CALENDARS O F T H E ANCIENT CHARTERS, AND OF THE WELCH AND SCOTISH ROLLS, NOW REMAINING IN THE TOWER OF LONDON: ALSO CALENDARS of all the Treaties of Peace entered into by the Kings of ENGLAND with thofe of SCOTLAND; and of fundry Letters and public Inftruments relating to that Kingdom, now in the Chapter-house at Westminster. TOGETHER. WITH CATALOGUES of the Records brought to Berwick from the Royal Treasury at Edinburgh : of fuch as were tranfmitted to the Exchequer at Westminster, and of thofe which were removed to different Parts of Scotland by Order of King Edward I. The Proceedings relating to the carrj'ing back the Records of Scotland into that Kingdom ; and the Transactions of the Parliament there from the 15th of May 1639, to the 8th of March 1650. TO WHICH ARE ADDED MEMORANDA concerning the AFFAIRS of IRELAND, EXTRACTED FROM THE TOWER RECORDS. WITH Four Copper Plates, exhibiting all the various Hands in which the fcvcral Charters have been written, from the Reign of King William the Conqueror to that of Queen Elizabeth. To the Whole is prefixed an Introduction, giving fome Account of the State of the Public Records from the CoNciUEST to the prefent Time. By Sir JOSEPH AYLOFFE, Bart. V. P. A. S. and F. R. S. LONDON: fRINTED FOR BENJAMIN AV H I T E, AT HORACE'S HEAD, INFLEET STREET. M DCC LXXIV. INTRODUCTION. TH E various errors and defeds which we difcover either in the general hiftories of England, or in the memoirs and hiflorical narratives of particular reigns, are rather to be imputed to the negligence and inattention of their authors, in not fearching after proper materials for correcting and rendering thofe works more complete, than ta any real deficiency of fuch ufeful afiiflants. Moft of our hiftarians who flouriflied before the reign of king Henry the Seventh vrere monks. Many of thofe, refiding chiefly in their cloyfters, and having but a fmall fund of erudition, pofielTed neither in- clination or abilities fufficient to enable them critically to enquire into and inveftigate the hiflory of their own country, as it flood in paft ages, and, therefore, they contented themfelves with implicitly tranfcribing by wholefale fuch accounts of our Englifli affairs as they found inferted in thofe hiftorical manufcripts, with which the libraries of their own, -or fome neighbouring monafteries happened to be furniflied ; and that without examining into the credibility either of the ftories which they adopted, or of the authors from whom they borrowed them. A fimilar fupinenefs kept thofe religious devotees in great meafure unacquainted with our national affairs, and the political tranfaftions of their own times. Inquifitivenefs was not the charaderiftic of the inhabitants of our mo- nafleries j their refearches were confined within very narrow bounds, and their attention was principally fixed on the prefervation and aggrandizement of the ecclefiaflical andmonaflic power and revenues. In fad, they themfelves knew little more of public affairs, than fuch occur- rences as were notorious, and the topicks of general converfation. On this account they were apt to rely too much upon common reports; which, they taking for granted, without furtiier inquiry, put down in their chronicles as truth, although many of them were mere fidions, invented by artful and defigning men to anfwer finifler views, and were indul- trioufly propagated in order to miflead the unwary, and impofe upon the credulity of the people. It muft be acknowleged, however, that all our hiflorians who lived before the Tudor family's acceflion to the throne, were not of the fame I a form. G4?'I33 tl INTRODUCTION. form. Some of them were anxious for difcovcring the truth of things, and with a moll; laudable and accurate induftry, Icarched for it amongil the records of the kingdom ; and others ; who from their fituation in or near the courts of our princes, the ports which they filled in the llate, or from the bufinefs in which they were occafionally employed, had op- portunities of being well informed of faifts, have made proper ufe of thofe advantages, and handed down to us very faithful and judicious narratives of the tran fact ions of their own times. Our fubfequent hiltorians were men of Hill fuperior talents ; their founder judgments and more refined reafonings, would not Ibtfer therrrto build on thofe precarious foundations to which many of their prcdecelTors had inadvertently trufted. Cautious of avoiding fuch errors as had mif- guided others, they conduiflcd their labours with greater accuracy and circumfpedlion ; brought to light many curious hiftorical particulars, which had long remained in obfcurity and unknown ; and by a criticifm till then unpradifed, fliewed themfelves indefatigable in dilHnguilhing truth from fable. Thofe of more modern times have not only followed that example, but endeavoured to add further illuftrations to our Englifh hirtory, and to authenticate the feveral fails which they relate. Such of them, as with a fcrupulous exa: jlcej- leajre . '] ^pitnejje. 1 Icr j'ctran on ane Ejiiyte/ boc. i. e. Thiircilus, Jlatim confcnticntibus univerjis^ qui conventui intercjfenty cum tmnium tejlimoniis,* equo conjcenfo, ad Jan^i JEthelberuti monajlcrium • In the pofleflion of Mr. AAle. t So the original. tcndit^ INTRODUCTION. xv tendit, ad quod prqf'eSlus, quod aSlum erat in quendam evangeliorum co- dicem referri curavit. Tlie original notification of the fuit between Wynfleda and Leofwine, in the reign of king ^thelred, concerning lands at Hacceburne and Bradenfeild, ftill preferved in the Cotton Library, concludes : fyjey psej' aeljr^aji yxy cyningey t^y^^^^ '^° Sejitneyye . t) byjihtjuc ^ leo/juc ac:; hpite c^jican . 1 menis ^od man to eacan him : i. e, Hujus cut em rei tejl'is erat Mlfgarus regis vicecomes, et Eyrhtricus, et Leofricus Whitecercensis atque infuper t.nulti probi homines qui in confentu aderant. The inftrument or purchafe deed of the half hyde of Mahes hyllv, made in the county court oi Hereford, by Leofwitie, likewife concludes with, on SpeSner eojile/ gepitnej-ye, C^c. and was entered in a monaftic evange'.ijleriiim. The original inftruments of iht placitiim in the fynod held at Clofelhouni by king Beornuulf, anno dcccxxiiii, in which Uulfrid, archbifliop of Canterbury, recovered certain lands at Oefwalum Folcanftane, Judgminfter, and Godmerlliam, in confequence of a grant made by earl Aldberht and his filter Selcthryth, is now extant *, and appears to be written on both fides of a fingle leaf of vellum, with the names of the king and the principal perfons prefent fubfcribed thereto, and; was moll: probably regiftered in fome evangelijierium, or other monaftic book belonging to the church of Canterbury, now loft. Further, that this method of recording or perpetuating in /acred hooks belonging to the religious houfes<, the memory not only of placita in the courts of judicature, but of purchafes and donations of land ; the fales, emptions, and manumiffions of fervants ; the purgations of perfons accufed of criminal afts; teftamentary devifesj the buying and donations of moveables; general and fpecial acquit- tances ; the inftitution of gilds or fraternities, and other public ads of notoriety, prevailed in England, during the Anglo-Saxon and Anglo- Danilli times, is fufficiently and fully proved, by the many inftances thereof given in the learned Dr. Hicks's mofl: elaborate Difertatio Epijlotaris, addreffed to Sir Bartholomew Shower. The innovations and iterations in the Englifh laws, introduced by William the Firft, foon after the conqucft, do not feem to have totally eradicated this ufage ; for the fame learned author favours us with a copy of a grant ot tithes to the ii/;bey of Barking, made after the coming in of the Normans, which for want of a better method of recording being then known, was, as he aflures^ us, written in an evangelijierium of that abbey. * In the poirclTion of Mr. Aftle. 2 We ^vi INTRODUCTION. \Vc are not told from what anthentics it tint Einulfus bilhop of RochelKr, tranfcribcd into the Text us Roff'enjis, the famous pladtvjn in the county court at Pincndcn, between Lanfranc archbifliop of Canterbury, and Odo billiop of Bayeux, in the time of WilHam the Firft, for lands be- longing to the archbiihopric, and that other placitum which was tried in the fame reign, between Gundidphus bilhop of Rochefter, and' Pichot, (heriff of Canibridgelhire, for lands in Gifclbam; but zzErnuIphus flouriihed in the times wherein thofe controverfics were determined, and fucceeded to the fee of Rochefter, within feven years after the death of ■Gundulphus, it is moft probable, that he took them from the original notifications or memorials, which were then undoubtedly extant. That tlie ufage of making fuch notifications or memorials of plac'ita heard before the king himfclf in his own court, prevailed in tlie reign of William the Conqueror, and of their being ratified by the fignatures of the king, and likcwife of the queen, if prefent, we have a notable inftance. The original of one of thofe inflruments drawn up in the year 1072, and mentioned by William of Malmlbury in his Hift. lib. 3. p. 117. being now in the archives of die church of Canterbury, from whence it was printed at large by Mr. Madox in his Hiftory of the Exchequer, p. 5. and runs thus: Anno ab incarnatione., D. N. I. C. millefimo feptuagejimo fecuudo, pontificatus autem domini papa Alexandrl undecimo, regnivero Willelmi gloriofi regis Anglorum et duels Nor thmannorum fexto, ex prcccpto ejufdem Alexandri papcE, annuente eodem regc, in prafentid ip/ius, et cp'tfcopornm, atque abbatttm, ventilata ejl cauj'a de primatu quern Lanjrancus Dorober?ienJis archiepifcopus, fuper Eboracenfcni ecclcjiam jure fuce eccle/ia, proclamabat. Huic conjiitutioni conjencerunt pr(tfatus rex, et archiepijcopi, Lanfrancus Cantuaricnjis, et Thomas Eboraccnfis, et cftteri qui interfuerunt epifcopi. Ventilata eft autem hac cauja, prius apud Uucntanam clvltatem, in Pafcall Solemnltatc, in capella regis que fit a efi In cajlello ; poflea In villa regis qua vacatur Uuinrdlfor, ubi et Jinem acccpit in pr(ejentia regis, epifcoporum, et abbatum dlverforum ordinum, qui congregati erant apud curiam regiam, infeJUvitate Petit ecojles. ►J« Sign urn I'Villelmi regis. *\* Signum Mathildls regina. In thofe earlier ages preceding the conqueft, when the lands of England were principally vefted in the crown, the church, and the nobility, when pcrfonal property was fmall and trifling, and trade and commerce (excepting in fuch things as were either neceflary for the defence and fupport of life, or for fupplying the immediate exigencies of the ftate) were little thought of or attended toj fuits at law, efpecially touching matters of importance, could be but few; fo that it cannot be expelled. INTRODUCTION. wii fxpc(^ed, tliat the preferving the memory of the proceedings in thofe caufes, and tl)c judgments given thereon, Ihould then appear Co adv:\n-. tageous, as to fuggeit the ufe of eflabUfhing any mode of officially record- ing tliem in tlie courts, wherein fuch caufes had been tried ; and more efpecially in times, when our kings and their nobilitj were fo much employed in preferving themfelve?, and defending their country, from the piraces and invafions of foreigner,*;, as not to have leifurc to think of making refinements in civil polity ; and much le/s, of framing improve- ments in the forms and pradlice of the courts of iudicnturc. It is, evident, that in thofe times, the care of the revenue, and the regular and punftual collefting of that, and of the taxes aiTclicd upon the lands of England, were confidcred as neceflary and weighty objects of attention. And v^'hen we find that Danege'd was coUetled with fuch llriftnels, that in default of payment by the owners of the lands on which fuch geld \V3.s alltircd, any other perfon might pay the fame, and in confequence thereof inftantly become the proprietor of thofe lands; it cannot be doubted, but that fome regular and exadt forms were ftridly obferved in the royal treafury, not only in the ftating and perpetuating the accompts there proffered, as well of thofe payments which were adtually made and applied, as of fuch as remained behind hand or in charge; but in the entering and recording thofe final accompts, which being made up and pafled by the proper officers, intituled, the Accomp- tant to his (^lietus. It is not indeed at prefent known in what m.anner fuch accompts of receipt and expenditure were entered or regiftered; or whether the fame were entered on ?-olls, or in books, there not being the leaif fragment of any fuch accompts now remaining, fo far at leafl us hath hitherto been difcovered. King Alfred, as foon as he found himfelf freed from thofe enemies, which in the beginning of his reign had difturbedthe public tranquillity, in order to put a flop to the diforders and licentioufnefs which the wars had caufed, ordered a furvey of the whole kingdom to be made, divided it into certain counties, hundreds, and tithings; and having framed fundry laws relating thereto, caufed a tranfcript of them and of the furvey to be made, and depolited for public ufe in his then new-built abbey of Winchefter, where that tranfcript acquired the appellation of Dome eoc or the Judges Directory, and was afterwards commonly called RoTui, us WiNTONijii ; however, whether fuch tranfcript was written on a ro//, or entered in a book, cannot now be afccrtained, as it hath in all probability long fince been entirely loft. Mr. Selden enquired after it in vain, not having been able, as he aflurcs us, upon the moft diligent fearch to meet with the fmallei^ fragment or trsce of it. c \VilHa^Jll xviii INTRODUCTION. William the Norman in the twentieth year of his reign, anno 1086, completed that noble lurvey of all the cities, towns, villages, and lands in the kingdom, which forms the famous Liber Censualis TOTius Angli^t:, or as it is emphatically called Domesday Book, the moft ancient and ineftimable record that this or any other country can boaft of. This furvey is written in two pretty large bound books of different fizes ; whereas, had the method of inrollment or entering records on long rolls of vellum, as now ufed, prevailed in the king's exchequer at the time this furvey was hniflied, it cannot be doubted but that William's zeal for the prefervation and perpetuating of a work which was then efteemed to be of the utmoll; importance to the crown and to the public, and v/hich had been formed from inquifitions taken by his jultices or commiflioners with luch care and exadtnefs, that as a very good judge obferves, every man's right thereby received a new evidence, without any injuflice in the digelling of it being complained of, would have induced that monarch to order fuch furvey to have been written on rollsy rather than transcribed on leaves, and bound up in books, which from their flrudure are much more liable to injuries and decay, than membranes of vellum, when wrapped or wound up in form ot a roll. Mr. CaQey, in the Appendix to his Catalogue uf the MSS. in the king's library, hath engraven a fpecimen of the charadters of a MS. in the Cotton Library, Vitellius c. viii. 13. which he fays is one of thofe rolls or returns out of v.'hich, probably, Doin,jUay Book was made. Should that truly be the cafe, it might furnilh an argument for the ufage of entering matters of record on rolls, being of higher antiquity than can otherwife be allowed j fo that an examination into the real llate of that MS. becomes the more ncceflary. On infpeiition it appears to confiil: of fourteen membranes of vellum written on one tide only, and patV'd on the leaves of part of another manufciipt. The fire which in the year 1731, burnt part of tiie Cottonian Library, hath fhrivelled the upper end of thefe membranes, but not fo much as to render the writing on them illegible. All of them appear to be of the fame breadth, but they are of unequal lengths; fo that notw ithftanding the text is written upon equi-diftant ruled lines, yet the membranes differ confiderably from each other, in the number of lines which they refpedtively contain ; fome having more and others leb", varying from twenty-nine to thirty-fcven lines. On the right hand lide of each of thofe membranes is left a narrow margin ; that of each membrane being of the lame breadth with the margins of the others ; but the writing is continued to the extremity of the membranes, on the left hand. From hence it may with great reafqn be concluded, that thefe membranes were formerly fcwed together end to end. .INTRODUCTION. xbc end, and foiined a long roll, although the marks made by the needle in tacking or Tewing the membranes together, are not now vifiblej the upper and lower end of each xnembrahe having evidently been cut off dole to the wriiing, at the time of their being parted into the book in which they are now placed. That thefe membranes once formed fuch aro//, is furtherconfirmed by a fmall flit which appears to have been made near the bottom of the laft or concluding membrane, for pafling through it and faflening one end of the firing or ligature of the roily although that piece of the membrane which was beneath the flit, is now torn off. Had thefe membranes then compofed one of the original inquifi- tions returned into the exchequer, from the juftices or commiffioners ap- pointed by William the Firfl to make his famous furvey of England, as Mr. Cafley fuggerts they did, fuch inquifition would have been full evidence, that the ufe of rolls for the entry of matters of bufinefs and record was praftifed in England foon after the conqueft. But on perufal of thefe membranes, which contain great part of the furvey for the county oi Kent, it appears, that the pofleflions of each great land-holder therein mentioned, although fituated in fundry dif- ferent hundreds and parts of the county, are brought together, and claffed under the general heads of terra regis, terra archiepifcopi Cantuar, and of this or that bijhop or religious hotife, or great lord or land-holder. , Great part of the writing on the firft membrane is obliterated ; but on the fecond membrane we have, TERRA CANONICOR. S. MARTINI DE DOVRA. In left de Eftrcde habebant canonici de Sc". Martina T. R. E. xxt/olin'. in hundr de Comely et in hmidr de Beaujfeberge in Itfi de linuvarlet haheb' III. ftilins imum in eft rede hwidr aliiim in belift)lt hundr et tertium in blacheft}orn hundr T. R. E.' erant prebende communes et reddebant LXI. lib. int. totu modofunt divife p. ftngulos p. epum baioc. Further, in the third membrane we have, HIC ANNOTANTVR TENENTES TERRAS IN KENT. I. Rex Wills' II. Archiep' Cant' III. Monachi Thorniefi IV. Ep. Rouceftr' V. Ep. Baioc VI. Abbas de Battaile c 2 VII. Abbas 2X INTRODUCTION. VII. Abbas Saudi Auguftini VIII. Abbas de Gand' IX. Hugo de Oxenford' X. Comes Eiiftach' XI. Ricardus Stonebridge XII. Hamo vice com' XIII. Albericus Capellanus. After which follows an account of all the lands of each of thefe tenentes brought together and clafled under the refpecl:ive names or titles of fuch tenentes. \V'hereas the original inquifitions from whence Domejiiay Book was formed, were taken by a jury impanelled and fworn for each hundred fcparately; fo that an account of the lands of each individual liind-holder lituate in fuch particular hundred, was taken and returned in the inquifition for that hundred I'eparately, and without mentioning or paying any regard to fuch other eflates, as the fame land-holder happened to polVefs in the different hundreds of the fame county ; and it was not till after the returns of the inquifitions for all the feveral hundreds within that county had been made, that all the feveral eflates of each individual land-bolder, lying dilperfcd in the different hundreds of the county, were extraded from the refpeftive inquifitions, and claffed together under the name or title oi ixich land- holder. Secondly, In this MS. the account of the Servi, Villani, Cotarii, Bordarii, &c. as alfo many paragraphs inferted in moft of the fedlions in Dotfiefday, are intirely and purpofely omitted- - Thirdly, The hand-writing in this MS. although fmall, and nearly fimilar to that in which the greater volume of Domejday is written, is more modern, being that commonly ufed in the reign of king Henry the Firft. And Az///)/, feveral of the marginal references which occur in \!^z greater Dome/day of the exchequer, are tranfcrihed nnd incorporated into the text of this MS. From what hath been here obTerved, it is therefore plain, that the MS. now under confideration, is not intitled cither to the honour Mr. Calley confers on it, of being one of the ori- ginal inquifitions from whence the Dotnefday of William the Conque- ror was framed ; or to the charader given of it by Mr. Smith, who,- in his catalogue of the Cottonian Library, calls it Pars libri cenjualls z-o~ cati Domesday continens dijcriptionem cantii. Characlere antiquo ct tetnporibus regis W. I. cotnpetenie ; but, that on the contrary, it is a tranfcript, fomewhat abridged, of part of the conqueror's Domejday, and in all probability is one of thofe rolls or copies, which in aniicnt times it was ufual for great lords, and others, to have made for thc;r private ufe, and in which, only particular parts, and not the whole county, were tranfcribcd. Such were thofe which Dr. Gale, in his Script' Angt\ vol. \\\. p. 795, mentions to have been taken for the INTRODUCTIO N. XXX the archblflit)p of Canterbury, and the abbies of Croyland, Ely, and i Worcefter. No other MS. at prefent known, hath juft pretenfions to be deemed - one of the original inquilitions for Dornejday : perhaps little attention., was paid to their prefervation, after the conqueror's Domesday Book. had been compiled and ratified by the royal authority. Sir Henry Spelman, Mr, Selden, and many other celebrated antiq^uaries of the lafl . and prefent century, have been indefatigable in their enquiries after thofe original inquifitionsj but the refult of all their labours hath amounted, to no more than the difcovery of a copy of the inquifition. for part of Cambridgefl:iire, bound up with the famous Liber Rlienjis, now in the • Cottonian Library, Tiberius, A. VI — 4. both which MSS. as appears by a note written at the bottom of the firil page, of the volume, were given to Sir Robert Cotton, by that induftrious antiquary Mr. Arthur Agarde, one of the then chamberlains of the exchequer. This MS. is, however, written in double columns on both fides the leaf, and was evidently taken, in the reign of king Henry the Third,, and not in the time of Henry, the Second, as Mr. Webb in his further Account of domesday Survey fuppofes. , The library of the cathedral church of Exeter contains a moft venera- ble ancient MS. being the Domefday for part of the five weftern countaes of Cornwall, Devon, Dorfet, Wilts, and Somerfetj but this MS. being,- confefledly written on both the fides or pages of a number of feparate . leaves of vellum put togetlier in form of a book,it is not material for tha ■ prefent purpofe,. to enquire, whether it ever was part of an original volume . of Domefday^ the,refl of which is now loft; or is a tranfcript fromr the Domefday now remaining in the exchequer; or whether it is either a . compilation made from the original inquifitions, and co^eval with - Domefday.Bo:ky or anterior thereto in point of date, and drawn up from . the inquifitions, previous to their being, returned by the taxors or com-, miffioners into the king's exchequer. , Ingulphus, abbot of Croyland, an hiftorian. of undoubted credit,-: who lived in the reign, and was an attendant upon the court of William, the Norman, fpeaking of the famous furyey made by that monarch, gives . it, the appellation of Rotulus. Ipf'e Rotidus, fays that writer, sjocatiir . RoTULus WiNTONi,^, et ab. Anglicis pro Jua. gcncraUtate, .omnia toiius ■ term integri continent c, YiohW-STiAY cognominatur; and then adds, /^//'/^ i- RoTULUM £t imdtimi Jimilem,. ediderat quondam rex ylfredus^ qui qui dan , Rotulus Wintqni^ •vocatus. cfl, quia difponcbatw apud ,W.intwia>nt.\ io.nfrvondus. . 7 i*^ xxil I ;v T R O D U C T 1 O X. • In like manacr Mr. Hearne, in his preface to H:'->tingi Chartiihrkm ecchP.e ly'igornenjis, fpeal^ing of king Alfred, fays, ipfe librum Domk?day ^nficicttrttvfrat, V-otvlvm, a hco ubirecondfbatttr, \\ intom^, baud J-aro ifocitalum. Hbwever Ingulphus is not to be underftood as making ufc of the word Roxt'Lus in this paifage, to denote a roll or rrumber of pieces cither of parchmeiTt, or velhmi \\"onnd up together in a cylindrical form, in contra-dillinclion to the Saxon word Boc or book, bnt as ufing that word in the fune fenfe with RECORnuM, a record, for in a line or two after, he informs us of the matter contained in the Domesday of William the Norman, and then goes on with faying ; aSvi ego ipfe Uinc Lundonias ; et hec tenementa nojira, de utroque rotvlo pr^rdi^o vulgar: ter cb Anglich cognominato Doyiz^n ay except.', multo Jludio, ac tton parvis J'urv.ptibus, ftatui meis pojieris J alt em breviter annotare, phirima obbreviatis, ac novnuUa latius declarans, ad meliorem meorum fiicccforum 7}0titiam. S>i(nd ft quis pojierontm, de verba ad verbum, prout dijfufe in ditlis ROTvLis ORIGIN ALT BUS tenement a nojlra confcribuntur agnofcere mahterit, dltlos rotulos pet at et diligentiir exquirat, ^c. (s'e. Now as it is evident from the above cited pafTage, that at the time Ingulphus wrote his hillory, the Domesday of Alfred was extant at Winchellcr, as truly as that of king William the Norman was pre- fervedin the exchequer at Weftminller; and that Ingulphus had frequently feen, and was converfant in both of thofe furvcys, and confequently muft well know that the conqueror's Dofne/day was written in booh and not on rolls : had the furvey of king Alfred been entered on one or more roll or rolls, he would not have applied the appellation rotulus to both of thofe furveys indifcriminately, as he hath profelfcdly done, but would have written with greater accuracy and precifion, and have ftiled Alfred's furvey rotulus, and that of William cither codex, liber, or BOC. Giraldus Cambrenfis, lib. II. cap. 6, and the author of the Dialogus de Scaccario, fpeaking of William's furvey, both make ufe of the word rotulus; and in like manner the judicious Mr. Madox in his Difceptatio Epi/hlaris caWs the fame furvey rotulus censualis; vhereas neither of thofe writers, nor the accurate Mr. Thomas Hearne aforementionL-d, all of whom well knew, and had frequently had re- courfe to that furvey, would have made ufe of the word rotulus had they intended by that word, to fpeak of or fignifiy a roll in contra- diftindtion to codex, or liber, a book. That foreign writers, equally with thofe of our own country, make ufe of the word rotulus as fynonimous with liber or codex, we have feveral inftances. The regiftries of the judiciary adls of the empire, and the chartularies of the emperors, both which began to be ufed in the Eaft and Weft, 4 about INTRODUCTION. xxiii about the reign of Theodofius the younger, are by the hlftcrians called RoruLi, although fuch judiciary adls, and the charters granted by the emperors were written and recorded in Booh, Durandus, //6. I. Ration, cap. 3. num 11. fays, Prophetas ct apojiolos depingi Jolere cum kotmx.\%. vel LiBRis. Ordericus. Vitalis, lib. III. & XL p. 495, ufes the word lioTULUS to the fame purport, and many other inflances of the like fort are given by Monfieur Dufrefne in his Glojj'nriuni., voce rotulus. More- over the learned Hincmar conflantly makes ufe of the word Rotula to exprefs a familiar letter or epiftle. Fabian in his chronicle mentions a very ancient regifter or dom-boc, which in his time was preferved with the utmoll veneration in the archives of the city of London, and in which the names of the portgereves, together with the laws and cuftoms of that city, were recorded: and this he fays, was not written on a roll, but confifted of a number of leaves bound up together in form of a Book. William the conqueror did not furvive the completing of his furvey much longer than one year, and it is likely that the ufage of inroUments had not then gained any footing, either in the courts of law, or in the chancery, although i-olh might at that time have been ufed in the king's exchequer, for recording the feveral articles of charge and dif-harge, and other matters of the revenue accompts. Kichard Fitz-Nigel, bidaop of London and treafurer to king Richard the Firll, allures us ia his Dialogus de Scaccario, that the rotuli annales of king Henry the Firft were remaining at the exchequer in his timej and Alexander de Swertfoid, archdeacon of Salop, who in the third year of king Henry the Third was a clerk in the exchequer, afterwards one of the barons, and the compiler ot the red-book, tells us, that he had {ancis Bacon, then lord keeper of the great feal, and feveral of the king's council, they certified to his majelly as their opinions, that the eftablifhment of an office of general remembrance of •matters of record would be beneficial to the commonwealth, and. no way * SeeSututcS Geo. I.x:ap. 26, for fiipplyiog fome dcfefts in the above-mentioned Aatute. prejudicial INTRODUCTION. xxxl prejudicial to any of the record officers in their feveral offices and places of employment. In confequence of this opinion the king by his letters patent, dated pth Oftober in the fifteenth year of his reign, reciting, ** that the multiplicity of fearches in the feveral courts of juftice and ** equity, and the offices belonging to the fame and in other offices and «* places witfcin the realm of England, to find out fuch charges and ** incumbrances entered upon record or othervvife entered, regiftered, or " kept in any courts whatfover, within the realm of England, or in any " other office or place whatfoever within thefaid realm, as might any- *• ways be prejudicial to purchafers of lands, or unto creditors, or to ex- *' ecutors or adminiftrators of perfons deceafed, for want of knowlege *• thereof, or of fuch difcharges as had thereupon been duly had and. *' made ; then was, and theretofore had been fo manifold intricate, *' chargeable, tedious, and uncertain, as that no purchafer, without a *' multitude of feveral fearches in the faid feveral courts, offices, and places, and without great charge and trouble, could be fure or fecured from, or be able to know or find out, fuch incumbrances whereby the lands might be charged, or the due and legal difcharges of the fame,, if any fuch had been ; and that no executor or adminiftrator could be *' fecure to ftand freed from the payment out of his own eflate, of diverfe debts and dudes due by the deceafed, notwithftanding fuchv executors and adminiftrators had formerly truly paid to the full and true value of the perfonal eftate of the teflator, or intellate, for want of knowlege of the fuits and judgments for debts or damages. ** wherewith they were or might be charged by matter of record, *♦ which by the law were and ought to have been by them firft paid *'.and fatisficd; whereby great damage, mifchief, and inconveniences. ** daily happened to diverfe perfons for want of ready, certain, andi ** fpeedy means to difcover or find out the famej" and alfo reciting^- ** that the king being minded to prevent fuch mifchiefs, prejudices, and ** troubles as might thereafter arife concerning the premifes, and in- ** tending to provide for the fafety, fecurity, and common good of his- *• fubjedls, by eredling and eflabliihing fome certain office or place ** whereto his fubjedls might rcfort and be truly informed and afcer- *' tained, and thereby avoid the expence and trouble they then were. ** enforced to undergo for their fecurity and fatisfa£tion, by the multi- ** tude and uncertainty of fearches in the feveral courts and offices of *• the realm;" grantcJy ordained, created, and appointed, that there fliould be for ever thereafter an office which fliould be called the office of GENERAL TIEMEMBRANCE OF MATTERS OF RECORD ; and that the officer or ojpcers to execute the fame ihould be called the general, REMEMBRANCER «< <( €* xxxU INTRODUCTION. REMEMBUANCrU Of REMFMBK A NCERS OF MATTERS OF RECORD, and hnve power and authority by him or themfelves, or by his or their fuf- ficient deputy or deputies, to enter and keep in books to be provided for that purpofe, in form of an alphabetical table, remembrance or re- pertory, by the ^irnamcs of the parties ; an abftracl or entry of all fuch matters of record, £=?<:. as thereafter fhould be had or made in the courts of chancery, kings bench, common picas, and exchequer, as alfo in the courts of marfhalfea and other inferior courts of recor by a certain officer or officers who ffiould from time to time be conftituted by letters patent under the great feal of England; and to \vhich ojice of general remembrance, the alphabetical digefting and entering in form of an alphabetical table, remembrance, or repofitory, all the before-mentioned matters, fhould thereafter only and particularly be united and annexed. Thefe letters patent were "ranted \iuio John Fermoiir, John Friend, and Henry Mules, efquires, and to the longed liver of them ; which patentees were further authorized to demand and take from fuch perfon, as from time to time Hiould make fcarch in the faid oficc of general remembrance, for everyone w^hole and intire fearch, to be made for fuch an J fo long time as the party fearch- ing fliould defire the fame, the fum o^^/:xteenpe>'ce, be-ng, as the-patent de- clares, the fum which at that time ufed to be paid for and upon fearches made for letters patent, or other matters remaining of record in the chapel of the rolls. air Thomas Wifon, nephew to Dr. Wllfon, fecretary of ftate, be- ing on the 24th of June 1612, appointed keeper and regllter of the '- papers xxxW INTRODUCTION. papers of fiafe, an office that had been inftituted by iing Henry the Eighth towards the beginning of his reign, foon after received the po- fuive commands of king James to reduce into the fet form of a li- brary all the ftate papers then in his cullody; all which, until that time, had been kept locked up in boxes ; and to place them in an apart- ment fitt.d up for their reception within the old Bnnquetting Houfe at Whitehall; and thefe orders were accordingly carried into execution with the utmoft: difpatch. At the clofe of the year 1612 a fire happened in the office of the JIk clerks of the court cf chancery, by which nvany bills, anfwers, and other pleadings, together with the depofitions of witneffes and decrees, as alfo divers patent rolls, warrants, and other records then remaining in that office, were intircly confumed ; this accident might have been produc- tive of the mofl: dreadful and injurious events to many of the fuitors of that court, had not the king by the advice of his privy council, in order to adminirtcr all poffible means of relief to his fubjeds affirdted by that calamity, on the feventh day of January following iffueda proclamation, declaring, " that any exemplification or authentique copy of fuch bills, *' anfwers, pleadings, and depofitions, the records and originals whereof *• were burnt, which fhould be produced by any of the parties con- " cerned, fhould at their requefl be again written out, hied, and re- " corded. That in cafe no copies of any depofitions were made, the " commiffioners, in whofe hands the original depofitions remained, " Ihould certify the fame again into the court of chancery, there to *♦ remain of record; and where depofitions taken in any undetermined ♦' caufe were burnt, and could not be renewed by the means before- «' mentioned, the lord keeper fhould give proper orders for the relief of " the party grieved, either by ordering a new examination of witnefl'es, *' or otherwife as he ffiould find fit. That where any decree or inrol- •• ment thereof had been burnt, any exemplifieation of fuch decree or " any writ de executione decreti fliould be new written and inrolled. " That all inrolments of patents burnt, on the producing the origi- *' nal patent, or any exemplification or conllat thereof, and upon view '* of the original bill or warrant under the fignet or privy leal, and of the ** books of inrolments remaining in the cuflody of the clerk of the ha~ " naper, fhould be newly written, entered, and inrolled of record. That «' the lord keejier or the mafler of the rolls fhould quiet, fettle, and re- *' concile all fuch ambiguities, doubts, and queflions, as might arife *' concerning the due execution of the matter contained in luch pro- «« clamation ; and that fuch perfons only fliould have the benefit of fuch ♦' prock' INTRODUCTION. xxxv '* proclamation, who requefted the fiime before the tenth djy of Jul}' " then next enfuing." The immenfe quantity of manufcripts, which the afliduity of Sir Robert Cotton had col'ieded together, in order to form his library, began to be much fpoken of at the time king Charles the Firji afcended the throne, and the free accefs thereto, wherewith he ge- neroufly indulged every perfon of literature, foon difcovered that feveral papers and other writings, fuppofed more properly to belong to the public, were then in his poireflion. On information of this matter be- ing given to the king, the then court of ftar-chamber decreed, that fome perfons of truft and quality fhould be appointed to fearch and view what books, papers, and other writings of flate properly belonging to the crown, were remaining mSir Rohert''s cuftody; and accordingly the king, on the fecond of Oftober, in the fixth year of his reign, appointed Henry t^xXo^ MoMcheJierzxi^ others "to view and take an account in writing " of fuch records, books, writings, and original papers of flate, properly " belonging to the crown, as did remain with Sir Robert, or with any " other perfon for him or his ufe, and directing them to lay fuch account " before his majefty, that further orders and directions might be given " therein". The like inquiries were made into other colledlions of ma- nufcripts: and an attention to the care of the public muniments feemed to be then gaining ground. But the troubles which diftradled the king- dom in the following part of this reign, fcarce allowed either oppor- tunity or leifure for carrying on thofe public purfuits and improvements which are better adapted to times of peace and tranquillity ; io that it is no wonder that we do not find any further particular attention paid to the regulation of the public records during that period : on the con- trary they, together with many of our other national muniments, were not permitted to remain undifturbed in their ancient repofitories j no in- confiderable number of them, almofi: from the inftant that the com- mons and their committees affumed the reins of government, being re- moved, carried about, and at length detained, fome in private hands, and others in improper places. The long ufurpation which followed upon the king's death was equally unfivourable to them, many becoming fufferers, efpecially thofe which more immediately related to affairs of ftate, owing in great meafure to the free accefs which BradJJoaWi Thurloe, Milton, and other grandees of thofe times had to them. The evils likely to arife from fuch treatment, and detention of the records end papers ofjlate induced the houfe of lords, previous to the return of king Charles the Second, to give orders on the 2. id day of May 1660 for fecuring all fuch records, papers, and other \7ritings belonging to the e a public. xxxvi INTRODUCTION. public, as were then in the houfe of John Phelps, one of the regicides. As foon as the Redoration had taken place, and legal government was hap- pily re-cfl;abli{hed, the king and his minifters applied themfelvcs with a becoming ardour to the refcuing the public records and papers from the dangers and injuries to which they had long been expofed, and for the re- ftoring them to the feveral offices to which they refpedtively of right be- longed. Undoubted intelligence having been received that divers books, treaties, papers, and records of ftate, had, during the then late unhappy troubles, got into the hands of "John Thurlo:, John Bradpaiv, ferjeant at law, Henry Scobell, and fundry other perfons, his majcjiy king Charles the Second by his warrant dated the 12th of February 1660, directed Mr. Thomas Raymond, the then keeper of the paper-office, to repair to thofe parties, or to their executors or adminirtrators, and receive from them all I'uch books, treaties, papers, and records of flate, as were then in cither of their cuftodies, and to depofit them lafely in the papcr-ojfice ct Whitehall; further ordering Mr. Rayj/wnd, to report to the privy council the names of every perfon who ihould refufe to deliver fuch books, Sec. to him. Soon after, the {QveTa.1 Jerjeants at arms. Colonel Hally, and others were commanded to bring in all fuch records and papers of flate, &c. as they had in their hands. About the fame time divers papers of the like kind were feized among Bradjhaz^^s goods, and elfewherc, and delivered to the lord Gerrard of' Brandon for his majefty's fervice. P'or the like purpofes numerous and repeated orders were afterwards iffued, and ytt fome of thefe orders were not attended with that fuecefs which was expeiftcd and moft zealoufly fought for. In ihe year 1661 the care of the To' records was confided to that induilrious antiquary Mr. JVilliam Prynne, who, in obedience to the royal mandate, not only favcd and brought to liglit from oblivion and confufion, great numbers of ancient and valuable parliamentary and other records, which, as he informs us, * through negligence, nefcience, andjloatbfulnefs had for many years then faji layen buried together In one confufed chaos under corroding putrifying cohwebbs, uujl, and filth, in the darkeji corners' of CaJ'ars chapel, in the White Tower ; but afterwards forteri, mardialled, and arranged tliem in fuch method, that by the affidance of the tables and calendars which he made, any perfon might have eafy rccourfe to- any of thofe records. The fnmc king, in the nineteenth year of his reign, having caufed an en- quiry to be made into the ftate of the records of the cou:t of co^nmon pleas found that the pl.'a rollsoi that court began to perifla for want of convenient room in the treafury where they lay; and not having calendars made unto •Preface to Brevia Parlii.mcntaria rediviva, part 3. them. INTRODUCTION. xxxvii them, wereufelefstohis fuhjefts: whereupon he iflued a warrant direa:ed to Sir Orlando Bridgeman, then keeper of the great feal, authorizing him to feal a precept, direded to the lord chief juftice of the com7non pleas, for the fpeedy delivery of all x\\zp]ea rolls from the end of the reign of king Richard the Second, until the beginning of the reign of king Edward the Jixth, that were then in his cuftody, unto the treafurer and chamberlains of the exchequer, to be by them kept, and fitted with proper calendars, in like manner as the reft of the rolls of that kind until the end of the reign of king Edward the fecond then were; and a tranfmlflion v/as ac- cordingly made, as is teftified by an indenture of the firft day of Auguft 1670. It being reprefented to his majefty in the following year, that the bundles of bills, anfwers, depofitions, and other pleadings of the court of chancery, for want of convenient room in the office of the fix clerks to keep them in, were in danger of receiving prejudice ; and that there was not any room for them in the chapel of the rolls; Sir Algertton Mc given upon thofe matters as his majefty fliould think proper. No direftions being however iflued, the fix clerks in February 1722 applied to the lords of the treafury for the grant of that room, but the board of ordnance perfifling in the impoflibility of their being able to quit it without fiuther provifions being made for their ftores, no further rteps were taken towards the removal of thofe records, when the fix clerks made their report to the committee appointed to view the Cottonian Library in the year 1732. Soon after the commencement of the next feflions of parliament, a committee of lords was again appointed to inlpedt the parliament office, as alfo the records and public papers ; and on the third of July 1724 '^jobn Laioton^ efquire, with neceflary afliftants, was appointed to fort and di- geil the numerous records depofited in the chapter-houfe at Vl'ejimitijiert which till that time had continued in the utmoft diforder. In confequence of the reports made by the lords committees on the ifi: and 22d of May 1 725, and of their addrefles prefented to his majefty, diredions were given for making fuch conveniencies and repairs, as might be necefl^iry for the more fafe depofiting and keeping the records in the parliament office and king's hoiije adjoining ; for the uflier of the black rod's delivering to Mr, LawtoUy then lately employed to fort and digeft the records in the chapter-houfe, all fuch records as were then in his cuftody, and lying in great diforder and danger of being deftroyed, in certain rooms adjoining to the houfe of lords ; and for preparing conveniencies in the chapter-houfe at Wejlnmjler for the reception of fuch records as were then depofited therein, and fuch others as might thereafter be tranfiiiitted thither. The lords committees having made a further report on the 25th day of May 1728, in which it was reprefented, that the records of the court of wards and liveries, lying in rooms adjoining to the houfe of lords, and a vaft number oi exchequer records eficcmed of great value, lying over the gateway leading from St. Margaret's lane into the New Palace-yard, but which were in a perifliing condition ; together with a room full oikings bench and common pleas proceedings, then lying over the houfe of commons in dufl: and rubbifli, might be removed to the chapter- f 2 houfe. xVi7 INTRODUCTION. houfe, whicli was then made a common repofitory for records; as alfo, that jiunJJjam Churchill, not having dehvcred up the iMSS. volumes oi tran- /cripts of records made by Mr. Rymer into the hands of the houfe-keeper of the houfe or lords, as he had been direcled to do, and being then dead, thofe tranfcripts remained in the hands of his executors, and that therefore fome effedtual orders (hould be taken for the delivery of them ; it was ordered by their lordlTiips, that the records and papers relating to the court ofii'ards and liveries, as alfo thofe lying over the gateivay leading into the New Palace-yard, together with a room full of kings bench and common pleas proceedings, then lying over the houfe of commons, fliould be forth- with removed to the chapter- houfe; and that Air. Rymer's MSS. volumes of records ihould be forthwith delivered to the keeper of the records in the chapter-houfe, for their fafe culliody and public ufe *. Part of the manufcripts in the Cottonian Library being burnt, and others greatly damaged by a fire which happened at Alhburnham houfe in Little Dean's Yard, Wcftminftcr, in the year 1731, the houfe of commons appointed a committee to view that library, as alfo fuch of the public records of the kingdom as they fhould think fit; dirediing them^ to report to the houfe, " the condition thereof, together with what they " (hould judge fit to be done for the better reception, prefervation, and ** more convenient ufe of the fame." In compliance with thefe in- ftruftions, that committee not only vifited the feveral public repofitories and offices of record, but directed the refpedive keepers to lay before them an account in writing of the nature of the records in their cuftody, of the ftatc in which they then were, and of what was neceffary to be done, to put the fame into a more proper condition, and make them more ufeful to the public ; and having confidered the "feveral accounts prefentcd to them by the refpedivc record keepers, on the 9th of May 1732 reported their proceedings and opinions to the houfe of commons, who immediately refolved on an addrefs to his majeliy, v. hereby, after having ftated the ruinous and dangerous condition of fome of the public records, and the too narrow and confined apartments afilgned for the recep- tion of others; the prejudices arifing from fome of the records not being de- depofited in their offices, but cither remaining in private hands, or in places not afligned for public records, nor under the care of any ftated officer; and the great inconveniencies which have arifen to the inquirers after fuch ufeful knowlege, not only from thofe difficulties, but alfo from the un- diftinguifliing manner in which fome of the national records had been iccpt; humbly begfught his majefty to give fuch directions as he Ihould * Tbcfe MSS. Tolumes are now la the Briiilh Mufcuin. tliank INTRODUCTION. xlv think fit, for the better reception and more convenient ufe of the public records of the kingdom ; at the fame time airuring his majefty, that whatever extraordinary expences Ihould be incurred by the diretflions to be givea by him on that occafion, fhould with greai cheerfulnefs be provided for •and made good by them. The zeal wherewith thofe enquiries had been purfued, and the fenti- ments of the houfe as exprefled in their addrefs, favoured the wifhes long entertained by the public, that fome more effedual methods than were at that time obferved, might be adopted by the legiflature for mak- ing the contents of our national records and muniments generally known, and the iearches into them certain, eafy, and expeditious. l"o this end fome propolitions had then lately been made, which met with the ap- probation of thofe who were thought to be competent judges in fuch ■ matters. The coiledting together and removal of records from offices -and places where they were improperly lodged, into repofitories belong- ing to the offices where they were originally formed, and to which they of right belong, and the giving public notice from time to time of fuch alteration of cuftody, was conlidered as a material and advifable ftep to be taken towards forwarding the defired purpofes ; which it was con- ceived might be il'iW further erfeded, by the forming and publication either of perfed; calendars or complete mdices to fuch fpecies of our records as mighi: be deemed inofl materially ufeful to the public: whereby tedious and precarious fearches would in great meafure be prevented, and many curious and interefting remains of antiquity, long negleded and unknown, might in all probability be brought to light. Thefe particular dcjiderata in record learning have not hitherto been lupplied; but in other refpedls relative to records, the indulgence and beneficence of the crown, and both houfes of parliament, and their attention to the records, have of late been extended much further, and conferred on the public in fo peculiar a manner, as mufl; always be remembered and acknowleged with gratitude. In 1742 the houfe of commons rcfolved, that all the journals of that houfe, commencing with the book called Seymour, which begins with the reign oi kijig Edward the Sixth, and is the firft of thofe journals now extant, fliould be printed j and in confequence of fuch refolution many volumes of that ufeful and truly valuable work are in the hands of the public. In November 1755, twenty-two bags of records, papers, and other Writings belonging to his majcfly, being found concealed in the houfe of the then late John Anftis, efquirc, garter king at arms, at Mortlake in Surrey, were feized and brought fiora thence, as being the property of the crown. The xlvl INTRODUCTION. The printing all the rolls of parliament now extant, and the journals of the boufe lords, puri'uant to their lordfliips order of the 9th of March 1767, the directions given for puhliiliii g that moll ancient and inefti- mable record Domesday, and the appointments and provifions made by his prelcnt majclly for the regulating, methodizing, and digefting the public records and muniments, and for making proper calendars and indices thereto, wliilft they refledl a lading honour on the promoters of thofc laudable and beneficial deligns, will dillinguiih the pref'nt reign and render his maje/iy's name and memory admired, beloved, and revered to lateft porterity. Such printed afliftances as our inquiries after the contents of the public records have received from the of private perfons are but few, and thofe flightand no ways fatisfacl-oiy. Thomas Powell's repertory ef records in the exchequer, and direSlions jor farch of thofe that are there; as likeivife, in the Chancery and Tower, with the acciijhmedfees for fuch inquiries, hrll publlfhed in 1622, and afterwards, Ibmewhat more inlarged, in the year 1631, quarto, is no more than a very general Itate of thofe records, and upon the whole but an indifferent and unedifying performance. Fabian Phillip'' s Lifl of the Publick Records of the King- dom, and Sir 'Julius Cafar's Account of the Records of the Court of Requefls, arc of the fame itamp. The account of the contents of our fevcral offices of record, as given by BiJl:op Nicofon in the third part of his E.nglijh Hforical Library, is fo general, that it rather raifes our expec- tations than guides us in our fearches. The general Table of Records of the Kingdom drawn up by Mr. Law ton under four different heads, viz. The Records of the Court of Chancery, of the Common Law, of the Exchequer, and of the Duchy Court of Lancajler, printed in the report from the Committee appointed to view the Cottonian Library, &c. is a better diredcory, fo fur as relates to the general rtate of the records of thofe courts and the places where they are depofited. But far more copious and fcientific, and of much greater ufc, is the Index to the records, with direSlions to the feveral places where they are to be found, printed in octaio 1739. In 1742 Mr. Thomas Carte publifhed in two volumes in folio a ca- lendar of the Vrfcon, Norman, and French rolls remaining in the Tower of London, under the title oi Catalogue dcs Rolls Gascons, Normans, ft Francois, coiferies dans les archives de la Tour de Londres, tir^ d'apres celui du garde des dites archives ; et contenant le precis et fommaire de tous les titres qui sy trouvent concernant la Guienne, la Normandie, et les autre s provinces de la France fujettcs autrefois aux rois d'Angleterke. 3 The INTRODUCTION. xlvii The favourable reception thofe volumes met with both at home and abroad upon their firft appearance, and the efleem in which they have ever fince been held, are no fmall proofs of the utility of works of that fort, and induces a prefumption that a funilar attempt in refpeft to fomc other of our public records, of much greater and more general ufe, and which was drawn up by the fimeable hand that formed thofe calendars pub- liihed h^Mr.Carte,W\\\ not be thought altogether unworthy of the prefs. The editor of the following rtieets, therefore, with great fubmilTion, now lays before the public feparate calendars of the ancient char- ters, PAPAL BULLS AND LETTERS, and thofe of the Welch and Scotch rolls retnaiiiing in the Tower of London ; which calendars he flatters himfelf will not prove unacceptable ; more efpecinlly as moft of the records mentioned in them relate to affliirs which, at the time of their being tranficled, drew the attention of all Europe, and have ever fince been con'.idcred as highly interefting and important to this king- dom J and as all of them tend to illuftrate different parts of our Englifh hillory and antiquities, which for want of fuch afliftants have not hitherto been fo clearly and perfedly underflood as they ought to be. That the accuracy oi thefe calendars are fafely to be relied on, will not remain a doubt, when the reader is informed that they are carefully printed from the originals formerly belonging to and in the hand- writing of that able and experienced record officer Mr. James Ste-warf, who was well known to have been long converfant with the Tower records, and which cal[ ndab<-, were communicated to the editor by his learned friend Dr. Wd'iiam Hunter, F. R. S. F. S. A. and one of the phyficians in ordinary to her majell:y, into whofe hands they fell after the death of the before-mentioned gentleman. To thefe are fubjoined, as not being improper attendants on the former part of tins work, a calendar compiled by Mr. Arthur- Agarde, one of the deputy chamberlains of the exchequer in the rei<»ns of queen Elizabeth and king Jamei the Firji, of all the treaties of peace ^ truce, &c. concluded between the kings of England and Scotland, and of the feveral inftriiments, letters, and papers oj- Jlate, relating to the InJU mentioned kingdom, from the re:gn c/ king Richard the Firft to the year- 1586, now remaining in the chapter-houfe at Wejlmin[ler ; a cata- logue ^ />6^ mmiimenis which were taken from the royal treafiiry ^i; Edinburgh, and carried to and depofted at Berwick upon Tweed, by order o/^king Edward the Firft,- on the lyl day o/'Auguft, in the 7.0th year of his reign; and a catalogue of the Scot tip muniments and ivritings,, that were delivered by John dc Drokensford, clerk of the king's wardrobey. to the trenfurer, and chamberlains of the exchequer at Wellminfter, on the- \bth day 0/' January 1292, printed from tranftripts made by Mr. Agarde-,^ likewifej xlviii INTRODUCTION. likewiCe two curious original Charters, one of Richard the Firji, king of England, and the other, of W'tUiam furnamed 'The Lyon, king of Scotland; the Proceedings relating to the carry:r.g back inta^ ^colX^ndfcveral of the Scottilh records', the Proceedings of the Pa//ia~ inent o/" Scotland yro.v; the %th of March 1650; audyiwr Memoranda relating to the a fairs of Ireland. Although the records ulually called the CirARXiE Antiqu.^ make no inconliderable part of the SupelUx Litcraria of the record tffice in tlie Tower of London, yet their contents have not hithero been i'utiiciently inveftigated and made known. In fadt they are of fo mifccllaneous and comprehenfive a nature, that without cultivating a more particular ac- quaintance with them, than, generally fpeaking, hath been made with the other fpecies of our records, it is impoflible to conceive a jull idea of that cxtenfive variety of important matters to which thofe venerable remains of antiquity relate, and of the many rare materials, not to be drawn from any other fund of intelligence, which they furnilli, not only for illuf- trating the civil and eccleliailical as well as the local hiftory of the king- dom, but for evincing and afcertaining the legal rights and property of individuals; fo that a calendar of them becomes a necelTary part of our libraries. The Calendar oi the papal bulls and letters, which immediately follows that of thcChart^ Antique, will not be found Id's uklul. For although it may perhaps be imagined that the feveral writers who have employed their labours in developing and detecting the papal ufur- pations in this kingdom, and particularly Mr. Frynne, have ranfacked all the inilruments mentioned in the calendars, yet, on examination, they will be found to ccntain inan^ material circumllances which did not fall within the coi,nizance of any of thofe writers. The affairs to which moft of the records mentioned in the fubfequent calendars relate, are ftill more intereftingj and explam the hiftory of times which were not only bufy and aiftive, but make a very confiderable figure in the EnglilTi annals. Notwithft nding the connecftion which from very early times fubfifted between England and Scotland, and the difputes and wars carried on between the two nations in relpedl to the feveral claims and rights de- manded by each, no authentic inftrument or record relitive thereto, of an enrlicr date than the reign of king Richard the Firji, is now to be met with; there is indeed in the chapter-houfe at Weftminfter an inft^rument faid to be that o! the homage made by Malcolm king of Scotland r^o king Edward the Confejfor, but this on firft fight appears to be fpurious ; and, by whomfocvcr it may have been fabricated, is evidently written in a hand nut older than the reign of king Edivard the "Xhird. In INTRODUCTION. xHx ^n the year 1 174 William king of Scotland being taken prifoner by the Englirti forces near Alnwick, was confined in the cartle of Richmond; but kifig Henry the Second foon after finding himfelf ncceflitated to go into Normandy, carried over with him this Scottifl) king, together with many other confiderable captives. On the 8th of December following the two kings being at Falaife; a convention was agreed upon between them. For the due performance of the conditions of this convention on the part of the king of Scotland, the cafties of Beruuick, Roxburgh, ycdburgh, Eden- burgh, and Sterling, were to be put into the hands of king Henry, and William, having given hoftages, fworn fealty, and done homage to him, was fet at Liberty. In the year 1175 the two kings by appointment met ^tTork, William being attended by all the bifliops abbots, earls, barons, knights, and freeholders holding immediately of his crown, from the greateft to the lowed: in his kingdom, in order to do homage and fwear fealty with him to the king of England and his fucceflbrs for ever; and on the 18th of Auguft all the parties affembled in the cathedral church, when the conven- tion of Falaije being read to them, it received their approbation, and was ratified by William and his brother David, both of whom put their hands and feals to the inflrument, fwore fealty and did homage to king Henry, as did alfo the Scottith earls, barons, and all the refl of the attendants on William. In this ftate all matters between the two kingdoms continued during the remainder of king Henrfs reign. King Richard the Firji, a few months after his coming to the crown, de- termined on an expedition to the Holy Land, and for that purpofe fetting out to embark at Dover, was met at Canterbury by king William of Scotland and his brother David; William took this opportunity, when Richard was flriving to amafs as much money as he could, towards defraying the expences of his expedition, to prevail with him for 10,000 marks fterling toreflore the cafties of Berwick and Roxburgh, to releafe Wlliafn of all the engagements he had entered into with the late king when he was freed from his captivity, to deliver up the inftruments containing the profeflions of allegiance made by the barons of Scotland, and to receive William^ homage on the fame footing it had been made by his predeceflor il/rtAWw; and that fuchof thofe inftruments as might not happen to be given up, iliould be deemed null and void. It is at this period that the treaties, conventions, and ether inftruments relating to the kingdom oj Scotland, now preferved in the chapter- Imije at Wcjhninftery may properly be faid to commence. The firft inlhument mentioned in the calendar, excepting the fuppofiriiious homage paid by Malcolm to king Ed- 'wardtheCoifc-jjor, alicady taken noticeofj beinga letter oi k\\-)gRicbardthe Eirji g dated I INTRODUCTION. dated thejth of December in the firfl: year of his reign, concerning the reddi- tionoi'thcciil\cio(Roxl>urg/jand Berwick, the rcftitution of all liberties which kings of Scotland enjoyed before the captivity of king IP'iliiam, and the reftoring all fuch letters touching thofe matters a<; were then known to be extant ; as alfo declaring that fuch as might thereafter be difcovered fliould be entirely invalid. The titles of all the other fubfequent inltruments mentioned in this calendar are entered in clironological order, and continued down to the treaty between queen Elizabeth and king James, dated the jtli of July 1586, with which the calendar clofcs. The intire conqueft of the principality onFa/fS, the annexing it to the crown of England", and the reduction .of Scotland, were not the lead £;lories that king Edivard the Firji acquired by the wildom oi" his councils, the prudence of his meafures, the vigour of his adminiftration, and the valour of his arms. Leivellin ap Gruffydk^ prince of Norlh Wales, had highly offended kiyig Edward ov\ many occalions ; as by neglecting to at- tend at his coronation, and to do the homage of a vallal ; by maRingv a contradl of marriage with Eleanor de Bohun, daughter of the then earl of Leicefter ; by his repeated difobediencc to the many fummons fent him to do his homage; and more particularly by the inlolcnt demands he made on the king, and the depredations he had committed in the W'elcli marches. The king, therefore, irritated by thefe repeated adls of perfidy and infolence, when fitting in his council, and attended by the judges, and a great number of his bilhops, earls, and barons, on the 12th of No- vember 1276, folemnly pronounced Leivellin guilty of contumacy and breach of the peace between him and the then late king Henry the Third; ftnd it was rcfolvcd to proceed againfl: him as an open rebel, and to reduce him by force of arms. The meafures taken for this purpofe, and the armv at the head of which the king entered Wales, were too Ibrmidabie for Leivellin to with- fland j iothat he was conftrained once more to fue for peace on fuch terms as the king, who was then at Rothelan, thought fit to impoie. This brought on a treaty between them, whicli being agreed to by William de Suthrey, prior of the order oi Fryars preachers in England, Robert de Tibctot and Anthony Bck, on behalf of the kiiig^ and by 'liidor ap Edenevat and Grcncn ap Hey/in, on the part of Lewclltn, was concluded at Aberconm.'a'i on tlic Wctlncfday before Martinmas i ^j"], Leivelliniox himlelf, and Robert de Tibctot for the king, fwcaring to oblcrve the articles. At this pericd. the Welch rolls begin with the following inftrumcnts, i^iz. — The full powers granted under the privy-feal, the chancellor not being then arrived at Rcthclan, to Robert de Tibetot to fwear on the king's behalf. — Tiie orders for obkrvance of the trcatv. — The full powers for accepting Leivellin^ Oath 5 i INTRODUCTION. H Oath; all -of them dated on the fecond of November The articles of the treaty — and the letters patent acquitting Lnccllin from the payment of ^oo maiks, which he was to pay into the king's exchequer at Chejrcr, dated the joth ot November. From this time the rclh are continued, and contain all the diftercnt inftruments which palled the great feai, toucii- ing the affairs of the principality and its marches; as alfo relating to the fevcral pcrfons who were either employed or interefted in thole parts, from that time, imtil Wales was thoroughly fubducd ; the rebellion raifed , by Rees cp Meredith intirely quafhed by the execution of that traitor ; and the ordinances for the fettlement of that country, and incorporating it with Rjiglavd were eftablidied. The death of Margaret, called The Maid of Norivay, queen oi Scotland, without ilTue, which happened in the year 1290, threw that nation into the utmoll confulion, and divided it into parties for fupporting the dif- ferent pretenfions of the twelve claimants of the crown. Under thefc I'ircumllances all the competitors and the nobility of the kingdom unani- mcuUy refolved to refer the matter to the judgment o'i Edward king of England, who readily undeitook to be the arbitrator, hoping he might thereby eafily obtain a recognition of the right which he claimed to the fuperiority of Scotland. To thefe ends he convened the feveral compe- titors at Norhajn, a fmall town lituate on the Tweed, where it divides the two kingdoms. Here on the 12th of May 1291 he opened the con- ferences with requiring the claimants and nobility of Scotland to acknow- ledge his own right to the fuperiority over that kingdom, and allowed them till the fecond of "Jime to give in their anfwer. Edivard hzv'mg re- ceived the anfwers of the competitors in the prefcnce of the Scotch nobi- lity, they on the next day executed an inftrument for giving Edward feifiu of the realm and caftles oi Scotland; this being deemed a flep neceflary in law for enabling him to take cognizance of the caufe, and to put his fentence in execution; he having firft giving fecurity for reftoring them in the fame condition as he received them, within two months, after he had made his decifion, to the perfon in whole favour the crown fliould be ad- judged. The manner of proceeding in the trial being regulated, Edward fixed on Berwick as the mod convenient place for that purpofe, and ap- pointed the fecond of Augnjliov the day of their firft meeting; and in the mean time took feifin of the kingdom, the guardians and caftellans having on the I nh of June furrendered their trufts. ^^'to^;-^ likewife, for the further fecuring his acknowledged fuperiority, took this opportunity of ililiing a writ direcfling all the muniments, &c. in the trealury of Edin- burgh to be removed to Berwick: and they were accordingly in the pre- fcnce of the abbots of Dumfermelyn and Holyrood in Edinburgh, John 22 dc Hi INTRODUCTION. dc Lythegranes, bailiff of Lincoln, and Thomas Fiffeburce, bailiff of Dumfreys, and keeper of the rolls of the kingdom of Scotland, delivered and dcpofited at Berwick on the 23d of Auguft following. The calendar of which muniments, (^c. is inferted in this volume at page 331. The trial having procceJed according to tlieftipulations agreed on, Edward ou tlie 1 7th day of November pronounced judgment in favour of ychn BalJcl, and ifiued orders for putting the whole kingdom into his hands. Bcliol having thus gotten feifin of the realm of Scotland, fvvore fealty to the king oi England at Norham ; and after being crowned at Scone came to Neticajtlc upon Tyne, and there did homage to him. Thcfe tranladions, and the influence and power gained in confequence of them by king Edward, in refpecl to the affairs of Scotland ; as alio the intercourfe and connexion which they introduced between the two king- doms, occafioned a great number of inftruments to be paffed under the great feal ot England, the inrolments whereof gave rile to thofe records ufually denominated rotuli Scotia, prelerved in the Tower of London ; the Calen DAR of which rc//> makes a confiderable part of this volume. Thefe rolls fet out with the writ iffued by Edward, in his 19th year, for giving pcffeffion of the fcveral cables in Scotland, of which he had obtained feifin, into the cuftody of Brian Fitz-jilian, and fuch others of his knights as he had appointed to that fervice j and are continued down to the twenty-fecond year of king Edward the Fourth ; from which time all the fucceeding records that any-ways relate to our affairs with Scotland, are to be fouglit for in the chapel of the rolls. The immenfe variety of matter to which the feveral inftruments entered on thefe records relate ; the infight thofe inllruments give into the affairs of both kingdoms as they ftood, either feparate from or conneded with each other ; the leveral fads unnoticed by hiflorians of which they inform u?, and the immediate relation many of them have to landed pro- perty in the lowlands of Scotland, and in the marches and borders of the two kingdoms, are not the moff important concerns that recommend thofe records to our attention : and the advantages which muft arife from the perufal of them, will, it is hoped, juftify the publication of their calendar. It may not be improper to take notice in this place, that the Rotuli Scotia, and other records mentioned in this calendar, are carefully to be dillinguilhed from fuch rotuli and records as originated in Scotland, and concern the private as well as public bufinefs of that kingdom unconncded with that of England. This caution becomes the more neceffary, as it hath for many years part been a prevailing opinion propagated by many of our hiftorians, and generally imbibed by the public, that Edward the Firjl, in INTRODUCTION. liii in order to the better fecuring to himfelf, and his Succeflbrs, the depen- dancy of Scotland, brought away, together with the regalia and Jlone of Scone, all the records belonging to that kingdom, and lodged them in his exchequer at JVe/lminfler ; where they remained until they were reftored to the Scots by king Edward the Third, in confequence of the treaty con- cluded between the two kingdoms, in the parliament held in the year 1328 at Tork, as fome writers inform us ; or, according to others, in that held at Northampton in the fame year. Thefe hiflorians likewife add, that fuch re-delivery was made according to an inventory Vv'hich had been taken of thole records when they were brought out of Scotland; and of which in- ventory they tell us, a memorandum is ftill preferved in the ex- chequer at London. To this politive allertion we fhould not, however, im- plicitly fublcribe our belief, unlefs better authority for its veracity be pro- duced than hath hitherto appeared ; it being too common a pradice with hirtorians haftily to tranfcribe from the writings of others, and upon their credit to ftate fadls without trying the truth of them by that teft, from which alone they can abfolutely be afcertained. Itis well known that fiJwi^r/^/'Zj^F/r/? did not omitthcpurfuit of any means, which feemed either neceflary or conducive to eftablilh, with an high hand, his acknowleged fuperiority over the kingdom of Scotland, and to confirm and perpetuate the enjoyment of fuch fuperiority to his fucceflbrs kings of England. In order thereunto, he not only encouraged all appeals from the fentences and decrees of the kings of Scotland^ court, to his owa courts in England, and enjoined them to be madej but brought away the crofwn and fcepter of Scotland, and the reft of the regalia, together, with the famous /?(?«(? of Scone, upon which for many ages the inauguration of the Scottijh kings had been performed; and placed the latter in the abbey church at IVeflminJler, v.'here it ftill remains. His principal motive for doing this Jaft Adt, feems to have been a delire of making the poffeflvon of that Jlone a teftimony of his fuperiority over the St:xjts, and a means of leffening whatever hopes they might entertain of regaining their liberty; founding his fentiraents as well as his condudl, in this rcfpedt, on the fuperrtitious opinion which univerfaily prevailed throughcmt Scotland, that the fovereignty of the Scots, and the locality and poircl'lion of the Jlone of Scone were inleparable. It will not however be denied that Edivard upon his taking feifin of the kingdom and caftles of Scotlajid, purfuant to the ftipulation made by him with the claimants and nobility of that realm, ordered all the Scottijh records and muniments to be removed, although, the writs or precepts iffued for that purpofe not being extant, the place or places to which fuch removal was ordered to be made, cannot at prefent be afcertained. 3 The liv INTRODUCTION, The only allegations in refpecl to the ScottiJJj records, on which the fup- pofition ot their having been brought away to Wejlmwjler by Ea'Ward the Firji can be grounded, are thefc, xiz. That in ccnlcquence of general orders given by that monarch, the I'everal mimimcnts found in the trcafury at Edinburgh were, in Auguft 1292, taken from thence in the nrefcnce of the abbots of Dwnjermclyn and Holyroode in Edinburgh, Jchn de Lythcgranes, bailiff of Lincoln, and '■'fbzmas de FiJJeburce, bailift of Dutnfrees, keeper of the rolls of the kingdom of Scotland, and depofited at 5crw;V/(' on the 23d day of that month} that much about the fame time, fundry records which had been brought from Edinburgh caftle were likevvife brought to Berwick; that 'jo'.n de Drokemjord, keeper of the kino-'s wardrobe, did, on the i6th day of January, in the twenty- firft year of the reign of kin^ Edward the Fuji, deliver, and probably a-t Berwick, to William de Marche the treafurcr and to the chamberlains of the king's exchequer at IFcjhninfler, fundry records and writings relatino- to the kingdom o'i Scotland; and that a memorandum ("chedulc or inventory of Scottip records is to be met with in the king's exchequer at Weftminjler. But no juft inference can be drawn from thele cir- cumftanccs, when duly confidercd, to induce a belief either that rt// the records of the kingdom o^ Scotland were by king Ed-ward's ovdir brought to Berwick; or, even in cafe they really were fo, that all (uch records were afterwards actually removed from Berwick to the king of England's exchequer at Wejlniinjlcr. Neither the £;/§-////j records or any hiftorian have tranfmitted down to us the leaft memorial or hint of Scottijh records being brought to Berwick upon ''Tweed by order of Edward the Fir jl, at or fubfequent to the time of the difpute between the competitors for the kingdom of Scotland, except Ibch as have been already mentioned. That thofe were very few in number, and far from being the whole of the Scottijh records, had wc no other proofs, will imlifputably appear from the catalogue of them taken at the time of their removal from Edinburgh, and inferted in the courfe of this * volume. The catalogue of thofe muniments and writ- ings relating io Scotland, which were on the 16th of January 1292-3 delivered by 'John de Drokensford to William de Marche^ 6cc. which catalogue is likevvife here printed -f-, is fo far from proving the fuppofed removal of alUht Scottifi records to the Exchequer atWejlmiyiJlcr, that on the contrary it furniflies full evidence, that great numbers of the. records ef Scotland never were carried out of that kingdom by Edward the FirJi. * Page 327. + Psrge 331. Thc INTRODUCTION. Iv The feventh article mentioned in that catalogue is, " an authentic attefla- " tion witneffed by the before-mentioned William 3e Marche, John de " Drokeiisford, and R. de Luda the king's clerk, and fubfcribed by a " public notary, in the prelence of the archbijJiop of Dublin, and of the " biJI:ops of Dttrbam , and Glafgow, touching the proteftation made by " king Edisard at Neiaxajile, in the prefence of his council 3 that the " then new created king of Scotland flaould not be bound by thofc " promifes which he made upon certain articles whilft the kingdom " was vacant." The title of this inftrument as entered in the catalogue is followed by a memorandum, wherein we are informed, that fuch records as were in the caftle of Kdinburgh at the time of the deceafe of king Alexander, and coniifting of fundry revenue rolls and records of various matters relative to the affairs of Scotland, were, by order of the auditors of king Edward the Eirjl, removed from thence by Ralph Baffety then appointed by Edward keeper thereof, and carried to Roxburgh caftk; and that.thole very records from the time of fuch their removal, re- mained at Roxburgh cajile until yohn Baliol was proclaimed and crowned ]^m^ oi Scotland, when, purluant to king £^w^a-/s writ for that purpofe, they were under the feals and by the hands of William de Langttone^ keeper of the king of E?iglanis wardrobe, William de Karletone, one of the barons of the exchequer at Wcjlminjler, and 'John dc Drokensford, one of king Edwards c\t:k^, delivered to Alexander Baliol, chamberlain cfScotlandy for the proper ufe of John Baliol king oj Scotland; ajid the fame memorandum not only further informs us, that an inventory of thofe feveral records were alio entered in above-mentioned authenticated atteftation, but fupplies us with a copy of that inventory, whereby it appears that they confifted of a great number of rolls and memoranda of revenue accounts, fine rolls, wills of .S"c'(?