YALE UNIVERSITY MRS. HEPSA ELY SILLIMAN MEMORIAL LECTURES RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS SILLIMAN MEMORIAL LECTURES PUBLISHED BY CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS ELECTRICITY AND MATTER By PROF. J. J. THOMSON. Net $1.25 THE INTEGRATIVE ACTION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM By PROF. C. S. SHERRINGTON. Net $3.50 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS By PROF. E. RUTHERFORD. Net $3.50 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS BY E. RUTHERFORD, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. Mac dona Id Professor of Physics, Me Gil I University, Montreal WITH DIAGRAMS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS NEW YORK 1906 Copyright, 1906, BY YALE UNIVERSITY. Published September, 1906 THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. THE SILLIMAN FOUNDATION IN the year 1883 a legacy of eighty thousand dollars was left to the president and Fellows of Yale College in the city of New Haven, to be held in trust, as a gift from her children, in memory of their beloved and hon- ored mother Mrs. Hepsa Ely Silliman. On this foundation Yale College was requested and directed to establish an annual course of lectures de- signed to illustrate the presence and providence, the wisdom and goodness of God, as manifested in the natural and moral world. These were to be designated as the Mrs. Hepsa Ely Silliman Memorial Lectures. It was the belief of the testator that any orderly presentation of the facts of nature or .history contributed to the end of this foundation more effectively than any attempt to emphasize the elements of doctrine or of creed ; and he therefore provided that lectures on dogmatic or polemical theology should be excluded from the scope of this foun- dation, and that the subjects should be selected rather from the domains of natural science and history, giving special prominence to astronomy, chemistry, geology, and anatomy. It was further directed that each annual course should be made the basis of a volume to form part of a series constituting a memorial to Mrs. Silliman. The memo- rial fund came into the possession of the Corporation of Yale University in the year 1902; and the present volume constitutes the third of the series of memorial lectures. i PREFACE THE present work contains the subject matter of eleven lectures delivered under the Silliman Foundation at Yale University, March, 1905. I chose as the subject of my lectures the most recent and at the same time the most interesting development of Radioactivity, namely the transformations which are continuously taking place in radioactive matter. While dealing fully with this aspect of the subject, it was neces- sary for clearness to give some account of radioactive phenomena in general, although with much less com- pleteness than in my previous book on Radioactivity. In arranging the chapters of the present volume, the order in which the subject was dealt with in the lectures has been closely followed, but as our knowledge of the subject is increasing so rapidly, I have thought it desirable to incorporate the results of the many important inves- tigations which have been made since the lectures were delivered. This is .especially the case in the chapter dealing with the a rays, to which much attention has been devoted in the past year on account of the im- portant part they play in radioactive transformations. I am much indebted to my colleagues Professor Hark- ness and Professor Brown for the great care and trouble they have taken in the correction of the proofs and for many useful suggestions. E. RUTHERFORD. McGiLL UNIVERSITY, MONTREAL, June 4, 1906. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION i II. RADIOACTIVE CHANGES IN THORIUM 37 III. THE RADIUM EMANATION 70 IV. TRANSFORMATION OF THE ACTIVE DEPOSIT OF RADIUM . 95 V. ACTIVE DEPOSIT OF RADIUM OF SLOW TRANSFORMATION . 122 VI. ORIGIN AND LIFE OF RADIUM 148 VII. TRANSFORMATION PRODUCTS OF URANIUM AND ACTINIUM, AND THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE RADIOELEMENTS 162 VIII. THE PRODUCTION OF HELIUM FROM RADIUM AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF MATTER 179 IX. RADIOACTIVITY OF THE EARTH AND ATMOSPHERE . . . 196 X. PROPERTIES OF THE RAYS . 219 XL PHYSICAL VIEW OF RADIOACTIVE PROCESSES 256 INDEX ...... 277 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS CHAPTER I HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION THE last decade has been a very fruitful period in physical science, and discoveries of the most striking interest and importance have followed one another in rapid succession. Although the additions to our knowledge have come from investigations in very different fields, yet a close examination shows that they are all intimately related, and each discovery has supplied the necessary stimulus and suggestion to serve as a starting point for the next advance. The march of discovery has been so rapid that it has been difficult even for those directly engaged in the investigations to grasp at once the full significance of the facts that have been brought to light. Especially has this been the case in the field of radioactivity, where the phenomena observed have been so complicated and the laws controlling them so unusual that it has been necessary to introduce conceptions of a novel character for their explanation. The starting point of this epoch in physical science was the discovery by Rontgen of the X-rays in 1895 and the experiments of Lenard on the cathode rays. The extraordinary properties of the X-rays at once focussed the attention of the scientific world, and led to a series of investigations whose object was not only to examine the properties of the rays themselves, but to disclose their real nature and origin. The latter problem led to a much closer investigation of the nature of the cathode rays produced in a vacuum tube, for these rays were seen to be in some way intimately connected with the emission of X-rays. J. J. Thomson in 1897 finally l 2 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS succeeded in proving definitely that the cathode rays consisted of a stream of particles moving with great velocities and carry- ing negative charges of electricity. These particles had an apparent mass only about T ^ pends on the number of a particles shot out per second, and } this, for equal weights, is inversely proportional to the " period " of that substance. For example, the actinium emanation whose period is 3.9 seconds must be, weight for weight, at least one thousand million times as active as radium. It is on account of their enormous activity and consequent rapidity of transforma- tion that such substances can never be obtained in sufficient quantity for chemical analysis. It is only the more slowly changing substances like radium, radiolead, and radiotellurium that collect in sufficient quantity in pitchblende to be chemi- ally isolated in appreciable quantity. It will also be shown later that the radiations emitted from uranium, radium, thorium, and actinium arise only in part from the primary active substance itself. The /3 and 7 rays in all -cases are emitted from the products of the transformation of these elements. These are mixed with the parent substance and add their radiations to it. METHODS OF MEASUREMENTS There are three general properties of the rays from radio- active substances which have been utilized for the purpose of measurements, depending on (1) the action of the rays on a photographic plate, (2) the phosphorescence excited in certain crystalline substances, (3) the ioriization produced by the rays in a gas. Of these the phosphorescent method is limited to substances like radium, actinium, and polonium which emit very intense radiations. The a, /3, and 7 rays all produce a marked luminosity in the platinocyanides and in the mineral willemite (zinc silicate). The mineral kunzite responds mainly to the ]3 24 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS and 7 rays, while Sidot's blende (crystalline zinc sulphide) re- sponds mainly to the a rays. Besides these there are a large number of substances in which a more or less feeble luminosity is excited by the rays. The property of the a rays of producing scintillations on a screen covered with zinc' sulphide is especially interesting, and it has been found possible by this method to de- tect the a rays emitted by feebly active substances like uranium, thorium, and pitchblende. Screens of zinc sulphide have been used as an optical method for demonstrating the presence of the emanations from radium and actinium. Speaking generally, the phosphorescent method, while very interesting as an optical means for examining the rays, is very limited in its application and is only roughly quantitative. The photographic method proved of great service in the early development of radioactivity, but has gradually been displaced by the electric method as quantitative determinations have become more and more necessary. It has proved of special utility in examination of the curvature of the path of the rays in magnetic and electric fields. On the other hand, it does not readily lend itself to quantitative comparisons and is very limited in its appli- cation. In the case of feebly active substances like uranium and thorium, long exposures are necessary to produce much photographic effect. It cannot be utilized to follow the rapid changes of activity which are exhibited by many radioactive products, and is not sufficiently sensitive to detect the presence of rays which are readily observed by the electric method. The development of the subject of radioactivity has largely depended on the electric method of measurement, which is uni- versally applicable, and far transcends in delicacy either of the other two methods. It readily lends itself to rapid quantitative measurements, and can be applied to all the types of radiation which possess the ionizing property. This method is, as we have seen, based on the property of the a, & and y rays of producing charged carriers or ions in the volume of the gas traversed b^ the radiations. Suppose that a layer of radioactive substance urahTtrm^ forexample is placed on the lower of two insulated parallel plates, A and B. (Fig. 3). HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION 25 The gas between the plates is ionized at a constant rate by the radiations, and there results a distribution of positive and nega- tive ions in the volume of air. If no electric field is acting, the number of ions does not increase indefinitely, but soon reaches a maximum, when the rate of production of fresh ions by the radiations exactly compensates for the decrease in the number due to the recombination of the positive and negative ions. This latter effect will obviously tend to take place when the positive and negative ions in the course of their movement come within the sphere of one another's attraction. Suppose now that the plate A is kept charged to a constant potential V, and B - e/t*Ttt FIG. 3. that the rate at which B, initially at zero potential, gains an electric charge is determined by a suitable measuring instru- ment, for example, a quadrant electrometer. Under the influence of the electric field, the positive ions travel to the negative plate and the negative ions to the positive. There is consequently a current through the gas, and the plate B and its connections acquire a positive charge. The rate at which the plate B rises in potential is a relative measure of the current through the gas. When V has a small value, the cur- rent is small, but gradually increases with rise of V, until a stage is reached where the current increases very slightly for a large increment of the value of V. The relation between the 26 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS current and the applied voltage is seen in Fig. 4. The shape of this curve receives a simple explanation on the ionization theory. The ions move with a velocity proportional to the strength of the electric field. In a weak field there is thus a slow movement of the positive and negative ions past one another. A large proportion of the ions have time to recom- bine before they reach the electrodes, and the current observed through the gas is consequently small. As the voltage in- creases, the velocity of the ions increases, and there is less time for recombination. Finally, in a strong field practically all the VOLTS. FIG. 4. Typical saturation curve for an ionized gas. ions are swept to the electrodes before any appreciable recom- bination can occur. The maximum or "saturation" current through the gas is then a measure of the charge carried by the ions produced per second by the radiation, i. e., it is a measure of the total rate of production of ions. The term "saturation," which was applied initially from the resemblance of the current-voltage curve to the magnetization curve for iron, is not very suitable, but has come into use as a convenient though inaccurate method of expressing an experi- mental fact. Other conditions being the same, the voltage required to produce saturation increases with the intensity of the ioniza- VER31TY V HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION 27 tion, i. \ y t st A* J. rt At 7 . \ / where li is the maximum activity. Since the activity, whether for a long or short exposure, finally decays according to an ex- ponential law with the period of 11 hours, it follows, that either thorium A or thorium B is transformed according to this period. Let us suppose for the moment that half of A is transformed in 11 hours. The corresponding value of \ is 1.75 x 10~ 5 (sec)~ 1 . It now remains for us to determine the period of B from con- sideration of the experimental curve. Since it is observed that 52 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS the activity reaches a maximum value after a time T = 220 minutes, on substituting the values of Xj and T in equation (2), the value of X 2 is found to be A 2 = 2.08 X 10~ 4 (sec)- 1 . This corresponds to a change in which half of the matter of thorium B is transformed in 55 minutes. On substituting these values of Xj, X 2 , and T in equation (2), the value of ~ can 1 T be at once determined. The very close agreement between the values deduced from the theory and the experimental numbers is shown in the following table. Time in minutes. I t Theoretical values of jf l f Observed values of -f-. 1 T 15 .22 .23 30 .38 .37 60 .64 .63 120 .90 .91 220 1.00 1.00 305 , .97 .96 The agreement is equally close for still longer periods. After about 6 hours the activity decreases very nearly exponentially, falling to about half value in 11 hours. We thus see that a quantitative explanation of the activity curve can be obtained on the following assumptions : (1) That the matter thorium A deposited from the emanation is half transformed in 11 hours, but does not itself emit rays. (2) That the matter thorium A changes into thorium B. which is half transformed in 55 minutes, and emits all three types of rays. A very interesting point arises in the selection of the periods of the transformation of thorium A and B. We assumed that the period of 11 hours belonged to A rather than to B, but the activity curve itself gives us no information on this question. We see that equation (2) is symmetrical in regard to Xj, X 2 , RADIOACTIVE CHANGES IN THORIUM 5B and in consequence would not be altered by an interchange of their values. In order to settle this question definitely, it is necessary to isolate thorium B from the mixture of A and B, and separately determine its period. If it is found possible to isolate an active product from the mixture of A and B which decays exponentially, falling off to half value in 55 minutes, it follows at once that the "ray " product B has this period, and that the 11 hour period belongs to A, the "rayless" product. This separation has actually been accomplished by several ex- perimental methods, and the results completely confirm the theory already considered, and at the same time illustrate in a remarkable way the differences in physical and chemical proper- ties of the two products, thorium A and B. Pegram l examined the radioactivity produced in the elec- trodes by electrolysis of a thorium solution, and, under suitable conditions, obtained a product, the activity of which decayed exponentially, falling to half value in about 1 hour. Von Lerch 2 made a number of experiments on the effect of electrolyzing a solution of the active deposit of thorium, ob- tained by solution in hydrochloric acid of the active deposit on a platinum wire. Deposits of varying rates of decay were ob- tained under different conditions, some decaying to half value in 11 hours, and others at a more rapid rate. By using nickel electrodes, he obtained an active substance which decayed ex- ponentially, falling to half value in one hour. Considering the close agreement between the calculated and observed periods, viz., 55 and 60 minutes respectively, there can be no doubt that the ray product, thorium B, had been completely separated from the mixture of A and B by electrolysis. The rates of decay of the deposits obtained under different conditions are readily explained, for in most cases A and B are deposited elec- trolytically together, but in varying proportions. This result was still further confirmed by Miss Slater, 3 using a different method. A platinum wire, made active by exposure 1 Pegram: Phys. Rev., Dec., 1903. 2 Von Lerch: Annal. d. Phys., Nov., 1903; Akad. Wiss. Wien, March, 1905. 3 Miss Slater : Phil Mag., May, 1905. 54 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS to the emanation, was heated to a high temperature by means of an electric current. Miss Gates had previously l observed that although the activity of a platinum wire was lost by heat- ing to a white heat, yet if the heated body was surrounded by a cold tube, the activity after heating was found to be dis- tributed in undiminished amount over the interior of the tube. This experiment showed that the activity had not been destroyed by the action of a high temperature, but that the active matter had been volatilized by heat and redeposited on the surrounding cold bodies. Miss Slater examined the rates of decay, both of the activity left behind on the wire, and of that distributed on a lead cylinder surrounding the wire, after heating the latter for a short time at different temperatures. After exposure to a temperature of 700 C. for a few minutes, the activity of the wire was slightly reduced. The activity on the lead cylinder was small at first, but increased, reaching a maximum after about 4 hours, and then decaying exponentially with a period of 11 hours. This variation of activity is almost exactly the same as that observed (Fig. 15) for a wire exposed for a short in- terval to the thorium emanation; i. e., under conditions in which the matter initially consisted almost entirely of thorium A. This result, then, shows that some thorium A was driven off by heat, and deposited on the surface of the lead cylinder. On heating to about 1000 C. nearly all the thorium A was re- moved, for it was observed that the activity left behind on the wire decayed exponentially, falling to half value in about 1 hour. At a temperature of 1200 C., nearly all the thorium B also was volatilized. These results thus show conclusively that the period of the ray product, thorium B, is about 1 hour, and that the period of 11 hours must be ascribed to the rayless product, thorium A. We therefore see that it has been found possible to isolate the components of a mixture of thorium A and B by two distinct methods, the one depending on the dif- ference in electrolytic behavior of the two substances, and the other on their difference in volatility. This is a very interesting result, for it not only indicates the difference in physical and 1 Miss Gates: Phys. "Rev., p. 300, 1903. RADIOACTIVE CHANGES IN THORIUM 55 chemical nature of the two components of the active deposit, but also shows how a separation of two substances existing together in almost infinitesimal amounts can be effected by specially devised methods. It is at first sight a most surprising result that we are able, not only to detect the presence, but also to determine the physical and chemical properties of a product like thorium A, which does not manifest its presence by the emission of radia- tions. This, as we have seen, is rendered possible by the fact that the product of its transformation emits rays. But for this property the presence of thorium A or B would never have been detected by the means at our disposal. It has been seen that after a long exposure to the thorium emanation, the excited activity at once commences to diminish. This result necessarily follows from general considerations. If the body is exposed in the presence of a constant supply of the emanation for about a week, the activity produced reaches a steady limiting value. When this is the case, the number of atoms of each product supplied per second is equal to the number of each which breaks up per second. Immediately after removal from the emanation, the amount of A begins to diminish according to an exponential law, and it can be shown both theoretically and experimentally that the activity, which is a measure of the amount of thorium B, does not at first diminish accurately according to an exponential law, with an 11 hour period, but somewhat more slowly. Several hours after removal, however, the decay is very nearly exponential. It is a matter of interest to observe that the activity for a long exposure does not decay according to the period of the ray-emitting substance, but according to that of the "rayless" product. The decay in such a case will always follow the longer period, no matter whether the substance, which is trans- formed according to that period, gives out rays or not. We may at this stage briefly summarize the conclusions arrived at: "(1) The thorium emanation is a gas which is half transformed in 54 seconds, and emits only a rays. 56 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS (2) The emanation changes into a solid called thorium A, which is half transformed in 11 hours, but which does not emit rays. (3) The thorium A in turn changes into a product, thorium B, emitting a, /3, and 7 rays, which is half transformed in about 1 hour. The successive changes occurring in the emanation are shown diagrammatically below : a particle a particle A A ray Emanation > Thorium A > Thorium B > ? At present we have no definite information with regard to the product of transformation of thorium B. It is either inactive, or active to such a minute extent that its properties cannot be determined by the electric method. ^N SEPARATION OF THORIUM X It is now necessary to go back a stage and investigate the origin of the emanation. We shall first consider an important series of experiments by Rutherford and Soddy, 1 which have not only solved this question, but also have thrown a strong light on the processes occurring in thorium. A small quantity of thorium nitrate was taken and dissolved in water. Sufficient ammonia was then added to precipitate the thorium present as hydroxide. The filtrate remaining was then evaporated to . dryness, and the ammonium salts driven off by heating. The small residue finally obtained was, weight for weight, over one thousand times as active as the original thorium nitrate. The great activity of this residue, as com- pared with ordinary thorium, can be readily illustrated by means of the electroscope. The active residue obtained from 50 grams of the nitrate causes the gold leaves of the electroscope to collapse in a few seconds, while a weight of thorium nitrate equal to that of the residue causes hardly an appreciable movement. 1 Rutherford and Soddy : Phil. Mag., Sept. and Nov., 1902. RADIOACTIVE CHANGES IN THORIUM 57 The active substance present in this residue was called for convenience, thorium X (ThX). It probably exists in almost infinitesimal quantity mixed with the impurities left behind after the evaporation of the reagent, together possibly with a small trace of thorium which escaped precipitation. Since ThX is derived from the thorium salt, the latter must have been deprived of some of its activity. This was found to be the case, for the thorium hydroxide, so separated, had only about half of the activity to be normally expected. The a ray activity of the ThX and the precipitated hydroxide were examined at intervals by means of an electrometer. The activity of ThX was not permanent, but increased for the first day and then decayed exponentially, falling to half value in about 4 days. After a month's interval, the activity sank to a minute fraction of its original value. The curve showing the variation of activity of ThX with time is seen in Fig. 16, Curve I. Now let us turn our attention to the precipitated hydroxide. The activity of this decreased to some extent during the first day, passed through a minimum, and then steadily increased again with the time, reaching an almost steady value after a month's interval. These results are shown in Fig. 16, Curve II. The two curves of decay of ThX, and of recovery of activity of the thorium, bear a very simple relation to one another. The initial rise in the ThX curve is seen to correspond to a fall in the recovery curve of the thorium, and when the activity of ThX has almost disappeared the activity of the thorium has practically reached a maximum value. The sum of the activi- ties of the ThX and of the thorium from which it was separated is very nearly constant over the whole range of the experiment. The two curves of recovery and decay are complementary to each other. As fast as the ThX loses its activity, the thorium regains it. This relation between the curves is, at first view, most remarkable, and it would appear as if there were some mutual influence between the ThX and the thorium compound from which it was removed, so that the latter absorbed the 58 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS activity lost by the former. This position is, however, quite untenable, for the rise and recovery curves are independent, and are unaltered if the thorium and ThX are kept in sealed vessels far removed from each other. If the thorium hydroxide after FIG. 16. Decay of activity of thorium X and recovery of activity of thorium deprived of ThX. recovering its activity is again dissolved and ammonia added, the amount of ThX separated is found to be the same as thai obtained from the first experiment. This process can be repeate< indefinitely, and equal quantities of ThX always be separatee RADIOACTIVE CHANGES IN THORIUM 59 provided that about a month elapses between each precipitation in order to allow the thorium to regain its lost activity. This shows that there is a fresh growth of ThX in the thorium after each precipitation. We shall now consider the explanation of the connection between the decay and recovery curves. For the moment we shall disregard the initial irregularities shown by the two curves, which will be discussed later. If the recovery curve of Fig. 16 20 12 16 Time in Days FIG. 17. Decay curve of thorium X and recovery curve of thorium, from measurements one day after removal of the thorium X. is produced backwards to cut the vertical axis, it does so at a minimum of 25 per cent. The curve of recovery of the lost activity reckoned from this 25 per cent minimum is shown in Fig. 17. In the same figure is shown the decay curve of ThX beginning after the second day and plotted to the same scale. The decay curve of the ThX is exponential, decreasing to half 60 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS value in about 4 days. The decrease of activity from the initial value / is given by the equation The two curves are complementary, and the sum of the or- dinates at any time is equal to 100 on the arbitrary scale. After 4 days, the activity of ThX has decayed to half value, and in the same interval the thorium has regained half its lost activity. The recovery curve is thus expressed by an equation of the form where I t is the activity recovered after any time t, and I Q the maximum activity which is regained when a steady state is reached. In this equation X has exactly the same value as for the decay curve. Following the same line of argument employed to interpret the decay curve of the emanation (page 43), we may suppose that the ThX is an unstable substance which is half transformed in 4 days, the amount of ThX breaking up per second being always proportional to the amount present. The radiation con- sisting of a rays accompanies the change, and is also proportional to the amount of ThX present. Now we have seen that fresh ThX is produced in the thorium after the first supply has been removed. This production of ThX proceeds at a constant rate, but the amount of ThX present in the thorium cannot increase indefinitely, for at the same time the ThX is being changed continuously into another substance. A steady state will obviously be reached when the rate of production of new ThX exactly compensates for the rate of disappearance of ThX due to its own transformation. Now the number of atoms of ThX which break up per second is equal to \N where X is the radioactive constant of ThX, and N is the number of atoms of ThX present at any time. A steady state is reached when the number q o atoms of RADIOACTIVE CHANGES IN THORIUM 61 fresh ThX supplied per second is equal to the number which break up per second, where N is the maximum number present when equilibrium is reached; i. e., At any time the rate of increase of the number of atoms ctt of ThX present is equal to the difference between the rate of supply and the rate of disappearance; i. e., dN The solution of this equation is of the form N= a e~ + b, where a and b are constants. Since N = when t = 0, a + b =0, and remembering that when = oo , Nis equal to JV , a = b = N , and consequently N -^ = 1 e - ^o This theoretical equation expressing the number of atoms of ThX present at any time is thus identical in form with the equation of variation of activity obtained experimentally. We therefore see that the decay and recovery curves of ThX are completely explained on the simple hypotheses : (1) That there is a constant production of fresh ThX from the thorium; (2) That the ThX is continuously transformed, the amount changing per second being always proportional to the amount present. The hypothesis (2) has been previously shown to be merely another method of expression of the observed exponential law of decay of the activity of ThX. The first hypothesis can be proved experimentally. The 62 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS amount N of ThX present after the growth has been continued for a time t should be given by where N Q is the equilibrium amount. Since the ThX is half transformed in 4 days, \ = .173 (day)" 1 . At the end of 1 day after complete removal of the ThX, the amount formed consequently should be 16 per cent of the maxi- mum; after 4 days, 50 per cent; after 8 days, 75 per cent, and so on. Now it was found experimentally that three rapid pre- cipitations of thorium by ammonia almost completely freed it from ThX for the time being. After standing for definite periods, the ThX present was removed and the amounts ob- tained were found to be in good agreement with the theory. We thus see that the apparent constant radioactivity of thorium is really the result of two opposing processes of growth and decay ; for radioactive matter is being continuously formed, and this matter in turn is continuously changing, and conse- quently losing its activity. There is thus a type of chemical equilibrium in which the rate of production of new matter balances the rate at which the new matter is transformed. SOURCE OF THE THORIUM EMANATION A thorium compound completely freed from ThX gives off very little emanation, even in a state of solution. On the other hand, the ammonia solution which contains the ThX gives off a large amount. The removal of ThX is thus accompanied by the removal of the emanating power of thorium. It seems prob- able, therefore, that the emanation is derived from ThX, and further experiment has proved this to be the case. If a solution of ThX is taken, and a constant stream of air bubbled through it, the amount of emanation liberated is found to decrease expo- nentially, falling to half value in 4 days. This is exactly the result to be expected if ThX is the parent of the emanation, for the activity of ThX is a measure of the number of atoms of ThX breaking up per second, i. e., a measure of the number RADIOACTIVE CHANGES IN THORIUM 6B of atoms of the new substance which is formed. The rate of production of emanation by the ThX should, on this view, be always proportional to the activity of ThX, and consequently should diminish at the same rate and according to the same law. This, as we have seen, has been experimentally observed. Although the thorium after removal of ThX is for the time almost entirely deprived of the power of emitting an emanation, this property is gradually regained, according to the same law as the recovery law of ThX shown in Fig. 17. This result follows naturally if ThX is the parent of the emanation. The emanating power should be proportional to the amount of ThX present, and should consequently vary pari passu with it. We may thus conclude with confidence that the property of emitting an emanation is not a direct property of thorium itself, but belongs to its product ThX. INITIAL IRREGULARITIES IN THE DECAY AND RECOVERY CURVES We are now in a position to explain the initial irregularities in the decay and recovery curves shown in Fig. 16. The activity of the separated ThX at first increases, while the activity of the precipitated thorium at first diminishes. Now the active deposit produced from the emanation is insoluble in ammonia, and consequently is left behind with the thorium. The ThX after separation produces the emanation, and this, in turn, is transformed into thorium A and B. The activity sup- plied by thorium B more than compensates at first for the decay of the activity of ThX alone. The activity consequently rises, but since the rates of transformation of A and B are rapid com- pared with that of ThX, after about one day equilibrium is practically reached, when very nearly the same number of atoms of ThX, and of each of its products, break up per second. When this is the case the activity of the emanation and of thorium B will vary exactly in the same way as that of the parent substance ThX. The activity of the active residue which is a measure of the activity due to ThX, the emanation, 64 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS and thorium B together will in consequence decrease expo- nentially, falling to half value in four days. Since the active deposit produced by the emanation in the mass of the thorium compound is not removed with the ThX, the activity due to it must at first diminish, for, in the ab- sence of ThX and the emanation, there is no fresh supply of thorium A and B to compensate for their transformation. The activity of the thorium will thus diminish until the fresh supply of activity due to ThX and its succeeding products com- pensates for the decrease in the activity of the deposit. The activity will then be at a minimum, and will afterwards increase with the time, in consequence of the continued production of ThX. The complementary character of the curves of decay and recovery, quite apart from the special considerations here ad- vanced, is a necessary consequence of the laws governing radioactive changes. The rate of transformation, so far as observation has gone, is not affected by physical and chemical conditions. The transformation of ThX, when mixed with thorium, takes place at the same rate, and according to the same laws, as when it is isolated from the thorium by a chemical process. When the activity of a thorium compound has reached a constant value, the activity is then due to the various active products formed in it. If a product is separated by chemical or other means from the thorium compound, the activity due to this product plus that due to the thorium and the active products left behind, must be equal to the constant value of the activity of the original thorium in equilibrium. This follows at once, for otherwise there would be a creation or destruction of radioactivity by the mere removal of one of the products, and this would involve a gain or loss of radioactive energy. If, as in the case of ThX, the separated product first increases and then decreases in activity, there must be a corresponding decrease followed by an increase in the activity of the thorium from which it has been separated, in order that the sum of the activ- ities of the two may be constant. This principle of the conservation of the total amount of RADIOACTIVE CHANGES IN THORIUM 65 radioactivity applies not only to thorium, but to radioactive substances generally. The total radioactivity of any substance in equilibrium cannot be altered by any physical or chemical agency, although the radioactivity may be manifested in a series of products, capable of separation from the parent substance. There is reason to believe, however, that the radioactivity of the primary active substances is not strictly permanent, but diminishes slowly, although in the case of feebly active elements like uranium and thorium, probably no appreciable change would be detected in a million years. With an intensely active body like radium, it will be shown later that in all probability the sum total of the activity will ultimately decay exponentially, decreasing to half value in about thirteen hundred years. Provided, however, that the period of observation is small compared with the life of the primary substance, the principle of the constancy of the radioactivity is a sufficiently accurate expression of the experimental results. Many examples in support of this principle will be found in succeeding chapters of this book. METHODS OF SEPARATION OF THORIUM PRODUCTS In addition to ammonia, several reagents have been found capable of removing ThX from thorium solutions. Schlundt and R. B. Moore 1 found that pyridine and fumaric acid separate ThX from thorium nitrate solutions. These reagents differ from ammonia in removing the inactive product, thorium A, with the ThX, while the active product, thorium B, is left behind with the thorium. Von Lerch 2 has shown that ThX can be separated by elec- trolysis from an alkaline solution of ThX, using amalgamated zinc, copper, mercury, or platinum as electrodes. The period of ThX has been accurately determined, and found to be 3.64 days. In addition, Von Lerch found that ThX was deposited on different metals by leaving them for several hours in an alkaline solution of ThX. Iron and zinc removed the greatest 1 Schlundt and R. B. Moore: Journ. Phys. Chem., Nov., 1905. 2 Von Lerch: Wien. Ber., March, 1905. 5 66 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS quantity. A nickel plate dipped into an acid solution of the active deposit becomes coated with thorium B, for the activity observed on the metal decays exponentially with a period of 1 hour. Other metals similarly treated also became active, but their rates of decay show that they are coated with a mixture of thorium A and of thorium B. These results have shown in a striking way the differences in physical and chemical properties of the various thorium prod- ucts. The methods of separation of the infinitesimal quan- tities of matter present are as definite as the ordinary chemical methods, applied to matter existing in considerable amount, while the radiating property serves as a simple and reliable method of qualitative and quantitative analysis. CHANGES IN THORIUM We have so far shown that thorium produces ThX, and that the latter is transformed into the emanation, which undergoes two further changes into thorium A and thorium B. If thorium is subjected to a succession of precipitations with ammonia, extending over several days, the ThX is removed as fast as it is formed, and the active deposit has time to disap- pear. The activity of the thorium then sinks to a minimum of 25 per cent of its value when in equilibrium. The recovery curve of the thorium treated in this way does not show the initial decrease already referred to, but rises steadily, according to the recovery curve shown in Fig. 17. It is thus seen that thorium itself supplies only 25 per cent of the total a ray activ- ity of thorium when in equilibrium, and that the rest is due to ThX, the emanation, and thorium B. Each of these a ray prod- ucts supplies about 25 per cent of the total activity. Such a result is to be expected, for, when in equilibrium, an equal number of atoms of thorium ThX, the emanation, and thorium B must break up per second. This is based on the reasonable supposition, that each atom in breaking up gives rise to one atom of the succeeding product. The results, so far obtained, are completely explained on the disintegration theory put for- ward by Rutherford and Soddy. On this theory, a minute con- RADIOACTIVE CHANGES IN THORIUM 67 slant fraction of the atoms of thorium becomes unstable every second, and breaks up with the expulsion of an a particle. The residue of the atom after the loss of an a particle becomes an atom of a new substance, thorium X. This is far more unstable than the thorium itself, and breaks up with the expulsion of an a particle, half the matter being transformed in 4 days. ThX in turn changes into the emanation, which again breaks up into the active deposit, consisting of two successive products, thorium A and thorium B. The atom of thorium B breaks up with the ac- companiment of an a and a /3 particle, and 7 rays. Thorium A is transformed into thorium B without the appearance of rays. Such a change may consist either of a rearrangement of the parts constituting the atom without the projection of a part of its mass, or of the expulsion of an a particle at too low a velocity to ionize the gas. From the considerations advanced later in Chapter X, the latter supposition does not appear improbable. A table of the products of thorium and some of their charac- teristic physical and chemical properties is given below. TABLE OF TRANSFORMATION PRODUCTS OF THORIUM. Radioactive product. Time to be half transformed. Nature of rays. Some physical and chemical properties. Thorium About 10 9 years a Insoluble in ammonia. Thorium X 4 days a Separated from thorium by its solubility in ammonia and in water and by electrolysis ; sep- arated also by f umaric acid and > pyridine. Emanation 54 sees. a A chemically inert gas of high molecular weight ; condenses from gases at a temperature of > f -120 C. Thorii N im A r 11 hours No rays'l Deposited on the surface of bod- ies ; concentrated on the nega- tive electrode in an electric Thorium B 1 hour " & 7 ) field ; soluble in strong acids ; volatilized at high tempera- tures. A is more volatile than B. A can be separated from B by electrolysis and by its dif- \ ' r I ference in volatility. 