EXCHANGE \ Voi*. IX, No. 5 1, 1911 INDIANA UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Register of lishment of, ike Louise C< . . ; ' Loan Fund. 1816. 1820. 1824. 1828. 1836. 1852. 1855. 18S5. 1867. 1873. 1874. 1883. 1891. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1900. 1901. 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1907. 1908. INDIANA UNIVERSITY BULLETIN! JUNE 1, 1911 VOL. IX, No. 5 ) REGISTER OF GRADUATES 279739 Entered as second-class matter May 16, 1908, at the postoffice at Bloomington, Indiana, under the act of July 16, 1894. Published from the University office, Bloomington, Indiana, semi-monthly April, May, and June, and monthly January, February, March, July, Sep- tember, and November. Contents PAGE I. GRADUATES BY YEARS OF GRADUATION 7 A. TABLE SHOWING ATTENDANCE AND DEGREES BY YEARS 138 B. SUMMARY 141 C. LIST OF UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES WHICH HAVE CONFERRED DEGREES UPON INDIANA UNIVERSITY GRADUATES 142 II. NAMES OF GRADUATES BY LOCALITIES 144 A. TABLE SHOWING DISTRIBUTION OF GRADUATES BY OCCUPATIONS 187 College of Liberal Arts 187 Graduate School 191 School of Law. 194 School of Medicine 197 B. LIST OF PERSONS CONCERNING WHOM INFORMATION is DESIRED 198 III. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE ALUMNI.. 201 Historical Note By virtue of the State constitutions of 1816 and 1851, and the Acts of the General Assembly thereunder, Indiana University is the State University and is the head of the public school system of the State. The institution was founded by an Act of the State Legislature, approved January 20, 1820, establishing "the State Seminary" at Bloomington, and appropriating to its use certain lands granted by Congress to the State for that purpose. Its doors were opened for the reception of students in 1824. The first graduating exercises were held in 1830. The institution was made co-educational in 1867. By Act of January 24, 1828, its name was changed to that of "the Indiana College;" and by Act of February 15, 1838, to "the Indiana University." After the adoption of the present State Constitution in 1851, the Legislature passed a bill (approved June 17, 1852), enacting that "the institution estab- lished by 'an Act to establish a college in the State of Indiana,' approved January 28, 1828, is hereby recognized as the University of the State." On June 24, 1902, the Supreme Court of Indiana, in the case of Fisher vs. Brower, rendered a decision, without a dissenting opinion, that "the Indiana University is an integral part of our free school system;" "that it was the special creation of the Constitution," and that "the University, as well as its endowment, has always been under the supervision of the State." The text of these acts, together with subsequent acts, in whole or in part, for the government and maintenance of the University, are given in the University catalogues for recent years. (4) Introduction The present edition of the Register of Graduates of Indiana University is the fifth which has been published. The first edition was issued in 1897, a second in 1899, a third in 1901, and a fourth in 1904. This edition follows in the main the plan of the edition of 1904. It aims to present in Part I a list of the alumni arranged by years of graduation, a table showing attendance and degrees by years, a summary, and a list of the names and locations of universities and colleges which have conferred degrees upon graduates of Indiana University; in Part II, a list of the graduates by localities, a table showing the distribution by occupations, and a list of persons con- cerning whom information is desired; and in Part III, an alphabetical list of the alumni. Part I is arranged chronologically by years of graduation, and sub-sections are made for the different degrees conferred. The graduates are arranged alphabetically under each degree. The names of women married after graduation are arranged according to the maiden name. The following information is given after the names of graduates : Subsequent degrees (with dates) conferred by Indiana University; degrees, so far as obtainable, received from other insti- tutions; address and occupation. To the names of persons known to be deceased an asterisk (*) is prefixed, and the date and place of death are added. Beginning with the year 1887 the major subject is indicated by the abbreviation in italics following the name. The degrees received from other institutions and the address and occu- pation of a graduate are given but once under the year of the first degree conferred. In the case of the recipient of subsequent degrees, the names are listed under the proper years and reference is made to the year of the first degree conferred. Prior to 1889 the degrees Bachelor of Arts (A.B.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Bachelor of Letters (B.L.), and Bachelor of Philosophy (Ph.B.), were given; since 1889 the degree Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) is the only degree conferred on students completing the under graduate course in the College of Liberal Arts. The degree Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) was not conferred during the years 1878-1889, owing to the suspension of the School of Law. The letters A.M., without year attached, mean that the degree Master of Arts was given "in course" (i.e. without further university work) three years after receipt of the degree Bachelor of Arts; where the year is given the degree was conferred (5) r - - - , * upon examination for work done. The degree "in course" ceased to be conferred in 1876. No sub-sections are made for graduates receiving this degree. Where a second degree is given with no indication of the institution conferring it, Indiana University is to be understood. Part II has been divided into main groups. The first is a list of the graduates residing in Indiana, in which the names are arranged by counties, the postoffices being placed alphabetically under each county. Preceding the Indiana group, a finding list has been in- serted showing the county in which a particular postoffice is located. The second group contains the names of graduates living in other States and countries, the postoffices being arranged in alphabetical order under each State or country. After the name of each grad- uate are added the degrees (with dates) conferred by Indiana Uni- versity, and, if in large cities, the street address of the recipient. In case of a graduate having both a temporary and permanent address, the name is inserted in both places. The names have been arranged in alphabetical order under each postoffice. In the case of married women the maiden name alone is considered in the alphabetical arrangement; the married name, however, is given in parenthesis. Part III, which is an alphabetical list of the alumni, serves as an index to the Register. Following the name of each graduate the degrees (with dates) received from Indiana University are given. By referring to Part I under the year of the first degree conferred, additional information concerning a particular graduate may be found. In the case of women married since graduation, entry has been made under both the maiden name and the married name. As in Part I, deceased graduates are indicated by an asterisk (*). In most cases the information contained in this edition has been obtained from the graduate himself. Return postal cards have been mailed to every graduate whose address could be ascertained. Notwithstanding the care taken to make this record more complete than its predecessors, some data is still lacking. Special attention is called to that section of Part III which requests information concerning a number of graduates. Imperfections will doubtless be detected, and every graduate, therefore, is urged to communicate to the Registrar any information which will serve to improve future editions. Each graduate is especially requested to notify the Reg- istrar of any change in his own address and to add any facts within his knowledge which this edition does not contain in regard to other graduates. REGISTER OF GRADUATES 1830-1910 LIST ARRANGED BY YEARS OF GRADUATION ABBREVIATIONS In 1887 the major subject system of instruction was adopted. Beginning with the class of 1887 the major subjects of the graduates are indicated by means of the abbreviations following the names of graduates. Anat.= Anatomy; Ast.= Astronomy and Mechanics; Biol. = Biology; Bot. = Botany; Chem. = Chem- istry; Comp. Philol.= Comparative Philology; Econ.= Economics and Social Science; Edu.= Education Eng.=English; Fine Arts; Gen. = General Studies; Ger. = German; Geol. = Geology; Gk. = Greek; Hist.= History and Political Science; Lat. = Latin; Math. = Mathematics; Med.=Medical Preparatory; Path.= Pathology; Ped. = Pedagogy; Phil.=Philosophy; Phys.=Physics; Physiol.= Physio logy and Pharmacology; Rom. = Romance Languages; Soc. = Social Science; Zo6l. = Zoology. 1830 Bachelors of Arts *JAMES WILSON DUNN A.M. Died April 23, 1873, at Logansport, Ind. *MICHAEL HUMMER A.M. Died 1879, at Wyandotte, Kan. *JAMES SIDNEY ROLLINS A.M.; LL.D., 1872; LL.B., Transylvania University, 1834. Died Jan. 9, 1888, at Columbia, Mo. *WILLIAM HAMILTON STOCKWELL A.M.; M.D., Transylvania University, 1835. Died Feb. 9, 1875, at Orange, Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 044 1831 Bachelors of Arts * LEWIS BOLLMAN A.M.; LL.B., 1846. Bloomington, Ind Died Sept. 3, 1888, at * THOMAS MILLER A.M. Died 1841, in New Mexico. *CHARLES MCMICKEN RANDALL A.M. ; LL.B., Transylvania University, Died at New Orleans, La. 1833. Summary Living Bachelors of Arts ..... Dead 3 Total a 1832 Bachelors of Arts * WILLIAM McKEE DUNN A.M.; A.M. (Hon.), Yale University, 1835 ; LL.D., Hanover College, 1877. Died July 24, 1887, at Washington, D. C. *GEORGE GILL PORTER A.M.; B.D., Lane Theological Seminary, 1836. Died Aug. 5, 1841, at Clinton, Ind. *JOSIAH PORTER A.M.; B.D., Lane Theological Seminary, 1836. Died Jan. 11, 1887, at Chatham, (7) 8 Register of Graduates [1832 *JAMES MORELAND STAGG A.M. Died Nov. 6, 1857, at Port Gibson, Miss. *ANDBEW WYLIE A.M.; LL.D., 1883. Died Aug. 2, 1905, at Washington, D. C. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts... 055 1833 Bachelors of *SAMUEL ALEXANDER A.M.; M.D., Medical College of Ohio, 1853. Died Aug. 16, 1883, at Clinton, Miss. *JOHN LEWIS KETCHAM A.M. Died April 20, 1869, at Indianapo- lis, Ind. *JAMES DARWIN MAXWELL A.M.; M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1844. Died Sept. 30, 1892, at Blooming- ton. Ind. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelor of Arts 4 4 Master of Arts (Hon.) Oil Doctorof Divinity (Hon.).. Oil Totals... ..0 6 6 1835 Bachelors of Arts * PARKER CAMPBELL A.M. Died March 28, 1882, at Jackson- ville, Fla. *DAVID MITCHELL ELLIOTT A.M.; M.D., Cincinnati College, 1837. Died Dec. 21, 1839, in Preble County, Ohio. *JOHN PURCELL Died April 22, 1837, at Elizabethtown, Ohio. *JOHN SEBRIE WATTS A.M. Died June 11, 1876, at Blooming- ton, Ind. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts... 044 Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 033 1834 Bachelors of Arts * WILLIAM HENRY BAGWELL CUSTIS A.M. Died Oct. 7, 1889, in Accomack County, Virginia. *JAMES FINDLAY DODDS A.M.; M.D., Louisville Medical College. Died Dec. 7, 1886, at Bloomington, Ind. *JOSEPH GLASS MCPHEETERS A.M.; M.D., Transylvania University, 1840. Died April 2, 1888, at Bloomiug- ton, Ind. *THOMAS JEFFERSON WILSON A.M. Died Feb. 3, 1876, at Logansport, Ind. Master of Arts (Honorary) * ALLEN WILEY Died Jan. 20, 1848. Doctor of Divinity (Honorary) WILLIAM HENRY 1836 Bachelors of Arts MATTHEW MONROE CAMPBELL A.M. Died Dec. 29, 1897, at Topeka, Kan. WILLIAM MITCHEL DAILY A.M.; D.D., 1851; A.M., Augusta College; LL.D., University of Louisville. Died Feb. 5, 1877, at New Orleans, La. WILLIAM HARRISON JONES A.M. Died July 29, 1897, at Blooming- ton, Ind. JESSE WILLIAM LOWE A.M. Died April 3, 1868, at Omaha, Neb. JOHN JOHNSTON MCCLURXIN A.M. Died Feb. 28, 1907, at New Alex- andria, Pa. LLOYD THEOPHILUS POSEY A.M. Died Jan. 11, 1862, at Shawnee- town, 111. ADDISON LOCKE ROACHE A.M. Died April 24, 1906, at Indianap- olis, Ind. ANDREW JACKSON THICKSTON A.M. Died Nov. 23, 1854, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 088 1839] List by Years 1837 1838 Bachelors of Arts *JOHN DALE A.M., Died Dec. 15, 1871, at Providence, 111. *SAMUEL LEVI GEIGEB A.M. Died March 28, 1875, at Louisville, Ky. *RICHARD HENRY HOLMAN A.M. Died Dec. 27, 1841, at Yeraeston, Ind. *GEORGE L. MCAFEE A.M.; M.D., Louisville Medical Institute, 1845. Died Dec. 23, 1883, at Long Grove, Ky. *ERASMUS D. C. MCELRATH A.M. "JOSEPH FRANKLIN NICHOLS A.M.; M.D., Louisville Medical Institute, 1840. Died Aug. 17, 1843, near Kas- kaskia, 111. *JOHN WILLIAM HENRY PARKER A.M.; LL.B., William and Mary College. Died April 8, 1900, at Onancock, Va. *HUGH THOMPSON REID A.M. Died Aug. 21, 1874, at Keokuk, la. *GEORGE SULLIVAN SHEETS A.M.; LL.B., Harvard University, 1840. Died Jan. 4, 1852, at Madison, Ind. * WILLIAM WILLIS A.M. Died May, 1843, at Bellevue, Ky. Master of Arts (Honorary) *CORNELIUS PERINQ Died Nov. 28, 1881, at Louisville, Ky. ; buried at Bloomington. Ind. Bachelors of Arts *EDWIN LINDLEY ARMSTRONG A.M. Died Nov. 22, 1854, at Newtown, O.; buried at Indian Hill, O. * WILLIAM CARUTHERS HILLIS A.M. Died Nov. 24, 1897, at Santa Bar- bara, Cal. * SAMUEL FRANKLIN MAXWELL A.M. Died June 15, 1877, at Rockville, Ind. *JOHN WILSON MORRISON A.M. Died Jan. 5, 1867, at Lake Forest, 111. SAMUEL C. PARKS A.M.; A.M., Jacksonville College, 111., 1846. 2617 East Seventh Street, Kan- sas City, Mo. Retired. *JOSHUA PRESLER A.M. *JOSHUA J. PRESLER A.M. * Ho WARD STAPP A.M. Died Aug. 3, 1899, at Galveston, Texas. *JAMES MCGREADY TOWNSEND A.M. Died Jan. 5, 1897, at Los Angeles, *GEORGE EDWARD WEST A.M. Died July 19, 1889, at Lafayette, Ind. * CRAIG RITCHIE WYLIE Died July 23, 1840, near Louisville, Ky. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 1 10 11 Doctors of Divinity (Honorary) *HENRY BIDLEMAN BASCOM D.D., Wesleyan University, 1838; LL.D., LaGrauge College, 1845. Died Sept. 9, 1850, at Louisville, Ky. *CALVIN ELLIS STOWE A.B., Bowdoin College, 1824; BD An- dover Seminary, 1828; D.D., Dart- mouth College, 1839; D.D., Miami Uni- versity, isw. Died Aug. 22, 1886, at Hartford, Conn. *S. T. STURTEVANT Died Aug. 15. 1886. at Hartford, Conn. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 10 10 Master of Arts (Hon.) Oil Doctors of Divinity (Hon.). 3 3 Totals 14 1839 Bachelors of Arts *JAMES A. CLEMENT A.M. Died March 8, 1845. *SETH MARSHALL LEAVEN WORTH A.M. Died Nov. 21, 1868, at Mt. Veruon, Ind. *ADAM MARSHALL A.M. Died Dec. 21, 1866, at Idana, Kan. *ELAM HAMILTON WAUGH A.M.; M.D., Eclectic Medical Institute, 1853. Died June 7, 1891, at Longinont, Colo. THOMAS D. WEIB A.M. *FRANCIS D. WEST Died Aug. 3, 1840, at Indianapolis, Ind. 10 Register of Graduates [1839 *GEORGE GKOVER WRIGHT A.M.; LL.D., 1866; LL.D., Iowa College, 1863; LL.D., Simpson College, Iowa; LL.D., Iowa State University, 1864. Died Jan. 11, 1896, at Des Moines, Iowa. Master of Arts (Honorary) *SAMUEL K. HOSHOUR Died Nov. 29, 1883, at Indianapolis, Ind. Doctor of Divinity (Honorary) *WlLLIAM HOLMES McGUFFEY A.B., Washington College, 1826. Died May 4, 1873, at Charlottsville, Va. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 1 6 7 Master of Arts (Hon.) Oil Doctor of Divinity (Hon.).. Oil Totals... .1 8 9 1840 Bachelors of Arts *JOHN ROBERT CRAVENS A.M. Died March 26, 1899, at Madison, Ind. *JOHN WILLIS DUNBAR A.M. Died Dec. 11, 1846, at Dunbarton, Miss. *WlLLIAM KlRKPATRICK EDWARDS A.M.; LL.B., Transylvania University, 1842. Died Sept. 26, 1878, at Terre Haute, Ind. *M ATTHEW ELDER A.M. Died Dec. 15, 1892, at Yorkville, S. C. *ZENAS KELL MCCLEOD HOGE A.M. Died Feb. 21, 1860, at Waxahachia, Tex. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 056 1841 Bachelors of Arts RICHARD TAYLOR ALLISON A.M.; LL.B., Transylvania University, 1844. *JOHN FlNLEY DODDS A.M. Died Aug. 23, 1893, at Logansport, Ind. *ALBERT ROBINSON SHANNON A.M. ; LL.B., Transylvania University, 1844. Died Dec. 27, 1887, at Carmi, 111. *CHARLES BENJAMIN THOMAS A.M. Died Dec. 14, 1873, at Lexington, Ky. *JOHN HOSEA WYLIE A.M.; M.D., University of Louisville, 1845. Died March 10, 1855, at Likna Plantation, Hawii. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 055 1842 Bachelors of Arts *ISAAC BENJAMIN GWATHMEY A.M.; LL.B., Harvard University, 1847. Died May 5, 1856, at St. Louis, Mo. * SAMUEL MILLEN A.M. Died Oct. 11, 1871, at Monmouth, 111. *GEORGE HOI.IBIRD MUNSON A.M.; LL.B., 1845. Died Aug. 11, 1855, in Litchfield County, Conn. *DAVID WASSON STORMONT A.M. ; M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1860. Died Aug. 18, 1887, at Topeka, Kan. *HENRY TANNER A.M.; LL.B., 1846. Died May 7, 1895, at Paris, 111. *JAMES WOODBURN A.M. Died Sept. 8, 1865, at Bloomigton, Ind. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 066 1843 Bachelors of Arts *RICHARD CLOTJGH GWATHMEY A.M. Died Aug. 6, 1885, at San Bernar- dino, Cal. WILLIAM H. HEAD A.M. *JOHN ABRAHAM HENDRICKS A.M. Killed in battle, March 7, 1862, at Pea Ridge, Ark. *JAMES SCOTT HESTER A.M.; LL.B., 1845. Died July 29, 1879, at Nashville, Ind. *HUGH AlKEN MCKELVEY A.M. Died March 14, 1892, in New York City. 1845] List by Years 11 *JOHN ORCHARD McKiNNEY A.M. Died Nov. 3, 1848, at Rockville, Ind. * STAFFORD CURRY MILLEN A.M. ; D.D., 1861. Died April 13, 1874, in Iredell County, N. C. * SAMUEL THEOPHYLACT WYLIE A.M. ; LL.B., 1845. Died Jan. 25, 1850, at Cincinnati, Ohio. Summary Bachelors of Arts. Living 1 Dead Total 7 8 1844 Bachelors of Arts *ROBERT NEWTON FEE A.M. Died March 12, 1887, at Lewiston, Idaho. * GABRIEL MONROE OVERSTREET A.M. Died Feb. 8, 1907, at Franklin, Ind. *PAUL SIEG A.M.; M.D., Louisville Medical Institute, 1856. Died April 6, 1861, at Corydon, Ind. Bachelors of Laws *FRANCIS PATRICK BRADLEY Died 1376, in Louisiana. *JOSEPH BLAIR CARNAHAN Died Dec. 29, 1848, at Washington, Ind. *JOHN MCCUTCHEON CLARK Died May 7, 1863, at Paducah, Ky.; bur- ied at Vincennes, Ind. *CLARENDON DAVISSON Died Sept. 10, 1878, at Brighton Island, Ga. JONATHAN K. KENNY Doctor of Divinity (Honorary) * SAMUEL WYLIE CRAWFORD Died 1876. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts .......... 033 Bachelors of Laws ......... 1 4 5 Doctor of Divinity (Hon.).. 101 Totals... .2 9 *BOZA KILL ARCHER Died May 13, 1847, at Princeton, Ind. *JOHN ALEXANDER CAMPBELL A.M. Died Aug. 8, 1860, at Somonauk,. *GEORGE ABRAHAM HAUSER Died 1845, at Hope, Ind. *JOHN ALEXANDER MILLEN A.M. Died Nov. 7, 1849, at Bedford, Ind. *ROBERT QUINCY ROACHE A.M. Died Sept. 21, 1908, at California, Mo. *WILLIAM EDWARD SIMPSON Died April 25, 1846, at Paoli, Ind. * BARTON WARREN WILSON A.M.; LL.B., 1847. Died May 17, 1879, at Greensburg, Ind. Bachelors of Laws * SAMUEL HAMILTON BUSKIRK LL.D., 1871. Died April 3, 1879, at Indi- anapolis, Ind. *GRAFTON FLEENER COOKERLY Died July 5, 1885, at Terre Haute, Ind. JOHN MAXWELL COWAN A 'fe W SP8 College, 1842; A.M., ibid., 1845. 615 S. Jefferson St., Springfield, Mo. At present, Hotel ColumbinlJrLos Angeles, Cal. Retired lawyer. ^ * WILLIS ARNOLD GORMAN Died May 20, 1876, at St. Paul, Minn. * WILLIAM B. HAGINS Died 1887, at Portland, Ind. *JAMES SCOTT HESTER See A.B., 1843. * GEORGE HOLIBIRD MUNSON See A.B., 1842. *DAVID K. SMYDTH Died Feb. 18, 1852, at Milwaukee, Wis. *JAMES WILSON A.B., Wabash College, 1842; A.M., ibid 1845. Died Aug. 8, 1867, in Venezuela! * SAMUEL THEOPHYLACT WYLIE See A.B., 1843. Doctor of taws (Honorary) *!SAAC NEWTON BLACKFORD A.B., Princeton University, 1806 Died Dec. 31, 1859, at Washington, D. C. 1845 Bachelors of Arts *JESSE IANTHUS ALEXANDER A.M. Died May 30, 1871, at Terre Haute, Ind. Summary Living Dead Bachelors of Arts Bachelors of Laws 1 Doctor of Laws (Hon.) Totals Total 8 8 9 10 1 1 18 19 12 Register of Graduates [1846 1846 1847 Bachelors of Arts "JONATHAN CLARK A.M.; M.D., University of Louisville, 1850. Died March 8, 1890, at Paducah, Ky. *THOMAS PETTIT CONNELLY A.M.; M.D., Eclectic College of Medicine, 1849. Died Nov. 10, 1865, at Spencer, Ind. *THOMAS BABINGTON GRAHAM A.M. Died Feb. 15, 1888, at Jasper, Ind. "ALEXANDER MCCAUGHAN Died Oct. 15, 1845, near Bloomington, Ind. * SAMUEL NEWELL DEPEW MARTIN A.M. Died Oct. 7, 1903, at Goldendale, Wash. WILLIAM ALEXANDER PARSONS MARTIN A.M., Graduate, McCormick Seminary, 1849; D.D., Lafayette College, Pa., 1861; LL.D., New York University, 1870. Peking, China. At present, Pearl Grotto, near Peking. Ex-Presi- dent and President Emeritus of the Imperial Tungwen College. Self-sup- porting Missionary. Free Literary Work. Mandarin of Second Rank. "ROBERT RUFUS ROBERTS A.M. Died Jan. 22, 1880, at Brazil, Ind. WASHINGTON M. SHARP A.M. *DAVID SHUCK A.M.; D.D., Hartsville University. Died June 27, 1901, at Hartsville, Ind. "HOMER WHEELER A.M. Died Nov. 10, 1878, at San Fran- cisco, Cal. Bachelors of Arts RUSSELL BIGLOW ABBOTT A.M., 1850; D.D., Gale College, 1885. Al- bert Lea, Minn. Retired minister, and educator. *DAVIESS BATTERTON A.M. Died April 19, 1858, at Greensburg, Ind. *JOHN OLDHAM BULLOCK A.M. Died 1857, at Columbus, Ky.; bur- ied in Oldham County, Ky. *ROBERT BARR CAMPBELL Died Nov. 4, 1849, at Bloomington, Ind. *THEOPHILUS PARVIN A.M.; M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1852; LL.D., Hanover College. Died Jan. 29, 1898, at Philadelphia, Pa. Bachelors of Laws "NATHANIEL TIMOTHY HAUSEB Died Aug. 12, 1905, at St. Paul, Minn.; buried at Minneapolis, Minn. *MlLTON HlGHT Died Nov. 3, 1887, at Bloomington, Ind. *DANIEL CAREY STOVER Died March 20, 1901, at Ladoga, Ind. * BARTON WARREN WILSON See A.B., 1845. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 145 Bachelors of Laws 044 Totals Bachelors of Laws "VICTOR BUCHANAN BELL Died Sept. 15, 1867, at New Orleans, La. "LEWIS BOLLMAN See A.B., 1831. "JOHN DARROCK Died May 4, 1898, at Morocco, Ind. "ALEXANDER MCCLELLAND Died Sept. 8, 1876, in Monroe Co., Ind. T. R. OSBORN "ISAAC ANDERSON RICE Died Aug. 1, 1860, at Delphi, Ind. "HENRY TANNER See A.B., 1842. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 2 8 10 Bachelors of Laws 167 Totals 14 17 1848 Bachelors of Arts *ORLANDO CLARKE A.M. Died April 2, 1876, at Viuton Is- land, Iowa. *ROBERT FULLERTON Died Sept. 12, 1849, in Lincoln County, Teun. * ISAAC WASHINGTON LOVE A.M.; LL.B., 1850. Died May 28, 1859, at Corydon, Ind. , ROBERT MITCHEL OVERSTREET Emporia, Kan. At present, Chillicothe, Texas. Retired clergyman. * JEFFERSON CLAY THORNTON A.M. Died July 26, 1905, at Warrens- burg, Mo. *WILLIAM THEODORE WYLIE A.M. Died Dec. 8, 1909, at Sparta, 111. 1850] List by Years 13 Bachelors of Laws *A. H. EVANS Died March 11, 1893, at Leavenworth, Kas. * MORTON CRAIG HUNTER Died Oct. 25, 1896, at Bloomington, Ind. D. L. C. LANE *JOHN GUTHRIE McCALLUM Died Feb. 5, 1897, at Palin Springs, Cal. W. KNOX PARISH *LARKIN REYNOLDS Died Aug. 13, 1855, at Bloomington, Ind. *GUSTAVUS H. VOSS Died March 11, 1883, at Indianapolis, Ind. Master of Arts (Honorary) *LEVI HUGHES Graduate, Princeton Theological Semi- nary, 1847. Died Nov. 3, 1870, at Rem- ington, Ind. Bachelors of Laws * FREDERICK THEODORE BROWN Died March 9, 1894, at Greencastle, Ind. THOMAS H. BRUNER * WILLIAM WELLINGTON CARSON Died April 29, 1890, at Fort Wayne, Ind. *JAMES AIKEN ELSTON A.B., Wabash College, 1846. Died Nov. 8, 1849, at Crawfordsville, Ind. *JOHN P. GREE Died Nov. 28, 1889, at Topeka, Kan. *DAVID W. LAFOLLETTE Died March 21, 1888, at New Albany, Ind. *DAVID HOWARD MAXWELL Died Sept. 13, 1903, at Rockville, Ind. * WILLIAM PITT MURRAY Died June 20, 1910, at St. Paul, Minn. *WlLLIAM COCHRAN WlLSON A.B., Wabash College, 1847; A.M., ibid., 1873. Died Sept. 25, 1891, at LaFayette, Ind. Doctor of Divinity (Honorary) * ALFRED RYORS A.B., Jefferson College, 1835. Died May 8, 1858, at Danville, Ky. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 156 Bachelors of Laws 257 Masterof Arts (Hon.) 1 1 Doctor of Divinity (Hon.).. 1 1 Doctors of Laws (Honorary) *CHARLES DEWEY Died April 25, 1862, at Charlestown, Ind. JAMES SCOTT , Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 257 Bachelors of Laws 1 8 9 Doctors of Laws (Hon.).... 112 Totals 4 14 18 Totals... ,. 3 12 15 1849 Bachelors of Arts * MICHAEL STEELE BRIGHT A.M. Killed Nov. 4, 1868, on the Ohio river. ALVAH JOHNSON A.M. 915 S. First St., Evansville, Ind. Real estate dealer. *CHARLES MCCLEAN Died April 4, 1906, at St. Louis, Mo. * WILLIAM EDWARD MCLEAN A.M. Died Nov. 2, 1906, at Terre Haute, Ind. * JAMES MCDOWELL MILLER A.M. Died Oct. 22, 1898, at luka, Miss. *BLACKFORD BOUDINOT MOFFATT A.M.; LL.B., 1851. Died May 21, 1865, at Terre Haute, Ind. JAMES WOODWARD A.M.; LL.B., 1851. 1850 Bachelors of Arts ROBERT GASTON ELLIOTT A.M. 1416 West Winthrop St., Lawrence, Kan. Retired. * SAMUEL STEELE ELLIOTT A.M. Died May 2, 1863, at Morning Sun, Ohio. *ROBERT CHARLES FOSTER A.M. Died Sept. 20, 1899, at Blooming- ton, Ind. *ARA EDWARD SPENCE LONG A.M.; LL.B., Northwestern Christian (Butler) University, 1860. *LITTLETON JOHN POWELL Died 1851, at Spencer, Ind. * JAMES STREAN Died Sept. 7, 1851, in Monroe County. Ind. * PETER M. VAIL A. M. Died March 26, 1856, at St. Louis, Mo. 14 Register of Graduates [I860 *GEOBGE DOUGLAS WISE A.M.; LL.B., William and Mary College, 1855. Died Feb. 5, 1908, at Richmond, Va. JOHN HENRY WISE A.M. 2160 Steiner St., San Francisco, Cal. Mercantile business. *JOHN JAMES WISE A.M. Died March 15, 1895, at Accomack, Va. *OBADIAH JENNINGS WISE A.M.; LL.B., William mid Mary College. Died Feb. 9, 1862, at Roanoke Island, N. C. * ALEXANDER YATES A.M.; LL.B., Harvard University, 1852; M.D., New Orleans Medical College, 1856. Killed in battle May 22, 1863, at Vicksburg, Miss. Bachelors of Laws WILLIAM A. BUGH *GEORGE ABRAM BUSKIRK Died July 22, 1874, at Bloomington, Ind. *AMBROSE BOLIVAR CARLTON Died Sept. 5, 1901, at Terre Haute, Ind. *ADEN GAINEY OAVENS Died Nov. 14, 1906, at Bloomfield, Ind. * RICHARD ANDREW CLEMENTS Died Sept. 15, 1867, at Washington, Ind. * ISA AC WASHINGTON LOVE See A.B., 1848. * ROBERT HUSTON MILROY A.B., Norwich University, 1843; M.M.S., ibid. Died March 29, 1890, at Olympia, Wash. * SHERIDAN PITT READ Died Dec. 31, 1862, at Murfreesboro, Tenn. ROBERT ARMSTRONG SMITH The Marlborough Hotel, St. Paul, Minn. Member Board of County Commission- ers. * ALFRED WHEELER Died December 19, 1902, at San Jose, Cal. DELIAS WlLLETS Died Nov. 1, 1881, at Monmouth, 111. * SIMEON KALFIUS WOLFE Died Nov. 18, 1888, at New Albany, Ind. Masters of Arts (Honorary) * EDWARD RAYMOND AMES Died April 25, 1879, at Baltimore, Md. *ABNER T. ELLIS Died Oct. 10, 1864, at Vincennes, Ind. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 2 10 12 Bachelors of Laws 2 10 12 Masters of Arts (Hon.) 022 1851 Bachelors of Arts NELSON KENDALL CROWE A.M. 1627 N. High St., Columbus, Ohio. Clergyman. DAVID SMITH FARIS A.M. Sparta, 111. Retired clergyman. *WILLIAM M. HENRY A.M. Died April 18, 1856, at Blooming- ton, Ind. JOHN MAGILL JOHNSON A.M. Marengo, Ind. Clergyman. *JOHN CALVIN SMITH A.M. Died March 12, 1900, at Cincinnati, Ohio. *REDICK McKEE WYLIE A.M. Died Dec. 21, 1904, at Bloomington, Ind. Bachelors of Laws *THOMAS A. BIGHAM Died May 17, 1894, at Ottumwa, Iowa. *MARMION HENRY BOWERS Died March 3, 1872, at Austin, Texas. * IGNATIUS BROWN Died July 8, 1903, at Indianapolis, Ind. *MICHAEL FINK BURKE Died May 22, 1864, at Washington, Ind. *JESSE MONROE GALE Died Nov. 28, 1890, at Angola, Ind. JONAS GEORGE HOWARD Jeffersonville, Ind. Lawyer. *DAVID MILTON JONES Died Aug. 14, 1865, at Newport, Ind. *JOHN STOCKTON LEEDON Died April 19, 1899, at Urbana, Ohio. *JOHN WALTER LOPP Died Aug. 6, 1891, at Indianapolis, Ind. *BLACKFORD BOUDINOT MOFFATT See A.B., 1849. *EUPHALET D. PEARSON Died July 3, 1890, at Bedford, Ind. *JAMES COLLINS THOM B.S. Hanover College. Died Aug. 30, 1865, at Madison, Ind. JAMES WOODWARD See A.B., 1849. BEZELEEL E. WRIGHT Doctor of Divinity (Honorary) * WILLIAM MITCHEL DAILY See A.B., 1836. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 336 Bachelors of Laws 3 11 14 Doctor of Divinity (Hon.).. Oil Totals 22 26 Totals. 15 21 1854] List by Years 15 1852 Bachelors of Arts * GEORGE PEARCY KETCH AM A.M. Died Feb. 1869, at Bedford. Ind. ; buried in Ketcham's Cemetery, Mon- roe County, Ind. CUBBAN EBENEZEB MACDONALD A.M.; LL.B., 1854. 1052 College Aye., Borough of the Bronx, New York City. Patent lawyer. DAVID HUME MCDONALD A.M.; M.D., University of Louisville, 1855. Quiucy, Ind. Physician. * NEWTON FRANKLIN MALOTT A.M.; LL.B., 1854. Died April 23, 1888, at Vincennes, Ind. *JOSIAH MILLER A.M. Died Jan. 7, 1870, at Lawrence, Kan. *TITOMAS WHEELER A.M. Died Oct. 31, 1900, at Bloomfleld, Ind. * ANDERSON MCELROY WYLIE A.M. Died Aug. 22, 1893, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Bachelors of Laws *JOHN PAUL BAIRD Died April, 1882, at Terre Haute, Ind. * SAMUEL ALEXANDER BONNER A.B., Center College, 1849; A.M., Miami University, 1866. Died April 5, 1904, at Shelbyville, Ind. WILLIAM M. CONNELLY *JOSEPH Fox DRAPER Died June 19, 1876, in Chariton County, Mo. *JAMES THOMAS EMBREE A.B., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) Uni- versity, 1850; A.M., ibid., 1853. Died Aug. 3, 1867, at Princeton, Ind. * WILLIAM HENRY GREEN Died June 1902, at Cairo, 111. * REUBEN SAMUEL RAGAN B.S., Wabash College, 1848; A.M., ibid., 1851. Died Oct. 21, 1895, at Spencer, Ind. * LEWIS COBB STENSON Died Sept. 16, 1875, at Evansville, Ind. * STEPHEN COLES TABER A.B., Wabash College, 1849; A.M., ibid., 1852. Died July 15, 1908, at Logans- port, Ind. * HENRY DUGAN WISE Died July 8, 1877, at Vincennes, Ind. Doctors of (Honorary) * DAVID MCDONALD Died Aug. 26, 1869, at Indianapolis, Ind. *WILLIAM TOD OTTO A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1833; A.M., ibid, 1836. Died Nov. 7, 1907, at Philadelphia, Pa. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 257 Bachelors of Laws 1 9 10 Doctors of Laws (Hon.).... 022 Totals... ,.3 16 39 1853 Bachelors of Arts JOHN CALVIN KNOX FABIS A.M. Beaver Falls, Pa. Clergyman. * WILLIAM WILSON MCMILLAN A.M. Died April 26, 1895, at Olathe, Kan. Bachelors of Laws * WILLIAM HARRINGTON BROWNLEE Died Jan. 10, 1909, at Brookfield, Mo. *FRANCIS L. NEFF Killed in battle, June 24, 1863, at Ken saw Mountain. * FIELDING PRICKETT Died May 28, 1886, in Elkhart County, Ind. *JOSEPH CULBERTSON THOMPSON Died Aug. 20, 1893, at Quincy, 111. Summary Living Docid Total Bachelors of Arts 1 2 Bachelors of Laws 044 Totals 1854 Bachelors of Arts * JOHN JUNIOR HIGHT A.M.; D.D., 1871. Died Dec. 18, 1886, at Cincinnati, Ohio. * LEWIS ALEXANDER KELLER Died Nov. 10, 1856, at Mt. Carmel, 111. WILLIAM HARRISON LEMON A.M.; M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1857; Ph.D., Fellenberg Institute, Holfwyl, Switzerland, 1859. 1046 Ohio St., Lawrence, Kan. Retired physician and author. * THEODORE READ A.M. Kilted in battle, April 6, 1865, near Richmond, Va. * ROBERT LOUDEN RUDDICK A.M. Died Sept. 23, 1871, at Keokuk, la. Bachelor of Science. JOHN HENRY KETCHAM D.D., Moores Hill College. 1896. 23 Au- dubon Place, Indianapolis, Ind. Re- tired clergyman. 16 Register of Graduates [1854 Bachelors of Laws * JOSEPH COX Died Aug. 10, 1899, at Rockwall, Texas. * JOHNSON DARNELL CURL Died at Columbus, Ky. *JONATHAN HARRIS JONES Died June 18, 1864, at Laclede, Mo. *ELHANAN WINCHESTER LAFOLLETTE Died July 13, 1855, In Boone County, Ind. *JOHN MCCARTNEY Died Jan. 28, 1899, at National City, Cal. CURRAN EBENEZER MCDONALD See A.B., 1852. *NEWTON FRANKLIN MALOTT See A.B., 1852. *WILLIS GREEN NEFF Died Jan. 21, 1898, at Greeucastle, Ind. *PASCAL SHELLBURN PARKS Died May 22, 1879, at Martinsville, Ind. *JOHN I. PAYNTER Died April 15, 1892, at Omaha, Neb. Masters of Arts (Honorary) *WERTER RENICK DAVIS M.D., College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Cincinnati, 1858; D.D., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) University, 1859. Died June 26, 1893, at Baldwin, Kan. IRA G. HENDRICKS DAVID HUTCHINSON Doctors of Divinity (Honorary) *PATRICK HENRY GREENLEAF A.B., Bowdoin College, 1825; A.M., Trin- ity, 1827. Died June 22, 1869, at Brooklyn, N. Y. *HUBBARD HlNDE KAVANAUGH Died March 19, 1884, at Columbus, Miss. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 1 5 Bachelor of Science 1 Bachelors of Laws 1 9 10 Masterof Arts (Hon.) 2 1 Doctors of Divinity (Hon.). Totals.., ,.5 16 21 1855 Bachelors of Arts * WILLIAM CYRUS BARBER A.M., Died Sept. 28, 1859, at Cincinnati, Ohio. *ROBERT BROWN CARNAHAN A.M. Died Feb. 27, 1861, at LaFayette, Ind. Totals JOHN WATSON FOSTER A.M. 1857: LL.D., 1905; LL.D., Princeton University; LL.D., Wabash College, 1895; LL.D., Yale University, 1896; LL.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1907. 1323 Eighteenth St., Washing- ton, D. C. Lawyer. MELVILLE CRAVEN HESTER A.M.; 699 Bradford St., Pasadena, Cal. Lawyer. * ROBERT ROBERTS HITT A.M.; A.B., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) University, 1855; A.M., ibid., 1S58. Died Sept. 20, 1906, at Narraganset Pier, R. I.; buried at Mt. Morris, 111. ROBERT IRWIN MORRISON A.M., 1858. LL.B., 1856. National Mili- tary Home, Barrack 6, Marion, Ind. *ACHILLES VAWTER PENDLETON A.M. Died June 14, 1893, at Nineveh, Ind. * WILLIAM CALVIN LINTON TAYLOR A.M. Died Feb. 17, 1901, at LaFayette, Ind. Bachelors of Science *DAVID DEMAREE BANTA LL.B., 1857; LL.D., Franklin College, 1888. Died April 9, 1896, at Blooming- ton, Ind. JOHN ANDREW CARTWRIGHT Delphi, Ind. Banker. * AARON LYTLE JONES Died March 17, 1902, at Valparaiso, Ind. *JOHN CHAPMAN MILLER A.B., Bethany College, West Va., 1858; A.M., ibid., 1865. Died Sept. 17, 1901, at Nineveh, Ind. Bachelors of Laws * ROBERT BELL Died Oct. 1, 1906, at Mt. Carmel, 111. SAMUEL W. HILL *JACOB L. PAYNTEB Died Sept. 21, 1901, at Salem, Ind. * HENRY CLAY RIPPEY Died Sept. 27, 1894, in Leon County, Fla. Master of Arts (Honorary) * SYDNEY DYER Died Dec. 22, 1898, at East Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 358 Bachelors of Science.. 134 Bachelors of Laws 134 Master of Arts (Hon.) Oil 12 17 1857] List by Years 17 1856 Bachelors of Arts HENRY WATKIAS BALLANTINE A.M.; B.D., Union Theological Seminary 1860; D.D., University of the City ol New York, 18!>1. 513 Park Ave., East Orange, N. .) Retired clergyman. * SAMUEL LYBGAND BINCKELEY A.M. Died Sept 24, 1887, at Barnesville, Ohio. *MADISON EVANS A.M.; LL.B.. 1S64. Died March 5, 1866, at Bedford, I ml. *JOSEPH SlIEKKUUNE JENCKES A.M.,; LL.D., 1884; LL.B., University of Cincinnati, 1858; B.D., Kenyon Col- lege, 18G7. Died July 10, 1910, at In- dianapolis, Ind. *RICHARD MORRIS JOHNSON A.M. Died Juu. 7, 1908, at Salt Lake City, Utah. THOMAS JEFFERSON WOLFE A.M.; LL.B., 1859. Sullivan, Ind. Re- tired lawyer. Bachelors of Laws GEORGE W. DEAN "OLIVER JAY GLESSNEB Died June 2, 1W)3, at Shelbyville, Ind. ROBERT IRWIN MORRISON See A.B., 1855. *DAVTD SHEEKS Died March 2, 1894, at Austin, Tex. Doctor of Laws (Honorary) *ABEL STEVENS Died Sept. 11. 1897, at San Jose, CaL; buried at Alhainbra, Cal. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 246 Bachelors of Laws 224 Doctor of Laws (Hon.) 101 Totals 5 6 11 1857 Bachelors of Arts * HIRAM ALLEN A.M. Died June 17, 1859, at Delphi, Ind. *STEPIIEN GIRARD BURTON A.M.; LL.B., 1858. Died April 6, 1888, at Flint, Mich.; buried at Hubbardston, Mich. JAMES MOSIER CLARK A.M. [2] *HIRAM WILBUR CLOUD A.M. ; A.B., Indiana Asbury (DePauw^ University, 1857; A.M., ibid., I860; M.D., Louisville Medical College. Died May 5, 1875, at Evansville, Ind. *GEORGE WASHINGTON LEE A.M. ; A.B., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) University, 1857; LL.B., ibid., 1859; A.M., ibid., 18GO. Died April 24, 1897, at Ashinore, 111. *AUGUSTUS DAVIS LYNCH A.M.; LL.B., 1859; A.B., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) University. 1857; A.M., ibid., 1860. Died Oct. 6, 1908. at Washing- ton, D. C.; buried at Indianapolis, Ind. *HAMILTON SAMUEL McREA A.M. Died April 26, 1887, at Marion, Ind. URIAH MULLIKIN A.M.; LL.B., 1859. Franklin, Ind. Mer- cantile business. JOHN DODDS PERRING A.M. Brookville, Ohio. Clergyman. WILBUR FISK STONE A.M. ; LL.B., 1858 ; A.M., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) University. New Foster. Building, Denver, Colo. Lawyer. * SAMUEL MILLER THOMAS A.M. Died May 28, 1862, in Tipton, Township, Cass County, Ind.; buried at Logausport, Ind. STEPHEN THRASHER A.M.; LL.B., 1859. Port Gibson, Miss. Retired lawyer. JOSHUA HOWE WATTS A.M. Puerto Ccrtez, Republic of Hon- duras. Vice and Deputy Consul of the United States. *GEORGE C. WILSON A.M. Died April 26, 1902, at Monrovia, Cal.; buried at Onarga, 111. JACOB VANCE WOLFE A.M. 1859 ; LL.B., 1863. Lincoln, Neb Retired. Bachelors of Science * JAMES MARION BROWN Died Aug. 14, 1859, at Rockville, Ind. *ALFRED EVERITT GRAHAM Died Sept. 22, 1895, at Martinsville, Ind. DAVID ALMON ROBERTSON 65 North Ritter Ave., Indianapolis, Ind,. Retired clergyman. Bachelors of Laws *DAVID DEMAREE BANTA See B.S., 1855. *HENRY P. BRAZEE Died July 22, 1872, at Oakley, Ohio ; bur- ied at Tell City, Ind. * JAMES WILLIAM BROWN Died February 6, 1908, at Cheney, Wash * EDMUND JAEGER Died July 14, 1905, at Keokuk, Iowa. 18 Register of Graduates [1857 *BURB HARRISON POLK Died May 15, 1886, at Lincoln, Neb. *OMAB FRANKLIN ROBERTS Died Jan. 29, 1903, at Aurora, Ind. *GEORGE WASHINGTON THOMPSON Died March 9, 1873, at Linnaeus, Mo. WILLIAM TURNER MOFFET A.M.; D.D., Monmouth College, 1894. 421 East Main St., Xenia, O. Retired clergyman. *WlLLIAM MCKENDREE SPRINGER A.M.; LL.D., Illinois College, 1890. Died Dec. 4, 1903, at Washington, D. C. Masters of Arts (Honorary) JOSEPH BROOK GEORGE A. CHASE JAMES BENTLY LATHROP Greensburg, Ind. President, Citizens National Bank. JOHN W. MECASKEY Doctor of Laws (Honorary) AUGUSTUS M. JEWETT Doctor of Divinity (Honorary) *HUGH McLEOD Died Feb. 20, 1900, at Cambridge, Mass. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 7 8 15 Bachelors of Science 1 Bachelors of Laws 7 Mastersof Arts (Hon.) 4 Doctor of Laws (Hon.) 101 Doctor of Divinity (Hon.).. 1 1 Totals .. .7l3 18 31 1858 Bachelors of Arts DAVID WILLIAM CHAMBERS A.M. Newcastle, Ind. Lawyer. *FRANCIS RILEY DORMAN A.M. Died June 2, 1903, at Burns, Iowa. NOAH SAMSON GIVAN A.M.; LL.B., 1859. Lawrenceburg, Ind. Lawyer. *LUCIEN GREATHOUSE A.M. Killed in battle, July 22, 1864, near Atlanta, Ga. SAMUEL JAMES KAHLER A.M. 1861; San Fernand, Cal. Retired clergyman. *ROBERT CAMPBELL MCKINNEY A.M.; B.D., Princeton Theological Sem- inary, 1861. Died Jan. 17, 1903, at Ft. Bragg, Cal. *JAMES LEWIS MITCHELL A.M. Died Feb. 21, 1894, at Indianapolis, Ind. Bachelors of Science *JOSEPH BARRETT ATKINSON Died Oct. 5, 1862, at Greenfield, Ind. * CAS WELL RIDDLE BURTON M.D., University of Michigan, 1861. Killed in battle, Sept. 30, 1862, at Woodsonville, Ky. ; buried near Mitchell, Ind. JOHN S. CARTER Wakarusa, Kan. Farmer. * ALEXANDER DOWNING LEMON LL.B., 1859. Died Sept. 18, 1908, at San Francisco, Cal. Bachelors of Laws * STEPHEN GIRARD BURTON See A.B., 1857. NEWTON BURWELL 1306 W. Main St., Enid, Okla. Real es- tate broker. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GAVINS D.D., Franklin College, 1887. Dallas, Tex. Retired clergyman. *ANDREW JACKSON LEE Died Jan. 8, 1903, at Toledo, 111. *ELI K. MlLLEN Died May 19, 1910, at Bloomington, Ind. HOSEA MURRAY WILBUR FISK STONE See A.B., 1857. *JAMES BRADLEY TURNER Died Feb. 10, 1893, at Shawneetown, 111. Masters of Arts (Honorary) * HIRAM GILMORE Died Aug. 20, 1877, in Tolono, Illinois. DAVID STEVENSON Doctor of Divinity (Honorary) *JOHN ALEXANDER MCCLUNG Drowned Aug. 7, 1859, in Niagara River, New York. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 459 Bachelors of Science 1 Bachelors of Laws 4 Master of Arts (Hon.) 1 Doctor of Divinity (Hon.).. Totals ., ..10 14 24 1860] List by Years 19 1859 Bachelors of Arts CHABLES MCPHEETERS CAMPBELL A.M. 1862; 1917 Pearl St., Boulder, Colo. Lawyer. * JAMES WHITCOMB GORMAN A.M. Died Feb. 19, 1963, at Indianapolis, Ind. THOMAS DIGGS THARP A.M.; S.T.B., DePauw University, 1887. Marion, Ind. Retired clergyman. Real estate dealer. Bachelors of Science *JOHN ALFRED CON WELL LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 1861. Died May 29, 1905, at Aurora, Ind. JOHN A. MULLANEY * WILLIAM EDWIN SWEENY Died Aug. 20, 1903, at Hebron, Ind. Bachelors of Laws *THOMAS WALKER FRY BRYANT Died Nov. 2, 1910, at Hereford, Tex.; buried at Williamsport, Ind. *RlCIIARD LEWIS COFFEY Died May 1, 1901, at Nashville, Ind. * SAMUEL WILKINSON CURTIS Died Dec. 16, 1899, at Brazil, Ind. * LUTHER MARTIN DEMOTTE Died June 1, 1875, at Grayville, 111. NOAH SAMSON GIVAN See A.B., 1858. *HENRY CLAY HILL Died May 4, 1865, at Bloomfield, Ind. *JOHN RANDOLPH ISENHOWER Died March 6, 1906, at Bloomfield, Ind. *ALEXANDER DOWNING LEMON See A.B., 1858. *AMOS H. LUTHER *AUGUSTUS DAVIS LYNCH See A.B., 1857. * JAMES BOLEYN MULKEY Died Nov. 28, 1903, at Bloomiugton, Ind. URIAH MULLIKIN See A.B., 1857. *PLEASANT ALONZO PARKS Died Feb. 11, 1875, at Bedford, Ind. STEPHEN THRASHER See A.B., 1857. * GEORGE WALLACE THROOP Died Dec. 7, 1862, at Stockton, Ind. NICHOLAS YANHORN THOMAS JEFFERSON WOLFE See A.B., 1856. Masters of Arts (Honorary) GRANVILLE MELLEN BALLARD 1403 North Pennsylvania St., Indianap- olis, Ind. Retired. * JAMES M. MORRISON Doctors of Divinity (Honorary) *JAMES L. THOMPSON Died Oct. 1873, at Mankato, Minn. *DAVID ALEXANDER WALLACE A.B., Miami University, 1846; A.M., ibid., 1849. Died Oct. 21, 1883, at Wooster, O. * AARON WOOD Died Aug. 20, 1887, at Yountsville, Ind.; buried at Lafayette, Ind. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 2 1 3 Bachelors of Science 123 Bachelors of Laws 6 11 17 Masters of Arts (Hon.) 112 Doctors of Divinity (Hon.). 3 3 Totals .. ..16 ~18 ~2a 1860 Bachelors of Arts DAVID ENOCH BEEM A.M. Spencer, Ind. Lawyer. *JACOB SAMUEL BROADWELL A.M. Died March 29, 1869, at Blooming- ton, Ind. *JAMES COUCH ELLIOTT Died June 29, 1908, at Swanwick, 111. * ED WIN RUTHVEN HATFIELD A.M. Died April 15, 1883, at Evansville, Ind. HARRISON HIGHT A.M. Spencer, Ind. Retired clergyman. JOHN MILTON McCoY A.M., 1863; LL.B., 1864. 190 N. Harwoodt St., Dallas, Texas. Lawyer. HARRISON MCNEEL A.M. Indianola, Iowa. Lawyer. *JEHU WALTER PERKINS A.M. Died Nov. 16, 1863, at Chattanooga, Tenn. JOHN HEMPHILL WILSON A.M., 1863; Ph.D., Parsons College, 1885. 1010 Sixth St., Greeley, Colo. Retired teacher. WILLIAM BENTON WOLFE A.M.; LL.B., 1864. Carlisle, Ind. Farm-: 20 Register of Graduates [I860 Bachelors of Science. GEORGE FRANCIS ADYE M.D., Cincinnati College of Medicine, 1865; M.D., Eclectic Medical Institute, 1870. Newtonville, Ind. Physician. *LEVI SMITH JOHNSON Died April 13, 1882, at Spencer, Ind. *JAMES FRANKLIN ROBERTSON Died Dec. 11, 1862, at Grantsburg, Ind. *ROBERT KENNEDY SMITH Killed in battle, Oct. 8, 1862, at Chaplin Hills, Ky. Doctors of Divinity (Honorary) *JOHN MARSHALL LOWRIE A.B., LaFayette College, 1840. Died Sept. 26, 1867, at Ft. Wayne, Ind. MICHAEL MARLEY *JOHN LEWIS SMITH Died March 11, 1899, at Valparaiso, Iiid. JOHN TRIMBLE Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 6 4 10 Bachelors of Science 134 Doctor of Divinity (Hon.).. 224 Totals... ..9 9 18 1861 Bachelors of Arts JOHN DAVID ALEXANDER A.M., 1864. Bedford, Ind. Lawyer. * SAMUEL WYLIE DODDS Died Nov. 7, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo. *ROBERT SINCLAIR EDGAR A.M.; M.D., Rush Medical College. 1S70. Died Oct. 24, 1899, at Coulterville, 111. BURTON GRAEME HANNA A.M. * SAMUEL JABEZ KIRKWOOD A.M.; Ph.D., LaFayette College, 1876; LL.D., Columbian University, D. C., 1876. Died June 25, 1901, at Wooster, Ohio. *HENRY CLAY LEGG Died Dec. 14, 1909, at Blooinington, Ind. BYFORD ERNEST LONG A.M., 1864; Brownstown, Ind. Lawyer. *JOHN HENRY LOUDEN A.M. ; LL.B., 1864. Died June 3, 1911, at Bloomington, Ind. *JAMES SYLVESTER NUTT A.M.; LL.B., 1863. Died Sept. 7, 1891, at Greencastle, Ind. *JOHN CHALMERS ORCHARD A.M. ; LL.B., 1865. Died June 26, 1881, at Bloomington, Ind. JOHN STUART ROBERTS A.M., 1864. 318 S. Hoy ne Ave., Chicago, 111. Lawyer. JOHN CRUDEN ROBINSON A.M. Spencer, Ind. Lawyer. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ROGERS A.M., 1864; Rich Pond, Ky. Clergyman. * JAMES HENRY ROGERS A.M.; LL.B., 1865. Died Jan. 4, 1879, at Bloomiugton, Ind. JOHN WATTS A.M. 228 West Eight St.. Newton, Kan. Banker. National Bank Examiner. Bachelors of Science *HENRY CALDWELL BARTON Died Aug. 12, 1866, at Louisville, Ky. *HANFORD BENEDICT M.D., University of Michigan, 1864. Died at Springport, Ind.. Nov. 6, 1910. * SAMUEL ASHLEY EMISON LL.B., 1872. Died Jan. 31, 1875, at In- dianapolis, Ind. * SIM EON GREEN Died Sept. 30, 1903, at Paoli. Ind. *RlCHARD MlNTON JOHNSON MlLLES Died Aug. 6, 1889, at Patoka. Ind. JOHN WESLEY WELCH Siloam Springs, Ark. Retired. *THOMAS WILSON ZOOK Died June 7, 1864, near Marietta, Ga. Bachelors of Laws *DANIEL M. BAKER Died Oct. 19, 1902, at Santa Ana, Cal. JAMES ARTHUR BARNETT Wellsville, Kan. Farmer and stock raiser. * AMBROSE CLINTON CARLTON Died Dec. 2, 1909, at Bedford, Ind. *THOMAS BARTHOLOMEW DONICA Died Sept. 15, 1900, at Bedford, Ind. *LEVI HANSON A.B., Northwestern Christian (Butler) University, 1859; A.M., ibid., 1862. Died Sept. 20, 1891, at Varner, Mo. Master of Arts (Honorary) JOHN WARNER Doctor of Laws (Honorary) * JAMES HUGHES Died Oct. 24, 1873, at Wyattville, Ind. Doctors of Divinity (Honorary) GEORGE C. CRUM * Louis PALEMAN LEDoux Died Sept. 30, 1885, at Cornwall, N. Y. 1863] List by Years 21 * STAFFORD CURRY MILLEN See A.B., 1843. *OLIVER SPENCER MUNSELL A.B. ; Indiana Asbnry (DePauw) Uni- versity, 18-45; A.M., ibid., 1848; A.M., McKendree College, 1848. Died March 13, 1905. at Kansas City, Mo.; buried at Blooniington, 111. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 7 8 15 Bachelors of Science 257 Bachelors of Laws 145 Master of Arts (Hon.) 101 Doctor of Laws (Hon.) Oil Doctors of Divinity (Hon.). 1 3 4 Totals ., .7l2 ~21 ~33 Bachelors of Laws JOHN SILWELL HEADY Vevay, Ind. Retired lawyer. GEORGE OSCAR ISEMINGER Bedford, Ind. Lawyer. * MARION MOONEY Died April 11, 1899, at Columbus, Ind. JAMES MORGAN Doctors of Laws (Honorary) * OLIVER PERRY MORTON LL.B., University of Cincinnati, 1852; LL.D., Butler University, 1871. Died Nov. 1, 1877. at Indianapolis, Ind. *GEORGE WASHINGTON MUSGRAVE D.D., Princeton University, 1845. Died Aug. 24, 1882, at Philadelphia, Pa. 1862 Bachelors of Arts NAPOLEON BONAPARTE ARNOLD A.M.; LL.B.. 1864. 821 N. Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kan Lawyer. *DANIEL JAMES BRIDGE A.M. Died Nov. 19, 1902, at Franklin, Pa. JAMES MELVILLE FARIS A.M. 109 N. Park St., Bellefontaine, Ohio. Clergyman. *NOAH MONROE GIVAN Died Oct. 3, 1907, in St. Louis, Mo.; buried in Harrisonville, Mo. *JOHN HOOD A.M. Died Jan. 29, 1905, at Austin, Tex. *HOWARD CAMPBELL LAFORCE A.M.; M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1865. Died April 24, 1896, at Bedford, Ind. *HENRY HAMILTON MATHIAS A.M. Died Oct. 17, 1903, at Greencastle, Ind. THOMAS CARTER PERRING A.M. 737 Bryant St., Palo Alto, Cal. At present, 554 East Madison St., Port- land, Ore. Retired. Bachelors of Science * HENRY BUNGER Died Dec. 16, 1862, at Bloomington, Ind. *LEONARD WOODS McCoED Died Jan. 12, 1868. HUGH DUNN MCMULLEN Aurora, Ind. Lawyer. JAMES VINCENT MITCHELL Martinsville, Ind. Lawyer. *JOHN HENRY O'NEALL LL.B., University of Michigan, 1864. Died July 15, 1907, at Washington, Ind. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 3 5 8 Bachelors of Science 235 Bachelors of Laws 3 1 4 Doctors of Laws (Hon.) 022 Totals... .8 11 19 1863 Bad , i ,r.s of Arts WILLIAM TURNER CATHCART A.M. Washington, D. C. At present, 90L N. Main St., Dayton, Ohio. Special Ex aminer U. S. Pension Bureau. *THOMAS BENTON DEARBORN A.M.; M.D., Dartmouth College, 1865 Died Aug. 10, 1879, at Milford, N. H. DANIEL CARGIL FABIS A.M. Groton, Vt. Clergyman. ISAIAH FARIS A.M. Denison, Kan. Clergyman. JAMES THOMAS MELLETTE A.M. Springport, Ind. Lawyer. SAMUEL IRVIN PERING A.M. 226 N. B St., Arkansas City, Kan. Stone merchant. * ROBERT MELVILLE WEIR A.M. ; M.D., University of Michigan, 1866. Died July 6, 1905, at Bloomingtou, Ind. *JAMES STRONG WILSON A.M. Died Feb. 1, 1903, at St. Louis, Mo. WILLIAM BLACKSTOCK WILSON A.M. Hopedale Ranch, Carlsbad, N. M Dairyman. Bachelors of Science * CYRUS BUCKMAN BATES Died July 13, 1865, at Pekin, 111. 22 Register of Graduates [1863 CURRAN ALONZO DEBBULEB LL.B., 1863; LL.B., Harvard University, 1864. 619 Upper Second St., Evansville, Ind. Judge, First Judicial Circuit. CHABLES WASHINGTON SAPPENFIELD LL.B., University of Michigan, 1865. Rockville, Ind. Bachelors of Laws * ED WARD CHBISTOPHEB BUSKIBK Died May 14, 1900, at Indianapolis, Ind. CUBBAN ALONZO DEBBULEB See B.S., 1863. *JAMES SYLVESTER NUTT See A.B., 1861. ALFRED RYOBS 2611 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111. Lawyer. *TREVANION TEEL WEIB Died Feb. 6, 1876, at Wabash, Ind. JACOB VANCE WOLFE See A.B., 1857. Master of Arts (Honorary) DAVID TBOWBBIDGE Doctors of Divinity (Honorary) * EDMUND BUBKE FAIBFIELD A.B., Oberlin College, 1842; A.M., ibid., 1845; LL.D., Colgate University, 1857; LL.D., University of Wisconsin, 1857; D.D., Denison University, 1863; D.C.L., Hillsdale College, 1892. Died Nov. 17, 1904, at Oberlin, Ohio. * SAMUEL T. GILLETT Died Jan. 27, 1890, at Indianapolis, Ind. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 6 3 9 Bachelors of Science 213 Bachelors of Laws 3 3 6 Master of Arts (Hon.) 101 Doctors of Divinity (Hon.). 2 2 Totals ., ..12 9 21 1864 Bachelors of Arts *JAMES HIRAM FOSTER A.M. Died Sept. 19, 1906, at Evansville, Ind. SIDNEY BASIL HATFIELD A.M.; LL.B., 1866. Boonville, Ind. Law- yer. *ABCHIBALD WARBISTON JOHNSTON A.M.; M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1875. Died Sept. 23, 1904, at Belle Cen- ter, Ohio. *ABTHUB CALVIN MELLETTE A.M.; LL.B., 1866. Died May 25, 1896, at Watertown, S. D. *RUFUS NEWTON RAMSAY A.M. Died Nov. 11, 1894, at Carlyle, 111. SAMUEL HENRY WEED A.M.; B.D., United Presbyterian Theo- logical Seminary of the Northwest, 1867. Monmouth, 111. Retired clergy- man. Bachelors of Science BARTHOLOMEW HANNA BURRELL LL.B., 1866. Vallonia, Ind. Lawyer. AMOS M. Ross Bachelors of Laws NAPOLEON BONAPARTE ARNOLD See A.B., 1862. *ORLAN FRANKLIN BAKER Died Sept. 9, 1888, at Vincennes, Ind. *MADISON EVANS See A.B., 1856. *WILLIAM MARION HOGGATT A.B., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) Uni- versity, 1863; A.M., ibid., 1866. Died July 4, 1889, at Newburg, Ind. JASPER NEWTON LEE Riley, Ind. Farmer. *JOHN HENRY LOUDEN See A.B., 1861. JOHN MILTON McCoY See A.B., 1860. HENBY ALLISON PARSONS 619 Kansas Ave., Kansas City, Kan. Lawyer and real estate broker. JAMES PORTER RANKIN Pulaski, Tenn. Merchant. *DANIEL OLIVER SPENCER Died Sept. 10, 1900, at Bloomington, Ind. WILLIAM BENTON WOLFE See A.B., 1860. Doctor of Laws (Honorary) *GEOBGE AUGUSTUS BICKNELL A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1831; A.M., ibid., 1834. Died April 11, 1891, at New Albany, Ind. Doctors of Divinity (Honorary) SAMUEL C. BBOWN * WILLIAM DAVIDSON Died July 21, 1875, at Hamilton, Ohio. *GBANVILLE MOODY Died June 4, 1887, at Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 246 Bachelors of Science 202 Bachelors of Laws 6 5 11 Doctor of Laws (Hon.) Oil Doctors of Divinity (Hon.). 1 2 3 Totals 11 12 23 1863] List by Years 23 1865 Bachelors of Arts * PHILIP HOLLAND A.M. Died Dec. 29, 1888, at Santa Fe, N. M. *EZEKIEL MCCONNELL MCDONALD A.M. Died Jan. 2, 1873, at St. Paul, Minn. * HIRAM PETER WEBB A.M. ; LL.B., 1867. Died Aug. 23, 1895, at Hillsboro, Ore. *LEVI BEARDSLEY WILLSON A.M. Died Oct. 1, 1881, at Crawfords- ville, Ind. *EZRA WILLIAMS FISK A.B., Princeton University, 1849. Died Dec. 12, 1900, at Greencastle, Ind. PATRICK I. R. MURPHY Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts .......... 4 4 Bachelors of Science ....... 2 Bachelors of Laws ......... 1 5 (5 Masters of Arts (Hon.) ..... 1 Doctor of Laws (Hon.) ..... Doctors of Divinity (Hon.). 1 2 Totals... ,.5 15 20 Bachelors of Science * ELLIS STONE GORMAN Died May 15, 1892, at St. Paul, Minn. WALTER SCOTT ROBERTS Madison, Ind. Lawyer. ROBERT STEBLE RYORS Lane, Mo. Judge, Circuit Court. *GREENBERRY HITE SACK LL.B., 1865. Died Nov. 5, 1899, at Albu- querque, N. M. Bachelors of Laws * ISAAC NEWTON CARESS Died Feb. 9, 1867, in Washington County, Ind. *GEORGE WOODSON EASLEY Died Nov. 8, 1906, at St. Louis, Mo. *JOHN CHALMERS ORCHARD See A.B., 1861. * JAMES HENRY ROGERS See A.B., 1861. *GREENBERRY HITE SACK See B.S., 1865. CHRISTOPHER THOMPSON Masters of Arts (Honorary) JOEL E. HENDRICKS * WILLIAM STORY HOOPER Died April 19, 1906, at Charleston, 111.; buried at Mattoon, 111. Doctor of Laws (Honorary) * JOSEPH EWING MCDONALD A.B., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) Uni- versity, 1840; A.M., ibid., 1843. Died June 21, 1891, at Indianapolis, Ind. Doctors of Divinity (Honorary) * BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CRARY A.M., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) Uni- versity, 1867; D.D., Iowa Wesleyan University, 1858. Died March 10, 1895, at San Francisco, Cal. 1866 Bachelors of Arts AMZI ATWATER A.M. Bloomington, Tnd. Clergyman. Professor Emeritus of Latin, Indiana University. JAMES PHILIP BAKER A.M. 1209 Central Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. *BEDFORD AUGUSTUS BRADLEY A.M. Died May 4, 1875, at New Albany, Ind. *OMER TOUSEY GILLETT A.M.; M.D., Columbia University, 1869. Died Oct. 5, 1894, at Colorado Springs, Colo. RANSOM EDWARDS HAWLEY A.M. 81 Whittier Place, Indianapolis, Ind. Clergyman. JOSEPH WARREN WALKER A.M.; LL.B., Central Law School. Steele, North Dakota. Lawyer. Bachelors of Science HOSEA VISE FERRELL M.D., St. Louis Medical College, 1877. Cartervllle, 111. Physician. President, First National Bank. NATHAN DANIEL MILES LL.B., 1867. Nicholasville, Ky. Lawyer. * GEORGE WASHINGTON PAYNE Died Oct. 4, 1873, in Monroe County, Ind. WILLIAM LANCASTER POLK Vicksburg, Miss. Civil Engineer. * WILLIAM CARTER SANDEFUR LL.B., 1867. Died Aug. 19, 1888, at Wich- ita, Kan. Bachelors of Laws *EDWIN B. BARNARD Died Jan. 15, 1882, at Olney, 111. *DANIEL MONROE BROWNING Died Jan. 30, 1903, at East St. Louis, 111. 24 Register of Graduates [I860 BARTHOLOMEW HANNA BTJRKELL See B.S., 1864. *JOSEPH SAMUEL DAILEY Died Oct. 9, 1905, at Bluffton, Ind. *BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GARRISON Died at Colorado City, Colo. HOWARD HART Cloverdale, Ind. Farmer. SIDNEY BASIL HATFIELD See A.B., 1864. CHARLES KROFF Brownington, Mo. Lawyer. *ARTHUR CALVIN MELLETTE See A.B., 1S64. THOMAS MONROE MOONEYHAM .Toplin, Mo. Lawyer. GEORGE DALLAS ORNER Woodward. Okla. Lawyer. Register, U. S. Land Office. * SAMUEL AMOS ROBBINS Died Feb. 28, 1905, at South Bend, Ind.; buried at Walkerton, Ind. * PETER WILSON Died Feb. 17, 1888, at Butler, Mo. Doctor of Laws (Honorary) *GEORGE GROVER WRIGHT See A.B., 1839. Doctor of Divinity (Honorary) *DAVID TRUMBULL A.B.. Yale University, 1842; D.D., ibid., 1884; Graduate, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1845. Died Feb. 4, 1889, at Valparaiso, Chili. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 4 6 Bachelors of Science 325 Bachelors of Laws 6 13 Doctor of Laws (Hon.) Oil Doctor of Divinity (Hon.).. 1 1 Totals . ..13 13 26 1867 Bachelors of Arts CYRUS BURT HUTCHINSON A.M. Cambridge, Ohio. Teacher. *HENRY CLAY MEREDITH A.M. Died July 7, 1882, at Cambridge City, Ind. Bachelors of Science VINSON CARTER LL.B., 1867. 1024 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. WILLIAM COLUMBUS DRAPER Trinidad, Colo. Real estate dealer. FRANK JEFFERSON HALL LL.B., 1869. Ruslmlle, Ind. Lawyer. Lieutenant Governor of Indiana. *CASSIUS FERNANDO HUNTER M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1871. Died Dec. 11, 1883, at Junction City, Kan. *ROBERT DALE RICHARDSON LL.B., 1868. Died June 3, 1907, at Ocon- omowoc, Wis. ; buried at Evansville, Ind. Bachelors of Laws WILLIAM WILLS BARK Carbondale, 111. Lawyer. *JOHN MARMONTEL BOYLE Died Feb. 1, 1890, at Hot Springs, Ark. YIN SON CARTER See B.S., 1867. JHILSON PAIN CUMMINS Kingfisher, Okla. Lawyer. NATHAN KIRK GRIGGS 1740 Garfield St., Lincoln, Neb. Lawyer. *JOSEPH PHILIP JONES B.S., Williamette Lniversity, 1864. Died Jan. 10, 1900, at Martinez, Cal. *JAMES EDGAR KENTON Died Dec. 3, 1897, at Springfield, Mo. *WILMAM HARRISON MARTIN Died June 16, 1902, at Rushville, Ind. NATHAN DANIEL MILES See B.S., 1866. *PATRICK O'FLYNN Died March 1, 1889, at Walton, Ind. WILLIAM BRYTONE ROBINSON Vinceunes, Ind. Farmer. *WILLIAM CARTER SANDEFUB See B.S., 1866. WARDER W STEVENS Baker, Ore. President, Oregon Mill and Grain Company. * HIRAM PETER WEBB See A.B., 1865. Master of Arts (Honorary) WASHINGTON FRANKLIN HEMINWAY Doctor of Laws (Honorary) *JAMES MORRISON Died March 20, 1869. Doctors of Divinity (Honorary) THOMAS G. CARVER JOHN W. MEARS 1869] List by Years 25 Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 1 Bachelors of Science 3 5 Bachelors of Laws 7 7 Master of Arts (Hon.) 1 Doctor of Laws (Hon.) 1 Doctors of Divinity (Hon.). 2 2 Totals . ..14 11 25 1868 Bachelors of Arts JESSE RICHARDS BICKNELL A.M.; LL.B., 1870; B.D., Nashotah Theo- logical Seminary, 1874. Ancon, Canal Zone. Clergyman. Chaplain, Ancon Hospital. * HENRY CLAY DUNCAN Died Jan. 30, 1911, at Bloomington, Ind. ALLISON MAXWELL A.M.; M.D., Miami Medical College, 1876. 717 Woodruff Place, West Drive, In- dianapolis, Ind. Physician. Dean, In- diana University School of Medicine. * SAMUEL BELL WAKEFIELD A.M. Died June, 1887, at San Francisco, Cal. Bachelors of Science *ANDREW JACKSON ARNOLD Died March 29, 1899, at Topeka, Kan. JOHN MILTON BROWN Shelbyville, Ind. Retired merchant. AMBROSE MERRITT CUNNING 622- A Shrader St., San Francisco, Cal. Lawyer. *DAVID McKENDREE GUNN Died May 22, 1873, at Montrose, Minn. JAMES HENRY JORDAN LL.B., 1871. LL.D., Wabash College, 1M07. Martirisville, Ind. At present, Room 61, State House, Indianapolis, Inrt. Judge, Supreme Court, State of Indiana. * GENERAL MATTISON ROBERTS Died May 22, 1899, at Trenton, Mo. JAMES WILLIAM ROBERTS Macon, Mo. Lawyer. Bachelors of I^aws *DAVTD MCMAHAN ALSPAUGH Died Nov. 10, 1901, at Salem, Ind. SAMUEL ALBERT BOYLES Yankton, S. D. Judge, County Court. * JESSE To WELL Cox Died Aug. 26, 1882, at Paoli, Ind. *JEHU FIELDS Died Aug. 22. 1900, at Colorado Springs, Colo. FRANCIS RARIDEN OGG Olathe, Kan. Lawyer. * JEREMIAH FRANCIS PITTMAN Died Jan. 7, 1910, at Indianapolis, Ind.; buried at Bloomington, Ind. CYRUS W. PRICE * ROBERT DALE RICHARDSON See B.S., 1867. *GEORGE SHEEKS Died Jan. 28, 1879, at Shoals, Ind. * ROBERT RODNEY TAYLOR Died Sept. 8, 1896, at Bloomfield, Ind. WILLIAM ALEXANDER TRAYLOR Jasper, Ind. Lawyer. Cashier, Dubois County State Bank. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 1 Bachelors of Science.. 4 Bachelors of Laws 4 7 Totals 18 22 1869 Bachelors of Arts JAMES DABWIN ALLEN A.M. Pullman, Wash. Merchant. ALFRED RYORS HOWE A.M. 1227 East Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, Cal. Contractor and builder. BENJAMIN FREELAND McCoRD A.M.; Ph.D., Cumberland University, 1885. Compton, Cal. Retired. f SARAH PARKE MORRISON A.M. Knightstown, Ind. Writer. ISAAC NEWTON NEELD A.M. 46 Board of Trade Bldg., Chicago, 111. Commission merchant. * CYRUS NEWLAND NUTT A.M.; M.D., University of New York, 1870. Died Dec. 23, 1884, at New Albany, Ind. GEORGE WHITE SANDERS A.M. Mt. Clemens, Mich. Actuary, Mich- igan Mutual Life Insurance Co. ASHER LABOYTEAUX SLUSS A.M.; LL.B., 1870. 2912 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo. At present, Tipton, Ind. Real estate. Bachelors of Science GEORGE WASHINGTON ALFORD LL.B., 1869. Great Bend, Kan. Clergy- t First woman to graduate from Indiana University, 26 Register of Graduates [1869 JOHN HOMES BOTHWELL LL.B., Albany Law School, 1871. Se- dalia, Mo. At present, Room 610 Rialto Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. President of West St. Louis Water and Light Company. WILLIAM DALLAS BYNUM 1921 Ashland Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. At present, 211$ Broadway, Muskogee, Okla. Lawyer. MATTHEW THOMPSON CAMPBELL LL.B., 1869. 500 Lane St., Topeka, Kan. Lawyer. JAMES MOORE CRAIG LL.B., 1872. AAEON ASBURY CRAVENS Hardinsburg, Ind. Farmer. T. WICKLIFFE DENTON LL.B., 1869. Zenas, Ind. ROBERT EDWARD EVELEIGH Bloomfield, Ind. Retired. ROBERT MELVILLE GAMBLE 409 Custer Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Fore- man, Elysian Park. *HENRY MARCELLUS GILLMORE LL.B., 1869. Died Feb. 1, 1909, at Dela- van, 111. ELI HOCH LL.B., Albany Law School, 1874. Wina- rnac, Ind. Commercial agent. GEORGE W. JOHNS LL.B., 1870. Fairfleld, 111. Lawyer. ELAM MORGAN McCoRD LL.B., 1875. Martinsville, Ind. Prose- cuting Attorney, Fifteenth Judicial Circuit. SAMUEL HUTTSIN McCoRMicK M.D., University of Louisville. Atlanta, Kan. Retired physician. SAMUEL EARLY MAHAN 694 West Central Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Claim agent. *AI.LEN KING MELTON Died April 15, 3906, at Los Angeles, Cal. JOHN LLOYD PITNER LL.B., 1871. 1336 M St., Fresno, Cal. Clergyman. LUTHER SHORT LL.B., University of Michigan, 1871. Franklin, Ind. Retired editor. FELIX WASHINGTON THOMAS Winamac, Iiid. Druggist. WILLIAM HOWARD TRIPPET LL.B., 1871. Anaconda, Mont. Lawyer. Bachelors of Laws GEORGE WASHINGTON ALFORD See B.S., 1869. WILLIAM IRA BAKER Lynden, Wash. Real estate agent. MATTHEW THOMPSON CAMPBELL See B.S., 1869. T. WICKLIFFE DENTON See B.S., 1869. *HENRY MARCELLUS GILLMORE See B.S., 1869. FRANK JEFFERSON HALL See B.S., 1867. DALLAS SMITH HOLMAN Frankfort, Ind. Prosecuting Attorney, Forty-fifth Judicial Circuit of Indiana. THOMPSON HILL JOHNSON Cleveland, Ohio. At present, Mentor, O. Lawyer. FRANCIS BLACKBURN POSEY 505 Washington Ave., Evansville, Ind. Lawyer and farmer. Surveyor of Cus- toms. WILLIAM THOMAS SCOTT OSCAR WILDER SHRYER Bloomfield, Ind. Retired banker. Field Examiner, State Accounting Board. *JACOB SAMUEL SLICK Died Oct. 16, 1900, at Wabash, Ind. * JOSEPH C. WRIGHT Died Feb. 11, 1872, at Worthington, Ind. Master of Arts (Honorary) STEPHEN BOWERS Doctors of Laws (Honorary) *SCHUYLER COLFAX A.M., Rutgers College, 1854; LL.D.. Ot- terbein University, 1873; LL.D., Hills- dale College, 1873. Died Jan. 13, 1885, at South Bend, Ind. *JEHU TINDALL ELLIOTT Died Feb. 12, 1876, at New Castle, Ind. *JAMES SOMERVILLE FRAZER LL.D., Wabash College, 1869. Died Feb. 20, 1893, at Warsaw, Ind. *ROBERT C. GREGORY Died Jan. 25, 1885. *BARNABAS COFFIN HOBBS A.M., Wabash College, 1859. Died June 22, 1892, at Bloomiugdale, Ind. CHARLES A. RAY Doctors of Divinity (Honorary) *ALEXANDER BURNS Died May 22, 1900, at Toronto, Can. *WILLIAM H. CARTER Died December 28, 1907, at Holly Hill, Fla. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 718 Bachelors of Science 18 2 20 Bachelors of Laws 11 2 13 Master of Arts (Hon.) 1 Doctors of Laws (Hon.) 156 Doctors of Divinity (Hon.). 2 2 Totals .38 12 50 1871] List by Years 27 1870 Bachelors of Arts SAMUEL DENNISON BUTTZ A.M. Columbus, Ind. Farmer. WALTER ALPHONZO POLAND A.M.; LL.B., 1873. Benson, Minn. Law- yer and editor. *GEORGE WILSON MCDONALD A.M.; LL.B., 1873. Died May 3, 1911, at Indianapolis, Ind. SAMUEL THOMPSON QUICK A.M.; M.D., Eclectic Medical Institute, 1879. Fort Collins, Colo. Physician. President, Fort Collins Hospital for Nurses. AUGUSTUS ORWIG REUBELT A.M., 1873. Brazil, Ind. At present, Principal, Chesterton (Ind.) High School. ARTHUR PERRY TWINEHAM A.M. Princeton, Ind. Lawyer. Post- master. * JULIUS WILLIAM YOUCHE A.M.; LL.B., University of Michigan, 1872. Died Jan. 2, 1901, at Crown Point, Ind. Bachelor of Science ROBERT WALTER MIERS LL.B., 1871. Bloomington, Ind. Lawyer. Bachelors of Laws * JAMES FINLEY ALLEN B.S., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) Uni- versity, 1867. Died March 15, 1876, at Sullivan, Ind. JAMES GALLAGHER BAIN Martinsville, Ind. Editor. JESSE RICHARDS BICKNELL See A. B., 1868. JAMES WHITCOMB BROWN A.B., Chicago University. * WILLIAM HENRY CLARK Died April 11, 1886, at Tipton, Ind. *HENRY CLAY DUNCAN See A.B., 1868. *JOHN RANSOM EAST Died April 25, 1907, at Bloomington, Ind. * PERRY WILLIAM GARD Died Aug. 14, 1893, at Frankfort, Ind. LEWIS CASS GARRIGUS 706 Homer Ave., Portland, Ore. Lawyer. *CAREY WAYLAND HENDERSON Died March 7, 1880, at Washington, D. C. ; buried at Bloomington, Ind. JAMES TIMOTHY HERRICK Wellington, Kan. Lawyer. GEORGE W. JOHNS See B.S., 1869. *JOTIN CALVIN MCCARTY Died March 2, 1900, at El Dorado, Kan. *JOHN LUTHER PIERCE Died Dec. 3, 1904, at Lebanon, Ind. JAMES E. SAYRES ASHER LABOYTEAUX SLUSS See A.B., 1869. *GEORGE WASHINGTON SMITH Died Nov. 30, 1907, at Murphysboro, 111. *ALANSON STEPHENS Died Aug. 31, at New Albany, Ind. *JOHN JAY STEPHENSON Died Mar. 26, 1877, at Bowling Green, Ind. * SAMUEL AUGUSTUS WISE Died Oct. 3, 1874, at Vincennes, Ind. Master of Arts (Honorary) * JAMES HENRY 'SMART LL.D., 1883; A.M. (Hon.), Dartmouth College, 1874. Died Feb. 21, 1900, at LaFayette, Ind. Doctor of L,aws (Honorary) *CRAVEN P HESTER Died Feb. 15, 1874, at San Jose, Cal. Doctors of Divinity (Honorary) * EDWARD EGGLESTON A.M.; S.T.D.; L.H.D., from other Uni- versities. Died Sept. 2, 1902, at Lake George, N. Y. *JOHN MCMILLAN Died Aug. 30, 1882, at Mt. Pleasant, Pa. * WILLIAMSON TERRELL Died April 13, 1873, at Columbus, Ind. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 527 Bachelor of Science 101 Bachelors of Laws 8 12 20 Master of Arts Hon.) Doctor of Laws (Hon.) Doctors of Divinity (Hon.). Totals ., ..14 19 33 1871 Bachelors of Arts *JAMES HENRY DUNN Died Oct. 29, 1908, at Louisville, Ky.; buried at New Albany, Ind. JAMES MITCHELL FOSTER A.M., 44 S. Russell St., Boston, Mass. Clergyman. WALTER RALEIGH HOUGHTON A.M.; Ph.D.. Oskaloosa College, 1910. 538 South Tenth St., Burlington, Iowa. At present, Sigourney, Iowa. Director, Disciple Iowa Educational Society Correspondence Chair, History, Oska- loosa College. 28 Register of Graduates [1871 ALEXANDER KILPATRICK A.M.; D.D., Lenox College, 1903. Va- lencia, Pa. Clergyman. *FRANK BUELL MCDONALD A.M. Died Jan. 7, 1887, at Washington, D. C. *PAUL DUNCAN MCDONALD A.M. Died June 18, 1899, at Attica, Ind. *TILGHMAN HOWARD MALLOW Died Aug. 13, 1872, in Johnson County, Ind. *COLUMBUS NAVE Died Dec. 11, 1901, at Attica, Ind. Bachelors of Science THOMAS GREENE ALFORD A.M., 1889. West LaFayette, Ind. Pro- fessor of Mathematics, Purdue Uni- versity. HELEN ALFORD (MRS. CHARLES JULIUS BERRY) West LaFayette, Ind. JOHN WOODRUFF CULMER 2001 West Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. Clergyman. ELLA FELLOWS (MRS. JOHN WILLIAM EWING) Princeton, Ind. SUSANNAH HAMILTON (MRS. VINCENT ANDERSON) Quincy, Ind. ELIZABETH HARBISON (MRS. JAMES HENRY DUNN) 1425 Winter Ave., Louisville, Ky. CLARA ELIZA McCoRD Lincoln, 111. Librarian, Lincoln College. James Milliken University. JAMES EDMUND MCCULLOUGH LL.B., 1871. Greenfield, Ind. At pres- ent, Indianapolis, Ind. First Assistant Attorney General, State of Indiana. LESTER LEROI NORTON LL.B., 1872. 1107 Park Ave., Indianap- olis, Ind. At present, Brazos Hotel, Houston, Texas. Oil business. *JAMES ROBERT OVERMAN Died Aug. 23, 1890, at Bedford, Ind. *DAVTD LUCE RICHARDSON Died Jan. 11, 1894, at Dallas, Texas. LOUISE WYLIE (MRS. HERMANN BAL- THASAR BOISEN) Bloomington, Ind. LAURA LOUISA TURNER (MRS. JAMES MITCHELL FOSTER) 44 S. Russell St., Boston, Mass. State Superintendent, Anti-Narcotics of Massachusetts ; Treasurer, Boston Central W. C. T. U.; President, Mis- sionary Society. Bachelors of Laws *JOHN WILLIAM BUSKIRK Died Jan. 16, 1893, at Bloomington, Ind. WILLIAM PENN CLARK A.B., Haverford College, 1867: A.M., ibid., 1870. Paonia, Colo. Fruit grower. CHESTER C. GULP 306 Edgar St., Evansville, Ind. Mechan- ical engineer. WILLIAM HENRY DAGUE Fowler, Ind. SAMUEL DALTON Winfield, Kan. At present, Ballantine, Mont. Lawyer. ANDREW DAY 607 P St., N. W., Washington, D.C. Clerk, Auditor's Office, Post Office De- partment. LEMUEL LEVI DILLEY Loogootee, Ind. Farmer. WILLIAM HENRY DOWDELL Valparaiso, Ind. Lawyer. NAT WARD FITZGERALD A.B., Northwestern Christian (Butler) University, 1872. INMAN HENRY FOWLER Spencer, Ind. Lawyer. President, Ex- change Bank. *JOHN GRAHAM Died May 20, 1890, at Indianapolis, Ind.; buried at Bloomington, Ind. * ALBERT LOGAN GRIMES Died Dec. 1, 1872, at Flora, 111. GAINES HOMER HAZEN Boonville, Ind. Editor. *FRANCIS BAZIER HITCHCOCK Died Jan. 6, 1896, at Bedford, Ind. JAMES HENRY JORDAN See B.S., 1868. *JAMES BURGAN KENNER Died Aug. 28, 1910, at Huntington, Ind. DAVID ARCHER KOCHENOUR Brownstown, Ind. Lawyer. GEORGE HENRY KOONS Muncie, Ind. Lawyer. JAMES EDMUND MCCULLOUGH See B.S., 1871. GEORGE ADDISON MAHAN Hannibal, Mo. Lawyer. *TIIOMAS GREENE MAHAN Died Dec. 5, 1888, at Orleans, Ind. ROBERT WALTER MIERS See B.S., 1870. DENNIS HAYS PALMER Logansport, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN LLOYD PITNER See B.S., 1869. JOHN KAIN RINEHART Bluffton, Ind. Lawyer. DAVID ALLEN ROACH 2052 College Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Re- tired. 1872] List by Years 29 GEORGE HARDING RYMAN JAMES A. STEPIIENSON JOSEPH PARK TIIROOP Paoli, Ind. Hardware dealer. WILLIAM JOHNSON THKOOP Paoli, Ind. Lawyer. WILLIAM HOWARD TRIPPET See B.S., 1869. ARGUS DEAN VANOSDOL Madison, Ind. Lawyer. Doctors of Laws (Honorary) * SAMUEL HAMILTON BUSKIRK See LL.B., 1845. * ALEXANDER C. DOWNEY Died Mar. 26, 1898, at Rising Sun, Ind. *JOHN UPFOLD PETTIT A.B., Union College, 1839. Died May 21, 1881, at Walmsli, Ind. * SAMUEL CAMPBELL WILLSON * JAMES LORENZO WORDEN Died June 13, 1884, at Ft. Wayne, Ind. Doctors of Divinity (Honorary) *BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Died Oct. 28, 1878, at Anderson, Ind. *JOHN JUNIOR HlGHT See A.B., 1854. HENRY CHAUNCEY RILEY Summary Bachelors of Arts 3 Bachelors of Science 11 Bachelors of Laws 26 Doctors of Laws (Hon.) Doctors of Divinity (Hon.). 1 Living Dead Total Totals .41 20 1872 Bachelors of Arts WILLIAM SEAMAN BROWN A.M.; LL.B., 1873. Kansas City, Mo. THOMAS JEFFERSON CLABK A.M. Albion, 111. Clergyman. *GEORGE WILLIAM COOPER A.M.; LL.B., 1S72. Died Nov. 26, 1899, at Chicago. 111.; buried at Columbus, Ind. *GEORGE WASHINGTON CUMMINGS A.M. Died Aug. 28, 1904, at Banff, North West Territory. ELISHA ASBURY HAMILTON A.M.; B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1875. 2427 West Market St., Louisville, Ky. Retired clergyman. MARY HANNAMAN (MRS. JOHN R. JAMES) A.M. Virginia, Minn. Postmistress. JOHN HENRY KENDALL A.M.; D.D., Westminster College, 1902. Tarentum, Pa. Clergyman. SAMUEL LILLY A.M. Morristown, Minn. Farmer. WILLIAM EBENEZER McCoRD A.M.; LL.B., 1876. Martinsville, Ind. Lawyer. *JOSIAH EDMUND MELLETTE A.M. Died March 25, 1910, at Spring- field, Mo. *EDMUND MOONEY A.M. Died July 8, 1900, at Columbus, Ind. JOSEPH SHANNON NAVE A.M. Attica, Ind. Lawyer. * PIERCE NORTON A.M. ; LL.B., 1873. Died Aug. 29, 1902, at Yellow Springs, Ohio. FRANCIS KELLOGG RAYMOND A.M. Washington, D. C. Clerk in De- partment of Interior. * CHARLES HENRY STRONG A.M.; D.D., Tarkio College, 1896. Died Sept. 6, 1909, at Sterling, Kan. Bachelors of Science ORLANDO HANAGAN COBB LL.B., 1873. Vincennes, Ind. Judge, Twelfth Judicial Circuit. BENJAMIN HARRISON CRAVENS Hardinsburg, Ind. Farmer. *JOHN WILLIAM EWING LL.B., 1873. Died Feb. 23, 1909, at Princeton, Ind. EMORY EVANS GRINNELL B.S., University of California, 1902. 1399 Forty-fifth Ave., Oakland, Cal. Real estate. JAMES POLK HALE Bluffton, Ind. Lawyer. FREDERICK HINER LL.B., 1873. HICKMAN NEW KING 5610 Lowell Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Clergyman. JOHN BROWN MALOTT Bedford, Ind. Farmer. ROBERT ALEXANDER OGG A.M., 1892. Greencastle, Ind. Institute Lecturer. * RICHARD LEE ORGAN LL.B., 1873. Died July 23, 1903, at Car- mi, 111. *DAVID THOMAS WORLEY Died Sept. 16, 1898, at Neosho, Mo. 30 Register of Graduates 1872 Bachelors of Laws GEORGE ANDREW ADAMS 2972 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Lawyer. WILLIAM ARMSTRONG Room 535 Marquette Building, 204 Dear- born St., Chicago, 111. Lawyer. *CHARLES NIMROD BECKMAN Died Oct. 22, 1883, at Louisville, Ky. NELSON JAY BOZARTH Valparaiso, Ind. Lawyer. JAMES S. CAMPBELL *GEORGE WILLIAM COOPER See A.B., 1872. JAMES MOORE CRAIG See B.S., 1869. FRANK CLARK DONALDSON 101 N. Seventh St., Terre Haute, Ind. Lawyer. *DAVID ELEY Died March 14, 1909,, at Decatur, Ind. * SAMUEL ASHLEY EMISON See B.S., 1861. CLARK SON ERWIN WILLIAM FREDRICK GALLEMORE Bloomfleld, Ind. Lawyer. COLUMBUS BYRON HARROD Chattanooga, Tenn. Scientific Lecturer and Anatomical Demonstrator. GEORGE W. HABT CHARLES L. HENRY 1414 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. Presi- dent, Indianapolis and Cincinnati Traction Co. EDWARD GEORGE HENRY B.S., Hanover College, 1870; A.M., ibid., 1873. New Albany, Ind. At present, Woodward Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal. Retired lawyer. JOHN CORY SMITH HUNTER 531 Fell St., San Francisco, Cal. Miner and prospector. JEFFERSON MCANELLY 227 S. Meldrum St., Ft. Collins, Colo. Lawyer. DAVID WILSON McKEE Connersville, Ind. Lawyer. WILLIAM DENTON MAY Avoca, Ind. Farmer. LEANDER PERRY MITCHELL B.S., Northwestern Christian (Butler) University, 1872. 2503 Fourteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Assistant Comptroller, U. S. Treasury. LESTER LEROI NORTON See B.S., 1871. TRUMAN FAYETTE PALMER Monticello, Ind. Lawyer. BRIEL F. SMITH WILLIAM PRESTON STANLEY B.S., Butler University, 1869. JAMES HEXRY LANE TIBBETS Edwardsville, 111. Retired farmer. Master of Arts WALTER RALEIGH HOUGHTON See A.B., 1871. Masters of Arts (Honorary) *HERMANN BALTHASAR BOISEN Died Jan. 21, 1884, at Lawrenceville, N. J. HENRY VANTYLE PASSAGE M.D., Rush Medical College, 1861; M.D., Bellevue Hospital Medical College, 1868. Peru, Ind. Physician. Doctors of L,aws (Honorary) *GEORGE WASHINGTON Hoss A.B., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) Univer- sity, 1850; A.M., ibid., 1853. Died April 11, 1906, at Wichita, Kan.; bur- ied at Baldwin, Kan. * ROBERT DALE OWEN Died June 17, 1877, at Lake George, N. Y. *JAMES SIDNEY ROLLINS See A.B., 1830. ROBERT YOUNG Doctor of Divinity (Honorary) *WILLIAM REES GOODWIN A.B., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) Univer- sity, 1856; A.M., ibid., 1859. Died March 23, 1906, at Los Angeles, Cal. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 9 6 15 Bachelors of Science 8 Bachelors of Laws 22 4 26 Master of Arts 101 Masters of Arts (Hon.) 1 1 2 Doctors of Laws (Hon.) 1 Doctor of Divinity (Hon.).. Oil Totals .. ...42 18 60 1873 Bachelors of Arts JOHN B. CAMPBELL A.M. Somersworth, New Hampshire. Organist, First Congregational Church. * WEBSTER DIXON A.M. Died Feb. 27, 1908, at Indianapolis, Ind.; buried at Vernon, Ind. ALFRED W. FULLERTON A.M.; LL.B., 1874. JAMES FRANKLIN HEADY A.M.; M.D., Miami Medical College, 1878. Gleudale, Ohio. Physician. 1873] List by Years 31 JAMES Ross LATIMER A.M. Brodie, Ontario, Can. Clergyman. WILLIAM BROWN MCCLINTIC Peru, Ind. Lawyer. *JAMES DARWIN MAXWELL, JR. A.M.; M.D., Miami Medical College, 1878; M.D., Bellevue Hospital Medical Col- lege, 1883. Died Jan. 6, 1891, at Bloomington, Ind. *GILES SANDY MITCHELL A.M. ; M.D., Medical College of Ohio, 1875. Died May 5, 1904, at Cincinnati, O. *JOHN SLAUGHTER NEWBY A.M.; LL.B., 1874. Died March 26, 1891, at Martinsville, Ind. ROBERT MARION PIATT A.M.; LL.B., 1874. 839 N. Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kan. Lawyer. JOHN ADAMS RAMSAY A.M. 1314 Providence St., Houston, Tex. Clergyman. BURNETT MILTON SHORT A.M.; LL.B., University of Michigan, 1874. Fredonia, Kan. Lawyer. THOMAS JEFFERSON TERHUNE A.M.; LL.B., 1874. Lebanon, Ind. Law- yer. Bachelors of Science HERMAN GLEASON BRADFORD Dunkirk, N. Y. Bookkeeper. CORINNE DODDS (MRS. NEWELL SAN- DERS ) Chattanooga, Tenn. President, Free Kindergarten Association. SANFORD HUTCHINSON DRYBREAD Crawfordsville, Ind. Retired farmer. EMMA ROSE JENNINGS (MRS. THOMAS JEFFERSON CLARK) Albion, 111. *THERESA LUZADDER (MRS. BEVERLY GREGORY) Died Sept. 21, 1900, at Bloomington, Ind. NEWELL SANDERS Chattanooga, Tenn. Proprietor, Newell Sanders Plow Co. WILLIAM FRANCIS LEWIS SANDERS Connersville, Ind. Teacher of Mathemat- ics and English, High School. Bachelors of Laws WILLIAM SEAMAN BROWN See A.B., 1872. FRANCIS MARION CHARLTON Hemet, Cal. Ranchman. MARCELLUS AUGUSTINE CHIPMAN Anderson, Ind. Lawyer. ORLANDO HANAGAN COBB See B.S., 1872. *BENJAMIN FRANKLIN DAVIS Died April 5, 1882, at Big Springs, Ind. *NATIIAN GROVE DOWDELL Died July 8, 1874, at Lebanon, Ohio. *WESLEY E. DRUMM Died Feb. 14, 1905, at Bris De Arc, Neb. JOHN WILLIAM EWING See B.S., 1872. WALTER ALPHONZO FOLAND See A.B., 1870. *RICHARD ALEXANDER FULK Died Oct. 28, 1903, at Bloomington, Ind. ZACHARY TAYLOR HAZEN 818 Tyler St., Topeka, Kan. Lawyer. GEORGE WILSON HOLMAN Rochester, Ind. Lawyer. FREDERICK HINER See B.S., 1872. PERRY OLIVER JONES Plymouth, Ind. Lawyer. THOMAS BENTON KNAPP Chandler, Okla. Stock raiser. ZWINGLIUS KERNANDER MCCOBMACK A.B., Union College, 1870. 1651 Hall Place, Indianapolis, Ind. GEORGE WILSON MCDONALD See A.B., 1870. *JOHN REED MCMAHON Died Aug. 1, 1889, at Muncie, Ind. *PIERCE NORTON See A.B., 1872. *NEWTON BENJAMIN O'NEILL Died 1873, at Bloomington, Ind. * RICHARD LEE ORGAN See B.S., 1872. SAMUEL OWEN PICKENS 1901 North Pennsylvania St., Indianap- olis, Ind. Lawyer. * WILLIAM HENRY POLLARD Died Jan. 13, 1887, at Forsythe, Mo. CHARLES NEWTON SPENCER A.B., Hartsville College, 1872; A.M., ibid., 1875. 3810 Fifth St., N.W., Washing- ton, D.C., Government Clerk. WILLIAM HENRY WOODWARD Doctors of Laws (Honorary) *THOMAS ANDREWS HENDRICKS A.B., Hanover College, 1841; A.M., ibid., 1844. Died Nov. 25, 1885, at Indian- apolis, Ind. ANDREW LAWRENCE OSBORN Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 9 4 13 Bachelors of Science 617 Bachelors of Laws 16 25 Doctors of Laws (Hon.) 112 Totals ..32 47 32 Register of Graduates [1874 1874 Bachelors of Arts JAMES KIRKWOOD BECK A.M., 1885. Bloornington, Ind. Cashier, Bloomington National Bank. WILLIAM WIRT BECK Hotel Lincoln, Seattle, Wash. Retired business man. ANNA MARY BUSKIRK (MRS. NATHAN- IEL USHER HILL) Bloomington, Ind. *BARON D. CRAWFORD Died Jan. 18, 1910, at Pratt, Kan. JAMES HERVEY DOWD Hebron, Ind. Merchant. ALMA FELLOWS (MRS. ROBERT MARION PIATT) 839 N. Topeka Ave., Wichita, Kan. WILLIAM SCUDDER FISH 1057 Byram St., Los Angeles, Cal. Con- tractor. *PIERRE GRAY Died Nov. 25, 1907, at Indianapolis, Ind.; buried at Union City, Ind. LOUISE SARAH GREGG (MRS. STEPHEN GODFRY BABCOCK) Kingman, Kan. ALFRED HARRISON HARRYMAN Toledo, 111. Traveling correspondent. *JAMES W. HEAD Died at Shelbyville, Ky. *LAURA JEAN HENLEY (MRS. EDMUND MOONEY) Died Aug. 4, 1892, at Columbus, Ind. MORTON CRAIG HUNTER, JR. 1000 Union Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Steamship agent. SAMUEL MITCHELL JEFFERSON A.M., Bethany College, 1892; LL.D., ibid., 1896. Lexington, Ky. Professor of Philosophy, Transylvania University. JOHN HENRY MCMILLAN A.M., Litt.D., University of Pennsyl- vania, 1897. Monmouth, 111. Professor of Latin, Monmouth College. *DAVID HOWE MAXWELL Died Dec. 3, 1904, at Bloomington, Ind. CHARLES TERRELL MOORE Nashville, 111. Lawyer. DAVID NEWTON TAYLOB LL.B., 1876. 826 West Eighth St.. Okla- homa City, Okla. Lawyer. JESSE DAY TRUEBLOOD LL.B., 1876. West Lafayette, Ind. In- structor, Department of Practical Me- chanics, Purdue University. Bachelors of Science. CHARLES HALL DILLON LL.B., 1876. 101 Third St., W.. Yankton, S. D. Lawyer. State Senator. JOHN FRANKLIN DITLON LL.B., 1876. Jasper. Ind. Lawyer. MARGARET IRENE I> M)-^K (MRS. THEO- DORE FRELINGHFYSEN ROSE) Muncie, Ind. WILLIAM JOHN FRAZF.R D.D., Hanover College. 1898. Oxford, O. Clergyman. BELLE LATIMER KELLY Bloomington, Ind. MABY CAROLINE MCCOLLOUGH Bloomington, Ind. CHARLES WHITTED D.D.S., Indiana Dental College, 1894. Santa Ana, Cal. Dentist. GEORGE WASHINGTON WIOGS Press Club, Chicago, 111. Commission merchant. Editor, "Good Cheer." Bachelors of Laws * EDWARD ALEY Died July 28, 1876, in Scott County, Ind. SAMUEL WEIR AXTEJ L Bloomfield, Ind. ,At present, Winnipeg, Canada. Lawyer. JOHN HENRY BURFORD Guthrie, Okla. Lawyer. *ELI BUTLER CARESS Died Sept. 28, 1883, ;it Seymour, Ind. FABIUS MAXIMUS CLARKE First National Bank Bldg., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Lawyer. EDGAR DEAN CBUMPACKER Valparaiso, Ind. Lawyer. Member of Cojigress. *OSIANDER FAIRHURRT Died Feb. 3, 1878, at Indianapolis, Ind. ALFRED W. FULLERTON See A.B., 1873. FRANCIS MARION GIDEON B.S., Abingdon College (now Eureka), 111., 1871. Ballston. Va. At present, St. Andrews, Fla. Retired lawyer. *JonN SLAUGHTER NEWBY See A.B., 1873. * ALLEN DAVID NORMAN Died Sept. 16, 1897, at Los Angeles, Cal. ROBERT MARION PIATT See A.B., 1873. *EMERSON SHORT Died July 12, 1901, at Bloomfield, Ind. THOMAS JEFFERSON TEUIIUNE See A.B., 1873. *JOHN ALVIN ZARING Died Oct. 10, 1899, at Salem, Ind. Masters of Arts (Honorary) LEONARD GEORGE FRANK *HENRY BRACE NORTON Graduate Illinois Normal University, 1861. Died June 22, 1885. at San Jose, Cal. 1875] List by Years 33 Doctors of Laws (Honorary) *JOHN LYLE CAMPBELL A.B.. Wnhnsh College. 1848; A.M., ibid., 1851. Died Sept. 7, 1904, at Crawfords- ville, Ind. * WILLIAM HENRY PURNELL A.B., Delaware College. 1846; A.M., Ibid., 1849. Died March 30, 1902, at Newark, Del. Doctors of Divinity (Honorary) JOSEPH CALDWELL *REUBEN DAVISSON ROBINSON A.B., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) Uni- versity, 1843; A.M., ibid., 1845. Died Aug. 18, 1889, at Indianapolis, Ind. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 14 5 19 Bachelors of Science 808 Bachelors of Laws 8 7 15 Masters of Arts (Hon.) 112 Doctors of Laws (Hon.) 022 Doctors of Divinity (Hon.). 1 1 2 Totals .. ...32 16 48 1875 Bachelors of Arts DEWTTT CLINTON BARNETT Harrisonville, Mo. Lawyer. EDWIN WILSON BLACK LUTHER BALL BUNNELL LL.B., 1877. 306 Leroy Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Real estate dealer. JOSEPH EDGAR HENLEY Blooraington, Ind. Lawyer. *EDWIN RANDOLPH HITT Died Oct. 23, 1893, at Kansas City, Mo. ELIZABETH GREEN HUGHES M.S., 1886. 1248 Waverley St., Palo Alto, Cal. Teacher, private school for girls. JAMES FESTUS MCGREGOR B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1877. WILLIAM J. McLEOD * SYLVESTER ALONZO MONTGOMERY Died March 16, 1880, at Brownsville, 111. RAYMOND M. NAVE Attica, Ind. Farmer. JAMES ROBERT WILLIAMS Carmi, 111. At present, Tampa, Fla. Lawyer. WARREN BRYAN WILSON 181 LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Bachelors of 3d JEREMIAH COLLINS 2010 Wyoming Ave.. Washington, D. C. Public lands and real estate. ALBERT DAMS LL.B., 1876. 3631 Meridian Ave., Seattle, Wash. Lawyer. SAMUEL CLELLAND DODDS Bloomington, Ind. Cashier, Monroe County State Bank. WASHINGTON COLUMBUS DUNCAN Columbus, Ind. Lawyer. LILIAN MAY FOLAND (MRS. CYRUS BRADY McCuNE) Benson, Minn. *NATHANIEL USHER HILL LL.B., 1876. Died May 8, 1908, at Indian- apolis, Ind.; buried at Bloomington, Ind. HIRAM MONROE LOGSDON Evansville, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN MCGREGOR Madison, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN BENONI MORRISON D.D.S., Philadelphia Dental College, 1879. Pasadena, Cal. Dentist. FRANCIS MARION PARKER Bloomfield, Ind. Civil engineer. THEODORE FRELINGHUYSEN ROSE Muncie, Ind. President, Union National Bank. Vice-President, Board of Trus- tees, Indiana University. WILLIAM WALLACE SPENCER LLB., 1877. 314 E. Walnut St., Indian- apolis, Ind. Lawyer. Member of Leg- islature. *DAVID FRIZZEL WHITE Died June 13, 1898, at Los Angeles, Cal. WILLIAM STUART WHITTINGILL 504 West Main St., Enid, Okla. Lawyer. IDA ELIZABETH WOODBURN (MRS. JOHN HENRY MCMILLAN) Monmouth, 111. Bachelors of Laws DAVID WILSON BAIRD Huntertown, Ind. Farmer. *DANIEL OSCAR BARKER Died Feb. 25, 1910, at Mt. Vernon, Ind. DANIEL W. BEECHEB SIMPSON M. BEECHEB JAMES COTJRTLAND BLACKLIDGE Kokomo, Ind. Lawyer. GEORGE Louis EVERBACH Louisville Trust Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Lawyer. MAJOR WETHERFORD FUNK Corydon. Ind. Lawyer. JAMES BEALL HARPER A.M.. Taylor f'niversity, 1895. 304 Wash- ington Blvd., E., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Lawyer. 34 Register of Graduates [1876 WINFIELD SCOTT HUNTER Jasper, Ind. Lawyer. Postmaster. HARVEY WILSON LETSINGER Bloomfield, Ind. Lawyer. ELAM MORGAN McCoRD See B.S y 1869. *MAHLON ROBERT NEAL Died April 10, 1886, at Jasonville, Ind. *ARTHUR JOSIAH PALMER Died Aug. 23, 1883, at Frankfort, Ind. * ROBERT ADAM PARRETT Died Jan. 9, 1905, at Newport, Ind. LEWIS CASS PARRISH WILLIAM MICHAEL STANLEY JOHN GRAHAM STEWART Galesburg, 111. WILLIS TANDY A.B., Ghent College, 1870. Sanders, Ky. Lawyer. NEWTON MARSHALL TAYLOR B.S., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) Uni- versity, 1873 ; M.S., ibid., 1876. 333 East Tenth St., Indianapolis, Ind. Judge, Indianapolis Juvenile Court. Masters of Arts (Honorary) JAMES BUCKLEY BLACK 2114 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. HENRY M. CUSHMAN *ALEXANDER CAMPBELL HOPKINS Died June 10, 1900, at Louisville, Ky.; buried at Kokomo, Ind. Doctors of Laws (Honorary) * HORACE P. BIDDLE Died May 13, 1900, at Logansport, Ind. *JOHN SCULL IRWIN A.B., Western Pennsylvania University, 1842; M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1847. Died Aug. 19, 1901, at Lafayette, Ind. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 10 Bachelors of Science 13 Bachelors of Laws 15 Masters of Arts (Hon.) 2 Doctors of Laws (Hon.) Totals .. ..~40 1876 Bachelors of Arts LENA MARGARET ADAMS (MRS. JAMES KIRKWOOD BECK) Bloomington, Ind. GEORGE BANTA Menasha, Wis. Printer and publisher. FLORA BRYAN (MRS. JAMES CRAWFORD WEIR) New Castle, Ind. JOHN WILSON BURTON Continental Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Lawyer. CHARLES THOMAS CARPENTER Coffeyville, Kan. Banker. *HARRY WHITNEY DURAND Died Nov. 17, 1890, at Chattanooga, Tenn. CHARLES WINFIELD FIREBAUGH 1709 Popham Ave., New York City. In- surance business. FlNLEY MlLLIGAN FOSTER Ph.D., New York University, 1899. 345 W. Twenty-ninth St., New York City. Clergyman. ROBERT FRANCIS GRAHAM M.D., Miami Medical College, 1880. Greeley, Colo. Physician. SAMUEL ERNEST HARWOOD A.M., 1892. Carbondale, 111. Superin- tendent of Training, Southern Illinois Normal University. * GEORGE THEOPHILUS HERRICK Died Nov. 13, 1908, at Wabash, Ind. FLORA CAROLINE KENDALL A.M., 1885. 576 Lincoln Ave., Palo Alto, Cal. Music teacher. JOHN ISAAC MCLAUGHLIN B.D., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1882. Omaha, Neb. Clergyman. * HENRY CLAY MONTGOMERY Died Dec. 18, 1878, at Palmetto, Tenn. EDGAR ALLEN SHIELDS A.M., 1883; M.D., Jefferson Medical Col- lege, 1880. Muncie, Ind. Physician. NEWTON BROADUS SMITH Kokomo, Ind. Insurance and loans. OLE ANNA WILLSON (MRS. FRANK CAR- TER HOOD) ' Madison, Ind. JAMES ALBERT WOODBURN A.M., 1885; Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, 1890; LL.D., Colgate Univer- sity, 1909. Bloomington, Ind. Profes- sor of American History and Politics, Indiana University. Bachelors of Science *WILLIAM THORNTON BRANAMAN Died June 16, 1906, at Seymour, Ind. WILLIAM BOYER DURBOROW Williamsport. Ind. Lawyer. *HARBERT HARRISON EDWARDS Died April 24, 190S. nt Bedford, Ind. PERRY GROP.OE MICOEXER LL.B., National University, 1885. 624 F St., N. W.. Washington, D. C. Lawyer. IDA MAY PARKS (MRS. JOHN ALFRED WALKER) Ventura, Cal. 1877] List by Years 35 ALICE FLORINE RICHARDS (MRS. PERRY F. BRUNSON) 5928 East Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. * SAMUEL BROWN WYLIE M.S., 1881. Died Sept. 8, 1890, at Bloom- ington, Ind. Bachelors of L*aws RICHARD J. BENSON ALBERT DAVIS See B.S., 1875. CHARLES HALL DILLON See B.S., 1874. JOHN FRANKLIN DILLON See B.S., 1874. *JAMES ROBISON FUNK Died Aug. 19, 1889, at Corydon, Ind. BENJAMIN TERRY HALSTEAD A.M., 1887; B.S., Michigan Agricultural College, 1873. Petoskey, Mich. Law- yer. *NATHANIEL USHER HILL See B.S., 1875. ALFRED GRAHAM HOWE Bloomington, Ind. Real estate, loans and insurance. TERENCE MCCLEARY WILLIAM EBENEZER McCoRD See A.B., 1872. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN MASON Hagerstown, Ind. Lawyer. * WILLIAM RILEY MYERS Died Oct. 5, 1910, at Taloga, Okla. SILVESTER STARKE Jacksboro, Tex. Lawyer. Trustee, Southwestern University. CLARENCE WIRT STEPHEN SON A.B., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) Uni- versity, 1874. Medford, Okla. Lawyer. *WALTER B. SWAIM Died April 10, 1880, at Knightstown, Ind. DAVID NEWTON TAYLOR See A.B., 1874. JESSE DAY TRUEBLOOD See A.B., 1874, OWEN JASON WOOD 1217 Tyler St., Topeka, Kan. Assistant Solicitor, Kansas Law Department, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Co. *CALVERT CLINTON WORRALL Died July 25, 1910, at Hobart, Okla. CALVIN RUTER WORRALL 423-24 Citizens National Bank Building, Los Angeles, Cal. Manager, National Bureau of Investigation. Doctor of Laws (Honorary) *THOMAS GREENELL BEHARRELL A.M., Indiana Asbury (DePauw) Uni- versity, 1860. Died Sept. 1, 1908, at New Albany, Ind. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 15 3 18 Bachelors of Science. .4 3 7 Bachelors of Laws 15 5 20 Doctor of Laws (Hon.) 1 -1 Totals .. .34 12 46 1877 Bachelors of Arts BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BENNETT Greensburg, Ind. Lawyer. ANDREW SPENCE DICKEY M.D., Central College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1881. Tipton, Ind. Physi- cian and surgeon. *ALLAN CATHCART DURBOROW Died March 15, 1908, at Chicago, 111. ALBERT DICKSON GOURLEY Bloomington, Ind. Farmer. *RICHARD BUTLER HAWKINS LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 1878. Died July 20, 1896, at Newport, Ky. *ORRIN ZEIGLER HUBBELL LL.B., University of Notre Dame, 1892; D.C.L., Chicago Law School, 1897. Died April 17, 1903, at Ontario, Cal. * ROBERT JAMISON KIRKWOOD Died Feb. 20, 1892, at Chattanooga, Tenn. SAMUEL HARVEY MITCHELL Salem, Ind. Lawyer. *DAVID BENTON PIERSON Died March 7, 1877, at Bloomington, Ind. CHARLES RICHARDSON 171 LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Insurance business. * JOSEPH BOSTON RODDY Died Sept. 20, 1879, at Bloomington, Ind. ELLSWORTH SADLER Martinsville, Ind. Merchant. WARREN CARNAHAN SHERMAN 1701 P St., Sacramento, Cal. Clergyman. * ELLIS MILLIGAN SLUSS Died Jan. 6, 1887, at Bloomington, Ind. RICHARD DENNIS SPECK 718 Washington Boulevard, Kansas City, Kan. Ticket agent, Union Pacific Rail- road, Kansas City, Mo. WILLIAM LAMBORN TAYLOR LL.B., Indiana Law School. Indianap- olis, Ind. Lawyer. THEODORUS WILLIAM JOHN WYLIE, JR. Frankfort, Ky. Clerk, U. S. Engineer's office. Bachelors of Science *JOHN ALFRED BECK Died Aug. 24, 1904, at Charlie, Texas. 36 Register ol] k Graduates [1877 Bachelors of Latvti *GAYLORD GRISWOLD BARTON Died June 18, 1906, at Washington, Ind. ALBERT MILO BEATTIE Norwalk, Ohio. Lawyer. LUTHER BALL BUNNELL See A.B., 1875. MATTHEW FRANCIS BURKE A.B., St. Louis University, 1874; A.M., ibid., 1879. Washington, Ind. Banker. President, Peoples National Bank. *!SAAC NEWTON CLABERQ Died June 12, 1893, at Sidney, O. JOHN ICHABOD DILLE LL.D. (Hon.), University of Oklahoma, 1899. 2009 Huinboldt Ave., S., Minne- apolis, Minn. Lawyer. *JOHN WESLEY DOUTHIT B.S., Hartsville College. 1873. Died April 30, 1909, at Weatherford, Okla. *ARNOLD FOSTER FARRAR Died June 17, 1877, at Peru, Ind. BARTON STONE HIGGINS Lebanon, Ind. Lawyer. *WALTER STEPHEN MENDENHALL Died June 11, 1910*, at Avondale, Cincin- nati, O. JAMES WILLIAM MORRISON Frankfort, Ind. Lawyer. MCHENRY OWEN Bedford, Ind. Lawyer. ARNOLD JAMES PADGETT Washington, Indiana. Lawyer. NOAH JEFFERSON SHECKELL B.S., Hartsville College, 1873. 