LIB R ARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIFT OK Received Accessions b AN ACCOUNT OP THE INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTURE AND PLANTS NEW ZEALAND. THE SCALE-INSECTS (COCCIDID^E). By W. M. MASKELL, P.R.M.S., EEGISTBAR OF THE UNITEBSITr OF NEW ZEALAND. ^>> OP THE f tfHIVEKSIT7] WELLINGTON : BY AUTHORITY : GEO, DIDSBUBY, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1887, MR. MASKELL'S Account of the Scale-Insects occurring in New Zealand is published by the State Forests and Agricultural Department, under the instructions of the Hon. John Ballance, Commissioner of State Forests. Wellington, 31st March, 1887. CONTENTS. Chapter. Page GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND PHRASES . . . . . . . . 1 I. INTRODUCTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 II. CHARACTERS, LIFE-HISTORY, AND METAMORPHOSES OF COCCTDID^ . . 8 III. PRODUCTS OF THE COCCIDID^E (Honeydew ; Black Fungus) . . . . 14 IV. CHECKS TO INCREASE OF COCCIDID^E, PARASITES, ETC, .. .. 18 V. REMEDIES AGAINST COCCIDID^ . . . . . . . . 24 VI. CATALOGUE OF INSECTS AND DIAGNOSIS OF SPECIES . . . . 37 Groups Diaspidinse . . . . . . . . . . 39 Lecanidinse . . . . . . . . . . . . G2 Hemicoccidinse . . . . . . . . 87 Coccidinse . . . . . . . . . . 88 INDEX OF PLANTS AND THE COCCIDIDJE ATTACKING EACH . . . . Ill INDEX OF GENERA AND SPECIES . . . . . . . . ' 115 PREFACE. THE number and variety of the insect pests which live on the plants of New Zealand, whether native or introduced, and the damage which they frequently do, form the excuse for the appearance of this work. The descriptions of these insects in the Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, or in works published in Europe and America, are not easily accessible to the general reader, and are also much scattered and fragmentary. It was thought therefore that the time had arrived when the information which might be useful to gardeners and tree- growers, as well as to students, might be summarized and brought together in a compendious form, and the present volume is an attempt towards this. In order to render this work complete a second volume is necessary, which should include the large number of other destructive insects preying upon various plants. For example, the " pine - blight " (Kermaphis), the " American blight" (Eriosoma), the "black leech" (Tenthredo), the cabbage cater- pillar, the turnip " fly," the various aphides on roses, geraniums. &c., the grass-grub (Odontria), the codlin-moth, the borers, weevils, wireworms, and a number of others are in different places damaging trees and plants, and it would be useful to collect in one volume information regarding them. The author has had in contemplation the preparation of such a volume, and it is hoped that it may be at some future time published. Meanwhile the present is offered as, at least as far as it goes, a full description of one of the most general as well as the most noxious families of plant-parasites. The plates have been especially prepared with a double object : first, that gardeners and tree-growers might be able easily to recognize the kind of insect which might happen to be damaging their plants; and, secondly, that the student who should desire to know more of this curious family might have enough details indicated to guide him in his investigation. For the first purpose the figures have been coloured as near to nature as possible : for the second a few anatomical details have been introduced. The printing of these plates has been executed by Mr. Potts, lithographer to Mr. A. Willis, of Wanganui, and it is hoped that the reader may be well satisfied with the care and trouble which have been bestowed upon them. The author is sensible that this volume may contain numerous imperfections ; but these will not, he trusts, be attributed to culpable ignorance or carelessness. EXPLANATION OF TERMS USED IN THE FOLLOWING PAGES. Abdomen. The posterior half of the body of male or female, whether joined to the anterior half or slightly separated, segmented or not. Abdominal cleft. A narrow slit in the extremity of the abdomen of Lecanidina and the full-grown Hemicoccidina only. (Plate ix., Fig. 1, b, c.) On the upper side of the body are seen the Abdominal lobes, two minute, divergent, triangular or conical, excrescences, one on each side of the cleft, in Lecanidince, usually bearing one or more hairs. (Plate xi., Fig. 3, b, c.) Abdominal spike. A more or less long, tubular or semi-tubular, pointed process terminating the abdomen of the male in all species, and serving as a sheath for the penis, which is a long, white, soft tube with recurved hairs. (Plate ii., Fig. 3 ; Plate xxi., Fig. 1, /.) Anal ring, anogenital ring. An orifice situated near the abdominal extremity of the female, either simple or compound, hairless or bearing several hairs. (Plate ii., Fig. 1.) Anal tubercles. Exhibited only by the Coccidince and by the larvse of Hemi- coccidince : two more or less conspicuous projecting processes at the ab- dominal extremity of the female, without any cleft, and in most instances projecting beyond the edge ; usually bearing setse. (Plate ii., Fig. 2, c, d.) Antenna. Two jointed organs (" feelers ") projecting from the anterior portion of the body, of variable length. (Plate i., Figs. 9, 10, 11, types.) Apodous. Without feet. Apterous. Without wings. Bucca, buccal. The mouth ; belonging to the mouth. Carina, carinated. A keel or raised-ridge ; keeled. Ceplialic region. That part of the insect, male or female, which bears the eyes r antennae, and mouth, but not including the first pair of feet. Clavate. Club-shaped ; somewhat knobbed. Claw. The hooked terminating joint of the foot. (Plate i., Fig. G, cZ., type.) Coxa. The first joint of the foot, springing directly from the underside of the thoracic region. (Plate i., Figs. 6 c, 7 c.) Digitules. Appendages observed on the feet, and often useful for distinguishing species. Usually there are two pairs. The " upper pair " spring from the upper side of the extremity of the tarsus, and are generally long, fine hairs, terminating in a knob. The " lower pair " spring from the base of the claw, and are usually broader and more trumpet-shaped than the upper ones. (Plate i., Fig. 8, type.) Sometimes either pair, or both, may be absent. In Ccelostoma wairoense there are no " upper " digitules, and 24 " lower ' r ones on the foot of the male. (Plate xxi.) 1 2 EXPLANATION OF TERMS. Dimerous. Two-jointed. Dorsum. The upper side of the body when the insect is in its natural position. Dorsal. On the upper side or dorsum. Eyes. Two coloured, granular or simple, round organs on the cephalic region of the female, near the base of the antennae (Plate xiv., Fig. 2, k. ; Plate xx., 6) ; two, or four, coloured, granular, simple or facetted, on the head of the male (Plate i., Figs. 14, 15 ; Plate xxi., Fig. 2, b). Femur. The second joint of the feet, next the coxa, joined to it by the false joint " trochanter." (Plate i.,' Figs. 6 /, 7 /.) Fringe. A portion of the excreted substance, cotton or wax, produced by the spinnerets on the edge of the body in certain Lccanidina and Heini- coccidina. It may be in the form of long glassy threads (Planchonia) or of more or less broad flat plates (Ctenochiton). (Plate vii., Figs. 2 d, 3 a ; Plate xii., Fig. 2, a, b, c.) Haltere. A minute organ, situated just behind the wings of the males, and of which the use, either in this family or in the Diptera, has not been satis- factorily ascertained. It is often termed the " balancer." In the house-fly it has been thought to represent an organ of hearing. In Coccids it is furnished with one or more hooked bristles, and Mr. Comstock affirms that these are, probably for some purposes of flight, hooked into the posterior edges of the wings.* (Plate i., Fig. 17 ; Plate xxi., Fig. 1, m.) Honey dew. A substance of a glutinous character produced by many species, and falling in spray from them on the leaves. (See Chap. III.) Larva. The first stage in the insect's life after emerging from the egg. Lobes, in the DiaspidincB, are minute, flat, more or less rounded projections, two or more, seen on the edge of the abdominal extremity, usually interspersed with spines and hairs (Plate iii., Figs. 1, 3, 4, 5, Z) ; in the Lccanidincs, are two triangular or conical projections, usually bearing hairs, on the dorsal side of the body, one on each side of the abdominal cleft (Plate xi., Fig. 3, 6,0). Mcntum. A kind of secondary rostrum, or "under-lip," not altogether tubular, but rather a deepish trough, through which the rostral setse pass after leav- ing the rostrum. It may have one, two, or three joints. It is not noticeable in the Diaspidinee. (Plate i., Fig. 5, 6.) Metamorphosis, A change of form. For the number and characters of these see Chap. II. Moniliform. Like a string of beads. Monomer -ous. With a single joint. Multilocular. With several divisions : a term applied to the spinneret orifices of some insects, distinguishing them from " simple " orifices, which show only a single tube. Multilocular orifices exhibit a bundle of tubes enclosed together. (Plate i., Fig. 4, c, d, p ; Plate xviii., Fig. 2, e.) Nervure. A strong vein which, starting from the attachment of the wing of the male, runs along the anterior edge of the wing, -a little within it : at about half its length a branch runs obliquely towards the posterior edge. (Plate i., 16; Plate xix.,/; Plate xxi.) Normal. According to rule not exceptional. Ocelli. Two, four, or six minute circular simple organs, on the head of the male : probably organs of vision. In the Monophlebidcc- they would seem *Eeport of the Entomologist, U.S. Dep. of Agric. 1880, p. 277, note. EXPLANATION OP TEEMS. 3 to be replaced by a smooth rounded protuberance behind the eye. (Plate i., Fig. 14, oc. ; Plate viii., Fig. 2, k, m; Plate xxi., Fig. 2, 6.) Ovisac. The cottony bag or nest formed by certain species of Lecanidina anfl CoccidincR for the reception of their eggs. (Plate xii., Fig. 1, a, 6; c; Plate xix., a, 6, c.) Peduncle, pedunculated. A stalk ; stalked. Pellicle. The skin of an earlier stage, cast off at each metamorphosis ; used by the DiaspidincR and by one genus of LecanidincB in the formation of the puparium or test. (Plate i., Fig. 3, a, b, Plate vii., Fig. 2, 6.) Polymerous. Many-jointed. pa. The last stage of the male insect before emerging winged. Puparium. The shield, covering, or " scale " of the Diaspidincs. (Plate i., Fig. 3, e ; Plates iv., v., vi.) Rostral setce. Three or, in a few cases, four long, fine, curling, tubular bristles springing from the rostrum, and often passing through a mentum ; used for insertion into the tissues of a plant and sucking their contents. (Plate i., Fig. 5 ; Plate vi., only one being here shown, from the smallness of the drawings.) Ilostrum. A more or less conical, tubular, projecting organ, or beak, protruding from the underside of the cephalic region, or between the first pair of feet. It is absent in the adult female Ccelostoma. It is the " mouth" of the insect. (Plate i., Fig. 5 ; Plate iv., Fig. 5.) Sac. The cottony, bag-like covering or nest produced by the spinnerets and concealing the insect in many of the Coccidincc and some Lecanidina. (Plate xv., Fig. 1. c; Fig. 2, b.) Scale. The shield or puparium of the Diaspidincn. The word is commonly used to designate the outward appearance of insects of the whole family, which are indiscriminately called " scale-insects," although many of them form no shield whatever. Secretion may be of various kinds. It is matter produced by internal organs, and expelled through the " spinnerets." In the Diaspidina the secreted portion of the puparium (that is, all except the pellicles) is made up of fine, closely- woven fibres, forming the "scale." In the LccanidincB it probably exudes originally as fine fibres, but these become agglomerated in some cases in a waxy or horny mass, or in others are loosely collected as cotton. In the Coccidince the secretion is usually cottony, or powdery like meal. Ccclostoma secretes all three wax, cotton, and meal. In some instances, as in Carter-La lacca, of Africa, the wax, called " shellac," is abundant enough to be commercially valuable ; or, as in the Chinese Ericerus Pe-la it can be used for making candles. Seta. A bristle a long stiff hair. Setose. Bearing a few bristles. Spinnerets. Organs observed in various parts of the body, producing the waxy, 'cottony, or mealy matter. They consist of cylindrical internal tubes, some- times ending on the skin, sometimes protruding outside it in the form of tubes, spines, or conical hairs. In the former case the orifices show them to be in some instances simple, and in others compound tubes.* In the Diaspidince, besides being scattered over the body, the spinnerets are arranged in groups on the last abdominal segment, and these groups afford excellent characters * Minute anatomical details are unsuitable for this work. The student may consult Targioni-Tozzetti, " Studie sulle Cocciuiglie," cap. ii., p. 20. 4 EXPLANATION OF TERMS. for specific distinctions. (Plate i., Fig. 4, for types of various spinnerets ; Plate iii., groups of spinnerets of Diaspidince.) Spiracles. "Breathing organs:" the orifices in the body of the tracheae or tubes conveying air to the blood. In the Lecanidince they are usually four ; simple circles, near the edge of the body, and with a few strong spiny hairat near them. In the Coccidina they are often numerous. (Plate ii., Fig. 4 ; Plate xx., n.) Spiracular spines. Spiny hairs, usually three in number, of which one is rather long, close to the spiracles, in the Lecanidina. Stigma, stigmatic spines. Terms sometimes employed for spiracles, &c. Tarsus. The fourth joint of the feet, between the tibia and the claw. Its con- sisting of one joint (monomerous) is a distinctive character of the whole family. (Plate i., Fig. 6, ta.; Fig. 7, ta.) Test. The waxy, glassy, or horny covering produced through the spinnerets and concealing the insect in many Lecanidince and some Coccidince. In this work it is not applied to the " scale " of Diaspidince, or to cottony secre- tions. Thoracic band. An appearance seen on the thoracic region in the male, looking like a broad transverse ribbon. Thoracic region, thorax. That part of the female or the male which bears the three pairs of feet, when the feet are present ; or, if the feet are absent, the middle portion of the body, segmented or not. Tibia. The third joint of the feet, next the femur. (Plate i., Fig. 6, tl. ; Fig. 7, ti.) Trachea. Tubes ramifying throughout the body, conveying air to the blood Their orifices are the spiracles. The tracheae, as in other insects, appear as if constructed of a network of fine spiral wires. (Plate ii., Fig. 4 d; Plate xx., n.) Trochanter. A small articulation, not a distinct joint (something like a knee-cap) of the feet, between the coxa and the femur. (Plate i., Fig. 6, tr. ; Fig. 7, tr.) Trimerous. Three-jointed. Ventral. On the under-side, the insect being in its proper position. T7NIVBBSIT7 NEW ZEALAND SCALE-INSECTS (COCCIDmaS). CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. INSECTS are divided by naturalists into several principal orders, the distinguishing marks of which are generally very well de- nned for example, the butterflies and moths belong to the order Lepidoptera, the dragon-flies to the Neuroptera, the com- mon house-flies to the Diptera, and so on. These orders are founded upon the characters and arrangement of the wings. They are subdivided into families, and these again into genera and species. One of the orders is that of the HEMIPTEBA, which is composed of the two following sections : HEMIPTERA-HETEROPTERA, including the bugs, water-beetles, &c. HEMIPTERA-HOMOPTEHA, including the crickets, cuckoo-spits, plant-lice (Aphides), leaf -hoppers (Psyllids), scale- insects (Coccids), &c. The insects treated of in this volume are therefore placed as follows : Class INSECTA. Order HEMIPTERA. Section HOMOPTERA. Family COCCIDID.E . The genera and species will be found in their places. The common English name for this family " scale-insects " is not very appropriate. Some few of them have the appearance of small thin scales on leaves or twigs, but many have not. Nor are the German appellations " gall-insekten " or " schild-lause " more appropriate. Gardeners have given to some of them the 6 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTURE. name of " mealy-bug," which, although decidedly neither elegant nor euphonious., very fairly represents the character of that par- ticular portion of the family. The origin of the name " Coccididse," or, as abbreviated often in this volume, " Coccids," is found in the old Greek word " KOKKOS," denoting a rich red dye, which was much admired by the Greeks and Romans, and which was procured from the in- sect now known as Kermes vermilio (the Coccus ilicis of Linnaeus) . When the cochineal insect was discovered in Mexico it soon overpowered all the others, producing commercial dyes, and from it has come the title " Coccid," now applied to the whole family. Cochineal itself has of late years been pushed aside to a great extent by the aniline (coal-tar) dyes ; yet it is still used for many purposes. This insect lives on the leaves of cactus. Amongst the New Zealand species described in this work will be found one, Dactylopius alpinus, which produces a red dye similar to, though probably not equal to, cochineal. Before the dis- covery of aniline dyes it might possibly have been worth while to cultivate this insect for its dye ; but this would scarcely answer now. The Coccididse are, in some parts of the world, very injurious to vegetation. They seem to affect principally the warmer temperate regions. California, Florida, the Cape of Good Hope, the southern parts of Australia, Southern France and Northern Italy, and New Zealand are countries in which they are found out-of-doors in the greatest numbers. In England they are less troublesome in the open air, though in greenhouses and hot- houses they abound ; but, in places under glass, every gardener ought to be able to get rid of them without difficulty. For its extent New Zealand seems to furnish a larger number than any other country. The humidity of its climate and the absence of anything like severe winters in most parts of it are quite con- genial to Coccids ; and there is scarcely a tree in its forests or in its gardens, whether native or introduced, which is not subject to their attacks. It has not been thought necessary to include in this work a list of the books and essays written on this family of insects. The list would be a very long one ; but, besides that many of the books would not be obtainable here, it would be found that very many authors have done nothing more than copy often quite blindly and unintelligently what others had said SCALE-INSECTS. 