68 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS The family of products of thorium is graphically represented in Fig. 18. RADIOTHORIUM There has been a considerable difference of opinion as to whether thorium is a true radioactive element or not, i. e., as to whether the activity of thorium is due to thorium itself, or to some active substance normally always associated with it. Some experimenters state that by special methods they have obtained an almost inactive substance giving the chemical tests of tho- rium. Some recent work of Hahn J is of especial importance in this connection. THORIUM. rnoK.x. E/viflNariON. THOR.A. THOR.B. FIG. 18. Family of thorium products. Working with the Ceylon mineral, thorianite, which consists mainly of thorium and 12 per cent of uranium, Hahn was able by special chemical methods to separate a small amount of a substance comparable in activity with radium. This substance, which has been named " radiothorium, " gave off the thorium emanation to such an intense degree that the presence of the emanation could be easily seen by the luminosity produced on a zinc sulphide screen. Thorium X could be separated from it in the same way as from thorium, while the excited activity pro- duced by the emanation decayed with the period of 11 hours characteristic for thorium. The activity of radiothorium seems to be fairly permanent, and it seems probable that this active i Hahn : Proc. Roy. Soc., March 16, 1905 ; Jahrbuch. d. Radioaktivitat, II, Heft 3. 1905. RADIOACTIVE CHANGES IN THORIUM 69 substance is in reality a lineal product of thorium intermediate between thorium and thorium X. The radiothorium produces thorium X, which in turn produces the emanation. It still remains to be shown that this active substance can be separated from ordinary thorium, but there can be little doubt that radio- thorium is either the active constituent mixed with thorium, or, what is more probable, that it is a product of thorium. We shall see later that actinium itself is inactive, although it gives rise to a succession of active products remarkably similar in many respects to the family of products observed in thorium. The results of Hahn suggest that the transformation of thorium itself may be rayless, but that the succeeding product, radio- thorium, gives out rays. Further results are required before such a conclusion can be considered as definitely established, but the results so far obtained by Hahn are of the greatest interest and importance. CHAPTER III THE RADIUM EMANATION SHORTLY after the writer l had shown that thorium compounds continuously emit a radioactive emanation, Dorn 2 found that radium possesses a similar property. Very little emanation is emitted from radium compounds in a solid state, but it escapes freely when the radium is dissolved or heated. While the emanations of thorium and radium possess very analogous properties, they can readily be distinguished from each other by the difference in the rates of decay of their activities. While the activity of the thorium emanation decreases to half value in 54 seconds, and practically disappears in the course of 10 minutes, that of the radium emanation is far more persistent, for it takes nearly 4 days to be reduced to half value, and is still appreciable after a month's interval. In physical and chemical properties the radium emanation is very similar to that of thorium, but, on account of its great activity and comparatively slow rate of change, it has been .studied in more detail than the latter. It has been found possi- ble to isolate it chemically and to measure its volume, as well as to observe its spectrum. The activity and concomitant heat- ing effect, which are enormous in comparison with the amount of matter involved, have drawn strong attention to this substance, for the effects produced are of a magnitude that can neither be easily explained nor explained away. For these reasons, we shall consider in some detail the more important chemical and physical properties of the radium emanation, and the connection that exists between them. The study of this substance will throw additional light on the general theory of radioactivity which has already been developed in the last chapter. 1 Rutherford: Phil. Mag., Jan., Feb., 1900. 2 Dorn: Naturforsch. Ges. fur Halle a. S., 1900. THE RADIUM EMANATION 71 The salts of radium, generally employed in experimental work, are the bromide and the chloride. Both of these com- pounds emit very little emanation into a dry atmosphere. The emanation produced is stored up or occluded in the mass of the substance, but is released by heating or dissolving the compound. The enormous activity of the emanation set free from radium is very well illustrated by the following simple experiment. A minute crystal of the bromide or chloride is dropped into a small wash bottle. A few cubic centimeters of water are added to dissolve the compound, and the bottle is immediately closed. A slow current of air is then sent through the solution, and is carried along a narrow glass tube into the interior of an elec- troscope. If the electroscope is initially charged the leaves are observed to collapse almost immediately after the air reaches it. It is then found impossible to cause a divergence of the leaves for more than a moment. If the emanation is all blown out from the electroscope by a current of air, the leaves are still observed to collapse rapidly, although the emanation has been completely removed. This residual activity is due to an active deposit left on the sides of the vessel. In this respect, the emanation of radium possesses a similar property to that of thorium. The activity, however, diminishes more rapidly than in the case of thorium, for most of the electrical effect due to it disappears in a few hours, while in the case of thorium the effect lasts for several days. Measurements of the rate of decay of the activity of the ema- nation have been made by several observers. Rutherford and Soddy * stored a quantity of air mixed with emanation in a small gasometer over mercury, and a definite volume was withdrawn at intervals and discharged into a testing vessel such as is shown in Fig. 10. The activity observed in the vessel increased for several hours after the introduction of the emanation on account of the formation of the active deposit. By determining the saturation current immediately after the passage of the emana- tion into the testing cylinder, the quantity of emanation initially 1 Rutherford and Soddy: Phil. Mag., April, 1903. 72 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS present was measured. In this way it was found that the amount of emanation present decreased according to an exponential law, falling to half value in 3.77 days. P. Curie 1 determined the constant of decay of the emanation in a somewhat different way. A large quantity of emanation was introduced into a glass tube, which was then sealed off, and the ionization due to the issuing rays was measured at intervals by an electrometer in a suitable testing vessel. Now it will be seen later that the emanation gives out only a rays, which are completely stopped by a thickness of glass less than ^ mm. ; consequently the rays from the emana- tion were absorbed in the walls of the glass tube. The electrical effect produced in the testing vessel was due entirely to the ft and 7 rays which are emitted from the active deposit produced on the inside of the tube by the emanation. Since after about 3 hours the active deposit is in radioactive equilibrium with the emanation, and then decays at the same rate as the parent substance, the intensity of the /3 and 7 rays will diminish at the same rate and according to the same law as the emanation itself. In this way the activity was found to diminish according to an exponential law, falling to half value in 3.99 days. The agree- ment of these periods of decay obtained by different methods shows that the amount of the active deposit is always propor- tional to the amount of emanation present at any time during the life of the emanation. This is one of the proofs that the active deposit is a product of the decomposition of the emanation. Further experiments to determine the constant of decay of the emanation have been made by Bumstead and Wheeler, 2 and Sackur. 3 The former found that the activity decreased to half value in 3.88 days, and the latter found the period to be 3.8.6 days. We may thus 'conclude that the emanation decays ex- ponentially with a period of about 3.8 days. The emanation from radium is almost entirely released boiling a solution of the compound or by aspirating air througl it. The active deposit is left behind with the radium, but thii 1 P. Curie: Comptes rendus, cxxxv, p. 857 (1902). ' 2 Bumstead and Wheeler : Amer. Jour. Science, Feb., 1904. 8 Sackur: Ber. d. d. chem. Ges., xxxviii, No. 7, p. 1754 (1905). THE RADIUM EMANATION 73 disappears after several hours. If the radium solution is then evaporated to dryness, the activity measured by the a rays is found to have reached a minimum of about 25 per cent of the normal value. If kept in a dry atmosphere, the emanation pro- duced from the radium is occluded in its mass, and the activity of the radium consequently increases, reaching its normal steady value after about one month. The recovery curve of the activ- ity of radium from the 25 per cent minimum is shown in Fig. 19. The decay curve of the emanation is added for comparison. /oo FIG. 19. Decay curve of the radium emanation and recovery curve of the activity of radium measured by the a rays, from the 25 per cent minimum. As in the case of thorium, the decay and recovery curves are complementary to each other. The activity of the emana- tion falls to half value in about 3.8 days, while half of the lost activity of the radium is recovered in the same interval. The activity of the emanation released from the radium is thus given at any time by the equation 74 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS while the equation of the recovery curve from the minimum is h - I _ ' i. e., the amount of the emanation N stored up in the radium after standing for a time t is given by where N is the maximum amount. These curves are explained in exactly the same way as the similar curves for thorium. The emanation is an unstable substance which is half transformed in 3.8 days. It is produced at a constant rate by the radium, and the activity of the radium reaches a steady value when the rate of production of fresh emanation balances the rate of dis- appearance of that already formed. A radium compound initially freed from emanation will have grown a maximum supply again about one month later, and this process of removal and fresh growth may be continued indefi- nitely. If NO be the number of atoms of emanation presenl ^vvhen in equilibrium, the rate q of supply of fresh atoms oi emanation by the radium is equal to the number lost by its owi decomposition, i. e., The value of X thus has a definite physical meaning, for i1 represents the fraction of the equilibrium amount of emanatioi supplied per second, as well as the fraction of the emanatioi which breaks up per second. Taking the period of the emana- tion as 3.8 days, the value of X, with the second as the unit oi time is 1/474000, or, in other words, the rate of supply of the emanation per second is 1/474000 of the equilibrium amounl This result is well illustrated by a very simple experimenl described by Rutherford and Soddy. A small quantity oi radium chloride in radioactive equilibrium was dropped in I hot water. The accumulated emanation released by solutioi THE RADIUM EMANATION 75 was swept with a current of air into a suitable testing vessel, and the saturation current immediately measured. The current so determined is a comparative measure of JVi, the equilibrium amount of emanation stored up in the radium. The radium solution was then aspirated with air for some time, to remove the last trace of accumulated emanation, and then allowed to stand undisturbed for 105 minutes. The emanation accumulated in this interval was then swept into a similar testing vessel and the saturation current again deter- mined. This current is a measure of the amount N t of the N emanation formed in the interval. The ratio was found to be .0131, and disregarding the small decay of the emanation during such a short interval, N t = q X 105 X 60. It follows that -j=r = 1/480000. Allowing for the small decay during the interval, jf = 1/477000. From the constant of decay of the emanation we have seen that A = J^ = 1/474000. The agreement between theory and experiment is thus re- markably close, and is a direct proof that the production of emanation in a solid compound proceeds at the same rate as in the solution. In the former case it is occluded, and in the latter, part is retained in the solution and the rest in the air space above it. It is surprising how tenaciously the emanation is held by dry radium compounds. Experiment showed that the emanating power in the solid state was less than one half per cent of the emanating power in solution. Since a radium compound stores 76 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS up nearly 500,000 times as much emanation as is produced per second, the result shows that the amount of emanation escaping per second is less than one hundred millionth part of that oc- cluded in the compound. The rate of escape of emanation is much increased in a moist atmosphere and by rise of temperature. The recovery curve of a solid radium compound freed from emanation is altered if the conditions allow much of the recov- ered emanation to escape. Under such conditions, the maximum activity is reached more quickly, and is far smaller than the normal activity of a non-emanating compound. This property of radium of retaining its emanation is difficult to explain satisfactorily unless it is assumed that there is some slight chemical combination between the emanation and the radium producing it. Godlewski l has suggested that the eman- ation is in a state of solid solution with the parent matter. This point of view is supported by certain observations made by him on the rapidity of diffusion of the product uranium X into a uranium compound. A discussion of his results will be given later in Chapter VII. CONDENSATION OF THE EMANATION For several years after the discovery of the emanations from thorium and radium, there existed considerable difference of opinion as to their real nature. Some physicists suggested that they were not material, but consisted of centres of force attached to the molecules of gas with which the emanation was mixed, and moving with them. Others held that the emana- tion was a gas present in such minute amount that it was diffi- cult to detect by means of the spectroscope or by direct chemical methods. The objections urged against the material character of the emanation were to a large extent removed by the dis- covery, made by Rutherford and Soddy, 2 that the emanations of thorium and radium possessed a characteristic property of gases inasmuch as they could be condensed from the inactive gas with which they were mixed by the action of extreme cold. 1 Godlewski: Phil. Mag., July, 1905. 2 Rutherford and Soddy: Phil. Mag., May, 1903. THE RADIUM EMANATION 77 As a result of a careful series of experiments, it was found that the emanation from radium condensed at a temperature of 150 C. The condensation and volatilization points were very sharply defined, and did not differ by more than 1 C. The thorium emanation commenced to condense at about 120 C., but the condensation was not usually completed until a tempera- ture of 150 C. was reached. The probable cause of this in- teresting difference in behavior of the two emanations will be discussed presently. If a large amount of emanation is available, the condensation of the radium emanation can readily be followed by the eye. The experimental arrangement is clearly shown in Fig. 20. The emanation mixed with air is stored in a small gasometer, and is then slowly passed through a U tube im- mersed in liquid air. This U tube is filled with fragments of wil- lemite, or crystals of barium platinocyanide, which become luminous under the influence of the rays from the ema- nation. If the current of air mixed with emanation is passed very slowly through the tube, the fragments of willemite begin to glow brightly just below the level of the liquid air, and the luminosity can be concentrated over a short length of the tube. This shows that the emanation has been condensed at the tem- perature of liquid air, and is deposited on the walls of the tube and on the surface of the willemite. If the U tube is then partially exhausted and closed with stopcocks, the emanation still remains concentrated for some minutes on the tube and willemite, although the liquid air is removed. When, however, the temperature of the tube rises to 150 C., the emanation is rapidly volatilized, and distributed throughout the tube. This RADIUM EMANATION FIG. 20. 78 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS is observed by the sudden distribution of the luminosity through- out the whole mass of willemite in the U tube. The point of condensation remains brighter than the rest of the tube for some time. This is due to the fact that the emanation, even in the condensed state, has produced the active deposit. When the emanation is volatilized, the active deposit remains behind, and the rays from it cause a greater luminosity at that point. After an hour's interval this difference of luminosity has almost dis- appeared, and the willemite glows throughout with a uniform light. The luminosity can at any time be concentrated at any point by local cooling with liquid air. If the U tube is filled with different layers of phosphorescent materials, like willemite, kunzite, zinc sulphide, and barium platinocyanide, the emanation after volatilization is equally distributed, and each layer of material glows with its own pecu liar light. The greenish luminosity of the willemite and barium platinocyanide is not easily distinguishable, except for a differ ence of intensity. The kunzite glows with a deep red color while the zinc sulphide emits a yellow light. There are severa interesting points of distinction between the action of the ray of the emanation and of the active deposit on these substances Unlike the other substances mentioned, the luminosity of zinc sulphide largely disappears at the temperature of liquid air, bu revives at a higher temperature. The a rays produce a markec luminosity in willemite, the platinocyanides, and zinc sulphide but have little or no effect in lighting up kunzite. The latter i sensitive only to the /3 and 7 rays emitted from the active deposit In consequence of this, the kunzite is very feebly luminous when the emanation is first introduced. The light, however, increases in intensity as the active deposit is produced by the emanation and reaches a maximum about three hours after the introduction of the emanation. After barium platinocyanide has been exposec for some time to the action of a large amount of the emanation the crystals change to a reddish tinge, and the luminosity is much reduced. This has been shown to be due to a permanen change in the crystals by the action of the rays. By re-solution and crystallization, the luminosity again returns. THE RADIUM EMANATION 79 Curie and Debierne early showed that glass becomes luminous under the action of the rays from the emanation. This effect is most marked in Thuringian glass, but as a rule the luminosity is feeble compared with that produced in willemite or zinc sul- phide. The glass becomes colored under the action of the rays, and with strong emanation is rapidly blackened. The sharpness of the temperature of volatilization of the radium emanation was very clearly illustrated by some experi- ments made by Rutherford and Soddy, using the electric method. FIG. 21. Determination of the temperature of condensation of the radium emanation by the electric method. The emanation collected in the gasometer, B, was condensed in a long spiral copper tube, S, (see Fig. 21) immersed in liquid air, and a slow steady stream of air after passing through the tube entered a small testing vessel, T. After condensation the copper spiral was removed from the liquid air and allowed to heat up very slowly. The temperature was deduced from measurements of the resistance of the copper spiral. Just be- fore the point of volatilization was reached, very little effect was observed in the testing vessel. Suddenly a rapidly increas- ing movement of the electrometer needle was noted, and by 80 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS using a large quantity of emanation the rate of movement in- creased in a few moments from several divisions to several hundred divisions per second. The rise of temperature ob- served between the point at which there was practically no escape of the emanation and the point of rapid escape was not more than a fraction of a degree in many cases. It has been already pointed out that the temperature of com- plete condensation of the thorium emanation is not at all sharp, but that the condensation in most cases continues over a range of about 30 C. This striking difference in the behavior of the two emanations is, in all probability, due to the small amount of the thorium emanation present in the experiments. The emanation of thorium breaks up at about six thousand times the rate of that of radium. For an equal expulsion of a particles by the two emanations, i. e. for approximately equal electrical effects, the latter must therefore be present in at least six thousand times the amount of the former. In addition, in most of the experiments with the radium emanation, the quantity of emanation was suffi- cient to produce several hundred times the electrical effect ob- served with the small quantity of the emanation obtained from thorium compounds. Thus, in some of the experiments, the quantity of radium emanation present was at least ten thousand times and in many cases more than a million times the amount of the thorium emanation. In fact, it can readily be cal- culated that in the actual experiments not more than 100 atoms of thorium emanation could have been present per cubic centi- metre of gas carried through the copper spiral. Under such conditions, it is not so much a matter of surprise that the emanation of thorium does not show a sharp condensation point, as that the emanation can be condensed at all when so sparsely distributed throughout a volume of gas. Diminution of the pressure of the air in the spiral, or the sub- stitution of hydrogen for oxygen as the carrying medium, both tended to cause more rapid condensation. Such an effect is to be expected on the above view, since the rapidity of diffusion ^f the atoms of emanation through the gas is thereby hastened. If the thorium emanation should ever be obtained in large THE RADIUM EMANATION 81 quantity, there can be little doubt that it will also exhibit com- paratively sharp points of condensation and volatilization. The fact that the thorium emanation begins to condense at a higher temperature (120 C.) than the radium emanation (150 C.) shows that the emanations consist of different types of matter. The emanation of actinium, like the emanations from radium and thorium, may be condensed by passing it through a spiral im- mersed in liquid air, but the rapidity of the decay of its activity (half value in 3.9 seconds) makes an accurate determination of its condensation temperature by the electric method very diffi- cult, since the emanation would lose the greater part of its activ- ity before the stream of gas carrying the emanation could be reduced to the temperature of the spiral. The ease with which the radium emanation is condensed by liquid air has proved of great importance in many recent researches on the emanation. By the use of this property, it has been freed from the gases mixed with it, isolated in a pure state, and its spectrum determined. RATE OP DIFFUSION OF THE EMANATION If the emanation is introduced at one end of a tube kept at constant temperature, after the lapse of several hours it is found to be distributed in equal amount throughout the volume of the tube. This result shows that the emanation diffuses through the air like an ordinary gas. It has not yet been found possible to determine by a direct method the density of the emanation, as the quantity released from even one gram of pure radium bromide would be too small to be weighed accurately. By com- paring the rate of diffusion of the emanation with that of a known gas, we can, however, obtain a rough estimate of its molecular weight. The rates of interdiffusion of various gases have long been known to decrease with the molecular weight of the diffusing gas. If therefore, for example, we find that the coefficient of interdiffusion of the emanation into air lies between the corresponding values obtained for two known gases, A and B, it is probable that the molecular weight of the emanation is intermediate in value between that of A and B. Shortly after the discovery of the radium emanation, Ruther- 6 82 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS ford ancMNIiss Brooks 1 determined its coefficient of interdiffu- sion K into air, and found values lying between K = .07 and K= .09. The method adopted was to divide a long cylinder into equal parts by a movable slide. The emanation was first introduced into one half of the tube, and thoroughly mixed with the air. When temperature conditions were steady, the slide was opened, and the emanation gradually diffused into the other half. The amount % of emanation present in each half of the tube, at any time after opening the slide, was determined by the electric method, and from these data the coefficient of interdiffusion can be calculated. The coefficient of interdiffu- sion of carbon dioxide (molecular weight 44) into air was long ago found to be .142. The emanation thus diffuses into air more slowly than does carbon dioxide into air. For alcohol vapor (molecular weight 77), the value of .2" =.077. Taking the lower value, K= .07, as the more probable value for the radium emanation, it follows that the emanation has a molecu- lar weight greater than 77. A number of determinations have since been made, by differ- ent methods, to form an estimate of the molecular weight of the emanation. Bumstead and Wheeler 2 measured directly the comparative rates of diffusion of the. emanation and of carbon dioxide through a porous pot. Assuming Graham's law, viz., that the coeffi- cient of interdiffusion is inversely proportional to the square root of the molecular weight, they deduced that the molecular weight of the emanation was about 172. Makower, 3 using a similar method, compared the rates of diffusion of the radium emanation through a porous pot with the rates for the gases oxygen, carbon dioxide, and sulphur dioxide, and finally concluded that the emanation had a molecular weight in the neighborhood of 100. Curie and Danne 4 determined the 1 Rutherford and Miss Brooks : Trans. Roy. Soc., Canada, 1901 ; Chemical News, 1902, 2 Bumstead and Wheeler : Amer. Journ. Sci., Feb., 1904. Makower: Phil. Mag., Jan., 1905. * Curie and Danne : Comptes rendus, cxxxvi, p. 1314 (1904). THE RADIUM EMANATION 83 rate of diffusion of the emanation through capillary tubes, and obtained a value K = .09, a value somewhat higher than that obtained by Miss Brooks and the writer. It is thus seen that all the experiments on diffusion bear out the conclusion that the emanation is a heavy gas with a molecular weight probably not less than 100. It is doubt- ful, however, whether much reliance can be placed on the actual value of the molecular weight deduced in this way, because the emanation exists in minute amount in the gas in which it diffuses, and its coefficient of interdiffusion is compared with that of gases existing in large quantity. The coefficients of interdiffusion may not in such a case be directly comparable. In addition, the rate of diffusion of the eman- ation, which has the properties of a monatomic gas, is coin- pared with the rates of diffusion of gases which have complex molecules. If the emanation is considered to be a direct product of radium, and to consist of the radium atom minus one or two a particles, the molecular weight should be not much less than the atomic weight of radium, viz., 225. It is doubtful whether the value of the molecular weight of the emanation can be determined with any certainty until the emanation has been obtained in sufficient amount to determine its density. The coefficient of interdiffusion of the thorium emanation into air has been determined by the writer to be about .09. This would suggest that the thorium emanation has a somewhat smaller molecular weight than that of radium. The emanation obeys he laws of gases, not only as regards diffusion, but also in other particulars. For example, the emanation divides itself between two connected reservoirs in proportion to their volumes. P. Curie and Danne showed that if one of the reservoirs was kept at a temperature of 10 C. and the other at 350 C., the emanation is distributed between them in the same proportion as a gas under the same conditions. The emanation thus possesses the characteristic properties of gases, namely, condensation and diffusion. It also obeys at low 84 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS temperatures Charles's law, and, as will be seen later, Boyle's law. We may thus conclude with confidence that the emanation, while it exists, is a radioactive gas of heavy molecular weight. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF THE EMANATION A number of experiments have been made to determine whether the emanation possesses any definite chemical proper- ties which would enable us to compare it with any other known gas, but so far no evidence has been obtained that the emana- tion is able to combine with other substances. In such experi- ments, the electric method offers a simple and accurate method of determining whether the quantity of the emanation is re- duced under various conditions. In fact, it serves as a rapid and exact method of quantitative analysis of the minute amount of emanation under experiment. Rutherford and Soddy l showed that the emanation was not diminished in quantity after condensation by liquid air, or by passage through a platinum tube kept at a white heat by an electric current. A number of experiments were also made in which the emanation was made to pass over a number of re- agents, the emanation being always mixed with, a gas unaffected by the particular reagent. They concluded from these experi- ments that no gas could have survived in unaltered amount the severe treatment to which it had been exposed, except an inert gas of the helium-argon family. Ramsay and Soddy 2 found that the quantity of emanation was unchanged after sparking for several hours with oxygen over alkali. The oxygen was then removed by ignited phos- phorus, and no visible residue was left. Another gas was then introduced, and the emanation after mixture with it was with- drawn. Its activity was practically unaltered. A similar re- sult was observed when the emanation was introduced into a magnesium lime tube which was heated for three hours to a red heat. 1 Rutherford and Soddy: Phil. Mag., Nov., 1902. 2 Ramsay and Soddy : Proc. Roy. Soc., Ixxii, p. 204 (1903). THE RADIUM EMANATION 85 We may thus conclude that the radium emanation in respect to the absence of definite combining properties is allied to the recently discovered inert gases of the atmosphere. On the dis- integration theory, the emanation is supposed to be transformed with the accompaniment of the expulsion of a particles. It is of great importance to settle whether the rate of disintegration is affected by temperature. Any change in the rate of trans- formation would result in a change in the period of decay of the emanation. This point has been examined by P. Curie, who found that the decay of activity was unaffected by con- Atinued exposure of the emanation to temperatures varying be- /tween -180 C. and 450 C. This result shows that the transformation of the emanation cannot be considered to be a type of ordinary chemical dissocia- tion, for no reaction is known in chemistry which is independ- ent of temperature over such a wide range. In addition, the transformation of the emanation is accompanied by the expul- sion of a portion of its mass at enormous speed a result never observed in chemical reactions. Such a result suggests that the change that occurs is not molecular but atomic. This view is strongly confirmed by the enormous release of energy during the disintegration of the emanation which will be considered later. VOLUME OP THE EMANATION It has been seen that the amount of emanation to be obtained from a given quantity of radium reaches a maximum value when the rate of supply of fresh emanation balances the rate of transformation of that already produced. Since this maximum amount of emanation is always proportional to the quantity of radium present, the volume of emanation released from one gram of radium in radioactive equilibrium should have a definite constant value. It was early recognized that the volume of the emanation to be obtained from one gram of radium was very small, but not too minute to be measured. From the data avail- able at the time, the writer l in 1903 calculated that the volume 1 Rutherford : Nature, Aug. 20, 1903 ; Phil. Mag., Aug., 1905. 86 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS of the emanation derived from one gram of radium probably lay between .06 and .6 cubic millimetres at atmospheric pressure and temperature. A more accurate deduction can be made from the more recent experimental data of the number of a particles expelled from one gram of radium per second. This number has been deter- mined by the writer by measuring the positive charge communi- cated to a body on which the a rays impinged. Assuming that each a particle carries an ionic charge of 3.4 x 10~ 10 electro- static units, it was deduced that one gram of radium at its mini- mum activity (i. e., when the emanation and its disintegration products were removed) emitted 6.2 x 10 10 a particles per second. If we suppose, as is probably the case, that each radium atom in breaking up gives rise to one atom of the emanation, the number of atoms of emanation produced per second is equal to the number of a particles expelled per second. But NO, the maximum number of atoms of emanation stored up in radium in radioactive equilibrium, is given by N Q = |> A where q is the rate of production and X is the decay constant. Consequently, the value of No for one gram of radium is 6.2 x ID" x 474,000, or 2.94 x 10 16 . Now from experimental data it is known that one cubic cen- timetre of any gas at atmospheric pressure and temperature contains 3.6 x 10 19 molecules. Assuming that the molecule of the emanation consists of one atom, the volume of emanation from one gram of radium is 9 Q9 v 1 16 36x10" = .0008 c.c., or 0.8 c.mms. We shall now consider the changes that may be expected to occur in a volume of pure emanation from the point of view of the disintegration theory. The emanation emits a particles and is transformed into the active deposit, which behaves as a type of non-gaseous matter and attaches itself to the walls of the containing vessel. The amount of emanation decreases exponentially, falling to half value in 3.8 days. We should THE RADIUM EMANATION 87 thus expect the volume of the emanation to shrink, and since the activity of the emanation has decayed to a small fraction of its original value after one month, the volume of the emanation after that interval should be very small. The remarkable way in which these theo- retical conclusions have been verified will now be considered. Ramsay and Soddy l attacked the difficult prob- lem of isolating the emanation and determining its volume in the following way. The emanation from 60 milligrams of radium bromide in solu- tion was collected for 8 days, and then drawn off through the inverted siphon, E (see Fig. 22), into the explosion burette, F. The radium in the solution produces hydro- gen and oxygen at a rapid rate, and the emanation was initially removed with these gases. After explosion, the slight excess of hydrogen mixed with the emanation was left for some time in contact with caustic soda, placed in the upper part of the burette, in order to remove the car- bon dioxide present. In the meantime, the upper part of the apparatus had been ex- hausted as completely as possi- ble. The connection with the mercury pump was then closed, and the hydrogen and ema- nation allowed to enter the apparatus, passing over a phos- phorus pentoxide tube, D, to remove all trace of water vapor. 1 Kamsay and Soddy : Proc. Koy. Soc., Ixxiii., p. 346 (1904). FIG. 22. Apparatus of Kamsay and Soddy for determining the volume of the radium emanation. 88 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS The emanation was condensed in the lower part of the tube B, which was surrounded by liquid air. The process of condensa- tion of the emanation at B was made evident by the brilliant luminosity of the lower part of the tube. The mercury of the burette was allowed to run to A, and the tube AB again com- pletely pumped out. The connection with the pump was again closed, the liquid was removed, and the volatilized emanation forced into the accurately calibrated capillary tube A. Obser- vations were then made for a space of several weeks on the variation in volume of the emanation. The results are shown in the following table : Time. Volume. Time. Volume. Start 0.124 c.mms. 7 days 0.0050 c.mms. Iday 0.027 " " 9 0.0041 " 3 0.011 " " 11 0.0020 " " 4 0.0095 " 12 0.0011 " 6 0.0063 " " The volume decreased, and after four weeks only a minul bubble remained, but this retained its luminosity to the Ias1 During this time, the tube was colored a deep purple by th< rays. This caused difficulties in readings of the volume, and strong source of light was found necessary. Ramsay and Soddj consider that the apparent sudden decrease during the first da] may have been due to the mercury sticking in the capillary tube. Taking the readings after one day, the volume of the emanatioi is found to shrink approximately according to an exponent^ law, decreasing to half value in about 4 days. This is aboul the rate of decrease of volume to be expected from theoretic* considerations. Another experiment was made with a fresl supply of emanation, but a very surprising difference was note( The gas had an initial volume of 0.0254 c.mm. at atmospheri< pressure, and a special series of experiments was made to detei mine the volume occupied by the gas in the capillary tube varying pressures. The emanation was found to obey Boyle's law within the limit of experimental error. Unlike its behavic in the first experiment, however, the volume occupied by the THE RADIUM EMANATION 89 in the capillary tube, instead of shrinking, steadily increased, and 23 days later was about 10 times the initial value. At the same time, bubbles commenced to appear in the mercury column below the level of the gas. Further experiments are necessary in order to elucidate the contradictions observed in these two experiments. It will be seen later that the gas helium is a transformation product of the emanation. This appears to have been absorbed in the walls of the tube in the first experiment. Such a result is not unexpected, for there is considerable evidence that the a parti- cles expelled from the radioactive products consist of helium atoms projected with great velocity. Most of these atoms would be buried in the walls of the glass tube to an average depth of about .02 mm., and their diffusion back into the gas may depend on the kind of glass employed. The most plausi- ble explanation is that the helium after absorption by the walls of the glass capillary diffused back into the gas in the second experiment, but not in the first. Ramsay and Soddy concluded from their experiments that the maximum volume of the emanation released from one gram of radium was slightly greater than one cubic millimetre at standard pressure and temperature. The theoretical and calculated amounts 0.8 and 1 c. mm., respectively, are thus in very good agreement, and indicate the general correctness of the theory on which the calculations are based. SPECTRUM OF THE EMANATION After the isolation of the emanation, and determination of its volume, a number of experiments were made by Ramsay and Soddy to determine its spectrum. In some of the experiments several apparently new bright lines were seen for a moment, but these rapidly vanished in consequence of the liberation of hydrogen in the tube. Ramsay and Collie l continued the ex- periments, and were finally successful in obtaining the spectrum of the emanation, which lasted for a sufficient interval to deter- mine rapidly the wave-lengths of the more obvious lines by 1 Ramsay and Collie: Proc. Roy. Soc., Ixxiii., p. 470 (1904). 