LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OF" i Accession fa ?.jr . Class No. 329 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, July, 1897. Dear Sir : / We beg to send you, for your library, a copy of a work entitled, "Who Invented the Reaper?" During the last century great progress has been made along all the lines of light- ening human labor; especially in the devel- opment of agricultural implements has this progress been marked, and the Reaper has done more than any other article of field machinery to relieve the farmer of his harvest burden the gathering of his crops. This small book is the result of investi- gation into the historical records upon this subject, and will be interesting to the student of history, as showing that the honor of the invention of the first successful Reaper rests with the late Cyrus H. McCormick. We trust that it may be acceptable, and find a place upon your shelves. Respectfully yours, McCORMICK HARVESTING MACHINE COMPANY. C WHO LNVENTED THE REAPER? AN ANSWER TO THE PROTEST STATEMENT SAID TO HAVE BEEN FILED AT THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT R. B. SWIFT. v S J nrx WHO INVENTED THE REAPER? AN ANSWER TO THE PROTEST STATEMENT SAID TO HAVE BEEN FILED AT THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. By R. B. Swift. This Protest was recently published anonymously. It undertakes to prove that Hussey invented the reaper, and therefore the picture of Cyrus H. McCormick should not be put on a new banknote. The Pro- test, as published, was prefaced by the statement that it was prepared by the representatives of the manufacturers of harvesting machines, and that "The opportunity will at last be presented to settle the question forever." Let any who are interested in this subject read the facts herewith given and judge for themselves as to the merits of the case. The question is not, Who first had an idea that it would be de- sirable to reap by machinery? but Who made the first machine that worked successfully? A flying machine that could carry passengers to Xew York in five hours would be a great invention. Many have planned and built and patented flying machines, yet no one has produced a suc- cessful one, and the man who will combine the devices that will make a practical flying machine is truly the inventor, even though he make use of levers, springs, frames and devices that others have tried and with which they have failed. Before the year 1831 there are accounts of attempts to make a reaper, and some of the machines, it is said, did a few hours work when all conditions were favorable. One or two of the earlier ma- chines had devices that, since being combined in a practical way with other devices, have found a place in the successful reaping machine. It is claimed that Ogle, in 1822, combined more of the elements neces- sary for success than any other inventor, but the one machine he claimed to have built lacked certain necessary features, and he did not arrange some of those he had so they would operate. His machine failed. Not one was sold. He did not even take a patent and the world profited nothing by his labors. With the knowledge gained from fifty years of experience with reapers, it is pointed out that only a few changes would have been necessary for him to have produced a suc- cessful reaper. He was a schoolmaster, a visionary inventor without mechanical skill, and his reaper was, and would to-day be, a failure. Bell, in 1828, built a push-machine, a great ark on four wheels, having a cutting device consisting of shears with blades sixteen inches long. A few of these machines were built, but " from their intricacy they fell into disuse." Bell's countrymen have claimed the invention of the reaper for him, but have failed to show that his machine was or could be a success. The Protest also refers to Pitt's machine. This machine was not even a reaper, as it did not have a cutting apparatus. It had a re- volving cylinder with rows of combs to strike into the heads of grain and tear them off. It was a failure. Randall's machine is also men- tioned as having been operated in New Jersey in 1833. Randall made a model which he exhibited at a Mechanics' Fair in Utica, N. Y., on January 15, 1835. His patent was issued in April of 1835 and his first machine built for the harvest of 1835. The machine was a failure. It was so pronounced a failure that Randall did not restore his patent. Along in the fifties Randall was a willing witness for pay, and made an ex parte affidavit in the McCormick vs. Seymour & Morgan suit, swearing his invention 'back to 1830. Having never built a machine for sale, it is not to be wondered at that he sold his recollection, but under the stimulus of pay it was too active. He was produced for cross-examination and convicted by the testimony of his own son and others of swearing falsely and of altering his model. So clearly was Randall convicted that Mr. Justice Nelson did not even refer to him in his charge in that case. He referred to the machines of Bell, Schnebly, Hussey, Moore and Hascall, Reed and Woodward, saying: " With the exception of the patent and machine of Hussey, not one of the machines referred to ever went into general or successful operation. Why they failed we do not know. What was the secret, what the defects, we are not told. All we know is that they were un- successful experiments." Whatever question there is lies between McCormick and Hussey. Both McCormick and Hussey had machines in the harvest of 1833, and both applied lor patents before the harvest of 1834. There is an account of Hnssey's machine published in the fall of 1833, an( ^ one MECHANICS' MAGAZINE, REGISTER OF INVENTIONS ANT) IMPROVEMENTS. To the Eiluor .>f the >! : DKAK SIK, -f >('' jtloscriptiwt . ibSy tl" 16 taehe* lat{bnn A is of plank, made fast to a frrtm<' of wood, for receiving tlo grain whea it until enough ha of McCormick ? s in the Lexington Union and in the Mechanics' Maga- zine, also in the fall of 1833. Hussey sent the editor of the Mechanics' Magazine a picture of his machine in 1834, and so did McCormick. 6 The photolithographic cuts in this article are reproductions of these pictures. I.-WHO WAS FIRST WITH A MACHINE * The history of Hussey's reaper as herewith presented shows that it never was a success. As McCormick's was a success, it therefore makes no difference which one was first in point of time. But in ad- dition to this the facts clearly demonstrate McCormick's priority. In the suit of McCormick vs. Manny, Hussey testified on the 28th day of August, 1855, and was asked this question and gave this answer: "Have you invented and used any reaping machine, and if so, how long since? " I invented and used a reaping machine in 1833." Hussey never claimed an earlier date of conception than 1833. He published a pamphlet in 1854, written by his friend, Edward Stab- ler, entitled, " A Brief Narrative of the Invention of Reaping Ma- chines/' in which is the following sentence: " Neither Hussey nor anyone else for him has ever asserted that his invention was prior to 1833." In the Lexington Union, September 18, 1833, following a long description of McCormick's machine, is the following testimonial : " July 18, 1833. " I have seen Mr. Cyrus H. McCormick's grain cutting machine in operation for two seasons. It cut for me this season- I think it will perform well where the ground is free of rocks and stumps ; and will be a great saving "over hand labor and can be so constructed as to cut much wider than at present, and I think it well worth the attention of the public. I think it will cut about 12 acres per day by being well attended. (Signed) JOHN WIER." " I certify that Cyrus H. McCormick's reaping machine cut 1 1 acres of wheat for me on the sixth day of this month, and the grain was cut clean and neat. " July 13, 1833. WM. MOORE." This Wier testimonial carries the McCormick machine back to 1832, and the Moore testimonial shows that it was a success. The Mechanics' Magazine of April, 1834, contained the picture of Hussey's reaper that we herewith produce. This came to McCor- mick's notice, arid he wrote the editor of that magazine from Rock- bridge, Ya., under date of May 20, 1834, as follows: " To the Editor of the Mechanics' Magazine: "Dear Sir. Having seen in the April number of your magazine a cut and description of the reaping machine said to have been in- MECHANICS' MAGAZINE, A :* D REGISTER