7 before them; moreover, most of them are out of date. The student or the horticulturist desiring to know more about Coccids not found in New Zealand may find full details in the reports of the Agricultural Department of the United States Govern- ment, in Dr. V. Signoret's " Essai sur les Cochenilles " (Paris), in papers by Miss Emily Smith (American naturalist, 1878-80), &c. The American Departmental Reports of Professors Riley and Comstock, Mr. Hubbard, and Mr. L. Howard contain most valuable information. English works on the subject, are mostly fragmentary or inaccurate ; but Mr. Douglas, of Lewisham, has lately begun to discuss the Coccids in England in a systematic manner, and probably before long others will follow suit. In India, Mr. T. "W. Atkinson, of Calcutta, is studying the family. Natural science in these days tends ever more and more towards specialization, and the boundaries of scientific classes, orders, families, &c., are becoming always more and more narrowed. The student can find his time quite sufficiently oc- cupied nowadays in the thorough investigation of so (com- paratively) small a portion of the animal kingdom as is presented by the Coccids of even only one country ; and the present work may not be without value to future workers in this direction. To the farmer, the gardener, the fruit-grower, and the owner of pleasure-grounds it is believed that the following chapters will also supply information at the same time correct, intelligible, and useful. CHAPTER II. CHARACTERS, LIFE - HISTORY, AND METAMOR- PHOSES OF THE COCCIDID^E. THE first principal character separating the Coccididse from the rest of the Homoptera, and distinguishable without microscopic examination, is the absence of wings in the females at all stages of their existence. The second principal character is the absence of any apparatus for feeding and digesting in the males. From these two characters it follows that the females can only extend their operations by, at the best, crawling from plant to plant, or by being carried about by birds or other agency; also that the males cannot enjoy more than a very short existence, their work being entirely confined to impregnating the females. Hence, in any endeavours to destroy these insects, the males may be disregarded, and the females only attended to. Other distinguishing characters, chiefly microscopic, are 1. The presence of only one joint in the tarsus or fourth joint of the leg, in both males and females (Plate i., Figs. 6 and 7, to) ; 2. The presence of only a single claw terminating the leg in both males and females (Plate i., Figs. 6 and 7) ; 3. The presence of only two wings, with two halteres, in the full-grown males (Plate xxi) ; 4. The presence of two or more eyes or ocular tubercles, in addition to the ordinary pair of eyes, in the full-grown males (Plate i., Fig. 14 ; Plate viii., Fig. 1, k, m). I. THE FEMALE INSECT. In general outward appearance the female insects present very variable forms. They may be either naked, or covered over with some kind of a shield, which may be fibrous, or waxy, or cottony, or they may have simply a thin powdery meal scattered over them. The covered insects are, of course, SCALE-INSECTS. stationary, although in some cases, before reaching their full development, they move about, carrying their houses with them. The naked insects may be either stationary or active. They attach themselves either to the bark or stem of a plant or to the leaves. In the latter case it is rare to find them on the upper side ; but, on turning over a leaf, the under-surface is frequently found covered thickly -with them. In many cases they exude, in the form of minute globules, a whitish, thick, gummy secretion, answering probably to the "honeydew" of the Aphididse. This secretion drops from them on to the plant, and from it grows a black fungus, which soon gives an unsightly appearance to the plant. This fungus or " smut " is an almost invariable indication that a plant is attacked by insects,* and may, indeed, give a useful warning to tree-growers. It is not, however, produced in appreciable quantities by all species. The manner of feeding upon the plant is the same as in all the families of Homoptera namely, by means of a protruding rostrum, beak, or trunk, situated on the under-side of the insect. As there is not, in the female Coccididse, any well- defined division between the head and the rest of the body, this rostrum is seen, on turning over the insect, in the form, usually, of a minute conical projection between, or nearly between, the first pair of legs, if the legs are present, or a little within the circumference, if the legs are absent (Plate i., Fig. 5). An ordinary lens will generally show, springing from the point of the conical rostrum, three or four longish, very fine, curling bristles. These bristles are, in fact, hollow tubes, and the insect, inserting them into the leaf or bark of the plant, sucks through them its food. It is thus plain that, with often great numbers of scale-insects sucking at it pumping, as it were, its life-blood through their rostra a plant must of necessity suffer greatly. Birds do not, as a rule, seem to care much about eating the Coccididae, whose work is thus little interfered with by them. The " white-eye " (Zosterops) or " blight-bird " has been seen feeding on scale-insects ; but its visits are few and far between, and its assistance to the gardener in this respect not great. The Coccididse are, however, much subject to attacks * Not necessarily a Coccid insect : the fungus may also grow on the honey- dew of Aphis ; but it is easy to recognize the difference between these insects- In every case there is come insect at work where the fungus is. 10 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTURE. from Hymenopterous parasites, of which some account will be found in a subsequent chapter (Chap. IV.). The effects of the Coccididse are not confined altogether to damage to plants : there are some species producing materials useful to man. For example, Coccus cacti produces cochineal; Carteria lacca produces shellac ; Ericerus pe-la is used by the Chinese for candles : and others might be mentioned. But, so far, no New Zealand species appears to be of any commercial use. Dactylopius alpinus makes a rather rich red dye in alcohol ; C&lostoma zealandicum constructs thick, waxy coverings, which might possibly be turned to some account ; but even these are probably not worth much. Groups. The groups into which the Coccididse are, in this work, divided are as follow : 1. Female insects constructing for tb em- selves shields composed partly of secretion, partly of the pellicles dis- carded from earlier stages; abdomen not cleft ; legs lost at full growth. DIASPIDIN.E. .2. Female insects naked, or covered with shields of secretion, either waxy, horny, cottony, or felted ; abdomen in all stages cleft ; legs either lost or retained at full growth. LECANIDIN^E. 3. Female insects naked, or covered with shields of waxy secretion ; abdomen of larva ending in prominent pro- cesses, abdomen of adult cleft ; legs either lost or retained at full growth. HEMICOCCIDJX^ 4. Female insects naked, or covered with secretion either w r axy, cottony, or felted ; abdomen in all stages end- ing in prominent processes ; legs either lost or retained at full growth. COCCIDIN/E. Life-history. The life-history of the insects in the above groups is as follows : All of them pass through four stages of existence : 1, the SCALE-INSECTS. 11 %> the y oim g larva ; 3, the second stage of life, or " pupa ; " 4, the adult, or full-grown insect. 1. The egg. This is, in all cases, of regularly-oval form, the colour varying from' white to yellow or red (see Plate i., Fig. 1). It may be produced in great numbers, and in some cases several times in a year. As a general rule, the female ejects the eggs from her body; but there are some species, notably in the group Lecanidinae, where the eggs are hatched within the body, the insect being thus, in a manner, viviparous. 2. The young larva (Plate i., Fig. 2) . This is of precisely the same form both for the male and the female or, rather, perhaps it should be said that no definite character has yet been discovered to show which are male and which are female larvse. Neglecting slight variations of form, the larva is very minute seldom more than about ^iii. long, often as small as T Jin. Male puparium similar to that of the female, but much smaller; length, about ^\yin. Adult female pale yellow in colour, elongated, distinctly seg- mented. Rudimentary antennae on the cephalic segment. A few fine hairs at the edges of the segments. Abdomen ending in two lobes with a small median depression ; several serrated scaly hairs, and a few spines. Five groups of spinnerets : upper- most groups, seven or eight orifices ; upper lateral group, four- teen to twenty ; lower lateral group, twenty to twenty-five. A great number of single spinnerets. SCALE-INSECTS. 49 Adult male doubtful ; very minute and difficult to detect. Antennae apparently short and tibiae large. Habitat On Cordyline australis and C. indivisa, Phormium, Gahnia, Astelia, Eucalyptus, &c., throughout the islands; but the chief habitat seems to be C. australis (the common cabbage- tree), on which it is often very abundant. This spec ;les may at first sight be mistaken for Fiorinia stricta, described below, which also infests Cordyline and Phor- mium ; but, on inspection, it will be seen that the puparium of the Mytilaspis is much whiter, and the pellicles yellow, those of F. stricta being black. An examination of the second pellicles- of the two species will, of course, at once distinguish them. 14. MYTILASPIS DRIMYDIS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 196. (Plate V., Fig. 3.) Female puparium elongated, often straight, sometimes curved; colour, dirty- white or brown ; pellicles at one end ; length, about Male puparium similar, but smaller. Adult female dull-red in colour, elongated, not very dis- tinctly segmented. Abdomen ending in a number of small lobes, of which the four median are the largest; several fine hairs between the lobes ; no groups of spinnerets, but a very great number of single ones, which are scattered on the segments as far up as the rostrum. Many of these protrude as short thick tubes with serrated or fringed extremities. On the cephalic segment are a few spiny hairs and two rudimentary antennae. Adult male red in colour ; antennae of ten joints ; tarsi somewhat large. Both antennae and feet have numerous hairs. Digitules, fine. Habitat On Drimys colorata, Water of Leith, Dunedin, from which it has spread to other native plants. 15. MYTILASPIS EPIPHYTIDIS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 21. (Plate V., Fig. 2.) Female puparium flat, pyriform, brown in colour, thin ; length, about -j^in. 4 50 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGBICULTUBE. Male puparium narrower than that of the female, and a good deal darker, being sometimes almost black ; length, about ^oin. ; not carinated. Adult female dark-grey in colour, elongated, segmented. Abdomen ending in two median lobes ; along the edge several deepish curvilinear incisions, between which are some strong spines. Five groups of spinnerets : lower pair with fourteen to sixteen orifices ; upper pair, twelve to sixteen ; uppermost group, four to six. Adult male unknown. Habitat On Astelia cunninghamii, Wellington. 16. MYTILASPIS LEPTOSPERMI, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XIV., 1881, p. 215. (Plate V., Fig. 4.) Female puparium flat, elongated, irregularly pyrit'orm, light- brown in colour ; length, about ^in. The secretion forming the puparium is mixed with bark-cells of the tree, arranged longitudinally. Male puparium narrower than that of the female, and darker in colour. Adult female greyish-green, elongated, segmented ; abdo- men ending in six lobes, of which the two median are con- spicuous and somewhat large and floriated, the rest very small. Five groups of spinnerets : the upper group with about fifteen openings ; the others with from twenty-five to thirty -five. Single spinnerets none, or very few. Adult male unknown. Habitat On Leptospermum scoparium, (manuka), Welling- ton ; Canterbury ; Auckland. The puparia are often numerous on the loose scaly bark of the tree. 17. MYTILASPIS METROSIDERI, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XII., 1879, p. 293. Female puparium white, pyriform. Female in all stages dark-coloured ; in last stage nearly black. General outline resembling M. drimydis, but the abdomen is much sharper and more pointed, with a finely-serrated edge, ending in three minute, pointed lobes, joined by a scaly process. Spinnerets in an almost continuous arch, which may be resolved into five SCALE-INSECTS^ 51 groups ; seventy or eighty openings ; several single spinnerets. The rudimentary antennae can be made out. The young female has an elongated oval outline, little corrugated. The feet, digitules, antennae, &c., resemble those of M. pomorum. The abdomen is like that of the adult, without the groups of spinnerets. Male unknown, but puparium smaller and rather darker in colour than that of the female. Habitat On Metrosideros robusta (rata), Wellington, and probably elsewhere. It is not common. 18. MYTILASPIS PHYMATODIDIS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XII., 1879, p. 292. Female puparium flattish, pyrif orm, dirty-white or brownish ; length, about -j^in. Male puparium similar, brown. Adult female greyish, elongated, segmented. Rudimentary antennae visible. Abdomen ending in two lobes with a median depression : several scaly and serrated processes, and some spiny hairs. Five groups of spinnerets : uppermost group, six to nine orifices ; upper side groups, ten to fourteen ; lower pair, fifteen to twenty : several single spinneretr Male unknown. Habitat On Phymatodes biilardieri, Wellington ; Auck- land. In outward appearance the female resembles M. pomorum, but the puparium is quite different, and the abdominal charac- ters also differ. 19. MYTILASPIS POMORUM, Bouche. Aspidiotus pomorum, Bouche; Ent. Zeit. Stett., 1851, XII., No. 1. Aspidiotus conchiformis , auctorum ; nee Gmelin, Syst. Nat., 2,221. Aspidiotus p?jrus-malus, Kcimicott : 1854, Acad. Science of Cleveland. Aspidiotus juglandis, Fitch ; Ann. Rep., N.Y. State Ag. Soc., 1856 ; nee Signoret, loc. cit., 1870, p. 95. Aspidiotus falciformis, Barensprung ; Journ. cV Alton et Burm., 1849. 52 ' INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGEICULTUKE. Mytilaspis pomicorticis , Riley; Fifth Rep. State Entom., Missouri, p. 95. Mytilaspis pomorum (Bouche), Signoret; loc. cit., 1870, p. 96. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 192. The common apple-scale. (Plate V., Fig. 5.) Female puparium usually brown,* sometimes white ; elon- gated, mussel-shaped, convex, slightly curved, sometimes straight ; length, about -j^in. Male puparium not known in New Zealand. In America it is statedf to be small, " straight or nearly so, and with the posterior part joined to the remainder of the scale by a thin portion which serves as a hinge." Adult female greyish, yellowish, or white ; elongated, seg- mented. Rudimentary antennae present. At the edge of each segment two or three strong spines. Abdomen ending in two large lobes, with two others much smaller on each side; the median lobes are trifoliated. Between and beyond the lobes some spines. Five groups of spinnerets j numbers of orifices variable (see below) ; a few single spinnerets. Male unknown in New Zealand and Europe, doubtful in America. Colour stated by Riley (Fifth Missouri Report, p. 95} as " translucent corneous -grey." Habitat in New Zealand On apple, pear, plum, peach, apricot, lilac, ash, thorn, sycamore, cotoneaster, and other plants, passim. An introduced European species, known in America and elsewhere as the Cf oyster-shell bark-louse of the apple." It is the commonest, apparently, of the Diaspidinse ; and does great damage in orchards. This species has been referred to by many writers under the specific name ' ' conchiformis ; " some authors include it under the genus Aspidiotus, others under Coccus, and one Reaumur under Chermes. In the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society, February, 1885, Mr. A. Michael refers to it as Coccus (Mytilaspis) pomicorticis. The groups of spinnerets have been stated above to be * Dr. Signoret says, " brun noiratre." Mr. Comstock calls it " ash-grey." In reality the colour varies somewhat with that of the bark of the tree, t Conistock; Eep. of Entom., U.S. Dept. of Agric., 1880, p. 325. SCALE-INSECTS, 53 * f variable." The following table shows the numbers observed in specimens from different trees in New Zealand : Uppermost Groups. Upper Side Groups. Lower Side Groups. Apple 17 17 14 Plum 20 17 17 Lilac 17 19 16 Ash 10 12 9 Cotoneaster 7 15 10 A very minute white Acarid (mite) has been observed fre- quently under the puparia of this species, among the eggs. The eggs, in most cases so observed, were shrivelled and dead. Mr. A. Michael, in the paper above mentioned ("Notes on Tyroglyphidae") refers to an Acarus found in America in 1873, also in puparia of M. pomorum, by Mr. Riley, and expresses doubts whether or not it fed upon the insect ; yet he says, " A Tyroglyphus not ordi- narily predatory might regard a Coccus as suitable for gastro- nomic purposes." 20. MYTILASPIS PYRIFORMIS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 194; Vol. XIV., 1881, p. 215 ; Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 22. (Plate V., Fig. 6.) Female puparium light-brown, elongated, pyriform, flat ; in. (sometimes reaching Jin.) ; breadth, (reaching y^in.) ; texture, thin. The second pellicle is comparatively large. Male puparium smaller and narrower, brown, not carinated. Adult female yellowish-brown or greyish; elongated, seg- mented ; on the segments are a few spiny hairs. Abdomen end- ing in several lobes, of which the two median are much the largest. Spinnerets in a continuous arch, containing sixty to seventy orifices. Many single spinnerets. Several scaly hairs between the lobes. Adult male orange-coloured, about 3^ in. long. Antennae 10- jointed. Digitules, long fine hairs. Sheath of the penis long. Habitat On Dysoocylon spectabile and Atherosperma Novae Z&landiae, Wellington ; on Coprosma, Eiccarton Bush, Canter- bury. length, averaging 54 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTUKE. In the female puparium and in the length of the abdominal spike of the male this species resembles M. buxi, Bouche (Sig- noret, loc. cit., 1868, p. 93), but differs in all other respects. Genus: CHIONASPIS, Signoret. Female puparium usually white, elongated ; pellicles at one end ; generally flat. Male puparium white, elongated, carinated ; pellicle at one end. Groups of spinnerets, five (in one American species, six) ; rarely wanting. 21. CHIONASPIS CITRI, Comstock; 2nd Rep., Dep. of Entom., Cornell Univ., 1883. Chionaspis euonymi, Comstock (in part) ; Ag. Rep., 1880, p. 313. N.Z. Trans., Yol. XVII., p. 1884, p. 23. (Plate VI., Fig. 1.) Female puparium dirty blackish-brown, with a grey margin ; elongated. " There is a central ridge from which the sides slope like the roof of a house " (Comstock) . Male puparium white, narrow, carinated. Adult female yellowish-white, elongated, segmented. Abdo- men ending in six lobes, of which the two median are the largest : these two are divergent. Along the edge some spines. No groups of spinnerets : a few single ones. Adult male unknown. Habitat On oranges sold in the shops, imported from Sydney. This insect, apparently an importation from America, was not observed prior to 1884, and occurs as yet only sparingly, mingled with A. coccineus, from which it is easily distin- guished by its elongated puparium. 22. CHIONASPIS DUBIA, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XIV., 1881, p. 216. (Plate VI., Fig. 2.) Female puparium white, flat, elongated, pyriform, very thin ; the pellicles rather small; length, about T V n - SCALE-INSECTS. 55 Male puparium white, elongated, rather oval ; very slightly carinated above; on the under-side are two longitudinal keels. Adult female yellow, elongated, segmented ; the abdominal segments somewhat deep. Abdomen ending with a median depression ; terminal lobes inconspicuous (absent ?) . Five groups of spinnerets : uppermost group, six to ten orifices ; the rest, ten to fifteen. Adult male reddish in colour. Antennae hairy, 10-jointed, the first two joints very short. Feet normal, with four long, fine digitules. At the base of the abdominal spike is a some- what large tubercle. Haltere of normal form, but the terminal seta is very long, four times as long as the thick basal portion, and has no terminal knob. Thoracic band conspicuous. The thorax is somewhat long, so that there is a considerable distance between the first and second pairs of legs. Habitat On Coprosma, Rubus, Asplenium, Pell&a, Pticcarton Bush and North Kowai River, Canterbury; Auckland. The female puparium resembles that of C. aspidistra (Signoret) and C. populi (Barensprung), but the abdominal seg- ment of the female differs from both. 23. CHIONASPIS DYSOXYLI, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 22. (Plate VI., Fig. 3.) Female puparium thin, flattish, pyriform, white in colour, with a faint pink tinge when the egg-mass beneath shows through it ; length, about j^in. The second pellicle is com- paratively large. Male puparium white, narrow, carinated ; length, about yj^in. The insect affects principally the leaves of the plant, and the puparia are usually clustered thickly along the midrib. Adult female yellowish-red, elongated, segmented ; but not very deeply. Abdomen ending in a broken curve, with many curvilinear incisions. There are fourteen lobes, of which the two median are the largest ; separated from them by a spine on each side are two others rather smaller ; then another spine and a short open space ; and then three smaller lobes and another spine ; another space, and then a single small lobe, followed by a spine. Five groups of spinnerets : lower pair with twelve to fourteen orifices ; upper pair with seven to ten ; uppermost group, four to six. A few spiny hairs are on the edge of the abdomen. 56 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGBICULTURE. Adult male unknown. Habitat On Dysoxylon spectabile (Kohe-kohe) , Wellington ; Hawke's Bay; Auckland. The large white puparia of this insect do much to spoil the appearance of Dysoxylon, one of the most showy-leafed plants in New Zealand. 24. CHIONASPIS MINOR, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 33. (Plate VI., Fig. 4.) Female puparium white, small, not more than y^in. in length, usually less ; it is narrower and less pyriform than is usual in the genus, and is often bent in the middle ; pellicles yellow. Male puparium white, narrow, elongated, carinated, about ^in. in length. Adult female elongated ; segmented, but not deeply ; colour, dark-brown. Abdomen ending in six small lobes, of which the two median the largest are closely contiguous. Between them and the next pair is a spine ; then beyond the second pair another spine, a space, and a third pair of very small lobes ; after a long space there is another spine. Five groups of spinnerets : uppermost group with twelve to fourteen orifices ; upper pair, fourteen to seventeen ; lower pair, eighteen to twenty-four : many single spinnerets. Adult male not known. Habitat On Parsonsia, Hawke's Bay on Rhipogonum scan- dens (supplejack), Wellington; Canterbury; Otago. The small puparia and the contiguous abdominal lobes of the female distinguish this species. Genus : POLIASPIS, Maskell ; N.Z. Trans., Vol. XII., 1879, p. 293. Female puparia elongated; pellicles at one end. Male puparia narrower, elongated, pellicle at one end. Female with more than five groups of spinnerets ; abdomen without fringe. In the kindred genus, Leucaspis, Targioni-Tozzetti (Signoret, loc. cit., 1868, p. 101), the abdomen has a continuous fringe of long spines, and the groups of spinnerets vary in number from five to eight. SCALE-INSECTS. 