* UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF Dr. L. B. Campbell THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST A SYLLABUS, TRACING THE DEVELOPMENT OF OUR LORD'S MINISTRY Bv THE REV. RICHARD M. HODGE, M. A. Instructor in the Bil>lc Institute, Nashville, 7\>m. 1899. TABLE OF THE GOSPELS ACCORDING TO THE GENERAL DIVISIONS OF CHRIST'S LIFE. CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH OF JESUS Matthew i :i-3:i2. Marki:i-8. Luke 1:1-3:18. John 1:1-18. MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST PERIOD I Matthew 3:13-4:11. Mark 1:9-13. Luke 3:21-4:13. John 1:19-3:22. PERIOD II Matthew 4:12. Mark 1:14 Luke 4:14. John 3:22-4:43. PERIOD III Matthew 4:13-7:29; 8:2-4; I 4- I 7I 9:2-9; 12-1:21. Mark 1:142:14, 23-3:19. Luke 4:14- 5:28; 6-1:49. John 4:44-5:47. PERIOD IV Matthew 8:1, 5-13; 11-2:30; 12:22-13:53. Mark 3:13-4:34. Luke 6:13-16; 7:1-8:21. PERIOD V Matthew 8:18.23-9:1, 10-11:1; 13:54-14:36. Mark 2:15-22; 4:35-6:56. Luke 5:29-39; 8:22-9:17. John 6:1-66. PERIOD VI Matthew 15-1-18:35; 8:19-22. Mark 7:1-9:50. Luke 9:18-50, 57-62. John 6:67-7:9. PERIOD VII Luke 9:51-56; 10:1-17:10. John 7:10-10:42. PERIOD VIII Matthew 19:1 27:66. Mark 10:1-15:47. Luke 17:11-23:56. John 11:1-19:42. PERIOD IX Matthew 28:1-20. Mark 16:1-20. Luke 24:1-53. John 20:1-21:25. Acts 1:3-12. i Corinthians 15:5-7. 375689 THE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST L JESUS' METHOD OF WORK Successive Cycles of ist, Organization ; 2nd, Miracles ; 3rd, Acceptance and Opposi- tion ; 4th, Teaching. IL ORGANIZATION AND TEACHING, WITH DATES PERIOD I A. D. 27, January to April. ORGANIZATION. Several men beginning to follow Jesus. GREAT DISCOURSE. With Nicodemus, on the New Birth and Salvation. PERIOD II, A. D. 27, April to December. ORGANIZATION. Some disciples baptising under Jesus. GREAT DISCOURSE. With a Samaritan woman, on Living Water and his Mission. PERIOD III. A. D. 27, December to A. D. 28, April. ORGANIZATION. Jesus' disciples leaving business for him. GREAT DISCOURSE. The Sermon on the Mount, on the Messianic Kingdom. PERIOD IV. A. D. 28, Summer and Fall. ORGANIZATION. The Twelve Apostles selected. GREAT DISCOURSE. First group of parables on the Kingdom of Heaven. PERIOD V. A. D. 28, Fall to A. D. 29, April. ORGANIZATION. Apostles sent out two by two on a mission. GREAT DISCOURSE. On Spiritual Food. PERIOD VI. A. D. 29, April to October. ORGANIZATION. Apostles' formal acceptance of Jesus as their Saviour. GREAT DISCOURSE. On Greatness. PERIOD VII. - A. D. 29, October to A. D. 50, January. ORGANIZATION. Seventy more disciples sent out on a mission. GREAT DISCOURSE. Second great group or parables on the Kingdom of Heaven. PERIOD VIII. A. D. 30. January to April. ORGANIZATION. The resignation of the apostles to martyrdom. GKKAT DISCOURSES. Great Debate with the Sanhedrists. Farewell to the Apostles. IX. A. D. 30, April 9 to May 18, ORGANIZATION. Disciples commissioned to evangelize the world. GREAT DISCOURSE. On Salvation and the World-Wide Consummation of the Messianic Kingdom. HI.-MIRACLES IN ORDER PERIOD I. PERIOD IV. PERIOD VI. PERIOD VIII. Water into wine. Centurion's servant. Demoniac girl. Lazarus. Widow's son. Deaf man. Ten lepers. Demoniac. Feeding 4,000. Bartimaeus and PERIOD III. PERIOD V. Blind man. companion. Nobleman's son. Draught of fish. Stilling storm. Two demoniacs. Transfiguration. Demoniac boy. in ns . Barren fig-tree. Malchus' ear. Demoniac. Woman with flux. Peter's mother. Jairus' daughter. Leper. Two blind men. PERIOD VII. PERIOD IX. Paralytic. Dumb demoniac. Blind man. Resurrection. Infirm man. Feeding 5,000 Paralytic woman. Draught of fish. Withered hand. Walking on sea. Dropsical man. Ascension. blind IV. THE HOSTILITY OF THE RULERS (i) THE CHALLENGES MADE OF JESUS FOR A SIGN OF HIS CHRISTHOOD. 1. By the Sanhedrists, Jerusalem, met by the "temple sign." (Period I.) 2. By the Pharisees, Capernaum, met by the "Jonah sign." (Period IV.) By Pharisees and Sadducees, Magadan, met by the "Jonah sign." (Period VI.) By the Sanhedrists, Jerusalem, answered by an explicit affirmation of his divinity. (Period VII.) 5. By the Sanhedrists, Jerusalem, met by counter-challenges regarding John the Baptist and the divinity of the Christ. (Period VIII.) (2) THE CHARGES PREFERRED AGAINST JESUS. Blasphemy (8). Mental abberation (3). Ceremonial uncleanness (2). Sabbath-breaking (6). Not fasting (2). Treason (i). Low association (5). Satanic agency (2). Total Charges (29). (3) HOSTILE QUESTIONS ADDRESSED TO JESUS. 