563 B. Sixth St., S., Salt Lake City, Utah. Lawyer. WILLIAM WALLACE SPENCEB See B.S., 1875. ELDBIDGE GERRY WILSON Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 10 17 Bachelor of Science.. Bachelors of Laws.... 11 5 16 Totals 21 13 34 1878 Bachelors of Arts ENOCH ALBERT BRYAN A.M., 1885; A.M., Harvard University, 1893; LL.D., Monraoutb College, 1902; LL.D., Agricultural College of Michi- gan, 1907. Pullman, Wash. President of State College of Washington. HENRY ADOLPHUS BURTT LL.B., Louisville Law School, 1880. Jeffersonville, Ind. Lawyer. DALE JACKSON CRITTENBERGEB Anderson, Ind. Editor. Secretary of the State Senate. ANNA DENNIS (MRS. AUGUSTUS STILES CARRIER) 2304 N. Halstead St., Chicago, 111. FLORA DILLON (MRS. DAVID A. DYNE) DD.S., University of Tennessee, 1890, Bloomington, Ind. Dentist. *JAMES CURNES FLOYD Died Feb. 3, 1898, at Springfield, 111. ALEXANDER GWYN FOSTER A.M., 1883; LL.B., Central Law School, 1881. 708 Mesa Ave., El Paso, Texas. Lawyer. HENRY ANDERSON LEE Bloomington, Ind. Lawyer. SIMPSON B LOWE Bedford, Ind. Lawyer. SOPHIE HORTENSE LUZADDER (MBS. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FLOYD) Bloomington, Ind. Music teacher. *MILES ROBERT MCCLASKEY Died April 19, 1898, at LaGrange, Ind. LOUISE MAXWELL Bloomington, Ind. Assistant Librarian, Indiana University. *LouiS MUNSON Died April 23, 1891, at Riverside, Cal. LEONIDAS DEWITT CLINTON ROGERS Bloomington, Ind. Insurance. QUINCY SHORT Springville, Ind. Teacher. FRANKLIN PIERCE SMITH A.M., Baker University, 1892. Lawrence, Kan. Superintendent of City Schools. FRANCIS MARION SPRAKEB Logansport, Ind. Teacher of Latin. High School. FREDERICK TREUDLEY A.M. (Hon.), Hiram College, 1906. Ath- ens, Ohio. Professor of Philosophy and Sociology, Ohio University. BENJAMIN VAIL 1110 E. Capitol St.. Washington, D. C. Department Messenger, U. S. House of Representatives. *ELLEN WARD (MRS. JAY H. NEFF) Died April 5, 1891, at Kansas City, Mo JEPTHA DUDLEY WHISENAND 4137 Center Drive, Des Moines, Iowa. Banker. Bachelors of Science. JOSEPH ADDISON ARNOLD 134 Sixth St., N. E.. Washington, D. C. Editor and Chief, Division of Publi- cations, U. S. Department of Agriculture. *DAVID HUME ELLISON Died Nov. 26, 1898, at Mitchell, Ind. [1880 List by Years 37 Doctor of JL*w0 (Honorary) *ELISHA BALLANTINE A.B., Ohio University, 1828; A.M., ibid., 1831. Died March 31, 1886, at Bloom- ington, Ind. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 17 4 21 Bachelors of Science.. 1 1 Doctor of Laws (Hon.) Oil Totals .. 18 6 24 WOODFIN D ROBINSON LL.B., University of Michigan, 1883. 21 Chandler Ave., Evansville, Ind. Law- yer. JAMES PERRY STTJNKARD 823 South Fifth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Lawyer. Bachelor of Science MINNIE COFFIN (MRS. CHABLES AUGUS- TUS WALLINGFORD) 1629 Talbott Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Christian Science practitioner. 1879 Bachelors of Arts LILLIE HARRIET ADAMS (MRS. WILLIAM TELFER) Bloomington, fnd. DAVID WALTER BELL Ben Avon, Pa. FREDERICK EUGENE DICKINSON A.M., 1886. B.D., University of Chicago, 1886. Peru, Ind. Manufacturer. FRANKLIN PIERCE FOSTER Anderson, Ind. Lawyer. Mayor of City. CHARLES HARRIS A.M. and Ph.D., University of Leipzig, 1883. 2075 One Hundred and Second St., Cleveland, Ohio. Professor of German, Western Reserve University. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HATFIELD M.D., Medical College of Ohio, 1882. Union, Ind. Physician. FRANK ECKLEY HUNTER A.M., 1883. LL.B., Central Law School, 1882. 706 Mesa Ave., El Paso, Texas. Lawyer. IDA BELLE KENNEDY (MRS. JOHN WES- LEY BROWN) Monon, Ind. At present, Caney, Kan. * WILLIAM JAY KING Died May 13, 1889, at Bloomington, Ind. FREDERICK PIERCE LEONARD LL.B., University of Michigan, 1881. Mt. Vernon, Ind. Lawyer. *JOHN EDGAR MCCLASKEY Died April 24, 1905, at LaGrange, Ind. MARY HELEN Moss (MRS. FREDERICK TREUDLEY) Athens, Ohio. ROBERT MILTON PARKS Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1892. 131 North Bayley St., Louisville, Ky. Teacher of Chemistry and Manual Training, High School. Professor of Chemistry and Metallurgy, Louisville Dental College. EARLY WHITTEN POINDEXTEB Kansas City, Kan. Insurance business. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 14 2 1 Bachelor of Science... 1 Totals ., ,15 2 17 1880 Bachelors of Arts WILLIAM FRANCIS AXTELL Washington, Ind. Superintendent of City Schools. DAVIS CARPENTER BUNTIN 20. North Kingshighway, St. Louis, Mo. Contractor. JENNIE CRAWFORD CAMPBELL (MRS. FRANCIS PRESERVED LEAVENWORTH) 317 Seventeenth Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. JOHN PRICE GARB Fowler, Ind. Farmer. CYRUS EDGAR DAVIS LL.B., University of Michigan, 1882. Bloomfield, Ind. Lawyer. LINCOLN DIXON North Vernon, Ind. Lawyer. Member of Congress. CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH FABIS Bloomington, Ind. JOHN FREMONT GODDARD Greensburg, Ind. Lawyer. HARRY GRAY Oak Grove Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Retired. WILLIAM HARRY HAWLEY M.D., Miami Medical College, 1885. Col- lege Corner, Ohio. Physician. HlLEARY Q HOUGHTON Shoals, Ind. Lawyer. FRANCIS PRESERVED LEAVENWORTH A.M., 1888. 317 Seventeenth Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. Professor of As- tronomy, University of Minnesota. 38 Register of Graduates [1880 *WILLIAM WILEY MOFFETT Died Feb. 1, 1907, at Vincennes, Ind.; buried at Spencer, Ind. ELLA ELIZA MUNSON (MRS BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BENNETT) Greensburg, Ind. At present, 224 Nor- wood St., Redlands, Cal. *JOHN LAW PATTERSON Died 1902, at Terre Haute, Ind. WILLIAM HARVEY PAYNTEB Salem, Ind. Lawyer. County Attorney. ALLAN BEARDEN PHILPUTT A.M., 1886. LL.D., Drake University, 1899; D.D., Temple College, 1896. 505 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. Clergyman. EDWARD CRITTENDEN SIMPSON 2363 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. Field Examiner, Public Ac- counting Law. WILLIAM WESLEY SPANGLER A.B., and B.L., 1880; A.M., 1886. Au- burn Junction, Ind. *THOMAS BEATTIE STEWART Died July 27, 1892, at Monmouth, 111. DAVID LAFAYETTE VANDAMENT D.D., Grand River Christian Union Col- lege, 1900. Greenastle, Ind. Clergy- man. Editor. WILLIAM HENRY WELLS M.D., University of Louisville, 1883. 3367 N. Clark St., Chicago, 111. Phy- sician. Bachelors of Letters FANNIE CAROLINE ALLEN (MRS. WAL- LACE CROMWELL PALMER) Ligonier, Ind. WILLIAM THEODORE BLAIR Bloomington, Ind. Stone merchant. KATE M HIGHT Bloomington, Ind. Teacher. WILLIAM WESLEY SPANGLER See A.B., 1880; A.M., 1886. ALBERT WEATHERLY 816 Merchant St., Emporia, Kan. Drug- gist. *GEORGE WASHINGTON WOODS Died January 4, 1905, at Knightstown, Ind. 1881 Bachelors of Arts *CHARLES BANTA Died Aug. 15, 1897, at Marion, Ind. CHARLES ALBERT BURNETT A.M., 1886; LL.M., National Law School, 1885. LaFayette, Ind. Lawyer. DANIEL GREEN DuBois B.D., Northwestern University, 1885. Ur- bana, 111. At present, Prairie City, 111. Clergyman. ROBERT GREENE GILLUM 63 Gilbert Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Prof- essor of Chemistry and Physics, In- diana State Normal School. HORACE ADDISON HOFFMAN A.M., Harvard University, 1884. Bloom- ington, Ind. Professor of Greek and Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Indiana University. FRANK CARTER HOOD Graduate Princeton Theological Semi- nary, 1884; D.D., Wabash College, 1910. Madison, Ind. Clergyman. JACOB P LINDLEY LL.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1883. Bloomingtou, 111. Lawyer. * ALICE LONG (MRS. ALFRED WILLIS SCOTT) Died June 24, 1899, at Lincoln, Neb. STEPHEN WILSON MEADE 3039 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Newspaper work. JOHN LEWIS POWERS Muncie, Ind. Farmer. *ALFRED WILLIS SCOTT Died July 18, 1900, at Lincoln, Neb. HARRY HAMILTON SIMS Worthington, Ky. Merchant. * FRANK PHILO TAYLOR Died Aug. 21, 1891, at Tulare, Cal. AUSTIN HOLLAND VANFOSSEN D.D., Franklin College, New Athens, O., 1908; D.D., Presbyterian College of Florida, 1908. 311 Hutchinsou Ave.. Edgewood, Pa. Clergyman. CHARLES WILBERFORCE WILEY 36-37 Bailey Block, Helena, Mont. Law- yer. Bachelor of Science WINFIELD CHRISTIAN SNYDER Bloomington, Ind. Real estate, loan and insurance business. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 19 3 22 Bachelors of Letters.. 516 Bachelor of Science.. 101 Totals .. ,25 4 29 Bachelors of Letters *WILLIAM EDWARD BEACH Died March 5, 1908, at LaFayette, Ind. MARY ELIZABETH LYON B.S. and B.L., 1881. Chattanooga, Tenn. At present, Raleigh, N. C. Head of Science Department, Peace Institute. MARY BALLANTINE MCCALLA (MRS. CHARLES HARRIS) 2075 One Hundred and Second St., Cleve- land, Ohio. 1882] List by Years FANNIE BELLE MAXWELL A.M., 1892. Bloomington, Ind. At pres- ent, Lake Forest, 111. Teacher of German, Ferry Hall, Lake Forest Uni- versity. EDGAR MARTIN MICHENER Connersville, Ind. Manufacturer, banker and farmer. JAMES OSMON MULKEY 424 Bowen Ave., Chicago, 111. Store- keeper, Illinois Steel Company. JOHN C SHIRK Brookville, Ind. Banker, manufacturer and farmer. FRANCIS CHARLES WOODARD Scottsville, N. Y. Clergyman. Bachelors of Science MARY ELIZABETH LYON See B.L., 1881. *CHARLES LESLIE McKAY Drowned April 19, 1883, near Cape Con- stantine, Alaska. ROBERT ARCHER WOODS Princeton, Ind. Insurance. NANCY MARGARET WOODWARD (MRS. GEORGE MYRON SMITH) A.M., Stanford University, 1892. Bide-a- wee Place, Phoenix, Arizona. Master of Science. * SAMUEL BROWN WYLIE See B.S., 1876. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 11 15 Bachelors of Letters.. 7 Bachelors of Science. . 3 Master of Science Oil Totals 21 28 1882 Bachelors of Arts WILLIAM HAMILTON ADAMS Bloomington, Ind. President, Blooming- ton National Bank. *FREDERICK R ALBERTSON Died May 16, 1887, at Bridgeport, Ind. HARRY ARCHIBALD BUERK A.B., Harvard University, 1884; Ph.D., Austin College, 1900. New Albany, Ind. Superintendent of City Schools. GEORGE WASHINGTON CROMER Muncie, Ind. Lawyer. WILLIAM JAMES DAVIS 193 Ohio St., Benton Harbor, Mich. Fruit grower. CHASE ORTON DuBois Newton, 111. Superintendent of City Schools. JOHN HOPKINS FOSTER LL.B., Columbian University, 1884. 900 Riverside Ave., Evansville, Ind. Law- yer. *LUTHER CALVIN FRAME Died July 14, 1886, at Solsberry, Ind. MILTON BENTON HOTTEL Salem, Ind. At present, Room 102, State House, Indianapolis, Ind. Judge, Appellate Court. JOHN LAFAYETTE STEPHEN SON LL.B., 1892; A.M., 1892. Bedford, Ind. Farmer. Bachelors of Letters AQUILLA COLT AX HUFF Rockport, Ind. Farmer. * SAMUEL HALL KIDD Died May 20, 1897, at Evansville, Ind. HARRIET PAINE Moss 38-40 Clinton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. At present, 537 Dorchester St., W., Mon- treal, Can. Saleswoman. FRANK LEWIS MULKY 26 Broadway Circle, Oklahoma City, Okla. Real estate business. *ALEXANDER F. OLLINGER Died Dec. 28, 1889, at New Middleton, Ind. BEATRICE OLIVIA SANDERS Clinton, Ind. Supervisor of Music, Pub- lic Schools. ALICE CARRIE SHORT 3310 East New York St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher. SAMUEL EDWIN SMITH M.S., 1885; M.D., University of Louisville, 1884. Easthaven, Richmond, Ind. Su- perintendent, Eastern Indiana Hospital for Insane. ELLA ALPINE TURNER (MRS. DAVID LIVELY) Bloomington, Ind. Masters of Science ALEMBERT WINTHROP BRAYTON M.D., Indiana Medical College, 1879 ; B.S., Butler University, 1879; M.S., ibid., 1880; Sc.D., Purdue University, 1888. 2125 Broadway. Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. Professor of Dermatology and Syphilology, Indiana University School of Medicine. W WEBSTER BUTTERFIELD M.I)., Bellevue Hospital Medical College, 1868. Los Angeles, Cal., Westlake P. O. Station, 2017 West Seventh St Physician. CHARLES HENRY GILBERT Ph.D., 1883; B.S.. Butler University, 1879. Stanford University, Cal. Professor of Zoology, Eeland Stanford Junior Uni- versity. 40 Register of Graduates [1882 Doctors of Laws (Honorary) *JOSEPH MOORE B.S.. Hnrvard University. 1861; A.M., Haverford College, 1867. Died July 9, 1905, at Richmond, Ind. * WILLIAM ELLIS NIBLACK Died May 7, 1893, at Indianapolis, Ind. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 8 2 10 Bachelors of Letters 729 Masters of Science 303 Doctors of Laws (Hon.) 022 Totals ....18 1883 Bachelors of Arts BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ADAMS, JR. Bloomington, Ind. Superintendent of Monroe County Oolitic Stone Co. Vice- President, Bloomington National Bank. CHARLES MCLANE AUSTIN Muncie, Ind. Farmer. DAVID ALEXANDER CURRY Palo Alto, Cal. At present, Camp Curry, Yosemite, Cal. Proprietor, Camp Curry. SARAH DILLON (MRS. DAVID MARSHALL BOYLE) LaFayette, Ind. ALONZO DALE MOFFETT A.M., 1889. Blwood, Ind. Editor and publisher. Vice- President, National Editorial Association. *!DA SMELL (MRS. WILLIAM WESLEY SPANGLER) Died Aug. 12, 1888, at Tacoma, Wash. KATHARINE STUART SNYDER (MRS. ED- WARD PHILIP BUSSE) M.D., University of Michigan, 1888. Madison, Ind. Physician. ROBERT SCOTT STEVENSON Greenville, 111. Clergyman. Bachelors of Letters ALBERT MONROE ADAMS Rockville, Ind. Lawyer. EDWIN CORR LL.B., DePauw University, 1885. Bloom- ington, Ind. Lawyer. Trustee of In- diana University. Member of Legis- lature. Deputy Attorney General, State of Indiana. OLIVER PERRY FLOYD St. Paul, Ind. Traveling salesman. JENNIE ETTA FOSTER (MRS. DAVID AL- EXANDER CURRY) Palo Alto, Cal. At present, Camp Curry, Yosemite, Cal. CLARENCE LARUE GOODWIN Greensburg, Pa. Lumberman. *ELIZABETH LONG (MRS. ARTHUR CUN- NINGHAM) Died July 23, 1904, at Terre Haute, Ind. JULIETTE MAXWELL Bloomington, Ind. Director of Physical Training for Women, Indiana Univer- sity. ARMINTA ELIZABETH SIMS (MRS. JOHN COCKERELL THOMPSON) Elizabeth City, N. C. WILLIAM HALLECK SNYDEB M.D., Long Island Hospital College, 1888. 26 Schernushorn St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Physician. JOSEPH SWAIN M.S., 1885; LL.D., Wabash College, 1893. Swarthmore, Pa. President of Swarth- more College. Masters of Arts ALEXANDER GWYN FOSTER See A.B., 1878. KATHARINE MERRILL GRAYDON A.B., Butler College, 1878. 303 Downey Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Professor of English Literature, Butler College. FRANK ECKLEY HUNTER See A.B., 1879. EDGAR ALLEN SHIELDS See A.B., 1876. Masters of Science TARLETON HOFFMAN BEAN M.E., State Normal School, Millersville, Pa., 1866; M.D., George Washington University, 1876; Chevalier de la Le- fion d' Honneur, and Officer of Merite gricoll, France, 1900; Member of Red Eagle, Germany; Rising Sun, Japan, 1 Madison Ave., New York City. State Fish Culturist. RICHARD RATHBUN Sc.D., Bowdoin College, 1894. Washing- ton, D. C. Assistant Secretary, Smith- sonian Institution, in charge of U. S. National Museum. Doctor of Philosophy CHARLES HENRY GILBERT See M.S., 1882. Doctors of Laws (Honorary) *WALTER QUINTON GRESHAM Died May 4, 1895, at Washington, D. C. *FRANCIS ARISTIDE JACKSON A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1848; A.M., ibid., 1851. Died April 4, 1901. at Philadelphia, Pa. * JAMES HENRY SMART See A.M. (Hon.), 1870. *ANDREW WYLIK See A.B., 1832. 1884] List by Years 41 Summary Bachelors of Arts 7 Bachelors of Letters 9 Masters of Arts 4 Masters of Science 2 Doctor of Philosophy 1 Doctors of Laws (Hon.) Totals ., ...23 1884 Living Dead Total 8 10 4 2 1 4 ~29 *JOHN NICHOLAS HUFF Died March 16, 1887, near Troy, Ind. LEWIS OSCAR LEONARD 317 Chamber of Commerce Building, Portland, Ore. Real estate dealer. JOHN BOYD MILLER 526 West One Hundred and Eleventh St., New York City. President, Reliable Securities Company. * SAMUEL GILMORE RAMSEY Died Jan. 29, 1894, at College Corner, O. THOMAS WILLIAM WILSON M.D., Miami Medical College, 1887. New Harmony, Ind. Physician. Bachelors of Arts JAMES REUBEN BECKETT 3131 Clinton St., Los Angeles, Cal. Law- yer. OSCAR EDWIN BRADFUTE Xenia, Ohio. Stockman and farmer. WILLIAM LOWE BRYAN A.M., 1886; Ph.D., Clark University, 1892; LL.D., Illinois College, 1904; LL.D., Hanover College, 1909. Bloom- ington, Ind. President of Indiana University. SILAS DELMAR CONQEB Portsmouth, Ohio. Clergyman. *JOHN LOCKWOOD GENTLE Died Jan. 29, 1889, at Southport, Ind. FRANK LINCOLN McCoy LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 1886. 709 Brandeis Theater Building, Omaha. Neb. Lawyer. CHARLES HENRY Moss Maiden, Mass. Clergyman. ADAM CARL PATTON Boulder, Colo. Lawyer. WILLIAM A RAWLES A.M., 1895; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1903. Bloomiugton, Ind. Professor of Political Economy, and Assistant Dean, College of Liberal Arts, Indiana University. DAVID CHAMBERS STEWART 140 State St., Hackensack, N. J. Clergy- man. Bachelors of Science OSCAR LYNN KELSO A.M., 1890. 700 S. Fifth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Professor of Mathematics, Indi- ana State Normal School. President, American German Trust Co. Presi- dent, Kettlecreek Mining Co. SETH EUGENE MEEK M.S., 1886; Ph.D., 1891. 6733 Lafayette Ave., Chicago, 111. Assistant Curator of Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History. Master of Science ROBERT RIDGWAY 3353 Eighteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Curator, Division of Birds, United States National Museum. Doctors of Philosophy JOHN MERLE COULTER A.B., Hanover College, 1870; A.M., Ibid., 1873; Ph.D., ibid, 1882. The Univer- sity of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Profes- sor of Botany, University of Chicago. STEPHEN ALFRED FORBES Ph.D., 1884; LL.D., University of Illi- nois, 1905. Urbana, 111. Professor of Entomology, University of Illinois. State Entomologist. Director of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. Bachelors of Letters. MARY PRUDENCE ARNOTT (MRS. JOHN CHALMERS CRAIG) Noblesville, Ind. HARRY BENTLEY BURNET 1864 North Pennsylvania St., Indianap- olis, Ind. Lumber business. PERCY BENTLEY BURNET A.M., 1887. 1112 East Fourteenth St., Kansas City, Mo. Director, Foreign Languages, Manual Training High School. * PHILIP KEARNEY BUSKIRK Died Aug. 21, 1907, at Bloomington, Ind. Doctor of Laws (Honorary) *JOSEPH SHERBURNE JENCKES See A.B., 1856. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 9 1 10 Bachelors of Letters 639 Bachelors of Science 202 Master of Science 101 Doctors of Philosophy 202 Doctor of Laws (Han.) 1 1 Totals 20 5 25 42 Register of Graduates [1885 1885 Bachelor* of Art* *CHABLES FREDERICK BAIN Died April 28, 1887, at Martiiisville, Ind. MABEL BANTA (MRS. CHARLES HENRY BEESON ) A.M., 1891. Faculty Exchange, Univer- city of Chicago. Chicago, 111. JOHN WESLEY CARR A.M., 1890. Bayonne, N. J. Superintend- ent of City Schools. *PHILLMER DAY Died July 7, 1892, at Friendship, Ind. * ELMER ELLSWORTH GRIFFITH A.M., 1890; A.M., Harvard University, 1895. Died Feb. 16, 1900, at Madison, Ind. MARTIN LUTHER HOFFMAN A.B., University of Alberta, Mewassin, Alberta, Western Canada. Teacher. Secretary-Treasurer, Local Improve- ment District. MARY EDNA LONG (MRS. CHARLES JA- COB PENCE) 2308 LeConte Ave., Berkeley, Cal. JAMES ZWINGLE ALEXANDER MCCAUGH- AN Bloomington, Ind. Teacher of Mathe- matics, High School. WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER MASON Rockport, Ind. Lawyer. LUCIAN RHORER OAKES Bloomington, Ind. At present, Tipton. Ind. Manufacturer. KATHERINE NORVELL PEARSON (MRS. NATHAN L. BURWELL) Bloomington, Ind. Conducting Exten- sion Courses, History Department, In- diana University. JAMES MELLARD PHILPUTT A.M., 1888; D. D., New York University, 1896. 55 Charlotteustrasse, Berlin, Germany. Clergyman. At present, student University of Berlin. ROBERT ELMER SCOTT 858 College Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. NEWTON RAMSAY SPENCER Greenfield, Ind. Editor and publisher. JOHN EDWARD WILEY A.M., 1889; LL.B., 1891. GRACE HELEN WOODBURN (MRS. CHARLES E. TORRENCE) A.M., 1894. Monmouth, 111. Bachelors of Letters IRA COLEMAN BATMAN Bloomiugton, Ind. Lawyer. Trustee, Indiana University. MINNIE BELLE BRYAN (MRS. LUCIAN RHORER OAKES) Bloomingtou, Ind. *MOREY MCKEE DUNLAP LL.B., 1891. Died Jan. 11, 1911, at Den- ver, Col. ; buried at Bloomington, Ind. EDWARD CHURCHILL FITCH A.M., 1891. Colonial Hotel, Chicago, 111. Lawyer. Assistant City Attorney. SUSAN ISOLA MCCAUGIIAN (MRS. HEN- RY S. C. RUSSELL) Bloomington, Ind. *DORA BELLE MERRIFIELD (MRS. ROBERT W. WINBORNE) Died Jan. 21, 1900, at Buemi Vista, Va. MARTHA ELLA WILSON Bloomington, Ind. Principal, Fairview School. Bachelors of Science RUFUS LOT GREEN A.M., 1889. Stanford University, Cal. Professor of Mathematics, Leland Stanford Junior University. * WESLEY WALKER NORMAN A.M., DePauw University, 1894. Died July 1, 1899, at Boston, Mass. WILLIAM HARRISON RUCKER A.M., 1891. Itta Bena, Miss. Planter. Masters of Arts JAMES KIRKWOOD BECK See A.B., 1874. ENOCH ALBERT BRYAN See A.B., 1878. FLORA CAROLINE KENDALL See A.B., 1876. JAMES ALBERT WOODBURN See A.B., 1876. Masters of Science JOSEPH P NAYLOR Greencastle, Ind. Professor of Physics, DePauw University. SAMUEL EDWIN SMITH See B.L., 1882. JOSEPH SWAIN See B.L., 1883. Doctor of Philosophy JOHN CASPER BRANNER B.S., Cornell University, 1882; LL.D.. University of Arkansas, 1907; LL.D., Maryville College, 1909. Stanford Uni- versity, Cal. Vice-President, and Pro- fessor of Geology, Leland Stanford Junior University. Doctors of Laws (Honorary) *THOMAS B HARVEY M.D. Died Dec. 5, 1889, at Indianapolis, Iiid. * JAMES FARQUHAR HIBBERD M.D., College of Physicians and Sur- geons, New York, 1849. Died Sept. 8, 1903, at Richmond, Ind. 1886] List by Years 43 Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 13 3 16 Bachelors of Letters 527 Bachelors of Science 213 Masters of Arts 4 4 Masters of Science 303 Doctor of Philosophy 101 Doctors of Laws (Hon.).... 022 Totals .. ...28 8 36 1886 Bachelors of Arts *MAY DILLON Died Nov. 19, 1904, at LaFayette, Ind. *CHARLES BENJAMIN ELLIS Died July 6, 1907, at Corydon, Ind. WILSON JAMES MCCORMICK Wolcottville, Ind. At present, 511 North Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. Travel- ing salesman. KATE MILNER (MRS. ALBERT RABB) A.M., 1888. 514 E. Eleventh St., Indian- apolis, Ind. CHARLES EDGAR SIMS LL.B., University of Louisville, 1888. 518 Bank of Commerce Bldg., Norfolk, Va. Real estate business. VIOLA CURTIS STUCKEY (MRS. HERMAN MEIER) Marissa, 111. JOHN CARR WELLS Bloomington, Ind. Real estate. Bachelors of Philosophy JOEL CHURCHILL FITCH Albion, 111. Lawyer. JOSEPH ELIAS ALVIN HEINEY Monrovia, Ind. Farmer. CHARLES NEWTON PEAK A.B., Moores Hill College, 1884. McAles- ter, Okla. Principal, High School. FRANCIS THOMAS SINGLETON Martinsville, Ind. Editor. Postmaster. * ALICE ALVARETTA SPRINGER (MRS. EDWARD CHURCHILL FITCH) A.M., 1891. Died Feb. 26, 1895, at Blooni- ington, Ind. FLORA TEMPLE WEST (MRS. CHARLES THOMAS CARPENTER) Coffeyville, Kan. Vice-President, Board of Education. JOSEPH WOODS WILEY Humboldt Savings Bank Building, San Francisco, Cal. Commissioner for the Revision and Reform of the Laws of California. Bachelors of Science WALLACE BRUCE CAMPBELL Anderson, Ind. Insurance business. President, School Board. CHARLES LINCOLN EDWARDS A.M., 1887: Ph.D., University of Leipzig, 1890, 661 East One Hundred and Seventieth St., New York City. Pro- fessor of Zoology. CARL H EIGENMANN A.M., 1887; Ph.D., 1889. Bloomington. Ind. Professor of Zoology, Director Biological Station, Dean Graduate School, Indiana University. Curator of Fishes', Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg, Pa. BARTON WARREN EVERMANN A.M., 1888; Ph.D., 1891. 1425 Clif-ton St.. N. W., Washington, D. C. Assistant in charge. Division of Scientific In- quiry, United States Bureau of Fish- eries. Editor, Washington Academy of Science. Curator, Division of Fishes, IT. S. National Museum. Member, Board of Education, District of Co- lumbia. MORTON WILLIAM FORDICE Russellville, Ind. Farmer. JEROME FEE MCNEIL Tallahassee, Fla. Professor of Biology, Florida State College for Women. Masters of Arts WILLIAM LOWE BRYAN See A.B., 1884. CHARLES ALBERT BURNETT See A.B., 1881. FREDERICK EUGENE DICKINSON See A.B., 1879. DAVID Ross MOORE A.B., Miami University, 1871; D.D.. ibid., 1891; B.D., Princeton Theological Sem- inary, 1878. 1138 California Ave.. Bond Hill, Cincinnati, Ohio. Clergyman. Trustee, Miami University. WILLIAM WOOD PARSONS Terre Haute, Ind. President, Indiana State Normal School. JOHN MERCER PATTON Lexington, Va. Colonel, Professor of Modern Languages, Virginia Military Institute. ALLAN BEARDEN PHILPUTT See A.B., 1880. *THEODORE LOVETT SEWALL A.B., Harvard University, 1874; LL.B.. ibid., 1876. Died Dec. 23, 1893, at Indi- anapolis, Ind. WILLIAM WESLEY SPANGLER See A.B., 1880; B.L., 1880. ARTHUR BURNHAM WOODFORD Ph.B.. Yale University, 1881; Ph.D.. Johns Hopkins University, 1891. Box 1082, Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. Rector, Head Master, and Instructor in English and History, Hopkins Grammar School. 44 Register of Graduates [1886 Masters of Science ELIZABETH GREEN HUGHES See A.B., 1875. OLIVER PEEBLES JENKINS Ph.D., 1889; A.B., Moores Hill College, 1869; A.M., ibid.. 1872. Stanford Uni- versity, Cal. Professor of Physiology, Lelaud Stanford Junior University. SETH EUGENE MEEK See B.S., 1884; Ph.D., 1891. Doctors of Philosophy JOEL ASAPH ALLEN 202 W. One Hundred and Third St., New York City. Curator, Department of Mammalogy and Ornithology, Ameri- can Museum of Natural History. *GEORGE BROWN GOODE Died Sept. 6, 1896, at Washington, D. C. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 5 2 Bachelors of Philosophy. .. 617 Bachelors of Science 606 Masters of Arts 9 1 10 Masters of Science 3 Doctors of Philosophy 1 1 Totals ., ...30 5 35 1887 Bachelors of Arts EENEST PERCY BICKNELL (Biol.) 715 Union Trust Building, Washington, D.C. National Director of the Ameri- can Red Cross. WILLIS STANLEY BLATCHLEY (Biol.) A.M., 1891. 1530 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Naturalist. ALONZO ALVIN DELARME (Ok.) A.M., 1890; D.D., Furman University, 1910. McKeesport, Pa. Clergyman. CHARLES AMBROSE DUGAN (Phil.) A.M., Taylor University, 1892. Decatur, Ind. Banker. MEADIE (HAWKINS) EVERMANN (Mas. BARTON WARREN EVERMANN) (Biol.) 1425 Clifton St., N.W., Washington, D. C. WILLIAM INMAN FEE (Rom.) Bloomington, Ind. Secretary, Building Association. JAMES WILLIAM FESLER (Gk.) Newton Claypool Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. Trustee, Indiana Uni- versity. GOTTHARD WALDEMAR GORLITZ (Hist.) *DAVID KOPP Goss (Biol.) Died Sept. 26. 1904. at Strassburg, Germany. WALTER GRESHAM HUDSON (Ok.) 63 Wall St., New York City. Investment banker. ANDREW MORTON MALCOLM (Gk.) Albia, Iowa. Clergyman. IDA MAY MANLEY (Rom.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Glen- wood, Iowa. Principal, State School. JAMES AUSTIN MITCHELL (Phil.) A.M., 1890. 332 Old National Bank Bldg., Spokane, Wash. Business. ROBERT C NEWLAND (Rom.) 1825 Logan St., Denver, Colo. Teacher of Latin and French, East Side High School. ALBERT RABB (Ok.) LL.B., University of Virginia, 1889. 514 E. Eleventh St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. Referee in Bankruptcy. ELMER BRYAN STEWART (Ok.) 4547 Champlain Ave., Chicago, 111. Clergy- man. JOE CURBY STRICKLAND (Soc.) Tampico, Mexico. Collector of Customs. * EDGAR TAYLOR (Ger.) Died Aug. 23, 1890, at Portland, Ore. MARTHA WALLINGFORD (MRS. CHARLES ADDISON CADWELL) (Rom.) 210 South Prairie Ave., Sioux Falls, S. D. FRANCIS MARION WALTERS (Phil) A.M., 1891. Op.D., Needles Institute, Op- tometry, 1910. Warrensburg, Mo. Pro- fessor of Chemistry and Physiology, State Normal School. LULA ADA WILSON (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. Bachelor of Philosophy CYRUS LAURON HOOPER (Phil.) A.M., 1888. Park Ridge, 111. Teacher of English, Chicago Normal School. Masters of Arts PERCY BENTLEY BURNET (Zool) See B.L., 1884. CHARLES LINCOLN EDWARDS (Zodl.) See B.S., 1886. CARL H EIGENMANN (Zool) See B.S., 1886, Ph.D., 1889. BENJAMIN TERRY HALSTEAD See LL.B., 1876. * JAMES CRAWFORD WEIB (Ped.) Died Jan. 4, 1910, at New Castle, Ind. Doctor of Philosophy OLIVER PERRY HAY (Zool) A.B., Eureka College, 1870; A.M., ibid., 1873. 1307 Riggs St., Washington, D. C. Vertebrate Paleontologist, United States National Museum. 1888] List by Years 45 Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 19 2 21 Bachelor of Philosophy 101 Master? of Arts 415 Doctor of Philosophy 101 Totals .. ...25 3 28 1888 Bachelors of Arts ROBERT JUDSON ALEY (Math.) A.M., 1890; Ph.D., University of Penn- sylvania, 1897; LL.D., Franklin Col- lege, 1909, Orono, Maine. President, University of Maine. Editor, Educa- tor-Journal. JOHN FRANK BENHAM (Chem.) M.D., Medical College of Ohio, 1890. 126 Spencer Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Phy- sician. IDELLE BICKNELL (MRS. SAMUEL J. MILLER) (Ger.) Bicknell, Ind. GEORGE MUNSON BRAXTON (Soc.) loamosa, Cal. Fruit grower. JENNIE PARK BRYAN (Gk.) 323 Hailman St., Pittsburgh, Pa. City missionary. OSCAR CHTUSMAN (Hist.) A.M., 1893; Ph.D., University of Jena, 1896. Athens, Ohio. Professor of Pai- dology and Psychology, Ohio Univer- sity. DAVID ANDREW Cox (Chem.) M.D., Medical College of Ohio, 1890. 5 Cumberland Ave., Howell Station, Evansville, Ind. Physician. President, Farmers and Citizens Bank. *DANIEL DRISCOLL (Phil.) Died Dec. 22, 1892, at Bedford, Ind. FRANK BROWN FOSTER (Gk.) Spokane, Wash. Clergyman. * WILLIAM HARPER FOSTER (Ok.) Died July 24, 1890, at Morn ng Sun, Ohio. * JENNIE TAYLOR FRY (MRS. EDWARD HOWARD GRIGGS) (Rom.) Died Oct. 24, 1896, at Stanford Univer- sity, Cal. HARRY EDWIN GABE (Eng.) M.D., Medical College of Ohio, 1893. 911 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Phy- sician. WILLIAM ECHARD MICHAEL GOLDEN A.M., 1890. 99 Livingston St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Head of Department of English, Polytechnic Preparatory School. ROBERT FOSTER HIGTIT (Zool.) LaFayette, Ind. Superintendent of City Schools. JOSEPH HENRY HOWARD (Ger.) A.M., 1890: Ph.D., Leland Stanford .Tun ior University, 1899. Vermillion, S.I) Professor of Latin, University of South Dakota. RALPH W JONES (Phil.) Franklin, Tnd. At present, 431 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Teacher. *PHILIP HENRY KIRSCH (Biol.) A.M., 1889; Ph.D., 1893. Died Sept. 8, 1900, at El Paso, Texas. *FRANK FELIX LODEMAN (Ger.) A.M., Iowa State University, 1892; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1895. Died June 4, 1908, at Lansing, N. Y.; buried at Ludlowville, N. Y. *MYRTIE ALMA LOGAN (MRS. CHARLES M. BEALL) (GJc.) Died Nov. 17, 1907, nt Clarksburg, Ind.; buried at Spring Hill, Ind. CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA LOWE (MRS. WIL- LIAM LOWE BRYAN) (Gk.) A.M., 1889. Bloomington, Ind. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN MATTHEWS (Gk.) Shelbyville, Ky. Farmer. JOSEPHINE MILLEN (Ger.) 846 Saint Francis Ave., Wichita, Kan. Assistant Principal, Irving and Ingalls Schools. ALBERT MILLER (Ghent.) M.D., Marion Sims Medical College, 1900 120 Colllnsville Ave., East St. Louis, 111. Physician. LUELLA MORRIS (MRS. ELLWOOD BUBD- SALL) (Ger.) Port Chester, N. Y. WILLARD LAGRANGE MORRISON (Phil.) Scottsburg, Ind. Clerk, Circuit Court. HAIDEE CARRINGTON NUCKOLS (Ger.) Bloomington, Ind. HENRY JACKSON RATTS (Phil.) Paragon, Ind. Farmer. ELLA RAWLES (MRS. CHARLES HENBY SPRINGER) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. JOHN SINGLETON SHANNON (Hist.) Greensburg, Ind. Lawyer. KATE SHANNON (MRS. ELMER BRYAN STEWART) (Gk.) 4547 Champlain Ave., Chicago, 111. *SOPHIE MAY SHEEKS (Mss. DAVID HOWE MAXWELL) (Eng.) Died Sept. 6, 1899, at Bloomington, Ind. CLABA AMELIA SLUSS (MRS. CLARENCE FORD BICKNELL) (Ger.) Ft. Wayne. Ind. EIBERT JETER STALKEB (Ok.) Bedford, Ind. Clerk, Circuit Court. GLEN LEVIN SWIGGETT (Phil.) A.M., 1893; Ph.D., University of Penn- sylvania, 1901. Sewanee, Tenn. Pro- fessor of Modern Languages, Univer- sity of the South. Editor, "Pathfinder," 46 Register of Graduates [1888 JOSEPH FRANCIS THORNTON (Qer.) A.M., Columbia University, 1910; LL.B., Chicago Law School, 1902. 2110 Cen- tral Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Super- vising Principal, City Schools. MAUD FREEMAN VAN ZANDT (MRS. Louis SHERMAN DAVIS) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. ALDRED SCOTT WARTHIN (Eng.) A.M., University of Michigan, 1890; M.D., ibid., 1891. Ph.D., ibid., 1893. 1020 Ferdon Road, Ann Arbor, Mich. Pro- fessor of Pathology and Director of Pathological Laboratory, University of Michigan. Secretary, Michigan State Association for the Prevention and Re- lief of Tuberculosis. LORA WILSON (MRS. JOHN HUNTER WEBSTER) (Lat.) Xenia, Ohio. Bachelor of Philosophy *LA WHENCE VAN BUSKIRK (Soc.) Died November 21, 1910, at Bloomington, Ind. Masters of Arts BARTON WARREN. EVERMANN (Zool) See B.S., 1886; Ph.D., 1891. CYRUS LAURON HOOPER (Eng.) See Ph.B., 1887. FRANCIS PRESERVED LEAVENWORTH (Math.) See A.B., 1880. KATE MILNER (MRS. ALBERT RABB) (Eng.) See A.B., 1886. JAMES MILLARD PHILPUTT (Eng.) See A.B., 1885. HOWARD SANDISON (Fed.) 404 N. Center St., Terre Haute, Ind. Vice-President, Indiana State Normal School. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 31 7 38 Bachelor of Philosophy Oil Masters of Arts 606 Totals ., ,37 8 45 1889 Bachelors of Arts ALBERT REED ABEL (Hist.) 1728 Peters St., Sioux City, Iowa. Real estate dealer. EMMA BAIN (MRS. GLEN LEVIN SWIG- GETT) (Eng.) Sewannee, Term. ALFRED HERBERT BELDON (Hist.) Bloomington, Ind. Insurance and real estate. "CHARLES HARVEY BOLLMAN (Zool.) Died July 13, 1889, at Waycross, Ga. JOHN ROBERT BRILL (Hist.) LL.B., 1891. 606 Washington Ave., Evansville, Ind. Laywer. * JOSEPH COOPER BRYAN (Phil) Died March 20, 1898, at San Diego, Cal. CHARLES MARION CARPENTER (Math.) 138 North Hill St., Los Angeles, Cal. Teacher of Mathematics, Los Angeles High School. HOMER BLISS DIBELL (Soc.) Duluth, Minn. Lawyer. FLETCHER BASCOM DRESSLER (Phil.) A.M., 1892; Ph.D.. Clark University, 1894. University, Ala. Dean of School of Education, University of Alabama. BERT FESLER (Zool) 6019 Tioga St., Duluth, Minn. Lawyer. City Attorney. EDWARD HOWARD GRIGGS (Math.) A.M., 1890. L.H.D., University of Maine, 1905. 77 Grove St., Moutclair, N. J. Author and lecturer. CHARLES ELMER HEINEY (Ger.) Andrews, Ind. Farmer. WILLIAM WALLACE HOLMES (Hist.) LL.B., 1895. South Haven, Mich. Law- yer. THOMAS MICHAEL HONAN (Soc.) Seymour, Ind. Lawyer. At present. State House, Indianapolis, Ind. Attor- ney General, State of Indiana. JAMES BOAZ HUGHES (Hist.) 415 Pine St., Oroville, Calif. Principal. Union High School. RUSSELL KING (Gk.) 3158 Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. HENRY CLINTON KINZIE (Hist.) Chelan Falls, Washington. At present, Bridgeport, Washington. Retired teacher. EFFIE M. LEMONDS (Ger.) A.M., Leland Stanford Junior Univer- sity, 1903. Covina, Cal. Principal, High School. THEODORE JAMES LOUDEN (Hist.) LL.B., 1891. Bloomingtou, Ind. Lawyer. ROBERT EDWARD LYONS (Chem.) A.M., 1890; Ph.D., University of Heidel- berg, 1894. Bloomington, Ind. Pro- fessor of Chemistry, Indiana Univer- sity. ADAH MCMAHON (GA:.) A.M., 1892; M.D., Northwestern Univer sity, 1897. LaFayette, Ind. Physician and surgeon. WILLIAM ALFRED MILLIS (Phil) A.M., 1890; LL.D., Franklin College. 1908. Hanover, Ind. President, Hano- ver College. 1890] List $ by Years 47 JAMES LEWIS MITCHELL, JR. (Lai.) LL.B., University of Michigan, 1891. 212 Indiana Trust Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. WEBSTER VOORHEES MOFFETT (Hist.) LL.B., University of Michigan, 1894. Bloomneld, Ind. Lawyer. FREDERIC SEGAL MONICAL (Phil.) Beacon, Mich. Superintendent of Schools. FREDERICK VICTOR Moss (Phys.) M.S., Cornell University, 1890. Washon- gal, Wash. Farmer. WILLIAM ALONZO MUSSETT (Phil.) Grayville, 111. Lawyer. Postmaster. JOHN ROSCOE MUTZ (Chem.) Ph.G., Purdue University, 1892. Edin- burg, Ind. Druggist. CREED MYERS (MRS. HARRY FAY CAG- WIN) (GJc.) 730 American National Bank Building, Oklahoma City, Okla. CHRISTIAN NEWMAN (Ger.) Tell City, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. JONATHAN TRUMAN PERIGO (Math.) A.M., 1892. 1750 National Ave., San Di- ego, Cal. Teacher. JOHN BURTON PHILLIPS (Ger.) A.M., 1891; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1897. Boulder, Colo. Professor of Eco- nomics and Sociology, University of Colorado. CHARLES EDWARD REMSBERG (Soc.) 2200 N. Seventy-seventh St., Seattle, Wash. Banker. President, Fremont State Bank. *CHARLES ANDREW RHETTS (Gk.) LL.B., Columbian University, 1892; A.M., Harvard University, 1895. Died Aug. 26, 1898, at Bloomington, Ind. WILLARD ROBERTSON (Hist.) LL.B., Cincinnati Law School, 1891. 1415 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. *BESSIE ROGERS (MRS JOE THOMAS GILES) (Ger.) A.M., 1893. Died Jan. 2, 1906, at Marion, Ind.; buried at Bloomiugton, Ind. ELLA RYAN (MRS. WEBSTER VOORHEES MOFFETT) (Ger.) Bloomfleld, lud. JOSEPH HOOKER SHEA (Hist.) Seymour, Ind. Judge of Circuit Court. Trustee of Indiana University. FREDERICK CLEVELAND TEST (Zool) A.M., 1894; M.D., University of George- town, 1895. 4620 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. Physician. * ARNOLD TOMPKINS (Ped.) A.M., 1892; Ph.D., Ohio University, 1898. Died Aug. 12, 1905, near Menlo, Ga. HOWARD LAFAYETTE WILSON (Gk.) A.M., 1891; A.M., Harvard University, 1900. River Falls, Wis. President of State Normal School. Masters of Arts THOMAS GREENE ALFORD (Ped.) See B.S., 1871. UUFUS LOT GREEN (Math.) See B.S., 1885. *PIIILIP HENRY KIRSCH (Dial.) See A.B., 1888, Ph.D., 1893. CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA LOWE (MRS. WIL- LIAM LOWE BRYAN) (Gk.) See A.B., 18S8. WILLIAM HARRISON MACE (Phil.) Ph.D., University of Jena, 1897. 127 Col- lege Place, Syracuse, N. Y. Professor of History and Political Science, Syracuse University. ALONZO DALE MOFFETT (Eng.) See A.B., 1893. JOHN EDWARD WILEY (Soc.) See A.B., 1885; LL.B., 1891. Doctors of Philosophy CARL H EIGENMANN (Zool.) See B.S., 1886; A.M., 1887. OLIVER PEEBLES JENKINS (Zool.) See M.S., 1886. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 36 5 41 Masters of Arts 617 Doctors of Philosophy 202 Totals .. .44 6 50 1890 Bachelors of Arts WILLIAM McCoY ANDREWS (Bot.) Oxley, Mo. Civil engineer. KARL BARNES (Ped.) M.S., Cornell University, 1891. 3640 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lect- urer. REGINA BITNER (MRS. FRANCIS ED- WARD BOWSER) (Ger.) Warsaw, Ind. EUGENE WILLIAM BOHANNON (Ped.) A.M., 1892. 2323 E. Fifth St., Duluth, Minn. President, State Normal School CAROLINE HIRST BROWN (MRS. SAMUEL BANNISTER HARDING) (Hist.) Bloomington, Ind. RICHARD ELLSWORTH CALL (Geol.) A.M., 1891; M.S., Iowa Agricultural Col- lege, 1890; M.D., Hospital College of Medicine, 1893; Ph.D., Ohio Univer- sity, 1895. Fifty-ninth St., and Tenth Ave., New York City. Teacher of Bi- ology, DeWitt Clinton High School. Lecturer, Board of Education, New York City. 48 Register of Graduates [1890 ANSLET HARVEY COLLINS (Hist.) Redlands, Cal. Registrar, and Associate Professor of History, University of Redlands. * JAMES B. COOK (Soc.) Died July 19, 181)5, at Brookville, Ind. ELLA MINEKVA CORE (MRS. WILLIAM ADAMS SERVICE) (Ung.) Greeiifield, Ind. WILLIAM ROUTT CRAVENS (Chem.) M.D., Kentucky School of Medicine, 1892; M.D., Central College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, (now Indiana Uni- versity School of Medicine), 1896. Blooinfield, Ind. Physician. SCHUYLER COLFAX DAVISSON (Math.) A.M., 1892; Sc.D., University of Tubin- gen, 1900. Bloomington, Ind. Profes- sor of Mathematics, Indiana Univer- sity. FRANK MAYO DREW (ZooL) A.M., 1891; Ph.D., Clark University, 1895, Bunker Hill, Illinois. At present, 43 Hollywood St., Worcester, Mass. Honorary Fellow in Education, Clark University. CHARLES HARVEY DRYBREAD (Chem.) Franklin, Ind. Druggist. MINNE AMANDA FARIS (MRS. WILLIAM G. URE) ( Lat.) 2003 Binney St., Omaha, Neb. ARTHUR LEE FOLEY (Phys.) A.M., 1891; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1897. Bloomiugton, Ind. Professor of Physics, Indiana University. ELLEN MARGARET GORDON (Gk.) Tampa, Tenn. Missionary. Principal, Smoky Mountain Seminary. GEORGE ANDREW GORDON (Gk.) B.D., Xenia Theological Seminary, 1897; LL.B., Harvard University, 1900. 157 Lee St., Atlanta, Ga. Lawyer. FRANK CLINTON GRONINGER (Hist.) A.M., 1891; LL.B., University of Michi- gan, 1893. 323 Indiana Trust Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. WILLIAM JAMES HANNAH (Soc.) A.M., Leland Stanford Junior University, 1893. Big Timber, Mont. Ranchman. SAMUEL BANNISTER HARDING (Gk.) A.M., Harvard University, 1894; Ph.D., ibid., 1898. Bloomiugton, Ind. Pro- fessor of European History, Indiana University. FRANK HELTON HATFIELD (Chem.) LL.B., 1892. 210 Washington Ave., Evansville, Ind. Lawyer. JAMES HARVEY HAYWORTH (Math.) A.M., 1898. 2335 Ashland Ave., Indianap- olis, Ind. Deputy Collector of Inter- nal Revenue. ROBERT HESSLER (Chem.) A.M., 1893; M.D., Indiana Medical Col- lege, Indiana University School of Medicine, 1891. Logansport, Ind. Phy- sician. WALTER DUNN HOWE (Lat.) LL.B., Boston University, 1892. 716 N. Kansas St., El Paso, Texas. Lawyer. JESSE WESLEY HUBBARD (Hist.) A.M., 1893. 151Z64 East Third St., Du- luth, Minn. Teacher, Geography, State Normal School. MAN SON ULVAIN JOHNSON (Pol. Sci.) A.M., 1892. Summit ville, Ind. At pres- ent, 1 Fargo Ave., Ashtabula, O. Traveling salesman. EVERETT ORVILLE JONES (ZooL) M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1893. 508 Cobb Building, Seattle, Wash. Surgeon. JESSIE (KNIGHT) JORDAN (MRS. DAVID STARR JORDAN) (Ger.) Stanford University, Cal. *GUSTAF E KARSIEN (Ped.) Ph.D., University of Freiburg, 1883. Died Jan. 28, 1908, at Urbana, 111. ISAAC ANDERSON LOEB (Soc.) LL.B., Northwestern University, 1893. 322-59 Clark St., Chicago, 111. Lawyer. IDA JANE LOUDEN (MRS. HARRY EVAN COBLENTZ) (Eng.) 673 Walker St., Milwaukee, Wis. CHARLES ROLLIN MADISON (Hist.) 2621 Haste St., Berkeley, Cal. Archi- tectural artist. JOHN ANTHONY MILLER (Math.) A.M.,Leland Stanford Junior University, 1893; Ph. D., University of Chicago, 1899. Swarthmore, Pa. Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, Swarth- more College. HIRAM WESLEY MONICAL (Math.) St. Charles, 111. Superintendent of Schools. PETER BENTON MONICAL (Chem.) Bedford, Ind. Farmer. *MAURICE GARDNER MOORE (Chem.) M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1894. Died January 26, 1911, at Vincennes, Ind. GEORGE DAVIS MORRIS (Rom.) A.M., 1895. Bloomington, Ind. Asso- ciate Professor of French, Indiana Uni- versity. CHARLES ALFRED MOSEMILLER (Ger.) Bloomington, Ind. Associate Professor of Romance Languages, Indiana Uni- versity. EDWARD CHARLES O'DONNELL (800.) New Castle, Pa. At present, Mitchell, Ind. Office Manager, Lehigh-Portland Cement Co. JOSEPHINE ELEANOR PITTMAN (MRS. GEORGE HENRY THOMAS SCRIBNER) (Ger.) 1307 University Court, Indianapolis, Ind. JOHN FRANKLIN HAUGHAWOUT POST (Chem.) Ph.G., Northwestern University, 1894. Murphysboro, 111. Pharmacist. 1891] List by Years 49 ALPHEUS JASPEB REYNOLDS (Hist.) A.M., 1891. Greenfield, Ind. Farmer. HENRY WOLDMAB RUOFF (Phil.) D.C.L., Columbian University, 1901; D. C.L., George Washington University, 1907; Litt.D, ibid., 1910. Washington, D. C. At present, 64!) First National Bank Building, Chicago, 111. Author, editor and publisher. JOHN EVERETT SHEPARDSON (Fed.) A.M., 1892. 1147 Santee St., Los Angeles, Cal. Supervisor of Training School, State Normal School. EDWIN DILLEB STARBUCK (Math.) A.B., Harvard University, 1894; A.M., Ibid., 1895; Ph.D., Clark University, 1897. Iowa City, Iowa. Professor of Philosophy, State University of Iowa. "CHARLES WILLIAM STEWART (Hist.) Died March 5, 1896, at Mareugo, Ind. BEDFORD VANCE SUDBURY (Hist.) Davenport, Iowa. Superintendent, Dav- enport district, the Bradstreet Com- pany. ALICE TEST (Ger.) Richmond, Ind. Teacher. JOHN BENJAMIN WISELY (Eng.) A.M., 1891. 1247 N. Tenth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Teacher of Grammar and Composition, Indiana State Normal School. *DELLA WYLIE (MRS. ROBEBT NEWTON ALLEN) (Eng.) Died Feb. 23, 1896, at Bloomington, Ind. Bachelor of Laws SALEM PABIS WELMAN 719 West Second St., Duluth, Minn. Lawyer. Masters of Arts ROBEBT JUDSON ALEY (Math.) See A.B., 1888. JOHN WESLEY GARB (Hist.) See A.B., 1885. ALONZO ALVIN DELABME (Gk.) See A.B., 1887. WILLIAM ECHABD MICHAEL GOLDEN (Eng.) See A.B., 1888. *ELMEB ELLSWORTH GRIFFITH (Eng.) See A. B., 1885. EDWARD HOWARD GRIGGS (Eng.) See A.B., 1889. JOSEPH HENRY HOWARD (Lat.) See A.B., 1888. OSCAR LYNN KELSO (Math.) See B.S., 1884. ROBERT EDWARD LYONS (Chem.) See A.B., 1889. THOMAS ALBERT MCKAY (Ger.) M.S., Lawrence College, 1880. Cloquet, Minn. WILLIAM ALFRED MILLIS (Phil.) See A.B., 1889 JAMES AUSTIN MITCHELL, JB. (Hist.) See A. B., 1887. CARL WILHELM FERDINAND OSTHAUS (Hist.) Graduate, Gymnasium of Hildeshelm, 1880. Bloomington, Ind. Professor of German, Indiana University. Louis JOHN RETTGEB (Zool.) A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1888; Ph.D., ibid., 1909. 31 Gilbert Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Professor of Physi- ology, Indiana State Normal School. Summary- Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 45 5 50 Bachelor of Laws 101 Masters of Arts 13 1 14 Totals .. . 59 ~6 ~65 1891 Bachelors of Arts FRANK FOY AXTELL (Hist.) Port Arthur, Tex. Civil engineer, with U. S. Corps of Engineers. In charge of harbors at Sabine Pass and Port Arthur. RALPH BAMBEBGEB (Soc.) LL.B., Indiana Law School, 1896. 706 State Life Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. JEREMIAH WESLEY BRAY (Phil.) A.M., 1892. Brownsville, Tex. Planter. Secretary-Treasurer, Indiana Coopera- tive Canal Company. MARY BRECKINRIDGE (MBS. WILLIAM EDGAR LINDLEY) (Gk.) Lemoore, Cal. ISAAC VINTON BUSBY (Ped.) Anderson, Ind. Farmer. Teacher. HARRIETT CASPAR (MRS. CHARLES AN- DREW RHETTS) (Hist.) A.M., 1893. Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of History, Manual Training High School. CHARLES OSCAB CHAMBERS (Ped.) A.M., 1895. Shaw's Gardens, St. Louis, Mo. Research Fellow in Shaw School of Botany. JOHN FOSTEB CLIFFORD (Ped.) Connersville, Ind. Salesman. HOMER H COOPER (Ped.) A.M., 1893. Spicelaud, Ind. Superintend- ent of Spiceland Academy. ADAM ULLERY CBULL (Hist.) A.M., University of Wisconsin, 1894. So- lano, N. M. 50 Register of Graduates [1891 ELL WOOD PATTERSON CUBBEBLEY (Phys.) A.M., Columbia University, 1902; Ph.D., ibid., 1905. Stanford University, Cal. Professor of Education, Leland Stan- ford Junior University. CHARLES MORTON CUNNINGHAM (Eng.) D.D.S., Central College of Dentistry, 1900. 95 Lombard Building, Indianap- olis, Ind. Dentist. Louis SHERMAN DAVIS (Chem.) A.M., 1892; Ph.D., University of Mar- burg, 1896. Blooiniugtou, Ind. Pro- fessor of Chemistry, Indiana Univer- sity. Louis LORENZO DRESCHER (Math.) Spencer, Ind. Civil engineer. Sur- veyor of Owen County. City Engineer. *EDWARD KENNETH DYE (Econ.) Died Oct. 11, 1903, at Bedford, Ind. EDWIN FRANCIS DYER (Hist.) LL.B., 1892. A.M., Leland Stanford Jun- ior University, 1907. Fairfield, Cal, Principal, High School. JOHN HOMER EDWARDS (Econ.) LL.B., Northwestern University, 1894. Mitchell, Ind. Lawyer. * WILBUR RICHARD ELLIS (Hist.) Died June 5, 1904, at Phoenix, Ariz.; buried at Bradford, Ind. FRANK ALBERT FETTER (Econ.) Ph.M., Cornell University, 1892; Ph.D., University of Halle, 1894; LL.D., Col- gate University, 1909. Princeton, N. J. Professor of Economics, Princeton University. ANNA LAURA FISHER (Eng.) Rushville, Ind. Teacher. FRANK HORTON FOSTER (Math.) A.M., Leland Stanford Junior University, 1893; M.D., Purdue School of Medi- cine, 1907. New Carlisle, Ind. Physi- cian. WALTER WILSON FRENCH (Econ.) LL.B., 1896'. 2819 Sheridan Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Collector. ELIZABETH Goss GRIMSLEY (Lat.) 1009 Grove St., Evanston, 111. Teacher of Latin, High School. BERTHA ELIZABETH HAWKINS (Math.) A.M., 1894. Richmond, Ind. Head of Department of Mathematics, High School. WILLIAM ELMER HENRY (Fed.) A.M., 1892. Seattle, Wash. Librarian, University of Washington. ANNA HARRIET (BOWMAN) HOFFMAN (MRS. HORACE ADDISON HOFFMAN) (Gk.) Bloomington, Ind. LAURA S HOOD (MRS. RUSSELL RAT- LTFF) (Math.) 824 South Monroe St., Spokane, Wash. HARLEY HAMLIN HOSKINS (Hist.) Okmulgee, Okla. Lumber dealer. WILLIAM EVANS JENKINS (Eng.) A.M., Leland Stanford Junior Univer- sity, 1894. Bloomiugton, Ind. Libra- rian, Indiana .University. SAMUEL FRANK JONES (Hist.) Marion, Ind. Glass manufacturer. ANNA HELEN KELLY (MRS. ALBERT JU- LIUS VEN NEMAN) (Ger.) 505 Oakley St., Evansville, Ind. LYNN ELMER KEPLER (Econ.) Cambridge City, Ind. Lawyer. TITUS EDMUND KINZIE (Gk.) South Bend, Ind. Teacher. BERTHA ETHEL KNIGHT (MRS. HENRY LANDES) (Hist.) 4503 Brooklyn Ave., Seattle, Wash. GIDEON THOMAS KNOPF (Hist.) 1468 Clara Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Princi- pal, Pestalozzi School. *MAUD LEMON (MRS. HOYT KING) (Gk.) Died Sept. 22, 1899, at Chicago, 111. WILLIAM EDGAR LINDLEY (Phil.) Lernoore, Cal. Farmer. MARY MARGARET LOGAN (MRS. CHARLES V. SPENCER) (Ger.) New Salem, Ind. WILLIAM MCNARY LOUDEN (Eng.) LL.B., 1893. Bloomington, Ind. Law- yer. Prosecuting Attorney. NANCY MCMAHON (MRS. JOHN WESLEY JONES) (Gk.) Bloomington, Ind. WILLIAM ALONZO MARLOW (Lat.) Ukiah, Cal. Editor. JOHN HARRISON MEANS (Geol.) A.M., Leland Stanford Junior Univer- sity, 1892. 62 London Wall, London, E. C., England. At present, Naraguta, Bantchi Province, Northern Nigeria, Africa. Mining engineer. CHARLES SIMPSON MEEK (Hist.) A.M., Columbia University, 1908. Boise, Idaho. Superintendent of Schools. ANNA LUCILE MOSEMILLER (MRS. ROB- ERT WAYNE HARRIS) (Ger.) New Albany, Ind. DAVID MYERS MOTTIER (Bot.) A.M., 1892; Ph.D., University of Bonn, 1897. Bloomingtou, liid. Professor of Botany, Indiana University. MARY VIRGINIA MUSTARD (MRS. GEORGE W. STANFORD) (Ped.) Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1904. 2034 W. Monroe St., Chicago, 111. JOHN FLESHER NEWSOM (Geol.) A.M., Lelaud Stanford Junior University, 1892; Ph.D., ibid., 1901. Palo Alto, Cal. At present, Oruro, Bolivia, South America. Mining. Professional ex- aminer. 1891 List by Years 51 WILLIAM HENRY NEWSOM (Math.) Elizabethtown, Ind. Farmer. Township Trustee. MARTHA ORCHARD (MRS. CLAUDE GUTH- RIE MALOTT) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. ROSA LEE OXER (Bot.) A.M., Hiram College, 1894; M.D., Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Cleveland, O., 1896. Deoglear-Baidya- nath, Bengal, India. Missionary. HENRY PARKER PEARSON (Ger.) Bedford, Ind. Lawyer. GEORGE HORATIO PENDLETON (Gk.) M.D., Central College of Physicians and Surgeons, (now Indiana University School of Medicine), 1897. Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. WILLIAM STEWART PINKERTON (Gk.) A.M., 1895. Fair Haven, Ohio. Farmer. MARY POLK (Phil.) A.B., Leland Stanford Junior University, 1895; A.M., ibid., 1896. Manila, P. I. Librarian, Bureau of Science. GRACE RAWLES (MRS. JOHN TIPTON WHEELER) (Ger.) 2203 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. EMMET LEE RICHARDSON (Ger.) A.M., Leland Stanford Junior University, 1892; LL.B., Harvard University, 1897. 927 Wells Building, Milwaukee, Wis. Lawyer. JAMES MARTIN ROBINSON (Fed.) LL.B., Illinois Wesleyan College, 1898. Franklin, Ind. Lawyer. ROBERT CAMPBELL ROGERS (Chem.) M.D., University of Louisville, 1893. Bloomington, Ind. Physician. MARK SHRUM (Econ.) M.D., University of Louisville, 1894. Lynn, Mass. Physician. JOHN NATHANIEL SPANGLER (Ped.) A.M., University of Illinois, 1897. Qua- nah, Okla. Farmer. ALBERT FULTON STEWART (Gk.) A.M., Monmouth College, 1908. Mon- mouth, 111. Assistant Professor of Latin, Monmouth College. *CHARLES HENRY TAYLOR (Gk.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1903. Died Jan. 8, 1908, at South Bend, Ind.; buried at Wolcottville, Ind. FREDERICK WILSON TRUSCOTT (Ger.) A.M., 1892; A.M., Harvard University. 1894; Ph.D., ibid., 1896. Morgantown, W. Va. Professor of German, West Virginia University. * WILLIAM THOMAS VARNER (Zool.) M.D., Barnes Medical College, 1896. Died Jan. 29, 1908, at Evansville, lud. DANIEL THOMAS WEIR (Phys.) A.M., 1893. 2122 Ashland Ave., Indian- apolis, Ind. Supervising Principal, Public Schools. MARTHA WILEY (Eng.) Lebanon, Ind. At present, 2103 Trux- tun Ave., Bakersfleld, Cal. Teacher. LILLIE FORREST WINDSOR (MRS. BEN- JAMIN FRANKLIN HARRIS) (Hist.) Richmond, Ind. MIRIAM EVANGELINE WINDSOR (MRS. JOHN ALBERT WALLS) (Hist.) Richmond, Ind. ALBERT JEFFERSON WOOLMAN (Zool.) A.M., 1893. Ph.D., Republic of France, 1901. Urbana, 111. Mining and selling phosphate. Bachelors of L,aws SAMUEL ASHBY 26-27 Union Trust Building, Indianap- olis, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN ROBERT BRILL See A.B., 1889. *MOREY MCKEE DUNLAP See B.L., 1885. THEODORE JAMES LOUDEN See A.B., 1889. CHARLES AUGUSTUS SALA D.M.T., American College of Mechano- Therapy, 1909. North Manchester, Ind. Lawyer. Physician. JOHN EDWARD WILEY See A.B., 1885; A.M., 1889. THOMAS F. WOLFE 133 Railroad Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Lawyer. Masters of Arts MABEL BANTA (MRS. CHARLES HENRY BEESON) (Lat.) See A.R, 1885. WILLIS STANLEY BLATCHLEY (Zool.) See A.B., 1887. RICHARD ELLSWORTH CALL (Geol.) See A.B., 1890. FRANK MAYO DREW (Econ.) See A.B., 1890. EDWARD CHURCHILL FITCH (Eng.) See B.L., 1885. ARTHUR LEE FOLEY (Math.) See A.B., 1890. FRANK CLINTON GRONINGER (Ped.) See A.B., 1890. TAKEKUMA OKADA (Econ.) Graduate Waseda University, Tokio, Ja- pan, . Yokohama, Japan. At pres- ent, Kamakura, Japan. Chief Secre- tary, Chamber of Commerce. JOHN BURTON PHILLIPS (Ger.) See A.B., 1'889. ALPHEUS JASPER REYNOLDS (Ped.) See A.B., 1890. 52 Register of Graduates [1891 WILLIAM FRANKLIN Ross (Ger.) A.B., Butler College, 1889. Died Jan. 23, 1901, at Champaign, 111. WILLIAM HARRISON RUCKEB (Fed.) See B.S., 1885. * ALICE ALVARETTA SPRINGER (MRS. ED- WARD CHURCHILL FITCH) (Eng.) See Ph.B., 1886. FRANCIS MARION WALTERS (Ped.) See A.B., 1887. HOWARD LAFAYETTE WILSON (Ped.) See A.B., 1889. JOHN BENJAMIN WISELY (Phil.) See A.B., 1890. Doctors of Philosophy BARTON WARREN EVERMA.NN (Zool.) See B.S., 1886, A.M., 1888. SETH EUGENE MEEK (Zool.) See B.S., 1884, M.S., 1886. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 64 5 69 Bachelors of Laws 617 Masters of Arts 14 2 16 Doctors of Philosophy 202 Totals 8 94 1892 Bachelors of Arts CHARLES AHL (Hist.) Moweaqua, 111. Mining business. ESTHER MAY ALLERDICE (MRS. WIL- LIAM FLETCHER HARDING) (Math.) Died March 12, 1902, at Indianapolis, Ind. ALFRED MURRAY BAIN (Phil) Martinsville, Ind., Lawyer. JAMES WILLIAM BAKER (Math.) A.M., DePauw University, 1899; Ph.D., Moores Hill College, 1904. Tulsa, Okla. Clergyman. GEORGE HUME BATCHELOB (Econ.) A.M., Columbia University, 1894. 2621 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. KATHARINE HARRIETTS BLYNN (Math.) 244 Marcus St., Walla Walla, Wash. Teacher of Geometry, High School. ELLA TONE BOND (MBS. WILLIAM HART) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. Student, Indiana University. EZRA W. BORLAND (Phys.) Bloomington, Ind. Electrical and me- chanical engineer. GEORGE HERBERT BURKE (Phil.) M.D., Chicago Homeopathic Medical Col- lege, 1898. Wabash, Ind. Physician and surgeon. GEORGIAN A BYER (MRS. THOMAS BAGOT) (Lat.) Died at Redkey, Ind., Feb. 20, 1907; buried at New Castle, Ind. ELIZABETH MARY COMSTOCK (Phil.) A.M., 1910. Richmond, Ind. ANNA MAY DEMAREE (Gk.) A.M., 1893. Bloomington, Ind. Teacher. DANIEL RUDOLPH ELLABARGER (Math.) Piqua, Ohio. Principal, High School. JENNIE EWING (Ger.) Died June 12, 1903, at Bloomington, Ind. WALTER FELIX FREUDENBERG (Econ.) 317 Thirty-second Ave., Seattle, Wash Lawyer. HERMAN JULIUS GAERTNER (Ger.) A.M., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1896. Milledgeville, Ga. Professor of His- tory and Assistant Professor of Mathe- matics, Georgia Normal and Industrial College. WILLIAM PROVINCE GARSHWILER (Med.) M.D., Medical College of Indiana, 1896. 620 Newton Claypool Building, Indian- apolis, Ind. Physician. Lecturer, Genito-Urinary Surgery, Indiana Uni- versity School of Medicine. JAMES EDWARD HAGERTY (Econ.) Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1900. 94 Fifteenth Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Professor of Economics and Sociology, Ohio State University. THOMAS LEGRAND HARRIS (Ped.) A.M., 1895; A.M., Harvard University, 1899. Sheridan, Ind. At present, Bloom- ington, Ind. Instructor in History, Indiana University. CHARLES WILLIAM HARTLOFF (Chem.) M.D., University of Michigan, 1897. 120 Upper Third St., Evansville, Ind. Physician and surgeon. Secretary, City Board of Health. JAMES HAMILTON HENRY (Ped.) 1552 East Sixty-third St., Chicago, IU. Principal, Gallistel School. CLARENCE LEE HOLTZMAN (Bot.) M.S., University of Chicago, 1901. 2129 Greenleaf Ave., Chicago, 111. Teacher, R. A. Waller High School. NELLY HOUGH (MRS. BEDFOBD VANCE SUDBURY) (Rom.) Muncie, Ind. Teacher. CHARLES MEREDITH HUBBABD (Econ.) M.L., Cornell University, 1893. 304 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. General Secretary, Associated Charities of Cin- cinnati. OLIVE MAY HUGHES (MRS. ROBERT GRANT MITLER) (Hist.) A.M., 1893. Bloomington. Ind. JOHN EDWARD KELLY (Hist.) LL.B., 1894. Bloomington, Ind. Deputy Clerk, Monroe Circuit Court. 1892] List by Years 53 FRANCIS ELMEB KINSET (Econ.) LL.B., Northwestern University, 1894. 235 Canal St., Providence, R. I. Man- ager, Beyer Brothers Commission Com- pany. SAMUEL MICHAEL KNOOP (Chem.) M.D., University of Michigan, 1896. 19- 21 Harrison St., New York City. Com- mission merchant. Treasurer, Beyer Brothers Commission Company. HARRY LANDES (Oeol.) A.B., Harvard University, 1892; A.M., ibid., 1893. 4503 Brooklyn Ave., Seattle, Wash. Professor of Geology, University of Washington. State Geologist. SYLVESTER BERLIN MCCRACKEN (Zool.) Elkhart, Ind. Principal, High School. LOUISE KATHARINE MATHERS (MRS. LLEWELLYN ALONZO RILEY) (Hist.) A.M., 1893. Bay Minette, Ala. HARRY CLAY MELOY (Math.) North Vernon, Ind. Lawyer. GEORGE MOREY MILLER (Phil.) A.M., Harvard University, 1898. The Abbottsford, Cincinnati, Ohio. Asso- ciate Professor of English, University of Cincinnati. CHARLES ANNA MOORE (MRS. WILLIAM EVANS JENKINS) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. LAURA MCALLISTER MOORE (Oer.) 2401 Sycamore St., Terre Haute, Ind. At present, Teacher of German and History, Canton (111.) High School. CLARENCE PROVINCE (Med.) M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1895. Franklin, Ind. Physician and surgeon. RUSSELL RATLIFF (Phil) 824 South Monroe St., Spokane, Wash. Insurance. IDA MARY REID (MRS. SAMUEL ASHBY) (Hist.) 1630 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. ETHEL RONDTHALER (MRS. ABTHUB AL- BERT MCCAIN) (Gk.) Crawfordsville, Ind. DAVID ANDREW ROTHROCK (Math.) A.M., 1893; Ph.D., University of Leipzig, 1898. Bloomington, Ind. Professor of Mathematics, Indiana University. CHARLES JACOB SEMBOWEB (Hist.) Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1908. Bloomington, Ind. Professor of Eng- lish, Indiana University. HELEN ELIZABETH SHIELDS (Eng.) 953 Bonnie Brae, Los Angeles, Cal. Singer. SAMUEL EDWIN SPARLING (Econ.) Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1896. Rensselaer, Indiana. Farmer. EDWIN BURTON ULINE (Bot.) A.M.. 1893: Ph.D.. University of Berlin, 1897. 168 Prospect Park, West, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Principal, Public School Number 10. ALBERT BRENNUS ULBEY (Zool.) A.M., 1893. 1435 W. Twenty-third St., Los Angeles, Cal. Professor of Biol- ogy, University of Southern California. *LULU CAROLINE VONDERSAAR (Gk.) Died Jan. 20, 1909, at Great Falls, Mont.; buried at Indianapolis, Ind. JOHN MOORE WALL (Econ.) 8355 Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. * JAMES LONG WEAVER (Hist.) LL.B., 1893. Died April 3, 1896, at Del- phi, Ind.; buried near Cutler, Ind. JOSEPH ARISON WEAVER (Math.) B.S., Westfleld College, 1889; M.S., ibid., 1892. Bloomingdale, Ind. Banker. HARRY OLIVER WISE (Eng.) A.M., University of California, 1909. 707 National Ave., San Diego, Cal. Teacher of English, High School. Bachelors of I^aws TAMAR ALTHOUSE 121 Chestnut St., Evansville, Ind. Law- yer. Official Reporter, Vanderburgh Circuit Court. Private Secretary, Speaker of House of Representatives, Indiana Legislature. CARL HUNT COCHRAN 319 Symes Block, Denver, Colo. Lawyer. FRANK JOSHUA DUNN Bloomington, Ind. Lawyer. Insurance agent. EDWIN FRANCIS DYER See A.B., 1891. JAMES BASIL FILBEBT Linton, Ind. Lawyer. *HOWARD JOHN HALL Died Feb. 9, 1898, at Mount Clemens, Mich. FRANK HELTON HATFIELD See A.B., 1890. HOYT KING 1730 Tribune Building, Chicago, 111. Real estate. HARRY JUNIUS PECKINPAUGH 48 Vine St., Evansville, Ind. Lawyer. EDWARD EVERETT PRUITT Delphi, Ind. Lawyer. City Attorney. WILLIAM PERRY ROGERS A.B., 1895; LL.D., University of Cincin- nati, 1908. 21 West Ninth St., Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Dean, Cincinnati Law School. IDEN SALATHIEL ROMIG South Bend, Ind, Lawyer. City Attor- ney. *ROBERT HENRY SMITH Died April 28, 1894, at Evansville, Ind. ELT B STEPHEN SON Bedford, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN LAFAYETTE STEPHENSON See A.B., 1882, A.M., 1892. 54 Register of Graduates 1802 JAMES BENJAMIN WILSON Bloomington, Ind. Judge, Tenth Ju- dicial Circuit. Masters of Arts EUGENE WILLIAM BOIIANNON (Fed.) See A.B., 1890. JEREMIAH WESLEY BRAY (Eng.) See A.B., 1891. Louis SHERMAN DAVIS (Chem.) See A.B., 1891. SCHUYLER COLFAX DAVISSON (Math.) See A.B., 1890. FLETCHER BASCOM DRESSLER (Phil) See A.B., 1889. SAMUEL ERNEST HABWOOD (Fed.) See A.B., 1876. WILLIAM ELMER HENRY (Gen.) See A.B., 1891. MANSON ULVAIN JOHNSON (Econ.) See A.B., 1890. ADAH MCMAHON (Gen.) See A.B., 1889. FANNIE BELLE MAXWELL (Ger.) See B.L., 1881. DAVID MYERS MOTTIER (Bot.) See A.B., 1891. ROBERT ALEXANDER OGG (Eng.) See B.S., 1872. JONATHAN TRUMAN PERIGO (Fed.) See A.B., 1889. *HENRY ELIASON SEATON (Bot.) B.S., Wabash College, 1890. Died April 30, 1893, at Cambridge, Mass. JOHN EVERETT SHEPARDSON (Fed.) See A.B., 1890. JOHN LAFAYETTE STEPHENSON (Htet.) See A.B., 1882; LL.B., 1892. *ARNOLD TOMPKINS (Fed.) See A.B., 1889. FREDERICK WILSON TRUSCOTT (Ger.) See A.B., 1891. Doctors of Philosophy ELMON MCLEAN FISHER (Zodl.) A.B., Franklin College, 1889; A.M., ibid., 1892. Needham, Ind. Merchant. GEORGE WASHINGTON MARTIN (Bot.) B.S., Wabash College, 1887. Route No. 5, Nashville, Tenn. Professor of Biol- ogy, Vanderbilt University. Summary Living Bachelors of Arts 45 Bachelors of Laws.... 14 Masters of Arts 16 Doctors of Philosophy 2 Dead 5 2 2 Total 50 16 18 2 Totals 77 1893 Bachelors of Arts DAVID CLARENCE ATKINSON (Econ.) Ph.M.. University of Chicago, 1894; LL.B., Northwestern University, 1896. Hammond, Ind. Lawyer. EVERETT GUY BALLARD (Hist.) Gary, Ind. Lawyer. OTTO CHARLES BAUMGAERTNER (Chem.) M.D., University of Zurich, Switzerland, 1897; Rockport, Ind. Physician. CHARLES HENRY BEESON (Lat.) A.M., 1895; Ph.D., University of Munich. 1907. Faculty Exchange, University of Chicago, Chicago, 111. Assistant Pro- fessor of Latin, University of Chicago. NINA BOND (MRS. CHARLES BISHOP CAMPBELL) (Gk.) 7 Cobb Boulevard, Kankakee, 111. WILLIAM L BRAY (Bot.) A.M., Lake Forrest University, 1894; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1898. 1005 Harrison St., Syracuse, N. Y. Professor of Botany, Syracuse Univer- sity. NETTIE BRECKENRIDGE (MRS. ALBERT FULTON STEWART) (Hist.) Monmouth, 111. ELMER BURRITT BRYAN (Hist.) LL.D., Franklin College, 1905. Hamil- ton, N. Y. President, Colgate Univer- sity. GEORGE CHAMPE (Math.) 130 West Delaware Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Civil engineer. OTTO OTHELLO CLAYTON (Math.) Portland, Ind. Civil engineer and sur- veyor. CAROLINE COLVIN (Hist.) Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1901. Orono, Me. Professor of History, Uni- versity of Maine. ARTHUR MELVIN CONN (Med.) JAMES HENRY CULLEN (Hist.) Needmore, Ind. Teacher. JOSEPH BURKETT EADS (Math.) 112 Court Ave., Weston, W. Va. Office manager. JOHN BROOKIE FAUGHT (Math.) A.M., 1895; Ph.D., University of Penn- sylvania, 1899. Marquette, Mich. Pro- fessor of Mathematics, Northern State Normal School. ISADORE FEIBLEMAN (Econ.) LL.B., University of Indianapolis, 1895. 706 State Life Building. Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. LUCIA (RUSSELL) FELLOWS (MRS. GEORGE EMORY FELLOWS) (Gen.) 64 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass. JAMES ALEXANDER GORDON (Math.) Cranesville, N. Y. Clergyman. 1893] List by Years 55 SUSAN NORTON GRIGGS (MRS. ALBERT HENRY YODER) (Math.) 76 Bruce Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. LURA GRIMES (MRS. ROBERT SEARS ANDERSON) (Eng.) A.M., 1895. Bedford, Ind. TAYLOR ELLIS GROMNGER (Econ.) 614 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. *CHARLES ERNEST GUBLER (Bot.) Died March 26, 1899, at Glen Moore, Pa. FRANKLIN GOTTLIEB HAECKER (Gen.) Keystone, Ind. Grain dealer. STELLA MAY HAGUE (Eng.) M.S., University of Chicago, 1905. Au- burn, Ind. Teacher. WILLIAM FLETCHER HARDING (Eoon.) Ph.M., University of Chicago, 1896. 208 Thirteenth St., S. W., Washington, D. C. Assistant Editor, Division of Pub- lications, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. ELISABETH KIDDER (MRS. ERNEST CLARKSON BROOKS) (Ger.) 367 Terrace Ave., Clifton, Cincinnati, Ohio. CALVIN SNYDER HOOVER (Hist.) A.M., 1894. Valparaiso, Ind. Professor of History, Valparaiso University. ADELIA (ROBERTS) HORNBROOK (MRS. RICHARDS SAUNDERS HORNBROOK ) (Fed.) A.M., 1894. 444 East 46th Place, Chicago, 111. Teacher of Mathematics, Stanett School. MARY ETTA HORT (MRS. CHARLES CLO- vis KRAUSKOPF) (Gen.) Maywood, 111. NORA ELIZABETH HUNTER (MRS. ED- WARD BROOKS APPLEGATE) (Eng.) 1261 Fifth Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. JOSEPH MADISON JOHNSTON (Hist.) 7008 Clinton Ave., N. W., Cleveland, Ohio. Teacher of History, High School of Commerce. HUGH WILLIAM JONES (Hist.) Graduate, Auburn Theological Seminary, 1896. Idaho Falls, Idaho. Clergyman. FRANKLIN BARTMAS KEPNER (Eng.) 924 Grant Ave., Tacoma, Wash. Super- vising Principal, Lincoln School. ELISABETH KIDDER (MRS. ERNEST HIRAM LINDLEY) (Phil) Bloomington, Ind. EDWARD MARTIN KINDLE (Geol.) M.S., Cornell University, 1896; Ph.D., Yale University, 1899. United States National Museum, Washington, D. C. Paleontologist, U. S. Geological Sur- vey. CYRUS AMBROSE KING (Bot.) A.B., Harvard University, 1897; A.M., ibid., 1898; Ph.D., ibid., 1902. 661 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Head of Department of Biology, Erasmus Hall High School. CHARLES CLOVIS KRAUSKOPF (Bot.) A.M., 1894. Maywood, 111. Principal, Spaulding School for Crippled Chil- dren, Chicago, 111. ZEN AS BELDON LEONARD (Hist.) A.M., 1896. South Bend, Ind. Traveling salesman. ERNEST HIRAM LINDLEY (Phil.) A.M., 1894; Ph.D., Clark University, 1897. Bloomington, Ind. Professor of Philosophy and Psychology, Indiana University. JOHN EUGENE METCALF (Chem.) M.D., College of Physicians and Sur- geons, 1899. Gary, Ind. Physician and surgeon. ELIZABETH ELEANOR MIDDLETON (Gk.) A.M.. 1894. ' Harriman, Ore. Teacher. BERTHA MIERS (MRS. OSCAR HENRY CRAVENS) (Ger.) Bloomington, Ind. RUFUS CARLETON MINTON (Bot.) 2621 Ashland Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. HENRY WADE NUCKOLS (Hist.) 427 Main St., Hartford, Conn. Automo- bile manufacturer. President, Colum- bia Motor Car Company. ERNEST RALPH ODLE (Econ.) LL.B., 1894. 1699 Beard Place, Memphis, Tenn. Lawyer. WILLIAM THOMAS PATTEN (Hist.) 1229 Hoyt Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. County Auditor. * SAMPSON CELONIS PHIPPS (Math.) A.M., 1894. Died April 19, 1907, at Manila, P. I.; buried at Saltillo, Ind. ERNEST WILLIAM RETTGER (Math.) Ph.D., Clark University, 1898. 134 Col- lege Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Assistant Pro- fessor of Applied Mechanics, Cornell University. OWEN DALE RICHARDSON (Gen.) A.M., Lelaud Stanford Junior University, 1894; LL.B., Cornell University, 1896. 335 South Twelfth St., San Jose, Cal. Lawyer. BESSIE (GUSHING) RIDGLEY (MRS. DOUGLAS CLAY RIDGLEY) (Bot.) Normal, 111. DOUGLAS CLAY RIDGLEY (Zool.) Normal, 111. Professor of Geography, Illinois State Normal University. NELLIE GERTRUDE SHOWERS (MRS. SAN- FORD FORTNER TETER) (Ger.) Bloomington, Ind. BYRNINA SMITH (Hist.) . Lebanon, Ind. At present, Elkhart, Ind. Teacher. ULYSSES HOWE SMITH (Ped.) Bloomington, Ind. Bursar, Indiana Uni- versity. DAVID THOMAS STEPHENSON (Econ.) A.M., 1895; S.T.B., Garrett Biblical In- stitute, 1897. Goshen, Ind. Clergyman. 56 Register of Graduates [1893 HARRY MARTIN STOOPS (Hist.) Brookville, Ind. Farmer. JAMES GRANT STULL (Phil.) LL.B., 1901. Bloomiugtou, Ind. At pres- ent, Principal Township High School, Du Quoin, 111. ISHAM TAYLOR (Oer.) LL.B., 1895. Newburgh, Ind. Farmer. SANFORD FORTNER TETER (Econ.) Bloomington, Ind. Secretary-Treasurer, Showers Brothers Furniture Company. WILLIAM I THOMPSON (Lat.) MARGARET ASHBY TODD (MRS. GEOEGE FRANKLIN HOLLAND) (Ger.) Bloomington, Ind. *PERRY SPURGEON TRACY (Fed.) Died Jan. 12, 1894, at Warren, Ind. ROBERT MILLER VANATTA (Econ.) Marion, Ind. Judge, Superior Court of Grant and Delaware counties. WALTER MABIE WOOD (Math.) 1421 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. General Secretary, Young Men's Christian As- sociation. FRANCES WOODWARD (MRS. Louis BRAKEMAN ERWIN) (Hist.) 5235 Cornell Ave., Chicago, 111. ALBERT HENRY YODER (Fed.) 76 Bruce Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. Professor, Childwelfare course, School of Philan- thropy, New York City. Bachelors of Laws LINTON RAYMOND ALLEN West Newton, Ind. Lawyer. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CARR Monticello, Ind. Lawyer. *FRANK COBURN DURHAM Died Dec. 4, 1909, at Indianapolis, Ind.; buried at Jamestown, Ind. MARION LUTHER GRIMES 1031 West Twenty-second St., Des Moines, Iowa. Auditor and Treasurer, Mutual Telephone Company. *JAMES JACKSON HOFFMEIER HAMILTON A.B., Lafayette College, 1891. Died Nov. 17, 1899, at Scranton, Pa. NOBLE JAY HAYS Scottsburg, Ind. Lawyer. FRANCIS MARION INGLER A.B., 1903; A.M., ibid., 1906. 820 N. Penn- sylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. WILLIAM MCNARY LOUDEN See A.B., 1891. ROBERT GRANT MILLER Bloomington, Ind. Lawyer. AUSTIN RETHERFORD Anderson, Ind. Lawyer. ILA HENDRICKS SAMPLE 4006 Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111. Law- yer. JAMES ELMER STEWABT English, Ind. Lawyer. Postmaster. WILLIAM SILAS TIPTON A.B., Leland Stanford Junior University, 1901. 632-3 Chamber of Commerce Building, Los Angeles, Cal. At pres- ent, Anaheim, Cal. Lawyer. JOHN RAWLINS WARD 824 State Life Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. *JAMES LONG WEAVER See A.B., 3892. Masters of Arts FRANCIS EZRA BREWER (Rom.) A.B., Cornell University, 1892. 41 Hamil- ton Ave., New Brighton, New York City. Teacher of Latin, Curtis High School. HARRIETT CASPAR (MRS. CHARLES AN- DREW RHETTS) (Hist.) See A.B., 1891. OSCAR CHRISMAN (Fed.) See A.B., 1888. HOMER H COOPER (Fed.) See A.B., 1891. ANNA MAY DEMAREE (Gk.) See A.B., 1892. ROBERT HESSLER (Zool.) See A.B., 1890. JESSE WESLEY HUBBARD (Zool.) See A.B., 1890. OLIVE MAY HUGHES (MRS. ROBERT GRANT MILLER) (Gen.) See A.B., 1892. LOUISE KATHARINE MATHERS (MRS. LLEWELLYN ALONZO RILEY) (Gen.) See A.B., 1892. *BESSIE ROGERS (MRS. JOE THOMAS GILES) (Gen.) See A.B., 1889. DAVID ANDREW ROTHROCK (Math.) See A.B., 1892. GLEN LEVIN SWIGGETT (Ger.) See A.B., 1888. EDWIN BURTON ULINE (Bot.) See A.B., 1892. ALBERT BRENNUS ULREY (Zool.) See A.B., 1892. DANIEL THOMAS WEIR (Math.) See A.B., 1891. ALBERT JEFFERSON WOOLMAN (Zool.) See A.B., 1891. Doctor of Philosophy *PHILIP HENRY KIRSCH (Biol.) See A.B,. 1888; A.M., 1889. 1894] List by Years 57 Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 63 3 66 Bachelors of Laws 12 3 15 Masters of Arts 15 1 16 Doctor of Philosophy. Oil Totals .... .90 8 98 1894 Bachelors of Arts BIRDS ALL ANDREWS (Bot.) "The Brown," 581 East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh St., New York City. Literary work. FRANCIS MARION ANDREWS (Bot.) A.M., 1895: Ph.D., University of Leipzig, 1902. Bloomington, Ind. Associate Professor of Botany, Indiana Univer- sity. MUNSON DARWIN ATWATER (La*.) 17 East Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. General Advertising and Publicity Agent, Central Union Telephone Com- pany. ARTHUR DOUGLAS BATCHELOB (Oer.) A.M., 1906; S.T.B., Boston University, 1899. Martinsville, Ind. Clergyman. FRANK ORMAN BECK (Gen.) S.T.B., Boston University, 1901; Ph.D., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1908. New Albany, Ind. Clergyman. BURTON BOWERS BERRY (Phil.) LL.B., Indiana Law School, 1898. Fow- ler, Ind. Lawyer. ROMULUS BOYD (Hist.) Russellville, Ind. Grain dealer. JOHN JACKSON BOYLE (Phil.) Columbus, Ind. Farmer. WALTER TOWNSEND BROWN (Hist.) A.M., 1899. Bloomfleld, Ind. Abstractor of Titles. Newspaper work. WILLIAM BRAZIL BROWN (Phil.) 219 Reliance Building, Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. JOSEPH CLIFFORD BUSH (Phil.) A.M., 1895. AMOS WILLIAM BUTLER (Zool.) A.M., 1900. 52 Downey Ave., Indianap- olis, Ind. Secretary, Indiana Board of State Charities. JAMES MORTON CALLAHAN (Hist.) A.M., 1895; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, 1897. Morgantown, W. Va. Professor of History and Political Science, West Virginia University. WILLIAM ELLSWORTH CLAPHAM (Phil.) LL.B., 1896. Columbia City, Ind. Law- yer. HARRY EVAN COBLENTZ (Eng.) A.M., Lake Forrest University, 1899. 673 Walker St., Milwaukee, Wis. Prin- cipal, South Division High School. HARRIET LAURA COCHRAN (MRS. ALON- zo S. MCDANIEL) (Eng.) A.M.. 1806. 2406 Eighteenth St., N. W., Washington, D. C. At present, 912 East Fourteenth St., Indianapolis, Ind. LEWIS CEDORAS CONN (Med.) WILLIAM DIXON CROW (Ger.) Petersburg, Ind. Editor. WILLIAM JOSIAH CUSHMAN (Ped.) A.M., 1901. Botolan, Zambalee, P. I. Supervising teacher. ESTELLE DALTON (MRS. HARRY WOOD- WARD MCDOWELL) (Lat.) Winamac, Ind. LEON WADE DINSMORE (Math.) B.S., Purdue University, 1902. Bloom- ington, Ind. Civil engineer. MARTHA WALKER DORSEY (Eng.) A.M., 1901. Princeton, Ind. At present, 304 East Monument St., Colorado Springs, Colo. Head of English De- partment, High School. FRANK CUMMINGS DUNCAN (Math.) Bloomington, Ind. Business man. REBECCA ESTELLE EMISON (Lat.) Vincennes, Ind. MATHILDE CHRISTINE FELBAUM (Ger.) M.S., Purdue University, 1902. Dayton, Ind. At present, Chippewa Falls, Wis. Teacher of English and German, High School. BERTHA FREESE (MRS. JAMES WILLIAM BAKER) (Hist.) 15 West Fifth St., S., Tulsa, Okla. OTTO GECKELER (Math.) Seale, Ala. At present, Walla Walla, Wash. Assistant Professor of Mathe- matics, Whitman College. JOE THOMAS GILES (Phys.) A.M., 1902. Marion, Ind. Superintend- ent of City Schools. *LOUISE ANN GOODBODY (Eng.) Died March 5, 1911, at Indianapolis, Ind. ; buried at Bloomington, Ind. ALEXANDER THOMAS GORDON (Chem.) Virginia, Minn. Chief Chemist, Oliver Iron Mining Co. ALICE LOUISE GREENE (Hist.) A.M., University of Louisville, 1908. New Albany, Ind. Teacher. ULYSSES JACKSON GRIFFITH (Ger.) Edmond, Okla. Vice-President, Central State Normal. LOLIA FLORENCE HAMILTON (MRS. OLI- VER MORTON STOUT) (Ger.) Avoca, Ind. JOSEPH LEWIS HARTER (Ped.) LL.B., University of Michigan, 1900; M.L., Ibid., 1901. Olivet, Mich. Law- yer. | WILLIAM FBANKLIN HEADLEY (Math.) Bloomington, Wis. Principal, High School. 58 Register of Graduates [1894 ARTHUR HEIRONYMUS (Hist.) M.D., Bellevue Hospital Medical College. 1897. 2510 Chester St., Alameda, Cal. Physician. MARK POWERS HELM (Bot.) Muncie, Ind. At present, Pueblo, Colo. Superintendent, Pueblo Water Supply and Power Co. * WILLIAM OSCAR HIATT (Zool.) Died Sept. 2, 1909, at Frankfort, Ind. LINNAEUS NEAL HINES (Math.) A.M., 1908. Crawfordsville, Ind. Super- intendent, City Schools. WALTER EMMITT HOTTEL (Econ.) LL.B., 1895. Bloomington, Ind. Law- yer. GEORGE MAXWELL HOWE (Ger.) Ph.D., Cornell University, 1901. 1811 North Nevada Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo. Professor of German, Colorado College. SYLVAN WALTER KAHN (Econ.) LL.B., University of Indianapolis, 1895. Main and Ninth Streets, Louisville. Ky. Secretary and Treasurer, Kahn Brothers. WILLIAM HENRY KELLY (Chem.) Times Building, Palo Alto, Cal. Editor. CHARLES TOBIAS KNIPP (Phys.) A.M., 1896; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1900. Urbana, 111. Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Illinois. JULIUS WILLIAM KNIPP (Hist.) LL.B., University of Michigan, 1891. 2140 Central Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Manufacturer. ARDA SALENA KNOX (Math.) 678 East Twenty-fourth St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics, Manual Training High School. ROBERT EDWIN LEATHEROCK (Chem.) Putnam, Okla. Physician. CLEMENT CHARLES LEMON (Bot.) A.M., University of Michigan, 1899. Sum- mit, Mississippi. At present, Camden. Ohio. Educational work. EVANGELINE ELIZABETH LEWIS (Math.) Pendleton, Ind. Teacher. MARY WHITE LINDLEY (Hist.) Lafayette, Ind. General Secretary, Char- ity Organization Society. ROBERT McKEE McDiLL (Math.) A.M., 1898. Fremont, Neb. Teacher of Mathematics, Fremont College. WlLHELMINA McMAHON (MRS. HUGO CHARLES ROTHERT) (Hist.) Huntingburg, Ind. CHARLOTTE NORTHCRAFT MALOTT (MRS. WILLIAM CARL KRUEGEL) (Lat.) 904 Thatuna St., Pullman, Wash. DICK MILLER (Econ.) 3130 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. Investmer* broker. * WILLIAM DENTON MILROY (Med.) M.D., College of Physicians and Sur- geons, 1900.' Died Jan. 22, 1907, at Lo- gansport, Ind. WILLIAM J MOENKHAUS (Zool.) A.M., 1895; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1903. Bloomington, Ind. Professor of Physiology, Indiana University. ROY HENDERSON PERRING (Ger.) A.M., 1896; Ph.D., University of Pennsyl- vania, 1905. Grinnell, Iowa. Seth Richards Professor of Modern Lan- guages, Grinnell College. ALBERTA PERRY (MRS. WILLIAM HENRY KELLY) (Rom.) Palo Alto, Cal. HENRY CHURCHILL PITCHER (Hist.) Lakeland, La. Sugar planter. LEILA JANE RAMSEY (MRS. CLEMENT CHARLES LEMON) (Med.) Summit, Miss. At present, Camden, Ohio. JEREMIAH MILTON RHODES (Math.) A.M., Harvard University, 1898. Keene, N. H. Principal, New Hampshire State Normal School. GEORGE LUCAS ROBERTS (Bot.) A.M., Columbia University, 1911. La- fayette, Ind. Professor of Education, Purdue University. * MARGARET ATKINSON ROBERTS (MRS. WILLIAM ELMER HENRY) (Gk.) Died Aug. 20, 1900, at Indianapolis, Ind. *LOUISE COOKERLY ROGERS (Lat.) A.M., 1897. Died Nov. 11, 1898, at In- dianapolis, Ind. EDWARD SAUNDERS (Gk.) Geraldton, West Australia. Clergyman. GEORGE LAWRENCE SCHERGER (Ger.) Ph.D., Cornell University, 1899. 6727 Perry Ave., Chicago, 111. Professor of History and Political Science, Armour Institute of Technology. JOHN ANDREW SHAFER (Hist.) A.M., 1895; M.Ped., Buffalo University, 1898. 3725 North Illinois St., Indian- apolis, Ind. Civil engineer. THURSTON SMITH (Hist.) A.M., 1896; M.D., University of Illinois, 1899. Bloomington, Ind. Physician. EMMA BELLE STEVENSON (Ger.) A.M., 1898. Bloomington, Ind. At pres- ent, 18, Nineteenth Century Club, Memphis, Tenn. Stenographer. LEWIS ELMER STUTESMAN (Econ.) Campbell, Mo. Manufacturer. CHARLES SWAIN THOMAS (Eng.) A.M., 1895. A.B.. Harvard University, 1897. West Newton, Mass. Teacher of English, High School. * ARNOLD TSCIIUDY (Ger.) Died Sept. 13, 1893, near Rochester, Ind. 1895] List by Years 59 CHARLES JEFFERSON WAITS (Math.) A.M., University of Illinois, 1900. 1940 N. Tenth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Prin- cipal, Wiley High School. WILLIAM MOORMAN WALDSCHMIDT (Econ.) LL.B., 1902. Canneltou, Ind. Lawyer. City Attorney. PETER A YODER (Chem.) A.M., 1896; Ph.D., University of Goet- tiugen, 1901. 6119 Patton St., New Or- leans, La. Chemist aud teacher. ELI DEMING ZARING (Econ.) LL.B., 1896. Indianapolis, Ind. At pres- ent, 236 West Seventy-sixth St., New York City. Cable Editor of the United Press. OSCAR BAKER ZELL (Zool.) Cayuga, Ind. Lawyer. Bachelors of Laws EDWARD GEORGE ADANK A.B., 1895. 336-7 Copp Building, Los Angeles, Cal. Lawyer. OTTO TAD CAILOR Anaheim, Cal. Lawyer. FRANKLIN ABRAHAM CROOKE Chadbourn, N. C. Traveling salesman. FRANK COFFROTH DAILEY Bluffton, Ind. Lawyer. GEOGRE BURGESS DAVIS North Salem, Ind. Cashier, North Salem Bank. CHARLES LESTER FLESHMAN 1170 Lafayette Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Lawyer. JAMES WILLIAM FORTUNE Jeffersonville, Ind. Lawyer. City At- torney. FINLEY GEIGER Hartford City, Ind. Merchant. JOHN EDWARD KELLY See A.B., 1892. ERNEST RALPH ODLE See A.B., 1893. WILLIAM REISTER 103 Campbell St., Evansville, Ind. Law- yer. GOULD GRANT RHEUBY 908 Van Buren St., Wilmington, Del. Lawyer. THOMAS JUDSON SARE Bloomington, Ind. Lawyer. CHARLES BURRELL SHIMER Covington, Ky. Lawyer. WILLIAM HOVEY STOUT A.B., 1899. 2228 N. Capitol Ave., Indian- apolis, Ind. Manager, Central Lyceum Bureau. LEWIS TAYLOR Newburgh, Ind. Farmer. KERR TRAYLOR Jasper, Ind. Lawyer. . CLIFTON C UTTER Lebanon, Ind. Manufacturer. MARY ELIZABETH (HUNTER) VAN NUYS (MRS THOMAS CHARLTON VAN NUYS) 502 Terry Ave., Seattle. Wash. Masters of Arts EMMA RACHEL CLARK (MRS. THOMAS BUCKINGHAM GARY) (Gen.) A.B., Earlbana College, 1881. Rushville, Ind. JAMES HENRY HAMILTON (Gen.) LL.B., University of Cincinnati, 1887; B.S., Hanover College, 1885; A.M., ibid., 1897; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1896. City Club, New York City. Sociologist. BERTHA ELIZABETH HAWKINS (Fed.) See A.B., 1891. CALVIN SNYDER HOOVER (Hist.) See A.B., 1893. ADELIA (ROBERTS) HORNBROOK (MRS. RICHARDS SAUNDERS HORNBROOK) (Fed.) See A.B., 1893. CHARLES CLOVIS KRAUSKOPF (Gen.) See A.B., 1893. ERNEST HIRAM LINDLEY (Phil.) See A.B., 1893. ELIZABETH ELEANOR MIDDLETON (Gk.) See A.B., 1893. * SAMPSON CELONIS PHIPPS (Math.) See A.B., 1893. FREDERICK CLEVELAND TEST (Zool.) See A.B., 1889. GRACE HELEN WOODBURN (MRS. CHARLES E. TORRENCE) (Lat.) See A.B., 1885. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 71 6 77 Bachelors of Laws 19 19 Masters of Arts 10 1 11 Totals .. .100 7 107 1895 Bachelors of Arts EDWARD GEORGE ADANK (Hist.) See LL.B., 1894. MARY BELLE ARDERY (Hist.) Greeusburg, Ind. LEVI GORDON BATMAN (Hist.) Youngstown, Ohio. Clergyman. Register of Graduates [1896 OLIVE BATMAN (MBS. JAMES BOLIVEB DUNCAN) (Hist.) Bedford, Ind. JAMES MCNEAL BLACKFORD (Soc.) LL.B., 1898. Lewistown, Mont. Lawyer. EDITH CLEMENTINE BBAMHALL (Hist.) A.M., University of Pennsylvania, 1896; Ph.D.. ibid., 1898. Michigan City, Ind. At present, Rockford, 111. Professor of History, Rockford College. CLAUDE BRANT (Phil.) D.D.S., Northwestern University, 1902. Ft. Scott, Kan. Dentist. KENNETH WARD BREWER (Phil.) Southport, Ind. Northwestern repre- sentative of the Waverly Automobile Company. EDGAR DANIEL BUSH (Hist.) 3202 Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Stock and bond broker. * JOSEPH MICHAEL CARLTON (Rom.) Died July 22, 1898, at Denver, Colo. * WILLIS PERRONET CHAMBERLIN (Eng.) Died March 2, 1895, at Bloomington, Ind. HENRY NICHOLAS COFFMAN (Phil.) A.M., 1896. Cloverdale, Ind. Farmer and stock raiser. FRANK HALL COLYER (Hist.) Carbondale, 111. Teacher of Geography, Southern Illinois State Normal School. CHARLES EMMET COMPTON (Hist.) LL.B., University of Indianapolis, 1896. 1115 Lipan St., Denver, Colo. Clerk, Office Secretary of State. Lawyer. MARY ELIZABETH Cox (Soc.) Elwood, Ind. Teacher of Geography and Physiology, Public Schools. WILLIAM BRATTON CREAGER (Chem.) 1414 East Seventeenth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Real estate broker. JOHN MORTON CULVER (Phil) A.M., Cornell University, 1900. 507 Jef- ferson Ave., Evansville, Ind. Super- vising Principal, Campbell School. LINCOLN OGILVIE DALE (Soc.) Berkeley, Cal. Real estate and mining. MINNIE BLANCHE ELLIS (Hist.) A.M., 1905. Valparaiso, Ind. At pres- ent, Superintendent, Tangier (Ind.) Schools. WILLIAM HARRIS ELSON (Phil.) Cleveland, Ohio. Superintendent, City Schools. KATHARINE EVANS (MRS. LEWIS SPEN- CER EATON) (Phil) 4168 Clarendon Ave., Chicago, 111. JAMES CALVIN FARIS (Phil) Mitchell, Ind. Lawyer. Member of Gen- eral Assembly. ARISTENE (NOYES) FELTS (MRS. GEORGE FRANKLIN FELTS) (Soc.) 282 Bancroft Ave., Portland, Ore. ORVILLE P FOREMAN (Hist.) 816 State Life Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Real estate dealer. WILLIAM HENRY FOREMAN (Phil.) M.D.. Central College of Physicians and Surgeons, (now Indiana University School of Medicine), 1902. 405 East Sixteenth St., Indianapolis, Ind. Phy- sician. Professor of Therapeutics, In- diana University School of Medicine. ADDISON LUTHER FULWIDER (Hist.) A.M., 1905. Freeport, 111. Principal, High School. IDA MAY FULWIDER (MRS. WALTER EM- MITT HOTTEL) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. ALMA MIRIAM GETTY (Hist.) Anderson, Ind. Teacher. ALFRED BERTRAM GUTHRIE (Phil.) Choteau, Mont. Publisher. WILLIAM DAYTON HAMER (Phil.) LL.B., 1896. Huntington, Ind. Lawyer. City Attorney. *EDWIN POLLOCK HAMMOND, JR. (Chem.) LL.B., 1897. Died Dec. 25, 1899, at Roachdale, Ind. ULYSSES SHERMAN HANNA (Mat h.) A.M., 1898; Ph.D., University of Penn- sylvania, 1905. Bloomington, Ind. As- sociate Professor of Mathematics, In- diana University. City Engineer. * WILLIAM RAYMOND HARBISON (Phys.) Died Oct. 8, 1896, at Bloomington, Ind. *NOBLE HARTER (Phil) A.M., 1896. Died Feb. 23, 1907, at South Pasadena, Cal. BAYLESS HARVEY (Soc.) LL.B., 1896. Paoli, Ind. Lawyer. Pub- lisher. NORVAL CHASE HEIRONIMUS (Hist.) Richmond, Ind. Principal, Garfleld School. ERNEST OTTO HOLLAND (Eng.) Louisville, Ky. Superintendent, City Schools.. ELLA (LOWE) HOWARD (MRS. JOSEPH HENRY HOWARD) (Ger.) Vermillion, S. D. MONTA KELSO (MRS. CHARLES SEELEY DUNNING) (Math.) 31 Havenwood Road, Tompkinsville, New York City. ANNA LANE (MRS. WILLIAM E LIN- GELBACH) (Hist.) A.M., 1896. 246 South Forty-fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa. FLORA LOVE (Eng.) Ph.M., Cornell University, 1896. 1703 Tal- bott Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of English, Shortridge High School. HARRY WOODWARD MCDOWELL (Hist.) Winamac, Ind. Lawyer. City Attorney. JOHN EDWARD MCGILVREY (Phil) Macomb, 111. Director of Education, Western Illinois State Normal School. 1885[ List by Years 61 CLAUDE GUTHRIE MALOTT (Phil.) LL.B., 1899. Bloouiiugton, Ind. Law- yer. ELIAS RANARD MASON (Math.) M.D., Central College of Physicians and Surgeous, (now Indiana University School of Medicine), 1905. Bloomfield, Ind. Physician and surgeon. CHRISTIAN HENRY MAUNTEL (Hist.) Alva, Okla. Lawyer. IRVING WAGNER METZ (Chem.) M.D., College of Physicians and Sur- feons, 1900. 624 South Walnut St., pringfield, 111. Surgeon. EDWARD JOSEPH MEUNIER (Rom.) 631 North Pine St., Indianapolis, Ind. Bookkeeper. ELLA LYDIA MILLIS (MRS. ULYSSES SHERMAN HANNA) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind HARRY ALVIN MILLIS (Soc.) A.M.. 1896; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1900. Stanford University, Cal. Pro- fessor of Economics, Leland Stanford Junior University. CATHARINE BELLE MILLS (MRS. JOHN WILFRED BROOMELL) (Hist.) R. F. D. 1, Santa Ana, Cal. JOHN JACOB MITCHELL (Math.) Logansport, Ind. Principal, High School. ALPHEUS WILBERFORCE MOON (Phil.) A.M., Columbia University, 1905. Swarth- more, Pa. Life insurance. MARY GREY MORGAN (MRS. FRANCIS EZRA BREWER) (Phil.) 41 Hamilton Ave., New Brighton, N. Y. MARCELLUS NEAL (Math.) BENJAMIN AURELIUS OGDON (Phil.) 1707 N. Eighth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Teacher of English, Wiley High School NORMAL VOORHEES PATTERSON (Chem.) New Salem, Ind. Farmer. Teacher. WILLIAM VOORHEES PAYNE (Phys.) A.M., 1896. Bloomington, Ind. At pres- ent, Superintendent Paoli (Ind.) Schools. ADELAIDE PERRY (MRS. JOHN FLESHER NEWSOM (Ok.) Palo Alto, Cal. ROLLA ROY RAMSEY (Phys.) A.M., 1898; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1901. Bloomington, Ind. Associate Professor of Physics, Indiana Univer- sity. WILLIAM PERRY ROGERS (Hist.) See LL.B., 1892. MARIAN RONDTHAI.ER (MRS. ALBERT COOLEY FULTON) (Lat.) 42 James St., Newark, N. J. THOMAS E SANDERS (Ped.) Racine, Wis. Supervising Principal, Washington School. WILLIAM HENRY SANDERS (Phil.) A.M., 1896. LaCrosse, Wis. Supervisor of Practice, State Normal School. ERNEST WILLIAM SEARS (Rom.) Vienna, 111. At present, Winchester, 111. Clergyman. FBANK DARIUS MUNSON SIMONS (Chem.) M.S., Columbia University (now George Washington University), 1897. Cathe- dral Apartments, Baltimore, Md. An- alytical Chemist, United States Custom Service. EDWARD FINLEY SMITH (Chem.) Vevay, Ind. At present, Perryville, Ky. Cashier of Peoples' Bank. EDWARD CARLETON TONER (Hist.) Anderson, Ind. Editor and publisher. BOMAR TRAYLOR (Soc.) LL.B., Indiana Law School, 1898. Jas- per, Ind. Lawyer. State Senator. *DUDLEY NOBLE VANCE (Phys.) Died May 14, 1900, at Phoenix, Ariz. JAMES THEODORE VOSHELL (Phys.) B.S., Purdue University, 1906. Office, Public Roads, Washington, D. C. U. S. Highway engineer. ELLA L. YAKEY (Ger.) Bloomfield, Ind. Court reporter. CLARENCE ARTHUR ZARING (Soc.) LL.B., 1896. Basin, Wyo. Lawyer. Bachelors of Laws CHARLES ALFRED BAINUM B.S., Southern Illinois College, 1892. Bicknell, Ind. Cashier, First National Bank. COURTLAND PRENTICE DuCOMB South Bend, Ind. Lawyer. EDGAR DURRE 816 Adams Ave., Evansvllle, Ind. Law- yer. State Senator. JAMES THOMAS GARRETSON 10H N. Fifth St., Springfield, 111. Law- yer. JOHN EDWARD GARVER Filer, Idaho. Clergyman. Lawyer. City Attorney. FRANK Louis GASS 304 Keystone Bldg., Joplin, Mo. Real estate and loans. CHARLES LEWIS GEBAUEE 6965 Broadway, Cleveland, O. Secretary- Treasurer, Gebauer Chemical Company. WILLIAM PASSLEY GUTHRIE B.S., Southern Illinois College, 1894 Twin Falls, Idaho. Lawyer. WILLIA-M WALLACE HOLMES See A.B., 1889. WALTER EM MITT HOTTEL See A.B., 1894. JAMES MARSHALL JONES Nashville, Ind. Lawyer. 62 Register of Graduates [1896 GENEVIEVE WRIGHT KELLEY Hillsdale, Mich. HARRY RUSH WORTH KUREIE Rensselaer, Ind. General Attorney, Chi cago, Indianapolis and Louisville Rail- way Company. ALOKZO H LINDLEY Kiugman, Ind. Farmer. MABEL LAVONIA MILLER Bloomington, Ind. I SHAM TAYLOR See A.B., 1893. JESSE EVERETTE WILSON Rensselaer, Ind. Lawyer. CURTIS M WISE 401 South Lee St., Fitzgerald, Ga. Pro- bate Judge. Masters of Arts FRANCIS MARION ANDREWS (Bot.) See A.B., 1894. CHARLES HENRY BEESON (Lat.) See A.B., 1893. JOSEPH CLIFFORD BUSH (Phil.) See A.B., 1894. JAMES MORTON CALLAHAN (Hist.) See A.B., 1894. CHARLES OSCAR CHAMBERS (Phil.) See A.B., 1891. JOHN BROOKIE F AUGHT (Math.) See A.B. 1893. LURA GRIMES (MRS. ROBERT SEARS ANDERSON) (Eng.) See A.B., 1893. THOMAS LEGRAND HARRIS (Hist.) See A.B., 1892. WILLIAM J MOENKHAUS (Zodl.) See A.B^ 1894. GEORGE DAVIS MORRIS (Rom.) See A.B., 1890. WILLIAM STEWART PINKERTON (Qk.) See A.B., 1891. WILLIAM A RAWLES (Hist.) See A.B., 1884. JOHN ANDREW SHAFER (Gen.) See A.B., 1894. DAVID THOMAS STEPHENSON (Soc.) See A.B., 1893. CHARLES SWAIN THOMAS (Eng.) See A.B.,, 1894. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 67 6 73 Bachelors of Laws 18 18 Masters of Arts... 15 15 Totals 100 106 1896 Bachelors of Arts JOHN FRANKLIN BOESINGER (Econ.) LL.B., 1897. 706 State Life Building, In- dianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. OSCAR HERMAN BOGUE (Ger.) Spiceland, Ind. Farmer. HARVEY ALBERT BORDNER (Chem.) Malolos, Bulacan, P. I. Superintendent of Schools. GEORGETTA BOWMAN (MRS. JOE THOMAS GILES) (Hist.) Marion, Ind. EMMETT FOREST BRANCH (Hist.) Martinsville, Ind. Lawyer. ELIAS BREWER (Eng.) North Vernon, Ind. At present, Princi- pal, Butlerville (Ind.) High School. ROBERT CLARKSON BROOKS (E'con.) Ph.D., Cornell University, 1903. 