//'/,'Z) kings, inquifuionf, perambulations, and terriers of lands; rolls and fthedules of fealties done in the Jjle of Man, petitions, rolls of charters, and confirmations, king's and other letters, and a great va- riety of other different muniments relating to the kingdom of Scotla?2d._ The-only inflance that we meet with of any tranfmiffionof Scottifo records having been made from Berwick to Wefiminjler during the reign of kino- Edward the Firjl, is that already mentioned of the delivery by John de Drckenford to the treafurer and chamberlains of the exchequer on the ]6th of January 125,2-3. But the records fb delivered,, as appears by the catalogue of them, were fuch only as had been drawn up either ztNorLwi or NeW'CaJUe, at and about the times that John Baliol fworc fealty, and did homage to king Edward, and folely related to thofe matters. — In confirmation of this, and in further proof that no other of the Sc ttijh records brought to and dcpofited at Berwick were intended to be. re- moved. Ivi INTRODUCTION. moved to the exchequer at Wrjiminjler, there is infcrted in the lame catalogue^ another memorandum purporting, that all fucli records as had been brought from the cafik of Edinburgh to BeriDick upcn Tiveed, continued ct that place, until the i6th of September in the twenty-fourth year of the reign oiVvn^ Edward the Firj}, when they were by virtue of his royal mandate, delivered to Hugh de Crejfingham, then treajurer of Scotland. The conclufion which hath been drawn from an inventory of ancient Scottijh records being Aill prefervcd in the king's exchequer at Wejlminfer, that all the ancient records of Scotland were once adlually there, and that they were atter- wards delivered back in the reign oi king Edvjardthc Third, will lii:ewiie, on inquiry into that matter, be found erroneous. That there is now remaining, amongft the exchequer records, in the chapter -houfe at Wejhninjler, an ancient inftrumcnt containing the titles of fevcral records and muniments belonging to (lie kingdom of 5co//ii;:^, will not be denied; but that inrtrument is fo far from being what it is called by the hiftorians, An Inventory taken of the Scotch Records at the time of their being brought into the exchequer at London by kmg Edvcardthe Firft, that on examination it proves to be no more than a fchcdulc of all the bulls, charters, and other muniments, which were found in the king of Scotland's treafury at Edinburgh, and on their being inlpcdcd in that repofitory by Thomas de Carvaco, Ralph de Bofco, and JVilliam de Dumfrees on the 3iilof Auguft 12S2, near ten years before the death of the young queen Margaret and the difpute between the claimants of the kingdom, were ordered to be continued and prelerved in that place, together with fundry letters and other papers relating to Scotti/lj affairs, put into boxes, coffers, and bags, and fecured under the feals of thole commiffioners. Whether any mention of ancient rolls or records belonging to the king- dom of 5fo//i?;;^, being brought from thence to England by king Edward the Fir/l, was made in the treaty of 1328, and whether king Edu-ard the Third made any Itipulation in that treaty for their refhtution to the Scots^ mull for ever remain uncertain, as the original treaty is not extant, and no trani'cript either of the whole or any part of it is now to be found on record or elfewhere. Knyghton and other hiftorians fay pofitively, that this treatv, and the ceffion of the fuperiority over Scotland, were made againft the opinion of all the nobility, and without the advice and affent of Parliament. And therefore fome of our later hiftorians fuppofing that it was the interefl of Ifb I the queen mother, and oi Roger de Moriinur, the promoters of that treaty, to fecrete a matter which would inflame the people againft them, when they came to be apprized of it with certainty, have afferted, that this was the reafon why that treaty is not to be found upon record ; but, this INTRODUCTION, Ivii Hiis, however, could not liave been the cafe ; it being almofl certain that tlie treaty was concluded openly, and with the confent of the parliaments at Tork and Northampton. So that it is mofl Ukely the original treaty met with the fame fate with that of the rofls of the parliaments of the three firfl: years oiking Edxvardthe Third, all of which are now loft. Whether the facft be fo, or not, it may with good reafon be conjedured that neither the condition, fiiuation, or difpofal of the ancient records of Scct'a?7dwei-e taken Notice of, either in that treaty, or during the negotiations prepara- tory thereto. For had any provifion been therein made in regard to them, fome notice thereof would undoubtedly have been taken in one or more of the feveral writs and other inftruments, which were iflued on account of that treaty J whereas they are totally filent on that head, as will appear by the following viev\4 of them. The letters patent granted to Henry Percy and WiUiam de Soucbe, on the I ft of March 1328, by king Edward the Third* , with the confent of the prelates, earls, barons, and commons of the kingdom, in the parliament then alfembled at ihk, authorizing them to fwear upon the king's foul to his renunciation of his fuperiority over Scotland, do not mention any records or otlier inftruments relating to the kingdom oi Scotlajid z^ remain- ing in Edivard's hands, and then agreed to be either delivered up or an- nulled, excepting fuch dofids, cowcentioiis, and contrails as related to the fubjeBions of the kingdom of Scotland, and the letters, charters, muniments, and other inftruments which pafled in confequence thereof. Edivard's letter of the 20th of December 1330 to David king of Scotland -f, con-^ cerning the reftitution of poffeftions, {ffc. which were to be made in confe- quence of the treaty of 1 3 2 8 j the letters patent granted by Edwardon the i <5th of February following to his commifhoners, for the due obfervance of that treaty:}:; his letters of the 24th day of the fame month to David kino- of Scotland §, Thomas Randolph earl of Murray, the bifiop of Saint Andreses and others |[, concerning the lands which were to be reftored ; and alfo his letter of the 22d of April 1 332 to the earl of Murray **, then guardian of the kingdom of 6'(:(9//<7W; are all of them likewife lilent as to any an- cient records being then agreed to be delivered up to the Scots. Laftly, had thofe records been aiftually delivered from the king's exchequer at Weflmwflcr, and carried back into Scotland, fome receipt, acknowledi'ment or memorial of fuch delivery would indifputably have appeared in Edivard's exchequer; and fome entry, either of their return, or of the warrants for that purpofe, would have been made in one or other of the oftices ofre- * Rymeri Foedcra, torn, iv p, 337. f Rot. Clauf: 7. E. III. m. 12. :(: Ror. Pat. 5. E. III. p. I. m. aS.dorfo. § Rot. Clauf. 5. E, III. p. i.m. 22,dcrfo. f ibij" *• Rot. Clauf. 6.E. HI. m. 25, dorfo. ■ , ■ '■' ' h cord IviH INTRODUCTION. cord in Scotland: but no fuch are even pretended to be met with in either. So that upon the whole, there is the greateft reafon to believe, that the ftory propagated of icing Edward the Firft's having brought out of Scotland all the ancient records of that Jcingdom, and of his having lodged them in his exchequer at Wejlminjler is fabulous; and on the contrary, that he brought with him io London, thofe muniments only which related to the claims of the feveral competitors for the crown; his fovereignty over 5co^'«/7d'; the rolls of the homage and fealty of John Baliol; and fuch other inflruments as were framed and pafled about the time that the kingdom of 6'c(j/A;;;^inivc\tnX.of SirNichoIas de Dagwortb coming to the ears of Alice Ferrers, who was at that time privately married to Sir William de Windefore-\- and (he knowing that Sir Nicholas was his inveterate enemy, and that under whatfoever fpecious pretence he might be faid to be fent a fccond time into Ireland, the real caufe of his going thither was to arraign the condudl of Sir Williatn de Windefore, • Rot. Pari. 50 Ed. 111. m. 4^. f Errors dans le jugcment d'Alicc Perrcri. Rot. Pari. 2 Ric. II. n, 36. i prevailed Ixyi INTRODUCTION. prevailed with the king to countermand his journey. The {Juit of Lancajlcr findinghunfelf thus difappointed in his defignsagainrt Sir William, waited on the king, who was then at Havering, and being by Roger Beau- champ the king's chamberlain previoufly fhewn a petition which had been put into his h:\ndhy Sir IVi//iam de irindefore, in order to its being delivered to the king, and requefting his countermand of .5V;- Nicholas de Dagivorth, the duke carneftly iolicited tJie king's revocation of that countermand. The kine for fome time perfifted in his rclufal, alledging that it did not fcem reafonable to him, that any man's enemy fliould be his judge; but the duke alluring the king, that there was no proof of any enmity fubfifting between the parties, and that it was for the advantage and profit both of the king and kingdom that the council had ordered Sir Nicholas to go into Ireland: and propofing that both Sir William de IVindeJore and Sir Nicholas de Dagworib fliould come into the king's prelence, and if Sir ff'illiam could prove that any enmity lubfifted between them, then Sir Nicholas de Dag worth fliould not gointo Ireland; but in failure ot fuch proof, that then the order of the council fliould be carried into execution; the king aflented to the proportion. Onthedukc'scomingoutof theroyalapart- ments he was met \>-y Alice Ferrers, who prefled him to ufc his good otfices for preventing Sir Nicholas" ^ journey to Ireland; but flie could obtain no other anfwer from the duke than this; that he could not do any thing in re- Jpe£l to that matter but what the king ordered. Alice not being able to get any further anfwer from the duke, left him; and that evening renewing her fuit to tlie king, found means to obtain his orders for countermanding Sir Nicholas ; which orders were inll:antly djfpatched and delivered to him. The duke coming the next morning to the kind's bcdfidc to take his leave, to his great lurprize commanded by the king on his blefliiig that he fliould not by any means whattbevcr permit Sir Nicholas de Dagworth to proceed to Ireland; notwithftanding the order wliich on the day betore had been ilfued by the council for that purpofc. This matter made one of the articles exhibited againfl: Alice Ferrersy on the 22d oi December 1371, and of which flie was found guilty by a jury formed out of the officers of the king's houfliold. .. ? It is almofl cercani that this profecution carried on againft Alice Ferrers, '"-^ and the treatment which her hufband bir JVilliam de Windefore met with from the duke of Layicajler and the kings council in England, proceeded from political motives, rather than from any opprcflions or other crimes comiiiittcd either by 5/>/A';/./<;//; cr -^//« his wife; for, in the very next year, vij:. 3d. Ric. II. Sir William was in great favour with the king, who by 4 indenture INTRODUCTION. Ixvll indenture retained him with one hundred men at arms to ferve him for half a year, and had re(Vitution of all the lands wh?ch vrere in the kin^-'s hands, by rcafon of the forfeiture of his wife AHci Ferrers; the jiidg;ncnt againft whom was alfo revcrfed. After this, Sir V/illiam was in the exp di- tion into Fra?jce under the command of Thomas Woodjlock earl of Buck- ingham, in aid of the duke ofBritany ; and laftly, on the barony oUHnMre dcfcending to him as the right heir, he was fummoned to parliament in. the 5th, 6th, and 7th years of king Richard the Second. ■The illuftration which the ancient charters here printed aftord to the hillories of the two kingdoms oi England and Scotland, and the feveral curious particulars hitherto unnoticed, wherewith they furnifh us, will fufficiently apologize for their being placed in this volume. For inftance only in refpetl to the firft of thofe Charters. Roger de Hoveden, who is extremely circumftantial in his annals of king Richard the Firjl, and more particularly fo in the detail which he gives us of the progrefs of that monarch from Nottingham to Winchefter, in the year after his return from his captivity in Aujlria and Germany, tells us, that William king of Scotland, attended by moft of his nobility, met him at Clipjlon, in his way to Winchefer ; that as foon as the two kings arrived at Northampton, William earneftly folicited kitjg Richard for the reftitution to him of the counties of Northumberland, Cumberland, Wejlmorland, and Lancafiire, but that Richard abfolutely refufing to comply with his requell; in lieu thereof, and in the prefence of all the nobility and attendants on each court, granted and confirmed by his char- ter, that whenever any king of Scotland u^on fiimmons fcnt by the kin'^ of England czmc to attend the Englifs court, fuch Scottijh kino- on his entering thcEngliJh borders Ihould be received and conduced with divers ceremonies and formalities, and at the expence of the king of England, enjoy certain daily pecuniary and other allowances j not only on his journey to the Englijh court, but during his ftay there, and until his return into his own country ; and that fuch charter was on Tuefday in Eafter Week, being the twelfth day of April, delivered to William, at North- ampton. This account haih implicitly been tranfcribed and adopted by feveral fubfequent writers in the hiflories which they give us of thofo times. The charter thus alluded to by Hoveden is undoubtedly that which is now firft printed at page 347, of this work, although the before-men- tioned author is in feveral inflances extremely defedtive and erroneous, a^ well in ftating its contents, as in the day and occafion which he fixes on for its being granted. i ^ la Ixvlli INTRODUCTION. In the firft place this inftrument, inftead of being dated at Northampton on the tivelfth, according to that author, adtualiy bears tefte at Wincbeftcr on the feventeenth of April in the fifth year of Ricbard\ reign, whicia then happened to be Loio Sunday and the day of Richard's fecond coronation ; at which folcmnity William king of Scotland aflifted, and tarried the fword of ftate before the king, by virtue of his being earl of' Huntingdon. Secondly, the reception of the Sccttijlj king on his entrance on the Englijh confines, and his conduifl, as well to as, from the court of the king of England, was by far more jxjmpous and refpedtful than is flated by Hoveden. For the charter informs us, that he was to he received on the borders by the l>iJljoJ) of Durham^ the fheriff, and all the barons of Northumberland, who were to conduit him as far as the river "^eife, where he was to be received by the archbifiop of Tor k, and the flierifl^, and all the barons of Torkft/ire. By them he was to be condudled as far as to the bilhopric oi Lincoln, where the biftiop of that diocefe, with the flieriff^ and barons of the county, were to receive and condudt him to the extremities of their liberties ; and the like ceremonies were to be obferved in all the counties and bhhoprics through which he was to pafs, until his arrival at the Englijh court. Thirdly, this charter, inftead of being a grant of intire new liberties and indulgences to the Scottifh king, either in order to make him fome recompence for his difappointment in not obtaining the reftitution of the counties of Northumberland, Wejlmorland, Cutnberland, and Lancafiire; or for the better enabling him to attend the Englijh court when called upon to do homage, and fwear fealty for the earldom of Huntington, and then primarily flowing from the immediate munificence of king Richard, as Hoveden ftates it, and as muft have been the cafe, had either of the before-mentioned caufes been the inducement for granting that charter ; it is evident upon the face of the charter itfelf, that it is no more then a reneiaal and confr?nation of ancient liberties and rights, ufually enjoyed by the kings oi Scotland on their coming to the Englijh Court, antecedent either to the refumption of the counties of Northumberland, Wejlmorland, Cumberland, and Lancajbire, by king Henry the Second, and the invefliture of the earldom oi Huntingdon in the Scottijh kings ; or to the celfion in favour of the Scots of thole four northern counties made by king Stephen. Laflly, this charter difcovers to us, that, in times much earlier than thofe before-mentioned, it had been ufual for the kings oi Scotland X.o vifit the courts of our Eng.i/h monarchs, on fcveral occafions ; that at fuch INTRODUCTION. klx fuch times they were, at the expence of the kings of Englaiidy received and entertained with a magniticence, fplendor, and refpedl fuitable to the character of fuch royal vilitors, and the dignity of their high rank. The feal, together with its counterfeal, or reverfe, appendent to thi* inftrument, may atprefentbe confidered as an unique, no other imprefs of the fame fort, as far as is now known, having been hitherto dif- covered. The legends round both parts are the fame with thofe on the front, and reverfe, of the two great feals oi kmg Richard the FirJ}, icons of which are exhibited by Mr. Sanford i n his Genealogical Hijiory of the Kings, and ^eens of England, p. 55. viz. On the feal — Ricardus Dei gratia. REX Anglorum; and on the counterfeal — Ricardus dux Nor- MANORUM et Aquitanorum et gomes Andegavorum ; but the charges on them are different from thofe which appear in Sandford, as may eafily be feen by carefully comparing them together. Some perfons perhaps may from hence fuppofe, ih-M ki}ig Richard the FirJ} had three different great feals fabricated at different times, during his reign. But it is molt likely that he had not. For as the feal affixed t» this charter is of a fmaller fize than ih^t oi either oi Richai'd's great feals which are commonly known, and as the impreffionis not taken off on green, but red wax, thefe circumftances make it probable, that he had no more than two great feals. And it may with better reafon be conjectured, that although this inftrument appears to have been paffed by the hand of IVilliam bifJiop of Ely the king's chancellor, and that from thence it muff be inferred, that it was the great feal vjhich. he affixed to it J yet, that this feal is adually no other than the pi-ivy feal of king Richard, and that his firft great feal having been loft near the I/le of Cyprjis, as hath been before obferved, and there not having been time for making a new one, previous to his coronation at Witicbejler^ he caufed his prity feal to be made ufe of inftead of the great feah for paffing this and all fuch charters and other grants, as, from; his hafte or neceffities, he thought proper to iffue at the time of that folemnity. The leal of William the Lyon, king of Scotland, here exhibited at. page 349, is likev.'ife engraven in Mr. Anderfons Numifmata Scotia, but the charter to which it is here affixed, and the cliarter and feal of earl David exhibited at page 350, 351, are now firft publiflied from,-. the originals. That no endeavours might be wanting on ihs part of the editor, to rendev the reading of the muniments n.entior.eJ in the fevcral Cahndarr infertcA Ixx INTRODUCTION. inferted in the courfc of this vohime, cily and ufeful t' iuch as may be defirous of perufing thofe inltrumcnts vvitli accu cy, he hath prefixed three copper plates, exhibitin;; all the various hiisds in whicji the feveral charters, and other muniments of this kingdom, have been written, from the reign oi king William the Conqueror to that of qiieen Elizabeth. C H A R T iE r>n /'./V //f/<'o-/;//,//>,i /',■//(•,>■ '/'/>/'/// /■ ////' / //■/// Tv/>iui Serial' fif fir in Clba?-fzs usitatse ab ^'.' f.Sen.V. uso; ail an . 3o/na,^i/act ^f-/n.Ji. ^rAVS. S. A^". 13. Hen. (>' . j/ A'./^^.E.i. 4-. -^i)'(y ^-L?odJIi:n.JIIu/ijt/r a^ an'." S I/r// . D^. JEjc Carsis Ti'oma'^M ^ir?nJi.'erJr. 3.S . ' ^°.i6 \u±?'Z. ' ' AIS.ffen.4.. Jj^-pus Sr/iJCf/Tirn' i/i t7}(ir//s ifsiftr/^n' /i 2't//f/KlfY//. Cc/k/. t//^.fr(f (r/i'."i\S. Ifr/iJlf. TfmfuW.Comj- Cijo lifisAa)c^$ke^ dorot cmmiti pr^carckep Tenyi:W:lfa/i. j\^nno ?tb mcam dtvLO). c x>c\nii-hxcca dtl^^ ^fJJ^Ew./. Anno aVwcoinuvrumcclinClTf'.c.IiTr'^'iba'r iii^C2 ccX^xp\ CAiir. ^'.' /*-. p'^ CVMrnooo^r Vrf <:^'\ CilSart» v ^f /,^ .&',! :j . JSifyfi- ^cu^. I C A L E N D A OF T H S ANCIENT CHARTERS, &c. AND OF THE WELCH AND SCOTISH ROLLS, NO IF REMAINING IN THE TOWER OF LONDON. CATALOGUS CHARTARUM ANTP Q^U ARUM I N TURRE LONDON'. A. CHART.'E WlUlelml Prlml, Henrlcl Prlml & Secundl, & regis Johannls, de libertatibus & terris ecclefiae Sancfti Paul! London' conceffis. No. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. De confirmatione efcambii faftl inter leprofos de bofco Hereboldi & eplfcopum London'. 9. Cliarta; Hcnricl Tertil ecclefia; San£tae Adhelrldas, & Hugoni eplfcopo Elienfi, de libertatibus eonceflis. 14 & 15. Chartu; Henrici Tertii de terris conceffis Mafcyeo Befyle. 16 & 17. Charta Henrici Tertii concefla hominibus de Novo-Caflello fuper Tinam. 18. Charta Henrici Tertii conceffa ecclefiae Beati Petri de Turgartona. ig in Schcdula. Charta Henrici Tertii conceffi ecclefiae Sanflas Ofytha; de Chiche. 20. Chart^ conceffa; Faramufio de Bolonia, &c. In Schedula, Dorfo. Charta; reguni Johannis & Henrici Tertii, de libertatibus ecclefia: Sandi Pauli London'. 21, 22, z-^, 24, 25, 26, Dorfo. Charta Henrici Tertii conceli'a Waltcro eplfcopo Carllol. 27, Dorfo, Charta Henrici Tertii conceffa canonicis Sanftas Maria; de Prate apud Lcyceflcr. 28, Dorfo. Charta Henrici Tertii conceffa Wllllclmo fillo Daniclis Pincerna;. 29, Dorfo. Charta Henrici Prlml ecclefia; Sandi Wlmani Confcfforis in Boloni.i conceffa, pro manerlo dc Notfelld In comltatu Surrela;. 30, Dorfo. A Charta a CM A R T ,7. A N T I QJJ .E. Charta Henrici Tcrtii Galfrulo dc Batthou fcnienti fuo concefla' 31, Dorlb. Cliartallennci Tcrtii Galfridocle Chambeileng conceflfii. 32, Dorfb. Charta Henrici Terfil concefla Ricardo inarlcallo regis. 23'> Dorfo. * . B. Charta regis Johahnis ccclefiae Sanfti Albani concefla. Xo. i . Charta Reginaldi Henrici regis filii, comitis Cornubia% Willielmo dc Boterell concefla. 2. Charta regis Johannis per quani conccirit Willielmo Boterell manerium de Penhed. ,^. ChartdcWillielmi Priml & Henrici, ecclefiae San6ti Cutliberti Dunolmi conceflTa'. 4 &; 5. Charta Ricardi Primi Hugonl epifcopo'Covent'r' concefla. 6. Charta regis Johannis monialibns de Wrochefliala concelFa. 7. Charta regis Johannis monialibus de Ambrelbury concefla. 8. Charta regis Johannis eccleliae Sandla; Marix'de Derham. 9. Charta regis Johannis decano & capitulo Eborac' ecclefut concefl"a. 10. Charta Adgari regis monafterio quod in regione Elye fitum con- cefla. 1 1 . Chartac diverforum regiim, vi/,. Adwardi Confeflbris, Willielmi Primi, Henrici, &c. dictae ccckTuc de Ely conceflie. iz, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Libertates conceflk per regem Johannem burgenfibus de Sudhamton. iS & 19. Johannes rex concefllt \Villie4mo de Ferrarlis tertium denarium de omnibus placitis de comit-atu Derby, & ipfiim Willielmum tanquam comitem propria inanu gladio cinxit. 20. Charta regis Johannis, dc libertatibus & terrls conceflis canonicis & monialibus dc Simplingham. 21. , De quodam tcnemento in hundredo de Alidelton conccflb Willielmo de Morifton per regem Johannem. 22. Terra dc Gathamtun conceffa Alardo Alio W'illlelml per regem Johannem. 23. Charta regis Joliannis, per quam conceflit Willielmo dc Ferrariis tertium denarium tam in Derby quam extra. 24. Johannes rex conceflit manerium de Nortlicuri canonicis de Welles. 2f. Charta regis Ricardi Primi ecclefix Beatce Maria," 6c Sandto Johanni Baptiflae de Lantony concefla, cum libertatibus. 26. Charta regis Johannis dc libertatibus pncdictx ecclefia; conceflis. 27. 7 ' De I CHART Tli ANTI QJJ ^. ' 3 De libertatibus conceflis ecclefiae Elyenfi. 28. Charts; Henricl Secundi predi6lae ecclefias Ely conceflae. 29 & 30. Chartas regis Johannis ecclefue Elyenfi conceflk". 31 & 32. Charta Ricardi Primi ecclefias San6ti Albert! Hereford confirmata. 33. Chartas conceflie conventui monachorum Saudtas Trinitatis de Lenton. 54, ss & 36- c. Manerium de Boxleia coiicefTum monachis de Boxleia per rcgern Henricum. No. i. De terris & libertatibus conceflis ecclefia: Sanfti Georgil de Balchervill per regem Henricum. 2. Duas alia£ chartae conceflie eidem ecclefiae per Rlcardum regem Pri- mum. 3 & 4. Chartx' Henrlci & Ricardi Primi leprofis Sanili Lazari de Jerufalem conceflk. 5 & 6. Henricus conceffit Ricardo Ruffo, camerario fuo, Immemere & Im- medon, & Bofculum de Sende. 7. Charta Ricardi Primi eidem Ricardo Ruffo. 8. Chartae Ricardi Primi, de libertatibus conceffis Gllbcrto filio Rogcrl filii Renfr', per totam terram fuam de Weflmerland, & de Kendale, &c. 9, 10, II. 12. Chjirta Ricardi Primi ecclefiae San6ll Benedidti de Ramefeia. 13. Chartae Ricardi Primi abbatl & monachis Beati Petri de Burgo. 14, 15 & 16. Charta Ricardi Primi de confirmatione excambii Inter Hubertum Cantuarieufem archiepifcopum & monachos Roffenfes, A. D. iigj^ 17 & 18. Charta regis Johannis de cuftodia GalfridI filii Galfridl Hofiiti. 19. Dua; charta; Henrlci Secundi 6c Ricardi Primi fandimonialibus ecclefiae Sandlat; Mariae de Wikes conceflae. 20, Dorfb, & 21. Charta Henricl fan6timonialibus de Fagerwella conccfla. 22. De terris conceffis per regem Henricum Eliit filial Arnaldi. 23. Cqnfirmatio regis Henrlci priori & conventui Waledcne fa6la. 24. Charta regis Johannis ecclefias Sandce Marias de Suthwlca con- ccfla. 25. Charta Ricardi Primi canonicis de Mertun conccfla. 2 (J. Charta regis Joliannis civibus London' conccfla. 27. A 2 D. Rex 4 CHART ,E A N T I QJJ .E. I D. Rex Johannes conc^nit GaltVulo f'llio Petri, comiti Effex, fcrlam & mcrcatum ad mancrlum fuum de Kcncbouton. No. i. Itkin rex conceliit pr;Edi*5lo Galfrldo & aliis centum acras terrx. 2. Willielmus de Stotevill finem fecit cum rege Johanne pro tribus milll- bus marcarum pro chartls fuls conhrmandis. 3. [ohannes rex confirmavit Andrea; do Bello Campo, & Eva: de Grai uxori ejus, cjulcquid juris eis delcendit in Temford &c in Purllun. 4. Dua? chartiC regis johannis abbati Saudi Nicholai, & priori & monachis de Spaldin, conceflle. 5 & 6. Chartae regis Edvvardi Confcflbris, & aliorum regum, ac paps Vidlorisj de terris 6c libertatibus abbati & monachis de Certelige conceffis. 7 ufq. 2+. Johant^es rex conceflit AdiE filio Robertl Netheweie fex. acras terra: iu. forefta de Malverna. 24. Charta regis Johannis ecclefia; Beati PauH London'. 25.. Charta ejufdem monachis de Binedon. 26. DuiK charta; Henrici priori & monachis Wirccrter. 27 & 28. Charta regis Johannis burgcnfibus de Dunewic' conceflk. 29. Charta Ricardi Primi Noelo Icrvienti fuo concefl'a. manca. :^o. Charta regis Johannis conceflii Johanni, clerico, nepoti beati ThoniLC Martyris. manca. 31. Charta regis Johannis abbati & monachis de Perfbra concefla. 3^2, Dorfo. Charta regis Johannis fratribus hofpltalis Jerufalem. 33. Tres chartic, una fcih'cet regis Johannis, & dux Slmonls le Bret, de tcrrls concelhs Alcxandro de Poyntun. 34, 35, 36. Manerlum de Hach conceffum canonicis de Ca^farifburg, per regem Henricum. ^7. Charta; regis Johannis monachis San£tiE Maria; de Lancaftre con- ceflle. 38 &c 39. Dua^ chartic regis Johannis & Henrico, canonicis dc Bomine (Bodmine) conccliie. 40 & 4 1 . • Charta Ilcnrici Secundi Henrico de Oxeneford concefla, de terris ijifra civitatem Oxeneford, & ahbi. 42. De terris conceffis epifcopo Wlgorn' per regem RIcardum Prl- mum. 43. Charta regis Johannis abbati & canonicis de Creendou conceflTa. 44. Advocatlo CHART. E ANTI Q^U /E. 5 Advocatlo capelke qute fita eft fuper pontem Lincolnias concefla PetrO de Paris. 45. De fexagiiita marcis argent! conceflis Euftatio de Nevill. 46. De tcrris concellis eccleii* San6ti Jacob! de Wellebech. mauca. 4/. Tres chartiE conceflle ecclefiai Sanftas Tr!nitatis Norwic!, de l!ber£a- ibus. manca. 48, ^^, 50, mane'. E. Duas chartae R!cardi Prim! & Johannis monachis San6las Marine de Stratford conceffa;. No. £ & 2. Tres charts concefiiE Leonardo Succuhullo de Venetia, pro terrls ia Weftham, & alibi, una fcillcet charta Ricardi Prim!, & duae regis Johannis. 3, 4, 5. Charta regis Johannis civibus Norwic! concefla. 6. Charta Henricl Secund! canonicis Sandlae Mariae de Parcho de Creendun concefla. 7. Charta regis Johannis concefla abbat! & conventu! de Wiche- cumbe. 8. Charta Matildis Imperatricis abbat! de Ofenia concefla. 9, Dux ahcB charta3 eidem abbat! conceflce per reges Heuricum Sc Johannem. 1 o & 1 1 . Charta regis Johannis de terris conceffis Rogero Lavellle. 12.. Landa de Buftardeflegh conceflli Rogero de Yenewurth. 13. De terrls conceffis Rlcardo Gubion. 14. Rex conceflit Roberto dc Scchevill qulcquid habuit in manerlo de Branton. 15. Rex Johannes conceffit Baldcwino de Werevall Aldernemannerlam de Weftgate, infra muros civltatis Cantuaria;. 16 & 17., Charta monialium de Torkefia. manca. 18. Charta Johanyis fiHi Leonard! de Vcnez de terra fua in Wefl:ham, qii£B appellatur la Sudberle, monachis Sandaj Marian de Stratford con- cefla. 19, Dorfo. Charta regis Johannis de llbertatlbus conceflis burgenfibus de Helf lefliine. 20. Charta regis Johannis concefla archieplfcopo Cantuar' de amercia-r mentis hominum ecclefiae Cantuarienfis. 21. Duae charts Henrlc! & Rlcardl regum ccclefise Sandtue Ofithas de Chlch. 22 & 23. Charta Henricl Secund! monachis de Sando Augufllno de Davln— trc. 24. Charta. 6 C H A R T .E A N T I QJJ JE, Charta regis johaiinis de protegendo res, reddltus, & pofTcffiones Johannis de Gcllling. 25, l^orlo. Cliarta regis Johanins conceffa burgenfibus de Welles, viz. quod liberi fmt burgenfcs, & quod habcaut mercatum 6c fcrias ibidem. 26, Dorlb. Do libertatibus conceflis burgenfibus de Cantcbrig' per regem Jo- hannem. 27. De terris conccflis Ricardo de Rufhale per regcm Johannem. 28. Henricus Secundus conccfiit ecclefue Sancti Nicholai de Maldona feptles viglnti acras efllirt' inter Reindon 6c Epping. 29. F. Charta Ricardi Prim! de terris & libertatibus conceflis ordlnl & reli- gloni Fontis Ebraldi. No. i. De liberis conluetudinibus concefTis Roberto filio Ricardi per Henricuni Secundum. 2. Quatuor charta; conceflic monachis SauftiE Trinitatis Cantuariie per reges Henricum Secundum & Ricardum Primum. 3, 4, 5, 6. Charta regis Johannis ecclefia^ Sandlx Trinitatis de Novo Loco in Lindeleia. 7. Ciiarta regis Johannis ecclefia; beatorum apoftolorum Petri & Pauli de Brinkburne. 8. Chartic regum Henrlci Secundi & Ricardi Primi de terris & liberta- tibus concellis eccleliie Sandlic Trinitatis de Cadomo, de Feleflcda. 9, 10, 1 1. Chartas duas Henrici Secundi concefliic epifcopo & ecclefia; Rofeufi. 12, Dorfo, & 13. Terra de Salechild concefla Adae, coco regina?, per regem Ricardum Primum. 14. Cliarta Ricardi Primi conccffii hofpitali Sanclai Marine de Strodes. 15. Charta Ricardi Primi civibus I Lincoln' conceffa. 16.' De archiepifcopatu Cantuariie conceffo Anfelmo per Williclinum Pri- mum. 17. De terris conceffis ecclefia; Sanftic Mari« de Malton, & eanonicis ordinis de Semplygnham. 18. Dua; chartae llenrici Secundi & regis Johannis de terris Radulpho Purcell concellis. 19, 20. Sex chartx regum Henrici Primi & Ricardi Primi de libertatibus con- ceflis monachis Sandac Trinitatis Cantuaria*. 21, 22, 23, £4, 25, 26. G. Quinque ■A CHARTS A N T I QJJ JB, y G. Quinque chartseregumWillielmi Priml,Henrici Primi & Johannis, de fuur datioiie&dotationeecclefiasSandti Martini deBello Loco. No. 1,2,4,5,6. Charta regis Edvardi de Forthingbrigg & RandolvefloruWillielmo & Ifoldie le Brun coiiceiris. 3. Charta regis Ricardi Primi abbatl & monachis de Burgo concefTa. 7. Johannes rex conceffit Rogero de Monte Begonis totam terram de Olwaldebec. 8. Ricardus Primus conceffit abbati & canonicis de Cireceflre manerium de Cireceftre, cum Minthi, & vii. hundredis. 9. Terra de Writal concefla per Ricardum Primum Johannl filio Willi- elmi de Writal. 10. De ecclelils conceffis epifcopo Coventrenfi per regem Johannem. 11. Maneria de Mere, Suineford' & Clent, conceffa Radulpho de Sum- mery, per regem Johannem. 12. , Charta regis Johannis de hbertatibus conceffis burgenfibus Norhamp- ton. 13. De terris conceffis ecclefiai Sandi Petri de Turgartona, & canonicis regularibus ibidem. 14. Charta regis Johannis conceffa monachis de Bello Loco. 15. Charta regis johannis conceffi monachis de Thore. 1 6, Dorfb. Maneria de Kinetton & Norton conceffa Thomae dc Ardinton, per regem Johannem. i 7. Charta ejufdem regis eidem Thomas conceffi de manerio de Welin- ton. 18. Manerium de Corby cum hundredis concefla Henrico de Braybroc, per regem Johannem. 1 9. Charta regis Johannis priori &c monachis de Lenton concefla. 20- Charta ejufdem regis monachis de Tynemuth conceffi. 21. Charta ejufdem regis burgenllbus de Novo-Callello conceffa. 22. De terris & Bofcis in Wrltell conceflis Waltero de Hatfeld, per regem Ricardum Primum. 23. Grangiade Middclho in Huntedonefir', conceffi monachis deWardone, per regem Johannem. 24, Dorlo. H. Pro ccclefia Sanifli Martini London'. No. I. De terris conceffis Wilhchno liigod. 2. Pro monachis de Lyra. 3. Hetha X CHART^ANTI Q^U JE. Hetha RegiiiiB in London' concefla Galfrldo filio Petri, comiti Eflex. 4. Alicia de Bella aqua vendidit Johanni regi bofcum dc Mcrflon in conjitatu Bucks. 5. Rex conceffit Sahero de Quenci villas de Cennore, 6c de Sideham. 6. Rex conceffit magiftro Ricai:do de Tyrinton viginti marcas, lingulis annis pcrcipiendas. 7. Pro canonicis de Huntingdon. 8 & 9. Rex conceffit Radulpho lilio Salomonis tres obolos de libcratione in die, per cuftodem gardini & palatii de Parco de Haveringes. 10. Pro canonicis de Sanilo Georgio. 1 1. Pro abbate & monachis de Forda. i?.. Pro abbate & monachis de Hales. 13. Pro canonicis de Hertilanda, de terris & libertatibus eis conceflis. 14, Dorfo. De licentia data Williclmo Brewer claudendi diverfos bofcos, &c. 15& 16. Molendinum dc Burgo Merleberge concelTum Nicholao dc Bar- bcfle. 1 7. Pro canonicis Sancfti Jacobi Norhampton. 18. De terris de Braidon, & de Herleftun, &c. conceffis Thomic de Ne- vill. 19. Pro canonicis ecclefiae Sanftas Mariae de Berling, de terris 8c liberta- tibus eis conceliis. 3o. L Dua? charta? fa£lae fratribus hofpitalis Jcrufalem. No. i &: 2. 1 Sexdecim cliarta^ conceffa; monachis Saniti Auguilini Cantuaria?, de ^ terris & privilegiis conceffis, &c. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, i6, 18, 19. Rex concefllt Sahero de Quenci villas dc Chenora, & de Sideham. 17. Rex conceffit Briano de Ely, clerico fuo, medictatem illius libera- tionis quam Geroldus Archid. de Brichmuio habuit. 20. I3e libertatibus conceffis canonicis Hereford. 21, Dorfb. Pro monachis de l^ameleia. 22. Libertates conccffa; civibus Dublin. 23. De libertatibus conceffis Roberto comiti Leirccffr'. 24. Rex dedit Rogero de W'arenguefort (Walingford) minifferium dc iioftieria de Scaccario. 25. Libertates couccffa; epilcopo Hereford'. 26. * Libertates II CHARTS ANTI QJJ JE. ^ Libeitiites conceflk; burgenfibus dc Whitebi. 27. Manerium de Mendham conceffum monachis ecclefue Woburnens', ad conftruendam abbatlam Cyfteitienfium. 28. Rex concc^llt Waltero Buifiard, Borellall, quod efl: mcmbrum ma- nerli de Brucll, bfc'llum, 6c polam, &c forum in villa de Ccrnc. 28. Charta ,6 C II A R T .-E A N T I Q^U /E. ChartA (wc^n burgcnlibus de RofTen', dc quictr.ncia paagii, quod fume batur a cracc fignatis in ^ ilia de Rouecellr'. 29. Dc libertatibus conceals civlbus Wiuton'. 30. De t.erris conceals Rlcardo fillo Alcher'. 31. Rex coacdlit Leonardo SucuguUo centum marcas argenti, annuatim rccipicndas. q:. Mlnillerium Can^eranje regis concefTum Roberto filio Hereberti. 33. ^'illa de Bralt, cum libertatibus, concefliC canonicis ecclefiae Sancti Thomx dc Stafford. 34. De eccleliis conccfiis ecclefics Sanftai Mariac & Sancll Petri Ex- onien'. 35. De tcrris concclFis pnupcribus Montis Jovls, in ecclefia San<5li Nicho- lai 5c Sauvfti Bernardi degcntibus apud Havering. 36. iSIaneria dc Horftede, Theohelhid, Hampton, Pennebir, Fclflede, & Tarent, concefia abbati* San6tae Trinitatis de Cadomo. 37 & 38- s. Novem chartae de tcrris & libertatibus concefTis ecclefiae Fifcannenfi, nempe Willielmi Primi, Henrici Primi, Ricardi Primi. No. I, 2, 3, 45 5) 6, 7, 8, 9. Mancrium de Eura conceffum Roberto filio Roireri. 10. De terris & libertatibus concellis monachis de Balingworc'. if. Pro canonicis de Cireceflria. manca. 12. De pnrficiendo Hugoncm -Bigot in comitem Norfolc' temp' Henrici Secundi. 13. , De pra;ficiendo Rogerum Bigot in comitem Norfolc' temp' Ricardi Primi. 14. ChartJE Ricardi Primi de libertatibus conceffis cpifcopo Covcntr'. 15 & 16. Pro Euftachio de Nevilla. manca. 17. De libertatibus concelfis monachis de Pontc Roberti. 18. Dorfo. 5c 27. Confirmatio donationum fadtarum monachis de Bocfafta per Ricar- dum Primum. 19, De tcrris & libertatibus concelTis abbatiae de Wavcrlea per Ricardum Primum. 20. Ecclefia & manerium de Thornecumba, cum aliis terris & libertatibus concclfa abbatix dc Ford per Ricardum Primum. 21. I Mane na CHARTS ANTI QJJ JE. ij Ivlaneria de Frantona & Bienicome', cum membris, in comltatu Dorfet, Northam in comitatu Devon, & Penfelda in comitatu Effex, concefla monachis de Cadomo per Henricum Primum. 22. De terra de Ambrefham. manca. 23. Pro P>.icnrdo de Clare comite de Hereford. 24. Confirmatio donationis faftie Henrico de Marifco, de terris in Hem- ftede per Henricum Primum. 2j. Alanerium de Lannhou conccffum Simoni, Pincerne regis. 16. TerrsB de Buris conceffas Stephano l^lundi. 28. De libertatibus conceffis Gilberto filio Rogeri filii Rcinfr' per totam terram fuam de Weftmerland, & Kendale. 29, 30. Pro monialibus ecclefias Fontis Ebroldi. 3 i . T. De terris & libertatibus conceffis monialibus de Fonte Ebraldi, apud Ethonam per Henricum Secundum. No. i. Pro abbate & monachis de Abbendon. 2. Pro monachis de Bermundefcy. lacerat'. 3. De libertatibus conceiTis ecclefice Chrifti Cantuar'. 4, 5. Pro monachis de Lentona. 6. Pro monachis de ordine Ciilercienfi, dequie tantia debitorum Aaron Juda[;i Lincoln'. 7. Maneria de Livefham, & Grenewic, conceffa abbati & monachis dc Gant, cum omnibus fibi pertinentibus, videlicet Wulewic, Modingcham, & Cumbe, &c. 8, 9, 10. Manerium de I^inton, & terra de Co6tona, concefla Ricardo Talebot, & Gilberto Talebot. 11, 12. Willielmus Luvel conceffit Willielmo de Longo Campo, Elienli epifcopo, cancellario, terras & advocationes ecclefiarum in Wefton, &c. 13. Confirmatio donationis fafta; per Willielmum de Longo Campo Collno de Andrileio, de terris & advocationibus ecclefiarum inWeflon, &c. 14. Centum acra: de eflartis in forefta de Stamford, & de Greneiled, & dc Angra, concefl's Ricardo de Luci. \ ^. Pro priore & fratribus de Charthufa. 16. Pro fratribus militiae Tcmpll Salomonis, de libertate. 17, 18, 29, 2a. Terra in Walden concefla Ricardo Capell. manca. 21. Pro Rogero de Sandto Edmundo. manca. Z2. Pro monachis Coleccflr'. 22. Dorfo. 36. manca. Pro abbate & monachis de Theokefbir'. 23, 32. Dor{o. Pro ecclcfia Saudi Jacobi de Briftoua. 24. Dorfo. C Pr« 1-8 C H A R T .^ A N T I QJJ JE. Pro fan^limoniaHljus dc Apeltona. 25. Mancrium de Wermeiiiftr' concelllim Roberto Maud, Camerarlo regis. 26. Rex conceffit Willielmo Folet omnia eflarta fua de Wlreceftrefyra. 27. Dc tcrris conceJlis Petro Capellano, 8c Wlllielmo de Wudeham. 28. De terris datls monachis de Brueria. 29. De terris datis ecclcliaj Saii£l:i Jacobi Northamton. 30. De terris conceffis com' Williclmo de INIaud. 3 i. Pro canonicis dc Waltham. 33. Charta Henrici Sccundi monrxhis San£li Albani concelTa. 34. Pro monachis de Warduna. 35. Pro abbatia Sandli Johannis Baptifta de Colceflria, lacerat'. 36. Pro monachis apud Chiniacum. lacerat'. 3-. Pro canonicis de Murton. lacerat'. 38. Pro fratribiis Sanfti Hofpitalis Jeruialem. ^^. Pro epllcopo Wigornicnli. 40. Mercatum apud Burmingham conceffum Petro fiiio Willielmi Da- piteri. 41, 42. I u. Charta regis Edwardi Confcflbris, de libertatibus conceffis ccclefias Sanai Petri Weftm'. No. i. Charta Henrici Secundi ecclefi^e Sanftas Trinitatis de Kirkham concefia. 2. Dorfb. Charta Walteri Efpech, & Adclina; uxoris ejus, ccclciicc dc Kirkham iconceffa. 3. Charta Henrici Secundi abbati & monachis ecclefiae San£ll Aldclml de Mahnefburi. 4. Charta2 dus Henrici Primi & Sccundi canonicis de Mertona, in comi- tatu Suthriac conceflk\ 5, 6. w. Duac charta2 ecclefia^ Sancli Aldelmi de Malmefburi per reges Willlel- , ,, mum Primum & Rlcardum Primum concefla;. No. i, a. i De Hbcrtatlbus conceffis iiominibus dc Sudflet, & dc Gofeberdecherche, & dc Quadhavcringe, & dc Duningtona per Rlcardum Primum, 3. Paftura de Langcden & Wlka, cum pafbura, concefla: per Rlcardum Primum monachis de Stanlega. 4. HI Middeiton & Melrela concefla abbati & monachis Sanftl Ebulfi. 5. Charta CHARTS ANTI QJJ JE. i^ Charta regis Ricardi Primi conqefla ecclefiiE SancliE Marian de Vallc Dei. 6. Quod Hugo de Coleham, & hasredes fui, fmt dapiferi totius abbatice Wellm', 6c lub Abbate procuratores. 7. Charta Ricardi Primi ccclefia: Saucti Johannis Baptifts de Haliwcll. 8. Ricardus Primus conceffit Johanni Marefcallo luo, & ha:redibus fuis, Bolcham, cum leflagio, & cum hundredo. 9. Conceflit etiam eidem Johanni Wexcumbam, & Bedev/ind, cum hundredo, & omnibus pertinentiis. 10. Duaj chartas Ricardi Primi Yfaac filio Rabiiofe, & aliis Juda^is, de li- bertntibus coiiceffis. 11, 12. Charta Henrici canonicis de Buttelcya. 13. Charta Ricardi Primi eildem canonicis concefla. 14. Margareta de Ros conceilit hjereditatem fuam Willichno flho fuo. i :;. Charta ^thelmeri, iiUi /Ethelwerdi, fatrapa; regis ^thelredi, abbati de Cernel conccffi. 16. Dorfo. De terris conceffisGalfrido filio Petri perregem Ricardum Primum. 17. Charta conceffa per regem Henricum monachis de Pipev/ell. 18. Charta Ricardi Primi eifdem monachis conceffa. 19. Dua; chartae conceflac Hugoni filio Anketilli de IMefcinges, & Rop-ero de Mefeingcs, de terris in Mtieing. 20, 21. X. Tres chartfE ecclefias Sandi Petri de Burgo per regem Ricardum Pri- mum concefli. No. i, 2, 3. De terris datis monachis ordinis Cifteriienfis, ad conflruendam abba- tiam de Flcxleia. 4, 5. Codintone 6c Wapelee conceffa abbatias de Stanlcga ; 6c raancrium dc Winterburn, concefium cidem abbatias. 6, 7. Pratum de Chingcfmede conceffum ecclefias de Abendon. 8. Quinque chartae de ecclefiis, terris, 6c libertatibus conccllis abbatia; de Rading. 9 ulque 13. Villa de Eftona conceffa monachis Salop'. 14. De libertatibus conceuis abbatiai de Weftm'. 16, 17. Dorfb. Wlwich 6c Moddingham conceffa abbati 6c monachis ecclefias beati Johannis Baptifls Angliacenfis. 18. Libertates conceffse ecclefiae SancSlae Marias Leirceflr'. 19, 20. De terris 6c ecclefiis concefTis canonicis do Torinton. 21. Worda, membrum mancrii de Fercadon, conceffa monachis de Tame. 22. C 2 Pro 20 C II A R T .E A N T I QJJ Ai. Pro monacliis dc Stcinlog. 23. Pro monachis de Stratford. 24, 25, 26. Deterris 5c libcrtatibus concefiis Alano de Valenles. 27. De libcrtatibus in honore de Huntedona concefTis comiti David, fratri r.gis Scotiac. 28. Caflcllum de Arundell', cum toto houore Arundell', conccffum Willi- elmo comiti Arundell'. 29. Pro canonicis ecclefiae Sanifli Dionilli, juxta Suthamton. 30. Manerium de Suniburn, 6cc. conccflum Willielmo Briewerc. 31. Y. DuPD chartse bviro;cnubus de Notingham, conceflce per Henricum Se-. cundum, & regem Johaancm. No. i, 2. Manerium ce Celtrefeld in Derby/hire, cum Brumton & Wittinton,. & foca, & toto Wapen' de Scarncdale, concefla Ricardo Briwere. 3. Pro monachis de Wardonc. 4. Proburgenfibus de JVIerlcberg. 5. Terra de Sutton de la Hanc concelTa Willielmo de Wrotham, ad faci- endum indc unum holpitale. 6. Pro abbate &c monachis Sancti Marci de Monte Viterbo in Tufcia. y. Terra de Prell:liore & d'c Ilaucunho concefla GaltVido, Arbelftario regis. 8. || Pro monachis de Tileteia. 9. Ecclefia San£li Maderni dc Pvidwori concede! Thomo? de Chlmcll, clcrico. laccrat'. i o. Cuftodia terra) & puerorum Hamonis de Valoines conceffa Hugoni Nevill. II. Rex concefllt Rogero dc BriflolF fcxaginta 6c fexdccim folidos & ob' annuatim percipiend. lacerat'. 12. . De tcrris & libcrtatibus conceflis monachis de Swinefneved. ij. Dorfo. Pro Willielmo fillo Othonis Aurifabri, de terra de Bcnflet, 6c aliis terris in com' Eflex, 6c dc mirterio cuneorum. 14 ulque 20. Pro abbate 6c monachis de Hida. 21. Hundredum de Normancros concefTum abbatiiC dc Thorncya. 22. De terris conccflis Rogero de Flamenvilla, 6c Willielmo filio fuo. 13,21. j^ldermaneria de Weftgatc infra muros clvitatis Cantuari^e concefla Baldewino de Wervall. 25, 26. Deterris 6c libertaribus conccflis monachis de Rupe. 27. Dorlb. Manerium de Hedindon conccflum I'honxa; BaflTet. 28. Manerium CHARTvE ANTI Q^U J£. 21 Manerlum de BeleAed concefTum abbati de Albamar'. 29. IMolendinum extra Dorcheftre couceffum abbatis de Binedon. la- cerat'. 30. Manerium de Chavele concefTum Gilberto Peche. 31, 32. Pro monacliis de Buckfaft, donatio terrarum. 33. z. Corebrigg maner' concefTum Roberto filio Roger!. No. i,. Newburn manerluni conceffum eidem Roberto. 2. Robyri manerium ccncelTum eidem Roberto. 3. Johannes rex concefTit Rogero de Briftoll' fexaginta 5c fexdecim folidos •&ob', annuatim percipiendos. 4. Pro burgenfibus de Derby. 5. Duae chartaj monachis de Mergan concefTae. 6, 7. Comitatus Roteland cum warrcnna in terra fua de Emplngeham, con- ccila Radulpho de Normanvill. 8. Wycumbe manerium concefllim Alano BafTet. 9.. Duae chartiE epifcopo Cyceflrenfi concefTs. 10, 11. Niweton concefilim canonicis de Plinton. i 2. Cuftodia terrarum & haeredum Ricardi de Greinvill concefTa Ricardo Fleming. 13. Pro abbate & conventu de Cormeliis. 14.. Dudecota concefla Hugoni de Mara. 15. Pro canonicis de Tanton. lacerat'. 16. Pro canonicis de Wudcham. lacerat'. i y. Manerium de Corbi conceffum Roberto de Braibroc. 18. Dorlb* Manerium de Writel concefliuii Thomae de Ncvill. 19. Pro abbate 6c canonicis de Cyrenceftre. 20. De terris in Cokham, 6cc. conceflis Ada^ filio Radulphi de Burn* ham. 21. De libertatibus concefTis Roaldo frlio Alani. 22. Mafiigium, quod fuit Bencdiiti filii Jacobl in Lincoln', concelTura Galfrido SaUarlo regis. 23. Charta regis Johannis concefTa burgenfibus de Dunewiz. 24. Pro abbatia San£li Stephanl de Cadomo. 25. Pro abbate & conventu ccclefia? Sanfti Martini Sagii. 26, 27.. Prefbiteratus omnium Juda:orum totius AngliaeconcefTus Jolceo Judxo London'. 28. Manerium de Odiham concefTum hominibus di Odiham. 29. De terris concelHs Alardo Flandreuli. 30. Johannes. 22 C H A R T .E A N T I Q U ^. Tohsnncs rex concefTit bnronibus de Pevenfcl, quod taciant unam villain lupcr galetum quod jacct inter portum de Pevenlcl 6c Laiige- ncrc. 3 i . Advocatio abbatix Sandae OJithiP de Chlch' concefla epifcopo London'. 3:. De tfrris conceflls Roberto de Warncford. 33. De m lueriis de Weftun, & de la Penne. lacerat'. 34. Manerium de Eiton conceffum Willielmo de Cantilupo. 35. A. A. Terra de Wutton concefTa Waltero de la Rivere. No. i, 2. Quatuor charts monachis Sandli Auguftini Cantuaris concedk* 3, 4' 5> 6. Qnatuor charts? conceflk abbatlae Sanclse Maria: de Torneia. 7 uique i o. IVIaneriuni de Olkinton, & terrx in Wilberdefton iio Stok, couceis' Willielmo de Albcncio. 11. De libertatibus concelTis Icprofis Sancti Lazari de Jerufalcm. 12. Quod ecclefia Sandae Mariae Oxon', & perfona ejufdem ecclefiae, lint quiet' de redditu xxxii. denar'. 13. De terris conceiris Willielmo de Wrotham. 14. Pro epifcopo Dunolm' conlirmatio libertatum. 15. Manerium de Sneid, cum Ibca, concels' Rogero de Laci, conftabu- lario Ccftria;. 1 6. Pro monachis de Radinges. 17, 18. Terra in villa de Kerfinton concelTa Thomse de Chimilli. 19. Manerium de Ceftrefcld, cum Briwcton, &c. conccflii Willielmo Briwere. 20. Honor cum caftcllo de Berkhamfled concefs' Gaufrido filio Petri, com!ti Eflex. 21. Manerium de Wintereflawe conceflum eidem Gaufrido. 22. Manerium de Aillefbyr' concellum eidem Gaufrido. 23. Immemcre 6c Immcdon, 6cc. concc(Tl\ ThomiE Ruffi. lacerat'. 24. Manerium de Gretton conceffum Waltero de Prefton. 25. Manerium de Andover concefl'um horainibus de Andovcr. 26. Pro abbarc 6: convcntu dc Crck. 27. Charta r g : | obnnni^ pro canonicis dc Cyrenceftr'. 28. Dorfo. Pro priore 6c canonicis de Suwick. 29. Maneria de Ccddrc 6c Axcbrige, cum hun.Iredis de Wintheftoke & de Ceddre, conceffa Hugoni de Wellij;. 30. Dorfo. De terris conccflis Wiiliclmo Turpiu, Camerario regis. 31. 7 Terra 1 CHART. E ANTI QJJ JE. ^^ ■ Terra de Froma concefTa Ofeberto Turpin. lacerat'. 32. Manerium de Aura concefTum Wlatero feniori de Aura, cum allis terris. 33' 34. _ De terris in Stanwele, & alibi, conceflis Jocclino filio Hugoni?, parfonae ecclefiic dc Stanwell. 35. Manerium de Hwauton, cum tota baronia, concefs' Roberto filio Rogeri. 36. Cuilodia totius forcfta? de Eflexia, & domorum regis de Havering, cou- cella Ricardo dc Munfichct. 37. Manerium de Colingham & Berdefeie concefs' abbati & monachis de Kjrkeftall. 38. Avalagium Thamifiis apud Bray conceflum Jordano de Londoniis. 39. Capellaria Sanfti Stephani de Welhn' conceflum Baldewino de Londoniis. 40. Johannes rex conceflit Aliclas comitifl"a3 Warewic', quod fit vidua quamdiu fibi placuerit. Sec. 41. • Rex concefiit Magirtro Williclmo dc Leicellr', clerico, triglnta mar- cas fingulis annls. 42. Rex quietum clamavit Fulconem de Oirl de manerlo fi.10 de Gednay, & de Soka, &c. 43. De terris apud Chintonam conceflis Radulpho de San61:o Germano. 44v45- Cuilodia comitatuum ElTex' & Herford' conccfiii Roberto Mantelo. 46. Manerium de Stokes juxta Guldcford conceflum epitcopo Lonuou'. i\.y. Pro eplicopo London', lacerat'. 48. Charta conceflii burgenfibus Huntedon'. lacerat'. 49. . B. B. Manerium de Wyrkefwrde & Efleburne concefs' Willielmo de Fer- rarlis, comlti de Derebl. No, i. Rex fulceplt in proteifllonem fuam Vincentium hlium Mainard, Sec. 2. . Una virgata terr33 in Dinefle concefia Willielmo Pollard. 3. Quadraginta lolid' fterlingorum annuatim percipiend' conceili abbatix' Fontis Eborardi. 4. Decem marcas annuatim percipiend' concefl'a; abbatiaj San6ti Edmundi, tid reparationem feretrl Sandii Edmundi. 5. De terris conceflis Rogero de Sanfto Manveo. 6. . Pro epifcopo Coventrenfi. 7. Terra de Dalewudc conceira Roberto dc Cantlmerula. 8. Due chartasde libertatlbus ecclefiiE Saudi Pauli London'. 9, )o. Medietas 24 C H A R T .E A N T I Q^U .E. Medietas manerii de Mealdon concefl'a ecclefiae Saudi Pauli London'. 1 1 . Manerium de Cire^iceftr' conceflum canonicis ibidem. 12, 13. De terris concefils nionachis dc Dora. 14. Tres chartae de terris & libertatibus concellis monachis de Tynemue. lacerat". 15, 16, 18. Dorfo. Pro mojiialibiis de Bromhal. 1 7. Mancriiim de Blaafl:on conceflum Hugoni de Xevill. 19. Dorfo. Molendinum dcWirmhuU cum terris concefs' Daniel Pincernse. 20. Mancrium dc Bruhull coucedum Willielmo Buiftard. 21. Cancelaria regis concefla Waltero deGrai. 22. Rex fufcepit in proteclionem fuam epifcopum London'. 23. De conduclu c\: protectione pro Hugone Oifel. 24, 25. Dorfo. Mercatum de Wudcfi:ok, cum Langabulo ejufdcm vilhe, concefs' Re- ginaldo de Bruhull. 26. Pro Godefrido Spigurnell. 27. Dc terris conccflis Galfridi tilio Petri, lacerat'. 28. Charta de libertatibus conceflls hominibus de Yvelceflr'. lacerat'. 29. Pro Willielmo Daco. 30. Quod homines de Sanfto Botulfo fnit de honore de Richemund. lacerat'. 31. Pro monachis de Stanleya. lacerat.' 32. c. c. Chartx regum Edwardl Confefforis, & W^illlelmi Primi, &cc. de terris & libertatibus conceflis abbatias Weftm'. No. i, 2, 3. Charta Matildis Imperatricis, de libertatibus conceflis abbatias de Hulmo. 4. Dorfo. Charta Henrici Secundi conccfla eidem abbatix. 5. Tres chartae Henrici Primi &c Secundi abbatiie de Whitebi con- ceflle. 6, 7, 8. Charta Henrici Secundi de ecclefiis, capellis, terris, & declmis, ec- clefiae Sandtoe Marix Sarelber' concellis. manca. 9. Pro monachis de San6lo Laurentio. manca. 10. De libertatibus concelfis canonicis de Mcrton. i i. Dc libertatibus concefhs fratribus San£li Hofpitalis Jerufalem. 12, 13. Chartaj Williclmi Primi, Henrici Primi & Secundi, de libertatibus ^cc\:Cix Sanfti Pauli London'. 14 ufque 18. Pro monialibus dc Alarciniaco. 19. Pro abbate &c monachis de Ruhford. 20. De libertatibus concellis abbati & monacliis de Ramefey, 2 1. Pro ! CHARTS ANTI Q^U JE. 25 Pro abbate & monachis de Becco, 22. Robeitus comes Mellent, confulatum Legeceflr' adeptus, fundavit domura religiolis in Leyceftr'. manca. 23. D. D. Duae charts; concefs' Willielmo de Humez per reges Henrlcum Se- cundum & Ricardum Primum, de Conftabularia regis. No. i, 2. De libertatibus conceflis burgenfibus Glouceftria2 per reges Henrlcum Secundum & Ricardum Primum. 3, 4. Libertates ecclelis Eboracenfis. 5. Ecclefia de Stokeflay, ecclefia de Staintona, & ecclefia de Gainesford, cum capella de Caftello Bern, concefla: ecclefis Sandae Mariae Ebo- raci. 6. Korkeby cum pifcaria, & Kaderleng c\im molendino, concefs' Hu- berto de Vallibus quiet' ab omni Neutegeldo. 7 & 20, ac 21. Dorfo. Terra de Wordhie conceffa Waltero Ofliario de camera regis. 8. Villa de Stanlea conceffa eidem Waltero. 9. Confirmatio Ricardi Primi fafta Almarico difpenfatori, de terra de Wordi, & de Stanlea. 10, 11. Charta Ricardi Primi epifcopo Lincoln' conceffa, de quietantia Man- telli. 12. Mancrium de Turroc conceffum per Ricardum Primum Henrico de Gray. 13, Ricardus Primus concefiit abbati & monachis de Tyrun xx. marcas argenti, percipiendas annuatim. 14. Libertates conceffas canonicis de Kertmel. 15. Charts de libertatibus & terris conceffis monafterio de Burgo. 16 17, 18, 19. De libertatibus conceffis hofpltali Sancli Petri Eboraci. 22, 23. Sex charta;, de libertatibus & terris conceffis abbati & monachis de Whitebl. £4 ufq-, 92. Manerium de Haunleg, & cuftodia fore(la^ de Malvern, concefs' Gal- frido de Abbetot. 32. Johannes rex fufcepit in protectionem fuam ecclefiam Beverlac', &c. ^^. "Scrjanteria in capella regis, & _^medictas caparum epifcopal', copceflb Waltero Buiftard. 34. Charta Sandlimonialibus de Wices. manca. 35. D E. E. Charta? 26 CHART yEANTI QJU .^. E. E. Chartae Edwardl Confeflbrls, & Henrlci Secundi, conceflac abbatl de Fefcamp, & de Placito tangcnte terras &: libertates. No. 1,2, j Cliarta Rlcardl Primi conccffa monaftcrio de Burgo. 3. Charta Rlcardl Priinl de libertatibus conceflis abbatl 6c monachls ec- cleiiae San£ti Aldellni Malmcfbur'. 4. I De quinquaginta acris de eflartis de Alemundebir', conceffis canonlcis de Mertoii per regcm Henricum Secundum 5. Ricardus Primus conceffit Roberto fillo Rogerl manerlum de Eura, cum pertinentlis. 6. Tres chartae ecclefia; San£ll Petri Gemetlcenfis conceflze. 7, 8, 9. Manerlum de Hou, cum pertinentlis, concefl'um Hugonl Bard, in ex- cambio honoris de Banton. 10. Decern acrae de eflartis In manerio de Herieia conceflic monachls de Herleia. 11. Sexaginta acrce in forefla de Akeden, ex parte Chenebolton, conceflae comltl Simonl. 12. Weftona & Alwielga concefla Widoni Extraneo. 13. Charta concefia Wlllielmo Brlewere, quod teneat terras fuas in forcfta de Llavera. 14. De terrls & hbertatlbus conceflis ecclefiae Sandlae Frldefwid' Oxoii' per regem Johanncm. 15. De terris & libertatibus conceflis abbatl & canonlcis de Lillefluill. manca. 16. Manerlum de Sathberga, cum wapentaco 6c libertatibus, concefs' ec- clefias San^tl Cuthbertl Dunolm'. lacerata. i 7. ^Irichefcot, quai ell in Devonia, conceflk Rogero de Thoeni. lacerata. 18. Duo inflrumenta. lacerata. 19,20. Charta Rlcardl Priml abbatl de Burgo conccfla. ai. Mefliaglum quod fuit Robertl Briton in clvitate London', In Vinetarla, conceflUm Hugonl Oifel de Ipra. 22. Dorfo. Charta regis Johannls monachls de Lenton concefla. 23. Dorfo. Alia charta eifdem monachis. 24. llungrecluna cum pertln' conccfla ecclefia; Sandli Jacobl de Wel- leberch. 2<;. Charta regis Johannls burgcnflbus Glouceftr* concefla. 26. Mane ria CHARTS ANTI Q^U JE. a; JVIaneria de Luitonn, de Waneting, & Norton, conceffa Baldewino de Betuna com' Albemarl', per reges Ricardum Primum &c Johaii- nem. 27, 28. Maneria de Rolefham, Stokes, Braburn, Sutton, .... conceffa eidem Baldewino. Charta ejufdem Baldewini Roberto de Marifco conceffa, de manerlo de Nortun, & molendino de Wica, &c. manca. 2-9. Johannes rex conceffit Hugoni de Hafteng quicquld habuit in villa de Tylley. manca. 30. Charta conceffa burgcnfibus de Gipefwico. manca. 31. F. F. De manerlis, ecclefiis, terris, & libertatibus conceflis monachls ecclefiae Sancti Petri de Monte Acuto. No. i, 2, 3. Pro fratribus & fbroribus hofpitalis San6li Johannis extra portam orientalem Oxoniae' de libertatibus. 4. Pro fratribus hofpitalis de Olpringis. 5. Pro monachis de Stanleya. 6. Manerium de Ford conceffum Henrico Aldithel. 7. Maneria de Carwell & de Depeford, cum advocatione ecclefiae de Depeford, conceffi Nicholao de Molis. 8. Pro ecclefia BeatiE Maria; Sarum tranflata de Caftro Sarefberias ad locum inferiorem. 9. Terra in Skeggeby conceffa Godefrido Spigurnell. i o. Terra in Sutton concefla Gilberto Baflet. i i . Villa de Ceflreton concefla priori & canonicis de Bernewell. 12. Johannes de Bello Campo quietum clamavit Henrico do Braibroc. 13. Terra de Brokhampton, 6c de Cumbroc, 6c Kington, concefla Ra- dulpho de Trublevill. 14. Villa de Braicote concefla Plenrico de Cerne. 15. Pro abbate de Furnes. 16. Dorfo. Pro abbate de Bordcflegh. 17. Terra in ... vvurth & in Werblinton conceffa Willielmo Aguilun. manca. 18. G. G. Duai chartae rcgum Hcnrici Primi 6c Sccundi monachis Theodford conceflic. No. 1, 2. Flenricus Sccundus conceflit Pctro Capri lano fuo, 6c Willielmo de Wodeham fervienti fuo, xxx. acras terra: de Wodcham. 3. D 2 l^c 29 CHART. EANTI QJJ .E. De tcrris concc-llls c-cclefict Sancll Johnnnii Baptilla; de Wo-'cham, 4- Quatuor acne terra^ in Aketona conccflle Rogero Barre. 5. De terns & libcrtatibus concefiis ecclc-rut Sandlas Maria; & Sancti Johannis Baptifla? de Godeflowe, & monialibus ibidem. 6. mV De maneriis, terris, & dccimis, coniirmatls ordini & rcligioni Fontis " Ebraldi. 7. De terris conceflis monialibus de Fonte Ebraldi. 8. Dorfo. ij| Charta regis Ricardi Primi de ecclcfia Fontis Ebraldi. 9. Charta cjufdcm regis de abbatia de Hulmo. 10. De libcrtatibus concellis abbati & monachis de Becco. 1 r. De maneriis conceflis Roberto Achard. 12, 13. Ricardus Primus rex conceflit Willielmo de Sanftae Mari;E ecclefia, decanatum ecclcliae San£ti Martini London', i 5. Dc terris in Lechamplled conceflis Ricardo filio Ofberti. 16. Manerium de Hon conceflum Hugoni Bard, in excambio honoris de Bamton. 17. Charta regis Ricardi, de terris conceflis canonicis dc Merton. 1 S. Jc hannes rex conceflit Radulpho de Arden, ut efliartari faciat xl. acras de Bofco fuo de Mora, in Mcthing. 19. Rex Ricardus Primus recepit in protedlionem fuam canonicos & mo- niales domus de Semplingham. 20. Charta ejufdem regis priori de Spalding. 21. No. 22 & 23 manca. H. H. Burton fuper Trent mercatum, warrenna, & libcrtates. No. i . Bromley mercatum conceflTum abbati & monachis de Burton. 2. Coumbc Martin, feria concefla Willielmo Martin. In Schedula. Barnfl:aple Burgus, feria concefla Willielmo Martin. In Schedula. Haldefworthi, feria concelTa Willielmo Martin. In Schedula. Taufl:ock libera warenna concefla eidem W'illielmo. 3. Nymet mercatum & feria concefla eidem Willielmo. 3. Dantridccum maner', inercatum concefla Henr' de Traccy. 4. Bovl manerium in comitatu Devon', mercatum, feria, & libera wa- renna, conceflli eidem Henrico. 5. Southmouton manerium, mercatum, & feria, conceflGi Nicolao filio Martini. 6. Wcfl:-Lydesford manerium, mercatum, & feria concefla eidem Ni- colao. 7. 2 Merwode CHART.^ ANTI QJJ /E. 29 Menvode raanerium, feria, & libera warenna, iii diverfis manerils, concefla Willielmo Martin. 8. Toppefliam manerium, mercatum, & feria concefla Hugoni de Courtney. 9. Ken manerium mercatum, & feria concefla Hugoni de Courtney. 9. Ywern mercatum, & duas feria; concefs' eidem Hugoni. 10. Sex chartiTS de libertatibus conceffis burgenfibus Salop'. 1 1 ufq; 16. Feria apud Novam Sarum concefla epifcopo Saruin. 17, 18, 22. Ramnefbur' manerium, feria, concefla epifcopo Sarum. ip, 23. Shireburn manerium, feria, concefla epifcopo Saioim. 19,23. Suthbrom' extra villam Divis' feria concefla eidem epifcopo. 20. Yateiininfter feria concefla epifcopo Sarum. 21. Godalmyngg feria concefla epifcopo Sarum. 21. Chidingefold feria concefla epifcopo Sarum. 21. Sonnyng apud Wokyngham dus ferias concefla.^ epifcopo Sarum. 24. Nofl:el feria concefla canonicis Sancli Ofwaldi, Sc confirmatio ejufdem. Hertone feria & libera warenna in diverfls terris fuls in comltatu Devon', conceflze Olivero de Dynham. 27. Herton mercatum concefllim eidem Olivero. 28. Bokelaunde mercatum & feria concefs' Galfrido de Dynham. 29. I. I. Charta gloriofi regis ^dgari, dc pofleflionibus & libertatibus ecclefias Elieufis. No. i. Charta Sandli regis Edwardi, de pofleflionibus & libertatibus ecclefi^e Elienfis. 2. Charta regis Willielml Primi fa£ta eidem ecclefiae. 3. Charta Henrici regis Primi concefla eidem ecclefia;. 4. Danecaflre, feria concefla Roberto de Turnham. 5. Lyth, mercatum & feria conceis' Petro de Malo Lacu. 6, j. Egeton, mercatum & feria concefs' eidem Petro. 8. Grenefted villa concefla per W. comitem Glouceflr' Ricardo de Luci. 9. Stanford & Angre, &c. conceflie Ricardo de Lucy per W. com' filiuni regis Stephanl, 10. Grenefled villa confirmata Ricardo de Lucy per regem Henricuna Se- cundum. 1 1 Rex 30 CHART/EANTI QJJ JE. Rex Henricus Sccundus confirmavit donationem quam rex Stephami s & regina Alatildis, & Willielmus comes Boloniic, feceruiit Ricardo de Luci, de Terra, de Stanford, & de Aungre. 12. Lean feria concelTa epifcopo Norwicenfi. I J- Lean fcria conccfla epifcopo Norwicenfi, & comiti Arundell'. 14. OlTiclum de pincernaria regis concefllim Michaeli Beleth. 15. Rudham mercatum concelfiuTi eidem Michaeli. 16. Eft-Rudham fcria conccfla Herveo Beleth. 17. Hcrvcus Beleth dcdit canonicis de Cokesford manerium fuum de Rudham, &c. iS. De libertatibus conccflis burgenfibus de Plimpton per Baldew_ynum de Redveriis, comitem Devon', & dominum Inlula;, ac Ifabellam de Forti- bus, comitiflam de Alba-marla, & Devon'. 19, 20. Chartas Ricardi Primi, AlianoriE Regina?, & Otiionis ducis Aquitaniac, faftrE Chitro, fcrvienti regis, ut ad totam vitam pacihce poffideat Beecla, Corbiac, &c. 21, 22, 23. De libertatibus conceflis abbati & monachis de Evefham. 24 u iS. Quod ecclefia Malvcrnia; quieta fit de aflartis in forefta Malver- nl;c. 29. Hales manerium concefllim epifcopo Winton'. 30, 3 i. Ranulphus comes Ceflrlas conceffit baronibus de Ceilrefchlre libertatem aflartandi terras fuas. 32. De libertatibus conceffis ecclcfiiE Wygornienfi in qua corpus Johannis regis traditur fepulturac. 33, 34. Patronatus abbatias de Thorncya conceflus epifcopo Elienfi, ^^. 1 Infula Elyenfis, cum libertatibus, concefl^ae epifcopo Elyenfi. 27- Quod prior & monachi Wygorniai habeant libcram warennam in omnibus dominicis terris fuis. 38. Johannes rex concefiit canonicis Hereford', quod habeant omnia tene- I menta fua libera & quieta. ^g. Johannes rex conceffit epifcopo Hereford' terras & pofleffiones fuas li- beras &z quietas. 40. Henricus Tertius conceifit Johanni comiti Ceflriae & Huntingdon' di- verfas llbcrtates, qucC tangunt foreftam. 41. Ivibcra warenna conccfla abbati & conventui de Perfchora. 42. De libertatibus conceffis epifcopo Elienfi. Schcdul. 43,44,45. Sumerfham mercatum conceflimi epifcopo Elienfi. 46, 47. L'alefhm & Schipcdham mercatum 6c feria; conccfs' eidem epif- 9^]o. 48. Spalding CHARTS ANTI QJJ M. 31 Spalding villa conceffa eccleli.e & eplicopo Lincoln', anno 1109, 9 vel 10 Hen' Primi. 49. Duae charts de libera warenna conceffa epifcopo Elienfi, in dominicis terris fuis, ibidem nominatis. 50, 51. K. K. Principium hujus rotuli laceratum eft. Diverfe cuncefllones faftas Huberto de Burgo, de domibus, curia, capella, &c. in villa Weftm' ."fl:a de Sumcrilham, & foreftis dc Iluntedonefire. 26 ulq; 30. De CHART.^ ANTI Q^U M. 35 De lihcrfatibus coiicedls ecckiiae Sandic Miu-ia; de Loco Sanfti Ed- wardi, in Suthamptcs'. 31. De libcitatibusconceffisecclefiae Sanclae Marias de Bello Loco regis. 32. Rex conceffit quod prior & canonici de Selcburu habcant per terras fuas de Selebiune, ac Angre, Norton, Brompden, Baiiinges, Bafmgltok, & Natele, divcrfas libertates. ^2- De libertatibus conceffis epifcopo Wynton'. 34. Pro abbatc & monaclns dc Certefeye, de libcrtatibus infra fo- reftam. ^y Qiiod canonici de Merton quietl Tint de effirtis. 36. Villa de Kenefare & cuftodia foreftiE de Kenefare conceflue Phillppo filio Helgot. 37. Maneria de Lampert, & de Cury, cum forcfta ad manerium de Cury pertinente, concefs' Ricardo Revel. 38. Rex concept monachis de Dene totam vallem de Caflard, & locum qui dicitur Flixlclj'a, & dtcimam Callanearum, ac quandam pifcariam apud Redleiam quue dicitur Wewcrla, &c. 39. Rex concelFit eccleli^e Beat<£ Maria? de Bildewas locum qui vocatur Bildewas, cum bofco & ilirtis, &c. 40. Libera warenna concefla abbatl & conventul Sanftl Albani. 41. Quod abbas & monachl de Bafingwerk lint quietl de opere parci, &c. 42. I^lbertates conceirae canonicis de Ciceftre. 43. Rex concedlt epHcopo Coventr', quod omnia maneria fua libera fint & quieta de forellis & de placitls forefta?. 44. Quod abbas 6c monachl de Forde iint quicti de efHirtis. 45. Quod Gilbertus filius Rogeri 6c hieredes haberent totam foreftam fuam de Weflmerlond, & de Kendale, & de Furnays. 46. Una Hida terric in Wyton', 6c duae HidiE in Lllllngton, conceffie Galfrido de Clynton, ad fundand' ecclcfiam in terra de Kenillcworda & Canoe'. 47. Aliai ternii concefla; canonicis de Kenilleworth. 48. Locus qui vocatur Brueria couceffa ecclefiae Sandbe MarliC de Bru- eria. 49. Manerium de Hamelc-hamftcd, cum Ilbertatibus, concefs' xetStori 6c fratribus de Aisherugg. 50, 71. Pro abbate 6c conventu de Prato. 51, 72. Pro magiflro, fratribus, Ibroribus, & infirmis hoipitalis San£li Johannis extra portam orlentalem Oxon'. 52, 73. Pro burgenfibus de Coleceftre. ^^. E -J Bruerii i o^G C H A R T .^ A N T I QJJ JE. IJiueria In Wlndlefoure concefla monachis de Stratford. 54. j^ofcus, qui appcllatur la liokhcrllc, cum libera warenna in diverfis manerils in com' Eflex, concefs' monachis de Stratford. 55. Nemora quit vocantur Wcftwode, & Clunewode, & Midelwode, & •Eftwode, concefla canonlcis de Maudon. 56. Pro canonicis de Wnltham. 57. Pro abbate & conventu de Wardon. 58. De libertatibus & quletantiis conceflis epifcopo Karllol' in maneriis de Karleton & Birftachc, ac Dalflon. ^g. . De libertatibus conceflis burgenfibus de Scardeburg. 60, 61. \| Pro abbate & monachis de Holcoltram. 62 ufq; 65. Pro ab! ate & conventu de Ramefeic, de tcrris &c libertatibus cis con- ceflis. 66 ufq; 70. De libertatibus conceflis priori & monachis de Wlgorn', ubi corpus regis Johannis traditur fepulturae. 74, 75. De pri\ ilegiis & quictantiis eccleliaj Sanfts Marias & Helberti Here- ford' conceflTis. 76,77. Rex conceflit Johanni comlti Ceflr' diverfas libertatcs, quae tangunt forcdam. 78. Libera warenna in diverfls locis concefla abbati & conventui de Per- fliora. 79. De libertatibus conceflis canonicis de Merton'. 80. Villa de Prcfton, cum wapentachio de Aymondernefl'e, &c. concefs' Theobaldo filio Walter!. 81. Silva de Comenore & de Baggelaya conceflTa abbati & monachis de Abindon'. 82. Manerium de Cyreceftre, cum villa de Muntti, cum vii. Hundredis, &c. concefla abbati & monachis de Cyreceflre. 83. Nomina villarum in diverfls Hundredis in com' EflTex'. o. o. Pro abbate & monachis dc Certefey. No. i. De diverfls maneriis concefl*is cccleflce de Bello. 2. Manerla dc Certefeia, Egeham, Torp, & Celbeham, conceflTa abbati & monachis de Certefeia, cum libertatibus. 3, 4, 5. Charta concefla epifcopo Ely de foreftis. 6. Charta concefla finctlmonialibus Sandta" Mariae de \^'ikc?. 7. Pro canonicis de Merton. 8. Quadraginta acras terras de Thethelegha conceflk; canonicis de Tu- gartona. 9. Pro CHARTS ANTI Q^U ^. 2,1 Pro ecclefia San6li Jacob! de Briftow. lo, 23. Charta regis Henrici Primi de libertatibus Gonceffis abbati de Rad- ing. II. Rex conceffit Galfrido de Clinton, thefaurario & camerario fuo, fundare ecclcfiam Sandlas Maris de Kenilleworda. 1 2. DiverfiE acriE effartorum in comitatu ElTex' concefTae comiti Willielmo de Maud. 13. Pro canonicis de Merton. 14. De terris concellis abbati & monachis de Rusford. 15. Rex conceffit Radulpho de Arderne, ut effartari faciat xl. acras de bofco fuo de Mora in Meting. 16. Pro ecclefia San6l« Marie? Sarum. 17. Pro abbate & monachis de Pipewell. 18. Pro fratribus Militia; Templi Salomon', ip. . Pro monachis de Teokelbury'. 20. Quietantia de effartis conceflis Rogero Barr. 21. . Hermitagium in Wrtoll conceffum monachis Coleceflre. 22. Pro fandtimonialibus de Apeltona. 24. Efliirta de Wircceft'rfira concefla Willielmo Folet. 25. Triginta acra; terrae de Wudeham conceiTas Petro Capellano, & Wilr lielmo de Wudeham. 26. Pro canonicis ecclefiae Sanfti Jacobl de Norhampton. 27, 30. Rex conceffit Ricardo filio Ofberti odo acras aflartorum in Lechan- ftede. 28. Cuftodia Foreflaj de Eflex', & domus de Havering, concefla Ricardo de Munfichet. 29. Rex conceffit Ricardo de Lucy centum acras terrse in forefla de Stan- ford, 6c de Grenefted, & de Angra. 31. Bofcus de North wod concefllis abbatiflae de Ramefey. 32. . P. P. Forefta de Huntendoii', cum libertatibus, concefla G. filia Petri, comiti • Eflbx', No. I. DeafForeftatio pro hominibus Cornubia?. 2. Paftura de Efshop concefla canonicis de Wellebec, per metas. 3. Rex conceflit Rogero de Nevill totum effiirtum dc Rokinghani. 4. • Rex conceffit ecclefis Beati Ednuindi, quod bofci de Ilcrlauo, £c Stapelford, 6c de Werketon, quieti fiat de rcgardo, vaflo, & vifu fo- reflariorum, 6cc. 5. MancrJuni 3? C II A R T ^ A N T I Q U .E. Maucriuni do Beniftld conccflTiim Baldewino dc Gifnes. 6. Rex coiiccrtit Simoiii de Langeton, quod totam tcrram luam & bof- ciim, qui pertiiieiu ad pra^bendam de Streiiclhalc, claudere poliit luffato. 7. Johannes rex concefiit Rogero dc Bello Campo, quod claudat bofcum fuum de Staf-liole, ad faciendum Inde parcum. 8. De pravis confuetudinibus foreftariorum delendis. 9. Pro abbate de Dore. 10. De licentia data Willielmo Brewer ad cffartandum triginta acras, quletas de Regardo, in bofco fuo de Blitheworth. 1 1. De pcrmittendo abbatem Sanclaj Crucis de Waltham habere libertates qua? habere conllievit in bofcis fuis. 12. Licentia data Thomje de Calbeham alHirtandi & excolendi tres acras in Faleflegh. 1 1^. Rex concelfit Radulpho Gernoun, quod habeat per totam foreflam Eflex' canes fuos curreiites ad vulpem 6c lepores & niurelcgos fil- vcftres. 14. ' Breve de perambulatione facienda. 15. Licentia data conilti Arundell' claudcndi bofcum fuum de Wau- tham. 16. De permittendo \\'illielmum de Dufton eflartare viginti acras de bofco fuo de Bancroft. 1 7. De amenfurari flKicndo quadraginta acras terrae in forefla de Trlnell pi'o abbate de Dore. 18. De bofcis regis non vendendis. 19. Pro abbate de Becco. 20. Pro abbate de Spalding. 21. Manerium de Apethorn datum Ranulpho Britoni. 22, De quinquaginta acris bofci in bofco de Dudinton conceflis Willielmo Britoni. 23. Rex conccffit W. Karliol' eplfcopo, quod bofci adjacentes maneriis fuis de Carleton & Kirkefcaud fmt quieti de vaftis & regardis. 24. Quod Rogerus le Harpur habeat quatuor acras terrae & dimid' in Witton quietas de vafto, &c. 25. Rex conccffit Godcfrido de Craucumbe, quod bofcus de Heibar' quern claudi fecit, parcus remaneat. 26. Rex concefTit Huberto de Burgo, quod manerium fuum de Hatfeld Peverel quietum fit de vaflo, &c. 27. Rex conceflit Thomaj de Multon, quod claudat bofcum fuum de Kehvedon, & inde parcum faclat. 28. 7 De CHART^ANIMQJJ^. 59 De terrls in Warlaghay in forefta de Morf datis Alaiio fillo Roberti de Brug. 29. De libertatibus conceflis priori de Bradeneftoke. 30. Pro abbate de Hagham in com' Salop', ^i. Pro prioriffa & albis fanilimonialibus de Brewode. 32. De terris conceflis domui rellgiofae de Acornebiry, quam Walterus de - Lacy & Margareta uxor ejus, filia Willielmide Braos', fundaverunt. ^^. Pro Willielmo de San6lo Jolianne de Brulliis ei datis. 34. Pro archiepifcopo Ebor', quod bofcus de Coges iit quietus de regardo , fbreflariorum. ^^. Pro abbate de Evefham. ^6. Pro priore de Stodlegh. 37. No. 38 vacat. Rex concefllt abbati & monachis de Hida, quod bofcus eorum qui vocatur Lunemer' deafforeftetur. 39. Rex conceffit Patricio de Chaurtes, quod includere poflit foflato & haia bofcum fuum de Howode, & parcum inde facere. 40, Pro abbate de Warden, quod claudere & afl'artare, vel excolere, poflit . bofcum fuum de Middelho. 4 1 . Quod terra de Irchenefeld deafforeftetur, 42. Pro abbate de Ramefeia. 43. Pro abbate de Burgo. 44. Pro fratrlbus Militise Templi Salomonis. 45, 49.- Rex concefllt Amarico de Noers, quod bofcus fuus de Gaherft rema- neat claufus foflato & hay a. 46. Pro abbate Weflm' Icteflep manerium.v 47. Quod prior de Seleburn habeat. terras fuas quietas de vaflo & re- gardo. 48. Pro abbate de Dena. 50. Manerium de Cumgrcbir', cum advocatione ecclefia?, concefs' epil- ■ copo Bathou'. 51. De terris & tenementis conceflis abbati de Burgo, per metas. , 53. Rex conceiflt abbati & canonicis de Waltham manerium de Waltham, cum parco qui dicitur parcus Haroldi, &c. 53. Pro priore & fratribus hofpitalis Sancti Johanuis Jerufalem de canibus • fuis. 54. Charta de dcafForcflatione comitatus Berk'. ^^. . Quod tota warenna de Stanes fit dcawarennata. 56. Pro epifcopo Bath', quod manerium fuum dc Pukelfchuich fit dcaffo- rcflatum. 5 7. Rex 40 CHART .¥. A N T I Q^U M. Rex conceflit Rnnulpho Brltoai, quod bofcus de Aclc, qui appellatur Kyngefcrabbc, quietus iit de regardo &: varto. 58. Rex conceflit Godcfrido de Craucumbe, quod ipfe habeat canes fuos ad fugand' & capicnd' Icporcm, vulpcm, & catum. 59. Confimilis conceflio pro Roberto Houcl. 60. De libertatibus conceflis epifcopo Karliol' tangentibus foreftam. 61. Pro hominibus manentibus infra wareunam de Corf. 62. Deairbreftatio quarundam partium comitatus Notingham, per metas. 63. Rex conceflit abbati Bcata; Mariae de ordine Prycmonftratenfium, & canonicis, quod tena2 I'ua; de Porcefiire, Walefworth, &c de Colham, flat quietiie de vafto & regardo, &c. 64. De terris conceflis abbati de Dore, in comitatu Hereford', per metas. 6^' Pro leprofls de Boultun. 66. De libertatibus conceflis epifcopo Elienfl tangentibus foreftam de So- merfliam. 67. Rex conceflit Johanni comiti CefliriiC & Huntindon', quod ipfe, & homines ful qui tenent de honore Huntingdon', habeant terras fuasfolutas de vaflo forefta:', &c. 68. Quod bofcus Stephani de Segrave de Altmuudebir' flt quietus de vaflo & regardo, &c. 69. Rex conceflit Willielmo de Cantilupo, quod quandam partem bofci fui de Haringworth claudere pofiit, 6c parcum inde facere. 70. Pro priore de Gifeburn. 71. Pro priore de Seleburn. 72. Rex concelfit Godefrldo de Craucumbe, quod claudere poflit diverfas acras mor^e in forcfi:a de Selwode, & parcum inde taccre. 73. Rex conceflit Roberto de Mucegros, quod bofcum fuum de Ferfleit claudere poflit, & inde parcum facere. 74. i Deafforeflatio inter Ulam & Derwentam. 75. Dcafforeflatio quarundam partium comitatus Leyceflirije. 76. „ Pro leprofls de Boulton. 77. 9 Pro abbate de Pipewell. 7^. Rex conceflit Adx de Periton, -quod poflit eflartare & excolere bofcum fuum de Fackel. 79. Halelgrof & Kingefwodeconcefl"' Willielmo de Huntercumbe. 80. Duas acriE bofci conceflit' Gilberto Baflct, in augmentum parci fui de r'oflcrne, Sufl"ex'. 8r. Pro abbate Weflm'. 82. Rex conceflit Willielmo de Ferrarlls, quod poflit eflartare & excolere bofcum fuum de Wodeham. manca. 83. Q^Q^ Pro CHARTS A N r 1 QJJ M. 4t Pro abbate & monaclils de Bordefley in comitatu Wigora'. No. i, 2. Pro priore & conventu Wygorn'. 3. Pro abbate & conventu de Evefliam. 4. Pro fratribus Militije Templi Salomonis. 5, 8, Rex conceflit Willielmo Marelcallo, comiti Pembrochiae, quod ma- nerium fuum de Intelberge fit quietum de regardo, & vlfia forefta- riorum. 6. Rex conceffit Slmoni de Wauton, quod gardinum fuum cum grava infra gardinum illud, quod includi fecit in circuitu domus fua; in Bra- delcye, inclufum remaneat. 7. Rex conceffit Johanni de Frethon, quod cum canibus fuis propriis fugare poffit leporem, vulpem, & catum, per totam foreftam manerii de Windefor'. 9. De pardonatione pro Almero, Winton' elefto, fratre regis, i o. Manerium de Bodele conceffum monafterio Beati Petri Gloucellriie. i r. Pro archiepifcopo Ebor', quod bofcus de Coges fit quietus de regardo & vifu foreftariorum. 12. Rex conceilit priori & canonicis SanftcC Fredelwith Oxon' bofcum dc Gery. i^. Rex conceffit Petro de Montc-forti, quod diffleta de Wulgar' Hag' & de Wrenfler, claudi & affartari faciat, &c. 1 4. Rex conceffit Simoni de Seyn-lyz, quod bofcus fuus de Seytone in com' Roteland fit quietus de vafto & regardo foreftariorum. ij. Rex conceiiit monachis de Glouccftrc, ut habeant liberam warennam in tota terra eorum ultra Savernam. 16, 25. Nemus de Sudrugg, quod pertinet ad manerium de Rudele, conceflum monachis de Glouccftre. 1 7, 30. Pro abbate Gloucefhre tangen' foreftam. 18, 31. De libertatibus conceflis epifcopo Hereford'. 19, 20. Pro abbate de Flaxley, de terris & libertatibus. 21, 28. De libertatibus conceffis monachis Hereford'. 22. Pro monachis de Dene. 2 ;, 29. Pro abbate & monachis Fifcanenfibus, de mancrio de Chiltenham, &CC. 24. Decima venationis conceffa ecclefia; Sanfti Petri Glouccftr'. 26. Hernfitorium San6li Briavelli, cum terra quae vocatur la Pater Noflcr, conccfa' abbati de Gratia Dei. 37. F Rex 4a CHART^ANTI QJJ JE. Rex conceflit Willielmo de Valenc' quod bofcos fuos de Coljngbum & de Neutone includere poffit & parcos inde facere. 32. Rex conceflit Johanni de Bromore quinquag'mta acras terrs m Nova Forefla infra Ballivam do Godelhull. ^^. Charta de llbertate in comitatu Surr'. manca. 34. De libertatibus conceflis Willielmo Biuere. ^5- Pro burgo dc Portelinue. 36. Bokus de Norhwode conceirus ecclefia; Sanctse Marias de Romes'. 37^ 38. Pro abbate Glovernia;. 39. Pro prlore de Scleburne. 40. Pro tratribus MilitiaiTcmpli Salomonis. manca. 41, 42, 43. Pro abbate de Natcle. 44. Pro abbatifla de Wherewell. manca. 45. Pardonatio pro Waltero de Cane'. 46. Pardoiuitio pro Johanne de Percy. 47. Pro priore de Shereburne. 48. De libertatibus conceflis hominibus de Bafingftok. 49. Bofcus dc Inheilhull concefllis canonicis de Merton. 50. Antiqua: metae 6c bunda: in comitatu Southamton. 51. R. R. Memorandum, quod Charts, qux in hoc Rotulo conti- nentur, tangunt Foreftas. Pro abbate de Malmefbur'. manca. No. 1 . Pro abbate de Burgo, de libertate venandi. lacerata. 2, 3. Pro abbate de Stratford, manca. 4. Pro abbate de Stanley. 5. Riffletum in communi paftura inter Sumburne & Hakelegh conceffum Willielmo Brewer. 6. Pro canonicis deWakham,conhrmatio donationum & libertatum. 7, 8,9. Dc cfl!artis concelHs canonicis de Merton. lo. Pro fratribus Militia: Templi Salomonis. 11, 12. Maneria de Lamport & de Curi conccfla Ricardo Rcvell. 13, Pro monachis de Bildewas. 1 4. Pro cpillopo Wygorn'. 15. Decanatus C H A R T /E A N T I Q^U M. 43 Decanatus ecclefi^ Sandi Martini London', cum libertatibus, coii- cefTus Willielmo de Sanftse Mariie ecclefia. i6. Pro fratribus hofpitalls Jerufalem. 17. Pro abbate de Certefcy. 18. Libertates concefllc David, fratri regis Scotia?, & hominibus fuis, de honore de Huntendona.' 19. Pro canonicis de Cyrenceftre, de manerlo de Cyrenceftr' eis cou- ceflo, &c. ao. Pro abbate de Spalding, de libertatibus. 2i- Pro abbate de Tyleteia, de terris & libertatibus eis conceflis. 22. Cuftodia omnium bofcorum in Huntedonlhir' concefl'a abbati de Ramefeya. 23. s. s. Tres cliartae regaim Henrici Primi & Ricardi Primi, de libertatibus ecclefias Sanfti Benedi6li de Ramefeia. No. i, 2, 3. Duae chartae Ricardi Primi de terris & tcnementis conceiTis Gulielrao de Wroteham. 4, 5. Manerium & burgus de Dunftaple, cum mercato & fcolis ejufdem villa.% concefs' ecclefiai Sanfti Petri de Duneflapell. 6, 7. Quod iiberi homines de Kyngefton teneant villam de Kyngefloii ad firmam. 8. Dorfb. De libertatibus conceflis abbati & monachis de Becco. 9. De libertatibus conceffis canonicis de Leefton. 10. Quod Conllantia, filia Rogeri Furre, habcat terram fuam fecundum judicium in curia regis. 1 1. De terris conceflis Henrico Byfet, Dapifero regis. i2. De libertatibus conceffis ecclefiae Sandli Pauli London', et epifcopo ibidem, in manerio de Stok juxta Guildeford, per regerri Johannem. 13. De libertatibus conceffis monachis Sandje Trinitatis Cantuar' in Sandwico. 14. F 2 " INDEX. INDEX. A. ABBENDON. p. 28. t. 2, X. 8. n.n. 82. Acle, p.p. 58. Acorncbiri. p.p. 23- Adcftock. 1.1. 2"]' Aelrichefcot. e. e. 18. Agmundernes. r. 24. n.n. 81. Aillefbyri. a. a. 23. Akcdcii. e. c. 12. Aketona. g.g. 5. St. Alban. b. i. t. 34. n.n. 41. AlbamaiT. y. 29. Alemundebiri. e. e. 5. Alifton. nn. 12. Almuudebr'. p.p. 6^. Alrewas. p. 24. Ahviclega. e. e. 13. Ambcrfburl, b. 8. Ambianends. 1. 23. Ambrelliam. s. 23. Andover'. a. a. 26. Angliacenfis. x. 18. Angra. t. 15. (i.i.) 10. la. n.n. ^3' 0.0. 31. Apelton. t. 25. Apcltona. o. o. 24. Apcthorn. p.p. 2a. Arundell. Callr'. x. 29. Alkeby. q. 16. Alsheriigg. n.n. 50. 71. Aunkenvlk. 1.1. 15. Aura. a. a. 33, 34. Axebrige. a. a. 30. B. Baggclaya. n.n. 82. Balcheveril. c. 2, 3, 4. Balefham. (i.i.) 48. Bancroft, p.p. 17. Banton. e.c. 10. g.g. 17. Barnftaple. h.h. in Schcdula. Bafingcs. n.n. 23- Bafingftok. n.n. 33. q.q. 49. Baiingworc. s. 11. n.n. 42. Balkervill. k. 13. BafTclowe. 1.1. 37. Bathon'. epifcopus. k. 6.p.p. 51 Becco de. k. 2. c.c. 22. g.g. m.m. 14. p.p. 20. s.s. 9. Beecla. (i.i.) 21, 22, 23. Bcdintoa. k. k. 7. Bcdwind. w. 10. Begeford. k. 22, 23, 24, 25. Belande. m, 24. Beleftcd. y. 29, Bello Loco, dc. g. i, 2, 15. n.n. 12, 32. 0.0. 