1. By the Pharisees, regarding the punishment of adultery. (Period VII.) 2. By the Pharisees, regarding their own blindness. (Period VII.) 3. By a lawyer, regarding eternal life. (Period VII.) 4. By the Pharisees, regarding the time of the Kingdom. (Period VIII.) 5. By the Pharisees and Herodians, regarding tribute. (Period VIII.) 6. By the Sadducees. regarding resurrection. (Period VIII.) 7. By the Pharisees, regarding the great commandment. (Period VIII.) (4) THE CONSPIRACY AGAINST JESUS' LIFE. 1. PHARISEES, Jerusalem, inducing Jesus to leave the capital. (Period III.) 2. PHARISEES AND HERODIANS, Capernaum, preventing Jesus' attending the following Passover, or remaining in Galilee after that time. (Period III.) 3. PHARISEES, HERODIANS AND SADDUCEES, Magadan, thwarting Jesus' attempt to re-enter Galilee. (Period VI.) 4. SANHEDRISTS, Jerusalem, compelling Jesus' withdrawal from the capital. (Period VII.) 5. SANHEDRIN, Jerusalem, inducing Jesus' flight from Bethany. (Period VIII.) 6. SANHEDRIN, JUDAS, THE PEOPLE AND PILATE, Jerusalem, securing Jesus' death. (Period VIII.) V. JOURNEYS WITH EVENTS IN ORDER AND LOCATION 1. BETHANY (Perea), Baptism. 2. MT. NEBO, Temptation. 3. BETHANY (Perea), Disciples met. PERIOD I. 4- 5 6. CANA, a wedding. CAPERNAUM, a visit. JERUSALEM, Cleansing Temple, Discou, with Nicodemus. JUDEA, Baptizing. PERIOD II. 2. SYCHAR, Discourse -with woman, preachi PERIOD III. 1. CANA, Nobleman's son. 5. 2. NAZARETH, Jesus' life attempted. 6. 3. CAPERNAUM, Disciples called from busi- 7. ness, demoniac, Peter's mother. 8. 4. GALILEE, a leper healed ( First Tour). 9. CAPERNAUM, Paralytic (thru roof;. JERUSALEM, Paralytic (Bethesda). JUDEA, Plucking corn. CAPERNAUM, Withered hand. MT. BEATITUDES, "Sermon on the Mount . PERIOD IV. 1. MT. BEATITUDES, Apostles selected. 2. CAPERNAUM, Centurion's servatu. 3. NAIN, Widow's son raised. 4. GALILEE, Inquiry of John Baptist. 5. GALILEE, Sinful woman (Second Tour . 6. CAPERNAUM, Demoniac, Parables. PERIOD V. LAKE GALIEEE, Storm stilled. GERASA, Demoniacs, swine. CAPERNAUM, Woman, Jairus' daughter, two blind men, dumb demoniac. NAZARETH, Again rejected. 6. 7. 8. 9. GALILEE, Sending out Apostles (Third Tour). 10. CAPERNAUM, News of John the B tist's death. BETHSAIDA JULIAS, 5,000 fed. LAKE GALILEE, Walking on water. GENNESARET, Miracles. CAPERNAUM, Discourse on Spiritual F>. 1. CAPERNAUM, Apostles' confession. 2. PHOENICIA, Demoniac girl. 3. DECAPOLIS, Deaf man, 4,000 fed. 4. MAGADAN, Met by Sadducees. PERIOD VI. 5. BETHSAIDA JULIAS, Blind man. 6. CAESAREA PHILIPPI, Apostles' confessio 7. MT. HERMON, Transfiguration, demon 8. CAPERNAUM, Coin, Discourse on Great n PERIOD VII. 1 . CAPERNAUM, The Seventy sent out. 5. 2. SAMARIA, Inhospitality of a village. 6. 3. JERUSALEM, Hostility of Sanhedrists, 7. blind man healed. 8. 4. JUDEA. Return of the Seventy. 9. JUDEA, a lawyer's question. BETHANY (Judea), Supper. JUDEA, Paralytic woman healed. JERUSALEM, Second stoning for Jesus. PEREA, Dropsical man, Parables. PERIOD VIII. 1 . I ' E K E A , l.oya Ity of Apostles. 2. BETHANY (Judea), Lazarus raised. 3. EPHRAIM, In retreat from Sanhedrin. 4. SAMARIA, Ten lepers healed. 5. GALILEE, Question on Kingdom. <>. I'KKEA, Question on divorce, blessing children, rich ruler, ambition of James and John. JERICHO. Bartimaeus, Zachaeus. BETHANY (Judea), Supper. JERUSELEM, Entry, cleansing Temj Debate with rulers, Lord's Supper. Farewell Discourse to Apostles, arn ; trials, death, burial of Jesus. a yo* L*B|itudfron Greenwich j- PALESTINE IN THE TIME OF CHRIST HISTORICAL AND PHYSICAL MAPS HISTORICAL ATLAS AND CHRONOLOGY OF THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST A TEXT BOOK AND COMPANION TO A HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS BY THE REV. RICHARD M. HODGE, M. A. Superintendent of the Bible Institute, Nashville, Tennessee D. A. ST. CLAIR PRESS WYTHEVILLE, VA. 