367 Ter- race Ave., Clifton, Cincinnati, O. Pro- fessor of Political Science, University of Cincinnati. MARTHA ELIZABETH BROWN (Eng.) Daytona, Fla. Principal, Holly Hill School. FRED MORTON CHAMBERLAIN (Zool.) Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, D. C. Naturalist, U. S. Fisheries, Steamer Al- batross. HOWARD WALTON CLARK (Bot.) A.M., 1902. Fisheries Biological Station, Fairport, Iowa. Biologist, U. S. Bu- reau of Fisheries. STELLA LENORE COLE (Ger.) Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1901. Jacksonville, 111. Professor of German and French, Illinois College. CHARLES H COPELAND (Bot.) A.M., 1897. Fairmount, Ind. Superin- tendent of Schools. ROSE MARIAN Cox (Eng.) A.M., Cornell University, 1904. 659 Mul- berry Street, Terre Haute, Ind. Teach- er of German, Indiana State Normal School. HARRY VICTOR CRAIG (Hist.) Noblesville, Ind. Assistant in post office. *MARIE DUNLAP (Hist.) Died Jan. 15, 1897, at Lebanon, Ind. * PRESTON EMMANUEL EAGLESON (Phil.) A.M., 1906. Died Aug. 11, 1911, at Bloorn- iugtou, Ind. HORACE ELLIS (Fed.) A.M., University of Indianapolis, 1897; Ph.D., American University, 1903. Vincennes, Ind. President, Yinceunes University. GEORGE FERRIMAN, JR. (Chem.) 309-310 Beals Building, Kansas City, Mo. At present, Albion, 111. Traveling salesman. 1896] List by Years 63 ANNETTE EFFIE KLEOBA FERRIS (Phil.) A.M., University of Colorado, 1900. El Monte, Cal. Teacher. GUY HARLAN FITZGERALD (Chem.) M.D., Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1898. Capote Hospital. Cananea, Sonora, Mex. Physician. STELLA ROBINSON Fox (Hist.) Lafayette, Ind. At present, Forest Glen, Md. Regent, National Park Seminary. CORDELIA FOY (Eng.) Peekskill, N. Y. At present, Kemper Hall, Kenosha, Wis. BLANCHE KATHERINE FREEMAN (Eng.) Palo Alto, Cal. Teacher of English. High School. AUSTIN FUNK (Zool.) M.D., University of Louisville, 1900. Jeffersonville, Ind. Physician. WILLIAM ALEXANDER FURR (Hist.) A.M., 1897. Jacksonville, 111. Superin- tendent of Schools. WILLIS LLOYD GARD (Phil.) A.M., 1907; Ph.D., Clark University, 1908. Athens, O. Professor of Education, Ohio University. THEODORE WHITTIEB GARRISON (Gk.) Danville, Ind. Lumber dealer. CAROLYN MOODY DAVIDSON GERRISH (Eng.) 319 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass. Teacher of English, High School, Dor- chester District. ALLEN WILLIAM GIFFORD (Chem.) M.D., Central College of Physicians and Surgeons, (now Indiana University School of Medicine), 1901. Tipton, Ind. Physician and surgeon. ELEANOR PEARL GRIMES (MRS. JAMES HENRY WRIGHT) (Hist.) Myrsvale. Pa. JOHN DAVID GROVES (Math.) Rome, Ind. Farmer. PAUL HENRY GRUMMANN (Oer.) A.M., 1900. 1930 Washington St., Lin- coln, Neb. Professor of Modern Ge.r- man Literature, University of Ne- braska. AMOS WILSON GULICK (Hist.) Decatur, Ind. Farmer. OSCAR CHARLES HAAS (Zool.) Mt. Vernon, Ind. At present, Culpepper, Va. Secretary and Treasurer, Colony Development Company, (Inc.) JOHN FREMONT HAINES (Hist.) Noblesville, Ind. Superintendent, Hamil- ton County Schools. WILLIAM ALBERT HAMILTON (Math.) A.M., 1899; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1903. Beloit, Wis. Professor of Mathe- matics and Astronomy, Beloit College. JOHN HENRY HENKE (der.) 506 Jefferson Ave., Evansville, Ind. Supervisor of German, Public Schools. *FLORA BELLE HERR (MRS. IVAN I. YODER) (Eng.) A.M., Western Reserve University, 1898. Died February 5, 1911, at Cleveland, O. ABEL JACOB HICKS (Math.) 639 East Market St., Indianapolis, Ind. Accountant. EDWARD EVERETT HINDMAN (Chem.) LL.B., University of Michigan, 1898. Jackson, Miss. Lawyer. HENRY SHERMAN HIPPENSTEEL (Phil.) A.M., Earlham College, 1905. Stevens Point, Wis. Professor of Method and Observation, State Normal School. LUCY JOSEPHINE HUNTER (Oer.) Bloomington, Ind. Teacher. WILES ROBERT HUNTER (Econ.) Highland Farm, Noroton Heights, Conn. Editorial writer. JOHN HOLM AN JOHNSTON (Eng.) Greencastle, Ind. Civil engineer. Super- intendent of Construction, National Concrete Co. FANNY MARIA JONES (MRS. WILBUR JONES KAY) (Phil.) Washington, Pa. CHANCEY JUDAY (Zool.) A.M., 1897. 308 Breese Terrace, Madison, Wis. Lecturer, University of Wiscon- sin. Biologist, Geological and Natural History Survey. EDWIN KAHL (Lat.) New Albany, Ind. Teacher. WALTER MCCULLOUGH KERN (Hist.) A.M., 1909. Ellendale, N. D. President, State Normal Industrial School. CHARLES IRVING KERR (Hist.) A.M., 1906. Bay Point, Cal. Merchant. ABRAHAM JOSEPH KING (Hist.) M.D., Indiana Medical College, 1907. 924 West Twenty-fifth St., Indianap- olis, Ind. Physician. OTTO PAUL KLOPSCH (Oer.) A.M., 1909. 213 Windom St., Peoria, 111. Head of German Department, High School. CONRAD E. KREMP (Hist.) 193 Bushville Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Treasurer, brewing company. ANDREW CREAMOR LIFE (Bot.) A.M., 1897. 1370 West Thirty-sixth Place, Los Angeles, Cal. Assistant Professor of Botany, University of Southern California. EUNICE ELIZABETH LITTLE (MRS. MON- ROE BUSH) (Hist.) Lebanon. Ind. CORA ROSETTA LOEHR (MRS. ELIAS RANARD MASON) (Ger.) Bloomfield, Ind. 64 Register of Graduates [1896 WILLIAM LINCOLN MCMILLEN (Eng.) 215 E. Woodland Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. Head of Department of English, High School. ALFRED ELMER MALSBARY (Phil) Remington, Ind. At present, New Rich- mond, Ind. Grain dealer. Telephone business. Farmer. KATE MITCHELL MEEK (Math.) Hlcksville, Ohio. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Fort Scott (Kan.) High School. ALICE MERTZ (MRS. B. C. STEVENS) (Phil.) Burnetts Creek, Ind. At present, 5534 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. Student. OSCAR MARION MEYNCKE (Bot.) North Emporia, Va. Horticulturist. DANIEL KIRKWOOD MIERS (Hist.) LL.B., 1897. 1142 American Trust Build- ing, Chicago, 111. Building stone broker. CHARLES ARCHER MILLER (Chem.) M.D., College of Physicians and Sur- geons, 1905 Princeton, Ind. Physi- cian and surgeon. GEORGE HENRY MINGLE (Phil.) Anderson, Ind. Insurance and real es- tate. *DORA MITCHELL (Phil.) Died May 17, 1911, at Oshkosh, Wis.; buried at Scottsburg, Ind. WILLIAM A MYERS (Hist.) A.M., 1899. Hartford City, Ind. Super- intendent of Schools. JAMES FRANKLIN ORGAN (Hist.) Vincennes, Ind. Traveling salesman, Houghton, Mifflin & Co. HENCE IRWIN ORME (Ger.) Greenwood, Ind. Farmer. CHARLES AUGUSTUS PETERSON (Phys.) Danville, Ind. At present, McPherson, Kan. Instructor in Mathematics and Physics, Walden College. OSCAR MORTON PITTENGER (Hist.) Frankfort, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. JAMES EDWARD RAIBOURN (Eng.) Waterloo, 111. Superintendent of Schools. VIBGINIA RANDOLPH (MRS. JESSE P. EMERSON) (La*.) B.S., Union Christian College, 1890. Cynthiana, Ind. WILLIAM REDMOND (Hist.) 701 Prairie Ave., Joliet, 111. Manufac- turer. LEO FREDERICK RETTGER (Chem.) A.M., 1897; Ph.D., Yale University, 1902. 370 Edgewood Ave., New Haven, Conn. Assistant Professor of Bacteriology and Hygiene, Sheffield Scientific School, Yale University. FLORENCE BELLE ROBINETT (Chem.) Charlestown, Ind. Teacher. FLORA ANN ROBINSON (Phil.) Greenwood, Ind. At present. 5702 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111. Teacher. MARTIN WASHINGTON ROTHERT (Lat.) A.M., 1904. 1207 Hustis Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. Teacher. JOHN WILKES SHEPHERD (Chem.) A.M., 1898. 1443 East Sixty-sixth St., Chicago, 111. Head of Department of Science, Chicago Teachers' College. HELENE SLACK (Rom.) Morristown, N. J. Teacher. WILLIAM Z. SMITH (Phil.) Alva, Okla. Vice-President, Professor of Pedagogy and Director of Training School, Normal School. CORA ADELFA SNYDER (Bot.) Anderson, Ind. Teacher of English, High School. CARLOTTA GERTRUDE SPENCER (Eng.) 510 Iglehart Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Teacher, Benjamin Drew School. URBANA SPINK (Ger.) M.D., Woman's Medical College of Penn- sylvania, 1899. 1140 E. Market St., In- dianapolis, Ind. Physician. OTIS GRANT STANTON (Eng.) 4415 Georgia Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. Clerk, Library, Department of State. NATHANIEL, WRIGHT STEPHENSON (Eng.) 11 Church St., Charleston, S. C. Pro- fessor of History, College of Charles- ton. WELLMAN THRUSH (Lat.) Wabash, Ind. Farmer. JESSIE TRAYLOR (MRS. LUTHER MARION GRIMES) (Hist.) 1031 Twenty-second St., Des Moines, Iowa. ROBERT AMOS TROTH (Ped.) Orleans, Ind. Druggist. Fruit grower. SYLVESTER MAHLON UNGER (Ger.) LL.B., University of Indianapolis, 1898. 2219 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. JOSEPH H VORIS (Zool.) Woodbine, Iowa. Teacher. CHARLES EDGAR WHITE (Math.) A.M., 1907. Buckhannon, W. Va. Pro- fessor of Mathematics, West Virginia Wesleyan College. PAUL WILKIE (Ped.) A.M., 1896. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Teacher. CARL EDWARD WOOD (Econ.) 513 Traction Terminal Building, Indian- apolis, Ind. Lawyer. EDITH BELLE WRIGHT (MRS. JAMES MATTS) (Gk.) Brazoria, Texas. MATHILDE ZWICKER (MBS. OTTO PAUL KLOPSCH) (Ger.) 213 Wlndom St., Peoria, 111. 1897 List by Years 65 Bachelors of Laws CLAUDIUS CAESAR BALL Muncle, Ind. Lawyer. CHARLES THOMAS BENNETT LL.M., University of Texas, 1899. Paw- huska, Okla. County Judge. JAMES ROLL BROWN Sullivan, Ind. Lawyer. WILLIAM ELLSWORTH CLAPHAM See A.B., 1894. HERDIS FREDERICK CLEMENTS Mt. Vernon, Ind. Judge, Eleventh Judi- cial Circuit. CHARLES ARCHELAUS COFFEY Petersburg, Ind. Assistant Principal, High School. WALTER WILSON FRENCH See A.B., 1891. WILLIAM DAYTON HAMER See A.B., 1895. JOHN GOODMAN HARRIS Bloomington, Ind. Lawyer. Mayor of City. BAYLESS HARVEY See A.B., 1895. JOHN HENRY KAMMAN Seymour, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN HARVEY LUCKETT English, Ind. Lawyer. FRANK CURTIS PEARSE North Liberty, Ind. Real estate. Insur- ance. Merchandise. HENRY HARRISON PRINCE Brownstown, Ind. Lawyer. OMER B RATCLIFF A.M., 1896; A.B., Union Christian College, . Covington, Ind. Lawyer. ALBERT ELLERSBY SPICELY 509$ West Vermont St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. DAVID SPENCER TAYLOR Ligonier, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN CALVIN TEEGARDEN Anderson, Ind. Lawyer. ARTHUR DENMAN WASMUTH Andrews, Ind. Lumber merchant. CLARENCE ARTHUR ZARING See A.B., 1895 ELI DEMING ZARING See A.B., 1894. Masters of Arts OLIVER W BROWN (Chem.) B.S., Earlham College, 1895. Blooming- ton, Ind. Associate Professor of Chemistry, Indiana University. HARRIET LAURA COCHRAN (Eng.) See A.B., 1894. ft] HENRY NICHOLAS COFFMAN (Phil.) See A.B., 1895. *NOBLE BARTER (Phil) See A.B., 1895. (CHARLES TOBIAS KNIPP (Phys.) See A.B., 1894. ANNA LANE (MRS. WILLIAM E. LINGLE- BACK) (Hist.) See A.B., 1895. ZENAS BELDEN LEONARD (Phil.) See A.B., 1893. HARRY ALVIN MILLIS (Econ.) See A.B., 1895. DANIEL LAWRENCE PEACOCK (Hist.) B.L., Earlham College, 1895. Richmond, Ind. At present, 35 Fourth Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher of Commer- cial Geography and History, New York City High School. OMER B RATCLIFF (Math.) See LL.B., 1896. WILLIAM HENRY SANDERS (Phil.) See A.B., 1895. THURSTON SMITH (Hist.) See A.B., 1894. PAUL WILKIE (Hist.) See A.B., 1896. PETER A YODER (Chem.) See A.B., 1894. Summary Living- Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 91 3 94 Bachelors of Laws.... 21 21 Masters of Arts 13 1 14 Totals .125 ~4 129 1897 Bachelors of Arts WILLIAM ABEL (Math.) 144 Adams St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Clerk, Civil Service Commission. LENORA MAY ALEXANDER (MRS. AMOS BLACKLIDGE ) (Zool.) Rushville, Ind. EVA ONETA ALLEN (Bot.) Bloomington, Ind. CHARLES ELLSWORTH ATKINSON (Ped.) Fairmount, Ind Author. CURTIS ATKINSON (Chem.) M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1900. Fort Collins, Colo. Physician. CLARENCE ARTHUR BALDWIN (Chem.) M.D., Homeopathic Medical College of Missouri, 1899. Peru, Ind. Physician. WILLIAM DENNIS BARTLE (Ok.) Corydon, Ind. Clergyman. 66 Register of Graduates 1897 OLIVE BEROTII (MRS. WILLIAM BENJA- MIN FLOYD) (Ger.) A.M., 1899. 1676 Adams St., Denver, Colo. HERMAN CLAUDE BERRY (Math.) B.S., Purdue University, 1902. Lans- downe, Pa. Assistant Professor of Ma- terials of Construction, University of Pennsylvania. ETTILLA BETHEL (MRS. WALTER ED- MOND NICHOLS) (Rom.) A.M., Leland Stanford Junior University, 1900. Pasadena, Cal. MARTHA ALLWINA BIEGLER (Phil.) 551 Rush St.. Chicago, 111. Compositor. *EDGAR ALLEN BINFORD (Econ.) Died Sept. 8, 1903, at Atlanta, Ga. ANTON THEOPHILUS BOISEN (Ger.) M.F., Yale Forest School, 1905. Bloom- ington, Ind. At present, Presbyterian Home Mission Board, 156 Fifth Ave., New York City. Clergyman. WILLIAM FLOYD BRITTSON (Hist.) 102 Reiger Ave., Dallas, Texas. Office Manager and Credit Man, W. A. Greene & Co. GEORGE HENRY CARTER (Ghem.) Orleans, Ind. Banker. OMAR CASWELL (Ghem.) Mascontah, 111. Superintendent of Schools. CHARLES ROBERTSON CLARKE (Ghem.) A.M., 1907; M.D., ibid., 1909. Auburn, Ind. Physician. ANNA BROCKMANN COLLINS (Eng.) A.M., 1909. 14 N. Chester Ave., Indian- apolis, Ind. At present, Instructor in English, Indiana University, Bloom- ington, Ind. NINA COLTRIN (Zool.) R. F. D. 5, Terre Haute, Ind. Primary teacher, West Terre Haute Schoqls. JOTILDA CONKLIN (Ger.) A.M., 1904. Bloomington, Ind. Instruct- or in French, Indiana University. EDWARD CONRADI (Ped.) A.M., 1898; Ph.D., Clark University, 1904. Tallahassee, Fla. President, Florida State College for Women. JOHN WILLIAM CRAVENS (Hist.) Bloomington, Ind. Registrar, Purchas- ing Agent, and Secretary to the Board of Trustees, Indiana University. FRANK LINDEN CRONE (Hist.) Kendallvllle, Ind. At present, Manila, P. I. Assistant Director of Education for the Philippines. MAY ALICE CURTIS (Phil.) Bluffton, Ind. At present, teaching Latin and English in Ligonier (Ind.) High School. LILA CURTIS (Math.) Bluffton, Ind. ELMER PERRY DODD (Phil.) Hermiston, Ore. Business. WERTER DAVID DODD (Eng.) Bellingham, Wash. Editor. JOHN WALTER DUNN (Math.) 534 American Central Life Building, In- dianapolis, Ind. State Manager, In- diana Young Peoples' Reading Circle. CARL ELBERT ENDICOTT (Hist.) Andrews, Ind. Banker. DELLA JULIA EVANS (Eng.) 1452 Upper Second St., Evansville, Ind. THOMAS FRANCIS FITZGIBBON (Phil.) Columbus, Ind. Superintendent of City Schools. Secretary, Columbus Associ- ated Charities. Secretary, Bartholo- mew County Board of Children's Guardians. SIDNEY KEITH GANIARD (Hist.) Lagrange, Ind. Lawyer. GEORGE WILSON GAYLEB (Ped.) Canton, 111. Superintendent of Schools. HARRY RICHARD GERS (Ger.) Washington, Ind. At present, Head of Physics Department, Louisville (Ky.) Male High School. FRANCIS MARION HAMILTON (Phil.} A.M., 1901; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1908. 406 West One Hundred and Twenty-fourth St., New York City. Teacher of Psychology, New York Training School for Teachers. ANNA LEORA HANCOCK (Ger.) Tulsa, Okla. At present, teacher of Latin, Coffeyvllle (Kan.) High School. JAMES ROBERT HART (Phil.) A.M. (Hon.), Wabash College, 1905. Peru, 111. Superintendent of Schools. ATTA LOVIA HENRY (Eng.) 1414 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. EDNA GERTRUDE HENRY (Eng.) 1414 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. ARA ETHEL HERSHMAN (Ped.) Nbblesville, Ind. At present, 909 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher. *BERTHA CORINNE HOLLAND (Mas. HUGH BRANSON) (Eng.) Died Sept. 9, 1910. at Nowata, Okla.; buried at Farmland, Ind. LUCY HOWE (MRS. ARCHIBALD MCCLEL- LAND HALL) (Ger.) A.M., Cornell University, 1901. 1007 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. CHARLES ROLLIN HUDSON (Phil.) Frankfort, Ky. Clergyman. WALTER LINTON JAY (Hist.) LL B , University of Indianapolis, 1901. Fafrmount, Ind. Clerk and Treasurer of Fairmount. MARY ALICE JOHNSON (Eng.) Ladoga, Ind. Teacher. NEWTON CARR JOHNSON (Ped.) A.M., 1898. Oakland City, Ind. Dean of Normal Department, Oakland City Col- lege. 1897] List bv Years 67 LINDA HENRIETTA JOSE (MRS. JOHN BARNARD STOKESBERRY( (Biol.) 728 Eddy St., Ft. Scott, Kan. "HERBERT CLAUDE KAHN (Hit.) A.B., Harvard University, 1898; LL.B., ibid., 1901. Died May 12, 1U08, at Saranac Lake, N. Y. ; buried at Louis- ville, Ky. *ELSINORE KERR (MRS. CHARLES IR- VING KERR) (Phil.) Died June 12, 1910, at North Manchester, Ind. ; buried at Niconza, Ind. FRED INNIS KING (Econ.) LL.B., University of InJIanapolis, 1899. Wabash, Ind. Lawyer. * JOSEPH WELCH KNOTTS (Hist.) LL.B., University of Indianapolis, 1898. Died Jan. 16, 1904, at Elwood, Ind. THOMAS LARGE (Zool.) Hillsdale, Idaho. Farmer. ALFRED GAY MCGREGOR (Hist.) A.B., Harvard University, 1900. Lexing ton, Ky. Teacher of Mathematics and History, Academic Department, State University of Kentucky. CORA (BOWERS) MCGREGOR (MRS. AL- FRED GAY MCGREGOR) (Eng.) Lexington, Ky. BLANCHE MCLAUGHLIN (Hist.) Greensburg, Ind. *ELMER FINLEY MAHAN (Phil.) Died Sept. 14, -1903, at Shelbyville, Ind. CHARLES STEVENS MALTBY (Lat.) 404 Telephone Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Chief Clerk, Central Union Tele- phone Company. ELLA GRAHAM MARTHENS (Lat.) 2304 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of Latin, Shortridge High School. JAMES RARIDEN MEEK (Hist.) Plummer, Idaho. Homesteader, Coeur d' Alene Indian Reservation. ARCHIBALD WARNOCK MILLER (Hitt.) A.M., 1901. Princeton, Ind. At present, San Isidro, Nueva, Ecija, P. I. Prin- cipal, and Acting Division Superin- tendent, Provincial High School. FREMONT MILLER (Phil.)- LL.B., 1898. Franklin, Ind. Lawyer. JAMES FRANKLIN MILLIS (Math.) A.M., 1901. 5351 Southport Ave., Chicago, 111. Head Mathematics Department and Associate in Administration, Francis W. Parker School. CLARA JANE MITCHELL (Phil.) Mitchell, Ind. At present, teacher of History, Shelbyville (Ind.) High School. FRANK E MITCHELL (Hist.) 312 Elm St., Oshkosh, Wis. Head of De- partment of Geography, State Normal School. DANIEL JOSEPH MORAN (Phil.) LL.B., 1898. Hammond, Ind. Lawyer BENJAMIN FRANKLIN NESBITT (Math.) B.S., Purdue University, 1899. Viu- cemies, Ind. Manufacturer. Secretary and Chief Engineer, Vincennes Bridge Co. FRAIXCKSCA LOUISE OTTO (Lat.) Auburn, Ind. At present, Registrar and Appointment Secretary, Stout Insti- tute, Menomouie, Wis. EMMA VIRGINIA PEARSON (MRS. ROB- ERT NEWCOMB FULTON) (Phil.) A.B., Leland Stanford Junior University. 1899. 3740 N. Pennsylvania St., Indian- apolis, Ind. RGLLO JOSEPH PEIRCE (Zool.) M.D., Medical College of Indiana (now Indiana University School of Medicine), 1905. Richmond, Ind. Physician. ORVILLE CARTER PERRY (Geol.) Oroville, Cal. Mining business. Secre- tary, Treasurer and Manager, Indiana Gold Dredging Company and Indiana Machine Shop Co. Resident Manager, Pacific Gold Dredging Co. OSCAR BUTLER PERRY (Phys.) E.M., Columbia University, 1900. 165 Broadway, New York City. General Manager, Yukon Gold Company. Mining engineer. JOHN CLARENCE PINKERTON (Eng.) 740 Grand Ave., Detroit, Mich. Clergy- man. OSCAR POLHEMUS (Hist.) Otwell, Ind. Clergyman. MARGARET PORCH (MRS. FRANCIS MAR- ION HAMILTON) (Eng.) 406 West One Hundred and Twenty- fourth St., New York City. DKLMAR T POWERS (Phil.) A.M., Teachers' College, Columbia Uni- versity, 1908. Southport, Ind. At present, Baton Rouge, La. Associate Professor of Education, Teachers' Col- lege, Louisiana State University. JAMES ARRA PRICE (Geol.) A.M., 1899. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Representa- tive of American Book Company for Indiana. SIGEL ELZA RAINES (Ped.) Freeport, 111. Superintendent of City Schools. HERBERT GILSON REDDICK (Chem.) A.M., 1898. DAVID HAYDEN RICHARDS (Ped.) M.D., Central College of Physicians and Surgeons (now Indiana University School of Medicine), 1903. Cortland, Ind. Physician. WILLIAM PRESTON RIDER (Hist.) Crothersville, Ind. Manufacturer. WILLIAM ROBISON (Hist.) LL.B., Indiana Law School, 1905. Frank- fort, Ind. Prosecuting Attorney, Forty- fifth Judicial Circuit. EDWARD ERNEST RUBY (Rom.) A.M., 1901. 41 Clinton St., Walla Walla. Wash. Professor of Latin, Whitman College. Register of Graduates [1897 HIRAM CALVIN SAMPSON (Eng.) 317 West Eighteenth Ave., Spokane, Wash. General Manager, Western Union Life Insurance Company of Spokane. * SOLOMON WINFIELD SATTERFIELD (Phil.) Died June 14. 1901, at Loogootee, Ind. OSCAR THEODORE SCHULTZ (Chem.) M.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1903. Cleveland, Ohio. Lecturer on Pathol- ogy and Protozoology, Western Re- serve University. LEROY MARTIN SCOTT (Eng.) Caritas Island, Stamford, Conn. Writer. CHARLES OTIS SIGNS (Hist.) Laketon, Ind. Farmer. GEORGE WILLIAM SORBER (Econ.) LL.B., University of Indianapolis, 1898. Gladstone, N. D. Farmer and stock- man. CHARLES ELLSWORTH SPAULDING (Phil.) Winamac, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. GUSTAVUS LEONARDUS SPILLMAN (Rom.) A.M., 1898. 971 Third St., Louisville, Ky. Professor of German and French, Uni- versity of Louisville. CHARLES EDWARD STEWART (Phil.) Marion, Ind. Merchant. ARNDT MATHIS STICKLES (Hist.) A.M., 1904. Bowling Green, Ky. Teach- er, History and Government, State Normal School. JOHN BARNARD STOKESBERRY (Phil.) 728 Eddy St., Ft. Scott, Kan. Superin- tendent of City Schools. JOHN CHARLES STONE (Math.) A.M., 1897. Upper Montclair, N. J. Pro- fessor of Mathematics, State Normal School. *LEE HENRY STREAKER (Chem.) M.D., University of Louisville, 1900. Died April 29, 1905, at Salem, Ind. MABEL THOMPSON (Eng.) Elizabethtpwn, Ind. At present, teacher of English in Anderson (Ind.) High School. *GRACE ARMSTRONG WALKER (Eng.) Died Feb. 5, 1900, at Citronelle, Ala. WILMINA WALLACE (MRS. CHARLES A. VAN MATRE) (Econ.) Muncie, Ind. ISAAC NEWTON WARREN (Phil.) Rensselaer, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. EDGAR CALVERT WELBORN (Math.) M.E., Cornell University, 1903. Univer- sity Club, Milwaukee, Wis. Assistant Treasurer, Allis Chalmers Company. OSCAR ODELL WHITEN ACK (Phil.) South Bend, Ind. Teacher of History, High School. ABRAHAM LINCOLN WHITMER (Hist.) A.M., 1898. Rochester, Ind. Superintend- ent of Schools. CLARK WISSLER (Phil.) A.M., 1899. Ph.D., Columbia University, 1901. New York City. Curator of An- thropology, American Museum of Nat- ural History. JOHN ANDERSON WOOD (Phil.) A.M., 1902. South Bend, Ind. Superin- tendent of Schools. LOUISE (MEYER) WOOD (MRS. JOHN ANDERSON WOOD) (Eng.) A.M., 1903. South Bend, Ind. CHARLES A WOODS (Phil.) 2526 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Real estate. HOMER WOOLERY (Phil.) M.D., 1907. Bloomington, Ind. Physi- cian. ARDRA CHARLES WOOLLEY (Math.) Alexandria, Ind. At present, 811 Home Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. Farmer. WILLIAM HENRY WYLIE (Phil.) B.D., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1899. A. M., DePauw University, 1902. 2916 N. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Clergy- man. LUCY YOUSE (Biol.) 627 Waverly St., Palo Alto, Cal. Grad- uate student, Leland Stanford Junior University. Bachelors of Laws GRANT WILSON BAKER LL.B., University of Michigan, 1900. Shelbyville, Ind. Retired. EARL MCCAULEY BETTCHEH South Bend, Ind. Superintendent of De- livery, post office. JOHN FRANKLIN BOESINGEB See A.B., 1896. *FRANK P CAUBLE Died Feb. 27, 1908, at Salem, Ind. GEORGE MARLIN COOK 36 West Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. Correspondent, The Associated Press. WILLIAM DUANE CURLL Petersburg, Ind. Lawyer. GEORGE ADAMS CUSTER Logansport, Ind. Lawyer. Prosecuting Attorney. *ARTHUR E DARLING Died Nov. 23, 1909, at Elkhart, Ind. ALVA OTIS FULKERSON Washington, Ind. Teacher of History, High School. *EDWIN POLLOCK HAMMOND, JR. See A.B., 1895. SKARON LOVE HARROD 444 South Grant Ave., Denver, Colo. 'Su- pervising editor, W. H. Courtright Company. 1898] List by Years 69 FREDERICK EUGENE HINES Noblesville, Ind. Lawyer. *SlMEON MUSKER HUDSON Died Jan. 5, 1905, at Indianapolis, Ind.; buried at Little York, Ind. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HUFFMAN Rockport, Ind. Lawyer. City Attorney. LORINQ WALDO MELLETTE Elwood, Ind. Lawyer. DANIEL KIRKWOOD MIERS See A.B., 1896. GUY HUDSON NEFF 110 Oakwood'Ave., Danville, 111. Brick business. THADDEUS WILSON RODECKER B.S., Eureka College, 1895; LL.M., Chi- cago Law School, 1898. Pekin, 111. Journalist. JOHN HARVEY UNDERWOOD Bedford, Ind. Lawyer. Prosecuting Attorney. DANIEL Dow VANBUSKIRK Roann, Ind. Banker. JFarmer. Masters of Arts ALPHEUS LINDLEY BALDWIN (Chem.) B.S., Earlham College, 1896. Webster, Ind. Farmer. CHARLES H COPELAND (Bot.) See A.B., 1896. MORRIS ELMER DAILEY (Gen.) B.S., Drake University, 1887; LL.D., ibid., 1901. San Jose, Cal. President. State Normal School. Lecturer in Education, Leland Stanford Junior University. WILLIAM ALEXANDER FURR (Hist.) See A.B., 1896. ABIGAIL GILBERT (MRS. JOHN CLAR- ENCE PINKERTON) (Zool.) Ph.B., Earlham College. 1894. 740 Grand River Ave., Detroit, Mich. CHANCY JUDAY (Zool.) See A.B., 1896. ANDREW CREAMOR LIFE (Bot.) See A.B., 1896. LEO FREDERICK RETTGER (Chem.) See A.B., 1896. *LOUISE COOKERLY ROGERS (Ldt.) See A.B., 1894. JOHN CHARLES STONE (Math.) See A.B., 1897. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 101 9 no Bachelors of Laws 16 4 20 Masters of Arts 9 1 10 Totalg 126 14 140 1898 Bachelors of Arts FISKE ALLEN (Math.) New York City. Teacher of Mathemat- ics, Horace Mann High School. ABBIE FLORENCE BARRETT (MRS. LEE FENT BENNETT) (Ger.) Valparaiso, Ind. WILLIAM ALLEN BEANE (Chem.) Albion, Ind. Superintendent of Noble County Schools. CHARLES ORVILLE BECHTOL (Chem.) M.D., College of Physicians and Sur- geons, 1901. Marion, Ind. Surgeon. HELEN COLEMAN BENBRIDGE (Rom.) A.M., 1899. 213 North Seventh St., Terre Haute, Ind. City Editor, Tribune. -; LEE FENT BENNETT (Geol.) Valparaiso, Ind. Professor of Geology and Zoology, Valparaiso University. NEVA BETHEL (MRS. GEORGE BYRON HENDERSON) (Rom.) Reservoir Ave., Honolulu, Hawaii. P. O. Box 151. SALLIE JEAN BODEMER (MRS. DURLIN SERENUS BENEDICT) (Eng.) 441 West Sixty-second St., Los Angeles, Cal. IRA BORDNER (Phil.) Brookston, Ind. Mercantile business. MARY ELIZABETH BROWN (MRS. WIL- LIAM BURTON FARMER) (Hist.) 1676 Upper Second St., Evausville, Ind. MARY DOLLIE BUFINK (Hist.) Rome City, Ind. At present, 1008 Tecum- seh St., Indianapolis, Ind. Principal, Hawthorne School. GEORGE CLARENCE BUSH (Chem.) A.M., 1899. 1511 El Centre, South Pasa- dena, Cal. Superintendent of Schools. CHARLES DIVEN CAMPBELL (Ger.) Ph.D., University of Strassburg, 1905, Blooming! on, Ind. Associate Profes- sor of German, Indiana University. WILLIAM COMMODORE CAUBLE (Chem.) M.D., University of Louisville, 1901. Kingsville, Texas. Physician. WILLIAM DAVIS CHAMBERS (Fed.) Muncie, Ind. Proprietor, National Fuel Co. CAROLINE JENNINGS CLARK (MRS. THOMAS SHERMAN GERHART) (Fed.) Sumner, 111. CAROLINE CHRISTIANA COATE (MRS. DAVID ORLAND COATE) (Hist.) 126 West Ave., N., La Crosse, Wis. DAVID ORLAND COATE (Eng.) 126 West Ave., N., La Crosse, Wis. Head of Department of English, State Nor- mal School. 70 Register of Graduates [1898 JOSEPHINE MOBOA Cox (Hist.) A.M., 1902. Huntington, Ind. At pres- ent, 12 The Wyandot, Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of History, Shortridge High School. CHARLES GUTELIUS DAILEY (Geol.) Bluffton. Ind. Lawyer. Deputy Prose- cuting Attorney. CHARLES GIDEON DAVIS (Ger.) Ph.D., University of Freiburg, 1902. 21222 D wight Way, Berkeley, Cal. In- structor in German, University of Cali- fornia. EXUM WOODWARD DAVIS (Hist.) A.M., University of Illinois, 1903. Nor- mal, -111. Superintendent of City Schools. GEORGE REILY DEBRULER (Ger.) LL.B., Harvard University, 1902. 37 Madison Ave., Evansville, Ind. Law- yer. HENRY CONRAD DEIST (Fed.) Columbus, Ind. Teacher, City High School. County Surveyor. WINFIELD AUGUSTUS DENNY (Zool.) A.M., 1899. Anderson, Ind. Principal, High School. WILLIAM JACOB DILLON (Hist.) 404-21 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Law- yer. JOHN CHRISTIAN DODSON (Hiat.) LL.B., 1901. Cambridge City, Ind. Law- yer. MARY DUNHAM (Lat.) Cedar Falls, Iowa. Librarian, Normal School. ROY HOWE ELLIOTT (Chem.) M.D., Miami Medical College, 1901. Con- nersville, Ind. Physician. ALICE MARY FARMBROUGH (MRS. ER- NEST NEAL BRADSHAW) (Eng.) 1213 W. Seventh St., Texarkana, Texas. CARL FEAR (Ger.) Frankfort, Ind. Mercantile business. Secretary and Treasurer, Fear-Camp- bell Co. EMMA LOUISE FELBAUM (Fed.) Dayton, Ind. Teacher. AQUILA DURA FLESHMAN (Hist.) Corydon, Ind. At present, 151 South Fifth St., Louisville, Ky. Real estate. MARY IDA FOGLEMAN (Eng.) Mooresville, Ind. At present, 321 South Grand Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. GEORGE DONAHUE FORKNER (Hist.) New Castle, Ind. Lawyer. RUDOLPH FREDERICK FRITSCH (Ger.) LLB., 1900. 621 Third Ave., Evansville, Ind. Lawyer. * WILLIAM HENRY GLASCOCK (Fed.) Ph.M., University of Chicago, 1899. Died Dec. 26, 1901, at Bloomiugton, Ind. HELEN GREGORY (MRS. FERDINAND LUCAS) (Hist.) Greencastle, Ind. WILLIAM CYRUS GUNNERSON (Ok.) A.M., 1899; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1905. 1392 Blackstone Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Principal, Dozier School. BENJAMIN HOWARD HALSTEAD (Hist.) LL.B., University of Michigan, 1899. 1004 Howard St., Petoskey, Mich. Lawyer. City Attorney. CLAUDE MCDONALD HAMILTON (Econ.) 433 Fifty-sixth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Re- porter, New York Sun. GEORGE HART HANSELL (Zool.) M.D., University of Cincinnati, 1910. Au- rora. Ind. Physician. MARY ELIZABETH HARTMAN (Lat.) Huntington, Ind. Teacher of Latin, High School. FLORENCE HAWKINS (Bot.) Lafayette, Ind. JAMES WILLIAM HEATH (Math.) A.M., 1902. 448 South Eighteenth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Teacher of Mathe- matics, Wiley High School. WILLIAM HANDFORD HERSHMAN (Fed.) Noblesvllle, Ind. Farmer. Teacher. *LEWIS ALEXANDER HOLMAN (Econ.) Died Oct. 2, 1902, at Vincennes, Ind. Louis WILLIAM HUGHES (Chem.) D.D.S., Central College of Dentistry, 1901. Bloomington, Ind. Manager, lumber yard. JAMES HANNIBAL JEFFREY (Phil.) Gas City, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. EDNA JOHNSON (Lat.) A.M., 1904. Richmond, Ind. Teacher. FRANK LEONARD JONES (Hist.) 300 Indiana Trust Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Insurance business, aud Super- visor of Agencies, Equitable Life. THOMAS MONROE JONES (Ger.) M.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1902. Anderson, Ind. Surgeon. EMMETT ORLANDO KING (Math.) LL.B., Harvard University, 1904. Hunt- iugton, Ind. Lawyer. NOBLE G KNOTTS (Phys.) Hammond, B. C., Canada. Fruit grower. WILLIAM T KNOX (Lat.) Albion, Ind. Principal, High School. MARY OKEY KOLB (Phil.) Princeton, Ind. At present, Head of History Department, Fort Wayne (Ind.) High School. ETTA (DIERMEYER) LEONARD (MRS. ZENAS BELDON LEONARD) (Eng.) South Bend, Ind. LAURA E LIDDLE (Math.) B.S., Moores Hill College, 1893. Muncie, Ind. Teacher. GEORGE ALEXANDER LOVETT (Chem.) 140 Adams St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Assistant Examiner, U. S. Patent office. 1898] List by Years 71 ROUSSEAU MCCLELLAN (Bot.) 2304 N. Penn. St., Indianapolis, Ind. Head of Department of Biology and Physiography, Shortrldge High School. Director of Nature Study, Elementary Schools. JAMES CORYDON MATHEWS (Ger.) LL.B., Indiana Law School, 1900. 1322 Shelby St., Indianapolis, Ind. Law- yer. CAROLINE REYNOLDS MINOR (Mss. Ro- DECKER) (Eng.) 2022 N. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. GEORGE ELBERT MITCHELL (Zool.) 455 Casco St., Los Angeles, Gal. Teacher of Chemistry, High School. ANNA ^ 7 'ARA MORGAN (MRS. RICHARD AUSTIN CROSBY) (Hist.) 2801 Jane St., Fort Wayae, Ind. ELI PERKINS MYERS (Hist.) LL.B., 1899. Elwood, Ind. Lawyer. ROBERT ELIJAH NEWLAND (Phil.) A.M., 1902. Bedford, Ind. Principal, High School. ULYSSES HOMER NICHOLSON (Hist.) A.B., Harvard University, 1904. Ingalls, Ind. At present, Superintendent of Lodl (Cal.) Schools. * WILLIAM ALBERT OLIPHANT (Math.) Died Oct. 10, 1906, at Monte Vista, Colo. ; buried at Roblson, Ind. ELIZABETH PARKER (MRS. NED SOLON KIDDER) (Lat.) 860 Lawrence Ave., Chicago, 111. GEORGE B PARKS (Econ.) LL.B., University of Louisville, 1900. Jeffersonvllle, Ind. Lawyer. LOUISE PETERS (Eng.) 430 S. Fifth St.,' Terre Haute, Ind. Teacher of English, High School. JAMES PERTICE PORTER (Phil.) A.M., 1901 ; Ph.D., Clark University, 1906. Worcester, Mass. Assistant Professor of Psychology, Clark College. Dean of Faculty. ORAN ARNOLD PROVINCE (Zool.) M.D., Columbia University, 1902. Frank- lin, Ind. Physician. Secretary, John- son County Board of Health. WILLIAM HENRY PYLE (Gk.) Ph.D., Cornell University, 1909. Colum- bia, Mo. Teacher of Psycholo^, and Acting Head, Department of Experi- mental Psychology, University of Mis- souri. EDWIN JULIUS RABER (Econ.) LL.B., Illinois College of Law, 1902. 223 North Austin Ave., Chicago, 111. Law- yer. WILLIAM ALLEN REED (Eng.) 749 North Broadway, Seattle, Wash Wholesale merchant. Secretary-Treas- urer, Pacific Coast China Company. OHIO LEON REID (Eng.) LL.B., University of Louisville, 1905. 2541 Cherokee Parkway, Louisville, Ky. Head, Department of English, Male High School. *Oois HERBERT RHOADS (Chem.) Died Aug. 19, 1899, at Denver, Colo. KATHERINE FREDERICKA SCHAEFER (MRS. EDGAR FLETCHER HIATT) (Eng.) Richmond, Ind. JOSEPH HIRAM SCHOLL (Ped.) Rushville, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. ANNE GERTRUDE SCOTT (MRS. KIRBY CLINTON MEYERS) (Eng.) Brookville, Ind. CARRIE EMMA SCOTT (Eng.) Mooresville, Ind. At present, Room 104, State House, Indianapolis, Ind. As- sistant State Organizer, Public Library Commission. JACOB SEIBERTH (Ger.) M.D., Indiana Medical College, 1904. 40 West Thirtieth St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. WILLIAM A SHRYER (Phil.) 115 State St., Detroit, Mich. President of the following corporations Busi- ness Service Corporation, the Ameri- can Collection Service, and the Shryer Mercantile Agency of Illinois and of Michigan. Editor, Business Service Magazine. DELASKIE SMITH (CJicm.) M.D., Indiana Medical College, 1901. Lebanon, Ind. Physician and surgeon. HENRY LESTER SMITH (Eng.) A.M., 1899; A.M., Columbia University, 1910. Bloomington, Ind. Superintend- ent, City Schools. JOHN ANDREW STONEKING (Phys.) A.M., 1901. 2000 Hampshire St., Quincy, 111. Teacher of Physics and Chemis- try, High School. MILO H STUART (Phys.) 3223 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Principal, Manual Training High School. ANNA IDA STULTZ (MRS. WIRT R. NEEL) (La*.) 5739 Sangamon St., Chicago, 111. EDGAR HOWARD STURTEVANT (Lat.) Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1902. 12 Sterling Place, Edgewater, N. J. In- structor, Classical Philology, Colum- bia University. BESSIE HORNBROOK THRALL (Eng.) A.M., 1901: A.B., Radcliffe College, 1899. Evansville, Ind. At present, 4948 Indi- ana Ave., Chicago, 111. Teacher of Drawing, Curtis High School. MARY LOUISE THRALL (Eng.) A.M., 1901; A.B., Radcliffe College, 1899. Evansville, Ind. Head of English De- partment, High School. *MINNIE ETHEL TOWNSEND (Eng.) Died July 10, 1903, at Spokane, Wash. EVERETT WALTER TROOK (Econ.) Odd Fellow Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. 72 Register of Graduates [1898 LAURA JEAN WALKER (Hist.) Edwards. Ind. At present, tencher of English. Frankfort (Ind.) High School. ELIZABETH W^RMUTH (MRS. CARL EL- BERT ENDTCOTT) (Rom.) Andrews, Tnd. GEORGE PERRY WEEDMAN (Hist.) North Vernon, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. CARRIE VIRGINIA WELLS (Hist.) A.M., 1899. Indianapolis, Ind. ERNEST PAUL WILES (Hist.) A.M., University of Michigan, 1901. Evansville, Ind. Principal, High School. SUSIE POLK WILSON (MRS. FRANK T. GUTHRIE) (Eng.) Biloxi. Miss. REDTCK ANDREW WYLTE (Hist.) LL.B.. 1900. Bloomington, Ind. Farmer. LEONID YOUNG (Bot.) 1422 East Third St.. Duluth. Minn. Prin- cipal, Central High School. EMMA ZETR (MRS. GEORGE DAVIS MOR- RIS) (Phil) Bloomington, Ind. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ZIMMERMAN (Chem.) M.D., Louisville Medical College. 1901. The Atherton. Louisville. Ky. Physi- cian. Professor of Theory and Prac- tice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine, University of Louisville. Bachelors of Laws JAMES MCNEAL BLACKFORD See A.B., 1895. WTTTTAM HADEN BRIDWELL Sullivan, Ind. Judge, Sullivan Circuit Court. WAITER LEVI CAREY 705-6 Law Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. *EDWARD SHERMAN DAVIS Died Nov. 30, 1901, at Gosport, Ind. RALPH WILSON FRENCH 206 North Eighth St., Muskogee, Okla. Director, Manual and Domestic Sci- ence, High School. AUGUSTUS HALL Delphi, Ind. Lawyer. FREMONT MILLER See A.B., 1897. DANIEL JOSEPH MORAN See A.B., 1897. FREDERICK CHRISTIAN MULLEB 429 East Illinois St., Evansville, Ind. Lawyer. GUST A v PAUL 205 City Hall, Oklahoma Ctty, Okla. Lawyer. ELLER EVART PRYOR Denver, Colo. Lawyer. LOTT ALONZO SMARTT 105 East Mulberry Ave., San Antonio. Texas. Sugar plantation operator. GEORGE L STANSBURY Keenesburg, Col. Real estate. JAMES ABNER TABOR 134 Monroe Street, Chicago, 111. Whole- sale merchant. RAY D THOMPSON Rensselaer, Ind. Lawyer. Insurance solicitor. JAMES LINDLEY TUCKER Salem, Ind. Lawyer. Masters of Arts EDWARD CONRADI (Fed.) See A.B., 1897. ULYSSES SHERMAN HANNA (Math.) See A.B., 1895. JAMES HARVEY HAYWORTH (Math.) See A.B., 1890. NEWTON CARR JOHNSON (Fed.) See A.B., 1897. ROBERT McKEE McDiLL (Math.) See A.B., 1894 WILLIAM VOORHEES PAYNE (Gen.) See A.B.. 1895. ROLLA ROY RAMSEY (Phys.) See A.B., 1895. HERBERT GII.SON REDDICK (Chem.) See A.B., 1897. Pmi.TPP SEIBERTH (Ger.) St. Louis, Mo. Assistant Professor of German Language and Literature, Washington University. JOHN WILKES SHEPHERD (Chem.) See A.B., 1896. GUSTAVUS LEONARDUS SPILLMAN (Ger.) See A.B., 1897, EMMA BELLE STEVENSON (Ger.) See A.B., 1894. NORMAN TRIPLETT (Phil) A.B., Illinois College, 1889; Ph.D., Clark LUiiversity, 1900. 1225 Merchant St., Emporia, Kan. Professor of Philoso- &hy and Psychology, State Normal ollege. ABRAHAM LINCOLN WHITMER (Hist.) See A.B., 1897. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 99 5 Bachelors of Laws 15 Masters of Arts 14 Totals 128 134 1899] List by Years 73 1899 Bachelors of Arts VERNE EMERSON BALDWIN (Hist.) M.D., Hering Homoeopathic Medical Col- lege, 1904. Greentown, Ind. Physi- cian and surgeon. LILLIAN BAPPERT (Eng.) Peru, Ind. At present, teacher of Eng- lish, Rochester (Ind.) High School. HERBERT VALODIN BARBOUR (Hist.) LL.B., 1900. J.D., University of Chi- cago, 1906. 1101-1108 Ford Building, Detroit, Mich. Lawyer. SANFORD BELL (Fed.) A.M., 1900. 1157 Downing Ave., Denver, Colo. At present, Butte, Mont. Editor of Rocky Mountain Educator. State Manager, Aegis Life Insurance Com- pany. Public lecturer. LILLIAN GAY BERRY (Lat.) A.M., 1905. Bloomington, Ind. Asso- ciate Professor of Latin, Indiana Uni- versity. EARL BLOUGH (Chem.) Pittsburg, Pa. At present, Pernassus, Pa. Metallurgist, Chief Chemist, Alumi- num Company of America. NELLIE MAY BOWSER (MRS. ERNEST H. LEWIS) (Lat.) A.M., 1902. 355 Grand Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. MORTON CLARK BRADLEY (Math.) A.M., 1900. North Station, Boston, Mass. Actuary, Boston and Maine Railroad. JOHN CROMWELL BREEDLOVE (Math.) C.E., Cornell University, 1902. Zionsville, Ind. At present, 3709 North Thirty- fourth St., Tacoma, Wash. Assistant Engineer, Northern Pacific Railway. CHARLES FRANCIS BRISCOE (Zool.) A.M., University of Illinois, 1905. Ur- bana, 111. Instructor in Bacteriology, University of Illinois. EDWIN MORRIS BRUCE (Chem.) 2401 North Ninth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Associate Professor of Chemistry, In- diana State Normal School. GLENN CANARY BURBANK (Ger.) D.D.S., Northwestern University, 1903. Room-221 Long Beach Bank Building, Long Beach, Cal. Dentist. President, City Board of Education. AGNES ELNORA C-ANTWELL (MRS. ED- WARD EMMET KELLY) (Hist.) Medford, Ore. LILLIAN G CARTER (Bot.) A.M., University of Chicago, 1909. Vin- cennes, Ind. Teacher of Latin, High School. GERTRUDE ELMIRA CLARK (MRS. AGASSIZ WAYNE HANSON) (Eng.) 2219 North Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. THOMAS CURTIS CLARK (Lat.) 2712 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. Assistant Editor, Bible School Supplies, Chris- tian Publishing Company. LILIAN JUNE CORR (MRS. JAMES H. ROGERS) (Hist.) Greenfield, Ind. WILLIAM HAMILTON Cox (Eng.) Melburne, Cal. Orchardist. FRANK AMBROSE CUNNING (Ger.) 871 Young Street, Honolulu, Hawaii. Commercial teacher, Public High School. NOBLE MILLARD CUNNINGHAM (Ger.) San Francisco, Cal. U. S. Weather Bu- reau. MAUD HELEN DAVIS (Math.) Muskogee, Okla. Teacher of Mathemat- ics, High School. RAYMOND BATTMAN DUFF (Hist.) A.M., 1910. Gosport, Ind. Superintend- ent of Schools. ANTOINETTE DUNCAN (MRS. BURTON E. HAN SEN) (Rom.) Bedford, Ind. WILLIAM IRVIN EARLY (Math.) 1510 South Duluth Ave., Sioux Falls, S. D. Principal, Washington High School. FRANK ELDER EDWARDS (Econ.) Knightstown, Ind. At present, 629 Union Trust Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Business representative of Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra Association Com- pany. WILLIAM FRANKLIN ELLIS (Hist.) Valparaiso, Ind. Assistant Professor of Education, Valparaiso University. SAMUEL MCCLELLAN EMISON (Econ.) Viucennes, Ind. Lawyer. EVA KATHERINE ENSLE (Chem.) 507 Jefferson Ave., Evausville, Ind. Teacher of Chemistry, High School. LEVI ERSKINE, JR. (Hist.) 601 West One Hundred and Twenty-fifth St., New York City. Inspector of Cus- toms, Port of New York. CAROLINE HORNBROOK EVANS (MBS. AR- THUR C. VEATCH) (Eng.) Care of New York and Bermudez Co., Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies FREDERICK JOY FAIRBANK (La*.) A.M., Yale University, 1901. Nortbfleld, Minn. Professor of Latin, Carleton College. WILLIAM BURTON FARMER (Phil.) S.T.B., Northwestern University, 1901. 1676 Upper Second St., Evausville, Ind. Clergyman. MABEL CLARE FERTICH (Ger.) Waveland, Ind. Teacher of German and Music. EUSTACE FOLEY (Chem.) Greensburg, Ind. Optician. 74 Register of Graduates [1899 MAUD WARREN FULLER (MRS. BENJA- MIN HOWARD HALSTEAD) (Lat.) 1004 Howard St., Petoskey, Mich. JAMES EDWIN GARTEN (Eng.) Washington, Ind. Teacher of English, High School. GLEN JEFF GIFFORD (Hist.) Tipton, Ind. Lawyer. SARA HELEN GRIFFITHS (Eng.) 1404 West Washington St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. At present, 3800 Third St., Des Moines, Iowa. Librarian, Highland Park College. FRANKLIN SHELTON GRIMSLEY (Hist.) 466 Portland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Treasurer, W. A. French & Company. HAL L HALL (Math.) 432 N. Broadway, Shawnee, Okla. Prin- cipal, High School. AGASSIZ WAYNE HANSON (Eng.) 2219 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. Assistant State Secretary, Indiana Young Men's Christian Association. PAUL LELAND HAWORTH (Hist.) A.M., 1901; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1906. West Newton, Ind. At present, Yarrow West, Bryn Mawr, Pa. Teach- er of History, Bryn Mawr College. Author. MOSES RICHARD HEINMILLER (Phys.) Valparaiso, Ind. Mechanic. Louis GOLDBERG HEYN (Chem.) M.D., University of Cincinnati, 1902. 22 West Seventh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Physician. JOHN COULTER HOCKENBERRY (Fed.) Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1906. Westfield, Mass. Professor of Peda- gogy and Sociology, State Normal School. WILLIAM ALDEN IRWIN (Zool.) Frankfort, Ind. Civil engineer and con- tractor. HORATIO SEYMOUR KAUFMAN (Fed.) Warsaw, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. JOHN WILLIAM HENRY KING (Chem.) 1061 Chamberlain St., Victoria, B. C., Canada. Teacher. ALICE THOMAS KINNARD (MRS. OLIVER EDMUNDS GLENN) (Hist.) Lansdowne, Pa. HARRY EDMON LAUGHLIN (Hist.) LL.B., 1901. General Land Office, Wash- ington, D. C. At present, 322 Custom House, Portland, Ore. Special Agent, General Laud Office, Department of Interior, U. S. Government. ERNEST HENFY LEWIS (Hist.) 806 Odd Fellow Building, Indianapolis, Ind. President, Realty Terminal Co. MILTON TIGHLMAN MCCARTY (Chem.) M.D., Central College of Physicians and Surgeons, (now Indiana University School of Medicine), 1902. Frankfort, Ind. Physician and surgeon. State Senator. FRANCES McCRAY (Hist.) Hotel Trenton, Los Angeles, Cal. Teach- er of History, High School. *JOHN ROYCE MCDERMOT (Rom.) Died Dec. 10, 1899, at Worthington, Ind. NELLE MCMAIION (MRS. WILLIAM ELLS- WORTH NICKEY) (Lat.) 1433 Monroe Ave., Memphis, Tenn. * EDITH STEENROD MCMASTER (MRS. EL- MER E. SCOTT) (Gk.) Died July 8, 1908, at Indianapolis, Ind. MAUDE' ETHEL MARTIN (MRS. HABVEY ALBERT BORDNER) (Fed.) Malolos, Bulacan, P. I. Teacher of Do- mestic Science. CHARLES ELMER MORRIS (Eng.) 1228 Eighth St., Santa Monica, Cal. Principal, High School. NOAH WELZY MURPHY (Chem.) M.D., Indiana Medical College, 1905. Poseyvllle, Ind. Physician. FLORENCE REID MYRICK (MRS. THOMAS IRELAND AHL) (Eng.) Richmond, Ind. HENRY HERMAN NIEKAMP (Phil.) Princeton, Ind. Drainage engineer. CHARLES MAHLON NIEZER (Hit.) LL.B., 1900; A.M., Columbia University. 1901. 715 Rockhlll St., Ft. Wayne, Ind! Law r yer. LEE OMAR O'HORROW (Hist.) LL.B., Indiana Law School, 1901. 3315 Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Law r yer. Librarian, Indiana Supreme Court Law Library- FRANK LEWIS ORTH (Zool.) Edwards, Ind. At present, New Castle, Pa. Instructor, Physics and Chemis- try. ALBERT WARREN PHILLIPS (Hist.) Columbus, Ind. Lawyer. GEORGE CHURCHILL PITCHER (Hist.) Lakeland, La. Cane planter and sugar manufacturer. DAISY MYRTLE PLUNKETT (MRS. JOHN CALVIN DOWNEY) (Eng.) A.M., 1906. Monticello, Ind. At present, Assistant Principal, Wolcott (Ind.) High School. MAUDE MAY PLUNKETT (MRS. OSWALD JOSEPH GRAINGER) (Bot.) Jubbulpore, C. P., India. At present, 6127 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111. Mis- sionary. OSCAR LEWIS POND (Hist.) A.M., Columbia University, 1902; LL.B., ibid., 1902; Ph.D., ibid., 1907. 1109- 12 Law Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. FRANCIS MARION PRICE (Zool) 3404 Beaver Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. Principal, Ward School. FLORA ELEANOR PURVIANCE (Rom.) Huntington, Ind. 1899] List by Years 75 *JOHN REBER (Hist.) Died July 27, 1908, at Huntington, Ind. *GEORGE Louis REINHARD (Econ.) LL.D., Miami University, 1897. Died July 13, 1906, at Bloomlngton, Ind. SARA CATHERINE RETTGER (MRS. WIL- LIAM J MOENKHAUS) (Rom.) Bloomington, Ind. AGNES Ross REYNOLDS (MRS. HENRY THEW STEPHENSON) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. ALTA RITTER (MRS. THOMAS J. Cox) (Eng.) 5815 Jackson Ave., Chicago, 111. Private tutor. MABEL RYAN (Hist.) 1115 S. Fifth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Teacher of History, Wiley High School. ALBERT HUGH SHERER (Chem.) 1206 F. B. Building, Dayton, Ohio. Life underwriter. General Manager, South- western Ohio Midland Mutual Life In- surance Co. RUPERT RAYMOND SIMPKINS (Hist.) A.M., 1000; LL.B., 1901. Attica, Ind. At present. 6115 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. Fellow in Education, University of Chicago. FREDERICK MILLER SMITH (Eng.) 99 Chatham St., Worcester, Mass. Author. CLARENCE LYON SPEED (Eng.) 233 North Lombard Ave., Oak Park, 111. City editor, Chicago Record-Herald. WILLIAM HOVEY STOUT (Hist.) See LL.B., 1894. LAUREL CONWELL THAYER (Econ.) 613 East Twenty-second St., Indianap- olis, Ind. Secretary, Committee for Physical Welfare of School Children of Children's Aid Association. FREDRICK Me YEY TOWLES (Zool.) M.D., Indiana Medical College, 1002. 1013 Penn Ave., Plttsburg, Pa. Physician. DANIEL WEBSTER TUCKER (Econ.) A.M., 1903. Kappa, Ind. Teacher. ELIAS EDMUND VANCE (Fed.) Brook, Ind. Traveling salesman. JAMES M VAN HOOK (Bot.) A.M., 1900. Bloomington, Ind. Assist- ant Professor of Botany, Indiana Uni- versity. PETER VANNICE VORIS (Ped.) A.M., 1900. Dublin, Ind. Teacher. FANNIE ENSMINGER WAKELY (Lat.) A.M., 1902. Jacksonville, 111. * STELLA HAILE WARD (Lat.) Died Dec. 20, 1907, at Boulder, Colo.; burled at Indianapolis, Ind. DANIEL AUGUSTUS WASMUTH (Hist.) LL.B., 1900. Roanoke, Ind. Banker. Merchant. WILLIAM CALVERT WELBORN (Hist.) LL.B., 1903. Greenfield, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN HENRY WHITELY (Zool.) 942 Potter Park Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Teacher, Manual Arts High School. ARLAM ROY WILLIAMS (Math.) Winchester, Ind. Farmer. JAMES HENRY WILLIAMS (Eng.) Rushville, Ind. Principal, Booker T. Washington School. ROMNEY LEIGH WILLSON (Econ.) 27 West St. Joe St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. A DELIA WILSON (GJc.) A.M., Union Christian College, 1900. Merom, Ind. At present. Dean of Women and Professor of Greek, Defi- ance (Ohio) College. EMMA LABERTA WILSON (MRS. ARTHUR DOUGLAS BATCHELOR) (Geol.) Martinsville, Ind. DAISY WOODWARD (MRS. FRANK ORMAN BECK) (Eng.) New Albany, Ind. ELIZABETH WRIGHT (MRS. ALBERT BLAKE) (Hist.) Artesia, N. M. ALBERT CHRISTIAN YODER (Zool.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1902. Goshen, Ind. Physician and surgeon. EDWARD MILTON YOUNG (Chem.) M.D., Illinois Medical College, 1906. Sheridan, Ind. Physician and surgeon. WILLIAM DAVID YOUTSLER (Hist.) Guymon, Okla. Lumberman. Bachelors of Laws * ALICE (HARPER) BALLARD (MRS. JOHN EDGAR BALLARD) Died Dec. 19, 1899, at Indianapolis, Ind. *JOHN EDGAR BALLARD Died Jan. 8, 1900, at Jamestown, Ind. THOMAS EDWARD BRACKEN Haileybury, Ontario, Canada. Lawyer. JAMES WILLIAM CHRISTIAN Anchor, Texas. Lawyer. GEORGE LUTHER CLARK A.B., Kenyon College, 1896; LL.B., Har- vard University, 1906. 1005 Lincoln Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. Professor of Law, University of Michigan. WILLIAM EVERETT CLARK Bedford, Ind. Lawyer. ARTHUR THOMAS COBB EDWIN COOK CRAMPTON Building and Loan Block, Raton, N. M. Lawyer. FRANK MAURICE CUMMINGS 814 Wall St., Joplin, Mo. Lawyer. FRED EVERETT DYER Worthlngton, Ind. Lawyer. President, Worthington Exchange State Bank. HARVEY HARMON Princeton, Ind. Lawyer. FRED SCOTT HUGHES Grand Rapids, Mich. Automobile sales- man. 76 Register ot Graduates [1809 MOSES LEOPOLD Rensselaer, Ind. Lawyer. CLAUDE GUTHRIE MALOTT See A.B., 1895. JAMES ROBERT MILLER Spencer, Ind. Lawyer. RALEIGH LEE MORGAN Bloomington, Ind. Lawyer. County At- torney, Monroe County. City Attorney. GEORGE VERNON Moss ELI PERKINS MYERS See A.B., 1898. JOHN HEZEKIAH PERRIN M.D., Louisville Medical College, 1905. Latham, 111. Physician. SPENCER B PUGH 123 Forty-fifth St., Chicago, 111. Lawyer. WIT.I.TAM JOHN SHAFER 300 American National Bank Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. WILLIAM MARCUS SWAYNE LL.B., Yale University, 1904. 2111 Cali- fornia Ave., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Lawyer. WILT JAM BENTON WOODWARD Dublin, Ind. Merchant. IRA JAY YOUNG Muncie, Ind. Lawyer. Masters of Arts HELEN COLEMAN BENBBIDGE (Eng.) See A.B., 1898. OLIVE BEROTH (Eng.) See A.B., 1897. WALTER TOWNSEND BROWN (Hist.) See A.B., 1894. GEORGE CLARENCE BUSH (Chem.) See A.B., 189S. WINFIELD AUGUSTUS DENNY (Zool.) See A.B., 1898. WILLIAM CYRUS GUNNEBSON (Ok.) See A.B., 1898. WILLIAM ALBERT HAMILTON (A*t.) See A.B., 1896. ELDO LEWIS HENDBICKS (Hist.) A.B., Franklin College, 1894. 5555 Wood- lawn Ave., Chicago, 111. School Super- intendent. *FLOBA (FORSYTH) HENDBICKS (MBS. ELDO LEWIS HENDRICKS) (Eng.) Ph.B., Franklin College, 1894. Died Aug. 7, 1901, at Mitchell, Ind. WILLIAM A MYEBS (Hi*t.) See A.B., 1896. JAMES ARRA PRICE (Geol.) See A.B., 1897. CLARENCE EDWIN SMITH (Math.) B.S., DePauw University, 1894. Moores Hill, Ind. Professor of Mathematics, Moores Hill College. HENRY LESTER SMITH (Eng.) See A.B., 1898. CARRIE VIRGINIA WELLS (Hi*t.) See A.B., 1898. CLARK WISSLER (Phil.) See A.B., 1897. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts. 98 5 103 Bachelors of Laws 22 2 24 Masters of Arts 14 1 16 Totals .. .134 8 142 1900 Bachelors of Arts WILLIAM MCCLELLAN ALSOP (Hist.) Vincennes, Ind. Lawyer. City Attorney. FRANK AYDELOTTE (Eng.) A.M., Harvard University, 1903; B.Litt., Oxford (England) University, 1907. Bloomington, Ind. Associate Profes- sor of English, Indiana University. EFFINE PATTERSON BLOUNT (Eng.) Albambra, Cal. Teacher of English and German, High School. MARIE LOUISE BOISEN (Mas. MOBTON CLARK BRADLEY) (Eng.) 77 Bartlett Ave., Arlington, Mass. JOSEPH CHBISTIAN BOLDT (Math.) A.M., 1904. 36 Margaret St., Dayton, O. Teacher of Mathematics, Stivers Man- ual Training High School. WILLIAM FREDERICK BOOK (Phil.) Ph.D., Clark University, 1906. 402 Eddy St., Missoula, Mont. Professor of Phi- losophy, University of Montana. LAURA GRACE BRADLEY (MBS. JOHN ED- WIN MOBING) (Hist.) A.M., 1908. 1518 Wells St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. JENNIE ETHEL BBOWN (Hist.) Bloomington, Ind. Bookkeeper. GEORGE NOBLE BURKHABT (Econ.) LL.B., Indianapolis College of Law, 1902; LL.M., ibid., 1903. Southport, Ind. Registrar, and Professor of Law, Indianapolis College of Law. JOSIAH HAMILTON CASTLEMAN (Eng.) A.M., 1903. 2655 Russell Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Teacher of English. McKinley High School. JUSTUS COLLINS CASTLEMAN (Eng.) 411 Fifth Ave.. Milwaukee, Wis. Head of English Department, South Division High School. *AUDASON ALEXANDER CHARLES (Chem.) A.M., Columbian University, 1904. Died Feb. 28, 1910, at Nanking, China. 1900] List by Years 77 VIRGINIA EMILY CLAYBAUGH (La*.) Frankfort, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin, Shortridge High School, Indian- apolis, Ind. EMMA AGNES CLINTON (Rom.) A.M., Columbia University, 1905. 318 Randolph St., Indianapolis, Ind. At fi Hiffh St.. Sorinefield. High resent, 56 High St., Springfield, Mass. Frer " School. teacher of inch, Central JACOB GRANT COLLICOTT (Zool.) Tacoma, Wash. Superintendent, Public Schools. CHARLES NATHAN COMBS (Chem.) M.D., Medical College of Indiana, 1903. 128 South Sixth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Physician. PAUL COUGHLIN (Chem.) A.M., 1901. Peru, Ind. Principal, High School. ULYSSES ORANGE Cox (Zool.) A.M., 1902. 432 Washington Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Professor of ZoSlogy and Botany, Indiana State Normal School. FREDERICK NEWTON DUNCAN (Chem.) A.M., 1901; Ph,D., Clark University, 1906. Flat Rock, 111. At present, Pro- fessor of Biology, Emory College, Ox- ford, Ga. CHARLES MARION EK (Bot.) Kokomo, Ind. Night watchman. ROBERT SPURRIER ELLISON (Econ.) Colorado Springs, Colo. Lawyer. Mem- ber of House of Representatives, State of Colorado. PURLEY CLARENCE EMMONS (Oer.) Kendallville, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. LENPHA ALFRED FOLSOM (Hist.) LL.B., 1901. Boonville, Ind. Lawyer. *CLARENCE ELMER FRYEB (Math.) Died Aug. 14, 1900, at Green River, Wyo. JAY GOULD GENTRY (Phys.) B.S., Purdue University, 1904. Albu- querque, N. M. Ranchman. ELLIS BURKE GIBBS (Phil.) Monte Vista, Col. Superintendent of Schools. SYLVESTER HARBISON HALL (Math.) Fort Morgan, Col. Superintendent of Schools. IBA CALVERT HAMILTON (Hist.) Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1908. Blue Island, 111. Teacher of Civics and American History, Wendell Phillips High School, Chicago, 111. WHITTIER LOBENZ HANSON (Phys.) 407 South Gunnison St., Burlington, Iowa. Superintendent, City Schools. EDWIN ORREN HARROLD (Chem.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1902. Mar- lon, Ind. Physician and surgeon. At present, Second and Troup Sts., Kansas City, Kan. Manager, Kansas City Oil Co. EDITH CATHARINE HOLLAND (MBS. GLEN JEFF GIFFORD) (Eng.) Tipton, Ind. FREDERICK HONNEUS (Econ.) New Albany, Ind. LEE F HUNT (Chem.) M.D., Kentucky University, 1903. An- derson, Ind. Physician and surgeon. HENRIETTA MARY HYSLOP (Lat.) 519 West One Hundred and Forty-ninth St., New York City, N. Y. GRACE (SIMONTON) IRWIN (MRS. WIL- LIAM ALDEN IRWIN) (Eng.) Frankfort, Ind. MARY JOHNSTON (Lat.) A.M., 1902. Bloomington, Ind. At present, Professor of Latin, Illinois Woman's College, Jacksonville, 111. BLANCHE KARNS (Lat.) Bluffton, Ind. Head of Department of Latin and German, High School. GEORGE WASHINGTON KIMBALL (Chem.) M.D., College of Physicians and Sur- geons, 1902. Steward, 111. Physician and surgeon. ANDREW JANEWAY KINNAMAN (Phil.) A. M., 1901 ; Pd.M., New York University, 1893; Pd.D., ibid., 1894; Ph.D., Clark University, 1902. Bowling Green, Ky. Dean, Western Kentucky State Normal. FLORENCE EMMA KNIPE (Chem.) Dublin, Ind. Principal, High School. DAVID WALTER KURRIE (Chem.) 637 N. Watts St., Philadelphia, Pa. Manufacturer. MATTIE BASHABEE LACY (Hist.) Columbus, Ind. At present, 2351 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of History, Manual Training High School. JOHN WALTER LAIRD (Phil.) Danville, Ind. President, Central Nor- mal College. CHARLES LECKRONE (Lat.) A.M., 1903. 946 Maryville Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Teacher, Manual Training Department of Washington University. Ross FBANKLIN LOCKBIDGE (Hist.) LL.B., 1907. Shawnee, Okla. County Judge. LOUISE TURNER LOUGHBY (MBS. WIL- LIAM ELLSWOBTH CLAPHAM) (Rom.) Columbia City, Ind. EDWARD ERNEST MCMILLAN (Math.) A.M., 1904; A.B., Miami University, 1896. 2515 Davenport St., Omaha, Neb. Teacher of Mathematics and Physics, High School. EDITH LYLE MARTIN (MRS. WILLIAM C. STOKER) (Hist.) Martinsvllle, Ind. OLIVER CURTIS MARTIN (Chem.) Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Superintend- ent of the American Smelting and Re- fining Company's plant. 78 Register of Graduates [19CO *.\BRAM VARDIMAN MAUCK (ZooL) A.M., 1901. Died Feb. 7, 1907, at Owens- vllle, Ind. MARY MEEK (Eng.) Ph.M., University of Chicago, 1908. 3009 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. At present, Aberdeen. S. D. Head of De- partment of English, State Normal College. WILLIAM WESLEY MERSHON (Phil.) A.M., 1903. Rossville, Ind. Superintend- ent of Schools. LETTIE ALMIRA MILLER (Rom.) 88 Marengo Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Teach- er. OWEN ORVILLE MILLER (Phys.) A.B.. Harvard University, 1901: A.M., Ibid., 1902. 726 South Seventh St., Clinton, Iowa. At present, 841 West Monroe St., Jacksonville, Florida. Lawyer. WALTER PIETY MORGAN (Math.) Ph.M., University of Chicago, 1909. 5460 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. Grad- uate student, University of Chicago. DEEARL MUSHLITZ (Eng.) 116 Blackford Ave., Evansville, Ind. Editor. BLANCHE NICHOLSON (Gk.) Ingalls, Ind. JAMES CLARENCE PATTEN (Econ.) Kokomo, Ind. Manufacturer. NELLIE BLANCHE PERIGO (MRS. HENRY F. FULLING) (Eng.) Boonville, Ind. ELEANOR ADELIA PROTSMAN (MRS. BEN- JAMIN C. WALDENMAIER) (Rom.) 12 Randolph Place, N. W., Washington, D. C. RYLAND FLETCHER RATLIFF (Chem.) A.M., 1904. Danville, Ind. Professor of Physics and Chemistry, Central Nor- mal College. JOHN BENJAMIN ROBERTSON (Chem.) M.D., Indiana Medical College, (now In- diana University School of Medicine), 1906. 3731 South G St., Tacoma, Wash. Physician and surgeon. HELEN ROSE ( Eng. ) Ireland, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. JAMES BERNARD RUCKER, JR. (Lat.) M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1904 256 South Fifty- sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Physician. Assistant Demon- strator of Pathology, Department of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. JEXNIE FERN SCOTT (Math.) Mooresville, Tnd. At present, Head Cata- loguer, Indiana State Library, Indian- apolis, Ind. JACOB CHARLES SEITZ (Math.) Rookery Building, Chicago, 111 Actu- ary. GEORGE DANIEL SHAFER (ZooL) A.M., Leland Stanford Junior University, 1900; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1908. East Lansing, Mich. Research work in Entomology, Experiment Station of Michigan Agricultural College. HELENA GRACE SHIRLEY (MRS. DAVID ANDREW ROTHROCK) (Lat.) A.M., 1901. Bloomiugton, Ind. MAUD SIEBENTHAL (Bot.) Bloomington, Ind. Artist and illustra- tor. ELEANOR SARA SMELTZLY (Hist.) 338 East Washington Boulevard, Ft. Wayne, Ind. At present, Joplin, Mo. Teacher. MARY CATHERINE SMELTZLY (Lat.) 338 Washington Boulevard, Ft. Wayne. Ind. Teacher of Latin and Ancient History, High School. JESSIE AGNES SMITH (Rom.) Urbana, 111. Stenographer to the Presi- dent, University of Illinois. CLARA VICTORIA SNYDER (MRS. LEO FREDERICK RETTGER) (Bot.) 370 Edgewood Ave., New Haven, Conn. GEORGE WASHINGTON SPINDLER (Ger.) A.M., 1908. Lawrence, Kan. Instructor In German, University of Kansas. JOHN PAUL SPOONER (Phil.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1905. Peru, Ind. Physician and surgeon. SELMA ANNA STEMPEL (Eng.) A.M., University of Kansas, 1910. 320 Broadway, Ft. Madison, Iowa. Teacher of English. EDNA EARL STEWART (Hist.) Greensburg, Ind. At present, 57 Ard- more Apartments, Indianapolis, Ind. Correspondent. JAMES MILTON STEWART (Phys.) Phoenix, Ariz. Merchant. RICHTER SOLOMON TICE (ZooL) C. Victoria, Tamanlipas, Mex. Mission- ary. Director, Juarez Institute. HELEN TRAYLOR (MRS. HARRY DECAMP TOUSLEY) (Hist.) 7220 Rhodes Ave., Chicago, 111. CARL JOST ULRICH (ZooL) 2231 Princeton Ave., Duluth, Minn. Con- tractor and builder. OLIVER PERRY WEST (ZooL) Franklin, Ind. At present, teacher of German, Lafayette (Ind.) High School. LYIVTA WHITAKER (Lat.) 1451 S. Center St., Terre Haute, Ind. Teacher of Latin, Wiley High School. ALBERT MILLER WILSON (Math.) A.M., 1903. 2138 Allen Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Instructor, Mathematics, McKin- ley High School. ELIZABETH WILSON (Math.) Peru, Ind. Assistant Principal, High School. 1900] List by Years 79 GUY MITCHELL WILSON (Hist.) A.M., 1908. Connersville, Ind. Superin- tendent of Schools. MELVILLE SAMUEL WOODS (Fed.) Princeton, Ind. Farmer. OSTIN LEE WOOLLEY (Fed.) 1820 Garrett Ave., Dallas, Texas. Trav- eling salesman. Bachelors of Laws ROBERT WICKLIFFE ARMSTRONG Huntingburg, Ind. Lawyer. HERBERT VALODIN BARBOUR See A.B., 1899. OLIVER CROMWELL BLACK 430 East Fourth St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Lawyer. JACOB MANCIL CLINTON A.B., 1903; A.M., 1904. 3 Sanchome, Mi- toshirocho, Kanda, Tokyo, Japan. Secretary, Y. M. C. A. RICHARD FRANCIS DAVIS Vincennes, Ind. Lawyer. SAMUEL EDGAR DILLIN Petersburg, Ind. Lawyer. THOMAS LEE DILLON 503 Majestic Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. Louis BRAKEMAN ERWIN 5235 Cornell Ave., Chicago, 111. Law- yer. RUDOLPH FREDERICK FRITSCH See A.B., 1898. FRANK GARDNER Scottsburg, Ind. Auditor of Scott County. BENJAMIN VENABLE GOSHORN Clay City, Ind. Lawyer. DAVID MCKINNEY HAMMAT B.L., Washington and Lee University, 1898. 616 North Cheyenne Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma. OH business. GEORGE DANIEL HEILMAN 126 East Iowa St., Evansville, Ind. Law- yer. BLANCHARD JACKSON HORNE Anderson, Ind. Lawyer. HENRY WILLIAM KAMMAN 319 Edgar St., Evansville, Ind. Law- yer. FRANKLIN MARION KIMES Ph.B., Michigan State Normal College, 1907. Muskogee, Okla. Lawyer. City Attorney. BURDETTE C LUTZ Jeffersonville, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN MCGLOIN WARD MARSHALL Muncie, Ind. Lawyer. THOMAS PHILLIP MASTERSON Salem, Ind. Lawyer. EDWARD EVERETT NEEL Newport, Ind. Lawyer. CHARLES MAHLON NIEZER See A.B., 1899. MARTIN THOMAS O'BRIEN ROY OAKLEY PIKE Bloomington, Ind. Cashier, Citizens' Loan and Trust Co. CHARLES WALTER PORTER 12-13 Bank Block, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Lawyer. WARNER ANTHONY Ross Care of General Delivery, Toledo, Ohio. Inventor. MARION L SPITLER Ph.B., Wabash College, 1898. 208 E. Eighth St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Lawyer. WESLEY TAYLOR Monticello, Ind. Lawyer. Prosecuting Attorney, White and Carroll Counties. WILLIAM CLARENCE WAIT Newport, Ind. Lawyer. DANIEL AUGUSTUS WASMUTH See A.B., 1899. HIRAM PRESTON WHITE Rock Island, 111. Lawyer. CHARLES WILLIAM WITTENBRAKER 211 Upper Fourth St., Evansville, Ind. Lawyer. REDICK ANDREW WYLIE See A.B., 1898. Masters of Arts SANFORD BELL (Phil.) See A.B., 1899. MORTON CLARK BRADLEY (Math.) See A.B., 1899. AMOS WILLIAM BUTLER (Zool.) See A.B., 1894. *MARGARETTA SABIN DEBRULER (Eng.) A.B., Rockport Collegiate Institute, 1868. Died Dec. 16, 1910, at Evansville, Ind.; buried at Indianapolis, Ind. PAUL HENRY GRUMMANN (Ger.) See A.B., 1896. AMANDA McCoMB (Bot.) Ph.B., University of Michigan, 1894. South Bend, Ind. At present, Sterling, Col. FREDERIC AUSTIN OGG (Hist.) Ph.B., DePauw University, 1899. A.M., Harvard University, 1904; Ph.D., ibid., 1908. 401 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass. Assistant Professor of History, Simmons College. RUPERT RAYMOND SIMPKINS (Hist.) See A.B., 1899; LL.B., 1901. HAROLD OTHO STONE (Gen.) A.B Union Christian College, 1899. To- ledo, Wash. Merchant. 80 Register of Graduates [1900 JAMES M VAN HOOK (Bot.) See A.B., 1899. PETER VAN NICE VORIS (Fed.) See A.B., 1899. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 85 3 88 Bachelors of Laws 33 33 Masters of Arts 10 1 11 Totals .. . 128 ~4 132 1901 Bachelors of Arts HOWE ABBOTT (Chem.) Shelby and Naomi Sts., Indianapolis, Ind. Druggist. WILLIAM ALBERT ALEXANDEB (Hist.) Swarthmore, Pa. Registrar, Swarthmore College. ARTHUR GARFIELD ALLEN (Chem.) Bloomington, Ind. Assistant Postmas- ter. BOSCOE USHER BARKER (Hist.) LL.B., 1907. Mt. Vernon, Ind. Lawyer. OMAR PASHA BARROWS (Hist.) Wenatchee, Wash. Lawyer. FRED HENRY BATMAN (Chem.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1904. Bloomington, Ind. Physician. EDWARD BEECHER BENDER (Hist.) Zionsville, Ind. Poulterer. Dairyman. ALEXANDER BLACK (Zool.) Fort Defiance, Ariz. Missionary to Na- vaho Indians. OMAR HILL BLOSSOM (Phys.) Waterloo, Ind. At present, Superintend- ent of Pittsfield (111.) Schools. JEFFERSON DUDDLESTON BLYTH ING (Eng). M.D., Rush Medical College, 1906. Bet- tendorf, Iowa. Physician. JOHN FRANKLIN BOBBITT (Phil.) Ph.D., Clark University, 1909. 5824 South Madison Ave., Chicago, 111. Assistant Professor of Education, University of Chicago. MABEL BON s ALL (Math.) Thorntown, Ind. At present, 315 North Twenty-third St., Terre Haute, Ind. Critic Teacher, High School Mathe- matics, in Training School, Indiana State Normal School. FERDINAND HENRY BOSSE (Ger.) 406 East Columbia St., Evansville, Ind. Supervising Principal, Ward School. JOHN FULMER BOWER (Hist.) Muncie, Ind. Teacher of History, High School. Lois ALTA BRUNT (MRS. CHARLES JACOB SEMBOWER) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. MABEL FLORENCE BRYCE (MRS. BURCH- ARD HAYES KOARK) (Bot.) 204 Fourteenth Ave., Spokane, Wash. EDWIN NELSON CANINE (Hist.) 4341 Baring Ave., East Chicago, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. JOHN ORVILLE CHEWNING (Lot.) Rockport, Ind. Editor, Rockport Jour- nal. CHARLES PATTON CLARK (Chem.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1904. 25 East Walton Place, Chicago, 111. Phy- sician. HOWARD HOLMAN CLARK (La*.) A.M., 1905. 4324 Magoun Ave., East Chi- cago, Ind. Principal, High School. LENORA (LITTLETON) CLARK (MRS. HOWARD HOLMAN CLARK) (Lat.) 4324 Magoun Ave., East Chicago, Ind. MARY EFFIE COLEMAN (Hist.) A.M., 1901. Rushville, Ind. At present, 378 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. Western Manager, World Book Com- pany. KATE (MEEHAN) Cox (MRS. ULYSSES ORANGE Cox) (Eng.) 433 Washington Ave., Terre .Haute, Ind. NANCY FRANKLIN Cox (MRS. GEORGE WEBB MOORE) (Ger.) Spencer, Ind. ANNA GARDNER CRAVENS (MRS. OTTO ROTT) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS (Hist.) Mt. Vernon, Ind. Lawyer. State Sena- tor. DOTTIE ANN DAMAND (Math.) Avilla, Ind. JOHN ERNEST DARBY (Hist.) LL.B., 1902. Bloomington, Ind. Law- yer. HARRY RUSTON DAVIDSON (Econ.) 902 Upper First St., Evansville, Ind. Secretary, Davidson-Dietrich Plow Co. LEW EMERSON DECKARD (Phys.) 25 Dey St., New York City. Telephone business. GRANT ELLSWORTH DERBYSHIRE (Hist.) Portland, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. GEORGE LEWIS DE VILBISS (Math.) 305 Bellevue Ave., Seattle, Wash. Teach- er of Mathematics, Lincoln High School. CHARLES MILTON DICKEY (Chem.) Care of Hotel Argonaut, San Francisco, Cal. Salesman. CALVIN HUGH DILS (Bot.) Monessen, Pa. Real estate and Insur- ance. 1901 List by Years 81 JOHN JACOB EARLY (Phys.) Sheridan, Wyo. Superintendent of Schools. ALBERT JACOB FELTON (Hist.) 5122 Lexington Ave., Chicago, 111. Pub- lisher. JAY EMMETT FITZGERALD (Rom.) 430 Shepherd St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Editorial Clerk, Bureau of Manu- facturers, Department of Commerce and Labor. JOHN ANDREW FOSTER (Hist.) Faribault, Minn. Real estate and insur- ance. Director of Athletics, Shattuck Military School. JAMES WILLIAM FRAZIER (Geol.) Alexandria, Ind. At present, Anderson, Ind. Superintendent of Madison County Schools. WILLIS DEW GATCH (Chem.) M.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1907. Assistant Resident Surgeon, Johns Hopkins Hospital. GRACE HOLMES GRIFFITH (Oer.) Vevay, Ind. Teacher. IRVIN LORENZO GRIMES (Lat.) 1024 Byron St., Chicago, 111. Assistant Actuary. *WARD EVERETT HANGER (Zool.) Died April 28, 1904, at Olean, N. Y. SARA VANESSA H ANNA (Eng.) Shelbyville, Ind. Instructor in Eng- lish, High School. MARTHA Lois HAN SEE (Gk.) 30 Koun Machi, Mita Shiba, Tokyo, Ja- pan. Teacher. JOSEPH HENRY HASEMAN (Phys.) A.M., 1905. Linton, Ind. Superintend- ent of City Schools. MAX CHARLES HAWLEY (Ghent.) M.D., Central College of Physicians and Surgeons, (now Indiana University School of Medicine), 1904. Watertown, Illinois. Physician, Watertown State Hospital for Insane. ELIZABETH GRACE HENDRIX (MRS. THOMAS CRAMER HOPKINS) (Eng.) 727 Comstock Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. FRANK WILLIAM HENICKSMAN (Hist.) A.M., 1901; J.D., University of Chicago, . 5613 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111. Lawyer. EDGAR CLAYTON HINKLE (Math.) A.M., 1905. 6925 Union Ave., Chicago, 111. Teacher of Mathematics, Chicago Normal School. GEORGE CALVIN HUBBARD (Zool.) 1517 Seventh Ave., S. E., St. Cloud, Minn. Instructor in Science, State Normal School. WILEY JEROME HUDDLE (Chem.) A.M., 1903. 424 South Mills St., Madi- son, Wis. Inspector of Gas and Elec- tric Service, Railroad Commission of Wisconsin. CHARLES LUTHEB HUNT (Math.) A.M., 1902. Carmel, Ind. Farmer. GARLAND HORACE HURLEY (Hist.) LL.B., 1902. Robinson, 111. Oil well contractor and producer. LAURA ELLEN IRWIN (Hist.) 3555 Boulevard F, Denver, Colo. Teacher of History, Civics and Economics, State Preparatory School, Boulder, Colo. CHARLES FREDERICK JACKMAN (Phil.) A.M., 1907. Worthington, Ind. Superin- tendent of Schools. ALFRED ELIHU JONES (Math.) 540 North Seventh St., Terre Haute, Ind. Manager, Furnas Ice Cream Co. KARL WILLIAM KRAMER (Ger.) 37 St. Charles Place, Louisville, Ky. Clergyman. JESSE LEWIS (Hist.) Flagstaff, Ariz. Head of Department of History, Northern Arizona State Nor- mal School. BERTHA CARESSE LINGLE (Lat.) Anderson, Ind. BENJAMIN FRANKUN LONG (Hist.) LL.B., 1901. Logansport, Ind. Lawyer. MARY CATHARINE LYNE (MRS. CHARLES DAVID SLOAN) (Bot.) 157 N. Craig St., Pittsburgh, Pa. DUDLEY ODELL McGovNEY (Hist.) A.M., Harvard University, 1904; LL.B., Columbia University, 1907. 1403 Cal- houn St., New Orleans, La. Professor of Law, Secretary Law Department, Tulane University. JOSEPH ALBERT MCKELVEY (Phil.) Lehigh, Okla. Superintendent City Schools. CLAUDUS HERBERT MARSHALL (Eoon.) 1515 S. Sixth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Mer- cantile business. HUGH SMITH MAXWELL (Chem.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1904. Rich- mond, Ohio. Physician. HENRIETTA JOSEPHINE MEETEER (Gk.) Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1904. Swarthmore, Pa. Dean of Women, and Assistant Professor of Greek, Swarth- more College. OSCAR DARIUS MELTON (Phys.) Swayzee, Ind. Editor. H DAYTON MERRILL (Math.) Kokomo, Ind. At present, 1017 Grove St., Evanston, 111. Instructor, Mathe- matics, in High School. EUGENE STANTON MILLER (Phys.) A.M., 1901. Valparaiso, Ind. Teacher of Physics and Chemistry, High School. GEORGE WEBB MOORE (Math.) Spencer, Ind. U. S. Civil service. ROBERT SHELBY MOORE (Hist.) Boonville, Ind. Lawyer. 82 Register of Graduates [1901 NELLIE GRANT MORRIS (Ger.) A.M., 1903. Dublin, Ind. At present, teaching German, Sullivan (Ind.) High School. ALBERT CHARLES MUHSE (Econ.) A.M., 1902; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1905. 52 The Manor House, Washing- ton, D. C. Special Agent, Bureau of Corporations, Department of Commerce and Labor. ARTHUR LEROY MURRAY (Eng.) A.M., 1908. Richmond, Ind. Head of English Department, High School. MORTON MYERS (Zool.) M.D., 1907. Davenport, Wash. Physi- cian and -surgeon. EDWIN MANSON NEHER (Zool.) B.S., University of Chicago, 1903; M.D., Rush Medical College, 1906. Castle Gate, Utah. Surgeon, Denver and Rio Grande Railroad. LUCY NICHOLS (MRS. BENJAMIN FRANK- LIN LONG) (Hist.) Logansport, Ind. REUBEN EDSON NYSWANDER, JR. (Phys.) A.M., 1904; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1908. 2313 South Fillmore St., Univer- sity Park, Colo. Professor of Physics, University of Denver. ANNA MAY OWEN (MRS. EVERETT EDGAR KING) (La*.) Bedford, Ind. At present, 717 Eas f . Buf- falo St., Ithaca, N. Y. SAMUEL B FLASKET (Hist.) Kokomo, Ind. Principal, Central School. JENNIE CELIA PUGH (MRS. FRANK E. HUTCHINSON) (Hist.) Lebanon, Ind. ORA ANSON RAWLINS (Phys.) A.M., 1907. Kewane<* 111. Principal, High School. EITEL RUSKIN RAY (Phil.) A.M., 1902. 3462 N. Meridian St., Indi- anapolis, Ind. Supervising Principal. Teacher in Normal School. THOMAS WATTERSON RECORDS ^(Phys.) Liberty, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. ANDREW JACKSON REDMON (Zool.) Peru, Ind. At present, 311 East Sixtieth St., Chicago, 111. Student, Rush Med- ical College. GEORGE CARLTON RESONER (Hist.) 2328 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. Fur- niture dealer. JESSE EDWARD RETHERFORD (Hist.) Pocatello, Idaho. Teacher of History and Political Science, Academy of Idaho. JESSIE MAUDE RITTER (MRS. EDWARD DALLAS FARMER) (Phil.) Bloomington, Ind. WALTER LEE Ross (Hist.) A.M., 1903. 128 East Third St., Oklahoma City, Okla. ALVAH JOHNSON RUCKER (Ok.) LL.B., Columbia University, 1904. 48-50 Lombard Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN MADISON SADLER, JR. (Ger.) Muncie, Ind. President, Gas Belt Coal Company. WILLIAM II SCIIEIFLEY (Ger.) A.M., 1903. Urbana, 111. Instructor in Romance Languages, University of Illi- nois. WILLIAM JAMES SCOTT (Ger.) A.M., 1903. Wabash, Ind. Farmer. FREDERICK LAFAYETTE SHINN (Chem.) A.M., 1902; Ph.D., University of Wiscon- sin, 1906. Eugene, Ore. Assistant Pro- fessor of Chemistry, University of Ore- gon. MAUD AMELIA SHOWERS (MRS. BURTON DORR MYERS) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. FREDERICK H. SILLERY (Phil.) 3801 Broadway, Indianapolis, Ind. Real estate. VESTO MELVIN SLIPHER (Ast.) A.M., 1903; Ph.D., 1909. Flagstaff, Ariz. Assistant Astronomer, Lowell Observ- atory. FLORENCE BEATTIE SMITH (MRS. JAMES WILSON STOTT) (Chem.) Union City, Ind. LOLA JANE SMITH (Hist.) Bloomington, Ind. Teacher. TROY SMITH (Zool.) Union City, Ind. At present, Principal, Montpelier (Ind.) High School. WILL CARLTON SPARKS (Chem.) Anderson, Ind. Superintendent of Road- way, Indiana Union Traction Co. FRANCES AMELIA STEVENS (MRS. GEORGE WORTHEN JONES) (Eng.) Scottsbluff, Neb. MARY ETHEL STRONG (Eng.) Prosser, Wash. JAMES ARTHUR STUART (Eng.) 932 Jefferson Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Sunday Editor, Indianapolis Star. REBECCA CORNELIA SWAYNE (Phil.) 1102 W. Berry St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. At present, 2728 Ashland Ave., Indianap- olis, Ind. Teacher, Public Schools. GRACE TRIPLETT (MRS. THOMAS NEIL STILWELL) (Rom.) A.M., 1903. Anderson, Ind. LENA TRIPLETT ( MRS. ROBERT CAMPBELL ROGERS) (Rom.) Bloomington, Ind. MYRON OWEN TRIPP (Hath.) Ph.D., Columbia University, 1909. 90 Sedgwick Ave., Yonkers, N. Y. In- structor, Mathematics, College of the City of New York. 1001 List by Years 83 SANFORD TRIPPET (Hist.) LL.B., University of Michigan, 1904. Princeton, Ind. Prosecuting Attorney, Eleventh Judicial Circuit. CHARLES ARTHUR VAN ATTA (Phys.) Pennville, Ind. Railway mail clerk. STELLA ADELIA VAUGHN (MRS. WILLIAM ALEXANDER PATTON) (Eng.) Bluffton, Ind. ERNEST GOSSER WALKER (La*.) Lebanon, Ind. Principal, High School. ANNA Rous WARD (Eng.) 46 Carver St., Cambridge, Mass. Teach- er of English, Rindge Manual Training School. ESTELLA MARY WHITTED (Phil.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teach- ing in the Anderson (Ind.) Schools. BEATRICE WILLIAMS (MRS. PERCIVAL O. POWER) (Rom.) 125 East Twenty-first St., Indianapolis, Ind. LAURA ARNOTT WOODBURN (MRS. DUD- LEY ODELL MCGOVNEY) (Phil.) 1403 Calhoun St., New Orleans, La. SAMUEL OSCAR WRIGHT (Hist.) Boswell, Ind. At present, San Fernando, La Union, P. I. Philippine civil serv- ice. THOMAS MELVILLE WRIGHT (Chem.) M.D., College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Baltimore, Md., 1907. Troy, Ohio. Physician and surgeon. Bachelors of Laws GEORGE HERBERT BOWER 689 Sixth St., San Bernardino, Cal. Con- fidential Clerk, Railway Service. CLYDE EDWARD BOYER A.B., Northwestern College, Naperville, 111., 1907; A.M., ibid., 1909. Elkhart, Ind. At present, 406 N. Hamilton Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Clergyman. IRA HARRISON CHURCH Elkhart, Ind. Lawyer. GEORGE BRASHEARS DODDRIDGE Indianapolis, Ind. JOHN CHRISTIAN DODSON See A.B., 1898. JESSE BARTON FIELDS Bloomington, Ind. Lawyer. LENPHA ALFRED FOLSOM See A.B., 1900. THOMAS SHERMAN GERHART Sumner, 111. Lawyer. FRANCIS EARL GILKISON Shoals, Ind. Lawyer. HARLEY FRANKLIN HARDIN Marion, Ind. Lawyer. WILLIAM HERBERT HILL Vincennes, Ind. Lawyer. AMOS EDGAR HOUK 20 Pixley-Long Building, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Lawyer. HARRY EDMON LAUGHLIN See A.B., 1899. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LONG See A.B., 1901. GEORGE WILLIAM LONG Nashville, Ind. Lawyer. State Senator. *JOHN RICHARD McGiNNis Died Jan. 16, 1909, at Princeton, Ind. ORVILLE CLYDE MCLAUGHLIN Portland, Ind. Editor. THOMAS VINCENT O'DONNELL RALPH ADOLPHUS PIKE 1431 Missouri Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Teacher of Mathematics, McKinley High School. FRANK WAYNE RAY 1320 South Eighth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Real estate and insurance. MARC RYAN Anderson, Ind. Lawyer. WALTER SHIRTS Noblesville, Ind. Lawyer. RUPERT RAYMOND SIMPKINS See A.B., 1899; A.M., 1900. JAMES GRANT STULL See A.B., 1893. Masters of Arts MARY EFFIE COLEMAN (Hist.) See A.B., 1901. PAUL COUGHLIN (Chem.) See A.B , 1900. WILLIAM JOSIAH CUSHMAN (Phil.) See A.B., 1894. MARTHA WALKER DORSEY (Eng.) See A.B., 1894. FREDERICK NEWTON DUNCAN (Chem.) See A.B., 1900. FRANCIS MARION HAMILTON (Phil.) See A.B., 1897. PAUL LELAND HA WORTH (Hist.) See A.B., 1899. FRANK WILLIAM HENICKSMAN (Hist.) See A.B., 1901. ANDREW JANEWAY KINNAMAN (Phil.) See A.B., 1900. ABRAM VARDIMAN MAUCK (Geol.) See A.B., 1900. ARCHIBALD WARNOCK MILLER (Phys.) See A.B., 1897. EUGENE STANTON MILLER (Phys.) See A.B., 1901. JAMES FRANKLIN MILLIS (Math.) See A.B., 1897. 84 Register of Graduates [1901 HAMILTON BYRON MOORE (Eng.) Ph.B., Cornell University, 1897. 1410 Amber St., Louisville, Ky. Teacher of English, Louisville Male High School. WILLIAM C PIDGEON (Econ.) A.B., Whittier College, 1806; M.S., ibid., 1897. West Newton, Ind. Superin- tendent of Schools. JAMES PERTICE PORTER (Phil.) See A.B., 1898. EDWARD ERNEST RUBY (Lat.) See A.B., 1897. HELENA GRACE SHIRLEY (MRS. DAVID ANDREW ROTHROCK) (La*.) See A.B., 1900. JOHN ANDREW STONEKINQ (Phys.) See A.B., 1898. BESSIE HORNBROOK THRALL (Eng.) See A.B., 1898. MARY LOUISE THRALL (Eng.) See A.B., Summary Living Bachelors of Arts 118 Bachelors of Laws.... 23 Masters of Arts 21 Totals .. .162 Dead 1 1 Total 119 24 21 164 1902 Bachelors of Arts CLAY ADRA BALL (Chem.) M.D., Indiana Medical College (now In- diana University School of Medicine), 1906. Muncie, Ind. Physician. EDNA BROWNING BARTLETT (MRS. FRANK MASTEN CROMMELIN) (Rom.) 726 North New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. CHESTER ARTHUR BATCHELOB (Ger.) LL.M., Illinois College of Law, 1905. 203 Thirtieth Ave., Seattle, Wash. Law- yer. HELEN BATCHELOB (MRS. JOHN WELL- HOFF TODD) (Bot.) 453 W. One Hundred and Twenty-fourth St., New York City. ELIZABETH BEATY (Ohem.) Bloomington, Ind. ALFRED ADAMS BECK (Lat.) Bloomington, Ind. Superintendent of stone mills. JOHN SAMUEL BENHAM (Hist.) Benham, Ind. Lumber dealer. LAWRENCE HOWARD BERTSCH (Hist.) B.S.M.E., University of Michigan, 1907. Cambridge City, Ind. Mechanical engi- neer. CARL BIRD (Econ.) Pasco, Wash. Abstractor. Secretary, Pasco Guarantee Abstract Company. WESLEY B BLACK (Phil.) La Veta, Col. Farmer. IDA BERNRADINE BRAKE (MRS. THOMAS DWIGHT BAYNE) (Eng.) Spencer, Ind. HENRY CLAY BRANDON (Math.) A.M., 1905; A.M., Columbia University, 1910. Daleville, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Assistant Profes- sor of Manual Training, Indiana Uni- versity. For the year 1910-11 Teacher's College, Columbia University, New York City. HARRYE BOYNTON BRANHAM (MRS. . HARRY HELM ORR) (Hist.) Muncie, Ind. HOWARD BRUBAKER (Econ.) 29 East Twenty-second St., New York City. Associate editor, Success Maga- zine. FRANK CARROON (Phil.) 1008 Eighth St., East Las Vegas, N. M. Teacher of English and History, Las Vegas Normal University. WILLIAM BURTICE CASTENHOLZ (Hist.) A.M., University of Wisconsin, 1903. 5751 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Audi- tor and public accountant. LEO CHAMBERS (Math.) New Castle, Ind. Head of Commercial Department, High School. ROBERT ALLEN CHANDLER (Math.) Galesburg, 111. Editor. CATHARINE CHILTON (MRS. GEORGE HANSON HULL) (Hist.) French Lick, Ind. At present, Little Rock, Ark. ALFRED ELLSWORTH CLAWSON (Hist.) Cheney, Wash. Superintendent of Schools. City Attorney. MILLICENT MAY Coss (Hist.) Greencastle, Ind. Teacher. HANNAH ANN Cox (Hist.) 319 Leslie Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher. WALTER HENSHAW CRIM (Hist.) Salem, Ind. Manuafcturer. JOHN CROWLEY (Eng.) 3265 North New Jersey St., Indianapolis. Ind. At present, Lawrenceburg, Ind. United States Storekeeper ganger. VEBNA BASIL DARBY (MRS. CARL OTTO LAMPLAND) (Math.) Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Ariz. CATHERINE EGNOR (Ger.) Spencer, Ind. CAROLINE FORKNEB (Eng.) New Castle, Ind. MILES CONNER FRYSINGEB (Phil.) LL.B., 1903. Indiana Harbor, Ind. Law- yer. LILLIAN BRITTON GILLETTE (MRS. ED- WARD JOSEPH NICHOLS) (Ger.) 902 Lakeside Place. Chicago, 111. 1902] List by Years 85 OLIVER EDMUNDS GLENN (Math.) A.M., 1903: Ph.D.. University of Penn- sylvnnia, 1005. Philadelphia, Pa. In- structor in Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania. OTTO EUGENE GRANT (Hist.) LL.B., inog. Albion, Ind. Lawyer. County Attorney. HARRY GRAY (Hist.) Galveston, Ind. Farmer. FRED LINCOLN GREESON (Hist.) Kokomo, Ind. At present, 513 Second St., Louisville. Ky. Teacher of Eng- lish, Manual Training High School. MELVIN EVERETT HAGGERTY (Phil.) A.M., 1907: A.M., Harvard. 1909; Ph.D., ibid., 1910. Bloomington, Tnd. Assist- ant Professor of Psychology, Indiana University. NATN DELF HAMILTON (Ch em.) A.M., University of Illinois, 1907. 100 Lake St., Chicago, 111. Traveling salesman. FRANK MONROE HAMMITT (Math.) A.M., 1905. Ottumwa, Iowa. Principal, High School. GERTRUDE HARBISON (MRS. EDWIN WAKEFIELD BENSON) (Ger.) Warren, Ind. JACOB WASHINGTON HOLTON (Hist.) Sullivan, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. JOHN WILLIAM HORN AD AY (Hist.) LL.B., 1904. Lebanon, Ind. Lawyer. CLINTON LESLIE HUFFMAN (Chem.) South Bend, Indiana. Head of Commer- cial Department, Mishawaka High School. HERBERT ERNEST HUTTON (Ger.) LL.B., 1904. Danville, 111. Lawyer. FRED BATES JOHNSON (Econ.) LL.B., 1910. 312-14 Indiana Pythian Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. FBANCIS JOSEPH KELLY (Chem.) 833 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. Editor. CLARENCE HAMILTON KENNEDY (Zool) A.M., 1903. Suuuyside, Wash. Ranch- man. CARL OTTO LAMPLAND (Math.) A.M., 1906. Flagstaff, Ariz. Assistant Astronomer, Lowell Observatory. CHARLES EDWARD LEWIS (Bot.) A.M., 1903. Ph.D., Cornell University, 1905. Orono, Maine. Associate Plant Pathologist, Maine Agricultural Ex- periment Station. MARY MACHATTON (MRS. FBANCIS ED- WIN HYSLOP) (Lat.) Haddon Heights, N. J. MADGE McKEE (Math.) Kentland, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics in Kewanee (111.) High School. FRANK HARRIS MASTERS (Math.) C.E., Cornell University, 1904. 343 West Seventy-third Street. Chicago, 111. Civil Engineer, Elgin, Joliet and East- ern Railway, at Gary, Indiana. JAMES MITCHELL MATHENY (Hist.) 2412 Pierson Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher. ERNEST L. MATTOX (Chem.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1905. West Terre Haute, Ind. Physician and sur- geon. Assistant Surgeon, Union Hos- pital Staff. CURTIS MERRIMAN (Phil) Cheney, Wash. Director, Training School, State Normal. JAMES BAMFORD MERRIMAN (Hist.) LL.B., Indiana Law School. 1904 Bluff- ton, Ind. Lawyer. Member, Legisla- ture. MYRTLE ESTHER MITCHELL (MRS. JAMES LINDLEY TUCKER) (Hist.) Salem. Ind. MARY MOSES (MRS. ERNEST JACKSON GI.ESSNER) (Ger.) Fort Collins, Colo. CLARA MULLER (Ger.) Reedley, Cal. Teacher in High School. ALLEN ANSON NORRIS (Zool.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1906. Elk- hart, Ind. Physician and surgeon. KATIE MARIE OPPERMAN (MRS. FRANK MARION ANDREWS) (Bot.) A.M., Wellesley College, 1903. Bloom- ington, Ind. JOHN MCINTYRE OSBORN (Chem.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1908. 214 Northern Bank Building. Seattle, Wash. Physician and surgeon. JONATHAN WALTER OSBORN (Hist.) LL.B., 1904. Lane, Idaho. Lawyer. Ranchman. OPHELIA ELIZABETH OVERSTREET (Fed.) 126 E. Third St., Oklahoma City, Okla. At present, Weatherford, Okla. Teach- er, Modern Languages, State Normal School. RUTH HANNAH PAULL (MRS. SAMUEL MILROY BALLARD) (Ger.) 207 East Second South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. JAMES C PIETY (Hist.) 3532 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Teacher, Crane Technical High School. EARL E RAMSEY (Zool.) A.M., 1910. Bloomington, Ind. Princi- pal, High School. SUSAN HATTIE REECE (MBS. FRANK HENRY PIKE) (Lat.) 6121 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. SHERMAN CLEMENT RICKARD (Chem.) Pekin, Ind. Principal, High School. OSCAR RIDDLE (Zool.) Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1907. 6731 Monroe Ave., Chicago, 111. Instructor in ZoOlogy, University of Chicago. 86 Register of Graduates 1902 IRA PLEASANT RINKER (Eng.) Canton, 111. Principal, High School. MARY HILDA ROBERTS (Lat.) Wabash, Ind. At present, Urbana, 111. Order Assistant, Library, University of Illinois. CARRIE (OVERSTREET) Ross (MRS. WAL- TER LEE Ross) (Hist.) 128 East Third St., Oklahoma City, Okla. BERTRAM SANDERS (Math.) 858 S. Audubon Road, Irvlngton, Ind. Teacher, Mathematics. Manual Train- ing' High School, Indianapolis. NANCY ELNORA SCOTT (Hist.) A.M., 1907; Ph.D., University of Penn- sylvania, 1909. 1520 E. Wayne St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. At present, Professor of History and Economics, Wilson Col- lege, Chambersburg, Pa. JAY CAMERON SELL (Ger.) Livingston, Mont. Secretary, Winslow Mercantile Company. CLIFFORD DALE SHAUL (Econ.) Houston, Texas. General Superintend- ent, Houston Gas Company. HELEN ROBERT SHIRK (MRS. GEORGE SHORTLE) (Hist.) Tipton, Ind. WAYNE MCKNIGHT SHIRLEY (Chem.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1905. Water- loo, Iowa. Physician and surgeon. JOSEPH HENRY SHOCK (Math.) Lafayette, Ind. Principal, High School. WILLIAM BRADEN SHOEMAKER (Eoon.) Sheridan, Ind. Farmer and stock raiser. MAUDE SIMONTON (MRS. FRANK WIL- LIAM HENICKSMAN) (Ger.) 5613 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111. Secretary to the Dean of Rush Medical College. ESSIE ALMA SMITH (Phil.) A.M., 1904. Bloomington, Ind. SAMUEL STERRETT SMITH (Chem.) Mercer, Pa. Superintendent, Branchton Limestone Co. MYRTLE (EMMERT) STEMPEL (MRS. GUIDO HERMANN STEMPEL) (Lat.) Bloomington, Ind. DAISIBEL HENDRIX (MRS. JAMES ALBERT SUTHERLAND) (Eng.) 2636 Sutherland Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. JOSEPH BYRON TARNEY (Phil.) A.M., Columbia University, 1911. 600 West One Hundred and Twenty-second St., New York City. Student, Union Theological Seminary. EDWIN LINK THOMPSON (Hist.) Hillsboro, 111. Farmer. VESTA TRIPLETT (MRS. OTTO FLOYD ROGERS) (Hist.) Bloomington, Ind. ^WILLIS OLIVER TYLER (Hist.) LL.B., Harvard University, 1908. 426-7 Bryson Building, Los Angeles, Cal. Lawyer. CHARLES AUGUST UNNEWEHR (Phys.) Princeton, Ind. At present, Blooming- ton, Tnd. Teaching Fellow, Indiana University. HEILMAN CURTIS WADSWORTH (Chem.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1900. Wash- ington, Ind. At present, Chicago, 111. Interne, Presbyterian Hospital. EARL J WALKER (Econ.) 132 Clark St., Chicago, 111. Lawyer. WILSON ROBB WOODMANSEE (Math.) Aledo, 111. Head of Department of Mathematics, William and Vashti Col- lege. Bachelors of Laws JOHN ERNEST DARBY See A.B., 1901. FRANK WALLACE GORDON Bluffton. Ind. Lawyer. AUGUSTUS HENRY GRAY Great Falls, Mont. Lawyer. Member of Legislature. AUGUSTUS WALTER HAMILTON Bluffton, Ind. Lawyer. THOMAS CLINTON HART Fallow, Nev. Lawyer. GARLAND HORACE HURLEY See A.B., 1901. DELPHA CELANDINE ROBINSON (MRS. HARRY T. DALE) Suite 801, 45 West Thirty-fourth St., New York City. WILBUR RYMAN Muncie, Ind. Lawyer. HERMAN ADOLPHUS SCHMIDT A.B., 1904. Terre Haute, Ind. Lawyer. Coal operator. * MICHAEL FRANCIS SULLIVAN Died April 6, 1909, at Logansport, Ind. GEORGE EARLY VAWTER 519 Fourth Ave., E., Duluth, Minn. Of- fice manager and traveling salesman. JOSEPH WILLIAM VERBARG North Vernon, Ind. Lawyer. Prosecut- ing Attorney, Sixth Judicial Circuit. WILLIAM MOOREMAN WALDSCHMIDT See A.B., 1894. MAURICE JAMES WELBORN Princeton, Ind. Traffic Manager, Prince- ton Milling Co. ALLEN WILES Connersville, Ind. Lawyer. Masters of Arts NELLIE MAY BOWSER (Lat.) See A.B., 1900. HOWARD WALTON CLARK (Bot.) See A.B., 1896. 1908] List by Years 87 WILBUR ADELMAN COGSHALL (At.) B.S., Albion College, 1895. Bloomington, Ind. Associate Professor of Astron- omy, Indiana University. JOSEPHINE MOROA Cox (Hist.) See A.B., 1898. ULYSSES ORANGE Cox (Zool.) See A.B., 1900. JOE THOMAS GILES (Phys.) See A.B., 1894. JAMES WILLIAM HEATH (Math.) See A.B., 1898. CHARLES LUTHER HUNT (Ast.) See A.B., 1901. MARY JOHNSTON (Lat.) See A.B., 1900. GEORGIANA LINDLEY (MRS. ARTHUR LYN- DON KITTREDGE) (Enff.) B.S., Purdue University, 1901; M.S., ibid., 1902. 439 Grafton Ave., Dayton, Ohio. MABEL CLARE LINDLEY (MRS. HOMER HERSCHEL BEALS) (Enff.) B.S., Purdue University, 1899. Cicero, Ind. CHARLES ALBERT MUHSE (Econ.) See A.B., 1901. ROBERT ELIJAH NEWLAND (Phil.) See A.B., 1898. BLANCHE PUTNAM NOEL (Lat.) A.B., Butler College, 1900. 313 B. St. Glair St., Indianapolis, Ind. At pres- ent, teaching Latin, Vincennes (Ind.) High SchooL EITEL RUSKIN RAY (Phil.) See A.B., 1901. FREDERICK LAFAYETTE SHINN (Chem.) See A.B., 1901. FANNIE ENSMINGER WAKELY (Lat.) See A.B., 1899. JOHN ANDERSON WOOD (Ped.) See A.B., 1897. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 91 91 Bachelors of Laws 14 1 15 Masters of Arts 18 18 Totals 123 124 1903 Bachelors of Arts JOSEPHINE ABEL (Lat.) Seymour, Ind. At present, 828 North Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of Latin, Manual Training High School. ARTHUR MANGUN BANTA (Zool.) A.M., 1904; Ph. D., Harvard University. 1907. Cold Springs Harbor, Long Is- land, N. Y. Resident Investigator, Sta- tion for Experimental Evolution. JAMES DENNIS BARRETT (Chem.) M.D., Northwestern University, 1906. 