90 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS means of eye measurements. The spectrum, however, soon faded, and was finally completely masked by that of hydrogen. They state that the spectrum was very brilliant and consisted of a number of bright lines, the spaces between being perfectly dark. The spectrum bore a striking resemblance in general character to the spectra of the inert gases of the argon family. On repeating the experiment with a fresh supply of emanation, many of the bright lines were seen again, while some new lines, not observed in the first spectrum, made their appearance. They conclude that the emanation undoubtedly has a definite and well-marked spectrum of bright lines. HEAT EMISSION OF THE EMANATION One gram of radium in radioactive equilibrium continuously emits heat at the rate of about 100 gram calories per hour. If the emanation is released from the radium by solution or heat- ing, the heating effect of the radium decreases to a minimum of about 25 per cent of the original value, and then as new ema- nation is formed it gradually increases, reaching its old value after a month's interval. The vessel containing the emanation released from the radium is found to emit heat at a rapid rate, and, three hours after removal, gives out about 75 per cent of the heat emitted by the original radium. The rate of heat emission of the emanation decays at the same rate as it loses its activity, i. e., it falls to half value in about 4 days. Th< curves of decrease of heating effect of the emanation and oi recovery of the heating effect of the radium are, like the activ- ity curves, complementary to each other. The heat emissioi of the two together is always equal to that of the radium radioactive equilibrium. The heat emission of the tube containing the emanation not due to the emanation alone, but also to the active deposit formed from the emanation. The laws controlling the heat emission of radium and its products will be considered moi completely in Chapter X. It is thus seen that the emanation, together with its trans formation products, is responsible for about three quarters THE RADIUM EMANATION 91 the heat emission of radium. It is difficult to disentangle the heating effect of the emanation from that of its rapidly chang- ing products, but there is no doubt that it supplies about one quarter of the total heating effect of the radium. Thus one cubic millimetre of the emanation the maximum amount released from one gram of radium itself emits heat at the rate of 25 gram calories per hour. Now the heating effect of the emanation falls off at the same rate as its activity. The total heat emission of the emanation during its life is given by Ql\. The value of X, with the hour as the unit of time, is 1/132, and since Q = 25, the total heat emitted by the emana- tion is 3300 gram calories. If we include with that of the emanation the heating effects of its subsequent products, the total heat emitted from the emanation tube is about three times this amount, or 9900 gram calories. This corresponds to a vol- ume of the emanation of about one cubic millimetre. The total heat released from one cubic centimetre of the emanation and its products is thus about ten million gram calories. Now in the union of hydrogen with oxygen to form water more heat is emitted, weight for weight, than in any other known chemical reaction. In the explosion of 1 c.c. of hydrogen with I c.c. of oxygen to form water, 3 gram calories of heat are emitted. We thus see that the transformation of the emanation is accompanied by nearly four million times as much heat as is given out by the union of an equal volume of hydrogen with oxygen to form water. If we assume that the atom of the emanation has 200 times the mass of the hydrogen atom, it can readily be calculated that one pound weight of the emanation would emit energy at a rate corresponding to 10,000 horsepower. This evolution of energy would fall off exponentially, but, during the life of the emanation, the total energy released would correspond to about 60,000 horsepower-days. These figures bring out in a striking way the enormous evolu- tion of heat accompanying the changes in the emanation. The amount is of quite a different order of magnitude from that absorbed or released in the most violent chemical reactions. 92 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS We shall see later (Chapter X) that probably every radio- active product which expels a particles emits an amount of heat of the same order of magnitude as that emitted by the emanation. In fact, it will be shown that this evolution of heat is a necessary accompaniment of their radioactivity, for the heat is a measure of the kinetic energy of the a particles expelled from the emanation and its products. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS We may now briefly summarize the properties of the radium emanation discussed in this chapter. (1) The emanation is a heavy gas which does not combine with any substances, but appears to be allied in general properties with the inert group of gases of which helium and argon are the best known ex- amples. (2) It diffuses like a gas of high molecular weight and obeys Boyle's law. (3) It has a definite spectrum of bright lines analogous to the spectra of the inert gases. (4) It is condensed from a mixture of gases at a temperature of 150 C. (5) Unlike ordinary gases, the emanation is not permanent, but undergoes transformation according to an exponential law. The volume of the emanation consequently decreases at the same rate as it suffers disintegration, i. e., its volume shrinks to half value in 3.8 days. The transformation of the emanation is accompanied by the expulsion of a particles, and results in the appearance of a new series of non-gaseous substances deposited on the surface of bodies. The properties of the active deposit, and the changes occurring in it, will be discussed in detail in the next chapter. The emanation, weight for weight, is about one hundred thousand times as active as the radium from which it is derived. On account of its enormous activity, it glows in the dark and causes a brilliant phosphorescence in many substances. The rays quickly color glass, quartz, and other bodies, and produce a rapid evolution of hydrogen and oxygen in a water solution. The transformation of the emanation is accompanied by an enormous evolution of heat, of an order one million times greater than that observed in any chemical reaction. THE RADIUM EMANATION 93 We have seen that the emanation and its subsequent prod- ucts are responsible for three quarters of the activity of radium measured by the a rays. The emanation itself does not emit /3 or 7 rays, but these arise from one of its subsequent products. Consequently the & and 7 ray activity of radium is almost completely removed by depriving it of its emanation, provided that several hours have been allowed to elapse in order that the active deposit left behind with the radium may lose its activity. The emanation, with its subsequent products, thus contains the concentrated essence of the radioactivity of radium. A tube containing the radium emanation has all the radioactive proper- ties of radium in equilibrium. It emits a, ft, and 7 rays, evolves heat, and produces luminosity in many substances. Radium itself, freed from the emanation and the active deposit, emits only a rays. Its activity and heating effect under such condi- tions is only one quarter of its usual value, when in radioactive equilibrium. The emanation is produced from radium at a constant rate, and appears to be a direct disintegration product of the radium atom. Following the same line of argument previously con- sidered, it may be supposed that a minute fraction of the total number of radium atoms explode every second, each violently ejecting an a particle. The radium atom, minus an a particle, becomes the new substance the emanation. The atoms of the emanation are far more unstable than those of radium itself, and break up with the expulsion of a particles at such a rate that half of the particles are transformed in 3.8 days. After the expulsion of an a particle, the emanation turns into the active deposit. The transformations, so far considered, and the rays emitted, are graphically illustrated below: a particle Radium a particle EmanatioD * Active deposit 94 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS The remarkable differences in the chemical and physical properties of a disintegration product and its parent substance are strikingly illustrated by the comparison of radium with its emanation. Radium is a solid substance of atomic weight 225, closely allied in ordinary chemical properties with barium. It has a definite well-marked spectrum analogous in many respects to the spectra of the rare earths. It is non-volatile at ordinary temperatures, and apart from its radioactivity has all the proper- ties of a new element very analogous to barium. On the other hand, the emanation is an inert gas which cannot be made to combine with any substance. Its spectrum of bright lines is similar in general appearance to the spectra of the helium-argon family of gases. It is condensed at a temperature of 150 C. Apart from its radioactivity, the properties of the emanation are thus entirely different from those of the parent radium, and, if we had no proof of its production by radium, there would be no reason to believe they were in any way connected with each other. CHAPTER IV TRANSFORMATION OF THE ACTIVE DEPOSIT OF RADIUM IN the previous chapter attention has been drawn to the fact that all bodies surrounded by the radium emanation become coated with an invisible active deposit, possessing physical and chemical properties which sharply distinguish it from the emanation. This property of radium of " exciting " or " in- ducing " activity in neighboring bodies was first observed by P. Curie, 1 and has in recent years been the subject of a number of investigations. In this chapter, the transformations taking place in this active deposit will be discussed, and it will be shown that, in general, the deposit consists of a mixture of three distinct sub- stances called radium A, B, and C. Radium A arises directly from the transformation of the emanation, radium B arises from radium A, and radium C from radium B. The three products are thus derived by the successive dis- integration of the emanation. The analysis of these stages is somewhat more difficult than in the case of two changes already considered for thorium, but can be attacked by the same general methods. The active deposit of radium is analogous in many respects to the corresponding deposit produced by the thorium emana- tion. It is a material substance, which, in the absence of an electric field, is deposited from the gas on the surface of all bodies in contact with the emanation. In a strong electric field it is mostly concentrated on the negative electrode. In this respect it behaves similarly to the active deposit of thorium. The active matter can be partly removed from a platinum wire -by solution in hydrochloric acid, and remains behind 1 M. and Mme. Curie, Comptes rendus, cxxix, p. 714 (1899). 96 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS on the dish when the acid is driven off by heat. By using the emanation from about 10 milligrams of radium bromide, a wire can be made intensely active. It causes brilliant fluores- cence on a screen of willemite or zinc sulphide brought near it. The deposit is entirely confined to the surface of a conductor. If a strongly active wire is drawn across a screen of willemite or other substance which lights up under the action of the rays, a bright luminous trail is left behind. This is due to the removal of some of the deposit by the particles of the screen over which it has been rubbed. The luminosity left behind gradually decreases, and is very small after 3 hours. The re- moval of the active deposit by rubbing is also easily shown by bringing near an electroscope a piece of cloth which has been drawn over the active wire. The electroscope is discharged almost instantly, and this discharging property persists, but with diminishing amount, for several hours. In the case of a short-lived emanation like that of thorium, the excited activity, in the absence of an electric field, is greatest on bodies placed near the emanating thorium com- pound. This result is to be expected, since the emanation is decomposed before it has time to diffuse far from its source. On the other hand, in a similar enclosure containing radium as a source of emanation, the excited activity is produced on all bodies placed in the vessel. In this case the life of the emana- tion is long compared with the time taken for the emanation to be distributed by the processes of diffusion to all parts of the enclosure. Bodies which are completely screened from the direct radia- tion of the radium become active. This is clearly brought out in an experiment made by P. Curie, which is shown in Fig. 23. A small open vessel, a, contained a radium solution, giving off emanation at a constant rate. This was placed in a closed vessel in which plates A, B, C, D, E were fixed in various positions. After a day's exposure, all the plates on removal were found to be active, even that in the position D, com- pletely shielded from the direct radiation of the radium by a lead block P. TRANSFORMATION OF RADIUM 97 The amount of activity per unit area on a plate in a given position is independent of the material of the plate. A plate of mica becomes just as active as one of metal. The amount of excited activity on a given area depends to some extent on the free space in the neighborhood. The lower surface of the plate A, for example, would be less active than the upper sur- face, since the active deposit on the lower side arises mainly from the small volume of emanation between it and the en- closure, while the upper surface of the plate gains the active deposit generated in a much larger volume. The emanation from several milligrams of radium bromide causes so great an activity on a wire or metal plate exposed in its presence, that the ionization cur- rent produced by it can be readily measured by a sensitive galvanometer. With such intensely active plates, a large voltage is required to produce a saturation current through the gas unless the plates of the testing vessel are placed close together. We shall first consider the evidence in support of the view that the active deposit is a disintegration product of the radium emanation. If some radium emanation is introduced into a cylindrical testing vessel such as is shown in Fig. 10, and the ends closed, the activity, measured by the saturation current through the gas, increases with the time for several hours, generally reaching about twice the value observed at the moment of introduction of the emanation. The comparative increase, however, varies to some extent with the dimensions 7 FIG. 23. Distribution of excited activity on bodies in the presence of the radium emanations. 98 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS of the testing vessel, on account of the difference in penetrating power of the a rays emitted by the various products. When the emanation is blown out, the active deposit is left behind, and loses the greater part of its activity in a few hours. This property of producing an active deposit is not shown by radium which has been freed from emanation, but belongs to the emanation alone. The excited activity produced in bodies is directly proportional to the amount of emanation present, no matter how old the emanation may be. For ex- ample, if the emanation, which still remains after being stored in a gas holder for a month, is passed into a testing vessel, excited activity is still produced, and in an amount which bears the same ratio to the activity of the emanation present as for a new sample of emanation tested immediately after its release from radium. The constancy of this ratio between the amount of the ema- nation present and the amount of active deposit produced is at once explained if the emanation is the parent of the active deposit. For example, suppose that a body is exposed to a constant supply of emanation. The activity imparted to the body reaches a steady limit after about 5 hours. There is, then, a state of equilibrium between the active deposit and the emanation. Under such conditions, the number of atoms of radium A which break up per second must equal the number of new atoms of radium A supplied per second by the decomposition of the emanation. This in turn is equal to the number of atoms of emanation which break up per second. A similar result also holds true for radium B and C. Since the number of atoms of any individual product which break up per second is always proportional to the total number present, it is seen that the equilibrium number of atoms of radium A must always be pro- portional to the number of atoms of emanation. If X is the constant of decay of the emanation and X^, XB, X c , the constants for radium A, B, and C, respectively, then the equilibrium amounts N A , N B , NC, respectively, of the three products are given by the equations *A&A = *B N B = A c ^ c = X.2V, TRANSFORMATION OF RADIUM 99 where N is the total number of atoms of emanation present. When a state of equilibrium has been reached, the number of atoms of each product present will be different, being directly proportional to the period of each product. A rapidly changing substance will consequently be present in less amount than a slowly changing one. After introducing the emanation into a closed vessel, its amount, as we have seen, decreases exponentially. Since, how- ever, the periods of the products of the active deposit are small compared with that of the emanation itself, the amount of the active deposit will, after a few hours, nearly reach an equi- librium value, and will then decrease pari passu with the emanation. The excited activity will thus fall off at the same rate as the activity of the emanation. This proportion has been utilized, as we have already seen, by Curie and Danne, to determine the constant of decay of the emanation by measurement of the y3 and 7 rays which escape from the active deposit through the walls of a closed vessel containing the emanation. ACTIVITY CURVES OF THE ACTIVE DEPOSIT We shall now consider in detail the variation with the time of the activity of this deposit under different conditions. The experimental results are at first sight very complicated, for the activity curves not only vary remarkably with the time of ex- posure to the emanation, but also depend on whether the a, /?, or 7 rays are used as a means of measurement. It is thus very necessary in each case to specify carefully, not only the time of exposure to the emanation, but also the type of rays used for measurement. The decay curves of the active deposit are independent of the nature and size of the body that has been made active and of the amount of emanation to which it has been exposed. If a wire is to be made active the arrangement shown in Fig. 24 is very suitable. A solution of radium is placed in a vessel closed by a rubber stopper. The emanation collects in the air space above the 100 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS w solution. The thin wire, W, to be made active is fixed into a fine hole bored in the end of a central rod. This rod slips freely through an ebonite cork fixed in a brass tube, B. A platinum wire P passes through the rubber cork and dips into the solution. The platinum wire is in metallic connection with the brass tube. The central rod is connected with the negative pole of a battery of 300 or 400 volts, and the platinum wire with the positive. Under such conditions, the moist walls of the glass vessel, the solu- tion, and the tube B, are charged positively, and the wire W is the only negatively charged body in the presence of the emanation. The active deposit is consequently concentrated upon it, and, in the presence of a large amount of ema- nation, the activity of the wire becomes very great. After introducing the wire, a little hard wax is run round the top of the rod, to prevent the es- cape of the emanation. When the wire has been exposed for the FlG - 24 - interval required, the rod is re- Arrangement for concentrating the moved and the active wire released. active deposit derived from the g ince ^ fine wire ig of smaller radium emanation on a small negatively charged wire. diameter than the rod, the wire need not touch the side during removal, so that none of the active deposit is rubbed off. In order 4o test the variation of the a ray activity of this wire with time, it is attached to the end of a brass rod forming the central electrode of a testing vessel such as is shown in Fig. 10. If a greater surface is to be made active, a sheet of metal is placed in a glass tube closed at both ends. The emanation is introduced after first exhausting the vessel, and the active TRANSFORMATION OF RADIUM 101 matter is then deposited upon the metal by the process of dif- fusion. After removal, the activity of the plate is tested elec- trically, using a parallel plate apparatus similar to that described in Fig. 9. a RAY CURVES We shall first consider the decay of activity, measured by the a rays, for a body exposed for a short time in the presence of the emanation. The time of exposure not more than one 100 Decay of Excited measured activitjy by ex of Rad um rays. Sho Exposure (i mirute) ID 2O 30 40 5O OO 7O Time in Minutes. FIG. 25. minute is supposed to be short compared with the period of the changes hi the active matter. The results are shown in Fig. 25, Curve BB, the maximum activity immediately after removal being taken as 100. The activity at first decreases very nearly according to an exponential law, falling off to half value in about 3 minutes. After 20 minutes, the activity is less than 10 per cent of the initial value, and remains nearly constant for a further 20 minutes, and then gradually decays. After several hours the 102 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS activity again decreases nearly exponentially with a period of 28 minutes. In the same figure (Curve AA) is shown the a ray decay curve for a long exposure. The time of exposure in this case (about 5 hours will suffice) is supposed to be sufficient to allow the active deposit and the emanation to have very nearly reached a stage of radioactive equilibrium. There is initially a rapid decay with a 3 minute period, and then a gradual de- crease at a slower rate than is given by an exponential law. After about 5 hours the decay curve is nearly exponential, fall- ing to half value in about 28 minutes. The initial rapid change with a 3 minute period is due to the product radium A. The final exponential decay with a 28 minute period shows that another product, having a 28 minute period, is also present. Before discussing the explana- tion of the intermediate portion of the two curves the activity curves measured by the /3 and 7 rays will first be considered. /3 RAY CURVES In order to determine the ray curves, an electroscope was used. The active plate or wire was placed under the base of the electroscope, which was covered with a sheet of aluminium of sufficient thickness to absorb all the a rays. The discharge produced in the electroscope is then due to the /3 and y rays together, the effect of the former preponderating. The curve in Fig. 26 shows the variation of the /? ray activity with time, for a wire which had been exposed for one minute in the presence of a large amount of emanation. It will at once be observed that the curve is entirely different in character from the corresponding a ray curve shown in Fig. 25. The ft ray activity is small at first, but increases with time, reaching a maximum after about 35 minutes. Several hours later it decays nearly exponentially with a period of 28 minutes. The /3 ray curve for a long exposure to the emanation is shown in Fig. 27. The curve is very different in shape from the short exposure curve. The activity does not increase initially, but falls, first TRANSFORMATION OF RADIUM 103 slowly and then more quickly. Finally, as in the other cases, it decreases exponentially with a period of 28 minutes. 7 RAY CURVES The curves for a short and long exposure measured by the 7 rays alone are identical with those obtained for the ft and 7 rays together. The measurements were made with an elec- troscope, the rays passing through about 1 cm. of lead before 100 8C 60 Short j Curvj Expof ure. 40 20 O 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 Time in Minutes. FIG. 26. Variation of the activity, measured by the # rays, of a body exposed for a short interval to the radium emanation. entering the electroscope. This insures that the ft as well as the a rays are cut off completely. : The identity of the ft and 7 ray curves shows that the two kinds of rays always occur in the same proportion. This rela- tion is a strong argument in favor of the view that the 7 rays are a type of X-rays, which are set up at the moment of the ex- pulsion of the ft particle from radioactive matter. This ratio between the intensities of the two kinds of rays has been shown to hold in every case so far examined, and suggests that the 104 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS 7 rays bear the same relation to the (S rays that the X-rays bear to the cathode rays. THEORY OF SUCCESSIVE CHANGES IN RADIUM We shall show later that the peculiarities of the decay curves of the active deposit of radium for any time of exposure, whether 100 80 60 Dec ay of Excited A of tadium. fcivlfcy o 20 40 60 So 100 120 Time in Minutes. FIG. 27. Variation of the activity, measured by the or y rays, of a body exposed for a long interval to the radium emanation. the activity is measured by the a, /3, or 7 rays, can be satisfac- torily explained on the following assumptions : (1) That the emanation is transformed into a product called radium A, which emits only a rays, and has a period of minutes. (2) That radium A is transformed into radium B, which has a period of 28 minutes, and is transformed without the emis- sion of a, /3, or 7 rays. In other words, radium B is a rayl< product. TRANSFORMATION OF RADIUM 105 (3) Radium B is transformed into radium C, which has a period of 21 minutes, and emits during its transformation a, /:?, and 7 rays. We thus have to deal with the problem of three successive changes. Since, however, the first product, radium A, is rapidly transformed with a 3 minute period, the amount of it remaining, for example, 21 minutes after removal, is only 1/128 of the initial amount. For simplicity, therefore, in the discussion of the activity curves measured by the /3 rays, we shall for the moment disre- gard the first rapid change, and suppose that the emanation is transformed directly into radium B. As a matter of fact, it is found that the experiments agree better with theory if the first transformation is disregarded altogether. A possible explana- tion of this peculiarity in the curves will be considered later. In the discussion of the activity curves for the active deposit of thorium, it has been shown that the experimental curve for a short exposure may be satisfactorily explained if the emana- tion is supposed to change into the rayless product, thorium A, which has a period of 11 hours. This in turn is transformed into thorium B, which emits a, /3, and 7 rays, and has a period of about 1 hour. These results deduced from analysis of the activity curves have been completely substantiated by experi- ments in which the products thorium A and B have been sepa- rated from each other by various physical and chemical methods. The case of radium is very analogous, for, disregarding the first 3 minute change, the product radium B emits no rays, but changes into radium C, which emits a, /:?, and 7 rays. We shall now consider the theory of two successive changes of the character explained above. Let Xj, X 2 be the constants of change of the products radium B and C respectively. Let P and Q be the number of atoms of B and C respectively present at any time after removal from the emanation. Two general cases will first be considered, corresponding to a short and long exposure of a body to the radium emanation. 106 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS CASE OF A SHORT EXPOSURE The matter initially deposited is supposed to be all of one kind, radium B. Let n be the number of particles of B that have been deposited. The number, P, of these remaining at any time , after removal, is given by P = n e-M. We have shown on page 50 that the rate of change of the number Q of atoms of C existing at any time, , after removal, is given by dQ -\p AO -X,f -\ 2 Q (1) = X 1 n er-W \tQ. The solution of this equation (see page 51) shows that Q is given by Q = -* The number of atoms of P and Q existing at any time after removal is shown in Fig. 28. The initial number of atoms of B deposited is supposed to be 100. The exponential curve, BB, expresses the amount of B remaining unchanged at any time. The curve CC shows the number of atoms of radium C existing at any time. The periods of the changes of B and C are about 28 and 21 minutes respectively, so that A! = 4.13 X 10~ 4 (sec.)" 1 , A,, = 5.38 X 10- 4 (sec.)- 1 . The amount of radium C, initially zero, increases to a maximum in about 35 minutes, and then diminishes, and about 5 hours later decays exponentially, with a period of 28 minutes. The amount of C will thus decrease, not according to its own period, but according to the longer period of the rayless product. This is easily shown from the equation for , which may be expressed in the form After 7 hours, e-(^-W = .043, TRANSFORMATION OF RADIUM 107 and is thus almost negligible. Q then varies very nearly as e~^*, i. e., according to the period of the rayless product. Since B does not emit rays and C does, the value of Q at any time is proportional to the activity of the mixture of products B and C. too BO t> 8 5- 1 20 20 /CO /SO 40 00 8O T/MC tfi MMUTZ9. FIG. 28. Theoretical curves showing the variation of the number of atoms of radium B and radium C when the matter present initially consists only of radium B. The curve CC should thus be identical in form with the curves for a short exposure measured by the /B or 7 rays, and within the limits of experimental error this is found to be so. CASE OF A LONG EXPOSURE Suppose that P and Q are the equilibrium numbers of atoms of B and C present after a long exposure to the emanation. Under such conditions \l PQ = X 2 QQ = q, 108 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS where q is the number of atoms of emanation breaking up per second. The value of P, the number of atoms of radium B present at any time t after removal from the emanation is given by fo / P = The value of Q is given by equation (1) as before. The solu- tion of this equation is of the form Q = a e-M + b By substitution in equation (1) it is seen that 9 a = Since initially when t = 0, Q = Q = , AJJ we have a + b = ; A 2 thus h - ~" g A i ' and Q = * (e-M -**). (2) A 2 AI A 2 The variation of the amount of radium B with time after a long exposure is shown in Fig. 29, the number of atoms of B initially present being 100. The number of atoms of radium C present initially is jr-ZV The curve, CC, expressing the number of atoms of C presen at any time thus begins at a point whose ordinate is 77 insteac of 100. Since the ft or 7 ray activity of C is proportional at any time to the value of $, the curve showing the variation of radium C with time should be of the same form as the activity curve in Fig. 27 for a long exposure, as measured by the {S and 7 rays This is the case, for the theoretical and observed curves agree within the, limit of experimental error. This is shown in the following table: TRANSFORMATION OF RADIUM 189 DECAY or ACTIVITY MEASURED BY THE $ RAYS FOR A LONG EXPOSURE TO THE EMANATION. Time in minutes after removal from emanation. Observed activity. Theoretical activity. 100 100 10 97.1 96.8 20 88. 89.4 30 77., 78.6 40 67. 69.2 50 57.< 59.9 60 48.: 49.2 80 33. 34.2 100 22.i 22.7 120 14.5 14.9 /oo 60 40 2O 20 40 60 $O IN MINUTES., /OO 120, FIG. 29. Theoretical curves showing the number of atoms of radium B and radium C existing at any time, when the matter initially consists of radium B and C in radioactive equilibrium. 110 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS The fact that the long exposure curve shown in Fig. 27 re- sults from two successive products, the first of which does not emit rays at all, can readily be shown by graphical analysis. Immediately after removal of the active body from the emana- tion, the active deposit consists of B and C in equilibrium. The /3 ray activity observed is due entirely to C, and, leaving /oo 120 FIG. 30. Analysis of the ft ray curve for a long exposure to the emanation, in order to show that it results from the presence of two products, the first of which is rayless. out of account for the moment the fresh supply of C froi the disintegration of B, the amount of C must, if left to itself, diminish exponentially following the period of C, i. e., the activity will fall to half value in 21 minutes. This decay curve CC is shown in Fig. 30. Now the difference at any time between the ordinates of the observed curve B + C, an< TRANSFORMATION OF RADIUM 111 the theoretical curve, CC, must be due to the activity of C, supplied by the breaking up of B. This difference curve, BB (see Fig. 30), should be identical in shape with the (S ray curve of the active deposit for a short exposure. This must evidently be the case, since this curve gives the activity arising from the transformation of B alone, all the matter present initially being of the kind B, which changes into C. By comparison of the curve, BB, with the short exposure curve shown in Fig. 27, this identity is seen to hold. The activity rises from zero, and reaches a maximum after 35 minutes and then decays. It is of interest to observe that the empirical equation of the decay curve of the /3 ray activity for a long exposure to the emanation was obtained before the theoretical explanation was advanced. Curie and Danne 1 found that the activity I t at any time could be expressed by an equation of the form where \^ = 4.13 X 1Q- 4 (sec)- 1 and X 2 = 5.38 X 10-* (sec)- 1 , and a = 4.20 is a numerical constant. The constant \ was de- termined from the observed fact that the activity several hours after removal from the emanation decayed exponentially with a period of 28 minutes. The values of a and X 2 were deter- mined so as to fit the curve. Now this equation is identical in form with the theoretical equation for the activity when the first change is rayless with a period of 28 minutes, and the second change, which has a period of 21 minutes, gives out rays. This is easily seen to be the case. From equation (2), the amount Q of radium C, existing at any time , is given by Ag AI Aj Initially Q = Q = X z q. 1 Curie and Danne : Comptes rendus, cxxxvi, p. 364 (1903). 112 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS Since the activity at any time is proportional to the amount of C present, i. e., to the value of , It = Q_ -*0 VO On substituting the values of \ v A 2 , which correspond to periods of 28 and 21 minutes respectively, Xz = 4.3 and ^-_ = 3.3. A 2 -A! A 2 - A, Thus the theoretical equation not only agrees in form with that deduced from observation, but the values of the constants are very concordant. Such a relation between theory and experiment would be widely departed from if B as well as C gave out /3 rays. ANALYSIS OF THE a RAY CURVES FOB A LONG EXPOSURE We are now in a position to analyze the a ray activity curve for a long exposure into its three components. In this case we must take into account the first product, radium A, which ^emits a rays. The observed a ray curve is shown in Fig. 31, "* and therefore It is not easy to measure directly the number of ft particles expelled either from radium C or E, but on the assumption that the average ft particle emitted from C or E produces about the same ionization in a gas, SLOW TRANSFORMATIONS OF RADIUM 133 where ?\, i z are the saturation ionization currents due to C and E respectively, measured under the same conditions in the same testing vessel. This ratio, -^, can be readily determined, so that A ^ 1 the ratio -2 is known. Substituting the value of X x for the emanation, X 2 can be determined. Proceeding by this method, the writer 1 deduced that radium D should be half transformed in about 40 years. This period is almost certainly of the right order, but from the nature of the assumptions, the value cannot pretend to be more than a first approximation to the truth. The main source of error probably lies in the assumption that the /3 particles of radium C and E produce the same average ionization in the gas. As a criterion of the order of accuracy obtained in predicting periods of change by these means, it may be mentioned that, by a similar method, I deduced that the period of radium F was about one year. Actual observation has since shown that this period is 143 days. I think that the period of D will certainly be found to lie between 20 and 80 years. VARIATION OF THE a AND RAY ACTIVITY OVER LONG PERIODS OF TIME We are now in a position to deduce the variation of the a and ft ray activity for the active deposit over long intervals of time. Since radium E is transformed at a rapid rate compared with F, we may assume as a first approximation that D is trans- formed directly into F. The problem thus reduces to the fol- lowing: Given that the periods of two successive products are 40 years and 143 days respectively, find the number of atoms of each product present at any time. This is exactly equivalent to the practical case already considered on page 50 for the active deposit of thorium where the two changes had periods of 11 hours and 55 minutes respectively. The ft ray activity of D and E after reaching its maximum will decrease exponentially, falling to half value in 40 years. 1 Kutherford, Phil. Mag., Nov., 1904. 