1899 COPYRIGHT, 1899, BY RICHARD M. HODGE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED COPIES MAY BE ORDERED OF THE AUTHOR PREFATORY NOTE THESE pages contain three exhibits of the life of Christ which have been developed in the class-room in the effort to teach our Lord's life as a history. The historical maps locate in order the principal events of Jesus' life, and are designed for memory pictures. Every map exhibits a different journey and each event is recorded as near its proper place as can be determined. Only the towns, provinces, streams and moun- tains that are directly involved in the history of Jesus' life are represented. For typographical convenience the "Mount of Beatitudes " is placed a little to the north of the spot generally favored. The chronological table gives all of the reasonably certain years, seasons, months, days, and hours of Jesus' life, and supplements the maps in geographical detail. The third exhibit proposes an analysis of Jesus' ministry based upon his method of work, by recognizing periods, indicated by Jesus himself in the successive stages by which he organized his disciples, and which he invariably punc- tuated with one of his great discourses. Analyses are given which show the character of each period, and trace the developments, crises and con- summations that unfold the plans and purpose of his ministry. The book is best used with a Harmony of the gospels. It will accompany any of the standard works, by Broadus, Stevens and Burton, Riddle, or Robinson, and will not be found to vary from the order of events followed by any of these editors excepting in the few and generally unimportant particulars where they vary from each other. The table of passages according to the general divisions of the life of Christ adopted in this work will serve to locate events in an ordinary version of the gospels. TABLE OF THE GOSPELS ACCORDING TO THE GENERAL DIVISIONS OF THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST ADOPTED IN THIS WORK CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH OF JESUS Matthew 1:1-3:12. Mark 1:1-8. Luke 1:1-3:18. John 1:1-18. MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST PERIOD I Matthew 3:13-4:11. Mark 1:9-13. Luke 3:21-4:13. John 1:19-3:22. PERIOD II Matthew 4:12. Mark 1:14. Luke 4:14. John 3:22-4:43. PERIOD III Matthew 4:13-7:29; 8:2-4, 14-17; 9:2-9; 12:1-21. Mark 1:14-2:14, 23-3:19. Luke 4:14-5:28 ; 6:1-49. John 4:44-5:47. PERIOD IV Matthew 8:1, 5-13; 11:2-30; 12:22-13:53. Mark 3:13-4:34. Luke 6:13-16; 7:1- 8:21. PERIOD V Matthew 8:18, 23-9:1,10-11:1; 13:54-14:36. Mark 2:15-22; 4:35-6:56. Luke 5:29-39 ; 8:22-9:17. John 6:1-66. PERIOD VI Matthew 15:1-18:35;* 8:19-22. Mark 7:1-9:50. Luke 9:18-50, 57-62. John 6:67-7:9. PERIOD VII Luke 9:51-56 ; 10:1-17:10. John 7:10-10:42. PERIOD VIII Matthew 19:1-27:66. Mark 10:1-15:47. Luke 17:11-23:56. John 11:1-19:42. PERIOD IX Matthew 28:1-20. Mark 16:1-20. Luke 24:1-53. John 20:1-21:25. Acts 1:3-12. I Corinthians 15:5-7. CONTENTS HISTORICAL MAPS Palestine in the time of Jesus Christ, Frontispiece Map I, exhibiting the Chronology of Jesus' life, the contempor- ary Roman Rulers, and the Races in and about Palestine, 5 Map 2, exhibiting Events Preceding the Birth of Jesus Christ 7 Map 3, exhibiting the Childhood and Youth of Jesus Christ, 9 Map 4, exhibiting the Ministry of John the Baptist, n Map 5, exhibiting the Ministry of Jesus Christ, Periods I and II, .... 13 Map 6, exhibiting the Ministry of Jesus Christ, Period III, 15 Map 7, exhibiting the Ministry of Jesus Christ, Period IV, 17 Map 8, exhibiting the Ministry of Jesus Christ, Period V, 19 Map 9, exhibiting the Ministry of Jesus Christ, Period VI, 21 Map 10, exhibiting the Ministry of Jesus Christ, Period VII, 23 Map ii, exhibiting the Ministry of Jesus Christ, Period VIII, 25 Map 12, exhibiting the Last Week of the Public Ministry of Jesus Christ, (Period VIII), " 27 Map 13, exhibiting the Ministry of Jesus Christ, Period IX, 29 NOTES ON MAPS On Map i, on Jesus' stay in Egypt, and the succession of the Herods, . . 4 On Map 2, on the residence of the parents of John the Baptist 6 On Map 3, on the death of Herod the Great 8 On Map 4, on the chronology of the ministry of John the Baptist, . . . . 