57 "25. POLIASPIS MEDIA, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XII., 1879, p. 293. (Plate VI., Fig. 5.) Female puparium white, elongated, pyriform, slightly con- vex ; length, about yV n - Male pnparium elongated, narrow, white, doubtfully cari- nated. Adult female elongated, segmented ; greenish-white ; length, about ^in. Rudimentary antennae visible. Abdomen ending with a median depression, and inconspicuous lobes ; several scattered spiny hairs. Eight groups of spinnerets : four, con- taining each from twenty to thirty orifices, are placed in oppo- site pairs, the fifth, with four to six orifices, being between the upper pair ; above these, three other groups form an arch, the two outer ones having eight to ten openings, the middle one three to five. Many single spinnerets. Adult male of a bright scarlet or deep-orange colour. The antennae, covered with longish hairs, have ten joints, the first two very short and thick ; the next five long, equal, and cylin- drical ; the eighth and ninth somewhat shorter ; the tenth fusiform, and as long as the seventh. The legs are rather long ; the femur thick, the tibia more slender, broadening towards the tarsus, which is about one-third as long as the tibia, and narrows sharply down to the claw. Both tarsus and tibia are hairy. The digitules are fine hairs. Habitat On Veronica, sp., and Leucopogon Fraseri, North Kowai River, Canterbury ; on Cyathodes acerosa, Wellington ; on ferns, Napier. Genus : FIORINIA, Targioni-Tozzetti. UHLERIA, Comstock ; 2nd Entom. Rep., Cornell Univ., 1883, p. 110. Female puparium elongated; first pellicle small, at one end ; second pellicle very large, entirely covering the insect, and almost extending to the edges of the puparium. Male puparium elongated ; smaller and narrower than that of the female ; sometimes carinated ; pellicle at one end. Mr. Comstock proposes the name " Uhleria " for this genus, because Professor Targioni, establishing his genus for the species to which he originally gave the name of Diaspis fiorinia, changed at the same time the specific name to "pellucida." 58 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGKICULTUKE. This, Mr. Comstock says, necessitates now an entirely new generic name. Targioni's nomenclature has been followed here, as likely to lead to less confusion. 26. FIORINIA ASTELI.E, Maskell. Diaspis gig as, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 201 ; Vol. XIV., 1881, p. 217; Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 24. Uhleria gigas, Comstock ; 2nd Entom. Rep., Cornell Univ., 1883, p. 111. (Plate VI., Fig. 6.) Female puparium elongated, flat, roughly pyriform or ovate, thin; the secretion is yellowish-brown or dirty-white, but is scarcely noticeable, on account of the second pellicle ; length variable, from -j^in. to Jin. ; breadth, about -j^in. First pellicle small, at one end. Second pellicle, very large, almost filling the puparium, roughly pyriform ; abdominal region seg- mented ; cephalic region large, oval ; abdominal segments tapering, exhibiting at the extremity either minute serrations, floriated lobes, or tusk-like lobes, or a smooth curve ; the first abdominal segment sometimes produced into roundly-triangular lobes. Male puparium flattish, elongated; length, from T \jin. to Jin. ; white, thin ; roughly pyriform, but narrower than that of the female ; central portion slightly convex, seeming on the underside to have two keels ; not carinated above. Adult female yellow or brown ; segmented ; at first elon- gated, the cephalic region comparatively large, but during gestation shrinking up until the insect assumes the form of Aspidiotus. Abdomen ending in a minutely-serrated edge, with several small simple lobes, between which are longish spiny hairs. Spinnerets in an almost continuous arch, containing seventy to a hundred orifices ; several single spinnerets. Adult male yellow, slender. Antennae, ten-jointed, as long as the body ; each joint except the two first long and hairy ; the last joint fusiform. Feet, long and slender ; digitules, fine hairs. Abdominal spike, slender, not very long, springing from a small tubercular base. This is a variable insect in size, colour, edge of abdomen, and spinnerets. On the bark of Pittosporum eugenioide a variety SCALE-INSECTS. 59 has the extremity of the second pellicle richly floriated, other features remaining as above. It has not been thought advisable to erect all these varieties into different species. The male pupa, in its earlier state, is elongated, segmented, and may be mistaken for a female of Mytilaspis drimydis ; but differs in its greyish-yellow colour, and also in the form of the puparium. Habitat On Atherosperma Nova Zalandice ; Astelia cunning- hamii ; Coprosma, sp. var.; Pittosporum eugenioide, &c. ; Wel- lington; Canterbury; Hawke's Bay; Otago ; Nelson; Auckland. The puparia of this insect are frequently covered by a species of torulaceous (?) fungus which spreads over the leaf they are on in a thin, brown sheet. 27. FIORINIA GROSSULARI^E, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 123. Female puparium irregularly oval, being formed chiefly by the second pellicle, with a narrow edge of fibrous secretion; length, about ^in. Adult female elongated ; segmented ; the cephalic end slightly prolonged into a compressed cylinder. Segments bearing at the edge three sharp spines. The edge of the abdominal segment is much broken by serrations, and ends in two broadish median lobes, with two smaller lobes on each side. Several sharp, long spines are set in pairs along the serrated edge. Five groups of spinnerets, the three upper forming a continuous arch. Colour of insect, dark-grey. Adult male and puparium unknown. Habitat On gooseberries, Ambeiley, Canterbury. A doubtful species. 28. FIORINIA MINIMA, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 122. Female puparium flat, elongated, oval; length, about ^g-in. First pellicle, comparatively large ; the second almost fills the puparium. Male puparium rather longer than that of the female, but much narrower ; carinated. Adult female elongated ; segmented ; colour, pink. The ab- dominal segment somewhat long, the edge broken by a number of deepish curvilinear serrations, and ending in two inconspicu- 60 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGBICULTUEE. ous median lobes, with three others, much smaller, on each side. From the serrations spring some hairs. There are five groups of spinnerets, but the three upper ones, almost or quite conjoined, form a nearly-continuous arch, containing forty to fifty orifices ; the two lower groups have fifteen to twenty. There are several single spinnerets. The adult insect, before gestation, nearly fills the space covered by the second pellicle ; after gestation it shrinks up into very small compass at the cephalic end of the puparium. Adult male unknown. Habitat On Erachy glottis repanda ; Panax arboreum, Port Hills, Canterbury. Differs from the European species, F. pellucida (Targioni) , in its extremely-minute size, in the serrations of the abdomen, and the number of its hairs. Also in F. pellucida the young female larva has two tubercles between the antennae, which are not seen in F. minima. 29. FIOEINIA STRICTA, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 121 ; Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 24. (Plate VI., Fig. 7.) Female puparium elongated, narrow, with sides almost straight and parallel ; length, about ^yin.; breadth, about ^in. Colour of secretion, white, but seeming black, as the second pellicle shows through it. First pellicle, black, small, at one end; the cephalic portion prolonged in a slightly-cylindrical form. Second pellicle, very long, filling the puparium black ; entire for most of its length, but at the abdominal extremity cut across by transverse divisions forming narrow radiating segments ; ex- treme edge semicircular, sharply serrated. Texture, horny, hard, and strong. Male puparium elongated, narrow, like that of the female ; length, about -j^in.; colour white ; pellicle, black, at one end ; not carinated. Some puparia, both male and female, are found slightly -curved. Adult female small, elongated, segmented ; length, about B J in., shrivelling at gestation. Cephalic portion compressed, cylindrical. Abdomen somewhat elongated, ending in a number of sharp-pointed, triangular, tooth-like lobes, between which may be made out a few (four ?) very minute, roundly- triangular lobes. SCALE-INSECTS. 61 Five groups of spinnerets, the three upper groups almost joined in an arch ; in the arch, forty to fifty orifices ; in the two lower groups, ten to fifteen. Adult male, brown. Antennae, ten-jointed ; each joint except the first two long and hairy ; on the last joint one hair longer than the rest, and ending in a knob. Legs, slender ; claw, very thin ; digit ules, fine hairs. Habitat On Dendrobium, sp., Hedycarya, sp., Hawke's Bay; Phormium tenax, Cordyline australis, Astelia cunninghamii, Muhlenbeckia, sp., Wellington; Canterbury; Nelson. 62 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTURE. Group II. LECANIDINJS. Female insects flat, convex, or globular ; elongated or cir- cular; naked, or covered with waxy, horny, glassy, cottony, or felted secretion forming a covering or test. Adults sometimes apodous and without antennae. Abdomen in all stages exhibit- ing a more or less denned cleft, and, above or beside it, on the dorsal surface, two more or less conspicuous, roughly triangular, lobes. Men turn usually monomerous or dimerous. Male larvae resembling females. Male pupae covered with a test of secretion, waxy or glassy. Male adults not greatly differing from Diaspidinse ; abdominal spike usually short and thick. SUBDIVISIONS AND GENERA. SUBDIVISION I. Insects covering themselves with a secre- tion, composed chiefly of waxy, horny, or glassy matter LECANODIASPID^:. Test of female horny, partly formed of the second pellicle LECANOCHITON. Test of female waxy, with a single fringe of broad segments at the edge CTENOCHITON. Test of female glassy, elevated, striated with air-cells INGLISIA. Not yet represented in New Zealand. Test of female waxy, produced into radi- ating branches VINSONIA. Test of female waxy, without fringe or branches CEROPLASTES. Test of female waxy, elevated, not striated with air-cells FAIRMAIRIA. Tests agglomerated in a waxy mass con- taining colonies of insects, male and fe- male CARTERIA. Test of female absent ; tests of males aggregated in a waxy mass ERICERUS. SCALE-INSECTS. 63 / SUBDIVISION II. Female insects naked LECANID^. Females propagating without ovisac, ar- boreal LECANIUM. Females constructing ovisac, arboreal PULVINABIA. Not yet represented in New Zealand. Females propagating without ovisao, sub- terranean, retaining feet and antennae LECANOPSIS. Females propagating without ovisac, sub- terranean, losing feet and antennae ACLERDA. NOTE. The genus Physokermes, Targioni-Tozzetti, is placed by Signoret (loc. cit., 1874, p. 87) amongst those which here form this subdivision ; but there seems to be no sufficient dis- tinction between it and Lecanium. SUBDIVISION III. Insects covering themselves with secretion of cottony or felted matter LECANO-CoCCIEXE. Secretion felted, scarcely apparent on adult female, conspicuous on male pupae and female of early stages; edge fringed ERIOCHITON. Not yet represented in Neiv Zealand. Secretion felted', appearing only in the last stage, after gestation SIGNORETIA. Secretion felted, forming a nearly com- plete sac on adult female before gestation LECANODIASPIS. Secretion felted, forming complete sac on adult female PHILIPPIA. Secretion cottony, covering adult female only after gestation LICHTENSIA. Secretion cottony, forming a complete sac 011 adult female before gestation ERIOPELTIS. SUBDIVISION I. LECANODIASPID^E, Targioni-Tozzetti. Female insects exhibiting in all stages the abdominal cleft and lobes. Larvae free, naked, active. Females after the first metamorphosis constructing over themselves a carapace, shield, 64 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AOEICULTUKE. or (as called herein) test, of glassy, waxy, or horny secretion. Test apparently homogeneous, really in most cases formed of aggregated segments over the insect, and prolonged beyond the body in a flat single fringe of separate, more or less triangular or quadrate, segments. Fringe not always present or conspicuous in all stages. Males, after first metamorphosis, constructing a test of similar character but varying form. This subdivision, when first established by Targioni-Tozzetti, included only the four genera Pollinia, Aster olecamum, Plan- chonia 3 and Lecanodiaspis, all of which are apodous in the adult stage of the female. In this work the two first of these are included in a new group, HEMI-COCCIDIN^E ; Planchonia belongs to the group COCCIDIN^E ; Lecanodiaspis is left in the present subdivision. For the reasons leading to these changes, and the inclusion in this subdivision of insects retaining the feet in all stages, see N.Z. Transactions, Vol. XI., 1878, p. 207, and Vol. XVI., 1883, pp. 125-128. Genus: LECANOCHITON, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XIV., 1881, p. 222. Test of adult female horny in texture, formed partly of secretion, partly of the pellicle of the second stage ; abdominal cleft and lobes normal. 30. LECANOCHITON METROSIDERI, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XIV., 1881, p. 222; Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 129. (Plate VII., Fig. 1.) Test of adult female brown, hard, horny-looking, convex, slightly elongated, open beneath, loosely attached to twigs by the edges; at the top is the .pellicle of the second stage, which is flat, and gives the test the appearance of an overturned basket, of which the pellicle is the foot. Length of test about -j^g-in. Remains of the thin white test of the second stage may some- times be seen on the pellicle. Test of the male small, white, glassy, elongated, convex. The young insect, extremely minute, naked and active, is flat, oval, brown, or rather reddish, usually found at the tips of young shoots or on leaves. The antennae have six joints; on the last joint are several hairs, amongst which is one excessively SCALE-INSECTS. 65 long, slightly knobbed. Foot normal ; the joints hairy ; upper digitules fine knobbed hairs, lower pair a little broader. In the second stage the female is scarcely altered : the antennae and feet remain as before ; but there is a test, white, waxy, very thin, covering the dorsal surface, and extending a little beyond the edge in an irregular fringe. On the edge also are a number of protruding spinneret tubes, glassy, white, cylindrical, either curved or straight : a few of these tubes protrude on the surface of the back. Adult female dark-brown in colour, filling the test ; convex above, flat beneath. Rostrum comparatively large; mentum probably monomerous. Antennae short, thick, atrophied; seven- jointed, but the joints are much confused; on the last joint some hairs. Feet absent. Four rows of rather large spinnerets radiate from the median region of the dor sum to the edge, and along these, on the lower side of the test, are corresponding narrow lines of white cottony secretion. This insect is viviparous, the young being sheltered awhile by the mother, whose under-side becomes concave during gesta- tion. Adult male dark-red ; length, about ^-iii. Antennae of ten joints, of which the two first are very short; the third much longer and expanded at the end ; the fourth more than twice as long as the third ; the remainder about equal in length to the third, but thicker and rounder, being almost moniliform. All but the first two joints bear hairs. Foot normal; digitules fine hairs. Habitat On Metrosideros robusta (Rata), Milford Sound; Bluff Harbour. On M. tomentosa (Pohutukawa) , Auckland. A peculiar species, easily identifiable by the presence of the second pellicle on the female test. Genus : CTENO CHITON, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 208. Test of female waxy, with a single fringe of tooth-like, more or less broad, segments round the edge. Test of male waxy or glassy, with similar fringe. The edge of the body, in the second stage of the female, usually presents a wavy appearance, formed by a series of re- entering curves. This is perhaps most conspicuous in Ct. per- foratus. 5 66 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGKICULTUKE. The antennae of the adult female have six or seven joints. It is often very difficult to determine the number, as the third joint exhibits frequently a shallow circular depression or ring which may easily be mistaken for a division. During gestation the female, which at first fills the test, shrivels up at one end into a shapeless mass requiring macera- tion in potash to restore the original form for examination. The test thus becomes almost filled with eggs. The presence of the fringe, which is noticeable in every species of this genus at some time or other, distinguishes it from Ceroplastes and Vinsonia. In Ctenochiton viridis the test is not to be made out in the adult stage but is clearly visible in the second stage of the female, and it is present, with the charac- teristic fringe, for the male. 31. CTENOCHITON DEPRESSUS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 132. (Plate VII., Fig. 2.) Test of adult female flat, nearly circular, thin, waxy, greyish- coloured ; fringe inconspicuous or sometimes absent. No per- forations or rows of air-cells. Diameter, about i^in. The fringe is more conspicuous in the test of the second stage. Test of male elongated, narrow, flat beneath, slightly convex above, white, glassy, thin and brittle, with a conspicuous fringe of which the segments are truncate-triangular. The test is divided into tessellations, the median row of which is quadran- gular, with two series of pentagonal divisions between it and the fringe. Near the abdominal extremity a transverse narrow slit cuts the test in two, leaving a small segment at the extreme end apparently separate. Length of the test about j^in. Adult female filling the test, but shrivelling after gestation ; colour brownish or grey. Antennae of six joints, the third being the longest, and, as is commonly the case in the genus, often appearing like two. On the last joint a few long hairs. Foot normal ; the upper digitules are fine hairs, the lower pair only a little broader. Anal ring and lobes normal. In the second stage the usual wavy edge is conspicuous ; the test is thin, glassy, with normal fringe. Antennas and feet normal. The insect is somewhat thick, with yellowish colour. SCALE-INSECTS. 67 Young insect normal. Adult male yellowish-red in colour, about ^in. in length, exclusive of the wings. General form normal. Antennae long, with ten joints, all long and equal, except the two first, which are very short : all the joints have several hairs. Legs normal, but the tibise are very long and slender, and only a little thick- ened at the tip ; tarsi somewhat thick ; digitules fine hairs. Abdominal spike long, and very slightly curved. Habitat On Plagianthus, Cyathea, &c. j Hawke's Bay. This insect resembles, to the naked eye, somewhat nearly Ctenochiton perforatus, but the female differs in the absence of the curious perforations in the test of that species, and in the shorter and thicker antennae, with also more long hairs on the last joint. The test of the male is also different. 32. CTENOCHITON EL^EOCARPI, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 26. (Plate VII., Fig. 3.) Test of adult female oval, nearly circular, black in colour, divided into hexagonal and pentagonal segments which are not conspicuous, and of which the median series forms a very slightly elevated ridge somewhat lighter in colour. The test is only slightly convex. The fringe is very long and conspicuous, the segments toothlike. Diameter of test, exclusive of the fringe, reaches Jin. Test of male unknown. Test of second stage of female white, waxy, not homogene- ous, but built up of a number of loosely-aggregated tubuliform plates, somewhat resembling those of the genus Orthezia, Bosc. The fringe of this test is longer than in that of the adult, the teeth curling in different ways. Length of test and fringe, sometimes Jin. The adult female fills the test, shrivelling at gestation. Colour black. Antennae somewhat long, of seven joints ; a few hairs on the last joint. Foot normal; upper digitules strong and thick, lower pair very broad. On the skin are a number of large oval spots which appear to be the orifices of spinneret tubes. Female of the second stage wanting the usual wavy edge of the genus. Round the edge of the body is a row of sharp 68 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGEICULTUKE. conical spines set closely together. Antennae of six somewhat confused joints. Feet normal. Adult male unknown. Habitat On Elceocarpus dentatus (hinau), Wellington. The large size, black colour, and very conspicuous fringe of the adult female test, and the white loose test of the second stage, distinguish this species, especially from Ct. fuscm. 33. CTENOCHITON ELONGATUS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 212. (Plate VII., Fig. 4.) Test of adult female elongated, narrow, convex. Length sometimes reaching Jin., width about T \jin. Fringe not always conspicuous; the segments quadrate outwardly. Test divided into quadrangular divisions. Colour whitish, but often blackened by fungoid growths. Test of male unknown. Adult female filling the test, shrivelling at gestation. Edge of the body wavy. Stigmatic spines long and conspicuous. Anteiince seven-jointed. Feet normal ; lower digitules absent (?) . Adult male unknown. Habitat On Geniostoma ligustri folium, Auckland ; on Den- drobium sp., Hawke's Bay ; on Earlna sp., Wellington. Easily recognized by the great length and narrowness of the female test. 34. CTENOCHITON FLAVUS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 130; Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 26. (Plate VII., Fig. 5.) Female test golden, waxy, flat beneath, convex above ; out- line circular or slightly elliptical, with a fringe of broadly tri- angular segments round the edge. Apex of the test an irregular elongated mass of wax, the remainder divided into two concentric series of plates, the inner series pentagonal with sharp angles, the outer pentagonal with rounded angles and with the outer side forming the base of the segments of the fringe. The inner series forms often irregular lumps of wax. Diameter of test sometimes reaching ^in. The colour is often hidden by black fungoid growths. SCALE-INSECTS. 69 Test of male much narrower than that of the female,, hav- ing an irregularly rectangular edge with deep curvilinear de- pressions. It is glassy, white and shining, flat beneath and elevated above, and marked with numerous horizontal striae. The upper central portion is sometimes flat,, sometimes an irregular mass of the glassy secretion. On the lower side there is often a plate of secretion,, so that the pupa is almost entirely enclosed. The adult female fills the test, shrivelling up after gestation : it is consequently flat beneath, convex above, with general out- line of Lecanidinae. The spiracular spines are very long and conspicuous ; from their base a double row of minute circular spinneret orifices runs as far as the spiracle, with two or three outlying ones at the base of the spine ; and a single row of the same kind of orifices runs across the body to the spiracle on the other side. Along the edge of the body there is a series of conical sharp spines ; and scattered all over are many tubular projecting spinnerets. The abdominal cleft is deep, and the two lobes are conspicuous on the dorsal side; these lobes are not smooth, but irregular, and each bears at the end three or four strong spines. The antennae have six joints ; but the third joint often looks like two on account of the false division or depressed ring : the last joint has several long hairs. Feet normal ; the upper digitules fine long hairs, the lower pair very broad. The anal ring bears a number of long hairs, of which eight seem to be conspicuous. The colour of the insect is a golden brown ; diameter averaging -j^-in. The second stage of the female is normal of the genus, show- ing the wavy outline, somewhat strongly marked in many speci- mens, but not conspicuous in others. The spiracular spines are prominent, and a row of conical spines runs round the edge of the body, as in the adult. The test is at first very thin and brittle, and with a fringe of broad, shallow segments ; but after- wards becomes thicker, and in the end_, before the change to the final stage, it approaches almost the form of the waxy test of an adult Ceroplastes. The young insect is normal. The adult male is normal of the genus. The legs are very long and slender; the four digitules are fine hairs. At the extremity of the tibia there is a strong spine. Abdominal spike, or sheath of the penis, slightly curved, with a seta on each side 70 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGEICULTURE. pf its basal tubercle. Antennae of ten joints ; the first two very short, the rest longer and equal. On the last joint are several long hairs, of which three are knobbed. Habitat On Brachyglottis repanda, Panax arboreum, Lepto- spermum scoparium (manuka), Elceocarpus dentatus (hinau) ; Wellington. The species is distinguishable by the shape and colour of the test and the arrangement of the spinnerets, in the adult female. The tests of the second stage may sometimes be taken for adult Ceroplastes rusci, Linn. ; but can be easily distinguished on examination of the enclosed insect. 35. CTENOCHITON ruscus, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 131. (Plate VII., Fig. 6.) Test of the adult female elliptical in outline, flat below, convex above, the elevation being greater than usual; almost black in colour, composed of a thin dark waxy secretion. The fringe is conspicuous, and has the appearance of teeth, the segments being sharply triangular and set closely together. Length of test sometimes nearly Jin., breadth ^in., height -j^in. Inside of the test whitish. Test of male glassy, white, elongated, slightly convex. Adult female filling the test, shrivelling at gestation. Antennae short, probably seven- jointed, but the joints are con- fused ; on the last joint several hairs. Foot having the tibia expanded at the extremity ; upper digitules strong and thick, lower pair ending in conspicuously broad plates. On the edge of the body a row of conical spines. Colour almost black. In the second stage the female is less wavy in outline than in other species of the genus, and in its later period is somewhat thick, with the edges turned inwards. Feet normal ; digitules fine. Antennae short and thick, with six joints, of which the third and fourth are the longest ; on the last joint some long hairs. The abdominal lobes are irregularly triangular. Young insect normal. Adult male unknown. Habitat On Brachyglottis repanda, Panax arboreum ; Port Hills, Canterbury (Dry Bush). Distinguished by its large size, great convexity, and black SCALE-INSECTS. 71 colour, which is not clue to fungoid growths, although these, as usual, accompany it. 86. CTENOCHITON HYMENANTHER^E, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 25. (Plate VIII., Fig. 1.) Test of adult female waxy, circular, convex, dirty-white, yellow, or brownish, formed of a number of hexagonal or octa- gonal segments, which are also convex, giving it a rough appear- ance. Fringe not very conspicuous. Diameter of test, about T Vm. Test of male glassy, dirty-white, oval, segmented, slightly convex, segments of fringe small. Length, about j^in. Adult female yellowish-brown, filling the test. Antennae of six joints, of which both the second and third seem sometimes double. Foot normal ; upper digitules long fine hairs, lower pair broad. The spiracular spines are strong and conspicuous. The skin is divided into segments corresponding with those of the test, the divisions being marked by lines of spinneret orifices which are small and simple. In the second stage the usual wavy edge of the genus is not generally apparent. Adult male somewhat thick and short. Antennae of nine joints, the first short and thick, the remainder long and nearly equal ; each joint after the first has many nodosities, from which spring longish hairs. Foot long and slender, especially the tibia. Digitules fine hairs. Thoracic band inconspicuous. Abdominal spike short and blunt. This species is usually accompanied by a great quantity of very black fungus covering and rendering unsightly the whole plant on which it lives. Habitat On Hymenanthera cmssifolia, Evans Bay, Wel- lington. This insect seems to be intermediate between C. piperis and C. depressus, differing from both in the rugose female test and the distribution of the spinneret orifices. 72 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTURE. 37. CTENOCHITON PERFORATUS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 280; Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 130. (Plate VIII., Fig. 2.) Test of adult female white, waxy, circular, nearly flat, brittle, thin except at the edge. Fringe thin, segments broadly triangular. Diameter nearly -Jin. The test is divided by narrow lines of minute spots, corresponding to the spinneret orifices of the insect, into rows of pentagonal or hexagonal segments. The interior segments are only dotted, but the exterior row ex- hibits curvilinear series of small perforations or air-cells arranged in slightly radiating rows, which extend also to the correspond- ing segments of the fringe. The test of the second stage of the female is very thin and filmy, waxy, flat, slightly elongated ; the fringe as in the adult ; but there are no perforations or air-cells. Length, about yifin. Test of male waxy, thin, slightly elongated, rather convex ; length, about -j^ in. Fringe and air-cells as in the female test. At the abdominal end is a joint or hinge separating the last segment. Adult female filling the test, shrivelling at gestation ; colour greyish or greenish-white. General appearance somewhat leathery. Hows of minute oval spinnerets run round the edge and across the body, corresponding with the divisions of the test. Antennae of six joints, the third joint being the longest, and seeming double 011 account of the depressed ring : on the last joint some hairs. Feet normal, with somewhat thick coxa3 and femora : upper digitules long ; lower pair narrow. Anal ring with eight hairs. A row of scattered small hairs runs round the edge of the body. Female of second stage very thin and transparent, seeming like a bluish-green film. The wavy edge is conspicuous. An- tennae of six joints. Adult male yellowish. Antennae nine-jointed, every joint except the first bearing several hairs. Feet normal ; upper digitules not long, lower pair fine hairs. Thoracic band con- spicuous and long. Abdominal spike short. Habitat On Pittosporum eugenioide, P. tenuifolium, Panax arbor eum, Coprosma lucida, Rubus, &c., Riccartoii Bush, Christ- church ; Nelson ; Dunedin ; Wellington. SCALE-INSECTS. 73 38. CTENOCHITON PIPERIS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XIV., 1881, p. 218 ; Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 25. (Plate VIII., Fig. 3.) Test of adult female circular, convex, regularly tessellated in hexagonal segments ; fringe not very regular, sometimes almost or quite absent ; waxy, somewhat thick ; diameter, about -j^g-in. Colour variable ; outer parts white, yellow, or greenish- white, central segments purplish. Test of second stage of female waxy, very thin, flat, with fringe of broadly triangular segments : no air-cells. Length, about ^jin. Test of male elongated, convex, glassy, segmented. Length, about ^yin. Slightly coloured like that of the female. Adult female filling the test. Colour corresponding with that of the test. At gestation the under-side becomes hollow, and the young are sheltered beneath it for awhile. Antennae seven- jointed; on the last joint several hairs. Feet normal; lower digitules rather broad. Round the dorsal surface, half-way between the centre and the edge, is a row of swellings*" or tubercles. Female of second stage elongated, the cephalic portion narrower than the abdomen ; flat, thin ; edge wavy ; stigmatic spines rather stout ; a few small spines on the edge. Antennae six- jointed ; feet normal. Young insect of normal form, but with numerous minute wrinkles on the edge of the body. Adult male greenish-yellow ; antennae nine-jointed. Foot normal, with somewhat thick tarsus. Penis ending in a round, somewhat large knob. Habitat On Piper excelsum (kawakawa) ; Auckland, Hawke's Bay, Wellington. The regularly-circular form and coloured segments of the female test, and the tubercles of the dorsum, distinguish this species. * Possibly spiracular. 74 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTUKE. 39. CTENOCHITON VIRIDIS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XL, 1878, p. 211 ; Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 24. (Plate IX., Fig. 1.) Test of adult female absent or fragmentary; very thin, waxy, white, divided into pentagonal or hexagonal segments, each of which exhibits numerous concentric wavy curves, crossed by straight lines radiating from the centre * the segments are separated by double lines of minute spots, corresponding to the spinneret orifices of the insect. No air-cells. Fringe seldom visible. Test of female of second stage very thin, white, waxy, flat, divided into segments with concentric curves and radiating lines as in the adult. Fringe of broad segments. No air-cells. Length, about -j^in. Test of male glassy, white, elongated, slightly convex, divided into segments similarly marked to those of the female. Ab- dominal segments separated from the test by a transverse line, or hinge. Length, about Jin. Adult female bright-green in colour, thick, elongated or pyriform, the cephalic portion somewhat acuminate ; length sometimes reaching Jin. It produces a conspicuous depression in the leaf, in which the body is partially buried. Antennae of six joints (apparently seven, but the third joint shows the false division or depressed ring), often atrophied. Feet normal, coxse and femora thick. After gestation the insect frequently becomes brown, covered with a mass of white mealy or felted secretion. Female of the second stage thin, filmy, translucent ; flat, elongated, with wavy outline ; colour green ; length, about ^\jin. Antennae of six joints. Adult male greenish-yellow ; length, about 1*5 in. Antennae of nine joints. Feet normal ; digitules absent. A strong spine at the extremity of the tibia. Habitat On Panax arbor ewn, Coprosma lucida, Hedycarya dent at a, Atherosperma Nova-Zalandicz, Rubus austrahs ; Canter- bury, Otago, Wellington, Nelson, Auckland, Hawke's Bay. This is probably the largest known species of the Lecanidinee. Its size and bright-green colour in the adult state clearly dis- * The radiating lines and concentric curves of these segments are usually somewhat conspicuous, at least on the adult female, and serve to distinguish the test from that of C. elongatus, which otherwise resembles it. SCALE-INSECTS. 75 tinguish it. The female of the second stage resembles nearly that of Ct. perforatus, but is somewhat thicker, and the mark- ings of the segments o the test are different. Genus : INGLISIA, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 213. Test of female glassy, elevated, striated with radiating rows of air-cells. Fringe not always present in the adult stage. In the genus Fairmairia, Signoret, there is also an elevated test, but it is waxy, and exhibits no air-cells, and has no fringe in any stage. 40. INGLISIA LEPTOSPERMI, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XIV., 1881, p. 220; Vol. XVII., 1884,. p. 27. (Plate IX., Fig 2.) Test of adult female white, glassy or waxy, elongated, convex- above, flat and open beneath, formed of several agglutinated segments, each segment more or less convex or conical, median segments usually five in number ; at the edge an irregular fringe, but the fringe is often absent. Average length of test r j^in. The marginal segments sometimes assume the form of small cones, as if a number of secondary tests were attached to the principal one. All the segments are marked with striae radiating from the apex of each : the striae, which are composed of air-cells, widen from the apex to the base. Test of the male white, glassy, elongated, convex, not unlike that of the female, but with a longer fringe ; it has also- its posterior segment divided from the rest by a transverse slit or hinge ; average length, about -^in. Adult female filling the test, shrivelling at gestation ; colour brown; abdominal lobes yellow, conspicuous. The flat under- surface is smooth ; the clorsum divided by large corrugations, each segment corresponding to one in the test. Antennae of seven joints, of which the third is the longest, the fourth, fifth, and sixth the shortest ; a few hairs, especially on the last joint. Feet normal; the tibia is somewhat thin, and has one spine or hair at its tip. Digitules normal ; upper pair long knobbed hairs, lower pair verv broad. 76 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGEICULTUKE. The female in the second stage is also convex above, flat below, but is less thick than the adult, and has not the corruga- tions. General form elongated-oval; the abdominal lobes are not, as usual, smooth, but approach by irregularity the anal tubercles of the Coccidinae, and like them bear a few hairs. The anal ring has eight hairs. Antennae of six joints. Feet normal ; digitules as in adult. On the skin are several scattered, circular, very minute spinnerets ; the stigmatic spines are long and conspicuous, and along the edge runs a row of conical hairs or spines. Adult male yellowish-green in colour, the body slender and tapering. From the abdomen spring two very long white cottony setae, one on each side of the spike, which is straight and short. Antennas of ten joints ; the first two short, the rest long, thin, and hairy. Of these, the seventh, eighth, and ninth are the shortest; on the last joint three long knobbed hairs. Feet slender, hairy ; digitules normal. Thoracic band inconspicuous. Habitat On Leptospermum scoparium (manuka) ; Christ- church, Kaiapoi, Wellington, Auckland. It affects the twigs of the plant, and not the leaves. 41. INGLISIA ORNATA, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 27. (Plate X., Fig. 1.) Test of adult female reddish-brown, the base more or less oval, the rest elevated in a cone and ending in a prominence standing up like a more or less sharp horn ; sometimes there are two of these horns. The test is formed of a number of polygonal segments, each slightly elevated, and all are marked with the radiating striae peculiar to the genus. There is a fringe of sharply triangular segments, also striated. Average length of test, about Jin., but specimens attain a length of iin. ; height, about j^in. Test of second stage generally resembling that of the adult, but smaller and less conical, and more tinged with green ; and at the edge a number of short spinneret tubes may be seen protruding. SCALE-INSECTS. 77 Test of the male elongated-oval, convex, but wanting the prominent horn of the female, glassy, white tinged with yel- lowish-brown, composed of segments marked with conspicuous striae. Length, -j^in. Fringe often present, but irregular ; often absent. The adult female fills the test, shrivelling after gestation. It exhibits the horn, or two horns, as in the test. Antennae of seven joints, the third joint showing the false division noted in other species of Lecanodiaspidae. Feet normal ; upper digitules strong and thick, lower pair rather broad. Along the edge of the body is a row of sharp lanceolate spines set closely together, and the spiracular spines are long and conspicuous. A double or triple row of minute circular spinnerets marks the divisions corresponding to the segments of the test. Colour of the insect greenish, turning brown after gestation. The abdominal lobes are brown. In the second stage the female resembles generally the adult ; but the antennae have six joints, and amongst the mar- ginal spines are some very much larger than the rest. The young larva is flat and oval, and at the margin shows a fringe of long glassy pointed tubes, springing from the mar- ginal spines. The adult male is about ^in. in length (exclusive of the wings), brownish or reddish-yellow in colour, the wings hyaline and iridescent, with red nervures. Antennas of ten joints, on the last of which are, amongst others, three long knobbed hairs. Foot with a spine at the extremity of the tibia; digitules fine hairs. At each side of the abdominal spike springs a strong seta, from which extends a white cottony pencil, as long as the body of the insect. The penis is a long soft cylindrical tube covered with minute recurved spines. Thoracic band short and narrow. Habitat On Elceocarpus dentatus (hinau), Leptospermum sco~ parium (manuka) ; Wellington."* This is a handsome species : the colour and the horns of the test are clear distinctions. * The male pupse may be found not unfrequently on other plants, such as Coprosma, Pittospomm, &c. 78 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGBICULTURE. 42. INGLISIA PATELLA, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 213 ; Vol. XIV., 1881, p. 219. (Plate X., Fig. 2.) Test of adult female conical or limpet-shaped, white, glassy, slightly elongated, striated with rows of air-cells radiating from the apex, and increasing in size to the edge. Length of test, about x^in. ; height, about ^in. The edge is usually very wavy. Test of male similar, but a little smaller and more elongated. Adult female filling the test, shrivelling at gestation. Colour greenish-yellow. Edge wavy, corresponding to the curves of the test. Antennae very short, six- jointed ; on the last three joints some hairs. Feet normal; upper digitules very long, lower pair narrow. On the edge of the body is a row of spines, of which each alternate one is conical, the remainder club- shaped ; the edge seems double or ribbon-like, and inside it is a row of spinnerets, beyond which is a narrow line of short regu- lar curves. Abdominal cleft wide and circular above, the ex- tremities almost meeting. Anal ring with eight long hairs. Female of second stage flattish, elongated, wavy-edged ; not exhibiting alternate conical and clavate spines. Young larva naked, flat, active ; round the edge a row of lavate spines, but no conical spines. Length, about J$in. Adult male greenish-yellow ; length, ^in. Antennas of ten joints, all except the first bearing hairs. Foot normal ; digitules fine hairs. Abdominal spike about half the length of the abdomen, with two long white setse springing from the basal tubercle. Habitat On Coprosma lucida, Biccarton Bush, Christchurch; Drimys color ata, (plentifully) on hill above Lyttelton ; Athero- sperma, Wellington. A very pretty little species, clearly distinguished by the form of the test and the alternate spines of the adult female. SCALE-INSBCTS. 79 SUBDIVISION II. LECANIDJE. Female insects naked in all stages ; form variable ; apodous in adult stage, or retaining the feet ; viviparous or oviparous, with or without attached ovisac; abdominal cleft and lobes always present. Male pupae in some cases covered with waxy secretion. Genus: LECANIUM, Illiger. Females naked, flat or convex; viviparous or oviparous; propagating without ovisac ; arboreal. Dr. Signoret (loc. cit., 1873, p. 396) divides the genus into six series, as follows : (1.) Species flat, usually viviparous; example, L. hesperi- dum. (2.) Species more or less convex, elongated; example, L. persicce. (3.) Species more or less globular, the skin tessellated; ex- ample, L. aceris. (4.) Species more or less globular, the skin perforated with oval markings ; example, L. hemisph&ricum. (5.) Species rugose, with dorsal keels ; example, L. olece. (6.) Species globular, with cleft beneath for attachment to twigs ; example, L. emeriti. The following are the only species reported as yet in New Zealand ; but the genus is so widely spread and the species are so numerous that doubtless many others will hereafter occur in this country. 43. LECANIUM DEPRESSUM, Targioni-Tozzetti, Catal. (1868), 37, 8 ; Stud, sul Coccin., 29. Maskell, N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 206. (Plate XI., Fig. 1.) Adult female elongated, somewhat acuminate at the cephalic end, slightly convex; reddish-brown; skin marked with two dorsal keels and numerous irregular tessellations, finely punc- tate. Antennae of eight joints ; on the first two and the last three joints some hairs. Feet normal, rather long; one of the 80 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGEICULTUEE. lower digitules is larger than the other. Length of insect, about ^o in. Male unknown. Habitat in New Zealand On plants in greenhouses; Christ- church, Wellington. In Europe, on Ficus, in hothouses. This insect belongs to Signoret's fifth series. 44. LECANIUM HEMISPH.ERICUM, Targioni-Tozzettr, Stud, sul Coccin., 27. Chermes filicum, Boisduval (1867), 336; Targioni, Catal., 1868, 38, 17. Maskell, N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 29. (Plate XI., Fig. 2.) Adult female hemispherical, with broad flattened edges ; reddish-brown ; diameter, about -^in. Skin regularly marked with oval perforations ; no keels. Antennae of eight joints. Feet normal, thin. Anal ring with eight hairs. Male unknown. Habitat in New Zealand On Camellia, Hutt Valley, Wel- lington ; in Europe, on Drac&na australis ; in America, on various greenhouse plants (Comstock). Query Does the European habitat denote an Australian origin ? This insect belongs to Signoret's fourth series. 45. LECANIUM HESPERIDUM, Linnaeus. L. hesperidum, Linnaeus, Syst. Nat., 1735, II., 739, 1 ; Faun. Suec., 1746, 1015. Coccus hesperidum, various authors. Calymnatus hesperidum, Costa, Nuov. Osserv., 1835 ? Calypticus hesperidum, Costa, Faun. Ins. Nap. Gall-insect., 1837, 8, 1; Lubbock, Proc. Roy. Soc., IX., 480; Beck, Trans. Hoy. Micr. Soc., 1861, 47, &c. Maskell, N.Z. Trans., Vol. XL, 1878, p. 205. The Holly and Ivy Scale. (Plate XI., Fig. 3.) Adult female naked ; yellow, brown, or reddish ; flat or slightly convex ; elongated ; skin smooth, sparsely punctate ; length averaging -j^jin., but specimens reach sometimes ^-in. Antennae of seven joints ; a few hairs on most, but the seventh has several. Abdominal cleft and lobes normal. Feet normal. On the edge of a body a row of small hairs, not set closely together. Viviparous ; at gestation the under-side becomes con- SCALE-INSECTS. 81 cave, forming a shelter for the young ; and this cavity is often of a blood-red colour. On the under-side may be seen sometimes four cottony trails starting from the region of the four stigmata. Young larva reddish- brown ; oval, flat ; antennae of six joints. From the abdominal lobes spring two long setae. Male unknown. Habitat in New Zealand Everywhere, on ivy, holly, camellia, orange, laurel, myrtle, box, and many other plants out of doors or in greenhouses. In Europe, chiefly on ivy and oranges, but frequently on other plants. In America on many plants. This is the commonest of the Lecanidse in this country ; it may be distinguished from L. mori (below) by its flatness and sparse punctuation. This insect belongs to Signoret's first series. 46. LECANIUM HIBEKNACULORUM, Targioni-Tozzetti, Catal. (1868), 37, 9. Chermes hibernaculorum, Boisduval, Ent. Hort., 1867, 337. Maskell, N.Z. Trans., Vol. XL, 1878, p. 207. Adult female nearly globular ; naked ; reddish - brown ; diameter about -Jin. ; at gestation the body becomes simply an inverted bag covering the eggs and young. The insect appears to be partly oviparous, partly viviparous. Antennae of eight joints. Feet normal. Skin pretty regularly marked with oval perforations. Male unknow r n. Habitat in New Zealand On various greenhouse plants, Chris tchurch. In Europe on Brexia, Phajus, &c. The insect belongs to Signoret's fourth series, and may perhaps be only a large variety of L. hemisphtericum. 47. LECANIUM MACULATUM, Signoret, Ann. de la Soc. Ent. de France, 1873, p. 400. Maskell, N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI, 1878, p. 207. Adult female naked; flat, elongated; dorsal skin marked with a median row of rather large oval spots reaching from the abdominal cleft to the region of the rostrum. Length, about Y^in. Colour yellowish-brown. Antennae of seven joints. Feet normal. 6 82 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTURE. Male unknown. Habitat in New Zealand On Bavardia, in hothouses, Christ- church. In Europe on ivy. This insect belongs to Signoret's first series : the dorsal spots distinguish it from L. hesperidum. 48. LECANIUM MORI, Signoret, Ann. de la Soc. Ent. de France^ 1873, p. 407. Maskell, N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 29. (Plate XI., Fig. 4.) Adult female naked ; elongated, convex ; reddish ; length, about Jin. Skin smooth, without spots, tessellations, or keels. Antennae of seven joints. Feet normal. Adult male unknown : pupa covered by a white, elongated, segmented, glassy test. Habitat in New Zealand On Alsophila Colensoi and other ferns, Botanical Gardens, Wellington. In Europe on mul- berry, &c. The insect belongs to Signoret's second series. 49. LECANIUM OLE.*:, Bernard. Chermes olea, Bernard, Mem. d'Hist. Nat. Acad., 1872, 108. L. oleae, Signoret, loc. cit., 1873, p. 440. Maskell, N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 28. The " Blaek Scale." (Plate XI., Fig 5.) Adult female naked ; semi-globular ; dark-brown, sometimes almost black. Skin marked by one longitudinal and two trans- verse keels, not very conspicuous. Diameter, about j'g-in. Antennae of eight joints. Feet normal. Anal ring with six hairs. Young insect flat, elongated, reddish-brown. The keels are more conspicuous than in the adult. Skin marked with numerous oval perforations. Male unknown. Habitat in New Zealand On camellia, Cassinia leptophyUa (tanhiiie), and other plants, Wellington; Hawke's Bay; on various native trees, Whangarei. In Europe on olive. In America (where it is called the " black scale ") on oranges and very many other plants. SCALE-INSECTS. 83 This insect "belongs to Signoret's fifth series. A European species, L. cycadis, Boisduval, is said by Dr. Signoret to closely resemble L. olece, the only difference ap- parently being the possession of nine-jointed antennae. This character is so exceptional in the genus that it perhaps may be "but doubtful. Genus: PULVINARIA, Targioni-Tozzetti. Female insects naked, arboreal, constructing an ovisac. Male pupae in cottony or waxy sacs. 50. PULVINARIA CAMELLICOLA, Signoret, Ann. de la Soc. Ent. de France, 1873, p. 32. Maskell, N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 207. (Plate XII., Fig. 1.) Adult female yellowish- or reddish-brown, naked, slightly convex, elongated ; skin smooth, with puncta ; length variable, from about ijin. to -Jin. Antennae (according to Signoret) with sometimes six, sometimes seven, joints. Abdominal cleft and lobes normal. The insect excretes a narrow, white, cylindrical cottony ovisac, which is conspicuous on the leaf of the plant, and the brown body of the female can be seen at one end of it. The eggs in this ovisac are numerous, perhaps some hundreds. Larva and second stage of female flat, oval, yellowish-brown. Male pupa covered with a Avaxy, elongated test as in the genus Ctenochiton, but there is no fringe and the segments of the test are not conspicuous ; the test is oval and convex. Adult male yellowish-grey, the head rounded, with an anterior protuberance. Two dorsal and two ventral eyes, and two ocelli. Antennae of ten joints, all hairy. Feet exhibiting only two digitules, the upper pair. Abdominal spike short, with two longish setae on each side, each pair of which are covered with cotton which is produced into a long white conspicuous cauda. Habitat On camellia. In the South, chiefly in green- houses. In the Hutt Valley, Wellington, camellias in the open air are much subject to it. The female of this species is not unlike Lecanium hesperidum, but the formation of the white ovisac is a clearly distinguishing character. In late summer the female often drops off to the ground, leaving only the ovisac observable on the leaf. Si INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTURE. SUBDIVISION III. LECANO-COCCID^E, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 128. Female insects covering themselves with a secretion of cottony or felted matter, forming more or less complete sacs. Male insects (where known) covered with similar secretion. Genus : ERIOCHITON, Maskell. Secretion white, felted, formed of threads issuing from prominent spiny spinnerets ; inconspicuous or absent on adult female, thicker on male pupa. Abdominal cleft and lobes present in all stages of female.* [This genus contains the insect named hitherto Cteriochiton spinosus.'] 51. ERIOCHITOX HISPIDUS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XIX., 1886, p. 47. (Plate XIII., Fig. 1.) Secretion of female white, thin, felted, formed of thin threads excreted from the numerous prominent spiny spinnerets, the threads becoming more or less matted over the dorsal surface. At the edge each thread corresponds to a spine, but lias not the feathery form exhibited in the next species, E. spinosus, being more tubular. On the adult female the covering is often not to be detected, or presents only fragmentary por- tions ; it is best observed on the female of the second stage. Secretion of the male pupa white, felted, thick, covering the insect all over, and exhibiting at the edge a small fringe. At first sight the test, being obscurely segmented, presents some- what the appearance of a Dactylopid. Length of the felted mass, about T V n - Larva normal, flat, elliptical, active, exhibiting the usual abdominal cleft and lobes. Dorsal surface covered with spines, excreting a thin white mass of tubes and a tubular fringe. * In both of the species here described the adult female has the tibite shorter than the tarsi. The author has hesitated to found a generic character on it until the discovery of other species ; the character is quite exceptional in the family, occurring (besides) only in some species of Acantlwcoccidcc. In all others a tibia shorter than the tarsus would indicate an immature insect. SCALE-INSECTS. 85 Female of the second stage more or less elliptical, slightly convex, brown in colour beneath the thin white felted covering,, which usually presents a segmented appearance, due to the transverse rows of prominent spinnerets. Body covered thickly on the dorsal surface with spines, which are subcylindrical, the ends rounded, springing from tubercular bases. On the ventral surface many smaller spiny hairs. Abdominal cleft normal, the lobes large. Mentum probably monomerous : the tip bears several hairs. Antennae of six somewhat hairy joints. Feet with rather large femora ; the lower digitules are fine hairs. Anogeiiital ring bearing numerous hairs. Adult female elliptical, convex, hollow beneath, brown in colour, usually affecting the twigs and branches of the plant in preference to the leaves. Apparently naked, but on close in- spection found to retain at least portions of the thin felted covering. Dorsal surface covered with great numbers of spines similar to those of the second stage ; ventral surface with many small spiny hairs. Antennae of seven joints. The feet have large coxse and femora ; the tibia is only about half as long as the tarsus ; the lower digitules are only fine hairs. Adult male of normal form of Lecanidince : colour brown. On the head are six visual organs : two dorsal eyes, two ventral, and two ocelli. Antennae reddish, ten- jointed ; the second joint a good deal thicker than the rest, the second, third, and fourth joints the longest; the last three moniliform; all the joints hairy. On the five last joints are several hairs Avith knobbed extremities. Feet slender, hairy ; digitules fine hairs. Ab- dominal spike short and rather broad. On each side of the base of the spike is a tubercle bearing a pair of longish sette ; each pair of setae becomes enclosed in a long white cottony thread, and the two threads form conspicuous "tails," as is com- mon with most males of the Coccid family. Habitat On Olearia Haastii, Botanical Gardens, Welling- ton. This is an alpine plant cultivated in the Gardens, and the insect probably came with it from the mountains. This species is distinguished from E. spinosus by the great number of spiny spinnerets on the dorsum of the female and by the tubular character of the fringe. The curious and exceptional character of a tibia shorter that) the tarsus in the adult female, as observed above, is found only in this genus and some Acanthococcidce. 86 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGEICULTUEE. 52. ERIOCHITOX SPINOSUS, Maskell. Ctenochiton spinosus, Maskell, N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 212 ; Vol. XII., 1879, p. 292 ; Vol. XIV., 1881, p. 218; Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 25. (Plate XIII., Fig. 2.) Test of female white, thin, formed of felted threads excreted from spiny spinnerets ; inconspicuous at all stages, and often absent on the adult, Imt distinguishable on the larva and the second stage. The excreting spinnerets are almost all at the edge of the body, and the fringe is formed of featherlike seg- ments, each segment corresponding to a spine. Test of male white, thick, felted, oval, and convex; length, about T V m - Fringe as in the female. Adult female dark-brown, sometimes almost black ; slightly elongated, convex, affecting almost altogether the twigs and branches in preference to the leaves. Average length, about Jin. Antennae of seven joints : 011 the last joint some hairs. Feet with the tibia about half as long as the tarsus (see note above, under the genus) . On the edge of the body is a row of con- spicuous spines, subcylindrical or subconical, with tubercular bases ; and on the dorsum, in some specimens, may be seen a few others on the median region. Female of second stage brown, elongated-elliptical, slightly convex. Antennae six- jointed. Marginal spines as in the adult, but no dorsal spines. Length, about aVin. Larva red, flattish, elliptical; marginal spines as in adult, conspicuous. Antennae of five joints. Abdominal lobes large. Adult male brown, rather more slender than in E. hispidus. Antennae of ten joints, all hairy; the second joint much thicker than the rest. The last three joints are not so globular as in E. hispidus. On the last five joints are several knobbed hairs. Feet slender, hairy ; digitules fine hairs. Abdominal spike shortish, broad : at each side of the base a tubercle bearing a pair of longish setae enclosed in a long filament of white cotton. Eyes four ; ocelli two. Length of body, exclusive of spike, about ^5 in. Habitat On Atherospcrma Novce-Zcelandia, Mclicope ternata, Elaeocarpus dentatus, Wellington ; Muhlenbeckia adspersa, Sumner "Road, Lyttelton ; Port Hills, Christchurch ; and Wellington. Distinguished from E. hispidus by the feather-like segments of the fringe, and by the almost complete absence of dorsal spines on the female. The male is apparently almost identical. SCALE-INSECTS. 87 Group III. HEMICOCCIDIN^. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 128. Larvae presenting at the extremity of the abdomen two conspicuous protuberances, or " anal tubercles," as in the follow- ing group, Coccidince ; abdominal cleft and lobes absent. Adult females exhibiting the abdominal cleft and lobes of Lecanidince. Insects naked or covered with secretion. The formation of this group has been necessary to include certain insects, e.g., Kermes, which are evidently intermediate between the Lecanidina and the Coccidince, exhibiting at various stages the characters of each. SUBDIVISIONS AND GENERA. SUBDIVISION I. Adult females naked or covered with horny secretion, without fringe KEEMITID^E. Adult females globular KERMES. SUBDIVISION II. Adult females covered with a test of glassy or waxy secretion CEYPTOKEEMITID^. Test hard, waxy, with single fringe POLLINIA. Test hard, waxy, with double fringe ASTEROLECANIUM. None of the insects belonging to this group have as yet been reported as occurring in New Zealand. As regards the name " Kermes " included in the foregoing list, see N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 17. 88 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTURE. Group IV. COCCIDIN2E. Adult females variable in form and colour ; body segmented, the segments more or less conspicuous ; naked, or covered with secretion which is mealy, cottony, felted, or waxy ; active or stationary. No abdominal cleft or dorsal lobes ; abdomen end- ing in two more or less conspicuous protruding processes, or "anal tubercles." Mentum, when present, bi- or tri-articulate. Larvae exhibiting anal tubercles as in adult. Adult males of general form of the family : abdominal spike usually short. Antennae usually of ten joints. Eyes often facetted. SUBDIVISIONS AND GENERA. SUBDIVISION I. Adult females stationary; naked, or covered with cottony or felted secretion; antennae of not more than seven joints ; ano- genital ring with six or eight short hairs ; anal tubercles conspicuous. Eyes of male not facetted AcANTHOCOCCHLE. Adult female enclosed in closely-felted or waxy sac with double glassy fringe ; apodous and without antennae PLANCH ONI A. Adult females enclosed in a felted sac without fringe; retaining feet and antennae ERIOCOCCUS. Adult females naked; retaining feet and antennae RHIZOCOCCUS. Genera not yet represented in New Zealand. Adult females lying on cushion of cotton ; apodous and without antennae NIDULARIA. Adult females lying on cushion of cotton ; retaining feet and antennae GOSSYPARIA. Adult females enclosed in a cottony sac ; apodous ; with or without antennae ; excreting from the abdomen a very long cottony ap- pendage ANTONINA. SCALE-INSECTS. 89 The genus Acantho coccus, Signoret (loc. cit., 1874, p. 34), is here united to Eriococcus ; and the genus Capulmia, Signoret (loc. cit., 1874, p. 27), to Antonina. SUBDIVISION II. Adult females active or stationary ; naked, or covered with mealy, cottony, or waxy secretion antennae of from six to nine joints ; anogenital ring conspicuous, with several long hairs ; anal tubercles inconspicuous. Eyes of male sometimes facetted DACTYLOPIMJ. Adult females having antennae of eight joints ; anogenital ring with six hairs ; naked, or covered with meal or cotton DACTYLOPIUS. Adult females having antennae of nine joints ; covered with cottony secretion ; ano- genital ring with six hairs ; upper digitules of foot absent PSEUDOCOCCUS. Genera not yet represented in New Zealand. Adult females having antennae of six joints ; covered with mealy secretion ; ano- genital ring with six hairs RIPERSIA. Adult females having antennae of nine joints ; anogenital ring with eight hairs ; upper digituies of foot present PUTO, Adult females having antennae of eight joints; covered with plates of waxy secre- tion ; anogenital ring with six hairs. Eyes of male facetted ORTHEZIA. The genera Westwoodia and Boisduvalia, Signoret (loc. cit., 1874, pp. 337, 338), are here united to Dactylopius. SUBDIVISION III. .AW yet represented in New Zealand. Adult females active, covered with mealy secretion; antennae of seven joints; no hairs on anogenital ring. Eyes of male not facetted CoGCID^E. Adult females having antennae of seven joints ; no hairs on anogenital ring Coccus. 90 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTURE. SUBDIVISION IV. Adult females active or stationary ; naked, or covered with mealy, waxy, or cottony secretion ; antennae of ten or eleven joints ; anterior pair of feet similar to the rest; anogenital ring without hairs ; anal tubercles inconspicuous. Males with facetted eyes and no ocelli MoNOPHLEBID^E. Adult females with elongated antennae of eleven joints ; covered with mealy or cottony secretion; with or without ovisac; rostrum present ICERYA. Adult females with antennae of eleven joints ; naked, or covered with cottony or mealy secretion ; rostrum absent CCELOSTOMA. Genera not yet represented in New Zealand. Adult females having antennae of eleven joints ; naked. Males with several long pro- cesses, or tassels, on the abdominal segments MONOPHLEBUS. Adult females with antennae of eleven joints; naked. Males without tassels LEACHIA. Adult females with conical antennae of eleven joints ; covered with cotton ORTONIA. Adult females with antennae of ten joints. Males bearing a long mass of silky hairs on the last abdominal segment CALLIPAPPUS. Adult females with antennae of ten joints ; covered with secretion, partly cottony, partly plates of wax WALKERIANA. The genera Drosicha, Walker (list of Homop. Suppl., 1858, 306, 1) and Guerinia, Targioni-Tozzetti (Sigiioret, loc. cit., 1875, p. 356) are here united to Monophlebus. The genus Llaveia, Signoret (loc. cit., 1875, p. 370), is omitted, its affinities being doubtful. SUBDIVISION Y. Not yet represented in New Zealand. Adult females with antennae of variable number of joints ; anterior pair of feet abnor- SCALE -INSECTS. 91 mally enlarged, deformed ; rostrum, mentum, and buccal apparatus absent. Eyes of male facetted PORPHYKOPHORID.E. Adult females with antennae of eleven joints ; covered with mealy or cottony secre- tion PORPIIYROPHORA. Adult females with antennae of seven joints ; covered with waxy or calcareous secre- tion MARGARODES. ( SUBDIVISION L ACANTHOCOCCIM]. Female insects exhibiting in all stages the anal tubercles. Young larvae free, naked, active. Females of second stage active, covered with thin cottony secretion. Adult females stationary ; naked, or either resting on or covered with a thick cottony or felted secretion. Anal tubercles in all stages con- spicuous, bearing terminal hairs. Anogenital ring inconspicuous, with fine short hairs. Body distinctly segmented. Male pupae enclosed in cottony or felted sac. Abdominal spike of adult usually short, with a curved appendage. Genus : PLANCHONIA, Signoret, Ann. de la Soc. Entonu de France, 1868, p. 282. Maskell, N.Z. Trans., Vol. XIV., 1881, p. 223. Adult females enclosed in a sac, or test, of secretion so closely felted as to appear waxy ; round the edge of the sac a double fringe of glassy tubes ; apodous ; antennae absent ; Anal tubercles present in all stages. The differences between this genus and Asterolecanium (see above under Lecanidinae) are not to be made out from external examination of the sac, nor without close investigation. It is possible, indeed, that Asterolecanium should be removed from the Lecanidina and united with Planchonia. 53. PLANCHONIA EPACRIDIS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XIV., 1881, p. 224. (Plate XII., Fig. 2.) Test of adult female closely felted, smooth, hard, semi- transparent; flat beneath, convex above; elongated-oval, taper- ing towards the posterior end ; completely enclosing the insect except at extreme posterior end, where there is a small orifice - y 92 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGEICULTUEE. colour partly green, partly yellow. Round the edge a fringe of long white glassy tubes in double row, one row over the other. Average length, exclusive of fringe, about j^in. Test of male unknown. Adult female filling the test, shrivelling at gestation. An- tennae absent, but represented by circular rings, each bearing four hairs. Feet absent. Anal tubercles small, setiferous. Anogenital ring inconspicuous, with six fine short hairs. Men turn uni-articulate ; rostral setae short. Round the edge of the body a row of figure-of-8 spinneret orifices ; on the dorsal surface many circular spinnerets and a number of protruding tubes. Female of second stage elongated, flattish ; colour, reddish- brown ; length, about -j^in. Antennae absent, represented by rings, as in adult. Feet absent. Anal tubercles as in adult. Spinnerets and fringes as in adult. Young insect elongated-oval, tapering towards anal extremity, flat; anal tubercles clearly distinguishable, setiferous. Antennae of five joints; the last joint clavate and bearing hairs. Feet normal ; upper digitules fine hairs ; lower digit ulcs absent. Colour reddish-brown; on the dorsal surface many scattered figure-of-8 spinnerets, from which spring long, curling, white, glassy tubes. Length of insect, about ij^jin. Adult male unknown. Habitat On Leucopogon Frasvri, Amberley and Sumner, Canterbury; on Leptospermum scoparium (manuka) (sparingly), Nelson. A very pretty little species, resembling in outward appearance Asterolecanium quercicola, Signoret, but much smaller, and dis- tinguishable by the presence of the anal tubercles. Genus : ERIOCOCCUS, Targioni-Tozzetti. Signoret, loc. cit., 1874, p. 29. Maskell, N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 18/9, p. 218. Adult female enclosed in an elongated sac of white or yellow felted cotton ; body elongated, segmented ; anal tubercles con- spicuous ; feet and antennae present ; several rows of conical spines on dorsal surface. Antennae of six joints. SCALE-INSECTS. 93 54. ERIOCOCCTJS ARAUCARI^, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., VoL XI., 1878, p. 218 ; Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 134. Rhizococcus araucaria, Comstock; Rept. of Entom., U.S. Agric. Dept., 1881, p. 339. (Plate XIV., Fig 1.) Sac of adult female white, cottony, elongated, often aggre- gated in masses ; length, about -j^in. Sac of male similar, but much smaller. Adult female elongated-oval, convex, segmented; colour yellowish ; anal tubercles brown, conspicuous. Length of insect, about y^in. Antennae of six joints, with some hairs. Feet normal. Anogenital ring inconspicuous, with eight short hairs. On the edge of the body a row of conical spines (spinnerets). After gestation the insect loses its regular oval outline, shrivel- ling up at one end of the sac. Young larva and female of second stage similar to adult, but smaller. Adult male, " a delicate fly-like creature, with two large wings and a pair of long waxen filaments projecting from posterior part of the abdomen ; these filaments are very conspicuous, being white, and longer than the bocly of the insect. Colour of body white, with many irregular markings " (Comstock, loc. cat.). Habitat in New Zealand On Araucaria excelsior (Norfolk Island pine), Governor's Bay, Canterbury. In America, on same plant. This insect is not greatly different from E. buxi, Signoret ; but the sac differs, and there are a few distinguishing characters in the form of the antennse and feet. 55. Eiuococcus HOHERI^E, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XII., 1879, p. 298 ; Vol. XIX., 1886. (Plate XIV., Fig. 2.) Sac of adult female white, cottony, irregularly elliptical, slightly convex, often aggregated in masses; frequently so covered with black fungus as to present the appearance of a minute gall. Sac of male white, convex, smaller and more elongated than that of the female. "94 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTURE. Adult female elongated-oval, convex, red in colour; length, about 3*0 in. Body segmented, tapering rapidly to the posterior extremity; the cephalic segment occupying more than half the length. Anal tubercles conspicuous, apparently two, but on close inspection found to be four, brown in colour ; two of them bear longish setae ; all the four are much corrugated and bear many short spiny hairs. Anogenital ring inconspicuous, with eight fine hairs. Antennae of six short joints, tapering. Foot as if atrophied, the joints small and swollen ; digitules all fine hairs. On the body are many small conical spines, which are most numerous on the last two abdominal segments. Larva free, active, red in colour, flattish, elongated, tapering to the abdominal extremity; length, about ^in. Body seg- mented; anal tubercles two, conspicuous, setiferous, with some hort hairs. Antennae of six joints ; feet normal. Adult male red, about -g^in. long ; wings rather narrow, hyaline. Antennae ten-jointed, hairy. Feet normal. Abdomi- nal spike short, thick, and accompanied by a curved appendage ; -at each side a tubercle bearing longish setae. Habitat In crevices (and sometimes on surface) of bark of Hoheria angustifolia, on hills above the town of Lyttelton. About midsummer individuals may be found which have just completed their sac and have not yet become coated with the black fungus. The pegtop form and the four anal tubercles of this insect -distinguish it from all others of the genus. 06. ERIOCOCCUS MULTISPINUS, Maskell. Acanthococcus multispinus, Maskell; N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 217; Vol. 'XII., 1879, p. 292; Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 29. (Plate XV., Pig. 1.) Sac of adult female yellow, felted, elongated-oval. Length, about ^\jin. Abdominal extremity open. Sac of male similar to that of the female. Adult female pinkish in colour, elongated-oval, convex, filling the sac, shrivelling at gestation ; segmented, segments not con- spicuous. Length, about ^-in. Anal tubercles brownish, con- spicuous, setiferous. Anogenital ring small, with eight fine hairs, which are often glued together by cottony secretion, forming .a pencil between the tubercles. Antennae of six joints. Feet SCALE-INSECTS. 95 having the tibia shorter than the tarsus ;* digitules fine hairs. On the dorsal surface are a great number of conical spines, of which the largest are arranged in six longitudinal rows ; from the spines sometimes protrude some cottony tubes with an expansion a little below the tip. Young larva free, active, elongated-oval, flattish ; spines as in adult. Adult male orange-red in colour; length, about ^in. An- tennae of ten joints. Abdominal spike short, thick, with a curved appendage. Feet normal. Habitat On Rubus australis, Riecarton Bush, Canterbury ; on Knightia esccelsa, Cyathodes acerosa, Wellington. The very numerous conical spines distinguish this species from that known as AcantJio coccus aceris, Signoret, the European species. There seems to be no sufficient reason why the genus Acanthococcus should have been separated from Eriococcus, and they have been here reunited. The only difference mentioned by Signoret is the colour and texture of the sac, an unimportant character in this case. 57. ERIOCOCCUS PALLIDTJS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 29. (Plate XV., Fig 2.) Sac of adult female yellowish-white, elongated-oval, convex, closed at both ends. Length, about Jin. Sac of male unknown. Adult female greenish-grey, turning to brown after gesta- tion ; filling the sac ; shrivelling at gestation. Anal tubercles rather large and conspicuous. Anogenital ring small, with eight (sometimes six?) fine short hairs. Antennae of six joints. Feet normal, slender ; lower digitules narrow and rather long. Body segmented ; segments not very distinct. On the middle of each segment a transverse row of small slender conical spines not set closely together. Very many small scattered oval spinneret orifices. Adult male unknown. Habitat On Myoporum Icetum (ngaio), Elceocarpus dentatus (hinau), &c. ; throughout the Islands. * As a rule, a tibia shorter than the tarsus characterizes an insect not yet arrived at the adult stage. The genera Eriococcus and Rhizococcus sometimes present exceptions to this rule. See also, above, the genus Eriochiton. 96 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTUKE. Allied to E. buxi, Signoret (European), and E. multispinus, ante : but different from both in colour, in the arrangement of the spines and spinnerets, and in the form of the antennae. Genus : RHIZOCOCCUS, Signoret. Adult females naked, usually stationary ; body segmented ; anal tubercles conspicuous. Antennae of six or seven joints. Feet present. Anogenital ring inconspicuous, with fine hairs. Male pupa enclosed in a cottony sac. Mr. Comstock proposes (Ann. Kept, of Entom., U.S. Ajrric. Dept., 1881, p. 339, note) to include in this genus all the species of Eriococcus. The organic difference disclosed by the forma- tion of a sac in that genus and the absence of a sac in Rhizococcus seems to render the separation of the two necessary. 58. RHIZOCOCCUS CELMISI^K, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 135. (Plate XVI., Fig 1.) Adult female deep reel in colour, elongated - oval, convex above and flattened below ; length a,bout -j^in. The segments of the body are not very distinct. The abdomen ends in two large and conspicuous anal tubercles, each of which bears one strong and fairly long terminal seta and three other spines. The anal ring has eight hairs. Antenna; of six joints, some- times looking like seven. Mentum doubtfully dimerous. The four digitules of the foot are long fine hairs. The tibia is a little shorter than the tarsus.* The trochanter bears one long hair and two short ones. A few large conical spines (spinnerets) are scattered over the body, and a row of smaller ones, like hairs with tubercular bases, runs transversely on each segment ; also some circular spinnerets. At the edge of the body, all round, is a row of the large conical spines, which are set in groups of three on the posterior segments, of four or five on the median segments, and almost continuous on the head. When the insect is alive these spines are often agglutinated with cottony secretion so as to give the appearance of a short fringe. The four spiracles are somewhat large and circular. Adult male unknown. Habitat On Celmisia sp., Southern Alps, Canterbury. * See note, above, under Eriococcits multispinus. SCALE-INSECTS. 97 Differs from the European R. gnidii in size, colour, and habitat, that species living on the roots of grass, while the New Zealand insect is arboreal. There are also differences in the foot and in the arrangement of the spines and hairs. It is possible that this insect may, in its latest stage, con- struct a sac : in that case, it would belong to Eriococcus. 59. EHIZOCOCCUS FOSSOR, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVL, 1883, p. 136. (Plate XVI., Fig. 2.) Female naked in all stages, but the adult usually buried in a pit. Male pupa enclosed in a white, elongated, cottony sac, which is about 3\jin. l n g- Adult female greenish -yellow in colour, sometimes brown, stationary ; sometimes resting on the leaf, usually partly enclosed in a circular pit ; almost circular in outline, flat beneath and slightly convex above; length, about -j^g-in. In the last stage, after gestation, it becomes dark-brown. The cephalic part is smooth; the remainder segmented. The abdomen ends in two very small anal tubercles, which are nevertheless somewhat conspicuous on account of their brown colour. Between them there protrudes a long thick pencil of white cotton. Antennae short, with six joints, the last joint bearing several long hairs. Feet very small ; the femur rather thick ; the tibia is shorter than the tarsus by about one-third ; the four digitules are long fine hairs. The anal tubercles have not terminal setae; anal ring inconspicuous. A row of a few conical spines, set far apart, runs round the edge of the body, but none elsewhere, nor any circular spinnerets. There is no sign of a sac in any stage. Female of the second stage oval, flatter than the adult, and of a rich golden colour; length, about ^jin. The segments of the body are somewhat more distinct than in the adult. The anal tubercles are proportionately larger, and bear terminal setae. Antennae longer than in the adult, with six joints. Feet also longer. All round the edge runs a row of conical spines, set more closely than in the adult ; and from each of these springs a long curly tube of white cotton, making a kind of fringe to the body ; each tube is a little dilated at the end, and then tapers to a narrow point. The ba'se of each conical spine is a somewhat large tubercle. 7 98 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTURE. Young larva free, active, elongated, slightly convex, tapering to the anal extremity ; colour yellow ; length, about ^in. An- tennae as in adult, with six joints. Feet somewhat large. Anal tubercles thick, conspicuous, setiferous, with one short hair. On the edge of the body a row of conical spines set far apart, and on the dorsum four other longitudinal rows. Adult male red in colour, about ^\jin. long. Antennae of nine joints, all bearing hairs ; the last joint nearly globular. Feet slender ; digitules fine hairs. Abdominal spike short, thick, with sometimes a curved appendage. A rather strong seta 011 each side of the base of the spike. As a rule, the adult female is nearly buried in a circular depression, or pit, formed in the leaf, and with the wall of the pit somewhat curled over it. On the other side of the leaf is a corresponding elevation, of a brown colour. Diameter of pit, about y 1 ^ in. The abdominal pencil of cotton and the anal tubercles of the female usually protrude at the edge of the pit, probably to attract the male. After gestation, the female dis- appears within the pit, and the young larvae are also sheltered in it for a while. Sometimes two females inhabit the same pit. The females which are not in pits are generally of a dark-red, or brown, colour. Habitat On Santalum Cunninghamii (maire), Te Aute, Hawke's Bay. A very distinct species, easily distinguishable by the pits on the leaves. SCALE-INSECTS. 99 SUBDIVISION II. DACTYLOPHXE. THE "MEALY-BUGS/' Female insects active or stationary ; naked, or covered with mealy,, cottony, or waxy secretion. Body segmented. Antennae of from six to nine joints. Feet present. Anogenital ring large,, usually conspicuous,, with several long hairs. Anal tubercles small, inconspicuous. Males of general form of the family. Eyes sometimes facetted, usually granular. Genus: DACTYLOPIUS, Costa. Adult females having antennae of eight joints ; anogenital ring with six hairs. Naked, or more usually covered with mealy or cottony secretion. Male pupa enclosed in cottony sac. 60. DACTYLOPIUS ALPINUS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 138. (Plate XVII./Fig. 1.) Adult female dark-purple in colour, producing a rich red tint in alcohol ; body segmented, convex, slightly elongated, stationary ; enclosed in a thick mass of white cottony secretion. Length, about ^in. Internal substance very oily. Anal tubercles inconspicuous, thick, with broad bases. Anogenital ring large, with six hairs. Feet normal ; upper digitules long fine hairs ; lower digitules somewhat broader. Antennae of eight joints. On the dorsum a number of tubular projecting spinnerets, and others circular. On each of the last three abdominal segments a row of large conical spines. Female of second stage dark-brown, active, elongated, seg- mented, flatter than the adult; length, about ^in. Anal tubercles inconspicuous, setiferous. A few conical spines on the posterior segments. Antennae of six joints. A thin mealy secretion on the body. Young larva dark-brown, naked, active, elongated, segmented ; length, about ^in. Antennae of six joints. Anal tubercles thick, broad, and more conspicuous than in the adult. A few small spines on the dorsum. Adult male unknown. Habitat On Veronica sp., Upper Waimakariri Valley, Southern Alps. 100 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTURE. A species easily distinguished by its cottony sac, its rich colour in alcohol, and its conical spines. It would seem to be intermediate between Rhizococcus and Dactylopms. 61. DACTYLOPIUS CALCEOLARIA Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 218; Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 138. (Plate XVII., Fig. 2.) Adult female dull-pink in colour, elongated, distinctly seg- mented, slightly convex; active; covered with thin mealy secretion ; length variable, from Jin. to Jin. Very short cottony appendages sometimes along the edge of the body. Anal tubercles inconspicuous, bearing fine hairs, from which spring two long cottony filaments. Anogenital ring large, with six long hairs which are often glued together by white cotton, forming a pencil between the anal tubercles. Interior substance very oily. Antennae of eight joints, each bearing hairs. Mentum triarticulate, with a few hairs at the tip. Feet normal. Female of second stage similar, but smaller. Antennse of six joints. Anal tubercles somewhat more conspicuous than in the adult. Adult male unknown. Habitat On Calceolaria, Christchurch ; Danthonia, Stewart Island; Phormiwn tenax, Christchurch. The large size, and the absence of long cottony marginal appendages, distinguish this species from the European D+ adonidum. 62. DACTYLOPIUS GLAUCUS, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 219; Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 30. (Plate XVII,, Fig. 3.)] Adult female green, sometimes brownish-red, elongated, distinctly segmented, slightly convex ; active ; covered with thin mealy secretion. Length, averaging y^in. Body oval, tapering somewhat to the posterior extremity. Anal tubercles incon- spicuous, each bearing fine hairs and a long cottony filament. Anogenital ring large, with six hairs often forming with cotton a protruding pencil. A few cottony appendages sometimes SCALE-INSECTS. 101 round the edge of the body,, often absent. Antennae of eight joints, each bearing hairs. Feet normal ; lower digitules rather broad. Sac of male pupa narrow, cylindrical,, white, cottony, open at the posterior end. Length, about Jin. Adult male about ^in. long; brown, covered when newly hatched with white meal. Body rather thick ; abdominal spike short. Antennae of ten joints, hairy ; the last eight joints equal to each other. Feet slender, hairy ; upper digitules long, fine ; lower digitules short. Habitat On Panax, Rubus, Coprosma, Pittosporum, Piper excelsum, &c. ; throughout the Islands : also frequently on fruit- trees. A species more nearly resembling the ordinary " mealy bug," D. adonidum, than any other in New Zealand ; but differ- ing in colour, in the absence of long marginal appendages, and in the form of the foot and antennae. 63. DACTYLOPIUS PO.E, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 220. (Plate XVIII., Fig. 1.) Adult female pink, covered with thin white meal ; slightly elongated, sometimes globular ; flat beneath, convex above ; segmented, the segments indistinct. Length reaching about x\yin. Antennae of eight joints, very short. Feet normal, very short ; upper digitules short, lower digitules absent (?) . Anal tubercles extremely small and inconspicuous; each has three conical spines, but no hairs. Anogenital ring large, with six hairs. On the dorsum are numbers of small circular spin- nerets. Adult male unknown. Habitat On the common tussock grass, Poa anceps (aus- tralis ?) , Mount Grey Downs and Port Hills, Canterbury ; either just above the ground, or more often an inch or two below the surface. A species clearly distinct in form and habit. Genus : PSEUDOCOCCUS, Westwood. Adult females covered with cottony secretion ; stationary ; antennae of nine joints ; anogenital ring conspicuous, with six hairs ; upper digitules of the foot absent. 102 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGEICULTUKE. 64*. PSEUDOCOCCTJS ASTELKE, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 139. (Plate XVIII. Fig. 2.) Adult female about T \jiri. long, yellowish-brown, covered with a not very abundant white cotton ; segmented ; anal tubercles inconspicuous ; anal ring with six hairs. Antennae with nine joints, of which the third, fourth, and fifth arc the longest the second, sixth, and ninth a little shorter ; the first,, seventh, and eighth the shortest. The fourth, fifth, and sixth are the narrowest, the two ends of the antennae being thicker than the middle. The eighth joint is a little expanded at the tip ; and the ninth is fusiform, with a shallow depression at the extremity. All the joints have a few long hairs, and on the eighth is one a good deal stronger than the others. The legs have the tibiae twice as long as the tarsus ; the claw is slender, and has no tooth on the inner edge. There are only two digitules (the lower pair), which are long and fine. The trochanter bears one short bristle. The whole leg is slender and long. The eyes are tubercular and smooth, showing after maceration in potash a small dark terminal spot. The body is covered with a number of spinnerets of two kinds : those with simple concentric circles are the largest, and are found all over the integument ; the others are multilocular, and are placed in groups at the edges of the segments and also in great numbers at the cephalic and abdominal extremities. Interspersed with these spinnerets are several hairs, mostly very short, but on the head are some pretty long. From the anal tubercles spring two strong setae with tubercular bases, not very long. The mentum is dimerous, and bears a few hairs on the tip. In the groups of spinnerets at the edges of the segments are found a few small conical spines. The four spiracles are small and simple. Adult male unknown. Habitat On Astelia sp., in forests, Hawke's Bay. Allied to P. Mespili, Geoffroy ; but differs in the antennae, feet, and spinnerets. SCALE INSECTS. 103 SUBDIVISION III. COCCID^. Adult females active, covered with mealy secretion ; antennae of seven joints ; no hairs on anogeiiital ring. Eyes of male not facetted . This subdivision,, which includes the single genus Coccus, of which there would seem to be not more than one distinct species Coccus cacti (the cochineal insect) and two or three varieties, has not yet any representatives in New Zealand. 104 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTURE. SUBDIVISION IV. MONQPHLEBID^E. Adult females active or stationary ; naked, or covered with mealy, cottony, or waxy secretion ; segmented ; antennae of ten or eleven joints ; anterior pair of feet similar to the rest ; anogenital ring without hairs ; anal tubercles inconspicuous. Males with facetted eyes and no ocelli. Strictly speaking, the wings of the males of this group should, according to its name, present only a single nervure. This, however, is not the case, or. rather, it should be said that the nervure is precisely similar to that of all other Coccids, branching once, so that it cannot form a distinctive character. Possibly the name of Monophlebus was originally given by Leach to an abnormal or imperfect specimen. Genus : ICERYA, Signoret. Adult females having antennae of eleven joints ; covered with thin mealy secretion or with cotton ; stationary ; with or without ovisac. Rostrum and mentum present. Segmentation inconspicuous. Adult males without tassels on the abdomen ; antennae with two dilations on each joint. Two species only of this genus are at present known, the one described below and another, /. sacchari, infesting sugar- canes in Mauritius, The male of the latter is unknown. Pos- sibly researches in Australia might result in the discovery of others. 65. ICERYA PURCHASI, Mask ell. N. Z. Trans., Vol. XI., 1878, p. 221 ; Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 140; Vol. XVII., 1884, p. 30; Vol. XIX., 1886, p. 45. TJie " Cottony-cushion Scale." (Plate XIX.) Adult female dark reddish-brown, covered with a thin powdery secretion of yellowish meal, and with slender glassy filaments ; stationary at gestation, and gradually raising itself 011 its head, lifting the posterior extremity until nearly perpendicular, filling the space beneath it with thick white cotton, which gradually extends for some distance behind it in an elongated, SCALE-INSECTS. 105 white ovisac, longitudinally corrugated ; ovisac often much longer than the insect, and becoming filled with oval red eggs. Length of female, about Jin., reaching sometimes nearly iin. Body previous to gestation lying flat on the plant, the edge slightly turned up ; on the dorsum a longitudinal raised ridge, forming one or more prominences. Insect covered all over with numerous minute fine hairs, most thickly on the thoracic region ; round the edge these hairs are longer, and are arranged in tufts somewhat closely set ; the tufts are black, and contain from twenty to thirty hairs in each. Amongst the hairs in the tufts are several protruding tubular spinnerets, having on the outer end a kind of multiglobular ring or crown ; from these proceed cylindrical, glassy, straight tubes as long as the tufts of hair. Long, fine, glassy, delicate filaments, as long as the body of the insect, radiate from the edge all round ; but these, being very fragile, are often irregular, or absen During gestation thick, short, cottony processes form at the edge of the thorax, seem- ingly attached to the feet. Antennse of eleven joints, very slightly tapering ; each joint bearing hairsT Feet normal, some- what thick. Rostrum not long; mentum triarticulate. Pro- creation commencing soon after the first formation of the ovisac, the eggs being ejected into the sac as it grows ; ovisac at com- pletion containing sometimes as many as 350 eggs ; ovisac convex above, sometimes irregularly split, more often nearly conical, divided by several regular longitudinal grooves or ribs. Female of second stage dark-red, elongated, slightly convex, active, covered with thin meal, or short curly cotton. Body hairy with marginal tufts and spinnerets, as in adult. Anal tubercles inconspicuous, but the abdomen exhibits three small lobes on each side, from which spring six short setas. Antennae of nine nearly equal joints, hairy. Feet normal, thick. Several radiating, fine cottony filaments. Length of insect variable, from ^(jin. to Jin. The dorsum exhibits the longitudinal raised ridge, but less conspicuously than in the adult. Young larva, about ^in. long, dark-red, elongated, flattish, active ; covered with yellow cottony down. Antennae of six joints, hairy; the last joint is much the largest, clavate, apparently four-ringed, bearing four long hairs. Feet slender; d:gitules short, fine hairs. Eyes prominent, tubercular. Men- tum biarticulate. Anal tubercles represented by three small processes at each side of the abdominal extremity, each process 106 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGKICULTUKE. bearing a very long seta. Six longitudinal rows of circular multilocular spinnerets, four on the dorsum and one on each edge. Alternating with these are rows of hairs with tubercular bases. Adult mde large, the length slightly varying ; some speci- mens reach Jin. ; expanse of wings, iin. ; length of antennae, about iin. Body red, with a shining, diamond-shaped, black patch on the dorsal surface of the thorax; legs and antennae black. Wings dark-brown with (in some lights) a bluish tinge, marked with oblique, narrow, w r avy stripes ; main ncrvure red, branching once; there are also two longitudinal, whitish, narrow bands.* Antennas very long and slender, with ten joints, which may easily be taken for nineteen, for, after the first, which is short, round, and simple, all the other nine have two- dilated portions with a constriction in the middle, and on each dilation is a ring of very long hairs, giving the antenna a feathery appearance. f Eyes very large and prominent, almost peclun- culated, brown, divided into numerous semiglobular facets. Feet long and very hairy; coxa3 short and thick, tibiae long and slender, claw thin ; upper digitules absent, lower pair only short bristles. Abdomen slender, segments somewhat distinct ; on each segment some hairs ; the last segment ends in two thick, conspicuous, cylindrical processes, which, in side view, are seen to incline upwards, and beneath them is the short, conical spike sheathing the penis. Penis red, longish, tubular, and thick, with many recurved short hairs, and at the end a ring of short spines. Each of the two processes on the last segment bears three or four long setae, but there do not appear to be any of the long cottony appendages seen in the males of most Coccids. Habitat On wattle, pine, orange, lemon, cypress, rose, gorse, grass, and, in fact, on almost every kind of native and introduced plants, Nelson, Hawke's Bay, Auckland. It will pro- bably appear also elsewhere, but the climate of Canterbury and Otago may prove too cold in winter for it. Allied to /. saccliari, Guerin, which damages sugar-canes in Mauritius ; but differing in the formation of the ovisac, the * Signoret (Ann. de la Soc. Ent. cle France, 1875), under the genus Mono- plilcbus, speaks of " les plis hyalins " as existing also in the wings of the males- of that genus. t Misled by similar appearances, Burmeister and Westwood assign twenty- five joints to the male antenna of Leachia fuscipcnnis. SCALE-INSECTS. 107 presence of the marginal tufts and spinneret tubes in the female, and in other particulars. The male of 7. sacchari has not been described. The male of /. Purchasi is probably quite distinct. This species is supposed to have come originally from Aus- tralia. It has been very injurious to orange and lemon trees at the Cape of Good Hope and in California. In Auckland it has- destroyed whole orchards of the same trees, and in Nelson and Hawke's Bay it is a dreadful pest on all kinds of plants. Tree-growers should especially beware of this insect, and the best plan to adopt would be to burn at once any tree found infested with it. Genus: CGELOSTOMA, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XII., 1889, p. 291. Adult females with antennae of eleven joints ; segmented ; naked, active; at gestation becoming stationary and enclosed in a thick mass of white cottony secretion. Anal tubercles absent or inconspicuous. Rostrum and mentum absent in the adult female. Males with prominent, facetted eyes ; ocelli absent. Ab- domen without tassels. In one New Zealand species the female in the second stage is stationary, enclosed in a thick, hard mass of waxy secretion, of which some account is given in Chap. III. The other species included in this work inhabits a remote and scarcely visited district, and the female has not hitherto been found ; it is not possible therefore to include the excretion of wax and the stationary position amongst the generic characters at present. This genus is allied to Porphyrophora, Brandt, and to Monophlebus, Leach ; differing from the former by the presence of an sesophagal orifice, and from the latter by the absence of tassels on the abdomen of the male. In the genus Ortonia > Signoret, the female possesses a rostrum and mentum. 66. CffiLOSTOMA ZEALANDICUM, Maskell. N.Z. Trans., Vol. XII., 1879, p. 294 ; Vol. XIV., 1881, p. 226 ; Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 141. (Plate XX. ; Plate XXI., Fig. 1.) Adult female brick-red, elongated, distinctly segmented, convex ; length about Jin. ; before gestation active, naked or 108 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGEICULTUEE. covered with thin meal ; during* gestation stationary, enclosed in a thick mass of white cotton. Antennae of eleven joints, taper- ing to the tip ; the joints all nearly equal, and bearing several hairs. Feet black, short, strong ; all the pairs placed somewhat forward ; digitules absent, a short seta at the base of the claw ; on the inner edge of the tibia and tarsus a fringe of strong hairs ; on the trochanter a long hair. Rostrum and mentum absent ; mouth represented by a minute orifice between the second pair of feet. Eyes very minute, tubercular, projecting, placed behind the antennae. Anal tubercles absent ; anogenital opening small, elliptical, simple, hairless. Body flattish beneath, more convex above ; segments distinct, generally smooth, some- times bearing hard projecting callosities. Skin covered with minute hairs interspersed with circular spinnerets. Female of second stage deep-red in colour, nearly globular, very indistinctly segmented ; stationary, enclosed in a thick, hard solid test of yellow wax ; tests attaining sometimes the size of a large pea ; enclosed insect averaging Jin. in length. Insect filling the test ; skin smooth, very thin ; general appear- ance like a hard, round, smooth ball. Anal tubercles absent ; anogenital ring small, simple, hairless : from this ring springs often a tuft of short white cotton, and a long white cottony seta protruding through an orifice in the test. Rostrum and mentum present, very small ; mentum tri articulate, with a few hairs at the tip. Antennae very short, of eight joints, conical, tapering to the tip, hairy. Feet atrophied, bloated-looking, apparently only consisting of a very short femur, tibia, and tarsus ; digitules two, very small. Skin covered with a great number of circular spinnerets of two sizes, the larger ones simple, the smaller multilocular. Tracheae very large ; spiracular orifices containing brown tubes with beaded extremities on the inner end. Anal extremity dark-brown, the anal ring in the centre ; spinnerets here very numerous, converging towards the anus. Insect in this stage emitting a strong, persistent, and fetid odour. Young larva brick -red, elongated, active, naked ; length, about ^jin. Antennae of six joints, hairy ; last joint the largest, clavate. Eyes and feet as in adult, but there is no fringe on the tibia and tarsus. Rostrum and mentum large, conspicuous. Skin covered with circular spinnerets and minute hairs; the spinnerets are most numerous on the abdomen. Anogenital SCALE-INSECTS. 109 ring apparently folded. At the extremity of the abdomen two- long hairs springing from quadrate tubercular bases which repre- sent the anal tubercles. Adult male red or purplish in colour, wings bluish-purple with red nervures; length, about 13 in.; width across expanded wings, about Jin. Eyes large, prominent, facetted. Antennae of ten joints, each joint bearing many hairs. Feet long, slender, with somewhat large trochanter ; on the tibia and tarsus a fringe of hairs as in the female. Upper digitules two long fine hairs ; lower digitules absent. The nervure of the wings branches twice at least. Haltere large, inflated, sac- like ; bearing four curling setae. Abdomen distinctly segmented, each segment bearing many fine short hairs and several small circular marks. Abdominal spike short, broad, bi valvular ; penis protruding as a long soft white tube covered with minute recurved hairs. Habitat For the adult female and larva the trunks of trees and shrubs in forests, or rocks and bushes jn open country, Otago, Nelson, Canterbury, Wellington. For the second stage the stems and roots of Muhlenbeckia adpressa (complexa ?) ; Sumner Road, Lyttelton ; Evans Bay, Wellington : Rhipogonum scandens (supplejack) ; Riccarton Bush, Canterbury ; Nelson ; Wellington. On Muhlenbeckia the waxy tests are often largest and most numerous underground. Male insects sometimes found clustering, attached to females. This is a very large and peculiar species, its transformations and changes of secretion being abnormal. It cannot be said to be greatly harmful ; but the odour of the second stage is unpleasant. 67. CCELOSTOMA WAIROENSE, N.Z. Trans., Vol. XVI., 1883, p. 141. (Plate XXI., Fig. 2.) Adult female, female of second stage, and larva unknown. Adult male very nearly resembling that of C. zealandicwn ; body red or purplish, wings blue with red nervures. Length of body, about Jin. Eyes prominent, facetted. Antennae of ten joints, slender, with fine hairs. Feet as in C. zealandicum, but with fewer hairs. Digitules twenty-four, all springing from the claw, none from the tarsus. Haltere, abdominal spike, 110 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGEICULTUEE. penis, and abdomen as in C. zealandicum ; but the circular marks on the segments in this species are multilocular. Male pupa bright - red, enclosed in a cylindrical sac of white cotton. Pupse occurring in numerous colonies. Habitat On Phormium tenax, Leptospermum scoparium (manuka), Northern Wairoa, Auckland. The female of this species will, when found, probably nearly resemble that of C. zealandicum : at present the great number of digitules on the foot of the male sufficiently dis- tinguish it. SCALE-INSECTS. Ill INDEX OF PLANTS AND THE COCCIDID^E ATTACK- ING THEM. THIS list is of course only approximate,, as insects may at any time be found on other trees than those given. Icerya Purchasi is omnivorous,, and it has not been thought necessary to repeat it here against every plant in the list ; but it has been set against some. The adult female of Coslostoma z&landicum may also be found wandering over numbers of native trees in forests. In hothouses and greenhouses all sorts of plants are liable to attack. Plants. Insects. Alsophila Colensoi (fern) ........ Lecanium mori.* Apple .. .. .. .. .... Mytilaspis pomorum.:]: . . . . . . . . . . . . Dactylopius glaucus.* \ Apricot .. .. .. .. .. Mytilaspis pomorurn.J Ash .............. pomprum.J Asplenium bulbiferum (fern) .. .. .. Cbionaspis dubia.* f lucidum .. .... .. dubia. *f Astelia Cunninghamii . . . . . . . . Mytilaspis cordylinidis.* ........ epiphytidis. ........ Fiorinia astelise.* f . . . . . . . . stricta. . . . . . . . . Pseudococcus asteliffi. Atherosperma Novse-Zselandise . . . . . . Aspidiotus atherospermte. ...... Mytilaspis pyriformis.* . . .... Fiorinia astelise.* ...... Ctenocliiton viridis.* f ...... Inglisia patella. ...... Eriochiton spinosus. Bavardia . . . . . . . . . . . . Lecanium maculatum.* f \ Box .............. hesperidum.* \ \ Brachyglottis repanda . . . . . . . . Fiorinia minima. . . . . . . . . Ctenochiton flavus. . . . . . . . . fuscus.* f Budlseia salicina . . . . . . . . . . Aspidiotus budlseise. Calceolaria .. .. .. .. .. .. Dactylopius calceolariee.* \ \ Camellia . . . . . . . . . . . . Aspidiotus camellise. . . . . . . . . . . . . Lecanium hemispbaericum.* 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. hesperidum. * -f t . . . . . . . . . . . . Pulvinaria camellicola.* f \ Carpodetus serratus . . . . . . . . Aspidiotus carpodeti. Cassinia leptophylla (tauhine) ...... Lecanium oleae.*f \ Celmisia . . . . . . . . . . . . Ehizococcus celmisise.* Coprosma . . . . .... . . . . Aspidiotus nerii. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mytilaspis pyriformis.* . . . . . . . . . . . . Ghionaspis dubia. .. .. .. .. .. .. Fiorinia astelise.* . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctenochiton perforatus.* t * Unsightly : spoiling appearance of plant. t Usually accompanied by much black fungus. J Likely to do much injury to plant, 112 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTUBE. Plants. Insects. oprosma Ctenochiton viridis.* 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . Inglisia patella. . . . . . . . . . . . . Dactylopius glaucus.* Cordyline australis (cabbage-tree) . . . . Mytilaspis cordylinidis.* J .... Fiorinia stricta.* \ indivisa (large-leaved cabbage-tree) .. Mytilaspis cordylinidis.* \ Fiorinia stricta.* \ Corynocarpus laevigata (karaka) Aspidiotus nerii. Cotoneaster inicrophylla ... .. .. .. Mytilaspis pomorum.J Cyathea Smithii (tree-fern) Ctenochiton depressus.* Cyathodes acerosa . . .. .. .. .. Poliaspis media.* . . . . . . . . . . Eriococcus multispinus.* Cypress Icerya Purchasi.* J Danthonia (grass) .. .. .. .. .. Dactylopius calceolarias.* Dendrobium .. .. .. .. .. Fiorinia stricta.* . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctenochiton elongatus.* t Drimys colorata Mytilaspis drimydis. . . . . . . . . . . Inglisia patella. Dysoxylon spectabile . . . . . . . . Aspidiotus dysoxyli. .. .. .. .. Mytilaspis pyriformis.* . . . . . . . . Chionaspis dysoxyli.* \ Earina . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctenochiton elongatus. . . . . . . . . . . . . Fiorinia stricta.* Elaeocarpus dentatus (hinau) Ctenochiton elseocarpi. . . . . . . flavus. ...... Inglisia ornata.* ...... Eriococcus pallidus. Eucalyptus . . . . . . . . . . . . Mytilaspis cordylinidis.* Euonymus Aspidiotus camellias.* \ Ferns, various . . . . . . . . Chionaspis dubia. Poliaspis media. Ctenochiton depressus.* Lecanium mori. Dactylopius glaucus.* J Gahnia .. .. .. .. .. .. Mytilaspis cordylinidis.* Geniostoma ligustrifolia . . . . . . . . Ctenochiton elongatus.* Gooseberry . . . . . . . . . . . . Fiorinia grossularise. Gorse . . . . . . . . . . . . Icerya Purchasi.* J Grasses, various Dactylopius pose. . . . . . . . . . . Icerya Purchasi.* \ Hawthorn Mytilaspis pomorum.{ Hedycarya . . . . . . . . . . . . Fiorinia stricta. Hoheria angustifolia . . . . . . . . Eriococcus hoheriee. Holly Lecanium hesperidum.* f \ Hymenanthera crassifolia .. .. .. Ctenochiton hymenantheras.* t Ivy Lecanium hesperidum.* f \ Knightia excelsa .. .. .. .. .. Eriococcus multispinus.* Laurel Lecanium hesperidum.* t \ Lemon Aspidiotus coccineus.* J . . . . . . . . . . . . Icerya Purchasi.* \ Leptospermum scoparium (manuka) Mytilaspis leptospermi. Ctenochiton flavus. Inglisia leptospermi. ornata. Planchonia epacridis. Ccelostoma wairoense.* Leucopogon Fraseri . . . . Poliaspis media. * Planchonia epacridis. * Unsightly : spoiling appearance of plant, t Usually accompanied by much black fungus. t Likely to do much injury to plant. SCALE-INSECTS. 113 Plants. Lilac Melicope temata Metrosicleros tomentosa (pohui^ukawa) robusta (rata) Muhlenbeckia adspersa Myoporum lee turn (ngaio) Myrtle Norfolk Island pine (Araucaria) Olearia Haastii Orchids (hothouse) Palms (hothouse) Panax arboreum . Peach Pear Pellsea rotundifolia (fern) Phormium tenax (New Zealand flax) Phymatodes Billardieri (fern) Pines and firs Piper excelsum Pittosporuni (various) Plagianthus Plum . . Poa anceps (tussock-grass) Rhipogonurn scandens (supplejack) Rose Rubus australis (bush-lawyer) . . Insects. Mytilaspis pornorurn.J Eriochiton spinosus. Lecanochiton metrosideri.* f Mytilaspis metrosideri. Lecanochiton metrosideri.* f Fiorinia stricta. Eriochiton spinosus. Coelostoma zaelandicum. Eriococcus pallidus. Lecanium hesperidum.* f | Eriococcus araucariae.* f J Eriochiton hispidus.* f Aspidiotus coccineus.* J Chionaspis citri. Lecanium hesperidum.* f J oleae.* f } Icerya Purchasi.* J Aspidiotus epidendri.* J nerii.* J Dactylopius glaucus.* J Aspidiotus epidendri.* J nerii. *J Dactylopius glaucus.* J Fiorinia minima. Ctenochiton flavus.* f fuscus.*f perforatus.* f viridis.* t Dactylopius glaucus.* Chionaspis minor. Mytilaspis pomorum.j Diaspis santali. Mytilaspis pomorum.J Chionaspis dubia. Mytilaspis cordylinidis.* Fiorinia stricta.* Dactylopius calceolarias.* Coelostoma wairoense.* Mytilaspis phymatodidis.* Icerya Purchasi. *J Ctenochiton piperis. Dactylopius glaucus.* Fiorinia asteliae. Ctenochiton perforatus.* f viridis.* f Dactylopius glaucus.* f Ctenochiton depressus.* Diaspis santali. J Mytilaspis pomorum. J Dactylopius poae. Chionaspis minor.* Coelostoma zaelandicum. Diaspis rosae.* J Icerya Purchasi.*]: Chionaspis dubia.* Ctenochiton perforatus.* f viridis.* f Eriococcus multispinus. * Unsightly : spoiling appearance of plant. I Usually accompanied by much black fungus. ; Likely to do much injury to plant. INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGEICULTUBE. Plants. Kubus aus trails (bush-lawyer) . . Santalum Cunninghamii (maire) Sophora tetraptera (kowhai) Sweetbriar Sycamore Thorn .. Various greenhouse or hothouse plants Veronica (various) Vitex littoralis (puriri) Wattle (various) . . Weeping-willow Insects. Dactylopius glaucus.* Diaspis santali.* Khizococcus fossor. Aspidiotus sophorse. Icerya Purchasi.* J Mytilaspis pomorum. pomorum. | Aspidiotus epidendri.* } nerii.* f Diaspis Boisduvalii.* J Lecaniumhemisphsericum.* f J hesperidum.* t | hibernaculorum.* 1 1 mori. oleffi.* t I Dactylopius glaucus. * J Icerya Purchasi.* | Poliaspis media. Lecanium hesperidum.* t Dactylopius alpinus.* Aspidiotus carpodeti. epidendri.* Diaspis Boisduvalii.* Icerya Purchasi.* t Aspidiotus camellise. * Unsightly : spoiling appearance of plant, t Usually accompanied by much black fungus. J Likely to do much injury to plant. SCALE-INSECTS. 115 INDEX OF GROUPS, SUBDIVISIONS, GENERA, AND SPECIES INCLUDED IN THIS WORK. Names italics are synonyms. * Signifies that the insect has not yet been found in New Zealand. p age Page ACANTHOCOCCIDJE . 88, 91 CKYPTO-KEEMITHXE .. .. 87 Acanthococcus . . 95 Ctenochiton . . . . 62, 65 multispinus 94 depressus . . . . . 66 Aclerda* .. . .. 63 elseocarpi .. .. . 67 Antonina* 88 elongatus . . . . . 68 Aonidia* 39 flavus .. .. . 68 Aspidiotus . . . . 39 40 fuscus .. .. . 70 atherospermse 40 hymenantherse . . .71 aurantii . . 42 perforatus .. .72 Boudhei . . 44 piperis . . . . . 73 budlseise .. 40 spinosus . . . . . 86 camellias 41 viridis . . . . . 74 carpodeti citri 42 42 DACTYLOPID^E (the " mealy-bugs ') 89 coccineus (the ran e- scale) conchiformis dysoxyli epidendri . . 42 51 43 44 Dactylopius . . . . . 89 alpinus .. .. . 99 calceolarias . . . 100 glaucus .. .. . 100 -i /N-f falciformis 51 poss . . . . . 101 juglandis 51 DIASPIDIN^: . . . . 37, 39 nerii 44 Diaspis . . . . 39, 45 pomorum . . pyrus-malus 51 51 A 17 Boisduvalii . . . . 46 Bouchei .. .. ..44 rosce sophorse .. Asterolecanium* . . 64, 87 47 45 ,91 gigas .. .. ..58 rosse ^ .. ..47 sfliUfjfiili 47 quercicola* Boisduvalia* Callipappus* . . Galymnatus hesperidum Calypticus hesperidum . . Capulinia* Carteria* Ceroplastes* Chermes epidendri filicum hibernaculorum -T _. 92 89 90 80 80 89 62 62 44 80 81 Drosicha* .. .. ..90 Ericerus* .. .. ..62 Eriochiton . . . . 63, 84 hispidus . . . . 84 spinosus . . . . 8G Eriococcus . . . . 88, 92 araucarise . . . . 93 hoherige .. .. ..93 multispinus .. .. 94 pallidus . . . . 95 Eriopeltis* .. .. ..63 oiecQ Chionaspis . . 39 ,54 K A Fairmairia* . . . . 62 Fiorinia .. .. 39,57 citri 54: astelies . . . . 58 dubia dysoxyli 54 55 grossulariss . . . . 59 minima . . . . 59 euonymi 54 stricta .. .. ..60 minor COCCID^B . . . 89, 56 103 Gossyparia* . . . . 88 COCCIDIN^E . . . 38 Coccus* (the cochineal insect) . . ,88 89 HEMICOCCIDIN^E . . 38, 87 hesperidum Ccelostoma . . . 90, 80 107 Icerya . . . . ,90, 104 Purchasi (the cottony-cushion vvairoense . . 109 scale) .. .. ..104 zeelandicum 107 sacchari* . . . . . . 106 116 INSECTS NOXIOUS TO AGRICULTURE. Page Page Inglisia 62, 75 Mytilaspis continued. leptospermi 75 metrosideri 50 ornata 76 phyniatodidis .. 51 patella 78 pomicorticis .. 52 Kermes* 87 pomorum (the app' scale) 51, 52 camellia 41 pyriformis .. 53 KEBMITIDJE* 87 Nidularia* .. 88 Leachia* 90 Orthezia* .. 89 LECANIDJE 63, 79 Ortonia* .. 90 LECANIDINJE 38, 62 Parlatoria* .. 39 Lecanium 63, 79 Philippia* 63 depressum .. 79 Physokermes* . . .. 63 hemisphaericum .. 80 Planchonia 64, 88, 91 hesperidum (the holly and ivy epacridis .. .. 91 scale) .. 80 Poliaspis 39,50 hibernaculoiurn t .. 81 media .. 57 maculaturn . .. 81 Pollinia* 64, 87 mori .. 82 Porphy rophora * .. 91 olese (the "black seal ") .. 82 POBPHYEOPHOBID^ * .. 91 Lecanochiton 62,64 Pseudococcus . . 89, 101 rnetrosideri .. 64 asteliss \ . . 102 LECANOCOCCID^E 63,84 Pulvinaria 63,83 LECANODIASPID^ 62,63 camellicola / .. 83 Lecanodiaspis* 63, 64 Puto* .. 89 Lecanopsis* .. 63 Ehizococcus . . 88,96 Leucaspis* .. 39 araucaricB .. 93 Lichtensia* .. 63 celmisise .. .. 96 Llaveia* .. 90 fossor .. 97 Margarodes* . . 91 Eipersia* .. 89 MONOPHLEBIDJE 90, 104 Signoretia* .. 63 Monophlebus* .. 90 Targionia* .. 39 Mytilaspis 39,48 Uhlcria .. 57 cordylinidis .. 48 gigas .. 58 drimydis .. 49 Vinsonia* .. 62 epiphytidis .. 49 Walkeriana* . . .. 90 leptospermi .. 50 Westivoodia* . . .. 89 DESCBIPTIONS OF PLATES. PLATE I. Fig. 1. Eggs of Coccididse. 2. Larva of Diaspidinoe. 3. Diagram of life-history of female Diaspidinse. a, pellicle of larva ; 6, second pellicle ; c, adult female somewhat shrivelled after egg-laying ; d, eggs ; e, secreted matter forming the "scale." In this diagram the scale is shown as overturned. 4. Types of various spinnerets, a, simple orifices (Mytilaspis) ; 6, double orifice (Planchonia) ; c, multilocular orifice (Ctenockiton) ; d, multilocular orifice (Ccelostoma) ; e, simple protruding spinneret (Aspidiotus) ; /, serrated pro- truding spinneret (Mytilaspis drimydis) ; g, protruding spinneret (Aeant^o- coccws) ; k, conical spiny spinneret and cottony secretion (Pliizococcus); m, lanceolate spinneret and glassy secretion (Inglisia) ; n, group of abdo- minal spinnerets, with detached orifices (Mytilaspis) ; p, double multi- locular orifice (Ccelostoma) ; s, coronetted spinnerets and part of glassy secretion (leery a). 5. Rostra, a, simple rostrum of Diaspidince ; 6, rostrum and trirnerous mentum of Coccidinse. 6. Foot of a female insect, c, coxa ; tr, trochanter ; , femur ; ti, tibia ; ta, tarsus ; cl, claw. 7. Foot of a male insect. The letters as in Fig. 6. 8. Foot with digitules, upper and lower. 9. Type of female antenna (Ctenochiton). 10. Type of female antenna (Dactylopius}. 11. Type of antenna of larva (leery a), 12. Type of male antenna (Fiorinia), 13. One joint of antenna of Monophlebidse (Icerya), 14. Diagram of head of male of Lecanidinse (after Signoret), both dorsal and ven- tral aspects being shown together, a, antennae ; e, e, true eyes, the lower pair being on the ventral surface in the place of the mouth; oc, oc, ocelli. 15. Head of male Icerya, with facetted eyes, 16. Wing of male insect, n, nervure, W.M.M., delt. *d nut. PLATE I. ^fgp^ i mk f*t V COi W PLATE II. Fig. 1. Types of anogenital rings, a, Diaspidinae ; 6, Lecanidinae ; c, Acantho- coccidse ; d, Dactylopidse ; e> Monophlebidse. 2. Types of last abdominal segments of female, a, Diaspidinse ; 6, Lecanidinse ; c, Acanthococcicbe ; d, Dactylopidse ; e, Monophlebidse. 3. Types of last abdominal segments of male, and sheath of the penis, a, Diaspi- dinae ; 6, Lecanidinse (CtenochUon) ; c, Acanthococcidse ; d, Lecanidinse (Inglisia) ; e, Dactylopidas ; /, Monophlebidse (leery a). 4. Respiratory system, a, spiracle of Lecanium (after Targioni) ; &, spiracle of Coccus (after Targioni) ; c, diagram of arrangement of the four spiracles and the tracheal tubes (Lecanidinse) (s. spiracles) ; d t spiracle and trachea of Coslostoma. 5. Types of spines and hairs, a, anal serrated hairs (Aspidiotus nerii) ; 6, spiraoular spines (CtenochUon) ; c, marginal spines (Ctenochiton) ; d t lanceolate marginal spines (Inglisia) ; e, spines on anal tubercles (Rhizo- coccus) ; /, marginal spines (Eriococcus) ; #, conical spines (Eriococciis) ; fc, marginal hairs (Dactylopius) ; m, hairs (Icerya) ; n, anal hairs (Ccelostoma). W.l^.M., delt. ad nat. PLATE II. PLATE III. TYPES OF LAST ABDOMINAL SEGMENTS OF THE Fig. 1. Aspidiotus coccineus (after Comstock) ; no groups of spinnerets. 2. Diaspis ros<% ; five groups of spinnerets. 3. Mytilaspis cordylinidis ; five groups of spinnerets and single orifices. 4. Mytilaspis pyriformis ; five groups of spinnerets, almost forming an arch. 5. Chionaspis dysoxyli ; five groups of spinnerets. 6. Poliaspis media ; eight groups of spinnerets. 7. Fiorinia astelice ; arch of spinnerets. 8. Fiorinia stricta ; five groups of spinnerets, the three upper groups almost forming an arch. W.H.M., delt. ad nat PLATE III. PLATE IV. Fig. 1. Aspidiotus atherospermce. a, insects on leaf of Atherosperma ; &, adult female. 2. Aspidiotus camellia, a, insects on twig of Euonymus ; 6, adult female ; c, d, puparia of female. 3. Aspidiotus coccineus. a, insects on rind of orange ; 6, adult female in puparium (overturned) ; c, puparium of male. 4. Aspidiotus nerii. a, insects on leaf of wattle ; 6, puparia, male and female. 5. Diaspis Boisduvalii, adult female (after Signoret). 6. Diaspis rosfz. a, insects on twig of rose ; b, adult female ; c, puparia, male and female. 7. Diaspis santali. a, insects on twig of pear ; 6, male and female puparia ; c, last abdominal segment of female. W.M.M., delt. ad. nat. PLATE IV. PLATE V. Fig. 1. Mytilaspis cordylinidis. a, insects on leaf of Cordyline australis (cabbage - tree) ; 6, male and female puparia ; c, adult female. 2. Mytilaspis epiphytidis. a, female puparimn ; 6, male puparium ; c, adult female. 3. Mytilaspis drimydis. a, insects on leaf of Drhnys colorata; 6, male and female puparia ; c, adult female ; d, marginal spinnerets. 4. Mytilaspis kptospermi. a, insects on bark of Leptospermum (manuka) ; 6, male and female puparia ; c, adult female. 5. Mytilaspis pomorum. a, insects on twig of hawthorn ; b, female puparia ; c, adult female ; d, puparium overturned, showing enclosed female, /, and eggs, e. 6. Mytilaspis pyrifarmis. a, insects on leaf of Dysoxylon spectabih ; 6, male and female puparia ; e, adult female ; d, male ; e, last three joints of male antenna ; /, foot of male. W.M.M., felt. lA. a*t PLATE V. TJHIVEESIT7 PLATE VI. Fig. 1. Chionaspis citri. a, insects on rind of orange ; b, male and female pnparia c, adult female. 2. Chionaspis dubia. a, insects on fern-leaf (Pellsea) ; b, male and female puparia ; c, adult female. 3. Chionaspis dysoxyli. a, insects on leaf of Dysoxylon ; b, male and female puparia ; c, adult female. 4. Chionaspis minor, a, insects on twig of Parsonsia ; 6, male and female puparia ; c, adult female. 5. Poliaspis media, a, insects on leaves of Cyathodes; b, male and female puparia ; c, adult female. G. Fiorinia astelice. a, insects on leaves of Coprosma ; &, male and female puparia ; c, adult female ; d, pellicles of second stage. 7. Fiorinia stricta. a, insects on leaves of Earina ; 6, male and female puparia ; c, adult female. WJtf.%., delt. ad- nat. PLATE VI. PLATE VII. Fig. 1. Lecanochiton metrosideri. a, insects on branch and leaves of Metrosideros (rata) ; b, test of female, upper side ; c, test of female, under-side ; d, female of second stage, ventral aspect ; c, antenna of adult female ; /, test of male. 2. Ctenochiton depressus. a, insects on leaf of Plagianthus ; b, adult female, dorsal aspect ; c, test of male ; d, part of fringe of female test. 3. Ctenochiton elceocarpi. a, insect on bark of Elaeocarpus (hinau) ; 6, female of second stage in test, on leaf. 4. CtenocMton elongates, a, female tests on leaves of Earina ; 6, part of fringe. 5. Ctenochiton flavus. a, insects on half leaf of Panax ; 6, female tests ; c, male test ; d, adult female, ventral aspect ; e, spiracular and marginal spines and spinnerets of female. 6. Ctenochiton fnscus. a, insects on half leaf of Panax ; b, female test, upper side. PLATE VII. PLATE VIII. Fig. 1. Ctenochiton hymenanthercc. a, insects on leaves of Hymenanthera ; &, female test ; c, male test. 2. Ctenochiton perforatus. a, insects on leaf of Coprosma ; 6, adult female in test, ventral aspect ; c, male test ; d, female test and fringe ; e, portion of edge of female test with three segments of fringe, showing the rows of perforations ; /, antenna of adult female ; #, male ; &, head of male, upper side ; w, head of male, under-side. 3. Ctenochiton piperis. a, insects on leaf of Piper excelsum; 6, females in tests, dorsal aspect ; c, male pupa in test, dorsal aspect ; d, female of second stage, dorsal aspect ; c, two of the tubercles on the dorsum of the adult female, after pressure. W M.M., dolt, ad nat PLATE VIII. PLATE IX. Fig, 1. CtenocMton viridis. a, insects on leaf of Coprosma ; 6, female of second stage ; c, adult female (the test removed) ; d, male test ; e, a segment of the female test ; /, diagram of head of male, upper and under sides shown together, eight eyes and two ocelli ; fc, antenna of male. 2. Inglisia leptospermi. a, insects on twig of Leptospermum (manuka); 6, female test, side view; c, female test, upper side; d, male test; e, a segment of the female test ; /, adult female, dorsal aspect ; g, antenna of female ; k, foot of female. W.M.M., delt. ad nat PLATE IX. PLATE X. Fig. 1. Inglisia ornata. a, insects on twig of Elseocarpus (liinau) ; b, female test, side view ; c, female test, dorsal view ; d, a segment of the female test and three segments of fringe; e, male test;/, adult female, side view; g t marginal spines of female. 2. Inglisia patella, a, insects on leaf of Coprosma ; 6, c, female tests, upper side ; d, adult female, ventral aspect ; c, marginal spines of female. PLATE X. PLATE XI. Fig. 1. Lecanium depressum. a, adult female, dorsal aspect ; 6, markings of the skin. 2. Lecanium liemisphccricum. a, insects on Camellia ; 6, adult female, dorsal aspect ; c, adult female, side view ; d, female of second stage. 3. Lecanium hesperidum. a, insects on leaf of ivy ; 6, adult female, dorsal aspect ; c, female of second stage ; d, markings of skin. 4. Lecanium won. a, insects on fern-leaf (Asplenium) ; &, adult female, dorsal aspect. 5. Lecanium olece. a, insects on twig of Camellia ; 6, adult female, dorsal aspect ; c, adult female, side view ; d, female of second stage, dorsal aspect ; c, markings of skin. W.M.M., dtt. ad. oat PLATE XL UNIVERSITY PLATE XII. Fig. 1. Pulvinaria camellicola. a, insects on branch and leaf of Camellia; 6, adult female and ovisae, dorsal aspect ; c, adult female and ovisac, side view ; d, adult female, dorsal aspect ; e, female of second stage ; /, markings of skin, with hairs ; g, antenna of adult' female ; fc, diagram of head of male, upper and under sides shown together, four eyes and two ocelli. 2. Planchonia epacridis. a, insect in test on leaf of Leucopogon ; 6, female in test, dorsal aspect ; c, portion of the double fringes ; d, extremity of abdo- men of female ;. c, anogenital ring and anal tubercles of female ; /, antenna of larva ; g, rings with hairs replacing antenna? of adult female. W.M.M., delt. ad nat. PLATE XII 'tj'sivaasiTT; PLATE XIII. 1. Eriochiton hispidus. a, Insects on twig and leaves of Olearia Haastii ; 6, adult female, dorsal aspect, with fragments of test and fringe ; c, adult female without test, dorsal aspect ; d, male test, upper side ; e, male test, under-side ; /, larva, with fringe ; g, female of second stage, without test, dorsal aspect ; k, w, spines and tubular fringe ; n, antenna of adult female ; p, foot of adult female ; s, last five joints of. male antenna ; t, abdominal spike of male. 2. Eriochiton spinosus. a, insects on twig of Melicope ; 6, adult female, with- out test ; c, female of second stage ; d, male test ; e, marginal spines and feathery fringe of female ; /, foot of adult female ; #, antenna of adult female. WJtf M.. dlt. *4. nat. PLATE XIII- OP THE -^ r TJHXVSKSIT7; PLATE XIV. Fig. 1. Eriococcus araucaria. , insects on twig of Araucaria excelsa (Norfolk Island pine) ; &, sac of female, upper side ; c, sac of female, under-side, with enclosed shrivelled female and eggs; cZ, sac of male ; c, adult female before gestation; /, extremity of abdomen, anogenital ring, and anal tubercles of female. 2. Eriococcus liolierice. a, insects on bark of Hoheria ; 6, sac of female, upper side ; c, sac of male ; d, adult female ; e, extremity of abdomen and anal tubercles of adult female ; /, foot of adult female ; g, antenna of adult female ; k, larva, ventral aspect ; in, male ; n, abdominal spike of male ; p, antenna of male. W.M.M., delt. *d nt. PLATE XIV. PLATE XV. Fig. 1. Eriococcus multispinus. a, insects on leaf of Knightia ; &, sac of female, upper side ; c, sac of female, under-side, with enclosed insect ; d, adult female, dorsal aspect ; c, diagram of arrangement of spines on female ; /, spines of female ; i, antenna of female ; k, head of male, upper side ; m, abdominal spike of male. 2. Eriococcus pallidus. a, insects on leaf of Myoporum (ngaio) ; b, sac of female ; c, adult female, dorsal aspect; d, part of abdomen of female ; e, antenna of female. W.M.M., 0-" ad rat. PLATE XV. PLATE XVI. Fig. 1. Rhizococcus cdmisicz. a, Insects on leaves of Celmisia ; 6, adult female dorsal aspect. 2. Rhizococcus fossor. a, Insects on leaves of Santalum (maire) ; 6, elevation produced by insect on tipper side of leaf ; c, female in pit on under-side of leaf ; d, sac of male ; e, adult female before gestation, from a pit ; /, adult female from surface of leaf ;