39 Wyoming Avenue, Billings, Mont. Phy- sician and surgeon. LARKIN LEWIS BEEMAN (Hist.) 347 Eleventh St., San Bernardino, Cal Principal, High School. OSCAR BERT BOTTORFF (Eng.) 707 North Kingshighway, St. Louis, Mo. President, Bottorff Realty Co. MAUD ESTHER BOWSER (Lat.) Warsaw, Ind. JAMES RONAJLD BRANSON (Eng.) Detroit, Mich. City Editor, Detroit Free Press. ELLA POWERS BREWER (MRS. CLARENCE CECIL CLARK) (Math.) 4330 Cornelius Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. MARGARET BURNSIDE (Eng.) 2110 North Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher. FRANCIS EVERETT CALLAHAN (Hist.) Mt. Vernon, Ind. Principal, High School. GUY CANTWELL (Phil.) Connersville, Ind. Principal, High School. JOHN RALPH CARNEY (Hist.) Vernon, Ind. Lawyer. Clerk, Circuit Court. PEARL JOSEPHINE CASSELL (MRS. JOHN R. BENDER) (Lat.) 4053 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. COMMODORE WESLEY CAUBLE (Phil.) A.M., 1903. Martlnsvtlle, Ind. Clergy- man. JACOB MANCIL CLINTON (Econ.) See LL.B., 1900; A.M., 1904. MARY OLIVE DAILEY (MRS. WALLACE ROGERS PIERSON) (Lat.) Cromwell, Conn. TOM DORRELL (Phil.) Greenwood, Ind. Principal, Center Grove High School. CLYDE FLOYD DRIESRACH (Econ.) 837 Lake Ave., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Commer- cial traveler. LEVI JACOB DRIVER (Ped.) A.M., 1910. Farmland, Ind. At present, Superintendent of Rising Sun (Ind.) Schools. EDMUND BURKE ELFERS (Hist.) Morgan Building, El Paso, Tex. Law- yer. Assistant County Attorney. WADE HAMPTON FREE (Hist.) LL.B., Indiana Law School, 1905. An- derson, Ind. Lawyer. EDITH GAUNTT (MRS. WILLIAM CALVERT WELBORN) (Ger.) Greenfield, Ind. LYDIA EMILY GEMMER (MRS. JACOB GRANT COLLICOTT) (Phil.) 717 North Ainsworth, Tacoma, Wash. 88 Register of Graduates [1903 AJBTHUB ELLIOTT GBANTHAM (Zool.) B.S.A., University of Missouri, 1905. Newark, Del. Professor of Agronomy, Delaware College. Agronomist, Dela- ware Agricultural Experiment Station. *FHANK CADWELL GRAY (Hist.) Died Nov. 13, 1905, at Indianapolis, Ind. * WALTER Louis HAHN (Zool.) A.M., 1907; Ph.D., ibid., 1908. Acci- dentally drowned, May 31, 1911, at St. Paul Island, Bering Sea. CHARLES HASEMAN (Math.) A.M., 1906; Ph.D., Gottingen University, 1907. Reno, Nev. Associate Profes- sor of Mathematics, University of Ne- vada. WILLIAM PETER HASEMAN (Phys.) A.M., 1904; Ph.D., University of Penn- sylvania, 1907. Norman, Okla. Pro- fessor of Physics, University of Okla- homa. WILLIAM THOMAS RAYMOND (Econ.) LL.B., Indiana Law School, 1905. Mun- cie, Ind. Lawyer. THOMAS J HEADLEE (Zool.) A.M., 1905; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1906. Manhattan, Kan. Professor of Entomology and Zoology, State Agri- cultural College. Entomologist and Zoologist, State Experiment Station of Kansas. GEORGE WASHINGTON HEADY (Math.) Vevay, Ind. GEORGE SMOCK HENRY (Oer.) 1640 North Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. Interurban Traffic Manager. LUCY BERNHARDINE HESSLEB (Eng.) Logansport, Ind. Literary work. AIDEN MARVIN HIGHLEY (Math.) 202 Commonwealth Ave., Detroit, Mich. Book business. WINFRED WAMSLEY HOLUDAY (Zool.) Whiting, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. HERBERT PAUL HOLMAN (Chem.) 222 Fourth Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Chemist for U. S. Standard Envelope Agency. JOHN LEMUEL HOUSE (Zool.) A.M., 1910. Fayette, Mo. Professor of Biology and Geology, and Registrar. Central College. JOHN CONLIN HUTCHINSON (Econ.) 1024 Upper Second St., Evansville, Ind. General insurance. HEBBERT LEWIS IHRIG (Hist.) Columbia City, Ind. Teacher of History, High School. FRANCIS MABION INGLEB (Econ.) See LL.B., 1893. BLANCHE IVES (MBS. THOMAS J HEAD- LEE) (Bot.) Manhattan, Kan. JOHN POBTEB JEFFEBS (Hist.) LL.B., 1906. Linton, Ind. Lawyer. ROXANA GALLETLY JOHNSON (Hist.) B.L.S., University of Illinois, 1909. Pull- man, Wash. Cataloguer, Washington State College. BELLE CLOWDESLEY JONES (MRS. FRANK R. MILLER) (Lat.) Clinton, Ind. CALLA JANE KASSEBAUM (Eng.) Aurora, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Columbus (Ind.) High School. JOHN PARDEE KING (Phil.) Bloomington, Ind. Student, Graduate School, Indiana University. WILLIAM ALBERT LAKE (Lat.) Calvert, Texas. Life insurance. ESTELLE BOOGE LEAS (MRS. R. EARL PETERS) (Bot.) Auburn, Ind. JOHN AUSTIN LINKE (Ped.) A.M., 1904. Seymour, Ind. Superintend- ent of Schools. CLARENCE GUY LITTELL (Zool.) 149 Plymouth Place, Chicago, 111. Office assistant. OLIVER CARY LOCKHART (Econ.) A.M., 1905. 1731 Summit St., Columbus, O. Assistant Professor of Economics and Sociology, Ohio State University. FRANK LOGAN (Hist.) S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, 1906. 401 Worcester Building, Portland, Ore. Architectural draughts- man. WILLIAM ORLANDO LYNCH (Hist.) A.M., University of Wisconsin, 1908. 1454 South Seventh St., Terre Haute, Ind. Assistant Professor of History, Indiana State Normal School. WONNETAH PEARL MCCAMPBELL (MBS. ' W. W. JONES) (Eng.) 903 Center St., Wilkensburg, Pittsburg, Pa. EDWARD MCDONALD (Eng.) 29 Valley St., St. Paul, Minn. Post office clerk. CHARLES HOMER McKEE (Eng.) 144 East Thirty-third St., Indianapolis, Ind. General Manager, Merchant's Printing Company. ORRIN HARDIN MARKEL (Econ.) LL.B., 1906; A.M., Swarthniore College, 1904. Elkhart, Ind. Lawyer. FRANK CUBRY MATHERS (Chem.) A.M., 1904; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1907. Bloomington, Ind. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Indiana Uni- versity. RICHARD MCCLELLAN MILBURN (Hist.) A.M., 1908; LL.B., Cumberland Univer- sity, 1887. Jasper, Ind. Lawyer. AARON MILLEB (Math.) Otwell, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. CYRUS ODELL MITCHELL (Phil.) Portland, Ind. Principal, High School. 1903] List by Years 89 EFFA (FUNK) MUHSE (MRS. ALBERT CHARLES MUHRE) (Zool) AM, 1906: Ph.D., ibid., 1908. 2518 Seventeenth St., N.W., Washington, D. C. LEWIS BENJAMIN MULL (Phys.) Ottumwa, Towa. Instructor in Physics, High School. EMMA ROSALIE MUNGER (MRS. VESTO MELVIN SLIPHER) (Eng.) Flagstaff, Ariz. FRED MUTCHLER (Bot.) Ph D , Clark University, 1905. Bowling Green, Ky. Head of Science Depart- ment, State Normal School. LYDIA NEWSON (MRS. WILLIAM WELDON LAMBERT) (Eng.) Columbus, Ind. VIDA NEWSOM (Phil) A.M., 1906. Columbus, Ind. MADELINE NORTON (MRS. FORREST SUM- NER LUNT) (Hist.) 850 Seventh St., Charleston, 111. WILLIAM FREDERICK OESTERLE (Chem.) 769 Central Ave., Sandusky, Ohio. Chem- ist. HARRY HELM ORB (Hist.) LL.B., Indiana Law School, 1904. Mun- cie, Ind. Lawyer. GLORIA MAY PICKARD (MRS. LEE OLIVER WOOLERY) (La*.) Tombstone, Ariz. FRANK HENRY PIKE (Zool) Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1908. 6121 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. In- structor in Physiology, University of Chicago. JAMES LESLIE PINKS (Phil) 149 Broadway, New York City. Lawyer. HELEN POSEY (Ger.) 505 Washington Ave., Evansville, Ind. At present, Principal, Newburgh (Ind.) High School. CLAUDE ELMER PRICE (Phil) A.M., 1904; M.D., Western Reserve Uni- versity, 1908. Corner Ashland Ave. and Bancroft St., Toledo, Ohio. Phy- sician. WILLIAM WHEAT RAGSDALE (Ok.) LL.B., Columbia University, 1906. 15-21 Park Road, New York City. Lawyer. ALBERT B REAGAN (Geol) A M., 1904. Nett Lake, Minn. Superin- tendent, and Special Distribution Agent, Nett Lake School in U. S. In- dian Service. CYRUS ARTHUR RECTOR (Chem.) Muncie, Ind. Bookkeeper and Assistant Manager, Department store. CLARA LOUISE ROELKER (MRS. FRANK HARRIS MASTERS) (Lat.) 343 West Seventy-third St., Chicago, 111. Louis FRANCISCO Ross (Eng.) A.B., Earlham College, 1902; M.D., Uni- versity of Michigan, 1907. Richmond, Ind. Physician and surgeon. Staff, Reid Memorial Hospital. MABEL ALICE ROTHROCK (Eng.) Frankfort, Ind. Teacher of English and History, High School. ROY EVERETT ROUDEBUSH (Math.) M.E., Cornell University, 1907. Charles City, Iowa. Designer for Hart-Parr Co. HERMAN CALL RUNYAN (Chem.) S.B., University of Chicago, 1905; M.D., Rush Medical College, 1906. 5010 Dickens Ave., Chicago, 111. Physician and surgeon. WILLIAM Ross SIEBEB (Ok.) 523 North Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. Insurance business. JAMES SIMONTON (Zool) J D., University of Chicago, 1908. 5613 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111. Lawyer. CLAUDE ARCHER SMITH (Hist.) LL.B., Columbia University, 1906. Prince- ton, Ind. Lawyer. GRACE SMITH (MRS. OTTIS BEDNEY SPERLIN) (Eng.) 1401 South Adams St., Tacoma, Wash. HELENA SOLLER (Ped.) Princeton, Ind. At present, 2060 Central Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher. PAUL MYERS SOUDER (Zool) LL.B., Ohio State University, 1907. Logansport, Ind. Lawyer. OTTIS BEDNEY SPERLIN (Eng.) Ph.M., University of Chicago, 1909. 1401 South Adams St., Tacoma, Wash. Head of English Department, High School. BONNIE ALICE SPINK (Eng.) 4 Rue Faustin-Helie, Paris, France. Singer. SAMUEL FRANKLIN SPRINGER (Oer.) Kerman, Cal. Teacher. Ranchman. JAMES WILSON STOTT (Hist.) A.M., 1907. Union City, Ind. Superin- tendent of Schools. JOHN CLARENCE STRATTON (Mat h.) 1112 East Delaware St., Evansville, Ind. Head of Department of Mathematics, High School. JAMES PARKE SWAYNE (Ok.) Ft. Wayne, Ind. Farmer. LEWIS MADISON TERMAN (Phil) A.M., 1903; Ph.D., Clark University, 1905. Stanford University, Cal. As- sistant Professor of Education, Leland Stanford Junior University. S MERRILL TILSON (Chem.) M.D., Indiana Medical College (now In- diana University School of Medicine), 1906. 759 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis, Tnd. Physician. 90 Register of Graduates 1903 ETHEL TRIPPET (MRS. MANUEL ORESTES ROARK) (Math.) Aurora, 111. ORIN TUGMAN (Phys.) A.M., 1906. Care of Western Electric Company, New York City. Telephone engineering. CLARA VIERLING (Hist.) Princeton, Ind. At present, teacher of History and English, Crown Point (Ind.) High School. WILLIAM DELCAR WALDBIP (Hist.) Attica, Ind. Head of Department of History, Richmond (Ind.) High School. MARY ELIZABETH WALKUP (Eng.) New Ross, Ind. Principal, High School. CLARA ELLEN WALTER (Zool.) Ft. Wayne, Ind. At present, Spokane, Wash. General Secretary, Y. W. C. A. Louis CLINTON WARD (Geol.) 520 Klnnalrd Ave., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Teacher of Physical Geography, Man- ual Training High School. SYLVESTER WILLIS WARD (Math.) Zanesville, Ind. At present, Kenosha, Wls. Assistant Principal, High School. DAVID HAMILTON WEIR (Phys.) A.M., 1906. St. Louis, Mo. Instructor In Physics, Central High School. LEBERT HOWARD WEIR (Hist.) Plainvllle, O. At present. Cincinnati, Ohio. Chief Probation Officer, Juve- nile Court. JESSE HAYES WHITE (Phil.) A.M., 1904; Ph.D., Clark University, 1908. Pittsburgh, Pa. Professor of Psychology and Education, University of Pittsburgh. JAMES BRANTLEY WILLIAMS (Econ.) 69 LaFayette Boulevard, Detroit, Mich. General Secretary, Associated Chari- ties of Detroit. WILLIAM LOGAN WILLIAMS (Phys.) Mllltown, Ind. Cashier, First National Bank. JOHN THOMAS WILSON (Chem.) Beaver Dam, Wis. Superintendent of Public Schools. HOWARD WEBSTER WOLFE (Lat.) Hanover, Ind. Professor of Modern Languages, Hanover College. Bachelors of Laws. JOHN JAY BATCHELOR Sharpsville, Ind. Miller and grain dealer. WILLIAM HENRY BEEI.ER M.L., Yale University, 190S. Blooming- ton, Ind. Associate Professor of Law, Indiana University. WALTER WADSWORTII CARSON 118 Fourth St., Evansvllle, Ind. Lawyer. EDWARD W EARL 411-13 Caples Building, El Paso, Tex. Lawyer. MILES CONNER FRYSINGER See A.B., 1902. OTTO GUSTAVUS GEISS 317 Sycamore St., Evansville, Ind. Law- yer. CARY LAW HARREL Jasonville, Ind. Lawyer. City Attorney. CHARLES MCDERMOTT 6713 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. Lawyer FRANK MONROE MARTIN Gosport, Ind. ERNEST MARION METCALF Gainesville, Fla. Lawyer. WILLIAM CALVERT WELBORN See A.B., 1899. Louis EDWARD WHITE Peru, Ind. Lawyer. Masters of Arts JOSIAH HAMILTON CASTLEMAN (Eng.) See A.B., 1900. COMMODORE WESLEY CAUBLE (Phil.) See A.B., 1903. OLIVER EDMUND GLENN (Math.) See A.B., 1902. WYLIE JEROME HUDDLE (Chem.) See A.B., 1901. CLARENCE HAMILTON KENNEDY (Zool.) See A.B., 1902. HENRY HIGGINS LANE (Zool.) Ph.B., DePauw University, 1899. Nor- man, Okla. Professor of Zoology and Embryology, Oklahoma State Univer- sity. CHARLES LECKRONE (Lat.) See A.B., 1900. CHARLES EDWARD LEWIS (Bot.) See A.B., 1902. WILLIAM WESLEY MERSHON (Phil) See A.B., 1900. NELLIE GRANT MORRIS (Oer.) See A.B., 1901. WALTER LEE Ross (Hist.) See A.B., 1901. WILLIAM H SCHEIFLEY (Ger.) Sec A.B., 1901. WILLIAM JAMES SCOTT (Ger.) See A.B., 1901. VESTO MELVIN SLIPHER (Ast.) See A.B., 1901. LEWIS MADISON TERMAN (Phil.) See A.B., 1903. GRACE TWPI.ETT (MRS. THOMAS NEIL STILWELL) (Lat.) See A.B., 1901. DANIEL WEBSTER TUCKER (Ped.) See A.B., 1899. 1904] List by Years 91 ALBERT MILLER WILSON (Math.) See A.B., 1900. LOUISE (MEYER) WOOD (MRS. JOHN ANDERSON WOOD) (Eng.) See A.B., 1897. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts Ill 1 112 Bachelors of Laws 12 12 Masters of Arts 19 19 Totals .. .142 1 143 1904 Bachelors of Arts GUY G ALLEE (Chem.) Santa Maria, Cal. Teacher of Physics and Chemistry, High School. AUGUSTUS JACOB BLICKENSTAFF (Ger.) M.D., 1907. Wolcott, Ind. Physician and surgeon. JOHN SERENUS BORDNER (Bot.) Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1908. Bristol, Ind. Scientific breeder of plants and animals. ETHEL CYNTHIA BOYD (MRS. HANSON S GIFFORD) (Ger.) Sharpsville, Ind. PERMELIA BOYD (Eng.) A.M., 1905. Deputy, Ind. JAMES PATRICK BOYLE (Econ.) LL.B., 1905. Eveleth, Minn. Lawyer. City Attorney. State Senator. CHARLES BROOKS (Bot.) A.M., University of Missouri, 1905; Ph.D., ibid., 1908. Durham, N. H. Professor of Botany, New Hampshire College. ARTHUR HALLECK BROWN (Hist.) LL.B., 1909. Billings, Mont. Lawyer. BLANCHE NANNETTA BROWN (MRS. CHARLES B. DYER.) (Hist.) 234 Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. CLAUDE FLETCHER BROWN (Educ.) Brookings, S. D. Superintendent of Schools. FAY CLUFF BROWN (Phys.) A.M., University of Illinois, 1906; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1908. Iowa City, Iowa. Assistant Professor of Physics, State University of Iowa. MORLEY ALBERT CALDWELL (Phil.) A.M., 1905; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1908. Collegeville, Pa. Professor of Philosophy, Ursinus College. JOHN KISLING CHAMBERS (Phil.) Williamsport, Ind. Farmer and stock raiser. UOSETTA MARY CLARK (Rom.) A.M., 1905. Muncie, Ind. Head, Depart- ment of French and German, High School. MARY FERGUSON COBLE (Lat.) A.M., 1905. Van^dalia, 111. At present, teacher of Latin, New Albany (lud.) High School. GERTRUDE COLESCOTT (Hist.) Kokomo, Ind. At present, teacher ol History and English, Indiana Central University, University Heights, Indi- anapolis, Ind. BERT EDWIN CURRY (Chem.) Durham, N. H. Chemist, New Hamp- shire Experiment Station. ARTHUR GORDON DAHNE (Chem.) Laporte*, Ind. At present, Principal, De- partment of Commerce, Butte (Mont.) High School. RUFUS JOHNSTON DEARBORN (Hist.) 518 Traction Bldg., Indianapolfs, Ind. Manager, Indiana Manual Training Co. BURCHARD WOODSON DsBusK (Phil.) Greeley, Col. Associate Professor of Psychology, State Normal School. MANFRED WOLFE DEPUTY (Phil.) A.M., 1905. Vernon. Ind. At present, Charleston, 111. Supervisor, Training School, Eastern State Normal School. ALICE BELL DEVOL (Eng.) New Albany, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Columbus (Ind.) High School. JOHN DIVEN (Ger.) Anderson, Ind. At present, 3601 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. Medical student. EDWIN CALVIN DODSON (Hist.) Covington, Ind. .Superintendent of Schools. ELLIS HERBERT DRAKE (Hist.) Elkhart, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. SARA MATELLA DRULEY (MRS. BUR- CHARD WOODSON DEBUSK) (Phil.) Greeley, Col. SIMON GINGRICH ENGLE (Chem.) Ch.E., University of Wisconsin, 1907. Monticello, Ind. At present, teacher of Science, Gary (Ind.) High School. CHESTER ASAHEL EVANS (Phys.) Bloomington, Ind. Electrical contractor and engineer. AimiUR WILLIAM FITZGERALD (Lat.) Richland, N. Y. At present, Boulder, Col. Law student, University of Colo- rado. ESTILL ANDREW GAST (Econ.) Akron, Ind. At present, teacher of His- tory and Government, Davenport (Iowa) High School. FRANK ALES GAUSE (Educ.) Ancon, Canal Zone. Superintendent of Schools. HANSON SMILEY GIFFORD (Chem.) M.D., 1907. Sharpsville, Ind. Physician and surgeon. 92 Register of Graduates [1904 EMMETT E GILTNEB (Hist.) A.M., Columbia University, 1907. 421 West One Huudred and Eighteenth St., New York City. Teacher, New York Training School for Teachers. CLARENCE TRUMAN GRAY (Math.) Spencer, Ind. At present, 5754 Monroe Ave., Chicago, 111. Student, Univer- sity of Chicago. Ross MITCHELL GRINDLE (Educ.) Colorado Springs, Col. Teacher, Phys- iography in High School. ORTHA ETHEL GRISIER (MRS. LEROY PARKER EVANS) (Eng.) Tabervilla, Canal Zone. BESSIE ANNA HANGER (MRS. JACOB MANCIL CLINTON) (Hist.) 3 Sanchome, Mitoshirocho, Kanda, To- kyo, Japan. WILLIAM ROBERT HARDMAN (Math.) Anderson, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics, High School. JOSEPH DANIEL HEITGER (Chem.) M.D., University of Michigan, 1908. Bed- ford, Ind. Physician and surgeon. Louis ERNEST HILDEBRAND (Zool.) A.M., Northwestern University, 1909. Stendal, Ind. At present, 117 Ayres Place, Evanston, 111. Teacher of Biol- ogy, Kenilworth, 111. SARAH PAULINE HILLIARD (Hist.) A.M., Cornell University, 1908. St. Joseph, Ariz. Teacher of English and History. EDWIN LEE HOLTON (Educ.) Manhattan, Kan. Professor of Rural Education, Kansas State Agricultural College. ORREN CHALMER HOBMELL (Hist.) A.M., 1905; A.M., Harvard University, 1909. 56 Kirkland St., Cambridge, Mass. Graduate student. FLORENCE MAUDE JOHNSON (Gk.) Franklin, Ind. HUGH EVERETT JOHNSON (Bot.) Hancock, Mich. Teacher of Science, High School. ANNA CORDELIA JONES (La*.) 924 South Grant Ave., Tacoma, Wash. Teacher. PAUL ROE JORDAN (Zool.) 1009 Law Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Manufacturer's agent. DAVID WILLIAM KASSENS (Bot.) Wendell, Idaho. Farmer. ARTHUR HALE KEENEY (Econ.) Middlesboro, Ky. Cashier, Coal and Coke Co JACOB MILLISON KINNEY (Math.) A.M., University of Nebraska, 1907. Spencer, Ind. At present, 2848 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Instructor in Mathematics, Lewis Institute. DAISY KLINE (La*.) Upland, Ind. At present, Superintend- ent of Frankton (Ind.) Schools. MORTON KLINE (Math.) Upland, Ind. At present, 125 East Orms- by Ave., Louisville, Ky. Teacher of Mathematics, Manual Training High School. FRANCIS CRAIG KRAUSKOPF (Chem.) A.M., University of Wisconsin, 1907; Ph.D., ibid., 1909. Madison, Wis. In- structor in Chemistry, University of Wisconsin. JAMES M LARGE (Chem.) Mount Etna, Ind. At present, Joliet, 111. Teacher of Physiography, Joliet Town- ship High School. JOSEPH EDWARD LAYTON (Educ.) Natchitocbes, La. Director, Training Department, Louisiana State Normal School. ETHEL LUCAS (MRS. EUGENE STANTON NOSTKAND) (Math.) 531 Twenty-first St., Portland Heights, Portland, Ore. WALDO LEE MCATEE (Zool.) A.M., 1906. 3306 Fourteenth St., N.W., Washington, D. C. Assistant Biologist, Biological Survey, U. S. Department of Agriculture. MARTHA MACHATTON (MRS ALVAH D CARR) (Ger.) 1025 N. Washington Ave., Lansing, Mich. CHARLES BRONSON McLiNN (Eng.) New Albany, Ind. Principal, High School. EDWIN CLARE MCMULLEN (Chem.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1907. New London, Iowa. Physician. HUGH EDWARD MARTIN (Hist.) LL.B., New York Law School, 1906. 304 First National Bank Building, Kansas City, Mo. Lawyer. CLARENCE EARL MAY (Chem.) A.M., 1905; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1908. Bloomiugton, Ind. Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Indiana Uni- versity. TECUMSEH HENRY MEEK (Hist.) A.M., 1905. Peoria, 111. Principal, Mc- Kiiiley Public School. J DON MILLER (Eng.) M.D., 1908. 122 East Thirtieth St., Indi- anapolis, Ind. Physician. ORION MELVIN MILLER (Math.) 1322 Sixty-first St., Chicago, 111. Teacher of Mathematics, Hyde Park High School. ZORA HELEN MILLER (Hist.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Craw- fordsville, Ind. Commercial work. ELIZABETH HAYES MURRAY (Lat.) Rockport, Ind. BLOOMER ELLIS MYERS (Phil.) Clarion, Iowa. Superintendent ot Schools. GAE MYERS (MRS. CHARLES WELLS SEELEY) (Econ.) 1269 Leland Ave., Chicago, 111. 1004] List by Years 93 ELVIN BENSON OLIPHANT (Hist.) Vincennes, Ind. Salesman. LOLA CLEO OWENS (Hist.) Bloomington, Ind. Teacher. JOHN ROBERT PATRICK (Lat.) Cayuga, Ind. Farmer. CHARLES EDWARD PAYNE (Hist.) A.M., 1905. Grinnell, Iowa. Assistant Professor of History, Grinnell College. STELLA PEEDE (Lat.) A.M., 1905. Goshen, Ind. Teacher of Latin, High School. OZRA BERTSAL PHILLIPS (Phil.) Room 1403-200 Fifth Ave., New York City. Assistant Secretary, Child Wel- fare Association. EDNA THERESA PIDGEON (MRS. GEORGE BENJAMIN CARTER) (Cfer.) Mooresville, Ind. YALE COSBY PORCH (Hist.) LL.B., 1906. Sedro-Wooley, Washing- ton. Cashier, First National Bank. JOHN ONESS POTTER (Math.) Muncie, Ind. Civil engineer. FRANK QUICK (Chem.) 1529 East Seventy-second St., Chicago, 111. Clerk, Illinois Steel Co. HENRY HERBERT RATCLIFF ( Chem. ) Taylorville, 111. Teacher of Science. Taylorville Township High School. HARRY WILFRED REDDICK (Math.) A.M., University of Illinois, 1906; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1911. Knights- town,, Itid. At present, Livingston Hall, Columbia University, New York City. Instructor in Mathematics, Co- lumbia University. RUFUS MARION REDDING (Chem.) 552 Mulberry St., Macon, Ga. General Manager, Macon Gas, Light and Water Co. FRED ABBOTT REECE (Chem.) Stafford, Kan. Traveling salesman. JESSE WINFIELD RIDDLE (Hist.) LL.B., University of Michigan, 1890. Lawrenceburg, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. JAMES Ross ROBERTSON (Hist.) LL.B., 1907. Brownstown, Ind. Lawyer. VIRGINIA BELLE RODEFER (MRS. CHARLES A. HARRIS) (Hist.) 270 Downey Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. ARCHIE KEEFER RUPERT (Eng.) 531 Washington Boulevard, Kansas City. Kan. Reporter, Kansas City Journal. HERMAN ADOLPHUS SCHMIDT (Hist.) See LL.B., 1902. LULU A SCOTT (MRS. CLARENCE CALVIN LYON) (Ger.) 52 S. Washington Ave., Columbus, O. GEORGE EDWARD SHAW (Econ.) Elkhart, Ind. Lawyer. EMMA BERTA SHEALY (Eng*) A.M., 1905. Delphi, Ind. Teacher. HUGH INGERSOLL SHERMAN (Econ.) Brookston, Ind. At present, Adrian, N. Y. With the American Telegraph and Telephone Co. OSCAR RAYMOND SHIELDS (Hist.) LL.B., 1910. Bloomfield, Ind. At pres- ent, 671$ Wabash Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Lawyer. EDWARD LEROY SIEBER (Chem.) Camden, Ind. At present, 1113 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, 111. GRACE MABEL SLACK (MRS. JOHN FRANKLIN BOESINGER) (Lat.) 2329 College Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. JAMES HARVEY SMILEY (Anat.) M.D., 1907. 218 North Senate Ave., In- dianapolis, Ind. Physician. MINNIE MARGUERITE SMITH (Rom.) Danville, Ind. At present, 1723 North Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. ROSCOE WILLEMAN SMITH (Chem.) M.D., University of Louisville, 1907. 218- 19 Ransom Building, Walla Walla, Wash. Physician and surgeon. MARGARET SNODGRASS (Hist.) 1701 North Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. At present, teacher of History, Bloomington (lud.) High School. JESSIE EVELYN SPANN (MRS. ABRAHAM LINCOLN GARY) (Lat.) Rushville, Ind. EMMA FLORENCE SPORE (Hist.) Owensville, Ind. Principal, High School. BRENTON LORENZO STEELE (Phys.) A.M., 1910. Pullman, Wash. Assistant Professor of Physics, Washington State College. OLIVER MILLER STULTZ (Hist.) 930* Santee St., Los Angeles, Cal. Civil engineer. ALBERT AGNEW THOMAS (Chem.) M.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1908. Linton, Ind. Physician. WILLIAM AMBROSE THOMPSON (Hist.) Webster, S. D. Superintendent of Schools. OLIVE TBAYLOR (Eng.) Jasper, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Princeton (Ind.) High School. LAWRENCE KNEPFLY TULEY (Hist.) New Albany, Ind. Assistant Secretary, Pickrell and Craig Co. FRED ARTHUR WALKER (Phil.) Edwards, Ind. Farmer and stock raiser. MARTHA ELEANOR WEIR (MRS. FRANK F WYLIE) (Math.) 301 South Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. JOHN JEFFERSON WHEELER (Math.) Wichita, Kan. Professor of Mathematics, Friends University. 94 Register of Graduates [1904 CHARLES WIGGINS (Eng.) Lafayette, Ind. At present, 510 Ash- down Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. President, Canadian News and Subscription Co. MERLE K WILLIAMSON (Ger.) Bluffton, Ind. Assistant Cashier, Wells County Bank. AARON FRANKLIN WOOD (Math.) Mitchell, Ind. At present, Huntington Park, Cal. Principal, Union High School. ETHELBERT COOKE WOODBURN (Math.) Canton, S. D. Superintendent of Schools. HEIKICHI YOSHISAKA (Chem.) A.M., 1905. Kobe, Japan. At present. Consulate du Japan, Lyons, France. Chemical engineer. AMOS E. ZEHR (Phys.) 1812 Hyde St., San Francisco, Cal. Bachelors of Laws HOMER BARTON AIRMAN Newport, Ind. Lawyer. EDWARD PETER ELSNER Seymour, Ind. Lawyer. City Attorney. ALBERT JEREMIAH FIELDS Bedford, Ind. Lawyer. Mayor. JOHN WILLIAM HORN AD AY See A.B., 1902. HERBERT ERNEST HUTTON See A.B., 1902. CHARLES MOTT LAWRENCE Lorenzo, Idaho. Farmer. JONATHAN WALTER OSBORN See A.B., 1902. FRED SAMPSON PURNELL Attica, Ind. Lawyer. CHARLES AUGUSTUS REEVES Hartford City, Ind. Editor. JESSE LINLEY RICHARDS Weiser, Idaho. Lawyer. Prosecuting Attorney. VERB WILLIAMS Houston, Texas. Clerk, railroad service. Masters of Arts ARTHUR MANGUM BANTA (Zool.) See A.B., 1903. JOSEPH CHRISTIAN BOLDT (Math.) See A.B., 1900. JACOB MANCIL CLINTON (Econ.) See LL.B., 1900; A.B., 1903. FULLER COMBS (Lat.) A.B., Wabash College, 1899. Ridgway. 111. At present, Houston School, Sp >- kane, Wash. Teacher of English and Latin. JOTILDA CONKLIN (Rom.) See A.B., 1897. WILLIAM PETER HASEMAN (Phys.) See A.B., 1903. FRED ARTHUR HERRINGTON (Educ.) A.B., Olivet College, 1894. Rochester, Ind. President, Rochester College. EDNA JOHNSON (Lat.) See A.B., 1898. JOHN AUSTIN LINKE (Educ.) See A.B., 1903. EDWARD ERNEST MCMILLAN (Math.) See A.B., 1900. FRANK CURRY MATHERS (Chem.) See A.B., 1903. REUBEN EDSON NYSWANDER JR. (Phys.) See A.B., 1901. CLAUDE ELMER PRICE (Phil.) See A.B., 1903. RYLAND FLETCHER RATLIFF (Phyt.) See A.B., 1900. ALBERT B. REAGAN (Geol.) See A.B., 1903. MARTIN WASHINGTON ROTHERT (Lat.) See A.B., 1896. ESSIE ALMA SMITH (Geol.) See A.B., 1902. ARNDT MATTIIIS STICKLES (Hist.) See A.B., 1897. JESSE HAYES WHITE (Phil.) See A.B., 1903. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 116 116 Bachelors of Laws 11 11 Masters of Arts 19 19 Totals .. .146 146 1905 Bachelors of Arts CHARLES ALBERT ALBERS (Econ.) Bristol, Ind. At present, South Bend, Ind. Accountant, Oliver Chilled Plow Works. ALICE SHINDLER ALBERTSON (MRS. DEL- BERT OSCAR KEARBY) (Eng.) Cle Elum, Wash. WILLIAM HALSTEAD ANDREWS (Hist.) Rivervale, Ind. Railway agent. EVERETT ANTRIM (Math.) 583 East Long Street, Columbus, Ohio. Secretary and Treasurer, Furnas Ice Cream Company. JOSEPH MANSON ARTMAN (Phil.) B.D., University of Chicago, 1909. 5637 Sangamon St., Chicago, III. Clergy- man. 1905] List by Years 95 LON SHARPLESS BAKER (Hist.) Greenwood, Ind. Assistant Sales Mana- ger, J. T. Polk Co. VILETTA ELLEN BAKER (Lai.) Winchester, Ind. At present, West La- fayette, Ind. Teacher of Latin, High School. JOSEPH KNOX BARCLAY (Econ.) LL.B., 1908. Bloomington, Ind. Law- yer. LAMBERT MILTON BARKER (Brig.) 724-32 S. Broadway St., Los Angeles, Cal. Sales Manager, Barker Bros. ELIZABETH BAXTER (MRS. WILLIAM DEXNIS MCLEMORE) (Eng.) A.M., 1909. Nantucket, Mass. Super- visor of Music, Nantucket Public Schools. HUBERT LISTER BECK (Math.) Bloomington, Ind. Stone business. ALMANA BEEBE (Lat.) 717 Webster St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Teacher, Latin, High School. IONE FISHER BEEM (Hist.) 206 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Medical student. LAURA KATHERINE BENCKART (MRS. RAYMOND W. BENSON (RomJ) Bloomington, Ind. GEORGE FRANCIS BICKNELL (Ghent.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1907. 502 Chicago Ave., East Chicago, Ind. Phy- sician and surgeon. HANNAH MAME BOOK (Math.) Princeton, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Martinsville (Ind.) High School. WELZIE E BOREN (Phil.) 967 Twelfth St., Milwaukee, Wis. In- structor Mathematics and Athletics, North Division High School. THOMAS HENDRICKS BRANAMAN (Econ.) LL.B., Harvard University, 1909. Room, 18, State House, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. Deputy Attorney-General. ALLEN LEWIS BRENNER (Ghent.) 318 S. Franklin St., South Bend, Ind. Department Chief, Oliver Chilled Plow Work*. SAMUEL H BROOKS (Phys.) Salem, Ind. Farmer. SIMPSON LEROY BROWN (Phys.) A.M., 1907. South Bethlehem, Pennsyl- vania. Instructor in Physics, Lehigh University. MILDRED BUBENZER (MRS. JOSEPH MAN- SON ARTMAN) (Zool.) 5637 Sangamon St., Chicago, 111. CLARENCE JOSEPH BULLEIT (Eng.) 912 N. Oriental St.. Indianapolis, Ind. Dramatic Critic, Indianapolis Star. LILLIAN EMMA CHAMBERS (Hist.) New Castle, Ind. LAURA RUSSELL CLINE (Ger.) Jonesboro, Ind. At present, teacher of German and Supervisor of Music, Au- rora (Ind.) High School. LOTUS DELTA COFFMAN (Educ.) A.M., 1910; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1911. Charleston, 111. Supervisor of Training School, State Normal. HOWARD JOHN CONOVER (Econ.) Akron, Ohio. Editor. CLARENCE RULAND COWGER (Econ.) LL.B., 1908. Monticello, Ind. Lawyer. EVERT WALTER Cox (Hist.) St. Joseph, Mich. Principal, High School. HALE JOHN CRITTENBERGER (Math.) 408 East Twenty-eighth St., Indianapolis, Ind. Audit Clerk, Auditor of State's office. MAUDE GERTRUDE CROMEB (MRS. J DON MILLER) (Math.) 122 E. Thirtieth St., Indianapolis, Ind. ORIS P DELLINGER (Bot.) Ph.D., Clark University, 1907. Pittsburg, Kansas. Professor of Biology, Kansas State Normal School. (MRS.) CORA MAY DOEHLEMAN (Ger.) Zionsville, Ind. At present, Blooming- ton, Ind. Teacher of German, Indiana University. CHARLES ARVEY DONNELSON (Phil.) 193 Mavity St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Clergyman. RALPH WALDO DOUGLASS (Hist.) Hotel Morton, Indianapolis, Ind. Re- porter, Indianapolis News. JOHN CHARLES DUNCAN (Ast.) A.M., 1906; A.M., University of Califor- nia, 1909. 16 Eustis St., Cambridge, Mass. Instructor in Astronomy, Har- vard University. JAMES DUNN (Econ.) Board of Trade Building, Wheeling, W. Va. Secretary, Associated Charities. HORACE LAWRENCE DURBOROW (Zool.) Willlamsport, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Culver (Ind.) Military Academy. RALEIGH MORRIS ELROD (Hist.) Knlghtstown, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. JAMES Ozso ENGLEMAN (Educ.) 1330 Vine St., La Crosse, Wis. Professor of Education, State Normal School, State Institute Conductor. LOGAN ESARY (Hist.) A.M., 1909. Wlnona Lake, Ind. Dean, and Professor of History, Wlnona Col- lege. FRANK ORA FAUL (Hist.) Stewartsville, Ind. At present, River- side, 111. Salesman. FLOY MARJORIE FAULKNER (Eng.) A.M., 1907. Bloomington, Ind. At pres- ent, teacher of English, Newark (O.) High School. 96 Register of Graduates [1905 BAYARD FRANKLIN FLOYD (Bot.) A.M., University of Missouri, 1907. Gainesville, Fla. Plant Physiologist, Florida Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. ROSCOE RENALDO FOLAND (Hist.) LL.B., 1007. Nohlesville, Ind. Lawyer. CHLOE MAY FOSTER (Math.) M.S., University of Chicago, 1909. Bloomington, Ind. At present, 4542 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, 111. Teacher of Mathematics, Lakeview High School. PEARL FRANKLIN (Lat.) A.M., University of Chicago, 1909. Hunt- ington, Ind. At present, teacher of German, Vlncennes (Ind.) High School. ISIDORE HARLEM FUHS (Chem.) M.D., Western Reserve University, 1907. 618 E. Fourth St., Canton, O. Physi- cian and surgeon. HETTY BLAND GILTNER (MRS. EMMETT E. GILTNER) (Hist.) 421 W. One Hundred and Eighteenth St., New York City. SOLOMON FRANCIS GINGERICH (Eng.) A.M., 1907, Goshen, Ind; Ph.D., Univer- sity of Michigan, 1909. Professor of English, Goshen College. WILLIAM LEON GLASCOCK (Hist.) A.M., Leland Stanford Junior University, 1906. San Rafael, Cal. Principal, High School. JAMES HITE GRAY (Educ.) Huntington, Ind. Principal, High School. Louis RAYMOND GRAY (Hist.) A.M., 1906. Gosport, Ind. Student. *GRACE CAMELLA GRAYBILL (Eng.) Died March 11, 1907, at Ladoga, Ind. LEONA HADLEY (MRS. JAMES HENRY MCCULLY) (Hist.) Idaville, Ind. ELIZABETH ASENATH HALL (Educ.) A.M., University of Chicago, 1907. 4617 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, 111. At S resent. Head of Department of Eng- sh, Brazil (Ind.) High School. VIOLETTE MAE HAMILTON (MBS. LEE O. TUSTISON) (Hist.) Sterling, 111. IDOLETTA HARDISTY (Hist.) 1112 S. Fourth St., Terre Haute, Ind. At present, teacher of History, Portland (Ind.) High School. MARY OLIVE HARRAH (Lat.) Switz City, Ind. At present, 216 Douglas Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. Teacher of Latin, High School. ELMER JOHN HARREL (Phys.) A.M., 1908. Linton, Ind. At present, 905 Arkwright St., St. Paul, Minn. Teacher of Physics, Cleveland High School. ENOCH RAY HARTTNG (Ger.) Tiger, Wash. At present, Wardner, Ida. Ranchman. JOHN DIEDERICH HASEMAW (Zo6l) A.M.. 1007. Linton. Ind. At present, Pittsburgh. Pa. Special work in Car- negie Museum. LEONARD HASEMAN (Zool.) A.M., 1907. Linton, Ind. At present, 804 East Seneca St.. Ithaca, N. Y. Assist- ant in Entomology, Cornell University. FLOYD SMITH HAYDEN (Eng.) Chino, Cal. Supervising Principal, High School. CASSIUS EUGENE HIATT (Phys.) A.M., 1906; Ph.D., University of Penn- sylvania, 1909. East Orange, N. J. Physical engineer. CLARENCE MCELROY HOOKER (Econ.) 504 Frost Bldg., San Antonio, Texas. Real estate. JOHN EDWARD HOHN (Rom.) A.M., Columbia University, 1009. Bruce- ville, Ind. At present, 3878 Wyoming St., St. Louis, Mo. Teacher of Ro- mance Languages, Central High School. MAX HERBERT HOLMES (Econ.) Fairbanks, Alaska. At present, Im- perial Hotel, Portland, Oregon. MARY HORNER (Ger.) A.M., 1908. Bloomington, Ind. Teacher. PEARL FRANCES HUFF (Hist.) Warren, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Marion (Ind.) Normal Col- lege and Business University. EVA MAY HURST (MRS EDWARD THEO- DORE FOWLER) (Eng.) 24 The Meridian, Indianapolis, Ind. HlROTO ICHINOMIYA (Econ.) No. 7, Naka, Rokuban Cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo, Japan. Secretary, Hypothec Bank of Japan. (Nippon Kwangyo Ginko.) CHARLES APPLEWHITE ISAACS (Math.) A.M., Columbia University. 1908. Pull- man, Wash. Professor of Mathemat- ics, Washington State College. CHARLES WAYMAN JACK (Educ.) Crawfordsville, Ind. Superintendent of New Market (Ind.) Schools. DENNIS EMERSON JACKSON (Med.) A.M., 1906; Ph.D., 1908. Linton, Ind. At present, St. Louis, Mo. Assistant Pro- fessor of Pharmacology, Washington University. OLIVER WILLIAM JACKSON (Hist.) Pendleton, Ind. At present, Superin- tendent McCordsville (Ind.) Schools. GLENN JAMES (Math.) A.M., 1910. Bloomington, Ind. At pres- ent, Lafayette, Ind. Instructor in Mathematics, Purdue University. JESSE ORVAL JAMES (Phil.) A.M., 1910. Bloomington. Ind. At pres- ent, West Lafayette, Ind. Principal, High School. MARTHA DAVIS JAMES (Lat.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Superin- tendent of Huron (Ind.) Schools. 1905] List by Years 97 BEATRICE JONES (Econ.) Alexandria, Ind. At present, 118 Camp- bell St., Evausville, Ind. Teacher of History, High School. WILLIAM LEWIS JONES (Econ.) 426 E. Berry St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Man- ager, Furnas Ice Cream Co. CHESTER YOUNG KELLY (Hist.) LL.B., University of Michigan, 1906. 310 N. Sixth Street, Terre Haute, Indiana. Lawyer. JOSEPH ALLEN KEMP (Hist.) Bottineau, N. D., President, North Da- kota School of Forestry and Agricul- ture. MARY AGATHA KERR (Hist.) Bloomington, Ind. Principal, Central School. EDNA JAY KING (Math.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Bedford (Ind.) High School. LULA BELLE KIRKPATRICK (MRS. ROY F. BORNWASSER) (Math.) New Albany, Ind. HOMER GUY KNIGHT (Math.) Lafayette, Ind. At present, Superintend- ent of Brownston (Ind.) Schools. LOUISE KATHERINE LAMMERS (Lat.) 312 College Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Teacher of Latin, Wiley High School. ERNEST LAMSON (Math.) Rensselaer, Ind. County Superintendent of Schools. BERTHA BURNS LEE (MRS. WILLIAM ANDERSON BROYLES) (Eng.) Ellendale, North Dakota. GEORGE RUFUS LEONARD (Chem.) M.D., 1908. South Milford, Ind. Physi- cian and surgeon. LESLIE COMBES MCCARTY (Hist.) Gosport, Ind. At present, Principal, Brainerd (Minn.) High School. BROWN SHIRK MCCLINTIC (Chem.) M.D., Western Reserve University, 1908. Peru, Ind. Physician. SOPHIA AUGUSTA MCKAY (Educ.) Dunlap Station, Seattle, Wash. Teacher. ASHER REID MCMAHAN (Chem.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1908. 500- 502 Goodwyn Institute, Memphis, Tenn. Physician. *CLARENCE ERNEST MAHLE (Phys.) Died Dec. 17, 1909, at Spokane, Wash.; buried at Everton, Ind. WILLIAM EDGAR MARSH (Eng.) 805 Lumber \ Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. Editor, Western Newspaper Union. ANDREW E MARTIN (Hist.) Mentone, Ind. At present, 161 State St., Chicago, 111. Sales Manager, Wm. H. Wise & Co. THOMAS EDWARD MASON (Math.) Henderson, Ky. Principal, Center Street School. [7] NANNIE REBECCA MERKER (MRS. ED L. RICKARD) (Bot.) Greenfield, Ind. NEWTON MILLER (Zool.) A.M., 1906; Ph.D., Clark University, 1908. Clark College, Worcester, Mass. In- structor in Zoology and Morphology, Clark College. OLIVE FAY MOREHOUSE (MRS. ROY B. HOPKINS) (Eng.) Box 4025, Station F., Portland, Oregon. EDWARD MORGAN (Math.) A.M., 1907. 4850 N. Hoyne Ave., Chicago, 111. Teacher of Mathematics, Lake View High School. HARRY GROLL NEWTON (Eng.) A.M., 1906. Columbus, Ind. At present, Principal of Vincennes (Ind.) High School. RALPH WILLICH NOEL (Hist.) Belvedere, 111. Principal, High School. ARETAS WILBUR NOLAN (Bot.) A.M., West Virginia State University, 1909. Morgantown, W. Va. Associate Professor of Forestry, Horticulture and Entomology, West Virginia Uni- versity. ADA MAY NYSWANDER (Eng.) Napoleon, Ohio. Teacher. GRACE LOUISE OGG (Ger.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of English and German, Gas City (Ind.) High School. WILLIAM BRAZIER OSMAN (Math.) New London, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. ALICE GRACE PATERSON (Chem.) Pullman, Wash. Instructor in Chemis- try, State College of Washington. MARY SALINA PAXTON (Math.) Bloomington, Ind. Teacher of Mathe- matics, High School. FERNANDUS PAYNE (Zool.) A.M., 1906; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1909. Bloomington, Ind. Assistant Professor of Zoology, Indiana Univer- sity. MAUDE MARGARET PHILIPS (Hist.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of History, Mannington (W. Va.) High School. ANNA LOWRY RANKIN (MRS. LON SHARPLESS BAKER) (Lat.) Greenwood, Ind. HARRY CBAVEN REID (Econ.) Pendleton, Ind. Principal, High School. LULU JOSEPHINE ROBINSON (Eng.) 620 Gum Street, Evansville, Ind. Teach- er of English, High School. ETELKA JOHANNA ROCKENBACH (Lat.) New Albany, Ind. At present, teacher of German, Madison (Ind.) High School. 98 Register of Graduates [1905 GAB A ROUSH (Chem.) M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1910. Gas City, Ind. Chemical engineer. BERYL BUSEY SANDY (I/at.) Cloverdale, Ind. Principal, High School. CARL HERMAN SCHWARTZ (Chem.) Huntingburg, Ind. Lawyer. GERALDINE ANN SEMBOWER (Eng.) Garrett, Ind. Teacher. JOHN LEONARD SHIPMAN (Math.) TJ. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. Patent examiner. CHARLES ELLSWORTH SKINNER (Econ.) Boonville, Ind. Principal, High School. JANCY SAMUEL SLABAUGH (Educ.) M.D., Hering Medical College, 1909. Nap- panee, Ind. Physician and surgeon. RUBY OCA SMILEY (Bot.) Glenwood, Ind. OLA ANN SMITH (MRS. HENRY BAKER) (Bot.) 1211 West Fifth St., Des Moines, Iowa. OLIVER STARR (Hist.) LL.B., University of Michigan, 1908. Gary, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN PETERSON REID STEELE (Econ.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Colum- bus, O. Traveling salesman. WALDEMAR MATTHAEUS STEMPEL (Phys.) A.M., University of Illinois, 1906. Ur- bana, 111. Instructor in Physics, Uni- versity of Illinois. WILLIAM THOMAS STEPHENS (Phil.) A.M., 1906; A.M., Harvard University, 1907. Milwaukee, Wis. Professor of Education, State Normal School. BERTHA ELIZABETH STOCKINGEE (Eng.) Batesville, Ind. At present, 215 N. State St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Student. GEORGE WINSLOW STUDY (Math.) LL.B., Columbia University, 1908. 32 Nassau St., New York City. Lawyer. MARY HAMILTON SWINDLER (Gk.) A.M., 1906. Connersville, Ind. At pres- ent, teacher of Latin, The Misses Shipley's School, Bryn Mawr, Pa. EARL RAILSBACK TABER (Econ.) Argos, Ind. Banker. Mayor. MADGE CHRISTINA TAYLOR (MRS. WIL- LIAM BYRON SCHAEFER) (Eng.) South Bend, Ind. GEORGE EBER TETER (Eng.) A.M., Harvard University, 1908. Sheri- dan, Ind. At present, 2811 Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of English, Manual Training High School. JOHN WORTH TETER (Educ.) Sheridan, Ind. At present, teacher of Science, Attica (Ind.) High School. FRANK WATERS THOMAS (Lat.) A.M., University of Illinois, 1910. Ur- bana, 111. Instructor in Latin, Acad- emy, University of Illinois. JOHN WELLHOFF TODD (Phil.) A.M., 1910. Vernon, Ind. At present, 453 W. One Hundred and Twenty- fourth Street, New York City. Assist- ant in Psychology, Columbia Univer- sity. EDWIN ARTHUR TURNER (Zool.) A.M., Columbia University, 1906. Nor- mal, 111. Director of Practice, Illinois Southern Normal University. LEON A LITTA TURNER (Eng.) South Bend, Ind. At present, teacher of History, English and German, Misha- waka (Ind.) High School. ALBERT FERGUSON VANDEGRIFT (Phil.) 415 W. Jefferson St., Los Angeles, Cal. Teacher of Mathematics, Polytechnic High School. RALPH DYAL WADSWORTH (Bot.) Washington, Ind. At present, teacher of Science, Bloomington (Ind.) High School. MARVIN VEACH WALLACE (Hist.) Milton, Ind. At present, St. Louis, Mo. Teacher of History, Smith Academy, Washington University. FREDERICK WILLIAM WECK (Ger.) A.M., University of Michigan, 1907. Ann Arbor, Mich. Instructor in German, University of Michigan. JOHN C WERNER (Math.) Rochester, Ind. County Superintendent of Schools. FREDERICK GARFIELD WHITE (Econ.) Richmond, Ind. At present, 509 Ells- worth Building, Chicago, 111. Law- yer. HOWARD HENRY WIKEL (Hist.) A.M., 1906. 173 E. Nineteenth St., Indi- anapolis, Ind. At present, Principal, La Grange (Ind.) High School. OSCAR HARRISON WILLIAMS (Hist.) Bloomington, Ind. Critic Teacher, His- tory, School of Education, Indiana University. HARRY BRUCE WILSON (Educ.) A.M., Columbia University, 1910. Deca- tur, 111. Superintendent of Schools. HENRY B WILSON (Chem.) Delphi, Ind. Editor. MABGARET ISABEL WILSON (Hist.) AM., Ohio State University, 1910. Akron, O. Assistant Professor of English, Buchtel College. OTHO WINGER (Educ.) A.M., 1907. North Manchester, Ind. Vice- President, and Professor of History and Philosophy, Manchester College. NOAH ZEHR (Chem.) M.D., Western Reserve University, 1908 202 Shoaff Building, Port Wayne, Ind Physician. 1905] List by Years 99 Bachelors of Laws JOSHUA HICKMAN ALLEN Hagerstown, Ind. Lawyer. MAHLON EARL BASH 20 N. Bradley St., Indianapolis, Ind. ADDIS ALBRO BROWN Vinita, Okla. Lawyer. FREDERICK ERNEST BRYAN 902 Missouri Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawyer. CLINTON THEODORE Cisco Madison, Ind. Lawyer. ARCHIBALD THOMPSON CONNER Columbus, Ind. Lawyer. JAMES RICHARD DILLON 442 New York Block, Seattle, Wash. Lawyer. OTTO GUSTAVUS GEISS 317 Sycamore St., Evansville, Ind. Law- yer. ROGER DONALD GOUGH Boonville, Ind. Lawyer. ARTHUR HERBERT GREENWOOD Washington, Ind. Lawyer. HERMAN HASKINS Lagrange, Ind. Lawyer. EDGAR EARL HITE Greensburg, Ind. Lawyer. City Attor- ney. HARRY LONG Muncie, Ind. Lawyer. Prosecuting At- torney, Forty-sixth Judicial Circuit. FRANK R. MILLER Clinton, Ind. Lawyer. MASUJI MIYAKAWA LL.M., George Washington University, 1903; D.C.L., Illinois College of Law, 1905. Washington, D. C. Lawyer. JOHN EDWARD PACE Muskogee, Okla. Lawyer. WHITNEY ELTON SMITH Portland, Ind. Lawyer. CLAUDE STEELE Bloomington, Ind. Merchant. LEONARD LESLIE WILLIAMS Evansville, Ind. WALTER BANFILL WOODEN Washington, D. C. Special Agent, Bu- reau of Corporations. Masters of Arts GEORGE FREDERICK ARPS (Educ.) A.B., Leland Stanford Junior University, 1904; Ph.D., University of Leipzig, Germany, 1908. Champaign, 111. As- sistant Professor of Psychology, Uni- versity of Illinois. IRA PRESTON BALDWIN (Eng.) Ph.B., Wabash College, 1896. Emporia, Kas. Professor of Mathematics, Kan- sas State Normal School. FRANK ORMAN BECK (Phil.) See A.B., 1894. LILLIAN GAY BERRY (Lat.) See A.B., 1899. PERMELIA BOYD (Eng.) See A.B., 1904. HENRY CLAY BRANDON (Math.) See A.B., 1902. MORLEY ALBERT CALDWELL (Phil.) See A.B., 1904. HOWARD HOLMAN CLARK (Lat.) See A.B., 1901. ROSETTA MARY CLARK (Rom.) See A.B., 1904. MARY COBLE (Lat.) See A.B., 1904. MINDWELL JOSEPHINE CRAMPTON (MRS. HENRY B WILSON) (Eng.) B.S., Purdue University, 1903. Delphi, Ind. MANFRED WOLFE DEPUTY (Educ.) See A.B., 1904. ERNEST BUNYAN ELLIS (Eng.) A.B., University of Nashville, 1901. Cor- dova, Tenn. At present, 7.02 Looney Ave., Memphis, Tenn. Teacher of German and French, High School. MINNIE BLANCHE ELLIS (Hist.) See A.B., 1895. CHARLES HENRY FRAZEE (Bot.) B.S., Earlham College, 1903. Duluth, Minn. Professor of Biology, State Normal School. ADDISON LUTHER FULWIDER (Hist.) See A.B., 1895. FRANK ALES GAUSE (Hist.) See A.B., 1904. FRANK MONROE HAMMITT (Math.) See A.B., 1902. JOSEPH HENRY HASEMAN (Phys.) See A.B., 1901. THOMAS J HEADLEE (Zool.) See A.B., 1903. EDGAR CLAYTON HINKLE (Math.) See A.B., 1901. ORREN CHALMER HORMELL (Hist.) See A.B., 1904. DAVID RUSSELL LEE (Lat.) A.B., Albion College, 1895; Ph.D., Uni- versity of Wisconsin, 1907. Chatta- nooga, Tenn. Professor of Greek and Latin, University of Chattanooga. OLIVER GARY LOCKHART (Econ.) See A.B., 1903. FRANK CURRY MATHERS (Chem.) See A.B., 1903. 100 Register of Graduates [1905 CLARENCE EARL MAY (Chem.) See A.B., 1904. TECUMSEH HENRY MEEK (Hist.) See A.B., 1904. STELLA PEEDE (Gk.) See A.B., 1904. EMMA BERTA SHEALY (Eng.) See A.B., 1904. HEIKICHI YOSHISAKA (Chem.) See A.B., 1904. Summary Bachelors of Arts.. Bachelors of Laws. Masters of Arts. . . Living . 152 . 20 . 30 Dead 2 Totals 202 Total 154 20 30 204 1906 Bachelors of Arts CORDELIA JEAN ADAMS (Eng.) Charlestown, Ind. At present, Demorest, Ga. Instructor in English, Piedmont College. HOWARD WEBSTER ADAMS (Econ.) LL.B., Indiana Law School, 1908; LL.B., Yale University, 1910.- 1838 N. Dela- ware St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. CHARLES FRANCIS ADELSPERGER (Econ.) Lawton, Okla. Newspaper work. RAYMOND ALVA AKIN (Med.) M.D., 1908. Bloomington, Ind. Physi- cian. EDITH EATON ALEXANDER (Math.) Logansport, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Anderson (Ind.) High School. MARGARETTA BASS (Educ.) Greenwood, Ind. At present, Franklin, Ind. WALTER DODSWORTH BEAN (Phys.) 1668 Euclid Ave., Chicago Heights, 111. Teacher of Science, Bloom Township High School. EDWIN WAKEFIELD BENSON (Econ.) Warren, Ind. Farmer. WILLIAM JOHN BLAIR (Econ.) Bloomington, Ind. Stone business. ARTHUR GARFIELD BOBBITT (Hist.) Lebanon, Ind. Teacher of History, High School. WILLIAM OSCAR BOHANNON (Eng.) Hartmetz Building, Evansville, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN CARLISLE BOLLENBACHER (Math.) S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy, 1909. Bloomington, Ind. At pres- ent, 860 Leland Ave., Chicago, 111. Ar- chitect. RUBY ESTELLE BOLLENBACHER (MRS. CARROLL L. BECK) (Rom. Lang.) Bloomington, Ind. EDGAR ERNEST BOTTS (Econ.) A.M., 1910. West Lafayette, Ind. At present, Superintendent of Silver Lake (Ind.) School. Ross BRADLEY BRETZ (Med.) A.M., 1907; M.D., Western Reserve Uni- versity, 1909. Charity Hospital, Cleve- land, O. Physician. WAVERLY DANIEL BRETZ (Med.) A.M., 1907; M.D., Western Reserve Uni- versity, 1909. Cleveland City Hospital, Cleveland, O. Physician. FLORA CALDWELL BROADDUS (Eng.) Connersville, Ind. At present, Head, De- partment of English, Newcastle (Ind.) High School. FAITH EMMA BROWN (MRS. CHESTER YOUNG KELLY) (Lat.) 316 North Sixth Street, Terre Haute, Ind. HARRY BATES BROWN (Bot.) A.M., 1907; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1910. Jessup, Ind. At present, Forest Home, Ithaca, N. Y. Instructor in Botany, Cornell University. PLUMA AURILLA BROWN (Lat.) 10247 Prospect Ave., Chicago, 111. At present, teacher of Latin and Algebra, Montpelier (Ind.) High School. LILA HART BURNETT (MRS. WILLIAM MCNARY LOUDEN) (Hist.) Bloomington, Ind. ELLA IRENE BURTT (Lat.) A.M., 1908. Jeffersonville, Ind. Teacher of Latin. RALPH HENRY CAN AD AY (Hist.) 1612 East Third Street, Duluth, Minn. Assistant Manager, Agricultural De- partment, Marshall Wells Hardware Company. CAMPBELL COLON CARPENTER (Chem.) 2902 Main Street, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Chief Chemist, United States Light and Heating Company. WILLIAM WINDOM CARTER (Phil.) Plainville, Ind. At present, Superintend- ent Bloomfield (Ind.) Public Schools. OLLIE ERNEST CASSADY (Law) Lebanon, Ind. At present, Lacrosse, Ind. Principal, High School. IVY LEONE CHAMNESS (Eng.) Hagerstown, Ind. At present, teacher of English and History, New Castle (Ind.) High School. CLAYTON WILLARD CLAWSON (Eng.) Gaston, Ind. At present, Veedersburg, Ind. Teacher. HARRY MILTON CLEM (Oeol.) M.S., University of Chicago, 1908. Mon- roeville, Ind. At present, 5714 Wash- ington Ave., Chicago, 111, Teacher of Physiography, Crane Technical High School 1906] List by Years; 101 CLYDE CLEVELAND (Eng.) LaGrande, Ore. Lawyer. WILLIAM CHESTER CONRAD (Eng.) Clarks Hill, Ind. At present, Richmond, Ind. Principal, Baxter School. SALLIE EVANS CRAIG (Lat.) Noblesville, Ind Supervisor of Draw- ing. ISAAC CRIPE (Zodl.) Delphi, Ind. At present, Superintendent of Gas City (Ind.) Schools. DANIEL GUY CROMER (Econ.) Box 516, Manila, P. I. At present, Ba- guio, Benguet, P. I. Clerk. FINTON ALLEN CRULL (Econ.) Frankfort, Ind. Merchant. JOSEPHINE BLANCHE CRUSE (MRS. ADOLPHUS GROVER CLARK) (Eng.) Box 1077, Phoenix, Ariz. THOMAS JOHNSON DAVIS (Eng.) Aledo, 111. President, William and Vashti College. ELIZABETH LUCILE DEMAREE (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Ossian (Ind.) High School. Louis HERMAN DIRKS (Ger.) 1117 S. State St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of German, Shortridge High School. HENRY MORTON DIXON (Hist.) Westfield, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. DANIEL WILLIAMS DONOVAN (Hist.) Muncie, Ind. Principal, McKinley School. LEILA BERTHA DUNCAN (Math.) Princeton, Ind. At present, Director of Music, and Assistant in Mathematics, Township High School, La Salle, 111. JOHN BENJAMIN DUTCHER (Phys.) A.M., 1907. Bloomington, Ind. Assist- ant Professor of Physics, Indiana Uni- versity. JUNE EDDINGFIELD (Lat.) Elwood, Ind. Teacher of German, High School. CLARENCE EDMUND EDMONDSON (Zodl.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, student in Indiana University School of Medi- cine. IDA JULIA FLEMING (Lat.) 2008 Euclid Ave., Chicago Heights, Chi- cago, 111. Teacher of English, High School. EZRA THOMAS FRANKLIN (Phil.) A.M., 1910; A.B., Asbury College, 1903. Wilmore, Ky. Dean, and Professor of Philosophy, Asbury College. FRANCIS MARION GARVER (Hist.) Binghamton, N. Y. Principal, High School. MARY ELIZABETH HAMILTON (MRS. HU- BERT LISTER BECK) (Lat.) Bloomington, Ind. CHESTER Ross HARMESON (Econ.) Anderson, Ind. At present, 730 Grand Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Vice-President, and Teacher of English and History, Milwaukee University School. ROBERT CHARLES HARRIS (Hath.) Cannelburg, Ind. Principal, High School. OLIVIA DELPHI HARVEY (MRS. ALLAN JAMES WYLIE) (Rom.) Bloomington, Ind. HAZEL MARGUERITE HATCH (MRS. CLAUDE SEYMOUR STEELE) (Eng.) Carthage, Okla. OPAL HAVENS (MRS. FRANK EDMUND DAVIS) (Eng.) Ladoga, Ind. OSCAR STEPHENSON HAYDEN (Hist.) Clay City, Ind. At present, Traction Terminal Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer EDISTINA FARROW HENDRIX (Ger.) Tangier, Ind. At present, Monte Vista, Colorado. Teacher of German and Latin. DANIEL EDWARD HERSCHELMAN (Law) LL.B., 1907. Porum, Okla. Lawyer. ORVILLE HICKAM (Hist.) Freedom, Ind. At present, teacher of History, Bluffton (Ind.) High School. LETHA HIESTAND (MRS. JESSE H NEW- LON) (La*.) Salem, Ind. At present, Decatur, 111. REYBURN ALVIN HIGGINS (Eng.) Logansport, Ind. At present, 604 Mary- land Place, Louisville, Ky. Teacher of English, Male High School. HOWARD COPELAND HILL (Hist.) A.M., University of Wisconsin, 1909. 6607 Randolph St., Oak Park 111. Teacher of History, Oak Park and River For- est High School. FRANK TODD HINDMAN (Econ.) 507 Lowell St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Travel- ing salesman. JOHN PHILIP HOCHHALTER (Chem.) Logansport, Ind. Teacher of Physics, High School. VlRGILINE HOCKER (Hist.) 227 E. Ninth St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Teacher of English, High School. MARY EMMA HOLLADAY (Eng.) Monticello, Ind. Teacher of German and English, High School. HARRY Louis HORNER (Math.) A.M., 1909. Upland, Ind. At present, Carthage, 111. Registrar, and Profes- sor of Physics, Mathematics and As- tronomy, Carthage College. GEORGE ALEXANDER HUTCHINSON (Phil.) A.M., 1908; Ph.D., Clark University, 1910. Pittsburgh, Pa. Assistant Pro- fessor of Psychology and Education, and Head of Department, Margaret Morrison Carnegie Technical School. 102 Register of Graduates [1006 HARRY M IBISON (Phys.) Macon, 111. At present, teacher of Phys- ics and Chemistry, Marion (Ind.) High School. AUSTIN WILLIS INMAN (Hist.) Odon, Ind. At present, Terre Haute, Ind. Assistant in History, Indiana State Normal School. ARTHUR JACKSON (Hist.) Broad Ripple, Ind. At present, Rooms 22-23 When Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Real estate, loans, and insurance. JAMES WILLIAM JACKSON (Chem.) M.D., 1910. Nora, Ind. At present, In- dianapolis, Ind. Interne, City Hospi- tal. ELIZABETH ALMA JANEWAY (MRS. FER- NANDUS PAYNE) (Phil.) Bloomington, Ind. GEORGE ALBERT KEENEY (Hist.) Danville, Ind. Hardware merchant. ELMER ELLSWORTH KEPNER (Med.) M.O., Western Reserve University, 1909. Noblesville, Ind. At present, 12419 Superior Ave., Cleveland, O. Physi- cian. ALBRECTIT ROBERT CARL KIPP (Eng.) J.D., University of Chicago, 1908. 228 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. THOMAS JOSEPH KIRBY (Lat.) A.M., Columbia University, 1910. 2216 Ashland Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. At present, Columbia University, New York City. Superintendent, Day In- dustrial Schools. JOSIE HELENA KOONS (MRS. PERCY VALENTINE RUCH) (Eng.) Mulberry, Ind. EDWARD ALFRED LAWRENCE (Eng.) WALTER DEAN LEVI (Eng.) M.D., University of Louisville, 1909. New Albany, Ind. At present, Jeffersonville. Ind. Assistant Physician to Indiana Reformatory. ISAAC MCKINNEY LEWIS (Bot.) A.M., 1907; Ph.D., 1909. Austin, Texas. Instructor in Botany, University of Texas. MARY ELIZABETH LEWIS (Math.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Bloomington (111.) High School. *CLAUDE LIEBHARDT (Phil.) Died Feb. 26, 1908, at South Bend, Ind.; buried at Minneapolis, Minn. LEONARD MONROE LUCE (Math.) McCordsville, Ind. At present, Princi- pal, Globe (Ariz.) High School. JOSEPH CAMDEN RLLEY McATEE (Law) LL.B., 1907. Paul Jones Building, Louis- ville, Ky. Lawyer. NORMAN EUGENE MC!NDOO (Zodl.) A.M., 1910. Lyons, Ind. At present, Bi- ology Hall, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. Student. IRA HUMPHREY MC!NTIRE (Lat.) 1605 E. Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Ind. State Agent for the Howard- Severance Co., Western Distributors of the New International Dictionary. JAMES LUKE MC!NTOSH (Educ.) Brook, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. FRED J MABREY (Hist.) Westfield, Ind. Topographic Aid, U. S. Geological Survey. JAMES WILBUR MAG AW (Eng.) 528 Knoll St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Commis- sion merchant. WALTER Ross MARRIOTT (Math.) Swarthmore, Pa. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Swarthmore College. ROBERT ROLLIN MASSEY (Eng.) Mecom, Ind. At present, 664 Dearborn Ave., Chicago, 111. Student, North- western University Dental School. LESLIE HOWE MAXWELL (Eng.) M.D., 1909. 717 West Drive, Woodruff Place, Indianapolis, Ind. At present. 26 Goltz Strasse T Berlin W. 30, Ger- many. Physician. WALTER GARFIELD MEAD (Hist.) LL.B., 1909. Anderson, Ind. Teacher of History, High School. ALVIN FREDERICK MENKE (Ghent.) S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, 1909. 15 Edgar St., Evansville, Ind. At present, 860 Leland Ave., Chi- cago, 111. Architect. EGBERT J MILES (Math.) A.M., Swarthmore College, 1907. Bethle- hem, Ind. At present, Ithaca, N. Y. Instructor in Mathematics, Cornell" Uni- versity. JOHN HARRISON MINNICK (Math.) A.M., 1908. Lafontaine, lud. At present, Champaign, 111. Assistant T in Mathe- matics, University of Illinois. CLARA ELIZABETH MISENER (MRS. J. LAWSON PATTON) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. GLADYS CLAIR MORRIS (Math.) Winchester, Ind. Teacher of Mathemat- ics, High School. (MRS.) BELLE M. NEAL (Eng.) Monon, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics and English, Wheeler (Ind.) High School. HETTIE CARLTON NEAT (Ger.) New Albany, Ind. Teacher of German and Mathematics, High School. OLIN BERTRAM NORMAN (Math.) M.D., Western Reserve University, 1909. Heltonville, Ind. At present, Cleveland City Hospital, Cleveland, O. Physi- cian. GRACE WINIFRED NORWOOD (Math.) Lebanon, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics, High School. EDNA GLOVER NOWLAND (Eng.) 1006 Newman St., Indianapolis, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Bedford (Ind.) High School. 1906] List by Years 103 RALPH WALDO NOYER (La*.) A.M., 1910. Bloomington, Ind. Head of Latin Department, High School. NELLIE MARY OBER (Eng.) Auburn, Ind. JOHN OGDEN (Econ.) LL.B., 1907. 1025 Law Building, Indian- apolis, Ind. Lawyer. ANDREW FLETCHER OGLE (Zool.) Star City, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. GEORGE WASHINGTON OSBORN (Law} Sheridan, Ind. Lawyer. (MRS.) COY BLANCHE JOHNSON OWENS (MRS. OLIVER ERNEST WOODARD) (Hath.) 35 East Seventy-first St., N., Portland, Oregon. Teacher of Mathematics and English, Gresham High School. GLENN DUKES PETERS (Econ.) Knox, Ind. Lawyer. PAUL CHRISLER PHILLIPS (Hist.} A.M., 1909. Bloomfield, Ind. At present, 112 East Greene St., Champaign, 111. Graduate student and Assistant in History, University of Illinois. GEORGE OTIS RAFERT (Econ.) 1115 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. Real estate and merchandise. CHARLES THOMAS RANDOLPH (Econ.) LL.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1908. Clinton, Okla. Lawyer. City Attorney. JOHN ROBERT RAY (Law) LL.B., 1907. Bartlesville, Okla. Law- yer. CAROLYN READ (MRS WILLIAM ANDER- SON KARSELL) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. JOHN" VINCENT REDMOND (Hist.) St. Anthony, Idaho. CAROLYN MABEL REED (Ger.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of German, Columbia City (Ind.) High School, ELVA REEVES (MRS THOMAS SLOAN EL- ROD) (Rom.) Columbus, Ind. JOHN JAMES REINHARD (Law) LL.B., 1907. Rockport, Ind. Assistant Cashier, Farmers' Bank. THOMAS HENRY REYNOLDS (Hist.) Anderson, Ind. At present, Normal, Ala. Teacher of Music, Agricultural and Mechanical College. EARL HAMPTON RICHARDSON (Hist.) No. 6, Bungalow Park, Indianapolis, Ind. Indiana representative, The Mac- millan Co. CURTIS JOSEPH RICHEY (Eng.) Cannelton, Ind. At present, Granite, Idaho. Principal, Brigham City (Utah) Schools. MANUEL ORESTES ROARK (Educ.) Aurora, 111. Principal, East Side High School. ALFRED ISAAC ROEHM (Ger.) A.M., 1907. White Pigeon, Mich. At present, Oshkosh, Wis. Teacher of German, State Normal School. EDITH RUDOLPH (MRS. ERNEST WICK- ERSHEIMER) (Rom. Lang.) 16 Rue Bonaparte, Paris, France. CLAUDE WILLIAMSON SANDIFER (Phys.) A.M., University of Illinois, 1909. Ur- bana, 111. Instructor in Physics, Aca- demy, University of Illinois. ESTHER ANNA SCHWARTZ (MRS. ROB- ERT WYCLIF ARMSTRONG) (Ger.) Huntingburg, Ind. EVA MAY SEWARD (MRS. GEORGE WIL- LIAM LINGARD) (Math.) Shoshone, Idaho. CHARLES WILLIAM SHANNON (Geol.) A.M., 1907. Brazil, Ind. Teacher of Sci- ence, High School. FRED FLOYD SHETTERLY (Chem.) Ph.D., Cornell University, 1910. 205 Eddy St., Ithaca, N. Y. Instructor in Chemistry, Cornell University. ESTHER ELIZABETH SHIRLEY (MRS. BURRELL) (Math.) Norwalk, O. Teacher of Mathematics, Central High School. WADE ANTHON SIEBENTHAL (Phys.) Republic, Mich. Superintendent, Repub- lic Iron Company. CAROLYN ETHEL SIMMONS (MRS. ROB- ERT Rossow) (Hist.) Culver, Ind. EARL CARL SLIPHER (Ast.) A.M., 1908. Lowell Observatory, Flag- staff, Ariz. Astronomer. WILLIAM FRANKLIN SMITH (Phys.) Franklin, Ind. At present, teacher of Physics and Physical Geography, De- catur (111.) High School. ORA STALEY (Math.) Globe, Ariz. Superintendent of Schools. JOHN HOLLAND STANLEY (Educ.) Plaza Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colo. In- structor in Mathematics. ARTHUR BIVINS STONEX (Eng.) A.M., 1907. Bloomington, Ind. Instruc- tor in English, Indiana University. WILLIAM TIMOTHY STRATTON (Math.) Redkey, Ind. At present, Troy, 111. Principal, McCray-Dewey Academy. BURTON AUSTIN THOMPSON (Eng.) M.D., 1909; A.M., 1910. Kokomo, Ind. Physician. ROBERT EARLE THOMPSON (Econ.) LL.B., University of Michigan, 1909. Gary, Ind. Lawyer. CLARA ELIZABETH TRAUTWEIN (Ger.) Goshen, Ind. Teacher. 104 Register of Graduates [1906 FLORA TRAYLOR (Lat.) Jasper, Ind. At present, 2356 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher, Lincoln School. ALONZO PEARLE TROTH (Zool.) Spokane, Wash. Teacher of Zoology, High School. THEODORE FRANKLIN VONNEGUT (Ger.) LL.B., 1906; LL.B., Indiana Law School, 1903. 11 W. Washington St., Indian- apolis, Ind. Merchant. *CLYDE LASALLE WAGNER (Math.) Died near Attica, Ind., Dec. 10, 1910; buried at Attica, Ind. NOEMAN MAURICE WALKER (Eng.) Herald Building, El Paso, Tex. Editor. DELIA SARAH WALL (Hist.) Marion, Ind. At present, Vincennes, Ind. Teacher of History, High School. JENNIE MAURICE WARD (Hist.) 3620 Cook Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Teacher. WILLIAM BACON WATSON (Hist.) Spofford, N. H. Clergyman. MARGARET WEESNER (Eng.) Darlington, Ind. At present, Principal, Wingate (Ind.) High School. WILLIAM MILLER WIBLE (Math.) A.M., 1908. Vincennes, Ind. Professor of Mathematics, Vincennes University. JOSEPH ABRAHAM WILLIAMS (Phil.) A.M., 1910. Bloomington, Ind. Teaching Fellow in Philosophy, Indiana Univer- sity. RUTH ANNE WILSON (MRS. EUGENE MCDERMOTT GUISE) (Hist.) 718 Thirty-ninth Street, Oakland, Cal. ANDREW TENNANT WYLIE (Eng.) A.M., 1907. Bloomington, Ind. Instruc- tor in English, Indiana University. Bachelors of Laws ROCHESTER BAIRD Lafayette, Ind. Lawyer. HERBERT COCHRAN The Hyson, Tacoma, Wash. Lawyer. JOHN ELLINGHAUSEN Sapulpa, Okla. Lawyer. KENNETH GARDNER (KENNETH EARL WlNEGARDNER ) 54 Wall St., New York City. Lawyer. SAMUEL SWINEFORD GOBIN 542 N. Fifth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Lawyer. ELWIN ARTHUR GRAVES A.B., Williams College, 1898. West Leba- non, Ind. Lawyer. GUY HENDERSON HUMPHREYS Bloomfield, Ind. Lawyer. Member, Board of Control, Indiana Boys' School. JOHN PORTER JEFFERS See A.B., 1903. ALBERT HENRY KASTING Seymour, Ind. Lawyer. CHARLES KEMP Tipton, Ind. Lawyer. OBEIN HABDIN MARKET, See A.B., 1903. HEZZIE BENNETT PIKE Clinton, Ind. Lawyer. YALE COSBY PORCH See A.B., 1904. WILLIAM EDWARD REILEY 404 Indiana Trust Building, Indianap- olis, Ind. Lawyer. City Prosecutor. PERCY VALENTINE RUCH Mulberry, Ind. Lawyer. HERBERT AUSTIN RUNDELL Spencer, Ind. Lawyer. THOMAS OWINGS SHECKELL 563 E. Sixth South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Lawyer. THEODORE FRANKLIN VONNEGUT See A.B., 1906. OBA LEONARD WILDERMUTH Gary, Ind. Lawyer. Masters of Arts ARTHUR DOUGLAS BATCHELOR (Phil) See A.B., 1894. JOHN CHARLES DUNCAN (Ast.) See A.B., 1905. *PRESTON EMMANUEL EAGLESON (Phil.) See A.B., 1896. Louis RAYMOND GRAY (Hist.) See A.B., 1905. J LEONARD HANCOCK (Lat.) A.B., University of Chicago, 1905. 6424 Champlain Ave., Chicago, 111. At pres- ent, Topeka, Kan. Professor of Greek, Washburn College. CHARLES HASEMAN (Math.) See A.B., 1903. CASSIUS EUGENE HIATT (Ast.) See A.B., 1905. FRANCIS MARION INGLER (Econ.) See LL.B., 1893; A.B., 1903. DENNIS EMERSON JACKSON (Physiol.) See A.B., 1905. CHARLES IRVING KERB (Hist.) See A.B., 1896. CARL OTTO LAMPLAND (Ast.) See A.B., 1902. WALDO LEE McATEE (Zool.) See A.B., 1904. NEWTON MILLER (Zool.) See A.B., 1905. (MRS.) EFFA (FUNK) MUHSE (MRS. ALBERT CHARLES MUHSE) (Zool.) See A.B., 1903; Ph.D., 1908. 1907] List by Years 105 VIDA NEWSOK (Phil.) See A.B., 1903. H^RRY GROLL NEWTON (Eng.) See A.B., 1905. HIROMITSU Oi (Phys.) B.E., Japanese Government College, 1899. lidamachi, Kojimachi, Tokyo, Japan. FERNANDUS PAYNE (Zool.) See A.B., 1905. CHARLES NEWTON PEAK (Hist.) See Ph.B., 1886. DAISY MYRTLE PLUNKETT (Lat.) See A.B., 1899. WILLIAM THOMAS STEPHENS (Educ.) See A.B., 1905. MARY HAMILTON SWINDLER (Gk.) See A.B., 1905. ORRIN TUGMAN (Phys.) See A.B., 1903. DAVID HAMILTON WEIR (Phys.) See A.B., 1903. HOWARD HENRY WIKEL (Hist.) See A.B., 1905. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 153 2 155 Bachelors of Laws 19 19 Masters of Arts 25 25 Totals .. .197 199 1907 Bachelors of Arts RALPH JOY ANDERSON (Math.) Quincy, Ind. At present, teacher of Sci- ence and Mathematics, Portland (Ind.) High School." HARRY CLAYTON ANDREWS (Ok.) Decatur, Ind. Farmer. ELVA ANTRIM (Math.) Brooklyn, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Lawrenceburg (Ind.) High School. ELI JACOB ARNOT (Econ.) D.B., University of Chicago, 1910. Mon- rovia, Ind. At present, 5815 Drexel Ave., Chicago, 111. Divinity Student, University of Chicago. JOHN KIVETT ARNOT (Phil.) Fessenden, North Dakota. Clergyman. FRED OZIAS AUGUR (Eng.) Peru, Ind. At present, Hotel Burke, Chi- cago, 111. Professional barytone solo- ist. CHARLES BURGESS AUSTIN (Econ.) A.M., 1908. Winchester, Ind. At pres- ent, 1035 University Ave., Madison, Wis. Assistant, Political Economy, University of Wisconsin. WILLIAM ALLEN AUSTIN (Math.) A.M., 1908. La Crosse, Wis. Professor of Mathematics, State Normal School. HENRY STEWART BAILEY (Law) LL.B., 1908. Peru, Ind. Lawyer. KATHARINE GLADYS BAKER (Lat.) Winchester, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Marion (Ind.) High School. ORIANNA BARKER (Eng.) B.S., Penn College, Oskaloosa, la., 1905. Entiat, Wash. Teacher. EUGENE HENRY BAUMGARTEN (Econ.) 123 Roberta Ave., Louisville, Ky. Agent, New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. MARY ELIZABETH BECK (MRS. WALTEB N. CULMER) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. ORA O BECK (Law) LL.B., 1908. Lebanon, Ind. At present, Atlanta, Ga. With West Publishing Co. KAY BEEMAN (Phil.) Woodside, Long Island, New York. Teacher of English. LERA IRIS BERKEY (Lat.) Salem, Ind. Teacher of Latin, High School. CORNELIA SAYRE BLAYNEY (Hist.) Wabash, Ind. Teacher of Latin, High School. BENTON JAY BLOOM (Eng.) Columbia City, Ind. Lawyer. Mayor. CLAUDE FRANKLIN BOARD (Hist.) Lebanon, Ind. At present, Oklahoma City, Okla. Traveling salesman. (MRS.) ALTA JOHNSON BRADY (Hist.) Wabash, Ind. CHARLES HARVEY BRADY (Phil.) Wabash, Ind. Principal, High School. JOSEPH VALENTINE BREITWIESER (Phil.) A.M., 1908; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1911. Tipton, Ind. At present, New York City. Assistant in Psychology. Columbia University. ANNA BROCKHAUSEN (Educ.) 2428 E. Tenth St., Indianapolis, Ind. Su- pervising Principal, Public Schools. ELWOOD EDWIN BROOKS (Chem.) Salem, Ind. At present, Madison, Wis. Graduate student, University of Wis- consin, and teacher of Science in Madi- son High School. RICHABO MELVIN BRUMFIELD (Chem.) D.D.S., University of Illinois Dental Col- lege, . Roseburg, Oregon. Dentist. JESSE BRUNER (Zool.) A.M., Clark University, 1909. Claypool, Ind. At present, teacher of Zoology, Grand Forks (N. D.) Schools. HARRY EMANUEL BRYANT (Med.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1909. Bloom- ington, Ind. At present, Chicago, III. Physician, St. Luke's Hospital. - 106 Register of Graduates [1907 GEORGE JULIAN BUGBEE (Hist.) Spring Valley, Wis. Superintendent of Schools. GAY EDNA CALVERT (Lat.) A.M., 1910. Sullivan, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin and German, Fair- mount (Ind.) High School. DON FRANKLIN CAMERON (Chem.) A.M., University of Chicago, 1910. Ham- ilton, Ind. Medical student. LORA VIVIAN CAMPBELL (Eng.) Winona Lake, Ind. At present, Western Springs, 111. ARTHUR WILLARD CARNDUFF (Law) LL.B., Northwestern University, 1908. Gary, Ind. Lawyer. CLARENCE COMPTON CHRISTIAN (Law) LL.B., 1908. Enid, Okla., Real estate agent. GRACE AGNES CLARK (MRS. WILBUR HOWARD FISHER) (Phil.) 10534 Gooding Ave., Cleveland, O. MARY CLARK (Bot.) 532 Solana Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Teacher. GEORGE GRAUMAN COHEN (Econ.) LL.B., 1907. Jeffersonville, Ind. Law- yer. ALBERT HARVEY COLE (Hist.) LL.B., 1908. Peru, Ind. Lawyer. LEONA COOMBS (MRS. WILLIAM HENRY WORK) (Eng.) Charlestown, Ind. BLANCHE BAKER COUK (Oer.) Roachdale, Ind. WILL H COURSON (Chem.) Anderson,. Ind. Teacher of Physics and Chemistry, High School. JAMES CURRIE (Chem.) A.M., 1907. Bloomington, Ind. At pres- ent, Madison, Wis. Instructor in Chemistry, University of Wisconsin. GRAY DAVIS (MRS. CHARLES WALTER WILLIAMS) (Hist.) Chena, Alaska. WALTER ALLISON DAVIS (Hist.) Bicknell, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. WILDIE LUCINDA DAVIS (Lat.) Milroy, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin and Mathematics, Star City (Ind.) High School. HARLEM EUGENE DENSFORD (Eng.) A.M.. 1910. Crothersville, Ind. At pres- ent, 719 Watson St., Ripon, Wis. Act- ing Professor, Composition and Public Speaking, Ripon College. LUNA MAY DICKERSON (Zool.) Upland, Ind. At present, 6132 Monroe Ave., Chicago, 111. Student, University of Chicago. MARY JULIA WALL DILLINGHAM (Eng.) 802 North Senate Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. At present, student, Graduate School. University of Michigan. SIDNEY OGIER DILLON (Chem.) 408 Stewart Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. Assist- ant in Chemistry, Cornell University. MAUD PEARL Do AN (Lat.) University Heights, Indianapolis, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin, Portland (Ind.) High School. CHARLES WILLIAM DODSON (Educ.) Tell City, Ind. At present, teacher of History, Evansville (Ind.) High School. EDITH BELLE DOWD (MRS. FRED W REEVE) (Hist.) 114 West Eighth St., Oklahoma City, Okla. ORA WINIFRED DOWNING (Lat.) Swayzee, Ind. At present, Principal, Broad Ripple (Ind.) High School. SOLOMON ARTHUR DULING (Hist.) LL.B., 1908. Okemah, Okla. Lawyer. AGNES CHRISTINE DUNCAN (MRS. AL- BERT FREDERICK KUERSTEINER) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. SALLIE DUNCAN (Rom.) Bloomington, Ind. WALTER BLAINE DUNCAN (Chem.) A.M., 1909. Bloomington, Ind. Chemist. EDWARD ALBERT EBERHARDT (Ger.) Jefferson City, Mo. At present, Cam- bridge, Mass. Graduate student, Har- vard University. MAX MAPES ELLIS (Zool.) A.M., 1908. Vincennes, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Teaching Fellow in Zoology, Indiana University. WILLARD FINLEY ENTEMAN (Math.) 501 W. One Hundred and Twenty-fourth St., New York City. Instructor in Mathematics, Horace Mann School. WILBUR HOWARD FISHER (Hath.) 10532 Gooding Ave., Cleveland, O. Chief Engineer, Tungstolier Co. CHARLES AUGUSTUS FREEMAN (Phil.) Sullivan, Ind. Teacher. KATE FREEMAN (Lat.) Sullivan, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin, Union City (Ind.) High School. WILLIAM CHRISTIAN GERICHS (Hist.) Elwood, Ind. Principal, High School. MARJORIE GINGERICH (Math.) North Manchester, Ind. At present, Principal, Bremen (Ind.) High School. EVERETT LOGAN GOAR (Med.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1U09. Kirk- lin, Ind. At present, Chicago, 111. Physician, Cook County Hospital. THEODORE ELI GRABLE (Hist.) A.M., 1910. 612 Fremont St., South Pas- adena, Cal. Vice-Principal, Public Schools. QUINDEARIA GREEVES (MRS. WILL H COURSON) (Eng.) Anderson, Ind. 1907] List by Years 107 LEWIS LEROY HALL (Ohem.) A.M., 1908. 11320 Genevra Ave., Morgan Park, 111. Instructor in Physics and Physiography, Arlington Avenue High School. BERTHA HAMILTON (Hist.) 1411 N. Merchant St., Emporia, Kan. Head, Department of History, High School. LESTER DAVISSON HAMMOND (Chem.) A.M., University of Wisconsin, 1910. 2041 N. Eighth St., Terre Haute, Ind. At present, Lafayette, Ind. Instructor in Chemistry, Purdue University. MARY THERESA HARMAN (Bot.) A.M., 1909. Odon, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Teaching Fellow in Zoology, Indiana University. Ross JAMES HAZELTINE (Eng.) Halifax, Nova Scotia. American Vice- Consul General. SAMUEL DILLMAN HECKAMAN (Law) LL.B., 1908. Shawnee, Okla. Lawyer. CECILIA BARBARA HENNEL (Eng.) A.M., 1908. Bloomington,' Ind. Instruc- tor in English, Indiana University. CORA BARBARA HENNEL (Hath.) < A.M., 1908. Bloomington, Ind. Instruc- tor in Mathematics, Indiana Univer- sity. CARL HENNINGER (Ger.) A.M., University of Illinois, 1908. Uni- versity Place, University, North Da- kota. Instructor in German, Model High School of Teachers College, Uni- versity of North Dakota. ALONZO LLOYD HICKSON (Law) Rosston, Ind. At present, Sheridan, Ind. Teacher, Philippine Service, Ca- piz, P. I. (On leave.) Louis FREDERICK HILLMAN (Educ.) A.M., 1907. Laporte, Ind. At present, Northfield, Minn. Professor of Educa- tion and Assistant in History, St. Olaf College. MARGARET HINES (Eng.) Kewanna, Ind. Principal, High School. EDNA HOLDERMAN (Bot.) Elkhart, Ind. At present, Teacher of German, Huntingburg (Ind.) High School. LOUISE ALICE HOLTZMAN (Eng.) 2129 Greenleaf Ave., Chicago, 111. MARTHA EULALA HORMELL (Eng.) A.M., 1910. Wingate, Ind. JESSE HAYES HOSKINSON (Educ.) Brandenburg, Ky. At present, Superin- tendent of Elizabethtown (Ky.) Schools. WATSON RAYMOND HOUGH (Phil.) Frankfort, Ind. Ward Principal, Public Schools. (MRS.) MARY AGNES JOHNS (Hist.) Inglefleld, Ind. Teacher. PEARL COLLEEN JONES (MRS. JAMES WILBUR MAGAW) (Hist.) 528 Knoll St., Pittsburgh, Pa. THOMAS DORSEY. JONES (Econ.) Spencer, Ind. At present, teacher of English and Mathematics, Shelbyville (Ind.) High School. ELIJAH JORDAN (Phil) A.M., Cornell University, 1908. Oakland City, Ind. At present, 5755 Drexel Ave.. Chicago, 111. Student. ANNA HERR KAUFFMAN (MRS. ABRAM METZLER HESS) (Phil.) A.M., 1908. Shiremanstown, Pa. At present, Coaldale, Pa. EDWARD JOHN KEMPF (Med.) M.D., Western Reserve University School of Medicine, 1910. Jasper, Ind. At present, Cleveland, O. Physician, Cleveland State Hospital. BALLINGTON CHARLES KETTLEBOROUGH (Hist.) A.M., 1908. Topeka, Ind. At present, 615 East Thirty-second St., Indianapolis, Ind. Historical research. FRANK J KIMBALL (Phil.) Jonesboro, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. AARON KLINE (Phys.) Wanatah, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. JESSE DUDLEY KNIGHT (Hist.) Bedford, Ind. At present, Principal, Columbia City (Ind.) High School. *MARGARET FERN KREWSON (Math.) Died June 30, 1911 at Ossian, Ind. ERNEST PETER KUHL (Eng.) A.M., Harvard University, 1908. Huron O. At present, Ann Arbor, Mich. In- structor in English, University of Mich. MARY SABRA LAMB (Eng.) Bloomfleld, Ind. Librarian. JAMES BLAINE LEAS (Eng.) Wheatland, Ind. Principal of Schools. HATTIE LISTENFELT (Hist.) Pennville, Ind. At present, teacher of English and History, Tell City (Ind.) High School. WILLIAM WINFRED LIVENGOOD (Eng.) Hillsboro, Ind. At present, 820 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of English, Shortridge High School. GEORGE EMERSON LONG (Chem.) A.M., University of Wisconsin, 1908. Na- poleon, O. At present, 2921 Bond Ave., East St. Louis, 111. Chemist. ALIS BEATY LOWDER (Eng.) Anderson, Ind. Head, Department of English, High School. ALVIN HUGO McCoY (Chem.) LL.B., 1908. 610 Read St., Evansville, Ind. Lawyer. 108 Register of Graduates [1907 EARLE EDWIN MCFERREN (Hist.) LL.B., 1908. 130 Johnson Ave., Irving- ton, Ind. Lawyer. ELIZABETH BLANCHE McGiLL (Eng.) B.S., Tarkio College, 1900. Muncie, Ind. Teacher. MARION SILVERSTICE MAHAN (Educ.) Danville, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. CHARLES ANDERSON MARTIN (Phil.) A.M., 1909. Bloomington, Ind. At pres- ent, teacher of Mathematics, Middle- town (O.) High School. GOLF AX MARTIN (Hist.) LL.B., University of Indianapolis, 1909. Danville 111. Lawyer. JOHN NATHAN MARTIN (Bot.) Bowling Green, Ind. At present, Teach- ing Fellow in Botany, Indiana Uni- versity. RUTH REDFERN MAXWELL (Eng.) 717 West Drive, Woodruff Place, Indian- apolis, Ind. Ross MENDENHALL (Math.) Akron, O. Manufacturer. EDGAR ALLEN MENK (Lat.) Richmond, Ind. Teacher of Latin, High School. Lois FRANCES METSKER (Ger.) Delphi, Ind. Teacher of German and English, High School. MENTER ROY METZQER (Law) LL.B., 1907. Lebanon, Ind. Lawyer. ARTHUR HENRY MEYER (Law) LL.B., 1908. Rookery Building, Evans- ville, Ind. Lawyer. ANNA FLORENCE MITCHELL (Eng.) Mitchell, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Elwood (Ind.) High School. EDNA EARLY MORGAN (Eng.) Hebron, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Greensburg (Ind.) High School. WILLIAM THOMPSON MORGAN (Phil.) 2048 Sherman Ave., Evanston, 111. Stu- dent, Garrett Biblical Institute. HARRY CLEVELAND MORRISON (Math.) A.M., University of Illinois, 1908. Prince- ton, Ind. Surveyor. WINIFRED ELLIOTT MUIR (Eng.) Rushville, Ind. At present, Nanchang, Kiangsi Province, China. Missionary. FRANCES MURPHY (Eng.) A.M., 1910. Bloomington, Ind. At pres- ent, teacher of English in the Ander- son (Ind.) High School. SAMUEL CASPER MURPHY (Chem.) A.M., 1908; M.D., ibid., 1910. Claypool, Ind. Physician and surgeon. WALTER GREY MURPHY (Hist.) Washington, Ind. At present, Superin- tendent of Delaware Mine (Mich.) Schools. HOWARD HAYDN MUTZ (Chem.) Ph.G., Purdue University, 1908. Edin- burg, Ind. Pharmacist. GLENN EDWIN MYERS (Med.) M.D., 1909. Bloomington, Ind. At pres- ent, Ward's Island, New York City. Interne, Manhattan State Hospital. PEARL NEELD (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. Teacher. ETHEL LILLIAN NELSON (MRS. WALTER KENT) (Lat.) 816 Jackson St., Fort Wayne, Ind. CLAUDE OTHELLO NETHERTON (Econ.) J.D., University of Chicago, 1910. 1104 Merchants Loan and Trust Bldg., Chicago, 111. Lawyer. JESSE HOMER NEWLON (Hist.) Salem, Ind. At present, Head of History Department, Decatur (111.) High School. CAROLINE BUSKIRK NORTON (MRS. GEORGE MAYOR) (Lat.) 275 South Fourth, East, "The Oaks," Flat 11, Salt Lake City, Utah. JAMES PATRICK O'MARA (Math.) North Vernon, Ind. At present, Pasa- dena, Cal. Teacher of Mathematics, High School. NETTIE MARTHENA OWEN (Lat.) Amo, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin and English, French Lick (Ind.) High School. RALPH PENN (Chem.) 2821 Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Secre- tary, Kinley Manufacturing Company. HIRAM WESLEY PETERS (Phil.) Osgood, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Wichita (Kan.) High School. ELMER E PETTY (Hist.) 1607 Pierce St., Sioux City, Iowa. Teach- er of History, High School. CHARLES ARTHUR PIERCE (Math.) 522 N. New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Cashier, Title Guaranty and Surety Company. LEMUEL ARTHUR PITTENGER (Phil.) A.M., 1908. Bloomington, Ind. Critic Teacher of English, High School. MARY LOUISE RABB (Ger.) Williamsport, Ind. At present, 2141 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. LOTA E STELLA RAY (Ger.) Bloomington, Ind. Teacher of Latin, High School. NELL GRACE REINHARD (MRS. VICTOR EUGENE RUEHL) (Hist.) A.M., 1908. Elizabethtown, N. Y. PERRY DOUGLAS RICHARDS (Chem.) Mooney, Ind. At present, Akron, O. Employment Agent, Diamond Rubber Co. JOHN ISAAC RINNE (Med.) M.D.. 1909. Seymour, Ind. At present, Indianapolis, Ind. Interne, City Hos- pital. 1907] List by Years 109 JAMES HALLER RISLEY (Educ.) Owensboro, Ky. Superintendent of Schools. FLOSSIE FAYE RUBY (MBS. HIRAM WES- LEY PETERS) (Ger.) Osgood, Ind. At present, Wichita, Kan. HAROLD OLIVER Run (Path.) M.D., Western Reserve University, 1910. Rochester, Ind. At present, Cleveland, O., Interne, Lakeside Hospital. MERLIN A RUSHER (Phys.) M.E., Cornell University, 1910. Fierce- ton, Ind. At present, 304 Germania Ave., Schenectady, N. Y. Testing de- partment, General Electric Co. VIRGIL A SANDERS (Econ.) Orleans, Ind. At present, Madison, Wis. Graduate student, University of Wis- consin. ROYD RAY SAYERS (Chem.) A.M., 1907. 39 Lake Ave., Lancaster, N. Y. Chemist. ETHEL PRICE SHERWOOD (MRS. ROBERT DALLAS LANDRUM) (Ger.) 940 Maine St., Lawrence, Kan. WILSON PORTER SHORTRIDGE (Hist.) Elkhart, Ind. Head, Department of History, High School. LAURA ELEANOR SHRYER (Eng.) 430 South Fifth St., Terre Haute, Ind. General Assistant, Wiley High School. NOLA ALMA SIEBENTHAL (Rom.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Repub- lic, Mich. Teacher. OSCAR WILLIAM SILVEY (Phys.) A.M., 1910. West Lafayette, Ind. In- structor in Physics, Purdue University. GLENN ALLEN SMILEY (Econ.) LL.B., 1910. 726 Columbia Ave., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Lawyer. NORA DEL SMITH (Eng.) Decatur, Ind. Teacher of Botany, Phys- ics, and Mathematics. High School. THOMAS SMITH (Hist.) Broad Ripple, Ind. At present, Superin- tendent of Osgood (Ind.) Schools. MARY SNODGRASS (Lat.) 1701 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics and Latin, Shortridge High School. EDITH MARY SPENCER (MRS. JAMES RAYMOND MALOTT) (Eng.) Manila, P. I. VIRA MAY STEPHENS (MRS. ARCHIE CRAWFORD) ( Math. ) Springfield, S. Dak. HANNAH MARY STEVENS (Lat.) A.M., 1910. Martinsville, Ind. Teacher of English, High School. SARAH THERESA SWIHART (Eng.) Howe, Ind. At present, 418 N. Center St., Terre Haute, Ind. Assistant Professor of English Grammar and Composition, Indiana State Normal School. ELSA CHRISTINA TEAL (MRS. ARTHUR GARFIELD BOBBITT) (Hist.) Lebanon, Ind. FRANKLIN LEONTINE THOMAS (Eng.) Nyssa, Oregon. Author. JOHN HARDIN THOMAS (Law) LL.B., 1908. Rockport, Ind. At pres- ent, teacher of History and Mathemat- ics, Grand View (Ind.) High School. ALBERT WARRICK THOMPSON (Geol.) Owensville, Ind. At present, Wentworth, Mo. Superintendent, Wentworth Zinc and Lead Mining Co. FRANK DALE THOMPSON (Econ.) Edinburg, Ind. Assistant Cashier, Thompson Bank. WILLIAM ORVILLE THOMSON (Econ.) 4530 Fourteenth Ave., N.E., Seattle, Wash. At present, Eatonville, Wash. Lumber business. CHARLES HERMAN THUERMER (Chem.) Aurora, Ind. At present, Principal, El Reno (Okla.) High School. ALPHEUS LEROY THURSTON (Chem.) M.D., 1910. 2114 Ashland Ave., Indian- apolis, Ind. Physician. Interne, St. Vincent's Hospital. MABEL ELIZABETH TICHENOR (Math.) A.B., Vassar College, 1910. Princeton, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics, High School. CHRISTIAN N TIMMONS (Phys.) Pine Village, Ind. At present, teacher of Physics, Wichita (Kan.) High School. ROLLA MILTON TEYON (Educ.) Madison, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. MILLARD LAWRENCE TYLER (Educ.) 1932 N. Ninth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Principal, Benjamin Harrison School. BERNARD NEWCOMER WALKER (Hist.) Durnaguete, Oriental Negros, P. I. Ex- aminer, Bureau of Audits, Philippine Civil Service. ABRAHAM E WEAVER (Hist.) Goshen, Ind. County Superintendent of Schools. LEWIS ELMER WHEELER (Math.) Wolcott, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. CLAUDE CHALKLEY WHITEMAN (Chem.) Fairbury, 111. Superintendent of Schools. MAGGIE EMELINE WHITLOCK (Eng.) Medora, 111. At present, Monroeville, Ind. Teacher. LEONARD LESLIE WILLIAMS (Eng.) Evansville, Ind. CHARLES FREDERIC WILLIAMSON (Chem.) 171 Columbus Ave., Xenia, Ohio. At present, New Albany, Ind. Principal, Scribner High School. 110 Register of Graduates 1907 JESSE HUNTER WILLIAMSON (Law) J.D., University of Chicago, 1909. 1406 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. Law- yer. PEARL VIVIAN WILLOUGHBY (Hist.) Charlottesville, Va. Teacher. BENJAMIN AARON WINANS (Educ.) Momence, 111. Superintendent of Schools. SUSIE ELIZABETH WOHRER (Eng.) Hayden, Ind. Head, Department of English, Franklin (Ind.) High School. ELMER OTTO WOOLEY (Lat.) Flora, Ind. At present, Emilienstrasse 40, Leipzig, Germany. Graduate stu- dent, University of Leipzig. Bachelors of Laws LLOYD GARFIELD BALFOUB Columbus, O. Traveling salesman, The D. L. Auld Company. ROSCOE USHER BARKER See A.B., 1901. CHARLES BEDWELL Sullivan, Ind. Laywer. STEWART EUGENE BLASINGHAM Registry Division, P. O. Department, Washington, D. C. Clerk-stenogra- pher. JORGE CLEOFAS BOCOBO Manila, P. I. Clerk, Office of Executive Secretary to the Governor General. WALTER FREDERICK BOSSERT Liberty, Ind. Lawyer. HARRY HERBERT BRADBURY 433 Park Ave., Louisville, Ky. At pres- ent, Mascota, Mexico. Lawyer. PAUL BROWN New Castle, Ind. Lawyer. RALEIGH LAMAR BURNS 1503 West Third St., Little Rock, Ark. Claim Agent, Missouri Pacific and Iron Mountain Railway. JAMES HARVEY CALDWELL Erwin Block, Terre Haute, Ind. Law- yer. GEORGE GRAUMAN COHEN See A.B., 1907. WILLIAM EDMUND COOLMAN New Albany, Ind. Lawyer. IRA T CRASK M.L., Yale University, 1908. Lebanon, Ind. At present, Principal Mellott (Ind.) High School. FRANCISCO AFAN DELGADO M.L., Yale University, 1908. 528 Santa Mesa St., Manila, P. I. At present, Baguio, Benguet, P. I. Law Clerk, Executive Bureau, Philippine Govern- ment. ROSCOE RENALDO FOLAND See A.B., 1905. BEN CHAMBERS HILL Tucson, Ariz. Lawyer. Referee in Bank- ruptcy for U. S. District Court. DANIEL EDWARD HERSCHELMAN See A.B., 1906. FRED LEWIS HUNZICKER Marion, Ind. Salesman. LEO HENRY JOHNSON Neosho, Mo. Real estate business. MARIANO HONRADE DE JOYA M.L., Yale University, 1907. Bantan- gas, P. I. Lawyer. Office of the At- torney General. Translator, Bureau of Justice. LESTER WILLIAMS KIRKMAN Anderson, Ind. Assistant Claim Ad- juster, Indiana Union Traction Co. GEORGIA DOROTHEA LAUSTER (MRS. CLARENCE D HOPEWELL) Seymour, Ind. Ross FRANKLIN LOCKRIDGE See A.B., 1900. ERNEST JOHN LINDLEY Clinton, Okla. At present, Arapaho, Okla. Lawyer. County Attorney. JOSEPH CAMDEN RILEY MoATEE See A.B., 1906. THOMAS ROBERT MCCULLOCH New Albany, Ind. At present, Blooming- ton, Ind. Assistant Manager, Bloom- ington-Bedford Stone Co. DWIGHT NEWCOMB MASON Ronan, Mont. Lawyer. J FRED MASTERS 75-78 Lombard Block, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. ROBERT LEE MELLEN Bedford, Ind. Lawyer. MENTER ROY METZGER See A.B., 1907. WALTER MYERS A.B., Yale University, 1905. 1025 Law Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN PATRICK O'DONNELL Bloomington, Ind. Lawyer. ALLEN GAINES PATE Bloomfield, Ind. Lawyer. Clerk of Town. HERBERT JOHN PATRICK Tell City, Ind. Lawyer. Deputy Prose- cuting Attorney for Perry County. RALPH EMERSON PEARSON Sheridan, Ind. Lawyer. EARL CURTIS PRICE Worthington, Ind. Hotel business. JOHN ROBERT RAY See A.B., 1906. JOHN JAMES REINHARD See A.B., 1906. JAMES Ross ROBERTSON See A.B., 1904. VICTOR EUGENE RUEHL Elizabethtown, N. Y. Instructor, Ameri- can Institute of Law, Jersey City, N. J. 1907] List by Years 111 JAMES EVERETT SANDERS Suite 10-11, Erwin Block, Terre Haute, Ind. Lawyer. tCHARLES MARTIN SANDS Re'nsselaer, Ind. Banker. EVERETT JAMES SMITH Walla Walla, Wash. Lawyer. District Attorney. FREDERICK EARL SUTTON Wabash, Ind. Lawyer. EDGAR CAMDEN THOMPSON Eugene, Ore. WILLIAM BYRON WADDELL 905 Law Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. HOWARD LAVERNE WYNEGAR 218 American Central Life Bldg., Indian- apolis, Ind. Lawyer. Doctors of Medicine AUGUSTUS J BLICKENSTAF See A.B., 1904. PAUL EUGENE BOWERS St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Washington, D. C. Assistant Physician, Government Hospital for the Insane, Department of the Interior. LUNSFORD ELIGA Cox Greenwood, Ind. Physician and surgeon. ROY BEN CRABILL Broad Ripple, Ind. Physician. MILES FREDERICK DAUBENHEYER Butlerville, Ind. Physician. ROY EGBERT 2634 Roosevelt Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. ARTHUR CLAYTON ENDICOTT Lebanon, Ind. Physician. HANSON SMILEY GIFFORD See A.B., 1904. YOLNEY NEVIN FACKLER Dublin, Ind. Physician and surgeon. JOHN RAYMOND HUME Milroy, Ind. Physician and surgeon. ALBERT A KRAMER Butler, Ind. Physician and surgeon. EDWARD ORTON LITTLE B.S., DePauw University, 1901; A.M., ibid., 1904. Hume, 111. Physician. WALTER D MARTIN A.M., 1908; B.S., DePauw University, 1906. Oakland City, Ind. Physician and surgeon. WILLIAM ELIJAH MENDENHALL 2369 Southeastern Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. ROSCOE ADDISON MITCHELL Marshall, 111. Physician and surgeon. t Certificate. MORTON MYERS See A.B., 1901. JOSEPH ELLSWORTH MOSER Stanford, Ind. Physician and surgeon. EDWARD AUGUST PAPE 1212 Oliver Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Phy- sician and surgeon. WALTER FRANKLIN PAYNE Prairie Creek, Ind. Physician. *LAURENCE H SHAW Died Sept. 16, 1907, at Irviugton, Ind.; buried at Charleston, 111. JAMES HARVEY SMILEY See A.B., 1904. GUSTIN CARLETON ULLERY West Milton, O. Physician. ERNEST PAUL WHEELER Ph.G., Practical Institute, New York City, 1898. 1102 North Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. CLAUDE CROSSLAND WOOD Rockbridge, 111. Physician and surgeon. HOMER WOOLERY See A.B., 1897. Masters of Arts ERNEST HENRY BIERMANN (Ger.) A.B., Leland Stanford Junior University, 1897. Bloomington, Ind. Instructor in German, Indiana University. Ross BRADLEY BRETZ (Anat.) See A.B., 1906. WAVERLY DANIEL BRETZ (Physiol.) See A.B., 1906. HARRY BATES BROWN (Bot.) See A.B., 1906. SIMPSON LEROY BROWN (Phys.) See A.B., 1905. CHARLES ROBERTSON CLARKE (Physiol.) See A.B., 1897. JAMES CURRIE (Chem.) See A.B., 1907. JOHN BENJAMIN DUTCHER (Phys.) See A.B., 1906. FLOY MARJORIE FAULKNER (Eng.) See A.B., 1905. MALISSA BELLE FURR (Lat.) A.B., Eminence College, 1892. Quincy, Ind. At present, 720 Adair Ave., Sheri- dan, Wyo. Teacher of Latin, High School. WILLIS LLOYD GARD (Phil.) See A.B., 1896. SOLOMON F GINGERICH (Eng.) See A.B., 1905. MELVIN EVERETT HAGGERTY (Phil.) See A.B., 1902. * WALTER Louis HAHN (Zool.) See A.B., 1903. 112 Register of Graduates [1907 JOHN DIEDEBICH HASEMAN (Zool.) See A.B., 1905. LEONARD BASEMAN (Zool.) See A.B., 1905. ADELLA BLANCHE DURFEE HEADY (MRS. JOHN HENRY HEADY) (Ger.) A.B., Wellesley College, 1902. 79 Pros- pect Ave., Flushing, New York City JOHN HENRY HEADY (Phil.) A.B., Hobart College, 1901. 79 Prospect Ave., Flushing, New York City, Clergyman. Louis FREDERICK HILLMAN (Educ.) See A.B., 1907. CHARLES FREDERICK JACKMAN (Educ.) See A.B., 1901. ISAAC MCKINNEY LEWIS (Dot.) See A.B., 1906 ; Ph.D., 1909. EDWARD MORGAN (Math.) See A.B., 1905. CHARLES EDWARD PAYNE (Hist.) See A.B., 1904. KEITH PRESTON (Lat.) Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1905. 2320 Indiana Ave., Chicago, 111. At present, Bloomington Ind. Instructor in Latin, Indiana University. ORA ANSON RAWLINS (Phys.) See A.B., 1901. ALFRED ISAAC ROEHM (Ger.) See A.B., 1905. ROYD RAY SAYERS (Chem.) Pee A.B., 1907. NANCY ELNORA SCOTT (Hist.) See A.B., 1902. CHARLES WILLIAM SHANNON (Geol) See A.B., 1906. ARTHUR BIVINS STONEX (Eng.) See A.B., 1906. JAMES WILSON STOTT (Hist.) See A.B., 1903. CHARLES EDGAR WHITE (Math.) See A.B., 1890. OTHO WINGER (Educ.) See A.B., 1905. ANDREW TENNANT WYLIE (Eng.) See A.B., 1906. Doctor of Laws (Honorary) JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY Union Trust Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Author. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 184 1 185 Bachelors of Laws 47 Doctors of Medicine... 24 1 25 Masters of Arts 33 Doctor of Laws (Hon.) 101 Totals 289 8 292 1908 Bachelors of Arts JOSEPH KHAMIS ABRAHAM (see JOSEPH ABRAHAM KHAMIS) RUDOLPH ACHER (Educ.) 301 May St., Worcester, Mass. Member of Staff, Childrens' Institute, Clark University. IDA EMILEY AKIN (Bot.) Champaign, 111. Assistant in Botany, University of Illinois. MARY BELLE ALEXANDER (Eng.) Vincennes, Ind. Teacher of English, High School. LOUISE FLORENCE ALGER (Eng.) Wabash, Ind. At present University Heights, Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of English, Indiana Central University. VERNAL VICTOR ALLEN (Eng.) Greentown, Ind. At present, Principal, North Vernon (Ind.) High School. MARION R ARMSTRONG (Econ.) Noblesville, Ind. At present, 206 Thiele Terrace, Indianapolis, Ind. Book- keeper. MARY EVELYN BAILEY (MRS. JOHN ED- WARD MCGAUGHEY) (Lat.) Edinburg, Ind. At present, 4474 Mc- pherson Ave., St. Louis, Mo. NELLE M BALDWIN (Lat.) Greenfield, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin and Botany, North Vernon (Ind.) High School. HUGH HARLEN BARR (Math.) Elwood, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics, High School. JAMES OTTERBEIN BATCHELOR (Hist.) Marion, Ind. Supervisor of Primary In- struction, City Schools. JULIAN JOSEPH BEHR (Eng.) Noblesville, Ind. At present, 857 East Rockdale Ave., Cincinnati, O. .Adver- tising man. AVILBUR VOLOSCO BELL (Lat.) Albany, Ind. Principal, High School. LUCRETIA IRENE BENCKART (MRS. IRA. J. SPURGEON) (Eng.) Leonard, N. D. NELLE EDITH BEYERLE (MRS. ROSCOE C. CORNELL) (Eng.) 713 Grace St., Chicago, 111. CAROLINE ANNA BLACK (Fine Arts) A.M., 1909. 2125 Fulton Ave., Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O. At present, Dur- ham, N. H. Instructor in Botany, New Hampshire Agricultural Experi- ment Station. JAMES WALDRON BLAIR (Law) LL.B., 1909. Bloomington, Ind. Law- yer. GAYLE QUINGY BLANKENSHIP (MRS. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM STIMSON) (Eng.) Huntingburg, Ind. 1908] List by Years 113 RAYMOND SILLIMAN BLATCHLEY (Chem.) 714 W. Park Ave., Champaign, 111. As- sistant Geologist, Illinois State Geo- logical Survey. JESSE WILLIAM BLUE (Math.) Van Buren, Ind. Commercial traveler. ALICE IMLA BOOTH (Eng.) A.M., 3910. Bloomington, Ind. CLAYTON WINFIELD BOTKIN (Chem.) 123 W. Park Ave., Ottumwa, Iowa. Teacher of Chemistry and Physiogra- phy, High School. EDWARD Louis BOYLE (Hist.) LL.B., University of Minnesota, 1909. Evelcth, Minn. Lawyer. Assistant County Attorney. JOHN HENRY BRACKEMYRE (Zool.) BroAvnstown, Tud. At present, Superin- tendent of Greentown (Ind.) Schools. JAMES WOOD BRADNER (Hist.) Maysville, Ky. Superintendent of City Schools. CHARLES FORREST BRADSHAW (Educ.) 308 E. Walnut St., Indianapolis, Ind. At present, Principal of Rensselaer (Ind.) High School. FRED W BRAVY (Hist.) Anderson, Ind. At present, teacher of History, New Albany (Ind.) High School. LUCY FREEMAN BROKAW (Eng.) 913 S. Fifth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Teacher of English, Wiley High School. GENEVIEVE BROWN (Hist.) Monticello, Ind. At present, teacher of English and Manual Training, Delphi (Ind.) High School. ODA ALICE BROWN (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Spencer (Ind.) High School. WILLIAM EARL BROWN (Hist.) Duluth, Minn. Accountant, Alger, Smith & Company. WILLIAM ANDERSON BROYLES (Bot.) Ellendale, N. D. Teacher of Botany, Zoology and Agriculture, State Normal Industrial School. WALTER DEMOREE BURKS (Math.) Reelsville, Ind. At present, teacher of Science and Mathematics, Bloomfield, (Ind.) High School. ZORA A BURNS (Ger.) Carter, Mont. ALLDEN JAMES BURTON (Chem.) 723 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. Teacher of Physical Sciences, New Trier High School, Winnetka, 111. GEORGE EDGAR BURTON (Geol.) Sheridan, Ind. At present, teacher of Biology and Physiography, Ishpeming (Mich.) High School. FRANK ALBERT BURTSFIELD (Chem.) Winona Lake, Ind. Principal, Winona Academy for Boys. [81 LEROY WELLS CALDWELL (Hist.) Claypool, Ind. At present, teacher of History and Mathematics, Pueblo (Colo.) Central High School. MURRAY DuBois CARMICHAEL (Law) LL.B., 1908; J.D., University of Chicago, 1910. West Palm Beach, Fla. Lawyer. CHARLES EDMUND CARR (Hist.) 770 Avenue Six, Bayonne, N. J. At present, student, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York City. ROBERT EMMET CAVANAUGH (Lat.) A.M., University of Chicago, 1910. Salem, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. JOSEPH LEANDER CLAUSER (Educ.) A.M., 1*>08. Elwood, Ind. Superintend- ent of Schools. AMY CoLEseoTT (Eng.) Kokomo, Ind. Teacher. MARGARET SUSAN COOK (MRS. JOHN FOUNT THOMPSON) (Lat.) 511 First Avenue, W., Duluth, Minn. CHARLES SHIELDS COONS (Chem.) Connersville, Ind. Teacher of Science, High School. KATHERINE ELIZABETH COUGHLAN (Lat.) La Gro, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin and English, Oaklandon (Ind.) High School. ARCHIE CRAWFORD (Eng.) A.M., 1910. Springfield, S. D. Teacher of English, -Springfield State Normal. CARL EDWIN CRAWFORD ( Chem. ) 419 Spruce St., Morgantown, W. Va. Clerk to Superintendent, the American and Tin Plate Company Tin Sheet Mills. GEORGE CURRIE (Lat.) Bloomiugton, Ind. At present, Princi- pal, Forest (Ind.) High School. WILBUR ROBERT CURTIS (Educ.) Crown Point, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. PAUL GRAY DAVIS (Law) 1025-29 Lemcke Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind, Lawyer. THOMAS MARION DEAM (Math.) Bluffton, Ind. At present, 700 Park Ave., New York City. Student, Union Theo- logical Seminary. LEX VIRGIL DECKARD (Law) LL.B., 1908. Okmulgee, Okla. Lawyer. HOMER BLOUNT DICKEY (Educ.) Dwight, 111. Superintendent of Schools. MABEL DILLEY (Eng.) Hartford City, Ind. Teacher of English, High School. ULYSSES GRANT DUBACH (Hist.) A.M., Harvard University, 1909. Wa- thena, Kan. At present, Tonkawa, Okla. Instructor in History, Okla- homa University Preparatory School. 114 Register of Graduates [1908 CLAUD EDWARD DURGEE (Eng.) Altmar, N. Y. At present, Superintend- ent, Kansas (111.) Schools. DAISY GERTRUDE EDMUNDSON (Hist.} Balbec, Ind. At present, teacher of His- tory, Alexandria (Ind.) High School. JEAN ELLIOTT (Rom. Lang.) New Castle, Ind. Society Editor, Daily Courier. MARY ELLEN FOLEY (Eng.) A.B.. St. Mary's College, Notre Dame. Ind. 1910. 816 South First St., Evans- ville, Ind. RALPH KENDALL FORSYTHE (Phil.) A.M., Leland Stanford Junior University, 1909. Santa Barbara, Cal. Teacher, High School. RUTH FOWLER (MRS. JOSEPH VALENTINE BREITWIESER) (Phil.) 509 W. One Hundred and Twenty-fourth St., New York City. CECIL OTIS GAMBLE (Chem.) A.M., 1909. Bloomington, Ind. Electro- chemist with Brown-Smith Battery Company. (MRS.) ALICE DIVEN Goss (Ger.) Bloomington, Ind. Instructor in Ger- man, Indiana University. CHARLES ELMER GRADY (Phil.) A.M., 1911. Nocoma, Tex., Superin- tendent of Schools. CHARLES CLANCY GRANDY (Med.) A.M., 1909. Warsaw, Ind. At present, 1743 West Harrison St., Chicago, 111. Student, Rush Medical College. MABEL PEARSON GRAVES (MRS. CHARLES BRONSON McLiNN) (Eng.) New Albany, Ind. ANNA Lois GRAY (Eng.) Gosport, Ind. At present, Carbondale, 111. Assistant Librarian, Southern Illi- nois State Normal School. FRANK COOK GREENE (Geol.) A.M. 1909. New Albany, Ind. Geologist, Missouri Geological Survey. CHESTER ARTHUR GREGORY (Educ.) Delphi, Ind. Editor. JESSE ELAINE GWIN (Hist.) Winnipeg, Can. Assistant Secretary, Associated Charities. NELLIE JANE HANAWAY (Med.) M.D., 1910. Delphi, Ind. At present, Fort Wayne, Ind. Interne. Indiana School for Feeble Minded Youth. OTTO AULTMAN HARRIS (Law) LL.B., Chicago-Kent College of Law, 1910. 3539 Flournoy St., Chicago, 111. Broker. FPANK W HART (Math.) Prescott, Ariz. Teacher of Science, High School. CLARENCE V HAWORTH (Hist.) Kokomo, Ind. Principal, High School. GRACE BIRDSILLE HEADLEY (Ger.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of English and History, Mt. Pulaski (111.) High School. ANNA CECILIA HEITGER (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, R. F. D. 3, Bedford, Ind. Primary teacher. JOHN MILTON HINKLE (Hist.) Bloomington Ind. At present, 562 Wil- lard Place, Evanston, 111. Clergyman. EDITH HOLLOW AY (Eng.) Greencastle, Ind. Teacher of English, High School. CLAUDE DUALL HOLMES (Med.) A.M., 1910. Lebanon, Ind. At present, 617 South Hermitage Ave., Chicago, 111. Medical student. EDITH (DuVALL) HOLMES (MRS. CLAUDE DUALL HOLMES) (Bot.) Lebanon, Ind. At present, 617 South Hermitage Ave., Chicago, 111. GRETCHEN ELOISE HOLMES (Eng.) Argos, Ind. At present, Principal Cul- ver (Ind.) High School. MAJOR EDWARD HOLMES (Chem.) A.M., Cornell University, 1910. Kemp- ton, Ind. At present, 1457 Newman Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Research Chem- ist, National Carbon Company. JENNIE E HOOVER (Lat.) Marion, Ind. Teacher of Latin, High School. JOHN CURTIS IRWIN (Anat.) M.D., 1910. Frankfort, Ind. Physician. FREDERICK ELLSWORTH JACKSON (Anat.) M.D., 1910. Bedford, Ind. At present, 106 North Senate Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. WILBUR BURR JADDEN (Chem.) Marion, Ind. At present, Akron, Ohio. In charge of Inquiry Department, Diamond Rubber Co. THEODORE Louis JOHNSON (Hist.) 733 East Twenty-third St., Indianapolis. Ind. Educational work, Philippine service. JOHN GEORGE BURTON JONES (Econ.) Rome City, Ind. At present, 16 Prescott St., Cambridge, Mass. Law student. HOWARD KAHN (Eng.) 498 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Re- porter, St. Paul Dispatch. JOHN TRACY KENNEDY (Med.) M.D., 1910. Paragon, Ind. At present Wauseon, Ohio. Physician. MYRTLE ISABELLE KENT (Math.) Rochester, Ind. At present, R. F. D. 5, Columbia City, Ind. Assistant Princi- pal, Jefferson Center High School. MINNIE ETHEL KERN (MRS. WILLIAM JACY TITUS) (Hist.) Hebron, Ind. JAMES KESSLER (Rom. Lang.) Portland, Ind. At present, Grinnell, Iowa. Instructor in French, Grinnell College. 1908] List by Years 115 JOSEPH ABRAHAM KHAMIS (JOSEPH KHAMIS ABRAHAM) M.D., Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery. 1537 West Chicago Ave., Chi- cago, 111. Physician. Professor of Pathology, and Laboratory Demon- strator, College of Medicine and Sur- gery. HERBERT KIM MEL (Hath.) Ph.M., University of Chicago, 1909. An- drews, Ind. At present, Principal of Auburn (Ind.) High School. CLAUDE ELLIS KITCH (Math.) 924 N. Rural St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics, Manual Training High School. NELLIE MARGARET KNAUSE (Eng.) Tipton, Ind. EDWARD WILLIAM KOCH (Med.) A.M., 1909. Lawrenceburg, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Acting In- structor in Pharmacology, Indiana University. ALBERT LUDWIG KOHLMEIER (Hist.) Oakland City, Ind. At present, teacher of History, New Albany (Ind.) High School. MINNIE BERTHA LAMMERS (Ger.) 312 College Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Teacher of German, High School. JAMES MONAGHAN LEFFEL (Hist.) Knox, Ind. Superintendent, Public Schools. ANNA BTJNGER LEWIS (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Anderson (Ind.) High School. DANIEL EDGAR LYBROOK (Med.) M.D., 1910. Young America, Ind. Phy- sician. GERTRUDE IONA McCAiN (Math.) Delphi, Ind. At present, Teaching Fel- low in Department of Mathematics, Indiana University. FRANK GEORGE MCCARTHY (Med.) M.D., 1909. 203-4 Terre Haute Trust Bldg., Terre Haute, Ind. Physician. HARLAN BANCROFT McCoY (Chem.) LL.B., 1908. 11 Upper Fourth St., Evansville, Ind. Lawyer. OTHO EARL MCDOWELL (Math.) Plymouth, Ind. Principal, High School. CARL MCGANNON (Phil.) Paris Crossing, Ind. At present, Prin- cipal of Thorntown (Ind.) High School. Uz MCMURTRIE (Econ.) Marion, Ind. Deputy Treasurer, Grant County. CHELLA DAWN MADDOX (Ger.) Keystone, Ind. Teacher. MARCELLA GERTRUDE MAGERS (Lat.) Churubusco, Ind. JAMES RAYMOND MALOTT (Law) LL.B., 1909. Manila, P. I. Lawyer. As- sistant Prosecuting Attorney, City of Manila. GRACE WILLIAMS MARTIN (Math.) North Manchester, Ind. Teaclier of Mathematics and Latin, High School. ROBERT STAN WOOD MA'RTIN (Chem.) Dana, Ind. Farmer. FRED MOSES MARTZ (Econ.} Arcadia, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Graduate student, Indiana Uni- versity. JOHN VOLNEY MASTERS (Law) Mooresville, Ind. At present, Superin- tendent of Oaktown (Ind.) Schools. ELSIE BLANCHE MEEKS (Lat.) A.M., Leland Stanford Junior Univer- sity, 1910. Galveston, Ind. WEIR MITCHELL MILEY (Med.) Anderson, Ind. At present, 910 Pine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Student, Jefferson Medical College. DANIEL TUCKER MILLER (Med.) M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1909. Sixth and Ohio Sts., Terre Haute, Ind. Physician and surgeon. EUGENE CARLISLE MILLER (Eng.) Rushville, Ind. At present, 23 Ware Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Student, Har- vard Law School. MABEL EDNA MILLER (Eng.) Bloomingtou, Ind. Secretary to the Principal of High School. RAYMOND LYONS MODESITT (Math.) A.M., 1909. Bloomington, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics, High School, and Critic Teacher, Mathematics, Indiana University. JOHN KIRK NAVE (Econ.) Attica, Ind. At present, Harvey, N. D. Real estate agent. WILLIAM FINLEY NEEL (Phil.) Akron, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. JEREMIAH ALBERT NUDING (Eng.) Elwood, Ind. At present, Superintendent of Summitville (Ind.) Schools. ESTELLA MAY ODLE (Phil.) Selrna, Ind. Principal, High School. RUTH O'HAIR (Eng.) 2108 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. WALTER TRUMAN ORR (Educ.) A.M., 1910. Greenfield, Ind. At present, 5714 Khnbark Ave., Chicago, 111. Teacher of Mathematics, Harvard School. * JENNIE BEST PERKINS (Hist.) Died Sept. 29, 1909, at Connersville, Ind. GRACE MAXWELL PHILPUTT (Rom.) 505 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of French, Shortridge High School. MAUDE MARIE RAMSEY (Eng.) La Gro, Ind. At present, teacher, Bloom- ington (Ind.) Schools. WILLIAM S REA (Eng.) Rochester, Ind. At present, Willow, Calif. Teacher. 116 Register of Gradnates 1908] NAYNE REED (Eng.) Attica, Ind. At present, teacher, Mellott, Ind. ESTELLE RUTH REEVES (Eng.) North Vernon, Ind. At present, teacher, Hayden (Ind.) Schools. ERNEST DAVIS RICHARDS (Med.) Ingalls, Ind. At present, Principal of Sykeston (N. Dak.) Graded Schools. ROBERT ORLANDO RITTER (Med.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1910. Or- leans, Ind. At present, Alexian Brothers Hospital, Chicago. Physi- cian. PEARL OLIVE ROBARDS (MRS. CLEMENT EARL STUDEBAKER) (Eng.) Deer Park, Wash. EDWARD ELLSWORTH ROBBINS (Chem.) Warsaw, Ind. At present, Principal of Clinton (111.) High School. ETHEL LOUISE ROBERTS (Lat.) Monticello, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Goodland (Ind.) High' School. HELEN GRACE ROBERTS (Ger.) Monticello, Ind. At present, teacher in Dayton (Ind.) High School. LINDLEY S ROBERTS (Phil.) Anderson, Ind. Contractor. SARAH EUGENIA ROBERTSON (Hist.) Brownstown, Ind. BERNARD FRANCIS MORRISON ROBINSON (Law) LL.B., 1909. Marshall, 111. At present, Brazil, Ind. Lawyer. ADDA LEE ROGERS (Lat.) Mount Summit, Ind. At present, Bloom- ington, Ind. Graduate student, Indi- ana University. MARY ROGERS (Eng.) A.M., Wellesley College, 1911. Blooming- ton, Ind. Graduate student, Indiana University. FLORENCE ROSENTHAL (Eng.) Tipton, Ind. LEROY WALTER SACKETT (Educ.) A.M., 1909; Ph.D., Clark University, 1910. Edinboro, Pa. Teacher of Psy- chology-Methods, Northwestern State Normal School. MARY SAMPLE (Eng.) Greenfield Ind. Teacher of English, High School. ALBERT EUGENE SCHMOLLINGER (Law) LL.B., 1909. Noblesville, Ind. Traveling representative; West Publishing Co. WILL SCOTT (Zool.) A.M., 1908. Bloomington, Ind. Instruc- tor in Zoology, Indiana University. WILLIAM EDGAR SCOTT (Phys.) 520 N. Broadway, Shawnee, Okla. EMMA MABELLE SHELPER (Hist.) 616 North Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of History, Public Schools. SAMUEL P SHULL (Math.) A.M., 1909. New Carlisle, Ohio. Fruit- erer and poulterer. MARY LUCILE SIEBER (Lat.) Camden, Ind. Teacher of Latin and English, High School. ORIEL CLAUDE SIMPSON (Econ.) Roswell, N. M. Newspaper work. INEZ MABEL SMITH (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Balti- more, Md. Student, Johns Hopkins University School for Nurses. LUTHER CROCKER SNIDER (Chem.) A.M., 1909. Norman, Okla. Chemist, Oklahoma Geological Survey. HAZEL SQUIRES (Eng.) Wabash, Ind. At present, Indianapolis, Ind. Technical Assistant in Pathol- ogy, Indiana University School of Medicine. MARTHA HAZEL STAUB (Eng.) 80 East One Hundred and Sixteenth St., New York City. Graduate student, Columbia University. GEORGE HEATH STEELE (Med.) M.D., Rush Medical College, 1910. Chi- cago, 111. Physician, Presbyterian Hospital. EDNA MARY STEMBEL (Eng.) Fowler, Ind. LEON B STEPHAN (Lat.) Huntington, Ind. At present, Albu- querque, N. M. Assistant Professor of German, University of New Mexico. SHIRLEY FORREST STEWART (Math.) Spencer, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. SLATER EDWARD STIBBINS (Math.) Monroe City, Ind. LENABELLE STILES (Lat.) Peru, Ind. Teacher of Latin, High School. FREDERICK WILLIAM STOLER (Phys.) Alexandria, Ind. Principal, High School. CHLOE STONEKING (Eng.) 2000 Hampshire St., Quincy, 111. Teacher of History, High School. JOHN LOGAN STUART (Eng.) 331 East North St., Indianapolis, Ind Day Editor, The Associated Press, In- dianapolis Office. JERRY EVERETT SULLIVAN (Phil.) Salem, Ind. At present, Vinita, Okla. Teacher of Mathematics. JOHN EUGENE TALBOTT (Med.) M.D., 1910. Linton, Ind. At present, Indianapolis, Ind. Interne, City Hos- pital. GEORGE ISAAC THOMPSON (Law.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Principal of Cowan (Ind.) High School. JOHN FOUNT THOMPSON (Lat.) Y. M. C. A. Building, Duluth, Minn. Of- fice Manager and Cashier, Alger, Smith & Co. 1908] List by Years 117 FRANK ELWOOD TBAFZEB (Lat.) Greenwood, Wis. Principal of Schools. CORA ELIZABETH TRAMER (MBS. TAY- LOB STEWART) (Ger.) Forty-ninth St. and Broadway, Indian- apolis, Ind. BESSIE LEE TROVILLION (MBS. LYMAN JOHNSON MCCLINTOCH) (Eng.) Bruceville, Ind. WILLIAM MOTIEB TUCKER (Geol.) A.M., 1909. Osgood, Ind. At present, teacher of Physiography, Anderson (Ind.) High School. FLOY UNDERWOOD (MBS. RAYMOND LY- ONS MODESITT) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. MARY VERA VAN BUSKIRK (Ger.) Gosport, Ind. At present, 557 Fletcher Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher, Pub- lic Schools. MARTHA ALICE WAREING (MRS. VIRGIL EDGAR ANTHONY) (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. ELBERT SHIRK WAYMIRE (Med.) M.D., 1910. Peru, Ind. House Surgeon, Wabash Employees Hospital. ZUAH ZENOBIA CLYDE WEIMAR (Eng.) Argos, Ind. At present, Merom, Ind. Teacher of English, Union Christian College. CLINTON WESTCOTT WILLIAMS (Eng.) 920 W. Ninth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Teacher of English, Pasadena (Cal.) High School. FLORA WILLIAMS (Ger.) Salem, Ind. Teacher of English, High School. KENNETH POWERS WILLIAMS (Astron.) A.M., 1909. Urbana. O. At present, Bloomington, Ind! Instructor in Mathematics, Indiana University. MILTON MERRILL WILLIAMS (Med.) Bloomington, Ind. Mercantile business. OWEN BURYL WINDLE (Law) South Bend, Ind. Commercial work. SARA EVA WINGERT (Math.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Fort Wayne (Ind.) High School. MILDRED E. WINTER (Ger.) 2038 Canton St., Toledo, O. At present. 10715 Superior Ave., Cleveland, O. Teacher of German. MYBTLE FRIEDA WOERNER (Lat.) 2728 Ashland Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Departmenetal teacher of Latin and English, Public Schools. WILLIAM LOGAN WOODBURN (Bot.) A.M.. 1909. Bloomington, Ind. At pres- ent, Evanston, 111. Instructor in Bot- any, Northwestern University. CLIFFORD WOODY (Econ.) Thorntown, Ind. At present, Superin- tendent of Gaston (Ind.) Schools. CHARLES WALDO WRIGHT (Chem.) Lapel, Ind. At present, 5714 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. Chemist. Bachelors of Laws ANTONIO NOBLE DE LAS ALAS M.L., Yale University, 1909. 217 Cabildo St., Intramuro, Manila, P. I. Em- ployed in Law Section, Executive Bureau, Philippine Government. HENRY STEWART BAILEY See A.B., 1907. ORA O BECK See A.B., 1907. ALBERT MORRIS BRISTOR 1020 North Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. MURRAY DuBois CARMICHAEL See A.B., 1908. CLARENCE COMPTON CHRISTIAN See A.B., 1907. ALBEBT HABVEY COLE See A.B., 1907. CLABENCE RULAND COWGER See A.B., 1905. LEX VIRGIL DECKARD See A.B., 1908. JAMES GARFIELD DONOVAN 715 Harvard St., Houston, Tex. Ab- stracter of land titles. SOLOMON ARTHUR DULING See A.B., 1907. OTTO EUGENE GRANT See A.B., 1902. SAMUEL DILLMAN HECKAMAN See A.B., 1907. CARL MARTIN HEIM Jerome, Ariz. Lawyer. PHILIP BUSKIRK HILL Bloomington, Ind. Insurance. WILEY ENOCH HOSIER Knightstown, Ind. At present, Marion, Ind. Lawyer. ISIDOR KAHN Rookery Building, Evansville, Ind. Law- yer. EVERETT BROOKS KURTZ 931 Lemcke Building, Indianapolis, Ind Lawyer. * CHARLES ERASMUS LOOKABILL Died November 11, 1909, at Battle Creek, Mich.; buried at Crawfordsville, Ind. LLOYD MCCLURE Kokomo, Ind. Lawyer. Deputy Prose- cuting Attorney, Howard County. ALVIN HUGO McCoY See A.B., 1907. HARLAN BANCROFT McCoY See A.B., 1908. 118 Register of Graduates 1908 EARLE EDWIN MCFERKEN See A.B., 1907. ARTHUR MCGAUGHEY Crawfordsville, Ind. Lawyer. HUGH GARTH MADDOX Bluffton, Ind. At present, Keystone, Ind. Lawyer. JAMES ROBINSON MAUCK Owensville, Ind. At present, Okemah, Okla. Banker. ARTHUR HENRY MEYER See A.B., 1907. LEWIS EARLE MILLER B.E., Juniata College, 1903; B.S., South- ern University, 1904. Indiana, Pa. Lawyer. ROBERT FRANK MURRAY Muncie, Ind. Lawyer. ROBERT HERMAN NEELEY Flasher, N. D. Lawyer. FLOYD PUSEY NEWSON 429 N. Center St., Terre Haute, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN PARisf Hood River, Ore. Horticulturist. JOHN HIATT RAU 1504 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Man- ager, Traffic Department, Fairmount Glass Works. BENJAMIN CLIFFORD REES Laporte, Ind. Lawyer. PROCESO GONZALES SANCHEZ LL.M., Yale University, 1909. Concep- cion, Tarlac, P. I. At present, Clerk, Legal Section, Executive Bureau, Manila, P. I. CECIL J SHARP Charlestown, Ind. At present, 747 East Thirty-sixth St., Chicago, 111. Clerk. Louis SIMONS 403 Walker Building, Louisville, Ky. Lawyer. JOHN HARDIN THOMAS See A.B., 1907. CHARLES P TIGHE 304 I. O. O. F. Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. CHARLES FRANK WADE Fredonia, Kan. Lawyer. WARREN HAWORTH WHITE Hutchinson, Kan. Lawyer. CLIFTON WILLIAMS 68 Thirty-second St., Milwaukee, Wis. Lawyer. Doctors of Medicine ALVA RAYMOND AKIN See A.B., 1906. EDWARD KARL ALLIS Wanette, Okla. SIMON WHITEHEAD BAILEY Bailey, N. D. Physician. Stock raiser. t Certificate. MAURICE JOSEPH BARRY 857 W. New York St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. LESLIE Moss BEAVEN Lebanon, Ind. Physician. HARRY KRAYLOR Box:* 2210 Central Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician and surgeon. ARTHUR EARNEST BURKHARDT Tipton, Ind. Physician. RAYMOND ALFRED BUTLER Stockwell, Ind. At present, Huntingtou, Ind. Physician. CHARLES LAWRENCE CABALZEB A.B., Butler College, 1905. 429 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. Phy- sician. GUY RUPERT COFFIN Monticello, Ind. Physician and surgeon. GUY CONOVER Utica, O. At present, Chihuahua, Mexico. Surgeon for American Smelting and Refining Co. WILLIAM G CRAWFORD A.B., DePauw University, 1905. 605 La- fayette Ave., Terre Haute, Ind. Phy- sician. ANDREW TENNYSON CUSTEB Linton, Ind. Physician. HILBERT FENTON DAVENPORT M.D., Eclectic Medical Institute, 1899. Zionsville, Ind. Physician. CARL VINTON DAVISSON West Lafayette, Ind. Physician. WILLIAM AUGUST DEERHAKE Evansville, Ind. Physician and surgeon. Assistant Surgeon, United States Pub- lic Health and Marine Hospital Service. JAMES FRANK DINNEN 2218 S. Webster St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Physician. Assistant Chief Surgeon, New York Central and St. Louis Rail- way. IRVIN WILSON DITTON 902 Calhoun St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Physi- cian. THOMAS ALFRED DUGDALE Edwardsburg, Mich. At present, South Bend, Ind. Physician. CECIL EARL DUNCAN 1010 Division St., Indianapolis, Ind. Phy- sician and surgeon. FERRELL WILLIAM DUNN Gaston, Ind. Physician. LEHMAN M DUNNING A.B., Princeton University, 1905. 116 N State St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physi- cian. ROBERT DWYER 3431 East Tenth St., Indianapolis, Ind Physician. Medical Inspector, Public Schools. STEPHEN LAURENCE EGART 2608 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. . Physician. 1908] List by Years 119 ORD EVERMANN Indianapolis, Ind. Physician, Central Indiana Hospital for the Insane. MERTON ALMOND FARLOW Marysville, Ind. Physician. FRANK LEE FARMAN Toledo, Ohio. Physician, State Hospital for the Insane. MARVIN FLOYD FISHER Markle, Ind. Physician. JOSEPH JOHN GRAMLING 3328 Clifton St., Indianapolis, Ind. Phy- sician. ARTHUR ERNEST GUEDEL 1316 Union St., Indianapolis, Ind. Phy- sician. ALFRED HUDSON HENDRICKS, JR. A.B., Fisk University, 1904. 1201 North West Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Phy- sician. ALBERT CLIFFORD HIRSHFIELD Norman, Okla. Physician. Acting Professor of Physiology, University of Oklahoma. WILLIAM ALBERT HULBUSH Cut Bank, Mont. Physician and sur- geon. SETH HUGO IRWIN Summitville, Ind. Physician. ROBERT JAMES KEMPER New York and Noble Sts., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician and surgeon. SAMUEL S KIMES Spencerville, Ind. Physician. JOHN AUGUSTUS LEAS 325 Board of Trade Bldg., Indianapolis. Ind. Physician. First Assistant Chief Surgeon, Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad. GEORGE RUFUS LEONARD See A.B., 1905. JOHN WILLIAM LITTLE LL.B., DePauw University, 1894; B.S., ibid., 1900. 2635 East Tenth St., Indi- anapolis, Ind. Physician and surgeon. Demonstrator in Department of Bac- teriology, Indiana University School of Medicine. WILLIAM HUNT LONG A.B., Butler College, 1903. 320 Pennway Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Physi- cian. CLARENCE AUGUST LUCAS 430 West North St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. CARL HEBER MCCASKEY 3761 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. CARL BYRON McCoRD Veedersburg, Ind. Physician. HUBERT DONALD McCoRMiCK Vincennes, Ind. Physician and surgeon. PERCY EDWARD McCowN 316-321 Newton Claypool Building, In- dianapolis, Ind. Physician. EDWARD LEROY McCoY Columbus, Ind. Physician. HENRY OLIVER MERTZ Roundhead, Ohio. Physician. MARY HAZLETT MICHIE Vincennes, Ind. Physician. J DON MILLER See A.B., 1904. EDGAR THOMAS MITCHELL Romney, Ind. Physician. ALDINE EMMET MORGAN Lafayette, Ind. First Assistant Sur- geon, Soldiers' Home Station. CLARENCE WILLIAM MULLIKIN A.B., Franklin College, 1903. Franklin, Ind. At present, Tuba, Ariz. Govern- ment Physician and Surgeon, Navajo Indian Reservation. GEORGE ELLSWORTH PAFF Gary, Indl Physician. EDWARD ALBERT PORTER Burney, Ind. Physician. WILLIAM OSEE POSTON Amoret, Mo. Physician. EVERETT AMBROSE RAINEY Jolietville, Ind. Physician. JOHN ROBERT RANES Union, Ind. Physician. JOHN LAWRENCE RECK Oregonia, Ohio. Physician. EDWARD GARRIC REPLOGLE Versailles, Ohio. Physician LEO ALBERT SALE Jasper, Ind. Physician. OSCAR T SCAMAHORN Pittsboro, Ind. Physician. JOHN GROVER SCIFRES 6 Stewart Place, Indianapolis, Ind. Phy- sician. ARTHUR R SIMON Laporte, Ind. Physician. JAMES MADISON SMITH Ph.B., Kenyon College, 1905. Utica, Ohio. At present, 3026 East Tenth St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. WILLIAM RILEY SPARKS Pendleton, Ind. Physician. THOMAS LITTLETON SULLIVAN 503 N. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, Ind Physician. ALBERT DELL SWARTZ 2654 Schurman Ave., Indianapolis, Ind Physician. THOMAS LACY TAYLOR Ft. Wayne, Ind. Resident Physician, In- diana School for Feeble Minded Youths. 120 Register of Graduates [1908 HERBERT THEODORE WAGNEB 1002 Odd Fellow Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Physician and surgeon. CLEO EARL WEAVER Labelle, Fla. Physician. EMIL G WINTER M.D., Eclectic Medical College, 1907. 14 West Ohio St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. GEORGE WOOD 860 W. Twenty-ninth St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. WALTER WALDO WRIGHT Edinburg, Ind. Physician. Masters of Arts CHARLES BURGESS AUSTIN (Econ.) See A.B., 1907. WILLIAM ALLEN AUSTIN (Math.) See A.B., 1907. LAURA GRACE BRADLEY (MRS. JOHN EDWIN MORING) See A.B., 1900. JOSEPH VALENTINE BREITWIESEB (Phil.) See A.B., 1907. ELLA IRENE BURTT (Lat.) See A.B., 1906. JOSEPH LEANDER CLAUSER (Educ.) See A.B., 1908. ELLEN CREEK (Eng.) B.S., Earlham College, 1903. Liberty, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Monticello (Ind.) High School. MAX MAPES ELLIS (Zool.) See A.B., 1907. LEWIS LEROY HALL (Chem.) See A.B., 1907. ELMER JOHN HARREL (Phys.) See A.B., 1905. CECILIA BARBARA HENNEL (Eng.) See A.B., 1907. t CORA BARBARA HENNEL (Math.) See A.B., 1907. LINNAEUS NEAL HINES (Educ.) See A.B., 1894. MARY HORNER (Ger.) See A.B., 1905. GEORGE ALEXANDER HUTCHINSON (Phil.) See A.B., 1906. ANNA HERR KAUFFMAN (MRS. ABBA- AM METZLER HESS) (Eng.) See A.B., 1907. BALLINGTON CHARLES KETTLEBOROUGH (Hist.) See A.B., 1907. RlENK BOUKE KUIPER (Lat.) A.B., University of Chicago, 1907. 1045 South Lafayette St., Grand Rapids, Mich. Student of Theology. WALTER D MARTIN (Path.) See M.D., 1907; A.M., 1908. RICHARD MCCLELLAN MILBURN (Hist.) See A.B., 1903. JOHN HARRISON MINNICK (Math.) See A.B., 1906. SAMUEL CASPER MURPHY (Physiol.) See A.B., 1907; M.D., 1910. ARTHUR LEROY MURRAY (Eng.) See A.B., 1901. NELL GRACE REINHARD (MBS. VICTOR EUGENE RUEHL) (Hist.) See A.B., 1907. WILL SCOTT (Zool.) See A.B., 1908. EARL CARL SLIPHEB (Astron.) See A.B., 1906. GEORGE WASHINGTON SPINDLER (Ger.) . See A.B., 1900. WILLIAM MILLER WIBLE (Math.) See A.B., 1906. GUY MITCHELL WILSON (Hist.) See A.B., 1900. Doctors of Philosophy * WALTER Louis HAHN (Zool.) See A.B., 1903; A.M., 1907. DENNIS EMERSON JACKSON (Physiol.) See A.B., 1905; A.M., 1906. (MRS.) EFFA (FUNK) MUHSE (MRS. ALBERT CHARLES MUHSE) (Zool.) See A.B., 1903; A.M., 1906. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 191 1 192 Bachelors of Laws 41 1 42 Doctors of Medicine.. 73 73 Masters of Arts 29 29 Doctors of Philosophy 2 1 Totals ., ,.336 3 339 1909 Bachelors of Arts L M CAMPBELL ADAMS (Econ.) A.M., 1910. 630-206 LaSalle St., Chicago. 111. Superintendent. Judicial Bond Department, Illinois Surety Company. UNA DORIS ADAMS (Eng.) North Salem, Ind. Superintendent, Schools. HARVEY BERTRAND ALEXANDER (Law) Poseyville, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. GEORGE EARL ANSPAUGH (Math.) Angola, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Deeatur (111.) High School. 1909] List by Years 121 MYRTLE ARMSTRONG (Eng.) Shelbyville, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Warsaw (Ind.) High School. DON CARLOS ATKINS (Chem.) New Albany, Ind. At present, 931 S. Avenue, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Assist- ant Chemist, U. S. Lighting and Heat- ing Co. WILLIAM CHRISTIAN BAKER (Econ.) Howe, Ind. At present, 3617 Lake Ave., Chicago, 111. With Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co. CARL VINCENT BARKER (Geol.) Entiat, Wash. Ranchman. BELLE BATCHELOR (La*.) Vernon, Ind. At present, Principal, Os- sian (Ind.) High School. NELLIE MAY BAUGHMAN (Math.) Rockfield, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Westfield (Ind.) High School. LAURA AUGUSTA BENEDICT (Eng.) Paragon, Ind. At present, 714 North Seventh St., Burlington, Iowa. Head, Department of English, High School. JENNIE MAUDE BENNETT (Lat.) Tipton, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics, High School. CHRISTIAN B BLOSSEB (Zool.) Goshen, Ind. Professor of Biology, Goshen College. JAMES DOUGLAS BOBBITT (Med.) Akron City Hospital, Akron, O. At present, Chicago, 111. Student, Rush Medical College. ROSALIE JOSEPHINE BORGMAN (Ger.) 508 E. Columbia St., Evansville, Ind. At present, teacher of German, Blooming- ton (Ind.) High School. FRANCES PAULINE BRAY (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. Assistant in Li- brary, Indiana University. WILLIAM CONRAD BROOKS (Chem.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Evansville, Ind. Superin- tendent, Hoosier Storage Battery Co. HENRIETTA BUCHANAN (Lat.) 940 Fletcher Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. OWEN FRANCIS BURGER (Bot.) Noblesville, Ind. At present, Gainesville, Fla. Assistant Plant Pathologist, Florida Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion. MAUDE ELIZABETH CAMP (Math.) Garrett, Ind. Teacher of History, Au- burn (Ind.) High School. CHARLES CARL CARR (Hist.) Lebanon, Ind. At present, Cristobal, Canal Zone, Panama. Principal, Canal Zone High School. CHALMERS JOHN CARROTHERS (Med.) M.D., Western Reserve University, 1911. Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, O. Phy- sician. GEORGE EZRA CARROTHERS (Chem.) Catbalogan, Samar, P. I. Division Su- perintendent of Public Instruction for Samar. EMMA ELIZA CLARK (Math.) Thorntown, Ind. At present, Arcadia, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics and His- tory, Walnut Grove High School. JOHN EVERETT CLIFFORD (Educ.) Qnincy, 111. Teacher of Mathematics, High School. AUSTIN BERNARD CORBIN (Law) LL.B., 1910. Union City, Ind. Lawyer. LLOYD MORGAN COSGRAVE (Hist.) Muncie, Ind. At present, teacher of History, Decatur (111.) High School. CARL CUNNINGHAM (Eng.) Lebanon, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Desk Assistant, Indiana Univer- sity Library EDWARD DANIEL (Ger.) Columbia City, Ind. At present, teacher of German, Mount Vernon (Ind.) High School. EDMUND PARKER DAVIS (Math.) Burket, Ind. At present, State College, Pa. Instructor in Mathematics, Penn- sylvania State College. HALLAM WALKER DAVIS (Eng.) Poseyville, Ind. At present, Superintend- ent of Ft. Branch (Ind.) Schools. ARTHUR ETHELBERT DAWES (Law) South Houston, Texas. Lawyer. HAL ENLOE DRIVER (Hist.) Farmland, Ind. Principal, Aurora (Ind.) High School. RALPH WINFRED DUNCAN (Phys.) 5133 Irving St., Philadelphia, Pa. In- structor in Physics, University of Pennsylvania. ROBERT CARITHERS DUNCAN (Phys.) 5133 Irving St., Philadelphia, Pa. In- structor in Physics, University of Pennsylvania. MARION LEE DURBIN (Zool.) (MRS. MAX MAPES ELLIS) A.M., 1910. Vincennes, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Graduate student, Indiana University. GRACE MAY EGELER (Eng.) Vincennes, Ind. At present, Principal of Grandview (Ind.) High School. CHARLES WESLEY EGNEB (Gen.) Warsaw, Ind. At present, teacher of Science, Mount Vernon (Ind.) High School. FRANCES MADGE ELDER (Bot.) Warsaw, Ind. At present, teacher in Wellsburg (W. Va.) Schools. OTIS ELLIOTT (Eng.) Enainence, Ind. At present, Head of De- partment of History, Bluffton (Ind.) High School. LLOYD CLEMENT EMMONS (Math.) East Lansing, Mich. Instructor in Mathematics. 122 Register ol Graduates [1909 JESSIE VIOLET FARE (Chem.) Van Buren, Ind. At present, "Guanica Centrale," Eusenada, Porto Rico. Chemist. EDITH FLORENCE FLOOD (Eng.) 1125 South Seventh St., Terre Haute, Ind. Teacher of English, High School. MAYO DAYTON FOLAND (Eng.) Shelbyville, Ind. Teacher of Science, High School. BESSIE RACHEL FOSTER (Hist.) 900 Thatuna St., Pullman, Wash. ETHEL HENRIETTA FOSTER (Educ.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, primary teacher, Anderson (Ind.) Public Schools. JOSEPH OTTO FRANK (Chem.) Winona Lake, Ind. Professor of Chem- istry and Zoology, Winona College. DAISY BERYL FRENCH (Math.) Anderson, Ind. At present, Principal, Frankton (Ind.) High School. KARL HARTLEY FUSSLER (Phys.) Greencastle, Ind. Assistant in Physics, DePauw University. GRACE GABLE (MRS. ARTHUR E. STRICK- LAND) (Lat.) 1117 Bellefontaine St., Indianapolis, Ind. JESSE JAMES GALLOWAY (Oeol.) Cromwell, Ind. At present, Blooming- ton, Ind. Graduate student, Indiana University. ALBERT FREDERICK OTTOMAR GERMANN (Chem.) A.M., 1910. Peru, Ind. At present, Rue du Paquis 5, Geneva, Switzerland. Graduate student, University of Ge- neva. HARRY GEHMAN GOOD (Phil.) Terre Hill, Penn. At present, 413 North Fifth Street, Camden, N. J. Teacher of Mathematics, Manual Training High . School. ELSIE MAY GOSHORN (MRS. HUGH HAR- LEN BARR) (Educ.) Elwood, Ind. GUY EVERETT GRANTHAM (Phys.) New Richmond, Ind. At present, West Lafayette, Ind. Assistant in Physics, Purdue University. CLARA ETHEL HAGANS (Lat.) Greenfield, Ind. At present, Principal, New Palestine (Ind.) High School. GUY ROY HALL (Eng.) Straughn, Ind. At present, Superin- tendent of Wawaka (Ind.) schools. LEWIS ALBERT HARDING (Law) Greensburg, Ind. Lawyer. DENVER CARL HARLAN (Econ.) Bethel, Ind. At present, 2512 North New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Student, Indiana Law School. MARY HARSHA (Lat.) Vincennes, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin and History, New Augusta (Ind.) High School. OSCAR HASEMAN (Chem.) Fort Dodge, Iowa. Superintendent, gyp- sum mine. ROSE MARY HASSMER (Eng.) Lawrenceburg, Ind. At present, teacher of English, and History, Woodward (Okla.) High School. Lois JACKMAN HASTINGS (Eng.) Washington, Ind. Teacher of English, High School. AUBREY LESLIE HAWKINS (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. Instructor in Eng- lish, Indiana University. NELSON LEROY HELLER (Hed.) Chicago, 111. Student, Rush Medical College. ROBERT WESLEY HIMELICK (Educ.) A.M., 1910. 2355 Central Ave., Indian- apolis, Ind. Supervising Principal, Public Schools. GUY FULTON HOBBS (Med.) Tipton, Ind. At present, Indianapolis, Ind. Student, Indiana University School of Medicine. JOHN ALFRED HODGE (Phys.) A.M., 1910. Shelbyville, Ind. At pres- ent, 1414 North Eighth St., Kansas City, Kan. Teacher of Physics and Chemistry, Sumner High School. MARY ALICE HOGAN (Lat.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Princi- pal, Kingman (Ind.) High School. DAVID HARUM HOGG (Law) Crothersville, Ind. At present, Princi- pal, Whitestown (Ind.) High School. DEO WESLEY HORTON (Eng.) Hoover, Ind. At present, Superintend- ent of Geneva (Ind.) Schools. SHOWIN WETZEN Hsu (Hist.) EDITH HUGHES (Hist.) Alexandria, Ind. Teacher of History, High School. MORTON THEODORE HUNTER (Law) LL.B., 1909. Bloomington, Ind. Lawyer. ROSCOE RAYMOND HYDE (Zool.) A.M., 1909. 402 N. Fifth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Assistant Professor of Physiology, Zoology and Botany, Indi- ana State Normal School. DON GRIFFITH IRIONS (Chem.) Buena Vista, Colo. Assayer and chem- ist. PAUL FUSANOBU ISOBE (Chem.) Tokyo, Japan. At present, Madison, Wis. Graduate student, University of Wisconsin. LENA JACKSON (MRS. RAYMOND EVER- ETT KENNY) (Math.) Rensselaer, Ind. At present, 224 East Twenty-first St., University Place, Neb. MAURICE EDGAR JENNINGS (Chem.) Seymour, Ind. At present, teacher of Science, Mathematics and Athletics, Warsaw (Ind.) High School. 1909] List by Years 123 ELMER JESSUP (Lat.) Carmel, Ind. At present, Principal, Box- ley (Ind.) High School. MOBRIS HALE CLAYBOURNE JOHNSON (Med.) Poseyville, Ind. At present, Indianap- olis, Ind. Student, Indiana University School of Medicine. HOMER GRANT JOHNSTON (Eng.) 1409 Muskingura St., Indianapolis, Ind. At present, R. F. D. 2, Box 107, C., Edwards, Ind. Clerk, Census Depart- ment. RUTH KELTNER (Eng.) Anderson, Ind. Teacher. HERBERT WILSON KENDALL (Med.) Temple Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. State Stu- dent Secretary, Young Men's Christian Associations of Nebraska. RAYMOND EVERETT KENNY (Hist.) Mulberry, Ind. At present, University Place, Neb. Y. M. C. A. Secretary, Nebraska Wesleyan University. EDNA KIDWELL (Eng.) Elwood, Ind. Teacher of English, High School. GENEVA KIMMEL (Bot.) Andrews, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics and Science, Lake (Ind.) High School. HAZEL KING (Math.) Union City, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics and English, Elletsville (Ind.) High School. RUBY OLIVE KING (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Princi- pal, Russiaville (Ind.) High School. JAMES WILLIAM KIRK (Lat.) Martinsville, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin, German and Algebra, Sheri- dan (Ind.) High School. HORTON KLINE (Math.) Upland, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, La Crosse (Wis.) High School. WILLIAM FRANK KRATLI (Chem.) Knox, Ind. At present, Greens Fork, Ind. Teacher. ROGER NEWTON LAGOW (Lat.) Princeton, Ind. At present, 66 College House, Cambridge, Mass. Student, Harvard University. F WADE LARUE (Chem.) Rensselaer, Ind. At present, 747 E. Thirty-sixth St., Chicago, 111. Manu- facturer. CHARLES GILBERT LEFFEL (Hist.) Elkhart, Ind. Teacher of History, High School. AMELIA MARY LIND (Ger.) Canal Dover, Ohio. Teacher of Latin and German, High School. WILLIAM ISAAC LOWER (Educ.) Topeka, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. Louis FRANKLIN LUTTON (Educ.) 1402 Louise St., Munhall, Pa. Principal of Schools. DONALD CHARLES MCCLELLAND (Med.) Huntington, Ind. At present, 410 W. Eighth St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Student, Ohio-Miami Medical College. LYMAN JOHNSON MCCLINTOCH (Lat.) Anderson, Ind. At present, Principal, Bruceville (Ind.) High School. PRUDENCE GRIFFITH McCuEN (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. JAMES GROVER MCDONALD (Hist.) A.M., 1910. Bloomington, Ind. Instruc- tor in History, Indiana University. STERLING RUDOLPH MCELWAINE (Math.) 801 W: Eleventh St., Indianapolis, Ind. At present, Lafayette, Ind. Principal, Lincoln School. CHARLES FREDERICK MCKEEHAN (Educ.) 1400 North Ninth St., Terre Haute, Ind. At present, Everett, Wash. Supervis- ing Principal, Public Schools. M CARRIE MCNAMARA (Eng.) Pierceton, Ind. At present, Sidney, Ind. Superintendent of Jackson Township Consolidated Schools. IVAN JAMES MARKEL (Med.) Elkhart, Ind. At present, 1629 West Adams St., Chicago, 111. Student, Rush Medical College. ARTHUR RAY METZ (Med.) South Whitley, Ind. At present, 1629 W. Adams St., Chicago, 111. Student, Rush Medical College. MINERVA METZGER (Ger.) Rossville, Ind. At present, 3435 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Student, Bethany Bible School. MEDA GUDE MILAM (MRS. ROBERT G. HILL) (Math.) Bruceville, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Piano (111.) High School. HENRY LYNN MILLER (Chem.) Montmorenci, Ind. At present, Buena Vista, Colo. Assayer and civil engi- neer. LORA WALTER MILLER (Eng.) B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1910. An- derson, Ind. At present, 6231 Monroe Ave., Chicago, 111. Civil engineer. MARY CHARLES MLLLER (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of English and History, Boswell (Ind.) High School. EDITH VICTORIA MOHLER (MRS. GEORGE EARL ANSPAUGH) (Eng.) 244 Central Ave., Decatur, 111. EMERY WATKINS MONTGOMERY (Hist.) Odon, Ind. At present, . Principal, Mt. Vernon (Ind.) High School. ELIZABETH MAUDE MOONEY (Zool.) Princeton, Ind. At present, Assistant Principal, Hildreth (Neb.) Schools. 124 Register of Graduates [1909 AUSTIN GEORGE MORRIS (Math.) Clinton, Ind. Principal, High School. GRACE MORTON (MRS. JOHN HENRY BRACKEMYRE) (Eng.) Greentown, Ind. ALBERT ALVIN MOURER (Hist.) Burnetts Creek, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. ODIS CLYDE MUNSEY (Econ.) Morehouse, Mo. Salesman. JAMES STANLEY NANTS (Phil.) A.M., Columbia University, 1910. Paris, Tenn. At present, 2926 Delmar Boule- vard, St. Louis, Mo. Principal, Public Elementary School. BENJAMIN NULL (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Marion (Ind.) High School. HERMAN ENZLA OLIPHANT (Comp. Philol) Marion, Ind. Teacher of English Lan- guage, Marion Normal College. CHARLES LOVELL OOLEY (Math.) Spencer, Ind. Principal, High School. FRANCES DOROTHY OVERMAN (Eng.) LeSueur, Minn. Teacher of English, High School. JAMES ROBERT OVERMAN (Math.) Kokomo, Ind. Head, Department of Mathematics, High School. EVERETT WHEELER OWEN (Math.) A.M., 1910. 804 N. Jefferson Ave., Indi- anapolis, Ind. Teacher of Mathemat- ics, Manual Training High School. HILDA PALMES (Lat.) Monticello, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Medford (Ore.) High School. ALBERT RANDOLPH PARKER (Hist.) Fort Wayne, Ind. At present, Superin- tendent of Cayuga (Ind.) Schools. CLARA ELIZABETH PATRICK (Ger.) Tell City, Ind. At present, teacher of German, Muncie (Ind.) High School. OSEE CATHERINE PAWLING (Lat.) Elkhart, Ind. At present, Principal. Boswell (Ind.) High School. FRANK GERALD PICKEL (Math.) 1417 Gum St., Evansville, Ind. Assistant Principal, High School. GEORGE WILLIAM PURCELL (Math.) A.M., 1910. Vincennes, Ind. Newspaper work. ROYAL ELLIS PURCELL (Eng.) Vincennes, Ind. Newspaper work. RALPH M RAWLINGS (Eng.) Marion, O. Merchant. TRULY BERNICE RAY (Eng.) Bloomingtou, Ind. At present, Head of English Department, New Albany (Ind.) High School. HOMER BLOSSER REED (Phil.) A.M., 1909. North Lima, Ohio. At pres- ent, 5622 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. Fel- low in Philosophy, University of Chi- cago. JEFF ISABELLE REEVES (MRS. ARTHUR BIVINS STONEX) (Phil) Bloomington, Ind. CHARLES MYRON REINOEHL (Educ.) A.M., 1910. Natchitoches, La. Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy, Louisi- ana State Normal School. ELMER ELLSWORTH RICE (Educ.) A.M., 1910. Decatur, Ind. Superintend- ent of Schools. FRANK ELMORE RICE (Chem.) Spencer, Ind. At present, 502 Dryden Road, Ithaca, N. Y. Assistant in De- partment of Chemistry, Cornell Uni- veristy. RAINARD BENTON BOBBINS (Math.) A.M., 1910. Muncie, Ind. At present, Earlham, Ind. Instructor in Mathe- matics, Earlham College. MARY COFFIN ROBERTSON (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, 1629 Tal- bott Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Depart- mental work in History, Public Schools. JESSIE BERNETTE ROBINSON (Eng.) Cloverland, Ind. At present, 674 Oak St., Terre Haute, Ind. Teacher of Psychology, Indiana State Normal School. ARTHUR ROGERS (Law) LL.B., 1909. Washington, Ind. Lawyer. County Attorney. VERNE TALLULAH ROGERS (Educ.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher in Montpelier (Ind.) Schools. HELEN SHROYER RYORS (Lat.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Princi- pal, Geneva (Ind.) High School. JACOB PHILIP SAUTER (Math.) Brookville, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics and Physics, New Castle (Ind.) High School. OLGA SCHELLSCHMIDT (Eng.) 2402 Bellefontaine St., Indianapolis, Iiid. Principal, Washington School. ROBERT JAMESON SCOVELL (Ger.) 1416 S. Center St., Terre Haute, Ind. At present, Baltimore, Md. Teacher of French and German, Jefferson School for Boys. LYDIA ADALINE SEMBACH (Ger.) Lawrenceburg, Ind. Principal, High School. JESSIE MAY SENTNEY (Ger.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Carlisle (Ind.) High School. HENRY NOBLE SHERWOOD (Hist.) A.M., 1910. Mitchell, Ind. At present, 10 Sumner Road, Cambridge, Mass. Student, Harvard University. CLAUDE PEARLE SHIDELER (Zool.) 610 Herkimer St., Joliet, 111. Teacher of Botany and Zoology, High School. ERNEST VIVIAN SHOCKLEY (Hist.) Angola, Ind. At present, Superintendent of Pleasant Lake (Ind.) Schools. 1909] List by Years 125 LELAND EDISON SHUCK (Math.) Noblesville, Ind. Teacher of Mathemat- ics, High School. ALMA L SICKLES (Eng.) 214 E. Eleventh St., Indianapolis, Ind. VESTA RHEA SIMMONS (Eng.) Bloomingtou, Ind. At present, teacher of English, New Albany (Ind.) High School. WALTER LEE SMALLWOOD (Math.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics and English, Joplin (Mo.) High School. JOHN ARNOTT SMITH (Geol.) Bloomington, Ind. Farmer. VANCE CLIO SMITH (Math.) 133 South Douglass Ave., Springfield, 111. Cashier, The Reisch Indemnity Company. WILLIAM EDWARD SMYTHE (Educ.) Lebanon, Ind. At present, Superintend- ent of Ladoga (Ind.) Schools. SYLVIE JOSEPHINE SOUPART (Eng.) Lafayette, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Attica (Ind.) High School. FLORA MAE SPENCER (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin, Music and Drawing, Stines- ville (Ind.) High School. STELLA CORNELIA SPILLMAN (Ger.) 971 Third St., Louisville, Ky. ARTHUR ELMER STICKELS (Chem.) Cicero, Ind. At ' present, Hammond, Ind. Chemist. "LEANNAH PEARL STOVER (Math.) Died February 3, 1910, at Hartford City, Ind. CLARENCE RANDALL STRICKLAND (Med.) M.D., 1909. 2144 College Ave., Indianap- olis, Ind. Physician. Lecturer, Ma- teria Medica and Therapeutics, Indi- ana University School of Medicine! AUGUSTUS SUMMERS (Eng.) Crothersville, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. MIRA CHRISTEN A SUTTON (Eng.) Greenwood, Ind. Teacher. JAMES FRANKLIN TAYLOR (Math.) 1113 East Fourth St., Duluth, Minn. Teacher of Mathematics, Central High School. JENNIE STANTON TAYLOR (Eng.) Laporte, Ind. At present, 626 South Sixth St., St. Charles, Mo. Teacher of English and History, High School. ZELLA BLANCHE TEGARDEN (Eng.) Orleans, Ind. ADELAIDE BERNARDINE THALE (Hist.) 1825 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher. CLYDE HENDRICKS THOMPSON (Law) LL.B., 1910. 423-424 Huttoii Bldg., Spo- kane, Wash. Lawyer. FRANK THOMPSON (Law) LL.B., 1909. Winchester, Ind. Lawyer. GEORGE ELLSWORTH THOMPSON (Phys.) A.M., 1910. Warren, Ind. At present, Ithaca, N. Y. Fellow in Physics, Cor- nell University. MARY ETHEL THORNTON (Math.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Princi- pal, Newport (Ind.) High School. WILLIAM JACY TITUS (Math.) Heborn, Ind. Superintendent, concrete works. *JOHN PHILLIPS TOURNER (Ger.) Died Sept. 28, 1909, at Macon, Mo.; bur- ied at Bloomington, Ind. JOHN AMOS TROTTER (Econ.) Corydon, Ind. At present, Baker City, Ore. Salesman. *JOHN CHRISTIAN TSCHANNEN (Math.) Died Dec. 12, 1908, at Douglas, Ga. ; bur- ied at Fort Wayne, Ind. TRAVIS SULLIVAN TURBETT (Bot.) Decker, Ind. At present, teacher of Botany, Lafayette (Ind.) High School. MARTHA ALICE TYNER (Hist.) Andrews, Ind. At present, teacher of History, Great Falls (Mont.) High School. ELIZABETH ELEANOR VAN VALZAH (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. SARA MARGARET VAN VALZAH (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. Student. CHARLES EDWARD VINZANT (Hist.) Lena, Ind. At present, Superintendent of Kentland (Ind.) Schools. HAZEL MARY VLIET (Ger.) 2354 North Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of German. HOSEA A WHITENECK (Math.) 3918 North Thirtieth St., Tacorna, Wash. Principal, Willard School. META LOUISE WILHELM (Lat.) New Harmony, Ind. At present, Assist- ant Principal, Burnettsville (Ind.) High School. JULIA ETTA WILLKIE (Gk.) A.M., 1910. Elwood, Ind. At present, teacher of German, Bloomington (Ind.) High School. ROBERT TRISCH WILLKIE (Law) Elwood, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Student in Indiana University School of Law. ZELLA MAUD WISEMAN (Eng.) Salem, Ind. At present, Assistant Prin- cipal, Inwood (Ind.) Schools. ALBERT GERARD WOOD (Bot.) Greeley, Colo. Teacher of Biology, High School. HARRY WARREN WOOD (Hist.) 1012 Division St., Indianapolis, Ind. At present, teacher of History, New Al- bany (Ind.) High School. MARY EDITH WOOD (Lat.) Hope, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin, Washington (Ind.) High School. 126 Register of Graduates [1909 FLORENCE ELEANOR WOODFIELD (Eng.) Lafayette, Ind. Teacher. JENNIE CORNELIA YODER (Ger.) Howe. Ind. At present, teacher of Ger- man, Delphi (Ind.) Schools. Bachelors of Laws HUGH LEMUEL BARR Gary, Ind. Lawyer. VIROIL BERRY Logansport, Ind. At present, Winamac, Ind. Teacher in High School. JAMES WALDRON BLAIR See A.B., 1908. CLARENCE MICHAEL BRANSON Rhame, N. D. Lawyer. Deputy States Attorney. ARTHUR HALLECK BROWN See A.B., 1904. WALTER FRED BUCKTHAL Okmulgee, Okla. Lawyer. ANDREW JAMES CAS SIDY French Lick, Ind. Lawyer. SAMUEL SAUL DARGAN B.S., Purdue University, 1905. Roches- ter, N. Y. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Curator of Law Library, Indi- ana University. ARTHUR ETHELBERT DAWES See A.B., 1909. CHESTER MAXWELL DEWITT New Castle, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN DOWNING Swayzee, Ind. At present, 119 St. Claire St., Toledo, O. Promoter. CLIFFORD VINCENT Du COMB South Bend, Ind. Lawyer. HARRY FRANCIS EAGAN Greeneld, Ind. Lawyer. VERMONT MARSTON FINLEY Kendallville, Ind. Lawyer. Member of Legislature. JOSEPH FRAZIER Lamar, Ind. At present, Laurium, Mich. Principal, Calumet High School. WILSON CHARLES GRESHAM Conconully, Wash. Lawyer. JAMES GILLESPIE HASTON 75-6 Lombard Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. Corporation Counsel of Broad Ripple, Ind. EDWARD WILLIAM HOHLT Bridgeport, Ind. At present, 1014 I. O. O. F. Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. HARRY ALLEN HORN Daytona Beach, Fla. Lawyer. City Clerk. MORTON THEODORE HUNTER See A.B., 1909. GEARRY LLOYD KNIGHT A.B., University of Michigan, 1907. Zanesville, Ind. At present, Kenil- worth, 111. Teacher of Mathematics and Physics, College School for Boys. BERNE B MCCLASKEY Huron, S. D. Lawyer. JAMES RAYMOND MALOTT See A.B., 1908. WALTER GARFIELD MEAD See A. B., 1906. EDWARD EUGENE MEYER LL.M., Yale University, 1910. 414 South Sixth St., Evansville, Ind. Lawyer. BERNARD FRANCES MORRISON ROBINSON See A.B., 1908. ARTHUR ROGERS See A.B., 1909. CONNOR DANIEL Ross Shelbyville, Ind. Lawyer. ALBERT EUGENE SCHMOLLINGER See A.B., 1908. IRA MELVILLE SMITH Urbana, 111. Assistant to Registrar, University of Illinois. JOHN BURTON SMITH New Albany, Ind. Lawyer. MORGAN LEE STERRETT Rockfield, Ind. At present, Superin- tendent, Wheatfield (Ind.) Schools. FRANK THOMPSON See A.B., 1909. ROSCOE HAWK WADE Howe, Ind. At present, Richmond, Ind. Adjuster, Gaar Scott & Co. CARL JOHN WILDE 1510 Fulton Ave., Evansville, Ind. At present, 391 Temple St., New Haven, Conn. Law student, Yale University. GEORGE HERMAN YOUNG Andrews, Ind. At present, Huntington, Ind. Lawyer. Doctors of Medicine THOMAS RUTLEDGE BASS A.B., University of Virginia, 1904. Barry, Texas. Physician. E RUSSELL BUSH 1031 S. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician and surgeon. CHARLES MASTERS CAIN 320 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. At present, 215-217 E. Forty-second St., New York City. House Surgeon. JONATHAN EVERETT CANADA 509 Huffman St., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Phy- sician. PROSSER ELWIN CLARK Clarksburg, Ind. Physician. CHARLES ROBERTSON CLARKE See A.B., 1897. 1909] List by Years 127 RAYMOND GWIN COLVERT Oxford, Ind. Physician. SILAS MELVIN COMPTON A.B., Butler College, 1904; A.M., Drake University, 1905. Rosston, Ind. Phy- sician. SAMUEL JAMES COPELAND A.B., Moores Hill College, 1900. 1702 Lexington Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. GEORGE HARRISON DAVIS Spartanburg, Ind. Physician. JOHN CARLISLE DAVIS Logansport, Ind. Physician. OLIVER MORTON DEARDORFF Hagerstown, Ind. Physician. DAVID BER DOME 632 Madison Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. WILLIAM SCOTT Dow B.S., Purdue University, 1902. Forty- eighth St., and Central Ave., Indian- apolis, Ind. Physician. ROBERT HITE EGBERT A.B., Butler College, 1906. Martin sville, Ind. Physician. ERNEST HOWARD ELMORE Nemo, S. D. Physician. DAVID HARLEY FORSYTH 715 Hulman St., Terre Haute, Ind. Phy- sician and surgeon. CARL HABICH Corner Blake and Walnut Sts., Indian- apolis, Ind. Physician. MILO FOREST HART Kirklin, Ind. At present, Linden Hotel, Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. FRED EARL HICKSON Stone Bluff, Ind. Physician. DORSEY MARK HINES Auburn, Ind. Physician. EMORY EDWARD HOLLAND McGill, Nevada. Physician. SAM WISHARD HOOKE Brimfleld, Ind. Physician. SHERMAN KEMLO INGLE Boonville, Ind. Physician. ERNEST NEWTON JOHNSON Sandborn, Ind. Physician. ROBERT CARSON JOHNSON 827 Ohio St., Terre Haute, Ind. Phy- sician. ROBERT BENJAMIN JONES Laporte, Ind. Physician and surgeon. JOHN KAYLOR KINGSBURY A.B., Butler College, 1906. 5462 East Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. GEORGE FRANCIS KNUE 950 South Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician and surgeon. LUKE WILLIAM KUEBLER 2621 East Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. EDWIN GLENDALE KYTE Martinsville, Ind. Physician. JOSEPH FREDERICK LANKFORD 1830 South East St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. CAMERON ARTHUR LEATHERMAN St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Dayton, O. Assistant Surgeon. WILLIAM ABRAHAM MCBRIDE 834 South Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. FRANK GEORGE MCCARTHY See A.B., 1908. JEHU FRANKLIN McCooL 122 East Ohio St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. HERMAN WALTER MCDONALD New Castle, Ind. Physician. JOHN ADAM MARSH Castleton, Ind. Physician. LESLIE HOWE MAXWELL See A. B., 1906. HERMAN GROVER MORGAN 709 N. Penna. St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. CHARLES FRANCIS MORRIS Danville, 111. Assistant Surgeon, N.H D.V.S. LILLIAN BARBARA MUELLER 4504 East Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. FRED NICHOLAS MURRAY West Middleton, Ind. Physician. GLENN EDWIN MYERS See A.B., 1907. HARRY WALTER PASLEY 730 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. ALBERT GARFIELD PORTER Terre Haute, Ind. Physician and sur- geon. CLAUDIUS ELLSWORTH QUINN Denver, Ind. Physician. ORA WASHINGTON RIDGEWAY 1716 E. Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. JOHN ISAAC RINNE See A.B., 1907. HARRIE CHESTER SMITH 214 Rose Dispensary, Terre Haute, Ind. Physician and surgeon. GEORGE ELMER STHAHLER 1225 Wayne Ave., Dayton, O. Physician CLARENCE RANDALL STRICKLAND See A.B., 1909. ARTHUR MACMAHAN SULLIVAN Veedersburg, Ind. Physician. 128 Register of Graduates 1909 JOHN BYRON THOMAS 1611 North Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. BURTON AUSTIN THOMPSON See A. B., 1906. WILLIAM AMBROSE THOMPSON Liberty, Ind. Physician. JULIUS Ross TRACY Anderson, Indiana. Physician. ORAL ARNOLD TUCKER Daleville, Ind. Physician. WALTER B TURNER Youngstown, Ohio. Physician, City Hospital. HARRY ALLEN VAN OSDOL 307 Board of Trade Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. ARTHUR FERDINAND WEYERBACHER Boonville, Ind. At present, 620 Newton Claypool Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. WENDELL WHITE Leigh, N. D. Physician. AREA LEONARD WOODS St. Anthony's Hospital, Terre Haute, Ind. Resident Physician. BYRON JAY WYLAND Wakarusa, Ind. Physician. Masters of Arts ELIZABETH BAXTER (Eng.) See A.B., 1905. ROSCOE GARFIELD BEALS (Eng.) A.B., Earlham College. 1907. 505 South Webster St., Decatur, 111. Head De- partment of English, High School. CAROLINE ANNA BLACK (Bot.) See A.B., 1908. (MRS.) KATHERINE NORVELL (PEARSON) BURWELL (Hist.) See A.B., 1885. ANNA BROCKMAN COLLINS (Eng.) See A.B., 1897. WALTER BLAINE DUNCAN (Chem.) See A.B., 1907. LOGAN ESAREY (Hist.) See A.B., 1905. CECIL OTIS GAMBLE (Chem.) See A.B., 1908. CHARLES CLANCY GRANDY (Path.) See A.B., 1908 FRANK COOK GREENE (Geol.) See A.B., 1908. MARY THERESA HARMAN (Zool.) See A.B., 1907. GEORGE WASHINGTON HEADY (Phys.) See A.B., 1903. HARRY Louis HORNER (Math.) See A.B., 1006. ROSCOE RAYMOND HYDE (Zool.} See A.B., 1909. WALTER MCCULLOUGH KERN (Educ.) See A.B., 1896. OTTO PAUL KLOPSCH (Ger.) See A.B., 1896. EDWARD WILLIAM KOCH (Physiol.) See A.B., 1908. CHARLES ANDERSON MARTIN (Educ.) See A.B., 1907. RAYMOND LYONS MODESITT (Math.) .See A.B., 1908. CARL WILLIAM PARKER (Econ.) A.B., Cornell University, 1908. Glens Falls, N. Y. Assistant in Economics, University of Pennsylvania. PAUL CHRISLER PHILLIPS (Hist.) See A.B., 1906. HOMER BLOSSEB REED (Phil.) See A.B., 1909. LEROY WALTER SACKETT (Educ.) See A.B., 1908. SAMUEL P SHULL (Math.) See A.B., 1908. LUTHER CROCKER SNIDER (Geol.) See A.B., 1908. MABEL TIBBOTT (Hist.) A.B., Butler College, 1897. 336 N. Hitter Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. At present, Morehead, Ky. Teacher of History. WILLIAM MOTIER TUCKER (Geol.) See A.B., 1908. KENNETH POWERS WILLIAMS (Math.) See A.B., 1908. WILLIAM LOGAN WOODBURN (Bot.) See A.B., 1908. Doctors of Philosophy WILLIAM EDWARD HOWARD ( Astro n.) B.S., Northwestern University, 1899; M.S., ibid., 1899. Marionville, Mo. Professor of Mathematics and Astron- omy, Marionville College. ISAAC MCKINNEY LEWIS (Bot.) See A.B., 1906; A.M. 1907. VESTO MELVIN SLIPHER (Astron.) See A.B., 1901; A.M., 1903. Doctor of Laws DAVID STARR JORDAN M.D., Indiana Medical College (now In- diana University School of Medicine), 1875; M.S., Cornell University, 1872; LL.D., ibid., 1886; Ph.D., Butler Col- lege, 1877; LL.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1902. Stanford University, Cal. President, Leland Stanford Jun- ior University. International Fisher- ies Commissioner, Great Britain and United States. President, California Academy of Sciences. President, American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. 1910] List by Years 129 Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 194 3 197 Bachelors of Laws 36 36 Doctors of Medicine.. 64 64 Masters of Arts 29 29 Doctors of Philosophy 3 Doctor of Laws 1 " Totals . . . . 327 3 330 1910 Bachelors of Arts JASPER AUGUST ABELL (Educ.) Middletown, Ind. Superintendent, Public Schools. THOMAS H ALLEN (Chem.) New Albany, Ind. Teacher, Chemistry and Physics, High School. HARVEY ALLISON (Phys.) Washington, Ind. At present, 58 Ham- mond St., Cambridge, Mass. Graduate student, Harvard University. ANDREW WILLIAM ANGERMEIER (Ger.) Armstrong, Ind. At present, teacher of German, Logausport (Ind.) High School. MYRA ARLEN (Ger.) Winona Lake, Ind. At present, teacher of German, Madison (Ind.) High School. HOMER ANSLEY ARNOLD (Hist.) Macon, 111. At present, teacher of His- tory, Bloomington (111.) High School. JOHN OBA AULT (Math.) Bennetts Switch, Ind. At present, Prin- cipal, Kingsbury (Ind.) High School. FLORENCE MAY AVERY (Math.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Knights- town, Ind. Teacher, Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans Home. BERTHA LEON A BARKER (Phys.) Bloomington, Ind. WALTER HOMER BARNHART (Econ.) Wyatt, Ind. At present, teacher of His- tory and English, South Bend (Ind.) High School. GLADSTONE HOWARD BARRETT (Chem.) Bloomington, Ind. Stone business. RUTH ALLURA BARSH (Eng.) Huntington, Ind. MARGUERITE ALICE BARTELLE (Eng.) 2361 Franklin Ave., Toledo, Ohio. At present, teacher of English, Alexandria (Ind.) High School. ANNA GRACE BASS (Hist.) Mitchell, Ind. At present, teacher, El- wood (Ind.) Public Schools. RUBY MILDRED BEEKER (Math.) Battle Ground, Ind. At present, Princi- pal, Royerton (Ind.) High School. 19] RAYMOND COLE BEELER (Med.) Charlestown, Ind. At present, Indian- apolis, Ind. Medical student. Externe, City Hospital. KARL WARFEL BEHR (Math.) East Germantown, Ind. At present, 3725 North Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind Draughtsman. NORMAN MAX BEHR (Econ.) Noblesville, Ind. At present, 918 Hart- ley Hall, Columbia University, New York City. Graduate student. HARRY BENNER (Econ.) Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1910. Argos, Ind. Bond business. GRACE BERGDOLL (Eng.) Sparksville, Ind. Principal, Springville High School. CLYDE CLERMONT BITLER (Med.) Delphi, Ind. At present, Colfax Build- ing, North Meridian St., Indianapolis, Ind. Medical student. RALPH FORDYCE BLATCHLEY (Eng.) Ladoga, Ind. Hardware merchant. MABEL EVALENA BLAZIER (Hist.) Muncie, Ind. Teacher of History, High School. GARL GROVER BONEWITZ (Law.) Huntington, Ind. At present, Plymouth, Ind. Principal, West Township High School. RAY MYRON BON SIB (Chem.) Vincennes, Ind. At present, 616 West One Hundred and Thirteenth St., New York City. Student, Columbia Uni- versity School of Mines. ROY SAMUEL BONSIB (Chem.) Vincennes, Ind. At present, 616 West One Hundred and Thirteenth St., New York City. Student, Columbia Uni- versity School of Mines. NORA EDITH BOURN (Bot.) Stilesville, Ind. Teacher of Botany and English, Eminence (Ind.) High School. KATHRYN ESTELLA BRENNER (Math.) West Lebanon, Ind. At present, teacher, Commercial Department, Marion (Ind.) High School. CHARLEY BRUNER (Chem.) Elwood, Ind. Teacher of Physics, Mathe- matics and History, High School. BERTHA MAY BUNKER (Hist.) Falmouth, Ind. At present, 2845 Regent St., Berkeley, Cal. Student, University of California. MARY EDITH BUSHNELL (Ger.) Montpelier, Ind. At present, teacner 01 German, Latin and Music, Westfield (Ind.) High School. CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS CAUBLE (Educ.) Salem, Ind. At present, Principal, Clay- ton (Ind.) High School. OSIE MAY CLARK (Bot.) Medaryville, Ind. Principal, Lakeville (Ind.) High School. 130 Register of Graduates [1910 CLAUDE LEIGH CLAWSON (Math.) Gaston, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Graduate student, Indiana Uni- versity. CHARLES EDWARD CONNOR (Med.) 1318 South Fourth St., Terre Haute, Ind. At present teacher of Physics and Chemistry, Bedford (Ind.) High School. ADAM JOSEPH CORTNER (Med.) New Athens, 111. At present, Cleveland, Ohio. Medical student, Western Re- serve University. JULIET VIRGINIA CRITTENBERGER (Eng.) Anderson, Ind. Teacher. GRACE CROMER (Ger.) Anderson, Ind. At present, teacher of German and Supervisor of Music and Drawing, Fairmount (Ind.) High School. ELIZABETH LOUISE DAVIS (Lat.) Jeffersonville, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin and English, Gaston (Ind.) High School. ELBERT ELDON DAY (Educ.) Stockland, 111. Principal, Stockland Township High School. CHARLES Ross DEAN (Hist.) Rensselaer, Ind. Teacher of Science and History, High School. AARON DEICH (Educ.) Wickliffe, Ind. At present, Superintend- ent of Ossian (Ind.) Schools. ETTA HAMILTON DELAY (Eng.) Lima, Ind. At present, Principal of Chandler (Okla.) High School. LOUIE DEUPREE (Eng.) 2951 Talbott Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. De- partmental teacher of English, Public Schools. EPHRAIM C DILLEY (Educ.) Solsberry, Ind. At present, Principal, Mitchell (Ind.) High School. JOSEPH BRUCE DORSETT (Chem.) Cloverdale, Ind. At present, Principal, Monticello (Ind.) High School. RUTH CLAUDIA DUNCAN (Math.) Bedford, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Brazil (Ind.) High School. FLOSSIE ETHELYN EDWARDS (Eng.) Oakland City, Ind. At present, teacher of English and Latin, Letts (Ind.) High School. BEATRICE CLEMENTINE EVANS (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. JOHN ELLIS EVANS (Educ.) Brazil, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Teaching Fellow in Education, Indiana University. OSCAR Ross EWING (Phil.) Greensburg, Ind. At present, 61 Perkins Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Law student, Harvard University. VTOLET MARTHA FARIS (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher, Burney (Ind.) Schools. ERNEST CLYDE FISHBAUGH (Med.) Markle, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Teaching Fellow in Pathology, Indiana University. LILLIAN HELEN FRANKLIN (Ger.) Huntington, Ind. Teacher of German, High School. OREN ERNEST FRAZEE (Zool.) Peru, Ind. At present, teacher of Physics and Physical Geography, Co- lumbus (Ind.) High School. BESSIE WAVA FRENCH (Bot.) Anderson, Ind. At present, teacher, Bloomington (Ind.) Public Schools. FRANK FUNKHOUSER (Educ.) Mauckport, Ind. At present, Principal, Conconully (Wash.) High School. NEVA LILLIAN GALBREATH (Eng.) Columbia City, Ind. At present, Prin- cipal, Lapel (Ind.) High School. LESTER CLARK GIFFORD (Eng.) Russiaville, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Champaign (111.) High School. OMA GLASBURN (Eng.) Bargersville, Ind. Superintending farm. MERL LONGFELLOW GOCHENOUR (Hist.) Bnrket, Ind. At present, 40 Kirkland St., Cambridge, Mass. Graduate stu- dent, Harvard University. KATHRYN GOODWIN (Lat.) Sullivan, Ind. At present, Assistant Principal, LaGro (Ind.) High School. FRANK DEVORE GORHAM (Med.) Cloverdale, Ind. At present, St. Louis, Mo. Interne, St. Luke's Hospital. NELLIE WARD GRAYBELL (Eng.) Ladoga, Ind. WALTER SIDNEY GREENOUGH (Econ.) 2354 Kenwood Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. City staff, Indianapolis Star. CARLIN HAYES GRIFFEY (Math.) Laporte, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics, High School. HARVEY FRANCIS GRIFFEY (Zool.) Fortville, Ind. At present, Springfield, S. D. Professor of Zoology, State Normal School. EDWARD RENE GRISELL (Econ.) Pennville, Ind. At present, Y. W. C. A. Building, Duluth, Minn. With Mar- shall Wells Hardware Co. OTTO WOODSON GRISIER (Med.) Columbia City, Ind. At present 18 Francis St., Boston, Mass. Medical student, Harvard University. ARTHUR MARIS HADLEY (Econ.) Hanover, Ind. Professor of History and Social Science, Hanover College. ELIZABETH MAY HANNA (Lat.) Roachdale, Ind. At present, Principal, Roann (Ind.) High School. MARY GERTRUDE HASEMAN (Math.) Linton, Ind. At present, Professor of Mathematics, Vincennes (Ind.) Univer- sity. 1910] List by Years 131 JAMES HERMAN HAWK (Hist.) New Palestine, Ind. Farmer. JOHN BENJAMIN HEINMILLEE (Math.) Kappa, Ind. Carpenter and contractor. DON J HENRY (Law) Laporte, Ind. Lawyer. MARY ELIZABETH HIGGINS (Eng.) Logansport, Ind. At present, teacher of English, North Vernon (Ind.) High School. ALBERT ELMER HIGHLEY (Math.) 1709 South Tenth St., Terre Haute, Ind. Head, Department of Mathematics. Wiley High School. CLARENCE EDGAR HINSHAW (Educ.) Westfield, Ind. At present, Principal, Princeton (Ind.) High School. STERLING PETER HOFFMANN (Anat.) Linn Grove, Ind. At present, 329 North Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. Stu- dent, Indiana University School of Medicine. ROLLA MARTIN HOGUE (Educ.) Vincennes, Ind. Teacher of History and Mathematics, High School. FANNIE EVELYN HORRELL (Eng.) Richmond, Ind. BERTHA ELIZABETH HUNTER (Eng.) Williamsport, Ind. Teacher. LAWRENCE HURST (Hist.) Martin sville, 111. At present, teacher of History and English, New Harmony (Ind.) High School. GROVER CLEVELAND HUTCHERSON (Chem.) Elwood, Ind. Director of Manual Train- ing, Johnstown (Pa.) High School. GEORGIA THEODORA HUTTON (Eng.) Commerce, Mo. ANDREW JASPER HYPES (Math.) North Salem, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Kendallville (Ind.) High School. FORREST WAYNE INGRAM (Law) Dana, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Law student, Indiana University. JEROME ISENBERGER (Phys.) Lebanon, Ind. At present, 11 Deerwood Ave., Louisville, Ky. Teacher of Physics and Chemistry, Male High School. LOUISE MARIE ISKE (Ger.) 629 South New Jersey St., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of German, Manual Training High School. CHARLES EMERSON JENKINS (Math.) Upland, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, New Albany (Ind.) High School. HARRY HAYDEN JOHNSON (Hist.) Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Duluth, Minn. With wholesale hardware house. VERTIE VANESSA JOHNSON (Lat.) Brazil, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin, German and English, Eaton (Ind.) High School. HERMAN AUGUST KASCE (Math.) North Judson, Ind. At present, Bloom- ington, Ind. Draughtsman. BESSIE HAZEL KEERAN (Ger.) 901 Columbia Ave., Fort Wayne, -Ind. At present, 1209 Park Ave., Indianapo- lis, Ind. Teacher of History and Eng lish, Public Schools. JOHN WESLEY KENDALL (Hist.) Greenfield, Ind. Principal, High School. CARL CLARENCE KIESS (Astron.) 429 Brackenridge St., Fort Wayne, Ind. At present, Mt. Hamilton, Cal. Fellow in Astronomy, Lick Observatory, Uni- versity of California. ELEANOR MAY KING (Eng.) Ossian, Ind. At present, 21 Atwood St., Atlanta, Ga. Teacher, Public Schools. OTTO CLAUDE KINNICK (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Principal, Winamac (Ind.) High School. JULIAN JACOB KISER (Law) 2128 North Pennsylvania St., Indianapo- lis, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Teaching Fellow in Public Speaking, Indiana University. ALONZO KNIPE (Ghent.) Mellott, Ind. At present, 2250 West Twenty-second St., Chicago, 111. Chem- ist, United States Gypsum Co. SAMUEL ALBERT LAHR (Educ.) Huntington, Ind. At present, Superin- tendent, Wheatland (Ind.) Schools. ERNEST LESTER LAMBERT (Hist.) Blue Island, 111. Assistant Principal, High School. HELEN MARR LANT (Eng.) Chandler, Ind. PARK GRESH LANTZ (Hist.) Elkhart, Ind. Teacher of History, High School. FANNY FERN LARMORE (Math.) Anderson, Ind. At present, 52 South Irvington Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics, Public Schools. MARGARET ANNETTE LAUGHLIN (Eng.) Columbus, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Poseyville (Ind.) High School. CHRISTINE LEBLINE (Ger.) Seymour, Ind. Teacher of German, High School. GRETTA SURBAUGH LEWIS (Math.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics and Physiology An derson (Ind.) Public Schools. EDWARD LAUREL LINGEMAN (Med.) Brownsburg, Ind. Medical student. EDWARD WESLEY LONG (Chem.) Cortland, Ind. At present, teacher of Science, Laporte (Ind.) High School. NORA LOWDER (Lat.) Whitestown, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin and Botany, Veedersburg (Ind.) High School. 132 Register of Graduates [1910 JOHN ELLSWORTH LUNG (Math.) Pine Village, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. PAULINE MILLS MCCAULEY (Lat.) Morganfield, Ky. At present, student, Albany (N. Y.) Library School. ANNA VAN NESS MCCONNELL (Eng.) Rising Sun, Ind. Teacher. FLORENCE JEWETT McCREA (Hist.) Shelbyville, Ind. EDWARD DAVID MCDONALD (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. Teaching Fellow in English, Indiana University. JESSIE MYERS MCNAMEE (Lat.) New Castle, Ind. At present, Assistant Principal, Oxford (Ind.) High School. EMIL HENRY MANGEL (Math.) Huntingburg, Ind. At present, Princi- pal, Tell City (Ind.) High School. LLOYD CHESTER MARSHALL (Med.) Blountsville, Ind. At present, Colfax Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Medical student. ALMA MARJORIE MARTIN (Educ.) Oakland City, Ind. At present, Assistant Principal, Mackey (Ind.) Schools. NINA D MARTINDALE (Eng.) Rensselaer, Ind. ANNA SNEED MEGEE (Lat.) Rushville, Ind. MARY MEHArriE (Math.) Logansport, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Linton (Ind.) High School. NELLIE GRACE MEISER (Oer.) Leiters Ford, Ind. At present, Assistant Prinicpal, Cannelton (Ind.) High School. ORTHENA ELIZABETH MEYER (Lat.) Gary, Ind. Teacher of Latin, High School. NORMA JANE MILBURN (Eng.) Jasper, Ind. At present, teacher of Eng- lish, Greenfield (Ind.) High School. EARLE CROWDER MILLER (Law) LL.B., 1910. Bloomington, Ind. At present, Lexington, 111. WILFORD STANTON MILLER (Phil.) Bloomington, Ind. Instructor in Edu- cation, Indiana University. MARY CAMILLA MITCHELL (Eng.) Salem, Ind. At present, teacher of Eng- lish and History, Argos (Ind.) High School. RALPH REO MURPHY (Lat.) West Union, W. Va. At present, teacher of Latin, Lafayette (Ind.) High School. FREN ZELLO MUSSELMAN (Phil.) Camden, Ind. At present, Supervising Principal, Muncie (Ind.) Schools. NELLIE NAFTZGER (Eng.) Wabash, Ind. Teacher of Latin and Algebra, Linlawn High School. BAVIS CLAY NAY (Educ.) Danville, Ind. Principal, High School. ALPHEUS RUSSELL NEES (Chem.) Frankfort, Ind. At present, Blooming- ton, Ind. Teaching Fellow in Chem- istry, Indiana University. SADIE Avis NEWLON (Math.) Salem, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics and Botany, Clinton (Ind.) High School. HALLIE E'DOYNE NEWTON (Hist.) Dana, Ind. Clerical work in First Na- tional Bank. ALVIN NULL (Hist.) Somerville, Ind. At present, teacher of History, Lawrenceburg (Ind.) High School. EDNA BROUGH O'BANION (Eng.) Tipton, Ind. At present, 103 N. Main St., Oberlin, Ohio. Student. OLIVER RALPH OVERMAN (Chem.) Bloomington, Ind. Teaching Fellow in Chemistry, Indiana University. CHARLES ELMER OWENS (Rot.) 826 North Seventh St., Terre Haute, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Teach- ing Fellow in Botany, Indiana Uni- versity. HOWARD PADDOCK (Econ.) West Newton, Ind. At present, Y. M. C. A. Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Hardware business. LEVT SCOTT PADDOCK (Chem.) West Newton, Ind. At present, 1515 West Monroe St., Chicago, 111. Assist- ant Chemist, Swift & Co. ORIE ELDON PARKER (Law) South Bend, Ind. At present, Bloom- ington, Ind. Law student, Indiana University. DANIEL WILSON PEARCE (Ediic.) Winona Lake, Ind. Professor of Psy- chology, Winona College. THEODOSIA ALFRETTA PETERSON (Math.} Delphi, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, History and Botany, Mil- ford (Ind.) High School. CLARA RIDLEY PFRIMMER (Lat.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin and German, Brownsburg (Ind.) High School. (MRS.) LULU ESTELLE PlCKARD (Lat.) Danville, Ind. Teacher of Latin and German, High School. FERMAN LAYTON PICKETT (Bot.) Bloomington, Ind. Teacher of Botany, High School, and Critic Teacher, Bot- any, Indiana University. ERNEST PERCY RAILSBACK (Econ.) Noblesville, Ind. Teacher of English and Algebra, High School. CLARA INGLEBY RAPP (Eng.) Seymour, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Veedersburg (Ind.) High School. 1910] List by Years 133 FRANK ELMER RASCHIG (Chem.) 340 North West St., Indianapolis, Ind. Reporter, Indianapolis News. GEORGE WASHINGTON REED (Math.) Marion, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics, High School . MAYME MARTHA REED (Math.) Wabash, Ind. At present, Principal, Bunker Hill (Ind.) High School. ROBERT FRANKLIN REEVES (Law) Wilkinson, Ind. At present, 294 Elm St., New Haven, Conn. Law student, Yale University. DARMON ARTELLE RHINEHART (Med.) Plymouth, Ind. At present, Blooming- ton, Ind. Teaching Fellow in Anat- omy, Indiana University. SARAH MARGARET RITTER (Eng.) Orleans, Ind. At present, 5815 Jackson Ave., Chicago, 111. Graduate student, University of Chicago. ANDREW JACKSON ROGERS (Econ.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Ander- son, Ind. Publicity Department, Remy Electric Co. CHARLES ROLL (Hist.) Pimento, Ind. At present, teacher of History, Columbus (Ind.) High School. ARTHUR THEODORE ROSBERG (Law) 215 N. Arsenal Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. At present, General Delivery, El Paso, Texas. Law student. EDNA CECIL SANDERS (Bot.) Hillsboro, Ind. At present, Principal, Nashville (Ind.) High School. (MRS.) NAOMI (CRUMBAUGH) SCOTT (MRS. WILL SCOTT) (Zool.) Bloomington, Ind. ROY WESLEY SCOTT ( Chem. ) New Albany, Ind. At present, Bloom- ington, Ind. Medical student, Indiana University. Louis HAROLD SEGAR (Med.) 2234 Central Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Medical student, Indiana University. SAMUEL ERVIX SHIDELER (Phil.) Huntington, Ind. At present, Superin- tendent, Bremen (Ind.) Schools. AUGUSTUS CLYDE SHIPP (Med.) A.M., 1910. Franklin, Ind. At present, Indianapolis, Ind. Instructor in Pa- thology, Indi Medicine. iana University School of MARY CECIL SIMS (Math.) Frankfort, Ind. At present, Principal, Laketon (Ind.) High School. LORENZO OZRO SLAGLE (Phil.) Lebanon, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Botany and English, Letts (Ind.) High School. PEARLUS EVERETT SMILEY (Law) LL.B., 1910. Lebanon, Ind. At present, Superintendent of Medaryville (Ind.) Schools. TODD ORIN SMITH (Chem.) Durham, N. H. Assistant Chemist, New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station. (MRS.) RUTH (MARSHALL) SNIDEB (MRS. LUTHER CROCKER SNIDEB) (Ger.) Norman, Okla. ORLOW CHAPIN SNYDER (Chem.) Rockport, Ind. At present, 1021 East Catherine St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Med- ical student. RALPH VICTOR SOLLITT (Law) Peru, Ind. Lawyer. WILMER HENRY SOUDER (Phys.) Salem, Ind. At present, Bloomington,. Ind. Teaching Fellow, Physics, In- diana University. IDA ETHEL STALLINGS (Math.) New Harmony, Ind. Teacher. THOMAS EMANUEL STECKEL (Ger.) Mulberry, Ind. At present, Duluth, Minn. Teacher of German and French, University School. RUTH STEELE (MRS. ALFRED MANSFIELD- BROOKS (Lat.) Bloomington, Ind. BESS ELLEN STEPHENSON (Lat.) Lebanon, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin, English and Algebra, Winches- ter (Ind.) High School. GERTRUDE AGNES STEWART (Lat.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of Latin, Brazil (Ind.) High School. MARY MAVERETTE STOCKWELL (Eng.) Cloverdale, Ind. Teacher of English and Botany, High School. CLAUDE EARL SUTTON (Bot.) Bloomington, Ind. Teaching Fellow, Botany, Indiana University. JOHN S TAYLOR (Law) Sullivan, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Law student, Indiana University. (MRS.) VERGIE (JOHNSON) TAYLOR (MRS. JAMES FRANKLIN TAYLOR) (Eng.) 1113 East Fourth St., Duluth, Minn. WILLIAM RAY TEETERS (Chem.) Anderson, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics,. High School. WILLIAM ADAMS TELFER (Law) LL.B., 1910. Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Goshen (Ind.) High School. CHARLES HENRY TERRELL (Hist.) Jonesboro, Ind. At present, teacher of History, Marion (Ind.) High School. ARDEN HAYES THOMAS (Eng.) Fortville, Ind. Druggist. CRESSY THOMAS (Math.) Kokomo, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics and German, Cowan (Ind.) High School. 134 Register oi Graduates [1910 (MRS.) KATHERINE (MATHERS) THOMP- SON (MRS. GEORGE ISAAC THOMP- SON) (Ger.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, Cowan, Ind. ROBERT MILTON TIREY (Lat.) Mitchell, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. LELA CAROLTON TODD (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Linton (Ind.) High School. HOWARD Ross TOLLEY (Math.) Marion, Ind. At present, teacher of Mathematics, Michigan City (Ind.) High School. HAZEL Lois TRACY (Eng.) Anderson, Ind. At present, teacher, Kansas (111.) Schools. GEORGE WATERS TRAINOR (Chem.) Poseyville, Ind. At present, 6019 Madi- son Ave., Chicago, 111. Chemist for Armour & Co. JOHN HAMRY TRINKLE (Hist.) Paoli, Ind. At present, Superintendent of Hume (111.) Schools. THURMAN WILLIAM VAN METRE (Econ.) Frankton, Ind. At present, Bloomington, Ind. Teaching Fellow, Economics, In- diana University. EDWARD EUGENE WALTERS (Econ.) Carlisle, Ind. At present, Y. M. C. A. Building, Duluth, Minn. Hardware business. JESSE LYNN WARD (Hist.) Alamo, Ind. At present, Muncie, Ind. Supervisor, Harrison School. *MARY ETTA WARD (Eng.) Died at Princeton, Ind., Nov. 16th, 1910; buried at Greenwood, Ind. ETHELBERT WARRICK (Eng.) Middlebury, Ind. At present, teacher of English, Elkhart (Ind.) High School. LEWIS ESTEL WEATHERWAX (Educ.) 1141 Locust St., Muskogee, Okla. Prin- cipal, Central High School. DANIEL WILLIAM WERREMEYER (Math.) 1020 Lake Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. Teacher of Mathematics, High School. JAMES WILLIAM WILKINSON (Educ.) Veedersburg, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. CLARA ELAINE WILLIAMS (Eng.) Decatur, Ind. Teacher of English, High School. NINA JANE WILLIAMS (Eng.) Bloomington, Ind. Teacher of English, High School. ROSE MARTHA WILLIAMS (Eng.) Jonesboro, Ind. Teacher of English and Latin, High School. ERNEST EUGENE WILMORE (Phil.) Charlotte, Mich. At present, Superin- tendent, Arcadia (Ind.) Schools. FRANK ROBERT WILSON (Educ.) Corydon, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. ROY PARKER WISEHART (Econ.) Pendelton, Ind. Teacher. CLARK WOODY (Phys.) Thorntown, Ind. Farmer. Teacher. FRED TALBOTT WOOLVERTON (Ghent.) Greensburg, Ind. At present, Akron, O. Clerk, Diamond Rubber Company. MARY BAEN WRIGHT (Lat.) Greensburg, Ind. Teacher of Latin, High School. OREN HENRY WRIGHT (Med.) Hinsdale, 111. At present, 1629 West Adams St., Chicago, 111. Medical student. JOHN HERMAN WYLIE (Med.) Bloomington, Ind. At present, 346 West Fifty-seventh St., New York City. Medical student. Bachelors of Laws LUMAN KENT BABCOCK 615 East Thirty-second St., Indianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. Secretary, Mayor of Indianapolis. JOHN LEWIS BAKER A.B., Miami University, 1904. Oxford, O. At present, 805 Majestic Building, In- dianapolis, Ind. Lawyer. CHARLES PETER BOCK 705 Furniture Building, Evansville, Ind. Lawyer. CLARENCE WEBSTER BRADFORD Marion, Ind. Lawyer. AVON BURK Decatur, Ind. Grain merchant. CHARLES JAY CARPENTER Bloomington, Ind. Lawyer. AUSTIN BERNARD CORBIN See A.B., 1909. ARNET BEDFORD CRONK South Bend, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN DEAN, JR. Aurora, Ind. Lawyer. OREN WILBERN DICKEY Fairmount, Ind. At present, Marion, Ind. Lawyer. SAMUEL BAYARD DILL Bloomington, Ind. Treasurer, Gentry Brothers Shows. {CHESTER LLOYD DuCoMB. South Bend, Ind. Lawyer. HOWARD WORTH FENTON South Bend, Ind. Lawyer. KARL ANDREW FREDERICK New Castle, Ind. At present, Chicago, 111. Editor of Law Books, Callaghan & Co. t Certificate. [1910 List by Years 135 WILLIAM JEFF GOFF Crawfordsville, Ind. Lawyer. JOHN Louis GRAVERSON Sheridan, Wyo. Lawyer. CLAUDE EDWARD GREGG Bloomfield, Ind. Lawyer. County At- torney. THEODORE VERNON HARSH Bluffton, Ind. Lawyer. HARRY FRANKLIN HELWIG 311 East Fifth St., Plainfield, N. J. Lawyer. GEORGE Goss HUMPHREYS Linton, Ind. At present, Principal, New-berry (Ind.) High School. FRED HOBSON JESSUP Kokomo, Ind. Lawyer. FRED BATES JOHNSON See A.B., 1902. JACOB ERWIN McCuRDY 411 Waverly St., Palo Alto, Cal. At present, Fisher Building, San Mateo, Cal. Lawyer. EARLE CROWDER MILLER See A.B., 1910. NEWMAN THOMAS MILLEB Kokomo, Ind. Lawyer. MICHAEL JOSEPH MURPHY, JB. 1028 South Eighth St., Terre Haute, Ind. At present, 6024 Woodlawn Aye., Chi- cago, 111. Law editor. CURTIS GROVER SHAKE Bicknell, Ind. Lawyer. OSCAR RAYMOND SHIELDS See A.B., 1904. GLENN ALLEN SMILEY See A.B., 1907. PEARLUS EVERETT SMILEY See A.B., 1910. WILLIAM ADAMS TELFER See A.B., 1910. CLYDE HENDRICKS THOMPSON See A.B., 1909. FRANK MARION THOMPSON 1318 South Belmont Ave., West Indian- apolis, Ind. Traveling salesman. CHARLES BONICUM WALDRON Bloomington, Ind. At present, 20 Eld St., New Haven, Conn. Student, Yale University. CHARLES KYRAN WALSH Grass Creek, Ind. At present, 3 Lake Place, New Haven, Conn. Law stu- dent, Yale University. CHARLES OWEN WEIMER Union City, Ind. Laborer. CHARLES JELLEFF WOOD A.B., Hillsdale College, 1905. Ridgeville, Ind. Lawyer. CHARLES WILLIAM WORTMAN Cecil, Ohio. Salesman. Doctors of Medicine. MARK DOUGLASS BATTIES 1708 North Senate Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. ARCHIBALD ALBERT BOND B.S., Earlham College, 1906. Westfield, Ind. Physician and surgeon. IRA EDGAR BOWMAN Elnora, Ind. Physician. WILLIAM VAN DORIN BOYLE Patriot, Ind. At present, Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. OTIS ALEXANDER CALDWELL 226 Newton Claypool Building, Indian- apolis, Ind. Physician. EDWARD A CARLSON Madison, Ind. Physician. ALBERT B CLEAGE 910 Fayette St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. DAVID NELSON CONNER Herbst, Ind. Physician. *ANDREW GUFFIN COOPER Died at Indianapolis, Ind. ; buried at Scircleville, Ind. HAROLD BAILEY Cox Sheridan, Ind. Physician. EARL JEROME CBIPE Owasco, Ind. At present, Indianapolis, Ind. Interne, Deaconess Hospital. EDWIN EVERETT DOUGHERTY , 212 West Michigan St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. EDWARD TOMPKINS EDWARDS Spencerville, Ind. Physician. . CHARLES RAYMOND ELFERS Rising Sun, Ind. At present, Indianapo- lis, Ind. Interne, City Hospital. GUSTAV HERMAN ESCH 1803 West Washington St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. I JFNRY WASHINGTON GANTE Anderson, Ind. Physician. SYLVIA PEARL GABNEB 11 Scarisbrick St., Southport, England. Physician. HENRY HARLAN GOBBEL Shannondale, Ind. Physician. LAWRENCE GLENN GRIFFIS Kalispell, Mont. Physician. ALFRED WILBUR HADLEY Martinsville, Ind. Physician. Medical Director, Colonial Mineral Springs. NELLIE JANE HANAWAY See A.B., 1908. WALTER L HA WORTH The Plaza Apartments, Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. FREDERICK HEKSHMAN Sheridan, Ind. At present, Indianapolis, Ind. Interne, City Hospital. 136 Register of Graduates [1910 ARTHUR MITCHELL HETHERINGTON 156 South Elder Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Ipterne, City Hospital. BLANCHE HORNER Flora, Ind. Physician. HENRY OSCAR HOVELSOX Osage, Iowa. Physician. GEORGE BEAM HUNT White Water, Ind. Physician. JOHN CURTIS IRWIN See A.B., 1908. FREDERICK ELLSWORTH JACKSON See A.B., 1908. JAMES WILLIAM JACKSON See A.B., 1906. ROSWELL LEE JONES 916 North West St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. GROVER A KEMPF Jasper, Ind. At present, Cleveland, Ohio. Physician, Marine Hospital. JOHN TRACY KENNEDY See A.B., 1908. ALVIN R KERR 2132 North Senate Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician, City Hospital. T HERBERT LEWIS Martinsville, 111. Physician. MASON B LIGHT Broad Ripple, Ind. Physician. OSCAR DENNEN LUDWIG Southport, Ind. Physician and surgeon. DANIEL EDGAR LYBROOK See A.B., 1908. VIRGIL GWINN MCDONALD Perkinsville, Ind. Physician. EDWARD DONALDSON MCQUELLIN 418 O Building, Toledo, O. Physician. EDGAR FRANKLIN MAGENHEIMER Fort Wayne, Ind. Physician. WILLIAM ARTHUR MILLINGTON Lafayette. Ind. Interne, St. Elizabeth Hospital. , J Rocco ANDREW MONTANI Youngstown, O. Physician. HALSTEAD SHAW MURAT Madison, Ind. At present, Jeffersonville, Ind. Assistant Physician, Indiana Re- formatory. SAMUEL CASPER MURPHY See A.B., 1907; A.M., 1908. GROVER C PRITCHETT Terre Haute, Ind. Physician. Lucio H RIVERA Colinas, Depot de Sta. Barbara, Spanish Honduras, C. A. Physician. EARL MILLER SHENK Kokomo, Ind. At present, Indianapolis, Ind. Interne, St. Vincent's Hospital. HOMER BURLINGTON SHOUP Sturgis, Mich. At present, Terre Haute, Ind. Physician, St. Anthony's Hos- pital. IGNATIUS JOHN STANKUS Philadelphia, Pa. At present, Bridge- water, Mass. Physician and surgeon. LEE EVERETT STRONG 930 West Thirty-first St., Indianapolis, Ind. Physician. CHARLIE CULLEY SUTTER Howell, Ind. Physician. JOHN EUGENE TALBOTT See A.B., 1908. ROY ALBERT TERRY Long Beach, Cal. Physician. ALPHEUS LEROY THURSTON See A.B., 1907. HENRY EVANS WASHBURN Clinton, Ind. Physician and surgeon. ELBERT SHIRK WAYMIRE See A.B., 1908. JOE JONES WOOD Franklin, Ind. Physician. CHARLES EDWIN WOODS 2414 Southeastern Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. At present, Lafayette, Ind. Phy- sician, St. Elizabeth Hospital. Masters of Arts L M CAMPBELL ADAMS (Econ.) See A.B., 1909. EMMANUEL ANASTASSOFF (Educ.) Kustendil, Bulgaria, Europe. At present, Worcester, Mass. Student, Clark Uni- versity. ALICE IMLA BOOTH (French) See A.B., 1908. EDGAR ERNEST BOTTS (Hist.) See A.B., 1906. GAY EDNA CALVERT (Lat.) See A.B., 1907. LOTUS DELTA COFFMAN (Educ.) See A.B., 1905. ELIZABETH MARY COMSTOCK (Eng.) See A.B., 1892. ARCHIE CRAWFORD (Eng.) See A.B., 1908. HARLEM EUGENE DENSFORD (Eng.) See A.B., 1907. LEVI JACOB DRIVER (Educ.) See A.B., 1903. RAYMOND BATTMAN DUFF (Educ.) See A.B., 1899. (MRS.) MARION LEE (DURBIN) ELLIS (MRS. MAX MAPES ELLIS) (Zool.) See A.B., 1909. EZRA THOMAS FRANKLIX (Educ.) See A.B.. 1906. 