OF IXVEXTIOXS AXD D1PROVE3IEXTS. night ! The mid would be as ricbcs coffered ; Their s iiig&njoug society." SPECTATOR. j;r--r.v s GRAI.V CCTTER, vented by Obed Hussey, of Ohio, last summer, I would ask a favor of you to inform Mr. Hussey and the public through your columns, 8 that the principle, namely, cutting grain by means of a toothed in- strument, receiving the rotary motion from a crank, with the iron teeth projecting above the edge of the cutter, for the purpose of preventing the grain from partaking of its motion, is a part of the principle of my machine and was invented by me, and operated on wheat and oats in July, 1831. This can be attested to the entire satisfaction of the pub- lic and Mr. Hussey, as it was witnessed by many persons. Conse- quently, I would warn all persons against the use of the aforesaid prin- ciple, as I regard and treat the use of it, in any way, as an infringe- ment of my rights. . . . The revolving reel, as I conceive, con- stitutes a very important, in fact, indispensable, part of my machine. " Very respectfully yours, etc., " CYRUS H. McCORMICK.'' As Mr. McCormick stated in this letter, the fact of his having suc- cessfully operated his reaper in July of 1831 can be proven " to the en- tire satisfaction of the public." The fact that he did so operate it in 1831 was not disputed for years, and Hussey admitted its use in 1831 in a brief filed by him in 1848 before the Board of Commissioners for the Extersion of Patents. Referring to McCormick' s testimony (at the taking of which he was present) to prove the use of his machine in 1831, Hussey wrote: " There are but two points satisfactorily proved which are not in the records of the Patent Office, to wit: the date of the first trial of the machine, and the abandonment by C. H. McCormick of the double finger/' At this date there is* but one living witness of the working of the reaper in 1831, and he, in 1848, testified under oath to its successful operation in 1831. There are in existence numerous affidavits (as yet unpublished) of persons who saw the reaper at work in 1831. There is, also, on file in the Patent Office at Washington, D. C., the sworn tes- timony of seven witnesses, taken in the spring of 1848, some of whom v/ere cross-questioned by Hussey, to the fact that Cyrus H. McCor- mick's reaper did successful work in the harvest of 1831. Fifty years ago, when dozens of witnesses were living, no one disputed the fact that McCormick's reaper successfully worked in wheat and oats in the harvest of 1831, and no one who knows the facts disputes it now. The Committee on Patents of the United States .Senate reported March 30, 1852, when there were bills pending before the Committee for the extension of both Hussey's and McCormick's first patents, as follows : 9 "The testimony was thereupon taken, in compliance with the or- der of the Board, and by the proof submitted on the part of said McCormick it appears conclusively that he invented his machine, then practically and publicly tested its operation in the harvest of 1831." And that " from' the exhibits referred to your committee, it ap- pears that his (Hussey's) machine was first constructed and operated in It was then that Hussey answered, saying that the priority of McCormick should not affect his invention, as " our machines do not conflict/' The late Honorable Edmund Burke, Commissioner of Patents in 1848, wrote Senators Douglas and Shields, March 4, 1850, recom- mending the extension of both Hussey's and McCormick's patents, saying: " The testimony of Mr. McCormick presented to the Board of Extension clearly proved that he invented and put in operation his machine in 1831, two years before the date of Hussey's patent. But my opinion is that justice will be subserved by extending the patents of both parties." Neither, however, succeeded in obtaining an extension. Mr. Justice Nelson, of the United States Supreme Court, in the suit of McCormick vs. Seymour & Morgan, decided in 1855, among other points, the following: " It appears from the evidence in the case, that Hussey and Mc- Cormick turned their attention to the construction of a reaping ma- chine very nearly at the same period McCormick two or three years ^earlier." Hussey was a witness for Seymour & Morgan in this case. It is submitted that the proof on the point of priority of McCor- mick is conclusive. II. -WHAT WAS MC CORMICK'S MACHINE OF 1831 AND HUSSEY'S OF 1833 T Let us see which one contained the devices that time has demon- strated as being essential to the successful reaping of grain. (1) Methods of Draft. The pictures show that both machines were drawn by teams, walking at the side of the grain. McCormick's patent, which was issued June 21, 1834, describes both a pull and a push machine, and the drawing of the patent, which is herewith repro- 10 duced, Fig. I, shows the shafts for a 'horse in dotted lines at the front and at the side of the grain, and the tongue behind. This plan of Fig.l PaienUd June.Zi showing and describing alternate methods of construction was and still is very common in patents. McCormick's idea was, that a ma- chine with a wider cut could be made by pushing than by pulling at the side, and, to effect this, the patent shows the pole behind attached' to the rear of the platform nearer the center of the machine than the pole or shafts could be. His platform being just the width of the fin- ger-bar, allows the raker to walk at the rear of the frame of the ma- chine and rake the gavel to the side out of the way of the team, if push- ing behind, and out of the way of the team and machine in the next round of the field, whether the machine be drawn or pushed. Hussey's- patent shows and describes only a pull machine, because his platform extended the full width of his finger-bar and frame and, therefore, was not adapted to raking the gavel to the side, as was McCormick's. HusseyVgavel was pushed off directly behind the finger-bar, and his- machine therefore could not have been pushed, as the team would' trample the gavels, nor could it make a second round of the field, even as a pull machine, until the gavel of the first round had been removed from the path of the team. This alternative system of draft described in; the patent shows that McCormick had clear ideas in 1834 of a wider machine, similar to the modern header, which must be pushed, and of a narrower machine that could more handily be drawn. His ma- chine was always drawn except on one occasion. The Protest, how- ever, goes to unwarrantable extremes in insisting that the McCormick 11 patent of 1834 shows only a push machine. Such a mistake could only have been made by a writer ignorant of the subject, or with mal- ice, publishing what he knew to be untrue. This is the main point of the whole argument of the Protest, as is shown by the following quo- tation : " Several alleged representations of the 1831 machine have been published, showing a horse in thills, drawing it, differing little from the machine of the McCormick patent of 1845. If these representa- tions are correct, then the machine of the McCormick patent of 1834 shows, practically, an abandonment of the principles of the alleged machine of 1831, for in the patent the reaper was a push machine, somewhat like the Bell of 1826, but mounted on two wheels only a master wheel and a grain wheel. The tongue, as usual with these ma- chines, extended reanvardly, but had nothing to prevent its end from dropping to the ground, nor had it anything to prevent the draft of the team from raising it. So constructed, it was not as controllable as a wheelbarrow, for the load in the latter will keep the handles from being turned over forward by the pulling action of the arms of the operator. In order to prevent the machine from turning over forward, due provision was made, however, for he says: The tongue is to be supported by the horses by means of a pole, passing across their backs between them, and resting on pad saddles. From this, a pole or chain passes back to the tongue below and suspends it to the desired height. With a machine of the header type in mind, it now seems strange that the idea of supporting its push tongue upon the backs of the horses ever occurred, and it seems equally strange that a man would ever sup- pose that a team could be so driven as to steer such a machine. A horse might be trained to run a wheelbarrow as a feat, but no one would think of using such a combination for any practical purpose." The quotation from the patent that is contained in the above ex- tract, shows that the writer of the Protest must have had before him a copy of che McCormick patent of 1834. What explanation, then, can be offered for his failure to state that the patent also provided for a plan of pulling the machine? Immediately after the description of the plan for pushing the machine the patent describes how it can be dr?wn. It says: " One horse may work the machine from this side by substituting shafts for the tongue.