2. Benflat. y. i4iilq; 20. Benlteld. p.p. 6. Berdefeie. a. a. 38, Berewic. q. 19. Berkhamfled. 57' 1 1. 4. 5» INDEX. 45 Berkhamfted. a. a. 21. Berks, comitatus deaftbreflatus. p.p. 55- Berling. h. 20. Bermundefey. t. 3. Bern-Caftellum. d.d. 6. Bernewell. n. 47. f. f. 12. Beverlac. r. 15, 16, 17. d.d. 33. Biemcome. s. 22. Bilde'.vas. r. 20. n.n. 40. r.r. 14. Binadon. q. 17, 18. y. 30. Bluedoii. d. 26. Binham. n. 41. r. 21. Biriliache. n.n. 59. Blaafton. b. b. 19. m.m. 10. Blaculvell. m.m. 2. Bladeneham n. 24. Blithworth, k. 9. m.m. 15. p.p. 1 1. Bocfaft. s. 19. y. ^^. Bodele. q.q. 11. Bodmine. d. 40, 41. Bokeland, h.h. 29. Bokhcrll. n.n. 54. Bolonia. a. 30. Bovi. h.h, 5. Bordeflcgh. f.f. 17. Btrdcllcy. q.q. i, 2. BoreftaU. (i.) 29. Bofeham. w. 9. Boulron. p. p. 66, 77. Boxleia. c. i. q. 8. Biaburn. e.e. 27, 28. Brachenholm. n. 40. Bradcleye. q.q. 7. Bradcurtok. n.n. 24. p.p. 30. Bra 1 cote. f.f. 15. Brair. r. 34. Brantclion. k. k. 14. Bran ton. e. 15. Bray. a. a. 39. Briltelton. m.m. 3. Brewode. p.p. 32. Briavell St. q.q. 27. Briweton. k. 19,20. Brinkburne. f. 8. Brirtow. f. 24. k. 30,31. 0.0. 10, Brokhampton. f. f. 14. Bromhall. b. b. 17. Bromley, h.h. 2. Bromk'ie. p. 24. Brompdcn. n.n. ^^. Bruell. (i.) 29. Bruen'a. r. 1. 1. 29. n.n. 49. Bruhull. b.b. 21. BruhuH. q. 13. b.b. 21. Brumiton. y. 3. a.a. 20. Bukebi. k. ro. Burgo de. g. 7. x. i, 2, ^. d.d. i6> 17, 18, 19. e.e. 3, 21. 1.1. 38, 39.. p.p. 44. r.r. 2, 3. Burmingham. t. 41, 42. Burls, s. 28. Burton, h.h. i, 2. Buflardc-flegh. e. 13. Butolf St. b.b. 31. Butteleya. p. 32. w. 13, 14. C. Cadomo de. p. 16, 17. r. ^7^ 3^' s. 22. z, 25. Cantuar. e. 16, 17. f. 3, 4, 5,6, 17, 21, &c. (i.) 3 x\i''\; 20. n. 28, 29. t. 4, 5. y. 25, 26. a.a. 3, 4, 5, 6. s.s. 14. Cantuar' archlepifcopus. c. 17, 1 8. e. 21. Cantebrig'. e. 27. k. 7, ^6. Carleton. I N D 46 Carleton. p.p. 24. Canvell. f.f. 8. Cccfarllburg. d. 37. Caftard. 11.11. 39. Ceddic. a. a. 30. Cclbcham. 1.1. 20. 0.0. 3, 4, 5. Ceiinore. h. 6. (i.) 17. Cerne. q. 15- r- 28. Cerne-abb. w. 1 6. Ceniolio de. k. 21. Certeleie. 1.1. 5. 20. m.m. Certefey. 0.0. i, 3, 4, 5. r.r. 18. Certcfige. d. 7, Sec. Ccftrefeld y. 3. a. a. 20. Celireton. 11. 47. f. f. 12. Cellr' comitatus. u.n. 21. Chalgrave. q- 19. Chartufiaiii Fratres. 16. Chavcle.y. 31, 32. Chiclie ccclelia. a. 20. e.22, 23. z.32. Chidiiigefold. h h. 21. Chilteiiham. q.q. 24. Chinselhiede. x. 8. Chintona. a. a. 44, 45. Chiffcb'. II. n. 22. Cireccftr'.g. 9-5. 12. Clarlndon. n.n, 23. Clent. g. 12. Clere. n.n. 25. Ckinewode. n.n. 56. Cluniacenfcs. t. 37. CockcUvell. m. 12. Coctoii. t. II, 12. Codintone. x. 6. Coges. p.p. 35- q.q. 12. Cokesford (i. i.) 18. Cockham. z. 21. Coleceftre. n.n. 53. 0.0. 22. t, 22. 36. E X. Colingham. a. a. 38. Colinton. k. 32. Colynburn. q.q. 32. Conienore. n.n. 82. Corbiac. (i-i.) 21, 22, 23. Corby, g. 19. z. 18. Corebrigg. z. i. Corf. p.p. 62. Cormeliis de. z. 14. Cornub'. k. 5. p.p. 2. Cofliani. p.p. 64. Coventi'. b. 6. g. 11. m. 21. b. b. 7. Coventr' epilcopus. p. 24, 25. s. 15, 16. n.n. 44. Coumbe Martin, h.h. in Schedula. Creendon. d. 44. e. 7. Crek. a. a. 27. Croilland. r. 13, 14. Crokeidena r. 26. Crux Rohefiae r. 6. Cumbe. t. 8, 9, 10. Cumbroc f f. 14. Cumgrebiri. p.p. 51. Curl. r. 1 1, n.n. 38. r.r. 13. Cyceflr'. z. 10, 11. n.n. 43. Cyreceftr'. n.n. 83. Cyrencellr'. z. 20. a. a. 28. b.b, 12, 13. m.m. 8. r.r. 20. D. Dalewudc. b.b. 8. Dalfton. n.n. t^g. Danecaftre. (i.i.) 5. Danfridccum. h.h. 4. Davintre. e. 24. Dene.r. 19. n.n. 39. p.p. 50. q.q. 23. 29. Depcford. f. f. 8. Derby, z, 5. Derliam. I N D Derham. b. 9. Derwent. p.p 75. Devon', k. 5. it. m.m. 16. Dlnefle. b. b. 3. Dixwell. p. 34, ^s- Dodiiigton. 1.1. 23, 27. Dora. b.b. 14. ni.m. 9. p.p. 10, 18, Dublin, (i.) 23. Dudecota. z. 15. Dudinton. p.p. 23. Dunewic. d. 29. z. 24. k.k. 8, 9, 10. Dunington. w. 3. Dunolm'. b. 4, 5. a. a. 15. e.e. 17. Dunliaple. s. s. 6, 7. E. Eboracenfis archiepifcopus. p.p. ^^. q.q. I 2. Eboraceniis ecclefia b. 10. p. 29. r. 3,4. d.d, 5,6,22, 23. Ebulf abb. w. 5. Edcros'. n,n. 23. Edmund St. p. i ufq; 10. b.b. 5. 1.1. 34. p.p 5. Edward St. n.n. 31. Egeham. 0.0. 3, 4, 5. Egcton. (i-i.) 8. Elicns' epifcopus. a. 14, 15. (i.i.) 35, 37' 43« 44' 45' 46, 47' 48, 50, 51. m.m. 6. n.n. 26, 6cc. 0.0. 6. p.p. 67. Ely monafler'. b. 1 1 ufq; 18, 19, 28, 2.9' 3?' 3^' 3-- (i-i-) i'2,3, 4- Eliicbtrcot. e.e. 18. Emplngbam. z. 8. Eppyng. e. 29. Ernahal. m m. 10. X. 47 EfecelHon. k. 29. Effeburne. b.b. i. Effenden. k. 22, 23, 24, 25. EfTex comitatus. a. a. 46. EfTex forefta. a. a. 37. Efsbop. p p. 3. Eftbroc. m. 18, 20. m.m. 5. Efton. X. 14. Eft-rudham. (i.i.) 17. Eftwode. n. n. 56. Eura. s. 10 e.e. 6. Evefham. (i.i.) 24 ufq; 29. n.n, 13 ufq; I 8. p.p 36. q.q. 4. Exnlnge. p. 10. Exon. r. 25- Eyhefham. n. 24. Eyton. m. 1 2. z. 35. F. Fackel. p.p. 79. Faj'-erweil. c. 22. Faleflegh. p.p. 13. Faverfliam. n. 38, 39. Felefleda. f. 9, 10, 11. Felfhede. r. 37, 38. Ferendon. x. 22. Ferflcit. p.p. 74. Fefcamp. s. i ufq; 10. e.e. i, 2. Filificroft. n.n. 23. Fifcanenfis. q.q. 24. Flaxley. q.q. 21, 28. Flexleia. x. 4, 5. Flixlclya. n.n. 39. Ford. f.f. 7. m.m. 11. n.n. 45. Forda. h. 12. s. 21. Font-Ebrald. f. I. s. 31. t. I. b.b. 4. g.g. 8, 9. Fontilbin. g.g. 7. Forncby. q. 14. Forthinbrlg. 48 I N D X. Forthingbrlg. g. 3. Folk-rne. p.p. 8 i. Frantoiui. s. 22. Fridthvid St. Oxon. e.e. 15. (J-fl- 13 PVoma. a. a. 32. Furnays. n.ii. 46. Fumes, f.f. 16. G. Caherfl. pp. 46. Gainesford. d d. 6. Gangulveldon. q. 19. Gant. t. 8, 9, 10. Gathamtun b. 23. Gayton. 11. 28, 29. Gedenay. q. 10, 22. a a. 43. Gemcticenlis ecclefia. e.c. 7, 8, 9. George St. Ii. i i. Geriiemua. k. 35. Gcry. q.q. 13. Gipelwico. e. e. 31. Gilcburn. p.p. 71. Glouccllr'. d.d. 3, 4. e.e. 26. q.q. 1 1, 16, 25. Glouceftr' abbatia. q.q. 16, 17, 18, 26,^0, 31, 39, Godalmyngg. h.h. 21. Godelhull. q.q. ^^. Godeftowe. g.g. 6. Coding, p. 34, ^s- Goleberdccherche. w. 3. Gratia Dei. q q. 27. CTrencded. t.15. (i. i.) 9, 11. 0.0. 31. Grenewic'. t. 8, 9, 10. Gretton. a. a. 25. Grimelby. k. 34, 39. Ilach. d. 3; H. Hacunho. y. B. Haddon. 1.1. ^y. Haglieman. p. i r. . Haghman. p.p. 31. Hakelegh. r.r. 6. Haldefworth h. h. in Schedula. Hales. h. i3.(i.i.)3o,3i.n.n. 19,20. Halliwell. w. 8. Hamelehamfted. n. n. 50, 71. Hampton, r. ^y, 38. Haringworth. p.p. 70. Harold's Park. p.p. ^^. Halelgrof. p.p. 80. Hatfeld-Pevcrell. p.p. 27. Hathefhiill. m. m. 2. Haunleg'. d.d. 32. Havering, h. 10. r. 36. a. a. 37. 0.0. 29. Hedindon. y. 28. Heibar. p p. 26. Heidou. n. 51. Helleftune. e. 20. Hemingbroc. n. 40. Hcmllcde. s. 25. Hereford ecclefia. b. 23' (}-) 2f, 26.(i. i.) 39,40. n.n. 76, 77. q.q. 19, 20, 22. Hcrlaue. p.p. 5. Hcrkia. e.e. 1 1. Herleflun. h. 19. Hertford, k. 22, 23, 24, 25. Hortiland. h. 14. Hcrtone. h.h. 27, 28. Hida. y. 21 . p.p. 39. Holcoltram. n.n. 62 ufq; 66. Horftede. r. ^7^ 38. Hon. e.e. 10. g.g. I 7. Howode. p.p. 40. Hu'mo de. c.c. 4,5. g.g. 10. Hulmo I N D Hulmo de, St. Benedidus. o. 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Hungreduna. e. e. 25. Huntedon' honor, x. 28. a. a. 49. p.p. 68. r. r. 19. Huntendon foreft'. p.p. i. Huntingdon, h. 8, 9. Hurle. 1.1. I, 20. Hwauton. a. a. 36. I. Iifleflep. p. pi 47. Jerulalem fratres. d. 33. (i.) r, 2. t. 39. a. a. 12. c.c. 12, 13. k.k. 15, &c. 1.1. 35. n. n. I iifq; 12. p.p. 54. r.r. 17. Immedon. c. 7. a. a. 24. Iinmemere. c. 7. a. a. 24.. LaheilTiull. q.q. 50. Intelberge. q.q. 6. Irchenefeld. p.p. 42. K. Karlcton. n.n. 59. p.p. 24. Karliolenfis epilcopus. a. 27. n.n. ^g. p.p. 24, 61. Kelwedon. p.p. 28. Ken. h.h. 9 Kendale. c. 9, 10, 11, 12. s. 29,30. n.n. 46. Kenebouton. d. i. Kenetare. r. 8. n.n. 37. Kenillword. p. 22, 23. n.n 47, 48. 0.0. 12. Kertmfcl. d.d. 15. Kerfinton. a. a. 19, Kinetton. g. 17. Kingellon. k. 18. Kington, f. f. 14. Kirkefcaud. p.p. 24. Kirkham. n. 2, 3. Kerkeby. d, d. 7, 20. Kyngefcrabbe. p.p. 58. Kyngeflion. s.s. 8. Kyngefwode. p.p. 80. Kyrkeftall. a. a. 38. L. Lambeth, p. 18. Lamport, r. 11. n.n. 38. r.r. 13. Lancaftr'. d. 38, 39. Langeden. w. 4. Langenere. z. 3 i . LannhoLi. s. 26. Lantonay. b. 26, 27. Laurenc' St. c.c. lo. Lazer St. c. 5, 6. Lechampfted. g. g. 16. 0.0. 28. Leefton. s.s. 10. Leirceftr'. x. 19, 20. Lenn. (i. i.) 13, 14. Lenton. b. 34, ^^, 36. g. 20. e.e. 23^ 24. t. 6. Lettely. 1. 26. Lewes, k. 40. I^eyceftre. c.c. 23. Lichtfeld. p. 25. Lillefhul. e.e. 16. Lincoln' capella. d. 45. Lincoln', f. 16. q. 21. Lincoln' epifcopus. q. 9, 11, 12;. Lindefeia. £ 7. Linton t. II, 12. Livefham. t. 8, 9, 10. Luitona. e.e. 27, 28. Llavera. e.e. 14. I^odres. r. 23. London, c. 27.. G tondou*; '^^ I N D London' Aldremnnbury. 1. 13. eccLll.T Sancli Bartliol'. 1. r, r, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, II, 14. epllcopus. a. 9. a. a. 47, 4S. m.m. i3, 1 9. (-'aiola. r. 9. llctlia rcgliije. h. 4. Sancti Mart', h. i- g-g- 15- r.r. I 6. London' Sancll Paul! ccclefia. a. i, &c. & z\. d. 25. b. b. 9, 10, e. c. 14, I :>' 16, 17, 18 II. s.s. 13. London' ecclcfia San^fts Trinitatis. n. I iilqiic 24. London' Scacolelan. 1. 20. I Allington. n. n. 47. Lymeneskld. n.n. 12. Lvra. h. 3. Lyth. (i.i ) 6, 7. M. Maldon. c. 29. b.b. 1 1. Malmeiburi. q. 1 ufqiie 8. \i. 4 w. i, 2. d.d. 4. r.r. i. Makon. f. 18. Malvern, n n. 18. Malvern, foreft'. d. 24. d.d. J2. (i.i.) :9. IMarc. St. y. 7. Marciniaco de. c.c. 19. Martok. 1. 25. Maiidon. n.n. 56. Mdrcia. w. ij. Mcndham (i ) 28. Mere. g. 12. Mcrg.ui. z. 6, 7. Mcrlibcrg'. h. 17. y. 5. Mcrrton. h. 5. m.m. 17. Morton. I. 2 1 . r. 7. u. 5, 6. c c 11. d.d. 5. gg. 1 3. 1.1.3,4. n.n. 36, 80. 0.0. 8, 14. q q. 50. r.r. 10. Meitun. c. 26. Meru-odc. h.h. 8. Mekiiig. w. 20, 21. Methiiig. g.g. i(^. 0.0. 16. Middeihou. g. 24. m.m. 4. p.p. 41. Midclton. b. 22. 1. 10. w. 5. 1.1. 2"/' Midchvodc. n.n. 56. Minthi. g. 9. iViinthy. mm. 8. Modingcham. t. 8, 9, 10. x. 18. Monteacut'. f. f. i, 2, 3. Monte Burgo dc. r. 23. Morf. p.p. 29. Morheye. 1.1. 27. Morton, n. 45, 46. Muntti.n.n. 83. N. Natele. n.n. ^2- q.. E X. Stapelrord. p.p. 5. Stcynfeld. 1. 24. Stodlegh. p.p. ^-j. Stok. a. a. 11. m.m, 18. s.s. 13. Stokes, a. a 47. e.e. 27, 2S. Stokcflay. d.d. 6. Stratford, e. i, 2, 19. x. 24, 25. "•1^- 54' 55' ^■^- 4- Strenefhale. p.p. 7. Strodes. t. 15. Sudberic. e. 19. Sudflct. \v. 3. Sudruggc. q.q. 17, 30. Sudhampton. b. 18, 19. Suhton'. m.m. 7. Suhiet'ord. g- i 2. Sumburnc. r.r. 6. Sumerefham, (1.1.) 46, 47. Sumerlfham. n.n. 26, &c. p.p. 67. Sumcrton r. i 2. S\inlburn. x. 31. Suthbrom. h.h. 20. Suthwic. c. 24. Sutton, e.e. 27, 28. f. f. 1 1. Sutton delaHane. m. 7, 8. p. 30. y.6. Suwick. a. a. 29. Swinefheved. y. 13. T. Tanton. z. 16. Tarent. r. 37, 38. Tauftok. h.h. 3, Temtord. d. 4. Tempi! Fratres. t. 17, 18, 19, 20. 1.1. 2. Templum Salomonis. 0.0. 19. p.p. 45' 49; Templl Salomonis Fratres. q.q. 5, S, 41, 42, 43. r.r. 11,12.^ Thaiiia. INDEX. 53 Tliama. k. 4. p. 31.x. 22. Thamis. a. a. 39. Theodford. g.g. 1,2. Theokefbiri. t. 23, 32. 0.0. 20. Theolv'cfhid. r. 37, 38. Thethelega. 0.0. 9. Thornecumba. s. 21. Thorneia. y. 22. a. a, y, 8, 9, 10. ^(i-i-)35-- Thore. g. 16. k. 11, Thurgaiton. a. 19- g- 14. Thyenton. q. 16. Tidefwell. k. 15. Tileteia. y. 9. r.r. 22. Tiudeti, a. 48. Toppefham. h.h. 9. Torinton. x. 21. Torkefia. e. 18. Tornecumba. m.m. 11. Torp. l.l. 20. 0.0. 3, 4, 5. Trentham. r. 25. Triangle, n. 38, 39. Trinell. m.m. 9. Triuell. p. p. 18. Tugarton. 0.0. 9. Turroc. d.d. 13. Tulcia. y. 7. Tyllty. e. e. 30. Tynemuth. g. 2i.b.b. 15, 16, 18. Tyrun. d.d. 14. U. Vallls Del. w. 6. Up-lamborn. k.k. 12. Uppeteua. p. 32. Ula.pp. 75. W. Waldeiie. c. 24. t. 21. Walefliala. p. ^;^. Walefwoith. p.p 64. Waltham. m. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, r6, 17, 22, 23. t. 2^. 1.1.9, ^^y, p.p. 16. Waueting. e.e. 27, 28. Wapelee. x. 6. Wardon. g. 24. y. 4. m.m. 4. p. p. 41. Wardun.t. 35. n.n. 58. Warlaghay. p.p. 29. Waverlea. s. 20. Wedon. m.m. 14. W'ellebech. d. 47. d.d. 25. p.p. 3. Welles, b. 25. e. 26. Wendover. 1. 25. Werblington. f . f . i8. Werketon. p.p. 5. Wermeniftre. t. 26. Weilham. e. 3, 4, 5, 19. Weflmerland. c. 9, 10, 1 1, 12. s. 29, ^o. n.n. 46. Wefl-Lydesford. h.h. 7 W^eflmonaflerium. 1. 15, 16, 17, i8, 19. u. I. w. 7. X. 16, 17. a. a. 40. c.c, 1, 2, 3. k.k. 2, 3, 4,5, 6. 1.1. 24, 30, 40. p.p. 47, 82. Weflona. e.e. 13. t. 14. Weftun. z. 34. Weft- Waltham. 1.1. 9. Wefhvode. n. n. 56. Wetteleg. g. 8. Wexcumba. w. lo. Wherewell. k. 14. q.q. 45. WHiitebi. (i.) 27. c.c. 6, 7, 8. d.d. 24 ufq; 30. Wichecumbe. e. 8. Wigorn. (i.) 31. t. 40. (i.i.) 33, 34, 38. n.n. 74, 75.q.q. 3. r.r. 15. Wika. w. 4. e.e. 29. Wikel. k. 8. Wikes. 54 i Wlkcs. c. 20, 21. d. d. 35. 0.0. ; Wilberdcllou. a. a. 11. Wimbornholt. 13. Wimelthorp. q. 9. WinchcHcy. r. 5. Windlcfliora. m 15. ^Vinde^ore Manei Winterburn. x. 6 Winterflawe. a.a. 22. Winthertoke. a. a. -^c Winton. r. 30. k. k. 1 1 q.q. 9. :>• Wirceftre. d 27, 28. 0.0. 25, Wifl'elay. ni m i Witetbrd. k. 23- Wittinton. y. 3. Witton. p.p. 25. Woburn. (i.) 28. Wolavefton. q. 17- Wokyngham. h, h. 24. Worda. X. 22. Wordi. d.d. 10, 11. Wrenles. q.q. 14. Writal. g. 10. Writcl. r. 2. z. 19. Wrochelhal. b. 7. \A'roche\vurthia. p. 1 1. u.n. 19, 34. N D E X. Wrtoll g. 23. 0.0. 22. Wudelnin. z. 17. g.g. 3, 4.0.0. 26. p.p. 83. Wudeftok. b.b. 26. Wuleulc'. t. S, 9, 10. X. 18. W'lilgaihag. q.q. 14. Wutton. a.a. i, 2. \Vy. n.n. 12. Wycunibe. z. 9- Wvdeftrode. l.L 14. Wyncesfeu. 1.1. 14. Wyndelbr' Burgus. l.I. 21. WS-ndelbr' Forell. 1.1. 6, 7, &c. Wynekkld. l.h 19. Wyntelege. n.n. 25. Wyrkel'wrde. b.b. i Wyrmcliull. b.b. 20. Wytelade. 1.1. 12. Wyton. n.n. 47. Yatefminifter. h.h. 21. Ycheleia. p. ^6. Yvclceftre. b.b. 29. Ywern. h.h. 10. N. B. Chartarum Antiquarum Apographum cxtat iu Rlbliotheca . Haileiana in Muleo Brltannico. No. 84, 86. B U L L ^ C 55 ] BULLAE ET LITER-^ PAPALES. INNOCENTIUS III. I. TT^XHORTATIO ad terne fandas fuccurfum. Johann' Rex. jl^j 2. Euftacio de Vefcy, de pace inter regem & facerdotivim. 3. Fragmeiitum de pace Inter regem & barones, ne fublidium terra; fan£lie impugnetur. H O N O R I U S III. 1. De gaurdis 6c efcaetis ad regem pertlnentibus. Henr' IIL 2. De collatione prebendic In ecclefia Ebor', & de ecclefia de Dunlghtne. 3. Bulla minatoria de dote & caflrls per comltem Marchlac regl reddendls. 4. De iixore W. Talboth. 5. De annuo redditu quinquaginta marcarum Stephano fan£ti AdrlanI cardinal! folvendo. 6. De eodem redditu. 7. De cpifcopo Arfercen'- 8. LItera papse objurgatoria Galfrido de Llzinlco, de fidelltate, qua tcnetur regl, vlolata. 9. Dc dctentlone caftrorum regis in Hibernia. 10. De ecclefia Winton'. Quod barones afliftant Pandulfo legato, & reftltuant caftra 6c dominia rcgi. Fragmcntum. G R E G O R I U S IX. 1. Ad vafTallos regis de fidelltate. 2. Quod rex Francia;, nuncios regis Anglice ad fedem apoflollcam accedere vel ab ipfa recedere llbere &c fecure permlttat. 3. De confirmatlone eledlonls epHcopI Imlllcen'. 4. Dc cxcommunlcando Imperatorem, pro eo quod non transfretavit la fubfidlum terras l^^n61:ae. 5. De fubfidio in terram fanftam. 6. Queritiir S6 BULL. ^ ET LITERS PAP ALES. 6. Queritur Gregorius de minlftris fuis male-tra. CLEMENS IV. I, 2, 3, 4, 5. De decimis colligendis in utilitatem regis. GREGORIUS X. 1. Pro abbate Cantuar'. Edw. L 2. Bulla regi pro archiepifcopo Caflalenfi, qui Hgno crucis alTumpto, ad lubfidium ternt fandae fe accingit. 3. De denario Beati Petri colligendo. 4. Pro Leuelino principe Wallite. f . Pro mercatoribus Floreatlnis. JOHANNES XXI. I. De ccufu ecclefix Romaiias pio feptem annis proeteritis iblvendo. M A R T I N U S BULL.^ ET LI TERiE PAPAL ES. 57 M A R T I N U S IV. r. Pro nbhnte de Ex'eflirari eligeado. 2. Pro ordinc Cluiiiaceii'. 3. De ecclelia de Adelingflet. 4. Bulla regl exliortatoria, quod difcordiam iuter Alfonfum Caflella; regem & fanclium caeterofque hlios fuos exortam pro \ iribus componere coaaretur. 5. De abbate Filcanenfi eligendo. 6. De luccurfu terri=e faadtas Fraomentum. o H O N O R I U S. IV. 1,1. De licentia Johanni Giffard, domino de Clittord, & Margaretae de Nova Villa, matrimonium inter Te contrahendi concedenda. 3. Coafirmatio eletftioais archiepifcopi Ebor'. N I C O L A U S IV. I. De archiepifcopo Tuamenfi eligendo. 1. Coafirmatio eleftionis abbatis de Waltham. 3. Coafirmatio eledlionis archiepifcopi Ebor'. B O N I F A C I U S VIII. 1. Pro niercatoribus Papa?. 2. Seatentia in cardinales San£lae Marian & Sanftl Euftachii. 3. Priaia prorogatio fuffereatiae later reges Angli« & FranciiC fada. 4. 5. Quod rex defifteret a profecutioae guerras coatra Scotos. 6. Secuada prorogatio treugarum later reges Angliae & Franclse fii(5la per Papam. 7. Pro archiepifcopo Ebor'. 8. Pro eplfcopo Wygorn'. 9. Coafirmatio eleitionis abbatis Sau(5ll Edmundi. 10. Pro eplfcopo Ellen. 1 1. Pro archiepifcopo Dublla': 12. 13. Fragmeata. C L E M E N S V. 1. De damnis fecuadum formam Pads inter Angllse & Frauclae reges emcadaadis. 2. De eifdeai damais. 3. ]3e eifdeni damais. H 4' Pro 58 BULL^ ET LITERS PA PALES. 4. Pro Hella de Joneftotia. 5. Invitatio Papae ut Rex ad fe veniat, aut faltem Edwardum Princi- pern ad pruL-fentlam fuam mlttat, ad contrahendum niatrimonium cum nata regis Franciic, & ad pacem Iblidandani. 6. Pro cpifcopo Norwicen'. 7. Pro archiepifcopo Armachan'. Edw. IL 8. Pro epifcopo Mayoatn'. 9. Pro archit'pifcopo Armachan'. 10. Pro epifcopo Artferren'. 1 1 . Pro abbate de Saiidlo Edmundo. I 2. Pro epifcopo Elfiaen'. 1 3. De bonis 6c tcrris Templariorum, hofpitulariis transferendis.. 14. Tranflatio cpifcopi Wygoni' in archiepifcopum Cantuar'. J 5. Pro archiepifcopo Cantuar'. Fragmentum. 16. Dc epifcopo Coventr' 6c Lichfeld' incarcerate Fragmentum. 1 7. De colkclore dccimarum papie. Fragmentum. J O H A N N E S XXII. I. Litenc cardinahum Italorum regi Edwardo, de llbertate conclavis hi electione PapiE poft Clementis obltum per Vafconenlcs violata. z. Super exitibus Aqultania: Papas afiignatis. 3. Dc denarlo Sau61:i Petri. 4. Pro Lodovico de 13ellomonte in epiicopum Dunohii' promovencio. 5. Dc archiepifcopo Cafl'cleu' per papain piovifo. 6. De trcugls Scotlce. De potertatedata cardlnalibus fuper pace refomianda cum Scotis. Liters A dami de Neutou cardinalibus fuper trcugis prsdictls. Liters; regis Papae fuper negotio prjeditfto. 7. De treugis inter regem 6c Robertum de Brus in eiindis. De excommunlcando regni invalbres, be turbatores pads. De Berewico poft publlcaticHiem treugarum occupato, de Uteris papa? laceratls, & de Roberto Brus excommunlcando. De poteftate excommunicandi cardinalibus data. 8. Pro Jordano de Infula Vafconens'. 9. De nunciis Papae in vafconia violatls. 10. De abbate Sanfti Thoms Martiris-juxta Dubhu'.. ■II. Pro Jordano de Infula. 1 2. Pro epifcopo Sandi Andrei. 1^. Pro epifcopo Lincoln'. 14. Pro Georgio de Ipoirgia, canonico Lincoln'.. 15. Pro BULLAE ET LITERi£ PAPALES. S9 15. Pro epifcopo Landaven*. 16. Pro epifcopo Winton'. 1 7. Pro Raimundo Saiidtae Marije In Cofmedin, fuper aflecutione archi- diaconatus Cantuar'. 18. De homagio pro ducatu Aquitan' prasflando. 19. Ad pacem cum rege Fraucias, & ad homagium faciendum, bulla hortatoria. 20. Pro epifcopo Corkagen'. Edw. III. 21. Pro archiepifcopo Cantuar'. 22. Pro epifcopo Exon'. 23. Pro epiicopo Dunenfi. 24. Pro archiepifcopo Cafl'ellen'. 25. Pro epifcopo Artferten. 26. Pro epifcopo Clonen'. 27. Pro epifcopo Daren'. BENEDICTUS XII. 1. Bulla BenedlftI PaptE, de eleftione fua regl inter omnes mundi princlpes primordialitcr intimata. 2. Super ele6lIone abbatis Sandi Edmundi de Bury. 3. Pro epifcopo Wigorn'. 4. Pro epifcopo Norwicen'. CLEMENS VI. 1. De prorogando tra£tandl tempore Inter Edw' regem Anglian & Phllippum regem Franclai. 2. Pro archiepifcopo Ebor'. 3. Pro epifcopo Wigorn'. INNOCENTIUS VI. 1. Pro epifcopo Karleolen'. 2. Pro epifcopo Norwicen'. 3. Pro epifcopo Elflnen'. Pro epifcopo Londonien'. Fragmentum. URBANUSV. 1. Pro archiepifcopo Armachan'. 2. Pro epifcopo Imclacen'. 3. Pro epifcopo Roftenfi. H 2 4. Tranflatlo 6o BVIA./E ET LITERTE: PA PALES. 4. Traiinatlo cplfcopi Bathon' & Wellen' ad epifcopatum Eliciifem. 5. Trauaatlo epifcopi Ciceftr' ad epilcopatum W'igorn. a R E G O R I U S XI. I. Pro abbate dc W'altham. U R B A N U S VI. 1. Pro epifcopo Aflavcn'. Ric. II. 2. Pro cpli"co|K) Laiida\ til'. 3. Pro cpllcopo Laiidaven'. 4. Tranllatio epifcopi Lichefeldeu' & Coventren' ad epifcopatum W'elleu' & Bathonieii'. r. Traiiflatio epifcopi Sarum ad epifcopatum Bathon' & Wellen'. 6. Tranllatio epifcopi Dunolm' ad epilcopatum Ellen'. 7. Tranflatio archiepifcopi Ebor' ad archicplfcopatum Sancli Andreic. 8. Tranllatio epifcopi Bathon' & Wellen' ad epilcopatum Dunolm'. 9. Pro abbate Sandas Mariae de Winton' dioc'. I o. Pro abbate Weftm'. 1 1 . Pro abbate Sancli Auguftini Cantuar'. 12. Pro epifcopo Meneveu'. B O N I F A C I U S IX. 1. Pro epifcopo Afia\en'. 2. De Prcbenda in ecclelia Derbia?. 3. Ad archiepifcopum Ebor' pro Stcphano Altlion, de collatione cujufdcm benehcii ad ecclefiam San(5li Johannls Beverlac' pertinentis. 4. Pro epifcopo Aladen'. 5. Pro Johanne monacho Sandli Auguflinl Cantuar'. 6. Tranllatio epifcopi Aduren' in archiepifcopum Dublin'. 7. Pro epifcopo Landaven'. 8. Pro epifcopo Oflbrien'. Fragmentum. 9. Tranllatio epifcopi Ciceftr' ad archiepifcopatum Ebor'. 10. Tranllatio epifcopi Carleol' ad epifcopatum Ciceflrcn'. 1 1 . Tranllatio epifcopi Landaven' ad epifcopatum Lichefeld & Covetitr'. 12. Pro epifcopo Lincoln'. Fragmentum. 1 3. Tranflatio epifcopi Lifmor' ad epifcopatum Carleol'. Fragmentum. 1 4. Pro epifcopo Oflbrien'. INNOCENTIUS VH. Pro itbbatc Sautfti Auguftini Cantuar'. 3 G R E G OR I U S o' BULL^ ET LITER.^ PA PALES. 61 GREGORIUS XII. 1. Trnnflatio epifcopi London' ad epifcopatuni Sarum. 2. Tranflatio epifcopi Wygorn' ad epilcopatum London'. 2- Tranflatio epifcopi Landaven' ad epilcopatum Wygorn'. 4. Pro epifcopo Norwicen'. 5. Pro epifcopo Bangor. ALEXANDER V. I. Pro epifcopo Laomen'. Pro epifcopo Lifmoren' & Waterforden*. JOHANNES XXIII. 1. Pro epifcopo Miden', 2. Pro archiepifcopo Cantuar'. Hen' V. 3. Tranflatio epifcopi Meneven' ad epifcopatum Lichfeld' & Coventr'. 4. Papa Willielmuni Exfortli' capellanorum fuorum confortio aggregat. Literas Jacobi epifcopi Limen' pro eodem Willielmo Exforth'. M A R T I N U S V. r . Tranflatio epifcopi Bangor' ad epifcopatum Meneven'. 2. Pro epifcopo Hereforden'. Fragmentum. 3. Tranflatio epifcopi Cicefl;r' ad epifcopatum London'. 4. Tranflatio epifcopi Wigorn' ad epifcopatum Elien'. Hen' VI. 5. Tranflatio epifcopi Cicefliren' ad epifcopatum Wygorn'. 6. Pro abbate San6li Auguftini Cantuar'. R O T U L I [ «> ] R O T U L I WA L L I ^. Wall Lit, Anno Qiiarto Regis Edwardi I. Membrana 4. Co N C E S S A eft poteftas Roberto de Tybetot jurandi in anlmam rcg,i.s ca facere quae providebuntur ex parte regis. Apud Rothclan' 2 Novcmbris. De obrervando articulos pads inter regem & Lewellnum filium Griffinl princlpis Wallinc. Apud Rothclan'. Ut lupra. De ri-'c-ipicndo facramentum a Lewcllno Principe Wallix fuper Pacis reformatioac, ut llipra. Qux 3 literal crant confignatic parvo ligillo domini regis ante adventum canccllarii apud Rothelan'. Articuli pacis inter regcni &; I>ewelinum Griffinl prlncipem Walliae, con Ten fi per tVatremWllliclmum de Sutht' Prlorern Fratrvmi Priedlcatorum Anglia-, Robertum de Tybetot, & i.'\ntoniuna Bek, ex parte regis; & Tiiderum filium Edenevet, & Grononem filium Heylln, ex parte princl- pis, iiifficlens fuperinde preftabltur fecurltas. Apud Aberconewey, die JVIartis proxlme ante feftum San6tl Martini, anno Domini, 1277. De quinquaginta millibus llbrarum per regem remlttcndls Lewelino princlpl Wallla', pej quas finem fecit pro pace ejus habenda. Apud Rothelan', 2 Novcmbris. Litcrx patentcs de quletantla in fingulls folutlonlbus qulngentarum marcarum per prlncipem Wallue Iblvendarum ad fcaccarium regis Ceftv'. Apud Rothelan', 10 Novcmbris. M E M B R A N A 3. Infpexlmus artlculorum provllbrum per fupradlftos nuncios regis Anglia; 6c Lewelinum prlncipem Wallia% quos rex permlttlt ie lervatu- rum (prlncipe voluntati ejus Ic lupponente}. Apud Rothelan', 10 No- vcmbris. Tota terra de Anglefey Lewelino fillo Griffinl priuclpl Wallla concefKi, cxcepta portioue Da\id fratris lui. 10 Nov', apud Rothelan'. De R O T U L I W A L L I yE. 63 De terra David fratri fuo debita Lewelino coucedenda, cum terra de Anglefey, ad vltam fuam. Ut fupra. Dc rcmittendo Lewelino principi Wallix, 1000 marcas annuas pro Anglefeia regi folvendas. Apud Rothelan', 10 Nov'. De deliberando quietes oblides regi tradendos per formam pacis inter fe 6c Lewclinum principem Walli^. Ut fupra. Membrana 2. Omncs terras nunc in polTeffione, ejus una cum Anglefeia, couccIIe Lewelino principi Wallias. Ut fupra, 9 Nov'. De llberando Lewelino principi Walli.e terrain de Anglefeia, pro qua rex ceplt fidelitatem ab eodem, qui homagium inde regi faclurus. Apud London'. Ut fupra. De quietando Lewelinum principem Wallia; de duobus millibus mar- carum quas recepit ab eodem. Apud Rothelan', 1 1 Nov'. Ivcwelinus princeps Wallite per inlpexinius promittit articulos pacis ordinatos per fratrem Willielmum de Suthampton priorem provincialem Ordinis Pnedicatorum Angllae Robertum de Tybetot, & Anton' de Bek ex parte regis, & per Tuderura filium Etnyved, & Goronow iilium Hcylin, ex parte fua, inviolabilltcr obfcrvaturium & feipfum voluntati & mifericordiie regis Edwardi fuppofiturum. Apud Abercunewey, die Alartis proxime ante fcftum Sandli Martini, anno 1277. Lewelinus fillus Gritfini princeps Walliae concedit Edwardo regi quatuor Cantreda, cum ttrris iuis, & omnes terras in manum regis feili- tas, cxccpta Anglefeia in perpctuum. Ut fupra. iM E M B R A N A I. 'lycwellnus princeps Walli;e conceffit regi Anglias quicquid ad fe in An- glefeia pcrtinet poll: deceffum fuum, h nullos hx-redes legitimos ex corpore habeat. Ut lupra. Lewelinus princeps Wailiic tcnetur folvere regi 500 marcas pro terra Anglefeia ex parte David fratris fui fingulis annisad fcaccarium regis apud Celh'', quoufque totum p'rrlolutum erit ; & fiet quietantla. Ut fupra. Princeps Walliit dat pottftatcm regi ordinandi portionem 1000 mar- carum d .bitariim Rotherico fratri fuo ; et allocabitur. Ut fupra. R o T u L u s 64 R O T V L I WA L L I JE. R o T r 1. u s VV A I. L I .'E, Annis 6, 7, 8, 9 Edwardi I. Anno 6. Mf. mbrana 12, in Schedula, LITER A prjmlpi \\'allix> de oblidlbus pro confeivatione pads i.llkucntlis. Tefte npadShotcwvk, 17 Septenibris. I^l; terra dc DiiiVencloyt, & de Rowennok, concefs' David filio Grirtini. Telle rcge apud Mountgomcry, a 8 Novembris. Dc conduftu pro principe Walli-r vcniendo ad rcgem apud London'. Tcftc rcge npud Wigorn', 6 Uecembris. M E jNt r. R A N A II. ])c aiiigniiaJo jufticla'io Ceftric-e, &: alils, ad recipiendum fTcramentum dc hominibus de fmgulis Cantred' qua; funt in manibus Principle. Walliiv, de obkrvatione Pacis inter I'egem Sc iplum Principem, & ad recipiendum oblidcs, & ad videndum affignationeni dotis Alianorx de IMonte forti. Telle rcge apud \Vellni', 3 Januarii. Vide M. jo. De alligiiando epifcopum Wigorn', Magiilriim Radulphum de Freming- ham, Walterum de Hopton, Mereducum archidiaconum, Hoel filium INIereduci Grunu' ap Heylin, & Refum filium Grlffini, ad audiend' & tcrminand' omncs querelas in Marchia & Wallia facias. Telle regc apud turrim London', 10 Januarii. Vide ]\I. 10. De allignando Paganum de Cadure & IVIagillrum Henricum de Brav, ad audiend' & terminand' omnes querelas de partibus Wcft-Wallia\ Tefle ut fupra. De mercato & Feria anud Flynt clamando. Tefle rege apud Dovorr', 4 Februarii. De inquircndo dc daobus hominibus de familia principis \\^;Iliae ful- pcnfis in venisndo verlus regcm cum diclo Principe llib conduftu regis. Tcfte rcge apud Dcvorr', 5 Februarii. De caflro & honore de Lampadcr-vaur commiflis Roberto dc Molis. Teftc rcge apud Qucnynton, 8 Martii. Membrana 10, in Schedula. Nomina oblidium libcratorum domino regi per Principem Walliae. De intcndendo W'ililelmo de \'akntla, avunculo regis, ad partes de Lampader tranfcundo pro ncgotiis regis expcdiendis. Telle rege apud R-ulihebir', 28 Auguill. Anno norVLlWALLlJE. 6s Anno 7. Membrana 9. De minera infra ballivum de Buelt commifla Hoelo fillo McUrlci. Tefte rege apud Wodeftoke, 12 Martil. Anno 8. Membrana 8. De conftltuendo Bogonem de Knovill jufticiarium Wefl-Wallia\ Tefte rege apud Winton', 5 Januarii. De caflro de Cardigan commiffo eidem Bogoni. Tefte vit fupra. De proteftione pro barchia cum hominibus in eadem. Tefte ut fupra. Membrana 7. De comltatu per diem Jovis & diem Veneris de CiEtero tenendo, pro mukitudine hominum tarn Anglicorum quam Wallenfium fe^latorum comitatus de Kermerdyn'. Tefte rege apud Weftm', 23 Maii. ]Me M B R A N a 6. De nemore de Getely, cum folo ejufdem, concefiis abbati & con- ventui de Bafuigwerk. Tefte rege apud Weftm', 10 Novembris. Anno 9. Pro Oeno filio Griffini ad elargandum paflus in nemoribus fuis. Tefte rege apud Weftm', 25 Novembris. De affignando epifcopum Meneven', Reginaldum de Gray, & Wal- terum de Hopton, ad certificationem & apprifam faciendam in Wallia per Gentes Anglicas 6c Walenficas. Tefte ut ftipra, 4 Decembris. Membra n' 5, 4, '3, 2, i. Rotulus de apnla & ccrtihcatione {ixdi'is in Wallia anno rcgni regis Edwardi nono perThomam Meneven' epifcopum, Reginaldum de Grey, & Walterum de Hopton, ad hoc affignatos, per facramentum tarn milituni quam aliorum liberorum hominum de diverfis cantredis, per quas leges, & P'jr quas conluetudines, debent Walenles regi & deduci. DoRso, Membrana 12. Pro conftabulario Caftri Windefor' recipiend' nuncios principis WalliiP veniendo in Angliam ad tradlatum habendum cuna Alianora filia quondam Simonis de AIontc.-Forti. Tefte rege apud turrim London', 4 Januarii. I Membrana 66 R O T U L I W A L L I JE. M E M B R A K A 1 I , D O R S O. De term de Sorlanherthudol, & dc aliis tcrrls & villis ibidem mentlons- tis coiiccilis Owino hlio Clriffini, filio Wenouweii'. Rex Lewclino prlncipl Walliit, dc juftlciarlis ailignatls ad audicndum & tcrminaiidum omnia placita in partibus Marchiariim & Wallia; lecun- dum confuetudiiics Wallicanas. Tcftc rcgc apud Weftm', 4 Junii. ]\I E M B R A N A I O, D O R S O. Rex eidein principi vcnicndi coram juflicariis regis ad recipiendum jufliciam llcundum leges Walliic & Marchiarum, ndi per totum regnum line thcolonio. Et in Hibernia per Dublin', Droghcda, & Kardygan. Dc poneudo exitus dc tcrris de Beuhelt provenientes in operatlonibus- craft ri de Beuhelt, Abbas & conventus de BalTingwerk habent protcdlon', fineclaufula. Cojueir.o quartiv partis terrarum Mereduei Olmaclgul defundi Mad- doto Otmercdych, 6i Uoello Aplcuelin in Kejri. Kjuldem rcpctilio ii> fcqucnti. Ill, ROTULIWALLI^. 69 InSCHEDULA. DORSO. rnfigiiiores Wallenfium homines qnibus rex vult providere, &c. M E M B R A N A I O. De affignaiido Walterum dc Hopton, Gronnok filium Heilin, Floel filium Meiirici, & Refum flllum Griffini, auditores omnium qnerclarum, fecundum legem & conluctudlncm Marchiae & Walli;?. De recipiendo facramentum dc obfcrvarlone pacis inter rcgem & Lewe- linum principem Wallite, dc obfides recipiendo, & terrarum rjilitutione. II Junii. Walteriis de Hopton, Gronnok filius Heilin, Hoclus fllius Meurict, & Rellis filius Griffini, aflignantur auditores placitorum in Marchia & Wall". ISIandatum Lewelino principi Walliae fuas & fuorum propo- nere querelas. 16 Junii. lidem ad idem affignantur : Waltero tamen de Hopton data eft poteflas fbciorum facramentum recipiendi de prasmiliis fideliter exequendis. 20 Junu. De mittcndo Williclmum dc Valentia, avunculum regis, ad partes de Lampader, Suth-WalF, ad quondam negotia ordinando. a8 Augufti. Commiffum Thoma; Kyng unum burgagium in Rothelan', & centum acras terra^ reddendo per annum rationabllem redditum. Idem habet Margareta qux" fuit uxor Will' de Penyton. 17 Sep- tcmbris. De elargando pafl'us per nemora in diverfis locis WalliiE ; ad quos & alia negotia videnda aliignantur Regin' de Grey, & W. de Hameltoiu. i.^ Odobris. De quictando Lewelinum principem WalliiE de quingentis marcis quas regi pro terra de Anglefeia, & proportione David fratris lui, dcbcbat. 30 Svptembris. Nomina obiidium liberatorum per Lewelinum principem WalliiE, & qui prcfliterunt regi facramentum fidelitatis contra omnes mortales, in Vigilia San«5ti Matthei ApoJl:oli; in Schedula, Dorfo. Anno 7. M e m b r a n a 9. , Bartholomtrus Suthleye, Walterus de Hopton, Walterus de Ped-- '.vardyn, & Grunnok ap Heylin, aflignantur ad placita in Marchia audi- cnda. 2u Novcmbris. ConcefUo manerii de Sufton, cum pertiuentiis Howelo filio Griffini, ad totam vitam. i Decembris. Confirmatio- 70 R O T U L I W A L L I -^. Conhrmatio airignationis per Willlelmum dc Valencia, regis avuncu- lum, facl« cujufdam parliculir terra; de Lampadcr-\;.ur. Ut I'upra. De faciendo omnia negotia qux rcftitutionem Bladorum in x^ngleftia cuntin^^imt. 4 Deccnibris. De audiendo petitionee & querelas per Walenfes dc Caftro d: Lanande- teny fa(flas. 3 Januani. De pardonaiido Refo Vaglian, k fuis, omnes tranlgieffiones. 1 1 Ja- nuarii. De committendo Hoelo filio Meurici, ballivo noftro de Buelt, mine- ram ibidem cuftodiendam ad opus reg!>. 1; Martii. De committendo Hoclo filio Mevuici caftrum &; terram de Buelt : red- dendo inde regi 100 libras per annum. Ut lupra. De conveniendo ad afiifam mor' an' capiendam quam Adam Letarde arraiavit verllis Andream filium Jordani de y bovatis terras in Newenton. I I Junii. De cadem capienda quam David filius Crifpini, & Philippus filius Crilpini, arraiavcrunt verfus Pliilippum filium Cadmor, dc j lolidis in Tilherour. Ut fupra. De ammovendo Griffiiium ap Jarnorth, ballivum Cantredri de Bromtlld, a balliva lua, quia minus bene fe geliit, & de prxficiendo alium loco illius. De videndo placeas vacuas in villa de Rothelan', & de burgagia in eifdem aHidendo, ad opus regis. De audiendo querelas &; tranlgrefliones facias abbati &c conventui de Strata florida in com' Cardigan. Idem ibidem. De conhrmando per infpexlmus conceffionem quarumdam tcrrarum per Grirtinum hliuna Wennuwen' factam Hawifix' uxori lliai. 11 iNJo- vembris. M E M B R A N A 8- De quictando Lewelinum principem Wallias dc quingentis marcis folutis apud Rothelan', ubi debuerat apud Celb'. 27 Oclobris. De inquircndo de Jure tJoweli filii Griffini, & regi fratris lui, in qui- buldam tcrris in Kayon. 8 Novembris. Anno 8. De conflitucndo Bogonem de Knovill jufticiarium \V(.fl-\\'allias. J Jinuarii. Oe committendo diclo Bogoni Caftrum de Lampader-vaur, Sc omnia (. i^.ra 6c terras in Weft-Wallia cuflodicnda. Ut fupra. Ibidem ROTULIWALLIiE. 71 Ibidem caflrum de Caidygau eidem commifium, & diverfa alia caftra. Ut fupra. De flicieado Elcambium Rcfi Meredutl pro portione fiia dc Dynavor. Ut fupra. De alfidendo Rogero de Mortuo-mari de Weft-Wallia 50 libras terras in terris regis vafti^. 7 Jauuarli. De feoffuido homines de terris qui cxtlrpabunt ncmora regis prope Rothelan'. Ut fupra. De protegendo quandam Barchiam, cum homlulbus in eadem exlflenti- bus, Ut fupra. De audiendo compotum Rogeri dc Molis, & Radulphi de Broghton, regis miniftrorum in Weft-Wallia. Ut fupra, De audiendo compotum Griffini fdii Jornerth, balllvi regis, de tertia parte cxituuni provenlentlum de mancrio de Brumfeld, ad fuftentationem duorum h;tredum Aladoci Vaghan detuncti. 20 Januarii. De capiendo diverla tenemcnta epifcopatus Menevenfis extra bailivam jufticiariorum Welt-Wallia;, in manum regis. 24 Aprills. De faciendo feftam ad comitatum de Cardigan. 23 Maii.. M E M B R A N A 7. De teiicudo comitatiun de Kermerdyn per duos dies Jovis & Veneris, pra3 multitudine hominum. De non negotiando in villa de Kermerdyn ad 5 leucas circuitu per diem Sabbat'. Ut tupra. De permittendo inquifitiones per duodenam proborum & legalium ho- minum tieri de partibus Suth-Wallias & Wefi:-Walli;t. Ut fupra. De liiccidendo cooperta in bofcis plurjum Well-Wallise ubi RobericE, &c. contra pacem regis foda funt. lo Junil. Conccffio o£lav?e partis Kilnathgurgi, & Teyrfennam, Kadygano filio Griffini. Ut fupra. Concelfio totius terra; Owel' fdii regl ut legati fadla Ricardo de la. Mote. Ut fupra. Conccflio terrae de Kilnatligurgi Griffino filio Mereduci, qui prius eandem tenuit, per fervitium invLiiiendi unum equum coopcrtum. Ut fupra. Dc audiendo placita & querelas eplfcopatum Meneven' 6c tenentes in Weft-Wallla contingentia ; lalvis, &c. Amerciamcntis levandis ad opus regis. lo Junii. De cxtendeiuU) commotum dc Meynerdelow, & bofcum fubtus caftrum regis dc Dynevor', quce funt Refi filii Mereduci ; lex Walliae eft, quod quando aliquis vult terrain petere de aliquo, audita querela dominus Feodi debet leifire terram de qua quicftlo eft j &c tunc ille qui terram petit dabit domino de fuo fecundum quod inter eos . . . &g dominus concedet el juratam 12 juratorum, Sc fecundum ipforum vere- diftum judicablt. Dicunt etiam, Temper litigatum effe per breve regiie, nunquam vero per legem Howel-da, vel aliam. Hujulmodi negotium fufius ipfb in Rotulo narratur, quern vldere eft. Membrana 4. Certificatio apud Rothelan' coram praedi£lis per Juratos fubfcrlptos de Cantrcd' de Togengel', die Veneris proxima ante Converfionem Sanfli Pauli, anno 9. Petitio Lewelini filil Griffini Princlpls Wallia;, ut inqulratur an Ju- dices jurat! funt Walenfes habentes officium judicandi terras. Ut fupra. Penewreck Seys rogatus multa de tota terra de Powys ; placita coram jufticiariis domini regis apud W^eftm'. Idem dicit, quod fecundum legem Howel-da non poteft quis hasrcditatem luam vendere, cum multis aiiis de emend' legis magnatibus Wallia.', 8cc. obfervatu dignis, (;^uaj ad rotulum releganda funt. M E M B R A N A 3. Certificatio 6c aprifa fiida; apud Album monafterium per praenominatos, die Martis poft Converfionem San£ti Pauli, anno pracdidlo. Certificatio & aprifa apud Mongomcry per prtenominatos, die Jovis proxime poft Converfionem Sandi Pauli, anno prxfcripto. K Me m- -4 R O T U L I W A L L I -?:. M E M n R A N A 2. Cerrificatio & apriflx apud Mongomcry tlie praedlclo per eofdctn dc Anglicis. _. . Ccrrltkario, &'c. npnd Lanipadir-vaiir, die Mercurii proxima poft fclliim Puritkationli Beatic Vlrgluls, anno pr.ediclo. M K M r. R A N A 12, D O R S O. Dc honorificc reciplendo nuncios Lewelini Principis W'alliic, Goro- non' ah llevlin, & focio;^, ad colloquium habendum cum Alianora filla Simonis de Monte-forti dei>inatos. Apud Tunim London', 4 Januarii. Dc rclVituemlo terras ic tcnemcnfa filii Oweni, lilii Blechyn^ contingLii' jure hu;rcditario in Englcfcld, & capta in manum regis. Ut fupra. De amoveiido Crucem Bladis in Anglefeia, & David ap Eynon de eifdeni liberam adminillrationem habere faciendo. Ut llipra. De audiendc; querelam Margarets, uxoris Madoci Vaughau, monllrantis fe terram de Mcgheyn cuilotlire debere idque ad tempus legitimorum ha?rcdum, oc noi\ ultra, juxta legem. Ut fupra. Dc audiendo querelam praxlidiE Margareta,% quae mon-ftravit fe debere terram de Maylor-fefnek cuitodirc contra Rogerum le Eflraungc, ulque ad tempus hteredum pra'didorum. Ut lupra. De inquirendo dc jure Emma.-, quKi fuit uxor Grlffini filii Madoci, & Margarcta? qua: fuit uxor Madoci Vaughan, in manerio de Eytoiu 4 Januarii. De inquirendo jus Angarad' quae fuit uxor Oweni filii Maraduci ap Owven, in Cammoto dc Anhunaut in Kardigan, allignato in dotcm, ut dicit. Ut fupra. De audiendo querelam Margaretas quae fuit uxor Madoci Yaughan,^ con- tra Griffinum \aughan de Mai', qui infufte detiuet Corveyn, Carraic, Bonum, & Rechald, dotem fuam. Ut fupra. Dc elargando paflus in Ncmoribus Refi lilii Mereduci, inter Kermer- dyn & Hrcckencn, pro tuto acceflu tranfeuiitibus. 10 Januarii. De elargaiuio Ncmora Griffini & Kanani hliorum Mereduci, abbatis dc Thalarlawyn, Hoel nlii Griffini ap Edenavet, Rcfi Vaughan, Johannis Sisfard, liumfridi de Bohun Comitis Ilerefor' & Eflex', & Abbatis de Strata I'lorida. Ut fupra. De donationc & conhrmationc diverfarum terrarum & pofl'effionum, lie. per Ciriffiniim iilium Wcnnouweii fadlis Owino hllo luo primogenito, Hawyfiac uxori lua-, & l.ewelino, Johanni, Willielmo, & Griffino, quatuor R O T U L I W A L L I yE. ;5 quatuor junioribus filiis ; qui quidem terras fuas de Oweno capitaliter te- iieant, faciendo homagia. De non exigendo ab aliquibus pro arborlbus proflratis feu proflerneiidls In Swerdewod, & la bofcis inter Montem-altum £>c Swerdewod. 5 Februarii. De reftituendo terras & tenemeiita fua capta in manum Lewelinl Prin- cipls Wallix occafione homagli Madoco filio Eynonis, juxta formam Pacis inter Regem & Principem. i Junil. De audiendo Lewelini Principis Wallia^ rationes & querelas de terris de quibus liter,e fiia; mentionem faciebant ; qui citatus fuit indebite per jufliclarios regis ufque ad Montem Gomeri, contra confuetudines Walll- canas. 4 Junii. Litera diretfla Lewelino Principi Wallice, de fovendo Pacem inter ip- fum 6c epilcopum Bangor' & abbatcm de Bafingwerk. Et de placitis & controverfiis in Marchia 6c VVailia audiendis, lecundum conl'uetudines Wallicanas. 14 Julii. Reflitutio terrarum Tudero filio Goronow, cujus homaglum rex cepit. Confimiles literas habent Goronow Vaughan, Howelus filius Goronow. 12 Septembris. M E M B R A N A 9, D O R S O. De liberando quendam fratrem de Ordine Pra^dicatorum de liangor* arreftatum, cum quibuldam bonis priori loci pricdicti. 5 Decern bris, De feilina omnium terrarum Lewelini filii Oweni, infra a;tatcm Sc in cuftodia regis exiflentis, fiifta per Rogerum de Modes, ballivum regis de Lampader-vaur. 15 Februarii. De faciendo cuftodes minera: reg^is in Wallia, dc exitibus ciuldcm minera: decimas per lolvere Ecclefiis parochialibus partium illarum. 3 Martii. Ut fupra. De providendo indempnitati magiflrl Ricardi Bernard, Perfonx Eccle- {\x de Rotheian', in rccompcnlationcm ternc fua: occupat;c ad placeam caftri de Rotheian' elargandam. l-t fupra. De ailignando Aflaven' Epifcopo, 6c capitulo cjufdem Ecclcfia.", qualdam terras. Ut fupra. De amovendo ballivum terrarum Maddoci filii Griffinl la Bromfcld dc- func'ti, 6c alium loco fuo conltituendo. Ut fupra. K 2 Aar.o 76 R O T U L I W A L L 1 ^. Anno 9. D o R s o, Mem bran a 5. De tenendo ealtlem leges & confuctudines in Wallia & Marchia ut temporlbus rcgum praedcceflbrum regis. Et de profequendo placitum inter Lewelinum Principem Walliic, 6c Griffinum filium Wenunwen de tcrris juxta leges pra^diftas. 6 Junli. Rex Ltwclino Principi Wallia?, &c. Quod Griffinus filius Wenunwen prrcdiclo Principi de terris & tenementis fine brevi regis refpondere non tcnebatur. 8 Novcmbris. ITt fupra. De liomagiis & Icrvitiis reddendis Griffino filio Wenunwen per Mere- ducuni filium Lieulini, & particeps fuos, teneutes terrse de Megheyn.. 10 Novcmbris. R o T u L u s Wa l l I te, Anno i o Edwardi L Me M B R A N A 10. DE compote audiendo de exitibus Muragii de Kermerdyn, & eofdem apponendi in conflrudione Murorum villae praedidtas, Apud Perlfovcre, i Januarii. Do capitancis conllitutis ad Walenfcs malefaflores, qui ceperunt Ro- gemm de Clifford in caftrls regis de Hawardin & de Flynt, infequendos & capicndos. Apud Staill, 25 Martii. De tota pecunia novge cuftums Regis & Cambii in Hibernia mcrcato- rlbus de Luk liberanda, quam rex ab eifdem in Anglia recepturus eft. Apud Devifcs, 4 Aprilis. Dc placitis itinerantium in comltatibas Lincoln' & Cornub' prorogandis, propter lubitani motionemWalenfium malefaftorum contra pacem. Apud Devifes, 8 Aprilis. De conftituendo comitem Glouceftriac & Hereford' in partibus Weft- Wallia; capitancuni, ad Walenfes malefa£tores profequendum. Apud De- vi£\s, 10 Aprilis. Dc caftro de Landevcry commKTo Johanni Gisfard asfortiari propter motionemWalenfium. Apud Devifes, 14 Aprilis. Dc providcntils in Pontivo ficiendis de Blado & aliis victualibus ad opus regis. Ut fupra. De condudu pro ElyaTolofan profeduro ad Pontivum. Ut fupra. De providcntils in Hibernia ficiendis dc Blado & aliis vidlualibus, &c. & in Angllam carriandi fupcr qulbus INicholaus Carcvill falvum condudlum hnbct. Ut llipra. MeMBR ANA R O T U L I W A L L I ^. ;; Mem BR AN A 9. De rooo marcis mercatoribus de Luk de (bcietate necnoii multis aliis mercatoribus denariisfolvendis. Apud Devifes, 14 Aprilis. De fatisfaciendo n^kagiflro Pontio Amati de omnibus fuis expeufis. Apud Deviffes, 18 Aprilis. De providentiis in Vafconia per magiflrum Pentium ad opus regis fa- ciendis. Apud Devifes, 1 7 Aprilis. De 40 baliftariis peditibus, & 12 baliftar' equitlbus, per Jbhannem de Greilly providendis cum vi6lualibus in Angliam tranfmltti. Ut fupra. De providentiis in comitatibus Effex' & Surr' de vidlualibus providen- dis. Apud Deviies, 14 Aprilis. Quod Edmundus comes Cornubiae ingredi poflit Turrim London', 6c iu eadem morari. Apud Glouc', i Maii. Comes Warrewici, & Walterus de Bello Campo, habent conducluiu ad equos a Francia in Angliam ducendos. De affignando Edmundum comitem Cornubiae ad pacem in diverfis comitatibus confervandam, & malefa£torum conventicula reprimendam. ^o Aprilis. De muniendo infulam Elyen*, ne malevoli regis infulana illam ingrer diantur, ad perturbandum pacem. Apud Glouc', 1 Maii.. MembranaS. De quintadecima tranfmittenda ufque Malmeibury, & nonnulla alia loca regi concelTa a clero plurimarum dioc' regni. Apud Glouc', 2 Maii. De Walenfibus de Buck, (exceptis capitaneis eorundem) de Walenii- bus Grlffinifilii Wenunwen, & Roger i de Mortuo-mari, ad. pacem regis recipiend'. Apud Wigorn', i 7 Maii. Homines Theobaldi de Verdun habent literas de conduflu in veniendo ■ ab Hiberniam cum vi6tualibus ad cxercitum Wallia.'. Ut fupra. De non capiendo a Priorifla de Wellwode, Ordinls Fontis Ebrandi, Blada ad exercitum regis in Wallia fuie voluntate.. Apud Wigorn',, 24 Maii. De conduftu pro hominibus Roger! de Mobs cum viclualibus euntlbus. ad regem in Wallia. Ut fupra. M E M B R A N A 7; De recipiendo Walenfes Lewelini Vaughan (exceptis capitanei.--) ad pa- cem regis. Apud Wigorn', 20 Maii. Da- ^8 R O T U L r W A L L I JE, De noil capiendo ab abbate & con\'entui de Cumbe viclualia ad exer- citiim Wallix. Apud Hortlebir', 24 Maii. De rccipicndo Walcnlls Wcfl-Walllae, &c Suth-Wallla;, ad pacetn regis. Ut lupra. De feofando burgcnfes & alios villani de Lampader inhabitaturos. Ut fupra. De pacationlbus vadlorum & operationibus in Weft-Wallia & Suth- Wallia lupers idt-ndis per epilcopum Meneveu', &c Robertum de Tybetot. Vt liipra. De pnitec^ione & conduflu pro homlnibus ad infulas Gernefei &; Oe- rcfei ad violualla emoiida ab Ottone dc Grandifono miffis, pro exercitu regis Walliac. Apud Aifton Burnell, 18 Maii. De conlVituendo Rogerum Springhos capitaneutn munitionis Albi Mo- nafterii (nhlcnte Rogero de Mortuo-mari). Apud Salop', 2 Junii. Protedio & condiiclus pro magiftro Johanne Sovc periona ecclehae dc Idelale, pro Thonia de Tangwall, & Johanne Becun, cum fratre, occa- fione cxercltus Wallia-. Ut lupra. Dc conccdendo callrum de la Landavery Johanni Gisfard de Grim- mcsfcld. Apud Salop', 2 Junii. De conccdendo Rogero de Mortuo-mari juniori terras quae fuerunt de proparte Lewelini Vaughan, inimici regis. Ut fupra. De prote>flione Sc conducbu pro multis, quibus blada & alia vitftualla fua non finripiantur occallone exercitus regis Walliac. Apud Wiclim'- Maubaii, 5 die |unii ; & apud Cellr', 12 Junii. Williclmus Bagot airi_j;natur ad providendum Bladum, Sec. pro munl- tione exercituum regis W'alliae. Apud Salop', 2 Junii. Johannes dc Gatewik de Yeleburn, & Ricardus de Merle, habent proteclionem in vcniendo ad cxercitum regis Wallia; cum vidlualibus. y\piid Certr', 6 Junii. Williclmus Payne dc Bokingham, cum multis aliis, protcclionem habct in vcniendo ad cxercitum regis W'allije cum victualibus. Apud Cclb', 10 Junii. M E M B R A N A 6. Dc non capiendo caredas prions Sanvfli Thomae Martyris extra Staf- ford, occalione exercitus regis Wallix. Apud Cell:r', 15 Junii. Dc !u)minibu> dc Bnimkld & de Yale recipiendis per Reginaldum de Grey ad voluntatem regis, ut fupra. Et kifmam tcrrarum de Bromfcld & de Vale liberandam cidem per Brianum de Sxando Petro. Ut fupra. Johannes R O T U L I W A L L I tE. 7^ Johnnnc^ Swyft de Rowell liabet coaduftum in venicndo & ducendo viiftualia ad exercltum regis Wallias, & etiam Robertus le Treye, Ro- gerus Ic Lord, & Walter de Jakele.- Ut fupra. Johannes de Orbeck, mercator Rothomagi, habct conduclum : & pro aliquodebito de non diftriiigendo. Ut fupra. De VValeiifibus Oweni filii Griffini ad fidem regis rccipicndis «iit Kcnthlcth. Ut fupra. Rogerus Bygot, comes Northfokh', habet condu61;um in ducendo vidtualia ad exercitum regis Walli*. Confimilem condudlum habet Ricardus de Reneydeu de Thornes. Ut fupra. De filvo conduftu pro Thoma Purchas per mare ad regem ufque Ceflr" veniente cum viftuahbus. Confimilem conduftum habent Tohannes de SoWon de Ore, & Roge- rus Babiner de Suthampton. Ut fupra. De adhibendo fidem Johanna de Kirkeby hominibus VVarrewicI & Ley- ceftriie miflb, pro quibuldam negotiis expediendis. Apud Ccftr', 20 Junii.. De prote(£lion' & conduftubus pro plurimis, ia diicendo victualia ad exercitum regis Wallias.. Apud Ceflr', 20 Junii^ Membrana 5. De recipiendo ad voluntatem regis David filium Yerewardi, & Grlffi- luim fratrem ejus. Apud Ceftr', 28 De protedion' & coaduiflu pro Johaaae de Kellefhull in veaieado ad exercitum regis Walliae cum viftualibus. Apud Ccflr', 29 Juaii. Quod caretta; cariaates Maremium a forella de la Mare ulqiic Rothclaa* traafire pofTint per medium parci de Barewe. Ut fupra. De protection' & coaduclubus pro pluribus in ducendo viclualLa ad ex- ercitum regis Wall'. Apud Ceftr', 3 Julii. Quod fervitium (lalffidi, de Camvill in malitia Walenfium reprim.eada eidcm ia pra?judiciuai aoa cedat. Ut fupra.. De coadudlu pro hominibus Almarici de Saafto. Amando ia daceado. viftualia ad exercitum Wallis. Apud Ceftr', 4 Julii. De auxiliaado Stcphaauai de Pcaae-ceftre ia caftroDovor' & W portu- bus coafervaadis. Ut fupra. De fervitio ia partibus Albl moaaftcrii, ratioae expcditioais regis Walliae facieado. Apud Fliat, 6 Julii. De coaftitucndoWillielnuim dc Valentin, capLtancuni exercitus regls- in partibus Wcft-Walli.f. Ut fupra. De ?o R O T U L I W A L L I ^. "D* denarii? mutuatis mcrcatoribus de Luk de focletate .... folvendis. Apud Rothelan', lo Julii. Conducius pro Ricardo le Taltlur, Hugone le ISTerlaunt, & Jul' Daunfele, & nliis de famiiia AUzno'rz quondam uxoris Lcwelini hlii Griffini. Apud Rothelan', 12 Julii. -^ De inteudendo Williclmo de Luda, cuftodi garderoba regis in pecu- nia mutuanda. Ut lupra. T)e ftTvitiis hom'mum comitatuum Hereford', Salop', & Staff' debitis in cxercitu Walliac irrotulandis. Apud Rothelan', 13 Julii. De proteftione & conduclu pro Willielmo de laBratyne, in ducendo ad exercitum W'alTur Blada, &c. Ut fupra. 'De coupiatorihus providcndis ad palVus in partibus Wallias amputandas, Apud Rothelan', 1 5 Julii. Abbas de Hida Winton', &: Willielmus de Birclay, habent protec- tiouem. Apud Rothelan', 23 Julii. De Walenfibus in Wcft-WalliiE, & in partibus mentis Gomerici, Albi monafterii, & de Buelt, a Willielmo de Valencia ad pacem regis admit- tendis. Apud Rothelan', 26 julii. De proteclione & conduclu in ducendo vidlualia ad exercitum Walliie. Apud Rothelan', 30 Julii. Membrana 4. De fervitiis militum a Reginaldo de Grey, capitaneo munitlonis regis dc Hop', ratlone exercitus Walllas irrotulandis. Apud Rotiielan', 28 Julii. Willielmus le Butiller, miffus ad eligendum 1000 homines ad arma^ Apud Rothelan', 30 Juhi. Quod Refus filius iXIcreduci Walenfes de Mebweynon, Weynomoth, Meltoen, & Kayon (qui guerram non moverunt) ad pacem recipiat. Ut lupra. In S c H E D u L A confut'. CcnccfTo commotomm Mclmemanner, 6c Weymowith, In terra de Kardigan (quos GrifFuius filius MereducI, & Kananus, rebelles, nunc tencnt) MereducI filio Refi ta*fla per manum regis. Apud Rothelan', 28 Julii, anno, tire. 10. De prote£lione & conduclu pro multis in ducendo victualia ad exer- citum regis \^'nllia?. Apud Rothelan', i4Augurt:u ^ Dc Walenfibus (Johannis (i)ffard dc Brymmcsfeld & Rogeri Ic Ellraunge) de Pcnncrth, Hirfrcn, & Budt, ad pacem regis recipiendis Apud Rotiitlan', 16 Augufli. 7 De R O T U L I W A L L I .E. 8i De proteclione 6c conduilu pro noimullis in ducendo victualia ad exer- citum regis Wall iae. Ut lupra. Lucas de Tany ad muniendum infulam de AngkTeia mktitiir, & ad pontem ibidem faciendum. Apud Rothel', i8 AugulH. De proteclione & conduclu pro quibufdam In eundo ad partes tranfma- rinas, ad emendum necellaria pro exercitu Wallije. Apud Rothel', 20 Augufti, 6c apud Ruthyn, 2 Septembris. M E M B R A N A 3. Johannes de Kirkeby mittitur ad negotia regis expedienda. Apud Ruthyn, 8 Septembris. Conceflio 3 feodonuii militis facta Willielmo Ic Botyller de Wcmmc debitorum in exercitu regis WallitE. Ut fupra. De proteftione 6c conduclu in ducendo viftualia ad exercitum i-eg^is Wallias. Ut fupra. De denariis quibus rex tenetur mercatorlbus folvendis. Apud Adder- newyn, 12 Septembris. De pecunia (quam burgenfes Boreales vicecomitiNotingham liberaverint ad opus regis) ufque Ceftr' carianda. Ut fupra. De protetlione &c condu£lu pro nonnullis in veniendo 6c ducendo vic- tualia ad exercitum Walliae. Ut fupra. De pecunia mutuanda ad malitiam Walenfium repnmendam. Apud Thlangernon, 2 Oclobris. De protcftione 6c conduftu pro eis qui ab iuimlcis Walliae ad fidem regis venerunt ; 6c in ducendo viflualia ad exercitum regis in Wallia. Apud Rothel', 6 Oftobris. Conceflio Caftri de Dynafbran & totius terne de Bromfcld confirmata Johaniii de Warenna comiti Surrela;. Apud Rothel', 7 Odobrii. Membrana 2, Cadrum de Buelt, una cum terris regis ad idem pcrtincntlbus, Johannl Gisfard de Brummesfeld commifllum. Apud Rothel', 14 Odobris. Quod Johannes Gisfard Walcnfes do Buelt ad pacem regis admlttat. Ut fupra. Dc protcctionc 6c conduclu in ducendo vitStualia ad exercitum Walllx. Apud Rothel', 9 06lobris. De confirmando Henrico do Lacv comiti Lincoln' Cantrcda de Ros Sc ^ .... •dc Roewynnok, 6c commotum de Dynnacl, cum omnibus pcrtuuntns. Apud Rothtlan', 16 Octobrii. L Do 82 R O T U L I W A L L I ^. De protecfllonc & conduftu pro qulbufdam In clucendo per mare vIna,.. &c. ad exercitumWaHlie, & in eundo ad Hiberniam ad vidlualia perqui- renda. Apud Rothel', 1 8 Oiflobris. De dcnariis mutuatis folvcndis Godefrido Poleryii & Olivero deWych, & burgenfibus de Magna Gerncmuta, ncc non multis allis. Apud Rothel', 1 8 Octobris. De prorccftione pro priore & prioriflk de Dunflaple. Ut fupra. De conduccu (occafione giierne) pro fratrc Johannc Ic Waleys, tranf- niiflb ab archicpircopo Cantuar' ad exequendum officium fpirituale in Wallia. Apud Dynbey, 25 Odobris. De profcctione & condu6tu pro qu'ibufdamun ducendo vi6tualia ad ex- ercitum Wallia;. Ut fupra. Caftrum do Rutthin, & Cautredum de Desfrencloyt, & terra, Wen- chelianae de Lafcy, confirmata Reginaldo de Grey per manxtm regis,. Apud Dinbcy, 23 Oftobris. De protcclionc pro David pcrfona Ecclefite deBonbir, ccc. Ut fupra. Quod Nicholaus do Alontc-forti, in obfequio regis, non ponatur in afliiis juratis, feu recognition ibus aliquibus. Apud Dinbey, 26 Oclobris. Abbas & conventus dc Bafingwerk habent proteflionem (dumtameii- non conconiitent cum Walenfibus rcbellibus) ^ homines Johannis- Bonquer, in ducendo viclualia ad excrcitum Walliic. Ut fupra. Membrana I. De Rogcro Extraneo (moricnte Rogero de Mortuo-mari) conftltuto capltaneo in munitionibus Albi monafterii, Ofewaldeftre, & Montis Go— meri. Apud Dynbegh, 30 Oclobris. De proteftione & conduftu pro Willielmo de la Chambre, & Ricardo dc Baunfeld, &c. in ducendo viclualia ad exercitum Wallix". Apud Denbegh, 3 Novembris. Dc bladis providendis & emendis ad opus regis in excrcitu Walliae. Apud Rothel', 8 Novembris. De protedionc & condu6lubus pro quibufdam in ducendo viftualia ad exercitum regis Wallias. Apud Rothel', 15 Novembris. Quod homines Johannis de Warenn', comitis Surria? 6c Suffex, de Brumfend, ad mercata Ofewoldeflrc, Whitchirche; et Ceflr' venire, ad res fuas vendcnda?, pofiint. Apud Rothel', 7 Novembris. D o R s o, Membrana id. De excommunicandoWalenfes propter eorum malitiam & rcbell.'onem. Apud Deviles, 1 8 Martii, anno i o. De R O T U L I W A L L I .^. S3 De Walenfium rebellione per Henrlcum de Lacy comitem Lincoln' & alios reprimenda. Apud Devilcs, 6 Aprilis. Quod GH'oc-rtus dc Clare comes Gloucelbias & Hertford', & alii co- mitcs, aullam habeant communionem cum Walenfibus malefadloribus & i"ebellibus. Apud Devifes, 7 Aprilis. Membrana 9, Dor so. Quod barones Portus Dovor', &c. parati lint cum rege, &c. proticifci in expeditionem ejus contra Walenfes rebelles. Apud Devifes, 10 Aprilis. De providendo carpentarlos & foflatores ad operatlones regis In parti- bus WalliiE faciendas. Apud Devifes, 1 5 Aprilis. De carlando viclualia venalia ad Album monafterium, & partes illas ubi Rogerus de Mortuo-mari, capltaneus exercitus regis, moratur. Ut lupra. De vicluallbus apud Ceftr' ducendis, & ad partes Weft-Walllas & Suth-Walliffi ubi Gilbertus de Clare moratur capltaneus, excepta claufula de mercatis prohibeiidls. Ut fupra. Quod mittat vicecomes Cumbr' & Lancaftr' aliquos de fais ad partes Scotis, ad providendum pifces, eofque ducendum ufque Ceflr'. Ut fupra. De tra£tando & ordinando de navlbus quje exibunt ex Portlbus Hailing', Winchels', Rye, &;c. ad faciendum fervitium in Wallia coram Stephano de Peneceftr'. Apud Romenhal, ut fupra. De mittendo ad abbates 6c epifcopos pro pecunia de 15 & 10 proveni- ente, &c. Ut liipra. De 1 5 cementarlls eligendls, qui profe6turi funt ufque Lanipader, ad fervitium regis faciendum. Apud Hertlebir', 25 Mali. Membrana 8, D o r s o. Quod mercatores London', Warrewic', Lciceftr', &c. qu^cunque ge- nera viifluallum venalium ad exercituin regis \VallI-£to Aflaph de 200 marcis quas rex affig- navit ad operationes monafterii de Aberconewey faciendas. Apud Kaer- narvan, 23 0"obris. De concedendo regina? Anglix Alianorae manerium de Roffeyr, &c. cum omnibus fuis pertinentiis, fnie aliquo retenemento. Apud Kaernar- van, 21 Odobiis. De concedendo Williclmo Sikun 150I. pro cuftodiendo caftrum dc Aberconewey. Apud Kaernarvan, 23 Odobris. Dc concedendo manerium de Kairrnwilys, cum hamelcttis de Hu- cheldref, &c. abbati &: conventui de Aberconewey, in fatisfatflionem ter- rarum 6c tcncmentorum qua: in manus rtgis gratis rcddidcrunt Apud Kaer- nar\-an, 22 & 23 Odobris. Dupl'. M E M B R A N A R O T U' L I W A L L I ^.. ^^ Membra N A i. De concedendo epifcopo Bangor' villatas de Trefeyenan, Abydon, & Bodychen, cum pertliientiis (de quarum decimis juxta portionem fuam offeyriat Teulu cpifcopus ) in recompenfationem declmarum de Kaurnvvy lys monailerio de Aberconevvey ab ipfis conceffarum. Apud Bere, 5 Novembris. De rebelllbus in epifcopatu Bangor' jufticiandis. Apud Lampader- vaur, 10 Novembris. De nemoribus luccindendis, & paffibns elargandis, in comitatu Cardi- gan, ad I'ecuritatem tranfeuntium. Apud Lampader, 14 Novembris. De concedendo epifcopo Bangor' returnum brevium cum allis liberta- tibus. Apud Kaeruarvan, 2 1 Otftobris. M E M B R A N A 6, D O R S O. De liberando Grlffino filio Reli, terras de Gracrdkarmon, Tevveyaan^ & Bodellenyn, in Cantredo de Ros. Apud Kaernarvan, 4 Maii. Claus' de Anno 12 Edvv. I. D O R S O, M E M B R A N A 2. De allocando Ricardo de Pulefdon, vicecomiti de Karnarvan, 12I, 13s. 4d. pro 40 quarteriis frumenti. Apud Kaernarvan, 18 Oftobris. De allocando Thoma? de Maydenhacche, nuper conllabulario calVri noftri de Kaernarvan, denarios ad fcaccarium ibidem. Apud Kaernar- van, 18 Octobris. Memorand' de liberando 15 cliartas Ricardo de Abindon camerario de Kaernarvan. RoTULUs "Walli.'e, Anno 13 Edwardi I. M E M B R A N A 4. DE terris & tenementis in Elnayl Huchmenyt conccfTis Waltcro liackclutel. Teftc rege apud Kardynan, 24 Novxrmbrii. De licentia dandi Waltero Gowagh ad allignandum quin(|ue acras tcr- rx m luburbio de Kardigan priori & monachis ibidem. 1 cftc ut llipra^ 22 Novembris. Dc libcrtatibus concciTis burgcniibus de Bere. Tefte ut fupra. Do libcrtatibus concelFis burgenlibus de Hardelagh. Teltc ut fupra.. De liberjatibus concelTis burgenfibus dc Crukyth. Teftc ut fupra. JMeJNIBR ANuVi 9^ ROT U L I W A L L I /E. M E M B R A N A 3. Pro burgenfibus de Kardygan, habcndi leges 6c confuetadines quibus bviro-cnlcs dc Kcrmerdyn ufi Innt, & de libertatibus concelus eip. Telle rege apud Kadewelly, 9 Deccmbris. Pro biirgenfibus de Kermcrdyn, habendi communlam in bofcls de Maha- thaii, 6c fuccindendl bofcos ibidem. Teiie ut llipra. De caflro de Crukyth commiHb Willie hiio de Leyburn. Tefte regc apnd Brirtoir, 23 Dccembris. Dc terra de Gaucrglen concefla Rogcro de Mortuo-mari. Tefle ut fupra, 27 Decembris. Pro burgenfibiis de Rothclaii', quod ipli fiiit quieti a preltatione Tlieo- loniiper totum rcgiium Anglia.'. Telle ut lupra, 7 Jauuarii. M E M n R A N A 2. De confiriiiatione pro abbate & conventu de Stratoflur'. Telle rege apud Wei'':m', 27 Mali. Litteriv dc acquietantia pro abbate & conventu de Aberconwey, de inveniendi Tervientibus Principis Walliae, pro terris in Frywil- wjxh. Telle ut fupra. Literal de acquietantia pro priore & fratribus hofpitalis San£tl Johannis Jerulalem, ut fupra, pro terris in Wanas in Meronyth. Tefle ut fupra. De placca ternr apud callrum Rothelan', & 10 acris bofci de Crukyn, concellis Adjc de Ryllon. Telle ut fupra, 14 Junii. De folo de Getly conceflb abbati & conventiii de Baiingwerk. Telle ut fupra. De caflro de Bcre comnilflb Ilugoni de Turbcrvill. Telle rege apud Wynton', 3 Odobris. De caflro de Ilardelagh commiflb Johanni de Benelare. Telle ut fupra. M E M B R A N A 3, D O R S O. Dc terris de Ollcrlof & de Mabwyiuiion datis Audae de Hailing. Dc terra de Sanclo Claro Augey & Pennuliok data Relb hlio Mereduci, in maritagio cum Auda forore Johannis Hafling. ROTULUS R O T U L I W A L L I ^. 95 R o T u L u s Wa l l I /E, ab Anno 14 ufque 23 Edvvardi I. Anno 14. Membrana io- DE officio Thefaurarige Wallise commiffo Roberto de Belvere. Apud Exon', 7 Januarii. De cervls donandls Hugoni de Turbervill. Ut fiipra. De committendo Roberto Tibetot villas, caflra, & terras in Wefl:-- Wallia. Apud Wefcm', 27 Aprilis. Dc donando Regiualdo de Grey jufticiario Ccftr' 10 cervos, & 10 cervos Roberto de Tybetot. Apud Weftm', 28 Aprilis; apud Ledes, 4 Mail. Anno 15. De concedendo eplfcopo Bangor', tertiam partem decimarum domi- nicorum 6c molendinorum in Englefend, & minerx de plurabo. Apud Weflm', 16 Deccmbris, Radulphus de Hengham, & alii affignantur ad audicndum tranfgref- fiones per Refum filium Mereduci in comitatu Kermerdin facias. Apud Weftm', 20 Aiaii. De accedendo ad Rogerum Extraneum in Wallia, ad rebellionem regi; filii Mereduci rcprimendam. Apud Weftm', 15 De recipiendo Walenies in imprifa Refi lilii Mereduci rebellis. Apud Weftm', 2 Julii. De terris 6c tenementis Refi filii Mereduci rebellis capiendis in manuin. regis. Ut ftipra. De centum libris dono pro delatione capitis Refi filii Mereduci. Apud Weftm', 5 Julii. De recipiendo ad pacem homines de Strandenwy in Wallia, qui ftint in imprifia Refi filii Mereduci. Apud Glouc', 16 Julii. De terris & tenementis per Refum filium Mereduci, ftiper quofcunque occupatos, capiendis in manum regis. Ut I'upra. Quod homines Com' Ceftr' iter arripiant in comitiva jufticiarii Ccftr', verfus Weft-Walliam, ad malitiam Reli filii Mereduci rcprimendam. Apud Hereford', 23 Julii. Poteftas data Gilberto de Clare recipicndi ad pacem regis Walenfes in Weft-Wallia. Ut llipra. Conduftus pro Thoma Brun, poletario London', in cariando vitftoalia in Weft-W' allia. Ut fupra. Membrana. 96 R O T U L I W A L L r .i:. Membra n a 9. De conftltuenUo Comircni GIouccIU-Ilc capitaneum regis, ad malitlam Refi filii McrediKi reprimcndam. Apiid Hereford', 23 Julli. De pccunia libcranda per diverfas \ices Roberto de Tybctot, & aliis, ad vadia mlllcum in Gucrra de Droflelaii' acqiiietanda. Apud Weflm', 6 Julii. Coiuludus pro Francifco INIalizard, mercatore de Luk, miflb cum pe- cuula ad partes \\'alli;c, Apud W'cftm', 21 Septembris. De comniltteudo caftruni de DrolTelan, una cum commotis, &c. qua; fuerunt Reli filii Mcreduci rcbellis, Alano Plukenet. Apud Weflm', 24 Scptcmhris. Dc officio lufticiarii Nor-Walliie commiflb Hugoni de Turbcrvill, in loco |. I hi\ cringe qui cum rege in Burdegalia. Apud Weflm', 5 No- vcmbris. Comniotuin dc Percneth, cum terris de Ifkenny & Hyrwyn, commifs* HumtVido de Bohun, com' Hereford' 6c Eflex'. Apud Weflm', 6 No- vcmbris. Anno 16. IMf, MBRANA 8, in Schedula. Praeflita facia per mcrcatores de Luk ad guerram fuper Refum Mer- tluck, anno regis Edw. 15. viz. &c. M E M B R A N A S. De denariis llberandis per mcrcatores deLuk pro guerra in Suth-Wallia, uti in Ichcdula appenla continetur. ApudWVllm', 26 Novembris. De Walcnfibus de Cantrcdo dc Boghan ad gratiam & pacem regis reci- piendis. Apud Wcftm', 5 Deccmbris. Deconflituendo Humfridum de Bohun, comitem Hereford' & Eflex', 5c Edmundum de Mortuo-mari, capitaneos & cuflodes Stretdenwy, &c Cardiganfliirc. Ut fupra. Dc baliflis £c quarellis liberandis Alano Plogenet. Apud Weflm', 3 Deccmbris. Pro hominibus regis dc Cardiganfliire defendendis contra Refum filium Wereduci, 6c fautores fuos, & jiatria ilia falvanda. Apud Weflm', 6 De- cembfis. T)e denariis liberandis Alano Plogenet, ad munitloncs in Suth-Wallia 6cc. faciendas per mcrcatores de Luk. Apud Wellm', 20 Deccmbris. De officio jufliciarii in Nor-Wallia Roberto de Staundou fub Ottone dc (rnindifJ'iiu. V/cllm', 6 Apriiij. De R O T U L I W A L L I .E. ^y De arboribus & fubbofco in nemoribus Wallice fuccindeiidis, & pnfli- bus elargandis & dilatandis, ad fecurltatem tranfeuntium. Apud Wt llm', 8 Mali. De iiSl. 13s. & 4d. liberandis per mercatores de Luk Alann Plop-e- net, conftabulario caftri de Drollelan, ad munltioiiem ejufdem facicr.dam. Apud Weftm', 3 Februarii. Anno 17. De domibus in caftro de Kermerdyn reparandis & cooperlendis. Apud Wcftm', 13 Maii. De donando 6 cervos Hugoni de Turbcrvlll ex forefta de IMeronith. Apud Sanflum Edmundum, 1 9 Septembris. De hominibus, terris, & tencmentis de Commotis de Difkennith, 6cc. reftituendis Johanni Gisfard, quas per rebellionem Refi filii Mereduci in manum regis devenerunt. Apud Weftm', i3 06lobris. De terris & tenementis, qus Griffinus Vaughan tenuit, liberandis Re- glnas conlbrti regis. Apud Clarendon, 6 Novembris. Anno 18. De mifis & expenfis in operationibus caftri de I.ampaderrvaur inWefl- Wallia pofitis, fupervidendis & examinandis, Apud Weftm', 14 Ja- nuarii. De cuftodia caftri de Droflan', & terrarum quae fuerunt Refi filii Me- reduci, commlira Philippo filio Owcli Abmearik., Apud Wcflni', 27 Januarii. De concedendo quadraginta llbras fingulls annis Roberto de Staundon^ pro cuftodia juftlciaria- Wallis. Apud Weftm', 3 Februarii. De quietando Griffinum Ab-Tuder de fex libris in quibus tenebatur regi, quum caflruni de Dolinchalan cuftodiret. Apud Weftm', 6 Fe- bruarii. De pardonando David Vaughan de Anglefeye denarios. Ut fupra. De allocando quindecim libras Griffino Ab-Tuder, conftabulario caftii de Dolinchalan. Apud Weftm', 7 Februarii. Quod burgenfes de Aberconewey fint per totum regnum de Theolonio quleti. Apud Weftm', 8 Februarii. De concedendo terras in comitatu de Kardigan Galfrldo Clement, pro fidcli fervitlo fuo. Apud Weftm', 10 Februarii. De concedendo Roberto le Defpenfcr cuftodlam terrarum qua? fuerunt Michaelis de San6lo Edmundo, in Ayros & Aberconewey in Wallin, dc- fuudti. Apud Weilm', 10 Februarii. N Caftrum 93 R O T U L r W A L L I ^E. CaOrum dc Carnarvan Ada? de Wctenhal cuftodiendum commilTiim. Apud Wellm', 8 Mail. I)c viginti llbrls liberandis Ti'.clcro \''aughan de Anglefeia, pro bono Hrviti'o. Apud We Am', i8 Mali. Grates rex habct hominibu> de Commoto de Buelt, pro bofcis profter- nendis ad lecuritatcm tranreuiitiiim. Apud Weil:m', 14 Mail. De pardonando Rogero dc PtulLfdon viginti llbras, de arrcragiis firmae niaiicril delyammes'. Apud Wellm', 23 Mali. Ue conccdeiido Yereward Penwen de Naaconewej, pro fideli fervitio. Apud Wefl:m', 1 1 Juiili. libertas fugandi omnia genera fcrarum infra comitatum dc Meronith Hugoni de Turbervlll conccfl'a. Apud Wellm', 20 Junii. Dc concedendo centum libras Hugoni de Turbervill, pro cuflodla caftri de Bere libi commilli cuflodiend'. Ut fupra. Membrana 6. Jacobus dc Sancto. Gcorglo percipit centum marcas pro cuAodia caftri de Hardclagh. Apud Havering, 3 Julii. De pardonando cxecutoribus teflamonti Johannis de bono Villare Sol. Apud Wellm', 10 Julii. De operationibus caftromm de Rothel', Flynt, & Ceftrias flipervidcn- dis. Apud Weftm', 12 Julii. Pro Rogero de Pyweleldon, vicecomite Angleleye, de denariis allo- candis. Apud Weftm', 1 3 Julii. Dc tcrris, vlllis, &c caftris Refi filii Mercduci rcbellis in Wallla com- miiris Roberto Tibetot. Apud Wellm', 13 Julii. De pardonando Roberto de Poher, 6c Petro fratri ejus, omnes tranf- grelTiones, 6cc. Apud Weftm', 12 Julii. De pardonando Agneti, quae fuit uxor Johannis de Novo Villario, centum folldos pro cvafione Willielmi le Pronne, monachi. Apud Clipflon-Rcgis, 22 Septembris. De allocando Roberto de Staundon 20 1. quas pofuit in domibus de Abcr & Bala, per infortunium combuilis, de novo faciendis. Apud Kingis-tlipton, 6 Novembris. De pardonando Walenfibus de Cantredis de Maur & Bathan traiil- greflionem receptando Refum filium Mereduci rebellis. \Jt fupra Anno 19. De concedendo eplfcopo Mcnevenfi communiam in omnibus dominicis bolcis regis in comitatu de Cardigan'. Apud Dcvilcs, 1 8 Septembris. De R O T U L I W A L L I .^. p^ De concedendo Meneveii' epifcopo, & canonlcis fuls de Aberwily, communiam in bofcis de Mahhataii, Commothpervel, ficc. in comitatu de Kermerdyn. Apud Devifcs, 20 Septcmbris. De concedendo, in auxilium villse de Kacrmerdyn claudendce, quafdam conluetudines de rebus venalibus in eadeni. Apud Bergeveny, 20 Odobris. De concedendo Willielmo Daniel, clerico regis, 40 s. pro roba fua. Apud Heref, 2 Novembris. Anno 20. M E M B R A N A 5. AfTlgnantur epilcopus Elyenfis Willielmus de Valentiis, & alii, ad querelas Humfridi de Eohun, comitis Hereford' & Efl'ex', de tranf- grellionibus per Giib^^rtum de Clare, comitem Glouceftrias 6c Hertford', & alios, commiflis audiend'. Anno 2 r. Membrana 3. Deliberatio caflri de Bere Roberto de Staundon cullodiendi fa6la. Apud Rokefburgh in Scotia, a 8 Novembris. De pardonando Mariae, quae fuit uxor Manafferi le Fofleur, 23 s. & 8d. in quibus ipfe regi tenebatur dum fuit ballivus de Karnarvan. Apud Weftm', 28 Maii. Membrana 2. Quod Robertus Filius Walteri habeat centum libras pro cuftodia caflri de la Bere. Apud Weftm', 28 Junii. Libertas fugandi omnia genera lerarum infra comitatum de Meronnith, facira Roberto Filio Walteri, conll:abulario caftri de la Bere. Apud VVeilm', 30 Junii. Quod Robertus de Staundon' jufticiariis North-WallitE liberet cufto- dientlum caitrum de la Bere, cum armaturis, &c. Apud Weflm', 2 Ju'ii. De liberando ballivam foreflariae dc Eychioneth Ricardo filio Carvctti Walenfi cuftodiendam. Apud Cant', 15 Julii. Anno 22. Johannes de Godelegh afiignatur ad fupervidcndum rotulos taxationis Quinta-xlecimae, propter remifiionem colledlorum in partibus WalliaL*. Apud Cant', 29 Dccembris, Quod Robertus de Staundon jufticiarius regis North-Walliac, pcrcipiat 40I. procullodia caitn de HarJclagh. Apud Cantuar', 28 Decembris. N 2 ' Omnia loo R O T U L I \V A L L I JE. I Omnia caftra & terne in partibiis Weft-Wallia;, ac etiam officlum jufliiciari^ie, commifla cultoilicnu', in latlsfacbioneni debitoruai quibus rex Roberto Tibctot tcncbatur. Apud Wcftm', 13 Junii. I)c liberando 3 melTuagia, & 3 bovatas terra;, cum pertinentiis, in I^nvcir Cadcgano Goch, de quibus cundem Princeps Walliae ejecit vo- luntarie. Apud Weftm', 20 Junii. Comitatus de Kermerdln, Cardigan, & omnes terra; in Weft-Wallia, funt commiiTa cultodicnd' Willielmo de Caumvill. Apud Weftm', 1 Oclobris. De liberando Comitatus de Kcrmcrdin &c Cardigan, ac etiam terras & caftra WcHi-Wallix^ Willielmo de Caumvill, propter interiedionem Walteri de l^odcrton, & Galtridi Clement, tenentium locum Roberti Tybetot. Ut liipra. Qiiod Galfrldus de Caumvill, & alii, ad terras liias in Marchia accedant, auxiliatum \V. dc C. mifio pro pace conlervanda. Ut lupra. Griffinus ap Howel ad partes Weft-Wallise, & Nicholaus de Ocham ad part cs de Bcrgcveny miiH pro quibufdam negotiis, habent conduftum. Apud Weflm', 15 & 16 Odobris. M E M B R A N A I . Dc cligcndo validos pedites in quibuidam comitatibus Anglian, ad re- bcllionem Walenfium, hon:iicidia. See. perpetrantium, reprimendam. Apud Wcftm', 15 Odobris. Quod Conftabularlus caftri, Majores, &c. Brlftol', fint auxiliantes Johannl Havering, miffo ad partes Wallia;, ad qusedam caftra viclualibus 6cc. municnda. Apud Wcflm', 25 Oclobris. Robertus Filius Walteri, & Rogerus Extraneus, habent poteftatcm recipiendi ad pacem omnes Walenles de Powys. Apud Wcftm', 27 Oaobris. Condudus conceflus Jolianni le Balaunter, civi & mercatori London', in ducendo vina & mercimonia ad Walliam, pro expeditione regis. Apud Turrim London', S Novembris. Conduclus pro quibufdam ab Edmundo fratre regis mifTis ad partes Wairuu, nd providcntias de vidualibus, &c. faciendum, contra adventum luum. Apud Turrim London', 9 Novembris. Anno o.^. De eligendo homines pedites in comitatu Hereford', &c. ad malitiam Walenfium reprimendam. Apud Wygoruam, 22 Novembris. Johannes ROTULI WALLI .«. loi Johannes Gifhird habet poteftatem rccipiendi ad pacem Walcnfes do Brigheneugb*- Apud Wygorn', 23 Novembris. N. B. Portiuncula hujus mcmbrana; penitus dilacerata abbreviari nequit. Anno 14, D o R s o, M e m b r a n a 10. De conccdendo 40 1. Ricardo de Pyuleldon, vicccomki de Kaernarvan, ad fultentationem fuam in officio, una cum arreragiis liiis a retro. Apud Langele, 4 Februarii. Confimiles literas habent Robertus de Puilefdon, de Angiefeye, Ro- bertus de Staundon, de Meronith, viceconiites, & Johannes de Havering. Apud Langele & \VeiT:m', diverfis temporibus. Quod Robertus Peche, & alii miiites luit ad Edmundum comitem Cornubiae, locum regis in Anglia tenentem, apud Glouceftr', cum equis 6c armis. Apud W^eflm', 14 Junii. Ue providendo 400 foflatores & carpentarios in comitatu Salop', ad malitiam Reii filii Mereduci reprimendam. Apud Glouc', 16 Julii. M E M B R A N A 9, D O R S O. De non tenendo mercatum aut feriam infra comitatum Salop', & de exponendo viflualia venditioni ad opus fidelium. rebellionem Walenfium repreflurorum. Apud Glouc', 1 7 Julii. De providendo equos coopertos, & homines pedites, ad rebellionem Reli filii Mereduci reprimendam. Apud Glouc', 16 Julii. De transferendo ufque & vendendo apud Breghnok vidlualia, ad {uC- tentationem magnatum in expeditione Waliiit. Apud Hereford', 23 Julii. M E M B R A N A 8, D O R S O. Quod fideles regis moram continuam faciant in maneriis & terris fuis Well-Wallize adjacentibus, ad rebellionem Refi & fautorum reprimendam. Apud Weftm', 14 Novembris. Quod Gilbertus de Clare perfonaliter accedat ad caftra, &c. Weft- Walliae adjacentia, ad rebeUionem Refi felonis repellendam. Ut fupra. Anno 16. D o R s o, De adhibendo fidem W. de Henley, priori Hofpital' San£i:i Johmnis Jerufalem in Anglia, accefl'uro ad vidciidum Itatum Wallix, &c. Apud VVeftm', 16 Februarii. Prior 103 R O T U L I W A L L I .^. Prior Hofpkalis San£ll Johnnnis Jerufalem in Anglia miflus ad fuper- vi denduni llatum caftrorum in Marchla 5c Wallia. Ut llipia. Quoil vicecomitcs Gloucellr', Sumerict', & Hereford', habere faciant Alano 1-logentt, conftabulario caiiri regis dc Droliclan, denarios de exiti- hus comitatuuin pnedhflorum, ad munitionem caftri prx'didti tacieudam. Apud Weflni', 7 Julil. Anno 17. D o R s o. Quod Edmundus de Mortuo-iiiari, cum alils fidelibus, continue mo- rctur in maneriis I'uis Wallia?, ad rebellionem Refi reprimendam, &c. DORSO SCHEDULJE. MeMBRANA 7. Concordia fa^la inter Owenum filium Griffin! Ab-Wenouwyn, & Da- vid filiuni Griffini, fratrem, de duabus villis, viz. Penarth, Rewhyretli, in Kerevnon, concellis per Owenum fratri David, per lervitia, &c. Apud Weftm', 16 Mall. David, filius Griffini llHl Wenunwyn, relaxavlt Oweno fratri fuo pri- mogenito totum jus in omnibus terris luis, tarn in Anglia quam in Wallia. Apud Weftm', ut fupra. Pro qulbus Owenus dedit totam terram de Mandoe. In T u s. De Concordia fafta inter Owenum filium Griffini Ab-Wenowyn, & Grlffinum fratrem ejufdem, concedendo Griffino totam terram de Metheyn Ifcoyt, cum pertinentiis, 6cc. per quondam fervltia. Apud Weftm', 17 Mail. De Concordia fa£la inter Owenum filium Griffini, & Johannem filium Griffini, in hunc modum, Quod Owenus conceffit Johanni fratri fuo quinque villas in Kcreynon, quorum fcrlptum in cancellaria recognitum iiiit. Ut fupra. Johannes filius Griffini filli Wenunwyn relaxavlt Oweno fratri fuo pri- mogenito totum jus fuum in omnibus terris & tenementis qu^E fuerunt Griffini patris eorum. Apud Weftm', 16 Junli. Owciuis fihus Griffini filii Wenunwyn, domlnus de la Pole, con- ceffit Willielmo de la Pole fratri fuo, totam terram de Mandoe, pro fer- vitio, tenendam de fe. Owenus filius (irlffini filii Wennon\vyn conceffit Lewelino fratri fuo terras de Molhuant Huthraydre, &c. pro fervitlo. SCHEDULA R O T U L I \V A L L I JE. 103 S c H E D u L A explicit. Lewilinus fillus Griffini illii Wenunwy concedit Owyno fratri fiio ju-> fuum ill terris &c tenenientis quas fuerunt patris lui in Wallia, I'alvis iibi quibufdam. De bene muniejido caftra regis in Wallia, quo melius malitia Refl ejufque fequacium reprimatur. A pud Weftm', 28 Novembris. De cuftodiendo obfides fecure, quorum nomina in fchedula quadam mifla Alano Plogenet conftabulario caftri Droflelan. Apud Weilm\ 8 Februarii. De non receptando Refum filium Mereduci, rebellem, ejufque com- plices in terra Willielmi de Breus, nempe Gower, &c. Kedewelly, & Karwathlan. Ut fupra. De explorando adventum Refi rebellis ad Hiberniam per cofteram ma- ritimam ballivae Willielmi de Grandifono, tenentis locum jufticiarii in Wallia. Ut fupra. Anno 18. Do R s o. Walterus de Pederton, & Willielmus de Bruera, conftituuntur jufti- ciarii ad aflilas, &c. capiendas infra burgum Kermerdyn, loco Robert! Tibetot. Apud Weftm', 12 Januarii. Anno 19. Dor s o. Nihil. Anno 20. DoRso, Membrana 6. Inqulretur de tranfgreffionibus & enorinibus per Adam le Clerk de Elef- mere, &c. Lewelino filio Kenewrici, & Madoco filio Lewelini, illatis. Apud Stebenheth, 10 Decembris. De refpedlu placitorum pro diverfis in obfequium regis ad partes Walliit; profefturis. Apud Weftm', 1 6 Oftobris, &c. R O T U L I [ "05 ] ROTULI SCOTIA. RoTULUS Scotia, ab Anno 19 ufqiie 24 Edwardi I. MeMBRANA 12. DE quibufdam caftris in Scotia liberandis certis mllitlbus regis cufto- diendls. De caflro de Roke{burgh commiffo Briauo filio Alani. De caftro de Gedewrth commiffo eidem. Alanus de Wigeton habet literas de praefentatione ad ccclefiam San£ti Carber in Man. De protedione pro abbate & conventu de Meuros in Scotia, De comitatibus Scoti« committendis vicecomitibus, & tidelitatibus & facramentis eifdem vicecomitibus nomine regis preflandis. De fidelitatibus abbatum, priorum, & aliorum de communitate comi- tatus de Rokefburgh recipiendis. Dc tidtlitate burgenfium de Rokefburgh recipienda. De fummonendo Willielmum Dugias, quod fit coram rege ad re- fjiondendum luper contemptu mandati regis. Dc lalvo coiidudu pro Ricardo le Furbur. Pro cpifcopo Catenen' cancellario Scotiae, & Waltero de Agmodelham, de denarlls libi liberandis ad fuftentationem luam. De Hugoue de Abernithy, detento in priiona Willielmi de Douglas, liberando Willielmo de Sandlo Claro, & prilbna: regis manclpando. De vadiis liberandis Roberto le Savage, &c Roberto Keyron. Pro Dionifio Drubard mercatore de San6to Omero. MeMBRANA 12. SCIIEDULA. De elecmofinis per reges Scotise conflitutis terminis flatutis folvendis. De cervis datis. De expcnfis folvendis pras maiiibus cancellario Scotiyr, 8c Adamo dc Uotingdon fibi adjundo. O IMembrana I0( R O T i: L I S C O T I .E. M E M B R A N A II. De protedione & comluctu facicndls R. Karliol' & A. Catencn* eplf- copls, collttflorlbus decimae in regno Scotias. De clKMtis, fcriptls, & aliis inilrumentl?, tangcntibiis regein & peten- tes ius in regno Scotiic fcrutandis «Sc cxaminandis. Pro Phillppo de Ridale majore de Berewick. Pro Agnetc quje fuit uxor Robcrti, filii & hicrcdis Edmund! Ingc- nintoris de Bondynton, quod liabeat cuftodiam terrarum. Do fcodls libcrandis ]}riano Filio-AJani, & Petro Burdet. De protectionibus faciendis R. Karliol' & A. Catencn' cpifcopis, col- Iccloribus decimic in regno Scotia?. De feodls liberandis cancellario Scotias, & Waltero de Agmodcfhr.m. De protcftionc pro Johanne comite Athol'. Quod cancellarius Scotias aperiat figlllum, & inde fine fibi adjundlo- confignct B re via. De expenfis liberandis Johanni Llthegreyns, Willieltno de Lincoln,. & Thome de Fifherburn, pro Icrutinio chartarum, &c. De feodis liberandis cuftodibus rcgni Scotias. De admittendo Adam de Botingdon in focium in officio cancellariaD Scotias. De homagio Johannis Mufard capto. De Ofberto de Goaldington, alFociato loco Willielmo de Kelland, Briano Fillo-Alani, 6c Willielmo de Boyvill, ad audiendum querelas in . regno Scotias. De Rogero de Burton, aflbciato prasdiftis Briano, & Willielmo da/ Boyvill, ad pra:di6las querelas audiendum. Pro Hugutione, domini papa? capellano, de ducentis libris ei datis. Et M. JO. M E M B R A N A lO. Quod epifcopi & pr^lati de regno Scotiae exhibeant fe favorabiles ma- giftro Ciiifrcdo de Vezano, domini papae nuncio. De qucrcubus datis A. Catenen' cpifcopo, ad fabricam cathedralis ec- clefia; liia?. Anno 20. Pro Michacle Scoto, de warda ilu maritagio fibi providendo. Pro fubcanctllario & vicecanccllario regiii Scotiic, dc feodis liberandis. De protcdione pro Johanne comite Athol'. Pro R O T U L I S C O T I iE. 107 Pro priore SarnSti Andreas Scotiac de cxecutione judicil contni David CifTorem ponenda in fufpenfo. Dc pr^rcntatione ad ccclefiam de Sudhdon. De bonis quae fuerunt A. Catenen' epifcopi liherandis priori de Gol- dina^ham, & maglftro Edin', pro anima pracdifti epifcopi dillribueiidio;. Et M. 9. De arreragiis feodi pra^dicti epifcopi diltribuendis. Membrana 9. De cuftodia foreftce de Trequer & Selechirche commifla Williehno filio lohannis Corny n. Pro W. epifcopo San6ti Andreas de maritagio fibi conccllb. De cpifcopatu Catenen' vacante committendo alicui Hdeli regis. De conimiflione fiifta Waltero de Curry de caftris de Dunfrcs, Wygeton, & Kirkudbright acceptandis. De pritfentatione ad ecclefiam de Duglas. Pro R. Glafcucn' epifcopo, quod de bonis mobilibus fuls poflit con- dere teftamentuni. De officio cancellarize Scotite commiflb Willielmo de Dunfrcs. Pro magirtro Adam de 15otingdon, de feodo fuo liberando. De cervis datis Alano de Dumfres, cancellario Scotise. Pro Ifabella quas ftiit uxor Joliannis de Vefcy, de attornato confli- tuendo. De protcftione pro Johanne Spalding. Pro magiftro Adam de Botingdon, vicecanccllario Scotia?, percipiendo per diem diniid' marc'. Pro Rogero de Burton, & Ofberto de Spaldlngton, de vadiis fuis. De officio cancellarii Scotia? commiflb magiftro Alano de Dunfres. Pro Macdulf filio quondam Malcolmi comitis de Fif. De officio rotulorum regiie capelke Scotia; commiflb Johanni de Keth. Pro Johanne Comyn, comite de Boghen, de feodo luo. Pro Johaiuia qua:^ fuit uxor Duncani comitis dc Fif, quod le maritare poflit cuicunque voluerit. Pro Gilberto de Umframvill, comite de Andgos, quod habcat ratlo- nabiles expenfas quas poluit in cullodia caftrorum, Sec. Pro magiflris Alano de Dunfres, & Adam de Aberbrothok, de duobus folidis per diem capicudis pro flipendils fuis. O 2 Membrana io8 R O T U L I S C O T I .E. M E M B R A N A 8 . Pro executorlbus Teftameiiti A. quondam regis Scotiae. De dcbitis ejufdem regis Icvandis. De cervis datis. Pro Williclmo de Maulea de Pancmore. Pro priorifl'a & monialibus de Subcrwyk. Pro Simonc Frcfcr, de fine pro rele\ io luo. Pro Rriano Filio-Alajii de arreragiis tcodi llii, &c. Pro R. Glafgueii' cpilcopo, de calTiro iiichoato apud mancrlum de Caftelterrcs perficiendo, 6c kernellando, &c. Pro Rogero de Burton, Sc Olberto de Spaldingtoii, de vadiis fuis fpl- vendis. De protcdione & condu£tu pro Petro Algoti, nuncio Erici rc^is Nor wag'. Dc inquilitlone fada de bonis qua^ fuerunt Alani quondam Catenen' epifcopi lubtraftis, &c. Pro Jolianne Wichard, & Johanna uxore fua. Pro R. Glalguen' cpilcopo, de cuftodia terrarum fibl concefTarum. Dc compoto dc omnibus miniflris regni Scotiae audiendis. Memorandum de magno figlllo. Confirmatio conceflionis taftai Johanni de le Glen per Ricardum pa- trem luum, de terra de Gaytflat. M E M B R A N A 7. De feifina regni Scotia? deliberanda Johanni de Balliolo. De caftris praedidi regni deliberandis prasdido Jolianni, cullodia ter- rarum quas fuerunt Ricardi de Glen concefl'a Ricardo Prefer. De cuftodia terrae de Caledor-comitis data Williehno Biffet. Anno 21. Dc ponendo regem Scotia? in rcgiam fedem fuam. De tcrris &: tenementis qua; fuerunt Alexandri Comin, quondam comitis dc Boghan, 6c Dcrnergulla; de Galwayth, quondam domhiae de Balholo, extcndendis. Pro Johannc de Strivclin del Cars, de centum libris fibi datis. Pro cpilcopo Sodercn'. De maritagio David dc Breghyn conceflo Jolianni de Galentix. De pardonatione pro Galfrido de Frelcleye. Pro Radulpho de Haudcn. Pro R O T U L I S C O T I i^:. 