HD 6516, B892S3 UC-NRLF B 3 ']2Z fl3M r. .^AND ^ Rules :' 0^: ^"; ■'; \l Building 1 RAMS < iJIJCi 1 i Of S. 4\C=^AMF'^'" !!• ORGANIZED FEBRUA :;-.-•■; ", ■, . ^Ree3. 917 V, uE ^^E^'y^: 111 CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS -AND- RULES OF ORDER OF THE- . BUILDING TRADES COUNCIL OF SACRAMENTO (Organized February 10, 1901.) SiOML SniffSCSS DECLARATION AND OBJECTS, ^f ///^ The Building Trades' Council controls the building industry, from the foundation to the roof, inclusive; and it will tolerate no interfer- ence from any miscellaneous central body or organization. Unions in the building industry must be organized and guided solely by the Building Trades'. Council, a^d jay this Council only. The Building Trades' Council will not and cannot, divide responsibility with any cen- tral body made up of divers trades and callings. The objects for which the Building Trades' Council has been organized are: First, to or- ganize all branches of labor engaged in the construction of buildings, or in the preparation of material therefor; second, to form such building trades' unions into compact and prac- tical working central bodies, known as Build- ing Trades' Councils; third, to preserve the building industry invioMte from the disastrous results of foreign interference and entangling alliances; fourth, to assist and co-operate with all bona fide labor organizations, in order that we may present a solid phalanx against the misuse of capital; fifth, to assist in having the 907 -4- liours of labor shortened according to displace- ments caused by the introduction of improved methods in our system of production and dis- tribution; sixth, to urge the passage and en- forcement of laws beneficial to the people; t.Gventh, to effect an equitable adjustment of all disputes between employer and employe; eighth, to more thoroughly inculcate the prin- ciples of trades unionism, and in order to ac- complish this we do ordain and declare this our Constitution and By-Laws: — 5— ARTICLE I. Xame and Coustitueiicy. Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Building Trades' Council of Sacramento, California. Sec. 2. This Council shall be composed of duly accredited delegates from bona fide trade and labor organizations engaged in the building industry. Sec. 3. Representation from the unions shall be as follows: Three delegates from a union with one hundred (100) members or less, and one (1) additional delegate from each addi- tional one hundred (100) members or major fraction thereof. And said delegates must be journeymen of the craft they represent. They shall be seated at the first meeting in .Tuly. Sec. 4. When a roll call is demanded, the delegates of the affiliating unions shall vote the full membership of the union which they rei)re- sent, based on the last per capita tax paid to the Council; provided the delegation cannot agree, then the vote of the union shall be divided equally among, and be voted by, the delegates i)resent. ARTICLE II. Meiiibersliii). Section 1. Any union ai)plying for member- ship in this Council shall be referred to the Organizing Committee, which shall investigate — 6— the application and report upon the same to the Council at its next regular meeting, where- upon a motion to admit shall be decided by a majority vote. Sec. 2. A motion to admit, being carried, the Organizing Committee shall investigate the cre- dentials of the delegates, and if it be found that the delegates are members of the organization applying and were properly elected, they shall be seated. The Council, however, reserves the right to object to the seating of any, or all, delegates, who, in its judgment, are considered undesirable or detrimental to the best interests of the Council. Sec. 3. No union which holds membership in any central body or Council, foreign to the building industry, shall be eligible to member- ship in this Council; and any union which holds membership in the Building Trades' Council and which affiliates with any central body or Council, not an integral part of the building trades, shall by such affiliation or action forfeit its membership in this Council, and shall stand suspended without any further trial. Sec. 4. The Council grants the fullest auton- omy to its affiliating unions in the government of their internal affairs, but in matters which affect the general welfare of the building in- dustry, the Council reserves sole and complete jurisdiction and any union which willfully mis- uses its autonomy and wantonly injures the work of this Council by acts of disobedience, rebellion or treason, shall, by vote of the Coun- cil, stand suspended or expelled, deprived from all the benefits, rights and privileges accruing from membership in the Council. Sec. 5. No member of any affiliating union who holds membership in a labor organization not affiliated with the Building Trades' Council can be seated as