10 On Map 12, on what maps are supplemented by the plat of the Temple, . 26 THE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST The division of the ministry into periods 12 Analysis of Period I, 12 Analysis of Period II 12 Analysis of Period III, 14 Analysis of Period IV 16 Analysis of Period V, 18 Analysis of Period VI, 20 Analysis of Period VII, 22 Analysis of Period VIII, 24 Analysis of Period IX, 28 CHRONOLOGY Chronological Table of the Life of Jesus Christ, 31 NOTE ON MAP I CHRONOLOGY A stay of probably about two months in Egypt is to be reckoned between Jesus' leaving Bethlehem and his going to Nazareth. ROMAN RULERS Herod the Great ruled all Palestine until B. C. 4. Herod Archelaus ruled Judea and Samaria, B. C. 4 to A. D. 6. Herod Antipas ruled Galilee and Perea, and Herod Philip his tetrarchy, from B. C. 4 until after the ascension of Christ. PALESTINE i CHRONOLOGY OF CHRIST'S LIFE B. C. 5-A. D. 30 ROMAN RULERS A. D. 26-30 RACES Capernau S.SrXTEEN MOI* *>* Cennesare A. TETRARCH fie rasa ONazafath " 2 THIRTY VtlAR A M A R I A HIKED RACE 4. A FEW DAYS < Sychar < P E R E A JEWS NOTE ON MAP 2 Hebron is conjectured to be the residence of the parents of John the Bap- tist, as it was a priest city and the place of most importance in " the hill country of Judea." See Luke 1:65. PALESTINE EVENTS PRECEEDINGTHE BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST October B. c. 6 to December B. c. 5 SAMARIA NOTE ON MAP 3 Herod the Great died within less than two months of his slaying the infants of Bethlehem. CHILDHOOD & YOUTH OF JESUS B. C. 5 to A. D. 26 NOTE ON MAP 4 John the Baptist's active ministry covered about eighteen months, about one half of which was spent in the Wilderness of the Jordan and at Bethany, and the balance at Aenon. His imprisonment was of fifteen months' duration. 10 MINISTRYOFJOHN THE BAPTIST June, A. D. 26 to March, A. D. 29 THE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST Jesus' ministry is divided into nine periods, according to the several suc- cessive steps that he employed in organizing his discipl'es. Each of the nine periods that result is found also to close with one of Jesus' principal dis- courses. ANALYSIS OF THE WORK OF PERIOD I ORGANIZATION Jesus' gaining a few men as disciples. WORKS A demonstration of superhuman knowledge. A miracle on nature. Mira- cles of healing. A cleansing of the Temple. RECEPTION Many Jerusalemites' believing in Jesus, but not very intelligently. A San- hedrist profoundly moved. Rejection of Jesus by the Jewish rulers. TEACHING Jesus' private announcement of the Messianic Kingdon. A private dis- course on Salvation and the Messianic Kingdom. ANALYSIS OF THE WORK OF PERIOD II ORGANIZATION His disciples baptising for Jesus. WORK A demonstration of superhuman knowledge. RECEPTION Many Judeans baptised. Many Samaritans' believing in Jesus' Christhood and mission. Persecution of John the Baptist by the Pharisees and Herod Antipas. The Pharisees' menacing Jesus. TEACHING Jesus' public announcement of the Messianic Kingdom. A private dis- course on Salvation and the Messianic Kingdom. 12 PALESTINE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST PERIOD I A. i). 27, January to April PERIOD II A. D. 27, April to De- cember Mt. of Beatitudes /"} vs Cap.rnauL 4 3. * Gennesai U D E A O Hebron THE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST ANALYSIS OF THE WORK OF PERIOD III ORGANIZATION Jesus' disciples called upon to leave business for him. WORKS A miracle on nature. Miracles of healing. RKCEPTION Sought for his miracles by the sick from all adjacent provinces and coun- tries. Extolled very generally for his teaching. His great popularity threatening to attract the jealous notice of Herod Antipas. Jesus' life attempted by his townsmen. The conspiracy of the Pharisees against Jesus' life, and later of the Herodians with them. The Pharisees' persecutions of Jesus. TEACHING Jesus' public announcement of the Messianic Kingdom. A public discourse on Salvation and the Messianic Kingdom. MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST PERIOD III A. D. 27, 28 THE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST ANALYSIS OF THE WORK OF PERIOD IV ORGANIZATION Jesus selection of Twelve Apostles to accompany him and become his ministers. WORKS Miracles of healing. A resurrection. RECEPTION Jesus once publicly hailed as Christ. Generally believed to be an old prophet risen from the dead. The doubt of John the Baptist. The protests of Jesus' family and friends against his ardor. Persecutions of the Pharisees. TEACHING A public parabolic discourse on Salvation and the Messianic Kingdom. 