Indians, and Tales of Adventure on the Fringe of the Labrador Peninsula. Quebec, 1909. Compton County. History of, and Sketches of the Eastern Townships, District of St. Francis, and Sherbrooke County. Supplemented with the Records of 400 Families. 200 Illustrations of Buildings and Leading men in the County. Compiled iby L. S. Channell. Including Biography of the Late Hon. John Henry Pope, by Hon. C. H. Mackintosh. Fo. Cookshire, Que., 1896. Conant, Thomas. Life in Canada. Toronto, 1903. Conant, Thomas. Upper Canada Sketches. Toronto, 1898. Conwell, Russell H. History of the Great Fire in Saint John; June 20 & 21, 1877. Boston. Cooney, Robert. Compendious History of the Northern Part of the Province of New Brunswick; and of the District of Gaspe in Lower Canada. Halifax, 1832. Copleston, Mrs. Edward, Canada: Why We Live in It, and Why We Like It. London, 1861. Copping, Arthur E. Canada, To-Day and To-Morrow. London, 1911. Copping, Arthur E. The Golden Land. The True Story and Experiences of British Settlers in Canada. Toronto, 1911. Cornish, Vaughan. On Snow Waves and Snow Drifts in Canada. With Notes on the "Snow Mushrooms" of the Selkirk Mountains. London, 1902. Cozzens, Frederic S. Acadia; or a Month with the Blue Noses. New York, 1859. Craig, John R. Ranching with Lords and Commons; or Twenty Years on the Range. Toronto, 1903. Cran, Mrs. George. A Woman in Canada. Philadelphia, 1910. Crockett, Walter Hill. A History of Lake Champlain, the Record of Three Centuries 1609-1909. Burlington, Vt, 1909. Croil, James. Dundas; or a Sketch of Canadian History and More Particularly of the County of Dundas, One of the Earliest Settled Counties in Upper Canada. Montreal, 1861. * Croonenberghs, Charles, S. J. Trois Ans dans l'Amerique Septentrionale ; 1885, 1886, 1887. Le Canada. Paris, 1892. Crosskill, W. H. Prince Edward Island, the Garden Province of Canada; Its History, Interests and Resources. Charlottetown, 1899. Crosweller, W. T. Our Visit to Toronto, the Niagara Falls and the United States of America. Being a Short Account of a Tour in Connection with the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Held at Toronto, Canada, August 18 to 25, 1897. (Privately Printed.) n.p., 1898. Cumberland, Barlow. The Northern Lakes of Canada, Muskoka, Lake Nipissing, Manitoulin, etc. Toronto, 1886 Cumberland, Stuart. The Queen's Highway, from Ocean to Ocean. With Numerous Collotype Illustrations and Two Maps. London, 1887. CANADA, TOPOGRAPHICAL.— Continued. 143 Curran, W. T. & Adams, H. P. Glimpses of Northern Canada. Montreal, n»d. Curwood, James OliveT. The Great Lakes ; the Vessels that Plough Them ; Their Owners, Their Sailors, and Their Cargoes; Together with a Brief History of Our Inland Seas. With 72 Illustrations and a Map. New York and London, 1909. Dartnell, George R. A Brief Narrative of the Shipwreck of the Transport "Premier/' near the Mouth of the River St. Lawrence, on the 4th Novem- ber, 1843; Having on Board the Head-Quarter Wing of the Second Battalion of the First or Royal Regiment, Proceeding from North America to the West Indies. Illustrated with Several Engravings from Sketches Made on the Spot. Thin 4to. London, 1845. Dawson, Rev yEneas MacDonell. Our Strength and- Their Strength. The North West Territory, and Other Papers Chiefly relating to the Dominion of Canada. Ottawa, 1870. Dawson, George Mercer. Geology and Resources of the Region in the Vicinity of the 49th Parallel, from the Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountains ; with Lists of Plants and Animals Collected, and Notes on the Fossils. Report Addressed to Major D. R. Cameron, H. M. Boundary Commis- sioner. Montreal, 