a delegate in this Council. ARTICLE III. Grierauces. Section 1. Should a craft affiliated with the Council have a grievance with an employer or employes, it shall use every honorable means towards a satisfactory adjustment of the same, and failing to do so, it may, at a regular or special meeting of the union or unions in the craft, refer in writing, under the seal of the union or unions, the difficulty in question to the Council. Sec. 2. No union shall be eligible or entitled to assistance from the Council, in case of any demands, strikes or lockouts, until said union has been one year in the Council, and the action of the union has been approved by at least a two-thirds vote of the members present at a regular session of tlie Council. Sec. 2A. Any union desiring a change in hours or wages must give ninety days' notice and such raise or change must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Council. Sec. 3. No union or unions affiliating with — 8 — the Council shall be allowed to declare any building, shop or firm unfair until all provis- ions of Section 1 and Section 2 of this Article have been fully complied with, and then only after such declaration has been formally made in regular session by the Council. Sec. 4. Any union withdrawing its delegates from this Council can be reinstated by a major- ity vote of the Council and further complying with Section 2 of Article III. They may also be fined as the Council sees fit. ARTICLE IV. Officers. Section 1. The regular officers of the Build- ing Trades' Council shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Recording and Correspond- ing Secretary, a Financial Secretary, a Treas- urer, a Sergeant-at-Arms, a Board of Five Trustees, each of whom shall be a permanent resident of the City of Sacramento; an Execu- tive and Arbitration Board composed of one member from each affiliating union, an Organ- ization Committee of five members, a Law and Legislative Committee of five members, and such Business Agents and Organizers as the Council may decide. Sec. 2. All permanent officers shall be elected and installed at the first meeting in July. All the regular elections shall be by a secret ballot; previous to the ballot being taken the chair shall appoint two tellers and one judge, who shall supervise the election. All -9- officers shall, at the expiration of their terms of office, or in case of resignation, turn over all books and property belonging to the Council in their possession to their successors, and render a complete report of their stewardship up to date, ARTICLE V. Duties of Officers. Section 1. The President sliall preside and preserve order at all meetings, sign all orders on the Treasurer authorized by the Council, and perform all other customary duties per- taining to his office. He sliall be ex-officio member of all Boards and Committees, with voice and vote. Sec. 2. The Vice-President shall, in the ab- sence of the President, perform all duties ap- l^ertaining to the office. Sec. 3. The Recording and Corresponding Secretary shall keep a record of the proceed- ings of the Council, and attest all orders signed by the President. He shall be custodian of the archives and seal of the Council. He shall fur- nish each affiliating union with a copy of the proceedings of the Council. He shall be ex- officio member and Secretary of the Executive and Arbitration Board, with voice and vote, and lie shall perform such other duties as ai'e else- where indicated in this Constitution and as- signed him by the Council. He shall receive such salary as the Council, by motion or reso- lution, may determine. -10- See. 4. The Financial Secretary shall receive all dues and moneys to be paid to the Council and pay the same over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor. He shall keep an accurate account of all moneys received and expended. He shall issue all orders for the payment of bills ordered by the Council, the same to be attested by the signatures of the President and the Recording and Corresponding Secretary, and he shall make out all requisitions for working cards to the General Office. He shall make quarterlj' financial reports to the Council. He shall notify all unions in arrears with their dues at the end of each month, and he shall receive such salary as the Council, on motion or resolution, may determine. Sec. 5. The Treasurer shall receive from and receipt for all moneys paid to him bj' the Finan- cial Secretary, and disburse the same upon the order of the Council. He shall keep an account of all moneys received and expended and pro- duce his books for inspection whenever called upon by the Board of Trustees. He shall not retain more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) in his possession at any one time, and shall deposit all moneys or funds in such bank as the Council may designate. He shall furnish a bond of not less than $100, and receive such salary as the Council, by motion or resolution, may determine. Sec. 6. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall take charge of the door at all meetings and see that none enter but delegates of duly accredited —11— members of affiliated unions. He shall allow no member to retire without permission of the presiding officer; and perform such other duties as the Council may require of him, and he shall receive such salary as the Council, by motion or resolution, may determine. Sec. 7. In addition to the duties hereinbefore described, the foregoing officers of this Council shall visit all affiliating unions as frequently as it is possible for them to do so. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to act as an Auditing Committee; to examine all bills and claims prior to action thereon by the Council ; to receive and hold in trust for the Council all tangible property, except money in the hands of the Treasurer, and examine the books of the Financial Secre- tary and Treasurer at the end of each six months, and to perform such other duties as the Council may from time to time require. The Trustees shall examine the bank book of the Treasurer quarterly and see that it is correct and report quarterly. It shall also be the duty of the Trustees to see that the Treasurer deposits in such bank as the Council may decide, all money over and above such sum as the Council may decide shall be left in his hands for contingent expenses or to pay legal bills, instructing the officers of the bank to pay no money on account of the Council, except on order signed by the Pi-esident. Corresponding and Financial Secretaries and stamped with the leal of the Council. —12— Sec. 9. The Executive and Arbitration Board shall attend to all matters referred to it bj^ the Council. It shall be its duty to make written reports at each meeting of the Council; to for- mulate measures and to suggest remedies for immediate and permanent benefit; to act as an Arbitration Board in such matters as may be referred to it by the Council. It is also empow- ered to call special meetings, and in the name of the Council to act in all public matters; and il shall hav6 power to direct the movements of all Business Agents and Organizers and to deal with all grievances that may come to its notice between the regular sessions of the Council. Two-thirds of the members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. Sec. 10. The Organizing Committee shall organize departments of labor engaged in the Viiilding industry into unions and instruct the same when necessary. It shall report in writ- ing upon the standing and character of unions applying for membership in the Council, when required to do so, and perform such other dwties as may be directed by the Council. No two members of the committee shall be from the same department of the building industry. Sec. 11. The l^aw and Legislative Committee shall, under the direction of the Council, en- deavor to have legislation adopted by the legis- lative bodies best calculated to promote the interests of all the people. Sec .12. The Council may elect such Busi- ness Agents, permanently or temporarily, as it —13— may deem expedient. Permanent Business agents shall be elected for a term of one year, and they shall be ex-officio members of the Executive and Arbitration Board, with voice but no vote. They shall faithfully perform all duties assigned them by the Council or the Iilxecutive Board, and they shall render a writ- ten report weekly at each meeting of the Coun- cil. They shall receive such salary as the Council, by resolution or motion, may deter- mine. Sec. 13. The Business Agent shall have the power to call the Executive Board. Sec. 14. A fine of $1 shall be placed against any member of the Executive Board who fails to appear at a meeting after being notified by the Business Agent. Said fine to be charged to the union to which the member belongs. Sick- ness or out of town shall be a legal excuse. ARTICLE VT. Keycinie. Section 1. The revenue of this (^ouncil shall be derived from a per capita tax levied monthly, or as the Council may require, on all affiliated unions for the legitimate work and general sup- port of the Council and its constituency. Sec. 2. A neglect on the part of any union to l-ay dues for a period of one month after the same becomes due shall work a forfeitui-e of membership in the Council; provided, that in all cases due notice shall have been given by —14— the Financial Secretary before such member- ship shall be forfeited. ARTICLE VII. Trials. Section 1. An.y union represented in this Council who does or performs any act injurious to this Council, or the labor interests in gen- eral, may be expelled or suspended in the man- ner provided as follows: Charges shall first be preferred by a member of this Council in writing, stating the offense committed, and