*' Again, after speaking of a guide in front of the main wheel to de- flect grain to the cutting apparatus, the patent states : " This triangle is to be moveable on its screw r also, and it may be removed altogether for the purpose of inserting shafts, so that the ma- 12 chine may be drawn by one horse in this manner. The two headpieces are to be lengthened, as also the curved brace projecting towards all of them, about three or four feet. The two broad pieces will be connected at their ends by a bar for the singletree, and, rising from the right hand one near the end', an upright connects it with the curved brace, and by the side of this upright rises another secured to its place to a height sufficient to clear the reel. From this top a brace passes across the reel to the opposite post. Below the inner shaft from the single- tree end, is secured a longer bow or brace, projecting outward some- what, and continuing along the direction of the shaft to the front of the horse, where it passes around and joins to the other shaft, which has been left purposely longer. The object of this bow is to throw the stalk inward towards the cutting apparatus instead of the triangle re- moved." This language, quoted from the patent, is descriptive of a method of pulling the machine as shown by the dotted lines of the drawing. If the eyesight of the writer of the Protest is so poor that he could not see the shafts in the drawing and the language in the specification describing them, is it not fair to presume that his mental faculties are so impaired as to render valueless anything he may write? It is a weak cause that can only be maintained by misleading statements and garbled quotations. Repeatedly during the past fifty years the article from the Lexington Union of September 28, 1833, descriptive of Mc- Cormick's reaper, has been reproduced and widely published. This article says: " This machine [referring to the McCormick reaper of 1833] is so constructed as to leave a long or short stu'bble, to operate alike on tall or short grain. It is drawn by one horse walking by the side of the grain in shafts." The paper then proceeds to give a full description of the machine. The following testimonial in relation to the operation of the McCor- mick reaper in the harvest of 1833 was published in the November, 1833, issue of the Mechanics' Magazine and Register of Inventions: " I certify that Mr. C. H. McCormick's reaping machine with a horse was employed by me in the late harvest and though I did not work it much I was satisfied with its work. " [Signed] JAMES M'DOWELL." Mr. McDowell was Governor of Virginia in 1843. Mr. William S. McCormick testified under oath in 1855, in the suit of McCormick vs. Manny, as follows: 13 " Cross-Question 175. How was the horse attached to that ma- chine? "Answer. I do not recollect whether the first machine was worked by one or two horses; but whether or not, I well remember that the horse or horses were always attached to the machine substan- tially, as now done, using a pair of shafts or pole to suit one or two horses, the horse, or horses, walking outside and alongside of the grain to be cut, with the cutting apparatus on the left, as has been the case ever since.' 7 The Protest makes long extracts from the communication which Mr. McCormick filed in January of 1848, when he sought to have his patent of 1834 extended. It must therefore be presumed that its writer knew and suppressed the following quotation from the same communi- cation : '* The machine at the time of this experiment (1831) contained all the essential parts that were embraced in the patent of June 21, 1834. It had a platform; the straight sickle with the vibrating action by a crank; the fingers, or stationary supports to the cutting at the edge of the blade, and projecting forward into the grain; the reel, and the general arrangements by which the machine was balanced upon two wheels, perhaps nine-tenths of the whole weight being thrown upon the one behind the draft, thereby attaching the horses in front and at one side." Summarizing on the methods of drafts : (a) The patents show that both machines were drawn by a team walking outside the standing grain. (b) McCormick's patent shows an alternative device so that the machine could be pushed. (c) The plan of Hussey's machine is such that it could not be pushed. (d) Accounts of McCormick's machine, published at Lexington, Va., before any knowledge of Hussey's had penetrated that remote neighborhood, show that the machine was drawn when at work in the harvest of 1833. (e) Sworn testimony of half a century ago and sworn statements in 1847, f the inventor himself, show that the machine was always drawn from the side. (f) The picture of McCormick's machine, herewith published, a reproduction of one published in 1834,. shows the pull method of draft. 14 It is submitted that, as to the method of draft, the Protest is ut- terly misleading and the conclusions drawn therefrom must fall. (2) General Plan of the Machines. McCormick's machine was mounted on two wheels, a main wheel which supported the greater part of the weight of the machine, gave motion to the crank, recipro- cated the knife and revolved the reel, and a grain wheel at the outer end of the platform. Hussey's machine had three wheels at the stub- ble side, all of which rested upon the ground. The tongue was piv- oted loosely to the machine like the usual farm wagon tongue. The platform was rigidly projected to the side, as shown in the picture. It is plain, therefore, that it could not follow the inequalities of the ground, and that any obstruction encountered by the wheels would throw it up and down, leaving a washboard stubble. Hussey's patent provided, however, that if a wide platform was to be used the machine should have four wheels, the extra one at the outer end .of the platform. It is evident that such a construction must have drawn as heavy as a stone-boat. (See Fig. 2, taken from Ardrey's " American Agricultural Implements.") Simply to reciprocate the knife and draw the machine took four horses on the trot. HUSSEY'S REAPER, 1833. The McCormick construction is identical with that found in modern reapers. The machine had a stiff pole, as have the reapers of to-day, and balanced over the wheels, thus handling like a cart and conforming to the surface of the ground. The weight was positioned largely about the drive-wheel, thus giving power to move the operative parts of the machine. McCormick stated this construction very con- cisely in the following language, fifty years ago : " The general arrangement by which the machine was balanced upon two wheels, perhaps nine-tenths of the whole weight being- thrown upon the one behind the draft, thereby attaching the horses in front and at one side without the use of the separate two-wheeled cart for the purpose of controlling the running of the machine upon its two 15 nli eels, to accommodate itself to the irregularities of the ground which construction I claim (and which Hussey adopted).'' In explanation of this last statement Hussey remodeled his ma- chine, adopting Mr. McCormick's plan, in 1841. In a long advertise- ment in the American Farmer of 1842 Hussey states: " Last year an entire change was made in the general structure of my machine (see illustration, Hussey's reaping machine, 1841, Fig. 3)-" Summarizing on this point: (a) The McCormick plan is the one in universal use at this day. (b) Hussey abandoned his construction and adopted that of Mc- Cormick. It is therefore submitted that on the general construction of the machine McCormick's plan was the success and Hussey's the failure. (3) The Reel. The picture of the McCormick machine, the Pat- ent Office drawings, and all the early newspaper accounts speak of McCormick's reel. In the description of McCormick's machine in the Mechanics' Magazine in 1833 it is stated: " There is a reel, as it is termed, which is about 6 or 7 feet in di- ameter, and the same length of the knife. This is made by framing arms in each end of the shaft, say eight, the points of which are joined together by pieces called ribs, parallel to the shafts. The reel is re- volved as the machine advances by a band from the main wheel to one on its shaft, the object of which is to draw the grain back to the knife, which will be done whether straight or tangled, upright or lean- ing, unless below an angle of 45 degrees, and to throw it upon the apron." 