1875. Dawson, Samuel Edward. Canada and Newfoundland. London, 1897. Dawson, S. E. Hand-Book for the Dominion of Canada. Prepared for the Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, at Montreal, 1884. Second Edition. Montreal, 1888. Dawson, S. E. The Saint Lawrence Basin, and Its Border-Lands: Being the Story of Their Discovery, Exploration, and Occupation. With Illustra- tions from Drawing?, Photographs, and Maps. Toronto, n.d. Dawson, S. J. Report of the Exploration of the Country between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement, and between the Latter Place and the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan. Toronto, 1859. Day, Mrs. C. 'M. History of the Eastern Townships, Province of Quebec* Dominion of Canada; Civil and Descriptive. Montreal, 1869. Day, Mrs. C. M. Pioneers of the Eastern Townships; a Work Containing Official and Reliable Information Respecting the Formation of Settlements, etc. Montreal, 1863. Day, Samuel Phillips. English America; or Pictures of Canadian Places and People. 2 vols. London, 1864. Dease, P. W. & Simpson, T. Narrative of the Progress of Arctic Discovery on the Northern Shore of America, in the Summer of 1839. London, 1839. Dent, John Charles. The Gerrard Street Mystery. And Other Weird Tales. Toronto, 1888. Denys, Nicholas. Description and Natural History of the Coasts of North America (Acadia,) Translated and Edited, with a Memoir of the Author, Collateral Documents, and Reprint of the Original, by William F. Ganong. Toronto, 1908. (Champlain Society Publications.) De Roos, Lieut, the Hon. Fred. Fitzgerald, R. N. Personal Narrative of Travels in the United States and Canada in 1826. Illustrated by Plates. With Remarks on the Present State of the American Navy. London, 1827. Des Brisay, Mather Byles. History of the County of Lunenburg. Second Edition. Toronto, 1895. 144 CANADA, TOPOGRAPHICAL.— Continued. D«Veaux, S. Falls of Niagara; or Tourists' Guide to This Wonder of Nature, Including Notices of the Whirlpool, Islands, &c. And a Complete Guide through the Canadas. Buffalo, 1839. Devine, Edward J. Across Widest America. — Newfoundland to Alaska. Mont- real, 1905. Dickson, James. Camping in the Muskoka Region. Toronto, 1886. Dickson, James. Gold Fields of Ontario. Toronto, 1901. Disturnell, J. The Great Lakes, or ■ Inland Seas of America, etc. A Guide for Travellers. New York, 1865. Disturnell, J. Trip Through the Lakes of North America; Embracing a Full Description of the St. Lawrence River, together with All the Principal Places on Its Banks, from Its Source to Its Mouth, Commerce of the Lakes, &c. Forming Altogether a Complete Guide for the Pleasure Traveller and Emigrant. New York, 1857. Dobbs, Arthur. An Account of the Countries Adjoining to Hudson's Bay, in the North- West Part of America: Containing a Description of Their Lakes and Rivers, the Nature of the Soil and Climate, and Methods of Commerce, &c. Shewing the Benefit to Be Made by Settling Colonies, and Opening a Trade in These Parts; Whereby the French Will Be Deprived in a Great Measure of Their Traffick in Furs, and the Communication between Canada and Mississippi Be Cut Off. With an Abstract of Captain Middleton's Journal, and Observations upon His Behaviour during His Voyage, and Since His Return. London, 1744. Dollier de Casson. Histoire du Montreal; 1640-1672. Montreal, 1868. Dominion or Canada: a Handy Book for Emigrants. Published by the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Ottawa, 1880. Dominion of Canada, Pamphlets. 1884-1886. A Guide Book. Successful Emigration to Canada, by H. Tanner. 