a copy thereof, under seal, furnished to the ac- cused. Such charges shall be referred to a committee of five members, who shall investi- gate the charges made and report without delay in the following words: "There seems to be no foundation for the charges," or "There seems to be foundation for the charges." The Council shall then in regular session, the delegates sitting as jurors, try the defendant. If found guilty, the Council may fine, suspend or expel the defendant. Sec. 2. Any officer or agent of the Council w-io shall be found willfully neglecting his duty, or violating the i)rinciples of the Council, or committing acts injurious to the cause of labor or detrimental to the Council, shall on a motion to impeach being carried, either in the Executive Board or at a regular session of the Council, stand suspended from his office and his case remanded for trial, as provided for in Section 1 of Article VII. —15— ARTICLE VIII. Section 1. Delegates from not less than one- third of the unions affiliated with the Council, officers included, shall form a quorum. Unless a quorum is present, no business shall be transacted. ARTICLE IX. Section 1. This Council will not recognize more than two working members of any firm, company or partnership, and not more than one member shall work on any one job unless such other members carry a card issued by the State Building Trades' Council of California. Sec. 2. Anyone who has been declared un- fair by this Council, in order to become fair, shall give satisfactory assurance to remain fair in the future, after which the Council shall declare them fair. Sec. 3. It shall l)e the duty of the Business Agent to cite to a])i)ear before this Council any contractor, business firm, owner, or their rep- resentative, for good and sufficient reasons, and such notice shall be deemed sufficient; provided the same is made in writing. Sec. 4. No contractor, business firm, or owner, shall be declai'ed unfair by this Council without first being notified to appear before the Council. Sec. 5. No person or persons shall be recog- nized as a contractor or contracting firm until they hire one or more union journeymen. — IB- ARTICLE X. Powers. Section 1. The Building Trades' Council shall have power to adopt at any regular meet- ing, by resolution, such laws, rules and regula- tions as may be deemed necessary and proper for the conduct of the business of said Council and the unions affiliated therewith, in accord- ance with the Council's Constitution. ARTICLE XL Amendinciits. Section 1. An amendment or alteration of any kind to this Constitution shall be first sub- mitted to the Council in writing and lay over until the next meeting, when it shall be voted upon by the Council. If on a roll-call a two- thirds majority vote is cast in favor of the amendment, it shall be declared carried. BY-LAWS ARTICLE I. Section 1. The Council shall meet every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Sec. 2. Special meetings may be called by the Executive and Arbitration Board when it m.ay be deemed necessary. Sec. 3. At the hour appointed, if a quorum be present, the President shall call the meet- ing to order and shall preside. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall pre- side. In the absence of both, the next highest elective officer shall call the meeting to order and the Council shall elect a temporary presid- ing officer. Sec. 4. The jurisdiction of this Council shall l)e throughout the City and County of Sacra- mento, and Broderick, Yolo County. ARTICLE II. Section 1. Quarterly working cards shall be issued to unions quarterly two weeks prior to issue, bearing the seal of the Council and Recording and Corresponding Secretary. It shall be the duty of the Financial Secretary of each affiliated union to attach his signature to each card issued to members thereof. Sec. 2. It shall be imperative for all mem- bers of the unions affiliated with this Council —18— to carry with them their working cards while at work. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of all members of the unions affiliated with this Council to show such working card when requested to do so, or when challenged by any duly accredited Business Agent of this Council or the Steward appointed by the Business Agent. Sec. 4. A Steward shall be appointed on each and every job or building when members of a union in any department of the building indus- try first go to work thereon; said Steward shall carry a Stewardship card showing that he has been appointed by a duly authorized Business Agent of this Council; and it shall be the duty of such Stewards to ascertain before 8 a. m., between 12 m. and 1 p. m., or after 5 p. m., from all men going to work, if they carry the current quarterly working card of the Council. Should the Steward find any man without said card or proper credentials, he shall immediately report the