109 Pro magiftro Johanne de Keth, de 20 1. fibi datis, quod rex Scotlie permittat illos qui fuerunt balllvi regis Angliae colligere firmas & reddi- tus de quibus fe in compoto fuo oneravcrunt. De pardonatione pro burgenfibus de Perth. Pro Roberto Heyron, perlbna ecclefia; de Forde. Pro Reginaldo le Chen filio, & Roberto de Chaumbron, de Balgliger- naught, de feodis fuis folvendis. Pro executoribus teflamenti maglftri Willielmi de Dunfres. M E INI B R A N A 6. De pecunia fotvenda R. Glalcuen' epifcopo. M E M B R A N A 5. Pro magiftro Alano de Dunfres. Bis. De pardonatione pro Willielmo de Lamberton. Pro Conftantino d: Lothor' vicecomlte de Fif, & Thoma de Cleve- liill milite. Pro Malcuhno de Ferendanger, & Hugutione domini papze capellano. Pro Sibilla de Middleton, & pritdiclo Hugutione. Pro rege Norwagias. De cuilodia terrarum 6c hacredum Henrici de Wyfton concefTa Willi'- elmo Logan. Pro magiflro Petro Algot, cl&iico regis Norwagiae, de centum libris libi datis. De rotulis liberandis Johann-i rcgi Scotiae. Quod rex Anglice nihil aliud exigere poffit hi regno Scotia?, haeredes apparente in eodem regno, quam homagiuni & ea quiE ad homagium pertinent. Pro Willielmo de Heffewcll. Pro Ifabella quae fuit uxor Willielmi Comyn. Pro rege Norwagiie, Willielmo de Lindefeye milite, & burgeniibus de Linlifcu. De feifina infulae de Man liherata Johanni regi Scotia?. M E M B R A N A 4. Pro Roberto Hayrun, & Briano Fllio-xA.lani, & pro Alexandre filio comitis Patricii, & Willichno de l>indeleye, de vadiis luis lolvendis. Dc quibufdam arrcragiis Rcgi debitis de compoto vlcccomitum lirma- riorum dc regno Scotix liberandis Nicholao de Colic, mercatori Lucan', aflignato regis.. Pm no R O T U L 1 S C O T I /f:. Pro Nlcholao dc Colic, affignato ad recipiendum arrcaragia rcgi debita 6c compotis vicccomitum, 6c aliorum dc regno Scotiic, 6cc. De p.Trdonatione pro Johannc Comyii. Pro jM]-«annc dc 1 Jdul, riuH])p;) dc Ridalc, & Rogcro Bartholomiei. Pro johanne rcgc Scoti;e, quod elllt coram rege apud W'cilm' ad rc- fpondcndum liipcr juris dcncgationc. Dc fummonitionc regis Scotiic, ut hinra, ex parte Macduln filii Mal- colmi quondam comitis de Fif. Dc lummonitionc regis Scotia? ex parte Auflricas, confanguineae et hsercdis magni quondam regis Mannia?, pro terra de Man. Dc liceiitia data johanni rcgi Scotiic, dimittcndi ad firmam Agneti dc Valcntia mancrium de i.ydingland, & duas partes mancriorum de Drit- feld 6c Torkcfey, una cum tirma de magna Jernemuth, quae idem Jo- hannes rex tenet de rege in capite. M E M B R A N A 3. De pardonatione pro Patricio de Dumbar, comlte de March. De I'alvo conduiftu pro Roberto de Brus, comitc de Carryk, in cundo ad partes Norwagias. De fummonitionc regis Scotiuc coram rege, relponl'uri fuper jufticix dencgatione Rading monafterio. De arrearagiis terrarum afiignatis regi Norwagiac, in maritagio cum INIargareta folvcndis. Anno 22. De fummonitionc regis Scotiit. Ut fupra. De fummonitionc regis Scotiai coram rege, refponfuri pro villis de Berewyk & Hadington. De maritagio David de Breghyn concefTo Johanni Galcntir. Anno 23. Mandatum regis pro jufticla fienda. Me M B R A N A 2. Dc libcratione caftrorum & villarum de Berewyk, de Rokefburgh, 6c de Gcdcwirth, in manus regis Anglian. De cuftodia mancrii de Caledore-comitis concefl'o R. Glaiguen' epif- copo. Rex ROTULISCOTI^ III Rex Anglla2 confirmaviL chartam Johannis regis Scotias faclam Johanni de inlula, de terra de Whltfum. M E M n R A N A 1. De conftituendo Alexandrum de Infula ad caplendum in manum re- gis terram de Kentyr. De caftro &; villa dc Roke{burg comniiflis Waltero Toiik. De vicecomitatu de Are commifl'o Reginaldo de Crawford, De caftro &c villa de Berewico fuper Twedam commiftis Ofberto de Spaldington. De caftro dc Jedeworth, & forefta de Selkirk, commiffis Thomas de Burnliam. De poteflate data Rcberto de Brus, comiti de Carrik, ad recipiendum omnes ad gratiam regis, tam Anglicos quam Scotos, de Marchia vallis Aiiandi. Deprotcdlionibus pro priorifla & conventu Sancli Leonard! extra Bere- wyk, pro priorifla & conventu de Eccles, pro abbate & conventu de Melros, pro priore de Goldyngham, & pro archidiacono Laudon. RoTULi ScoTLE de Annis 24, 25, & 26 Edvvardi I. P Membrana ri. RO abbatibus & prioribus, ac aliis perfonis ecckfiafllcis, de terris; luis llbi liberandis. M E M B R A N A 10. Pro Hugone Kenedy, de terris fuis fibi liberandis. Idem pro Williclmo de Fenton. De obfidibus terras Galvvedite, & comitatus de Are, Henrico dc Percy,, cuftodi eorundem, liberandis. Membrana 9. Pro tenentibus immediate de domino regc, de terris fuis liberandis. Pro A. cpifcopo M()ra\'icn', de domibus fuis in villa dc Bcrwyko re-- ftitui faciendis. De terris conceflls Alexandro filio Johannis de Stryvelin. Confimilis conccffio pro Patricio dc Berkeley. . Dc 112 R O T U L I S C O T I .-E. De venire faclcndo ad rcgcm ufque Berewicum Marcum cpifcopum Sodeien'. M K M B R A N A 8, Pro fubteticntibus Johannis de Balliolo, quondam regis Scotia:, & aliorum de Scotia, quorum terras & tcnemcnta funt in manu regis, de terris eorundem lubtenentium fibi liberandis. Pro illis qui lunt de familia & retentione Jacobi fenefcalli Scotirv, .: terris luis ^'bendis. Pro David de Bctun, 1 , ^ • n • av ^• ■n A J 1 t^ • I u > de terns libi rcihtutis. Pro Ad;im de Kirkbv, 3 M E M B R A N A y. De terris captis in manum regis. Pro Alano le Zoufche, de leifina tcrrarum habenda. De curtodia regni Scotias commilla Jobanni de Warenna, comiti Surt-\ De officio efcaetrias citra mare Scotiii: commiflo Petro Donwyco. De officio efcaetrias iiltra mare Scotice commiflb Henrico de Ry. Dc cuftodia caftrorum de Elgyn & Foreys commifla Henrico de Ry. De caftro de Rokeiburgh commiU'o Roberto Haflang juniori. De caftro de Stryvelyn commiflb Ricardo de Waldegrave, De cafliro de Yceftre' commiflb Petro de Dunwyco. De cafliro de Werk commiflb Olberto de Spaldington, ad opus Williel- mi de Ros. De cafliris & fortaliciis, & omnibus terris & tenementis Alexandri de Ergyl, per Alexandrum comitem de Meneteth, ad hoc aliignatum, ca- piendis in manum regis. De officio tiiel'aurariae Scotias commiflb Hugoni de Creffingham. Pro Johanne de Warenn, comite Surreiae, cuftode regni & terra; Sco- tix, quod poflit fugare & feras capere. De cuftodia terra Gal\vcdi;r, 6c comitatus de Are, commifla Henrico de Percy. De terris Robcrti de Pynkeny caplendis in manum regis. M E M B R A N A 6i De cuftodia terrarum qux fuerunt Patricil Corbet commifla A. Dunolm' epilcopo. De protcclione pro magiflro militiit Templi in Scotia. Pro priorc & tratribus ordinis Sandac Marix^ de Monte Carmcli de )3erc\vico. Quod R O T U L I S C O T I ^. 113 Quod vicecomitcs & finguli de comitatu Cumbr' 6c Weftmerl' inten- <3ant Johanni de Warenna, cuftodi terra; Scotiie, cum equis & armls, & toto pofle. De officio cancellarii Scotia; commiflb Waltero de Agmodefham. Pro Henrico de Percy, quod poffit praefeatare ad ecclcfias in terra Galwediie. De callro de Jeddefworth commiflb Hugoni de Byland. De caftro de Edenburgh commiflb Waltero de Huntcrcombe. De caflro de Dumbertoii commiflb Alexandro de Ledes. Pro fratribus Anglicis ordinis fratrum pra^dicatorum in Scotia dcfli- nandis de Secure eundo ad terram pr^didam. Anno 25. Membrana 5. De conftitucndo Rogerum de Skoter jufticiarium ad placita in terra Galwedias tenenda. De conflituendo Willielmum de Ormefby, & Willielmum de Mortuo- Mari, Jufliciarios regis in Scotia. De tcrris reftitutis Patricio de Trump. Pro Patricio comite MarchiiE. Pro abbate de Newbotel. De decem marcatis terrae conceflis Marine uxori Hugonis Rydei. Pro Johanna uxore Johannis le Biitiller, T Pro Maria uxore Simon is Frefel, >de terris conceflis. Pro Johanna uxore Nicholai de la Haye, J De homagio hQo per llabellam qu-jc fuit uxor johannis de Vi icy, Sc per Henricum de Pynkeny. Pro Ricardo Lovel de terris conceflis. Pro abbate de Aberbrothok. Membrana 4. De dote aflignanda Alianor^e qua; fuit uxor Hugonis Lovel. Pro fratribus pr2;dicatoribus de Berewyk, 6r aliis. De ordinatione villas Berewici. De expenfis hominum circa ordinationem vilhc prxdiilac cxifleutiura. Pro Criftiana uxore Johannis de Vallibus. De malefadloribus in terris de Ergard & Ros arefl.andis. De homagio capto. Pro priorifla de Caldcfl;rcme. De protcftionibus. P Membrana ,X4 R O T U L I S C O T I /E. M E M B R A N A 3. ^ De tcrris dcliberandis David fdio Patricii dc Graham. Pro yohaniie de Glenhurthart, & aliis de Scotia, extra prlfonami dcliberandis. " johanne le Chen, fohanne Comyu do Badenagh, RIcardo Si ward, Pro <; Robert de Brus, > de terrls fibi libcraiidis. j johanne comite de Atheles, Alcxandro de Balliolo, LRicardo Siward, & aliis, De dclibcratione Johannls comltis de Atheles extra turrim T^ondoii.- Pro Coiillaatiao de Loghore, 6c aliis extra prilonain deliberandisi. M E M B R A N A 2. De diverfis perfonis extra prilonam liberandis. M E M B R A N A I . De proteiflione pro Johanne de Nevill, & aliis. De cuftodia terras ScotiiE commifla Briano lilio Alani. De cuftodia terra; Gahvediie commifla Johanni de Hodleflon. Quod Brianus filius Alani pra^fentare poffit ad ecclefias in regno Scatra?r De prote(5tioiie pro Johanne de Lancallre, & aliis ibidem uomiati. D O R S O, M E M C R A N A II. De terris reftitutls Ricardo Frefel. Pro viduis, de terris I'uis libi liberandis. Pro Johanne de Calentir, 6c aliis de comitiva Malifii comitis de Strarhern, de tcrris liberandis. Pro W'illielmo Bylet, de terris rcllitutis. M E M B R A N A I O, D O R S 0. ^Ella de Ardros, ' ' de terris reflltiuis. rElia de Ardros, 1 Pro -J Willielmo de Conyngcfburgh, j. [Abbate dc Kelflion, J De ducentis niarcatis tcrric conceflis Johaunai uxori Joliannis Comyn, M E M B R A N A, R O T U L I SC O T I iE. «i5 M E M B R A N A 9, D O R S O. T*ro uxoribns hominum de Scotia in prilona regis exiftentlum ; dc por- tlone terrarum iplbnim hominum iplis mulieribus affignanda. Pro Willielmo Douglas, & aliis, de terris liberandis. M E M B R A N A 8, D O R S O. Pro Elia, 6c Uglitredo le Harpour, de terris Uberandis. Pro Patricio comite March', 6c aliis, de terris tenentium fuorum Im- mediatorum eifdem dominis fuis liberandis. Pro Ingelramo de Umframvill, 6c aliis, de terris liberandiSi^ Membrana 7, DORSO, De debitis refpedluatis. De placitis relpectuatis. M E M n R A N A 6, D O R S O. De cervis datis Reginaldo de Crauford. Pro Johanne de Warenu', comite SurreiiE cuftode regni Sc terrx Scotise, •de feodo. Idem pro Henrico de Percy, 6c Ofberto de Caflro-vetcri. De admittendo Thomam de Byrdeley in monafterlum de Jeddcworth. Pro priore 6c conventu Dunolm', de quadraginta libris eis in honore San£li Cuthberti conceffis, ad Icaccarium Berewici percipiendis. Pro Waltero de Agmodelham, cancellario Scotia;, de feodo fuo liberando. Pro Jacobo fenefcallo Scotice, de terris Nicholai dc Soules ■eidem fenef^ callo liberandis. De homagio Willielmi de Ferrariis capiendo. Membrana 5, Dorso. Pro Ifabclla de Velcy. Pro fratribus minoribus de Berewlco, 6c aliis. Pro Henrico de Percy. Membrana 4, Dorso. De. gratiis collatis Abcrdcn' epifcopo, 6c Garthneto dc Mar, pro cuf- todia vicecomitatus de Aberden'. Dc malefactoribus in vicccomitatu de Aberden areftandis. De mancrio de Ughtrethreftrethre conctfii) Andreie P>alcr. Dc pccunia liberanda pro malefadorlbus arcllandis. P z Fro ,i6 Ror V LI scori JE, de terris liberandls. {Johanne de Butiller, 1 Tlioma de Fifsheburn, > Johanne Comyn, J JM E M B R A N A 3, D O R S O. Pro Thoma Cambcl, & aliis a piifona liberandis. Dc dclibcratione lllorum quos comes de Atheles, Alexander de Mey^ litrs,. 6c Johannes de Inchemartyn, manuccperunt. De terris rcftitutis David hlio Patricii de Graham. Quod W'Uliclmus de San£lo Claro, & Johannes Comj*n de Badenagh, intendant Biiano Filio-Alani, cuftodi regnl Scotiae. De vcnicndo cum equls 6c armis ad Briajium Filium-Alani ad partes Scotiie. De intendendo Briano FiUo-Alani, pro falvatione regni Scotiae. D RoTULUS ScoTiyEj de Annis 26 8c 27 Edwardi I. E protc£lionibus, general' attornat', & refpeftibus debitorum, con- cclfis quamplurimis perlonis ibidem nominatis per totum rotulum. . RoTULUS Scotia, de Annis 30, 31, & 32 Edwardi I. Membrana 16. RADULPHUS de Monte-Hermer, comes Glouceftriae & Hertr ford, qui in comitiva Edwardi principis WalUae in obfequio regis iji partibus Scotia moram facit, habet liteias regis de proteiftione. Mem BRAN a 10. De proteiSlionc pro Edwardo principe Walliae, In hoc rotulo nihil contiuetur nifi prote(fliones pro illis qui flierunt. In Scotia. JLOTULUS «. O T U L I S C O T I /E. II J RoTULUs Scotia, de Aiinis i, 2, & 3 Edwardi II, Membrana 14. DE protectione pro Johanne Kingefton, 6c allis.. De victualibus ad partes Scotias ducendis. De conftituendo Willielmum le Betour capltaneum mariiiarlorum iia*- vium regis de Hertelpol, & alibi. De prefentatione ad ecclefiamde Dumbretaii. ■ De afForciando & aflecurando villam & pontem Sanfti Johannis de: Perth. De aflignando Rohertum de Cliftord capitaneum Scotiae ad refiftendumi. Roberto de Brus. De intendeiido Roberto de Umframvill comiti de Anegos, & aliisy cum equis Sc armis ad reriilendum Roberto de Brus, &c. Membrana 13. Pro falvatione marchiae Scotia3. De prote£lione pro Edmuiido de Haftingges, & aliis. De navibus eligendis ad tuitlouein villse Berewlci fuper Tvvedam. De non moleftando Robertum de Fulftowe, & alios verfus partesa Scotia viclualia duceutes. De trev^s tenir a les gentz d'Efcocc.- De treugis teneudis cum gentibus Scotias. Membrana 12.. De prote(ftionibus. De conftituendo Gilbertum de Clare capitaneum Scotiae,. Membrana i i . De faciendo Johannem Crombwell capitaneum militum & valettonini regis in Scotia. De falvo conduitera de gratiarum aftione mifla nautis & marinariis in comitiva Jo- hannis de Ergadia. Diverfas literae de gratiarum aftione miflle plurimis perfonis circa fe- curam cuftodiam caftrorum &; locorum. Membrana 3. Memorandum de liberatione magni Sigilli. De poteftate data canonicis ecclefue Sandli Petri Ebor' caplendi treugas cum gentibus Scotiae. De non liberando villam de Dunde inimicis regis. De cuftodia villae de Dunde commlffii Willielmo de Muntfichet (dc Monteffixo). Membrana 2. Mandatum ell Willielmo de MuntHchet, quod non delibcret villam de Dunde inimicis regis pra^textu alicujus conventlonis inter iplum Willi- elmum &c Scotos taftie. De arreragiis vadiorum Edmundl de Hafllngs, in obfequio regis in partibus Scotiae exiflentis, folvendis. M E M E R A N A I. De protedlionibus. De potellate data (ad rcquifitioncm regis Fraiici;^) Roberto dc Umfra- vlll, comite D'i'\negos, & aliis tradandi dc treugis cum g^'ntibus Scotix. 0^2 D O R S O, 124 ROTULISCOTI^. DoRso. Membrana 5. Pro Roberto de Umfravillc, comite de Ancgos, & alils, quod elfent apud Rokelburgh cum equls 6c armis. De peditibus infra comitatum Ebor' ellgendis. M E M B R A N A 4, D O R S O. Quod Thomas Multon, & alii, efleiit apud Novum Caftrum fuper Tynam cum cquis 5c armis. RoTULUS Scotia, de Anno 7 Edwardi II. Membrana 10. DE poteflate data Johanni Sandale, & aliis, tracflandi fuper tuitione Marchiiv Anglias in comltatibus Cumbrise & Northumbriae. De computando cum Petro Libaud. Pro hominibus ad fidem regis in partibus Scotia: exiilentibus fixvorabi- liter pertraclandis. Litera; regis commendatorias mifllc diverfis perfonis. De poteftate commifla Willlchno de Bevercotes, & aliis, ad fupervi- dendum ftatum villse Berewici. Pro hominibus a munitione villiE Becewici- ufque Wyndefor' venienti- bus, de vadiis fuis folvendis. De proteiftionibus. De cuftodia villas Berewici fuper Twedam commifla Radulpho filio- WlUielmi. De protedtionibus. Membrana 9. De providentiis faciendis 6c ad partes Scotia; mittendis. De intendendo magillro Waltero le Ferour in ferris &c clavis pro- videndis. De intendendo Nicholao de Tikehull in equls emendis pro rege. De conftitucndo Johamiem Sturmy &c Petrum Bard admirallos flotas navium ad partes Scotia?. De marinariis eligendis. De vi£tualibus ad opus regis recipiendis.. Membrana 8. De inteudejido Alexandre le Couvers in emend' blada & alia viclualia. Dc ROTULI SCOTIiE. 125 De peditibus eligendis. De provldentils faciendis pro rege. De marinariis eligendis. Membr a na 7. De poteftate data Adomaro de Valeutia, comit Pembr', reclplendi Scotos ad pacem regis, De intendendo Adomaro de Valentia tanquam cuflodi terns Scotia?. De pecunia mifla vill;*; Berewici- pro expenfis hominum ibidem ex- Jftentium. De vi6lnalibus emendis pro munitione caftri de Stryvelyn. De conftituendo Johannem de Argayl capitaiieum flotae regis navium occidentalium. De deputando Ricardum de Burgo, comitem Ulton, du£torem om- nium qui funt venturl ad partes Scotiae. Pro Ricardo de Burgo, & aliis de terra Hibernia;, quod eorum ad- ventus cum equis & armis in obfequium regis ad partes Scotice_ non cedat eis in praejudicium. De hominibus eligendis in Hibernia. De providentiis faciendis pro rege de frumento, avcna, &c,. De intendendo A&x le Couper, de providentiis faciendis. De providentiis faciendis per vifum 6c teftimonium Willielmi de Batevill. De fubfidio navigii habendo. Membrana 6. Pro rege de navibus areftandis 6c capiendis. De peditibus eligendis 6c de vadiis eorundcm folvendis. M E M B R A N A 5. ■ De protecllonibus. M E MB R A N A 4^ De peditibus eligendis. De protedlionibus. Membrana 3. Membrana z. De navibus arreflandis 6c capiendis. Membrana ,2^ R O T U L I S C O T 1 iE. M E M B K A N A 2. De marlnarils cligcndis. De pcditlbus clcdtis feftlnandls ad partes ScQtiae. Dc caredtis & earns, 6cc. providcndis. M E M B R A N A I . Dc protC(5lionibus. Dor so. Membkana 8. De armaturls, feu aliis rebus venalibus, ad partes ScotiiC ducendis. Dc providcntiis facicndls pro rege. De iuhibeudo nc mercatores ie divcrtant cum mercaudicis fuis ad partes Scoti.v. Dc afriguando fupervalbres de providcntiis faciendis, Membrana 7, DORSO. Qiiod plures duces Hibernlcorum in Angliam accedant. Litcrse dc credentia fuper fubfidio regi concedendo in Hibernia. Membrana 6, Dorso. De marinariis delinquentibus puniendis. Membrana 3, Dorso. Dc condudu pro venicntibus cum rebus venaubus ad partes Scotiae. RoTULus Scotia, de Anno 8 Edwardi II. Membrana 9. E protciflionibus. Ue viclualibus rccipicndis apud Berewicum. De faciendo rt-gi lubfidium nnvium. Dc auxilio Balillariorum regi taciendo. Dc honiimbus nd arma in divcrfis Wapentachiis eligendis. Forma huminum ad arma 6c peditum cligcndorum. Membrana 8. Pe crntum & vlglnti hominibus ad arma in com' Eborum eligendis. Vc iurcrulciidi) ]\lcholao dc iMenill, tuflodi pacis in divcrfis wapenta- chiis in comitatu Eborum, Dc D R O T U L I S C O T I ^. 127 De conftituendo Adomarum de Valentia, comitem Pembrnchicc, cuf- todem omnium terrarum in quibnfcunque comitatibus citra Trentam uf- que Berewycum fuper Twedam. Tefte apud Ebor' Rex concefiit Jo- hanni Whelpedale, quod ipfe habeat omnia bona mobilla qu^e lliper Ini- micos regis adquirere pofiit. De conduclu pro A. Neel Cambel, & aliis. De potcftate data Roberto Pykeryng, & aliis, ad tra6landum cum Ro- berto de Brus de pace, feu de treugis. M E M B R A N A 7. Pro burgenfibus villae Berewici fuper Twedam. De vadiis Johanni de Ergayl liberandis Pro Michaelc de Haverington, Roberto le Brune, .*5r Ricardo le Brune, quod ipfi habeant omnia bona molii'ia quae fuper inimicos regis in parti- bus marchias Scotias adi^uirere pollint . De cuftodia villae Berewici liiper Twedam commilTa Simoni Warde. De cnftodia caftri & vilte Berewici luper Twedam commiila Simone Warde. De hominibus ad arma in comitatu Ebor' eligendis. M E M B R A N A 6. De cligendo trefcentos homines baliftarios in civitate London'. De affignando Radulphum filium Willielmi cuftodem viilje Novi Caftri fuper Tynam. Membrana 5. De conftituendo Johannem Boteturte admirallum nautarum & marlnel- lorum ab ore Thamifis ad Bercwicum fuper Twedam. De poteflate data Johanni Argail recipiendi ad pacem regis inimicos fuos. Membrana 4. De aflignando Radulphum filium Willielmi cuflodem civitatis Karliol* & marchias Scotia;. De hominibus eligendis. De cuftodia caftri 6c villas Berewici fuper Twedam commiffli Mauritio de Berkeje. De conftituendo WillielmumdeCrey admirallum flotne navium partium occidentallum Anglia*. De protetlionibus. Membrana I2S U O T LM. I S C O T I .f:. M n M B R A N A 3. Dc paflap;io pro quatervigintl liominibus de conlimguiiutate & affinl- f.Ue ]ohaiinis le Freys, in venicudo verfus didtum Johannem pro expe- 'lit'mue gucrr;c Scotiic. M E M B R A N A 2. Dc protctflionilnis. Dc tuilodia L'ultatis Karlloll commiffii Radulpho hllo Willlelnii. M E M B R A N A I. Dc Intcndcndo Adomaro de Valentia comiti Pembrochia?, capltaiico hi per onincs homines ad arma ab aqua de Trent ufque bundas de Rokef- burgli. Dor so. Membrana 9. De fummonitione magnatum Angli'lbus. Dc Scotorum prifonlbua a Tunl I^ndon' comlucendis ad partes KarHoli. De cuftodip. callri & villa: dc Bcrewlco fuper Twcdam commifla Jo- hannl de Wyfham. De conftitucndo Robcrtum de Barton receptorem & cuftodem \icl:ua- lium in partibus Karlioli. Dc hominlbus pcditibiis eligendis in comitatu Ebor'. De intcndcndo Radulpho hlio Wiliielmi in hiis c^uai ad falvationem partium coniitatMS Eborum pertinere poteriint. De vadi:^; hominlbus pcdlribus folvcndis. De conititucndo Johannem dc Moubray & Simon Warde, Sec. cuf- todcs coniitatus Ebor'. Membrana 2. De hominlbus pvdltibus eligendls, & vadla eorum lolvcndls. De vidualibus pro expcdltione guernc Scotiae providendls, Sc ufque Berewicum fuper Twcdam dncendis. M EM BR A N A I. Dc vadlls liberandis- D o R s o. Membrana 6. JDe proclamatione facienda, quod omnes tam mercatores quam alii^ viftualia pro iliftentatione fidelium regis ad partes boriales transferant. Rex rcgratiatur Ricardo de Burgo, comitl Ultoniae, & aliis, circa re- pnlfioncm Scottorum a partibus Hibcrnla:. . Membrana 4, Dorso. De falvo condudu pro Jolianna comitilTa de Afleles, quae ad partes R^rlioli pro dclibcratlone filll liii venit. RoTULus Scotia, de Anno 10 Edwardi II. Membrana h. QUOD homines pcdltcs ele<5ti, in propriis partibus morentur, pro lalvatioiic caruiidcm. I'ro comitc Pcmbrok', quod ipfe providentias de vidualibus infra libcr- tatcm Ripon' liberc faccrc valc;U. De R O T U L I S C O T I ^. 131 De liitcndendo Roberto de Lcyburn, ad gravandum Scotos. De levando populum inter letates fcxdecim & fexaginta aunorum, in qualibet parochia unum, pro expeditione guerras Scotiae. Forma ejufdem levatioiiis. De conduclibus. Mem BR AN A 10. De vi£tualibus pro expeditione gucrra: Scotice providcndis. De conftituendo Stephanum le Blound receptorem viduaiium in villa de Novo Caftro fuper Tinam. De peditibus eligendis in terris de Ellefmere, Macklesfield, &c. De proteftionibus. MEMBRANA9. Do potefrate data Willielmo de Dacre, ad recipiend' Scotos & alios ad , pacem regis. M E M B R A N A 8, De protectionibus. M E M B R A N A 7. De proteclionibus. M E M B R A N A 6, Litera recommendatoria miffa burgenfibus Berewici fuper Twedam, pri> falva cuftodia t^uldem vill^. De fupervidendo levationem populi inter certas aetates. De intendendo Johanni de Caftre cuflodi caflri Karlioli, De conduiftu pro abbate de Melros. De rebellibus arreftatis puniendis. De hominibus inter certas aetates levandis. De intendendo cuftodi vltlualium in partibus Karlioli. De intendendo R. de Lay burn ad gravand' Scotos. Dc affignando Willielmum de Dacre, & Aatonium de Lucj, cuflodeS^ comitatuum Cumbr' 6c Weftmerl' M E M B R A N A 5, De proteftionibus. Rex conccliit Fulconi Filio-Warini quod haberet quicqu d fuper Scotos perquircre potcrit. De conllituendo Edmundum coniitcm Arundel' locumtencntem regis inter partes de Treute & Roktlburgh. R a Vc ^3 2 R O T U L I S C O T I .^. De conHituendo dominum Henricum dc Beaumont cnpitaneum om- nium hominum ad arma, equitum & pcditum, inter aquas de Tyne & Tele. Dc poena apponenda fuper 'irobe.licntibus Edmundo comiti Aiiinde^ locumtenenti regis. M E M B R A N A 4. De poteftate commifla Roberto de Haftang, & aliis, ad tratlandwn fuper I'uftcrcntiam gucrra.' inter regem & Robertum de Brus. De condiitflu pro Thoma Randolf", &c flliis venicndo ad regem. De protcctiombus. M E M B R A N A J. Quod barones, milites, & alii de llbertatf epifcopi Dunelm*, paratr jfint equis & armis ad proficifcendum cum comite Arundel' contra Scotos. De intendendo di6to comiti Arundel'. De denariis recipiendis, & fide credula adhibenda. De eligcndo tre;ccntos fundatorcs in comitatu Nottingham pro expe— ditione guerrte Scotiae. Membraka 2. De non molcftando priorilTi\m 6c moniales de Eccles. De po cftate data bavid de Strabolgy, comiti d'Afleles, ad recipien- dum homines &: tenentes fuos in Scotia ad pacem regis. De peditibiis eligendis in diverfis eomitatibus, & ducendis ulque No- vum Caft um. Pro Idugone de Audele. Dc cuftod a figdli regis Scotia?, & officio caraerarii Scotia;, commiflis Jacobo Broughton. M E M B R A N A I . De i>vibus providendis & muiiiendis pro fiilvatione terrx Man. De prorogatione adventus peditum ad Novum Caftrum ulque in craf- tinum Sancti Laurentii. D O R S O. M E M B R A N A I O. De hominibus levandis. M E M B R A N A 4, Dors o. De vi(^ualibus providendis. R o T V L u r R O T U L I S C O T I .^. 13. RoTULUs Scotia, de Annis 11, 12, & 13 Edvvardi II. Membrana 17. DE afiigjiando Robertum Strelley, Robert Toiik, & alios ad cllgcnda duo mlllia hominum peditum in comitat' Nottingham & Derb' pro expeditloae guerrse ScotiiE. Pro Andrea de Hartcia, ad recipiendum ad pacem regis illos de f cotia, qui ad pacem venire voluerint. De navlbus pro expeditione guerrae Scotise providendis. De cuftodia caftri Berewici fuperTwedam commiffa Rogero Ilorfcle. Membrana 16. De peditibus & fundatoribus eligendis ad proficifcend m contra Scotos, De proteftionibus. Mr MB RAN a 15. De viilualibus providendis, & ufque villam- Karlioli ducendis% De afTignando Willielmum de Roos de Hamclak & Joliannem de- Moubray, cuftodes totius comitatus Ebor'. De adignando Robertum de Hafiiang, & Walterum de Taye, cuflodcs civitatis Ebor'. Membrana 14. De potellate data archiepifcopo Ebor', 6c aliis, ad treugani cum Ro- berto de Brus vallandain & firmandam. De conilituendo Willielmum (ierour capitaneum flota; navium ad par- tes Berewici deltinatarum. De poteflate commilJa Johanni Haufled recipiendi ad pacem regis om- ues illos qui contra regem in coniitatu IMortliunibr' inlurrexerunt, De protc6tionibus. Anno 12, Membrana ij. De fcx navibus mitteJidis a villa ^:e Jcrnemutii ad proficlfccmluin contra Scotos. De viftualibus providendis pro cxcrcitu regis. De peditibus, 6cc. eligendis. M E M B R A N a T3. De protect ionibus pro illis qui profi-cluri funt ad partes Scotia. M K M B R A N'-A 134 ROTULISCOTIi^ Membranaii. De cqiiltibus & pedltlbus pro expeditione guerrs Scotifeln comitatu Ebor' cligciidis. Dc protcclioiiibus. Membrane i o, & 9 . Dc .\r;ignnndo Johannem de Britnnia, comitem Richemundla;, magna- tes, cpilcopos, abbate.., & priores, ad levaadum tenentes luos, tam eq^uites quam pedites, ad prolicifcendum contra Scotos. M E M B R A N A 9. Dc afligiiando Andream dc Hartcla cufiodem comitat' Cumbr', & Well me rl'. Dc protcclionibus. Membrana 8. De aflignando commifllonarios in divcrfis comitatibus Angli*, ad requl- rendum cx parte rtgls navale fiibi-'dium de communitate civitatuum, bm- goriim, viUarum, & portuum maris. Literal ml llie Roberto comiti Flaiidria:, & aliis, quod ipfi inhibere ve- lint ne Scoti ab iplis haberent auxilium. Membrana 7. De protcctlonibus. De conllitucndo Simoncm de Dryby, Willielmum de Thewcll, & ,Robertum Aflinan, admirallos narium. De peditibus cligciidis in partibus WallijE. Membrana 6. Pc peditibus eligendis in diverfis comitatibns Anglia;. De alTignando '1 homam comitem Lancaflriae ad eligendiim duo millia liominum ptditum in terris fuis ; quorum mille fint caketonis, baciiiec- tis, & cirothecis ferreis, ac aliis armis, armati, & mlUe fint lagitarii. Anno 13, Membrana 5. Pro Thoma Bolton, & aliis aflignatis ad cligendum quatuor millia ho- minum pediturn in North-rithingo comitatus Ebor' De proteclionibus. Membran;e 4, 3, & 2. De protediouiljs pro illis qui profcdturi Hint ad partes ScotiiE. Membrana R O T U L I S C O T 1 .^ i.^ MeMBRANA2. De conflituendo Siinonem de Dry by adinirallum flotai navium, De proclamatione facienda, quod omiies intei- ittatcs viginti &c fexa- ginta annorum, tarn equites quam pedites, armis competentibus fc pa- rent ad proficircendum cum venerabilibus patribus Willielmo Ebor' archl- epifcopo, & Joanne Elien' epifcopo, contra Scotos. M E M B R A N A I . De afllgnando Johannem comitem Richemond', ad levandum homi- nes 6c tenentes luos ad proficifcendum contra Scotos. De affignando commiffarios ad fupervidendum 6c ducendum homines ■ ad arma ad proficilccndum contra Scotos. De protefiionibus. D O R S O. M E M B R A N A I 6. De hominibus eligendis in comitatu Ebor'. De pifcariis in aqua de Twede conceliis Ivoni de Aldburgh., Me MB RAN A 13, &c. Dor so,. De hominibus ehgendis. M E M B R A N A 7, D b R S O. De proclamatione facienda, quod ilh qui fervitium regl non fecerunt, ad fcaccarium accedcrcnt, ad fines cum rege faciendos. Membrante 6 6C5, DoRso, De prote6lionibus pro marinariis. Membrana I, DORSO. De proclamationibus faciendis, quod omnes inter estates viginti & fexa- glnta annorum, tarn equites quam pedites, fub tbrisfaftura vita; 6c mcm- brorum, &c. accederent ad regem ufque Ebor' ad proficifcendum contra Scotos. D RoTULUs ScoTi.'E, dc Anno i Edvvardi III. Membrana id. E potcflate data V/iUiclmo arcliicjiilcopo li^bor' & aliis, ad tradan- dum de finali pace inter regem 6: Robertum dc Brus. Dc prote£lione pro nuuclis Robcrti dc Brus. 7 MexMbrana 136 R O T U L I S C O T I ^. M E M B R A N A 9. Dc pedkibus in divcrfis comitatlbus ellgendis. Dc %'cnlre hiciendo omiies homines iufia aetatcs fexdecim & fcxaginta ad re<;em apud Novum Caftrum. Pro Rd'o ap Griffith, & CJriffino Thleyt, de acccdendo ad regem cum hominibus ad arma De coiKhicendo ad regem homines dc partibus Walliae ad proficlfcen- dum contra Scotos. Dc lupcrvidendo emptionem vldualium in divcrfis comitatibus provi- lorum. De vidualibus & aUis emendis & providendis & ad Novum Caflrum ducendis. Dc folvendo vadia fuperviforibus providentiarum. M E M B R A K A 8. "De intendendo Johanni Perbroun, in electione quarundam navium pro expeditione gucrrc pecunia folvenda Andrea) Rofcekyn llipcr vadia. De vadiis Iblvendis Johanni de Crumbewell, pro hominibus fuis de Hope ducendis in obfequium regis. De intendendo Andreas Rolcekyn, magiftro bargiae regis vocatas la Marie. Rex aflignavit Ricardum Damory, jufticiarium Ceftrias ad eligcndum in comitatu Ceflria; mille homines ad proficircendum cum rcge contra Scotos- De hominibus de terra de lialumfhire inter a^tates, &c. arraiandis ad proficifcendrm contra Scotos. De intendendo Warcfio dc Valoignes, admirallo flota? navium. De viginta libris pradido W'arelio fupcr vadia iua Iblvendis. Membr ANA R O T U L I S C O T I J:. ,37 MEMBRANA7. De'afllgnando Edmiindum comitem Kaucia;, & Henrlcum comitem Lancaftria; capitaneos totius exercltus regis in partibus niarchia! Scotia2. De proteftione pro Johanne Quatermare. De cuftodia civitatis & caftri Karlioli, &c. commiffa Antonio de Lucy. De affignando Thomam de Fetherftenhalgh cuftodem pell de Staworth. De honiinibus peditibus in comitatu Derbiae eligendis. Membrane 6, & 5. De proteftlonibus pro hominibus ad partes Scotia^ in obfequio rep-is profedluris. Membrana 4. De venire faciendo ad regcm homines armatos & arraiatos ad proficif- cendum contra Scotos. De congregando & ducendo ad regem homines de libertate abbatis bcatie Mariae Ebor' in Eft-rithingo. .y De affignando Hcnricum comitem Lancaflriic capitaneum totius exer- citus regis in partibus marchiae Scoti^e, De cuftodia civitatis & caftri Karlioli, & comitat' Cumbr' 6c Weflmerl' commiffa Antonio de Lucy. De provldentlls faclendis pro Johanne de Hanon'. De vidlualibus emcndis & providendis ad opus regis. De protedllone pro dlverfis mercatoribus, De hominibus eligendis. Dc hominibus armatis ad regem ducendis. Membrana 3. De providentiis pro Johanne de Hanon' & allis faclendis. De pane, vino, ccrvifia, carne, plfcibus, &c. pro expenfis Joliannls dc Hanon' emendis. De hominibus eligendis & ad reg'^m dncendis. De iupcrvidendo arralatlonem humlnum armatorum. De denariis a priore de Spalding & aliis pro regc mutuandis, Membrana 2. De affignando Robertum de Notlngham ad fiipervidendum vi(flualicl pro cxercitu regis. De victualibus in diverfis comitatibus providendis. Dc levari & armari faclendo omnes homines potentes ad arma. Dc tradando de pace inter regem & nobilcs de Scotia, S De ,38 R O T U L I S C O T I ^. De prochmando quod domini vlllarum facerent arraiationem omnium hominum intra xtates lexdccim & fexaginta aiinorum infra dominium fuum. M E M B R A N A I. De levari faciendo omnes hominoe defenrabiles Inter aetates, &c. ad proticifcendum cum rege contra Scotos. De prote6lione pro Scotis venientibus In regnum AngHae pro tradatu de pace habendo. De poteflate data Willielmo Ebor' archiepiicopo, & alils, tradandi de pace cum nunciis de Scotia. De potcftate data eifdem traclandl de treuga feu guerrae fufferentia cum nunciis de Scotiii. De portftate data eifdem concedendl literas de coiiduiftu nunciis ScotiiC. De ])()relhite data eifdem jurandi in anlmam regis. De aliignanda Johannem Fy-Herbert, loco^ Aluredi de Suluy, ad le- vari faciendum homines, &c. De proteclione pro Scotis.. DoRso. Membrana g, De hominlbus ellgendrs. De mlttendo Willielmum de Clynton ad conducendum nobilem viruni Johannem de Hanon' ad regem. M E M B R A N A 8, D O R S O, De hominlbus eligendls. Membrana 4, D o r s o. De viftualibus provldeiidis ad opus regis. Membrana 3, D o r s o, De falvo & fecure munlri 6c cuflodiri faciendo civitatem Ebor', De non exeundo Regnum* Membrana, '. . . , D o r s o, Proclamatlo, quod omnes illi qui in auxlllum guerrs Seotlae venire voluerlnt, habercnt quicquid fuper iuimlcos regis perqulrere poterunt. Quod uxores & pueri hominum comltatus Lancaftriue, Weftmerr, Cumbr', & Northumbr', prope marchiam Scotiac, elongcnt felpfos a par- libus priedidis ab incuriibus Scotorum, R o T u L u s R O T U L I SC O T I iE. ^3, RoTULUs ScoTiiB, de Anno 7 Edwardi III. Membra na 31. DE protec^ionibus. Johannes de Roos de Hamelak habet literas regis de attornatu. Membrana ^cy. De intendendo circa cariaglum pavilionum & aliarum rerum regis verfus partes boriales. De hominibus fagitarils & hobelariis in comitatu Nottingham eligeii- dis & eos ufque regem ducendis ad proficifcendum contra Scotos. De hominibus marinariis, pro munitione quarundam navium magn^ Jernemuth ad regem mittendarum ehgendis. De conftituendo Johannem Perbroun admirallum flotae navium. De navibus guerrinis villae magnse Jernemutli providendis & in obfc- quiiim regis inittendis. De quibufdam navibus guerrinis villae Briftol' providendis, & in obfe- quium regis mittendis. De hominibus fagittariis & hobellariis in comitatu LancaftrijE eligen- dis, & ad regem ducendis. De hominibus fagittariis & hobelariis nuper in comitatu Nottingham cledtis, ufque Novum Caftrum fuper Tynam ducendis. De conftituendo Henricum Randolf admirallum flotiE navium. De centum doliis Cizeri£ providendis pro fuftentationc fidelium regis,' De mafonibus eligendis pro fadlura quarundam petrarum pro ingeniis regis. De meliori nave vill^ de Ravenferod paranda & in obfequium regis mittenda. De aflignando Johannem Goband ad quofdam homines pedites & faglttarios prius eleftos in obfequium regis cum Ricardo de l^ggbaftoa ducendum. Membrana 29. De intendendo circa cariagia armaturarum & aliarum rerum regis, De quibufdam vidualibus, in comitatibus NorfF' & Suff* provihs, mit- tendis ad regem in navibus villae magnic Jernemuth. De intendendo Antonio de Lucy, allignato cuftodi Marchix Cumbr', & ad ducendum omnes homines ejufdem comitatus contra Scotos. De quibufdam fagittariis & hobelariis in Efl-rithingo in com' Eboruiu tlcilis, ad regem fine dilationc ducendis, S 2 ^ ij^o R O T U L I S C O T I y^. De qmbufdam viauallbus la Hibernia provilis ufque Skymburnefle ducendis. n- j • De quibufdam vinis in Hibernia provifis ufque Skymburnelle ducendis. De divcrfis generibus bladorum provideiidis,,& ea ad diverfa loca pro fuflentatione regis & fidelium liioruni mittendis. De intendendo quibufdam clericis aflignatis ad fupervidendam cmp- tionem quorundam vi<5luaruuTi in diverfi5 comitatibus. ^ Dc quibufdam vinis in Hibernia provifis liberandis jufticiario cancelLa- rio & thclaurario regis Hibcrniac, ad mittendum in Angliam. • Membrana 2S. De proteaionibus pro pkn-imis pcrfonis profeaur^s 111 obfequium regis ad partes Scotise. Membrana 27. De quibufdam fagitt arils & hobelariis in comitatu Derbiae eligendis & armis muniri faciendis. De fuperfedendo duaionem quorundam hominum ped'ttum, in diverfis comitatibus eleaorum, quoufque rex aliud inde duxerit dcmandandum.. De intendendo magiftris quarundam navium BriiloU' dc guerra mii- farum fupra mare contra Scotos. De fuperfedendo provilioni quorundam bladorum, & allecis, iu' comi- tatu NorfF', & de fale & fabis ibidem providendis, & ad regem niittendis.. De quibufdam navibus guerrinis providendis & ufque Novum Caflrum fuper Tinam niittendis. De quibufdam fagit-tariis & hobelariis in centenis & vlnteris poiiendls & armis muniendis. De areftando omnes illos qui contrarlantes fuerint arraiatoribus quo- rundam hominum in comitatu Lancaftrias. De quibufdam homiiiibus alfignatis loco aliorum, ad arraiaudum ceitos homintb fagittarios &.ihp.bclarios in comitatu Derb'. M E MB R A N A 26. De figittariis eligendis 5c ail rcgcm ducendis. De. vadiis folvendis lagittariis, & dudoribus eorundem. De frumento molendo, & farinam iiidc.a regem ducendam. De kiperfedendo duaioui fagittariorum quoufque rex- aliud inde dux- erit demandaiidum. De quibufdam navibus guerrinis. de Brikoll' duplici cfkippamento mu-» uiendis. Dc marinariis cllgcndispro duplici tlkippamento navium pricdiaarum.: De R O T U L I SCOTIA. r4r De fuperfedendo provifioni bladorum. De quodam ingenio de caftro Eborum ufque Berewicutn ducendo. De intendendo Willielmo Corbet, affignato loco Thoma: de Berkcle, cum Willielmo 1 racy, ad certos homines pedites eligeados. "JM .A •'• ' ' Me MB r ana 25. '.De hominibus ad anna in diverlis wappentachiis comltatus Ebor' ar- raiandls, & ad certos homines hobelarios & lagittarios ibidem eligendos ; itec non ad prffimuniendum omnes homines, inter setates fexdecim & fexaginta annorum exiftentes, de parando ie contra Scotos. De affignando Radulphum de Bulmere, & alios, ad fupervidendum arraiationes in diveriis wappentachiis comitatus Eborum, & ad ducendutn. omnes homines arraiatos contra Scotos. Me m b r a n a 24. De protedlionibus. Memrrana 23. De hominibus infra liberlatem epifcopatus Dunelm' arraiandis, &' eofdem ducendis contra Scotos. De fupervidendo proviiioni quorundam bladorum, & providendo qu£e- dam alia viftualia.. De quodam ingenio de Eborum ufque Berewicuni ducendo. De ailignando Reginaldum de Abhalc, loco Williclmi Tracy, acL ducendum quoldam laomines comitatus Gloucellr', prius eleclos, contra Scotos._ ,!-.v.J uiui/ De luperfcdendo provifioni victualium in comitatuLeiceftriae focienda?. De quibuldam viclualibus providendis potius in Norff' quam in comi-- tatu Suff'. . De allignando Thomam de Holm, loco Adas de Coupeland, ad' du- cendum quoldam homines contra Scotos. Me.m BR ana 22-. De qulbufdam hominibus ad arma, ac hobelarlis, & fagittariis dc di-- verhs wapentachiis dc comitatu Eborum ducendis ufque Richemund. De quibuldam hominibus ad arma. Sec. ufque Northallerton ducendis. De lupervidendo arraiationem quorundam hominum armatorum, ia- glttariorum & hobelariorum, miiibrum ufque Richemund & North- allerton. De quibufdam hobelariis de comitatu Nottingham ufque Burrbrigg',' ducendis. Da J42 R O T U L I S C O T 1 -ffi, De quibufdam liobelariis & fagittariis dc comitat* Lane' & Derb' ufcjuc cartrum Bernardi duceudis. Membrana 21. Dc quadain nave guerrina in villa de Lenii'e provldenda, & earn mitti facieiida uique Novum Caftrum luper Tinam. De fupervidcndo arraiationeni omnium hominum, tam militum quam nliorum hominum ad arma, in comitatu Ebor'. De quibufdam vidualibus in diverfis comitatibus providendis & ufquc Novimi Caflrum ducendis. De intcndendo W'illielmo de Bradefhawe, affignato loco Johannis dc Ilavcrington, ad eligendum certos homines equites & pedites in comi- tatu Lancalh'iaj. De validioribus hominibus in quibufdam comitatibus prius ele£tis ufque Berewicum ducendis. Membrana 20. De piotectionlbus. Membrana 19. Dc proteftione & condudlu pro quodam monacho de Kupre in Scotia. De liiperfedendo provifioni quorundam bladorum in comitatu Southt' De hominibus de dominio de Bouland in Weft-rithingo in comitatu Ebor' arraiandis. De portubus & littoribus maris in diverfis comitatibus cuftodiendis contra adventum hominum terrarum exterarum. Membrana 18. De hominibus tam militibus quam aliis arraiandis, & in vintenis & centenis ponendis, & eos ducendis ad cuftodes portuum 6c littorum maris ill diverfis comitatibus contra aggrefl'us hominum terrarum exterarum. Membrana 17. Dc hominibus robuftis validis & fortibus in diverfis wappentachiis in comitatu Ebor' arraiandis, & eos fub forisfadura ufque Clifton juxta Ebor* - barr comitem MarchiiE, & alios infra caftrum Sc villam Berewici fupe.r Twedam exiftentes, fuper liberatione diftorum caftri & vill^e. De officio Tronagii in villa Berewici fuper Twedam commiflo WiU Jielmo de Alwyngton. De officio gaugetti vinorum in villa Berewici commiflb Willielmo de Alwyngton. De officio contrarotulatorls in villa Berewici commilTo eidem Wil- lielmo. De officio ulnagil in villaBerewici commiflb^ Willielmo de i^lwyngton. De cuftuma Linarum, &c. In villa Berewici colligenda. De conftituendo Robertum. de Tughale camerarium villas & Gomita- tus Berewici. De cuftodia caftri & villie Berewici commifli^ Henrico de Percy^ Rex ,44 R O T U L I S C O T I ^. Rex conccflit Henrico de Percy quadrnginta marcas annuatim pro cuf- tddia vvUa: Berewici. Dc divcifis pllcarlls in aqua de Twede conceflis Thwnae de Baum- bnrgh, & Roberto de Tiighale. De ciiftodibus marchlarum ailignatis, & de jufticia in -eis partlbus de tranlgreiiionibus & exceffibus tacienda. De officio cancellarii villx' & comitatus Berewici commiiro Thomae de Baum burgh. De julliciariis ad placita in villa & comitatu Berewici tenenda confti- tutis. M E M B R A N A 1 3 . De pardonationibus. Membrana 12, ufque M E M e R a N a M 2. De pardonatioiie pro morte diverforum hominum & pro aliis fcloniis. Membrana 2. De ecclefia & domlbus inonialium prope Berewicum rcparandis, & quodara altnri in eadem ecclefia in honore beatcV Margaretae erigendis, ac vjf^inti libratis redditus eildcm monialibus conccflis. De pardonatione pro feloniis & tranigrtffionibus. De intcreflendo parliamento regis Scotlic, ad prosequendum quafdam conventioncs inter ipfum & regem Aiiglia: prslocutas. De aflignando certos jufliciarios ad inquirendum de jure quorundam hominum vendicantium terras & tenementa in villa & comitatu Bere- wici. De expenfis Willielmo de Dcnum, & Ambrofio de Novo-bur^j) llbc- randis. De officio cancellarii comitatus Berewici, & aliarum terrarum regis ultra Twedam, commiflb Willielmo de Bevercote. Membrana i . De protcclionibus & pardonationibus. D o K s o. Membrana 31. ■ De arraiando omnes homines de libertate de Werk in Tyndale, Sc jpfos in centcnis 6c vintenis ponendo. ■• De proclamando quod omncs homines nd arma, & alii qui cum rege contra Scotos ycnire \olucrinr, ncccdant ad r:gem vadia ilia recepturi. De carriagio 'invcniendo pro pavilion'ibuo 6c aliis rebus regis vcrlus Borinm. Membrana R O T U L I S C O 1' I ^. 145 M E M B R A N A 30, D O R S O. De fupcrfedendo ckuftioni quoruiulam hcminum ad armaverfus Novum Ciiflrum, M E M B R A N A 28, D O R S O. Dc quibufdam careftis ufque Dunelxn' mittendis, pro navilionlbus & aliis rebus regis verfus Scotiam ducendis. De quadam litera miflli regi Francias, tangente Scotiam. De qiiibuldam Uteris deprecatoriis miiiis .... comiti Flandriae, 6c aliis de Flandria. De quibufdam magnatibus excufatis de non adventu fuo verfus Scotiam. De fliperfedendo executioni cujufdam mandati regis, de quadam navi guerrina providenda. De quadam caredla mittenda pro pavilionibus & aliis rebus regis verfus Eoriam ducendis. Mem BRAN A 26, Dor so. De proclamando, ne quis faciat congregationes feu conventicula dum rex fuerit in partibus march ije Scoti D o R s o. De hobelariis 6c fagittariis ad cuftus comitatuum ducendis. . De nave providenda ad opus comitis de Julers. Membrana 32, Dor so s in tione mittcndls De fagittariis in comitatu Glouceftriae eledlis ad regem cum feftina- Membrana 31, DORSO, De fuperfedendo ele^tionem quorundam hobelariorum. Membrana 30, D o r s o. Dc hobelariis & fagittariis in certis comitatibus ehgendis, & apud Novum Caftrum fuper Tynam ad certum diem mittendis. Membrana 29, Dorso. Dc certis perfonis, qui receflerunt ab obfcquio regis fine licentia fua, capicndis, & in prifona falvo cuflodiendis. Proclamatio, R O r V L I S C O T I i3i:. ,65 Proclamatio, ne quis armatus incedat contra formam llatuti, nee con- venticula illicita faciat. Membrana 26, DoRSO. De quadam nave paranda pro rebus regis ulque Scotiam duccndis. Membrana 23, Dor so. Quod certi epifcopi inducant populum fuarum diocefium quod pacein regis noil infringant. Quod comes Ceftria falvo cuftodirl faciat caflra de Flynt & de Rothe- Ian', & eadem armaturis & vi£lualibus muniri faciat. Q^od diverfi magnates cuflodiri faciant omnes portus & litora maris, , ac terram maritimam infra dominia fua in Wallia. Membrana 21, Dorso. Litera excltatoria ad faciendam arraiationem hominum defenfabiliuni.: in comitatu Eborum. Quod arraiatores hominum in comitatu. Ebor' lint coram concillo regis. nd Eborum ad certum diem. Membrana 20, Dor so. Proclamatio, quod omnes illi qui vidlualia vendere voluerint, ea ulque ■ Berewicum & villam Sandli Johannis duci facerent. . Breve excitatorium directum admirallo. De intendendo affignatis ad comitem de Murreff"', de guerra captum». de Baumburgh ufque Eborum ducendo. Breve excitatorium direftum pro aiTaiationibus hominum in comilatibua Cumbr' & Weflmerl'. Membrana 19, Dorso. Litera; dire£lae epifcopis Walliae, de inducendo Wallenfes, quod bene fe gerant crga regem, 6c inimicis refiftant, fi regnum intrare prsefump-- ferint. Brevla dire*Sla cuftodlbus portuum & litorum maris, de ordlnando- fuper refiftentia inimicorum, fi regnum ingredi prefumpferint. Membrana 3, Dorso. De efllndp apud Berewicum cum cquls & armis ad certum diem.i R O T U L U 8 i66 R D T U L I S C O T I «. RoTULUS ScoTi.'E, de Anno lo Edvvardi III. Membwana 36. DE prorogatione treuga;, five fuftcrentixs hominibus de Scotia conceflk'. De punlendo illos qui contra formam treugae hominibus de Scotia col- ceflae dcliquerint. De protcctione pro decern perfonis de Scotia. Do permittendo eafdem perfonas in portu Dovorr' tranfire. De protctflione pro lex perfonis venieutibus de David de Brus, in Francia cxlftente. De aHignando Antonium de Lucy cuftodem Marchiic comitatus Northumbrian. De fupervidendo cadra dc Rokefburgh & Edenburgh. M E M B R A N A 35. De caftro & Pelo de Loghmaban, ac valle Anand, reftitutis Wiilielmcj de Bohun. De fupervidendo arraiationes hominum ad arma, & aliorum, in Northumbr', Cumbr', & Weftmerl', De viftuallbus WiUielmo de Felton libcrandls. Rex conceliit WiUielmo de Emeldon duas placeas terras cum pcrti- ncntiis in vico de Briggate, in villa de Berewico. De victualibus providcndis. De liberando Henricum Douglas, in bello captum, vicecomiti North- umbriae, ducendum ufque caftrum de Pontetraclo. De vacuis placeis in Berewico arentandis. De parendo mandatis fub figillo quo rex utitur in Berewico. Dc vidluahbus Johaimi de Strivelyn liberandis. Membrana 34. Dc navibus ad opus regis arertandis. Dc arraiatione tarn hominum quam navium fupervidenda. De conftituendo Thomam Ughtred admirallum verfus partes Boriales. De ellgcndo homines pro elkippamento navium. Cviftodia vill:r Berewici commillii Antonio de Lucv. De conftituendo Antonium de Lucy jufticiarium Eerewici, & aliarura terrarum regis in Scotia. Membrana ROTULI SCOT IM, 167 Membrana 33. De omnibus portubus & litoribus maris cuftodiendis. : De figno per ignem vel alio modo faciendo. Membrana 32. De hominilxis arraiandis in diverfis comitatibus. Membrana 31. De hobelariis in diverfis comitatibus eligendis. De vi£tualibus comitiffa; de Meneteth' liberandis. Rex conceflit comitiflas de Meneteth' decem folidos fingulis feptlmanis; percipiendos. De vidlualibus comitifla? de Boghan liberandis. De denariispro rege Scotia: folvendis. De viftualibus ufque caftrum de Coupre in Fyf mittendis. De vidlualibus comitiflae de Fyf liberandis. De vi6tualibus fratribus de ordine prEedicatormn de Berewico liberandis, Membrana 30. De pifcnriis in aqua de Twede concefils Thomae de Baumburgh, & Ro- berto de Tughale. De prorogatione treugas, five fijfferentia;, hominibus de Scotia concefi*ae» De proteclionc pro lex perfonis de Scotia. Membrana 29. De terris concefils Willielmo de Moubray. De carpentarlis, &c aliis in com' Norff' eligendis, &; lifque Scotiant ducendis. De hobelariis & faglttariis eligendis. De viftualibus Michaeli de Wymes liberandis. De expcnfis comlti de Murrcf lolvcndis. Dc vidualibus Johanni de Stryveliu liberandis. De marinariis eligendis. Mrmbrana 28. De vi£lualibus ufque Berewicum mittendis. De hobelariis & faglttariis uf^]ue Berewicum duccivlis. Rex conilituit Galhidum de Say admirallum flotac naviuni verfus partes occidentalcs. Dc admittcndo homines dc Scotia ad fidciai regis. ,6a R O T U L 1 S COT I JE. De conft'ituc!ido Ilenticum dc Lancaltr' capitaneum totlua exercitus regis ad partes Scotine dcftinati. De conftitucndo Henricum de Bello-monte, comitem de Boghan, cou- •ftabularium exercitus regis. De deputando Willielmum deBohuii capitaneum omnium hominum de comitatibus Cumbr' & Weftmerl'. M E MB RAN A 2J. De hominibus eligendis pro efkippamento navium. De protedlioiiibus. •De marinariis eligendis. De conftituendo Galfridum de Say admirallum flotae navium verlus partes occidentales. De navibus & vi6lualibus regi liberandis. De marinariis caftigandis. Do obfidibus de Scotia ufque prioratura Nor\vic'"mittendis. M E M B R A N A z6. De conduftu pro nunciis regis Franciae. De condudtu pro nunciis David de Brus. De traftando de treuga, five llifferentia, cum Andrea de Murref, vel ■cum aliis hominibus de Scotia ad fidem regis non cxiftentibus. De hobelariis & lagittariis fi electi non lint, eligendis. De informatione capienda de arraiatione. M E M B R A N A 25. De portubus & litoribus maris cullodiendis. De commune figno faciendo. M E M B R A N A 24. X)c armari faciendo juxta formam proclamationls. M E M B R A N A 23. De intendendo afllgnatis ad armari faciendis juxta flatutum Wrntoii'. De hobelariis triandis & arraiandis. De fagittariis eligendis. De navibus arrcftandis. Mem b r a n a 22. De parari faciendo ad arma in civitate London'. X)e terris conceflis Waltero de Byteleye. De R O T U L I S C O T 1 /E. 169 De terra marltima in partibus South-wallias & North-wallia cuftodienda. De communi figno faciendo fi faftiim non fuerit. MeMERANA2I. De caftris in Wallia fupervidendis. De condu6lu pro quibulHam hominibus de Scotia. Pro priorifla & monialibus de Berewico. De armati faciendis omnes de Inlula de Taneto, juxta formam pro- clamationis. De proteftionibus. M E M B R A N A 20. De parando ad arma in villis de Lcn & Southamt' juxta formam pro- clamatlonis. De hominibus ad arma, & alils, in comitatu Ebor' eligendis. De affignando Antonium de Lucy cuftodem comitatuum Northumbr', Weftmerl', & Cumbr". Me M B R A N A 19. De confirmatlone chartae conceflse burgenfibus de Berewico luper Tu'cdam. De capltaneis & du6loribus in partibus Suth-Walliae afiignatis. De hobelariis & faglttariis in comitatu CeflriiE eligendis. M E M B R A N A I 8, De intendendo deputatis Thomi^ de Rokeby in arraiatione. De hobelariis & lagittariis, li ele6li non fnit, in comitatu Lancaftrite eligendis. De hobelariis & fagittariis ad partes Scotix ducendis. De denariis Johanni de Stryvelyn, tam pro vadiis hominum ad arma, quam pro diverfis opcratlonibus liberandis. De baliftis & alils eidem Johanni liberandis. De protedlionibus. M E M B R A N A I 7. De vi£lualibus providcndis, & ad regem ad partes Scotiae mitti faciendis. De vi(flualibus in Flibernia providendis. De protcctioaibus. Me MB RAN A 16. De cuftodia cadri de Edenburgli, & officio vicecomitatus de«Edci> hurgii, conceffis Johanni de Stryvelyn. De prote£llone. Y De 1^0 R O T U L I S C O T I ^E. De pecUtibus eligcndis in Sutli-Wallia & North-Wallla. De navibus pro guerra paratis fupra mare tencndis. De navibus de Hibernia hipra mare mittendis. De marinarlis caftigandis. Me MR R A N A 15. De denarlis admirallo folvcndis, ad rogatum regis. De fuperledcndo arraiationcni hobclariorum in comjtatlbus Suffolc &• denarlis ad opus regis libcrandis. Dc frumcnto emendo. De laglttis cmcndis. De vicluallbus providcndis. De navibus de guerra parandis. De protcclione pro triginta perlbnis de Scotia, dc adh.Trentibus David dc Brus. _ , • A • De prote^flione pro certls perfonis de Scotia in Francia exiftentibus. M E M B R A N A I 4. De conftltuendo Wlllielmo de Clynton dutftorem omnium homlnirm contra hoftcs. De parendo oc Intcndendo capitancls & duftorlbus. De vldualibus in comkatu Kanciae providendls.. De caftro Dovorr' vino muniendo. De protcdionibus. Membrana 13. De navibus fupervldendls, & marinarlis cligendis. De lupervidendo arralatlones hominum defenfabilium. De protciflionc pro nunclls regis Franclic. De navibus de Suthamt' de guerra parandis. De vicluallbus marlnariis, & alils dlrtrlbuendls. De denarlis levandls ad marinarios diftrlbucndis. De denarlis folvcndis pro vicluallbus providcndis. De denarlis Johanni de Noiwlco, admirallo, folvendls, . De pcdltlbus de Wallla ad partes Scotias ducendis. Dc protec^tione. M E M B R A N A 12. De hominlbus pro efkippamcnto navium eligendis. De hominlbus cligendis & ad iniulas de Gcrnelcye & Jerfcyc mittendis, De navibus areftandls, &c hominlbus In cis poncndls eligendis. De contribuendo munitionl navium in magna Jernemuth. Dc protc£lionlbu5. MeMDR AKA R O T U L I S C O T I ^ 171 M f: M B R A N A II, De faglttirlis cligendls, & ufque Berewicum duceiuUs. De protecllone pro hominlbus de parva Jernemuth. De vicluallbus regi Scotia; liberaudis. De acceptatlone ciijufdam indenturoe facStae inter rcgcm Scotlx- & Jo- hamiem de Inlula. De proteclione pro Johanne de Infula. De cuftodia villas Berewicl commiira Antonio de Lucy. De officio cancellarii villas Berewici, & aliarum terrarum regis ultra aquam de Twede, commifib Thomas dc Burgo. Me M B R A N A 10. De vi>5luallbus in navibus ponendis, & uiqiie partes Scotia; ducendis, De compoto johannis de Stryvelyn audiendo. De certiorando Thomam de Burgh de folutionibus Johanni de Stryve- lyn fafti?. . De vadiis folvendls. De vinis emendis ad opus regis. De arcubus & fagittls in Loudon' providendis. De centum libris Edmundo de Grynelby liberaudis, ad diftribuendum inter magiftros & marinarios. Membrana 9. De prote£tioue pro nunciis regum Franciai & Scoti*. De liigittariis eligendis in comitatu CeftricC. De centum libris comiti Warr' liberaudis. De diveriis hominibus de libertate de Knarefburgh capiendis. De pliimbo ad opus regis providendo. De vinis veteribus ufque Berewicum ducendis. De obiidibus de Scotia abbati 6c conventui de Eyvefliam liberandis. De fupervidendo opcrationes in fingulis caftris & pelis in terra Scotia: & compoto audiendo. IMembuana 8. De hominibus eligendis in diverfis comitatibus. Membrana 7. Dc hominibus eligendis in diverfis civitatibus, burgis, & villis. Membrana 6. De prote»5lionibus. Y 2 De 172 R O T U L I S C O T I ^. Dc bordis de Eftlaiul, & chevcron' de Norwag' providendis. De fligittariis eligendis. De vidualibvi^ infra lihertatcm Dunclm' providendis. De iiiteiideudo Hugoui de Reppcs, in eleftione marinariorum. Mem BR AN AM 5. Dc conftitucndo Jo!i;,!i:iem dc Ros admiralluni vcrfus partes boriales^ Dc proteclionibus. M E M R R A K A 4. De m\initionc Jia\ lum fupervidenda, & earum profectione acceleranda. De vldhialilius infra libcrtatem Dunelm* providendis. Dc bladis ulqiie Bcrewicum ducendis. De cnnflitueudoWilllclmiim de Monte-acuto admirallum verfus partes Gccidcntale^. De coriditucndo Robcrtum dc I'fiord, & Johannem de Ros, admiral- los verfus partes boriales. Dc honiinibus eligendis, & in navlbus ponendis. De batellis emendis, 6c bar^iis inde faciendis. o Mem BRAN A 3, De traclando cum archiepifcopo Cantiiar', &c aliis apud London'. De parendo pra?fato archiepifcopo, & aliis, in hujufmodi traftatu.. De rebellibus in traftatu hujufmodi capiendis. De traftando cum epilcopo Lincoln', & aliis, apud Norwicum. De parendo eidem epifcopo, & aliis, in traftatu hujufmodi. De rebellibus in tra^latu hujufmodi capiendis. De intendendo comiti Arundell', in ele(£tione hominum ad arma*. De homlnibus ad arma eligendis. M E M B R A N A 2, De vliflualibus providendis. De navlbus llipcrvidendis, & profe(5llone eaiiindem verfus Portefmuth' acceleranda. M E M B R A N A I . De fagittarilj;, balirtarlis, & hominibus armatis ad modum hobela- viorum eligendis. De tradtando cum Tlioma Ughtred, pro quadam bargia. De vigintl lulidis quallbet leptimana pro expenfis comltis de Murref folvendis. Dc denarils Johauni de Ros liberandis. Dors o,. R O T U I. I S C O T I /E. r73 DoRso. IMembrana 36. De Inqulrendo de domibus conllruclis in caftro de Gedeworth. Membrana 35, DoRSO, Dc vacuis placeis in Berewico arentandis. De parendo mandatis Tub figillo regis dc Berewico. Membrana 29, D o r s o. De fuperledendo eleftloni & ductioni fagittariorum. De fuperfedendo eledtioni hobelariorum. IVIemerana 28, Dor so. De non onerando burgenlcs de Shoram ad inveniendum hobelarios. De luperfedendo elcftioni carpentariorum & aliorum in villa de Lenne. Membrana 27, Dorso. De fuperfedendo eleilioni hominum pro efkippamento naviiim i,n Nor- wico, Membrana 24, Dorso. Forma parandi ad arma. De parando ad arma juxta formam proclamationis. Membrana 22. De fuperfedendo eletSlioni hobelariorum. De navibus deareflandis. De hobelariis cllgendis in comitatu Norff', fi eledli non fuerint.. De fagittariis muniri faciendis, prout fieri confuevit. De non intromittendo dc eledione fagittariorum. De fagittariis ellgendis in com' Stafford', fi elcifti non fuerint. Membrana 21, Dorso. Dc omnibus navibus in portu London' duplici efkippamento muniri. fuclendls. Quod unus admlrallus amicabliiter tradlet cum altero. Dc hominibus in obfequium regis mittendis, non obftante quod vadia non funt foluta. De hominibus arralandis, &z terra maritima cuflodiendis. Membrana 20, Dorso. Memorandum, quod Antonius de Lucy alTumpfit pro cuf^odia Bcre- v/ic'i & jufliclariis terrarum regis in Scotia. 1 y^. R O T U L I S C O T I tE. Quod ;iccefl\iri ad Scotiam non cxiant marchla Northumbnje fine coa- fcnlu comitis Cornubiac. Dc cxoncraudo cives London' dc efkippamento na\"ium areftarum. M E M B R A N A I 9, D O R S O. Dc intcndendo capitancis & dudlorlbus in Wallia. ]\I E M B R A N A I 8, D O K S O. De fagjtrnriis mktcndis (ii profedi nou fmt) ufque Berewicum fupcr Twcdani. Ue figuo facicndo, & terra marltima cuftodienda, ficut alias. M E M B R A N A 17, Dors o, De pcrmittcudo naves in portu de Portclmuth' cougrcgatas ad propria rcduci. Quod mcrcatores ducant vi*Stualia fua ufque Strivelyn, & alibi in Scotia. De hobelailis in comitatu Ceflriaj ekvStis ulque Berewicum duceiulis. M E M n R A N A 16, D O R S O. De inquirendo qui fregerunt arellum navium. De intendendo admirallo in providentia viclualium. M E M G R A N A 1 5, D O R S O. De.aliqua remuneratione marinariis in obfcqulo regis profciSluris ta- cienda.. M E M B R A N A I 4, D O R S O. Dc clvltate London' a j^criculis cuflodienda, &c tranfgrcfloribus in ta punicndis. De maiiutenendo mercatores alienigeijas. De compcllendo litora maris cuflodiri, prout fieri confiievit. Membrana 13, Dor so. Dc inquireodo de navibus llibtraftis per cofleram maris. De falvo conducendo nuncios regis Angli;e de Wliitland. No aliquis capiat vi6lualia per duodecim leuca a caflro Dovorr'. Ne quis ducat vi(ft:-ualia extra regnum, iiifi ad partes Scotia? pro fiiften- tatione hdcliuni regis. M E M B R A N A 12, D O R S O. De inquirendo de Scotis ad fidem regis non exifiientibus. De Ihgittariis, fi ele(5ti non fint, eligcndis & ulque Berewicum du- cfudis. Dc R O T U L I S C O T I ^. 17.5; De Scotis converfantibus in terra Hiberniae, de ligeantia regis iioii exitleatibus capiendis, arellandis, & infequendis, &c. Membrana 9, DORSO. De capiendo Petrum de Malo-Lacu, qui ab obfequio regis fine licen-* tia receflit. De non permittendo lanas ad partes exteras mitti. De balliftariis & aliis recipiendis, & in obfequio regis ducendis. De hominibus de villa de Lenae arraiandis. IVTf. MBRANA 7, Dor SO.. De fuperfedcndo eleftioni hominum ad arma. M" E M B R A N A f, D O R S O. De navibus congregandis in portu de Portefmuth. De quibufdam navibus de Lenne, ad cuflus ejufdem villse, ufque Ore* well mittendis. Membrana 4, D o r s c. Quod omnes homines armentur juxta ftatutum. Membrana 3, Dorso. De tradtando cum archiepifcopo Cantuar' & aliis, apud London'. De hominibus ad trad>and' mittendis. De inquirendb qux naves ad partes exteras poft inhibitionem diverterunt.- De adhibendo fidem credulam Thom;^ de Holm, & aliis. De quadam nave pro paflagio Johannis de Montc-Gte)meri, & Johannis Wawyn ad partes tranfmarinas, providenda.. Membrana 2, Dor so. De navibus de guerra parandis. De fubfidio regi concedendo per homines de Wynchelfe. Membrana i, Dorso. De exprimendo intentionem regis hominibus de Beverlaco. De navibus areftnndis in portu de Fowy. ROTULVS- i;6 R O T U L 1 S C O T I -^ RoTULUs ScoTi.'Ej dc Anno ii Edvvardi III. RFeMBRANA 22. DE marinariis eligeiidis. Dc victualibus provldendis pro kinere Johanuis de Norwico, ad paites tranfmariiKis profecluris. De non permlttciido hnas tranfire ad partes exteras. Dc eligendo operarios pro fadtura cujufdam bargia*. De eligendo marinarios pro eadcm bargia. De protcvftionibus. De lasittariis eligeiidis. De cultodia Bercwici luper Twedam commlfla Antonio de Lucy. Mem BRAN A 21. De navibiis fupervidendis, & qua^dam alia faciendis. De aliignando Johannem de Kilborn capitalem cementariuni opera- tionum in callris regis in partibus Scotia?. De niaiierio de Hoton concelVo Thomas de Burgh. De conrtituendo Thomam de Uleflet receptorem denarionuii regis. De intendendo Johanni de Wclenham, aiiignato ad e.xpugnandum naves de Flandria. Pro priore &c fratribus ordinis prasdicatorum de Berewico. M E M B R A N A 20. De afTenfa parllamenti &c intentione regis exponcnd', & traotjando dc itinere niagnatuni ad partes Scotiue cum comite Warrewici. De obfidibus liberandis. De parendo mandatis fub figillo quo rex utitur Bercwicum. Dc protettiouibus. De fagittariis cligcndis &c ad comltem Warrewici ducendis. De conftituendo Johannem de Swanneflond fupervilbrera operationum in caftris & villis in Scotia. De officio c;incclLu-ii vilke & comitatus Bcrcwici commiflb Thomje de Burgo. M E M B R A N A I 9. De conftituendo Thomam de Bcllocampo comltem Warrewici capi- •taneum & dudtorem cxercitus regis ad partes Scotiit protefturi. 6 Di^ R O T U T. I S C O T I .^:. ^n 'Dc trafl'ando cum homlnibus ad partes Scotiit profeflurls, fuper mora 6c vadiis fuis ibidem. De tradando cum hominibus ad arma fuper mora Tua in muuitione villic Sanfti Johannis in Scotia. De tradtando cum Rogero de Swynncrton, fuper mora fua in comitiva coraitis Warrewici. De navibus arreftaudis. Me MB RAN A I 8. De bladis ab epifcopo Dunelm' recipicndis. De traftando fuper mora cuflodum caftrorum in partibus Scotias. De protedlionibus. Membrana 17, De redditlbus pro conftr'udione pontis Berewicl fuper Twedam datls & conceflis, majori, burgenfibus, 6c communitati ejufdem villte liberandis. Membrana 16. Literas de pardonatione. De jufticia exhibenda fuper reflitutioiie domus vocatoe le Berfreyt in Berewico. De navibus liberandis pro vidtualibus comltis Warrewici ad partes Sco- tia; ducendis. De vidualibus 6c armaturis providendis. De hominibus ad arma 6c fagittariis iu comitatu Nottingham & Derbiic eligendis & arraiandls. Literae dej^ardonatione. Membrana 15. De poteftate data comiti Warrewici recipiendi homines de Scotia ad fidem regis. De poteftate data comiti Warrewici, 6c aliis, tractandi cum laimicis dc Scotia. M E M B R a N A 14. De protedionibus, &c. De tradando, & intentione regis exponenda. De proclamando quod omnes milites, & ahi homines ad arma fint apud Eborum ad certum diem, ad audiendum intentionem regis. De hominibus de Suth-tyndale 6c North-tyndale arraiandls. Membrana 13. De conftituendo Johannem de Sando Albauo rcccptorem dcnarioruni pro exercitu regis ad partes Scotia; miflb. Z De 178 R O T r L I S C O T I ^. De dcputandoWillielmum de Kclefie contnirotulatoiem folutlonura in partibus Scotias faSlnrnm. De pardonationc ftloniaruni & tran(grcfTionum. Dc lagittariis tligcndls. M E M I? R A N A I*. De navibus areAandls. De proclamationibus facicndis. De officio canctllarii Berewicl commin'o Thoma? dc Burgo. De curtodia villa- Berewici commifla Antonio de Lucy. De navibus in comitatu Cumbriie areflandis, i8o R O T U T. I S C O T I ^. De concenione fada homlnibus villac Bcrewicl ducendi & carlaiidl lana3 Coria, & alia mercimonia infra regnum Angliae.. Me M B u A N A I. De officio cancellarii Bcrevvlci commlflb Roberto de Hoton. De domo vocnta le Berfreyt in Berewico reflituta majori, burgenfibu?, & communitatl ibidem. Dc prcclamando & inhlbendo ne vidualia a partlbus Hibernii^ ad partes Scotia* ducantur. De officio cancellarii. Berewici commlfla Willielmo de Kellefeye. MeMBRANA 22, DORSO. De navibus & eanjm apparatlbiis iiiperviden'. De navibus fi nonduin arcilatie fuerint de novo arcftand'. De vidualibus lliper diverlis hominibus affeffis levand' juxta afleffionena jnde fadlam. De navibus de guerra parat' & vidualibus mnnit' apud Portefiniitli* liabend'. Dc quercubus pro fadura barga* Eborum appreciand' & profternend'. De ingeniis elpringaklis 6c arcubus cum brata in navi ufque Portcl% muth' ducendis. De tractando fuper bargea longlorl facicnda. M E M B R A N A I 9, D O R S O. Dc Inquirendo de viduallbus & armatiu'is ad partes Scotlae dudls, & de aqua de iyulwath curtodicnda. M E M B R A N A I 3^ D O R S O. Dc complemento juilicias Galfrido dc Moubray jux-ta conditiones faciendo. De fratribus £c coiiranguincis Johaniiis de Radcclit" cquis &z armls pro giierra Scotiic parandis. De inquirendo dc uominibus ducentum armatura, viclualia 6c alia, &c, ail partes Scotia.'. Membrana 1 6, Dor so. Dc dilifcnti lu'utijiio fiicicndo de bonis & catallis Scotorum in civi- tate Kariiol'. M E M B R a N A I 3 , D R S O. De inquirendo- de cxtorlionibus iu Weft-rithingo in com* Ebor' pcr- pctratis.. Me ME RAN A R O T U L I S C O T I .5:. iSi Membrana 9, DoRSO. De faglttarils in diverfis comitatibus regni eligendis 6c arraiaiidis.. Membrana 7, Dorso. De eflendo cum certo numero hominum ad arnia apud Novum Caftnim lliper Tynam, ad proficifcendum ex inde in obfequium regis ad partes Scotia;. Membrana 4, Dorso. De fagittariis apud Novum Caftrum celeriter ducendis. Membrana 2, Dorso. De felonibus & maletailorlbus in partibds Scotia^ infequcndis & areilandis. RoTULUs Scotia, de Anno 12 Edvvardi III. Membrana 23. DE proteftionibus. De proclamando ne qui vl6lualia dacant ad hofles regis. . De traclaudo de expuHioae Scotorum. Membrana 22.. De Scotis oblidibus recipiendis. De quadam nave dearcilanda. De conflituendo Ricardum Talbot cuftodcm villi Berewici fupcr Twedam. De protcdlonibus. Membrana 21.. De conflituendo Ricardum comitem Aruudcll capitaneiini cxcicitus regis. De Scotis ad pacem regis recipiendis. De tractando de treugis cuni inimicis regis. De intendendo capitaneis in emptione victaalium. Me m b r ana 20. De bladis emcndis. De fupervidcndo opera in caftris Sc villis regis in ScotliV. Pro fratribus de ordine praedicatorum de Berewico.. ,n.3 R O T U L I S C O T I ^. 13)e ccitis navibns dc;ircrtaiuli>. Dc navlbus capiciKii.^. DJ rcL-lpicudu homines dc Scotia ad fidem & pacem regis. Memdrana 19. De hominibus ad arma eligeiidls. De viclualibiis Thoma: Clayton libcrandis. Nomina militum & arniigerorum dc quibus vigiati homines ad arma funt ehgendi. Nomin:i militum & armigerorum qui debent contribuerc expenils dic- torum viginti homiaum. M E M B R A N A I 7. De fagittariis eligendis. M E MB R A N A 16. De intendtndo Robcito dc Tughalc, rcccptori & cuflodi viclualium apud \ ilJ;:m de Rcrcwico. De hominibus ad arma eligendis. De intendcndo arraiatoribus hominum ad arma. Dc n.uibus arcdandis. De lanis foriotaclis in mauum regis capiendis. De lliblidio de Coket in portu de Berewico capiendo. De lanis & coreis extra regnum non ducendis. M E M B R A N A I 5. De pardonatione pro diverlis perfonis. De eleclionibus & arraiationibus hominum ad arma fupervldendis. De ducentibus armaturas ad Scotos areflandis. De protedtionibus pro Agnete de inlulis, . i84 R O T r L I S C O T J /E. Dc vinls Thomas Ugluretl libenindis. Do pardoiiatioMc. De vlnis 6c flora Edwardo rcgi Scotix libcraiida. Dc (Igillo quod dicitur Cokct in Bcrewico claudendo. Membrana 5, De figillo quod dicitur Cokct a villa dc Rokcfburgh ufquc in cancella- liiim in Anglia mittendo. Dc rebcllibus areflandis. De intcndcndo Thorn' Ughtred in cledlionc hominum. De Tale providendo. De quibufdam galeis & bargeis Thomae de Ughtred liberandis. Dc \ii51ualibus providendis. De iagittariis tligtndis. Membrana 4. De proteftlone. De vldualibus providendis in comitatu Eborura. Membrana 3. De viftualibus providendis. De vinls I^aurcntio de Abermynthi liberandis. De retlncndo homines ad arma & hobelarios. Rex confiituit Robertum de Tughale camerarium BerewIcL De vinis Alexandro de Crag liberandis. De villa de Kyngcfton fuper Hull cuflodienda. De obfidibus recipiendis ad fuftentandum. De CO quod deeft de certa fumma vidtualium providendo, .Dc lale &c ferro providendis. Membrana 2. Excitatio r.d viclualia caplcnda & provldcnda. Dc bordl^, ferro, lale & aliis, providendis. De afiignando Johannem de Thyngden receptorem viclualium. Membrana i . De frumento regis vicccomlti Eborum libcrando. De diverfis viduallbus providendis. De Vldualibus a mr.giftro Johanne Wawayn recipiendis. De vinis ufque Berewlcum mlttcndis. c: Do UOTULI SCOTIyE. iSj De quadam nave vocata la Faucoil de Ravenfere Thomae Ughtred li- bera n do. De viclualibus fupervideudis. DoRso. Membrana 23. De homlnibus ad mandata capitaneorum eligeudis. De vendentibus armaturas, &c. Scotis areftandis. De inquirendo de nominibus qui armaturas Scotis duxerunt. RoTULUs Scotia, de Anno i^Edwardi IlL Membrana 17. DE prote£lioiie ,pro Thoma Rokeby, & allis. De vadiis folvendis Ricardo Talbot, & aliis. De compoto Thomae de Rokeby audiendo. De defeftibus caftri de Berewico emendandis. Pro priore Dunelm'. De protedione. Membrana 16. De mvituocontrahendo pro rege. De permittendo mercatores conducere naves ufque vlllam de Berewico, De na.vibus liberandls. De vinls reclpieudis. De bladis recipiendis. De vidualibus providendis. Membrana 15. JNIemorandum de liberatione magni figilli. De protedtione. ExempHficatio concefiionis faftai Willlelmo del AVode, de officij tro« nagii lanarum in villa Berewici. Membrana 14. Pro homlnibus Berewici fuper Twedam. Membrana 13. De hominlbus ad arma in Northumbria eligendis. ;De pardonatione pro Ada Balle. A a Membrana j86 R O T U L I S C O T I /E. M E ^^ B R A N A 12. Dc navlbus mcrcatorlbus libciainils. Dc conllituciulo Johanncm dc Mi)vibray ciiflodeni villae Bcrewlci. Rex concdiit Johaniii clc Stryvelyn terras & tenenienta quae fuerai>t rvlargaretic dc Abrenethy, comitiflve de Anegos. Cullodia hofpitali^j bcarx iMar'ue in villa BercAvici data Roberto de- Burton. De \adiis folvendis. Dc pardonatlone. M E KI B R A N A_ II. Dc rcccptorc vidualium conftiruto, viz. Roberto de Tughale^ Rex conftituit Johaimem dc Burden camerarium Berewici. De protecflionibus. Dc viclualibus liberandis hominibus Berewici. De vadiis folvendis hominibus in munitionc Berewici commorantlbuS. De coni])utando cum Williclmo Kellercyo. Mem BRAN A lo^ De hominibus eligcndis. De fupervidendo garnifturas & piunitiones tarn villi Berewici, ac caflro* rum de Edenburgh, &c. quam aliorum fortaliciorura, &c. De recipicndo Scotos ad fidem & pacem regis. De traftando de treuga cum Scotis. Conlirmatio pro Thoma Ughtred de manerio de Bonkhill, ficc. M E M B R A N A 9. De cuflodia portiE beatas Maria Berewici commifla Ricardo Danfeye. De proteftione. De conftituendo Thomam Sampfon receptorem dcnarlorum de fubfidio' de nona parte garbarum, &c. concefib. De retinentia hominum ad arma pro Scotia facicnda. De lupervidendo, quod quihbct qui tenetur ad cuftodias villarum, &c habcat fufficicnter in munirionc, &c. Rro Roberto de Burton. Vide m. 12. Pro abbate de PafTelc in Scotia. M E iM B R A N A S". De traftando cum amicis comitis de Murrcff, luipcr dc guerra captl, fuper deliberatione ipfius comitis. Dc marinariis cligendij. De R O T U L I S C O T I ^. 187 De duobus navibus providencUs pro paflaglo Thomae Ughtred v^erfus partes Scotiae. Exemplihcatio pro Thoma de Rokeby. Membrana 7. De fagittariis eligendis. De hominibus ad arma arraiandls. De venieudo cum hominibus ad arma apud Novum Caftrum fupcr Tynam. Membrana 6. De punlewdo Nicholaum de Wortde, quia non venlt cum hominibus iid arma ad regem. Commillio flida Johanni de EUerker juniori, de recipiendo deuarios regis, nonze, ultra Trentam. De hominibus infra letates Ix. & xvl. anuorum arralandia. Membrana 5.. De denariis fratrlbus de ordine minorum Hberandis. De veniendo cum hominibus ad arma verfus partes marchia: Scotrs. De folutione, vel afUgnatioue, denariorum facienda Wilhehno de Felton. Commi-flio fa6ta Roberto de Spyneye, de denariis recipiendis apud Eborum. De denariis hberandis dominis & aUis fidehbus comraorantibus m parti bus boriahbus. De officio cancellarii viLIae & comitatus Bei-ewici fuper T-Avedam cora- miflb Williclmo de Kellefey. Membrane 4 & 3. De muris Berewici fuper Twedam emendandis. Dc fcrutinio faciendo de lanis. De arertando & capiendo du£tores vidluahum in Scotiam. De ratificatione treugae. De obfide recipiendo comite de Murref. Membrana 3. De areftando & capiendo du6borcs viduahum ad inimicos regis ScotiiC. De poteflatc data R. epifcopo Dunelm'. & ahis, ad tractandum fuper iterata dchberatione comitis de Murref. Dc corpore comitis de Murref recipiendo. De commorando in partibus marchiic Scotia?. A a 2 Membrana I&8 R O T U L I S C O T r iE. Membrana 2. Pro Johanne dc Moubrnv. De hominibu^ ad arma ellgcndis. De viftualibus emendis. De protcdione. M E A{ B R A N A I • De poteftate data R. epifcopo Dunelm', & alils, tradandl cum Ini- micis regis Scotiye. Memorandum de liberatione magni figilli,. RoTULUs ScoTiiE, de Anno 15 Edwardi III. Membrana n. DE morando circa cuftodiam villce de Berewico. De faciendo fcrutinlum de lanis. De liberando figillum quod dicitur Coket contrarotulatorl cuflumarum. Quod Robertus de Tughale accedat ad cancellariami De denarik ad fcaccarrum Berewici liberandis. De fubfidio nonx garbarum-, agnorum, &c. Edwardo regi ScotI« folvendo. De vadiis folvendis hominibus ad arma in Berewico commorantlbuj. . De vadiis folvendis Willlelmo Botiller, & allis.. De denarlis liberandis camerarlo Berewici. Pro Willlelmo Ramefeye, & allis, de denarlis folvendis.. Membrana 10.. Pro Alexandra de Craggy, de denarlis folvendis. Cuftodla omnium terrarum, &c. qua? fueruut Roberti de Colevlll con»- ccfla Katharinas quae fuit uxor ejus.. Pro Henrico de Percy.. De protcdionc. Pro gardiano & fratribus de ordine minorum de Berewico* De hominibus arraiandis. Mem b r an a 9. Pro Roberto de Burton de denarlis folvendis. Rex conftituit Robcrtum Emeldon camerarlum Berewici. De condud.u pro comite MurrcfF, a cuftodia dlmlflb. De: R O T U L I S C O T I ^. 