16 MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST PERIOD IV A. D. 28 Summer and Fall / Capernau. THE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST. ANALYSIS OF THE WORK OF PERIOD V ORGANIZATION The self-activity of the apostles, in a Jewish mission. Their pairing by Jesus. His selection of three of them as his special confidants. WORKS Miracles on nature. Miracles of healing and resurrections, both by Jesus and his apostles. RECEPTION Many women among Jesus' disciples. The Galileans' attempting to make Jesus king by force. Rejected by the Gerasenes. Deserted by the Galileans. Herod Antipas' beheading of John the Baptist, and attempting to find Jesus. TEACHING A public discourse on the Essentially Spiritual Character of His Mission. 18 MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST PERIOD V A. D. 28, 29 Fall to Spring THE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST ANALYSIS OF THE WORK OF PERIOD VI ORGANIZATION The apostles' formal acceptance of Jesus as Saviour and Divine Christ. WORKS Miracles on nature. Miracles of healing both by Jesus and at least one disciple. Jesus' transfiguration. RECEPTION Sought by many Gentiles in all their countries that he visited. Persecutions of the Pharisees. The Sadducees' uniting with the Pharisees and Herodians in the deadly conspiracy against him. Taunted by his ' 'brothers." TEACHING Private discourses to the apostles on the Sacrificial Nature of His Mission. 20 MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST PERIOD VI A. D. 29 April to October THE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST ANALYSIS OF THE WORK OF PERIOD VII ORGANIZATION Jesus' calling and pairing of seventy more disciples and their self-activity in a mission in Perea. WORKS Miracles of healing both by Jesus and his Seventy Disciples. RECEPTION Many Pereans' believing in Jesus. The Jerusalemites' dividing about him. Persecutions by the Pharisees and and Sanhedrists. His life twice attempted by the Jerusalemites. TEACHING Public claims made in Jerusalem as Saviour and Divine. Public an- nouncement in Perea thro disciples, of the Messianic Kingdom. Public para- bolic discourses on Salvation and the Messianic Kingdom. 22 PALESTINE 10 MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST PERIOD VII October A. D. 29 to January A. D. 30 THE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST ANALYSIS OF THE WORK OF PERIOD VIII ORGANIZATION The apostles' acceptance of martrydom to continue to be followers of Jesus. WORKS A miracle on nature. Miracles of healing. A resurrection. A royal entry into Jerusalem. A cleansing of the Temple. RECEPTION Many Jerusalemites* believing, including some secret disciples in the San- hedrin. Palestinian pilgrims' at Jerusalem hailing him as Christ and King. The Passover pilgrims', generally, counting him a prophet. The Sanhedrin's conspiring against his life, and against Lazarus'. The betrayal of Judas. The desertion of the apostles. Jesus arrested and con- demned by the Sanhedrin ; and the people's uniting with them in demanding his death. His rejection by Herod Antipas. His crucifixion by Pilate. TEACHING Public claim made to Christhood. Final public discourse on Salvation and the Kingdon of a Divine Christ. Private discourses to the apostles on Spiritual Life in His Hingdom. JO* LoOfilud* from Greenwich jjO tf PALESTINE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST PERIOD VIII A. D. 30 January to April 5 A M A R \ NOTE ON MAP 12 The plat of the Temple Area will serve also to supplement maps 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, and 13. 