16 In a letter written by Mr. McCormick to the editor of the Me- chanics' Magazine, in May of 1834, is the following: " The revolving reel, as I conceive, constitutes a very important,, in fact, indispensable part of my machine." Attention is called to the fact that this reel is a reel that will do the work. In all the reapers built by McCormick it could be adjusted up and down and forward and back, the two movements of to-day. It has been said that Bell had a reel, but the descriptions of it show that the arms were only thirteen inches in length. Anyone experienced in harvesting grain knows that such a reel would have no effect in raising lodged and tangled grain, but, on the contrary, would roll it ahead of the knife and be worse than useless. Hussey had no reel, and never had. The Protest says : " In its perfected form (referring to Hussey's reaper) it may be considered as existing in the manual-delivery reapers largely used in Europe and extensively manufactured by the McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, the Deering Harvester Company and others, as shown by their annual circulars." All Europe did not sell 1,000 of these manual-delivery reapers in 1896- The cut herewith (Fig. 4) will show the so-called "manual- delivery reaper " that is now being made and sold. It is an attachment for a mower, a makeshift for using the mower on the small European farms (which average about five acres each), to reap a small patch 17 of grain by the use of an extra man. Notice the position of the man with the rake. He is seated well fonvard so that he can with his rake do the work of the reel. The platform upon which the grain falls is pivoted and controlled by the foot of the raker. When a bundle has been reeled on to the platform by the man with his rake the rear end of the platform is dropped into the stubble and the bundle slips off. Xow, what about Hussey? The cut (Fig. 2) shows the raker on the rear end of the machine pushing the bundle from the machine to the ground. His position is such that he could not both act as a reeler and a raker. The platform is not hinged, as in the present form of reaping attachments, and as he could only push the bundle from the machine, the horses are in a trot in order to strike the stalks of grain with sufficient momentum so that the heads will fall to the rear, thus in an impractical way trying to reap without a reel. Summarizing on the question of the reel: (a) McCormick's reaper from the beginning had a serviceable,- ad- justable reel of practically the same diameter, and for the same purpose, as the reels in use to-day. (b) Hussey's machine had no reel, and never had. (c) Because a few reaping attachments for mowers are now sold to the small peasant farmers of Europe is a weak excuse for saying that Hussey's reaper exists to-day. (d) The reaping attachment of to-day has a tilting platform, a divider, and the raker is positioned to do the work of reeling. Hus- sey's had no tilting platform, no divider, and the raker could not both reel and push the bundle from the rigid platform. It is submitted that the reel is an essential part of a practical reap- ing machine. Hussey did not have it, and therefore his machine was a failure. (4) The Divider. In McCormick's patent of June 21, 1854, is the following description of the first divider ever used on a reaper and also the first to be used in combination with a reel: " On the opposite side of the machine is another reel post sup- ported by a brace on each side . . on the outside of which piece . . may be secured a bow in order to more effectually divide the grain. . . . This reel, by the motion given by the strap, as the horses advance, bears the stalks as they are projected inward 'by each 18 end of the termination of the platform upon the cutter, and when separated lands them on -the platform." In the claim of the patent is the following : " And also the method of dividing and keeping separate the grain to be cut from that to be left standing." In the newspaper article published in the Lexington Union in September of 1833 is the following description of the divider: " Alongside the apron, by the point of the knife, and extending some distance before the knife, is raised a partition of cloth for the purpose of dividing and keeping separate the cut grain from that which is left standing.'' The pictures of Hussey's machine will show that it had no divider. Later, after Hussey had abandoned his two-wheeled cart and adopted McCormick's construction of mounting the machine upon a main and grain-wheel (Fig. 3), he stood a narrow board edgewise at the end of his platform to protect the top of the grain-wheel from becoming wound with grain and vines, but at no time during the life of the Mc- Cormick patent of 1834 did he have upon his machine a divider pro- jecting in front of the cutting apparatus to separate the grain to be cut from that to be left standing. Practical men know that without a reel or a divider Hussey's machine could not be a successful reaper. The combined action of McCormick's divider and reel is essential in reaping machines. The divider projected ahead of the finger-bar and separated the swath to be cut from the grain to be left standing. It threw the part to be cut inwardly so it could be acted upon by the reel, and thus be separated before it was severed, and while its roots held it to the ground. Judge Nelson stated in the case of McCormick vs. Seymour & Morgan : " That the plaintiff was seeking to obtain a divider, that would not only divide the standing grain, but one that could be successfully used for dividing grain, whether standing, or tangled, or lodged, or broken. ... It seems from the testimony of all the witnesses that there is no great difficulty in dividing the grain in the operation of reaping when it stands erect. They say that the reel is of no great utility where the grain is not tangled or leaning; that the operation of Hussey's machine without the reel is as successful as that of any other in cutting standing grain; that the difficulty commences in tangled grain; and that, as great portions of the grain during the harvest, portions, perhaps, of every field, are in that condition, a machine would 19 be comparatively useless that could operate only on standing grain, leaving that which is tangled to be cut by some other instrument." Referring again to the reaping attachment (Fig. 4), attention is called to the divider which projects in front of the finger-bar about three feet, and which has welded to its point two solid iron rods that extend rearwardly and upwardly and diverge at their ends, in order to penetrate the grain and separate the swath to be cut from the grain to be left standing. The raker, who, as has been heretofore explained, uses his rake largely as a reel, assists the divider in separating the grain and reeling it upon the paltform. The Protest says : " In its (Hussey's) perfected form it exists in the manual-delivery reaper." As it is plain that it is not the machine which Hussey invented and built, the comparison is fatal as a support to the claim that Hussey's was a practical reaping machine, for in order to make the " manual-delivery machine " operative it must have AlcCormick's divider and place a man with a rake to do the work of McCormick's reel. Summarizing on this point: (a) McCormick's machine had a divider from the beginning. (b) It had a divider in combination with a reel from the begin- ning. (c) Hussey's reaper did not contain a divider, during the life of McCormick's first patent. (d) The reaping attachment for mowers which has been called "the Perfected Hussey Machine," clearly shows Hussey's reaper to have been a failure, as the " manual delivery " has a divider, and posi- tions a man upon the machine with a rake to do by hand the reeling and dividing which the McCormick machine always did automatically. It is submitted that, under this head alone, Hussey's machine must be deemed a failure. (5) The Platform McCormick's machine from the beginning had a platform of the same width as the finger-bar. The raker was thus enabled to walk behind or ride on the frame of the machine and draw the accumulated gavel from the platform upon the ground at the side of the machine, and out of the way in making the next round of the field. 