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The Great North-West and the Great Lake Region of North America. London, 1904. Franchere, Gabriel. Narratives of a Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America, in 1811-1814; or the First American Settlement on the Pacific. Trans- lated and Edited by L. V. Huntington. New York, 1854. Fraser, Rev. Donald. Canada : as I Remember It, and as it Is. London, 1876. Fraser, John. Canadian Pen and Ink Sketches. Montreal, 1890. Fraser, John. Historic Canadian Ground. The La Salle Homestead, of 1666; and Other Landmarks on the Lower Lachine Road. Montreal, 1892. Fraser, John Foster. Canada as It Is. With an Introduction by the Right Hon. Lord Strathcona. London, 1911. Fraser, Rev. Joshua. Shanty, Forest, and River Life in the Backwoods of Canada. Montreal, 1883. Fraser, Rev. Joshua. Three Months among the Moose. "A Winter's Tale" of the Northern Wilds of Canada. Montreal, 1881. Frechette, Louis. Christmas in French Canada. With Illustrations by F. S. Coburn. Toronto, 1899. Frout de Fontpertuis, A. 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Report of Walter Shanly, C. E., Attached. Published by Order of the Board of Trade, Montreal. Montreal, 1863. Georgian Bay Canals.. Pamphlets. 1 vol. Toronto, Montreal, Whitby, Quebec, &c, 1857-1871. 1 Preliminary Report of Kivas Tully to Toronto Board of Trade. 1 857. 2 Report of Select Committee. With Evidence of Rowland Burr. Toronto. 1857. 3 Facts for the People — to Accompany Topographical Model of Country Traversed. Toronto, 1858. Port Whitby and Huron Canal. 1858. 4 Report of Walter Shanly on the Ottawa River Survey. 1858. 5 Letters — Hon. John Young to Wm. Workman, on Ottawa River Canal and Montreal Docks. 1859. 6 Return of the Recent Survey and Report of the Engineers on the Ottawa Ship Canal. Quebec, 1860. 7 Report of T. C. Keefer on Georgian Bay Route to Lake Ontario by Way of Lake Scugog. Whitby, 1863. 8 Report of Select Committee on Georgian Bay and Lake Ontario Ship Canal, via Lake Simcoe. Quebec, 1864. «• 9 Report of Select Committee on the Georgian Bay Canal, through the County of Ontario. Quebec, 1864. 10 Toronto Patriot's Review of Kingsford's Book on the Canadian Canals. 17 May, 1865. 11 Leader Extra — Influential Meeting. Huron & Ontario Ship Canal. March, 1866. 12. Summary Report of the Huron & Ontario Ship Canal Co. Toronto, 1868. 13 Second Report of the Select Committee on the Huron & Ontario Ship Canal. June, 1869. 14 Return to Address for Information respecting Proposed Canal between Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte. Ottawa, 1867. 15 Reports of Several Select Committees of the Legislative Assembly of the Late Province of Canada, the House of Commons, and the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, on the Huron & Ontario Ship Canal. Toronto, 1871. Georgian Bay Ship Canal Report. Together with Survey Plates Nos. 1 to 36 and Book of Typical Views of the Projected Route, 1908. Ottawa, 1909. Georgian Bay Ship Canal Survey: Report on the Precise Levelling; Years 1904- 1907. Ottawa, 1908. Gerbie, Frederic. Canada et l'Emigration Francaise. 15eme Edition. Quebec, 1884. CANADA, TOPOGRAPHICAL.— Continued. 149 Gesneb, Abraham. Industrial Resources of Nova Scotia: Comprehending the Physical Geography, Topography, Geology, Agriculture, Fisheries, Mines, Forests, Wild Lands, Lumbering, Manufactories, Navigation, Commerce, Improvements, Industry, Contemplated Railways, Natural History and Resources of the Province. Halifax, 1849. Gesneb, Abraham. New Brunswick; with Notes for Emigrants. Comprehending the Early History, an Account of the Indians, Settlement, Topography, Statistics, Commerce, Timber, Manufactures, Agriculture, Fisheries,