189 De officio cancellarii Berewici commifTo Roberto de Emeldon, Rex conftituit Edwarduin regem Scotlae capitaneum, & locum fuiim tenentem, ad defendendum partes boriales regni Angliae, & dedit ei po- Ceftatem reclpiendi homines ad fidem. De affignando Antonium de Lucy cuftodeni marchiarum comitatuuin Cumbr* & Weflmerl', &c. Membrana 8. Pro Thoma de Ros, & aliis, de denariis recipiendls. De denariis regis receptoribus liberandis. Cuftodia villas Berewici commilTa Willielmo de Carfewell.. Rex conftituit Willielmum de Carfewell jufticiarium Berewici. De proteftione^ Membrana 7. De fupervidendo Homines recepturos vadia regis. De intendendo circa arraiationein exercitus. De intendendo regi Scotiae circa cuflodiam marchiarum AngliiE &. Scotis. De denariis folvendis Willielmo de Carfewell. De proteftione pro priore de Canunby. De tenemento in villa de Berewico, quod fuit Johannis Grey, con-- ceflb Godefrido de Ros. Membrana 6. Pro burgenfibus de Berewico. De hominibus arraiandis. Me MB R a N A 5. Dc denariis Godefrido de Ros & Gilberto Maculagh folvendis. De prifonibus in villa Berewici captis in prifona vocata la Berfrelti cuftodiendis. Quod burgenfes vlllae de Berewico non compelleutur ad'vigUias fa- ciendas. De denariis pro guerra Scotlae refervatis liberandis. Dc ' conftituendo Petrum Gretheved receptorem vidluallura In villi. Berewici. De tradando cum Scotis, de pace, treugis, five guerrae fufferentia.. De protedtionibus. Membrana 4, . De figittariis eligendij. De ipo R O T U L I S C O T 1 y^. Dc conftltiiendo Ileiiricum do Lancaftre, coniitem Derbi«, locui« re« gis tciientcni, & capitaneum excrcitus Scotia;. De protectionibus. Membrana 3. De {iigittariis 6c hominibus ad lanceas eligendis. De protcclionibus. Pro Johanne de Bello-montc. De denariis Edwardo regi Scotlae fblvendls. Memorandum de liberatione niiigni figilli. De flora regis recipienda. M E M B R A N A 2. De vidtualibus ufquc Novum Caftrum mittendis. De viiftualibus regis ulque Bcrewicum duceudis. De navibus arcllaadis. De proteclionibus. Me MB r AN a r. Pardonatio pro Duucano Malducl de Scotia. Pro jiriorc & tratribus de ordine pnedicatorom de Bcrewico. De denariis folvcndis Thomae Uglitred, & Williclmo de Fclton militi. De proteclionibus. DoRso. Membrana ii. De tradlando cum quibufdam hominibus de debitis regis. Membrana 6, D o r s 0. Pro burgenfibus villa; de lierewico. RoTULus Sco T I ^j de Anno 16 Edwardi III, Membrana 15. DE viclualibus regis apud Berewicum reclpicndis. De traiftando cum Scotis de pace vel treuga. Lc protedtione pro epilcopo de Brighcn, 6c aliis in Angliam Venturis, ad traifiandum de pace hnali. De inquirendo dc illis qui receffcrunt a partibus Scotiaj abfque licentia. De protedtione pro Scotis. Membrana R O T U L I S C O T I ^. ,91 Membrana 14. De traftando cum Scotis de pace vel treuga. De denariis regis levaiidis. De denariis & vidtualibus Willielmo de Carfewell liberandis. De proclamatione facienda, quod omnes illi qui de feloniis indi<^ati funt, & fumptibus fuis cum exercitu regis ad partes Scotia; proficifci vo- luerint, chartas de pardonatione haberent. De prote(3;ione. Membrana 13. De navl Duncano Magdowell liberanda, protedlio pro mercatoribus, & aliis, mercandilas ad partes de Galewye ducere volentibus. De intendendo x'\ntonio de Lucy, pro obfeffioiie Peli in Galeweye amovenda. De proteftione pro Johaiine Randolf, comite de Murrief. De vidualibus Petro Gretheved liberandis. Quod Petrus Gretheved retineat homines ad arma pro munitlone villa? Berewici. Membrana 12. De vidualibus providendis pro epifcopo Brighen, & aliis hominibuS de Scotia. . De deliberando magiftrum Johannem de Frewyn a prifona. De conftituendo Alichaelem de Presfeu receptorem viclualium in villa. Berewici. De prote£i:ionibus. De cuflodia vidlualium commiffi Petro Gretheved. De poteftate tradita Edwardo de Balliolo, regi Scotia;, capiendi homi- nes ad pacem regis. Membrana ii. De vadiis folvendis comiti de An egos, & aliis homlnlbus, ad partes ScotiiC profeduris. Membrana 10. De cuftodia villa; Berewici commifla Jacobo de Audele. De conftituendo Jacobiim de Andelc jufticiarium villa; Berewici, De denariis Edwardo regi Scotia: folvendis. Membrana 9. De poteftate data regi Scotia; ad concedcndum cartas de panlonatione. De vadiis folveud' Roberto de Tughale. i>97. R O T i; L I S C O T I M. De potedt^te data regi Scotias ad arraiandiim liomhies ad arma. Do Inpervidendo anaiationcm exercitus Scotiae. De laiiis liberandis Jacobo de Audclc. MembranaS. Pro homlnibus villa; de Berewlco. De aflignando Johaniiem de Burnham ad fupervldeadum quod omnea magnates, & alii qui ad partes Scotiic in obfequin regis funt veiituri, habeant tot homines ad arma, Sec quod juxta conventionem invenirc tenentur. De denariis folveiidis Johanni de Faucomberge. Me m b ran a 7. De officiis cancellarii & camerarii Berevvici conceffis Petro Grethevcd. Qm)d rex Scotiae trahat le verlus partes occideiitales. De lanis levandis. Pro hominibus Infula; de Man, de treugis cum Scotis ineundis. Dc vadiis I'olvendis Thomie de Berkele. De morando lupcr cuftodia vilhc Berewici. M E MB R A N A 6. Pardonationes de omnibus feloniis. M EMBR ANA 5. Memorandum de liberatione magni figilli pro regimine regni Angliaz. Membran.c 5, 4, 3, 2. Cartae de pardonatione de omnibus feloniis. Membrana 2. De cuflumis lanarum in porta Berewici fuper Twedam capiendii. Membrana i. De fupervidendo homines & hobelarios villae Berewici. De flora mittendapro munitione vil];e Berewici fuper Twedam. De officio contrarotulatoris victualium conceflb Roberto de Tughale. Cuftodia viilte Berewici comniifla Roberto de Tughale, & Petro Grt-thevcd. De non retinendo ad vadia regis homines feu burgenfcs villaj Berewici. De manucapiendo Johannem Horcaflcll, & alios. De vi(£lualibus ad Infulam de Eftholm in Scotia ducendis. De hominibus fagitrariis & nlits eligcndis. ROTULUS R O T U L I S C O T I ^. 193 Pv o T u L u s S c o T I yE, clc Aiino I'j Edwardi III. M E M B R A N A 7. DE viclualibus Petro Gretheved liberandis. De officio cancellaril Berewicl fuper Twedam commlflb Roberto de Tiighale. De denariis folvendis hominlbus fuper munltione Berewici commo- raiitlbus. De traftando cum Willielmo Douglas. De coiiftituendo Jacobum de Pype jufticiarium Berewicl. Cuflodia villai Berewici fuper Twedam commlifa Jacobo de Pype. De vadiis folvendis Willielmo deWode. Carta de pardoiiatione felonlarum. Pro priore & fratribus de ordine pri^dicatorum de Berewico fuper Twedam. Membrana 6. Pro Johanne de Clifl'eby, de officio contrarotulatoris habcndo. De pardonatione feloniarum. MEMBRANA5. De admittendo Scotos & alios ad fidcm & pacem regis, De treuga cum Francis & Scotis confervanda. Pro fratribus de ordine prsdicatorum Berewici. De victualibus providendis pro Pelo de Loghmaban. De terris & tenementis capiendis in manum regis. Frote<5lio pro viclualibus ducendis ufque ad portum de Skyncburneffe. Membrana 4. De hominibus ad arma in comitatibus Weftmerl' & Cumbr' congre- gandis. De traftando cum Willielmo Douglas. De traclando de treuga cum Francis & Scotis. De morando fuper Marchia Scotia?. jacobus de Pype fa6tus eft jufticiarius Berewici, ac cuftos ejufdem vlllae. De fagittariis eligendls. Membrana 3. De inquirendo de tranfgreliionibus fa(5lis contra treugam Scotiac. B b Dc ,94 R O T U L I S C O T I y^. De terrls llberandis Roberto de manerils. De terrls, &c. llberandis Roberto de Tughalc. De aflbciatlone ad treugam Scotiae confervanda. M E M B R A N A 2. De Inqulrendode malefacftorlbus In comltatlbus Cumbr' SrWeflmerl'. De denarlis cuftodl vilhe Berewlci folvendls. De Inquirendo de dudtoribus armaturarum, & aliarum rernm ad partes Scotia?, contra inhibltiones regis. De terrls llberandis Johanni Marreys. Membrana I. Pro burgenfibus villa; Berewicl fiiper Twcdam. De proclamatlone faciendn, quod omnes illi qui domos infra villam Berewicl habcnt, & fe abinde elongarunt, ad eandem villam redeant pro falva cuftodia ejufdem. RoTULUS ScoTiiE, de Anno i8^ Edwardi III. Me M B R A N A ID. DE terrls llberandis Thoma; de Grey. De capiendo ipfos qui ducunt vidtualia ad inimlcos regis. De fupervldendo muros & caftrum regis villa: Berewicl fuper Twedam.. De poteflate commifla Johanni epifcopo Karliol', & Thomae de Lucy,^ concedendi protecliones. Pro majore & ballivls villas Berewicl fuper Twedam. De terris llberandis Roberto Mamnel. M E jM B R A N A 9. De vitflualibus ad inimlcos regis ducentes areftandis. De terris llberandis Thomai Dalton. De homlnibus arraiandis pro guerra Scotiie. De fupervidcndo arraiationes hominum ad arma, & allorum, in diverfii comitatibus. Pro burgenfibus villa; Berewicl fuper Twedam. Dc duodecim denarlis per diem conceffis Godefrido de Roos. Do homlnibus arraiandis, in partibus de Tyndale, in comltatlbus . Northumbr'. De terris llberandis Petro dc Hcley. MxMBRANAi. R O T U L I S C O T I i^. 195 M E M B R A N A 7. De intendcndo Adomaro de Athol, In arraiatione hominum. De tracflando cum maguatibus de partlbus borialibus. De fagittariis eligendis. De hobelariis eligendis. Membrana6. De hominibus ad arma & fagittariis pro gucrra Scotise arraiandis. Mem BR ANA 5. De {lipervidendo arralationem hobelar' in diverfis comitatibus. De conftituendo Edwardum de Balliolo, regem Scotia;, capitaneum liominum ad arma. Pro burgenfibus villas Berewici. De falmonibus in vico vocato Narewegate in v'illa Berewici, 6c noa alibi, vendendis. M E M B R A N A 4. De quadani na\"e liberanda Adomaro de Atheles. De navibus liberandis pro duftione vi£lualium ufque Berewicum. De cariagio pro vidlualibus faciendo. De affignando Robertum de Tughale ad contrarotulandum & teflifi- candum numeriim hominum ad arma in munitione Berewici. De affignando Johannem, epifcopum Karliol' & alios, ad treugas Inter regcm & homines de Scotia cuftodiendas. De computando cum Waltero de Craik. De fupervidendo homines ad arma, hobelarios, & fagittarios in villa Berewici fuper Twedam. De hominibus arraiandis. De fupervidendo arralationem hominum In diverfis wapentachiis & libertatibus. Pro hominibus de valle Anandl in Scotia. De modificatione hominum fagittariorum in comitatu Nottingham. De exonerando Walterum de Creyk a folutione centum llbrarum. De protedione. B b 2 .UOTULUS 196 R O T U L I S C O T I -^. R o T u L u s S c o T I .-E, dc Anno 1 9 Edvvardi III. M E M B R A N A 5. DE fagittariis la comitatibus Eborum & Nottingham eligendis, & Johaniii de Stryvelin libeiandis. De deuariis Iblvendis Roberto de Burton. De proclamando nc quis tranleat extra regnum. Pro communitate \ ilke Berewici fuper Twedam. De homluibus arraiandis in comitatu Northumbr'. De officiis cancellarii & camerarii villae Berewici fuper Twedam com- mlflis Johanai dc Stryvelyn. ]M E M B R A N A 4. De condudlu pro homlnibus de Scotia. De confirmatlone treugarum. Pro homlnibus dc valle Anand'. Pro homlnibus vilkv Bcreuici luper Twedam. De deuariis folvendis Roberto Tughalc. De foKitionibus & hberatlonibus per vlfum & teftimonlum Robert! de- Tughale, vel dcputati ful, faciendis. De contrarotulando receptioacs & fokitiones per Johannem de Stry- velyn facicndas. M E M B P. A N A 3. De homlnibus ad arma, hobelariis, & ragittarlis arraiandis. De ordinando fuper filva cuftodia marchiarum verfus partes boriales. De homlnibus arraiandis infra Hbertatcm Dunehn'. De denarlls de dccimus, & qulntadeclma, ultra Trent' provenientibus reciplcndis. M E M B R A N A 2, Pro priorlfiTa & monlallbus de Hallrtan. De homlnibus ad arma & allis arraiandis. De reparatlone quorundam molendinorum In villa Berewid fuper Twedam. Dc homiifibus ad arma, hobelariis, & fagittariis eligendis. De fupcrvidendo quod homines muniantur & arralantur juxta procla- mationem Indc fa^tam. M E M B R A N A R O T U L I S C O T I ^. 197 Membrana I. De proclamando, quod omnes inter aetates fexdecim 6c fexaginta an* norum miiniantur armis, &c. De Scotls areftandis. De Imis areftandis. De ingirtariis per Rogerum Elmerigg eligcndls. De vadiis prLrdicVis l^igittariis foh'endis. De tractaudo cum advei'Iario Scotiae. R o T u L u s Scot i je, de Anno 20 Edwardi III. Membrana 9. DE hominibus ad anna & allis arralandis, De paO'agio lanarum ia villa de Berewico conceflo. De fiipcrvidendo tronationem uc carcationem lanarum ia portu villae Berewici lliper Twedam. De cuftodia villae Berewici fuper Twedam commifla VValtero deCrevk. De denariis folvendls Johanni Tiptot. De interelTendo couvocationi priclatorum & aliorum magnatum apud Eborum. Membrana 8. Dc liominibus arraiandis in comitatibus Eborum & Northumbr' pro marchiic Scotia; cuftodlenda. De treuga in partibus marchiae Scotias in comitatibus Cumbr' & Weft- merl' confervanda. De terris reftituendis. M E M B R A N A 7. Dc ordlnando pro falva cullodia marcliiai Scotia2. De fupervidcndo tronationem & carcationem lanarum in portu Berewici. Dc denariis lolvendis Johanni dc Stryvelyn, & Johanni Tibbetot. De morando fuper martiam Scotixs pro falvatione ejufdem. De protcdtione. Membrana 6. De bretagiis &c muris villas Berewici reparandis. Dc intendendo culliodi Berewici. Memorandum de liberatione magni figilli. De caftigando &puuicado elegit os, reculantes proficifci ad partes Scotiae. De 198 R O T U L I S C O T I .C De protcclionc. De parando ad proficircendum cum hominibus ad arma verfus Scotos. De lecretis exploratoribus ad regnum Scotiae inlttendis. M E M P. R A N A 5. De ordinando pro cuftodla marchiarum verfus partes boriales. De marchiis reaiii Ano;rii3e vcrlus Scotiam cuftodiendis. Do anociatione ad lioiniues arraiandos. JDe priloulbus ulquc turrim London' ducendis. M E M B R A N A 4. De dcnariis pro duclione prifonum Scotiic ufque turrim London' fol- ^endis. De tra«5lando cum inlmicis de Scotia, ad fidcm &c pacem regis vaiire volentibus. De certiorando de traclatu habendo cum Scotis. De inquirendo de hiis qui le non paraverunt contra Scotos, juxta prae- munitionem inde fatlam. Philippus de Weftoa habet Hteras regis de prefeutatione ad ecclefiam 3e Dumbarre. De tradando cum Johanne de infulis. De prifonibus ulque turrim London' ducendis. Officia cancellarii & camerarii Berewici commifl'a Philippo Barton. Membuan'a 3. De prifonibus de Scotia ufque turrim London' ducendis. De denariis, pro dudlionc David de Bruys de guerra capti, a civitatc Eborum ufque turrim London', folvendis. Officium coronatoris in comitatu de RokeJ[burgh commiflum Ricardo le Huntec Membrana 2. De veniendo apud Weftm' ad tradtandum de negotiis regis. De ducendo Malculmum Flemyng ufque turrim London'. De ducendo Davyd de Bruys ulquc turrim London'. Bis. De denariis folvendis Thom« de Rokeby, pro dudionc Da\id de .Bruys ufque turrim London'. Dc cuftodia villae Berewici fuperTwedam commiffa Waltero deCreyk. Pro gentibus & rcfidentibus infra vallem Anandi. De liberando Makulaium Fleming, &; cum lalvo ufque turrim Lon- .Ivercht,ulti"aanti(]^uamcuf^umam. De denariis reeipicndis de Willidrno de,Vaun. ^ . .. ^'_ De intcndcndo mandatis Henrici dc Percy,' & Radtilphl de'Ncvill. De io§ R O T U L I S C O T I .^. Dc denariis folvendis cnftodi hofpitaHs Beats; Mariae INIagdalenac Berewicl. ]VI E M B R A N A 2. De conduftu pro nunciis Scotia?. Officium contrarotulatoris cviftuma" lanarum, Sec. m portu villa: Bere- wicl cominifiuni Ricardo de Stanhopp. Cuflodla villai Berewicl comniiira Ricardo Tcmpeft. Pro majore & fldellbus hominlbus villas Berewicl fupcr Twedam- M E M B R A N A I . Dc cqnftltuendo WlUielmum de Bohun, comltem Nortliamptonise ca- pltaneiini in marchiis Scotias De dellberando vUlam de Eflrefoftlawe, Sec. Thomas Smalc, & Chrifl:lanaE uxor! ejus. De poteflate data Thorns epifcopo Dimelmnenfi, & aliis, ad trac- tandum cum Scotls. De condudibus pro prifonarlis de Scotia. De audlendo compotum Johannls de Coupeland vlcecomltis de Rokef^ 'burgh. RoTULUs ScoTi^j de Anno 25 Edwardi III. Meaibrana 5. DE conduiflu pro Edwardo rege Scotlae & aliis. De poteftate data Williclmo de Bohun 6c aliis ad tradtandum cum Edwardo rege Scotlae llipcr deliberatione David de Bruys. De protccilone pro Edwardo rege Scotlas & aliis. De poteftate data Williclmo de Bohun & aliis, ad traclandum cum praclatls comitibus & aliis hominlbus de Scotia fuper deliberatione David de Bruys, ac final! pace inter rcgna Angliie & Scotias. De afllgnando epifcopum Dunelmnenkm & alios ad conccdendum llteras falvi coududus hominlbus de Scotia. Membra n a 4. De poteftate data Wlllielmo de Bohun comiti Northamptoniae con- Cvdendi literas falvi condudlus. De condudlu pro Willlelmo Douglas & allls. Dc arreraglis qulngentarum marcarum Henrico de Percy iblvendis. q Pro I R O T U L I S C O T I ^:, 20? Pro Edwardo de Balliolo. De conduftu pro epifcopo San£li Andreas & alils. De trailando cum hominibus de Scotia. De condudlu pro obfidibus Scotias Venturis in Angjlam. MEMBRANA3. De condu^lu pro epifcopo Sanfti Andres de Scotia & aliis. De poteftate data Henrico de Percy & Radulpho de Nevill recipiendi hofpltes de Scotia. De juramentis a pr^latis & aliis de Scotia reciplendis. De juramento Davidls de Bruys recipiendo. Officium tronagii lanarum, &c. in portu villae Berewlci concelTum Willielmo del Wode. De corpore Davidis de Bruys falvo cuftodiendo. De conduftu pro magiftro Ricardo de Foggowe perfona ecclefia; de Douglas in Scotia. Membrana 2. Pro burgenfibus villas Berewici fuper Twedam. De denariis folvendis Edwardo de Letham & aliis. De denariis pro reparatione vilke Berewici folvendis. Cuftodia villae Berewici commifTa Ricardo Tempeft. De treugis in marchiis verfus Scotiam confervandis. De poteflate traftandi fuper deliberatione Davidis de Bruys. Membrana i. De obfidibus ScotiiC recipiendis. De officio contrarotulatoris commifro Willielmo Emeldon. De officio tronatoris lanarum commiflb Thomie de Penreth. De conduftu pro hominibus Willielml de Douglas prifonarii regis. De compoto Johannis de Coupland audiendo, RoTULUS Scotia, de Anno 26 Edwardi HI. D Membrana 6. E legibus & confuetudinibus Scotise confervandis. De affiftendo Willielmum Douglas in profequendo effedum tra^latus fuper deliberatione Davidis de Bruys. Dd Dg 2IO ROTULI SCOTI.E. De poteftate tra£landi cum hominibus de Scotia fuper deliberatione Davidis de Bruys ac fiaali pace. De acceptatione juramentoriim Heniici de Percy & Radulphi de Nevill. De curtumls colligendis in portu de Berewico. De conduftu pro Edwardo rege Scotiae. De conduitu pro hominibus de Scotia. Membkana 5. De reintratione Davidis de Bmys in prifonam proroganda. De prabenda de Veteri Rokefburgh data Willielmo de Eraeldon. De potertate data ThomiE epiicopo Duuelm' & aliis ad traftandum cum hominibus de Scotia. De recipiendo Davidem de Bruys in cuftodlam, De poteftate concedendi lalvum condudum. Membrana 4. Rex conceflit Henrico flHo Henrici de Percy caftrum & conflabula- riam villae de Jedeworth, &c. De condudu pro Patricio de Graham. De conflituendo Gilbertum de Umfraiivill comitem de Ancgo & alios cuftodes marchiarum Scotia?. De condudubus & protedionibus. Membrana 3-, De condudu pro Davide de Anand & aliis. De obfidibus de Scotia ufque Berewicum ducendis. De protedione pro Edwardo de Balliolo rege Scotiae & aFifs. Membrana 2. De altera parte figilli quod dicitur coket Johanni de Iprelyng & AlanO' de Buckeby liberandii. De protedione pro Wilhelmo de Aldeburgh. De condudu pro fervientibus Williclmi Douglas. De lanis de crefceutia Anglias apud Berewicum in manum regis ca» piendis. De cuftodibus marchianim Scotias in comitatuNorthumbrix conftitutis. De denariis liberandis Willielmo de Emeldon & Edwardo de Lethara. Membrana i. De condudu pro Hedore Leche Valetto Davidys de Bruys in turri London' exiftentis. Officia R O T IT L I S C O T r ^. 211 Officla cancellarii & camerarii Berewici commiflTa Johanni de Bolton. De officio contrarotulatoris cuflumoe lanarum commiflb Johaniu de Bolton. De prsfentatione ad ecclefiam de Alnetrom. De denariis folv^endis Willielmo de Emeldon. Membrana 5, DoRso. Indentura facfta inter regem & Johannem de Coupeland, de cuflodia eaftri de Rokelburgh. Indentura fa£ta inter regem & Willielmura Douglas prlfonarium pro deliberatiozie ejuidem Willielmi. RoTULUS Scotia, de Anno 27 Edwardi III. Membrana 5. DE conduftu pro hominibus de Scotia. De poteflate data Thomae Lucy tradtandl cum Scotis & reclpiendi eos ad fidem regis, ac concedendi literas de pardonatione. Quod treuga cum Scotis non cedat in prgejudicium Edwardi de Balliolo regis Scotise. De conduftu pro Thoma Byfet. De proteftione pro mercatoribus Willielmi Douglas. De deiiariis lolvendis Henrico de Percy. Membrana 4. De vadiis folvendis Willielmo de Emeldon. De denariis lolvendis Edwardo de Letham. De inquirendo de lanis tradudis contra inhibitlonem Inde fa£lam. Membrana 3. De cuftodibus marchiarum in comitatlbus Cumbriae & Weftmerlandiag conftitutis. Pro burgenfibus de Berewico fuper Twedam. De poteflate recipiendi homines de Scotia ad pacem regis. De ducendo Davidem de Bruys ufquc villam Novi Caftri. De feodo liberando Willielmo del Wode. Membrana 2. Pro hominibus de Berewico fuper Twedam de lanis traducendis, Dd 2 Do t 112 R O T U L I S C O T I ^. De officio tronatoris lanarum in portu villae Berewici commiflb Ricardo de Rodam. ' De conduiTtu pro Johanna conforte Davidis de Bruys venienda in reg- num Angliiie. De condudu pro Edwardo de Balliolo rege Scotiae._ De terris & catallis quae fuerunt Duncani MagdowalU in manum regis capiendis. De poteftate tradandi fuper dellberationem Davidis de Bnays. De traftando cum Elizabctha qu;£ fuit uxor \^'illielmi Douglas tarn I fuper dellberatione Caftri del Hermitage in Scotia quam luper delibera- tione filiorum eorundem Willielmi & Elizabeths. Membrana I. De homlnibus ad arma hobelariis & fagittariis arraiandis. De archidiaconatu de Tevydale dato Johanni de Boulton. RoTULUs ScoTiiE, de Anno 2 8 Edwardi III, M E M B R A N ^ 8 & ,7. DE falvo condudu pro Thoma Byfet. De protedione pro Willielmo de la Vale. De confirmatione pardoniie feloniarum, &c. Membra na 6. Quod treuga cum Scotis non cedat in praejudicium Edwardi de Balliolo regis Scotiae. Rex conceflit Patricio Macolagh centum marcas percipiendas fingulis annis. Pro prioriflii & monialibus de Haliftan de o£to marcis annuis fibi coa- ceffis. De proteftionibus. Membrana 7. De denariis folvendis Henrico de Percy. De compoto Ricardi Tcmpeil: audiendo. Pro hominibus villae Berewici fuper Twedam. De fubfidio pro reparatione murorum vills Berewici colligendo, Membrana 6. De tradando cum pr^elatis comitibus & aliis nobilibus de Scotia fuper deliberatione Davidis de Bruys. De ROTULI SCOTIA. 21 3 De conductubus pro hominihus de Scotia venientlbus, ufque villam Novi Caflri fuper Tynam, ad tra6landum fuper deliberatione Davidis de Bruys. De cuftodia treugarum inter regem ex una parte 6c adverfarium Fran- cias & homines de Scotia ex altera. Membranaj. De proteftione pro Willlelmo de Aldeburgh. De inquirendo de lanis de crefcentia Anglis diiftis apud Berewicum. De prote6lione pro Elizabetha quas fuit uxor Willielmi de Douglas. Cuftodia villte Berewicl commiffa Willielmo baroni de Greyftok. Rex conceflit Elizabethje quie fuit uxor Willielmi Doup-Ias caflrum del Hermitage ac vallem de Lydel cum pertinentiis. De tra6tando cum hominibus Elizabethae quae fuit uxor Willielmi Douglas qui ad fidem & pacem regis venire voluerint. M E M B R A N A 4. Confirmatlo tra^latus fuper deliberatione Davidis de Bruys. Confirmatio ejufdem tradlatus per principem Walliae fafta. Membrana 3. De poteftate data epifcopo Dunelmenfi epifcopo Karleolenfi & aliis re- cipiendi Davidem de Bruys a Johanne Coupeland vicecomite Northum- brian De poteflate deliberandi Davydem de Bruys, Promiflio delibe-rationis filii comitis de la March. De poteftate juraudi in animam regis. De condudlu pro quibufdam nobilibus de Scotia. De treugis in marchiis ScotiiE obfervandis. De potejftate jurandi in animam principis & aliorum. Membrana 2. De poteftate data Willielmo de Bohun, comiti Northampton' & con- flabulario Angliae, & aliis complendi tradlatum inter nuncios regis & quofdam nobiles de Scotia. De condudlu pro obfidibus Davidis de Bruys. De poteftate recipiendi juramenta & fecuritatem a praslatls magnatibus & aliis de Scotia. De deliberando filium comitis de la March. Promiffio deliberationis filii comitis de la March. Acceptatio & ratificatio inde per principem Wallias. De indcmpnitate pro epifcopo Dunelmenfi 6c aliis ad deliberandum Davidem de Bruys afilgnatis. De 2t4 R O T U L I S C O T I yfi. De fecurltate pro Davvde dc Bruys caplcnda. De pnemuiileiido baroaes : A I . ( Dc poteftate prorogandi literas lalvi conduftus. M E M B R A N A 2, D O R S O. Indcntura fadta fuper dellberatloue Davidis de Bruys. Membrana r, DoRSo. Proclamatio treugarum cum Scotls. Nomina obfidum de Scotia. RoTULus ScoTi.E, de Anno 3 2 Edwardi III. Membrana i i . DE condudlu pro Archlbaldo Douglas & alUs. De cuftumis in portu Berewici colllgendis. Pro burgenfibus villai de Bcrewico. De baronia de Prenderlath Hberanda Jacobo filio Walter! de Selby. De conduftu. Membrana 10. Pro burgenfibus villas Berewici fuper Twedam. De conduftu pro Thoma Macolagh. De licentia data Thomce comiti de Angos uni obfidum Davydis de Bruys ad partes boriales proficifcendl. Officium tronagii lanarum in villa Berewici conceflum Willielmo del VVode. De condu£lu pro Willielmo de Lemyngeflon. De licentia data Jacobo de Sandelandes ftudendi in Anglia, Membrana 9. De condu(5lu pro mercatoribus Scotiae 6c aliis. De prote«Slione pro Johanna forore regis. De condudlubus. Membrana 8. Pro mercatoribus Scotise de licentia ducendi blada ad partes Scotiae. Dc condudu pro Johanne Goldiinyth & aliis. Thomas ROTULISCOTI^, 2^1 Thomas de Murref unus obfidum pro Davyde de Bruys habet literas regis de licentia proficifcendi ad partes Scotia;. De licentia data Willielmo de Grenelawe veniendi in Angllam ia uni- verfitate Oxoiiienfc, five Cantebrigenle caula ftudendi. De villa de Eftrefoftlavve, &c. ThomiE Smale & Chriftiaiice uxori ejus liberanda. De condudtu pro Scotis. M E M B R A N A J. De inquirendo de lanis, coriis & pellibus lanatis de crefcentia Angli» ufque partes Scoriae du6tis. De proteftione pro Patricio de Dunbarre comite March. De decern libris annuatim percipiendis conceffis Philippo de Glena. Pro Johanne de Heckeford mercatore de Scotia. Membrana 6. De condu£lu pro clericis exercentibus fcholas. De denariis recipiendis, viz. decern milia marcarum de prima folu- tione, & in parte centum milia marcarum pro redemptione Davidis de Bruys. Liters acquietantise inde. De condudtu pro comite de Anegos & aliis. M E M B R A N A 5. De arbitris affignatis inter regem & Willielmum de Douglas ad in- quirendum utrum caflrum del Hermitage tempore treugarum captum, ad regem ta de caufa reftituendum fuerit, necne. De denariis pro redemptione Davidis de Bruys rcceptis. De condu6lu pro Roberto fenefcallo Scotias & Davyde de Bruys. De inquirendo de plfcaria vocata de Lawe in aqua de Twede. De tencmento ia villa de Bercwico conceflb Roberto de Tughale. Membrana 4. De condudlu pro quibufdam magnatibus de Scotia.. De conduftu pro hominibus comitis Danegos. De obfidibus pro Davide de Bruys vicecomitl Northumbriae liberandis, De condudu pro Thoma comite de Anegos & aliis. Membrana ?,. De condu6tu pro Willielmo de Kcthe marifchal Dtfcoce, & aliis^ De protcdioac pi'o Willielmo comite de Sutherland & aliis. Membran-a -212 R* O T U L I S C O T I tE. M E M B R A N A 2. De proro^ntione conduclus pro comitc de Anegos. De condudu pro Williclmo Gledllanes «Sr allis. Pro Marcarctii de Dacre & tcnentibus lliis ia valle de LvdclL I\I E M B R A N A I. Pro hominibus In valle de LydcU in Scotia habituris. De conduclu pro.comite de Marr 6c aliis. « , Pro Williclmo de Tours. | RoTULUs Scotia, de Anno 3 3 Edvvardi III. ». MembranaS. DE condu(fiu pro comite de Anegos & aliis. Cuftodia terrarum qua fuerunt Ricardi de Kirkebride concefTarum Alexandro de Loreyn. Cuflodia terrarum q\ix fuerunt Archcbaldi Noelfou conceffarum Ro- berto Colevile. Pro Willielmo de Lydel. Membrana 7. Pro cuftode domus pontis villa; Berewici. Baronla de Cancrton conceffa Jacobo de Lorcyns. Pro Davide de Bruys. Indentura inter regem & comitem de Marr. Membrana 6. De condu6lu pro Willielmo de Tours 6c aliis. De protetSlione pro comite Marr. Membrana 5. De conduftu pro Archibaldo de Douglas &c aliis. Pro priore de Coldyngham. Pro Alexandro de Moubray. Pro Archibaldo de Douglas. I De traftando fuper terris in marifcis prope Berewicum. • Membrana 4. De cuftodibus marchiarum Angliae verfus Scotiam conftitutis. De protedionlbus. De R O T U L I S C O T I .^. 223 De mnr'is & turellis villse Berewici reparandis. De condudlubus. ]\T E INI B R A N A 3. De proteftione pro tenentibus Thoma; filii Maiirlci de Berkele. De poteftate tradtandi cum Patricio de Duubarre comite Marchiae, M E M B R A N A 2. De cuftumls coUigendis in portu de Berewico. Cuflos Anglite incepit 30 die 06lobris. De caftris 6c fortaliciis reparaudis & muniendis. De proclamadone focienda de caftris Sc fortaliciis reparaudis. De fide adliibenda Radulpho de Nevill. De deputatis comitis de Angos 6c Radulphi de Nevill ad treugas con- fervandas. De conduifiu AIembrana r. De centum marcis per annum concefils Henrico de Percy cuflodi caflrl- Berewici. Pro Ricardo Tempefl. . Pro Johanna de Coupland. De trahendo verfus parted Walliae. De acquietantia pro parte redemptionis Davidis de Bruys. D Ro T u L u s Scot liE, de Anno 35 Edwardi III. Me MB RAN A 5. E condudtu proWaltero de Abernyt & aliis. De cuftumis colllgendis in portu de Berewico fuper Twedam. Membrana 4. De officio tronatoris lanarum in portu villae Berewici fuper Twedam commiflb Johanni Clerk. De denarils libcrandis Edwardo de Latham. De bladis arcffandis. Membrana 3. De hominlbus in marchiis Scotife arraiandis &c caftris muniendis. De hofpitale Beatas Marlae Magdalene juxta Berewicum dato Rogero de Bromleye 15 Jvinli, & 20 Junii dato Ricardo Metford. De 224 R O T U L I S C O T I .^. De fortallcio de Dolfynfton proflcrnendo. De cuftodlbus marchiarum conrtitutis. De praebenda de Aldrokefburgli data Johaiini de Baumburgh, Cuftodia terrarum, &c. in la Mersfhe in comltatu Bercwicl qux fueruut Thomic de Berkeleye concefla Johauni de Coupeland. Membrana 1. Cuflodia terrarum, &c. quie fuerunt Nicholai de Sandlo Mauro con- cefla Jacobo de Loreyn. \ De cullumis coUigendis in portu de Berewico. I De comltatu de Roke{burgh commiflb Johanni de Coupeland. De conductu pro diverhs perfonis. Membrana i. De conductu pro Thoma de W'hitkirk & multis aliis. De licentia concefla Willielmo comiti de Sutherland proficlfcendi ad partes Scotia?. RoTULUs ScoTiiE, dc Anno 36 Edvvardi III. Membrana 6. DE dcfe»5l:ibus in caflro Berewlci reparandis. De officio vicecomitis de Rokefburgh commiflb Johanni de Coupeland. De dcfe6libus in caftro de Rokefljurgh reparandis. De cufliodia caflri de Loghmabau ac dominii vallis de Auand commiflTa Johanni de Denton. De conduitibus. Pro priore de Coldingham. Membrana ^. De condudu pro epifcopo Sancli Andreas & aliis. De protedtionibus pro Willielmo dc Holm & aliis. De licentia data comiti Sotherland' proficifcendi ad partes 5"cotiae. De facramento recipiendo a comite Sotherland quod ipfe redibit in obfidcm. De treugis inter regem & Davyd de Bruys confervandis. Membrana 4. De condudu pro Rogero Hogg & aliis. 2 Cun:odia R O T U L I S C O T I iE. 215 Cuftodia vIllcB Berewjcl commiflli Ricardo Tempefl potertas data archiepifcopo Eboracenfi, & aliis tradlandi cum Davide de Brujs de pace finali. Membrana 3. De ccHidu(5lu pro archidiacono Laudoiiia? & aliis. Dc curtodibus treugarum in marchiis Angliae & Scotiae conftitutls, De capella Saadti Thomx de Maxwell juxta Roxburgh data Thomae de Midelton. Membuana 2. De praebenda de veteri Rokelturgh da^a Ricardo de Swynhop, De condu6tu pro epilcopo San6li Andrcae 6c aliis. De terris quae fuerunt Johamiis licflcwell concellis Roberto Colvill. Membrana i. Pro burgenfibus villas Berewici fuper Twedam. Pro Alexandre de Moubray. De condudtibus pro mercatoribus de Scotia, RoTULus ScoTiiE, de Anno 37 Edwardi III, Membrana id. DE {Iilvo conducflu pro Johanne de Leth & aliis. De bladis ducendis ad prioratum de Coldyngham. De navibus deareftandis. M E M B R A N A 9. . ' De condu6tibus pro Fergefio de Edenham &c aliis. Membrana 8. Jl'^. Pro Waltero del Both ad pacem regis admiflb. De trengis proclamandis. De defcdlibus murorum villas Berewici reparandis. Membrana 7. De condu(£l:u pro epifcopo Sandi Andreas & aliis. M E M B R A N a 6. Dc adraittcndo Willielmum dc Swynhowe in b\irgenfem vlllfe Berewici. F f Indentura 226 R O T U L I S C O T I /E. Indentura inter regcm & Ricardum Texnpcfl pro cuflodia vill* Berc- wici fuper Twedam. Dc Scotis ad pacem regis reclpicndis. De operariiscapiendis pro operationibus circa claufuram Berewici. Dc protedtionibus. De licentia data Laureiitio dc Reppes ad diiccndum coria ufque Lenn. M E M B R AN A 5. Dc C(induv5lu pro Davidc de Berclay fcutifero de Scotia &c aliis. De licciitia data Williclmo comiti Sunderland profacilccndi ad partes ScOtlLL'. De lalvo conduftu. De bladis ad villain Berewici ducendis. Membra n a 4. De condu£tu pro mercatoribus Scotiie 6c aliis. De conduilu pro clericis iliudentibus in Oxoii'vel alibi. Membrana 3. Pro hominibus de valle Anandi. De condudu generali pro fcolaribus Scotiaj. De conductu pro comite Douglas & aliis. Membrana 2. De conduclii pro Scotis peregre profedturis in rcgnum Anglije, De proteftionibus. Membrana i. Pro hominibus de valle Anandi. De conduclu pro mercatoribus. De procur.itoribus Williclmi de Wintonia qui ia peregrinatioue fua ad montem Sinay ad limina Sanftae Katherinic vifitandum diem claufit ex- tremum, conjlitutis. De bladis ducendis ad \ illam Berewici pro fuftentatione fidclium regis. RoTULUj ScoT]^, dc Anno 38 Edwardi III. Membrana 10. E cufl-odia caftri & comitatus de Rokefburgh commilTa Alano del Strothcr. 1)& condtidu pro comite de Marrc. Dc D R O T U LI S C O T I iE. a^7 De condu6i:lbus pro mercatorlbus Scotiae & alils. De conduftu pro clerici sScotiae & aliis. Membrana 9. De conductibus pro mercatorlbus Scotiae & allis. Membrana 8. De mercaadifis ad partes Scotias ducendis. Membrana 7. De condudu pro hominibus de Scotia venientlbus la Angliam peregre. De cuftodia vIUje Berewici fiiper Twedam commilTa Alaao de Hetou. De coaftituendo Willielmxun de la Vale camerariun:i Berewici. De coadudtibus. Membrana 6. De coadudlu pro epifcopo Saadti Andreas & allis. De officio caacellarii Berewici commiflb Willielmo de la Vale. M EMBR ANA 5. De coadudtibus pro mercatorlbus Scotia & allis. Membrana 4. De coadu(Slibus pro homiaibus de Scotia veaieado ia Aagllam peregre. De coadu£tu pro comlte de Sutherlaad prorogaad'. De condu6lu pro clericis de Scotia. Membrana 3. De coadudlu pro David de Bruys fratre regis ad llmlaa SaadI Thomae Martlrls apud Caatuariam peregre vlfitaaduai veaieado. De protedlloalbus. Membrana 2. Pro homiaibus vallls Aaaadi. Pro burgeafibus & habitatorlbus yillae Berewici fupcr Twedaai. Pro prlore Duaelmeali. Membrana i . De officio coatrarotulatorls cufluaiije laaarum, &c. apud Berqfwlcum coaceflb Willielmo de la Vale. De lateadeado deputato coatrarotulatorls cuflumarum. De coadudibus pro comite Sutherlaad Sc aliis. F f 2 ROTULUS 228 R O T U L I S C O T I ^. RoTULUs Scotia, de Anno 39 Edwardi IIL Me M B RA N A 10. E condudlu pro epifcopo Sandi Andreae & aliis. _ De vino &c frumento ad partes Scotiae ducendis. De couductu caui'a itudeudi. D Membrana 9. De condudlu pro rege Scotias veniendo ad limina Saiidi Thomae Mar- tyris apud Cantruariam peregre vifitandum.. De arcubus & fagittis ad partes Scotiye ducendis^. Membrana 8. De condudlu pro Willlelmo de Roos & aliis. De bladis ad partes Scotije ducendis. Pro burgenfibus villae dc Bcrewico luper Twedam* De inquirendo de lanis. Membrana 7. De condudlu pro mercatoribus Scotiae. Mem bra n a 6. • De condudu veniendo peregre per Angliam ufque ad Sandum Dionl- fuim & alibi tranfeundo. Pro Henrico de Percy, de manu regis amovenda a quadam pifcaria in aqua de Twede. M E M B R A N A 5. De non molefhnido Thomam de Kelfhowe. De navi areftanda pro epilcopo de Abcrden. Prorogatio treugje Scotia;. De quibufdam conditionibus conteatis in treugis prxdidis. Me MB R A N A 4. De bobus in Anglinm ducendis. De condudu pro Williclmo Boyfervill. De marchiis Scotia^ cuilodiendis. De condudUi pro fcolaribus vcnientibus in regnum Ang>liae caular fludendi. De bladis ad partes Scotiis ducendis. Membrana. d R O T U L I S C O T I ^, 22^ Membrana 3. De conduftu pro mercatoribus Scotiae. Me m BR an a 2. De condudlu pro Archibaldo Douglas & afiis. De bladis ad partes Scotiae ducendis. De protedlione pro Godefrido de Roos. De bladis ad partes Scotl« ducendis. De pecunia ad opus regis recipieiida pro deliberatione Davydls de Bruys. De condudu pro moneta regis.. RoTULus ScoTiiE, dc Anno 40 Edwardi III. Meaibrana 9. AC QU I E T A N T I A pro pecunia recepta pro deliberatione Davydis de Bruys. De conduftu pro diverfis perfonls. De pifcariis de Cole & Newater in manum regis capiendis. De protcdione pro abbate & convcntu de Kellelbwe in Scotia* ~ De^protedlione pro comite Sutherland. Membrana 8.- De condudtu pro Davide de Bruys & aliis.. De condudu pro mercatoribus Scotias. . Membrana 6. De condudu pro Euftachio de Maxwell &; aliis. De cuftodia pifcaria3 de Newater & Cole commifla Henrico de Percy, De cuftodibus marchiarum conftitutis. Membrana 5. De conftituendo Willielmum de Vikers coronatorem in comitatu dc Rokefl)urgh. De condudu pro diverfis perlbnis. De condudu pro mercatoribus de Florentia.. De condudu pro fcolaribns. Membrana 4. Dc condudu pro mercatoribus Scotiic. MeMbrajma monera ufque Eixjriim &; London' ducenda. Va ijvisdnm pla'.'ca cvi;n pertiaentiifi juKfa vlllam Berewici vocata Shir- i rcfl)ygii;vng conccfia Rob^-i'to filio Ad« de Prcndirgeft. De bonis reftituendis mercatoribiis de Scotia. M F. M B R A N A 2. De tkbatis inter domiuum dc Percy & comitem de Douglas refor- tnaiidis. De pernuitaf'jonc ecclefue de MyiUo Lincokiienfis diocefi pro eccle- Ci& dc /^^ethaai GLilconienfjs diocefis. Ciidod'iA vil)i£ Berewici commifla Thomie de Mufgrave. De protecliojiibns & condudubus. Membrana I. Dq boms mercatofum Scotlie deareftaiidis. R0TULU6 ScoTiiE, de Anno 49 Edwardi III. Membrana 5. DE attcmptatls contra treugas reformandis. De bladis ad partes Scotiae traducendis. De condudiibus & protedionibus. Membrana 4. De bladifi & vidualibiis ufque Loughmaban traducendis. Dc conduclu pro Waltero Bygar camerario Scotiae & aliis. De bonis mercatorum Scotlie dearcftandis. De brafeo ufque Scotiam ducendo. Membrana 3. De moneta numeranda. De moneta ad opus regis recipienda. Acquietantia Tv O T U L I S C O T I ^. 239 Acquietant'ia pro moneta Scotia;. De moneta ufque Eborum & London' ducenda. De brafeo verlus partes Scotice duceudo. Membrana 2. De brafeo verfus partes Scotiae ducendo. Dc cuftodibus marchlarum ScotiLE affignatls ad corrigeadum atterr.p- tata contra formam treugarum. De cuflodia villa: Berewici commifTa Thomx Mufgrave. De cuftodlbus marchlarum Scotias conftitutis. De cuftuma in portu Berewici colligenda. Membrana I. De protedtlonibus. Officlum contrarotulatorls cuftuma commiffum ThoniiE Luttour. De inquirendo de haerede &; terrls qu<£ fuerunt Johannse uxoris Jo- hannis de Coupeland, De quodam campo vocato Parkefcld in Yetham in comitatu de Rokef- burgh concefib Thomas Archer. De denariis folvendls Henrico de Percy. RoTULus Scotia, de Anno 50 Edwardi III, ]\I E M B R A N A 5. CUSTODIA villa; Berewici commifla Thomce de Mufgrave. Rex conccflit Roberto Foreftere officiiun pelagii Ian arum. De computando cum Alano de Strother. Pro mercatorlbus & burgenfibus vilke Berewici. De conduftu pro Georgio de Dunbarrc, comife de la March, & aliis. De prote£l;ione pro cullode caftri de Loghmaban & aliis. Membrana 4. Rex conflituit Willielmum Cuiwen conllabularium cailri de I>os.>;h- maban. De bladis providendis pro munitionc caftri dc IvOghmaban. Pro Roberto Clavcring & Joliannc uxore ejus. De armaturis dtarcllandis 6c johanni Wardelawe liberandis. Membrana 3. Dc conduflu pro Waltero Bygar camerario Scotlas. De 2+0 R O T U L I S C O T I iE. De moneta numeranda. De moneta ad opus regis recipienda. Acquictantia pro moneta Scotiae. Dc moneta ulque Eborum 5c London' ducenda. Rex concellit Johanni de Caverton decern libras percipicndas finguMs annis. Dc conJudu & prote£llonibu3. Membrana 2. De protedionibus. De culliodibui marchlarum in partibus occidentallbus & borialibus af- 'fignatis. De ctMidvi(flubu3. Dc officiis cancellarli & camerarii Berewici commiffis Thomse de II- derton. Rex commifit cuftodiam Berewici Petro de Manley. De caftro & vicecomitatu dc Rokefburgli commifi'is Thomse dc Percy. Rex conftitult Radulphum baronem de Grayrtok conflabularium caftri de Loghmabun. M E M B R A N A I . De tcrris liberandis Ricardo Seymour. Memorandum de liberatione magni figilli. RoTULUS ScoTiyEj dc Anno 51 Edwardi III. Membrana 4. DE inquirendode terris, Sec. quae fuerunt Ricardi Thirwall. Rex conlHtuit Thomam Ughtred conflabularium & camcrarlum caflri de Lough maban. De tcrris in Haweden in Scotia conceflis Adze de Hilton. De proteclionibus. De difiringendo Willielmum Heron chiualer ad folutlonem comiti marchiarum Scotiie faciendam. Pro burgcnfibus villas Berewici de lanis in comitatu Northumbriae cmendis, &c. De cuftumis in portu Berewici colligendis. Membrana 3. De cuflodia diverfarum cuftumarum in villa Berewici commifla Ri- cardo de Cavcnon cc aliis. Rex R o T irL 1 s c ari m: 441 Rex conflltult Robertum dc Boynton cuftodem villje Berewiei. De caftro dc Logfimabaa deliberando Thomae Ughtred chivaler. De officio cameraril caflri dc Loghniabaii deliberando Thomae Ughtred, De protedlionibus. Membrana 2. De injuriis in marchiis Scotia; relbrmaudis. De conduilubus & proteftionibus. De moneta numeranda. De moneta ad opus regis reciplenda. Acquietantia pro moneta Scotia;, De moneta ulque Eborum ducsnda, Membrana i . Rex conceflit Johanni Ifelham medietatem manerii de Edenham cum pertinentiis in comitatu de Rokefburgh in Scotia. RoTULUs Scotia, de Anno i Ricardi II. Membrana 8. REX conftituit Thomam llderton cancellarium & camerariuni Berewiei. Acquietantia pro moneta Scotia;. De cuflumis colligendis in portu de Berewico. De officio contrarotulatoris cuftums commiflb Roberto Rofe. Rex concellit officium pelagii lanarum in portu Berewiei Willielnio Haldmarket. De cuftodibus marchiarum verfus partes orientales & occidentales •conftitutis. . Rex conftituit Thomam Ughtred conflabularium & camerarium caftri de Loghmaban. De protedionibus & condu6lubus. Membrana 7. De confervatione concordiie fad^e inter comitem Northumbrian & co- mitem Douglas & alios de Scotia. De terris liberandis Petro Tilliol. De protedione pro abbate & conventu de Melros. De condudubus & protedionibus. De officio pelagii lauarum conceffo Roberto Forefter, H b Rex 241 R O T U L I S C O T I ^. Rex concefllt Bartholomeo Herre Capellam Snn£li Johannis BaptiHic in caftro de Rokefburgh. De officio contrarotulatoris cuftuma; conceflb Sampfonl Haidyng. Dc cuflumu colligenda in portu de Bcrewico. M F, M C R A N A 6. Pro hoinlnlbus vill* Berewici luper Twedam dc lanis tranfportandis. De cuftodibus marchiarum vcrlus partes orientalcs &c occidentales aflignatis. MEMBRANA5. Dc fupervidendo ftatum villas regis Berewici, &c. Do attcmptatls fuper marchlas Scotia: reformandis. De potellate confedendi literas de condudu. Membrana 4. De bonis hominum & mercatorum Scotiae liberandis. De confirmatlone conceHionis facias Edwardo de Letham de ducentis marcis perclpiendis fingulis annis pro Roberto de Claveryng & Johanna uxore ejus. De condudtubus. Membrana 3. De moneta Scotis numeranda. De moneta ad opus regis reclpienda. De moneta ufque Eborum & London' ducenda. Membrana 2. Rex conceflit Johanni Ifelham viginti & fex marcas annuatim In re- compcnfationcm pro medletate manerli de Edenham. Pro comltibus de Fyfe & de Douglas. De officio contrarotulatoris cuftuma? conceiro Johanni Elkrjk. De cuftumis colllgendis. De lanis, &c. liberandis mcrcatoribus Scoti:e. Membrana i. De attomptatis fupcr marchias Scotiae reformandis, De ordinando pro falva cuftodia caftrorum^ &c. in marchiis Scotias^ Ro T U L U S R O T U L I S C O T I .E. 243 R o T u L u s S c o T I .E, dc Anno 2 Ricardi II. Membrana 5. DE bonis liberandis nieicatoril)u& Scotia;. De quadam navi Scotis deliberanda. De inercandifis dc Scotia liberandis. De protedlione pro WiDielmo de Neiiport & aliis. Rex concellit Roberto de FIull plfcariam de Audci1:ell infra aquam de Twede. Membrana 4. De injuriis fuper marchias Scotiie reformandis, bis. De poteftate data epilcopo Hereford, & Johannide Arundell marcfcallo Anglia;, &c. ac aliis trattandi cum Roberto Conlanguineo regis Scotiae. De conductu pro Alexandre de Cokeburn & aliis. Membrana 3. De injuriis & attemptatis reformandis. De caftris fupervidendis & hominibus arraiandis. Rex conftituit Johannem regem CaftcUs, & Legionum ducem Lancaf* tria; locum-tenentem luum in partibus marchiarum regni Angliie. De protcftionibus & conduclubus. De officio contrarotulatoris cuftuma: commiffo Roberto de Lenn. Membrana 2. De moneta ad opus regis recipienda & acquietantia inde. De poteftate tradandi cum Roberto confanguineo regis Scotiie. De conftituendo Amandum de Mounceux conftabularium caflri de Loghmaban. De prsbenda de veteri Rokefburgh data Willielmo de Shrovclbury. Cullodia libera; capelliK de Scgden data Ricardo Clifford. Membrana i. De caftro de l>oghmaban liberando Amando de Mounceux. De venire faciendo Thomam Mulgrave ad diem marchiarum. De cuftodibus marchiarum ex parte occidental! Scotii'o conftitutis. De cuftodiendo Thomam Mercer in prilbna abfque ferris feu vinculis. H h 2 ROTULUS 244 R O T U L I S C O T I ^. D RoTULUs Scotia, de Anno 3 Ricardi IT. M F, M B R A N A 7. E falvo condu De fruraento &; brafeo verfus partes Scotia^ diicendis. RoTULus Sco T I ^j. de Anno i 2 Ricardi IL . Membrana 7. E protcdlionibus pro Ricardo Kays & aliis. _^ De poteftate conccdcndi falvos coaduftus. De marchiii ScoticC fupervidciidis. D xM'EMBRANA 3^6 R O T U L T S CO T I .£. M r. M E R A N A 6. Dc poteftate traclandi cum flrcnuo viio Godefrido filio Johannis dc Ylc nuper domini iufularuni prope Scotiam. De marcluls Scotiae fupcrvidcudis & fortihcandis. Dc intciidendo'^arraiatDres homhinm ad arma. M E M B R A N A 5. Dc ciiflodibus marchiarum vcrfus partes Scotice conftitutls. ^ - De pcrmirtcndo burgcnres Bcrcwici quod ipfi lanas ad partes exteras duccre poffint. Rex conftituitjohannem Stanley cuftodem villac Berevv ici & marchiaruin ScoticB. De protedioiubus. M E M E R A N A 4. Dc conflituendo Thomam comitem Marclballum & Notyngham cufto- dem de la Eflmarch verfus partes Scotiae. Mfmbuana 3. De quadam cuftuma vocata Halpeuytoll, cum cuftuma navium una cum ftallagio Sc amerciamentis curiit villas Berewici conceflls burgeafibus ibidem pro reparatione muri. De cuflodibus Weftmarchia^ verfus partes Scotiae conflitutis. De cuftodia vilk^ Berewici fuper Twedam 6c caflri de Rokefburgh commifla Thomae comiti Marefcall' & Notyngham. Memorandum de llberatione magni figilli. De protedtionibus. Membra N A 2. De protcctionibus pro diverfis perfonis. Membrana I. De protectionibus pro Thoma de Kirkby apprentltio curice & aliis. De proteclione pro burgenlibus villie Berewici, _ De domibus logiis garitis & loupis villiE Berewici abfque vaflo ciiAo- ciendis. RoTULUs Scotia, de Anno 13 Ricardi II. Me m b r an a 8. DE proteaione pro Alexandre Allyrdes & aliis. De lalvo coiidudu pro Pctro Freliiel confiliario, & magiflro re- quellarom R O T U L I S C O T I ^. 257 tjueftarum hofpitii regis Fraiiciae, & Hennarto de Cawibernart Hoftiario fuo ad arma. Rex conceffit Alano Horfle & ha;redlbus fuis villas de Maxwell & Softelawe, cum pertinentiis in terra de Tevydale. De falvis condudibus & protedtionibus. Et MembranA 7. Rex conceflit abbati & coaveiitui de Melros duos folidas de quolibet liicco laiiie de crefcentia Scotiffi quos ipfi ad villam Berewicl duci facient. De protedtionibus. M E M B R A N A 6. De facramento Roberti regis Scotias capiendo juxta formam quoruudam articulorum treugarum. De licentia concedendi falvos condudlus Scotis ad regem Venturis. De fidvo coiiduiSlu pro nunciis regis Francias. Rex conceffit Johanni Lancaftre officium camerarii villae Berewici. De falvis condudibus & proteftionibus. MEMBRANA5. De prote61:ione pro abbate & conventu de Melros. Rex conceflit burgenilbus villae Berewici quod mercatum omnium mercandifarum apud villam prasdidtum & non alibi teneatur. De permittendo burgenfes Berewici efkippare lanas. MEMBRANA4. De attemptatis contra treugas reformandis. De treugis conlervandis. De certa fumma pecunise de adverfario Scotiae recipienda. Acquietantia inde.' De poteftate confedendi falvos condu£lus. MEMBRANA3. De falvis condudibus. M E M B R A N A 2. De condudu pro Johanne de Dunbarrc comite de Murreue ad profi- cifcendum quaedam fa£la armorum cum Thoma comite Marefcallo & No- tyngham vadianda. De operariis capiendis, pro reparatione villa: Berewici. K k De 258 R O T U I. I S C O T I .E. De facrameiTto a rege Scotix reqiurcndo. Rex conftituit Htnricum de Percy Ic filz cuflodein cailii & vlil« dt Karliolo. De licentia concedendi falvos condviiflus. M E M B R A N A I . De concordando pro quodam loco ad tra6laiidum cum adverfarlo ScotiiC Rex conccffit Johanni Lancaftre officia caiicellarii & cameraril BerewLci. Rex conflitult Hcnricum de Percy cuftodem Wellmarchlai verlus- Scotiam. De falvis condudlibus. RoTULUs ScoTi.'E, dc Anno 1 4. Ricardi 11. M E AI B P. A N A 5:- DE certis commiffariis regis verfus Scotiam deputatis ad fupervidendutn quod treugae inter regem 5c reges Scotias &c FranciiC juxta vim earvmdcm deblte tcneantur. De falvo condudlu pro comltc IMaa-chia; & allis. De licentia data Radulpho domino de Nevill quovi ipie dcliberare poffit AJexaiidrum de Lyndefey & alios, ad certa facta armorum cum pcrlbnis de Scotia implcnda. De aflignando Johannem dominum de Roos ad campum tenendum & judicem effendum inter partes praediftas. De cuftodia caftri de Rokefturgh commiffa Henrico de Percy, M E M B R A N A 4. De treugis obfervandis ex parte regis Scoti«. De licentia data Gerardo Heron & aliis concedendi falvos condu£tus. De protcdllonibus. De memorando irrotulato tangcnte centum mllia marcarum pro re- dcmptlone Davidis de Bruys. Rex conftituit Henrlcuin de Percy cuftodem vlllae Berewici. MEMBRANA3. i)e certis commiflariis regis verius Scotiam deputatis^ Ce prote*ilionibus. De culluma lauarum in portu vlUac Berewici colligenda. tDc teriisqua." fvicrunt Roberti de Roule coiiceliis Thomac Sparrovve. Membrana R O T U L I S C O T r ^, 259 Membrana 2. De tracbaiido cum adverlarlis Francise & Scotia?. De poteftate concedendi lalvos condudlus. Membrana i. De conftltuendo Henricum de Percy cuftodem marchlarum Scotix. RoTULUs ScoTiiE, dc Annis 15 & 16 Ricardi II. Membrana 7. E conftituendo Gerardum Herou & Johanuem Mitford commiffi- _ rios ad traftaudum cum adverfario Scoti*. De protciflionibus pro diverfis perlonis. D Membrana 6. De tradando cum regibus Francis & Scoriae. De officils cancellaril & camerarii Berewici conceffis RIcardo Clifford. Memorandum de liberatione magni figilli regis. De mefprlfionlbus & malefadis contra formam treugarum reformandis. De {ialvis condiiilibus. De conftituendo Gerardum Heron cancellarium &c camerarium Berewici. Membrana 5. De fubfidio colligendo in portu Berewici. De condu£lu pro VValtero Sty ward domino de Brechyne. De ttaftando cum commiflariis regis Scotiae fuper aliquo loco compe- tcnti ubi ambafliatores convenire poflint. Membrana 4. Officium contrarotulatoris cuflumarum in portu Berewici conceflum Adai Baumburgh. De attemptatis contra treugas reformandis. Membrana 3. De ftatu villae Berewici fuper Twedam & caftri de Rokefburgh fuper- videndo. De brafeo ulque partes Norwey ducendo. De facramento ab adverfario Scotiae recipiendo. Kkz MEAIBtl,i.NA a6o ROTULISCOTIyE. Membrana 2. Anno 1 6. De falvo conduiftu pro Johanne de Suynton & aliis. De tra & brafea in regno Anglian emcre & ufque Scotiam ducere pofiiut. De tradando cum commiiTariis regis Scotiaepro reparationibuii attcmptar isftFum contra treu^as.. M.EMBRANA'. a^a Jl O -r U L 1 3 C O T I ,H. MbM B R A X A 4. De v'lrro & brafio in Scotiam duccndii*. De liih lb conduitibus & protedionibuj. M E M B R A K A 3. Cuflodia caftri SiC villa; Karlioli coinmllla Johanni de Holaiid conuti Huntyngdon. De proteiflionibiis. Officia caiicellarii & camerarii Berewici coiicefia Gerardo Heron. De poteilate data comiti Huntyugdoniie ad coiidiKflus concedendum. Mem DRAMA 2. De conftlmcndo comitem Huntyndouia,* cuftodem de la Weflmarchc verfus Scotiam. De vidualibus pro Garniftura caftri de Rokefburgh capiendis. Membra N A i. De protedionibus & condu Hiarche verfus Scotiam. De treu^is cum regc Scoti« captis obfervandis. Membrana 5. De facramento ab adverfari.o Scotia; recipieudo. Membrana 4. De attemptatis contra fermam' treugarum reformandis. De effendb coram eonlejrvatoribus treugaruna ad attemptata contra tr^u- gas reformanda. Protediones 6c falvi condudus. M K M B U A N A .3.. De conftltucndo Henricum Percy confcrvarorem treugarum de la Eft- marche. Officium contrarotnlatoris cuflumarum cornmifllmi Will* runo AlpIIon. De conftituenckj Edwardum duccii) AlbcnxiU'UsL; ^..ijodem marchiaruni de la Wfrtmarchq. ,64 R O T U L I SCOTIA-. De innotefcdndo facrainentum regis de obicrvatione treiigarirm. Ue {iilvis condudtibus. ^ ]\I E M B R A N' A 2. De licentia traducendi brafcum ad partes Scotiaj. De attcniptatis contra formain treugarum reformandls. De traclando de pace & treugis cum rege Scotiac. Membra N A r. De attemp'atis contra formam treugarum reformaudis. De bralco & aliis vcrfus Scotiam ducendis. RoTUL US ScoTi.^, de Annis i, 2, Sc 3 Henrici IV, Membrana 14. OFFICIUM tronagii & pclagli lanarum in portu Berewici con- ceffum Rogero de Threlk. Officium contrarotuloris cuftumaioim in portu Berewici concelTum Hugoni Burgh. Officia caiicellarii & cameraril Berewici commllTa Gerardo Ueron. Cuftodia de la Eftmarclie verfus Scotiam ac villas Berewici & cnftri de Rokefburgh commifl'a Henrico de Percy. Curtodia de la Weltmarche verfus Scotiam ac caflri & villae Karlioli commifla Henrico comiti Northumbrian. Cuftodia vallis de Anand' conceffa Thoma; de Nevill domino dc Fur- nivall. De proteftionibus. De tradlando cum Scotis pro falvatione villae de Penreth abfque arfura. Membrana 13. De confllrucndo Henricum comitem Northumbri;c commifiaiium ge- neralem marchiarum verfus Scotiam. Membrana 12. De tra£lando cum Roberto rege Scotia?. Pro mcrcttoribus villae Berewici. De falvis conduAibus. De tradando cum Georgio de Dunbar comite Marchix. Maneria de Ederyngton & Latham cum pcrtiiientiis conceffa Thoma? Knayton. Membrana R O T U L I S C O T 1 ^. ^6.^ MeMBRANA II. De proteftionlbus. Membrana io. De prote(flionibus. De fiumento verfus partes infulas de Man & alibi ducendo. Membrana 9. De confirniatlone cuftodiaspaflagii aqviae de Sulwath fada Ricardo Burgh. Anno 2. Membrana 8. De falvis condutf^ibus. De iecuritate capienda a Gubernatoribus caftrorum, &c. Membrana 7. De treugis cum rege Scoti^e tenendis. De tra£lando cum adverfario Scotiae. De viclualibus pro munitlone caftrl de Rokelburgh i^rovidendis. De protedionibus & falvis condudibus. Membrana 6. De frumento & brafeo verfus partes Scotiae ducendis. De protedlonibus. De falvo condudu pro Johanne de infulis. De audiendo facramenta regis Scoti^E & dominorum ejufdem ternc. Membrana 5. Officlum tronagii & pefagii lanarum in portu Berewici conceflum Ri- cardo de York. De ficramento regis Scotis audiendo. De tradtando cum adverfario Scotiae. Officlum contrarotulatoris cuftumarum in portu Berewici & alibi con- ceflum Hugoni Burgh. Membrana 4. De magna cuftuma in portu Berewici colligcnda. De falvis condudtibus. Membrana 3. De tradando cum adverfario Scotiae. De filvis condudlbus. L 1 Anno 266 R O T U L I S C O T I /E. Anno 3. M E M B R A N A 2. De prote£tionIbus. De licentla traducendi frumenta verfus Berewicum. Cuftociia caftri de Rokelburgh commifla Radulpho de Ncvill comiti Weflmcrlandite. De protedionibus. Membrana I. De tra^lando cum adverfario Scotiae. Dc tra£lando fupcr matrlmoiiio inter Ericum regem Daci^, &c. & Philippani Secundogenitam regis Anglia; acetiam inter Hcnricum pria- cipem Wallia; & Katherinam lororem Erici regis pritdicli. RoTULUs ScoTiyE, de Annis 4, 5, 6, & 7 Henrici IV« D Membrana 14. S magna cuftuma in portu Berewici & alibi colligenda. De proteftionibus. Membrana 13. Rex conccflit Henrico de Percy comiti Northumbrias tarn totum co- mitatum de Douglas ac etiam valles de Efhedale, Lydefdale, la Water- dale dominium de Selkeryk & foreflam de Eteryk, &c. quam totum co- Tnltatum & dominium de Tevydale, 6cc. cum diverfis privilcgiis. Dc proteftionibus. Cuftodia caftri & villss Berewici commifla Johanni filio regis. Cuftodia caftri & villjc Karliolenfis commiila Radulpho comiti Wefl- merlandia:. De traftando cum nunciis adverfarii Sootia; fupcr treugis. Licentia concedendi falvos conductus conceffa Johanni filio regis. Anno 5. Membrana 12. Officium contrarotulatoris cuflurase in portu Berewici conceflum Wil- iielmo Alplion. De protedtionibus. De aflignando Thomam de Furnivall ad caftra Berewici, Alnewyk & Werkworth ab occupatoribus nomine r(?gis recipiendum. De liilvo condu(flu pro Davide Flemvna". Do tradiando cum advcrlario Scotiic Taper treugis. Officium R O T U L I S C O T I ^. tt-j Officlum tronagli & pefagii lanarum in portu Berewici & alibi com- mifllim Willielmo Bluadell. Mem BR AN A II. De prote6lionibus. De tra6lando cum adverfario Scotije. De exemplihcatiouc literarum patentium ad requifitioiiem Galfridl Louther pro cuftodia paflligii aqu«.de Suhvath. Officia camerarii & cullumarii villas Berewici conceilli Roberto Um- frevill chivaler. Membrana io. De cuftode marchiarum verfus Scotiani conllituto. De protedtionibus. Membrana 9. De hominibus ad arma, &c. arraiandis. Rex conceflit parvum Theoloneum Berewici Alexandre Franchc. De tradlaudo cum adverfario Scotia;. De falvis condudibus. Officium tronagii in villa Berewici conceffum Johanni Bouere. De facramento regis Scotia recipiendo pro treugis confervandis. De falvis condudlibus. De facramento regis prseflito ad treugas confervandas. De falvis condudlibus. Membrana 8. Cuflodia caftri Berewici commiffum Roberto de Umfrevill. Membrana 7. De tra£lando cum adverfario Scotiic. Anno 6. Membrana 6. De licentla data Willielmo Brychinan & aliis ad blada verfus partes- Scotiie ducendum. De frumento verfus Scotiam ducendo. De conftituendo Johannem filium regis cuflodem de la Eftmarch ver- fus Scotiam. Membrana 5, Pro comite Northumbrian de caftris fibi liberandis. Liz Duo 268 R O T U L I S C O T I ^. Duo milla marcarum concefla Johanni filio regis pro cuftodia villa; Bercwici ac Eftmarche verfus Scotiam. De fahis conclu R O T f L I S C O T I JE. RoTULus ScoTi.i:, de Annis 9 & lo Htniici V. M E M B R A N A 4. CUSTODIA caflri de Rokeiburgh commifla Johanni baronl de Greyiloke. De viclualibus providcndis pro munklone caflri de Rokefburgh. De traclatibus habltis inter regem & Jacobuni regem Scottorum de & fupcr ipfius traniltu in regnum bcotiae. De lalvis coaduftibus. M E M B R A N A 3. De fliK'is conduclibus. De t'runiento 6c aliis vidualibus providendis pro vitcllatione caftri de Rokeiburgh. Membr a n a 2 & I. De falvis condudibus & protedionibus. RoTULus Scotia, de Annis i & 2 Henrici VI. E lalvis condudibus fere per totum rotulum. D Membr an a 13. Officium tronagli & pefagii lanarum in portu Berewici concefllim Jacobo Ocle. De treugis capiendis cum adverfario Scotiae. Pro burgenfibus vilhe Berewici de licentia ad lanas efkippandas. Membrana 12. Officia camerarii £c cuflumarii villas Berewici confirmata Roberto Umfreviil. Membrana ii. De vidualibus areftandis pro vitallamento caftri Berewici. Membrana 10. De conftituendo Henricum de Percy comitem NorthumbriaE cullodcm Eftmarchiarum verfus Scotiam. Membrana ROTULI SCOT I 'JE.'- 273 Membrana 7. De traftando cum ambafliatoribus Scotia; de & fuper liberatione Jacob! ScGtorum regis. Membrana 5. De traftando cum rege Scotiie fuper hnali pace. De pardonatioiie pro rege bcotorum a lolutione decern mille marcarum. De juran;ento regis Scotiae requirendo pro obfervatione treugarum. De conducendo regem Scotorum a civitate Dunelranenfi ulque reFiium Scotiae cum houore. Membrana 4. De confirmatione appuiiduamenti fadli inter commiffarios Anglise & Scotia;. RoTULUsScoTi.^, de Annis 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7 Henrici VI. D Membrana 14. E falvis condu61;lbus fere in fuigulis inembranis. De acquietautiis fa6lis Jacobo regl Scotorum pro mille marcis. Membrana 13. De poteftate data Henrico comiti NorthumbriEe concedendl falvos condu£tus. De conveniendo & tradando cum commiflarils Jacobi regis Scotorum fuper attemptatis contra treugas. De proclamando quod omnes qui fe laefos contra treugas fentlunt, fiiit coram commiffariis regis in villa Berewici ad certum diem. Membrana 12. De recipiendo duo millia marcarum a Jacobo rege Scotorum, & dc vadiis foldariorum folvendis. Acquietantia facta regi Scotorum pro prasdidlis duobus millibus mar- carum. Cullodia caftri de Rokefburgh commiffa Roberto Ogle militi. De obfidibus (pro fecuritate appunduamenti inter reges Anglias 6c Scotia;) liberandis & aliis eorum loco xquivalentibus recipiendis. Membrana 10. Dc attemptatis contra treugas reformandis. Mm Membrana a;4 R O T U L I S C O T I ^. Membrana 8. De officio tronngli concefl'o Willielmo Grendon. De conftituendo Johannem Skipton clericum operationum apud Ber»** wicum & alibi. Membrana 4. De liccntia data comiti Craufordiic recedcndi ab Anglia, Membrana 3. De recipiendo partem iinantise regis Scotorum. M E RT B R A N A 2. De liccntia tracftandl cum rege Scotorum. De commiflariis pro rege deputatis ad reparandum attemptatas contra trcugas. Membrana i . De commifTariis afllgnatis ad quafcunque pecunlarum fummas a rege Scotorum petendas &c ad concludendum treugas cum ipfo, ficc. RoTULUS ScoTiiE, dc Annis 8, 9, 10, 8c 11 Henrici VI. Membrana 16. DE traftando cum commiflariis regis Scoti« fuper attemptatis con- tra treugas. De ialvis condudlibus. Liccntia data Thomie Wcflon & Johanni Lemon ad mercandifas pro rege Scotorum verfus partes Scotia; ducendas. M E M B R A N ;e 15, II, I . De conveniendo cum commiflariis regis Scotorum. Membrana 12. De tra6tando cum commiflTariis regis Scotorum ad treugas prorogan- dum, &:c. Membrane 14, 12, 11, ^, 8, 4, 3, 2. De falvis condudllbus. Me M B R A N .=E 13, 8. De mercandifis a mercatoribus Scotia? captis^ reftitucndis. Membrana « r ROTULISCOTI^ e^^ MeMBRANA 10. De conflltuendo Ricardum Nevyll cuftodem Weftmarchiarum verfus Scotiam. Membrane 7, 5. De obfidibus pro fecuritate folutionis quadraglnta milllum librarum ad partes Scotia3 traijsferendis & aliis loco eorum ponendis. Membrana I. De poteftate data Henrico comiti Northumbrlse, concedendl falvos condudtus. D RoTULUs ScoTiiE, dc Anno 12 Henrici VI. Membrane 6, $, 2. E falvo conduftu. Memb ran a 5. De licentia traduceudi lanas, &c. ad partes tranfmarlnas. M E M B R A N ^ 4, 3, I. De attemptatls contra vim treugarum inter reges Angllae & Scotlje rc- formandis. Membrana 2. Rex conftituit Ricardum comitem Sarum cuftodem ac commiflarium fuum generalem marchiarum regni Anglian verfus Scotiam. Membrana i. Licentia data comiti Sarum ad naves areftandum. RoTULUS Scotia, de Annis 13 & 14 Henrici VI, Membrane 7, 5, 4, 3, i. DE falvis condudibus & protedtionibus. De conflltuendo Alexandrum Lermonth clericum operatlonuni tatlrorum de Rokefburgh &c Bercwlco. Licentia concefla Jacobo regl Scotorum ad triginta fodras plumbi infra eplfcopatum Dunclmenfis emendas & in Scotiam ducendas. Me M B R ANiE 6, 3, I. De tradaildo cum rege Scotorum. De reparatione attemptatorum contra formam treugarum. M m 2 MembrAN.4 276 R O T U L I S C O T I .'E. M E M B R A N A 5. De conflltuendo Johaunem comitem Huntlngdonia; & Hcnrlcum co- mitcm Northumbrls cuftodcs Eftmarchlarum & Weftmarcliiarum in dominio Scotia?. De poteftate data clldcm ad areftandum naves & ad concedendum falvos conductus.. M E M B R A N A 2, De cuftodla caftri & villa: Berewici fiiper Twcdam commiffa Wil- liclmo Eucr. De equis areflandis. De militlbus, armigeris, valettls, ac aliis hominlbus defenlabllibus coa- vocandls 6c diiceiidis in lalvatioiiem villae Berewici. RoTULUs Scot I. E, de Anno 15 Henrici VI. M E M B R A N A 6. DE -fiilva gardia pro Antonio epifcopo Urbiiiatl. Marmaducus epifcopus Karlioli cuftos Weitmarchiarum verfus Scotiam. De viclualibus providendis pro ftuffura caftri & villae Berewici. .^ De conftituendo Robertum Humfre-ville & alios commiflarios in les Ellimarches verlus Scotiam ad audieudum & terminandum omnia pla- cita & querelas ibidem. M E M B R A N A 5. De conflituendo Marmaducum epifcopum Karlioli cuflodem Wefl- marchiarum verfus partes Scotiae. M KMBR ANA 4. Rex conflituit Willielmum Euer militcm cuflodem vilhc Sc caftri Berewici. Rex fufcepit in proteclionem fuam priorem & conventum de Gol- dyngham. De confirmatione fidelitatis Willlelmi Befette. Officia camerarii & cuftumarii villae Berewici concefla Radulpho Grey. De poteftate concedendi literas lalvi condudtus commiffa Willielmo Iver, Radulpho Gray, &c Johanni Dartram, militibus. Membrana 3. Rex conftituit Johanncm duccm Nonblciac cuftodem de la Eftmarchc in dominio Scotia;. Membrana R O T U L I S C O T I .^ 277 Membrana 2. De protedionibus, Membrana r. Rex conceflit Johanni duci Norfolcias omnia caftra, villas, domiuia, &c, qiue ab inimicis regisi in partibus Scotiic capere poflet. De proteftionibus 6c faivis condudibus.' D RoTULus ScoTiiE, dc Anno 16 Henrici VL Membran^e 8, 3, I.. E protedionlbus & faivis conduclibus. Membrana 7. Rex conflituit Robertum Ogle cuflodem vill^ Berewici. De tractando cum commiflariis regis Scottorum fuper treiigis. De inquirendo de navibus captis contra formam treugarum. M E M B R A N A 6. Treuga inter reges Anglic & Scotiae. Membrana 3. De conftituendo Radulphum Gray & Robertum Ogle cuftodes Efl- marchiarum verfus Scotiam. AIembrana 2. De poteftate commiffa Johanni domino Tiptot&aliis limitandi bund'as infra quas foldarii & alii inhabitantes tarn villam & caflrum Berewici quam caftrum de Rokefburgh pro fuis beftiis, &c. herbam colligere ac alia fibi ad viclum necellaria percipere poffint. De treugis confervandis. RoTULUS Sgoti^, ~de Annis 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Henrici VI. Membrane 23, 22, 20, 19, 17, 16, 15, 13, 11, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, i. 1~^E protedionibus & faivis condudibus. Membrana 21. De poteftate conceffa commiflariis marchiarum Scotiir, PvJembran^; lyS R O T U L I S C O T I ^. Membran«2i&i6. "; Dc 1*1 vo conduiStu pro domino de Gourdon & m. i^. M E M B R A N A l8. Rex conAituit Henricum Percy cuflodem Eftmarchia; verfus Scotinm. M E M B R A N A 1 6. De protedione pro abbate domus Sandti Thomas in Scotia. MembranA 14. Officia cuftiimarii & camerarii villae Berewici concefla Radulpho Grey. Membrana 4. De conftituendo Ricarduni comitem Sariim cuftodem marchlarum fegni Angliatj verfus Scotiam cum poteftate concedeudi literas falvi cou- dudus. M E M B ran A 3. De recipiendo facramenta gardianorum marchlarum verfus Scotiam. RoTULUs Scotia, de Annis 23, 24, & 25 Henrici VI. N MEMBRANiE 9, &C. I L nifi condu£bus & protediones per totum rotulum. Membrana 7. De deliberando AlauUm Kathkart obfidem inter alios pro Jacobo rege Scotorum. RoTULUs ScoTiiE, dc Annis 26 Sc 27 Henrici VI. D MembranjE 8, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2. E falvis condudibus & protedionibus. Membrana 7. Dc falvo condudu pro Jacobo Stewart nuper marito reginae Scotiae defunda:. Membrana 4. Pro Johanne Lematon clerico ^peratioiium. 7 Membrana R O T U L I S C O T I ^. 87, Membrana I. De tra£tando cum rege Scotorum fuper guerrae abflinentia, RoTULUs ScoTiiE, de Anno 2 8 HenricI VI. Membrana 6. DE communlcando & tradando cum Jacobo rege Scotorum de pace perpetua. M E M B R A N ;E 5, 4. De falvis condu6tibus & prote^ionibus. Membranje 3, 2. De treugis inter reges Angliae & Scotiae firmatis. RoTULus Scotia, de Anno 2 9 Henrici VI. M e M B R A N ;e 6, 5, 4, "TX E falvis conduiSlibus & proteftionibus. Membrana 3. De communicando & traftando cum ambaiHatoribus regis Scotiae de attemptatis contra formam treugarum. Membrana i . De traiflando cum rege Scotia^ fuper treugis pro certo annorum numero concludendis. RoTULus Scotia, de Anno 30 Henrici VI. Membrane i i, 2, i. DE falvis condu(Slibus & proteftlonibus. Cuftodia cailri & villas Berewici, & totius Eftmarchiae verfus Sco- tiam conccfla ficnrico de Percy. Membrane 8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Dc confirmatione treugarum cum Jacobo Scotorum rege. Membrana i. De communicando & tradando cum rege Scotias fuper certis articulis manu ipfuis regis fignatis. R o T u L u g 239- R O T U L I SCOTIA RoTu Lu s ScoTi .E, dc Aiino 31 Hcnrici VI. Membrante 13, 12, II, 6, 4, 3. "PV E falvis conduclibus & protcdlionibus. MeMBRANA II. Pro Willielmo Novell domino do Faucombcrgc & Radulpho Gray milite, de mille llbils fibi concelfis tempore treugarum & duobus mili- bus llbrarum tempore guerras pro cuilodia caftri de Rokefburgh. De tradando cum rege Scotorum. M-E M B R A N JE 10, 9, 8, 7. De confirmatione treugarum. M E M B R A N A 5 . De deliberando Maleclum comltem de Menteth (unum obfidum pro finantia Jacobi niiper regis Scotia;) a caftro de Pountfret. j\I E M B R A N ;e 2, I. Pro Henrico Percy domino de Ponyngg. RoTULus Scot IE, de Annis 32, 33, 34. Henrici VI. Mej^ibran.^ 6, 4, 3, 2. DE falvis condudlibus & protcdionibus. Rex conftitult Ricardum comitem Sarum & Ricardum comitem \\ arriwici cuftodcs generales marchiarum verfus partes Scotias. Membrana I. Ad regem Scotiae epiftola minans. D RoTULUS Scotia, de Annis 35 & 36 Flenrici VI, Membrana 14. E confirmatione treugarum. Membrana 10. De conftitucndo Henricum Percy comitem NorthumbriiE cuftodem Eftmarchiae verfus Scotiain. Membrane R O T U L I S C O T I y^. ^^ Membrane 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 2. De falvis condudlibus & protedionibus. Membrana 8. De traclando cum Scotis de treugis. Membrane 6, 3. De falvo condudu fadlo fuper treugis. -j Membrana 3. De reformatione treugarum. Membrana r . De attemptatls contra formam treugarum reformandls. RoTULUs Scot I. E, de Anno 37 Henrici VI.. Membrana 6, 5, 4, 2, i. E protedlioiiibus & falvis coududllbus. Membrane 3, 2. De communlcando & tradando cum ambafliatorlbus regis Scotoruilt de 6c fuper treugis. De attemptatls contra formam treugarum reformandls. RoTULUs ScoTiiE, de Anno 38 Henrici VI. M RMBR A N7E 8, J, 6. "1"^ E confirmatione treugarum inter Angll^e & Scotiic reges. Membrana 5. De pecunia folvenda Willielmo Nevill domino de Faucomberge pro- Guflodia callri de.^^okeiburgh.- Membrana 3, i. De falvis condu6tlbus. Membrana 2. De conftituendo Johannem de Clifford dominum de Clifford' & de^ Weftmerland cuftodcm Wsflmarchiarum verfus Scotiam. Membrana i , De tradlando cum rcge Scotorum fuper treugis* N U. R-O T'U L u s. ,j^ p. O T U L I S C O T I ^. RoTULUs Scotia, dc Anno 49 Hcnrici VI. M E M B R A N A 3. DE conftituendo Johannem marchionetn de Montague cuftodem Ertmarchiarum verfvis partes Scotiae. M E M B R A N /"E 2, I. De falv'is conduflibus. RoTULUs ScoTi.£, ab Anno i ufque ii Edwardi IV. Membra n a 26. RE X comaiifit cuftodiam de la Eftmarche verfus Scotiam Roberto Ogle. Rex conftituit Jacobum comitem de Douglas & alios ad tradlandum cum johaiine comitc de Rolle, &c. MEMBRANi£ 25, 1 4, 12, 9, 7, 4., 3. De communlcando luper treugis cum ambaliiatoribus regis Scotia. De falvis condudibus. M E M B R A N A 24. De conftituendo Ricardum comitem Warriwici cuftodem marchiarum Scotice. Membran/e 23, 16. De treugis concludendis cum rcge Scotis. M E M B R A N A 22. De condudu pro Clarcnfeux uno heraldorum ad arma. M E M B R A N iE 20, I7, I4, I3, 12, II, ID, 8, 5. De falvis condu6tibus. Mem b r A n A 19. Johannes Nevill de Mountague cuftos Eftmarchiauim in dominio ScotiE. Membrana 18. De treugis appundtuatis inter regem & comitem do Rofle dominum de lez oute ifles. In EngUjb. Membrana R O T U L 1 S C O T I iE. 2^3 Membrana 15. De falvo condiidu pro Alexandra principe Scotorum, diice Albaniae, comite de la Marche, & domino de Annanderdale & de Man. Membrana 13. De attemptatis contra forraam treugarum reformandis. De confirmatlone treugarum inter reges Anglia & Scotise. Membrana 9. De fponfalibus concludendis inter Jacobum regem Scoto'rum & all- quam perfonam de ligeis regis Anglix. Membrana 6. Treuga cum Jacobo rege Scotorum. Meaibran/e 3 & I. Comes Northumbrize cuflos de Eflmarchia & Midelemarchia verfus Scotiam» Membrana 2. Dux GlouceftriiE cuftos Weftmarchiarum verfus Scotiam. RoTULus ScoTi-iE, ab Anno ii ufque 17 Edwardi I:V, P Membrana 24. R O comite Northumbriae de pecunia fibi folvenda. De falva gardia pro epifcopo Glafcuenfis & aliis.. Membrante 23, 22, 20, 19, 16, 15, 12. De communicando & tradando cum rege Scotorum de pace, &c. Membrane 21, 18, 17, 15, 14, 13, la, 10, 4, 3, 2, i.s De falvis conduftibus & protedlionibus.. Membrana 17. De confirmatlone treugarum cum rege Scotorum; Me mbr an a II.. De matrimonlo contrahendo inter Jacobum filium unicum & hxredem. regis Scotias, filiamque regis Edwardi minorem Ceciliam. Me m b r a n a 9. Xreuge inter Angli« & Scotias reges. In Englijly. N-.U.2. MXMDRANAv 2S4 11 o -f u L I s c o T I .t:. Membrana 5. Comes Notthumbrtai cuftos de Ic Ellniarch & Middelmarch In do- minio Scotia.'. M E M B R A N y-E 4 6c 3. De tra6lando & coinmunlcando cum commiflionarils regis Scotorum pro le Fifhgaith de iliko & de jure pifcandl in Riparla de Elke. Me-m b r a n a 2. De falvo condudu pro roge Scotorum venlendo in regnum AnglirC, &c. Membrana i . Liccntia conceffa duel Albania? fratri regis Scotorum ad emendimi eertos arcus Anglicauos longos pro iuis jocis & ludis. D RoTULus ScoTiTE, dc Anno 22 Edwardi IV, Membrana 8.. E protedtione. Membrane 7, 5. De falvo condud:u pro rege Scotorum. Membrana 6. De communicando & traftando cum rege Scotorum de matrimonio inter Margaretam fororera-germanam cjufdem regis & Antonium co- mitem de Ryvers dominum de Scales. Membrana 4. De falvo conduQu pro domina Margareta forore-gcrmana regis Sco- torum, Membrana 3. Ricardus Jux Clouceftriie locum-tenens regis generalis ad regeQi jScotorum devincendum & expugnandum. M E M B R AN iE 2, I. De confirmatione cartarum conceflarum burgenfibus burgi de Bere- wico fuper Twedam. TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM INTER REGES ANGLI.E ET SCOTIA, CONVEN- TIONES, LITERiE, PLACrEA, VARIAQUE INSTRUMENTA ALIA, REGNUM SCOTIA TANGENTIA; in ea Parte SCACCARII DOMI- NI REGIS ANGHiE, quze vocata eft DOMUS CA- PITUL ARIS infra ABB ATIAM WESTMONASTE- RIENSEM, repofita. Et regnante Jacobo Primo rege, per ARTHURUM AGARDE ex Deputatis Camerari- orum in recepta didi Scaccarii, in ordine redada. 1 I [ 28Z J TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM, &c. De Tempore Regis EdwardI Confeflbris. HOMAGIUMJz// mtituJatur] Malcolm! regis Sco(:1;e & Edward! filii primogeniti fui, fadum Edwardo Confefibri regi AngliiE, pro regno Scotia^. In pyxide per fe. Inftrumentum hoc dare pleudographia ejly & manu recentiorh £evi indubitanter fa-'ipta. A. D De Tempore Ricardi I. 1189. Litera regis Ricardi Primi, de redditioue caftrorum de Rokf- burgh & de Berwick, & de reftitutione omnium libertatum quas habuerunt reges Scotls ante captionem regis Willielmi ; & de Uteris reftltutis & reilituendis, fi qus fuerint Inveiitae ; & quod literae invenfae & non reftitutae. — Omnino non valeant. — Dat. 5 Decembris, i Ric. I. 1193. Litera Ricardi Primi, Anglian regis, de feodo praeflando regi Scotije, in condudlu fuo, & pro liberationibus ei duplicandis & allocandis dum moram traxerit in curia regis, &c. — 1 7 Aprilis, 5 Ric. I. De Tempore R. Johannis. 1216. Exemplar bulla2 Honorii tertli papa?, regi Willielmo Scotia; mifla?, quod non adheret regi Francix contra regem Angliaa dominum fuum fuperiorem. De Tempore Henricf III. 1217. Tenor bulla; Honorii tertli papje, fuper declaratlone reguo Scotiic, re-perta; In regiftro didi papa;. — j Hen. Ill, 3 121S. 288 TRACTATUS PAClS ET TREUGARUM. 12 1 8. Bulla mifla cpifcopo Nonvici, quod confirmet vcl infermet coii- ventiones fadtas inter regem Scotias & regem Anglia?, prout me- lius viderit expedire. — Dat. 4 Novembris, 2 Hen. III. 1232. Bulla Gregorii papic noni, mifla epifcopo Elieiiii ad inquirendum fuper temporalibu3 & fpiritualibus capellanorum regiorum — Dat. 13 Augurti, 17 Hen. III. 1234. Bulla Gregorii papas noni, per quam confirmat & roborat compo- litionem fa^tam inter regem Angliae & regem Scotiae. — Dat. 2 Januarii, 19 Hen. III. 1235. Quod rex Scotia; obfervet pacem faflam inter regem Henricum & Willielmum regem Scotiae. — Dat. 2 Januarii, 20 Hen. III. 1335. Bulla Gregorii papir: noni quahortatur regem Scotias quod cum fit Jjomo regis Anglia: ei ndeliter teneat. — Dat. 5 Maii, 20 Hen. II L. 1236. Bulla Gregorii papas noni, de abfolutione juramenti regis Hen- rici tertii, fafti in coronatione improvide, de his quae funt in dero- gatione coronit {\ix. — Dat. 2 Julii, 21 Hen. IIL 1238. Bulla Gregorii papas noni, prelatis Anglis, quod inducant regera Henricum tertlum ad revocandum alienationes quas fecit in pre-r .( jbdicium fedis Romanse. — Dat. 10 Martii, 23 Hen. III. 124;. Charta regis Henrici tertii, fa£ta Alexandre regi Scotiae, de maneriis de Longwathby, & de quadriginta libratis terrae ^n h )t;p ;.Peureth. — Dat. 22 Aprilis, 26 Hen. III. 12'57.. Bulla Alexandri papiE.quartL, mifla regi Scotia;, de fubfidio ha- bendo in Scotia, i^ de redemptionibus votorum, & aliis colli- gendis ad opus regis Angli-^. — ^Dat 4 Januarii, 42 Hen. III. y. H(tc decern injirumenta precedential cum Jcripto regis yobamiis^, repmuntiir in pyxide perfe. Dc Tempore Edwardi L 1278. Manipuhis'pdrvi>rum rvtuJorum tangentium hoinagium rcgum Sc~clict (5 vidualiim pro cajiello de Puce 11. — Dat. anno 6 Edw. I. 1278. Litera regis Anglian, quod non vertetur in prejudicium regis Sco- tiae quod homagii fui rcccptio tuit prorogata de Tukill)ury ufque London. — Dat. 13 Odobrjs, 6 Edw. I. J 283. Obligatio nobilium & rtiagnatum rcgni Scotiic, per quam obli- gant le ad recipiendum dominam Margaretam filiam filiic domini Alexandri regis Scotia?, genitam dc domino Erico rege Norwngi*,- in dominam lliam & redlam ha;rcdcm regni Scoti'o;, 6c ad manute- 4^. ncnduui. TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. 589 13 88. 1290. 1290. 1290. nendtimprolemlegitimam ex ea defcendendam, cafu quo contigerit, di6lum dominum Alexandrum regem fine filio aut filia de corpora fuo legitime procreat : moriturum. — Sub 34 figillis, — Dat. 5 Fe- bruarii, 1 1 Edw. I. Litera abbatis San6ta2 Crucis de Edenburgh, de juramento fide- litatis preftito domino Johanni de Kingfton, ex parte regis Anoli^. Data in Craftino Epiphanis. Hcec tria injirumenta repomintur infacculo perfe. The certificates of fundry abbies and cathedral churches, teflify- ing the homages done by fundry kings of Scotland to the kings of England for the realm of Scotland, viz. On Norwich, Gloucefter, Lantony, Burton, Croyland, Carlile, Worcefter^ Feverfham, Bath, St. Alban's in Hertfordshire, as is fuppofed. One more, the name un- known. Bridlington, Malmefbury, • Teufkfbury, Santry, St. Mary's in York, Huntingdon, Newburgh, Sarum, Waltham, Reading, Battel, Dover, Evefham, Canterbury, I'hefe are in a box intitled^ Certificates out of Regifters. Suffer entia conceffa Scotts per concordiamfaB-am inter reges Francia & Anglic per commijjionarios apud Amyres. — Dat. 1 9 Edw. I. Originalis rotulus petitionis & placiti Roberti Bruce, pro jure fuo regno Scotiae-, contra Johannem dc Balliolo ; cum alle- gationibus & refponfionibus. 19 Edw. I. Allegaciones Johaiuiis de Balliolo contra Robertum de Bruce. 19 Edw. I. Appellaciones feptem competitorum rcgni Scotia;. — Dat. 19 Edw. 1. AUocatio de 6 s. 8d. per diem, cuflodi figilli Scotix.— Dnt. 18 Augufti, 19 Edw. I. O o TIic 290 TRACTATU5 PACIS ET TREUGARUM. The compromlfc, or fubmiflion of the twelve coinpetltors for the crown of Scotland ii\to the hands of kuig Edward their fo- verelgn lord. — Dated 9 July, 19 Edw. I. Litera domini regis llib figillo fcaccarii fui milTa decano Sc ca- pellano Eboraci iliper rccdgnitione fuperioritatis dominii regni Scotia; — murlbus corrofa. — Dat. 19 Edw. I. Hac fix injirumcnta preccdentia reponimtiir in una pyxide. Divcrfiu penlioncs & annultates foluta? per breve regis Edwnrdi Priuii llib ligillo regni llii Scotiie de annis 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. In pyxide iit fupra infcripta. Magnus rotulus Scotise in quo totus proceflus compctitoruni regni ScotiiE continetur, ab initio petitionuci ulque ad lentcntias Edwardi primi regis. 20 Edw. I. I 29 1. Duplicamcntum cjufdem. 20 Edw. I. Dcclaratio juris regis ad fiiperioritatem regni Scotia; per publi- cum notarium. 20 Edw. I. 21 inftrumenta publica tangentia fidelitates plurimorum Sco- torum & petitiones competitorum, &c. 20 Edw. I. 1 29 1. Tres fchcdulic tacientes mcntionem do bullis, cartis, oc aliis nie- morandis inventis in thclauro regis Scotia; apud Edinburgh. 20 Edw. I. H(XC qiiinque injlriimenta reponuntur in pyxide piSta. Conceflio competitorum regni Scotix' Edwardo Primo regt Anglia; facia, ablolutic regni- polVeliionis, donee qua^ftio juris de- terminata fuerit. — Sub 9 figillis. 20 Edw. I. Submiflio competitorum regni Scotia;, juris eorum Edwardo Primo tanquam luperiori domino regni Scotia;. — Sub 9 figillis. 