1910 List by Years 137 ALBERT FREDERICK OTTOMAR GERMAN^ (Chem.) See A.B., 1909. THEODORE ELI GRABLE (Hist.) See A.B., 1907. ROBERT WESLEY HIMELICK (Educ.) See A.B., 1909. JOHN ALFRED HODGE (Phys.) See A.B., 1909. CLAUDE DuVAix HOLMES (Physiol.) See A.B., 1908. MARTHA EULALA HORMELL (Eny.) See A.B., 1907. JOHN LEMUEL HOUSE (Zool.) See A.B., 1903. GLENN JAMES (Math.) See A.B., 1905. JESSE ORVAL JAMES (Educ.) See A.B., 1905. EDGAR JULIUS LLEWELYN (Phil.) A.B., Earlhain College, 1907. Sheridan, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. HORACE WARD MARSHALL (Educ.) A.B., Earlhain College, 1908. Broad Rip- ple, Ind. Superintendent of Schools. JAMES GROVER MCDONALD (Hist.) See A.B., 1909. NORMAN EUGENE MC!NDOO (Zool.) See A.B., 1906. RALPH WALDO NOYER (Lat.) See A.B., 1906. WALTER TRUMAN ORR (Educ.) See A.B., 1908. EVERETT WHEELER OWEN (Math.) See A.B., 1909. GEORGE WILLIAM PURCELL (Math.) See A.B., 1909. EARL E RAMSEY (Educ.) See A.B., 1902. CHARLES MYRON REINOEHL (Educ.) See A.B., 1909. ELMER ELLSWORTH RICE (Educ.) See A.B., 1909. RAINARD BENTON ROBBINS (Math.) See A.B., 1909. WILLIAM THOMAS SANGER (Phil.) A.B., Bridgewater College, 1909. Bridge- water, Va. Associate Professor of: Philosophy and Psychology, Bridge- water College. SABURO U SATOH (Econ.) A.B., Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, 1904. Shinkawa-cho, Hekkaigun, Aichi- ken, Japan. At present, 3338 Vernoa Ave., Chicago, 111. Correspondent. AUGUSTUS CLYDE SHIPP (Path.) See A.B., 1910. BRENTON LORENZO STEELE (Phyt.) See A.B., 1904. HANNAH MARY STEVENS (Chem.) See A.B., 1907. BURTON AUSTIN THOMPSON (Anat.) See A.B., 1906; M.D., 1909. GEORGE ELLSWORTH THOMPSON (Phys.} See A.B., 1909. JOHN WELLHOFF TODD (Phil.) See A.B., 1905. JOSEPH ABRAHAM WILLIAMS (Phil.) See A.B., 1906. JULIA ETTA WILLKIE (Gk.) See A.B., 1909. Summary Living Dead Total Bachelors of Arts 212 1 213 Bachelors of Laws 38 38 Doctors of Medicine.. 57 1 68 Masters of Arts... .44 44 Totals 351 353- 138 Register ot Graduates TABLE SHOWING ATTENDANCE AND DEGREES BY YEARS. YEAR. Total Attend- ance. DEGREES IN RESIDENCE. HONORARY. Total. i 6 m PQ a Q & * cd Q ,} PH 3 i P 3 P P 1865 79 86 112 140 184 194 176 190 194 152 140 132 136 138 164 184 190 156 166 144 156 202 263 273 300 321 394 497 572 638 771 879 944 1,049 1,050 4 6 2 4 8 7 8 15 13 19 12 18 17 21 16 22 15 10 8 10 16 7 21 38 41 50 69 50 66 77 73 94 110 104 103 . . . . i 4 5 5 7 20 1 13 11 7 8 15 7 1 2 1 1 4 6 13 14 11 13 20 32 26 25 15 19 20 16 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 20 26 25 22 50 33 61 59 47 48 51 46 34 24 17 29 28 24 29 25 36 35 28 45 50 65 94 86 98 107 106 129 140 134 142 1866 . . . . i i 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1 1 2 2 i 3 ! 6 1 5 4 2 2 2 1 2 3 3 1 2 1872. . 1873 1874 1875 1876 6 8 9 10 9 7 ' 1 1877 || 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 !.. 1 .. L .... 4 i 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 .... 2 4 1 2 2 1885 3 4 10 5 6 7 14 1886 7 1 1 6 .... 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 2 1 7 16 18 16 11 2 2 1 1892 16 15 19 18 21 20 16 24 1893. . 1894... . 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899.. 15 14 10 14 15 i 140 Register of Graduates TABLE SHOWING ATTENDANCE AND DEGREES BY YEARS Con. YEAR. Total Attend- ance. DEGREES IN RESIDENCE. HONORARY. Total. PQ < A 02 S 3 q g < CO s Q A. S Jorth Manchester ..Wabash North Salem Hendricks North Vernon Jennings Oakland City Gibson Oaklandon Madison Oaktown Knox Orleans Orange Osgood Ripley Ossian Wells Otwell Pike Owensville Gibson Oxford Benton Paoli Orange Paragon Morgan Patriot Switzerland Pekin Washington Pendleton Madison Pennville ..Jay Perkinsville Madison Peru Miami Petersburg Pike Pine Village Warren Pittsboro Hendricks Pleasant Lake Steuben Plymouth Marshall Portland Jay Posey ville Posey Prairie Creek Vigo Princeton Gibson Quincy Owen Rensselaer Jasper Richmond vVayne Ridgeville Randolph Riley Vigo Rising Sun Ohio Rivervale Lawrence Roachdale Putnam Roann Wabash Roanoke Huntington Rochester Fulton Rockport Spencer Rockville Parke Rome Perry Romney Tippecanoe Rosston Boone Rossville Clinton Royerton Delaware Rushville Rush Russellville Putnam Russiaville Howard St. Paul Decatur Salem Washington Sandborn Knox Scottsburg Scott Selma Delaware Seymour Jackson Shannondale Montgomery Sharpsville Tipton Shelbyville Shelby Sheridan Hamilton Shoals Martin Post Office County Sidney Kosciusko Silver Lake Kosciusko South Bend St. Joseph South Milford Lagrange Southport Marion Spartanburg Randolph Spencer Owen Spencerville Dekalb Spiceland Henry Springport Henry Springville Lawrence Star City Pulaski Stinesville Monroe Stone Bluff Fountain Sullivan Sullivan Summitville Madison Swayzee Grant Tangier Parke Tell City Perry Terre Haute Vigo Thorntown Boone Tipton Tipton Topeka Lagrange Union Pike Union City Randolph Valonia Jackson Valparaiso Porter Vanburen Grant Veedersburg Fountain Vernon Jennings Vevay Switzerland Vincenues Knox Wabash Wabash Wakarusa Elkhart Wanatah Laporte Warren Huntington Warsaw Kosciusko Washington Daviess Wawaka Noble Webster Wayne Westfleld Hamilton West Lafayette. . .Tippecanoe West Lebanon Warren West Middleton Howard West Newton Marion Wheatfleld Jasper Wheatland Knox Wheeler Porter Whitestown Boone Whitewater Wayne Whiting Lake Williamsport Warren Winamac Pulaski Win gate Montgomery Winona Lake Kosciusko Wolcott White Worthington Greene Young America Cass Zenas Jennings Zionsville Boone ADAMS COUNTY Decatur Harry C. Andrews, A.B., 1907. Avon Burk, LL.B., 1910. Charles A. Dugan, A.B., 1887. Amos W. Gulick, A.B., 1896. Elmer E. Rice, A.B., 1909. Nora D. Smith, A.B., 1907. Clara B. Williams, A.B., 1910. Geneva Deo W. Horton, A.B., 1909. Helen S. Ryors, A.B., 1909. [10] ALLEN COUNTY Fort Wayne Almana Beebe, A.B., 1905. Laura G. Bradley (Mrs. John E. Moring), A.B., 1900. 717 Webster St. Jonathan E. Canada, M.D., 1909. 509 Huffman St. James F. Dinnen. M.D.. 1908. 2218 South Web- ster St. Irwin W. Ditton, M.D., 1908. 902 Calhoun St. Clyde F. Driesbach, A.B., 3903. 837 Lake Ave. Nellie J. Hanaway, A.B., 1908. Interne, School for Feeble-Minded Youth. James B. Harper, LL.B., 1875. 304 Washington Blvd., East. Mary O. Harrah, A.B., 1905. 216 Douglass Ave. Amos E. Houk, LL.B., 1901. 20 Pixley-Long Bldg. William L. Jones, A.B., 1905. 426 East Berry St. Mary O. Kolb, A.B., 1898. 212 West Washington St. William L. McMillen, A.B., 1896. 215 East Woodland Ave. 146 Register of Graduates ALLEN COUNTY Cont'd Ft. Wayne Cont'd Edgar F. Magenheimer, M.D., 1910. Lutheran Hospital. Anna V. Morgan (Mrs. Richard A. Crosby), A.B., 1898. 2801 Jane St. Ethel L. Nelson (Mrs. Wal- ter Kent), A.B., 1907. 816 Jackson St. Charles M. Niezer, A.B., 1899. 715 Rockhill St. Charles W. Porter, LL.B., 1900. 12-13 Bank Bldg. Francis M. Price, A.B., 1899. 3404 Beaver Ave. James A. Price, A.B., 1897. Martin W. Rothert, A.B., 1896. 1207 Hustis Ave. Clara A. Sluss (Mrs. Clar- ence F. Bicknell), A.B., 1888. Mary C. Smeltzly, A.B., 1900. 338 Washington Blvd. Glenn A. Smiley, A.B., 1907. 210-3 Elktron Bldg. James P. Swayne, A.B., 1903. R. R. No. 15. William M. Swayne, LL.B., 1899. 2111 California Ave. Thomas L. Taylor, M.D.. 1908. Interne, School for Feeble- Minded Youth. Louis C. Ward, A.B., 1903. 420 Kinnaird Ave. Daniel W. Werremeyer, A.B., 1910. 1020 Lake Ave. Paul Wilkie, A.B., 1896. Ardra C. Woolley, A.B., 1897. 811 Howe Ave. Noah Zehr, A.B., 1905. 202 Shoaff Bldg. Huntertown David W. Baird, LL.B., 1875. Monroeville Maggie E. Wbitlock, A.B., 1907. BARTHOLOMEW COUNTY Columbus John J. Boyle, A.B., 1894. Samuel D. Buttz. A.B., 1870. Archibald T. Conner, LL.B., 1905. Henry C. Deist, A.B., 1898. Alice B. Devol, A.B., 1904. Washington C. Duncan, B.S., 1875. Thomas F. Fitzgibbon, A.B., 1897. Oren E. Frazee, A.B., 1910. Calla J. Kassebaum, A.B., 1903. Edward L. McCoy, M.D., 1908. Lydia Newson (Mrs. Wil- liam W. Lambert), A.B., 1903. Vida Newsom, A.B., 1903. Albert W. Phillips, A.B., 1899. Elva Reeves (Mrs. Thomas S. Elrod), A.B., 1906. Charles Roll, A.B., 1910. Elizabethtown William H. Newsom, A.B., 1891. BENTON COUNTY Boswell Osee C. Pawling, A.B., 1909. Mary C. Miller, A.B., 1909. Fowler Burton B. Berry, A.B., 1894. John P. Carr, A.B., 1880. William H. Dague, LL.B., 1871. Edna M. Stembel, A.B., 1908. Oxford Raymond G. Colvert, M.D., 1909. Jessie M. McNamee, A.B., 1910. BLACKFORD COUNTY Hartford City Mabel Dilley, A.B., 1908. Finley Geiger, LL.B., 1894. William A. Myers, A.B., 1896. Charles A. Reeves, LL.B., 1904. Montpelier Pluma A. Brown, A.B., 1906. Verne T. Rogers, A.B., 1909. Troy Smith, A.B., 1901. BOONE COUNTY Lebanon Leslie M. Beaven, M.D., 1908. Arthur G. Bobbitt, A.B., 1906. Arthur C. Endicott, M.D., 1907. Barton S. Higgins, LL.B., 1877. John W. Hornaday, A.B., 1902. Eunice E. Little (Mrs. Monroe Bush), A.B., 1896. Menter R. Metzger, A.B., 1907. Grace W. Norwood, A.B., 1906. Jennie C. Pugh (Mrs. Frank E. Hutchinson), A.B., 1901. Delaskie Smith, A.B., 1898. Elsa C. Teal (Mrs. Arthur G. Bobbitt), A.B., 1907. Thomas J. Terhune, A.B., 1873. Clifton C. Utter, LL.B., 1894. Ernest G. Walker, A.B., 1901. Rosston Silas M. Compton, M.D., 1909. Thorntown Carl McGannon, A.B., 1908. Clark Woody, A.B., 1910. Whitestown David H. Hogg, A.B., 1909. Zionsville Edward B. Bender, A.B., 1901. Hilbert F. Davenport, M.D., 1908. BROWN COUNTY Nashville James M. Jones, LL.B., 1895. George W. Long, LL.B., 1901. Edna C. Sanders, A.B., 1910. Needmore James H. Cullen, A.B., 1893. CARROLL COUNTY Camden Mary L. Sieber, A.B., 1908. Delphi Genevieve Brown, A.B., 1908. John A. Cartwright, B.S., 1855. Miudwell J. Crampton (Mrs. Henry B. Wilson), A.M., 1905. Chester A. Gregory, A.B., 1908. Augustus Hall, LL.B., 1898. Lois F. Metsker, A.B., 1907. Edward E. Pruitt, LL.B., 1892. Emma B. Shealy, A.B., 1904. Henry B. Wilson, A.B., 1905. Jennie C. Yoder, A.B., 1909. Flora Blanche Homer, M.D., 1910. CASS COUNTY Galveston Harry Gray, A.B., 1902. Elsie B. Meeks, A.B., 1908. Logan sport Andrew W. Angermeier, A.B., 1910. George A. Custer, LL.B., 1897. John C. Davis, M.D., 1909. Lucy B. Hessler, A.B., 1903. Robert Hessler, A.B., 1890. John P. Hochhalter, A.B., 1906. Benjamin F. Long, A.B., 1901. John J. Mitchell, A.B., 1895. List by Localities 147 CASS COUNTY Cont'd Logansport Cont'd Lucy Nichols (Mrs, Benja- min F. Long), A.B., 1901. Dennis H. Palmer, LL.B., 1871. Paul M. Souder, A.B., 1903. Francis M. Spraker, A.B., 1878. Young: America Daniel E. Lybrook, A.B., 1901. CLARK COUNTY Charlestown Leona Coombs (Mrs. Wil- liam H. Work), A.B., 1907. Florence B. Robinett, A.B., 1896. 1906. ., 1878. A.B., LL.B., 1896. LL.B., ., 1906. LL.B., A.B., Jeffersonville Ella I. Burtt, A.B., Henry A. Burtt, A.B George G. Cohen, 1907. James W. Fortune, 1S94. Austin Funk, A.B., Jonas G. Howard, 1851. Walter D. Levi, A.B Burdette C. Lutz, 1900. George B. Parks, 1898. Marysville Merton A. Farlow, M.D., 1908. CLAY COUNTY Brazil Ruth C. Duncan, A.B., 1910. Elizabeth A. Hall, A.B., 1905. Bernard F. M. Robinson, A.B., 1908. Charles W. Shannon, A.B., 1906. Gertrude A. Stewart. A.B., 1910. Clay City Benjamin V. LL.B., 1900. Goshorn, CLINTON COUNTY Forest George Currie. A.B., 1908. Frankfort Finton A. Crull, A.B., 1906. Carl Fear, A.B., 1898. Dallas S. Holman, LL.B., 1869. Watson R. Hough, A.B., 1907. John C. Irwin, A.B., 1908. William A. Irwin, A.B.. 1899. Milton T. McCarty, A.B., James W. Morrison, LL.B., 1877. Oscar M. Pittenger, A.B., 1896. William Robison, A.B., 1897. Mabel A. Rothrock, A.B., 1903. Grace Simonton (Mrs. -Wil- liam A. Irwin), A.B., 1900. Laura J. Walker, A.B., 1898. Mulberry Josie H. Koons (Mrs. Percy V. Ruch), A.B., 1906. Percy V. Ruch, LL.B., 1906. Rossville William W. Mershon, A.B., 1900. CRAWFORD COUNTY English John H. Luckett, LL.B., 1896. James B. Stewart, LL.B., 1893. Marengo John M. Johnson, A.B., 1851. Milltown William L. Williams, A.B., 1903. DAVIESS COUNTY Cannelburg Robert C. Harris, A.B., 1906. Elnora Ira E. Bowman, M.D., 1910. Washington William F. Axtell, A.B., 1880. Matthew F. Burke, LL.B., 1877. Alva O. Fulkerson, LL.B., 1897. James E. Garten, A.B., 1899. Arthur H. Greenwood, LL.B., 1905. Lois J. Hastings, A.B., 1909. Arnold J. Padgett, LL.B., 1877. Arthur Rogers, A.B., 1909. Edith M. Wood, A.B., 1909. DEARBORN COUNTY Aurora Laura R. Cline, A.B., 1905. John Dean, Jr., LL.B.. 1910. Hal E. Driver, A.B., 1909. George H. Hansell, A.B., 1898. Hugh D. McMullen, B.S., 1862. Lawrenceburg Elva Antrim, A.B., 190>. John Crowley, A.B., 1902. Noah S. Givan, A.B., 1858. Alvin Null, A.B., 1910. Jesse W. Riddle, A.B., 1904. Lydia A. Sembach, A.B., 1909. Moores Hill Clarence E. Smith, A.M., DECATUR COUNTY Barney Violet M. Faris, A.B., 1910. Edward A. Porter, M.D., 1908. Clarksburg Prosser E. Clark, M.D., 1909. Greensbnrg Mary B. Ardery, A.B., 1895. Benjamin F. Bennett, A.B., 1877. Oscar R. Ewing, A.B., 1910. Eustace Foley, A.B., 1899. John F. Goddard, A.B., 1880. Lewis A. Harding, A.B., 1909. Edgar E. Hite, LL.B., 1905. James B. Lathrop, A.M., 1857. Blanche McLaughlin, A.B., 1897. Edna E. Morgan, A.B., 1907. John S. Shannon, A.B., 1888. Mary B. Wright, A.B., 1910. Lett* Flossie E. Edwards, A.B., 1910. Lorenzo O. Slagie, A.B., 1910. St. Paul Oliver P. Floyd, LL.B., 1883. DEKALB COUNTY Auburn Maude E. Camp, A.B., 1909, Charles R. Clarke, A.B., 1897. Stella M. Hague, A.B., 1893. Dorsey M. Hines, M.D., 1909. Herbert Kimmel, A.B., 1908. Estella B. Leas (Mrs. R. Earl Peters), A.B., 1903. Nellie M. Ober, A.B., 1906. Auburn Junction William W. Spangler, A.R., and B.L., 1880. Butler Albert A. Kramer, M.D., 190J. 148 Register of Graduates DEKALB COUNTY Confd <.urrett Geraldine A. A.B., 1905. Sembower, Spencerville Edward T. Edwards, M.D., 1910. Samuel S. Kimes, M.D., 1908. DELAWARE COUNTY Albany Wilbur V. Bell, A.B., 1908. Cowan Cressy Thomas, A.B., 1910. George I. Thompson, A.B., 1908. Mrs. Katherine M. Thomp- son, A.B., 1910. Daleville Oral A. Tucker, M.D., 1909. Eaton Vertie V. Johnson, A.B., 1910. Gaston Elizabeth L. Davis, A.B., 1910. Ferrell W. Dunn, M.D., 1908. Clifford Woody, A.B., 1908. M uncle Charles M. Austin, A.B., 1883. Claudius C. Ball, LL.B., "ICQA Clay A. Ball, A.B., 1902. Mabel E. Blazier, A.B., 1910. John F. Bower, A.B., 1901. Harrye B. Branham (Mrs. Harry H. Orr), A.B., 1902. William D. Chambers, A.B., 1898. Rosetta M. Clark, A.B., 1904. George W. Cromer, A.B., 1882. Margaret I. Dodds (Mrs. Theodore F. Rose), B.S., 1874. Daniel W. Donovan, A.B., 1906. William T. Haymond, A.B., 1903. Nelly Hough (Mrs. Bedford V. Sudbury), A.B., 1892. George H. Koons, LL.B., 1871. Laura E. Liddle, A.B., 1898. Harry Long, LL.B., 1905. Elizabeth B. McGill, A.B., 1907. Ward Marshall, LL.B., 1900. Robert F. Murray, LL.B., 1908. Fren Z. Musselman, A.B.. 1910. Harry H. Orr, A.B., 1903. Clara E. Patrick, A.B., 1909. John O. Potter, A.B., 1904. John L. Powers, A.B., 1881. Cyrus A. Rector, A.B., 1903. Theodore F. Rose, B.S., 1875. Wilbur Ryman, LL.B., 1902. John M. Sadler, Jr., A.B., 1901. Edgar A. Shields, A.B., 1876. Wilmina Wallace (Mrs. Charles A. Van Matre), A.B., 1897. Jesse L. Ward, A.B., 1910. Ira J. Young, LL.B., 1899. Royerton Ruby M. Beeker, A.B., 1910. Seluia Estella M. Odle, A.B., 1908. DUBOIS COUNTY. Huntingbur? Robert W. Armstrong, LL.B., 1900. Gayle Q. Blankenship (Mrs. Robert C. Stimson), A.B., 1908. Edna Holderman, A.B., 1907. Wilhelmina McMahou (Mrs. Hugo C. Rothert), A.B., 1894. Carl H. Schwartz, A.B., 1905. Esther A. Schwartz (Mrs. Robert W. Armstrong), A.B., 1906. Jasper John F. Dillon, B.S., 1874. Winfleld S. Hunter, LL.B., 1875. ' Richard M. Milburn, A.B., 1903. Leo A. Salb, M.D., 1908. Bomar Traylor, A.B., 1895. Kerr Traylor, LL.B., 1894. William A. Traylor, LL.B., 1868. Ireland Helen Rose, A.B., 1900. ELKHART COUNTY Bristol John S. Bordner, A.B., 1904. Elkhart Ira H. Church, LL.B., 1901. Ellis H. Drake, A.B., 1904. Park G. Lantz, A.B., 1910. Charles G. Leffel, A.B., 1909. Sylvester B. McCracken, A.B., 1892. Orrin H. Markel, A.B., 1903. Allen A. Norris, A.B., 1902. George E. Shaw, A.B., 1904. Wilson P. Shortridge, A.B., 1907. Byrnina Smith, A.B., 1893. Ethelbert Warrick, A.B., 1910. Goshen Christian B. Blosser, A.B., 1909. Solomon F. Gingerich, A.B., 1905. Stella Peede, A.B., 1904. David T. Stephenson, A.B., 1893. William A. Telfer, A.B., 1910. Clara E. Trautwein, A.B., 1906. Abraham E. Weaver, A.B., 1907. Albert C. Yoder, A.B., 1899. Nappanee Jancy S. Slabaugh, A.B., 1905. Wakarusa Byron J. Wyland, M.D., 1909. FAYETTE COUNTY Connersville Guy Cantwell, A.B., 1903. John F. Clifford, A.B., 1891. Charles S. Coons, A.B., 1908. Roy H. Elliott, A.B., 1898. David W. McKee, LL.B., 1872. Edgar M. Michener, B.L., 1881. William F. L. Sanders, B.S., 1873. Allen Wiles, LL.B., 1902. Guy M. Wilson, A.B., 1900. FLOYD COUNTY New Albany Thomas H. Allen, A.B., 1910. Frank O. Beck, A.B., 1894. Fred W. Bravy, A.B., 1908. Harry A. Buerk, A.B., 1882. Mary F. Coble, A.B., 1904. William E. Coolman, LL.B., 1907. Mabel P. Graves (Mrs. Charles B. McLinn), A.B., 1908. Alice L. Greene, A.B., 1894. Frank C. Greene, A.B., 1908. Frederick Honneus, A.B., 1900. Charles E. Jenkins, A.B., Edwin Kahl, A.B., 1896. Lula B. Kirkpatrick (Mrs. Roy F. Bornwasser), A.B., 1905. Albert L. Kohlmeier, A.B., 1908. Charles B. McLinn, A.B., 1904. List by Localities 149 FLOYD COUNTY Cont'd New Albany Cont'd Anna L. Mosemiller (Mrs. Robert W. Harris, A.B., 1891. Hettie C. Neat, A.B., 1906. Truly B. Ray, A.B., 1909. Vesta R. Simmons, A.B., 1909. John B. Smith, LL.B., 1909. Lawrence K. Tuley, A.B., 1904. Charles F. Williamson, A.B., 1907. Harry W. Wood, A.B., 1909. Daisy Woodward (Mrs. Frank O. Beck), A.B., 1899. FOUNTAIN COUNTY Attica Joseph S. Nave, A.B., 1872. Raymond M. Nave, A.B., 1875. Fred S. Purnell, LL.B., 1904. Nayne Reed, A.B., 1908. Sylvie J. Soupart, A.B., 1909. John W. Teter, A.B., 1905. Covingtou Edwin C. Dodson, A.B., 1904. Omer B. Ratcliff, LL.B., 1896. Kiugman Mary A. Hogan, A.B., 1909. Alonzo H. Lindley, LL.B., 1895. Mellott Ira T. Crask, LL.B., 1907. Stone Bluff Fred E. Hickson, M.D., 1909. Veedersburg Clayton W. Clawson, A.B., 1906. Nora Lowder, A.B., 1910. Carl B. McCord, M.D., 1908. Clara I. Rapp, A.B., 1910. Arthur M. Sullivan, M.D., 1909. James W. Wilkinson, A.B., 1910. FRANKLIN COUNTY Brookville Anne G. Scott (Mrs. Kirby C. Meyers), A.B., 1898. John C. Shirk, B.L., 1881. Harry M. Stoops, A.B., 1893. FULTON COUNTY Akron William F. Neel. A.B., 1908. Keuanna Margaret Hines, A.B., 1907. Rochester Lillian Bappert, A.B., 1899. Fred A. Herrington, A.M., 1904. George W. Holman, LL.B., 1873. John C. Werner, A.B., 1905. Abraham L. Whitmer, A.B., 1897. GIBSON COUNTY Ft. Branch Hallman W. Davis, A.B., 1909. Mackey Alma M. Martin, A.B., 1910. Oakland City Newton C. Johnson, A.B., 1897. Walter D. Martin, M.D., 1907. Owensville Emma F. Spore, A.B., 1904. Princeton Ella Fellows (Mrs. John W. Ewing), B.S., 1871. Harvey Harmon. LL.B., 1899. Clarence E. Hinshaw, A.B., 1910. Ethel Lucas (Mrs. Eugene S. Nostrand), A.B., 1904. Charles A. Miller, A.B., 1896. Harry C. Morrison, A.B., 1907. Henry H. Niekamp, A.B., 1899. Claude A. Smith, A.B., 1903. Mabel E. Tichenor, A.B., 1907. Olive Traylor, A.B., 1904. Sanford Trippet, A.B., 1901. Arthur P. Twineham, A.B., 1870. Maurice J. Welborn, LL.B., 1902. Melville S. Woods, A.B., 1900. Robert A. Woods, B.S., 1881. GRANT COUNTY Fairmount Charles E. Atkinson, A.B., 1897. Gay E. Calvert, A.B., 1907. Charles H. Copeland, A.B., 1896. Grace Cromer, A.B., 1910. Walter L. Jay, A.B., 1897. Gas City Isaac Gripe, A.B., 1906. James H. Jeffrey, A.B., 1898. Grace L. Ogg, A.B., 1905. Gar A Roush, A.B., 1905. David N. Conner, M.D., 1910. Joiiesboro Frank J. Kimball, A.B., 1907. Charles W. Terrell, A.B., 1910. Rose M. Williams, A.B., 1910. Marion Katherine G. Baker, A.B., 1907. James O. Batchelor, A.B., 1908. Charles O. Bechtol, A.B., 1898. Georgetta Bowman (Mrs. Joe T. Giles), A.B., 1896. Clarence W. Bradford, LL.B., 1910. Kathryn E. Brenner, A.B., 1910. Oren W. Dickey, LL.B., 1910. Joe T. Giles, A.B., 1894. Harley F. Hardin, LL.B., 1901. Jennie E. Hoover, A.B., 1908. Wiley E. Hosier, LL.B., 1908. Pearl F. Huff, A.B., 1905. Fred L. Hunziker, LL.B., 1907. Harry M. Ibison, A.B., 1906. Samuel F. Jones, A.B., 1891. Uz McMurtrie, A.B., 1908. Benjamin Null, A.B., 1909. Herman E. Oliphant, A.B., 1909. George W. Reed, A.B., 1910. Charles E. Stewart, A.B., 1897. Charles H. Terrell, A.B., 1910. Thomas D. Tharp, A.B., 1859. Robert M. VanAtta, A.B., 1893. National Military Home Robert I. Morrison, A.B., 1855. Sway zee Oscar D. Melton, A.B., 1901. Van Buren Jesse W. Blue, A.B., 1908. GREENE COUNTY Bloomfleld Walter T. Brown, A.B., 1894. Walter D. Burks, A.B., 1908. William W. Carter, A.B., 1906. William R. Cravens, A.B., 1890. Cyrus E. Davis, A.B., 1880. Robert E. Eveleigh, B.S., 1869. William F. Gallemore, LL.B., 1872. 150 Register oi Graduates GREENE COUNTY Cout'd Bloomfield Cont'd Claude E. Gregg, LL.B., 1910. Guy H. Humphreys, LL.B., 1906. Mary Lamb, A.B., 1907. Harvey W. Let singer, LL.B., 1875. Cora R. Loehr (Mrs. Elias R. Mason), A.B., 1896. Elias R. Mason, A.B., 1895. Webster V. Moffett, A.B., 1889. Francis M. Parker, B.S., 1875. Allen G. Pate, LL.B., 1907. Ella Ryan (Mrs. Webster V. Moffett), A.B., 1889. Oscar W. Shryer, LL.B., 1869. Ella L. Yakey, A.B., 1895. Jasonville Gary L. Harrel, LL.B., 1903. Linton Andrew T. Custer, M.D., 1908. James B. Filbert, LL.B., 1892. Joseph H. Haseman, A.B., 1901. George G. Humphreys, LL.B., 1910. Dennis E. Jackson, A.B., 1905. John P. Jeffers, A.B., 1903. Mary Mehaffie, A.B., 1910. Albert A. Thomas, A.B., 1904. Lela C. Todd, A.B., 1910. Wort bin gton Fred E. Dyer, LL.B., 1899. Charles F. Jackson, A.B., 1901. Earl C. Price, LL.B., 1907. HAMILTON COUNTY Arcadia Emma E. Clark, A.B., 1909. Ernest E. Wilmore, A.B., 1910. Boxley Elmer Jessup, A.B., 1909. Carmel Charles L. Hunt, A.B., 1901. Cicero Mabel C. Lindley (Mrs. Homer H. Beals), A.M., 1902. Jolietville Everett A. Rainey, M.D., 1908. Noblesville Mary P. Arnott (Mrs. John C. Craig), B.L., 1884. Harry V. Craig, A.B., 1896. Sallie B. Craig, A.B., 1906. Roscoe R. Foland, A.B., 1905. John F. Haines, A.B., 1896. William H. Hershman, A.B., 1898. Frederick E. Hines, LL.B., 1897. Ernest P. Railsback, A.B., 1910. Albert E. Schrnollinger, A.B., 1908. Walter Shirts, LL.B., 1901. Leland E. Shuck, A.B., 1909. Sheridan Harold B. Cox, M.D., 1910. Thomas L. Harris, A.B., 1892. Alonzo L. Hickson, A.B., 1907. James W. Kirk, A.B., 1909. Edgar J. Llewelyn, A.M., 1910. George W. Osborn, A.B., 1906. Ralph E. Pearson, LL.B., 1907. William B. Shoemaker, A.B., 1902. Edward M. Young, A.B., 1899. Westfleld Nellie M. Baughman, A.B., 1909. Archibald A. Bond, M.D., 1910. Mary E. Bushnell, A.B., 1910. Henry M. Dixon, A.B., 1906. Fred J. Mabrey, A.B., 1906. HANCOCK COUNTY Fortville Arden H. Thomas, A.B., 1910. Greenfield Harry F. Eagan, LL.B., 1909. Ella M. Corr (Mrs. Wil- liam A. Service), A.B., 1890. Lilian J. Corr (Mrs. James H. Rogers), A.B., 1899. Edith Gauntt (Mrs. Wil- liam C. Welborn), A.B., 1903. John W. Kendall, A.B., 1910. Nannie R. Merker (Mrs. Ed. L. Rickard), A.B.* 1905. Norma J. Milburn, A.B., 1910. Alpheus J. Reynolds, A.B., 1890. Mary Sample, A.B., 1908. Newton R. Spencer, A.B., 1885. William C. Welborn, A.B., McCordsville Oliver W. Jackson, A.B., 1905. New Palestine Clara E. Hagans, A.B. 1909. James H. Hawk, A.B. 1910. HARRISON COUNTY Corydon William D. Bartle, A.B. 1897. Major W. Funk, LL.B. 1875. Frank R. Wilson, A.B. 1910. HENDRICKS COUNTY Brownsburg Edward L. Lingeman, A.B., 1910. Clara R. Pfrimmer, A.B., 1910. Clayton Christopher C. Cauble, A.B., 1910. Danville Theodore W. Garrison, A.B., 1896. George A. Keeney, A.B., 1906. John W. Laird, A.B., 1900. Marion S. Mahan, A.B.. 1907. Bavis C. Nay, A.B., 1910. Mrs. Lulu Estelle Pickard, A.B., 1910. Ryland F. Ratcliff, A.B., 1900. North Salem Una D. Adams, A.B., 1909. George B. Davis, LL.B., 1894. Pittsboro Oscar T. Scamahorn, M.D., 1908. HENRY COUNTY Knightstovvn Florence M. Avery, A.B., 1910. Raleigh M. Elrod, A.B., 1905. Sarah P. Morrison, A.B., Middletown Jasper A. Abell, A.B., 1910. New Castle Flora C. Broaddus, A.B., 1906. Paul Brown, LL.B., 1907. Flora Bryan (Airs. James C. Weir), A.B., 1876. David W. Chambers, A.B., 1858. Leo Chambers, A.B., 1902. List by Localities 151 HENRY COUNTY Cout'd New Castle Cont'd Lillian E. Chambers, A.B., 1905. Ivy L. Chamness, A.B., 1906 Chester M. DeWitt, LL.B., 1909. Jean Elliott, A.B., 1908. Caroline Forkner, A.B., 1902. George D. Forkner, A.B., Herman W. McDonald, M.D., 1909. Jacob P. Sauter, A.B., 1909. Sp Iceland Oscar H. Bogue, A.B., 1896. Homer H. Cooper, A.B., 1891. Springport Hanford Benedict, B.S., 1861. James T. Mellette, A.B., 1863. HOWARD COUNTY Greentown Verne E. Baldwin, A.B., 1899. John H. Brackemyre, A.B., Grace Morton (Mrs. J. H. Brackemyre), A.B., 1909. Kappa John B. Heinmiller, A.B., 1910. Daniel W. Tucker, A.B., 1899. Kokonio James C. Blacklidge, LL.B., 1875. Amy Colescott, A.B., 1908. Charles M. Ek, A.B., 1900. Clarence V. Haworth, A.B., 1908. Fred H. Jessup, LL.B., 1910. Lloyd McClure, LL.B., 1908. Newman T. Miller, LL.B., 1910. James R. Overman, A.B., 1909. James C. Patton, A.B., 1900. Samuel B. Flasket, A.B., 1901. Newton B. Smith, A.B., 1876. Burton A. Thompson, A.B., 1906. New London William B. Osman, A.B., 1905. Kussiaville Ruby O. King, A.B., 1909. West Mid diet on Fred N. Murray, M.D., 1909. HUNTINGTON COUNTY Andrews Carl E. Endicott, A.B., 1897. Charles E. Heiney, A.B.. 1889. Arthur D. Wasmuth, LL.B., 1896. Elizabeth Wasmuth (Mrs. Carl E. Endicott), A.B., 1898. Huntingdon Ruth A. Barsh, A.B., 1910. Raymond A. Butler, M.D., 1908. Lillian H. Franklin, A.B., 1910. James H. Gray, A.B., 1905. William D. Hamer, A.B., 1895. Mary E. Hartman, A.B., 1898. Emmett O. King, A.B., 1898. Flora E. Purviance, A.B., 1899. George H. Young, LL.B., 1909. Markle Marvin F. Fisher, M.D., 1908. Roanoke Daniel A. Wasmuth, A.B., 1899. Warren Edwin W. Benson, A.B., 1906. Gertrude Harbison (Mrs. Edwin W. Benson), A.B., 1902. JACKSON COUNTY Brownstown Homer G. Knight, A.B., 1905. David A. Kochenour, LL.B., 1871. Byford E. Long, A.B., 1861. Henry H. Prince, LL.B., 1896. James R. Robertson, A.B., 1904. Cortland David H. Richards, A.B., 1897. Crothersvllle William P. Rider, A.B., 1897. Augustus Summers, A.B., 1909. Seymour Edward P. Eisner, LL.B., 1904. John H. Kamman, LL.B., 1896. Albert H. Kasting, LL.B., 1906. Georgia D. Lauster (Mrs. Clarence D. Hopewell), LL.B., 1907. Christine Lebline, A.B., 1910. John A. Linke, A.B., 1903. Joseph H. Shea, A.B., 1889. Valonla Bartholomew H. Burrell, B.S., 1864. JASPER COUNTY Rensselaer Charles F. Bradshaw, A.B., 1908. Charles R. Dean, A.B., 1910. Harry R. Kurrie, LL.B., 1895. Ernest Lamson, A.B., 1905. Moses Leopold, LL.B., 1899. Nina D. Martindale, A.B., 1910. Charles M. Sands, LL.B., 1907. Samuel E. Sparling, A.B., 1892. Ray D. Thompson, LL.B., 1898. Isaac N. Warren, A.B., 1897. Jesse E. Wilson, LL.B., 1895. Wheatfleld Morgan L. Sterrett, LL.B., 1909. JAY COUNTY Pennvllle Charles A. Van Atta, A.B., 1901. Portland Ralph J. Anderson, A.B., 1907. Otto O. Clayton, A.B., 1893. Grant E. Derbyshire, A.B., 1901. Maud P. Doan, A.B., 1907. Idoletta Hardisty, A.B., 1905. Orville C. McLaughlin, LL.B., 1901. Cyrus O. Mitchell, A.B., 1903. Whitney E. Smith, LL.B., 1905. JEFFERSON COUNTY Deputy Permelia Boyd, A.B., 1904. Hanover Arthur M. Hadley, A.B., 1910. William A. Millis, A.B., 1889. Howard W. Wolfe, A.B., 1903. Madison Myra Arlen, A.B., 1910. Edward A. Carlson, M.D., 1910. Clinton T. Cisco, LL.B., 1905. 152 Register of Graduates JEFFERSON COUNTY Cont'd Madison Cont'd Frank C. Hood, A.B., 1881. John McGregor, B.S., 1875. Halstead S. Murat, M.D., 1910. Walter S. Roberts, B.S., 1865. Sarah E. Robertson, A.B., 1908. Btelka J. Rockenbach, A.B., 1905. Katherine S. Snyder (Mrs. Edward P. Busse), A.B., 1883. Rolla M. Tryon, A.B., 1907. Argus D. Vanosdol, LL.B., 1871. Ole A. Willson (Mrs. Frank C. Hood,), A.B., 1876. JENNINGS COUNTY Butlerville Elias Brewer, A.B., 1896. Miles F. Daubenheyer, M.D., 1907. Hay den Bstellc R. Reeves, A.B., 1908. North Vernoii Vernal V. Allen, A.B., 1908. Nelle M. Baldwin, A.B., 1908. Lincoln Dixon, A.B., 1880. Mary E. Higgins, A.B., 1910. Harry C. Meloy, A.B., 1892. Joseph W. Verbarg, LL.B., 1902. George P. Weedmau, A.B., 1898. Vernon John R. Carney, A.B., 1903. Zenas T. Wickliffe Denton, B.S., 1869. JOHNSON COUNTY Bargersville Oma Glasburn, A.B., 1910. Edinburg Howard H. Mutz, A.B., 1907. John R. Mutz, A.B., 1889. Frank D. Thompson, A.B., 1907. Walter W. Wright, M.D., 1908. Franklin Margaretta Bass, A.B., 1906. Charles H. Drybread, A.B., 1890. Florence M. Johnson, A.B., 1904. Fremont Miller, A.B., 1897. Uriah Mullikin, A.B., 1857. Clarence Province, A.B., 1892. Oran A. Province, A.B., 1898. James M. Robinson, A.B., 1891. Luther Short, B.S., 1869. Susie E. Wohrer, A.B., 1907. Joe J. Wood, M.D., 1910. Greenwood Lon S. Baker, A.B., 1905. Lunsford E. Cox, M.D., 1907. Tom Dorrell, A.B., 1903. Hence I. Orme, A.B., 1896. Anna L. Rankin (Mrs. Lon S. Baker), A.B., 1905. Mira C. Sutton, A.B., 1909. Needham Elmon M. Fisher, Ph.D., 1892. KNOX COUNTY Bicknell Charles A. Bainum, LL.B., 1895. Idelle Bicknell (Mrs. Sam- uel J. Miller), A.B., 1888. Walter A. Davis, A.B., 1907. Curtis G. Shake, LL.B., 1910. Bruceville Lyman J. McClintoch, A.B., 1909. Bessie L. Trovillion (Mrs. Lyman J. McClintoch), A.B., 1908. Monroe City Slater E. Stibbins, A.B., 1908. Oaktown John V. Masters, A.B., 1908. Sandborn Ernest N. Johnson, M.D., 1909. Vincennes Mary B. Alexander, A.B., 1908. William M. Alsop, A.B., 1900. Lillian G. Carter, A.B., 1899. Orlando H. Cobb, B.S., 1872. Richard F. Davis, LL.B., 1900. Horace Ellis, A.B., 1896. Rebecca E. Emison, A.B., 1894. Samuel M. Emison, A.B., 1899. Pearl Franklin, A.B., 1905. Mary G. Haseman, A.B., 1910. William H. Hill, LL.B., 1901. Rolla M. Hogue, A.B., 1910. Hubert D. McCormick, M.D., 1908. -Msiry II. Michie. M.D., 1908. Benjamin F. Nesbitt, A.B., 1897. Harry G. Newton, A.B., 1905. Blanche P. Noel, A.M., 1902*. Elvin B. Oliphaut, A.B., 1904. James F. Organ, A.B., 1896. George W. Purcell, A.B., 1909. Royal E. Purcell, A.B., 1909. William B. Robinson, LL.B., 1867. Delia S. Wall, A.B., 1906. William M. Wible, A.B., 1906. Wheatland James B. Leas, A.B., 1907. KOSCIUSKO COUNTY Claypool Samuel C. Murphy, A.B., Milford Theodosia A. Peterson, A.B., 1910. Sidney M. Carrie McNamara, A.B., 1909. Silver Lake Edgar E. Botts, A.B., 1906. Warsaw Myrtle Armstrong, A.B., 1909. Regiua Bitner (Mrs. Fran- cis E. Bowser), A.B., 1809. Maud E. Bowser, A.B., 1903. Maurice E. Jennings, A.B., 1909. Horatio S. Kaufman, A.B., 1899. Winona Lake Frank A. Burtsfield, A.B., 1908. Logan Esarey, A.B., 1905. Joseph O. Frank, A.B., 1909. Daniel W. Pearce, A.B., 1910. LAGRANGE COUNTY Lagrange Sidney K. Ganiard, A.B., 1897. Herman Haskins, LL.B., 1905. Howard H. Wikel, A.B., 1905. South Milford George R. Leonard, A.B., 1905. Topeka William I. Lower, A.B., 1909. List by Localities 153 LAKE COUNTY Crown Point Wilbur R. Curtis, A.B., 1908. Clara Vierling, A.B., 1903. East Chicago George F. Bicknell, A.B., 1905. Edwin N. Canine, A.B., 1901. Howard H. Clark, A.B., 1901. Lenore Littleton (Mrs. Howard H. Clark), A.B., 1901. Gary Everett G. Ballard, A.B., 1893. Hugh L. Barr, LL.B., 1909. Arthur W. Carnduff, A.B., 1907. Simon G.,Engle, A.B., 1904. Frank H. Masters, A.B., 1902. John E. Metcalf, A.B., 1893. Orthena E. Meyer, A.B., 1910. George E. Paff, M.D., 1908. Oliver Starr, A.B., 1905. Robert E. Thompson, A.B., 1906. Ora L. Wildermuth, LL.B., 1906. Hammond David C. Atkinson. A.B., 1893. Daniel J. Moran, A.B., 1897. Arthur E. Stickels, A.B., 1909. Indiana Harbor Miles C. Frysinger, A.B., 1902. Whiting Winfred W. Holliday, A.B., 1903. LAPORTE COUNTY Kingsbury John O. Ault, A.B., 1909. Lacrosse Ollie E. Cassady, A.B., 1906. Laporte Carlin H. Griffey, A.B. 1910. Don J. Henry, A.B., 1910. Robert B. Jones, M.D., 1909. Edward W. Long, A.B., 1910. Benjamin C. Rees, LL.B.. 1908. Arthur R. Simon, M.D., 1908. Michigan City Howard R. Tolley, A.B., 1910. Wan at ah Aaron Kline, A.B., 1907. LAWRENCE COUNTY Avoca Lolia F. Hamilton (Mrs. Oliver M. Stout), A.B., 1894. William D. May, LL.B., 1872. Bedford John D. Alexander, A.B., 1861. Olive Batman (Mrs. James O. Duncan), A.B., 1895. William E. Clark, LL.B., 1899. Charles E. Connor, A.B., 1910. Antoinette Duncan (Mrs. Burton E. Hansen), A.B., 1899. Albert J. Fields, LL.B., 1904. Lura Grimes (Mrs. Robert S. Anderson), A.B., 1893. Anna C. Heitger, A.B., 1908. Joseph D. Heitger, A.B., 1904. George O. Iseminger, LL.B., 1862. Edna J. King, A.B., 1905. Simpson B. Lowe, A.B., 1878. John B. Malojtt, B.S., 1872. Robert L. Mellen, LL.B., 1907. Peter B. Monical, A.B., 1890. Robert E. Newland, A.B., 1898. Edna G. Nowland, A.B., 1906. McHenry Owen, LL.B., 1877. Henry P. Pearson, A.B., 1891. Elbert J. Stalker, A.B., 1888. Eli B. Stephenson, LL.B., 1892. John L. Stephenson, A.B., 1882. John H. Underwood, LL.B., 1897. Huron Martha D. James, A.B., 1905. Mitchell Ephraim C. Dilley, A.B., 1910. John H. Edwards, A.B., 1891. James C. Faris, A.B., 1895. Edward C. O'Donnell, A.B., 1890. Robert M. Tirey, A.B., 1910. Rivervale William H. Andrews, A.B., 1905. Springville Grace Bergdoll, A.B., 1810. Quincy Short, A.B., 1878. MADISON COUNTY Alexandria Marguerite A. Bartelle, A.B., 1910. Daisy G. Edmundson, A.B., 1908. Edith Hughes, A.B., 1909. Frederick W. Stoler, A.B., 1908. Anderson Edith E. Alexander, A.B., 1906. Isaac V. Busby, A.B., 1891. Wallace B. Campbell, B.S., 1886. Marcellus A. Chipman, LL.B., 1873. Will H. Courson, A.B., 1907. Dale J. Crittenberger, A.B., 1878. Juliet V. Crittenberger, A.B., 1910. Winfleld A. Denny, A.B., 1898. Ethel H. Foster, A.B., 1909. Franklin P. Foster, A.B., 1879. James W. Frazier, A.B., 1901. Wade H. Free, A.B., 1903. Henry W. Gante, M.D., 1910. Alma M. Getty, A.B., 1895. Quinderia Greeves (Mrs. William H. Courson), A.B., 1907. William R. Hardman, A.B., 1904. Blanchard J. Home, LL.B., 1900. Lee F. Hunt, A.B., 1900. Thomas M. Jones, A.B., Ruth Keltner, A.B., 1909. Lester W. Kirkman, LL.B., 1907. Anna B. Lewis, A.B., 1908. Gretta S. Lewis, A.B., 1910. Bertha C. Lingle, A.B., 1901. Alis B. Lowder, A.B., 1907. Walter G. Mead, A.B., 1906. George H. Mingle, A.B., 1896. Frances Murphy, A.B., 1907. Austin Retherford, LL.B., 1893. Lindley S. Roberts, A.B.. 1908. Andrew J. Rogers, A.B., 1910. Marc Ryan, LL.B., 1901. Cora A. Snyder, A.B., 1896. Will C. Sparks, A.B., 1901. John C. Teegarden, LL.B., 1896. William R. Teeters. A.B., 1910. Mabel Thompson, A.B., 1897. Edward C. Toner, A.B., 1895. Julius R. Tracy, M.D., 1909. 154 Register of Graduates MADISON COUNTY Cont'd Anderson Cont'd Grace Triplett (Mrs. Thomas N. Stilwell), A.B., 1901. William M. Tucker, A.B., 1908. Estella M. Whitted, A.B., 1901. Elwood Hugh H. Barr, A.B., 1908. Anna G. Bass, A.B., 1910. Charley Bruner, A.B., 1910. Joseph L. Clauser, A.B., 1908. Mary E. Cox, A.B., 1895. June Eddingfield, A.B., 1906. William C. Gerichs, A.B., 1907. Elsie M. Goshorn (Mrs. Hugh H. Barr), A.B., 1909. Edna Kidwell, A.B., 1909. Loring W. Mellette, LL.B., 1897. Anna F. Mitchell, A.B., 1907. Alonzo D. Moffett, A.B., 1883. Eli P. Myers, A.B., 1898. Frank ton Daisy B. French, A.B.. 1909. Daisy Kline, A.B., 1904. Ingalls Blanche Nicholson, A.B., 1900. Lapel Neva L. Galbreath, A.B., 1910. Pendleton Evangeline E. Lewis, A.B., Harry C. Reid, A.B., 1905. William R. Sparks, M.D.. 1908. Roy P. Wisehart, A.B., 1910. Perkinsville Virgil G. McDonald, M.D., 1910. Summitville Seth H. Irwin, M.D., 1908. Jeremiah A. Nudiug, A.B., 1908. MARION COUNTY Broad Ripple Roy B. Crabill, M.D., 1907. Ora W. Downing, A.B., 1907. Mason B. Light, M.D., 1910. Horace W. Marshall, A.M., 1910. Castleton John A. Marsh, M.D., 1909. Indianapolis Howe Abbott, A.B., 1901. Corner Shelby and Na- omi Sts. Howard W. Adams, A.B., 1906. 1838 North Dela- ware St. Louise F. Alger, A.B., 1908. University Heights. Marion R. Armstrong, A.B., 1908. 206 Thiele Terrace. Samuel Ashby, LL.B., 1891. 26-27 Union Trust Bldg. Munson D. At water, A.B., 1894. 17 East Michigan St. Luman K. Babcock, LL.B., 1910. 615 East 32nd St. James P. Baker, A.B., 1866. 1209 Central Ave. John L. Baker, LL.B., 1910. 805 Majestic Bldg. Granville M. Ballard, A.M. (Hon.), 1859. 1403 North Pennsylvania St. Ralph Bamberger, A.B., 1891. 706 State Life Bldg. Maurice J. Barry, M.D., 1908. 857 West New York St. Edna B. Bartlett (Mrs. Frank M. Crommelin), A.B., 1902. 726 North New Jersey St. Mahlon E. Bash, LL.B., 1905. 20 North Bradley St. George H. Batchelor, A.B., 1892. 2621 Broadway. Mark D. Battles, M.D., 1910. 1708 North Senate Ave. Raymond C. Beeler, A.B., 1910. Interne, City Hos- pital. Karl W. Behr, A.B., 1910 2735 North Illinois St. John F. Benham, A B 1888. 126 Spencer Ave. Clyde C. Bitler, A.B., 1910. Colfax Bldg. James B. Black. A.M. (Hon.), 1875. 2114 North Pennsylvania St. Willis S. Blatchley, A.B., 1887. 1530 Park Ave. John F. Boesinger, A.B., 1896. 706 State Life Bldg. Harry K. Bonn, M.D., 1908. 2210 Central Ave. Nellie M. Bowser (Mrs. Ernest H. Lewis), A.B., 1899. 355 Grand Ave. Clyde E. Boyer, LL.B., 1901. 406 North Hamil- ton Ave. Thomas H. Branaman, A.B., 1905. Room 18, State House. Alembert W. Brayton, M.S., 1882. 2125 Broad- way. Ella P. Brewer (Mrs. Clar- ence C. Clark), A.B., 1903. 4330 Cornelius Ave. Albert M. Bristor, LL.B., 1908. 1020 North Capitol Ave. Anna Brockhausen, A.B., 1907. 2428 East Tenth St. Blanche N. Brown (Mrs. Charles B. Dyer), A.B.. 1904. 234 Massachusetts Ave. Henrietta Buchanan, A.B., 1909. 940 Fletcher Ave. Mary D. Bufink, A.B., 189S. Hawthorne School. Clarence J. Bulleit, A.B., 1905. 912 North Oriental St. Harry B. Burnet, B.L., 1884. 1864 North Penn- sylvania St. Margaret Burnside, A.B., 1903. 2110 North Capitol Ave. E. Russell Bush, M.D., 1909. 731 Fletcher Ave. Edgar D. Bush, A.B., 1895. 3202 Kenwood Ave. Amos W. Butler, A.B., 1894. 52 Downey Ave. Charles L. Cabalzer, M.D., 1908. 429 West Michigan St. Otis A. Caldwell, M.D., 1910. 226 Newton Clay- pool Bldg. Walter L. Carey, LL.B., 1898. 705-706 Law Bldg. Vinson Carter, B.S., 1867. 1024 North Pennsylvania St. Harriett Caspar (Mrs. Charles A. Rhetts), A.B., 1891. Manual Training High School. Gertrude E. Clark (Mrs. Agassis? W. Hanson), A.B., 1899. 2219 North Alabama St. Virginia E. Claybaugh, A.B., 1900. Shortriclge High School. Albert B. Cleage, M.D., 1910. 910 Fayette St. Harriet L. Cochran (Mrs. Alouzo S. McDaniel), A.B., 1894. 912 East Fourteenth St. Minnie Coffin (Mrs. Charles A. Wallingford), B.S., 1879. 1629 Talbott Ave. Gertrude Colescott, A.B., 1904. University Heights. George M. Cook, LL.B., 1897. 36 West Washing- ton St. Samuel J. Copeland, M.D., 1909. 1702 Lexington Ave. Hannah A. Cox, A.B., 1902. 319 Leslie Ave. Josephine M. Cox, A.B., 1898. 12 The Wyaudott. Earl J. Cripe, M.D., 1910. Interne, Deaconess Hos- pital. Dale J. Crittenberger, A.B., 1905. 408 East Twenty- eighth St. Maude G. Cromer (Mrs. J. Don Miller), A.B., 1905 122 East Thirtieth St. John W. Culmer, B.S., 1871 2001 West Michigan St. Charles M. Cunningham, A.B., 1891. 95 Lombard Bldg. List by Localities 155 MARION COUNTY Cont'd Indianapolis Cont'd Paul G. Davis, A.B., 1908. 1025-29 Lemcke Bldg. Rufus J. Dearborn, A.B., 1904. 518 Traction Ter- minal Bldg. Louie Deupree, A.B., 1910. 2951 Talbott Ave. Thomas L. Dillon, LL.B., 1900. 503 Majestic Bldg. Louis H. Dirks, A.B., 1906. 1117 South State St. George B. Doddridge, LL.B., 1901. David B. Dornb, M.D., 1909. 632 Madison Ave. Edwin E. Dougherty, M.D., 1910. 212 West Michigan St. Ralph W. Douglass, A.B., 1905. Hotel Morton. 'William S. Dow, M.D., 1909. 48th St. and Cen- tral Ave. Cecil E. Duncan, M.D., 1908. 1010 Division St. John W. Dunn, A.B., 1897. 534 American Central Life Bldg. Lehman M. Dunning, M.D., 1908. 118 North State St. Robert Dwyer, M.D., 1908. 3431 East Tenth St. Stephen L. Egart, M.D., 1908. 2608 West Michi- gan St. Roy Egbert, M.D., 1907. 2634 Roosevelt Ave. Charles R. Elfers, M.D., 1910. Interne, City Hos- pital. Gustav H Esch, M.D., 1910. 1803 West Washington St. Ord Evermann, M.D., 1908. Central Indiana Hospital for Insane. Isidore Feiblemann, A.B., 1893. 706 State Life Bldg. James W. Fesler, A.B., 1887. Newton Claypool Bldg. Orville P. Foreman, A.B., 1895. 816 State Life Bldg. William H. Foreman, A.B., 1895. 405 East Sixteenth St. Harry E. Gabe, A.B., 1888. 911 Virginia Ave. Grace Gable (Mrs. Arthur E. Strickland), A.B., 1909. 1117 Bellefontaine St. William P. Garshwiler, A.B., 1892. 620 Newton Claypool Bldg. Joseph J. Grarnling, M.D., 1908. 332 Clifton St. Katharine M. Graydon, A.M., 1883. 303 Downey Ave. Walter S. Green o ugh, A.B., 1910. 2354 Kenwood Ave. Frank C. Groninger. A.B.. 1890. 323 Indiana Trust Bldg. Taylor E. Groninger, A.B., 1893. 614 North New Jersey St. Arthur E. Guedel, M.D., 1908. 1316 Union St. Carl Habich, M.D., 1909. Cor. Blake and Walnut Sts. Agassiz W. Hanson, A.B., 1899. 2219 North Ala- bama St. Denver C. Harlan, A.B., 1909. 2512 North New Jersey St. Milo F. Hart, M.D., 1909. Linden Hotel. James G. Hasten, LL.B., 1909. 75-6 Lombard Bldg. Ranson E. Hawley, A.B., 1866. 81 Whittier Place. Walter L. Haworth, M.D., 1910. The Plaza Apart- ments. Oscar S. Hayden, A.B., 1906. Traction Terminal Bldg. James H. Hayworth, A.B., 1890. 2335 Ashland Ave. Alfred H. Hendricks, Jr., M.D., 1908. 1201 North West St. Daisbel Hendricks (Mrs. Albert Sutherland), A.B., 1902. 2636 Sutherland Ave. Atta L. Henry, A.B., 1897. 1414 Broadway. Charles E.. Henry, LL.B., 1872. 1414 Broadway. Edna G. Henry, A.B., 1897. 1414 Broadway. George S. Henry, A.B., 1903. 1640 North Ala- bama St. Ara E. Hershman, A.B., 1897. 909 Park Ave. Frederick Hershman, M.D., 1910. Interne, City Hos- pital. Arthur M. Hetherington, M.D., 1910. 156 South Elder Ave. Abel J. Hicks, A.B., 1896. 639 East Market St. Robert W. Himelick, A.B., 1909. 2355 Central Ave. Guy F. Hobbs, A.B., 1909. Indiana University School of Medicine. Sterling P. Hoffman, A.B., 1910. 329 North Illinois St. Edward W. Hohlt, LL.B., 1909. 1014 I. O. O. F. Bldg. Thomas M. Honan, A.B., 1889. State House. Milton B. Hottel, A.B., 1882. 102 State House. Lucy Howe (Mrs. Archi- bald M. Hall), A.B., 1897. 1007 North New Jersey St. Eva M. Hurst (Mrs. Ed- ward T. Fowler), A.B., 1905. 24 The Meridian. Francis M. Ingler, LL.B.. 1893. 820 North Pennsyl- vania St. Louise M. Iske, A.B., 1910. 629 South New Jersey St. Arthur Jackson, A.B., 1906. 22-23 When Bldg. Frederick E. Jackson, A.B., 1908. 106 North Senate Ave. James W. Jackson, A.B., 1906. Interne, City Hos- pital. Fred B. Johnson, A.B,, 1902. 312-14 Indiana Pythian Bldg. Morris H. C. Johnson, A.B., 1909. Indiana University School of Medicine. Theodore L. Johnson, A.B., 1908. 733 East Twenty - third St. Frank L. Jones, A.B., 1898. 300 Indiana Trust Bldg. Roswell L. Jones. M.D., 1910. 916 North West St. Paul R. Jordan, A.B., 1904. 1009 Law Bldg. Bessie H. Keeran, A.B., 1910. 1209 Park Ave. Francis J. Kelly, A.B., 1902. 833 North Alabama St. Robert J. Kemper, M.D., 1908. New York and No- ble Sts. Alvin R. Kerr, M.D., 1910. 2132 North Senate Ave. John H. Ketcham, B.S., 1854. 23 Audubon Place. Ballington C. Kettlebor- ough, A.B., 1907. 615 East Thirty-second St. Abraham J. King, A.B., 1896. 924 West Twenty- fifth St. Hickman N. King, B.S., 1872. 5610 Lowell Ave. Russell King, A.B., 1889. 3158 Kenwood Ave. John K. Kingsbury, M.D., 1909. 5462 East Wash- ington St. Albrecht R. C. Kipp, A.B., 1906. 228 North New Jer- sey St. Claude E. Kitch, A.B., 1908. 924 North Rural St. Julius W. Knipp, A.B., 1894. 2140 Central Ave. Arda S. Knox, A.B., 1894. 678 East Twenty-fourth 'St. George F. Knue, M.D., 1909. 950 South Meridian St. Luke W. Kuebler, M.D., 1909. 2621 East Michigan St. Everett B. Kurtz, LL.B., 1908. 931 Lemcke Bldg. Mattie B. Lacy, A.B., 1900. 2351 North Meridian St. Joseph F. Lankford, M.D., 1909. 1830 South East St. Fanny F. Larmore, A.B., 1910. 52 South Irvington Ave. John A. Leas, M.D., 1908. 325 Board of Trade Bldg. Ernest H. Lewis, A.B., 1899. 806 I. O. O. F. Bldg. 156 Register of Graduates MARION COUNTY Cout'd Indianapolis Cont'd John W. Little, M.D., 1908. 2635 East Tenth St. William W. Livengood, A.B., 1907. 820 North New Jersey St. William H. Long, M.D., 1908. 320 Pennway Bldg. Flora Love, A.B., 1895. 1703 Talbott Ave. Clarence A. Lucas, M.D.. 1908. 430 West North St. William A. McBride, M.D., 1909. 834 South Meridian St. Carl H. McCaskey, M.D., 1908. 376 North Illinois St. Rousseau McClelland, A.B., 1898. 2304 North Penn- sylvania St. Jehu F. McCool, M.D., 1909. 122 East Ohio St. Zwinglius K. McCormack, LL.B., 1873. 1651 Hall Place. Wilson J. McCormick, A.B., 1886. 511 North Illi- nois St. Percy E. McCown, M.D., 1908. 316-321 Newton Claypool Bldg. James E. McCullough, B.S., 1871. State House. Ira H. Mclntire, A.B., 1906. 1605 East Ohio St. Charles Homer McKee, A.B., 1903. 144 East Thirty- third St. Charles S. Maltby, A.B., 1897. 404 Telephone Bldg. Lloyd C. Marshall, A.B., 1910. Colfax Bldg. Ella G. Marthens, A.B., 1897. 2304 North Penn- sylvania St. J. Fred Masters, LL.B.. 1907. 75-78 Lombard Block. James M. Matheny, A.B., 1902. 2412 Pierson Ave. James C. Mathews, A.B., 1898. 1322 Shelby St. Allison Maxwell, A.B., 1868. 717 West Drive, Woodruff Place. Leslie H. Maxwell, A.B., 1906. 717 West Drive, Woodruff Place. Ruth R. Maxwell, A.B., 1907. 717 West Drive, Woodruff Place. William E. Mendenhall, M.D., 1907. 2369 South- eastern Ave. Edward J. Meunier, A.B., 1895. 631 North Pine St. Dick Miller, A.B., 1894. 3130 North Delaware St. J. Don Miller, A.B., 1904. 419 East Thirtieth St. Kate Milner (Mrs. Albert Rabb), A.B., 1886. 574 East Eleventh St. Caroline Minor (Mrs. Ro- decker), A.B., 1898. 2022 North Capitol Ave. Rufus C. Minton, A.B., 1893. 2621 Ashland Ave. James L. Mitchell, A.B., 1889. 212 Indiana Trust Bldg. Herman G. Morgan, M.D., 1909. 709 North Pennsyl- vania St. Lillian B. Mueller, M.D., 1909. 4504 East Wash- ington St. Walter Myers, LL.B., 1907. 1025 Law Bldg. John Ogden, A.B., 1906. 1025 Law Bldg. Ruth O'Hair, A.B., 1908. 2108 Park Ave. Lee O. O'Horrow, A.B., 1899. 3315 Kenwood Ave. Harry A. Van Osdol, M.D., 1909. 307 Board of Trade Bldg. Everett W. Owen, A.B., 1909. 804 North Jeffer- son Ave. Edward A. Pape, M.D., 1907. 1212 Oliver Ave. Harry W. Palsey, M.D., 1909. 730 North Illinois St. William T. Patten, A.B., 1893. 1229 Hoyt Ave. Emma V. Pearson (Mrs. Robert N. Fulton), A.B., 1897. 3740 North Penn- sylvania St. George H. Pendleton, A.B., 1891. 1740 North Capitol Ave. Allan B. Philputt, A.B., 1880. 505 North Dela- ware St. Grace M. Philputt, A.B., 1908. 505 North Dela- ware St. Samuel O. Pickens, LL.B., 1873. 1901 North Penn- sylvania St. Charles A. Pierce, A.B., 1907. 522 North New Jersey St. Josephine E. Pittman (Mrs. George H. T. Scribner). A.B., 1890. 1307 Univer- sity Court. Oscar L. Pond, A.B., 1899. 1109-12 Law Bldg. Albert Rabb, A.B., 1887. 574 East Eleventh St. Mary L. Rabb, A.B., 1907. 2141 North Meridian St. George O. Rafert, A.B., 1906. 115 North Dela- ware St. Frank E. Raschig, A.B., 1910. 340 North West St. John H. Rau, LL.B., 1908. 1504 Park Ave. Grace Rawles (Mrs. John T. Wheeler), A.B., 1891. 2203 North Alabama St. Eithel R. Ray, A.B., 1901. 3462 North Meridian St. Ida M. Reid (Mrs. Samuel Ashby), A.B., 1892. 1630 North Alabama St. William E. Reiley, LL.B.. 1906. 404 Indiana Trust Bldg. George C. Resoner. A.B., 1901. 2328 Broadway. Alice F. Richards (Mrs. Perry F. Brunsou), B.S., 1876. 5928 East Wash- ington St. Earl H. Richardson, A.B., 1906. 6 Bungalow Park. Ora W. Ridgeway, M.D.. 1909. 1716 East Wash- ington St. James Whitcomb Riley, LL.D. (Hon.), 1907. Union Trust Company. John I. Rinne, A.B., 1907. Interne, City Hospital. David A. Roach, LL.B., 1871. 2052 College Ave. David A. Robertson, B.S.. 1857. 65 North Ritter Ave. Mary C. Robertson, A.B., 1909. 1629 Talbott Ave. Willard Robertson, A.B., 1889. 1415 North Ala- bama St. Virginia B. Rodefer (Mrs. Charles A. Harris), A.B., 1904. 270 Downey Ave. Alvah J. Rucker, A.B.. 1901. 48-50 Lombard Bldg. Bertram Sanders, A.B., 1902. Manual Training High School. Olga Schellschmidt, A.B., 1909. 2402 Bellefontaine St. John G. Scifres, M.D., 1908. 6 Stewart Place. Carrie E. Scott, A.B., 1898. Room 104, State House. Jennie F. Scott, A.B., 1900. Indiana State Library. Robert E. Scott, A.B., 1885. 858 College Ave. Louis H. Segar, A.B., 1910. 2234 Central Ave. Jacob Seiberth, A.B.. 1898. 40 West Thirtieth St. William J. Shafer, LL.B., 1899. 300 American Na- tional Bank Bldg. John A. Shafer, A.B., 1894. 3725 North Illinois St. Emma M. Shelper, A.B., 1908. 616 North Meridian St. Earl M. Shenk, M.D., 1910. Interne, St. Vincent's Hospital. Augustus C. Shipp. A.B.. 1910. Indiana University School of Medicine. Alice C. Short, B.L., 1882. 3310 East New York St. William R. Sieber, A.B., 1903. 523 North Alabama St. Alma L. Sickler. A.B.. 1909. 214 East Eleventh St. Frederick H. Sillery, A.B., 1901. 3801 Broadway. Edward C. Simpson, A.B.. 1880. 2363 North Ala- bama St. Grace M. Slack (Mrs. John F. Boesinger), A.B., 1904. 2329 College Ave. James H. Smiley, A.B.. 1904. 218 North Senate Ave. James M. Smith. M.D., 1908. 3026 East Tenth St. List by Localities 157 MARION COUNTY Cont'd Indianapolis Cont'd Minnie M. Smith, A.B., 1904. 1723 North Ala- bama St. Mary Snodgrass, A.B., 1907. 1701 North Ala- bama SL Helena Soller, A.B., 1903. 2060 Central Ave. William W. Spencer, B.S., 1875. 314 East Walnut St. Albert E. Spicely, LL.B., 1896. 509^ West Ver- mont St. Urbana Spink, A.B., 1896. 1140 East Market St. Edna E. Stewart, A.B., 1900. 57 Ardmore Apart- ments. William H. Stout, A.B., 1899. 2228 North Capitol Ave. Clarence R. Strickland, A.B., 1908. 2144 College Ave. Lee E. Strong, M.D., 1910 930 West Thirty-first St. James A. Stuart, A.B., 1901. 932 Jefferson Ave. John L. Stuart, A.B., 1908 331 East North St. Milo H. Stuart, A.B., 1898. 3223 North New Jersey Thomas L. Sullivan, M.D., 1908. 503 North Capitol Ave. Albert D. Swartz, M.D., 1908. 2654 Schurmann Ave. Rebecca C. Swayne, A.B , 1901. 2728 Ashland Ave. John E. Talbott, A.B., 1908. Interne, City Hospital. Newton M. Taylor, LL B 1875. 333 East Tenth St. William L. Taylor A B 1877. 621-3 State Life Bldg-. George E. Teter, A.B., 1905. 2811 Kenwood Ave. Adelaide B. Thale, A.B., 1909. 1825 North Penn- sylvania St. Laurel C. Thayer, A.B., 1899. 613 East Twenty- second St. John B. Thomas, M.D., 1909. 1611 North Illinois St. Frank M. Thompson, LL.B., 1910. Fletcher American Bank Bldg. Joseph F. Thornton, A.B., 1888. 2110 Central Ave. Alpheus L. Thurston, A.B., 1907. 2114 Ashland Ave. Mabel Tibbott, A.M., 1909 336 North Ritter Ave. S Merrill Tilson, A.B., 1903. 759 Virginia Ave. Cora Elizabeth Tramer (Mrs. Taylor Stewart), A.B., 1908. 49th St. and Broadway. Flora Traylor, A.B., 1906. 2356 Park Ave. Everett W. Trook. A.B. 1898. I. O. O. F. Bldg. Sylvester M. Unger, A.B.. 1896. 2219 North Penn- sylvania St. Mary V. Van Buskirk. A.B., 1908. 557 Fletcher Ave. Hazel M. Vliet, A.B,, 1909. 2354 North Illinois St. Theodore F. Vonnegut, A.B., 1906. 11 West Washington St. William B. Waddell, LL.B.. 1907. 905 Law Bldg. Herbert T. Wagner, M.D., 1908. 1002 I. O. O. F. Bldg. John M. Wall, A.B., 1892. 3355 Kenwood Ave. John R. Ward, LL.B., 1893. 824 State Life Bldg. Daniel T. Weir, A.B., 1891. 2122 Ashland Ave. Carrie V. Wells, A.B., 1898. Arthur F. Weyerbacher. M.D., 1909. 620 Newton Claypool Bldg. Ernest P. Wheeler, M.D.. 1907. 1102 North Capitol Ave. Beatrice Williams (Mrs. Percival O. Power), A.B., 1901. 125 East Twenty- first St. Romney L. Willson, A.B., 1899. 27 West St. Joe St. Emil G. Winter, M.D., 1908. 14 West Ohio St. Myrtle F. Woerner, A.B., 1908. 2728 Ashland Ave. Carl E. Wood, A.B., 1896. 513 Traction Terminal Bldg. George Wood, M.D., 1908. 860 West Twenty-ninth St. Charles A. Woods. A.B.. 1897. 2526 North New Jersey St. William H. Wylie, A.B.. 1897. 2916 North Capitol Ave. Howard L. Wynegar. LL.B., 1907. 218 Ameri- can Central Life Bldg. Eli D. Zaring, A.B., 1894. 2045 Broadway. Irvington Earle E. McFerren, A.B.. 1907. 130 Johnson Ave. New Augusta Mary Harsha, A.B., 1909. Oalvlandon Katherine E. Coughlan, A.B., 1908. Southport Kenneth W. Brewer, A.B., 1894. George N. Burkhart, A.B., 1900. Oscar D. Ludwig, M.D.. 1910. West Newton Linton R. Allen, LL.B., 1893. William C. Pidgeon, A.M.. 1901. MARSHALL COUNTY Argos Harry Benner, A.B., 1910. Mary C. Mitchell, A.B., 1910. Earl R. Taber, A.B., 1905. Sara E. Wingert, A.B., 1908. Bremen Marjorie Gingerich, A.B., 1907. Samuel E. Shideler, A.B., 1910. Culver Horace L. Durborow, A.B., 1905. Gretcheu E. Holmes, A.B., 1908. Carolyn Ethel Simmons (Mrs. Robert Rossow). A.B., 1906. Inwood Zella M. Wiseman, A.B., 1909. Plymouth Garl G. Bonewitz. A.B.. 1910. Perry O.' Jones, LL.B., 1873. Otho E. McDowell. A.B, 1908. MARTIN COUNTY Loogootee Lemuel L. Dilley, LL.B., 1871. Shoals Francis E. Gilkison, LL.B., 1901. Hileary Q Houghton, A.B., 1880." MIAMI COUNTY Bunker Hill Mayme M. Reed, A.B., 1910, Denver Cladius E. Qulnu, M.D. r 1909. Peru Henry S. Bailey, A.B., 1907. Clarence A. Baldwin, A.B.,. 1897. Albert H. Cole, A.B., 1907. Paul Coughlin, A.B., 1900. Frederick E. Dickinson. A.B., 1879. Brown S. McClintic, A.B., 1905. William B. McClintic, A.B., 1873. Henry V. Passage, A.M, (Hon.), 1872. Ralph V. Sollitt, A.B. y 1910. John P. Spooner, A.B., 1900. Lenabelle Stiles, A.B., 1908. Elbert S. Waymire, A.B., 1908. Louis E. White, LL.B., 1903. Elizabeth Wilson. A.B., 1900. 158 Register of Graduates MONROE COUNTY Bloomington Benjamin F. Adams, A.B.. 1883. Lena M. Adams (Mrs. James K. Beck), A.B., 1876. Lillie H. Adams (Mrs. Wil- liam Telfer), A.B., 1879. William H. Adams, A.B., 1882. Raymond A. Akin, A.B., 1906. Arthur G. Allen, A.B., 1901. Eva O. Allen, A.B., 1897. Francis M. Andrews, A.B., 1894. Amzi Atwater, A.B., 1866. Frank Aydelotte, A.B., 1900. Joseph K. Barclay, A.B., 1905. Bertha L. Barker, A.B., 1910. Gladstone H. Barrett, A.B., 1910. Fred H. Batman, A.B., 1901. Ira C. Batman, B.L., 1885. Elizabeth Beaty, A.B., 1902. Alfred A. Beck, A.B., 1902. Hubert L. Beck, A.B., 1905. James K. Beck, A.B., 1874. Mary E. Beck (Mrs. Wal- ter N. Culmer), A.B., 1907. William H. Beeler, LL.B., 1903. Alfred H. Beldon, A.B.. 1889. Laura K. Benckart (Mrs. Raymond W. Benson), A.B., 1905. Lillian G. Berry, A.B., 1899. Ernest H. Biermanu, A.M., 1907. James W. Blair, A.B., 1908. William J. Blair, A.B., 1906. William T. Blair, B.L., 1880. Ruby E. Bollenbacher (Mrs. Carroll Beck), A.B., 1906. Ella I. Bond (Mrs. William Hart), A.B., 1892. Alice I. Booth, A.B., 1908. Ros;ilie J. Borgman, A.B., 1909. Ezra W. Borland, A.B.. 1892. Anna H. Bowman (Mrs. Horace A. Hoffman), A.B., 1891. Frances P. Bray, A.B., 1909. Caroline H. Brown (Mrs. Samuel B. Harding), A.B., 1890. Jennie E. Brown, A.B., 1900. Oliver W. Brown, A.M., 1896. Lois A. Brunt (Mrs. Charles J. Sembower), A.B., 1901. William L. Bryan, A.B.. 1884. Lila H. Burnett (Mrs. Wil- liam M. Louden), A.B.. 1006. Anna M. Buskirk (Mrs. Nathaniel U. Hill), A.B., 1874. Charles D. Campbell, A.B., 1898. Charles J. Carpenter, LL.B., 1910. Claude L. Clawson, A.B., 1910. Wilbur A. Cogshall, A.M., 1902. Anna B. Collins, A.B., 1897. Jotilda Conklin, A.B., 1897. Edwin Corr, B.L., 1883. Anna G. Cravens (Mrs. Otto Rott), A.B., 1901. John W. Cravens, A.B., 1897. Carl Cunningham, A.B., 1909. John E. Darby, A.B., 1901. Samuel S. Dargan, LL.B.. 1909. Louis S. Davis, A.B., 1891. Schuyler C. Davisson, A.B., 1890. Anna M. Demaree, A.B., 1892. Samuel B. Dill, LL.B., 1910. Flora Dillon (Mrs. David A. Dyne), A.B., 1878. Leon W. Dinsmore, A.B., 1894. Samuel C. Dodds, B.S., 1875. (Mrs.) Cora M. Doehleman, A.B., 1905. Agnes C. Duncan (Mrs. Albert F. Kuersteiner), A.B., 1907. Frank C. Duncan, A.B., 1894. Sallie Duncan, A.B., 1907. Frank J. Dunn, LL.B., 1892. Marion L. Durbin (Mrs. Max M. Ellis), A.B., 1909. John B. Dutcher, A.B., 1906. Clarence E. Edmondson, A.B., 1906. Carl H. Eigenmann, B.S., 1886. Max M. Ellis, A.B., 1907. Beatrice C. Evans, A.B., 1910. Chester A. Evans, A.B., 1904. John E. Evans, A.B., 1910. Charlotte E. Faris, A.B., 1880. William T. Fee, A.B., 1887. Jesse B. Fields, LL.B., 1901. Ernest C. Fishbaugh, A.B., 1910. Arthur L. Foley, A.B., 1890. Bessie W. French, A.B., 1910. Ida M. Fulwider (Mrs. Walter E. Hottel), A.B., 1895. Jesse J. Galloway, A.B., 1909. Cecil O. Gamble, A.B., 1908. (Mrs.) Alice D. Goss, A.B., 1908. Albert D. Gourley, A.B.. 1877. Melvin E. Hnggerty, A.B., 1902. Mary E. Hamilton (Mrs. Hubert L. Beck), A.B., 1906. Ulysses S. Hanna, A.B., 1895. Samuel B. Harding, A.B., 1890. Mary T. Harman, A.B., 1907. John G. Harris, LL.B., 1896. Olivia D. Harvey (Mrs. Allan J. Wylie), A.B., 1906. Aubrey L. Hawkins, A.B., 1909. Joseph E. Henley, A.B., 1875. Cecilia B. Henuel, A.B., 1907. Cora B. Hennel, A.B., 1907. Kate M Hight, B.L., 1880. Philip B. Hill, LL.B., 1908. Horace A. Hoffman, A.B., 1881. Mary Homer, A.B., 1905. Walter E. Hottel, A.B., 1894. Alfred G. Howe, LL.B., 1876. Louis W. Hughes, A.B., 1898. Olive M. Hughes (Mrs. Robert G. Miller), A.B., 1892. Lucy J. Hunter, A.B., 1896. Morton T. Hunter, A.B., 1909. Forrest W. Ingram, A.B., 1910. Elizabeth A. Janeway (Mrs. Fernandus Payne), A.B., 1906. William E. Jenkins, A.B., 1891. Herman A. Kasch, A.B., 1910. John E. Kelly, A.B., 1892. Mary A. Kerr, A.B., 1905. Elizabeth Kidder (Mrs. Ernest H. Lindley), A.B.. 1893. John P. King, A.B., 1903. Julian J. Kiser, A.B., 1910. Edward W. Koch, A.B., 1908. Sarah B. Latimer (Mrs. Alexander Kelly), B.S., 1874. Henry A. Lee, A.B., 1878. Ernest H. Lindley, A.B., 1893. Theodore J. Louden, A.B., 1889. William M. Louden, A.B., 1891. Charlotte A. Lowe (Mrs. William L. Bryan), A.B., 1888. Robert E. Lyons, A.B., 1889. Sophie H. Luzadder (Mrs. Benjamin F. Floyd), A.B., 1878. Gertrude I. McCain, A.B., 1908. James Z. A. McCaughan, A.B., 1885. Susan I. McCaughan (Mrs. Henry S. C. Russell), B.L., 1885. List by Localities 159 MONROE COUNTY Coiit'd Bloomington Cont'd Prudence G. McCuen, A.B.. 1909. Mary C. McCullough, B.S., 1874. Thomas R. McCullough, LL.B., 1907. Edward D. McDonald, A.B., 1910. James G. McDonald, A.B., 1909. Nancy McMahon (Mrs. John W. Jones), A.B., 1891. Claude G. Malott, A.B., 1895. John N. Martin, A.B., 1907. Fred M. Martz, A.B., 1908. Prank C. Mathers, A.B., 1903. Juliette Maxwell, B.L., 1883. Louise Maxwell, A.B., 1878. Clarence E. May, A.B., 1904. Bertha Miers (Mrs. Oscar H. Cravens), A.B., 1893. Robert W. Miers, B.S., 1870. Mabel E. Miller, A.B., 1908. Mabel L. Miller, LL.B., 1895. Robert G. Miller, LL.,B., 1893. Wilford S. Miller, A.B., 1910. Ella L. Millis (Mrs. Ulys- ses S. Hanna), A.B., 1895. Clara E. Misener (Mrs. J. Lawson Patton), A.B., 1906. Raymond L. Modesitt A.B., 1908. William J. Moenkhaus, A.B., 1894. Emery W. Montgomery, A.B., 1909. Charles Anna Moore (Mrs. William E. Jenkins), A.B., 1892. Raleigh L. Morgan, LL.B., 1899. George D. Morris, A.B., 1890. Charles A. Mosemiller, A.B., 1890. Joseph E. Moser, M.D., 1907. David M. Mottier, A.B., 1891. Pearl Neeld, A.B., 1907. Alpheus R. Nees, A.B., 1910. Ralph W. Noyer, A.B., 1906. Haidee C. Nuckols, A.B., 1888. John P. O'Donnell, LL.B, 1907. Katie M. Opperman (Mrs. Frank M. Andrews), A.B., 1902. Martha Orchard (Mrs. Claude G. Malott), A.B., 1891. Carl W. F. Osthaus, A.M., 1890. Oliver R. Overman, A.B., 1910. Charles E. Owens, A.B., 1910. Lola C. Owens, A.B., 1904. Orie E. Parker, A.B., 1910. Mary S. Paxton, A.B., 1905. Fernandus Payne, A.B., 1905. Katherine N. Pearson (Mrs. Nathan L. Bur- well), A.B., 1885. Ferman L. Pickett, A.B., 1910. Roy O. Pike, LL.B., 1900. Lemuel A. Pittenger, A.B., 1907. Keith Preston, A.M., 1907. Earl E. Ramsey, A.B., 1902. Maude M. Ramsey, A.B., 1908. Rolla R. Ramsey, A.B., 1895. Ella Rawles (Mrs. Charles H. Springer), A.B., 1888. William A Rawles, A.B., 1884. Lota E. Ray, A.B., 1907. Carolyn Read (Mrs. Wil- liam A. Karsell), A.B., 1906. Jeff I. Reeves (Mrs. Arthur B. Stonex), A.B., 1909. Sara C. Rettger (Mrs. Wil- liam J. Moenkhaus). A.B., 1899. Agnes R. Reynolds (Mrs. Henry T. Stephenson). A.B., 1899. Darmon A. Rhinehart, A.B., 1910. Jessie M. Ritter (Mrs. Ed- ward D. Farmer), A.B., 1901. Adda L. Rogers, A.B., 1908. Leonidas D. C. Rogers, A.B., 1878. Mary Rogers, A.B., 1908. Robert C. Rogers, A.B., 1891. David A. Rothrock, A.B., 1892. Thomas J. Sare, LL.B., 1894. Will Scott, A.B., 1908. (Mrs.) Naomi C. Scott, A.B., 1910. Roy W. Scott, A.B., 1910. Charles J. Sembower, A.B., 1892. Helena G. Shirley (Mrs. David A. Rothrock), A.B., 1900. Maud Siebenthal, A.B., 1900. Maud A. Showers (Mrs. Burton D. Myers), A.B., 1901. Nellie G. Showers (Mrs. Sanford F. Teter), A.B., 1893. Essie A. Smith, A.B., 1902. Henry L. Smith, A.B., 1898. John A. Smith, A.B., 1909. Lola J. Smith, A.B., 1901. Thurston Smith, A.B., 1894. Ulysses H. Smith, A.B.. 1803. Margaret Snodgrass, A.B.. 1904. Winfield C. Snyder, B.S., 1.880. Wilmer H. Souder, A.B., 1910. Hazel Squires, A.B., 1908. Claude Steele, LL.B., 1905. Ruth Steele (Mrs. Alfred M. Brooks), A.B., 1910. (Mrs.) Myrtle Emmert Stempel (Mrs. Guido H. Stem pel), A.B., 1902. Arthur B. Stonex, A.B., 1906. Claude E. Sutton, A.B., 1910. John S. Taylor, A.B., 1910. Sanford F. Teter, A.B., 1893. Margaret A. Todd (Mrs. George F. Holland), A.B., 1893. Lena Triplett (Mrs. Rob- ert C. Rogers), A.B., 1901. Vesta Triplett (Mrs. Otto F. Rogers), A.B., 1902. Ella A. Turner (Mrs. David Lively), B.L., 1882. Floy Underwood (Mrs. Raymond L. Modesitt), A.B., 1908. Charles A. Unnewehr, A.B., 1902. James M. Van Hook, A.B., 1899. Thurman W. Van Metre, A.B., 1910. Elizabeth E. Van Valzah, A.B., 1909. Sara M. Van Valzah, A.B., 1909. Maud F. Van Zandt (Mrs. Louis S. Davis), A.B., 1888. Ralph D. Wadsworth, A.B., 1905. Martha A. Wareing (Mrs. Virgil E. Anthony), A.B., 1908. Joseph A. Weaver, A.B., 1892. John C. Wells, A.B., 1886. Joseph A. Williams, A.B.. 1906. Kenneth P. Williams, A.B., 1908. Milton M. Williams, A.B., 1908. Nina J. Williams, A.B., 1910. Oscar H. Williams, A.B, 1905. Julia E. Willkie, A.B., 1909. Robert T. Willkie, A.B., 1909. Lulu A. Wilson, A.B.. 1887. James B. Wilson, LL.B., 1892. Martha E. Wilson, B.L., 1885. James A. Woodburu, A.B., 1876. Homer Woolery, A.B., 1897. Andrew T. Wylie, A.B , 1906. Louise Wylie (Mrs. Her- mann B. Boisen-), B.S., 1871. Redick A. Wylie, A.B.. 1898. Emma Zeis (Mrs. George D. Morris), A B., 1898. 160 Register of Graduates MONROE COUNTY Confd Kllettsville Hazel King, A.B., 1909. Stinesville Flora M. Spencer, A.B.. 1909. MONTGOMERY COUNTY Crawfordsville ' Drybread ' B - S - William J. Goff, LL B 1910. Linnaeus N. Hines, A.B.. Arthur MeGaughey, LL.B., 1908. Zora H. Miller, A.B., 1904. Ethel Rondthaler (Mrs Arthur A. McCain), A.B., 1892. Ladoga R 19?0 F. Blatchley, A.B., Nellie' W. Graybill, A.B., Pal Havens (Mrs. Frank E. Davis), A.B., 1906. Mary^ A. Johnson, A.B.. 189 f. William E. Smythe, A.B., 1909. New Market Charles W. Jack, A.B.. 190o. New Richmond Alfred E. Malsbary, A.B., 189o. New Ross M 190 E ' Walkup ' A ' B - Shannondale Henry H. Gobbel, MD 1910. Wingate Martha E. Hormell, A.B 1907. Margaret Weesner, A.B., MORGAN COUNTY Eminence Nora E. Bourn, A.B., 1910. .Martinsrille Alfred M. Bain, A.B., 1892. James G. Bain, LL.B., 1870. Arthur D. Batchelor, A.B., 1894. Hannah M. Book, A.B.. 1905. Emmett F. Branch, A.B.. 1896. Commodore W. Cauble. A.B., 1903. Robert H. Egbert, M.D.. 1909. Alfred W. Hadley. M.D.. 1910. James H. Jordan. B.S., 1868. Edwin G. Kyte, M.D., 1909. Elam M. McCord, B.S., 1869. William E. McCord, A.B., 1872. Edith L. Martin (Mrs. Wil- liam C. Stoker), A.B., 1900. James V. Mitchell, B.S., 1862. Ellsworth Sadler, A.B., 1877. Francis T. Singleton, Ph.B., 1886. Hannah M. Stevens, A.B., 1907. Emma L. Wilson (Mrs. Arthur D. Batchelor), A.B., 1899. Monrovia Joseph E. A. Heiney, Ph.B., 1886. Mooresville Edna T. Pidgeon (Mrs. George B. Carter), A.B., 1904. Paragon Henry J. Ratts, A.B., 1888. NEWTON COUNTY Brook James L. Mclntosh. A.B., 1906. Elias E. Vance, A.B., 1899. Goodland Ethel L. Roberts, A.B., 1908. Kentland Charles E. Vinzant, A.B.. 1909. NOBLE COUNTY Albion William A. Beane, A.B., 1898. Otto E. Grant, A.B., 1902. William T. Knox, A.B.. 1898. Avilla Dottie A. Damand, A.B., 1901. Brimfleld Sam W. Hooke, M.D., 1909. Kendallville Purley C. Emmons, A.B., 1900. Vermont M. Finley. LL.B., 1909. Andrew J. Hypes. A.B.. 1910. I,igonier Fannie C. Allen (Mrs. Wal- lace C. Palmer), B.L.. 1880. May A. Curtis, A.B., 1897. David S. Taylor, LL.B., 1896. Wawaka Guy R. Hall, A.B., 1909. OHIO COUNTY Rising Sun Levi J. Driver, A.B., 1903. Anna V. McConnell, A.B., 1910. ORANGE COUNTY French Lick Andrew J. Cassidy, LL.B., 1909. Nettie M. Owen, A.B., 1907. Orleans George H. Carter, A.B., 1897. Zella B. Tegarden, A.B., 1909. Robert A. Troth, A.B., 1896. Paoli Bayless Harvey, A.B., 1895. William V. Payne, A.B., 1895. Joseph P. Throop, LL.B., 1871. William J. Throop, LL.B.. 1871. OWEN COUNTY Gosport Raymond B. Duff, A.B., 1899. Louis R. Gray, A.B., 1905. Frank M. Martin, LL.B., 1903. Quincy Susannah Hamilton (Mrs. Vincent Anderson), B.S., 1871. David H. McDonald, A.B., 1852. Spencer David E. Beem, A.B., 1860. Ida B. Brake (Mrs. Thom- as Dwight Bayne), A.B., 1902. Oda A. Brown, A.B., 1908. Nancy F. Cox (Mrs. Geo. W. Moore), A.B., 1901. Louis L. Drescher, A.B., 1891. Catherine Egnor, A.B., 1902. Inmau H. Fowler, LL.B., 1871. Harrison Hight, A.B., 1860 James R. Miller, LL.B., 1899. George W. Moore, A.B., 1901. Charles L. Ooley, A.B., 1909. John C. Robinson, A.B., 1861. Herbert A. Rundell, LL.B., 1906. Shirley F. Stewart, A.B., 1908. List by Localities 161 PARKE COUNTY Bockville Albert M. Adams, B.L., 1883. Charles W. Sappenfield, B.S., 1863. Tangier Minnie B. Ellis, A.B., 1895. PERRY COUNTY Cannelton Nellie G. Meiser, A.B., 1910. William M. Waldschmidt, A.B., 1894. Borne John D. Groves, A.B., 1896. Tell City Hattie Listenfelt, A.B., 1907. Emil H. Mangel, A.B., 1910. Christian Newman, A.B., 1889. Herbert J. Patrick, LL.B., 1907. PIKE COUNTY Otwell Aaron Miller, A.B., 1903. Oscar Polhemus, A.B., 1897. Petersburg: Charles A. Coffey, LL.B., 1896. William D. Crow, A.B., 1894. William D. Curll, LL.B., 1897. Samuel E. Dillin, LL.B., 1900. Union Benjamin F. Hatfleld, A.B., 1879. John R. Ranes, M.D., 1908. PORTER COUNTY Chesterton Augustus O. Reubelt, A.B., 1870. Hebron James H. Dowd, A.B., 1874. Minnie E. Kern (Mrs. Wil- liam J. Titus), A.B., 1908. William J. Titus, A.B., 1909. Valparaiso Abbie F. Barrett (Mrs. Lee F. Bennett), A.B., 1898. Lee F. Bennett, A.B., 1898. Nelson J. Bozarth, LL.B., 1872. Edgar D. Crumpacker, LL.B., 1874. William H. Dowell, LL.B., 1871. William F. Ellis, A.B.. 1899. [H] Moses R. Heinmiller, A.B., 1899. Calvin S. Hoover, A.B., 1893. Eugene S. Miller, A.B., 1901. Wheeler Mrs. Belle M. Neal, A.B., 1906. POSEY COUNTY Cynthiana Virginia Randolph (Mrs. Jesse P. Emerson), A.B., 1896. Mt. Vernon Roscoe U. Barker, A.B., 1901. Francis E. Callahan, A.B., 1903. Herdis F. Clements, LL.B., 1896. George W. Curtis, A.B., 1901. Edward Daniel, A.B., 1909. Charles W. Egner, A.B., 1909. Frederick P. Leonard, A.B., 1879. New Harmony Lawrence Hurst, A.B., 1910. Ida E. Stallings, A.B. 1910. Thomas W. Wilson, B.L., 1884. Poseyville Harvey B. Alexander, A.B., 1909. Margaret A. Laughlin, A.B., 1910. Noah W. Murphy, A.B., PULASKI COUNTY Metlaryville Pearlus E. Smiley, A.B., 1910. Star City Wildie L. Davis, A.B., 1907. Andrew F. Ogle, A.B., 1906. Winamac Virgil Berry, LL.B., 1909. Estelle Dalton (Mrs. Harry W. McDowell), A.B., 1894. Eli Hoch, B.S., 1869. Otto C. Kinnick, A.B., 1910. Harry W. McDowell, A.B., 1895. Charles E. Spaulding 1897. Felix W. Thomas, PUTNAM COUNTY Cloverdale Henry N. Coffman, A.B., 1895. Howard Hart, LL.B., 1866. Beryl B. Sandy, A.B., 1905. Mary M. Stockwell, A.B., 1910. Greencastle Millicent M. Coss, A.B., 1902. Karl H. Fussier, A.B., 1909. Helen Gregory (Mrs. Ferd- inand Lucas), A.B., 1898. Edith Holloway, A.B., 1908. John H. Johnston, A.B., 1896. Joseph P Naylor, M.S., 1885. Robert A. Ogg, B.S., 1872. David L. Vandament, A.B., 1880. Boachdale Blanche B. Couk, A.B., 1907. Kussellville Romulus Boyd, A.B., 1894. Morton W. Fordice, B.S., 1886. RANDOLPH COUNTY Farmland Omar Caswell, A.B., 1897. Kid geville Charles J. Wood, LL.B., 1910. Spartanburg George H. Davis, M.D., 1909. Union City Austin B. Corbin, A.B., 1909. Kate Freeman, A.B., 1907. Florence B. Smith (Mrs. James W. Stott), A.B., 1901. James W. Stott, A.B., 1903. Charles O. Weimer, LL.B., 1910. Winchester Viletta E. Baker, A.B., 1905. Gladys C. Morris, A.B., 1906. Bess E. Stephenson, A.B., 1910. Arlam R. Williams, A.B., 1899. R1PLEY COUNTY Benham John S. Benham, A.B., 1902. Osgood Thomas Smith, A.B., 1907. RUSH COUNTY Glenwood Ruby O. Smiley, A.B., 1905. Milroy John R. Hume, M.D., 1907. 162 Register of Graduates RUSH COUNTY Cont'd New Salem Mary M. Logan (Mrs. Charles V. Spencer), A.B., 1891. Normal V. Patterson, A.B., 1895. Rushville Lenora M. Alexander (Mrs. Amos H. Blacklidge), A.B., 1897. Emma R. Clark (Mrs. Thomas B. Gary), A.M., 1894. Anna L. Fisher, A.B., 1891. Frank J. Hall, B.S., 1867. Anna S. Megee, A.B., 1910. Joseph H. Scholl, A.B., 1898. Jessie B. Spann (Mrs. Abraham L. Gary), A.B., 1904. James H. Williams, A.B., 1889. ST. JOSEPH COUNTY Lakeville Osie M. Clark, A.B., 1910. New Carlisle Frank H. Foster, A.B., 1891. North Liberty Frank C. Pearse, LL.B., 1896. South Bend Charles A. Alberts, A.B., 1905. Walter H. Barnhart, A.B., 1910. Earl M. Bettcher, LL.B., 1897. Allen L. Brenner, A.B., 1905. Arnett B. Cronk, LL.B., 1910. Chester L. Du Comb, Cer- tificate, 1910. Clifford V. DuComb, LL.B., 1909. Courtland P. Du Comb, LL.B., 1895. Thomas A. Dugdale, M.D., 1908. Howard W. Fenton, LL.B., 1910. Clint L. Huffman, A.B., 1902. Titus E. Kinzie, A.B., 1891. Etta (Diermeyer), Leonard (Mrs. Zenas B. Leonard), A.B., 1898. Zenas B. Leonard, A.B., 1893. Iden S. Romig, LL.B., 1892. Madge C. Taylor (Mrs. William B. Schaefer), A.B., 1905. Leona L. Turner, A.B., 1905. Oscar O. Whitenack, A.B., 1897. Owen B. Windle, A.B., 1908. John A. Wood, A.B., 1897. Louise (Meyer) Wood (Mrs. John A. Wood), A.B., 1897. SCOTT COUNTY Scottsburg Frank Gardner, LL.B., 1900. Noble J. Hays, LL.B., 1893. Willard L. Morrison, A.B., 1888. SHELBY COUNTY Shelbyville Grant W. Baker, LL.B., 1897. John M. Brown, B.S., 1868. Mayo D. Foland, A.B., 1909. Sarah V. Hanna, A.B., 1901. Thomas D. Jones, A.B., 1907. Florence J. McCrea, A.B., 1910. Clara J. Mitchell, A.B., 1897. Connor D. Ross, LL.B., 1909. SPENCER COUNTY K vans ton James F. McGregor, A.B., 1875. Grand vie w Grace M. Egeler, A.B., 1909. John H. Thomas, A.B., 1907. Lake Geneva Kimmel, A.B., 1909. Newtonville George F. Adye, B.S., 1860. Bockport Otto C. Baumgaertner, A.B., 1893. John O. Chewning, A.B.. 1901. Aquila C. Huff, B.L., 1882. Benjamin F. Huffman, LL.B., 1897. William C. Mason, A.B., 1885. Elizabeth H. Murray, A.B., 1904. John J. Reinhard, A.B., 1906. STARKE COUNTY Knox James M. Leffel, A.B., 1908. Glenn D. Peters, A.B., 1906. STEUBEN COUNTY Angola Mabel C. Fertich, A.B., 1899. Hamilton Don F. Cameron, A.B., 1907. Pleasant Lake Ernest V. Shockley, A.B., 1909. SULLIVAN COUNTY Carlisle Jessie M. Sentney, A.B., 1909. William B. Wolfe, A.B., 1860. Merom Zuah Z. C. Weimer, A.B., 1908. Sullivan Charles Bedwell, LL.B.. 1907. William H. Bridwell, LL.B., 1898. James R. Brown, LL.B., 1896. Charles A. Freeman, A.B., 1907. Jacob W. Holton, A.B., 1902. Nellie G. Morris, A.B., 1901. Thomas J. Wolfe, A.B., 1856. SWITZERLAND COUNTY Patriot William V. Boyle, M.D., 1910. Vevay Grace H. Griffith, A.B., A.B., 1901. George W. Heady, A.B., 1903. John S. Heady, LL.B., 1862. TIPPECANOE COUNTY Dayton Helen G. Roberts, A.B., 1908. Lafayette Rochester Baird, LL.B., 1906. Charles A. Burnett, A.B., 1881. Sarah Dillon (Mrs. David M. Boyle), A.B., 1883. Lester D. Hammond, A.B., 1907. Florence Hawkins, A.B., 1898. Robert F. Right, A.B., 1888. Glenn James, A.B., 1905. Mary W. Lindley, A.B., 1894. List by Localities 163 TIPPECANOE COUNTY Cont'd Lafayette Cont'd Sterling R. McElwaine, A.B., 1909. Adah McMahon, A.B., 1889. William A. Millington, M.D., 1910. Aldine E. Morgan, M.D., 1908. Ralph R. Murphy, A.B., 1910. George L. Roberts, A.B., 1894 Joseph H. Shock, A.B., 1902. Travis S. Turbett, A.B., 1909. Oliver P. West, A.B., 1900. Florence E. Woodfield, A.B., 1909. Charles E. Woods, M.D., 1910. Romney Edgar T. Mitchell, M.D., 1908. West Lafayette Helen Alford (Mrs. Charles J. Berry), B.S., 1871. Thomas G. Alford, B.S.. 1871. Carl V. Davisson, M.D., 1908. Guy E. Grantham, A.B., 1909. Jesse O. James, A.B., 1905. Oscar W. Silvey, A.B., 1907. Jesse D. Trueblood, A.B., 1874. TIPTON COUNTY Sharpsville John J. Batchelo*, LL.B., 1903. Ethel C. Boyd (Mrs. Han- son S. Gifford), A.B.. 1904. Hanson S. Gifford, A.B., 1904. Tipton Jennie M. Bennett, A.B., 1909. Minnie B. Bryan (Mrs. Lu- cian R. Oakes), B.L., 1885. Arthur E. Burkhardt, M.D., 1908. Andrew S. Dickey, A.B., 1877. Allen W. Gifford, A.B.. 1896. Glen J. Gifford, A.B., 1899. Edith C. Holland (Mrs. Glen J. Gifford), A.B., 1900. Charles Kemp, LL.B., 1906. Nellie M. Knause, A.B., 1908. Lucian R. Oakes, A.B., 1885. Florence Rosenthal, A.B.. 1908. Helen R. Shirk (Mrs. George Shortle, Jr.), A.B., 1902. UNION COUNTY Liberty Walter F. Bossert, LL.B., 1907. Thomas W. Records, A.B.. 1901. William A. Thompson, M.D.. 1909. VANDERBURGH COUNTY Evansville Tamar Althouse, LL.B., 1892. 121 Chestnut St. Charles P. Bock, LL.B., 1910. 705 Furniture Bldg. William O. Bohannon, A.B., 1906. 202i Fourth St. Ferdinand H. Bosse, A.B.. 1901. 406 East Colum- bia St. John R. Brill, A.B., 1889. 606 Washington Ave. William C. Brooks, A.B., 1909. Room 9, Y. M. C. A. Bldg. Mary E. Brown (Mrs. Win. B. Farmer), A.B., 1898. Walter W. Carson, LL.B., 1903. 118 Fourth St. David A. Cox, A.B., 1888. Howell Station. Chester C. Culp, LL.B., 1871. 306 Edgar St. John M. Culver, A.B., 1895. 507 Jefferson Ave. Harry R. Davidson, A.B., 1901. 902 Upper First St. Curran A. DeBruler, B.S.. 1863. 619 Upper Second St. George R. DeBruler, A.B., 1898. 37 Madison Ave. William A. Deerhake, M.D., 1908. U. S. Marine Hospital. Charles W. Dodson, A.B., 1907. Edgar Durre, LL.B., 1895. 816 Adams St. Eva K. Ensle, A.B., 1899. 507 Jefferson Ave. Delia J. Evans, A.B., 1897. 1452 Upper Second St. William B. Farmer, A.B.. 1899. Mary E. Foley, A.B., 1908. 816 South First St. John H. Foster, A.B., 1882. 900 Riverside Ave. Rudolph F. Fritsch, A.B., 1898. 621 Third Ave. Otto G. Geiss, LL.B., 1905. 317 Sycamore St. Charles W. Hartloff, A.B., 1892. 120 Upper Second St. Frank H. Hatfleld, A.B.. 1890. 210 Washington Ave. George D. Heilman, LL.B., 1900. 126 East Iowa St. John H. Henke, A.B., 1896. John C. Hutchinson, A.B.. V 1903. 1024 Upper Second St. Alvah Johnson, A.B., 1849. 915 South First St. Beatrice Jones, A.B., 1905. 118 Campbell St. Isidor Kahn, LL.B., 1908. Rookery Bldg. Henry W. Kamman, LL.B., 1900. 319 Edgar St. Anna H. Kelly (Mrs. Al- bert J. Venneman), A.B., 1891. 505 Oakley St. Hiram M. Logsdon, B.S., 1875. Alvin H. McCoy, A.B., 1907. 610 Read St. Harlan B. McCoy, A.B., 1908. 11 Upper Fourth St. Arthur H. Meyer, A.B., 1907. 1214 East Virginia St. Edward E. Meyer, LL.B., 1909. 414 South Sixth St. Frederick C. Muller, LL.B., 1898. 429 East Illinois St. DeEarl Mushlitz, A.B., 1900. 116 Blackford Ave. Harry J. Peckinpaugh, LL.B., 1892. 48 Vine St. Frank G. Pickel, A.B., 1909. 1417 Gum St. Francis B. Posey, LL.B., 1869. 505 Washington Ave. William Reister, LL.B., 1894. 103 Campbell St. Lulu J. Robinson, A.B., 1905. 620 Gum St. Woodh'n D. Robinson, A.B., 1879. 21 Chandler Ave. John C. Stratton, A.B., 1903. 1112 East Dela- ware St. Mary L. Thrall, A.B., 1898. Ernest P. Wiles, A.B., 1898. Leonard L. Williams, A.B., 1907. Charles W. Wittenbraker, LL.B., 1900. 211 Upper Fourth St. Howell Charlie C. Sutter, M.D., 1910. Ingle field (Mrs.) Mary A. Johns, A.B., 1907. VERMILLION COUNTY Cayuga Albert R. Parker, A.B., 1909. John R. Patrick, A.B., 1904. Oscar B. Zell, A.B., 1894. Clinton Belle C. Jones (Mrs. Frank R. Miller), A.B., 1903. Frank R. Miller, LL.B., 1905. Austin G. Morris, A.M., 1909. Sadie A. Newlon, A.B., 1910. Hezzie B. Pike, LL.B., 1906. Beatrice O. Sanders, B.L., 1882. Henry E. Washburn, M.D., 1910. 164 Register of Graduates VERMILLION COUNTY Cont'd Dana Robert S. Martin, A.B., 1908. Hallie E. Newton, A.B., 1910. Newport Homer B. Aikman, LL.B., 1904. Edward E. Neel, LL.B., 1900. Mary E. Thornton, A.B., 1909. William C. Wait, LL.B., 1900. VIGO COUNTY Edwards Homer G. Johnston, A.B., 1909. Fred A. Walker, A.B., 1904. Prairie Creek Walter F. Payne, M.D., 1907. Riley Jasper N. Lee, LL.B., 1864. Terre Haute Helen C. Benbridge, A.B.. 1898. 213 North Seventh St. Mabel Bonsall, A.B., 1901. 315 North Twenty-third St. Lucy F. Brokaw, A.B., 1908. 913 South Fifth St. Faith E. Brown (Mrs. Chester Y. Kelly), A.B., 1906. 316 North Sixth St. Edwin M. Bruce, A.B., 1899. 2401 North Ninth St. James H. Caldwell, LL.B., 1907. Erwin Block. Nina Coltrin, A.B., 1897. R. R. No. 5. Charles N. Combs, A.B., 1900. 128 South Sixth St. Kate (Meehan) Cox (Mrs. Ulysses O. Cox), A.B., 1901. 433 Washington Ave. Rose M. Cox, A.B., 1896. 659 Mulberry St. Ulysses O. Cox, A.B., 1900. 433 Washington Ave. William G. Crawford, M.D., 1908. 605 Lafayette Ave. Frank C. Donaldson, LL.B., 1872. 101 North Seventh St. . Charles L. Fleshman, LL.B., 1894. 1170 Lafay- ette Ave. Edith F. Flood, A.B., 1909. 1125 South Seventh St. David H. Forsyth, M.D., 1909. 715 Hulman St. Robert G. Gillum, A.B., 1881. 63 Gilbert Ave. Samuel S. Gobin. LL.B., 1906. 542 North Fifth St. James W. Heath, A.B., 1898. 448 South Eight- eenth St. Albert E. Highley, A.B., 1910. 1709 South Tenth St. Roscoe R. Hyde, A.B., 1909. 402 North Fifth St. Austin W. Inman, A.B., 1906. Robert C. Johnson, M.D., 1909. 827 Ohio St. Alfred E. Jones, A.B., 1901. 540 North Seventh St. Chester Y. Kelly, A.B., 1905. 316 North Sixth St. Oscar L. Kelso, B.S., 1884. 700 South Fifth St. Louise K. Lammers, A.B., 1905. 312 College Ave. Minnie B. Lammers, A.B., 1908. 312 College Ave. William O. Lynch, A.B., 1903. 1454 South Seventh St. George F. McCarthy, A.B., 1908. 203-4 Terre Haute Trust Bldg. Claude H. Marshall, A.B., 1901. 1515 South Sixth St. Ernest L. Mattox, A.B., 1902. Union Hospital. Daniel T. Miller, A.B., 1908. Sixth and Ohio Sts. Floyd P. Newsom, LL.B., 1908. 429 North Center St. Benjamin A. Ogdon, A.B., 1895. 1707 North Eighth St. William W. Parsons, A.M., 1886. Louise Peters, A.B., 1898. 430 South Fifth St. Albert G. Porter, M.D., 1909. Grover C. Pritchett, M.D., 1910. St. Anthony Hos- pital. Frank W. Ray, LL.B.. 1901. 1329 South Eighth St. Louis J. Rettger, A.M., 1890. 31 Gilbert Ave. Jessie B. Robinson, A.B., 1909. 674 Oak St. Mabel Ryan, A.B., 1899. 1115 South Fifth St. James E. Sanders, LL.B., 1907. Suite 10-11, Erwin Block. Howard Sandison, A.M., 1888. 404 North Center St. Herman A. Schmidt, LL.B., 1902. Oscar R. Shields, A.B., 1904. 671* Wabash Ave. Homer B. Shoup, M.D., 1910. St. Anthony. Hos- pital. Laura E. Shryer, A.B., 1907. 430 South Fifth St. Harrie C. Smith, M.D., 1909. 214 Rose Dispen- sary. James P. Stunkard. A.B., 1879. 823 South Fifth St. Sarah T. Swihart, A.B., 1907. 418 North Center St. Millard L. Tyler, A.B., 1907. 1932 North Ninth St. Charles J. Waits, A.B., 1894. 1940 North Tenth St. Lydia Whitaker, A.B., 1900. 1451 South Center St. John B. Wisely, A.B., 1890. 1247 North Tenth St. Arba L. Woods, M.D., 1909. St. Anthony Hospital. WABASH COUNTY Laketon Charles O. Signs, A.B., 1897. Mary C. Sims, A.B., 1910. North Manchester Grace W. Martin, A.B., 1908. Charles A. Sala, LL.B., 1891. Otho Winger, A.B., 1905. LaGro Kathryn Goodwin, A.B., 1910. Boann Elizabeth M. Hanna, A.B., 1910. Daniel D. Van Buskirk, LL.B., 1897. Wabash Cornelia S. Blayney, A.B., 1907. (Mrs.) Alta J. Brady, A.B., 1907. Charles H. Brady, A.B., 1907. George H. Burke, A.B., 1892. Fred I. King, A.B., 1897. Nellie Naftzger, A.B., 1910. William J. Scott, A.B., 1901. Frederick E. Sutton, LL.B., 1907. Wellman Thrush, A.B., 1896. WARREN COUNTY Pine Village John E. Lung, A.B., 1910. West Lebanon Elwin A. Graves, LL.B., 1906. Williamsport John K. Chambers, A.B., 1904. William B. Durborrow, B.S., 1876. Bertha E. Hunter, A.B., 1910. List by Localities 165 WARRICK COUNTY Boonville Lenpha A. Folsom, A.B., 1900. Roger D. Gough, LL.B., 1905. Sidney B. Hatfield, A.B., 1864. Gaines H. Hazen, LL.B., 1871. Sherman K. Ingle, M.D., 1909. Robert S. Moore, A.B., 1901. Nellie B. Perigo (Mrs. Henry F. Fulling), A.B., 1900. Charles E. Skinner, A.B.. 1905. Chandler Helen M. Lant, A.B., 1910. Newburg Helen Posey, A.B., 1903. Isham Taylor, A.B., 1893. Lewis Taylor, LL.B., 1894. WASHINGTON COUNTY I lard in s burg Aaron A. Cravens, B.S., 1869. Benjamin H. Cravens, B.S., 1872. Pekin Sherman C. Rickard, A.B. 1902. Salem Lera I. Berkey, A.B., 1907. Samuel H. Brooks, A.B., 1905. Joseph C. Bush, A.B., 1894 Robert E. Cavanaugh, A.B., 1908. Walter H. Crim, A.B., 1902. Thomas P. Masterson, LL.B., 1900. Myrtle E. Mitchell (Mrs. James L. Tucker), A.B 1902. Samuel H. Mitchell, A.B., 1877. William H. Payuter, A.B., James L. Tucker, LL B 1898. Flora Williams, A.B., 1908. WAYNE COUNTY Cambridge City Lawrence H. Bertsch, A.B., 1902. John C. Dodson, A.B., Lynn E. Kepler, A.B., 1891. Dublin Volney N. Fackler, M.D., 1907. Florence E. Knipe, A.B., 1900. Peter V. Voris, A.B., 1899. William B. Woodward, LL.B., 1899. Green's Fork William F. Kratli, A.B., 1909. Hagerstown Joshua H. Allen, LL.B., 1905. Oliver M. Deardorff, M.D., 1909. Benjamin F. Mason, LL.B., 1876. Richmond Elizabeth M. Comstock, A.B., 1892. William C. Conrad, A.B., 1906. Bertha E. Hawkins, A.B., 1891. Norval C. Heironimus, A.B., 1895: Faunie E. Horrell, A.B., 1910. Edna Johnson, A.B., 1898. Edgar A. Menk, A.B., 1907. Arthur L. Murray, A.B., 1901. Florence R. Myrick (Mrs. Thomas I. Ahl), A.B., 3899. Rollo J. Peirce, A.B., 1897. Rainard B. Robbins, A.B., 1909. Louis F. Ross, A.B., 1903. Katherine F. Schaefer (Mrs. Edgar F. Hiatt), A.B., 1898. Samuel E. Smith, B.L., 1882. Alice Test, A.B., 1890. Roscoe H. Wade, LL.B., 1909. William D. Waldrip, A.B., 1903. Lillie F. Windsor (Mrs. Benjamin F. Harris), A.B., 1891. Miriam E. Windsor (Mrs. John A. Walls), A.B., 1891. Webster Alpheus L. Baldwin, A.M., 1897. White Water George B. Hunt, M.D., 1910. WELLS COUNTY Bluffton Lila Curtis, A.B., 1897. Charles G. Dailey, A.B., 1898. Frank C. Dailey, LL.B., 1894. Otis Elliott, A.B., 1909. Frank W. Gordon, LL.B., 1902. Augustus W. Hamilton. LL.B., 1902. James P. Hale, B.S., 1872. Theodore V. Harsh, LL.B., 1910. Orville Hickam, A.B., 1906. Blanche Karns, A.B., 1900. James B. Merriman, A.B., 1902. John K. Rinehart, LL.B , 1871 Stella A. Vaughn (Mrs. Wm. A. Patton), A.B., 1901. Merle K. Williamson, A.B., 1904. Keystone Franklin G. Haecker, A.B., 1893. Chella D. Maddox, A.B., 1908. Hugh G. Maddox, LL.B., 1908. Ossian Belle Batchelor, A.B., 1909. Aarou Deich, A.B., 1910. Elizabeth L. Demaree, A.B., 1906. WHITE COUNTY Brookston Ira Brodner, A.B., 1898. Burnetts Creek Albert A. Mourer, A.B., 1909. Meta L. Wilhelm, A.B., 1909. Idaville Leona Hadley (Mrs. James H. McCully), A.B., 1905. Monticello Benjamin F. Carr, LL.B., 1893. Guy R. Coffin, M.D., 1908. Clarence R. Cowger, A.B., 1905. Ellen Creek, A.M., 1908. Joseph B. Dorsett, A.B., 1910. Mary E. Holladay, A.B., 1906. Truman F. Palmer, LL.B., 1872. Wesley Taylor, LL.B., 1900. Wolcott Augustus J. Blickenstaff, A.B., 1904. Daisy M. Plunkett (Mrs. John C. Downey), A.B., 1899. Lewis E. Wheeler, A.B., 1907. WHITLEY COUNTY Churubusco Marcella G. Magers, A.B., 1908. Columbia City Benton J. Bloom, A.B., 1907. William E. Clapham, A.B., 1894. Herbert L. Ihrig, A.B., 1903. Myrtle I. Kent, A.B., 1908. Jesse D. Knight, A.B., 1907. Louise T. Loughry (Mrs. William E. Clapham), A.B., 1900. Carolyn M. Reed, A B., 1906. 166 Register of Graduates OTHER STATES ALABAMA Bay Minette Louise K. Mathers (Mrs. Llewellyn A.B., 1892. Riley). Normal Thomas II. Reynolds, A.B., 1906. University Fletcher B. Dressier, A.B., 1889. ARIZONA Flagstaff Verna B. Darby (Mrs. Carl O. Lampland), A.B., 1902. Carl O. Lampland, A.B., 1902. Jesse Lewis, A.B., 1901. Emma R. Munger (Mrs. Vesto M. Slipher), A.B., 1903. Earl C. Slipher, A.B., 1906. Vesto M. Slipher, A.B., 1901. Fort Defiance Alexander Black, A.B., 1901. Globe Leonard M. Luce, A.B., 1906. Ora Staley, A.B., 1906. Jerome Carl M. Heim, LL.B., 1908. Phoenix Josephine B. Cruse (Mrs. Adolphus G. Clark), A.B., 1906. James M. Stewart, LL.B., 1900. Nancy M. Woodward (Mrs. George M. Smith), B.S., 1881. Prescott Frank W. Hart, A.B., 1908. St. Joseph Sarah P. Hilliard, A.B., 1904. Tuba Clarence W. Mullikin, M.D., 1908. Tucson Ben C. Hill, LL.B., 1907. Tombstone Gloria M. Pickard (Mrs. Lee O. Woolery), A.B., 1903. ARKANSAS Little Rock Raleigh L. Burns. LL.B., 1907. 1503 West Third St. Catherine Chilton (Mrs. George H. Hull), A.B., 1902. Siloam Springs John W. Welch, B.S., 1861. CALIFORNIA Alameda Arthur Heironymus, A.B., 1894. Alhambra Effle P. Blount, A.B., 1900. Anaheim Otto T. Cailor, LL.B., 1894. Bakersfield Martha Wiley, A.B., 1891. Bay Point Charles I. Kerr, A.B., 1896. Berkeley Bertha M. Bunker, A.B., 1910. Lincoln O. Dale, A.B., 1895. Charles G. Davis, A.B., 1898. 2122^ Dwight Way. Mary E. Long (Mrs. Charles J. Pence), A.B., 1885. 2308 Le Conte Ave. Charles R. Madison. A.B., 1890. 2621 Haste St. Chino Floyd S. Hayden, A.B., 1905. Compton Benjamin F. McCord, A.B., Covina Effle M. Lemonds, A.B., 1889. 1 Monte Annette E. K. Ferris, A.B., 1896. Fairfleld Edwin F. Dyer, A.B., 1891. Fresno John L. Pitner, B.S., 1869. Hemet Francis M. Charlton, LL.B., 1873. Huntingdon Park Aaron F. Wood, A.B., 1904. loamosa George M. Braxton, A.B., 1888. Herman Samuel F. Springer, A.B., 1903. Lemoore Mary Breckinridge (Mrs. William E. Lindley), A.B., 1891. William E. Lindley, A.B.. 1891. Lodi Ulysses H. Nicholson, A.B., ' 1898. Long Beach Glenn C. Burbauk, A.B., 1899. Roy A. Terry, M.D., 1910. L.OS Angeles Edward G. Adank, A.B., 1895. 336-7 Copp Bldg. Lambert M. Barker, A.B., 1905. 724-32 S. Broad- way St. James R. Beckett, A.B., 1884. Sallie J. Bodemer (Mrs. Durlin S. Benedict), A.B., 1898. 441 West Six- ty-second St. Charles M. Carpenter, A.B., 1889. 138 North Hill St. Mary Clark, A.B., 1907. 532 So la no Ave. William B. Creager, A.B., 1895. 1414 East Seven- teenth St. William S. Fish, A.B., 1874. 1057 Byram St. Mary I. Foglernau, A.B., 1898. 321 South Grand Ave. Robert M. Gamble, B.S., 1869. 469 Custer Ave. Edward G. Henry, LL.B., 1872. Woodward Hotel. Alfred R. Howe, A.B., 1869. Andrew C. Life, A.B., 1896. 1370 West Thirty -sixth St. Frances McCray, A.B., 1899. Hotel Trenton. George E. Mitchell, A.B., 1898. 455 Casco St. John E. Shepardson, A.B., 1890. 1147 Sautee St. Helen Shields, A.B., 1892. 953 Bonnie Brae Oliver M. Stultz, A.B., 1904. 930* Santee St. William S. Tipton, LL.B., 1893. 632-33 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Willis O. Tyler, A.B., 1902. 426-7 Bryson Bldg. Albert B. Ulrey, A.B., 1892. 1435 West Twenty -third St. Albert F. Vandegrift, A.B., 1905. 415 West Jefferson St Martha E. Weir (Mrs. Frank F. Wylie), A.B., 1904. 301 South Boyle Ave. John H. Whitely, A.B., 1899. 942 Potter Park Ave. Clinton W. Williams, A.B., 1908. 920 West Ninth St. Calvin R. Worrall, LL.B., 1876. 423-24 Citizens Na- tional Bank Bldg. Melbourne William H. Cox, A.B., 1899. List by Localities 167 CALIFORNIA Cont'd Mt. Hamilton Carl C. Kiess, A.B., 1910. Oakland Emory E. Grinnell, B.S., 1872. 1399 Forty-fifth Ave. Ruth A. Wilson (Mrs. Eugene M. Guise), A.B., 1906. 718 Thirty-ninth St. Oroville James B. Hughes, A.B., 1889. 415 Pine St. Orville C. Perry, A.B., 1897. Palo Alto Blanche Freeman, A.B., 1896. Elizabeth G. Hughes, A.B., .1875. 1248 Waverly St. William H. Kelly, A.B., 1894. Flora C. Kendall, A.B., 1876. 576 Lincoln Ave. Adelaide Perry (Mrs. John F. Newsom), A.B., 1895. Alberta Perry (Mrs. Wil- liam H. Kelly), A.B., 1894. Pasadena Ettilla Bethel (Mrs. Walter E. Nichols), A.B., 1897. Harry Gray, A.B., 1880. Melville C. Hester, A.B., 1855. 699 Bradford St. Lettie A. Miller, A.B., 1900. 88 North Marengo Ave. John B. Morrison, B.S., 1875. James P. O'Mara, A B 1907. Redlands Ansley H. Collins, A.B., 1890. Ella E. Munson (Mrs. Ben- jamin F. Bennett), A.B., Reedley Clara Mueller, A.B., 1902. Sacramento Warren C. Sherman, A.B 1877. 1709 P St. San Bernardino Larkin L. Beeman, A.B 1903. 347 Eleventh St. George H. Bower, LL.B., 1901. 689 Sixth St. San Diego Jonathan T. Perigo, A B 1889. Harry O. Wise, A.B., 1892. 707 National Ave. San Fernand Samuel J. Kahler, A B 1858. San Francisco Fabius M. Clarke, LL.B., 1874. First National Bank Bldg. Ambrose M. Cunning, B.S., 1868. 622-A Shrader St. Noble M. Cunningham, A.B., 1899. U. S. Weather Bureau. Charles M. Dickey. A.B., 1901. Hotel Argonaut. John C. S. Hunter, LL.B., 1872. 531 Fell St. Joseph W. Wiley, Ph.B., 1886. Humboldt Savings Bank Bldg. John H. Wise, A.B., 1850. 2160 Steiner St. Amos E. Zehr, A.B., 1904. 1812 Hyde St. San Jose Morris E. Dailey, A.M., 1897. Owen D. Richardson, A.B., 1893. 335 South Twelfth St. San Mateo Jacob E. McCurdy, LL.B.. 1910. San Kaefel William L. Glascock, A.B., 1905. 1014 Sixth St. Santa Ana Catherine B. Mills (Mrs. John W. Brdomell), A.B., 1895. Charles Whitted, B.S., 1874. Lucy Youse, A.B., 1897. Santa Barbara Ralph K. Forsyth, A.B., 1908. Santa Maria Guy G. Allee, A.B., 1904. Santa Monica Charles E. Morris, A.B., 1899. 1228 Eighth St. South Pasadena George C. Bush, A.B., 1898. Theodore E. Grable, A.B., 1907. Stanford University John C. Branner, Ph.D., 1885. Ellwood P. Cubberly, A.B., 1891. Charles H. Gilbert, M.S., 1882. Rufus L. Green, B.S., 1885. Oliver P. Jenkins, M.S., 1886. David S. Jordan, LL.D., 1909. (Mrs.) Jessie (Knight) Jor- dan (Mrs. David S. Jor- dan), A.B., 1890. Harry A. Millis, A.B., 1895. Lewis M. Terman, A.B., 1903. Ukiah William A. Marlow, A.B., 1891. Ventura Ida M. Parks (Mrs. John A. Walker), B.S., 1876. Visalia Chloe M. Foster, A.B., 1905. Willow William S. Rea, A.B., 1908. Yosemite -David A. Curry, A.B., 1883. Jennie E. Foster (Mrs. David A. Curry), B.L., COLORADO Boulder Charles M. Campbell, A.B., 1859. 1917 Pearl St. Arthur W. Fitzgerald, A.B., 1904. 1557 Ninth St. Adam C. Patton, A.B., 1884. John B. Phillips, A.B., 1889. Buena Vista Don G. Irions, A.B., 1909. Henry L. Miller, A.B., 1909. Colorado Martha 1894. St. Robert 1900. Ross 1904. St. George 1894. John 1906. Springs W. Dorsey, A.B., 304 E. Monument S. Ellison, A.B., M. Grindle, A.B., 1006 E. Boulder M. Howe, A.B., 1811 N. Nevada St. H. Stanley, A.B., Plaza Hotel. Denver Olive Beroth (Mrs. Wil- liam B. Floyd), A.B. r 1897. 1676 Adams St. Carl H. Cochran, LL.B. r 1892. 319 Symes Blk. Charles E. Compton, A.B. r 1895. 1115 Lipan St. Sharon L. Harrod, LL.B., 1897. 444 South Grant Ave. Laura E. Irwin, A.B., 1901. 3555 Boulevard F. Robert C. Newland, A.B., 1887. 1825 Logan St. Eller E. Pryor, LL.B., 1898. Wilbur F. Stone, A B 1857. The New Foster Bldg. Fort Collins Curtis Atkinson, A.B., 1897 14 Welsh Blk. Jefferson McAnelly, LL.B., 1872. 227 S. Weldrum St. Mary Moses (Mrs. Ernest J. Glessner), A.B., 1902 617 Remington St. Samuel T. Quick, A.B . 1870. 168 Register of Graduates COLORADO Cont'd Fort Morgan Sylvester H. Hall, A.B., 1900. Greeley Burchard W. DeBusk, A.B., 1904. 609 Sixteenth St. Sara M. Druley (Mrs. Burchard W. DeBusk). A.B., 1904. 609 Sixteenth St. * Robert F. Graham. A.B., 1876. John H. Wilson, A.B., 1860. Albert G. Wood, A.B., 1909. Keenesburg George L. Stansbury, LL.B., 1898. La Veta Wesley B. Black, A.B., 1902. Monte Vista Ellis B. Gibbs, A.B., 1900. Edistina F. Hendrix, A.B., 1906. Paonia William P. Clark, LL.B.. 1871. Pueblo Leroy W. Caldwell, A.B., 1908. Mark P. Helm, A.B., 1894. Sterling Amanda McComB, A.M., 1900. Trinidad William C. Draper, B.S., 1867. University Park Reuben E. Nyswander, Jr., A.B., 1901. CONNECTICUT Cromwell Mary O. Dailey (Mrs. Wal- lace R. Pierson), A.B., 1903. Hartford Henry W. Nuckols, A.B., 1893. 427 Main St. New Haven Robert F. Reeves, A.B., 1910. Leo F. Rettger, A.B., 1896. 370 Edgewood Ave. Clara V. Snyder (Mrs. Leo F. Rettger), A.B., 1900. 370 Edgewood Ave. Charles B. Waldron, LL.B., 1910. 20 Eld St. Charles K. Walsh, LL.B., 1910. 3 Lake Place. Carl J. Wilde, LL.B., 1909. 391 "Temple St. Arthur B. Woodford, A.M.. 1886. Box 1082, Yale Sta- tion. Norton Heights Wiles R. Hunter, A.B., 1896. Stamford Leroy M. Scott, A.B., 1897. DELAWARE Newark Arthur E. Grantham, A.B., 1903. Wilmington Gould G. Rheuby, LL.B., 1894. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Washington William Abel, A.B., 1897. 144 Adams St., N. W. Joseph A. Arnold, B.S., 1878. 134 Sixth St., N. E. Ernest P. Bicknell, A.B., 1887. 