134 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS Using the equation discussed on page 51, it can at once be deduced that the number of atoms of radium F reaches its maxi- mum in about 2.6 years and that this substance will ultimately decay pari passu with the parent product D, i. e., it will be half transformed about 40 years later. The curves shown in Fig. 37 give the relative number of atoms of E and F which break up per second at any time after the formation of the 100 ^_ fiftj E - . ^s-* = r= === === === 60J / J/ Jf L - lYtfitf }r atoms of radium break up per second. Now it has been found from data based upon experiment that one cubic centimetre of a gas, hydrogen, for example, at standard pressure and tem- perature contains 3.6 x 10 19 molecules. From this it follows that one gram of radium of atomic weight 225 contains 3.6xl0 21 atoms of radium. The fraction of radium which breaks up per second is 6.2x10" 3.6 X 10 21 - or 5.4 x lO" 4 per year. Like any other active product, the amount of radium must decrease according to an exponential law, so that the value of its constant of change \ is 5.4 x 10" 4 (year)" 1 . From this it follows that half of the radium is transformed in about 1300 years. The average life of the radium atom which is measured by I/A, is about 1800 years. Method 2. The calculation of the life of radium can also be based on the observed heating effect of radium, which will be shown later (Chapter X) to be a direct measure of the kinetic energy of the expelled a particles. From measurements of the velocity and mass of the a particle expelled from radium, the average energy of motion, mv 2 , of the a particle was found by the writer 'to be 5.9 x 10" 6 ergs. Now it is found experi- mentally that one gram of radium emits heat at the rate of about 100 gram calories per hour. If this is due to the kinetic energy of the a particles, the number of such particles that must be expelled per second is about 2.0 x 10 n . The number from radium itself is one quarter of this. Using the same method of calculation as before, it is seen that half of the radium is transformed in about 1600 years a value not very different from that deduced by the first method. Method 3. We shall now consider the calculation of the 150 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS life of radium based on the observed volume of the emanation released from one gram of radium. Ramsay and Soddy found that this maximum volume was slightly greater than one cubic millimetre at standard pressure and temperature. Now one cubic millimetre of gas contains 3.6 x 10 19 molecules. The number of molecules of emanation produced per second is X times the equilibrium number present, where X is the constant of change of the emanation. Assuming, as is probably the case, that the emanation is a monatomic gas, and that each atom of radium in breaking up gives rise to one atom of emana- tion, the number of atoms of radium breaking up per second is 7.6 x 10 10 . Proceeding as before, this gives 1050 years as the period of radium. The first two methods involve the assumption of the number of atoms present in one cubic centimetre of a gas. The calcu- lation based on the volume of the emanation can, however, be made in a different way without this assumption. If one atom of radium by the loss of one a particle is changed into one atom of emanation, the molecular weight of the latter must be at least 200. The value deduced from experiments on diffusion is about 100, but on page 85 some reasons have been given in support of the view that this is an underestimate. One cubic millimetre of the emanation thus weighs as much as 100 c.mms. of hydrogen, i. e. 8.96 x 10" 6 grams. The weight of emanation produced per second is X times this amount, i. e. 1.9 x 10~ u grams. The weight of emanation produced per year is thus 6 x 10" 4 grams, and this must be nearly equal to the weight of radium breaking up per year. This makes the period of radium about 1300 years. Considering the uncertainty attaching to the exact values of the data used in these calculations, the periods deduced by the three methods are in good agreement. In calculations we shall take 1300 years as the most probable value of the period of radium. Radium thus breaks up at a fairly rapid rate, and in the course of a few thousand years a mass of radium left by itself ORIGIN AND LIFE OF RADIUM 151 would lose a large proportion of its activity. Assuming that radium breaks up with a period of 1300 years, it can readily be calculated that after an interval of 26,000 years, only one mil- lionth of the mass of radium would remain unchanged. If we suppose, for illustration, that the earth was originally composed of pure radium, the activity observed in the earth 26,000 years later would be about the same as that observed to-day in a good specimen of pitchblende. This period of years is very small compared with the age of the minerals of the earth, and unless the very improbable assumption is made, that the radium was in some way suddenly formed at a very late period in the earth's history, we are forced to the conclusion that radium must be continuously produced in the earth. It was early sug- gested by Rutherford and Soddy that radium might be a disinte- gration product of one of the radioactive elements present in pitchblende. Both uranium and thorium fulfil the conditions required as a possible parent of radium. Both have atomic weights greater than that of radium, and both are transformed at a very slow rate compared with radium. A cursory examination shows that uranium is the most likely parent, since radium* is always found in largest amount in uranium minerals, while some thorium minerals contain very little radium. We shall now consider some of the consequences that should follow if uranium is considered to be the parent of radium. Several thousand years after the uranium has been formed, the amount of radium should reach a definite maximum value. Its rate of production by the uranium is then balanced by its own rate of disappearance. Under such conditions, the number of atoms of radium which break up per second is equal to the number of atoms of uranium which break up per second. Now, as far as observation has gone, uranium only emits one a par- ticle during its transformation into uranium X. The product uranium X does not emit a rays, but only /3 and 7 rays. On the other hand, we have seen that radium itself and four of its products, viz., the emanation, radium A, C, and F, emit a rays. The number of a particles expelled from the radium, and these products of its transformation, should thus be five times the 152 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS number expelled from uranium. Assuming that the a particles from the radium products produce about the same ionization as the a particle from uranium, the activity of a radioactive mineral, which consists mostly of uranium, should be about six times that of uranium itself. Now the best pitchblende shows an activ- ity about five times that of uranium, so that the theoretical result is approximately realized in practice. Until, however, the relative ionizations produced by the a particles from uranium and each of the radium products are accurately known, the relative activities to be expected cannot be fixed with certainty. Another consequence of the theory is that the amount of radium in any radioactive mineral should be always proportional to its content of uranium. This must hold in every case, pro- vided neither the uranium nor the radium have been removed from the mineral by physical or chemical action. This interest- ing question has been experimentally attacked by Boltwood, 1 Strutt, 2 and McCoy, 3 and has yielded results of the highest importance. McCoy accurately compared the activities of different radio- active minerals, and showed that in every case the activity was very nearly proportional to their percentage content of uranium. Since, howejfc", the radioactive minerals contain some actinium, and occasionally some thorium, these results indicate that the activity of all these substances, taken together, is proportional to the amount of uranium. Boltwood and Strutt employed a more direct method, by determining the relative content of uranium and radium in radioactive minerals. The amount of uranium was determined by direct chemical analysis, while the amount of radium was determined by measurements of the amount of radium emanation released by solution of the mineral. The relative amount of the latter can be determined with great accuracy by the electric method, which is the most convenient method of comparing quantitatively the amounts of radium in different minerals. 1 Boltwood: Nature, May 25, 1904; Phil. Mag., April, 1905. 2 Strutt: Trans. Roy. Soc. A., 1905. 8 McCoy : Ber. d. d. chem. Ges., No. 11, p. 2641, 1904. ORIGIN AND LIFE OF RADIUM 153 The results of both these observers show that there is a nearly constant ratio between the amounts of radium and uranium in every mineral examined, except in one case, which will be con- sidered later. Minerals were obtained from various localities, both in Europe and America, which varied widely in chemical composition and in the percentage content of uranium. The experiments of Dr. Boltwood of Yale University, which have been made with great care and accuracy, show a surprisingly constant ratio between the amounts of uranium and radium. A brief account will be given of the methods employed by him in his measure- ments. The percentage of uranium in the min- eral under consideration was first determined by chemical analysis. A known weight of the finely powdered mineral was placed in a glass vessel A (Fig. 39), and sufficient acid intro- duced to dissolve it. The acid was then boiled until the mineral was completely dis- solved, and the emana- tion mixed with air was collected on the top of the column of water in the tube D. This emanation was then introduced into a closed electroscope of the type shown in Fig. 6, page 29, which was first exhausted. Air was then introduced until the gas inside the electroscope was at atmospheric pressure. On ac- count of the excited activity produced by the emanation, the rate of discharge of the electroscope did not reach a maximum until about three hours after the introduction of the emana- tion. The rate of movement of the gold leaf of the elec- troscope was taken as a measure of the amount of emanation present. The emanations of thorium or actinium, released FIG. 154 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS from the mineral at the same time as the radium emanation, had, on account of the rapid decay of their activity, completely disappeared before the introduction of the radium emanation into the electroscope. This process was repeated for all the minerals examined. Boltwood observed that some minerals had considerable eman- ating power, i. e., the minerals lost some of their emanation when in the solid state. Under these conditions, the amount of emanation released by solution and boiling of the mineral would be less than the equilibrium amount. The proper correc- tion was made by sealing up a known weight of the mineral in a tube for one month and then measuring with the same electro- scope the amount of emanation which collected in the air above the mineral. The sum of the two amounts gives the true equilibrium quantity of emanation corresponding to the radium present in the mineral. The results obtained by Boltwood are shown in the following table. The numbers in column I give, in arbitrary units, the amount of emanation released by solution and boiling; column II shows the percentage of the emanation which escaped into the air ; column III shows the amount of uranium in the mineral ; and column Jjt the numbers obtained by dividing the equilib- rium amoun^m emanation by the quantity of uranium present. If the amount of radium always bears a definite ratio to the amount of uranium, the numbers in column IV should be the same. With the exception of some of the monazites, there is a remarkably good agreement, and, taking into consideration the great variation in the amount of uranium in the different minerals, and the wide range of locality from which they were obtained, the results afford a direct and satisfactory proof that the amount of radium in minerals is directly proportional to the amount of uranium present. As an example of the confidence to be placed in this ratio as a physical constant for all radioactive minerals, Boltwood observed that some of the monazites contained a considerable quantity of radium, although the previous analyses had not shown any uranium to be present. A careful examination was made to ORIGIN AND LIFE OF RADIUM 155 Substance. Locality. I. II. in. IV. Uraninite North Carolina 170.0 11.3 0.7465 228 Uraninite Colorado 155.1 5.2 06961 223 Gummite North Carolina 147.0 13.7 0.6538 225 Uraninite Joachimsthal 139.6 5.6 0.6174 226 Uranophane North Carolina 117.7 8.2 0.5168 228 Uraninite Saxony 115.6 2.7 0.5064 228 Uranophane North Carolina 113.5 22.8 0.4984 228 Thorogummite North Carolina 72.9 16.2 0.3317 220 Carnotite Colorado 49.7 16.3 0.2261 220 Uranothorite Norway 25.2 1.3 0.1138 221 Samarskite North Carolina 23.4 0.7 0.1044 224 Orangite Norway 23.1 1.1 0.1034 223 Euxinite Norway 19.9 0.5 0.0871 228 Thorite Norway 16.6 6.2 0.0754 220 Fergusonite Norway 12.0 0.5 0.0557 215 Aeschynite Xenotine Norway Norway 10.0 1.54 0.2 26.0 0.0452 0.0070 221 220 Monazite (sand) North Carolina 0.88 0.0043 205 Monazite (crys.) Norway 0.84 1.2 0.0041 207 Monazite (sand) Brazil 0.76 . 0.0031 245 Monazite (massive) Connecticut 0.63 0.0030 210 test this point, and it was found that uranium was present in the amount to be expected according to theory. The failure to detect the presence of uranium in the earlier analysis was due to the presence of phosphates. There is one interesting apparent exception to this constancy of the ratio between the amounts of uranium and radium. Danne recently found that considerable quantities of radium are present in certain deposits in the neighborhood of Issy 1'Eveque in the Saone-et-Loire district, but that no trace of uranium could be detected. The active matter is found in pyromorphite (phosphate of lead), and in clays containing lead, but the radium is usually found in greater quantities in the former. The pyromorphite is found in veins of quartz and felspar rocks. The veins were always wet, owing to the pres- ence of springs in the neighborhood. The percentage of uranium in the pyromorphite varies considerably for different specimens, but Danne states that on an average one centigram of radium is present per ton. It seems probable that this radium has been deposited in the rocks after being carried from a distance by means of under- 156 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS ground springs. The presence of radium in this district is not surprising, for crystals of autunite have been found about forty miles distant. This result is of interest, for it suggests that radium can in some cases be removed from the radioactive mineral by solution in water, and be deposited under suitable physical and chemical conditions some distance away. It also suggests the possibility that deposits containing a considerable proportion of radium may yet be discovered in positions where the conditions necessary for the solution and re-deposit of the radium are favorable. AMOUNT OF RADIUM IN MINERALS The weight of radium in a mineral, per gram of uranium, is thus a definite constant of considerable practical as well as theoretical importance. This constant was recently determined by Rutherford and Boltwood by comparison of the amount of emanation liberated from a known weight of uraninite with that released from a known quantity of pure radium bromide in solution. For the latter purpose, a known weight of radium bromide was taken from a sample of radium bromide obtained from the Quinin Fabrik, Braunschweig, which had previously been found to give out heat at a rate of over 100 gram calories per hour. P. Curie and Laborde found that their pure radium chloride preparations gave out heat at the rate of about 100 gram calories per hour. We may thus conclude that the radium prep- aration employed was nearly pure. This known weight about one milligram was dissolved in water, and by successive dilu- tions a standard solution was made up containing 10" 6 grams of radium bromide per cubic centimetre. Taking the constitution of radium bromide as RaBr 2 and the atomic weight of radium as 225, it was deduced that in each gram of uranium in the mineral the corresponding weight of radium was 3.8 x 10~ 7 gram. 1 From this it follows that .34 gram of radium is present in a mineral per ton of uranium. Since the radioactive minerals 1 The first determination of this constant by Rutherford and Boltwood (Amer. Journ. Sci., July, 1905) gave a value of 7.4 X 10~ 7 . This was later found by them to be incorrect, owing to a precipitation of the radium in the standard solution. ORIGIN AND LIFE OF RADIUM 157 from which radium is extracted usually contain about 50 per cent of uranium, the yield of radium per ton of mineral should be about .17 gram. Assuming, as a first approximation, that the a particles from radium and its products, and from uranium, are expelled at the same speed, the activity of the radium and its family of rapidly changing products when in equilibrium with the uranium, should be four times that of uranium. Taking the activity of pure radium as about three million times that of uranium, the weight of radium required to produce this activity is A 1.33 X 10- 6 grams. 3 x 10 6 The observed amount, 3.8 x 10~ 7 grams, is considerably smaller. The agreement between theory and experiment, how- ever, becomes much closer when we take into account the known fact that the average a particle from radium has a greater pene- trating power and consequently produces a greater number of ions in the gas than the average a particle expelled from uranium. GROWTH OF RADIUM IN URANIUM SOLUTIONS Although the constancy of the ratio between the amounts of radium and uranium in all radioactive minerals, as well as the agreement between the theoretical and observed quantities, afford very strong proof of the truth of the theory that uranium is the parent of radium, yet this conclusion cannot be considered as completely established until it has been experimentally shown that radium gradually collects in uranium solutions originally freed from it. The rate of production of radium on the disintegration theory can readily be estimated. The fraction of radium breaking up per year has been calculated on page 149 and shown to be about 5.4 x ID" 4 per year. The amount of radium per gram of uranium in minerals has been shown to be 3.8 x 10~ 7 grams. Consequently, in order to keep up the quantity of radium in a mineral at a constant amount, the rate of supply per year per gram of uranium must be 5.4 x 1Q- 4 x 3.8 x 10~ 7 = 2 x 1Q- 10 158 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS gram. This represents the amount of radium formed per year from each gram of uranium. The presence of radium can readily be detected by its emanation. Using a kilogram of uranium, the amount of radium formed per year is 2 x 10~ 7 gram. The emanation from this would cause a gold-leaf electroscope to be discharged in a few seconds, while the amount of radium pro- duced in a single day should be easily measurable. Experiments on the growth of radium in uranium were first undertaken by Soddy. 1 A kilogram of uranium nitrate in solution was employed. This was first chemically treated, to remove most of the small quantity of radium originally present, and was then allowed to stand in a closed vessel. The equilib- rium amount of emanation formed in the solution was then tested at intervals. Preliminary experiments showed that the rate of production of the radium was certainly far slower than the theoretical value, and at first little if any indication of pro- duction of radium was observed. In later experiments, how- ever, Soddy found that in the course of eighteen months, the amount of radium in the solution had distinctly increased. The solution after this interval contained about 1.6 x 10~ 9 gram of radium. This gives the value of about 2 x 10~ 12 as the fraction of uranium changing per year, while the theoreti- cal fraction is 2 x 10~ 10 , or 100 times greater than the observed amount. Whetham also found a similar result, but concluded that the rate of production was faster than that observed by Soddy. On the other hand, Boltwood finds no certain evidence of the growth of radium from uranium, although an extremely minute quan- tity was detectable in his apparatus. In his experiments, 100 grams of uranium were obtained almost completely free from radium by fractional crystallization. After this treatment, no trace of radium could be detected in his uranium solution, although he could with certainty have detected the presence of 1.7 X 10" 11 grams. After standing for a year, no effect was produced by the emanation in his electroscope, which was of the same sensitive- 1 Soddy: Nature, May 12, 1904, Jan. 19, 1905; Phil. Mag., June, 1905. ORIGIN AND LIFE OF RADIUM ness as in the first experiments. Such a result shows that uranium, when purified in the manner adopted by Boltwood, certainly does not, in the course of a year, grow a measurable quantity of .radium, and that the quantity is not more than one thousandth of the theoretical amount. Although the experimental evidence is somewhat conflicting, I think there can be little doubt that the uranium of Soddy did show a growth of radium, although only a fraction of the amount to be expected theoretically. So far as is known at present, uranium breaks up with the expulsion of an a particle and produces uranium X, which has a period of 22 days and emits only ft and 7 rays. No further active product has been detected, so that we are unable to say what further stages of disintegration appear before radium is formed. If, for example, the disintegration product of UrX is a rayless substance with a very slow period, the slow rate of production of radium by uranium is at once explained. Suppose, for -example, that the uranium, as in the experiments of Boltwood, was carefully puri- fied. It is probable that the rayless product would be com- pletely removed from the uranium. Before radium could be produced at an appreciable rate, the intermediate rayless prod- uct must be formed in some quantity. If the rayless product had a period of several thousand years, an interval of several years would be required before the appearance of radium could be detected. Such an hypothesis of an intermediate transition product would also account for the discrepancy between the experi- ments of Soddy and Boltwood. In the experiments of the former, the trace of radium initially observed in the uranium was partly removed by the precipitation of barium in the uranium solution. This may not have removed the inter- mediate product which had been collecting in the uranium for several years. Consequently, the unpurified solution used by Soddy was better suited to show the production of radium than the carefully treated solution used by Boltwood. I think that there can be no reasonable doubt that the pure uranium solution will ultimately show the presence of radium, 160 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS although an interval^ of several years may be required before the amount formed is detectable. The changes occurring in uranium which lead to the pro- duction of radium are shown below. Uranium. Uranium X. 1 One or more unknown transition substances with long periods of transformation. f Kadiuin and its family of products. There can be little doubt that the intermediary product or products between uranium X and radium will ultimately be sepa- rated chemically. Supposing that there is only one intermediary product, it is not unlikely that this will prove to be rayless in character. The presence of such a product could be detected by its property of producing radium initially at a constant rate. If, for example, the unknown product were completely separated from an amount of radioactive mineral which contained a kilo- gram of uranium, it would produce radium initially at the rate of about 4 x 10~ 7 gram per year, or 10~ 9 of a gram per day. This latter amount is easily measurable, and consequently a proof of the production of radium by this substance should only require observations extending over a few weeks. The position that radium holds in regard to uranium is unique in chemistry. For the first time it is possible to predict accu- rately the amount of one element present when the quantity of another is known. In seems probable that such relations will ultimately be extended to include all the radioelements and their products, and possibly also some of the apparently non- radioactive substances; for it is remarkable how certain ele- ments are always found together in mineral deposits in about the same relative amounts, although there is no apparent chem- ical reason for their association. CHAPTER VII TRANSFORMATION PRODUCTS OF URANIUM AND ACTINIUM, AND THE CONNECTION BETWEEN THE RADIOELEMENTS We have in previous chapters analyzed in some detail the series of transformations that take place in thorium and radium. As the two other radioactive substances, uranium and actinium, are also of interest in this connection, a brief review will now be given of the changes taking place in them. CHANGES IN URANIUM Uranium products give out a, /3, and 7 rays, but no definite evidence has yet been obtained that uranium gives off an ema- nation. In this respect, it appears to differ from thorium, radium, and actinium. It is, however, possible that a closer investigation may yet disclose the presence of an emanation with a very short life. If an emanation were emitted which lasted for less than a hundredth part of a second, its detection by the electric method would be extremely difficult. Only one direct transformation product, called uranium X, has so far been observed in uranium. The separation of this sub- stance was first effected by Sir William Crookes 1 by two dis- tinct methods. Ammonium carbonate in excess was added to a uranium solution and the uranium precipitated. A light precipitate remained behind which contained the UrX. Crookes used the photographic method and observed that the uranium, after this treatment, was photographically almost inactive, while the precipitate containing the UrX, when compared with an equal weight of uranium, had a very intense photographic action. The explanation of this was made clear by later ex- periments. UrX gives out only /3 rays, which, in the case of uranium, produce far more photographic action than the easily 1 Crookes: Proc. Roy. Soc., Ixvi, p. 409 (1900). 11 162 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS absorbed a rays. The removal of UrX does not in any way alter the a ray activity of uranium, measured by the electric method, but completely removes the /3 ray activity. The second method used by Crookes was to dissolve uranium in ether, when the uranium divides itself unequally between the ether and water present. The water fraction contains all the UrX, while the ether fraction is photographically inactive. Still another means of separation of UrX was used by Bec- querel. 1 A small quantity of a barium salt was added to a uranium solution, and then precipitated by the addition of sul- phuric acid. The dense barium precipitate carries down the UrX with it, and, after several successive treatments, the UrX is almost completely removed from the uranium. Becquerel first noted that the UrX loses its activity after some time, while the uranium recovers its lost activity. The rate at which UrX loses its activity was determined by Rutherford and Soddy. The decay curve, like the decay curves for simple radioactive products, is exponential, and UrX loses half its activity in about 22 days. The recovery curve of uranium measured by the (S rays, due to the fresh production of UrX in the uranium, is complementary to the decay curve. From analogy with the corresponding results observed in thorium and radium, we may thus conclude that uranium pro- duces the new product UrX at a constant rate. Since the a ray activity is unaffected by the removal of UrX, it seems probable that the uranium atom breaks up with the emission of an a particle and then becomes the atom of UrX. This in turn breaks up with the expulsion of a IB particle. The product resulting from the transformation of UrX is either inactive, or active to such a feeble degree that its transformation cannot be directly followed by the electric method. The changes taking place in uranium are diagram matically illustrated below. 1 Becquerel: Comptes rendus, cxxxi, p. 137 (1900) ; cxxxiii, p. 977 (1901). URANIUM AND ACTINIUM 163 a particle Uranium atom y ray \ Atom of UrX > (3 particle \ It has been pointed out in the last chapter that UrX probably undergoes one or more further changes of a long period, possi- bly rayless in character, and is finally transformed into radium. There are several points of interest in connection with the ft ray activity exhibited by uranium. Meyer and Schweidler l drew attention to some remarkable variations of the ft activity of uranium during crystallization under various conditions. This activity varies in a most capricious manner, as if the process of crystallization had some direct effect on the rate of transformation of UrX. Some later experiments made by Dr. Godlewski 2 in the laboratory of the writer finally led to a simple explanation of these puzzling phenomena observed by Meyer and Schweidler. Some uranium nitrate was heated and sufficient water added for complete solution. A small dish containing the heated solution was then placed under a ft ray electroscope. The ft ray activity of the solution remained sensibly constant during the cooling of the solution, but the moment crystallization com- menced at the bottom of the dish, the ft ray activity increased rapidly, and reached several times its initial value at the com- pletion of the crystallization. After reaching a maximum, the activity gradually diminished again, and about a week later had reached a value equal to that of the uranium nitrate before solution. Another simple experiment was then made. A cake of crystals so formed was removed from the dish immediately after crystallization was completed, and inverted under the elec- troscope. The ft ray activity was much less than for the other side of the cake, and gradually increased again to the 1 Meyer and Schweidler: Wien Ber., cxiii, July, 1904. 2 Godlewski: Phil. Mag., July, 1905. ' 164 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS normal value. The explanation of this result is as follows. UrX is more soluble in water than uranium itself. When the crystallization starts at the bottom of the dish, the UrX is pushed towards the surface of the solution. The $ rays enter- ing the electroscope have on an average to pass through a less depth of uranium than before. The ft ray activity will thus increase until the crystallization is complete. The lower sur- face of the plate of crystals will contain less than the normal amount of UrX, and consequently will show a smaller ft ray effect. The gradual decrease of the /3 ray activity of the upper surface, and the increase of activity of the lower, appears to be due to a diffusion of the UrX through the mass of crystals. This process continues until the UrX is again uni- formly distributed throughout the crystalline mass. This dif- fusion takes place comparatively rapidly even in a plate of completely dry crystals. An effect of this kind, which is quite likely to occur in any mixture of products differing in solu- bility, shows how much care is necessary in interpreting varia- tions of activity in a mass of substance which has just been subjected to chemical treatment. The fact that UrX is more soluble in water than uranium can be simply utilized to effect a partial separation of UrX. If uranium nitrate is dissolved in a slight excess of water, the liquid left on the surface after crystallization contains a large fraction of the total amount of the UrX originally present in the uranium. CHANGES IN ACTINIUM Shortly after the discovery of radium and polonium, Debierne noted the presence of a new radioactive substance in pitch- blende residues which he called actinium. This was removed from the radioactive mineral with the thorium, but can be separated from it by suitable methods. Very little was known for several years about the radioactive peculiarities of this sub- stance. In the meantime, Giesel had independently observed that a new radioactive substance was removed with the lantha- num and cerium present in the radioactive mineral. This URANIUM AND ACTINIUM 165 substance emitted very freely a short-lived emanation, and it was for this reason that he first termed it the "emanating substance " a name which was later changed to "emanium." Debierne found that actinium gave out an emanation which lost half its activity in 3.9 seconds. Later work by various ob- servers has shown that the emanation and the excited activity produced by emanium and actinium have the same rates of decay. The active constituent present in the actinium of Debierne is thus identical with that in the "emanium " of Giesel, and the original name "actinium " will in consequence be used for this substance. Actinium has not yet been separated in a suffi- ciently pure state to examine its atomic weight or spectrum. Very active preparations of actinium have already been ob- tained by Giesel and Debierne, and it seems probable that in the pure state actinium will prove to be of the same order of activity as radium. The emanation is given out very freely from the preparations of Giesel, and excites phosphorescence on a zinc sulphide screen brought near it. The phenomenon of scintillations is shown by actinium rays to an even more marked degree than by the a rays of radium. The continuous and rapid emission of a short-lived emanation from actinium can be simply illustrated by a very striking experiment. A small quantity of actinium, enclosed in a paper envelope, is placed on a zinc sulphide screen. The a particles emitted from the mass of the substance are stopped by the paper, but the emanation readily diffuses through it into the surrounding air. The a particles expelled from the emanation produce luminosity in the zinc sulphide screen. On examination with a lens, this light is seen to be made up of a multitude of brilliant scintilla- tions. A puff of air removes the emanation, and the luminosity disappears for a moment, but returns almost immediately as a fresh amount of emanation is supplied. The luminosity rapidly spreads from the actinium over the screen by the process of diffusion. The slightest current of air produces a marked wav- ering effect on the luminosity and displaces the luminosity in the direction of the air current. 166 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS Actinium gives out a, /3, and 7 rays. These radiations have been examined by Godlewski. 1 The /3 rays are apparently fairly homogeneous, and have less power of penetration than the corresponding rays from other active substances. This shows that the /3 particles are all projected at about the same velocity, and that this velocity is less than that of the average /3 rays from other substances. The 7 rays also have much less penetrating power than those from radium. It seems not unlikely that the absence of very penetrating 7 rays is connected with the absence of swiftly moving {3 particles, for it is probable that the {3 particle, which is projected from radium with a velocity nearly that of light, will give rise to a more penetrating pulse than one projected at a much lower speed. In radioactive properties, actinium shows a remarkable simi- larity to thorium. It emits a short-lived emanation, and this is transformed into an active deposit which is concentrated on the negative electrode in an electric field. The activity of the deposit obtained by a long exposure to the emanation subsequently diminishes, and ten minutes after removal from the emanation, decays exponentially with a period of about 34 minutes. Miss Brooks 2 showed that the curves of excited activity for a short exposure exhibited the same general behavior as the corresponding curves obtained for the active deposit of thorium. The activity at first increased, passed through a maximum after about 8 minutes, and finally decayed exponentially, with a period of 34 minutes. These results admit of the same explanation as in the case of the active deposit of thorium. The emanation which gives out a rays changes into a rayless product, actinium A, which is half transformed in 34 minutes. This changes into another substance called actinium B, which is half transformed in about 2 minutes, and emits a, /?, and 7 rays. The choice of the 2 minute period for actinium B rather than .for actinium A followed from an observation of Miss Brooks. 1 Godlewski: Phil. Mag., Sept., 1905. 2 Miss Brooks: Phil. Mag., Sept., 1904. URANIUM AND ACTINIUM 16T The active deposit, obtained on a platinum plate, was dissolved in hydrochloric acid. The solution was then electrolyzed, and an active substance which emitted a rays was obtained on one of the electrodes. This lost its activity exponentially with the period of about 1.5 minutes. This result shows that actinium B, which emits rays, must have the shorter period. The analogy with thorium became still closer when God- lewski 1 and Giesel 2 independently separated from actinium a very active substance called actinium X. This was effected by precipitation with ammonia in exactly the same way as is required for the separation of ThX from thorium. The actin- ium X after precipitation of the actinium remains behind in the filtrate mixed with actinium A and B. Godlewski found that actinium X lost its activity exponentially with a period of about 10 days. The actinium, freed from actinium X, at the same time recovered its activity. There are, however, several interesting points of difference in the chemical separation of actinium X and ThX from their respective elements. In the case of thorium, thorium A and B are only slightly soluble in ammonia," and consequently are not removed with the ThX. Quite the reverse holds for actinium. The active deposit is readily soluble in ammonia, and consequently is separated with actinium X. After removal of actinium X by successive precipitations, the actinium itself retains only a small proportion of its normal activity, while in the case of thorium, the residual a ray activity is about one quarter of the total. It seems probable that, if the actinium were completely freed from actinium X and its sub- sequent products, the element itself would show no activity measured by, the a or /3 rays, or, in other words, that actinium itself is a rayless product. From the results of Hahn, dis- cussed on page 168, it has already been pointed out that thorium freed from radiothorium may also prove to be a rayless substance. 3 1 Godlewski: Phil. Mag., July, 1905. 2 Giesel: Jahrbuch. d. Radioaktivitat, i, p. 358 (1904). 3 Hahn (Nature, April 12, 1906) has recently separated another product from actinium which he has called " radioactinium." This product is intermediate between actinium and actinium X, emits a rays, and has a period of transformation of about 168 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS Godlewski showed that the emanation from actinium was a direct product of actinium X, and not of actinium itself. In this respect, ThX and actinium X have very similar properties. The transformations taking place in actinium are shown in Fig. 40. On comparison of the changes taking place in actinium and thorium (see Fig. 41) the similarity in the succession of changes in the two substances is very noteworthy. Not only are the products equal in number, but the corresponding products are closely allied in general chemical and physical properties. The active deposit of actinium differs somewhat from that of thorium ACT//V/VAJ. ACTX- EMANATION. ACT A. FIG. 40. Actinium and its family of products. in the ease with which it is dissolved by various solutions and the lower temperature at which it is volatilized. This similarity in the radioactive changes of the two sub- stances indicates that the atoms of actinium and thorium, while chemically distinct, are very similarly constituted, and that when once the process of disintegration is started, the atom of both substances passes through a similar succession of changes. CONNECTION BETWEEN THE RADIOELEMENTS The series of transformations taking place in the radioele- ments are shown in Fig. 41. l 20 days. Actinium itself is a rayless product. Godlewski had unknowingly separated this product from his actinium, for otherwise the actinium would have emitted a rays, due to the presence of radioactinium. Levin has found that actinium X does not emit rays. The rays from actinium arise only from the product actinium B. 1 In the diagram (Fig. 41), the products radiothorium, radioactinium, should be introduced between thorium and thorium X, actinium and actinium X, respectively. URANIUM AND ACTINIUM 169 The substances thorium, radium, and actinium exhibit many interesting points of similarity in the course of their transfor- mation. Each gives rise to an emanation whose life is short compared with that of the primary element itself. Such experi- ments as have yet been made, indicate that these emanations have no definite combining properties, but belong apparently UF\ANIUM UK- X i i s ".