20 Hussey's machine had a platform extending the full width of the cutting apparatus and frame. The wide third wheel was placed be- hind this platform, and the raker, who sometimes sat upon the plat- form, pushed the accumulated gavel upon the ground immediately be- hind the platform, and in the path of the team and machine in making the next round of the field. This was the plan of the Hussey machine so long as built. That it was unhandy and a serious disadvantage is fully proven by the following quotation from the Genesee Farmer, vol. 1 6, p. 308: " Hussey's went on, and the gatherers had to> jump and run to keep pace with the fleet horses. . . . McCormick y s worked very easy and cut as close and regular as could be desired. There was not a straw to be seen on the whole track over which it went ; the sheaves were all beautifully arranged in line, with their butt ends nicely to- gether, as nicely as if done by hand', with care. It cut so perfectly straight that it took the last row at one cut and made a clean sweep, not leaving a single straw to tell the tale. " While all that was going on, Hussey worked up and down with a legion of busy gatherers following the reaper at a quick step, hav- ing a large quantity yet to cut. The poor horses, although young and powerful, driven at a great speed, were completely exhausted. The machine works heavily, it requires too much power to drive its pon- derous knife. Having no side delivery, a number of men must in> mediately remove the grain in order to clear the track for the next cut; the men not having time to make neat work left the field strewed with grain. In countries where manual labor is scarce, which is the case everywhere during harvest, this machine could not be employed at all except with a great loss of grain, being tramped out by the horses." It can hardly be said that Hussey's machine was not a practical reaper, solely because the gavel could not be delivered at one side. But nevertheless the McCormick side-delivery plan has driven every rear-delivery machine out of existence in America. Summarizing on this point : (a) McCormick's machine was constructed so that the raker could deliver the grain at one side out of the way of the team in the next round. (b) Hussey's machine was constructed so that the bundle had to be raked off directly in its path on the next round. (c) Because of the absence of the reel and divider to get the grain properly on the platform, it was impossible for Hussey's raker 21 to draw the gavels to one side, even though in 1841 he adopted the McCormick plan of mounting his machine upon two wheels. It is submitted, on this point, that McCormick's machine had greatly the advantage of Hussey's. (6) The Cutting Apparatus. Whoever compiled the Protest for the rival manufacturers was adroit in trying to narrow the successful elements of a reaping machine down to the cutting apparatus. Es- pecially is this so when they select Hussey as their hero, whose only invention was an improvement in the cutting apparatus. The Protest says : " Twenty or 30 reaping machines had been invented before Hus- sey's, but all were failures because they would not cut well. When Hussey invented his successful cutting apparatus, he did what Howe did for the sewing machine." It is not my wish to detract from the honor justly due the many who made improvements on the reaping machine; it is,however,neces- sary in this case to show what the cutting apparatus was which Hussey invented and used in 1833, and what was McCormick's of 1831. To show that writers do not agree that reapers " were failures because they could not cut well," I quote from the Genesee Farmer, vol. iv, 1834, p. 154: " Mr. Boyer made an ingenious apparatus to imitate the motion and do the work of the bowed scythe. Even though it cut well, yet it made wretched waste." There could be many devices for merely severing the stalks were is not necessary to handle the grain gently and preserve it. There is more required of a reaper than to merely cut the stalks. Grain is reaped solely that it may be saved, and the divider, reel and side- delivery platform are more essential in the saving than would be a cutting device which might have the many niceties of construction found in the 500 or more patented improvements made since 1831. Hussey's 1833 cutting apparatus is claimed as follows: (a) "The straight horizontal saw with teeth sharp on their two sides for cutting grain." (b) "The guards forming double bearings above and below the saw whereby the cutting is made sure, whether with sharp or dull edge, the guards at the same time protecting the saw from rocks or sticks or other large substances it may meet with." 22 (c) "The peculiar construction that the saw teeth may run free, whereby the necessary pressure and consequent friction of two cor- responding edges cutting together as a pair of scissors, are entirely avoided." The drawing, Fig. 5, shows this cutting apparatus. Attention is called to the fact that the " saw teeth are sharp on their two sides." The saw teeth in use to-day are sharp only on one side. Leaving the teeth sharp on two sides makes a bevel on both sides of the knife sec- tion. This is what is meant in the third claim just quoted. Every farmer's boy knows that a successful cutting device of to- day is one that has " the friction of two corresponding edges cutting together as a pair of scissors," the very element against which Hussey so carefully provided. The construction of this cutting apparatus of Hussey's must have been known to the compilers of the Protest. If they did not know of this fatal defect in Hussey's cutting apparatus of 1833, they should not be writing so positively on the subject; if they did know, then they are deceiving their readers. That there may be no question of the drawing above (Fig. 5) cor- rectly representing the Hussey cutting apparatus of 1833, I quote from reissue letters patent No. 449, granted April 14, 1857, to Obed Hussey: " In my original invention, viz. : the reaping machine patented by me in 1833, the upper part of the guards was fastened to the lower part both before and behind the blades, as represented at C C, and the grass, straw, etc., which was not perfectly cut was forced in by 23 the shearing motion of the blades and worked back between the blades, and the grass, materially obstructing the free movement of the blades, in wet weather frequently caused what the farmers called choking. ... In my original sickle, patented in 1833, the blades are ground ic it h a bevel on both y another one, two days later, dated Washington, February 23, 1848. The letter is as follows: " I learned very recently that one of the strongest points upon which Mr. McCormick rests his claim for the extension of his patent is that he is ostensibly the inventor of the reaping machine. Our ma- chines being so different it never occurred to me that such an opinion could be entertained by any one, and up to the 21 st inst., the day on which I became aware of that first, I had made no preparation to combat it. I understand also that the Examiner in the Patent Office has given it as his opinion that our machines are similar- It is natural .for me to infer that this opinion was obtained to aid your Honorable Board in deciding justly for all parties. The supposition that such evi- dence may be concluded sufficient in the present case, in the absence of more positive evidence, has given me no little concern. Our ma- chines are different in principle, so far as regards these points which either of us can justly claim to be the inventor of. I will admit that our machines in some respects are similar, but those points of similar- ity are public property and not the invention of either of us. I trust that before your Honorable Board shall decide in McCormick's favor, on the ground that our machines are similar, you will permit me to lay before you evidence to substantiate what I have here as- serted. ... I have made little money by my patent. One