715 Union Trust Bldg. Stewart E. Blasingham, LL.B., 1907. Registry Division, P. O. Dept. Paul E. Bowers, M.D., 1907. St. Elizabeth's Hospital. William T. Cathcart, A.B.. 1863. Care of Pension Bureau. Fred M. Chamberlain, A.B., 1896. Bureau of Fisher- ies. Jeremiah Collins, B.S., 1875. 2010 Wyoming ' Ave. Andrew Day, LL.B., 1871. 507 P St. Barton W. Evermann, B.S., 1886. 1425 Clifton St. Meadie (Hawkins) Ever- mann (Mrs. Barton W. Evermann), A.B., 1887. 1425 Clifton St. Jay E. Fitzgerald, A.B., 1901. 430 Shepherd St., N. W. John W. Foster, A.B., 1855. 1323 Eighteenth St. William F. Harding, A.B., 1893. 208 Thirteenth St., S. W. Oliver P. Hay, Ph.D., 1887. 1307 Riggs St. Edward M. Kindle, A.B., 1893. U. S. National Mu- seum. George A. Lovett, A.B., 1898. 140 Adams St., N. W. Waldo L. McAtee, A.B.. 1904. 3306 Fourteenth St., N. W. Perry G. Michener, B.S., 1876. 624 F St., N. W. LeanderP. Mitchell, LL.B., 1872. 2503 Fourteenth St., N. W. Masuji Miyakawa, LL.B., 1905. Albert C. Muhse, A.B.. 1901. 52 The Manor House. (Mrs.) Effa (Funk) Muhse (Mrs. Albert C. Muhse), A.B., 1903. 2518 Seven- teenth St., N. W. Eleanor A. Protsman (Mrs. Benjamin C. Walden- maier), A.B., 1900. 12 Randolph Place, N. W. Richard Rathbun, M.S., 1883. Care of Smithson- ian Institution. Francis K. Raymond, A.B., 1872. Interior Depart- ment. Robert Ridgway, M.S., 1884. 3353 Eighteenth St., N. W. John L. Shipman, A.B., 1905. U. S. Patent Office. Charles N. Spencer, LL.B., 1873. 3810 Fifth St., N. W. Otis G. Stanton, A.B., 1896. 4415 Georgia Ave., N. W. Benjamin Vail, A.B., 1878. 1110 East Capitol St. James T. Voshell, A.B., 1895. Office Public Roads. Walter B. Wooden, LL.B., 1905. Care of Bureau of Corporations, Dept. Com- merce and Labor. FLORIDA Daytona Martha E. Brown, A.B., 1896. Daytona Beach Harry A. Horn, LL.B.. 1909. Gainesville Owen F. Burger, A.B., 1909. Bayard F. Floyd, A.B., 1905. Ernest M. Metcalf, LL.B., 1903. Jacksonville Owen O. Millerr A.B., 1900. 841 W. Monroe St. Labelle Cleo E. Weaver, M.D.. 1908. St. Andrews Francis M. Gideon, LL.B., 1874. Tallahassee Edward Conradi, A.B., 1897. Jerome F. McNeill, B.S., 1886. Tampa James R. Williams, A.B., 1875. West Palm Beach Murray D. Carmichael, A.B., 1908. List by Localities 169 GEORGIA Atlanta Ora O Beck, A.B., 1907. George A. Gordon, A.B., 1890. 157 Lee St. Demorest Cordelia J. Adams, A.B., 1906. Fitzgerald Curtis M. Wise, LL.B., 1895. 401 South Lee St. Macon Rufus M. Redding, A.B., 1904. 552 Mulberry St. Milledgeville Herman J. Gaertner, A.B., 1892. Oxford Frederick N. Duncan, A.B., 1900. IDAHO Boise Charles S. Meek, A.B., 1891 Filer John E. Garver, LLB., 1895 Granite Curtis J. Richey, A.B., 1906 Hillsdale Thomas Large, A.B., 1897 Idaho Falls Hugh W. Jones, A.B., 1893. L> i- ' ^ o T 1 oo . -* T 1 T I CO i- CO . <* a. CO CO 8 T 1 1C (N W3 g 1 1 1 t s r^ i>* t> t^* t^ t^ 05 o^ o^ O5 O5 o^ 0000000000000000000000000000 196 Register of Graduates UOTWJOdSUBJX aouatog rH ^-1 rH <> CO CO Tt< 8UlOIp8J\[ coi ic 1875. 204 Register of Graduates Black, James Buckley, A.M. (Hon.), 1875. Black, Oliver Cromwell, LL.B., 1900. Black, Wesley B, A.B., 1902. *Blackford, Isaac, LL.D. (Hon.), 1845. Blackford, James McNeal, A.B., 1895; LL.B., 1898. Blacklidge, Mrs. Amos (Lenora May Alexander), A.B., 1897. Blacklidge, James Court- land, LL.B., 1875. Blair, James Waldron, A.B., 1908; LL.B., 1909. Blair, William John, A.B., 1906. Blair, William Theodore, B.L., 1880. Blake, Mrs. Albert (Eliza- beth Wright), A.B., 1899. Blankenship, Gayle Quin- cey (Mrs. Robert Cun- ningham Stimson), A.B., 1908. Blasingham, Stewart Eu- gene, LL.B., 1907. Blatchley, Ralph Fordyce, A.B., 1910. Blatchley, Raymond Silli- man, A.B., 1908. Blatchley, Willis Stanley, A.B., 1887; A.M., 1891. Blayney, Cornelia Sayre, A.B., 1907. Blazier, Mabel Evalena, A.B., 1910. Blickenstaff, Augustus Jacob, A.B., 1904; M.D., 1907. Bloom, Benton Jay, A.B., 1907. Blosser, Christian B., A.B.. 1909. Blossom, Omar Hill, A.B., 1901. Blough, Earl, A.B., 1899. Blount, Effine Patterson, A.B., 1900. Blue, Jesse William, A.B.. 1908. Blynn, Katharine Harriette, A.B., 1892. Blything, Jefferson Dud- dleston, A.B., 1901. Board, Claude Franklin, A.B., 1907. Bobbitt, Arthur Garfield, A.B., 1906. Bobbitt, Mrs. Arthur Gar- field (Elsa Christina Teal), A.B., 1907. Bobbitt, James Douglas, A.B., 1909. Bobbitt, John Franklin, A.B., 1901. Bock, Charles Peter, LL.B., 1910. Bocobo, Jorge Cleofas, LL.B., 1907. Bodemer, Sallie Jean (Mrs. Durlin Serenus Benedict). A.B., 1898. Boesinger, John Franklin, A.B., 1896; LL.B., 1897. Boesinger, Mrs. John Franklin (Grace Mabel Slack), A.B., 1904. Bogue, Oscar Herman, A.B., 1896. Bohannon, Eugene William, A.B., 1890: A.M., 1892. Bohannon, William Oscar, A.B., 1906. Boiseu, Anton Theophilus, A.B., 1897. *Boiseu, Hermann Baltha- sar, A.M. (Hon.), 1872. Boisen, Mrs. Hermann Balthasar (Louise Wy- lie), B.S., 1871. Boisen, Marie Louise (Mrs. Morton Clark Bradley I . A.B., 1900. Boldt, Joseph Christian, A.B., 1900; A.M., 1904. Bollenbacher, John Carlisle, A.B., 1906. Bollenbacher, Ruby Estelle (Mrs. Carroll L. Beck), A.B., 1906. *Bollman, Charles Harvey, A.B., 1889. *Bollman, Lewis, A.B., 1831: LL.B., 1846. Bond, Archibald Albert, M.D., 1910. Bond, Ellen lone (Mrs. William Hart), A.B., 1892. Bond, Nina (Mrs. Charles Bishop Campbell), A.B., 1893. Bonewitz, Garl Grover, A.B., 1910. Bonn, Harry Kraylor, M.D., 1908. *Bonner, Samuel Alexander, LL.B., 1852. Bonsall, Mabel, A.B., 1001. Bonsib, Ray Myron, A.B.. 1910. Bonsib, Roy Samuel, A.B.. 1910. Book, Hannah Ma me, A.B., 1905. Book. William Frederick, A.B., 1900. Booth, Alice Imla, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1910. Bordner. Harvey Albert, A.B., 1896. Bordner, Mrs. Harvey Albert (Maude Ethel Martin), A.B., 1899. Bordner, Ira, A.B., 1898. Bordner, John Serenus, A.B., 1904. Boren. Welzie E., A.B., 1905. Borgman, Rosalie Joseph- ine, A.B., 1909. Borland, Ezra W., A.B., 1892. Bornwasser, Mrs. Roy F. (Lula Belle Kirkpatrick), A.B., 1905. Bosse, Ferdinand Henry. A.B., 1901. Bossert, Walter Frederick, LL.B., 1907. Bothwell, John Homer. B.S., 1869. Botkin, Clayton Winfield, A.B., 1908. Bottorff, Oscar Bert, A.B.. 1903. Botts, Edgar Ernest, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1910. Bourn, Nora Edith, A.B., 1910. Bower, George Herbert, LL.B., 1901. Bower, John Fulmer, A.B., 1901. *Bowers, Marmion Henry, LL.B., 1851. Bowers, Paul Eugene, M.D.. 1907. Bowers, Stephen, A.M. (Hon.), 1869. Bowman, Georgetta (Mrs. Joe Thomas Giles), A.B., 1896. Bowman, Ira Edgar, M.D., 1910. Bowser, Mrs. Francis Ed- ward (Regina Bitner), A.B., 1890. Bowser, Maud Esther, A.B.,.1903. Bowser, Nellie May (Mrs. Ernest H. Lewis), A.B., 1899; A.M., 1902. Boyd, Ethel Cynthia (Mrs. Hansom Smiley Gifford), A.B., 1904. Boyd, Permelia, A.B., 1904; A.M., 1905. Boyd, Romulus, A.B., 1894. Boyer, Clyde Edward, LL.B., 1901. Boyle, Mrs. David Marshall (Sarah Dillon), A.B., 1883. Boyle, Edward Louis, A.B., 1908. Boyle, James Patrick, A.B., 1904; LL.B., 1905. Boyle, John Jackson, A.B., 1894. *Boyle. John Marmoutel, LL.B., 1867. Boyle, William Van Dorm, M.D., 1910. Boyles, Samuel Albert, LL.B.. 1868. Bozarth, Nelson Jay, LL.B., 1872. Brackemyre, John Henry, A.B., 1908. Brackemyre, Mrs. John Henry (Grace Morton), A.B., 1909. Bracken, Thomas Edward, LL.B., 1899. Bradbury, Harry Herbert, LL.B., 1907. Bradford, Clarence Web- ster, LL.B., 1910. Bradford, Herman Gleason, B.S., 1873. Bradfute, Oscar Edwin, A.B., 1884. *Bradley, Bedford Augus- tus, A.B., 1866. *Bradley, Francis Patrick, LL.B;., 1844. Bradley, Laura Grace (Mrs. John Edwin Moring), A.B., 1900; A.M., 1908. Bradley, Morton Clark, A.B., 1899; A.M., 1900. Bradley, Mrs. Morton Clark (Marie Louise Boi- sen), A.B., 1900. Bradner, James Wood, A.B., 1908. Bradshaw, Charles Forrest, A.B., 1908. Bradshaw, Mrs. Ernest Neal (Alice Mary Farm- brough), A.B., 1898. Brady, Mrs. Alta Johnson, A.B., 1907. Alphabetical List 205 Brady, Charles Harvey, A.B., 1907. Brake, Ida Bernardine (Mrs. Thomas Dwight Bayne), A.B., 1902. Bramhall, Edith Clemen- tine, A.B., 1895. Branaman, Thomas Hen- dricks, A.B., 1905. *Branaman, William Thorn- ton, B.S., 1876. Branch, Emrnett Forest, A.B., 1896. Brandon, Henry Clay, A.B., 1902; A.M., 1905. Branham, Harrye Boynton (Mrs. Harry Helm Orr), A.B., 1902. Branner, John Casper, Ph.D., 1885. Branson, Clarence Michael, LL.B., 1909. *Branson. Mrs. Hugh (Bertha Corinne Hol- land), A.B., 1897. Branson, James Ronald, Braiit',' Claude, A.B., 1895. Bravy, Fred W., A.B., 1908. Braxton, George Munson, A.B., 1888. Bray, Frances Pauline, A.B., 1909. Bray, Jeremiah Wesley, A.B., 1891; A.M., 1892. Bray, William L, A.B., 1893. Brayton, Alembert Win- throp, M.S., 1882. *Brazee, Henry P., LL.B., Breckinridge, Mary (Mrs. William Edgar Lindley), A.B., 1891. Breckinridge, Nettie (Mrs. Albert Fulton Stewart), A.B., 1893. Breedlove, John Cromwell, A.B., 1899. Breitwieser, Joseph Valen- tine, A.B., 1907; A.M., 1QOR - Breitwieser, Mrs. Joseph Valentine (Ruth Fowler), A.B., 1908. Brenner, Allen Lewis, A.B., 1905. Brenner, Kathryn Estella, A.B., 1910. Bretz, Ross Bradley, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1907. Bretz, Waverly Daniel, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1907. Brewer, Elias, A.B., 1896. Brewer, Ella Powers (Mrs. Clarence C. Clark), A.B., 1903. Brewer, Francis Ezra, A.M.. 1893. Brewer, Mrs. Francis Ezra (Mary Grey Morgan), A.B., 1895. Brewer, Kenneth Ward, A.B., 1895. *Bridge, Daniel James, A.B., 1862. Bridwell, William Haden, LL.B., 1898. *Bright, Michael Steele. A.B., 1849. Brill, John Robert, A.B., 1889; LL.B., 1891. Briscoe, Charles Francis, A.B., 1899. Bristor, Albert M., LL.B., 1908. Brittson, William Floyd, A.B., 1897. Broaddus, Flora Caldwell, A.B., 1906. *Broadwell, Jacob Samuel, A.B., 1860. Brockhausen, Anna, A.B., 1907. Brokaw, Lucy Freeman, A.B., 1908. Brook, Joseph, A.M., (Hon.), 1857. Brooks, Mrs. Alfred Mans- field (Ruth Steele), A.B., 1910. Brooks, Charles, A.B., 1904. Brooks, Elwood Edwin, A.B., 1907. Brooks, Robert Clarkson, A.B., 1896. Brooks, Mrs. Robert Clark- son (Elizabeth Hewson), A.B., 1893. Brooks, Samuel H., A.B., 1905. Brooks, William Conrad, A.B., 1909. Bromell, Mrs. John Wilfred (Catharine Belle Mills), A.B., 1895. Brown, Addis Albro, LL.B., 1905. Brown, Arthur Halleck, A.B., 1904; LL.B., 1909. Brown, Blanche Nannetta (Mrs. Charles B. Dyer), A.B., 1904. Brown, Caroline Hirst (Mrs. Samuel Bannister Harding), A.B., 1890. Brown, Claude Fletcher, A.B., 1904. Brown, Faith Emma (Mrs Chester Young Kelly), A.B., 1906. Brown, Fay Cluff, A.B , 1904. *Brown, Frederick Theo- dore, LL.B., 1849. Brown, Genevieye, A.B, 1908. Brown, Harry Bates, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1907. *Brown, Ignatius, LL.B., 1851. *Brown, James Marion, B.S., 1857. Brown, James Roll, LL.B.. 1896. *Brown, James W., LL.B., 1857. Brown, James Whitcomb. LL.B., 1870. Brown, Jennie E^hel, A.B., 1900. Brown, John Milton, B.S., 1868. Brown, Mrs. John Wesley (Ida Belle Kenuey), A.B., 1879. Brown, Martha Elizabeth, A.B., 1896. Brown, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. William Burton Farmer), A.B., 1898. Brown, Oda Alice, A.B., 1908. Brown, Oliver W., A M., 1896. Brown, Paul, LL.B., 1907. Brown, Pluma Aurilla, A.B., 1906. Brown, Samuel C., D.D. (Hon.), 1864. Brown, Simpson Leroy, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1907. Brown, Walter Townseud, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1899. Brown, William Brazil, A.B., 1894. Brown, William Earl, A.B., 1908. Brown, William Seaman, A.B., 1872; LL.B.. 1873. *Browning, Daniel Monroe, LL.B., 1866 *Brownlee, William Har- rington, LL.B., 1853. Broyles, William Ander- son, A.B., 1908 Broyles, Mrs. William An- derson (Bertha Burns Lee), A.B., 1905. Brubaker, Howard, A.B , 1902 Bruce, Edwin Morris, A.B.. 1899. Brumfleld, Richard Melvin A.B., 1907. Bruner, Charley, A.B., 1910. Bruner, Jesse, A.B.j 1907. Bruner, Thomas H., LL.B., 1849. Brunson, Mrs. Perry F. (Alice Florine Richards), B.S., 1876. Brunt, Lois Alta (Mrs. Charles Jacob Sem- bower), A.B., 1901. Bryan, Elmer Burritt, A.B., 1893. Bryan, Enoch Albert, A.B., 1878; A.M., 1885. Bryan, Flora (Mrs. James Crawford Weir), A.B., 1876. Bryan, Frederick Ernest, LL.B., 1905. Bryan, Jennie Park, A.B., 1888. *Bryan, Joseph Cooper, A.B., 1889. Bryan, Minnie Belle (Mrs. Lucian Rhor-er Oakes), B.L., 1885. Bryan, William Lowe, A.B., 1884; A.M., 1886. Bryan. Mrs. William Lowe (Charlotte Augusta Lowe), A.B., 1888; A.M., 1889. Bryant, Harry Emanuel, A.B., 1907. *Bryant, Thomas Walker Fry, LL.B., 1859. Bryce, Mabel Florence (Mrs. Burchard Hayes Roark), A.B., 1901. Bubenzer, Mildred (Mrs. Joseph Manson Artman), A.B., 1905. Buchanan, Henrietta, A.B., 1909. Buckthal, Walter Fred, LL.B., 1909. Buerk, Harry Archibald A.B., 1882. Bufink, Mary Dollie, A.B., 206 Register of Graduates Bugbee, George Julian, A.B., 1907. Bugb, William A, LL.B., 1850. Bulleit, Clarence Joseph. A.B.. 1905. "Bullock, John Oldham, A.B., 1847. *Bunger, Henry, B.S., 1862. Bunker. Bertha Mav, A.B., 1910. Bunnell, Luther Ball, A.B., 1875; LL.B., 1877. Buntin, Davis Carpenter, A.B., 1880. Burbank, Glenn Canary, A.B., 1899. Burdsall, Mrs. Ellwood (Luella Morris), A.B.. 1888. Burford, John Henry, LL.B., 1874. Burger, Owen Francis, A.B., 1909. Burk, Avon, LL.B., 1910. Burke, George Herbert, A.B., 1892. Burke, Matthew Francis, LL.B., 1877. *Burke, Michael Fink, LL.B., 1851. Burkhardt, Arthur Earnest, M.D., 1908. Burkhart, George Noble, A.B., 1900. Burks, Walter Demoree, A.B., 1908. Burnet, Harry Bentley, B.L., 1884. Burnet, Percy Bentley, B.L., 1884; A.M., 1887. Burnett, Charles Albert, A.B., 1881; A.M., 1886. Burnett, Lila Hart (Mrs. William McNary Lou- den), A.B., 1906. *Burns, Alexander, D.D. (Hon.), 1869. Burns, Raleigh Lamar, LL.B., 1907. Burns. Zora A., A.B., 1908. Burnside, Margaret, A.B., 1903. B u r r e 1 1, Bartholomew Hanna, B.S., 1864; LL.B., 1866. Burrell, Mrs. (Esther Eliz- abeth Shirley), A.B., 1906. Burton, Allden James, A.B., 1908. *Burton, Caswell Riddle, B.S., 1858. Burton, George Edgar, A.B.. 1908. Burton, John Wilson, A.B., 1876. *Burton, Stephen Girard, A.B., 1857; LL.B., 1858. Burtsfield, Frank Albert, A.B., 1908. Burtt, Ella Irene, A.B.. 1906; A.M., 1908. Burtt, Henry Adolphus, A.B., 1878. Burwell, Mrs. Nathan L. (Katherine Norvell Pear- son), A.B., 1885; A.M.. 1909. Burwell, Newton, LL.B., 1858. Busby, Isaac Vinton, A.B., 1891. Bush, Edgar Daniel, A.B., 1895. Bush, E. Russell, M.D., 1909. Bush, George Clarence, A.B., 1898; A.M., 1899. Bush, Joseph Clifford, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1895. Bush, Mrs. Monroe (Eunice Elizabeth Little), A.B., 1896. Bushnell, Mary Edith, A.B., 1910. Buskirk, Anna Mary (Mrs. Nathaniel Usher Hill), A.B., 1874. *Buskirk, Edward Christo- pher, LL.B., 1863. *Buskirk, George Abram, LL.B., 1850. *Buskirk, John William, LL.B., 1871. *Buskirk, Lawrence Van, Ph.B., 1888. *Buskirk, Philip Kearney, B.L., 1884. *Buskirk, Samuel Hamilton, LL.B., 1845; LL.D., (Hon.), 1871. Busse, Mrs. Edward Philip (Katherine Stuart Sny- der), A.B., 1883. Butler, Amos William, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1900. Butler, Raymond Alfred, M.D., 1908. Butterfield, W. Webster. M.S., 1882. Buttz, Samuel Dennison, A.B., 1870. *Byer, Georgiana (Mrs. Thomas Bagot), A.B., 1892. Bynum, William Dallas, B.S., 1869. Cabalzer, Charles Law- rence, M.D., 1908. Cadwell, Mrs. Charles Ad- dison (Martha Walling- ford), A.B., 1887. Cagwin, Mrs. Harry Fay (Creed Myers), A.B., 1889. Cailor, Otto Tad, LL.B., 1894. Cain, Charles Masters, M.D., 1909. Caldwell, James Harvey, LL.B., 1907. Caldwell, Joseph, D.D. (Hon.), 1874. Caldwell, Lerov Wells, A.B., 1908. Caldwell, Morley Albert, A.B., 1904; A.M., 1905. Caldwell, Otis Alexander, M.D., 1910. Call, Richard Ellsworth, A.B., 1890; A.M., 1891. Callahan, Francis Everett, A.B.. 1903. Callahan, James Morton, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1895. Calvert, Gay Edna, A.B., 1907; A.M., 1910. Cameron, Don Franklin, A.B., 1907. Camp, Maude Elizabeth. A.B., 1909. Campbell, Mrs. Charles Bishop (Nina Bond), A.B., 1893. Campbell, Charles Diven, A.B., 1898. Campbell, Charles Mc- Pheeters, A.B., 1859. Campbell, James S., LL.B., 1872. Campbell, Jennie Crawford (Mrs. Francis Preserved Leaven worth), A.B., 1880. *Campbell, John Alexander, A.B., 1845. Campbell, John B., A.B., 1873. "Campbell, John Lylc, LL.D. (Hon.), 1874. Campbell, Lora Vivian, A.B., 1907. "Campbell, Matthew Mon- roe, A.B., 1836. Campbell, Matthew Thomp- son, B.S., 1869; LL.B., 1869. "Campbell, Parker, A.B., "Campbell. Robert Barr, A.B., 1847. Campbell, Wallace Bruce, B.S., 1886. Canada. Johnathan Ever- ett, M.D., 1909. Canaday, Ralph Henry, A.B., 1906. Canine. Edwin Nelson, A.B., 1901. Cantwell, Agnes Elnora (Mrs. Edward Emmet Kelly), A.B., 1899. Cantwell, Guy, A.B., 1903. "Caress, Eli Butler, LL.B., 1874 "Caress. Isaac Newton, LL.B.. 1865. Carey, Walter Levi, LL.B., 1898. "Carlon, Joseph Michael, A.B., 1895. Carlson, Edward A., M.D., 1910. Carlton, LL.B., Carlton, Ambrose Bolivar, 1850. Ambrose Clinton, LL.B., 1861. Carmicha,el, Murray Du- Bois, A.B., 1908; LL.B., 1908. "Carnnhan. Joseph Blair, LL.B., 1844. "Carnahan, Robert Brown, A.B.. 1855. Carnduff, Arthur Willard, A.B., 1907. Carney, John Ralph, A.B., 1903. Carpenter. Campbell Colon, A.B.. 1906. Carpenter, Charles Jay, LL.B., 1910. Carpenter, Charles Marion. A.B., 1889. Carpenter, Charles Thomas, A.B., 1876. Carpenter, Mrs. Charles Thomas (Flora Temple West"), Ph.B., 1886. Carr, Mrs. Alvah D. (Martha MacHatton), A.B., 1904. Carr, Benjamin Franklin. LL.B.. 1893. Alphabetical List 207 Carr, Charles Carl, A.B., 1909. Carr, Charles Edmund, A.B., 1908. Carr, John Price, A.B., 1880. Carr, John Wesley, A.B., 1885; A.M., 1890. Carrier, Mrs. Augustus Stiles (Anna Dennis), A.B., 1878. Carroon, Frank, A.B., 1902. Carrothers, Chalmers John, A.B., 1909. Carrothers, George Ezra, A.B., 1909. Carson, Walter Wadsworth, LL.B., 1903. "Carson, William Welling- ton, LL.B., 1849. Carter, Mrs. George Benja- min (Edna Theresa Pid- geon), A.B., 1904. Carter, George Henry, A.B., 1897. Carter, John S. f B.S., 1858. Carter, Lillian G., A.B., 1899. Carter, Vinsoii, B.S., 1867; LL.B., 1867. 'Carter, William H., D.D. (Hon.), 1869. Carter, William Windom, A.B., 1906. Cartwright, John Andrew, B.S., 1855. Carver, Thomas G., D.D. (Hon.), 1867. Casper, Harriett (Mrs. Charles Andrew Rhetts), A.B., 1891; A.M., 1893. Cassaday, Ollie Ernest, A.B., 1906. Cassell, Pearl Josephine (Mrs. John R. Bender), A.B., 1903. Cassidy, Andrew James, LL.B., 1909. Castenholz, William Bur- tice, A.B., 1902. Castleman, Josiah Hamil- ton, A.B., 1900; A.M., 1903. Castleman, Justus Collins, A.B., 1900. Caswell, Omar, A.B., 1897. Cathcart, William Turner, A.B., 1863. Cauble, Christopher Co- lumbus, A.B., 1910. Cauble, Commodore Wes- ley, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1903. *Cauble, Frank P., LL.B., 1897. Cauble, William Commo- dore, A.B., 1898. Cavanaugh, Robert Emmet, A.B., 1908. *Cavens, Aden Gainey, LL.B., 1850. Gavins, Benjamin Frank- lin, LL.B., 1858. Chamberlain, Fred Morton, A.B., 1896. 'Chamberlin, Willis Perro- net, A.B., 1895. Chambers, Charles Oscar, A.B., 1891; A.M., 1895. Chambers, David William, A.B., 1858. Chambers, John Kisliug, A.B., 1904. Chambers, Leo, A.B., 1902. Chambers, Lillian Emma, A.B., 1905. Chambers, William Davis, A.B.. 1898. Chamness, Ivy Leone, A.B., 1906. Champe, George, A.B., 1893. Chandler, Robert Allen, A.B., 1902. *Charles, Audason Alexan- der, A.B., 1900. Charlton, Francis Marion, LL.B., 1873. Chase, George A., A.M., (Hon.), 1857. Chewning, John Orville, A.B., 1901. Chilton, Catherine (Mrs. George Hanson Hull), A.B., 1902. Chipman, Marcellus Augus- tine, LL.B., 1873. Chrisman, Oscar, A.B., 1888; A.M., 1893. Christian, Clarence Comp- ton, A.B., 1907; LL.B., 1908. Christian, James William, LL.B., 1899. Church, Ira Harrison, LL.B., 1901. Cisco, Clinton Theodore, LL.B., 1905 *Claberg, Isaac Newton, LL.B., 1877. Clapham, William Ells- worth, A.B., 1894; LL.B., 1896. Clapham, Mrs. William Ellsworth (Louise Tur- ner Loughry), A.B., 1900. Clark, Mrs. Adolphus Grover (Josephine Blanche Cruse), A.B., 1906. Clark, Caroline Jennings (Mrs. Thomas Sherman Gerhart), A.B., 1898. Clark, Charles Patton, A.B., 1901. Clark, Mrs. Clarence C. (Ella Powers Brewer), A.B., 1903. Clark, Emma Eliza, A.B., 1909. *Clark, Emma Rachel (Mrs. Thomas Buckingham Gary), A.M., 1894. Clark, George Luther, LL.B., 1899. Clark, Gertrude Elmira (Mrs. Agassiz Wayne Hanson), A.B., 1899. Clark, Grace Agnes (Mrs. Wilbur Howard Fisher), A.B., 1907. Clark, Howard Holman, A.B., 1901; A.M., 1905. Clark, Mrs. Howard Hol- man (Leonora Littleton Clark), A.B., 1901. Clark, Howard Walton, A.B., 1896; A.M., 1902. Clark, James Mosier, A.B., 1857. *Clark, John McCutcheon, LL.B., 1844. Clark, Jonathan, A.B., 1846. Clark, Lenora (Littleton) (Mrs. Howard - Holman Clark), A.B., 1901. Clark, Mary, A.B., 1907. Clark, Osie May, A.B., 1910. Clark, Prosser Elwin, M.D., 1909. Clark, Rosetta Mary, A.B., 1904; A.M., 1905. Clark, Thomas Curtis, A.B., 1899. Clark, Thomas Jefferson, A.B., 1872. Clark, Mrs. Thomas Jeffer- son (Emma Rose Jen- nings), B.S., 1873. Clark, William Everett, LL.B., 1899. *Clark, William Henry, LL.B., 1870. Clark, William Penn, LL.B., 1871. Clarke, Charles Robertson, A.B., 1897; A.M., 1907; M.D., 1909. Clarke, Fabius Maximus, LL.B., 1874. *Clarke, Orlando, A.B., 1848. Clauser, Joseph Leander, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1908. Clawson, Alfred Ellsworth, A.B., 1902. Clawson, Claude Leigh, A.B., 1910. Clawson, Clayton Willard, A.B., 1906. Claybaugh, Virginia Emily, A.B., 1900. Clayton, Otto Othello, A.B., 1893. Cleage, Albert B., M.D., 1910. Clem, Harry Milton, A.B., 1906. *Clement, James A., A.B., 1839. Clements, Herdis Fred- erick, LL.B., 1896. *Clements, Richard Andrew, LL.B., 1850. Cleveland, Clyde, A.B.. 1906. Clifford, John Everett, A.B., 1909. Clifford, John Foster, A.B., 1891. Cline, Laura Russell, A.B., 1905. Clinton, Emma Agnes, A.B., 1900. Clinton, Jacob Mancil, LL.B., 1900; A.B., 1903; A.M., 1904. Clinton, Mrs. Jacob Mancil (Bessie Anna Hanger), A.B., 1904. *Cloud, Hiram Wilbur, A.B., 1857. Coate, Caroline Christiana (Mrs. David Orland Coate), A.B., 1898. Coate, David Orland, A.B., 1898. Coate, Mrs. David Orland (Caroline Christiana Coate), A.B., 1898. Cobb, Arthur Thomas, LL.B., 1899. Cobb, Orlando Hanagan, B.S., 1872; LL.B., 1878. 208 Register of Graduates Coble, Mary Ferguson, A.B., 1904; A.M., 1905. Coblentz, Harry Evan, A.B., 1894. Coblentz, Mrs. Harry Evan (Ida Jane Louden), A.B., 1890. Cochran, Carl Hunt, LL.B., 1892. Cochran, Harriet Laura (Mrs. Alonzo S. McDan- iel), A.B., 1894; A.M., 1896. Cochran, Herbert, LL.B., 1906. Coffey, Charles Archelaus, LL.B., 1896. *Coffey, Richard Lewis, LL.B., 1859. Coffin, Guy Rupert, M.D., 1908. Coffin, Minnie (Mrs. Charles Augustus Wall- ingford), B.S., 1879. Coffman, Henry Nicholas, A.B., 1895; A.M., 1896. Coffman, Lotus Delta, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1910. Cogshall, Wilbur AdelmSn, A.M., 1902. Cohen, George Grauman, A.B., 1907; LL.B., 1907. Cole, Albert Harvey, A.B., 1907; LL.B., 1908. Cole. Stella Lenore, A.B., 1896. Coleman, Mary Effie, A.B., 1901; A.M., 1901. Colescott, Amy, A.B., 1908. Colescott, Gertrude, A.B., 1904. *Colfax, Schuyler, LL.D., (Hon.), 1869. Collicott, Jacob Grant, A.B. r 1900. Collicott, Mrs. Jacob Grant (Lydia Emily Gemmer), A.B., 1903. Collins, Anna Brockmann, A.B., 1897; A.M., 1909. Collins, Ansley Harvey, A.B., 1890. Collins, Jeremiah, B.S., 1875. Coltrin, Nina, A.B., 1897. Colvert, Raymond Gwin, M.D., 1909. Colvin, Caroline, A.B., 1893. Colyer, Frank Hall, A.B., 1895. Combs, Charles Nathan, A.B., 1900. Combs, Fuller, A.M., 1904. Compton, Charles Emmet, A.B., 1895. Compton, Silas Melvin, M.D., 1909. Comstock, Elizabeth Mary, A.B., 1892; A.M., 1910. Conger, Silas Delmar, A.B., 1884. Conklin, Jotilda, A.B., 1897; A.M., 1904. Conn, Arthur Melvin, A.B., 1893. Conn, Lewis Cedoras, A.B., 1894. *Connelly, Thomas Pettit, A.B., 1846. Connelly, William M., LL.B., 1852. Conner, Archibald Thomp- son, LL.B., 1905. Conner, Charles Edward, A.B., 1910. Conner, David Nelson, M.D., 1910. Conover, Guy, M.D., 1908. Conover, Howard John, A.B., 1905. Conrad, William Chester, A.B., 1906. Conradi, Edward, A.B.. 1897; A.M., 1898. "Conwell, John Alfred, B.S., 1859. Cook, George Marlin, LL.B., 1897. *Cook, James B., A.B., 1890. Cook, Margaret Susan (Mrs. John Fount Thompson), A.B., 1908. *Cookerly, Grafton Fleener, LL.B., 1845. Coolman, William Edmund, LL.B., 1907. Coombs, Leona (Mrs. Wil- liam Henry Work), A.B., 1907. Coons, Charles Shields, A.B., 1908. *Cooper, Andrew Guffin, M.D., 1910. *Cooper, George William, A.B., 1872; LL.B,, 1872. Cooper, Homer H., A.B., 1891; A.M., 1893. Copeland, Charles H., A.B., 1896; A.M., 1897. Copeland, Samuel James. M.D., 1909. Corbin, Austin Bernard, A.B., 1909; LL.B., 1910. Cornell, Mrs. Roscoe C. (Nelle Edith Beyerle), A.B., 1908. Corr, Edwin, B.L., 1883. Corr, Ella Minerva (Mrs. William Adams Service), A.B., 1890. Corr, Lilian June (Mrs. James H. Rogers), A.B.. 1899. Cortner, Adam Joseph, A.B., 1910. Coss, Millicent May, A.B., 1902. Coughlan, Katherine Eliza- beth, A.B., 1908. Coughlin, Paul, A.B., 1900: A.M., 1901. Couk, Blanche Baker, A.B., 1907. Coulter, John Merle, Ph.D., 1884. Courson, Will H., A.B., 1907. Courson, Mrs. Will H. (Quindearia Greeves), A.B., 1907. Cowan, John Maxwell, LL.B., 1845. Cowger, Clarence Rnland, A.B., 1905; LL.B., 1908. Cox, David Andrew, A.B., 1888. Cox, Evert Walter, A.B., 1905. Cox, Hannah Ann, A.B., 1902. Cox, Harold Bailey, M.D., 1910. *Cox, Jesse Towell, LL.B., 1868. *Cox, Joseph, LL.B., 1854. Cox, Josephine Moroa, A.B.. 1898; A.M., 1902. Cox, Kate (Meehan), (Mrs. Ulysses Orange Cox), A.B., 1901. Cox, Lunsford Eliga, M.D., 1907. Cox, Mary Elizabeth, A.B., 1895. Cox, Nancy Franklin (Mrs. George Webb Moore), A.B., 1901. Cox, Rose Marian, A.B.. 1896. Cox, Mrs. Thomas J. (Alta Ritter), A.B., 1899. Cox, Ulysses Orange, A.B., 1900; A.M., 1902. Cox, Mrs. Ulysses Orange (Kate (Meehan) Cox), A.B., 1901. Cox, William Hamilton, A.B.. 1899. Crabill, Roy Ben, M.D., 1907. Craig, Harry Victor, A.B., Craig, James Moore, B.S., 1869; LL.B., 1872. Craig, Mrs. John Chalmers (Mary Prudence Arnott), B.L., 1884. Craig, Sallie Evans, A.B., 1906. Crampton, Edwin Cook, LL.B., 1899. Crampton, Mindwell Jose- phine (Mrs. Henry B. Wilson), A.M., 1905. *Crary, Benjamin Franklin, D.D., (Hon.), 1865. Crask, Ira T., LL.B., 1907. Cravens, Aaron Asbury, B.S., 1869. Cravens, Anna Gardner (Mrs. Otto Rott), A.B., 1901. Cravens, Benjamin Harri- son, B.S., 1872. *Cravens, John Robert, A.B., 1840. Cravens, John William, A.B., 1897. Cravens, Mrs. Oscar Henry (Bertha Miers), A.B W 1893. Cravens, William Routt, A.B., 1890. Crawford, Archie, A.B.. 1908; A.M., 1910. Crawford, Mrs. Archie (Vira May Stephens), A.B., 1907. "Crawford, Baron D., A.B., 1874. Crawford, Carl Edwin, A.B., 1908. *Crawford. Samuel Wylie, D.D., (Hon.), 1844. Crawford, William G., M.D., 1908. Creager, William Bratton, A.B., 1895. Creek, Ellen, A.M., 1908. Crim, Walter Heushaw, A.B., 1902. Cripe. Earl Jerome, M.D., 1910. Alphabetical List 209 Cripe, Isaac, A.B., 1906. Crittenberger, Dale Jack- son, A.B., 1878. Crittenberger, Dale John, A.B., 1905. Crittenberger, Juliet Vir- ginia, A.B., 1910. Cromer, Daniel Guy, A.B., 1906. Cromer, George Washing- ton, A.B., 1882. Cromer, Grace, A.B., 1910. Cromer, Maude Gertrude (Mrs. J. Don Miller), A.B., 1905. Crone, Frank Linden, A.B., 1897. Cronk, Arnet Bedford, LL.B., 1910. Crommelin, Mrs. Frank M. (Edna Browning Bart- lett), A.B., 1902. Crooke, Franklin Abraham, LL.B., 1894. Crosby, Mrs. Richard Aus- tin (Anna Vara Morgan), A.B., 1898. Crosgrave, Lloyd Morgan, A.B., 1909. Crow, William Dixon, A.B., 1894. Crowe, Nelson Kendall, A.B., 1851. Crowley, John, A.B., 1902. Crull, Adam Ullery, A.B.; 1891. Crull, Finton Allen, A.B., 1906. Crum, George C., D.D., (Hon.), 1861. Crumpacker, Edgar Dean, LL.B., 1874. Cruse, Josephine Blanche (Mrs. Adolphus Grover Clark), A.B., 1906. Cubberley, Ellwood Patter- son, A.B., 1891. Cullen, James Henry, A.B., 1893. Culmer, John Woodruff, B.S., 1871. Culmer, Mrs. Walter N. (Mary Elizabeth Beck), A.B., 1907. Culp, Chester C., LL.B., 1871. Culver, John Morton, A.B., 1895. Cummings, Frank Maurice, LL.B., 1899. *Cummings, George Wash- ington, A.B., 1872. Cummins, Jhilson Pain, LL.B., 1867. Cunning, Ambrose Merritt, B.S., 1868. Cunning, Frank Ambrose, A.B., 1899. *Cunningham, Mrs. Arthur (Elizabeth Long), B.L., 1883. Cunningham, Carl, A.B., 1909. Cunningham, Charles Mor- ton, A.B., 1891. Cunningham, Noble Mil- lard, A.B., 1899. *Curl, Johnson Darnell, LL.B., 1854. Curll, William Duane, LL.B., 1897. Currie, George, A.B., 1908. Currie, James, A.B., 1907: A.M., 1907. Curry, Bert Edwin, A.B., 1904. Curry, David Alexander, A.B., 1883. Curry, Mrs. David Alexan- der (Jennie Etta Foster), B.L., 1883. Curtis, George William, A.B., 1901. Curtis, Lila, A.B., 1897. Curtis, May Alice, A.B., 1897. *Curtis, Samuel Wilkinson, LL.B., 1859. Curtis, Wilbur Robert, A.B., 1908. Cushman, Henry M., A.M., (Hon.), 1875. Cushman, William Josiah, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1901. Custer, Andrew Tennyson, M.D., 1908. Custer, George Adams, LL.B., 1897. *Custis, William Henry Bagwell, A.B., 1834. Dague, William Henry, LL.B., 1871. Dahne, Arthur Gordon, A.B., 1904. Dailey, Charles Gutelius, A.B., 1898. Dailey, Frank Coffroth, LL.B., 1894. *Dailey, Joseph Samuel, LL.B., 1866. Dailey, Mary Olive (Mrs. Wallace Rogers Pierson), A.B., 1903. Dailey, Morris Elmer, A.M., 1897. *Daily, William Mitchel, A.B., 1836; D.D. (Hon.), 1851. Dale, Mrs. Harry T. (Del- pha Celandine Robinson), LL.B., 1902. *Dale, John, A.B., 1837. Dale, Lincoln Ogilvie, A.B., 1895. Dalton, Estelle (Mrs. Harry Woodward McDowell), A.B., 1894. Dalton, Samuel, LL.B., 1871. Damand, Dottie Ann, A.B., 1901. Daniel, Edward, A.B., 1909. Darby, John Ernest, A.B., 1901; LL.B., 1902. Darby, Verna Basil (Mrs. Carl Otto Lampland), A.B., 1902. Dargan, Samuel Saul, LL.B., 1909. *Darling, Arthur E, LL.B., 1897. *Darrock, John, LL.B., 1846. Daubenheyer, Miles Fred- erick, M.D., 1907. Davenport, Hilbert Fenton, M.D., 1908. Davidson, Harry Ruston, A.B., 1901. *Davidson, William, D.D. (Hon.), 1864. Davis, Albert, B.S., 1875; LL.B., 1876. *Davis, Benjamin Franklin, LL.B., 1873. Davis, Charles Gideon A.B., 1898. Davis, Cyrus Edgar, A.B., 1880. Davis, Edmund Parker A.B., 1909. *Davis, Edward Sherman LL.B., 1898. Davis, Elizabeth Louise A.B., 1910. Davis, Exum Woodward, A.B., 1898. Davis, Mrs. Frank Edmund (Opal Havens), A.B., 1906. Davis, George Burgess, LL.B., 1894. Davis, George Harrison, M.D., 1909. Davis, Gray (Mrs. Charles Walter Williams), A.B., 1907. Davis, Hallam Walker, A.B., 1909. Davis, John Carlisle, M.D., 11) OD. Davis, Louis Sherman, A.B 1891; A.M., 1892. Davis, Mrs. Louis Sherman (Maud Freeman Van Zandt), A.B., 1888. Davis, Maud Helen, A.B., 1899. Davis, Paul Gray, A.B , It/08. Davis, Richard Francis, LL.B., 1900. Davis, Thomas Johnson, A.B., 1906. Davis, Walter Allison, A.B , 1907. *Davis, Werter Renick, A.M. (Hon.), 1854. Davis, Wildie Lucinda, A.B., 1907. Davis, William James, Davisson, Carl Vinton, M.D., 1908. *Davisson, Clarendon, LL B 1844. Davissou, Schuyler Colfax. A.B., 1890; A.M., 1892. Dawes, Arthur Ethelbert, A.B., 1909; LL.B., 1909. Day, Andrew, LL.B., 1871. Day, Elbert Eldou, A.B., 1910. *Day, Phillmer, A.B., 1885. Deam, Thomas Marion, A.B., 1908. Dean, Charles Ross, A.B., 1910. Dean, George W., LL.B., 1856. Dean, John, Jr., LL.B., 1910. *Dearborn, Thomas Benton, A.B., 1863. Dearborne, Rufus Johnston, A.B., 1904. Deardorff, Oliver Morton, M.D., 1909. DeBruler, Curran Alonzo, BS., 1863; LL.B., 1863. 114] 210 Register of Graduates DeBruler, George Reily, A.B., 1898. * DeBruler, Margaretta Sa- bin, A.M., 1900. DeBusk, Burchard Wood- son, A.B., 1904. DeBusk, Mrs. Burchard Woodson (Sara Matella Druley), A.B., 1904. Deckard, Lew Emerson, A.B., 1901. Deckard, Lex Virgil, A.B., 1908; LL.B., 1908. Deerhake, William August, M.D., 1908. Deich, Aaron, A.B., 1910. Deist, Henry Conrad, A.B., 1898. DeLarme, Alonzo Alvin, A.B., 1887; A.M., 1890. DeLay, Etta Hamilton, A.B., 1910. Delgado, Francisco Afan, LL.B., 1907. Dellinger, Oris P., A.B., 1905. Demaree, Anna May, A.B., 1892 ; A.M., 1893. Demaree, Elizabeth Lucile, A.B., 1906. *DeMotte, Luther Martin, LL.B., 1859. Dennis, Anna (Mrs. Au- gustus Stiles Carrier), A.B., 1878. Denny, Winfield Augustus, A.B., 1898; A.M., 1899. Densford, Harlem Eugene, A.B., 1907; A.M., 1910. Denton, T. Wickliff, B.S., 1869; LL.B., 1869. Deputy, Manfred Wolfe, A.B., 1904; A.M., 1905. Derbyshire, Grant Ells- worth, A.B., 1901. Deupree, Louie, A.B., 1910. DeVilbiss, George Lewis, A.B., 1901. Devol, Alice Bell, A.B., 1904. *Dewey, Charles, LL.D., (Hon.), 1849. DeWitt, Chester Maxwell, LL.B., 1909. Dibell. Homer Bliss, A.B., 1889. Dickerson, Luna May, A.B., 1907. Dickey, Andrew Spence, A.B., 1877. Dickey, Charles Milton, A.B., 1901. Dickey, Homer Blount, A.B., 1908. Dickey, Oren Wilbern, LL.B., 1910. Dickinson, Frederick Eu- gene. A.B., 1879 ; A.M., 1886. Dill, Samuel Bayard, LL.B., 1910. Dille, John Ichabod, LL.B., 1877. Dilley, Ephraim C., A.B., 1910. Dilley, Lemuel Levi, LL.B.. 1871. Dilley, Mabel, A.B., 1908. Dlllin, Samuel Edgar. LL.B., 1900. t Certificate. Dillingham, Mary Julia Wall, A.B., 1907. Dillon, Charles Hall, B.S., 1874 ; LL.B., 1876. Dillon, Flora (Mrs. David A. Dyne), A.B., 1878. Dillon, James Richard, LL.B., 1905. Dillon, John Franklin, B.S., 1874; LL.B., 1876. *Dillon, May, A.B., 1886. Dillon, Sarah (Mrs. David Marshall Boyle), A.B., 1883. Dillon, Sidney Ogier, A.B., 1907. Dillon, Thomas Lee, LL.B., 1900. Dillon, William Jacob, A.B., 1898. Dils, Calvin Hugh, A.B.. 1901. Dinnen, James Frank, M.D., 1908. Dinsmore, Leon Wade, A.B., 1894. Dirks, Louis Herman, A.B., 1906. Ditton, Irvin Wilson, M.D., 1908. Diven, John, A.B., 1904. Dixon, Henry Morton, A.B., 1906. Dixon, Lincoln, A.B., 1880. Dixon, Webster, A.B., 1873. Doan, Maud Pearl, A.B., 1907. Dodd, Elmer Perry, A.B., 1897. Dodd, Werter David, A.B., 1897. Doddridge, George Bra- shears, LL.B., 1901. Dodds, Corinne (Mrs. Newell Sanders), B.S., 1873. * Dodds, James Findlay, A.B., 1834. *Dodds, John Finley, A.B., 1841. Dodds, Margaret Irene (Mrs. Theodore Freling- huysen Rose), B.S., 1874. Dodds, Samuel Clelland, B.S., 1875. * Dodds, Samuel Wylie, A.B., 1861. Dodson, Charles William, A.B., 1907. Dodson, Edwin Calvin, A.B., 1904. Dodson, John Christian, A.B., 1898; LL.B., 1901. Doehlman (Mrs.), Cora May, A.B., 1905. Domb, David Ber, M.D., 1909. Donaldson, Frank Clark, LL.B., 1872. *Donica, Thomas Bartholo- mew, LL. B., 1861. Donnelson, Charles Arvey, A.B., 1905. Donovan, Daniel Williams, A.B., 1906. Donovan, James Garfield, LL.B., 1908. *Dorman, Francis Riley, A.B., 1858. Darrel, Tom, A.B., 1903. Dorsett, Joseph Bruce, A.B., 1910. Dorsey, Martha Walker, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1901. Dougherty, Edwin Everett, M.D., 1910. Douglass, Ralph Waldo. A.B., 1905. *Douthit, John Wesley, LL.B., 1877. Dow, William Scott, M.D., 1909. Dowd, Edith Belle (Mrs. Fred W. Reeve), A.B., 1907. Dowd, James Hervey, A.B., 1874. *Dowdell, Nathan Grove, LL.B., 1873. Dowdell, William Henry, LL.B., 1871. *Downey, Alexander C. LL.D., (Hon.), 1871. Downey, Mrs. John Cal- vin (Daisy Myrtle Plun- kett), A.B., 1899; A.M., 1906. Downing, John, LL.B., 1909. Downing, Ora Winifred, A.B., 1907. Drake, Ellis Herbert, A.B., 1904. *Draper, Joseph Fox. LL.B., 1852. Draper. William Colum- bus. B.S., 1867. Drescher, Louis Lorenzo, A.B., 1891. Dressier, Fletcher Bassom, A.B., 1889; A.M., 1892. Drew, Frank Mayo, A.B., 1890; A.M.. 1891. Driesbach, Clyde Floyd, A.B.. 1903. *Driscoll, Daniel, A.B., 1888. Driver, Hal Enloe. A.B., 1909. Driver. !Levi Jacob, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1910. Druley. Sara Matella (Mrs. Burchard Woodson De- Busk), A.B., 1904. *Drumm, Wesley E., LL. B., 1873. Drybread, Charles Harvev, A.B., 1890. Drybread, Sanford Hutch- inson, B.S.. 1873. Dubach, Ulysses Grant, A.B., 1908. DuBois, Chase Orton, A.B., 1882. DuBois, Daniel Green, A.B., 1881. fDuComb, Chester Lloyd, 1910. DuComb, Clifford Vincent, LL.B., 1909. DuComb, Courtland Pren- tice, LL.B., 1895. Duff. Raymond Battman, A.B., 1899: A.M., 1910. Dugan, Charles Ambrose, A.B.. 1887. Dugdale, Thomas Alfred, M.D., 1908. Duling, Solomon Arthur, A.B., 1907; LL.B., 1908. *Dunbar, John Willis, A.B., 1840. Alphabetical List 211 Duncan, Agnes Christine (Mrs. Albert Frederick Kuersteiner^ A.B., 1907. Duncan, Antoinette (Mrs. Burton E. Hanson), A.B.. 1899. Duncan, Cecil Earl, M.D., 1908. Duncan, Frank Cummings, A.B., 1894. Duncan, Frederick New- ton, A.B., 1900; A.M., 1901. *Duncan, Henry Clay, A.B., 1868 ; LL.B., 1870. Duncan, Mrs. James Boli- var (Olive Batman), A.B., 1895. Duncan, John Charles, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1906. Duncan, Leila Bertha, A.B., 1906. Duncan, Ralph Winfred, A.B., 1909. Duncan, Robert Carithers, A.B., 1909. Duncan, Ruth Claudia, A.B., 1910. Duncan, Sallie, A.B., 1907. Duncan, Walter Elaine, A.B., 1907; A.M., 1909. Duncan, Washington Co- lumbus, B.S., 1875. Dunham, Mary, A.B., 1898. *Dunlap, Marie, A.B., 1896. *Dunlap, Morey McKee, B.L., 1885; LL.B.. 1891. Dunn, Ferrell William, M.D., 1908. Dunn, Frank Joshua, LL.B., 1892. Dunn, James, A.B., 1905. *Dunn. James Henry, A.B., 1871. Dunn, Mrs. James Henry (Elizabeth Harbison), B.S., 1871. *Dunn, James Wilson, A.B., 1830. Dunn, John Walter, A.B., 1897. *Dunn, William McKee. A.B., 1832. Dunning, Mrs. Charles Seeley (Monta Kelso), A.B., 1895. Dunning, Lehman " M., M.D.. 1908. *Durand, Harry Whitney, A.B., 1876. Durbin, Marion Lee (Mrs. Max Mapes Ellis), A.B., 1909; A.M., 1910. *Durborow, Allan Cathcart, A.B., 1877. Durborow, Horace Law- rence, A.B., 1905. Durborow, William Boyer, B.S., 1876. Durgee, Claud Edward, A.B., 1908. Durham, Frank Coburn, LL.B., 1893. Durre, Edgar, LL.B., 1895. Dutcher. John Benjamin, A.B., 1906: A.M.. 1907. Dwyer. Robert, M.D., 1908. *Dye, Edward Kenneth, A.B., 1891. Dyer, Mrs. Charles B. (Blanche Nanetta Brown). A.B., 1904. Dyer, Edwin Francis, A.B., 1891 ; LL.B., 1892. Dyer, Fred Everett, LL.B., 1899. *Dyer, Sydney, A.M. (Hon.), 1855. Dyne, Mrs. David A. (Flora Dillon), A.B., 1878. Eads, Joseph Burkett, A.B., 1893. Eagan, Harry Francis, LL.B., 1909. *Eagleson, Preston Em- manuel, A.B., 1896 ; A.M., 1906. Earl. Edward W., LL.B., 1903. Early, John Jacob, A.B., 1901. Early, William Irvin, A.B., 1899. *Easley George Woodson, LL.'B., 1865. *East, John Ransom, LL.B., 1870. Eaton, Mrs. Lewis Spencer (Katherine Evans), A.B., 1895. Eberhardt, Edward Albert, A.B., 1907. Eddingfleld, June, A.B., 1906. * Edgar, Robert Sinclair, A.B., 1861. Edmondson, Clarence Ed- mund, A.B., 1906. Edmundson, Daisy Ger- trude, A.B., 1908. Edwards, Charles Lincoln, B.S., 1886: A.M., 1887. Edwards, Edward Tomp- klns, M.D., 1910. Edwards, Flossie Ethelyn, A.B.. 1910. Edwards, Frank Elder, A.B.. 1899. * Ed wards, Harbert Harri- son. B.S., 1876. Edwards, John Homer, A.B.. 1891. *Edwards. William Kirk- patrick, A.B., 1840. Egart, Stephen Laurence, M.D., 1908. Egbert. Robert Hite, M.D., 1909. Egbert, Roy, M.D., 1907. Egeler. Grace May, A.B., 1909. *Eggleston, Edward, D.D. (Hon.), 1870. Egner, Charles Wesley, A.B., 1909. Egnor. Catherine, A.B., 1902. Elgenmann, Carl H., B.S., 1886; A.M., 1887; Ph.D., 1889. Ek, Charles Marlon, A.B., 1900. Elder, Frances Madge, A.B., 1909. *Elder. Matthew, A.B., 1840. *Eley, David, LL.B., 1872. Elfers, Charles Raymond, M.D., 1910. Elfers, Edmund Burke, A.B., 1903. Ellabarger, Daniel Ru- dolph; A.B., 1892. Ellinghausen. John, LL.B., 1906. * Elliott, David Mitchell, A.B., 1835. * Elliott, James Couch, A.B., 1860. Elliott, Jean, A.B., 1908. *Elliott, Jehu Tindall, LL.D. (Hon.), 1869. Elliott, Otis, A.B., 1909. Elliott, Robert Gaston, A.B., 1850. Elliott, Roy Howe, A.B., 1898. * Elliott, Samuel Steele, A.B., 1850. Ellis, Abner T., A.M., (Hon.), 1850. *Ellis, Charles Benjamin, A.B., 1886. Ellis, Ernest Bunyan, A.M., 1905. Ellis, Horace, A.B., 1896. Ellis. Max Mapes, A.B., 1907; A.M., 1908. Ellis, Mrs. Max Mapes (Marlon Lee Durbin), A.B., 1909; A.M., 1910. Ellis, Minnie Blanche, A.B., 1895 ; A.M., 1905. *Ellis, Wilbur Richard, A.B., 1891. Ellis. William Franklin, A.B., 1899. Ellison, David Hume, B.S., 1878. Ellison, Robert Spurrier, A.B., 1900. Elmore, Ernest Howard, M.D., 1909. Elrod, Raleigh Morris, A.B., 1905. Elrod, Mrs. Thomas Sloan (Elva Reeves), A.B., 190(5. Eisner, Edward Peter, LL.B., 1904. Elson. William Harris, A.B., 1895. *Elston, James Aiken. LL.B., 1849. *Embree, James Thomas, LL.B., 1852. Emerson, Mrs. Jesse P. (Virginia Randolph), A.B., 1896. Emison, Rebecca Estelle, A.B., 1894. *Emison, Samuel Ashley, B.S.. 1861 ; LL.B., 1872. Emison, Samuel McClellan, A.B., 1899. Emmons, Lloyd Clement, A.B., 1909. Emmons, Purley Clarence, A.B., 1900. Endicott, Arthur Clayton, M.D., 1907. Endicott, Carl Elbert, A.B., 1897. Endicott, Mrs. Carl Elbert (Elizabeth Wasmuth), A.B., 1898. Engle, Simon Gingrich, A.B., 1904. Engleman, James Ozro, A.B., 1905. Ensle. Eva Katherine, A.B., 1899. Enteman, Wlllard Flnler, A.B., 1907. Erskine, Lev!, Jr., A.B., 1899. 212 Register of Graduates Erwin, Clarkson, LL.B., 1872. Erwin, Louis Brakeinaii, LL.B., 1900. Erwin, Mrs. Louis Brake- man (Frances Wood- ward), A.B., 1893. Esarey, Logan, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1909. Esch, Gustav Herman, M.D., 1910. *Evans, A. H., LL.B., 1848. Evans, Beatrice Clementine, A.B., 1910. Evans, Caroline Hornbrook (Mrs. Arthur C. Veatch), A.B., 1899. Evans, Chester Asahel, A.B., 1904. Evans, Delia Julia, A.B., 1897. Evans, John Ellis, A.B., 1910. Evans, Katharine (Mrs. Lewis Spencer Eaton), A.B., 1895. Evans, Mrs. Leroy Parker (Ortha Ethel Grisier), A.B., 1904. *Evans, Madison, A.B., 1856; LL.B., 1864. Eveleigh, Robert Edward, B.S., 1869. Everbach, George Louis, LL.B., 1875. Evermann, Barton War- ren, B.S., 1886; A.M., 1888; Ph.D., 1891. Evermann, Mrs. Barton Warren (Meadie (Hawk- ins) Evermann), A.B., 1887. Evermann, Meadie (Haw- kins), (Mrs. Barton War- ren Evermann), A.B., 1887. Evermann Ord, M.D., 1908. *Ewing, Jennie, A.B., 1892. *Ewing, John William, B.S., 1872; LL.B., 1873. Ewing, Mrs. John William (Ella Fellows), B.S., 1871. Ewing, Oscar Ross, A.B., 1910. Fackler, Volney Nevin, M.D., 1907. Fairbank, Frederick Joy, A.B., 1899. *Fairfield, Edmund Burke, D.D. (Hon.), 1863. *Fairhurst, Osiander, LL.B., 1874. Faris, Charlotte Elizabeth, A.B., 1880. Faris, Daniel Cargil, A.B., 1863. Faris, David Smith, A.B., 1851. Faris, Isaiah, A.B., 1863. Faris, James Calvin, A.B., 1895. Faris, James Melville, A.B., 1862. Faris, John Calvin Knox, A.B., 1853. Faris, Minnie Amanda (Mrs. William G. Ure), A.B., 1890. Faris, Violet Martha, A.B., 1910. Farlow, Merton Almond, M.D.. 1908. Farman, Frank Lee, M.D., 1908. Farmbrough, Alice Mary (Mrs. Ernest Neal Brad- shaw), A.B., 1898. Farmer, Mrs. Edward Dal- las (Jessie Maude Rit- ter), A.B., 1901. Farmer, William Burton, A.B., 1899. Farmer, Mrs. William Burton (Mary Elizabeth Brown), A.B., 1898. Farr, Jessie Violet, A.B., 1909. *Farrar, Arnold Foster, LL.B., 1877. Faught, John Brookie, A.B., 1893; A.M., 1895. Faul, Frank Ora, A.B., 1905. Faulkner, Floy Marjorie, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1907. Fear, Carl, A.B., 1898. *Fee, Robert Newton, A.B., 1844. Fee, William Inman, A.B., 1887. Feibleman, Isadore, A.B., 1893. Felbaum, Emma Louise, A.B., 1898. Felbaum, Mathilda Chris- tine, A.B., 1894. Fellows, Alma (Mrs. Rob- ert Marion Piatt), A.B., 1874. Fellows, Ella (Mrs. John William Ewing), B.S., 1871. Fellows, Mrs. George Em- ory (Lucia (Russell) Fellows), A.B., 1893. Fellows, Lucia (Russell) (Mrs. George Emory Fel- lows), A.B., 1893. Felton, Albert Jacob, A.B., 1901. Felts, Aristene (Noyes) (Mrs. George Franklin Felts), A.B., 1895. Felts, Mrs. George Frank- lin (Aristene (Noyes) Felts), A.B., 1895. Fenton, Howard Worth, LL.B., 1910. Ferrell, Hosea Vise, B.S., 1866. Ferriman, George, Jr., A.B., 1896. Ferris, Annette Effle Kle- ora, A.B., 1896. Fertich, Mabel Clare, A.B., 1899. Fesler, Bert, A.B., 1889. Fesler, James William, A.B., 1887. Fetter, Frank Albert, A.B., 1891. Fields, Albert Jeremiah, LL.B., 1904. *Fields, Jehu, LL.B., 1868. Fields, Jesse Barton, LL.B., 1901. Filbert, James Basil, LL.B., 1892. Finley, Vermont Marston, LL.B., 1909. Firebaugh, Charles Win- fleld, A.B., 1876. Fish, William Scudder, A.B., 1874. Fishbaugh, Ernest Clyde, A.B., 1910. Fisher, Anna Laura, A.B., 1891. Fisher, Elmon McLean, Ph.D., 1892. Fisher, Marvin Floyd, M.D., 1908. Fisher, Wilbur Howard, A.B., 1907. Fisher, Mrs. Wilbur How- ard (Grace Agnes Clark), A.B., 1907. *Fisk, Ezra Williams, D.D. (Hon.), 1865. Fitch, Edward Churchill, B.L., 1885; A.M., 1891. *Fitch, Mrs. Edward Churchill (Alice Alvaretta Springer), Ph.B., 1886; A.M., 1891. Fitch, Joel Churchill, Ph.B., 1886. Fitzgerald, Arthur Will- iam, A.B., 1904. Fitzgerald, Guy Harlan, A.B., 1896. Fitzgerald, Jay Emmett, A.B., 1901. Fitzgerald, Nat Ward, LL.B., 1871. Fitzgibbon, Thomas Fran- cis, A.B., 1897. Fleming, Ida Julia, A.B., 1906. Fleshman, Aquila Dura, A.B., 1898. Fleshman, Charles Lester, LL.B., 1894. Flood, Edith Florence, A.B., 1909. Floyd, Bayard Franklin, A.B., 1905. Floyd, Mrs. Benjamin Franklin (Sophie Hor- tense Luzzadder), A.B., 1878. *Floyd, James Curnes, A.B., 1878. Floyd, Oliver Perry, B.L., -| QCO Floyd, Mrs. William Benja- min (Olive Beroth), A.B., 1897; A.M., 1899. Fogleman, Mary Ida, A.B., Foland, Lillian May (Mrs. Cyrus Brady McCune), B'.S., 1875. Foland, Mayo Dayton, A.B., 1909. Foland, Roscoe Renaldo, A.B., 1905; LL.B., 1907. Foland, Walter Alphonzo, A.B., 1870; LL.B., 1873. Foley, Arthur Lee, A.B., 1890; A.M., 1891. Foley, Eustace, A.B., 1899. Foley, Mary Ellen, A.B., 1908 Folsom Lenpha Alfred, A.B., 1900; LL.B., 1901. Forbes, Stephen Alfred, Ph.D., 1884. Fordice, Morton William, B.S., 1886. Foreman, Orville P., A.B., 1895. Foreman. William Henry, A.B., 1895. Alphabetical List 213 Forkner, Caroline, A.B;, 1902. Forkner, George Donahue, A.B., 1898. Forsyth, David Harley, M.D., 1909. Forsyth, Ralph Kendall, A.B., 1908. Fortune, James William, LL.B., 1894. Foster, Alexander Gwyn, A.B., 1878; A.M., 1883. Foster, Bessie Rachel, A.B., 1909. Foster, Chloe May, A.B., 1905. Foster, Ethel Henrietta, A.B., 1909. Foster, Fiuley Milligan, A.B., 1876. Foster, Frank Brown, A.B., 1888. Foster, Frank Horton, A.B., 1891. Foster, Franklin Pierce, A.B., 1879. *Foster, James Hiram, A.B., 1864. Foster, James Mitchell, A.B., 1871. Foster, Mrs. James Mitch- ell (Laura Louisa Tur- ner), B.S., 1871. Foster, Jennie Etta (Mrs. David Alexander Curry), B.L., 1883. Foster, John Andrew, A.B., 1901. Foster, John Hopkins, A.B., 1882. Foster, John Watson, A.B., 1855; LL.D. (Hon.), 1905. *Foster, Robert Charles, A.B., 1850. *Foster, William Harper, A.B., 1888. Fowler, Mrs. Edward Theodore (Eva May Hurst), A.B., 1905. Fowler, Inman Henry, LL.B., 1871. Fowler, Ruth (Mrs. Joseph Valentine Breitwieser), A.B., 1908. Fox, Stella Robinson, A.B., 1896. Foy, Cordelia, A.B., 1896. *Frame, Luther Calvin, A.B., 1882. Frank, Joseph Otto, A.B., 1909. Frank, Leonard George, A.M. (Hon.), 1874. *Franklin, Benjamin, D.D. (Hon.), 1871. Franklin, Ezra Thomas, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1910. Franklin, Lillian Helen, A.B., 1910. Franklin, Pearl, A.B., 1905. Frazee, Charles Henry, A.M., 1905. Frazee, Oren Ernest, A.B., 1910. *Frazer, James Somerville, LL.D. (Hon.), 1869. Frazer, William John, B.S., 1874. Frazier, James William, A.B., 1901. Frazier, Joseph, LL.B., 1909. Frederick, Karl Andrew, LL.B., 1910. Free, Wade Hampton, A.B., 1903. Freeman, Blanche Kathe- rine, A.B., 1896. Freeman, Charles Augus- tus, A.B., 1907. Freeman, Kate, A.B., 1907. Freese, Bertha (Mrs. James William Baker), A.B.. 1894. French, Bessie Wava, A.B., 1910. French, Daisy Beryl, A.B., 1909. French, Ralph Wilson, LL.B., 1898. French, Walter Wilson, A.B., 1891; LL.B., 1896. Freudenberg, Walter Felix, A.B., 1892. Fritsch, Rudolph Fred- erick, A.B., 1898; LL.B., 1900. *Fry, Jennie Taylor (Mrs. Edward Howard Griggs), A.B., 1888. *Fryer, Clarence Elmer, A.B., 1900. Frysinger, Miles Conner, A.B., 1902; LL.B., 1903. Fuhs, Isidore Harlem, A.B., 1905. *Fulk, Richard Alexander, LL.B., 1873. Fulkerson, Alva Otis, LL.B., 1897. Fuller, Maud Warren (Mrs. Benjamin Howard Halstead), A.B., 1899. Fullerton, Alfred W., A.B., 1873; LL.B., 1874. *Fullerton, Robert, A.B., 1848. Fulling, Mrs. Henry F. (Nellie Blanche Perigo), A.B., 1900. Fulton, Mrs. Albert Cooley (Marian Rondthaler), A.B., 1895. Fulton, Mrs. Robert New- comb (Emma Virginia Pearson), A.B., 1897. Fulwider, Addison Luther, A.B., 1895; A.M., 1905. Fulwider, Ida May (Mrs. Walter Emmitt Hottel), A.B., 1895. Funk, Austin, A.B., 1896. *Funk, James Robison, LL.B., 1876. Funk, Major Wetherford, LL.B., 1875. Funkhouser, Frank, A.B., 1910. Furr, Malissa Belle, A.M., 1907. Furr, William Alexander, A.B., 1896: A.M., 1897. Fussier, Karl Hartley. A.B., 1909. Gabe, Harry Edwin, A.B., 1888. Gable, Grace (Mrs. Arthur E. Strickland), A.B.. 1909. Gaertner, Herman Julius, A.B., 1892. Galbreath, Neva Lillian, A.B., 1910. *Gale, Jesse Monroe, LL.B., 1851. Gallemore, William Fred- erick, LL.B., 1872. Galloway, Jesse James, A.B., 1909. Gamble, Cecil Otis, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1909. Gamble, Robert Melville, B.S., 1869. Ganiard, Sidney Keith, A.B., 1897. Gante, Henry Washington, M.D., 1910. *Gard, Perry William, LL.B., 1870. Gard, Willis Lloyd, A.B., 1896; A.M., 1907. Gardner, Frank, LL.B., 1900. Gardner, Kenneth Earl (Kenneth Earl Wine- gardner), LL.B., 1906. Garner, Sylvia Pearl, M.D., 1910. Garretson, James Thomas, LL.B., 1895. Garrigus, Leiws Cass, LL.B., 1870. *Garrison, Benjamin Frank- lin, LL.B., 1866. Garrison, Theodore Whit- tier, A.B., 1896. Garshwiler, William Prov- ince, A.B., 1892. Garten, James Edwin, A.B., 1899. Garver, Francis Marion, A.B., 1906. Garver, John Edward, LL.B., 1895. Gary, Mrs. Abraham Lin- coln (Jessie Evelyn Spann), A.B., 1904. Gary, Mrs. Thomas Buck- ingham (Emma Rachel Clark), A.M., 1894. Gass, Frank Lewis, LL.B., 1895. Gast, Estill Andrew, A.B., 1904. Gatch, Willis Dew, A.B., 1901. Gauntt, Edith (Mrs. Will- iam Calvert Welborn), A.B., 1903. Gause, Frank Ales, A.B., 1904; A.M., 1905. Gayler, George Wilson, A.B., 1897. Gebauer, Charles Lewis, LL.B., 1895. Geckeler, Otto, A.B., 1894. Geiger, Finley, LL.B., 1894. *Geiger, Samuel Levi, A.B., 1837. Geiss, Otto Gustavus, LL.B., 1905. Gemmer, Lydia Emily (Mrs. Jacob Grant Colli- cott), A.B., 1903. *Gentle, John Lockwood, A.B., 1884. Gentry, Jay Gould, A.B., 1900. Gerhart, Thomas Sherman, LL.B., 1901. Gerhart, Mrs. Thomas Sherman (Caroline Jen- nings Clark), A.B., 1898. Gerichs, William Christian, A.B., 1907. 214 Register of Graduates Gernaanu, Albert Frederick Ottomar, A.B., 1909 ; A.M., 1910. Gerrisn, Carolyn Moody Davidson, A.B., 1896. Gers, Harry Richard, A.B., 1897. Getty, Alma Miriam, A.B., 1895. Gibbs, Ellis Burke, A.B., 1900. Gideon, Francis Marion, LL.B., 1874. Gifford, Allen William, A.B., 1896. Gifford, Glen Jeff, A.B., 1899. Gifford, Mrs. Glen Jeff (Edith Catharine Hol- land), A.B., 1900. Gifford, Hanson Smiley. A.B., 1904; M.D., 1907. Gifford, Mrs. Hanson Smi- ley (Ethel Cynthia Boyd), A.B., 1904. Gifford, Lester Clark, A.B., 1910. Gilbert, Abigail (Mrs. John Clarence Pinkerton), A.M., 1897. Gilbert, Charles Henry, M.S., 1882; Ph.D., 1883. Giles, Joe Thomas, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1902. *Giles, Mrs. Joe Thomas (Bessie Rogers), A.B., 1889; A.M., 1893. Giles, Mrs. Joe Thomas (Georgetta Bowman), A.B., 1896. Gllkinson, Francis Earl, LL.B., 1901. *Gillett, Orner Tousey, A.B., 1866. Gillett, Samuel T., D.D. (Hon.), 1863. Gillette, Lillian Britton (Mrs. Edward Joseph Nichols), A.B., 1902. *Gillmore, Henry Marcellus, B.S., 1869; LL.B., 1869. Gillum, Robert Greene, A.B., 1881. Gilmore, Hiram, A.M. (Hon.), 1858. Giltner, Emmett E., A.B., 1904. Giltner, Mrs. Hettie Bland (Mrs. Emmett E. Gilt- ner), A.B., 1905. Gingerich, Marjorie, A.B., 1907. Gingerich, Solomon F, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1907. *Givan, Noah Monroe, A.B., 1862. Givan, Noah Samson, A.B., 1858; LL.B., 1859. Glasburn, Oma, A.B., 1910. *Glascock, William Henry, A.B., 1898. Glascock, William Leon, A.B., 1905. Glenn, Oliver Edmunds, A.B., 1902; A.M., 1903. Glenn, Mrs. Oliver Ed- mnnds (Alice Thomas Kinnard), A.B., 1899. Glessner, Mrs. Ernest Jack- ion (Mary Moses), A.B., 1002. *Glessner, Oliver Jay, LL.B., 1856. Goar, Everet Logan, A.B., 1907. Gobbel, Henry Harlan, M.D., 1910. Gobin, Samuel Swineford, LL.B., 1906. Gochenour, Merl Longfel- low, A.B., 1910. Goddard, John Fremont, A.B., 1880. Goff, William Jeff, LL.B., 1910. Golden, William Echard Michael, A.B., 1888; A.M., 1890. Good, Harry Gehman, A.B., 1909. *Goodbody, Louise Ann, A.B., 1894. *Goode, George Brown, Ph.D., 1886. Goodwin, Clarence LaRue, B.L., 1883. Goodwin. Kathryn, A.B., 1910. *Goodwin, William Rees (Hon.), D.D., 1872. Gordon, Alexander Thomas, A.B., 1894. Gordon, Ellen Margaret, A.B., 1890. Gordon, Frank Wallace, LL.B., 1902. Gordon, George Andrew, A.B., 1890. Gordon, James Alexander, A.B., 1893. Gorham, Frank DeVore, A.B., 1910. Gorlitz, Gotthard Walde- mar, A.B., 1887. *Gorman, Ellis Stone, B.S., 1865. *Gorman, James Whitcomb, A.B., 1859. *Gorman, Willis Arnold, LL.B., 1845. Goshorn, Benjamin Ven- able, LL.B., 1900. Goshorn, Elsie May (Mrs. Hugh Harlen Barr), A.B., 1909. Goss, Mrs. Alice Diven, A.B., 1908. *Goss, David Kopp, A.B., 1887. Gough, Roger Donald, LL.B., 1905. Gourley, Albert Dixon, A.B., 1877. Grable, Theodore Eli, A.B., 1907; A.M., 1910. Grady. Charles Elmer, A.B., 1908. *Graham, Alfred Everitt, B.S., 1857. *Graham, John, LL.B., 1871. Graham, Robert Francis, A.B., 1876. *Graham, Thomas Babing- ton, A.B., 1846. Grainger, Mrs. Oswald Jo- seph (Maude May Plunk- ett), A.B., 1899. Gramling, Joseph John. M.D., 1908. Grandy, Charles Clancy, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1909. Grant, Otto Eugene, A.B., 1902: LL.B., 1908. Grantham, Arthur Elliott, A.B., 1903. Grantham, Guy Everett, A.B., 1909. Graverson, John Louii, LL.B., 1910. Graves, Elwin Arthur, LL.B., 1906. Graves, Mabel Pearson (Mrs. Charles Bronion McLinn), A.B., 1908. Gray, Anna Lois, A.B., 1908. Gray, Augustus Henry, LL.B., 1902. Gray, Clarence Truman, A.B., 1904. *Gray. Frank Caldwell, A.B., 1903. Gray, Harry, A.B., 1880. Gray, Harry, A.B., 1902. Gray, James Hite, A.B., 1905. Gray, Louis Raymond, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1906. *Gray, Pierre. A.B., 1874. *Graybill, Grace Camella, A.B., 1905. Graybill, Nellie Ward, A.B., 1910. Graydon, Katharine Mer- rill, A.M., 1883. *Greathouse, Lucien, A.B., 1858. Green, Rufus Lot, B.S., 1885; A.M., 1889. *Green, Simeon, B.S., 1861. *Green, William Henry, LL.B., 1852. Greene. Alice Louise, A.B., 1894. Greene, Frank Cook, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1909. *Greenleaf, Patrick Henry, D.D. (Hon.), 1854. Greenough, Walter Sidney, A.B., 1910. Greenwood, Arthur Her- bert, LL.B., 1905. *Greer, John P., LL.B., 1849. Greeson, Fred Lincoln, A.B., 1902. Greeves, Quindearia (Mrs. Will H. Courson), A.B., 1907. Gregg, Claude Edward, LL.B., 1910. Gregg, Louise Sara (Mrs. Stephen Godfry Babcock), A.B., 1874. *Gregory, Mrs. Beverly (Theresa Luzader), B.S., 1873. Gregory, Chester Arthur, A.B., 1908. Gregory, Helen (Mrs. Fer- dinand Lucas), A.B., 1898. *Gregory, Robert C., LL.D. (Hon.), 1869. *Gresham, Walter Quinton, LL.D. (Hon.), 1888. Gresham, Wilson Charles, LL.B., 1909. Griffey, Carlin Hayes. A.B., 1910. Griffey, Harvey Francis, A.B., 1910. Griffls, Lawrence Glenn. M.D., 1910. Alphabetical List 215 Griffith, Elmer Ellsworth, A.B., 1885; A.M., 1890. Griffith, Grace Holmes, A.B., 1901. Griffith, Ulysses Jackson, A.B., 1894. Griffiths, Sara Helen, A.B., 1899. Griggs, Edward Howard, A.B., 1889; A.M., 1890. *Griggs, Mrs. Edward How- ard (Jennie Taylor Fry), A.B., 1888. Griggs, Nathan Kirk. LL.B., 1867. Griggs, Susan Norton (Mrs. Albert Henry Yoder), A.B., 1893. *Grimes, Albert Logan, LL.B., 1871. Grimes, Eleanor Pearl (Mrs. James Henry Wright), A.B., 1896. Grimes, Irvin Lorenzo, A.B., 1901. Grimes, Lura (Mrs. Robert Sears Anderson), A.B., 1893 ; A.M., 1895. Grimes, Marion Luther, LL.B., 1893. Grimes, Mrs. Marion Lu- ther (Jessie Traylor), A.B., 1896. Grimsley, Elizabeth Goss, A.B., 1891. Grimsley, Franklin Shel- ton, A.B., 1899. Grindle, Ross Mitchell, A.B., 1904. Grinnell, Emory Evans, B.S., 1872. Grlsell, Edward Rene, A.B., 1910. Grisier, Orthal Ethel (Mrs. Leroy Parker Evans), A.B., 1904. Grisier, Otto Woodson, A.B., 1910. Groninger, Frank Clinton, A.B., 1890; A.M., 1891. Groninger, Taylor Ellis, A.B., 1893. Groves, John David, A.B., 1896. Grummann, Paul Henry. A.B., 1896; A.M., 1900. *Gubler, Charles Ernest, A.B., 1893. Guedel, Arthur Ernest, M.D., 1908. Guise, Mrs. Eugene Mc- Dermott (Ruth Anne Wilson), A.B., 1906. Gulick, Amos Wilson, A.B., 1896. *Gunn, David McKendree, B.S., 1868. Gunnerson, William Cyrus, A.B., 1898; A.M., 1899. Guthrie, Alfred Bertram, A.B., 1895. Guthrie, Mrs. Frank T. (Susie Polk Wilson), A.B., 1898. Guthrie, William Pasley, LL.B., 1895. *Gwathmey, Isaac Benja- min, A.B., 1842. *Gwathmey, Richard Clough, A.B., 1843. Gwin, Jesse Blaine, A.B., 1908. Haas, Oscar Charles, A.B., 1896. Habich, Carl, M.D., 1909. Hadley, Alfred Wilbur, M.D., 1910. Hadley, Arthur Maris, A.B., 1910. Hadley, Leona (Mrs. James Henry McCully), A.B., 1905. Haecker, Franklin Gottlieb, A.B., 1893. Hagans, Clara Ethel, A.B., 1909. Hagerty, James Edward, A.B., 1892. Haggerty, Melvin Everett, A.B., 1902; A.M., 1907. *Hagins, William B., LL.B., 1845. Hague, Stella May, A.B., 1893. *Hahn, Walter Louis, A.B., 1903 ; A.M., 1907 ; Ph.D., 1908. Haines, John Fremont, A.B., 1896. Hale, James Polk, B.S., 1872. Hall, Mrs. Archibald Mc- Clelland (Lucy Howe), A.B., 1897. Hall, Augustus, LL.B., 1898. Hall, Elizabeth Asenath, A.B., 1905. Hall, Frank Jefferson, B.S., 1867; LL.B., 1869. Hall, Guy Roy, A.B., 1909. Hall, Hal L., A.B., 1899. *Hall, Howard John, LL.B., 1892. Hall, Lewis Leroy, A.B., 1907 ; A.M., 1908. Hall, Sylvester Harrison, A.B., 1900. Halstead, Benjamin How- ard, A.B., 1898. Halstead, Mrs. Benjamin Howard ( Maud Warren Fuller), A.B., 1899. Halstead, Benjamin Terry, LL.B., 1876; A.M., 1887. Hamer, William Dayton, A.B., 1895; LL.B., 1896. Hamilton, Augustus Wal- ter, LL.B., 1902. Hamilton, Bertha, A.B., 1907. Hamilton, Claude McDon- ald, A.B., 1898. Hamilton, Elisha Asbury, A.B., 1872. Hamilton, Francis Marion, A.B., 1897 ; A.M., 1901. Hamilton, Mrs. Francis Marion ( Margaret Porch ), A.B., 1897. Hamilton, Ira Calvert, A.B., 1900. Hamilton, James Henry, A.M., 1894. * Hamilton, James Jackson Hoffmeier, LL.B., 1893. Hamilton, Lolia Florence (Mrs. Oliver Morton Stout), A.B., 1894. Hamilton, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. Hubert Lister Beck), A.B., 1906. Hamilton, Nain Delf, A.B., 1902. Hamilton, Susanna (Mrs. Vincent Anderson), B.S., 1871. Hamilton, Violette Mae (Mrs. Lee O. Tustison), A.B., 1905. Hamilton, William Albert, A.B., 1896; A.M., 1899. Hammat, David McKinney, LL.B., 1900. Hammitt, Frank Monroe, A.B., 1902 ; A.M., 1905. * Hammond, Edwin Pollock, Jr., A.B., 1895 ; LL.B., 1897. Hammond, Lester Davis- son, A.B., 1907. Hanaway, Nellie Jane, A.B., 1908; M.D., 1910. Hancock, Anna Leoria, A.B., 1897. Hancock, John Leonard, A.M., 1906. Hanger, Bessie Anna (Mrs. Jacob Mancil Clin- ton), A.B., 1904. * Hanger, Ward Everett, A.B., 1901. Hanna, Burton Graeme, A.B., 1861. Hanna, Elizabeth Maye, A.B., 1910. Hanna, Sara Vanessa, A.B., 1901. Hanna, Ulysses Sherman, A.B., 1895; A.M., 1898. Hanna, Mrs. Ulysses Sher- man (Ella Lydia Millis), A.B.. 1895. Hannah, William James, A.B., 1890. Hannaman, Mary (Mrs. John R. James), A.B., 1872. Hansee, Martha Lois, A.B., 1901. Hansell, George Howard, A.B., 1898. Hansen, Mrs. Burton E. (Antoinette Duncan), A.B., 1899. Hanson, Agassis Wayne, A.B., 1899. Hanson, Mrs. Agasslz Wayne (Gertrude Elmira Clark), A.B., 1899. 'Hanson, Levi, LL.B., 1861. Hanson, Whittier Lorenz, A.B., 1900. Harbison, Elizabeth (Mrs. James Henry Dunn). B.S., 1871. Harbison, Gertrude (Mrs. Edwin Wakefleld Ben- son), A.B., 1902. * Harbison, William Ray- mond, A.B., 1895. Hardin, Harley Franklin, LL.B., 1901. Harding, Lewis Albert, A.B., 1909. Harding, Samuel Banister, A.B., 1890. Harding, Mrs. Samuel Ban- ister (Caroline Hirst Brown), A.B., 1890. Harding, William Fletcher, A.B., 1893. * Harding, Mrs. William Fletcher (Esther May Al- lerdice), A.B., 1892. 216 Register of Graduates Hardisty, Idoletta, A.B., 1905. Hardman, William Robert, A.B., 1904. Harlan, Denver Carl, A.B., 1909. Harman, Mary Theresa, A.B., 1907; A.M., 1909. Harmeson, Chester Ross, A.B., 1906. Harmon, Harvey, LL.B., 1899. Harper, James Beall, LL.B., 1875. Harrah, Mary Olive, A.B., 1905. Ilarrel, Elmer John, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1908. Harrell, Cary Law, LL.B., 1903. Harris, Mrs. Benjamin Franklin (Lillie Forrest Windsor), A.B., 1891. Harris, Charles, A.B., 1879. Harris, Mrs. Charles (Mary Ballantiue Mc- Calla), B.L., 1881. Harris. Mrs. Charles A. (Virginia Belle Rodefer), A.B., 1904. Harris, John Goodman, LL.B., 1896. Harris, Otto Aultmau, A.B., 1908. Harris, Robert Charles, A.B., 1906. Harris, Mrs. Robert Wayne (Anna Lucile Mosemil- ler), A.B., 1891. Harris, Thomas Legrand, A.B., 1892; A.M., 1895. Harrod, Columbus Byron, LL.B., 1872. Harrod, Sharon Love, LL.B., 1897. Harrold, Edwin Orren, A.B., 1900. Harryman, Alfred Harri- son, A.B., 1874. Harsh, Theodore Vernon, LL.B., 1910. Harsha, Mary, A.B., 1909. Hart, Frank W, A.B., 1908. Hart, George W., LL.B., 1872. Hart, Howard, LL.B., 1866. Hart, James Robert, A.B., 1897. Hart, Milo Forest, M.D., 1909. Hart, Thomas Clinton, LL.B., 1902. Hart, Mrs. William (Ellen lone Bond), A.B., 1892. Harter, Joseph Lewis, A.B., 1894. *Harter, Noble, A.B., 1895; A.M., 1896. Harting, Enoch Ray, A.B., 1905. Hartloff, Charles William, A.B., 1892. Hartman, Mary Elizabeth, A.B., 1898. Harvey, Bayless, A.B., 1895; LL.B., 1896. Harvey, Olivia Delphi (Mrs. Allan James Wy- lie), A.B., 1906. *Harvey, Thomas B, LL.D., 1885 Harwood, Samuel Ernest, A.B., 1876; A.M., 1892. Haseman, Charles, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1906. Haseman, John Diedrich, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1907. Haseman, Joseph Henry, A.B., 1901; A.M., 1905. Haseman, Leonard, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1907. Haseman, Mary Gertrude, A.B., 1910. Haseman, Oscar, A.B., 1909. Haseman, William Peter, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1904. Haskins, Herman, LL.B., 1905. Hassmer, Rose Mary, A.B., 1909. Hastings, Lois Jackman, A.B., 1909. Hasten, James Gillespie, LL.B., 1909. Hatch, Hazel Marguerite (Mrs. Claude Seymour Steele), A.B., 1906. Hatfield, Benjamin Frank- lin, A.B., 1879. *Hatfleld, Edwin Ruthven, A.B., 1860. Hatfield, Frank Helton, A.B., 1890; LL.B., 1892. Hatfield, Sidney Basil, A.B., 1864; LL.B., 1866. *Hauser, George Abraham, A.B., 1845. *Hauser, Nathanial Timo- thy, LL.B., 1847. Havens, Opal (Mrs. Frank Edmund Davis), A.B., 1906. Hawk, James Herman, A.B., 1910. Hawkins, Aubrey Leslie, A.B., 1909. Hawkins, Bertha Eliza- beth, A.B., 1891; A.M., 1894. Hawkins, Florence, A.B., 1898. *Hawkins, Richard Butler, A.B., 1877. Hawley, Max Charles, A.B., 1901. Hawley, Ransom Edwards, A.B., 1866. Hawley, William Harry, A.B., 1880. Haworth, Clarence V, A.B., 1908. Haworth, Paul Leland, A.B., 1899; A.M., 1901. Haworth, Walter L, M.D., 1910. Hay, Oliver Perry, Ph.D., 1887. Hayden, Floyd Smith, A.B., 1905. Hayden, Oscar Stepheuson, A.B., 1906. Haymond, William Thomas, A.B., 1903. Hays, Noble Jay, LL.B., 1893. Hayworth, James Harvey, A.B., 1890; A.M., 1898. Hazeltine, Ross James, A.B., 1907. Hazen, Gaiues Homer, LL.B., 1871. Hazen, Zachary Taylor, LL.B., 1873. *Head, James W., A.B., 1874. Head. William H., A.B., 1843. Headlee, Thomas J, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1905. Headlee, Mrs. Thomas J (Blanche Ives), A.B., 1903. Headley, Grace Birdsille, A.B., 1908. Headley, William Frank- lin, A.B., 1894. Heady, Adella Blanche (Durfee) (Mrs. John Henry Heady), A.M., 1907. Heady, George Washing- ton, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1909. Heady, James Franklin. A.B., 1873. Heady, John Henry, A.M., 1907. - Heady, Mrs. John Henry (Adella Blanche (Dur- fee) Heady), A.M., 1907. Heady, John Silwell, LL.B., 1862. Heath, James William, A.B., 1898; A.M., 1902. Heckaman, Samuel Dill- man, A.B., 1907; LL.B., 1908. Heilman, George Daniel. LL.B., 1900. Heim, Carl Martin, LL.B., 1908. Heiney, Charles Elmer, A.B., 1889. Heiuey, Joseph Elias Al- vin, Ph.B., 1886. Heinmiller, John Benja- min, A.B., 1910. Heinmiller, Moses Richard, A.B., 1899. Heironimus, Norval Chase, A.B., 1895. Heironyrnus, Arthur, A.B., 1894. Heitger, Anna Cecilia, A.B., 1908. Heitger, Joseph Daniel, AiB., 1904. Heller, Nelson Leroy, A.B., 1909. Helm, Mark Powers, A.B., 1894. Helwig, Harry Franklin, LL.B., 1910. Herninway, Washington Franklin, A.M. (Hon.), 1867. "Henderson, Carey Wayland, LL.B., 1870. Henderson, Mrs. George Byron (Neva Bethell), A.B., 1898. Hendricks, Alfred Hudson, Jr., M.D., 1908. Hendricks, Eldo Lewis, A.M., 1899. *Hendricks, Mrs. Eldo Lew- is (Flora (Forsyth) Hen- dricks), A.M., 1899. *Hendricks, Flora (For- syth) (Mrs. Eldo Lewis Hendricks), A.M., 1899. Hendricks, Ira G., A.M. (Hon.), 1854. Alphabetical List 217 Hendricks, Joel E., A.M. (Hon.), 1865. *Hendricks, John Abraham, A.B., 1843. *Hendricks, Thomas An- drews, LL.D. (Hon.), 1873. Hendrix, Daisibel (Mrs. James Albert Suther- land), A.B., 1902. Hendrix, Edistina Farrow, A.B., 1906. Hendrix, Elizabeth Grace (Mrs. Thomas Cramer Hopkins), A.B., 1901. Henicksman, Frank Wil- liam, A.B., 1901; A.M., 1901. Henicksmau, Mrs. Frank William (Maude Simon- ton), A.B., 1902. Henke, John Henry, A.B., 1896. Henley, Joseph Edgar, A.B., 1875. *Henley, Laura Jean (Mrs. Edmund Mooney), A.B., 1874. Hennel, Cecilia Barbara, A.B., 1907: A.M., 1908. Hennel, Cora Barbara, A.B., 1907; A.M., 1908. Henniuger, Carl, A.B., 1907. Henry, Atta Lovia, A.B.. 1897. Henry, Charles L., LL.B., 1872. Henry, Don J, A.B., 1910. Henry, Edna Gertrude, A.B., 1897. Henry, Edward George, LL.B., 3872. Henry, George Smock, A.B., 1903. Henry. James Hamilton, A.B., 1892. *Henry, William, D.D. (Hon.), 1834. Henry, William Elmer, A.B., 1891; A.M., 1892. "Henry, Mrs. William El- mer (Margaret Atkinson Roberts). A.B., 1894. *Henry, William M., A.B., 1851. *Herr, Flora Belle, A.B.. 1896. (Mrs. Ivan I. Yo- der.) "Herrick, George Theophi- lus, A.B., 1876. Herrick, James Timothy, LL.B., 1870. Herrington, Fred Arthur, A.M., 1904. Herschelman, Daniel Ed- ward, A.B., 1906; LL.B., 1907. Hershman, Ara Ethel, A.B., 1897. Hershman. Frederick, M.D., 1910. Hershman, William Hand- ford, A.B., 1898. Hess, Mrs. Abram Metzler (Anna Herr Kauffman), A.B., 1907; A.M., 1908. Hessler, Lucy Bernhardine, A.B., 1903. Hessler, Robert, A.B., 1890; A.M., 181)3. *Hester, Craven P, LL.D., (Hon.), 1870. *Hester, James Scott, A.B., 1843; LL.B., 1845. Hester, Melville Craven, A.B., 1855. Hetherington, Arthur Mitchell, M.D., 1910. Hewson, Elizabeth (Mrs. Robert Clarkson Brooks), A.B., 1893. Heyn, Louis Goldberg. A.B., 1899. Hiatt, Cassius Eugene, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1906. Hiatt, Mrs. Edgar Fletcher (Katherine Fredericka Schaefer), A.B.. 1898. *Hiatt, William Oscar, A.B., 1894. *Hibbard, James Farquhar, LL.D. (Hon.), 1885. Hickam, Orville, A.B., 1906. Hicks, Abel Jacob, A.B., 1896. Hickson, Alonzo Loyd, A.B., 1907. Hickson, Fred Earl, M.D., 1909. Hiestand, Letha (Mrs. Jesse H. Newlon), A.B., ttOCf. Higgins, Barton Stone, LL.B., 1877. Higgins. Mary Elizabeth, A.B., 1910. Higgins, Reyburn Alvin, AB., 1906. Highley, Aiden Marvin, A.B., 1903. Highley, Albert Elmer, A.B., 1910. Hight, Harrison, A.B., 1860. *Hight, John Junior, A.B., 1854; D.D. (Hon.), 1871. Hight, Kate M, B.L., 1880. *Hight, Milton, LL.B., 1847 Hight, Robert Foster, A.B., 1888. Hildebrand, Louis Ernest, A.B, 1904. Hill, Ben Chambers, LL.B., 1907. *Hill, Henry Clay, LL.B.. 1859. Hill. Howard Copeland, A.B., 1906. *Hill. Nnthanial Usher, B.S., 1875: LL.B., 1876. Hill. Mrs. Nathaniel Usher (Anna Mary Buskirk), A.B., 1874. Hill. Philip Buskirk, LL.B., 1908. Hill. Mrs. Robert G (Meda Gude Milam), A.B., 1909. Hill. Samuel W., LL.B.. 1866. Hill. William Herbert, LL.B., 1901. Hillinrd. Sarah Pauline, A.B., 1904. *Hillis, William Caruthers, A.B., 1838. Hillman, Louis Frederick, A.B.. 1907: A.M., 1907. Himelick, Robert Wesley, A.B., 1909: A.M.. 1910. Hindmnn. Edward Everett. A.B.. 1896. Hindmnn. Frank Todd, A.B., ioon. Hiner, Frederick, B.S., 1872; LL.B., 1873. Hines, Dorsey Mark, M.D., 1909. Hines, Frederick Eugene, LL.B., 1897. Hines, Linnaeus Neal. A.B., 1894; A.M., 1908. Hines, Margaret, A.B., 1907. Hinkle, Edgar Clayton, A.B., 1901; A.M., 1905. Hinkle, John Milton, A.B., 1908. Hinshaw, Clarence Edgar, A.B.. 1910. Hippensteel, Henry Sher- man, A.B., 1896. Hirshfield, Albert Clifford, M.D., 1908. "Hitchcock, Francis Bazier, LL.B., 1871. Hite, Edgar Earl, LL.B., LL.B., 1905. *Hitt, Edwin Randolph, A.B., 1875. *Hitt, Robert Roberts, A.B. , 1855. *Hobbs, Barnabas Coffin, LL.D. (Hon.), 1869. Hobbs, Guy Fulton, A.B., 1909. Hoch, Eli, B.S., 1869. Hochalter, John Philip, A.B., 1906. Hockenberry, John Coul- ter, A.B., 1899. Hocker, Clarence McElroy, A.B., 1905. Hocker, Virgiliue, A.B., 1906. Hodge, John Alfred, A.B., 1909; A.M., 1910. Hoffman, Anna Harriet (Bowman) (Mrs. Horace Addison Hoffman), A.B., 1891. Hoffman, Horace Addison, A.B., 1881. Hoffman, Mrs. Horace Ad- dison (Anna Harriet, (Bowman) Hoffman), A.B., 1891. Hoffman, Martin Luther, A.B., 1885. Hoffmann, Sterling Peter. A.B., 1910. Hogan, Mary Alice, A.B., 1909. *Hoge, Zenas Kell McCloed, A.B., 1840. Hogg, David Harman, A.B., 1909. *Hoggatt, William Marion, LL.B., 1864. Hogue, Rolla Martin, A.B., 1910. Hohlt, Edward William, LL.B., 1909. Hohn, John Edward, A.B., 1905. Holderman, Edna, A.B., 1907. Holladay, Mary Emma, A.B., 1906. Holland, Bertha Corinne (Mrs. Hugh Branson), A.B., 1897. Holland, Edith Catharine (Mrs. Glen Jeff Gifford), A.B., 1900. 218 Register of Graduates Holland, Emory Edward, M.D., 1909. Holland, Ernest Otto, A.B., 1895. Holland, Mrs. Franklin (Margaret Ashby Todd), A.B., 1893. *Holland, Philip, A.B., 1865. Holliday, Wiufred Wams- ley, A.B., 1903. Holloway, Edith, A.B., 1908. Holrnan, Dallas Smith. LL.B., 1869. Holman, George Wilson, LL.B., 1873. Holinan, Herbert Paul, A.B., 1903. *Holman, Lewis Alexander, A.B., 1898. *Holman, Richard Henry, A.B., 1837. Holmes, Claude DuVall, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1910. Holmes, Mrs. Claude Du- Vall (Edith (DuVall) Holmes), A.B., 1908. Holmes, Edith (DuVall) (Mrs. Claude DuVall Holmes), A.B., 1908. Holmes, Gretchen Eloise, A.B., 1908. Holmes, Major Edward. A.B., 1908. Holmes, Max Herbert, A.B., 1905. Holmes, William- Wallace. A.B., 1889; LL.B., 1895. Holtou, Edwin Lee, A.B., 1904. Holton, Jacob Washing- ton, A.B., 1902. Holtzman, Clarence Lee, A.B., 1892. Holtzman, Louise Alice. A.B., 1907. Honan, Thomas Michael. A.B.. 1889. Honneus, Frederick, A.B.. 1900. Hood, Frank Carter, A.B., 1881. Hood, Mrs. Frank Carter (Ole Anna Willson), A.B., 1876. *Hood, John, A.B., 1862. Hood, Laura (Mrs. Russell Ratliff), A.B., 1891. Hooke, Sam Wishard, M.D., 1909. Hooper, Cyrus Lauron, Ph.B., 1887; A.M., 1888. *Hooper. William Story. A.M. (Hon.), 1865. Hoover, Calviu Snyder. A.B., 1893; A.M., 1894. Hoover. Jennie E, A.B., 1908. Hopewell, Mrs. Clarence D. (Georgia "Dorothea Lauster), LL.B., 1908. *Hopkins, Alexander C., A.M. (Hon.), 1875. Hopkins, Mrs. Roy B. (Olive Fay Morehouse), A.B., 1905. Hopkins, Mrs. Thomas Cramer (Elizabeth Grace Hendrix). A.B., 1901. Hormell, Martha Eulala, A.B.. 1907: A.M.. 1910. Hormell, Orren Chalmer, A.B., 1904; A.M., 1905. Horn, Harry Allen, LL.B., 1909. Hornaday, John William. A.B., 1902; LL.B., 1904. Hornbrook, Adelia (Rob- erts) (Mrs. Richard Sanders Hornbrook), A.B., 1893; A.M., 1894. Hornbrook, Mrs. Richard Sanders (Adelia (Rob- erts) Hombrook), A.B., 1893; A.M., 1894. Home, Blanchard Jackson, LL.B., 1900. Horner, Blanche, M.D., 1910. Horner, Harry Louis, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1909. Horner, Mary, A.B., 1905: A.M., 1908. Horrell, Fannie Evelyn, A.B., 1910. Hort, Mary Etta (Mrs. Charles Clovis Kraus- kopf), A.B., 1893. Horton, De W T esley, A.B., 1909. *Hoshour, Samuel K., A.M. (Hon.), 1839. Hosier, Wiley Enoch, LL.B., 1908. Hoskins, Harley Hamlin, A.B., 1891. Hoskinson, Jesse Hayes, A.B., 1907. Hoss, George Washington, LL.D. (Hon.), 1872. Hottel, Milton Benton, A.B., 1882. Hottel, Walter Emmitt, A.B., 1894; LL.B., 1895. Hottel, Mrs. W T alter Em- mitt (Ida May Fulwider). A.B., 1895. Hough, Nelly (Mrs. Bed- ford Vance Sudbury), A.B., 1892. Hough, Watson Raymond. A.B., 1907. Houghton, Hileary Q A.B., 1880. Houghton, Walter Raleigh. A.B., 1871; A.M., 1872. Houk, Amos Edgar, LL.B., 1901. House, John Lemuel, A.B., 1903: A.M., 1910. Hovelson, Henry Oscar, M.D., 1910. Howard, Ella (Lowe) (Mrs. Joseph Henry Howard), A.B., 1895. Howard, Jonas George, LL.B., 1851. Howard. Joseph Henry, A.B., 1888; A.M., 1890. Howard, Mrs. Joseph Henry (Ella (Lowe) Howard). A.B., 1895. Howard, William Edward, Ph.D.. 1909. Howe, Alfred Graham, LL.B., 1876. Howe, Alfred Ryors, A.B.. 1869. Howe. George Harwell, A.B., 1894. Howe. Lucy (Mrs. Archi- bald McClelland Hain. A.B.. 1897. Howe, Walter Dunn, A.B., 1890. Hsii Showin Wetzen, A.B., 1909. Hubbard, Charles Mere- dith, A.B., 1892. Hubbard, George Calvin, A.B., 1901. Hubbard, Jesse Wesley, A.B., 1890; A.M., 1893. *Hubbell, Orrin Zeigler, A.B., 1877. Huddle, Wiley Jerome, A.B., 1901; A.M., 1903. Hudson, Charles Rollin, A.B., 1897. *Hudson, Simeon Musker, LL.B., 1897. Hudson, Walter Gresham, A.B., 1887. Hun, Aquilla Colfax, B.L., 1882. *Huff, John Nicholas, B.L., 1884. Huff, Pearl Frances, A.B., 1905. Huffman, Benjamin Frank- lin, LL.B., 1897. Huffman, Clinton Leslie, A.B., 1902. Hughes, Edith, A.B., 1909. Hughes. Elizabeth Green, A.B., 1875; M.S., 1886. Hughes, Fred Scott, LL.B., 1899. *Hughes. James, LL.D. (Hon.), 1861. Hughes, James Boaz, A.B., 1889. *Hughes, Levi, A.M. (Hon.), 1848. Hughes, Looiis William. A.B., 1898. Hughes, Olive May (Mrs, Robert Grant Miller). A.B., 1892; A.M., 1893. Hulbush, William Albert, M.D., 1908. Hull, Mrs. George Hanson (Catharine Chilton), A.B., 1902. Hume, John Raymond, M.D., 1907. *Hummer, Michael, A.B., 1830. Humphreys, George Goss, LL.B., 1910. Humphreys, Guy Hender- son, LL.B., 1906. Hunt, Charles Luther, A.B., 1901; A.M., 1902. Hunt, George Beam, M.D., 1910. Hunt, Lee F, A.B., 1900. Hunter, Bertha Elizabeth, A.B., 1910. *Hunter, Cassius Fernando, B.S., 1867. Hunter, Frank Eckley, A.B., 1879; A.M., 1883. Hunter, John Cory Smith, LL.B., 1872. Hunter, Lucy Josephine, A.B., 1896. *Hunter. Morton Craig, LL.B., 1848. Hunter, Morton Craig. Jr., A.B., 1874. Hunter, Morton Theodore, A.B.. 1909: LL.B.. 190. Alphabetical List 219 Hunter, Nora Elizabeth (Mrs. Edward Brooks Applegate), A.B., 1893. Hunter, Wiles Robert, A.B., 1896. Hunter, Winfield Scott, LL.B., 1875. Hunzicker, Fred Lewis, LL.B., 1907. Hurley, Garland Horace, A.B., 1901 ; LL.B., 1902. Hurst, Eva May (Mrs. Edward Theodore Fowl- er), A.B., 1905. Hurst, Lawrence, A.B., 1910. Hutcherson, Grover Cleve- land, A.B., 1910. Hutchinson, Cyrus Burt, A.B., 1867. Hutchinson, David, A.M. (Hon.), 1854. Hutchinson, Mrs. Frank E. (Jennie Celia Pugh), A.B., 1901. Hutchinson, John Conlln, A.B., 1903. Hutchinson, George Alex- ander, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1908. Button, Georgia Theodora, A.B., 19] 0. Button, Herbert Ernest, A.B., 1902; LL.B., 1904. Hyde, Roscoe Raymond, A.B., 1909 ; A.M., 1909. Hypes, Andrew Jasper, A.B., 1910. Hyslop, Mrs. Francis Ed- win (Mary MacHatton), A.B., 1902. Hyslop, Henrietta Mary, A.B., 1900. Ibison. Harry M, A.B., 1906. Ichinomiya, Hiroto, A.B.. 1905. Ihrig, Herbert Lewis, A.B., 1903. Ingle, Sherman Kemlo, M.D., 1909. Incrler, Francis Marion, LL.B., 1803 ; A.B. 1903; A.M.. 1906. Ingram, Forrest Wayne, A.B., 1910. Inman, Austin Willis, A.B., 1906. Irions, Don Griffith, A.B., 1909. Irwin, Grace (Simon ton) (Mrs. William Alden Ir- win), A.B., 1900. Irwin, John Curtis, A.B., 1908; M.D., 1910. 'Irwin, John Scull, LL.D. (Hon.), 1875. Irwin, Laura Ellen, A.B., 1901. Irwin, Seth Hugo, M.D., 1908. Irwin, William Alden, A.B.. 1899. Irwin, Mrs. William Alden (Grace (Simonton) Ir- win), A.B., 1900. Isaacs. Charles Applewhite, A.B., 1905. Isemincrer, George Oscar. LL.B., 1862. Isenberger, Jerome, A.B., 1910. *Isenhower, John Randolph, LL.B., 1859. Iske, Louise Marie, A.B., 1910. Isobe, Paul Fusanobu, A.B., 1909. Ives, Blanche (Mrs. Thom- as J Headlee), A.B., 1903. Jack, Charles Wayman, A.B., 1905. Jackman, Charles Fred- erick, A.B., 1901 ; A.M., 1907. Jackson, Arthur, A.B., 1906. Jackson, Dennis Emerson, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1906; Ph.D., 1908. * Jackson, Francis Aristide, LL.D. (Hon.), 1883. Jackson, Frederick Ells- worth, A.B., 1908; M.D., 1910. Jackson. James William, A.B., 1906; M.D., 1910. Jackson, Lena (Mrs. Ray- mond Everett Kenny), A.B., 1909. Jackson, Oliver William, A.B., 1905. Jadden, Wilbur Burr, A.B., 1908. *Jaeger. Edmund, LL.B., 1857. James, Glenn, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1910. James, Jesse Orval, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1910. James, Mrs. John B. (Mary Hannaman), A.B., 1872. James, Martha Davis, A.B., 1905. Janeway, Elizabeth Alma (Mrs. Fernandus Payne), A.B.. 1906. Jay. Walter Linton, A.B., 1897. Jeffers. John Porter, A.B., 1903; LL.B., 1906. Jefferson, Samuel Mitchell, A.B.. 1874. Jeffrey, James Hannibal, A.B.. 1898. *.Tenckes, Joseph Sherburne, A.B., 1856 ; LL.D., (Hon.), 1884. Jenkins, Charles Emerson, A.B., 1910. Jenkins, Oliver Peebles, M.S., 1886: Ph.D., 1889. Jenkins, William Evans, A.B., 1891. Jenkins, Mrs. William Evans (Charles Anna Moore), A. B., 1892. Jennings, Emma Rose (Mrs. Thomas Jefferson Clark), B.S., 1873. Jennings, Maurice Edgar, A.B., 1909. Jessup, Elmer, A.B.. 1909. Jessup, Fred Hobson, LL.B., 1910. Jewett, Augustus M., LL.D. (Hon.), 1857. Johns, George W.. B.S.. 1869; LL.B.. 1870. Johns, , Mrs. Mary Agnes, A.B., 1907. Johnson, Alvah, A.B., 1849. Johnson, Edna, A.B., 1898 ; A.M., 1904. Johnson, Ernest Newton, M.D., 1909. Johnson, Florence Maude, A.B., 1904. Johnson, Fred Bates, A.B., 1902; LL.B., 1910. Johnson, Harry Hayden, A.B., 1910. Johnson, Hugh Everett, A.B., 1904. Johnson, John Magill, A.B., 1851. Johnson, Leo Henry, LL.B., 1907. * Johnson, Lev! Smith, B.S., 1860. Johnson, Manson Ulvain, A.B., 1890; A.M., 1892. Johnson, Mary Alice, A.B., 1897. Johnson, Morris Hale Clay- bourne, A.B., 1909. Johnson, Newton Carr, A.B. r 1897; A.M., 1898. * Johnson, Richard Morris, A.B., 1856. Johnson, Robert Carson, M.D., 1909. Johnson, Roxana Galletly, A.B., 1903. Johnson, Theodore Louis, A.B., 1908. Johnson, Thompson Hill, LL.B., 1869. Johnson, Vertle Vanessa, A.B., 1910. *Johnston, Archibald War- riston, A.B., 1864. Johnston, Homer Grant, A.B., 1909. Johnston, John H, A.B., 1896. Johnston, Joseph Madison, A.B., 1893. Johnston, Mary, A.B., 1900; A.M., 1902. *Jones, Aaron Lytle, B.S., . 1855. Jones, Alfred Elihu, A.B., 1901. Jones, Anna Cordelia, A.B., 1904. Jones, Beatrice, A.B., 1905. Jones, Belle Clowdesley (Mrs. Frank R. Miller), A.B., 1903. Mones, David Milton, LL.B., 1851. Jones, Everett Orville, A.B., 1890. Jones, Fanny Maria (Mrs. Wilbur Jones Kay), A.B., 1896. Jones, Frank Leonard, A.B., 1898. Jones, Mrs. George Worth- en (Frances Amelia Stev- ens), A.B., 1901. Jones, Hugh William, A.B., 1893. Jones, James Marshall, LL.B., 1895. Jones, John George Bur- ton, A.B., 1908. Jones, Mrs. John Weslej (Nancy McMahon), A.B., 1891. 220 Register of Graduates "Jones, Jonathan Harris, LL.B., 1854. *Jones, Joseph Philip. LL.B., 1867. Jones, Pearl Colleen (Mrs. James Wilbur Magaw), A.B., 1907. Jones, Perry Oliver, LL.B., 1873. Jones, Ralph W., A.B., 1888. Jones, Robert, Benjamin, M.D., 1909. Jones, Roswell Lee, M.D., 1910. Jones, Samuel Frank, A.B., 1891. Jones, Thomas Dorsey, A.B., 1907. Jones, Thomas Monroe, A.B., 1898. *Jones, William Harrison, A.B., 1836. Jones, William Lewis, A.B., 1905. Jones, Mrs. W. W. (Won- netah Pearl McCamp- bell), A.B., 1903. Jordan, David Starr, LL.D. (Hon.), 1909. Jordan, Mrs. David Starr (Jessie (Knight) Jor- dan), A.B., 1890. Jordan, Elijah, A.B., 1907. Jordan, James Henry, B.S., 186S; LL.B., 1871. Jordan, Jessie (Knight), (Mrs. David Starr Jor- dan), A.B., 1890. Jordan, Paul Roe, A.B., 1904. Jose", Linda Henrietta (Mrs. John Barnard Stokesberry), A.B., 1897. Joya, Mariana Honrade de, LL.B., 1907. Juday, Chancey, A.B., 1896; A.M., 1897. Kahl, Edwin, A.B., 1896. Kahler, Samuel James, A.B., 1858. *Kahn, Herbert Claude, A.B., 1897. Kahn, Howard, A.B., 1908. Kahn, Isidor, LL.B., 1908. Kahn, Sylvan Walter, A.B., 1894. Kamman, Henry William, LL.B., 1900. Kamman, John Henry, LL.B., 1896. Karns, Blanche, A.B., 1900. Karsell, Mrs. William An- derson (Carolyn Read), A.B., 1906. *Karsten, Gustaf, E, A.B., 1890. Kasch, Herman August, A.B., 1910. Kassebaurn, Calla Jane, A.B., 1903. Kassens, David William, A.B., 1904. Ka sting, Albert Henry, LL.B., 1906. Kauffman, Anna Herr (Mrs. Abram Metzler Hess), A.B., 1907: A.M., 1908. Kaufman. Horatio Sey- mour, A.B., 1899. *Kavauaugh, H u b b a r d Hinde, D.D. (Hon.), 1854. Kay, Mrs. Wilbur Jones (Fanny Maria Jones), A.B., 1896. Kearby, Mrs. Delbert Os- car (Alice Shindler Al- bertson), A.B., 1905. Keeuey, Arthur Hale, A.B., 1904. Keeney, George Albert, A.B., 1906. Keeran, Bessie Hazel, A.B., 1910. *Keller, Lewis Alexander, A.B., 1854. Kelley, Anna Helen (Mrs. Albert Julius Venne- rnan), A.B., 1891. Kelly, Mrs (Belle Lati- mer). B.S., 1874. Kelly, Chester Young, A.B., 1905. Kelly, Mrs. Chester Young (Faith Emma Brown), A.B., 1906. Kelly, Mrs. Edward Emmet (Agnes Elnora Cant- well), A.B., 1899. Kelly, Francis Joseph, A.B., 1902. Kelly, Genevieve Wright, LL.B., 1895. Kelly, John Edward, A.B., 1892; LL.B., 1894. Kelly, William Henry, A.B., 1894. Kelly, Mrs. William Henry (Alberta Perry), A.B., 1894. Kelso, Monta (Mrs. Charles S Leeley Dunning), A.B., 1895. Kelso, Oscar Lynn, B.S., 1884; A.M., 1890. Keltner, Ruth, A.B., 1909. Kemp, Charles, LL.B., 1906. Kemp, Joseph Allen, A.B., 1905. Kemper, Robert J, M.D., 1908. Kempf, Edward John, A.B., 1907. Kempf, Grover A, M.D., 1910. Kendall, Flora Caroline, A.B., 1876; A.M., 1885. Kendall, Herbert Wilson, A.B., 1909. Kendall, John Henry, A.B., 1872. Kendall, John Wesley, A.B., 1910. Kennedy, Clarence Hamil- ton, A.B., 1902; A.M., 1903. Kennedy, John Tracy, A.B., 1908; M.D.. 1910. *Kenner, James Burgan, LL.B., 1871. Kenney, Ida Belle (Mrs. John Wesley Brown), A.B., 1879. Kenny, Jonathan K., LL.B., 1844. Kenny, Raymond Everett, A.B., 1909. Kenny, Mrs. Raymond Everett (Lena Jackson), A.B.. 1909. Kent, Myrtle Isabelle, A.B., 1908. Kent, Mrs. Walter (Ethel Lillian Nelson), A.B., 1907. *Kenton, James Edgar, LL.B., 1867. Kepler, Lynn Elmer, A.B., 1891. Kepner, Elmer Ellsworth, A.B., 1906. Kepner, Franklin Bartmas, A.B., 1893. Kern, Minnie Ethel (Mrs. William Jacy Titus), A.B., 1908. Kern, Walter McCullough, A.B., 1896; A.M., 1909. Kerr, Alvin R, M.D., 1910. Kerr, Charles Irving, A.B., 1896; A.M., 1906. *Kerr, Mrs. Charles Irving (Elsiuore Kerr), A.B., 1897. *Kerr, Elsinore (Mrs. Charles Irving Kerr), A.B., 1897. Kerr, Mary Agatha, A.B., 1905. Kessler, James, A.B., 1908. *Ketchani, George Pearcy, A.B., 1852. Ketcham, John Henry, B.S., 1854. *Ketcham, John Lewis, A.B., 1833. Kettleborough, Ballingtou Charles, A.B., 1007; A.M., 1908. Khamis. Joseph Abraham (Joseph Khamis Abra- ham), A.B., 1908. *Kidd, Samuel Hall, B.L., 1882. Kidder, Elizabeth (Mrs. Ernest Hiram Lindley), A.B., 1893. Kidder, Mrs. Ned Solon (Elizabeth Parker), A.B., 1 RQR Kidwell, Edna, A.B., 1909 Kiess. Carl Clarence, A.B., 1910. Kilpatrick, Alexander, A.B., 1871. Kimball, Frank J, A.B., 1907. Kimball, George Washing- ton, A.B., 1900. Klines. Franklin Marion, LL.B., 1900. Kiines, Samuel S, M.D., Kimmel, Geneva, A.B., 1909. Kimniel, Herbert, A.B., Kindle, Edward Martin, A.B., 1893. King, Abraham Joseph, A.B., 1896. King, Cyrus Ambrose, A.B., 1893. King, Edna Jay, A.B., 1905 King, Eleanor May, A.B., 1910. King. Emmett Orlando, A.B., 1898. King, Mrs. Everett Edgar (Anna May Owen), A.B., 1901. Alphabetical List 221 King, Fred Innis, A.B., 1897. King, Hazel, A.B., 1909. King, Hickinan New, B.S., 1872. King, Hoyt, LL.B., 1892. *King, Mrs. Hoyt (Maud Lemon), A.B., 1891. King, John Pardee, A.B., 1903. King, John William Henry, A.B., 1899. King, Ruby Olive, A.B., 1909. King, Russell, A.B.. 1889. *King, William Jay, A.B., 1879. Kingsbury, John Kaylor, M.D., 1909. Kinnaman, Andrew Jane- way, A.B., 1900; A.M., 1901. Kinnard, Alice Thomas (Mrs. Oliver Edmunds Glenn), A.B., 1899. Kinney, Jacob Millison, A.B., 1904. Kinnick, Otto Claude, A.B., 1910. Kinsey, Francis Elmer, A.B., 1892. Kinzie, Henry Clinton, A.B., 1889. Kiuzie, Titus Edmund, A.B., 1891. Kipp, Albrecht Robert Carl, A.B., 1906. Kirby, Thomas Joseph, A.B., 1906. Kirk, James William, A.B., 1909. Kirkman, Lester Williams, LL.B., 1907. Kirkpatrick, Lula Belle (Mrs. Roy F. Bornwas- ser), A.B., 1905. *Kirkwood, Robert Jami- son, A.B., 1877. *Kirkwood. Samuel Jabez, A.B., 1861. *Kirsch, Philip Henry, A.B., 1888; A.M., 1889; Ph.D., 1893. Kiser, Julian Jacob, A.B., 1910. Kitch, Claude Ellis, A.B.. 1908. Kittredge, Mrs. Arthur Lyndon (Georgiaua Lind- ley), A.M., 1902. Kline, Aaron, A.B., 1907. Kline, Daisy, A.B., 1904. Kline, Horton, A.B., 1909. Kline, Morton, A.B., 1904. Klopsch, Otto Paul, A.B., 1896; A.M., 1909. Klopsch, Mrs. Otto Paul (Mathilde Zwicker), A.B., 1896. Knapp, Thomas Benton, LL.B., 1873. Knause, Nellie Margaret. A.B., 1908. Knight, Bertha Ethel (Mrs. Henry Landes), A.B., 1891. Knight, Gearry Lloyd, LL.B., 1909. Knight, Homer Guy, A.B., 1905. Knight, Jesse Dudley, A.B.. 3907. Knipe, Kiiipe, A.B., Knipp, A.B., Knipp, A.B., Knoop, A.B., Knopp, A.B., >Knotts, A.B., Knotts, 1898. Knox, 1894. Knox Alonzo, A.B., 1910. Florence Emma, 1900. Charles Tobias, 1894; A.M., 1896. Julius William, 1894. Samuel Michael, 1892. Gideon Thomas, 1891. Joseph Welch, 1897. Noble G., A.B., Arda Saleua, A.B., William T, A.B., Knue, George Francis, M.D., 1909. Koch, Edward William, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1909. Kochenour, David Archer, LL.B., 1871. Kohlmeier, Albert Ludwig, A.B., 1908. Kolb, Mary Okey, A.B., 1898. Koons, Josie Helena (Mrs. Percy Valentine Ruch), A.B., 1906. Koons, George Henry, LL.B., 1871. Kramer, Albert A, M.D., 1907. Kramer, Karl William, A.B., 1901. Kratli, William Frank, A.B., 1909. Krauskopf, Charles Clovis, A.B., 1893; A.M., 1894. Krauskopf, Mrs. Charles Clovis (Mary Etta Hort), A.B.. 1893. Krauskopf, Francis Craig, A.B., 1904. Kremp, Conrad E., A.B., 1896. *Krewson, Margaret Fern, A.B., 1907. Kroff, Charles, LL.B., 1866. Kruegel, Mrs. William Carl (Charles North- craft Malott), A.B., 1894. Kuebler, Luke William, M.D., 1909. Kuersteiner, Mrs. Albert Frederick (Agnes Chris- tine Duncan), A.B., 1907. Kuhl, Ernest Peter, A.B., 1907. Kuiper, Rienk Bouke, A.M., 1908. Kurrie, David Walter, A.B., 1900. Kurrie, Harry Rushworth, LL.B., 1895. Kurtz, Everett Brooks, LLB., 1908. Kyte. Edwin Glen dale, M.D., 1909. Lacy, Mattie Bashabee, A.B., 1900. *LaFollette, David W., LL.B., 1849. *LaFollette, Elhanan Win- chester, LL.B.. 3854. *LaForce, Howard Camp- bell, A.B., 1862. Lagow, Roger Newton, A.B., 1909. Lahr, Samuel Albert, A.B., 1910. Laird, John Walter, A.B., 1900. Lake, William Albert, A.B., 1903. Lamb, Mary Sabra, A.B., 1907. Lambert, Ernest Lester. A.B., 1910. Lambert, Mrs. William Weldon (Lydia New- som), A.B., 1903. Lammers, Louise Kather- ine, A.B., 1905. Lammers, Minnie Bertha, A.B., 1908. Lampland, Carl Otto, A.B., 1902; A.M., 1906. Lampland, Mrs. Carl Otto (Verna Basil Darby), A.B., 1902. Lamson, Ernest, A.B., 1905. Landes, Henry, A.B., 1892. Landes. Mrs. Henry (Bertha Ethel Knight), A.B., 1891. Landrum, Mrs. Robert Dallas (Ethel Price Sher- wood), A.B., 1907. Lane, Anna (Mrs. William E. Lingelbach), A.B., 1895; A.M., 1896. Lane, D. L. C.. LL.B., 1848. Lane, Henry Higgins, A.M., 1903. Lankford, Joseph Fred- erick, M.D., 1909. Lant, Helen Marr, A.B., 1910. Lantz, Park Gresh, A.B., 1910. Large, James M, A.B., 1904. Large, Thomas, A.B., 1897. Larmore, Fanny Fern, A.B., 1910. LaRue, F Wade, A.B., 1909. Lathrop, James Beutly, A.M. (Hon.), 1857. i,atimer, Belle (Mrs. Kelly), B.S., 1874. Latimer, James Ross, A.B., 1873. Laughlin, Harry Edmond, A.B., 1899; LL.B., 1901. Laughlin, Margaret An- nette, A.B., 1910. Lauster, Georgia Doro- thea (Mrs. Clarence D. Hopewetl), LL.B., 1908. Lawrence, Charles Mott, LL.B., 1904. Lawrence, Edward Alfred, A.B., 1906. Layton, Joseph Edward, A.B., 1904. Leas, Estella Booge (Mrs. R. Earl Peters), A.B., 1903. Leas, James Blaiue, A.B., 1907. Leas, John Augustus. M.D., 1908. Leatherman, Cameron Arthur, M.D.. 1909. Leatherock, Robert Ed- ward, A.B., 1894. Leavenworth, Francis Pre- served, A.B., 1880; A.M., 1888. 222 Register oi Graduates Leavenworth, Mrs. Francis Preserved (Jennie Craw- ford Campbell), A.B., 1880. *Leavenworth, Seth Marsh- all, A.B., 1839. Lebliue, Christine, A.B., 1910. Leckrone, Charles, A.B., 1900; A.M., 1903. *LeDoux, Louis Paleman, D.D. (Hon.), 1861. *Lee, Andrew Jackson, LL.B., 1858. Lee, Bertha Burns (Mrs. William Anderson, Broyles), A.B., 1905. Lee, David Russell, A.M., 1905. *Lee, George Washington, A.B., 1857. Lee, Henry Anderson, A.B., 1878. Lee, Jasper Newton, LL.B., 1864. *Leedon, John Stockton, LL.B., 1851. Leffel, Charles Gilbert, A.B., 1909. Leffel. James Monaghan, A.B., 1908. *Legg, Henry Clay, A.B., 1861 *Lemon, Alexander Down- ing, B.S., 1858; LL.B., 1859. Lemon, Clement Charles, A.B., 1894. Lemon, Mrs. Clement Charles (Lelia Jane Ramsey), A.B., 1894. *Lemon, Maud (Mrs. Hoyt King), A.B., 1891. Lemon, William Harrison, A.B., 1854. Lemonds, Effie M., A.B., 1889. Leonard, Etta (Diermeyer) (Mrs. Zenas Belden Leon- ard), A.B., 1898. Leonard, Frederick Pierce, A.B., 1879. Leonard, George Rnfus, A.B., 1905; M.D., 1908. Leonard, Lewis Oscar, B.L., 1884. Leonard, Zenas Belden, A.B., 1893; A.M., 1896. Leonard, Mrs. Zenas Belden (Etta (Diermeyer) Leon- ard), A.B., 1898. Leopold, Moses, LL.B., 1899. Letsinger, Harvey Wilson, LL.B., 1875. Levi, Walter Dean, A.B., 1906. Lewis, Anna Bunger, A.B., 1908! Lewis, Charles Edward, A.B., 1902; A.M., 1903. Lewis, Ernest Henry, A.B., 1899. Lewis, Mrs. Ernest H (Nel- lie May Bowser), A.B., 1899; A.M., 1902. Lewis, Evangeline Eliza- beth, A.B., 1894. Lewis, Gretta Surbaugh. A.B., 1910. Lewis, Isaac McKinney, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1907; Ph.D., 1909. Lewis, Jesse, A.B., 1901. Lewis, Mary Elizabeth, A.B., 1906. Lewis, T Herbert, M.D., 1910. Liddle, Laura E, A.B., 1898. *Liebhardt, Claude, A.B., 1906. Life, Andrew Creamor, A.B., 1896; A.M., 1897. Light, Mason B, M.D., 1910. Lilly, Samuel, A.B., 1872. Liud, Amelia Mary, A.B., 1909. Lindley, Alonzo H, LL.B., 1895. Lindley, Earnest John, LL.B., 1907. Lindley, Ernest Hiram, A.B., 1893; A.M., 1894. Lindley, Mrs. Ernest Hiram (Elizabeth Kid- der), A.B., 1893. Lindley, Georgiana (Mrs. Arthur Lynden Kitt- redge), A.M., 1902. Lindley, Jacob P, A.B., 1881. Lindley, Mabel Clare (Mrs. Homer Herschel Beals), A.M., 1902. Lindley, Mary White, A.B., 1894. Lindley, William Edgar, A.B., 1891. Lindley, Mrs. William Ed- gar (Mary Breckeuridge), A.B., 1891. Lingard, Mrs. George Wil- liam (Eva May Seward), A.B., 1906. Lingeman, Edward Laurel, A.B., 1910. Lingle, Bertha Caresse, A.B., 1901. Linglebach, Mrs. William E. (Anna Lane), A.B., 1895; A.M., 1896. Linke, John Austin, A.B., 1903: A.M., 1904. Listenfelt, Hattie, A.B., 1907. Littell, Clarence Guy, A.B., 1903. Little, Edward Orton, M.D., 1907. Little, Eunice Elizabeth (Mrs. Monroe Bush), A.B., 1896. Little, John William, M.D., 1908. Lively, Mrs. David (Ella Alpine Turner), B.L., 1882. Liven good William Win- fred, A.B., 1907. Llewelyn, Edgar Julius, A.M., 1910. Lockhart, Oliver Gary, A.B., 1903; A.M.. 1905. Lockridge, Ross Franklin, A.B., 1900; LL.B., 1907. 