20 Edw. I. 1291. Litera magnatum ScotroD & Anglix teftimonialis, de proteftationc regis Edwardi, quod litera; quas ipfe rex fecit magnatibus Sco- tiie, quod procelfus placitorum petentium jus in regno Scotia?, detcrminari dcbeat hac vice infra regnum Scotiae, non erit aliter prejudicialis ipfi regno; quin poffit alias extra regnum illud, in Anglia vel alibi quo libi placuerit, in limili cafu facere quod fibi placuerit vol dcbebit, ficut fuperior dominus Scotia^ — Sub 9 fiojllis. 20 Edw. L Hctc tria injirumcnta infacaiio inclufa reponuntur in pi^ a pyxide. Bacramcntum TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM, 291 Sacramcntiim preftitiim per Donalchim de infiiUs & Alexandmtn Jil'vum ejjis,' quod fide liter J e gercnt '■cerfus Edwardum Primiim rc^em Anglic, pro injulariim cujtodia. — Sub f.gilh corum. — Dat. 29 Dc- cemtris, 20 Edw. I. 1 29 1. ShnUiler /ilexander de Agar'tihell dominiis de Lorum & Alexander de IJlcs,fi'ius Anrgu fi.lii Donevauldi, facramentum prcftiterunt dc Je fideiitcr, of. — De eodem dat. 20 Edw. I. 1 291. Indent ura de evident lis jocalibus c? e.'iis inventis in caflro de Eden- bur gh 23 AugitjU & illinc defer tis ufque Bereicick. 20 Edw. I. 1 29 I, SiibmrJJio omrnutn petentium jus in regno Scot ice., ad fiandum judicio regis Edwardi Primi ut Juperioris Jiii; & inde concedunt diSfo regi* Jeifinam de terra Gf cq/iris totiiis Scotia. — Dat. apiid Northampton, 21 Edw. I. I 20 I . Exemplar ejufdem, fubfigillo regis Edwardi 'mijlaii priori de Ely ad cujiodiendum. — Dat. 9 "JuUi, 21 Edw. I. 1292. Litera magnatum de partibus Anolia; & Scotiae, auditorum ju- rium & placitorum petentium jus in regno Scotia?, teilimonlalis, quod fatis oftenfum fuit & prolatum, atque dictum per Robertum de Bruce ex una parte, & Johannem de Balliolo ex altera parte, quod rex Edwardus procedere poterit ad faciendum judicium inter eos. — Sub 108 figlUis.— -Dat. 21 Edw. I. 1292. Indentura faifla inter diftum Edwardum regem Anglic fuperi- orem dominum regni Scotix', & domiaum Johannem rt-gem Scotia?, de buUis, Iciiptis, libris, rotulis compotorum vicccomi- tum & aliorum miniftrorum dictl regnl Scotite, & de aliis memo- randis inventis in caftro de Edenburgh in regno Scotia?, in manu domini regis Anglias exiftente, & liberatis per prcceptum didti regis Angli-a lettre des Gardeynes de Rojaume d'Efcoce in noum de Johan de Balliolo. Hac oBo injlrwnenta fojieriorajimul ligcintur, & repofita funt in cijia piSla. 1300. Litera magnatum Angliae fub figillis eorum miHa Bonifacio papx pro fuperioritate regis Anglias fupra regnum Scotiai. 29 Edw. I. In pyxide indorfata nt prius. 1 300. TreiigcE conccjpe regi Scot ice rogatu Philippi regis Francice. — Dat. — Novembris, 29 Edw, I. 1302. Commijjio Philippi regis Francia ad traSlandum cum regc Anglice Edicardo Prinio, tarn pro pace qiiam pro terris comitatus Albe" viarlia:. — Dat. 29 '^iinii, 31 Edw. I. Perveiance de tiavieres pour k guerre dc Efcoce, Edw. I. * Evidance TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. 295 Evidancc fait eudrolt d'acuns firmites d'Efcoce & Ics condicions d'aucuues perfones fur la venare de gents d'Efcoce a la peer le roy Edward. 32 Edw. 1. 1303. Inflrumentum publicum de recognitlone fuperiorltatis regis Ed- ward! Primi, per prelates & nobiles terrae Scotias. 32 Edw. I. 1304. De foristacluris per Scotos, eis remiffis per Edwardum Primum regem Angliae. ^^ Edw. I. 1305. Litera eplfcopi SaiKfti Andreee miffa Adomaro de A^alencia locum- tenenti regis in Scotia, affirmans & purgans le non effe culpa- bilem de morte Johannis de Camyn, & avunculi ful Roberti, nee authorem guerra^. — Dat. 9 Junil, 34 Edw. I. Inftrumentum Edwardl rcffls Scotiac de donatione & affipna- tione duarum millium libratarum terra? per annurri Edwardo rcgi Auglia:, &c. Inter cetera conceduntur caflrum & villa de Eden- burgh, villa de Barwick, & comitatus ejuldem ; & per banc cartam annexantur 'inperpetuum coronie Anglix, tanquam membra infeparabilia ejiifdem coroner. Inflrumentum publicum fuper rel'ponllim domini regis Ed- wardi fadtum cpifcopo Biblienfi, fuper adeptlone pofleflioiiis pri- oritus de Goldingham. 34 Edw. 1. Inftrumentum lub manu magill:ri Johannis de Bufhy fuper ho- magio & fidelitate domini Jacobl Senefchalli Scotiic fadto regi, quando rex reddidit fibi terras luas in Scotia apud prioratum Lauretofles. 34 Edw. I. 1305. Articuli proponendi contra epifcopum Glafguenfis, fuper con- filio, aflenfu, &c adherentia ptr ipilim fadis Roberto dc Br^icc in principle rebellionis contra regem Angliae. 34 Edw. I. Rotulus continens diverfas donationes & requifitiones de di- verfis tcrris in Scotia datis diverlis perlonis. 34 Echv. I. Nomina eorum qui feccrunt homagium regi Edwarda Primo. 34 Edw. I. The allegations which king Edward alledged touching his right of the fuperioritie of Scotland. 34 Edw. I. Inflrumentum de fidelitate facta per Jacobum Icneicalium Sco- tv<£, pro terris liiis in Scotia. — Dat. 23 Ocl. 3.4 Edw. I. 1305. Tranfcriptum confederationis h\dix inter Willielmum dc Lamb- ton epifcopum Sancli Andreas, & Robcrtum de Bruce con^iitcm de Carrlck, contra fidelltatem jiiam prius juratam & fadtam regi Anglia?. Confcfiio 296 TRACTATUS PAC13 ET TREUGARUM. Confeflio WlUielmi de Lambton epifcopi ^anfti Andreac, fuper fidclitate & jurameuto prertito regl Aiiglia?, ac etiam confeliio difti epifcopi de confederatione inter iplum & Robemim Bruce comitem de Carrick, & de aliis per ipllim exercitatis cum di(flo Roberto Bruce contra regem Anglic. Hisc qiiatuordecim tnjlrumcnta Jimul ligantur & depofita funt in piSla pyxide. Ordinationes regije pro reformatlone monetae in Scotia ; ordi- nationes punicndi pedites 5c centinarios ele inaneat obks, &c. — Dat. 20 Alartii, 2 Hen. VI. Indentura pro dtliberatione diverfarum cartarum, obligationum, & aliarum tangentium redemptionem dicti regis Scotia^, in the- lauro regis. — Dat. 14 Maii, 2 Hen. VI. Commiflio gubernatoris regni Scotiae facta WillieLmo Glafco- iiieiifis epifcopo, &a]iis, ad tradandum cum quibufdam commif- lionariis regis AngliiE, dc & fujjer liberatione Jacobi regis Scotia. —Dat- 19 Aiigufti, 2 Hen. VI. H(Vcfexfimul ligantw. TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. 307 1423. Indentura fa6la inter Londini G? Dimelmnenjis epifcopos, commif- Jionarios regis Anglue ex una parte, Qf Robertiim Hilton riceconii- tern Eboraci, fuper liberatione ohfidum faSia eide?n vicecomiti. — Dat. 24 Martii, 2 Hen. VI. 1424. Indentura fadia fubJiglUo Jacobi regis Scotorum, de treugis genera- libus tarn per t err am qiiam per marc, diiraturis per feptemiium con- cordatis inter ipfiim regem & commijjionarios regis Anglicc. — Dat. J Apr His, 3 Heii. VJ. Indentura fub fecreto figillo Jacobi regis Scotorum fadta in Anglia, fuper traditione obfidum, obligationum, & juramenti fui preftacione.— Dat. 8 Mail, 3 Hen. VI. Obligatio Jacobi regis facta in Anglia de 11,000 libris. — Dat. 8 Martii, 3 Hen. VI. Indentura facia fub fecreto figillo regis ScotoiTim in Anglia, fuper treugis generalibus & per terram & per mare, duraturis per leptenniuni concordatis inter ipfum Scotorum regem & commif- fionarios regis Angliae. — Dat. 28 Martii, 3 Hen. VI. Litera Walteri Steward fuper conceniu iuo quod filius fuus re- maneat obfes. — Dat. 28 Martii, 3 Hen. VI. Litera W^illielmi de Hay fuper concenfu fuo quod filius fuua remaneat obfes. — Dat. 31 Martii, 3 Hen. VI. Litera obfidum fub eorum figillis teflimonialibus fuper eorum juramento. — Dat. 28 Martii, 3 Hen. VI. Litera Andres Gray fuper concenfu fuo quod filius fuus rema- neat obfes,— Dat. 28 Martii, 3 Hen. VI. Obligatio Jacobi regis Scotorum fub magno figillo ejus, de 40,000 1. fub conditione quodfohet 1 0,000 marcas annuatim, quoufque diSIa fiimma 40,000 l.folveretur. — Dat. 5 Aprilis, 3 Hen. VI. Liter a cotfiiinatoria diclce obligationis, Jub magno figillo ejus, in qua patet quod burgenjh de Edinburgh maniiccperu'it pro prcdiSlis dcna^ riisfolvcndis. — Dat. ut Jupra, 3 Hen. VI. 1428. Rex Henricus Sextus cog?iofcit per duas acqtcietantias fub magno figillo juo J'e recepiffe de fccobo rege Ecoti(t 1 500 jnille marcarum in parte folutionis majoris fummce . — Dat. 2 Decembris, 7 Hen. VI. An indenture of a truce for five years betwixt king James and king Henry the Sixth. — Dated 15th December, 9 Hon. VI. 1429. A peace concluded for the governing tlie marches betwixt Eng- land and Scotland, by commilfioners on both parts. — Dated 1 2th July, 8 Hen. VI. Q^q 2 Concordia 3o8 TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. Concordia coackifa per commiffionarios pro gubernatione mar- chiarum. — Dat. i 2 Julii, 8 Hen. VI. 14:^0. Fafciculus conventionum faclarmn per indeturas inter didum re- p-em HenricLim Scxtumi &c plurimos nobilium pro cuflodia villae Berwici & aliorum fortilitium una cum marchiis verfus Scotiam. — 9 Hen, VI. Hi:rc undccim Inftriimsnta ultima quorum tituli, Litcris Romanis imprelii Hint, JJmul /iga?itur. 1434. Salvus condnctiis Jacobi regis Scotius fadus Johanni Harding. — Dat. 10 Martii, 13 Hen. VI. 1434. Commifjio regis Scotonun de treugis prorogandis iiiter ipfum & Hen- rlcum regeni AngUse. — Dat. 24 Novembris, i 3 Hen. VI. 1435. A commiilion from the King of Scots to the Lord Gourdon and others, to entreat of and conclude a peace. — Dated the lail of November, 16 Hen. VI. 143S. An indenture of Truce for ten years betwixt King Henry the Sixth and James king of Scots — Dated 31ft March, 17 Hen. VI. A prorogation of a truce betwixt king Henry the Sixth and James king of Scots. — Dated 28th Augufl, 16 Hen. VI. Protcftatio quod nihil procedatur contra jus regis Anglia; ad fuperioritatem regni Scotios. — Dat. 7 Septembris, 28 Plen. VI, 1443. CommiJJio regis Henrici Sexti facia domhio Roberto Ryden G? Ed- ■wardo Ratcliffe arinigeris, ad tra5Ja?2dum cum commijjioyiariis "Jacobi regis Scotorum, de difcordiis componendis in k Wejlmarcbes. — Dat.. 2 Aprilis^ 21 Hen. VI. 1449. CommiJJio "Jacobi regis Scotorum faBa Alexandra Montgomery & aliis proceribiis ad traElandum cum rcge Henrico Sexto pro longatiojie treu- giirum. Jive pace coiiiponenda. — Dat. 11 Mali, 28 Hen. VI. 1449. injlrumenta de treugis & ahjiinentia belli inter Henricum Sextttm rcgern Anglii^, & Jacobum regem Scotorum. — Dat. 10 'Julii, 28 Hen. VI. 1449. A commiiTion for certain ambafladors of Scotland to treat of a peace with others deputed from the king of England. — Dated 3d November, 28 Hen. VI. A truce, with certain articles touching Berwick and the debatable Ground. — Dated 14th November, 28 \\cn. VI. Traftatus treugarum intjer Jacobum Scotiie regem & Henri- cum Sextum regem Anglix\ — Dat. 15 Novembris, 28 Hen. VI. 1450. TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUiM. 309 1450. Literae Jacobi regis Scotorum de confirmatlone treugarum inter domiiium noftrum regem Anglite Henricum Sextum 6c ipfuiu regem. — Dat. 9 Junii, 29 Hen. VI. 1 45 1. Commiflio regis Scotiae tada egifcopo Candidie cafie & aliis am- baffiatoribus fuis, ad tradlandum cum oratoribus Anglia; liiper treugis. — Dat. 27 Julii, 30 Hen. VI. Commiflio regis Scotia; fuper treugis, feu guerrarum abHinen- tiis. — Dat. 27 Julii, 30 Hen. VI. 1451. Proteftatio pro homagio regni Scotix quod nihil agatur in prcjudi- cium tituli regis Angliit ad fuperioritatem regni Scotia. — Dat. 13 Augufti, 30 Hen. VI. Alia proteftatio de non prejudicando regis titulum. — Dat. 13 Augufti, 30 Hen. VI. Indentura treugarum, &c. — Dat, 14 Augufti, 30 Hen. VI. Treug:£ originales inter Jacobum regem Scotiic & Henricum Sextum regem Anglise. — Dat. 28 Augufti, 30 Hen. VI. Literae patcntes Jacobi regis Scotiit de poteftate commifla com- miflionariis ftiis pro treugis, &c. — Dat. 28 Aprilis, 31 Hen. VI. 1453. Iiidentura five tractatus de treuga inter Henricum comitem Saruni & alios ex parte domini regis Henri Sexti, & Jacobum comi- tem Douglas, &c. — Dat. apud Weftmonafterium, 23 Maii,. 32 Hen. VL Inftrumentum teftificans compofitionem fa(flim per commif- fionarios pro gubernatione tcrrarum lltigiolarum \oc-i\.t,\xura Eatable Lands. — Dat. 23 Maii, 32 Hen. VI. LiiCpcS patentes regis Scotorum de treugis captis, datae 5 julii & deliberatis domino thefaurario in conlilium apud Weftmouafte-' rium, 15 die Oftobris, 32 Hen. VI. J 45 7. Treiigix fa5lce apud Coventree inter Angliam & Scotiam tempore regis Henrici Sexti nuper dcjacio & non de jure, — Dat. 1 1 yunii, 36 Hen. VI. 1457. Iflfi^'^i'f^^'^i^ de treuga prociiranda inter 'Jacobiun regem Scot ice & Henricum Sextum regem Anglue, fuper articuUs inclujis de quibus antea traolabatur inter commijjionarios. Dat. 6 Angujli, 36 Hen. VI. 1457. -^^ indenture between John Talbot Earl of Shrewfbury, trca- furer of ICngland, and John Harding of Kime, concerning the delivery of certain Records. Dated i5tli November, 36 Hen. VL 1457- 3IO. TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. 1457. Prorogatio treiigarum habitarum inter Jacobum regem Scotiac & Edwardum Quartum regem Angliac.— Dat. ultimo Decembris, 36 Hen. VI. N. B. T^he lajl twenty-one injlninrents bcfore-mentkncd, ivhofe titles are here printed in Roman letter, are tied up together^ and thoje lohofe titles are printed in Italics are kept feparate. All the injlriiments of the times of king Henry the Sixth are in one boXy and put into a buckram bag together with thofe of t he- kings Henry the Fourth, Henry the Fifth, and Edward the- Fourths Dc Tempore Edwardi IV. 1464. Commiffio 'Jacobi regis Scotia facia de treugis ficndis inter ipfum G? Fdwardum ^artum regem Anglic?. — Dat. 1 1 Aprilis, 5 Edw. IV. 1464. Indentura fiib quinque figillis comjuifjionariorum dicii Jacobi regis Scotice de treiiga inter ipfum & Edwardum ^lartwn. — Dat. i Junii,. 5 Edw. IV. 1465. An indenture of truce between King Edward of England and James of Scotland, yr///V^/, prorogatio trcugarum. — Dated 12th December, 5 Edw. IV. Procuratorium Jacobl regis Scotia; commifilonarLis fuis ad trac- tandum cum commiffionariis Edwardi Quarfi, pro pace, anno Jacobi Sexto (/. e.) prope annum Domini 1465. 1470. U endenture du Henry Percy flz du conte de Northumberland, pur les fane guard de les Eflniarches vers I'Efcoce, 10 Edw. IV. 147^, Commiffio Jacobi regis Scotia; fad:a oratoribus luis ad tractandum cum oratoribus Edwardi Quarti Angliie regis fuper treugis & guerrarum abflinentiis. — Dat. 25 Martii, 14 Edw. IV. A commiffion for certain commiliioners to treat of truce. — Dated loth September, 14 Edw. IV. A truce concluded betwixt the governors of Scotland in the name of James king of Scots, and Edward the Fourth, ex parte Scotorum. — Dated 28th September, I4£dw. IV- 1474. Relaxatio five acquietantia Jacobi regis Scotorum pro navi dirupta per naufragiumy vocata La Sal v a tor. — Dat. 25 Ot'tobris, 15 Edw. IV. 1474. TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. 311 1474. Inftrumentum fuper Ipoufalibus dominje Cecilize filisc regis Ed- ward! Quart! regis Anglias, & Jacobum filium unicum Jacobi regis Scotias. — D?.t. 27 Odobris, 15 Edw. IV. 1474. Corijirviatio alUgantiariim & treugaruin fadla per 'jacobum regem Scotice. — Dat. 5 Novembris, 1 5 Edw. IV. J4JF4. Obligatio regis ScotiiE fuper refolucione omnium preccptorum pro matrimonio domina^ Cecilia filine regis, cafu quo matrimonium Iperatum non fortiat efFedum. — Dat. 5 Novembris, 15 Edw. IV. Litera falvi condu£lus ad 40 homines ex parte regis ScotiiE conceiTos, qui attulerint ad Edenburgh pecuniam folvendam pro ■dote Ceciliai filite regis Edwardi Quarti cum Jacobo primogenito regis Scotiiie — Dat. 16 Januarii, 15 Edw. IV. Litera acquietantiae regis Scotiaj pro prima folutione dotls Ce- ciliie de 2000 mercis. — Dat. 3 Februarii, r 5 Edw. IV. •Y475. Litera fecunda acquietantiae Jacobi regis Scotice pro receptione 2000 mercaruni datarum in parte folutionis 20,000 marcarum pro maritagio Cecilia filia; regis Edwardi Quarti cum Jacobo primo- genito didi regis Scotia;. — Dat. 3 Februarii, 16 Edw. IV. 1476. Acquietantia Jacobi regis Scoti;? pro receptione 2000 mercarum, &c. pro dote Cecilise fili^ regis Anglias Edwardi Quarti. — Dat. 3 Februarii, 17 Edw. IV. 1477. Litera acquietantiae regis Scotias pro receptione mille mercarum dat. in parte Iblutlonis 20,000 mercarum pro maritagio Cecilia; filiae regis Edwardi Quarti cum Jacobo primogenito didi regis Scotije. — D-at. 3 Februarii, 18 Edw. IV. An exemplification of certain letters concerning the marriage of the young king of Scots and Cecil daughter of king Edward the Fourth. — Dated nth Odober, 19 Edw. IV. 1462. King Ed-mar d the Fourth appoint eth Garter King at Arms and Nor- thumberland Herault to redcmand certmnjiuns of mo'^.ey dijburfed to fames king of the Scots^ upon a promife of marriage betioixt the J'aid fames and C'celie the daughte'^ ^f king Ed-ivard the Fourth, becaufe that Edward mijliketh the match. — Dated i 2 October , 23 Edw. IV. 3482. An inflrumcnt of rcqueft made by Gartor King at Arms for pay- ment of certain Sums of money to king Edward, In caie oi refulal of marriage to be made between the Jady Cecily and the Scottifh king's Ion. — Dated 27 Odober, 23 Edw. IV. Commiilio Alexandri duels Albaniie conlimilis in papiro .eidan aiMiexo. — Dat. 12 Januarii, 2 j Edw. IV, Cjonfedcratio 312 TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. - Confcderatio contra Jacobum regem Scotije facia inter Ed- wardum Quartum 6c Alexandrum clamantem fc efle regem Sco- tlic. — Dat. II Februarii, 23 Edw. IV. Trie wftrumenta co'ijhnilia. Manipulus acquictantlarum Jacob! regis Scotorum pro recep- tione divcrfaruni fummarum pecuniae folutarum pro dote Cecilia^ lilia; Edwardi Quartl regis, ac dc modo lalvi condudlus didffi pe- cuniae fiendo, cum inftrudionibus, &c. in papiro. Manipulus mcniorandorum. All the itijlrii III cuts of king Edward the Fourth's time, lohofe titles arc printed in Roman letter are contained in one box, and piJt into a buckram bag with thoje oj kings Henry the Fourth, Henry the Fifth, and Henry the Sixth. De Tempore Ricardi III. 14S4. Comniiflio Jacobi regis Scotiic fupcr fponfalibus & matrimonio inter lacobum ejus tilium primogenitum, & dominam Annam nepotem dicli regis Anglia', filiam unicam Johannis ducis Suffolcias. — Dat. 29 Augufti, 2 Ric III. A truce for tliree years betwixt king Richard the Third and James king of Scots, whereby it appeareth that Dunbar was Engliih.— Dated the laft of Augufl:, 2 Ric. III. 1484. Commiflio Jacobi regis Scotorum pro treugis&pace habendacum Ricardo Tertio rege Anghte. — Dat. ultimo Augufti, 2 Ric. III. A truce upon the commiflion of marriage betwixt the duke of Suftblk's daughter and the prince of Scotland. — Dated 2 1 Sep- tember, 2 Ric. III. Covenants for abflinence from war by the Englifh and Scotifh, concluded at Nottingham, for the conducft of the Marches. — Dated 22 September, 2 Ric. III. Covenants for a place and time of meeting for a truce. — Dated 22 September, 2 Ric. III. Ratificatio treugarum'tricnnalium facia per regem Sc torum, liberata in receptum domini Ricardi Tertii, apud W^eiimonafle- rium. — 21 Oftobris, 2 Ric. III. An anfwcr touching the meeting of the earl of Oxford in Scotland. 2 Ric. HI. 7 ^/ TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. 313 All the injlruv.mts of the time of king Richard the third are in one box, and pit into a buckram bag with thofe of king Henry the Seventh. De Tempore Henrici VII. i486. An anfwer of refufal to the king of England, touching his advice to remove the duke of Albany from the govcrnorfl-iip of the young- king of Scots, fealed witli the feals of the chiefs of Scotland. — Dated 3 July, i Hen. VII. i486. Commifio Jacobi regis Scotice de traElatu treugarum inter ipfian (3 Henricum Septimum regem Angli(X. — T>at 6 Mali, 2 Hen. VII. i486. Confirmatio pacis inter Henricum Septimum regem Anglia; & Jacobum Scotiae regem. — Dat. 3 Julii, i Hen. VII. Tra£l:atus pacis 6c amicitias fa6tus per oratores Jacobi regis Sco- torum & commiflionarios regis Henrici Septimi. — Dat. 24 0(fto- bris, I Hen. VII. 1487. Tradlatus pacis cum abftinentia guernc Inter Jacobum Scotorum regem & Henricum Septimum regem Angliae. — Dat. 28 Novem- bris, 2 Hen. VII. Qucddam fcriptum de abflinentia guerras Inter Henricum Septi- mum & Jacobum regem Scotia;, Dat. iSMartii, 6 Hen. VII. 149 1. The lord Bothwell and Sir Thomas Todd's promife to deliver to king Henry the Seventh the young king of Scots, for which they acknowledge to have received 166 /. 13 J. 4 d. — Dated 17th April, 6 Hen, VII. 1491. Articles agreed upon betwixt Sir John Cheney and Sir Thomas Tyler, knights, for king Henry the Seventh, and Archibald Douglas Earl of Angus, and George his fin, offenjive and defenfive. — Dated the \6th November, 7 Hen. VII. 1492. Procuretorium Jacobi regis Scotiae factum commlffionarlls fuis ad tradlandum cum ambafliatoribus regis Henrici Septimi de treugis & pace fra£lis. — Dat. 7 Odobris, 7 Hen. VII. Articuli conclufi per ambaffiatores utriufque regis Angliic & Scotias llgnati per ipfos de Scotia, 3 Novembris, 7 Hen. VII. Thcfe feven lajl-mentioned Injlrumcnts, ivhqfe titles are printed in Roman letter, are tied together; but thofe ivhofe titles are printed in Italic are feparate. R 1- 1493- 3'4 TRACTATUS PACTS ET TREUGARUM. 1493. ^'^ William Tyler's Bond to pay to the abbot of Ambutlcneth the Sum of 50 1. — Dated 25th June, 8 Hen, VII. Traaatus pacis longiorii inter Jacobum Scotorum rcgem & Henricum Scptimum Angliic regent — Dat. 20 Julii, 8 Hen. VII. 1492. Jacobus rex Scotia; fatetur fe rcccpilTe ab Henrico Septimo 1000 marcas in fatisfaftlone omnium attcmptatuum factarum fuper I'ubtHtos fuos, tarn per mare quam rcr terram. — Dat. ultima Julii^ 8 Hen. VII. A Hud cjufdcm. Commilho Henrici Septimi regis AnghiE ambafliatoribas fuis ad travflandum, cum commiiiionariis regis Scotia: de treugis & abftinentia guerrze. — Dat. 22 Augufti, 12 Hen. VII. 1497. Ratificatio tradlatus fafti apud Aylon inter oratores potcntiflimo- rum, Anglic & Francias regum & lerenliriml Scotiae regis, &c. fub ligillo Jacobi regis Scoiae. — Dat. 10 Fcbruarii, 12 Hen. VII. 1499. Ratificatio travStatus facli apud Striveling. — Dat. 20 Julii, i5Hen. VII. J 500. Bulla Alcxaudri papae Sexti fuper difpenfatione matrimonii Mar- garetae filiae regis Henrici Septimi cum Jacobo rege Scotorum non ' obftante quod fuit uterque inter quartum gradum confanguinitatis. — Dat 5 Augufti, 16 Hen. VII. Hcec o£lofimul ligantur, 1501. yacobus rex Scotorum pr omit tit quod non requiret Margaritamfillam Henrici Septimi in matrimonio ante primum diem Septembris, anno 1 503, Jicut per commijjionarios fuos concordatiim fuit. — Dat. 2 Fe- bruarii, 17 Hen VII. J 50 1. Commiffio Jacobi regis Scotorum fuper fponfalibus & matrimo- nio contrahendo inter ipfum et ferenillimam Margaretam filiam primogenitam Henrici Septimi regis Anglias. — Dat. 2 O£lobris, 17 Hen. VII. Commiffio Jacobi regis Scotias pro pace & amicitia inter ip- fvun & Henricum Scptimum. — Dat. 8 Odobris, 17 Hen. VII. An indenture for conclufion of matrimony betwixt the lady Margaret and James king of Scots under the hands and feals of the commiiiioners of Scotland. — Dated 24 Januarii, i 7 Hen. VII. Juramcntum regis Scotiae de pace 6c amicitia obfervanda. — Dat. 22 Fcbruarii, 17 Hen. VII. 1 501. An indenture of perpetual amity between king Henry VII. and James king of Scotland, concluded by the Commiffioners on the 24th Day of January. 17 Hen. VII. Indcntura TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. -i,- Indenturapro reformatione attemptntorum (iib inanibus 6c fi^'-il- lis commliTionariorum Scotiys. — Dat. 24 Jamiarii, 17 Hen. VIJ. The king of Scots Oath fof obi'crving the Treaties of Peace, dated icth December, 17 Hen. V^II. iijoa. Confirmatio tradlatus tarn pacis qnam matrimonii, facfti per ora- tores regis ScotivE & Henrici regis Anghic, iub magno figillo regis Scoti.T.— Dat. 17 Decembris, 17 Hen. VII. Aliud ejufdem. Litera attornatis per Jacobufn Scotirt regem nomine Marga- rets reginae confortis i'uds pro allocatione attornatus di(fl;E rer-iiia-, — Dat. 26 Maii, 17 Hen. VII. Reformatio attemptatorum pro obfervatione 5c continuatione pacis 6c amicitiiE inter Jacobum regem Scotije & Henricum Sep- timum regem Angliae. — Dat. 17 Decembris, 18 Hen. VII. A letter of king James, whereby he declareth before a notary, tliat whereas in a certain treaty he has named the king of Eng- land Kmg of France, it was done unawares, and therefore revok- erh and calleth back the dime, promlling to make his Oath as to the king of England. — Dated loth of December, i 8 Hen. VII. 1502. CommitTio Jacobi regis Scotiit fadla oratoribus fuis ad conveni- endum cum Thoma Darcy mllite, capitaneo Berewici, & aliis oratoribus Henrici Septimi i"egis Angliie, fuper quibuldam capl- tulis pacis & matrimonii. — Dat. 19 Decembris, i3 Hen. VII. Allocatio quatuor attornatorum Margaret;E filix Henrici Sep- timi uxoris Jacobi regis Scoti;£ ad profequendum caufas didtas Margaretse. — Dat. 26 Maii, 18 Hen. VII. Aliud ejufdem. 1502. Quod licebit utriufquc regibus Angh^ & Scotiae articulos con- clufos per commillionarios, h m aliquo defecerint, refbrmarc. — Dat. 20 Decembris, 1 8 Hen. VII. Duplicatum juramenti Jacobi regis Scotiae. — Dat. 1 1 Augufli, 18 Hen. VII. Septemdecem precedentiajimul Ugantur. 1 503. AJJignatio doth Margaretce Scotorum regtnce nupt£ Jacobo regi Sco- tue. — Dat. 24 Mail, 19 Hen. V^II. 1503. An inftrumcnt wherein the king of Scots giveth full Power to king Henry the Seventh to augment tlie dowry afiignjd by th.^ f;;me king of Scots to his wife. — Dated the icth day of Marc'.i, 19 Hen. VII. R r 2 An 3i6 TRATATUS PACTS ET TREUGARUM. An authentic Inftrurncnt, wherein appeareth that king James in open pailiamcnt, before the three Eftates of his Reahn, de- clared himfelf to allow and ratify the Dower of Queen Margaret. — Dated the 13th Day of March, 19 Hen. VII. I ^o^. The confirmation of the dower of Queen Margaret by the whole three Eftates of the realm of Scotland, under forty-one Seals of the nobilitv, clergv, and others. — Dated 13th March, 19 Hen. VII. CommilTio ad deliberandum poffefuoncm dotis. — Dat. 26 Mali, 19 Hen. VII. Commiilio ad recipiendum & liberandum bullas confirmatorias dc amicitia Henrici Septimi regis Anglian. — Dat. ultimo die Maii, ij; Hen. VII. Sex inftrumenta in quibus teftificatur quod notar' teftificans poffeifionem de terris in Scotia appunctuatis pro dote Margarets reginre datam & deliberatam fuit commilhonariis regis Anglix ad xifum diftae regina:. — Dat. 5 Maii & i Junii, 19 Hen. VII. Confirmatio amicitiae Scotia; & Anglia-, per bullsm Alexandri Sexti pap:c, in qua recitantur articuli conventionis. — Dat. j Junii, 19 Hen. VII. Literse patentes de conhrmatione fuper affignatione dotis Mar- gareta; confortis Jacobi Scotiae regis. — Dat. 6 Junii, 19 Hen. VII. A rental of queen Margaret's jointure, amounting to 7287 /. 6.r. 4.d. yearly. — 19 Hen VII. Litera; acquietanciales Jacobi ScoticE regis faftae Henrico Sep- tlmo regi Anglii«, pro receptione decern millium aureorum nobi- lium — Dat. 10 Augufti, 19 Hen. VII. 1504. Literae acquietanciales Jacobi regis Scotix pro receptione quin- que milium marcarum promiffarum ultra dotem 30,000 1. per Henricum Septimum dat' pro honoriflca tradudlionc Margarets conjugis didi Jacobi pro jocalibus vafis aurcis, & corporis orna- mentis, &c. — Dat. 6 Aprilis, 20 Hen. \ II. 1504. An inftrumcnt for the poflellion of Kilmannock.— Dated 19th April, 20 Hen VII. King James's promife to his father-in-law King Henry the Seventh, that he will not renew the league with France, by his letter dated i 2th July, 20 Hea. VII. 1508. Quia Patricius Hamilton miles intravit rcgnum Anglis contra fcEdera inita inter rcges, captus fuit per Hugonem Vaughan, mi- litem, & detentus ut prifonarius, 6c nunc venit coram confilio rcg-s & juramento fe obllgat' le rediturum ut prifonarius, quando- cunque TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. 317 cunque placuerit regl, ipfum facere comparare. — Dat. 8 Augulti, 24 Hen. VII. Jacobus Hamilton fpopondit pro Patricio Hamilton quod fc reddet prifonarium quandocunque precepit rex juxta juramentum didi Patricii. — Dat. 13 Augulti, 24 Hen. VII. Litera mifiiva regis Scotia de agendis gratiis, & pro auticipa- tionem temporis tradiiccionis dominee Margaretae. Hcec fexdecem Jimul ligantur. N. B. All the injl rumen ts of the reign of king Henry the Se- venth are tied in a buckram bag by thejfifehes, and put into a box with thoj'e of king Richard the "Third. De Tempore Henrici VIII. 1509. A public inftrument, declaring the corporal giving of two Oaths on the behalf of king Henry the Seventh and James king of Scots, to obferve the treaty of peace betwixt them concluded in the year 1509. — Dated 29th Auguft, i Hen VIII. Forma juramenti preftiti p:r Andream epifcopum Murray no- mine Jacobi regis de obfervando pace, &c. — 1 Hen. Vlil. A ratification of a perpetual peace made by James king of Scots. — Dated 29 November, i Hen. VIII. An oath given by James king of Scots to obferve to king Henry the Eighth the perpetual peace before concluded with king Henry the Seventh. — Dated 28 November, i Hen. Vlll. 15 15. A truce for two months between James king of Scotland anxt king Henry the Eighth. — Dated 30 November, 6 Hen. VIII. Litera Jacobi Quinti Scotia regis, milla pap;K Leoni Decimo obfians quod rex Anglian non debet habere cullodiam regis infra EEtatem nee fupcrioritatein didi regni, nee ctiam difponere de bcneficiis ecclcfiafticis didi regni, durante minore a^tate regis, ScolicE — Dat. 3 Julii, 6 Hen. VIII. 15 1 6. Verbatim repetiwiur articuli fnper qiiibiis conclude batiir pax & treiiga inter Henricum OBavum & Jacobum regem Scotir, per commijjionarios fuoi ultimo die Decembris Anno 1516, Jiibjigilio regis Scotics, 8 Hen. VIII. 1516. Articles of agreement between king Henry the Eightli- and the- Duke of Albany. — Dated the 8th of January, 8 Hen. VIII. Authoriiy 3,8 TRACTATUS PACIS ET TRF.UGARUM. Authority royal given to the Duke of Albany during the mi- nority of the king, fcalcd with the feals of thirty-four of the no- bilitv. — Dated the 20th of janiiary, 8 Hen. VIII. iiiTc duo injlrnmattafimul ponuntiir in una fyxidc ferfe. I (;iy. A ratification of the abftinencc of war concluded by the carl of ofMarcli for one year to endure, having twcntv-k-ven fcals. — Dated 7th Oaobcr, 9 Hen. VIII. Certain articles of agreement between the duke of Albany, prote5latus pacis five treugas fafti Berewici, 28 Ja- nuarii, 28 Plen. VIII. Kite J'ix hzjlrumenta funt in pyxide per fe. 1533. Commifiio pro Gulielmo Aberdenenfiis epifcopo, & Adamo Ottyr- burne de Roydhall militibus, oratoribus regis Scotia^ ad regem Angliae. — Dat. 16 Februarii, 25 Hen. VIII. \^2>o- (^ommijffio "Jacobi Scotorum regis ad traclandum cum commijjionariis Henrici OSlavi regis Anglice pro treiigis. — Dat. 14 "J unit, 25 Hen. VIII. 1523. ^reuga con cor dat (t infer Henricum Oi^avnm regem Anglice & 'Ja- cobum regem Scotorum pro una anno. — Tiat. 11 O^obris^ 25 Hen. VIII. 1534. Indent lira tra^atus pacis per commijjionarios Henrici Ocfa\:i regis Anglice & Jacobi regis Scotorum faf^a Londini, 1 1 Martii, Jub duobusfigillis commiJjVj7iarioriim regis Scoti'.e. — 26 Hen. VIII. 1534. Indentura inter oratores regni Anglic & Scotiae de redeliberando cailrum five fortilitium de Edrington vocatum Cawmill in mani- bus regis ScotiiC, &: de rctineiidis et alendis in regno Anglia; do- minum Archibaldum olim comitem /Xngufia; Georgium Douglas ejus fratrem, & Archibaldum Douglas eorundem avunculum. — Dat. 12 Maii, 26 Hen. VIII. 1534. Confirmatio tracfatus pacis habiti Londini 11 Maii., inter oratores Henrici rer^is Anglice & Jacobi regis Scoticr, — Dat. ultimo die Junii, 26 Hen. VIII. 1534. Conhrmatio indentura; de fortilitio de Edrington vocato Cawmill redeliberando in manus regis Scotia?, & de alendis Archibaldum olim comitem Angufiae cum fratre & avunculo hoc in regno. — Dat. ultimo die Junii, 26 Hen. VIII. Commiflio TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. 321 Commiffio abbatis Kinlofle, omtorls regis Scods ad rceem Angliae, pro conhrmatione tradatus inter oratores eorundum rep-um conclufi, & de juramento exigciulo. — Dat. 6 Julii, 26 Hen. Vllf. I5'43. A commiirion granted to the Earl of Glincern and others, to treat of the marriage to be had between Edward prince of Wales and the queen of Scots. ^^ Hen. VIII. Another of the fame date. 1543. An inftrument touching the ranfoms of the Lord Maxwell and other Scottifh prifoners. — Dated ift July, ^^ Hcu. VIII. 1 543. The treaty of the articles upon the conclufion of jieace between the commiffioners of Mary queen of Scotland and the commiffioners of king Henry the Eighth, together with king Henry the Eighth's commilfion to treat for the marriage of prince Edward and the laid queen Mary ; under the hands and feals of the Scottifli com- miffioners. — Dated ifl July, ^^ Hen. VIII. 1543. The treaty for the conclufion of the marriage of prince Edward fon of king Henry VIII. and Mary queen of Scotland Dated 9th July, 35 Hen. VIII. 1543. Confirmatio concordatorum inter Henricum Odavum regem Angliae & Mariam Scotia; reginam, cum confenfu trium flatuuin regni Scotia; — Dat. 25 Augufti, 35 Hen. VIII. 1543. The confirmation of the articles concluded touching the mar- riage of prince Edward and Mary queen of Scots. — Dated 25tli of Auguft, 35 Hen. VIII. 1544. A commilHon for Matthew earl of Lenox and Hugh Cunning- ham, to treat with the Lord Wharton and Sir Robert Bowes, knight, upon certain articles. — Dated 8th April, 36 Hen. VIII. 1544. A commiifioa to the Earl of Lenox on the lame occafion. — Same Date. 1544. Commiffio Henrici Oiffavi regis Anglix foda domino Wharton & Roberto Bowes militi, ad tradandum & concludcndum cum oratoribus Matthau comitis Lenox fuper ccrtis articulis conccr- nentibus fecuritatem rcgnorum Angliie &c Scotia\ — Dat. 17 Maii, 36 Hen. VIII. 1544. Indentura comitis Lenox fida Henrico Odavo regl Anglia?, pro deliberatione caftelli 6c tcrritorii de Dunbrytain &: inlula^ de But*, cum aliis terris infra regnunx Scotia;, — Dat. 26 Junii, ^6 Hen. VIII. Sf Ifia 322 TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. Ilia ultima quhidecim injlrwnenta quorum tituli in caraBeribus Rom?LTi\s imprimutitur, reponuntur in pyxide per fe. Omnia Inftrumenta de tempore Henrici O^avi regis mittuntur in unam forulam per fe. De Tempore Edwardi VI. 1546. An agreement betwixt the council and the mafler of Rothofle, the lord of Grame, and others which had been taken with St. Andrew's caftle, that they Ihoiild keep it for the behalf of king Edward, and that they fhould further the marriage of the faid kino- to Mary queen of Scots — Dated 9th March, i Edw. VT. 1546. Certain articles propofed by Patrick lord Grey earl of Angus to king Edward the Sixth, his prote£lor and counfaile, to be by him yielded, and promifing his utmoll: power to further the marriage between the faid king and the queen of Scots, — Dated 2 2d March, I Edw. VI. An inftrument made by Norman Lefley, mafter of Rothofle, and others, promifing to do their endeav^ours for the delivery of the Scotch queen to king Edward the Sixth. — Dated 15th March, I Edw. VI. 1551. Acceptatio comprehenfionis Scotiae in traflatu pacis inter reges Anglise & Francice, de dat. 24 Februarii 1549, conclufi contra regem Scotiii;. — Dat. 13 Maii, 5 Edw. VI. 1 55 1. A minute of the draught of a counterpaine of the treaty with the Scottifh commilTioners. — Dated loth of June, 5 Edw. VI. 1551. Commiffio Mariae regina^ Scotiae fa£la Roberto Carnegi ,de Ki- mard, ad tractandum cum oratoribus Edwardi Sexti, regis Anglian, pro confervatione cujufdem tra6latu3 pacis. — Dat. apud Eden- burgh, ultimo die Junii, 5 Edw. VI. 1 55 1. Articuli conclufi inter ambaiiiatores regis Edwardi Angliae & Marias regincs Scotiic, de pace firmanda & de marchiis inter regna. — Dat. 14 die Auguili, 5 Edw. VI. 1551. A treaty between the ambaiTadors of England, Sir Robert Bowes, knight, the bilhop of Norwich, and others, touching the de- batable ground, and other articles, at the wefl marches of Eng- land anent Scotland and the ambafladors of Scotland. — Dated loth J*-!"*^' 5 Edw. VI. J551. A commifiion toucliing the treaty of Scotland about the limits of the marches. — Dated loth May, 5 Edw. VI. TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. 323 1 55 1. The copy of Mr. Carnegy's commiffion to receive the ratification of the treaty for fetthng the limits of the marches. — Dated the laft of June, 5 Edw. VI. Hcec decern precedentia injlrumentafimidmtttuntur inuna pyxide per fe. i_55i. Confirmatio pads conclufce inter Edwardum Sex turn regem AngUce G? Mariam reginam Scotice, per Thomam epifcopum & tres alios commijjionarios regis Anglice, & Kobertiun epifcopum Orchado- runiy & tres alios commijjionarios ex parte regime predi&^e. — Dat. Junii 155 1, fed abfqiie figillo feu maniis Jignatione. 5 Edw. VI. 1552. A treaty betwixt the ambafladors of England and Scotland touch- ing the debatable ground on tlie weft marches between England and Scotland. — Dated 24 September, 6 Edw. VI. 1552. Ratificatio divifionis terrae litiglofas inter regnum Anglias & Sco- tins. — Dat. 9 Novembris, 6 Edw. VI. 1552. Commiffio Mariaj Scotia2 reginae fadae Johanni Maxwell & aliis ad tradlandum cum oratoribus Edwardi Sexti regis Angliaj ad di- videndum agrum, qui vulgo vocatur l^he Eatable Ground. — Dat. 9 Decembris, 6 Edw. VI. 1552. Dominus Dacres & Ricardus Mufgrave pro rege Angliac, domi- nus Johnfon & dominus Maxwell pro regina Scotiae, per utrof- que principes conftituti fuentur fe recepifle commiffiones & li- teras patentes utriufque miffas de pace & amicitia confirmanda, de limitibus ponendis inter regna Angliae & ScoticE. — Dat. 15 De- cembris, 6 Edw. VI. 1552. A commiffion by Mary queen of Scots for the treaty touching the debatable grounds. — Dated i Julii, 6 Edw. VI. Hcec quinqiie injlrumenta precedentia mittuntur Jimul in una pyxide per fe. Inflrumenta de tempore regis Edwardi Sexti mittuntur in eadem forula cum injirumentis de tempore Ellzabethce regime. De Tempore Elizabethae Regina. 1558. The commifjion of the dauphin of France a?id Mary queen of Scots jnade to the cardinal of horrain and to the conflable of France, and others, to treat with the queen s majefy's queen Elizabeth'' s commif- \' Jioners. — Dated iji of March, i Eliz. S f 2 1559. 324 TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. 1559. A treaty between the faid queen Elizabeth and the faid daupbtn and queen Mary of Scotland, coiic'udcd ietwixi the /aid commijjion- ers at Cambray. — Dated 2d Aprils i Eliz. I s s9- 'The covfirniation of the faid treaty under the hands and feals of the faid Francis and Mary. — Dat. apud Font em Belle aquce 1 8 April, I Eliz. I <;59. The oaths of the faid Francis and Mary under their hands for ob- fervat'ion of the treaty. — Dated zZth Day of May, i Eliz. 1559. The commiffion granted by Francis and Mary to Charles Moreton, lord Humes, and others, to treat with queen Elizabeth's commif- f oners. — Dated z\ May, i Eliz. 1559. The certificate of Monfeur Lanpefpina and faques Burd'in, coun^ fellors of ejlate, that they f aw the faid dauphin and Mary fw ear in the prejence of the faid cardinal of Lorraine, the duke of Guife, and conjlable Memorancy and marjhal Metnorancy. \ Eliz. 1559. A treaty made at Upfatlington, 31 i\jay, i Eliz. A duplicate of the fame date. J S59- -^ commfjion of the faid dauphin and queen Mary of Scotland made to deliver the confirmation of the treaty of Upfatlington, and to re- ceive that of queen Elizabeth. — Dated \%th of Augufi, i Eliz. 1559. The confirmation of the faid treaty under the hands and feals of the dauphin and queen Mary. — Dated i^th Augufi, i Eliz. 1559. Contractus habitus apud Beru-ick inter Thomam diicem Norf oleics & magnates Scotia pro expulfone Francorum e Scotia. — Dat. 27 Fe- bruarii, a Eliz. I <[59. A treaty with Scotland made by the commiffioners of the dauphin and Mary, and by Sir William Cecil chief fecretary to queen Eli- zabeth, and Dr. JVooton, at the delivery up of Leith. — Dated bth July, 2 Eliz. 1559. -^'^ agreement between the faid commiffoners for the manner of demo- lition of the fort of Leith, and breaking up of the camp about it. — Dated sth July, 2 Eliz. ^een Elizabeth's confirmation of the fame. 2 Eliz. 1559. An agreement between the faid commiffioners for the manner of the demolition of the fort of Leith. 2 Eliz. 1560. Commifiio Francifci & Maria regis & regina Francia Of Scotia fadla domino de Mentluz, epifcopo Valenc , & domino Doyzell, lo- cum tenenti eorum in Scotia & duobus aliis ad traclandum de pace cum commifiionariis regina Elizabetha manibus eorum fignata, ^fub eorum magna figilh. — Dat. 2 Mali, 2 Eliz. TRACTATUS PACIS ET TREUGARUM. 325 1,563. A treaty upon the borders. — Dated z-^d February, 5 Eliz. A warrant for 5000 1. to be lent to the earl of Murray. — Dated 1 8th January, 1 1 EUz. Billa obligatoria comitis Murray pro f.lutione 5000 1. ei pre- ftitur. — Dat. 19 Januarii, 11 Eliz. Hac dtia injirume?ita caraSleribus Romanis imprejfa 'EUzabethcz regina reponujitiir in pyxide per fe, & mittuntur cum inJirU' mentis de tempore regis Edivardi Sexti. 1570. Comfnijio Jacobi ducis Cajielli Heraldi, Georgii comitis Hiintly, & Archibaldi comitis Argadice fa£la Georgia domino baroni de Seton^ ad traSiandum cum Ferdinando duce A'banice ad auxilium prejlan- dum Marice regina Scotice. — Dat. i 5 Aiigujli, 1 2 Eliz. 1578. A warrant directed under the great feal to the lord treafurer Bur- leigh, to allow to the young countejs of Lenox, widow, 400 I. yearly^ i. e. 200 /. yearly for her jointure, and 200 /. a year for the edu" cation of the lady Arabella. — Dated \ith December, 21 Eliz. 1586. A treaty concluded between queen Elizabeth and king James of Scotland. — Dated ^th 'July, 29 Eliz. I CATALOGUS [ Z'^l ] CATALOGUS MUNIMENTORUM quse capta fuerunt in thefauria de Edenburg, in prefentla Abbatum de Dumfermelyn & de Sanda Cruce Eden- burgi, & Johannes de Lythegranes Ballivi de Lincoln, & Thoma de Fiffeburce Ballivi de Dumfreys, cuftodis rotulorum regni Scotise, & depofita apud Berwick viceflimo tertio die Augufti, anno 20 Edwardi Primi regis Anglic, per prsceptum ejufdem regis, fuperioris domini regni Scotiae. C^H ARTA Richard! regis Angllas faifla Willielmo regi Scotiae de J, feodo recipiendo, eundo & redeundo ad curiam Anglian Charta quod Alexander rex Scoti-itcra Henrici regis Anglian, de veniendo apud Norham, miflii regl Scotia' die fiatuto, Charta Fleniici regis Anglia: de advocationibus ecclefiarum Cumber- landia; fa(fl:a rcgi Scotia;. Charta domini regis Anglijp fafta Alexandre rcgi Scotice de terris dc Penryth & ahis terris in Cumberhmdia. I/itera majoris & civium Londinenfium niifla rcgi Scotise centra Johan- nem regem Angiiic. Litera regis Mann quod tcncbit terram Mann de rcge Scoti«. Scriptum chirographaliim inter Henricum regem AngUiv^ Alexandrum rcgcm Scotiir dc comitatibus Northumbrian, Cumberlandiiv, 6c Well- morlandia; faftum coram Otone legato. Litera regis AngliiE mifl'a regi Scotia% & Davidi fratri fuo. Litera Edwardi regis Anglian quod adventus regis Scotiai ad corona- lioncm luam ncc petita lervitia ibidem ipli regi Scotia; fmt prejudicialia. Scriptum obligatorium Anegi Dononaldi quod exh magnus, qui continet 62 pecias ex utraquc parte fcrip- tas, in quo contiiientur divLrliB cbarta*, 6c confirmationes diverforum regum icotiac, ac etiam cbartu? 6c rccognitiones, ^ Icripta alia de regno illo, CATALOG us M U N I M E N T O R U M, &c. 335 illo, tarn de terris & tenemcntis regibus illis red^iitis, quam de aliis* Nee non 5c placita hi quihus omnia jutlicia fere refpcftuaiitur vcl amica- blliter termiiiantur, & ctlam concordias & conveiuioncs diveri's fupr.i contravcriiis inter magnates & alios homines cjurdcm rcgni Iiahitis, 6c etiam inquiririones, piirpreftura;, & perambulationcs, tarn de honiinibus infularum quam aliis, ad pacem rcgum admiffis, & alia quadam dona & couceffioaes per reges Scoti;B facta, & alia diverfa muneranda inter rtgcs pra^dictos, & magnates ejufdem rcgni habita 6c traftata. Uiuis rotulus minor qui continet 11 membra, cum 16 ccdulis. eidem rotulo appenfis, in quo continentur chartic 6c confirmationes, quasdara fafta;, per regem Alexandrum dc diverfis annif, una cum diveriis chartis 6c fcriptis, quorundam magnatum Scotiae, 6c etiam una cum recogni- tionibus, 6c proceffibus querelarum, videlicet, querela tangentes Johanui de Baliolo fuper deliberatione Thomas de Galwidia?, 6c de aliis memoran- dis diveriis. Unus rotulus de novem pec, fcriptus, in quo contrnentiir charta 6c confirmationes facta; per A. regem Scotiic, ultimum de diverfis annis regnl fui, una cum qulbufdam chartis Icriptis, per quoldam magnates Scotiae, &c aliis confimilibus negotiis ut prscdicitur. Unus rotulus de undecein membris de recognitionibus, 6c antiquis- chartis, tempore regis Will. 6c Alex, regis filii fui, 6c de illis qulbus di6ti reges dederunt olim paccm fuam, 6c de illis qui fteterant cum Macvilhu In uno flicculo continentur 46 rotuli, ma^^nl 6c parvl, quorum quldam^ funt de dcbitis, que debebantur domino rcgi, 6c duo de legibus 6c affi- fis regni Scotiae, 6c de legibus 6c confuetudinibus burgorum Scotiit, 6c de quibufdam ilatutis cditis per reges Scotia:. Et duo rotuli de me- morandis, videlicet, unus magnus 6c alius parvus, quod jicrl fecit magif- ter Thomas de Carnotto, cancellarius de fcriptis 6c aliis in depoiito rc- manentil)us infra caflrum puellarum poft mortem regis Scotia:^. Et qul- dem parvus rotulus de purprefluris fa5i:is per cullodes regni, 6c quoddam teftamentum regis Alexandrl ultimi configuatum. Ec duo rotuli tan- gentes garderobam regis llbcrati magiflro Welando per W. de Care- mont apud Scona, anno Domini 1282.. I'.t quidam rotulus de inquifi- tionibus faclendis luper diverfis articulis. Et quidam rotuli parvi 6c cc- dulai, de diverfis recognitiouibus 6c procefhbus habitis, 6c duobus j)la- citis,, 336 CATALOGUS M UN I M E N T O R UM, &c. citis, contentis in duabus cedulis de quibus judicia redduntur In prsclen- tia regis. Et qiiidam rotuli de negotils tangentibus Johanni de Balliolo, 6c Thomani de Galwid. In uno hanepario ligoneo novem fcripta patentia confignata de centum marcis quolibet anno lolutis regi Norwagia?, in Orcadibus, in quibus rex ScotiiE tenctur regi Norwagia?, pro conventionc infularum. Et funtdidta fcripta, videlicet, de annis gratite 128a, tertio, quarto, q^iiinto, Texto, feptimo, odlavo, nono, 6c 1291, fed de anno nonagefimo nulla. Una litera comitis de Fiff, per quam attornavit, Rogerum de Bathkct ad reddendum compotum pro ipfo. In una pyxide, una litera ad modum chirographi confefta, de inven- toriis rerum, & garneflura; exiftentium in- caftro de Dunbrittan, quando W. comes de Mar recepit cuftodiam. Litera Andoeni baronis regis Norwagiae, & fratris, Inari, de ordinc minorum attorn, domicellae Scotis, de rccognitione receptorum 350 mar- carum llcrlingarum ad opus domina; lua', de fermis terrarum dc Bathket & de Rathan. Litera Malcolmi comitis de Lencnax, per quam refignavit 6c quietum clamavit Alexandro regi Scotia?, totum jus quod habuit, vel habere po- tuit, in terris quae quondam fuerunt Gil Patrick Mac Mol Bride. Litera Johannis de Balllolo, de reddendo regi Scotia?, Thomam de Galwid. 6c uxorem & filios. Duae liters Henrici regis Angliae, patentes de vlflaquadam inter ipfum & regem Scotia habenda. Litera R. Sihvard obligatoria, de reddendo regi Alexandro terram de Kclles, quam citius idem rex fibi contulerit aliquod maritagium, cum centum marcatis terrae. Litera Margaretic dc Ferrariis, comitifTa Derby, per quam refignavit in manum Alcxandri regis conftabularium Scotiie, una cum jure quod habuit in diverlis terris nomlnatis in eadem litera, ad feofandum inde Alexandrum Comyn, comitem de Boughan, Litera Dunkcld, 6c Dunblan, epilcoporum, & Benumundi, dc vicic- canonici Allen, colleclorum dccimte, de executione mandati apoftolici facta, luper negotio dccimarum fex annorum regi Scotia? concelfarum. Litera M. de Fiff, W. de Mar, 6c M. de Afceles, comitum, & qqo- rundam aliorum nominatorum per quam obligant fe ipfos elfe plcgios, pro domino Eugcnio de Argadia, ad loIvHidum Alexandro regi, quolibet anno 320 marcas pro quadam fcrma terrarum. IV. C ATA L O G U S M U N I M E N T O R U M, &c. y^'^ IV. Memorandum. Quod omnia fubfcripta inventa fucrunt In. cnftro de. Edinburgh, 6c liberata fuerunt domino Hugoni de Crefiingham, thefaurario Scotia, apud Berewyck fupcr Twedam, i6 Septembria anno regni regis Edwardi vicciimo-quarto. Unus rotulus contincns 90 pccias, dc compotis diveiTorum vicecomi-- turn & aliorum miniftrorum rcgni ScotiiE ab anno Domini 1218, ufque ad annum 1275, qui rotulus lie incipir, Compotum 'Job. de Makcjhvell. Unus rotulus continens 7 pecias de eodem, de anno ulque Jid annum 12 15, qui fic incipit, Vicefimum compotum Pbilippi Unus magnus rotulus continens 91 pecias de eodem, ab anno Domini 1 21 8, qui fic incipit, Compotum Alureti filii Rlibern. &€. ufque ad an- num Domini 1248. Unus rotulus continens 19 pecias, dc compotis auditis apud Rokef- burgh, anno Domini 1292, de diverfis annis qui fic incipit, Compota audita apud Rokejburgh, <5c. Unus rotulus de compotis continens quatuor pecias de anno 1291, qui fic incipit. Homines burgi de Dm?ijres, &c. Unus alius rotulus continens fex pecias, de firmis molendlnorum unde compota redduntur apud Rokefburgli, ut fupfa. Rotulus continens duas pecias, de vilu compotorum anno 1292. Unus parvus rotulus unius pecia;, de compotis Reginald! de Hen. vicecomitis de Invernarj, de anno 1292. Unus rotulus unlus pecia.*, de .... arreragils compoti Johanni de Kjnres. Unus rotulus continens 20 pecias, de diverfis redditibus vaccarum, por- corum, & aliorum, &c. qui lie incipit, Redditus vaccarum de Aberden. Unus rotulus continens 3 pecias qui vocatur, Rotulus abbatis Archi- baldi de antiquis redditibus in denariis & autiquis IVaytingis. Unus rotulus continens 3 pecias, de antiquis redditibus in bladis, «Sc aliis, qui fic incipit, Compotum Willielmi Comyn, comitis de Buckan. Unus rotulus continens 2 pecias, dc compotis Willielmi Prat, viceco- mitis de Invernary, anno domini 1227. Unus rotulus de feodis militum continens 3 pecias, Unus rotulus continens pecias, de compoto Will, l-'relekyn, vicecomitis dc Invernary, anno domini 1204. Unus magnus rotulus antiquus de compotis burg. Scotiaj. Unus rotulus dc compotis epatuum Scotiic. U u Plures 338 C ATA L O G U S M U N I M E N T O R U M, &c. Plnres rotuH, fimul ligati, de partlculis compotorum novo conf. burgi de Berewyck. Unus rotulus de colle(£lione conf, de lanis de Berewyck. Umis rotulus de reddita comltatus de Strathern. Diverfi rotuli & parvl & memoranda de antiquis reddkibus Strivelins. &: diverfamm fermarum. Una litcra patens de . . . . ad firmam domino Galtcro Moubray per rnfcniam de Kirkpatrlck. Una lltera patens obligatorla de decem dollis vinl de Vafconia, folven- dls domino Galfrido de Moubray, per Willlclmum de Verfona, merca- torem de Cathurco. The fblloAving fchcdule Is printed In Rymer's Foedera, Vol. II. p. 215, from the original now remaining in the chapter-houfe at Weftminfler ; but none of the inftruments therein nientioned were ever brought into that repofitory of records, neither is it now kno'wii what became of them. V. Anno Domini mlllefuno ducentefimo oflogcflmo fccundo, die Sanfti Michaelis vifa lunt munimenta, & fcripta domlnl regis in thefaurii apud Edlnburg. ex pracepto regis, per magillros Thomam de Carnoto, Radulphum de Bofco, & Wllllelmum de Dumfres. Imprimis, Bullae papalcs, bulla Honorii papae, quod ecclefias Scoticanae, Immediate fmt fubjetbic fummo pontilici, & confirmatio privilegiorum regis & regni. Similis bulla Celeftini. Similis Innocentii tertii. Bulla Innocentii quarti, de prote£lione & confirmatione jurium & li- bertatum regis & regni. Similis bulla Alexandri. quarti. Bulla Innocentii quarti, ne pr^elati perturbent libertates & jura domini regis. Bulla Innocentii quarti confervatoria, ne feratur fententia excommu- nicationis in perfonam reg. Bulla Innocentii quarti duplicata, ne caufae eleflionum vel ali^e exami- ncntur, extra regnum Scotiae, & precipue in diocefi Eboracenfi. Bulla Innocentii quarti, de particlpatlone cum excommunicatis. Bulla Innocentii quarti duplicata, ne quis clericus vel laicus de regno Scotiae trahatur extra regnum per literas apoflolicas. Bulla ejufdem Innocentii fuper ifto negotio confervatoria. Bulla CATALOGUS M UN I M E N T O R U M, &c. S3^ _ Bulk Innocentii quarti de Alexandre filio regis, quod poffit audire di- vina in locis interdictis. Bulla Alexandri quarti, confirmatoria libertatum regis. Bulla Lucii papte, confirmatoria libertatum ecclefis Scotican^E. Bulla Celeftini papa?, ut regnum ScotijE non poffit interdici, & quod ecclefias Scoticanas, immediate Tint fubjeftie ecclefuc Romanic, & quod nullus alienigena fit legatus iii Scotia, nil! quern dominus papa, ad hoc de corpore fuo fpecialiter dellinaverit. Bulla de fidelitate, ab epifcopis domino regi praeftanda quce dimiffa fuit in quadam parva pyxide, cum quibufdam aliis literis ficut patet in fjjperfcriptione ipfius pyxidis. Memorandum. Quod dominus Willielmus de Dunfr' dicit, quod eft quffidam bulla confervatoria in depolito apud Melros, quam illuc por- tavit dominus Simon frater, ficut idem Simon confeflus fuit, in vioilia Sanfti Michaelis coram confilio domini regis, anno &c. oftog. in fecunda pyxide. Dicit quod audivit a maglftro Ric' de Lanark procuratore reg' in curia, quod eft quiedain bulla in curia Romana quod rex non tenetur reddere epifcopis regni fui bona aliqua de epifcopatibus, antequam ei fecerint fidelitatem. — Cat. Inventa eft qua^dam bulla contra clerum Scotiffi fuper decimis & aliis. Bulla Innocentii quarti de redemptionibus votorum in Scotia, non obftante conceflione fa<5l:a regi Anglian. Bulla Alexandri quarti de indulgentia conceffa capella^ regis. Bulhe quatuor quod rex poffit fecum habere duos fratres pra:dicatores, ac duos minores, equitantes. Bulla quod papa voluit quod Johannes de Chicham, quondam epifco- pus Glaiguenfis pra^ftaret ndelitatis lacramentum. domino regi antequam ab eo reciperet temporalia. Bulla Innocentii quinti de confeflione decimas papalis in regno Scotin: domino regi, fi voluerit terrain fandlam adire. Quicdam bulla qua; innuit a contrario fenlu, quod rex poflit habere mobilia epilcopatuum poft mortem epifcoporum, 11 lioc habeat a con- fuetudine. Sunt in quodam fiacculo per fe, prxeter iftas, quxdam bulhe minus valentes. U u 2 Ncgotia 3+3 CATALOGUS M UNI M E N T O R U M, &c. Negotia tangcntia Angliam. VI. Litcra RicViardl regis, promifloiia rcgi Scotiie, quod reftituet ei, omnia jura lua, fet vix apparet Jigillum. Charts ciufdem Richardi regis de reftitutioiie jurlum & caftrorum lU bcrtatvim, "& literarum regis Scoti«. I.itcra regis Henrici de redditionc honorum in Huntington. Litera regis Johannis, quod non polTit caflrum firmari luper portum de Twcdniuth. Litera Ilenrici regis Angliue, de marltagiis fororum regis Angliae & fororuni regis Scotiae. Litera Henrici regis Angliae, quod compofitio inita inter reges apud Novum Caftrum de Tyn, non priejudicat regi Scotis in maritagiis li- bere faciendis. Litera regis Johannis ad recipiendum 7500 marcas ad opus regis An- gliae, pro quodam fine & de refiduo rcmittendo. Litera monitoria epifcopi Elyenfis apoftoliciE fedis legati, ad folvendum quandam pecuniae fummam regi Angliae. Litera regis AngiliE de die flatuto apud Norham. Litera quod non trahatur in confequentiam adventus regis ScotI« ad coronationem regis AngliiE, nee per hoc praejudicium generetur. Ultima confederatlo fada inter Henricum regem Anglise, & Alexan- drum regem Scotlse, apud Novum Caftrum de Tyn. Et quod nullus eorum movebit guerram contra aHiim nifi ad ipfius defentionem ubi non Tunt figilla comitum GloverniLV, & Herfordiae, nee vldentur fuifle appenfa. Litera conventlonalis fa£la Inter regem Angliai & regem Scotiae, fuper marltag'Margaretas filiae regis Anglias. Litcra regis Anglian, de feodo pra^ftando regi Scotia;, vel de conduftu, &: efl duplicata. Litera arbitril Ottonis legati inter rcges Anglla; & Scotiae, fuper arre- raglis de ducentis libratis terra:. Litera regis Anglic, quod non prejudicetur rcgi Scotiae quod venit feme! in Angliam, fine condudu, ubi figillum vix apparet. Charta regis AngliiE, de advocationlbus ecclefianim de Penreth & de Cumberland. Charta de Lanwatby, &c. & de quadraglnta libratis terras in Penreth. Litera Edwardi, de fuccurfii pctendo a rege Scotia;, & ell duplicata. Litera CATALOGUS MUNIMENTORUM, &c. 34^ Lkera regis Angllae pro Rogero Bygot de depofito, pro maritagio fo- roris regis. Lltera confederationis Rlchardi Marfcalli. Coiifederatio inter regem Scotias & barones AngliiE olinn facia. Adjudicatio terrarum Northumbrian, 8c Cumberlandijs, & Weftmor- landia^, per barones AnglijB, regi Scotia;. Litera conventionalis inter regem Scotise & barones Anglijc, fuper quibufdam matrimoniis. Mandatum baronum Anglian faftum civitatl Carlioli, fuper rcdditione 5c adjudicatione terrarum Northumbrije, Cumberlandiae, & Weftmorlandiae. Charta regis Anglian, de telHmonio offerendo inter regem Scotice & Hugonem Bygot, fuper debito 600 marcarum, Mandatum baronum Angliic, direftum baronibus Northumbrlae, Cum- berlandicc, & Weftmorlandias, per regem Scotia?. Litera conventiunalis pro Rogero Bygot, de folvendis 600 marcis do- mino regi dcbitis ab eodem. Litera majoris & burgenfium de London'. De fumma foluta pecuniae maritagio Ibroris regis cum Marifcallo. Excufatio nunciorum regis Scotian, fafta per quofdam magnates Angli^e, & de alia fecuritate fadta per eofdem fuper quadam fumma pecuniae depo- nenda ad Templum London'. Amicabilis compolitio inter regem Scotiae & Waltcrum de Seburtham. Litera Roberti de Rofe & Eull:achii de Vefey. Una litera cancellata quam non vidimus eo quod dominus Willielmus de Dumfres dixit Ic velle prius oftcnderc regi tenorem ejufdem. Litera Ludovici filii regis Francian, dc confirmatione chartas baronum Angliae. Alia confoederatio inter Scotos & Anglicos. Solutio 3750 mercarum regi Anglict. Litera Lodivici filii regis Francis, de Northumbria, Cumberlandia, 6c Weftmorlandia. Litera regis Angliae de auxilio fibi fiifto in denariis per dominum regem. Scotix, quan non trahatur in conlequentiam. Litera legati fuper matrimonio cgntrahcndo Inter forores R. Anglian & Scotise. Litera de tribus millibus librarum & amplius folutis regi Anglix. Litera quietas clamationis domijii Gilbcrti, m.irfcalli regis Angiia:, de manerio dc Jeddewod. Litera prioris Carliol', de amicabili compofitiiuie fuper quibufdam marchiis inter ipfum priorcm 6c regem Scotian, de terra dc Peareth, «Sc de Soureby. Litera 34? CATALOGUS M UN I M E N TO R UM, &c. l^ltcra regis Anglix quod noa vertatur in pracjudiciiim regi Scotia-, quod homngii fui receptio fuit prorogata de Tukyltyri ulque London'. Litera inter regem & Adam de la Crokidayk de communiade Soureby. Litera inter regem Scotia; &c Galfridum filium Yvonis, de communia de Soureby. «.|' Litera Alcxandrl de Boultun, de communia de Soureby. Litera quod non cedat rogi Scotins, in prejudiciuni quod ballivi fui red- diderunt ei ballias fuas apud Eboracum. Magna charta de Penreth fafta apud Eboracum. Charta regis Anglia?, de mille libris debitis regi Scotiic, ratione dotis £lia: fuse. Litera regis Anglix, quod adventu regis Scotiaj ad coronationem regis Angliffi Lundon' non cedat regno Scotix in praejudicium. Proceflus dc Quetly, habitus coram jufticiariis Angliie. Nova charta regis Anglix, de Aldemflun. Negotium Flandrize. Scilicet, Quatuor paria literarum. ■ Litera Johannnis de Wefey, cum litera abbatis de Melros. Litera epifcopi Sancti Andreae de quadam gratia regis fibi tafia. Litera baronum de Ergadia quod fidcliter lervient regi fub pa-na ex hseredationis contra Anegum filium Dovenaldi, quod omnes inUirgent contra ipfum, fi non feccrit voluntatem regis. Litera capitaneorum &; libcre tenentium de Carrik obligatoria, quod fervient domino regi, contra omnes homines qui vivere pofllint, & mori. Obligatio abbatis de Mclros de folutionc facienda domino Johanni de Aconia. Litera Williclmi de Moravia, quod non alienabit terras, &cc. Literx quorundam raagnatum conventionales quse non multum tan- gunt regem. Litera vicecomitis NorthumbriaJ fuper fa6lo marchis*. Obligatio Johanni de Swynburn, 'luper terram de Haultum. Septem pondera, & un balances, & ofto conetje vetercs, in una faculo vcteri de corio. Ncgotia CATALOGUS MUNI MENTORUM, &c. 343 Negotia tangentia Norwagiam. Compofitlo inter reges Scoti* & NonvagiiE fuper infulis duplicata. Confeffio procuratorum niiirorum a rege Nonvagiie pro di*fta compo- fitione facienda. Mandatum regis Norwagl^ quod infulani faciant homagium regi Sco- tiae, & ei intendant ut domino. Confeflio quorundam procuratorum regis Norwagiae, de emendis re- ceptis pro quibufdam injuriis. QuiEdam litera regis Norwagias in lingua Norica. Charta regis Johannis Norwagise de naufragium paffis. Alia regis Sweri, regis Norwagise de eodem. Confirmatio & donatio regis Norwagia?, monaflerio de Bufly iu Mannia. Procuratorium regis magni Norwagis. Charta regis Norwagiae, fuper infiila^ de Bot, & quibufdam aliis con- ceals regi Mannise. Litera regis Norwagize fiiper terris de Tnifter & Egyn, Quasdam alia litera in lingua Norica, cum duobus ligillis, Mandatum regis Norwagise de pacis reformatione. , Litera regis Johanni Norwagia-, & H. fratris ejus, de naufragium paflis. Litera regis Norwagix mifla Catanienfibus. Poteflas regis Norwagix ad recipiendum a rege Scotia: iioo marcas pro primo anno folutionis tantum poft compolitionem initam de infulis. Litera quiet.c clamationis, de folutionibus fa6lis in Orcadia de termi- nis prJEteritis, prxter literas de mille & centum marcis de anno 1260 & de millas & centum marcis de anno 127 ... . inter alia fuit, pra;ter alia de eadem fumma 1282, qux creditur deberi portari ad prima com- pota. Transcriptum Chirographi priml tractati's Je maritagio Nor- wagix, cancellatum apud Berwyck. Ratificatio regis Norwagise fuper illo tranfcripto. Charta regis Norwagia;, de aliignatione, donationis, propter nuptias. Ratificatio magnatum & domina; reginjc Norwagix & juramenta eorum, quod procurabunt didum matrimonium cfl'e ratum. Promilfio corundum bona fide fuper codcm. Sex 344 CATALOGUS M UNI MENTO R UM, cVc." Sex paria procuratorlorum, & feptimum obfufcatum per mare, quo- rundam naagnatum Norwag'iE, ad jurandum in animas eoruiii. Promiiho regis Norwngiie, contrahendi cum domina Alargar^-'ta fi!la regis ScotiiC, fie ratificatio omnium prfflocutorum in magno fcripto chi- rograph ato qux' lire ra fuit portata per tales, fcilicet, dominum Robertiun LiipelU & Godefridum. Procuratorium regis Norwagia?, ad perficiendiim travflatum dicli maritagii. Ultimum fcriptum chirographatum, apud Berwyc duplicatum, & al- terum c(i obfiircatum in mari. Duo alia paria dc eadem conventione, quae funt figillata, (igillo regis Norwagia.', ied alterum obfufcatum efl per mare ut prius. Litera quietas clamationis regis Norwagias de 4500 marcis debitis de anno 1281, obtufcata turn per maw?. Quicta clamatio fub figillo domln;ie reginai Norwagia;, & quorundam magnatuni Norwagiae de 4500 marcis debitis de anno 1280, obtufcata per mare. Quoddam tranfcriptum de rebus inventis poft naufragium nunciorum. Duo procuratoria aha tangentia negotium Norwagi*. VII. Resignationes Chartarum redditatum domino regi, cum litera domini Roberti de Brus filii. Charta de Balernauth. Charta de Caldovyrcler. Charta Cofpatricii de Drem. Charta de Abirrarf. Charta de Dulb'. Charta de Carcok. Charta de Tucok. Charta de Thorfopyn. Alia charta de Caldour. Donationes fa6tie abbati & conventul de RufTy per Magnum diclum regem IMannias. Charta Warannias de Caldovircler. Charta de Canibufnaythan. Charta de Forcfta & de Kilrethnoc in Moravia. Charta de Suthirland. Charta quam Gilchrill Macnevyn de Levenax reddidit domljio rcgi. Alia charta Suthirlandiae. Charta CATALOGUS MUNIiMENTO RUM, &c. 345 Charta Walter! de Fontibus. Charta de Petyn. - Charta Holpitalis de Aberden. Charta de Forefta de Jnvirhis. Charta regis Mannis fuper receptione Mannia: ad firmam. Charta de Burfchall. Charta de Abirkerdour. Charta Thomas de Thirlefton. Charta M. Abel dc hofpitio habendo in Strivelin. Charta de Fothober pro terra de Wynn. Litera quiets clamationis Ricardi Mantaland de Terra de Abirtharf. Excambium faftum per priorem de Urchard de terra de Fothober pro terra de Bynin. Quieta clamatio Ottonis de Toniggo de quatuor marc, terrae. Reficrnatio de Canibufnavthan & Caldovircler. Conhrmatio de ecclefia de Ferindrauth. Charta de Ncndo(k. Charta de Polloc. Charta de Goger. Charta de terra empta de Willielmo de Valonils, £c obllgatio ejufdem, juxta Strivelyn. Du;e chartit de Balcolmo & una confirmatio. Charta de nundinis de Strivelin. Charta Januse de Treugar. Charta de Bredburg. Refignatio epifcopi Rofs de dimidla bovata terra?. Quieta clamatio terraram bondorum Canannic, pro Intcrfcdione epifcopi. Refignatio Baronis de Menenvir. Charta de Gorgyn. Refignatio terrae de Pentland. Charta Walteri Biflet de Stratharkyk. Charta de Cultir. Charta de Glenkelk, qua: fuit regis Manni;c. Charta de Cull. Charta dc Kynmuc, quod tencatur in forefta. Ciiarta de Neutun. Charta de Porthebrochec. Charta regis Willichni de Neutun. ■ Charta dc Balernauth. X X Charta 3+6 CATALOGUS MUNI MENTORUM, &c. Charta de Obcvn. Cluuta regis Alcxnndn de Kynmirc, rcddita regl. Chaita de Murthcby, rcddita regi. Charta de Rcthy. ^/i(C multa 'liters flint in thefauria domini regis tarn in pixidibus, co- phinis, qiuvn in facculis, de quibia nihil eft hie fpecificatum^ quos ta- men omnes vidimus & qua Jub figillis ponuntiir, fcilicet, fub figilUs magijlrorum Thomce de Carnoto^ Radidphi de Bofco, JVillielmi de Dunfres, ckricorum domini regis. Memorandum. Quod domlnus Willielmus do Dumfres dicit quod eft quxdam bulla confervntorla, in depofito apud Melros, quam illuc poitavit, domiiuis Symon Frafer ficut didus Symoii Frafer confcffus tuit in vigilia Sanfti INlichaclis, coram conl'ilio domini regis, anno 1282. Dicit quod audivit a magiftro Richardo de Lanark procuratore regis in curia, quod eft qua3dam bulla, in curia Romana, quod rex non tenetur reddere epifcopis regnl lui, bona aliqua de epilcopatibus, antequam li fe- cerint fidelitatem. Inventa eft qua^dam bulla contra clerum Scotias fuper declmis & aliis. Bulla Innocentil quarti, de redemptionibus in Scotia, non obftante congeilionc fiifta, regi Anglia,^ Bulla Alcxandri quarti, de indulgentia conceffa capellae regis. Bullae quatuor, quod rex poffit fecum habere, duos fratres prasdica- tores, & duos minores equitantes. Bulla quod papa voluit, quod Johannes de Chihaw, quondam epifco- pus Glafguenfis praiftaret fidelltatis Hicrameutum domino regi, ante- quam ab eo rcciperat temporalia. Bulla Innoccntii quinti, de conceflione decimas papalis in regno Scotiae, domino resfi, li voluerit terram fanclam adlre. QiuEdam bulla, que innuit a contrario ccn(u, quod rex poflit habere bona mobilia epilcopatvium poft mortem epilcoporum ft hoc habcat a conftutudiue. Sunt in quodam i'acculo, per fc, praeter iftas, qu;cdam bulls minus valentcii. Charta CATALOGUS MUN I M ENTORUM, &c. 347 Cliarta Ricbardi Primi R.cgis Anglia-\ Ex orlglnall in clfta Scotie in interiore thefaurario infra abbatiam Weft- monafterienfcm aflervata. RICH ARDUS Dei gratia rex Anglic, dux Norm', Aquitan', comes Andeg', archiepis', cpis', abbatibus, comitibus, baronibiis, juftici- ariis, vicecom', lenefcal, prcpoiltis, ballivis, & omnibus miniftris & fide- iibus fuis totius tcrre lue faliiteni. Noverit univerlitas vellra nos con- celfiire & prefenti charta noftra confirmaflc Willielmo illuiiri regl Scotia kariffimo amico Sc confanguineo & fideli itia^ro, & heredibus fuis imperpetuum de nobis & heredibus noftris omn^S libertates & retftitudines plenarie quas anteceflbres lui habere lolebant eundo ad curiam antecelTorum noflrorum, & ftando ad curiam, 6c redeundo a curia anteceflorum noflrorum. Scilicet, unaquaque die, poftquam dc mandate noftro traniierit fines regni fui verlus curiam noftram, centum foHdos fterlingorum & in reditu fuo a curia noftra fingulis diebus tantundem quoufque in terram luam venerit ; et iingulis die- bus ex quo venerit ad curiam npftrani uique ad rcceflbm fuum verfus terram luam, triginti foHdos fterlingorum &c duodecem de dominicis * guaftellis noftris, & totidem de -j- iemenell' noftris dominicis & duode- cim fextercia vini, quatuor videlicet de dominico vino noftro unde nobis fervitur. Et duas pctras cere vel quatuor cereos, & quadraginta candelas de dominicis candelis unde nobis Icrvitur, & duas libras pipcris & quatuor llbrascinomomi ; etpretereacondu£lus quos anteceflbreslui habere lolebant eundo ufque ad curiam noftram & redeundo a curia noilra, Icilicet, quod cpifcopus Duiielmenfis 5c vicecom', oc barones Northumbr' ad ipliim venient in finibus regni llii 6c ibi eum recipient 6c conducent ufque ad Teife, & ibi venient ad eum archiepifcopus Eboracen' 6c vicecom' 6c ba- rones Eborum', 6c ibi eum recipient & conducent ulque ad epilcopatuni Lincoln', 6c ibi ad eum venient eplicopus Lincoln' &c vicecomcs &c ba- rones provincic 6c eum recipient 6c per ballivas luas conducent; & lie de- inccps epifcopi 6c vicecomites provinciarum per quas i]4e traniierit quo- ulque ad curiam noftram venerit. Quare volumus 6c lirmiter precipi- mvis quod prefatus rex \Villielmus6c heredes fui omnia prcfcript' habeanc de nobis & heredibus noftris imperpetuum, 6c in expenfis deSc in condudli- l)us & in fugitivis qui de fclonia fe defendcrc voluerint ad curiam noftram in pace fua ducendis 6c in omnibus aliis fine aliqua dlminucioue: prcci- picutcs ut pretati epifcopi 6c vicecomites 6c barones ei prcdictos, conductus * Gateux, cakes or wartells. f SimaclU. \ X 2 f;:c:cut 348 CATALOGUS MUNIMENTORUM, &c. facient & omnes alias reilltndines & libertates fuas confervent, & ut vie' predicli in ballivis fuis prelcriptas expenlas in eundo ad curiam noftram 6c redeundo a curia noftra plcnarie inveniaut donee in terram fuam ve- nerit. Tellibus his H. Cantuar' archiepifcopo. H. Dunelm' cpilcopo. R. Londoniens'. H. Line'. S. Ciceftr. G. Rouecefter'. W.Hereford'. H, Wigorn', epifcopis. R. com' Ceflr'. H. com' de Warren. R. com' de Clare. R. Bigot com' Norff'. Comite David. W. com' de Fcrrariis. W. Marefc'. W. de Stuteville. Euftach' dc Vefei. Gaufr' filio Petri. H. Bard. W. Briewer & multis aliis. Dat. per man' W. Elien' epiicopi cancellar' nollri apud Winton 1 7 die Aprilis anno quinto regni noflri. Charta Willielmi regis Scottorum. Ex originali affervata in pyxide, N° 16. in officio ducatus Lancaftriae, WILLIELMUS rex Scottorum, epifcopis, abbatibus, comitibus, baronibus, jufticiariis, vicecomitibus, ceterifquc probis hominibus totius terra; fu;c, Francis & Anglis, Scottis & Galwalienfibus, clcricis & laicis falutem. Sciant prcfeiitcs 61 futuri me reddidlfle & conceffiilc, & hac carta mea confirmatVe Roberto de Brus, & heredibus fuis, totam ter- ram quam pater funs &c ipfe tcnuerunt in villa de Annand', per eafdem ciivilas per quas pater fuus earn tenuit, & ipfe per patrem fuum : renen- dam fibi, & heredibus fuis, de me & heredibus meis, in fcudo & here- ditate. CATALOGUS MUNIMENTOR UM, &c. 349 dltate, In bofco & piano, in pratis & pafcuis, in moris & maiifcis, &:c. ita libere & quiete ficut pater fuus, vel ipfe earn tempore regis Davl- dis avi mei, vel regis Malcolmi fratris mei. Exceptis regalibus qua: ad regaliuiteni meam Ipeclant, fcilicet, caufa de inventione thcfaiiri, caufa de murdro, caufa de affaltu premeditate, caula de foemina efforciata, caufa de arfione, caufa de rapina, quas caufas mihi refervavi. Concede etiam ei ut heec caufae fint attachiata; per unum liominum de feudo fuo quern eligero, & tractats 6c placitatas per ante jufticias meas infra comitatum de Ka 6c tales conluetudines capiet de hominibus regni mei quales, capiuntur apud Rokelburg excepta allila baronize fu^ volo .... per fervitiu n centum militum excepta cuftodia caftcl- lorum meorum . . . ipfum quietum clamavi. Telle Engclramo epifcopo de Glaigu, Chriftiano epiicope de Witha', Ricardo de Morevilla, confta- bulario, Waltero filio Alani Dapifero, Adenelle de Umfranvilla, Hen- rico Luvel, Willielmo de Haia. — Apud Locmaban. Clf ARTA 350 CATALOGUS MUNlMENTORUiM, &c. Charta Davldis comitis, fratrls Malcolmi 8c Willielmi rcgnm Scotiie canonicis de Rapendona concefi'a. Ciijus apographum & autographo penes Thomam Aflle, arm', videlis ad paginem i'equentem. " ^^O MES David, fntcr regis Scotia?, omnibus hominibus fuls, tarn '• V^ prefentibusquam futuris, falutem. Sciatis, me conccflilTc & carta *' mea confirmafll- Deo &c Sandla; Marix & Sanclo Wiftano de Rapendona*, " & canonicis ibidem Deo fervientibus, eccleliam de -f Badewen, in Ele- " mofvnam ficut carta Matil. comltifla teftatur. Mils tefUbus, Rob. de *' Bafigham, Bartholomeo Monacho, Wil. Revel, Wil. Buidet, Kicolao " de Hanes, & miiltis aliis, apud Warintona. Valete." T/jis David u-as brother ij/" William Balliol king of Scotland. He loas earl of Carrick and of Huntingdon^ was knighted by king Henry the Second, and attended king Richard the Firji-to the Holy hand accompanied by 500 blights, 'whom he carried at his oivn expence. He married Maud, eldcjl daughter of Hugh Kevelioc, Jijier and co-heir of Randoll Blundevile, earl of Chejier and of Lincoln. He died at Tdrdlcy Hajlings, Northamptonjlmct and was buried in the abbey of Saultry in Huntingdonjlnre. * Repingdon, now Repton, com' Derby. f Jiaddow Parva, com' Effex. Carta [ 351 ] Proceedings relating to the carrying back into Scotland feveral of the Scottifh records. Extrafl from the Journals Dom. Com. Friday the gtb of September 161J3. ALderman Titchborne reports from the council of flate, That it be humbly offered to the parhament, as a neceflary thing for the difpatch and ready admhiiftration of juftice in Scotland, andeafeofthe people there, that fuch regifters in the Tower as relate to and concern private perfons rights, fecurlties, and conveyances of lands, bonds, and contrails betwixt party and party, with tlieir warrants, and all procefs of plea, be forthwith lent down to Scotland, to be difpofed of as the commlflioners for adminiflration of jufticc there fliall find expedient for the good of that fervice. Ordered by the parliament. That it be referred to the council of ilate to take care, and to give order, that fuch rcgifter^ as concern private perfons right?, fecurities, and conveyances of lands, bonds and contia*51;s between party and party, with their warrants, and all procels of plea, be fent back to Scotland, to be difpofed of as the commifTioners for the adminiftration of jufticc there fhall find expedient for the good of that fervice ; and that fuch as are of public conccninK nt, and for the bene- fit and advantage of the commonwealth, be preierved and kept ; and that the council of flate do likewife take care of the fafe keeping of the records in the Tower. And it is alfo ordered. That fuch perlbn and per- fons as fliall have the cullody of the regiiliers which arc to remain here, be impowered and authorized to give extradls out of the iame unto fuch perfons as fliall defire it ; and that fuch extracts fliall have the like faith, and be of the like validity in Scotland, as cxtrads made there from fuch regiflers have ufually had. CrJei [ 352 ] Order of Council. Friday, \%th September 1657. His Highnefs prcfent, T^ord Prefidcnt, Major-General Sklppon, Lord Deputy, Colonel Jones, Lord Strickland, Mr. Secretary, Colonel Sydenham, General DilLrowe. WHEREx'\S by an order of his highnefs and the council of the a3d of July laft, it was ordered, That all llich records and rcgi- flers concerning private perfons, and proceedings between party and party in Scotland, as are now remayning in the Tower of London, be k-nt into Scotland with the hrft opportunity, and delivered into the charge of the proper officer appointed for keeping the records at Eden- burgh caftle, whereHhcy are to be kept in the roome or roomes which were formerly ufed for tliat purpofc, to the end the fame may be made ufe of as there fliall be occafion, in order to the doeing of right jul- tice to the people of that nation ; and it was referred to the Mailer of the Rolls, Sir Archibald Johnflon, I>ord Warellon, Gabriel Berk, and William llylev, Efquires, or any three of them, to take care that liich o'i the records, writings, and regiiters of Scotland, remayning in the Tower as aforeiaid, as concern private mens cafes and interefts only, be feparated from thofe of a publique nature ; to the intent thofe that are of a private nature may be fent into Scotland accordingly. And by a later order of the 13th of Augufl: lall. Sir John Barkftead, knight, lieutenant of the Tower of London, George Downing, and Nathaniel Taylor, Efquires, were added to the faid committee. Upon conlidenition of a report from Sir Archibald Johnllon, Sir John Bark- ftcad, Nathaniel Taylor, and Gabriel Berk, rcprefcnting. That in pur- fuancc of the fiid orders, they have levered and fet apart decreet books before the of the feflion, contrad: books, general rcgifler books of feafms, particular books of feafins, books of entries of hornings, books of comprilements of lands for debt, books of lufpenfion, books of entry of fignaturcs for the conveyance of lands, books of entry, or records of charters in parchment for conveyance of lands, regiftcr books of caution and ORDER OF COUNCIL. ^^^ and confignation, minute-books, being a calendar of decreets, contracts, &c. books of entry of a6ls of the lords of felfion, books of Lawbur- rowes, being fecurityes in the nature of good behaviour, books of lawfitigs of arreftments, being of the nature of attachments of goods for debt, books of the valuation of kirks, and mlnifters ftipends, which they conceive conteync onely the recordings or cntryes of contra>5ls, bonds, rights, and conveyances of lands and proceedings in law between party and party before the lords of the feflion in Scotland, being the prime ju- dicature of all civil caufcs there; and that they have caulcd by way of inventory, the day and year of the beginning and ending of every of the laid books of entry to be entered in a book, and a duplicate thereof to be made, to the end the fiimc may be attefted in fuch manner as the councell fhall dirccft ; that fo one of them may be kept here, and the other fent inio Scotland, to be kept with the faiJ books of entry, in cafe the council fliall approve thereof, and fhall order the faid books to be fent thither. Ordered by his highnefs tlie lord protc£lor and the coun- cell. That the find books before Ipecitied, fo fevered and let apart by the faid committee, be fent into Scotland, and delivered into the caftle of Edinburgh, to the proper officer there for keeping the faid records, ac- cording' to the faid former order of 23d of July laft ; and that in order thereunto the lord Warefion doe figne the booke Avherein the entry of the day and yeare of the beginning and ending of the faid books fo to be fent is entered, which is to remain here amongfl the records in the Tower of London, and the other book, or duplicate thereof, being firfl figned by three of the fixid referees, togeather with the laid books before fpecified, the faid William Ryley is hereby authorized and required to deliver into the hands of the laid Sir Archibald Johnfton, to be fent hito Scotland in fuch fhlp as the C(jmmlfrioners for the admiralty and navy fliall appoint to carry the {.\me, to be lately delivered into the caftle of Edenburgh according to the faid order. Ordered by his highnefs the lord prote^flor and the councell. That the commiirioners for the admiralty and navy are hereby authorizx'd and re- quired to appoint a fit Ihip to receive and to carry into Scotland the books and records ordered to be fent thither from the Tower of London. Y y In 354 INVENTORY OF RECORDS. In purfuance of the before-mentioned rcfolutions of the commons,. and order of council, an Inventory of the faid records was drawn out, by which it appeared that they conlifted of, Contradts, 486 vohimes. The firft volume beginning 28th January 1560, and ending 25th October 1 56 1. And the lafl beginning ifl: June 1649, ^"^ ^"^^^ -^d June following. Decreet Books, 505 volumes. The firft volume beginning 19th June 1492, and ending nth April The lafl volume beginning 14th February 1650, and ending i9tli February 1650. Lawborrowes, 26 volumes. The firfl volume beginning 6th September 1591, and ending 20th. Auguft i6i6. The laft volume beginning 13th Odober 164S, and ending 23d No- vember 1649. Regifters of general Seafings, 6§ volumes. The firfl volume beginning 18th July 161 7, and ending loth March 1620. The laft volume beginnmg 9th April 1649, "^"^ ending lil Decem-r- ber following. Regifters of particular Seafings, 38 volumes. The firft volume beginning 26th July 161 7, and ending 28th March 1621. The lafl volume beginning 22d June 1649, "^'^^ ending 13th July 1650. Regifters of Sufpenfions, 90 volumes. The firfl volume beginning 13th January 1574, and ending i6th Augufl 1576. The laft volume beginning nth February 1648, and ending 26th January 1649. Regifters of acfls of Caution and Confignation, 57 volumes. The firft volume beginning 5th October 1478, and ending 2d OCio- ber 1478, The INVENTORY OF RECORDS. 