county is the extent of territory which I have sold. My desire has been to confine the manufacture, as much as possible, within my own control, until I could give to the world a good reaping machine, which I have done just at the expiration of my patent. With great respect. "(Signed) OBED HUSSEY." This letter could never have -been written if Mr- Hussey, in 1848, "had known himself to be the inventor of the reaper. He says that the knowledge that the Examiner in the Patent Office had " given it as his opinion that our machines are similar has given me no little con- cern." Of course it did when he knew full well that McCormick's ma- chine was built two years before his and any extension of McCor- 45 mick ? s patent would cover his use of a knife reciprocating through fixed fingers driven by a crank. In the spring of 1834 McCormick gave Hussey public notice, by a letter in the Mechanics' Magazine, that his machine had been invented and used in 1831, and that he claimed " the principle of cutting by a toothed instrument receiving motion from a crank in combination with iron fingers." The Examiner's statement that the machines were similar in the cutting apparatus left Hussey no escape unless he could show that " our machines are dif- ferent in principle.^ Hussey's egotism is apparent by his statement that " McCormick's machine fails . . . while mine is taking its place." Nothing short of an hallucination could assume that his ten machines were "taking" the place" of McCormick's 1,500. The ad- mission in the letter that not until 1848 could he " give to the world a good reaping, machine" would excite sympathy did it not tell so con- clusively against the claim of the perfection of his machine before that date. From the order of the Extension Board it will be seen that on March 23, 1848, the Board directed Mr. McCormick to furnish " satis- factory testimony," and gave him until Wednesday,, the 2Qth of March, six days, in which to obtain it. His testimony, already filed, was in the form of affidavits, and the order directed " that due notice be given to the said Hussey of the time and place of taking said depositions." Mc- Cormick was thus allowed in the month of March, when the roads were almost impassable, six days in which to go from Washington to Steele's Tavern, Rockbridge County, Va., a journey that took three days even when the roads were good. The going and coming would' have consumed all the time allotted by the Board. McCormick, how- ever, had anticipated this dog-in-the-manger attitude of Hussey, who had just failed to obtain his own extension. Some days before he had notified Hussey to be present at the taking of depositions. These de- positions were taken at Steele's Tavern on the i/th and i8th days of March, 1848, before a Justice of the Peace, by whom they were to be sealed and forwarded to Washington. The Justice, as shown by the postmark of the letters, did not mail them until March 23rd, and they did not reach Washington until the afternoon of March 2Qth too late to be considered by the Board of Commissioners. The evidence which the Board states they did -consider consisted,, therefore, in the affidavits, 46 which McCormick had filed and which were to be replaced by the evi- dence that did not reach Washington in time. But Senator Brown of Louisiana, referring afterwards to the matter in the United States Senate, stated that although these affidavits were examined they were not deemed entitled to consideration because they lacked the certificate of the Governor of the State, showing the appointment and authority of the Justice of the Peace. All this goes to show that the Board's decision was based on Page's opinion. On the first point in that opinion Ten Eyck's anticipation of the reel Page made a mistake. On the second point Hussey's priority as to the cutting apparatus the facts conclusively prove Page was in error on this also. This regular testimony was afterwards submitted to the Commit- tee on Patents of the United States Senate, at the time McCormick asked Congress to extend his patent. Senator Fessenden of Maine, the chairman, one of the keenest lawyers of his day, reported to the Senate for the committee: " The testimony was taken in compliance with the order of the Board, and by the proof submitted on the part of the said McCormick, it appeared that he invented his machine and first practically and pub- licly tested its operation in the harvest of 1831. That no proof on the part of the sad Hussey appears to have been submitted to said Board as to the date of his said invention, but from the exhibits referred to your Committee, it appears that his machine was first constructed and operated in 1833." Could McCormick have known the tremendous odds against him, he would have hesitated before starting on his trip from Steele's Tav- ern to Washington, to apply for his extension, in the winter of 1847- 48. Single-handed and alone, he undertook to obtain justice. At that time extensions were granted by a Board. It did not take many years for the Secretary of State and Solicitor for the Treasury to be dropped from this Board. Brown, of Cincinnati; Seymour & Morgan and Fitch, Backus & Co., of Brockport; Hite, of Virginia; Rugg, of Illinois; Eas- terly, of Wisconsin; Moore & Hascall, of Michigan; Hussey, of Mary- land ; Minturn & Allen, of Ohio, besides the proprietors of every wagon and blacksmith shop in the country that wanted to build reapers, ap- pealed, through their senators and representatives, by petitions and word of mouth, to prevent the extension of McCormick's patent. His licensees were tired of paying $30 royalty fee for each machine, and saw a way to stop paying it by defeating the extension. 47 Buchanan and Gillett were politicians. Buchanan was already, as Secretary of State, trimming his sails for the Presidential nomination. Gillett was from New York, and so great was the political pressure brought to bear upon him that he could not be impartial. Burke, the Commissioner of Patents, and the one who from his position knew something of the justice of McCormick's claim, favored the extension, but the other two opposed it. The injustice of the refusal to grant this extension was commented on in the United States Senate by such lawyers as Fessenden and Seward. Other senators (also skilled law- yers) who opposed the extension in the Senate, unhesitatingly declared that in this refusal the Board of Extension clearly exceeded its powers- Hussey and McCormick at once appealed to Congress for exten- sions. McCormick, especially, had no chance in Congress. His pat- ent was recognized as covering the essential elements of all successful reaping machines, and so strong was the pressure on the part of those who wished to copy it, that the Legislatures of the States of New York, Michigan, Indiana, Tennessee and Ohio passed resolutions instructing their representatives in Congress to oppose his extension Scarcely a week passed, during the pendency of McCormick's bill, without long remonstrances, signed by hundreds of names. They came from all the wheat-growing states. The grounds of the remonstrances were that McCormick's patent would cover every reaping machine made, and thus levy a tribute upon the farmers of all the grain-growing states. The further ground was stated that McCormick had already made large profits, and it was therefore unjust to give him such a monopoly. The effect of these long remonstrances upon the politicians is clearly shown by the course of Senator Douglas. He said : " My objection is not to Mr. McCormick. He is a gentleman for whom I have the highest respect. I think he has rendered a great sen-ice to his country by his invention. ... I would do anything that I could do properly to serve him, as he has served his country; but, his patent having expired, and the right to manufacture and use the machine having vested in the public, I know of no authority to divest that right and put it back in him." Hussey was also an applicant before Congress at the same time, and urged his claim on the ground of his poverty and his failure to receive proper compensation. Certain senators made pitiful pleas in his behalf, but they were unsuccessful- The stories of his poverty were 48 admissions of the failure of his machine, as is shown by this quotation from a speech of Senator Jones, of Tennessee: % " If Mr. Hussey's was such an excellent machine as is now repre- sented, why, in the name of God, did he not make some money out of it in fourteen years? The patent was granted in 1833 twenty-three years ago, and if it was this great machine which my friend says it was, is it not a little strange, that he is now so poor as to be repre- sented as worthy of the consideration of the Senate, on the grounds that he has made nothing out of it? " It was shortly after his defeat in Congress that Hussey subsidized the long list of patent lawyers heretofore spoken of. They took up his patent of 1847 an d reissued it into a successful patent his first and only success in his long experience with reapers. In 1859 McCormick made application to the Commissioner of Patents for the extension of his patent of 1845; an< ^ in 1860 he made application for an extension of his patent of 1847. These extensions were opposed by every builder of reapers in America. Every local reaper agent throughout the country had blanks sent him which he was urged to present to the farmers for their signatures, protesting against the extensions. The letter of Lee & Fisher shows the combination that was arrayed against McCormick. So powerful was the political pull possessed by these opponents that a bill was passed in the Congress of the United States extending the protestants' time for the taking of testimony sixy days, thus carrying the consideration of the extension to a new Commissioner of Patents, who had been instructed by his own state, Indiana, to refuse the extension. James Buchanan, as one of his last official acts, signed this bill. The political pressure was so great upon Commissioner Holloway that he refused the extension, but stated that: " Cyrus Hall McCormick is an inventor whose fame, while he is yet living, had spread around the world. His genius has done honor to his own country, and has been the admiration of foreign nations, and he will live in the grateful recollection of mankind as long as the reap- ing machine is employed in gathering the harvest." Summarizing on the treatment of McCormick and Hussey by the Government : (a) Both Hussey and McCormick applied to the Board for an ex- tension of their patents of 1833 and 1834. Both were refused on techni- calities. 49 (b) McCormick was ordered to take testimony showing the pri- ority of his reaper over Hussey's. This testimony was not considered, as it did not reach Washington in time. Hussey, however, attended this testimony and filed a brief in which he admitted the priority of McCormick's machine. (c) Hussey and McCormick applied to the Congress of the United States for an extension of their patents of 1833 and 1834. Both were refused. (d) McCormick applied to the Commissioner of Patents for an extension of his patents of 1845 an ^ 1847 an d Hussey applied for an extension of his patent of 1847. McCormick's extensions were refused, because of political manipulations and large profits that he had made upon his machine, but with an encomium upon his position as inventor that was worth more than any patent extension. Hussey having made no profit from manufacturing his machine, was allowed an extension of his patent of '47, he making oath to the fact that his machine built in accordance with his patent of 1833 was a failure. (e) Hussey admitted that the scalloped sickle was old, and the double guard was old, and that his invention consisted only in the com- bination of the two old elements the old scalloped sickle and the old double guard. I submit that the showing made by these two inventors while en- deavoring to extend their patents clearly proves McCormick the in- ventor of the reaper. IV.-HUSSEY'S VIEW OF HIS AND MC CORMICK'S MACHINES. The Protest contains the following quotations from the brief filed by Hussey before the Board of Extension: " I believe that I have established in this review of the evidence taken in Augusta County, Va., and by the books referred to, the fol- lowing points: " (i) That C. H. McCormick is not the inventor of the arrange- ment by which the horses draw the machine. " (2) That he is not the inventor of the platform. " (3) That he is not the inventor of the movement of the cutter by means of a crank. " (4) That he is not the inventor of the double knives, even if it were satisfactorily proved that he used them prior to the date of my pat- ent, which is questionable. 50 16 (5) Proves the abandonment of the double knives by C. H. Me- Cormick, which abandonment makes it public by the patent laws, even if he were not the bona fide inventor of the same. " In the above five points are contained all the material points in which our machines are said to be similar. OBED HUSSEY." This quotation, carefully selected and shrewdly placed, as it is in the Protest, is misleading. It conveys the idea that Hussey, and not McCormick, is the inventor of these essential features. The following is quoted from the same brief: " Several witnesses testified to the following particulars in the McCormick machine, which appeared to conflict with mine: " (i) The horses draw the machine and walk beside the grain. " (2) The cutter is moved by connection wth a crank, i he wheat falls on the platform. " (4) The fingers were at one time double (that is, one part of the finger was above and the other part below the edge of the sickle or cutter). " (5) The witness testified that C. H. McCormick abandoned the double finger in 1842 or 1843. " I will now proceed to show by the references that the four points testified to are not the invention of McCormick. " First Point. The horses draw the machine. For this I refer to Rees' New Cyclopaedia, where a machine is described, invented by Mr. Plunket; also to the Edinburg Cyclopedia, where a reaper is de- scribed, invented by Mr. Gladstone, both of which embrace this point " Second Point. The cutter is moved by a crank. I refer to Louden's Encyclopedia of Agriculture, where the reaper is described invented by Mr. Bell, describing this point. " Third Point. I refer to the same work on the adjoining page. " Fourth Point. Double fingers. I refer to the Edinburg Ency- clopedia now in the library of the Patent Office, where a reaping ma- chine is described invented by Mr. Gladstone, and improved by Mr. Scott, which is illustrated in plates 478 and 479, in which revolving blades pass through fingers which support the straw against the edge of the blade. Fig. 5, plate 479, shows the blades, some of which are represented entering the space, some leaving it, and some with their points in the space. " The witness further testified that McCormick's reaper has a draw sickle blade, and a reel for the blade, which by its revolutions in the heads of the wheat is designed to draw the wheat back to be cut and to deposit the same on the platform when cut. I have nothing to do with the sickle and reel here described. They make no part of my reaper. I leave them to Mr. McCormick, while I wish to place in con- trast my own cutter, which is composed of a row of blades of a lancet point shape and arranged on a rod side by side. I do not claim to be the inventor of such blades. I claim them in combination with, and 51 vibrating through or into double fingers, a combination which I be- lieve to be substantially my own invention, and entirely different from McCormick's, and on which my machine entirely depends for its ef- ficiency as a reaper. None of these latter points, either combined or separate, are found in McCormick's reaper, he having abandoned the double fingers four or five years ago." The reason for Hussey's tactics is plain. He had been defeated in his application for extension. He knew that McCormick was in a po- sition where he could control the building of all reapers with a knife, reciprocated by a crank with fixed fingers to prevent the grain moving with the knife. Hussey's only hope, therefore, was to destroy Mc- Cormick's patent by seeking to anticipate it in old publications of ma- chines which had never been built, or if built had never operated. The only way he could do this was to pick out a feature here and there from the old pictures. He took a crank from one, a side draft from another and the double fingers from another. This plan led him into trouble with his own machines, as his lancet-point knives were old and his double fingers were old. To meet this difficulty, he set up, for himself, the claim of a combination- He did not minimize his own invention. Manning's patent shows the lancet-shaped knives, and