\ 6-6-6-0-& THORIUM TH. X e/*A/V. TH.A TH.B ACTTVC "*" O P06JT ACTINIUM ACT. X EMAN- ACT. A ACT. S ACT/VC DEPOSIT ACT/ve DEPOSIT f^AflO CHAN,E ACT/Vfi DEPOSIT SLOW FIG. 41. The radioelements and their family of products. to the helium-argon group of inert gases. In each case, the emanation gives rise to a non-volatile substance which is depos- ited on the surface of bodies and is concentrated on the nega- tive electrode in an electric field. The changes in these active deposits are also very similar, for each gives rise to a ray less product, followed by a product which emits all three types of rays. In each case, also, the rayless product has a longer period, 170 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS or, in other words, is a more stable substance than the ray product which results from its transformation. The disintegration of the corresponding products thorium B, actinium B, and radium C is of a more violent character than is observed in the other products, for not only is an a particle expelled at a greater speed, but a /3 particle is also thrown off at great velocity. After this violent explosion within the atom, the resulting atomic system sinks into a more permanent state of equilibrium, for the succeeding products thorium C and actinium C have not so far been detected by radioactive methods, while radium D is transformed at a very slow rate. This similarity in the properties of the various families of products is too marked to be considered a mere coincidence, and indicates that there is some underlying law which governs the successive stages of the disintegration of all the radioele- ments. The transformation products mark the distinct stages in the career of disintegration of the atoms, and represent the halting places where the atoms are able to exist for an appre- ciable time before again breaking up into other more or less stable configurations. The interesting question arises whether the atom after losing an a particle is able to exist for a short time in more than one stable form. After the expulsion of an a particle with explo- sive violence, there must result a rearrangement of the parts of the atom to form a permanently or temporarily stable system. It is conceivable that more than one fairly stable arrangement may be possible, and, in such a case, two or more products of disintegration must be produced in addition to the expelled a particles. These stable atomic systems, although of equal atomic weights, would exhibit differences in chemical properties, and it should be possible to separate them from one another. It is not necessary that these products should be formed in equal amount. One might exist in comparatively large amount compared with the others. There is in addition another possibility to be borne in mind. The violent disturbance in the atom resulting in the expulsion of an a particle may cause an actual breaking up of the main URANIUM AND ACTINIUM 171 atom into two parts, and thus give rise to an equal number of atoms of different atomic weights in addition to the a particle. For example, such an effect might arise during the violent disintegration of radium C or thorium B. So far, it has not been found necessary to choose between these theories to explain the transformation products of the different elements. The disintegration in each case results in the appearance of only one substance in addition to the expelled particles. It is not unlikely, however, that a still closer exami- nation of the radioelements may show the existence of prod- ucts which lie outside the main line of descent. The method of electrolysis has already proved of great value in separating products of the transformation of radioelements which are pres- ent in infinitesimal amount in a solution, and its possibilities in this direction are by no means exhausted. RAYLESS TRANSFORMATIONS We have seen that the great majority of the products break up with the expulsion of an a particle; in addition, a small number emit a ft particle with its accompaniment the 7 rays, while a few emit only a ft particle. There is also a special class of product which does not emit rays at all. It has been shown that two of these rayless products exist in radium and actinium, and probably two in thorium. The method of showing the existence of such rayless products and of determining their physical and chemical properties has already been discussed in previous chapters. Since a rayless product does not emit any ionizing type of radiation, its presence can only be observed indirectly by examination of the variation in the amount of the succeeding product. By such methods, we are enabled not only to determine the period of change of the rayless product, but also its more marked chemical and physical properties. These products are apparently similar in all respects to the ray products, with the exception that there is no evidence of the emission of a or ft particles. They are unstable substances which break up according to the same law as the other active 172 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS products, and give rise to another substance of different phys- ical and chemical properties. There are two general ways of regarding the transformation of a rayless product. In the first place, it may be supposed that the transformation consists, not in an actual expulsion of a part of the atomic system, but in a rearrangement of the component parts of the atom to form a new temporarily stable system. On such a view, the atom of the rayless product has the same atomic weight as the succeeding product, but differs from it so materially in atomic configuration that the physical and chemical properties are quite distinct. The two products may thus be considered to be somewhat analogous to the case of an element like sulphur, which exists in two distinct forms. This analogy is, however, only superficial, for the atoms of the products possess entirely different chemical and physical proper- ties whether in the solid state or in solution. On the other hypothesis, the transformation of a rayless prod- uct is supposed to be similar in character to that of a ray product, the only difference being that the a particle is not expelled with sufficient velocity to produce appreciable ioniza- tion of the gas. There is an actual loss of mass during the transformation, but this loss cannot be detected by the electric method. In the light of some experimental results, discussed in Chapter X, such an explanation appears not improbable. It is there shown that when the velocity of the a particle falls below about 40 per cent of the maximum velocity of the swift- est a particle from radium, viz., that expelled from radium C, the photographic, phosphorescent, and ionizing properties of the a particle become relatively very small. Since the a particle from radium C is projected with a velocity of about 1/15 the velocity of light, it is seen that an a particle may be projected from matter at a great speed, and yet produce a comparatively weak electrical effect compared with that produced by a particle projected at twice its velocity. The a particle from radium C produces about 100,000 ions in the gas before it is absorbed, and consequently the electrical effect due to the charged a par- ticles alone would be insignificant in comparison with that due URANIUM AND ACTINIUM 173 to the ionization of the gas by the passage of the swift a particle through it. Remembering that a rayless product is generally followed by a product which emits high velocity a particles, the strong ionization effect due to the latter would tend to mask completely the small electrical effect due to the rayless product alone, even if it emitted charged a particles at slow velocity. It is difficult to devise experiments to decide which of these two hypotheses as to the nature of a rayless transformation is correct, but the view that there is an expulsion of an a particle at too low a velocity to be detected by ordinary means has many points in its favor. PROPERTIES OF THE PRODUCTS We have seen that, with a few exceptions, the products of transformation of the radioelements exist in too small quanti- ties to be ever detected by direct measurement of their weight or volume. Even though the products exist in infinitesimal amount in the parent matter, the property of emitting ionizing radiations serves not only to measure their rate of transforma- tion, but also to deduce some of their physical and chemical properties. The electric method has been utilized as an accurate means of qualitative and quantitative analysis of radioactive matter which is present in extraordinarily small amount. The pres- ence of 10~ n gram of a slowly changing substance like radium can easily be observed, while in the case of more rapidly chang- ing matter like the thorium emanation, one hundred millionth of this small amount is readily detectable. In fact, as has been previously pointed out, the electric method is easily capable of showing the presence of radioactive matter in which only one atom breaks up per second, provided that a high velocity particle is expelled during the transformation. With the aid of the electroscope, the range of possible appli- cation of chemical methods of separation has been enormously extended. It has been found that the ordinary methods of chemical separation of substances, whether depending on dif- 174 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS ferences in solubility or volatility, or upon electrolysis, still apply to matter existing in infinitesimal proportion. For the detection of minute amounts of active matter, the electroscope far transcends in delicacy the balance or even the spectroscope. The study of radioactivity has thus indirectly furnished chemistry with new methods of attack on the properties of active matter existing in extremely small quantity. Much still remains to be done in this new field of work whose importance is not as yet sufficiently recognized. Attention has already been drawn to the radical alteration in properties of successive transformation products. This is well exemplified by the transformation of radium into its emanation and of the emanation into the active deposit. Each of these substances is entirely dissimilar in physical and chemical nature to the others, and, but for other evidence, it would be difficult to believe that these substances were derived from the direct transformation of the radium atom. The atom at most stages of its disintegration loses an a particle, which has an apparent mass about twice that of the hydrogen atom. This decrease in the mass of the atom of about one per cent gives rise to an entirely new atomic con- figuration whose chemical and physical properties bear, as we have seen, no obvious relation to the parent atom. This radical change in the properties of the atom is not, however, very sur- prising if we consider chemical analogies. Elements which do not differ much in atomic weight often possess entirely dis- similar properties, and thus we might reasonably expect that a decrease of the atomic mass would result in a marked change of the chemical and physical nature of the substance. There cannot now be any doubt that the radioactive products arise from the successive transformations of the atoms of matter, and not of the molecules. Each transformation product is a distinct element, which differs only from the well known in- active elements in the comparative instability of the atoms com- posing it. There can be no doubt, for example, that the radium emanation, while it lasts, is a new elementary substance with an atomic weight and spectrum that distinguish it from all other URANIUM AND ACTINIUM 175 elements. If, for instance, it were possible to examine chemi- cally any one of the simple products in a time which is short compared with its period of transformation, the substance would be found to have all the distinctive properties of a new element. It would possess a definite atomic weight and spectrum and other distinctive physical and chemical properties. In regard to their position as elements, no line of demarcation can be drawn between the comparatively stable elements like uranium, tho- rium, and radium, and their rapidly changing products. From a radioactive point of view, the atoms of these substances differ from one another mainly in stability. The atoms of each radio- element may differ enormously in stability, but ultimately, if sufficient time is allowed, all of these substances must be trans- formed through a succession of stages and disappear. There will finally remain only the inactive or stable products of their decomposition. There is no evidence that the process of disintegration, when once started, is reversible under ordinary conditions. We can obtain the radium emanation from radium, but cannot change the emanation back again into radium. The question whether this process has been reversible under some possible conditions existing during the earth's history will be considered later in Chapter IX. LIFE OF THE RADIOELEMENTS We have seen that every simple product which emits a radiation decreases in amount on account of its transformation into another substance. The rate of transformation is directly porportional to the constant A, and inversely proportional to the period of transformation. The period of transformation of any simple product may be taken as a comparative measure of the stability of the atoms composing it. It is at once seen that the atomic stability of the products whose rate of transformation has been directly measured varies over an enormous range. For ex- ample, the atoms of radium F, which are half transformed in 140 days, are over three million times as stable as the atoms of the actinium emanation which is half transformed in 3. 9 seconds. 176 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS This range of stability of the atoms is still further extended when we include the atoms of the primary elements uranium and thorium. The periods of transformation of these substances can be approximately deduced by comparison of their a ray activities. Since uranium is the parent of radium, the relative amounts of uranium and radium present in an old radioactive mineral are directly proportional to the periods of transformation of the two substances. Now it has been shown that 3.8 x 10~ 7 gram of radium is present per gram of uranium in any radioactive mineral. Since radium is half transformed in about 1800 10 7 years, uranium must be half transformed in 1300 x o~o, or about 3.4 x 10 9 years. The period of transformation of thorium is probably three or four times greater than this, since its activity is about the same as that of uranium, but gives rise to four a ray products to the one of uranium. In order that a large fraction of any given mass of uranium may be transformed, a period of at least ten thousand million years is necessary. The period of transformation of actinium cannot be deter- mined until it has been obtained in a pure state. If, however, its activity is of the same order as that of radium, its period will also be of the same order. There appears to be no obvious relation existing between the periods of the successive products nor between the periods of the different families of products. It is a matter of remark, however, that a substance of great stability is generally fol- lowed by a number of comparatively unstable products. This is well exemplified in the case of thorium, radium, and actinium, where most of their known products suffer rapid transformation. CONNECTION BETWEEN URANIUM, RADIUM, AND ACTINIUM The connection that exists between uranium and radium, and its products, radiolead and polonium, has been clearly brought out, and it is of interest to examine whether any similar rela- tion exists between uranium and thorium, and uranium and URANIUM AND ACTINIUM 177 actinium. The latter substance is always found in uranium minerals, and since it probably has a radioactive life comparable with that of radium, it must be produced in some way from the parent substance uranium. This question was examined by Dr. Boltwood and the writer. If actinium, for example, was a product of uranium in the main line of descent, the activity due to actinium or to a uranium mineral should be comparable with that of radium. Since there would be a state of equilibrium between the uranium and actinium, the same number of atoms of each should break up per second. Since actinium has four a ray products and radium five, the activity due to actinium in the mineral should be comparable with that due to radium and its family of products. Experiment, however, showed that the activity observed in Colorado uraninite, for example, was almost entirely due to the uranium and radium contained in it. Its activity due to actinium was certainly only a small portion of that due to radium and its products. It seems probable that actinium does arise from uranium, but that it is not a lineal descendant of uranium in the same sense that radium is. It has already been pointed out that in some of the transformations, two distinct transition substances may be produced. It appears likely that actinium will prove to be derived from uranium or one of its products, but that it is produced in much less amount than the other product. Such a relation would explain the con- nection that apparently exists between uranium and actinium, and at the same time would account for the small amount of actinium present. In regard to the connection between thorium and uranium, the evidence is not very definite. Many minerals contain uranium and very little thorium, but Strutt has shown that every thorium mineral examined contains some uranium and radium. Strutt has suggested that thorium is the parent of uranium. Such a relation is suggested by an analysis of the mineral thorianite. This mineral, of very great geological age, is found in Ceylon, and contains about 70 per cent of thorium and 12 per cent of uranium. The uranium in this mineral may 12 178 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS have been derived from the decomposition of the thorium. There is, however, a serious objection to this view, for the atomic weight of thorium, 232.5, is less than that of the usually accepted atomic weight of uranium, 238.5. If these atomic weights are correct, it does not appear likely that thorium is the parent of uranium, unless the process of production of uranium from thorium is very different from that usually observed in radioactive transformations. CHAPTER VIII THE PRODUCTION OF HELIUM FROM RADIUM AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF MATTER THE history of the discovery of helium possesses some fea- tures of unusual dramatic interest. In 1868, Janssen and Lockyer observed in the spectrum of the sun's chromosphere a bright yellow line, which could not be identified with that of any known terrestrial substance. Lockyer gave the name " helium " to this supposed new element. Further comparison showed that certain other spectral lines in the chromosphere always accompanied the yellow line and were probably charac- teristic of helium. The spectrum of helium is observed not only in the sun, but also in many of the stars ; and in some classes of stars, now known as helium stars, the spectrum of helium predominates. No evidence of the existence of helium on the earth was dis- covered until 1895. Shortly after the discovery of argon in the atmosphere, by Lord Rayleigh and Sir William Ramsay, a search was made to see if argon could be obtained from mineral sources. In 1895, Miers in a letter to " Nature " drew attention to some results obtained by Hillebrande of the U. S. Geological Survey in 1891. In the course of the detailed analysis of many of the minerals containing uranium, a considerable quantity of gas was found by Hillebrande 1 to be given off on solution of the minerals. At the time he thought this gas was nitrogen, al- though attention was drawn to some peculiarities of its behav- ior as compared with ordinary nitrogen. The mineral clevite especially gave off a large quantity of gas when heated or dis- solved. Ramsay procured some of this mineral in order to see whether this gas might prove to be argon. On introducing the i Hillebrande, Bull. U. S. Geolog. Survey, No. 78, p. 43 (1891). 180 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS gas liberated from clevite into a vacuum tube, a spectrum was observed entirely different from that of argon. 1 The spectrum was carefully examined by Lockyer 2 and found to be identical with that of the new element helium, previously discovered by him in the sun. After a lapse of thirty years since its dis- covery in the sun, helium had at last been found to exist in the earth. An examination of the properties of helium soon fol- lowed. It has a well-marked complex spectrum of bright lines, of which the most noticeable is a bright yellow line D 3 close to the sodium D lines. It is a light gas about twice as dense as hydrogen, and, excepting the latter, has a lighter atom than any other known element. Like argon, it refuses to combine with any other sub- stance, and must therefore be classed with the group of chemi- cally inert gases discovered by Ramsay in the atmosphere. By measurement of the velocity of sound in a tube filled with helium, the ratio of its two specific heats was found to be 1.66. The ratio for diatomic gases like hydrogen and oxygen is 1.41. This result suggests that helium is monatomic, i. e., that the helium molecule consists of only one atom ; or, in other words, that the atom and molecule of helium are the same. Since the density of helium was found to be 1.98 times that of hydrogen at the same temperature and pressure, and since the hydrogen molecule contains two atoms, it was concluded that the atomic weight of helium is twice this amount, or 3.96. It must be remembered that this atomic weight has been determined only from density observations, since helium cannot be made to enter into any chemical combination, and consequently the value given for its atomic weight has not the same claim to accuracy as the atomic weights of many of the other elements which have been determined by more rigorous chemical methods. Helium was found to exist in minute proportion in the atmos- phere. In a recent paper Ramsay has concluded that one volume of helium is present in 245,000 volumes of air. The occurrence of helium in certain minerals was most remarkable, for there ap- 1 Ramsay, Proc. Roy. Soc., Iviii, p. 65 (1895). 2 Lockyer, Proc. Roy. Soc., Iviii, p. 67 (1895). THE PRODUCTION OF HELIUM 181 peared no obvious reason why an inert gaseous element should be found associated with minerals, which in many cases are impervious to the passage of water or gases. Quite a new light was thrown on this subject as a result of the discovery of radioactivity. On the disintegration theory of radioactivity, it was to be expected that the final or inactive products of the transformation of the radioelemeiits would be found in the radioactive minerals. Since many of the radioac- tive minerals are of extreme antiquity, it was reasonable to suppose that the inactive products of the transformation of radioactive substances, provided they did not escape, would be found associated in some quantity with the radioactive matter as its invariable companions. In looking for a possible disin- tegration product, the occurrence of helium in all radioactive minerals was noteworthy, for helium is mainly found in minerals which contain a large quantity of uranium or of thorium. For these and other reasons, Rutherford and Soddy 1 sug- gested that helium might prove to be a disintegration product of the radioelements. Additional weight was lent to this sug- gestion by the writer's discovery that the a particle expelled from radium has an apparent mass about twice that of the hydrogen atom and might prove to be an atom of helium. In the beginning of 1903, thanks to Dr. Giesel of Braun- schweig, small quantities of pure radium bromide were placed on the market. Ramsay and Soddy obtained 30 milligrams of the bromide and proceeded to see if it were possible to detect the presence of helium in the gases released from it. In the first experiment the radium bromide was dissolved in water and the accumulated gases drawn off. It was known that radium bromide produced hydrogen and oxygen, and these gases were removed by suitable methods. A small bubble of residual gas was obtained which, on introduction into a vacuum tube, showed the characteristic D 3 line of helium. 2 Using another and some- what older sample of radium bromide, lent by the writer, the 1 Rutherford and Soddy: Phil. Mag., p. 582, 1902, pp. 453 and 579, 1903. 2 Ramsay and Soddy: Nature, July 16, p. 246, 1903. Proc. Roy. Soc., Ixxii, p. 204 (1903); Ixxiii, p. 346 (1904). 182 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS residual gas released by solution of the radium was found to give a complete spectrum of helium. This experiment showed that helium was produced by radium and retained to some extent in the solid compound. Further experiments revealed a still more interesting fact. The emana- tion from the 60 milligrams of radium bromide was condensed in a glass tube and the other gases pumped out. After vola- tilization, the emanation was introduced into a small vacuum tube. The spectrum at first showed no sign of the helium lines, but after three days the D 3 line of helium made its appearance, and after five days the complete spectrum of helium was ob- served. This experiment shows that helium is produced from the emanation, for no evidence of its presence was obtained immediately after the introduction of the emanation into the spectrum tube. The discovery of the production of helium by the radium emanation was of great importance, as it showed in a striking manner the extraordinary nature of the processes occurring in radium, and was the first definite evidence of the possibility of one element being transformed into another stable element. The experiments were not easy of performance, as the helium was present only in minute amount, and the experience gained by Ramsay in his previous work on the rare gases in the atmos- phere was of the greatest practical value in bringing the experi- ments to such a successful conclusion. The production of helium by radium has been confirmed by a number of experimenters. Curie and Dewar 1 made in this connection a most interesting experiment, which showed con- clusively that the helium was produced from radium and could not be ascribed to a possible occlusion of helium in the ra- dium bromide. A large quantity of radium chloride was in- troduced into a quartz tube and the radium heated to fusion. The emanation and gases in the tube were pumped out and the tube sealed. One month later, Deslandres examined the spectrum of the gases in the tube by placing layers of foil over the ends. A complete spectrum of helium was observed, l Curie and Dewar: Comptes rendus, cxxxviii, p. 190 (1904). THE PRODUCTION OF HELIUM 183 showing that the helium had been produced from the radium in the interval. Recently Debierne l has found that helium is also produced from active preparations of actinium. This result shows that the helium must be a common product of these two substances, which, from their radioactive and chemical behavior, must be regarded as distinct elements. THE POSITION OF HELIUM AS A TRANSFORMATION PRODUCT OF RADIUM We have already seen that radium is transformed through a long succession of products, each of which has some distinctive physical and chemical properties and a definite period of trans- formation. These products differ from the ordinary chemical elements only in the instability of their component atoms. They must be regarded as transition elements with a limited life, which break up into new forms of matter at a rate independent of our control. The distinction, however, between helium as a product of radium and the family of transition products is mainly one of atomic stability. As far as we know, helium is a stable element which does not disappear, but in the case of all the radioactive products, including the primary sources uranium and thorium, the atoms are undoubtedly unstable. It is now necessary to consider the position of helium as a transformation product of radium. Some have considered that helium is the end or final product of the disintegration of the radium atom, but for this there is no experimental evidence. We have seen that after the first rapid changes in the active deposit of the emanation, there is produced a very slow transition substance, radium D. If helium were the final product of the transformation of the radium atom, the amount produced from the emanation in the course of a few days would be infinitesi- mally small. In addition there can be little doubt that the final active product of radium, viz. radium F (polonium), is an ele- ment of high atomic weight. 1 Debierne: Comptes rendus, cxli, p. 383 (1905). 184 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS The evidence, on the other hand, points strongly to the con- clusion that the helium is formed by the a particles continuously shot out from radium and its products. We shall see later (Chapter X) that the experimental evidence shows that the a particle shot out from the different a ray products of radium has in each case the same mass, but varies in velocity for the different products. From observation of the deflection of the rays both in a strong magnetic and a strong electric field, the velocity, and the value e/m the ratio of the charge of the a particle to its mass have been accurately measured. The ratio e/m is very nearly 5 x 10 3 . Now the ratio e/m for the hydrogen atom liberated in the electrolysis of water is known to be 10 4 . If we assume that the a particle carries the same charge as the hydrogen atom, the mass of the a particle is twice that of the hydrogen atom. We are here unfortunately confronted with several possibilities be- tween which it is at present difficult to make a definite choice. The value of e/m for the a particle may equally well be explained on the assumptions that the a particle is (1) a mole- cule of hydrogen, (2) a helium molecule carrying twice the charge of the hydrogen atom, or (3) one half of the helium molecule carrying the usual ionic charge. The hypothesis that the a particle is a molecule of hydrogen seems for many reasons improbable. If hydrogen is a constitu- ent of the atoms of radioactive matter, it is to be expected that it would be expelled in the atomic and not in the molecular state. In all cases so far examined, when hydrogen is the car- rier of an electric charge, the value of e/m is 10 4 . This is the value to be expected for the hydrogen atom. For example, Wien found that the maximum value of ejm for the canal rays or positive ions, which are produced in an exhausted vacuum tube, was 10 4 . In addition, it seems improbable that, even if the hydrogen were projected initially in the molecular state, it would escape decomposition into its component atoms in passing through matter. When it is remembered that an a particle is projected with a velocity of about 12,000 miles per second, and collides THE PRODUCTION OF HELIUM 185 with every molecule in its path, the disturbance set up in the molecule by the collisions must be very intense, and must tend to rupture the bonds that hold the atoms of the molecule together. Indeed, it seems very unlikely that the hydrogen mole- cule under such conditions could escape decomposition into its component atoms. If the a particle were a hydrogen molecule, a considerable amount of free hydrogen should be present in old radioactive minerals which are sufficiently dense to prevent its escape. This does not appear to be the case, although in some minerals there is a considerable quantity of water. On the other hand, the comparatively large amount of helium pres- ent supports the view that the a particle is connected with helium. A strong argument in favor of the view of a connection, between helium and the a particle rests on the observed facts that helium is produced by actinium as well as by radium. The only point of similarity between these two substances lies in the expulsion of a particles. The production of helium by both substances is at once obvious if the helium is derived from the accumulated a particles, but is difficult to explain on any other hypothesis. We are thus reduced to the view that either the a particle is a helium atoni carrying twice the ionic charge, or that it is half of a helium atom carrying an ionic charge. The latter assumption involves the conception that helium, while behaving as a chemical atom under ordinary chemical and physical conditions, may exist in a still more elementary state as a component of the atoms of radioactive matter, and that, after expulsion, the a particles lose their charge and recombine to form atoms of helium. While such a view cannot be dismissed as inherently improb- able, there is no direct evidence in its favor. On the other hand, the second hypothesis has the merit of greater simplicity and probability. On this view, the a particle is in reality an atom of helium which is either expelled with a double ionic charge or acquires this charge in its passage through matter. Even if the a particle were initially projected without a charge, it would almost certainly acquire one after the first few collisions with the molecules in its 186 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS path. We know that the a particle is a very efficient ionizer, and there is every reason to suppose that it would itself be ionized by its collision with the molecules in its path, i. ., it would lose an electron, and would consequently itself retain a positive charge. If the a particle can remain stable with the loss of two elec- trons, these electrons would almost certainly be ejected as a result of the intense disturbance arising from the collision of the a particle with the molecules in its path. The a particle would then have twice the ordinary ionic charge, and the value of e/m, as found by measurement, would be quite consistent with the view that the a particle is an atom of helium. If this be the case, the actual number of a particles expelled from radium would be only one half of that deduced on the as- sumption that the a particle carries a single charge. This would make the rate of disintegration of radium only half of that cal- culated in Chapter VI, and would consequently double its life. In a similar way this assumption would reduce the calculated volume of the emanation released from one gram of radium from .8 c. mms. to .4 c. mms. This is smaller than the experimental value about 1 c. mm. determined by Ramsay and Soddy, but is of the right order of magnitude. On the above assumptions, the volume of helium produced per year per gram of radium can readily be calculated. If each a particle carries twice the ionic charge, experiment shows that 1.25 X 10 11 a particles are expelled per second from one gram of radium in equilibrium. The number expelled per year is 4.0 x 10 18 . Since one cubic centimetre of a gas at standard press- ure and temperature contains 3.6 x 10 19 molecules, the volume of helium produced per year per gram of radium is .11 c. cms. Ramsay and Soddy made an estimate of the rate of produc- tion of helium from radium in the following manner. The helium produced from 50 mgrs. of radium bromide kept in a closed vessel for 60 days was introduced into a vacuum tube. Another similar tube was placed in series with it and the amount of helium in the latter was adjusted until the discharge, passed in series through the two tubes, showed the helium lines with about the same intensity. In this way, they deduced THE PRODUCTION OF HELIUM 187 the volume obtained from the radium to be 0.1 cubic mm. This corresponds to a rate of production of helium per gram of radium per year of about 20 cubic mms. This is only about one fifth of the theoretical amount calculated above. Ramsay and Soddy do not lay much stress on the accuracy of their estimate, as they consider that the presence of a trace of argon may have seriously interfered with the correctness of the estimate by the spectroscopic method. An accurate measurement of the rate of production of helium by radium would be of the utmost value at the present time in settling the connection between the a particle and helium. If the a particle is a helium atom, the greater proportion of the a particles expelled from the emanation enclosed in a small tube will be projected into the glass envelope. The swiftest moving particles, viz., those expelled from radium C, would probably penetrate the glass to a depth of about 1/20 of a millimetre, while the slower moving particles would be stopped after traversing a somewhat shorter distance. It has already been pointed out (page 88) that this may explain why the volume of the emanation in the first ex- periment by Ramsay and Soddy shrank almost to zero. The helium in this case was retained in the glass. In the second experiment the helium may have diffused from the glass tube into the gas again. Ramsay and Soddy endeavored to settle this point by testing whether helium was released by heating a glass tube in which the emanation had been enclosed for several days and then removed. The spectroscope momentarily showed some of the helium lines, but these were soon obscured by the presence of other gases liberated by the heating of the tube. AGE OF RADIOACTIVE MINERALS The helium observed in the radioactive minerals is almost certainly due to its production from the radium and other radioactive substances contained therein. If the rate of pro- duction of helium from known weights of the different radio- elements were experimentally known, it should thus be possible to determine the interval required for the production of the 188 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS amount of helium observed in radioactive minerals, or, in other words, to determine the age of the mineral. This deduction is based on the assumption that some of the denser and more com- pact of the radioactive minerals are able to retain indefinitely a large proportion of the helium imprisoned in their mass. In many cases the minerals are not compact but porous, and under such conditions most of the helium will escape from its mass. Even supposing that some of the helium has been lost from the denser minerals, we should be able to fix with some cer- tainty a minimum limit for the age of the mineral. In the absence of definite experimental data on the rates of pro- duction of helium by the different radioelements, the deductions are of necessity somewhat uncertain, but will nevertheless serve to fix the probable order of the ages of the radioactive minerals. It has already been pointed out that all the a particles ex- pelled from radium have the same mass. In addition it has been experimentally found that the a particle from thorium B has the same mass as the a particle from radium. This would suggest that the a particles projected from all radioactive sub- stances have the same mass, and thus consist of the same kind of matter. If the a particle is a helium atom, the amount of helium produced per year by a known quantity of radioactive matter can readily be deduced on these assumptions. The number of products which expel a particles are now well known for radium, thorium, and actinium. Including radium F, radium has five a ray products, thorium five, and actinium four. With regard to uranium itself, there is not the same certainty, for only one product, UrX, which emits only /3 rays, has so far been chemically isolated from uranium. The a particles appar- ently are emitted by the element uranium itself ; at the same time, there is some indirect evidence in support of the view that uranium contains three a ray products. For the purpose of calculation, we shall, however, assume that in uranium and radium in equilibrium, one a particle is expelled from the uranium for five from the radium. Let us now consider an old uranium mineral which contains one gram of uranium, and which has not allowed any of the THE PRODUCTION OF HELIUM 189 products of its decomposition to escape. The uranium and radium are in radioactive equilibrium and 3.8 x 10~ 7 grams of radium are present. For one a particle emitted by the ura- nium, five are emitted by the radium and its products, including radium F. Now we have shown that radium with its four a ray products probably produces .11 c.c. of helium per gram per year. The rate of production of helium by the uranium and ra- dium in the mineral will consequently be J x .11 x 3.8 X 10 ~ 7 5.2 x 10~ 8 c.c. per year per gram of uranium. Now, as an example of the method of calculation, let us con- sider the mineral fergusonite which was found by Ramsay and Travers to evolve 1.81 c.c. of helium per gram. The fergusonite contains about 7 per cent of uranium. The amount of helium contained in the mineral per gram of uranium is consequently 26 c.c. Since the rate of production of helium per gram of uranium and its radium products is 5.2 x 10~ 8 c.c. per year, the age of the mineral must be at least 26 -f- .2 x 10~ 8 J years or 500 million years. This, as we have pointed out, is a minimum estimate, for some of the helium has probably escaped. We have assumed in this calculation that the amount of uranium and radium present in the mineral remains sensibly constant over this interval. This is approximately the case, for the parent element uranium probably requires about 1000 million years to be half transformed. As another example, let us take a uranium mineral obtained from Glastonbury, Connecticut, which was analyzed by Hille- brande. This mineral was very compact and of high density, 9.62. It contained 76 per cent of uranium and 2.41 per cent of nitrogen. This nitrogen was almost certainly helium, and dividing by seven to reduce to helium this gives the percentage of helium as 0.344. This corresponds to 19 c.c. of helium per gram of the mineral, or 25 c.c. per gram of uranium in the min- eral. Using the same data as before, the age of the mineral must be certainly not less than 500 million years. Some of the uranium and thorium minerals do not contain much helium. Some are porous, and must allow the helium to escape readily. 190 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS A considerable quantity of helium is, however, nearly always found in the compact primary radioactive minerals, which from geologic data are undoubtedly of great antiquity. Hillebrande made a very extensive analysis of a number of samples of minerals from Norway, North Carolina, and Connec- ticut, which were mostly compact primary minerals, and noted that a striking relation existed between the proportion of uranium and of nitrogen (helium) that they contained. This relation is referred to in the following words : " Throughout the whole list of analyses in which nitrogen (helium) has been estimated, the most striking feature is the apparent relation between it and the UO 2 . This is especially marked in the table of Norwegian uraninites, recalculated from which the rule might almost be formulated that, given either nitrogen or UO 2 , the other can be found by simple calculation. The same ratio is not found in the Connecticut varieties, but if the determination of nitrogen in the Branchville mineral is to be depended on, the rule still holds that the higher the UO 2 the higher likewise is the nitrogen. The Colorado and North Caro- lina minerals are exceptions, but it should be borne in mind that the former is amorphous, like the Bohemian, and possesses the further similarity of containing no thoria, although zirconia may take its place, and the North Carolina mineral is so much altered that its original condition is unknown." Very little helium, however, is found in the secondary radio- active minerals, i. e., minerals which have been formed as a result of the decomposition of the primary minerals. These minerals, as Boltwood has pointed out, are undoubtedly in many cases of far more recent formation than the primary minerals, and conse- quently it is not to be expected that they should contain as much helium. One of the most interesting deposits of a second- ary uraninite is found at Joachimsthal in Bohemia, from which most of our present supply of radium has been obtained. This is rich in uranium, but contains very little helium. When the data required for these calculations are known with more definiteness, the presence of helium in radioactive minerals will in special cases prove a most valuable method of computing THE PRODUCTION OF HELIUM 191 their probable age, and indirectly the probable age of the geo- logical deposits in which the minerals are found. Indeed, it ap- pears probable that it will prove one of the most reliable methods of determining the age of the various geological formations. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PRESENCE OF LEAD IN RADIOACTIVE MINERALS If the a particle is a helium atom, the atomic weights of the suc- cessive a ray products of radium must differ by equal steps of four units. Now we have seen that uranium itself probably contains three a ray products. Since the atomic weight of uranium is 238.5, the atomic weight of the residue of the uranium after the expulsion of three a particles would be 238.5 12, = 226.5. This is very close to the atomic weight of radium 225, which we have seen is produced from uranium. Now radium emits five a ray products altogether, and the atomic weight of the end prod- uct of radium should be 238.5 32, = 206.5. This is very close to the atomic weight of lead, 206.9. This calculation suggests that lead may prove to be the final product of the decomposition of radium, and this suggestion is strongly supported by the observed fact that lead is always found associated with the radioactive minerals, and especially in those primary minerals which are rich in uranium. The possible significance of the presence of lead in radioactive minerals was first noted by Boltwood, 1 who has collected a large amount of data bearing on this question. The following table shows the collected results of an analysis of different primary minerals made by Hillebrande : Locality. Percentage of uranium. Percentage of lead. Percentage of nitrogen. Glastonbury, Connecticut Branchville, Connecticut North Carolina .... Norway . . . 70-72 74-75 77 56-66 3.07-3.26 4.35 4.20-4.53 7 62-13 87 2.41 2.63 1.03-1.28 Canada . 65 1049 086 Boltwood: Phil. Mag., April, 1905 ; Amer. Journ. Science, Oct., 1905. 192 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS Five samples were taken of the minerals from Glastonbury, three from Branch ville, two from North Carolina, seven from Norway, and one from Canada. In minerals obtained from the same locality, there is a comparatively close agreement between the amounts of lead contained in them. If helium and lead are both products of the decomposition of the uranium radium miner- als, there should exist a constant ratio between the percentage of lead and helium in the minerals. The percentage of helium is obtained from the above table by dividing the nitrogen percentage by seven. Since probably .eight a particles are emitted from the decomposition of uranium and radium for the production of one 8x4 atom of lead, the weight of helium formed should be ^7^-^ =.165 of the weight of lead. This is based on the assumption that all the helium formed is imprisoned in the minerals. The ratio actually found is about .11 for the Glastonbury minerals, .09 for the Branch ville minerals, and about .016 for the Norway min- erals. It will be noted that in all cases the ratio of helium to lead is less than the theoretical ratio, indicating that in some cases a large proportion of the helium formed in the mineral has escaped. In the case of the Glastonbury minerals, the observed ratio is in good agreement with theory. If the production of lead from radium is well established, the percentage of lead in radioactive minerals should be a far more accurate method of deducing the age of the mineral than the calculation based on the volume of helium, for the lead formed in a compact mineral has no possibility of escape. While the above considerations are of necessity somewhat conjectural in the present state of our knowledge, they are of value as indicating the possible methods of attacking the ques- tion as to the final products of the decomposition of the radio- active minerals. From a study of the data of analyses of radioactive minerals, Boltwood has suggested that argon, hy- drogen, bismuth, and some of the rare earths possibly owe their origin to the transformation of the primary radioactive substances. It does not appear likely that we shall be able for many years THE PRODUCTION OF HELIUM 193 to prove or disprove experimentally that lead is the final prod- uct of radium. In the first place, it is difficult for the experi- menter to obtain sufficient radium for working material, and, in the second place, the presence of the slowly transformed product radium D makes a long interval necessary before lead will ap- pear in appreciable quantity in the radium. A more suitable substance with which to attack the question would be radium F (radiotellurium) or radiolead (radium D). CONSTITUTION OF THE RADIOELEMENTS The view that the a particle is a helium atom suggests that the atoms of uranium and radium are built up in part of atoms of helium. If the final product of radium is lead, the radium atom could thus be represented by the equation, Ra = Pb He^ while Ur = Pb- ffe s . It must be borne in mind, however, that these compounds of helium are very different from ordinary molecular compounds. Both radium and uranium behave as elementary substances, which cannot be broken up by the application of physical or chemical forces at our command. These substances spontane- ously break up at a rate that is independent of known agencies, and the disintegration is accompanied by the expulsion of a helium atom with enormous velocity. The energy liberated in the form of the kinetic energy of the expelled helium atoms is of quite a different order from that observed in molecular reactions, being at least one million times as great as that released in the most vio- lent chemical combinations. It seems probable that the helium atoms are in very rapid motion within the atoms of uranium and radium, and for some reason escape from the atoms with the velocities which they possessed in their orbits. The forces that hold the helium atoms in place in the atom of the radioelements are so strong that no means at our disposal are able to effect their separation. It seems probable that the a particles from thorium and actin- ium are also helium atoms, so that these substances must also be considered as compounds of some unknown substances with 13 194 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS helium. Five a ray products are known to exist in thorium, and this would make the atomic weight of the residue of the thorium atom 232.5 5x4, or 212.5. The nearest known atomic weight to this is that of bismuth, viz. 208, and if thorium should lose six a particles instead of five, the atomic weight of the residue would be very nearly that of bismuth. This substance also fulfils the condition required for a transformation product of radioactive substances, for it is found in radioactive minerals, although only in small amount compared with that of lead in the old uranium minerals, -where little thorium is present. It thus appears that helium plays a most important part in the constitution of the radioelements, and it is not unlikely that helium as well as hydrogen may ultimately prove to be one of the more elementary units of which the heavy atoms are built up. In this connection it may prove more than a coincidence that a number of the atomic weights of the elements differ by nearly four units or by multiples of four units. Many of the primary radioactive minerals were undoubtedly deposited at the surface of the earth 100 to 1000 million years ago, and since that time have been undergoing slow trans- formation. There is no evidence at hand that this process of degradation of matter is reversible under ordinary conditions at the surface of the earth. It seems, however, reasonable to suppose that under some conditions, existing possibly early in the earth's history, the converse process took place, and that the heavy atoms were built up from the lighter and more elementary substances. It may happen that the conditions for the formation of heavy atoms may be found at the high pressures and temperatures existing deep in the earth. It has been suggested to me by Dr. Barrel, of Yale University, that the gradual building up of the heavy and more complex atoms of matter may be slowly taking place m the interior of the earth, and that this might possibly account for the undoubtedly high density of the matter in the interior of the earth, and also for the gradual shrinking of the earth as a whole. THE PRODUCTION OF HELIUM 195 While such suggestions are at present highly speculative, it appears not unreasonable to suppose that the formation of the radioactive matter may still be in progress deep in the earth, and that the radioactive deposits found at the surface to-day have been forced up from below in past ages. OF THE ' UNIVERSITY OF 'FORN\^ CHAPTER IX RADIOACTIVITY OF THE EARTH AND ATMOSPHERE WE shall in this chapter briefly discuss the present state of our knowledge of the radioactive condition of the earth and atmosphere, and the possible bearing of the facts so far obtained on the problems of the electrical state of the atmosphere and on the internal heat of the earth. ATMOSPHERIC RADIOACTIVITY The remarkable development during the last few years of our knowledge of the radioactive and electrical state of the atmos- phere is one of unusual interest, and although the interval for investigation has been short, a great deal of new and important information has been accumulated. Nearly a century ago, Coulomb and others drew attention to the fact that a charged conductor placed inside a closed vessel lost its charge more rapidly than could be explained by the con- duction of electricity along the insulating support. This was thought by Coulomb to be due to the molecules of air receiving a charge from contact with the charged rod and then being repelled from it. As early as 1850, Matte ucci observed that the rate of loss of charge was independent of the potential of the charged body. By using insulators of quartz rods of different lengths and cross section, Boys in 1889 came to the conclusion that the loss of charge could not be explained by the imperfect insulation of the supports. Shortly after science had become familiar with the ionization of gases by X-rays and uranium rays, the question of the cause of this loss of charge was independently attacked by Geitel 1 and C. T. R. Wilson, 2 using specially designed electroscopes to 1 Geitel: Physik. Zeit., ii, p. 116 (1900). 2 Wilson: Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. : xi, p. 32 (1900); Proc. Roy. Soc., Ixviii, p. 151 (1901). RADIOACTIVITY OF THE EARTH 197 measure the rate of discharge of a charged body inside a closed vessel. Both came to the conclusion that the gradual loss of charge was mainly due to an ionization of the air inside the closed vessel. Above a certain voltage, the rate of discharge was independent of the voltage, a result to be expected if the ionization was very weak. It was at first thought that this ionization in the gas was spontaneous and a property of the gas itself, but later work has modified this conclusion. It is now certain that a large part of the ionization observed in a clean metal vessel results mainly from the emission of ionizing radiations from its walls. A part is due to a very penetrating radiation of the 7 ray type which is everywhere present on the surface of the earth. The amount of ionization of a gas inside a o closed vessel depends on the nature and pressure of the gas and of the material of the vessel. In most cases the ionization falls off nearly proportionally with the pressure, and is approximately proportional to the density of the gas. Both of these results are to be expected if the ionization observed is due to radiations from the walls or to a penetrating type of radiation passing from the outside through the material of the vessel. It must be borne in mind that the natural ionization observed in closed vessels is extraordinarily minute, and special precau- tions are usually necessary to measure it with accuracy. As- suming that the ionization in a small silvered glass vessel was uniform throughout its volume, C. T. R. Wilson found that not more than 30 ions were produced per second per cubic centi- metre of the enclosed air. In a vessel of one litre capacity, the number of ions produced per second would be 30,000, or only about one third of the total number of ions produced in air by a single a particle emitted from radium. The expulsion of a single a particle per second from the walls of the vessel would thus more than account for the ionization observed. After examining the discharge of electricity produced by air in closed vessels, Elster and Geitel turned their attention to the external air. They found that a charged body freely exposed to the open air lost its charge far more rapidly than when placed in a small closed vessel. Both positive and negative electricity is 198 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS discharged, but generally at unequal rates, a positively charged body losing its charge somewhat more slowly than a negatively charged one. The ionization of the open air was examined by means of a portable electroscope. An insulated wire gauze was connected to the charged electroscope, and the rate of loss of charge of the electroscope was taken as a comparative measure of the number of ions in the air. In the course of their experiments on closed vessels, Elster and Geitel noted that the rate of discharge increased for several hours after the introduction of fresJa^jn?- Such a result was known to occur when the radium or thorium emanation was mixed with the air. This led them to try a bold experiment to see if it were possible to extract a radioactive substance from the atmosphere. The writer had shown that a negatively charged wire exposed in the presence of the thorium emanation became strongly active. This experiment suggested the method of attacking the question. 1 A long wire was suspended on insulating supports outside the laboratory and charged nega- tively to a high potential by means of a static machine. After some hours the wire was removed and coiled round the top of an electroscope. There was an undoubted increase in its rate of discharge, showing that the wire possessed the new property of ionizing the gas. The effect died away after a time, and was small after a few hours' interval. Further experiments showed that the wire had been made temporarily radioactive by exposure to the open air. The amount of activity observed was independent of the nature of the material of the wire, and in this respect the activity behaved quite similarly to the excited activity imparted to bodies in the presence of the radium and thorium emanations. The active matter could be dissolved from the wire by rubbing it with leather soaked in ammonia. In this way an active substance was obtained capable of affecting a pho- tographic plate through .1 mm. of aluminium and of produc- ing weak phosphorescence on a screen of platinocyanide of barium. i Elster and Geitel: Physik. Zeit., iii, p. 76 (1901). RADIOACTIVITY OF THE EARTH 199 Rutherford and Allan l showed that similar activity could be ob- tained from the open air in Montreal. The radiations consisted of a and /3 rays, the former being responsible for most of the ionization observed with bare wires. The activity of a wire made active by exposure to the atmosphere decayed at about the same rate as that of a wire made active by exposure to the radium emanation. Bumstead and Wheeler 2 examined the radioactive state of the air at New Haven, and from a comparison of the rate of decay of the active wire with that of a wire made active by exposure to the radium emanation, showed conclusively that the activity observed in the air in that locality was mainly due to the radium emanation. A wire made active in the open air showed the initial rapid drop of activity due to radium A, and the curve of decay was identical with that due to the excited activity of radium. An emanation was obtained by boiling the soil and surface water at New Haven, which decayed at the same rate as the radium emanation. By exposing wires for several days in the open air, Bum- stead 3 also observed that, after the excited activity due to the radium emanation had disappeared, a part of the activity de- cayed much more slowly. This residual activity decayed at the same rate as the excited activity from thorium, showing conclu- sively that the thorium as well as the radium emanation was present in the air. Dadourian 4 showed that the soil at New Haven was impregnated with the thorium emanation. A hole was dug in the ground and the top closed. A negatively charged wire was exposed in the hole, and on removal it was found to show activity, which disappeared at the characteristic rate of the excited activity of thorium. Such results show that the soil at New Haven must contain quite appreciable quantities both of thorium and radium. Since the thorium emanation has a very short life, it is only able to diffuse into the open air from a small depth of soil. The radium 1 Rutherford and Allan : Phil. Mag., Dec., 1902. 2 Bumstead and "Wheeler: Amer. Journ. Science, Feb., 1904. 3 Bumstead: Amer. Journ. Sci., July, 1904. 4 Dadourian: Amer. Journ. Sci., Jan., 1905. 200 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS emanation, which has a much longer life, is able to emerge from a much greater depth. In the meantime, C. T. R. Wilson 1 had found that rain was radioactive. Rain water was collected after a shower, and rapidly evaporated to dryness in a platinum dish, which was then placed under an electroscope. The activity was found to decay to half value in about 30 minutes. Wilson in England, S. J. Allan and McLennan in Canada, independently showed that freshly fallen snow possessed a like property. The activity of snow, like that of rain, falls to half value in 30 minutes. This rate of decay is nearly the same as that observed for the excited activity of radium, several hours after removal of the emanation. Such a result suggests that the carriers of radium B and radium C become attached, prob- ably by diffusion, to the water drops or snowflakes in their passage through the air. On evaporation, the active matter remains behind. A heavy fall of rain or a snowstorm must thus act as a means of temporarily removing a proportion of the radium B and C always present in the air. Elster and Geitel found that the air in confined spaces, such as caves and cellars, was abnormally radioactive, and showed strong ionization. To show that these effects did not result from stagnant air alone, Elster and Geitel confined a large volume of air in an old steam boiler, but did not observe any increase of the ionization with time. Other experiments showed that the increased radioactivity in confined spaces, in contact with the earth, was due to the gradual storing of the radium emanation which diffused through the soil. In order to throw light on this question, Elster and Geitel 2 placed a pipe several feet deep in the earth, and by means of a pump sucked up some of the air imprisoned in the capillaries of the soil. This was found to be strongly active, and its activity decayed at about the same rate as that of air mixed with the radium emanation. Similar results were observed by Ebert and Ewers 3 for the 1 Wilson : Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., xi, p. 428 (1902) ; xii, p. 17 (1903). 2 Elster and Geitel : Physik. Zeit., iii, p. 574 (1902). 8 Ebert and Ewers : Physik. Zeit., iv, p. 162 (1902). RADIOACTIVITY OF THE EARTH 201 air removed from the soil at Munich. Such results show con- clusively that small quantities of radium are everywhere distrib- uted throughout the surface soil of the earth. J. J. Thomson, Adams, and others examined the water obtained from deep wells and springs in England, and found that in some cases the water contained considerable quantities of the radium emanation, and in a few cases a trace of radium itself. In the last few years, a very large amount of work has been done in examining the waters and sediments of mineral and hot springs for the presence of radioactive matter. H. S. Allan and Lord Blythswood found that the hot springs at Bath and Buxton contained appreciable quantities of a radioactive emana- tion. This was confirmed by Strutt, who found that not only was the radium emanation contained in the issuing water, but that the mud deposited by the springs contained traces of radium. It is of interest to note that helium has been observed amongst the gases evolved by these springs, and it would appear probable that the waters in their passage to the earth pass through a deposit of radioactive minerals. Himstedt found the radium emanation in the thermal springs at Baden Baden, while Elster and Geitel found also small traces of radium in the mud deposited by them. A large number of springs have been examined by different observers in England, Germany, France, Italy, and the United States, and in nearly all cases the radium emanation has been found in the water, often in easily measurable amount. Elster and Geitel found that the mud or " fango " deposited from the hot springs at Battaglia, Italy, was abnormally radioactive, and a close ex- amination showed that the activity was due to radium. They calculated that, weight for weight, it contains almost one thou- sandth of the radium to be obtained from the Joachimsthal pitchblende. While the activity of most of the waters of hot springs is due in most cases to the presence of radium or its emanation, Blanc l has observed one notable exception in which the activity is mainly due to thorium. The sediment of the waters at Salins-Moutiers i Blanc : Phil. Mag., Jan., 1905. 202 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS was abnormally active, and was found to give off considerable quantities of the thorium emanation. Blanc, however, was unable to detect analytically the presence of thorium, although, from the amount of emanation given off, a considerable quantity should have been present. It seems not unlikely that the activ- ity observed was due not to the primary substance thorium, but to its product, radiothorium, which was discovered by Hahn (see page 68). This would give rise to thorium X and the tho- rium emanation, but would be present in too minute a quantity to be determined chemically. Elster and Geitel observed that natural carbonic acid obtained from great depths of old volcanic soil contained the radium emanation, while McLennan and Burton found considerable quantities of radium emanation in the petroleum from a deep well in Ontario, Canada. In most cases where spring water comes from great depths, and especially if the water is hot* radioactive matter is found to be present in abnormal amount compared with that found in the soil itself. Such a result is not unexpected, for water, and par- ticularly hot water, would tend to dissolve traces of radioactive matter in the strata through which it passes, and also to become impregnated with the radium emanation. In special cases, it may happen that the water has passed through a deposit of radioactive minerals, and in such a case, a very strong activity is to be expected. Elster and Geitel have made an extensive examination of dif- ferent soils for radioactivity, and have found traces of radioac- tive matter in nearly every case. The activity is most marked in clayey soils, and is apparently due in many cases to the pres- ence of small traces of radium. The observations as a whole show clearly that radioactive matter is extraordinarily diffused in nature, and it is difficult to find any substance that does not contain a minute trace of radium. It does not appear likely that uranium or radium differ in this respect from the inactive elements. The presence of radium can be noted by the electric test, where chemical analyses would fail to detect the presence of RADIOACTIVITY OF THE EARTH 203 rare inactive elements, although they may exist in considerably greater quantity than the radium itself. On general grounds, such a wide diffusion of radioactive matter is not surprising, for the soil of the earth at any point should contain a fairly thorough admixture of a great majority of the elements found in the earth, the rare elements being present in only minute proportion. There can be no reasonable doubt that the radioactive matter observed in the atmosphere is mainly due to the emanation of radium and its transformation products, and probably in some localities to traces of the emanation of thorium and actinium. The supply of radioactive matter in the atmosphere is kept up mainly by the diffusion and transpiration of the emanations through the soil, while no doubt a part is supplied by the action of springs and by the release of imprisoned gases. On account of its comparatively slow rate of change, it is to be expected that the amount of the emanation of radium will pre- dominate over the other emanations in the atmosphere, for the short life of the emanations of actinium and thorium prevent their reaching the surface from any appreciable depth. While it is probable that the supply of emanation from the earth to the atmosphere varies in different localities, the action of winds and air currents generally should tend to distribute the emanation from point to point and to make its distribution more uniform. All observers have noted that the amount of excited activity to be obtained under definite conditions from the atmosphere is very variable, and often alters considerably during a single day. Elster and Geitel made a detailed examination of the effect of meteorological conditions on the amount of active matter in the atmosphere. The experiments were made at Wolfenbiittel, Germany, and were continued for twelve months. On an aver- age, the amount of active matter increased with a lowering of the temperature. Below C., the average was 1.44 times as great as above C. A falling barometer increases the amount of active matter. The effect of a change of pressure is intelli- gible when it is remembered that a lowering of the pressure tends to cause the emanation in the capillaries of the soil to be drawn to the surface. 204 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS If the emanation observed in the atmosphere is entirely drawn from the soil, the amount in the air over the sea in mid-ocean should be much smaller than on land, for the water will not allow the emanation to escape from the earth's crust into the atmosphere. Observations so far made indicate that the amount of active matter in the air falls off near the sea. For example, the amount on the Baltic coast was found by Elster and Geitel to be only about one third of that found inland, but no systematic examination has yet been made of the amount of active matter in the atmosphere at great distances from land. AMOUNT OP THE RADIUM EMANATION IN THE ATMOSPHERE Most of the experiments on the amount of active matter in the air have been qualitative in character, but it is obviously important to obtain some idea of the amount of the radium emanation present in the atmosphere. Since the amount in the atmosphere is kept up by a constant supply of fresh emanation from the earth, it is convenient to express the amount of radio- active matter in the atmosphere in terms of the amount of freely emanating radium bromide which is required to keep up the supply. Some interesting experiments in this direction have recently been made by A. S. Eve 1 at Montreal. The radioactive state of the air in the neighborhood of Montreal appears to be normal, and the number of ions present per cubic centimetre of the out- side air is about the same as that observed at different localities in Europe. Some experiments were first made in a large iron tank in the Engineering Building of Me Gill University. This tank was 8.08 metres high and 1.52 metres square, with a total volume of 18.7 cubic metres. In order to determine the amount of ex- cited activity to be obtained from the tank, a long insulated wire was suspended in its centre, and kept at a constant poten- tial of 10,000 volts for three hours. The wire was then rapidly i A. S. Eve : Phil. Mag., July, 1905. RADIOACTIVITY OF THE EARTH 205 removed, and coiled round a frame attached to an electroscope. The rate of fall of the gold leaves then served as a measure of the amount of active matter deposited on the wire. A similar experiment was then made in a small zinc cylinder of volume 76 litres. The emanation derived from 2x1 0~ 4 milli- grams of radium bromide was introduced into the cylinder and mixed with the air. The excited activity was concentrated, as before, on a negatively charged wire, and after removal was measured with the same apparatus employed in the first experi- ment. Knowing the rate of discharge of the electroscope for the active deposit obtained from a known quantity of radium, a comparison of the results obtained with the large tank at once gave the amount of emanation present in it. In this way, it was calculated that one cubic kilometre of the air, containing the same amount of emanation per unit volume as that observed in the large tank, was equivalent to the emanation supplied by .49 grams of pure radium bromide. The tank in these experiments was in free communication with the open air, and the amount of the excited activity was unaltered when the air from the room was forced through the tank. It thus seems reasonable to suppose that the air within the tank contained the same amount of emanation per unit volume as the outside air. No radioactive matter had ever been introduced into the building where the tank was used, and, as we shall see later, the rate of production of ions per cubic centi- metre of the tank was lower than that ever previously recorded. In order to verify this point, however, experiments were made on another large zinc cylinder placed on the College Campus, with its ends in free communication with the air. The active deposit was collected on a wire suspended along the axis of the tank, and tested as before. The average amount, how- ever, was found to be only from one third to one fourth of that observed for an equal volume of the large tank. No adequate cause could be assigned for this discrepancy between the results for the experiments in the iron tank and in the zinc cylinder, unless the charged wire is unable for some reason to collect all the active deposit from the cylinder placed in the open air. 206 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS On certain assumptions we can form a rough estimate of the amount of radium emanation existing in the atmosphere. Sup- pose the emanation is uniformly distributed in a spherical layer 10 kilometres deep around the earth, and that the emanation per cubic kilometre is uniform, and equal to that observed at Mon- treal. The surface of the earth is about 5 x 10 8 square kilo- metres, and the volume of the shell 10 kilometres thick is 5 x 10 9 cubic kilometres. Taking the estimated value, .49 grams per cubic kilometre, found from experiments on the large tank, the amount of emanation in the atmosphere corresponds to 2.5 x 10 9 grams or 2,460 tons of radium bromide. Now, about three quarters of the earth is covered with water, through which no emanation can escape to the surface. If the emanation arises from the land alone, the amount is thus reduced to about one quarter of this, or 610 tons. Taking the value obtained from measurements in the cylinder in the outside air, the amount is found to be about 170 tons. Several observers have shown that the amount of excited activity present in the air at high altitudes is equal to, if not greater than, the amount observed on the plains. It thus ap- pears probable that in supposing that the emanation is distrib- uted to an average height of 10 kilometres in the atmosphere we are well within the truth. Until a very complete radioactive survey of the atmosphere has been made, such calculations are of necessity somewhat uncertain, but they certainly serve to give the right order of magnitude of the quantities involved. Since the emanation is half transformed in about four days, it cannot diffuse into the air from any great depth in the earth, so that the main supply of the emanation must come from a super- ficial layer of the earth not many metres in thickness. A part of the supply is probably due to deep seated springs, which may bring up the emanation from greater depths, but the amount so supplied is probably small compared with that escaping directly through the pores of the soil. We thus arrive at the important conclusion that a very con- siderable quantity of radium, measured by hundreds of tons, is distributed over the earth within a few metres of its surface. RADIOACTIVITY OF THE EARTH 207 It is for the most part, however, distributed in such infinitesimal quantities that its presence can be detected only by the aid of the electric method. Eve (loc. cit.) found that a wire about one millimetre in diam- eter charged to 10,000 volts, and suspended about 20 feet above the ground, was only able to collect the active deposit from the air in a cylindrical volume of radius lying between 40 and 80 cms. This collecting distance is small compared with that to be ex- pected for such a high voltage, for the writer has shown that the positively charged carriers of the active deposit of radium and of thorium travel in an electric field at about the same velocity as the ion, i. e., they move with a velocity of about 1.4 cms. per second under a potential gradient of one volt per cm. It seems probable that the carriers of the active deposit, which must remain suspended a long time in the atmosphere, adhere to the comparatively large dust nuclei always present in the air, and consequently move very slowly in an electric field, so that the carriers can only be drawn in from the immediate vicinity of the charged wire. THE PENETRATING RADIATION AT THE EARTH'S SURFACE Since the radium emanation is everywhere present in the sur- face of the earth and in the atmosphere, its transformation prod- uct radium C must give rise to 7 rays, and these rays must come in all directions from the earth and atmosphere. The presence of such a penetrating radiation at the earth's surface was independently observed by McLennan l and H. L. Cooke, 2 in Canada. McLennan worked with a large vessel, and observed that the ionization of the air inside diminished about 37 per cent when the vessel was surrounded by a thickness of 25 cms. of water. Cooke worked with a small brass electroscope of about one litre capacity. The rate of discharge of the electroscope fell about 30 per cent when completely surrounded by a lead screen 5 cms. thick. No further diminution was observed by 1 McLennan : Phys. Rev., No. 4, 1903. 2 Cooke: Phil. Mag., Oct., 1903. 208 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS placing a ton of lead around the apparatus. The radiation is of about the same penetrating power as the 7 rays from radium, and can be observed in the open air as well as in a building. By placing blocks of lead in different positions in regard to the electroscope, it was found that the radiation came about equally from all directions, and was the same during the day as at night. Such results are to be expected if the penetrating rays come equally from the radioactive matter distributed in the earth and atmosphere. The magnitude of the ionizing effect due to the penetrating rays is, however, much greater than that due to the 7 rays from the amount of radium emanation in the atmosphere calculated by Eve. It seems not unlikely that these penetrat- ing rays may be given out by matter in general as well as by radioactive bodies. ELECTRICAL STATE OF THE ATMOSPHERE It has long been known, from observation of the potential gradient in the atmosphere, that the upper layers of the atmos- phere are generally positively charged in regard to the earth. There is consequently an electric field always acting between the earth and the upper atmosphere. Since there is a distribution of ions in the lower regions of the atmosphere, there must con- sequently be a steady movement of negative ions upwards and of positive ions downwards towards the earth. Since the car- riers of the active deposit of radium have a positive charge, they must tend to be deposited on the surface of the earth. Each blade of grass and each leaf must consequently be coated with an invisible deposit of radioactive material. A hill or mountain top tends to concentrate the earth's field at that point, and there should be a greater amount of active matter deposited on its surface than on an equal area on the plains. This is in agree- ment with the observations of Elster and Geitel, who found that the ionization of the air on a mountain top was greater than on a lower level. A large number of observations have been made of the rela- tive number of ions in the air at various localities under differ- ent meteorological conditions. Many experimenters have used RADIOACTIVITY OF THE EARTH 209 the " dissipation apparatus " constructed by Elster and Geitel. This consists of an open wire gauze connected with an electro- scope. The rate of discharge of the electroscope is separately observed when charged positively and negatively. While this apparatus has proved of value in preliminary work on the ioniza- tion of the atmosphere, the results obtained are only comparative, and do not readily lend themselves to quantitative calculations. The effect of wind is very marked in such an apparatus, and the rate of dissipation is always higher when a wind is blowing. A very useful portable instrument for determining the actual number of positive and negative ions per cubic centimetre of the air has been devised by Ebert. 1 By means of a fan driven by clockwork, a steady current of air is drawn between two con- centric cylinders. The inner cylinder is insulated and connected with a direct reading electroscope. The length of the cylinder is so adjusted that all the ions in the air are drawn to the elec- trodes in their passage through the cylinder. Knowing the capacity of the instrument, the velocity of the current of air, and the constants of the electroscope, the number of ions per c.c. of the air can easily be deduced. When the inner cylinder is charged positively, the rate of discharge of the electroscope is a measure of the number of negative ions in the air, and vice versa. Measurements by Eberts and others show that the actual number of ions per c.c. of air is subject to considerable fluctua- tions and is dependent on meteorological conditions. The num- ber usually varies between five hundred and several thousands, and the number of positive ions is nearly always greater than the number of negative. Schuster 2 observed that the number of ions per c.c. in the air in Manchester varied between 2300 and 3700. These numbers give the equilibrium number of ions in the air when the rate of production of fresh ions is balanced by the rate of their recom- bination. If n v n 2 are the number of positive and negative ions respectively per c.c. of air, and q the rate of production per c.c. 1 Ebert: Physik. Zeit., ii, p. 662 (1901); Zeitschr. f. Luftschiff-fahrt, iv, Oct., (1902). 2 Schuster : Proc. Manchester Phil. Soc., p. 488, No. 12, 1904. 14 210 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS per second, then q = a n^ n 2 , where a is the coefficient of recom- bination of the ions. By a slight modification of the apparatus of Ebert, Schuster was able to determine the value of a for the air under the normal conditions of experiment, and deduced that the value of q in Manchester varied between 12 and 39. The apparatus of Ebert was designed to measure the number of free ions in the air which have the same mobility as the ions produced by X-rays or the radiations from active bodies. The velocity of the ions produced in air have been directly measured by Mache and von Schweidler. The positive ion moves 1.02 cms. per second, and the negative 1.25 cm. per second, for a potential gradient of one volt per cm. These velocities are slightly slower than those observed for the ions produced in dust-free air by X-rays or the rays from radioactive substances. In addition to these swiftly moving ions, Langevin l has shown that a number of slowly moving ones are also present, which travel too slowly in an electric field to be removed by the electric field used in the apparatus of Ebert. These ions move with about the same velocity as the ions observed in flame gases some distance from the flame. By using much stronger fields, Langevin has determined the number of these heavy ions pres- ent in the air, and concludes that they are about forty times as numerous as the swiftly moving ones. It is possible that these slowly moving ions are formed by the deposition of water round the ion to form a minute globule, or by the adherence of the ion to the dust which is always present in the air. Since there is undoubtedly a continuous production of ions in the air near the earth, it is a matter of great importance to determine the cause or causes of this ionization. The most obvious cause is the presence of radioactive matter in the atmos- phere. But is the amount present capable of producing the ionization observed ? In order to throw light on this important point, Eve (loc. cit.) made the following experiment. The large iron tank, previously described on page 204, was used. An insulated cylindrical electrode passed down the centre of the 1 Langevin : Comptes rendus, cxl, p. 232 (1905). RADIOACTIVITY OF THE EARTH 211 tank and was connected to an electroscope. The electrode was charged to a sufficient potential to obtain the saturation current, which is a measure of the total number of ions produced per second. A wire charged to 10,000 volts was then suspended in the tank and the active deposit collected from it for a definite "time. The activity imparted to the wire was measured imme- diately after removal with an electroscope. An exactly similar set of experiments was then made with a much smaller zinc cylinder, the air of which was artificially sup- plied with the radium emanation obtained by blowing air through a radium solution. The saturation current was measured, and also the amount of the activity imparted to a central electrode under the same conditions as in the large tank. If the ioniza- tion in the large tank is due entirely to the presence of the radium emanation in it, then the ratio of the saturation currents in the two tanks should be equal to the ratio of the activities imparted to the collecting wires under the same experimental conditions. This must obviously be the case, since the saturation current serves as a measure of the amount of emanation present, and so also does the activity imparted to the collecting wire. The ratio of the activity on the collecting wire in the iron tank to that in the emanation cylinder was found to be about 14 per cent less than the ratio of the corresponding saturation cur- rents. Considering the difficulty of such experiments, the agree- ment is as close as could be expected, and indicates that the greater part, if not all, of the ionization observed in the iron tank was due to the presence of the radium emanation. Since there was every reason to believe that the air in the tank contained the same amount of emanation as the outside air, this result indicates that the production of ions in the outside air is mainly due to the radioactive matter contained in it. Be- fore such a conclusion can be considered as established, experi- ments of a similar character must be made in various localities. We are, in any case, justified in assuming that the radioactive matter in the air plays a very important part in the produc- tion of ions observed in the atmosphere near the surface of the earth. 