fact to the Business Agent or the Secretary of the Council at such place as the Council may direct. Sec. 4A. Any Steward being discharged for doing his duty as provided for in these By- r^aws. shall report the same in writing to the Building Trades' Council, which shall investi- gate and act accordingly. Sec. 5. Each and every member of any union affiliated with this Council going to work on any job where other workmen of the building trades are employed, shall before beginning —19— work on said job ascertain from the Steward if the other mechanics working thereon are pro- vided with the current quarterly working card of the State Building Trades' Council. Should there be no Steward on the job. or should he find any man without the current quarterly working card, then it is his duty to immediately notify the Council as provided for in the fore- going section. Sec. 6. When a delegate absents himself from the Council or the Executive Board for two consecutive meetings, his union shall be notified by the Secretary of the Council, and if his non-attendance continues, his union shall withdraw such delegate and elect his successor. Sec. 7. Any local union affiliated with this Council who fails to be represented by its dele- gates at regular or special meetings of the Council, said union shall be fined the sum of one dollar for each case of such non-repre- sentation. ARTICLE III. Section 1. The President shall have power to exclude from the meeting any delegate guilty of indecorous or unruly conduct. ARTICLE IV. Section 1. The President shall not vote on any subje( t unless there be a tie. when he shall have the deciding vote; provided, however, that when the vote is taken by a roll-call, he shall be entitled to vote as provided for in Article I, Section 4, of the Constitution. —20— ARTICT.E V. Section 1. The name of this Conncil cannot be used by any organization unless permission cif the Council has first been obtained by a majority vote of all delegates present. Sec. 2. This Council shall not ally itself with any other organization in any matter for- eign to the best interests of the building trades. ARTICLE VI. Section 1. The Recording Secretary shall receive a salary of $20.00 per month. Sec. 2. The Financial Secretary shall re- ceive $5.00 per quarter. Sec. The Treasurer shall receive $5.00 per quarter. ARTICLE VII. Section 1. Any member of an affiliated union, having charges preferred against him by the Business Agent or other members of affil- iated unions, for violation of the trade or work- ing rules, shall be notified in writing to appear before the Council. Sec. 2. Any member, after being notified in writing of charges having been preferred against him, shall appear before the Council at the specified time with his witnesses; also, the member preferring the charges shall be noti- fied in writing to appear with his witnesses. The accused shall be tried in open meeting and shall have a fair and impartial trial. Sec. 3. Any member of an affiliated union, after being tried and found guilty by this Coun- —21— cil. (or who fails to appear for trial when noti- fied in writing to do so), shall be fined not to exceed $10.00, and it shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to notify the union to which the member belongs, that the fine has been imposed and that said union shall be held responsible for the collection of said fine. Sec. 4. ^Members of affiliated unions must appear as witnesses in matters pending before the Council, and any member who fails to do so after receiving written notice, shall be sub- ject to a fine of not more than $10.00. Members of affiliated unions who seek to injure the Council by making false or mislead- ing statements, or who attempt to hamper the Business Agents or other officers of the Coun- cil in enforcing its laws or orders, either by threats or utterances calculated to inspire con- tempt for, or intimidate them, shall, upon con- viction, be fined not more than $25.00. Sec. 5. Any member against whom charges have been preferred may appoint any member of the Council or affiliated union to act in the capacity of an attorney for him until the case is finally disposed of. ARTICLE VI IT. Section 1. All members of affiliated unions must have their working cards on or before the fifteenth day of the first month of each quarter. Sec. 2. Members of affiliated unions are not permitted to contract to do work belonging to —22— any other craft, but must employ members of the union having jurisdiction over such work. ARTICLE IX. Section 1. These By-Laws can be amended only in the same manner as provided for in Article XII, Section 1, of the Constitution. Adopted April 16, 1909, and May 14, 1909. V. O. JOHNSTON. E. .1. HEFFNER, C. E. WOOD, Committee. RULES OF ORDER Rule 1. The Council may take action upon any communication, report or other matter of business whenever it is introduced, without