'Lodeman, Frank Felix, A.B., 1888. Loeb, Isaac Anderson, A.B., 1890. Loehr, Cora Rosetta (Mrs. Ellas Ranard Mason), A.B., 1896. Logan, Frank, A.B., 1903. Logan, Mary Margaret (Mrs. Charles V. Spen- cer), A.B., 1891. *Logan, Myrtie Alma (Mrs. Charles M. Beall), A.B., 1888. Logsdon, Hiram Monroe, B.S., 1875. *Long, Alice (Mrs. Alfred Willis Scott), A.B., 1881. *Long. Ara Edward Spence, A.B., 1850. Long, Benjamin Franklin, A.B., 1901; LL.B., 1901. Long, Mrs. Benjamin Franklin (Lucy Nichols), A.B., 1901. Long, Byford Ernest, A.B., 1861. Long, Edward Wesley, A.B., 1910. *Long, Elizabeth (Mrs. Arthur Cunningham), B.L., 1883. Long, George Emerson, A.B., 1907. Long, George William, LL.B.. 1901. Long, Harry, LL.B., 1905. Long, Mary Edna (Mrs. Charles Jacob Pence), A.B., 1885. Long, William Hunt, M.D.. 1908. *Lookabill, Charles Eras- mus, LL.B., 1908. *Loop, John Walter, LL.B., 1851. Louden, Ida Jane (Mrs. Harry Evan Coblentz), A.B., 1890. *Louden, John Henry, A.B., 1861; LL.B., 1864.' Louden, Theodore James, A.B., 1889: LL.B., 1891. Louden, William McNary, A.B., 1891; LL.B., 1893/ Louden, Mrs. William Mc- Nary (Lila Hart Bur- nett), A.B., 1906. .Loughry, Louise Turner (Mrs. William Ells- worth Clapham), A.B., 1900. Love, Flora. A.B., 1895. *Love, Isaac Washington, A.B., 1848; LL.B., 1850. Lovett, George Alexander, A.B., 1898. Lowder, Alis Beaty, A.B., 1907. Lowder, Nora, A.B., 1910. Lowe, Charlotte Augusta, (Mrs. William Lowe Bryan), A.B., 1888; A.M., 1889. *Lowe. Jesse William, A.B., 1836. Lowe, Simpson B, A.B., 1878. Lower, William Isaac, A.B., 1909. "Lowrie, John Marshall, D.D. (Hon.), 1860. Lucas, Clarence August, M.D., 1908. Lucas, Ethel (Mrs. Eugene Stanton Nostrand), A.B., 1904. Alphabetical List 223 Lucas, Mrs. Ferdinand (Helen Gregory), A.B., 1898. Luce, Leonard Monroe, A.B., 1906. Luckett, John Harvey, LL.B., 1896. Ludwig, Oscar Dennen, M.D., 1910. Lung, John Ellsworth, A.B., 1910. Lunt, Mrs. Forrest Sum- ner (Madeline Norton), A.B., 1903. *Luther, Amos H., LL.B.. 1859. Lutton, Louis Franklin, A.B., 1909. Lutz, Burdette C, LL.B., 1900. Luzadder, Sophie Hortense (Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Floyd), A.B., 1878. *Luzader, Theresa (Mrs. Beverly -Gregory), B.S., 1873. Lybrook, Daniel Edgar, A.B., 1908; M.D., 1910. *Lynch, Augustus Davis, A.B., 1857; LL.B., 1859. Lynch, William Orlando, A.B., 1903. Lyne, Mary Catharine (Mrs. Charles David Sloan), A.B., 1901. Lyon, Mrs. Clarence Calvin (Lula A. Scott), A.B., 1904. Lyon, Mary Elizabeth, B.L., 1881; B.S., 1881. Lyons, Robert Edward, A.B., 1889; A.M., 1890. *McAfee, George L., A.B., 1837. McAnelly, Jefferson, LL.B., 1872. McAtee, Waldo Lee, A.B., 1904; A.M., 1906. McAtee, Joseph Camden Riley, A.B., 1906; LL.B., 1907. McBride, William Abra- ham, M.D., 1909. McCain, Mrs. Arthur Albert (Ethel Rondthaler), A.B., 1892. McCain, Gertrude lona, A.B., 1908. McCalla, Mary Ballantlne (Mrs. Charles Harris), B.L., 1881. *McCallum, John Guthrie, LL.B., 1848. McCampbell. Wonnetah Pearl, (Mrs. W. W. Jones), A.B., 1903. McCarthy, Frank George, A.B., 1908; M.D., 1909. McCarthy, John Calvin, LL.B., 1870. McCartney, John, LL.B., 1854. McCarty. Leslie Combes, A.B., 1905. McCarty, Milton Tighlman, A.B., 1899. McCaskey, Carl Heber, M.D., 1908. *McCaughan. Alexander. A.B.. 1846. McCaughan, James Zwin- gle Alexander, A.B., 1885. McCaughan, Susan Isola, (Mrs. Henry S. C. Rus- sell), B.L., 1885. McCauley, Pauline, A.B., 1910. McClaskey. Berne B, LL.B., 1909. *McClaskey, John Edgar, A.B., 1879. *McClaskey, Miles Robert, A.B., 1878. *McClean, Charles, A.B., 1849. McCleary, Terence, LL.B., 1876. McClellan, Rousseau, A.B., 1898. McClelland, Alexander, LL.B., 1846. McClelland, Donald Charles, A.B., 1909. McClintic, Brown Shirk, A.B., 1905. McClintic, William Brown, A.B., 1873. McClintoch, Lyman John- son, A.B., 1909. McClintoch, Mrs. Lyman Johnson (Bessie Lee Tro- villion), A.B., 1908. *McClung, John Alexander, D.D. (Hon.) 1858. McClure, Lloyd, LL.B., 1908. *McClurkin, John Johnston, A.B., 1836. McCullough, Mary Caro- line, B.S., 1874. McComb, Amanda, A.M., 1900. McConnell, Anna Van Ness, A.B., 1910. McCool, Jehu Franklin, M.D., 1909. McCord, Benjamin Free- land, A.B., 1869. McCord, Carl Byron, M.D., 1908. McCord, Clara Eliza, B.S., 1871. McCord, Elam Morgan, B.S., 1869; LL.B., 1875. *McCord, Leonard Woods, B.S., 1862. McCord, William Ebenezer, A.B., 1872; LL.B., 1876. McCormack, Zwinglius Kernander, LL.B., 1873. McCormick, Hubert Don- ald, M.D., 1908. McCormick, Samuel Hutt- son, B.S., 1869. McCormick, Wilson James, A.B., 1886. McCown, Percy Edward, M.D., 1908. McCoy, Alvin Hugo, A.B., 1907; LL.B., 1908. McCoy, Edward LeRoy, M.D., 1908. McCoy, Frank Lincoln, A.B., 1884. McCoy, Harlan Bancroft, A.B., 1908; LL.B., 1908. McCoy, John Milton, A.B., 1860; LL.B., 1864. McCracken, Sylvester Ber- lin, A.B., 1892. McCray, Frances, A.B., 1899. McCrea, Florence Jewett, A.B., 1910. McCuen, Prudence Griffith, A.B., 1909. McCullouch, Thomas Rob- ert, LL.B., 1907. McCullough, James Ed- mund, B.S., 1871; LL.B., 1871. McCully, Mrs. James Henry (Leona Hadley), A.B., 1905. McCune, Mrs. Cyrus Brady (Lillian May Foland), B.S., 1875. McCurdy, Jacob Erwiu, LL.B., 1910. McDaniel, Mrs. Alonzo S. (Harriet Laura Cochran), A.B., 1894; A.M., 1896. *McDermot, John Royce, A.B., 1899. McDermott, Charles, LL.B., 1903. McDill, Robert McKee, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1898. Macdonald, Curran Ebe- nezer, A.B., 1852; LL.B., 1854. *McDouald, David, LL.D. (Hon.), 1852. McDonald, David Hume, A.B., 1852. McDonald, Edward, A.B., 1903. McDonald, Edward David, A.B., 1910. McDonald, Ezekiel McCon- nell, A.B., 1865. McDonald, Frank Buell, A.B., 1871. McDonald, George Wilson, A.B., 1870: LL.B., 1873. McDonald, Herman Walter, M.D., 1909. McDonald, James Grover, A.B., 1909; A.M., 1910. McDonald, Joseph Ewing, LL.D. (Hon.), 1865. McDonald. Paul Duncan, A.B., 1871. McDonald, Virgil Gwinn, M.D., 1910. McDowell, Harry Wood- ward, A.B., 1895. McDowell, Mrs. Harry Woodward (Estelle Dai- ton), A.B., 1894. McDowell, Otho Earl. A.B., 1908. Mace William H., A.M., 1889. McElrath, Erasmus D. C., A.B., 1837. McElwaine, Sterling Ru- dolph, A.B., 1909. McFerren, Earle Edwin, A.B., 1907; LL.B., 1908. McGannon, Carl, A.B., 1908. McGaughey, Arthur, LL.B., 1908. McGaughey, Mrs. John Ed- ward (Mary Evelyn Bai- ley), A.B., 1908. McGill, Elizabeth Blanche, A.B., 1907. McGilvrey, John Edward, A.B., 1895. 224 Register of Graduates *McGinnis, John Richard, LL.B., 1901. McGloin, John, LL.B., 1900. McGovney, Dudley Odell, A.B., 1901. McGovney, Mrs. Dudley Odell (Laura Arnott Woodburn), A.B., 1901. McGregor, Alfred Gay, A.B., 1897. McGregor, Mrs. Alfred Gay (Cora (Bowers) McGre- gor), A.B., 1897. McGregor, Cora (Bowers) (Mrs. Alfred Gay Mc- gregor), A.B., 1897. McGregor, James Festus, A.B., 1875. McGregor, John, B.S., 1875. *McGuffey, William Holmes, D.D. (Hon.), 1839. MacHatton, Martha (Mrs. Alvah D. Carr), A.B., 1904. MacHatton, Mary (Mrs. Francis Edwin Hyslop), A.B., 1902. Mclndoo, Norman Eugene, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1910. Mclntire, Ira Humphrey, A.B., 1906. Mclntosh, James Luke. A.B., 1906. *McKay, Charles Leslie, B.S., 1881. McKay, Sophia Augusta, A.B., 1905. McKay, Thomas Albert, A.M., 1890. McKee, Charles Homer, A.B., 1903. McKee, David Wilson, LL.B., 1872. McKee, Madge, A.B., 1902. McKeehan, Charles Fred- erick, A.B., 1909. *McKelvey, Hugh Aiken, A.B., 1843. McKelvey, Joseph Albert, A.B., 1901. *McKinney, John Orchard, A.B., 1843. *McKinney, Robert Camp- bell, A.B., 1858. McLaughlin, Blanche, A.B., 1897. McLaughlin, John Isaac, A.B., 1876. McLaughlin, Orville Clyde, LL.B., 1901. *McLean, William Edward. A.B., 1849. McLemore, Mrs. William Dennis (Elizabeth Bax- ter), A.B., 1905; A.M., 1909. *McLeod, Hugh, D.D. (Hon.), 1857. McLeod, William J., A.B.. 1875. McLinn, Charles Bronson, A.B, 1904. McLinn, Mrs. Charles Bronson (Mabel Pearson Graves), A.B., 1908. McMahan, Asher Reid, A.B., 1905. McMahon. Adah, A.B.. 1889; A.M., 1892. *McMahon, John Reed, LL.B., 1873. McMahon, Nancy (Mrs. John Wesley Jones), A.B., 1891. McMahon, Nelle (Mrs. William Ellsworth Nick- ey), A.B., 1899. McMahon, Wilhelmina (Mrs. Hugo Charles Rothert), A.B., 1894. *McMaster, Edith Steenrod (Mrs. Elmer E. Scott), A.B., 1899. McMillan, Edward Ernest, A.B., 1900; A.M., 1904. McMillan, John, D.D. (Hon.), 1870. McMillan, John Henry, A.B., 1874. McMillan, Mrs. John Henry (Ida Elizabeth Wood- burn), B.S., 1875. *McMillan. William Wilson, A.B., 1853. McMillen, William Lincoln, A.B., 1896. McMullen, Edwin Clare, A.B., 1904. McMullen, Hugh Dunn, B.S., 1862. McMurtrie, Uz, A.B., 1908. McNamara, M Carrie, A.B., 1909. McNamee, Jessie Myers, A.B., 1910. McNeel, Harrison, A.B., 1860. McNeill, Jerome Fee, B.S., 1886. *McPheeters, Joseph Glass, A.B'., 1834. McQuillin, E Donaldson, M.D., 1910. *McRea, Hamilton Samuel, A.B., 1857. Mabrey, Fred J, A.B., 1906. Mace, William Harrison, A.M., 1889. Maddox, Chella Dawn, A.B., 1908. Maddox, Hugh Garth, LL.B., 1908. Madison, Charles Rollin, A.B., 1890. Magaw, James Wilbur, A.B., 1906. Magaw, Mrs. James Wilbur (Pearl Colleen Jones), A.B., 1907. Magenheimer, Edgar Frank- lin, M.D., 1910. Magers, Marcella Gertrude, A.B., 1908. *Mahan, Elmer Finley, A.B., 1897. Mahan, George Addison, LL.B., 1871. Mahan, Marion Silverstiee. A.B., 1907. Mahan, Samuel Early, B.S., 1869. *Mahan, Thomas Greene. LL.B., 1871. *Mahle, Clarence Ernest, A.B., 1905. Malcolm. Andrew Morton. A.B., 1887. *M;illow. Tilghman Howard. A.B.. 1871. Malott, Charlotte North- craft (Mrs. William Carl Kruegel), A.B., 1894. Malott, Claude Guthrie, A.B., 1895; LL.B., 1899. Malott, Mrs. Claude Guthrie (Martha Orchard), A.B., 1891. Malott, James Raymond, A.B., 1908; LL.B., 1909. Malott, Mrs. James Ray- mond (Edith Mary Spen cer), A.B., 1907. Malott, John Brown, B.S , 1872. *Malott, Newton Franklin, A.B., 1852; LL.B., 1854. Malsbary, Alfred Elmer, A.B., 1896. Maltby, Charles Stevens, A.B., 1897. Mangel, Emil Henry, A.B., 1910. Manley, Ida May, A.B., 1887. Markel, Ivan James, A.B., 1909. Markel, Orrin Hardin, A.B., 1903; LL.B., 1906. Marley, Michael, D.D. (Hon.), 1860. Marlow, William Alonzo, A.B., 1891. Marriott, Walter Ross, A.B.. 1906. Marsh, John Adam, M.D., 1909. Marsh, William Edgar, A.B., 1905. *Marshall, Adam, A.B., 1839. Marshall, Claudus Herbert, A.B., 1901. Marshall, Horace Ward, A.M., 1910. Marshall, Lloyd Chester, A.B., 1910. Marshall, Ward, LL.B., 1900. Marthens, Ella Graham, A.B., 1897. Martin, Alma Marjorie, A.B., 1910. Martin, Andrew E, A.B., 1905. Martin, Charles Anderson, A.B., 1907; A.M., 1909. Martin, Colfax, A.B., 1907. Martin, Edith Lyle (Mrs. William C Stoker), A.B., 1900. Martin, Frank Monroe, LL.B., 1903. Martin, George Washington, Ph.D., 1892. Martin, Grace Williams, A.B., 1908. Martin, Hugh Edward, A.B., 1904. Martin, John Nathan, A.B., 1907. Martin, Maude Ethel (Mrs. Harvey Albert Bordner), A.B., 1899. Martin, Oliver Curtis, A.B., 1900. Martin, Robert Stanwood, A.B., 1908. *Martin, Samuel Newell De- Pew, A.B., 1846. Martin. Walter D, M.D.. 1007: A.M.. 1908. Alphabetical List 225 Martin, William Alexander Parsons, A.B., 1846. 'Martin, William Harrison, LL.B., 1867. Martindale, Nina D, A.B., 1910. Martz, Fred Moses, A.B., 1908. Mason, Benjamin Franklin, LL.B., 1876. Mason, Dwight Newcomb, LL.B., 1907. Mason, Ellas Ranard, A.B., 1895. Mason, Mrs. Elias Ranard (Cora Rosetta Loehr), A.B., 1896. Mason, Thomas Edward, A.B., 1905. Mason, William Christo- pher, A.B., 1885. Massey, Robert Rollin, A.B., 1906. Masters, Frank Harris, A.B., 1902. Masters, Mrs. Frank Har- ris (Clara Louise Roel- ker), A.B., 1903. Masters, J. Fred, LL.B., 1907. Masters, John Volney, A.B., 3908. Masterson, Thomas Phillip, LL.B., 1900. Matheny, James Mitchell, A.B., 1902. Mathers, Frank Curry, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1905. Mathers, Louise Katharine (Mrs. Llewellyn Alonzo Riley), A.B., 1892; A.M., 1893. Mathews, James Corydon, A.B., 1898. *Mathias, Henry Hamilton, A.B., 1862. Matthews, Benjamin Frank- lin, A.B., 1888. Mattox, Ernest L., A.B., 1902. Matts, Mrs. James (Edith Belle Wright), A.B., 1896. *Mauck, Abram Vardiman, A.B., 1900; A.M., 1901. Mauck, James Robinson, LL.B., 1908. Mauntel, Christian Henry, A.B., 1895. Mavor, Mrs. George (Caro- line Buskirk Norton), A.B., 1907. Maxwell, Allison, A.B., 1868. *Maxwell, David Howard, LL.B., 1849. Maxwell, David Howe, A.B.. 1874. *MaxwelI, Mrs. David Howe (Sophie May Sheeks), A.B., 1888. Maxwell, Fannie Belle, B.L., 1881; A.M., 3892. Maxwell, Hugh Smith, A.B., 1901. *Maxwell. James Darwin, A.B., 1833. Maxwell, James Darwin, Jr., A.B., 1873. Maxwell, Juliette, B.L., 1883. Maxwell, Leslie Howe, A.B.. 1906; M.D., 1909. Maxwell, Louise, A.B., 1878. Maxwell, Ruth Redfern, A.B., 1907. *Maxwell, Samuel Franklin, A.B., 1838. May, Clarence Earl, A.B., A.B., 1904; A.M., 1905. May, William Denton, LL.B., 1872. Mead, Walter Garfleld, A.B., 1906; LL.B., 1909. Meade, Stephen Wilson, A.B., 1881. Means, John Harrison, A.B., 1891. Mears, John W., D.D. (Hou,), 1867. Mecaskey, John W., A.M., (Hon.), 1857. Meek, Charles Simpson, A.B., 1891. Meek, James Rariden, A.B., 1897. Meek, Kate Mitchell, A.B., Meek, Mary, A.B., 1900. Meek, Seth Eugene, B.S., 1884; M.S., 1886; Ph.D., 1891. Meek, Tecumseh Henry, A.B., 1904; A.M., 1905. Meeks, Elsie Blanche, A.B., 1908. Meeteer. Henrietta Joseph- ine, A.B., 1901. Megee, Anna Sneed, A.B., 1910. Mehaffle, Mary, A.B., 1910. Meier, Mrs. Herman (Viola Curtis Stuckey), A.B., 1886. Meiser, Nellie Grace, A.B., 1910. Mellen, Robert Lee, LL.B., 1907. 'Mellette, Arthur Calvin, A.B., 1864; LL.B., 1866. Mellette, James Thomas, A.B., 1863. *Mellette, Josiah Edmund, A.B., 1872. Mellette, Loring Waldo, LL.B., 1897. Meloy, Harry Clay, A.B., 1892. *Melton, Allen King, B.S., 1869. Melton, Oscar Darius, A.B., 1901. Mendenhall, Ross, A.B., 1907. *Mendenhall, Walter Ste- phen, LL.B., 1877. Mendeuhall, W T illiam Elijah, M.D., 1907. Menk, Edgar Allen, A.B., 1907. Menke, Alvin Frederick, A.B., 1906. *Meredith, Henry Clay, A.B., 1867. Merker, Nannie Rebecca (Mrs. Ed. L. Rickard), A.B., 1905. Merrell, H Dayton, A.B., 1901. *Merrifield, Dora Belle (Mrs. Robert W. Winborne), B.L., 1885. Merriman, Curtis, A.B., 1902. Merriman, James Bamford, A.B., 1902. Mershon, William Wesley, A.B., 1900; A.M., 1903. Mertz, Alice, (Mrs. B. C. Stevens), A.B., 1896. Mertz, Henry Oliver, M.D., 1908. Metcalf, Ernest Marion, LL.B., 1903. Metcalf, John Eugene, A.B., 1S93. Metsker, Lois Frances, A.B., 1907. Metz, Arthur Ray. A.B., 1909. Metz, Irving Wagner, A.B., 1895. Metzger, Menter Roy, A.B., 1907; LL.B., 1907. Metzger, Minerva, A.B., 1909. Meunier, Edward Joseph. A.B., 1895. Meyer, Arthur Henry, A.B., 1907; LL.B., 1908. Meyer, Edward Eugene, LL.B., 1909. Meyer, Orthena Elizabeth, A.B., 1910. Meyers, Mrs. Kirby Clinton (Anne Gertrude Scott), A.B., 1898. Meyucke, Oscar Marion, A.B., 1896. Michener, Edgar Martin, B.L., 1881. Michener, Perry George, B.S., 1876. Michie, Mary Hazlett, M.D., 1908. Middletou, Elizabeth El- eanor, A.B., 1893; A.M., 1894. Miers, Bertha (Mrs. Oscar Henry Cravens), A.B., 1893. Miers, Daniel Kirkwood, A.B., 1896; LL.B., 1897. Miers, Robert Walter, B.S., 1870; LL.B., 1871. Milam, Meda Gude '(Mrs. Robert G Hill), A.B., Milburn, Norma Jane, A.B., 1910. Milburn, Richard McClel- lan, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1908. Miles, Egbert J, A.B., 1906. Miles, Nathan Daniel, B.S., 1866; LL.B., 1867. Miley, Weir Mitchell, A.B.. 1908. *Millen, Eli K., LL.B., 1858. *Millen, John Alexander, A.B., 1845. Millen, Josephine, A.B., 1888. *Millen, Samuel, A.B., 1842. *Millen, Stafford Curry, A.B., 1843; D.D. (Hon.), 1861. Miller, Aaron, A.B., 1903. Miller, Albert, A.B., 1888. Miller, Archibald Warnock, A.B., 1897; A.M., 1901. Miller, Charles Archer, A.B., 1896. Miller, Daniel Tucker, A.B., 1907. Miller, Dick, A.B., 1894. Miller, Earle Crowder,. A.B., 1910; LL.B., 1910. [151 226 Register of Graduates Miller, Eugene Carlisle, A.B., 1908. Miller, Eugene Stanton, A.B., 1901; A.M., 1901. Miller, Frank R, LL.B., 1905. Miller, Mrs. Frank R (Belle Clowdesley Jones), A.B., 1903. Miller, Fremont, A.B., 1897: LL.B., 1898. Miller, George Morey, A.B., 1892. Miller, Henry Lynn, A.B., 1909. Miller, J Don, A.B., 1904; M.D., 1908. Miller, Mrs. J Don (Maude Gertrude Cromer), A.B., 1905. *Miller, James McDowell, A.B., 1849. Miller, James Robert, LL.B., 1899. Miller, John Anthony, A.B., 1890. Miller, John Boyd, B.L., 1884. *Miller, John- Chapman, B.S., 1855. *Miller, Josiah, A.B., 1852. Miller, Lettie Almira, A.B., 1900. Miller, Lewis Earle, LL.B., 1908. Miller, Lora Walter, A.B., 1909. Miller, Mabel Edna, A.B., 1908. Miller, Mabel Lavonia, LL.B., 1895. Miller, Mary Charles, A.B., 1909. Miller, Newman Thomas, LL.B., 1910. Miller, Newton, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1906. Miller, Orion Melvin, A.B., 1904. Miller, Owen Orville, A.B., 1900. *Miller, Richard Minton Johnson, B.S., 1861. Miller, Robert Grant, LL.B., 1893. Miller, Mrs. Robert Grant (Olive May Hughes), A.B., 1892; A.M., 1893. Miller, Mrs. Samuel J. (Idelle Bickuell), A.B., 1888. *Miller, Thomas, A.B., 1831. Miller, Wilford Stanton, A.B., 1910. Miller, Zora Helea, A.B., 1904. Millington, William Ar- thur, M.D., 1910. Millis, Ella Lydia (Mrs. Ulysses Sherman Hanna), A.B., 1895. Millis, Harry Alvin, A.B., 1895; A.M., 1896. Millis, James Franklin, A.B., 1897; A..M, 1901. Millis, William Alfred, A.B., 1889; A.M., 1890. Mills, Catharine Belle (Mrs. John Wilfred Broomell), A.B., 1895. Milner, Kate (Mrs. Albert Rabb), A.B., 1886; A.M., 1888. *Milroy, Robert Huston, LL.B., 1850. *Milroy, William Denton, A.B., 1894. Mingle, George Henry, A.B., 1896. Minnick, John Harrison, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1908. Minor, Caroline Reynolds (Mrs. Rodecker), A.B., 1898. Minton, Rufus . Carleton, A.B., 1893. Misener, Clara Elizabeth (Mrs. J. Lawson Pattou), A.B., 1906. Mitchell, Anna Florence, A.B., 1907. Mitchell, Clara Jane, A.B., 1897. Mitchell, Cyrus Odell, A.B., 1903. *Mitchell, Dora, A.B., 1896. Mitchell, Edgar Thomas, M.D., 1908. Mitchell, Frank E, A.B., 1897. Mitchell, George Elbert, A.B., 1898. *Mitchell, Giles Sandy, A.B., 1873. Mitchell, James Austin, A.B., 1887; A.M., 1890. *Mitchell, James Lewis, A.B., 1858. Mitchell, James Lewis, Jr., A.B., 1889. Mitchell, James Vincent, B.S., 1862. Mitchell, John Jacob, A.B., 1895. Mitchell, Leander Perry, LL.B., 1872. Mitchell, Mary Camilla, A.B., 1910. Mitchell, Myrtle Esther (Mrs. James Lindley Tucker), A.B., 1902. Mitchell, Roscoe Addison, M.D., 1907. Mitchell, Samuel Harvey, A.B., 1877. Miyakawa, Masuji, LL.B., 1905. Modesitt, Raymond Lyons, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1909. Modesitt, Mrs. Raymond Lyons (Floy Underwood), A.B., 1908. Moenkhaus, William J, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1895. Moenkhaus, Mrs. William J (Sara Catherine Rett- ger), A.B., 1899. *Moffatt, Blackford Boudi- not, A.B., 1849; LL.B., 1851. Moffet, William Turner, A.B., 1858. Moffett, Alonzo Dale, A.B., 1883; A.M., 1889. Moffett, Webster Voorhees, A.B., 1889. Moffett, Mrs. Webster Voor- ' hees (Ella Ryan), A.B., 1889. *Moffett, William Wiley, A.B., 1880. Mohler, Edith Victoria (Mrs. George Earl Ans- paugh), A.B., 1909. Monical, Frederic Segal, A.B., 1889. Monical, Hiram Wesley, A.B., 1890. Monical, Peter Benton, A.B., 1890. Montani, Rocco Andrew, M.D., 1910. Montgomery, Emery Wat- kins, A.B., 1909. *Montgomery, Henry Clay, A.B., 1876. *Montgomery, Sylvester Alouzo, A.B., 1875. *Moody, Grauville, D.D. (Hon.), 1864. Moon, Alpheus Wilberforce, A.B., 1895. *Mooney, Edmund, A.B., 1872. *Mooney, Mrs. Edmund (Laura Jean Henley), A.B., 1874. Mooney, Elizabeth Maude, A.B., 1909. *Mooney, Marion, LL.B., 1862. Mooneyham, Thomas Mon- roe, LL.B., 1866. Moore, Charles Anna (Mrs. William Evans Jenkins), A.B., 1892. Moore, Charles Terrell, A.B., 1874. Moore, David Ross, A.M., 1886. Moore, George Webb, A.B., 1901. Moore, Mrs. George Webb (Nancy Franklin Cox), A.B., 1901. Moore, Hamilton Byron, A.M., 1901. *Moore, Joseph, LL.D. (Hon.), 1882. Moore, Laura McAllister, A.B., 1892. *Moore, Maurice Gardner, A.B., 1890. Moore, Robert Shelby, A.B., 1901. Morau, Daniel Joseph, A.B., 1897; LL.B., 1898. Morehouse, Olive Fay (Mrs. Roy B. Hopkins), A.B., 1905. Morgan, Aldine Emmet, M.D., 1908. Morgan, Anna Vara (Mrs. Richard Austin Crosby), A.B., 1898. Morgan, Edna Early, A.B., Morgan, Edward, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1907. Morgan, Herman Grover, M.D., 1908. Morgan, James, LL.B., 1862. Morgan, Mary Grey (Mrs. Francis Ezra Brewer), A.B., 1895. Morgan, Raleigh Lee, LL.B., 1899. Morgan, Walter Piety, A.B., 1900. Morgan, William Thomp- son, A.B., 1907. Moring, Mrs. John Edwin (Laura Grace Bradley), A.B., 1900; A.M., 1908. Morris, Austin George, A.B., 1909. Morris, Charles Elmer, A;B., 1899. Alphabetical List 227 Morris, Charles Francis, M.D., 1909. Morris, George Davis, A.B., 1890; A.M., 1895. Morris, Mrs. George Davis (Emma Zeis), A.B., 1898. Morris, Gladys Clair, A.B., 1906. Morris, Luella (Mrs. Ell- wood Burdsall), A.B., 1888. Morris, Nellie Grant, A.B., 1901; A.M., 1903. Morrison, Harry Cleveland, A.B., 1907. Morrison, James, LL.D. (Hon.), 1867. *Morrison, James M., A.M. (Hon.), 1859. Morrison, James William, LL.B., 1877. Morrison, John Benoni, B.S., 1875. *Morrison, John Wilson, A.B., 1838. Morrison, Robert Irwin, A.B., 1855; LL.B., 1856. Morrison, Sarah Parke, A.B., 1869. Morrison, Willard La- Grange, A.B., 1888. Morton, Grace (Mrs. John Henry Brackemyre), A.B., 1909. *Morton, Oliver Perry, LL.D. (Hon.), 1862. Mosemiller, Anna Lucile (Mrs. Robert Wayne Har- ris), A.B., 1891. Mosemiller, Charles Alfred, A.B., 1890. Moser, Joseph Ellsworth, M.D., 1907. Moses, Mary, (Mrs. Ernest Jackson Glessner), A.B., 1902. Moss, Charles Henry, A.B., 1884. Moss, Frederick Victor, A.B., 1889. Moss, George Vernon, LL.B., 1899. Moss, Harriet Paine, B.L., 1882. Moss, Mary Helen (Mrs. Frederick Treudley), A.B., 1879. Mottier, David Myers, A.B., 1891; A.M., 1892. Mourer, Albert Alvin, A.B.. 1909. Mueller, Clara, A.B., 1902. Mueller, Lillian Barbara, M.D., 1909. Muhse, Albert Charles, A.B., 1901; A.M., 1902. Muhse, Mrs. Albert Charles (Effa (Funk) Muhse), A.B., 1903; A.M., 1906; Ph.D., 1908. Muhse, Effa (Funk) (Mrs. Albert Charles Muhse), A.B., 1903; A.M., 1906; Ph.D., 1908. Muir, Winifred Elliott, A.B., 1907. *Mulkey, James Boleyn, LL.B., 1859. Mulkey, James Osmon, B.L., 1881. Mulky, Frank Lewis, B.L., 1882. [16 Mull, Lewis Benjamin, A.B., 1903. Mullaney, John A., B.S., 1859. Muller, Frederick Chris- tian, LL.B., 1898. Mullikin, Clarence William, M.D., 1908. Mullikiu, Uriah, A.B., 1857; LL.B., 1859. Munger, Emma Rosalie (Mrs. Vesto Melvin Sliph- er), A.B., 1903. Mnnsell, Oliver Spencer, D.D. (Hon.), 1S61. Munsey, Odis Clyde, A.B., 1909. Munson, Ella Eliza (Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Ben- nett), A.B., 1880. *Munson, George Holibird, A.B., 1842; LL.B., 1845. *Munson, Louis, A.B., 1878. Murat, Halstead Shaw, M.D., 1910. Murphy, Frances, A.B., 1907; A.M., 1910. Murphy, Michael Joseph, Jr., LL.B., 1910. Murphy, Noah Welzy, A.B., 1899. Murphy, Patrick I. R., D.D. (Hon.), 1865. Murphy, Ralph Reo, A.B., 1910. Murphy, Samuel Casper, A.B., 1907; A.M., 1908; M.D., 1910. Murphy, Walter Grey, A.B., 1907. Murray, Arthur LeRoy, A.B.; 1901; A.M., 1908. Murray, Elizabeth Hayes, A.B.. 1904. Murray, Fred Nicholas, M.D. 1909. Murray, Hosea, LL.B., 1858. Murray, Robert Frank, LL.B., 1908. Murray, William Pitt, LL.B.. 1849. Musgrove, George Wash- ington, LL.D. (Hon.), 1862. Mushlitz, DeEarl, A.B., 1900. Musselman, Fren Zello, A.B., 1910. Mussett, William Alonzo, A.B., 1889. Mustard, Mary Virginia (Mrs. George W. Stan- ford), A.B., 1891. Mutchler, Fred, A.B.. 1903. Mutz, Howard Haydn. A.B., 1907. Mutz, John Roscoe, A.B., 1889. Myers, Bloomer Ellis. A.B., 1904. Myers, Mrs. Burton Dorr (Maud Amelia Showers), A.B., 1901. Myers, Creed (Mrs. Harry Fay Cagwin), A.B., 1889. Myers, Eli Perkins, A.B., 1898; LL.B., 1899. Myers, Gae (Mrs. Charles Wells Seeley), A.B., 1904. Myers, Glenn Edwin, A.B., 1907; M.D., 1909. Myers, Morton, A.B., 1901; M.D., 1907. Myers, Walter, LL.B., 1907. Myers, William A, A.B., 1896; A.M., 1898. Myers, William Riley, LL.B., 1876. Myrick, Florence Reid (Mrs. Thomas Ireland Ahl), A.B., 1899. Naftzger, Nellie. A.B., 1910. Nants, James Stanley, A.B., 1909. *Nave, Columbus, A.B., 1871. Nave, John Kirk, A.B., 1908. Nave, Joseph Shannon. A.B., 1872. Nave, Raymond M., A.B., 1875. Nay, Bavis Clay, A.B., 1910. Naylor, Joseph P, M.S., 1885. * Neal (Mrs.) Belle M, A.B., 1906. Neal, Mahlon Robert, LL.B., 1875. Neal, Marcellus, A.B., 1895. Neat, Hettie Carlton, A.B.. 1906. Neel, Edward Everett, LL.B., 1900. Neel, William Fiuley, A.B., 1908. Neel, Mrs. Wirt R (Anna Ida Stultz), A.B., 1898. Neeld, Isaac Newton, A.B., 1869. Neeld, Pearl, A.B., 1907. Neeley, Robert Herman, LL.B., 1908. Nees, Alpheus Russell, A.B., 1910. Neff, Francis L., LL.B., 1853. Neff, Guy Hudson, LL.B., 1897. Neff, Mrs. Jay H. (Ellen Ward), A.B./1878. *Neff, Willis Green, LL.B., 1854. Neher, Edwin Man son, A.B., 1901. Nelson, Ethel Lillian (Mrs. Walter Kent), A.B., 1907. Nesbitt, Benjamin Frank- lin, A.B., 1897. Netherton, Claude Othello, A.B., 1907. Newby, John Slaughter, A.B., 1873; LL.B.. 1874. Newland, Robert C., A.B., 1887. ' Newland, Robert Elijah, A.B., 1898; A.M., 1902. Newlon, Jesse Homer, A.B., 1907. Newlon, Mrs. Jesse Homer (Letha Hiestand), A.B., 1906. Newlon, Sadie Avis, A.B., 1910. Newman, Christian, A.B., 1889. Newsom, Floyd Pusey, LL.B., 1908. Newsom, John Flesher, A.B., 1891. Newsom, Mrs. John Flesher (Adelaide Perry), A.B., 1895. Newsom, Lydia (Mrs. Wil- liam Weldon Lambert), A.B., 1903. 228 Register of Graduates Newsoin, Vida, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1906. Newsoin, William Henry, A.B., 1891. Newton, Hallie E'Doyne, A.B., 1910. Newton, Harry Groll, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1906. *Niblack, William Ellis, LL.D. (Hon.), 1882. Nichols, Mrs. Edward Joseph (Lillian Britton Gillette), A.B., 1902. *Nichols, Joseph Franklin, A.B., 1837. Nichols, Lucy (Mrs. Benja- min Franklin Long), A.B., 1901. Nichols, Mrs. Walter Ed- mond (Ettilla Bethel). A.B., 1897. Nicholson, Blanche, A.B., 1900. Nicholson, Ulysses Homer, A.B., 1898. Nickey, Mrs. William Ells- worth (Nelle McMahon), A.B., 1899. Niekamp, Henry Herrmann, A.B., 1899. Niezer, Charles Mahlon, A.B., 1899; LL.B., 1900. Noel, Blanche Putnam, A.M., 1902. Noel, Ralph Willich, A.B., 1905. Nolan, Aretas Wilbur, A.B., 1905. *Norman, Allen David, LL.B., 1874. Norman, Olin Bertram. A.B., 1906. *Norman, Wesley Walker. B.S., 1885. Norris, Allen Anson, A.B.. 1902. Norton, Caroline Buskirk (Mrs. George Mavor), A.B., 1907. *Norton, Henry Brace, A.M. (Hon.), 1874. Norton, Lester Leroi, B.S.. 1871; LL.B., 1872. Norton, Madeline (Mrs. Forrest Sumner Lunt), A.B., 1903. *Norton, Pierce, A.B., 1872; LL.B., 1873. Norwood, Grace Winifred. A.B., 1906. Nostrand, Mrs. Eugene Stanton (Ethel Lucas). A.B., 1904. Nowland, Edna Glover. A.B., 1906. Noyer, Ralph Waldo, A.B.. 1906; A.M., 1910. Nuckols, Haidee Carring- ton, A.B., 1888. Nuckols, Henry Wade, A.B., 1893. Nuding, Jeremiah Albert, A.B.. 1908. Null, Alvin, A.B., 1910. Null, Benjamin, A.B., 1909. *Nutt, Cyrus Newland, A.B.. 1869. *Nutt. James Sylvester, A.B., 1861; LL.B., 1863. Nyswander, Ada May, A.B., 1905. Nyswander, Reuben Edson, Jr., A.B., 1901; A.M., 1904. Oakes, Lucian Rhorer, A.B., 1885. Oakes, Mrs. Lucian Rhorer (Minnie Belle Bryan). B.L., 1885. O'Banion, Edna Brough. A.B., 1910. Ober, Nellie Mary, A.B.. 1906. O'Brien, Marton Thomas. LL.B., 1900. Odle, Ernest Ralph, A.B.. 1893; LL.B., 1894. Odle, Estella May, A.B., 1908. O'Donnell, Edward Charles. A.B., 1890. O'Donnell. John Patrick. LL.B., 1907. O'Donnell, Thomas Vincent, LL.B., 1901. Oesterle, William Fred- erick, A.B., 1903. *O'Flynn, Patrick, LL.B., 1867. Ogden, John, A.B., 1906: LL.B., 1907. Ogdon, Benjamin Aurelius, A.B., 1895. Ogg, Francis Raridan, LL.B., 1868. Ogg, Frederic Austin, A.M.. 1900. Ogg, Grace Louise, A.B., Ogg, Robert Alexander, B.S., 1872; A.M., 1892. Ogle, Andrew Fletcher. A.B., 1906. O'Hair, Ruth, A.B., 1908. O'Horrow, Lee Omar, A.B., 1899. Oi, Hiromitsu, A.M., 1906. Okada, Takekuma, A.M.. 1891. *Olinger, Alexander F., B.L., 1882. Oliphant, Elvin Benson. A.B., 1904. Oliphant, Herman Enzla. A.B., 1909. *Oliphant, William Albert, A.B., 1898. O'Mara, James Patrick. A.B., 1907. *O'Neall, John Henry, B.S., 1862. *O'Neill. Newton Benjamin, LL.B., 1873. Ooley, Charles Lovell, A.B., 1909. Opperman, Katie Marie (Mrs. Francis Marion An- drews), A.B., 1902. "Orchard. John Chalmers, A.B.. 1861: LL.B., 1865. Orchard, Martha (Mrs. Claude Guthrie Malott). A.B., 1891. Organ, James Franklin, A.B., 1896. *Orgnn. Richard Lee, B.S.. 1872: LL.B., 1873. Orme. Hence Irwin, A.B., 1896. Orner. George Dallas. LL.B.. 1866. Orr, Harry Helm, A.B., 1903. Orr, Mrs. Harry Helm (Harrye Boynton Bran- ham), A.B., 1902. Orr, Walter Truman, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1910. Orth, Frank Lewis, A.B., 1899. Osborn, Andrew Lawrence, LL.D. (Hon.), 1873. Osborn, George Washing- ton, A.B., 1906. Osborn, John Mclntyre, A.B., 1902. Osboru, Jonathan Walter, A.B., 1902; LL.B., 1904. Osborn, T. R., LL.B., 1846. Osman, William Brazier, A.B., 1905. Osthaus, Carl Wilhelm Ferdinand, A.M., 1890. Otto, Francesca Louise. A.B., 1897. *Otto, William Tod, LL.D. (Hon.), 1852. Overman, Frances Dorothy, A.B., 1909. "Overman, James Robert. B.S., 1871. Overman, James Robert. A.B., 1909. Overman, Oliver Ralph. A.B.. 1910. *Overstreet, Gabriel Monroe. A.B., 1844. Overstreet, Ophelia Eliza- beth, A.B., 1902. Overstreet, Robert Mitchel. A.B., 1848. Owen, Anna May (Mrs. Everett Edgar King). A.B., 1901. Owen, Everett Wheeler, A.B., 1909; A.M., 1910. Owen, McHenry, LL.B.. 1877. Owen, Nettie Marthena, A.B., 1907. *Owen, Robert Dale, LL.D. (Hon.), 1872. Owens, Charles Elmer, A.B., 1910. Owens (Mrs.), Coy Blanche Johnson (Mrs. Oliver Earnest Woodard), A.B.. 1906. Owens, Lola Cleo, A.B., 1904. Oxer, Rosa Lee, A.B., 1891. Pace, John Edward, LL.B.. 1905. Paddock, Howard, A.B., 1910. Paddock, Levi Scott, A.B., 1910. Padgett, Arnold James. LL.B., 1877. Paff, George Ellsworth. M.D., 1908. *Palmer, Arthur Josiah. LL.B., 1875. Palmer, Dennis Hays, LL.B., 1871. Palmer, Hilda, A.B.. 1909. Palmer, Truman Fayette. LL.B., 1872. Palmer, Mrs. Wallace Cromwell (Fannie Caro- line Allen), B.L., 1880. Alphabetical List 229 Pape. Edward August, M.D., 1907. fParis, John, 1908. Parish, W. Knox, LL.B., 1848. Parker, Albert Randolph, A.B., 1909. Parker, Carl William, A.M., 1909. Parker, Elizabeth (Mrs. Ned Solon Kidder), A.B., 1898. Parker, Francis Marlon, B.S., 1875. *Parker, John William Henry, A.B., 1837. Parker, Orie Eldon, A.B., 1910. Parks, George B, A.B., 1898. Parks, Ida May (Mrs. John Alfred Walker), B.S., 1876. *Parks, Pascal Shelburn, LL.B., 1854. *Parks, Pleasant Alonzo, LL.B., 1859. Parks, Robert Milton, A.B., 1879. Parks, Samuel C., A.B., 1838. *Parrett, Robert Adam, LL.B., 1875. Parrish, Lewis Cass, LL.B., 1875. Parsons, Henry Allison, LL.B., 1864. Parsons, William Wood, A.M., 1886. *Parvin, Theophilus, A.B.. 1847. Pasley, Harry Walter, M.D., 1909. Passage, Henry Vantyle, A.M. (Hon.), 1872. Pate, Allen Gaines, LL.B., 1907. Paterson, Alice Grace, A.B., 1905. Patrick, Clara Elizabeth, A.B., 1909. Patrick, Herbert John, LL.B., 1907. Patrick, John Robert, A.B.. 1904. Patten, James Clarence, A.B., 1900. Patten, William Thomas, A.B., 1893. *Patterson, John Law, A.B.. 1880. Patterson, Normal Voor- hees, A.B., 1895. Patton, Adam Carl, A.B., 1884. Patton, Mrs. J. Lawson (Clara Elizabeth Mise- ner), A.B., 1906. Patton, John Mercer, A.M.. 1886. Patton, Mrs. William Alex- ander (Stella Adelia Vaughn), A.B., 1901. Paul, Gustav, LL.B., 1898. Paull, Ruth Hannah (Mrs. Samuel Milroy Ballard), A.B., 1902. Pawling, Osee Catherine. A.B., 1909. {Certificate. Paxton, Mary Salina, A.B., 1905. Payne, Charles Edward, A.B., 1904; A.M., 1905. Payne, Fernandus, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1906. Payne, Mrs. Fernandus (Elizabeth Alma Jane- way), A.B.. 1906. Payne, Walter F, M.D., 1907. *Payne, George Washing- ton, B.S., 1866. Payne, William Voorhees, A.B., 1895; A.M., 1898. *Paynter, Jacob L., LL.B., 1855. *Paynter, John I, LL.B., 1854. Paynter, William Harvey, A.B., 1880. Peacock, Daniel Lawrence, A.M., 1896. Peak, Charles Newton, Ph.B., 1886; A.M., 1906. Pearce, Daniel Wilson, A.B., 1910. Pearse, Frank Curtis, LL.B., 1896. *Pearson, Eliphalet D., LL.B., 1851. Pearson, Emma Virginia (Mrs. Robert Newcomb Fulton), A.B., 1897. Pearson, Henry Parker, A.B., 1891. Pearson, Katherine Norvell (Mrs. Nathan L. Bur- well), A.B., 1885; A.M., 1909. Pearson, Ralph Emerson, LL.B., 1907. Peckinpaugh, Harry Juni- us, LL.B., 1892. Peede, Stella, A.B., 1904; A.M., 1905. Peirce, Rollo Joseph, A.B.. 1897. Pence, Mrs. Charles Jacob, (Mary Edna Long), A.B., 1885. *Pendleton, Achilles Vaw- ter, A.B., 1855. Pendleton, George Horatio, A.B., 1891. Penn, Ralph, A.B., 1907. Perigo, Jonathan Truman, A.B., 1889; A.M., 1892. Perigo, Nellie Blanche (Mrs. Henry F. Fulling), A.B., 1900. *Pering, Cornelius, A.M. (Hon.), 1837. Pering, Samuel Irvin, A.B., 1863. *Perkins, Jehu Walter, A.B., 1860. *Perkins, Jennie Best, A.B., 1908. Perrin, John Hezekiah, LL.B., 1899. Perring, John Dodds, A.B., 1857. Perring, Roy Henderson, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1896. Perring, Thomas Carter, A.B., 1862. Perry, Adelaide (Mrs. John Flesher Newsom), A.B., 1895. Perry, Alberta (Mrs. Wil- liam Henry Kelly), A.B., 1894. Perry, Orville Carter, A.B., 1897. Perry, Oscar Butler, A.B., 1897. Peters, Glenn Dukes, A.B., 1906. Peters, Hiram Wesley, A.B., 1907. Peters, Mrs. Hiram Wesley (Flossie Faye Ruby), A.B., 1907. . Peters, Louise, A.B., 1898. Peters, Mrs. R. Earl (Es- tella Booge Leas), A.B., 1903. Peterson, Charles August- us, A.B., 1896. Peterson, Theodosia Alfret- ta, A.B., 1910. *Pettit, John Upfold, LL.D. (Hon.), 1871. Petty, Elmer E, A.B., 1907. Pfrimmer, Clara Ridley, A.B., 1910. Philips, Maude Margaret, A.B., 1905. Phillips, Albert Warren, A.B., 1899. Phillips, John Burton, A.B., 1889; A.M., 1891. Phillips, Ozro Bertsal, A.B., 1904. Phillips, Paul Chrisler, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1909. Philputt, Allan Bearden, A.B., 1880; A.M., 1886. Philputt, Grace Maxwell, A.B., 1908. Philputt, James Millard, A.B., 1885; A.M., 1888. *Phipps, Sampson Celonis, A.B., 1893; A.M., 1894. Piatt, Robert Marion, A.B., 1873; LL.B., 1874. Piatt, Mrs. Robert Marion (Alma Fellows), A.B., 1874. Pickard, Gloria May (Mrs. Lee Oliver Woolery), A.B., 1903. Pickard, Mrs. Lulu Estelle, A.B., 1910. Pickel, Frank Gerald, A.B., 1909. Pickens, Samuel Owen, LL.B., 1873. Pickett, Ferman Layton, A.B., 1910. Pidgeon, Edna Theresa (Mrs. George Benjamin Carter), A.B., 1904. Pidgeon, William C, A.M., 1901. Pierce, Charles Arthur, A.B., 1907. *Pierce, John Luther, LL.B., 1870. *Pierson, David Benton, A.B., 1877. Pierson, Mrs. Wallace Rog- ers (Mary Olive Dailey). A.B., 1903. Piety, James C, A.B., 1902. Pike, Frank Henry, A.B., 1903. Pike, Mrs. Frank Henry (Susan Hattie Reece), A.B., 1902. Pike, Hezzie Bennett, LL.B., 1906. Pike, Ralph Adolphus, LL.B., 1901. 230 Register of Graduates Pike, Roy Oakley, LL.B., 1900. Pinkerton, John Clarence. A.B., 1897. Pinkerton, Mrs. John Clar- ence (Abigail Gilbert), A.M., 1897. Pinkerton, William Stewart, A.B., 1891; A.M., 1895. Pinks, James Leslie, A.B., 1903. Pitcher, George Churchill, A.B., 1899. Pitcher, Henry Churchill, A.B., 1894. Pitner, John Lloyd, B.S., 1869; LL.B., 1871. Pittenger, Lemuel Arthur, A.B., 1907; A.M., 1908. Pittenger, Oscar Morton, A.B., 1896. *Pittman, Jeremiah Francis, LL.B., 1868. Pittman, Josephine Elea- nor (Mrs. George H. T. Scribner), A.B., 1890. Plasket, Samuel B, A.B., 1901. Plunkett, Daisy Myrtle (Mrs. John Calvin Dow- ney), A.B., 1899; A.M., Plunkett, Maude May (Mrs. Oswald Joseph Grain- ger), A.B., 1899. Poindexter, Early Whit- ten, A.B., 1879. Polhemus, Oscar, A.B., 1897. *Polk, Burr Harrison, LL.B., 1857. Polk, Mary, A.B., 1891. Polk, William Lancaster, B.S., 1866. *Pollard, William Henry, LL.B., 1873. Pond, Oscar Lewis, A.B., 1899. Porch, Margaret (Mrs Francis Marion Hamil- ton), A.B., 1897. Porch, Yale Cosby, A.B., 1904; LL.B., 1906. Porter, Albert Garfleld, M.D., 1909. Porter, Charles Walter, LL.B., 1900. Porter, Edward Albert, M.D., 1908. *Porter. George Gill, A.B., 1832. Porter, James Pertice, A.B., 1898; A.M., 1901. *Porter, Josiah, A.B., 1832. Posey, Francis Blackburn, LL.B., 1869. Posey, Helen, A.B., 1903. *Posey, Lloyd Theophilus, A.B., 1836. Post, John Franklin Haughawout, A.B., 1890. Poston, William Osee, M.D., 1908. Potter, John Oness, A.B., 1904. *Powell, Littleton John, A.B., 1850. Power, Mrs. Percival O. (Beatrice Williams), A.B., 1901. Powers, Delmar T, A.B., 1897. Powers, John Lewis, A.B., 1881. *Presler, Joshua, A.B., 1838. *Presler, Joshua J., A.B., 1838. Preston, Keith, A.M., 1907. Price, Claude Elmer, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1904. Price, Cyrus W., LL.B., 1868. Price, Earl Curtis, LL.B.. 1907. Price, Francis Marion, A.B., 1899. Price, James Arra, A.B., 1897; A.M., 1899. *Prickett, Fielding, LL.B., 1853. Prince, Henry Harrison. LL.B., 1896. Pritchett, Grover C, M.D., 1910. Protsman, Eleanor Adelia (Mrs. Benjamin C. Wald- enmaier), A.B., 1900. Province, Clarence, A.B., 1892. Province, Oran Arnold, A.B., 1898. Pruitt, Edward Everett. LL.B., 1892. Pryor, Eller Evart, LL.B., 1898. Pugh, Jennie Celia (Mrs. Frank E. Hutchinson), A.B., 1901. Pugh, Spencer B, LL.B., Purcell, George William, A.B.. 1909; A.M., 1910. *Purcell, John, A.B., 1835. Purcell, Royal Ellis, A.B., 1909. Purnell, Fred Sampson, LL.B., 1904. *Purnell, William Henry, LL.D. (Hon.), 1874. Purviance, Flora Eleanor, A.B., 1899. Pyle, William Henry, A.B., 1898. Quick, Frank, A.B., 1904. Quick, Samuel Thompson, A.B., 1870. Quinn, Claudius Ellsworth, M.D., 1909. Rabb, Albert, A.B., 1887. Rabb, Mrs. Albert (Kate Milner), A.B., 1886; A.M., 1888. Rabb, Mary Louise, A.B., 1907. Raber, Edwin Julius, A.B.. 1898. Rafert, George Otis, A.B., 1906. *Ragan, Reuben Samuel, LL.B., 1852. Ragsdale, William Wheat, A.B., 1903. Raibourn, James Edward. A.B., 1896. Railsback, Ernest Percy, A.B., 1910. Raines, Sigel Elza A.B., 1897. Rainey, Everett Ambrose, M.D., 1908. Ramsay, John Adams, A.B.. 1873. *Ramsay, Rufus Newton, A.B., 1864. Ramsey, Earl E, A.B., 1902; A.M., 1910. Ramsey, Leila Jane (Mrs. Clement Charles Lemon), A.B., 1894. Ramsey, Maude Marie, A.B., 1908. Ramsey, Rolla Roy, A.B., 1895; A.M., 1898. *Ramsey, Samuel Gilmore. B.L., 1884. *Randall, Charles McMicken, A.B., 1831. Randolph, Charles Thomas, A.B., 1906. Randolph, Virginia (Mrs. Jesse P. Emerson), A.B., 1896. Ranes, John R., M.D., 1908. Rankin, Anna Lowry, (Mrs. Lon Sharpless Baker), A.B., 1905. Rankin, James Porter, LL.B., 1864. Rapp, Clara Ingleby, A.B., 1910. Raschig, Frank Elmer, A.B., 1910. Ratcliff, Henry Herbert, A.B., 1904. Ratcliff, Omer B, LL.B., 1896; A.M., 1896. Rathbun, Richard, M.S., 1883. Ratliff. Russell, A.B.. 1892. Ratliff, Mrs. Russell (Laura Hood), A.B., 1891. Ratliff, Ryland Fletcher. A.B., 1900: A.M., 1904. Ratts, Henry Jackson, A.B., 1888. Rau, John Hiatt, LL.B., 1908. Rawles. Ella (Mrs. Charles Henry Springer), A.B., 1888. Rawles, Grace (Mrs. John Tipton Wheeler), A.B., 1891. Rawles, William A, A.B., 1884; A.M., 1895. Rawlings, Ralph M, A.B., 1909. Rawlins, Ora Anson, A.B., 1901; A.M., 1907. Ray, Charles A., LL.D. (Hon.), 1869. Ray, Eitel Ruskin, A.B., 1901: A.M., 1902. Ray, Frank Wavne, LL.B.. 1901. Ray, John Robert, A.B., 1906; LL.B., 1907. Ray, Lota Estella, A.B., 1907. Ray, Truly Bernice. A.B., 1909. Raymond, Francis Kellogg, A.B., 1872. Rea, William S, A.B., 1908. Read, Carolyn (Mrs. Wil- liam Anderson Karsell). A.B., 1906. *Read, Theodore, A.B.. 1854. *Read, Sheridan Pitt. LL.B., 1850. Reagan, Albert B, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1904. *Reber, John, A.B., 1899. Alphabetical List 231 Reck, John Lawrence, M.D., 1908. Records, Thomas Watter- son, A.B., 1901. Rector, Cyrus Arthur, A.B., 1903. Reddick, Harry Wilfred. A.B., 1904. Reddick. Herbert Gilson, A.B., 1897: A.M., 1898. Redding, Rufus Marion, A.B., 1904. Redmon, Andrew Jackson, A.B., 1901. Redmond, John Vincent, A.B., 1906. Redmond, William, A.B., 1896. Reece, Fred Abbott, A.B., 1904 Reece,' Susan Hattie (Mrs. Frank Henry Pike), A.B., 1902. Reed, Carolyn Mabel, A.B., 1906. Reed, George Washington, A.B., 1910. Reed, Homer Blosser, A.B., 1909; A.M., 1909. Reed, Mayme Martha, A.B., 1910. Reed, Nayne, A.B., 1908. Reed, William Allen, A.B., Rees, Benjamin Clifford, LL.B., 1908. Reeve, Mrs. Fred W (Edith Belle Dowd), A.B., 1907. Reeves. Charles Augustus, LL.B., 1904. Reeves, Elva (Mrs. Thomas Sloan Elrod), A.B., 1906. Reeves, Estelle Ruth, A.B., 1908. Reeves, Jeff Isabelle (Mrs. Arthur Bivens Stonex), A.B., 1909. Reeves, Robert Franklin, A.B., 1910. Reid, Harry Craven, A.B., 1905. Reid, Hugh Thompson, A.B., 1837. Reid, Ida Mary (Mrs. Sam- uel Ashby), A.B., 1892. Reid, Ohio Leon, A.B., 1898. Reiley, William Edward, LL.B., 1906. Reinhard, George Louis, A.B., 1899. Reinhard, John James, A.B., 1906; LL.B., 1907. Reinhard, Nell Grace (Mrs. Victor Eugene Ruehl), A.B., 1907; A.M., 1908. Reinoehl, Charles Myron, A.B., 1909; A.M., 1910. Reister, William, LL.B., 1894. Remsberg, Charles Edward, A.B., 1889. Replogle, Edward Garric, M.D., 1908. Resoner, George Carlton, A.B., 1901. Retherford, Austin, LL.B., 1893. Retherford. Jesse Edward, A.B., 1901. Rettger. Ernest William, A.B., 1893. Rettger, Leo Frederick, A.B., 1896; A.M., 1897. Rettger, Mrs. Leo Frederick (Clara Victoria Snyder), A.B., 1900. Rettger, Louis John, A.M., 1890. Rettger, Sara Catherine (Mrs. William J Moenk- haus), A.B., 1899. Reubelt, Augustus Orwig, A.B., 1870. Reynolds, Agnes Ross (Mrs. Henry Thew Steph- enson), A.B., 1899. Reynolds, Alpheus Jasper, A.B., 1890; A.M., 1891. *Reynolds, Larkin, LL.B., 1848. Reynolds, Thomas Henry, A.B., 1906. *Rhetts, Charles Andrew, A.B., 1889. Rhetts, Mrs. Charles An- drew (Harriett Casper), A.B., 1891; A.M., 1893. Rheuby, Gould Grant, LL.B., 1894. Rhinehart, Darmon Artelle, A.B., 1910. Rhinehart, John Kane, LL.B., 1871. *Rhoads, Odis Herbert, A.B., 1898. Rhodes, Jeremiah Milton, A.B., 1894. Rice, Elmer Ellsworth, A.B., 1909; A.M., 1910. Rice, Frank Elmore, A.B., 1909. *Rice, Isaac Anderson, LL.B., 1846. Richards, Alice Florine (Mrs. Perry F. Brunson), B.S., 1876. Richards, David Hayden, A.B., 1897. Richards, Ernest Davis, A.B., 1908. Richards, Jesse Linley, LL.B., 1904. Richards, Perry Douglas, A.B., 1907. Richardson, Charles, A.B., 1877. Richardson, David Luce, B.S., 1871. Richardson, Earl Hampton, A.B., 1906. Richardson, Emmet Lee, A.B., 1891. Richardson, Owen Dale, A.B., 1893. *Richardson, Robert Dale, B.S., 1867; LL.B., 1868. Richey, Curtis Joseph, A.B., 1906. Rickard, Mrs. Ed. L. (Nan- nie Rebecca Merker), A.B., 1905. Rickard, Sherman Clement, A.B., 1902. Riddle, Jesse Winfleld, A.B., 1904. Riddle, Oscar, A.B., 1902. Rider, William Preston, A.B., 1897. Ridgeway, Ora Washing- ton, M.D., 1909. Ridgley, Bessie (Gushing), (Mrs. Douglas Clay Ridg- ley), A.B., 1893. Ridgley, Douglas Clay, A.B., 1893. Ridgley, Mrs. Douglas Clay (Bessie (Gushing) Ridg- ley), A.B., 1893. Ridgway, Robert, M.S., 1884. Riley, Henry Chauncey, D.D. (Hon.), 1871. Riley, James Whitcomb, LL.D. (Hon.), 1907. Riley, Mrs. Llewellyn Alon- zo (Louise Katharine Mathers), A.B., 1892; A.M., 1893. Rinker, Ira Pleasant, A.B., 1902. Rinne, John Isaac, A.B., 1907; M.D., 1909. *Rippey, Henry Clay, LL.B., 1855. Risley, James Haller, A.B., 1907. Ritter, Alta (Mrs. Thomas J. Cox), A.B., 1899. Ritter, Jessie Maude (Mrs. Edward Dallas Farmer), A.B., 1901. Ritter. Robert Orlando, A.B., 1908. Ritter, Sarah Margaret, A.B., 1910. Rivera, Lucio H, M.D., 1910. Roach, David Allen, LL.B., 1871. *Roache, Addison Locke, A.B., 1836. *Roache, Robert Quincy, A.B., 1845. Roark, Mrs. Burchard Hayes (Mabel Florence Bryce), A.B., 1901. Roark, Manuel Orestes, A.B., 1906. Roark, Mrs. Manuel Orestes (Ethel Trippet), A.B., 1903. Robards, Pearl Olive (Mrs. Clement Earl Stude- baker), A.B., 1908. Robbins, Edward Ells- worth, A.B., 1908. Robbins, Rainard Benton, A.B., 1909; A.M., 1910. *Robbins, Samuel Amos, LL.B., 1866. Roberts, Ethel Louise, A.B., 1908. Roberts General Matison, B.S., 1868. Roberts, George Lucas, A.B., 1894. Roberts, Helen Grace, A.B., 1908. Roberts, James William, B.S., 1868. Roberts, John Stuart, A.B., 1861. Roberts, Lindley S., A.B., 1908. Roberts, Margaret Atkin- son (Mrs. William Elmer Henry), A.B., 1894. Roberts, Mary Hilda, A.B., 1902. Roberts, Omar Franklin, LL.B., 1857. Roberts, Robert Rufus, A.B., 1846. Roberts, Walter Scott, B.S., 232 Register of Graduates Robertson, David Almon, B.S., 1857. Robertson, James Franklin, B.S., 1860. Robertson, James Ross, A.B., 1904; LL.B., 1907. Robertson, John Benjamin, A.B., 1900. Robertson, Mary Coffin, A.B., 1909. Robertson, Sarah Eugenia, A.B., 1908. Robertson, Willard, A.B., 1889. Robinett, Florence Belle, A.B., 1896. Robinson, Bernard Francis Morrison, A.B., 1908: LL.B., 1909. Robinson, Delpha Celan- dine (Mrs. Harry T. Dale), LL.B., 1902. Robinson, Flora Ann, A.B., 1896. Robinson, James Martin, A.B., 1891. Robinson, Jessie Bernette, A.B., 1909. Robinson, John Cruden, A.B., 1861. Robinson, Lulu Josephine, A.B., 1905. *Robinson, Reuben Davis- son, D.D. (Hon.), 1874. Robinson, William Brytone, LL.B., 1867. Robinson, Woodfln D., A.B., 1879. Robison, William, A.B., 1897. Rockenbach, Etelka Johan- na, A.B., 1905. *Roddy, Joseph Boston, A.B., 1877. Rodecker, Mrs. (Caroline Reynolds Minor), A.B 1898. Rodecker, Thaddeus Wil- son, LL.B., 1897. Rodefer, Virginia Belle (Mrs. Charles A. Harris), A.B., 1904. Roehm, Alfred Isaac, A.B., 190ft; A.M., 1907. Roelker, Clara Louise (Mrs. Frank Harris Masters), A.B., 1903. Rogers, Adda Lee, A.B., 1908. Rogers, Andrew Jackson, A.B., 1910. Rogers, Arthur, A.B., 1909: LL.B., 1909. Rogers, Benjamin Franklin, A.B., 1861. *Rogers, Bessie (Mrs. Joe Thomas Giles), A.B., 1889; A.M., 1893. *Rogers, James Henry, A.B., 1861; LL.B., 1865. Rogers, Mrs. James H. (Lilian June Corr), A.B., 1899. Rogers, Leonidas DeWitt Clinton, A.B., 1878. *Rogers, Louise Cookerly, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1897. Rogers, Mary, A.B., 1908. Rogers, Mrs. Otto Floyd (Vesta Triplett), A.B., 1902. Rogers, Robert Campbell, A.B., 1891. Rogers, Mrs. Robert Camp- bell (Lena Triplett), A.B.. 1901. Rogers, Verne Tallulah, A.B., 1909. Rogers, William Perry. LL.B., 1892; A.B., 1895. Roll, Charles, A.B., 1910. *Rollins, James Sidney, A.B., 1830; LL.D. (Hon.), 1872. Romig, Iden Salathiel. LL.B., 1892. Rondthaler, Ethel (Mrs. Arthur Albert McCain), A.B., 1892. Rondthaler, Marian (Mrs. Albert Cooley Fulton), A.B., 1895. *Rosberg, Arthur Theodore. A.B., 1910. Rose, Helen, A.B., 1900. Rose, Theodore Freling- huysen, B. S., 1875. Rose, Mrs. Theodore Fre- linghuysen (Margaret Irene Dodds), B.S., 1874. Rosenthal, Florence, A.B., 1908. Ross, Amos M., B.S., 1864. Ross, Carrie (Overstreet) (Mrs. Walter Lee Ross). A.B., 1902. Ross, Connor Daniel. LL.B., 1909. Ross, Louis Francisco, A.B., 1903. Ross, Walter Lee, A.B.. 1901; A.M., 1903. Ross, Mrs. Walter Lee (Carrie (Overstreet) Ross), A.B., 1902. Ross, Warner Anthony. LL.B., 1900. *Ross, William Franklin. A.M., 1891. Rossow, Mrs. Robert (Ethel Carolyn Simmons), A.B., 1906. Rothert, Mrs. Hugo Charles (Wilhelmina McMahon), A.B., 1894. Rothert, Martin Washing- ton, A.B., 1896; A.M.. 1904. Rothrock, David Andrew. A.B., 1892; A.M., 1893. Rothrock, Mrs. David An- drew (Helena Grace Shir- ley), A.B., 1900; A.M.. 1901. Rothrock, Mabel Alice, A.B., 1903. Rott, Mrs. Otto (Anna Gardner Cravens), A.B., 1901. Roudebush, Roy Everett. A.B., 1903. Roush, Gar A, A.B., 1905. Ruby, Edward Ernest, A.B., 1897; A.M., 1901. Ruby, Flossie Faye (Mrs. Hiram Wesley Peters), A.B., 1907. Ruch, Percy Valentine, LL.B., 1906. Ruch, Mrs. Percy Valentine (Josie Helena Koons), A.B., 1906. Rucker, Alvah Johnson, A.B., 1901. Rncker. James Bernard. Jr., A.B., 1900. Rucker, William Harrison, B.S., 1885; A.M., 1891. *Ruddick, Robert Louden, A.B., 1854. Rudolph, Edith (Mrs. Ern- est Wickersheimer), A.B., 1906. Ruehl, Victor Eugene, LL.B., 1907. Ruehl, Mrs. Victor Eugene (Nell Grace Reinhard), A.B., 1907; A.M., 1908. Ruh, Harold Oliver, A.B., 1907. Rundell, Herbert Austin. LL.B., 1906. Runyan, Hermann Call, A.B., 1903. Ruoff, Henry Woldmar, A.B., 1890. Rupert, Archie Keefer, A.B., 1904. Rusher, Merlin A, A.B., 1907. Russell, Mrs. Henry S. C. (Susan Isola McCaughan), B.L., 1885. Ryan, Ella (Mrs. Webster Voorhees Moffett), A.B., 1889. Ryan, Mabel, A.B., 1899. Ryan, Marc, LL.B., 1901. Ryman, George Harding, LL.B., 1871. Ryman, Wilbur, LL.B., 1902. *Ryors, Alfred, D.D. (Hon.), 1848. Ryors, Alfred, LL.B., 1863. Ryors, Helen Shroyer, A.B., 1909. Ryors, Robert Steele, B.S., 1865. *Sack, Greensberry Hite, B.S., 1865; LL.B., 1865. SfTckett, Leroy Walter, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1909. Saddler, Ellsworth, A.B., 1877. Sadler, John Madison, Jr., A.B., 1901. Sala, Charles Augustus, LL.B., 1891. Salb, Leo Albert, M.D., 1908. Sample, Ha Hendricks, LL.B., 1893. Sample, Mary, A.B., 1908. Sampson, Hiram Calvin, A.B., 1897. Sanchez, Proceso Gonzales, LL.B., 1908. *Sandefur. William Carter, B.S., 1866: LL.B., 1867. Sanders, Beatrice Olivia. B.L., 1882. Sanders, Bertram, A.B., 1902. Sanders, Edna Cecil, A.B., 1910. Sanders, George White, A.B., 1869. Sanders, James Everett, LL.B., 1907. Sanders, Newell, B.S., 1873. Sanders, Mrs. Newell (Corinne Dodds), B.S., 1873. Sanders, Thomas E, A.B., 1895. Sanders, Virgil A, A.B., 1907. Alphabetical List 233 Sanders, William Francis Lewis, B.S., 1873. Sanders, William Henry, A.B., 1895; A.M., 1896. Sandifer, Claude William- son, A.B., 1906. Sandison, Howard, A.M., 1888. Sands, Charles Martin, LL.B., 1907. Sandy, Beryl Busey, A.B., 1905. Sanger, William Thomas, A.M., 1910. Sappenfield, Charles Wash- ington, B.S., 1863. Sare, Thomas Judson, LL.B., 1894. Satoh, Saburo U., A.M., 1910. *Satterfleld, Solomon Win- field, A.B., 1897. Saunders, Edward, A.B., 1894. Sauter, Jacob Philip, A.B., 1909. Sayers, Royd Ray, A.B., 1907; A.M., 1907. Sayres, James E., LL.B., 1870. Scamahorn, Oscar T, M.D., 1908. Schaefer, Katherine Fred- ericka (Mrs. Edgar Fletcher Hiatt), A.B., 1898. Schaefer, Mrs. William Bvron (Madge Christina Taylor), A.B., 1905. Scheifley, William H, A.B., 1901: A.M., 1903. Schellschmidt, Olga, A.B., 1909. Scherger, George Lawrence, A.B., 1894. Schmidt, Herman Adolphus, LL.B., 1902; A.B., 1904. Schmollinger, Albert Eu- gene, A.B., 1908; LL.B., 1909. Scholl, Joseph Hiram, A.B., 1898. Schultz, Oscar Theodore, A.B., 1897. Schwartz, Carl Herman, A.B., 1905. Schwartz, Esther Anna (Mrs. Robert Wyclif Armstrong), A.B., 1906. Scifres, John Grover, M.D., 1908. *Scott, Alfred Willis, A.B., 1881. *Scott, Mrs. Alfred Willis (Alice Long), A.B., 1881. Scott, Anne Gertrude (Mrs. Kirby Clinton Meyers), A.B.. 1898. Scott, Carrie Emma, A.B., 1898. *Scott, Mrs. Elmer E. (Edith Steenrod McMaster), A.B., 1899. Scott, James, LL.D. (Hon.), 1849. Scott, Jennie Fern, A.B., 1900. Scott, Leroy Martin, A.B., 1897. Scott, Lula A (Mrs. Clar- ence Calvin Lyon), A.B., 1904. Scott, Nancy Elnora, A.B., 1902; A.M., 1907. Scott, Naomi (Crumbaugh) (Mrs. Will Scott), A.B., 1910. Scott, Robert Elmer, A.B., 1885. Scott, Roy Wesley, A.B., 1910. Scott, Will, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1908. Scott, Mrs. Will (Naomi (Crumbaugh) Scott), A.B., 1910. Scott, William Edgar, A.B., 1908. Scott, William James, A.B., 1901; A.M., 1903. Scott, William Thomas, LL.B., 1869. Scovell, Robert Jameson, A.B., 1909. Scribner, Mrs. George H. T. (Josephine Eleanor Pitt- man), A.B., 1890. Sears, Ernest William, A.B., 1895. *Seaton, Henry Eliason, A.M., 1892. Seeley, Mrs. Charles Wells (Gae Myers), A.B., 1904. Segar, Louis Harold, A.B., 1910. Seiberth, Jacob, A.B., 1898. Seiberth, Philipp, A.M., 1898. Seitz, Jacob Charles, A.B., 1900. Sell, Jay Cameron, A.B., 1902. Sembach, Lydia Adaline, A.B., 1909. Sembower, Charles Jacob, A.B., 1892. Sembower, Mrs. Charles Ja- cob (Lois Alta Brunt), A.B., 1901. Sembower, Geraldine Ann, A.B., 1905. Sentney, Jessie May, A.B., 1909. Service, Mrs. William Adams (Ella Minerva Corr), A.B., 1890. *Sewall, Theodore Lovett, A.M., 1886. Sew r ard, Eva May (Mrs. George William Lingard), A.B., 1906. Shafer, George Daniel, A.B., 1900. Shafer, John Andrew, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1895. Shafer, William John, LL.B., 1899. Shake, Curtis Grover, LL.B., 1910. *Shannon, Albert Robinson, A.B., 1841. Shannon, .Charles William, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1907. Shannon, John Singleton, A.B., 1888. Shannon, Kate (Mrs. Elmer Bryan Stewart), A.B., 1888. Sharp, Cecil J., LL.B., 1908. Sharp, Washington M., A.B., 1846. Shaul, Clifford Dale. A.B., 1902. Shaw, George Edward, A.B., 1904. *Shaw, Laurence H., M.D., 1907. Shea, Joseph Hooker, A.B., 1889. Shealy, Emma Berta, A.B., 1904; A.M., 1905. Sheckell, Noah Jefferson, LL.B., 1877. Sheckell, Thomas Ow T ings, LL.B., 1906. *Sheeks, David, LL.B., 1856. *Sheeks, George, LL.B., 1868. *Sheeks, Sophie May (Mrs. David Howe Maxwell), A.B., 1888. *Sheets, George Sullivan, A.B., 1837. Shelper, Emma Mabelle, A.B., 1908. Shenk, Earl Miller, M.D., 1910. Shepardson, Everett John, A.B., 1890; A.M., 1892. Shepherd, John Wilkes, A.B., 1896; A.M., 1898. Sherer, Albert Hugh, A.B., 1899. Sherman, Hugh Ingersoll, A.B., 1904. Sherman, Warren Carna- han, A.B., 1877. Sherwood, Ethel Price (Mrs. Robert Dallas Landrum), A.B., 1907. Sherwood, Henry Noble, A.B., 1909; A.M., 1910. Shetterly, Fred Floyd, A.B., 1906. Shideler, Claude Pearle, A.B., 1909. Shideler, Samuel Ervin, A.B., 1910. Shields, Edgar Allen, A.B., 1876; A.M., 1883. Shields, Helen Elizabeth, A.B., 1892. Shields, Oscar Raymond, A.B., 1904; LL.B., 1910. Shimer, Charles Burrell, LL.B., 1894. Shinn, Frederick Lafayette, A.B., 1901; A.M., 1902. Shipman, John Leonard, A.B., 1905. Shipp, Augustus Clyde, A.B., 1910; A.M., 1910. Shirk, Helen Roberts (Mrs. George Shortle, Jr.),A.B., 1902. Shirk, John C, B.L.. 1881. Shirley, Esther Elizabeth (Mrs. Burrell), A.B.. 1906. Shirley, Helena Grace (Mrs. David Andrews Roth- rock), A.B., 1900; A.M., 1901. Shirley, Wavne McKnight, A.B., 1902/ Shirts, Walter, LL.B., 1901 Shock, Joseph Henry, A.B., 1902. Shockley, Ernest Vivian A.B., 1909. Shoemaker, William Bra- den, A.B., 1902. Short, Alice Carrie. B.L., 1882. Short, Burnett Milton. A.B., 1873. 234 Register of Graduates *Short, Emerson, LL.B., 1874. Short, Luther, B.S., 1869. Short, Quiucy, A.B., 1878. Shortle, Mrs. George (Helen Roberts Shirk), A.B., 1902. Shortridge. Wilson Porter, A.B., 1907. Shoup, Homer Burlington, M.D., 1910. Showers, Maud Amelia (Mrs. Burton Dorr Myers), A.B., 1901. Showers, Nellie Gertrude (Mrs. Sanford Fortner Teter), A.B.. 1893. Shrum, Mark, A.B., 1891. Shryer, Laura Eleanor, A.B., 1907. Shryer, Oscar Wilder, LL.B., 1869. Shryer, William A, A.B., 1898. *Shuck, David. A.B., 1846. Shuck, Leland Edison, A.B., 1909. Shull. Samuel B, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1909. Sickler, Alma L, A.B., 1909. Siebenthal, Maud, A.B., 1900. Siebenthal, Nola Alma, A.B., 1907. Siebenthal, Wade Anthon, A.B., 1906. Sieber, Edward LeRoy, A.B., 1904. Sieber, Mary Lucile, A.B., 1908. Sieber, William Ross, A.B., 1903. *Sieg, Paul, A.B., 1844. Signs, Charles Otis, A.B., 1897. Sillery, Frederick II., A.B., 1901. Silvey, Oscar William, A.B., 1907. Simmons, Carolyn Ethel (Mrs. Robert Rossow), A.B., 1906. Simmons, Vesta Rhea, A.B., 1909. Simon, Arthur R, M.D., 1908. Simons, Frank Darius Mun- son, A.B., 1895. Simons, Louis, LL.B., 1908. Simonton, James, A.B., 1903. Simonton, Maude (Mrs. Frank William Henicks- man), A.B., 1902. Simpkins, Rupert Raymond, A.B., 1899; A.M., 1900; LL.B., 1901. Simpson, Edward Critten- den, A.B., 1880. Simpson, Oriel Claude, A.B., 1908. Simpson, William Edward, A.B., 1845. Sims, Araminta Elizabeth (Mrs. John Cockerell Thompson), B.L., 1883. Sims, Charles Edgar, A.B., 1886. Sims, Harry Hamilton, A.B., 1881. Sims. Mary Cecil, A.B., 1910. Singleton. Francis Thomas, Ph.B.. 1886. Skinner, Charles Ellsworth, A.B., 1905. Slabaugh, Jancy Samuel, A.B., 1905. Slack, Grace Mabel (Mrs. John Franklin Boesing- er), A.B., 1904. Slack, Helene, A.B., 1896. Slagle, Lorenzo Ozro, A.B., 1910. *Slick, Jacob Samuel, LL.B., 1869. Slipher, Earl Carl, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1908. Slipher, Vesto Melvin, A.B., 1901; A.M., 1903; Ph.D., 1909. Slipher, Mrs. Vesto Melvin (Emma Rosalie Munger), A.B., 1903. Sloan, Mrs. Charles David (Mary Catharine Lyne), A.B., 1901. Sluss, Asher LaBoyteaux, A.B., 1869; LL.B., 1870. Sluss, Clara Amelia (Mrs. Clarence Ford Bicknell), A.B., 1888. *Sluss, Ellis Milligan, A.B., 1877. Smallwood, Walter Lee, A.B., 1909. Smart, James Henry, A.M. (Hon,), 1870; LL.D. (Hon.), 1883. Smartt, Lott Alonzo, LL.B., 1898. Smell, Ida (Mrs. William Wesley Spangler), A.B., 1883. Smeltzly, Eleanor Sara, A.B., 1900. Smeltzly, Mary Catherine, A.B., 1900. Smiley, Glenn Allen, A.B., 1907; LL.B., 1910. Smiley, James Harvey, A.B., 1904; M.D., 1907. Smiley, Pearlus Everett, A.B., 1910; LL.B., 1910. Smiley, Ruby Oca, A.B., 1905. Smith, Briel F., LL.B., 1872. Smith, Brynina, A.B., 1893. Smith, Clarence Edwin, A.M., 1899. Smith. Claude Archer, A.B., 1903. Smith, DeLaskie, A.B., 1898. Smith, Edward Finley, A.B., 1895. Smith, Essie Alma, A.B., 1902; A.M., 1904. Smith, Everett James, LL.B., 1907. Smith, Florence Beattie (Mrs. James Wilson Stott), A.B., 1901. Smith, Franklin Pierce, A.B., 1878. Smith, Frederick Miller, A.B., 1899. Smith, Mrs. George Myron (Nancy Margaret Wood- ward), B.S., 1881. Smith, George Washington, LL.B., 1870. Smith, Grace (Mrs. Ottis Bedney Sperlin), A.B., 1903. Smith, Harrie Chester, M.D., 1909. Smith, Henry Lester, A.B., 1898; A.M., 1899. Smith. Inez Mabel, A.B., 1908. Smith, Ira Melville, LL.B., 1909. Smith, James Madison, M.D., 1908. Smith, Jessie Agnes, A.B., 1900. Smith, John Arnott, A.B., 1909. Smith. John Burton, LL.B., 1909. Smith, John Calvin, A.B., 1851. *Srnith, John Lewis, D.D., (Hon.), 1860. Smith, Lola Jane, A.B., 1901. Smith, A.B., Smith, A.B., Smith, Smith. Minnie Marguerite, 1904. Newton Broadus, 1876. Nora Del, A.B., 1907. Ola Ann (Mrs. Henry Baker), A.B., 1905. Smith, Robert Armstrong, LL.B., 1850. Smith, Robert Henry, LL.B., 1892. Smith, Robert Kennedy, B.S., 1860. Smith, Roscoe Willeman, A.B., 1904. Smith, Samuel Edwin, B.L., 1882; M.S., 1885. Smith, Samuel Sterrett, A.B., 1902. Smith, Thomas, A.B., 1907. Smith, Thurston, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1896. Smith, Todd Orin, A.B., 1910. Smith, Troy, A.B., 1901. Smith, Ulysses Howe, A.B., 1893. Smith, Vance Clio, A.B., 1909. Smith, Whitney Elton, LL.B., 1905. Smith, William Franklin, A.B., 1905. Smith. William Z., A.B., 1896. Smydth, David K., LL.B., 1845. Sniythe, William Edward, A.B., 1909. Snider, Luther Crocker, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1909. Snider, Mrs. Luther Crock- er (Ruth (Marshall) Snider), A.B., 1910. Snider, Ruth (Marshall), (Mrs. Luther Crocker Snider), A.B., 1910. Snodgrass, Margaret, A.B., 1904. Snodgrass, Mary, A.B., 1907. Snyder, Clara Victoria (Mrs. Leo Frederick Rettger), A.B., 1900. Snyder, Cora Adelfa, A.B., 1896. Snyder, Katherine Stuart (Mrs. Edward Philip Busse), A.B., 1883. Snyder, Orlow Chapin, A.B., 1910. Alphabetical List 235 Snyder, William Halleck, B.L., 1883. Snyder, Winfleld Christian, B.S., 1880. Seller, Helena, A.B., 1903. Sollitt, Ralph Victor, A.B., 1910. Sorber, George William. A.B., 1897. Souder, Paul Myers, A.B.. 1903. Souder, Wilmer Henry, A.B., 1910. Soupart, Sylvie Josephine. A.B., 1909. Spangler, John Nathaniel. A.B., 1891. Spangler, William Wesley, A.B., 1880; B.L., 1880; A.M., 1886. *Spangler, Mrs. William Wesley (Ida Smell), A.B., 1883. Spann, Jessie Evelyn (Mrs. Abraham Lincoln Gary), A.B., 1904. Sparks, Will Carlton, A.B.. 1901. Sparks, William Riley, M.D., 1908. Sparling, Samuel Edwin. A.B., 1892. Spaulding, Charles Ells- worth, A.B., 1897. Speck, Richard Dennis, A.B., 1877. Speed, Clarence Lyon, A.B., 1899. Spencer, Carlotta Gertrude, A.B., 1896. Spencer, Charles Newton, LL.B., 1873. Spencer, Mrs. Charles V. (Mary Margaret Logan), A.B., 1891. *Spencer, Daniel Oliver, LL.B., 1864. Spencer, Edith Mary (Mrs. James Raymond Malott), A.B., 1907. Spencer, Flora Mae, A.B., 1909. Spencer, Newton Ramsay, A.B., 1885. Spencer, William Wallace. B.S., 1875; LL.B., 1877. Sperlin, Ottis Bednev, A.B., 1903. Sperling, Mrs. Ottis Bedney (Grace Smith), A.B., 1903. Spiceley, Albert Ellersby, LL.B., 1896. Spillman, Gustavus Leon- ardus, A.B., 1897; A.M., 1898. Spillman, Stella Cornelia, A.B., 1909. Spindler, George Washing- ton, A.B., 1900; A.M., 1908. Spink, Bonnie Alice, A.B., 1903. Spink, Urbana, A.B., 1896. Spitler, Marion L, LL.B., 1900. Spooner, John Paul, A.B., 1900. Spore, Emma Florence, A.B., 1904. Spraker, Francis Marion, A.B., 1878. *Springer, Alice Alvaretta (Mrs. Edward Churchill Fitch), Ph.B., 1886; A.M., 1891. Springer, Mrs. Charles Henry (Ella Rawles), A.B., 1888. Springer, Samuel Franklin, A.B., 1903. *Springer, William McKen- dree, A.B., 1858. Spurgeon, Mrs. Ira J. (Lu- cretia Irene Benckart), A.B.. 1908. Squires, Hazel, A.B., 1908. *Stagg, James Moreland, A.B., 1832. Staley, Ora, A.B., 1906. Stalker, Elbert Jeter, A.B., 1888. Stallings, Ida Ethel, A.B., 1910. Stanford, Mrs. George W. (Mary Virginia Mustard), A.B., 1891. Stankus, Ignatius John, M.D., 1910. Stanley, John Holland, A.B., 1906. Stanley, William Michael, LL.B., 1875. Stanley, William Preston, LL.B., 1872. Stausbury, George L, LL.B., 1898. Stanton, Otis Grant, A.B., 1896. *Stapp, Howard, A.B., 1838. Starbuck, Edwin Diller, A.B., 1890. Starke. Sylvester, LL.B., 1876. Starr, Oliver, A.B., 1905. Staub, Martha Hazel, A.B., 1908. Steckel, Thomas Emanuel, A.B.. 1910. Steele, Brenton Lorenzo, A.B.. 1904; A.M., 1910. Steele, Claude, LL.B., 1905. Steele, Mrs. Claude Sey- mour (Hazel Marguerite Hatch), A.B.. 1906. Steele. George Heath, A.B., 1908. Steele, John Peterson Reid. A.B., 1905. Steele, Ruth (Mrs. Alfred Mansfield Brooks), A.B., 1910. Stembel, Edna Mary, A.B., 1908. Stempel, Mrs. Guido Her- mann (Myrtle (Emmert) Stempel). A.B., 1902. Stempel, Myrtle (Emmert) (Mrs. Guido Hermann Stempel), A.B., 1902. Stempel, Selma Anna, A.B., 1900. Stempel, Waldemar Mattha- eus, A.B., 1905. *Stenson, Lewis Cobb, LL.B., 1852. Stephan, Leon B, A.B., 1908. Stephens, Alanson, LL.B., 1870. Stephens, Vira May (Mrs. Archie Crawford), A.B., 1907. Stephens, William Thomas, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1906. Stephenson, Bess Ellen, A.B., 1910. Stephenson, Clarence Wirt, LL.B., 1876. Stephenson, David Thomas. A.B., 1893 ; A.M., 1895. Stephenson, Eli B., LL.B., 1892. Stephenson, Mrs. Henry Thew (Agnes Ross Rey- nolds), A.B., 1899. Stephenson, James A., LL.B., 1871. *Stephenson, John Jay, LL.B., 1870. Stephenson, John LaFay- ette, A.B., 1882; LL.B., 1892; A.M., 1892. Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright, A.B., 1896. Sterrett, Morgan Lee, LL.B., 1909. *Stevens, Abel, LL.D., (Hon.), 1856. Stevens, Mrs. B. C. (Alice Mertz), A.B., 1896. Stevens, Frances Amelia (Mrs. George Worthen Jones), A.B., 1901. Stevens, Hannah Mary, A.B., 1907; A.M., 1910. Stevens, Warder W., LL.B., - 1867. Stevenson, David, A.M. (Hon.), 1858. Stevenson, Emma Belle, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1898. Stevenson, Robert Scott, A.B., 1883. Stewart, Albert Fulton, A.B., 1891. Stewart, Mrs. Albert Ful- ton (Nettie Breckin- ridge), A.B., 1893. Stewart, Charles Edward, A.B., 1897. *Stewart, Charles William, A.B., 1890. Stewart, David Chambers, A.B., 1884. Stewart, Edna Earl, A.B., 1900. Stewart, Elmer Bryan, A.B., 1887. Stewart, Mrs. Elmer Bryan (Kate Shannon), A.B., 1888. Stewart, Gertrude Agnes, A.B., 1910. Stewart, James Elmer, LL.B., 1893. Stewart, James Milton, A.B., 1900. Stewart, John Graham, LL.B., 1875. Stewart, Shirley Forrest, A.B., 1908. Stewart, Mrs. Taylor (Cora Elizabeth Tramer), A.B., 1908. *Stewart, Thomas Beattie, A.B., 1880. Stibbins, Slater Edward, A.B., 1908. Stickels, Arthur Elmer, A.B., 1909. Stickles, Arndt Matthis, A.B., 1897; A.M., 1904. Stiles, Lenabelle, A.B., Stilwell, Mrs. Thomas Nell (Grace Triplett), A.B., 1901; A.M., 1903. 236 Register of Graduates Stimson, Mrs. Robert Cun- ningham (Gayle Quincey Blankenship), A.B., 1908. Stockinger, Bertha Eliza- beth, A.B., 1905. Stock-well, Mary Maverette, A.B., 1910. *Stockwell, William Hamil- ton, A.B., 1830. Stoker, Mrs. William C. (Edith Lyle Martin), A.B., 1900. Stokesberry, John Barnard, A.B., 1897. Stokesberry, Mrs. John Barnard (Linda Henri- etta Jose"), A.B., 1897. Stoler, Frederick William, A.B., 1908. Stone, Harold Otho, A.M., 1900. Stone, John Charles, A.B., 1897; A.M., 1897. Stone, Wilbur Pisk, A.B., 1857; LL.B., 1858. Stoneking, Chloe, A.B., 1908. Stoneking, John Andrew, A.B., 1898; A.M., 1901. Stonex, Arthur Bivens, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1907. Stonex, Mrs. Arthur Bivens (Jeff Isabelle Reeves), A.B., 1909. Stoops, Harry Martin, A.B., 1893. *Stormont, David Wasson, A.B., 1842. Stott, James Wilson, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1907. Stott, Mrs. James Wilson (Florence Beattie Smith), A.B., 1901. Stout, Mrs. Oliver Morton (Lolia Florence Hamil- ton), A.B., 1894. Stout, William Hovey, LL.B., 1894; A.B., 1899. *Stover, Daniel Carey, LL.B., 1847. *Stover, Leannah Pearl, A.B., 1909. *Stowe, Calvin Ellis, D.D. (Hon.), 1837. Strahler, George Elmer, M.D., 1909. Stratton, John Clarence, A.B., 1903. Stratton, William Timothy, A.B., 1906. *Streaker, Lee Henry, A.B., 1897. *Strean, James, A.B., 1850. Strickland, Mrs. Arthur E. (Grace Gable), A.B., 1909. Strickland, Clarence Ran- dall, A.B., 1909; M.D., 1909. Strickland, Joe Curby, A.B., 1887. 'Strong, Charles Henry, A.B., 1872. Strong, Lee Everett, M.D., 1910, Strong, Mary Ethel, A.B., 1901 Stuart, James Arthur, A.B., 1901. Stuart, John Logan, A.B., 1908. Stuart, Milo H, A.B., 1898. Stuckey, Viola Curtis (Mrs. Herman Meier), A.B., 1886. Studebaker, Mrs. Clement Earl (Pearl Olive Rob- ards), A.B., 1908. Study, George Win slow, A.B., 1905. Stull, James Grant, A.B., 1893; LL.B., 1901. Stultz, Anna Ida (Mrs. Wirt R. Neel), A.B., 1898. Stultz, Oliver Miller, A.B.. 1904. Stunkard, Jamee Perry, A.B., 1879. Sturtevant, Edgar Howard, A.B., 1898. *Sturtevant, S. T., D.D. (Hon.), 1837. Stutesman, Lewis Elmer, A.B., 1894. Sudbury, Bedford Vance, A.B., 1890. Sudbury, Mrs. Bedford Vance (Nelly Hough), A.B., 1892. Sullivan, Arthur MacMa- han, M.D., 1909. Sullivan, Jerry Everett. A.B., 1908. *Sullivan, Michael Francis, LL.B., 1902. Sullivan, Thomas Littleton, M.D., 1908. Summers, Augustus. A.B., 1909. Sutherland, Mrs. James Al- bert (Daisibel Hendrix), A.B., 1902. Sutter, Charlie Culley, M.D., 1910. Sutton, Claude Earl. A.B., 1910. Sutton, Frederick Earl, LL.B., 1907. Sutton, Mira Christina, A.B., 1909. *Swaim, Walter B., LL.B., 1876. Swain, Joseph, B.L.. 1883; M.S., 1885. Swartz, Albert Dell, M.D., 1908. Swayne, James Parke, A.B., 1903. Swayne, Rebecca Cornelia, A.B., 1901. Swayne, William Marcus, LL.B., 1899. *Sweeny, William Edwin, B.S., 1859. Swiggett, Glen Levin, A.B., 1888; A.M., 1893. Swiggett, Mrs. Glen Levin (Emma Bain), A.B., 1889. Swihart, Sarah Theresa, A.B., 1907. Swindler, Mary Hamilton, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1906. Taber, Earl Railsback, A.B., 1905. *Taber, Stephen Coles, LL.B.. 1852. Tabor, James Abner, LL.B., 1898. Talbott, John Eugene, A.B., 1908; M.D.. 1910. Tandy, Willis, LL.B., 1875. *Tanner, Henry, A.B., 1842; LL.B., 1846. Tarney, Joseph Byron, A.B., 1902. *Taylor, Charles Henry, A.B., 1891. Taylor, David Newton, A.B., 1874; LL.B., 1876. Taylor, David Spencer, LL.B., 1896. 'Taylor, Edgar, A.B., 1887. *Taylor, Frank Philo, A.B., 1881. Taylor, Isham, A.B., 1893; LL.B., 1895. Taylor, James Franklin, A.B., 1909. Taylor, Mrs. James Frank- lin (Vergie (Johnson) Taylor), A.B., 1910. Taylor, Jennie Stantou, A.B., 1909. Taylor, John S, A.B., 1910. Taylor, Lewis, LL.B., 1894. Taylor, Madge Christina (Mrs. William Byron Schaefer), A.B., 1905. Taylor, Newton Marshall, LL.B., 1875. *Taylor, Robert Rodney, LL.B., 1868. Taylor, Thomas Lacy, M.D., 1908. Taylor, Vergie (Johnson) (Mrs. James Franklin Taylor), A.B., 1910. Taylor, Wesley, LL.B., 1900. *Taylor, William Calvin Linton, A.B., 1855. Tavlor, William Lamborn, A.B.. 1877. Teal, Elsa Christina (Mrs. Arthur Garfield Bobbitt), A.B., 1907. Teegarden, John Calvin, LL.B., 1896. Teegarden, Zella Blanche, A.B., 1909. Teeters, William Ray, A.B., 1910. Telfer, Mrs. William (Lillie Harriet Adams), A.B., 1879. Telfer, William Adams, A.B., 1910; LL.B., 1910. Terhune, Thomas Jefferson, A.B., 1873; LL.B., 1874. Terman, Lewis Madison, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1903. Terrell, Charles Henry, A.B., 1910. "Terrell, Williamson, D.D. (Hon.), 1870. Terry, Roy Albert, M.D., 1910. Test, Alice, A.B., 1890. Test. Frederick Cleveland, A.B., 1889; A.M., 1894. Teter, George Eber, A.B., 1905. Teter, John Worth, A.B., 1905. Teter, Sanford Fortner, A.B., 1893. Teter, Mrs. Sanford Fort- ner (Nellie Gertrude Showers), A.B., 1893. Thale, Adelaide Bernardine, A.B., 1909. Tharp, Thomas Diggs, A.B., 1859. Thayer, Laurel Conwell, A.B., 1899. Alphabetical List 237 "Thickston, Andrew Jack- son, A.B., 1836. "Thorn, James Collins, LL.B., 1851. Thomas, Albert Aguew, A.B., 1904. Thomas, Arclen Hayes, A.B., 1910. ""Thomas, Charles Benjamin, A.B., 1841. Thomas, Charles Swain, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1895. Thomas, Cressy, A.B., 1910. Thomas, Felix Washington, B.S., 1869. Thomas, Frank Waters, A.B., 1905. Thomas, Franklin Leoutine, A.B., 1907. Thomas, John Byron, M.D., 1909. Thomas, John Hardin, A.B., 1907; LL.B., 1908. *Thomas, Samuel Miller, A.B., 1857. Thompson, Albert Warrick, A.B., 1907. Thompson, Burton Austin, A.B., 1906; M.D., 1909; A.M., 1910. Thompson. Christopher. LL.B., 1865. Thompson, Clyde Hen- dricks, A.B., 1909; LL.B., 1910. Thompson, Edgar Camden, LL.B., 1907. Thompson, Edwin Link, A.B., 1902. Thompson, Frank, A.B 1909; LL.B., 1909. Thompson, Frank Dale, A.B., 1907. Thompson, Frank Marion, LL.B., 1910. Thompson, George Ells- worth, A.B., 1909; A.M., 1910. Thompson, George Isaac, A.B., 1908. Thompson, Mrs. George Isaac (Katherine (Math- ers) Thompson), A.B., 1910. *Thompson, George Wash- ington, LL.B., 1857. Thompson, James L., D.D. (Hon.), 1859. Thompson, Mrs. John Cockerell (Araminta Eliz- abeth Sims), B.L., 1883. Thompson, John Fount, A.B., 1908. Thompson, Mrs. John Fount (Margaret Susan Cook), A.B., 1908. Thompson, Joseph Culbert- son, LL.B., 1853. Thompson, Katherine (Mathers) (Mrs. George Isaac Thompson), A.B., 1910. Thompson, Mabel, A.B., 1897. Thompson, Ray D, LL.B., 1898: Thompson, Robert Earle, A.B., 1906. Thompson, Will Ambrose, M.D., 1909. Thompson, William Am- brose, A.B., 1904. Thompson, William I, A.B., 1893. Thomson, William Orville, A.B., 1907. *Thornton, Jefferson Clay, A.B., 1848. Thornton, Joseph Francis, A.B., 1888. Thornton, Mary Ethel, A.B., 1909. Thrall, Bessie Hornbrook, A.B., 1898; A.M., 1901. Thrall, Mary Louise, A.B., 1898; A.M., 1901. Thrasher, Stephen, A.B., 1857; LL.B., 1859. *Throop, George Wallace, LL.B., 1859. Throop, Joseph Park, LL.B., 1871. Throop, William Johnson, LL.B., 1871. Thrush, Wellman, A.B., 1896. Thuermer, Charles Herman, A.B., 1907. Thurston, Alpheus LeRoy, A.B., 1907; M.D., 1910. Tibbets, James Henry Lane, LL.B., 1872. Tibbot, Mabel, A.M., 1909. Tice, Richter Solomon, A.B., 1900. Ticheuor, Mabel Elizabeth, A.B., 1907. Tigh, Charles, LL.B., 1908. Tilson, S Merrill, A.B., 1903. Timmons, Christian N., A.B., 1907. Tipton, William Silas, LL.B.. 1893. Tirey, Robert Milton, A.B., 1910. Titus, William Jacy, A.B., 1909. Titus, Mrs. William Jacy (Minnie Ethel Kern), A.B., 1908. Todd, John Wellhoff, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1910. Todd, Mrs. John Wellhoff (Helen Batchelor), A.B., 1902. Todd, Lela Carolton, A.B., 1910. Todd, Margaret Ashby (Mrs. George Franklin Holland), A.B., 1893. Tolley, Howard Ross, A.B., 1910. *Tompkins, Arnold, A.B., ' 1889; A.M., 1892. Toner, Edward Carleton, A.B., 1895. Torrence, Mrs. Charles E. (Grace Helen Woodburn), A.B., 1885: A.M., 1894. *Tourner, John Phillips, A.B., 1909. Tousley, Mrs. Harry De- Camp (Helen Traylor), A.B., 1900. Towles, Fredrick McVey, A.B., 1899. *Townsend, James Mc- Gready, A.B.. 1838. *Townsend, Minnie Ethel, A.B., 1898. Tracy, Hazel Lois, A.B., 1910. Tracy, Julius Ross, M.D., 1909. *Tracy, Perry Spurgeon, A.B., 1893. Trafzer, Frank Elwood, A.B., 1908. Trainor, George Waters. A.B., 1910. Tramer, Cora Elizabeth (Mrs. Taylor Stewart), A.B., 1908. Trautwein, Clara Elizabeth, A.B., 1906. Traylor, Bomar, A.B., 1895. Traylor. Flora. A.B., 19X)6. Traylor, Helen (Mrs. Harry DeCamp Tousley), A.B., 1900. Traylor, Jessie (Mrs. Lu- ther Marion Grimes), A.B., 1896. Traylor, Kerr, LL.B., 1894. Traylor. Olive. A.B., 1904. Traylor, William Alexan- der, LL.B., 1868. Treudley, Frederick, A.B., 1878. Treudley, Mrs. Frederick (Mary Helen Moss), A.B., 1879. Trimble, John, D.D., (Hon.), 1860. Trinkle, John Hamry, A.B., 1910. Triplett, Grace (Mrs. Thomas Neil Stilwell), A.B., 1901; A.M., 1903. Triplett, Lena (Mrs. Rob- ert Campbell Rogers), A.B., 1901. Triplett, Norman, A.M., 1898. Triplett, Vesta (Mrs. Otto Floyd Rogers), A.B., 1902. Tripp, Myron Owen, A.B., 1901. Trippet, Ethel (Mrs. Man- uel Orestes Roark), A.B., 1903. Trippet, Sanford, A.B., 1901. Trippet, William Howard, B.S., 1869: LL.B., 1871. Trook, Everett Walter, A.B., 1898. Troth, Alonzo Pearl, A.B., 3906. Troth, Robert Amos, A.B., 1896. Trotter, John Amos, A.B., 1909. Trovillion, Bessie Lee (Mrs. Lyman J. McClintock), A.B., 1908. Trowbridge, David, A.M. (Hon.). 1863. Trueblood. Jesse Day, A.B., 1874; LL.B., 1876. *Trumbull, David, D.D., (Hon.), 1866. Truscott, Frederick Wilson, A.B., 1891; A.M., 1892. Tryon, Rolla Milton, A.B., 1907. *Tschannen, John Christian, A.B., 1909. *Tschudy, Arnold, A.B., 1894. Tucker, Daniel Webster, A.B., 1899; A.M., 1903. Tucker, James Lindley, LL.B., 1898. Tucker, Mrs. James Lind- ley (Myrtle Esther Mitch- ell), A.B., 1902. 238 Regi-ter of Graduates Tucker, Oral Arnold, M.D., 1909. Tucker, William Motier, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1909. Tugman, Orin, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1906. Tuley, Lawrence Knepfly, A.B., 1904. Turbett, Travis Sullivan, A.B., 1909. Turner, Edwin Arthur, A.B., 1905. Turner, Ella Alpine (Mrs. David Lively), B.L., 1882. *Turner, James Bradley, LL.B., 1858. Turner, Laura Louisa (Mrs. James Mitchell Foster), B.S., 1871. Turner, Leona Litta, A.B., 1905. Turner, Walter B, M.D., 1909. Tustison. Mrs. Lee O. (Violette Mae Hamilton), A.B.. 1905. Twineham, Arthur Perry, A.B.. 1870. Tyler, Millard Lawrence. A.B., 1907. Tyler, Willis Oliver, A.B., 1902. Tyner, Martha Alice, A.B., 1909. Uline, Edwin Burton, A.B., 1892; A.M.. 1893. Ullery, Gustin Carleton, M.D., 1907. Ulrey, Albert Brennus, A.B., 1892: A.M., 1893. Ulrich, Carl Jost, A.B., 1900 Underwood, Floy (Mrs. Raymond Lyons Modes- lit), A.B., 1908. Underwood, John Harvey, LL.B., 1897. Unger, Sylvester Mahlon, A.B., 1896. Unnewehr. Charles August, A.B., 1902. Ure, Mrs. William G. (Minne Amanda Faris), A.B., 1890. Utter, Clifton C, LL.B., 1894. Vail, Benjamin, A.B., 1878. Vail, Peter M., A.B., 1850. Van Atta, Charles Arthur, A.B.. 1901. VanAtta, Robert Miller, A.B., 1893. VanBuskirk. Daniel Dow, LL.B., 1897. VanBuskirk, Mary Vera, A.B., 1908. Vance, Dudley Noble, A.B., 1895. Vance, Elias Edmund, A.B., 1899. Vandament, David LaFay- ette, A.B., 1880. Vandegrift, Albert Fergu- son, A.B., 1905. VanFossen. Austin Rol- land, A.B., 1881. Van Hook, James M, A.B., 1899; A.M., 1900. Van Horn, Nicholas, LL.B., 1859. Van Matre, Mrs. Charles A. (Wilmina Wallace), A.B., 1897. Van Metre, Thurinaii Will- iam, A.B., 1910. Van Nuys, Mary Elizabeth (Hunter) (Mrs. Thomas Charlton Van Nuys). LL.B., 1894. Van Nuys, Mrs. Thomas Charlton (Mary Elizabeth (Hunter) Van Nuys), LL.B., 1894. Vanosdol. Argus Dean, LL.B., 1871. Van Osdol, Harry Allen, M.D., 1909. Van Valzah, Elizabeth Eleanor, A.B., 1909. Van Valzah, Sara Margaret. A.B., 1909. Van Zandt, Maud Freeman (Mrs. Louis Sherman Davis), A.B., 1888. *Varner, William Thomas, A.B., 1891. Vaughn, Stella Adelia (Mrs. William Alexander Pat- ton), A.B., 1901. Vawter, George Early. LL.B., 1902. Veatch, Mrs. Arthur C. (Caroline Hombrook Ev- ans), A.B., 1899. Venueinan, Mrs. Albert Jul- ius (Anna Helen Kelley), A.B., 1891. Verbarg, Joseph William, LL.B., 1902. Vierling, Clara, A.B., 1903. Vinzant, Charles Edward, A.B., 1909. Vliet, Hazel Mary, A.B., 1909. *Vondersaar. Lulu Caroline, A.B., 1892. Vonnegut, Theodore Frank- lin, A.B., 1906; LL.B., 1906. Voris, Joseph H, A.B., 1896. Voris, Peter Vaunice, A.B., 1899; A.M., 1900. Voshell, James Theodore, A.B., 1895. *Voss, Gustavus H.. LL.B.. 1848. Waddell, William Byron, LL.B., 1907. Wade, Charles Frank, LL.B.. 1908. Wade. Roscoe Hawk, LL.B., 1909. Wadsworth. Heilman Cur- tis, A.B.. 1902. Wadsworth, Ralph Dyal, A.B., 1905. *Wagner, Clyde LaSalle, A.B., 1906. Wagner, Herbert Theodore, M.D., 1908. Wait, William Clarence, LL.B., 1900. Waits, Charles Jefferson, A.B., 1894. *Wakefield, Samuel Bell, A.B., 1868. Wakely, Fannie Ensminger. A.B.. 1899; A.M., 1902. Waldenmaier, Mrs. Benja- min C. (Eleanor Adelia Protsinan), A.B.. 1900. Waldrip, William Delcar, A.B., 1903. Waldron, Charles Bonicum, LL.B., 1910. Waldschmidt, William Moorman, A.B., 1894; LL.B., 1902. Walker, Bernard New- comer, A.B., 1907. Walker, Earl Jay, A.B., 1902. Walker, Ernest Gosser, A.B., 1901. Walker, Fred Arthur, A.B., 1904. *Walker, Grace Armstrong, A.B., 1897. Walker, Mrs. John Alfred (Ida May Parks), B.S., 1876. Walker, Joseph Warren, A.B., 1866. Walker, Laura Jean, A.B., 1898. Walker, Norman Maurice, A.B., 1906. Walkup, Mary Elizabeth, A.B., 1903. Wall, Delia Sarah, A.B., 1906. Wall, John Moore, A.B., 1892. Wallace, David Alexander, D.D. (Hon.), 1859. Wallace, Marvin Veach, A.B., 1905. Wallace, Wilmina (Mrs. Charles A. Van Matre), A.B., 1897. Wallingford, Mrs. Charles Augustus (Minnie Coffin), B.S., 1879. Wallingford, Martha (Mrs. Charles Addison Cad- well), A.B., 1887. Walls, Mrs. John Albert (Miriam Evangeline Windsor), A.B., 1891. Walsh, Charles Kyran, LL.B., 1910. Walter, Clara Ellen, A.B., 1903. Walters, Edward Eugene, A.B., 1910. Walters, Francis Marion, A.B., 1887; A.M., 1891. Ward, Anna Rous, A.B., 1901. Ward, Ellen (Mrs. Jay H. Neff), A.B., 1878. Ward, Jennie Maurice, A.B., 1906. Ward, Jesse Lynn, A.B., 1910. Ward, John Rawlins, LL.B., 1893. Ward, Louis Clinton, A.B., 1903. Ward, Mary Etta, A.B., 1910. Ward, Stella Haile, A.B., 1899. Ward, Sylvester Willis. A.B., 1903. Wareing, Martha Alice (Mrs. Virgil Edgar Anth- ony), A.B., 1908. Warner, John, A.M. (Hon.), 1861. Warren, Isaac Newton, A.B., 1897. Warrick, Ethelbert, A.B.. 1910. Alphabetical List 239 Warthin, Aldred Scott, A.B., 1888. Washburn, Henry Evans, M.D., 1910. Wasmuth, Arthur Denmau, LL.B., 1896. Wasmuth, Daniel Augustus, A.B., 1899; LL.B., 1900. Wasmuth, Elizabeth (Mrs. Carl Elbert Endicott), A.B., 1898. Watson, William Bacon, A.B., 1906. Watts, John, A.B., 1861. *Watts, John Sebrie, A.B., 1835. Watts, Joshua Howe, A.B., 1857. *Waugh, Elam Hamilton, A.B., 1839. Waymire, Elbert Shirk, A.B., 1908; M.D., 1910. Weatherly, Albert, B.L., 1880. Weatherwax, Lewis Estel, A.B., 1910. Weaver, Abraham E, A.B., 1907. Weaver, Cleo Earl, M.D., 1908. *Weaver, James Long, A.B., 1892; LL.B., 1893. Weaver, Joseph Arisen, A.B., 1892.: *Webb, Hiram Peter, A.B., 1865; LL.B., 1867. Webster, Mrs. John Hunter (Lora Wilson), A.B., 1888. Week, Frederick William, A.B., 1905. Weed, Samuel Henry, A.B., 1864. Weedman, George Perry, A.B., 1898. Weesner, Margaret, A.B., 1906. Weimer, Charles Owen, LL.B., 1910. Weimer, Zuah Zenobia Clyde, A.B., 1908. Weir, Daniel Thomas, A.B., 1891; A.M., 1893. Weir, David Hamilton, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1906. *Weir, James Crawford, A.M., 1887. Weir, Mrs. James Crawford (Flora Bryan), A.B., 1876. Weir, Lebert Howard, A.B., 1903. Weir, Martha Eleanor (Mrs. Frank F. Wylie). A.B., 1904. *Weir, Robert Melville, A.B., 1863. Weir, Thomas D., A.B., 1839. *Weir, Trevanion Teel, LL.B., 1863. Welborn, Edgar Calvert, A.B., 1897. Welboru, Maurice James, LL.B., 1902. Welborn, William Calvert, A.B., 1899; LL.B., 1903. Welborn, Mrs. William Cal- vert (Edith Gauntt), A.B., 1903. Welch, John Wesley, B.S., 1861. Wells, Carrie Virginia, A.B., 1898; A.M., 1899. Wells, John Carr, A.B., 1886. Wells, William Henry, A.B., 1880. Welman, Salem Paris, LL.B., 1890. Werner, John C, A.B., 1905. Werremeyer, Daniel Will- iam, A.B., 1910. West, Flora Temple (Mrs. Charles Thomas Carpen- ter), Ph.B., 1886. *West. Francis D., A.B., 1839. *West, George Edward, A.B., 1838. West, Oliver Perry, A.B., 1900. Weyerbacher. Arthur Fer- dinand, M.D., 1909. *Wheeler, Alfred, LL.B., 1850. Wheeler, Ernest Paul, M.D., 1907. *Wheeler, Homer, A.B.. 1846. Wheeler, John Jefferson, A.B., 1904. Wheeler, Mrs. John Tip- ton (Grace Rawles), A.B., 1891. Wheeler, Lewis Elmer, A.B., 1907. *Wheeler, Thomas, A.B., 1852. Whisenand, Jeptha Dud- ley, A.B., 1878. Whitaker, Lydia, A.B.. 1900. White, Charles Edgar, A.B., 1896: A.M., 1907. *White, David Frizzel, B.S., 1875. White, Frederick Garfleld, A.B., 1905. White, Hiram Preston, LL.B., 1900. White, Jesse Hayes, A.B., 1903; A.M., 1904. White, Louis Edward, LL.B., 1903. White, Warren Haworth, LL.B., 1908. White, Wendell, M.D., 1909. Whitely, John Henry, A.B., 1899. Whiteman, Claude Chalk- ley, A.B.. 1907. Whitenack, Oscar O'Dell. A.B., 1897. Whiteneck, Hosea A, A.B., 1909. Whitlock, Maggie Emeline, A.B., 1907. Whitmer, Abraham Lin- coln, A.B., 1897; A.M., 1898. Whitted, Charles, B.S., 1874. Whitted, Estella Mary, A.B., 1901. Whittingill, William Stu- art, B.S., 1875. Wible, William Miller, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1908. Wickersheirner, Mrs. Ernest (Edith Rudolph), A.B., 1906. Wiggins, Charles, A.B.. Wiggs, George Washington, B.S., 1874. Wikel, Howard Henry. A.B., 1905; A.M., 1906. Wilde, Carl John, LL.B., 1909. Wildermuth, Ora Leonard, LL.B., 1906. Wiles, Allen, LL.B., 1902. Wiles, Ernest Paul, A.B., 1898. *Wiley, Allen, A.M. (Hon.), 1834. Wiley, Charles Wilberforce, A.B., 1881. Wiley, John Edward, A.B., 1885; A.M., 1889; LL.B., 1891. Wiley, Joseph Woods, Ph.B., 1886. Wiley, Martha, A.B., 1891. Wilhelm, Meta Louise, A.B., 1909. Wilkie, Paul, A.B., 1896; A.M., 1896. Wilkinson, James William, A.B., 1910. *Willets, Elias, LL.B., 1850. Williams, Arlarn Roy, A.B., 1899. Williams, Beatrice (Mrs. Percival O. Power), A.B., 1901. Williams, Mrs. Charles Walter (Gray Davis), A.B., 1907. Williams, Clara Elaine, A.B., 1910. Williams, Clifton, LL.B., 1908. Williams, Clinton Westcott, A.B., 1908. Williams, Flora, A.B., 1908. Williams, James Brantley, A.B., 1903. Williams, James Henry, A.B., 1899. Williams, James Robert, A.B., 1875. Williams, Joseph Abraham, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1910. Williams, Kenneth Powers, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1909. Williams, Leonard Leslie, LL.B., 1905; A.B., 1907. Williams, Milton Merrill, A.B., 1908. Williams, Nina Jane, A.B., 1910. Williams, Oscar Harrison, A.B., 1905. Williams. Rose Martha, A.B., 1910. Williams, Vere, LL.B., 1904. Williams, William Logan, A.B., 1903. Williamson, Charles Fred- eric, A.B., 1907. Williamson, Jesse Hunter, A.B., 1907. Williamson, Merle K, A.B., 1904. *Willis, William, A.B., 1837. Willkie, Julia Etta, A.B., 1909; A.M., 1910. Willkie, Robert Trisch, A.B., 1909. Willoughby, Pearl Vivian, A.B., 1907. *Willson, Lev! Beardsley, A.B., 1865. Willson, Ole Anna (Mrs. Frank Carter Hood), A.B., 1876. Willson, Romney Leigh, A.B., 1899. 240 Register of Graduates *Willson, Samuel Campbell, LL.D. (Hon.), 1871. Wilmore, Ernest Eugene, A.B., 1910. Wilson, Adelia, A.B., 1899. Wilson, Albert Miller, A.B., 1900; A.M., 1903. *Wilson, Barton Warren, A.B., 1845: LL.B., 1847. Wilson, Elbridga Gerry, LL.B.. 1877. Wilson, Elizabeth, A.B., 1900. Wilson, Emma Leberta (Mrs. Arthur Douglas Batchelor), A.B., 1899. Wilson, Frank Robert, A.B., 1910. *Wilson, George C., A.B., 1857. Wilson, Guy Mitchell, A.B., 1900; A.M., 1908. Wilson, Harry Bruce, A.B., 1905. Wilson, Henry B, A.B., 1905. Wilson, Mrs. Henry B. (M i n d w e 1 1 Josephine Crampton), A.M., 1905. Wilson, Howard LaFayette. A.B., 1889; A.M., 1891. *Wilson, James, LL.B., 1845. Wilson, James Benjamin, LL.B., 1892. *Wilson, James Strong, A.B., 1863. Wilson, Jesse Everett, LL.B., 1895. Wilson, John Hemphill, A.B., 1860. Wilson, John Thomas, A.B., 1903. Wilson, Lora (Mrs. John Hunter Webster), A.B., 1888. Wilson, Lulu Ada, A.B., 1887. Wilson, Margaret Isabel, A.B., 1905. Wilson, Martha Ella, B.L., 1885. *Wilson, Peter, LL.B., 1866. Wilson, Ruth Anne (Mrs. Eugene McDermott Guise), A.B., 1906. Wilson, Susie Polk (Mrs. Frank T. Guthrie), A.B.. 1898. *Wilson, Thomas Jefferson, A.B., 1834. Wilson, Thomas William, B.L., 1884. Wilson, Warren Bryan, A.B., 1875. Wilson, William Black- stock, A.B., 1863. *Wilson, William Cochrau, LL.B., 1849. Winans, Benjamin Aaron, A.B., 1907. *Winborne, Mrs. Robert W. (Dora Belle Merrifield), B.L., 1885. Windle, Owen Buryl, A.B., 1908. Windsor, Lillie Forrest (Mrs. Benjamin Franklin Harris), A.B., 1891. Windsor. Miriam Evange- line (Mrs. John Albert Walls). A.B., 1891. Winegardner. Kenneth Earl (Kenneth Earl Gardner), LL.B., 1906. Winger, Otho, A.B., 1905; A.M., 1907. Wingert, Sara Eva, A.B.. 1908. Winter, Ernil G., M.D., 1908. Winter, Mildred E. A.B.. 1908. Wise, Curtis M, LL.B.. 1895. *Wise, George Douglas. A.B., 1850. Wise, Harry Oliver, A.B., 1892. *Wise, Henry Dugan, LL.B.. 1852. Wise, John Henry, A.B.. 1850. *Wise, John James. A.B., 1850. *Wise, Obadiah Jennings. A.B., 1850. *Wise, Samuel Augustus, LL.B., 1870. Wisehart, Roy Parker, A.B., 1910. Wisely, John Benjamin. A.B., 1890; A.M., 1891. Wiseman, Zella Maud. A.B., 1909. Wissler, Clark, A.B., 1897; A.M., 1899. Wittenbraker, Charles William, LL.B., 1900. Woerner, Myrtle Frieda, A.B., 1908. Wohrer, Susie Elizabeth. A.B., 1907. Wolfe, Howard Webster, A.B., 1903. Wolfe, Jacob Vance. A.B.. 1857; LL.B., 1863. *Wolfe, Simeon Kalfius, LL.B., 1850. Wolfe, Thomas F.. LL.B.. 1891. Wolfe, Thomas Jefferson. A.B., 1856: LL.B.. 1859. Wolfe, William Benton, A.B., 1860; LL.B.. 1864. *Wood. Aaron, D.D. (Hon.). 1859. Wood, Aaron Franklin. A.B., 1904. Wood, Albert Gerard. A.B.. 1909. Wood, Carl Edward, A.B., 1896. Wood. Charles Jelleff, LL.B., 1910. Wood, Claude Crossland. M.D., 1907. Wood, George. M.D.. 1908. Wood, Harry Warren, A.B., 1909. Wood, Joe Jones. M.D.. 1910. Wood. John Anderson, A.B., 1897: A.M., 1902. Wood, Mrs. John Anderson (Louise (Meyer) Wood), A.B., 1897: A.M., 1903. Wood. Louise (Meyer* (Mrs. John Anderson Wood). A.B.. 1897; A.M.. 1903. Wood. Mary Edith, A.B.. 1909. Wood, Owen Jason, LL.B., 1876. Wood. Walter Mabie, A.B., 1893. Woodard, Francis Charles, B.L., 1881. Woodard, Mrs. Oliver Ern- est (Mrs. Coy Blanche Johnson Owens), A.B., 1906. W o o d b u r n, Ethelbert Cooke, A.B., 1904. Woodburn, Grace Helen (Mrs. Charles E. Tor- rence), A.B., 1885; A.M., 1894. Woodburn, Ida Elizabeth (Mrs. John Henry Mc- Millan), B.S., 1875. *Woodburn, James, A.B., 1842. Woodburn, James Albert, A.B., 1876; A.M., 1885. Woodburn, Laura Arnott (Mrs. Dudley Odell Mc- Govuey), A.B., 1901. Woodburn, William Log- an, A.B., 1908; A.M., 1909. Wooden, Walter Banfill, LL.B., 1905. Woodfield, Florence Elea- nor. A.B., 1909. Woodford, Arthur Burn- haui, A.M., 1886. Woodrnansee Wilson Robb, A.B., 1902. Woods, Arba Leonard, M.D., 1909. Woods. Charles A, A.B., 1897. Woods, Charles Edwin, M.D.. 1910. *Woods, George Washing- ton, B.L., 1880. Woods, Melville Samuel, A.B., 1900. Woods, Robert Archer, B.S., 1881. Woodward, Daisy (Mrs. Frank Orman Beck), A.B., 1899. Woodward, Frances (Mrs. Louis Brakeman Erwin), A.B., 1893. Woodward, James, A.B., 1849: LL.B., 1851. Woodward, Nancy Marga- ret (Mrs. George Myron Smith), B.S., 1881. Woodward, William Ben- ton, LL.B., 1899. Woodward, William Henry, LL.B., 1873. Woody, Clark. A.B., 1910. Woody, Clifford, A.B., 1908. Woolery, Homer, A.B., 1897; M.D., 1907. Woolery, Mrs. Lee Oliver (Gloria May Pickard), A.B., 1903. Wooley, Elmer Otto, A.B., 1907. Woolley, Ardra Charles, A.B.. 1897. Wooley, Ostin Lee, A.B., 1900. Woolman, Albert Jefferson, A.B., 1891; A.M., 1893. Alphabetical List 241 Woolverton, Fred Talbott, A.B., 1910. *Worden, James Lorenzo, LL.D. (Hon.), 1871. Work, Mrs. William Henry (Leona Coombs), A.B., 1907. *Worley, David Thomas, B.S., 1872. Worrall, Calvin Ruter, LL.B., 1876. *Worrall, Calvert Clinton, LL.B., 1876. Wortman, Charles William. LL.B., 1910. Wright, Bezeleel E., LL.B., 1851. Wright, Charles Waldo, A.B., 1908. Wright, Edith Belle (Mrs. James Matts), A.B., 1896. Wright, Elizabeth (Mrs Albert Blake), A.B.. 1899. *Wright, George Grover. A.B., 1839; LL.D. (Hon.), 1866. Wright, Mrs. James Henry (Eleanor Pearl Grimes), A.B., 1896. *Wright, Joseph C., LL.B., 1869. Wright, Mary Baen, A.B., 1910. Wright, Oren Henry, A.B., 1910. Wright, Samuel Oscar, A.B., 1901. Wright, Thomas Melville. A.B., 1901. Wright, Walter Waldo, M.D., 1908. Wyland, Byron Jay, M.D., 1909. Wylie, Mrs. Allan James (Olivia Delphi Harvey), A.B., 1906. *Wylie, Anderson McElroy, A.B., 1852. *Wylie, Andrew, A.B., 1832; LL.D. (Hon.), 1883. Wylie. Andrew Tennant, A.B., 1906; A.M., 1907. *Wylie, Craig Ritchie, A.B., 1838. *Wylie, Delia (Mrs. Robert Newton Allen), A.B., 1890. Wylie, Mrs. Frank F. (Martha Eleanor Wier), A.B.. 1904. Wylie. John Herman, A.B., 1910. *Wylie, John Hosea, A.B., 1841. Wylie, Louise (Mrs. Herr- mann Balthasar Boisen), B.S.. 1871. Wylie. Redick Andrew, A.B.. 1898; LL.B., 1900. *Wylie, Redick McKee, A.B.. 1851. *Wylie, Samuel Brown, B.S., 1876; M.S., 1881. *Wylie, Samuel Theophy- lact, A.B., 1843; LL.B., 1845. Wylie, Theodorus William John, Jr., A.B.. 1877. Wylie. William Henry, A.B., 1897. *Wylie. William Theodore, A.B., 1848. Wynegar, Howard Laver- ne, LL.B., 1907. Yakey, Ella L., A.B., 1895. *Yates, Alexander, A.B., 1850. Yoder, Albert Christian, . A.B., 1899. Yoder, Albert Henry, A.B., 1893. Yoder, Mrs. Albert Henry (Susan Norton Griggs), A.B., 1893. Yoder, Mrs. Ivan I. (Flora Belle Herr), A.B., 1896. Yoder, Jennie Cornelia. A.B., 1909. Yoder, Peter A, A.B., 1894; A.M., 1896. Yoshisaka, Heikichi, A.B., 1904; A.M., 1905. *Youche, Julius William, A.B., 1870. Young, Edward Milton. A.B., 1899. Young, George Herman, LL.B., 1909. Young, Ira Jay, LL.B., 1899. Young, Leonard, A.B., 1898. Young, Robert, LL.D. (Hon.), 1872. Youse, Lucy, A.B., 1897. Youtsler, William David, A.B., 1899. Zaring, Clarence Arthur, A.B., 1895; LL.B., 1896. Zaring, Eli Deming, A.B., 1894; LL.B., 1896. *Zaring, John Alvin, LL.B., 1874. Zehr, Amos E., A.B., 1904. Zehr, Noah, A.B., 1905. Zeis, Emma (Mrs. George Davis Morris), A.B., 1898. Zell, Oscar Baker, A.B., 1894. Zimmerman, Benjamin Franklin, A.B., 1898. *Zook, Thomas Wilson, B.S., 1861. Zwicker, Mathilde (Mrs. Otto Paul Klopsch), A.B., 1896. YC 279739 LI] UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY