^:^\:f^ i, mmMt SUBJECT-INDEX OP THE LONDON LIBRARY PRINTin) BV 5P0TTISW00DE AND CO. LTD., LONDON COLCHESnOt AND ETON SUBJECT-INDEX OF THE LONDON LIBRARY ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, LONDON BY C. T. HAGl^ERG AVRIGHT. LL.D. SECRETARY AND LIBRARIAN WITH APPENDIX AND SYNOPSIS OF HEADINGS LONDON WILLIAMS .^- NORGATE, 14 HRNUIiyi"l'A STREET, COVENT GARDEN i'JO'J 7- MRRARY UMVi- ;;;-;ri V or California SA.NTA liAUUAltA '2/ THE LONDON LIBEAEY, ST. JAMES'S SQUAEE, S.W. patron. HIS MAJESTY THE KING. iprcsfDcnt. The Eight Hon. ARTHUR JAMES BALFOUR, M.P., F.R.S. Dicc=prc3iDcnt3. The Right Hon. E. B. HALDANE, M.P., F.R.S. FREDERIC HARRISON, Esq., Litt.D. Sir frank MARZIALS, C.B. ALFRED RUSSEL WALLACE, Esq., O.M., F.R.S. C^rustccs. The Right Hon. LORD AVEBURY, F.R.S. The Right Hon. The EARL OF EOSEBERY, K.G. HENRY YATES THOMPSON, Esq. Committee. Bernakd Bosanquet, Esq., LL.D. A. C. BuAULEY, Esq., LL.D. Horace T. Brown, Esq., LL.D., F.R.S. Ingram Bywater, Esq. Austin Dobson, Esq., LL.D. The; Hon. Arthur D. Elliot, D.C.L. J. Fitzmaurice-Kelly, Esq., Litt.D. Sydney Gedge, Esq. Sir A. Geikie, K.C.B., F.R.S. Sir R. GiFFEN, K.C.B., F.R.S. Edmund Gosse, Esq., LL.D. Mrs. J. R. Green. D. G. Hogarth, Esq. Eev. W. Hunt, D.Litt. Sir C. P. Ilbert, K.C.B. Walter Leaf, Esq., Litt.D. Sidney Lee, Esq., D.Litt., LL.D. W. S. Lilly, Esq. Sidney J. Low, Esq. J. F. Payne, Esq., M.D. Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart., LL.D. Professor J. G. Eouertson, Ph.D. H. R. Tedder, Esq., F.S.A. A. W. Ward, Esq., Litt.D., LL.D. Secretary? anC> librarian. C. T. HAGBERG WRIGHT, LL.D. M3anUcrs3. BARCLAY & COMPANY, Limited, 1 Pall J^Lvll East. London Library, St. James's Square, S.W. The Library offers to its Members over 220,000 volumes selected from the literature of all countries, including a large proportion of old and valuable Works not supplied by ordinary Circulating Libraries. Additions are continually made, both of the standard Works of the day and of old and rare Books. Fifteen volumes at a time are allowed on loan to Country Members ; Ten to residents in London. For every extra pound per annum, an additional number of Volumes may be had at the rate of five Volumes at one time of old Works, or the supply of any new Work {provided it is already in the Library) by the purchase of another copy. Fourteen days are allowed for the perusal of new Books (i.e. Books published within the previous twelve months), and two months for Books of older date. The Reading Room, which is open daily from Ten to Half-past Six, is supplied with Periodicals, English and Foreign, together with a selection of new Books for use in the room only. The Library is closed three days at Easter, three days at Christmas, and on Whit- Monday and August Bank Holiday. Subscribers are admitted on the recommendation of a Member, subject to the approval of the Committee. C. T. HAGBERG WRIGHT, Secretary and Librarian. 1909. PEEFAGE The countries of the world have in all ages had storehouses of books in which learned men have read. In ancient and mediieval times the books or manuscripts which the libraries contamed were comparatively few and scholars a mere handful. In modern times, with the increase of culture and education, students are reckoned in thousands and books in tens of thousands. As books were few in olden days the need of a Catalogue of Authors' Names was hardly felt ; only a library here and there possessed a fragment of such a thing. Generally the scholar could not only survey at a glance his " twenty bookes clad in blak or reed " but could easily lay his hand on the book he wanted. With the multiplication and development of libraries an Author Catalogue has, however, become indispensable, and now exists in every good library. A Subject-Index was in ancient times never even dreamt of, and I have not been able to trace anything of the»kind earlier than the eighteenth century. A scholar here and there may still succeed, with the aid of a Catalogue of Authors' Names, in finding his way through the mass of printed matter, but books in modern days have accumulated so rapidly that he often searches vainly for, or is only led by devious ways to the discovery of, the books which he knows must exist. An Author Catalogue assumes that the reader consulting it is acquainted with the names of all the authors who have written on the subject he wishes to study, an assump- tion which can only be correct in rare cases. Even the librarian of a large library, to whom so many turn in their difficulties, however wide his knowledge of the books committed to his care, must be an imperfect guide to their contents. A library without a Subject-Index is to the unlearned reader what an unmapped country is to the ordinary traveller, and is practically useless for the purpose of his researches. With a museum the case is different ; there printed hand-books help the visitor, and specimens of the particular subject of his search are laid out before his eyes. Books unfortunately do not admit of tabulation and arrangement like objects in a museum. It is true that attempts at classitication on the shelves have been made in all great libraries, but these attempts fall far short of perfection, and can only be useful to those who are able personally to visit the book- stores. These difficulties were very strongly felt by the late Sir Leslie Stephen, who was histoky of THE INDEX President of the London Library in 1893. His interest in the Library, as the world knows, was keen and his visits were constant. Wiien he spoke about Library matters his mind always (inally reverted to the nec( ssity of a Subject-Index, a work on which he via PEEFACE had set his heart. " The Library can never be really useful," he was wont to say, " now that it has grown to its present size, until we have a Subject-Index. Books have increased so that the scholar even forgets what has been written on his own subject and requires a reminder." There is a " daily deepening drift " of books which obliterates and effaces all recollection and record of the older ones. You must hack through much deposit Ere you know for sure who was it Came to burial with such honour in the files. DIFFICUL TIES OF CATA- LOGUING THE LIBRARY Sir Leslie Stephen urged me to undertake the task of making a Subject-Index, and encouraged me to begin at once. Unfortunately it had to be delayed in consequence of the necessity of first issuing an Author Catalogue. He reluctantly recognised that precedence must be given to that work. Though he has not lived to see the Index finished, he did live to see the beginning. One of his last visits to the Library was to our cataloguing room to see the progress we were making, and his words of appreciation as he examined the slips of paper were full of encouragement. It is therefore to the late Sir Leslie Stephen primarily that the credit of the conception of this Index is due. The London Library, it had often been said, was especially adapted for a Subject- Index. It was of the right size and of the right quality. A vast miscellaneous Library like the British Museum is too big to be analysed and indexed except in sections, and that is useless to the ordinary reader. A librarj- should not, it is suggested, contain more than a quarter of a million books, if the intention be to publish either an Author Catalogue or a Subject-Index of manageable size. The London Library fulfils this important condition. The peculiar merit of the London Library lies in the fact that since its foundation in 1841 it has been governed by committees of literary experts who in succession have devoted much of their leisure to its service, and during the seventy years of its existence have helped to bring together a collection of standard works in every subject. The first step towards the present undertaking was the formation in 1903 of a small sub-committee, consisting of Sir Leslie Stephen, Mr. Frederic Harrison, Mr. H. E. Tedder, Mr. Sidney Lee, Mr. Edmund Gosse, Mr. Austin Dobson, and the Eev. W. Hunt, to consider general principles and the form of the Subject-Index. The conclusions arrived at by that committee have, with slight modifications, been adhered to. The work itself was definitely begun on the 1st May 1905, and has since been continued without interruption. The time which would be required for the preparation and printing of the Subject-Index was then roughly estimated at about six years. The practical difficulty of Subject-indexing the London Library must not be overlooked. The London Library is a circulating library with at least 15,000 to 16,000 books in the hands of members. A device had to be adopted to prevent the same book coming up for examination twice, and to ensure that each book was catalogued. It has also not always been easy to induce members to return the books held by them. It is due to this cause that a few books which the Library possesses will be found to have escaped insertion, but everything has been done to minimise such omissions. PREFACE ix While offering the work to subscribers at a moderate price, every possible con- trivance has been adopted to economise space and to obtain clearness for reading. The objection to issuing a serviceable catalogue in anythmg but a single volume seemed decisive. The system of abbreviations (of which a table is added) was adopted to reduce the bulk ; it is hoped that subscribers will easily accustom themselves to their use. To have dispensed with such abbreviations would have materially added to the size and cost of the work, and would have rendered it too large for convenient handling. The total cost of preparing the manuscript and of printing and binding an edition of 3,000 copies of the Index (irrespective of the labours of the Librarian) has amounted to £4,283. A first attempt of this kind must necessarily contain many errors, and important appeal to SCHOLARS omissions will also inevitably be brought to light in course of examination, but should the Index find favour with scholars it is by their help and criticism alone that it can be improved. To them I would appeal for assistance to make a subsequent edition (should there ever be a demand for one) more complete. The Subject-Index clearly shows that there are real deficiencies and gaps in the appeal to ' * MEMBKRS collection of books in the London Library. The Committee confidently appeals to its members to make these deficiencies good by donations. These lacunte are most startling perhaps in the sets of periodicals and the publications of learned Societies, but many other valuable works are, it is to be regretted, missing from the shelves of the Library, which may possibly be standing unused on the shelves of some member. Away from the disturbing elements of the Issue and Reading Rooms of the Library, the MAKING OF m a small book-lined garret called the Cataloguing Room — seventy-four steps up — the work the index of making this Index has been done. Roughly 200,000 volumes— quartos, folios, octavos, and the rest — have been laboriously carried there, partly Ijy lift and partly by hand, at the rate of about 200 a day. The work, it was suggested, should be completed in five yeai's, so the calculation was an easy one, viz., how much should be done each day. With 200,000 I)Ooks, at the rate of 200 a day it would require 1,000 working days. The year does not contain at most, it is said, more than 257 working days of 8 hours (deducting 52 Sundays, 30 days for holidays, and 52 half-holidays on Saturdays = 2G days). It was clear, therefore, that to accomplish this within the limit laid down, the working days and working hours had to be increased. And it is satisfactory to record that the Index has been done in less than the allotted time and without undue strain. The staff employed has been as follows : The Librarian, the Assistant Librarian, four junior assistants (of whom two were typists), one boy clerk, and one porter. The method adopted was simple. Three of the staff were told off to catalogue tlie books ; for each book not less than two slips (of paper 9.] by 2 inches) were to be typed with short titles. The entry for each book in the Author Catalogue was to be strictly adhered to, and each slip was to contain the headuig and sub-heading and any additional note in the right-hand corner which the assistant thought necessary. If the heading and sub-heading were not obvious these were to be omitted, for insertion afterwards by the Librarian or Assistant Librarian. The slips — two or more according to the discretion X PEEFACE of the typists — with any refei'ences also on slips of their own, were then placed in each book and brought through in fifties to the Librarian and Assistant Librarian, who, sitting opposite to each other, examined each book critically, verified the heading and sub-heading on each of the slips, and added any notes that would obviate the necessity of calling for the book a second time during the final revision for press. Authorities for a particular classification were in many cases written down, in case doubts should after- wards arise, and also to avoid unnecessary discussion. The Librarian and Assistant Librarian, who worked independently except when in consultation over any difficult subject, then exchanged slips and ran through each other's work with a view to the detection of clerical or other errors, or to the discussion of each other's classification. Many a discussion has taken place round that table ; many a disagreement has been registered, but the peace of the room has not once been broken. At this stage the slips were handed back to the typists to make duplicate copies and any additional references which had been indicated. To describe the variety of small time-saving devices would be tedious. The slips were then handed to the assistant who had charge of a book into which the headings and sub-headings and references were entered, and were submitted to a third criticism. Lastly the slips were sorted into alphabetical order, and cards with the heading and sub-heading were typewritten, and relegated to the drawers. The " Headings Book," as the book alluded to above was named, has been of great value, and without some such book the work would quickly have got into hopeless disorder ; for with the multiplication of headings it would be impossible to remember accurately and at the moment the exact heading or sub-heading which had finally been adopted — whether, for instance, we had chosen China rather than Porcelam, Precious Stones rather than Gems and Precious Stones as the heading. This book, of course, had to be accurately kept, and great credit is due to Mr. C. Kennelly for the careful way in which he has done this work, and for his intelligent criticisms. The American Library Association List of Subject Headings, 1901, has been used as a foundation, and a most useful one it has proved to be ; I desire here to thank the American Library Association for their excellent list of headings. It is important to note that the " Headings Book " is not a classified list of headings. The books themselves have suggested the headings. There has been no idea throughout of suiting the books to any ready-made system of classification. Such a scheme would have been unworkable and would have led to a pedantic classification. The statf (three of whom were quite new recruits taken from school) quickly fell in with the method which has worked smoothly throughout, and which has reduced the mechanical labour of the Librarian and the Assistant Librarian to a minimum ; though it can hardly be said that any kind of labour on a Subject-Lidex is really mechanical. Litelligence is required at every turn, and each member of the staff has, I think, justified his apjjointment. During the final revision of the work, which began in January 1909, much valuable aid, which should considerably enhance the value and authority of the Subject-Lidex, has been given by scholars and friends possessing expert knowledge of various kinds, as will be seen from the list below. Whenever a doubt existed, the slip was marked with an PEEFACE xi asterisk in the right-hand corner and an expert consulted. It is hoped, therefore, that serious mistakes will not be found in the Index. In some cases the whole heading has been critically examined by a scholar. A short Appendix has been added containing the books which came into the appendix Library too late to be inserted, and a few which the members did not return in time. For the general reader who may wish to have a conspectus of the headings in the synopsis of Index there is appended a summary of headings, roughly arranged in seven classes with general sub-divisions. I have intentionally refrained from minute classification as the numerous references under each heading in the Index render this unnecessary. The printing was begun in February 1909, and has been carried on by Messrs. pkinting Spottiswoode & Co., Limited, with remarkable rapidity and accuracy. They have com- pleted a work of a peculiarly complicated nature in less than twelve months, sending out the quarto sheets at the rate of forty pages a week. The correction of so large a quantity of proofs, at such a rate of progress, has entailed great and protracted labour. I am indebted to so many friends, members, printers' readers, and other scholars, acknow- that the task of adequately acknowledging my gratitude to everybody is a difficult one. To my staff of assistants, headed by Mr. F. Cox and Mr. J. Bean, who have at all to staff times worked with attention and willingness, I am first and foremost indebted. The diligence with which they have attended to the ordinary needs of the members and have helped in the administrative and routine work of the Library during the last few years has enabled me to devote more time to the Subject-Index than I could otherwise have done. Those who may use this Index should, above all others, be grateful to Mr. C. J. to cata- PuKNELL, M.A. (the Assistant Librarian), who resigned his appointment at tlie Bodleian staff to join my Cataloguing Staff" in November 1905. Mr. Purnell has been my co-worker and right-hand man throughout, and has thrown himself into the work with exceptional zeal and energy. If the Index should happily be found fairly accurate and comjilete, much of such accuracy and completeness is to be attributed to liim. Mr. C. Kennelly and Mr. J. Corthesy, who have been on the Cataloguing Staff" from the very beginning, have shown not only devotion to the work of whicli any librarian might be jiroud, Init a knowledge and accuracy which have been my delight. Miss E. Lee (Secretary of the English Association) has also rendered assistance in some of the bypaths of literature, which has been most helpful. To Messrs. Spottiswoode's readers, Mr. A. Williams, Mr. J. L'Enfant, and their to messks. SPOTTIS- assistants, I owe a great debt. To print a work of this kind in nine months and incur woode'S a bill for corrections of no more than .i.170 10s. (just 10 per cent.) is a feat which could Readers only be accomplished with the intelligent co-operation of the Printers' Eeaders ; and the fact that those friends who have read the proofs should declare them " a marvel of typography" is in the main due to these gentlemen. I am further under great obligation to two of the Vice-Presidents of the London TO proof READERS Library, Mr. Fredekio Harrison and Sir Fr.'ink Marzials, and to the following members of the Committee, Dr. A. AV. Ward, Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge, Mr. H. B. Tedder, Sir Frederick Pollock, Dr. J. Fitzmaurice-Kelly, Mr. Inuram Bywater, and Sir CouRTENAY Ilbert, who kindly undertook to read through the proof-sheets, and who one and all have given me much encouragement and many valuable suggestions. xu PEEFACE It is also a pleasure to reckon among those who have helped to make this Index more valuable Mr. J. B. Bury, Regius Professor of Modern History at Cambridge, who, though not a member of the Library, volunteered to read the proofs, and has given me the aid of his great knowledge ; Mr. A. \V. K. Miller and Mr. G. F. Hill, two of the most promment scholars in the British Museum ; and last, but not least, Mr. Hakluit Egerton, who critically revised all my philosophical headings and slips, and has devoted hours to this labour, to him a real labom- of love. Many others have also given me their time and assistance. For occasional advice in the following subjects I am indebted to : — Apocrypha Arabic, &e. Bible . Biology Botany Byzantine History Capital and Labour Celtic Literature . Chemistry . Classics Coins and Medals Co-operation Crusades Economics . England, History Finance, Banking, &c. . French Literature Genealogy and Heraldi-y Geology German History . Greek Antiquities. Greek and Roman History Icelandic Italian Literature Latin Kingdom of the East Law .... Liturgies Bev. J. B. Mayor, Litt.D. A. E. Cowley, Esq., D.Litt., Fellow of Magdalen Coll., Oxen. ( Bev. J. B. Mayor, Litt.D. I Bev. T. H. Darlow. W. G. Spencer, Esq., F.B.C.S. Horace Brown, Esq., F.B.S. Prof. J. B.Bury, Begins Professor of Modern Ilistory, Cambridge. John Bae, Esq., LL.D. The late Whitley Stokes, Esq., D.C.L. Horace Brown, Esq., F.B.S. James Morison, Esq., Ph.D. G. F. Hill, Esq. H. W. Wolff, Esq. Prof. J. B. Bury, Begins Professor of Modern- History, Cambridge. Sir Frank Marzials, C.B. W. Miller, Esq. . A. J. Sargent, Esq. . Bev. W. Hunt, D.Litt. . Sir Bobert Giffen, K.C.B. r Sir Frank Marzials, C.B. ' I F. Y. Eccles, Esq. . J. H. Bound, Esq., LL.D. . H. B. Woodward, Esq., F.B.S. f Dr. A. W. Ward, Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge. I H. A. L. Fisher, Esq., Fellotv of Netu Coll., Oxon. F. H. Marshall, Esq. {of the British Museum). . Prof. J. B. Bury, Begins Professor of Modern History, Cambridge. . James Morison, Esq., Ph.D. . A. W. E. Miller, Esq. Prof. J. B. Bury, Begins Professor of Modern History, Cambridge. Sir Frank Marzials, C.B. W. Miller, Esq. / Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart. L Sir Courtenay Ilbcrt, K.C.B. ^ Bight Bev. Dom F. Cabrol, O.S.B. J Bev. H. Thurston, S.J. I /. L. Davenport, Esq. '^Bcv. G. H. W. Lockhart Boss. PREFACE Xlll London . . . . Manuscripts and Palseography Mathematics Medicine .... Mediaeval History Mohammedanism Mongols .... Paheontology Philosophy . . . . Physical Sciences Proven(;al . . . . Romance Languages and Literatures . Sculpture . . . . Social Science Socialism . . . . Sports and Pastimes . Theology . . . . H. B. Wheatlcy, Esq., F.S.A. F. Madan, Esq., Lecturer in Paleography, Oxford. T. L. Heath, Esq., C.B. ; W. G. Spencer, Esq., F.B.C.S. I Sir A. E. Wright, M.D., F.R.S. I Prof. J. B. Bury, Begins Professor of Mode rn History, Cambridge. I H. A. L. Fisher, Esq., Felloru of New Coll., Oxon. E. D. Ross, Esq., Ph.D. E. D. Boss, Esq., Ph.D. H. B. Woodward, Esq., F.B.S. Hakluyt Egerton, Esq. J. W. Gordon, Esq. J. Fitzmmirice Kelly, Esq., Litt.D., Professor of Spanish in the Univ. of Liverpool. G. F. Hill, Esq. John Bae, Esq., LL.D. John Bae, Esq., LL.D. Bev. T. F. Dale, r Bight Bev. Dom Cabrol, O.S.B. J Bev. W. D. Morrison, LL.D. Bev. H. Thurston, S.J. Bev. H. B. Woi'krnan, Litt.D. Piarely, if ever, has a Librarian had the advantage of consulting such a number of distinguished scholars and expsrts. Whatever in the Index approaches perfection is due to them. C. T. HAGBERG WRIGHT. NOTES The Subject- Index is a Supplement to the Author Catalogue, and is not intended to be used quite independently of it, though, generally speaking, this is possible. The arrangement of the bcoks under each heading will, it is hoped, be seen at a glance. The entries which immediately follow the heading are the works, theoretical or practical, dealing with the subject generally. Then follow the various sub-headings in alphabetical order, and lastly, at the end, the general references. Where the entries under a heading are very numerous an index has been placed at the top showing into what sub-headings it is divided. Practical considerations have governed the arrangement as to the number, or omission, of sub-headings. The headings are arranged in alphabetical order, all compound words and phrases, such as Land Taxation ; Stone Implements ; &c., being for this purpose reckoned as if spelt in one word. Special attention must be given to this point. In the arrangement of groups of books and sub-headings preference has throughout been given to alphabetical order, even when in a few instances under historical headings a chrono- logical order seemed more desirable. In the choice of words and combinations of words for headings I have been guided by the desire to select those to which the ordinary person would naturally turn. Many phrases and compound words in everyday use will therefore be found, as for example : Nature Study ; Object Teaching ; Rural Depopulation ; Home Rule ; Tree Worship ; Lake Dwellings ; Stone Monuments ; Land Taxation; Place Names; Imperial Federation; National Defence; Ancestor- Worship ; Self-Culture ; Representative Government ; Crown Lands ; Second Advent. All these combinations of words are reckoned as one word in the alphabetical arrangement. A " Heading " is always printed in Bold Latin type, sic : Northamptonshire. Consistency in the matter of sub-headings has not been attempted. They have been chosen to suit the varying character of the heading and the nature of the books possessed by the Library. The sub- headings have been made as numerous as possible, though this has involved a certain amount of overlapping and duplication of entries. When the books dealing with a subject are exceptionally numerous, an attempt has been made to subdivide still further. The task of difl'erentiation has, however, often been diflicult. In some cases books purely Topographical have been separated from books of Travel, and works on the Social Life of a country have been grouped under a special sub-heading or heading, and purely military works have been separated from Reminiscences (see Franco-German War). This arrangement has not been followed whore it appeared unnecessary. Sub-headings are always printed in De Yinne Italics, sic : History, Topography & Antiquities. Numerous references have been added to aid the reader. Those at the end of all the entries under a heading are of importance for the whole subject of the heading, while those following the entries under a sub-heading are limited to, or of especial importance for, that part of the subject. 6ENEBAL ARRANGE- MENT OF ENTRIES UNDER HEADING ALPHA- BETICAL ORDER HEADINGS SUB- HEADINGS BEFEB- ENCES XVI NOTES STYLE OF ENTET: AbbTeviations Brackets in Entries Dashes Dates The reason for placing a book under a particular heading is not always self-evident, owing to titles being shortened ; the reader ought to have the Author Catalogue at hand to consult if he wishes to ascertain the full title. Everything has been done to ensure condensation and brevity consistent with clearness, and various devices have been adopted to that end. (1) When the words of the heading recur in the titles of the book initials are substituted for them, as for example under Birds : — Dixon (C.) Rural b. life, 1H80. Attention must therefore always be paid to the headings and sub-headings under which the entries appear, or reference must be made to the Author Catalogue. (2) The following omissions may be specially noted : — (a) The initials of names of authors when the surname is uncommon and the omission does not interfere with easy reference to the Author Catalogue. (b) The opening words of many titles, such as : Lectures on ; Short account of ; Dissertation sur ; Etude sur ; Memoires sur ; Observations sur ; Kemarques sur ; &c. (c) The definite and indefinite articles, both in English and foreign titles, as a rule. {(1) All bibliographical details. Where the Library contains several pamphlets on the same subject by one or various authors bound together, they have not always been- catalogued separately, but only one pamphlet has been catalogued as a specimen, and the letters " t£ o.p. " (=" and other papers " or " and other pamphlets " on the same subject) have been added to the entry. (1) Entries of anonymous works are sometimes preceded by a word or name in square brackets, as for example : — [Parliament]. Debates in H. of C, 1625, 1873. [Peace]. Thoughts on peace, 1783. This indicates that the fulL entry will be found in the Author Catalogue under that name [i.e. Parliament ; Peace]. (2) The letter •' B " in square brackets at the end of an entry indicates that the book mentioned contains a bibliography of the subject, as for example : — Seignobos (C.) Hi-t. dc la civilis. anc. j. 10s.. Iil03 ; tr., in07. [B.] (3) When works which have been published as separate essays or in serial form also make part of another volume, the volume or serial in which they are to be found is added in square brackets, if reference to the Author Catalogue would not immediately provide the information, as for example : — Emerson (R. W.) Nature, 183(i; [<*'' '« ''■ Essays, 1848; Wks., var. cd.]. Evans (A. J.) Prehist. tombs of Knossos. I'lOO ; [. r/ir. cd. A dash ( — ) after a date indicates that the work covers the period from the given date to the date of publication, as for example : — Gosse (E.) Short hist, of Eng. lit. (1350—), 1898 ; 1905. A dash ( — ) after a date of publication indicates that the Library has the subsequent volumes to the present date, as for example : — ' English hist, review. 188ti — . (1) Care has been taken to insert dates of the period covered by the work wherever possible, especially in the case of historical works. When no date is given for an historical work it is to be understood that the book is a general work on the subject. (2) If the book is a reprint, the original date of publication has been inserted. (8) Under the sub-heading "Biographies," in cases where the dates of birth and death have been unobtainable the reader will find dates in parentheses. These dates are not those cf birth and death, but are those covered by the book or books. NOTE 8 XV ii Tho datos of editions are separated by a semi-colon. When successive editions have a different style OF number of volumes, the number of volumes of the lirst edition only (or, if the first edition is not ^NTKY; possessed by the Tjibrary, the earliest edition possessed) is given, as for example : — Jesse (J. n.) Mem. of Cniirt, lOS.S-lTUO, :!v, ISlli; 181G. If the Library possesses three or more editions the words "var.ed." (= various editions) or "see A. C." {= sec Author Catalogue) have been added to the entry, and tho Author Cataloifuc must be consulted for the dates. The names of editors have, in most cases, been omitted. But where the name of the editor Editors has been important and the means of identification of the edition, it has been inserted. For the sake of brevity tho words "edited by," " herausgcgeben, " &c. have been omitted, and the name of the editor, preceded by a semi-colon only, added, as for example : — .Merlin, c. M3(m;0; Wlicatiey, 2v, IH'J'.t. When the letters " Wks." (= Works) are printed in italics the reader must understand Italics all the works entered in the Author Catalogue. This abbreviation does not refer to any particular edition, as for example : — JeH'cvies (K.) Wits., nfc A. C. In general, the titles of translations have not been given when there is a copy of tho ori,i,'inal Translatious in the Library, but the fact that there is a translation in the Library is noted by tho letters " tr.," and the date of its publication is given. General works of History have been placed under the name of the country. Great events in HISTOHY the history of a country or (^f the world will be found as separate headings in the Index rather than under the country, as for example : Bounty, ^Mutiny of ; Coup d'Etat, 1851 ; Berlin Con- ference, 1885 ; Magna Charta ; Franco-German War, 1870-1 ; but references have always been made from the country &c. Names of sovereigns of the larger and more important countries have also been adopted as headings : e.g. Sigismund, Emperor ; Victoria, Q. of Gt. Brit. ; William I, German Emperor. When the sovereign's name serves as a heading, his or her name stands for the period of history which the roign covers ; and all books which deal with the history, public finance, &o. of the reign are placed under the name of the sovereign. i\Iany old chronicles have different titles in diflerent editions, e.g. " Annales Magdeburgenses '' CHRO- and " Chronographus Saxo " are two titles of the same chronicle. Either the best known title NICLES is given in this Index, or else the title of tho first edition is quoted. (1) Where a chronicle is indexed in the Author Catalogue, tho reader is referred to it. (2) Tho words " see A. C." are followed by "[(C in] " when tho work enclosed in brackets has not been indexed in the Author Catalogue, as for example : — Dicetii (It. lie) Abbrev. Cliron. (-- 1 14V), sir A. ('. ; [,J- h, Twysdeii, lli.sl., li;.'i:ij. (3) Where tho note " in var. colls., consult Potthast " occurs, the reader is to understand that the Library contains several editions, but it would bo advisable first to consult Potthast's ])ibliotheca Ilistorica Medii ^Evi, 1890 edition. T'he treatment of Bint^'raphy calls for remark. It does not form a separate heading, but BIOGHAPHY appears as a sub-heading under tho subject with which the biography is properly concerned ; for instance, under Acting will bo found a sulj-hoading, ]5iographies, sotting forth the lives of actors, which are in tho Library, arranged alphabetically, with dates of birth nnd death. Such biographies will bo found under the actors' names in the Author Catalogue. Under names of sovereigns are entered lists of tho biographies of the public men who nourished during their reigns. In the course of indexing, however, biographies other than those given in the Author Catalogue have boon unwirtiiod. These are added after the dates of birth arid death in sijuare brackets, sic [(C in], as for example : — Cl.ircndmi (K., ,■. ,;/'), l(;0',»-7l ; [,5- in MacDiai'iiiid, Lives, v2, 1K20]. Literature has been dealt with as exhaustively as possible ; such headings as nrania, Satire, LITERA- Literature, Poetry, Sonnets, will lie found in their alphabetical order in tho Index. TURK xvm NOTES TITLES OF HONOUR ESSAYS SCIENCE COLLEC- TIONS OF WORKS PAMPHLETS PARLIA- MENTARY PAPERS Attention, however, is called to the following points : — (1) The pure literature or Belles-Lettres of England, France, and Germany has been excep- tionally treated. The reader will find such headings as English Literature, French Literature, German Literature, under which there are sub-headings Anthologies, Foreign Influence, History & Criticism, Texts &c. Under the sub-heading " Texts," only the literary works of English, French, & German authors prior to the sixteenth century have been included, because these are interesting from a linguistic point of view and are not as well known as those of the later centuries. Those subsequent to the fifteenth century have been entirely omitted. For the more modern writers the reader may be expected to consult the histories of literature. (2) It has not been thought necessary to give a list of the names of dramatists and poets under these three literatures (English, French, and German drama, and poetry). These lists would be too long, and each dramatist or poet is to be found in the Author Catalogue, together with any biography or criticism of his work. (3) The Fiction of these three countries has similarly been entirely omitted from this Index, but a few novels have, here and there, been designedly included under the history of countries, &c., where the novel had some special interest. The reader will, however, find headings English Fiction, French Fiction, German Fiction, under which bibliographies and histories have been grouped. (4) Texts of the works of Ancient Greek and Latin authors have been omitted under Greek Drama, Greek Poetry, Latin Poetry, &c. (5) The less known literatures have been more fully treated. Complete lists of the names of the literary writers, poets, dramatists, and novelists which the Library possesses will be found under Spanish Literature, Spanish Fiction, Spanish Poetry, Italian Fiction, Italian Poetry, &c. For the titles of their works, however, the Author Catalogue must be consulted. (6) The texts of the works of medieval Greek and Latin writers will be found in their proper place under Greek Literature, Byzantine ; Latin Poetry, Medireval & Modern ; Latin Drama, Media?val & Modern ; Latin Literature, Mediasval & Modern. Titles such as Sir, Honble., dc, have been omitted except when necessary for identification. When the title or rank of an author has been changed since the issue of the Author Catalogue the form in the A. C. has been adhered to throughout. Discretion has been used as to the inclusion of literary and other essays, and it is hoped that no important omission has been made. As a general rule, essays which are obviously reviews of books have been excluded. In Botanical and Zoological headings the familiar name, where there is one, has been adopted in preference to the scientific. The works in sets, like the Contributions to Knowledge of the Smithsonian Institution ; Harleian Miscellany ; Historisches Taschenbuch ; Migne's Patrologia ; Monumenta Germanife Hist. ; Pamphleteer, 1813-28 ; Petermanns Mittheilungen (Erganzungsbiinde) ; Somers' Tracts ; Staats- u. socialwiss. Forschangen, &c., have been indexed according to subject. All the pamphlets in the Library, to the number of between 15,000 and 20,000, in 1,129 volumes, have been included in the Index. Keferences have also been made to the small but valuable collection of Parliamentary Papers. In the last two decades or so all the more important Parliamentary Papers (including the Reports and Minutes of Evidence of all Royal Commissions) have been purchased, and it has been thought worth while to include these valuable documents in the Subject-Index. The form of entry has generally been as follows : — Pari, papers, see special catalcgiie. The special catalogue is the "List of Parliamentary Papers " issued by the Library in 1903. Where separate papers have been indexed the first number in square brackets is the arbitrary number given by the London Library to the bound volume of Papers, those at the end in parentheses are the official Command numbers given to the Papers themselves, as for example : — Pari, papers [709]. Surnames in Ir. ; Matheson, 1894. (c. T289). NOTES XIX Periodicals have not been indexed in detail ; but they have been entered collectively under their PESIODI- main subject. Periodicals containing political articles have been grouped under the sovereigns "^-^^ during whose reigns they have been published, as for example, the Nineteenth Century will be found under Victoria. The Proceedings of learned societies have been indexed under subjects, with the result that SOCIET much valuable work bidden away in those volumes is now brought to light and made available. PUBLICA- The following three tables show exactly what has been done. TIONS ACADEMIES, SOCIETIES &c. CATALOGUED IN DETAIL, i.e. each volume or article has been treated as a separate book. Abbotsford Club. Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Hist. & M^moires. Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Memoires, ser. 2. iElfric Society. Ballad Society. Bannatyne Club. Bibliographical Society. Illustrated monographs. British Eecord Society. Index library. Cambridge Antiquarian Society. Camden Society. Caxton Society. Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. Beihefte. Chetham Society. Early Enghsh Text Society. Egypt Exploration Fund [Separate publicationsj. English Dialect Society. English Historical Society. Folk-Lore Society. [The separate publications, not " Folk-lore : quarterly review," &c.] Grampian Club. Guimet, Annales du Musee. Hakluyt Society. Hampshire liecord Society. Hanserd Knollys Society. Harleian Society. Henry Bradshaw Society. Historisebes Taschenbuch ; Eaumer. Holbein Society. Hunterian Club. Index Society. Irish Archieological & Celtic Society. Irish Archfcological Society. Johns Hopkins University. Studies in hist. & polit. science. Kaisorliclio Akademio der Wisaenschaften zu Wien. Doukschrifton. Sitzungsberichte. Koniglich-Preussische Akademio dor Wissen- sehaften zu Berlin. Abhandlungon (from 1879) [1822-78 partly catalogued in detail & partly covered by general entries]. Literarischer Verein in Stuttgart. Maitland Club. Manx Society. Navy Eecords Society. New Spalding Club. New Sydenham Society. Oriental Translation Fund. Oxford Historical Society. Paljeontographical Society. Parker Society. Percy Society. Petermanns Mittheilungen. Erganzungsbiindc. Pipe Eoll Society. Eay Society. Eeal Academia de la Historia, [Madrid]. Record Society for the publication of original documents relating to Lancashire & Cheshire. Eoxburgho Club. Scottish History Society. Scottish Text Society. Selden Society. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Smithsonian Institution. Miscellaneous collec- tions. Smithsonian Institution Museum). Sociotu do Goographio, voyages. Socidte de I'Oriont Latin. Somerset Eecord Society. Spalding Club. Spottiswoode Society. Staats- u. socialwissonschaftliche Forschungen. Surtees Society. Sydenham Society. Verein fiir Socialpolitik. Welsh MS8. Society. Wodrow Society. Yorkshire Archiuological Society. Eecord series. Ann. report (National [Paris]. Eecuoil de XX NOTES ACADEMIES, SOCIETIES &c. CATALOGUED PARTLY IN DETAIL AND PARTLY COLLECTIVELY.* Academia Eomana. Acaclemie des Beaux-Arts. Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Memoires de litt. & Mem. par savants. Academie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, Ser. I. American journal of archeology. Archsologia Cambrensis. Archivio storico italiano. Asiatic Researches. Asiatic Society of Bengal. Journal. Asiatic Society of Japan. Ayrshire & Galloway Archseologieal Association. Bibliographical Society. Transactions. Bristol & Gloucestershire Archseological Society. British Academy. British Archnsological Association. Collectanea. British School at Athens. British School at Eome. Catholic Record Society. Chaucer Society. Chicago, Univ. of. Decennial pubis. [Literary &c. vols, done in detail ; Scientific vols, done partly in detail]. Commissions Royales d'Art et d'Arch6ologie, [Bruxelles]. Cork Historical & Archaeological Society. Cymmrodorion. Derbyshire Archseological & Natural History Society. Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, &c. Ecole (L') des Chartes. Egypt Exploration Fund. Essex ArchiEological Society. Field Columbian Museum. Highland Society of Scotland. Historisch Gezelsohap te Utrecht. Bijdragen. Huguenot Society [all works forming whole vols, have been catalogued separately]. Indische Studien. Jewish Historical Society of England. Kaiserlich deutsches archiiologisches Institut [mostly collective entries]. Kent ArchiBological Society. Kongeligt Nordisk Oldskrift-Selskab. Koniglich-Preussische Akademie d. Wissen- schaften zu Berhn. Abhandlungen (1822- 1878) [from 1879 all catalogued in detail]. KonigUch-Siichsische Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften zu Leipzig. London & Middlesex Archaeological Society. London Topographical Society. Massachusetts Historical Society. Modern Language Association of America. Museo Nacional de Mexico. New York Historical Society. Oriental Congress. Osterreichisches Archiiologisches Institut in Wien. Palestine Exploration Fund. Philological Society. Powys-Land Club. Rio de Janeiro. Bibliotheca Nacional Annaes. Romanische Forschungen. Royal Dublin Society. Royal Irish Academy. Societa Siciliana per la Storia Patria. Societe Archeologique du Midi de la France. Societe de I'Histoire de France. Annuaire. Bulletin. Societe de I'Histoire de Paris et de I'lle-de- Franee. Societe des Antiquaires de Picardie. Society of Antiquaries of London. Archreologia. Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne. ArchiBologia iEliana. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Surrey Arehfeological Society. William Salt Arehfeological Society. * The method of indexing the publications of these Academies has been as follows : — Any articles either of unusual length or dealing with special subjects seemingly outside the scope of the Society's work have been indexed separately (i.e. in detail) but it has been thought sufficient only to enter the name of the Society under a heading (i.e. collectively) when the publications of the Society contained numerous articles relating to the heading. NOTES XXI ACADEMIES, SOCIETIES &c. CATALOGUED COLLECTIVELY.* Acadomia Real das Scieneias de Lisboa. Academie des Sciences. Acadtjmie Francaise. Recueil de discours &c. Academie Imperiale des Sci. de St.-Petersbourg. Academie Royale des Sciences de Belgique. Africim Institution. Report [s]. Agricultm-al & Horticultural Society of India. Akademija Umiej^tnosci, [Cracow]. • American Ethnological Society. American Social Science Association. Journal of soc. science. Anthropological Institute of Gt. Brit. & Ireland. Anthropological Society. Journal ; &c. Aristotelian Society. Association for the Reform Sec. of the Law of Nations. Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Berlinischo Gesellschaft fiir deutsche Sprache u. Alterthumskunde. Birmingham Philosophical Society. Bosnisch-Hercegov. Landesmuseum in Sarajevo. Boston Browning Society. British Arcbreological Association. .Journal. Browning Society. Charity Organisation Society. Chemical Society of London. Cobden Club. Co-operative Union. Co-operative Wholesale Societies. Cumberland it Westmorland Antiquarian & Archicological Society. Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Ecoles Francjais d'Athunes & de Rome. Bulletin. English Goethe Society. Ethnological Society of London. Ex Libris Society. Friends' Historical Society. Geological Society of London. Gesellschaft fiir iiltere deutsche Goschichtskundc. Historic Society of Lancashire & Cheshire. Homo Relief Congress (International). Howard Association. Institut International de Statistiquo. Institute of Actuaries. Institution of Civil Engineers. Institution of Naval Architects. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien. Notizenblatt. Kasanskaya Duchovnaya Akademiya. Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miincheu. Mathemat.-physikal. Classe. Sitz- uugsberichte. Philosoph.-philolog. u. histor. Classe. Sitzuugsberichte. Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, [Gottingen]. Koniglich-Preussische Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Berlin. Sitzungsberichte. Koniglich-Silchsische Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften zu Leipzig. Berichte. Koninlijk-Nederlandsch Instituut van Weten- schappen, Ac. Leicestershire Architectural & Archaeological Society. Library Association. Linnean Society. Literary & Historical Society of Quebec. Literary Society of Bombay. Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society. Musical Association. National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Numismatic Society. Pathological Society of Loudon. " Quatuor Coronati " Lodge, No. 2070, London. Royal Agricultural Society of England. Royal Archirological Institute. Royal Asiatic Society of Gt. Brit. Royal Astronomical Society. Royal Colonial Institute. Royal Engineers. Professional papers. Royal Geographical Society. Royal Historical Society. Transactions. Royal Horticultural Society of London. Royal Institution of Gt. Brit. Royal Meteorological Society. Royal Microscopical Society. Royal Scottish Geographical Society. Royal Society of .\utiquarios of Ireland. Royal Society of Literature of the United King- dom. Royal Society of Edinburgh. * e.g. the Chemioal Society of London lias only boon placed under ChcmiBtry. XXll NOTES Boyal Society of London. Philosophical Trans- actions. Proceedings. Eoyal Statistical Society. Eoyal United Service Institution. Scottish Meteorological Society. Shelley Society. Smithsonian Institution. Ann. report [but National Museum part is catalogued iu detail]. Societa Dantesca ItaUana. Soci6te de Legislation Compar^e. Societe des Antiquaires de la Normandie. Societe Fran9aise des Habitations a Bon Marche. Societe Geologique de France. Societe Nationale des Antiquaires de France. Society for Psychical Research. Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies. Society of Antiquaries of London. Proceedings. Society of Arts. Society of Biblical Archaeology. Society of Comparative Legislation. Somersetshire Archjeological & Natural History Society. Southern Historical Society. Sussex ArchiBological Society. Verein von Alterthumsfreunden im Eheiulande, [Bonn]. Victoria Institute. Yorkshire Archfeological Society. Yorks. arch. journal. ABBREVIATIONS A^.B. — The following notes are absolutely essential for tho^o who use this Index : — (1) A.C. = Author Catalogue & Supplements of the London Library, 1903-1909. (2) Special catalogue, in connection with entries of Parliamentary Papers, refers to the London Library List of Parliamentary Papers A Supplement {the latter as yet in MS.), 1903-9. (3) When the words of the heading recur in the titles of the books, initials are substituted for them, as under Algebra, Darby (G.) Pop. a., * Dupuis (N. F.) Elem. a. (4) d in. Special attention is drawn to it in. Whenever this occurs under the subheading Biographies, &c., it is essential to look first in the Author Catalogue, where the chief books dealing with the subject of the Biography are to be found. Adjectival and noun endings, such as the following, are omitted : — ablo al[e] atiou[s] ensis eux [se] iensig inaire ais[ej atic ationcs etical ical ieux[se] inal[e] inary iou[^ j ional[e] ique isch[e] ition[s] cry ous ural A A. Aariid. ab. Abb. abp. abrd. Abr. iibr. abrmt. Abt, A.C. a.c. acad. Acad.Kom., Anal. ace. acq. A. cur. adv. ffit. aff. Ak. Alb. all. allg. aim. Alt. iilb. alter. am. ambaac. = Am. Col.Tr.= Ang. [Angl.] = ang. ann. abridg- Abtlieilimg; Auf- lage ; Ausgabc alia ; alle ; andere ; annum ; author Aarhundred about Abhandlungen archbishop abridged; ment Abriss abreg6[e] abridgment Abthoilung Author catalogue another copy academia ; acade- mic ; academy, &c. Academia Eomaua, Analele accedit ; accedunt ; accession ; accord- ance ; according ; account, &c. acquired Archives curieutios de riiist. de France advancement ; ad- ventures ; adverauB letatifl afTairea; affecting Akiuh.Mnio Albigi'nses iillcmand allgL-meine ahnanach Alterthutn iiltore; iiltosten, ifec. alteration amiral ; among ; amongst ^ambawciatori ■■ American Colonial Tracts Angb.'torre ; An- gliae ; Aiiglicaruni; Anglorum angaaoiulc aniiftOH ; annuaire ; annual answer Ansch. = Anschauung ant. = arteriores; antica ; antiche; antico; antient ; antike; an- tiquarian ; antique ; antiquities, &c. anth. = anthology ap. " apergu ; aprfes Apoc. = Apocryphal apol[og]. = apologetics ; apolo- geticum app. = appended; appen- dice ; appendix ; applied appt. = appointment ar. = around arch. = arcliaeology ; archi- tecture ; arcliives Arch. = Arcba3ologia A.-S. = Anglo-Saxon As. = Asiatic asp. = aspects Abb. Nat. = Assenibl^e Na- tionnle A tr. = A travers August. = Augustan ; Augus- tinian auj. — aujourd'hni au p. de = au point do ausgew. — ausgewiiiilte autb. ^autlioripcd A.V. = Authorised Version ftV. = avant avert. = averti88cnient B [B.] = Bibliography B. = Band 6. = baron b. = before ; bei ; birth ; B. do I'E. d. H.E. beg. Berod. bes. Bez. bibl. Bibl. bis; bis zur; born = Bil)h(itbtquo de I'Kcole dos Hautcs ICLndcK = beginning - BerodHanikeit - bosondor = Beziehung = bibhography [-ical] ; iiihliothL'qiie, itc. - Bihiiothoca ; Biblio- tliuk, Sec. bildende Biologia biological ; biology British Museum Bibliotbfeque Na- tionale B.N. Not. = Bibliotbeque Na- tionale. Notices Board of Education bishop Britain ; British Briefwechsel Britannia notitia Brumaire bss. = baroness btle. =bataillo Bui. = Bulletin b.w. = bound with bild. Biol, biol. B.M. B.N. B. of Ed, bp. Br. Briefw. Brit, not. Brum. c c. Cal. cal. camp. Can. canon. Chrest. Chr. Ev. Soc. civ. [civil.] Clar. class, cler. C. M. H. CO. col. coll. colloc. com. comm. = Central = centuries; century; ( chapter ; circa ; ' commencement ; centre = comte ; consort ; count = California = calendar ; calcn- darium ; calendrier = campagne ; cam- paign = Cainidian ^canonicoruni comp. cap. = capitaine ; captain cat. = catalogue ; cate- chism C. de d.. — Coloccion de docu- E»p. mentos in^d. para la hist, de Espafia cone. c61. = cel!!breB celeb. - celebrated ; cele- brior; colcbriorum conch cell. - ecllulairo cer. = ceremonies concil Ch. = China; Church cond. ch. = obartaruni; clift. tean-x; church[eK) conf. Chr. = C)ir istcn til uuib; CbriHtiun ; Chris- oong. tianuB ; chriBllich, itc. = Chrestomathio =:ChriBtian Evidence Society = civilibus ; civiliza- tion, &c. = Clarendon = classical ; classified = clerical = Cambridge Modern History = counties; countries; country; county = colonia ; colonial ; colouieB, &c. = collected ; collec- tion[H]; college, &c. = coUocazioue = comedia; com<5dio = c o m ni e n c e m e n t conimcutaire; com- mentaries ; com- nientario ; com- mentary; commen- tationum ; com- mented ; com- merce ; commer- cial ; oommercio ; c o mm is sa ires; commission ere ; committee ; com- munion = companion ; com- parative; com- pared : compart'e; comparison ; coni- pilata; compiled; complete ; com- liorti^ ; comporterB ; (■oiiipo>^itionH ; com- prising = coucornant ; con- cerning ; conci- lium ; concise = coni'luilogia ; con* chology = conciliation — condition ; con- di7.inni = confoderato ; con- fcrence{B] .-= congeHtum ; con* grcHH ; congrea- tiional XXIV LIST OF ABBEEVIATIONS UOllU. couq. Cons, consid. Const. const[it]. cent. contin. coop. coi^p. COIT. ootid. C.P. Cpa. Cple. Cpuo. Cr. crini. crit. Crois. C. S. P. esse, [ctssc] cte. cur. D = counected; connec- tion = conquest; conqu&te = Conservative = considerations', considered = Constantinople = constitution[al] = containing ; con- tinued, &c. = continental = cooperation[ive] = corporation = correction ; corre- spondance ; corre- spondencia = cotidiano = Common Prayer = Constantinopoli- tana = Constantinople = Gonstantinopolitano = Cristiana = criminal = critica ; criticism, Arc. = Croisade - Calendar of State Papers = comtesse = comte = curieux ; curious D. =:Deel; Denkmale | d. = daus; das; degli; della ; der ; des ; \ die ; died ; duchess ; duke ; durch ; dur- d'ap. ing = d'apres Darst. = Darstellung decl. = declaration decor. = decorative def., def. = defence ; dofensio ; defense defie. = deficiency degen. = dcgenerescence delib. = deliberation demon. = demoustratio Denkwurd. = Denkwiirdigkeiten dep. = depositing ; depuis depend. = dependencies depr. = depression Dept. = Department Dept. = Departement desp. = despatches Deut. = Deutschland; deutsclic, &c. j dev. = devant j devel. = development, &c. I dial. =diale.;t; dialectica ; dialogue ; dialogues di£E. =diaereuce; diSer- ent, &c. dipl[om]. = diplomacy; diplo- raatarium ; diplo- matic; diplomatic; diplomatique dir. = directed; directory disc. = discours ; discourse ; discourses ; dis- covery, &c. disput. = disputatio diss. = dissertation ; dis- sertationes ; dis- sertations dissens. =dissensionibus dist. = distinguished distr = districts div. =divided; divine; divinorum; division divers. = diversarum diz. =dizionario doct. = doctrine dos^TU. = dogmatibus ; dog- matic Dom. = Domesday dr. —drama; dramatic; dramatique ; droit dsse. =duchesse dur. = durmg gj dyn. = dynasty gn, fior. E ^^°'- = earl ; east ; eastern ; for. ein ; eine; einer, form. &c. ; entre ; essais ; essays fr. ea. = early E. Arch. = Essex Archaeologi- Fr. Soc, cal Society, Trans- Trans, actions free-th. eb. =ebraischen Ebor. =Eboracense eccl[es]. =ecclesia; ecclesias- tical Ec. des Ch. =Ecole des Chartes eclairc. = eclaircissements ed. = edited ; edition[s] editor; education edd. = editors E.D.S. =Enghsh Dialect So ciety E.E.T.S. = Early English Text Society E.E.T.S., = Early English Text E.S. Society, Extra Series Eg. = Egypt; Egyptian [ien] egal. = e'gaUtii egl. =:eglise E.I. = East Indies E.I. Co. =EastIndiaCompany Einfl. =Einfius8 elect. = electricity, &c. elem. = elemeuta ; elemen- tary; elements EUz. = Elizabethan eloq. = eloquence emiu. = eminent empl. = employees ; em- ployers ; employ- ment Eng. = England; English enq. = enquiry entr. =entraiuemeut Entw. = Entwickelung ; Ent- vvickelungsgang, &c. ) ep. =e'poque epist. =epistola, &c. epist. =epistolaire Erg. =Erganzungen Ergzb. =Erganzuugsband I Erl. = Erliiuterungen I Escr. =Escritores esp. = espSce ; especial ; I especially = esquisse = Estudios = Etude = etat ; etude[s] = Etablissements, &c. = ethical; ethics = ethnique ; ethno- logy, &c. = Etats-Unis = etranger ; etran- gere[8], &c. = eucharist = Europe; European; Europeens — execution; execu- tive = experience ; experi- mental, &c. = explained ; explana- tion; exphcatio,&c. ext. = external extr. = extracted; extracts; extraits ; extrava- gant, &c. esq. Est. Et. et. Etabl. eth. ethu. Et.-Un. ^tr. euch. Eur. exper. expl. Prhr. ftns. fut. G Gaz. gen., g^n. Germ. Ges. Gesch. gouv[t]. Gr. Grnnd. Guimet H H. h. Harl. misc. Hdbch. hdbk. Hdwbch. Heb. h^b. Hib. Hisp. Hisp. ill. Hist. Gezel- schap., Bijdr. Hist. MSS. Comm. Hist. St. Hist. Tbch. hijh. HoU., holl. Horn. Hrsg. Hss. hum. hydr. lap. Icel. I. C. Or. ill[tist]. = fasciculus ; from = famigha ; families ; family = filosofia = finance ; financi^re, &c. I . = fiorentine | !™P- = Florence ; Floren- | »™1"- tine = foreign = formation; formerly, &c. = f ran(;ais ; fran(;aise ; franzJisische, &c. = France ; Frank- reich; French = free-thinkers; free- thinking = Freiherr = fountains = futui-ae; future imit. Imp. R. Arch. (1st.) Obsch. improv. incog. ind. indiv. mfl. in h. Inq. = Gazetteer = general ; g^nerale, -aux, &c. = Germanic; Ger- manicarum : Ger- many, &c. = Gesellschaft = Geschichte, &c. = gouvemement = Greece ; Greek ; Griechen \ Ir. = grand[s] ; gross, &c. - gramatica ; gram- mar : gramniatica ; grammatical, &c. = Gruudriss = great = Aimales du Musee Guimet = Halfte; Heft = her; his = Harlei.an miscellany = Handbuch = handbook = Handwlirterbuch = Hebraisch ; Hebrew = hebraique[s] = Hibemia = Hispania, &c. = HispaniiB illustra- tie, &c. = Historisch Gezel- schap te Utrecht. Bijdragen = Historical Mann- scripts Commission = Historisehe Studien = Historisches Tasch- enbuch v. Eaumer = hbheren = Holland ; hoUand- aise, &c. = Homily = Herausgegeben = Handschriften = humaine ; human = hydraulics, &c. ilium. = illuminating, &c. I.M.A.O. = Imperatorskoe Mos- kovskoe Archeo- logicheskoe Ob- schestvo = imitation; imita- tione = imperiale = impressions ; im- provements, &c. = Imperatorskoe Riisskoe Archeolo- gicheskoe (Istori- cheskoe) Ob- schestTO = improvements = incognita = index ; industry = individual = influence; inilusso = i;i lih\ in her = Inquisition ; Inqui- sitionum; inquiry insbes. = iusbesondere Inschr. =Inschriften inst. = institution instr. = instruction in t. =;■« their int. = interior ; interme- I diate ; intomo intell. = intellectual ;intelli- I gence ' invent. = inventaire ; in- vented ; inven- tion[s] = Ireland; Irish ir. =irische I.R.G.O. = Imperatorskoe Eusskop Geografi- cheskoeObschestvo I.R.I. 0. = Imperatorskoe Russkoe Istori- chfeskoeObschestvo iscr. = iscrizioui ist. = istoria ; istorica ; istorie It. = Italian; Italien; Italy itin. = itin^raires ; itine- rarium ; itinerary ; itineris J J. = Jahrhundert-Joumal j. =3usqu'i; jusqu'au; jusqu'en jiihr, =jaliirigen Jbch. =Jaliibuch J. C. = Jesus Christ j_ pr. =ju5qu'a present jud. =judaique; judicat judic. ^judiciaire jur. = juridical = ihre = laponicis = Iceland[ic] = International Con- gress of Oriental- ists = iUustrant ; illus- trated; illustrating; illustrations ; illus- trative ; illustra- zione ; illustres ; illustri, (fcc. E K. =Kaiserlich[e]; Keuntnis ; Kirche ; Iii)nighchiel;Kunst k. =kiiig; kotet K. Ak. zu =Kaiserliche Aka- Wien demie der Wissen- scliaften zu Wien Kal. = KaJendariie, &c. K. Arch. = Kent Archaeological Soc. Society K.D.A.I. =Kaiserhch Deutsches Archiio- logisches Institut = Keilinschrif t, &c. = Klein[e] = Komedie = Kongeligt Xordisk Oldslirift-Selskab = Konighch - Preus- sische Akademie der Wissenschaf ten zu Berlin = Kriticismu3 K.-i. Kl. Kom. Kong. N. Oldskr.- Selskab Kiin.-Pr. Ak Krit. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS XXV Lat. lat. leg. lett. Lhrbch. lib. lim. ling, lit. litarg. L.S.B. = lettrc8; liber; libri; livre = Latin; Latina = latin ; Ititiiie ; lati- norum ; latiiisUa = legendary ; legends ; legislation =leltera; letteratura ; Letterkundo = Lehrbuch = libellus ; liber ; liberal ; libraire ; library ; libri = limited = linguistic, &c. = literally ; literaria ; literary; litera- tura ; literature ; liturgies, &e. = litargical[-arum] = London School Board Mon. Germ. hist. 3Ion. hist. patr. mor. mt[8]. mtg. M. TiJrt. Eml. M. Tud. Akad. mus. myst. N Nac. narr. uat. M M. m. M.-a. [Ma.] in. a. m. a. M.A.P.C. mag. magn. Mai. man. raanuf. mai'. mart. Mass. H. S. Coll. mat. raatb. Max. max. Md. m. e. med. Medit. U6l. mem.[m(5m.] mens. metaph, meth. mfr. mfring. mfrs. Migne, P. G, Migno, P. L, min. Mitt. mod. : Magyarorsziigi ■■ maison ; marchcsa ; marechal ; mar- quis; monachus = Mittelalter[s] - middle ages - moyen age = Mission Arch. Fr. au Caire = magazine: magni = magnetic = Malerci ~ manual ; manuale ; manuel = manufacture; manu- facturing ; manu- factory = marechal; maritime = martyrnm = Massachusetts His- torical Society Col- lections = Materialien ; ma- terials ; materia = matheniaticSj &q. ^Maximilian - maxime = Maryland = medio evo = medica ; medical ; medicine; medio, &c. - Mediterranean ; Mediterrande = Melanges = memoir[B]; m^- nioirefs] ; memo- rable; memoranda; memorandum ; me- morials = mensclik = metaphysics, \'i-. = method ; methodus, &c. = manufacture = manufacturing = manufacturers ; manufactures = Migne, Patrologia grajca =3 Migne, Patrologia latina = minist6re; ministry; minut(!H = Mitthoilungen — modern ; modest, &e. = monachnB; monns- terios ; monastery ; monastic ; monas- ticism ; monasti- cvim ; mon6taire ; monumcnta; monu- ments, (to. naut. n.d. nee. neg. N. Eng. neu. N.F. no. Norm. not. Not. Nouv. Arch, des Miss. nov. N.S. N.T. num. n.-w. N. Y. Hist. Soc. N. Z. N. Z. Co. o 0. obit. occ. od. 0. e. (K. CE. ch. off. op. o. p. opt. Or. or. organ, orig. orn. 0B8. Oezt. O.T. 0. wks. P P. P- Pa. = Monumenta Ger- pamph. miiniiu historica pap. = Monumenta histo- pur. rioo patritB Pass. = moral; morales Pat. = mountain[6] = meeting i path. = Magyar Tort6nelmi \ patr. Emle'kek ' pcss. = Magyar . Tudo- pcsse. miiuyos Akademia pend. = museum; musical; Penn.Univ. musikalischeTi = mystical ; mystique per. [p6r.] perm. perp6t. = nella; neu; new; P®^*^- northern ; uostro ; nouveau ; nouvelle pc^t. = Nacional = narratio P"*'- - uatioual ; natural ; 1 naturaUs; natu- | ralist; nature; ! nature!, &c. 1 = nautica ] ^ no date = uecessarily ; neces- 8it;\ ; n^cessite ; ne- ceasity = negociations = New England = neueren = Neue Folge — numher = Norman; Normandy = notation ; notice ; notitia ; uotitiam = Notize; Notizie = Nouvelles Archives des missions scien- tifiques et lit- t^raires = novam; novel; novelistj&c. = New Serii^ s = New Testament = numismata; numis- matics — nordwestlichcn -New York Hia- torical Society =:New Zealand - New Zealand Com- pany phys. pict. pitt. plus, p. m. pel. pop. pos. posit, poss. post. P.p. p. p. T. Soc. [Pr]. pr. = other; ovvero = obituary = occasion; occasional = oder = other essays = ffiuvres = tEuvrefi choisies = official; office; officer = opera — other papers — optical; optisches — Orient = oriental; oriontal- iflcho = organisation = originairo; original; originos; originibus = ornament = oaservazione = 08/.titly = Old Testament = other works : Pamphlet :par8; part; parts; point; pour; prince : Pennsylvania prat. pr6c., prec. prom, prea., prfis. prev. prim. princ. priv. proc. prod. prog[r]. prom, prop. Prot. prov p. 8. ps. psych. pt. publ. [pubis.] pi-ibl. = pamphlet[s]. : papers ; papiers : parallel = Passage = Patrologia; Patro- logy = pathology = patriarch = princess = princesse = pendant = Pennsylvania Uni- versity - period ; periode ; periodical, &c. = permanent = perp6tuit6 = personal ; personne, etc. = pertaining ; perti- nentia = philoaopharum ; philosophers ; pM- losophical ; philo- sophique ; pbilo- sophische ; philo- sophorura ; philo- sophy = physical ; physics ; physiology; phy- siques ; physischen = pictorial j = pittoresque = plusieurs = post mortem = policy ; political ; politics ; politique ; politischen ; poU- tiske = popolari ; populairc ; popnlaires ; popu- lar ; populiire ; population = position = positivism = possession = poBteriores = Parliamentary Papers = Palestine Pilgrims' Text Society = Pamphleteer (The) ^precedence; prece- dency ; prince ; principally; princi- pis ; printed ; pro- moting = pratiques = precession; precious = premature;premi6re = present; presontd = preventing; pre- vention = primario ; primary ; primitive — principalement; principaux ; prin- ciple[a], &c. = private = proceedings = production; pro- duzione = progr^s ; progress ; progressive = promoting = proposal ; proposed = Protestant = province[8] ; pro- vincialos = pour Horvir = pseudonym = p8ychi(|U08 ; psycho- logy, itc. = part = public ; publica- tions ; publico ; publii ; publiquo ; published = pitblicos q q.C. R R. r. E.A. do laH. Eagion. rapp. R. As. Soc. E. C. E. Comm. reas. rec. reoh. rect. ref. refl. [r^fl.] reg. regen. rel[ig]. rem. renonc. rep. rep. repr. [repres.] repub. Eer. Ang. scr. res. resp. respons. ret. rev. [r(?v. ; revol.] E. F. E. Geog. Soc. rhet. R.I.A. Eio. rly. R.N. Rom. rot. roy. Roy. As. Soo. E. Soo. of Antiq. of Ir. rt. rudim. rur. E.V. = queen; question[8j = [jueen consort - Eeihen ; Eoyal : r^gne ; reign = E('al Academia de la Historia = Ragionamento : rapport[s] = Royal Asiatic Society = Eoman Catholic = Eoyal Commission = reasonable = recent ; record ; re- cueil ; rocueilli, etc. = recherche[s] = rectificationem, &c. - reference ; reform = reflection[8] ; re- flexions, ttc. = regarding ; regis- ter[8] = regeneration = relacion ; relates ; relating ; rela- tion[s]; relatiTe[8]; relazioni ; reli- gieux ; religion ; religione ; religio- nis ; religious, itc. - remarks = renonciation = reperta8 ; report ; republic; republica = reponse = repr6sentatif ; repre- sentation ; repr6- sentC' ; reprinted, &o. = republic[an] = Eerum Anglicarum scriptorum = re80urces;researches = respect; respecting; responsio = responsible ; re- sponsibilities = return = reverend ; revolu- tion ; revolution ; revoUitionary, itc. - RomanischeForsoh- ungen = Royal Geographical Society = rhetoric = Royal Irish Aca- demy = Ricercho = railway = Royal Navy = Roman [nm] = romance ; roman ■ oiors = rotnlorum ; rotuluni = royal ; royaunio, &c. = Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain = Eoyal Society of Antiquaries of Ire- land = right = rudimentary; rudi- ments = ruraIo = Revised Version s = saint; socolo; sein; 8oit ; series ; ses ; sou ; 8i6nge . . 1209 SUB J EOT -INDEX Aachen, see Aix-la-Chapelle. Aaraq-el-Emir. Saulcy (F. de) MC-m. s. Ics mon. d'A., 1867. Ke/er to Palestine & Syria. Aargau, canton, see Hapsburg ; Huri ; Switzerland. Aarhus. Laugebek. Scr. rerum Dan. medii aeri, to, 7, 1786-92. lUJ'er to Jutland. Abacus. Aventinus (J.) Abacus \_in Annalium 1. 7, 1710]. Catalogue of leather abacus, &c., 17c., sold, 1901. [P1040]. Knott (C. G.) Abacus [_in As. Soc. of Jajj., vl4, 1880]. Jlefer to Counting. Abadiyeh & Hu. Petrie. Diospolis Paiva, cemeteries, 1901. Itt-fer to Egypt. Abassian Language, see Caucasus & Transcaucasia. Abattoirs, see Slaughter-houses. Abbassides, see Caliphate. Abbeville. Boucher de Perthes. Homme ant6diluv. (Menchecourt), 1860. Louandre (F. C.) Hist. d'A. j. 1789, 2t, 188:i-4. Thierry (J. N. A.) Rec. des mon. du Tiers Etat, t4 (12-lx c), 1870. Jhfer to Picardy. Abbeys, see Convents ; Uonasteries. Abbots. [Evesham]. Oflicium eccles. abbatum (14 c.?), 1893. Roberts (B. C.) Letter on mitred a. (1807) [m Letters, 1814]. Jle/er to Church government &c. ; Monasteries. Abbotsford. Irving (W.) A., 1835; 60; [.J- in Wks., v9, I860]. Maxwcll-Hcott. M.aking of A., 1897. [Scott (sir \V.)1 Cat. of library, 1838. Jt/fer to Eoxburgh. Abbreviations. French. Cha.ssarit (A. A. L.) Dii^t., 1884. Martin (C. T.) Record interpreter, 1892. Prou (M.) Man. de pal6ogr., 1890 ; 92. Oreek. Bast (K. J.) Comm. palaiogr.. 1811. Gardthau.son(V.)Gr. Palaeogra]ibie,1879. Montfaucon (B. de) I'alieograpliia Gr., 1708. Tseretel (G. F.) i:oii|iainciini, 1904. Itallaa. Cappelli (A.) Dizionurio, 1899. Latla. Cappelli (A.) Dizionario, 1899. Abbreviations [eontinued']. Latla leonti/iiiedj. Chassant (A. A. L.) Diet., 1884. Diet. pub. d, Brescia, 1534 ; Omont [in Ec. des Ch., t63, 1902]. Jusselin (M.) Notes tiron., diplomes m6- rov. [in Ec. des Ch., t68, 1907]. Legendre (P.) Et. tiron. (9c.), 1907. Lindsay (W. M.) Contractions in minus- cule MSS., 1908. [PI 169]. Magnus, abp. of Sem. Notae [in Godefroy (D.) Auct. Lat.. 1595 ; Migne, P. L., 102]. Martin (C. T.) Record interpreter, 1892. Notarum & liter, explic. [in Godefroy (D.) Auct. Lat., 1595]. Orsato (o. S.) Explan., 1723 ; [^- in Gne- vius, Thes. Rom., til, 1699]. Petrus, Diacomts. De notis [in Godefroy (D.) Auct. Lat., 1595]. [Pipe Rolls]. Intr. to study, 1884. Probus (M. V.) De notis Rom. [in Gode- froy (D.) Auct. Lat., 1595]. Proii (M.) Man. de palgogr.. 1890; 92. \Valther(J. L.) Lexicon, 8-16s., 1752; 56. Ilffer to Charters &c.; Manuscripts & Palaeography ; Shorthand. Aberconway, see Conway. Aberdeen. [Aberdeen]. Cartularium Eccles. S. Nico- lai (-1574), w. tr., 2t, 1888-92. [A.]. Extr. f. Council Register (1398- 1G2.5), 2v, 1844-8. [A., Grammar school]. Bon Record ; .Simpson, 190(). [A.]. Rep. upon harbour, 1834. [P208]. [A.], tiels. f. records of Kirk session &c. (1562-1681), 1846. Bain (E.) Merchant & craft guilds, 1887. Edmond (J. P.) A. printers, 1620-1736, 4p, 1884-6. Extr. f. registers (& accts.) of Burgh (1317-1657) [Mi Spalding Club, Misc., v5, 1852]. Geddus (\V. D.) & P. Duguid. Lacunar: Heraldic ceiling of St. Machar, 1888. Gordon (J.) A. utriusquc dcscr. (17c.), 1842. Hi.st. MSS. Coram., 1. Kennedy (W.) Annals, 2v, 1818. Munro (A. M.) Records, 1157-1891, vl, 1899. Orera (W.) Descr. of Chanonry, 1782. Pari, papei-s, see speeiiU oat. Register of Burgesses, 1399-1700 [(«New Spalding Club, Misc., vl, 2, 1890-190H]. Smith (A. E.) Register of S. Paul's Episc. Chapel (1720-93) [in New Spalding Club, Misc., v2, 1908]. Walker (A.) Knights TeniiiUirs, 1887. [P523]. Jtefer to Blairs College ; Theatres. Aberdeen, Diocese of. [Aberdeen]. Rcgistrum episc. A. (1062- 1560), 2v, 1845. Boethius(H.)MurthIac.&Aberdon. episc. vitae (1522, w. tr.), 1894. Refer to Church in Scotland. Aberdeen, Univ., see Aberdeen Univ., as one word. Aberdeenshire. Ballads & Songs. Buehan (P.) Gleanings, 1825. Scots poems, 1777. Bibliography. Robertson (A. W.) Hand-list, 1893. history & Topography, [Aberdeen]. Colls. ; Robertson, 1843. [A.], lllust. of top. & antiq., 4v, 1847-69, [A.]. Records of SheriiT Court, vl-S (-1660), 1904-7. Allardyce (J.) Hist, papers, 1699-1750', 2v, 1895-6. Littlcjohu (D.) A. fiars [in New Spalding Club, Mi.sc., v2, 1908]. Macdonald (J.) Place names of W. A., 1899. Spalding Club. Misc.; Stuart, 5v,1841-52. Watt (W.) Hist., 1900. liefer to Aberdeen. [ Coclarachie. i Inverurie. Abergeldie. Dee. | Kintore. Aboyne, Deer, Old. Lesmore. Alford. Oarioch. Scotland. Balmoral. Gight. I Skene. Braemar. Invercauld. { Strathbogie. Aberdeen University. [Aliercleen]. Cal., \^m 4, 1900. [A.]. F;isti Aberdon., 1494-1854, 1854. [A.J. Rectorial addresses, 1835-1900; Anderson, 1902. [A.]. Studies in hist. J; develop. ; Ander- son, 1906. [U.] Bidloch (J. M.) Hist., 1495-1895, 1895. Hist. MSS. Comm., 2. M.uLe.in (N. N.) Life (1874), 1906. P.irl. iLipers, sec special cat. Riiit (H. S.) Universities, hist., 1895. King's College. [Aberdeen ]. Ollieers k graduates, 1495- 1860, 1M93. [A.]. Roll i>f Alumni in Arts, 1696-I8G0 ; Anderson, 1900. Elphin.stone (W.), 1431-1514, tee A. C' Inglis (J.) Disc, 1857 [in Watt (J. C.) Inglis, 1893]. Library, see .i. C. ff I'arl. paper t. Marlschal College. [Aberdeen]. Dllicers, 1593-1860, 1897. [A.]. Fasti; records, 1593-1860, 3v, 1889-98. liefer to Universities. B ABERGAVENNY 2 ABYSSINIAN Abergavenny. Bradney (J. A.) Hist, of Monmouthshire, p2. 190G. Refer tn Monmouthshire. Abergeldie Castle. Bulloch (J. JI .) House of Gordon.vl , 1 903. Kefer io Aberdeenshire ; Castles. Abergwaen, see Fishguard. Aberyst-wyth, see University Coll. of Wales. Abhorrers. Misopappas (P.) Tory plot, 1682. Somers (J. S., /'.) Coll. of tracts, vS. 1S12. Befer to Charles II ; England, History. Abila & Abilene. Renan (.J. E.) Dynastie des Lysanias d'A. (85 B.C.-41 A.i>.), 1870. Schumacher (G.) Abila, 1889. Refer to Palestine & Syria. Abingdon. Hist. MSS. Comm., 1, 2. Little (F.) Aoc. of Brotherhood &c., 1873. Abbey, [A., mon. of]. Ace. of obedientiars (1322- 1479), 1892. !J;a., num. o/]. Chron. (c. 675-1189) ; Stev- enson, 2y, 1858. Refer to Benedictines ; Berkshire ; Monasteries. Abipones. DobrizhofiEer (M.) Ace. ; tr., 3v, 1822. Auskunft ii. d. a. Sprache ; Platz- anann, 1902. Refer to American Indians ; Paraguay. Abjuration (Forms of). Formula abjur. Athinganorum [imMigne, P. G., 106]. Methodius, St., pair, of Cple. De iis qui abnegarunt (9c.) [in Migne, P.G., 100]. „ Befer to Heresy ; Oaths ; Test acts. Abo. Michael, Wexio-nivs. Kotafortunae, 1647 [in Hahn (S. F.) Coll., t2, 1726]. Refer tn Finland. Abolition of Slavery, see Slavery. Abondance, Uante-Saroie. Summariae constit. (& Necrologium) mon. E. Mariae (c. 12-15c.) [in Mon. hist, patri.f, y5, 1848]. Refer to Monasteries ; Savoy. Aborigines, see American Indians ; Aus- tralian aborigines; Ethnology; Natives, Treatment of; ,i|- t-nr. eoiinfries. Abortion, see Medical jurisprudence. Aboyne, Aberdeen. ,[A.J. Kecords, 1230-1681, 1894. Refer to Aberdeenshire. Abruzzi. Crayen (R. K.) Excursions, 2y, 1838. Refer to Aquila. Campobasso. ©arpineto. Chieti. Italy. Larino. Fescara. Teramo. Absenteeism. Gardiner (H.) Absenteeism consid., 1820 [Pr., 27]. iLongfield (M.) 3 lects. &c., 1835. JMacCulloch (J. R.) Preyailing opinions [[in Treatises, 1853]. Refer to Land, Ireland. Absolution. Benson (C.) Disc, upon powers of clergy, 1841. Ciimfession& a., rep. of oonf.; Wace, 1902. ;Pusey (E. B.) Entire a., 1846. [P128]. \Reynolds (H. R.) Forgiyeuess k a. [in Ecclesia, si, 1870]. Thiers (J. B.) De I'a. de I'h^rfoie, 1695. Absolution [eimtimied]. Tracts for the day : 1 , Priestly a. ; .Shipley, 1867. [P263.] Refer to Church gov. ; Confession ; Novatians ; Penance ; Sin. Abstinence, see Fasting ; Hunger ; Tem- perance. Abydos, Egypt. Amelineau. Nouv. fouilles, 1895-8, 4y 1899-1905. Tombeau d'Osiris, 1899. Caulfield. Temple of kings, 1902. Garstang (J.) El ArAbah, 1901. Mariette. Abydos, 3t, 1869-80. Murray (M. A.) Osireion at A.. 1904. Petrie! Abydos, pl-3, 1902-4. Royal "tombs of 1. dyn., 2p, 1900-1. Randall-Maclyer & Mace. El Amrah i: A., 1902. Refer to Egypt. Abyssinia. Antiquities, Bent (J. T.) Sacred city, 1893. Lasteyrie (c. F. de) Auc. croix. 1874. Littmann ,Sc Krencker. Vorber. d. Deut. Aksumexped., 1906. Muller (D. H.) Epigr. Denkmiiler [in K. Ak. zu Wien, Denksohr., B43, 1894]. History, Alyares (F.) Hist., 1557. Castanhoso (M. de). Portug. exped., 1541-3; tr., 1902. [B.] Dillmann, Gesch. d. Axumit. Reichs, 4-6 J., 1880. Ub. d. Anfiinge d. Axumit. Keiches [in Kon. Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1878]. tlb. d. Regierung&c. K. Zar'a-Jacob (1434-68), 1884. Gilmour (T. L.) A. (1889-1905), 1906. Glaser (E.) Skizze (3 & 4 c), E2, 1890. Gleichen (c. A. E. V,'.) Mission to Mene- lik, 1897, 1898. Harris (W. C.) Highlands, 3v, 1844. Le Jean (G.) Theodore II, 1865. Lobo (J.) Rel. hist. ; tr., 1728. Ludolf (H.) Hist., 1681. Morie (L. J.) Les ciyilis. afr. ; hist, de I'Ethiopie, 2t, 1904. N61deke(T.) Theodore [;«Sk.; tr., 1892]. Pari, papers, see special cat. Peacock (G.) Hdbk.. 1867. Perruchon (J.) Chron, 1434-78, 1893. Portal (G. H.) Mission, 1892. Wylde (A. B.) '83 to '87, 2v, 1888. {Bngllsb War, 1867-8). Beke (C. T.) Brit, captiyes, 1867. Blanc (H.) Xarr. of captivity, 1868. Story of captiyes, 1868. Fitzgerald (W. F. V.) Suez & A., 1867. Haly (G. T.) A. exped.. 1867. Henty. March to Magdala (1867), 1868. Holland & Hozier. Rec. of exped (1867-8), 2y, 1870. Hozier (H. M.) Brit, exped. (1867), 1869. Markham (C. R.) Hist. (1865-8). 1869. Pari, papers, see special eat. Rassam (H.) Narr. of mission, 2y, 1869. Seckendorif. Erlebnisse, 1867-8. 1869. Stanley (H. M.) Coomassie i- Magdala (1867-8), 1874. Urquhart(D.)A. war,1867, 1868. [P745]. {Italian War, IS9S-6). Baldissera. Rapp., 1895-6, n.d. Berkeley (G. F. H.) Adovra &c.. 1902. La Jonquiere. Les Ital. en Erythr§e,«.ti (i'.) Rapp. s. les prix de vertu, 1898. [P393]. ilartin. Nos academiciens, 1895. Moucheron (P. de). Le clerge i^ I'Acad., 1909. Pellisson (F.) Hist. j. 1652 [_in A. cur., S. 2, t6, 1838]. PitJival. Hist, du dilT., Fureti^re avec I'A. Fr. [»« Causes, tl8, 1775]. Renau (J. E.) Acad. fr. \_in Essais, 1859 ; 89]. Ilrfer In Academies ; Institut de France. Academies & Learned Societies. Aniiild (iM.) Lit. iuU. ['« Es.sav.-^, sL for. ed.] Brit. Mus. Cat. of pr. bl., til, 1780]. Maury. Les a. d'autrefois. 2t, 1864. Minerva. Jabrbuch d. gelehrten Welt, 1891—. ParL papers. [13]. Lit. iustit. in for. countries, ret., 1835. (210, 164, 252, 251). Sargunt (W. L.) New academy [in Essays, v3, 1871]. [S.I.] Cat. of pubis, of societies &c. [in S.L, Misc. coll., v2, 9, 1862-9], Sec A. C.for the following societies, tint ace heading in thit Index when " ij.v. " follows the entry. Academies & Learned Societies [rontinnfd\ American, sec XTnited States, hclovj. Austrian. Bosnisch-Hercegov. Landesnuisoum. Donaugesellscbaft. Gelebrte D. in Wien u. K. Max. 1, 1837. [PI 16]. Kaiserlicbe Akad. der Wiss. zu Wien. OsterreichischesArchiiolog. Inst, in Wien. Belgian. Academic Royale de B. Commission Royale d'hist. de B. Commissions Royales d'Art &o. Canadian. Literary & Hist. Soc. of Quebec. Danish. Kongeligt Nord. Oldskr.-Selskab. Dutch. Bataviaasch Genootschap. Historisch Gezelschap te Utrecht. Koninkl. Akad. van Wetensch. Koninkl.-Nederlandsch Inst. Valentinelli (G.) Bibl. e d. soc. sci.-lett. [m Kais. Ak. zu Wien, Sitzb., B38, 1862]. English. .*;ifric Soc. Anthropological Institute. Anthropological Soc. Aristotelian Soc. Assoc, for Reform &c. of Law of Nations. Ballad Soc. Bibliographical Soc. Birmingham Phil. Soc. Bristol & Glouc. Arch. Soc. Briti.sh Academy. British & Foreign Bible Soc, q.x\ British Arch. Assoc. Briti.sh Assoc. British In.stit. for Prom. Fine Arts, q.v. British Record Soc. Britisli School at Athens. British School at Rome. Browning Society. Cambridge Antiquarian Soc. Camden Society. Catholic Record Soc. Caxton Soc. Chaucer Soc. Chemical Soc. of London. Chetham Soc. Cumberland & Westmorland Antiq. Soc. Dante Society [of London]. Derby.shire Arch. & Nat. Hist. Soc. Devonshire Assoc. Early Eng. Text Soc. Egyjjt Explor. Fund. English Dialect Soc. Engli.sh Goethe Soc. English Hist. Soc. Essex Arcliajolog. Soc. Ethnolog. Soc. of London. Ex Libris Soc. Folk-lore Soc. Friends' Historical Soc. Geological Soc. Gypsy Lore Soc. Hakluyt Soc. Hampshire Record Soc. Hanserd Knollys Soc. Harleian Soc. Henry ISradshaw Soc. Historic Soc. of Lanes, to. Holbein Soc. Hugui^not Soc. of London. Index Society. Institute of Actuaries. Institution of Civil Engineers. Institution of Naval Architects. Kent Archaiological Soc. Law Soc. Academies & Learned Societies [contiiined'\. English [rontiiuied']. Leicestershire Archit. & Archaiol. Soc. Library Assoc. Linnean Soc. Literary ct Phil. Soc. of Newcastle. London & Middlesex Archajolog. Soc. London Institution. Lit.']. Humboldt (W. v.) Schr., BIO, 1903. Jablonski (J. Th.) Berichte d. Secretiirs d. brandenburg. Soc. d. Wiss. an G. W. Leibniz (1700-15), 1897. Leibnitz. L. & les acad. [i« (E., t7, 1875]. Schelling. Reden, Miinchen, 1828-41 [in Wke., A. 1, B9, 1861]. Greek. ^t\o\oyiKos ZvWoyos napvaacros. Hungarian. Magyar Shakespeare-T^r. Magyar Tudom^nyos Akad. Icelandic. Islenzka Bokmentafelag. India. Agricultural & Hort. Soc. of India. Asiatic Society of Bengal. Literary Soc. of Bombay. Royal Asiatic Soc. [Calcutta]. Irish. Cork Hist. & ArchiEolog. Soc. Gaelic Soc. of Dublin. Irish Archteolog. & Celtic Soc. Irish Texts Soc. Royal Coll. of Surgeons, Dublin, q.v. Royal Dublin Society. Royal Irish Academy. Royal Soc. of Antiq. of Ir. Statistical & Soc. Inq. Soc. of Ir. Italian. Accademia degli Arcadi, q.v. Institut Internat. de Statistique. Reale Acad. d. Lincei. Reale Acad. d. Sci. Mor. e Pol. di Napoli. Society Dantesca Ital. Society Siciliana per la Storia Patria. (History of Academies, iSc.) Crescimbeni (G. M.) Breve not. d. Arcadi (1712) [ill L'ist. d. poesia, v5, 1730], Prezziner (G.) Storia, 2v, 1810. [Roma]. Guida d. beneficenza, 1907. Sieveking (C.) Gesch. d. platon. Akad. zu Florenz, 1812. [P481]. Japanese. Asiatic Soc. of Japan. Polish. Akademija Umiej^tno&i. Portuguese. Academia Real da Hist. P. Academia Real das Sciencias de Lisboa. Roumanian. Academia Romdna. Russian. AcadSmie Imp. des Sci. de St.-P. Imperatorskoe R. Arch. Obsch. Imperatorskoe R. Geograf. Obsch. Imperatorskoe R. 1st. Obsch. Kasanskaya Duchovnaya Akademiya. Veselovsky. Her. Dmo. pyccK. Apx.a6;ii.ltOO. Scottish. Abbotsford Club. Ayrshire & Galloway Arch. Assoc. Bannatyne Club. Gaelic Soc. of Inverness. Grampian Club. Highland Soc. of Sc. Hunterian Club. Maitland Club. New Spalding Club. Royal Coll. of Surgeons, Edinb., q.r. Royal Scot. Geogr. Soc. Royal Soc. of Edinburgh. Scottish History Soc. Scottish Meteorolog. Soc. Scottish Text Soc. Soc. of Antiq. of Scot. Academies & Learned Societies [continued]. Scottish [co^itinued]. Spalding Club. Spottiswoode Soc. Wodrow Soc. Servian. Srpska Kralevska Akademija. Spanish. Real Academia de la Historia [Madrid]. (History, &c.) Garcias Mataniorus. De academiis, &c. [in Hisp. ill., t2, 1603]. Jovellanos. Not. del Real Instit. Asturi- ann &c. [in Obras, t2, 1859]. Labra(R. M. de) Ateneo de Madrid, 1878. Turkish. Toderini. Lett, turch., t2, 1787 ; tr., t2. 1789. United States. American Ethnological Society. American Soc. Sci. Assoc. Archaeological Inst, of Amer. Boston Browning Soc. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Hispanic Soc. of America. Massachusetts Hist. Soc. Medical Soc. of State of N.Y. Modern Lang. Assoc, of Amer. National Acad, of Sci. [P216]. New-Hampshire Hist. Soc. New York Hist. Society. Philosophical Soc. of Washington [ia S.I., Misc. coU., v20, 25, 33, 1881-8], Smithsonian Institution. Southern Historical Soc. -^^ (History of Academies, dc.) Goode (G. B.) Orig. [in S.I., Rep., Nat. Mus., 1897, p2]. List of institutions [in S.I., Misc. coll., vlO, 1873], Welsh. Cambrian Archosolog. Assoc. Cy m rarodorion . Powys-Land Club. Welsh MSS. Soc. Acadia, set- Nova Scotia. Acalepha, sec Hydrozoa. Acarnania. Heuzey (L.) Mont Olympe & I'A., 1860. Ifc/cT to Greece ; Oeniadae. Accademia degli Arcadi. Crescimbeni (G. M.) Breve not. d. Ar- cadi (1712) [in V ist. d. poesia, v5, 1730]. Gravina (G. V.) D. divisione d' Arcadia [i?i Guidi (C. A.) Poesie, 1726]. Hefer to Academies. Accadian Language, sec Snmerians. Accident Insurance, see Insurance. Accidents, see Ambulance ; Coal & Coal Mines ; Employers' Liability ; Explo- sions ; Life-saving ; Kailways ; Ship- wrecks ; Surgery. Acclamation, see Applause. Accountants. Brown (R.) Hist.. 1905. Central Assoc, of Accountants, 1906-8. Fisher (J. A.) Rly. accts., 1891. Hutton (J.) Sugg, as to accts. of Cos., 1861. Refer to Bookkeeping. Account Books, see Household expenses. Accounts, see Arithmetic ; Bookkeeping. Accumulation, si43), 1873. Archer (W.) About the th. [contcmp.], 1886. Study & stage [1898], 1899. Th. "world," 1H93, 1S94. Arnold (W.T.) Manch.(l880-19()i)). 1903. Bancroft (S. B. & Uidy) On & off. 2v, 1888. Blanchard (E. L.) Life, &c. ; Scott & Howard, 2v, 1891. Cane(A.) Stage-players complaint (1641 ), 1873. Chambers (E. K.) Notes on Revels Office (IGc), 1906. Colin (A.) Shakespeare in Germany, 16 i 17c.; Engl, actors, 1865. Colcnum (J.) Chas. Reado, 1903. Players i:c. (19c.), 2v, 1888. Dibilin (C.) Profess, life. 4v, IH03. Do ran (J.) "Their Ms.'. servants "(to 1833), 2v, 18G4; 65; 88. Downes (J.) Roscius Anglic. (17- ISc), 1789 ; 188G ; [.J- in Waldron (F. G.) Lit. museum, 1792]. Eng. drama & stage. 154,3-1GG4, 1869. Fitzgerald (P. H.)New hist. (1660-1843), 2v. 1882. ACTING 6 ADOLESCENCE Acting, English [continued']. History rtimer (J.) Plea for agric. school, 1902 (c835) [in P. P., 131.5]. Murray (G.) A. e., n.d. [P766]. Pai-I. papers [891]. Agric & Technical Instr. Act [Ireland], 1899, Rep., 1907. (C. 35, 72-5.) [934]. Agric. ed. in Eng. &W'ales, Rep., M. of E. bef . Departmental Comm., 1908. (C. 4206-7.) - — [1100]. A. ed. in France, 1899; [1294] Grants, Gt. Brit., 1895-6. (C. 9045-xxxiii.) [1358]. Agric. instr. in Germany, &c., 1903. (C. 1.387.) Regia Scuola d' A. in Portici &c., 1903. Rooper (T. G.) School gardens at Bos- combe Brit. School, 1898 (C. 8943) [i« P. P., 1295]. School gardens in Germany, 1902 (C. 836) [hi P. P., 1316, 1334]. Sadler (JI. E.) Teaching in W. Indies, 1901 (C. 416) [ill P. P., l:W5]. Saunders (W.) iMem. on a. e. in Canada, 1901 (C. 416) [in P. P., 1305]. Warington (R.) Agric. sci., 1896. [P635]. JiWer to Agriculture, A'xper. fanm. Agricultural Geology. Hall (A. II.) The >..ii, 190.3. [B.] Johnston (J. F. W.) Elements, 1844; 94. Lectures, 1844. Marr(J. E.) Agric g., 1903. Orbigiiy (C. d') i: A. Geute. Gfiologie appliq., 1851. JtrjW to Soil. Agricultural Implements. CliM. I wick (K.) Small \e, nieehan. powers, l.H,-,7. [l'792J. New York Stale Agric. Soc, Mowers, reapers. i:c., 1N67. [1'222]. Sharp (J.) Descr. ol utensils, 1773. Thomas (J. J.) Farm implements, 1865. Aacleal. Do tmpeto torcnlario & prelo Cntonis [»;/ Schneider (J. G.) Script, rei rusticae, tlii. 1794]. GoilTon. Explic. du pre.«.soir & du trapoto Mc. [in Schneider (J. G.) Ser. rei rust., tlii, 1794]. Mongcz (A.) Instruincns d'ligr. anc. 2 mC'ni., 1815-8. AGKICULTURAL 1-2 AGRICTJLTUaE Agricultural Implements [amt.] Ancient [ronthmed]. SchaftT (H.) Altaegypt. Pfliige, Joche &c. [in Brit. School at Athens, Ann., 10, 190.3/4]. liifcr tn Agriculture. Agricultural Liabourers, sec Pea- santry. Agricultural Machinery, see Agri- cultural implements. Agricultural Pests. Biinks (J.) Ace. of disease in corn, blight, &c., 1805. [P593]. Brushfield (T. N.) Destruction of "ver- min " in rural parishes, 1897. [P773]. Harris (T. W.) Insects, 1862. Martin-Duncan. Insect p., 1906. Maxwell-Lefroy. Ind. insect p., 1906. Ormerod (E. A.) Man. of injur, insects, 1881 ; 90 Kep. of injur, insects &c., 18 & 19 rep., 2v, 1893-6. Packard (A. S.) Guide to insects, 1889. Pari, papers, see Agriculture, in spec-ial cat. Pearson (R. H.) Bk. of garden p., 1908. Phillips (H.) Nature of P.'s powder, 1779. [P50]. SaundersOV.)Insects injur, to fruits,1883. Stebbing (E. P.) Insects, forestry, no. 1, 2, 1902-3. U.S., Dept. of Agric, see A. C. Whitehead (C.) Methods of prev. attacks, 1891 ; [.)'■ in P602]. Wood (J. G.) Our garden friends & foes, 1864. Wood (T.) Farmer's friends & foes, 1888. Refer to Agricnltore. Insects. Bats & mice. Fungi. Orthoptera. Rhynchota. Hawk. Owl. Sparrow. Agriculture. Adam (J.) Pract. essays, 2t, 1789. Alaraanui (L.) La coltiv. (poem, 16o.), 1718. Arco (f. d'). Se favorirdebbasi 1' estraz. d. materie prime, o. quella d. mauifatture, 1804. Bagot (A.) Civil engineering, 1885. Bailey (L. H.) Principles, 1898. State and the farmer, 1908. Bartley (N.) Conversion of pasture land, &.C., 1802. [P42]. Beever (W. H.) Daily life, 1871. Notes on fields &.e., 1870. — — Successful farming, 1871. B!acker(W.) Improvement in small farms, 1845. [P209]. Bland (W.) Principles, 1864. Bordley (J. B.) Sketches, 1796. [P29]. Boussingault. Rural econ. ; tr,, 1845. Buchenberger (A.) Agrarwesen, &o., 2B, 1892-3. Buckman (J.) Sci. & practice, 1865. Burn (R. S.) Lessons, 1862. Pract. dir., 1880. System, small farming, 1886. Coatsworth (D.) Hints, 1806. [P245]. Cobbett (W.) Cottage econ., 1838. Colman (H.) European a., vl, 1846. Co-operation in land tillage, 1881. Coultou (miss) Our farm, 1859 ; 71. Curiosities of nature & art, 1707. Darvpin (E.) Phytologia, 1800. Daubeny. Misc., 2v, 1867. Davis (H.) Essays, 1860. Earle (W.) Specif, of patent, 1808. [Exhibitions, Paris, 1878]. Congr. intern, No. 1, 1879. Agriculture \_eo7iti7ined'\. [Exhibitions, Paris, 1900]. Rapp. du jury, Intr., t3-4, Gr. 1, iii-iv, 7, 9, 1902-6. Fairchild (G. T.) Rural wealth Sec, 1900. Farm-reports, or, management of sel. farms, n.d. Farmer's friend, 1847. Farmer's kalendar, 1778. Fisher (R.) Remarks, 1847. [P212]. Fream (W.) Elements, 1892. Gatti (G.) A. e socialismo, 1900. Gaye (S.) Gt. world's farm, 1893. Haggard (H. R.) Farmer's year, 1899. Hillyard (C.) Summary of pract. farming, 1836. [P324]. Hoskyns (C. W.) A. [j« Essays, 1866]. Talpa, 1852; 1903. Howard (J.) Contin. farming, 1870. Hunter (A.) Genrg. essays, 6v, 1803-4. Kropotkin (p. P. A.) Fields, &;c., 1899. Langerock (H.) Socialisme, 1894. Larbal^trier (A.) L'a., &c., 1888. Lawrence (J.) Pract. treatise, 1819 ; 24. Lawson (W.) 10 yrs. of farming, 1874. Leland (E. H.) Farm homes, 1881. Liebig (J. v.) Nat. laws; tr., 1863. Lloyd (F. J.) Science, 1884. Loiig (J.) Farming, 1881. Small farm, 1901. Loudon. Encycl. of agric, 1884. Low (D.) Elem'ents, 1840. On landed property &c., 1844. Markham (G.) Husbandry, 1614. Mechi (J. J.) Letters, 1845. Meline (J.) Le retourilaterre&c, 1905 ; tr., 1906. Muir (J.) A., pract. & sci., 1895. Palissy (B.) (E., 2t, 1888. Paoletti (F.)Mezzi di render felici le soc, 1804. Pensieri s. I'agr., 1804. Pari, papers, see special cat. Passy (H. P.) Systemes, 1846. Pratt (E. A.) Organization, 1904 ; 05. Transition, 1906. Prout (J.) Clay farming, 1881. Quesnay (F.) Maximes du gouvt. d'un royaume agr., 1846. Roberts (I. P.) Fertility, 1899. Rogers (A. G. L.) Business side, 1904. Roland (A.) Farming, 8v, 1879-81. Scottoni (G.) Se favorir debbasi Festraz. d. materie prime, o. quella d. mauifat- ture, 1804. Serres (0. de) Thg^tre d'a., 2t, 1804-5. Sinclair (G.) Hortus gram. Woburnensis, 1824; 25. Somerville (J. J.) Facts &,c., 1803. [P42]. Spence (W.) A. source of wealth, 1808 [i« Tracts, 1822]. Stephens (H.) Bk. of farm, 3v, 1844 ; 52 ; 89-91; vl, 2, 1908. Tanner (H.) Jack's educ, 1879. Tariff Commission. Rep., v3, 1906. Taylor (H. C.) Intr. to agric. econ., 1905. Tod (W. M.) Farming, 1907. Tull (J.) Horse-hoing husbandry, 1733 ; 1822. Tusser (T.) 500 pointes of good husban- drie (1573), 1812 ; 1878 ; [^- in Somers, v3, 1810]. ■ Huudreth pointes of husbandrie (1557), 1810; 78. [U.S., Agric, Dept. of]. Rep., 1898. [P394]. Vandervelde(E.) Socialisme agraire, 1908. Ville (G.) Perplexed fanner; tr., 1891. Wagner(A.) Agxar- u.Industriestaat,1902. Waring (G. E.) Handybook, 1876. Young (A.) Farmer's letters, 2v, 1771. Agriculture [ccmtiMied]. Zanon (A.) Dell' a. &,c., tl-3, 1763-4. Lettere, 1804. Utility morale, econ. &c. d. acad. di agr. &c., 1804. Ancient. Cato (M. P.) De re rustica (2c. B.C.), 1794. Columella (L. J. M.) De re rustica, 1794. Cuq (E.) Colonat paxtiaire d. I'Afrique rom., 1901. Daubeny (C. G. B.) Lectures, 1857. Du Coudray La Blanchere. Am6nage- ment de I'eau &.C., Afrique ano. [in Nouv. archives des miss., t7, 1897]. Dureau de la Malle. Recherohes s. I'aii'aibl., 7e s. de Rome, 1836. . Agr. rom. dep. Caton j. Columelle, 1838. Geoponicorum lib. 20, 1704 ; cmimi. by Gemoll, 1884. Goesius (W.) Rei agrariae auct., 1674. Gromatici veteres, 2B, 1848-52. Jahn (U.) Deut. Opfergebrauche bei A., 1884. Jones (J.) A. &c. in Brit , Druidical [i« Archaeqlogia Cambr., Suppl., 1850]. Link. lib. d. iiltern Gesch. d. Getreide- arten, 2e Abhdl. [in K6n.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1826]. Palladius Rutilius Taurus .ZEmilianus. De re rustica, see A. C. Sallengre. Nov. thesaurus, tl, 1716. Schneider (J. G.) Scr. rei rusticse vet. Lat., 4t, 1794-7. Toutain (J.) L'inscr. d'Henchii- Mettich : agr. d. I'Afrique rom., 1901. Varro (M. T.) De re rustica (Ic. B.C.), 1794; 1889. Virgilius Maro. Georgica, see A. C. ^yernsdorf. Poetae Lat. min., v6, 1794. Xenophon. fficonomicus, see A. C. ; [<^' in Certain anc tr.. 1767]. Refer to Agricultural implements ; Agriculture, Roman. Bibliography. MacDonald (D.) Agric. writers, 1200- 1800, 1908. Dictionaries. Barral. Diet, d'a., 4t, 188.5-1900. Mauroy. Diet. d'a. [in, Migue, Encvcl., s2, v2S]. Morton (J. C.) Cyol. of a., 2v, 1851-5. Rham. Diet, of the farm, 1844. Wright (R. P.) Cyclopedia, vl-3, 1908. Experimental Farms. [Canada]. Cent, experim. farm, 1898. [P394]. [Canada]. Results f. test growing of crops, 1899. [P1006]. Codman (J. T.) Brook Farm, 1894. Hall (A. D.) Bk. of Rothamsted experi- ments, 1905. Lawes Sa Gilbert. Memoranda, 1899. Rothamsted exper., 1895. Rothamsted mem. (1847-98), 7v, 1893-9. Liverpool Finano. Ref. Assoc. Tracts, N.S., 23, Gov. model farming, 1858. [P286]. Pliilanthropic Farm School, Redhill. Rep., 1856. [P308]. Regia Scuola Super, di A. in Portici. Annali, 1880-1903. Rothamsted exper. Plans & tables, 1899. [P1006]. Tipper (C. J. R.) Rothamsted exper., 1897. [U.S.]. Agric. investig., Rothamsted ; Gilbert, 1895. Woburn exper. fruit farm. Rep. 1 & 2, 1897-1900. AGRICTJLTtTRE 13 AGEICULTUEE Agriculture [ccmtinved]. History, Ashley (Vf. J.) Surveys, 1900. Hoskyns (C. W.) Inquiry, 1849. MacDonald (D.) Agric. writers, 1200- 1800, 1908. [B.] Meitzen (P. A.) Wandeningcn. &c. d. Vijlker niJrd. d. Alpen, Al, 3B, 1895. Intlueace of Machinery & Railways. Atkinson (E.) Klv., farmer, ic public [in Distrib., 1885]. Fischer(G.) Soc. Bedeutung d.M., 1902. Medlxval. Biot (J. B.) Cond. en Normandie au m. age, 1851 [in M61anges, t3, 1858]. Delisle. Et. s. la classe agr. & I'agr. en Nomiandie au m. Sge, 1903. Fitzherbert (A.) Boke of husbandry (1534) ; Skeat, 1882 ; [.j- in Certain anc. tr., 1767]. Henley (W., of) H.'s Husbandry, &c. (13c.), w. tr., iic, 1890. Isidore, -S. De rust, [m Op., t4, 1801; Godefroy (D.) Auct. Lat., 1595]. Kovalevsky (M. M.) L'avenement du regime tcon. (13 & 14c.), 1896. Lacour (L.) Traits comp. en Angl. au 13s. [in Ec. dps Ch., tl7, 1856]. Leo (H.) Uectit. sing, person., Angel- sachsen, 1842. Nasse (E.) On agric. community, & in- closures of 16c. in Eng. ; tr., 1871. Richard (J. M.) Thierry d'Hireijon (d. 1328) [in Ec. dcs Ch., t53, 1892]. Ticciati (L.) Condiz. dell' a. del contado Cortonese, sec. 13, see A. C. Tusser (T.) Husbandrie (16c.), see A. C. Periodicals. Annals of agriculture, 1784-1808. Board of A., Journal, 1894—. Live stock journal, &c., 1883-6. Magazine of domestic econ., 1836-44. Royal Agric. Soc. of Eng.,Journal, 1840 — . R. Statist. Soc, Journal, 1839 — . Tropical. Ilaldane (R. C.) Subtrop. cultiv., 1886. Nicholls (H. A. A.) Text-book, 1897. Phillips (P. L.) Essay, 1845. [P784]. Sininionds (P . L.) Trop. a.. 1877. Itefer to Agricultural Farm build- Manures. implements. ings. Market gar- Agricultural Flax. dening. pests. Forestry. Pig- Allotments. Fruit. Poultry. Bee. Gardens &c. Sural de- Cattle. Grass. population Coffee. Horse. Sheep. Corn. Industries. Silage. Cotton. Irrigation. Soil. Dairy. Land. Tea. Economics. Maize. Villages. Estate man- Mangel- Vines. agement. wurzel. Wheat. griculture. Africa. Linton (A.) A frric. rcfi.,E. A Frica Protect. 19(14 (C. 1953) [in i'. P., 848]. Pari, papers [1346]. A., &c. of Tripoli, 1900. (C. 2.) [1346]. Agric. pro-spects of pla- teaux of Uganda Klwy., 1902. (C. 787.) [858]. Govt, farms at Nairobi ii. Naiva.sha, 1904, &o., 1905. (C. 2410.) Rep. of Transvaal dcpt. of A., 1905-6. Thomas (0.) A. prospects of S.A., 1904. Tunisic. Agric, &c, 2t, 1896. Wallace (R.) Farming indust. of Cape, 1K96. Itefcr to Africa ; and, var. African cowntrifs. Agriculture, American (North), see Agriculture, Canada; Agriculture, U.S. Agriculture, America (South). Kiirtjer (V.) Laiidwirts. &c. ini span. A., 26^1901. Agriculture, Australia. Australian Irrig.colonieson River Murray; Vincent. 1887? MiOler (b. F. v.) Notes s. la v%6t., tr., 1866. [P219]. Pari, papers [166]. A. &,c. in N.S.W., 1823 (136). Shelton (E. M.) Wheat-growing in Queensland, 1893. [P622]. Story (W.) Essay [in Victorian Govt. essays, 1861]. Victoria. Agr. statistics,1861-82,ieej4.C. Wallace (R.) Rural econ. Sec. of A. & N. Z., 1891. licfrr to Australia & Australasia ; New Zealand. Agriculture, Austria. Gcsch. d. list. Land- u. Forstwirtschaft, 1845-98, 5B, 1899-1901. Jtifer to Austria. Agriculture, Belgium. Lavelaye (E. de) Essai s. I'ccon.rur., 1863. Itefer to Belgium. Agriculture, Canada. Allardice (K. B.) Agric. tour, 1842. [Canada]. Cent, experim. farm, 1898. [P394]. [C.] Results f. test growing of crops, 1899. [P1006]. Grange (H.) Eng. farmer in C, 1904. Legge (A. O.) Sunny Manitoba, 1893. Jtefer to Canada. Agriculture, China. Hervey-St.-Denys. Recherches, 1850. Jiefer to China. Agriculture, Cyprus. Gennadius (P.) Agr. in C, 1899 (C. 9289) [in Pari, papers, 1331]. Refer to Cyprus. Agriculture, England. Agricola, ps. How Eng. was saved; 1910-25, 1908. [Agricultural]. Origin &c. of A. Assoc, 1819. [P126]. Baker (T. H.) Records (720 B.C.-1883 A.D.), 1883. Batchelor (T.) View, Bedford, 1808. Bear (W. E.) Brit, farmer, 1888. Bedford (H. A., d. of). Gt.a. estate, 1897. Best (H.) Rural econ. in Yorks., 1641, 1857. Board of A., Journal, 1894—. Boys (J.) View, Kent, 1813. Bramble (B.) Farmer convinced, 1788. [P8]. Britten (J.) Old country words, 1880. Broughton (R. E.) Letter to G. W. Hall, & viewsof agric. assoc, 1821. [Pr., 18]. Burke (J. F.) Brit, husbandry, 3v, 1834-40. Caird (J.) Eng. a. in 1850-1, 1852. High farming under lib. covenants, 1849. [P324]. Landed int.& supply of food, 1878. Cobbctt (W.) Letters to landlords, 1821 [iw Sels., v6, 1835]. Rural rides, 1853; 85. Crombie (A.) Pres. state of agr. interest, 1816. [Pr., 8]. Davis (H.) Comnuinic. &c., IRRO. EfTocts of import, of wheat upon profits, 18.39; [.y'i«P311]. Decius. Refut. of arguments on agric. petition, 1819. [Pr.. 14]. Dissertation re.sp. agric, 1817. [Pr., II]. Dixon (H. H.) Saddle &. sirloin, 1895. Agriculture, England [eontinued\ Donaldson (J.) A. of Northampton, 1794. Dulac (A.) A. & libre-^change, 1903. Eversley(C.,CT>.) Remarks, 1836. [P103]. Farming tour. Lines., 1854. [P212]. J-ordham (M. E.) Mother earth ; proposal for reconstr. of country life, 1908. Gooch (W.) View, Cambridge, 1811. Graham (P. A.) Revival, 1900. Rural exodus, 1892. Haggard (H. R.) Rural Eng.. 2v, 1902. Hasbach (W.) Eng. Landarbeiter in d. letzten 100 Jahren, 1894 ; tr., 1908. Hope (G.) Hindrances [in Recess St., 1870]. Hoskyns (C. W.) Talpa, 1852 ; 1903. Jefferies (R.) Hodge & h. master.s, 2v, 1880; 90. Kent (N.) View, Norfolk, 1796. Konig (F. P.) Lage, 1896. Lavergne (L. de). Essai s. I'^con. mrale, Angl., Ecosse & Ir., 1855 ; tr., 1855. Leadam (I. S.) A. & Land Laws; 1 Ownership, 1881. [P374]. Farmers' grievances. 1880. [P356] What protection does, var. ed. Levy (H.) Entst. u. Riickgang d. land- wirts. Grossbetriebes, 1904. Lowe (R.) View, Nottingham, 1798. Marshall (W.) Minutes, &c., S. Co., 2v, 1799. Rural econ. of Gloucs. &c., 2v, 1796. Rural econ. of Midland Co., 2v, 1796. Rural econ. of Norfolk, 2v, 1795. Rural econ. of S. Co., 2v, 1798. _ — Rural econ. of W. Eng., 2v, 1796 ; 1805. Rural econ. of Yorks., 2v, 1796. Martineau (H.) Health, &c„ 1861. Masterman,&c. To colonise Eng., 1907. Merewether (F.) Letter, 1828. [Pr., 29]. Middleton (J.) View, Middlesex, 1798. Millin (G. F.) Village problem, 1903. Mockett (J.) Journal, 1836. Morton (J. L.) Resources of estates, 1858. National Wheat Stores. Rep., 1897/8. Nichol.son (J. S.) Rates &c. as affecting a., 190.5. Rel. of rents, 1906. Olmsted (F. L.) Walks of Amer. farmer, 1852. Pari, papers [720, 732-4, 774-5]. Wales &c. R. Comm. on land, vl-5, 1894-6. (C. 74,39, 7661, 7757, 8222, 8242, 8221). See also special cat. Pitt (W.) View, Stafford, 1808. Pratt (E. A.) Transition, 1906. I'rotliero (H. E.) Pioneers kc. of Eng. fanning. ISSS. Ilicardo (D.) Protection, 1822; [.J- in Wks., 1888]. Rigby (E.) Holkham, its a^r., 1818 [Pr., 13]. Rogers (J. E. T.) Hist., 1259-1793, 7v, 1866-1902. Sheldon (J. P.) Future, 1893. Sidney (S.) Rlys. jc agric. in N. Lines., 1848. Socialism & agr.; Carpenter &c., 1908. Somcr\'illc (J. J.) System follow, by B. of A., 1800. Stubbs (C. W.) Land & labourers, 1884. T.iUorman (I).) A. distress kc, 1889. Trem.iyno (H.) Protection. 1903. Victoria hist, of counties, 1903 — , >re A.C. Warner (R.) View, 1. of Wight [in Hamp- shire, Coll.. v3. 1795]. Watsi.n (R.) Obs. to Pringle's "We.it- nioreland " [in Misc. trncf.s, v2, 1815]. Whitchead(C.)A.of Kent, 1899. [P1012]. AGEICITLTIIRE 14 AGEICULTUEE Agriculture, England [omtimted]. Whitehead (C.) Market gardening, 1880. [P358]. ■ Pros:, of fruit farming, 1885. [P37I, 776]. Williams (E. E.) Foreigner, 1897. Young (A.) Farmer's letters, 2v, 1771. Farmer's tour, 4v, 1771. 6 mths. tour thr. N. of Eng., 4v, 1770; 71. 6 weeks tour, 1772. View, Esses, 2v. 1807. View, Lincoln, 1799. View, Norfolk, 1804. View, Oxfordshire, 1809. View, Suffolk, 1 794 [P7ti3] ; 1804 ; 13. View, Sussex, 1808. Biographical collections. Donaldsou (J.) Agric. biog., 1854. Biographies. Arch (J.), 1826—. 70;[4-mHist.Tbch. Cobbett (W.), 1762- VI, 3, 1884]. 1835. Pell(A.),1820-1907. Curwen(J. C.),1756 Pusey (P.), 1799- -1828[to Lonsdale 1855. (H.) Worthies, vl, Sinclair {sir J.), 1867]. 1754-1835. Grey(J.),1785-1868. Young (A.), 1741- Hartlib(S.),c.l600- 1820. Depression. Barton (J.) Inquiry. 1820. [P126]. Blane (G.) Inq. into scarcity &c. of pro- \'isions, 1817. [Pr., 9]. Brougham (H., J.) A. distress (1816) [in Sp., vl, 1838]. Channing (F. A.) Truth, 1897. Collier (J.) Replv to State of Nation, Sec, 1822. [Pr., 21]. Cotterill (C. F.) Agr. distress, 1850. [P295]. Jacob (W.)"Agr. distress, 1817. [Pr., 10]. Joplin (T.)butl. of pol. econ., 1823. Letter to Kt. Hon. F. J. Robinson, 1821. [Pr., 18]. National Assoc, for Prot. of Industry &c. Kep. on agr. interest, 1850, [P295]. Preston (R.) Pres. ruined condition, 1816. [Pr., 7]. Eichardson(W.) Measures by wb. famines may be prevented, &c., 1816. [Pr., 8]. Seale-Hayne. Agr. distress, 1895. Smith (C". W.) A. depression, 1897. Western (C, i.) Ou distressed state, 1816. [Pr., 7]. Experimental Farms, sec Agriculture, Ex- por.farnts. Labourers, see Peasantry. Medixval, sec Agriculture, Mcdlieral. Refer to Teferenees imder Agriculture Agriculture, Europe. Dymond (T. S.) Continental state-aid for a., 1903. [P1059]. [Ireland]. Rep. of Recess Comm., 1896. Jacob (W.) Rep. r. agric. &c. in N. Europe, 1828. [Pr., 29]. Leslie (T. E. C.) Movements of a. wages \in Essays, 1879 ; 88]. Pari, papers, sec special cat. Verney (F. P.) How peasant owner lives, 1««8. Warintr (G. E.) Farmer's vac, 1876. Agriculture, France. Baudrillart. GentUsbommes ruraux (16- 19c.), 1893. Pop. agric, 3s., 1880-93. Biot (J. B.) Cond. en Normandie au m. itge, 1851 [in Mel., t3, 1858]. Delisle. Et. s. la classe agric. & Tagric. en Normandie au m.-age, 1903. Agriculture, France [cantinved]. Durand (L.) Credit agr., 1891. [France]. Ministere de I'A. Enquete, 1868. Lavergne (L. de) L'agric, 1855-6, 1857. Econ. rur., dep. 1789, 1860 ; 66 ; 77. Lovelace (W., e. of) Rev. of agr. stat., 1848. [P144]. Merlin (R.) Metayage &c, 1898. Mirabeau & Quesnav. L'ami des hommes, 8t, 1760-4. Mounier (L.) De I'a. en F., 2t, 1846. Musgrave (G. M.) I'arson, &c., mem. on Fr. farming, 3v, 1848. Prothero (R^ E.) Pleasant land, 1908. Richardson (G. G.) Corn & cattle pro- ducing districts, 1878. Rocquigny (c. de). Syndicats, 1900. Torcy (?«. de). Remontes & agric, 1842. Wolters (F.) Agrarzustiinde&c, 1700-90, 1905. Young (A.) Travels, 1787-9, far. ed. Biographies. Cr^vecceur (M. G. J. de), 1735-1813. Thierry d'Hire?on, d. 132H [in Ec. des Oh., t53, 1892]. Refer to Allotments &c. ; France ; Land, France. Agriculture, Germany. [Baden]. Erhebungen iib. d. Lage, 4B, 1883. [Baden]. Landwirthschaft, 1884-8, 1889. [Baiern]. Landwirthschaft, 1890. Banfield (T. C.) Industry of Rhine, si, 1846. Bartels (A.) Bauer (15.-18. J.), 1900. Bauerliche Zustiinde, Bl-3, 1883. Bohme (C.) Gutsherrl.-biiuerl. ^'erhiiltn. in Ostpreussen, 1770-1830, 1902. [Deutschland]. Lage d. bauerl. Grund- besitzes, 1884. [Elsas.s-Lothringen]. Untersuch., 1885. Griinberg (C.) Agrai'politik, 1908. Encwickl. d. agrarpolit. Ideen im 19. J., 1908. Hanssen (G.) Agrarliist. Abbdlgn., 2B, 1880-4. Kehrl (C.) Das Dorf Schlalach, 1908. [Landarbeiter]. Verhiiltn. d. L., 3B. 1892. Landwirthschaftl. Euquete, Hessen, 2B, 1884-6. Langethal. Gesch., 1770-1850 [in Hist. Tbch., IV, 4, 1863]. LangsdorfE (R. v.) Landwirthschaft, Sachseu, b. 1885, 1889. Lenarerke (A. v.) A.-Statistik d. fir. St., 1842-3, 1847. Lewy (A.) Genesis d. bent, agrar. Ideen in Pr., 1898. Lorenzoni (G) Cooperazione, 2v, 1901-2. Mevn (E.) Preuss. Reutenguts-Gesetze, 1892. [P1117]. Pari, papers [1358]. Agric. instr. in G., &c., 1903. (C. 1387.) Schaffle (A. E. F.) Agrar. Gefahr, 1902. Souchon (A.) Cartells de I'a., 1903. Wygodzinsky (^V.) Volkswirtsch. Grund- lageu d. landwirtsch. Betriebslehre, 1908. Refer to Allotments, &c. ; Germany ; Land, Germany. Agriculture, Hungary. Daranyi (I.) State ,!c a. ; tr., 1905. Refer to Hungary. Agriculture, India. Agric. & Hortic. Soc. of I. Journal, v4, 1845. Agric. Journal of India, vl, 1906. Agriculture, India [contin-ued\. [Bengal]. Remarks on husbandry &c., 1806. [P201]. Buchanan (F.) Journey, 3v, 1807 ; [S,- in Pinkerton, 8, 1811]. Chatterton (A.) Agr. problems, n.d. Crooke (W.) Rural & agr. glossary for N.-W. Prov., 1888. Greenaway (T.) Farming, 1864. [India]. Agr. statistics, 1895-1900; 04/5. [India]. Annual rep. of Dept. of A., 1901/5, 1905-7, 1906-8. [India]. Deccan agr. relief act, 1875-94, 2v, 1897. Maokay (A.) W. India, 1853. Maconachie. Agr. proverbs of Panjab, 1890. Morison (T.) Industr. organiz. of Ind. prov., 1906. Pogson (F.) Manual, 1883. Stevenson-Moore. Rep. on agriculturists inGava, 1898. Wallace (R.) I. in 1887, 1888. Watt (G.) Diet, of econ. products, 6v, 1889-93. Refer to Cotton ; India ; Land. Agriculture, Indo-China. Debay (ciij).) Col. en Annam, n.d. Agriculture, Ireland. Bonn (M. J.) Mod. 1. : tr., 1906. Fraser (R.) View, Co. Wicklow, 1801. [Ireland]. Dept. of A. & Industries, 1896—, see A. C. Ireland, indust. k. agr., 1901 ; 02. [Ireland]. Rep. of Recess Comm. on establ. of dept., 1896. Jennings (F. M.) I. as cattle farm, 1865. [P237]. Liverpool Financ Ref. Assoc. Tracts N.s. 23, Gov. model farming, 1858. [P28G]. Miller (T.) A. state, 1858. [P78]. Murphy (J. N.) Ireland, 1870. Pare (W.) Co-op. agric. : Ralahine Assoc, 1870. Pari, papers [773]. Agric. statistics of I., 1894-5, 1895-6 (C. 7763, 8126). [^24]. 1. Land Comm.. prices of I. agric. produce, 1881-99, 1900 (C. 113). Plaj'fair. Declining prod, of human food [i«. Recess St., 1870]. Proposed alteration in Corn Laws, 1840. [P311]. Scott (T.) 1. for investment, 1854. Skelton (P.) Necessity of tillage &. gran- aries (1741) [in Wks., v5, 1824]. Smith (H. G.) Methods of organis. for agr. co-op., 1903. Stuart (H. W. V.) Prices (1849-85), 1886. [P778]. i?(/9. [P251]. Kighini (E.) Gli scioperi agrarii &c., 1897. [Plllo]. Savastano (L.) Quistione arboiea, 1901. Sbrozzi. Madonna nell'a., 1902. [P1133]. Scrofani (S.) Kifl. s. le sussistenze, Tos- cana, 1805. Societi d. Agric. It. L'l., sec. 19, 1901. Ticciati (L.) Coudiz. dell' a. del oontado Cortonese. sec. 13, we A. C. Valenti (G.) II dazio s. frumento &c., 1898. [P1115]. Virgilii (F.) Problema, 1900. Young (A.) Voyages en I. &o. 1787-9; tr., 1860. Ilc/fr to Cotton; Irrigation; Italy; Land, Italy ; Peasantry. Agriculture, Japan. Kcin (.1. .).) Industries, 1.SS9. Iti-fcr lo Japan. Agriculture, Netherlands. Lavoleye (E. de). Et. d'ficon. rur. : N., 1865. llr/ir to Netherlands. Agriculture, N. Zealand, .ov Agri- culture, Australia & Australasia. Agriculture, Portugal. Acad. Heal das 8ci. Mi-m. de litt., t2 & 7, 1792-1806. Acad. Real das Sci. Mem. econ., tl-5, 1789-1815. Mtifer to Portugal. Agriculture, Prussia, nfc Agriculture, Germany. Agriculture, Roman, sec Agriculture, Ancient ; Roman history ; Boman social life. Agriculture, Roumania. Joririesi'u i; l'ii|ia-l!uri,'cu. Harta agr. a K., 1907. Iti/ir lo Koumania. Agriculture, Russia, I)ui:o'iiiilnic >'i|ic;i:.(. i^(]MiincclH,40E.ia4l etc., 5v, 1873. Industries of R. ; tr., v3, 1893. Kovalewsky (M.) L'agric. en R,, 1897; IS- in y.i'.H] Lvov & Stakhovich. llyiK.ju .u'pcnnH, t2, 1901. Maiiuilov (A. A.) nowMe.iiiiuii rioiipori., 1 905. Petzholdt (A.) Kaukasus, 213, lH6(i-8. Rotli (H. 1..) Agric. of E. R., 1878. J/hr to/Ill qmiflioits find scrfdovi, refer to Bussia, Economics. Agriculture, St. Helena. lii:.atsoM (A.) 'i'laris, ISIC. Agriculture, Scotland. Cockburii (.].) Lcllirs, 1727-14, 1904. Douglas (H.) View, Roxburgh & Selkirk, 1798. Higblar.d Soc. Prize essays, vl, 2, 1799- 1803. Hope (C.) G. Hope (1811-76), 1881. Ho[)u(G.) Hindrances [mRece.ssst., 1 870]. Mackenzie (G. S.) Survey, Ross & Cro- marty, 1810. Naismitli (J.) View, Clydesdale, IHOC. Pari. pajHTs. see »])eeial cat. Robertson (J.) View, Inverness, 1808. Scotland, Rep. on pres. state, 1878. Smith (J.) View, Argyll, 1798 ; 1805. Soiucrvillc (R.) View, E. Lothian, 1805. Agriculture, Scotland {cmitimwd']. Sutherland (W.) Colonisation, 1907. liefer to Agriculture, England ; Fruit ; Land; Peasantry; Scotland. Agriculture, Sicily, .<>< Agriculture, Italy, Agriculture, Spain. Costa (J.) Culcctivismo, pi, 2, 1898. Jovellanos. Ley agraria (l8c.) \in Obras, t2, 1859]. Itefer to Spain. Agriculture, S\sitzerland. Laveleye (E. de). Et.d' econ. rurale, 1869. Miaskowski (A. v.) A'erfassung d. Land- to:, wirthschaft, 1«7M. [P591]. Seippcl (P.) La S., 19s.. t3, 19U1. Agriculture, United States. Allardice (R. B.) Agric. tour, 1842. Andrew (J. A.) Addr., 1866. [P224]. Bentlev (A. F.) Cond. of W. farmer, Nebraska, 1893 ; [^- in P1099]. Caird (J.) Pr.airie farming, 1859. Dun (F.) Amer. farming, 1881. Fryer (A.) Gt. loan Land, 1887. [P555]. Levasseur(E.) L'agric, 1894. Loring (G. B.) Farm-yard Club of Jotham, 1876. Massachusetts. Abstr. of returns of A. societies ; Flint, 1876. Massachusetts, B. of A., Rep., 1864. 76. Mongredien(A.)W. farmer, 1880. [P356]. Ohio. State B. of A., Rep., 1857. Pari, papers, [722]. Amer. agric. Rep. by Clay, 1882. (o. 3375-vi.) [U.S., Agric] Ann. rep., 1868. [P236]. [U.S., Agric] Chem. div.. Bulletins, 1885-1902. [U.S., Agric] Farmers' bull., 1897-1902. [U.S., Agric] For. markets, Bull. & rep., 1K98-1901. [U.S., Agric] Yearbook of U.S. Dept., 1895-8, 1896-9. U.S., Census, see A. C. Itefer to Agricultural & economic botany ; Brook farm ; Land ; United States, Agriculture, West Indies. I'jii. i.,ipL'i-.>. [791]. W. 1. li.iv. Comm., 1S97. (c. s(;55). Ite/er to West Indies, Agrigentum, see Girgenti. A h madnagar . li.iinb.-iy. t;;.z.tl._'cr. \ 17, 1884-1904. Jtiier to Bombay ; Deccan. Ahnas, ."ec Ehnasya. Aides, Cour des. Alius ,1c si'aiidalcs, 1468 [i« Ec. des Ch., tlO, l.Sl.S-ilJ. Callery (A.) Histoire, 1880. Protest of the C. d. A. of Paris, 1775 [/?( Penn. Univ., Tr. A; rep., v5, 1899]. Itrfer to Law courts. Aide-toi, Soci^t^. Gui/.i.l. I'.lrctiiiMs & la Soc, 1K27 \_in ^\(•\■,m^:os, \K,'.\\. Aigues-Mortes. liaiTes (M.) .lardin do B6r0uicc, 1891. Sagnior (C.) Tour de Constance, 1730, 1880. Topin(M.) A., 1873. [1'532]. liefer to Gard. Ain, ilejit. Lo Due (P.) Hisl. dc la HC'v. dans I'A., 6t. 1S79-SI. Itefer lo Bourg ; Bugey ; Burgundy ; France; Gex, Pays de. Ainay, Ahliei/ tf, l.ijonf. C'artulairc (c. 901 -1200) [/« .Savigny, ahhiiye dc.V,:\x\\\\:\\ro\ ISirn.'inl, 13, 1853]. Itcje-r to Lyons ; Monasteries. Ainus. As. Soc. of Japan. Trans., 1874 — . Batchelor (J.) Ainu, 1892. Ainu folk-lore ; ,?■ o.p. \iin As. Soc. of Jap., vl6, 18, 20, 24, 1889-96]. Chamberlain (B. H.) A. folk-tales, 1888; [.f- in Folk-lore j.. v6. 1888]. Hitchcock (R.) A. of Yezo \in S.I., Rep., Nat. Mus., 1890]. Howard (B. D.) Life (Sakhalin), 1893. Landor (A. H. S.) Alone w. A., 1893. MacRitchie (D.) Ainos, 1892. [B.] Rin Sifee. San Kokf &.c (18c.) ; tr., 2v, 1832. Language. Batchelor (J.) A. vooab. [in As. Soc. of Jap., vlO, 1882]. Pfizmaier. Ban d. Aino-Spr. [in K. Ak. zu Wien, Sitzb., B7, 1851]. Erorterungen &c, 1882. Ub. Ainu-Gegenstiinde, 1883. ^'ocab. [in K. Akad. d. W. zu Wien, Denkschr., B5, 1854]. Summers. A.-Eng. vocab. [in As. Soc. of J,ap., vl4, 1886.] llefor to Japan ; Kurile Islands ; Yezo. Air. Abbe (C.) tr., Mechanics of earth's atmo- sphere, coll. [in S.I., Misc. coll., v34, 1893]. Barus (C.) Continuous rcc of atmosph. nuclcation, 1905. Bernoulli (Ja.) De gravit. aetheris, 1683 [in Op., tl. 1744]. Boyle (R.) Exam, of Hobbes's Dialogus; 4' o.p. [in 'Wks., 5v., 1744]. Hist, [in Wks., v5, 1744]. Rarefaction [in Wks., v3, 1744]. Cavendish (H.) Experiments, 1784 [in Watt (J.) Corr., 1846]. Clausius. Constituents by wh. reflexion of light is effected [in Sci". uiems., 1853]. Flammarion (C.) Atmosphere ; tr., 1873. Forster (T.) L'infl. des com6tes sur I'atmosphere, 1836. [PI 17]. Hartwig (G.) Aerial world, 1874. Hobbes (T.) Dialogus [in Op. Lut., v4, 1845; Op. phil., 1668]. Kayscr & Runge. Dispersion d. Lutt, 1893. MacAdie (A.) Aero-phvs. observatory, 1897 [in S.I., Misc. coll., v39, 1899]. Magellan (J. H. de) Glass apparatus &. eudiometers. 1777. [P52]. Noel (E.) Plein du vide, 1648 [in P.-uscal (B.) Ov, t4. 1819 ; t2, 1M5H ; t3, 1872]. Pascal (B.) Nouv. cxp6r. t. le vide, 1647 [in (E., t4, 1819 ; t2, 1858 ; t3, 1872]. Tr. de la i)e.-ianteur (le Pair, 1663 [in (E., t4, 1819 ; t2, 1838 ; t3, 1872]. Ram.say (W.) Gases, ls;i6. Rayleigh. ^Vrgoii &c. [t« Sci. papers, v4, 1903]. 4c Ramsay. Argon, 1896. Robert.son (H.) Nat. hist., 2v, 1808. Rotch(A. L.) Soun.) Theatruni, 6v, 1659-61. BIblloxraphy. Bill helot (A.) MSS. alchim. de Rome [in Archives des miss., s3, tl3, 1887]. Young (J.) Bibl. chem. ; Ferguson, 2v, 1906. Jlefer to Chemistry. Alooba9a. liccklonl (W.) Monasteries, 1835. Jtefer to Portugal, Alcohol. Alcohol question, 1879. Angell (J.) Alcohol q., 1878-9. [P353]. Berthelot. D6couv. [in h. Sci. &c., 1897]. Carpenter (W. B.) Use & abuse, 1851. Chapman (E. N.) Antagonism of a. k. diphtheria, 1878. [Exhibitions, Paris, 1867]. Rep. of U.S. Conmi.. v5, 1870. [Exhibitions, Paris, 1878]. Congr. intern.. No. 16, 1879. Fothergill (A.) Abuse, 1796 [P29]. Horsley (V.)& M. D. Sturge. A. & human body, 1907. Kelnack (T. N.) A. problem in biolog. aspect, 1906. Mantegazza (P.) Quadri d. nat. umana^ 2v, 1871. Matthews (C. G.)Man. of a. fermentation, nd. Non-alcoholic treatment of disease, 1876. Observations on evil effects, 1818. [Pr., 12]. Paget (G. E.) Some lects., 1893. Richardson (B. W.) On a., 1880. Sheen (J. S.) Wines & o. fermented liquors, 1864. Starke (J.) A. ; .sanction for use ; tr., 1907. liefer to Beer & brewing ; Chemistry ; Spirits ; Stimulants ; Temperance ; ■Wine. Alcoholism. Biir (A.) Dor A., 1878. Bird (K.) Drink craving [in Phys. essays, 1870]. Gustaf son (A.) Foundation of death, 1884. [B.] Kerr (N. S.) Inebriety, 1888. Magnan (V.) Alcoholism ; tr., 1876. Palmer (C. F.) Inebriety, 1896. Reid (G. A.) A. : heredity, 1901. Thomson (S.) Temperance &c., 1850. Wilson (C.) Pathology, 1855. Ittfer to Delirium tremens ; Stimulants ; Temperance. Aldeburgh, Siiirol/i. Hck-(N. F.^NoUs, 1870. /,',;/; r to Suffolk. Alderney, see Channel Isl. Aldershot. [Murray's Hdbks.]. Surrey (inch A.), 1S9K, " Jttfer to Hampshire. Ale, see Beer. Alemanni, see Germany, History ; Snevi ; Teutonic races. Aleppo. Fnuiii.lon (R.) Life, 1622-1708 [MS.]. Kenial-Eddln. Chron. d'A. (1097-1146) [ic. tr.\. l.'<84. Russell (A.) Nat. hist., 17,56; 2v, 1794. Jlifer to Byzantine history ; Palestine & Syria. Alesia, [Alise-Ste.-Jieinc]. C:esar (C. J.), see A. C. Gonget (G.) Mim. s. bntaillc nv. le sifigt d'A. (52 D.c). 1864. Lenormant (K.) Mfm. sur. I'A., 1860. Hur (liWu) [/« Schimmcl- |iriiniiic'k, Sri. iiicm.. v2. 1S:I5|. Itefer to Languedoc ; Narbonne. ALEUTIAN 18 ALEXANDER II Aleutian Islands. Ball (W. H.) Kemains of later pre-hist. man. 1878. Kittlitz (F. H. V.) Denkwurdigkelten, 2B, 1858. Pfizmaler. Spr. d. Al. u. Fuchsinseln, 2T, 1884. Stahlin-Storcksbnrg. New N. Archi- pelago; tr., 1774. Uefcr to Alaska ; Behring sea ; Ural- Altaic lang Alexander, the Great. History (Ancleat Works). Arrian (F.) Exped. A. & Hist. Indica, see .4. C. Curtius Rufus (Q.) De rebus gestis, see A. C. ; \Si in MacCrindle (J. W.) Inva- sion, 1893; 96]. Diodorus, Siculus. Bibl. hist., see A. C. ; [cS- in MacCrindle, Invasion, 1893 ; 96]. Geier (R.) A. hist, script., 1844. Itinerarium A. [)'« Arrian (F.) Anabasis, 1846 ; Mai (A.) Class, auctorum t7, 1835]. Justinus. Hist. Philipp., see J. C; \Si in MacCrindle (J. W.) Invasion, 1893; 1896]. Plutarch. De A. fortuna [i/i Moralia, rar. ed. ,<■ tr. ; tr. in MacCrindle, Invasion, 1893 ; 96]. Soriptores rerum A. magni [in Arrian (F.) Anabasis, 1846]. Valerius (J.) Res gestae A., 1835 ; 88. {Modem Works). Bernoulli (J. J.) Darstellungen, 1905. Boulanger (N. A.) Hist, [in (E.,t6, 1794]. Budge (E. A. T. W.) Life of A. ; tr. of Ethiopic hist., 1896. Clarke (E. D.) Tomb, 1805. Dodge (T. A.) A. : war to B.C. 301, 1890. Droysen (J. G.) Gesoh., 1833 ; 77. Frankel (A.) Quellen d. Alexanderhist., 1883. Hogarth (D. G.) Philip & A., 1897. Janke (A.) Auf Alex. Pfaden, 1904. Jm-ien de La Graviere. Campagnes, 5t, 1883-4. Kampers (F.) A. u. d. Idee d. Weltimpe- riums, 1901. MacCrindle (J. W.) Invasion of India by A., 1893 ; 96. Mahaffy (J. P.) Prog, of Hellenism in A.'s Empire, 1905. Niese (B.) Gesch. d. gr. &c. Staaten, 1, 1893. Quatremfere de Quincy. Bftcher d'H6phes- tion, 1818. Char funer. qui transporta le corps d'A., 1818. Ritter (C.) A. des Gr. Feldzug am Ind. Kaukasus [in K6n.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1829]. Sainte-Croix (G., b. de). Examen, 1810. Saint-Martin (J. A.) Mort d'A., 1820. Schlegel (0. W. F. v.) Caesar u. A. [in Wke., B4, 1822 ; 46 ; Lect., tr., 1849]. Steele (R. R.) Story of A., 1894. Teplov (W.) L'emplacement du champ de btle. au passage du Grauique, 1903. Wheeler (B. I.) Alex., 1900. Williams (J.) Life, 1829. Legends & Romances. [A., the 6t.} El librodeA.(13o.); Morel- Fatio, 1906. [A.] Wars, allit. rom. (15c.), 1886. Alexander & Dindimus ; tr. c. 1340-50; Skeat, 1878. Alexandri & Dindimi collatio [in Migne, P. L.. 101]. Ausfeld (A.) Griech. Alexanderroman, 1907. Alexander, the Great [continued]. Legends & Romances [continued]. Callisthenes. ^.«., sec A. C. Darmesteter (J.) Legeude d'A. chcz les Parses [in B. del'E. d. H. Et., Mel., 1878]. Gautier (P.) Ale.xandreis (c. 1200) [in Migne, P. L., 209] ; Norsk Bearb., 1848. Guillaume, de Palerne, (14c.), see A. C. Lambert & Alexandre. Li rom. d'A. (12c.), 1846, Lamprecht, Dcr Pfaffe. A. (12c.); Weismann, 2B, 1850. Lemm(0. v.)A. romanb. d. Kopten, 1903. Meyer (P.) A., litt. fr., m.;i., 2t, 1886. Noldeke (T.) Gesch. d. Alexanderromans, 1890. Toisoher (AV.) tfb. d. Alexandreis Ulrichs v. Eschenbach (13c.), 1881. Werner (R. M.) Lambrechts A., 1879. i?. <5- Russian in I. R. I. O., see A. C, Siippl. 2\ Vandal (A.) Napoleon ic A., 3t, 1891-6. Zlobin (K. E.) 4hmd unter A. II : 1855-1860, 1860. Tatisiichev (S. S.) IImii. A. II, 2t, 1903. ■\Vellesley (F. A.) With the Russians (1871-8), 1!W5. Itrfer to Crimean war ; Eastern ques- tion ; Sa8sia,Hist.; Basso-Indian qu.; Bus80-Turkisliwar,1877-8; Turkestan. Alexander III, of Russia, ISSI-94- Biography. Kr.ipntkin ipr. P. A.) 1842—. Corooatloa. Comply (J. J.) Czar & r.,i, 1884. Finance, see Bussia, History. Foreign Relations. Cvnn (E. ik-) Hist, de I'entente fr.-r., i8x(;-',i4, i»;i5. Dau.let, (E.) Hist, de I'AUiance fr.-r., 1873-93, 1894. Leonov(R.) Doc.de la pol. en Or., 1881-90, 1893. Russisch- deut. Neutralitats-Vertrag (1884), 1896. [P683]. History 4 Politics. Cyon (E. de) Et. polit., 1892. Fiuance.s r. &c., 1895. Doverine (A.) L'esprit nat., 1890. Flouren.s (L. E.) A. Ill, sa vie, Sic, 1894. Lowe (C.) Alex. Ill, 1895. Notovitch (N.) A. HI ic s. entourage,1893. Russia : Europe & East, 1885. Russland am Scheidewege : Beitr. z. K. d. Slavophilentliuins &c., 1888. Samson-Himmelstierna. Russland unter A., 1891 ; tr., 189:!. liefer to Eastern question; Bussia, Hist. ; BuBso-Indian question. Alexandretta. Louis 8alvaioi, iirolid. Panorama, 1901. Refer to Asia Minor Alexandria. Cjcsar. De bello A. (48-47), var. ed. S; tr. Dion, Chri/soslim. Ad Alexaadrinos [in Orationes, see .L 6'.]. Egypt Explor. Fund. Rep. on prospects of rnsearcli ; Hogarth k, Benson, n.d. Gronovius (.J. F.) De museo A. [i» Gro- nuvius, Thes., 18, 1699J. Hakhiyt. Navig. (16c.), see A. C, S. 3. Lafaye (G.) Hi.st. des divinitfis d'A., 1884. Macliaut (G. de) Prise d'A. (1365), 1877; [comm. in Ec. des Ch., t37, 1876J. Matter. Hist.de l*6cole d'A., tl, 2,1840-4. Neroutsos (T. D.) L'anc. A., 1888. Sharpe(S.) Alex, chron., to .v.i>. 640, 1857. Thier.sch (II.) Pharos, Sec, 19(19. WilkiMi. Ol). d. vfiieti.an, (Jcjusuhi zu \. 15u. lt;.T.|i/, Klin. l'r.Ak.,Abh.ll.,1831]. Ilrfer to Egypt; Philosophy, Anc. Alexandria, Patriarchate of. I.c Ouii-ii (.M.) Oriens Clir., I 'J, 1710. I'i'gas (M.) I,ettres(16c.) ; Lognuid, 1902. Uenaudot (K.) Hist. (—13c.), 1713. Sollcrius (.1. li.) I)(t P. A. [in Acta SS., I'nicf., 13, 17.".I ; .Innii t5, 1744]. y/c/ir to Greek Church. Alexis, eiii]i. of /fiiisiti, 1645-76. Paid, of Alcjipo. Travels of Macarius (c. 166;)_72); Ir., 2v, IMIill. Jlefcr to Church & state ; Bussia, History. Alfonso XII, of Spain, 1>i~4-SS. Biographies. Castelar (E.), 18.32-99. Orense (J. M.). 1803-80 [in Labra, Estu- dios. tl, 1887]. Ruiz Zorrilla (.M.). ls:j4-95. Refer to Spain, History. Alfonso XIII, of Spain, «.S'6— . Flack (H. E.) .Span.-Amer. diplom. rels. prec. war of 1898, 1906. Pirala(A.) Esp. v la Regencia, 1885-1902, 3t, 1904-7. Routier (G.) L'Esp. en 1897, 1897. [Spain]. Doc. : Conf. de Paris y tratado de paz &c., 1898-1899. Valera (J.) A vuela pluma, 1897. Biographies. Castelar (E.) 1832-99. Ruiz Zorrilla (M.), 1834-95. Alford, Aberdeen. [Alford], Records of Meeting of Exer- cise, 1662-88, 1897. Rtfer to Aberdeenshire. Alfred the Great, S;/-9C;/. History {Contemporary Works). Alfred, the (rt. Wks. ; [tr.], 2v, 1852. Anglo-Saxon chron., see A. C. ; [4' in Petrie, Hon., 1848]. Asser (J.) Annales (849-87), see A. C. [,$■ in Camden, Anglica, 1602; Gale, Hist., v2, 1691; Petrie, Mon., 1848]. Conybeare (E.) A. in chroniclers, 1900. Giles (J. A.) Harmony of chroniclers, 849-901 [in Alfred, Wks., vl, 1852]. {Later Works). A. the Gt. : chaps. ; Bowker, 1899. Besant (W.) Alfred, 1,898. [P871]. Story, 1901. Bicknell (A.) Life, 1777. Draper (W. H.) Alfred, 1901. Earle (J.) A. jewel, 1901. Giles (J. A.) A.'s jewel [in Alfred, Wks., vl, 1852]. Life & times, 1848. Guizot (M. G.) A. le Gr., 1856. Harris (S.) A. the Gt., 1903. Harrison (F.) G. Washington, &c., 1901. Hughes (Th.) A. the Gt., 1871 ; 1898. Musgrave (W.) De icuncula JE. [in Antiq., v2, 171.5]. Pauli (11.) Kon. Aelf., 1851 ; tr. ; Wright, 1852; Thorpe, 1857; 93. Plummer (C.) Life Si. times, 1902. Pollock (F.) K. A., 1899 ; [,<• in P408]. Spelman(J.)Lifeof A., 1709 ; Lat., 1678. Stubbs(C. W.)A. thoGt.,1901. [P1022]. Wliitaker (J.) Life of St. Noot, 1809. Wiiikelmaiin (E.) Ge.sch., 1883. Rifer to England, History. Algae. Agiissiz (A.) Contrib., 2v, 1888. Batters. Cat. of Brit, marine A., 1902. [Brit. Mu.seum]. Antarctic Exped., 1901-4 ; Nat. hist., v3, 1907. Cooke (M. C.) Intr. to fresh-water A.,1890. Gray (S. O.) IJrit. sea-weeds, n.d. Harvey (W. H.) Brit, marine A., 1849. Marine botany of W. Australia [in U.I.A., Trans., v22, 1855]. Nereis Boreali-Amer., 3p, 1853-8. Phycologia Brit., vl-3, 1846-51. Ilervcy (A. B.) Sea mosso.s, 1H81. Link. Ob. d. inncrn Ban &c. d. Tangar- tcn [in K6n.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1833]. Murray (G.) Intr. to study, 1895. N.ave (,I.) Il.anrly-book ; tr., 181)7. Pringshoim. Jlorphologie d. Jleeres-A. [in Kiin.-Pr. Ak., Ablidl., 1862]. Algae [eontinued'\. Pringsheim. Morpholog. Dillerenzirung in d. Sphacelarien-Reihe [in Kon.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1873]. West (W. & G. S.) Fresh-water A. f. Burma, 1907. Freshwater A. of N. of Ir. [in R.I.A., Trans., v32, 1902-4]. Plankton on Ir. lakes [in R.I. A. Trans., 1906]. Wood (H. C.) Fresh-water A. of N. Amer., 1874. [B.] Refer to Botany ; Diatoms & desmids. Aldis (W, 8.) Text-book, 1887. Baltzer (R.) Theorie &c. d. Determinan- ten, 1870. Cardano (G.) Opera, t4, 1663. Ca.sey (J.) On cubic transformations, 1880. Chicago. Decennial publ., v9, 1904. Chrystal (G.) Algebra, 2p, 1S86-9. Colebrooke (H T.) A. of Hindoos [in h. Misc. essays, v2, 1837 ; v3, 1873]. Darley (G.) Pop. a., 1827. De Morgan (A.) Arithm. & a., 1836. [P1031]. Elements, 1835. Trigonom. Sc double a., 1849. Dupuis (N. F.) Elera. a., 1892. Ellis (A. J.) A. ident. w. geom., 1874. [P314]. Euler (L.) Elements ; tr., 1840. Nova meth. inven. trajectorias reci- proca-s algeb. [in Opusc, t3, 1751]. Fourier (*. J. B. J.) CE., t2, 1890. Hall (H. S.) & S. R. Knight. Higher a., 1901. Lacroix (S. F".) Compl. des Elfem., 1825. E16m. d'a., 1830. Lagrange. OCuvres, 14t, 1867-92. Lotze. De summis coutinuorum [in Kl. Schr., Bl, 1885]. Moncony.s (B. de) Traittfe [in h. Voyages, p4, 1695]. Muhannnad ibn Musa. Algebra (w. tr.), 1831. Muir (T.) Theory of determinants, 1882. Peacock (G.) Treatise, 1830. Reynaud (ft. A. A. L.) EK-mens, si, 2, 1810. Salmon (G.) Lessons, higher a., 1866. Serret (.T. A.) Cours d'a. super., 2t,1877-9. Tytler (.1.) Extr. of roots of integers by Arabs ; ^-o.p. [in As. researches, vl3, 17, 1820-32]. Rffer to Analysis, Mathemat. ; Carves ; Equations ; Mathematics. Algeciraa, Congress of. [France]. Min.desAlf.Etr.; Doc. diplom.; Affaires du Maroc, p2, 1906. Pari. |>apcrs [876]. Int. Conf., De- spatches f. Brit. Delegate, Gen. Act, &c., 1906 (c. 3087). Tardieu (A.) Conf.d'A; hist, diplom. ,1907. Itefrr to Morocco, History. Algeria. Antiquities. Diehl (C.) Rjipp., 1.H92-3 (M.m. bytint.) [in Nouv. arch, des missions, t4, 1893], Enqufite s. travaux hydraul. anc. [in Nouv. arch, des miss., tlO, 1902]. Gscll (S.) Les mon. ant., 2v, 1901. Margais(W.&G.)Mon.;irab('sdi'Tlemccn. 1903. Ouide-bookM. llarhiir (,!.) Itin^rairo, 1855. Harris ((i. W.) Pr.ict. guide. 1893. [Murray's lidbks.]. A. i. Tunis ; Play- fair, 1H90. o3 ALGERIA 20 ALLEGORIES Algeria \_contimied']. History & Politics. Articles of peace betw. Ch. II & A., 1664 [m Somers. v7, 1812]. Castellan. Eel. de I'expfid. cle Gigery (16G4) ; c^- o.p. [/re Archives cur., s2, tlO, 1839]. Col.dedoc, Esp.(16c.),l, 38, 112. 1842- 95. Discours d. voyage, S. Nappolon (1623) \in A. cur., s2, t4, 1838]. Exped. de Chas. V, 1541 [in Pays-Bas, Coll. des voy., t3, 1881 ; tr. in Hail. misc., t4, 1809]. Grammont (H. D. de) Hist., 1515-1830, 1887. Haedo (D. de) Top. & hist., 1612. Ibn Adari. Hist. (640-1205), 2t, 1901-4. Jurien de la Gravi^re. Doria & Barbe- rousse (16c.), 1886. Le Vacher (J.) Coir. (1676-83) [in M61. hist., ti, 1882]. Mas Latrie. Docs. (12-14c.) [in Ec. des ch.,tlO, 1848-9]. Morgan (J.) Hist. (16-17c.), 1731. Playfair (R. L.) Scourge (1540-1830), 1884. Pontus (A.) Harialenns (1532) [in Mat- thaeus. Anal., tl, 1738]. Traits, 1694, entre le Dey & la cie. du Bastion ; Devoulx [in M61. hist., t2, 1877]. {18 & 19 Cent.). Alby (E.) Hist. d. prisonniers fr. (f. 1836), 2t, 1849. Baunard (L.) Gen. de Sonis (1825-87), 1893. Bonnafont (J. P.) Reflexions &c., Beys ^ Constautine, 1710-1837, 1846. Borrer(D.) Narr. of camp. agst. Kaba'iles, 1848. Castellane (L. C. P. de) Milit. life in A. (1840-51) 2v, 1853. Cave (L. T.) French in Aft-., 1859. Chuquet (A.) Gh\. Chanzy (1823-83), n.d. Clarke (R. P.) Card. Lavigerie, 1889. Cooke (G. W.) Conq. &e. of N. Afr., 1860. Deschamps (A.) E. Cavaignac, 2t, 1870. Enfantiu (B. P.) Colonisation, 1843. Etienne (E.) CE. (1881-1906), 2v, 1907. Fabre (H.) L'A., 1840-48, 1876. Girault (A.) Priuc. de colonisation &c., t3, 1908. Lilliehook (J. F.) 2 Jahre, 1863. Manington (G.) A soldier of the legion, 1907. Martin (A. G. P.) A la frontiere du Maroc, tl, 1908. Nettement (A. F.) Hist, de la conquete, c. 1789-1848, 1856. Nicollet (F.)& G. Valran. AlgSrie, 1906. Orl6ans(F. P., (f!(cd')Campagues, 1835-9, 1870. P6tiet (i. A.)S(]uv. milit. (1805-30), 1844. Bandou (c.) Mfem., 2t, 1875-7. Rousset (C. F. M.) Les commencements, 1830-1840, 2t, Atlas, 1887. Rouard de Card. Traitfe de laFr., 1906. St.-Arnaud {mar. de) Lettres (1831-54) 2t, 1855 ; 95. Salame (A.) Narr. of exped., 1816, 1819. Urquhart (D.) French [i«, Refl., 1844]. Wahl (M.) L'Algferie, 1897. Social Lite. Daumas (M. J. E.) Moeurs &c., 1855. Gaudefroy-Demombynes. Notes: cere- monies du mariage, 1901. Le Roux (H.) Je dcviens colon, 1893. Algeria [coiUitiiiedl. Topog. . v2, 1:107 ; Migne, P. G., 19, w. Lat. tr.]. Strzygowski (J.) Calenderbilder d. Chronogr. v. J. 354, 1888. English. Book of the months, 1844. Catholick .aim., 1087 [in Somers, 9. 1813]. Chambers (R.) lik. of days. 2v, 1803-4. Cruiksliank (G.) Comic aim., 1835-43. Dictrichscn & Hannay's Royal aim., 1853-70. Explanation of design of Oxford A., 1711. [P554]. Forster(T.) Perennial cal., 1824. Hone. Every-dav bk., 2v, 182(;-7. Year-l)k„'l832. Rider (C.) R.'s lirit. .Merlin, 1751-1800. R.'s sheet aim., 1780; 89. Sitwell (G.) Pocket a. at Renishaw, 1071- 1721 [in Derbys. Arch. Sec. Soc, vl2, 1890]. Wordsworth (0.) Anc. Kal. of Univ. of Oxf. ic. fr. docs. 14-170., 1904. Preach. Armana prouvenrjau, 1.898. Cal. per|i6tucl [in S. de I'll, de Fr., Ann., 1854]. Almanacks & Calendars [eoiUinued]. French [eo/Uiitited], Grand-Carteret. Almanachs fran(. : bibl.-iconogr. (1000-1895), 1896. Rabelais (F.) Aim., 1541 [iraffi. t3, 1873]. Wordsworth (C.) Anc. Kal. of Univ. of Oxf. fr. docs. 14-17C., w. Kal. of Paris &c., 1904. Oerman. Nork (F.) Festkalender, 1847. .Scheible (J.) ed., Schaltjahr, 5B, 1846-7. Hungarian. Magyar Tudominyos Akad. Aim., 1870- 1907. Japanese. Clement. Jap. c [in As. Soc. of J., v30, 1902]. Mexican. Fernandez de Echeverria y Veytia. Los cal. mex., 1907. Mexico : Miiseo Nac. Anales, 1903-6 ; Boletin, 1904. Slavonic. Miklosich (F.) Monatsnamen [in K. .Vkad. d. W. zu Wien, Denkscbr.. B17, 1808]. Jtefer to Astrology; Calendars, Church; Chronology. Almeria. Caffarus. De exped., 1147-8, see A. C. liefer to Andalusia. Almondbury, Yorks. Easther (A.) Glossary of dialect, 1883. Hulbertt. Dempster (C. L. 11.) M. Alps, 18.85. GiolVrcilci (P.) Storia(— 1052'). *<■<' .1. ('. JCr/'ir to Cannes; Mentone; Nice; Biviera ; Seyne. Alphabets. .\sllc(r.) Origin, 1803. Ballhiun(F.) A. or. \i. occid. Spr.,lS44 ; 56. Clairefon.l (A. M.) Nouv. explio., 1878. Faulmann(C.) liuch d. Schrift, 1878. lUust. Ge.sch.. 1880. Forster (C.) Harmony of primeval a., n.d. Graff. Ub. y (<'^i() [in Kon.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1839]. Key (T. H.) Alphabet, 1844. Lepsius (C. R.) AUg. linguist. A., 1855. [P377]. ALPHABETS Alphabets [continned]. Lepsius (C. K.) Anorrlnung u. Verwandt- schaft d. Sem., Ind., Alt-Pers., Alt- Agypt. u. Athiop. A. [in Kciu.-Pr. Ak Abhdl..l835]. Standard a., 1863. 2 Sprachrergl. Abhdlgn., 1836. Maurus (R.) De inventione ling. rOc.) Hn Migne, P. L., 112]. Taylor (I.) Alphabet, 2v, 1883. Terrien de Lacoiiperie. Beginnings in C & E. Asia, 1894. Trendelenburg. Ub. Leibnizens Entwurf e. allg. Cliarakteristik [in K<5n.-Pr. Ak , AbhdI., 1856]. Wakefield (G.) On origin [in/>. Mem v2 1804]. Wuttke (H.) Entstehung, 1872. Ornamental. Day (L. F.) A. old & new, 189S. Dodgson (C.) Grotesque a. of 1464, facs 1899. Harrison (W. R.) Suggestions, n.d. Huntington (A. M.) Initials, 9-llc., 1904 Johnston (E.) Writing Sec, 1906. Shaw (H.) Hdbk. of mediaeval a., 1856 Strange (E. F.) Alphabets, 1895; 98. liefer to various languages and Illumina- tion ofUSS. Inscrip- tions. Manuscripts Monograms. Phonetics. Picto- graphs. Sign-writ- ing. Translite- ration. Writing. Alpine Plants, fee Botany, Alpine, Alpine Zoology, see Zoology. Alps. Oulde- books. Baedeker (C.) E. Alps, 1879 ; 91 ; 95. Switzerland &c., var. ed. Ball (J.) Alpine guide, 3p, rar. ed. Muddock (J. E.) -J. E. M." guide, 1883 [Murray's Hdbks.]. Switz. &c., rar. ed. History & Ancient Topography. Azan (P.) Annibal d. le.s Alpes, 1902 Cramer & Wickliam. Diss, on passage of Hannibal, 1820. Cugnac {e. J. de) Camp., 1800, pi, Gr - St.-Bernard, 1900. Ellis (R.) Enq. into anc. routes, 1867 Gioffredo (P.) Storia d. A. Marit. (—1652) see A. C. Inama-Sternegg. Entwick. d. deut Alp- endorfer [in Hist. Tbch., V, 4, 1874] Law (W. J.) Alps of Hannibal. 2v, 1866 On A. passes of Strabo, 1846 • r.<- ■in P320]. ^' Reply to Ellis, route of Hannibal 1856. [P140]. Lentheric (C.) L'homme dey. 1. A., 1896 ■'"I'lf.l"^' •*■ ^^^ ^''**- "^^ P^s^- P- Annibal,' Osiander (W.) Hannibalweg, 1900 Wlutaker (J.) Course of Hannibal, 2v, li94. Topograpliy & Travels. Albanis de Beaumont. Travels thr Le- puntine A., 1800. Alpine Journal, 1864-84. Baillie-Grohman. Sport, 1896 Bakewel] (R.) Travels, 2v 1823 Berlepsch (H. A.) Die A., 1871 ;'tr , 1861 Berndt (G.) Alpenfohn, 1886. —— Val d'Auniviers u. Bassin de Sierre, Bonney (T. G.) Alp. regions of Switz. &o., — — Outline sk. in High A. of Dauphin^ 1865. ' Bordeaux (H.) Paysages, 1906 22 Alps [eontinved']. Topography & Travels [contimied]. Brockedon (W.) 111. of passes, 2v, 1828-9 Butler (S.) A. &c. of Piedmont & Ticino, loo 2. Catlow (A. & M. E.) Sk. rambles, 2v, 1861 STJ^i''^'^-^^''^ ^- • S^^°er. phys. & geol.. lo82. Collingwood (W. G.) Limestone A of Savoy, 1884. Comba (E.) Hist. d. Vaudois, Intr , 1898 Conway (W. M.) Alps, 1904. Alps f. end to end, 1895, 1905. Dent (C. T.) Above snow line, 1870-80, Forbes (J. D.) Norway &c., 1853. Travels, Savoy, 1843; 1900 Freshfield (D. W.) Ital. A., 1875 Freshfield (H.) Alp. byways, 1859-60, 1861. Galton (F.) Vac. tourists. 1861 George (H. B.) Oberland & glaciers, 1866 Girdlestone (A. G.) High A., 1870 Grube (A. W.) Alpenwander., 1886. Harrison (F.)Alp.jubilee,1851-1907,1908 Hinchhff (T. W.) Summer months, 1857 Hugo (V.) En voyage, 1890. Kohl (J. G.) Alpenreisen, 3T. 1849-51 Main (E. A. F.) High A., 1883. High life, 1886. My home, 1892. Tnie tales of mtu. adv., 1903 Malleson (G. B.) Capt. Musafir's rambles, 1884:. Moore (A, W.) A. in 1864, 1902. Mummery (A. F.) Mv climbs, 1895 Murchison (R.) Struttura geol. ; tr 1850 Norman-Neruda (L.) Climbs. 1899 ^im)"''" '■^■'' ^''^^^^^ "■ M. Bianca &c. Peaks, p.asscs. &c., 1859; 60; 2v, 1862 Plunket (F. L. E.) Here & there, 1875 ' Rambert (E.) A. suisses, 5s, 1866-75 Richter (E.) Geomorph. Untersucli in den Hochalpen, 1900. Roth(A.)Doldeuhornu.WeisseFrau.l8G3 Saussure (H. B. de) Vovages. 8t. 1780-96 Schaubach (A.) Deut. A.r 5T, 1845-7 Schlagintweit-.Sakunliinski. Untersuch ub. phys. Geogr.. 1850. Simler (J.) Comm. (16c.) [in Fiissli The- saurus, 1735]. Stephen (L.) Plaveround. 1871 ■ 94 Tyndall (J.) Glaciers, 1800. Hours. 1871. Mountaineering, 1862. New fragm.. 1892. Werber (W. J. A.) Schweizer-Alpenluft, 1862. Whymper(E). Scrambles, 1860-9, mr ed Wills (A.) Wanderings, 1856 ; 58 Wilson (H. S.)Alp. ascents, 1878. Wise (A. T. T.) Alp. winter in med. aspect, 1885. Witte (J. H. F. C.)Alpinisches&c., 1858. Yeld (G.) Scrambles in E. Graians 0878- 97), 1900. *■ Zsigmondy (E.) Im Hochgebirge, 1889 Topography (Ancient), see History, above. lU'ler to Arlberg. I Matterhorn. I Higi. Botany.Alp. ^ Meteoro- Saint n*?!"-v ' „ '°ey- I Gotthard. Doldenhorn. Mont Blanc. Savoy Dolomites. : Mont Cenis. ] Stubai Alps Germany. ; Monte Rosa. Switzerland Gnndelwald Mountain- Ticino. Italy I eering. Tyrol. Lombards & ; Natural his- Valtellina Lombardy. tory. ALSATIAN- Alpujarras. Alarcon (P. A. de) La Alpujarra, 1892 Meter to Granada. Alsace-Iiorraine. Alt-ace (L-) fran?., 1907. rP11471 Barres (IM.) Bastions de I'Est : Au service de 1 Allemagne, 1906. [Elsa_ss-Lothringen]. ' Statist. Hdbch.. lo'So. [Elsass-L.] mters. der Lage der Land- wirthschaft, 1885. Inolo]^'"'^ I^S';!^- im Elsass. 1905. Schiipflin, A. ilhist., 2v, 1751-61 Woltmann (A.) Ge-sch. d. deut. Kunst im Elsass, 1876. History. About (E. F. V.) ALsace, 1871-2. 1875. Chuquet (A.) Guerres de la R6v , t8 9 (1793-4), n.d. Dumout (A.) L'administration, 1871 Eckbrechtvon Diirckheim. Erinnerun- gen (1812-87), 1887, Golbery (P. de) Coup d'ceil, 1883. rP7881 Knepper (J.) Nat. Gedanke. 1898 Mon. Germ, hist,, see Index to M G H. Noailles (A, de) Episodes : Bernard de Saxe-Weimar 1604-39, & reunion de lA. ^ la Fr,, 1908, Picard (E,) 1870 ; la perte de I'A., 1907 Reuss (R.) Cath^-5 A. ilhist.. 2v, 1751-61 Sleidanus (J.) Hist. (1517-56), see A.C. Stahling(C.)Hist. de Strasbourg & de PA 1830-1852, 1884, M'agner (A,) E, u, L, u, i. Wiedereewin- nung, 1870. Social Life. Hanauer (C. A.) Constitut. des camp dA, aum,-age, 1864. -^ Paysans d'A. au m.-d. : cours eolon- geres, 1865. Riehl (W. H.) Elsiiss Culturstudien \in Hist, Tbch., \, i, 1871]. Stober (A.) Sagen d. Els., 1858. Weckerlin (J. B.) Chansons de I'A., 2t, 1883. Topography & Travels. About (E, F. V.) Alsace, 1871-2. 1875 Ardouin-__Dumazet. Voyage en Fr., s48- Dictionnaire topog. du Haut-Rhin : Stoffel, 1868. Engelhard (M.) Souv. d'A., 1882 Grad (A, C) L'Alsace, 1889. Guilbert de Pixerecourt. Esquisses, 1833 [inlh. ch„ t4, 184.SJ, Ruinart (T.) Iter. litt. (1696) [in Mabillon (J.) Ouvr. posth., t3. 1724]. Tissot {Y.) Voyage. 1876. ■H'olff (H, W,) Co. of Vosges, 1891 Zeiller (M.) Topogr., T5, 1644. Befer to Colmar. ^ Lorraine. , Eappolts- Ebersmiin- | Marbacli. ! weiler. ster. Miinster im Schlett- Franco-Ger- j Gregorien- i stadt. man war. thai. Sirassbarg. " Germany. ,' Murbach. Vosges Alsatian Dialect, see German language. ALTACOMBA 23 AMERICA Altacomba, «•<■ Hautecombe. Altai. Humboldt (A. v.) Reise, 2B, 1837-12. Swavne (H. G. C.) Thr. lii^'hlaiids, 1904. Tmijer (8.) Siberia. IDO.'., lU/rr til Central Asia ; Mongolia ; Siberia. Altaic Hieroglyphs, m-e Caneiform in- scriptions. Altaic Languages, .<(>' Ural-Altaic lan- guages. Altars. BagUsh. Hope (\V. H. St. J.) Erig. a., f. ill. MSS. (lo-iuc). lyon. Greek & Roman. liertliault. I)e ara [in Grffivius, Tlios. Rom., t(i. 1GM7]. Curtius (E.) Altare v. Olympia, 18S1. Gardthauseii (\.) Der Altar Ara pads Augusta;, lOOS. [PinS]. Gronoviu.s. The.*. Gr. ant., t7, 1090. Petersen & Sievekint,'-. Ara pads Augusta; [in 0.sterr. Arch. Inst., B9-10. 190G-7]. Studniczka (B".) Altiire mit Grubenkani- nicrn [in O.sterr. Arch. Inst., B6, 7. 1903-1]. PefiT 111 Churcbes ; Greek mythology & religion ; Soman mythology and religion. Altdorf, (//dt'crsiti/. ilurr (C. G. v.) Memorabilia Univ. A. &c., ap. 1781J-91. Ji'r/i-r III Universities. Altenburg. Brandt ((J. H.) Baur u. biiuerl. Lasten im Sachsen-A.. 17-19 J., 1900. Itcfir to Saxony ; Thuringia. Altenzelle. Mim. (iriiii. hist.. ,■-■(■(■ fndcx. Ili'frr til Monasteries ; Saxony. Alternation of Generations. Adler (H.) Altern. g. : oak galls & flies: tr., 1894. [B.] Schaudinn (F.) Gonerationswechsel v. Trichospharr., 1899-1900. Stecnstrup (.J. J. S.") A. ..f g. ; tr.. 1815. liefer In Biology ; Parthenogenesis ; Zoology. Altham, l.nnci. Fishwick (II.) Note bk. of T. Jolly, lt;7l-9;! &c., 1891, Jlefer la Lancashire. Althorp. Dib.iiii (T. F.) liibl. Spcnceriana: .Sdes A., vl, 1SL>L'. Ili/ii- III Northamptonshire. Alwington. Hist. MSS. Coniin., ;". liefer In Devonshire. Amadeus, /.■. of Hjuiin, l>i'0-3. (■aM,lar(E.) Disc, p.)!., 1871-3, 1873. C'licrbulioz (C. V.) L'Ksp., 18G8-73, 1874. Lau.ser(W.)Ge.S(;h., 183.3-74, 2T, 1877. I'irala (A.) El rcy, 1871. Whilihouse (H. R.) Sacrifice of throne, I.s:i7. Biography, (Jrense(.I. M.), 1803-80 [in Labra, Estu- dios, tl, 18s7|. liefer In Spain, History. Amalfl. Ar<-hivio stor. ital., see list in A. C, Siippl. J. I'lrencmannus. Do republ. A. A:c, [in Gr.cvius, Thes. It., tOiv, 1723], Bute (J. P. C. S., m. of) St. Andrew [in h. Essay.-i, 19011. liefer In Campania. Amanvillers, Ilnllle of, see Gravelotte. Amarna, E1-, .vc £1-Amarna. Amateur Theatricals. .Mntrer (X.) Diukens'.s a. t. [in h. Lect. v2, 191)5]. Baker-Penoyre. School plays in Lat. i; Gr., 1898 (c. 8943) {in P. P., 1295]. Bell {luTs. H.) Chamber com., 1890. Du Bled(V.)Com6diedesoc., 18s., 1893. Herkomer (H. v.) My school &c., 1908. Private th., 1881. ■ Amatongas, sec Tongaland. Amazon, rieer and vallei/. Bates (U. W.) Naturalist,'2v, 1803 ; 04 ; 92. Brown (C. B.) & W. Lidstone. 15000 miles, 1878. Edmundson (G.) Early coloniz.(17-18c.), 189G-1904. Edwards (W. H.) Voyage, 1847. Godin Des Odonais (I.) Ace, 1770, 1827. Lettre, 1773 [in La Condamine,Rel., 1778]. Hakluyt. Navig., (IGc), see A. C, Suppl. 3. Herndon (W. L.) Explor., 1854. Keller (F.) A. & Madeira, 1874. La Condamine. Rel. d'un voy., 1778 ; [tr. in Pinkerton. 14, 1813]. Markham (C. K.) Exped., 1539, 40, 1639, 1859. Mathews (E. D.) Amazon & Madeira,1879. Maw (H. L.) Journal, 1829. Plane (A.) A trav. I'Amfr., 1903. Saint Cricq (L.) Voyage, 2t, 1809. Smyth (W.) & F. Lowe. Narr., 1830. Spruce (R.) Notes of a botanist, 2v, 1908. Wallace (A. R.) Travels, 1S53 ; 89. Itefcr to Amazonas ; Brazil ; Pern ; South America. Amazonas, slate. [Brazil ; Amazoua.s]. Rel., estatistica, 1901. [Brazil: A.]. Rel., interior, 1900, 2v, 1901-2. [Brazil : A.]. Rel., justiija, 1900. Pari, papers, [1340]. State of A., 1900. (c. 2). Rio de Janeiro ao .V. &<■. : Itin.. 1885. liefer to Amazon ; Brazil. Amazons. Fr6ret (X.) Obs. [in ffi., t4, 5, 1790]. GuvonCC. M.)Hist., 1741. Mordtmann (A. D.) Die A., 1802. [P4C7]. Nagel (F.) Gesch., 1838. Steiner (M.) Amazonen-Mythus, 1857. [P470]. /.'(■/'"■ to Greek mythology ; Women. Ambala. Punjab. Gnz. of A. dislr.. lsil-2-3. Ilifer In Punjab. Ambassadors. Bynkershoek (C. v.) 'I'r. du Jugc com- l)etent des a.; tr. [i»Wicquefort(A.de) L'a., t2. 1730J. Cotton (H. B.) Proc. ag. a. [in I'nsthuma, 1051], Finctt (J.) Obs. tnurh. a.. lO.^.O. Firth (C. II.) & S. C. I.onias. Notes, 1603-88 : lists of a. f. Eng. to Fr. & f. F. to Eng., 1900. [PI 141], Galardi. Traitf, a. habilcs. 1(!00. Gufirard. Listc (I0-19c.) [/« S. do I'h. dc Fr., Ann., 1849]. Malet (E.) A. [in Pitcairn, Unwr. laws, 1899]. Mirot & DCprcz. A. angl. (1327-M50) [in Ec. des Ch., t.-.9-01, 1898-1900J. Vindry (F.) A. fr.. 10s.. 1903. Wicqiiefort (A. de) L'a. & foiictions, 2t, 1730; tr., 1740. Ambassadors [continued']. WiiMiurfi.it (A. de) Ukm. t. les a., 1670 [(« 1/;.., tl, \i:V)]. liefer to Diplomacy ; Diplomatic Ser- vice. Amber. BulVuni (W. A.) Tears of Heliades, 1890. Martin (T. H.) Du succin, 1800. liefer to Mineralogy, Ambition & Love of Poinrer. Commire (J.) De arte paranda; fama; [in h. Carni., 1081]. Demolins (E.) A-t-on int6r§t 4 s'emparer du pouvoir .', 1902. Meursius. De gloria [in Op., t5, 1745]. Sepulveda. De appet. gloria [in Op., v4, 1780]. Hefer to Private life & public life. Amboise. Liber de compositione Castri A. &c. [in Acliery, Spic, t3, 1723], Ihfer to Castles ; Touraine. Amboise, Conjuration d', 1560. Dareste (R.) F. Hotman & la c. d'A. [in Eo. des Ch., tl5, 1854], liefer in Francis II, of France ; Pro- testants, France. Amboyna. [Anilxiyna], Dutch proc.(162.3), wc J. C. News out of East Indies (1623); Sf o.2>. [in Harleian coll., v2, 1745]. Stavorinus (J. S.) Voy. (18c.), see A. C. Valeutijn (F.) Beschr. &c. [in Oost-lnd., d2, 1724]. . Verhaal \in Oost-lnd., d3, 1720]. liefer to Dutch East Indies ; Moluccas. Ambriz, .«(< Angola ; Colonies, Portu- guese ; West Africa. Ambrosden. Kennet (W.) Parochial antiqs. ( — 1460), 2v. ISIS. liefer In Oxfordshire. Ambrosian Library, see Milan. Ambulance. .\iuer. Assoc, for Relief of Misery of Battle-lields, 1800. [P224]. Bedford & Holbeche. Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Eng., 1902. Du Camp (M.) Croix Rouge de Fr., 1889. Edmonds (J. E.) Organis. of volunt. med, aid in war, 1901. [P1023], [Exhibitions, Paris, 1878], Congr. intern.. No. 15, Serv. m6cl. des armecs, 1879. Furley (J.) In peace & war, 1905. Gildea (.vyrf.) Order of St. John, 1881. Moynier io Appia. Help for sick Ji: wounded ; tr., 1870. Pari, papers [924]. Sick & woundc Battles; Military art & science. America. Anilqulilcs, tee America, Antiquities, ,if/nirole heiidinij helnw. HIbllography (see oho America, History). Bibliollura Anicr. Nova (1701-l.sOO) ; Rich, 1835; Suppl., pi, 1841. [Canada, Govt, Publ.J. Lib. of Pari., Cat., 2p, 1857-8. AMERICA America [ooMtitiued], Bibliography [continued']. Cat, of a coll. of bks. rel. to A. &c., sold, 1862. [P758]. Clarke (R.) ,?• Co. Bibl. Amer., 1893. Lefferts (M. C.) Cat. of Americana, sold, 1902. Mason (G. E.) Bks. &c. rel. to A. coll. by M., sold, 1800. Smith (J. R.) Bibl. Amer., 1871. Stevens (H.) Bks. & mss. rel. to A., sold, 1881-6. [U.S.] Lib. of Congress : Lee Phillips, List of maps, 1901. Winsor (J.) Kohl coll. of maps, 1886. Economics. MacGregor (J.) Progress (—1846), 2v, 1847. Gazetteers. Alcedo (A. de) Geogr. & hist. diet. ; tr., 5v, 1812-15. History, .«^e America, History, sep. heading. Topography. Acosta(J. d'; Hist. (16c.) ; tr. ; Markham, 2v, 1880. [America]. Geography ; Long, 1841. De Laet (J.) Beschrijv., 1630 ; {extr. tr in N.Y. Hist. Soc, Coll., s2, 1841]. Flint (T.) Hist. & geog., 2v, 1832. Linschoten. Descr. (16c.) [in Hist.,163S]. Oltmanns. Ub. d. Geogr. A.'s siidwarts V. Aequator [in K6n.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl , 1827]. Pauw (C.) Recherohes, 3t, 1770. Purchas (S.) Pilgrimage, 1626. Reclus. Nouv. g^og., tl5-19, 1890-4; tr., n.d. Scaife (W. B.) A., geogr. hist., 1492-1892 1892. Thevet (A.) Les singularitez (1558); Gaffarel, 1878. Travels. Ampere (J. J.) Promenade, 2t, 1855. Audubon (J. J.) Journals, 2v, 1898 Brandt (M. v.) 33 Jahre, 3B, 1901. Bromley (C. F.) Woman's wanderings, 1861. ^ Castell CSV.) Coast &c. (17c.), see A C Chester (G. J.) Transatl. sk., 1869 Colnett (J.) Voy. r. Cape Horn, 1798. Cornwallis (K.) Panorama, v2, 1859. [Jesuits]. Lettres, t6-9, 1781. Lanman (C.) Recoil., 1881. Price (R. L.) 2 Americas, 1877. Purchas (S.) Pilgrimes (—1 624), 4p, 1 625 ; 20v, 1905-7. [Pot contents see A. C ] Recoil, of a ramble f. Sydney, 1851 Stuart-Wortley Qadij E. C. E.) Travels 3v, 1851. Sullivan (E. R.) Rambles, 1852. Ternaux-Compans (H.) Voyages &c., 20t, 1836-41. Refer to Botany. Buccaneers. Centr. America. Geology. Natural Negroes. hist. North America. South America. Zoology. America, Antiquities. Abbott (C. C.) Prim, industry, 1881 American Ethn. Soc. Trans., vl, 2,1845-8 Baldwin (J. D.) Anc. A., 1872.' Bancroft (H. H.) Native races of Pacific States, v4, 1875. Blacket (W. S.) Researches, 1883. Erasseur de Bourboiirg. PopolVuh, 1861 Brine (L.) Travels, 1894. Burns (F.) Crump burial cave, 1894 • [ ?• in S.I., Rep., Nat. Mus., 1892]. ' 24 America, Antiquities [continued]. Call (W. H.) Remains of later pre-hist. man f. Alaska &c., 1878. Dorsey (G. A.) Aborig. quartzite quarry in E. Wyoming [ra Field Columb. Mus., Anthrop. ser., 2iv, 1900]. Eichthal (G. d') Et. s. les orig. boud- dhiques, pi, 1865. Fewkes (J. W.) Ai'ch. exped. to Arizona, 1895 [in S.I., Ethn., Rep., 17ii, 1898]. Porto Rican stone collars &c. [in S.I., Misc. coll., v47, 1905]. Foster (J. W.) Pre-hist. races, 1873. Fowke (G.) Arch, investig. in James & Potomac valleys, 1894. [P1004J. Stone art [in S.I., Ethn., Rep., 13 1896]. '■ Gann (T.) Mounds in N. Honduras [in S.I., Ethn., Rep., 19ii, 1900]. Haven (S. F.) Arch, of U.S., 1856. Henshaw (H. W.) Animal carvings f moimds of Mississippi [in S.I., Ethn Rep., 2, 1883]. Hewett (E. L.) Antiq. of Jemez plateau, 1906. Holmes (W. H.) Anc. art of Chiriqui, Colombia [in S.I., Ethn., Rep., 6, 1888], Anc. quarry, 1894. Art in shell [in S.I., Ethn., Rep., 2, 1883]. '■ Coll. made 1881 [in S.I., Ethn, Rep., 3, 1884]. Flint implements &c., Afton [j«S.L, Rep., Nat. Mus., 1901]. Stone implements of Potomac- Chesapeake Tidewater prov. [in S I Ethn., Rep., 15, 1897]. Hough (V,'.) Antiqs. of valleys in Arizona & New Mex., 1907. Arch, field work in N.E. Arizona [in S.I., Rep., Nat. Mus., 1901]. Hrdliika (A.) Skeletal remains in N Amer., 1907. Humboldt (A. v.) Researches; tr , 2v 1814. Vues des CordilUres, &c., 1810. Humboldt (W. v.) Culturzustand d. Volker (1823) [in Schr., B5, 1906]. Jones (C. C.) Antiq., 1873. Jones (J.) Explor. of aborig. remains of Tennessee, 1876. Kong. Nord. Oldskr.-Selskab. Mems 1836-1901. Maudslay (A. C. & A. P.) Glimpse at Guatemala, &c., 1899. Mindeleff (C.) Aborig. remains in Verde Valley [in S.I., Ethn., Rep., 13, 1896], Casa Grande ruin [in S.I., Ethn Rep., 13, 1896]. Nadaillac (J., m. de) Pre-hist.A.; tr , 1885 Nordenskiold (G.) Cliff dwellers of Mesa Verde, Colorado ; tr., 1893. Peet (S. D.) Prehist. A., vl-3, 1892-9. Pidgeon (W.) Traditions, 1853. Proudflt (S.V.) Stone implements f. Distr of Columbia, 1890. [P886]. Putnam (C. E.) Elephant pipes &c., 1885 [P795]. Rau (C.) Arch, coll., U.S. Nat.Mus., 1876. Smithsonian Instit. Rep., 1850 . Squier(E. G.) Aborig. mon. of N.York, 1851. & Davis. Anc. mons. of Mississippi, 1848. Stevenson (J.) Coll. f. New Mexico & Arizona, 1879-81 [in S.I., Ethn., Rep 2-3, 1883-4]. ^ Thomas (C.) Burial mounds [in S I Ethn., Rep., 5, 1887]. Cat. of prehist. wks., 1891. AMERICA America, Antiquities [continued]. Thomas (C.) Earthworks of Ohio, 1889 Introd., 1898. Mound explor. [in S.I., Ethn., Rep , 12,1894]. ^ Problem of Ohio mounds, 1889. Thompson (E. H.) Ruins of Xkichmook, Yucatan [in Field Columb. Mus. : Anthrop. sen, 2iii, 1898]. Warden (D. B.) Antiq. des Etats-Unis [«« Soc. de geog., Rec, t2, 1825]. Whittlesey (C.) Anc. mining, Lake Su- perior, 1863. Wilson (D.) Lost Atlantis, &c., 1891. Wilson (T.) Paleolithic per. of stone age [m S.I., Rep., Nat. Mus., 1888]. Wright (G. F.) Ice age in N. Amer. antiq. of man, 1889. Be/er to American I Cliff- Indians. I dwellings. Brazil. Guatemala. Central '. Mexico, America, i Ohio. Falenqne. Pern. Pottery. Pueblos. Textiles. America, Central, see Centra) America. America, History. Browne (Sir T.) Prophecy [in Wks., v4, 1835]. Burke (E.) Aco. of Eur. settlements, 2v, 1777. C.S.P., Colonial, vl, 7, 9-17, A , 1574- 1699, 1860-1908. Hornot (A.) Anecdotes, 1776. Josselyn (J.) Chron. obs. to 1673 [in Mass. H. S., Coll., Ill, v3. 1833]. MacGregor (J.) Progress (1492-1846), 2v, 1847. Mackenzie (R.) America, 1882. Payne (E. J.) Hist., vl, 2, 1892-9. Raynal (G. T. F.) Hist., lOt, 1780. Robertson (\V.) Hist, (to 17c.) [in Wks , V8-11, 1817; v6-8, 1824]. Universal hist.. Mod., v34-6, 1783. Winsor (J.) Narr. & hist., 8v, 1886-9 Yonge (C. M.) & H. H. Weld. Aunt Charlotte's stories, 1883. Ancient (see also America, Antiq.) De Roo (P.) Hist. bef. Columbus, 2v, 1900 Peet (S. D.) Prehist. A., vl-3, 1892-9. Thompson (G. A.) New theory to explain time in wh. A. was peopled, 1815 [Pr., 5], Bibliography. Ford (W. C.) Vernon- Wager MSS., List (1654-1773), 1904. [Genova]. Cat. d. opere comp. la rac- colta Colombiana, 1906. [P1087]. Sheffield (H. N., e. of). Cat. of bks. &c. sold, 1907. Smith (J. R.) Bibl. Amer., 1871. Winship (G. P.) Cabot bibliog., 1900. Discovery (Ante- Columbian). Anderson (R. B.) A. not disc, by Colum- bus, Norsemen, lOc, 1874. Beamish (N. L.) Disc, by Northmen, 10c , 1841. Brown (M. A.) Icelandic disc, of A., 1887. Gravier (G.) Decouverte par les Nor- mands, 10s., 1874. Lucas (F. W.) Annals of N. & A. Zeno (14c.), 1898. Rafn (C. C.) Antiq. amgr., 1845. Mgm. s. la decouv., 10s., 1843. Reeves (A. M.) Finding of Wineland, 1890. Ruge (S.) Entdeckungs-Gesch. (ll-16c.) [in Hamburg Festsclir., Bl, 1892]. Entwicklung d. Kartographie b. 1570, 1892. AMERICA 25 AMERICAN America, History [continued]. Discovery (Aate-Columblan) [continued]. Storm (G.) Vinelaud voyages [in Kong. N. 01dskr.-Selskab,M^ms.,X.S.,iyS4-U]. Vining (E. P.) An inglor. Columbus, Buddhist disc, 5c., IH80. Weise (A. J.) Discoveries to 1525, 1884. Zeno (X. &. A.) Voyages, 14c. ; tr. ; Major, 1873. {Columbian & Post-Columblaa). Adams (H. B.) & H. Wood. Columbus, 1892. [B.] Alvarez Chanca (D.) Letter, 1494, rel. to 2 voy. of Columbus; tr. [in S.I., Misc. coll., v48, 1907]. Apelt (C. F.) Entdeckung [in Abhdl. d. Fries. Schule, H2, 1849]. Arber (E.) 1st 3 Eng. bks. on A., 71511- 55, 1885. Becher (A. B.) Landfall of Columbus, 1856. Biggar (H. P.) Early trading Cos. (1497- 1IJ32), 1901. Cabot (J.), 15c., see A. C. Cabot (S.), 1474-1557, see A. C. Castelar (E.) Hist., 1893. Cavelier de La SaUe, d. 1687, see A. C. Champlain (S. de) Life ^ voy. (15(37- 1035), »ce A. C. Columbus (C), see A. C. ; [Jf in Morelli (I.) Op., vl, 1820 ; Muratori. t23, 1733 ; K. A. de la H., t8-10, 1852-85]. Discov. &c. by Engl. (1494-1742) [in Pinkerton, 12, 1812]. Fernandez Duro. Colon y Pinzon [in R. A. de la H., tlO, 1885], Fiske (J.) Disc, of A., 2v, 1892. Gentz (F. v.) Einfluss d. Entdeckung [in Schr. B5, 1838]. Hakhiyt (R.) Divers voyages (1498-1580); Jones, 1850. Voy. of Eliz. seamen (1562-95); Payne, 2s, 1880-1900. Hamburg. Festsclirift, 2B. 1892. Harris (J.) Navig. bibl., v2, 1764. Han-isse (H.) Classif. d. ceuvres cart. (IGc), [in 3. & S. Cabot, 1882]. Disc, of N. Amer., 1892. Hennepin (L.) Nouv. dficouverte, 1697. Herrera (A. de) Discov., sec A. C. Heulhard (A.) Villegagnon, 1510-72,1897. Historia dos descob. dos Port. (1412- 1.581), 4t, 1786. Hudson (H.) Orig. docs. (1607-11), 1860, [B.]; [Jf in N.Y. Hist. See, ColL, vl, 1811 ; s2, 1841]. Humboldt (A. v.) Exam, de I'hist. de la gC'Ogr., 15 ii ICs., 5t, 1836-9. Kerr (R.) Gen. hist. & coll., v3-6, 1811-2. Kohl (J. G.) Pop. hi.st. (1497-1850), 2v, 1862. Lalitau (,T. F.) Hist. iaj.-gen. G. H.), 1816-70. Causes, &c. (see also Politics, bcUm). Adams (C.F.) 1865-1900; Confederacy & the Transvaal, 1901. [P1061]. Blaine (J. G.) 20 years of Congress (1861- 81), 2v, 1884-6. Cairnes (J. E.) Slave power, 1862 ; G;i. Chadwick (F. E.) Causes, 1859-1861, 1906. Conway (AL D.) Golden hour, 1862. Rejected stone, 1862. Ellison (T.) Slavery and secession, 1861. Everett (E.) Questions, 1861. [P359J. Fisher (S. G.) Trial of the Const., 1862. Forward or backward !, 1863. [P210]. Fuller (H.) North & So\ith, 1863. (iaspariii (c. A. de) Et.-Un. en 1861, 1861. Kennedy (J. P.) Andjrose's letters, 1865. Labo\dayc (E.) Upcm whom rests guilt .' ; tr., 186.3. [P790]. Laugel (A.) U.S. dur. War, 1866. Lunt(G.) Origin, 1866. Massie (J. W.) America, 1864. Montagu {lord R.) Mirror, 18t;i. Moody (L.) Destruction of deniocr. repub- licanism obj. of rebellion, IHi;3. [P790]. Motley (J. L.) Causes, 1861. [P394]. American Civil War [continued]. Causes, &c. [continued]. Musson (E.) Letter on sdavery in S. States, 1862. Refutation of fallac. arguments, 1863. [P204]. Renouf (S.) L' Union am6r. & I'Eur., 1861. [P168]. Shaffner (T. 1'.) War, 1862. Siebert (W. H.) Underground railroad, 1898. Sizer (T. J.) Crisis, 1862. Smith (T. C.) Parties & slavery, 1850-9, 1906. Spence (J.) Am. Union, 1862. Stephens (A. H.) Const, view, 2v, 1868-70. Walpole (S.) Causes [in Essays, 1908]. War in America, 1862 J [P211]. Weakness ice. of govt., 1863. WiUiams (J.) " Model Rep.," 1863. South vindicated, 1862. llcfcr to Slavery. Foreign Relations & Opinion. Adams (C. F.) Laird rams (1863) [in Mass. Hist. SocProc, s2, vl3, 1900]. Alabama, ship, see heading. Bemis (G.) Hasty recogn. of rebel belli- gerency, 1865. [P228]. Bernard (M.) Neutrality of Gt. Brit.. 1870. Bigelow (J.) Fr. & Confed. Navy, 1862-8, 1 uQQ Bulloch (J. D.) Secret Service, 2v, 1883. Gasparin(c. A. de) L'Am. dev. rEur.,1862. Gibbs (F. W.) Recognition, 1863. [P204]. Laboulaye, Etats-Unis & la Fr. [mj h. L'etat, 1865; 71]. Loring (C. G.) Neutral rel. of Eng. & U.S., 1863. [P211]. Pari, papers, sec U.S. &c. in special oat. Sargent (F. W.) Eng.,U.S. and S. Confed., 1863; 64. [P373]. Sturtevant (J. M.) Eng. instit. &c., 1864. [P373]. Sumner (C.) Our for. rel., 1863. [P211]. Speech on marit. rights, 1862. [P211]. Thompson (J. P.) England, 1862. [P373]. History. Alexander (E. P.) Am. C. W., 1908. Atkinson (C. F.) Grant's camp. : Wilder- ness &c., 1864, 1908. Balme (J. R.) Synopsis, 1866. Battine (C.) Crisis, Gettysburg i. Wilder- ness (1863-4). 1905. Battle-fields of the South, 2v, 1863. Beecher (H. W.) Am. rebellion, 1864. Brown (G. W.) Baltimore &. 19 April, 1861, 1887. Burrage (H. S.) Gettysburg & Lincoln, 1906. Ohesney (C. C.) Milit. view Virginia & Mary hind, 2v, 1863-5. Cist (H. Al.) yVrmy of the Cumberland, 1882. C. W. & reconstruct, [in Amer. orat., s4. 1897]. Cox(.i. D.) Atlanta, 1882. March to the sea, 1882. Davis (G. B.) Cavalry in Gettj-sburg camp. fiH C.ivalry St.. 1896]. Davis (J.) Rise & fall, 2v, 1881. Dodge (T. A.) liird's-eye view, 1896. Doubleday (A.)Chanceilorsvillc & Gettys- burg, 1882. Dmper (J. W.) Hist.. 3v, 1871. Dwight (T. F.) Virginia camp, of 1862, 1895. Fiske (J.) Mi.ssissippi valley, 1900. Fitch (J.) Amuds of Army of the Cumber- land. 1863. AMERICAN 26 AMERICAN American Civil War [c(mthnied]. History [continued]. Fletcher (H. C.) Hist., 3v, 1865-G. Force (M. F.) Fort Henry, 1881. Gage (M. E. J.") Tennessee camp, of 1862, 1880. [P3;i2]. Greeley (H.) Amer. conflict 1860-4, 2v, 1864-7. Greene (F. V.) Mississippi, 1882. Hawthorne (N.) War matters, 1862 [in Wks., v2, n.d.]. Henderson (G. F. R.) Camp, of Frede- ricksburg. 1862, 1892. Sci. of war, 1905. Hopp (E. O.) Bundesstaat, &c., 1886. Hosmer (J. K.) Appeal to arms, 1861-3, 1907. Outcome, 1863-5, 1907. Humphreys (A. A.) Virginia campaign of '64 & '6.5, 1883. Jenkins (P. B.) Battle of Westport (1 864), 1906. Johnson (R.) Short hist., 1861-5, 1889. Johnson (R. U.) k C. C. Buel. Battles &c., Iv, 1887-8. King (H.) Turning on light (1860-8), 1895. Lee (G. C.) True hist., 1903. Longstreet (J.) Manassas to Appomattox, 1896. MacClellan (G. B.) Story, 1887. MacPherson (E.) Polit. hist., 1860-4, 1864. Maguire (T. M.) Campaign in Virginia, 1864, 1908. Mahan (A.) Crit hist., 1877. National almanac &c., 1863-4. Nicolay (J. G.) Outbreak, 1881. Noel (B. W.) The rebellion, 1863. Oberholtzer. J. Cooke, financier, 2v, 1907. Palfrey (F. W.) Antietam & Fredericks- burg, 1882. Paris (cte. de) Hist., tl-7 & Cartes. 1874-90; tr., 4v, 1875-88. Phisterer (F.) Statist, record, 1883. Pollard (E. A.) First year, 1862. Pond (G. E.) Shenandoah valley, 1864, 18S3. Rebellion record ; Moore, vl-7 (1860-3), 1862-4. Rhodes (J. F.) Hist. (1850-77), 7v, 1893- 1907. Ropes (J. C.) Armv under Pope, 1881. Story, pi, 2 (1861-2), 1894-8; 1904. Schouler (W.) Hist, of Mass., 1868. Scott (J.) Partisan life w. Mosby, 1867. Shenandoah camp, of 1862 & 64 ; & Appomattox camp. 1865, 1907. Smith (G.) Civil War, 1866. Southern Hist. Soc. Papers, t1-6, 1876-8. Speed (T.) Union cause in Kentucky, 1860-5, 1907. Swiuton (W.) Camp, of Army of Potomac, 1861-5, 1883. Tremain (H. E.) Closing days about Richmond (1865) [in Clarendon Hist. Soc. S. 1, 1882-4 ; vl, 1882]. [U.S.] Message of Pres. & doc, 1839, 49-64. [U.S.] Rep. of Sec. of War, 18G2. [P82]. [U.S.] War of the Rebellion. 72v .t Atlas, 1880-1901. Vaughan-Sawycr. Grant's campaign in Virginia, 1864, 1908. Webb (A. S.) Peninsula, 1862, 1881. White(H.A.)Lee&S.Confed.l807-70,1905. Wood (W. B.) & J. E. Edmonds. Hist., 1861-5, 1905. Amerioan Civil War [fantinuctl]. Hospital Service. Evans (T. \\'.) Gomm. Sanit., 1865. Livermore (M. A.) My Story, 1889. Mayo (C.) Med. service of Federal army [in Galton (F.) Vac. tourists, 1864]. Stille (C. J.) Hist, of U.S. Sanit. Comm. : gen. rep., 1868. [U.S.] Med. & surg. hist., 1861-5, 4v, 1875-7. United States, Sanit. Comm., gee A. C. Whitman (W.) Wound dresser, 1898 ; [.)"■ m Prose wks., v4, 1902]. Navy, Ammen (D.) Atlantic coast, 1883. Batten (J. M.) Remin. (1864-6), 1881. Bigelow (J.) Fr. & Confed. N., 1862-8, 1888. Bulloch (J. D.) Secret Service, 2v, 1883. Hobart, Pasha. Never caught, 1863-4, 1867. Mahan (A. T.) The Gulf, &c., 1883. Pari, papers, see Blockade, Chesapeake, Nashville, Saxon, Shenandoah, 'Tusca- loosa, U.S., & Will-o'-the- Wisp, in special cat. Scharf (J. T.) Hist, of Conf. States, 1894. Semmes (R.) My adv., 2p, 1869. Soley (J. R.) Blockade, 1883. Sumner (C.) Letters of marque & re- prisal, 1863. [P2111. Taylor (T. E.) Running the blockade, 1896. [U.S., Navy]. Rep. of Sec. of N., 1862. [P82]. Watson (W.) Adv. of a blockade runner, 1892. liefer to Alabama, ship. Negro Troops, Colyer (V.) Services in N. Carolina, 1862, 1864. [P211]. Washington (G.) & A. Jackson. On n. soldiers, 1863. [P211]. Williams (G. W.) Hist, of negro troops, 1861-5, 1888. Poetry, Bourne (W. 0.) Poems, 1864. [P790]. War songs for freemen, 1862. [P534]. White (R. G.) Poetry of Civil War, 1866. Politics (see also Canses, abore). Acton (J., b.) C. war [in Hist, essays, 1907]. Adams (C. F.) Union ck Rebellion, &c., 1861. [P168]. Beecher (H. W.) Am. Rebellion, 1863. [P359]. Oration, " old flag " at Sumter, 1865. [P359]. Beresford-Hope. Soc. & polit. bearings, 1863. [P204]. Bernard (M.) Am. war, 1861. [P642]. Bishop (J. P.) Thoughts, 1863. [P211]. Buck (E.) Drift, 1861. [P3731. Butler (B. F.) Speech, 1863. '■[P359]. Cairnes (J. E.) Kev., 1862 [P245]; [4' in Pol. essays, 1S73]. Call to my country-women, 1863. [P373]. Cartland (F. G.)S. heroes, Friends, 1895. Dunning (W. A.) Essays, 1904. Effect of Secession upon commercial rel., 1861. [P168, 207, 314]. Everett (E.) Address, 1863. [P859]. Funk. Speech ice, 1863; tr. (Ger.), 1863. [P373]. Goodrich (J. Z.) Sp. In Peace Convention, 1861, 1864. [P359]. Halle (E. v.) BaumwoUproduktion &c. (—1880), 2T, 1906. Holmes (O. W.) Oration, 1863. [P211]. Kellev (W. D.) Speeches, 1864. [P359]. American Civil War [continned]. Politics [continued]. Kirklaud (C. P.) Destinv, 1864. [P359]. Lewis (T.) State rights.' 1864. [P373]. Lincoln (A.) Compl. wks. (1832-65), 2v, 1894. AVritings (1832-65), 8v, 1905-6. Lothian (W., m. of) Confed. secession, 1864. Loval National League. Proc, 1863. [P790]. Loval Publ. Soc. Leaflets, 1863-5. [P210, 790]. Pamphl. (1863-5), 1864-5. Mill (J. S.) Contest [in Diss., v3, 1867]. New England Loval Publ. Soc. LeaHets, 1864 &c. [P796]. O'SuUivan (J. L.) Peace, 1863. [P204]. Owen (R. D.) Future of N.-W., 1863. [P373, 790]. Pari, papers, see United States, in special cat. Radclifife (G. L. P.) Governor Hicks of Md., 1901; [ee, 1792. Laurens (H.) Corr. (1776-82), 1861. Lettrea hist., i>ol. & crit., 1778-85, tl-16, 1788-92. Maseres (F.) Occis. ess.ays, 1809. Mass. H. S. Coll., 1806-82. New York. Doc. ; Fcrnow. 1887. Northumberland (H., d. 1774-6; Bolton. 1902. Paine (T.) Wks., var. ed. Am. cri.sis (1776-83) [in Wks. 1817; vl, 1894]. vl5 (1775-7), «/) Letters. vl, American War of Independence [et^nfi/iited]. History (Contemporary Works)[cfinfinued]. Paine (T.) Letter to Rayual, 1782; [,«• in Wks., vl, 1817; v2. 1894). Pemberton (T.) Hist, journal. 1765-83 [in Mass. H. S., Coll., I, v2, 1810]. [Penobscot]. Siege, &c., 1781. [P794]. Pontgibaud, Fr. vol. ; tr., 1897. Price (R.) Letters, 1767-90, 1903. Ramsay (D.) Hist.. 2v, 1793. Hist.. S. Carolina. 2v, 1785. Raynal (G. T. F.) Revol. (1763-78); tr., 1781. Remembrancer (The), 1775-82. Riedesel (F. A. v.) Briefe, 1776-83, 1881. St. Clair (A.) St. C. papers, 2v, 1882. Sparks (J.) Corr. of Am. Rev., 4v, 1853. Stedman (C.) Hist., 2v, 1794. Tarleton (B.) Hist., 1780-1, S. prov., 1787. Trumbull (J.) T. papers, 4v, 1885-1902. War of 1775-6 [in Rep. on Canadian archives (1904), 1905]. Washington (G.), Biographies, sec A. C. ■ AVritings, 12v, 1833-9. {Later Works). Bancroft (G.) Hist. (1748-74), 3v, 1852-4 ; (to 1782). 1860-74. Benson (E.) Vind. of captors of Andr6, 1863. Botta (C. G. G.) Storia. 4v, 1832 ; tr.( Fr.). 1812-3. Fisher (S. G.) Struggle, 2v, 1908. ■ True hist., 1903. Fiske (J.) A. revol.. 2v, 1891. War of Indep., 1889. Flick (A. C.) Loyalism in N.Y'., 1901. Forman (S. E.) Polit. activities of Freneau, 1902. Frothingham (R.) Hist, of siege of Boston, &c. (1775-6), 1896. Gilmore (J. K.) Rear-guard, 1886. Greene (F. V.) Gen, Greene, 1893. Hatch (L. C.) .Vdmin. of A. army, 1904. Haywood (M. D.) W. Trvon & atlmin. in n! Carolina, 1763-71. i903. Hertz (G. B.) Old colonial .system, 1905. Holland (B.) Imperium &c.,"l901. Hoppus (M. A. M.) Eug. & A., 1763-83, 2v, 1907. Johnston (H. P.) Camp, of 1776 around N.Y. kc. 1878. Y'orklown camjiaign, 1781, 1881. Jones (T.) Hi.st. of N.Y.. 2v, 1879. Kapp (F.) Leben d. (ien. J. Kalb, 1862. Lodge (H. C.) Storv (1774-83). 2v. 1898. Ludluw (J. M.) War, 1775-83, 1876. MacCrady (E.) Hist, of S. Carolina, v3, 4 (1775-8:{), 1897-1902. Moore (F.) Diary, 2v. 1860. Part(m (J.) Life&c. of Franklin, 2v. 1892. Reid (W. M.) Old Fort Johnson. 1906. .Sabine (L.) Am. loyalists. 1847. Smith (J. H.) Arnold's nuirch (1775-6). 1903. Struggle for 14th colony: Canada i:c.. 2v. 1907. .Stanhope (P. H., e.) Hist. (1713-83), v6, 7, 1851-4. Stcincr (B. C.) W. Maryland, 1902. Stevens (B. F.) Canipiugn in Va., 1781, 2v, 1888. Stone (W. L.) Life of Braiil-Tliaycndn- nepea. 2v, 1838. Tarbox (L N.) 1. Putnam, 1876. Trcvclvan (G. O.) Am. Rev., 4v, 1899- 1907; r.toa. Tuckerman (R.) Life of Schuvler. 1005. Van Tync (C. H.) Am. Rev., 1 ""76-83, 1905. AMERICAN 30 ANARCHY American War of Independence [oonti/itied]. History (Later Works) [continued]. Van Tyne (C. H.) Loyalists, 1902. Washington (G.), Biographies, see A. C. Winsor (J-) Hdbk., 17(U-1783. ISflO. Navy, see also Navy, United States. Duncan (H.) Journals, 177i;-bl2 [('« Naval misc., vl, 1902]. Hood (S., visct.) Letters, 1781-3 ; 1895. James (B.) Journal (1752-1802), 1896. Lincoln (C. H.) Naval records (Lib. of Congr.), 1775-88, 1906. Mahan (A. T.) Infl. of sea power, var. ed. Peace Segotiatlons. Franklin (B.) Journal, 1782 [in Wks. v9, 1840 ; v8, 1888], A'aughan (B.) Letters, 1782-3 [in Mas8. H. Soc. Proc, s2, vl7, 1903]. liefer to Armed neutrality, 1780 ; Colonies, English ; U.S., History. Americans, The. Brunetiere (F.) Ame amer. [in Varifitfis litt., 1904]. Oilman (N. P.) Socialism & Am. spirit, 1893 Eobinson (H. P.) 20th c. American, 1908. Spencer (H.) The A. [i/i Essays, v3, 1891]. Refer to United States, Social life. Amharic Language. [Bible : Amharic]. I'salterium, 1860. Isenberg(C. W.) Gram., 1842. Perruchon (J.) Langue amhar. comp. avec I'ethiopien [in Museon (Le), tl7, 18, 1898-9]. Refer to Abyssinian lang, ; Ethiopic lang. Amiens. lireuil (A.) Confr^rie de Notre Dame du Puy, d'A. ; ^5' o.p. [in S. d. A. de P., S2, t3,"l854]. 'Garnier (J.) Denombr. du temporel de I'eveche d'A., 1301 [in S. d. A. de P., S2, t7, I860]. •Guerard (F.) L'eglise St.-Germain, d'A. [in S. d. A. de P., S2, t7. I860]. Maugis (E.) Regime financier (1356- 1588), ,5- o.p. [in S. d. A. de P., S4, t3, 1899]. Patte (J.) Journal hist. (1587-1617) [in S. d.A. deP., S2, t9, 1863]. Pony (F.) Hist, de F. Faure ; eveque d'A., 1612-87 [in S. d. A. de P., S3, t5, 1876]. Socifete des antiq. de Picardie, M6m., 1838—. Thierry (J. N. A.) Rec. des mon. du Tiers Etat, tl-3 (1057-18C.), 1850-6. Cathedral. Durand (G.) Monographic, 3t, 1901-3. Pater (W. H.) Notre- Dame d'A. [in Misc. St., 1895]. Ruskin (J.) Our fathers have told us, pi, 1880-3; 84; 97 [.f in Wks., v33, 1908]. SocifetS des antiq. de Picardie, Mem., 1838—. Jie/er to Cathedrals ; Picardy ; Prousel. Amiens, Battle of, 1870. Guerre de 1870-1 ; Camp, de I'arm^e du Nord, tl, 1903. Befer to Franco-German War. Amiens, Peace of, 1802. Eden (F. M.) 8 letters, 1802, [P35]. Befer to George III ; Napoleonic wars ; Treaties. Ammergau, see Oberammergan. Ammonia. Johnson (G. S.) Indie. &c., synthesis of a., 1885. Befer to Alkalies ; Chemistry. Ammonites {fossils). Buch (v.) Ub. Cei-atiten [iMK6n.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1848]. Ub. Goniatiten u. Clymenien in Schlesien [in K6n.-Pr.Ak..Abhd!., 1838]. Hyatt (A.) Genesis of Arietidse, 1889. Wright (T.) Lias A. of Brit. Isl.. 2v, 1878- 86. Befer to Mollusca ; Palaeontology. Ammunition . Hime (H. W. L.) Gunpowder i:c.. 1904. Befer to Firearms ; Gunpowder ; Pro- jectiles. Amoraim, sec Talmud. Amphibia. Boulenger (G. A.) Tailless Batrachians of Eur., 2p, 1897-8. Brehm (A. E.) Merveilles, t5, 1885. Thierleben, B7, 1878. Cope (E. D.) N. Amer. Batrachia &c. [in S.I., Misc. coll., vl3, 187.8]. Fauna of Brit. Ind., &c. Reptilia & Batrachia ; Boulenger, 1890. Gadow (H.) A. & reptiles, 1901. Parker (W. K.) Skull in Batrachia [in Roy. Soc, Phil, trans., vl61, 166ii, 172i, 1871-81]. Schulze (F. E.) Ub. d. inneren Kiemen d. Batrachierlarven, 1888-92. Befer to Frog ; Zoology. Amphioxus. Herdman (W. A.) Ascidians & A., 1904. Miiller. Ban u. Lebenserscheinungen [in Kon.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1842]. Willey (A.) A. & ancestry of vertebrates, 1894. [B.] Befer to Ascidia ; Fish ; Zoology. Amphissa, see Salona. Amphitheatres. Lipsius (J.) De a. [in Op., 13, 1675; Graivius, Thes. Rom., t9, 1699]. Maffei. De a. ; <)• o.p. [in Poleni, Thes., v5, 1737]. Mongez (A.) Animaux promenfeicc, 1833. Panvinio. De ludis ; <$• o.p. [in Graevius, Thes. Rom., t9, 1699]. Befer to Architecture, Soman ; Gladia- tors; Boman antiquities; Theatres. Ampleforth College, Yorks. Hist. MSS. Comni., 2. Befer to Roman Catholic Church, Eng- land. Amputation, see Artificial limbs ; Sur- gery. Amritsar. Punjab. Gaz. of A. distr., 1892-3. Befer to Punjab. Amsterdam. [A.]. Oprecht verhael van het gene op d. 8. Sept., 1672, t. de Burgermeesteren d. A., 1672 ; <(■ op. [P874]. Bontemantel (H.) De regeeringe,1653-72, 2D ; Kernkamp, 1897. Havard (H.) A. & Venise, 1876. Lapp van Waveren (G.) Disq. de jure ditionis Amstelii [in Hoynck, Analecta, v3i, 1743]. Wagenaar (J.) A. in z. opkomst. Sec, 13 Stuk, 1760-8. Befer to Museums ; Netherlands. Amu, river. C'hikhachev (P.) Cupi h AM5-4apbH &c., 1848. [P140]. Curzon (G. N., b.) Pamirs & source of Oxus, 1896. Wood (J.) Journey, 1841 ; 72. Yule (.«> H.) Essay, 1872. Befer to Aral sea ; Central Asia ; Turkestan. Amulets, see Charms. Amur, river ^province. Atkinson (T. W.) Travels, 1860. Collins (P. M.) Voyage, 1860. Marx (F.) Pacific & A., oper. 1855-61, 1861. [P80. 168, 747]. Ravenstein (E. G.) Russians, 1861. Tilley (H. A.) Japan. A., &c., voy., 1861. Befer to Manchuria ; Siberia. Amusements, sec Becreation ; Sports & pastimes. Amyclse. Renczynski (J.) Chron. of dates on 2 A. slabs, 1884. Befer to Morea. Ana, see Anecdotes. Anabaptists. Baring-Gould (S.) Munster [in h. Hist. oddities, s2, & Freaks, 1891]. Bax (E. B.) Rise & fall, 1903. Berichte ii. d. Wiedertauferreich (1534- 5); Cornelius [in Miinster, Geschichts- quellen, 2, 1853]. Calvin. Brieve instr. [in Op., v7, 1868 ; tr. in Op., tS, 1667]. Psychopannvchia, 1534 [in Op., t8, 1667 ; v5, 1866]. Cornelius (C. A.) Gesch. d. miinster. Aufruhrs, Bl, 2 (c. 1525-35), 1855-60. Hist. Arbeiten, 1899. Harleian misc. (17c.), sec A. C, Suppl. 1. Hase (C. A.) Propheten, H3, 1860. Kerssenbrock. A. furoris narr. (1524- 53) ; Detmer, 2H, 1899-1900. • Belli Monast. descr. ; <^- o.p. [in Gerdes, Scr., t2, 1750-1]. De obsidione Monaster. (1535) [in Mencke, Sen, t3, 1730]. Luther (M.) Wider [d.] Wiedertaufer [in Schr.. T20, 1747 ; Werke. 1883 &c.]. Pearson (K.) Ethics of freethought, 1888 ; 1901. Tumbiilt (G.) Wiedertiiufer, 1899. Vedder (H. C.) B. Hubmaier, 1905. Zwingli (U.) Werke, B2i, 3, 1830-2. Befer to Antinomianism ; Church in Germany ; Mennonites ; Miinster, Westphalia ; Beformation. Anaesthetics. Davy (H.) Researches, nitrous oxide [in Wks., v3, 1839]. De Quincey (T.) On relig. object, to chloroform [in Wr., vl4, 1890]. Sansom (A. E.) Chloroform, 1865. Simpson (sir J. Y.). .«n (E. de) Etudes soc, 1892. Dubuis (F.) Le p&n\. 1894. Eltzbacher(P.) L'a. ; tr., 1902 ; tr. (Eng.). 1908. Flor O'.Squarr. Coulisses, 1892. Kropotkin. Conq. du pain, 1902 ; tr., 1906. Nicola (A. de) St. suU' a. [in II sense comune Sec, 1898. P1027]. Varennes (H.) De Ravacliol i. Caserio (1891-1-), 1895. Zenlcer (E. V.) Anarchism ; tr., 1898. Zoccoh (E. G.) L' anarchia, 1907. JiefcT tn Political crime ; Political science. Anathema, set- Excommunication. Anatomy. Bi'll (C; Animal meclianics \in Paley (W.) Nat. theol.. v4, 1S45]. Bicliat (M. F. X.) A. g6n., 4t., 1801-12. Challenger. Rep., 1881-95. Cocchi (A.) Dell' a., 1745. Galen. Mlis., see A. C. Geoili-ov St.-Hilaire. Hist, des anoma- lie.s, 3t, 1832-7. Goethe. Z. Morphologie [in Wke., var. ed.]. Goodsir (J.) A. mem., 2v, 18G8. Hiickel. Generelle Morphologie, Bl, A., 18GU. Harvey (W.) Prelectiones (161G), 188(5. Haughton (S.) Princs. of animal me- chanics, 1873. Hi]ipocrates. Tf'h.. see A. C. Hunter (J.) Animal oeconomy, 1792. Essays, 2v, 18(;i. Huxley (T. H.) Man., invertebr.. 1877. Man., vertehr., 1871. Sci. mems,, 4v, icsuppl., 1898-1903. Mivart (St. G.) The cat, 1881. Lessons, 1873 ; 89. Owen (R.) A. of vertebrates, 3v, 18()fi-8. Parker (T. J.) Course of zootomy, 1897. Parker(W. K.) Shoulder-girdle & sternum in Vertebrata, 18()8. Rnlleston (G.) Sci. papers, vl. 1884. Koval Soc. Phil, trans., 1G65 — ; Proc, 1800—. St. Thomas's Plospital. Descr. cat., vl, 1847. Swedenborg (E.) (Economia, trans. 3, 1847 ; tr., 2v, 1846. Artistic. Bell (C.) A. of expression, rar. ed. Bertinatti (F.) Elemcnti, 2v, 1839. BriickeCE.) Human figure; tr., 1891. Duval (M.) Prfois, 1881 ; 91. & E. Cuyer. Hist, de l'a. plastique, 1898. Fan (J.) Anatomy of man, 1868. Elem. a. a. of human body ; tr., n.d. Hav (D. R.) Sci. of proportion in anc. Gr. art, 1849. Knu.v (R.) Manual, 1852. Marshall (J.) A. for artists, 1878 ; 90. Richer (P.) A. artist., 1890. Schadow (J. G.) Sculptor & art students' guiile ; tr., 1K83. Seton Thomjison. A. of animals, 1896. Sparkes (,T. (:. L.) Manual. IHSH. Storv(W. W.) Proportions of hum. fig., 18(;(;. Thomson (A.) Hdbk. for art students. IHiKi ; 1(9. Warren (H.) .\. a. of hum. figure, n.d. liefer to Movement, Physiological ; Sculpture. Anatomy [cantinued]. Bibliography. Index-cat. of Surg.-Gen.'s Office, U.S., see A. C. Intemat. cat. of sci. lit. Anat. (Human), vl-6, 1903-8. Biographies, see Medicine ; Zoology. Comparative. Cunningham (D. J.) Lumbar curve in man & apes, 1886. Surface a. of cerebral hemispheres, 1892. Ehrenberg. Structur d. Seelenorgans [in K6n.-Pr. Ak.,Abhdl.. 1834]. Gegenbaur (C.) Manuel ; tr., 1874 ; 78. Gronroos (G. H,) Musculi biceps bracliii &c., 1903. Holmes (G. M.) Comp. a. of nervus acusticus[i»R.I.A., Trans., v32, 1902-4]. Hunter (J.) Essays, v2, 1861. Huxley (T. H.) Lects., vl, 1864. Jones (T. R.) Gen. outline, 1841. Lang (A.) Text-book ; tr., pi, 3, 1891-6. MacAlpine. Zool. atlas, 2p, 1881. Mivart (St. G.) Man &, apes, 1873. Monro (A.) Tr. on comp. a., 1783. Nuhn (A.) Lehrbuch. 2T, 1875-8. Owen (R.) Lect. on corap. a., 1843 ; 55. Nat. of limbs. 1849. Pouchet. Rapp. coll. d'a. comp. en AUem. [in Archives des miss., s3, tt, 1881]. Reichert. Anat. d. Geborschnecke [in K6n.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1864]. Rollcston (G.) Forms of life, 1870 ; 88. Tyson (E.) Orang-Outang &c., 2p, 1699. Wiedersheim (R.) Elem., vertebr., 1897. Structure of man ; tr., 1895. Human, see also Artistic, above, ..f Micro- scopical, below. [Anatomy]. Descr. atlas, 1880. Bichat. Tr. des membranes, 1816. Gray (II.) Anatomy, 1877. Hewson (W.) Lymphatic -system, 1774 [in Wks., 1846]. Lactantius. De Opificio Dei (4c.) [in Migne, P. L., 7]. Lovett (W.) Elem. a., 1851. Macalister (A.) Morpholog. lessons [in Boyle lects., vl, 1897]. Mn.scular anomalies [in R.I. A., Trans., v25, 1875]. Meletius. De nat. hominis (6c. !) [in Migne, P. G., 64]. Par6(A.) Wks.(16c.); tr., 1678. Pari, papers [245]. Rep. (subjects for dissection), 1828 (568); Letter, 1831 (36). Quain (J.) Elements, 2v, 1848 ; 76 ; 78. Spigelius (A.) Veins, arteries & nerves ; tr., 1678. Swedenborg (E.) Animal kingdom ; tr., 2v, 1843-4. De carotidibus, &c., 1848. De generatione, &c., 1849. De periosteo & mammis, 1849. Todd (R. B.) vt W. Bowman. Phys. a.,2v, 1845-56. Vesalius (A.) Op. (16c.), 2t, 1725 ; [eomm. by\lo\h, 1892]. Vicary (T.) Anatomic (1.54H), ])1, 1M88. Vinci (L. da) MSS. : Dell' a. (1510), 2v, 1898-1901. Virchow (H.) Cb. Tenon'schen Raum u. T. Kapsel, 1902. Waldeyer (\V.) Kolon-Nischen, Arteri.i! colicie&c., 1899-1900. Jle/er In Anthropometry ; Foot; Hand. Microscopical. Fo.ster (M.) Elem. praot. phys. & histo- logy, 1902. Anatomy [e&nliniied]. Microscopical [emitintied]. Kcilliker (A.) Man. of human liist. ; tr,. vl. ls5;i. Slicroscop. Soc. Monthly M. journal, 1869-77. Sclmfer (E. A.) Essentials of histology, 1894; 1907. Schwann (T.) Microsc. researches ; tr.. 1847. Strieker (S.) ed., Man. of histology ; tr.. 3v, 1870-3. Refer to Bones. Brain. Cells. Deformities. Embryology Eye. Fish. Frog. Hand, Skulls. Spine. Surgery. Tails. Teeth. Throat. Tongue. Vivisection. Zoology. Horse. Medicine. Microscope. Movement, Physiolog. Nervous system. Nose. Pathology. Physiology. Ancestor- worship. Callaway (H.) Kelig. system of Amazulu, p2, 1S69. Do Groot (J. J. M.) Rel. system of China, v4, 5, 1901-7. Urquhart (D.) The Sraddha, &c., 1857. [P745]. liefer In Mythology ; Keligion. Ancestry, see Genealogy ; Heredity. Anchin, abbey. Annales (1222-70) [in Namur, Mon., t7, 1847]. Mon. Germ. hist., see Index to M. (1. II. Ilrfer to Benedictines ; Monasteries ; Nord, dept. Anchorites, see Hermits. Ancien Regime. Aubertin (C.) l/esprit pub., 18s., 1873. Babeau (A.) La province, 2t, 1894. Vie rurale. 1883. Boiteau d'Ainblv, Etat. 1789, 1889. Broc {vte. H. de") La Fr., 2p, 1887-9. Champion (E.) La Fr., 1789, 1897. Chi-rest (A.) Chute, 1787-9, 3t, 1884-6. Dictionnaire de l'a. r., 1820. Esquiros (A.) Bonhomme jadis, 1875. Esterno (c. F. d') Des privilC'gi^s, tl, 1867-8. Gasquet (A.) Precis, 2t, 1885. Granier de Cassagnac. Hist, des causes do la R6v., 3t, 1850. Harrison (F.) Meaningof hist,, &c., 1894. .T.ickson (C. 0., lady) Old r6g., 2v, 1880. Kingslev (C.) 3 lectures, 1867. MacCarthy (.1. H.) Fr. Rev., vl, 1890. Macr,cho.se(S. H.) Last days, 1901. Mathieu (_eiird. F. D.) L'Anc. K. on Ijor- raine&c. 1698-17.S9, 1907. Monin (H.) L'6tat de Paris. 1789, 1889. Nourrisson (J. ¥.) L'anc. Fr. &. la Hiv., 1873. Rocquain (F.) L'esprit r6vol., 1715-89, 1878; tr., 1.S91. Stourm (R.) Finances, 2t. 1885. Taine. Orig. de la F"r. contcmp., pi, L'a. r., rar.cd. Tocqucville (A. de) L'anc. rdp., rar.ed. .«• tr. Frapm.. suite & I'A. r. [in Qv, ll. 1861 ; M61., 1865]. Stale of .soc. tr.. 1856 ; 73. l/efir to Corvfes. France, Nobility Etatsg6n. Social life. Peasantry. Feudalism. Lonis XV. Towns. Louis XVI. Villages. ANCIENT 32 ANGELS Ancient History, sit History, Ancient. Ancient Social Life, sn' Antiquities ; History, Ancient ; Social life. Ancients & Moderns, sec Literary con- troversies. Ancona, city S' province. Benaducci (G.) Signoria di F. Sforza nella Marca (1433-47), 1892. Broglie (A. L. V. C, d. de) Evacuation, 1838 [in Ecrits, tS, 1863]. Mm-atori, Rer. It. scr., t6, 12 (12 & 13c.), 1725-8. Strafforello (G.) La Patria. A. kc. 1898. He/er to Marches, The, Italy ; Siniga- giia. Ancyra, Council of, 314. Ecumenical c w. canon.s ; Percival [m S. 1. of N. f., s2, tr., vl4, 1900]. Kaokbam (R. B.) C'anon.s [in S. B., t3, 1891], liefer to Cliiirch conncils. Andalusia. Col. de doc, Esp. (15c.) 11, 14, 51, 1847 ; 49; G2. Denni.s (G.) Summer in A., 2v, 1839. Gasnarin (A. de) Andalousie &c., 1886. Haring (G. W. H.) Andalusien, 1842. Jacob (W.) Travels, 1811. Murray (R. D.) Cities & wilds, 2v, 1849. Roscoe (T.) Tourist, 1830. Tenison (lady L.) Castile & A., 1853. liefer to Almeria. Cordova. Osnna, Cadiz. Granada. Seville Carmona. Malaga. Spain. Andaman Islands. [India]. Imp. gazetteer of I., Prov. ser., A. Isl., 1909. Kloss (C. B.) In the A. &c., 1903. Mouat (F. J.) Adv. & researches, 1863. Portman (M. V.) Hist, of our rel., 2v, 1899, Rep. on adminis., 1860/1-1864/5, 1894—. Rep. of Forest admin., 1S94-5, 1896. Turner (C. H.)X(.te. 1897. Scfer to Port Blair. Andamanese Language. Portman (M. V.) Manual, 1887, Notes, IS'iS. Andelys,Les,.w( Chateau-6aillard;£are. Anderson's College, (riasffou: [Glasgow], A.'s Cull., Cal., 1879. [P337]. HefcT to Glasgow ; Universities & colleges. Andes. Conway (W. M.) Bolivian A., 1898, 1900, 1901. Crawford (R.) Across, 1884. Crommelin (M. de la C.) Over, 1896. FitzGerald (E. A.) Highest A., 1899. Head (F. B.) Rough notes, 1828 ; 1851. Hettner (A.) Kordillere v. Bogota, 1892, Humboldt (A, v,) Vues des Cordilleres, 1810, Maw (H. L.) Journal, 1829. Meyer (H.) In d. Hoch-Anden, 1907. Proctor (R.) Narr., 1825. Smyth (W.) & F. Lowe. Narr,, 183G, Spruce (R.) Notes of a botanist, 2v, 1908, Tschudi (J, J, V,) Reise, Cordova nach Cobija, 1860. Whvmper (E.) Travels amongst Gt. A. of Equator, 1892. liefer to Aconcagua. Chile. Peru. Argentine. Moun- South Bolivia. taineering. America. Andr^-les-Bruges (Saint-), see Saint- Andre-les-Bruges Andres. Gulielmus, Aiulr. Chron. A. (1024-1234), sec A. C. ; [Jf in Acbery, Spic, t2, 1723]. Bifcr to Monasteries ; Pas-de-Calais. Andros. lii/er to Cjclaies; Venice. Hopf (K.) Gcsch., 12U7-1566 [in Kais. Ak. zu 'Wien, Sitzb., B16, 21, 1855-7], Anecdotes & Ana. Abulfaraj. Laugh, stories, w, tr,,1897 ; 99, Adams (\\. D,) Mod. a., 1886. Addison. Interesting a. &c., 15v, 1794-7. jElianus (C.) Var. hist., var. ed. ft- tr. Almon (J.) A, (18c.), 3v, 1797. Ana, ou coll. de bonsmots. &c., lOt, 1798. Andrews (J. P.) A, &c„ anc. & mod., 1789. Anecdotes orientales, 2t, 1773, Aranda (E. de) Div. hist., 1671, Arrine (A. K.) Cvcl, of moral &c, a„ 1881, Barker (E. H,) Lit, a„ 2v, 1852, Bastien (J, F,) Petit diet,, 3t, 1826. Blanche! (F.) A. orient, [in Apol., 1784], Boileau-Desprfaux(N,)Bolsana,1742 ; 98, Bombaugh, Gleanings f, lit,, 1892, Bowsell (J.) B.-ana, 1874, Boyd (M.) Soc, gleanings, 1875, Braccioliui (P.) Poggiana, 2t, 1720 ; 98, Brewer (E. C.) Diet,, n.d. ; 1895, Bridgewater (F,, e. of). Family a., n.d. Briscoe (J. P.) Book of Notts, a., 1879, Brooke (H,) Brookiana, 2v, 1804, Burke(J,B.)A.ofaristocracy,4v, 1849-50, Cfesarius, Dialogus mirac. (ISc), 2v,1851. Chambers (R.) Bk. of davs, 2v, 1863-4, Chamfort.. Caract6res, 18s. [in (E., 1852]. Charpentier (F.)C.-ana, 1724; m. Chevreau (U,) Ch.-ana, 2p, 1697-1700 ; 1798. Columbus (S,)Mgl-roo eller roo-mSl (17c,) [in Hanselli Vitterhetsarb., d2, 1871], Contant d'Orville. Nuits, 4p, 1770, Cotolendi (C) Arlequiniana, 1694, St.-Evi-emoniana, 1701, Dictionary of a., 2v, 1809, Dinouart, Santoliana, 1764, Du Four de Longuerue, L,-ana, 1754, Duplessis (P, A, Gratet-) Nouv, million de betises &c,, 1853. Dutens (L.) M^m., 3v, 1806 ; tr„ 5v, 1806. Edwards (E.) Words.facts, &c,: diet,, 1882. Elite de bons mots, &c„ 2t, 1731, Eucyclopediana, ou diet, des Ana, 1791, Etienne, de Bonrhon. A,, 13s,, 1877, Forster (T,) Perennial cal., 1824, Furetiere (A,)r,-aiia, 1798, Gentleman's mag, Sel„ v3, 4, 1811, Goulart (S.) Admir. hists. (16c,) ; tr„ 1607, Grav (J.) &, Maidment. Banquet, 1882, Guerard (E,) Diet,, 2t, 1872, Hawkins (L. M.) Anecdotes, &c., vl, 1822, Mems., &c„ 2v, 1824, Hazlitt fVV, C) Jests, new Sc old, 1886. New London jest bk,, 1871, Hertslet (W, L,) Treppenwitz, 1899, Hone. Every-dav bk., 2v, 1826-7, Year-bk., 1.832, Hood (E. P.) World of a„ 1880, How (W. W,) Lighter moments, 1900, Huet. Huetiana, 1722; 98. Hunt (L.) 100 romances, 1888, John of Salisb., Policraticus, var. ed. Jouhanneaud (P,) Diet, d'a.chret., seeA.C. Kempt (R.) Pencil &c.. 1881, King OV,) Pol, & lit. a. (18c.), 1819. La Place (P. A. de) Pieces, 8t, 1785-90. Le Clerc (J.) Parrhasiana, var. ed. Lecoy de La Marche. L'esprit, 13s„ 1888. Locker-Lampson (F.) Patchwork, 1879, Malcolm (J, P.) A. of London. 3t, 1811, Misc, a, (17 & 18c,), 1811, Map OV,) De nugis (12c,) ; see A. C. Anecdotes [continued]. Melanchthon (P,) Hist, quaedam [in Op., v20, 1854]. Menage (G.) M.-ana, 4t, 1729 ; 3t, 98, M^nier (A,) Mosaique, 1862, Meyer (P,) Un rec. d'Exempla, Durham (13c.) [in B.N.. Notices, 34i]. Montfort (de) Vasconiana, 1705. Muller (E.) La morale, 1877, Napier (R.) Johnsoniana, 1884. Naudg (G.) NaudEeana &c,, 1703. Naval & milit, a„ 1824, New mag. of choice pieces, 2v, 1810. Paul (G. H. H,) Book, 1873. Pegge (S.) Anonymiana, 1809 ; 18. Curialia, 1818. Pike (R.) Quaker a., 1880. Pitaval (F. G. de) Bibl., 2t, 1722. SaiUies d'esprit, 2p, 1726, Recreative rev., 1821-2. Robertson (J, C) Percy a„ 20v, 1823. Rozan (C.) Petites ignorances, 1888. Scaliger (J. J,) Sc.-aua, 1695; 1740. SchoU (A.) Poivre & sel, n.d. Sevigne (mme. de) S,-ana. 1788 ; 98. Seward OV.) A. (13-18c.), 4v, 1798. Biographiana, 1799. Sinclair (C.) Kaleidoscope, 1851. Spence (J.) A. &c. (1728-57), 1820 ; 58. Table-talk, 1827. Table-wit, & after-dinner a., 1840, Taylor (Jos,) Cabinet, 1807, Teil-tale; or, anecdotes, 2v, 1756. Thoms (W. J.) A. &c. (17c.), 1839. Timbs (J.) Anecdote lives, 2v, 1874. Centurv, 1760-1860, 2v, 1864. Toplady (A.M.) Wks., v4, 1825. Valesius (H.) V.-ana, 2p, 1694 ; 1798. Valine. Sarabande (15- 19s.), 2s, 1903, A'ieneul-Marville (de) V,-M,-ana, 2t, 1798. Visitor (The), 1833-41. Vitry (J. de) Exempla (13c.), 1890. Voltaire. V.-ana ; Young, 4v, 1805. Walpole (H.), ith e. of Oxford. Wal- poliana, 2v, 1799. Woodcock (T.) Estr. (17c.), 1907. Zschokke. Klio's Winke [in Ausgew, hist, Schr., T4, 1830], Bibliography, liefer to Biographical coll. Peignot. Repertoire (Ana &c.), 1810. A'an de Weyer. Compl. de Namur [in h. Cbi.ix, s4,'ls76]. Anemones, Sea, see Actinozoa. Angels. Albertus, Magnus. De coelesti hierarchia [in Op„ vl4, 1892], Boltz (A,) Die Engel u. i, Verehrer, 1894, [P591], Budge.S.Michael,3encomiums;tr,B,,1894. Carpenter (E,) A's. wings, art, 1898, Dionysius, St., Areop. De Caelesti hier- archia [in mis., see A. C. ; tr. (Lot.) 4' cchnim. in Hugo, de S. Victore, Op, (Migne, P. L., 175) ; Scotus, Op, (Migne, P. L„ 122)]. Godet (F.) St. on O.T., 1886. Hammer-Purgstall. Geisterlehre d. Moslimen [in K. Akad. d, W. zu Wien, Denkschr., B3, 1852], Honorius, Angnstod. Lib. quasstionmu (12c,) [in Migne, P, L., 172], Latham (H.) Service of a„ 1903, Michael, St. Le miracle de St, M. ^ Colosses, texte grec avec tr. lat.; Nau,'/i.(i, Nicetas, Laudatio SS, Michaelis & Gabrielis (13c. ?) [in Migne, P. G., 140], Schwab (M,) Vocab. de I'angfilologie, h^b„ 1897. Stengel (C.) Gabriel., 1629, Michael., 1629. ANGELS 33 ANGLO-SAXON Angels [i-iiti/i>iiiril\. Stcnir.-l ((-'.) Kaiiliael., 1G20. WluUc-ly (H.) Lc-ct., ISol. Ji'r/ir til Cherubim; Heaven; Theology. Anger. Machiavelli. Doll' ira[(tt Op.,vl, 1S04]. Webster (W.) Casuist. cs.say on a. & forgiveness, 1750. jic/ir to Emotions. Angers, fnn-n S' dtorete. Ciiiill.tinue Lo Maire, Liber (1.3-lte.); I'nrt [in AI61. hist., t2, ls<77]. Launoy (J. do) Diss.: de auct. vitae S. Maurilii : Kenati episc. hist, (oc), 166:!. [1'418]. Jlavbodus. Vita S. liciiiii kc. (6-7c.) [(» Mignc, P. L., 171]. Marchcgay. Colliberts de St.-Aubin [in Ec. dcs Ch., tl7, 1S56]. Itrfir til Anjou ; Church in France. Amglesey, /.■■■/'■ '/. [.\.l. Hist, of island of A. (by N. Owen !). 177.5. \y^m]. Arclueologia Cambrensis, 1846 — . Breese (E.) Kalendars of Gwynedd, 1873. Rowlands (H.) Mona antiq., 1766 ; [■!(• in i'900]. Skinner r.T.) 10 days' tonr. 1802 [in Arch. Canil.r,. sil. vs. .Sui.pl.. IHOH]. Uifi r til Beaumaris ; Holyhead. AngI ican Orders, sir Church of England. Angling, .. < Fishing. Anglo-French Language [Ani/lo-Nur- nil' It \. Le ilericher (E.) Hist. & gloss, dii norniand &c., 2t, 18G2. Maitland (F. W.) Of A.-F. lang. [in .Seidell Hoc, Publ., vl7, in08]. Menger (1,. E.) A.-Nornian dialect, 1904. Moisv (H.) Irlo.ss. comp. a.-norm., 1889. Vising (.1.) Kr. spr. i Eng., 2v, 1900-1. lli/ir til French language. Anglo-French Literature [.imjlo- yotiiiint]. History & Criticism. La Kue (G. de) Lives & wr. of A.-N. poets (12-lHc.) [in Arch., vl2, l:i, 1796-lSOO]. .Mary, A.-N. poetess of 13e. ; tr. [in Arch., via. 1800]. Vising (.1.) Snr la versif., 1884. Wright (T.) liiog. ; A.-N. per., 1846. Texts & Translations. Amis A; .Viniloim ; Kiilbing, 1884. Benoit. tlr Sti-.-Morr. (12c.), m- A.C. Bevis, .s'/r. Anglonorin. Boevc de Hauin- tone, 1.M99. Britton (lUc), 2v, 1865; [„$■ in IloUard, Traitts, t4, 1776]. Charlemagne ; A.-N. poem, 12c., 1836. Dermot. Song of I).; Michel, 1837; Orpen, 1892. Edward, the Con/. Lives (ll-1.5c.); Luard, 1858. Fantosme (J.) Chron., 1173-4, )ec A. C. ; [.V m Benoit. Chron., t3, 1844]. Fitz Warine (F.) Hist. (13c. .'). ice A. C. Gaimar (G.) Lcstorie (495-1100), ice A. C. ; [,<• in Petrie, Mon., 184HJ. Gower (J.) Mimur de I'omme, &c. (14s.) [(■« Wks., vl, 1H99]. [Grail |. liii rpieste del St. G., W. Map (12c.), 1864. Seynt G. : Eng. verse, by Lonelich, & Fr. prose by R. do Borron (14c.), 2v, 1861-3. Heidey (W. of) H.'s Husbandry &c. (Lie), w. tr., &c., 1890. Home (A.) La sonime, Mirroir dcs Iiistices (lie), 1(;42; (w. tr.), 1895; f.y in Hoiiard, Truiles, 1776]- Anglo-French Literature [Anglo- Xorntiin ] [i'ii/itiniitd\. Texts S Translations [rontinucd]. Langtoft (P.) Chron. (14c.). see A. C. [London]. Chrouiques (14c.), »ee A. C. Madden (F.) Anc. N. Fr. poem on Xew Ross, 12(;5 [in Ai-cluBologia. v22, 1829]. Meyer (P.) Ms. de Trin. Coll. (Camb.), vies, en vers fr., de St. Jean I'.auraonier &c. (13c.) [in B.N., Notices, 3Si]. Ms.fr. 24862(13s.), [in B.N., Notices, 35i]. Michel (F.) Chroniques ang.-norm., 11- 12s., 3t, 1836-40. Riotedn nionde — Roi d'Augl. & le jong- leur d'Ely (13s.); Michel, 1834. Selden Soc. Court Baron, &c., 1891. Stengel (E.) Cod. Digby 86, 1871. 'I'hann (P. de) Livre des creatures &c. (12c.)[(«Hist.Soc. ofSci., Pop. tr.,lS41]. Wace (R.) Roman de Brut (12s.), 2t, 1836-8; [comm. in Arch., vl2, 1796]. Roman de R()u(12s.). 2t, 1827; 2B, 1877-9; [eomm. itt Arch., vl2, 1796]. St. Nichola-s (12s.), 1850; [ivmni. in Arch., vl2, 1796]. William, of Waddington. JIanuel des pechiez (13c.), . J. d(0 Industrial arts ; tr., 1893. Brown (G. B.) Arts in early Eng., vl , 1903. Dietrich (F. E. C.) De cruoe Ruthwellensi, 1855. Gentleman's mag. lib., Arch.,p2, 1886. Guest (E.) Early Eng. settlements in S. Brit,, 1849. [P161]. Hodgetts (.T. F.) Older Eng., 2s, 1884. Kent. Arch. Soc. : Arch. Cant., 1858—. Lentzner(C. A.) Das Kreuz, 1890. [P664]. Pari, papers [343]. Faussett Coll., B.M., 1854. [297]. Payne (J. F.) Eng. med., 1904. Verstc'gan (R.) Restitution, 1673. Victoria hist, of counties, 1903 — , see A. C. Wright (T.) Celt, Rom., & Sax.. 1852 ; 61. llrt'i r til Barrovifs ; Coins & medals ; England, Antiquities. Anglo-Saxon Church, ./ri«s. Pericles, w. tr.. 1834. Bode. Hist, (to 731), see A. C. ; [eriorite des Fr., 1899. Colajanni (N.) Razze inferinri &f.. 1903. Demolins (E.) Superiorite. 1897 : tr.. 1899. Laveleve(TE. de)Du progrte.1859. [P266]. Mnrray (S. L.) Peace of A.-S.. 1905. Robinson (H. P.) 20th c. American, 1908. Shore (T. W.) Origin. 1906. U.S. Lib. of Congress. Refs. on A.-S. interests, 1903. [P1047]. Waldstein (C.) Eng.-speaking brother- hood [ill Expansion. 1899]. Hefer to England, History : England, Social life ; English, The; Ethnology ; National character. Angola. Barbnt (J.) Descr. (17c.). see A. C. Battel (A.) Strange adv. (1589-1606); Ravenstein, 1901 ; [^5" in Pinkerton, 16, 1814], Bowdich (T. E.) Ace. of discov., 1824. Capello & Ivens. Benguella to Yacca, 1877-80; tr., 2v, 1882. Cavazzi (G. A.) 1st. descr., 1687 ; tr., 5t, 1832. Angola [eoiitiiiiied]. ilagvar (li.) Delafrikai utazasai, 1849-57, k. 1, 1859. Monteiro (J. J.) Angola &.C.. 2\\ 1875. Ravenstein (E. G.) Hist, of Kongo & A. ( — 17c.) [in Battell (A.) Strange adv., 1901]. Taras (G.) Vi.sit ; tr.. 2v. Isir.. Jiefer to Africa ; West Africa. Angouleme. Hist, poiitif. .!c comitum Engolism. (—12c.) [ill Labbe.Nov. bibl.,t2, 1657]. Ija Mauviniere. Poitiers &c., 1908. Mon. Germ, hist., see Ind. Hefer to Angoumois. Angoumois. Ardouin-Dumazet. Voyage, si 5. 1898. BujeaudCS'.l Chron. prote.st..l6-18s..l860. liifir fo Angouleme ; France ; Jarnac. Angra Pequena. Pari, papers, see fpeeml eiit . Hefer to German West Africa. Anguilla. Cope (E. D.) Bone cave, 1883. Pari. |>apers. see special eat. JUfer to West Indies. Angus, .«(•(■ Forfarshire. Anhalt. Krebs (J.) Christian v. A. (1618), 1872. [P332]. Meissner. Brenkenhof (1723-80), 1782. Varnhagen von Ense. Fiirst Leopold V. A.-Dessaii (1676-1747) [in It. Biog. Dcnkmale. T2. 1825]. liefer to Germany, History ; Gernrode. Aniane, St.-Sauveur d'. Ardo. Vita S. Benedicti (d. 821), see A. C. if emisutt Potthast. ChartjE Anian. (787-837) [in Migne, P. L.. 103]. Mabillon. De mon. Anianaj subjectis [in Migne, P. L., 103]. Hefer to Benedictines ; Herault ; Monasteries. Aniene, rirer, Italij. Colasanti (A.) L' Aniene. 1906. Nibby (A.) Viaggio, 1828. Hcf,r 1o Italy. Aniline Colours, .■«( Dyeing. Animal Colouration, animals. Animal Electricity. Arago. Meteor, essays : tr.. 1855. Biedermann (W.) Electro-phys. ; tr., 2, 1896-8. Dn Bois-Revmoud. Untersiich., 1848-84. Miiller (J.) On a. e., 1852. Rutfer (J. O. N.) Human e.. 1854. Hefer to Electricity ; Zoology. Animal Food. Castellaiuis. De esu carnium Gronovius, Thes. Gr. antiq., t9, 1701]. Plutarch. De esu carnium [in Moralia, rar. ed. A' tr.X Hefer fo Cannibalism ; Meat ; Vege- tarianism. Animal Kingdom, .-ly Zoology. Animal Locomotion, see Flying Movement, Physiolog. Animal Lore & Mythology. 'Abd al-Malik, al-Aimal. Kitab al-wuhus, 1888. Aldrovandi (U.) Monstr. hist., 1642. Ashton (J.) Cur. creatures, 1890. Brown (R.) Gryphon, [in Arch., v48ii, 188.5]. Ehrenberg. Ub. d. Cynocephalus d. Agypter'[(>( Kon. Pr. Ak. Abhdl., 1833]. Colour of vl. 2B, [in ANIMAL 35 ANNAM Animal L.ore&Mythology[(W(rt«K (K. 1'.) A. ^yiiilinliMu in eccles. arcliit., ISlKi. [H.j" Fabricius (J. A.) De hominibus orbis ortu nun diff. [in Opusc, 1738]. Goklsmid (K.) Uu-uat. hist. : myths ; tr., 4v, ISSU. Goul.l (C.) Myth, monsters, 188G. Grimm (W.) Tliicrfabein b. d. Meister- siinsjern [in Kiiti.-l'r. Ale., Abhdl., 1855]. Gubernatis (r. A. liu) Zoolop;. myth., 1872. Hedelin (K.) Dcs satvre.s, Sec, iSS8. Heilborn (E.) Das Tier Jehovah.s, 1905. I.ee (H.) Sea fable.s, 1.8H.3. Marianfl (S. F.) Inseclele in limba, 4cc. Romanilor, I'M'.'. Mattei (S.) De eanum mitli. [in Op., t8, 1780]. Pfizmaier. Den!<«(irdigl{. aus d. Thier- reiche Chiua'.s, 1875. Phipson (E.) A.-lore (U)-17c.), 1883. lljitrammis. Epi.st. de Cynocephalis (9o.) [in Migne, V. L., 132]. S6biIlot (P.) Follc-lore de Fr., t3, 1906. Swainson (C.) I'rov. names &c. of Brit. birds,. 1885. Tv.-^on (E.) Essay cone. Pygmies, k.c. [in Oranp-Outang. 2p, 1699] Vinveomb (J.) Fictitious &c. creatures in art, 1906. ■\Vatkiris (.^I. G.) Gleanings f. nat. hist. of ancients. 1885. /iV/ir ^l Bestiaries ; Dragons; Egypt, Antiq., /I'l/if/iim ; Fables ; Mythology ; Phoenix, liirJ ; Werwolves. Acimal Magnetism, .<>> Hypnotism &c. Animal Painting & Sculpture. lialliJ (H.) L'ci-iisre df liarye, IMIU. lii-ui Hasan ; Ncvvbuirv, iS:c., pi, 1900. Gilbey (\V.) A. painters of Engl., f. 1650, 2v, 1900. Landseer (K. H.) Studies, 1877. Loftie (\V. .1.) Landseer ii a. p. in Eng., 1891. Iti-frrtit Painting; Sculpture. Animal Products & Uses. Ksilaili- ( II.) <'"iiiril.>. to iKit. hist., 1865. Goode (ti. 1;.) Cull, lu illusl. a. resources of U.S. [i« S.I., Misc. coll., via, 23, 1878-82]. Kohl (.1. G.) IJedeutimg d. Thierwelt fiir d. Mtn.schen [in Vuui Markt, Bl, 1868]. I.ankester (E.) Uses of animals, n.d. I'hip.son (T. L.) Utiliz. of minute life, 1864. Simmouds (P. I,.) A. products, 1877. Cc.in. pr. uf sivi. 1879. itifi r III Animal food ; Food & diet; Fur; Industries; Raw materials. Animal Psychology. .Mlidiii.^. Miiiiiiim. l)i- i]iotibu,s a. [(« Op., v9. 1890]. Armitage (U.) Souls & fut. life [in h. renscelhvood papers, vl, 1846]. licrger (A. v.) Hielt l)e.scarte.s d. Thieve fiir bewusstlos ?, 1892. lioullicr (D. U.) Essai s. I'ilme dos bfites, 2t, 1737. liiiehnfr. iMinil ; tr., 1880 ; tr. Fr.. 1881. t;uridillac. Tr. d. aniniaux [in (E., t3, 179H|. Es)iiiias (A.) Soci6t6s animales, 1878. Flourens. I/instinct & rintell., 1851 ; 61. Grous (C.) Spiele <1. Thicre, 1806; tr., 1898. Il6rri(-Mt (F.) I,'inatinct & I'intell., 1880. Hubliouso (1,. T.) Mind in evol., 1901. Huxley. AniinalsautoJnala, 1874 [mCoU. c.v^avs, vl, 1893; 98; Sci. 4: culture, 1.M81]. Animal Psychology [rimtiniied]. (lacolii (V. 11.) L . d. v. Herder, Erkliii'uug d. lliier. ivLmstferligkeiten ice. [in Wke., B6, 1825]. Jap]) (A. H.) Animal anecdotes, 1887. La Mettiie. A. plus que machines [in (E., tL>, 1775]. Le Koy (C. G.) Lettres s. I'intell. &c., 1802; tr., 1870. Lindsay 0^''. L.) Mind in lower a., 2v, 1879. [B.] Lubbock. On senses, &.C.. 1889. Menault (E.) IntelUgeuce ; tr., 1869. Mills (W.) A. intell., 1898. Morgan (C. L.) A. behaviour, 1900. A. life and intell., 1890-1. Habit & instinct, 1896. Perty (M.) Seelenleben d. Thiere, 1876. Philo. Judaeus. De ratione [in Op. omnia, t8, 1830]. Plutarch. De sollertia animalium, .^-o.p. [in Moralia, rnr. i:d. <)(■ ir.]. Rendu (V.) L'intell. des botes, 1863. Romanes (G. J.) A. intell., 1882 ; 83. Mental evol., 1883. Rorarius (H.) Quod animalia ratione utantur, 1654. Scliiieidcr (G. H.) Thier. Wille. 1880. Thompsun (E. 1'.) I'a.ssions, 1851. Wasmann (E.) Instinct u. Intell., 1899. Vergl. St. ub. Ameisen u. hohern Thiere, 1900. Watson (.J. S.) Keasuuing jjower, 1867. Weir (J.) Dawn of reason, 1899. Wood (,J. G.) Man & beast, 2v, 1874. Wundt OV- M.) Lects. ; tr., 1896. — Vorlosungeii. 2B. 1863. lli-fir to Instinct; Psychology ; Zoology. Animal Taming & Training. Mantegazza (F.) L'pilio Faimali : doma- tore di belve, l.'<79. Maroccus extatirus. l](.r.M' (15.S5), is-l;;. llcfcrto Domestic animals; Zoological gardens. Animal Uses, >.cc Animal products. Animal Worship. i'.iix-lKioil. T;imiis sacer [i«, Westphalen, Mull., tl. 1745J. Spencer (H.) Orig. of a.-w. [in Essays, v3, 1874; 75: vl, 1891). Jti/ir III Religion ; Serpent.worship ; Totems. Animalcules, .<>y Microscope; Ponds, &c. ; Protozoa; Zoology. Animals, .w Animal ; Domestic animals; Hunting; Natural history; Physiology; Sport ; Zoology. Animals, Treatment of. lierkrlry (G. V. G. F.; Fact. 2v. 1874. Cruellies of civiliz., 3v., 1895-7. Erskine (T., A.) Cruelty. 1809. [P378]. Hatdey (E. B.) Our poor relations, 1872. Humane rev., 1900 — . Huiiiaiiit<'iri<'in (assays. s2, 1904. lliimaiiily, 1895-l!i02. .Ii'Vuiis(\V. S.)Cniidfy[i« Metho2 MMIIIII'T|>l>Ub 1st. Obsch., .liiiii'ceiiiH (Corr. . R. I. 0.,jt,4,J. C, ANNAM 36 ANNE Annam (& Cocliin-Chin&}[i:imUmicd]. Dumoutier (G.) Sviubiilcs i\:c. du ciilte, 1891. Finlayson (G.) Mission, 1821-2, 182C. Haussmanu (A.) Voyage, 3t, 1817-8. lutern. Cong, of Or., 1874-9!). [Jesuits]. Lettres, tlG-26. 1781-3. [ ] Nouv. fl. missions (17il2-G), 1797. [ ] Nouvelles lettres (1700-1821), 8t, 1818-23. Loti (P.) Guerre (188,S) [in Figures, 1898 ; (E.. 18, 1904]. Paris (C.) Voyage, 1889. Pavie (A.) Mission. G^ogr. tec, 4, 1902. Recueil d'itineraires (19o.), 1878. Tchang (M.) Svnclironismes chin, [in Var. sin., 24, 1905]. Vincent (F.) Land of White Elepliant, 1873. Itefcr to Cambodia ; Cochin - China, French ; Indo-China. Annamese Language & Literature. Cortambert i: liosny. Tableau, lsi;2. Des Michels (A.) Orig. & caractere. 1903. Dirr (A.) Gram., 1894. Dumoutier (G.) Cliants &c. ; tr., 1890. Landes (A.) Contes &c., tr., 1881). Soliott. Annam. Sclirift u. .Spr. [in Kon.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1S5.J]. Annapolis, .<«■ Nova Scotia. Anne, Q. of Gt. Brit., 1702-14. Biographical Collections. Caultield (J.) Kemark. persons, 1G88- 1760, 4v, 1819. Lives & characters, in 1711-12, 2v, 1712-4. Swift. Characters of court [in Wks., rar. ed.']. Biographies, Letters, &c.,seeA.C. under: — Addison, 1G72-1719; [S- in Macaulay, Crit. essays, rar. ed. ; Wks., v7, 18()ri]. Argyll (J., d. of), 1678-1743 ; [,)'• in Stuart (L.) Sel., 1899]. Asgill (J.), 1659-1738. Blaokader (^It.-col. J.), 1664-1729. Bolingbroke (H., risi\). 1678-1751 ; [S' in Goldsmith. Misc. wks., far. ed.; Remusat (C. F. M. de) L'Angl., tl, 1856 ; 65]. Boyle (lion. C), 1676-1731. Bristol (J., f.), 1665-1751. Calamv (E.), 1671-1732. Carstairs (W.), 1649-1715. Chandos (J., d. of), 1673-1744. Chauncv (."> H.), 1632-1719. Chesterfield (e. of), 1633-1713. Crewe (N., J.), hp., 1(;33-1721. Danby (T., e. of), 1631-1712. Davies (mrs. C), 1667-1739. Defoe (D.),c.l661-1731;[<)'- in rorster(,T.) Hist, essays, v2, 1858]. Devonshire (W., d. of). 1640-1707 ; [,J- in Grove (J.) Lives, 1764]. Devonshire (W., d. of). 1G73-1729 [in Grove (.J.) Lives, 17G4]. Galway(H., e. of). 1648-1720, Godolphin (S., <>.), 1645-1712. Gramont (ete. P. de), 1621-1707. Grange (J., lord), 1679-1754. Halifax (C, e. of). 1661-1714. Hanmer (sir T.), 1G77-1746. Harlev (R.), 1661-1724. sec Oxford (c. of). Heariie (T.), 1678-1735. Holt («> J.), 1642-1710. Oames Edward, Old Pretender, 1688- 1766; [S' in Clarendon Hist. Soc, v2, 1884-6], Ken (T.), bp.. 1637-1711. Ker (John), 1673-1726. Leyington (R., *.), 166J-1723. Lovxt (S., l), 1667-1747; [.)'■ in Neue Pitaval (D.), T16, 1850], Anne, Q.of Gt. Brit., 1702-14 [eont.]. Biographies, Letters, R ), 1676-1745. Wentworth (T.), 1672-1739. Wharton (T., m. of), 1G48-1T15. Finance. C. S. P., Treasury, 1557-1728, 6v, 1868- 1889. Davenant (C.) Rep. to Comm. for Act for taking publ. accounts, 2p, 1712 [;«Wks.. vo, 1771]. Letter : t. embezzlements, 1640-59, 1688- 1700, 1710 [in Harl. misc., v6. 1810]. Oxford (R., e. of) Es.sav on loans, 1710 [in Somers, 13, 1815], " Essav on publ. credit, 1710 [in Somers, iS, 1815]. Public ace: Proc. in Pari., 1702 [in Somers, 12, 1814]. Report f. Comm., 1714 [in Somers, 13, 1815]. Foreign Relations. [English ambassadors]. ncpeniiCKa (Corr. diplom.), 1704-9 [in Imp. Russ. 1st. Obsch., 39, 50, 61]. Hare (F.) Wks., v3, 4, 1746. Hill (R.) Diplom. corr., 1703-G: Blackley, 2p, 1845. Legrelle (A.) Negoo. entre Berwick & Marlborough. 1708-9, 1893. History (Contemporary Works), see also Politics, btl'Hr. Ace. of Scotch invasion, 1708-9 [in Somers, 13, 1815]. Boyer (A.) Hist. (1702-12), llv, 170.3-13. Burnet (G.) Hist. (—1713), rar. ed. Carstairs (W.) State-papers, 1689-1711 ; M'Cormick, 1774. Coke (R.) Detection, 3v, 1719. Cole (C.) Hist, it polit. mems., 1697- 1708, 1735. Cowper (W., e.) Private diary (1705-14), 1833. Cunningham (A.) Hist., 1688-1714 ; tr., 2v, 1787. Defoe (D.) Negot. of Mesnager, 1736. Hearne(T.) Remarks &c.,vl-4 (1705-14), 1885-98. Help to history, 1709-15, 3v, 1711-5. Anne,Q.of Gt. Brit., 1702-14 [cont.]. History {Contemporary Works)[eont iniied]. Lewis (J.) Q. A.'s son (1689-1700); Loftie. 1881. Luttrell(N.)Brief rel. ; 1G78-I714,6v,1857. Macky (J.) Memoirs, 1733. Marlborough (J., d. of) Letters, &c., 1702-12: Murray, 5v, 1845. Pittis (W.) Hist, of pari. (1710-13), 3p. 1711-3. Political state (1711-40), 60v, 1719-40. Portland MSS. [in Hist. MSS. Comm.]. Prior (M.) Hist., 1740. Prior papers [in Hist. MSS. Comm.]. Torrington. Mem. rel. to T. ( — 1705); Laughton, 1889. Vernon (J.) Letters, 1696-1708, 3v, 1841. Whitworth corr., 1701-25 [in Hist. MSS. Comm., 4]. (Later Works). Adams (W. H. D.) Good Q. A.. 2v, 1886. Ashton (J.) Soc, life, 2v, 1882. Burton (J, H.) Hist.. 3v. 1880. Coxe (W.) Mem. of Walpole. 3v, 1798; 4v, 1816. Hamilton (C.) Trans. (1707-14). 1790. Klopp (0.) Fall d. Hauses Stuart, 1660- 1714. 14B, 1875-88. Lecky (W. E. H.) Hist., 18c., rar. ed. McCarthy (J.) Reign, 2v. 1902. Merz (T.) The Junto, 1907. Morris (E. E.) Age (1697-1714). 1877. Oliphant (M. O.) Hist. sk.. 1894. Paul (H. W.) Queen A.. 1906. Remusat (e. C. de) L'Angl.. 2t, 1856 ; G5. Roscoe (E. S.) R. Hariev, 1902. Salomon (F.) Gesch.. 1710-1714, 1894. Schaumann (A. F. H.) Gesch., 1878. Somerville (T.) Hist.. 1798. Stanhope (P.. c.) Hist., 1701-13, 1870; 72. Strickland (A.) Lives of queens, vll, 12, 1847-8. Thomson (mrs. A. T.) Mem. of Dss. of Marlborough, &c., 2v, 1839. Thornton (P. M.) Brunsw. access., 1887. Ward (A.W.) Electress Sophia, &c., 1903. Wyon (F. W.) Hist., 2v, 1876. Periodicals. Examiner (The), 1710-12. [P676]. Guardian (The). (Mar.-Oct., 1713), var.ed. Spectator (The), 1710-14. see A. C. Tatler (The), 1709-11, see A. C. Poetry & Satire. Arbuthnot (J.) Law a pit (John Bull, 1712) [(■/( li. Life &c., 1892; Misc, wks., v2, 1751 ; Arber, Eng. garner, vl2, 1903 ; Swift, Wks., v6, 1883], [Cambridge]. Acad. C. carmina, 1702. [Cambridge]. Epicedium C. in princ. Georgium, &c,, 1708. Defoe (D.) Shortest-way w. dissenters, 1702 4' o. ji'ks. [in True coll., 1703 ; Wks., v9, 1840; v3. 1843; Eariier life, 1889; Arber, Eng. garner, vl2, 1903; Saints- bury, Pol. pamph., 1892]. King (W.) Orig. wks., v2, 1776. Manley (M. IX^La R.) Sec. mem., 4v, 1736. [Oxford]. Couiitia philologica in hono- rem A.. 1702 [F671] ; 1713 [P672]. [ ] Epiuicion Oxon., 1702. [P671]. [ ] Pietas Univ. in obitum A., 1714. [ ] Pietas Univ. in obitum Gulielmi III &c., 1702. [ ] Plausus mus. Oxon., 1704. [P672]. Politics. Ace. of Scotch plot, 1701 ; .j' o.p. [in Somers, 12, 1814], Addison (.1.) Pres. state of war. 1707 [in ^\Tis., v5, 1804], Bolingbroke. Wks.. see A. C. ANNE 37 ANTHROPOLOGY Anne, Q. of Gt. Brit., 1702-14 [cont.\. Politics [co/iliiiiwfl]. Davcnaiit (C.) Essays on peace at home &c.. lip, 1701 [in Wks.. vl-5, 1771]. Defoe (I).) Appeal. 1715 [in Arber, Eng. garner. vl2, 1903]. Challenge of peace, 1703. [P1028], If Pretender should come !, 1713 [j» Novels, v20, l.'^ll ; Wks., vli. 1.H87]. If queen should die.', 1713 [in Novels, v20. 1SH; Wks.. v3. isi;); v6, 1S87]. Reasons agst. H. of Hanover, 1713 [in Novels. v20, 1811 ; Wks., v3, 1843 ; vG, 1887]. Secret hist.. 1714. Warning ag.st. papi.sts, &.C., 1712 [/« Novels. v20. 1841 ; Wks., vG, 1887]. . Works, far. cd. Dennis (J.) Priestcraft dangerous, 1702 [itt Wks., vl, 1718], Proposal for putting end to war (1703; l!« Wks.. vl. \-A^]. Ellis (11.) Ld. Coningsby's ace. of state of polit. parties [i)i Arch., v38i, 18(50]. Faults in fault-finder. 1710. Fletcher(A.) Speeches, 1703 [in Pol. wks., 1732]. Gordon (T.) Independent Whig, 171'J. [P217J. Harley (1!.) Faults. 1710. Haversham(,;.. b.)yiem.. 1(;40-1710. I7I1. History of the last ministry, ice. 1710; ,y o.p. [ill Somers. 13, 1815]. Hoadly (li.)Coll. of pajjcrs pr. 1710 [in Wks., vl, 1773]. Mauagementof 41astyears.l714 .' [P217]. Nottingham (D., a. of) Meraor. of state, 1705 [('« Somers. 12, 1814]. Povey (('.) Inquiry into miscarriages (1710-4), 1714. [P217]. Ralph (J.) Other side (1G88-1714), 1742. Somers (J., J.) Coll. of tracts, vI2-13, 1814-5. Steele (R.) Crisis [/•« Morley (H.) Fam. pamphl., 188G]. Supplement to " Faults on both sides," 1710. [P355]. Swift (.1.) Advice to Oct. Club, 1712. [P217].. Hist, of last 4 yrs. \in Wks., var. e(l.\. Mem. rel. to ministry 1710 [to Wks., rar. e(l.\. Toland(,r.)Arf<.f lestcrinL:. 171 I. |l'lf,.-,). Jlii'iT III England, History ; Jacobites ; Navy, English; Queen Anne's bounty ; Scotland, Hist. ; South Sea bubble ; Spanish Succession, War of, 1701 14 ; Tackers ; Utrecht, Peace of, 1713. AnneaHng, i" r Glass ; Iron & Steel. Annelida, .«. Worms. Annonciation, Congregation do 1'. .Staluts, 1583 [in A. cur., 8.1. tlO. 183GJ. Annuals (i.v. ijcur-bks. vfgcn. infurtn. i5v.). African. Natal almanac, &c., 188G — , uc -4. C. American. Anievican aim. & repository, 184G-G1. American aim. 4: treasury, 187'.)-8!). American year-ljk. & Nat. register, 18fi!l. Massachusetts State record iic, 1847-51. Mexican year book, 1!108. National alnuinac &c., 18G3-4. National calendar i:c. ; Force, 1832. Australasian. Australi.-ui lidbk.. 18;»0— , »(v; .1. ('. Moore's Australian aim. 4:c., 11I02-3. New Zealand ollicial year-bk., 18'J2-1!)08, .'ter A. C. Victoria naut.& comm.alm.; Murray,1855. Annuals [continued]. Australasian [continued]. I Victoria]. Statist, register, 1854 ; 03 ; 'J4. Victorian year-bk., 1873-ill. Western A. vear-bk., l'JOO-3 ; Fraser, 2v, 1902-4. Year-bk. of Australia, 1885 — , sec A. C. Year-bk. of New S. Wales, 1903 ; 05-7. English, &c. British aim. & companion, 1828 — ; Index, 1828-43. British Empire year-bk. ; Wall. 1903. British Imperial cal.&c, 18G5 — ,geeA. C. Colonial year-bk. ; Trendell, 1891. Constitutional year-bk.. 188G ; 95-1900. County companion, diary. Sec 1882-86. Court ic City register, 1751-93. Daily Mail year-book. 190(>. Dietrichsen & Hannay's royal aim.. 1853-70. Englishwoman's yearbook, 1904. Government year-bk. ; Sergeant, 1888. Hazell's Annual Cyclop.-cdia, 18SG-1907. Oliver & Boyd's Edinb. aim., 1845 — , sec A. C. Royal Kalendar, 17G7-1800. Statesman's year-bk.. 18()4 — , see A. €. Statistical companion, 1848 ; 50 ; 52 ; 54. Whitaker (J.) Almanack, 1878—. Who's who year book, 1904 — . French. Annde (L') artistique ; Champier,18"8-82. .\nmiaire hist, univ., 1818-55. ,\ntmaire scient. ; Deh6rain, 18G3, G4, tilj. G9. Soc. de I'hist. de Fr. Ann. hist., I83G— . German, Almanach de Gotha. 1830—. Gothaischer gencalog. Hofkal.. 1897. Staats-, Hof-, n. Kommunal - Hdbh. ; Kiirschner, 1893 — , see A. C. Hawaiian, Hawaiian aim. & aimual, 1905 ; OG ; 08. Indian, Asylum Press almanac, 1873-83. Bengal 4: Agra annual guide &c.. 1841-2. East India register &c., 1849 ; 54 ; 58-GO. Times of India cal., &.C., 1873-87. Ilcfcr til Almanacs & calendars ; Peri- odicals. Annuities. Fourier {b. ,J. P. .1.) Rap. s. tontines [in (K.. t2, l.S'.l()|. .lames(.J. H.) Insurance, a., &c., 1851 ; 68. Jones (D.) V.alue, 2v, 1844. Lagrange. Mfim. s. q. cone. les a. [in CE., to. 1870J. Pari, papers, see Life a., in spa-ial cat. Price (R.) Obs. on revers. payments ice, 2v. 1783. Saint Leonards(E. B., i.) Consider., 181G. I l^r., 7]. Woodrow (J.) Plan for savings & a. bank, 1833. (P309]. Young (T.) .Misc. wks.. \2. 1S55. Jle/cr to Insurance ; Tables. Annunciation, .-w Mary, the Virgin. Anointing, ."« Unction. Anomooans, .v Arianiem. Anonaceae. King(G.) .\. of liiil. In.li.i. |k:i,!. He/er to Botany ; Forestry & treoa ; Shrubs. Anonyms, .vr Pseudonyms & anonyms. Ansarii. l,vlar regions, 1861. Ross (J. C.) Voyage, 1839-43, 2v, 1847. Scott (R. F.) Voyage of " Discovery," 2v, 1905. Weddell (J.) Voyage &c., 1822-4, 1825. Wegener (G.) Der 8iicl]i,il, |S!I7. [l'G78]. Jlefer In Botany ; Voyages & travels ; Zoology. Antelope. Caton (.1. D.) A.kc. of Amer., 1881. Lichtenstein. t'b. d. A. d. niirdl. Afr. [in Kon.-Pr. Ak.. Aljlidl,. 1.S24]. //(;/(/• III Mammals ; Ruminants ; Zoology. Anthozoa, ."w Actinozoa. Anthrax. Pari, papers [790 ]. Dang, trades (A.) Comin., 1.S97. (c. 8506). " Jle/er to Pathology. Anthropology. [.•\.] Ci'iiuTcs internat., Compte rendu, 1867-80,' lS()8-80. Argyll (G. D.. d. of). Primeval man, 1869. Biir (C. E. v.) Einfl. d. iiuss. Natur \in Ueden, T2, 1876]. Bastian (A.) I.elne. 2A, 1895. Der Meiiscli. 31!, 1860. Bird (R.) Dillerences in men [in Phys. essiiys, 1870]. Blumenbach. Anthr. treatises ; tr., 1865. Bodichen (E.) Do I'hunianitf, 2t, 1866. Boudin (,T. C. M.) Conlribs., 1877. Bourke (,I. tJ.) Scatologic rites, 1891. Bray (C.) Manual, 1871. Breysig (C.) Gescli. d. Mcnsclilieit, Bl, Vdlkcr ewiger I'rzeit. Bl. 1907. Broca (P. P.) Hybriditv, 18i;i. M('m.. tl-.'i, 1S7U88. BulTon. Hist, nal., tl8-21, 1.800; Ir.. v3. 1812. Caspar! (O.) Urge.sch.. SB, l.s7,'i. Clodd (E,) Childhood of world, ls79; 1904. Story of " prim." man, 1895. Combe (G.) Const i(. of man in rel. to ex- ternal objects, l.'<41 ; 47. Darwin ^C. R.) Descent of m.Tn. riir. cd. Dnwson (J. W.) Fossil men 4:c., 1880 ; 88. AJJTHROPOLOGY 38 ANTICHRIST Anthropology [rontiii iird]. Deniker (J.) ifcices. UtOO. Dieterici (F.) Phil. il. Arab., 10. Jlidt.. T7. 1S71. Drummond (H.) Lowell lects. on ascent of man, 18!I4. Duncan (mrs. G.) Pre- Adamite man,18G0. Durand (J. P.) Infl. d. milieux sur carac- teres de race. 1S6.S. [P23;i]. Durklieim Sc Mau.ss. Formes primit. de cla.-isif. [(■« D.. Annee soc. (>, lOO.'!]. Evans (A. J.)&c. A. & the Classics. 1908. [Exhibitions, Paris. 1878]. Congr. intern.. No. 17. 1880. [Exhibitions, St. Louis, 11104], Congress, v5, 190(;. Fabricius (J. A.) T)c honiinibiis orbis ortu non diff. (1721) [i« Opusc, 1738]. Farrer (,T. A.) Prim, manners ..Ice., 187'J. Fichte (I. H.) Anthropologic. 18G0. Figuier (L.) Prim, man ; tr.. 1870. Flower (W. H.) Essays. 18!t8. Frazer (J. G.) Golden bough, rar. rd. Lect. on early hist, of kingship, 1005. Frobenius (L.) Childhood ; tr.. 1909. Urspr. d. Kultur, Bl. Afr.. 1898. Frohschammer (J.) Genesis, 1883. Geoft'roy St.-Hilaire. Hist, des anoma- lies, 3t. 1832-7. Gerlaud (G.) Anthr. Beitr.. Bl, 1875. Griersou (P. J. H.) Silent trade. 1903. Hackel. Evol.of man; tr..2v, 1879; 83; 1905.. lib. gegenwjirt. Kenntniss v. Urspr. d. Menschen, 1905. [PlllO]. Haddon (A. C.) Study, 1N9.K. Helbig (C. E.) Die erste Erfindung, 1902. Hildebrand (R.) Kccht &c. auf d. ver- schied, wirts. Kulturstufen. Tl, 1896. Hobhouse (L. T.) Morals, 2p, 1906. Holmes (W. H.) Classif. &o. of anthr. museum \_in S.I., Kep., Nat. Mus., 1901], Hoyelacque (A.) Debuts : Fhomme prim. contemp.. 1881. Humboldt (\V. v.) Plan e. vergl. A. (1795) [(■«. Schr. Bl, 1903]. Huxlev- Evid. as to man's place. 1863 ; [)., De A. (3e.) [in H7cs., gee A. C.]. Huss (J.) De A. ; .J- o.j). [in Hist. Sec, 2t, 1715J. Maillaml (S. K.) I'l-ophecies cone. A., 1830. [PG50]. Newman (J. H.) Patiistical idea [/« /(. Discussions, 1872]. Protestant idea |'« //. Essays, v'2. 1872; liWlJ. Sermons [in Tracts for the times, v5, 1840J. Oresme (N.) De A. (lie.) [i/t Mart&ne & Durand, Vet. scr. coll., t!), ll'iii]. Renan (J. E.) L'A., 1873 ; [f.r. in Hist, of orig., v4, 1890]. Todd (J. II.) Disc, on prophecies, 1840. Si.'c disc, on prophecies, 1840. lli-fcr III Prophecy ; Theology ; und lee A. ('. iiiidir lliblr. Anticlericalism, sec Church & state. Antigua. Antigua A; .Xiitiiruans, 2v, 181 1. Ill fir til West Indies. Antilles, .•«/ West Indies. Antinoe. liorinet (.E.) I'lantes ant. dos nficropoles, 1!M«. Gayet (A.) A. & sepultures. 1!I02. L'explor. d'A., 18117. —— L'explor. des nfecropoles, li)03. L'explor. des nficropoles gr6co-byz., 1902. Eantomes d'A., VMi. Guimet (E.) .Symboles asiat., 1903. Hicci (8. de) 1 riser, gr. ic coptes, 1903. Hrft-r ill Egypt. AntinomianiBm. Gataker (T.) Gods eve on his Israel, 1045. [V'M]. Luther (M.) Wider d. A. [in Schr., T20, 1747 ; Werke, 1883, ice.]. Stillingfleet (E.) Two disc. cone. Xt.'s satisfaction, 2p, 1700. \Vits(H.) Aniniadv(Ts.[m Misc., t2, 1790]. Ilr/er to Anabaptists ; Libertines ; Theology. Antioch, lu.^idm. Arundell (K. \. .1.) Discov., 2v, 1«31. llf/er til Asia Minor. Antioch, Syria. C l]rysusLonl,;S^ lloniiliiede statuis (.387-8) [ill Up., t2, 1718 ; Migne, V. G., 49 ; S. 1. of N. f., tr., si, v9, 1889J; tr., 1842. Gualterivis, ca/KrH. A. bclla (1 1 14-9), .W! .1. C; [.<,■ //jGesta Dei, tl, lllUJ. S(-ldumberger (G. L.) 1!. de Chalillon (Ur)3-87), )89(S. .Soc.de I'Oricnt Latin. 1S77 iVc. Itcfi-r til Byzantine hist. ; Crusades ; Latin kingdoms ; Palestine & Syria. Antioch, Council of, 341. Kruiiicidt^al tr.. \v. (•;iiiofi>; l*('r('ival [in S. 1. or \. f., .s:;. ir,, vl I, l'.lllll|, llifi-r til Church councils. Antioch, Patriarchate of. De I'atrian-his A. Ym Acta «S., I'rx'f., t3, 17.-)1 ; .Julii 14, 174M]. Le Quien. Oriens Chr., t2, 1740. Paul, of Mrppo. Tnivels of Macarius (c. U;(i9-72); tr.. 2v, ISiii;. Itrfer tn Greek Church. Antipathies & Prejudices. liiiii (K.) Idiosyncra.sv |i« I'livs. es9 ; tr., P.IOC. Antipathies & Prejudices[('ii»/i»»6'(f]. Holbach. E.ssai s. les p., 1822. La Mothe Le A'ayer. Disc, de la contr. d'humeurs entre nations [/« (E., t4ii, 17.57]. Linstant (.S.) Prfjug^s des blancs c. Africains &c., 1811. KoTce (J.) Hace questions, .tc, 1908. Salgues (.1. I!.) Krrcurs ,\;i-., :!t. isls. Refer to National character; Negroes. Antiphonaries. Agoliardus. Lib. de correctione A. (9c.) [in .Migne. P. L., 104]. Amalarius (8.) L. de ordine A. (9c.) [in .Migne, P. L., 105]. A. monast. Benchor. [in Migne, P. L., 72]. [Bangor]. Antiphonary (7c.), 2p, 1893-5. Bernard, St. Tract, de cantu (12c.) [in Migne, P. L., 182]. Gregoi-y I. Liber antiph., &c. [in Op., t3, 1705; Migne. P. I^., 78]. Rainerus, Leodienx. In 9 ante-natal, anti- phonascomm.(12c.)[(«Migne, P.L.,204]. Refer to Liturgies & ritual. Antiquaries. Mali-nlm (.1. \>.) Lives (17 & l.Sc). 1824. Biographies, Ac, see A.C. under : — A.shiiiole(E.), 11)17-92. Aubrey (J.), 162i;-97. Bunseii (C. C. J.), 1791-18(;0. Camden (\V.), 1551-1C,23. (;aylus {ete. de). Iti92-17i;5. Champollion (J. K.), 1791-1832. Curtius (E.), 1811-91; [(/;. lirit. Acad., 1905-U, 1907]. De la Pryme (A.), 1072-1704. Grigorev"(V. V.), 1810-81. Gregorovius (F.), 1821-91. Gueranl (B. E. C), 1797-1854. Hatcher (H.), 1777-1840. Hearne (T.), 1078-1735. Heraeus (C. G.), 1071-1730 [in Kais. Ak. zu Wien, Silzb., B13, 1H54J. Lambard(W.), 1530-1001. Layard (.•i/r A. H.), 1.^17-94. Leland(.L), d. 15.V2. Lepsius (C. K.), 1.M10-S4. Lhuyil (E.), 1000-1709 [in Cymmro- dorion. Trans., 1900-7). .Montlaucon (B. de), 1055-1741. MulUmliolf (C. v.), 1818-84. .Muratori (L. A.), 1072-1750 [(«. /i. Scr. ined., 2p, 1872]. Parker (.M.), nlfjj., 1504-75. Rawlinson (sir II. C), 1810-95. Hhiml (A. H.), 1.S33-03. Ho.ssi {eiir. G. B. de), 1822-94. Savelev(P. S.), 1814-59. Stukeley (W.), 1087-1705. Surtees'(K.), 1779-1834. Winckelmann (.1. J.), 1717-08; [.?• in Goethe, \Vke., ear. ed. ; Herder, Wke., Al, BI3, 1820; A3, B15, 1829; i!8, 1892; Hist. Tbch., iv, 7, ISOO]. Wood (A. a), lo:;-.' 95. JMir to Historians; Orientalists. Antiquities. .\iiiallhi-.i, o.Ut .Mas.; B('ittiger.3 1!. 1820-5. Am ike DiMikmiiler ; K. Deut. Arch. Inst., Ill, 2, 1891-1908. Arneth (.J.) ArchaM)l. An.ilecten, 1851. Baring-Gould. Strange surviv.'ils, 1892. BeuK;(C. E.) Kouille.s, 2t, 1H73. Biittiger (('. A.) Kl. Schr., 31!, 1837-8. Boulanger (N. A.) A. devoil<''e, 3t, 1775; [,y- in (E., tl, 2, 1794|. Canlii (C.) Documenii, 1810. Caumont (.\. de) Ab^eftlairc, 1850. Caylus Q: de)Corresp., 1757-05, 2t, 1877. Ulia,sles (V. E. P.) L'anliq., 1870. Antiquities [eontinued] Dahn (E.) Urgesch. d. germ, ic rem. Volker, 4B, 1881-9. Dechelette (J.) Manuel, tl, Arcti6ol. prfehi.st., J908. Elworthy (F. T.) Horns kc, 1900. Ely (T.) Manual, 1890. Fairholt (F. W.) Miscellanea, remains of Londesborough, 1857. Fergusson (.1.) Kude stone mon., 1872. Feuillet de Conches (F. S.) L'antiquitf; [in Causeries, tl, 1802]. Fol (W.) Mus6e Fol, Ann6es 1-4, 1874-8. Fosbroke (T. D.) Cyclopedia. 2v, 1843. Girardin (J. P. L.) Analyse, 1852-00. Goethe, Ub. Kunst &c. [in Wke., car. ed.]. Hancarville. Recherclies, 2t, 1785. Johnson (M.) Diss., 1784. Kugler (F. T.) Kl. Schr., 3T, 1853-4. Longperier (A. de) (E., Tt, 1883-0. Mallet (.T. W.) Rep. on chem. e.xam. [in R.I.A., Trans., v22, 1855]. Marfechal (P. S.) Voyages, kc, Gt, 1799. Martin (J.) Mon. qui ont rapport -X la rel. d. anc. peuples, 1739. Michaelis (A.) Century of arch, discov. tr., 1908. Millin (A. L.) Introd., 1700. Mitchell (A.) Past in pres., 1880. Montfaucou. L'antiq. e.xpl., lOt, 1722-4. Midler (C. O.) Hdbch., 1830; 35; 48; tr., 1850. Munro (R.) Archaeology & false a., 1905. Muselli. .\nt. reliquiie, 1750. [Museo Nationale]. Coll.; Gargiulo, yl-4, 1868. Nibby (A.) Elenienti, 1828. Panciroli (G.) Hist, of things lost ; tr., 2v, 1715. Pownall (T.) Treatise, 1782. Raoul-Rochette. M6m. d'archeol. comp., 1848. RoUe.ston (G.) Sci. papers, 2v, 1884. Simpson (J. Y.) Arch, essays, 2v, 1872. Smith (G. K.) Coll. antiqua. 7v, 1848-80. Retrospections, 3v, 1883-91. Tyskiewicz (c. iM.) Mem.; tr.. 1898. Visconti (E. Q.) Op. var.. 4v, 1827-31. Williams (rev. J.) Essays, 1858. Wolf (1-'. A.) Vorlesungen. 5B. 1H39. Wriglit (T.) Es.says. 2v. isoi. Ji'ii'er to Antiquities, Prehistoric. Bibliography. Alien lein, L'niv. of. Cat. of Wilson Arch. Lib., 1894. ArchicologieJil papers (Index of), 1891 — . Brantcghem (.\. van) Cat. of lib. of B., sold, 1901. Biinau. Cat. Bibl. B.. 12, 1753. Cicognara (e. L.) Cat. del 1. po.s.s. dal C, 2t, 1.S21. Fabrieius (.T. A.) Bibl. antiq., 1716; 2v, 1700. Gonime (G. L.) Inil. of aroha^ol. iinjicrs 1005-1.'<90, 1907. KaisiTJ. Deut. Arch. Inst. Kat. teveiis (J.) Flint implemeiitsatSt. Mary Bourne, ISCu. [IM07J. Siirtccs (S. F.) Brit, pit dwellings, Don- caster, 1S70. [P(J42]. A'ictoria hist, of counties. l!Kl.'! — . ,«cr.l.t'. AVindle (B. C. A.) Ucinains. i:«il. 7('<:/^'o. lUfer to France, Antiquities. Greece. Finlay (G.) napnTTjpjjireis, 1.'yall (C. ,1.) Anc. poetry [tr.], 1885, Maimonides, ace A. C. Maimun ibn Kais, Al .Vslia. Gedichte, I; Geyer, 1905. Makrizi. Ge.sch. d. Copten ; Wiistenfeld, 1845 [/« Kiinigl. Gesells. d. Wiss. zu G8ttingen, B3, 1847]. Hist, des Sultans Maudouke (I5c.); tr., 11.2. l.KIO-5 [tec B.N., Not., G]. Mu'allal<;H, 1N07. Fiinf M. iibers. &c.; Nohleke, 1-3. 1899-1902. . Golden odes of A. ; tr. Blunt, 1903. Muhammad Dirab. '!l:im-en-Nds ; tr,, 1873. Arabic Literature [coidinurd]. Texts * Translations [continued]. Muhammad ibn 'Abd Al-Jabbar. Kitab- i-Yaniini (lie); tr.. 1858. Muhammad ibn Abl talib. Man. de la cosmogr. (14c.); tr., 1874. Muhammad iljn Ahmad ibn lyas, .1/- Miiri. L'odeur des fleurs (IGs.) [in B.N., Notices, 8]. Muhamma 1663), 1663. Spec. hist. A. ; Pocock., 1650. Abulfeda. Annales. arab. et lat., op. Reiskii (to 1328), 5t, 1789-94. Hist, anteislam. ed. vers lat. Flei- scher. 1831. Ameer AH. Sh. hist. (622-1171). 1899. Arbuthnot (K. F.) A. auth.. 1890. Beraeron (P.) Abrfege de I'hist. [in Voy., t2,'l735]. Caetini (L.) Annali, vl, 2 (1-12 H.), 1905-7. Cardonne (D. D.) Hist, de I'A.&de I'Esp. sous Arabes. 3t, 1765. Caussin de Perceval. ] 1S47-8. Famin (C.) Hist, des Sanazins en tl (7-9s.), 1843. Freeman (E. A.) Hist., 1870; 76. Oilman (A.) Saracens (to 1258), 1889 ; 91. Hamza. Annalium 11. 10; Gottwaldt, 2t, 1844-8. Ibn Adari. Hist. ((•>40-1205), 2t.. 1901-4. IVju At-Tiktaka. Hist. (656-1258), text« arab.; Derenbourg. 1895. Ibn Khaldfin. Hist. d. Berberes &c. ; tr., 4t, 1852-6. Prolegomenes (14c.; te.xt 6; tr.), 6t, nee A . C. Ibn Khallikan. Biogr. diet. (13c.); tr., 4v, 1842-71. Jirjis ibn Al-'Amid.Saracen. hi.st.( — 12c.) ; trs. [in Purchas, Pilgrimage, 1626]. Lane-Poole (S.) Moham. dynasties, 1894. Marignv (Jahhe de) Hist. d. A. sous le gouv. d. Califes (629-1258), 4t. 1750. -^^ — Hist, des revol. (f. 1074), 4t, 1750. Muhammad ibn Jarlr. Annales ( — 914), car. ed. ii)'2. Pari, papers [1)2:^]. A\'aKes I'oards &c. of Australia & X.Z. : Aves. I'JOIS (c. 41(>7). Pigou (A. C.) Prine. & methods, 1!»05. Price (L. L. F. K.) Ind. peace, 1887. Slater (J.) Law of arbitr. &c., IKSU. Weeks (J. D.) Industr. concil ioc. in New Y(.rk. i>iu.. 1881. [Plll!>]. . Ojieration of a. ice. in Eng.. 18751. fPllliiJ. Bibliography. U.S. Lib. of Congress. References ou ind. a.. IHO:^. [P1047]. Ilifir 111 Capital & labour ; Commercial law ; Strikes &c. Arbitration, International. American Conf. in ^Vashinglon, 18!)tj. Arbiter in council, lyoii. Arbitration (Intemat.) ic Peace Assoc, see A. C. Berthelot. Sci. &c.. 1905. Bloch (L S.) Meclianismus &c. [in h. Krieg, BG, 18mi: tr.. tK, 1898J. Caricature de la •' Conf. de la Paix." 1908. Concord : journal of Int. Arbitr. & Peace Assoc, 1887—. Darby (W. E.) Intem. tribunals : schemes, &c. since 1815. rar. eil. [Hague]. Conf. Intemat., 1899. Higgins (A. P.) Hague Conf., Is. o. conf. cone, law &c. of war. 1904. HoUs (F. W.) Peace conf.. Hague. 1900. Laveleye (E. de) Causes de guerre &c., 1873. Lawrence (T. .1.) Internal, problems ic Hague conf., 1 908. Lenionon (E.) 2e conf.. La Haye. 1908. Moulin (H. A.) Doct. de Drago, 1908. Pari. iKipers [5(i9, 799]. Peace Conf., 1899 (c 9090, 9534). [903, 920. 933]. Peace Conf. (2nd). 1907, 1908. (c 3857, 4081. 4174-5). tee aim Alabama Claims, ii A., Intern., in xpciuiil cat. Peace «oc. Fads ice. 1872. [P387]. Perris (G. H.) Hist, of Peace coiif., 1899. [P1012]. Prize essays, 1840. Saint-Georges d'Armstront;-. Concorde internat.. 1907. Saint -I'rcux. Allg. Kongress. 18(j0. Scliurz (C.) A. [/« Anier. & Eur., 1896]. [Social iSci. Congress], Courts of Inter- nat. A.. 1875. [P864]. Tzar's rescript, 1899. Bibliography. U.S. Lib. of Vw\\iy. Rets, .m i, a,. 19(IS. Jtifer In Frontiers ; International law ; Peace: ^rnrxiKJnr liiniutlii rij diipules. Arboriculture, fre Forestry. Arbroath. Aitkcn (G. S.) Abbeys, 1884. Hay (G.) Hist, of A.. 187fi. Itrfir III Forfarshire ; Monasteries, Arcachon, IlirniuU-. It.-idcliir (S.) A. as hc.-dtli r(■^url. I SlKj. Arcadi, fn- Accademia degli Arcadi, Arcadia. Schwab {C. T). A.: s. Natur, s. Gesch. \c , ls-,2. [IM771. Ilifrr III Greek hist., Ancient; Lusoi ; Hegalopolis ; Morea. Arcani Disciplina. Batitbil^P.) El. d'liisi.. si. I'.MiC. Brfer io Church government, &c. ; Sacraments. Archaeology, .m > Antiquities. Archangel. Engelhardt (A. P.) Russ. proy. ; tr., 1899. Hamel (J. v.) Tratlescant d. Altere, 1G18, 1847. Harvie-Brown (,I. A.) Travels. 2v. 1905. .facksun (F. G.) Gt. frozen land. 1895. Sclirenk (A. G.) Reise, 2T. 1848-54. Itefer to Eanin, NovaZembla. Samoyedes. Kolguev. Petchora. Solovetski Lapland. Russia. island. Archbishops. Nealc (..I. M.) Law [in Essays. 18(53; 67]. Ilfi'ir III Bishops ; Church gov., &c. ; Episcopacy ; Pallium ; ,<• i-ur.Clnirches. Archdeacons. Grca (A.J Essai hist, {in Ec. des Cb.. tl2, 1851]. Thiers (J. B.) De stola in a. visit., 1674. -Hffcr In Chnrch gov., &c. ; Church of England. Archers, Royal Co. of. Paul (J. B) Hist.. 187.-.. Poems on arclicrs and R.-C. of A., 1726. liefer to Army, English. Archery. Ascham (R.) Toxopliilus [1545], var. cd., 1815-1904. Badminton Library : A. ; Longman & Walrond, 1894. Brook (A. J. S.) A. medals [in 8oc. of Antiq. of Scotl., Proc, v28. 1894]. Coet (E.) Compagnies d'arcliers &o. de Roye [;« S. d. A. de P.. S2. tlO. 1865]. Hansard (G. A.) Book of a.. 1841. Hargrove (E.) Anecdotes, 1845. Janvier (A.) Anc. corporations d'arcliers, &c. de Picardie [in S. d. A. de P.. .S2, t4. 1856|. IM'er Io Bows & arrows ; Sports & pastimes. Arches. King (K.) Munimenta, v4. 1805. Longfellow (W.P.P.) Column &; a.. 1899. Monet (\'.) Mesure des voUtes rom. [in Ec. desCh., t61, 1900]. Tappen (G.) New mctlmd of building groined a., 1808. [P717]. Ware (S.) 01)s. on vaults [in Arch.. vl7, 1814]. J/e/er to Architecture ; Bridges. Arches, Court of, sir Ecclesiastical courts Arches, Triumphal. J)c.-cr. of A. erected at Hague for Will. Ill ; tr., 1691 [in Harl. misc., v5, 1810]. .Aloritf.-iucon. L'.inl.. t I, 1722. Architects, .ire Architecture. Architecture. Ailehisoii ((i.)()n colour as appl. to a., 1S.-.7. fl';:((i|. Aldrich (II.) Elem. of civil a.. 2p. 1789. Algarotti (c. F.) Lettcre [(» Up. 16, 1 765 ; t7, 1781]. Saggio [in ()]>. t2. 1764 ; t3. 1779]. Barry (E. M.) Lccts.. 1881. Bclciier (.1.) Essentials. 1907. Bentliam (.Icreniy) P;iiioptieoii cr inspcc- tion-bousc \i/i Wks.. v4. 1843]. Blanc (A. C.) Gr.imm.iire, 1870. Blomtield (R.) Mistress art, 1908. St. in a., 1906. Architecture [continued]. Braithwaite (15.) Stray thoughts. 1902. Buckmaster (M. A.) Elem. a.. 1898. Durand (J. N. L.) Recueil, 1801. Eidlitz (L.) Nature & function, 1881. Evelyn (J.) Ace. (1696) [m Misc. wr., 1825 ; Frearil de Chambrav, Parallel, 1723]. Fergusson (J.) Illust. hdbk., 2v, 1855 ; 59. Princ. of beauty. 1849. Garbett (E. L.) Rudim. tr. on princ. of design. 1850. GiiUer (A.) Zur Aesthetik, 1887. Gualandi (M. A.) Lettere, sec. 15-19, 3v, 1844-56. Jackson (T. G.) Reason in a., 1906. Lethaby (W. R.) Arch., mysticism, &c., 1892. " Lloyd (W. W.) Gen. theory of proportion in arch, design. ii.c.. 1863. [P767]. Lomazzo (G. P.) Trattato (16c). 3v. 1844. Mitchell (T.) Rudim. man., 1870. Morris (W.) A. 4: hist., 1900. A., industry. &c. 1902. Narjoux (F.) Notes in N.M'. Eur. ; tr., 1876. Pickett (W. V.) New system, 1845. Price (U.) Es.say.s, 1810: 42. Pugin (A. W. N.) Photographs, 18t;5. Raymond (G. L.) Painting, &.C.. 1895. Kuskin (J.) Lect«. (1853), 1854; [.J- m Wks.. vl2. 1904]. Poetry of a. (1837), 1893; [S- in Wks., vl, 1903]. 7 lamps, rar. ed. ; [^f- in Wks., v8, 1903]. Wedding (,T. D.) Art ^ic. 1893. Sobry (J. F.) De I'a., 1776. Spiers (R. P.) A., East & West, 1905. Statham (H. H.) A. for gen. readers, 1895: 96. Mod. a.. 1897. Street (G. E.) Lectures [in Street (A. E.) Mem., 1888J. Sturgis (R.) How to judg<', 1904. Taylor (G. L.) Auto-biog., vl, )870. Thorp (W. H.) A.'s sk.-book, 1884. Vinci (L. da) Lit. wk.s., v2. 1883. MSS., tl>, 1891. Viollet-Le-Duc. Hist, d'un li6tel de ville, &c., 1878. Lect.s. ; tr.. 2y, 1877-81. Wotton (H.) Element* [in IWiij., 1685; .Somers. v3, 181(1). Aacleot (tee ^2r.j. Jleler Io Antiquities: Architecture. Asia Minor ; Architecture, Greek, Ac, ; Egypt, Antiquities; Fortification. Bibliography. l':inlmv .V; Contant d'Orville. Melanges, t31 (ills.), 1782. Wasnuith (K.) Verlags-Kiit., 1872-1903, 1903. ARCHITECTURE 48 ARCHITECTURE Architecture [••mtfinucd]. Biographical Collections. Balclimicci (F.) Notizie (14-lTc.), 21t, 1767-74. Bellori (G. P.) Vite, 1872 ; 3t, 1S21. Dominici (B. rle) Vite iiapol., 4t, 1840-G. Gubernatis (A. de) Diz. ital. viventi, 1906. Milizia (F.) Lives ; tr.. 2v. 1826. Pascoli (L.) Vite (16-18c.), v2, 1736. Soprani (R.) Vite. geiio%-., 2t, 1768-9. Va.-iari (G.) Vite (13-16c.), var. ed. ,|i' tr. Biograpliies, sfe A. C. uiuler: — ■ Barrv {sir C). 1795-1.860. Brunellesclii (F.), 1377-1446. Civerchio (V.). fl. 1493-1539. Delorme(P.). 1515-70. Filarete (A.), b. 1110. Giotto, c. 1276-1337. Jones (I.), 1573-1652. Martellange (E.), 1569-1641 \in Ec. des Ch., 147, 1886]. Michael Angelo, 1475-1564. Palladio (A.), 1518-80. Picton («(> J. A.), 1805-89. Pugin (A.). 1762-1832. Pugin (A. W. N.), 1812-52. Kodriguez O'-)' 1717-85 \in Jovellanos, Obr.,"!!, 1858], Sandby (T.), 1721-98. Schinkel(C. F.), 1781-1841. Scott {sir G. G.), 1811-78. Soane(J,), 1753-1837. Street (G. E.), 1824-81. Tavlor(G. L.), 1788-1873. Vanbrugh (.i/r J.), 1664-1726. Vasari (G.), 1512-74 [<•« Op.,t8, 1882]. Waring (J. B.). 1823-75. Wren(s;r C), 1632-1723. Details. Chambers (W.) Decor.partof civil a., 1825. Longfellow (W. P. P.) Column & arch, 1899. Mortet (!'.) Mesure des colonnes, fin de I'epoquerom. ; S; o.'p. [i» Ec. des Ch.,t57, 59, 1896-8]. Euskin (J.) Stones of Venice, 3v, 1851-3 ; 86; 98; [.«■ in Wks., v9-ll, 1903-4]. Sharpe (E.) Suppl. to ■' A. parallels," 1848. Shaw (H.) D. of Eliz. a., 1898. Small (J. W.) Scot. a. d., 1901. Twopeny (W.) Etchings of ano. capitals, 1837. Ward (J.) Hist, ornament, vl, 1897. Waring (J. B.) Illusts., 1.865. Wind (L.) Miinch. Muster-Saraml., n.d. Hefi'r to Arches ; Doors ; Mantelpieces ; Screens ; Windows. Dictionaries. Atkinson (T. D.) Glossary of terms in Eug. a., 1906. Gwilt. Encycl. of a., 1867. Parker (J. H.) Glossary of terms, 2p, 1845; 50; 96. Roland Le Virloys. Diet, d'a., ,S:c., 3v, 1770-1. Sturgis. Diet, of a. & building. 3v, 1901-2. VioUet-Le-Duc. Diet, de I'a. fr., ll-16s., lot & Table, 1858-89. Ward. Lock, & Co. Diet, of terms, 1888. Wuale (J.) Rudim. diet, of terms, 1849-50. Domestic. Adam (R. ,& J.) Archit., 1880. Adams (M. B.) Mod. cottage a., 1904. Addy (S. 0.) Evol. of Eng.^house, 1898. Birch (J.) Country a., 1874. Briggs (R. A.) Bungalows &c., 1891. Brooks (S. H.) Cottage & villa a., 1839. California, Univ. of. Intern, compet., 1899. Cauty (\\.) Natura, &c., 1772. [P324]. Cawdor (J., e.) Cottage plans, 1869. Architecture [continued'\. Domestic [/•(intinucd]. Clay (F.) Mod. school buildings, 1902. Davie (W. G.) Old cottages, .Sec. in Cots- wold district, 1905. De Groot. Agremens de la camp., 1750. DoUman & Jobbins. Anal, of anc. d. a., 2v, 1860-4. Field (H.) .t M. Bunnev. Eng. d. a., 17 & 18c., 1905. Fox {lady M.) Counti-y house, 1843. Garner (T.) & A. Stratton. Domestic a. of Eng., Tudor per., pl-2, 7i.d. Grammar of house planning, 1864. Harrison (F.) Old manor house, 1893. Henning (R.) Deut. Hans. 1882. Deut. Haustypen, 1886. [P795]. Holme (C.) Mod. Brit. d. a.&c, 1901. Home counties, ps. How to build a cot- tage, 1905. Kerr (R.) Gentleman's house, 1864 ; 65. Small country house, 1873. Lasius (O.) Das fries. Bauenihaus, 1885. [P795]. Loudon. Encvcl. of cottage. &c. a., 1846; 57. Macgibbon & Ross. Castellated & d. a. of Scot., 12-18C.. 5v, 1887-92. Modern home : Brit. d. a. ; Sparrow, n.d. Xevill (R.) Old cottage & d. a. of Surrey, 1889. Xewton (E.) Book of houses, 1890. Parker (J. H.) Anc. dom. arch, of Ireland {in Arch.. v38i, I860]. Some ace, Ed. I to Rich. II, 1853. Some ace. Rich. II to Hen. VIII, 2p, 1859. Poore (G. V.) Dwelling house, 1897 ; 98. Richardson (C.J.) Pict. designs, 1870; 71. Robinson (P. F.) Designs for farm build- ings, 1837. Rural a.. 1836. Robson (E. R.) School a., 1874. Ruskin (J.) Poetrv of a. (1837), 1893; [<5- in Wks., vl. 1903]. Sanders (W. B.) Half-timbered houses &;c., 16 & 17c.. 1894. Scott (G. G.) Remarks, 1857; 58. Scott (M. H. B.) Houses & gardens, 1906. Shaw (R. N.) Sk. for cottages &c., 1878. Soc. franf . des habitations il bon marche. Bull., ] 890—. Stevenson (J. J.) House a.. 2v, 1880. Turner (J. H.) Some ace, Eng. (ll-13c.), 1851; 77. Viollet-Le-Duc. Habitations; tr., 1876. Hist, d'une maison, 1873. Wilkinson (W.) Engl, country houses, 1875. Williams (J.) Sk. of village buildings, 1891. Wyatt(M. D.) A. note-bk.in Spain, 1872. Itffer to Castles ; Cottages ; Farm Buildings ; Heating ; House Decora- tion ; Houses ; Sanitary Engineering ; Villas. Ecclesiastical {sfc aha Medieval below). Aitken (G. S.) Abbevs, 1SS4. Barr (J.) Angl. ch. a.. 1843. Beaudoire (T.) Genese de la cryptogr. & de la. rituelle du l-16s., 1902." Blosam (M. H.) Princ. of Gothic e. a., 1843; 45; 82; Companion. 1882. Bond(F.) Gothic a. in Eng.(l l-16c.).1905. Screens & galleries in Eng. ch., 1908. Brash (R. R.) E. a. of Ireland, to 12c., 1875. Brown (G. B.) Arts in early Eng., v2. 1903. Schola to cathedral, 1886. Architecture [continued]. Ecclesiastical [/.■ontiniied']. Buckler (J. C.) Elevations, kc, 1844. Bury (T. T.) Eccles. woodwork, 1847. Caumont (A. de) Cours, Touest de la Fr. j. 17e s.. t4, 1841. Hist., mov. iige, 2v. 1,841. Church Builder, 1873-6. Ciampini (G. G.) De sacris a5dif. -X Con- stantino Magno constr., 1693. Dallawav (J.) W. Wyrcestre redivirus : anc. church a. 15c., 1823. [P717]. Ecclesiologist, 1843-61. Enlart (C.) Man. j. la Renaissance, tl, 1902. Evans (E. P.) Animal .symbolism, 1896. [B.] Ferree (B.) Xtian. thought in a., 1892. [P409]. Froude (R. H.) Ch. a., 2p [in Remains, pi, v2, 183S]. Fumi (L.) Duomo di Orvieto, 1891. Gentleman's mag. lib.. Ecclesiology. 1894. Grimthorpe (E. B., b.) Lects., 1856. Instrumenta eccl., Camb. Camden Soc, 2s, 1847-56. Kerrich {'£.) Vesica Piscis, in arch, of M.A. [;« Arch., vl9, 1821]. Kornerup (J.) Eglises -X tour-gemin^e d. 1. villages danois (ll-12c.); tr., n.d. Lasteyrie (R. de) Deviation de I'axe des eglises est-elle symbol. !, 1906. Lenoir (A.) A. monast., 3p, 1852-6. Liibke (W.) Eccles. art in Germ. dur. M. Ages ; tr., 1870. Macgibbon & Ross. E. a. of Scot., to 17c., 3v, 1896-7. Milner (J.) E. a. of Eng. dur. M.A., 1835. Nesbitt (A.) Churches at Rome earlier than 1150 [/« Arch. v40, 1866]. Norton ^C. E.) Hist. St. in M.A. : Venice, Siena, Florence, 1881. Okely (W. S.) Develop, in Italy, 1860. Otte (H.) Archiiol. Katechismus d. deut. Mittela., 1898. Hdbh. d. kirchl. Kunst-Arch. d. deut. M.-a., 2B. 1883-4. Petit (J. L.) Remarks, 2v, 1841. Poole (G. A.) Hist.. Eng., 1848. Pugin (A. ^V. X.) Pres. state in Eng., 1843. Rickman (T.) 4 letters on e. a. of Fr. [in Arch.. v25i. 26. 1834-6]. Rohault de Fleury. La Messe, 3v, 1883. Scott (G. G.) Essay on hist, of Eng. Ch. a.. 1881. Plea for restoration, 1850. Scott (L.) Cathedral builders, 1899. Simpson (J. Y.) Stone-roofed cell, 1860-1 [ill Arch, essavs, vl, 1872]. Stokes (M. McX.) Earlv Xtn. a. in Ir., 1878. Strzygowski (J.) Kleinasien, 1903. Walcott (M. E. C.) Ch. & convent, 1861. Scoti-monasticon, 1874. Whittington (G. D.) Hist, survev, Fr., 1809. Winkles (H. & B.) Cath. churches, 3v, 1851. Witkowski (G. J.) L'art profane il I'eglise, 2t, 1908. Woillez (E.) Et. arch. s. les nion. de la Picardie [in S. de A. de P., t3, 1843]. lii'fi-r to Architecture, Byzantine ; Ar- chitecture. Gothic ; Baptismal fonts; Basilicas ; Cathedrals ; Christian art ; Churches ; London ; Monasteries ; Screens. AKCHITECTURE 49 ARCHITECTURE Architecture [■■mitinucd]. Educatloa 4 Profession. A., profession or ;irt .' ; Shaw & Jackson, 1892. Fletcher (B. F.) A. & its place in a liberal ed., 11105. [P1085]. Ruskin (J.) Study in schools, 18(55 [mi On old rd., vl, 1SS5; vl, 1899; Wks., vl9, 1905]. Waterlimise (A) Architects [In Pitcairn, Unwr. laws. lSli;)J. Oothlc, sec Architecture, Gothic History: Oeaeral. Batissier (L.) Hist., ant. & moy. age, 1845. Bottari (G. G.) Lettere, sec. 15-17, 8v, 1822-5. Choisv (A.) Hist., 2t, 1899. Fergusson (J.) Hist., 3v, 1862-7; 4v, 1873-6 ; 5v, 1891-3. Fletcher (B. & B. F.) Hist., rar. ed. Fletcher (B. F.) Infl. of material, 1897. Freeman (E. A.) Hist., 1849. Hamlin (A. D. F.) Text-bk., 1898. Hope (T.) Hist, essay, 2v, 1810. Joseph (D.) Gesch., 2B, 1902. Kugler (F. T.) Gesch. d. Baukunst, SB, 1858. Vorstudicn [in Kl. Schr., Tl, 1853]. Kuhn (P. A.) Allg. Kunst-Gesch., Bl, 1909. Legrand (J. G.) Essai, 1842. Longfellow (\V. P. P.) Column & arch, 1899. Hemes (J. S.) Hist., 1829. Ram6e (D.) JIaii. de I'hist., 2t, 1843. Simpson (F. M.) Hist., vl, 1905. Smith (T. R.) Arch., 1882. Sturgis (R.) Europ. a., 1896. Hist, of a., vl. Antiquity, 1906. Viollet-Le-Duc. Habitations ; tr., 1876. Wickenhagen (E.) Manuel, n.d. Medleeval (sea also Ecclesiastical above, 4' Heaalssance helme). Batissier (L.) Hist., ant. & moyen dge, 1845. Bottari (G. G.) Lettere, sec. 15-17, 8v, 1822-.5. Choi.Hv(A.) Hist.. 2t, 1899. Heide'loiT (C. A. v.) Bauhiiltc d. M.-a. in Deutschland, 1844. Isidore, St. De aedificiis \in Op., t4, 1801 ; Godefroy (O.) Auct, Lat., 1595]. King (T. H.) Study-hook, 4v, 1H93. Nesliold (\V. v..) s'pccimuns 12 & 13c. in Fr. & Italy, ISilli. Perry (J. '1'.) Chrou. (4-17c.). 1893. Ram6e (D.) Man. de I'hist. partic. en Fr. au m. a., 2t, 1H43. Scott (G. G.) I.cets., 2v, 1879. Seroux d'Agincourt. Hist, de I'art, 4- 16s., 6t, l.'<23. Troya (C.) Delia a. Gotica [in Storia, v4v, 1K551. Villard, rfc Ilomieemirt. Facs. of sk.-bk. (13c.), ls.-,9. Willis (I{.) A. nonienclaturo, 1KH. Willis (K.) Heiriurks, 1k:15. Ilii'eT hi Military architecture. Military, ace Military architecture. Naval, srr Ship-building. Periodicals S Societies. Archii'iilogical journal, 1815 — . Builder (The), isl2— . Ecclesiologist, IKIii-M. [Exliibitions, Paris, 1878). Congr. in- tern.. No. 9, 1881. Internat. Congress of Architects, 1906, Trans., 1908. Architecture [emifinuerl]. Renaissance, see iilsn Medlwrat ahnve. Blouilielil (U.) Hist., Eng., 1500-1800, 2v, 1897. Sh. hist, of R. a. in Eng., 1500- 1800, 1900; 04. Burckhardt (J.) Gesch. dcr Renaiss. in It., 187S. Gotcli (J. A.) A. of R. in Eng., 2v. 1894. Early r. a. in Eng., 1500-1625, 1901. Moore ((_'. H.) Character of R. a., 1905. Palustre (L.) L'a. de laR., 1892. . R. en France, tl-3, 1879-85. Perry (J. T.) Chron. (4-17c.), 1893. Smith (T. H.) A. : Gothic & R., 1880. Restoration of Buildings, &c., see Monu- ments. Styles. Bury (T. T.)Rudim. a. : styles of var. co., 1849; 67. Fergusson (J.) Hist., 3v, 1862-7; 4v, 1873-6 ; 5v, 1891-3. niust. hdbk., 2v, 1855 ; 59. Frfiard de Chambray. Parallel of ant. w. mod. ; tr., 1723. Havard (H.) Arts : styles, 1897. Leeds (W. H.) Rudiment, a. : orders &c., 1848. Muir (W. J. C.) Pagan, or Xtn. ?, 1860. Pugin (A. W. N.) True princ. of pointed a., 1841. Rickman (T.) Attempt to disting. styles, rar. cd. 1817—. Ro.sengarten (A.) A. Stylarten, 1874 ; tr., 1876. Sharpe (E.) 7 periods of Engl, a., 1888. Spiers (R. P.) Orders, Gr., Rom., & It., 1890. Twenty styles of a., 1881. Tectinlcal Works (see also Building). Dobson (E.) On foundations &c., 1850. Kerr (R.) Consulting a., 1886. Moseley (H.) Median, princ, 1843. Wightwick (G.) Hints, 1846. Terms, sec Dictionaries, above. Itefer to Arches. ' Qates. i Libraries. Bricks. ' Hiding- Renais- Bridges. places. , sance. Building. ' Hospitals. Eoofs. Building Industrial Strains. materials. arts. Theatres. Castles. Lake- i Ventilation. Decoration. dwellings. Architecture, Africa, sie Architec- ture, Arabic & Moorish. Architecture, American-Indian. Miiidelell" (\'.) I'uebl,) a. [(/; S. I., Ellin., Rep., 8, IWll]. Itefer to American Indians ; Navajo I. Architecture, Arabic & Moorish. GirauU, de I'r.intJey. Essai s. l'a. en Ksp., Sicile, it liarbarie, 1841. Saladin (H.) Man. d'art musulman, tl, 1907. Thiersch (H.) Pharos (& Gesch. d. Mosehec), 1909. /.V/V r III Architecture, Spain. Architecture, Asia Minor. Heberiley & Wilberg. Grabbauten v. Terme.s.sos in I'isidien [in Osterreich. Arch. Inst., l".:!, 1900]. Strzygowski (.1.) Kh'inasieii, 1903. Urfcr to Asia Minor. Architecture, Assyrian. I'ergnss.jii (.1.) I'lil.icis ol' Nineveh & Per- scpolis restoreil. 1851. liefer to Assyria. Architecture, Belgium. Commissions Koy. (lielg.) Bull., 1868-78. G^nard (P.) H."& D. de Waghemakere (16c.) [in Commissions Roy.. 9, 1870]. 7i'p/'(r I'm Belgium : Churches. Architecture, Buddhist, see Art, Buddhist. Architecture, Bulgaria. Kanitz (F.) Tirnovo's altbulg. Baudenk- male, 1876. Ucfcr to Bulgaria. Architecture, Byzantine. Choisv (A.) Lart de biitir chez les B.,1883". Errard (C.) L'art byz.. 3t, 1903-K. Forchheimer & Strzygowski. B. Wasser- behiilter v. Konstantinopel, 1893. Freshlield. Byz. churches [in Arch., v44ii, 1873]. Byz. origin of St. Vitalis &c. [in Arch., v45ii, 1880]. Mosque of Kalenders, Constanti- nople [in Arch., v55ii, 1897]. Lethabv A; Swain.son. Sta. Sophia, 1894 Millet (G.) Monastfcrede Daphni, 1899. Procopius. De aedificiis (Justinian, 6c.) rmP., v3, 1838]; tr. 1886. Schultz & Barusley. Mon. of St. Luke ot Stiris, in Phocis ; & St. Nicolas, in Boeotia, 1901. Texier & Pullan. Byz. a., 1864. Verneilh (K. de). I.'.t. liyz. en Fr.. 1851. Itefcr to Art, Byzantine ; Constanti- nople ; Savenna ; Venice. Architecture, Classical, .iv Architec- ture, Greek; Architecture, Eoman. Architecture, Dalmatia. Jackson (T. tJ.) D.dmatia.&c, 3v, 1887. Itifer to Dalmatia. Architecture, Egyptian, sec Egypt, Antiquities. Architecture, England (.V gen. te/is. (/« -1. of t/ie i.K.). Acland (H. W.) & J. Ruskin. Oxf. Mns., 1859 ; 93 [,?• in R., Wks., vl6, 1905]. Adam (R. & J.) Wks., 1779-1822, 8v, 1901-2. Addv (S. O.) Evol. of E. house, 1898. Blomlield (H.) Hist, of Renaiss., 1500- 1800, 2v, 1897. Sh. hist, of Renaiss. a., 1500-1800, 1900; 1904. Bond (F.) Gothic a. in Eng. (n-16c.), 1905. Brandon (R. & J. A.) Anal, of Gothic a., 2v, 1903. Britton (J.) A. antiqs., Gv, 1835. Brown (G, B.) Arts in early Eng., v2, 1903. Burlington F.A.C. Drawings of arch. subjects, 1884. Carter (J.) Anc. arch, of Eng., 2p, 1887. Caveler (W.) Sel. spec, of Gothic a., 1835. Churches of Cambs., 1845. Dallaway (J.) Disc. (—1603), 1833. DoUmaii 4: Jolibins. Anal, of anc. domes- tic a., 2v, lS(;o-4. Eastlake (C. L.) Hist, ot Gothic revival (17-19C.), 1872. Elmcs (J.) Letter on insuff. of establ, for promoting. 1811. [Pr., 3]. Essex (J.) Brick & stone buildings [in Arch.. v4, 1786], Field (H.) & M. Biinnoy. Eng. domestic a. of 17 Jk 18c., 190!). Fnonian (K. A.) Essay on window tracery, 1851. (iarner (T.) & A. Stratum. Oomcstic n. of Eng., Tudor jier.. pi, 2, n.d. Gentleman's mag 18911-1. lib.. Archit. antiq., E ARCHITECTURE 50 ARCHITECTURE Architecture, England [fontinned]. Gotcli (J. A.) A. of Keiiai.>, ISIO— . lUfer to Architecture, England ; Cathe- drals; Churches; Wales. Archives, see Charters, &c. Aroot. lir.iid (W. D.) E. I. Co.'s conduct, 1853. IP274). Burke (E.) Nabob of Arcofs dcbUs, 1785 [in Wks. v4, 1826; v3, 1906J. and de a., &o. Arcot [eontinued]. Campbell (L. D.) Reply to strictures on Wellesley, 1808. [PI 77]. Carnatic question consid., 1806. [P117; 201]. Madras distr. man., N.A. ; Cox, 2v, 1894-5. Orig. papers rel. to rights &c. of Nabob, 1785. [P194]. Pari, papers, see Carnatic in special oat. Stanhope (F. D.) Genuine mems., 1785. [P194]. Wallace (T.) Speech, on resol. rel. to Carnatic, 1808. [PI 77]. Itefcr to Madras. Arctic Explorers. Biographies, see A. C. under: — Bellot (J. R.), 1826-53, Beynen (L. B. K.), 1852-84. Davis {eapt. John), 1*50-1605. Franklin (sir J.), 1786-1847. Frobisher {sir M.), c. 1535-94. Irving {It. John), 1815-49. Kane (E. K.), 1820-57. Lockwood (J. B.), 1852-84. Nansen (F.), 1861—. Nordenskiold (N. A. E.), 1832-1901. Parry (sir W. E.), 1790-1855. Richardson («(> J.), 1787-1805. Scoresby (W.). 1760-1829. Scoresby (W.), jr., 1789-1857. Simpson (T.). 1808-40. Arctic Regions. Arago (D. F. ,1.) IE., t9, 1857. Barrington (D.) Probability of reaching N. Pole, 1775 [P786 ; .J-" in k. Misc., 1781]. Harrison (A. H.) In search, 1905-7, 1908. Hartwig (G.) Polar world, 1869. Hayes (I. I.) Phys. obs. in \. seas, 1867. Kane (E. K.) .Magnet, obs., 1853-5, 1858. Tidal obs., 1853-5, 1800. Lesbazeilles (E.) Marvels ; tr., 1884. Nordenskiold. Studien [S:c., 1885. Petermann (.\.) Spitzbergen u. Arkt. Central-Region, 1865. Purely (J.) Mem. to accompany chart, ] 820. Richardson (,I.) Polar regions, 1801. Scoresby (W.) Ace, 2v, 1820. A. r., n.d. Weber (H.) Entw. d. phys. Geogr., 1898. Collections of Voyages. Bernard (J. F.) Hec. de voiages, tl-3| 1715. Gosch (C. C. A.) Dan. A. exped., 1605-20, 2v, 1897. Purchas (S.) Pilgrimes ( — 1624), 4p, 1025 ; 20v, 1905-7. [For coiUentt tee A. C] Koyal Geogr. Soc. .lournal & Proc., 1832—. [li.] History of Voyages, *c. Barrow (,l.) Clir.m. hist. (.801-1818), 1818. Vovages, i. 1818. 1846. Blake (E. V.) A. experiences, 1874. Buin;7 (.J.) Hi.st. of N.-E. voyages, 1819. Cliristy (.M.) Britain's share [in Brit. cnip. ser., v5, 1902). Forster (J. R.) Hist, of vov. ; tr., 1786. Grcely (A. W.)Hdbk.of A.discov.(1497- 1895), 1896. Hamel (,). v.) Eng. & Russia ; Tnulescant, &c. (1553-1774); tr., 18.54. Histoire des pechcs, des df'couvertes 4:c.i des Hollandois ; Ir., 3t, 1801. ■Inrien de la Gniviere. Ouvriers ; Angl. & Holland. (1570-1617), 2t, 1890. I.indeman (.M.) Arkt. Fischerci d. deut. Seestivdte, 102U-1808,U i ) ■ a ARCTIC 52 ARGENTINE Arctic Regions [nuifi/nicd]. fiistory of Voyages, iSc. [foittivi/ed]. Jlarkhain (A. H.) Northward H.i!, 1879. Markham (C. R.) Threshold, 1H73. Mayne (F.) Vovasjes, 1S55. Nordenskiold. " Reise d. Zeno &c., 1882. Richardson (J.) Polar regions. 1861. Shillinglaw (J. J.)Narr. of A. disc, 1850 ; 51. Tillotsori (J.) Adventures, 1869. Tytler (V. F.) Hist, view of disc, 1832. Weinliold (K.) Polargegenden d. deut. Mittelalters. 1871. Weld(C.R.)A. expeditions, 1850. [P143]. AVhymper (F.) Heroes, 1875. Separate Voyages. Amundsen (R.) ■' N.W. Passage," 1903- 7. 2v, 1908. Baffin (W.) Voyages, 1612-22 ; Markham, 1881. Beechey (F. W.) Voyage, 1818, & sum- mary (1497-1773). 1843. Blake (E. V.) A. experiences. 1874. Clutterbuck (W. J.) Skipper, 1890. De Veer (G.) 3 vovagesof Barents. 1594- 6 ; Beke, 1853 ; "76. Ellis OV.) Vov. by Cook & Gierke, 1776- 80, 2v, 1783." Fiala (A.) Fighting the Polar ice, 1907. Fisher (A.) Journal. 1819-20. 1821. Franklin.(J.) Narr.. 1819-22,1823; 2v, 1824. Xarr. of 2nd exped., 1825-7, 1828. Hall (C. F.) Life. 2v, 1864. Hayes (I. I.) A. boat-journey, 1860. Open Polar sea, 1867. Heilprin (A.) A. problem & Peary relief exped., 1893. Hudson (H.) Orig. docs. (1607-11), 1860. [B.] [S- in N.Y. Hist. See. Coll., vl, 1811 ; s2, 1841]. Innes-Lillingston. Land of white bear, Pandora. 1875, 1876. Kerguelen Tremarec Voy., 1767-8, 1771; tr. [in Pinkerton, vl, 1808]. King (R.) Journey, 1833-5, 2v, 1836. Koldewey (C.) Erste Ueut. Nordpolar- Exped., 1868, 1871. 2. deut. Nordpolarfahrt, 1869-70, 2B, 1873-4 ; tr., 1874. Lamont (J.) Yachting, 1876. Luigi A., d. of the Abnizzi. Farther North, 1901. On '■ Polar Star," tr., 2v, 1903. Lyon (G. F.) Brief narr., 1825. Priv. journal, 1824. MacCormick (H.) Voyages (1827, 52-3), 2v, 1884. MacGahan (J. A.) Under N. lights, 1876. Markham (.A. H.) Polar reconn., 1879, 1881. . • Whaling cruise, 1874. Monck (J.) Voy. (1619-20). sec A. C. Mulgrave (C. J., *.) Vov. (1773),.«re^l. C. Nansen (F.) Eskimo life; tr., 1893. "Farthest N.," 1893-6, 2v, 1897. Xorweg. Exped., 1893-6, vl-6, 1900-6. Nourse (J. E.) Narr. of Exped. by Hall (1864 -9), 1879. Parry (W. E.) Narr., 1S27, 1828. Payer (J.) New lands, 1872-4; tr., 2v, 1876. Pearv (J. D.) Arct. journal, 1893. Peary (R. E.) Nearest the Pole, 1905-6, 1907. Northward, 1886, 1891-7, 2v, 1898. Peel (H.) Polar gleams. 1894. [Polar]. Obs. of Intern. P. Exped., 1882-3 : Fort Rae, 1886. Arctic Regions [continued^. Separate Voyages [emit iv tied]. Ross (J.) Exped., 1834 (250) [in Pari. papers. 255]. Narr. of 2nd voy., 1829-33, 1835. Voyage, 1819. Sverdrup (0.) New land; tr., 2v. 1904. Trevor-Battve. Ice-bound on Kolguev, 1895. Tyrrell (J. W.) Across Sub-A. of Canada, 1898. Van Campen (S. R.) Dutch in A., vl, 1876; 78. Wells (J. C.) Gateway, 1873. Whitney (C.) On snow-shoes, 1896. Willoughby (H.) k.c. Voy. (1553-5), see A. ('.■" Wrangell (F. v.) Narr. of exped. 1820-3; tr., 1840 Youug (A. W.) 2 voy. of '• Pandora," 1875-76, 1879. {De Loag Expedition, 1879-81). De Long (G. W.) Vov. of Jeannette, 2v, 1883. Melville (G. ^V.) In the Lena delta, &c., 1885. Newcomb (R. L.) Our lost explorers, 1882. {Franklin Relief Expeditions). Arctic miscellanies (1830-1), 1S52. Armstrong (A.) Pers. narr. (1850-4), 1857. Belcher (E.) Last of A. vov.. 1852-4, 2v, 1855. Bellot (J. R.) Journal. 1851-2. 1854; 55. CoUinson (R.) Journal. 1850-55, 1889. Fitzjames (J.) Last journals, (1845) n.d. [P159]. Franklin {sir J.) Biograpliies. see A. C. Gilder (W. H.) Schwatka's search, 1882. Great A. my,sterv, 1856. [P143]. Hall (C. F.) Life w. Esquimaux, 1860-2, 2v, 1864. Hooper (W. H.) 10 months, 1853. Innes-Lillingston. Land of white bear. Pandora's voy., 1875, 1876. Kane (E. K.) A. explor., 1853-5, 1856. U.S.GrinnellE.xped.(lS50-l), 1854. Kennedy (W.) 2. voy. of P. Albert (1851-2), 1853. MacClintock (F. L.) Voyage of "Fox," 1859. MacCormick (R.) Voyages (1827, 52-3), 2v, 1884. Osborn (S.) Stray leaves, 1850-1, 1852. Rae (J.) Narr., l'S46-7, 1850. Richardson (J.) A. searching exped., 2v, 1851. Seeman (B.) Voy., 1845-51, 2v, 1853. Shillinglaw (J. J.) Narr. of A. disc, 1850; 51. Skewes (J. H.) Franklin, 18,^9. Snow (W. P.) Vovage of " Albert," 1851. Sutherland (P. C.)'"Journal, 18.50-1, 2v, 1852. {Greely Expedition, 1881-4). Greely (A. W.) 3 years, 1881-4, 2v, 1886. Lanm'an (C.) Farthest N., 1885. Melville (G. W.) In the Lena delta, ice, 1885. Schley i: Soley. Rescue of Greel_y, 1885. {Nares Expedition, 1875-6). Markham (A. H.) Gt. Frozen Sea, 1878. Moss (E. L.) Shores of Polar Sea, 1878. Nares (G. S.) Narr., 1875-6. 2v, 187ii. Richards (G. H.) A. exped., 1877. [1'329]. {Nordenskiold Expedition, 1878-80). Hovgaard (A.) N's. vov., 1878-80; tr., 1882. Arctic Regions [e&yiiimied]. Separate Voyages [ccmti lined]. Leslie (A.) A. vov. of Nordenskiold, 1858-79, 1879. Nordenskiold. Vov. (1878-80); tr., 2v, 1881. Refer to Antarctic. Baffin. Behring. Canada. Discovery. Franz-Josef Land. North-West passage. Nova Zembla. Siberia. Spitzbergeu. White sea. Greenland. Jan Mayen isl. Lapland. Meteorology North-East passage. Ardagh & Clonmacnoise, Dioeese of. Monahan (J.') Records (to 19c.), 1886. Rt:fer to Church in Ireland ; Roman Catholic Chnrch, Ireland. Ardeche, dcpt., see Vivarais. Arden Forest. Haiuu-tt (J.) Forest, 1863. Refer to Forestry ; Warwickshire. Ardennes, dept. S forest. Joanne. Vosges S: A., 1869. Macquoid (K. S.) In the A., 1881. Meyrac (A.) Traditions. &c., 1890. lUfer to Belgium ; Champagne ; Lux- emburg ; Mouzon ; Bethel ; Saint- Hubert, abbey. Ardres. Lambertus, Ard. Hist, comitum Ghisn. (800-1203) see A. C.\ [.<• in Ludewig. Reliq., t.S, 1727]. Refer to Pas-de-Calais. Arezzo, tmcn S' provinee. Archivio stor. ital., see list in A. C, Siippl. 'i. Besta (E.) II diritto Rom. n. contesa tra i vescovi di Siena e d'A. [in Archivio St. it., s5, 37, 1906]. Durrieu (P.) Prise d'A. par Enguerrand VII, de Coucy, 1384 [in Ec. des Ch., 141, 1880], Franciosi (G.) Arezzo, 1909. Slachiavelli. Slodo di trattare i popoli d. A'aldichiana [in Op., y9, 1805; v2, 1813]. Ribellione d. Valdichiana e di A. (1502-3) [in Scr. ined., 1857]. Muratori. Rer. It. scr., tl5, 24 (12-14c.), 1729-38. Pezzati (F.) Ribellione d'A. (1502), see A. C. Sinigardi (G.) Poema, 1310-84, see A. C. Strafforello (G.) La Patria, &c., 1895. Refer to Camaldoli, mon. ; Italy ; Tuscany ; Val di Chiana. Argentine Republic. Boundary. A.-Cliilian boundary, rep., 4p, 1900. A. Rep. Treaty of boundaries betw. A. R. & Chili, 1881. [P381]. [Chili]. Statement in reply to A., ■7v, 1901-3. Holdioh (T. H.) Countries, 1904. Pari, papers [86o]. Agreements betw. A. & Chile. 1903, 1905. (c 2739). Economics. [Argentine Rep.]. Estadisticas comerc. v monet.. 1905-7. E'con.prog. oftheA. Rep., 1906. [P1146]. Latham (W.) States, 186(1. ^Vulff (J.) Argentiu. Wiihrungsreform v. 1899, 1905. History. Cate^-a de Vaoa (A. V.) Comm., 1555 {in Ternaux-Compans, Voyages, t6, 7, 1837]. Kennedy (A. J.) La Plata, .Sec, dur. war, 1869. I ARGENTINE Argentine Republic [co/itini/ctl]. History Ymnl iiiiit(l\. Larrain (J.) Uiugr. il. G. Hawsou, l(s;t,J. Mackinnon (L. B.) Steam warfare (1843), 2v, ]K4tj. Magalliaeiis Gandavo (P. de) Hist, de Sancta-Cruz (1576) [in Ternaux-Com- pans. A'oyages, fZ, 1837]. Mallalieii (A.) Buenos Ayres— Monte Viileo. & aff. in K. Plate. 1814. [P784]. Mausilla(L. V.) Kozas (1793-1877), 1898. Martt-ns (0.) Ein Caligula [Ilosas, 1793- 1H77], 189G. O'Brien (J. T.) Corr. rel. to War, 1H45. [P131]. R6publiqueA. Loisicc. (c. 1900). [P508]. Rosas & atrocities of h. dictatorship, 1844. [P784J. Sarmientu (D. F.) Life (1810-60); tr., 1868. Sasseuay (C m. de) Napol6on & fondation d. A., 1892. Stade (H.) Hist. (1557) [hi Ternaux- Cuiiipaiis, ^■oyages, t3, 1837], Topography & Travels. Andrews (,J.) Journey, 2v, 1827. Beck-Bernard. Ri'p! A., 1865. Burmeister (H.) Uescr. physique ; tr., 2t, 1N76. HinchlifT (T. W.) S. Amer. sk., 1863. Hudson (W. H.) Naturalist, 1892. King (J. A.) 24 years. 1846. Koebel (W. H.) Modern A., 1907. MacCann (W.) 2000 miles' ride, 2v, 1853. Maii.-tield (G. B.) Paraguay, Sec, 1856. Miers (,J,) Travels, 2v, 1826. Mulhall (.M.) Betw.Aniazon & Andes,1881 Miilliall (M. G. & K. T.) Hdbk. of River Plate, 2v, 1869 ; 75. Page (T. ,J.) La Plata, A. &c., 1859. Parish (\V.) Buenos A>res &c., 1839 • 1852. Republique A., Vie sociale te. (c. lOOO). [P50K]. Turner (T. A.) Argentina, 1885-90, 1892. White (K. W.) (.'ameos, 2v. 1S8I-2. Jli'fir In Andes ; Buenos Ayres ; Chubut ; La Plata ; Pampas ; Hio Negro ; South America. Argenton-Chateau. Kierville (C.) Doc. s. Commyues flSc.'). 1881. ' llcfiT til France ; Poiton. Argob, >ir Baehan. Argolis. Gell (W.) Itin., 1810. Ilorlon (G.) In Argolis, 1903. .Schuchhardt (C.) Schliemann's Au.sgrab 1890: tr., 1891. Iliiir III Argos ; Greece ; Korea ; My- cenae ; Tiryns. Argon, .vr Air ; Chemistry. Argonne. Hav.:l (,f.) Kr..iitif.n.,|'Ei,ii,„ ' 28.S [l,i Ec. pl. (1721- 2) [/« Wks., v2. 1823] ; Suppl., 1722 Watts (L)Wks., v6, 1KI3. Whiston (W.) Mem. 2ii, 1749 ; 3i). 1753. 3 essays, 1 7 1 3. ARITHMETIC Arianism [nmtiniied]. History'. Athanasius, St. Hist. A. (4c.) [in If'*»., see A. 6'.]. Cave (AV.) Ecclcsiastici, 1683. Gwatkin (H. M.) A. controv. (to 800) 1896 ; 98. [B.] Studies, 18K2. Le Nain de 'i'illemont. Hist, (to 413) • tr., 2v, 1721. Maimbourg (L.) Hist, (to 16G0), St. 16S3; tr., 1728-9. Newman (J. H.) A. of 4c., 1854; 1871. 'Tracts, 1874. Prie.stley (J.) Hist., 4v, 1786. Revillout (C. J.) De I'a. d. peuples german., 1850. Whiston OV.) Prim. Xty., vl-4 (1 & 2c.), 1711. Whitaker (J.) Origin, 1791. Jtf/er to Heresy ; Macedoniauism ; Nic£Ba, Council of, 325 ; Kimini & Seleucia, Synod of, 359; Socinianism; Trinity, Doctrine : Unitarianism. Ari6ge, i/rpt.. Kir Foix, mimti/. Arigna Mining Co.,.« < Mines & Mining. Ariminum, .w Rimini. Aristocracy. Jlacintyre (J. J.) Infl. of a. on revolu- tions, 1843. [Russia]. oOfc apiuTOKpaTiii, 1.S74. Sismondi. A. elem. in free countries [in Pol. econ. ; tr., 1847]. English. Brougham (H.) Thoughts upon a., 1835. [P313]. Burke (J. B.) Anecdotes, 2s, 1849-50. Hampden (J.) A. of Eng., 1846. Jenkins (P.) Letter, 1835. [P513]. Kington 01iphant(T. L.) A. destroyed by Wars (if Roses ? [in h. Duke, 1875], More (H.) Thoughts on manners [in Wks., vU, 1S30]. Taylor {sir H.) AVavs of rich S: great [in h. Notes f. bk,^., 1X49; Wks.. v4. lS7s]. Jliftr In Baronetage ; Class distmction ; England, Social life; Genealogy; No- bility; Political science; Bich, The. AristoteHan Society, see .1. C. Arithmetic. Berkeley (G.) A. absqiie Algebra &c. demonst. (1707) [in Wks., viir. ed.]. Cardano (G.) 0)>era (16c.). t4. 10, 1663. Condorcct (mrtjv/. de) Jlethod ; tr., 1816. De Morgini (A.) A. & algebra, 1836. LP1031]. Elements. 1848. Euler (L.) Connn. a. coll., 2t, 1849. Tract, de numer. doct. [in Comm. arith. cull.. 2. IS 19]. Fourrey (K.) lU'cn'Mtions, 1899. Garnier (,).) Trail6. 1900. Haddon (,1.) Rudini. a., 1849; 62. Hi]isley (W.) Iviuat. a.. Is52. Lacroix (S. F.) Tniit^ flem., I8;!0. Lagrange. (Kuvres. tl, 3, 1867-9. Lardner(n.) A., 1834. Leibnitz. De arte combinatorin, 1666 [in Wlif., v»r. ed. .<• tr.']. Op., 13. 1768; Wke., III. IW-7, 1858 (>3. Lucas (K.) L'a. anuisaiilo, 1895. M(Ut-schinsky(A.) A..sp«c., 186H. ]P239]. Newton (I.) A. univ. [in Op., ll, 1779], Snnnenscliein (A.) St. of a. in clem. .M-hools, 1902 (c. 8:i,5) [i« P. P., I.-.ICJ. Taylor (T.) Thei.r. a., 1816. Ancient A Medlxval. Anat>>lius, SI. I'mnii. 1 3i- '1 Un Migne, P. G., lOJ. ARITHMETIC 54 ARMENIAN Arithmetic [contimied]. Aacleat & Medleeval [coittinved]. Artabasrla (X.) 2 k-ttres (14s. ; teste & tr.) [j/i B.N.. Notices. 82]. Boethius. De in.stit. aritli. («c. ?), 1867; [<$• im Migne, V. L.. 68]. De arithm. propositionibus, ,?• o.^. (8c.?) [m Migne. V. L.. 1)0. Berla]. Elijah, b. Abr. Mizraclii. A. (15c?), 1546. Nicomachu.s, Grriis. Introd. (2c.), I,'<(i6. Pisano (L.) Scritti (13c.), vl, L. abbaci, 1857. Sacro Bosco (J. de) Tract. (13c.) [/» Halliwell-PluUipps, Kara, 1841]. Bibliography. De Morgan (A.) Arithniet. books, 1847. Refer 1o Bookkeeping; Decimal sys- tem ; Mathematics ; Numbers ; Beady Beckoiiers. Arithmetical Instruments, sre Aba- cus ; Calculatiug machines ; Mathema- tical instruments. Arizona. Bancroft (H. H.) Hi.st., vl2, 1530-1888, 1888. Bishop (W. H.) Old Mexico, 1883. Bourke (J. G.) Snake dance. 1884. Cozzens (S. W.) Marvellous co., 1,S74. Fewkes (J. \\ .) Arch, expcd., 1895 [i» S.I., Ethn., Rep. 17ii, 1898]. Hough (^V■.) Antiqs. of valleys, 1907. Archaiol. field work [■(« S.I., Rep., Nat. Mus., 1901]. Merrill (G. P.) Meteor crater of Canyon Diablo [!>! S.I., Misc. coll., v50, 1*108]. Mindelelf (0.) Aborig. remains in Verde Valley \in. S.I., Etlin.. Rep., 13. 1896]. Bffer to Canyon de Chelly ; Casa Grande ; Pima Indians ; Pueblos ; United States. Ark The. Lake (J. \x.) Mythns, 1872. [P715]. Refer to Bible ; Flood. Arkel De vita &c. dominorum de A. ( —1428) [in Matthaeus. Anal., to, 173.S], Refer to Netherlands. Arlberg. Hormann (L. v.) Durch d. A. \_in Europ. Wanderbilder, v7, 1876-K7]. Refer to Alps ; Tyrol ; Vorarlberg. Aries. Fournier (P.) Le royaume d'A., 1138- 1378, 1891. Hilarii ep. vita (d. 449) ; <5' o-P- ['" Leo I, Op., t.2, 1756 ; Migne, P. L., 50, 55]. Hilary, St., pope. Epist. (5c.) \in Migne, P. L., 58]. Le Blant (E.) Et. s. sarcophages chrfit., 1878. Malnory (A.) Cesaire, ev. d'A., 503-43, 1894. Men. Germ, hist., see Index to M. G. 11. Peyre (R.) Nlraes, A. &c., 1903. Raimbaldus, ahp. Diplomata (1035-69) Lin Migne. P. L., 143]. Saxius (P.) Pontificium Arelat. (—1628) [in Mencive. .Scr., tl, 1728]. Zosimus, ^(>yc. Epist. & decreta (417-8) [in Migne. P. T,., 20]. Refer to Burgundy, History ; Provence. Aries, Council of, 314. Canones {in Thackeray (F.) Ecoles. state, vl, 1843]. [Sylvester I]. Epistola; Synodi A. ad S. [in Migne. P. L., 8]. Refer to Church councils. Arley Hall, ChesJiire. Arley Charters, 1.S66. Refer to Cheshire. Armada, Spanish. Contemporary Works. Col. de doc. sec iSjsain in A. ('. Cuellar (F.) Narr. ; tr. (1589) [in AUing- ham (H.) C.'s adv., 1897]. Ferni'uidez Duro (C.) La A., 2t, 1884-5. GresforyXIII. HolTbnIl&Crusado(15S5), 1588 ; [,!(■ in Soniers, 1, 1.S09]. Harleian misc., .vcc A. C, Siippl. t. Laughtnn (J. K.) State paper.s, 2v, 1894. Noble (W. M.) Hunts. & S. A., 1896. O'Reilly. C'uellar's narr. of adv. in Ir. after ■n-reck [in K.I. A., Proc s3, v3, 1893-6]. Perez de Guzman (A.) Orders bv d. of Medina, 158.S [/« Karl. misc.. vl,'l 808]. Somers (J., b.) Coll. of tracts, 1, 1809. Later Works. Allingliam (H.)Cuellar'sadv.(1588), 1897. Bruce (J.) Rep. (158.S), 1798. Clark (S.) Eng. remembrancer, 1820. Drake {sir F.) Biographies, see A. C. Froude (J. A.) Span, story, 1S92 ; 95. Green (W. S.) Wrecks on coast of Ir. [in R. Geo. Soc, Jour., v27, 1906]. Hawkins (M. W. S.) Plym. A. heroes, 1888. Kretzschmar(J.) Invasionsprojekte, 1892. Poetry. Deloney(T.) Ballads, wr. 1588, 1860; [.J'm Arber, Eng. garner, v6, 1903]. [Eliz., (/. of Enff.] Triumphalia de victoriis E. contra classcm. 15S.S. Refer to Elizabeth, q, of Eng. ; Navy, Eng. ; Navy, Span. ; Philip II, of Sp. Armagh, eiti/. Stuart (J.) Hist, mems., 1819 ; 1900. 1,'ifer to Ulster. Armagh, Dioeese of. Controv. betw. A. & Dublin t. primacy [in Ussher (J.) Wks., vl, 1847]. Biographies. Boulter (H.), ahp.. 1672-1742. Malachy, O'MorgaiT, St., 1093-1148. Marsh (N.), 1638-1713 [in Stokes (G. T.) Worthies, 1900]. Ussher (J.), iilip., 1581-1656 ; [„5-m('«Tcs., vl, 15, 16, 1847-64; Smith (Th.) Vitae, 1707]. Armagnacs. Barthold (F. W.) Der A.-krieg, 1444-5 [;« Hist. Tbch., X.F., 3, 1842]. Refer to Mercenaries. Armaments, see Armies & armaments. Armed Neutrality, 1780. Eergbolnn(C.)]iewatl'n.X., 17S0-S3. 1SR4. Refgr tn American war of independence ; Catherine II ; George III ; Treaties. Armenia. Ainswortli (W. F.) Travels &c., 2v,'1842. [Ararat]. Land of A., 1893. Barkley (H. C.) Ride, 1891. Chantre(E.) Rapp. s. A.Russe(Et.ethnogr.) [in Nouv. arcliives des mi.ss., t3, lt592]. Rap. s. Asie occid. [in Archives des miss., s3, tlO, 1883]. Cumont (F. & E.) Voy. d'explor., 1906. Curzon (R.) Armenia, 1854. Hamilton (W. J.) Researches, 2v, 1842. Hodgetts (E. A. B.) Round A., 1896. Hiibschmann (H.) Altarm. Ortsnainen [in Indogerman. Forsch., B16, 1904]. Kinneir (J. M.) Journey, 1813-4, 1818. Lynch (H. F. B.) Armenia, 2v, 1901. Moricr (J. J.) Journey, 1808-9, 1812. 2nd journey, 1810-6, 1818. Moses, of C/inren. Geogr. (5c.) [in Hist. Armen., 1736]. Mus^on (Le), 1889—. Ouseley (W.) Travels, v3, 1823. Porter(K.K.)Travels, 1817-20, 2v, 1821-2. Price (\V.) Journal, 2v, 1832. Armenia [emitimterJ]. Sykes (M.) Dar-ul-Islam, 1904. Tchihatcheff (P. v.)Reisen, 1847-63, 1867. Tozer (H. F.) Turk. A., 1881. Wagner (M.) Rei.-e, IMs. Rffer to Ararsil; Asia Minor; Caucasus, &c. ; Missions, Armenia ; Mythology. Armenia & Armenians, History. Anholm (M.) Det dodsdomtla folkets saga, 1906. Bore (E.) Armenie, 1857. Chamich (M.) Hist, to 1780, tr., 2v, 1 827. Chapot (\'.) Frontiere de I'Euphrate (—7c.), 1907. Creagh (J.) Armenians, &c., 2v, 1880. Dardel (J.) Chron. d'A. (—1384), see A. C. [,S- in S. de I'Or. L., Arch., t2, 1884]. Elisha, Vartnhed. Hist, of Vartan (428- 452); tr., 1830. Greene (F. D.) A. crisis (1894), 1895. Gregor(N. T.) Hist., 1897. Hubboft, Prinee. Genealog. cat. of kings (—1393); tr. [i« Misc. trs., v2, 1834]. Langlois (C. V.) Coll. des historiens, 2t, 1867-9 ; [,?■ tl in Fragm. hist. Gr., v5ii, 1872]. Layard (A. H.) Discoveries, 1853. Leiunann-Haupt.Mat.z. iilt.Gesch., 1907. Mattliew, (;/'/;rfs [.« Kiin.-Pr. Ale., Abhdl.. 1800]. Dictionary. . , o„ i«oi Auclier, Diet., Kng. A: A., 2v, 1821. Orammars. Aucber (P.) Grammar, 1819 , H- Dionysius, rA™c;««^ Grammaire [m S, nat. des A. de Fr., Mem., tb, 1824]. Kainz (C.) Grammatik, 1891. P^tennann (J. H.) Ling. A. gramm 1841 ; 72. History- > , uqc Neumann (C. F.) Gesch., 1836. Pet'mann. Beit'r. z. Gesch. d- Kreuzzuge aus a. Q. [<« KOn.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., Thumajan (J.) Gesch. [I. C. Or., 7. Ar. Sect. 18HS]. TaulTcoa. Bibl. Vat. iln Scr., t5, MfiUer (F.) Arm. HSS. des Klosters v. iTirm.'"HS3. v. Sewast u. Senqu., 1896. Texts & Translations. ,9-^.u78 Aristides, *?. Hermones 2 (c. 12o),18i8- Badganian (K.) ^paroutHuie humiih (1 .c), BUtner (M.) Der v. Himmel gefall. Brief Christi, I'.iur,. , . „ .„ ^ Cirbied (.1. C. de) Wcit d'an acte, c. 1 H'^O— 5 Conybeare (F. C.) Collation of Aristotle s Categories, i:c., 1892. Key of Truth, 1898. . Dasbian (P. J.) Leben iic. S'^'^""''"'! '" alta. iJbcr.s. [,« K. Ak. zu \\ien, Denkscbr.,B44, 189(;]. Elislia, Vartahcd. Hist, of Vartan, ioc. (5c.)\ tr., 1830. Hubboll, J'rimr. Gencalog. cat. of kings. , tr. lift Mi.sc. trs., v2, 1834]. Ignatius, of .1 ntioch. Epist. &c. ; Peter mann, 1849. Imp. Mosk, Arch. Obsch. .Ipcniioitn ,m TOMHMii.tl. 2, 1889-1903. Imp. R. Arch. Obsch. 3an. Bocto-i. onti., tl-18, 1886—. . , , , Irenaeus, St. Schr. z. Erweise A. apostol. Yerkiindigung, 1907. Lan^dois(C.Y.) Coll. sa. Cliron. (12c.), tr \in Dulauricr, Bibl., 1858] _L_Extr.(te.xtiictr.)[mB.N.,Not,ce.s,9]. Rtdtdclalecroisade; 'r l«»0[m Soo. arch, du Midi. M^'";;,!'" '*1:'-Ls Mkhitar ,1'Airivank. Hct. ('lext .fc Uus- ^::iia'L. Hist.(5c.),173G;tr. 2v, 1841. Armenian Language and Litera- ture [rniitiniit''l]- Texts S Translations [continued]. Philo, Jndacii>. Contemplative lite; Conybeare, 1895. Pitra (J. B.) Anal, sacra, t4, 188d. Spicileg., t3, 1855. Recueil des hist, des Croisades: Doc. arm., tl, 2, ls(i:i-1906. /^/cr ffi Armenian inscr. Armies & Armaments. aeneral Descriptions & Histories. Armies of to-day, 1893. Baillet (E.) Forces, 1868. Bloch (l.S.) Guerre; tr., 6t, 18J8, UD., Etat militaire en 1900, 1900 Goltz(C. V. d.) Yolk in \\affen, 1899, tr., 1887; 99; tr. Fr., 1884. Heere u. Flotten aller Staaten, 1908 Heero u. Flotten d. Gegenwart, Bl-8, 1896-1905. . laif; Jackson (K.) View of form., &c., 1845. Jerram (C. S.) Armies, 18,).». Larroque (P.) Guerre & armfees (144o- 1867), 1870. Manceau (E.) Arm6es Strang., 1900. Mauri 'e (J. F.) Balance of milit. power, 1888. ^ _^Q„ R. U. Service Instit. J., l*>9b—. Seguin (L.)La proch. guerre, 18?0- Upton (E.) Armies of Eur. & Asia, 1878 Wraxall (F. C. L.) Armies, 18^9. Hdbk., European, 18ol.. Organisation. &c.. see Military art & sci. Reduction &c. ot Armaments. Alderson (A. W.) Extmction of a.. 1908. Burden ot armaments, 1905. Chadwick (E.) N6c. de 16con., 1869. i!!^On nat. as agst. standing armies, 1870 fP320, 792]. Dreuiile.^ Comment r^'}-"-.^ '^ assurant la dof. nat., 18h8. [P3 2]. rlchhof (A.) Reduction of continental a.;tr., 1875. [1'330]. Krieg, die Congressidee &c., 1868. Sils n.emp. Tzar's rescript, papers, 1899. [P410]. . ,„,.„ Nikoladzfi (N.) Du d6sarraement, 1868 I'arf pipers, [809]. Proposal of Emp. of sS:ri.idi:;:.S^ttungd.GeseUs man, &c.; Conscription; M i ary art & Bci. ; Military hist. ; Military life ; National defence. Arminianism. . Arminius (,1.) Wks. ; tr • ^•- .'^2. " •.. Hall (J.) Via media (17c.) [>n W ks., UO, iSeker (O . f ^V -,/^""'^°'"'^" Pr;.'stant. vir. cpist., 16(.0 , 84. Hevlvn (P.) Historia [in K'-f''''^"'' '^'^'J; James 1 I'eelar. cone. C. Yorst.us [m Wkes., 1616; Op., 168-1]. Montagu (R.) Appellu C^e-''^'^'"' 'ff .,„ Owen (.1.) I'i'-Pl^^y; '<• "P- ^^^''■> L'« Zl:'sJniil-rLverance(17c.)[mWks.. ■^^^U^: M.) Ch, of Eng. vin.lic (18,-.)li« Wks., V.5, 182.)]. Whitby (D.) pi«c. cone, import of election &c., 173^>. ifii8-9- ;/,./-,.r ^> Dort, Synod of, 161» » , Heresy ; Predestination. ARMS Armorica.sw Brittany; Breton. Armour, ,m < Arms & armour. Armoured Vessels, «r Ironclads. Arms & Armour. Armeria d. duque d. Infantado (17c.) [m C de d Esp., 79, 1882]. Boiieim (W.) Handbuch (4-18c.), 1890. Brett (E. J.) Cat. of coll., 189u. Clephan (K. C.) Defensive armour kc, Demmin (A.) Knegswaffen, 18.13. Weapons ; tr., 1870. . Dillon (H. A.) Arms&c. «' )\<=^™^?,"' Tower, & Greenwich, 1547 [m Arch., v51i, 18.H8]. Fauchet (C.) Origmes [in CE., IblOJ. Gardner (J. S.) .Vrmour in Eng., to r. of Jas. I, 1897. Armour in Eng., to 17c., 1898. For. armour in Eng., 1898. Hewitt (J.) Anc. armour ice. in Europe, to 17c., 3v, 1855-60. Hottenroth (F.) Trachten, &c., alt. u. neu. Zeit, 2B, 1883-91. Lacombe(P.) A. & a. ; tr., 18^/- , Laking (G. F.) .Vrmoury of Wmdsor Castle : Eur. §, 1904. ivallace Cat. of Eur. a. & a. in W aliace Lipsius (J.)'PoUorceticon (16c.) [<» Op., t3, 1675]. ^ , unn Maindron (G. R. M.) L?b armes 18m Mevrick (S. R.) Inq. into ant. armour, R^o\\"rA^l^Insl%at. of exhib. of helmets & mail [in Arch. Journal, t37, slr5unt (B. E.) \Veapons other than fire-arms, 1908. ,, Seume. tjb. Bewaffnung ['» y<^«' Spvssei d'Aix. Armeria, 1840. fTower of London]. Oilic. cat. ; Hewitt, Y^nci(L.da)MSS.,t6,1891. \VaUer(J.G.)A. &a.. 18,1. [1 109]. "'"kennan (J. Y.) On weapons of Celtic &c. races, 1852. [Pib]. Lacombe (P.) A- Sc .-i. ; "^. l^^*" j ^^22 ; Montfaucon. L'antiq. expl., t4i, K-^. l'Spc^lolBretos(A.)Lepilima,1844. Pay'e^Gallwey. Hist etc. of projectile- ,rSTc>^!:SlS.ron (w. text) [,„ li.N., Notices, 2b 31 J. v42ii, 1869]. Rmrlislt & Scottish. 7— u.nd (J.) Anc. Scot, weapons, Ganlner(J.S.)Arn,ourinEng..tor.of James l,189i. „„„ Armour in Eng. to 1'=- ^f !*-^n„y, Grose (F.) Milit. ant.q. of tng. army. 1801. L.) Ang.-Sax. weapon names. Keller (M. Sck(S.R.)lW^-r,Engl..r :f:\:,";,^i:;-;:^'~(n-iTo.).3v. slruu (J.) Horda Angel-cynnan, 3v. ^VJ'''^' ,T\ r.lnssarv of U-rms [i« Williams (J)„<^''f^'J„„-,i n<501. Arcb:cologia Cambr., buppl., l»wj. ARMS 56 ARMY Arms & Armour [oo7itinved]. French, Society Nat. des Antiq. de Fr. M6m., l«17-55. Yiollet-Le-Duc. Diet, du mnbilier fr., t5, 6, 1874-5. German. Mevrick (S. R.) Eiigraviiijjs on a G. suit for Henry ^'III [in Arch., t22, 1829]. Italian. Gelli (J.)&G.Moretti. Armaroli milan., 1903. Wickhoff (F.) Musterbuch e. ital. Waffen.schmiede.s, 16. J. [in Gomperz (T.) Festschrift, 1902]. Oriental. Conder. Hist, of Jap. co.stume [in As. Soc. of Jap., v9, 1881]. Egerton of Tatton. Descr. of Ind. & Or. armour, 18fl(). Hdbk. of Ind. a., 1880 ; 9fi. llefcT to Sword. Primitive. Hough (W.) Prim. Amer. armor [in S.I., Kep., Nat. Mus., 1893]. Wilson (T.) Arrnvvpoints, &c. prehist. times [in S.I., Rep., Nat. Mus., 1897, Pl] Spanistt. Armeria d. duque d. Infantado(17c.) [in C. de d. Esp., 79, 1882]. Calvert (A. F.) Sp. arms A:c., 1907. Refer to Archery. Crossbow. Naval Artillery. Duelling. artillery. Bayonet. Firearms. Shields. Boomerang. Gun Shooting. Bows &c. Heraldry. Sword. Catapult. Military art. Arms, Coats of, .v, Heraldry. Army, Abyssinian. SchindltT (F.) Armee d. Menelik II, 1898. Refer to Abyssinia. Army, Austrian. Albert F. Rudolpli. archd. Jahr 1870 u. d. Wehrkraft, 1870. Edmonds (J. E.) Orsjanis. of voluut. med. aid in war, 1901. '[P1023]. Heere u. Flotten, B4. 1898. Zeissberg (H. v.) Erzhcrzng Carl (1796) & Reichsgeneralitiit (18c. ), 1898. Biographies, see A. C. under : — Charles, areMulie of .1., 1771-1847. Eugene, pr. of Savoy, 1663-1736 ; [S,- in Ligne, Mto., t5, 1829; Sybel, Kl. Schr., Bl, 1863]. Haynau (J. J., Frhr. v.), 1786-1853. Laudon (G. E., Frhr. v.), 1717-90. Radetzky (ffra/), 1766-1858. Kussworm (H. C, (frafY.), 1565-1605 [in Hist. Tbch., 9, 1838]. Schwarzenberg (Fiirst C. P. zu), 1771- 1820. Tilly (J. T., Grafw), 1559-1632. Wallenstein, 1583-1634: [S,- in Hist. Tbch., 5, N.F., 6 \l. 8. 1834-89]. Refer to Austria, Hist. Army, Balkan States. Heere u. Flotten, E8, Tilikei u. Bulg. 1905. Ward (M. C. P.) Hdbk. of armies of B. S., 1900. Refer to Balkan Peninsula ; Bulgaria, and 0. stiite.i. Army, Bavarian. Rumford. Regulations, 1792 [in Wks., v5, 1876]. Refer to Army, German ; Bavaria, Hist. Army, Belgian. Barnardi^tun (N. W.) Hdbk., 1899. Brialmont (A. H.) Situation milit., 1882. Moselli (A. P.) Ecole milit., 1869. Refer to Belgium, Hist. Army, Bulgarian, .««■ Army, Balkan states. Army, Canadian. Denison (G. T.) Soldiering in C, 1900. Evans OV. S.) C. ointingents, 1901. Refer to Army, English ; Canada, Hist. Army, Chinese. Frey (H. X.) Larmee ch., 1904. Zi (E.) Exam, milit. [in Var. sin., 9, 1896]. Refer to China, Hist. ; China-Japan war. Army, Danish. Slunro (R.) Exped. w. Scots Regt. (Mac- keyes), 1637. Refer to Denmark, Hist. Army, Egyptian (Ancient). Diimichen (J.) Fleet i:c. (17c. B.C.), & anc. military : tr.. 1868. Refer to Egypt. Antiquities, &c. Army, Egyptian (Modern). Pari, papers, see Ariiiv, in special cat. Refer to Egypt, Hist. Army, English. Argument on milit. obedience, 1820. [Pr., 17]. Armv. the Horse-guards, kc, 1860. [Pr61]. Bannatyne(J. M.) Milit. forces. Sec, 1867. [P246]. Coulton (G. G.) Strong army. Eng. & Swiss militias, n.d. [P1113]. General Staff. Writing ou the wall, 1906. Gleig(0. E. S.) Old colonel &c., 1871. Goodenough & Dalton. Army book, 1893. Griffiths (A. G. F.) Engl. a.. 1878. Heere u. Flotten. B2. 1897. Henderson (G. F. R.) Bci. of war, 1905. Holms (J.) Brit. a. in 1875, 1875. Maurice (J. F.) Brit. a. [(« Pitcairn, Unwr. laws. 1899]. Prynne (W.) Doome of cowardisze, 1643. R."rn. Service In.stit. J., 1896—. Seasonable &c. obs. on mutiny-bill, &c., n.d. [P1141], Some notions on milit. discipl., 1740. [PU41]. Sullivan (E. R.) Stray shots, 1884. I'rquliart (D.) Dutv in resp. to unlawful wars [ill h. Refl., 1844]. Administration, Policy & Reform. Amery (L. C. M, S.) Problem. 1903. Army admin, in 3 centuries, 1901. [Plb25]. Arnold-Forster. Army in 1906, 1906. . Army letters, 1897-98, 1898. Milit. needs &c„ 1909. . War Office, &c., 1900. Biddulph (R.) Ld. Cardwell, 1868-74, 1904. Cairnes (W. E.) Common-sense a., 1901. Cave (T. S.) & L. Tebbutt. Mobilization for war, 1900. [PI 003]. Clode (C. M.) Milit. forces, 2v, 1869. De Fonblanque (E. B.) Admin. &c., 1858. Dilke (C. W.) A. reform, 1898. Brit. armv. 1888. Dupin (*. F. P." C.) Voy., pl. Force milit., 2t, 1820. Evans-Gordon. Cabinet & war, 1904. Foundations of reform. By milit. corr. of Times, 1908. Gardiner (R. W.) Q. of legisl. responsi- bility, 1857. [P344]. Army, English [continiiecT]. Administration, Policy S Reform [cont.l. Goodenougli & Daltou. Army book, 1893. Haliburton (A. L., J.) A. organiz., 1898. [P872]. Havelock-AUau. 3 milit. q., 1867. Higgins (M. J.) Letter. 1855 ? [P345]. Hime(H. W. L.) A. reform, 1898. [P872]. Hooper (G.) Army [(« Questions, 1867]. King (C.) Trials of staflt-off., 1897. Letters of '• Vetus" on W. O., 1893. Mandley (P. G.) Nation's need: univ. milit. training, 1906. [P1112]. Pari, papers, see Aimy Si. War Office in special cat. Roberts (F. S..p.) Nation in arms, 1907. Simmons (J. L. \.) Milit. organiz., 1897. Soc. for Encourag. of Arts. Sic. Rep., econ. of nat. a., 1869. [P215]. Sosnosky (T. v.) Eng.'s danger ; tr., 1901. Southey (R.) A. reforms (1810) [in Essays, vl, 1.S32]. Thomson (H. B.) Milit. forces, 1855. Trevelyan (C. E.) Brit. a.. 1868. [P246]. Standing, or pop. a., 18(;9. [P246]. War Office. Rep. (reconstit.). pl-3, 1904. Womyss (F., e. of) Letters on mil. organiz.. Is71. Artillery, see Eegimental history. Bibliography &c. Record Office. Lists &c., v28, War OfiSce record.'^. 1908. Biographical Collections. Cole (J. W.) Jlera. of Brit, generals (1807-14). 2v, 1856. Cust (E.) Warriors, 17c., 6v, 1865-9. Fitchett (AV. H.) Wellington's men, 1900. Forrest (G. W.) Sepoy generals ; Welling- ton to Roberts. 1901. Gleig (G. R.) Lives, 3v, 1831-2. Groves (J. P.) Not. gen. &.c.(18-19c.),1892. Kave (J. W.) Ind. officers (18-19c.), 2v, 1867 ; ^<9. Laurie (\\. F. B.) Some Anglo-Indians (19c.). 2s. 1875-88 ; si. 1887. Low (C. R.) Soldiers of Victor, age, 2v, 1880. Shand (A. I.) Wellington's lieuts., 1902. Wilkinson (H. S.) Fr. Cromwell to Wel- linsrton, 1899. AVilicinson (0.& J.) Mem. {\9c.). 1896. Yonee (C. D.) Our trt. milit. comm. (17- 19c.). 1892. Biographies, Memoirs, &c., see A. C. under : — (^For generals ,?v'. of tlie Clril War, see Charles I ; Commonwealth.) Abbott {maj.-yeii. A.), 1S04-67. Abercronibv (gen. R.). 1734-1801. Adam {sir F.). 1781-1853 [laHist. Tbch., 111,6. 185.5]. Adve {gen. J. M.). 1819-1900. Alexander {sir J. E.), 1803-85. Anstruther Thomson (J.). 1818—. Argyll (J., d. of). 1678-1743; [.J- »» Stuart (L.) Sel.. 1899]. Baden- Powell (R. S. S.), 1857—. Baird {sir D.), 1757-1829. Barttclot(E. M.), 1859-88. Becher {gen. J. R.). 1819-84. Bentinck {lord W.). 1774-1839. Blackader {It. -col. J.). 1664-1729. Blakeney (R.), 1789-1858. Bloomfield (B., *.). 1768-1846. Boothby (C), 1786-1846. Briggs {qen. J.), 1785-1S75. Brock (.cir I.), 1769-1812. Browne {sir J. F. M.), 1839-1896. Buller(si7-R.), 1839-. Bunbui7(T.), 1791— . AEMY 57 AEMY Army, English [ivntintiaT]. Biographies, Memoirs, H. D.), 1823-95. Davidson (col. sir D.), 1811-189—. Davies (mrs. C), 1(;67-1739. Douglas (sir H.), 1776-1861. Durand {gen. H. M.), 1812-71. Dyott OV.). 1761-1S47. Edwardes (sir H. B.). 1819-68. Elers (capt. G.), 1777-1842. Ewart (J. A.), 1.S21— . Eraser (goi. J. S.), 1783-186"). Gardiner (.J.), 1688-1745; [,?• in Dodd ridge, Wks., v4, 1803]. George W. F. C, d. of Camhr., 1H19-1904. Gillespie (sir K. R.), 1766-1814. Gordon (sir C. A.), 1821-9!t. Gough (IL, vise), 1779-1869. Graham (siri}.), 1831-99. Grant (sir .J. H.), 1808-75. Grey (W., b.), A. 1562. Griffiths (A. G. F.), 1838—. Hamley (sir E. B.), 1824-93. Hardinge(ll,, rise), 1785-1M56. Harne.ss (geti. H. D.), 1804-83. HarrLson (gi'n. K.), 1H37 — . Hastings (F., m. of). 1754-1826. Havelock (sir H.), 179,5-1857. Hunder.son(H,), lilc. Henry (W.), I'.ic. Hercev(W.). 1732-1815. Hill (R., risr.), 1 772-1. M42. Hodson(W. S. R.), 1821-58. Jacob (J.), l.K12-,58. Johnson (major W. T.), 1827-93. Kitchct,er(il. II., rise), 18,50—. Lake(G., rise), 1744-1K08. Landmann (col. G. T.), I7S0-1854. Lawrence (sir H. M.), 1806-57. Lawrence (S.), 1697-1775. Londonderry (C. M'. S., m. of), 1778-1854. Lynedoch (T., h.). 174K-1H43. Ly.sons (sir 1).), 1816-;m. MacGregor (sir V.. M.), 1840-87. Mack.iy (H.), 1640-92. Mackenzie (C), 1806-Kl. Maitland (••<(> T.), 1759-1824. Marllinrongh (J., d. of), 1(;50-1722. Monk (G.), 1608-70. Moore (;<(> J,), 1761-1.S09. Mountain (A. S. 11.). 1797-1854. Napier (sir C. J.), 1782-1853. Napier (sir (i. T.), 1784-1H55. Napier (sir \V. F. P.), 17.S5-1860. tiapoU-on, priiiev Imjicrial, 1856-79. Nicholson (J.). 1822-57. Nolt (.i(>\V.), 1782-1845. Outran! (sir 3.), 1803-63. Ouvry (H. A.), 1815-, Army, Eitiglish [ronlinued^. Biographies, Memoirs, .), 177H-1863. Seaton (sir T.). 1K06-76. Sherbrooke (sir J. C), 1764-1830. Shipp(J.). 1784-1x34. Sinclair (J.), 1683-1750. Skinner (J.), 1778-1841. Smith (sir H.), 178,S-1860. Smith (sir R. M.), 1835-1900. Stair (J., c. of), 1673-1747. Stewart (sir D. M.). 1824-1900. Thackwell (sir J.), 1781-1859. Tonikinson (W.), 1790-1872. Townshend (G., m.), 1724-1807. TuUoch (sir A. B.), 1838 — Vandeleur (C. F. S.), 1869-1901. Vaughan (.«> J. L.), 1820—. Vere (sir ¥.), 1560-1609. Vere (sir H.), 1565-1635. Vicars (capt. H. S. J.), 1826-55. Walker (sir C. P. B.), 1817-94. Wantage (R. J., lord), 1832-1901. Wauchope (moj.-gen. A. G.), 1846-99. Wellington (A., d. of), 1769-1852; [cj- in Knight (C.) Store, 1841]. AVelsh(TOi. J.), 1775-1861. A\'hetham (N.), 1604-68. White (sir G.), 1835—. Whittingham (sir S. F.), 1772-1841. Willcocks (sir J.), 1857—. Wilson (sir R. T.), 1777-1849. Wolfe (J.), 1727-59. Wolseley (G., rise), 1833—. Wood (sir H. E.), 1H3S— . Body Guards, sec Archers, Boyal Co. of; Gentlemen-at-arms ; Yeomen of Guard. Cavalry, .sec Begimental hist. Colonial Troops. Ellis(A.li.) Hist.of 1st W. India reg.,1885. N.S.W. contingents to S. Afr., I'lOO. Pari, papers [933]. Offers by Colonies for Soudan, 1885. (c4324, 4437, 4494). Pari, papers, itcc also Army, in special cat. liefer to Army, Canadian ; Boer war. Conscription, see Conscription. Engineers, .ice Koyal Engineers, Expenditure. Bowks (T. G.) Public purse Jt War Off. : vindic. of parly. c(Uitrol, 1907. [P1146]. Brougham (H., b.) A. estimates [in A. Kp., vl, 1838], Burden of armaments, 1905. Pari, p.-ijiers, see special cat. Foreign troops. Amhurst (N.) Case of Hessian forces [in Craftsman, v6, 1731]. Beamish (N. L.) Hist, of King's Germ. legion (1.S03-16), 2v, 1N;s2-7. Ompteda (C. V. AV. v.) Hanov.-Eug. ofliccr (1765-181,5); tr., 18!t2. I'or Kngtish troiips in foreign service refer to Aimy, French; Army, Spanish; Mercenaries. History (den. Works). Adams (\V. 11. i).) Eng. ut war (16-19c.), 2v, 1886. Memor. battles, 2v, 1879. Clinton (H. R.) CrC'cy to Assayc. 1882. Fortescue (J. W.) Co. liout. & army, 1803-14, 1909. Army, English [continued]. History (Oen. Works) [cimtinucd]. Fortescue (J. \\ .) Uist., vl-4 (—1801), 1899-1906. George (H. B.) Battles (1066-1855), 1895 Grose (F.) Milit. antiq., 2v, 1801. Johns (R.) Cal. of victory (1066-1854), 1855. King (C. C.) Story, 1897. Mogridge (G.) Soldiers, 1842. Scott (J. S. ]).) Brit. A., 3v,. 1868-80. Trenchard (J.) Sh. hist, of standing a., 1698. [P231]. TuUibardine (K. M., in. of) Jlilit. hist. of Perthshire, 1660-11)02, 1908; 1899- 1902, 1908. (13-15 centuries). Brooke (R.) Visits to fields of battle in Eng., 15c., 1857. Hunter (J.) .\gincourt: list, 1850. Liber quotidianus Contrarotulatoris Garderobae, 129'.)-1300, 1787. Names, 1415 [in Nicolas (X. H.) Hist., 1832; 33]. Parliamentarv writs it writs of milit. summons (1272-1327) ; Palgrave, vl, 2, 1827-34. Villaret (A. de) Campagnes, 1421-8, 1893. Wrottesley (G.) Crecv & Calais (1347) [in Staffs. Colls., vl8; 1897]. . Milit. service. Staffs. tenants, 13-14c. [in Staffs. Colls., v8, 14, 1M87-93], (16 century). Harrison (W.) Elizab. arms. Eng., 1588? [in Arber, Eng. garner, v2. 6, 1903]. Hitchcock (R.) A. rations, 1591 [;« Arber, Eng. garner, v2, 190:^]. Muster Roll, Staffs. 1539 [in Staffs. Colls., N.S., v4-6i, 1901-3], [Somerset]. Certificate of musters, 1569 ; Green, 1904. (IT century). Argument agst. standing a. rectified, 1697. [P231]. [Army]. Ei]g. a. lists & commission reg., 1661-1714 ;nalton 6v, 1892-1904. Army lists of Houndhe.-uts i: Cavaliers, 1642; Peacock, 1,K63. Cust (E.) Warriors, 17c.. 6v, 1865-9. D'Alton (J.) Illu.sts.. hist. &c. of James's Ir. A. List, 1689, 2v, 1861. Defoe (D.) Some refl. on " Argument," 161)7. |P231]. Firth (C. H.) Cromwell's a., 1902. Jdhnsuii (S.) Confut. of nee. of land-force [in Wks., 1713J. List, 16111); .^- o.p. [in Snmers, 11, 1814]. Parker (R.) .Mem., 16S3-171S, 1747, Regiments, 161)0 [in Somers, vll, 1814], Seaman's opinion of a standing army, 1691). [P1028]. Trenchard & Movie. St.inding army in- consistent w. free guvt.. 16117 ; [1'231 .<• in Moyle (W.) Wks., 1707 ; Pr., 10]. Walton (C.) Hist., 1660-1700, 1S!)4, Ward (N.) Relig. retre.it. 1(')47. |P278]. Wrottesley (G.) Staffs, muster, 1640 [in Staffs. Colls., vl5, 1M)4]. (18 century). Ailvice to I he i>tlicers, 17H3. Armstrong (W.) Errors f. 1743, 1808. Bejitson (R.) Naval & mil. mem., 1727-83, 6v, 1S04. British minor e.xped., 1746-1814, 1884. Kitchett (W. H.) Deeds (1759-1K15), 1897; 98. Fights (1652-1856), 1898. Fortescue (J. W.) Brit, a., 1783-1802, 1905. Liverpool (C, r. of) Disc. (1757), 1794. AEMY 58 AKMT Army, English [/•ontinvedj. History (19 century). Beddoes (H. K.) Brit. a. [in Brit. emp. s., t5, 1902]. Beeton (S. O.) Our soldiers, 1867. Carter (T.) Medals &o.(1801-57).3p, 1861. Fitchett (W. H.) Deeds (1759-1815), 1897; 98. Fights (1652-1856), 1898. Munro (W.) Records (1844-81), 2v, 1887. Pasley (C. W.)Milit. policy i;c. (1808-12), pi, 1847. Shalbolt (S. H.) Afghan camp., 1878-80, Biog. &c., 2v, 1882. Stewart (H.) Our redcoats (f. 1793), 1879. Stirling (J.) Kegiments, 1899-1902, 1903. Wyld (J.) Maps &.C., movements &c., 1808-14, in Pen. & S. Fr., ii.d. Infantry, see Eegimental hist. Lite. Acland-Troyte. Thr. the ranks, 1881. Byrne (W. P.) Red, white & blue, 3v, 1862. Cairnes (W. E.) A. f. within, 1901. Camp & barrack-room, 1846. Cozens (C.) Adventures, 1848. Douglas (W.) Soldiering, 1865. Fernvhough (T.) Milit. mem. (c. 1797- 1828), 1829. Forbes (A.) Barracks, Sec, 1891. Soldiering &;c., 1872. Gleig (G. R.) Chelsea Hospital &c., 1839. Grenville-MuiTay. 6 months in ranks, 1890. Hardy (E. J.) Thomas Atkins, 1900. Harris, liiUcman. Recoil., 1843. Landmami (G. T.) Recoil., 2v, 1854. Napier (C. J.) Lights & shades, 2v, 1840. Newnham-Davis (N.) Mil. dialogues, 1898 Kamsay (B. D. W.) Recoil., 2v, 1882. Social life in Brit. A., 1900. Soldiers and the social evil, 1860. [P234]. Stuart (W. K.) Reminisc, 2v, 1874. Subaltern's log-book, 2v, 1828. Tecklenborough (J.) 7 yrs.' cadet-life, 1885. Wright (H. P.) Eng. duty, 1858. [P234]. Wyndham (H.) Queen's Service, 1899. —- Soldiers, 1899. Lists. [Army]. Eng. a. 1. & commission reg., 1601-1714; Dalton, 6v, 1892-1904. Army List, 1855; 61. Army lists of Roundheads &;c., 1642; Peacock, 1863. Court & Citv register, 1751-93. Dalton (C.)'Waterloo roll call, 1890. Hart's Army list, 1846-1908. Hunter (J.) Agincourt ; commanders, 1850. List, 1699; Jy o.p. {in Somers, 11, 1814]. List of officers, &c., 1787. Maclean (A. H. H.) Public schools and war, 1899-1902, 1903. Muster Roll, Staffs., 1539 [)?t Staffs., Colls., X.S.,v4-6i, 1901-3]. Names, Agincourt, 1415 [/« Nicolas (N. H.)Hist., 1832; 33]. Royal Kalendar, 1767-1800. [Somerset]. Certificate of musters, 1569; Green, 1904. War Office list &c., 1866-1902. Wrotteslev (G.) Crecv & Calais (1347) [in Staffs. Colls., vl8, 1897]. Staff's, muster, 1640 [in Staffs, Colls., Tl5, 1894]. Medical Department. MacGrigor (^sir J.) Autobiog., 1861. Pari papers, see Army: Med. dept., in tpeeial cat. Army, English [vyitiniied]. Medical Department [cmitinued]. Sanitarv reform of Brit. Army, 1859. [P161]". Militia, see Militia, English. Officers, see also Purchase System, below. De La Warr (C, e.) 'Want of training in candidates, 1859. [P345]. Pari, papers [480]. Conduct of Duke of York, promotions. Sec, 1809. (20). Roberts (D.) Letter, officers' benefit fund, 1813. [Pr., 2]. Plan for incr. incomes, 1813. [Pr.,2]. Webber (C. E.) Duties of R.E. off., 1869. [P240]. Younghusband (G. J.) Queen's commis- sion, 1891. Itefer to Oxford Milit. College ; Boyal Milit. Acad. ; Eoyal Milit. College. Periodicals , 1H57]. Du Barail (ffrn.), 1820-1902. Du Bellay (G.), 1491-1543. Dubois de Crance (E. L. A.), 1747-1814. Ducrot (//('«. A. A.), 1S17-82. Dugommier (J. F. C), 1738-94. Du Guesclin (B.), 1320-80. Dumas (c. JI.), 1753-1837. Dumas (ghi. T. A.), 17t>2-1806. Dumouriez (gi-n. C. F), 1739-1823. Du Plessis-Besan(;on (B. de). lGOO-70. Duviquet (E. M.), 1773-1849. Erlach ((/(■«. H. L.), 1.595-lt;oO. Fabert (m. A. de), 1599-1G»>2. Fabvier (ri^rn. C. N.), 1782-1855. Filangieri (C.),jor. di Sairiatw. 1784- 18B7 [(■« Hisl. Thch.. V, 1, 1.S71]. Flavy (G. de). c. 1398-1449. Fleury (i7«V(. H<\), h. 1815. ¥oj (gi)i. M. S.), 177.5-1825. Gassion (.1., ■«/. de), 11)09-47 ; [,; liuttel. Corps de santfi milit., I70.s-1K.><2, 1907. Edmonds (iiwj. .1. E.) Organis. of volunt. meil. aid in war, 1901, [P1023]. ["War Ollice]. Hdbk. of med. ser\'iccs, pi, France. 190s. [1'117S], Jtii'rr til Franco-German war; Napo- leonic wars. Mllllla, .111 Militia, French. Regimental Histories. l.illii'hiiiik (.1. V.) 2 ,Iahre, 1863. Martin (K.) Genilarnieric, 1H07-14, 1898. Zouaves & Chasseurs it Pied, 18C5. Volunteers. Cha.-^sin (C. L.) & L. Hennet. V. pcnd. la R6v., tl, 2, 1899-1902, IWprez (E.) Volontaires, 1791-3, 1908. Pi'tigny (X. lie) llalaillon ilc v. (3mo b. de Maine-et- Loire) 1792-G, 190S. Rousset(C. K.M.) Lo»volont!iirea,1791-4, 1892. Jli2r,]: tr, 2t, 1794-1803; «1. Xertli ((;. (;.; M.-niu.-d, 1S76. Itefer li> Antiquities ; Architecture ; Alt, Byzantine; Art, Greek; Art, Persian ; Art, Roman ; Assyria ; Cari- cature ; Celtic antiq. ; Chaldiea ; Christian antiq. ; Christian art ; Egypt, Antiq. ; Etruscans; Mosaics; Mural painting ; Music ; Fainting ; Jhoenicia ; Pottery ; Sculpture. Art [nmtinued]. Bibliography. Cicognara (o. L.) Cat. dei 1. poss. dal C, 2t, 1821. Internat.Bibl.d. Kunstwiss., Bl-5, 1902- 6, 1903-9. Muir (C. G.v.) Bibl. de ijeintnre, &c., 2t. 1770. [Koval Acad.]. Cat. of bks., 1877-1900, 1901. [S. Kens. Mus.]. Proofs of univ. cat., 2v, 1M70. Biographical Collections & Dictionaries. Allgemeines Kiinstlerle.x. ; Meyer &c., Bl-3, 1872-85. ; Seubert, 3B, 1878-9. Bertolotti (A.) Artisti belgi &c. sec. 16- 17, 18H0. Clement & Hutton. Artists of 19c., 2v, 1879. Fournier-Sarlov^ze. Artistes oublifis, 1902. Gould (.J.) Biogr. diet., 2v, 1839. Heinecken. Diet, des artistes, tl-4, 1778-90. Kluvskens. Hommes c61., 2t, 1859. Nagler. Kunstler-Lex., 22B, 1835-52; 1872-85. Raczynski. Diet. p. servir A I'hist. de Part mod. en Allem., 1842. Thieme & Becker. Allgem. Lex., Bl, 2, 1907-8. Ticozzi. Diz. degli archit., &c., 1830-3. liefer to Biographical Diet., as separate lieadinij ; ,<• tn Biogr. diets, vnder Painting, &c. ; ,$■ for Biographies of individuals, refer tn Painting ; Sculp- ture, &c. Dictionaries (Terms, 4c.). Adeline (J.) Lex. des termes, 1884. Eucher. Keal-Lex. d. Kunstgewerbe, 1884. Cyclopedia of painters &c. ( — 1887); Champlin, 4v, 1888. Dictioiinaire des musfies [m Migne, Encycl., s3, v4]. Fairholt. Diet, of terms, 1870. Jouve (E. G.) Diet. d'esth6t. chrdt., lee A. C. Millin. Diet, des beaux-arts, 3t, 1806. Mollett. lUust. diet, of words, 1883. Rouaix. Diet, des arts d6coratifs, 2t, •H.rf. Viollet-Le-Duc. Diet, du mobilier fr., 6t, 1858-75. Hefer tn Technological dictionaries. Ethics. Fi)uill6e (A.) La morale, I'art &c. d'ap. Guyau, 1H97. Paulhau (Fr.) Mensongc, 1907. Kuusseau (,I. J.) Disc. [;« (E., t4, 1823; Pet. chefs-d'ee., 1857]. Ruskiii (,T.) Lects., 1870; [.<• in Wks., v20, 190,5]. Rcl. of n;Uion;\l e.to iiat. arts, 1867 [in Wks., vl9, I90,-)]. Tolstoy (,-. L. N.) What is art !, rar. ed. ,S tr.'[S- in h. Shakespeare. 190i;]. Itifer to snti-liendinij Ethics, under Drama. History * Criticism (Oen. Works). .SVc {ilsii Ancient, ahore ; ,<■ Medlxyal ; Primitive, hrlnw. Addison (,L di? W.) Classic myths, 1904. Alexandre (A.) Hist, de Tart dOcor. 16s. i\ nos jours, l.^Ol. .\tkiiison (.1. B.) Art tour to N. cnpitiils, 1K73. Bayet (0.) Pr^'cis d'hist., 1894 ; lUOG. Braun (J.) Gesch., 2B, 185G-8. Art [continued]. History I'figlise, tl : France, 1908. Woermann (C.) Gesch., Bl, 2 (—15c.), 1900-5. Wyatt (M. D.) Fine art, 1870. — ^ (Essays, tSc). Afternoon leot. on lit. & a., 4v, 1864-9. Alarcon (P. A. de) Juicios, 1883. Beyle (M. H.) Melanges, 1867. Bonnafffi (E.) Causeries, 1878. Campori (march. G.) Lettere art. ined. (16-19C.), 1860. Carr (J. W. C.) Essays, 1879. Eastlake (C. L.) Contribs., 2s, 1848-70. Fairholt (F. W.) Rambles &c., 1871. Feuillet de Conches (F. S.) Causeries, 4t, 1862-8. Fierens-Gevaert. Nouv. essais, 1903. FranQois (R.), ps. Merreilles de nature, &c., 1632. Gautier (Theophile) Souv., 1883. Grimm (H.) Essays, 1859. 15 essays, Fl-3, 1875-84. Guizot. Et. s. beaux-arts, 1851 ; tr., 1853. Hamerton (P. G.) Portfolio papers, 1889. Harrison (F.) Realities &,c., 1908. Hazlitt (W.) Criticisms, 1843. Misc. essays, 1873 ; [.J' in Coll. wks., y9, 1903]. Hodgson (J. E.) Acad, lectures, 1884. Huysmans (J. K.) Certains, 1889. Jameson (A.) Mem. &c., 1846. Koch (J. A.) Mod. Kunstchronik, 1834. Kugler (F. T.) Kl. Schr,, 3T, 1853-4. Lenormant (C.) Bcaiix-arts &c., 2t, 1861. Lessing. Briefeantiq. Inhalts(1768), &c. [in Wke., B4, 5, 0, 1824 ; B8, 1855 ; B13, 1882-5 ; BIO, 1894]. Michel (E.) Etudes, 1895. Nouv, 6tudes, 1908. Morris (W.) Arcliit., &c., 1902. Nisbet (H.) Lessons, 1891. Where art begins, 1892. Palgrave (F. T.) Essays, 1806. Patterson (R. H.) Essays, 1862. Polehampton & Good. Gallery, yO, 1801. Prinsep (V. C.) 6 lectures, 1902. Rossetti (\V. M.) Fine art, 1867. Ruskin (J.) On old road, 1834-85, 2y, 1885; 99. Schlegel (A. W. v.) Krit. Schr., 2T, 1828. Scott (W. B.) Half-liour lect., 1867. Sedding (J. D.) Aj-t &c., 1893. Seeley (J. R.) Lect. &c., 1870; 95. Story (\V. W.) Excursions, 1891. Strong (S. A.) Crit. st., 1905. Symonds (J. A.) Ess.ays, 2y, 1890. Tieck. Phantasien [;» Wke., ear. ed.]. Voltaire. Lettres sur les arts [m Dern. vol. des ce,, 1862]. Wiseman (N. P. «.) Essays, v3, 1853; 88. Medlseval & Renaissance (see aiso history, above). Batissier (I-.) Hist, de I'a. mon., 1845. Crosnier (A.) Iconographie chret., 1876. Crystal Palace. Med. Court. 1854. Giry(A.)Traite •' De color. & art. Roman." [m B. de PEc. d. H. Et., Mel., 1878]. Art [cont'nnied]. Medlxral 4. Uifcr to Architecture, Byzantine ; Architecture, Italy, &c. ; Byzantine antiq. ; Constantinople ; Gold & silver work ; Illumination of MSS.; Eavenna ; Venice. Art, Canadian. Bouriiiot. l)ur iiitoll. strength, 1893. Art, Celtic, .viv Celtic antiquities. Art, Chaldaean, fir Chaldsea. Art, Chinese. Anderson (\V.) Pict. arts, 188G. Burlington F. A. C. : Jap. & C. wks. of a., 1878. Chinese Coll., St. Genrf/f's pi. Descr. cat. ; Langdon, 1848 [r220] ; 44. Feuillet de Conches. Causeries, t2 (La Ch.), 1H«2. Horschelniann (W. v.) Entw. d. altch. Ornanientik, 11107. Jacqnemart (A.) L'E.xtreme Or., Palais de I'Ind., 1874. [P783]. Pal6ologue (G. M.) 1/art ch., 1887. Pfizmaier. Kunstfertigkeiten &c. d. alten C, 1S71. [Philadelphia]. Descr. cat. of Ch. Coll., 1841. Var. .sinolog., see .1. C. Itefvr to China ; Painting ; Pottery. Art, Christian, .w Christian Art. Art, Coptic, see Egypt, Antiq. Art, Danish. !„int,'c (J.) Nutids-Kiinst, 1873. ItcfvT til Art, Scandinavian ; Sculpture, Danish. Art, Dutch & Flemish. Commissions Koy. (Belg.),Bull., 1868-78. Dohme (R.) Kunst, M.-A. u. Neuzeit, A. 1, 1877. Havard (H.) L'art lioll., 4v, 1879-81. Immerzeel. Levens en werken, 3d, 1842-3. Kramm. I.evens en werken, Gd, 1856-64. Moke (H. G.) Splendours, Belg., 1848. Passavant (J. D.) Kunstreise, Eng. u. Belg., 1833. Philippi(A.) Kun.stgesch. Einzeldarstell., B3, 5, 6 (15-1 7.T.). 1898-1901. Smith (J.) Cat. of wks., 8p, 1829-37. Taine(lI.A.)Pliil.derart. I'ays-Baa, 1809. Wurzbach (A. v.) Niederlilnd. Kiinstler- Lex., 1!1, 1900. Jl,-frr tn Architecture, Furniture. ' Painting. Belgium. Illumination Pottery. Drawings. of USS. ' Sculpture. Engraving. Art, Egyptian, sn- Egypt, Antiq. Art, English. Barrv(.l.) Inq. into obstructions ; - Tonnelle (A.) \'uyage art. en Angl., t2, 1800. Vallance (A.) Art dur. Elizab. &. Stuart per., 1908. Waagen (G. F.) Galleries, &c. ; tr., 1857. Kunstwerke kc, 3B, 1837-9 ; tr., 1838. Treasures, tr., 3v, 1854. Wedmore (F.) Studies, si, 2, 1876-80. Wilkins (yi.) Letter on patronage by Eng. Govt., 1832. [P90]. Year's art ; Huisli, 3v, 1890-92. Biographical Collections & Dictionaries. Graves (A.) Brit. Instit., 1800-G7 : diet., 1908. R.A. : diet., 1769-1904, 8v, 1905-6. Soc. of Artists, 1760-91, diet., 1907. Hodgson (J. E.) ,t F. A. Eaton. R. Acad. & members, 1768-1830, 1905. Redgrave (S.) Diet., 1874; 78. Sandby (W.) Hist, of R. Acad., 2v, 1862. liefer to sub-heading uiuler Art for general lliogr. coll. 4'- diM. Periodicals. Academy Notes ; Blackburn, 1878-1900. Fine arts quart, rev., 1863-7. Magazine of Art, 1878-1904. Portfolio (The), 1873-93. Studio (The), 1895 -. Societies {History of). Art Union of London, 1844-82. British Institution, see heading British Institution. Graves (A.) Soc. of Artists, 1760-91, &c., 1907. Laidl.iv (W. .1.) Origin of New Eng. Art Club." 1907. Society for promoting jirac. design, &c., 1838, [1'2621. Ili'frr til Architecture ; Art schools ; Book illustr. ; British Instit. ; Chan- trey bequest ; Drawings; Engraving; lUuminatiou of MSS. ; Ironwork ; Museums & art galleries ; Fainting ; Pottery ; Royal Academy ; Sculpture. Art, Eskimo, ace Eskimos. Art, Etruscan, see Etruscans & Etruria. Art, French. Baudelaire (C. P.) Curiosit63 (1845-59) [i« (E., t2, 1868; t2, 1900]. lircnil (A.) UCuvres d'art de Notre.Dame ilu Puy, d'Amiens [in S. d. A. de P., s2, I5.'is(;s|. Bricon (E.) Psych, d'art, 19s., 1900. Brownell (W. C.) Fr. art, 1892. Casati. Rcnai.ss. fr., 1450-1550, 1906. Ca.ssagno (A.) Tlif orie de l'art pour Part en Fr., 190(1. |B.] Clarotic (.1.) L'arl et los artistes fr. contenip,, |87(>. Diderot (D.) IVnsfies [in QC, tl2, 187G]. Thiinglits ; tr., 1893. nilke (E. F. S.)Art in mod. stale (17- 18c.), 1888. Art, French [continued]. Dilke (E. F. S.) Ronais.sance, 2v, 1879. Dohme (R.) Kunst, M.-A. u. Neuzeit, A3, 1880. Dreyfous (M.) Les arts icc.(l 789-95), n.d Essling & Miintz. PStrarquc, infl. » artistes. Sec, 1902. Fontaine (A.) Doctrines d'art en Fr. (17 & 18c.), 1909. GeflFioy (G.) Vie artist., 8s, 1892-1903. Genevay (A.) Style Louis XU' : C. Le Bnm (17c.), 1886. Gigoux (.7.) Causeries (19c.), 1885. Goncourt(E. de & J. de) L'a. du 18s., 3s, 1881 2; 95-6. Gonse (L.) L'art gothique, 1890. Halevy (J. F. F. E.) Souv., &c., 1861. Kingsley (R. G.) Hist., 1100-1899, 1899. KollofT(E.)SclilossA:c. v. Fontainebleiiu ; Renaiss. in Fr. [in Hist. Tbch., N.F.. 7, 1836]. Larroumct (G.) L'art ic I'fitat, 1895. Dern. portraits (19s.), 1904. Et., 4.S, 1893-6. Lechevallier-Chevignard. Styles fr.,1892. Lecoy de La Marche. Roi Ren6 (1409- 80)," 2t, 1875. Lemonnier (H.) Et. : temps de Richelieu &c., 1893. Mule (E.) L'art relig., m. dge, 1908. L'art r., 1.3s., 1902. Mauclair (C.) Id6es vivantes, 1900. Renan (J. E.) Beaux-arts au 14s. [in Le Clerc (J. V.) Hist, litt., t2, 1865]. Rigollot (M. J.) Arts du dessin en Picardie j. 16s. [in S. d. A. de P., M6m., t3, 1840]. Stenger(G.) Soc. (1799-1804), s5, 1907. Waagen (G. F.) Kunstwerke in Eng. u. Paris, T3, 1S39. "Witkowski. L'a. profane, tl, 1908. Acadimie h Rome. Algarotti (.-. ¥.) L'accad. [('« Op., t2, 1764; t3, 1779]. Sault (C. de) Essais (1861-3), 1864. Saunier (C.) Les gr. prix, 1896. Biographical Collections . M.) Siena, 1901. Rio (A. F.) De Part chr., 4t, 1861-7. Uumohr (C. F. v.) It. Forscli., 3T, 1827- 31. Ruskin (.7.) Schools of art in Florence [in Wks., v23, 1906]. Val d'Arno, 1874; 82; [.J- i,i Wks., v23, 1906], Selvatico (!'.) L'arte, 1870. Supino (I. B.) Arte pisana, 1901. Taine (H. A.) Phil, de Part en I., 1KG6. Testi ic Rodolioo. Arti figur., med. evo, 1907. 'I'liode (H.) F. von Assisi u. Kunst, 1885 ; 1904. Ticozzi. Diz. dei pittori, 2v, 1818. Venturi (A.) La Madonna, 1900. Storia, vl-6, 1901-8. Vita italiana (—19c.), 18v, 1892-1901. Willard (A. R.) Hist, of mod. I. a., 1898. Reaaissance. Brinton (S.) Renaissance, pl-9, 1903-8. Frizzoni (G.) A. it. del Rina.sc., 1891. Kraus (F. X.) Gesch. d. chr. Kimst, B2ii, It. Renaiss., 1908. Lanciani (R.) Golden days of Renaiss. in Itome, 1906. Miintz (E.) Arts A, la cour d. papes (1417-1521), pl-3i, 1878-82. Coll. des Medicis, )5.s., 1888. Hist., Renaiss., tl-3, 1889-95. Pr6ourseurs de la Renai.ss., 1882. Scott (L.) Renaissance, 1883. Symonds (J. A.) Renaiss., v3, 1897 ; 1902. Willllliii (II.) A. of It. Renaiss.; tr., 1903. Jii/rr to Architecture ; Art, Sicilian ; Coins; Engraving; Illumination of HSS. ; Mosaics; Niello-work; Faint- ing; Pottery; Renaissance; Sculp- ture; S' rarinus Kiiliuit I'tfii'n. Art, Japanese. Alcock (K.) Art &!•., 1878. AndiTson (\V.) Pict. arts, 188(i. As. Soc. of .T. 'I'l-ans., 1874—. Bowes (.1. I.,.) .lap. marks &c., 1882. Brinkley (K.) ,1. A; China, v7-8, 1904. Iiurlingtiin F. A. C. ; .1. and Chin. wks. of art, 1878. ,Tap. lao(|Uor kc, 1891. Cutler (T. W.) Gram, of J. ornament, 1 88(1. Dresser (C.) Jajian, 1.MS2. Ouret (T.) I.ivres .fcc. ilhist., 1900. Gonse (I>.) 1,'art j., 18S6. Huish (M. B.) Japan, 1889. Art, Japanese [nmtinued]. Jacqueraart (A.) 1,'Extreme Or. au Palais del'Ind., 1874. [P783]. ■larves (.J. J.) Glimpse, 1876. Jolv (H. L.) Legend in J. art, 1907. Kurth (J.) Utamaro, 1907. Netto (C.) & G. Wagener. J. Humor, 1901. Ok.akura(K.) Ideals, 1903; 04. Rtgamey (F.) .Tapan ; tr., 1893. Rein (,J. J.) Industries, 1889. Strange (E. F.) .T. colo\ir prints, 1904. .7. ilhistr., 1897. Tomk-inson (M.) ,7. coll., 2v. 1898. Zichv (A., Graf) Kunst d. J. [hi Literar. Bef. aus Ung!, B4. 1880]. 7tc/rr to Architecture; Enamels; Floral decoration ; lUnmin. of MSS. ; Painting ; Pottery ; Sword. Art, Javanese, n-e Art, Indo-Chinese &c. Art, Maori, .«« Maori race. Art, Moorish, .tic Art, Arabic &c. Art, Mozarabic, see Art, Arabic &c. Art, Norman. Soc. d. Antiq. do Normandie, 1825 — . ItefiT to Architecture ; Art, French ; Bayeux tapestry. Art, Norwegian. Norgc i .let, 19 .n.irli.. 2B. 1900. licl'er to Art, Scandinavian. Art, Persian. Burlington K.A.C. : P. ic Arab art, 1885. Dieulafoy (M.) L'art ant., iip, 1884-9. Gayet (A.) li'art persan, 1895. Perrot & Chipiez. Hist., to, 1890 ; tr., 1892. Smith (R. M.) P. art, 1876. Spiegel (F.) Iran, art [in Geiger (W.) Civil., v2, 1880]. Iteffr to Architecture ; Art, Ancient ; Persia ; Pottery ; Sculpture. Art, Phoenician, .«c Phoenicia. Art, Portuguese. Raczynski. Diot. hist.-arti.-^t. du P., 1847. Iliii-r to Architecture. Art, Roman. Allard (P.) L'art paien s. Ics emp. chr., 1879. Burn (R.) R. lit. in rel. to R. art, 1888. Goodyear (W. H.) R. & med. art, 1899. Heyne (C. G.) Orig. artinm et litt. in It. ant, [in Opusc, v5, 1802]. Pliny, eldor. Chaps, on hist, of art, w. Ir.,'l89i;. Raoul-Roehette (D.) I-ettre : Suppl. an cat. des. artistes, 1845. Sittl (K.) Arch. d. Kim.st, 1895. Spence (.7.) Polymetis, agreement of poets & a., 1774. Stahr (A. W. T.) Torso, 2t, 1878. ■\ViokholT (P.) Rom. art; tr . 1900. Hii'iT to Architecture ; Art, Ancient ; Illumination of MSS.; Industrial arts ; Painting ; Portraits ; Pottery ; Roman antiq.; Rome; Sculpture; Vases. Art, Russian & Slavonic. Imp. Mosk. Arc-h. Obsch., sic A. C. Imp. R. Arch. Obsch., ;iaii., ii.i., tl-12, i88i;— . Maskell (A.) R. art &c., 1884. Sncgirev(l. M.).!!/"!'!!!!.!!! K.ipTinrKii, 1861. iStJi.sov (V. V.) L'ornemont slave ic or., 1887. Strzvgowski. Miniaturen d. serb. Psalters (15c.), 1906. Violli'l-Li-nuc. T/art r., 1877. /,'rj', r to Architecture ; Painting. Art, Saracenic, .i" Art, Arabic &c. Art, Dice, de d.. Art, Scandinavian. Gan'or-Mil6s. Comment discerncr styles du 8-19 8., 3t, 18U6-8. Marks. Bowes (J. L.J.Iap. marks &c., 1882. BruUiot. Diet, de monogramnies, to-., 1817. Chaffers (W.) M, .'i;c, on pottery i:o,. roT. ed. Fagau (li,) Collectors' m„ 1883. Griisse (.1. ti. T.) Guide . Nagler (G. C.) Monogrammistcn &c.. 5B. 1858 79. r 3 ART 68 AEYAN Art Collecting & Sales [ivntinvcd]. Marks [ni/itiniiid]. Talliser (F. B.) China collector's comp., 1874. I'riiit collect!. r. ls| |. lie/er to Hall-marks. Prices aad ffecords of Sales. Art pi ices current, CInisties', l'MM-S,n.d. Blanc (A. A. P. C.) Tresor, cat. de vente (1737-1857) 2t, lHi,X. Dauze (P.) Ind- bibl.-iconogr. (1894-5), 2v, 18'J5-(>. James (K. N.) Painters, 3v. 189U-7. Mirem-. Diet, des rentes, lS-19s., 2t, 1901-2. Bedford (G.) Art sales, hist. (1468-1888), 2v. 1888. Roberts (W.) Mem. of Christie's, 17GG- 189(;. 2v. 1S97. Sale Catalogues. >•>'(■(• -1. ('. inidrr folUncing collertoTS' ■naiiioi. S'l'. Bernal (K.), 18;";.'.. Crichton (sir A.). 1827. [P727]. Uenisoii(C. B.), 188."i. Dickins (.C. J.). lilOH. Doetsch (H.). 189.".. Faure. 1873. Freeling (.«> F.). 1837. Gaignleres (F. K. de), 1717 [in Ec. des Ch., t.')3. 1892]. George W. F. C, d. of Cambridge, 1904. Goldsniid {sir J.), 189C>. Gott, Family of. 1897. Gough (K.). I.SIO. [P()91]. Hamilton Palace, see A. C. Helbing (H.) Galerie Henneberg, Ziirich, 1903. Holland (S. G.), 1908. Hope (A.). 1894. [P7(;9]. Katalog e. AVerkes A. Durer, ic, 1885. Laurent-Richard Coll.. 1873. Libri (G.). 18t;4. [PG38]. Ma-ssev-Mainwaring, 1904. Morrison (A.). 1898; Ruston (J.). 1898. Schiibart (M.), 1H99. Secretan (E.). 18S9. Sedelmeyer (C), 1907. Stowe ca"t., 1848. Strawberry Hill, 1842. AVhitehead (T. JI.), 1S9S. Sefer to Forgery & forgeries ; Furni- ture ; Museums & art galleries ; Pottery & porcelain. Art Kducation. Chesneau (E.) Ed. of the artist : tr., 1886. Cooke (E.) A B C of drawing, 1897 (c. 8447) [in P. P.. 1237]. Coward (S.) Brush work in elem. school, 1897 (c. 8447) [in P. P., 1237]. Peabocly (E. P.) Identific. of artisan & artist :' lect. of AViseman, 1869. [P243]. Tadd (J. L.) New methods, 1899. Woolley (.T.) l.c-ct.. 1S62. h' 1867. [P4,56]. Barker (T. C.) A. civilization, 1871. Butureanu. Cestiunea Arilor [in Acad. Romana. Anal.. tl8. 1st.. 1896]. Cox (G. W.) Jlythology, 2v, 1H70. Fragments of ante-hist. times. Aiians ident. w. .Scythians, 1858. [P747]. Hearn (W. E') A. household. 1879. Hirt (H.) Indogermanen, 2B, 1905-7. Huxley. A. q. SLc.[in Coll. es.=ays, v7.1894J^ Ihering (R. v.) Vorgesch., 1894 ; tr. (Evol.) 1897. Indogerman. Forschungen {k Anzeiger), 1892—. [B.] Justi (F.) I'rzeit d. Indogermanen [in Hist. Tbch., IV, 3, 1862]. " Leist (B. W.) Alt-ar. jus civ., 2A., 1892-G. Alt-ar. jus gentium, 1889. Max Muller. Biog. of words, &c.. 1888. Prehist. antiqs. [in Last essays, si. 1901]. Mever (E.) Gesch. d. Alterthums, Bl-5, 1S'S4-1902; Bli-ii, 1907-9. Michelis (E. de) L'orig., 1903. JIuir (J.) Trans - Himalayan orig. of Hindus. &;c. [in Orig. Sansk. texts. p2. I860]. Theories reg. Harvard St., 2T, AKTAN 69 ASIA Aryan Race [i-oniiniicd]. P;ini;i).ni.i (A. de). Temps li6ro'Kiues, I'.IOl. Pictet (A.) Oripines. 2p, 1859-63. Schmuit(J.)Urheiniathd.IndogCTmaneii, 18'.I0. Schrader (O.) Pioliist. antiq. of A. peoples ; tr., 1890. Reallex. d. indogerm. Altertunis- kniide, 1901. Spiaihvergl. u. Urgcseh., 1883. Seillii'ie. Phil, de I'imijerialisme, tl, 2, ] 903-5. Taylor (I.) Origin. 1889. Vacher de Lapouge. L'A., s. r61e snc, 1899. [B.] ]tcf'i-r to Civilization ; Ethnology ; History, Ancient ; Mythology ; Ke- ligion ; 'ind rnrti'iis cotnitrir.^ ,S' fares. Ascension, ,<( v Christology ; Fasts & Feasts. Ascension, island. Ciill (I),) i; iiiiiiitlis. 1878. /,'(■/;■/■ /(I Atlantic Ocean ; Colonies, English. Asceticism. Aiiseliii. .NY., cihp. Tract, asceticus (1 Ic.) [;« Migne. P. L., 158]. Athaiiasius, St. De virgiuitate; il>, i]. Isaiah, Kr/j/pt. mmth. Cajiitula (4c.) [in Migne, P. G.. 40]. .loamies, CVnnarus. Scila i)ai"adisi (Gc.) [in Migne, P. G., 88], Kempis (T., a) Opera (luc), 11115; sec aim A. C. Macarius, of Kf/i/pt, St. llcmiiliiu spirituales (4c.). see A. ('. Mark, anehorite. Opusc. (5c.) [in Migne, P. G., ()5]. Maximiis, confessor, laherascet. ; .J" o.p. (5c.) [//( Migne, P. G., 90]. Nici'jiliorus, nuimio/nts. Tract, de sohrict.ate &c. (1 4c.) [in Migne, P. G., 147|. Nicetus, Pcittoratiis. Practicorum, &c, cap. cpnturia", 3 (He.) [in Migne, P. G., 120]. Peter, Dantianvs. Opiiscula (lie.) [in Migne. P. L., 145]. Petrarch. De conli/miilu iiiiimli [in (Jp., tl, 15,54|. Pliilo. .Iiidiiiiis. Contemplative life (text). IK'.i.-, : [,(■ in Op., ear. ed. .J- tr.; tr, (Fr.) in Delaunay (II, K.) Moines, 1874]. Kilict (.r.) I/ascctique, 1905. ijinuMn, of St. Mama*. Capita practica &c. (lie'.) [in Migne, P, G.. 120]. Asceticism [rontiniird]. Tlieolejptiis. hp. De abscondita oper. (14c.) [in Migne, P. G., 14,3]. A'ersus de rebus asceticis(9c.?)[i»Migne, P. G., 10(!]. History. Asin Palaeias (M.) Algazel, 1901. Dictionnaire d'a. [in Migne, Encycl., s2, v45, 4(5]. Lucius (P. E.) Die Therapeuten u. i. Stellung in il. Gesrli. d. A.. 1879. Mosehus (J.) Pratum (\vr. 7c.) [in Migne. P. G., 87iii]. Pachomius, St., »ee A. C. Palladius, bp. Hist. Lausiacii (& Hera- clides. Paradisus). see A. (j. ; [4' in Meursius, Op.. v8. 174<)]. Roswevdus (H.) Vitae patruni. 18G2; [S- ('reMigne, P. L., 73-4]. Simeon, Stylites, younger, d. 59(), sec A. ('. Theodoret, bp. if Ci/rus. Kelig. hist. (5c.) [in Op., t3ii, 1771 : Migne, P. G., 82 ; P. L., 74]. Zockler(0.) Krit. Ge.sch., 18(13; 21!, 1897. IlLfer to Chastity. Fasting. \ Penance. Convents. Hermits. I Poverty. Essenes. Hesychasts. | Qnietism. Monasteries | Ascldia. Alder (.7.) A: A. llaiici'Ck. Brit. Tunicata, vl. 2, 19115-7. Herdman (W. A.) Ascidians &.C., 1904. H(>p. on Tunicata [in Challenger, Hop. : Zool.. v(), 14, 1882-li]. Reichert. Z. Anatoniie d. Schwanzes d. A. — Larven [in Kon.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1.S75]. Willey (A.) Ampliinxus &c.. I s;i4. [B.] Itehr fn Marine zoology. Ascoli Piceno. 8fnitTnrcllo ((i.) I,:i I'alna. Ancona &c.. ISIIK. y.V/'cr III Marches, The, Italy. Ashango-Iand, .ler Congo, French. Ashanti. Beecliani (.7.) A. &c., is 11. Bowdich (T. E.) Mi.ssioii (1817). 1.S19 ; 73. Dupuis (.7.) Journal, 1824. Freeman (R. A.) Travels, 1898. Frecnum (I'. B.),7ournal (1839-42), 1843; (1839-1.3), 1844. Il.-iyford (,I. E. C.) Gold Coast &c., 1903. Huttou (W.) Vovage, 1K21. Riims(yer,Sc Kiiline. 4yrs.(18ti9-72),1875. History. Bracki'uliury (H.) & G. I.. Ilnyshe. Kami Ix. A.. 1873. Dalrymplc-Hav. A. i:o., 1874. Reindorf (C. C.) Hist. (1500-I8(!0), 1895. Septiins (A.) Les exp6d. ang., 1873-9(;, 1891;. (War. 1824 31). Ri95; [,)'-(x/r. (« KeiT(R.) Gen. hist., vO, 7. 1S12]. Forbes (.\. G.) Umpires .t cities of A., 187:{. Gut.schmid (A. v.) Kt. Sclir.. B3, 1892. Hannah (I. C.) Hi.st. of E. Asia, 1900. Klaproth. Tableatix hist., ls2t). Mahan (A. T.) I'roblem, 1900. Pari, papers, see Turkey, Asiatic, in s^peeial eat. Renuisat (.7. P. ,\.) Xouv. mchni-cs, 2t, 1.H29. Ritter (C.) Erdkunde, 2IT, 1^22-59. Soci6te As. .lournal asi:it., 1.><22-(J8. Town6end(.M.) A. .'v Knro|)c\ 1901 ; 03. Itefer to Caliphate ; Eastern question ; Far East ; History; /or/;™. /( isl.) ; Mon- gols ; Oriental hist. ; .'y ear. coiintriet. Periodicals A Societies. Asi.itic aTuiual register, 179'.>-1811. Asiatic journal, l.sHi 15. Asiatic Soc. of P.cng.il. Asiatic re- searches. I7s.s-i.s:!(;. Tour., 1832-75. Chinese repository, 1832-44. Imperial & As. ipiart. rev., 18S(i — . Pliicnix (I'he). 1.S70-3, Roval As. See. .lourn.il, 1834—; Trans., 1S27-35. .Scottish g<'ogr. m.'ig.. 1K85 — . Socicte As. .loiMn.'d .-i^i.-il.. 1S22 US. Social lite, see Folk-lore; Oriental social life. Topography. .lohnston (A. K.) Sh. geogr., l.'*93. Pctcrmanns Jlitth., 1855—. Keclus. Nouv.geog.,t(;-9, 1881 4;lr. «.rf ASIA 70 ASIA Asia [cn,itiniifrl1. Topography [cnuti/liirfl]. Hennell (J.) Tr. on coinp. geogr. of W. A., 2v, 1S31. Ritter (C.) Asia [(« Kuight (C.) Store, LS41]. Erdkunde, 21T, 1822-59. 3e\i.ieB'BAtuie A., 1877. Si'idik, Isfafmni. Geogr. wks. (17c.) ; tr., 1832. Stanford. Compend. ; Keane, 1882 ; 2v, 1896; 1906-9. —— {Ancient & medlxvaf). Bretschncider (E.) Med. researches, 13- 17c., 2v, 1888. Edrisi. Geogi-aphie (12c.) ; tr., 2t, 1836- 40. Fa-Heen. Foe kouC ki, rel. d. royaumes bouddh. (399-414) ; tr. Kemusat, 1836 ; tr. Legge (text & tr.), 1886 ; tr. Beal [/« Heuen-Tsang, Hi-yu-ki, vl, 1884]. Hetouni. Florde la terre d'Or. (c. 1307), 1585; 1906; [c)' (« B.N. , Notices, 38i]. Heuen-Tsang. Si-yu-ki (629-45), var. tr.. nfc A. C. Ibn Haukal. Or. geogr. (10c.) ; tr., 1800. I-Tsing. Mem. (7c.); tr. Chavannes, 1894. Sung-Yun & Hwei iSAng. Mission (618- 21 ; tr. Beal) [in Heuen-Tsang. Si- yu-ki, vl, 1884]. Williams (J.) 2 essays on geogr. of anc. A., 1829. Travels, &c. (Collections, ions, 1897. Ross (L.) Kleinasien i:c., 18.".0. Russegger (J.) Reisen, 5B, 1x11-8. Scott-Stevenson. Our ride, 1881. Sclou.s (F. C.) Sport &c., 1900. Skene (.1, II.) Anadol, 1853. Spratt iV: Forbes. Travels in Lycia, A:c., 2v, 1847. Sykes (,M.) nar-\d-Islam, 1004. Taylor (li.) Pii;turc^, 1855. Tchihatcheflf (P. do) I'ago, 1877. Asia Minor [conthiiuJl. Travels, &c, [continiicd\. Tchihateheir (P. de) Reisen, 1847-63, 1S67. Tozer (H. F.) Turk. Armenia &c., 1881. Van Leuncp (H. J.) Travels, 2v, 1870. Walker (JI. A.) East, life i:c., v2, 1886. Wittman (VV.) Travels, 1799-lSOl, 1803. nrfc-r 111 Alexan- Geology. Oriental dretta. Kar- social life. Assos. Zemish. Pergamon. Brusa. \ Kizil- Phrygia. Cappadocia. J Irmak. Pontus. Caria. Levant. Smyrna. Cilicia. , Lycia. Trebizond. Cyprus. j Mediterra- Troy. Ephesus. I nean sea. Turkey. Oalatia. I ; Zeitun. Asiatic Literatures, .w Oriental literatures. Asiatic Races, » > Asia ; Ethnology. Askja. Lock (y> . G.) A., Iceland's largest vol- cano, 1881. Itcfcr to Iceland ; Volcanoes. Asphalt. [Exhibitions, Paris, 1867]. Rep. of U.S. Comm., v4, 1870. Simms (F. W.) Ob^., is:!7. [P108]. liefer to Building materials ; Minera- logy ; Pavements. Assam. Asiatic Researches, v] 7, 1833. [A.] Census, 1881, 1891, see A. C. Assam code, 1897. A. Rep. on admin., 1894/5, 1900/1-1904/5. Barker (G. M.) Tea-planter's life, 1884. [Bengal]. East. B. i: A. code, 3v, 1907. Elochnjann(n.) Koch Bihar, &c.,16 &. 17o. [(•« As. Soc. of Bengal, J., v41i, 1872]. Flex (O.) Pllunzerleben, 1873. Heniiiker (F. C.) Gold & silver wares, 1905. Hunter (W. W.) St.-it. ace, 2v, 1879. Pollok & Thorn. Wild sports, 1900. Stack (E.) The Jlikirs, 190S. [B.] Ite/tr to Bengal ; India ; Manipur ; Mishmi ; Naga hills. Assamese Literature. [Bilile : Assaui]. 11. ; tr., v5, N.T., 1820. ItiffT to Indian literatures. Assassination, s-r Murder ; Trials. AssasBins. Giiyaril (S.) I'n. gr Hani mer- Purgstall . tr., 1835. Lebev-de-Bat illy. [in Leber, Coll., 120, 1838]. Sacv. Dvn.-istie des A., &c., 1818. W.-d'pole (K.) Ansayrii. vVc, 3v, 1S5I. liefer in Mohammedans & Moham- medanism; Secret Societies. Assault, ."> > Law ; Trials. Assaying,.vv Gold ; Metals & Metallurgy. Assemblde Constituante, 1789 91, see Assemblce Nationale, 1789-92. 1848 9, .<>(' French republic. Second. Assemblce Legislative, 1791-2, see Assemblee Nationale, 1789-92. 1849 5 1,,*!! French republic. Second, Assemblce Nationale, 1789-92. Contemporary works. Archives pari,, »1, tl-72 (1787-93), l,-<79 I',I0.S. Bibliutliiim Lindesiana : Collations, no. 6 : Hull, de I'A. naf,, .Sep,, 1792, 1902. niaitre des A., 1877. Hist, of the A. ; Tr. de I'orig., Ili03 AssembldeNationale,1789-92[cvint.] Contemporary Works [eont i n iietl]. Cliar.ivay (E.) .\ss. fleet, de Paris, 1790-2.' Procfes-verb., &c., 2t, 1890-4. Chassin (C. L.) Elections & cahiers de Paris, 1789, 4t, 1888-9. Courrier de Paris, &c., 1789-90. Courier de Provence, 1789-91. Ferriferes (m. C. E. de) Mfm., Ass. constit. ice, 3t, 1821-2. France. Collection gfin. des decret-s, 1789-92, 24t, 1790-92. Procfes-verb. du Com. d'iustr. de I'A. Ug. (1791-2), 1889. Granie(P.)Hist.des6tats-g(>n„ 1789, 1814. Journal de I'A. N. (1791-2), tl-17, 1791-2, Lacretelle. Prfcis, tl-2, 1813-5. Lameth (A. de) Hist. (1789-90), 2t, 1828-9. Legg (L. G. W.) Sel. doc. : Constit. assembly, 2v, 1905. Liste des deputes, A. N. legisl. [in Buchez ic Roux, Hist, pari., tl2, 1834]. Mirabeau. Coll. des trav. ^ I'A. N., 5t, 1791-2. Lettres i. s. commettans [in Courier de Prov., tl, 1789]. Mem. sur M., sec A. C. Moniteur uuiv., tl-13, 1840-42. Kabaut St. Etienne. Disc. (1789-93) [in ffi., t2, 1826]. Table des decrets (1789-91) [in (E., t2, 1826]. Revolutions de Paris (1789-93); Prud- homme, 17t, 1789-94. Rivarol (A.) Journal polit. [in CE., t4, 1808 ; t2, 1880]. Robiquet (P.) Personnel municipal do Paris (1789-91), 1890. Later Wks. Aulard. L'eloquence ; L'A. constit., 1882. L'eloquence : La Legislative, Sec, 2t, 1885-6. Chanq)ion (E.) La Fr,, 1789, 1897. Gomel (C.) Hist, fiuanc, 1789-91, 2t, 1896-7. Hist, finauc, 1792-5, 2t, 1902-5. Jainfts (J.) Hist, socialiste, tl-2 (1789- 92), n.d. Laniarline (A. de) Hist., 1789. Les Constituants, 2t, 1854. Serment du jeu de paume (1789) [in Francs propos, l,S(;:j), liefer to French revol. ; Louis XVI ; Tiers 6tat. Assemblce Nationale 1848-9, t.-e French republic. Second, Assemblce Nationale, 1871-6, see French republic. Third, Assemblies Provinoiales. Coniloicct (III. de) A. piuv., 1788 [in IE., t8, 1847]. Lavergne (L. dc) Les A. prov. (1778-87), 1864, Jtefer to France, Constitution ; Local govt, ; Taxation, Franco. Assembly of Divines, .«,v Westminster Assembly. Asserbo. [K.uig, X. Oldskr.-Solskal.]. A'c-stiKos. 1 s.V., /i,fer to Denmark ; Zealand. Assessment, sn Taxation. Assiniboia, see Canada. Assiniboine, neer. llmd (U. Y) Red River cxjicd. kc 1857 8, 2v, lsi;o. Jlefer to Canada. Asslnie, .pslii'n'. M'ascy (G. J,.) Our anc. parishes, 18S9. lUfcr to Shropshire. Aston Flamvile, Liiccsier. Nichols (.J.) Hist, ami autiq., 1787. lle/cr to Leicestershire. Astorga. Espana saprada ; I'lorez, tld. 1787. Hefcr to Leon. Astrakhan, .-v t Kalmucks ; Khazara ; Bussia. Astrolabe. Chaiic-fr (G.) Astrolabe, 1872 ; y-i« Wks., rar. id.; C. Soc, 1872]. Hennaniius Cnntraciug. De meusura a. (lie.) [in Migne, P. L., 143; Fez (B.) Thes., t3ii, 1721]. Lihfclln.s de a. (8c.) [in .Migiie, P. L., 90, Beda]. W'oepcke. Ub. e. arab. A. \_iit Kcin.-Pr. Ak., AbhiU., 18.-)8]. Jtifir to Astronomical instruments ; Astronomy. Astrology. Baughau (K.) Infl. of stars, 1889. Bouchu-Lcclerque. Hist., tl, 1879. Bralie (T.) Op. (llic), 2p, llil8. Butkr (J.) 'A-}iaiTTpo\oyla, 2\). 1080. Calvin. Cuiitre I'a. jiiclic. [in Op., v7, 1,8(!8; tr. in Op., t8,'l(;(;7]. Camaterus (J.) i'oeine (12s.) [in B.N., Notices, 23]. Cardaiio (G.) Opera, t5, 1063. Celestin (C.) Glioses raerveill. ; tr., 1557. Cockayne (T. O.) Lccchdonis &. star- craft"of early Eng., 3v, 1864-0. Constant (L. A.) Haute magie, 2t, 1801. Fiscliart (J.) Aller Praktik Grossmutter (1572), 1870. [P701]. Gerson (J. C. de) Op. (14-1 5c.), tl, 1706. Ciuide ])Our lendre propice I'fitoile; tr. < c Astronomy. Astronomical Instruments. Adams (G.) Uescr., use, t>cc. of Hadley's quadrant k. sextant, 1789. [P145]. Chambers (G. F.) Hdbk., v2, 1890. Chauvenet (W.) Spher. and pract. a., v2, 1891. Fine (O.) De solaribus liorologiis, 1500. Lockyer (J. N.) Stargazing, 1878. Ritchey (G. W.) Mod. reflect, telescopes, &c., 1904. Bobcrtus. Anglicus. Trait6 du quadrant (13s.) [in B.X., Notices, 35ii]. Rogers (J. A.) Correction of sextants [in S.I., Mi.sc. Coll., v34, 1893]. S&lillot. Instr. d. Arabes, 1844. llij'ir to Astrolabe ; Astronomy ; In- struments ; Math, instr.; Telescope. Astronomy. Atlases & Maps. Ball(,K. S.) Alias, 1,S92. Lubbock (J. \\ .) Stars ; Dayman, n.d. Peck (W.) Pop. hdbk. &,c., 1890. Proctor (11. A.) Half-hours, 1809. New star a., 1872. Star a., 1870. Stars, 1806. Bibliography. llolden (E. S.) Index Ciit., NebuheAo clus- ters, .vc. [in S.L. Misc. coll., vl4, 1878]. Internat.cat.of sci. lit. Astr.. vl-0. 1903-8. AVinl.ick (',V. C.) Bibl. for 1887 [in S.L, Misc. coll., v31, 1S93]. Biographical Colleclloas. Arago (1). F. J.) Biog. (2c. u.c.-19c.) [in (E , t3, 1855]. Ball(B.S.)Gt.a,str(jnomers(2-19c.).1895. Dunkin (E.) Obit, notices (19c.), 1879. M(.rl..n (K. J. C.) Heroes, 18H2. Biographies, .<«■ -I. ('. under: — Araj,'n(jJ.F. J.), 1786-1853; [,yin/i.]Mog., 1857]. Aratus, o/Sidi. 3c.B.C. [in Migne,P.G.,19]. Bailly (.J. S.). 1730-93 [in Anigo, (E., 12, 1854; tr. 1857]. Baily (F.), 1771 1844 [in Herschel, Es.siys, 1K57|. Bainbridge (,).), 1582-1643 [in Smith ('lb.) Vil.u'. 1707]. Behaim (M.). 14.59-1.506 ; [in Pigafelta, Voy. ; tr., 1801], Bradley (J.). 10'.I3-1762. Bralie (T). 1.546-1601 ; [,<■ in Brewster (I).) Martyrs, 1874; Gussendi, Op., t5, 16.58]. Astronomy [emitimied]. Biographies {continued]. Briggs (II.). 1561-1030 [/« Smith (Th.) ^■itae. 1707]. Cassini (o. J. O. de). 1748-1845. Copernicus (N.), 1473-1543; [.J' /» Gas- seudi, Op., t5, 1058 ; Lichtenberg, Schr., B5, 1867]. Ferguson (J.). 1710-76. Flamsteed (J.). 104(;-1719. Galileo, 1564-1642 ; [S' in Blot, Mel., t2, 3, 1858; Brewster, Martyrs, 1874; Caird (J.) Iniv. addr., 1N98; is'eue Pitaval(D.). N.S., B24. 1890 ; Villari (P.) Arte, &c., 1884; Zeller. Vortr., S2, 1877]. Gould (B. A.), 1824-90. Greaves (J.). 1002-52 [in Misc. wks., vl, 1737; Smith (Tli.) Vifce, 1707]. Hamilton (.v/r W. K.), 1805-05. Heiscliel, i'amili/of. Herschel (Carolina L.). 1750-1848. Henschel (.•-ir.T. F. \V.). 1792-1871. Herschel («/>W.), 1738-1822 ; y- in Arago (F.) Biog., 1857]. Horrocks (J.), 1017-41 [in h. " Transit of Venus"; tr.. 1868]. Huygens(C.). 1029-95. Kepler (J.), 1571-16.30; [,?• /rt Op., v8ii, 1871 ; Brewster (D.) Martvrs, 1874 ; Sigwart (C. v.) Kl. Selir., "lU, 1889 ; St-iudlin. Beitr., Bl, 1797]. L;inglcy (S. P.), 1834-1900 [i« S.I., Misc. coll., v49. 1907]. Laplace (P. S. de), 1749-1827 [in Arago (F.) Biog., 1857]. Miiller (J.), 1436-76 [in Gassendi, Op., t5, 1658]. Newcomb (S.). 1857—. Newton (air L), 1042-1727 ; [^J- in Biot, Mel, tl. 1858 ; Voltaire, (E., t31, 1785; tl9, 1818 ; 122. 1879]. Peuerbach (G. v.), 1423-61 [in Gassendi; Op., t5, 1058], Pritchard (C), 1 808-93. Ward(S.), bp., li;i7-89. Wren {sir C), 1032-1723. Dictionaries. Gore (J. E.) A. glossary, 1893. JC'han (L. F.) Diet, d'a., i:c. [(« Migne, Encycl.. si, \42). History (Ancient & Medlxral). Bailly (J, S,) Hist, de I'a, anc. 1781. Brown (K) Heseaiches, Gr., Pheen. i Babyl., 2v, 1899-1900. Buttuiann. Eiitst. d. Sternbilder aut d. griech. Sfiire [i« Kiin.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1.S20]. CuperuR. Harpocrates [in Poleni, Thea., v2, 1737]. Dolambrc. Hist, de I'a. anc, 2t. 1817. Hist., moy. itge, 1819. Dnimmond (W.) lEdipus Judaicus, »<•<• I.e. Dupuis (C. F.) De la sph^re [in Orig., tOii. 7, 1795; 19, 10, 18;i6|. Origin des coiistellatious [in Orig., t9, 1830 J. Kbiier (E.) Geogr. Hinwciseic. in Plu- tarclis " De facie in orbe hiiiae." I'.tOO. F'lainmarion (C.) A. myths, 1877. Formalioni (V. A.) Storia d. navig. 4:0., v2. 1789. Frfret (N.) HiMlexions [in (E., tlC, 1790]. Meier. Ub. Eudoxus (4c. li.c). 2 Ablli. |in Kiinig.-Preuss. Ak.id., AbluU., 1828; :toj. Lrspruiig d. .Sliriinanien. 1809. Lareher. Obs. astr. envoy('es il Ari.itote par Callistb(''ne, 1818, ASTRONOMY 74 ASTRONOMY Astronomy Ironthuied]. History (Aacleat ; Gronovius, Thes., t5, lOiiO]. Troploiig. Kepnbl. [in Acad, des Sci. Mor., Menis., s2, t8, 1852]. Wbibley (L.) Pol. parties (4:i2- 404), 1889. Xcnoplion. Atlieii. resp. [;« 0}^.,var.cd. Atr.; Ojiusc, 1778]. De reditibus [in Op., var. cd. 5-G. Petersen (J. C. W .) Quaistiones, 1880. Plutarch. Do gloria Atheniensium [in Moralia, rar. cd. \ tr.]. Kiiwlinson (G.) Early hist. (—tic. B.C.) [in Herodotus; tr. K., v3, I'ar. ed.]. Rotscher (H. T.) Aristophanes u. s. Zeitalter, 1827. Schmidt (F. S., v.) Colonie tgypt. ^ Athenes [(« Arch., vl, 1779]. Schmidt (W. A.) Perikl. Zeitalter, 2E, 1877-9. SeguierdeSt.-Brisson. Miltiade&c.,1845. Sigonius (C.) De rep. Ath. : De temp. Ath. [in h. Op. t5, 173(); Gronovius, The.s., to, 1(!99]. Sunilv.'aU (.J.) Epigraph. Beitr., Zeita. d. Demosthenes, 19U(i. Wachsmuth (C.) Stadt A. im AH., Bl, 2i, 1874-90. Wilaniowitz-MoUendorf. Aristoteles u. A., 2B, 1893. Wright (.1. H.) Date of Cvlon (7c. B.C.) [in Harvard St.. v3, 1892J. Young {sir \\.) Hist. (—328), 178G. Spirit of A., 1777; si;. Itcfcr to Greek history, Ancient. (Ancient Writers). ./Eschines, t/ic orator (389-314 B.C.), see A. C. Andocides (5-4c. B.C.), see A. €. Antiphon (d. 411 B.C.), see A. C. Aristotle. De republica A., see A. C. Aristides (jE.) Qua; sup., rar. ed. Cleidemus. Fragmenta (5c. B.C.), 1812. Demades (4c. B.C.), sec A. C. Demo. Fragmenta (4-3c.), 1812. Demo.sthenes (383-322 B.C.), see A. C. Dinarchus (c. 3B1-280), see A. C. Isanis (4c. B.C.), sec A. C. Isocrates (5-4c.), see A. ('. Ister. Fragmenta, 1812. Keil (B.) Anon. Argent. (5c. B.C.), 1902. Lycurgus (4c. B.C.), tee A. C. Lysias (5-4c. B.i), see A. V. Oratores Attiei ; Bekker, 4t, 1822-3; Miiller, 2v, 1847-58. Oratores Gr. ; Keiske, 12v, 1770-5. Pliaiiodemus. Fragmenta, 1812. I'hilochorus. Libroruiii fragni., see A.C [,<■ emnm. Boeckh. Plan der Atthis in Kiinig.-Preuss. Akad., Abhdl., 1832]. Thucydidcs. Do bello Pelopon. (431-411 B.C.), see .L ('. Xonophon (Ic), sec A. C. Medlteval. Antonin (Arohimandrife). (1 Xpiiir. iia.tiiircaxii in. A., 1874. Bute (J. P. C. S., m. of) Xtn. mens, [in E. on for. subj., 1901]. Gregorovius (V.) Geseh. (5-15 J.), 2B, 1889. Labordc (w. L. de) Docs. (15-17s.), 1854. Mich;icl, Clioniatcs. Hvpomnesticon ad Alcxium (13c.) [in .Migne, P. (;., 140]. Wcstlake. Anc. paintings in churches of A. Ira Arch., v51i, 18K.S]. Parthenon. lioutiiiv (E.) Le P.. 1897. Daviil.son (T.) P. frieze &c.. 1RS2. Fergusson (J.) P. : mode by wli. light was introd., 1NX3. K. Dent. Airh. Inst. Jbch., 1880—. [B.] Lelb.iby (\V. K ) Gr. buildings, p3, 1908. Lloyd (\V. W.) East, pediment, n.d. [Pr>40J. Athens & Attica [continued]. Parthenon [continued']. Lloyd (W. W.)Gen. theory of proportion^ 18(;3. [P7(i7]. Panathenaic frieze, 1854. [P513]. Michaelis (A. T. F.) Der P., 2v, 1870-1. Muller (C. O.) De fa-stigio [in De Phidiae vita, 1827]. MuiTay (A. S.) Sculptures, 1903. Omont (H.) A. au 17s. : Sculptures, 1898. Visconti (E. Q.) Op. var., v3, 1830. Itcfer to Sculpture, Greek. Social Life (Ancient). Ahrens (F. H. L.) De A. statu (141! n.c- 192 A.li.), 1829. Bryant (A. A.) Boyhood & youth [in Harvard st., vl8, 1907]. Biittner (H.) Gesch. d. pol. Hetiirieen(b 403), 1S40. Capes (W. W.) Univ. life, 1877. Croiset (M.) Aristophane & les partis It At., 190(;. Dantu (G.) Opinions &c. d'Aristophane, 1907. Gcllius(A.) Noctes Attica; (2c. A.l>.), var. ed. ,f tr. Girard(P.) L'Cduc. 5 & 4.s. av. J. C, 1891. Godley (A. D.) Socrates & Ath. soc, 1896. Helbig (W.) Les'Iirre?! ath6n., 1904. Hertzberg (G. F.) Gesch. Gr., T3 (211- 5(!5), 1H75. Jacobs (F. C. \V.)Y. d. Hetiiren [in Schr.. B4, 1830]. Mahall'y (J. P.) Soc. life (to 4c. B.C.), 1874; 77; 1902. Meursius (J.) Op., vl, 2, 1741-44. Mommscn (A.) Fcste, 1898. Heortolo^de, 18(i4. Reiteiiieier (J. F.) Beantwortung, Lu.xus, 1782. Rous (F.) Archaeol. 1.7, 1G54 ; 58. Tucker (T. G.) Life in anc. A.. 1907. Jtiii r to Greek social life, Ancient. Topography, sec Antiquities, al/occ. Travels, Ac. Bory de Saint-Vincent. Hel. du voy., 2t, 183(1-8. Breton (E. F. P. H.) Athines, 18G2. Carnarvon (H. J. G., e. of) Reniin., 1839. 18(19. MauiTas(C.) Anthinea, 1901. Moiiy ((;. lie) Lotties athen.. 1887. Thomas (.1. I,.") Undci-grad.'s trip, 1,^81. WoiiUworth (V.) A. A: A.. 1.S3(;. Ji'c/cr III Aegina ; Daphni ; Eleusia ; Greece ; Laurium ; Vari ; ,<■ for other references refer to Urccfc. Athletics, see Gymnastics ; training. Athlone, W'estmeath. Joly (,f, S.) Old bridge, 1881. 1 Slory of our bell. 1.S.S1. Pari. iia]ieis (I. 827-33). see sjici Jtcfer to Leinster ; Boscommon. Athos. Barthelemy (A.) Philosophc, 18(;4. Comnenus (.).) Descr. mentis A., 1708. Curzon (K.) Visits. 1849. Imp. Kom. aurea bulla pro mon.ast. Xen.potami(924)[ra Migne. P. G., 113]. KoTfiAo^oy Tittv ^v "Mofvi fii$\to6ijKuiv [in Snthas, tl, 1872]. Neyrat (A. S.) L'Athos, 1880. P;ilamas (G.) Vita S. Petri (7o.) [in Migne. P. (i., 150]. Philotheus, jxitr. of Cji. Priyile^iiim jiro epise. Ilieris.si (14c.) [in Mitrne, P. G., 154]. Pischon (C. N.) Mcinchsrepublik [in Hist. Tbch., IV, 1, 18(10]. Physical fPlOl.3]. rial cut. ATHOS 78 AUCTION Athos [co?itiniied]. Biley (J. A. L.) Athos, 1887. Schmidtke (A.) Klosterland, 1903. Vogue (v. E. JI. de) Syrie, Mt. A., 1S76. Jlffer to Hesycliasts ; Macedonia ; Monasteries. Athribis. I'etrie (W. M. F.) Atliribis, 1908. Itefer to Egypt. Atina. Breve chron. A. eccl., ab a. 1 Julii C.-esaris ad 1355 [in Ughelli (F.) Italia, tl, lt;44]. Muratori, Rer. It. scr., t7, 1725. Itcfer to Campania : Caserta. Atlantic Ocean & Islands. Benjamin (S. G. W.) A. islands, 1878. Des Barres. A. Neiitune, 4v, 1777-81. Fry (H.) Hist, of N. A. steam navig., 1.S9C). Purdy (J.) Mem., chart of N. Ocean, &c., 1S20 ; til. Mem., new chart, 1821. Thomson (C. W.) "\'oy. of " Challenger," 2v, 1877. Webster (\\. H. B.) Voy. to S. A., 1828- 30, 2v. 1834. Jtefer to Ascension ; Azores ; Canary Islands : Cape Verde Islands ; Falk- land Islands ; Madeira ; Rockall Is- land ; Saint Helena ; Saint Paul, Is- land ; Tristan da Cunha ; Voyages. Atlantis. Anmdell of Wardour. Secret of Plato's A., 1885. Bailly (J. S.) Lettres, 1779. Diderot (D.) Lettre, 17(52 [in (E., t9, 1875]. Donnelly (I.) Atlantis, 1885 ; n.d. Martin "(T. H.) Diss. [(« Et. s. le Timee de Platnn, tl, 1841]. Moreau de Jonnes. L'oceau des anc, 1873. Rosnv (L. L. de) L'Atlantide hist., 1902. Scharff (R. F.) A. problem [in K.I.A., Proc, v24, 1902-4]. Scott-Elliott (W.) Story, 189G. Unger (F.) Versunkene Insel [i)i Gesamm. naturwiss. Vortr., 1870]. Wilson (D.) Lost A., 1891. Ilcfcr to Geography, Ancient. Atlas, mountains. Blanckenhorn. Geognost. Verhiiltnisse, Tl, 1888. Harris (W. B.) Tafilet, 1895. Hooker (J. D.) & J. Ball. Tour, 1878. Schnell (P.) Marokkan.Atlasgebirge.l 892. Thomson (J.) Travels, 1889. Wetter (.J.) Mythus v. A. &c., 1858. [1'4(;7]. Ittfer to Morocco ; North Africa. A. 'til 3iS GS Andree'(R.) AUg. Handatlas, 1887. Arrowsmith (J.) Lond. atlas, 1840. Bartholomew (J. G.) A. of commerc. geog., 1889. Berghaus (H.) Physik. Atlas, 1892. Blaeu 0^'- '^ J) 'i'he;itre du Monde, 5p, 1(138-54. Bodenehr (H. G.) Totius terr. orbis geogr., 1(182. Bromme (T.) Atlas zu Humboldt's Kos- mos, 1861. Colton (J. H.) Gen. atlas, 18G0. ■Gazetteer of world. Comp. a. ; Swans- ton, 1852-60. Harrow athis, 185(5. Johnston (A. K.) Phys. a., 1848. Royal atlas, 1879. School a., 1871. Atlases [co-ntiimcd^. Le Rouge. Recueil, 1749. Malte-Brun. Precis ; Atlas, 1837. Manual of geogr. sci.. Atlas, n.d. Marga (A.) Geogr. raiht., 2t, 1884-5. National atlas ; Jolmston, 1849. Nordenskiold. Facsimile-A. (15 16c.); tr., 1889. Kaynal (G. T. F.) Hist, des Eur. dans les 2 Indes, Atlas, 1780. Sonnenschein & Allen's relief a., 1880. Spruner (C. v.) Hd. -Atlas, As., Afr., Am. u. Aust., 1853. Stanford. London atlas, 1882; 9G. Stieler (A.) Hand- Atlas, 1891 ; 1905. "Times" atlas, 1900. Refer tn Astronomy ; Geography ; Maps; Meteorology; Physical geo- graphy; ,<• fiirioiii contini'ntstS' coun- tries. Atmosphere, sic Air ; Climate ; Meteoro- logy. Atoms & Atomic Theory. Bayma (J.) Elems. of molec. mechanics, 1866. Boyle (R.) Origin of forms Sec. ; .J' a.p. [in Wks., 5v, 1744]. Brown (S.) Lectures, 2v, 1858. Clerk-Maxwell. Sci. papers, v2, 1890. Cornelius (C. S.) Gmndziige e. Mole- cularphysik, 1866. Dalton (J.), scr A. C. Daubeny (C. G. B.) lutr. to a. th., 1850. Drossbach (M.) Harmonie d. Ergebnisse d. Naturforschung &:c., 1858. Euler (L.) Rech. phys. s. moindres parties de la matifere ; <(• o.p. [in Opusc, tl, 1746]. Fischer, tjb. d. Atomenlehre [in Kon.- Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 182K]. Fournier d'Albe. Electron theory, 1906. Kant (I.) Monadolog.. 1756 [iaWke., To, 1839 : Bl, 1867 ; Suppl., 1878 ; Schr., Bl, 1902]. Kelvin. Pop. lects., vl, 1889 ; 91. Lodge (0. J.) Electnms, 1906. Lotze. Streitschr., Hft. 1, 1857. Masson (J.) A. t. of Liicretius, 1884. Meyer (L. v.) Mod. theories ; tr., 1888. Moller (F.) Leben d. A., 1861. Newlands (J. A. B.) Discov. of periodic law, &c.. 1884. Roscoe (H. E.) & A. Harden. Entst. d. Dalton'scb. Atoratheorie, 1898. New view of Dal ton's a. t., 1896. Smith (K. A.) Mem. of Dalton &c. [in Manch. Lit. Soc. Mem., s2, vl3, 1856]. Thomson (J. J.) Corpuscular theory of matter, 1907. Electricity & matter, 1904. Tyndall (J.) Addr., Brit. Assoc, 1874. Veitch (J.) Lucretius & a. t., 1875. Wiener (C.) Atomenlehre, 1869. - ■— Grundziige d. Weltordnung, 1863. Wurtz (A.) A.'theory ; tr., ISSO. Jle/i'r to ChemietTj ; Matter; Physics. Atonement. Alexander (W.)Verbum Crucis, 1892. Anselm. St. Cur Deus liomo?, 1863; 85; [S- in Migne, P. L., 158] ; tr., 1858. Bartle (G. W.) Script, doct., 1873. Baur (F. C. v.) Lehre v. d. Versohnung, 1838. Bossuet (J. B.) La satisfaction [in (E., til, 1841]. Brown (J. B.) Doct. of divine fatherhood, 1860. Campbell (J. M.) Nature, 1869. Christian faith Sc a., 1856. Atonement [continui'd]. Dale (R. W.) Atonement, 1875. Davies (J. LI.) Work of Xt., 1860. De Wette. Comm. de morte expiatoria [in Opusc, 1830]. Fox (W. J.) Sacrifice of Xt. [in Wks., vl, 1865]. Garnier (J.) Sin & redemption, 1895. Goodwin (T.) Xt. the Mediator (17c.) [in Wks., v5, 1863]. Gore (C.) Lu.x mundi, var. fd. Magee (W.) Discs. &,c, 2v, 1816. Maurice. Doct. of sacrifice, 1854. Moberly(R.C.)A.&personality, 1901 ; 07. Outram (Vf.) De sacrificiis, 1677. Owen (J.) AVks. (17c.), v5, 9, 10, 1826. Oxenham (H. N.) Cath. doctr., 1865 ; 81. Penrose (J.) Jloral princ, 1843. Ritschl (A.) Chr. Lehre, 3B, 1870-4; [B3], tr., 1900. Sabatier (ly. A.) Doct. de I'expiation, 1903; tr., 1904. Stillingfleet (E.) Two disc. cone. Xt.'s satisfaction, 2p, 1700. Taylor (J.) Script, doct., 1751. Tholuck. Lehre v. d. Siinde &c., 1851. Thomson (W.) Atoning work, 1853. Vevsie (D.) Doctrine. 1795. Watts (I.) Sacrifice of Christ (18c) [in Wks., vl. 1813]. Westcott (B. F.) Victory of cross, 1889. Wilson (J. JI.) Gospt'l of A., 1899. Young (J.) " Life & light of men," 1866. liefer to Bible, Ilo/nans, 6. Raviial (F. E^ Xaufragus, 1870. ilefer to New Zealand ; Pacific Ocean, &c. Auction. Pari, papers [26]. Laws. 1818. (360). Ilefer tn Art-collecting & sales ; Book collecting & sales ; Sale, Law of. AUDE 79 AUSTRALIA Aude, dept; see Met; Belpech ; Carcas- sonne ; France ; Languedoc ; Narbonne. Auditing, .« < Accountants. Audley, Jy(P.).\.dcfcnccs&c.:Cookc.l887. //ifer to National defence. Economics <* Statistics. A. Poi)ulation& vital Stat., Bull. 1.2, 1907. Australasian stat., 1873— [/« Victoria, St,at. reg., 18(!l-96]. Coghlaii (T. A.) Statist 1894-1904. Dowling (E.) A. .t Aiucr. [P577]. Forrest (.7.) Address. 1906. [I'll 10]. Galloway (W. ,1.) A.lvanccd A., 1899. Pratt (A.) I). Svnic, father of protection in A.. 1908. Reeves (\V. P.) State cxi^erimciits in A. & N.Z.,2v, 1902. ace. if 7 col., in 1892, 1893. Australia & Australasia [enntinued']. Economics & Statistics [continued']. Sidney (J.) Voice, 1847. Victoria. Australasian statistics, 1893 ; 1895. Year-bk. of Australia. 1885 — , see A. C. Refer to Agriculture : Capital & labour ; Co-operation ; Customs & excise ; In- surance ; Land ; Trade, Australian. Ethnology, see Australian aborigines Ethnology. Oulde Books A Directories. Australian liclbk.. 1H90— , see A. C. Capper (,1.) Emigrants' guide, 1852. Hints fr. journal of A. squatter, 1843. [PI 52]. Moore's Australian aim. & dir., 1902-3. Murray's guide to gold diggings, 1852. [PI 52]. Norldeutscher Lloyd. -'I.loyd'' guide; Plate, 1906. Orient Line guide; Lnftie. 1885. Silver (S. W.) & Co. Hdbk.. 1874 ; 86. Wright (G.) Austr., A:c., dir., 1877. History, see Australia, History, as sepa- rate heading. Routes. Steam to A. & N.Zealand. l8.-,t1. [P152]. Social Lite (see also Travels, below). Adams (K. W. L.) .Vustralians, 1893. Biard d'.\unct. L'aurore .-Vustr., 1907. Bonwick (.1.) Curious facts, 1870. Buchanan (A.) Real A., 1907. Cambridge (A.) 30 years in .\. (1870- 1902), 1903. Davitt (M.) Life &c., 1898. Inglis (J.) Our A. cousins. 1880. Praed (mrs. C.) A. life, 1885. My A. girlhood, 1902. Social life & manners, 1861. Twopcny (R. E. N.) Town life, 1883. Topography. Geogr. Soc. of A., Proc. Spec, vol., 1885. Jukes (.T. B.) Sk. of phys. structure, 1850. Petermaim(A.) A. nach geogr. Kenntniss, 1871. PctcrmannsMittheilungenaus.I. Perthes' geogr. Anstalt, 1855 — . Kccliis. Nouv. gC'Og., tl4, 1889 ; tr„ n.d. Rogers (J. D.) A., p2, 1907. Stanford. Compend. : .\. ; 'Wallace Si Gregory, var. ed. Travels. For Hislorijof.disroeerij .<• exploral'ton, .«,, Australia, History, sep. heading. Arag.i(l). K. .1.) (K.. t9, 1857. Arlliur (.) K.) Kangaroo vV;!-., 1894. Ba<-.khouse (.1.) Xarr., 184:1. Baden- I'owell (li. F. S.) In savage isles. 1892. Baden-Powell (G. S.) Now homes, 1872. Beauvoir (m. L. de) Australie, 1869: tr., 2v, 1870. Boothbv (G. N.) On wallaby, 1894. Byrne (,(. C.) 12 years, 2v. 1818. Ciuciuorod c.ireir: 15 yrs., 1 881. Cornwallis (K.) Panorama. 2v. 1859. I)ale(R. W.) liiiiiri-ssions. 1889. Davis (,I.)Tracks of McKinlaViViC, Denian(.I.) Adv., 18:19-44. IWa Earl (G. W.) Enleriiri.so. 184li. Earle(ll.) Dps & downs. 1861. Eyre (E. .1.) .Imirnals, Cent. A.. 2v, Ferguson (D.) VIci.ssifudes. 1891. Fincli-Hatton. Ailvance A. 1885; Fonnt.iin (P.) Rambles, 1907. Fox (M.) Ace. of cxiieil.. I8:i7 Froude(,I. A.) Oceana. 188(1. Giles (E.) A., 1872-6. 2v, 1889. Grey (G.) .lourn.iln, 1837-9, 2v, lSfi:<. 1.845. 86. 1841. AUSTRALIA 80 AUSTRALIAN Australia & Australasia [ro)iti7iiied\. Travels [continued], Halcotabe (J. J.) Stranger than fiction, 1873. Hargraves (E. H.) A. & gold fields, 1855. Harris (A.) .Settlers Sec, 1847. Haygarth (H. W.) Recoil., 184S. Heywood (B. A.) Vacation tour, 18(53. Hill (K. D. & F. D.) What we saw, 1875. Hodgson (C. P.) Kemin., lH4(j. Hood (J.) Australia Sec, 1843. Home (K. H.) A. facts. 1859. Hughes (W.) A. colonies, 1852. Jameson (R. G.) N. Zealand, &c., 1842. Jenkyns (C. C.) Hard life, 1892. Jessop (\V. R. H.) Flindersland Sec. 2v, 1802. Lancelott (F.) Australia, 2v, 1853. Landor (E. W.) Bushman, 1847. Lee (S.) Adv. in A., 187!). I,eichhardt (F. W. L.) .lournal, 1844-5, 1847. Lendenfeld (R. v.) Forschungsreisen in d. A. Alpen, 1887. Longfellow (H. W.) Poems of places, Oceanica, 187'.t. Macdonald (A.) In the land of pearl & gold, 1907. JIartineau (J.) Letters, 18(')9. Mereweather (J. D.) Diary, 1850-53, 1859. Jlilner & Brierly. Cruise, 1869. JIitchell(T. L.)Journal, tropical A., 1848. 3 exped., 2v, 1839. Mundv (G. C.) Antipodes, 3v, 1852. Nisbet (H.) Col. tramp, 2v, 1891. Pelsaert(F.)Voy.(l(;28),sfP-t. 6'.; [,J- m Thevenot, Rel., tl, 1UG3]. Peron (F.) Voy., 1800-4, 5t, 1824 ; [tr. in Pinkerton, 11, 1812]. Pridden (W.) Australia, 1843. Ranken (VV. H. L.) D.uninion, 1874. Ritchie (.1. E.) A. ramble, 1890. Scottish geogr. mag., 1885 — . Seaton (R. C.) G letters, 1886. Semon (R.) In austral. Busch, 1896; tr., 1899. Sidney (S.) 3 colonies, 1852. Stamer (V,') Gentleman emigrant. 2v, 1874. Recoil., 2v, 1866. Stokes (J. Ij.) Disc. : vov. of Beagle, 1837-43, &c., 2v. 1846. Stuart (J. JI-D.) Explor., 1858-62 ; Hard- man, 1864. Sturt (C.) Exped., 1844-6, &c., 2v, 1849. Tangye (R.) Rcmin., 1883 ; 84. Taylor (J. E.) Our island, 1886. Thynne (R.) Story. 1894. TroUope (A.) Australia fcc, 2v, 1873. Verschuur (G.) At Antipodes ; tr., 1891. Willoughby (H.) A. pictures, 1886. Wills (W. J.) Succes.sfid explor.. Mel- bourne to Gulf of Carpentiiria, 1863. Refer to Botany. Natural i Shops. Colonies. hist. I South Aus- Crime. New South i tralia. Emigration Wales. Tasmania. Gold &c. New Zea- ; Torres Str. Immigration . land. ' Victoria. Irrigation. Queensland. Western A. Australia & Australasia, History. Banington (G.) Hist. f. ICK!. 1787. Bonwick (J.) First 20 years, 1882. Brit. Emp. series, v4, 1900. Favenc (E.) Hist, of A. explor., 1788- 1888, 1888. Flanagan (R.)Hist.of N.S.W.&c, 2v,1862. Australia & Australasia, History [contitiiicd]. Heaton (.J. H.) A. diet, of dates &c., 1879. Historical Soc. of A. Trans., vl, 1891. Hogan (J. F.) Gladstone colony, 1898. Jenks (E.) Hist, of Austr. colonies, to 189.3, 1895. Jose (A. W.) Sh. hist, of Australasia, 1899. Laurie (J. S.) Storj' of Australasia, 1896. Parkes (sir H.) Fifty years, 2v, 1892. Petherick (E. A.) Austr. colonies in 1896, 1897. [P664]. Rogers (J. D.) A.. 2p, 1907. Rusden (G. W.) Hist., 3v, 1883. Shaw (F. L.) Story, 1897. Tregarthen (G.) A. Commonw., 1893. Walker (H. de R.) Australasian demo- cracy, 1897. Westgarth (W.) Australia, 1861. Half a c, 1889. Biographical Collectloas. Becke &; Jeffery. Naval pioneers of A., 1899. Heaton (J. H.) A. diet., 1879. Johns (F.) Notable Australians, 1906. Mennell. Diet, of Australas. biog. (1855- 92), 1892, Biographies, see A, C. under : — Evre (E. J.), 1815-1901. Grey (."> G.), 1812-98. Parkes {sir H.). 1815-96. Svme (D.), 1827-1908. W'akefield (E. G.) 1796-1862. Constitution & Politics (see alto Federa- tion, beliiw), Biard d'Aunet. L'aurore Austr., 1907. Commonw. of A. Constit. Act, w. debates, 1900. Commonwealth of A. Constit. bill, 1900. Empire & century, 1905. Fortescue (J. W.) State socialism & col- lapse in A. [in Mackay (T.) Policy, 1894]. Galloway (W. J.) Advanced A., 1899. Lang (J. D.) Freedom &c., 1852; 70. Jlackav(A.)A. Colonies Govt. Bill, 1850. [P136]. Martin (A. P.) A. & Empire, 1889. Jloore (W. H.) Constit. of Commonw., 1902. Parliamentary debates, 1902 — . Pari, papers [833]. Corr. resp. constit. rel. of Commonw. &, states, external affairs, 1903. (c. 1587). see also A. k. West A., in special cat. Pearson (C. H.) Working of A. institu- tions [in Essays on ref., 1867]. Quick & Garran. Annotated constit., 1901. Reeves (W. P.) State experiments, 2v, 1902. Teece (R. C.) Comp. constit. of Canada & A., 1902. Discovery & Exploration. Becke & Jeffery. Naval pioneers of A., 1.S99. Calvert (A. F.) Discovery, 1893. Explor. (—1896), 2v, 1895-6. Cook (J.) Jiioff, (1728-79), tee A. C Coleridge (H.) Worthies. 1836 Kerr (R.) Gen. hist., vl2-17, Lichtenberg, Schr. B4, 1867 ; Parkinson (S.) Journal, 1784]. Voyages (1768-79), »««.!. C. ; [.J- in Ken- (R.) Gen. hist., vl2-17, 1824]. Dampier (W.) Voy., v3 (1699-1701), 1703-9; v2, 1906; y- in Pinkerton, vll, 1812]. Eden (C. H.) A.'s heroes, 1875. [S'in ; 52; 1824; Proc, Australia & Australasia, History [Lmitinued]. Discovery * Exploration [continued], Favenc (E.) Hist, of expl. 1788-1888, 1888. Flinders (M.) Voy., 1801-3, 2v, 1814. Forrest (sir J.) Explor. (1869-74), 1875. Heeres (J. E.) Andeel der Nederl. in de outdekking, 1606-1765, 1899. Ho\vitt (W.) Hist, of disc, 2v, 1865. Jackson (A.) R. O'Hara Burke & exped., 1860, 1862. Major (R. H.) Disc, by Portuguese, 1601 [in Arch., v38ii, 18l>0]. Early disc, [in Arch., v44ii, 1873]. Early voyages (1601-1727), 1859. Pari, papers [5.s]. Explor. exped. (Burke & Wills), 1862. (139). Petermann (A.) Au-stralit-n, 1871. Roval Geogr. Soc. Journal & 1832—. [B.] Sturt (mrs. N. G.) Life of C. Sturt (1795-1869). 1899. Tasman (A.) Journal (1642-4), see A, C. ; [.?■ in Coreal. Voy., t3, 1722]. Federation (see also Constitution &c., above). Australasian federation conf. 1890, 1890 Brown (W. J.) New democracy, 1899. Cockburn (J. A.) Australian federation, 1901. Garran (R. R.) Coming commonw., 1897. Maxwell (W.) With the " Ophir," 1902. Pari. Papers, see special eat, Rosmead (H.. *.) Speech, 1876. [P364]. Vossion (L.) L'A. noviv. et son avenir, 1902. irisb in Australia. Hogan (J. F.) Irish, 1888. liefer In Bushrangers ; Church of England, Colonial ; Colonies ; Social- ism, Australia; ,^'' rarioti.t Austral' asian states and colonies; and refer also to references vnder Australia. Australian Aborigines. Bonwick (J.) Daily life &c. of Tas- manians, 1870. Last of Tasmani.ans, 1870. Lost Ta.smanian race, 1884. Cambridge Anthrop. Exped. to Torres Straits, Rep., v2, 3, 5, 6, 1901-8. Cauvin (C.) Mem. s. les races I'Oceanie [in Archives des miss., s3, 1882]. Mensurations Sec, de cranes Archives des miss., s3, t7, 1881]. . Rapp. [in Archives des miss. t7, 1881]. Cunningham (D. J.) A. forehead, 1907. Curr (E. M.) A. race. 4v, 1886-7. Dawson (J.) A. a., W. A'ictoria, 1881. Durkheim (E.) Organis. matrim. [!« Durkheim, L'annee soc, 8, 1905]. Earl (G. W.) Native races : Papuans, 1853. Evlinann (E.) Die Eingeborenen Siid- austr., 1908. Fison & Howitt. Kamilaroi & Kumai, group-marriage Sec, 1880. Fraser (J.) A. of N.S.W., 1892. [P577]. Haddon (A. C.) Decor, art. of Brit. New Guinea, 1894. Hill (R.) & G. Thornton. Notes on a. of N.S.W., 1892. [P577]. Historical Soc. of A., Trans., vl. 1891. Horn Sci. E.xped. to Cent. A., p4, 1896. Howitt (A. AV.) Nat. tribes of S.E.A.. 1904. Lang (A.) A. problems, 1907. Mathew (J.) Eaglehawk Se Crow, 1899. Mauss (M.) L'orig. d. pouvoirs mag., 1904 de t8, [in s3. AUSTRALIAN 81 AUSTRIA Australian Aborigines [<-i)iitiHiwd'\. I'urker (K. L.) A. leg. tales, 1897. — _ Eualilavi tribe, 1905. .More A. leg. tales, 1898. Pari, papers, «t'c .\boriginal tribes, Aus- tralia, New .South Wales. A'au Diemcn's Land, i/i sprrial rat. Keclus (E.) I'rimitif. 189-1. Itiaiey (W.) Kamilaroi, 1875. Hoth(II. L.) Abor. of I'asmania. lS9lt; 99. Roth (W. E.) Ethn. st. am. X.-W.-Ceut. Queensland a., 1897. Sadleir (11.) Aborigines, 1883. Smyth (R. B.) A. of Victoria, 2v, 1878. Spencer (I5.)& F. J. Gillen. Nat. tribes of C. A.. 1S99. X. tribes of C. A.. 1904. Squire (W. A.) Ritual, myth. &.C.. 1893. [P8(i9]. Thomas (N. W.) Kinship orirauis. & group uiaiTiage, 190(>. Xatives of A., 190fi. Worsnop ('I'.) rrchist. arts, ^Vc I>i97. /("/■/(•r ^' Australia ; Australian lang. ; Boomerang ; Ethnology. Australian Languages. [.\ustnilie]. Vncab. d. dialectes d. aborigenes, 1807. [1'219]. Curr (E. M.) A. race, 4v, 188H-7. Dawson (J.) .V. aborigines, W. Victoria. 18.H1. Intern. Cong, of Or.. 8. pi. 1892. Mathew (.T.) Eaglehawk & Crow, 1899. iVIoore (G. F.) Vocab.. W.A., 1S42. }^ovnT;i.frii/at<'. Reise.liug.T.; Miiller,18()7. Ridley (W.) K:'nuilar6i, 1875. J{r/rr li' Australian aborigines. Australian Literature (h'nulisli). Martin (A. P.) Beginnings, 189.8. [P394]. .Sladen (D. W. B.) Poets, 1788-1888, 1888. Turner (H. G.) & A. Sutherland. De- velopment [f. 1825], 1898. Austria. Aatlqultles. .Vscbbach (.1.) Rom. Militilrstationeu in rfer-Noricum &c. [('« K. Ak. zu Wien, Sitzb., BH5, 18(!11. Osterreichische Kunsttop. ; Tietze, Bl, Krem.s, B2, Wien, 1907-8. Sacken (E., v.) Ansiedlungen u. Funde aus heidn. Zoit in Xiederiist., 187;!. Funde b. ^Viener-Neustadt [<» K. Ak. zu Wien, Sitzb., B49, 1H(1,5]. Simony (F.) Alterthiimer v. Hallstiitter Salzberg, 1.S51. Tietze (H.) Deiikm.ile, Kiciri^, 1907. JUfcr to Antiquities, Prehistoric ; Latin inscr. ; & Roman antiq. /'or Uonitui Antiq. in .[itxtr'm. Ceasus. liecbiT (S.) Beviilkerungs-Verhaltnisse, ].sl9-l;i, 181(;. Economics, src Agricnltnre, Austria ; Capital & labour ; Customs & Excise ; Finance ; Industries ; Money & cur- rency, Austrian ; Taxation, Austria. Ethnotoj^y. A\ii'rl>acli (11.) l.es races 4:i-.. ls:i.s. C/.iinisx, Oil. d. Ktlmogr. \in Kais. .\k. zu Wien, Sitzb., B25, 1858]. Gazetteers^ Uuilnlph (H.) Orls-Lexicon, 21!, 1870. Ouidc-books. Baedi'ker (C.) Au.stria, 1890. • S. Germ. & A., 1880; Ki ; 87. [Murray's Hdbks.] .Germ. S. &. A., rar. id. 180(i. Lord Austria [rontimied'^. Social Life. .\hxandiT (W.) Representations of dress i: manners, 1813. Auerbaeh (B.) Les races en A.-H., 1898. Blaze de Bury (H. & M. P. R.) Les salons de ^'ienne &c., 18(!1. Bresnitz (P. F.)Hof- u. Staatsleben(1848- 1900), 191)0. De.sprez (H.) Peuples ; hist, contemp. 2t, 1850. Goethe. G. u. (Jsterr. (1795-1.S31), 2T, 1902-4. Karajan. Leumund d. Osterreicher, &c., in d. hcim. Quellen d. M.-A. [in Kais. Akad. zu Wien, Sitzb., BJ2, 1803]. Levy (D.) L'.V.-H. ses institutions, 1871. Mayer (F. M.) Gesch. (to 1873), 1874. Palmer (F. H. E.)Austro-Hung. life, n.tl. Vehse (C. E.) Gesch. d. Hofe, T7-10, Ostr. (1493-1848), 1851-2. Mem. of Austria (1493-1835) ; tr., 2v, 1850. ^'erfassung u. Verwaltungsorgan. d. Sliidte, BO. 1907. • Whitman (S.) Realms of the Habsburgs, 1893. Wilde (W. K. W.) Austria, 1843. Wnixall (N. W.) Mem., 1777-9, 2v Jti/er to Vienna, Topography '^. Goude (W.) Divine rule, H. .Scripture, 2v, 1842. Hare (F.) Church authority vindic, 1719 [in Wks., vl, 1746]. Scripture vindic, Churoh-authority (c. 1720) [i,i Wks., v2, 1746]. Hawkins (E.) Inq. attaining Xtn. trutli, 1841. Jackson (T.) Tr. of Xtn. obedience (17c.) [in Wks., vl2, 1844]. I.amcnnais (F. de) Essai s. I'indifffirence, 4t, 1860. Leslie (C.) Cone, jjrivate judgment 4: autliority, 172(!. Martiiie;ui (J.) Seat of authority, 1890. Melanchtlion (1'.) De ccclesi.a et autor. Verbi Dei, loOO [i.n U. Lib.de scr.,1780; Op., v2:i, i8r,ri]. Kicards(.I. D.) Aletheia: Cath. rule, 1885. Ku.ssell (,J. F.) Jmlgment on Scr., 1888. Sabatier (L. A.) Kelig. d'aut. et r. de I'esprit 1904; tr., 1904. Shnttleworth (!'. N.) Not tradition but Scripture. 1889. Stanton (V. II.) Place of au., 1891. Svnge (E.) Authority of Oh. [in Wks., v8, 1740]. Williams (W. .1.) Newman, Pascal, Loisy, & Cath. Ch., 1906. Wiseman (N. !'. S.) Essays, v2, ISG.-? ; 88. Woodg;ile (II. .\.) Aullior. teaching of Ch., 1889, /.'. I'll- (,i Church dogma ; Infallibility ; Liberty of opinion ; Private judgment ; Tradition. Authors, sir Authorship ; Bibliography ; Biographical collections ; Biog. dic- tionaries ; Copyright ; Historians ; Pseudonyms & anonyms. Authorship. Autlior (The), 1890—. Besant (W.) Pen & Book, 1899. Binnoy(T.)Auth(jr.ship, 1854. [P321]. Collins (F. H.) Author & printer, 1905. Hargrea\es (J. G.) Lit. workers, 1889. Jaccjx (F.) Aspects, 1872. Lang (A.) How to fail, 1890. Lewes (G. H.) Princ. of success, 1898. Literary year-book, 1898 — . Miles (E. H.) How to prepare essays, &c., 1900. Putnam (G. H.)Authoi-s & public ( — 15c.), 1894. & J. P. Putnam, Authors & pub- lishers. 1897. Russell (P.) Lit. man., 1886 ; 97. Schopenhauer. Schriftstellerei u. Stil [in Parerga, B2, va/r. ed.] ; tr., 1891. Shaftesbur)'. Soliloquy, 1710 [in Cha- racteristicks, vl, rar. id.]. Speddiiig(J.) Publishers & authors, 1867. Stevenson (K. L.) Essays in art of writing, 1905. Tanncgny de Wogan. Manuel, 1898. Valerianns (J. P.) De litt. infelieitate (16c.), 1707; 1821. Wieland. Rechte &c. d. Schriftsteller (1785) [(■« Wke.. B80. 1797]. Refvr in Bookselling & publishing ; Journalism ; Literature ; Plagiarism. Au tobiograph y. Foster (,J.) Writing memoirs {in Essays, rar. cd\ Misch (G.) Gesch. d. Autobiogr., Bl, 1907. Stephen (L.) A. [in Hours. s3, ear. ed\ Itcfcr to Biography. Autographs. [Bdston. Public Lilir.]. Brief descr. of Chamberlain Coll., 1897. [P884]. British autography, 8v, 1788-93. [British Museum]. I'acs of royal, hist., lit. & o. a. : Warner, sl-5, 1896-99. Hardy (W. J.) Handwr. of Kgs. k. Qs., 1893. Hill(G. B.) Talks, 1896. Hddgkin (J. E.) Rariora, vl, 1902. Lescure (M. F. A. de) Les a., 1865. [B.] Netlierelilf(F. G.) Hdbk,, 1862. Nichols (J. G.) A., Eng. hist. (14-17c.), 1829. Poe (E. A.) Chap, [in Wks., v4, 1875 ; vG, 1884; vlO, 1902]. Scott (H. T.) & S. Davey. Guide, 1891. [Wclbeck Abbey]. Cat. of letters &c. ; Strong. 1908. Williams (II. S.) MSS., &c. portf. 4, n.d. Sale Catalogues. .\. H. — For the oolhvtitms nf the follow- ing Kfv vndcr each name in A. C. Addington (S.), 1876. [PI 151]. Beranl(S.), 1852. [PH51]. Cat. of coll. of a. letters, of Burns &c., 1861. [I'llSl]. Christi.son (S. G.), 1850. [I'Uol]. Cottiin (11. S.), 1889. Donna.liou (A.), 1847. [PI 151]. Falklaiul State Papers, 1837. [P861]. Linnecar (G.), 18,50. [PI 151]. Lucas de Montigny, i860. Manners (G.), 1870. [I'1151]. OTalhighan, 1875. [I'll.-d]. IMiillipps {sir T.), 1895. Kupirt.yjr. Cat, ofautogr. letlers(1625- 88), K. &, Fairfax corr., 1852. [PI 151]. Autographs [i-tmtinHcd\. Sale Catalogues [mtitiniwd]. Tii.irpe (T,;. 1888. [P8i;i]. Turner (D,). 18.-,9. iiV/cr t(i Manuscripts. Automata. Ikro, o/' Alexandria. Op. (2c. B.C.), sec .1. C. ' Philo, liijzantim. Livre des appareils pueumat.&c. (2c. B.C.) [in B.N. .Notices, 38i]. Poe (E. A.) Maelzel's chess-player [in Wks,. rar. «/.], Autun. Hamerton (P. G.) Mount i:c., 1897. Mon. Germ, hist., see Index. Ursinus. abbas. S. Leodegarii vitii (d. 678). see A . ( '. .V Pottliast. lirfer to 8a6ne-et-Loire. Autun Inscription, Marriott (W. B.) A. i. \in Testimonv 1870]. Pitra (J. B.) De inscr. [in Spicilcg., tl- 1852]. lU-fer to Christian antiquities. Auvergne, Fraiu-e. Ardi.uin-Dumazet. Voyage,s32, 33, 190.8 Barker (E, H,) Through A., 1884. Burat (A.) Terrains volcan. de la Fr ceutr., 1888. Costello (L. S.) Pilgrimage. 2v, 1842. Cross (R,) A. ; resort, 1867. Doniol (H.) La Bassc-A,. 1900. Jullian (C.) Vercingftorix, 1902. Legrand d'Aussy. Voyage, 1788. Leslie (T. E. 0.) A., 1874 [in h. E.ssays 1879 ; 88]. Montegut (E.) Excursions [in Choses, 1886], Mosnier (S. M.) Saints d'A., 2t, 1900. Sebillot (P.) Litt. orale, 1898. Summer days in A., 1875. Weld (G. R,) Auvergne. &c., 1850. Jtefer to Cantal ; Massif central ; Puy-de-Dome. Auxerre, tomn .V' diocese. Ahuuis. de Insulis. Epist. 5, c. 11G4 ; ,f o.p. [in Migiic, P. L., 201], Aunacharius, bp. Concilium Antissiod. (578) [in Migiie, P. L,, 72], Bouquet, Rec, tl2, 18, 1781-1822. Hist. Autissiod. episo. ( — 1593) [in Labbc, Nov. bibl, tl, 1657 ; Migne. I', L,, 138]. Mon. Germ, hist., see Jndej\ Ji'i/tr to Church in France ; Yonne. Ava, /.iiii/dom. sir Burmah, Avarice. Harris (,I.) Mammon, 1837. Petrarch. De av.iritia [in Op., tl, 1554]. Plato. Hipparchus, see A. C. Salvianus. Adv. a. (5c.) [in Op., zee A. V.l Jtefer to Christian ethics ; Conduct ; £tbics. Avars. liaronius (C) Anuales, 1 10-11 (..■)66-G0O), 1741-2. George, of J'inidiii. Belluni Avnrium (62(1), see .1. ('. Ilifrr to Tartars. Avebury, Wilts. Howies (\V. L.) llermcs, 1828. Stukeley (W.) Abuiy, (eiiiple, 1748, Itel'er to Druids ; Wiltshire. Avellino. ■SlLillorello (<;,) La Patria, A. ic, 1898. Hr/er to Campania. Av&nemont (Joyeux), see France, Con- stitution. o 2 AVERROISM 84 BABYLONIA Averroism. Albertus, Magmis. Op., v!l, 18'.I0. Averroes (12c.), m-e A. C. Petrarch. De sui ipsius &c. ignorautia, 1609; lf)Ofi. Shedden (T.) 3 essays, 18i;6. Werner (C.) A. in d. christ.-peripatet. Psych, d. spat. :M.-a., ISSl. Hffer to Philosophy, Arabic. Avesta, sec Persian literature ; Zoroastri- anism. Aveyron, dept. Da\ies (G. C.) & mrs. Broughall. Our home. IS'.IO. Itifcr to Guienne ; Najac ; Eodez ; Konergue ; Vabres. Avignon. Barthclemy(P.) L6gendes de la ville,in02. Petrarch. Epistolae, var. ed. S' ii"- Quellen u. Forsch. aus ital. Archiven, Bl (13-14C.), 1S'J8. llequin (H ) L'imprimerie a A. en 1444, 181)0. [P.S72]. Refer to Papacy, History ; Vauclnse. Avon, rk-er, W'arxnclistiire. Fresliwater yarn, 1888. Quiller-Couch (A.T.) Warwick.ATon,lS',»2. Thorne (J.) Rambles, 1845. JRefer to England ; Warwickshire. Avranches. Le Hericher (E.) Avrauchin, tl, 2, lS4r)-r). Itcfcr to Normandy. Avrards, .^<(' Arbitration. Axbridge. Hist. II.SS. C'omm., 3. Refer to Somerset. Axe, river, IJermi. Pnlman (G. P. K.) Book of the A., 1875. R(fer to Devonshire ; England. Axholme, Isle of, Lines. Peck (W.) Topogr. ace, vl, 1815. Stonehouse (W. B.) Hist. & top., 1S3!I. Ritiniied]. Delitzscb (F.) Me hr Licht : Grabungen, 1907. Evetts (B. T. A.) New light, 1892. Forster (C.) Monuments, 1859. Hammurabi. Code, c. 2250 B.C., «cf J. C. 1 — Letters & inscr. ; King, 3v, 1898- 1900. Hilprecht (H. A'.) Ausgrabungen zu Nippur, 1903. Excavations, 1904. Explorations, 1903. Hinke (W. J.) New boundary stone of Nebuchadnezzar I, f. Nippur, 1907. Intern. Cong, of Or.. 1874-99. Johns (C. H. W.) B. &c. laws, contracts & letters, 1904. Kittel (R.) Die b. Ausgrabungen, 1903. Kohler (J.) & F. E. Peiser. Aus d. babylon. Rechtsleben, 4B, 1890-8. Landseer (J.) Sabiean researches, 1823. Babylonia [continued]. Antiquities, &c. [continued]. Lavard (A. H.) Discoveries, 1853. Maurice (T.) Obs., 1816. Meissner (A.) Beitriige z. Privatrecht. 1893. Murashii Sons. Business docs., Nii:>pur, 464-404 B.C., 2v, 1898-1904. Mvers (P. V. N.) Remains of lo.st cmp., 1875. Ofele (F., v.) Keilschriftmedizin, 1902. Palmer (A. S.) B. infl. on Bible, 1897. Peiser (F. E.) Keilsclu-. Acten-Stiicke. 1889. [Pennsylvania, Univ.] B. exped.,Ser. A. : Cun. "texts; Hilprecht, vl, 6i, 9, 10, 14, 15. 20i; 1893-1906. Peters (J. P.) Nippur, 2v, 1897. Pognou (H.) Inscr. b. du AV'adi Brissa. 1887. Price (I. M.) Some lit. remains of Rim- Sin, K. of Larsa. c. 2285 B.C., 1903. BABYLONIA 85 BACTERIOLOGY Babylonia [cvittiniud]. Aatiqultles, Sc. [cllntm^le(^. Itanko (H.) Ji. personal names. B.C. 2000, I'.lO.-,. Rawlinson (G.) TopoEf. [in Herodotus; tr. K., v2, var. ed.]. Records of tliepast : liircli, 12v. 1873-81 ; New ser.. tiv. 18!IO-2. Rich (C. ,1.) Narr., site of Babylon, 1839. Itoyal As. iSoc. Journal, 1831 — . Sayce (A. H.) Astronomy k astrology [in •Snc. of liibl. Arch., Trans.. v3. 1874]. B. literature, 1X77. B. & Assyrians, I'.IOO. Social life, 1893. 8chrader(E.)As.syr.-b. Keilinschr.. 1872. Keilinschr. u. d. A. Test., 1903 ; tr.. 2v, 1885-8. Keiliaschr. Bibl., 5B, 1889-90. Urspr. d. altb. Cultur, 1883. ."wraith (Ci.) Chaldean ace. of Genesis. 187(i; 80. •Society of Bibl. Arch., Proc, 1879—: Tran.s., 1872-93 ; Index, 1903. sprenger (A.) Babylonien, 1886. riioTOpson (R. C.) Late B. letters; tr.. 190i:. Walnmund (A.) Babyloniertlmm. 1882. Weber (O.) Die Lit. d. B. u. Assyrer. 1907. Weissbach (K. H.) Stadtbild. 1904. Wincklor (H.) B. Kultur, 1902. [P1034]. Kiipliratliinder. 1905. Gesetze Hamniurabis, 1903. Himniols- u. Wcltenbild, 1901. • 'Babels Bible." Bahr (11.) /,. .Streit um Bibel n. Babel. Die baliyion. Busspsalmen u. d. A. Test.. 1903. [I'lOll]. Bezold (('.) Die babylon.-assyr. Keilhi- sehr,, 1901. Cook (S. A.) Laws of Moses & Hammu- rabi, 1903. Delitzsch (K.) Babel ii. Bibel. 1902-5, see i. C. I Hainumnibi, Code, sec A. C. \ Harnack (C. G. A.) Letter, 1903. H(iinmel (K.) Alt or. Denkniiiler u. d. alte Test., 1902. [in032]; 1!)03. .Icremias (,J.) Moses u. Hannuurabi. 190.!. Konig (F. K.) .Vltor. Weltan.schauun;; «. A.T., 1905. . Babyloniens luiltur *:c.. ii.d. [I'103i;]." Bibel u. Babel, 1903. [I'loll], Loisy (A.) Mythes, 1901. Ziiiiniorn (H.) Biljl. u b. L'rtresch.. 1901 ; tr., liiDL History. Berosus. Chal.l. liist., 1825. lioscawen (W. St. C.) First of empires I (to 2000 li.c), 1903; 190(i. Budjje (K. A. T. W.) B. life &hi.-,t.. 18K1. Heercn. De la pol. &c. ; tr., t2, 1830. Hist, researches, pi, vl, lH4ti. Hist. AVerke, TU, 1824. HoniMiel (F.) Gesch, (to 538 li.c.), 1.S85, Grundriss d. Gcog. u. Ge-scli. d. aU. Or., HI, 1904. King (L. W.) Chron. cone, early B. kings, 2v, 1907. Kkistcrmann (A.) EIn diploni. Brief- ucchsol, 1902. [I'1(I37]. .M:is|,ero (Ci.) Hist, ane., 3t, 1895-9; tr., 1894-19(10. I Meyer (E.) Gesch. d. Alterthums, Bl-5, l.S.'* 1-19(12: lili-ii, 1907-9. — Siinierier u. Wemiten in 1!.. r.Kii;. Niebuhr (M. y.) Gesch., 1M57. I Herizonius (.1.) Origines, 21, 1711. | Babylonia [continued]. History [continvrd]. Quatremere. Darius & Baltlia.sar, 1851. R,-idau (H.) Early B. hist., 1900. Ragozin (Z. A.) Media, B., Ice. (— 490 B.C.), 1889. Rawlinson (G.) Karly hist . [in Heiodotus ; tr. R., yl, rar. ed.\. Egypt & B., 1885. Five monarchies. 4v. 18ti2-7 ; 3v, 1871. Manual. 18(19. Rogers (R. W.) Hist., 2y, 1901. Rollin (C.) Hi.st. anc. (j. 30 ay.C.) [inCE.. tl-12, 1821-2]; tr., 7v, 17(i8; 1800. Saulcy (F. de) Chronologic. 1851. Smith (G.) Hist, of B., 1884 ; 1895. Tiele (C. P.) B.-assyr. Gesch., 2T, 1886-8, W.Asia; tr.,"l893. L'lmer (F.) Hammurabi, s. Land u. s. Zeit. 1907. Winckler (H.) Gesch. d. Stadt B., 1904. Hist, of B. & Assyria; tr., 1907. Pol. Entwickelung, 1900. Religion & Mythology. Bezold (C.) Babylon. -as.syr. Relig., 1906. ChwoLson (D. a!) Ub. Tammiiz&c, 1860. Dhorme (P.) Choix de textes relig. ; tr., 1907. ,Iastro\y (M.) Religion, 1898, [B.] ; Ubers., Bl, 190.5. Jensen (P.)As.syr.-b.Mythen u. Epen.1900. Gilgamesch-Epos, Bl. 1906. Jeremias (A.) Hiille u. Paradies. 1903; tr., 1902. King(L. W.) B. magic &<■.. 1896. B. religion, 1899. Miinter (F.)"Religion der B., 1H27. Rawlinson (G.) Relig. [in Herodotus ; tr. R.. vl. var. ed.}. Robiou (F.) L'kat relig. au s. d'Alex- andre ; m6m. 2 : rC-gions syro-b., 1897. Sayce (A. H.) Orig. &c. of rel.. 1887 ; 9i; 98. Rehgions, 1902 ; 03. Thompson (R. C.) Devils kc. of B., 2y, 1903-4. Magicians &c. of Nineyeh i: B., 2v, 1900. Weber (().) Diimoncnbeschworung, 1906, Wilkinson (J. J. G.) Cannes, 1888. Zimmern(H.) B. Hynineii u.Gebete, 19t)5. Itrfci- to Assyria. Chaldoea. Seleucidse. Assyrian Chronology. Semitic race. language. Cuneiform. Sumerians. Astronomy. History, Anc. Tell el- Bible antiq. Law, Babylon. Amarna. Bible lands. Mesopotamia. Bacchanalia, sn- Festivals & holidays. "Back to the land" question, we Rural depopulation. Backgammon, .■»< Sports & pastimes. Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy. Bacon (K.) I'mmus of fonuularies S:c., ilkist. [. S. by II. I'ot.t, 18K3. Beeching (H. C.) W. .■^. ; reply to (Jreen- wood, 1908. Begley (W.) Is it S. (, 1903. Bleibtreu (C.) Der wahre S., 1907. Bormanii (E.) S.-sccret ; tr., 1H95. Burr (W. H.) B. & S., 1H8(;. [P,-.34]. Doimelly (I.) Cryptogram, 2v, 1888. Fischer" (K.) S." u. d. I!.-Mythcn [!« //. Kl. Schr.. Rl. 1H96]. Greenwood (ti. G.) S. problem, 1908. Holmes (N.) Authorship of .S., 1875. James (ti.) F. B. & St. An)ans. &<■.. 19(11. [P1033]. Bacon-Shakespeare Controversy [i-onfiniii:U\. Lentzner (C. A.) Z. S.-B.-Theorie, 1890. [P6fi4]. Lumlev (H.) S. : a revelation. 1897 ; 99. Martin" (T.) S. or B. .', 1888. Morgan (J. A.) S. myth, 1881. Penzance (J., b.) B.-S. controv., 1902. Pott {mrs. H.) Bacon, &c., 1891. Schipper (L.) S. ii. Gegner, 1895. [P463] [Shakespeare (W.)] Is there resemblance, 1888. Smith (AV. H.) B. & S. : position. &c., 1884. — r B. & S. : players, &c., 1857. Stopes(C. C.) B. S. q., 1888. Stotsenbnrg (.J. H.) Impartial st. of S. title. 1904. Sulli\an (E.) A'erulamania, 1904. Surtees (S. F.) Shakespeare &c.. 1888. Theobald (R. M.) S. stuilies. 1901. Thorpe (W. G.) Hidden lives, 1K97. Webb (T. E.) My.stery of S., 1902. White (R. G.) Studies, 1885. Wigston (W. F. C.) B.. S. &Rosicrucians, 1888. Willis (W.) Baconian mint. 1903. - — S.-B. c. 1902. Bacteriology. Babe^. 'I'ransmitereapropriet. inimuni.-. &r.. 1895. Bary (A. de) Comp. morphology &c. ; tr.. 1887. Chicago, I'niv. Decennial publ.. vlO, 1903. Christophers. Piroplasma canis. 1907. Conn (H. W.) Story of germ life, 1898. Ci'ookshank (E. M.) Intr. to pract. b., 1886. Dolley (C. S.) Technology, 1885. Duclaux (E.) I'r. de raicrobiologie, 3t, 1898-1900. Ehrlich (P.) Coll. st. on immunity; tr., 1906. Fischer (A.) Structure k, functions ; tr., 1900. Frankland (P. F.) Our sec. friends & foes, 1897; 99. Gradle (H.) B. & germ-theory, 1883, Hiippe (F.) I'nncs. ; tr., 1899. Hygiene Ji: Domogr., 7th Intern. Congr. : ■irans., v2, 1892. India. Scient. mem., tee A. C. Klein (E.) Micro-organisms & disease, 1886. MacdonaW (J. D.) Guide to raicroscop. exam, of water &c., 1883. Maclagan (T. J.) Germ theory of disease, 1876. MetchnikofE (E.) Immunity ; tr., 1905. Newnum (G.) Bacteria, 1899 ; 1900. B. & [lub. health, 1904. Paste(u- (L.), «c .1. ('■ : I.*' '" I-ankestor, Adv. of sci., 1S90 ; Paris (G.) Acad. Fr., disc, 1H97 ; Tyndall. New fragm., 1H92]. Royal Soc. I'h'il. trans., 16(i5— ; Proc., 1800—. Russell (II. L.) Outlinesof dairy b., 1899. Troucssart (E. L.) Microbes, 4cc.. 1886. Tyndall (J.) Essays on floating matter of air, l.^Hl. Wellcome Pliy.siolog. Research Lid).. 1902/3. Woodhead (G. S.) B. & products, 1891. Wright (A. E.)St.oiiinimunis.,,^o,. 1909. Itifrr to Air ; Floating matter in the air ; Fungi ; Hydrophobia ; Para- sites ; Pathology ; Preventive inocu- lation ; Protozoa ; Therapeutic inocu- lation. BACTERIOLOGY 86 BALLADS Bacteriology [tmiiiniicd]. Bibliography. Internat. cat. of i^ci. lit. Bact., vl-5, 1',102-T. Baotria., Blanc (E.) Archeol. siiio-bactr. [I.C. Or.. 11, sect. 5-7, 1899]. Prinsep (H. T.) Note on hist, results. 1844. Sallet (A. V.) XacUtolger Alex. d. Gr.. 1879. Scott (C. B.) Gr. kiimiloms, 1S49. [P4y6]. Wilson (H. H.) Ariana ant.. 1841. Bcfer to Coins & medals ; History,Ano. ; Persia, History, Ancient. Badakshan. Wood (J.), Tourney. 1841: 72. llifcr to Afghanistan ; Central Asia. Baden, duchij. [Baden]. Erliebuiiaen 'ib. Landwirth- schaft, 4B, 1883. [ ] Landwirthschaft, 1884-S, 1889. Creuzer (G. F.) Alt-rom. Cultur, 1833. Gothein (E.) Wirtscliaftsgesch., Bl, 1892. Hardmeyer (J.) B. Schwarzwaldbahn [/« Europ. Wanderbilder, vll, 1876-87]. History. Carl Friedrich, r. B. Polit. Corr. (1783-1806), oB, 1888-1901. Freytag (G.) K. ilatby (1807-68), 1870. Heyck (E.) Gescli. d. Herzoge v. Zahr- ingen (—13c.), 1891. ilon. Germ, liist., ronsult PottJiast. Schopflin (J. D.) Hist., 7t, 1763-6. Struve (G. v.) Gesch. d. 3 'N'olkserheb. (1848-9), 1849. Vehse (C. E.) Gesch., T26, B. (1709-1852), 1853. Verfassung u. Venvaltungsorgan. d. Stadte, Bliii, 1906. Wild (C.) Bilderatlas. 1904. William. M. of B. Denkwuixl.. Bl (1792-1818), 1906. liefer to Saden, town. Uannheim. Sankt Geor- Black Forest. Palatinate. gen. Constance. Pforzheim. Sankt Ulrich. Freiburg. Reichenau. Tauber- Germany. St. Blasien. : bischofsheim Heidelberg. Salem. Villingen. Baden, tvn:ii, Baden. Baden-Baden &c. \in Enrop. Wander- bilder. t2, 1876-87]. Bracciolini (P.) Bains de E.. 15s. ; tr. [/« li. Fac^ties, k.cZ.]. Befer to Baden, duchy. Baden, -tovn. ZiirU-li. Fricker (B.) Thermal-Kurort B. [•«( Europ. Wanderbilder, v2, 1876-87]. Befer to Zurich, canton. Baffin Bay & Land. Battin ("H'.) A'oyages, 1612-22; Mark- ham, 1881. Boas (F.) Baffin-Land, 1885. JIarkham (A. H.) Whaling cruise, 1874. Ross (J.) Voyage. 1819. Bi'fcr 1o Arctic regions; Greenland; North America. Bagatelle, Chateau de, Seine. Quellern (L. de) Cliateau de B., n.d. Befer to Castles ; Seine. Bagdad. Huart (C.) Hist. (12o8-lS31), 1901. Le Strange (G.) B. dur. Abbasid Cali- phate (762-1258), 1900. Rivoyre (L. D. de) Vrais Arabes, 1884. Rousseau (J. B. L J.) Descr. du Pachahk. 1809. Bagdad [co7itiniied]. Siege (1638 ?) [/« Harl. coll., vl, 1745]. Befer to Caliphate ; Mesopotamia ; Mohammedans ; Persia, History. Bagdad Railway. Cheradame (A.) Qu. d'Or.. 1903, Whigham (H. J.) Pers. problem, 1903. Bagpipe. Fraser (A. D.) Remin. & b.. 1907. Hanson (\V. L.) Highland b., 1901. Befer to Masic, Scottish ; Musical instruments, Bahamas. Hassam (J. T.) B. Islands (17c.) [ra Mass. Hist. See. Proc, s2, vl3, 1900]. Pari, papers, see special cat. Powles (L. D.) Land, 1888. Shattuck (G. B.) B. Isl., 1905. Befer to Colonies, English; West Indies. Baharia Oasis, see Egypt. Bahia. [Baliia]. Discurso, descr. econ. da Comarca e Cidade da B., 1906. Btfer to Brazil. Bahmani Dynasty, sec Deccan. Bahrgericht, see Trial by Ordeal. Baikal, Lake, see Siberia ; Transbaikalia. Bailliage, see Seneschal. Bailment, Lais of. Jones (s/rW.) Es.say [in Wks..vS, 1807]. B.efer to Contract, Law of; Law. Baireuth, see Bayreuth. Baise, see Beze. Bakarganj . Beveridge (H.) District, 1876. Befer to Bengal ; Dacca. Baking, see Bread ; Cookery ; Industries. Baku. Henry (J. D.) Baku, hist., 1905. Marvin (C.) Petroleum: B., 1884. [P644]. Region, 1884. Trevithick (F. H.) Rej). on petroleum ind.. 1886. [Plll.*<]. Bffer to Caucasus ; Oil. Balance of Power, see Etirope, Hist. Balanidae, see Crustacea. Balanoglossus, see Hemichordata. Baldness. Hucbaldus. Ecloga de laudibus cal- vitii (9c.) \in Miane, P. L.. 132]. MUler (B. E. C.) Eloge (5c. ?), refut. de Synesius, 1840. Synesius, hj). Calvitii encomium \in Op.. 1612 : Migue, P. G., t6(i]. Befer to Hair. Bale, see Basel. Balearic Isles. Bidwell (C. T.) B. islands, 1876. Gaillard (G. H.) Instr. a M. de Wissaut, &c., envoves a Henri de Castille, &c. (1376-7) [in B.X.. Notices, 1]. Gesta triumphalia per Pisanos (1099- 1120) \in Ughelli (F.) Italia. t3, 1647]. Laurentius, Yeron. De bello B. (1115) \in Migne. P. L., 163 ; Muratori. Rerum It. scr." 6 : Ughelli (F.) Italia, t3. 1647]. Louis Salvator. archd. Die B.. 2B. 1897. Vuillier (G.) lies. 1893 : tr.. 18!m;. Befer io Majorca ; Minorca ; Spain. Balize, see Honduras, British. Balkan Peninsula. Ethnology. Ichircoff (A.) Et. ethnogi". s. les Slaves de Macedoine, 1908. Le Jean (G.) Ethnogr. de la Turq. d'Europe, 1861. Wissenschaftl. Mtthlgen. aus Bosnien &o., Bl— , 1893—. Balkan Peninsula \contiaued\. History & Politics (see also Eastern ques- tion). Bujac (E.) Precis, tl, 1893. Couvreur( A. )Turquie d'Europe ice. 1890. Durham (M. E.) Burden. 1905. Edwards (H. S.) Sir W. White, 1902. Eliot (C.) Turkey, 1900. Ficquelmont (C. L. v.) I^ pol. de la Russie &c.. 1854. Forsyth (W.) Slav, prov., 1876. Loiseau (C.) Le B. slave, 1898. Miller (\X.) Balkans, 1896 ; 1899. Minchin (J. G. C.) Growth of froo^iom, 1886. Pari, papers [492]. Regulations for Danubian Princ, 1830, 1878. (c. 2086). Pevssonuel (C. C. de) Obs., 1765. Phillips (W. A.) Greece & B. P. [/« C. M. H., vlO, 1907]. Regnault (E. G. S. O.) Hist., 1855. Robert (C.) Slaves de Turq., 2t, 1844. Rosier (E. R.) Dacier u. Romiinen, 1867. Zeitpunkt d. slav. Ansiedlung an d. uuteren Donau, 1873. Rustow (F. W.) Krieg, 1875-6, 1877. Upward (A.) E. end of Eur.. 1908. Villari (L.) B. q.. 1905. Social Life, see Topography, &c., beUm: Topography ,-)-9; 2v, 189:!. Nat. Eng. airs, 1H40. Child (F. J.) Eng. & Sc, lOp. l.><82-98. [B.J I'op. b., 1904. <3ollection of old b. ; [Philips], :!v, 1723- 5: 1872. 87 Ballads & Songs [coat'inKcd]. English [coHtiiiucd\. Collection of 79 black-letter b. (1559-97). 1807. Collier (J.) Old b. ant. to Ch. I., 1842. l)i.\on (J. H.) Anc. poems, b. & s. of peasantry. 1840. D'Urfey (t.) Wit & mirth, Ov. 1719-20. Evans (T.) Old balla on Tyne. Ohapbooks. Glees. Romances. Cries. Hunting. Songs. Cumberland. I Jacobite. Suffolk. Lancashire. Yorkshire. Flemish. Backer (L. de) Chants hist. (100-1650), 1 855. French. Blade (J. F.) Poesies pop. ; 13s., 2t. 1881-3. Ifollaud (E.) Rec, tit, 1883-90. . Rimes &c. de I'enfance, 1883. Solevillc (E.) Chants du Bius-Quercy, 1889. I Wackernagcl QN.) Altfr. I.ieder (13c.). I 1840. i {History, Ac). Le Roux tic Lincy. Chansons hist., 1,5s. [<« Ec. dosCh.. 11, 1839-40]. Ldvesquede La Kavaliftro. Deranciennet6 [(»{ Theobid.l IV, Poesies, tl, 1742]. Nisard (M. E. C.) Des chansons i)op., 2f, 1867. ^. , Symonds(.T. A.) Met Badenoch, w. tr., 1901!. , ,. Walsh (E.) Ir. pop. songs, w. Ir., 184.. 13- BALLADS 88 BALLADS Ballads & Songs [conii/iiud]. German. Anibrasev Liederbuch, Das, 1582, 1845. Amira k Brentano. Des Knaben Wunder- horn, 3v, 1806-8. Carmina Burana, HS. cl. 13 J., 1847 ; 83. Ditfurth. D. XoYka- &c. Lieder, 17-18 J.. 1872. 100 hist. Yolkslieder d. preuss. Heeres, l(J75-18l!(;, 18G9. Dulcken (H. W.) Bk. of G. sonsrs ( l(!-l|)aiiie co'i., tl3. 1904]. Ill r. aiia'ifiiie iiiih:ii(i|i\(tk. iiaiJO.m. nfieoimarn iiiuii'iiTTna [in (ioOimiiic COM., t21, 1906]. Ralst.iu (W. K. S.) Songs, 1K72. Scandinavian (see also Danish, above; Swedish, below). Geijer (E. G.) Om den gaiula Xoid. folkvisan (1M4) [i,i Skr.. bl. 1875]. Pineau (1,.) Vieux chants ; etude, tl, 1898. Scottish (.see also Gaelic, abore). Aitken (.M. C.) Sc. .song, 1874. Allinghani (W.) Ballad book, 1865. Buchan (P.) Anc. b. & s., 2v, 1828 ; 75. ■ Gleanings of b., 1825. Chambers (R.) Sc. b. &c.. 1829. Sc. songs. 2v. 1829. Songs prior to Burns, 1862 ; w. tunes, 1890. Child (F. J.) Eng. i: Sc. lOp. 1882-98. [B.] Pop. b., 1904. Cran.stoun (J.) Satirical poems (16c.). 2v, 1891-3. Cromek (R. H.) Xithsdale & Galloway s.. &c., 1810. Sel. Sc. s.. 2v, 1810. Di.xon (J. H.) Sc. versions of anc. b., 1845. Drummond (P. R.) Perthshire s.. 1879. Elliot (W. F.) Border b., 1906. Eyre-Todd. Sc. b. poetry, 1893. Finlay (J.) Sc. b., chiefly anc, 2v, 1808. Gilchrist (J.) Coll., 2y, 1815. Gordon b. ; Ree [in Bulloch. House of G., v2, 1907]. Graham (G. F.) Pop. s. &c.. 1894. Grimm (W. C.) 3 altschott. Lied. (w. 1813. Herd (D.) Anc & mod. Sc. s. &c. 1776. Jamieson (R.) Pop. b. & s., 2y, 1806. Kinloch (G. R.) Anc. Sc. b., 1827. Laing (D.) Early metr. tales, 1826. Early pop. poetry. 2y, 1895. Sel. remains ( — i6c.), 18S5. Logan (W. H.) Pedlar's pack, 1869. Mackay (C.) Jacobite s. & b., 1688-1746, 1861. Legendarv &c. b.. 1861. Maidment (J.) "Sc. b. & s., 2y. 1868. Motherwell (AV.) Minstrelsy. 1827. Pinkerton (J.) Sc. tragic b", 1781. Sel. ,Sc. b., 2y, 1783. Poems by the people [Scot.], 1868. Ramsay (A.) Tea-table misc., 4v, 1763. tr.), av. Ballads & Songs [eontinued]. Scottish [eonfiitoe(r\. Ritson (J.) Sc s., 2v, 1794. Roberts (J. S.) Legendary, 1868. Romantic Sc. ballads ; ejxich &c., n.d. [P159]. Roxburghe b. (c 1560-1700), sec A. C. Scott (sir W.) Minstrelsy, 1839: 1902: [S,- in Poet. wks.. vl-1, 1833]. Scottish min.strel. 1808. Sidgwick (F.) Pop. b.. si, 1903. Songs of Eng. & S., 2v. 1835. Thomson (W.) Oipheus, 2v, 1733 (History, &c.). Bums (R.) Notes on Sc. .song. 1908. Chambers (R.) Pop. rhymes of Scot. [7« Sel. wr., v7, 1847]. Fiedler (E.) Schott. Liederdicht.. 2B. 1846. Smith (Ale.x.) iSc. b. [in h. Last leaves, 1868 ; Edinb. essays, 1857]. Servian. Lytton (E. R., c. of) S. Pesmc: tr., 1861 Slavonic, Jliklosich (F.) Beitr. [in K. Ak. zu Wien. Denkschr., B19, 1H70]. Pavlinovic (M.) Narodna pjesmarica. 1879. Spanish. Caballero (R.) Cantares pop., 1884. Depping (G. B.) Romancero castellano. 1817; 1844. Duran (A.) Col. de romances castell, ant. al s. 18, 4p. 1828-32: 2t, 1851-77. Folk-lore: Biblioteca, tl-11, 1883-6. Gibson (J. Y.) Cid b. ; tr., 2v, 1887. Lockhart (J. G.) Anc. Sp. b.,- tr., 1823-; 41 ; 42. Menendez y Pelayo. Trat. de los romance.s viejos [inAntologia, tU, 12. 1903-6]. Mili'i y Fontanals. Romanccrillo Catalan [in Obras, t8, 1896]. Poesias e.scog. de cancioneros ant., 2t. 1796. Preciso. Col. de seguidillas, &c., 2t, 1816. Rodd (T.) Chas. the Gt. & Orlando, ascr. to Turpin ; w. anc. Sp. b., w. tr., 2y, 1812. Strettell (A.) Sp. folk-s. ; tr., 1887. Wolf (F. J.) Beitr. z. span. Yolkspoesie [in K. Ak. zu Wien. Sitzb., B31. 1859]. Proben portug. u. Catalan. Yolk.-- romanzen [/« K. Ak. zu Wien, Sitzb., B20, 1856]. & C. Hofmann. Romances viejos ca.stell.. 2t, 1899; Suppl., 1900. (Bibliography, &c.). Mussafla (A.) Beitr. z. Bibl. d. Cancioneros aus d. Marcusbibl., 1867. Bibl. d. Cancioneros [in K. Ak. zu Wien. Denkschr., B47. 1902]. Wolf (F. J.) Bibl. d. Cancioneros &c. [in K. Ak. zu Wien, Sitzb., BIO, 1853]. till. e. Samml. sp. Romanzen. 1850 ; 51. Swedish (see also Scandinavian, above). Geijer & Afzelius. Sv. folk-visor, 4d, 1814-6. Weber (H. W.) & R. Jamieson. Illust.. 1814. Transylvanlan. Schuster (F.W.) Siebenbiirg.-siichs.Yolks- lieder&c, 1865. Welsh. Pany (J.) Cambrian minstrelsie, 6y, 1893. Jie/'er to American poetry ; English poetry ; X all ot/ier national litera- tures; Fishing songs; Folklore; Hymns ; Poetry ; Songs, for sonr/s u: neusie. BALLAS 89 BANK pap., vl. l.s.->7. Ballas. ituiiic-11 (,i. !•:.) r,.. isini. llifir In Egypt. Ballet. ('api>M (G.) Los A'csfris, 1730-lK0,s. 1908. Dacifi- (E.) Mile. Sall6 (1707-r>G), 1!»09. Ijncroix (P.) li. & mascaratles(15Hl-16.52). 1... 6t, 18fiH-70. Viiillier (G.) Hist, i.f dniiciinj- : tr.. 1898. ItefiT to Acting: Dancing; mas- querade ; Theatre. Balliol College, Oxford. n;ivis(ll. \V. C.) 15. coll., 18!t!l. !).■ Paraviciiii. Earlvhist. (— IGc), ISlll. [Oxfnnl : E. Coll ] bit. of pr. bks., 1871. Itrft ;■ to Oxford TJaiversity. Ballista, sec Catapult. Ballistics, .sn Projectiles. Ballitore. I. carl beater (.M.") Aiin.-ils \}ii L, l.S(i2]. ItffiT til Leiuster. Balloons, src Aerial navigation. Ballot. Callantvnc (T.) Nett re-snlt, U.S [PHOJ. Ballot Sue. B. in Amer., n.d. [P:!03]. B. ill Fr.. 1853. [P80.5]. [Leaflets, c. 1834-0. P3(ir,J. Christie (\\. D.) The b., 1872. Holvoake (G. J.) New def., 18i;s. [I'lil.sj. Li.'^terCr. H.) Obiection.s, 18:il, [PHfi]. Mill (J.) On the b.. 18;iO. [P47(l]. .Alole.swortli (W.) Sjieech, 18-)4. [P3051. Pari, papers [!)13]. Hegulations&c. which Kuifle applic. of the 2nd b. in for. countries, 1908. (c. 3875). Pearce (R. R.) Argnment, 1838. [P108]. Ricarilo (D.) Speech [/'( Wks., 188,S]. Smith (Syd.) B. [(«, Wks., v3. 1840; 50]. Testimony to working of b., 1871. [P237, 730], Walker(A.)Te-lestant. Kiiinpfc in d. 1!. I 1888. Eckardt (J. W. A. v.) H. P. Kns.slan.l 18(;il; tr. [/« /(. Mod. Hn.s.sia, l.''7lll. ."iO,Iahrern>.s.Verwallnnx(18;iO-8L'). 18,h;! Imp, .Mnsk. Arch. Obscl ci.i:ai:i. 9-10, lS93-(;, Kohl (J. (i.) Deiil-ch-rus; 2'J'. 1.S4I. Krii.-c (F. C. It.) rr-(;i'soh., 18 IC, Lettiscli-nat. Bcwcirinnr n. d. kurliind Gcistlichkcil, \Mi\. [y\\'>\]. Bcvohitiiin in li. I'lov., 1907. Riis.sisch-li. P.iiitlcr, HUl, IS.sil s. Seraphim (E.) Halt, Ge.xch.. 19(IM. Livliind. (.Jesch.. 31!. 1897-1901, A. ('. ., 188(i, verlnr, [Pn24i T|iy,iM A|ix. fJ.stseeprov, of B., !..<■ in Johns Baltic Provinces \i'ont\ii\if(l\. Znr l.itteratur ii, Hnssland &c,, 18'Jl. [P(;2i]. lift or to Courland ; Esthonia ; Livonia ; Lutheran Church. Russia: Russia; I Sweden, History. Baltic Sea. liaden.l'owell (\V.) Canoe, 1871. Bludau (A.) Oro- u. Hydrographic d. : preuss. &c. Seenplatte, 1894. Graves (S. R.) Yachting, 1863. Hughes (K, E,) 2 summer crui.ses, 1855. Knight (E. F.) " Falcon," 1889. Lucv (H. W.) Log of Tantallon Castle. 1.S9U. MacGregor (,T.) Rob Rov. 18f;7. Milncr (T.) The B., 1854. Montgomery (J. E.) Admiral's flag, ]8()9. Sellers (M.) Acts &c. of Eastland Co. (I(;i7-9l)), 190(:. \Vra.\-all (N, W.) Tour, 1807, Itifvr to Bornholm ; Germany ; Goth- land ; Russia ; Sweden, Baltimore. Adams (H. B.) Pub. ed. in B., 1899 ; [,■(■ in PI 104]. Brown (G. W.) B. & l!i April, 18(il, 1887. Hollander (.T. H.) Financial hist, (1729- 189.8), 1,S99. Ruttcr (F. K.) S, Amer, trade 1897; [,<■;« PI 103], Thomas (T, P,) City govt., 189(; PI 101]. Hi/or to Enoch Pratt Library Hopkins Univ, ; Maryland, Baltistan. Wfw (G. T.) Travels, 2v, 1842, Ucfir to Kashmir, Baluchist&n. Administration & History. Baluchistan Code, 19110, Dennic (W, H.) Narr, of Campaigns (1838-40), 1843, India, Kec, B, Agency rep,, 1894-1907, I'arl, ])apers (1877), «w gpeeial cat. Stacy (L, R,) Narr., 1840-42, 1848, Thornton (T, H.) Sir K. G. Sandeman (1835-92), 1895, Language * Literature, .w v Brahui lan- guage ; Folklore. Topograpliy & Travels. Bellew (H. W.) From Indus, 1874. DeWindl (H.) Ride, 1891. FA-Heen (4c.), gee A. V. Floyer (K. A.) Unexplored 15., 1882. Hughes (A. W.) Country of B., 1877. [India], Imp. gazetteer; B„ 1908, MacGregor(C. M.) Wanderings, 1882. Masson (C.) Journeys, 4v, 1.^12 3. Oliver (E. E.) Across ISorder. 1S9II. Potlinger (H.) Travels, ISlC Konaldshay. Sport &(•., 1902. /.'(/■(/• to Afghanistan ; Asia ; India. Bamberg. Ariiudcs B. (10(Hi-1180) [;« Mijjne. P. !,.. 173; Mon. G. hist., Scr., 10]. P.ibl. rerum tierm., 15: .lallV, JHC'.). Brunncr (II.) (icricliti. Excinlionsrecht d. lialjcnbcrger \iii K. Ak. zu \Vicn, Sitzb., 1547, 1804], .luritsch (G,) (Jcsch. 1889, Leitschuh (F,) K. I.. (1730-95), l.'<94. MoTi. (Jerni. hisl., see Otio I., fr/,. of IS. Episl. ,V diploni.-ila (ll()3-;i9)f;« Migne, P, L., 173|. Weber (II.) ,Iob,'inn (i. v. Asi'hhanscn, 1889, Uefer to Bavaria ; Church in Oermany, , Otto I. (1102-.39), V. Krlhal, Kiirslbf. r,id. Bamboo. I Gamble (J. S,) Bambusea: of Brit. India. I 1896. Satow (E. M,) Cultiv. in .Tajian, 19(K>. //c/er to Botany ; Forestry & trees ; Grass, Bamburgh Castle. Gibsun (W. .^s.) .Notices, s2, 18.50. /i'/// /■ to Castles ; Northumberland. Bampton, Ojoo. Giles (J. A.) Hist.. 1n47; 1848. J/i/i'r to Oxfordshire. Banbury, Oxoo. Becsley (A.) Ili.sr.. Is41. /I'rj, r To Oxfordshire. Banditti, .-v- Brigands. Bandon, Cor/.-. Bennett (G.) Hi.st., 1S09. Jttfer to Cork. Banff. (laniond (W.) Annals. 2y. 1.891-3. Banffshire. [Abcnlecn. Co. of]. Coll.s. for hist, of X. i; B. ; Kobcrtson, 1843. [ ] lllust. of top. & antiq. of A. A: B. ; 4v, 1847-09. Robertson (A. \\.) Hand-list of bibl., 1893. Watt (\\.) Hist,, 19IM1. JM'er to Cairngorm mts. ; Moray ; Scot- l. Siam. Bangor, Cornarroii. W alcott (M. E. C.) Memorials of B. Ace, 18(i5. [P410]. lief, r to Carnarvonshire ; Cathedrals. Bangor, DUvcfe of. Blograpltles, stc .1. C. under : — Egcrton (,L), bp.. 1721-87 [in Brackley. C'ompil., /i.d.]. Pearce (Z.), li;!Hi-1774. l/efer to Church of England. Bangor, Doien. Scoil (C) Abbey church, 1882. (P1013], Jiifi r to Down, Bangorian Controversy. Ho.idlv (li,) Tracts, 1717-20, [B,] [<•» Wks„ v2, 1773J. Law (W.) 3 letters [in Wks.. vl, 1702]. .Miliier (,L) Letters, 1822. .Sherlock (T.) Wks., v4, 5, 1830. Skellon (P.) Vindic. (173(;) [i;/ Wks., v,5, l.'<24]. Jt(f r to Church of England. Banishment, fee Exile. Bank Hoi idays,.Mv Festivals & holidays. Bank Notes, .av- mcnts, 1819; [.)'• in Pr., 14]. [ ] Kep. rasp, cash isiynicnts, ISllt. |Pr„14]. I ] Represent„May,18I9,181!>,[Pr„MJ. liurgess (H,) Mem. on system, 1827. IIV., 2S|. Chambers (A. 11.) Resumption of cnsh payments, 1819. [Pr., 14]. Congreve (W.) Impmctic. of cji-sh [iiiv- ments, 4:c., 1820. [Pr., 15J. llankey(T.) Pi inc. of banking, A:c,, 1867. .levons (W. S.) Aulunnml pressure, &c„ 180(i, [P(;04], •Toplin ( I',) (Jen, jirinc, ic, of Iwinkiug, 1824. |Pr.. 24]. Liverpool (R., e. of) Letters to L., &c., 1820. [Pr.. 16]. Sp. on rep. of U. Com., 1819. [I'r.,14], BANE 90 BANKS Bank of England [continued] Pari, papers, $t'e apci'tal rat. J^iyue (D. £.) Addr. on manag-ement, 18IG. [Pr., 7]. Pliillips (M.) Token money, 17i»7-1816, I'JOO. Ricardo (D.) Proposals for cunencY. &c. 1810; [.5-i« Wks., 1888]. Sinclair (J.) On cri«s : cash pavment.*. 1818. [Pr.. 12]. Tales of the B. of E., 1882. Tennant (C.) B. of E., 1805. Torrens (R.) Inq. for renewal of Charter. 1814. [Pl(i3j. Wolowski. B. d'Angl. ice, 1867. Wray (J.) Dangers of repeal of Bank Restriction Act, 181S. [Pr., 13]. History. Andreades (A.) Hist. (1640-lit03), 2t, l'J04. Bannister (S.) W. Paterson, founder (1658-1719), 1858. ( 'oilier (J.) Life of Newland (1730-1807), 1808. Congleton (H. B.) Statement of power of B. of E., 1833. [Plliil]. Draught of charter, 11594 [in Somers, 11, 1814]. Francis (J.) Hist., 2v, 1848. Godfrey (M.) Ace. (c. 1G94); S' o.p. [in Somers, 11. 1814]. MacCulloch (J. R.) Hist.sk., 1831. [P4G;), 8G7]. Rogers (J. E. T.) First 9 years (1G94- 1703), 1887. Settlement, 1695 [in Somers, 11, 1814]. Tooke (T.) Abstracts, &c., 1814-56 [in Hist, of prices, v6, 1857]. Turner (B. B.) Chmnicles, 1897. Jfi-Jcr to Banks & banking, England ; Paper money. Bankruptcy. [Carew (J. E,)] Rep. of proc, 1842. Case of creditors of Pedley, 1783. [P27]. Cooper (C. P.) Ace. of inoc. rel. to Court of B., &c., 1828. Defoe. Frauds, 1706 [in Wks., v3, 1843], Evans (D. il.) Facts, failures, & frauds, 1859. Exposure of evils, 1864. [P206]. Facts for the times : reform. No. 1, 1867. [P242]. Hazlitt (W.) & H. 1'. Roche. B. Act. 1861. [P208]. New tax of £100,000 : proposal to abolish off. Assignees, 1859. [P161]. Obs. on credit, w. rel. to B. Law. &C..1818. [Pr., 13]. Itcfor to Commercial law ; Debt ; Law. Banks & Banking. Atkinson (E.) Wliut is a bank .' [(« //. Distrib., 1885]. Braithwaite (B.) Banking, 1900. Branca (A.) Le credit & la B. Internal., 1867. [P226]. Brough (W.) Open mints & free banking, 1898. Carey (H. C.) Credit system, 1838. [Pill]. Chapman (H. S.) Safety-imnciple, 1837. [P106]. Cockburn (R.) Prevailing errors, 1844. [PI 63]. Dunbar (C. F.) Ch. on theory & hist.. 1907. Econ. essays, 1904. Fiske (A. K.) Mod. bank, 1905. Gilbai-t (J. W.) Hist. & prin.. 1837 ; 82 ; [Si in Wks., v4, 1866]. Gilbart (J. W.) Logic of b., 1859 ; [.j- in Wks., v3, 1865]. Banks & Banking [cmifimu'iT]. Gilbart (,1. W.) I'racl. treatise. 2v, 1856 ; [.<• in Wks., vl, 2, 1865]. Guthrie (W. M.) Central banks. 1908. [PI 170]. Guyot (Y.)&A. Ralfalovich. Dict.,2t, n.d. Hankev (T.) Principles. 1867. H.atfield (H. R.) vd.. Lects., 1904. .Tuglar (C.) Crises comm.. 1889. Law (J.) Mem., 1843. Money & trade, 1720 [in Somers, 13, 1815], Llovd 0^^ W.) Panics & panaceas. 1869. [P245, 550]. MacCulloch (J. R.) On money & b.. 1858. Macleod (H. D.) Elem.. 1894. Theoi-y &c., 2v, 1875-6 ; 92-3. Nicholson (J. S.) Banker's money, 1902. Noel (0.) B. d'emissiou en Europe, tl, 1888. Palgrave (R. H. I.) B. rate &c. in Eng., Fr., Germ. &c., 1844-1900, 1903. Pari, papers [923]. B. law &c., 1908. (c. 4068-9). Pari, papers, nee also special cat. Pereire (I.) Principes, 1865. Price (B.) Currency & b , 1876. Rae (G.) Country banker, 1885. Sceptical doubts cone, doctrines, 1836. [P106]. Schwenn (F. B. v.) Handlingar&c, 1828. Scott (W. A.) Jlonev & b., 1903. Tales of the B. of Eng.. &c., 1882. Thomas (8.) Banker's guide, 1772. Tooke (T.) Hist, of prices, 1793-1856. 6v, 1838-57. Valeurs mobiliferes. Congres internat. : Docs., &c., Fasc. 3, 1900, Wilson (A. J.) B. reform, 1879. Wilson (J.) Capital, currency, & b., 1847. Wolowski (L. F. M. R.) Enquete, 1866. Q. des banques, 1864. Bibliography. Schumacher (H.) Gesch. d. deut. Bank- lit, im 19 J.. 1908. U.S.. Liby. of Congx, Bks. on b. Sc b. ; Griffin, 1904. [P1092]. Bks. rel. to currency ic b. ; Griffin, 1908. [P1164]. Works rel. to b. of ir.s. ; Griffin, 190S. [PI 164]. CO'Operatlve Banks. Courtois (A.) Banques pop.. 1890. Devine (H. C.) People's co-op. b., 1908. Levi (E.) Man. per b. pop. coop, ital., 1886. Oakley (R. B.) Co-op. Credit Bank, 1891. [P550]. Pari, papers [1008]. Raiffeisen system, 1895. (c. 7896). Rayneri (C.) Manuel, 1895. Valentiner (J.) Et. s. les assoc. de credit hypothec, en Danemark. 1902. [P1040]. Wolff(H. W.) Banques pop., 1894. [P582]. Co-op. b., 1907. Co-op. credit b. hdbk., 1909. Co-oper. credit-b. in Germany, 1892. [P574]. Essais de credit pop. en Angl. &; en Ecosse, 1893. [P574]. Peoples b. manual, 1895. [P463]. People's b., 1893 ; 96. People's b. for Eng., 1893. [P591]. liefer to Agricnltural banks. History. Conant (C. A.) Hist, of mod. banks &c.. 1902. Demachy (E.) Les Rothschild, si, 1896. Ehrenberg (R.) Gr. Vermijgen. 1902. Zeita. d. Fugger (16c.), 2B, 1896. Banks & Banking [continued^. History [eonti/iiied]. Endcuiann (W.) Stiidien, b. 17. J., 2B, 1874-83. Gautier (J. E.) Banques, Sec, 1839. [P158]. Molard (F.) B. de St. -Georges (Genes, 15-18C.) [m Archives des miss., s3. 16, 1880]. Reeves (.1.) The Rothschilds, 1887. Rota (P.) Tenii'ii. B. 1 1 r. toHKuBi, L-77. Refer to Agricultural banks; Bills of exchange : Bimetallism, Building societies; Co-operation ; Credit ; Ex- change ; Finance ; Interest ; Money & currency ; Panics ; Paper money ; Savings-banks; Stocks & shares. Banks & Banking, Canada, see Canada, Economics. Banks & Banking, England. Ashburtnn (A., b.f Financial &c. crisis. 1847. [P132]. Attwood (M.) Speech on Cash Payments Bill, 1821. [P121]. Bagehot (W.) Lombard St., var. ed. ; [,V in Wks., vo, 1891]. Bank Charter Act: arguments, 1857. [P272]. [B. of Eng.]. View of circulating medium. 1821, [P121]. Bank. Stock Exchange,&c., 1821. [P121]. Beaumont (J. T. B.) Provident or parish banks, 1816. [Pr., 7]. Blacker (W.) Evils insep. f. mixed cur- rency &c., 1844. [PI 13]. Booth (H.) Rationale, 1847, [P268]. Burgess (H.) Letter, 1826. [P474]. Cairnes(J. E.) Exam, into Bank Charter Act of 1844, 1854. [P270]. Cobbett (W.) Paper agst. gold (1810), 1828. Combe (G.) Currency q.. in rel. to B. Restriction Act, 1856. [P271]. Congleton (H. B., b.) Paper monev, b. &c., 1827. Currency question : speeches, docs, ice, 1819 & 44, ii.d. [P268]. D)innrannd (H.) Causes, Bank Restric- tion Bill, 1839. [Pll.s]. Evans (D. M.) Hist, of crisis, 1857-9, 1859. Gilbait (J. W.) Act of 1844, 1849. Currency i:c. [i» Wks., t4, 1866]. Pract. treatise, 2v, 1856 ; [<5' in Wks., vl, 2, 1865]. Pract. working of Act of 1841, 1849. [P132]. Goschen. Essays kc. (1865-93), 1905. Gregg (St. G.) Currency ; evils &c., 1839. [Pli8]. Greig (J. K.) B. note i!^c. reform, 1880. [P356], Grenfell (H. R.) Banking &c., 1n75. [P362]. Guthrie (G.) Safe reform, 1857. [P272]. Hankey (T.) Principles, 1867. Hobart (A.) B. Charter Act, 1844 [in h. Pol. essays, 1866 ; Essavs, v2, 1885]. Jaff6 (E.) Engl. Bankwes'eu, 1904. Jevons (W. S.) Autumnal pressure in money market, &c., 1866. [P604]. , .Toplin (T.) Cause ..tc. of comm. embarrass- ments. 1841. [P113]. Essay [in h. Outl., 1823]. Gen. princ. & practice in E. 4c Set., 1824. [Pr., 24]. King (P.. *.) Thoughts on b. restrictions. 1804 [in Sel., 1844]. Lamb (S.) Seasonable obs., 1659 [in Somers, v6, 1811]. BANES 91 BANES Banks & Banking, England [ao,t.]. Law (J.) Money it liatle. 1720. Letter to the Comm. on B. Mouopolv, 1858. [P272]. Lubbock (J.) B. Act of 1814 [in h. Addr.. 187!!]. Macdonaia (J. H.) Errors of B. Charter Act of 1814. 1855. [P271]. Maclean (.\. W.) Fund, princ. of mon. circul., 185G. [P271]. Martin (J. B.) Effects of a crisis, 1879. Norton (E.) B. Charter Act of 1844, 1857. [P272]. Overstone (tS.. h.) Evid.. 1857. on B. act.s, 1858. Tracts kc, 1858. Pari, papers, sec special cat. Pliillips (E.) Letter[s], 1856. [P271]. l'hipps(E.) Monetary crisis, 1847. [P2t!8]. Quin (.M. J.) Trade, 1833. Remarks on prevailing errors, 1842. [P113]. ]licardo(D.) Plan for Nat. Bank, 1824; [,)'• in Wks., 1888]. Uoval P.rit. Bank. Cur. hist., «./i. [P145]. Scott (sir W.) Letters, 182l> ; [S'in Prose wks., v21, 1839; v2, 1878]. Sketch of plan for reform, in system of prov. b., 1821. [IV. IH]. Slater (R.) Currency in conn. \v. B. Charter, 1857. [P27'2]. Smee (\V. R.).Inint StockB., 18Uii, [P247]. .Spencer (H.) State-tamperings (185.8) [in h. Essays. v2, 18li8 ; (58; v3, 1891]. Stansfeld (H.) Bane &c., B. Charter Act of 1844, 1857. [P272]. Comments on cun"ency fallacies of Overstone, n.d. [P2t;8]. Stevens (F. "W .) Liab. of parties depos. money •■at call," 1857. [PUS; 272]. Sumner (\V. G.) Eng. B. restiiction \in h. Hist., 1874]. Thornton(H.)Nat.i:c.ofpapercredit,1802. Speeches on Bullion Comm.. 1811. [PI 21)]. Tillyard (F.) B. instruments, law, 1891. Toland (J.) Scheme of a national b. [(« Coll., vl, 172G ; .Misc. wks., vl, 1747]. Torrens (K.) Peels Bill of 1844, 1848 ; 58. [P132, 209]. Tritton (J. H.) Banking [»» Pitcairu, Unwr. laws, 1899], I'rquhart (W. I'.) Currency q. & B. Charter Comm. of 1857/8, 1M(!0. [P161]. Weber (A.) Depositi^nbanken u. Speku- lationsbanken, 1902. WollV (H. W.) People's b. for E., 1893. [P591]. Baaking Firms. Forbes (W.) .\leiiis. of a b.-bouse, iKIJd. (irindon (L. li.) Mancli. banks &c., 1877. Hughes (.J.) Livi'rp(jol banks A:c., 17(;0- 1837, 190(;. Knight (.1.) London Joint Stock Banks, 1857, IP1391; 1858, fP.'iUCl. London & Westminster liank. Corr.. progress Jtc, 1853. [1'3I)(;]. Martin (,I. B.) " 'I'he Grasshopper" in Lombard St., 1892. Price(F.G. H.) Hdbk.ot Lom(1..m baiikrrs (f. KhO). I87i;; 90-1. JIarygohl, 1902. — Ti^niple Bar, "ye Marygold," 1875. I P3i;(;]. Hieb:iril.son (R.) Coutts i: Co., l9(io. .Xeiiiis (S. T.) Depredations ; Ovi'reml, (iiiiiiey \ Co., &c., 1809. Biographies, scti A. ('. under : — Newland(A.), 1730-1807. Paterson (\V.), 1058-1719. Banks & Banking, England [coiif.]. Clearing System, Bankers' Clearing House. Rep. (1868- 1907). 2v, 1902-8. llowarth (W.) Our c. s. & houses, 1884 ; 97; 1907. History. Bond (E. A.) Extr. f. Liberate Rolls, rel. to loans by Ital. merchants to kings, 13-14C. [in Arch.. v28, 1840]. Gilbart, (J. W.) Hist, ic princ, 1837 ; 82 ; [,f in Wks., v4, 1800]. . 10 yrs'. retrospect, 1855. [P300]. Hardcastle (D.), 7«. Banks &c., 1842. Lawson (W. .T.) Hist., 1850 : 55. Rhodes (W. E.) It. bankers in E. (1272- 1327) [in 'J'out & Tait, Essays, 1902]. Re/ci' f" siih-hea(li>iolis. Rep. of Monot.Comm.,189S. [Mass.] .\bstr. of returns, 1863. [U.S.]. Conqitroller of Currency, Hop.. 1865, 75 [P223]. [ ] Lib. of Congr. Wks. rel. to b. of C.S. ; Giillin, 1908. [PI 104]. I ] Nation;d banks, 1.864. [ ] Rep. of Sec. of Treasury, Bnnk of U.S. ice, 1820. White (II.) M(Uiey ic b., 1908. [B.] BANKS 92 BAPTISTS Banks & Banking, United States [cii/tii)iiii'd]. History. liarnett (G. E.) State b. (IStUVOil). 10(12 ; [.<-mP1106]. Bates (J.) Mem. (1TSS-1S64). imr>. Bolles (A. S.) riuanc. hist.. 1 774-1885. 3v, 1891-4. Bryan (A. C.) Hist, of state b. in Mary- land (1700-lH(;t). l.sno (B.); [,<■ In ini04]. I Kinlev (D.) Hist, of Independent Trcii- sury; 189:",. Bf/cr to Finance ; United States, Economics. Banners, .«<( Flags. Bannockburn, Battle of, 131cc.. 187li. Udny (R.) Trans-border trade. 1882. Jii/ir to Punjab. Banquets, »>- Dining. Bantam, sic Java. Bantia. Kirchhc>ff(A.) Stadtreclit, 185;!. J/i/t'i- to Apulia. Bantry Bay. Crokcr (T. ('.) Pop. songs. Fr. invasions. 133(1796-7), IS 17. Hefer to Cork ; Ireland. Bantu Languages. lieithoud (11.) lieniarques s. la famillc des langues b. [I.C. Or., 10. p4, 1897J Torrend (J.) Comp. gram,, 1S91. Mefcr to African Languages ; Ben- guela ; Fipa ; Suahili ; Wisa Dialect ; Zulu. Bantu Races. Theal (G. Jl.) Hist. & ethnogr. of Afr., S.of Zambesi, 150,5-1795, vl. 1907. Hist, of S. Afr. since 1795, vl, 1908. Records of 8.E, Africa, 9v, (1(5- 19c.), 1898-1903. Itefer to Africa ; Basutos ; Kaffirs ; Zululand. Banz. Mon, Germ, hist., ,vcf Index to il. (i. If. Brfer to Bavaria. Bapaume, Battle of, 1871. Guerre de 1870-1 ; Camp de I'armee du nord, t3, 1903. Itcfrr to Franco-German war, 1870-1. Baptism. Early & Medixral ( — IS century). Acta ic mon. de hxreticorum b. {3c.) [in Migne, P. I,., 3]. Amalarius (F.), abp. Epist. : De caere- inoniis b. (9c.) [in Migne, P. L., 99]. Basil, tit. De b. (4c.) [in Op., t2, 1839 ; Migne, P. G., 31]. Cyprian, St. De haereticis bapt. (Cone. Carthag., 25fi) [in Op., var. rd. S; tr ]. De rebaptismate (3c.) [»» Cyprian. St.. Op., 1726; p3, 1871 ; Wr.,tr.,v2, 1SG9]. Gregory, of N>/.isa, Adv. eos qui diiferunt b. (4c.) [in Migne, P. G., 4(;]. Iklephonsus, St., abp. De cognitione b. (7c.) [in Migne, P. L., 96], Jerome, Greek tlieolnijian. De effectu b. (c. 8c.) [m Migne, P. G., 40]. Jesse, bp. Epistola (9c.) [in Migne, P. L., 105]. [jfiidradus, abp. De sacr. Vl [in ^ligne, P. L , 99]. Baptism [continued]. 1 Early & Medlceval ( — IS century). \ Magnus, ahp. of Sens. Tib. de mysterio b. (9c.) [in Migiie, P. L., 102]. Mark, St , anchorite. Opusc. 4. De b. (5c.) [in Migne, P. G., 65]. Maximus. bp. of Turin. Tractatus (5c.) : [in Migne, P. L., 57]. Ordo bapt. sec. usura ^Ethiojiuni [in Migne, P. L., 138]. TertuUian. De b.(c. 198) [in Op., var. ed. .<■ tT\ Theodulfus. bp. of Orleans. De ordine b. (Sc. ?) [;« Jlign'e, P. L., 105]. Modern {16-20 centuries). Augusti. Denkwiird., B7, 1825. Bethell (C.)Doct. of regeneration, 1836. Bingham (J.) Lay-baptism [in Orig., v8, 1840]. Bolime (J.) De testamentis Christi, 1623 [in Wke., Bi;, 1846]. Bramhall (J.) Disc, dying without b. (17c.) [(■« Wks., v5, 1845]. Clarke (S.) Wks., v3, 1738. Conroy (F.) Tract, de statu paruulornm sine b. deced., 1652. Croly (G.) Theory, 1850. Dale (A. v.) Hi.st. b., cum Hebr.. tnm Chr. [in Diss, super Aristea, 1705]. Davison (J.) On b. regen. [in Remains. 1840]. Faber(G. S.) Prim. doct. of regen., 1840. Fleetwood (W.) Lav-b. &c. [in Comp. coll.. 1737]. Franklin (A.) Vie privge, 12-18s.. 17, L'enfant : le b. &c., 1895. Gataker (T.) De b. infant. [/« Op., t2. 1697]. Gilchrist (J.) Perpetuilv, 1826. Goode (W.) Doct. of Cb. of Eng., 1849. Hall (R.) Diff. betw. Xtn. b. & b. of John, 181(; ; [.(• in Wks.. v2, 1838]. Hammoiul (H.) B. of infants [in Wks.. v2, 16S4]. H..pkins (E.) Doct. (17c.) [('«. Wks., t2, 1809]. Irving (E.) Coll. wr., v2. 1864. Homilies, vl, 1828. Knox (A.) Reniiiins, vl, 2, 1836. Launoy (J. de) De priscis baptismi temp. [in De vet. cib. delectu &o.. 1G63. P412]. Leslie (C.) Disc, proving div. iustit. [in Wks., v7, 1832]. Mason (A. J.) Kel.of confirm, to b., 1891. Meara (W.) Dissert., 1862, [P81]. Mellor (E.) B. regen. [in Ecclesia, 82, 1871]. Mozlev (J. B.) Prim. doct. of b. regen., 1856.' Review of b. controv., 1895. Nestorianische Taufiiturgie ; iibers. Diet- trich, 1903. i Otto (C. \V.) Todtentaufe in Corinth [in I Decalog. Unters., 1857]. Owen (J.) Of infant b. &.C. [in Wks., v21, 1826]. I Phillpotts (H.) Letter to abp. of Cant., 1850. [P128]. I Resbm-y (N.) Cross in b., 1684. [P276]. j Rogers (C. F.) B. & Xtn. arch., 1903. 1 Ruskin (J.) Essav, 1850-1 [in Wks., vl2, 1904]. Sinclair (J.) Ch. difficulties, 1S51. [PI 28]. Tracts for the times, v2, 4, 1839-40. Vaux (W.) Benefits, 1826. I Vernon-Harcourt (L.) Doctrine of Deluge, v2, 1838. Vossius (G.) De b. [in Op., t6, 1701]. Baptism [eontinned]. Modern (16 20 centuries) [continiicd\. Wall (\V.) Hist, of infant-b.. 4v, 1835-6. Waterland (D.) Letters on lav-b. (18c.) [in Wks., vlO, 1823]. Wesley (J.) Wks.. vl3. 1812 ; vlO, 1820. ■Wickham (J. A.) Synopsis of doct., to 4c., 18,50. Wilberforce (R. I.) Doct., 1849. Zwingli (V.) Werke. B2i, ii, 3, 1830-2. Jlefer to Anabaptists ; Baptismal fonts ; Baptists ; Church government & in- BtitutiouB ; Donatists ; Gorham case, 1848^50; Limbus infantum ; Regene- ration ; Sacraments ; Theology. Baptismal Fonts. Arcliseulog. journal, 1845 — . Bond (F.) Fonts & font covers. 1908. Gough (R.) Old font, East Meon, .j- o.p. [in Arch., vlO, 11, 1792-4]. Kitchin (G. W.) F. in Winchester Cath. [in h. Ruskin &c., 1904]. Kopp (C F.) Lib. messiiigene Tauf- Schiissel [in h. Bilder, B2, 1821]. Rogers (C. F.) Bapti.sm & Xtn. arch., 1903. Stephens (G.) Thunor on font; c. 1000. 1878. Virgin (A.) Dei liattezzatoi &c. n. ant 1. see A. ('. Walker (.1. K.) Scot. b. f. [in Soc. of Anti(i. of Sc. Proc, v21. 1S87J. IM'i r to Churches. Baptists. [Anabaptists], Hundjle petition. 1660. [1'27.5]. Baptist hdbk., 1894, 1900. Braght (T. J. van) MartvTology (1524-68) ; tr. 2v. 1850-3. Creighton (M.) B. [in Ii. Hist.lect., 1903 : 04], Crosby (T.) Hist, (to c. 1714), 4v, 1738-40. [Fenstanton]. Records. F., Warboys, & Hexham, 1644-1720, 1854. Fuller (A.) Admission of uubaptized, 1815. Hall (R.) Reply to Kinghorn, free com- munion, 1818 ; [.<• IK Wks., v2, 1838]. Terms of communion, 1815 ; [,<• in Wks.. v2. 1838]. Wks,. 6v, 1832-8 ; Misc. wks., 1846. Ivimey (J.) Hist. (toe. 1820) 4v, 1811-30. Kinglioru (J.) Baptism, term of com- munion, 1816. Tliom (W. T.) Struggle in Virginia : B., 1900. [B.] Underbill (E. B.) Confessions of faith, &c, 17c., 1854. Records of Broadmead, Bristol, 1640-87. 1847 ! Tracts on liberty of conscience &c., j 1614-61, 1846. I W. Indies, 1862. Biographies, see A. C. under: — '' Brock (W.), 1807-75. Carev (W.), 1761-1834. Crisp (S,), 1628-92. I Evans (Christinas), 1766-183H. j Foster (J.), 1770-1843. Hall (R.), 1764-1831; [,(• in h. Misc. wks., 1846]. Judson (A.), 1788-1850. Spurgeon (C. H.), 1834-92. Thomas (John), 1757-1801. Jti'fer to Anabaptists ; Church member- ship ; Church in England ; Church in ■United States ; Congregationalists ; Missions, India ; Nonconformiets ; Religious sects. BAR 98 BARROWS Bar, Duchy uf. l!;i,ud(it (J.) rrincessos Yolande et dues lie 15., pi, lilOO. Uif,r to Alsace-Lorraine ; Lorraine. Barbadoes. ii. lUuu book, 1873; 82. Caribbeaiia : Letters &c., 2v, 1741. Davis (N. D.) Cavaliers Si Rouiidheads in B. li;3U-.'52, 1S,S3. l-igon (K.) Hist., 1G73. Merivale (\V.) Xegro in 15. \in Brit. emp. ser., v5, UI02]. I'arl. papers, are special cat. I'liillips (T.) ^■ov. (l(iy3-4), tee A. ('. Schouibursk (R H.) Hist., 184S. J{i-fi-r to Colonies, English ; West Indies. Barbarians. Bicjiikow.ski (P.) De simulacris barbar. gentium apud Kom., lilOO. Roth (C. J. F. V.) Sinn n. Gebraueh d. Wortes Barbar, 1.H14. [1'774]. Itii'rr 1(1 Greek history, Ancient; Boman history. Barbary, .•"■( Algeria ; Barka ; Fezzan ; Morocco ; North Africa ; Pirates ; Tri- poli ; Tunisia. Barbastro. Espana sagrada, t46, 48 ; Sainz de Baranda, 1850-H2. Ilrfir tn Spain. Barbers, .^iv Hair & Hairdressing. Baroa, .«« Barka. Barcelona, town S' pnn-ince. [Ban-elonaj. Chron. B. (113()-1310), see A a Gesta Comitum B. (—1296), 1688. Capniany y Montpalau. Mem. s. la marina, &c. (ll-16c.), 4t, 177!l-02. Chronieon Barcinon. (!).S.'j-1310) [in Espana .sagrada, t28, 1774]. Ebert (A.) Quellenf()rsch.(i:!-ir>c.), 18411. Espaiia sagrada ; Florez, t2'J, 1775. Freind(J.) Peterborow's conduct, 1 707-08. [P217]. Mon. Germ, hist., see Index to M. (t. 11. Ilefir III Cabrera de Malarfi ; Catalonia ; Spain ; Vich. Bardesanians. Beausobn' (I. di-) Hist, du manicheisme, 21, 1734-!). Hilgenfeld (A.) Bardesanes, 1864. [P487]. Merx (E. O. A.) Bardesanes, 1863. [P4H7]. I/i fer to Gnosticism ; Heresy ; Syrian Churches. Bardowiek. .McibomCH.)!!. (— H102)[mHcTinn(nTrn. f3. ii;ssj. /I'lfir to Liineburg ; Prussia. Bards, .'w Druids ; Minnesingers ; Minstrels ; Poetry ; Troubadours & trouveres. Bard well, Siijf'olli. W.uriir (1-'. E.)(;ild of S. I'elcr, )i.d. llrt'iT to Suffolk. Barebone's Parliament, si-r Little Parliament. Bari, lomi ^- prorince. Ann;dcs B. (600-1(14.!) [i» JMigne, P. I,., l").j; S' also eomult Piitthm/]. Jlon. Germ, hist., see Index to M. (1. II. StralTorellu (G.) T,;i I'alri.i, B. &c . ISIP'.I. Hrfe.T to Apulia : Canosa ; Conversano ; Molfetta ; Polignano. Bari Language. -Miiilrr (V .) Spr. il. 1!. (ir.i/lim.) [in K. Ak. zu Wicn, .Sitzl)., I'.l.-,, lsi;)|. liefer to African languages. Baringo, Lake, see British East Africa. Bark. Husliworth (J.) r.se in mortifications, I7:'.2. [I'll-..-]. Ite/ir to Botany ; Cinnamon ; Quinine. Barka (Cyrenaica). Beechey (F. W. & H. W.) Proc. of the exped., 1821-2, 1.S28. Cervelli (A.) E.xped. 1811-2, Tripoli a Derne [in Soc. de guogr. Rec, t2, 1825]. Hamilton (J.) Wanderings, 1856. Martino (G. de) Cirene e Cartagine. 1008. Pacho. Voyage, 2v, 1827-9. Rohlfs (G.) Kufra, 18.S1. Tripolis n. Alexaudrieu, 1868-9, 2B, 1871. Synesius, of Cyrene. Catastasis (c. 400), Epist. (c. 399-413) [in Op., 1612; Migne, P. G., 66]. n.efer to Morth Africa. Barlaamitas, sec Hesychasts. Barmaids. Women as barmaids, r.H).",. llifer to Hotels, inns, & restaurants ; Women. Barnet. Cass (F. C.) East Barnet, 1885-92. Jesus-Hospitall, 1679-80 [in Liber niger Sc3,cc. v2 1 "74 1. Stevens' (H. W. P.) Old B., 1886 ; [.<,■ in P575]. Rufer to Hertfordshire ; Monken Hadley ; South Mimms. Barnstaple. Gribbli- (J. B.) Mem., 1830. Hist. MSS. Comm., 9. Pari, papers, see B. election (1819), in special eat. liefir to Devonshire. Barn'Brell. [Barnwell]. Observances at Priory (wr. 13c.); Clark, 1897. Hist. & antiq. of B. Abbey, 1786. Liber mem. eccles. de B. ; Clark, 1907. Itcfcr to Cambridgeshire ; Monasteries. Baroda. [BarodaJ. (Jensus, 1881, 1883. Bombay. Gazetteer, v7, 1883. Chapman (.J.) B. & Bombay ; removal of Oiitrani, 1H53. LP273]. [India]. Iinj). gazetteers, Baroda. 1908. India. Kec. Ii. state report. 1898-1904. Outram (J.) 15. intrigues, 1853. Pari, papers [428]. A.lmin,. ls7.-.. (c. 1203). Hcfer to Bombay, presideney : Mara- thas. Barometer. ,\dauis (G.) (In b. &c., 1790. [P14.5]. Belville (.1. H.) Manual of b., 1849. [P4.56]. Fitzrov (R.) B. & weather gnide, 1859; n.d. '[IMut;, 7()9]. Laplace. 8. la depression ilu mercure [in Qi.. t\:i, 1904 1. Leslie (J.) I!., i:c. [i)i h. Tr., 1838]. Noiil (E.) Plein du vide, l(i48 [tn Pascal (B.) (Ji.. t4, 1819; t2, 1858; t3, 1872]. Pascal (15.) Nodv. exper. t. le vide, 1(M7 [in (E., 14, 1819 ; t2, 18.58 ; 13, 1872]. Renny (H. L.) Constants of b. formula; [tn R.I.A., Trans., v23ii, 1859J. Spitalor(R.) Period. Luftmas.senversohie- bungen, 1901. Wliympcr(l';,)llnwtouse. 1891. [1'407]. Itr/rr tn Air ; Meteorology. Baronage, .■■n- Nobility. Baronetage. Banks (T. C.) Order of Nova Scotia [in h. Baronia. v2, 1843]. Baronetage [continued]. Betham (W.) J5aronetage. 5v, 1801-5. Burke (J. & .1. B.) Geneal. liist. of extinct & dormant b., 1.S3S; 44. Burke (J. B.) (Jenealog. diet., var ed. Cokayne (G. E.) Corapl. b. vl-5, 1900-(;. Collins (A.) B. of Eng., 2v, 1720. Courthope (W.) Synopsis of extinct b.. 1.835. Crawford (W.) Address on chartered rights &.C., 1837. [P118]. Debrett (J.) B. &c., 1898 : 1905. llhist. b. &c., 1865. Dod's Peerage, B. &c.. 1844. Dugdale (W.) Cat. (—1611-81) [,« /,. Ant. usage, 1682]. Foster (J.) I'eerage, b. &e.. p2, 1882. Kimber (E.) B. of Eng., 3v, 1771. Lodge (E.) Pi^erage &c., car. ed. Pari, papers [88]. B., Rep., 1907. (c.3445). Patentseonc. degree &c.. 16I7[(«Somers. 2. 1809]. Pixley (F. W.) Hist., 1900. Shilling b. ; Walford, 1859 ; 63 ; 65-7. Young (C. G.) Baronets: petitions for badge, A:c., 1614-1835, 1835 ?. [P787]. llifcr to Nobility, English. Barons' War, aec Henry III, of England, 1216 72. Barossa Range, '49. y.V/'cr til south Australia. Barotseland. Aruot (F. S.) Garenganze, 1889. Bertrand (A.) Kingiiom ; tr., 1899. Coillanl (F.) Threshold ; tr., 1897. Gibbons (A. St. 11.) Afr. : Marotseland, 2v, 1904. Pari, papers [858]. Award of king of It. re W. boundary, 1905. (c.2584). Richter (M.) Kultur u. Reich d. Marotse, 190S. llifcr to Rhodesia ; Zambesi. Barracks. •Jebb (.1.) Mem. on construction of b. cells, IS 16. llifcr to Military architecture; Mili- tary art & science Barrel-organs, .■nc Musical Instru- ments ; Organ-grinders. Barricades, Jour des, 1588. Histoire, 1588; ii op. [in A. cur, >1, (11, 1836]. /,'//( ;• III Henry III, of France ; Paris, Barrier Reef. .Savilk-Kt-ni (W.) (it. B. Reef, 189:5. 11/ fer til Queensland. Barrier Treaty, 1709. Hare (F.) Wks.. v3. 4. 17 16. yiV/ir^'Anno.q.ofGt. Brit.; Netherlands; Spanish succession. War of; Treaties. Barristers, .ice Law. Barrows & Tumuli. Aielneoliigia. I 773 — . .\rch;uologia C.'imbrensis, 1846 — . Batenian (T.) 10 yrs.' diggings, Celtic .t Saxon, 1861. Borlase (W. C.) Cornish b. [i"« Arch, v l»i, 1885]. Biuybrooke (11. C, b.) Sepulchm, 1848. Browne (sir T.) Artificial hills, Eng. [in Wks., v4, 1835; 46; v.'l, 1907]. Coll'ey (G.) Tumuli 4;c. at .New Grange, \c. [ill R.I. A., Tians., v;50, 1892-61. D.vonshiie Ass.u'. Rep. kv., 1881-90. Douglius (.1.) Nenia Bril., 1793. Greenwcll (G.) Early iron ago burials in Yorks. [in Arch., viiOi, 1906]. Greenwcll (W.) Brit, b., 1877. BARROWS 94 BATAKS Barrows & Tumuli [mnfinvrd]. GieeinvelL W.), l!eseai'clies,Y(irks..\Vilt>., Berks. : ,((■ o.p. [in Arch., vr>2i. IHW], Jewitt (L.) Gvave-mounils, 1870. Merewether (J.) Diary, Silbviry Hill, kc, 1851. Pennington (R.) B. of Derbyshire, 1877. Pownall (T.) Descr. of New Grange, Meath [in Arch., v2, 1773]. Schurmans (H.) Tumulus do la Belg. ; <^- o.p. [in Commissions Roy. 12. 13, 1873-4]. Thurnam (J.) Anc. Brit. b. [in Arch.. v42i. 43ii, 1SG9-71]. Warne (C.) Celtic tumuli of Dor.si-t, ISCIj. Hffrr to Anglo-Saxon antiquities ; An- tiquities, Prehistoric ; Celtic antiqui- ties ; Stone monuments ; Tombs ; ^^ Anfiqnitii'^ of vurioitu count I'ifti. Barrymore. Barry (E.) B. [in Oork Hist. &c. Soc. J., s2. v5-8, 1899-1902]. Ri-fer to Cork. Bartholomew Fair, sec Fairs & markets Bartholomew (St.) Massacre of, 1572, .«•■ Saint Bartholomew. Barton-on-Humber, Li/u-f. Brown (K.) Notes ( — i:-i77). 2v, 190G-8. L'cfer to Lincolnshire. Basel. Basler Chron. (238-1585), Bl-5, 1872-95. Knebel (J.) Diarium, 1473-9 [in B. Chron., B2-3, 1880-7]. Mon. Germ, hist., see Index to M. B. S. Wackernagel (R.) Gesch., Bl, 1907. Itefer to Switzerland. Basel, Council of, 1431-43. Baluze (E ) Misc., t3, 17(;2. Beer (R.) Quellen I'lir d. Liber diurnus d. P. Bruneti, 1891. Beer(A.)Urkundl.Beitr. zuJ.de Segovia's Gesch., 1891). Cusa (N. rie) De concordantia cath. [in Op., y2, 1565; Schr. 1KG2]. Gratius (0.) Fasc. rerum &c., tl, 1690. Lenfant (J.) Hist., 2t, 1731. Martene & Durand. Vet. scr. &c. coll., t8, 1733. Monuments Cone. Gen. : C. B. : Scr. tl-3, 1857-90. Pius II. De gestis \in Op., 1571 ; Charles VII, (^ iV., Pragm. Sanctio, IGGG]. Dialogi [_in Kollarius, Anal., t2, 17G2]. Quellen u. Forsch. aus ital. Arcliiven (1438, 9), B3, 1900. Raumer (F. v.) Kirchenversamml. &c. (1305-1448) [in Hist. Tbch., N.F., 10, 1849]. Tudeschis (N. de) Tractatus ; S,' o.p. [in Charles A'll, of Ft., Pragm. Sauctio, IGGG]. Zeibig. Wirksamkeit d. B. C. in Oster- reich, &c. [in K. Ak. zu Wien, Sitzb., B8, 11. 1852-4]. Rrfcr to Church councils; Churches, Union of. Bashan. Freshtield (D. W.) Travels, 1SG9. Heber-Peroy (A) Visit, 1895. Merrill (S.) E. of Jordan, 1881. Porter (J. L.) Cities, 18G5; GO. Wright (W.) Ace. of I'alinyra &c., 1895. Refer to Hauran ; Jaulan ; Palestine & Syria. Bashkirs. Ujfalvy (K. J.) Exp6d. sci. t3, Les B. &c., 1880. Refer to Finnish lang. ; Ural-Altaians. Basilica, »< Law, Byzantine. Basilicas. Clausse (G.) Mons. : P.. &e., Italie-Sicile, 2t, 1893. Launoy (J. de) Indicium de A'alesii dis- cept. de b., 1G58. [P41G]. Watkins (C. F.) B., nature &c.. 18G7. Refer to Architecture ; Harthex. Basilicata, .my Potenza. Basilidians. Am^lineau (E.) Essai. is.sy. Beausobre (I. de) Hist, du manicheisme. 2t, 1734-9. Hilgenfeld (A.) System des Basilides [/«. Jiid. Apok., 1857]. Hofstede de Groot. Basilides als Zeuge fiir Alter &c. neutest. Schr., &c., 1868. [P487]. Jacobi(J. L.)Basilidissent., 1852. [P4s7]. Uhlhorn. Das b. System, 1855. [P4S7]. Refer to Gnosticism ; Heresy. Basingstoke. Baigent & Millanl. Hi.st., 1889. Refer to Hampshire ; Manydown manor. Basket-vrork, f es des miss., s3, tl2. 1885]. R(fer to Gold Coast; Ivory Coast; West Africa. Bassano. Marucini. B. [in GrKvius, The.s. It., t9viii. 1723]. Refer to Vicenza, province. Basses- Alpes, dept.. nee Digne ; France ; Provence. Basses-Pyr^n^es, dept. Dictionnaire topog. ; Raymond, 18G3. Ri'fer to Bayonne ; Beam ; Biarritz ; France ; Navarre ; Pau. Bass Rock. Bass Rock, 1H17. Refer to Forth, Firth of. Bastides, see Towns. Bastille. Bingham (D. A.) The B., 2v, 1888. Bournon (F.) La B., 1893. Cliarpentier. B. devoilee, 9 1., 1789-90. Dclort (J.) Hist, de la detention des philosophes ice, 3t, 1829. Dusaulx (J.) De I'insmr. [in Linguet, Mem., 1821 ; 89], Funck-Brentano. Lfigendes & archives, 1898; tr., 1899. Lettres de cachet &c. (1659-1789), 1903. Linguet (S. N. H.) M6m. (17.80-2), 1821 ; 89. Pitra (L. G.) Journee du 14 juillet ; Flammermont, 1892. Ravai.sson (F.) Archives, tl-18 (1G59- 1767). 1SG6-1903. Refer to French Revolution ; Paris ; Prisons, French. Basutos. Basuto War, n.d. [P3G6]. Casalis (E.) Les B., 1859. Mes souv., 1884. Jacottet (F.) Contes ; tr.. 1895. Oi-pen (J. M.) Princ. of native govt. ; & petitions of B., 1880. [P375]. Pari, piapers. see Basutoland in special eat. Sprigg (J. G.) Speech on disarmament of B., &c.. 1880. [P375]. Refer to Africa ; Bantu races. Bat, animal. Allen (H.) B. of N. Amer. [in S.I., Misc. coll., y7, 18G7]. Barringtou (D.) On b. [in Misc., 1781]. Peters (W.) Ub. Mormops u. I'/ri/llostoma [in K6n.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1856]. Ub. Ni/etophihis [in K6n.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 18i;0]. Rifer to Mammals ; Zoology. Bataks, sec Philippine islands ; Sumatra. BATALHA 95 BATTLES Batalha, I'.tlrinKidnra. Betkforcl (W.) .Mmwistfries, 1835. ItifeT to Portugal. Batavi, .«> Netherlands, History. Batavia, .<" Java. Batavian Republic, sn- Netherlands. Bath, srr Baths. Bath, Order I'/ Ihr. Ditlimar (J. C.) Comin. &c., acceil. Sta- tuta, 172'.l. .Manner of creatiufj' Knights, ll'iCl [m Harlrian misc., vl, 180S]'. Itrfcr /»KnightB*order8 of knighthood. Bath, Siimrr.iii . [IJallrj. Oiii.'. B. fiuiile, ISIT. Davis (C. E.) Jliiieral batlis of B., 18«;5. Fo.x (A. E. W.) B. min. waters, 1890. Freeman {II. W.) Thermal baths, 1888. Tunstall (J.) liambles. l.slT; 81). Vonnor (T.) Baths. I():i7 [i'278; <$■ v.o.p. in Harl. mi.sc, v2. ISO'.l]. A bbey. [Bath Abbfv Ch.]. Reg. (15(59-1800), 2v, 1900-]. [ Priori']. Two cliartiilaries ; Hunt, 1893. [ ] Some ace. of Abbey ch., 1798. Britton (J.) Hist. &; antiq., 182.5. Chartae & notae (11 & 12c.) [in Domer- ham (A., of) Hist., vl, 1727]. Iti/fT to MonasterieB. Bibliography. (irc.-n (E.) Bil.l. .Somerset., vl, 1902. History & Social Lite. liarhe,iii(A,) N'ille 18s..l904 : tr..l904. [B.] Goldsmith (O.) Lifeof Nash, 1702 ; [^-in Misc. wks., v3. 1837 ; Wks., v4, 1H55J. Harper (C. G.) B. Koad, 189H. Hutton (\V. H.) Citv of 18c. [in Burford pap., i;i05]. King (A. .1.) iV: B. H. Watts. Municipal rec, 1189-l(i04, 1885. Meehan (.1. F.) Famous houses of B. is. distr., 1901. More fam. h., HIOIJ. Melville (I.,.) B. under Nash, 1907. Peach (K. K. M.) Hi.st. of Hosp. of St. John. Bath, lK8t;. Hist, houses. 2s, 1HK3-4. Life of K. Allen (l(;94-17l)4), 1895. SomerseUshire Arch.&c.Soc. I'nir.,ls51 — . Warner (K.) Hist., Isoi. /iV/cr 1. of WvlU, d. 1242 [in Arch., vulii, 1888]. Ken (T.), A;;.. I(>37-1711. Savaric, i;;..d. 1205 (/•;/. Arch., voli, 1K.S,S|. Ilrfrr If Church of England ; Olaston- bury ; Wells. Bathos. Pope (A.) Balhos [;« Wks., var. ed\ Itefvr to Oratory & rhetoric. Baths. Ashiiitil & Whichcord. Obs. on b. & wash-houses, 1851. [PTC]. Bell (J.) Treatise, 1850. Freeman (H. W.) Thermal baths of Bath, &c., 1888. I Martin (A.) Deut. Badewesen in vergaug. Tagen, 190(;. Rumford. Warm bathing &c. [in Essays, v:i. 1S02; Wks, v5, 1870]. Greek & Roman. , Bacci. Ih- tlu-rmis [in Grrcvius, Thes. I Rom., tl2, 1G99]. Capaccio. De balneis [in Grsevius, Thes. { It., t9iv, 1723], 1 Casali. De therrais & balneis vet. [in Gronovius, Thes. Gr. antiq., t9, 1701]. ] Ferrai-ius. De balneis [in Poleni, Thes., I v3, 1737]. ! Iwanoff (S. A.) Archit. St., H3, Thermcn d. Caracalla. 1898. K.D.A.I. : Uiim. Abt.: Mitt, 1829— . Lombardus. De balneis Puteolanis [in Grffivius, Thes. It., t9iv, 1723]. Montfaucon. L'antiq. expl., t3ii, 1722 ; Suppl., t3, 1724. Morin (A. J.) Appareils de chaufEage &c. p. les thermcs. 1S74. lirfer to Greek antiquities ; Greek social life, Ancient ; Soman antiqui- ties ; Roman social life. Turkish. Urquhiirt (D.) '1'. 1j., introd. into Brit., 185(;. [P747J WiLson (W. ,T. E.) Turk. !>.. ISdl. Itifvr to Health resorts; Hydropathy ; Hygiene ; Swimming. Batley. Siicard (M.) Records, 1891. Itvfer to Yorkshire. Batoum. Pari, i^apers (U44]. Port of 1!.. Corr.. 1886. (c. 4857). liifir to Black Sea ; Caucasus. Batrachia, .-■(< Amphibia. Battaglia. iMiaitncr (E.)B. [imEurnp. Wanderbilder. m;, i.H7i;-87]. llifir to Padua. Battle, Wager of, .vr Trial by Combat. Battle Abbey, tSnssex. |l!aiilc Alil>ev|. Chron. monast. de Bello (l(l(;tl-117r,j. 184t); tr., 1851. Custumals, 1283-1312, 1887. Descr. cat. of charters, &c., 1835. Cleveland (C. dss. o/) Battle abbey roll, 3v, 1889. Duckett (G. F.) B. A. evidences [in l'37li ; Papers. v2, 3, 1898]. //rfir to Monasteries ; Sussex. Battles & Sieges. Adams (\V. II. \>.) .Mem. 1). in Eng. hist.. 2v, 1879. Battles of 19c. ; Forbes, &c., 2v, 1896. BerrnU (().)Zahl im Kriege (19c.), 1897. Brooke (R.) Visits to lield.s, Eng., 15c., 1857. Cavlylc (T.) B. of Fred, the Gt. (1741- 60)'; Ransome. 1892. Chanier (P. A.) Cromwell, Campaigns, (1642-8), «.(/. Chartrcs(rf. d') Visiteftqu. champs dob., Rhin, I8i;9. Clinton (II. R.) Crecy to Assaye, 1SH2. Corbett (.1. .S.) Drawings. B. of .Sole Bay, 1672, & Texel, 1673 ; k Note, 1908. Crane (S.) Great b., 1901. anc. battlefields in B.-lin<' [in Essays, Battles & Sieges [rontiniird]. Creasy (E. S.) 15 decisive b., 2v, 1851 ; 52 ; 67. Fitchett (W. H.) Deeds. Emp. (1759- 1815), 1897; 98. Fights (1652-185(!), 1898. Forbes (A.) Barracks, ice, 1891. George (H. B.) B. of Eng. hist. (1066- 1855), 1895. Girard(A.)B.desFr.(498-1693),2t,lfi96. Harbnttle (T. B.) Diet, of b., 1904. Hardy de IVrini. B. fr., tl-5 (1214- 1700), 1894-1904. Henlwick (C.) On Lanes., 1882. Hoskvns (C. ^V.) 1866]. Johns (R.) Cal. of victory (1066-1854), 1.855. Knox (T. W.) Decisive b., 1815-87, 1887. Kroiuaver (J.) Ant. Sehlachtfelder in Gr. (362-48 li.c.) 2B. 1903-7. Malleson (G. B.) B.-tields of Germany, 1616-1704, 1884. Decisive b. of India, 1746-1849.1883. Mirabeau. De la monarchic pruss. (18c.), Atlas, 1788. Musgrave (G. M.) Bv-roads and b.-fields in Picardy, 18i;i. Naval & niilit. anecdotes, 1824. Nouvuau diet. hist, d, s. Sc b.. 6t, 1.809. O'Byrne (R. W.) Victories of Brit, army, 180S-18I4. 18S9. Itobstm (W.) Gt. sieges, 1855. Studien z. Kriegsgeseh., Sec. Al, B3, Schlaciiterfolg. (1805-71), 1903. Surtees (S. F.) Anc. b. in S. Northumb., 1869 [P(;i2 ; .<• in Merlin & Arthur, 1871], Yorke (J.) liriefc e<.ll. (—1602) [in h. Lnion of himour, 1640], lirfer to [J'or battle* <5' sieges iiot in this list see vndcr navies of rarioHS campaigns ]. Establ. for poor at JIunich [in Essays, vl, 18.80; Wks., v4. 1802]. Schmelzle (H.) Staat.shau.shalt im 18 J., 1900. Struve (E.) Entw. d. bayer. Brauge- werbes, 19 J.. 1893. Troltsch (\V.) B. Gemeindebesteuerung, 19 J., Al, 1891. Verfassung u. A'ernaltungsorgau. d. Stiidte, Bliv. 19nc,. History, see Bavaria, History, ns siqmrnte head'inij. Topography & Travels. [iaeaeker(C.)Sudbayern,&c., 18.5.5; 1870. Barrow (J.) Tour. 1841. Hansjakob (H.)Sonnige Tage, 190G. Inglis (H. D.) Tyrol &c.. 1837. Jlelchinger (J. Vv.) Geogr. &.c. Lexikon, 3B, 179U-7. Fenck (A.) Vergletsoherung der dcut. Alpen, 1882. Schmid (H.) & K. Stieler. B. Highlands &c., 1874. .Seguin (L. G.) Country ; Highlands, 1880. Steub (L.) B. Hochlaiid. IStiO. Tissot (V.) Frussiens, lS7tJ. Zeiller (M.) Topogr., T3, 1(;44. Rct'er ill Fiirth. Germany. Heilsbronn. Hof. Hohenlohe. Inn. Kissingen. Kitzingen. Kreuth. Landshut. Army, Bavar. Augsburg. Bamberg. Banz. Baumburg. Bayreuth. Benedikt- beuern. Diessen. Disiboden- berg. Miihldorf. Donnersberg. Munich. Ebersberg. Niederaltch. Eichstadt. Nuremberg. Ensdorf. Oberammer- Erlangen. gau. Feucht- Osterhofen. wangen. Ottobeuren. Franconia. Palatinate. Freising. Passau. Bavaria, History, Aretin (C. M. v.) B s. 16 J., 2B, 1839. Doberl (II.) Entwickelungsgesch., 1906. DoUinger. House of Wittelsbach [in ?i St. ; tr., 1890]. Priifening. Sieneck. Ries. Scheftlarn. Scheyern. Schliersee. Speyer. Starnberg. Tegernsee. Teufels- mauer. Tiilz. TJrsberg. Vornbach. Waldsassen. Weissenburg. Wessobrunn. Windberg. Wiirzburg. Zweibriicken. ausw. Verhilltnisse Bl, Bavaria, History [ro/itinned]. Gesch. d. europ. tStaaten.Baieru ; Riezler, Bl-() (to lti.")l). 187.8-1903. Heigel (C. T.) Hist. 'S'ortrage (Neue). 1883; F3, 1887. Vehse (C. E.) Gesch. d. Hofe. T23-2.5. B. (1503-1848). 18.-)3. Westeurieder(L. v.) Geschichte, 2B, 1785. Z.sohokke. Ausgew. hi.st. Schr., T6-13, 1830. to 16 century. .Vdlzieiter (,f.) Aunalium pp. 3. — lliol, 1710. Andreas, liatishon. Chrou. ( — 1439) ; Bocler, lt;85. Aretin (C. JI. v.) Gescli. Max. I, Bl (-1597). 1842. Arnpeckliius (V.) Cbron. (539-1495) [in Fez (B.) Thes., t3iii, 1721]. Aventinus (J.) .\nual. 1. vii ( — Kic), 1710. Bachmann(A.) Einwanderung d. Baiern, 1878. Baerwald (H.) Echtheit &c. d. I'rkunde Rudolfs I (1275) [(■« K. Ak. zu Wicn. Sitzb.. B21. 1857]. Briefe u. Acteu, 30j. Kr.. Bl-11 (1591- 1613), 1870-1909. Briefe u. Akten. 16 J. ; DrulM, Bl-3, 1873-83. Brunner (A.) Annalium Boic, ad 1311. pp. 3, 1710. Chron. Stederburg. (1000-1195) [in Mei- bom, Rer. Germ, tl, 1688]. C'hroniken d. deut. Stiidte. Bl-28, 1S62- 1902. Dalm (F.) Konige d. Germancn. B9ii (to 12c.), 1905. [B.] DoUinger. Aventin u. s. Zeit (1477-1534) [in Ak. Vortr., Bl, 1888 ; St.. tr.. 1890]. Ermordung d. Ludwig v. B., 1231 [in Akad. Vortr., B3, 1891]. Eberhardus, of liatisban. Annales (1273- 1305). sec A. C. ; [.'(• in Canisius, Thes., t4. 1725]. Gcitz (J. B.)Glaubensspaltuugi. Ansbach Kulmbach (1520-35), 1907." Hermanmis. AltaJi. Aimales, 1137-1300, see A.C. : [,H« Canisius, Thes., t4, 1725]. Hist, de Hen. Leone (1129-95) [in Meibom. RerumGerm. tl, 1688]. JIaierius (A.) De laudibus Albert! V, 1582. [P896]. Mon. Germ, hist., see Index ■<• !•. 30. Odo. Eriiestus, carmen de E.ducis fortuna (10c.) [i;i Martene &; Duraud. Thes.,t3, ..1'17]. Ofele (A. F. v.) Rerum Boic. scr. (—16c.), 2t, 1763. Prutz (H.) Heinrich d. Lowe (12c.), 1865 ; [<<■ in Hist. Tbch., IV, 7, 1866]. Quitzmann (E. A.) D. alt. Rechtsverfas- suug d. B.. 1866. Heidu. Relig.. 1860. Spec. Cod. diplnra. (1224-1544) [in Bibl. hist. Goctting., Tl. 175.8]. Tritheim (,T.) Hist, belli B., 1504 [in Freher, Germ. rer. scr., t3, 1611 ; 1717]. Velserus (M.) Rer. Boic. 11.5 (—788) [in Op. 1682]. Zavner (A.) Rerum bello B. gest. lib., 1503-5 [;« Ofele, t2, 1763]. 17-18 centuries. Adlzreiter (J.) Annalium pp. 3, — 1651, 1710. Baierische Landbot (Der), 1791. Briefe u. Acteu. 30j. Kr., Bl-11 (1591- 1613), 1870-1909. Doberl (M.) B. u. Fr. (17 & 18c.), 1900. Ellis (G. E.) Count Rumford(1753-1814), 1871. Bavaria, History [i-nntinued]. 17-18 centuries [rnntinited]. Frederick \l, k. nf Pr. Hem. &. con-esp.. 1778 [in (E., t6.1847 ; CE. posth..t5,1788]. Gregorovius. Die Crivelli. Oesaudte iu Rom, 17 J. [in Kl. Sclu'.. B2, 1888]. Heigel (C. T.) Quellen. kc, 2F. 1884-90. I'mschwungd.b. Pol.. 1679-83, 1889. Ffalz-B. gegen Ende d. 18. ,T. [in Hist. Tbch.. l'V,'6, 1865]. Preuss (G. F.) Wilh. Ill v. Eng. K d. Haus Wittelsbach, Bli (—1672), 1904. Recueil des instruct, aux ambass. de Fr.. t7, B.. 1649-1776: Lebon. 18-89. Saint-Priest. Guerre, 1777-9 [in h. fit. tl. I.k.-jO]. [Teschen]. Actes cone, le Congres de T. (1779) [in Imp. Russ. 1st. Obsch., 65]. 19 century. Bainville (.T.) Louis Ilde B. (d.l886), 1900. Bajovar (J.) Fleurs d. Alpes, 1888. Gerard (F.) Romance of Lud. II, 1899. Heigel (C. T.) Ludwig I, 1872. Quellen z. neu. Gesch. 2F, 1884-90. Kleinschmidt (A.) B. u. Hessen, 1799 1816, 1900. Lerchenfeld. Ausd. Papieren (1810-41). 1887. Mouvement pop. en B., 1870. [P747]. Rield (\V. H.) Maximilian II. v. B. [in Hist. Tbcli.. V. 2. 1872], Itffer to Church & state ; Germany, History ; Palatinate, History ; Protes- tant union. 1608 ; Roman Catholic Church, Germany. Bantry, ijtefer to Yorkshire.) Peck (W.) Top. liist., 1813. Bayeux, toion ,<■ diocese. [Bayeu.x]. Antiq. cart. eccl. B. (ll-13c.); Bourrienne, 2t, 1902-3. Evech^ & cbapitre de B. [Chartert in S. d. A. de Norm.. %-7, 8, 18.34], Farcy (P. de) Abbayes, tl. 1887. Lair(J.)Ori!j. de I'eveche [in Ec. des Oh.. t23. 24, 29, 1862-8], Pluquet (F.) Es.sai histor., 1829. Soc. d. Antiq. de XormamUe, 182.5 — . Refer to Calvados ; Church in France ; Normandy. Bayeux Tapestry. Bruce (J C.) B. t. elucidated, 1856. Daw.wn (C.) Restorations, 1907. [P1144]. DuMeril. Tapisserie [in Et.. 1862]. Fowke (F. R.) B. t. : hist, & descr., 1898. Laffetay {abbe J.) T. de B.. 1873. [P795]. La Rue(G. de) Mem. tr., 4' o.p. [i»Arch., V17-19. 1814-21]. LethieuUier. Descr. [;« Ducarel, A.- Xorm. antiq.. 1767]. Marignan (A.) Tapisserie de B., 1902. Tapisserie de B. : Jubinal. 1838. Befer to Tapestry. Bayonet. Akerman (.1. Y.) Orig. & liist. [uiArch.. v38ii, I860]. Befer to Arms & armour ; Infantry ; Military art & science. Bayonne, Bnxses-Pi/renees. Balasque (J ) Etudes. 3v, 1862-75. [Bayonne]. Archives municip. : etablisse- ments. 1892. [ ] ,\rch. mun. ; Registres franc^., tl, 2, 1901-6. [ ] Arch, mun.: Reg. gascons, tl, 2, 1474-1530, 1S96-8. Ducere (E.) B., hist. &c.. 1893. Hist. ; Corsaires (17-18c.), 1895. Napoleon a B., 1897. Morel (F.) Bayonne. 1846. Bc/er to Basses-Pyrenees. BAYEEUTH 97 BEE Bayreuth. Ilairciith {MarhijriiVn v.), 1709-58, sn; A. C. Barry (R. M.) B. &c.. I.S.S7. lti\fiT 1c Bavaria. Bayreuth Festival. Bute (J. P. C. S.. /;/. of) B. f. [(/; /(. Essays, l!t01]. liUvignac (A.) Voyage arfistiqiie, 1897. Wagner (R.) Gesam. Sclir., B!l-10, 1873- 83; 88; Pr. wks.. tr.. v.^-(i. isiltj-". Letters to Hrcki-1 .v^c. ; tr.. 1899. Itt^fer to Music, German ; Opera. Bayreuth University. Seliling (E.) D. v. Siiperville (lfi9t!-1770~). 1893. liefer to TTniverslties & colleges. Bazeilles, Battle of, fn- Sedan, Battle of, 1870. Bazoche. liuucher d'Argis. Du royaiuiic \in h. Varietes, t3, 1752]. Royaume (le la B. \in Leber. Coll.. t7, 1838]. llcfrr til France, Social life ; Law, French. Beacons, .«' Lighthouses & lightships. Beadles (Parish ,V' Chiinti). Ailains (H. B.) .Saxon titliing-men in Amer.. 1883. ftrfiT fn Parishes. Beads. (nven (JI. A.) Fi.lk-lorc &c. of Mns- (juakie Indians, llinl. Ilr/rr to Money & currency, American- Indian ; Ornaments, Personal. Bear. Seton-Karr. B -hunting in White mtn.s.. 1891. Seton-Tliompson. ^lonaroh, 1905. Tyacke (H. H.) How 1 shot, 1893. liifcr to Sport ; Zoology. Bear-baiting. Henslovve (1'.) 11. [lapers ri51iJ-ltJ62), 1907. Refer to Sports & pastimes. Bear Island. K(illiau(li. M.)Reise, 1831. Jtij'ir to Arctic regions ; Spitzbergen. Beard, ."ct- Hair. B4arn. Bonlonave (N. do) Hist.. I517-l.".72; Raymond, 1873. Costcllo (L. H.) Beam &;c., 2v, 1844. Dclofhe (M.) "Pa.x" & "Honor" s. monnaies b., 1895. Lospy (V.) I'rovcrhes, &c.. 187(1. Marca (P. de) Hi.st. de B., KMO. Mira.sson (1.) Hist., religion, 17s., 17ii.s. Olliagaray OM lli--toirc, 1(;(19. Itrfrr to Basses-Pyr^n^es ; Cagots ; France ; Navarre ; Pyrenees. Beatification, ■^n■ Canonization. Beatitudes. Kainr (.1) Sermons on mission &c. of .\t,., ISdl. (iregory, of JVysm. Oe B. (4e.) [//) Migne, P. G., 44]. Woliorly (G.) Sermons. 18(;0. Nonis(,T.) Prart. disc, vl, 1(199. ///■frr to Christology ; Sermon on the mount. Beauchief Abbey. Ad.ly (S. O.) Hist, memorials, 1878. Kx vetusli] k.il. ,\:e. [/« Glastonbtiry (.1., nf) Chron., vL', ITLT,]. I/i-tir to Derbyshire ; Monasteries ; Fremonstratensians. Beaulieu Abbey, /Jiutrusin. [lieaiilieiij. CartiUaire; Deloohe, 1859. Lacabane (L.) Geog. &c., Cartvilaire [ire Ec. des Ch.. t21, 22, 1.8(>0-1]. Jtft'ir to Limousin ; Monasteries. Beauly Priory. Batten (E. C.) Cliarters (1231-1570), 1S77. Hii'tr to Inverness-shire ; Monas- teries ; Val-des-Choux, Order of. Beaumaris. Adshead (J.) Wreok of the " Rotbsay Castle," 1834. Iirfcr to Anglesey. Beaune. Kleinclnuz (A.) Dijon et P... 1907. Ilifor to Cote-d'Or. Beaune - la - Rolande, Battle of, 1870. H.miti- (F. A.) Zur Gesch., 1894. Jt'ti'er to Battles ; Franco-German war, 1870-1. Beautiful, The, str Aesthetics. Beauty, Personal. Keydean (E. A.) L'art du plaire, 1873. Finck (H. T.) Romantic love and p. b., 2v, 1887. Firenzuola (A.) Of b. of women ; tr., 1892. Haweis (H. R.) Art of beauty, 1878. Marinelli (G.) Oniamenti d. ilonne, 1(510. Sharpe (W.) Cause ..f colour ice., 1881. Jtf/rr to Costume ; Dress ; Ornaments ; Women. Beauvais. Pieautnaunir (P. d(^) Coutumes du Beau- voisis, 1(J90; 2t, 1842. Dangeon (A.) Picardie &c., 1905. [B.] Havard (H.) & JI. Vachou. Gobelins, B., &c., 1899. Jlon. Germ, hist., see Tadex to M. G. H. Sif'ge de B., 1472, 1(!22 [in A. cur., si, tl, 1834; Soc. d. A. de P., Mem., t5, 1842]. Refer to Oise. Beauval. Durand (G.) L'eglise [iK 8. d. A. dc P., M6m., s4, tl. 1889]. Refer to Picardy. Beaver. .\I.irtiii (H. T.) Castorologia, Canadian b.. 1.892. Morgan (L. II.) .\m.r. b., lsi;s. Rrfer to Mammals ; Zoology. Bebenhausen. Annalis (12i;7 1401) [in Ludewig, Rcliq. tlO, 1733]. Refer to Monasteries ; Wiirtemberg. Bee, Ahhei/ of. P.oucpiet.' Rec, tl4, 23, 180(;-7(i. B(unget (J.) Hi.st. ; tr., 1779. Chionicoii B. .abbatiae (1()24-M(;8) [in Ijinlranc. Op., vl. 1844. Migne, P. 1... 1,50]. Crispinus (G. & .M.) \'ila' abbatum B. (11-120.) \in Lanirane, Op., vl, 1841; Migne, P. L., 150]. Petnis X I'eiri Die. (lest.'i 7 abbalum !!. (12c.) \in .\ligii.'. P. 1... Is] 1, li'ifi r to Euro ; Monasteries. Bechuanaland. liainesCr.) ENploi-.. \W,\. P.anow (,L) Voyage, 1X01-2, 18(i(i. Beohuanal.-md. 188.",. [PCI 2]. P.onnie (II. R. V.) li. troubles; 1S9S. [P1001|. Galton (K.) Narr., 1853. I.lovd (E.)3 Afr. chiefs. 1895. .Mackenzie (J.) Austral Afr., 2v, lss7. Pari, jiapcrs, sec tjieeial cat. Bechuanaland [inn'iiuierl]. Language and Literature. [Bible: Secuana. X. 'I'r...,t.l. Ispt. Refer to African languages ; Kalahari desert ; Mafeking ; Ngami. Lake ; South Africa. Bedale. JIaeCall (11. B.) Early hist., 1907. /,',;/'/■/• tl, Yorkshire. Bedawi Language,,^'?' Arabic language. Bedford Castle. Goddard (A. K.) Siege (1224), 1900. [PI 173]. Ileiir to Bedfordshire; Castles; Henry IIL Bedford College, London. Pari, papers, /ee njiecint eot. Ilefi r to London University ; Women. Bedford Level. Dui^dale (W.) Hist, of imbanking A:c.. 1772. Goodman (N. & A.) Hdbk. of Fen skating, 1882. Heathcote (J. M.) Reminisc, 1876. Miller &, Skertchly. Fenland, 1878. Narr. of draining, l(iOO-(il [m Arbor, Eng. garner, v2, 1903]. Pari, jiapers [368]. Eau Brink Drainage Hill, 1794. Smiles (S.) J. Biindley &p., 1864. Walker (N.) & T. Craddock. Hist of Wisbech, .tc, 1849. Wells (S.) Hist., 2v. 18.30. Wheeler (W. H.) Hi.st.. .S. Lines., 1SB8 ; n d. liefer to Lincolnshire. Bedford Park, Middlesex. Conw.iy (M. D.) B. P. [in Travels, 18S2]. Refer to Chiswick ; Middlesex. Bedfordshire. I'.atchelor (T.) View of agric, 1808. Be;uities of Engl., vl, 1801. [Bedfordshire]. Vi.sit., lotU!, 1582. & 11)34, 1884. Brown (J. E.) Chantry certificates for B., 1908. Fisher (T.) Colls.. <7S. Furniture ; Houses. Beds, fee Cradles ; Furniture. Bee. P.lhe (.\.) Diirl'en wir p.syeli. Quali- liitcn zuschreiben .', 1898, I Brit. JIus.]. Brit, llymenoplera ; Smith, pi. l.H.-,5. Bnmgham (H.) Cells [in IKss.. vl, 1839; Nat. Iheol.. l.M5(i]. Butler (C.) De feminine monarkie, 1634. Clusliiic (K. It.) B. A: b. keeping. 2v. Is8(;. Cotton (W. C.) Mv b. bk., 1842. Cowan (T. W.) Il..ney bee. 1890; 1W1. II BEE 98 BELGIUM Bee li-oiitiinied]. Edwardes (E. T.) Lore of lioney-bi'e, 1908. Giraid (M.) Manuel, ISW. Hanpt (J.) M. Cetius Faventinus u. e. Bienensegeii, 1871. Huber (F.) Nat. hist., 1841. Nouv. obs., 2t, 1814. Jenvns (C. F. G.) Book, 188G. Lubbock. Ants, b., ic, 1882. Maeterlinck (M.) Vie. 1901; 03; tr., 1901. [B.] Meetkerke (C. E.) Guests at home, 1881. Guests of flowers, 1881. Milton (J.) Pract. bee-keeper, 1843. Naturalist's library ; Jardine, \G, 1843. Nutt (T.) Humanity, management, 1832. Payne (J. H.) Bee-keeper's giiide, 1846. Pfeiiier (F.) Forschung &c., 2, Lorscher Bienensegeu (10c. ). 1863-6. Purchas (S.) Theatre, 1675. Kucellai (G.) Le api. 1718. •Shuckard (\V. E.) Brit, bees, 1866. Siebold (C. T. E. v.) Parthenogenesis ; tr., 18.-)7. Sladeu (F. V,'. L.) Queen-rearing, 1905. Taylor CH.) Bee-keeper's man., 1880. Virgilius Maro. Georgica, see A. C. WiUlman (D.) Management. 1779. Itifer ill Hymenoptera ; Insects Beefeaters, .■«■<■ Yeomen of the Guard. Beer & Brewing. Barnard (A.) Breweries of Gt. Brit. & Ir., 3v, 1889-90. Baverstock (J.) Obs. on brewerv, &c., 1813. [Pr.,2]. Bickerdvke (J.) Curiosities, 1,886. Black (\V.) Brewing ice, 1835. Death (J.) Beer of Bible, 1887. [Exhibitions. Paris, 1878]. Congr. intern., No. 31, Bn-isseurs, 1880. Freeholder, ps. Letter, on competition of distilleries w. breweries, 181C. [Pr.,7]. Lawrence (J.) Praet. tr., 1819 ; 24. Marcbaut (W. T.) In praise of ale, 1888. Obs. on vinous fermentation, Slc, 1823. [Pr., 22]. Pari, papers [11]. Sale of b. Rep. &c., 1830-3 (253, 416). [244]. Use of molasses, 1831. (109). [838]. Ro. Comm., arsenical poison- ing, 1901-3, 1903. (c. 1845, 48, 69). we also Malt /« special eat. Pasteur (L.) Etudes, 1876. Prescott (H. P.) Strong drink, 1869. Struve (E.) Entw. d. bayer. Brauge- werbes, 19. J., 1893. Weigert (M ) Arbeitsnachweis, &c., im Berliner Braugewerbe, 1907. liefer to Alcohol ; Drinking songs ; Industries ; Temperance. Beetles. Heider(C.) Ub. d. Anlage d. Keimbliitter V. Hydropiiilus piceus L., 1885. Klug. Coleopteren-Gattungen : Athyreus u. Bolbooeras [in K6n.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1843]. Versuch e. systemat. Bestimmung icc.d. Clerii [in Kou.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1840]. Naturalist's library, v35 ; Duncan, 1843. Sharp (D.) Aquatic carnlv. coleoptera [in Rov. Dublin Soc, Sci. trans., s2, v2, 1880-2]. Tower (W. L.) Dereloijmeut of colors, 1903. Africa. Klug. Madagascar Sammlung [in Kon.- Pr.-Ak., Abhdl., 1832]. j Raft'ray (A.) Distrib. en Abyssinie [in Archives des miss., s3, tlO, 1883]. i Beetles [eontinued]. America. Godman & Salvin. Biol. C.-Amer. Insecta: Coleoptera, v]-7, 1879-99. Le Conte (J. L.) Coleoptera of Kansas & E. New Mexico, 1839. Coleoptera of N. Amer. [in S.I., Misc. coll., v2, 6, 11, 1862-74]. & Horn. Classif., N. Amer. [in S.I., Misc. coll.. v26, 1883]. Melsheimer (F. E.) Coleoptera of U.S., 1853. Scudder (S. H.) Tert. rhynch. coleoptera of U.S., 1893. Whymper (E.) Travels am. .4ndes, Suppl.. 1891. British Isles. Johnson (\\. F.) & J. N. Halbert. List. Ir. [in R.I. A., Proc.,s3, v6, 1900-2]. Rye(E. C.)Brit. beetles, 1866. India. Fauna of Brit. India, Coleoptera &.C. ; vl, 2 : Gahan & Jacoby, 1906-8. lii-fer to Glow-worms & fire-flies ; In- sects. Befana Festiiral, see Epiphany. Begbroke. Stapleton (,E.) 3 Oxf. p.-aishes, 1893. liefer to Oxfordshire. Begging, see Charity ; Poor ; Vagrants. Beghards & Beguines. Byrne (W. 1'.) - Pcj^'gynhoff," 1869. Darmesteter {mine. J.) Beguines &, Weav- ing Brothers [in End of "m. A., 1889]. Itifer til Adamites, Bohemian ; Church in Netherlands ; Convents & nuns ; Fraticelli ; Heresy ; Monasteries ; Mysticism. Begonia. Klotzsch. Begoniaceeu-Gattungen u. Arten [in Kon.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1854]. Hifer to Botany ; Flowers. Beguines, see Beghards. Behaism, see Babism. Behar. Broadlev. Buddhistic remains [/« As. Soc. of Bengal, J.. v41i. 1872]. Christian (J.) B. proverbs; tr., 1891. Grierson (G. A.) B. peasant life, 1885. Pari, papers [437] Admin, of justice, 1783. O'Donnell (C. J.) Ruin: famine, 1880. [P35S]. Ii'efer tn Bengal ; Bhagalpur. Behaviour, see Conduct ; Etiquette. Behring Sea. Muller (S.) Voyages, 1761. Niedieck (P.) Kreuzfahrten im B., 1907. Pari, papers, see B. Sea arbitration (1893) j77-.80. Gathkin (T.) B. 50 years ago, 1876. [P644]. Young (R M.) Hist, notices, 1896. Ilifer to Antrim ; Ulster. Belfast Lough. Patterson (R. L). Birds, tishes, kc, 1880. Itefer to Antrim ; Down ; Ulster. Belgkum. BciMd.ay. Gazetteer, v21, 1884-1905. Ji'efer to Bombay, presidency, Belgian Art, see Art, Dutch & Flemish ; Painting, Belgian. Belgian Literature. Anthology. Mont (P. de) Poetes b. (19c.), 1899. Bibliography. Andreas (V.) Bibl. Belg., 1623. Bibliograpliie de B. : journal (1875-7), 1876-7. Foppens (J. F.) Bibl. Belgica (—1680), 2t, 1739. History & Criticism. Fierens-Gevaert. Figures &;c., 1907. Gilbert (E.) France &: Belg. ; et. litt., 1905. Lettres fr. d'aujourd'hui, 1906. Paqiiot (J. N.) Mems.. 3t, 1765-70. liefer io Academies & learned societies ; French literature ; Latin poetry, mediaeval & modern. Belgium. Antiquities (see also Antiquities, Prehis- toric). Commissions Roy. Bull., 1868-78. Guide-books £ Directories. Allen (G.) Cities of B., 1906. Ahnaiiach royal officiel, 1897. Bai.h-ker (C.) B. & Holland, 1878 ; 97. [Murray's Hdbks.]. Continent, var. ed. Richard (J. B.) Guide, 1836. History, see Belgium History as separate heading. Social Lite (see also Guilds ; Industries). Boulger (D. C.) B. life (19c.). n.d. Griin (C.) Soz. Bewegung, 1845. Houtte (H. van) Docs. p. s. -i, I'hist. des prix, 1381-1794, 1902. Huisman (M.) La B. commerc. (1648- 1740), La Cie d'Ostende, 1902. Moke (H. G.) Moeurs, 1846. Tenuent (J. E ) Belgium, 2v, 1841. ^'an Hoorebeke (L.) Quatre ans, 1890-4, 1894. Topography & Travels, Belgium & Nassau, 1838. BELGIUM 99 BELGIUM Belgium [pntitiinicd]. Topography A Travels [ro-jithntet/]. Bull (1!) Wiiysiilc pictures, lsr>0. Hyriif (\V. r.) Kluiiiisli interiors, IMat;. Caldcrwoixl (iiirs. M.) Letters, (ITod), ISHi ; [S' ill, Uennistonn, Coltness colls., 1812]. Descamps (J. B.) Voyage, 17G9. t'lerens-Gevaert. Figures & sites, 1907. Gautier ('I'.) Un tour [i;; /(.Caprices, 1852]. Havard (H.) Terre des Gueu.'s, 1H7!I. Hugo (V.) En Vovage, 1892. Kinfr (I!., I.) Sketches, 1871. I.ees (M. C.) Few days, 1872. Lemonnier (C.) La Belgique, 190H. Long^fellnw (H. W.) Poems of places, Spain, &c., v2, 1877. Massie (J. W.) Keooll., 184(1. Moens (W. J. C.) Thr. Fr. & B., 1876. Nothomh (A. J. B.) Trav. publ., 18:S0-9, i:c.. 1840. Paquct-Sypliorien. Voyapfe, 2t, 181(). Quin (M. J.) Steam voyage.s, 2v, 1843. Sala (G. A.) Fr. Waterloo, 2v, 1S(>7. Tennent (J. E.) Belgium, 2v, 1841. Trollope (F.) Beljrium &c., 2v, 1835. Webl) (B.) Sk. of ecclesiology, 1848. /?f.r tn Agricaltare. Crime. Lnxemburg. Antwerp. £ducation,B. Meuse. Ardennes. Exhibitione. Museums &c. Army, Belg. Flanders. I Namur. Brabant. Hainaut. Netherlands. Bruges. Health ; Poor, Belg. Brussels. resorts. Eailways, B. Canals. Industries I Schools, B. Capital & Land, Belg. ; Tournay. labour. Liege. Trade unions Cooperation. Limburg. Universities. for iithf'r f>ntnned above. Belgium, History. Refer to Netherlands, Hist, for other general liisfonrx. Belg. rerum pnidrouius [in Mouskes (P.) Chron., tl, 183(;]. Boulger (D. C.) Hist., pi (—1815), 1902. Delepiorre (,T. O.) Precis anal, des doc, 12t, 1840-58. Gachard. Cll. (121 1-1725), tl-.S, 1833-5. Gescli. d. cnrnp. Staatcn. B. ; Pirenne, tr., Bl-3 (—1570), 1899-1907. Hoynck (C. P.) Analecta, 3t, 1743. Le Mire (A.) Op. diplomat. &c. (5c. — 1745). 4t, 1723-48. Moke. Hist.(to 1793), 1839 ; H«bert,1880. & Wilnierc. B. episodes, 18(11. Moltke. Hr.lland u. B. (155G-1815) [;« Sclir., B2, 1892; Essays, tr., vl, 1893], Namficlie & Balau. Oours (—1815), 32t, 1853-94. Pirenne (H.)BelKien; iib, Bl-3 (—1576), 1899-1907 [Gesch. d. curop. Sla.]. Valckenaer (L. K.) De prisi-a 4c nupera rrriini Hclg. viciss., 1748 [in Heinster- huis, Orat., 1784]. to IS century. Cliron. Belg ni;ignuni (54-1474)[;n Pisto- rins, t3, 172(1] Divaeus (I'.) Aiitiq. 1. 1 [in Sdiardius, Hist, opus, tl, 1574]. Duvivicr (0.) Actes Sc doc. anc. (800- 1300), 1898 ; 1903. Gislchort. (;/M/n«.<.Chron.(to 1195),.wv/l. 6'. Kcrvyn de I.cllcidiove. Cliron. (1383- 1488). tl-3, 1870-76. lavre d. fiefs do Looz (1364-78), 1875. Mauvy (A ) I'r.icis (to 14(10), 1837. Mouskes (r.) Cliron. (—1243), K^e A. C. [J- in Ville-Hardouin, Cliron., 1828]. Belgium, History [contiwiedl. to IS century [lonliimedl. Onufrius. Mem. Liege, 1468, 1885. Keimcluonik v. Jlandern (772-1405) [in Denkmaler altnied. Spr. u. Litt., Bl, 1840]. Ryckel (G., de) Livre, 1249-72, polyp- tyque & comptes ; Pirenne, 1896. Vetns chioii. (785-975) [in Matthaeus, Anal., tl, 1738]. 16-17 cent, (see also Namur, Siege of, 1692). Belg. e.xulum lib. supplex ad I\Iax. II, 1570 [in Gerdes, Sen, tsii, 1765]. Bui-gimdius (N.) Hist., ab 1558, 1633. Canipan (A.) Abrege hist, du r. d'iUbert, 1592-1602, 1867. Caucliie (A.) & R. Alaere. Reo. d. instruct, aux nonces de Flandre, 1596- 1635, 1904. Henne (A.) Hist, de Charles V en B., lot, 1858-()0. Lipsius (.J.) De constantia [in Op., t4, 167.5]. Meursius. Rerum B. lib. 4(1567-1608): S-op. [in Op., tlO, 1753]. Rahlenbeck (C. A.) Consid. s. le traicte de la paix, 1607, 1869. Les 3 rdgentes (1507-67), 1892, Strada (F.) De bello Belg. (1578-89), 1733. Tassis (J. B. de) Comm. (1559-98) [in Hoynck, Analecta, v2ii, 1743]. Uden (K. v.) Troubles de Bruxelles, 1619, 1868. Vincart (J. A.) 17s. Campagnes de 1644 & 4(1 ; Henrard, 1869. 18 century. Delhaize (J.) Domin. franQ. 18 & 19 s., 2t, 1908. Delplace (L.) La B. sous la dom. fr. (1790-1800), 2t, 1896, Gacbard (L, P,) Hist, an c. du 18s., 1880. Lanzac de Laborio (L. de) Domin. fr., 1795-1814, 2t, 1895. Liitticli. Exec.utionszug, 1789-90 [in Hist. Tbch., IV, 7, 1866], Wuttke (H,) Kanipf d, Freiheitsmiinner u d. Geistl, (1790-1800) [i/i Hist. Tbch., IV, 5, 1864]. Zeissbeig (H. v.) B. unter Carl, 1793-4, 1893-4, 2 Jahre, 1791-2, 2T, 1891. 19-20 centuries (see alto Revolution, 1830, below, ,.<• refer /"Waterloo). Balau (S,) 70 ans, 1815-81. l.siio [Belgique], Kaiip. du Min, d, alV, etr,,1831, [I-95J, Bourson (P.) Hist, du trait6 de 1839, B. & HoUande, 2t, 1839, Oonsidtrant (N.) Leopold I ; tr., 18G5. [P7(17]. Delliaize (J.) Domin, fr. ; 2t, 1908. DutV (M. E. G.) B, [;« /i. St„ 1866]. Edmuiiilson(G.) Holland & B. (1839-70) (in C. M. H., vll, 1909J, (irand-Carteret. Ctlubiite's : Popold II, 1908. Hvmans (I,.) Hist, pari., 1831-80, 5t, 1878-80. Juste (T.) Mem, of Leopold 1; tr„2v, 1868. La Mane (V. de) La B. Sc la Holl.mde, 1832. [I'(i42]. Lanzac dc Laborie. Domin. fr., 179.5- 1814, 2t, 1895. Lavclcye (E, de) Etudes, 1K(19. MacDiinnell (J. de C.) Leopold II, 1905. Montalembort. Nouv. minLst^re (1857) [in (K., t2, I860]. Peuplo (Un) vole par un roi, 1838. Pohl (II.) Entslebung ice, 1905. Belgium. History [continued]. 19-20 centuries [rontinued], Saint-Keiu- laillandier. Leopold & Vic- toria (c, I.'* 16-65), 2t, 1878. Thonissen. La B.sous Leopold I,. 'St, 1861. Van de Woyer. B, & HoUande en 1813. 15, & 30 [in h. Choix, s2, 1869]. Wilmotte (M.) La B., 1830-1900, 1902. \Voeste(C.)Echos des luttes (1895-1905). 2t, 1906. Bibliography. Delepicrie (J. 0.) Precis des doc, 12 1. 1840-58. Gachard (L. P.) Bibl. Nat.: Notices See des MSS. (—1798), tl, 2, 1875-7. Bibliotheques de Madrid &c. : Not. &c. des MSS., 1875. Inventaire des cartulaires conserves en B., 2p., 1895-7. Pirenne (H.) Bibl. [to 18.30], 1893; 1902, '\Vauters(A,)Tabledescliartes&diplomes. tl-lli (55 l!,r.-l:!.50), 1S66-1907. Blograpb. Collections & Dictionaries. Almanach royal olUciel, 1897 ; 190H. Biographic Nationale, tl-19, 1866-1907. Biographies, see A. V. under: — Bauer (Car(.line), 1807-1878. Mersch (.1. A. v. d.">, 1734-92 [in Spittlci Wkc, Bll, 1836], Nothomb (h. J. B,), 1805-81 [/« Geffckeu (F. H.) Pol. Federzeichn., 1888]. Stockmar (Ch. F. v.), 1787-1863; [.)'■ in Martin (T.) Monographs, 1906]. A'an dc Weyer (S.). 1802-74 [/«, /(. Choix, s4, 1876]. Constitution, &c. Girun (A.) Le droit public, 1884, Heuvel (J. van den) Referendum in B. [in Dcploige (S.) R. ; tr., 1898]. Inventaire des Arch, des Chamb. des Comptes, tl, 1837, Tatarinov (X. A.) rocyjapciB. OTieTHOCtt, 1881. Itefer to Constitutions ; Law, Belgian ; Local govt. : Representation ; Towns. Foreign Relations. [BelgiqueJ, Itipp, du Min, des aflf. 6tr., 1831. [1'9.5]. Bourson (P.) Hist, ihi traitiS de 1839, entre la li. & la HoUande, 2t, 1839, Second Franco-German war & its couseq. for Eng., 1907. Woestc (C.) Neutralitc : B. S: Fr., 1891. llifer to Treaties, Revolution, 1830. Ariidt (E, .M.) U, u. was dai;in liiiiigt [in Hchr., T3, 1845], Bavay (C. V. ile) Hist., 1873, Broglie (>I. duo dc) Dern. bienfait de la mon. (1830-1), 1901. Camden (J. F., vianj.) Let er to C, 1H32, [1'95. 642]. CoUnbraniler (,il. T.) B, Omwenteling, 1905. Genlz (F. v.) Obs, (1830-1) [i« A. Aus d. Nachlasse, B2, 1868]. Juste (T.) Hist, du congrfts nat. (1830), 1850. La revol,. 2t, 1872. Nothomb (J, B,) Ess.ii, 2t, 1876. Papers. 1830-3, 2p, 1834. Protocols of conferenoes, 2p, 1830-2, 1832-3. Rcmicil de pi6ces, 1830-2, 3t, 1831-:i. A'an do Weyer. HoUande & la conf. (1K33) [in h. Choix, s2, 1869], !,etlie, 1831 [in h. Choix. 83, 1875]. Wargnv (d<0 Esquisses, 1H30-1. White (C.) Belgic revol, 2v, 1835. H 2 BELGIUM 100 BENEDICTINES Belgium, History [rontiinirdl. RffiT to Antwerp. Hainaut. Namur. Brabant. Heraldry, B. Netherlands. Flanders. Liege. Walloons. and see also He/erences irndtr Belgium. Belgrade, see Servia. Belief. Aucillon. Ub. Glauben &c. iu d. Phil., 1824. Argyll (G. D.. d. of) Phil, of b., ISOti. Balfour (A. J.) Def. of phil. doubt, 1879. Found, of b., 18;»5 ; 1901 ; tr. (Fr.), n.d. Birks (T. R.) Analogy of math. & moral certainty, 18.34. [P117]. Bos (C.)Psychologiedelacroyanoe, 1901. BouUier (D. R.) Princ. de certitude morale [hi Essai, tl, 1737]. Brunetiere (F.) Besoin de croire [in Disc, 1900], Difficultes [in Disc, s2, 1907]. S. les chemins de lacroyance. 1905 Fechner (G. T.) Motive u. Gr'iiude, 18H3. Ficht« (J. G.) Bestimmung d. Menscheu. 1800 [;« Wke., B2, 1845]; tr., 184« ; [4- in Pop. wks., 1873 ; vl, 1848 ; 89]. Fitzgerald (P. F.) Protest agst. agnosti- cism, 1890. .Tames (W.) Will to believe, 1897 : 99. .Javar}' (L. A.) De la certitude, 1847. Kleutgen (J.) Beilagen, H3, 1875. Laberthonniere. Dogmatisme moral ; ,(• o.p. [in Essais, n.d.]. Lowndes (R.) Phil, of primary beliefs, 1865. MacCosh (J.) Intuitions of mind, 18G0. Mallock (W. H.) Reconstr. of b., 1905. Maudsley (H.) Nat. causes &c.' 1880. Mejdell (G. T.) Tro, 1901. Mercier(D.)Criteriologie, certitude, 1906. Monieiie (A. W.) B. in God, 1886. Newman (J. H.) Essay in aid of gram. of assent, 1870; 81; 91. 0116-Laprune.De lacertitude morale,1880. Payot (J.) De la croyance, 1896. R^c^jac (E.) Fond, de la connaiss. mystique, 1897. Renan. Dialogues &c., 1876; tr., 1883. Rickaby (J.) First princ, 1888. Secretan (C.) Civilis. & croyance, 1887. Simerka (W.) Kraft d. Uberzeugung, 1883. Smedley (E. A.) Tr. on nior. evid., 1850. Smith (I. G.) What is truth ?, 1905. Spencer (H.) Mill v. Hamilton [in Essays. v2, 1868 ; 91]. Turner (F. S.) Knowledge, b., Sc certitude. 1900. Upton (C. B.) Bases of relig. b., 1894. Van Ende (U.) Hist. nat. de la croyance, pi, 1887. Venn (J.) On characteristics, 1870. Ward (W. P.) Found, of b. [in h. Problems, 1903]. Wish to believe, 1885 ; [<5- in h. Witnesses, 1893]. Wildman (R.) Anatomy of scepticism &c. , 1853. Brfer to Agnosticism & scepticism ; Authority in religious belief; Creeds ; Faith ; Philosophy ; Rationalism ; Religion ; Theology ; Truth. Belle-Isle-en-Mer. Blavia (G. de) Epist. &c. in causa B. I. (c. 1117) [in Migne. P. L., 172]. Rffrr to Morbihan. Belles-Lettres, sn- Drama ; Fiction ; Literature ; Poetry. [P253]. 1897. &c. Soc (Athlone). 1858—. S' o.p. [in 1718]. Greeks . 1904]. & Bells & Bell-Ringing. Archajolog. journal. 1845 — Berthele (J.) Enquetes, 8-20s., 1903. Chapter on bell-inscr., 1866 ! Cocks (A. H.) Ch. b. of Bucks Cumberland & Westm. Antiq, Trans., 1883-95. Eeles (F. C.) Ch. & o. b. of Kincardine shire, 1897. Ellacombe (H. T.) B. of church, 1872. Ch. b. of Somerset, &c., 1875. On belfries & ringers. 1871. Grimthorpe (E.. i.) Lects., 1856. Rudiment, tr., 1903. Joly (J. S.) Story of our 1 1881. [P1013]. Kent Arch. Soc. : Arch. Cant. Maggi (G.) De tintinnabulis ; Sailenare. N. thes. aut. Rom., t; North (T.) Ch. b. of Beds., 1.S83. Ch. b. of Herts., 1886. Eng. b. & b.-lore, 1888. O'Reilly. Mode of ringins: in early ch. of N. Spain & Ir. [in R.LA,, Proc, s3, v6, 1900-2]. Pease (A. S.) Uses among Romans [in Harvard St.. via Raven (J J.) B. of Eng , 190i; Ch. b. of Suffolk, 1890. Reeves (W.) Bell of St. Patrick [in R.I.A.. Trans.. v27, 1877-86]. Stahlschmidt. Ch. b. of Kent, 1887. Surreyb.& London b.-founders.l884. Thiers (J. B.) Des cloches, 1721. Tyack (G. S.) Book. 1898. Uldall (F.) Danmarks mlddela. kirke- klokker. 1906. Walters (H. B.) Church b., 1908. Wright (E. P.) B. of Kilmainham, 1900. [Pi023]. Refer to Church antiq. ; Churches ; Electric bells ; Inscriptions. Belluno, town S' province. Andrich (L ) Statuti [in Archivio st. it., s5, 34, 1904]. Catullo (T. A.) Oss. sopra i monti di B., 1818. Doglioni. De orig. &c. civit. [in Grae- vius, Thes. It., t9viii, 1723]. Strafforello (G.) La Patria, Udine &c.. 1905. Valerianus. Antiq. B. [ire Grfevius, Thes. ant. It., t6iv, 1722]. Refer to Cadore ; Italy. Bellver, Castle of. Jovellanos. Mem. Obras, tl, 1858]. Refer to Majorca. Belcail. Ligue (C. J., p. de) Coup-d' oeil Melanges, tS, 9, 1795], Refer to Hainaut. Beloochistan, see Baluchistan. Belpech. Beiiezet (B.) '■ Cajer renovelfi (1585- 1654) & 1736-97" [in Soc. arch, du Midi, Mem., til, 1880]. Rffer to Languedoc. Beldchistdn, see Baluchistan. Belvoir Castle, Leicester. Belvoir : ode, 1679 [in Harl. misc., v4, 1809]. Refer to Leicestershire. Benares. Davis (J. F.) Vizier Ali Khan ; massa- cres of B., 1844. Hall (F.) B., anc. & med., 1868. Havell (E. B.) B. : Hindu life, &c., 1905. Kennedy (J.) Life &c., 1839-77, 1884. Castillo de B. [/« 2t [in Benares [c(uiiinned]. Sherring(M. A.) Sacred city, 1868. Rffer to India ; United Provinces (Agra & Oudh). Benedictines. Achery (L. d') .Vcta SS. (500-1100). 1733-8. Bouchev d"Argis. Orig. des rogations [in h. Varietes, t3, 1752]. Bulteau(L.) Abr. de I'hist., 2t, 1684. Gersen (J.) L. de professione mona- chorum [in Fez, Thes., tlii, 1721]. Lanfranc. Decreta (lie.) [in Op., vl. 1844; Migne, P. L., 150]. Mabillon (J.) Annales o. S. B. (—1157). 6t. 1703-39. Ouvr. posth., t2, 1724. Newman (J. H.) Mission & schools [i« h. Hist, sk., v2. 1896]. Or (S. V.) Day in cloister: Camm, 1900. Ziegelbauer. Hist, rei lit. O.S.B.. 4p. 1754. Bibliography Ziegelbauer. Hist., p4, 1754. Biographies, see A. C. under : — Benedict, St.. c.480-543 ; [4' in Miirne P. L., 149]. Berchorius (P.), d. 1362 [in Ec. des Ch., t33, 1872]. Bernardus, Tironiensis, A. l\li [iraMisrne. P. L., 172, 4- consult Potthast]. Blosius (F. L.), 1506-c. 63. Du Breul (J.), 1528-1614 [in Ec. des Ch., t29, 1868]. Gregory I, pope., c. 540-604. Hildegarde, St.. 1098-1178 [in Migne, P. L., 197]. John. Gualherto. St., c. 995, see A. C. Mabillon (J.), 1632-1707. MaiTier (M.), 1572-1641 [m Ec. des Ch.. tl6. 1.855]. Mauriis (R.), c 786-856. Montfaucon (B. de), 1655-1741. Pius \'\\.pope. 1800-23. Roberts (J.). 1575-1610. Theodericus, monk, of Amorbaeli, lie. niathorne (W. B.), bp., 1806-89. Englaad. Duckett (G. F.) 'S'isit. of Eng., Cluaiac, 1262-1405 [in Papers, vl. 1898]. Reynerus (C.) Apostolatus, 3p, 1626. I'aunton (E. L.) Eng. Black Monks, 2v. 1897. Weldon (B.) Pax : chron. notes of Eng. cnngi-. (15.53-1701). 1881. Refer to Abingdon. Furness. Ampleforth. Gloucester. Athelney. Hyde. Cardigan Pr. Jarrow. Durham. Elstow. Ely. Evesham. Eynsham. Llanthony. Muchelney. Ramsey. Romsey. St. Albans. Tewkesbury. Malmesbury. Tynemouth. Monasteries. Whitby. Monkwear- Winchcombe. mouth. France. Bastide (P.) De aut. o. S. B. intra Gallias propag. [in Achery (L. d') Acta SS. o. S. B., t4, 1734]. Gasquet (F. A.) Eng. B. property in Fr.. 1903. LP1044]. Stephen (J.) Fr. B. [in Essays, rar. ed.\. Refer to Anchin. Church in Fr. Landevennec. Aniane. Cluny. Liessies. Beaulieu. Corbie. Marmoutier. Bee. Fecamp. Marseilles. Cateau- Flavigny. Molesme. Cambresis. Fontenelle. Monastier. BENEDICTINES 101 BEBBERS Benedictines [rit/itiniie(t]. France [cont iniifd], iUfer to St.-MauT. St.-Michel- de-Caxa. Savigny. Tiron. Tours. Vabres. Montier-la- St. -Berlin. Celle. St. -Claude. Houtier-St.- St. -Denis. Jean. St.-Evroul. Hoyen- St.-Florent. moutier. St.-Magloire St.-Benoit- St.-Martin- s.-Loire. des-Champs. Vezelay. Germany & Austria. Ihfcr 1u Admont. Ebersmiinster Huisburg. Benedikt- Ellwangen. Erems- beuern. Gandersheim. miinster. Bergen. Garsten. Malm^dy. Comburg. Gernrode. Mebrerau. Corvey. Herford. Murbach. Ebersberg. Hirscbau. Rastede. Italy. Harbus (L.) L. do initio icu. cuiigrtg. B. S. Justinae de I'adiia (loc.) [in I'ez, Thes., t2iii, 1721]. (hron. Beneventaiii monast. S. Sopliiac. ante (iOO [in UghcUi, Italia, t8, lG(i2]. Dantier (A.) Mona.stdrcs, 2t. LStiti. I'etnis, diacimus. De oitu ^t obitu justorum Ca.-in. [in Mai, Scr.. ti;. 1K32]. Hefer to Cava dei Tirreni ; Faria ; Monte Cassino ; Subiaco , Vallombrosa. Setherlands & Belgium. J/r/,r til Cellee; St. -Denis; St.-Ghislain; S't.-Hubert; St.-Trond. Kule. Benedict, tit. Kerala [in Migne. F. L., 6{i]. Bibl. d. angelsach.'<. I'ro.'ia, B2, 188,'5. De consuetudine luonacliorum (10c.) : Logenian [ih Anplia, Bi;!, 15, l«!)l-3]. (iriitzniacber (G.) Bcdeutung, 1H'J2, Mildegarde, iSV. E.xplanatio (12c.) [in Migiie, P. I... 197]. Keio. Iiiterpr. vegnlae S. B.. 172(; [i)i .Scbilter. Tlie.<.. tl. 172X]. \'a,uh\!i, diaeiiniis. In reg. comm., 1880. liupertus, a. of St. IJirihirt. In reg. S. B. (12c.) [in Migno, 1'. L., 170]. •Schonbacb. Mitt, aus altS. hjophiae, ante 1100 [ill Ughelli (K.) Italia, tH, l(;f;2]. Domaszewski (A. v.) Bedeutung d. Traiansbogeiis in B. [in 0.'n. Germ, bi.st.. fiv Indra- to M. (j. II. Benevento [ciintinucd\. Stralforello (G.) La Patria, Avellino, &c., 1.S98. Vita (G. de) Thes. .intiq., 2v. 1754-U4. Hifer to Campania. Benevolence, .vr Charity ; Fhilanthropy. Benevolences, . " Taxation, Eng. Bengal. Bengal & Agra animal guide. &c., 1841-2. ^ Census, 1872, 81, 91, 1901, tee A. C. Remarks on husbandry, &c., 180G. [P201]. Antiquities, n-r India, Antiquities. Ethnology & Social Lite. Clieveis (N.) Kep. on med. jurispr. in B.. 1854. [P241]. Daltou (E. T.) Descr. ethnology, 1872. Grant (C.) Kural life. 18tJ0. Lai Bebari Day. B. peasant life, 1880. Oman (J. C.) Biahmans, Sic, 1907. Kisley (H. H.) Tribes &, castes : antlirop. data. 2v, 1891. Tribes & castes : ethnog. gloss., 2\-. 1891-2. Sfctri (S.) K. Laliiri, 1907. History, sir Bengal, History. Topography & Travels. ]51iiilanauth Clmiider. Travels. 2v, 1S(;9. Bloclmiann (H.) Geog. 4:c. [in. As. Soc. of Bengal. J., v42i, 43i, 44i, 1873-5]. Dunlop (M. & K.) Timely retreat, 2v, i.H58. llutehi.sson (W. H. F.) Pen & pencil. 1883. Leaves f. diary in Lower B. (18(j2-70). 1890. Life in the Mofussil, 2v, 1878. [Munay's Hdbks.]. E. Presid., 1882. Rou.sselet (L.) India, 187(i. Samliliucliandra. Travels, &c.. 1SS7. Refer to Sakargauj. Behur. Buddha Gaya. Calcutta. Chittagong. ChotaNagpore Dacca. Land. Bengal, />'«// of. liciwiev (T.) Countries round Bay 79, 1905. Eliot (,J.) Hil.-bk. of storms, 2v, 1900-1. Ilifir ill Andaman Isl. ; Indian Ocean ; Nicobar isl. ; Shahpuri. Bengal, History. [Bengal]. Narrative& Suppl., 17l>0. 17il4. [PI 92]. Beveridge (H.) Trial of Nanda Kumar (1775), 188(;. Bloehnian (II,) (ieog. & liist. [iti As. ,St. & antiq., 1883. Refer to Hertfordshire. Berkshire. Berkshire notes & queries. 1890-1891. [Brit. Rec. Soc] B.. Wills &c. (1.0O8- 1652), 1893. Druce (G. 0.) Flora. 1897. Kennedy (A. W. M. C.) Birds, 1868. Laud (W.) Letters &c. rel. to benefac- tions of L., 1841. Berkshire [eontinnedJ\. Loder-Symnnds & Crowdy. Gld B. Hunt, 1760-1904, 1905. Parry (F. C.) Ace. of charitable dona- tions, 1818. Phillimore. Index to wills, 1508-1652, 1893. Ouide-books . Papers, vl-4, 1898]. [Durliam]. Sanctuarium Dunelmense & S. B., 1837. Hist. MSS. Comm., 1900. Oliver (G.) Hist. Sc antiq.. 1829. Poul.son (G.) licvcrhic, 2v, 1829. SeldenSoc. B.'l'owndi.cs.(12-l(;c.). 1900. Ilefci' to Cathedrals ; Yorkshire. Bewdley. liurtoii (J. R.) Hist., 1883. 1/e/er to Worcestershire. B^ze. Aimalcs B. ((100-1174) [in var. eolls.. cirnifitlt /'ott/tai(t\. Moil. Germ, liist.. gee Index to il. 6. II. liefer In Cote-d'Or, dejit. ; Monasteries. Bezique, nee Cards. Bezoar. Slari,- (F.) E.\per. ke. upon or. & o. b.- stones, 171.5, [P280]. Iti'fer til Poisons. Bh&galpur. Kraiicklin (\V.) Iiiq. cone. Palibothni, Ip. 181.5-22. Itefer III Behar. Bharhut,.v>' Art.Buddhist; Central India. Bhilsa, fie Art, Buddhist; Gwalior. Bhot, fee Tibet. Bhutan. I...iiis (.1. A. II.) tiates of Thibcl, 1-H91. Rcnnie (I). F.) Bhotan, 18i;(!. 'I'unier (S.) Arc. of ciiib;is.sy, 1800. /.V/>7' /" Himalayas ; India; Tibet. Biarritz. Geniiond ile Lavigne. 15. & aiilour de B., 1894. Joanne, li. & environs, n.d. Rus.sell-Kill.ni^di, B. &c., 1873. Ittfcr III Basses-PyrSn^es. Bible. Index of hendingn ,J- siib-headimjt. 'J'lwge markfd villi an atterifk will be found in their iilplialietical order in the hodij of the eatiilvijiie. Autiiiuities, jf-t; ^ Bible Authjuitie^. .\pocrypba, si^e 'Apucrypli:i, .iutbeiiticity. Evidences A- liispiratiun. Authorized Version (Eiig.), *'■*■ English ver^ous. Bibliugraphy Jk. Diffusion. Ciinoii. Chrouolo^'V, .<.'.- * Bible History. Cliurrli'.s JliKlit to Interpret the Bible. ( 'Iiiircli!. Usu, stv Study. Codicc-. CoumiuiitJiries, -v? Bible, in A. C, (-oiicordjinces & Dictioimrics. Doctrine. Douay Version, see Kuuiail Catholic versions. English versions (crit. i List. of). Ethnology, ^et; " Pible History. Figurative Language Geography, fiv * Bible .\nti95]. Blunt (J. J.) l'ndc.sipnod coincidences, 1847. Browne (E. H ) I'enlalcuch S: Elohistio Psalms, 1803. [P213]. liruKscii (H.) Sleininschrift, 1891. Bniiilon(,T. L.) B. i .sci., 1881. Bryant (J.) Treatise, 1793. Carlile (H.) Obs. on Gregory. 1821. i [1'221]. BIBLE 104 BIBLE Bible [continiicil]. Authenticity, Evidences, &c. [emitinvi'd]. Cave (A.) Inspir. of O.T., 1«S«. Chalmers (T.) Mirac. &c. evid. [in AVks., t3, 4, 1836-42 .']. Chnbb (T.) Cone N.T. [in h. Four tracts, 1734]. Clissokl (A.) Insp., 7 nos.. lSt;i-4, Colenso (J. W.) Worlts .\"' cmttror., see A. C. Coleridge (S. T.) Confessions. 1840; 40; 53. CoHingwood (C.) B. & age, 188(5. Conder (C. E.) B. & East, 1896. Cooper (R.) Bible. 18.08. De Quincey (T.) Protestantism [in Wr., v8, 1890]. Dick (J.) On insp., 1800. Doddridge (P.) Insp. of N.T. [/« Wks., v4, 1803]. Dods (JI.) B., orig. &c., 1905. Donaldson (J. W.) Orthodoxy reconciled, 1857. Drummond 0^'-) (Kdipus Judaicus. see -1. C. EUicott (C. J.) Christus comprobator, 1893. Emanuel (C.) Janus. 1826. [P221]. Essays & Reviews, 1860 &€., see A. C. Farrar (F. W.) B., meaning &c., 1897. Ferriere(E.) Mythes, 1893. Free theolog. inquirv, 1858. [P514]. Garbett (E.) B. & critics. 1861. Giles (.J. A.) Heb. rec, O.T., 1850. Gladstone (\V. E.) Impregnable rock, 1890. Gleig (C. R.) Gt. problem. 1876. Goulburn (E. M.) Intr., 1878. Hannah (J.) Eel. betw. di\ine & human elem., 1863. Hare (F.) Difficulties, 1714. [P1135]. Harris (J.) Insp. [in New Coll. Intr. lects., 1851]. Hatlierley (W. P.. J.), Continuity, 1867. Henson (H. H.) Value, 1904. Higgins (G.) On corruption of Scr. &c., 1857. [P563, 775]. Hinds (S.) Inquiry, 1831. Hofstede de Groot. Basilides als Zeuge fiir Alter &c. ncutest. Schr., &c., 1868. [P487]. Hogarth (D. G.) Authority & arch., 1899. Holborow (A.) Evol. & Scr., 1892. Home (T. H.) Deism refuted, 1826. Horton (R,. F.) Inspiration, 1888. Revelation & B., 1892. Houtin (A.) Q. bibl. chez les cath. de Fr., 19s., 1902. Q. bibl., 20s., 1906. Huntingford (E.) Pop. misconceptions, Genesis, 1891. Ingersoll (E. G.) Mistakes of Moses, 1880 ; 82; [.i'- 1891 ed. in A. Lincoln, &c., 1883-93]. Inspiration : cler. symposium ; Farrar, inc., 1884. Irons OV. J.) Bible, 1869. Jackson (T.) Eternal truth (17c.) ['"« Wks., vl. 1844]. Jones (yf.) Xty. & common sense, 1863. Julian, St.. hp. Antikeimenwn 11.2 (7c.) [in Migne, P. L., 96]. Kinns (S.) Graven in rock. 2v, 1895. Kirk-patrick (A. F.) Divine lib., O.T., 1891. Lardner (N.) Credibility of Gospel hist., 1737 [in Wks., vl-5, 1788]. Larroque (P.) Examen, 2t. 1860. Lee (W.) Inspiration, 1865. Leland (J.) Divine auth.. 2v. 1739-40. Bible [niiitinuef/]. Authenticity, Evidences, &c. [nt-nfinnef^. Loisy (A.) Etudes. 1903 : see also A. C. Lowe (J. B.) Inspiration, 1856. Lowth (W.) Vindication. 1692. Macnaught (J.) Doct. of i.. 1856. Margoliouth (D. S.) Lines of defence. 1900. Marriott (W. B.) EipriviKci, 1866. Jlaurice (J. F. D.) Claims. 1863. Middleton (C.) Misc. wks.. v3, 1755. Miller (J.) Div. authority adapt, to human nature, 1838. Miller (J. C.) B. insp. vindic, 1861. [P165]. Muir (J.) Brief exam, of insp., 1861. Orr (J.) Problem of O.T.. 1906. Osburn (AV.) Anc. Egypt. 1846. Ottley (H. B.) Mod.^Egypt. 1884. Owen (J.) Divine orig., <<• o.p. [in Wks., v4, 1826]. Eeason of faith [in Wks., t3. 1826]. Paley (W.) Hora; Paulina;, 1849. Pecaut (F.) Le Christ &c.. 1863. Priaulx (O. De B.) Quajstiones, 1842. Questions for B. -worshippers, 1865. [P206]. Radenhausen (C.) B. wider d. Glauben. 1865. Rawlinson (G.) Hist. evid.. 1859. Robertson (John) Finding of Bk.. 1870: [S- in P716]. Robinson (J. A.) Some thoughts on insp.. 1908. Rogers (H.) Superhuman orig.. 1877. Row (C. A.) Nature of i., f. N.T., 1864. Ryle (H. E.) Holy Script., 1904. Sanday (W.) Inspiration. 1893 ; 96. . Oracles of God, 1891 ; 94. Savage (M. J.) Beliefs, 1884. Scott" (T.), ,//" Mt. Pleasant. Coll. of tracts. [P7'00-16]. Selborne (R., e. of) Letters, 1898. Senden (G.H.van) Gesch. ; iibers.,2T,1846. Shirley (W. A.) Supremacy, &c., 1847. Smith" (G. V.) Bible. 1892. Some brief remarks on (Hare's) " Diffi- culties," 1714. [PI 135]. Spinoza (B. de) Tract, th.-polit.. rar. ed. St tr. [S.- in h. Op.]. Strange (T. L.) The B.. 1871. Legends of O.T., 1874. Swete (H. B.) ed.. Essays, 1905. Taylor (I.) Hist, of transmission, 1827. Tholuck (F. A. G.) Glaubwiudigkeit d. evang. Gesch., 1838. Thoughts on relitr. & B., 1865. [P702, 710]. Tomline (G. P.) Elements, vl. 1804 ; 23. Trench (R. C.) Fitness of Scr. for un- folding spiritual life, 1845 ; 54. Victoria Institute. Journal, 1866-90. Vigouroux (F.) Livres saints, 5t. 1890-1. Warington (G.) Inspiration, 1867. Waterland (D.) Scr. vindic. (1730-2) [in Wks.. v6. 1823]. Watson (R.) Two apologies, 1806. Westcott (B. F.) Intr.. Gospels, ear. ed. Vrhite (A.) Contrib., 1851. [P156]. Wiclif (J.) De veritate S. Scr. (14c.), SB, 1904. Wordsworth (C.) Insp. [in Misc., v2. 1879]. . Primar)' witness. Gospel, 1892. Zimmer (P. B.) Untersuchung. 1S17. liefer to Anthority in religious belief ; Christianity ; Deism ; God ; Infalli- bility ; Miracles ; Prophecy ; Religion & science. Authorized version {English), .svc English versions, heloir. Bible [continiied]. Bibliography & Diffusion, see also Engllsb versions; ffandbooks; Roman Catholic versions, brlnir. X.B. — Itefer to Theology for bihlio- graplni of boolts on the Jiihie. B. of every land. 1848. Biblia Pauperum. see A. C. British & For. B. .Soc. Hist. cat. of pr. eds. ; Darlow & Moule. vl, 1903. Brit. Mus. Cat. of bks. : B.. 1892. Bnicker (J.) Notitia rar. vers. Germ. lib. Psalm, [in Schellhorn, Amoen. lit., tl!. 1727]. Buchanan (C.) Xtn. reseai'ches. Asia. 1811; 40. Canton (W.) Hist, of Brit. & For. B. Soc. 2v, 1904. Cat. das Biblias, &c. [in Rio de Janeiro ; Bibl. Nac, Ann., vl7, 1895]. Copinger. Incunabula Bibl. : Latin. 1450- 1500, 1892. Cust (R. N.) Essays, 1890. Normal addr. on B.-diff.. 1892. Darling (J.) Cyclop, bibl. : H. Scr., 1859. Dibdin (T. F.)"lntr. to rare eds . 2v, 1827. Gaster (M.) B. historiale [in Ilchester lect., 1887]. Gentleman's mag. lib. Lit. curiosities, 1888. Kehrein (J.) Gesch. d. deut. B. (to 16c.), 1851. Le Long (J.) Bibl. sacra, 2p, 1778-90. Llewelyn CT.) Ace. of Welsh versions, 1768.' Marchand (P.) Hist, de la B. de Sixte V &c. [in Schellhorn. Aracen. Iit.,t4, 1730]. Marsh (H.) Hist, of tr.. 1812. Offor (G.) Cat. of lib., 1865. Owen (J.) Hist, of orig. & 1st 10 yeai'sof B. & F. B. Soc, 2v, 1816. Petayel (E.) B. en France, 1864. Ranyard {mrs. E.) The Book, 1856. Reuss (E.) Gesch. d. N.T., 1853 : 60 ; tr., 1884. Schellhorn. De 2da ed. N.T. per Eras- mum cur. [/« A. Amoen. lit., tl, 1730]. Stevens (H.) Bibles in Caxton Exhib., 1877, 1878. Sussex (jl. of) Bibl. S. : Pettigrew, 2v, 1827-39. Walther (W.) Deut. Bibeliibers., 3T, 1889-92. Canon (see also Gospels; Haadbooks.beloie). [Bible: N.T.]. C.Muiatorianus; Tregelles, 1867 ; [,<• in Laurent. Neutest. St., 1866]. Buhl. Canon, O.T.; tr.. 1892. Charteris (A. H.) Canonicity, N.T., 1880. Chase (F. H.) Hist, [in Criticism of N.T., 1902]. Cosin (J.) Scholast. hist., 1657 [in Wks., y3, 4. 1849-51]. Credner (C. A.) Gesch.. N.T., 1860. Z. Gesch., 1847. Davidson (S.) Canon. 1877. Epiphanius. St. De mcnsuris &c. (4c.) [in Op.. t2, 1682; Migne, P. G.. 43]. Fragm. de canone [in Migne, P. L., 3]. Gregory (C. R.) Canon. N.T., 1907. Gwatkin (H. M.) ed., Sel. (to 4c.). 1902 : 05. HOgenfeld (A.) K. d. N.T., 1863. Jones (J.) New method, N.T., 3v, 1827. Klrchhofer (J.) Quellensammlung, N.-t. C, 1844. Loisy (A.) Hist, du c, A.T., 1890. ^^ Hist., N.T., 1891. Mattel (S.) D. tradiz. e conservaz. &c. [in Op., t2, 1779]. BIBLE 105 BIBLE Bible [I'lmtinin'fU. Canoa [ro/ifimirr!]. Kcwss (E. AV. E.) Hist.. IfiC:!. Kyle (H. E.) C. of O.T.. 18it2. 8almmi (G.) Hist, intr., N.T., ISSry, 89 ; SIT. Siindav (W.) Cheltenham list [in S. B., t3, 1891]. «chniidt (C. ¥.) Oflcnbaning Johannis Jkc, 1871. Scholten (J. 11.) Alt. Zeugnisse, N.'l'. ; iib.. 1SG7. Stuart (M.) Ciit. l]ist., O.T., 1849. Thirrscli. Versiicli, 1845. I's-sher (.1.) Cath. assertio, 1610 [in Wks., vl4, 1847-t;4]. Westcott (B. F.) 15. in th., 18(10 ; 1901. Gen. survey. N.T., 1st 4 c, 1855 ; 91;. Wogue (L.) Hist., 1881. Wordswortli (C), hp. On the c, 1848. Zahn(T.)Forschun.8:en, n.-t. K.,T1-Ti, 8i, 1881-1907. Gesch. a. n.-t. K., Bl, 2, 1888-9-->. N/fer to Apocrypha. Chroaology, si'r Bible history. Church's Right to Interpret the Bible. Jackson (T.) How far ministry of men is uec. (17c.) [In Wks., vl, 2, 1844]. .Sherlock (W.) Prot. resol., 1U8G. [P312]. V'ssher (J.) Hist, controv. ice. (— lUc.) [in Wks., vl2, 1847-(i41. Whitaker (W.) Disput. (16c.), 1849. Wrisfht (C. H. H.) Bible & the Ch., 1901, [P1029]. }{f/fr to Authority in religious belief; Canon law ; Private judgment ; Eoman Catholic Church ; Tradition. Church's Use, sir Study, below. Codices, &c., air also Handbooks ; Textual Criticism, Si various ivrsimis, he/on: Anliquitatcs Eccl. Or., 1682. Batiffol (P.) MSS. greos de Berat & Purpureus i^ («'. text) [in Archives des miss., sH, tin, 1887]. [Bible: N.T. Gr.]. Mains (A.) X.T. Vat. ; Tischcndorf, 1867. Brett (T.) Diss, on anc. v.. 1760 [in Watson (K.) Coll., v3, 1791]. Biirkitt (K. C.) Anc. vers, [in Criticism of N.T., 1902]. Codex Alcxandrinus. Kacs. ; 'I'honipson, 4v, 1879-8:{. Codox purpureus I'ctropol.; Cronin [in Texts ic St.. v5, 1899]. Kutlialiaiia ; l{oliin.son, 1895. Harris (,I. 1!.) Annotators of C. Bez;c, 1901. Cotlex Boza!, 1891. llody (H.) 1)<- Bibl. text. Sec, 1705. Hnskicr (II. C.) (ir. Cod. Ev. 604. 1890. KopH,it'TCKoe EBaiirciie (8 & 9c. Greek Codi^x Evan^cliurn) [ /// Imp. Mosk. Arch, ohscb. Max. no apx. KaDKa3a, 1 1, 1907]. Ki;iiyiin (K. G.jOur li., 1895; 96. Lake (K.) C.mU-x 1 of Gosi)els, 1902. ■I'cxis f. Mt. Athos [in S. B.,v5,190:i]. Hiddleton (C.) Emi. into Coniplutensian i-a. N.T., 1722 [in Somers, i:i, 1815], Henmif. lint. orig. of Arab. v. of Gospels, 186:!. Hepcrtorium f. bibl. i:c. Mtt. ; Eichhorn, l.sT, 1777-S(;. Sand.iv fW ) ( . Uossanensis [in S. B., vl, lss.-,|. Scri\encr (p. II. A.) Co. Bede. De schematis & tropis (8c.) [('« Wks., v6, 1843 ; Migue, P. L., 90]. Hutchinson (J.) Wks., 12v, 1748-9. Jones (W.) Cone metaphor, usage of sleep (1772); S- o.p. [i,i. h. Th. &;c. Wks., t2, 1810], . Lect., 1786; cj- o.p. {in h. Th. &;c. wks., v3, 1810]. Maimonides. Guide of the perplexed, rar. ed. Melito, St. Clavis (2c.) [in Piti'a, Spicileg., t2, 3, 1855]. Philo, Jiidaeiis, sir A. C. Silver (A.) Holy Word. 1867. Leots. on symbolic character, 1867. Wemyss (T.) Key to symbolic lang., 1840. Geography, see Bible antiquities. Gospels, Commentaries on, see Bible, in A. C. Gospels, Harmonies of. Ambrose, St., hj>. Concordia SS. llatthaei & LuciB (4c.) [in Op., var. ed.\ Ammonius, Gramm. Evang. harm, in- terpr. [in Migne, P. L., 68]. Augustine, St., hp. De consensu Ev. (5c.) [in Wits., ear. ed. ,\- tr.] Calvin (J.) H. Ev. (16c.) [in ^V^ls.. ear. erf.]. Chemnitz (M.) Libri 3 h. Ev., 2p, 1608. Eusebius. Canones 10 h. Ev. (4c.) [in Migne, P. G., 22]. Greswell (E.) Diss, upon h. of G., 4v,1837. Lightfoot (J.) Harmony (17c.) [in Wks.. v4, 5, 1822]. Robinson (E.) H. of the G. in Gr., 1859. Tatian. Diates.saron, rar. ed. ^- tr. Tischendorf (L. F. C.) Svnojisis evange- lica, 1851 ; 71. Towuson (T.) Disc, on 4 Gospels &c., 1831. Victor, lip. of Capua. Pref. in h. Ev. (6c.) [in Migne, P. L., 68]. Vossius (G.) H. Eu.(17c.)[;« Op., t6,1701]. Wright (A.) Synopsis in Gr., 1906. Zacharias, Chrysnpolit. In unum ex 4 (12c.) [in Migne, P. L.. 186]. Bible [eonti)i)ied]. Gospels, Origin & Composition of (see also Authenticity, &c., ahove ; Higher crlti- cism; Textual criticism, below). Abbot (E.) Authorship, 4th G., 1880. Abbott (E. A.) Apologia. 1907. Clue, 1900. Contrast, 1903. [P1044]. Corrections of Mark, 1901. From letter to spirit, 1903. Paradosis, 1904. Bam- (F. C. v.) Kritiker &c., 1846. Markusevang., 1851. tjb. kanon. Evang., 1847. Beyschlag (W.) Z. johann. Frage, 1876. Bretschneider (C. G.) Probabilia de Evang. Jo., 1820. Burkitt (F. C.) G. hist., 1906. Bm-ton (E. de W.) Princ. of lit. crit.. 1903. Carpenter (J. E.) Fir.st 3 G., 1890. Cassels (W. R.) Supernat. rel., ,| replies, see A. a Corssen (P.) Monarchian. Prologe z. d. Evang., 1896. Dale (R. W.) Living Xt., 1890. Delitzsch (F.) Entstehung &.c. d. kanon. Evang., Tl, Matthiius, 1853. [P512]. Drummond (J.) Inq.. 4th G., 1903. Edersheim (A.) New theory [in S. B., vl, 1885]. Evanson (E.) Dissonance, 1805. Letter to Priestley's Young man, 1794. Falconer (T.) Princ. in Evan.son's '■ Dis- sonance," 1811. Giles (J. A.) Xtn. rec, 1854. Godet (F.) Intr. to N.T. : Four Gospels &c. : tr., 1899. Halcombe (J. J.) Hist, rel., 1889. Harnack. Beitriige. Bl, 2, 1906-7; tr.. 1907-8. Haweis (H. R.) Xt. & Xty., v2, 1886. Hawkins (J. C.) Horae Synopt., 1899. Holtzmann (H. J.) Synopt. Evang., 1863. Huet (F.) Certitude de I'hist. evang. [('« A. Revol. phil., 1871]. Jackson (H. L.) Fourth G., 1906. Kiistlin (C. R.) Ursprung u. Komp., 1853. Logia Jesu, see A. ('. Luthardt (C. E.) St. John ; tr., 1875. Marsh (H.) llhist. of hypothesis in diss. on orig. &o.. 1803; Def., 1804. [P873]. Letter, 1802. [P873]. Origin. &c., 1801 ; [J(- in Michaelis (J. D.) intr., v3ii, 1802]. Metzger (A.) 4 Evang. : orig. or., 1906. Middieton (C.) Red. on variations [in Misc. wks., v2. 1755]. Norton (A.) Evidences, 3v, 1837-44. Orr (J). Authenticity of John, 1870. Papias, bp. Fragmenta (2c.), see A. C. Randolph (J.), bp. Remarks, tr., 1802 ; Suppl., 1804. [P873]. Rettig. De 4 Evang. orig. [in Ephemer- ides exeget.-theol., fasc. 1, 3, 1824]. Reville (J.) Le 4e Evang., 1901. Roberts (A.) Discussions, 1864. Robinson (J. A.) St. of G.. 1906. Roehrioh (E.) La comp., 1897. Rowland (D.) Evid., 4th G., 1869. Sabatier (L. A.) Essai, 1866. Salmon (G.) Human element, 1907. Sanday (W.) Authorship, &c.. 4th G.. 1872. . Crit. of 4tli G., 1905. Gospels in 2 c, 1876. Schleiermacher. Zeugn. d. Papias [/« Siimmtl. Wke., Abth. 1, B2, 1836]. Scholten (.J. H.) Evang. nach Joh. ; libers., 1867. Schulze (M. H.) Evangelientafel, 1S61. Bible [eontiiiihtlT^. Gospels, Origin & Composition of [cont.\ Scott (T.) Errors, &c., 1869. [P573, 705]. Semisch (C. G.) Apostol. Denkvriirdigk. d. Justinus, 1848. Sewell (W.) Microscope, 1878. Stanton (X. H.) Gospels, pi, 1903. Staudlin. Beitrage, B5, 1799. Tayler (J. J.) Character of 4th G., 1867. Thiersch. Vereuch, 1845. Tischendorf. ^Vann wurden Evang. ver- fasst ?, 1865. [P491] ; 1880. Townson (E.) Discourses, 1831 ; [,V in Wks., vl, 1810]. Volkmar (G.) Ursprung, 1866. [P4G7]. Wace (H ) G. & witnesses, 1883. Watkins (H. W.) Mod. crit., 4th G., 1890. Weisse (C. H.) Evangelienfrage, 18!>6. Wellhausen (J.) Einlg. in d. 3 erst. Ev.. 1905. Wendt (H. H.) G. ace. to John ; tr., 1902. Wernle (P.) Sources ; tr., 1907. Westcott (B. F.) Intr., 1860 ; 67 ; 88 ; 95. I Woods (F. H.) Orig. &;c. of synoptic G. [in S. B., v2, 1890]. { Wright (A.) Composition, 1890. ! Itefer to Christianity ; Christology. Handbooks 02. Wedgwood (.1) Mes.sa^re, 1894. Ilffi'r to Koman Catholic Church, iimti r suh-lirinliiiij /.ihrrnlixnt : ,^- Theology, under fiili-liiuclinij lAhvral <<■ " Ni-o''' History (i.e. JlililicnJ Itirord), /.er Bible history ns sipnratr hntdinij. History at Interpretation & Use, xer Study, hrloir. History of Origin of Bible ( .irr iiho Canon ; Handbooks Ac, nhore). Arbiiiliiiol(F.l''.)Coiistructi(jii.«.(Z. [P57:i]. Gould (K.. J.) Building of B., 1898. [P.s71]. Kenyon (F. G.) Our B.. 1895 ; 9(i. Kirkpatrick (A. F.) Divine lib.. 1891. Smvth (.1. 1'.) Ibiw we i;nt our li r.m.i. Sortcn (H. V.) Hi.st. of early Xtn. lit. : N.T. ; tr., 190(;. History of Text, .ire Canon : Codices ; Handbooks, abore ; Textual Criticism, ,?' vti rioii» rernionit, below. o:\\ 1S9(I; Bible [ro/iliiiii,il]. Inspiration, see Authenticity, above. Interpretation, sir Study, hrlow. Introductions, srr Handbooks &c., abine. Itala, srr Codices (Latin), above. Languages. Biblical Cabinet. v2, 9. 1833-5. Cust (R. N.) Essays, 1890. Ha.se & Iken. Thes. theol.-phil., 2t, 1732. Planck (G. J.) Intr. ; tr., 1834. Roberts (A.) Discussions on Gospels, 1804. — — Greek tlie lang. of Xt. & Apost., 1888. AValton (B.) In B. Polyglotta proleg. : Wrangham. 2t, 1S28. Uifer to Aramaic lang. ; Greek lang.. Biblical ; Hebrew lang., Palestine. Latln{Old)Verslons{ser also Vulgate, beloir). Berger (8.) Anc. tuxte latin des Actes. Sec. [in B.N.. Notices, 35i]. Bianchini (G. M.) Evangel. Quadruplex Lat.. 2p, 1749. [Bible : Lat ]. Fragm. vers. Antehieronym.; Raiike, 1800. Burkitt (F. C.) O. l^t. & Itala, 1896. Ezra. 4th bk. : Lat. v. ; Bensly, 1895. [Fleury]. I'alimpseste; Berger, 1889. Harris" (J. li.) C. Sangall.. 1891. Lehmann (P.) Neue Bruchstiicke aus "Weingartener" Itala-Hss., 1908. Rcinsch (H.) Itala u. Vulgata. 1875. Weihrich (F.) Bibelexcerpte u. d. Itala d. Augustinus, 1893. Wordsworth (J.) & W. Sandav. Corbey St. James [in S. B., vl, 1885]! Zingerle (A.) Hilariu.s-Codex (8c.), 1893. Literary Composition. Deissmann (G. A.) Bible st. ; tr., 1901. Jebb (.1.) Sacred lit., 1820. Moulton (R. G.) Lit. stu92]. Browne (air T.) Plants [in Wks.. v4, 1835; 40; v3, 1907]. Callcott (M.) Scr. herbal, 1842. Dawson (.1. W.) Archaia, 1800. Dibb (.1. E.) Ass, 1802. [P253]. Groser (W. H.) Trees & plants, 1888. Hcill>orn (E.) Das Tier .Jehovahs. 1905. Hciislcjw ((.;.) Plants, 1900. Maunder (E. \\ .) Astronomy, 1908. Smith (.1.) Bible plants, 1878. Warnekros. Hist. nat. Svcomori [in Itepertorium f. liilil. Litt.Tll, 17k2|. liefer to Bible antiquities ; Natural hist., Palestine. Periodicals & Societies. Classii-al ii.iiiiial, lslU-29. I'ixpositor, 1875 — . .J:ihrbiicher il. bil)l. Wiss., 1848-58. .Journal of class. & .s;icred philology, 1854-5. KiinigL-Siichs. Ge.sells. d. Wiss. zu Leip- zig. Berichte: Phil.-hist. CI., 1849— . Mu.sf!nn (1.(0- 1889—. Society of I'.ibl. Arch. Pnu-., 1879—; Trans.. 1872-9;i; Indi-x, 1903. Victiiria Institute. .Journal. lMiO-90. Itrtrr to Theology. I'vsblto, ,itc Syrlac versions, brioo . Relations of O.T. & N.T. ( Typology, &c.) liall (W. K.)St. I'auKNc Roman law, 1901. I i.ilc (R. W.) .lew. Temple, &(;., 1890. Fairbairn (I'.) Typology, 2v, 1857. Bible [ronliniird]. Relations of O. T. 'i;9. [P707]. Cunybeare (W. D.) On crit. &c. [in h. Elem. course, 1830 J. Diestel (L.) Gesch. il. A.T. in d. Kirche. 1809. Ernesti (.1. A.) Princ. of Bibl. intvrp. (1701); ir., 2v, 18:t2-3. [B.] Ewald .t Dukes. Beitr., jiid., 3B, 1844. Karrar(K. W.) Hist, of interp., LSHO. Fronde (R. 11.) Remarks upon piine. [in Ri^mains. p2, vl, 1839]. Hare (F.) Dilliculties (1714). 1860 [1'22L ice; .<•(« Wks., v2, 1740]. .lowett (B.) Interpret, of Scr., n.d. Ki Heinsius, Op. coll., 2, 1673]. Myers (F.) Cath. thoughts, 1874. Xotkerus Balbidns. L. de interpretibus (" Sunday Schools. Bible History. Iieke(('. T.) ()rit;inr.-, vl, ls:;4. Buxton (mn. S.) Side lights. 1892. Dawson (J. W.) Eden, 1896. Edershoim (A.) B. hist., 7v, 1875-87. Fiiakcs-.Jackson. B. hist, of Hebrews, 190:!. Fornari (V.) Vita, di Gesii, 1.1, 1869. (ieikio (J. C.) Hours, vl-6, 1881-5. Howard (H. E. J.) Scr. hist., 2s, 1840-1. Howson (.1. S.) Companions of St. Paul, 1871. .raiiitsnii(.\.)Hist. in wks. of art, 2v,1864. .Icnson (P.) Gilgaiuosch-Epos, Bl, 1906. Jerahmcel. Chrou. (— ICln.c); tr.,18:i'.). Kent (C. F.) Israel's hist. & biog. narr., 1905. Bible History [i-nnfiiiiied]. Kurtz (,f. II.) Hist, of old covt. ; tr., 3v. 18.-,9. Lhomond (C. V.) Hist. av. J.-C. 1819. Mufiammad ibn Jarir. Aunales, rnr. ed. Ji- tr. Newton (T.) Diss. [//( Wks.. vl. 2, 4, 5, 1787]. Noack (L.) Die Phanionen im Bibel- lande, 1870. [P499]. I'ftrus, Coiiicstor. Hist, sc^holastica (12c.). 1699- [,(• in Migne, P. L., 198]. Phimptre (E. H.) B. studies, 1870. [ Pridcaux (H.) O. & N. Test, connected, j 4v, 1808 ; 1888. | Riimsay (W. M.) Luke, &c., 1908. Kothschild (C. & A. de) Hist. &c. of | Israel., 2v, 1870. Sayce. Early Israel &c., 1899. j lntr.,Ezra, Nehcmiah. Esther, 1885. , Schneckenbnrger (M.) Vorlsgn. il. n.-t. \ Zeitgesch.. 1862. ! Schwartz (E.) Tod d. Silhne Zebedaei, 1904. I Severus (S.) Hist, sacra (—400 A.D.). see \ A. C. ; [r?- in Sigonius, Op.. t4. 6, 1734-7]. } Sharpe (S.) Hist, notes, 1854. ; Smith (G.) Sacreil annals, 3v, 1847-53. Smith (H. P.) O.T. hist., 1903. I Smith (W.) Student's Scr. hist.. 2v, ! 1872-3. Solomon, hp. of Basra. Bk. of the Bee (13c.), w. tr. ; Budge. 1886. I Spanheim (F.) Hist, [in Op., tl, 1701]: tr., 1829. Stanley (A. P.) Scr. portraits, &c., 1867. Tomkins (H. G.) St. on times of Abraham. 1878. Torniellus. Annales(— 4084), 4t, 1756-7. Ussher (J.) Annals (—73 A.l).), 1658. Watts (I.) Sh. view [in Wks., v5, 1813]. | Zimmern (H.) B. Urgesch., 1901 ; tr., 1901. Biographies. For lives of Bihle characters see wnder tlicir names in A. ('. ; Sf for lives of iiiitliors of Books of the Bihle, see under liible in A. C. Chronology. Auchinleck (H. B.) Chron. of Judges [in j K.I.A., Trans., vll. 1810]. Bosanquet (J. W.) Messiah, &c., 1869. Browne (H.) Ordo s;ecl., 1844. Caspari (C. E.) Einltg. in d. Leben J. C, 1869. Codomann\is (L.) Clironogr. to .\.I). 137, 159(1 \l7i Snmers, 1, IHO'lJ. Cuninghame (W.) Certain truth. 1849. De gi'nealogiis patriarch, [in Migne, P. L., 59].. Hales (W.) New anal., 4v, 1830. Hervey (A. C.) Genealogies, 1853. I Jarvis (S. F.) Chron. intr., 1844. 1 Kuenen (A.) Chron. d. pers. Zeitalters [in h. Gesamm. Ahli. ; iil)., 1894]. Lightfoot (.1.) Chronicle of O.T. ; .t «.y. (17c.) [in Wks., v2, 1822]. Harmony, &c. of N.T. fl7c.) [in Wks., v3, 1822]. Maistre (w. J. M. do) Mots [in h. I.ettres. t2, 1851 ; 61]. Sharpc! (S.) Cbrnnologv, 1868. Spanheim (F.) ('lircm.'[;« Op., tl, 1701]. LLssher (J.) Annates (—72 A.I>.), 1650 [in Wks.. v.8-11. 1817-64]; tr.. 1658. Chron. [in Wks., vll, 12, 1847-64]. Vossius (fJ.) Chron. sacrffi isngoge [in Op., 16, 1701]. Itrfer to Christology. /'»>• the liirth of Christ. Bible History [cmUinHed\. Ethnology. Knobel (A.) Volkertafel, 1850. MacCausland (D.) Adam & Adamite. 1864. - — Builders of Babel, 1871. Red.'ilob (G. M.) Alttest. Nanien d. Bevijlkcrung d. Israelitenstaals, 1846. [P512]. Sayce (A. II.) Paces of O. Test.. 1891. Refer to Apostles ; Bible antiq,, .li ri'ferettres to i-nuntrien ijiveo there; Ciiristology ; Church hist. ; Hittites ; Jews, Hist. ; Sheba, Queen of. Bible Lands. Refer to siili-lii iidiiiij tieoijra/phy under Bible Antiquities. Bartlett (\\^ 11.) Footsteps of our Lord &c., 1851. Dawson (J. W.) Mod. .sci., 1888 ; 92 Geikie (J. C.) Holy Land, 2v, 1887. Hilprecht (H. v.) E.xplorations, 1903. Rec. research. 1897. Home (T. H.) Landscape illust., 2v, 1836. Keith(A.) Evidence. 1838 fP32(;];1841;73. Kitto (J.) Scripture lands, 1850. Ramsay (W. M.) Cities of St. Paul. 1907. Letters to 7 Ch., 1904. Luke, &c., 1 908. Saint Clair (G.) Buried cities. &c., 1891. Sanday (W.) Sacred sites, 1903. Schneller (L.) Courses d'apotres ; tr..l904. Svoboda (A.) Seven Churches, 1869. Stanley (A. P.) B. in the Holy Land, 1863. Thomson (W. M.) Land .>< the Book, 2v. 18.59; 81-3. Van Lennep (H. J.) B. lands, 2p, 1875. Vincent (H.) Etudes bibl. : Canaan, 1907. Wilson (.1.) Lands, 2v, 1847. Itefer to Bible antiq., ,)'• references to eoi/ntrie.^ t/iren there Bibliography. Index of headings ,<• sub-headingi. Those marked v'ith an asterisk vill he found in their alphatietieal order in the Inidy of the Oitiiloyve. Miscellimeoas. He8t liooks, iff Selection of Books. Ilibliograpby of Hil)lingrrtpliiw. Dictioimrieji luul Generrtl Bihliogriipliles. l-'arly Eilitions & Huro Books. Iiungiiiiiry Books A Librurie*. Im;uniil)iilH, iff •Printing. IJbriirv CiitilloKues. I'eiiodiculs it Societies. Places of l*ul)licatiori, see •Printing. Prices of Books, tee opook Colltvting ii Stiles. Printinir, see •Pri'itinit. Privatelv Printed Books. Prolilliitcl Books, see •Proliiliileil Books, t-alc ('atal*i(?iies, nee "Book OollcctliiK &. Sal<», Selection of Books, Oataliiglies A (iuided to. Subject Cfttaloffues. BiblioKrupIiy, Anu'riciin ; BiblioKrapliy, Diinisti ; Ac/itlloir till page 1 12. Beresford (J.) Bibliosophia, 1810. lilades (W.) Bibl. misc. 1-5, 1890. liks. in chains, 1892. Enemies of bks., I.x.sO; 88. Bouchot(H.) Livres mod., 1891. Bnidshaw (H.) Coll. papers, 1889. Brunei (P. G.) Diet, de bibliologie ciith., 1 2t [in Migne, Encycl., s3, v43. 44]. Burton (.1. H.) Bk.-hunter. 1862; 85. Christie (R. C.) Sel. essays, 1902. Clarke (A.) Bibl. misc., 2v. 1806. De Morgan (A.) On the ditlicuUy of correct de.scr. of books, 1902. [P1047]. Dibdin (T. F.) Bibl. Deciiineron, 3v. 1817. [ Bibl. kt: tour in Fr. &Germ., 3\. I 1821. . Ribl. &(■. lour in N. Eiig. & Scot.. . 2v. 1838. I Bibliomania, 1842. BIBLIOGRAPHY 110 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography [nmfin iied}. Ditchtield (F. H.) Bks. fatal to aiit i 1895. Fitzgerald (P.) Bk. fancier, 188(1 : 87. \ Garnett (R.) Es.sny.s, 1S99. j Gentleman's mag. lib., Bibl. notes, 1889. j Gentleman's mas:, lib., Lit. curiosities, i 1888. " j Guild (R. A.) Librarian's man., 1858. Home (T. H.) Intr., 2v, 1814. [ Humphreys (A. L.) Priv. library, 189T. Janin (J. G.) Le livTe, 1870. Klotzius. De libris auctoribus fatalibus, 1768. Lalanne (L.) Curiosites, 1845 ; 57. Lang (A.) Books &c.. 1887 ; 92. -"The library, ISSl ; 92. Maire (A.) Technique du li\Te, 1908. Molini (G.) Op. bibl., 1858. Peignot (E. G.) Diet.. 2t & suppl.. 1802. Manuel, 2t, 1H2H. Pollard (A. W.) Books in the house. 1907. Old picture books &c., 1902. Powell (G. H.) Excursions, 1S95. Power (J.) Haudv-bk., 1870. Proctor (K.) Bibl". essays. 1905. Kichard(J.)L'art de former ime bibl., 1883. Rive (J. J.) Chasse aux bi'oliographes &c. mal-avises, 1788. Rogers (\V. T.) Manual, 1891. Rouveyre (E.) Connaissances nee, lOt, 1899." & Uzanne. Miscellanees. 1878. Schmidt (J. A. F.) Hdbch. d. Bibliotheks- wiss. &c., 1840. Slater (J. H.) How to collect bks., 1905. - — Lib. man., 1883. Struve (B. G.) Bibl. hist, litt., 3t. 1754-G3. Tedder (H. R.) Proposals for bibl. of national hist., 1886. [P530]. Tenant de Latour. Mem., 1861. Thomas (R.) Martyr: J. M. Querard (1797-1865), 1867. Uzanne (O.) Nos amis, 1886. Weise(F. 0.) Schriftu.Buchwe.sen, 1899. Best Books, see Selection of Books &c., belinv. Bibliography of Bibliographies. Brit. JIuseum. Bibl. wks.. 1889. Bibliographies, catalogues, &.C., in Reading R., 1881. Courtney (\V. P.) Register of nat. b., 2y, 1905. Hortzschunsky. Bibliogr., 1905-8. John Crerar Lib. List of b. of spec. subjs., 1902. Mazz'i (C.) Iiidic. di bibl. It.. 1893. Namur (J. P.) Bibl. paleogr.-diplom.- bibl., 2t, 1838. Ottino & Fumagalli. Bibl. bibl. It., 2v, 1889-95; Suppl., 1896-1902. Stein (H.) Manuel, 1897. Vallee (L.) Bibl. des b.. 1SS3-7. Dictionaries & General Bibliographies. Bibliothdque Nationale, Cat. gen., tl — , 1897—. Blount (T. P.) Censura celeb, auth., 1694. Brit. Mus. Printed bks.. see A. C. 300 bks. ; Garnett, 1899. Brunet (J. C.) Manuel, 5t, 1842-4; 60-5. Brunet (P. G.) Diet, de bibliologie oath. [/« Migne, Encycl., s3, v43-4]. Clarke (A.) Bibl. diet., 6v, 1802-4. Darling (J.) Cyclop, bibl., 2y, 1854-9. Debure (G. F.) Bibl. instructive, lOt, 1763-82. Denis. Pinion & de Martonne. Nouv. man. , 1857^ Dorbon (L.) Repertoire d. livres d'occas. a la libr. L. D., tl, n.d. Bibliography {eonfiuiwd]. Dictionaries S Gen. Bibliographies [mnt.'\. Ebert(F.A.)Allg.bibl. Lex.,:;B. 1821-30. Fabricius (J.) Hist. bibl. F., 6p. 1717-24. Fournier (F. I.) Nouv. diet., 1809. Georgi (T.) Allg. europa. Biicher-Lex., 5T; Suppl. 1-3"; 1742-58. Grtevius (J. G.) Cohors. 1715. Grasse (J. G. T.) Tresor, 7t. 1859-69. Maittaire (M.) Annales (1457-1664). ot, 1719-41. Osmont. Diet, des liines rares &c., 2t,1768. Othmer (G.) Vademecum, 1891 ; 1903. Peremies (F.) Diet, de b. cath. [('« Migne. Encvcl.. s3. v39-42. 44]. Quari"tch (B.) Gen. cat., 1860-74. Saxe (C.) Onomasticon, 8p, 1775-1803. Watt (R.) Bibl. Brit., 2p, 1824. ■\Villis & Sotheran. Cat., 1862. For catalntjues of Incwnahnla (.(• hnnlts pnnled he/ore i640), see Printing. Early Editions & Rare Books. y. B. Fur Iiirtinabida refer to Printing. Bauer (,J. .J.) Bibl. lib. rariorum, 4T Jc Suppl.-B. 1-2, 1770-4. Brydges (S. E.) Polyanthea, 1822. Carnarvon (G. E., e. of) Cat. pi. 2. 1893-7. Catalogue of first eds. of 19c. authors, 1894. Clement (D.) Bibl. curieuse,tl-9,1750-60. Collier (J. P.) Bibl. ace, Eng., 2v, 1865. Edwards (F.) Poets &c. of 19th c. : 1st eds. kc, 1891. Freytag (F. G.) Adparatus lit., tl-3. 1752-5. Analecta, 1750. GaUardo (B. J.) Ensayo de una bibl. espan., 4t, 1863-89. Gentleman's mag. lib., Bibl. notes, 1889. Goldsmid(E.)Bibl.: Elzevier Presses, 3v, 1888 Grasse (J. G. T.) Tresor, 7t, 1859-69. Hartshorne (C. H.) Book rarities in Univ. of Camb., 1829. Havm (N. F.) Bibl. ital. : libri ran, 4v. 1S03. Huth (H.) H. lib. : cat., 5y, 1880. John Kviands Lib. Hist, descr., Gr. & Lat. classics &c.. 1906. Leighton (J. &, J.) Cat. of bks., MSS. fcc. for sale. 1905. Le Petit (J.) Bibl. ecrivains fr., 15-18s.. 1888. Lloyd (C.) Cat. of AJdine coll. of L. sold 18"62. Locker-Lampson. Rowfant lib., 1886-1900 Nodier (J. E. C.) Descr. d'une coll., 1844. Peignot. Repertoire, 1810. Rio de Janeiro : Bibl. Nac. Cat. da ex- posi^-ao, 1885 : [A' in Anuaes. vll]. Schellhorn. Amcenitates lit., 14t, 1726-31. Notitia libr. rar. [in Amoen. hist., tl. 1737]. Slater (J. H.) Early eds. (19c.). 1894. A'icaire (G.) Man.," 1801-93. t!-6. 1894- 1907. A'ogt (J.) Cat., 1793. Vovnich (W. M.) Lists, 1900-2 ; [^- in Pi 039]. Befer to Book collecting & sales, /or sale eatalognes. Imaginary Books & Libraries. Bmnet (P. G.) Bibls. imag. [in Dict.,1889]. Imprimeurs imag. & libraires sup- poses, 1866. Chalon (R. H. G.) Docs. & particularites hist, sur le cat. du cte. de Fortsas, 1857. Incunabula, see Printing. Library Catalogues : Africa. Johannesburg Public Library. Bibliography [centinvrd]. Library Catalogues : America, see Brazil , Canada ; United States, belov\ ; Australia. Melbourne Public Libraiy. Sydney. Free Publ. Lib. Sydney I'niv. — ; Belgium. Belgique. Bibl. du Min. de la Guerre. Bibl. Roy. de B. ; Brazil. Rio de Janeiro : Bibl. Nacional. ; Canada. Canada : Libr. of Pari. JI.acGiU College. Montreal. ." England. Alpine Club. Atheureura Club. Belvoir Castle. Birmingham Free libraries. Birniiugham Libi'ary. Board of Trade. Bodleian Library. Bristol Lib. Soc." British i: For. Bible Soc. British Museum. Cambridge l^niv. Library. Cambridge Univ. : Queens' College. Canterbury. Christ Church. Carlton Club. Carnarvon (G. E., e. of). Cat. Charity Organisation Soc. Chatsworth. Chetham Library, Manchester. Colchester : Harsnett Lib. Crane-Court Circul. Lib. East India Co. Foreign Office. Gray's Inn. Gresbam College. Guildhall Libraiy. Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.) Harleian Library. Hastings : Brassey Institute. Hearne (T.) Bibl. Hearniana. Hookham's Library. House of Commons Lib., see Parliament, below. House of Lords Lib., see Parliament, Jei(«c. Huth (H.)H. Library. India Office. Institute of Actuaries. John Rylands Library. Kew. Royal Botanic Gardens. Kiugston-upon-Hull. Knowsley Hall. Lambeth Ptilace. Law Society. Lewisham Grammar School. Lincoln Cathedral. Lincoln Pub. Lib. Lincoln's Inn. Linnean Society. Literary i: Phil. Soc. of Newcastle-upon- Tyne. Liverpool Athenseum. Liverpool Free Public Lib. Liverpool Library. Lyeeiim. Bold St. Locker-Lampson (F.) Rowfant Lib. London Institution. London Library. Malvern. Cat. of M. Federated Lib. Manchester Free Library. Medical & Chirurgical Soc. of London. Middle Temple. Mocatta (F. D.) Cat. of lib. of M. Mudie's Select Library. Museum of Pract. Geology. Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Norfolk & Norwich Lit. Inst. BIBLIOGRAPHY 111 BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography [i-ontiniird]. Library Catalogues: Eagland [contiitvcd\. Oxf.ml : Dnlliol College. Oxford cN; Cambridge Club. I'arliaiiifnt : Lib. of H. of Common.'. l,ih. of H. of Lords. I'arr (S.) Bibl. Parriana. j'lymoutli. Free I'ublic Lil). llecord Office (Public). Keform Club. liowfaiit Lib., sit I,ocker-Ijamp.son (F.), ahiiri-. Koyal Academy. Koyal Artillery Instit., Wonhitirh. Tioyal Colonial Institute. Royal Geofjrapliical Soc. Royal In.stit. of tit. Brit. Royal Soc. of London. Koyal Statist. Soc. of London. Saint Paul's Catli., Limilpn. iSion Collesre. Smith (Adam). Cat. of lib. of A. S. Society for Prnnuition c if Hellenic Studies. Society of Antiq. uf London. Society of Antiq. of Newcastle. South Kensington Museum. Sussex (d. of) Bibl. Sussexiana. Times book club. University College, London. Wigan Free Public Lib. Williams (D.) Bibl. York Gale Geograpli. &c. Lib. ; France. Association Centrale d'Etudc. Bibl. du Conseil d'Etat. Bibl. Alazarine. ]iibl. Xationale. France: Min. dc la Guerre. ; Germany, Biinau(^i'/-a/ H.v.) Cat. Bibl. Bunaviana;. Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde zu Berlin. Jena. Kaiserlich Deut. Arch. List. Konigliclie Bililiothek, [Jiurlhi]. : Holland, mr Netherlands, helov: : India. Calcult;i Public Library. India: Govt. Pubis., Imperial Lib. (Cal- cutta). : Ireland. Belfast Lib. (Linen Hall Lib.). Dublin : King's Inns. Dublin Univ. : Trin. Coll. Marsh's Lil)rary, Dublin. Queen's College, llil/nst. Royal Dublin Society. ; Italy. Pin(^lli(c. M.)Bibl. M. P. Smith (.r.) Bibl. Smithiana. : Japan. Kyoto Imperial Univ. : Malta. Malt.a. f'al. dei libri nella P. Bibl. di M. : Netherlands. Koniriklijiie P.iljliothek ['s Gravenliage]. Thysius (J.) Cat. d. bibl. van T. ; New South Wales, scf Australia, ahoff. ; Portugal. Barbo.-a Machado (D.) Sunnn. da liibl. Luzitana. ; Russia. Mnrgeiislem (,!. C. S. v.) Bibl. C. M. [Dorial]. Saint I'etcrsburg. Bilil. hnp. I'ul>l. ■• Scotland. Aberdc^en, l.'niv. of. Advocates Lib., siv Faculty of A., below. Edinburgh Pul>lic Lil). Edinburgh Univ. Bibliography [rontiniifd]. Library Catalogues : Scotland [continued]. Faculty of Ad\oeates. Kdinhiirgh. Glasgow: Dennistoun District Lib. . Gorbals District Lib. Philo.so])hical Instit. of Edinburgh. Royal College of Physicians of Edin- burgh. Society of Writers to Signet. ^^— ; Sweden. Up.sala. (.'.-it. lilir. imp. ; United States. Anu'rican Library Assoc. Astor Library. Boston Atheuajum. Boston Public Library. Century Assot;. Cat. of Graham Lib. Chicago Public Lib. Cincinnati : Public Lib. Harvard Univ. Index-catalogue of lib. of Surg.-Gen.'s Office. John Crerar Library, Chicago. New York Libiary. Philadelphia. Cat. of Lib. Surgeon-Gcn.'s Office, ser Index cat., ahoi'p. United States : Lib. of Congress. Periodicals & Societies. Bibliographer. l.S.^2-1. Bibliographica. ls;)3-7. Bibliogr. Soc. Trans., ISO.'J — , see also A. C. Bibliographische Adversaria, 6D. ITT-"!- « Enyla iid, «rf England. Allibono (S'. A.) Crit. diet.. 5v, 1859-91. Annual lit. index. 1892-5. 1893-6. Arber (E.) Term catalogues, 16(>S-1709, 3v, 1903-6. Bale (J.) Index of Brit. wr. (wi-. 1549-57) ; Lane Poole, 1902. Beloe (W.) Anecdotes &.C., 6v, 1808-14. Best reading ; Perkins &.C., sl-3, 1881-7. Boase & Courtney. Bibl. Cornub., 3v, 1874-82. Bodleian Library. Hd.-list of early E. 1. in Douce Coll. ; Halliwell, 1860. Hd.-list of Malone Coll., 1860. Bookseller (The), 18.58—. Brewer (E. C.) Authors & wks., 1884. British cat., 1837-1852, 1853. Brit. Mas. Books pr. in Eng., &c., to 1640, 3v, 1884. Printed bks.. see A. C. Brydges (S. E.) Brit, bibl., 4v, 1810-4. Censura, lOv, 1805-9. Restituta. 4v, 1814-6. Catalogue of bks., 1666-95, 1696. [P858]. Catalogue of bks. pr. &c. in London, 1695-1709. [P858]. Catalogue of orig. &. early ed. of Eng. writers f. Langland to Wither, 1893. Bibliography, English [cordiiiued]. Collier (J. P.) Bibl. acc. of rarest bks., 2v, 1865. Dix (E. R McC.) Bks. pr. in Dublin (1601-1700), pl-4, 189.S-1905. Duff (E. G.) Eng. jM-inters, 1501-56, pl-3, 1895-1905." English cat. of bks., 1898—. 1899—. Glover. Fruits of endowments, 1840. Goodhugh (W.) Eng. gentleman's lib. man., 1827. Halkett & Laing. Diet, of anon. & pseud. lit., 4v, 188a-8. Halliwell-Phillipps. Gat. of chap-books, &c., 1849. Notices of fugitive tracts, 1849. Harleian Library. Cat. of early Eng. misc. ; Hazlitt,'l862. Hazlitt (\V. C.) Coll. & notes (1474-1700). 1S76-1903. see A. C. Gen. ind. to H.'s Hdbk. 4: Coll. ; Gray, 1893. Hdbk. to poi)., poet., S: dram. lit. (—1660), 1867. Literary & educ. year book, 1859. [P232]. Locker- Lampson (F.) Rowfant Lib., 188t> ; App., 1900. London catalogue, 1800-55, see A. C. Low (S.) Ind. to curr. lit., 1859-61, 1862. Lowndes (W. T.) Bibl. man., 4v, 1834 ; 57-64 ; App., 1864. JIacmillan, puU. Bibl. cat. of publ., 1843-89, 1891. Martin (J.) Bibl. cat. of bks. priv. pr., 1.834. Memoirs of lit., v2, nos. 28-30, 1712. [P858]. Monthly catalogue, 1714-17. [P676, 858]. Pitseus (J.) Rel. hist., tl, 1619. Reference cat. of curr. lit., 18S0 ; 89 ; 2v, 1898. Slater (J. H.) Early eds. (19c.), 1894. Sonuenschein. Best bks., 1887; 91; 1901. Reader's guide, 1895 ; 1901. Stationers Co. Transcr. of Reg., 1554- 1640; Arber, ov, 1875-94. Tanner (T.) Bibl. Brit.-Hib., 1748. Watt (R.) Bibl. Brit.. 2p, 1824. Uefer to English drama ; English fic- tion ; English poetry. Bibliography, French. For bibl. of wks. on France, see France, Bibliotheque Nationale, Cat. g6n., tl — , 1897—. Bossange (H.) Ma bibl. fr., 1855. Dorbon (L.) Repertoire d- livres d'occas. ■i. la libr. L. D., tl, n.d. Jordell (D.) Cat. annuel, 1893-8, 1894-9. Repertoire, 1900-4, 1901-5. La Croix Dumaine. Les bil>l. fr. de La C. D. &; de Duverdier, 6t, 1772-3. Laporte (A.) Bibl. contemp.. 19s., tl-8, 1884-95. Le Long (J.) Bibl. hist., 1719; 5t, 1768-78. Le Petit (J.) Bibl. des princ. eds. orig., 15-18S., 1888. Le Soudier (H.) Bibl. fr., 6t. 1896 ; s2, tl, 1908. Litterature fr. contemp. ; Querard Sac, 6t, 1842-57. Lorenz (0.) Cat. de la lib. fr. (1840-1905), 18t, 1867-1908. Nilsson. Cat. mensuel, 1891-2, 2t,1891-2. Papillon. Bibl. des auteurs de Bourgogne, 2t, 1745. Polvbiblion, 1868 — Quiirard. Fr. litt., tl-12, 1827-64. Litt. fr. contemp., 6t, 1843-57. Thieme (H. P.) Guide, 1800-1906, 1907. Bibliography, French [continued]. Thieme (H. P.) Litt. Ir. du 19s., 1897. Vicaire(G.) Manuel, l.SOl-93, tl-6. 1891- 1907. \'irmon(l. Recreatinns, lss2. Itcfer lo French fiction ; French poetry. Bibliography, German. For bihluujrtiptiii if ovrhs on (rermn-ny. sec Germany. Biauniiiller(W.)Verlagskatalog V.B..1 905. Brockbaus.Verzeichni.ss, 1805-72,1872-5. Deutscher Journal-Kat., 1896. Georg (C.) Schlagwort-Kat.. Bl-5, 1889- 1908. Gesammt-Verlags-Kat. d. deut. Buch- handels, Bl-16, 1881-95. Haml-Katalog d. neu. deut. wiss., teclm. u. sclionwiss. Lit., 1908-9, 1908. Heinsius (W ) Biicher-Lex., 196(1700- 1892), 1812-93. [Hinrichs" Halbjalirskatalog]. Vemeieli- nis, 1896-1900^ Kayser (C. G.) Buclier-Lex., B27-31 (1891-1906), 1895-1908. Deut. Biicherkunde, 1750-1823, 2T, 1825-7. Kiirschner (J.) Kat. d. Samml. d. K. kc. 1904. Literarisches Jalirbuch ; Thiel, .Jhre. I (1902), 1903. Othmer (G.) Vademecum. 1891; 1903. Schwab (G. B.)& K. Kliipfel. Wegweiser. 1847. Ifefcr to German drama; German fiction. Bibliography, Greek, sec Classical lang. &c.; .\- /'w hililioiiraphii of vorks on (irecrr, .«7 Greek history. Bibliography, Hungarian. For bibtioi/rophi/ of vorki im Hmijarij, see Hungary. Gyulai (A.) Bibl. of Eng. wks. tr. into H., 1620-1908. 1908. [PI 171]. Keribeiiy (K. M.) Bibl., Bl, 1454-16(Hi. 1880. Szabo (K.) Regi konyvtdr, kl-3, 1879-98. Szirmyei (J.) Folyoiratok m. tud. repert.. Oszt." 1, kl, 2i, 1874-85. Bibliography, Italian. For bihlioijraphii of uorhs on Italy, see Italy. Argellati (F.) Bibl. scr. Mediolan., 2t, 1745. Bertoloni (A.) Nuova serie (15-19e.). 1846. Brydges (S. E.) Res lit., vl, 2, 1821. Catalogo collettivo. 1878 ; 91 ; Ind., 1891. Catalogo gen. d. libreria it.. 1847-1899: Pagliaini, 3v. 1901-5. Fontanini (G.) abp. D. eloq. it., 1732 : 1803-4. Gamba (B.) Indice man., 1812. Serie dei testi, sec. 14-19, 1839. Haym (N. F.) Bibl. : libri rari, 4v, 1803. Mazzoni (G.) Avviamento, 1907. Melzi (c. G.) Diz. di op. anon, e pseud., 3t, 1848-59. Mira (G. M.) Bibl. Sicil., 2v, 1873-81. Passano (G. B.) Diz. di op. anon. e. pseud.. suppl. a Melzi, 1887. Pinelli (e. M.) Bibl. P. a Morellio descr.. 6t, 1787. Pitre (G.) Bibl. d. tradizioni, 1894. Scott (M. A.) Elizab. trs. f. Ital.. 4p. 1895-9. Toppi (N.) Addiz. di Nicodemo a. Bibl. napol.. 1683. Bibl. napol., 1678. J'ifcr to Italian fiction ; Italian poetry. Bibliography, Latin, sec Classical lang, &c. BIBLIOGKAPHY 113 BIOGRAPHICAL Bibliography, Oriental, .w Oriental literatures, ,y separate headings for rnrliiKS literatures. Bibliography, Portuguese. Fit hihliniirii'phij of vorks on Portugal, see Portugal. Barbosa Macbado. Summario, tl-3, 17S(;-7. Boston Pub. Lib. Cat. of Span. lib. &o. (Ticknor); Whitney, 1879. Garcia Pores. Cat. rle autores portug. que escrib. en Castellano, 1890. Bibliography, Russian. i'fir liililiotjrapJtii of worli-s on Ria^sia, .v""■ Wks., var. cd.}. Famous boys, 1860. Farrar (F. \v.) Snc. &. pies. -clay q., 1891. Fontenelle. Eloges des academiciens, morts dep. ICfl'.t [in (E.. tl. 2, 1825]. Gentleman's mag. Sel., v4, 1811. Giovio (P.) Elogia vir. bellioa virtufce ill., 1551. Goncourt (E. & J. de; Portraits, 18s., 1892. Guizot. Melanges biogr., 1868. Gutzkow (C. F.) Offentl. Charaktere, tl, 1835. Hamerton (P. G.) Mod. Frenchmen, 1878. Harrison (F.) New cal. of gt. men, 1892. Holland (H.) Herwologia^Angl., 1500- 1620, 2t, 1620. Holland (H. S.) Personal st. (19o.), 1905. Hone (R. B.) Lives of Xtians. (16-18C.), 4v, 1836-49. Houbraken & Vertue. Heads, Gt. Brit., 1747. Houghton(R. M. M..i.)Monoaraphs(19e.). 1873. Johnson (,S.) Lives of emin. persons [in Wks., vl2, 1810 ; v9, 1824 ; v4, 1825]. King (A.) Cluster (13-19c.) 1874. La Combe de Prezel (H.) Annales, 3t, 1772. Lamartine (A. de) Celeb, characters ; tr., 3\, 1854-6. Leaf (J.) Biog. portraitures (16-19c.), 1S61. Lives and characters, d. in 1711-12, 2v, 1712-4. Lives of eminent persons (7-18c.), 13p, 1833. MacCall (M'O Foreign biog., 2v, 1873. Max Miiller. Auld lang svne, 2s, 1898-9. Biogr. essavs, 1884. Chips (19c."), v2, 1898. Men of the time, var. ed. Mignet (F. A. M.) Eloges (19c.), 1864. Miiiich (E. J. H. v.) Biog.-hi,st. St., 1836. Myers (F.) Lect. on gt. men (16-lSc.), 1866. Nasmith (D.) Makers of mod. thought (1200-1G99), 2v, 1892. Neale (E.) Closing scene, 2s, 1848-9. Sunsets &c., 1862. Nichols. Lit. auecd., 18c., 9v, 1812-5. Pius II. De viris illustr. (15c.), 1842. Redding (C.) Past celebr. (19c.), 2v, 1866. Register & mag. of biogr,, 1869. Reumont (A. v.) Zeitgenosseu, 2B, 1862. Rio (A. F.) 4 martyrs (16s.), 1856. Roberto (F. de) Come si ama, 1900. Schwob (M.) Vies imagiu., 1896. Seccombe (T.) 12 bad men, 1894. Segur (P. de) Gens dautrefois, 1903. Senior (N. \V.) Biog. sk., 1863. Seward (W.) Anecdotes (13-18c.), 4v 1798. Seymour (C. C. B.) Self-made men, 1858. Sinclair (.J.) Sk. (18-19c.), 1875. Smalley (G. W.) London letters (190 1 vl, 1890. Studies, 1895. Smith (H. G.) Romance (14-18c.), 1891. Taylor (W. C.) Romantic biog. (16c ) 2v 1842. ' Thou (J. A. de) Eloges (1547-1606), 4t, 1715. Toplady (A. M.) Wks., v4, 1825. Tregellas (W. H.) Cornish worthies, 2v 1884. 114 Biographical Collections [i-antiniiefr[. Triqueti (i. H. de) Ouvriers, 12s, 1859-67. Tuckerman (H. F.) Mental portr. (19c.), 1853. ■\'andam (A. D.) Amours of gt. men, 2v, 1878. Walckeuaer (J. C. A.) Vies, 2t. 1830. ^Valton (I.) Lives (17c.), rar. cd. Wliately (E. W.) Pers. glimpses of people (19c.), 1839. Whittier (J. G.) Old portraits &c., n.d. Wilford (J.) Memorials kc, 1600-1741, 1741. Winks (W. E.) 111. shoemakers, 1883. Yates (E. H.) Celebrities (19c.), 3s, 1877-9. Yonge (C. M.) Bk. of worthies (anc), 1872. Eccentric People. Caulfield (J.) Portraits, &c., see A. C. Fairholt (F. W.) E. characters, vl, 1849. Kirby (R. S.) Wonderful museum, 6v, 180:^-20. Pond (J. B.) Eccentricities of genius (19c.), 1901. Russell (W.) E. p., 2v, 1864. Timbs (J.) Eng. eccentrics &c., 2v, 1866 ; 77. Wilson (H.) Bk., 1869. Literary. Blount (T. P.) Censura celeb, auth., 1694. Brandes (G.) Emin. a. of 19c., 1886. Men.schen u. Wke. (19c.). 1894. Mod. Geister, 1897. Catalogues of Scott, writers, 1833. Foppens (J. F.) Bibl. Belgica (—1680), 2t, 1739. Memoires p, s, A I'hist. d. hommes ill. (f. 16c.), 43t, 1727-45. Sainte-Beuve. If7«., see A. C. Sainte-Marthe. Elogia doct. in Gallia virorum (16c.), 1696. Schmidt (H. J. A.) Geistige Leben (19c.), 1873. Stahr (A. W. T.) Kl. Schr., 4B, 1871-5. Stephen (L.) St. of biogr., 2v, 1898 ; s2 2v, 1902 ; 1907. N.B. Refer to eariom literatures, •heading Biograpltical collections ■/Older rarimis sii/yects, eountries, <(• iiames of sorireigns (e.g. Art ; Music ; England, History; Victoria, queen), liefer to Epitaphs ; Eulogies ; Litera- ture, Women teriters ; Peace, Apostles of; Philanthropy; Portraits; Women. Biographical Dictionaries. Baur. Hist,-b,-Ut. Hdwbch,, 5B, 1807-10. Bayle (P.) Diet. hist. & crit., rar. ed. S' tr. Biogr, diet, of Soc. for Diff. of Useful KnowL, vl-4i, 1842-4, Biographic moderne, 4t, 1806. Biographie moderne ; tr., 3v, 1811. Biographic universelle ; Michaud, see A. C. Biographie uuiv. classique, 3p, 1829. Biographie univ. des contemp.. at, 1830-4. Catholic Who's Who & Year-Book, 1908 ; 1909. i Chalmers (A.) Gen. biogr. diet , 32v ' 1812-7. Chambers. Biog. diet., 1899; n.d. Champagnac, Diet, de chronologie [in Migne, Encycl., si, v50]. Chauffepifi. Nouv. diet., 4t, 1750-56. Chevalier (0. U. J.) Repertoire des sources du m,-;ige; Bio-bibl., 1883-8; 2v 1905-7, Collier (J.) Gt. hist. i:c. diet,, 4v, 1701- 21. Cooper (T.) New b. d., 1882. BIOGRAPHICAL Biographical Dictionaries [cont.]. C.jrney (B.) On biog. diet. [ed. by Rose], 1839. [P1004]. Dantfes. Diet, des hommes remarq. dans lettres, sci. & arts, 1875. [B.] Dictioimaire des hommes marquans, fin du 18s., 3t, 1800. Encyclopediana, ou diet, des Ana, 1791. English cycl. ; Knight : Biogr., 7v, 1856-72. Flloyd. Biblioth. biogr., 17C0. Gorton. Gen. biogr. diet., 3v, 1841. Haydn's univ. index of biog. ; Pavne. 1870. ^ Hays. 'Women of the day, 1885. Hole (C.) Brief diet., 1866, . Imperial diet, of univ. biog. : Waller, 3v. 1857-63. Jal. Diet, crit., 1867. Kluyskens. Hommes eel. dans sci. & arts, 2t, 1859. Mar^chal. Diet, des ath§es, 1833. Martin (F.) Hdbk. of contemp. biog., 1870. ^ Maunder. Biog. treasm-y, 1851. Men (ic women) of the time, rar. ed. Morfoi (L.) Gr. diet, hist., 8t, 1740; lOt, 1759. Morris (D. K.) Notes of 1000 men, 1891. New & gen. biog. diet., 15v, 1798. Nouvelle biographie univ. ; Didot, 46t, .1855-66. Ottinger. Moniteurdes dates, 6t, 1866-8 Phillips (L. B.) Diet, of b. ref., 1871. Pratt (A. T. C.) People of period, 2v, 1897. Public characters (18-19c.), 3v, 1823. Ricliebourcq (J. de) Ult. verba &c. imperat. ice, 2t, 1721. Rose (H. J.) New gen. b. d., 12v, 1848. Sanders (L. C.) Celebrities of the c, 1887. Tooke (W.) New & gen. b. d., 15v, 1798. Vapereau. Diet. univ. des contemp., rar. ed. Wheeler (J. M.) B, d. of freethinkers, 1889. Who's Who, 1849-69, 97—, gee A. C. Woodward & Gates. Encycl. of chrono- logy, 1872. .Actors, sec Dramatic, hclow. African. South African Who's who, 1909. .American, see Canadian ; South American : United States, hihne. Arabic, see Oriental, below. Art. Allg. Kiinstler-Lex. ; Meyer &.C., Bl-3 1872-85. Allg. Kilnstlerlex. ; Seubert, 3B, 1878-9. B6raldi (H.) Graveurs du 19s., 12t, 1885- 92. Bryan (M.) Diet, of painters & engravers, rar. ed. Campori. Artisti n. stati estensi, 1855 Ceau-Bernmdez. Dice, de las beUas- artes en Espana, 6t, 1800, Clement & Hutton. Artists of 19c 2v 1879. ' Cyclopedia of painters &c. (—1887)- Champlin, 4v, 1888, Forrer (L,) Biogr. diet, of medallists &;c., vl-3, 1902-7. Gould (J.) Biogr. diet., 2v, 1839. Graves (A.) Diet, of artists who have exhibited in London, 1760-1880, 1884. R.A. : diet, of contributors, 1769- 1904, 8v, 1905-6. Grousset (P.) Picture amateur's hdbk 1878. ^ . Heinecken. Diet, des artistes,^tl-4 1778-90. BIOGRAPHICAL 115 BIOGRAPHICAL Biographical Dictionaries [nml.]. Art [c^mti/itwil]. Immerzeel. Ijevens ice. d. Holland, k Vlaam. Kunstschiklers &c., 3d, 1842-3. James (R. N.) Painters, 3v, 1896-7. Joubert (F. E.) Man. d'estampes, .St, 1821. Kramm. Levens Sec. d. Holland. & Vlaam. Kunstschiklers, &.C., Gd., 185t;-()4. Lami (S.) Diet, des sculpteurs de I'ficole fr., 3t(— 1T15), 1898. Martin (J.) Nos peintres Sec, 1897. Molinier. Diet, des fimailleurs j. 18s., 1885. Nagler. Ncues allg. Kiinstler-Lex.,22B. 1835-52; 1872-85: Ottley (H.) Diet, of rec. painters &.C., 1866. Pilkington. Diet, of painters, 2v, 182-1 ; 40. Portalis & Bdraldi. Graveurs du 18s., 3t, 1880-8. Raczyriski. Diet, du Portugal, 1847. Diet. p. servir -X I'hist. de I'art mod. en Allem., 1842. Redgrave (S.) Diet., Engl, school, 1874 ; 78. Seguier. Crit. &.C. diet. (1250-1850), 1870. Siliig. Diet, of artists of antiq. ; tr., 1836. Thieme &, Becker. Allgem. Lex., Bl, 2, 1907-8. Ticozzi. Diz. degli archit., &c., 1830-3. Diz. dei pittori (—1800), 2v, 1818. ■\Vurzbach (A. v.) Niederliind. Kiinstler- Lex.. Bl, 1906. Aastralaslaa. Heaton (J. H.) Australian diet., 1879. Johns (F.) Notable Au.stralians, 1906. Mennell. Diet, of Australas. biog. (1855- 92), 1892. Austrian (see also Qermaa, below). Wurzbach. Biog. Lex., 60T, 1856-91. Belgian. Biographie nationale, tl-19, 1866-1907. Canadian. Canadian men & women ; Morgan, 1898. China & Far East. Giles (H. A.) Chin. b. d., 1898. Who's who in the Far East, 1906-7. Classical. Kirchner. Prosopographia Attica, 2v, 1901-3. Pro.sopographia Imp. Rom., s.1-3, 3p, 18117-98. Smith (\V.) Diet, of Gr. & Rom. b., 3v, 1844-9; 53-6. Suidas. LcxikoM, 3t, 1834; Ind. scrip- torum {in Mignc. I*. G., 117]. Refer to Classical diet. Danish. Dansk biografi.sk. Lex., 1537-1814, 19B, 1887-190.5. Dramatic. Green room bk., 1907. Lyonnct (H.) Hist, du theatre: Diet, des coni6diens franc;., tl, n.d. Pascoe. Dram, list, Brit, stage, 1879. Thespian diet., ISc., 1802. Dutch (see also Art, ahnve). Dcr Aa. Biog. Woordenboek, 21(1. lK.-,2- 78. Frederiks k. Van den Branden. Biogr. woordfnbork d. letterkunde, 1888-91. Ecclesiastical, see Religious, belou: English. AUiliniic. Crit. diet, of Eng. lit., 3v, lH;->9-71 ; Suppl., 2v, 1891. Aiiglonim spi^eulum (ll-17c.), 1684. Bale (J.) 111. .script, suuiiuarium, 1548 ; 2)), 1557-9. Bateman (J.) Gt. landowners, 1883. Biographical Dictionaries leont.]. English [eoiUiiimd]. Biographia Brit., 6v. 1747-66 ; 78-93. Biographical diet, of living authors, 1816. Boase (F.) Mod. Eng. biog., vl-4, 1892- 1908. Catalogue of .500 authors of Gt. Brit., 1788. Dictionary of nat. biog., 68v, 1885-1904 ; 1908-09. Gentleman's magazine. Index to obit. & biog. notices, 1731-80; Farrar, A.-Mi, 18.86. Gillow. Lit. & biogr. hist, of Eng. Catho- lics, 5v, 1885-1903. Hutchinson (J.) Cat. of Middle Templars, 1902. Kelly. Hdbk. to titled, &c. classes, 1894, gee A. C. Obituary notices. Index, 1878-82, 1879- 84 [1878-9 in Ind. Soc. Rep.]. O'Byrne (W. R.) Naval b. d., 1849. Upper ten thousand, 1876. Ward (T. H.) Men of the reign, 1885. Who's who, 1849-69, 97—, see A. C. Preach. Calmet. Bibl. lorraine, 1751. Chalmel (J. L.) Hist, de Touraine, j. 1790, t4, 1828. Curinier. Diet. nat. des contemp., 5t, 1901-6. Emery. Diet, des girouettes, 1815. Haag. France protest, (c. 1520-1790), lOv, 1846-59; tl-6, 1877-88. Martin (J.) Nos academiciens, 1895. Nos artistes, 1895. Qui etes-vous?, 1908. Sabatier (A.) Trois s. de la litt. fr. (j. 1781), 4t, 1781. Qermaa (see also Austrian, above). AUgemeine deutsche Biographie, 1875- 1908. Biographisches Jahrbuch &;c., Bl-10, 1897-1907. Briinuuer (F.) Lex. d. deut. Dichter u. Pro.saisten b. 18 J., 1884. Lex. d. dcut. Dichter u. Prosaisten d. 19 J., 2B, 1895. Deniua (0. G. M.) Prusse litt. (18s.), 3t, 1790-1. Deutscher Litt. Kal. ; Kiirschner, 1891 — , see A. C. Deutsches Zeitgenossenlexikon, 1905. Geistigo Deutsohland (Das) (—190.), Bl, 1898. Jiirdens. Lex. deut. Dichter u. Prosaisten, 6B, 1806-11. Wcrist's?; Dcgener, 190.5-6; 09. Wolir (O. L. B.) Encycl. d. deut. National- lit., 715. 183.5-42. Oreek, see Classical, above. ladlaa. Buckl.ind (C. E.) Diet., 1906. Higginbotham (J. J.) Men, 1874. Lethbridge (K.) Golden bk., 1893 ; 1900. Irish. O'DoiKiglnie. Poets of Ireland, 1892-3. Kyaii (]{.) Biog. Hib., 2v, 1819-21. Webb (A.) Compendium, 1878. Itallaa. Mazzucholli. Gli scriltori, vl,2, 1753-63. fNapoli]. Biogratia di N'., tl-14, 1813-29. Tipaldo. Biog. d. It. illust., lOt, 1834-45. Legal. Foss (E.) Biog. jur. : judges, 1066-1870, 1870. Foster (J.) MeTi-at.thc-Bar(I9c.), 1885. Literary (Oeaeral) (see also voimtry tub- hendi'jifis, above t^' beloiv). Gul)ernatis. Diet, dos ^'•crivainsdu jour, 3v, 1888-91. Biographical Dictionaries [eo,ti.]. Literary (Oeaeral ) [contiiiuad]. Gubernatis. Diet, des ficrivains du monde lat., 19115. Literaiy year-book, 1898 — . Marchand (P.) Diet, hist., 2t, 1758-9. Meijer (B.) Svenskt lit.-lex., 1886. Phillips (E.) Theatrum poetarum, 2p, 1675. Reuss (J. D.) Alphab. register (1770- 1803), 1791-1804. Vapereau. Diet, univ., 1884. MedlcaL Hirsch. Biog. Lex., 6B, 1884-8. Hutchinson (B.) Biogr. medica, 2v, 1799. Musical. Brown (J. D.) Biogr. diet., 1886. Clarke (A. M.) B. d. of fiddlers, 1895. Diet, of musicians, 2v, 1837. Eitner (R.) Biogr.-bibl. Quellen-Lex., Bl-9, 1900-3. F^tis. Biogr. univ., lOt, 1837-80. Grove (G.) Diet., 1450-1889, var. ed. Riemann (H.) Musik-Lex., 1894. Ruiz de Lihory. La mils, en Valencia, 1903. Norweglaa. Halvorsen. Norsk Forfatter-Lex., Bl-5, 1885-1901. Orleatal. Beale (T. W.) Or. biogr. diet., 1894. Haji Khalfa. Lexicon bibliogr. (17c. ; w. tr.), 7t, 1835-58. Ibn Khallikan. Biogr. diet. (13c.) ; tr., 4v, 1842-71. Painters, see Art, above. Persian, see Oriental, ahitre. Philosophical, see Philosophy. Portuguese, see Spanish, below. Religious. jV.B. Refer to Theology for general Encyclopedias S|^ Diets. Dunbar. Diet, of saintly women, 2v, 1904-5. Haag. France prot. (c. 1520-1790), lOv, 1846-59; tl-6, 1877-88. Hook. Eccles. biog., 8v, 1845-52. Lacroix k E. de Djunkovskoy. Diet, des missions cath., tl. \in Migne, Encvol., s3, v59]. P(?renn6s (F.) Diet, de biog. chr€t. & anti- christ. (—1850) [in Migne, Encycl., s2, vl-3]. PCtin. Diet, hagiogr. [in Sligne, Encycl., si, v41]. Sevestre (A.) Diet, de patrok.gie i:c. (l-13s.) [in Migne, Encycl., s2, v20-23]. Smith 4: Waee. Diet, of Xtn. biog., S:c. (l-8c.), 4v, 1877-87. Stadler 4: Heim. VoUstiind. Heiligeu- Lex., 5B, 1858-82. Roman, see Classical, above. Russian. l')i(Khi Cilorpa*. dooapb, 1896-1908. Sclentl/lc. Britten k Boulgcr. Brit. J^; Ir. botanists, 1893. Picatosto y Rodriguez. Bibl. cientif. cspafl. d. s. 16, 1S91. PoggcnilorfT. Biog.-lit. Hdwbch., 4B, lK6:i-1904. Scottish. Anderson (W.) S. nation, 3v, 1880. Cat. of Scotish writers, 16-17c., 1833. Chambers (K.) Biogr. diet, of Scotsmen, 4v, 1835; Suppl., 1856; vl, 1868. Irving (J.) Bk. of Scotsmen, 1881. South American. Figueroa. Dice, biogr. de Chile (1550- 1889), 1889. I 2 BIOGRAPHICAL Biographical Dictionaries [oont.]. South American [nmtiniu'd]. Fitriit'ioa. Dice, biogr. de estranjeros en Chile, 1900. Spanish & Portuguese. Garcia Pores (D.) Cat. biog. y bibl. de autores portug. que escrib. en Castel- lano, 1890. Molins. Dice, de escritores y artistas catal. d. s. 19, 2t, 1889-95. Picatoste y Rodriguez. Bibl. cientif. esp. d. s. It;, 1891. Pons Boigues. Ensayo bio-bibl. s. Ins hist, y geogr. arAb.-espan., 1898. Torres Amat. Memorias, escritores catal., 183G. Swedish. Biograiiskt lex., 23b, 1843-76 ; 1857-90. Hot'berg (H.) Sv. biogr. handlex., 2d, 1906. Meijer (B.) Sv. lit. -lex., 1886. United States. Adams (0. F.) Brief hdbk. of Amer. authors, 1884 ; 97 ; 1905. Allen (W.) Amer. biogr. & hist, diet., 1832. AUibone. Grit. diet, of Eng. lit. &e., 3v, 1859-71 ; Suppl., 2v, 1891. Appletou's Cycl. of Amer. biog., (iv, 1887-9. Barrows. Acts & anecdotes, 1887. Griswold (W. C.) Dir. of writers, 1890. [P1018]. Headley. Public men of to-day, 1884. Men of America: contemp.; Leonard,1908. Sabine (L.) Amer. loyalists (18c.), 1847. Savage (J.)Genealog. diet, of settlers, 4v, 1860-2. ^^^lo's who in America ; Leonard, 1899 — . Welsh {see also English, ahore). Pughe OV. O.) Cambr. biogr., 1803. Williams (R.) Enwogion Cymru, 1852. Refer to Encyclopaedias. Biography, Art of. X.B. Separate iiograpTties have been entered u/ider ftieir respective si/hjects, e.g. Actors under Aeting ; Doctors under Medicine ; Statesinen under Sovereigns ^' Countries; Musicians imder Music ; and so on. Christie (R. C.)B. dictionaries \in h. Sel. e.ssays, 1902]. Lee (S.) Nat. b. : lect., 1896. [P620]. Leo (F.) Gr.-rom. Biogr. nach i. litt. Form, 1901. Rauke. Z. Kritik Preuss. Mcmoiren [in K6n.-Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1849]. Bibliography. Biinau. Cat. Bibl. B., tlii, Scr. \atanim erudit., 1751. Manuel de bibl. biogr. &c. des femmes, 1892 ; Suppl., 2t, 1900-5. Ottinger (E. M.) Bibl. biogr., 1850 ; 2t, 1854. llefei- til Autobiography ; Biographical collections ; Biographical dictionaries. Biology. Bibliography. Internat. eat. of sci. lit. Biol., vl — 1903—. Periodicals & Societies. Acad, des Sci. Comptesrendns, 1835— see A. C. Biological Soc. of Washington. Proc. 1882 \in S.l., Misc. coll.. v25, 1883]. Chicago. Decennial publ,, vlO, 1903. [Exhibitions, St. Louis, 1904]. Congress, v5, 1906. Rciyal Soc. Phil, trans., 1665 — ; Proc. 1800—. 116 Biology {eontinved:\. Philosophical ii.-Pr. Ak., Abhrnith., 1849. Harting (J. E.) B. of Middlesex, 1800. Hdbk., 1901. Orn. of Shakespeare, 1871. Summer mignints, 1875. Hudson (W. H.) B. in a village, 1893. B. in London, 1898. Brit, b., 1897. Kejirton (R.) Brit, b.s' nests, 1896. Our rarer b., 1900. Wild nature's ways, 1903. With n;il\ire, 1897. Kennedy (A. W. M. C.) B. of Berks. At Bucks.", 18li8. Knox (A. E.) Ornith. rambles in Sussex, 1849. Lewin (W.) Birds. 8v, 1795-1801. MacgilUvray (W.) Hist., 3v. 1837-40. BIRDS 118 BITUMEX Birds, England [ciinti7iued]. MontSEtu (G.) Ornitbnlog. diet., rar. ed. Morris^F. O.) Hist., Gv, 1870. Letters, 1879. Nests & eggs, 3v, 189(5. Miidie (R.) Feathered tribes, 2v, 1835. Naturalist's library ; Jardiiie, v24-7, 1838-43. Newstead (R.) Food, 1908. [P11S8]. Pari, papers [576]. Wild b. protection, 1873. (33,8). Pigott (T. D.) London b. &.C.. 1892. Rodd (E. H.) B. of Cornwall & Scilly Is., 1880. Saunders (H.) Illust. man., 1889 ; 99. Seebohm (H.) Coloured figures of eggs, 189(;. Hist, of Brit, b., 3v. 1833-5. Selous (F.) B. life, 1905. Sharpe (R. B.) Hdbk., 4v, 1894-7. Sketcb-bk., 1898. Smith (C.) B. of Somerset, 18G9. Smith (R. B.) B. life &c., 1905. Son of the Marshes. Wild-fowl kc, 1895. Within an hour of London, 1892. Sterland (W. J.) B. of Sherwood Forest, 1869. Stonham (C.) Birds, vl, 2, 1906-7. Swainson (C.) Prov. names & folk-lore, 1885. Swaysland (W.) Familiar, wild b., si, 2, 1833-1885 ? Wallace {R. L.) Brit, cage birds, 1887. Yarrell (W.) Hist., 4v, 1871-85. Heffr to England ; Natural history ; Zoology. Birds, Europe, an- Birds, ,<■ Birds of rar. fo// afr/rs. Birds, Germany. Gloger (C. W. L.) Hdbch.. Tl, 1834. litfir to Germany. Birds, Heligoland. Giitke (H.) H. as oruith. observ. ; 'tr., 1895. Refer to Heligoland. Birds, India. As. Soc. of Bengal. Jour., 1832-75. Cunningham (D. D.) Some Ind. fiiends, 1903. Elliot (R. H.) Need for Protection Act, 1884. [P371]. Fauna of India, &c. : Birds, 4v, 1888-1900. Finn (F.) Ornitholog. & o. oddities, 1907. Jerdon (T. C.) Birds, 2v, 1877. Gates (E. W.) Birds of Burmab, 2v, 1883. Befer to India ; Natural history ; Zoology. Birds, Ireland {see also Birds, England). Patterson (R. L.) B., &c.. Belfast Lough, 1880. Thompson Qff.) Nat. hist., 4v, 1849-56. Ussher (R. J.) Snipe & woodcock, 1903. & R. \VaiTen. B. of I.. 1900. Bifer to Ireland ; Natural history ; Zoology. Birds, Japan. As. Soc. of J. Trans., 1874—. Blakiston & Pryer. Cat. \in As. Soc. of J., v8, 10, 1880-2]. Seebohm (F.) Birds. 1890. Befer to Japan ; Natural history ; Zoology. Birds, New Zealand, see Birds, Aus- tralia. Birds, Norway & Sweden. Lloyd (L.) tianie li. & wild fowl, 1867. Nifer to Natural history ; Norway ; Sweden; Zoology. Birds, Orkney & Shetland Isles. Crichton (A. W.) Naturalist's ramble to O., 1866. Harvie-Brown & Bucklev. Verteb. fauna of 0. I., 1891. Saxby (H. L.) B. of Sh.. 1874. Saxby (J. M. E.) B. of omen in Shetland, &c., 1893. [P451]. Befer to Birds, England ; Orkney ; Shetland. Birds, Russia. \azarow (P. S.) Kech. zoolog. d. Steppes d. Kirguiz, 1886. [P451]. Befer to Birds, Siberia ; Natural history ; Sussia. Birds, Scotland. Blackburn ( Mrs. H.) B. of Moidart &.C.. 1895. Gray (R.) Birds of West of S.. 1871. Harvie-Brown. Capercaillie, 1879. Fauna of Tav Basin & Strathmore, 1906. & Buckley. Fauna of Moray Basin, 2v, 1895. Btfer to Birds, England ; Birds. Ork- neys,&c. ; Natural history ; Scotland ; Zoology. Birds, Siberia. Seebohm (H.) Birds of S., 1901. Siberia in Asia, 1882. Siberia in Eur,, 1880. Bffer to Siberia. Birds, Sweden, see Birds, Norway &c. Birds, Tunisia, see Birds, Africa. Birds, United States, see Birds, America (North). Birds, VTales. Forrest (H. E.) Verteb. fauna of N. W., 1907. Walpole-Bond. B. life, 1903. Bifer to Birds, England ; Wales ; Zoology. Birds, West Indies. Gosse(P. H.) 1). cif Jamaica. 1><47. Befer to Birds, America ; Natural history ; West Indies. Birmingham. B. Phil. Soc. Proc, 1879-87. [Birmingham]. Resources, Hindus, hist. ; Tunmins, 1866. Bunce (J. T.)Hist. of Corp., 2v, 1878-85. Dent (R. K.) Old & new B., 1880. Hutton (W.) Hist., 1783. Langford (J. A.) Centurv, 1741-1841, 2v, 1868. Mod. B.. 1841-71, 2v, 1873-7. Naden (C.) Geology of B. distr. [in It. Further reliq.. 1891]. Smith (J. T.) Mem., Crown House, 1863. Libraries. B. Free Libraries, see A. C. B. Library, see A. C. Shaw (A."C.) B. Free Lib., n.d. [P1040]. Priestley Riots, 1791. Burn (E.) Reply to P."s Appeal, 1792. Hutton (W.) Narr. [in It. Life, 1816]. Parr (S.) Sequel, 1792. Priestley (J.) Appeal, 2p, 1791-2. Duty of forgiveness. 1791. Thoughts on riots at B., 1791. Wells (R.) Con-., 1791. Befer to Warwickshire. Birth-right, .mv Primogeniture. Births, see Parish registers ; Population ; Registration of births ; Statistics ; Vital statistics. Biscay. Burges (E.) Vizcaya, 1872-3, 1874. Refer to Basques & Basque provinces ; Spain. Biserta. Louis Salvator, archd. Benzert, 1897. Befer to Tunisia. Bishop- Auckland. Hodgson (J. F.) Chapel of A. Castle [in, Arch. ,Eliana, n.s. vlS, 1896]. Ch. of Auckland St. Andrew [in Arch, ^liana. n.s. v20, 1899]. Lightfoot (J. B.) Chapel of St. Peter & manor-house [in A.Hist. essays,1895; 96]. Eaine (J.) Ace. of Episc. Castle, 1852. Befer to Durham, county. Bishop Hill, Illinois. Mikkelsen (JI. A.) B. H. Colony, 1892 ; [S-in PlOls: 109s]. Befer to Illinois. Bishops & Dioceses, N.B. i'or leorhs on the o_fiee of a bishtip refer to Episcopacy. Achery (L. d') Spicilegium (c. 4-15c.), 3t, 1723. Albinus. ProWnciale vetus (12c.) [in, Migne, P. L., 98]. Diet, de statistique relig., &c. [in Migne, Eucycl., s2, v9]. Eubei (C.) Hierarchia, 1198-1503, 2v, 189,S-1901. Fabricius. Index [in h. Sal. lux. 1731]. Gams (P. B.) Series (to 1885), 2p, 1873-86. Liber Censuum (12c.?)[i«Migne.P.L.,98]. Mas Latrie. Liste alphab. [/« S. de I'h. de Fr., Ann. hist., 1844 & 1846]. Nicephorus, St. Chronographia ( — 828), see A. C. Wiltsch (J. E. T.) Hdbh. d. kirchl. Geog. &c. (—1521), 2B, 1846; tr., 1859-68. Befer to Greek Church ; Latin Church in the East ; Boman Catholic Church ; S' various national C/iii relies. Bishops, Seven, see Seven bishops. I Bishop's Castle. I Hist. MSS. Conim., lOiv. Befer to Shropshire. Bishopsgate, London. Hugo (T.) Illust. itin. of Ward of B., 1862. Price (J. E.) On bastion of London Wall: Camomile St., 1880. Befer to Loudon. Bishop's Stortford. [B. S.]. Rec. of St. Michael's; Glasscock, 1882. Befer to Hertfordshire. Bishops tone, ^\'ilts. Carter (O. B.) Ch. of St. John, 1845. Befer to Wiltshire. Bismarck Archipelago. Pari, jjapers [325]. Dem.arcation of Brit. & Germ, spheres of infl., 1886. (c. 4656). Powell (W.) Wanderings, 1883. Befer to Colonies, German ; Uelanesia. Bisnaga, see Vijayanagar. Bison. Hornaday (W. T.) Extermination [in S.I., Rep.. 1887, p2]. Leidy (J.) E.xtinct species. 1853. Befer to Cattle ; Zoology. Bispham {see also Lancashire). Fishwick (H.) Hist, of parish, 1887. Bissagos, Islands, see Bulama ; Colonies, Portuguese ; West .Africa. Bithynia, .«< Asia Minor ; Brusa; Hera- clea Pontica. Bits, see Harness. Bitumen. [Exhibitions, Paris, 1867]. Rep. of U.S. Conjm., t4, 1870. Befer to Building materials ; Mine- ralogy. BLACK 119 BLOOD Black Art, sec Witchcraft & Sorcery, Blackburn. Abiiuii (W. A.) Hist., 1877. Hull (G.) Poets of B. (1793-1902), 1902. Befir til Lancashire. Black Death. Gasquet (F. A.) B. D. of IU8-^, 1908. Gt. pestilence, 13-18-9, 1893. Guainerius (A.) Practica &c. (14c.), 1508. Hecker (J. F. C.) «chw. Tod, 14 J., 1832. [P251]; [,5- (ft A. Epidemics; tr., 1844; 59]. Honiger (R.) Schw. Tod in Deut., 14 J., 1882. Jessopp (A.) B. d. in E. Anglia (1349) [('/( h. Coming of friars, rar. ed.]. Michon (L. A. J.) Docs., 1348, 1800. Opuscule contemp. [in Ec. des Ch., t2, 1840/1]. lUfir til Epidemics ; Plague. Black Forest. Eynatten (M. C. v.) Schwarzwaldsagen, 1889. Gothein (E.) Wirtschaftsgesch., Bl, 1892. Jung (L. 11.) Schwarzwalds Sagen, 1889. Mfimorialtop. &milit.,nos. 4,ti,an xi-xiii. S%uia (L. G.) Blaclc Forest, 1879. Wolffl (H. W.) Rambles, 1890. Wood (C. W.) In B. For., 1882. lirfiT to Baden, duchy ; Germany ; Wurtemberg. Black Friars, see Dominicans, Black Monks, ., 1M85]. Hobart, I'aslia. Never caught, 1863-4, 1867. Hogan (A. E.) Pacific b., 1908. Parish (H. H.) Brit. dipl. ill. in the "Vixen "(1836), 18.38. [P139]. Pari, papers (1861-5), see special eat. Soley (J. R.) B. (1800-5), 1883, T.-iylor (■]'. E.) Running (lsi')2-ri"). IS'.IO. Wats^c.. 18S5. Tlifei- III Ferdinand V; Louis XII; Treaties. Blood & Blood-vessels. Aberncthy (J.) Surg. obs. on anenri-sms, 1829. Boyle (R.) Xat. hist, of human b. [in Wks., \ 4, 1744]. Erich.sen (J. E.) Obs. on aneurism ; tr., 1844. [B] Hasse (C. E.) Anatom. descr. of diseases of organs of circulation i:c. ; tr., 1840. Hewson (W.) I'roperties, 1772. Red par- ticles, 1777 [in Wks., 1840]. Shakespeare (E. {).) Reparatory inQnmm. in arteries [('« S.I., Misc. coll., vl6, 18*^0], Shambaugh (G. E.) Distrib. of b.- ve.ssels in ear of Sus, 1903. Wooldridge (L. C.) On diem, of b., kc, 1893. llrfi r to Heart ; Physiology. Blood, Circulation of. Bourdon (J. B. I.) Reclierches, 1820. [P55]. Bruntnn (T. L.) Therapeutics of ciroul., 19CI8. Chereau (.\.) Hist. : Scrvet & la c. pulmon., L879. [P331]. Flourens. Hist, lie la d(>couv., 1857. Harvey (W.) Wks. (17c.); tr., 1847. Lee (li.) Hist, of discov., 1865. Molcschott (J.) Circulation de la vie; tr., t2, \mii. Willis (R.). V.D. Harvey, hist, of discov., IMT."*. Refer to Heart ; Physiology. BLOOD 120 BOER 1775. [P55]. 1837. Blood Covenant. Trumbull (H. C) B. c, 1S98. Uefer to Religion ; Sacrifice. Blood-feuds. Du Caiige (C. du V ., gi/r.) Guerres privees [hi Leber, Coll., til," 1S8H]. Miklosich (F.) Die Blutracbe bei den Slaven [in K. Ak. zu Wicn, Denkschr., B3(i, 1888]. Iltfi-r to Duelling ; War. Blood-letting. Bede. De minutioue sanguinis (8c.) [in ■\Vks., v6, ISlSj. Farr (S.) B.-l. in consumiitious, [PoU]. Loui.s (P. C. A.) Effets &o., 1835. Wieseoke (H.) Influence pernic. [P107]. Br/er to Medicine ; Surgery. Blood-rain, mr Floating matter in the air. Bloody Assize, 1685, .vr James II, of Gt. Brit., 1685-8. Bloomsbury. Blott (W.) Chronicle. 18S12. Clinch (G.) B. ,5c St. Giles'.s 1890. Dobie (R.) Hi.st. of St. Giles & St. George, 1829. Grey (E. C. W.) St. Giles's of the lepers, 1905. Parton (J.) Ace. of Hospital & par. of St. Giles, 1822. Refer to London. Bloiarpipe, see Chemical Analysis. Bluebeard. Bossard (E.) G. de Rais, 1404-10, 1886. Vizetelly (E. A.) B. : Comore & Gilles de Rais, 1902. Refer to Legends. Blue-coat School, ue Christ's Hospital. Blundell's School, see Tiverton. Blunders, .-. < Errors, Popular ; Literary errors. Blymhill. Bridsjeman. Manor & reuish [in Staffs. Coll., vl, 2, isso-l]. Refer to Staffordshire. BXyth. Raine (J.) Hist., 18(;0. Refer to Nottinghamshire. Blythiburgh. Gardner (T.) Hist. ace. 1751, Rj;fer to Suffolk. Board of Trade. [B. of T.]. Cat. of lib., 18(16. Franqueville {etc. C. de) Regime des travaux puii., 4t, 1875. Refer to Trade, English. Boat Races, see Bowing. Boats & Boating. Refer to Canoes. Punting. Lifeboats. Rowing. Navigation. Ships. Bocking. Cunniugtuu >*c Warner, 1906. Refer to Essex. Bodensee, see Constance, Lnhe of. Bodleian Library. Cat. of Lib. ..f Humphrey (1439) [in Anstev (H.) Mun., p2, 1868]. Macray (W. D.) Annals, 1868; 90. ReliquiiB Bodl. [Extrs.] [in Glastonbury (J., ef) Chron., v2, 1726J. Schenkl (H.) Bibl. Patnun Lat. Brit. 1-3, 1890-1. Catalogues & Reports, see A. C. Refer to Libraries, England ; Oxford. [1-763]. Sports. Yachts. Braintree & B., Bodmin. [Bodmin]. Receipts &c. in building of B. ch., 1469-72, 1874. B. Register, no. 1-20. 1827-38. Rtfer to Cornwall. Body & Mind, see Mind & Body. Body-guards, .-..-r Archers, Koyal Co. of; Gentlemen-at-arms ; Yeomen of the Guard. Body-snatching. Bailey (J. B.) Diary, 1811-2, 1896. Pari, papers [245]. Anatomy, letter f. R. Coll. of Surgeons. 1831. (36). Pari, papers [245]. Rep. (subjects for dissection), 1828. (568). Boeotia. Ecoles fran^. d'Athenes & de Rome. Bull. de corr. bellen.. 1877 — . Francke (H.) B. Bund, 1843. [P154]. Raoul-Rocbette. Forme &; admin, de I'etat feder. des B., 1827. Roberts (W'. R.) Anc. Boeotians (to 146 B.C.). 1895. Refer to Greece : Greek history, An- cient ; Orchomenos ; Thebes, Boeotia ; Thisbe. Boer VTar, 1880-1,. ><■ Transvaal, Hist. Boer War, 1899-1902. Biographies, see ,1, C. initler : — BuUer {sir R.), 1839-1908. Kitchener (H. H., risct.). 1850—. Kruger (S. J. P.), 1825-1904. Roberts (F. S.. e.). 1832—. Yandeleur (C. F. S.), 1869-1901. Wai-ren {sir C), 1840—. Wauchope {maj.-gen. A. G.), 1846-99. White {sir G.), 1835—. Causes, Conduct, &c. Appleton (L.) Brit. & B., 1899. Audiatur et altera pars : d. siidafr. Frage ; ub., 1900. [P1002]. Bell (F. W.) S.A. conspiracy. 1900. Berry (G.)rraU9ais-Boers, 1900. [P1002]. Biggar (E. B.) B. war, 1900. [P1045]. Butler (J. E.) Native races & war, 1900. Buttery (J. A.) Why Kruger made war, 1900. Che\Tillon (A.) L'opinion ang. [in fit., 1901]. Cook (E. T.) Rights & wrong, 1901." Demolins (E.) Boers ic Anglais, n.d. [P1040]. Doyle (A. C.) War (to 1901), 1902 ; [,$■ in Pi037]. Droit d. Anglais dans la guerre, 1900. [P1002]. Duka (T.) Levelek, 1901. Evans-Gordon. Cabinet & War, 1904. Farrelly (M. J.) Settlement, 1900. Green (J.) Causes, 1900. [P1002]. Harrison (F.) State of siege, n.d. [P1037 ; Jy w.o.p. in h. Nat. &c. problems, 1908]. Hartmann (G.) Krieg in Sud-Afrika, 1900. [P1003]. Hertz (F.) Eecht u. Unrecbt. 1902. Hobson (J. A.) Psych, of Jingoism, 1901. War in S.A.."l900. Lecky (W. E. H.) Moral. Ansichten, n.d. [P1037]. Liberal Publ. Dept. Pamphl.. 1899-1903. Mahan (A. T.) Infl. upon prestige of Brit. Emp. [in ft. Retrospect, 1902]. Merits [in h. Prob. of Asia, 1900]. Methuen (A. M. S.) Peace or war, 1901. Pari, papers, see also Africa, S. : War, 1899-1902; Transv;uil. in special cat. Pari, papers [604]. Natal corresp., 1900. (370). Pari, papers [811, 858, 884]. Bloemfon- tein Conf., 1899. (c. 9404). Boer War, 1899-1902 [continued]. Causes, Coaduct, &c. [eontinned]. Passarge (S.) Krieg, 1899. [PIOOO]. Peinlich(F.) Gedanken, 1899-1900,1900. Petavel (E.) Rights of Engl. ; tr., 1900. [P1002]. Robertson (J. M.) Wrecking the Emp., 1901. Robins 0^.) Truth about Transvaal, 1900. [P1046]. Smith (G.) In the court of hist. : apol. for Canadians, 1902. [P1043]. South Africa Conciliation Comm. Pamph. 1-5, 9-12, n.d. [P1003]. Stead CW. T.) Are we in the right?, 1899. [P1003]. Shall I slay my brother Boer?, 1899. [P1003]. . Truth, n.d. [P1002]. Thomas (C. H.) Origin, 1900. [Transvaal]. Sel. official docs. ; Williams & Hicks, 1900. [P1039]. ViUaiais & Tallichet. Sens de la guerre. 1902. Westlake (J.) Transvaal war, 1899. [PlOOl]. Williams (C.) Hushed up, 1902. CoBceatratioa Camps. Concentrationslager &c., 1902. [P1037]. Pari, papers, see Concentr. C. & Refugee C, in special eat. Thomson (S. J.) Transvaal burgher c, 1904. Plaance. Hilsenbeck (}Y.) Kosten, 1899-1902, 1904. History. Bujac (E.) Precis, t5, Afrique Austr., 1901. Bidler (R. H.) Evidence (1899-1903), 1904. Campbell (R. G.) Neutral rights,&c., 1908. Carter (T. F.) Narrative, 1900. Colville (H. E.) Work of 9th division,1901. Cunliffe (F. H. E.) Hist., vl, 2, 1901-4. De Wet (C. E.) 3 years' war, 1902. Doyle (A. C.) Gt. Boer war, 1900 ; 1901 ; 1902. Estorff (L. V.) & R. v. Gerneth. Der Buern- krieg, 1901. Frocard ( — ) &. Painvin. Guerre, 2v, 1901. Gilbert (G.) Guerre sud.-afr., 1902. Girouard. Hist, of rlys, 1899-1902, 1903. Ireland (A.) Ang.-B. conflict. 1900. Knox (E. B.) BuUer's campaign, 1900, 1902. Kriegsgesch. Einzelschr. v. d. Gr. General- stabe, H32-5 (1899-1900), 1903-5; tr. (War in S.A.), vl-2, 1904-6. Kunovvski &. Fretzdorff. Der Krieg, 3T, 1900-1. London gazette, 1901-2. London gazette. True hist., 5p, 1900. Maban (A. T.) Story, 1899-1900, 1900. Maurice (J. F.) Hist., vl-3, 1906-8. Maydon (J. G.) French's cavalry camp., 1901. Methuen (A. M. S.) Tragedy of S. Afr., 1905. MuUer (A. v.) Befreiungskampf, 1900- 1901. Tl, 1901. - — - Der Krieg in Sud-A., 5T, 1900. Non-is (S. L.) S.A. war, 1899-1900, 1900. Pari, papers, see Africa, S. : War, 1899- 1902, in special cat. Scaife (A. H.) War to Mar. 1, 1900, 1900. Stott fC. H.) Boer invasion of Natal, 1899-1900, 1900. Times history ; Amery, vl-5, 1900-7. Warren («V C.) Sir C. W. & Spion Kop (1900), 1902. BOER 121 BOHEMIA Boer War, 1899-1902 [cmUiniied]. Hospital Service, Bag(jt (D.) Shadows of the War, 1900. Bron (A.) Diary of a nurse, tr., 11)01. Burdett-Coutts. Sick & wounded, I'JOO. Civilian war hospital, 1000. Fremantle (F. E.) Impressions, 1901. Furlev (J.) In peace & war, 1905. Howe" (G. E. C.-H., cUs.^ I.Y. Hosp., 1900-2, 3v, 1902. Pari, papers [UOl]. H. arrangements, 1900. (0. 230). Pari, papers [G04]. Med. & sanit. ar- rangeuiLMits at Cape, 1900. (279). Sellers (\\'. E.) Aldershot to Pretoria, 1900. Treves (F.) Tale of a field h., 1900. Military Criticism. Baden-Powell (B. F. S.) War. 1903. Bengough (H. M.) Notes, 1900. Brunker (H. M. E.) Boer war, &c., 1899. [PlOOl]. Bujac (E.) Precis, t5, Afr. Austr.. 1901. Cairnes (W. E.) Absent-minded w^ar, n.tl. Francois (C. v.) Kriegfiihrung, 1900. [PIOOO]. Lehren aus d. siidafr., Kr., 1900. [P1003]. Kriegsgesch. Einzelschr. v. d. Gr.General- stabe, H32-5 (1899-1900), 1903-5 ; tr. OVar in S.A.), vl-2, 1904-6. iMay (E. S.) Retrospect, 1901. Militarj- notes, 1,S99. Nemo (cap.) Camp, du T., 1901. [P1037]. Unfounded attacks on Brit, officers, 1901. Wilkinson (H. S.) Lessons, 1900. Navy. Burne (C. R. N.) N. brigade in Natal, 1899-1900, 1902. Jeans (T. T.) N. brigades, 1 899-1 900. 1 901 . Pari, papers, sec Africa, S. : War, 1899- 19o2, /« xpccial eat. Poetry & Satire. Burenlieder, von e. deut. Bur., 1900. [P1002]. Fight for Piet's Farm, n.d. [PlOO.'i]. Harris (F.) How to beat the B., 1900. [1*1037]. Kipling (K.) Al^ent-minded beggar,1899. [I'Iok;], Swinton(E. D.) Defence of Duffer's Drift, 1904. [P1071]. Regimental Histories. Corner (W.) .Story of ;i4th CO., I.V., 1902. Evans (W.S.) Canadian contingents, 1901. Gilbert (S. H.) Rhodesia i: after,!. Y., 1901. Kfarsey (A. H. C.) War record of York & Lane. Reg., 1900 2, 1903. Mackinnon (W. U.) Journal of C.I.V., litOl. Mocklor-Ferryman. Oxfordshire L.I. in S.A., 1901. New South Wales contingents, 1900. I'earse (H. H. S.) Hist, of Lumsden's Horse (1900), 1903. RoMior & Mainwaring. 2nd Battalion R. Dublin Fusiliers, 1908. Stirling (J.) Regiments, 1903. Tullibardine (K. M., iii. n/). Milit. hist. of Perthshire, 1899-1902, 1908. Willi;ims (B.) & E. Childers, edd. H.A.C. (1900-2), 1903. Reminisccaces, Ac. Abb(,tt(J. II. M.)T()mmy Cornstalk, 1902. Asho (E. 0.) Besieged by Boers, 1900. Baillie (F. D.) Mafeking, 1900. Battersby (H.F. P.) In the web of .-iwar, 1900.. Baits (H. J.) Pretoria, 1899-1900, n.d. Boer War, 1899-1902 [cnnrmucd]. Remialscences, &c. [contiiiiicd]. Baynes (A. H.) Jly diocese. 1900. Bennett (E. N.) Me'thuen's Column, 1900. Billington (R. C.) Mule-driver (1899- 1900). 1901. Boldingh (G.) Een Hollandsoh officier in Z.-A., 1903. Brooke-Hunt (\'.) Memories, 1901. Burleigh (B.) Natal campaign. 1900. Carrere (J.) La guerre, 2t. i901-3. Cecil (E.) Eve of war, 1899-1900, 1900. Childers (E.) In ranks of C.I.V., 1900. Churchill (W. L. S.) Ian Hamilton's m;u-ch, 1900. London to Ladysmith, 1900. De la Rey (mrg.) Woman's wanderings, 1903. De La Warr (G. G. U. S., e.) Some remin., 1900. Dickson (W. K.-L.) Biograph in battle, 1901. Dix mois de carapagne, 1900. Fitzgibbon (M.) Arts under arms, 1901. Fletcher-Vane. Pax Brit. (1899-1903), 1905. Goldmann (C. S.) With French, 1902. Gore (St. J. C.) Green horse in Lady- smith, 1901. Haldaue (J. A. L.)How we escaped, 1900. Hales (A. G.) Campaign pictures, 1899- 1900, 1900. Hallowes (F. S.) Wedge of war, 1900. Hamilton (J. A.) Siege of Mafeking, 1900. Hofmeyr (A.) Story, 1899-1900, 1900. Howland (F. H.) Chase of De Wet. 1901. James (L.) On the heels of De Wet, 1902. Kestell (J. D.) Thr. shot &c., 1903. Kinnear (A.) Modder River, 1900. Linesman. Words by eyewitness, 1901. Lloyd (J. B.) 1000 miles with C.I.V., 1901. Louis Marie Philippe. Tour. 1902. Lyncli (G.) Impressions, 1903. Macdonald (D.) How we kept the flag flying, 1900. Machugh(R.J.) Siege of Ladysmith, 1900. Mackern (II. F.) Side-lights, 1901. Menpes (M.) War impressions, 1901. Milne (J.) Epistles, 1902. Moeller (B.) 2 yrs. w. M.I., 1903. Mu.sgrave (G. C.) In S.A. w. Buller, 1900. Neiliy (J. E.) Besieged with B.-P., 1900. Nevinson (H. W.) Ladysmith, 1900. O'Moore (M.) Romtince, 1901. Pearse (H. H. S.) 4 months besieged, Ladysmith, 1!K)0. Peel (S.) Trooper 8008 I.Y., 1901. Phillipps (L. M.) With Rimington, 1902. Pollock (A. W. A.) With 7 generals, 1900. Ralph (J.) At Pretoria, 1901. Tow. Pretoria, 1900. War's brighter side, 1901. Rankin (.1. R, L.) Subaltern's letters, 1901. Riioul-Duval (R.) Au Transvaal, 1902. Bollcston (Itidi/ M.) Yeoman service (1900), 1901. Rose-Inn(« (C.) With Paget's hor.sc, 1901. Ross (P. T.) Yeoman's letters, 1901. Ro.ssi (A.) Inglesi e Boeri, 1900. Ros.slyn (.1. F. H. Si. C. E., c. of). Twice captured (1900), 1900. Spurgin (K. B.) On active service, 1900- 1901, 1902. Steevens(G. W.) Capetown to Ladysmith, &c., 1900. Sternberg (A.,6'r-., 9]. Pari, papers [118]. State of disease. Rep. 2, App.. 1819. (314, 409). Ittfrr to Drainage ; Ireland ; Peat. Bohairic Dialect, .w Coptic. Bohemia. History, see Bohemia, History, n.s- separate headimj. Social Lire. Butzbach (J.) Chron., 18i;9. Dietrich (E. C. V.) Vorzeit, 2B, 1827. [Exhibitions, Earl's Court], Guide to B. .section Sic, 1906. [P1087]. Gerle (W. A.) Volksmiihrchen, 2B, 1819. Karajan. Leumun W.), 1854 i: 1860. [P1152]. Bibliotheca Americana, 1861. Bibliotheca Alejicana, 1869. Bibliotheca Parisiana, 1791. Bibliotheca Peruviana, 1873. [P743]. Bindley (J.), 1818-20. [P719]. Bliss (P.), 1858. [P742]. Bodleian Library. Cat. (duplicates), 1862. [PT42]. Bohn (J.), 1840. Boucher (H.), 1806. (MS. prices). Bradlaugh (C), 1891. Brand (J.), 1807-8. Branteghem (A. van), 1901. Brice (W.), 1887. [P1153]. Bright (B. H.), 1845. {MS. prices). Broadley (J.), 1833. Brodie {sir T. D.), 1904. Brown (J. T.), 1903. [P1167]. Bruce (J), 1870. Buccleuch & Queensberi7(W., d. o/),1889. Buckley (W. E.), 1893-4. {MS. prices). Bullock (J. F. W.), 1904. Campbell (J. D.), 1904. [P1071]. Catalogo di libri. Padova, 1781. Catalogue of a Bibl. typogr. (of Cule- mann?), 1870. [P757i. Cat. of a coll. of bks. rel. to America &c., 1862. Cat. of a coll. of scarce &c. bks., 1834? [P724]. Cat. of a coll. of Shakespearian & dram. lit., 185(i. Cat. of a rare &c. coll. of bks., formed by a for. nobleman. 1833. [P757]. Cat. of a small coll.. 1902. [in047]. Cat. of a small coll. o£ ill. MSS. 4: bks., 1903. [1'1167]. Cat. of a small &c. coll. of bks., coll. by a for. nobleman, 1829. [P757]. Cat. of a val. coll. of bks. by nr re Shakespeare, 1905. [P1082]. Cat. of an exceedingly rare coll., fm-mcil by a nobleman & Wyttenbach See, 1834. [P721]. Cat. of rare books &c. consigned f. Germany, \^'.i'2. Cat. of valuable &c. bks. kc, 1903. Catalogue of valuable bks. &c., Kelm- scott'&c. pres,scs, 1902, &c. [P1057]. Cat. of v.-iluabk- bks. &c., lib. of W. Rjidford, &c., 1901. Cholmley (H. W.). 1902. Clarke (A.), 1S33 [P69.'<]: 1836 [PI 152]. Clarke (F.). 1904. Cleveland (H. G., d. of). 1902. Collier (J. P.), 1884. Collins (W.), 1890. Comerfor.l (J.), 1881. Condi- (.1. A.). 1824. [PI 1.52]. Constable (W.), 1H89. Conway (F. W.), 1^54. [.\fS. pritcs]. BOOK 124 BOOK Book Collecting & Sales [oontimted]. Sale Catalogues Ifa/iti/iiifd]. Cooper (C. P.). 1S52-7. Covser (T.). 18611-78. Cotton (H. S.). 1839. Crawford (earl of), 1887-9. Crawford (W. H.), IsiH. Crevenna (P. A. B.), 1789. Crewe (R., c. of), VMS. Crofts (T.), 1783. Crowninshield (E. A.), 18G0. Cruikshank (G.), 1903. Dent (J.), 1827. Derinff {sir E.), 1858 & 18G1. [P755]. Drury"(H. J. T.), 1827. [P756]. Dutens (L.), 1813. [P753]. Ellis (G. I.), 1902. Ellis (sir H.), 18G9. Farmer (K.), 1798. [P754]. Fisher (E. C), 190U. [PlU-i]. Fontbill Abbey, 1823. Ford (R.). 18(51. [P754]. Fountaine (sir A.), 1902. Fraser (sir W. A.), 1901. Freeling- (sir F.), 183G. Frere (J. H.), 1888. [P754]. George, d. of Cmiihrithje. 1904. [P1077]. Gibson-Craig (J. T.). 1887-8. Glen (J.), 1833. Goode (W.), 18U9. Gosford (A., earl of), 1884. Gossett (I.). 1813. [P753]. Gough (E.), 1810. [P691]. Grey (sir G.), 1858. Guild (J. W.), 1888. Halliwell-Phillipps (J. O.), 1889. [P693]. Hamilton Palace libraries. Beckford Lib., 1882-3. Hamilton Palace libraries. Hamilton Lib., 1884. Haurott (P. A.), 1833-34. Harleian Library, 1745. Hartley (L. L.), 1885-7. Harward (J.), 1858 ? Hastings (H., marq. of), 1868. Hawtrev (E. C), 1853-G2. Heber fR.), 1834-6. Henley 0^. E.), 1904. Hibbert (G.), 1829. Hildyard (T. B. T.), 1889. Hoare (sir R. C), 2p, 1883-7. Holbein (T.), 1865. [P1153]. Hopetoun (carl of), 1889. Home Tooke (J.), 1813. Horwood (A. J.), 1883. Hoskier (H. C), 1908. Howe (R., e. of), 1907. [PI 154]. Huchet de La IJedoyere, 1862. Hunter (J.), 18B1. Hurd (P.), 1832. Hurt (C), 1853. Ingram (sir W. J.), 1903. Irving (sir H. B.). 1905. Jersey (earl of), 1885. Jocher (C. G.), 1759. Johnson (J. M.), 1817. Johnson (M. J.), 1862. Jolley (T.), 1843-4. Judkin (T. J.), 1872. [P743]. Kirkup (S. S.), 1871. [P741]. Kloss (G. F. B.), 1835. [P741]. Knight (J.), 1905. Kiirschner (J.). 1904. Lafayette (irert.), 1906. [PlUl]. Laing (D.), 1879-81. Landspring, Engl. Benedictine Mon. of. 1831. Lansdowne (W., ?«. of), 1806. [P691]. La Valli^re (L. C, d. de). 1783. Lee (W.), 1883. [P755]. Book Collecting & Sales [continued]. Sale Catalogues [<-oittiniiefll. Lefferts (M. C). 1902. Leia-hton (J. & J.) Cat., 1905. Libii (G.), 1847-62. see A. C. Lloyd (rev. C), 1862. Louis Philippe, i. of France, 1852. Lyndhurst (lord), 1864. Madden (sir F.), 1S73. Maitland (S. R.), 1866. Marchetti (J.), 1876. Marsh (J. F.), 1882. Martin (E. W.), ii.d. Martin (T.), 1773?. Mason (G. E.), 1860. Mason (\V. M.), 1858. [P1152]. Mayer (J.), 1887. Mead (R.), 1754-5. Mever (J. de), 18(;9. Mejnrick (J.), 1806. [P691]. Meyrick (sir S. R.), 1871. Mekborough (J. H.. e. of). 1903. Mildmav (sir H. St. J.). 1907. [P1142]. Milles (j.). 1843. [P1152]. Milmau (H. H.), 1903. Milton (J.), 1904. Jlitford (J.). 1859-60. Mutzenbecher (K. v.), 1906. [P1114]. Nassau (G.), 1824. [P756]. Nayler (sir G.), 1832. [PI 152]. Nicol (G. & W.), 1825. [P757]. North (J.), 1819. Offer (G.), 1865. Orford (H., e. of), 1859. [P738]. Ouvry (F.), 1882. Palgrave (sir F.), 1862. [P743]. Panizzi (sir A.), 1879. [P743]. Parkes (J.), 1872. [P743]. Pearson (E.), 1868. Penn (W.), 1872. [P743]. Pepys (\V. H.), 1856. [P1153]. Perkins (F.), 1889. [P693]. Perkins (H.), 1873. Phillipps (sir T.), 1886-9, & 1895. Plumer (W.), 1822. [PI 1 53]. Porson (R.), 1809. Powell (F. Y.). 1904-5. Quaritch (B.). 1860-74. Raine(M.), 1812. [P789]. Karaii-ez (J. F.), 1880. Reed (I.), 1807. (MS. prices). Rosenthal (J.) Incunabula, 1900. Roupell (R. P.), 1870. [P739]. Roxburghe (J., d. of). 1812. Russeir(J. F.), 1885. [P739]. Sacv (i. A. I. S. de), 1843-47. Schwob (M.), 1905. Scott (J.), 1905. Severne (J. E.), 1886. Shakespeare. Cat. of Shakesp. &c. lit., 1856. Cat. of a val. coU. of bks. re S., 1905. [P1082]. Shakespeareana, 1903. Sheffield (H. N., e. of), 1907. [P1154]. Singer (S. W.), 1860. Slade (F.), 1868. Smith (A. R.), 1880. Smith (G.). 1867. Sneyd (\V.). 1903. Spottiswoode (W.), 1904. Stanley (E. J.). 1901-8. Stanley (col. T.), 1813. [P753]. Stevens (H.), 1870-86. Stowe, 1849. Strawberry Hill, 1842. Sunderland Library, 1881-3. Sutherland (C, d. of), 1906. [P1122]. Taylor (Hr S.), 1883. Tenison (T.), ahp., 1861. Book Collecting & Sales [continued^. Sale Catalogues [eonfi/nted]. Thackeray (W. M.). 1864. Thorold (sir J. H.). 1884. Townelev (C), 1883. Townshend (G., marq.), 1812. [P753]. Turner (D.), 1859. Turner (R. S.), 1888. Twysden (sir R.), 1858. [P755]. Tvrell (E.), 1864. [P1154]. Van Antwerp (W. C). 1907. [P1142]. Vavasseur (J.). 1907. [P1142]. Voynich (W. M.), 1900-2 ; [.<• in P1039]. Vries (R. W. P. de), 1906. . Walpole, see Strawberry Hill. Ward (J.), 1902. [P1040]. Weaver (H. B.), 1898. [PI 142]. WeDeslev (H.), 1866. [P738]. West (J.), 1773. White (H.), 1902. Willett (R.), 1813. Willis & Sotheran, 1862. Willis's cuiTent notes. 1851, 52, 1855-7. Wilson (H. H.), 1861. [P738]. Woods (sir A. W.), 1904. [P1071]. Wordsworth (W.), 1859. [P738]. (Bibliography). Roberts (W.) Cats, of Eng. bk. sales, 1900. 7iV/Vr to Libraries ; Manuscripts. Book Fairs & Book Hawking. Estienne (H.) Foire de Francfort (16c.) ; tr., 1875. Jerrold C^V.) Autolycus of bookstalls, 1902. Nisard (M. E. C.) Livres pop. du colportage (15-19c.), 2t, 1854. Uzanne (6.) Bk. -hunter in Paris, 1893. Bouquinistes. to.. Paris, 1893. liefer to Bookselling & publishing. Book Illustration. Alciatus (A.) Emblematum flumen (1551). 1871. Emblematum fontes 4 (1531-46), 1870. Ashbee (H. S.) Iconogr. of Don Quixote, 1605-1895, 1895. Beardsley (A.) Bk. of 50 drawings, 1897 ; 2nd bk., 1899. Bibliosr. Soc. Trans., 1893—. Blackburn (H.) Art, 1894 ; 1901. Botticelli. Drawings for Dante's Div. Com., see A. C. Bouchot (H.) Le Livre, 1886; tr., 1890. Li\Tes ^ vignettes, 15-18s., 1891 ; 19s., 1891. Livres mod., 1891. Bradley (J. W.)i Life & wks. of G. G. Clovio (1498-1578). 1891. Bri%'ois (J.) Guide : bibliog., 19s., 1883. Catnach (J.) " C. Press," 1869. Crane (W.) Of decor. iU., old & new, 1896; 1901. Dalziel (E. & G.) Bros. D.. 1840-90, 1901. [Dance of Death]. Les Simulachres &c. (1538), 1869. Dank6 (J.) A franczia konyvdisz a Re- naissance korban, 1886. Dibdin (T. F.) Bibl. Decameron, 3v, 1817. Dobson (A.) Eng. ill. bks. [in Lang (A.) Library, 1881 ; 92]. Duiet (T.) LivTes &c. ill. du Japon, 1900. Early Venetian printing, &c. ( — 1539), 1895. Flaxman (J.) Compositions, see A. C. Flers (R. de) Usee, 1901. Gravures sur bois, livres fr. du 15s., 1868. Hindley (C.)Hist. of Catnach Press. 1886. Holbein (H.) Icones histor. V.T. (1547), 1869. BOOK 125 BOOKSELLING Book Illustration [cmttimierl]. Husru (T.) Bewick collector, ISIitj. Jackson (M.) Pictorial press, 1885. Kristeller (P.) Early Florentine woodcuts, 1897. Kutschmann (T.) Gescli. d. dent. 111., 2H, 1S!)9. La Marche (0. de) Chev. D^liWrfi (pr. c. 148G), 1898. Liebhaber-Bibl. alter lUustratoren (IGc.) i:iB, l.ssO-89, see A. C. Maire (A.) Technique du li\n-e, 1908. Milton (J.) L'Allegi-o kc, 1848. Mirrour of Maiestie, 1618, 1870. Modius (F.) Gynajceum. 1586, 1872. Ongania(F.) L'arte nel Kinase. : Venezia, 2p, 1895. Pennell (J.) Mod. ill.. 1895. Pen drawing (19c.), 1894. Pingrenon (R.) Livres ornes &c. en . couleurdep. 15s., Fr. & Angl., 1903. [B.] Pollard (A. W.) Early ill. bks., 15 & IGc, 1893. Ital.b. ill. (15c.), 1894. . Old picture bks., 1902. Preller(F.) Fig.-Fries z. Odyssee, 1875. Rouvcyre (E.) Connaissances, t5, 1899. Singer & Strang. Etching, engraving, &c., 1897. Sketchk'V (R. E. D.) Engl, book-ill. of to- day, 1903. [B.] Snegirev (I. M.) .lyfioiHbin KaprnnKH, 1861. Strange (E. K.) Jap. illust., 1897. Tempesta (A.) 4 Evangelists (17c.), 1873. Tredwell (D. M.) Monogr. on priv.-illust. bks., 1881. Volkniann (L.) Iconografia Dantesca (14-19C.), 1897 ; tr., 1899. White (G.) Children's bks. & ill. [in Studio, Winter No., 1897-8]. Engl, illust., 1855-70, 1897. Wood (H. T.) Mod. methods, 1887. Bibliography. Coln'ii (H.) Guide, livres il gravurc du I8s.. l.'<86. Lewine (J.) Bibl. of 18c. art & ill. bks., Eng. & Fr., 1898. Biographies otlllustrators,iirc A . C. imder : licaviUlt-y (Aiibivy), l,s72-98. Bewick (T.) 1753-1828. Browne (H. K.), 1815-82. Cochin (C. N.), jvin., 1715-90. Crane (W.), 1845—. Cruikshank (G.), 1792-1878. Dore (P. G.), 183.3-83. Doylo(R.), 1824-83. Du Maurier (G. L. P. B.), 1834-96. Furniss(H.), b. 1854. Houghton (A. B.), 1836-75. Kecnc (C. S.). 1.S23-91. Lear(E.), 1812-88. Leech (J.), 1H17-64. Menzcl (A. F. E.), 1815-1905. Stothard (T.), 1755-1834. Vierge(0.), 1851-1904. Villi.rsfF.). li. 1M52. ////■(/• hi Almanacs & calendars; Block- books ; Engraving ; Illumination ; Wood-engraving. Bookkeeping. liir.wn (H.) 1 (i.-'t. of accounting &c., 1905. Cory (I. 1'.) I'ract. treatise, 1839; 40. Kvorard (W.) Mercantile b., 1764. Morrison (C.) Pract. b., 1849. Rooso (R.) Essay, 2p, 1760. Rottucr (A.) Lehrbuch d. Contorwi.ss. fiir deut. B«clihanrU-l. 2B, 1861. SberilV(l).) Doublr-rntry b,. ls-,2. Jlji/i'T to Accountants ; Commercial education. Book of Common Prayer, see Common Prayer, Book of. Book of the Dead, see Egypt, Antiq. Bookplates. Allen (C. D.) Anier. b.-p., 1895. [B.] Brit. Museum. Brit. & Amer. b.-p. : [Franks coll.] ; Howe, 3v, 1903-4. Castle (E.) Engl, b.-p., 1S92; 9,3. De Tabley (J., b.) Guide. 1880 ; 1900. Ex Libris" Soc. J., 1S92-5. Guigard (J.) Nouvel armorial, 2t, 1890. Hamilton (W.) Dated b.-p., 1895. Fr. b.-p., 1892. Hardy (W. J.) B.-plates. 1893. Labouchere (N.) Ladies' b.-p., 1895. Leiningen-Westerburg. German b.-p. ; tr., 1902. Rouveyre (E.) Connaissances, t6, 1899. Rylands (J. P.) Notes [in Hist. Soc. of Lanes. &c., N.S., v4, 1S90]. Slater (J. H.) B.-p, & value, 1898. Warnecke (F.) Ai't, 1H95. B.-p., 15 & 16c„ 1894. White (G,) Mod, b.-p. [in Studio, Winter No., ls9s-;i]. lie/er tn Art collecting ; Engraving. Book-publishing, .«<< Bookselling &c. Book-reviewing, ,«. Reviewing. Book Sales, see Book collecting. Books {Adfiee in reading <5-c.). Balfour (A. J.) Pleasures [in h. Essays, 1893: 1905]. Basil, St. Lect.desauteurs profanes, 1863. Bury (R. de) Philobiblon (1344); tr., 1832; 82; 1903. Carlyle (T.) Choice of bks., n.d. ; [.J- in C'rit. essays, v6, '«.cZ,]. Comte, Positivist lib. ; tr., 1886. [P800]. Harrison (F.) Choice of bks., 1886. Ireland (A,) iik.-lover's enchiridion, 1883. Jamin (N.) Tr. de la lecture chr^t. [in, Migne, Encycl., s3, v44]." La Mothe Le Vayer, Obs,[;»(E., t2i, 175G]. Locke (J.) Thoughts [in Wks., v3, 1812 ; v2, 1824; Essay, 1828]. Lubbock. Ciioico [in Pleasures vl, 1887]. Macphersoii (H.) Bks. to read &c., 1904. Matthews (J. B.) Home library, 1883. Morley (J.) Study of lit., 1887. Rees (J. R.) Pleasures, 1886. Ricliardson (C. F.) Choice of bks., 1881. Rfjbert.son (J. M.) What to read, 1904. [Pl()64]. Ruskin (J.) Sesame & lilies, rar. ed. ; [.J- in Wks., vis, 1905]. Schopenhauer. Cb. Lesen u. Biiclier [in h. Parerga, B2, var. ed. ; tr. in Religion, 1889; 90]. Tedder(H. R.) Librarian in rel. to b., 1907. [PI 164]. Jlifir to Bibliography ; Block-books ; Bookbinding ; Book collecting ; Book fairs; Book illustration ; Bookplates; Bookselling & publishing ; Chained books ; Libraries ; Library catalogu- ing; Library classification ; Printing; Prohibited books ; School-books. Booksof Homilies(r/(v/n7/ ofjingland), .^1 r HomilicB, Books of Hours, tue Breviaries ; Primers, Bookselling & Publishing. Cobileii-S.'ihderson, Ecco muriduM. 1902. Cost of priiduclioii. 1891. [P155J. Hartmaiin (0. R. E. v.) Schriftstellcrei [in h. Tapesfragen, 1896]. Hitchcock (F. H.) Building of a book, r,ii)(;. Jacobi (C, T,) Some notes, 1902 ; 03. Pasche (V.) Comment on fdite, n.d. Bookselling & Publishing[cft«^J!w<74. Wycr (R,), 1 6c, Directories {Oeoeraf). Directory (Internat,) of booksellers; CI egg, i90(;. Directory of 2nd-haiiil boiiksellers. I'^'.il. {liefer to Bookselling & publishing, England ; Sfo.) History. Birt (T.) Ant. Buchwesen in s. Verhiilt- iiiss z. Litt.. 1882. Ijrnnet (P, G,) Imprinieurs imagin. & libraircs supposes, 1866, Delalain (1*,) Marques d'imprimeurs ic. (—18c,), 1892, Egger (A. E.) Hist, du livre, 1880. Gentleman'smag,lib,,Lit.curiosities.l888. Putnam (G. H.) Authors^ public(— 1.5c.), 1894. Bks. kc. (47G-1709). 2v, 1.V96-7, [15,] Jle/'er ill Book fairs ; Copyright ; Printing, Bookselling & Publishing, Den- mark. Nyrop (C.) Bidrap t, d. danskc Bng- 11,111. l.'l> IliNi,, -Jv, IsTO. Bookselling&Publishing.England. J'lir /liii;/n/ji/iii.i .irr List ahoee tiniUr Bookselling & publishing. Curwen (11,) Hist,. ISTIi. Dome (J.) Daily ledger, 1.520; Madan [in FU'lclier J: Burrows, Coll., si, 2, 1885-90], Dull' (E, G,) Century. 1457-1567, 1905. Printers. &c. of Westm. & Loml., 1476-1535, 190G. Gibson (S.) Abstr. f. wills, Oxford, 149,3- 1638, 1907. BOOKSELLING Bookselling & Publishing.England Gray (G. J.) Earlier Camb. ttatiouers Lc, GrowoU(A.) Scent.ofEng.bktrade bibliog. (1595-1902). litOS. Kidson (F.) Brit, music publislier.s, Sec. (155S-1820), 1900 „7 ISr-^ Marston(E.) Sic. of booksellers (17-1 be). J^^Sk of bksellers, t. of Johnson, 1902.^ Pari, papers [26]. Bksent. at Stationers Hall (1709-1826), If- (•522)„, Plomer (H. K.) Abs. f. wills, 1492-1630, ^Dict.ofbksellevsicc.,1641-67 1907 Roberts (W.) Earlier ^l%^-},l'':^'j^!l%- Stationers Co. List, loo3-1640 , Aiber, i!! BegiBters, 1557-87, 2v, 18iS-9- . Transcript of Keg., Io54-1640 , Arber, 5v, 1875-94. Worman (E. J.) Mien members dur.Tudor per., 1906. 19-20 ceataries. Bookseller (The), 1858-1907. [Bookselling]. Opinions of authors, 185- [P149]. British bookmaker, 1890-1. Chapman (J.) Cheap books, &c., 18o2. i!^ Rep trade restrictions, 1852. [P149]. Hist, of the book war, 1907 [P1146]. Humphreys (A. L.) Piccadilly bkmen : Hatchard, 1893. Jerdan (W.) I'lan of a Na*- Assoc, for protect, of authors, 1838. [PU9]. Knight (C.) Shadows, I860. Literary year-book, 1898—. Macmiilan, publ. Bibl. cat. of publ., 1843-89,1891. ., , w Petheram (J.) Reasons for authors publ. Smiles (S.) Publisher; Murray, 1 1 bb-ibld, Times (lie) & the publishers, 1906. 'rt'erson (J.) Liberty of press, &c., 1880. Shortt (J.) Law, 1S71. Be/,;- U Copyright ; Law, English ; Printing. „ Bookselling & Publishing, France. Beraud (C.) Cde de la presse 1836 Bibliotheque Elzevir., Cat., l*5o3-6 1 , 186 (. Delalain (P.) Libraires &c. de 1 Acad, i . 1634-1793: notices biog., 190 1. Diderot (D.) Lettre s. le commerce dela librairie (1767) [m CE., tl8. 1876]. Louisy (P.) L'anc. Fr. : le luTe, ]. 18s., Omout (H.) Cat. des editions fr. de D Janot, 1529-1545 \\n S. de Ih. de Paris, Mem., t25, 1898]. „,.,.„„ Benouard (P.) Docs., Pans, 1450-1600, Uzanne (0.) Bk.-hunter in Pans 1893. Bouquinistes &c. de Paris, 1893. Werdet (E.) Hist., j. 1789, pl-4, 1861-4. IM'er to Printing. Bookselling&Publishing.Germany Brockhaus.Verzeichniss,1^0i,-,2,lN^--o. Gesammt-Vcrlags-Kat. d. deut. Buch- handels, B 0, 1-16, 1881-95 Hase (O.)Die Koberger (I0-I6C.), 1»!5J. KaDT) fF.) Gesch., b. 17J., 1886. Sen (i.) Verlagskat.,1894-1904, 1904, Wasmuth (E.) Verlags-Kat., 18i2-l.'03 1903. i?^as, 1855. India, Bee. Publications, 1895-9h. pjrl 'papers [356]. E. lud a (Native press) Corr. on "Act for control, 18 18. (c. 2040). Bcfer to Printing. Bookselling&Publishing,Scotland_ Wills of printers &c.,Edinb., lo.i-lbST [(■)( Banuatvne misc., v2, 1836]. Befcr to Printing. ^ ,, „ Bookselling & Publishing, U.S. Houghton, Mifflin ^ Co. Cat. of wks, publ. &c., 1899. Ili-frr to Printing. „_ .„ , Book-stalls, ^ec Book Fairs & Book Hawking. Book Worms. 1 ssn ■ ss Blades (W.) Enemies of bks., 1880 , »». O'Conor (J. F. X.) Facts, 1898. Boomerang. . ,. Ferguson (S.) Antiquity \in K.I.A., Trans., vl9, pi, 1841]. Walker (G. T.) On b. [/ft Roy. Soc, Phil. trans.. A., vl90, 1898]. llefrrtn Arms & armour; Austrahan aborigines. Boots & Shoes. Bryant (A. A.) Greek s. [m Harvaid st., vlO, 1899]. . Do\\-ie (J.) Foot & Its covering, 1861- Dutton (W. H.) B. & s. of ancestOTS, 18 J8. Paygert (C. v.) Soc. u. wirtschaftl. Lage d. galiz. S., 1891. Beiraers (C. E.) Berliner Filzschuh- niacherei, 1906. Sr-erling. De crepidis [m Gronovius, Thes. Gr. ant., t9, 1701]. Winks (W. E.) Lives of lUust. shoe- makers, liS83. _ . »t„ Refer io Costume ; Industries ; Leather. ^ A^^riWe des Sci. &c. de B., 1827-8. Baurein (J.) Varietes, 6t,. 1784-6. Brutails (J. A.) Seigneurie de S.-Seunn [,« Monod (G.) Et., 1896]. Chaumas (P.) Nouv. conducteur, 1858. Cocks (C.) B., 1846. Courteault _(P.) G. de Malvyn (Io4o7- Mich'el (F.) Hist, du comm. &c. (—18c.), Montorgne %I. de) Biog. (1533-92), see Tc^U- mBiot, M4l.,t2,1858; ViUemam. Meh.'tl, 1829]. Jlon. Germ. hist., see Index. Cathedral & Diocese. , ,,, s r ., Amatus, abp. of B. Ep.st. &c. (He.) \.in Migiie, P. L., 155]. . . Simon, alrp. of Bonrges. Acta visitatioms (12S4-91) ['■« Baluzc, Misc., tl, I16IJ. Bffer to Gascony ; Guienne. Border Laws, .« Marches; Scotland, Hist. ; Wales, Hist. Bordesholm. .„ « r-„ Diplomatarium, 1136-1570; # o.y. [m Wi'Stpbalen, Mon., t2, 1 1 40]. li,f\.T to Monasteries ; Schleswig- Holstein. Bordighera. j. ia« Bifer to Borneo ; Colonies, English. Bornholm. Kong. Nord. Oldskr.-Selskab. M6ms., 183ti-1901. 1, ,«-o Vedel (E.) Undersog.ang. Jernalder,18i 3. Befer to Baltic sea ; Denmark. Bornu. ^ , . Idris. Ace. of expeditions by Iclns (16c.); tv.,n.d. Bffer to Central Africa; Niger & Nigeria. Borny,Battle of, s< < Colombey, BaUle of. Boro Budor. Leemans (C.) Boro-Boedoer, 1878; tr., 1874 B -B. [Engravings], 4y, 1873. Pleyte (C. M.) Die Buddha-Legende d. Tempels v. B. B.. 1901. B-efer to Buddhism ; Java. Boroughs. Ballard (A.) Domesday b., 1904. Brady (R.) Hist, treatise, 1777. Holcomb (W. P.) Pennsylvania b., 1886. Maitland (F. W.) Township & b. (13- 19c.), 1898. Merewether & Stephens. Hist, of b. Sac. of U.K., 3v, 1835. Pari, papers [363]. Boundaries, petitions, &c., 1868. (193). Selden Soc.B. customs (12-16o.) ; Bateson, 2v, 1904-6. Webb (S. &. B.) Eiig. local govt. (1689- 1835), v2, 3. 1908. Befer to Local government ; Bepresen- tation; Towns. BOSCOMBE 127 BOTANY Boscombe. Kouper (.T. GOf'cliool Ecardeiis at B.Brit. School, IWIM (c. 8913) [(■« 1'. 1'.. Vi:)-,]. lif/ir to Bournemouth ; Hampshire. Bosmere. Luiigcruft (C. J.) Top. ace. of hundred, 18.-)7. li-e/cr til Hampshire. Bosnia. Antiquities. Hilrues (M.) AlterthUmer, 18S2. Wi.ssenschaftl. Mtthlgen. aus B., Bl — , 1893—. J/j/cr to Eoman antiq. Ethnology J. E.), 1759-1828. Spruce (R.), 1817-93. Tra.le.scant (J.), d. c. 1637. Classification. Barringloii (D.) On Linnrean system [J7t Misc., 1781]. Eiigler (A.) Systemat. Anordnung d. monokot. Angiospermen, 1892. Gobel (C.) Classif. &c. ; tr., 1887. Reiidle (A. B.) Classif. of flowering plants, vl, 1904. Withering 0^') System, arrangement of Brit, phrnts, 1837; 72. Colour of Plants * Flowers, gee heading Colour of animals & plants. Cultivated Plants. Bailey (L. H.) Survival of unlike, 1890. Burt)i(lgo (F. W.) Cultiv. plants, 1877. De Candolle. Orig. d. pi. cultiv., 1883; tr., 1884. Hehn (V.) Kulturpflanzen &c., 1874 ; 77. Wanderings, 1883. linger (F.) Phys. Bedeiitmig d. Pflanzen- cultur [ill Gesamm. natiirwiss. Vortr., 1870]. Dictionaries, &c. (see also Biographical Diet., aliot-e). BailloM (H.) Diet., 4t, 1870-92. Bentham (t;.) & J. D. Hooker. Genera plant., 3v, 1802-83. Curtis's botan. mag. Gen. index of plants ; Tonks, 1883. Don. Gen. hist, of dichlamydeous plants, 4v, 1831. Earle(J.)Kng. plant names, 10-1.3C., 1880. Gerard (J.) Cat. of plants, 1596-9 ; Jackson, 1870. Heinig (R. L.) Gloss, of tenn.s, 1899. Index Kewen.sis plantarum, 2v, 1893-5 ; suppl. 1-3, 1901-8. Jackson (B. D.) Gloss, of b. terms, 1903. J6han. Diet, de b., see A. C. Johnson (G. W.) Gardener's diet., 1900. Loudon. Eiiuvcl. of gardening, 1850. Encyel. o'f plants, 1829. Martyn (T.) Language, 1793. Miller (W.) Diet, of Engl, names of plants, 2p, 1884. Miiller {B. F. v.) Index ad Linna:i " Speeii's IMant.," 1880. Nicholson (U.) Ulust. diet, of gardening, 6v, 1884-1901. Paxtoii. Botan. diet., 1808. Prior (R. C. A.) Pop. names of Brit. plants, 1803 ; 70. Rousseau. Fragm. [in (E., tl2, 1821 ; t4, 1857]. Siinders (T. W.) Encyel. of gardening, 1896. Smith (J.) Diet, of pop. names of plants wli. furnish wants of man, 1882. Sweet (K.) IIoilu> lirit., 2p, 1827. Ur/i-r to Plant names. Diseases of Plants. H.irlin (K.> D. of trees; tr., 1894. Ward (II. M.) D. in plants. 19U1. D. of plants, n.d. Botany [tontlniied]. Distribution of Plants, see heading Dis- tribution of plants. Economic Botany, sir //(V(rf/«y Agricultural & economic botany. Fossil Botany, m/c Palaeontology. Geographical Distribution of Plants, see Distribution of plants. History (sei- also Anc. & Med., ahove). Link (H. F.) On phys. b. ; tr. [in Ray Soc. Heps. ; tr., 1846]. Meyer (E. H. F.) Gescli., 4B, 1854-7. Pickering (C.) Chronolog. hist, of plants, 1879. Pulteney (R.) Hist. & biog. sk., Eng., 2v, 1790. [Rav Soc.]. Rep. on progress, 1841-42 ; tr.; 1845. Sachs (J. von) Hist., 1530-1860 ; tr., 1890. Insectivorous Plants. Darwin (C. K.) Insect, plants, 1875 ; 93. Torrev (.1.) Darlingtonia Californica, 1834. Medical & Chemical. 'Abd .\llah ibn Ahmail. Tr. des simples (13s.); tr., 3t, sec A. C. Aggregator. Aggregatorio-pratico, 1339? Arcana Fairfax. Apothecaries' lore fcc. (17c.), 1890. Ball (V.) Comm. on colloquies of Garcia De Orta, on simples &c. of India [in R.I.A., Proc, s3, vl, 1889-91]. Barton (B. H.) & T. Castle. Brit, flora med., 1877. Baylis (E.) Botan. dispensary, 1789. Cockayne (T. 0.) Leechdoms, &c. of early England, 3v, 1804-6. Colpeper (N.) Eng. physician, 1773. Gargilius Martialis. De arbor, pomiferis, 1828. De pomis, 1831. Gerard (J.) Herball, 1036. Hanbury (D.) Sci. papers, 1S70. Hill (J.) Family herbal, 1789 ; 1820. Josselyn (J.) New-Eng.'s rarities (1672), 1800. Parkinson (J.) Thcatrum botan., 1640. Pomet (P.) Compl. hist. ; tr., 1737. Salmasius (C.) De homonymis hyles iatr. [in h. Plin. exoreit., 1689]. 'I'hornton (R. J.) New family herbal, 1810. Younger (D.) Magn. & b. fani. physician, 1887. UcJ'cr lo Bark ; Botanic gardens ; Digi- talis ; Ginseng ; Materia medica ; Pharmacy ; Quinine. Movements of Plants. Bose (J. C.) Plant re.sponse, 1906. Darwin (C. H.) Movements &c. of climb- ing pi., 1803 ; 75. Power of m., 1880. Wiesner (.1.) Bewegung-svermiigen, 1881. Periodicals it Societies. Acad, des Sci. Comptesr., 1835 — ,seeA. C. Akademija L'miej^tnosci, sec A. C. Annals of botany, vl, 2, 1805-6. British Assoc., see A. C. Botanical Mag. ; Curtis, 1793-1808. Gardener's mag., 1820-43. Journal of Iwtany, 1889—. K5nigli(;li-l'reu.ss. Akad. d. Wiss. 7,u B., Ablidl., 1M22— ; Sitzb., Is4:!— , j.,r.4. C. Linnean Soe. Gen. index to Journal &c., 183N-80, 1888. Trans., 1791-1875. Royal Horticult. Soc. Journal, 18G6 — . Trans., 1812-48. Royal Soc. of Edinb. Proc, 1806-9; Trans., 1 788-1 87U. Botany [continned]. Periodicals A Societies [continued]. Roval Soc. Phil, trans., 1605— ; Proc., IsdO— . Smithsnnian Iii-tit. Kei>.. l.'^oO — . Topographical, srr Distribution of plants. Jtcfcr to Aconite. Conifers. Agricult. & Cryptogams, econ. botany Diatoms &c. Algae. Digitalis. Anonaceae. Evolution. Ferns. Flowers. Forestry. Fungi. Gardens &c. Microscope. Mosses. Natural hist. Nutmeg. Orchids. Palaeonto- logy. Pedicularis. Phosphores- cence. Plant-lore. Gutta-percha Ponds &c. India-rubber Eoses. Science. Shrubs. Tobacco. Water-lily. Bamboo. Begonia. Bible antiq. Biology. Bread-fruit tree. Grass. Cactus. Chrysanthe- mum. Leaves Cocoa. Lichens. Colour of ani- Magnolia, mals&plants Mangel- wurzel. Botany, Africa. Engler (A.) Gliedeiung d. Veget. v. Us- ambara, &c., 1894. Hochgebirgsflora d. trop. A., 1891. Gain (E.) Mission de phy-s. vegetale en Algerie et Tunisie : inll. de la s6cheresse [in Nouv. arch, des miss., t6, 1895]. Grant (J. A.) B. of Speke & Grant exped., 1871 [in Linnean Soc. Trans., v29, 1875]. Hooker (W. J.) Niger flora, 1849. Klotzsch. Schonlein's botan. Naehlass auf Cap Palmas [in K6n.-Pr. Ak„ Abhdl., 1850]. Mathews (W.) Flora of Algeria, 1880. Pari, papers, .svv^ special cat. Schweinfurth (G.) Abyssin. Pflanzenna- men. 1893, Ififcr to Africa ; Natural history ; Seychelles. Botany, Alpine & Switzerland. Bennett (.\. W.) Flora, '-'v. 1890. Bonney (T. G.) F'lowers f. Upper Alps, 1809. Christ (H.) Flore de la Suisse ; tr., 1883. Macmillan (H.) Holidays, 1809. Pratten (M. A.) My 100 S. flowore, 1887. Robinson (W.) Aliiine flowers for English gardens. 1870. Seboth (J.) Ali>. plants, Is, 1879-81. Welier(.l. ('.) Alp.'U-l'll.u.z.-M. 41i. IsTJ. yA/Vr to Alps ; Natural history ; Swit- zerland. Botany, America. Mitehill (S. L.) Di.sc. 1813 [in N.Y. Hist. Soc, Coll., v2. 1814]. Urf, r Id America ; Botany, West Indies ; Natural hist. Botany, America (Central). Hemsley (W. li.) IS., vl-3. I879-8S [in Goihuan ,V S.ilvin. Ili.il. t'.-Anier. ). y.'<7'/r /.I Central America; Natural hist. Botany, America (North). Forsler(J. R.)Cat., 1771. Gray (A.) Plantae Wright. Toxano-Neo- Mexic. 1852-3. Synopt. Iliira, 2v, 1880 [in S.I., Misc. coll., "v31, 1888]. Harvey (W. II.) Nereis, 3p. 1853-8. Mexico: Mnseo Nac. Anales. 1903-0; Boletin, 1904. Millspaugh (C. F.) Contrib. to Dora of Yucatan [in Field Columb. Mus. : Bot. s., li, 1895]. & NutUdl. Flora of W. Va., 3p [in Field Colnmb. Mus.: Bot.s.. lii. 1896-8]. BOTANY 180 BOTANY Botany,Anierica (North) {fontlniied']. Robin (C. C.) Klore Loiiisian. [/« Voy.,t3, 1807. Ton'ey (J.) Plantae Fremoutiauae, Cali- fornia, 1854. Uline (E. B.) Stvidies. 1, Higinbothamia [m Field Cohmib. Miis.: Bot. s., Iv, 1899]. [U.S.A. Army]. Rep. uiJon Geogr. Sur- veys; Wheeler, v6, 1S7S. Watson (S.) Bibliogr. ind. [in S.I., Misc. coll., vl5, 1K78]. B. [in U.S. Geol. explor., v5, 1871]. Wood (H. C.) Fresh-water algfe, 1874. [B.] Befcr to Ginseng ; Natural hist. ; North America. Botany, America (South). Ihering (H. v.) Ai clilielenis n. Arcliinotis, 1907. Lofling (P.) Abstract; tr., v2, 1771. Millspaugh (C. F.) Plantae Utowanae, pi [_in Field Columb. Mus. : Bot. s., 2i, ii, 1900]. Ilrfcrto Natural hist. ; South America. Botany, Antarctic Regions. [Brit. Museum]. A. E.xped., 1901-4 ; Nat. hist., v3, 1907. Hooker (J. D.) B. of A. Voy.. 3s, 1847-(;0. Refer fn Antarctic regions. Botany, Arctic Regions. Breclier Wittrock. Sclniee >i. Eisflora [ill NordenskiiJld, St., 1885]. Kjellman. Leben d. Polarpflanzen [in Nordenskiold, St., 1885]. Nathorst. Beitr. z. Pflanzengeog. d. Vorzeit [in Nordenskiold, St., 1885]. Pearson (H. J.) Beyond Petsora, 1.S99. Hifer to Arctic regions ; Natural hist. Botany, Asia. Griffith (W.) Posth. papers : Icones, 4p, 1847-54. Posth. papers : Notulae, 4p, 1847-54. Prain (D.) Dalbergia of S.E. A., 1904. Itifer to Asia ; Natural hist. Botany, Asia Minor. Tchihatcheff (P. de) Asie llin., p3, 3t, 1860. liefer to Asia Minor. Botany, Australia & New Zealand. [Exhibitions, Victorian]. Indig. veget. .substances, 1862 [in. Cat., 1861]. Flinders (M.) Voy., v2, 1814. Harvey (W. H.) Marine b. of W. A. [in R.I.A., Trans., vL'2, 1855]. Hooker (J. D.) Hdbk., N.Z., 1867. Horn Scient. Exped. to Cent. A., p3, 1896. Kirk (T.) Forest flora of N.Z., 1889. Maiden (J. H.) Useful plants, 1889. Rowan (iiim.) Flower-hunter in Queens- land & N.Z.. isiis. liefer t.i Australia; Natural hist.; New Zealand. Botany, Bosnia. Wissenschaftl. Mtthlgen. aus B., Bl— , 1893—. Refer 1o Bosnia. Botany, Burmah. Kurz (S.) B. plants ; ,?• o.p. [;« As. Soc. of Bengal, J., v41ii, 42ii. 43ii, 1S73-4], Forest flora of Brit. B., 2v, 1877. Mason (F.) Burma, v2, 1883. Refer to Burmah. Botany, Cape Verde Islands. Webb (P. B.) Spieiligia Gorgone.a, 1849. Rifer to Cape Verde Isl. Botany, China. Bentliam (G.) Flora Hongkong., 1861. Boym (M.) Flora [m Thfivenot, Rel., p2, 1664]. Botany, China [eoidinaed]. Bretsclmeider (E'.) Botan. Siuicnm, p2, 1892. Merejkowski (K. S.) 4i,iTuM(iiiuu ito.uiiMii^^-i'i Tiifk-Tii, 1906. Pfizmaier. Denkwiirdigk. v. d. Biiumen China's, 1.S75-6. D. V. d. Friicliten China's (9e.), 1874. Refer to China ; Figs ; Natural hist. Botany, Corsica. Costc (H.) Flore descr., 3t, 1901-6. Refer to Corsica. Botany, Cyprus. Unger & Kotschy. Insel C, 1865. Refer to Cyprus. Botany, Egypt & Sinai. Hart (H. C.) Fauna & flora of S., &c., 1891. Loreutz. Ub. d. Moose in A. [in Kon. Pr. Ak., Abhdl., 1S67]. Pickering (C.) Gcogr. distrib., 1S54. Refer to Egypt ; Natural hist. ; Sinai. Botany, England (& British Isles). .\ndre\vs (H. C.) Bot. repository, vl-6. 1797-1804. Babington (C. C.) Manual, 1874 ; 1904. Bagnall (J. E.) Flora of Staffs., 1901. Banks (G.) Int-r., 1832. Barton (B. H.) & T. Castle. Brit, flora medica, 1877. Bentham (G.) Hdbk., rar. e,i. Brewer (J. A.) Flora of Surrey, 1863. New flora of Reigate, 1856. Brit. Mus. Brit. Basidiomycetes ; Smith, 1908. Brown (E.) Flora of Tutbury & Burton- on-Trent, 1863. Carrington (B.) Brit. Hepaticae, pi, 1874. Catlow (A.) Pop. field b., 1849. Derbyshire Arch. & Nat. Hist. Soc. J.. 1879-90. De Tabley. Flora of Cheshire, 1899. Devonshire Assoc. Rep. &c., 1881-90. Druce (G. C.) Flora of Berks., 1897. Flora of Oxfordshire, 1886. Dunn (S. T.) Flora of S.W. Surrey, 1893. Fitch & Smith. lUust. f. Bentham, 1908. Gan-y (F. N. A.) Notes on drawings for Sowerby's Engl, b., 1903-4. Grindon (L. H^ Manch. flora, 1859. Hanburv & Maishall. Flora of Kent, 1899. Heath (F. G.) Svlvan spring. 1880. Hill (J.) Brit, herbal, 1756. Hind (W. M.) Flora of Suffolk, 1889. Hist. Soc. of Lanes. & Cheshire. Trans., 1849-90. Hooker (J. D.) Student's flora, 1870 ; 84. Hooker (W. J.) & G. A. W. Arnott. Brit. Flora, 1850. Irvine (A.) London flora, 1838. Jackson(B.D.)Herts.plants,l.S97.[P1191]. Johnson (C. P.) Useful plants, 1.S62. Jones (J. P.) B. tour, Devon & Cornwall, 1820. & J. F. Kingston. Flora Devon., 1829. Journal of botany, 1889 — . Lees (F. A.) Flora of W. Yorks., 1888. [Leicestershire]. Flora of L., 1886. Lindley (.1.) Synopsis, 1835. Linton (E. F.) Flora of Bournemouth, &c., 1900. London (J. C.) Encyclopaedia, 1829. Hortus Brit., 1832; 39. Lowe (E. J.) Beautiful leaved plants,1872. Lubbock. Life hist, of Brit, flowering plants, 1905. Mansel-Pleydell. Flora of Dorset., 1895. Mai'shall (W.) New water weed, Ana- charis, 1852. Miller (W.) Diet, of Engl, names of plants, 2p, 1884. Botany, England [eontim/ed]. Murray (R, P.) Flora of Somerset, 1896. Paxton. Botan. diet., 18()8. Praeger (R. L.) Open-air studies, 1897. Pratt (A.) Flowering plants, &c., 4v, 1889-91. Wild flowers, 2v, 1898. Prior (R. C. A.) Pop. names, 1863 ; 70. R;iy (J.) Synop.sis stirpium Brit., 1724. Riddelsdeil (H. J.) Flora of Glamorgan- shire, n.d. Smith (J. E.) Compendium, 1836. Sowerby (J.) Eng. b., 12v, 1863-86. [Notes on drawings, by Garry, 1903-4]. Step (E.) Romance of wild flowers, 1899. Wayside &c. blossoms, 2s, 1897-9. Sweet (R.) Hortus Brit., 2p, 1827. Townsend (F.) Flora of Hampshire, &c., 1883. Trimen & Dyer. Flora of Middlesex, 1869. Vaughan (J.) Wild-flowers of Selborne, &C."; 1906. Victoria hi.st. of counties,1903 — ,seeA. C. Watson (H. C.) Cybele Brit., 5v, 1847-60. Withering (W.) System, arrangement of Brit. pi.. 1.^37 : 72. liefer to Botany, Ireland ; B., Scotland ; B., Wales ; Diatoms &c. ; England ; Grass ; Lichens ; Mosses ; Natural hist. ; Plant names. Botany, Europe. Henfrey (A.; Vegetation of E., 1852. Ray (J.) Cat. stirpium [in h. Travels, v2, 1738]. Woods (J.) Toiu-ist's flora, 1S50. Refer to Europe ; Natural hist. Botany, France. Bonnier (G.) cSt G. de Layens. Flore complete, n.d. Coste (H.) Flore descr., 3t, 1901-6. Husnot (T.) Muscologia. 2p. 1S84-94. Refer to France ; Natural hist. Botany, Germany. France (li. H.) Pflanzeuleben, 2B, 1906-7. Hegi (G.) 111. Flora v. M.-Eur., Bl, 1906. Refer to Germany. Botany, India. Asiatic Soc. of Bengal. As. researches, 17ss-l.'<36. Journ., 1832-75. Bombav. Gazetteer. v25, 1886. Briihl (P.) & G. King. Century of I. plants, 1896. Calcutta, R. B. Gdns. Annals, 1887-1905. Cleghorn (H.) Forests &c., 1861. Colilst)eam (W.) Grasses of S. Punjab, 18.S9. Griffith (W.) Posth. papers : [2] Khasyah ic Bootan mts., AfFghanistan &c. ; [4] Notuhc ; [5] Palms, 1848-54. Hooker (J. D.) Flora of Brit. I., vl-3, 1875-S2. Illusts. of Himalayan plants, 1855. & T. Thomson. Intr. essay, 1855. Jones {sir W.) Wks., v5, 1807. King (G.). J. F. Dutbie, & D. Prain. 2nd centuiT. 1901. Oliver (D.) First book, 1869. Prain (D.) Pedicularis, Gomphostemma, 1891. Rnyle (J. F.) Fibrous plants, 1855. lllust. of b. of Himalayan Mts., & Cashmere, vl, 1839. Wallich (N.) Plantae Asiat. rariores, 3v, 1.S29-32. Wight (R.) Icones, 6v, 1839-53. lllust., vl, 1840. Refer to Botany, Burmah; Ferns; India ; Natural hist. ; Orchids. BOTANY 181 BOXLEY II Botany, Indo-China & Malay. Royal Asiatic Soo. Misc. paper;-, iv, 1886-7. Valentijn (F.) Beschr., Amboina [in h. Oost-Iud., d3, 1726]. Itefer to Botany, Bnnnah ; Figs. Botany, Ireland. Cybelu Hibuniicii ; ilore, I.SU8. Praeger (K. L.) Ir. topog. b. ; S' o.p. [in R.I.A., Proc, .s3, v4, v24, 2G, 189(!-1907]. Royal Dublin Soo. Sci. proc, 1878 — ; trans., 1877—. Royal Ir. Acad. Proc. & Trans., 1787—, see A. C. Threlkeld (C.) Synop.sis stirp., 1727. AVest (W. & G. S.) Plankton on Ir. lakes [in R.I. A., Trans., lltOt!]. liefer to Botany, England ; Ireland ; Natoral hist. Botany, Italy. Strasburger (E.) Rambles on Riviera ; tr., 1906. Uefer to Italy ; Natural hist. Botany, Japan. Conder (J.) Flowers, 1892. Jap. flower arrangements [/» As. Soc. of J., vl7, 1889]. Henry (A.) Plants f. Formosa, 189G. Kampfer (E.) Amoen., fo, 1712. Descr. [in Charlevoix, Hist., t8, 1736]. Pfizmaier. Sprache in d. botan. Wken. (1. Japaner, 1866. Refer to Japan ; Natural hist. Botany, Norway. Blytt (A. G.) Inmiigration of N. flora, 1876. [P384]. Refer to Natural hist. ; Norway. Botany, Pacific Ocean & Islands. Guppy (H. B.) Obs., v2, 1906. Kittlitz (F. H. V.) 24 views of Pacific ; tr., 1861. .Sinclair (F.) Indig. flowers of Hawaiian I., 1885. Refer to Natural hist. ; Pacific Ocean. Botany, Palestine & Syria. Callcott (M.) Scripture hcrlial, 1842. Hart (H. C.) But;inv [in K.I. A.. Trans., v28, 1880-6]. Heuslow (G.) Plants of Bible, 1906. Ix>rentz. Ob. d. Moose [in K6n.-Pr. Ak., Ablull,, 1867]. Rav (J.) Oat. [in h. Travels, v2. 1738]. Sm'ith (J.) Bible plants, 1878. Tristnim (H. B.) Survey of W. P. : Fauna &.C., 1884. Refer to Bible, stih-heading Natural hitt. ; <$- to Natural hist. ; Palestine. Botany, Portugal. Withering (W.) Florae ..-pec. (1792-4) [in Misc. tr., vl, 1822]. Refer to Portogal. Botany, Roumania. Academia Romana, Anal., Mem. StiinJ, aee A. C. Brandza (D.) Flora Dobrogei, 1898. Refer to Natural history ; Boumania. Botany Russia &c. Pallas (P. S.) Vny. (.■[] dilT. i>iov. ; ir., ,'">t, 1788-93 Refer to Natural hist. ; Bnssia ; Siberia. Botany, Scotland. Sonntag (C. ().) Kl.ira of Edinb. Jcc, 1H94. Refer to Botany, England ; Natural history ; Scotland. Botany, Spain. Porting (IV) Abstr.iot; tr., v2, 1771. Refer to Natural history ; Spain. Botany, Switzerland, .<"' Botany, Alpine. Botany, Wales. Riddelsdell. Flora of Glamorgan [in Journal of bot., v4."), 1907]. Refer to Botany, England; Natural hist. ; Wales. Botany, West Indies. Kggers. Fliira of St. Croix Jc Virgin Islands [in S.I., Misc. coll., v24, ls83]. Torrey (J.) liafis maritima, l.sr)4. Refer to Natural hist. ; West Indies, Botany Bay. Barrington (G.) Hist. fr. 1616, 1787. Phillip' (A.) Voyage, 1790. Mudie (J.) Felonry, 1837. Tench (W.) Narr. "of exped., 17S9. Refer to New South Wales ; Transpor- tation. Bothwell Bridge, Battle of, 1679. Alton (\V.) Urumelog 4: 15. i!., 1679, 1821. Ure (J.) Narr. [in Veitch (W.) Mem., 1825]. Refer to Charles II ; Covenanters ; Scotland, History. Botzen, see Bozen. Bouches-du-Rh6ne, '/]. AVah' V.. -'■••. 17, 1882J. fi-.-br, Grenzstreit, Award by king (jf Guiana & B„ 1904. Essay 1896. Brazil. Bibliography, Cat. da exposi(,-ao de hist, do B., 2v \in Rio de Janeiro: Bibl. Nac, Ann., v9, 1881-3]. Cat. dos MSS. \in Rio de Janeiro : Bibl. Nac, Ann., v4, 5, 10, 15, 18, 23, 1878- 1904]. Rio de Janeiro, Bibl. Nac. Annaes, 1876 — . Bouadary, [Brazil]. Urteil ii, 1900. Pari, papers [832]. It. re b. betw. Brit, (c. 2166). Teixeira de Mello. Subsidies exist, na Bibl. Nac. para o estudo da questao de limites, 1876 \in Rio de Janeiro: Bibl. Nac, Ann., vl7, 1895], Economics & Social Life (nee also Topo- graphy, beloir). [Brazil], Rencenseamento, 1890, 1895 Da Cunha de Azeredo Coutinho. on comm, & products; tr., 1807. Dutot (S.) France & B., 1857. Expilly (C.) Le B., 1863. Hehl (R. A.) Einwanderung. ic„ Leolerc (M,) Lettres du B„ 1890, Rio de Janeiro, Bibl. Nac Annaes, 1876 — . Ethnology & Antiquities. Santa-Atiiia Nery, Folk-lore, 1889. Schmidt (M.) Indi;inerstudicn, 1905. Steere (J. B.) Visit to Ind. tribes of Purus river [in S.I., Rep., Nat. Mus., 1901]. Steinen (C. v, d,) Unter d, Naturvolken, 1894, Verissimo (J,) Idoles de I'Amazone [/« Guimet, tlO, 1887], History, see Brazil, History, assej>. heading. Topography, Baril (V, L.) L'empire, 1862. Brazil at Vienna exhib., 1873. Brfoil, 1889. Calogeras (J. P.) As minas, 3v, 1904-5, Celso (A,) Porque me ufano, 1901, Exhibitions, St, Louis, Br„ 1904. Hartt (C. F.) Geol. & phys. gcog., 1870. Macedo (J. M, de) Notions on clioro- gniphv; tr., 1873, Mulhafl (M. G, & E, T.) Hdbk,, 1877, United Stattis of B,, n.d. Voss (E. L.) Klimatologie d, sudl, Stiiaten, 1903, Weiss, Ob, d. siidl. Ended. Gebirg.szuges V, B, [in Kdn.-Pr, A,, Abhdl,, 1827], Travels, Ac. Adalbert, yjr, of Prussia. Travels; tr,, 2v, 1849. Agassiz (L, k E, C) Journey, 1868, Ave-Lallemant, Kt'ised,Nord-B.,2B,l860. Keise d. Siid-H., 2B. 1S59, Baro (U,) Hel, (1647), 1651, Bates (H, W,) Naturalist, 2v, 92, Biard (F.) 2 annC-es, 1862, Bigg-Witlier, Pioneering, 2v Burk(! (L', H.) & K, Staples, Business kc. 1884, Bvirmeistcr (H.) 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