355 The laft volume beginning 21 ft July 1649, and ending ult. February 1650. Regifters of Compiifings, 9 volumes. The firft volume beginning 6th January 1636, and ending i^th Oc- tober 1639. The lall volume beginning 6th May 1645, and ending 4th Novem- ber 1647, Minute-books, 94 volumes. Valuations and Kirks, 10 volumes. Regifters of hornings and inhibitions, 4 volumes. The firft volume beginning 9th March 1589, and ending i8th No- vember 1 59 1. The laft volume beginning ult. February 1620, and ending ift June Regifters of Lowfing of Arreaftments, 2 volumes. The firft volume beginning 4th January, and ending ult. March 1628. The laft volume beginning 5th December 1623, and ending penult. December 1631. Prothegalls, 6 volumes. Old decreets, a(fls, minutes, and prothegalls, 60 volumes, Regifters of Signators, 45 volumes. The firft volume beginning ift March 1541, and ending 27th April The laft volume beginning 28th Auguft 1643, '^^^ ending 26th July 1644. Charter-books, 50 volume". The firft volume beginning 1424, and ending Auguft 1440. The laft volume beginning iSth Auguft 1527, and ending 8th March 4628. This inventory is fiibfcribed in the following words. Y y 2 I Sir 356 INVENTORY OF RECORDS. I Sir Archibald Jhonfton of Warillon, clerk of regiilers o{ Scot- land, doe hereby acknowledge tliat I have received of William Ryley, Efq; clerk of the records in the Tower of London, the feveral bookes and rcgiflcrs of the Scotch records, contayned in the above-written inventary, being in number 1609*, according to the order of his highnes and his counfell, bearing date at Whitehall, the 1 8th of this inflant September i 757. A. JHONSTON, Cls. Regii. Signed in the prefence of the fubfcrvvers. William Rylev junior. T. Mackdowalls, witnes. A. Pater SON, witnes. * No more than 1547. — DifTerence 62^ I PROCEED- PROCEEDINGS O F T H E PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND, From the 15th day of May 1639 to the 8th of March 1650. Contamnig the heads of the a6ls and ordhiances of the Scottifh nation, and the tranfaitions between England and Scotland ; and alfo the proceedings of the general aflembly of Scotland concerning religion, king and kingdom, government of the kirk, their faith and covenant, their proceedings therein and ratifications thereof by their parliaments, with divers declarations, remonftranccs, and refolutions thereupon. Seledled out of the records of the parliament of Scotltind *. The parliament begun at Edinburgh, 15th May 1639, being the firft day of the parliament. Fol. I. / tf ^ HE king's commiffion is read for the holding of "this par- \^ liament, direfted to John earle of Marr, John earle of Lawderdaill, and others. The parliament is prorogued to the 23d of July. Att Edinburgh, 23d July 1639. The king's commiffion again read. The parliament is prorogued to the 26th day of Augurt. Prorogation of the parliament to the 2d of June 1640, and the king's commiffion recorded. * It is to be noted, that after the battle of Worceftcr, the records of parliament and of. the courts of juftice in Scotland were removed to the Tower of London, where they re- mained fur fomc years. The above was folecleci by William RUcy ftnior, ckrk of the re- cords in the Tower of London, about the year 1654. Att 55^ ' r R O C E E D I X G S O F T H E Art Ecllnl)Uio, 2d June 1640 — The fixth day of the parliament. l'\)ll:\vis tlic actis and other matercs paO and done in this iclTion of patliaincnt, beginning the 2d day of June 1640, and ending the 1 1 th day of the famic moneth of June. ACT II. Tol. 13. a. Adl anent the conrtitution of this parliament, and all fLibfc- quent parliaments, viz. I'hc eftates of parliament declare this prefent parlia- ment holden by the nobiiitv, barons, and burgefl'cs, and their commiffioners, as the members and tiuee eftates of the parliament, to be a fit parliament, and declare the fame of future parliaments. Fol. 13. b. Declaration by the ellates of parliament premittcd by tlieni to their proceedings in parliament, contayning the rcalons and necellity of their convening and proceeding thairun- till ; viz. That the prorogation of the parliament by John earle of Traquair was againfl the articles of pacification ; and that their continuation of the fame was not in any fort to trench on foueraignty. 4th June 1640. ACT IV. Fol. 16. Aft anent the admilfion of miniflers to thofe kirkes whicii belonged to biflioppricks ; viz. That the full power of providing of all minlfters to kirks that the bilhops have been in ule to provide fincc the adt of their reftitution aiino 1606, Ihall hereafter be- long to the kirke. ACT V. Fol, 17. Auent the large declaration or manifello ; viz. The generall aflemblyes condemnatory cenfure of n book enrituled, A large dixlaratioti, and the eftates of par- liament tiaeir concurrence in their judgement thcrcancnt^ and the reafons thereof rendered by the alVeinbly and par- liament, A C T PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. 3^9 A C T IX. Fol. 20. b. AO: againfl Papifls, viz. All acls made againft Paplfts are ratified, and all re- fetters of them arc liable to the paynes therein contayned. 6th June 1640. ACT XII. Fol 21. b. Att flatuarie appointing parliaments to be holden once every three yeares, viz. The eftates of parliament, for fundry reafons by them mentioned, ordaine a trienniall parliament ; the affixing of tyme and place thereof to be the laft a£l of this and fubfequent parliaments. ACT XIV. Fol. 22. b. Explaining the preceding a6ts of parliament made againfl bands and conventions amongft the fubjefls ; as alfo de- claring the bands and conventions made and kept fince the beginning of the prefent troubles to be lawfull, viz. The eflates of parliament pretending all their late bands and conventions iince the prefent troubles to have been for the publick good of king, kirke, and flatc, ratifie the fame, and declare them not to be within the meaning of fundry aifts prohibiting conventions of fubjeits.. ACT XVI. Fol. 23. A6t appointing all grievances to be given in a plaine par-- liamcnt, viz. The eflates of parliament repeale the aft of parliament made in the 14th parliament of James VI. cap. 218. which impowercd his majeftlc's clerke of reglfler to pre- fent grievances that were to be given into the parlia- ment ; and ordayns for future f ucli grievances to be pre— ^ fentcd in plaine parliament. ACT XVII. Fol. 23. b. Annulling all unlawful and unjufl: proclamations Made id.-- dor the payne of treafon againfl the difijbcyors, viz.. 6th J unt 360 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6th June 1640. The cftates of pniliamcnt null all unlawfull proclama- tions made under payne of trea'fbn againfl the dilobcyors, and declare that no man can be r. traytor but by icn- tence of parliament, and after legall tryall. ACT XVIII. Fol. 24. A<5t anent the ratification of the covenant, and of the afiem- blyes fupplication, act ot counccll, and a£l of afllmbly con- cerning the covenant, viz. The eilates of parliame>nt confidcring the fupplicat'ion of the generall aflembly to his majeftie's high coniniif- fioner, &c. and the aft of the councell 30 Aug. 1639, in anfwer thereto, and the general ailemblycs ordinance of new for fubfcription of the covenant, ordain and com- mand the confeflion of fiiith and covenant to be fobfcribcd by all his maiefi:ic"'s fubjecls of what ranke or quality fo- ever, under all civill paynes. Fol. 24. The fupplication of the generall aflembly convened at Eding- burgh the 12th of Aug. 1639, to his majellie's high coni- miliioner and the lords of his majeftie's honourable privy councell, viz. This fupplication of the aflembly is here rcgiflrat ver- batim, according to the ordinance of the cfl^aites of parlia- ment, contayning their dcfirc of an union in one confcf- fion and covenant ; wherein they declare, that they have not any thouglit to witlidraw from his majefly that obe- dience which had been acknowledged under the raign of one hundred and {even kings, but will ihuid to the de- fence of their dread fovcraigne, his perfon and authority, as their predeceflbrs had done for 15S9 ycares ; and there- fore defire that by acl of councell a generall fubfcription may be enjoined to the coiifeflion and covenant. 6th J\ine 1640. Fol. 25. The aft for his majeflic's moft honourable privy councell at Edinburgh, Aug. 30. anno 1639, contayning the anfwer of the fupplication above written, viz. This aft of his majeftie's privy counccll at Edinburgh is regiftrat verbatim in the parliament booke, conforme ti) /« PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. 361 to the ordinance of the eftates of parliament, and expreff"- ing who they were that prefented unto them the laft aforefaid fupplicatlon of the aflembly ; they ordain the regiftration thereof in their bookes of privy councell, and that for the future there fhal be a generall fubfcription to the faid confeflion and covenant. Fol. 25. The a(fl of the generall aflembly, ordaining by ecclell- aftical authority the fubfcription of the faith and cove- nant, viz. By this acl the general aflembly, by their conflitution ecclefiafticall, approve the forefaid covenant, and ordaynes the forme of words that mull: be prefixt to the fubfcrip- tion thereto by all the members of kirke and kingdome. 6 June 1640. Fol. 25. b. The confeflion of faith fubfcrybcd at firft by the king's ma- jefi:y and his houfliold in the yeare of God 1580. There- after by perfones of all rankes in the yeare 158 1. By ordi- nance of the lordes of the fecret councell, and ads of the generall aflTcmbly, fubfcrybed againe by all forts of perfons in the yeare 1590, &c. and againe in the yeare 1638, &c. and now againe fubfcribed anno 1639, viz. Wee the fubfcribers protcfl:. That the tme Chriftian faith is believed by the kirke of Scotland. Wee abhor papiftry, with all the tenents that they hold. [Which are particularly enumerated.] And wee proteft: that wee fub-f fcribe to this profeflion onely out of confcience, and witliout hipocryly. And wee protefl:, that wee fhall de- fcnde his majefliie's perfon and authority in the defence of l__ Chrift his Euv- angel, &c. Wee fubfcribe to the refcind- ing of all lawes made in prejudice of the true religion, or in favour of idolatry, fuperflition, or popery, [here enumerated.] And we fubfcribe to all afts of parliament in tavour of the true churcli of God, [here mentioned,] &c. Wee declare before God and men, That we. have no defire to attempt any thing that may turne to the dil» honour of God or to the diminution of the king's great- ncfs and authority, Sec. Z z ACT s 062 .r: PR.OiQJDEDJNGS OF THE ACT XIX. Fol. 30. Anent the ratification of the a£les of the alTcmbly. ACT XXIV. Fol. 37. Acl for the committics of eftates to fupplj" the power of |t| parhament. 9 June 1640-. ACT XXVI. Fol. 40. a. Ratification of General Leflee's proceedings anno 1639, viz. The eftates of parliament approve all general Alexan- der Leflee's doings in his chaige, and ordain tliat their thankefuUnefs be recorded in their publick regiiler. ACT XXVII. Fol. 20. a. Ratification in favour of general Le {lie of his commiffion to be Generall, anno 1640, viz. The eftates of parliament ratifie Sir Alexander Leflye's eledlion 17 of Aprill laft by pall: to be their general, with an addition expreffing the extent of his commillion, and declareing how certayne articles therein are to be under- ftood; and' they ordaine Mr. Robert Meldrum to attend, him as his fecretary. ACT XXXIX. Foil 4.4. Atfl: difchargeing all culloms of ammunition brought home to their leiges for their owne ufe for defence of religion and libertyes of kirke and kingdome, viz. The eftates of parliament ordain, That confidering the goods of the nobility and barons are exempt from cuflomc at their importation, that during thefe troubles all ammunition imported for defence of kirke and king- dome Ihould in like fort be difcharged of cuftome. 10 June 1640. ACT XLIII. Fol. 45. b. Ordaining the whole fubjeds and leiges of this kingdome to obey, maintaync, and defend the conclufions, ads, and conflitutions PARLIAMENT OF. SCOTLAND. 363 conftitutions of this prefent fellion of parliament, and to fubfcrive the baud appointed for that effed, viz. After relation of the fubtle praftifes of biilaops, and of their incrouching all ecclefiafticke and civill power, and of his majeftie's condifcenfion for the convening of a par- liment by the articles of pacification anno 1639, for re- medy, and of Traquair's unjufl .prorogation therepf, and of their honeft intentions in the continuation of the fame they profeffe themfelves bound to provide for the fafety of the common wealth and their owne, and protefl: that the defending the afts of the prefent parliament is the moil neceflary remedy of bygone and prefent evills, and for that end ordaine the forme . of a fubfcription for de- fence of the faid prefent parliament to be generally taken by men of all rankes. ACT LIX. Fol. ^y b. A(ft continuing the parliament to the 19th of November next, viz. The eftates of parliament haveing refolved to fett an end to this feflion of parliament, prorogue it to the 19th of November next. Declare all the ails thereof to have the force of lawes, and that they be publifhed in print. All the a£ls were fubfcrived by Robert lord Burghe, pre^ fident of the parliament, in prefence of the eftates of par- liament. ACT LX. Fol. 56. a. Declaration and cloifure of the parliament. The king's majeftie's fubjefts convened in parliament profefle, it hath been their care to keep themfelves within the bounds of moderation as much as if they had been honoured with his majeftie's perfonal preience ; and that they have enadled nothing but the ratification of the coniHtutioas of the late afiembly, &,c. and that when his majcftie fhall pleafe to command thcfe a£ts to be publifhed in his owne name, Lowdon returned in fafety, lulinburgh caftle furrcndcred to their ufe, Scotch men be " free of cenfure for fubfcriving the covenant, their ma- levolents be brought to tryall, &c. then thefe proofcs of Z z 2 your 364 PROCEEDINGS OF THE your majeftle's juftice and goodncfs will be flrong bands to tye their hearts that curlb all rebellion and trealbu to hell where it is hatched. Apud Edinburgum, 19 Novembris. — 15 dies parliamentl. ACT II. Vo\. 58. b. A&. anent the continuation of the parliament to the 14th of January 1641. Apud Edinburgum 14 Jan. 1641. A C T II. Fol. ^(). b. Inftruments upon produdion of the king's letter. Proteftation for the eftates. The king by his letter defires the prorogation of the parliament till the 13th of Aprill next to come, Sec. and expeds their obedience, dated lafl of December 1640; upon the reading of which letter the king's advocate alked mflruments. A proteftation made upon thofe words in the king's letter (Our Commiffioner) that they cannot underllande it as fpoken' by the king of the earle of Traquair. ACT III. FoL 60, Aft anent the continuation of the parliament to the 13th day of Aprill 1641. Apud Edinburgum 13 Aprilis 1641. Fol. 61 . b. Inflruments upon production of the king's letter, and pro- teftation for the eftates. Fol.oz. a. Adl anent the continuation of the parliament to the 25th. day of May 1641. Apud Edinburgum 25 Mali 1641. Fol. 64. Inftruments upon produftioa of the king's letter, and pro- ttftation for the eftates. Eol. 64. b. Aft anent the continuation of the parliament to the 15th. July 1 641. Apud Edinburgum 15 Julil 1641.. Fol. 68. b. Concerning the go^•ernement civilL . i^tKi PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. 36$ 1 6th July 1641. Fbl. 70. Gommittcc for ordering the houfe of parliament. 19th July 1 64 1. Eol.' 72. b. Articles agreed upon by the ellates for ordering the houfe of parliament. li None to be prefent in the parliament with the eftates but the parliament members, the three deputy clerks and one fervant to ilk of them, and the agent for the kirke. 2. The whole committees of eflate, the clerke of the com- mittee and his colleague, and the procurators for the eflate noiat by the committee Ihall come and fitt here. 3. None to bring any weapons into the houfe of parliament, but only the members, the conflable, and marlhall and their fervants, permitted to have their ordinary armes the firfl and laft dayes of each parliament. 4. Two fefiions to be every day from 9 to 12; and from 3 to 6. Noe felTions to be on Mondayes, Saturday one feflion from 9 to 12. Sermons ilk day to end before 9. A great bell to ring at meeting houres, a little bell at parting houres, penaltyes for each degrees comeing after the calling of the rolls, penaltyes for all degrees for abfence, and the halfe of the penalty for each fefiions abfence except Saturday, for whiclr day being but one feffion the woole penalty is to be payed. No licence of abfence to be granted but by the prefident with confent of the houfe. 5. The Prefes to give licence to Ipeake, and then to fpeake. without intermption. Hee that replyes is to diredt his fpeech to the prefes. 6. Places to be taken according as the parliament members are called by tlie rolls; thofe places to remayne void lu . abfcences. , 7. Thofe that be admitted to fitt in parliament being noe mem- bers fhall fitt uncovered and filent. 8. Prayers morning and evening, and fermon, every Sabbath during the parliament. 9. Every eftatc to have overtures proponed, 24 houres to advife. to anfwcr therto. JO. The 366 P R O C E E D T N G S O F T H E || 10. The parHaincjit houl'c to be hung, and the cloth of cAate to he putt up. 11. The marlhall to fee thcfe articles in execution, and in lii's abfecnce the 3 commiliioners tor Iruing. I 2. Who come I'cro are to pay their pcnaltycs prefently, defiiul- ters to pay the double, ret'ulers to abide the ceafure of the houlc. 13. Rolls to be called every night before prayers, the abfent to pay their penalty for one ieliions abfence, ualcs good caufe be fhewed to the contrary. 27 Julii 1641. Fol. 76. a. Commifiion and warrant for concluding and fublcriving of the treaty. Penultimo July 1641. Fol. 79. CommifTion for examination of witnefles att London, upon the libcll ap-ainfl the incendiaries. 4 x'^ug. 1 64 1. Fol. 8 1 . b. A£t and proclamation for apprehending the iiacendiaries. 10 Auguft 16^41. Fol, 85. a. Ordinance of parliament for meeting and receiving of the king's majefty. Warrand to the lord Lefler and others underwritten for feightingof the rolles and comptcs in the callell. 13 Augufl 1 64 1. FoL 90. Warrand for any proclamation difchargeing all noblemen who are cited to the parliament, and has not lubfcryvlt the covenant band for mayntenance of the adles and tane the oath to have place or voyce in parliament. The eftates of parliament command that none have voyce or feat in parliament, that hath not taken the nationall covenant, and the band for mayntenance of the adcs of this parliament. Proclamation hereof to be made at the markctt crofTc at E^dinburgh. Fol. 90. PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. 367 Fol. 90. Ordinance for giving information to his majeflic of all that is pafl heretofore in this feffion of parliament. Att Edinburgh 17 Aug. 1641. Fol. 91, b. The king's majefly prcfent in parliaa:icnt. 18 Aug. 1 641. Fol. 93. b. AS: anent the oath to be given by every member of parlia- ment. 24 Aug. 1641. Fol. g6. a. Inftruments tane by the lord Loudoune upon the produttion of the treatle and others efter fpecified, and mentioning the 22o,oool. of brotherly alliftance from England, &c. 26 Aug. 1 641. Fol. 96. b. A(fl: anent the ratification of the articles of treaty fliperfcryvit be the king and fubfcrivit by the prefident of the parlia- ment. The king's commiffion is recited. Fol. 97. b. And in like manner a commiffion hath been grannted by the committees of the parliament of Scotland bearing date the laft of OiElobcr and the day of Nov. 1 640, and in the words following. Wc thecommifTioncrsof the parliament of Scptland, &c. Fol. 98. b. Articles of the Large Treaty concerning the eftablifhing of the peace betwixt the king's majefty and hjs people of Scotland; and betwixt the two kingdomes agreed upon by the Scottifli and Englifli commiffioners att the city of Wedminftcr the 7th day of Auguft i 641 . b. Concerning ane Aft of pacification and oblivion. The propofitions and articles given in by the Scotifh com- miflioners after the lord Loudoun his returne from the parlia- ment of Scotland, in i 2 articles. The Englifh lord commiflioners anfwer ; 1 2 anfwers. Fol. 109. a. Anent the dlfbandlng of the Englifli army. Inflruclions be the king's majcflle and cAates of parliament of Scotland to the lord Maltland that both the Englifhe and. Scottilh armyes difband att one ccrtaine day. 8 Sept. . Fol. 103. Fol. 106 Fol. 107 36S PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8 Sept. 1 641. *■ ^ Fol. 1 1 3. Anent the lord Maltland. Fol. 1 14. b. Act for abolilhing monuments of idolatry. 14 Sept. 1641. Fol. 1 17. Aft contayning the form and words to be fubjoyned to the exemplihcation of the treaty under the great feale. Carolus Dei Gratia Scocie, Angl', Franci^e, & Hibern* Rex, &c. 18 Sept. 1 64 1. Fol. 120. Warrand for printing of the articles of the treatei. 28 Oa. 1641. Fol. 143. a. Committee anent the commotion in Irelande. b. Ordinance anent the Iri{h bufuiefle. '6 Nov. 164.1. Order of the creation of the lord generall to be carle of Levin, made earle of Levin to him and his htira males law- fully begotten of his owne body. 12 Nov. 1 64 1. Fol. 155. Ad in favours of Prince Eledor Palatine for tenn thoufand foot to be fent into Germany. 15 Nov. 1 64 1. Fol. 167. Commiffion for the receiveing of the brotherly afiiflance from the parliament of England for the 220 m. flerllng, coiiforme the articles of the large treaty, Sec. 16 Nov. 1 64 1. Fol. 178. Commiffion for conferving the articles of treatie. The com- miffioners for Scotland are John lord Loudoun, &c. 54 of them, or any twelve of them. Their power to expire at the next parliament. b. Commiffion anent the articles referred to confidcration by the treaty. Fol. 179. b. Commiffion by the king and parliament to the lords offecrct councell. , Their power, is to fee the peace kept upon all troubles. and to punifh the offenders capitally if the cafe require To give commiffions of licutcncntrie and jufllciarie for quelling rebellion &c. Fol. 184. PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. 2>'^^ Fol. 184. A(5t anent the five incendiaries and the plotters; and the king's declaration there anent. The incendiaries are John earl of Traqiiair, &c. The plotters James earle of Montroffe. The parliament will only try tlicm, and then remitt them to the king's mnjeftie. Hereupon his majeflie promifeth not to employ them in places of court or ftate. Fol. 185. CommiiTion for revifmg the regifters. The lord chancellor Loudoun, Earle of Argyle, Earle of Lawderdaill, And clerke regiller. Commiifioners to revife and looke over all the whole regifters and records of parliament, and all other records, and to make inventoryes and indexes thereto, faving the right of the regilters place, and all proffitts incident there anent. 16 Nov. 1 64 1. Fol. 198. h. Act anent the liberation of thefe men in the caftle, viz. Earle of Montrofe, Lord Naper, r Keir Blackhall, ■r . 1 \ Sir Waiter Stewarte, 'I Sr. Robert Spotfwood, and I. Sr. John Hay; with their a<5i: of caution. The caution is to keep the peace and to appeare before commifiioners upon fummons, &c. 1 7 Nov. 1 64 1 . Fol. 212. Warrand to the fecret counccll for giving inrtruftions to the commiffioners for the remaynder of the treattie. Fol. 368. b. Thefe before written afls, ordinances, and llatutcs of the forefaid parliament .nre collc6led, reviled, recorded, and booked by me Sir Alexander Giblone, younger, of Durie, clerke of our foveraigne lords rolles, regifter, and councell- Witneffing hereunto my figne and fublcription manucU. Alex' Gibsone, cleric', rcgi'. Aaa THE 37© PROCEEDINGS OF THE THE PARLIAMENT BEGUN ATT EDINBURGH 4 JUNII 1644. Being the first Trienniall Parliament. II Junii 1644. Sexto die parliamenti. A(ft and proclamation charging the feverall committees of war to fend two of tlieir number with their clarke to the parliament with their re- cords, adts, and orders of their committees. Commilhon to the carle of Kalendar to be lieutenant generall. Of all the Scotts forces who are in fervice or Ihall ferve in this common caufe in Scotland or England, as well horfe as foote, and as well by fea as land. Proclamation for tlie commanders and officers under the earle of Kalender's charge, to be at the rcndevous att Kelfo, proclaymed at Edin- burgh by I^yon King of Armes. Dccimo fccundo Junii 1644. A6t continuing the fitting of the fellion to the firfl of November 1644. Adl continuing the meeting of the committee for the northern buli- nefle while the i ith of July next. The committee had a fuperfedeas and were not to meet till the I Ith of July next. Commiffion for trying of the dehnquents. The commiffion is to Alexander earle of Linlithgow, &c. The delinquents are Sir John Gordoun of Haddo, knight. The com- miffioncrs were not to pronounce any fentence, but only to report. Decimo quarto Junii 1644. A<5t againfl thefe who are or Ihal be found fugitives and runnawayes from their companyes and colours. To decimat them, that is, hang the tenth man of them, the payne of the receivers of them. Ordinance in favourof the commiffioners of Fyfte for relief of their armes. The ordinance was to charge the committee of ilk one of the foure prcfbytcryes of Fyffc to receive their proportions of armes bought for them. Severall Warrants for fending out of their troopes. 1 8 Junii PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. 371 18 Junii 1644. Dccimo die parllamcnti. Liftruftions be the eftates to the carle of Kalleadar anent his com- miffion as lord lieutenant generall. 1. To advance fpeedily into England in purfiiance of the ends expreft in the covenant. 2. To purfue the earle of Crawford, 8cc. and others in arms againft the parliaments or eftates of both or either kingdomes. 3. To fecure Berewick and Warkworth caftle. 4. To ftopp the enemyes putting themfelvcs in array and to encourage the well affe£led. 5. To attend the motions of thefe enemyes, &c. 6. To appoint ports for receiving fupply of vidlualls, and if necefli- tated to give billets to the country for vidlualls. 7. To keep correfpondence with the Englifli commifiioners and with our forces in the bifhopricke. 8. To reduce and fecure the caflles of Newcaftell and Tynemuth for the ufe of the king and parliament of England. 9. To labour for the concurrence of the well atfefted gentry where you come for the carrying on of the worke. 10. To obey orders from the parliament and their committees, the lord generall or committees of both kingdomes, to require their advice, and to give them account. 11. Where any emergent is not forefeen by the inftrudions to ufe your owne judgements for the befl of the fervice. Ordinance anent the earle of Kallendar's march with his army into England. Committee appointed for the levyes are to ordayne the time of his march. A61 anent the committee that goes along with the earle of Kalcndar's army. The committee are George lord Forrefter, &c. to give advice to the lieutenant generall in difficult emergeiicyes which cannot abide delay. 2 1 Junii 1 644. Commiffion to Sir James Ramlay to be generall major to the iiorfc with the declaration and inftruftions therintill. The inllruftions to Sir James Ramlay were to repayre to tlie earle of Kalendar lord lieutenant generall, to obfeivehii lordihip's orders. A a a 2 Frecept 372 PROCEEDINGS OFT HE Precept and warrant in flivoure of the carle of Kallendar, Particularly to pay him iJoi 1. 6s. 8d. Scotts money for a loanc and tax, becaufe hee cannot attend his owne particular bufinefle here. 22 Junii 1644. Warrand for fupply of fome viduall and money to feme regiments In Ireland. Eftates of parliament ordaine order to be fent to the commander hi chief of the Scots army in Ireland to fupply them out of his magazine there. Inftruflions to the earle of Glcncairne and Lothiane. 1. To further the arrayes march, and fecure tlie borders. 2. To add to the former declaration that the raifing of the forces goeing now into England is in purfuance of the fame ends expreft therein. 3. To ufe mcanes to reclaime divers foldiers of fortune through falfe fuggeflions joyning with our unnaturall countrymen, 6cc. Committee for filling up the blanks in the propofitions of the Articles of peace and for renewhig the commillion to the commiflioners to be fent into England. t> 25 Junii 1644. Aft for putting forth of horfe and foot both for bygones and in tyme comeing, and thofe that arc deficient thcrcintiU. 28 Junii 1644. Order of Parliament anent the filling up of the blanks in the pro- pofitions of peace. Inftrucftions for the commifiioncrs who are to gee to England. 1. To profecute the former inftrucTlions given by the convention of eftatcs for entertcyning mutual corrcfpondencie betwixt the kingdomes. 2. To deliver a letter to the fpeaker of either houfe. 3. To returne to the committees of both kingdomes the propofitions of peace with what wee thinke fitt to be added, which you fliall gett inferted into the propofitions. 4. To condifccnd to circumftantiall alltcrations, if fuch be made by the parliament, but if cflentiall and prcjudiciall to the caufe, to refute and to advertife over. <. If PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. -.-a 5. If the propofitions be ngreeJ, to ftiul them from both fides to his mnjeftye in fuch a way as fhall bee mutually confented in the com- mittee of both kingdomes. 6. Upon the kuig's agreement to the proportions, or upon his makin"- only circumilantiall difterences, the conimiflioners may conckule upon thefe terms. 7. Upon his majeftie's refufiill or proponing effentlall different grounds, the commiliioners are to certifie backe, going on with the pro- pofitions whcreanent is no elientiall difference. 8. If liis majeftie preffe a treaty upon thefe demands, the com- mifTioners are to doe as the committees of the two houles of the parliament of England, and to advertile backe. 9. Brethren of England to till no blankes concerning themfelves ; Scots commiflioncrs to fill up blankes that concerne Scotland. 10. To yeild to the refolution of the parliament, anent the quere or Text qualification of the 14th propofition, anent their owne noblemen and others for voiding both iiingdcmes trators, with a promile againft them. 11. Incendiaries to be tryed by ather parliament, and not to beo pardoned without content of the parliament of both kingdomes. 12. Concerning the 17th article you fliall debait the number of the whole committee to be betwixt and and the leafl: number of the delegates to be 13. Quere if prince Rupert and prince Maurice fhal be com.priffcd in the reffitution of the ele6lor, and theranent take a joint relblutioii with them. 14. If the parliament of England fhal be very fparing of their anfweres to tlie queries as the i jtli and i^^l propofition, you fhall tcftifie our thoughts thereanent, and advertife the committees of eiliates before ye and they differ. 15. If you fhall come to the propofition of difbanding the armyes, you fhall acquaint tlie committees and the lord generall. The like anent the propofition of ceflation of armyes. 16. Commifhoners are to include under the name of England in articles obligatory of them to us. 17. To make propofition for rciloring thofe who have been putt out of places for adiicring to the caufe. ■18. To be carefull and to endeavour to fettle witia the kingdome of England the number and quality of Scots to be kept about the king and prince. 19. In 374 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 19. In cafe of divifion In England you fliall take care to prevent or re- iTiove them, that falling out to be Impoffiblc, you (hall coun- tenniKC them that are firmeft to the covenant, &c. 20. If the parliament of England defire the Scotch army about Yorke to march further fouth, it is remitted to the lord gencrall to doe what he thinks befl:. i I . To endcauour the continuance of the committees of bothe kingdomes, acknowledging the ufefulnefs of fuch conjundlion of councills and armes, and our relentment of the parliament of England's kindnefle therein. 22. To procure the approbation of the earle of Kallendar's forces towards Ncwcaftle, and to move for their good entertaynmcnt. 2.2. To take care in managcing the warr, performing their inilruiSlions and fetiing of peace, not to remltt the Ictllng of the kingdomes in peace upon circumlliantiall differences. In difficultyes requiring advife out of Scotland, to lend downe one of their number. 24. If any thing be proponed contrary to their inftrudions, agree not thereto, but acquaint the parliament and their committees, and follow their directions. To propound whither it be expedient as things fland to Invite his majeflie to returne to his parliament. Inflruclions added by the eftates of parliament to the former inftruc- tlons already given to the commiflioners that goe to London. 1. To deale with the parliament of England, &c. for a commiffion to the earle of Levine as general, &c. 2. To deale, &c. for another commiffion for Sir William Balfour or colonell George Monro to command the troupes of horfe that is to joyne with the Scotch army in Ireland. 3. To deale, &c. to enjoyne the Brittilh in Ireland to fubfcryve the covenant. 4. To profecute an a6t made by the parliament in Scotland in favour of James duke of Hamilton, and the other peeres and free lub- jedts of this kingdome. ^. To deale with his majcflie, that the carle of Lyndefav, his office of trealurer, &c. till the next trienniall parliament, may be granted to him by his majeflie and eflates of parliament for his lyfe time. 6. To prolecute the deliverance granted be the parliament of Scotland in favour of the earle of Dumferling. Refults '4\ PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. ^y^ Refults of the parliament upon the articles of propofltions of peace. Ill number 26. A dland warrant in fiivour of the marquifle of Argyle. 12 July 1644. Ordinance for ane folcmn thankfgiveing for the victory at Yorke. 15 July 1644. AQ. anent the ratification of the calling of the convention, ratifica- tion of the league and covenant, articles of treaty betwixt the kingdomes of Scotland and England, and remanent afts of the convention of eflates and committee thereof. Particularly, A treaty was agreed unto by both kingdomes concerning the co- venant, and afliftance craved from this kingdome by tiie kingdome of England in purfuance of the ends expreil: therein. Treaty for lecuring the towne of Bcrewyke, con forme whereto an army was fent from Scotlande into England ; that the fupply of that army and the Irifli army fhould be by excife ; and tooke up money upon the publicke faithe. An army direcfted to the fbuth of Scotland under the earlc of Kallendar, another to the north thereof, under the command of the marquefi'e of Argyle ; and therefore the eflates of parliament ratify tl:ie calling of the conven- tion, 6cc. LEAGUE and COVENANT.. The forme thereof. Wee noblemen, barons, &c. doe fwearc, 1. To preferve religion againft our common enemyes. 2. To endeavour the extirpating of popery, prelacy, fupcrflition, hc- refy, fchifme, profanenes. 2- To preferve the rights and priviledges of parliaments, and the libcr- tyes of the kingdomes, and the king's majcftie's perfon and autho- rity in the defence of true religion. 4. To clifcover inccndiaryes, that they may be brought to publicke tryall and punilhed. 5. To endeavour that peace may remaine as it is fettled by botli parliaments. 6. To defend all thofc that enter into this league and covenant, and not to be drawne from tliis union to the contrary part. A con- 3:6 PROCEEDINGS OF THE A confcfrion of finnes, and a profefTion of amendment. And wee make this covcRnnt in prefence of CJod. General afTemblie's approbation of the fame, as the mofl: powei-flil mcanes for fettling religion and peace, and eftablifliing his majcftie's throne. The convention of eflates approbation thereof — as the mod powerful means, &c. ut fupra. Ordinance for the fwenring and fubfcribeing thereof. The commiliioncrs of the generall aflembly ordaine, that all mi- niflcrs and people fliall fweare and lubfcribe the lame, upon paine of confifcation of the goods of the refiifers. Followes the treaty, with the ii propofitions agreed upon between tiic parliament of both kingdomes of England and Scotland. Articles of treatie concerning the townc of Berwicke. That the Scots keepe the garifon with fix hundred foot and two troope s of horfe, &c. Edinburgh, 31 Jan. 1644. Followes the acl for raifing of money for kipply of the army lent into England- 16 July 1644. Comrnifiion for thofe that goe into England unto John carle of Lou- doun, &c. to repaire to England for the effectuating of a pacification, &c. Difcharge by the parliament of Scotland to the parliament of Eng- land of 30,000 1. fterling — of the bygone arrears due by them to tlie Scotch army in Ireland. 19 July 1644. Declaration in favour of the commiflloncrs that goe to England, and for the quorum and payne of abfencc of the committee ofeilates. Ten commlllioners, nyne to be a quorum. Defiilters, noble- men to pay three dollors, the barons two, the burges one. 22 July 1644. A<5t and declaration in favour of James duke of Hamilton and others, peeres and fubjefts of tliis kingdome, imprifoned in England. That his imprifonment is an infringement of the freedome and liberty of the fubjeiSls of Scotland, for the Scotts that commit crymes in this kingdome are to be tryed and judged legally by the ordinary J udicatoryes thereof, / 23 July PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. 377 23 July 1644. Ratlncation of the articles of the treaty agreed unto betwixt the com- mitljoners for Scotland and the commiflioners for England, concerning the ordering of the warre in Ireland. The treaty was for the reducing of the kingdome of Ireland to the obedience of the king's majeflie and the crowne of England^ Articles of the treaty concerning the reduceinge of the kingdome of Ireland to the obedience of the king's majeftie and the crowne of Eng- land, agreed upon betwixt the commiflioners for Scotland authorized by his majeftie and the parliament of that kingdome, and the commif- fioners for England authorized by his majeftie and the parliament of that kingdome att Weftminfter. 1. To levy and tranfport tenn thovifand men into Ireland. 2. To fend ammunition and armes into Scotland 'from England,, to remaine in Scotland in lieu of thofe they fend to Ireland. J. Two fhipps of warr to be fent by the kingdome of England to ■waft over the Scots foldiers ; and the fiid fhipps to attend at the ports of Ireland for ferving the Scottifh army in goeing and re- turneing betwixt the coafts. 4. The kingdome of England is to levy and furnifh tenn troopes of cvvell armed horfemen, with officers, that Ihall obay the orders of the Scotch army ; and 1 200 fterling to be advanced to levy <| troop of an 1 00 horfemen in Scotland, 5. The pay of Scotcli and Englilh foldiers to be the fame, and what allowances the officers are to have for their wagons. 6. The caftle of Carrikefergus ami Coallrayne to be putt into th^ .hands of the Scotch army ; the Scots promife re-delivcry of them ; •payment to be made to the kingdome of Scotland of all their dues jifing upon this treaty; and thofe that are not difbanded by regiments to be kept in pay. y. Carrikefergus and Coallrayne to be furniflied with vicfluall by the kingdome of England, which the Scots fha'll buy att a certayne pryce ; and that the fame (hall be provided by the kingdome of England with powder, ball, match, and other ammunition ; rCMts and wagons to bee provided by the kingdome of England for carrying the lame, and gunfnfiths, carpentars, engineers, and hand-milnes. S.. England to advance looo 1. fterling, to be dift)urfed by the Scots .gcncraU's .warrant upon fortifications, intelligences, Sec. Not ^. . JH) b above j-8 PROCEEDINGS OF T fl E above that Ibme to be impreft yearly without warrant from Eiio-. land. And for horfe to carry the artillery, 2000 1. and 500 1. 9. Ulfter and other villages to receive orders from the Scots com- manders, to bring them viduals, oates, and hay, and flraw for their money, and to rife and concur with the Scots troopes. 10. The 10,000 men to be lent out of England liril to profecute the warre in Ulfter : power to give conditions to townes, caftles, and perlbns that render themfelves, except tolleration of popilh re- ligion ; and conditions concerning the lands oi rcbells. An agree- ment what fhall be done by Englidi, Scots, and Irilh in divera martiall affaires. 1 1.. The Scotch army to be entertayued by the Englilli for three months, and to have a montli's advance when they are firil muflered in Ireland,. &c. 12. The Scots army is to be difbandcd by the king and both houfes of parliament, and to have a month's warning botbrc-hand, and 14 days pay allowed for the carrying of tliem home. 13. A month's warning by England before-hand, that tiiey will pay the Scots army ia Irelande no longer, fhal be fufficieut. 24 July 1 644. A ith theni at the confliift of Aberdene, and are guilty of the deeds aforcfaid, therefore the Inid defenders are culpable of the . cry mes of treafon, and have incurred the payne of high treafon; they were fommoned to have compcired before the eflates of par- liament the 7th day of January then next to come, and now lait ^bypaft, to have anfv.cred att the inftaiice of his majeftie's advocate, &c. PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. 583 &c. for the crymes and factis a'oove written, and to have heard or Ceen themfelves declared by the ellates of" parhamcnt to be guilty of riie laid crymes, and to have incurred the payne of high treafon, &c. with certification to the difobeyors, that if they compere not, the eftates of parliament v/ould then inftantly proceed agalnll: the faid defenders as rebells and traytors ; and that their abfence fhould te enough, and that there lliould need no farther probation ; but if they compeired they fliould be proceeded againft upon lawfiill pro- bation. The faid defenders were three levcrall tymes publickly called at the parliament-houfe doore, and they appeared not to an- fwer, nor none for them, whereupon Mr. Thomas Nicolfone alkiC: inftruments. The edates of parliament appoint a committee of their owne number to confider of the probation of the forefaid fom-- monds, before whom there compeired his majeflie's advocate, and! the procurators of the eftates of this kingdome : They charge tiie carle df Montrofle, that hee made an ordinance att Forfar the oth'; day of Febr. 1644, that all trew fubje6ls between iixtie and fix teen Oiould repaire to his army with their befc arraes, under payne of burning and flaying all difobedient perfbnes. And the earlc of. Montroffe, &c. were called att the doores of the parliament- houfe to have compeired before the faid committee, to have heard, &c. and compeired not, whereupon one of the procurators of the eftates alkit inftruments. The committee, after receiveing the depofitions of fundry witneires for proveing the pointz of the faid ibmmonds againil: the defenders above written, made their report, which being- read in audience of parliament, the ellates of parliament declared- that they will only att this tyme confider the faid report as to tlic faid James earle of Montrofle. And therefore the faid Janacs earle of ^iontroU'ej.&c. being publickly called three feverall tymes in au- dience of the parliament, &c. to have heard and feen fentence pro- nounced againft them conforme to the faid report and fommonds they compered not, nor none to anfwer for them. Wh.ercupon the edates of parliament having advifed upon the forefaid rerort and fommonds, they find the propofition of the faiil fommonds relievant againfl: the perfones now iiitifted againfi: to infcrr the payne and punilhment of treafon; and moll: of the h.eads of the charge layd in the lommonds are recited again, and found apninll rhem fuffi- ciently proved; and find thcni to be guilty of the crynie of trcalbn. And they iind the member of the laid afliiniption founded u[)on the faid .David. Graham. of -Gorthie his takcing up of armcs againrt the kingdome 5S4'' PROCEEDINGS OF THE kingdome and cflates of the countrv ^vith the faul earlc of KTon- trolic, and with Alexander Macdonald and the Irllh rebells ; and his being prefent at the conflicl of Aberdene, and his being com- miflair to the rebells army, lufficicntly proven to infer the payne and punifhment of treafon; thairfore the eftates of parliament pro- 'iiounceth thair fcntcnce of forfaUcr againlt them in manner above written and as foUowes. The eflates finds, decerns, and declares, that the faid James earle of Montroflc, &c. has incurred the pain and punifhment of treafon, that is, forfalter of tlieir liv^es, 6cc. and declares them traytors to the eftates of this kingdome, &c. l' .and ordaines the Lyon king att armes to ryve out of the booke of armcs, in face of parliament, and att the crofle of Edinburgh, efter found of trumpett, their armes. Which fentence of forfolter being read in parliament, was pronounced for law againft them by the dempfter of parliament. Whereuppon the faid Mr. Thomas Nicolfone, procurator, 6cc. afkit inftruments. 12 Fcbr. 1645. A£l anent the delinquents at Newcaftle. The committee are to returne this anfwere tQ the paper given in behalfe of the parliament of England, That it was agreed unto Jjy the committee of both kingdomes at NewcafHe, that fucli per- fons (hould be Imployed for the ^vorking of the coalcs there as were iibJe to do the fame for the heft advantage of mayntenance to the army, &c. Warrant to the committee for the procefle agalnri: divers who are pre- tended ■upon feverall prefumptions to have been of Montrofle's partie, and to report to the parliament in what fines the feverall delijiquents deferve to be fined. ao Febr. 1645. A6t anent the felling of forfeited lands. 21 Febr. 1645^ Ratification of the propofitions for church-government, ordination of minifters, and of the a.51 of afiembly thereanent. 25 Feb. 1645. The coate of armes of Montrofle and utiiers forfault perfones rent. This day the l.yon king att armes, accompanycd with his brethren the heralds, efter found of trumpett, in tiicc of parliament did PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. 385 did rent the coates of armes of James fometyme earle of MontrofTe, and others, perfons couteyned in the decreets of forfalters pro- nounced againft him and them upon the i ith of February inftant. And this conforme to the ordinance of the faids decreets of For- faultour. 27th Febr. 1645. Aft anent the maintenance of the army. , Articles from the committee of difpatch approvin by the parliament. This is for fetting forth of their army, contayning thirteen articles. I ft March 1645. A£b of afTurance to thefe that buy forfeited lands. Aft of approbation of certaine articles concluded by the committee of dilpatches. 6 th March 1645. A61 anent the putting of the kingdome in a pofture of warre for defence. Ratification to Sir James Lumfden of his commiflion to be governor of Newcaftle. The committee with the army in England, and the lord gene- rail, gave hini his commiflion to be governour of the towne of Newcaftle upon Tyne, and garrifon there. The eftates of parlia- ment confirme his commiflion to be as valid as if themfelves had granted it. Articles from the committees of difpatches and moneys agreed unto. 8 th March 1645. Commiflion to the committee of eftates concerning their comeing into England. Aft anent the 31,000 1. fterling allotted for the army in England, Anfwer of the eftates to the remonftrance of the generall affejiibly. They refolve to fuppreflTe the enemyes of religion and the king- dome, to do juftlce to the enemyes of the kingdome, or of the pre- fent caufe maintayned by the kingdomes, and to performe what they have promifed, vowed, and fworn in their covenants. Anfwer of the parliament to the papers given in by the Englifli com- mlffioners. Their papers were concerning proteftions to delinquents. The eftates of parliament for the tyme tocomethinke it juft that protec- tions to delinquents fliould be limited to the rcftrayning of Ibldicrs from afts of violence, not to extend to proteftions of them from juftlce, except capitulations upon furrender of places. They agree to another paper for the adjufting of accompts ; to another paper they C c c agree -^86 PROCEEDINGS OF THE agree to the regulating, recruiting, or reforming of their army; as for the mofs troopers, they have given order tor the punifhing of them and their recetters in relief of the borderers of Northumber- land, &c. Reference in favour of the lord Lyoun. Sir James Balfour was to have forty-two dollores for providing the coates of armes of the perfons forfauked which were to be torne. Apud Sterlinum, 8 Julli 1645. A£t anent the outputting offerees for the prefeut neceflity. nth July 1645. Reference anent the laaior of Benvick. 2d Auguft 1645. A6t of approbation of the direftorye, and for recording, publifhing, and pratiling of the flime, conforme to the prefent coppy. The eftates of parliament ratifie the printed coppye of the direc- torye prefented unto them by the commlffioners of the generall aflembly. 5th Auguft 1645. Adi for manageing of the warre. A lieutenant-generall, and others, to joyne with the forces of both houfes of the parliament of Englandc againfl Newarke upon Trent. Secundo Febr' 1646. 49 die pari'. A£t difchargeing printing of any thing concerning religion and the kirk without licence upon forfeiture of the prefles and letters. Overtures from the commiliioners of the generall aflembly, with the parliament's ordinance thereanent. The overtures are ii in number for the promoting of the cauie and punilhing malignants, to every of which the eflates of parlia-' ment give a particular anfwer. A£l anent non-covenanting patrons. The eftates'of parliament judge the 9th a6lof his majeflie's fccoud parliament anno 1641, anent non-covenanting patrons, to extend againfl: non-fubfcribers of the national covenant, and alfo againft non-fubfcribers of the league and covenant of the three kingdomes, Tertio Febr' 1646. InftruiSlions from the parliament of Scoland to their commiflioners att London. Tiie houfes of parliament demand the removall of the Scotirti forces out of the townes and caftles of Carliile, &c. Hereupon the parliament of Scotland fend nine inftrudions, as that they are fb ncoelTary that they cannot goe on in the Icrvice without them ; that the Scots recovered theic garrifons from the enemy ; they will give fecurity for rcftitution of them after the warre is ended ; that they will be content to rctayne Berwick, Carlifle, and Tinmouth ; that the garrifons fhall be reftored when they are payd tlie fomms C c c 2 ok' 38S PROCEEDINGS OF THE of money due to them, &c. The pouits of the treaty debated at Uxbndge they are to defire may be fent to his majeftie, wliich were for fetling religion, the militia, and Ireland. They are to endeavour that the i 7th propofition concerning the militia might not be altered; that the militia ought not to be fetled without the king if hee be willing to doe it with advice of his parliament, to defire a conjunc- tion of the councells and forces of both kingdomcs to promote the ends of the common league and covenant. If the howfes of par- liament will alter the i 7th propofition, they are intruded to aniwer in that cafe. There commifiioners v.-ere to demand halfc, att leaft the third part of officers about king, queen, and prince to-be Scotch- men, and to demand fundry great priviledges concerning tiie num- ber of the cavahie in Scotland, what anfwer to make, and concern- hig a garrifon in Ireland called Belfaft, to define it may remayne in the pofleflion of the Scots ; upon reading,, the eilates of parliament approve thefe inftrudions. 4 Febr' 1646. Aing him. 4. That the army thence land att fitt places, and that neceflaryes be provided there for them. 5. To provide fliipps to tranfport the army to prefle fuch as refufe. 6. To deale witli Sir Frances Hamilton to come over to Scotland with his regiment.. Apud Edinburgum 3 Novembris 1646, being the firfi day of this fefiion of parliament. Septimo Novembris 1646. Act of approbation in favour of the marques of Argyle and remanent ecunmiffioneis att Ix)ndoa, Eftates; PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. 389 Eftates of parliament declare that they have dealt faithfulv, pain- fullj', and dutifully, and deferve not only approbation, but alfo thankes, which the parliament hereby gives them. 14 Nov. 1646. Letterfrom the parliament to the king defyreing a fettlement of religion, and a happy and well-grounded peace in all his majellie's dominions, accord- ing to the oath and covenant. . 24 Dec' 1646, Inilrudlions from the parliament of Scotland to William earle of Lothiane and Alexander lord Balcarras, for the nobility; James Macdowell ot Garthland, Sir Thomas Ruthven of Frieland, for the barones; Edward Edzer, baillie of Edinburgh, and William Glendonlng, provoft of Klrken- brlt, for the burrowls,. and Sir Adam Hepburne of Humble, fuper- numerarie, who are fent to the king's majeftie at Newcaflle. 1. You ar-e to deale with his majeftie to aflent to the propofitions^ of peace offered to him in name of both klngdomes, &c. 2. To gett this afftnt your are to reprefent to his majeftie that it will be a mcane to continue monarchicall government to him and his pofterlty. 3-. Urge his majeflie's promifeto give fatlsfaclion to the joynt defires^of ' both kingdomes : upon his aflent they wll be willing to facrlfice their lives and fortunes to eflabllfh his majeftie in his throne. 4. To reprefent dangers that will enfue, upon his denyall or delay, both; to religion and to his majeftie. 5. To reprefent that if England putt him from government upon his dtnlall, this kingdome of Scotland find It unlawfuU to aliift him for recovery. 6. That upon his deniall they will take a courfe to prevent his come- Ing to Scotland. 7. To reprefent that if he grant not the propofitions, this klngdomof will be neceffitated to continue the government thereof without him. 8; To reprefent, till his aflent, hce may not come orremayne in Scotland with freedome, aiid if hee doe come, they will be necefiitated to put a guard upon his pcrfon. Liftractlons from the parliament of Scotland to tlielr commiflioiicrs att London. I, To endeavour with the houfe of parliament, that the league aud coyenant be enjoyned to be taken by all the fubjeds. 5U That. 390 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2. That a joyntway be taken by both khigdomes for prefervmg mo- narchical! government, on his majeftie and his pofterity, according to the covenant. 2. To prefle a joint courfe bee taken anent difpofall of his majeftie's perfon till hee agree to the propofitions. 4. To prefle for eight thoufand pounds fterlingbe moneth to be fent to Scotland to keepe horfe and foot in armes there, till peace be fettled. 5. That there may be a courfe by the parliament of England, to enter- taine the Scots army in Ireland, or to pay their arreares and lett them be called home. 6. To prefle the parliament of England to kcepe (liips upon the wcfl coafls conform to the treaty. 7 To prefle the houfes of parliament to fend commiffioners to Ne'.v- caftle to joyne with the Scotts in the difpofall of his majefl:ie's perfon in cafe hee will not grant the propofitions. 8. To preflTe that a guard may be fett about his majeflie att London for fo long time as hee fliould deny to afl^ent to the propofitions ; fbme provifoes in that cafe ; who fhould have acceflTe to him, and who not ; and the monarchicall government to be no further altered then it had been for three yeares bygone. A£t anent the quorum of the commilfioners in England. Upon neceflary abfence of lome of the commiflioners of Scotland refiding in London, whereby the appointed quorum of ilk eflate cannot meet, the eftates of parliament ordaynes two to be a quorum. 25 Dec' 1646. Orders of the parliament to the lord generall Levin. Orders of parliament to generall major Midleton. 26 Dec' 1646. Inftrudlons from the parliament to the commiflioners fent to Newcaftle and to the generall, generall officers, and governor of Newcaflle. 1. To take care that the treaty now pafl: be obferved concerning the two hundred thoufand pounds delivery, and the flighting of Berwicke and Carlile. 2. To be carefull to make diflribution of that money to fuch as ferved as well in Scotland as in England. 3. To carry away the magazin of powder, ball, match, &c. remanent in any garrifon, before the garrilon remove. 4. The cannon and train of artillery to be tranfportcd to Berwicke by land carriages. 5. Vidualls PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. 391 5. Vidualls to be tranfported to Scotland in Scotts fhlpps . , 6. That fome of the money aforefaid may be advanced to Sir William Dicke, neceffitated by the great advancement made by him in this caufe. Committee for drawing up of the proclamation.againll malignants. They were to draw an draught of an proclamation to be prefented to the parliament concerning the command of tenne of fuch perfones acceflbrie to the late rebellion, as they thinke fitt. Ult. Dec' 1646. Commiflion for thefe that goes to Newcaftle. It is to William earle of Lothian and others, to repairs to the king to Newcaftle, and to joyne with our commiffioners there, &c. and to deale with his majeftie for a fatisfadtory anfwer to their in- flrudtions underwritten. 1 . They ordaine a letter to the king about their commiffioners inftruc- tions to his majeftie. 2. The parliament thankes for making the earle of Crawford, Linley, treafurer. 3. To entreat Lowdon chancellor, and the earl of Lawderdaill to return to London, and clofe with the parliament in the important bufinelTc committed to their care. 4.. Three letters, one concerning Belfaft in Ireland, the 2d to major generall Monro, the third to the Scotch commiffioners att London, read and approven in parliament. 16 Jan' 1647. Declaration of the kingdome of Scotlande. That this kingdome would be necefitated to joyne with the king- dome of England, conforme to the league and covenant, in providing for the prefent and future fecurity of both kingdomes. Holmby houfe in com' North' agreed by the Scotch and Englifh fitt for the king to come to for the fafety of his perfon in defence of religion, and the kingdomes libertyes, according to the covenant. Delires of the kingdome of Scotland. 1. A committee of both kingdomes to attend his majeftie for granting the proportions of peace. 2. None to be debarred acceffe to his majefty that have warrant of par- liament of either kingdomes. 3. That one kingdome allill: the other in cafe of trouble. 4. That England would condifcend to entertayne forces for fuppreffing the Irilh rebells. 1 29 Jan' 392 .C P R O C E E D I N G S OF THE 29 Jan' 1647. Orders from the parliament of Scotland for thefe forces which are to be kept up for the I'ervice of the country and for the regular difbandlng of the remanent of their armycs. Commiflioa to the lord of Levin to be lord generall. The eftates of parliament, upon experience of his fidelity In the three laft expeditions into Ireland, appoint him their generall agalnft the rebells within Scotland. Inftrudtionsto the lord generalLhls excellence. 1 . To keep correfpondence with the committee of eflates, and to admltt no xidvantage againfi: the rcbt-lls. 2. The i'oldiers to take quarter for noe more men then they have, and that, not without fpcciall warrant of parliament. 3. The generall not to fupply places of fuperlor officers falling vaikc. 4. Not to grant exemptions from quarterings or publique per- formances. 5. If there fliall be any appearance of InvaGon, the generall is to give order to the fhires and burghes adjacent to rife in armes for oppofition. 6. Upon takeing any confiderable ftrcngth, to fecure the fame and advertife the parliament. 7- To fee inferior officers obferve conditions putt upon them. 30 Jan' 1647. Anent the dilbanding of the forces w^ithin this kingdome. 5 Feb' 1647. Adl againft the difbandlng of the regiments of horfe. , -AS: anent the difbandlng of the regiments of foot. \t The eflates ordalne the like act for difbandlng of the haill remanent foot regiments within the kingdome that are not to be keepcd up by the new modell. Order ofparliament anent the maklngup of the tropees and foot regiments of the new modelled forces that are to be tane out of thefe forces within the kingdome. 6 Feb' 1647. AS. and order of parliament for advancement of one monethhe mayn- teiiance for difbandlng of the army. II Feb' 1647. Anfwers of parliament to the remonflrance of the kirke. 1. They ordalne all adls already made for punifhing vice to fland in force, and are ready to enad new theraneut. 2. That PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. 393 2. That they have been ready toprofecute workc of uniformity accord- ing to the covenant, and have yet againe made their addrefles to his majeftie for figneiug the covenant. 3. Concerniiigperfons brought of the rebeHion, that they give fecurity for their good behaviour and commanded off tounc, and not to exercife any places of tfuft, civiil or military. 4. Former lawes to be in torce againfl: excommunicate perfbns. 5. That they have provided lome releif for the diflrefled province of Argyle, and will profecute the warre againil the rebells there. 6. That they will take a fpeedy courfe for Ireland upon knowledge what is the refult of the grand committee. 7. That the judicatoryes of the kirk be mayntalned and infolencycs againft them punilhed. B. That they have taken a courfe for punifhing dilorderly foidiers, and upon report from the great committee will refhrain them for the futuj-e. 25th Febr. 1647. Orders of parliament concerning the pay and provifion of the forces kept up for the lervice of the kingdome. Followes the eflablilhment of the pay for the officers and foidiers, horfe and foot. Followes the eftablifhment of the pay for the generall commiflioner and his deputyes. 27th February 1647. Committee for the accompts of the 200,000 I. fterling that comes from the parliament of England to the Scottilh army, and to heare the Soldiers complaints againfl their officers. 4th March 1647. Ad: anciit thcfe excepted from getting pardon or conditions. Tlie eflatcs declare James Graham not to be capable of pardon, Noe power graunted to any general officer Ihall extend to his par- don. No capitulation to be made for him, nor Allafter Macdo- nald, James Gordoun, fometymcs lord of Amboync, John Gor- doun, fometymcs marquis ct' Huntley, Lcdewickc Lyndfey, fome- tymes earle of Crawfurd, and Sii' Jolm Hurrie, all declared to be ■excepted from pardon. Ddd t;th 394 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5th March 1647. - Aft anent the traine of artillery. Proclamation for ferniing of the excife. 6th March 1647, lnftru£tions to lieutenant generall David Lefley. The fame witli the inftrudions to the lord generall his excellence, under the date formerly 29th Jan. 1647. 8th March 1647, Aft for the eflablifhment of the traine of artillery. Committee for the borders betwixt Scotland and England. 9th March 1647. CommifTion to lieutenant David Lefley being lieutcnant-generall. To doc any thing, neceflarie for the good of the fervice, appertcyn- ing to the charge of a lieutenant-generall. loth March 1647. Aft anent the traine of artillery. Aft and commiffion anent the excife. nth March 1647. Aft renewing the commiffion to the commiffioners for England. The commiffion anno 1 644 is renewed ; the earle of Lawderdaill fent from Scotland to joyne with the three already in Lon 15th March 1647. Anfwcr of parliament to the papers given in by the Engliffi commif- .(ioners. That the fame defire given in to the Scots commiffioners att London, they gave their reafons againft it, which have not yctt been anfwered by the parliament of England. Monro fecured that place, or elfe it would have been in the power of the enemy. The Scots cannot doe the fervice without that place. It is hard to preffe a gairifon foe ncccflary for their fafety, fmcc they have been at fo vaft cxpence for fupplieing the Englifli army, they hope the parlia- ment OT England will not miflrufl the Scots army, foe long as they are imployed in tlieir fervice in Ireland; yett they will render it, and all other garrifous, upon their arrears payd, and difmiffiioii according PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. 395 according to the treaty ; and therefore defire a meeting, cither for maintenance of their army in Ireland, or fatistying their arreares. 17th March 1647. Recommendation of the duke of Hamihone and carle of Roxburt. The eftates of parliament ordaine a letter to be writt to the houfes of parliament of England, for refloration of the duke's goods, pidlufes, and moveables Intromitted with by their order. The like letter wrItt by them in the earle of Roxburt's behalf, for the like refloration. 19th March 1647. Inflructions from the parliament to their commlffioners att London, and to the earle of Lawderdaill, who is to repaire to London to the commlllioners already there, in manner and in efFe£l following : 1. To endeavour with the houfes of parliament of England, that religion and uniformity may be fetled according to the cove- nant, and by the advife of the alTembly of divines to eftablifli what is already agreed, and to profitt the remanent, according to the Scots paper of 24th December 1646 ; particularly that the folemne league and covenant be enjoyned upon payne to be taken by all the fubjefts ; non-co\-enanters to be in no place of publlque truft. 2. To ioyne with the parliament of England's commiffioners in delireing the king's affeiit to the propofitions of peace ; ef^K- cially that his majeftie may fweare and fubfcribe the folemne league and covenant ; at leafl: give his confent that it may be confirmed as a law : To deiire his majeftie's aflent to the falc of billiops lands, they being affigned by the treaty betwixt the kingdomes to defray moneys due to Scotland by the parliament of England, particularly for the ready payment of the lall 200,000 1. q. If the king give his afl'ent, they are to agree to a peace, and to - defue his majeflle's return to his houfc of parliament, and cx- ercife of his royall function, and to joyne In an Invitation for the prince his rcturue, and to fend a fpecdy account to the eftates of parliament. 4. If his majeftie delay or deny his afl'cnt, prefently to advertife the eftates of parliament, and to labour againll refolutions to his majeftlc's diladvantage in the interim, and to prefle a 'declara- tion from both houles like that of the i6th of January lafl. D d d a 5. Thar 396 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 5. That this kingdome refolves to preferve the union betwixt the two kingdomes, according to the covenant and trcatyes, and to endeavour a right underllanding and conjunction between them. 6. To de&re that Scotclimen that have charge about tlie king, may, xuileffe excepted in the propolitions of peace, attend the ilime ; and that none be debarred that liath warrant from the parliament of Scotland. 1. To defire the houfes of parHiment to anifl: us for reprefling re- bells according to the kiugdi)me of England's obligation by the large treaty ; to deHre a fupply of money to enable us to pay the forces in Ireland, for the proportion to defire according to an otlier warrant dlrecled to them by order of parliament. 8. To defire the houfes either to provide Ihips to guard our cafk coafts, or to allow this kingdome fome money to provide for Itfelfe. 9. To defire the Scotts army in Ireland may be fupplyed with mo- ney, armes, and ammunition, or be payed their arrcares accord- ing to the treaty, and difmilVed. 10. To defire that the warrs may be a(£lively profecuted agalnfl: the Irlfh rebells, that the Irifh may not invade Scotland. 11. To delist the earle of Traquair's name out of the number of thofe that are excepted In the propofitions of peace, becaufe he Is re- conciled to the parhament of this kingdome. 12. To deliil out (di the firft exception of the propofitions the lord" Hereis, lord Ogilbie, earl of Forth, lord Ythan, and Irwing of Down, and Alexander Leflie, and Intimate the fame to the parliament of England. 15. To profecute further inftructlons that fiial be given you by the committee of eftates. 14. Frequently to advertlfe the committee of eftates of your proceed- ings, and when they fhaLl think fitt, to fend them one of your number for that purpofe. 15. To endeavour a jull peace If the king grant the propofitions for religion and iiniformitv, and a fatisfactory anfwer in the propo- fitions for matters civill, fo far as may be a foundation of a firme peace. 16. You fhall afiTent if the parliament of England make alterations oa the propofitions In any tiling that fingly concerncs themfelves. 17. To PARLIAMENT OF SCOTLAND. 397 17. To deale with the houfes of parliament for reftltutlon of the earlc of Roxburgh's goodi iiitromitted with by their warrant. Additlonall inftru£lions for the earl of LawderdailL 1. To goe to London fpeed'ily, and join with the refl: of the commir- fioners there, to manage the former inflructions of the parlia- ment, or thole (hal be given by the committee of cftates. 2. To goe to Hf Idenby, or where the king is, and take with yon any of the commiffioners att London, and joyne with the com- miffioners from the parliament of England. ^. To deliver tiie letters lent from the parliament to the parliament of England, mnior and citty of London, and aiiembly of divines there. 4. To dealc with the houfes of parliament for the reftitutioti of tlie duke of Hamilton's goods intromitted with by them or their committee's warrant. 20th March 1647, Qualifications of the power granted be the parliament to the com- mittee of eflates, and to the commander of their forces, anent the pardoning fuch as are in rebellion, and ancnt fnch as are not to be pardoned, nor relave conditions. 1. James Graham, • 1 Allafter Macdonald, I ^ j r James Gordoun, fometymes lord Aboyne. I ^"-e not to De pardoned, >^ /^j r \ • c \ nor 'Tiy omcer or lol- George Gordoun, lometymes marquis or •! j- u 1 ,• t. tt'^ ..1 ^ > dier that have lerved Huntley, 1 . 41. L-odowick lyVndfey, lometymes earlc of ^ .. in-' ^, ,- J ■' -^ -^ after m> rebellion. Crawiurd, j Sir John Hurrie, j 2. Sucli as have received pafl'es and made ufe of them ; fuch as have- ina Pro Hibernicis quod Wallenfes pro pofie cxpugnareat. Rot. Claus. 15 Hen. III. Membrana 12, Dorso. LIttera regis ad temporalibus cpifcopatuum fedibus vacantibus. Rot. Pat. 18 Hen. III. Membrana 17. De placltls in curia chriftiauitatis non fequendis in praEJudlcIum dignitatis regis. Rot. Pat. 19 Hen. III. Membrana 5.. Pro rege Mannix de euftodienda coftcra Hybernia;. Rot. Pat. 20 Hen. III. Membrana 9. De eledtione Thoma; Decani Cloencns. in epifcopum Cloenenfem. Rot. Pat. 20 FIen. III. Membrana 13, Dorso. De conftitutionibus fadtis apud Merton tenendis in Hiberniam ficut in Angliam. Rot. Claus. 21 Hen. III. MembranjE 11 & 12, Dorso. Prohibitio dc elcdioiie in tcclcfiis cathedralibus, ledc vacante, fine licentia regis. Ror. 422 MEMORANDA DE R O T U L I S, &c. Rot. Claus. 21 Hen. III. Membrana 13, Dorso. De eleftlone cpHcopi Artfertenlis. Rot. Claus. 21 Hen. III. Membrana 16, Dcrso. Deconti'overfia Inter Clecoren. epifcopum et Armach. archieplfcopum. An. 24. Hen. III. In Bundela Litterarum in Turre London. Litera Fedlimidi O-Connor regis Conadiae ad Henricum regena. Rot. Claus. 25 Hen. III. Membrana 5, Dorso. Depecunia pro rcdemptionc votorum crucefignatorum. Rot. Claus. 26 Hen. III. Membrana i8. Licencia pro eleclione archicpilcopi Artferten. Rot. Claus. 27 Hen. III. Memerana2. De Ipiritualibvis epifcoporum. Rot. Pat. 28 Hen. III. Membrana 2, Dorso. Breve regis de fratribus minoribus non eligendis in archiepifcopos fcu epifcopos. Rot. Claus. 28 Hen. III. Membrana 7, Dorso. Prohibitio Armichano epifcopone fuper terris aut ecclefiarumadvocati- onibus, Priorem de Lanton, vel alium, in caufam in foro eccleliaftico trahere praefumat. Rot. Pat. 29 Hen. III. Membrana 2. De ordinatione epilcopi Elfin, line afienfu regis. Rot- Pat. 29 Hen. III. Membrana 5, Dorso. Pro archicpifcopis & epilcopis Hibernise conventuris ad concilium Lugduncnfe. Rot. Claus. 29 Hen. III. Membrana 7, Dorso. De licentia transfretandi in Hibernian nuncio papic data, ad ablblutionem impendcndam hiis quis manus violentas in clericos injecerunt, & ad pecuniam colligcndam in fubfidium terrae landtae. Rot. Claus. 29 Hen. III. Membrana 10, Dorso. Jufticiario Hibernicc de lite inter epi(copum Clou' & cpi.'copum Imlicenlbm. Rot. HIBERNIAM SPECTANTIBUS. 433 Rot. Pat. 30 Hen. III. Membrana i. De legibus Anglicanis iii Hibernla teneudis. Rot, Pat. 30 Hen. III. Membrana 2. Dc regali aflenfu eleftloni cpifcopl adhlbito. Rot. Claus. 30 Hen. III. Membrana 2, Dorso. Licentia capitulo Ardmachan vice regis eligendi archiepilcopum.. Rot. Claus. 32 Hen. III. Membrana 6, Dorso. Jufticiaiio Hiberniae de temporalibus cpifcopi Clou'. Rot. Pat. 34 Hen. III. Membrana 8, Dorso. Licentia eligendi archicpifcopiim Tuamenleniv Rot. Claus. 34 Hen. III. Membrana 11, Dorso. Literas regis archiepilcopis Hiberniae Icrlptas, pro publicatlone liteni- rum PapiE, de auxilio pro expeditione in Terram Sandtam. Anno 34 Hen. III. Ex Autogr. Bulla Papalis de revocando ftatuto Hibernia--, 7tc Ckrici Anglicc admits terentur in camnkum ecclefianim pradidlee terrce. Rot. Pat. 35 Hen. III. Membrana 6. Pro Richardo Sando Angeli, diacono, cardinali. Rot. Claus. ^^ Hen. III. Membraka 15, Dorso. De eleilo de Limeric. Rot. Claus. 36 Hen. III. Membrana -, Dcrso- De ecclefia dc Henechdun. Rot. Claus. ^6 Hen. III. Membrana 15. Dc confirmatione eledionis abbatis S. Thomce Dublin. Rot. Claus. 36 Hen. III. Membrana 16, Dorso. De cxcommunicatione Stephani Longefpe. Rot. Claus,. 36 Hen. III. Membrana 17, Do:iso. De pccunia coUigciida, pro redemptionc de cruvv. I i i Rot.. 434 MEMORANDA D E R O T U L I S, &c. Rot. Claus. 36 Hen. III. Membuana 22, Dorso. Dc prctdicnndo c!e cruce. Rot. Claus. 27 Hek. 111. Membrana 4. De cuppis in ccclefiis catnedralibus invenicndis ad euchariftiam rqio- jicndam. Rot. Pat. ^7 Hen. III. Membrana 9. Pro arcliicpifcopo ArmacTi. profeifturo ad curiam Romanam. Rot. Pat. 37 Hen. III. Membrana ii. De paffagio regis in Terrain Sauctam. Rot. Pat. 38 Hen. III. Membrana 2. De quodain admittendo in Hibernia ad decimas ecclefiarum coUi- oendas. Rot. Claus. 38 Hen. III. Membrana 5. De quodam miffo in Hibernia ad decimas ecclefiarum coUigendas. Rot. Claus. 38 Hen. III. Membrana 9, Dorso. De honefta comiti\a armatorum ad regem in Vafconia conducenda. Rot. Claus, 38 Hen. III. Membrana 10, Dorso. Breve regis de prerogativa regia. Rot. Claus. 38 Hen. III. jNIembrana 10, Dorso. De epifcopo Meden. Rot. Claus. 39 Hen. III. Membrana 8, Dorso. De gravaminibus ecclefia; Hybernlcana: remediendis. Rot. Pat. 40 Hen. III. Membrana 13. Bullae Alexandri pap^e pro excommunicatione jufticiariorum & balli* vorum regis in Hibernia. Rot. Pat. 41 Hen. III. Membrana 13. De negotio crucis & decimac. Rot. Pat. 42 Hen. III. Mehbrana 2. Pro eledo In epifcopum Dumenf. Rot. HIBERNIAM SPECTANTIBUS. 435 Rot. Pat. 42 Hen. III. Membrana 17, Dorso. De temporalibus archiep. Tuam. Rot. Pat. 42 Henj. III. Membrana 13. Pro archiepifcopo Armachaneafi de temporalibus. Rot. Pat. 43 Hen. III. Membrana 6. Pro archiepifcopo Tiiameufi de reftitutionc temporalium. Rot. Pat. 44 Hen. III. Pars 2, Membrana 2, Pro eledo Elfinens'. Rot. Pat. 44 Hen. III. Pars i, Membrana 3. Pro epifcopo eledto de Oflbr. Rot, Claus. 44 Hen. III. Pars i, Membrana 14, Dorso. Pro Willielmo capellano regina;. Rot. Pat. 46 Hen-. III. Membrana 11. Pro epifcopo Elfinens'. Rot. Pat. 46 Hen. III. Membrana 12. Pro archiepifcopo Tuam de temporalibus. An. 49 Hen. III. Bundela Certif. & Petit. An. 49 Hen. III. IN TuRRi London'. Epiftola Odonis O-Connor regis Conaftiae pro confcnfu regis ad epif- copum eligendum. Rot. Pat. 50 Hen. III. Membrana 29. Pro epifcopo Dublin' & tenentibus fuis. Rot. Pat. 51 Hen. III.- Membrana 34. De temporalibus reftituendis. Rot. Pat. 52 Hen. III. Membrana 36.- De elcilionibus epifcoporum in provincia Cafl'alens. Rot. Pat. 54 Hen. III. Membrana 3. Pro regina dccima liibcmice. I i i 2, Rot. 436 MEMORANDA D E R O T U L I S, &c. Rot. Pat. 54 Hen. III. N. 13. Pro Alieiiora regiiia lupcr dccima ia Hybcrnia colligenda. Rot. Pat. 55 Hen. III. Membrana 13. Dc dcclinls colligcndis. Rot. Pat. i E. I. Pars 2, Membrana 5. Pro -de Grenville juftlclario Hibernie, de poteilate praefentan- dis vice regis ad ecclefias vacantes. Rot. Pat. i E. I. Pars 2, Membrana 5. Pro Thoma de Chedworth, de terris archiepifcopatis Dublin' excolen- dio 6c kmiiiandis. Rot. Claus. i E. I. Membrana 6. Pro archieplfc. Caflalen, de bonis & catallis ufurariorum quae ad ma- uum arclutpilcopl devenerunt, & qu« ad regem pertinent. Rot. Pat. i E. I. Pars 2, Membrana 19. De cuflodia epi!copatus de Lymerick. Rot. Pat. i E. I. Pars 2, Membrana 19. De terris archlcpilcopatus Dublin' excolendis & fcminandis. Rot. Pat. i E. I. Pars 2, Membrana 20. De fidclitaife archiepifcoporum, epifcoporum, &c. de Hibernia regi fa- cienda. Rot. Pat. i E. I. Pars 2, Membrana 20. De confervatione pads in Hibernia. Rot. Pat. 3 E. I. Membrana 14. De temporalibus epifcopatiis ImaUcen. rellitutis. Rot. Pat. 3 E. I. Membrana 17. Pro priore hofpitalis Sanctl Johaiinis Jcrulalem in Hibernia, de redditu fuo in Hibernia, non obilante mandatum maglftri domorum ipfius hof- pitalis. Rot. Pat. 3 E. I. Membrana 30. De poteflate S. Watcrford. epifcopo ad Inquirendum fuper tranlgref- fionibus WillicLui lilli Warini fcnelchalli regis. Rot. H I B E R N I A M S P E C T A N T I B U S. 437 Rot. Pat. 3 E. I. Membrana ^^. Poteflas conferendi vicariam ecclcfiaj de Domenathliac, rationc archi- epifcopatus Dublin' vacantis data Thome de Clicdiworth cancellario Dublin. Rot. Pat. 3 E. I. Membrana 34. De archidiaconatu Dublin', cum pncbcnda annexa, dato Williclmo do Salinis. Rot, Pat. 3 E. I. Membrana ^6. De prtebenda in ccclefia Dublin. Iter Bofiard data. Rot, Pat, 3 E, I, Membrana 3(5". Pro epifcopo Waterford' de recipiendo quadraginta libras fingulls anni/ ad fuftentationem fuam. Rot. Pat. 3 E. T. Membrana ^6. Pro epifcopo Waterfordcnll thefiurario Hibernix de dominlcis regii appreciaudis. An. 3 E. I. Ex Autogr' infra Tur. Liter^e a diverfis regibus Hibernicis fuper diverfis rebellionibus. Liberate 4 E. I. Pars i, Membrana 3. Pro magiftro T. de Chaddeworth, de cuftodia archiepifcopatus Dublin', fede vacante. , Rot. Pat. 4 E. I. Membrana 20. De regis confcnfu cle6lioni Gilbert! prioris in nbbatem abbatiae beatc Marie de Trum, Rot, Pat. 4 E. T. Membrana 24. Sentcntia delegatorum de lite, inter regem & priorem & capltulum ecclefice iranftaj Trinitatis Dublin', donatiouem archidiaconatus Dublin' vacantis fpeflante. Rot. Pat. 5 E. I. Membrana 7, De liccntia cligcndi abbatem Sanftx^ Mariae de Kenfis & temporalibus rertituendis. Rot. Pat. 5 E. I. Membrana 6. De poteilate data prsefentandi ad Vicariam ecclchx' do Sancto Kcnino. Rot. 43? MEMORANDA DE R O T U L I S, &c. Rot. Pat. 5 E. I. Membrana 13. De affcnfu rcgio eleclioui Robert! Ciccftrienfis monachi, in cpifcopnm- dc Corke adhibito. Rot. Pat. 5 E. I. Membrana 21. De llcentia tligendi abbatiflam SaiidfE Marias de Hoges juxta Dublin" & de teniporalibus reftitueiidis. Rot. Pat. 5 E. I. Membrana 21. De teniporalibus electo in cpircopum dc Duno. Bukdela Brev. & Pat. Anno 5 E. I. Prohibitlo fuper iententia per icdis apoilolic^ lata ll:per fpoliatiouc ec- clefiarum Sancti Edwini 6c Sandre Mariae dc Ros. Rot. Pat, 6 E. I. Membrana 6. De arclildiaconatu Dublin' &c de pra^benda datis Galfrido de Afpak- RoT. Pat. 7 E. I. Membrana 3^ Pro archlcpifcopo Dublin. Rot. Claus. 7 E. I. Membrana 7, Dorso. Dc fidelitate fratris Johannis de Derlington fodla regi. Rot. Pat. Claus. 