THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PUBLICATIONS IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION EDITED BY ERNEST D. BURTON SHAILER MATHEWS THEODORE G. SOARES CONSTRUCTIVE STUDIES THE LIFE OF JESUS THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO. ILLINOIS TOE BAKER A TAYLOR COMPANY THE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY THE MARUZEN-KABUSHIKI-KAISHA TOITO, OSAIA, ITOTO, TOIDOIA, BIKD1I THE MISSION BOOK COMPANY THE LIFE OF JESUS A MANUAL FOR TEACHERS OF CHILDREN FROM TEN TO TWELVE YEARS OF AGE By HERBERT WRIGHT GATES THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS COPYRIGHT 1906 BY THE UNIVERSITY or CHICAGO All Rights Reserved Preprinted in four pamphlets October 1906 May 1007 Published June 1007 Second Impression October 1008 Third Impression April 1910 Fourth Impression December 1911 Fifth Impression November 1913 Sixth Impression November 1916 Seventh Impression September 1918 Composed and Printed By The University of Chicago Press Chicago. Illinois. U.S.A. TO MY WIFE IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION OF ACTIVE HELP AND SYMPATHETIC ENCOURAGEMENT PREFACE The outline course on the life of Jesus, which this Manual is designed to accompany, has been pre- pared to meet the need for work especially adapted to the spiritual and intellectual needs of pupils in the intermediate grades of the Bible school, and is the outcome of several years of experimentation in practical use. The course is intended for boys and girls of from ten to thirteen years of age, who would ordinarily be found in the fifth to seventh grades of the public school. The attempt has been made to furnish a course that shall give occupation for hand and eye as well as for brain, that shall be sufficiently varied in treat- ment to sustain interest, and that shall result in a clear, vivid conception of the life and character of Jesus Christ, so far as these may be grasped by pupils of the ages mentioned. The test already given these lessons has proven that such results can be secured through intelligent use. It is to be noted, however, that no system of les- sons can supersede the work of the teacher. While every effort has been made to furnish an effective instrument, success in its use must rest largely with the individual teacher. Some general suggestions on the method of using the lessons are therefore given vii viii PREFACE at the beginning of this Manual, which should be carefully studied before taking up the work, and re- viewed from time to time throughout the course. I wish to acknowledge with gratitude the valued assistance of Professor Edward T. Harper, to whom the original idea of this course is due, and who gave many helpful suggestions during its development; also that of Professor Ernest D. Burton, whose editorial suggestions have added greatly to the value of the work. H. W. G. CONTENTS PACK Preface vii Suggestions to Teachers xi Books Recommended for Reference Work .... xxiii Note on Frontispiece and Title Page xxvi Introduction -Palestine and Its People i. The Land Where Jesus Lived i 2. The People Among Whom Jesus Lived ... 5 Chapter I. The Infancy of Jesus 3. His Parents 14 4. The Manger Cradle at Bethlehem .... 20 5- Wise Men from the East and the Schemes of Herod 23 Chapter II. The Boyhood of Jesus 6. At Home and at School 28 7. A Visit to Jerusalem 33 8. Review of Introduction and Chapters I and II . 39 Chapter III. Jesus Beginning His Work 9. His Baptism 40 10. Conquering Temptation . 46 11. First Followers 51 12. Jesus at a Wedding Feast 54 13. Rebuking the Traders in the Temple .... 58 Chapter IV. Jesus Organizing His Work 14. Calling Disciples 62 15. A Sabbath Day in Capernaum 67 1 6. Doing Good on the Sabbath 70 ix x CONTENTS 17. Choosing Apostles 75 18. The Sermon on the Mount 80 19. Review of Chapters III and IV 86 Chapter V. Jesus Among the People 20. The Centurion's Servant 88 21. Forgiving the Penitent 89 22. A Storm on the Sea 92 23. Casting out of Evil Spirits 94 Chapter VI. Jesus and His Disciples 24. Acknowledged as the Christ 98 25. The Cost and Value of the Christian Life . . 101 26. On the Mountain at Night 105 27. Who Is Greatest in the Kingdom ? . . . . 109 28. How Often Shall I Forgive ? in 29. Review of Chapters V and VI 113 Chapter VII. Later Words and Works of Jesus 30. The Story of the Good Samaritan .... 115 31. The Story of the Prodigal Son 119 32. Blessing Little Children 121 33. The Rich Young Ruler 123 34. Blind Bartimaeus 126 35. The Visit to Zacchaeus 128 Chapter VIII. The Last Days of Jesus on Earth 36. Palm Sunday : j! 37. The Last Supper 133 38. The Betrayal and Arrest 139 39. The Trial and Crucifixion I43 40. Easter Morning 14