referring it to New Business. Rule 2. No motion shall be received or laid before the Council unless seconded, nor be open for discussion until stated by the Chair; and when a question is before the meeting, no other motion shall be in order — except, first, to lay upon the table; second, the previous ques- tion; third, to postpone to a definite time; fourth, to postpone indefinitely; fifth, to refer or recommit; sixth, to amend, which shall have precedence in the order named, and the first two shall be decided without debate; pro- vided, that a motion to adjourn is always in order. Rule 3. When a delegate speaks he shall rise and address the Chair, confining himself strictly to the question under debate, and shall avoid personality. He shall not be interrupted while speaking unless he may be called to order. No delegate shall speak longer than five minutes on a question, except by permis- sion of the Council. Rule 4. When two or more delegates rise at once, the Chair shall decide which is to speak first, and no member shall speak more than once on the same subject or question, until all —24— who wish to s^ieak shall have had an oppor- tunity to do so; nor more than twice without permission from the Council. Rule 5. Any delegate may be called to order when speaking, and the speaker shall pause until the question of order is decided; hut if the decision be against him he may appeal to the Council. The question of appeal shall be as follows: "Shall the decision of the Chair stand as the judgment of the Council?" Rule 6. In speaking upon appeals from the decision of the Chair, the presiding officer shall have precedence, but he cannot speak on any other subject, except to state facts within his own knowledge, without previously vacating the Chair and filling it by a qualified officer. Rule 7. Unless an appeal is taken, the de- cision of the Chair shall be final upon all points of order, and a majority of all present shall be necessary to sustain such an appeal. Rule 8. On a call for the previous question by three delegates, the Chair shall put it in this manner: "Shall the main question now be put?" If the motion be carried, the vote shall be, first, upon all pending amendments, after which, upon the main question. If the call for the previous question, shall not be carried, it shall be understood to show that the Council desires further discussion of the matter under consideration, and the debate shall proceed until the question is otherwise disposed of. Rule 9. All resolutions and amendments shall be presented in writing. —25— Rule 10. When a question has been decided, any member voting with the majority may move a reconsideration at the same or the next regular meeting, but no motion for reconsider- ation shall be made more than once upon the same question. Rule 11. A motion to reconsider any reso- lution or vote can only be made and seconded by delegates who have voted with the majority. Rule 12. No business shall be taken up ex- cept in the order prescribed, unless by a vote of two-thirds of the delegates present. Rule 13. Any delegate may call for a divis- ion of the question when the sense will admit of it. Rule 14. All delegates present must vote on all questions unless specially excused there- from; and on demand of five members the vote shall be by yeas and nays. Rule 15. All questions shall be determined by a majority vote, unless otherwise specially provided, and in case of a tie the Chair shall give the deciding vote. Rule 16. When a question is before the Council, but two amendments thereto shall be admissable at the same time. Rule 17. No meeting shall be considered adjourned until the reading of the reports of the Financial Secretary and Treasurer. Rule 18. These Rules of Order may be amended in the manner prescribed for the amendment of the By-Laws. A rule of order may, however, be suspended for one meeting —26— by a two-thirds majority of the delegates present. Rule 19. "When a motion is stated by the Chair it is in possession of the Council, and cannot be withdrawn except by permission of the Council. Rule 20. "Roberts' Manual" shall be author- ity to decide all questions of order not pro- vided for by these rules. —27— MODE OF PROCEDURE. Whereas. The trials of members of unions affiliated with this Council consume the larger portion of the meetings of the Council, to the neglect of other important business; therefor be it Resolved, That the following rules of pro- cedure be adopted: CASES THAT SHALL BE TRIED BY THE COUNCIL. First— INIembers of affiliated unions charged with infringing on the jurisdiction of other unions. Second — Members of affiliated unions violat- ing the laws of the Council otheV than the above. Third — Cases that are not specifically pro- vided for in the Constitution and By-Laws of affiliated unions. Fourth — Cases that are referred to the Coun- cil for trial on the written request of an affil- iated union. Fifth — When a member is found to be violat- ing the laws of the local union and the union fails to prosecute said member, charges shall be preferred in the Council and be prosecuted under these Resolutions. Sixth — When a member has been tried in his local union and fails of conviction, where the —28— evidence is clear, the prosecution shall have the right of appeal to the Council. All charges must be made in writing and must specify the offense or offenses, and be signed by the member or members making the charges. The charges must be read at the meeting of the Council and lie over until the next meeting, and the accused must be notified in writing by the Recording Secretary to be present, and at the same time shall be fur- nished by the Recording Secretary with a copy of the charges and specifications against him. (Provided, the accused is present and consents to the immediate procedure of the trial, it may be proceeded with without the one week's delay.) All charges shall be referred to a Trial Committee consisting of five (H) members, the accused and accuser having the alternative of each challenging any three (3) members of said Committee. Any member so challenged shall not serve on the Committee. In addition to the five (5) members, the Re- cording Secretary shall be ex-officio a member ■of the Committee and shall issue all notices and summonses under the seal of the Council. If present at a trial he may take part in the deliberations of the Committee but shall not have a vote. The Council shall nominate the names of eleven (11) members, the Recording Secretary shall write the names on separate slips of paper and place them in a box or other con- —29— venient receptacle, and the Vice-President shall draw the same from the box and call the names aloud until he has drawn five (5). If any of the five (5) are challenged, he shall continue to draw until five (5) are selected. No member personally interested in any case on trial shall be permitted to sit on the case. The Committee shall, without delay, summon the accused, in writing, together with the wit- nesses for and against him, and try the case. When the Committee has come to a decision in the case, the Chairman of said Committee shall at the next regular meeting" of the Coun- cil thereafter submit a full report of the case, with their verdict and the evidence in writing to the Council. There shall be no debate or review of the case by the Council, except that the defendant and prosecuting witness, either personally or by representative, shall be allowed to state their side. It shall require a majority vote of the delegates present to convict, and affix such legal penalty as they may deem proper. In case of a tie vote, after all delegates present have voted or have for cause been excused from voting, the defendant shall be discharged. When found guilty of an offense for which a penalty is fixed by the Constitution or By- Laws of the Council, the presiding officer shall impose such penalty. The report of the Committee shall be filed for future reference or use in case of an appeal. —30— Any member failing to appear for trial be- fore the Committee when properly summoned shall be judged guilty of contempt and sub- ject to such legal penalty as the Council may by majority vote decide. More than one case can be submitted to the same Committee at the same time. Complaints or charges against employers, or others than members of affiliated unions, shall be investigated by a Sub-Committee of the Executive Board, consisting of five (5) mem- bers. The names of all members of the Execu- tive Board shall be placed and drawn in the same manner as heretofore set forth in trials of members of unions. The five (5) selected shall investigate the case; where necessary cite the person or persons complained against, and all necessary witnesses, and report their findings and submit their recommendations to the Council. The Council shall then by major- ity vote decide the case. If the person or per- sons complained against request permission lo appear before the Council to state their case after the Committee has reported, they shall be permitted to do so, but no general debate or review of the evidence shall be permitted, but the Chairman of the Committee may state their side of the case. (Signed) WM. BOOK. ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Roll Call. 2. Reading of the Minutes. 3. Reading of Credentials and Action Thereon. 4. Report of Business Agent. 5. Communications and Bills. 6. Reports of Unions. 7. Reports of Committees: (a) Executive and Arbitration Board. (b) Organizing Committee. (c) Law and Legislative Committee. (d) Auditing Conmiittee and Trustees. (e) Special Committees. 8. Unfinished Business. 0. New Business. 10. Good of the Council. 11. Report of Financial Secretary. 12. Report of the Treasurer. 13. Adjournment.