212 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS It is of interest to record that Eve found the number of ions produced per c.c. per second in the iron tank to be 9.8. This is the smallest rate of production of ions yet recorded for a closed vessel. Cooke observed a value as low as 20 for a well cleaned brass electroscope of about one litre capacity. If the radioactive matter in the air is the cause of its ioniza- tion, there should be a constant proportion between the rate of production of ions in the air and the excited activity on the col- lecting wire. The data so far collected by various observers ap- pear to contradict such a connection. It is doubtful, however, whether the measurements actually supply the data required. There seems to be no doubt that the recombination constant of the ions depends greatly on meteorological conditions, and on the freedom of the air from nuclei. The variation of this con- stant affects the equilibrium number of ions in the air deter- mined by the apparatus of Ebert. In a similar way, the excited activity imparted to a charged wire in the open air will probably depend upon atmospheric conditions, although the amount of emanation present may not have been changed. Before any definite conclusion can be reached, it will be neces- sary to take all these factors into account. A large number of observations have been made in Germany on the effect of meteorological conditions on the amount of dissipation measured by Elster and Geitel's apparatus. We have already mentioned the effect of a rising or falling barometer, in producing well marked variations in the amount of active matter in the air. The relation between potential gradient and dissipation has been studied by Gockel and Zolss. The latter finds that the poten- tial gradient varies in a marked manner with the dissipation. A high potential gradient is accompanied by a low value of the dissipation, and vice versa. A similar relation between the poten- tial gradient and the amount of ionization determined by Ebert's apparatus has been observed by Simpson in Norway. Elster and Geitel, and Zolss have shown that the dissipation increases with the temperature. Simpson found that at Karasjoh in Nor- way, the average between temperatures of 10 C. and 15 C. was about six times as great as that between 40 C. and 20 C. RADIOACTIVITY OF THE EARTH 213 A very complete series of observations on the annual varia- tion of the potential gradient, ionization, and dissipation, was made by Simpson l at Karasjoh, in Norway, situated within the Arctic circle, in latitude 69. These results are of special in- terest, for between November 26 and January 18 the sun did not rise above the horizon, while between May 20 and July 22 the sun did not fall below the horizon. The absence of the sun's rays apparently had no marked effect on the magnitude of the quantities measured. There was on an average a steady rise of the potential gradient between October and February, and a steady fall of the ionization during the same period. Such results indicate that the sun's rays have little if any direct effect on the ionization of the air. It is impossible here to discuss the numerous speculations that have been advanced to account for the presence of a strong positive charge in the upper atmosphere. This positive charge must be steadily supplied from some source, for otherwise it would be rapidly discharged by the ionization currents between the upper and lower atmosphere. Our knowledge of the elec- trical state of the upper atmosphere is at present too imperfect to enable us to determine whether this distribution of the charge is due to an effect of radiations from the sun, as some have supposed, or to a separation of the positive and negative ions continuously produced in the atmosphere. INTERNAL HEAT OF THE EARTH The problem of the origin of the earth's internal heat has been a subject of intermittent discussion for more than a cen- tury. The most plausible and the generally accepted view is that the earth was originally a very hot body, and in the course of millions of years has cooled down to the present state. This process of cooling is supposed to be still continuing, with the result that the earth will ultimately lose its internal heat by radiation into space. On this theory, Lord Kelvin bases his well known deduction of the age of the earth as a habitable planet. From observations 1 Simpson: Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, p. 61, 1905. 214 KADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS of bores and mines, it has been found that the temperature of the earth increases steadily from the surface downwards, and on an average this temperature gradient is found to be about 1/50 F. per foot, or .00037 C. per cm. In order to obtain an estimate of the maximum age of the earth on this theory, Kelvin supposed that the earth was initially a molten mass. By an application of Fourier's equation, it is possible to de- duce the temperature gradient at the surface of the earth at any time after the cooling began, provided the initial tempera- ture and the average conductivity for heat of the materials of the earth are known. Taking the most probable value of these numbers, Kelvin in his original calculations found that the time required for the earth to cool from the temperature of a molten mass of rock to its present state was about 100 million years. In later calculations, using improved data, this estimate has been cut down to about 40 million years. On this theory, life cannot have existed on the earth for more than 40 million years. This period has been thought by many geologists and biologists to be far too short to account for the processes of organic and inorganic evolution, and for the geologic changes observed in the earth, and such a serious cur- tailment of the time at their disposal has given rise to much con- troversy. On the theory on which Kelvin bases this calculation, there can be little doubt of the probable correctness of this estimate of the age of the earth, although the experimental data on which the calculations were based are of necessity somewhat imperfect. This theory, however, assumes that the earth is a simple cooling body, and that there has been no generation of heat from internal sources, for Lord Kelvin pointed out that the possible heat developed by the earth's contraction or by ordi- nary chemical combination is not sufficient to affect appreciably the general argument. The discovery of the radioactive bodies, which emit during their transformation an amount of heat at least one million times greater than that observed in ordinary chemical changes, throws quite another light on this question. We have seen that radioactive matter is everywhere distributed through the RADIOACTIVITY OF THE EARTH 215 surface of the earth and in the atmosphere, and that the amount of radium existing close to the surface is of the order of several hundred tons. It is of interest to calculate how much radium must be uni- formly distributed in the earth in order to compensate for the present loss of heat from the earth by conduction to the surface. The heat in gram calories per second lost by conduction to the surface of the earth is given by where R = radius of the earth, K the heat conductivity of the earth in C. G. S. units, and T the temperature gradient. Let X be the average amount of heat liberated per second per cubic centimetre of the earth's volume, owing to the presence of radioactive matter. If the heat, (?, supplied per second is equal to that lost by conduction to the surface, then X% TT E s = 4 TT R 2 K T, -KT orX=3 . Taking the average value of K .004, the value taken by Lord Kelvin, and T= .00037, then X = 1 X 10~ 15 gram calories per second = 2.2 x 10~ 7 gram calories per year. Now one gram of radium in radioactive equilibrium emits 876,000 gram calories of heat per year. Consequently the pres- ence of radium to the amount of 2.6 x 10~ 13 grams per c.c., or 4.6 x 10~ 14 grams per unit mass would compensate for the heat lost by conduction. In this calculation, the amount of radioactive matter present has been expressed in terms of radium. There is no doubt that uranium, thorium, and actinium are also present, but the heat- ing effects of these are expressed in terms of radium. On this view, the total heating effect of radioactive matter present in the earth is equivalent to that of about 270 million tons of radium. 216 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS Such an estimate does not appear to be excessive when it is remembered that there is undoubted evidence that several hun- dred tons of radium are present in a thin shell at the earth's surface. Taking the estimate of Eve that about 600 tons of radium are required to keep up the supply of emanation in the atmosphere over the land, it can be calculated that this comes from a superficial layer of the earth, about 18 metres in depth. This is based on the assumption that the radium in the earth is distributed uniformly in the amount previously calculated. Such a thickness is of the order of magnitude to be expected from general considerations. The experiments of Elster and Geitel have shown that radio- active matter is found in rocks and in soils in about the amount required by this theory. The heating effect of this radioactive matter must undoubtedly be taken into account in deductions based on the temperature gradient observed at the earth's surface. If the calculated amount of radium were dis- tributed uniformly in the earth, the temperature gradient would remain constant as long as the supply of radioactive matter remains unchanged. If the radioactive matter existed near the surface of the earth in amounts greater than this mean value, the temperature gradient would be correspondingly greater than the observed value. While the data on which these deductions are based is of necessity somewhat meagre, the evidence so far obtained is sufficiently strong to cast grave doubts on the validity of the calculations of the age of the earth, based on the view that it is a simple cooling body. The temperature gradient observed in the earth to-day may have remained sensibly constant for mil- lions of years in consequence of the steady generation of heat in the earth. It does not seem feasible on this theory of the maintenance of the earth's heat to fix with any certainty the age of the earth. The radium present in the earth is derived from the parent sub- stance uranium, and on this theory uranium must exist in the earth in the proportion of about one part in fifty million. This proportion does not seem excessive from present data. The RADIOACTIVITY OF THE EARTH 217 life of uranium is about 1000 million years, so that if the inter- nal heat of the earth were due entirely to uranium and radium the temperature gradient 1000 million years ago would only be about twice that observed to-day. It has already been pointed out that some of the uranium minerals are undoubtedly several hundred million years old, and the evidence suggests that some of them are of still greater antiquity. The evidence deduced from radioactive data alone points very strongly to the conclusion that on the lowest esti- mate, the earth is several hundred million years old. The radioactive data do not of themselves enable us to decide whether the earth was originally a very hot body or not. The theory that the earth was originally a molten mass seems to have been largely the outcome of an attempt to explain the internal heat of the earth. Some geologists, notably Professor Chamberlin of Chicago, have long upheld the view that the geologic evidence by no means supports such a conclusion. It is not possible here, however, to do more than mention this interesting possibility. RADIOACTIVITY OF ORDINARY MATTER It is a matter of general experience that every physical prop- erty discovered for one element has been found to be shared by others in varying degrees. For example, the property of mag- netism is most marked in iron, nickel, and cobalt, but every sub- stance examined has been found to be either feebly magnetic or diamagnetic. It might thus be expected on general principles that the property of radioactivity which is so marked in a sub- stance like radium would be shown by other substances. A preliminary examination at once showed that if ordinary matter was radioactive at all, it was only so in a minute degree, but later work by McLennan, Strutt, Campbell, Wood, and others, has shown that ordinary matter does possess the prop- erty of ionizing the gas to a small extent. Campbell 1 in par- ticular has carefully examined this question, and the evidence obtained by him affords very strong proof that ordinary matter 1 Campbell: Phil. Mag., April, 1905 ; Feb., 1906. 218 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS does possess the property of emitting ionizing radiations, and that each element emits radiations differing both in character and intensity. Experiments on this subject are very difficult, as the ioniza- tion currents measured are extraordinarily minute. The effects are very complicated as each substance emits a rays, and pene- trating rays, and the latter in some cases give rise to a marked secondary radiation. Campbell concludes that the a rays emitted from lead have a range of ionization in air of about 12.5 cms., while those from aluminium have a range of only 6.5 cms. On an average the a rays emitted from ordinary matter have a considerably greater range in air than the a rays from radium. A sample of the lead employed was dissolved in nitric acid and tested by the ema- nation method for the presence of radium, but not the slightest trace was observed. It does not necessarily follow that these a particles are iden- tical in mass with the a particles of radium. They may possibly . be hydrogen atoms, for if the a particles from ordinary matter were helium atoms we should expect, for example, to find helium in lead. If the expulsion of a particles be taken as evidence of atomic disintegration, a simple calculation shows that the life of ordi- nary matter is of the order of at least one thousand times that of uranium, i. e. not less than 10 12 years. CHAPTER X PROPERTIES OF THE a RAYS IN the previous chapters we have shown how prominent a role the a rays play in radioactive phenomena, as compared with the more penetrating /3 and 7 rays. Not only are they responsible for most of the ionization observed in the neighbor- hood of radioactive matter, but they are also directly concerned with the rapid emission of heat energy from these substances ; in addition, they generally accompany the transformation of the different types of radioactive matter, while the /3 and 7 rays are emitted only in the case of -a few products. Finally, we have seen that there is good reason to believe that the a particle is to be identified with an atom of helium. In this chapter, we shall outline in some detail the more im- portant properties possessed by the a rays, and especially by the a rays emitted by radium and its products. On account of their great intensity, the a rays frQm radium have been more easily studied than the corresponding rays from feebly radioac- tive substances like uranium and thorium. At the same time, the evidence so far obtained indicates that the a particles from all the radioactive substances have the same mass, and differ for each product only in their initial velocity of projection. The a rays differ from the /3 and 7 rays in the ease with which they are absorbed by matter and by the comparatively large ionization they produce in the air near to a radioactive body. By examining the effect of adding thin screens of metal- lic foil over radioactive matter, it was found that the a rays from the radioactive substances differed in penetrating power. We shall see later that the a rays from radium are completely cut off by a layer of aluminium foil of thickness .04 mms., or by a layer of air of thickness 7 cms. The ionizing action of the a rays is consequently confined within a short distance, while that 220 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS of the /3 rays extends for several metres, and that of the 7 rays for several hundred metres. The a rays were at first thought to be non-deflectable by a magnetic field, for the application of a magnetic field sufficiently strong to bend away completely the (3 rays had no appreciable effect on the a rays. In 1901, the writer began experiments by the electric method, to see if the a rays could be deflected in a strong magnetic field, but with the weak preparations of radium (activity 1000) then available, the electric effects were too small to push the experi- ments to the necessary limit. Later, in 1902, using a prepara- tion of activity 19,000, the experiments l were successful, and the a rays were found to be deflected in passing through both a magnetic and an electric field. The direction of the deflection was opposite to that for the @ rays, and this indicated that the a rays consisted of a flight of positively charged particles. By measurement of the amount of / deflection of the rays in passing through magnetic and electric fields of known strengths, the mass and velocity of the a par- ticle were determined. The value of e/m the ratio of the charge carried by an a particle to its mass was found to be about 6 X 10 3 , while the maximum velocity v of the particle was found to be 2.5 x 10 9 cms. per second. Since the ratio e/m for the hydrogen atom is about 10 4 , this result indicated that the a particle was atomic in size, and, assuming that the a particle carried the same charge as a hydro- gen atom, had a mass about twice that of the hydrogen atom. It must be remembered that the amount of the deviation of the rays in a given magnetic field is minute in comparison with that of the /3 rays. For example, the swiftest a particle projected from radium at right angles to a magnetic field of 10,000 C. G. S. units describes the arc of a circle of 40 cms. radius. The swifts est particle from radium, which is projected with 96 per cent of the velocity of light, describes under similar conditions a circle of about 5 mms. radius. i Rutherford : Physik. Zeit., iv, p. 235 (1902) ; Phil. Mag., Feb., 1903. PRpPERTIES OF THE a RAYS 221 Becquerel 1 confirmed the magnetic deflection of the a rays from radium by means of the photographic method, and also L showed that the a rays from polonium have a similar property. Using some pure radium bromide as a source of rays, Des Cou- dres a measured the deflection of a pencil of a rays in a vacuum after passing through a magnetic and electric field. He found e/m to be 6.3 x 10 3 and the velocity to be 1.64 x 10 9 cms. per second. The values of e/m obtained by Rutherford and Des Coudres were in good agreement, but the velocities varied con- siderably. In the experiments of Des Coudres the a rays were passed through a screen of aluminium. It will be seen later that this reduces the velocity of the a particles, and that the correct velocity of the swiftest a particle from radium is about 2 x 10 9 cms. per second, or about 1/15 of the velocity of light. In 1905, the question was again attacked by Mackenzie, 3 using pure radium bromide as a source of rays. A photographic method was employed, in which the a rays fell on a glass plate coated on its lower surface with zinc sulphide. A photographic plate was placed on the upper side of the glass plate, and was acted on by the light from the scintillations produced by the a rays in the zinc sulphide screen immediately below it. The deflection of the pencil of rays was observed as before after pass- ing through a magnetic and electric field. The a rays were found to be unequally deflected by a magnetic field, showing that the a particles varied either in mass or velocity. This dis- persion of the rays by a magnetic and electric field made it diffi- cult to deduce the constants of the rays with accuracy. Taking the mean value for the dispersion of the deflected pencils, he found the value of e/m to be 4.6 x 10 3 , and the velocity of the a particles to vary between 1.3 x 10 9 and 1.96 x 10 9 cms. per sec- ond, on the assumption that the a particles all carry the same charge and have the same mass. The importance of an accurate determination of efm for the a particle had long been recognized because of the light it 1 Becquerel: Comptes rendus, cxxxvi, pp. 199, 431 (1903). 2 Des Coudres: Physik. Zeit., iv, p. 483 (1903). 3 Mackenzie: Phil. Mag., Nov., 1905. 222 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS would throw on the question whether the a particle is an atom of helium. In all the methods so far described, a thick layer of radium in radioactive equilibrium was employed as a source of rays. On the theory of absorption of the a rays, put forward by Bragg and Kleeman, which will be discussed later, it was recog- nized that the a rays emitted from a thick or a thin layer of radium must consist of a particles moving at different speeds. The use of a complex pencil of rays was open to very serious objections, for it was impossible to know whether the rays most deflected in a magnetic field corresponded to the most deflected rays in an electric field or not. The simplest method of accurately determining the value of e/m is to use a homogeneous source of rays, i. e., to use a radio- active substance in which all the a particles escape at the same speed. The writer found that a wire made active by exposure to the radium emanation completely satisfied these essentials. The active matter, consisting of radium A, B, and C, is deposited in an extremely thin film on a negatively charged wire exposed in the presence of the emanation. After three hours' exposure, the activity of the wire reaches a maximum value. After removal, radium A, which has a three minute period, is rapidly transformed, and has practically disappeared after fifteen min- utes. The activity remaining is then entirely due to radium C. The a particles from radium C are all expelled with identically the same velocity, for there is no appreciable dispersion of the rays in a magnetic field. The particles projected into the wire are completed absorbed, and those which escape do not suffer in velocity in their passage through the very thin film of intensely active matter. Using 10 to 20 milligrams of radium in solution, a wire one centimetre long can be made extremely active by an arrange- ment similar to that shown in Fig. 24, page 100. The wire pro- duces a strong photographic impression on a plate brought near it. The chief drawback to such a source of rays % is that the intensity of the rays falls off rapidly, and two hours after removal is only 14 per cent of the initial value. The apparatus shown in Fig. 42 is very convenient for the PROPERTIES OF THE a RAYS 223 determination of the magnetic deflection of the rays. An active wire is placed in a groove A. The rays pass through a narrow slit B and fall on a small piece of photographic plate at C. The apparatus is enclosed in a cylindrical vessel P, which can be rapidly exhausted of air. The apparatus is placed between the pole pieces of a large electromagnet, so that the magnetic field is parallel to the direction of the wire and slit, and uniform over the whole path of the rays. The electromagnet is excited by a constant current, which is reversed every ten minutes. On developing the plate two well defined bands are observed corresponding to the pencils of rays which have been deflected equally on opposite sides of the normal. If p is the radius of curvature of the circle described by the rays in a uniform field of strength H, then Hp = , where v is the velocity of the rays, e the charge on the particle, and m its mass. Let d = deflection of the rays from the normal measured on the photographic plate, a = distance of plate from slit, b = distance of slit from the source. FIG. 42. Apparatus for deter- mining the amount of de- flection of a pencil of a rays in a strong magnetic field. Then by a property of the circle, if the deflection d is small compared with a, 2pd = a (a + b). Consequently, mv Ha (a -f b) = = - - In the actual photographs, using the wire as a source of rays, the traces of the pencil of rays stand out clearly with well defined edges, so that the value 2d, the distance of the inside edge of one band to the outside edge of the other, can easily be measured. 224 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS The value of Hp for the a particles emitted from radium C was found in this way to be 4.06 x 10 5 . In a field of 10,000 C. G. S. units, the a particle consequently describes a circle of radius 40.6 cms. RETARDATION OF THE VELOCITY OF THE a PARTICLE IN PASSING THROUGH MATTER It was found by the writer l that the velocity of the a par- ticle diminishes in its passage through matter. This is most simply shown by a slight modification of the experimental arrangement, described above, which has been used by Becquerel. By means of mica plates, placed at right angles to the slit, the appa- ratus is divided into two equal parts. One half of the photographic plate is acted on by the rays from the bare wire, and the other by the rays which have passed through an absorbing screen placed over the wire. A drawing of a photograph obtained by this method is shown in Fig. 43. The two upper FIG. 43. bands A represent the traces of the pencil of rays Retardation of obtained by reversal of the magnetic field for the the velocity of fn)m the uncovered ha lf o f the wire . the the a particles in J . ' passing through lower bands B were obtained tor the rays from matter. the wire, when covered with eight layers of alu- minium foil, each of thickness about .00031 cms. The apparatus was exhausted during the experiment, so that the absorption of the rays in air is negligible. The greater deflection of the pencil of rays which have passed through the aluminium is clearly seen in Fig. 43. It will be shown later that the value of e/m for the particles does not ' change in consequence of their passage through matter. The greater deflection of the rays is then due to a decrease of their velocity after passing through the screen. This velocity is inversely proportional to the distance between the centres of the bands. 1 Rutherford : Phil. Mag., July, 1905 ; Jan. and April, 1906. PROPERTIES OF THE a RAYS 225 We have seen that the a particles from radium C are all pro- jected initially at the same speed. The absence of dispersion of the rays after passing through the screen shows that the velocity of all the a particles is reduced by the same amount in traversing the screen. The following table gives the velocity of the a particles from radium C after passing through successive layers of aluminium foil, each of thickness about .00030 cms. The velocity is ex- pressed in terms of F" , the velocity of the a particles from radium C with an uncovered wire. Number of layers of aluminium foil. Velocity of a particles. 1.00 F 2 .94 ' 4 .87 < 6 .80 ' 8 .72 ' 10 .63 ' 12 .53 ' 14 .43 " 14.5 not measurable There is a marked weakening of the photographic effect of the rays after passing through 10 layers of foil. The photographic impression is weak, but distinct with 13 layers, and, using very active wires, can be observed with 14 layers. On account of this falling off of the photographic effect of the rays, very active wires are required to produce an appreciable darkening of the plate through more than 12 layers of foil. The lowest velocity of the a particle so far observed was about .4 FJ>, which cor- responded to the velocity of the rays after passing through 14 layers of foil. The photographic action of the a rays steadily diminishes with increase of the absorbing layer, but falls off very rapidly for a thickness greater than 10 layers of aluminium. The velocity of the a particle measured in this way is still considerable when the photographic action has almost ceased. Such a result suggests that there is a critical velocity of the a particles, below which they are unable to affect appreciably a photographic plate. 15 226 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS A similar abrupt falling off is observed in the ionizing and phosphorescent effects of the rays. From observations on thin layers of radium, Bragg found that the ionizing action of the rays from radium C ceased comparatively abruptly after travers- ing 7.06 cms. of air. A similar result was observed later by McClung by using an active wire coated with radium C as a source of rays. In a similar way the writer found that the scintillations pro- duced by the a rays on a screen of zinc sulphide ceased sud- denly when the rays passed through 6.8 cms. of air. If layers of aluminium foil are placed over the active wire, the range of ionization and phosphorescence is diminished by a definite amount for each layer. Each layer of foil of the thickness used in the photographic experiment was equivalent in stopping power to about . 50 cms. of air. A photographic^effect of the a rays was just observable through 14 layers of aluminium. This corresponds to 7.0 cms. of air, nearly the same range at which the ionizing and phosphorescent effects vanish. The three char- acteristic actions of the a rays thus cease together when the rays have passed through a definite distance of air or a definite thickness of an absorbing screen. Unless the velocity of the a particle falls off with great rapidity at the end of its course in air, it would appear as if there were a critical velocity: of /the a particle below which it produced no appreciable ioniz- ing, photographic, or scintillating effect. This property of the a particles will be discussed in more detail later. In any case the rapid falling off of these three actions of the a par- ticle at the end of its range indicates that there is a close con- nection between them. The photographic action of the a particle falls off in the same rapid manner as the ionizing action, and it seems reasonable to suppose that the effect of the rays on a pho- tographic plate is the result of the ionization of the silver salts. In a similar way, it is possible that the scintillations observed in zinc sulphide are primarily caused by ionization of the sub- stance, and that the scintillations may arise as a result of the recombination of such ions. The brightness of the scintillations certainly depends on the velocity of the a particle. If the effect PROPERTIES OF THE a RAYS 227 of the a rays on zinc sulphide is, as some have supposed, purely mechanical, and the scintillations result from a cleavage of the crystals, it is not easy to see why this effect should fall off suddenly, although the energy possessed by the particle is still considerable. ELECTROSTATIC DEFLECTION OF THE a RAYS In order to measure the deflection of the a rays from radium C in an electric field, the arrangement shown in Fig. 44 was adopted. The rays from the active wire W, after traversing a thin mica plate in the base of the brass vessel M, passed be- tween two parallel insulated plates A and B, about 4 cms. high and 0.21 mm. apart. The distance between the plates was fixed by thin strips of mica placed be- tween them. The terminals of a storage battery were con- nected with A and B, so that a strong electric field could be produced between the two plates. The pencil of rays after emerging from the plates fell on a photographic plate P placed a definite dis- tance above the plates. By means of a mercury pump the vessel was exhausted to a low vacuum. In their passage between the charged plates, the a particles describe a parabolic path, and after emergence travel in a straight line to the photo- graphic plate. By reversing the electric field the deflection of the pencil of rays is reversed. In Fig. 45 A shows the natural width of the line on the plates ','. I'P \\ u 1.1 If ll If II if 1 i ,'< '! I I i M /? m B IJ ___TT_ FIG. 44. Apparatus for determining the deflection of a rays in passing through a strong electric field. 228 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS when no electric field is acting ; B and C show the traces of the deflected pencils of rays for potential differences between the plates of 340 and 497 volts respectively. For small voltages the natural width of the line is broadened ; for increased voltages the single line breaks into two and the width of the lines steadily narrows. Such an effect is to be expected theoretically. It can be easily shown that if D is the distance between the extreme edges of the deflected band for a potential difference E, mv 2 SEl* (B-df where e is the charge on the a particle, m its mass, v its velocity, I the dis- tance of the photographic plate from the end of the parallel plates, d the dis- tance between the parallel plates. This simple equa- tion holds only if the field is strong enough to deflect the a particle through a distance greater than d in its passage through the electric field. For small values of the field, a modified form of this equation must be used. The decrease in velocity of the rays in passing through the mica screen was separately determined. In most of the experi- ments, the mica plate reduced the velocity of the a particles from radium C by 24 per cent. WYI W From the magnetic deflection the value of - - is known,, FIG. 45. Electrostatic deflection of the a rays. The bands are drawn to scale from the actual pho- tographs. Magnification about 3 times. m v* . of is while from the electrostatic deflection, the value determined. From these two equations the values of e/m and v can at once be deduced. Examined in this way, it was found that : 1 1 Rutherford : Phvs. Review, Feb., 1906. PROPERTIES OF THE a RAYS 229 (1) The value of e/m was unaltered by the passage of the a particles through matter ; (2) The value of e/m was very nearly 5 X 10 3 ; (3) The initial velocity of projection of the a particles from radium C was 2 x 10 9 cms. per second. A similar method was applied to determine the value of e/m and the velocity of the a particles emitted from radium A and radium F (radiotellurium). In both cases the value of e/m was 5 x 10 3 within the limits of experimental error. The initial velocity of the a particles from radium A was about 86 per cent V of that of the a particle from radium C, while the velocity of * the a particle from radiotellurium was about 80 per cent of that of the a particle from radium C. The experiments on the ve- locity and value of e/m for the a particles from radium itself and from the emanation are not yet fully completed, but the results so far obtained indicate that the value of e/m will be the same as in the other cases. Such results show conclusively that the a particles from radium and its products have identical mass, but differ in the initial velocities of their projection. The arguments in favor of the view that the a particle consists of an atom of helium carry- ing two ionic charges have already been discussed in detail on pagelL84) Dr. Hahn, working in the laboratory of the writer, has found that the a rays emitted by thorium B are deflected both in a mag- " netic and in an electric field. These rays have a velocity about 10 per cent greater than those from radium C, but have the same value of e/m. In these experiments, the thorium B was deposited on a thin negatively charged wire, by exposure to the thorium emanation emitted by the very active preparation of radio thorium separated by Hahn (see page 68). It was also found that the range in air of the a particles expelled from thorium B, determined both by the electrical and scintillation methods, was about 8.6 cms., or about 1.6 cms. greater than that for the a particles from radium C. Since the mass of the a particle from thorium B and the radium products is the same, it appears probable that the same 230 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS equality also holds for the a particles from the other thorium products. The mass of the a particles from actinium has not yet been measured, but there is every reason to believe that it has the same value as for radium. On this view, the only com- mon product of the different radioactive bodies is the a particle, which, as we have seen, is a projected helium atom. SCATTERING OF THE a RAYS It is well known that a narrow incident beam of ft or cathode rays is scattered in its passage through matter, so that the emer- gent pencil of rays is no longer well defined. This scattering of the ft rays increases as the velocity of the ft particles diminishes. In a theoretical paper, Bragg l pointed out that this scattering of the ft rays is to be expected. The ft particle in its passage through the molecules of matter enters the electric field of the atom, and its direction of motion is consequently changed. The smaller the kinetic energy of the ft particle the greater will be the deflection of the path of some of the rays. If a narrow pen- cil of ft rays falls on an absorbing screen, a portion of the rays will suffer so much deflection that the emerging beam will con- sist of a much wider cone of rays. On account of their much greater kinetic energy, it is theV oretically to be expected that the a particles will suffer much less deflection of their path in their passage through matter than the ft rays. The a particles must move nearly in a straight v line, and pass directly through the atoms or molecules of matter in their path, without much change in their direction of motion. This theoretical conclusion of Bragg is borne out by experi- ment. The scattering of the a particles is very small compared with that of the ft particles moving at the same speed, so that a narrow pencil of a rays after traversing an absorbing screen is still well defined after emergence. At the same time there is undoubtedly a small scattering of the rays in their passage through matter, which must be taken into account. If the a rays pass through air, for example, the width of the trace of a pencil of a rays on a photographic plate is always 1 Bragg : Phil. Mag., Dec., 1904. PROPERTIES OF THE a RAYS 231 broader than in a vacuum. In addition the edges of the bands are not nearly so well denned in air as in a vacuum. This result shows that some of the a particles have suffered a change of di- rection of motion in their passage through the molecules of air. The arrangement adopted to determine the retardation of the velocity of the a particles in their passage through matter (Fig. 43) is not complicated by the scattering of the rays, since the absorbing screen is placed over the active wire between the source and the slit. If, however, the absorbing screen is placed over the slit, the scattering of the a particles is at once seen by the broadening of the trace of the rays on the plate. A broad diffuse impression is observed on the plate instead of the narrow band with well defined edges, observed when the absorbing screen is placed below the slit. The amount of scattering increases with the thickness of the screen. When eleven layers of aluminium foil were placed over the slit, an amount nearly sufficient to cut off the ionizing and photographic effects of the rays an examination of the photographic plate showed that some of the rays had been deflected about 3 from the normal. A part of the rays may have been deflected through a consider- ably greater angle, but their photographic action was too small to be detected. We may thus conclude that the path of the a particles, espe- cially when their velocity is reduced, is deflected to an appre- ciable extent in passing through matter. The fact that the direction of motion of an a particle possessing such great energy of motion, can be changed in its passage through matter, shows that there must exist a very strong electric field within the atom, or in its immediate neighborhood. The change of direction of 3 in the direction of motion of the particles in passing through a distance of .003 cms. of matter would require an average trans- verse electric field over this distance corresponding to more than 20 million volts per centimetre. Such a result shows out clearly that the atom must be the seat of very intense electrical forces a deduction in harmony with the electronic theory of matter. We have seen that the velocity of the a particles from radium C lose their photographic action when their velocity falls to 232 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS J about 40 per cent of the initial value. On account of the com- plications introduced by the scattering of the a particles in passing through matter, it is difficult to decide with certainty whether this " critical velocity" of the a particle, below which it fails to produce its characteristic effects, is a real or only an apparent property of the rays. Without discussing the evidence in detail, I think there is undoubted proof that this critical velocity of the a particle has a real existence. PHOTOGRAPHIC EFFECTS OF THE a RAYS FKOM A THICK LAYER OF RADIUM Since the a particles emitted by radium and its products decrease in velocity in their passage through matter, the radia- tions emerging from a thick layer must consist of particles moving at widely different speeds. This must obviously be the case, since the a particles which come from some depth below the radiating surface are retarded in their passage through the radium itself. A pencil of rays from radium is consequently complex, and if a magnetic field is applied perpendicularly to the direction of the rays, each particle will describe the arc of a circle, the radius of which is directly proportional to the velocity of the particle. This unequal deflection of the a particles in a magnetic field ogives rise to a "magnetic^ spectrum," in which the natural width of the trace is much increased. This dispersion of the complex pencil of rays has been observed by Mackenzie 1 and by the writer. 