26 THE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST ANALYSIS OF THE WORK OF PERIOD IX ORGANIZATION The apostles and all of his disciples commissioned by Jesus to evangelize the world. WORKS Jesus' resurrection. His appearances and disappearances. A miracle on nature. His ascension. RECEPTION The final and complete conviction of the apostles and more than five hun- dred other disciples that Jesus was the Christ. The conspiracy of the Sanhedrists against the evidence of Jesus' resurrec- tion. TEACHING Private discourse* to apostles and other disciples on Salvation and the World Wide Consumation of His Kingdom. 28 MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST PERIOD IX A. U. 30 April 9-May iS ERRATA On Map 3, for " Rabis " should be the word rabbis. On page 32, in the second line under " Period III," for " 7 a. m." should be 7 p. m. On page 32, on the fifth line from the bottom, following the word "Preach- ing," the words should be inserted Healing of a demoniac. On page 36, on the fourth line, for " Perea " should be Judea. On page 39, in the sixth line, for " Map " should be the word Maps ; and in the tenth line of the same page, for " appearance " should be the word appearances. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE THE CHILDHOOD AND YOUTH OF JESUS CHRIST. Maps i, 2, 3, 4. B. C. Jerusalem. 6. October. Annunciation to Zacharias. Hebron. Elizabeth in retirement. Nazareth. Annunciation to Mary. Hebron. Mary's visit to Elizabeth. Birth of John the Baptist. Nazareth. Annunciation to Joseph. His marriage with Mary. Bethlehem. Inn Stable. Birth of Jesus Christ. Vision and adoration of the shep- herds. Circumcision of Jesus. Jerusalem. Temple. Presentation of Jesus. Bethlehem. Adoration of the Magi. Flight into Egypt. The slaying of the infants. Egypt. May. Return to Palestine and Nazareth. A. D. Jerusalem. 8. April 8-15. Earliest Passover Feast. Discussion with the rabbis. Return to Nazareth. Jordan Wilderness. 26. June. Appearance of John the Baptist. THE MINISTRY OF JESUS CHRIST. PERIOD I. Map 5. Bethany, Perea. 27. January. Baptism of Jesus. 6-5. Oct. to Mar. 5. March. April to June. June. December 25. January i. About Feb. 2. February. 4- l ' Mt. Nebo. Jan. & Feb. Forty Days. Temptation of Jesus. Bethany, Perea. February. Fortieth Day. Deputation of Sanhedrists to John the Baptist. Next Day. Jesus' Coming. Next Two Days. Jesus' making disciples. Cana. Three Days Later. House. Jesus at a wedding. Seven Days Later. Same House. Miracle of water and wine. Capernaum. Mar. - Apr. Later. Jesus and family and disciples on a visit. Jerusalem. April 11-18. First Passover Feast. Temple. Driving out traders. A Night. Dialogue with Nicodemus. PERIOD II. MAP 5. Judea. Apr. to Dec. Later. Jesus' preaching and baptizing. Aenon. December. John the Baptist's arrest by Herod Antipas. Sychar. One Day. Jacob's Well. Jesus' dialogue with a wo- man. Next Two Days. Preaching. PERIOD III. Maps 6, 12. Cana. Later. 7a.m. Healing of a courtier's son. Nazareth. 27-28. Winter. Sabbath. Synagogue. Jesus' sermon. Attempt of townsmen to kill him. Capernaum. Later. Lake Shore. Boat. Preaching. Second call of the first disciples. Sabbath. Synagogue. Preaching. Afternoon and Evening. Peter's House. Healing of many. A Desert Place. Next Day. Withdrawal and prayer. 32 28. A. D. Galilee. Later. First Tour. Healing of a leper. Capernaum. Winter Home of Jesus. Preaching. Healing of a or Spring. paralytic. Lake Shore. Preaching. Place of Toll. Call of Matthew. Jerusalem. Mar. 30-Apr. 5 Second Passover Feast. Sabbath. Bethesda Pool. Healing of a paralytic. Later. Temple. Teaching. Conspiracy of Pharisees against Jesus' life. Judea. April. Next Sabbath. Plucking corn. Capernaum. Next Sabbath. Synagogue. Healing of a withered hand. Herodians join in the conspiracy of the Pharisees. Later. Lake Shore. Healings. Preaching. Mt. Beatitude. A Night. Selection of Twelve Apostles. Next Day. Healings. Sermon on the Kingdom. PERIOD IV. Map 7. Capernaum. Later. Healing of a centurion's servant. Nain. Summer. Raising of a widow's son to life. Galilee. Message from John the Baptist. House of Simon the Pharisee. Annointing by a woman. Autumn. Completion of Second Tour of Galilee. Capernaum. One Day. Home of Jesus. Preaching. Healing of a blind and dumb demoniac. Lake Shore. First Great Group of Parables on the Kingdom, the Sower, the Candle, the Seed, the Tares, the Mustard Seed, the Leaven, the Hid Treasure, the Pearl of Price, the Net. PERIOD V. Map 8. Lake Galilee. Same Day. Boat. Storm stilled. 33 A. D. Gerasa. Next Day. Healing of two demoniacs. Capernaum. Next Day. Matthew's House. A feast. Healing of a woman with flux. Jairus' House. Raising of his daughter to life. Healing of two blind men. Healing of a dumb demoniac. Nazareth. 28-29. Winter. Sabbath. Synagogue. Preaching. Again rejected. Galilee. Later. Third Tour. Sending out the Twelve, two by two, thro Galilee. Capernaum. 29. April. News of John the Baptist's death of the month before in Machaerus. Bethsaida Julias. One Day. A Desert Place. Feeding of five thousand. Attempt to crown Jesus king. Lake Galilee. Next Day. 3-6 a. m. Walking on the water. Plain of Gennesaret. Same Day. Cities and villages. Healing of many. Capernaum. Next Day. Synagogue. Discourse on Spiritual Food. Desertion of Galileans. PERIOD VI. Map 9. Capernaum. Same day. Fidelity of the apostles. Pharisees offended. 17-24 Third Passover Feast. Unattended by Jesus on account of the deadly hostility of Pharisees and Herodians. Phoenicia. Summer. Healing of a demoniac girl. Decapolis. Healing of a deaf and stuttering man. Mountain on Lake Shore. Feeding of four thousand. Magadan. One Day. Sadducees found in the conspiracy of Phar- isees and Herodians. 34 A. D. 29. Lake Galilee. Same Day. Boat. Jesus' denunciation of the rulers' expectations of a kingdom. Bethsaida Julias. Later. Healing a blind man. Base of Mt. Hermon. Later. First full confession of apostles of Jesus' divin- ity and Christhood. Jesus' first formal pre- diction to apostles of his death and resurrec- tion. Mt. Hermon. Six Days Later. Transfiguration. Base of Mt. Hermon. Next Day. Healing of a demoniac boy. Galilee. Autumn. Secret Journey. Jesus' second formal predic- tion to apostles of his death and resurrection. Quarrel of apostles. Capernaum. Tax coin obtained. Two procrastinating vol- unteers. Taunt of Jesus' "brothers." PERIOD VII. Maps 10, 12. Capernaum. October. Seventy disciples sent out two by two into Perea. Samaria. Inhospitality of a village. Jerusalem. 11-18. Feast of Tabernacles. 15. Temple. Arrival of Jesus. 16. Teaching. 17. Sanhedrists' attempt to arrest him. Mt. Olives. Night. Lodging. Jerusalem. 18. Temple. Adulteress brought before Jesus. His declaration of divinity. Jerusalemites' attempt to kill him. Healing of a blind man. The man ex-communicated. His confession of Jesus. Parable of the Good Shepherd. 35 A. D. Judea. November. Return of the Seventy. Question of a lawyer, and parable of the Good Samaritan. Bethany, Perea. House. Martha's entertainment, and reproach. Judea. Nov. or Dec. Model of prayer. Parable of the Friend at Midnight. House of a Pharisee. Denunciation of Phari- sees and lawyers. Parables of the Foolish Rich Man, the Wed- ding Feast, the Wise Steward, the Barren Fig Tree. Sabbath Day. Synagogue. Healing of a paralytic woman. Jersusalem. Dec. 20-27. Feast of Dedication. Temple. Attempts to stone and to arrest Jesus. Perea. Later. Threatened by Pharisees with Herod Antipas. 30. January. Sabbath. House of a Pharisee. Healing of a man of dropsy. Parable of the Great Supper. Later. Second Great Group of Parables on the King- dom: the Building a Tower, the King Making War, the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, the Lost Son, the Unjust Steward, the Rich Man and Lazarus, the Unprofitable Servants. PERIOD VIII. Maps n, 12. Perea. One Day. Summons to Bethany, Judea. Two Days Later. Early morning. The apostles' acceptance of martyrdom. Bethany, Judea. Same Day. Evening. Raising of Lazarus to life. Jerusalem. Later. Sanhedrists determine on the death of Jesus. Ephraim. Feb. to Mar. Jesus' retirement with apostles. Samaria. March. Healing of ten lepers. 36 A. D. Galilee. Pharisees' question on the Kingdom. Parables of the Importunate Widow, and the Pharisee and the Publican. Perea. Questions on divorce and celibacy. Blessing of children. A sunset. Without a City Gate. Young ruler's ques- tion; parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard. Later. Jesus' third formal prediction to apostles of his death and resurrection. Request of James and John. Jericho. 30. Thursday. Healing of blind Bartimaeus and compan- ion. Home of Zacchaeus. Lodging. 31. Friday. Zachaeus' public profes- sion of conversion. Parable of the Pounds. Bethany, Judea. House of Simon. Arrival. Apr. i. Saturday. Visited by Lazarus' friends from Jerusalem. Evening. A supper and Judas' anger. Jerusalem. A price already put by Sanhedrists on infor- mation for Jesus' arrest ; and their determining on the death of Lazarus. Mt. Olives. 2. Sunday. Triumphal entry into Jerusalem. 3. Monday. Early Morning. Cursing a fig-tree. Jerusalem. Temple. Driving out traders. Singing of children. Mt. Olives. 4. Tuesday. Early Morning. Blight of fig-tree. Lesson. Jerusalem. Temple. Great Debate with the Ruling Classes, with parables of the Two Sons, the Wicked Husbandmen, the Marriage of the King's Son. A widow's mites. Sought by Greeks. Jesus' last appeal. Mt. Olives. Sunset. Prediction of the Last Things, with parables, of the Fig Tree and all the Trees, the Householder, the Talents, the Sheep and the Goats. 37 575689 A. D. Mt. Olives. Night. Jesus' fourth formal prediction to apostles of his death and resurrection. 5. Wednesday. Retirement. Jerusalem. Afternoon. Judas' purchasing the materials of the Pascal Supper. House of Caiphas. Sanhedrists' determining on the arrest of Jesus after the Passover; entrance of Judas, his bargain to betray him. Mt. Olives. 6. Thursday. Fourth Passover. Peter and John's going to prepare the Pascal Supper. Jerusalem. 6-n p. m. House of a Disciple. Pascal Sup- per, with discharge of Judas, predictions of de- nials and desertion, and Farewell Discourse. Mt. Olives. Farewell Discourse concluded and prayer. 7. Friday. Gethsemane. Midnight. Prayer of agony. i a. m. Betrayal; healing of Malchus' ear.; desertion of apostles; arrest of Jesus. Jerusalem. 2-3 a. m. House of Caiaphas. Ecclesiastical examinations: First, before Annas, Second, before Caiaphas ; Third, before the Sanhe- drists; Peter's three denials and remorse. 3-5 a. m. House of Caiaphas. Mockery and abuse. 53. m. Temple. Ecclesiastical trial and con- viction of blasphemy. Re- morse of Judas. 5-6 a. m. Potter's Field. Suicide of Judas. Herodian Palace. -Civil trial before Pilate. Asmonaean Palace. Civil exami- nation before Herod Antipas; mock- ery. 6-7 a. m. Herodian Palace. Civil trial con- cluded with scourging, mockery and abuse, and Pilate's sentence of Jesus to crucifixion. Calvary. 9 a. m.-i2 m. Crucifixion. Jesus provision for Mary. Reviled by his enemies. Penitence of one malefactor. 12 m-3 p. m. Darkness. 3 p. m. Jesus' last four sayings on the cross. His death. Earthquake. 38 A. D. Joseph's Garden. 3-6 p. m. Body taken down and buried by Joseph in his own sepulcher. 8. Saturday. A guard of Roman soldiers set by the San- hedrists at the sepulcher. PERIOD IX. Map 12, 13. 9. Sunday. Sunrise. Resurrection of Jesus. Tomb visit- ed by women friends. Mary Mag- dalene's bringing John and Peter. Jesus' appearance to Mary Magda- lene, and the other women. Jerusalem. Afternoon. Appearance to Peter. Emmaus. Afternoon and Evening. Appearance to Cleo- pas and a companion. Jerusalem. Evening. House of a Disciple. Appear- ance to ten apostles and other disciples. 16. Sunday. House of a Disciple. Appearance to the Eleven apostles and other disciples. Capernaum. A sunrise. Appearance to seven apostles. A Mt. in Galilee. Apr. or May. Appearance to apostles and more than five hundred other disciples. Commission to apos- tles and disciples to evangelize the world. Jerusalem. May. Appearance to James-the-Just. 14. Sunday. Appearance to the apostles and other disci- ples. Commission, and the promise of the Holy Spirit. 18. Thursday. Appearance to apostles and other disciples. Mt. Olives. Jesus' leading the same company from Jeru- salem. His ascending out of view, with the promise of a second coming. 39 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. NOV 13 1947 MAY 5 1955 JU OCT 1. 9 1998 Suble* JUN 1 3 2007 UCLA COL LIB RECEIVED JUN 8 2007 Form L9-25m-8,'46(9852)444 GMifUUUYY Of AT LOS.ANGBL9 3 1158 00506 5288 A 000 606 289 '