Mc- Cormick had the double fingers in 1831. But he did minimize Mc- Cormick's. In none of the machines to which he referred nor in any machine made before McCormick's is there a reciprocating knife driven by a crank working in combination with a reel ; in none is there a di- vider; in none is there a reel working in combination with a divider ; in none is there a reciprocating knife driven by a crank, with fixed fingers to prevent the straw from moving with the knife ; in none is there a platform to receive the grain, so attached to the machine that a bundle can be raked from it to the side, out of the way of the machine, in the next round of the field ; in none is there a machine mounted upon two wheels, the major part of the weight resting upon the main wheel, thus giving sufficient traction to operate the machine ; in none is there a side draft on a machine, wherein the major part of the weight rests upon one wheel, and that wheel located behind the team. These features are McCormick's invention, and neither Bell, Scott, Gladstone, Phmket, nor any of the dreamers and builders of unsuccessful reapers before McCormick, contains these features. Place these essential elements in the scale on one side and alloiv Hussey the only combination 52 which he claims to have invented, and let the result determine the ques- tion of the invention of the reaping machine. Summarizing on Hussey's idea of his and McCormick's machines: (a) Hussey admitted McCormick to be the first, and therefore picked out of his own machine a minor feature not in McCormick's, and magnified this feature. (b) All features common to the two machines he called old and minimized their value. (c) His one feature, which the Protest has magnified into a mighty reaping machine, has on investigation shrunk to a shrivelled combination of two old elements, both of which have been used before for the same purpose as Hussey used them. (d) McCormicks machine, however, proves Hussey's minimizing statements wrong, as it contains the essential elements of the reaping machine which were original with McCormick, and without which no successful reaper can be made even to this day. It is submitted that by Hussey's own statements McCormick is the inventor. V.-IN CONCLUSION. It is too soon to expect an unbiased judgment of McCor- mick's invention. The antagonisms engendered by an energetic business career of forty years are too strong; the defeats that have been suffered by the rival reaper builders at every great Exposition that has ever been held are still too fresh in memory ; the failure of the more than 800 different concerns that have undertaken to build har- vesting machines in the past fifty years and that have succumbed to the competition of the MoCormick has left enemies; in all these cases time is needed to modify their animosities and cause them to forget their jealousies. Many years may therefore elapse before the credit and honor that belongs to the successful invention of the reaper will be willingly paid, by the competing reaper builders, to Cyrus H. Mc- Cormick, the man who invented the first practical reaping machine. Disinterested observers of the course of events, however, have placed on record their opinions, and the judgment of some of these men of clear and unbiased mind will carry more weight than pages written by rival builders of reapers. 53 " In agriculture, it (McCormick's reaper) is, in my view, as im- portant a labor-saving device as the spinning jenny and power-loom in manufacture- It is one of those great and valuable inventions which commence a new era in the progress of improvement, and whose beneficial influence is felt in all coming time." (From the report of Edmund Burke, Commissioner of Patents, 1848.) " The McCormick reaper is the most valuable article contributed to this exhibition, and for its originality and value and its perfect work in the field, it is awarded the Council Medal." (Extract from the re- port of the Council of Juries, First World's Fair, London, 1851.) " The McCormick reaper is the type after which all others are made, and it is, as well, the one which worked the best in all the trials. On the McCormick invention all other grain cutting machines are based, and not one of the imitations equals the original.'' (Report of the Juries of the Paris International Exposition, 1855, awarding to the McCormick reaper the Grand Gold Medal.) In 1863 a great International Exposition was held at Hamburg. The McCormick reaper obtained the Grand Prize, and the jury stated that " McCormick was the inventor of the features that gave value to the reaping machine." On his way home he stopped in England, and the editor of the North British Agriculturist attacked the position of the Hamburg jury, urging that Bell was the inventor of the reaper. Mr. McCormick answered him in several communications, through his own columns, and the following quotation from the Mark Lane Ex- press, the leading agricultural paper of England, under date of Octo- ber 26, 1863, will show the outcome of this controversy: " While the editor of the North British Agriculturist shows much zeal for his countryman's (Rev. Patrick Bell) machine, we must say we think the facts and arguments of Mr. McCormick are presented with a clearness and force w r hich seem unanswerable in establishing that he was the first to invent the leading features of the successful reaping machine of the present day; that he continued regularly the improve- ment and prosecution of the same to the perfection of the machine, and that this, in the slightly varied language of the different scientific juries of the various great international expositions of the world, con- stitutes the invention of the reaping machine." As an expert opinion, the following is of great value: " While there have been many valuable improvements in detail, it may be truthfully said, that to dispense with Cyrus H. McCormick's invention would be to wipe every reaper out of existence." " The original machine of Mr- McCormick embraces the follow- ing features: The serrated, reciprocating blade, operating in fingers or supports to the grain being cut. The platform for receiving the cut 54 grain deposited thereon by the reel and from which it was raked to the side in gavels ready to bind. A divider to separate the grain to be cut from that left standing." (Knight's New Mechanical Dictionary, by Edward H. Knight, A. M'., L.L. D., in charge of the classifications and publications of the United States Patent Office.) Professor Roberts, of Cornell University, perhaps the best-known agriculturist in America, and who takes great interest in farm imple- ments, writing in Johnson's Universal Encyclopedia on the reaping machine, states : "In 1831 the machine of Cyrus H. McCormick was invented and successfully operated. This machine for the first time was an organ- ized instrument, containing practical devices that have been incorpo- rated in every successful reaper made since. As built and tested in the fall of 1831 it contained the reciprocating knife moving through fixed fingers to sever the grain, the platform which received the grain, the reel to hold the grain for the knife, and to incline it upon the platform, and the divider projecting ahead of the knife to separate the grain to be cut from that left standing. The horses traveled ahead of the machine, and beside the standing grain. It was mounted upon two wheels, and the motion to move the operating parts was derived from the outer wheel." While in Paris in 1878 Mr. McCormick was elected a member of the French Academy of Science, as " having done more for the cause of agriculture than any other living man. " In the article written for the Mechanics' Magazine of May, 1834, Mr. McCormick asserted his claim to the invention of the reaping machine. Throughout his life he defended his position whenever attacked by his rivals in business. At different times Ogle, Bell, Ran- dall and others have been put forward as the inventor. The latest name is that of Hussey. Having shown thus fully what Hussey did, it will be interesting to learn who will next be named inventor by the rival manufacturers of reapers. R. B. SWIFT, Chicago, April 10, 1897. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY, BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. 6 1925 JUN9 '64-9 PM >yc RECD CD HIN1 9197055 ? & WBPA *w ^ , UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY