i!i5ft«}«)i^ ./% ^,^l^>*'^lf^>^ '^r» '\Aik^iA. k s-^ri http ://www. arch i ve . n irimarylangOOreimricf" FIRST PRIMARY LANGUAGE BOOK BY O. S. REIMOLD, A.B. (university of MICHIGAN) FORMERLY DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS TARLAC PROVINCE, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS REVISED EDITION ILLUSTRATED YONKERS-ON-HUDSON, NEW YORK WORLD BOOK COMPANY . 1914 E DnCAlIOS iSSS. LANGUAGE AND SPELLING FOR ENGLISH CLASSES First Primary Language Book By O. S. Reimold. Bound in cloth. Illustrated in colors. List price, 30 cents ; mailing price, 36 cents. Simple lessons in English for the beginner, with exer- cises that appeal to children's natural interests. Excep- tionally well graded. Written especially for children to whom EngHsh is a new language. A book whose usefulness has been tried and proved in Porto Rican schools. Second Primary Language Book By O. S. Reimold. Bound in cloth. Illustrated. List price, 35 cents ; mailing price, 42 cents. Continues the work begun in First Primary Language Book. Many language lessons centering around a series of Robinson Crusoe stories. Drill exercises on essential English forms. Has proved its usefulness in Porto Rican schools. First Spelling Book By Margaret A. Purcell. Bound in cloth. Illustrated. List price, 30 cents ; mailing price, 36 cents. A speller for non-English speaking children. Besides . teaching spelling — a subject that requires special atten- tion in English classes — gives command of a useful vocabulary of simple and essential English words. WORLD BOOK COMPANY YONKERS-ON-HUDSON, NEW YORK RFPLB — PR I Copyright, igos, IQ07, IQ14, by World Book Company. All rights reserved. PREFACE Uit- This book is designed to meet the requirements for language work in the second grade of Porto Rican elementary schools. The hope of making easier the problem of teaching the young Porto Rican to talk English has prompted these lessons. The material for the exercises has been drawn from the everyday interests of Porto Rican children. Since the children are familiar with these subjects and in- terested in them, they naturally want to tell what they know about them. Thus the exercises furnish an incentive, a motive, for expression, or language. The lessons help and guide the children in expression, both by fur- nishing the proper words and idioms and by leading them by directions or questions to their use in oral and written speech. Although it is thought unwise in the teaching of a strange language to young children, to attempt at the same time to give information on new and unfamiliar subjects, the author has directed the children's observation to new elements in the old and familiar. In this way inter- est is maintained, and the children are helped to evaluate commonplaces which play an important part in their lives outside of the schoolroom and beyond their schooldays. Since expression in simple language, correct and idiomatic, is de- sired, the treatment of formal grammar has been held down to only that which the pupils need in order to do the exercises intelligently. The pictures, simple in outline, full of action, occasionally enlivened by a touch of humor, and supplemented by short reading lessons, serve to quicken interest and imagination, as well as to afford opportunity for class conversation. Suggestions to the teachers, in the footnotes and at the end of the book, are made full, simple, and explicit, with the idea of putting each earnest teacher in a position to secure the best results. The author gratefully acknowledges the help of Mr. R. S. Garwood, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts of the University of Porto Rico, and his assistants, who gave valuable help in the adapting and selecting of Porto Rican material. Thanks are extended to Charles Scribner's Sons for permission to use poems by Robert Louis Stevenson, and to Charles Keeler for per- mission to use some of his own poems. m7502^ CONTENTS PART I LESSON PAGB I . Copy Exercise . 7 2-4. Luis and Felisa at Play ; Filling Blanks in Simple Answer Forms to Questions 8-10 5. Luis 3.nd Felisa. 2it F\a.y ', //tf On, C/ncier . . . . . il 6. Luis and Felisa in School ; Writing Answers to Questions . . 12 7. Writing Answers to "What is doing?" "What are doing?" 13 8. Measuring a Desk . .14 9. Making a Box 15 10. Felisa and her Pets 16 11. The Hen and her Chicks . • 17 12. Drawing Lesson 18 13. Color Lesson; A Game of Finding Things 19 14. Color Lesson — Written Exercise .20 15. The Rain — ^ P^^/zz 21 16. Parts of the Body 22 17. Right and Left 23 18. Hands, Fingers, and Feet 24 19. " This little pig went to market ", 25 20. Making a Wind-wheel 26 21. The Dog and his Reflection 27 22. Playing Horse with Nero ; Writing Answers to Questions about a Dog . . • 28 23. Felisa and Pussy 29 24. Felisa and her Brothers and Sisters 3^ 25. "What can a little baby do?" — A Poem 31 26. Eight Little Playmates ; Writing Names of Boys and Girls . . 32 27. Playing a Game 33 4 CONTENTS PART II LESSON PAGB 1 . Names of Things 34 2. Pictures of Things ; Writing Names of Things • • • • 35 3. What a Statement Is 36 4. Statements ; Capital Letter and Period 37 5. The Horse 38 6. What a Question Is 39 7. Questions ; Capital Letter, Question Mark 40 8. Written Review 41 9. Making a Lantern 42 10. What a Sentence Is 43 11. The Farmer — Written Exercise 44 12. Names of Persons 45 13. Names of Persons — Written Exercise 46 14. The Family . . 47 15. The Wise Crow — /^ /^^^/^ 48 16. Planting Seeds 49 17. The Seed — A Poem 50 18. The Earthworm ....«..*... 51 19. The Days of the Week 51 20. The Parts of a Plant 52 21. A Game 54 22. The Carpenter and Other Workmen . . . ... 55 23. Names that Mean One Thing or More than One .... 56 24. Workmen and their Tools 57 25. Is 2indi Are 58 26. Names of Materials 59 27. The Months of the Year 60 28. " Thirty days has September " 61 29. A Rainy Day 62 30. The Weather 63 31. ThtWmd — A PocTH 64 32. The Weather Vane ; Directions 65 33. A Tobacco Field — Written Exercise 66 CONTENTS LESSON PAGB 34. The Changa and Other Insects . • 66 35. The Changa and the Ant — ^ 7^«^/y this poem and memorize it. Read Suggestions to Teachers, 6. PART II 51 WR^^r^^ .^^.^ LESSON 18 Did you ever see an earthworm ? The earthworm lives in the ground. After it has rained, we see many earthworms in the street. Where do they come from ? The earthworm has no legs. It cannot walk. The earthworm crawls. It can crawl in the ground. The earthworm has no eyes. It cannot see. Chickens like to eat earthworms. We can put an earthworm on a hook and catch a fish with it. WRITTEN EXERCISE Write six questions about the earthworm. Write an answer to each question. LESSON 19 Sunday Monday Thursday Tuesday Friday Wednesday Saturday How many days has a week ? 52 FIRST PRIMARY LANGUAGE BOOK Read the names of the days of the week. What day is today? What day was yesterday? What day is tomorrow? With what kind of letter does the name of each day of the week begin ? The names of the days of the week begin with capital letters. What other names begin with capital letters ? WRITTEN EXERCISES I. Copy the names of the days, II. Write an answer to each question : 1. What is the name of the first day of the week? 2. What is the second day ? 3. What is the name of the last day? 4. On what days do you go to school ? 5. How many school days are there in a week? 6. What did you do last Saturday ? 7. Where shall you go next Sunday ? LESSON 20 A plant has roots, leaves, and a stem. The roots grow in the ground. Some plants have many small roots, and some have one large root. Lesson 19. The pupils should learn the names of the days in their order. Note the spelling in the written work. Read Suggestions to Teachers, 3. Lesson 20. Read Suggestions to Teachers, 3, 4. PART II 53 The stem grows out of the ground. Some plants have large, tall stems. The stem of the rice plant is tall and slender. The stem of a tree is called a trunk. The leaves grow in the air. The leaves are green. The banana plant has large leaves. Some plants have pretty blossoms. WRITTEN EXERCISE Write an answer to each question : 1. What are the three parts of a plant? 2. What kind of roots has corn ? 3. What plant has large roots ? 4. What color are the roots ? 5. What is the shape of the stem of the banana plant? 6. What plant has a short stem ? 7. What kind of leaves has the bamboo ? 8. What plants have large pods ? 9. What plants have pretty blossoms ? 54 FIRST PRIMARY LANGUAGE BOOK LESSON 21 Do you like to play games? What are these children playing? Juan marked the lines on the ground with a stick. Paz found a block of wood. Luisa is standing on one foot. She will kick the block. Can you hop and kick a block ? What game do you like best ? WRITTEN EXERCISE Write an answer to each question : 1. How many children do you see? 2. What are their names ? 3. What game are they playing } 4. What will Luisa do ? 5. Can you play this game } 6. How many counts can you make in this game? Tell some pupil to put a plan of this game on the floor with a piece of chalk. Let some of the children play the game. Encourage them to talk in English about the game. Read Suggestions to Teachers, 7. PART II 55 LESSON 22 These men are working. A man who works is called a workman. These are two workmen. They are build- ing a house. A man who builds a house is called a carpenter. What else can a carpenter do ? There are many kinds of workmen. What do you call a man who works in the field? What does a blacksmith do? Who makes clothes ? Who bakes bread ? WRITTEN EXERCISES I. Write the names of six kinds of ivorkmen, II. Write an answer to each question : 1. Who makes shoes? 2. Who plants sugar-cane t 3. Who catches fish ? 4. Who makes clothes ? 5. Who makes horse-shoes ? 6. Who makes hats t 7. Who makes jars and pots ? 8. Who makes tables ? 9. How many work days are there in a week? 56 FIRST PRIMARY LANGUAGE BOOK LESSON 23 i The book. P The books. One bottle. SI Three bottles, d A pencil. y^ Many pencils. Read the names that mean one. Read the names that mean more than one. Here are the names of some things. Read the names and tell whether they mean one or more than one. 1. chicken 3. dog 5. girl 7. plants 2. goats 4. cats 6. boys 8. banana WRITTEN EXERCISES I. Here are eight names. Each is the name of one. Write each so that it means more than one : I. brother 3. day 5. horse 7. tailor 2. root 4. seed 6. lantern 8. crow II. Each of these words is the name of more than one. Write each so that it means one : 1. slates 3. stems 5. sisters 7. carts 2. weeks 4. gardens 6. pupils 8. shoemakers Show the pupils that the plural is formed by adding s to the singular. Drill on the pronunciation of the words ending in s. Do not use the words singular and plural in class. Read Suggestions to Teachers, 3. PART II 57 LESSON 24 Here are two workmen. Can you tell what they are called ? The blacksmith makes things of iron. He puts the iron into the fire. He holds the hot iron with the tongs. He strikes the iron with the hammer. Hammers and tongs are called tools. What other tools does the blacksmith use ? What tools does the carpenter use? What tools can you use? WRITTEN EXERCISES I. Write the names of ten kinds of tools. 11. Write a sentence about each tool that you named. 58 FIRST PRIMARY LANGUAGE BOOK III. Write an answer to each question : 1. What can you do with a hammer? 2. What workman uses a hammer? 3. What does the carpenter do with it? 4. With what tool does he cut a board ? 5. How does he make it smooth ? 6. With what tool does the tailor cut the cloth ? 7. How does the shoemaker cut leather ? 8. What tools does the farmer use ? 9. What tools do you use to make a garden ? LESSON 25 1. The tree is beautiful. 2. The trees are green. 3. Is the tree large? 4. Are the trees tall ? Is the first statement about one tree or more than one ? What is the second statement about? In which state- ment do we use is ? In which statement do we use are ? We use is in the first statement because it tells about one. We use are in the second statement because it tells about more than one. In which question do we use is? Why do we use is? Why do we use are in the last question ? We use is in a sentence about one. We use are in a sentence about more than one. Illustrate the uses of is and are by numerous short sentences written op the board. Review statementy question^ sentence. PART II 59 WRITTEN EXERCISE Copy these sentences. Fill the blank with is if the sentence is about one. Fill the blank with are if the sentence is about more than one. I. 2. 3- 4- 5. 6. 7. 8. The blacksmith a workman. - in the shop. Two blacksmiths — What the blacksmiths doing ? the hammer heavy? Wednesday the third day of the week. the coconut trees tall ? My brother at school. Where your parents LESSON 26 Who made your shoes ? Some shoes are made of leather. White shoes are made of leather and cloth. Leather and cloth are called materials. Iron is also a material. What is made of iron ? Of what material is a box made } 6o FIRST PRIMARY LANGUAGE BOOK Bamboo is a very useful material. Baskets and many other things are made of bamboo. What material does the weaver use? What material does the tailor use? WRITTEN EXERCISE Write ten statements. In each statement tell what is made of one of these materials : 1. iron 3. wood 5. clay 7. bamboo 9. silver 2. paper 4. cloth 6. straw 8. leather 10. maguey LESSON 27 January May September February June October March July November April August December How many months are there in a year } Read the names of the months. What is the name of the first month .? What is the fourth month ? What is the last month t What month is this month ? What month was last month } What is the name of next month t With what kind of letter does the name of each month begin ? The names of months begin with capital letters. Let the pupils learn the names of the months in their order. Do not assign too many names at one time. Drill in pronunciation. Give special attention to the spelling. Read Suggestions to Teachers, 3. Review the names of the days. PART II 6i WRITTEN EXERCISES I. Copy the names of the months. II. Write an answer to each question. Make each answer a statement: 1. How many days are there in a week ? 2. How many months are there in a year? 3. In what month is Christmas ? 4. In what month is your birthday ? 5. In what months do you go to school ? 6. How many school months are there? LESSON 28 Thirty days has September, April, June, and November. All the rest have thirty-one, Excepting February alone, Which has but twenty-eight, in fine, Till leap year gives it twenty-nine. WRITTEN EXERCISE Write an answer to each question : 1. How many months have thirty days? 2. What are the names of these months ? 3. How many months have thirty-one days ? 4. What are their names ? 5. What month has less than thirty days ? 6. How many days has it ? 62 FIRST PRIMARY LANGUAGE BOOK LESSON 29 It is raining very hard today. The children have no umbrella. They cannot go to school. They are looking at the rain and saying, " Rain, rain, go away. Come again some other day." When it rains, the sky is dark and cloudy. Sometimes we see the lightning and hear the thunder. Sometimes the wind blows very hard. It blows down trees and houses. When it rains and the wind blows hard, we have a storm. When it rains every day, we have the rainy season. WRITTEN EXERCISE Copy these sentences. Fill each blank with the name of a month : I. The rainy season begins in . PART II 63 2. 3- 4- 5. 6. In there was very much rain. The wind blows hard in . We had a storm last . The farmer gathers coffee in . is the last month of the rainy season. LESSON 30 What a bad day this is ! This is a windy day. How do you know that the wind is blowing? Sometimes we have good weather. The weather is pleasant when the sun shines. In the rainy season we have much wet weather. In the dry season the weather is dry. WRITTEN EXERCISE Write an answer to each question: I. In what month do we have cloudy weather? Review the names of the days and the months. Ask the pupils about the weather every day. Read Suggestions to Teachers, 4. 64 FIRST PRIMARY LANGUAGE BOOK 2. What kind of weather have we in March ? 3. In what month is the weather cool ? 4. What kind of weather have we in the rainy season ? 5. In what months is the weather dry ? 6. In what month are the days pleasant ? 7. In what month is the weather bad ? 8. What kind of weather have we today? LESSON 31 THE WIND Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you ; But when the leaves hang trembling, The wind is passing through. Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I ; But when the trees bow down their heads, The wind is passing by. — Christina G. Rossetti. Can you see the wind? Can you hear it? Can you feel it? Why do the leaves tremble? Why do the trees bow down their heads ? Copy the poem and memorize it. Read Suggestions to Teachers 6. PART II 65 LESSON 32 The weather vane tells from which direction the wind blows. There are four directions: north, east, south, west. When the wind blows from 'the west, the weather vane points to the west. From what direction does the wind blow when the weather vane points to the south? From what direction is the wind blowing today ? Stand with your face to the north. Point to the east. Point to the west. Which hand points to the east.f* Which hand points to the west ? Where is south ? WRITTEN EXERCISE Copj/ these sentences. Write the name of the right direction in each blank: 1. My home is of the schoolhouse. 2. The schoolhouse is of my home. 3. When I go home, I walk toward the . 4. The market is of my home. 5. The schoolhouse faces the . Let the pupils make a weather vane. It may be in the shape of a cock, horse, or arrow. A weather vane may be used in class for teaching direction. 66 FIRST PRIMARY LANGUAGE BOOK LESSON 33 WRITTEN EXERCISE Write an answer to each question : 1. What is planted in this field? 2. What are the people doing ? 3. In what do they carry the leaves ? 4. What will they do with the leaves ? 5. In what months do farmers cut tobacco? 6. In what season do they cut it ? 7. What insect eats tobacco ? LESSON 34 The changa is an insect. It has four wings and six legs. The front legs are short and very strong. The changa can jump very far. PART II 67 The changa can walk and fly. It flies in the night time. It cannot fly very far. Its wings are not large. A changa can dig in the ground. It digs with its strong front legs. The farmers do not like the changa. It digs around the roots of their plants, and eats the young plants. WRITTEN EXERCISES I. Write five statements about the cJianga. II. Here are the names of eight kinds of insects. Write a statement about each one : I. ant 3. mosquito 5. beetle 7. butterfly 2. fly 4. firefly 6. bee 8. spider LESSON 35 A changa and an ant went to a rice field to eat dinner. After din- ner the ant picked up a grain of rice to carry home. " Foolish ant ! " said the changa. '' When I am hungry, I come to the field to eat. Why do you not do as I do?'' 68 FIRST PRIMARY LANGUAGE BOOK 1/ The changa laughed and flew away. One day the changa came to the field again. He was very hungry, but he could find no rice. The men had cut all the rice. The changa flew and hopped all over the field. At last he came to the home of the ant. "Can you give me some rice to eat?" he asked. The ant laughed and said, " Why did you not do as I did?" Who do you think was the foolish one ? What is this story about ? Why did the changa and the ant go to the rice field ? What did the ant do after dinner.? Why did the changa call her a foolish ant ^ Why could the changa find no rice when he came to the field again ? To whose home did he come ? What did he say to the ant ? What did the ant say ? Tell this story to your teacher. Copj/ the story about the changa and the ant. LESSON 36 How many days has December.? PART II 69 December i is the first day of December. December 10 is the tenth day of December. When we read "December i," we say, "December first." When we read " December 10," we say, " December tenth." How do you read "March 23".? How do you wTite "June fifteenth".? Read these dates: 1. February 28. 3. August 19. 2. May II. 4. October 31. WRITTEN EXERCISES I. Write these dates: 1. January eleventh. 6. February twenty-second. 2. April seventeenth. 7. December second. 3. July fourth. 8. March thirty-first. 4. September tenth. 9. June first. 5. November thirtieth. 10. August ninth. II. Copy these sentences. Write dates iri place of the blanks: I. is the first day of the year. Washington's Birthday comes on is Christmas. Three Kings' day is My birthday is 6. Today is . Review Lessons 27 and 28. 70 FIRST PRIMARY LANGUAGE BOOK LESSON 37 1. Felix Ramos lives in Ponce. 2. Ponce is a town on the island of Porto Rico. 3. Ponce is on the Portuguese River. Where does Felix Ramos live? What is the name of the town? In what town do you live? Write the name of your town. With what kind of letter does Ponce begin ? With what kind of letter does the name of your town begin ? The names of towns begin with capital letters. On what island is the town of Ponce? On what island do you live ? San Juan is a city. On what island is San Juan ? With what kind of letters do the names of islands begin ? The names of islands begin with capital letters. On what river is Ponce ? Is there a river near your town ? What is its name ? With what kind of letters do the names of rivers begin ? The names of rivers begin with capital letters. W^RITTEN EXERCISES I. Copy these names of towns : 1. Bayamon 4. Cabo Rojo 7. Coamo 2. Arecibo 5. Mayaguez 8. Guayama 3. Ponce 6. Humacao 9. Juana Diaz PART II n II. Copy these names of islands : 1. Porto Rico 3. Mona 2. Culebra 4. Vieques 5. El Desecho 6. Cuba III. Copy these names of rivers : 1. Loiza 3. Jacaguas 2. Manti 4. Coamo 5. Naguabo 6. Anasco LESSON 38 WRITTEN EXERCISES I. Write the names of the two largest towns in Porto Rico. II. Write the names of four towns near your tozvn. III. Write an answer to each question : 1. On what island do you live 1 2. In what town do you live } 3. How many people live in your town } 4. How many towns are on your island 1 5. What river is near your town.? 6. What is the capital of your island 1 7. In what direction is the capital from your town } 8. How far do you live from the capital } 9. How do you go to the capital } 10. Who is the governor of Porto Rico? 11. Why does Mayaguez begin with a capital letter.? 72 FIRST PRIMARY LANGUAGE BOOK ^