7 E. I. Membrana 19. De temporalibus archiepifcopatus Dublin' reftitutis. Rot. Claus. 8 E. I. Membrana 8. Pro dccano & capitulo Cluon' de eledione epifcopi fine licentia regis.- Rot. Pat. 8 E. I. Membrana 8. Pro priore & conventu domus dc Monte apoftolorum de Luneth de eledione abbatis fine licentia regis. Rot. Pat. 10 E. I. Membrana 2. De ellgendo abbatcm Sandi Petri & Pauli de Retheg. Rot, Pat. id E. I. Membrana 2. De temporalibus reftitutis Richardo electo de Fern, Rot. HIBERNIAM S PE C T AN T I B U S. 439 Rot. Pat. 10 E. I. Membrana 13. TJcentla data priorlfle 6c monialibus ecclcliae Sanclic Marian de Clove- -nard eligendi abbatlflam. Rdt. Pat. 10 E. I. Membrana 17. De temporalibus reftitueiid' Mauritio cIc6to dc Lacn. Rot. Pat, i i E. I. Membrana 13. De prote6Uone pro archiepifcopo Arniachance. P.oT. Pat. 1 1 E. I. Membrana 15. De aflenfu regie eledioni Nicolai in abbatem ccclcfia; conventual;- Dymelek. Rot. Pat. n E. T, Membrana 15. De temporalibus abbatix de Dymelek reftituendis. Rot. Pat. n E, I. Membrana 16. Pro Ricardo de Gey ton clerico. RoT. Pat. 12 E. I. Membrana z, De prebenda data Jacobo de Ifpania. Rot. Pat. 12 E. I. Membrana S. De thefauraria ecclelia; San£ti Patricii Dublin' data Waltero de Will'; •burnc. Rot. Claus. An. 13 E. I. Membrana 2. Pardonatlo archiepifcopo Ardmachano conceff. de amcrciamento prd occupatione temporalium epifcopatus Drummorenfis. Rot. Pat. 13 E. I. Membrana 4." HibeVn. de aflenfu poftulationi feu eleftioni adhibito. Rot. Pat. 13 E. I. Membrana 5, Dorso. De ftatuto Wellminfter. i. ftatuto Glouceftriae, flatuto de mcrcato- rlbus, & ftatuto de Weflminfler, in Hiberniam defcrendis, & ibidem proclamandls 6c obfervandis. Rot. Pat. i^ E. L Membrana 7. Pro eplfcopo Waterfordenfu RoT. 440 MEMORANDA DE ROTULIS, &c. Rot, Pat. 13 E. I. Membrana 8. De tcmporibus archlcpilcopatus Dublin' rcftitutis. Rot. Pat. 13 E.I. Membrana 10. De poteftate data p^Tlentandi ad ccclcfiam de Lexmcdy. Rot. Pat. 13 E. I. Membrana 13. De afl'enfu adhlbito cledionl & temporalibus reflituendis. Rot. Pat. 15 E. I. Membrana 6. Pro prloriflli & moniallbus abbatlae de bello portu bcata; Mariic. Rot. Claus. 22 E. I. Membraka 10, Dorso. De diverfis tangentibus ftatum Hibernice, & de adjornatlone duelll juter Willielmum de Vefey & Johaiinem filium Thomae, Rot. Claus. 30 E. I. Membrana 16, Dorso. Literar ad magnates Hibenii?e de gucrra Scotias finaliter tennlnanda. MEMORANDA [ 441 ] MEMORANDA FROM THE PARLIAMENT ROLLS TOUCHING SUNDRY MATTERS RELATING TO IRELAND. Rot. Parl. 5 E. III. N. 2. PARLIAMENT lummoned for the affairs of Ireland, and foe the kuig's expedition tliither. Ibid. N. 4. Propnetors of lands in Ireland directed to repair thither for defence of the fame, and to meet the king there. Ibid, N. 6 & 7. Perfons appointed to go to Ireland as jufliccs not to be excufed from that fervice, and the Records to be fearched for fuch provilions as have been made for improving the ftate of the kingdom. Rot. Parl. 6 E. III. Pars i. N. ii. — P. 2. N. 3. The king's expedition to Ireland poftponed. Rot. Parl. 21 E. III. N. 41. Enquiry to be made why no profits arife to the king from his pofleflions in Ireland, as they did to his anceftors. Ibid, N. 67. Proviiion to be made in parliament that the county of Hulncflcr (Ulfter) in Ireland, belonging to Lionel, the king's Ion, In right of Elizabeth, his wife, fliall not defccnd to the king's enemies in cale the fald Elizabeth die without ifllie. Rot. Parl. 40 E. III. N. 2. The Duke of Clarence fent into Ireland to govern Ij. K k k IniD. 442 MEMORANDA. Ibid. N. 8. Touching King John's homage to the Pope, for Ireland. Rot. Parl. 3 R. II. N. 20 & 21. The Earl of March appointed lieutenant of Ireland. RoT. Parl. 9 R. II. N. 17. Confirmation to Robert de Verc, Earl of Oxford, of the old lands and doratnions of Ireland, with their appurtenances, as amply as the king ought to enjoy the fame, together with the enjoyment to him and his heirs, of all lands conquered by him, except the king's demeiiies in deed or in right. RoT. Parl. 16 R. II. N. 15 & 16. Touching the reftitution to Sir Aubrey de Veer, heir of the Duke of Ireland, to the lands and honour forfeited by the attainder of the faid duke. Rot. Parl. 18 R. II. N. r. Touching the king's pafl'age into Ireland, and his conquefls there.. Rot. Parl. 21 R. II. N. 44. Touching the charges of the realm of Ireland. Rot. Parl. 22 R. II. N. 15. Touching the flight of Sir Thomas Mortimer into Ireland. Rot. Parl. i H. IV. N. 42. Article agalnft Richard the Second, for carrying into Ireland the treafure, relicks, and other jewels of the realm of England. Ibid. N. 96. The king's promlfes in favour of the dutchefs of Ireland. Rot. Parl. 2 H. IV. N. 3. Touching the warrs in Ireland. Rot. Parl. 4 H. IV. N. 12. Touching the valour of the Lord Thomas, tlie king's fecond fon. In Ireland. Rot. MEMORANDA. 44- Rot. Parl. 5 H. IV. N. 3. Touching the warrs in Ireland. Ibid. N. 56. Touching certain outlaws for robberies and fellonles In Ireland. Rot. Parl. 8 H. IV. N. 2. Touching rebellions In Ireland. Ibid. N. ^2- Touching provifions for Ireland. Ibid. N. 4.0. Remedies to be provided for the charge of Ireland. Ibid. N. 96. Letters patent between Philippa, Dutchefs of Ireland, and Richard, Earl of Oxford, touching certain manors and lands. Rot. Parl. i H. V. N. 9. Touching provifions for Ireland. Rot. Parl. 2 H. VI. N. 47* • " Touching the fureties of the Irifli. Rot. Parl. 8. H. VI. N. 69. An erroneous judgment in the Irifh parliament, removed Into the King's Bench in England, by the prior of Lantham in Ireland. Rot. Parl. 9 H. VI. N. 11. A fafe conduct to John O'Kileth, an Irifhman. Rot. Parl. i E. IV. N. 35. Refloration of certain manors in Ireland to Richard Strangcivays, foil and heir of Elizabeth, the late wife of Sir James Strangevvays, Knt. Rot. Parl. 7. E. IV. N. 15. The chancellor of England declarcth the kuig's care for tlie provifioa for Ireland. K k k 2 MEMO- [ 44+ 1 ME MORA NDA D E H I B E R N I A. Annis 49 & 50 E. III. De perfonis ecclefiaftlcls per Epilcopos Sc Clerum, ac perfonis laicis per Communes cujuflibet Comitatus, & per Gives & Burgenles cujullibet Civitatis 6c Burgi inHibernia, eligendis, & tranfmittendis in Angliam, verfus dominum Regem, 6c Confilium fuum, ubicunque fuerit, 6c pote- ftatcm fufficientem habentibus, pro pr.Tdidis Epilcopis 6c Clero, Mag- natibus cujuflibet comitatus, Civibus 6c Burgenfibus cujuflibet Civitatis 6c Burgi, ad tradtandum, confulendum 6c concordandum cum ipfo Rege, 6c ejus Conlilio, tam fuper gubernatione 6c defenfione terras Hibernia:?, quam fuper auxilio ibidem levando ad fuilentacionem guerra; regis. CUM EXCELLENTISSIMUS DOMINUS NOSTER, DOMI- NUS REX ANGLIC, nuper tranfmilerit Nidiolaum de Dag- worth militem, ad terram iplius domini regis Ilibernia?, ad quxdam nego- tia di(!^i domini regis, Pra-latis, Magnatibus, 6c Communi^us diets terrje exponenda, prout idem Nicholaiis per didum dominum regem erat oneratus, prout in literis patcntibus de Anglia inde confectis, 6c in can- cellaria didi domini regis in Hibernia irrotulatis, plenius continetur, ac idem Nicholaus, in Parliameuto didi domini regis apud Kilkennor. die Sabbatis in odabis Sandi Michaelis, anno regni ejuldem domini regis quadrageflmo none, ex caufa prsedida fummonito 6c tcnto, comparenj, inter cetera, tam in didis literis, quam in quadam indentura, per didum Nicholaum in dido Parlijmento monflirata, 6: ibidem perlcda, 6c pofl- modum in cancellaria prxdida exhibits, contcnta; Prelatis, Mjgnatibii?, 8c Communibus ibidem tunc convocatis, articulos fublcriptos cxpofuerit, videlicet, qualiter didus dominus Rex, tam grandes fumptus 6c expenfas fuper fuftentatione gucrra,' in terra fua pr^dida, pro iaivatioiie 6c defenfione ejuldem. MEMORANDA DE HIBERNIA. 445 ejufdem, quales per antea fecit & appofuit, propter cxcelTivam effufionem expenfaruni quas circa guerras fuas aliunde ipfum facere oportcrct, diu- tiiis non potuit fuftinere, unde dittos Prelates, Magnates & Communes diligentcr excitando, quod ipfi pra^milTis conlideratis, ordinarcnt, qualiter quilibct eorum juxta facultates fuas, & flatus fui exigentiam, partem ra- tionabilem hujufmodi lumptuum & expenfarum, pro luftcntatione guerrae regis in terra pradida, ac falvatione, defenfione, & gubernatione ejufdem terrfp, vjleret fupportare : & cum Prelati, Magnates & Communes fupra- didti, fuper prErniflis fe excufaverint; videlicet, quod ipfi propter eorum infufficientiam & paupertatem, aliquam partem hujufmodi fumptuum 6c expenfarum tunc temporis non pof^cnt fupportarc ; eofdem Prelates, Magnates & Communes, juxta vim & etfcftum indentura? pritdidta?, pofl- modum oneraverit, quod quilibet epifcopus, duas perfonas ecclcliafticas po- teftatem fufficientem pro fe 5c clero (ux diocefis, per literas procuratorias ab ipfis epifcopo & clero, ac communes 'cujuflibet comitatus lWAcV terrac, duas perfonas laicas poteftatem fufficientem pro magnatibus Sc commu- nibus ejufdem comitatus, accives 6c burgenfescujuflibet civitatis & biirgi ejufdem terras, duos cives & duos burgenfes poteftatem fufficienterh pro fe, civibus Sc burgenfibus civitatum & burgorum prsdidorum haben- tes, verfus didlum dominum regem in Anglia, ad tracflandum, confu'en- dum Sc concordandum cum didiro domino rege & t]us confilio, tarn fuper gubernatione ejufdem terrse, quam fuper aux'ili-o & fuftentatione guerrae "regis, ibidem tranfmitterent : cujus oneris pnt'textu, & etiam pro co quod idem dominus rex literas fuas dc privato figillo fuo, VVillielmo de W'yn- defore gubernatori & cuftodi di(5la2 tcrrit Hibcrnia), per di(ftum Nicholaum tranfmifit, mandando' eidem gubernatori & cuftodi quod fi dieU Prelati, •Magnates 5c Communes, partem rationabilem hujulmodi fumptuum 5c expenfarum fu^er fe affumere recufarent, tunc idem gubcrnator c>c cudos, tantum faceret.quod quilibet epifcopus, ac communes cujuflibot comitatus, 'ac cives 6c burgenfes cujuflibct civitatis 6c burgi tcrr.t (>ra'dida.% duas perfonas in forma pra^difta tranfmitterent, proi t m didis littris de privato ■figillo plenius poterit apparere ; de avifamcnto dii5ti gubernatoris 6c culto- dis, ac confilii difti domini regis Hibernia^j extitit concordatum, quod brevia domini regis Archiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Vicccomitibus, Scnefallis, Majoribus, Superioribus, 6c Praspofitis, ac omnibus aliis ejufdem terra.-, quorum interefl, ad eledtionem hujufmodi dii^rum perfonarum,in Angliam in forma pra^didatranfmittendarum, faciendam, mandaridcberent, ut idem dominus rex, ac pcritum confilium fuum in Anglia, fnptr clcctionc pra:- dida 6c nominibus hujufmodi tlcdorum, ac fuper eftcvltu brcvium pra:- didorum, 6c rcturnorum eorundcm ad partes Anglian tianlmittcndis, ple- nius poterunt informari. • Qu;k 446 MEMORANDA DE HIBERNIA. Qux quidem brevia confeda, & didis Archiepifcopis & aliis prsdiclis mifla, & poflea in di«5tam cancellariam returnata fuerunt, &; ibidem re- manent de recordo, quorum vero brevium 6c returncrum tenores fequun- tur fub hac forma : E D WA R D U S Dei gratia rex Anglix Sc Franciia?, & dominus Hibernis, venerabili in Chriflo patri M. eadcm gratia Archiepifcopo Ardmachono falutem : Cum alias oneravimus diledum 6c fidelem noftrum Nicbolaum Dag- worth militem, nuncium noftrum verfus terram noftram Hibernia; per nos tranlmilTum, quod ipfe in quodam Parliamcnto in terra noftra praedifta, pra?textu literarum noftrarum, diledo 6c fideli noftro Willielmo de Wyn- defore gubernatori 6c cuftodi didze terrse noftrae tranfmilTarum, convo- cando, inter cetera in quadam indentura inter nos &c didtum nuncium no- jftrum confeda, contenta, Praslatis, Magnatibus, 6c Communibus terrce no- ftrae pvxdicXx, ad didum Parliamentum comparentibus, exponi faceret, quod cum nos, tarn exceflivas 6c intolerabiles expenfas, circa guerras noftras in terra noftra prsdida, pro falvatione 6c defenfione ejufdem, quales ante haDC tempora appofuimus, propter maximam effufionem expenfarum quas circa guerras noftras aliunde neceilario nos apponere oportebit, de caetero fupportare minime valeamu*; iidem Praelati, Magnates 6c Communes 6c eorum quilibet, juxta facultatcs fuas 6c ftatus fui exigentiara, partem ra- tionabilem hujulmodi expenfarum, pro fuftentatione guerra; nollraj ibi- dem, 6c falvatione terrs praedidas, faciant fupportare ; 6c fi iidem Praelati, Magnates 6c Communes partem rationabilem hujufmodi expenfarum fuper fe capere recufarent, tuncdidus nuncius nofleripfos ex parte noflraoneraret, quod quilibetEpifcopusduas perfonas ecclefiailicas idoneas poteftatem fuffi- cientem pro fe & clero fua diocelis, per literas procuratorias ab ipfis epifcopo &c clero, ac communes cuiufllbet comitatus didae terra?, duas perfonas laicas potefbatemfufficientemtani pro feipfis,quam Magnatibus ejufdem comitatus, ac Cives 6c Burgenfes cujuflibct Civitatis 6c Burgi ejufdem terrae, duosCives i & duos Burgenfes poteftatcm fufficientem pro fe, & Civibus & Burgenfibus ( civitatum 6c burgorom pracdidorum habentes, verfus nos 6c confilium no- { ftrum in Anglia, ad tradandum, confulendum6c concordandum nobifcum, tam fuper gubernatione didas lerrae, quam pro auxilio 6c fuftentatione guerrae noflrae ibidem tranfmitterent. Et licet idem nuncius noftcr, prsemifia omnia 6c hngula Pnxlatis, Magnatibus 6c Communibus in Parliamento noftro apud Kilkenn. in odibis Sandi Michaclis proximis prateritis, ex caufis prsmilTis fummonito 6c tento, comparentibus, expofuerir, 6: ipfos in forma prsedida oneraverit; ipli tamen fe per eorum infutiicientiam ex- a cufarunr. •J t <( MEMORANDA DE HIBERNIA. 447 cnfarunt, quod aliquam partem fumptnum & expenfarum, pro gucrris no- ftris ibidem manutenendis, ad prarfcns nequeant lupportare : ob quod, hu- julmodi perfonas verfus nos in Angliam, ex caufis prjrdidlis, in forma fu- pradifta, tranfmitti volentes, vobis mandamus, quod convocato coram vobisClero veftrae diocefis, duas perfonas ecclefiaflicas hujufmodi potefta- tem pro vobis & difto clero veltro optinentes, de aficnl'u ejuldsrin clcri eligi, & coram nobis, & didto conlilio noftro in Anglia ad lumptus veftros, & didi cleri veftri, citra quindenam purificationis beatit Maria: proxim' futur', ubicunquc tunc fuerimus in Anglia, ad traftandum, confulendum & concordandum, ut praediftum eft, tranfmitti facialis, nobis in cancellaria noflra Hiberniae, de nominibus did:arum duarum perfonarum, fic per vos eligendarum, citra fcftum Sandtae Katerinas virginis prox' futur', ubicunque tunc fuerit, fub figillo veftro certificantes, hoc breve nobis tunc ibidem remittentes, & hoc fub pcena centum librarum, de vobis, & ditfto clero veftro, ad opus noftrum levandarum, nullatenus omittatis. Tefte Willielmo de Wyndefore gubernatore & cuftode terra; noftrse Hibernia?, apud Kilkenn. xxv. die Odobris, anno regni noftri Anglia: quadragefimo nono, regni vero noftri Franciae tricefimo fexto. Cujus quidem brevis returni tenor talis eft : Praetextu iftius brevis, convocato coram nobis clero noftrx diocefis, de noftro communi confilio & aftenfu refpondemus, quoad contenta in brevi huiccedulae confuto, quod non tenemur juxta libertates, privilegia, jura, leges 6c confuetudines ecclefiae, necterrac Hiberniie, aliquosde clero noflro eligere, nee mittere ad partes Angliac, ad Parliamenta leu confilia in An- glia tenenda; tamen, ob reverentiam domini noftri regis Anglia: ilkiftril- fimi, 6c propter urgentiffimam neceflitatem dida: terraj jam imminentcm ad prffifens, falvis nobis 6c terras praediftje Magnatibus 6c Communibus, juribus, privileges, libertatibus, legibus, 8c confuetudinibus fuis fupra- didtis, concedimus domino Johanni Cufak 6c Willielmo Fitz-Adam cle- ricis per nos eledis, ad proficifcendum ad partes Anglia;, ibidein coram domino noftro rege comparend. plenam poteftatem ad tra(3andum, con- fulendum 6c concordandum, fuper falvatione, defenfione, 6c bona guber- natione terrae pra:di£lx. Except, tamen quod non concedimus pra?didis nunciis feu eledtis noftris, poteftatem concedendi aliqua oncra feu fubfidia fuper nos, feuclerumpraedidlum ad pracfens, 6c hoc tarn propter paupcrta- tem nortram, 6c noftrorum dignitatuum 6c beneficiorum exilitatem, quani propter mifas, fumptus 6c cxpenfas, quos quafi quotidie, tarn in invenicnd^ homines ad arma, hobelarios, 6c pedites, quam in aliis fumptibus 6c ex- penlis, quos nos circa defenfionem partium noftrarum, 6c didac terrae ne- ceflario 448 MEMORANDA DE H I B E R N I A. ceflario apponere oportebit, quae tamen, licet juxta noftrum ac Com. to- tius tern'j prxdidta: polle apponatur, noii fuiliciunt ad decinian partem fumptaum 6c expenfarum, quae circa guerras 6c relirtentiam inimicorum domini noftri regis 6c nolhorum, ac defen(ionem terrae ejuldcm apponi oportet, 6c ob caulas pra^diclas, 6c alias per prasdidtos eleiftos fca nuncios noftros pra;diclos, coram domino nortro rege in Anglia declarandas, aliter ad praifens refpondere non pollumus. Confimile breve dirigitur cuftodihus fpiritualitatis archiepifcopatus Dublin, lede vacante, mutatis mutandis, fub eadem data. Tenor returni prsdidi brevis fequitur fub hac forma : Excellcntiillmo in Chrifto principi 6c domino noftro, domino Edjvardo Dei gratia illullri regi Anglian 6c Francia?, 6: domino Hibernian, veftri hu- miles 6c devoti Wilklmus de Gayflee canonicus ecclefiie Sanifli Patriacii Dublin. 6c Johannes Fitz-Elys archidiaconus Glydelacen. in eadem, cu- flodes fpiritualitatis archiepifcopatus Dublin, fede vacante, falutem in eo per quern regcs regnant 6c principes dominantur. Breve veftrum regium prsefentibus annexum, nuper nobis dire»ftum, cum omni honore rccepimus. Cujufquidem brevis virtute, fuper contentis in eodem, convocavimus coram nobis clerum dipc. Dublin, ac duas per- fonas ecclefiafticas, videlicet me Johannem Fitz-Elys antediclum, 6: do- minum Thomam Athelard vicariam de Donabate, poteftatem de qua in didto brevi veflro fit mentio, plenam, pro nobis 6c diilo clero optinentes, & tunc fic, vobis mandamus, quod convocatis coram vobls magnatibus, & communibus comltatis Mid. duas perfonas lalcas, &c. ut fupra. Tefte, ut fupra. Tenor returnl brevis pracdifti fequltur In hajc verba : Nomina duarum perfonarum laicarum per communitatem libertatis Mid. cledlarum, Williclmus de London' miles & Ricardus Plunket, ad comparendum coram domino regc, 6c coniillo fuo in Anglia, ad diem in ii\o brevi contentum, ubicunque fuerit in Anglia, plenam potcllatciu habentes, ad tradandum & confulendum, cum iplo domino rcge ibidem, ad Ipfum domlnum regem Informandum, fuper ftatu & gubernatione tcrnv fuai Hlbernlae, abfque allqua potcflate per prxdklam communitatem li- M m m bertatis 458 MEMORANDA DE HIBERNIA. bertatls praedlflae, praedi^ftis duabus perfonis conccfla, de aliquibusoneribus fuper els impofterum imponendis, propter diverfa qua; per praediclas per- lonas ibidem declarabuntur. Coiifimile breve dlrigitur fencfcallo libertatis Kilkenn. & vlcecoiuitl Croc, ibidem Tub eadem data. Tenor returnl brevis praeditftl fequitur in ha?c verba : Alexander cplicopus Oflbr. Sc Galtridiis Forflall elefti funt, per fenef- callum libertatis Kilkenn. vicecomitem Croc, ibidem, ac magnates, & com- munes eJLifdem comltatus, de cflendo pro eifdcm, coram domino regc Sc ejus confilio, ubicunque tunc fuerit in Anglla, ad diem in brevi con- tentum, ad traiflandum & confuleudum, de negotiis, terram. Hiberniac, 6c di£lum comitatum tangentibus: falvis libertatibusacliberisconfuetudinibus terrx- Hiberni;v, ac comitatus prctdifti, ita femper, quod di£li Alexander & Galfridus, nee eorum aliquis, nullatenus poteflatem habeant concordandi, ad aliqua onera fuper diftos fenelcallum, vicecomitem, magnates, feu communes imponenda, feu quovis modo recipienda. Et poftmodum, pro eo, quod di£ti magnates & communes, non dederunt praedidlis ele£tis, poteflatem concordandi, prout breve domini regis requi- rebat, 6c etlam pro eo, quod duae laic;c perfonae, & non aliqua ecclefiaflica pcrfona, ad transfretandum, pro dlclis magnatibus 6c communibus verfus partes Angliie, juxta mandatum & voluntatem domini regis, extra Angliam eligi deberent, deavifamento gubernatoris 6c cuftodis terrae regis Hiberniie, 6c confilii ibidem, per breve domini regis, ficut alias, prirceptum fuit pr3o- 133- 148, 149, 159, 160, 161, 171, 172, 173, 174.176. 178,179,181,182,183. 185,186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, CO4. 207, 208, 209) 210. 212, 213. 216, 217, 218, 219, 220. 222, 223. 225, 276, 2-7. 230, 231, 232. 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241. 244. 245. 247, 248, 249, 250, 2-1, 252, 253. 256, 257. 259, 260, 261. 263, 264, 265, 266. 268. 270. 27.^ 276, N II n 277. INDEX. 277. 279. 291. 295. 298, 299. 308. 319, 3=0; 337. 33»-344- 375- 37^^ 387- 39° Berewico de, hofpitalis Beata: Mariae 201 prior & fratres prcdicatores dc 176. 190. 193 ■ priorifTa et moniales 147 >77 isa 352 127 141. 192 1 1 1 4^3 75.201 Berfrcyt, le domus iu Berewico Berk, comitatus Gabriel Berkelc, Mauritius dc ■ Thomas Berkeley, Patricius dc Robert Bernard, Ricardus BernarJi, caflrum 142. Vidt Barnard's caftle jkriram, Robertas 199.203 Btfette, Willielmus 276. 288. 293.297. 314. 316 Betour, Willielmus de 117 Betun, D.ivid de 112 Bevercotes, Willielmus dc 124. 144. 148 Beverlaci, ecclefia 60 homines 175 villa 151 Beverlaco, Robertus de 146 Biblienfis, epifcopus 295 Birclay, Willielmus dc 80 Bifhop, Johannes 83 BiflTet, Walteri, charta 345 ■ Willielmus 108 Blackball Keir 369 Blakney, homines de 1 64 Blackboyn, Johannes 456, 457 Blair, caftle of ' 382 Blafius 56 Blenkanfop, Thomat 247 Blound, le !>tephanus 131 Blundell, Willielmus 267 Bodellenyn 03 Body, Robertus . ^o Bodyngton, Agnes de I06 BoJunan, villa ^2 Bogham, cantredus 96 Boghan, comitifTa de 167 Boghan, vel Buckao, comes dc 107, 108. 119. 168. 331. 334. 336,337 Bohiin, Edwardus de 149 Humfredus de 74. 96. 99 HumlriJus de, Hereford. & Efl'ex. comes 1 19. 230, 294 Eohun, Jobaunes, comes Herefordix 1 62 Bohun, Willielmus de 166. 168. 178.208. 213 Willielmus de, comes Northamptoni.e^oo Boithano Sanfto, priorilfa & moniales de 147 Bolyngbroke, Johannes dc i 83 Bolton, Johannes dc 211, 212. 230. 233. 2^ Ji Thomas BonchiU, Alexander de Eonblr, ecclefia Boncychen, villata Bonitacius Vin. IX. Bonkhill, manerium de Bonavillaie, Johannes dc Bonquer, Johannes Bonum Borgille, Johannes Borica Borughman, John Bofco, Radulphus de Bofiard, Iter Bot, infula de Botemund, Robertas Botetwitc, Johannes Both del Walceius Eothwell, lord Botill Bctcller, Ricardus Botiller, Willielmus BotingdoD, Adam de Botulphi, S. Nundinac Bouere, Johannes Bouiand, dominium de Bouland, Willielmus de Boulton, Alexander de manerium dc Bourdon, Johannes de Bovell, Nicolaus Bowes, Sir R.obert Boyuton, col. Robertus de Boyfervill, Willielmus de Boyvill, Willielmus de Brabazon, Rogerus de Brad-.burn, Rogerus de BradciTiawe, Willielmus dc BraJilane, Tliamis dc Bradilon, Thomas tie Braktnholm, Johannes de Bray, Ilenricus de Brajtyne, dc la WiUJclnjat 134 332 S2 93 57.293,294 60 186 98 82 74 252 144. MS 87 338- 346 437 343 255 127 225 3>3 206 453 188 105, 106, 107 S8 267 142 201 342 i6i 147 66. 6i 321. 322 4:4.426 241 228 106 332 178 142 160 20J 332-235 64 80 Bred.% II BreJa Bredbiirgh, charts de Bi eghyn, Davidus de Breghnok Brekinnon Bieus, Williclrnus de Bri;ine Quid, de Briimiij de filius Alani Bridlington Brievicr, VV. Brighen, epit'topus de Brikcnogh Briilol, burgenfis vilia de Britania, Joltinnes, comes de Richcmundia:i34 Biodie, Alexander lord Bromficld INDEX. Burdet, Wil. jjo Burdin, Jaques 324 Burdon, Johannes de 186 Burgave'nni 100. yUe Abergavenny Burgh, Hugo 264, 26; Buigh, Ricardus 265 Burghe, Robert lord 363 Biirghly, J. 417.419 Burgo, Thomas de 161. 171. 176. i 78 Ricardusde,comesUltoa.i2o.i25.i3o Burleigh, lord 325 Burn, Johannes de 23* Burnei5ton,WiUielraus de, major villcC Bcrewici 146. 148 Burnham, Johannes de Tiiomas de 413 34 S io3. 1 10 lOI 72 102 207 114. 116 289 348 190, 191 84 156 139. 140. 156. 164 411. 41J. 415 426 €8. 70. 75. 78. 81 67 66,67 67 223 132 68 i°3 95 127 127 Emma • M.idocus de Mirgareta Bromleye, Rogerus de Broughton, Jacobus ■ — Radulphus de Bruera, Willielmus de Bnin, Thomas Brune le Ricardus ■ le Robertas Briis, Davidus de 166. 168. 170. 178, 198. 200. 202, 203. 205. 207, 208, 209, 210. 211, 212, 213, 214. 216, 217.219, 220, 221, 222, :'.23. 225. 227. 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235. 237, 238. 245. 258. 301, 302 Robert de 58 Robertus de, comes de Carryk 1 10, 1 1 1. 113, 114. 117. 122. 127. 132, 133. 135. 289. 291. 293. 295, 296, 297. 327. 335. 348 Bruys, Johanna de 205. 212 Brychman, WiHiclmus 267 Bucht 65. 67,68. 70.72. 77. 80, 81.98 Buckcby, Alanus 210 Buckingham, duke of 424. 427, 428 Buckeby, Alanus de 218 Biickleigh, earl of 426 Bulkc 290, 291. 301. 329. 338, 339. 346. 429,430.433,434 Bullock, Willielmus 161 Buimere, Radulphus de 141 Burdet, Petrus J 06 Burfchall, charta Burrbiigg Burton Robertus de 186. 188. 196. 20$, 214 Rogerus de Bufliy, Johauncs de EiiITy, monafterlum Bute, infula de Bu tiller, Johanna de Johannes de le Willielmus Bygot, Hugo, comes Norfolci.-E Rogerus, comes Norfolcix Rogerus Bygcr, Waltcrus Byland, Hugode Bynin terra Byrdeley, Thomas de Byfet, Thomas Willielmus Bytelye, Waltcrus de 192 III 34? 141 289 201, 202. 106, 107, 108 295 343 321 113 ii5 80,81 328.341 79 341.348 23;. 238, 239 "3 34S "5 211, 212 "4 168 C.idura, Paganus de Cakctone Calcois, abbas de Caldeflrcme, priorifTa de Caldour, charta de Caldovyrclcr, charta dc Caldre, manerium de CalJor Calodore, manerium Calentir, Johannes dc 1 14 Calcys 206 N n n 2 Calcys, 64 »34 3' 8 >'3 344 >34> lOl 108. 1 10 no 344. Cileys portus dc tS« Cambcl, Neil A. 127 ihomas 116 Cambernait, Hcniiartus Je 257 Cambra\' 324 CameiMiiiis ScDti.t. yiJe Scotix Catnsraiius Camvil, GalfriJns de 79 Camyn velCumyn, Johannes d; 107.295.321>. Canady, Thomas de 234 Canceilaiius, regis Hibernix 140 . de Logtimaban 146 Canerton, baronia 222 C'annicoii, Johannes dc 119 Canterbury 289 Cantilupo, Nicholans de 154 Caotiuir. archidiaconus 59 ■ archicpifcopus 58, 59. 61. 84. 172. ^ 175-231. 34« CantiiariK, clerus 85. 83 ecclefia Sanftae Thomse 227, 228 Cantuarien. abbas 56.60, 61 Canunby, prior de 189 Canybufnaythan, charta de 344, 345 Capella itgis 56 Carber, S. c^i.lefia 105 Carbonarii 84 Carcock; charta de 344 Cardigan 65. 71,72.80. 93, 94. 96, 97, 98. 100 Carefwell, Willielmus, Sc Ifabella uxor ejus 2or .203 Carevil, Nicholaus 76 Carlile - 389 Carmeli mons 1 12 Carnatto, Thomas de 335.338.346 Carnegus, Robertas 322, 323 Carohis, rex 368 Carpentarii 83. loi. 167. 173.232 Carraic 74 Carrick, Johannes 234 Cirrikefergus caftle 377 Carryk, comes de 110,111.113,114.117. 122. 127. 132. 246. 261. 293. 295, 296. 303 Carfewell, Willielmus de 189. 191. 201 Carvet, Richard us 99 CafTalenfis, archieplfcopus 56. 58, 59. 430. 436- 445. 446 CafTcllenfis, provincia 433. 450 CafGUis, crrl 411. 413. 415. 426 N D E X. Caftelli heraldi, dux Callclix-, rex Candterres, mancrium Calhe, Johannes de Callru-vctcri, Clbcrtus de Catcnenfis, ecclefia epifcopatu spifcopus Caiherligh, comit.itus Cathirlagh, communes vicccomes Caverton, Johannes Ricardus dc 129. 13^ 11$ 106 io7 105, 106, 107, 108 448. 453 45 J 4S3 24O 240 Caumvill, Willielmus de iCO Caylon 66 Cecil, Sir William 324 Cecilia, Edwardi quarti regis filia 283.311, 312 Ccleainus, papa 338, 339 Cementarii 83. 232 Ccrvi 105. 107, 108. 1 15 Cefterfeld, Johannes de 87 Ceftria Walenfis 8;z Ceftris, caftrura 98 comes i6j. 348 comitatus 136. 169.171. 174 homines 95 jufticiarius 64, 136 Chaddeworth, J. de 437 Chamberion, Martin us de 86 Chambre de la \\'illielmus 82 del Johannes 234 Chappelle del Frith, Willielmus de la 178 Charles II. king of England 409.412. 414 Charnes, Andreas de 293 Chartae 106. 1 11. 169. 179. 216. 2S3 593, 294. 299.327, 328, 329. 340, 341,342- 344. 345. 346. 347. 34*^. 35^ Charter books 355 Chattowe, Johannes 247 Chaumbre, Andreas de 248 Chaumbron, Rob'crtus de 109 Cheddeworth, Thomas de 86. 436, 437 Cheidie, John 399 Chen, le Johannes 114 le Reginaldus 109 Willielmus de 86 Cheney, Sir John 313 Cheping Norton 86 Chernefide, raanerium de 160. 205 Chicbam, Johannes de 339 Chibaw, Chihaw, Johannes de Chirnefide, praebenda Chifly, Sir John Ciceftricnfis, Robertus Ciceftr. epifcopus Ciceftris clcrus Cirothecae ferrcae CifTon, David ClandhuU, Willielmus Clare, Gilbertusde, comes Glouceftr. & Heref. 83.84- 95- 99- loi. 117, 118. 348 Clarenceux, Heraldus 282 Claro Sanfto, Wiilielmus de 105. 116 Claveiing, colonel 381 ■ Robertus, & Johanna uxor ejus 239. 242. 254 Clayton, Thomas Cieoren. epifcopus Clemens IV, V. INDEX. 346 ColetefTcGilbertus de 87 205 Colevill, Robertus, & Katharine uxor ejus 188. 413 222. 225.250 438 CoUe, Nicholaus de 109,110 60,61.348 Colyn, Johannes 215 85 Comin, Johannes 114 134 Alcxander.comcsdeBoghan 108. ^16 107 Commothnervcl, bofci 99 457 Vice Comitum Compc A 109,110 Comyn, Johannes, comes dc Boghen 107. no. 1 1 4. 116 Ifabella — — Wiilielmus 107 Conaiftiae, rex 432. 182 432 56-329 57 •97. 100 204. 217. 223 103 146 Clement, Galfridus Clere, le Johannes Clerk, le Adam le Thomas Cleri, 251. 441, 442. 444, 445, 446, 447. 448, 449 Clevchil, Thomas de 109 Cleveland, earl of 424. 426 Clifford, Johannes de 217. 281 Ricardus 243. 259. 261 Robertus de 117. 119. 122. 150. 159. 244 Rogerus de 76 Clifton 142 Clinton, Wiilielmus de 143,170 ClilFeby, Johannes de 182.193 Cloenens. epifcopus 431 Clonen. epifcopus 59 Cloudc, pifcaria de 90 Clovemarde, prioriffa & monlales 439 Cluniafcnfis, ordo 57 Clyffbrd, Thomas de 254 Clynton, Wiilielmus dc 138 Coallrayne caftle 377 Cobeham, Johannes dc 158 Cockranc, lord 407 Coetaos 92 Cogan, David 453 Cokeburn, Alexander de 243 ColceftritE, villa 156 Coldingham prior 147. 207. 222. 224 Coldyngham, prioiaius de 225 Coney, Wiilielmus dc Contra(fls Conventiones 144. 146. 288. 292.301 Convers, le Alexander Conyngelburgh, Wiilielmus de Corbet, Patricius Wiilielmus Corkagen, epifcopus 59 Cork, comitatus ■ magnates communes vicecomes ecclefia cathedralis Cornere, Johannes Cornewaill, le comtc de Cornubiae, comes 153 comes Edmuudus comitatus homines Cornatoris officium in comitatu de burgh Corry, Adam !e Corveyn Cofpatricii Dedum cliartjc Coterel, Walterus Coupcland, Ada de . Johannes de 207, 208, 209 213, 214. 218. 223, 224 Coupeland,johanna dc Johannis uxor 235,239 125 80. 84. 8f 167 58. 60, 61 309 184. 188 92 154 >54 Craik IC9 109 AiS •57 354 308 124 114 112 141 449 454 454 454 454 449 87 154 174 77 76 84 Rokef- 148 146 74 344 455 141 211. Cooper, Adam Coupiatores Couprc, caftrum de Coventr. & Lich. epifcopus Coven tre Crag vel Craggy, Alexander dc Cragh, Mereducus Cr.igy, man(.rium ■ villa dc I N D E Cralk vel Crcyk, Waherus de 195. 197, 198 205 Craufordia?, comes 274.371 Crawford, Alexander Rccnniildus de 591. II I. CrelTewell, Johannes Crcflingham, Hugo de Crey, Willielmus de Croc, vicecomes Crokidayk, Adam de la Crombwcll, Johannes Cromwell, gential Cros, Thomas Cro'A-by, Patriclus de Croyland Cruchyn, commotus de Crukyth, burgenfes de caftrura de Cull, charta Cultir, charta Cuiwen, Wiilielmus Cuinbe, abbatia Cumberlandiae, b.irones ecclefia — — terr^ — — vicecomes Cumbria:, comitatuj 113 393 407 "5 245 112. 337 127 454,455,45^ 342 117. 136 417 '57 245 289 89 93 94 345 345 239 78 341 328.340 328 83 131- 16: 124. 129. 134- '37. 138, 139- 153. '59. 162. .«;,, 166. 168, 169. 178. 189. 193, 194. 197. 211. 328. 341 homines 113. 129. 138. 150. 158 "3 321 107 444 76. 142. 148. 160. 219, 220. 223. 233, viceccmites Cunningham, Hugh Curry, Walterus de Cufak, Johannes Cuftuma; in Hibernia 192. 210. 214. 217. 234. 2!5. 239, 240, 241, 242. 256. 263. 265, 266 Curteney, Hugo de 84 Cuthbertus fan(5\u? 115 D Dacire, rex Dacre, Hugo de, & Elizabeth uxor ejus -— Margareta de Ranuiphus de 148. 150, Wiilielmus de 131. Dacres, lord 318. Dagworth, Nicholas 44 1, 44a, 443, 446. 448. 450- 453 266 215 222 151 199 323 424. '94: X. Dalfwynton, caflrum de Dalzel, Sir Robert Dalton, Thomas Damni Damory, Ricardus, CeArix jufticiaiius Daniel, 'William Danfeye, Ricardus Darcy, Thomas Daren, ecclefia epifcopus 59. Darfy, col. 424 David, filius Crifpeni filius Oriffini 64. 66. 87. 89. 00. itaier Lewclini filius YereAnr li fratcr Maku'mi Scotis 348. 350 Scotiae rex 209 349 Decadano, Johannes 204 426 23 i 57 136 99 186 315 447 446 426 70 102 62, 63. 69. 72. 9r 79 5; \\'illielnu regum 300,301, 302.305. Decimae Decreet books Dene, forefta Deneford, ecclefia Denton, Johannes de Denum, Johannes de Wiilielmus de 332 56. 58.431.434, 435, 436 354 84 88 15J. 160. 224 '49 250, Derbeiae, homines Derbiae, comes • comitilTa coraitatus 133. 137. 140. 142 163. 177-294 ecclefia Derby, Johannes de DerJington, Johannes, frater de Defpcncer, le Robcrtus Dc'fpenfe, Walterus de Devonix, homines Deyncoiut, Wiilielmus de Dicke, Sir William Dickfone, John Diffiencloyt, terra de Difkennith, commotus Dives, Sir Lewis Dockyng, Alanus de Dolfynfton Dolinchalan, cafirum Dolindalan, caftrnm Domenathliac, ecclefia Donaba-e Donaghda 144 190 '55- 60 251 43S 97 206 84, 85 199 391 408, 409 64. 66. 82 97 407 204 224 97 9« 437 44 S 447 Doadrananie, I I Dondraname, abbas & convcDtus 233 Donecaftre, Willielmus de 87 Donorialdus, Auegus 328 Donwycus, Petius 1 1 2 Dora, abbas & conventus de 67 Dorfetis, homines 84,85 Douglas, Archibaldus 219, 220. 222. 229. 251.269. 306. 313.320 comes 226. 233. 236. 238. 241,242. 248. 282. 304. 309 comitatus de ecclefia de Georgius ■ Henricus Jacobus N D E X. DuIjHd, ecclefia epifcopus major & ballivi vicctomes comitatus comitatus coronator Duglas, ecclefia de Willielmus 266 209 320 166.238 269 Willielmus de 115. 193.208.209, 210, 2H. 214. p. 17. 221. 262 Dounfres, vicecomitatus Dover caftrum port us Downing, George Do)'zelI, dominus Driburgh, abbates Driifeld, manerium de Drogheda, ecclefia villa villse burgenfes & 202 79. 83.289 ;8. 170.174 160 352 324 327 no 446 457 communes 457 villae major & ballivi ftnefcalius dc DrokensforJ, Johannes de DrofTclaii caftrum 332, 96, 97. 96,97. 457 457 333 102 102 105 439 135 Drubard, Dionifiu* Drummaren. epifcopatus Dryby, Simon de 134, Dublin, archiepifcopatus 436, 437, 438. 440 445 archiepifcopus 57. 332. 429, 430 431. 438 archidiaconatus 437. 438 456, 457 456 456.457 439-445 civcs civitas communes ecclefia SaniTbi Patricii Sanct?e Marix de HogesabbatilTa 438 — • Sanfli Thomz abbas 451 Sarnfts Trinitatis ecclefia 437. prior & conveatus ibid- 431 43S 456 450,45' 450 451 107 105.299, 3C0 3-14 446 190 Dulb, charta de Dullard, Bartholomens Dumbarre, ecclefia de Dumbar vel Dunbar, Patricius de, comes dc March no. 143. 205. 221. 223. 306 Dumberton vel Dumbretain, caflrum dc 113 154. 156 Dumbretan, ecclefia de 117 Dumens. epifcopus 435 Dumfele, Jul. 80 Dumferling, earl of 374. 388 Dumferraelyn, abbates 327 Dumfremelin 296 Dumfrc?, Alanus de 107. 109 caflrum de 107. 147. 298 comitatus de 147. 204. 298. 381 homines de 337 vicecomitatus 199.202 villa de 137. 298 Willielmus de 107. 109. 329. 338. 341. 346 Dunbarre,Johannes de, comes de Murrcue 257 Georgius de, comes de la March 239. 260.264. 305 Dunblan, epifcopus 336 Dunbrytain, callellum de 321. 336 Dunbreton, Brianus de 88 Duncaldenfii, epifcopi & capituli 301.336 Duncanus, comes de Fyff 161. 207 Dunde, villa de 123. 306. 38a. 427 Dundee, caftrum de 291 Dundrcynan, abbas de 162 Dunelm ^4.5- 199. 200. 273 epifcopatus 129. 141. 156.275' epifcopus 112. 132. 147. 177, 187, 188. 208. 212, 213. 215, 216. 247. 255. 307- 332,333. 334- 347, 348 Dunclmi, lil)crtas 143. 173. 196.249. 251 Dunens, epifcopus 59 yiJe DuDolm Dunfrcs, Alanus de 109 Dunighlne I N E Dunightne 55 Duno, epifcopus 438 Dunolm, prior & conventns 115. X47. 185. 205, 206. 227 Duns, manerium de 205 Dunfe, manerium de 160 Dunflaple, priorifTa 82 Dymelek, abbatia de 439 ecclefia 439 Dynavaur 7I1 72 Dyncham, Olivcrus de 85 Dynifbran, callrum 81 Dynnael Coramotum 81 Dynorben, ecclefia de 66 Dyvelia 120 Ebor, archiepifcopus 57. 59. 60.84.86. 133. 135.138. 219 225. 347 — barones 347 caftrum 141. iji civitas 133. 13;. 138. 142. 150. 165. 177. 187. 197. 198. 230. 237, 238, 239, 240, 241,242, 344.374. 37S clerus 86 —— comitatus 118. 122. 124.126, 127. 130. 133. 134. 135- 139- Ml, 142, 143- 146. J49, 150, 151, 152, 153. 155, 156, 157. 161, 162, 163. 165. 169. 180. 184. 196. 198. I comitatus homines ■ decanus & capellanus ecclefia Eboraci, libertas Beats Mariae proviacia vicecomes 152 290 55-123 86 J84. 203.307.347 85 III. 132 74 74 307 Eborum, Nicholaus de Eccles, prioriira & conventus Edenavet, ap Griffinus Howelus Edeoburgi, burgenfes Edenburgh, ciflrum 113. 119. 162. 166.169. 186. 291. 295. 298. 330. 337. 352. 353, 363 423 ■ — mercatores 237 ■ vicecomes 161 vlcccomitatus 169 thcfauria 740.327.338 villa 295. 298. 306, 311, 357, 3i;R j^'.o. 364. 366. 370. 379. 384. 388. 408. 410. 412,413. .^ii. 424, 425. 427 E X. Edcneburgh, abbates Sanfla Criice tip. 327 Edend ap Gronon, ap Griffin ap Tudor 90 Edenham, Fergcsusde 2.15 hofpi talis 201 manerium 148. 241, 242 Edermouth 155. 269, 270 Edermuth, pifcaria 163 Edemoyn, comraotus 89 Eder\v\ngton, maneiium 264. 269, 270 Edmundi, S. abbas 57, 58, 59 Edmundus, comes Arundel 131,132 comes Kan^Ms i 37 frater regis Edwardi I. 89. 100, lOI Edryngton, cartrum 320 Edrynton, villa 163 Edwardus, Anglis rex 32S, 329. 331, 332. 340 — — ConfciTor, rex 287 1, rex 105. III. 116. 288. 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296. 436, 437, 43^,439 II. rex 117, 120. 123, 124. 126. 128. 130. 133.297.441. 443 ■III.icx 135.139 181. 185. 188. 190. 193, 194. 196, 197. 199. 203. 206, 207, 208, 209. 211, 212. 214. 216, 217. 220. 222, 2Z3, 224, 225, 226. 228, 229, 230, 231. 233, 234, 235, 236. 237, 238, 239, 240. 245. 288. 297, 298,299, 300, 301,302,303 IV. rex 283, 284. 310, 311, 312. 322. 323 dux Albamarliae 262, 263 Ebor. dux 270 filius Malcolm! Scoti.-E rex 287 princeps Waliiae 116. 321 Scotix rex 163. 183, 184. 188, 189,190, 191. 208. 210. 214. 216.297, 298. 302 Edzer, Edward 389 Eggballon, Ricardus de 139 Eghvyfyvach, ecclefia 92 Egyn, terrre 343 Eketon, Petrus de 118 Eland, Johannes de 156 Wil'ielmus de 163 Elsford, Joh, nnes 201 Elfinenfi.', t pifcopus 58, 59 Elyn, ciftriiQi iia ElibcTD, filius Alureti 337 Elienfjs, I N D Ellfnfis, cpifcopus 57. 60, 61. 99. 135. 288. 297- 333- 340- 348. 432-435 F.lizabecha, rcgina Ellerker, Johannes de Ellefmere manernim 323.324. 32J 187 131 90 ^79 197 153 291 77 2';4 Elmcdon, W'illiclmu! de Elmeiigg, Rogerus Eltham, Johannes dc, comes Cornubiz Ely, prior Elyenfis, infula Elyngham, Johannes Eincldon, Robertus 188,189 Williehnus de 166.200.202,293. 207. 209, 210, 21 I. 215 Engelfcld 72. 74 Engleiend, cantredus 90. 95 Englifh, le Wdlitlmiis 146 Ergadm, Alexander dc r2i.33i — : Duiicanus dc 131 Johannesdc 121, 122,123 Ergadix, b.iron'.s 327. 342 Ergadienfis, epifcopus 300 Ergard 113 Ergayl, Johannes dc 127 Ergyl, Alexander de 112 Ericus, rex Dacia: 266 Norvvagixrex 108.288 Erfkyn, Thomas 231 Efcaetae Efcaetrix citra mare Scotis, officlum Efcaeftrise ultra mare Scotiae, ofRciuiQ Ethedale, vallis Efltyrk, Johannes EfTexia:, comes comitalus Eftholm, infula Eftland Eftmarch Eftrange, !e Rogerus Eftrefoftlawe, villa Eftrivelin, caftrum Eftiirgiones Eteryk, fortfta Etryk, forefla Euer, Williclmus Evefham Euftachii, S. cardioalis I'Avar, Mr. y-.xt'orth, William Exonia, clcrus epifcopus Extraneus, Johanati 55 I la 1 12 266 242 119. 230 '57 192. 204 172 267, 268, 269, 271 74. 80 208. 57' 221 119 83 266 161 276 280 57 427 61 «5 59 S2 E X. Extraneus, Robertui 66 Rogerus jj. 100 Ej'chioneth, forefta 99 Eynon, ap David J4 Madocus 75 Eyvelliam, abbas & conventus 1 7 1 Fairfax, lord Fangere, ecdefii Farde, ecclelia Faucomberge, Johannes dc Feinham, raanerium Felton, Willielmus dc 128. 14 j. 166. 190. 201 Fenton, Willielmus dc Feoda Ferarris, comes dc Margarcta de, comitifla Defbix -^ Willielmus de Ferdioandus, Albanisc dux Ferendanger, Malculmus de Ferindrauth, ecclefia Fern, Richardus de Fcrnen. epifcopus Ferour, le Walcerus Ferreres, Thomas de Feryettelyn, bencficium Fefure, le Petrus Fethei-ftcnhalgh, Thomas dc Fever, le Johannes Feverfham Fif, comes dc Duncanus, comes de, ejus Filius Alani Brianus 105, 10 ri6 Maurici, Thomas Simenei, Johannes Walteri, Robertus 99, Walterus, Gilbertus Warini, Fiilconus W arinus, Willielmus U illitlrai, Simon Findlnter, carl Fingalk, lord Fifcnnenfis, Fifhcrburn, Thomas de Fillehnrcic, Thomas dc FisflKburn, '1 homas de Fit7.-Adam, Willielmus Fiu-Danice, Thomas O o o 3"7 56 109 191 67 187. Ill 106 348 3J^ "5 109 345 43 « 44» »«4 z6i 9* 86 >37 »S3 107. 203 & IfabcUa uxor 107. i6i 6. 108, i«9.ii4, a43 120 , 100 456 »3« 43'* 88 386 426 57 106 S»7 116 444 456 Fiiz- I N ritt-William, WillieltnuJ riuviriz comes R. • — • homines rierayng, David Malculraus Flex, Alexander de 128, 445 4SI 176.342 >34- 145 179 266 198. 293 217 Flint Florentlaf, mercatores Flynt, caftrum Foggowe, Ricardus de Fontem, Belle Fontibss, Walterus de charta ForeA, Johannes de la Forefts, ckartx de Forcfte, Rieardus Foreftere, Robcrtut Foreys, caftrum Forrefter, lord George Forftall, Galfridus Forth, earl — :— Lnudcrdale, earl FofTatores Fofleur, le Maria Fothober, chnrta . — ten r de 64. 68. 72. 76.91, 92. 98 344. 229 1 6s 209 324 345 146 345 254 239. 241. 249 112 371 4S5-4S7 396 424. 426 83. 89. lOI 99 345 345 199 »75 449 323 323. 324 267, 263 Fo\i!den, villa Fo'.vy, portus Fox, Johannes France, conftable of '. • dauphin of Frnncl'.e, Alexander Franciae, rex 123. MS- i 55.259-289-2S7 292, 293, 294 .296, 297. 3 14- 322- 429 Francifcus, Gallorum rex 3 ' ^ Frafer, 115-332 lord 35i6 Richardus 332 Fratres, minorts 187.432 . minores Berewici 11 J. 214, 215. 230 , , prsedicitores 113. 153. 10;. 170. 181. 190 Fraunceis, le Thomas Freraingham, Radulphus de Frendranr, vifcount FreCekyn, Will, liwernary vicccomes Frefel, Maria Richardns Frefeleye, G.-ilfridus de Frtfer, Rieardus E X. Frefnel, Peirus Frewyn, Johannes de Freys, le Johannes Frywilwych Fulcham, Adam de FulOowe, Ri)bcrt'.is de Furbur, le Richardns Furriival, 'I'homas de Fy-Herbert, Johannes 87 64 386 337 113 114 1*8 108 25* 191 128 94 9i 117 lOj- 266 138 — vel Frafer, Simon 10 8 332 . 346 Fyf, comes de 205 . 207 . 242. 261 . 336 Fyff, comitifHi de 163 . 1 67 Fyftiere, le Adam 86 G Gadewirth, villa 1 10 Gadewirth or Gedewirth, caftrum 110,173 Galdwedia 111,112,113, 114 Galentir, Johannes de 108. 1 10 Gales, Gents de 153 Gale wye 191 Galcye, de la Thomas 88 Galfridus, filius Yvonis 342 Galway, epifcopusdc, Ofwaldus 254 Gal way th, DernirguUa de 108 Galwide 299, 300 Galwidix, Thomas de 335, 336 Garlhland, lord of 407 Gatewick, Johannes 78 Gauerglen 94. Gawinus, Glafcuenfis archiepifcopus 319 Gayllee, Willielmus de 445 Gaytflat 108 Gedwerth, caftrum loy Gedworth, abbas de 299 Gefflird, Johannes 446 Gelyman, Georgius 145 Gerard, Petrus 87 Gerefe, infula 78 Gernefeye, infula 78. 170 Gerrton, Rogenis 452 Geteby 72 Gcteli, Nemns de 65 Gcthrevcd, Teiius 189. 191, 192, 193 Getley 94. Gettur vel Getour, Willielmus 129. 133 Geyton, Rieardus de 439 Gibfone, Sir Alexander 3'^9. 379-399- GiflTard alias Gisfard, Johannes 76. 78 .So, 8 1, 89. 97. loi. 204 Giffard, John dominus de Clifford ^7 Gilbertus, dominus 341 ■ — abbati* Ceatx Maiia; de Trum abbas 437 Gladeltanes, G?adf flaftts, Wlllielmns de Glafconienfis, epifcopiis Glafcuenlis, archiepifcopus epifcop'js 107, 108, ' 233. 297. 283. 292. 295, 296, 331 • 332 346. M9 eccleGa c,inctll»rius GleJft.uies, Williclmus Glen, de Johannes de Ricardus Glena, Pliilippus d« Glendoning, Willi.irs Glenham, Sir Thomas Glenhurthart, Johannes dc Glenkelk, charta Glincern, earl of Glouceik-r Glouceftria:, comes 76 ftatiuum vicecomes 116, 117, N D E X. 301 Gra, Thomat 306 Giacrdkarmon 319 Graham, David de 109, 1 10. Patiicius 297. 300. Grahamc, James Grame, Johannes, comes de Montcth. lord of, Vifcount Williclmus Jc Grandifonus, Otto dc CJrave, de la Prior Graunt, Robertus Graj', Andracas col. Radulphus Gregorius IX. papi X. X[. Xll. comitatuti • dux Glovernlae, comes Glydelacen. archiadiaconus Glyn, villa Glyndeverdo Goaldington, Ofbertus de Goband, Johannes Goch, Cadeganiis Godelagh, Johannes de Golf, Dr. Goger, charta Goldingham, prior dc Goldfmyth, Johannis Goldyngham, prior dc prioratus Gordon, Ada de Gordoun, George Sir Johu Gorgyn, charta Goronow Goupil, Normannus Gourdon, dominus de James . John lord Gowagh, Walterus Gower Nicholaus 179 293 222 io3 108 2(1 389 407 114 345 32'. 372 289 118.120 439 102 89. 141. 156, 164 283, 284 340 445 92 87 106 139 100 99 424. 426 34? 2»i 9J 114.116.582,383 210.331 386.393.3^7 30,? 221 424.426 78. 90. g4 87 245 307 4x4. 426 S/^*! *77. 278. 28» 56 Greilly, Johannes de Grendon, Williclmus Grenelawe, Williclmus Crenville, de Jufticiarius Hibcini Grey, earl of Angus Johannes 65.69, 6» 61 77 *74 211 43* 32» 189. 20J. 23J 75- 80. 82.95 27<» 107. Ill 393 . 276 220 II I 295 iig 397 370 34S 75 262 278 397 393 308 93 J 03 200 —— Reginaldus dc Ricardus de Thomas ie WiUielmus de Greyftok, Williclmus baro de . Greyftoke, baro de 140 , Griffinus, Emma fi]ius Gerenoth — filius Gervafi filius Griffini filius Mereduci filius Reci filius Tudcri filius Wennowen filius Yerewardi Griffith, ap Rcfus Gronant, villa Gronok, filius Hcylim 62, 63, 64 Grumoon, filius KcnenTici Grynelby, Edmundus de Cueire, comes Guidonus, comes Guerre Guifc, duke of Guldeford, Andreas dc »94 127 2' 5 271 74 91 67 9' 71 9J 91 76,77 79 136 9* 69.74 6S 171 293 324 200 O O 2 Hackclutc]( H Hackelutele, Walterus Hadlngton ■ caftrum ■ comitatus ■ ■ villa N 93 42s 298 298 no. 298 206 241 >79 207 Hakford, Walterus Haldmarket, Willielrau* Halghton, Gilbcrtus dc Haliburton, Walterus Halidan, priorilfa & moniales 147. 162. 196 2Qt .2It.2l8 Hallieland • 215 Haliimftiire 136 Hamelak i33''39 Hamenton, Williclmus dc 69 Hamilton, Alexander 407 - ■ - Jacobus 317 James duke of 374. 376- 395- 397» 398. 407.424 John Patricius Sir Francis HandenAankes Hanes, Nicholaus de Hanon, Johannes de Hardeiagh, burgenfis cadrutn Harding, Johannes Harding, Mr. Hardyng, Sampfonus JIarela, Andreas dc Harpour le, Ellas ■ le, Ughtridus Harre, Bertinus Hartela, Andreas de Hiflerig, Sir Arthur Hiftang, Robertus dc Hafting, Aula de Haftingges, Edmundus dc Haflings Auda 423 316, 317 388 303> 304. 305 350 ij<5, 137. 138 93 92. 94.98,99 308.309 424. 427, 428 242 129 i>S 115 133. 134 418 112.132, 133 94 117. 123 83 94 i8f 108 Haftyng, Hugo de Hauden, Radulphus dc Havering, Johannes dc 90, 91, 9J. 96. 100, 101 Haverington, Johannes dc 142 Michaclus dc 127 Haukcfworth, ecclelia 87 Haultum 342 E X. Havifted, Johannes Haward, Johannes Hawirdyn, Callrum Hawedeii manerium Hawedcnftank Hawyk, baronia Hay vel Haia, Williclmus de Hay, Sir John Haye, de h Johanna Heckcford, Johannes d« Hcley, Petrus dc HelefTa, filia Gerenoth Heiymria, caftrum villa Henechdun, ecciefia Hengham, Radulphus de Henly, Willielmns de Henricus, Angliae rex 3: 340 « JI. rex J.^3 *55- IS7 76 240 219 263 20 1 307- 349 369 113 221 J 94. 91 302 303 433 95 loi 7. 328, 329. 336. 429 III. rex 287, 288. 430, 431, 432, 433' 434-43<5 IT. re.x 264. 266. 268. 304, 305 V. rex 269,270.272.306 VI. re.x 272,273,274,275.276, 277. 278, 279, 280. 281, 282. 306, 307, 308,309 VH. rfx 313, 314, 315, 316 VIII. rex 317, 318,319, 320, 32 r princeps Wallia 266 comes Lancaftriai 137 • comes Noithumbria: 264. 275, 276 comes Sarum comes Monies Belligardi Ilenrycflbn, Williclmus Hepburn, Sir Adam Hereford, comes 119. 162. 230. 232. 340 Hereford, Radulphus de Williclmus de 309 160 237 389 2iJ4. 20 Herefordenfis cpifcopus Herefordia Herefordia;, comitatus epiftopus ' homines vicecomcs Hereis, lord Hermitage, del caflrum 212, 213, 214, 2T5. 221 Heron, 88 61 84.8s 89. 100 243-348 80 102 396 Heron, Gerardus ■ Johannes Herrc, Bartholomens, Hertclpol Hertford ias, comes de Heflewell, Johaoncs Wiilielmus de I N D »5*. i59- 262. 264 247 242 J'7 11 6, 117, 1 18 225 109 227 129 109 Heton, Alinus de HextildeQiam Heyron, Robertas de Hiberuia 76. 120, 121, 122, 123. 125, 126. 130. 140. 152. 155, 156. 164. 169, 170. 175. i8o. 247. 298. 429. 431 . 433, 434, 435. 436. 43V- 440. 441 • 45°. 45 ' • 457 Hibernia:, homines 156 archiepifcopi 432>433 — — — ^ ballivl 434 - cancellaria 140.443, 444,445.451 - cartae 429 cleri 429 communes 441,442,443.451, 452-457 . confuetudines 452, 453, 454, 455, 456. 457 cpifcopi 432 jura 452,- 453, 454- 456-457 • jufticiarii 140. 430. 432. 434.436. 451 • leges 452,453,454.456,457 libertates 452,453, 454.4S5.5S<5, 457 450. — magnates 164. 429. 440. 441.443. 451,452. 457 429 429 429. 441, 442, 443 452. 453-45^>. 457 429, 430 noblles ■ — populi puL'ati ' privilegie • rotuli thefaurarii Hide, abbas de Hilton, ►'.da Rnro de li(ibertus Ebor. vicecome.'? Hobclarii 139, 140, 141, 142, I43 152. '53 155. •5'''' '57-163, 168, 169, I/O. 172, 173, 174 140. 245 150 164. 184 451 80 240 251 ■307 .15'. 167, 192. 195, 196. 212. -£14, 2f5, zib. 444. 452 Hodlellon, Johannes de 1 i4 Hoelus, filius Meurici 65. 69. 70 Hogg, Rogerus 224 Hoi;htoii, Hiinode i-'g Hoip, Sir Tliomas 381 Holand, Johanucsde, comci Huntingdon 262 E X, HoldernefTe, liberta* Holland, Ricardus de Holm, Thomas de Wiilielmus de Holmby-houfe, or Holdenby Houorius III. papa 55. 287. 329 HofJC caftrum homines Hopton, Walterus de Horcaflcl, Johannes Hornclif, Robertus de 143 Moron, Johannes 261 ]loroun, vel Heron Wiilielmus de 207. 240 Horfcle, Rogerus 133 Horfle, Alanus 257 Hofpitalis Beatje Marias, in villa Bcrcwici 186 ■ Magdalenic juxta Bcre- 208. 214. 217. 223. 2.lcfia Jeducwod, maneriutn Jeddeworth. abbatts moiiafterium villa vill;Y conftabula;-ia 27^. 2r8, 309. 3'°' 3'7. 3'«. 359 3'-? 42() 426 79 70 78 3-1 1 237-33' "5 149. 298 149. 210 Jedcfwoith, caftrura 1 1 1. 1 13. 147. 149. 2io. 298 Jedeworth, coniitatus — '■ fortfla Jedworth, Willielraus de Jeffiay, Alexander Jernemuth, magna parva ■ — villa de 82, 411. 1 10. 413. 139- 82. 298 «47 304 415 170 171 133 170 94. Jcrfey, infula Jerufalem, hofpitalis S. Johannis 85. 91 loi, 102 hofpitalis S. Johannis in Hibcinia 436.447 Ilderton, Thomas de Imalfcen, epifcopatus Imilicenfis, epifcopus Imperator Inchemartyn, Joliannes de Inchgartie, caltlc of Inifler Innocentius III. papa IV. V. VI. VII. 240, 241, 247 43<5 SS> S<5- 59- 432 5 J 116 423 343 55-338 s^- 338,339-346 339- 346 59-301 Infula, Alexander de Jordannus de Infulis, Agnes de • Donaldus de et Alexander filius 338 60 III S8 182 ejus 291 Johannis de Infulis. l^idi Infula Joannes XXI. papa XXII. 179. 198.265 56.297. 58 E X. Johi^nna, cqinitiffa de Afli-ics. -*^»- ■ — uxor Duncaai couies dc Fif 197 . Johannes XXIIF. papa 6i Johannes, Aui;iix rex 287.327,328. 340.429 Scotiae rex 109, 110, iii. 291, 29:, 293 250. 303 Cafttllx rex 243, 245, 246, 247. I.ancaflrix dux Norfoicia;,dux marchio de Montague comes Ricl.mondia; Huniinglonias comes comes de MurrefF comes de Rortc bnrode Greyftoke Elienfis epifcopus Hiiiis Griffini 262. 303 276, 277 282 135 270 i6ji 28»- 242 i6c juhannis, S. Baptiflae capella S. villa Johnfon, dominus 323 Johnflon.Sir Archibald 352,353.356.410.420 Jdlyf, Willielmus 236 Joneftona, Hcliasde jS Invcrnary, vicecomes de 337 Inyonyth, commotum de 89^ Ipolrgia, Georgiiis de 58 Iprelyng, Johannes 210 Ireland. Fiil^ Hibernia Iruing of Down 396 Ifabclla, comitilfa de Mar 201 foror Henrici 3. 56 W. Comyn uxor lor; Ifelham, Johannes 241, 242 Ifkenny 96 Ides, Alexander de 291 Ifpania, Jacobus dc 4^9 Iver, Willielmus 276 Julers, comes 158. 164 Jufticjarii, regis Scotire i i -^ JuHiciarius regis Hiberniae 140 Bercwici i66 K Kadiganus, filius Griffini Kaernarvan, ballivus cameraria caftrum commotum libertates 71 99 91 92,93.98 89 91 Kalendar, earl of 370, 371, 372. 374, 375 378.407 Kancia^ comes comitatu* 149. 155. 170, KarakeoDy Kardigan. Fide Cardigaa Karefwell, Willielmus de Karleolfeafis, epifcopus 59, 60.106. 194, 213- 216. 219. 276 Karletone, W. de Karliol. caflrum 129. 131. 137. 258. 264. 266. 387. — — civitas 127, 128, 129, 130.133, 150.156. 162. 180. 258. 262. 264. 294- 328- 341. 387- 390 — cives 254. ■ prior Karnet, ab. Tuderus Karryk, homines Karwathlaa Kathcrina, foror Erici regis Dacix Kathkan, Alanus Kaurnwy lys decema; Eaurnwilys, manerium Kayon Kays, Ricardus KedewcUi Eeldrcfton, villa Kelefhowe, abbas Ft conventus 147, 229. 237 Keleiie, Willielmus de 178, 179, 180. 187, 201, 202 Keliand, Willielmus de Kcllefhul, Johannes Kelfhon, abbas de Kellhowe, Thomas d«. Kelfo abbas de Kenedy, Hugo Kennedy, Henry Kcnmore Kenfis, de Kcntyr Ker, Andrew ■ comitatus .^ communes . epifcopus . joliannes . iibcrtaiis fenefcallus • . mngnaics Kcreynon Kermerdyn, bnr.'cnfis Kcrmurdin, caftrum prior — . - — villa 99' N D E X. Kermurdyn, comitatus 65. 71, 72. 76. 54. 100 Kerry Keth, Johannes d* Willielmus d« Keyron, Robertus Kilbourn, Johannes de Kildar, communes »37 179 72 201 195. 333 262. .137- 266. 328 341 92 327 103 266 278 93 92 80 25s 103 92 232. 1S6, 106 79 114 228 370 318 II I 423 200 437 1 1 1 318. 456 456, 450 252 456 102 94 97 G8 107. >43- vicecomes magnates Kildare, Thomas Kilkennor Kilken. comitatus communes • libertatis fenefcallus magnates 61 109 221 105 176 452. 453 4S» 52i 4S3 454 441-443. 444-447.453 455 455 455 455 218 316. 71 344 446 117. 289^ Killum, Willielmus dc Kilmarnock Kilnarthgurgus Kilrethnock, charta Kiltewenan, ecclefia dc Kingeflon, Johannes do (uper jHull, portus 150. 154, 155. 184, 249. Kinlofle, abbas Kirculbryth, Thomas dc Kirkandres Kirkby, de Thomas de Kirkbride, Ricardus dc Kirkeby, Johannes de Kirkudbright, caftrum . Knakfergus Knapdale Knarefbur(;h, libcrtas Knayton, Thomas Knovil, Johannes dc Nicolaus de Bogo de 65 Kupre in Scotia . Kyng, Thorn IS Kynniuc, ciiarta KynrcJ, Johannes d« Li Lhcy, Henricus, comes Lincolnia; Laen, Mauritius de Lanibefton, Johannes dc __ Willielmus de Lan.bton, Willielmus dc 293. LntTiraes, m.incrlum Lani'pndcrvaur, honor ct caftrum 64. CS, 69, 8 J. 97. , , Luwmavcai 32»- 244 2C6 112 256 205. 222 79.81 107 122 120 264 86 86 70.72 142 69 345 337" 8i. 83 ■ 439 119. 109 295, 296 93. N D E X. LaninJavene, canrum Lannrk, Ric. dc Lancallre, Hciiricus de joliinncs 114 2!;7, Ht.-i!iicu<, comes Dciblx 339- 70 346 168 258. 270 190 134. comes de 134. 137 Lancalliix, vicecomes 83 comitatus 139, 140. 142, 143. 146. 153. 163. 169. 294 dux homines L:in liivenlis, epifcopus Landavery Ltinercoft, prior dc Langetone, Guliclinus de Langdiile, Sir Marm. Lnnpefpnia, Mr Lanton, prior dc Lantonie, prior La n tony Lanveir Lanwaiby, charta Laomenenfis, epifcopus L'Archer, Joh.innes Larder, del Johannes Lafcey, Wenchcliana Lathum, K.itharina de ■ mnneriiim 243-263. 303 138. 146 59, 60. 61 72- 76. 78 254 333 407 324 432 72. 73 289 100 34* 61 148 86 82 201 264. 269, 270 '45 III 225 Laudo San(n:o, Johannes de LaudoD, archidiaconus Laudone, archidiaconus Laveyr. Lauretofles, prioratus 295 Lawborrowes 354 Lawderdaitl, earl of 357. 369. 391. 394,395. 397. 400 Laweres, laird of Leche, Heflor Ledes, Alexander de Ledred, Gilbertus de Leglynen, epifcopus Leiburn, Johannes de Leiceftriae, comitatus LcilondQiire, homines de Leith 324- Lematon, Johannes Lemond, Johannes Lemyngefton, Williclaius dc Len, villa dc Lencbroke, villa Lcno, porius, 85 379 210 113 183 447 ^54 141 150 421. 425 278 274 220 169 qa '83 Lenn, Robertus de Lenna, vilU de Lc-nox, L-arl of countefs of «43 I4t. 173 17:5 321.336 3:5 41V417.418 3'7 1 1 1 Lfutliall, Wiiliani Leo X. I'npa Leonard! fanifli, prionCTa et conventus Leonellus filius Edwardi tertii comes de Ul- fter 299 Lermonth, Alexander 275 Lefley, David 387. 394. 407, 408 Norman 322 Lellye. Wr.lterus 232. 235 Leflye, Sir Alexander 362.39b Leffe, de la Alanus 88 Lefter. lord 3 61) Letarde, Adam 70 Leth, Johnnnecs de 225 Leth, Willielraus de 218,219 Letham, Edwardus de 2*4, 205, 206. 207. 209. 210. 211. 214. 223. 233. 242 Letham, Johannse Edwardi uxor 235 Leuelinus 56 62, 63, 64. 66, i>-j, 68, 69, -jo. 72, 73. 74. 75. 76- 102 filius Oweu! 7 5 Levin, ear! of 368.374. 379. 387. 90 392 398 Lewelinus, filius Kencwrici 103 Lewefte 72 Lexmcdy, ecdefia 440 Lyceflriae, abbas 86 comitatus 85 homines 79 raercatorcs 8j Leyburn, Robertus dc 118. 129.I31 Willielmus de 94 Libberton, lord of 411 Libertoiin, lord 416.426 Lidel, Johannes de i lo Limcric 433 Lincoln, barones 347 comitatus 76. 150. 152. 156. 163 epikiipatus 347 Willielmus de 106 Lincolnienfis, epifcopus 58. 60. 172. 347, 348 lindefeye, Willielmus de 109 Linifton, caftium 298 villa 298 Linlifcu, burgenfcs 109 Liriiitligow, earl of 370 Linningfton, comitatus 298 Lippc, N D E r. Lippc, Thomas de 200 Lilinlchus, Galfridus de 55 Lifmorienfis, epifcopus'6o, 6i. 430. 448,449 Lithepreyns, Johannes 106 Livingfloune, lord 386 Lodelawe, Reginaldus dc 91 Logan, Willielinus 109 Loghmaban 148. 193. 238 cancellaihis 146 caftrum 146. 149. i66. 217. 224. 230, 237. 239. 241. 243 — — — — caftri conflabularius 146. 239,240. 243 Loghore, Conflantius de London, civitas 127. 1 171 '59. 172. 174, 175. 199. 203 235- 237» 238, 239, 240. 242 374. 397 cives epifcopiis 59, major & burgenfes mercatorcs portus tempi um —— Turns 114, 130. 198, 210.217, 3S2,3S5>429-432' ^—— vlceomes Robertus de — — Willielmus de 114 160. 168. 230. 233. 288. 366. 328 .348 341 83 173 341 205. 152 86 454 235 427, 428 433 174, 61. 307 199. 435 288 79 222 224 416 3235324 421 222. Lone, Bartbokmeus dc Long, fecretary 424. Longefpe, Stephanus Longwathby, manerium de Lord, le Rogerus Loreyn, Alexander de Loreyns, Jacobus de Lome, Archibald lord Lorrain, cardinal of Lothian Lothian, earl of 372. 389. 391. 413. 415 Lothor, Conflantius de, vicecomes dc Fif. 109 Loudoun, cancel]. 423. 425. 427 Loudoune, lord 367, 368, 369.376. 386 391. 410 Love, Reginaldus 87 Lovel, Alienora 113 ■ Ricardus 201, 202 Lovel 1, Johannes 294 • Ricardus 1 1 3 Loueth, communes 452 1 . 1 comltatus 4;i i3i-»37 173. 17^. Loueth, magnates vicecomes Loughmaban c.\ftii cnmcrariui Louther, Calfiidus Loutlii:ui, earl ot Lowedcrdale Lowedre, Robertus de Lowcthre, Rcbcrtus dc Lucan Lucius, papa Lucy, Thomas de Antonius de 129 i6i. 166. 169. 171. 191 Ludo, Willielmus de Ludovicus, regis Franciae filtus Luk, meri.atores y6, 77. 79 Lumfden, Sir James Lunenenfis, epifcopus Luneth, prior & conventns Luttour, Thomas Luvel, Henricus L^b.^ud, Petrus Lyde!, vallls Willielmus dc Lydefdale, vallis Lydingland, manerium dc Lymeric, comitatus '— communes epifcopus magnates epifcopatus 45* 452 240, 241 267. 26^ 426 163 162 162 109 J39 211 148. 189. T94 139- 178. 4i3»2i4 89 327. 34t 85. 96, 97 38s 61 433 239 349 124 222 222 266 no 454 454 449 454- 436 374 250 119 397 119 162 306 386 327 392 Lyndefay, earl of Lyndefey, Alexander de Lyndefeye, Philippus dc Lyndfcy, Lodewicke Lyniifcu, caftrum Lynlithkow, hol"pitalis Lyon, Johannes Lyoim, lord Lythegranes, Johannes dc M Mabwynnion Madocus, filius Gernoth filius Kcnewrecyk filius Lewelini Macdonaid, Alexander Allaftcr Macdowcll, James Macdulf filius Malcolml Macdulphus Malcolmi filius, comes de Fife 292 P p p Macklcsficld 90. 393- 107. 94 90 90 103 384 397 389 no INDEX. JMacklesfield MacnevTii, Gilchrift !Macolagh, Patricius Thomas >3i 344 200. 212 220 189 Rljculagh, Cilbertus Alagdowell, Duncanus, uxor Sc fratres ejus 191. 205. 212. Jilagnus, Mannix rex 1 10 Mahathan, Cofcos 94 JIahhatan, Bofci 99 Maitland, lord 367, 368 Rlakcfewell, Herbcrtus de 202 Malcolmus, comes de Lcnetax 336 Scotisrex 287.349 J»Ialecius Menteth, comes dc 280 Malduel, Duncanus 190 Malifius, comes de Strathera 114, n 8 Malizard, Franclfcus 96 Malmefbury 289 Male Lacu, Petrus dc 175. 230. 232, 233. 235' -3'5 Mamnel, Robertus 194 Mandoe loa Mancrius, Robertus de 194 Mancrs, Johannes de 155 Mannia; infula 105.109, 1 10. 121, 122. 132. 192.265. 328, 329 r rex 328,329.344,345,431 majoram llterae 327 Mann)', Walterus 207. 236 Maniiyel, Robertus 205 5Iantaland, Ricardus 345 Mar, comes de 218. 222. 226. 231,232.236. 329- 33^- 357 Mar, comitifTa de 149. 201. 203 Garthnctus de 115 Maramenfis, epifcopus 300. 305 March, comesde 55. no. 1 13. 115. 120. 143. 205. 213. 221. 223. 239. 254. 264. 305. 318.331. Marchia, Williclmus de 332 Mare, de la Forefla 79 Marcmium 79 Marefcallus, Walliae 548 Angliie 179 Marefchal, David 183 Margaret, Wife of David, King of Scotf 302 Margareta filia regis Hen. III. 56 Henrici VII. Regis filia 3 14, 315, 3"5,3'7 • regis Scotiae filia 344 foror-germaaa regis Scotiae 284 Margarets, Korwcgine regina iio filia Gii/iini 92 uxor Rcli, filii Griffinl 90 Maria, Scoti.-e regiua 321,322, 323, 324 Maiix, S. cardinalis 57 Marilea, Gaufridus de 4 50 Marmaducus, Karliol, epifcopus 2y(> Marreys, Johannes 194 Marfcallus, Richardus 341 Martinus IV. 57 V. 61 Mauduyt, Rogerus 160 Maulc-a, Willjclmus dc to8 Mauley, Petrus de 240. 24S l\laur, Cantredus 98 Maurice, Prince 373 Maxwell, Euflachius 229 Johannes 323.337 lord 321, 323 villa 257 Maydenhaoche, Thomas de 93 MayJenftan, Johannes 84 Maydcrton, Thomas dc 157 Mayenan, villa 67 May lor, Sefnek 74 Mayonenenfis, epifcopus 58 Meanrofe, abbas de 200 Mebwynon 80 Meden, epifcopus 4'^4 Medius, Wichius 85 Meghya 74. 76 Melcheburn, Willielmus de 157- Mtldrum, Robert 362 Melcnyth 149 Melmemanner 80 Melros, abbas & convcatus 11 1. 131. 237. 241. 257, 258. 342 Meltoen 80 Meraorancy, conAable 324 marfhal 324 Menenvir, baronia 345 Meneteth, Alexander comesde 112. 218 -- comes dej 203. 280. 303 comitilfa de 167 Menevenlis, epifcopus 60, 61. 65. 68. 71. 73- 7^'- 84-98. 99 Menill, Nicholaus de 126 Mentlux, dominus 324 Mercatores, Florentini 56 Lucx, 76, 77. 7(). 8^. 96, 97 papas 57 Mwccr, Thomas 243 Merduc Merdiic, Refus Mereducus Bleriiint, le Hugo Meronith, homines -^— — — cantrediis comitatii'; Merioneth, comitatus Mcroneth, fortlta Merdiall, earl of Merfton, Johannes de VVillitlmus dc Merton Melfe, Johannes de Metford, Ricaidus Metham, Thomas dc Methyn, Ifcoyt Meuros, ab'oai 8c convent us Meynan Meynan, abbas 9c con^cntus Meynerdclow Mcyners, Alexander dc Meyriimiiyth Meytlighcyn, fcoyt Mid. comitatus communes -^— magnates fenefcallns libertatls Midenfis, epifcopus Middciton, Ricaidus de Middleton, Sibcllade Midleron, Thomas de ' major general Milites Miner* Minute-books Mitford, Johannes Mobs, RogeiTJs de Modes, Rogerusde Mohun Johannes de Molhuant, Huihraydre Molis, Rogcrus de Monkton, Johannes de Monro, George Mons, Altus Gomeri Monsfald, Gilbcrtus Montague, Marchio dc Monte Acuto, Simon de Williclmusdc 148. 161, 162. 172. 178 Forti, Alianora de 64,65.74 Nichoiaus de 82 Monte, Hermer Radulphus dc, comes Gloucef- irue & Hertford 1 16. 123 I N D p6 64. 63. 71. 76 80 149 89 90. 98 149 97 386 86 150 431 78 206 102 los 90, 92 90 71 116 87 87 454 454 454 454 61. 446 234 109 225 390.407 84. 89. 100, 10 I 65.70. 75- 91. 92.95 355 259 77 75 122 102 68 23.^ 374. 388,391 75 75. 82. 84, 85 245 282 121 33'- E X. Montelth, come'; dc Montgomery, Alexander Montis Belligardi, Henricus comes Falconis domirms Montronc, James, earl of 369. 3 So, -^Sr, 38-,, 384, 385 Moramenfis, capituli MoranienCs, epifcopus Moravia, Andreas dc Willielmus dc Moravienfis, epifcopus Mordacus, ducis Albaniae filiws Moreton, Chailes manerinm Morevilla, Ricardus dc Morie, Robertus Morpeth, caftle of Morton, David de Mortuo Mari, Edmundus Rogerus de 67,68. 33* 30S 160 169 382. 78.83, 84,85.93 Willielmus dc 'I, 72 Mote, Ricardus de la Motcre, Johannes Moubray, Alexander dc 161. 205. 222 Galfriduj de 147. 154. 180. 331 216 ■ Galterus • Johannes de 130. 133. 186. 1S8. — — — Willielmus de Mounceux, Amandus de Multon, Thomas Muntfichet, Willielmus de Murguocgh Murray, archdeacon of - earl of epifcopus Mnrrefe, Andreas de 161, 162, Murreff, Johaunes comes de 163. 163. 172. 186, 187, 1S8. 191 Thomas dc Murrcue, comes dc Murrilf, Willielmus de Munheby, chana Mufard, Johannes Mufgr.ive, Ricardus de 1 18. Sir Philip 407. 424. Thomas de 199, 200. 204. P.38, 239. 243 Mynto, ccclcfia I'pp 2 301 J'9 33^ 345 II I •79 324 204 349 2If 381 90 lOl ■ 77. 71 199 .225 • :!00. 167 243 124 123 I20 301 32? 317 168 167, 221 257 230 346 106 • 323 42(i 237. 238 Na ttt 9 INDEX. N 273. 275, 276. 280. 283, 284. Fide Percy Northumbriar, vicecomes 129. 166. 221. 3411. 347 barones 34 1 . 347 homines 138 North Walliae 151. 157. 169, 170 homines 149. 151, 152. 157 Nothzaine, Pifcaria 269 Norwagia no. 172. 343 Norwagix, magnates 343, 344 regina 343, 344 rex io3, 109, 1 10. 327, 328. 336. Namons, comes de 158 Nantmaur, villa 91 Naper, lord 369 Nendofk, charta 345 Nctherpollock, Ion! 426 Nevill, Johannts de 1 14. 250. 254, 255. 270. 282 Nevill, Raduiphus de 148, 149. 200. 207.209, 210. 215. 217, 218. 223. 258. 266. 268, 269. 299 ' Thomis, domlnus deFu.-nivall 264 Willielmus, dominus de Faucomberge 280, 281 Ncwbotel, abbas de 113 Newport, Willielmus de 243 Neuton, Adamus dc 58 Neutun, charta 345 Nevj'll, Ricardus 275 Newark, Henricus dc 86 Newarke on Trent 387 Newburgh 289 Newcaftle 4 1 8. Fide Novum caflrum • cnflle ■ marquis of Newbery, Willielmus Newenton Nicolaus IV. Nicolfone, Sir Thomas Nithefdale, earl Noelfon, Archibaldus Norbern, villa Norfolciae, archidiaconus dux Norffblciae, comes comitatus 139. 371 380 456 70 57 381. 383,384 380 222 260 56 276, 277.324 179.328.348 140, 141. 167. 173 Vicecomes Norham Normanvil, Thomas de Northallerton Northalverton Northampton Northamptoniae, comes comitatus 328, 141. Northope, villa North Tyndale homines Northumbriae comitatus 124 153. 160. 162. 166. 169. 196, 197. 210. 240. 328. — comes 213. 241. 249.1251, 252. 264. 266, 267 2 155 329 86 142 163 328 208. 213. 300 329 92 J77 148, 149. 185. 194. »33 174 341 244. 271, 245- 272, 343. 344 Norwey Nor%vic epifcopus ■ prioratus Norwicenfis, epifcopus Norwich Norwico, Johannes de Notingham Robertus dc 259 172, 173 288. 297. 322 168 58, 59. 61 289 170. 176 163 "37 Nottinghamice, comitatus 132,133. 139. 141. 150, 151. 177. 195, 196 — ' homines 8g Nova-Villa, Margareua de 57 Novi-caftri, fuper Are conflabularius 118 — — homines 129 Novo burgo, Ambrofius de 144 villario, Agnetus dc 98 Novum caftrum fuper Tynam 124. 127, 128. 131, 132. 136. 139, 140. 142, 143. 145.150,151.153.154,155,156. 160. 164 Novum caftrum 178. 181. 187. 190. 211. 213. 215, 216. 249. 340.374- 384. 385. 389, 390, 391, Fide Newcaftle O Obeyn, charta Ocham, Nicholaus de Ocle, Jacobus 2 O Connor, Fedlimidus, Conaftiat rex Odo, Conadliae rex Oelus, filius Res Cre vel Oenus filius Griffini 65, 66. 79. 86. 102 Ogilbie, lord Ogle, Robertus 273. 2 Olarel, Johannes Oliveftede, ecclefia OpfettlyngtoD, maneriom 346 100 69. 272 432 435 67 68. 72. 396 77. 282 88 86 207 Orange, INDEX. Orange, pilnce of Orbcck, Johanaes Orcadia Orchadorum, epifcopus Oiewell Ormelby, Willielmus de Ormeflon, Andreas de Orreton, Johannes de Ofmeredych, Maddocus Ofmuelgul, Meredncus OfFeney, monafteiium de OfTorienfis, epifcopus 6o, Ofteriof Ohv.Mcdrx: Otryke, comitatus Otiyke, villa - caHrum Otto, legatus Ottyrburne, Adamus Owel Owyen, Angarada Oxford ■ ■ — earl Oxonienfes, clerici 226 Oxonienfis comitatus 152 ■^ univerfitas 248 4'4 79 343 323 175 113 ^79 204 68 68 446 435.448,455 94 «2. 85 298 298 298 340 320 71 74 378.379 312 328. Palatine, prince eleiftor 368 Pandulphus, legatus 55 Parkefeld 239 PaiTele, abbntia 186 Paxton, villa 207 Payne, Willielmus 78 Peche, Robertus loi Pederton, Willielmus de 103 Pedrington, Walrcnis de 88 Pedwordyn, V, alterus dc . 69 Peebles, comitatus 161. 898 villa 161.298 . caftrum 298 Pembrochiae, comes 125. 127, 128, 129, 130 Penarth, villa 102 Ptnchlyn, coramotus 89 Penewortha, prior dc 86 PenlafTock 92 Pcneccflre, Stephanus 79. 83 Pennuliok 94 Penreth, villa 267 cliarta magna de 342 ecclefia 340 i^ ■■■ ■' .-> Thomas de ^ 209 Penryth, terrJC Pentland, terra I'enwen, Yereward Penyton, Margareta de Perbroun, Johannes Percy, Hcnvicusde in, 112, 11 j a88. 328. 34f 34 >■ 98 69 i'^6. i3> ■43- 115. 144. 148, 149. 156. 160. 188. 2C0. 202, 203. 207, 208, 209, 210. 211, 212. 215. 216,217, 218, 219.223.228,229,230.234, 235, 236. 238, 239. 249, 250, 251, 252. 258, 259. 261. 263, 264. 266. 270, 271, 272. 278, 279, 280 299. 310. i'iile'SoT- thumbrijE comes ■ Johanna de Thomas de 240. Fide comes Pereneth, commotus Perth, Burgenfes de pons — -— villa 117. Petri, beati denarii Petyn, charta Peulefdon, Rogerus de Philippa, regis Anglix filia Philippus, filius Cadmor filius Crifpini Francix rex 293 I — filius Oueli Abenarlk 232 NorthumbrjsE 9* 109 "7 119. 306. 382 56.58 34S 294. 9S 166 70 70 297 97 246 Piers, Johannes Pifcarioe 135, 144. 148. 155, 156. 163. 167 207. 216. 221. 229. 232. 234. 243. 252. 269.431 Placita Plogcnet, Alanus 96, ()j. Plucfdon, Richardus dc Plukenct, Alanus Plunket, Ricardus dc Podcrton, Willielmus de Poher, Petrus de Robertus de Pole Ricardus de la Willielmus de la Poleyrn, Godcfridus Polloc, charta Ponfcfot, Grimbaldus de Ponte-'iurgi, villa Pontefraft, caftrum Pontius. yiJc AmatUS Pontivus Portcrfeild, George 430,431 102, 103 8993 96 454 J 00 98 98 102 158 102 8t 34S 89 15a 166 tio. 7« 420 Prat, I N D Pottefmuth 172. 174, 175.180 Porthebrochee, cliarta 345 Portui 142, 143. 155. 159. 165. 167. '^^ Pountfret, caflrum 280 Powys 73 • provincia 100 Prat, ^\ illicltnus, Tnvernary, vkecomcsde 337 Picff-n, de 163 Piendciluli, biuonia 220 PrenJergcrt, Robertus 238 PrendregelV, Thomas 250 Presfeu, Williclmus dc 147 I'lefton, Michael de 191 — ■ Robeitus 45 1 Progers, Mr. 424 Pronne, le Wiinelmus 98 Prothegalls 35S Pucell, caftellum .2'88 Puelfdon, Ricardus de 90 Puilefdon, Robertus 10 1 Purchas, Thomas 79 Pweynefdon, Rogerus de 98 Pykerying, Robertus 427 Pynkeney, Henricus 113 Pynkeny, Robertus de 112 Pype, Jacobus de 193 Quatermare, Johannes Quetly Quinque Portus QuiDtx decimae R Raan, Walterus de Radeclif, Johannes de Rading, monafterium Radolphus, Legatus Radulphus, bare de Greyftock ■ comes WeftmerlandicE 266. 3*S-3'9 • filius Willielmi 124. 127, 128 E X. Ravcnfcre RavcHiferod, villa Rayc-, Phiilipus Rcaiing RccTiald Jiede, Uroc, de la Paflns Rcdcinane, Matheus dc Regifters Regula, Ikia dc Rencyden, Rithardus Reppcs, Hugo de Laurentius dc 154, 342 79. 84 J7-8s-9y 122 180 no 328 240 271. 188 Rae, Lord Ramefeye, Williclmus Ramfay, Sir James Randolf, Henricus - ■ Johannes, comes de 'Slurrief ■ Thomas Ranulphus, Thomas 331 Rapendona, canonici Rafon, Willlelmuide Ratcli/r, Edwardus 3S4 157 '5? 130 448 289 74 84 246 355 5 426 .112. 329 Soidoa Soldon, Johannes Somercotes, Anfelinus Jc SomerfetLc, homines vicecomcs Somervill, Lieut. Col. Williehnus dc Sorlanherthudol Soules, Nicholaus de Willielmus de Soureby Southamptonia:, comitatus villa 120. Soye, Johannes Spalding, Johannes Spaldington, Olbertus de 107, 108. Spalding, prior de Sparrowe, Thomas Speengeofe, Rogerus Spotfwood, Sir Robert Springhos, Rogerus Spyneye, Robertus de Stafford, comitatus prior St. Thoms martlris Staffordiae, homines mercatores N D 79 183 84,85 102 381 205 66 115 206 342 142 169, 170 78 107 III, 1 12 137 341. 207, Stanhop, Ricardus de Btanlawe, abbas Stanley, abbas ■ Johannes 88 , Stapilton, Brianus Willielmus de Starkey, Nicholaus Staundon, Robertus de 89. 90 99. 10 1 Stavayl, domlnus de Staworth Staynefmore Steward, Walterus Stewarte, Sir Walter Sticward vel Stewart Jacobus 271 25S 87 78 187 173 78 80.84 89 208. 218 88 86 256. 261, 262 270 206. 237 457 96, 97, 98, 87 ^37 251 307 369 278 Strabolgy, David de, comes d'Afteles 132.200. 70. 74 . 94 118. 120, 121. 296 337 67 86 •133 96 345 III n8. 125. 179. J83 Strata Florida, abbatia Strathern, comes 114. comitatus Stratton, manerium ecclefia Strelly, Robertus Stretdenwy Strivclin, Nundiniae Striveling, Alexander de i caftrum 112. X. Strlveling.Johannesdc 108.162.166,167. 332 Strlvelyng Strode, hofpitalis S. Maiia; Strother, Alanus del Henricus Thomas 174- 3'4 87 226. 239 230 Stryvelyn, Johannes de i 186. 196, 197. 199 Sturmy, Johannes Stutevill, W. de Styward, Walterus Suberwick, priorifla & raonSales Subfidia Subfidium, curiale Sudhdon, ecclefia SufFolciae, comitatus Suffolk, duke of Sufton, manerium Suluy,Aluredus de Sulwath Surreis, comes comitatus 162. 169. 245 171. 55- 124. 129 343 259 108 86.83 85 107 139. 141. 170 313 69 138 269 115 155 15s 63 227, 180 112, 113 SufTexias, comitatus Suthampton, Thomas de Sutherlandiae, comes 221. 224. 426, 229, 230, 231. 398 Suthirland, chartas Suthlcye, Bartholomeus de Suih Wallia 120. 149. 169, homines Sutton, villa Swanland, Johannes Swannenand, Johannes de Sweden, queen of Swerdewod Swertwod Swyft, Johannes Swynburn, Johannes de Thomas 253. 204. Swynefhaheye, mercatores Swynhop, Ricardus de Swynhowe Swynnerton, Rogerus dc Stcphanus SwyntoQ, Johannes de Taillur, Richardus Talbois, Walterus Talbot, John carl of Shrewfbury I Ricardus 154. 179. 181. 344 69 170 149 92 162 176 412 7S 7« 79 342 254 89 225 227 177 204 260 8* 245 309 i8c Q^q q] Talbot, Talbot, W. Talfield, Robcrtus Tanet'ue, infula Tanfeld, Robertus Tangwal, Thomas dc Tany, Lucas de Tapton, Pctrus de Taje, Walterus de Taylor, Nathaniel Tcaipefl, Petrus llicardus N D 5S 268 169 269 78 81 86 »33 352 219 E X. Tonge, Robertus Toniggo, Ottodc Tonk, Robertus Walterus 225, 226. 207, 20S, 209. 212. 22j Templarii 58 Templi militia 1 1 2 Terra fanfta 432, 433, 434 Terrealnancgh 1 20 Teukelbury 289 Tcula c)^ Tevydale, archiadlaconatus 212 dominium 266 homines 217. 248 Teweynan 93 Teyrlonna 7 1 Thalarlawyn, abbatia 74 Thefauraria Scotia: 1 1 2 Thcfaurarius, regis Hibernia: 140 Thewell, Willielmus dc 134 Thirlefton, Thomae charta 345 Thirwell, Richardus 240 Thilklton, Richardus de 87 Thleyt, Griflinus 136 Thloen, Cantredus 89 Thomx S. abbas 58 Thomas, Lancaftrix come3 134 Norfolcije dux 314 Thorp, Johannis dc 1 79 Thorp, Willielmus 269 Thorfopyn, charta 344 Threlk, Rogeriis dc 264 Thyngden, Johannes de 184 TibbctoT, Johannes 197 Robert dc 62,,96. 98. 190. 103 Tikchull, Nicholaus dc 124 Tillherout 70 Tilliol, Petros 241 Tiptot, Johannes 197. 277 Titchbornc, aldermm 351 Toblank, Johannes 153 Todd, Sir Thomas 313 Tolofan, Elias 76 2 '54 345 133 III no 332 201. 222 141 3^3' 364- 369- 122 93 107 90 123. 127. 129. Torkcfey, manerium de 'J'ortoral, Davidis de Tours, Willielmus de Traiflatusp.icis 62,63, 37,138.178. 189,190, 248.254.259, 260. 264. 273. 279. 299. 302. 305.308, 310. 313, 314, 315. 3(8, 319, 320. 322. 324 Tracy, Willielmus Traqualr, John earl of 358. 396 Travers, Rogerus Trefeynan, villata Trequer, forefta Trefgamed, villa Treugae 57, 58. 117. 119. 133. 138. 161, 162, 163. 166, 167, i6S^. 178. 181. 186, 187. 189. 190, 191. 193. 196, 197. 205, 206. 209. 211. 213. 218. 220. 224, 225. 228. 231. 234. 245, 246, 247.250.252,253,254,255.257,258.260, 261. 263. 265. 270, 271, 272. 274. 277. 279. 281, 282, 283. 294. 297. 299. 302, 303. 304. JOj- 3°7, 3°8, 309, 310, 311, 312, 3'3- 317- 319.320 Trugar, Janua: charta Treverthelag Trc;e, Robertus le Trum, abbatia Trump, Patricius de Tuamcnfis, archicpifcopas 436 Tacock, charta Tuder, ap Griflinus Tuderus, filius Edenevet filius Goronou Tughale, Robertus de 143, 155, 156. 167. 179. 182. 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 217, 2i8. 221 Tukilbury 288. 342 Turburvill, Hugo de 89. 94, 95, 96, 97, 98 Tyar, libertatis fcnefcallus 456 Tyler, Sir Thomas 3 r 3 Sir William 3 14 Tyndale 177 Tyuetnuth, cafHe 371. 3^7 V.nghan 345 68 79 437 "3 57- 433- 435. 344 . 9^ 62,63 75 144- 147, 148. 184. 186. 188. 196. 200. 216, N D V Vaghan, Refus 70- 74 Valencias, epifcopus 324 Valcntia, Adomarus dc, comes Pcmbrochie 125. 127, 128, 129. 133. 29s Agnes de no — Willielmus dc 64. 6g, 70. 79. 80. 8! Valcntius, Willielmus dc 99 Vale, Willielmus 212. 227. 230.235 Valle, Galfridus dc 453 Philippus de 453 Vallibus, Chriftiana de 113 Valoignes, Warefius dc 136 Valoniis, Willielmus de 345 Valuations and Kirks 355 Vafconia 434 VafTalli, regis 55 Vaughan, David 97 Goronow 75 Griffinus 74. 87. 97 Hugo 316 Leuelinus 77, 78. 90 Margareta 74 Tuderus 91. 98 Vaun, Willielmus de 207 Vaux, Willielmus de 207 Uder, Mr. 414.428 Veer, Robertus de comes Oxon. 84 Vcnir, le Robertus 86 Vcrdin, Thomas de 85 Veidon, Pvicardus 451 Verdun, Theobaldus de 72, 73. 77 Verfona, Willielmus de 338 Vefey, Euftachiusde 55. 329. 341.348 Ifabelia 107.113,115 Willielmus de 440 Vezano, GifFredus de 106 Ufford, Robertus dc 172 Ughtred, Thomas 166. 172. 184, 185, 186, 187. 190. 240, 241 Ughtrethreftrethre, manerium 1 1 5 Vicenfis, epifcopus 294 Vi(flaalia 76, 77. 79, 80, 81, 82, 83. 85, 86, 87,88,89.95 Vickers, Willielmus dc 229 Villac, Pontis prior 449 Ulfter 378 comes de 299 Ulton, comes de 120. 125. 130 Umframvill, Gilbcrtus, comes dc Ancgos 107 E X. Umframvill, Ingelramus dc 115. 120. 529. 332 Robertus de, comes de Anegos 117. 123, 124. 129 Umfrauvill, Gilbertusde, comes de Anegoioy. aio Adenellus de 349 Umfrcvill, Robertus 267. 269, 270. 272 Upfatlington 324 Vogan, captain 407 Urbanus V. 50 VI. 60 Urban, epifcopus 276 Urchard, prior de 345 Ufcflet, Thomas dc 176 Urher, Fynalaus 2^.5 Uxbridgc 388 Uxores, hominum Scotice 1 1 j W Waldegi'ave, Ricardusde iii Wales, Johiniies le 82 Walenfes 69, 70. 77, 78, 79, 80. 95/ 97, p8. 118. 160. 164,165. 178,179. 215. 431 Walfinton, villa 92 Walker, Sir Edward 424. 426 Wallia, 134. 136.155, 156. 159. 165. 170. 174.298 North. Vide North Wallia Suth. Vide Suth Wallia Walliae, cancel larla 91 Jufliciarius 97. 98, 99, 100. 103 Walliae, caftra 159. 169 epifcopus 165 homines J49. 156. 176 leges & confuetudIn«s, placita, &c. 6s, 66,6-j. 69. 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76 ncmora 69. 71. 74. 84. 93. 97 princcps 266 Thefauraria 95 Waltham, 289 abbas 57- ^o Wanas ^4 Warde, Simon 127. 130 Wardelowc, Johannes 2^9 Warefton, lord •552, 35:} Warren, comes de ^48 Warrenna, Johannes dc, comes Surrisc 81, 82. 87. 112, 113. 115 Warcnna, Willielmus dc 206 Q^q q 2 Waricwici, I N D Warrewicl, comes 77. 171. 176. 177. 280, 281. comitatus 85 homines 79 mercatores 83 Waterdalela 266 Waterfordii-, elves & communes 457 ccmitatus 453 • confuetudines 457 epifcopus430.43<,437.439.448 jura 457 librrtates 457 major & ballivi 457 piivilegia 457 vicecomcs 453 AVatewang, Walterus de 157 Wathflriker, baronia 202 Watfon, Robertas 200 Waywan, Johannes 184 Wawyn, Johannes 175 Wederbiirn, villa 202 Weeper, villa 92 Welynton, ecclefia 86 Wenborn, abbas 86 Wennouwen, Griffinus 74.76.77 — — ap Hawifa 67 ap Owenui iilius Griffini 102 Wentworth, lord 424. 426. 428 Werk, caArum j 12 libercas 144 Wcrkworth, manerium 329 callrum 266. 3 7 1 Wefenham, Johannes dc 176 Wefey, Johannes dc 342 Weftmerlandia?, barones 341 comes 266. 268, 269. 271. 319 •comitatus 113. 131, 134. 137, 138. 158, 159. 162. 165, 166. 168, 169. 189. 193, 194. 197. 211. 328. 341 homines 113. 138. 150. 15S victcomites 1 1 3 Weftminfter, abbas & conventus 56. 60 Weftmonafterienfis, abbatia 347 Wefton, Johannes 120 Philippus 198 Thomas 274 Walterus de 179. 183 Weftwode, prioratus 77-87 Wetenhale, Adam dc 91 . 98 Weymowith 80 E X. Wcyraes, earl ef Weyms, James, colonel Weynomoth Weys, comitatus communes magnates vicecomes Wharton, lord Whelpedale Johannes Whcym, laird of Whilciborne, Robertus Whitchirche White, Henricus Johannes Philippus Ricardus Willielmus 426 4'3 80 454 454 454 454 321 127 382 206 82 260 449. 456, 457 454 447- 450. 451 447-457 2:4 174 448 III Whitkirk, Thomas dc Whitfand Whitfey, Ricardus Whitfum Whittcy, Ricardus 454 Wichard, Johannes & Johanna uxor ejus 108 Wigeton, Alanus 105 caftrum 107 Wigorniae, abbas & conventus 86 Wigornienfis epifcopus, 58, 59, 60, 6 1 .64. 348 Wigorniae, comitatus jj6 Willford, Rogcrus 252 Willielmus, comes de Sutherland 224 ebor. archiepifcopus 135. 138 Scotias rex 287, 288. 327,328, 329- 33 5- 347. 348 Wilmott, lord 424. 427, 428 Wilts, homines 85 Winburne, Walterus dc 4-59 Winchelfei S^ Windefor, conflabulariiis caflri 6; Winton 168 ecclefia jj Elias dc 87 Wlntonienfis, epifcopus 59. 218 Wintonia, Willielmus de 226 Witha, epifcopus de 349 WithringtoD, lord 424.426 Wlonkeflowe, Hugo dc 9a Wode del Willielmus 185.193. 209.211. 220. Wodecock, Heyr Parcaria 146 Wodehous, Johauues dc aoo. 202 Wolrikeford 1 2 2 WootoD, N D E X. Wooton, Dr. Worcefter Workfop, prior Wortelye, Nicholaus dc Wray, Colonel "Wrikhull, Plugo dc Wych, Olivcrus de WyJryngton, Gerardus de Wygcton, Johannes de Wyght, Ricardus de WygornisE, comitatus Wymes, Michaelis de Wynchedon, Ricardus de Wyachelfe, homines VVyndefore WilUelmus de Wynn, Terra Wynraham, George "Wyfliam, Johannes de Wyfton, Henrlcus de Wyther, Willielmus 324 289 83 156. 187 407 88 82 203 118 233 89 332 454 ^7S 163 167 124 442, 443 345 413- 415 130 109 Yale 78. Vide Bromfield Yereward, ab GriiHaus Yceltre, caftrum Yeremuth Yetham, ecdefia Yle, Godefridus dc films Johanols Ynorth, filius Griffmi Yong, Willielmus York, Ricardus de York. Vide Ebor. ci vitas St. Mary's Churcb Ythan, lord Yfonis filius Galfridi Zethan, ecclefia Zoulchc, le Alanvs 91.94 112 89 237- 244 256 256 4S exillentis extentis 336, 2, Johanni Johannem Ibid. 23. after Anglise, dele the comma Ibid. 28, Comiti/Ta ComitifTas 343 30. traftatis traftatus Ibid. 33. dele the commas 350. 3. ct ex 447> 13. fuerimus fnerit UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARV Los Angeles This l>ook is DUE on Ihc last date stamped below. t'orni L"J-40in-7,'56(C790s4)444 =e D 000 000 972 C miuiu >V- . i-l ' L"..// /. -3V