2 We have seen that the a particle has comparatively little photographic effect when its velocity falls to about .6 V , where V is the maximum velocity of the a particle from radium C. Since the a particles from the latter have a greater speed than the a particles from any other radium product, we might thus expect to obtain a magnetic spectrum corresponding to a par- ticles whose velocity lies between .6 V and V . In an actual photograph of a deflected pencil of rays, the writer observed the 1 Mackenzie : Phil. Mag., Nov., 1905. 2 Rutherford: Phil. Mag., Jan., 1906. PROPERTIES OF THE a RAYS 233 presence of rays whose velocities lay between .67 V and .95 V ; while Mackenzie, by the method of scintillations, observed the presence of rays having velocities between .65 V and .98 V . When we remember that the photographic action of the /3 and 7 rays from the radium prevents the detection of weak photo- graphic effects produced by the a rays, the observations are seen to be in good agreement with theory. Becquerel 1 early observed an interesting peculiarity in the deflection of a pencil of a rays from a thick layer of radium in passing through a uniform magnetic field. A narrow vertical pencil of rays fell on a photographic plate which was placed at right angles to the slit and inclined at a small angle with the vertical. By reversing the mag- netic field, two fine diverging lines S P, S P', were observed on the plate (see Fig. 46). The distance between these lines at any point repre- sents twice the deflection of the pencil of rays from the normal at that point. By careful meas- urement, Becquerel found that these two diverg- ing lines were not accurately the arcs of a circle, but that the radius of curvature of the path of the rays increased with the distance from the source. Becquerel thought that the a rays from radium were homogeneous, and concluded from this experiment that the value of e/m of the particles progressively decreased in their passage through air, in consequence of an increase of m by accretions from the air. Bragg, 2 however, showed that this peculiarity in the trace of the rays could be simply explained without any assumption of an alteration in the value of e/m,, by taking into account the com- plexity of the pencil of rays. The experimental arrangement is diagrammatically shown in Fig. 46. S P and S P' represent the diverging traces of the rays on the photographic plate in a uniform magnetic field after emerging from the slit S. Let us 1 Becquerel: Comptes rendus, cxxxvi, pp. 199, 431, 977, 1517 (1903). 2 Bragg: Phil. Mag., Dec., 1904; April, 1905. FIG. 46. 234 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS consider, for example, the outside edge of the trace at a point A. The photographic effect at this edge of the trace is due to the particles of lowest velocity, which are just able to produce pho- tographic action at A. Consider next a point B further removed from the source. The a particles, which produce the edge of the trace, have the same velocity as in the first case ; but since they have had to travel through a distance B R of air instead of A R, they must have initially started with a greater velocity. This must evidently be the case, since the a particle is retarded in its passage through air. The average velocity of these a par- ticles along their path is consequently greater than in the first case, and the outside edge will be deflected through a smaller dis- tance than would be expected if the average velocity were the same for the two paths A R, B R. This will cause the trace of the rays to show evidence of steadily increasing radius of curva- ture as we proceed from the source, a result in agreement with the observations of Becquerel. Quite a contrary effect is produced on the inside edge of the trace, for this is produced by the swiftest a particles from radium, viz., those emitted from radium C. Since the velocity of these particles decreases in their passage through air, the in- side edge will show evidence of decreasing radius of curvature. This will -have the effect of contracting the natural width of the trace. This effect is, however, small, and would tend to be masked experimentally by the scattering of the rays in their passage through air. There is another paradoxical effect exhibited by a complex /pencil of radium rays. Becquerel 1 showed that the outside edge of the trace of rays obtained in a magnetic field is unal- tered by placing absorbing screens over the radium. In the case of a homogeneous source of a rays, we have seen that the pencil of rays suffers a greater deflection after passing through an absorbing screen. The absence of this effect in a complex pencil of rays from radium led Becquerel to believe that the a particles from it did not decrease in velocity in their passage through matter. We have seen, however, that for each indi- 1 Becquerel: Comptes rendus, cxli, p. 485 (1905) ; cxlii, p. 365 (1906). PROPERTIES OF THE a RAYS 235 vidual product of radium, the a particles do suffer a retardation of velocity under such conditions. The explanation of this apparent paradox is simple. The outside edge of the trace of the complex pencil of rays is due to the lowest velocity a particles which are just able to produce an appreciable photographic effect. The velocity of these a par- ticles has been seen to be in the neighborhood of .6 V , where V is the initial velocity of projection of the particles from radium C. When an absorbing screen is placed over the radium all the a particles suffer a retardation of velocity. The outside edge of the trace of the rays is produced by a particles of the same velocity as before ; not, however, by the same a particles, but by another set, whose velocity has been diminished to this minimum amount in their passage through the absorbing screens. The absence of increased deflection of the pencil of rays by the addition of absorbing screens is thus to be expected. These anomalies in the behavior of a complex pencil of rays show how necessary it is to use a source of homogeneous rays for the investigation of the properties of the a rays. An account of these peculiarities of a complex pencil of a rays has been given in some detail, partly because of their great interest, and partly because the explanation of the effects has been a subject of some discussion. ABSORPTION OF THE a RAYS It was early recognized that the a particles were stopped in their passage through a few centimetres of air or by a few thicknesses of metal foil. On account of the weak ionization produced by uranium and thorium, it was not at first possible to work with narrow cones of a rays ; but experiments were made with a large area of radioactive matter spread uniformly over a plate. The saturation current was measured between this plate and another plate placed parallel to it at a distance of several centimetres. As successive layers of aluminium or other metal foil were placed over the active matter, the ionization cur- rent was found to fall off approximately according to an expo- nential law with the thickness of the screen. A thick layer of 236 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS radioactive matter was generally employed, and in the case of radium the exponential law appeared to hold fairly accurately over a considerable range. Some experiments on the absorption of the a rays from an active preparation of polonium were made in a different way by Mme. Curie. The rays from the polonium passed through a hole in a metal plate covered with a wire gauze, and the ioni- zation current was measured between this plate and a parallel insulated plate placed 3 cms. above it. No appreciable current was observed when the polonium was 4 cms. below the alumin- ium window, but as this distance was diminished, the current increased very rapidly, so that for a small variation of distance there was a large alteration in the ionization current. This rapid increase of the current indicated that the ioniz- ing property of the a rays ceased suddenly after traversing a definite distance in air. By adding a layer of foil over the polonium this critical distance was diminished. The observed fact that the ionization current between two parallel plates varied approximately according to an exponential law with the thickness of the absorbing screen, when thick layers of radioactive matter were employed, tended to obscure the true law of the absorption of the a rays ; for an exponential law of absorption had been observed by Lenard for the cathode rays, and also in some cases for the X-rays. In 1904, the ques- tion was attacked by Bragg and Kleeman, 1 both on the theoreti- cal and experimental side, and the interesting experiments made by them have thrown a great deal of fresh light on the nature of the a rays and on the laws of their absorption by matter. In order to account for their experimental results, Bragg formulated a very simple theory of the absorption of the a rays. On this theory all the a particles from a thin layer of radioac- tive matter of one kind were supposed to be projected with equal velocities and to pass through a definite distance in air before absorption. The velocity of the a particle decreased in its passage through air in consequence of the expenditure of its kinetic energy in ionizing the gas. As a first approximation, it 1 Bragg and Kleeman : Phil. Mag., Dec., 1904; Sept., 1905. UNIVER PROPERTIES OF THE a RAYS 237 was supposed that the ionization produced by a single a particle per centimetre of its path was constant for a certain range, and then fell off very abruptly after the particle had traversed a defi- nite distance of air. This " range " of the a particle varied for each a ray product on account of the differences in the initial velocities of the a particles expelled from the separate products. If an absorbing screen were placed in the path of the rays, the velocities of the a particles from a simple product were all diminished in a definite ratio, and the range in air of the emerg- ing particles was reduced by an amount proportional to the thickness of the screen and its density as compared with air. FIG. 47. FIG. 48. In a thick layer of radioactive matter, containing onlyooue simple source of rays, the rays from the surface will have the maximum range a. Those emerging from a depth d of the radioactive matter of density p compared with air, will have a range in air of a p d. With a thick layer of radioactive matter, the a particles emitted into the gas will vary widely in velocity and will have all ranges in air between zero and the maximum range a. Suppose that a narrow pencil of a rays from a simple type of radioactive matter R (Fig. 47) passes into the ionization vessel A B through a wire gauze A. If the layer of active matter of one kind is so thin that the a rays are not appreciably retarded in their passage normally through it, the ionization at different 238 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS distances from the source is expressed graphically in Fig. 48 by the curve A P M. The ordinates represent distance from the source of radiation and the abscissae the ionization produced in the vessel The ionization commences suddenly at A and reaches a maximum at P, when the rays pass to the upper plate B of the ionization chamber and then remains constant till the source is reached. With a thick layer, however, the rays have all ranges in air between the maximum and zero, and as the ionization vessel approaches the source, more and more of these a particles pass into it. The ionization curve is consequently then represented by a straight line A P B. Theoretically, in order to obtain such results a narrow cone of rays and a shallow ionization vessel must be used. If the ionization vessel includes the whole narrow cone of rays, at all distances, the falling off of the intensity of the radiation accord- ing to the inverse square law need not be taken into account. The experiments of Bragg and Kleeman show that these theo- retical conclusions are approximately realized in practice. First, let us consider a thin layer of radioactive matter of one kind. This was obtained by evaporating a small quantity of radium bromide solution in a vessel. The emanation is driven off and the active deposit is transformed in situ. After about three hours the activity is due only to the a rays from the radium itself. The ionization curve obtained by Bragg and Kleeman is shown in Fig. 49, curve A. When the ionization chamber is more than 3.5 cms. above the source only a slight current is observed. At 3.5 cms. the current increases very rapidly and reaches a maximum at 2.85 cms. It then slowly falls off with decreasing distance. The maximum range of the a rays from radium itself is consequently 3.5 cms. The corresponding curve for radium C is shown in the same figure, curve B. This was examined by McClung, 1 using the methods employed by Bragg and Kleeman. The radium C was deposited as an extremely thin film on a wire by exposure to the radium emanation. The rays from radium C had a maxi- 1 McClung : Phil. Mag., Jan., 1906. PROPERTIES OF THE a RAYS 239 mum range of about 6.8 cms, and the ionization fell off in a very similar way to that observed by Bragg for the radium rays. In Bragg's experiment the ionization chamber had a depth of 2 mms., while in the experiments of McClung the depth was 5 mms. In the case of radium C the ionization is seen to be nearly uniform for a distance of about 4 cms., and then to in- crease rapidly, the maximum ionization being reached at a dis- 10 is* 1ONIZATIQN. FIG. 49. tance of 5.7 cms. Allowing for the fact that the ionization chamber had a sensible depth, and that a fairly wide cone of rays was employed, it can be shown that the ionization must increase rapidly at a distance of 6.8 cms., but not quite so rapidly as the simple theory supposes. From a comparison of the diminution of velocity of the a par- ticle from radium C in passing through aluminium, it can be readily calculated that the velocity of the a particles at the 240 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS elbow of the curve is about .56 of the initial velocity of projec- tion. At this velocity the a particde appears to be most efficient as an ionizer. Bragg and Kleeman have examined by this method the range of the rays of the different a ray products present in radium in radioactive equilibrium. A thin layer of radium was employed, and the ionization curve is shown in Fig. 50. .6 o a * 6 e 10 /a /* /6 19. i ON/2 AT /OH. FIG. 50. The first a rays entered the testing vessel at a distance of 7.06 cms. from the source. These rays were emitted from radium C, and have the greatest range of all the rays from the radium products. At a point b the curve suddenly turns through an angle, showing that at this point the a rays from another prod- uct, whose range in air is 4.83 cms., have entered the testing ves- sel. There is a similar though not so well defined break in the PROPERTIES OF THE a RAYS 241 curve at d for a distance 4.23 cms., showing that another set of rays has entered the testing vessel. The break at/ is due to the appearance of the rays from radium itself in the vessel. We may conclude from these results that the a particles from radium have a range of 3.5 cms. in air, and those from radium C a range of 7.06 cms. The ranges 4.23 and 4. 83 cms. belong to the emanation and to radium A, but on account of the rapid change of A it has not yet been found possible to decide which of these two numbers belongs to the rays from the emanation and which to those from radium A. If the curve o a I is produced downwards to c, the curve o a b c represents the ionization due to radium C alone at different distances from the source. Let this curve be now added to itself, being first lowered through a distance 2.23 cms., corresponding to the difference in range between 7.06 cms. and 4.83 cms. The new curve b d e lies accurately along the experimental curve b d. If the curve be again lowered through a distance 6.0 mms, corresponding to the difference of range for the next products, and a similar addition be performed, the resulting curve dfg again lies on the experimental curve. Finally if the curve is lowered through 7.3 mms., it is similarly found that the theoretical curve lies on the experimental curve/ h k. Knowing the ionization curve of one product, the experi- mental curve for the combined products caji thus be built up from it in a very simple way. Such a result shows clearly that, allowing for the differences in the initial velocities of projection, the ionization curves for radium and each of its products are identical. It also shows that the same number of a particles are projected per second from each of the a ray products. This result follows from the disintegration theory if the various products are successive. The results of Bragg and Kleeman have thus confirmed in a novel and striking way the theory of successive changes, initially developed from quite distinct considerations. They show that the products are successive, for otherwise the experimental curve could not be built up from consideration^ of the ioniza- tion curve of one product alone. 16 242 RADIOACTIVE TRANSFORMATIONS We may thus conclude from this evidence that radium A and C are true successive products, although it is difficult to test this point satisfactorily by direct experiment. The results also indicate that the a particles from all products are identical in all respects except velocity a result confirmed, as we have seen, by direct measurements. The method developed by Bragg and Kleeman thus not only , throws light on the nature of the absorption of a rays, but indi- J rectly affords a powerful means of determining the number of a ] ray products in radioactive matter, even if chemical methods should fail to isolate these products from the parent substance. This is possible if the a particles from the separate products have different ranges in air. A series of breaks in the ioniza- tion curve is a direct indication of the presence of a number of distinct radioactive substances which emit a rays. By this method, Dr. Hahn has shown that thorium B, which was sup- posed to contain one product, in reality contains two. From the difficulty of separation of these two products by chemical or physical methods, it appears probable that one has an extremely rapid period of transformation. We have so far considered the ionization curves for a thin layer of radium, as this brings out the essential features of the absorption of a rays with great clearness. Bragg and Kleeman have also determined the ionization curves for a thick layer of radium. The curve is shown in Fig. 51. The curve consists of a number of straight lines meeting at fairly sharp angles. Above Q the ionization is due to the rays from radium C. At Q the a particles from the product of range about 4.8 cms. enter the ionization chamber, and the curve starts off at a sharp angle. A similar break is observed at R and S when the a particles from the other two products enter the ionization cham- ber. The slopes of the curves P Q, Q R, R S, S T, are very nearly in the ratio of 1, 2, 3, and 4, a result to be expected from the simple theory. Experiments were also made by Bragg and Kleeman on the absorption of the a rays by thin metallic layers and by other gases besides air. The effect of placing a uniform absorbing PROPERTIES OF THE a RAYS 248 screen over a thin layer of radioactive matter is to depress the ionizatioii curve by the same amount throughout its whole course. For example, the loss of range for an absorbing screen of silver foil, whose weight per unit area was .00967 grams, was equal to that for a stratum of air of thickness 3.35 cms. and +5 .3.5 Pt.. \ \ \ \ s \ N x > 3. f. 6 (P. ?.. Q. ~T. +j- <0. .. t- fl^te o^ disc/icxrge in dr^itrary 5C radiations from, 166 analysis of active deposit of, 166 separation of actinium X from, 167 separation of radioactinium from, 107 transformation products of, 168 Actinium A period and properties of, 166 Actinium B period and properties of, 166 electrolysis of, 167 volatilization of, 167 Actinium X separation of, 167 period and properties of, 167 Adams radioactivity of spring water, 207 Age of radium, 148 of earth's internal heat, 213 et seq. of radioactive minerals, 187 et seq. Allan, S. J. radioactivity of snow, 200 Allan, S. J. and Rutherford radioactivity of atmosphere, 199 Allen, H. S. and Lord Blythswood, 201 radium emanation in hot springs, 201 Atmosphere radioactivity of, 196 et seq. excited activity from, 198 et seq. presence of emanations of radium and thorium in, 199 diffusion of emanations into, 203 amount of radium emanation in, 204 et seq. 280 INDEX penetrating radiation present in, 207 electrical state of, 208 et seq. Atomic weight of radium, 8 of products of radium, 1 93 /8 RATS discovery of, 9 nature of, 10 variation of mass with velocity, 10 electroscope for measurement of, 29 emission of, by products, 169 connection of, with atomic explosion, 169 Barnes and Rutherford heating effect of radium emanation, 90 heating effect of products of radium, 247 et seq. connection of a rays with heating effect, 247 et seq. Barrell production of radium in interior of earth, 194 Becquerel, H. discovery of radioactivity of uranium, 5 mass and velocity of the particle, 10 separation of UrX, 162 magnetic deflection of a rays, 221 curvature of path of a rays in a mag- netic field, 233 Blanc presence of thorium emanation in spring water, 201 Blythswood, Lord, and Allen, II. S. emanation in hot springs, 201 Bodlander and Ruuge evolution of gases from radium so- lutions, 252 Boltwood amount of radium in minerals, 152 et seq. production of radium by uranium, 158 lead as final product of radium, 191 products of transformation of radio- elements, 192 Boltwood and Rutherford amount of radium in minerals, 156 position of actinium in radioactive series, 177 Bragg scattering of a and )8 rays, 230 magnetic deflection of a rays, 233 absorption of a rays, 233 et seq. Bragg and Kleeman absorption of a rays, 236 et seq. iouization curves of rays from radium 240 et seq. Bronson direct deflection electrometer, 33 effect of temperature on active deposit of radium, 118 Brooks, Miss volatility of radium B, 115 decay curves of excited activity of actinium, 166 Brooks and Rutherford diffusion of radium emanation, 82 Bumstead presence of thorium emanation iu atmosphere, 199 disintegration of atoms by X-rays, 275 Bumstead and Wheeler period of radium emanation, 72 diffusion of radium emanation, 82 radium emanation in atmosphere, 199 Burton and McLennan radium emanation in petroleum, 202 CAMPBELL radioactivity of ordinary matter, 217 Changes. (See Transformations) Charge carried by the ions, 3 carried by the o particle, 184 et seq. carried by the a rays, 245 Collie and Ramsay Spectrum of emanation, 89 Collision ionization of a particle by, 184 number of ions produced by, 271 Concentration of excited activity on the negative electrode, 45 Condensation of water round the ions, 3 of radium and thorium emanations, 76 et seq. Conductivity of air in closed vessels, 197 Conservation of radioactivity examples of, 64 Cooke, H. L. penetrating rays from the earth, 207 Crookes, Sir W. discovery of scintillations, 12 INDEX 281 separation of UrX, 161 Crystallization effect of, on activity of uranium, 163 Curie, Mme. separation of radium and polonium, 7 period of polonium, 1 44 absorption of a rays from polonium, 236 Curie, P. period of radium emanation, 72 Curie, P. and Mme. separation of radium, 7 discovery of excited activity, 12 and 95 Curie and Danne diffusion of radium emanation, 82 volatility of active deposit of radium, 117 Curie and Dewar production of helium by radium, 182 et seq. Curie and Laborde heating effect of radium, 13 and 247 Current through gases, 24 et seq. variation of, with voltage, 26 measurement of, by electroscope, 28 ct seq. measurement of, by electrometer, 32 DADOURIAN presence of thorium emanation in soil, 199 Danne presence of radium without uranium, 155 Danne and Curie diffusion of radium emanation, 82 decay curves of active deposit of radium, 111 effect of temperature on active deposit of radium, 117 Debierne separation of actinium, 9 production of helium from actinium, 183 Deposit, active, of actinium analysis and properties of, 166 Deposit, active, of radium rapid transformations of, 95 slow transformations of, 122 et seq. Deposit, active, of thorium connection of, with emanation, 45 et seq, analysis of, 48 et seq. Des Coudres magnetic and electric deflection of a rays, 221 Deslandres spectrum of helium from radium, 182 Dewar and Curie production of helium by radium, 182 Diffusion of radium emanation, 81 of actinium emanation, 165 Disintegration account of theory of, list of products of, 169 helium a product of, 1 79 et seq. of matter in general, 217 possible causes of, 266 et seq. Dissipation of charge apparatus for measurement of, 208 effect of conditions on rate of, 212 Dolezalek electrometer, 31 Dorn discovery of radium emanation, 70 EARTH radioactivity of, 196 et seq. internal heat of, 213 et seq. amount of radium in earth, 215 Ebert ionization apparatus, 209 number of ions per c.c. of atmosphere, 209 Ebert and Ewers emanation from the earth, 200 Electrolysis of active deposit of thorium, 53 of ThX, 65 of active deposit of actinium, 167 Electrometer use of, 31 Dolezalek, 31 direct reading modification, 33 Electron discovery of, 2 variation of mass of, with speed, 10 identity of $ particle with, 10 number of electrons emitted from oi:e gram of radium, 22 emission of slow moving electrons from emanation, 121 and 245 theory of matter, 258 et seq. radiation from, 261 models of atoms, 263 282 INDEX Electroscopes construction and use of, in radioactive measurement, 28 Elster and Geitel discovery of scintillations, 1 2 radioactivity of earth and atmosphere, 16 and 197 et seq. emanation in earth and atmosphere, 200 radioactivity of soils, 202 <>t seq. effect of meteorological conditions oil radioactivity of atmosphere, 203 Emanation discovery and properties of, 12 emission of, from elements, 22 Emanation of actinium discovery arid properties of, 9 and 164 experimental illustration of, 165 Emanation of radium discovery and properties of, 70 et seq. occlusion of, 71 period of decay of, 71 rate of production of, 73 et seq. condensation of, 76 et seq. diffusion of, 81 et seq. physical and chemical properties of, 84 volume of, 85 spectrum of, 89 heat emission of, 90 and 247 summary of properties of, 93 production of helium from, 179 et seq. presence of, in earth and atmosphere, 196 et seq. amount of, in atmosphere, 204 et seq. heating of o rays from, ,247 et seq. gases produced by, 253 Emanation of thorium properties of, 38 et seq. conditions of escape of, 39 chemical nature of, 40 rate of transformation of, 41 condensation of, 40, 80 connection of, with active deposit, 46 et seq. production of, by ThX, 63 Emanmm (See Actinium) Eve infection of laboratories by radium, 135 amount of radium emanation in atmos- phere, 204 collecting distance of charged wire in atmosphere, 207 ionization produced by the radium ema- nation, 211 Ewers and Ebert emanation from the soil, 200 Excited radioactivity (See Active deposit) 7 RAYS discovery of, 11 nature of, 20 connection of, witli (3 rays, 25 measurement of, 29 evolved by radium, 253 Gates effect of temperature on active deposit of thorium, 54, 117 Geitel natural ionization of air, 196 Geitel and Elster discovery of scintillations, 12 radioactivity of earth and atmosphere, 16 and 197 et seq. emanation in earth and atmosphere, 200 radioactivity of soils, 202 et seq. effect of meteorological conditions on radioactivity of atmosphere, 203 Giesel separation of radium, 9 separation of emanium, 9, 165 deflection of & rays, 9 emanation from actinium, 165 separation of actinium X, 167 phosphorescent light of emanium, 274 Gockel and Zolss relation between potential gradient and dissipation in atmosphere, 212 Godlewski occlusion of radium emanation, 76 diffusion of uranium X, 163 radiations Irom actinium, 166 separation oi actinium X, 167 Goldstein canal rays, 18 Gonders, Hofmann, and Wolfl experiments with radiolead, 145 HAHN separation of radiothorium, 68 separation of radioactinium, 168 magnetic deflection of a rays from radiothorium, 229 INDEX 283 Heat rate of emission of, from radium, 13 rate of emission of, from emanation, 90 emitted by products of radium, 247 et seq. Heaviside electrical mass, 10 Helium history of discovery of, 179 production of, by radium, 181 connection of, with a particle, 183 rate of production of, by radium, 186 Hillebrande gases liberated from radioactive miner- als, 179 analysis of radioactive minerals, 190 et seq. Himstedt emanation from thermal springs, 201 Hofmann, Gonders, and Wolfl experiments with radiolead, 145 Huggins, Sir W., and Lady spectrum of phosphorescent light of radium, 274 IONIZATION production of, by X rays, 3 production of, by radioactive sub- stances, 5 influence of theory of, on development of radioactivity, 18 methods of measurement of, 27 et seq. produced by a ray, 235 et seq. and 271 variation of, witli distance for o particle, 237 curves for radium, 239 et seq. rate of production of, in various gases, 244 of water by radium rays, 253 Ions condensation of water upon, 3 charge carried by, 3 recombination of, 25 delicacy of electrical method for de- tection of, 35 number present per c.c. in atmosphere, 208 rate of production of, in air, 209 presence of slow moving in air, 210 rate of, production of by radium, 253 absorption of energy in production of, 271 KAUFMANN variation of mass of electron with speed, 10 Kelvin internal heat of earth, 213 models of atoms, 263 Kleeman and Bragg absorption of a rays, 236 et seq. ionization curves for the a rays from radium, 240 et seq. Kunzite. phosphorescence of, 78 LABORDE and Curie heat emission of radium, 13, 247 Langevin presence of slow moving ions in atmos- phere, 210 Larmor electronic theory, 4 radiation from moving electron, 261 Lead, radioactive (See Radiolead) Lenard cathode rays, 1 Lerch, von electrolysis of active deposit of thorium, 53 electrolysis of ThX, 65 Life of radium, 148 et seq. of radioelements, 175 Lockyer, Sir Norman discovery of helium in the sun, 179 Lorentz electronic theory, 4 Luminosity spectrum of phosphorescent light from radium and emanium, 274 MACIIE and von Schweidler velocity of ions in the atmosphere, 210 Mackenzie magnetic and electric deflection of a rays, 221 dispersion of a rays from radium in a magnetic field, 232 Makower diffusion of the radium emanation, 82 Marckwald preparation of a radium amalgam, 8 separation of radiotellurium, 9, 140 period of radiotellurium, 139 284 INDEX Mass of electron, 2, 10 apparent mass of a particle, 184 Materials radioactivity of ordinary, 217 McClelland secondary radiation due to B and y rays, 246 McClung range of ionization of rays from radium C, 239 McCoy activity of uranium minerals, 152 McLennan radioactivity of snow, 200 penetrating radiation from earth, 217 McLennan and Burton emanation in petroleum, 202 Methods of measurement in radioactivity, 23 et seq. comparison of photographic and electri- cal, 24 description of electrical, 24 et seq. Meyer and Schweidler period of radiotellurium, 139 radioactive transformations of radio- lead, 146 effect of crystallization of uranium on its activity, 163 Minerals, radioactive final products present in, 192 age of, 187 amount of lead and helium present in, 191 Moore and Schlundt separation of ThX, 65 OCCLUSION of emanation in radium and thorium compounds, 74 Oxygen production of, in radium solutions, 253 PEGRAM electrolysis of active products from thorium, 53 heating effect of thorium, 252 Phosphorescence produced by radium, 23 produced by radium emanation in sub- stances, 78 connection of, with ionizatiou, 226 spectrum of phosphorescent light of radium compounds, 274 Photographic method of measurement, 24 connection of photographic action with ionization, 226 Pohl and Walter luminosity of gases exposed to a rays> 274 Polonium separation of, 7 period of, 143 identity of, with radiotellurium and radium F, 143 slow moving electrons from, 245 Products, radioactive from thorium, 67 from radium, 130 from uranium, 163 from actinium, 168 amount of, in radium, 142 properties of, 173 chemistry of, 173 RADIATIONS from active bodies, 19 et seq. from different active products, 1 70 et seq. connection of, with heat emission, 247 Radioactininm separation and period of, 168 Radiolead discovery of, 9 radioactive analysis of, 144 connection of, with radium D, 145 Radiotellurium discovery of, 9 amount of, in radium minerals, 141 period of, 139 identity with radium F and polonium,. 139 Radiothorium discovery and properties of, 68 Radium discovery of, 7 et seq. properties of, 8 et seq. amount of, in uranium minerals, 8 radiations from, 9 and 20 emanation from, 12 properties of emanation from, 70 et seq* recovery of activity of, 73 occlusion of emanation in, 74 INDEX 285 condensation of emanation of, 76 et seq. diffusion of emanation of, 81 et s^q. volume of emanation of, 85 et seq. spectrum of emanation of, 89 et seq. heat emission of emanation of, 90 et seq. excited activity produced by, 95 et seq. decay curves of excited activity of, 99 et seq. theory of successive changes in, 104 et seq. analysis of active deposit of, 104 et srq. effect of temperature on active deposit of, 116 et seq. slow transformation products of, 122 et seq. properties of radium D, E, and F, 122 et seq. variation of activity of, over long inter- val, 137 et seq. identity of radium F with radiotellurium, 138 et seq. identity of radium F with polonium, 143 et seq. connection of, with radiolead, 144 life of, 148 et seq. origin of, 151 et seq. amount of, in minerals, 155 et seq. growth of, in uranium, 157 et seq. connection of, with uranium and actin- ium, 176 et seq. production of helium from, 179 et seq. age of radium minerals, 187 et seq. chemical constitution of, 193 et seq. presence of, in earth and atmosphere, 196 et seq. amount of, in atmosphere, 204 et seq. heating of earth by, 213 et seq. properties of a rays from, 219 et seq. ionization produced by a rays from, 235 et seq. heating of a rays from, 247 et seq. gases evolved by, 253 et seq. processes occurring in, 256 et seq. Radium A nomenclature, 95 analysis of, 101 et seq effect of presence of, in decay curves, 112 et seq. connection of, with radium B, 1 14 et seq. Radium B analysis of, 101 et seq. effect of temperature on, 1 1 6 et seq. true period of, 119 rays emitted from (footnote, 115) Radium C analysis of, 101 et seq. emission of j8 and y rays by, 102 et seq. effect of temperature on, 116 et seq. true period of, 119 violent disintegration of, 169 et seq. properties of a rays from, 222 et seq. Radium D nomenclature, 122 analysis of, 122 et seq. effect of temperature on, 126 properties of, 129 period of, 131 et seq. presence of, in old radium, 136 connection of, with radiolead, 144 et seq. Radium E analysis of, 122 et seq. period of, 125 effect of temperature on, 126 connection of, with radium F, 128 Radium F analysis of, 122 et seq. rise of activity due to, 124 effect of temperature on, 126 separation of, by bismuth, 127 period of, 127 variation of activity due to, 133 presence of, in radium, 136 identity of, with radiotellurium, 138 et seq. identity of, with polonium, 142 et.seq. amount of, in uranium, 140 et seq. Rain radioactivity of, 200 Ramsay, Sir W. discovery of helium, 179 atomic weight of helium, 180 amount of helium in atmosphere, 180 Ramsay and Collie spectrum of radium emanation, 89 Ramsay and Soddy volume of emanation from radium, 87 production of helium by radium, 181 rate of production of helium by radium, 186 evolution of gases from radium, 253 Rayless transformation character of, 171 Rontgen discovery of X-rays, 1 286 INDEX Runge and Bodlander evolution of gases from radium, 253 SACK OR period of radium emanation, 72 Schlundt and R. B. Moore separation of ThX, 65 Schmidt discovery of radioactivity of thorium, 7 Schmidt, W. C. emission of ft rays from radium B, 115 Schuster number of ions per c.c. of atmosphere, 209 Schweidler and Meyer period of radiotellurium, 139 radioactive analysis of radiolead, 146 effect of crystallization of uranium on its activity, 1 63 Schweidler and von Mache velocity of ions in the atmosphere, 210 Scintillations discovery of, in zinc sulphide screen, 12 use of, to determine range of a particles, 226 connection of, with ionization, 226 Searle electrical mass, 10 Secondary rays from radioactive bodies, 20 emission of, in form of slow moving electrons, 245 Simpson effect of meteorological conditions on amount of emanation in atmosphere, 212 Slater, Miss effect of temperature on active deposit of thorium, 53 emission of slow moving electrons from emanations, 121 Snow radioactivity of, 200 Soddy production of radium by uranium, 158 Soddy and Ramsay volume of emanation, 87 production of helium by radium, 181 rate of production of helium by radium, 186 evolution of gases by radium, 253 Soddy and Rutherford development of disintegration theory, 13 et seq. emanating power of thorium com pounds, 39 chemical nature of thorium emanation, 40 separation of ThX, 56 period of radium emanation, 71 condensation of emanations, 76 et seq, physical and chemical properties of emanations, 84 origin of helium in minerals, 181 Spectrum of radium emanation, 89 of phosphorescent light of radium bromide, 274 Strutt amount of radium in minerals, 152 radium emanation in spring water, 201 connection of thorium and uranium, 177 radioactivity of ordinary matter, 211 TEMPERATURE effect of, on active deposit of thorium, 54 effect of, on active deposit of radium, 116 and 126 effect of, on active deposit of actinium, 166 Thomson, J. J. cathode rays and electrons, 2 charge carried by an ion, 3 electrical mass, 10 emission of slow moving electrons with a particles, 120 radioactivity of well water, 201 charge carried by the a rays, 245 electronic model of atom, 264 radiation of energy from the atom, 265 and 267 Thorium discovery of radioactivity of, 6 radiations from, 32 emanation from, 38 et seq. emanating power of compounds of, 39 excited radioactivity from, 45 et seq. transformation products of, 48 et seq. separation of ThX from, 56 et seq. separation of radiothorium from, 68 possible connection of, with uranium., 176 et seq. INDEX 287 Thorium A period ami properties of, 48 et seq. electrolysis of, 53 effect of temperature on, 54 Thorium B period and properties of, 48 et seq. electrolysis of, 53 effect of temperature on, 54 complexity of, 242 Thorium X discovery of, 13, 56 et seq. separation of, 56 decay and recovery curves of, 57 et seq. emanation from, 62 irregularities in decay of, 63 methods of separation of, 65 table of changes of, 67 Townsend charge on an ion, 3 Transformations general theory of, 14 connection of law of decay of activity with, 42 of thorium, 46 et seq. mathematical theory of, 50 et seq. of radium, 94 et seq, 122 et seq. of uranium, 161 of actinium, 164 et seq. connection between, of radioelements, 168, 176 ray less, 171 properties of products of, 173 position of helium as product of, 179 et seq. causes of atomic, 267 processes of, 269 of inactive matter, 275 URANIUM discovery of radioactivity of, 5 amount of radium in uranium minerals, 8 and 155 connection of, with radium, 151 growth of radium in, 157 transformation products of, 161 separation of UrX 161 effect of crystallization on radioactivity of, 163 Uranium X separation of, 161 radiations from, 161 effect of crystallization on distribution of, 161 VELOCITY of a particle from radium C, 229 retardation of, in passing through matter, 224 connection of, with range of ionization, 225 Villard discovery of 7 rays, 1 1 WALTER and Pohl luminosity of gases exposed to o rays, 274 Weichert nature of X-rays, 2 Wheeler and Burnstead period of radium emanation, 72 diffusion of radium emanation, 82 radium emanation in atmosphere, 199 Whetham production of radium from uranium, 158 Wien canal rays, 18 Wilson, C.T. R. ionic nuclei, 3 electroscope, 29 natural iouization of air, 197 radioactivity of rain and snow, 200 Wolfl, Hofmann, and Gonders experiments in radiolead, 145 Wood radioactivity of ordinary matter, 217 ZOLSS and Gockel relation between potential gradient and rate of dissipation in atmosphere, 212 OF THE UNIVERSITY I) ~ OF &PF DATE 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 1-0 MAR - - LOAN MAY 71968 1969 OU DEC 2 1197 LD 21A-50m-3,'62 (C7097slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY